FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY I. MAGISTER CHORALIS. A THEORETICAL AM) PRACTICAL MAMAL OF GREGORIAN CHANT. APR 1 1933 MAGISTER CHORffi? A THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL MANUAL OF GREGORIAN CHANT FOR THE USE OF THE CLERGY, SEMINARISTS, ORGANISTS, CHOIR-MASTERS, CHORISTERS &e. REV. FRANCIS XAVIER HABERE, CATHEDRAL CHOIR-MASTER, RATISBON, TRANSLATED AND ENLARGED (FROM THE FOURTH GERMAN EDITION) REV. N. DONNELLY, CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION DUBLIN. RATISBON, NEW YORK & CINCINNATI, FREDERICK PUSTET. 1877. London: Burns & Oates,17,PortmanSt., PortmanSq.— R.Washbourne, 18a, Paternoster Row. Dublin: M. H. Gill & Son, 50, Upper Sackville St. Entered, according to Act of Congress in the year 1877, by ERWO S T E IN BACK, of the firm of Fr. Pustet, in the Office of Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. TO THE VERY REV. MONSIGNOR KIRBY S. T. D. RECTOR OF THE JRISH COLLEGE ROME AS A SMALL TRIBUTE OF AFFECTIONATE REGARD AND SINCERE GRATITUDE FOR MANY PAST AND PRESENT FAVOURS THIS LITTLE EFFORT ON BEHALF OF THE SUBLIME CHANT OF THE CHURCH IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY The Translator. f Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 APPROBATION. 59 Eccles Street Dublin. It has afforded me great pleasure to learn that the "Magister Choralis," or Manual of Plain-Chant of Rev. Francis Xavier Haberl, has been translated from German into English by the Rev. Nicholas Donnelly. I recommend the use of this Manual most warmly to the Catholic Clergy, and to all whose duty it is to study the Gregorian Chant. The work is compiled from the best sources, and has been approved of by the highest authorities. It is calculated to introduce into our Churches the correct system of Ecclesiastical Chant which has been solemnly sanctioned by His Holiness, and which is so well adapted to promote feelings of piety, and to edify the faithful. t PAUL CARD. CULLEN AECHBISHOP OF DUBLIN. Feb. 5th 1877. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. The recent publication of the Choral Books by the Sacred Congregation of Rites, has inaugurated a new era in the history of Gregorian Chant. For the first time, since the Antiphonarium of St. Gregory was chained to St. Peter's altar, we have a genuine, complete, *) official edition of the Choral Books. This edition 2 ) enjoys the highest sanction, and is accompanied by a strong recom- mendation from the Holy Father to all the Bishops of the World, urging its immediate adoption; "ut exoptata uniformitas in S. Liturgia, etiam in cantu obtinere valeat." 8 ) The Bishops of Ireland assembled in Synod at May- nooth, 1875; considered this recommendation of the Holy See, and passed the following enactment; {Cap. XIII. de Eucliaristia art. 73) Libri vero chorales et liturgici tmper Ratisbona a Pustet, Bibliopola Catholico, editi, in missis et vesperis cantandis tarn in Seminariis quam JEc- clesiis posthac quamprimum adhibeantiir. Hi nempe libri a Smo. Duo. Pio IX. plurimum commendantur eo quod in eis ad normam veteram manuscriptorum Ecclesice Romance verus et genuinns cantus Gregoriamis tradatur, ') The Graduale of Paul V. (of which the Ratisbon Gradual is a reprint) was of course official as also the " Director ium Chori" of Guidetti; but the Antip h onarium of Venice (Liechtenstein edition) though accepted as correct and used generally was never officially recognised till now. 2 ) Ratisbon, Fr. Pustet, 1871. 3 ) See article in "Irish Ecclesiastical Record," August 1875, "Notes on Plain Chant &c." et "eo vet magis" ut addit idem Pontifex, "quod sit nobis "maxime in votis > ut cum in cceteris qua ad sdcram "liturgiam pertinent, turn etiam in cantu, una cunctis in "locis et diocesibas, eademque ratio servetur, qua Bomana u utitur Ecclesia," (JSp. Pit PP. IX. 30. Maji 1873.) A somewhat similar decree was formulated by the Synod of -Westminster in the year 1873; and in a recent pastoral on Church Music, His Eminence, Card. Manning- gives the result of a personal inquiry as to the authen- ticity and authority of the Ratisbon books. 1 ) But the new editions however splendidly brought out and strongly recommended, will be of little use in reviving a taste for true Ecclesiastical Chant, unless those appointed to sing it are properly instructed. For this a competent master is at all times necessary, and a grammar or class-book which may be in the hands of the pupils, and from which they may more readily un- derstand the verbal instructions of the master. The Rev. Francis Xavier HaberL, Choir-Master in Ratisbon Cathe- dral, who had been charged by the Sacred Congregation with the revising and editing of the new books, com- piled for this purpose a grammar or manual, and entitled it the "Magister Choralis." The 4 th edition appeared shortly after the new r Choral Books had been published, and the exercises, examples, Chants &c- were all taken from them. Now that these books have been adopted in England, Ireland, and in many Dioceses of the United States of America, it struck me that an English version ') "I think also it may be satisfactory to you to know that the "edition of the Graduate published at Ratisbon, and sanctioned by the '•Holy See, is founded upon the edition of Palestrina, and has been "elaborately revised by a Commission in Rome. It is therefore of "Roman origin, though printed elsewhere. This information T received "from the late Secretary of the Congregation of Rites, Cardinal Bartolini. "and from Mgr. Ricci, 'President of the Commission for the revision of "the Graduate and Vesperale Bomanum" Cardinal Manning's Pastoral on Church Music. See "Tablet" Jan. 27. 1877. XI of this most useful and most complete manual would prove acceptable. With the author's permission and under his personal direction. — during a brief stay in Ratisbon in the summer of 1875, — I commenced the task. How I have accomplished it, is for my readers to judge. I have scrupulously adhered to the order observed in the German original, with the slight exception of sub- dividing the chapter on the production of the voice, being firmly persuaded that sufficient attention is not generally devoted to this point ; but I did not add anything with- out consulting the best local authorities I could command. The Introduction also is more extended than in the original, as I conceived a little more of the history of music than what was contained in the concise chapter of the author, might not be unwelcome; and I have added a chapter for the consecration of the Holy Oils, a function special to Cathedral Churches. Occasionally through the work in some of the "Observations" and foot-notes, reference is made to local uses or abuses, as the case may be, with a view to calling attention to them that they may be corrected in accordance with the standard editions now procurable. The music was revised note by note and compared with the new choral Books, by the Author himself, who also furnished me with any additions or improvements which he thought well to introduce, and arranged that the 5 th German edition and this English version should appear simultaneously ; so that in reality it may be termed a translation of the 5 th and latest edition. I feel I must apologize for the actual translation in many portions of the work. The technical terms and phrases, so concise and expressive in German, are not so readily turned into equally terse and flowing English; and the little time I could snatch from other and more pressing duties, left me unable to revise the work as XII carefully as I could have wished, so that a certain stiff- ness of style and questionable rhetoric will at times dis- close itself, for which the Translator, and not the Author is solely responsible. I can safely say however, that if the translation is not always literal, it is never unfaith- ful, aud the very limited proportions of original matter here and there introduced, whilst they may serve to elucidate points and technicalities with which we have not been hitherto quite so familiar, leave untouched the general principles and substantial teaching of the work, which derive their force and character of authenticity from the learning and ability of the original compiler. As far as I am concerned, I may describe it, as Guidetti described his first edition of the Directorhim Chori. but with much more truth: "Opus quidem nullitis ingenii, multarum tauten vh/iliarum." If however it can in any way contribute to establish a more intimate acquaintance with this interesting, but too often neglected department of the liturgy, and help to forward the growing taste for a dignified and devotional rendering of the genuine music of the Church, it will have fully attained the object intended by its publication. Nicholas Donnelly, C. C. Cathedral Dublin. Feast of St. Agatha V. M. 5 th February 1877. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Translator's Preface. ...... IX Introduction. . ..... 1 I. Definition of Gregorian Chant. .... 1 II. Its Origin and early History. .... 3 III. How we should esteem Plain-Chant. ... 14 IV. Division of the Book. ...... 20 PART I. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES. Chapter 1 st . Names of the Notes. — Construction of the Scale. . 23 2nd. Progression of the sounds of the Scale. — Intervals. . 33 3 d . Notation. — Clefs 37 4 th . Rhythm. — Accent. — Pauses. .... 44 &K The Voice 51 6 l \ Vocalization. — Articulation. * . . 58 7 th . Pronunciation (of Latin). - Accentuation. . . - 64 8 th . Exercises to strike the note. . . . .' 69 PART II. SCIENCE OF PLAIN-CHANT. SECTIO THEORETICA. 9th. The Church Modes or Tones 75 10^. Karnes and Classifications of the Church Tones. . . 79 11th Signs of the Tones 83 12»h Nature and characteristics of the 1 st , 2 nd , 3 d and 4 th Tones. 85 13th. Nature and characteristics of the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Tones. 88 14 fc h. Transposition. ....... 90 15 tb . On the use of the Diesis or j) in Gregorian Chant. . 95 SECTIO PRACTICA. 16t\ The Liturgical Books 99 17th. The Ecclesiastical Year and Calendar. ... 104 18th. Arrangement of the Missal (Gradual) and Breviary. . 109 THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS. 19th. Introit. — Kyrie. — Gloria. . . . . Ill 20th. The Chants for the Prayers. . . , .118 XIV Chapter Pape 21 st . From the Epistle to the Preface. . . . .120 22° d . The Preface. — Solemn Intonation. . .133 23 d . The Preface. — Ferial Intonation. . . 144 24 th . The Pater noster. — Communio. .... 152 25 th . Ite Missa est. — Benedicamus Domino. . . . 157 THE DIVINE OFFICE. 26»». Psalmody. 161 27t h . The Psalms in Tono duplici et semiduplici. . . 168 28"i. Ferial Tones for the Psalms. — The Canticles. . . 173 29*K Matins. . - . . . . . .177 30tK Lauds and Benedicamus. ..... 189 31 st . Prime, Terce, Sext and None. . . . .195 32 nd . Vespers and Compline. ..... 200 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS. 33 d . The Asperges and the Litany of the Saints. . . 203 34 th . Blessing of Candles, Ashes, Palms, Paschal Candle and Baptismal Font. ..... 207 35 th . Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Saturday ad Missam. . . , . . ' . 219 36 th . Various Intonations. ...... 224 APPENDIX. 37th. The Organ in general 229 38th. The Organ in Plain-Chant 234 PART III. PRACTICE OF PLAIN-CHANT. I. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. 39th. To the Clergy and Clerical Students. ... 241 40th. To Choir Masters 246 41st. For Organists. . . . . . 2~~>2 42nd. F or Choristers. . . . . . 257 H. SPECIAL DIRECTIONS FOR CHANTING a) recitative chant. 43 d . Psalms. Choral reading 260 b) modulated chant. 44th. Hymns, Sequences, Prefaces &c. . . . 264 c) chants in neumas or grouped notes. 45th. The Mass chants. Antiphons. Responsories &c. . . 271 INDEX ALPHABETICUS CANTIONUM LITURGICARUM SACERDOTIBUS ET CLERICIS GONVENIENTIUM. Absolutio in Officio Matutino, pag. 184. Alleluja in Missa Sabbati sancti, 223. Alma (Intonation), 202. Asperges me, 204. Ave Regina, 202. Ave sanctum Chrisma (Oleum), 221. Benedicamus in Missa, 159. Benedicamus in Officio divino, 193. Benedictio candel., cinerum, Palmarum, cerei Pasch., fontis Bapt., 207. Hebdomadarii in Matutino, 185. " Pontificalis, 225. Canticorum toni, 175. Capitulum in Officio, 190. Confiteor, 155. Credo, 132. Deus in adjutorium, 178. Domine labia mea, 177. Dominus vobiscum, 120. Ecce lignum crucis, 222. Ego sum (Ant. ad Benedictus), 228. Epistola, 126. Evangelium, 129. Exultabunt (Ant. in exequiis), 227. Exultet jam Angelica turba, 210. Flectamus genua, 122. Gloria, Intonationes, 117. Gloria, laus et honor, 209. Humiliate capita vestra, 122. Intervalla, 33. Ite Missa est, Toni, 157. Jube domne, 185. Lamentationis Tonus, 187. Lectionis Tonus, 186. Lectionis Tonus extraordinarius, 187. Litania de omnibus Sanctis, 205. Lumen Christi, 210. Martyrologium, 198. Orationum Tonus ferialis, 121. " festivus, 118. " " simplex ferialis, 120. " " in Parasceve, 123. XVI Oremus, pag. 132. Pange lingua, 224. Passionis Tonus, 131. Pater noster, Tonus ferialis, 153. " " Tonus festivus, 153. Pax Domini, 155. Prsefationum cantus ferialis, Hi Prsefatio ferialis de Apostolis, 150. " " communis, 151. " " de cruce, 146. de B. V. Maria, 149. " u in Missis Defunctorum, 151. " " de Nativitate Domini, 144. " " in Quadragesima, 145. " " de Spiritu sancto, 149. " " Temporis Paschalis, 147. de Ss. Trinitate, 147. Praefationum cantus festivus, 134. Praefationum Tonus solemnis de Apostolis, 142. " " " in Ascensione, 139. " communis, 143. de Cruce, 137. " " " in Epiphania, 136. de B. V. Maria, 141. de Nativitate, 134. in die Paschae, 138. " " " in die Pentecostes, 139. " " in Quadragesima, 136. de Ss. Trinitate, 140. Procedamus in pace, 20 Q . Prophetiae Tonus, 218. Psalmorum Toni ferialis, 173. " festivi, 168. Regina coeli, 203. Requiescant in pace, 160. Responsorium breve (in hor. canon.), 197 sequ. Salve Regina, 203. Si iniquitates (Ant, in exequiis), 227. Sit nomen Domini (Ant. in exequiis), 228. Te Deum laudamus, 189. Tonus peregrinus, 172. Veni Creator Spiritus, 225. Veni sancte Spiritus (Ant.), 225. Versiculorum Toni in Officio divino, 183. " " " Commemoratione, 192. " " " liebdomada sancta et Officio Defunct , 184. Vespere autem Sabbati, 223. Vidi aquam, 203. INTRODUCTION. I. DEFINITION OF GREGORIAN CHANT. Gregorian, 1 ) Roman, 2 ) or Choral 3 ) Chant, 4 ) may be thus defined; a grave, diatonic, 5 ) unison mel- ody, 6 ) set to the rhythm of the words, without ') Pope St. Gregory the Great (A. D. 590—604) collected, arranged, reformed and increased the Church melodies existing at his time, and laboured to propagate this reform in Church Music throughout the Western Church hence it is called Gregorian. ') Rome first introduced it, and has ever since continued to use it in her principal Churches. It is also called Roman Chant, to distin- guish it from the Gallican, Ambrosian, &c. 3 ) Choral , because usually sung in choir (Presbyterium) , where the clergy assembled to recite the Divine Office and assist at the Holy Sacrifice. In Germany, this is the usual term lor designating Gregorian Chant, so that wherever the word Choral occurs in a German programme of Church Music, we must always understand Gregorian. 4 ) " The word chant sufficiently indicates that Gregorian music is purely vocal. *) Diatonic i. e. by tones. The succession of sounds in Gregorian must be comprised within a scale of five tones and two semitones, that is to say, a natural scale made up of two disjoined tetrachords, so that in Gregorian the Chromatic or Enharmonic Scales have no existence. 6 ) Melody is a succession of single notes or tones, rhythmically arranged and producing an agreeable impression on the ear. Harmony is the simultaneous sounding of different, but consonant tones or notes. 1 2 strictly measured time, and used by the Church 1 ) in her sacred functions. Observation. Gregorian Chant is distinguished by other appellations, especially since the discovery of Har- mony in the 11 th century. It is called cantus firm us | [talice canto feriho) i. e. tirm or fixed chant, in contradistinction to the accompanying counterpointed 2 ) parts, which, after the introduction of harmony, were constructed around the Gregorian melody, usually given to the Tenor. Also, cantus planus (Gallice et Anglice plain-chant) , because the Gre- gorian melody in these many- voiced arrangements, was in- dicated by long sustained notes, or breves or semi- breves) of undetermined duration ; whereas the other parts were broken up into various note figures, and more com- plicated in construction. This latter appellation was so usual in the 15 th century, that Joannes Tinctoris, a priest of Flanders, and a great musical writer of that period, gives the following definition "Cantus planus simplex est, qui sim- pUcibus notis incerti valoris simpliciter est constilutus. cujus- modi est Gregorianus" ') This is included in the definition, in order to determine the end and purpose of (xregorian Chant. It is the proper music of the Church. The dignity of ecclesiastical functions, and the sacredness of the words that are to be clothed in music, demand a peculiar and singular method of chant which shall he exclusively the property of the Church, and run no risk of being ever confounded with worldly or profane music. This is one of the reasons why the Church at all periods has ever maintained the 'Simplicity and dignity of Gregorian Song, and in her Liturgical Books authorises no other. *) Counterpoint literally signifies point against point — punchnn contra putictum. In the infancy of harmony, musical notes or signs, were simple points or dots, and in compositions of two or more parts, these points were placed ovrr or against each other; hence counter- point; — that is, the art of combining and arranging the consonant intervals of the scale. Harmony has a more extended signification : it has for its object the knowledge of concords and discords, and their relation to the major and minor keys; it also implies the study of the transitions from one key to another by appropriate modulations. 3 H. ITS ORIGIN, AND EARLY HISTORY. The earliest indication of Christian song, is found, according to some authors, in the Gospel of St. Matthew Cap. xxvi. ver. 30. a And a hymn being said, they ivent out unto Mount Olivet:' Certain it is, that so far back as Apostolic times, the singing of Psalms and Canticles was a Christian practice. "Speaking to yourselves in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual canticles, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord" {Ep. to the JEphes. cap.Y. ver. 19.) A similar advice was given to the Colossians. The Pagan authors Lucianus and Pliny the younger, bear witness to the custom. The latter in a letter to Trajan A. D. 110, mentions the Christians as meeting "on a certain day before daylight, and Sing** ing by turns a hymn to Christ as to a God;" and a- mongst early Christian writers we have St. Justin Mar- tyr, in his Apologia ad Antoninum Pium : — St. Clement of Alexandria, in Or at. ad Gentes, and Tertullian who in chap. 30 th of his apology says : "As by the open- ness of their demeanour, so by the cheerfulness of voice, testified in singing their prayers, they declared that they did not worship as men without hope, like the Gentiles Sc." St. Ignatius cf Antioch, and later on St. Basil, are wit- nesses for the Eastern Church. But it will not require any authors to prove that the music of the early Christ- ian Church must have been of the simplest. Previous to the victory of Constantine over Maxentius, the Christians had been subject to persecution, proscription and martyr- dom, and were periodically condemned to silent prayer ; so that no regular system of Ecclesiastical Chant could have been well established. But it may be reasonably inferred, that as the Psalms and Canticles of the old Testament were retained in Christian worship, the very melodies of 1 David and Solomon were adopted, and christianized by use. Some authors deem it equally probable, that the music of the hymns, which were first received in the Church, wherever Paganism had prevailed, resembled that which had been many ages used in the temple-worship of the Greeks and Romans. Of this, the versification of those hymns would appear to afford an indisputable proof, as it by no means resembles that of the Psalms, or of any other Hebrew poetry. Probably the opinion adopted by Aug. Willi. Ambros is the correct one. "From the Musica Sacra of the Hebrews, the music of Christianity derived its sacredness. from the musical art of the Greeks, its form, shape and beauty." 1 ) "The foundation of Chant."' says the Prince Abbot Gerbert, "was the ancient music of the Greeks . and it was constructed on the same principles." 2 ) Pope Damasus (A. 1). 367) is the first of the Pontiffs who is recorded to have made special regulations for the chanting of the Psalms, ordering that they should all terminate with the "Gloria Patri dbc" But it wa> not until the 4 th century of the Christian era had far advanced, and definite hopes for the peace of the Church had begun to be formed, and temples built, and Christ- ianity professed openly, that a great and holy Bishop of the Western Church undertook to reduce the art of Church song to some kind of order, and fix it within certain rules. In the latter part of this century St. Ambrose Bishop of Milan, suffering under the persecution of the Arian Empress Justina . appointed Psalms and Hymns to be sung antiphonally , in order to console his flock in their afflictions. And as he himself was well ') Ambros. Geschichte der Musik. Vol. 1. pag. 190. l ) " Fimdamentum cantus, erat antiquus cantus Grceconim . atque iisdem insistebat principiis.'' Gerbert "De cahtu et musica Sacra." See also Altieri's: "Saggio Storico Teorico-Pratico del canto Gregoriano o liomano." Rome 1835. instructed in the art of Music, he introduced a system of Church melody, in which he chose out of the fifteen modes, or systems of tetrachords used hy the Greeks, four series, or successions of tones (notes), and called them simply, first, second, third and fourth. And from this great Doctor of the Church, we have what is known in history as the Amhrosian Chant. What the peculiar charm of this chant was, it is not easy at this distance of time to determine, for no trace remains of any system or series of notes different from the Gregorian in any es- sential feature , but that it had a charm , possibly due to its extreme simplicity and metrical progression , is evident from the Confessions of St. Augustine: "When I remember the tears I shed at the Psalmody of the Church, in the beginning of my recovered faith, and how at this time I am moved not with the singing, but with the things sung, when they are sung with a clear voice, and suitable modulation, I acknowledge the great use of this institution." {Confessions lib. x. 33. 50.) To St. Gregory the Great however (A. D. 590^604) it was reserved bv Providence to make almost perfect the work commenced by St. Ambrose. He collected the existing tunes or chants, improved them, added many i new ones, and published an entire collection, with the method of singing them, as fixed precepts for all Christ- ian Churches. His Antiphonary, Antiphonarium 1 ) Cen- tonem,, 2 ) was chained to the altar of St. Peter's, in order that it might be referred to on all occasions, and be made the means of correcting any changes which might casually occur in the course of succeeding years. He established ') Antiphonarium; — the book which contains the Antiphons. or anthems. In a more extended sense, the collection of all the miisic used in the Church's ritual. 2 ) "Centonem vocant carminis genus ex diversis carminum frag- mentis, hinc atque Mine accersitis, contextum, quasique consutum." Vid. Martini "Storia della Musica" Vol. 2. pag. 108. Note 33. 6 a new system of scales, fresh names to the notes, as well as new and simplified characters for writing music. In his system of ^cales he retained the four already mentioned of St. Ambrose, adding to them four others^ which were produced by transposing those of St. Ambrose a fourth lower; by this arrangement, the principal tone, or key note, as it might be called, which formerly appeared as the first or fundamental note, now, in the newly added scales, appeared in the middle, or more properly as the fourth of the succession; these additional four scales being called played , to distinguish them from the four more ancient, which received the name of authentic. He made an important improvement by discarding the tetrachord system of the Greeks, and founding in its place the system of the octave, the only one which na- ture indicates ; and another improvement no less import- ant, in connexion with his system of the octave, was the introduction of a most simple nomenclature of the seven sounds of the scale, by means of the first seven letters of the alphabet. His notation also, the ''neumata" or "nota Montana" (points, curves or strokes), although before the introduction of subsequently invented lines it was very imperfect, and did not determine with certainty the names of the notes or their distances from each other, gave nevertheless an indication of the rising or falling of the voice to the mind of the beholder, and "was always more reasonable," as Kiesewetter writes, "than those multitudes of arbitrary signs which con- stituted the 1G20 straight, tumbling, oblique., mangled, "mutilated, or distorted signs of the ancient Grecian "semeiography»" For the propagation of his reforms, he established and endowed two singing schools in Rome, in which he himself taught, and from which teachers of the Roman Liturgical Chant were sent into France and England. i John the Deacon wlio wrote his life says: "Though he "had upon his hands all the affairs of the universal "Church, and was still more burthened with distempers, "yet he took time to examine the tones, measures, moods "and notes most suitable to the majesty of the Church, "and most proper to inspire devotion, and he formed "that Ecclesiastical music so grave and edifying, which "at present is called Gregorian Music. His bed from "which, when sick, he strove to teach the singers, was "preserved with great veneration in the palace of St. John "Lateran, as also the whip, wherewith he threatened the "young clerks and singing boys, when they made mis- " takes or failed in their notes."' 1 ) Thanks especially to the energy of Charlemagne, the chant of St. Gregory was propagated over the entire Western Church. In the commencement of the 9 th century renowned schools nourished in various cloisters of France and Germany; and by the time of St. Odo of Clugny (879-942) the influence of his .reform was universal. 2 ) The system which St. Gregory left behind him was capable of being cultivated to the highest possible degree ; and under tolerably favourable circumstances, there might have been derived from it a perfect music. But as time rolled on, St. Gregory's good system began to fall into oblivion, and even his chants, handed down only tradi- tionally by ear and memory, were in danger of degen- erating and being lost. 3 ) The greatest obstacle to the preservation of singing , in the purity of its original precepts, was to be found in the want of a clear and defined notation. The neumata exclusively introduced ') Maimbourg "Histoire du Pontificat de St. Gregoire I er ? 2 ) "Cujus praecepta" speaking of St. Gregory, "in omnibus stu- diosissime sancta observat Ecclesia." (Ap. Gerbert.) 3 ) Cantus per haec signa (neumata) nemo potest per se addiscere, sed oportet ut aliunde audiatur, et longo usu discatur, et propter hoc hujus cantus nomen us us accepit. (Gerbert Scrip, t. III. p. 202.) 8 into the books of the ritual, were, previous to the intro- duction of lines, most uncertain. They were points, little hooks, strokes, and flourishes, in different shapes and directions; these represented to the singer by their position the height of tone, and by their shape the in- flexion, i. e. the rising or falling of the voice. A spec- imen , which I take from Padre Martini - History of Music, will best explain their difficulty. This kind of notation has one important defect, in- asmuch as it is scarcely possible for the writer to put down a mark so correctly, that the reader (singer) may not take the sound of one or more notes higher or lower than the one intended. And John Cottonius a Monk of Triers (A. D. 1047) frequently quoted by Gerbert. wittily says "that the same marks which Master Trudo sung as "thirds, were sung as fourths by Master Albinus ; and "Master Salomo in another place even asserts the fifths "to be the notes meant, so that at last there were as "many methods of singing as teachers of the art."* This was in some degree remedied during the ninth and tenth centuries, when a line was drawn parallel with the words of the text: — as in the specimen we have just given, which belongs to this period : — above and below which the neumata or marks were inscribed. For this improvement, as probably for the use of a second line, we are indebted to Hucbald of St. Amand. a Flemish monk. (A. I). 930) who also gets the credit of the first rude attempt at counterpoint, called by him organum. Such was the state of Church Music, when about a century after Hucbald s death (A. J). 1020, or somewhat 7 9 later), we hear of Guido of Arezzo,.a Benedictine monk in the monastery at Pomposa, near Ravenna. This venerable man saw more clearly than his predecessors that Church singers were not to be formed after any speculative theory ; but that it required for the pur- pose a most simple and elementary theory, and a rea- sonably practical method. He was at all events so fort- unate as to invent such a method, and the reputation of his performances reached the ears of Pope John the nineteenth , who governed the Church from the year 1024 to 1033. This Pontiff invited Guido to Rome, and gave him most honourable proofs of his satisfaction, after having in one lesson, under his direction, advanced him- self so far as to understand and sing a chant pre- viously unknown to him, from the antiphonary brought by Guido, and after the manner of notation which he had invented. The singers of those days could scarcely have accomplished the same task in the course of a lifetime. He is the reputed author of the hexachord and solmi- sation , having introduced the use of the syllables Ut. Be. Mi. Fa. &c. But his greatest and most important merit consisted in the improvement and appropriate ar- rangement of notation. Some suppose him. to have been the inventor of the notes in their present shape; but this opinion is without foundation, as nothing beyond the neumata and the Gregorian letters are mentioned in his work. To the latter he was particularly partial, and he declared them to be the best tone-characters ; nevertheless he by no means repudiated the neumata, if carefully written and properly applied: to which end he added two other lines to the two coloured key lines for- merly invented, thus making a stave of four lines, and then taught the use, not only of the lines themselves, but of the spaces between them , so that each neuma (sign or mark) received its due place, which could not be 10 changed or mistaken, and thus [ill ambiguity was removed. Most authors, those in particular who wrote in the seven- teenth century, and especially those of Italy, have re- garded Guido as the restorer of music, whilst many of them look upon him as the inventor of it; and they are convinced that to him alone we are indebted for all we know or can perform in reference to the art at the present moment, Certain it is that in Gregorian Music, Ik 1 rendered easy what previous to his time had been most difficult . and , with the exception of the definite shaping of the notes, which occurred about a century later, the practical disuse of the hexachord and return to the octave system , with a new sy liable Si for the seventh degree of the scale, no change has been made in it since his time; and as Guido left it, so it remains. Previous to Guido's time and ever since, Gregorian Chant has been the music of the Church, and for three cen- turies after his time the only Music heard in the Church. L ) and even though Palestrina by his wonderful application of the principles of counterpoint succeeded in obtaining a "locus standi" in the Church for polyphonous or figured chant, yet the principle, that Gregorian is the proper li- turgical music of the Church has never been surrendered. Various versions of the liturgical Chants appeared from time to time in different countries and different Dioceses, but whilst the Teachers of these oftentimes conflicting methods, strove with exemplary zeal to prove their own ') "People are supposed to have a predilection for "mediaeval" music, as they might have for old china, or the paintings of the pre- Ratfaelite masters; and while those whose tastes lie in an opposite direction shrug their shoulders with a good humoured "De gustibus &C." the advocates of Plain-Song are too often content to rest their advocacy on no higher grounds . . . The adoption of the modern style in the service of the Church is not the development of crude germs, as the man is the development of the infant, but the abandonment of a matured and developed , and adoption of a deliberately proscribed, system. It is not progress, but retrogression." See Preface to "The Plain-Song Reason Why,'' by C. Walker. London. Novello. 1 1 peculiar chants identical with the original strains of St. Gregory , they never lost sight of the principle laid down by St. Gregory himself, that the foundation of all or any of their musical systems should be the "melody of language." This principle was still vigorous even after the 1 3 th century , when partly owing to the inartistic methods of execution, and partly to the mannerisms of the singers loading the chant with all manner of ex- traneous ornamentation, abbreviations began to be intro- duced, oftentimes more than was necessary or advisable. Nevertheless these abbreviations went hand in hand with the alterations in the Liturgy and the circumstances of the times. The Roman Church in particular, ever regarded the Gregorian, as her peculiar chant. She claimed and exercised the right to extend the alterations made by her authority in the Missal and Breviary to Gregorian Song, and never published the Liturgical Books without it. Towards the end of the 16 th century, and when the Council of Trent had become a thing of history , a new zeal developed itself in Rome for establishing uniformity in Liturgy and Chant; and in furtherance of this good purpose, there appeared in 1582 the Directorium CJwri. Cantus ecclesiasticus officii maj. foebd. 1587, Prcefationes in cdntu firmo 1588; all by Guidetti under the auspices of Gregory XIII. and Sixtus Y. ; then the Gradual e Bomanum from the Medicaean printing offices in the years 1614 and 1615, and the Bituale Bomanum 1614 both at the command of Paul V. The Hymns , which Palestrina had published in the year 1589 were at the request of Urban VIII. reprinted in 1644 with Gregorian notation, and everywhere there was diffused abroad an emulation in publishing in large or small editions the Gregorian Music for the several functions of the Liturgy, and facilitating its performance. 12 During the present long and laborious Pontificate various efforts have been made to bring out new and authentic editions of the Plain-Chant Books. In 1848 the Abbe de Voght and E. Duval, edited with Epis- copal sanction the Roman Gradual, Vesperal and other books ; taking for the basis of the Gradual . the Med- icaean edition published under Paul V. 1615, yet not giving an exact reprint, as in the w Ordinarium Missse" they followed the Antwerp editio Plantiniana because better know r n in Belgium; and for the Vesper ale the Venice edition of 1580. Meanwhile a commission appointed by the Archbishops of Reims and Cambrai were engaged on a similar work, following the Ms. of Montpellier. — an Antiphonary of the 10 th century, noted in neumes or signs. The Gradual issued by this com- mission appeared in 1851, and the Antiphonarium at a later date, printed by Jacques Lecoffre & Co. Paris. Pere Lambillote S. J. based his researches on the Ms. of St. Gall, an Antiphonary in neumatic notation of much earlier date , supposed to be a copy of St. Gregory's Antiphonarium Centonem that was kept chained to St. Peter's altar. This edition appeared after the com- pilers death in 1857. These various editions, though highly commendable in a typographical sense , and evidencing a zeal in the cause of true Church Music, for which their editors and publishers were eulogised in special briefs by His Holiness , yet did not tend to promote that uniformity in the sacred chant, which the Holy See was anxious to bring about. Wherefore our most Holy Father resolved to have the whole sub- ject reconsidered, and ordered the Sacred Congregation of Rites to undertake the task. A commission of four experts was established by the S. Congregation. The Medicaean Edition of the Gradual A. D. 1615 was adjudged to be the one of all others containing the 13 "Cantum Gregorianum quern semper Romana Ecclesia re- tinuit." The Liechtenstein edition of the Antiphonarium (Venice 1580) was selected for the authentic Music of the Divine office ; and Rev. Haherl. Domkapellmeister in Ratis- bon, who revised every page as it was prepared, arranged, according to Gregorian rules and tonality, the chant for the New Feasts and Offices added since the 17 th century. The publication of these works was entrusted to Herr Frederick Pustet of Ratisbon, who enjoys a thirty years privilegium , and has had commendatory Briefs and the Cross of St. Gregory from the Pope, in recognition of the truly magnificent style in which he has brought them out. Already he has published the Graduale Romanum, in Folio and in 8 V0 , the Vesperale in 8 V0 , the Directorium Chori in 8 V0 , the Ordo Exe- quiarum in 8 V0 , the Officium Nativitatis D. N. J. C. in 8 V0 , the Officium Hebdomadse Sanctse in 8 V0 , Processionale Romanum, Benedictionale Roma- num, Rituale Romanum &c. * The Antiphonarium in Folio is in progress, and is almost the only work now remaining to complete the series. There can be little doubt that from the authority which it enjoys, edited by. the S. Congregation, and re- commended for adoption by the Pope to all Bishops of the universal Church, ut exoptata imiformitas etiam in cantu obtineri valeat , as well as from its superiority in every sense; melody, accent &c. ; this edition of Ratis- bon will displace all others and attain the end so much desired by the Holy See. It is now the official authorised edition for the use of the entire Church, and as such adopted in Rome, Germany, many parts of France, the United States of America, by the Synod of Westminster 1873 for all England, and by the Synod of Maynooth 1875 for all Ireland. 14 III. HOW WE SHOULD ESTEEM PLAIN-CHANT. The best praise' that can be bestowed on Gregorian Chant, is. its history, which I have very cursorily sketched in the preceding paragraph. Bound up as it has been with the ceremonial of the Catholic Church, and per- vading her whole liturgical existence, it becomes a wit- ness to her unity. The language to which it is wedded, is so sonorous and dignified: the place where it is heard so holy : and the strain itself so simple, clear, and yet so sublime, all this determines its purpose, makes it a constituent part of the Church's ritual, and testifies to the influence of the Holy Spirit, who is said to have inspired its originator, St. Gregory the Great. "The "Catholic knows its worth, when he goes to the most "distant part of the glo~be, and finds there the service "of the Church, even to the smallest detail, just as he "left it at home." 1 ) But what is its intrinsic worth? "We , "can scarce imagine," writes Ambros in his History of Music, "a more expressive manner of singing, or one Hh&t so thoroughly satisfies all the demands of the "Liturgy." 2 ) The Protestant Herder says: "Go through "the Ritual of the Roman and Greek Churches, you rind "vast edifices, nay labyrinths of the musical and poetical "spirit." -The Choral (cantus gregorianus)" writes Witt in his Musica Sacra (1868 pag. 90), "is the most finished "and most sublime production of that Art-epoch, when "Melodies were found, without having to think of their "accompaniment or harmonization : it is an imperishable, ') Culturhistorische Bilder aus dem Musikleben der Gegenwart, von A. W. Ambros. 2 ) Ambroe. Vol. 2 ud . pag. K7. 15 "unattainable master-piece of natural musical decla- ration." The Council of Trent in few but decided words, commanded the "teaching and cultivation of the "chant in Diocesan seminaries and similar institutes." l ) Thenceforward Home and several national and provincial Councils enacted similar decrees. 2 ) Of Gregorian Chant it may be safely said what Goethe remarks: "Music in "its best sense stands little in need of novelty, as the "older it is, and the more one is accustomed to it, the "more impressive it becomes." No doubt Gregorian Chant demands earnest and persevering study, but an appre- ciation of it will not fail to grow up, for it rewards its friends richly. "The Choral is not the work of individ- uals, of this or that composer, it is the music of the "Church The Priest who represents the heavenly "bridegroom, entones the wedding song; and the friends "of the bridegroom join in holy love and joy." 3 ) "The "Gregorian is of quite a different artistic construction "from modern music, it has melodies of a peculiar kind, "that require peculiar treatment." 4 ) The prejudices that have arisen against Gregorian Chant , originate either through ignorance of its real nature and purpose , or because of the way in which it is, alas ! too frequently disfigured by a faulty rendering. Bad execution of Gregorian Chant has beyond all doubt brought it into disrepute ; whereas a man has but to work with perseve- rance in learning its spirit and true form, to be forced ') Cone Trid. Sess. XXIII, cap. 18 de Reformatione. a ) The Roman Council of 1725, — the provincial Council of Bal- timore 1837, — the plenary Council of Baltimore 186G, — the provin- cial Council of Cologne 1860, — the national Synod of Thurles 1850, — the national Synod of Westminster 1873, and the national Synod of Maynooth 1875, all have decrees or recommendations bearing on Hie same point. 3 ) Amberger, Pastoraltheologie II. vol. 228. 4 ) M. l'Abbe Cloet, Recueil de melodies liturgiques. Tom II. p. 24. 1G to acknowledge its sublimity and grandeur. Luther whilst assailing most of the discipline as well as doctrine of the Church , saw its beauty , and in a preface to a book of popular devotions we read: — "Besides I have "taken the beautiful music or song which belongs to "Masses for the dead funerals , &c. , and have printed "it in this book of music, and mean in time to take "more. Of course. I have put other words to it. . . The "song and the notes are very valuable; it were a shame "that they should be lost. 11 Even the infamous Rousseau in his Lexicon Musician, article "Plain-Chant," says: "It is a name that is "given in the Roman Church at this day to the eccle- siastical song. There remains to it enough of its former "charms to be far preferable for the use to which "it is destined, to the effeminate and theatrical, frothy "and fiat pieces of music which are substituted for "it in many churches , devoid of all gravity , taste "and propriety , without a spark of respect for the "place they dare thus to profane.' 1 Again (Did. de Musique) he says, "So far from modifying the Plain- " Chant by our modern music, I am persuaded that we "should gain by transporting the old Gregorian modes "into our modern compositions. r ! ) The London "Time^" of February 24 th 1865 describing the obsequies of Car- dinal Wiseman says "Unlike ordinary masses, it lacks "the magnificent music of the Gloria and Credo, nor "has it even those exquisitely touching lamentation* "with which even very rigid Protestants are familiar as "forming part of the beautiful service called Tenebrm* "Nevertheless in spite of these great omissions, a Re- "quiem Mass [in Gregorian Chant, remember], is one of "the grandest services of the Roman Church, and abounds ') See "Dublin Beview" July 1874. article "Plain-Chant." 17 "in chants and hymns of such deep solemn pathos in "their music, of such a mournful melody of woe, as no u description can convey" Of the Dies Irce the writer remarks : u The magnificent chorale of this great song of fear "and entreaty, was given in such a way . . . that there "was a positive murmur among the congregation as its "long, sad, wailing chorus closed at last in intervals of ••melancholy sounds." Burney in Vol. II. of his great history of music, says of Gregorian Music; — "It has be- "come venerable from its antiquity, and the use to which "it is solely appropriated; and its simplicity, and total ''difference from secular music, precludes levity in the "composition, and licentiousness in the performance." Mr. Gautter in his Lectures on Ecclesiastical Music de- livered at the Hanover Square Rooms London 1846, declared Gregorian Song; to be "at once the simplest and "sublimest strain ; it totally differs from secular music ; "and it excludes difficulty and intricacy of composition, "and carelessness in the performance. It is the best means "for bringing into action the power of the voice, that "noblest organ of the human frame. The Plain-Chant "has been justly called 'the voice of the Church'; — "it is the very perfection of speech." But how did great Musicians value it? I need not quote Palestrina, the Prince of Music. One need only look through any of his numerous compositions to see, how he always selected the melodies of the Chant as subjects for contrapuntal effects, and so rendered his works im- mortal. Let us take Sebastian Bach, who is deservedly revered as the Parent and Founder of all that is good and great in modern music, Just glance at some of his best Chorales, and you will see the very number of the (Gregorian) mode quoted, on which he constructed most elaborate and beautiful harmonies. Mozart said: — "he 2 18 "would give all his glory as a composer in such an age, "for that of having been the writer of a single Preface." Mehul in his Opera of "Joseph," Meyerbeer in the "Huegenots," and Gounod, in at least one of his Operas, have all introduced Gregorian Chant unisons with won- derful effect, Mendelssohn was very fond of incorporating it in his Chorales, notably in the strophe "Docti sacris dtc" of his Lauda Sion, which is taken note for note from the Gregorian Sequence. It is to be regretted that Rossini did not do likewise when he sat down to write his "Stabat Mater-" and he might have produced some- thing more appropriate than a triumphal military march to the affecting words, Oujus animam gementem; or than a dance tune to the Sancta mater istud dgas x One of the greatest musical composers .of the present day is acknowledged to be Richard Wagner. No one that is even remotely acquainted with any one of his works, will accuse him of any very decided antipathy to instrumental effects. Yet when he comes to speak of Gregorian, here is what he says : '.'The human voice which is the proper "renderer of the sacred text, and not instrumental or- namentation, or I should say, that trivial fiddling which " enters into most of our present Church music, should "take the lead in the Church; and if ecclesiastical music lt is ever to be restored to its original purity, vocal music "must oust the instrumental, and occupy the place this "has usurped." After so many testimonies both from friends and foes, I will conclude this paragraph with just one more, that of the Cistercian writer Mauritius Vogt. 1 ) "These fixed, measured, emphatic, sublime, true, chaste, "free-breathing, beautiful and truly holy melodies, have "been composed by holy men. This song eschews the "court of the Prince, and never enters the Concert Hall ') In 'Tractatus Musieus" of P. Meinrad Spiess. cap. XV. p. 7<>. 19 "or Music Saloon ; it ventures within the Holy of Holies "and abides there. No one has ever sought to drive it "from out of the Church of God, unless he did not be- long to the Church of God. This kind of Music has ever "commanded honour and esteem, because like a Queen, "she sets up her throne in the Temples of the Most "High, and with clear voice makes herself heard, when "the preacher is silent in the Chancel. But if her sister, "figured music, has anything to say, let her value the "axiom : Musica debet esse honesta; l ) music must be "appropriate, and must not disfigure the plain-chant; u non debet de for mare cantum planum." It is undoubtedly a healthy sign to see the giant strides which the young society of St. Cecilia {Cdcilien- Verein, founded in 1868), has made in Germany and the United States of America, in its efforts to reform Church music, and revive a taste for Plain-Chant; the study of which is compulsory on its members, and the very first of its Statutes. It is also a healthy sign that the efforts of the Holy See in the same direction have been ably seconded by private enterprise, and by public enthusiasm, and that the truly splendid authorised edi- tions of the Sacred Congregation of Rites printed by Herr I'ustet of Ratisbon, have been so readily and so generally adopted; thus conducing to uniformity "etiam in cantu" and removing from us the reproach formerly addressed by St. Paul to the Corinthians; "How is it then brethren? "When you come together, every one of you hath a psalm, "hath a doctrine, hath a revelation, hath a tongue, hath "an interpretation." (1. Cor. xiv. v. 26.) And now that the Church of Ireland, in the National* Synod of Maynooth, imitating the action taken by the great Archbishop of Armagh St. Malachy , as we read in his life by St. 1 ) Extravag. de vita et hon. Clericorum. Cap. Docta. 2* 20 Bernard, has identified her Chant, as well as her Liturgy, with that of Roine, it only remains for us to adopt the advice of the Apogtle, given in the concluding words of the verse above quoted; "let all things be done to edifi- cation." Let the Clergy, the Laity, Seminarists. ( Organists, Choir Masters, and all concerned, unite to study, cultivate and popularize . that integral portion of the Church's Liturgy ; — the Chant of St. Gregory. IV. DIVISION OF THE BOOK. In order to facilitate the study of the Principles and Practice of Plain-Chant, the matter may be classi- fied under the following heads. PART I. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES. Though this little book is not intended to be an Instruction Book on the Art of Singing, yet as in many points the same principles are applicable to Plain-Song, which are used in teaching singing; in Part 1. we will give explanations of Sounds, Intervals, Notes, Line-. Clefs, Phythm, Voice, Pronunciation £c. in a word, every- thing that is necessary for acquiring a knowledge of the elements of Plain-Song. PART II. SCIENCE OE PLAINiCHANT. This heading will be sub-divided into two parts. - a) Theoretical, - teaching the nature and characteris- tics of the ancient Tones or Modes: h) Practical; — in which we will explain the Ecclesiastical Calendar, the 21 arrangement and use of the several Liturgical Books, and the whole department of Gregorian Music. In past times, Choral-Song was divided into Concentus and Accent us. Observation. Under the name Accentus, were classed those portions of the Ritual Song chanted or intoned by the officiating Priest, the Deacon, Sub-Deacon ^ or other Sacred Ministers at the Altar ; in contradistinction to Concentus which referred to all that should be sung by the Assistants or by a special trained Choir. To the Accentus belong, the Intonations of the Gloria and Credo, the Preface, Pater noster, Gospel, Epistle, Collects and Prayers, the Passion, Prophecies and Martyrology. To the Concentus the Introit, Kyrie, Gloria and Credo (minus the intonation), Gradual and Tract, Sequence, Offertory, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Communion, Antiphons, Responsories, Hymns &c. To follow the order indicated by the Sacred Liturgy, and the arrangement of the Music in connection there- with, the Chant incidental to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be first treated of ; then that of the Canonical Hours ; and lastly, extraordinary Functions. An Appendix to this part of the Book will treat of the Organ, and contain special directions for accom- panying Gregorian Chant. Observation. The examples given in the body of the wwk, will be taken, both for the Accentus, and Concentus from the Official Editions published by Herr Pustet of Ratisbon. PART III. PRACTICE OF PLAIN-CHANT. If Gregorian Chant is ever to revive and flourish, constant, earnest, and attentive Practice of it must be insisted on. A mere theoretical or scientific acquaintance with it is not enough. 22 Consequently, this section of the Hook will contain, 1 ,<; , general instructions on the manner of rendering Plain-Chant, the spirit of Plain-Chant, and its intimate connection with the Liturgy; 2 nd , particular directions for the rendering of a) recitative Chant, such as we have in the Psalms; h) modulated Chant, as in the Hymns, Sequences &.c. ; and c) neumatized chant, as in the Intrdfts, Graduals, Antiphons and Responsories. PART L ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF PLAIN-CHANT. CHAPTER 1st. NAMES OF THE NOTES. — CONSTRUCTION OF THE SCALE. L Music 1 ) is the art of producing sounds in a cer- tain order and connexion agreeable to the ear. It may be , either vocal or instrumental, according as the sounds are produced by the human voice, or by an instrument. 2 ) Plain- Chant is essentially vocal music, a free recitation or recitative , modified by certain musical in- flections or accents. All sounds make on the ear the impression of high or, low, 3 ) long or short, loud or soft. To represent or indicate the different musical sounds according to their actiteness or gravity , a cor- l ) Musica est scientia recte modulandi sono cantuque congrua. Aurelianus Meom. (9 th century) in Gerbert. torn. I. 30. r ) Music is also divided into Theoretical and Practical. As a theory, it investigates the nature, properties, relations and effects of sounds ; and prescribes the principles for regulating and determining their different combinations. As an Art or Practice, it applies those principles in musical composition, and directs its performance. In reference to its specific purpose, it is styled, — Church- Music, Chamber-Music, Concert, Dramatic, or Military Music. 3 ) By a high sound is meant, not a loud but an acute sound ; and by a low, not a weak or whispering, but a grave deep, sound. 24 responding order of names, or signs, — called notes, — becomes necessary. It is not quite certain whether St. Gregory was the first' to indicate musical sounds by the Letters of the Alphabet; 1 ) but it is well ascertained, that, at a very early period , the first seven capital letters , and the seven corresponding small letters, ABCDEFl. a b c d e f g were used to designate, the different musical sounds, and the compote; within which all Plain-Chant melodies were comprised. This compass in modern nota- St. Gregory took the entire Grecian scale, a com- pass of fifteen different sounds, as the basis of his system. But reflecting that the sounds after the 7 th of the system, were but a repetition of those before it, in a higher pitch , and that every septenary in progression was precisely the same, he adopted the first seven letters of the Alphabet as names for the sounds, using Capitals for the first septenary, and small letters for the second. ') The Greeks, the only people amongst the Ancients that seem to have cultivated the science of Music, had a very elaborate and complex system of notation. The number of characters required in the old Greek semeiography may well excite our wonder; the reason is, as Forkel very justly observes, "that they overlooked all similitude in ''those things' whicli were to be marked, and gave separate signs to "each of them, as if they were in themselves distinctly different." The number of tone characters with which musicians were compelled to burden their memory was no less than 1620. Boetius, (a Roman Consul, author of "Latin Commentaries on the ancient Grecian Musical Theorists" and beheaded in 524 at Rome) instead of the incredibly difficult nomenclature ot the ancient Greek scales or notes; — such as Proslambanomenos, — Paranete synemmenon, — Hyperbolceon diatonis, d-c. dtc. — employed seventeen or eighteen letters; some say fifteen from A to P; not with the intention of introducing a new nomen- clature, but that he might abbreviate his work, and spare the patience of his readers. This, perhaps, may have given St. Gregory the idea of using alphabetical letters. to tion would be indicated thus 25 This is called the system of the octave; the octave or 8 th sound being a repetition of the first. To this scale of St. Gregory was subsequently added a lowermost note designated by the Greek letter /' (Gamma). Many writers place the introduction of this note, and the extension of the scale upwards, almost a century before the appearance of Guido d'Arezzo (born 1002). 1 ) Observation. This venerable man, a native of Arezzo in Tuscany, to whom the Science of Music owes so much, was a Benedictine monk in the monastery of Pomposa near Ravenna. His name is known wherever civilization has extended, and it has enjoyed uninterrupted celebrity to this day. All writers of Histories of Music, such as Padre Martini, Dr. Burney, Sir John Hawkins, the Abbot Gerbert and others , bear ample testimony to the services rendered by this good religious not only to Plain -Chant, but to Music in general. Besides the addition of the Gamma, Guido extended the scale upwards, from g, 2 ) where St. Gregory's scale ended, to dd, and his immediate pupils added another note, ee, so that Guidons scale or musical system reckons 21 sounds, thus : rAB"C PTE FG aTHcd eTglia bbTcTdd and ee graves. finales. acutae superacutae. excellentes. superadded. 1 ) Guido himself says r a modernis adjuncium. Vide Micrologics. See also Angeloni, Kiesewetter, Ambros &c. 2 ) The first great octave of the scale (in German Grosse Bassoct.) is written with capital letters, as in St. Gregory's scale; the second, (Icleine Bassoct.) with small letters as a ; the third with small letters doubled as aa or JJ. In Germany they express the latter octave by a_ small letter with a single line or stroke above or below r , thus a or ~a, and hence called the single-lined octave, — einmalgestrichene ; and a fourth octave, as we have in modern music, is expressed in small letters with two lines or strokes above or below, thus sl or a, and called the double-lined octave, — zweimdlgestrichene. This system is particularly convenient, since without making use of the stave we know that J. is the first space in the bass, a the fifth line in the bass; a the second space in the treble , and a or a the sixth line in the treble, or first ledger line above. 26 The note in the second septenary, and bb in the third, (not the tirst B) may represent our b\ natural {b durum or quadrattm), or ? i. e. b flat (b molle or rotundum); hence the 21 sounds. "The graves, {grave or deep), are so called from "their low deep sound; the finales, [final), because every "melody, (as we shall see further on when we come to "speak of the Modes) terminates in one or other of "them; the acutce, {acute or sharp), from their high acute "sound; the super acutce , because still higher than the "acute; and the excellentes , {excelling), because of the "high pitch and fineness of their tone." 1 ) These sounds had no fixed pitch, as in modern music; a for example might be sounded as our c, provided only the half tone which occurs between B-C, E-F, a-b, bJj-c, e-f, aa-bb, bbi}-cc be retained in its proper place. Guido himself, or Guido' s school has also the credit of adopting the syllables used ever since in solmisation or solfaing. They were the initial syllables of the words contained in the first verse of the hymn sung on the Feast of St. John the Baptist, written by Paul the Deacon A. D. 774. They are Ut. Re. Mi. Fa. Sol. La; and the verse is: Ut queant laxis Famuli tuorum Resonare fibris, Sol/£ polluti Mi/*« gestorum La#// reatum, Sancte Joannes. The music to which this hymn was written was so constructed, that each of the first six lines of the verse began with a different note in regular order, ascending from c to a, thus C D E F G a, as may be seen in the Vesperale Bomanum, page 380. [Batisbon 1875.] ') u Die Choralkompositionslehre vom 10.— 13. Jahrhundert," of Father Utto Kornmuller in "Monatshefte fur Musikgeschicbte.'" 1872. page 63. 27 In this succession of six Tones, called thenceforward a Hexachord, the half tone lies between the 3 d and 4 th degree of the first septenary, E-F ; the same occurs in the second septenary from c to aa. Observation. There is some reason to suppose that Guido taught with successful results, before he stumbled upon the much-prized Ut. Re. Mi. Fa. Sol. La. a short men- tion of which he makes in a single passage in one of his later treatises, but without any further explanation, and which he used rather as a means of help for pupils of slow comprehension, and as a kind of example, than for anything else, just as if other syllables might not have answered as well. Sir John Hawkins in his History of Music. Vol. III. gives the following ingenious explanation of the discovery of the hexachord. "The scale as it stood "in Guido's time, was not adapted for the reception of 6 "syllables, and therefore the application which he made of "them does necessarily imply some previous improvement "of the scale, either actually made by him, or which he "had that time under consideration. It is pretty certain "that this improvement could be no other than the con- certing the ancient tetrachords into hexachords, which to "begin with the tetrachord Hypaton, he effected in this "manner. That tetrachord was terminated in the grave or "deep sound, by Hypate Hypaton or b ; for though the "Proslambanomenos A, carried the system a tone lower, it "was always considered , as its name imports , acquisitus, "supernumerary or redundant, the addition therefore of a "tone below A , immediately converted the . Tetrachord * "Hypaton into a Hexachord, and drove the semitone into "a position which divided the Hexachord into two equal "parts. This additional Tone he called /• gamma." And as it corresponded with the first syllable Ut, the scale con- structed thereon was called Gamma lit or Gamut a name which it retains to this day. This position of the half-tone between the 3 d and 4 th degree is also verified in the scale or hexachord from T to JEj G to e, g to ee, F to d, and / to dd, except that in these two latter hexachords, the "6" and u bjb" 28 must be understood to be "b fiat," and not "b natural," in order to avoid the Tritonus or augmented fourth. As all these hexachords are alike, differing only in pitch, the use of the six syllables was not confined as at present to the scale commencing with c. but was extended to all the others, the semitone occurring be- tween the third and fourth syllable, always being found in any of the hexachords between the third and fourth degrees. The syllables had therefore to be shifted at each variation of the melodic modulation, and this was called mutation. 1 ) A Table of the hexachords with the mutations or shaftings, was made out by Ugolinus. which we here subjoin. e la d la sol c sol fa b fa Jjmi a la mi re g sol re ut f fa ut e la mi g Id la sol re ^ ]c sol fa ut b fa ft mi a la mi re G sol re ut F fa ut iE la mi | D sol re & jC fa ut B mi A re r ut 2 ) The solmization of Plain-Chant is the same as that employed iu modern music, and popularised by the Tonic Sol-Fa system. This latter system may be used with advantage in the study of the inter- vals, as Guido's 'system of mutations is practically the same as the 29 Mi-Fa meant everywhere the position of the half- note, or more properly the suhsemitonium modi, which received at every such place the syllables Mi-Fa. The three Hexachords beginning with l\ G, g, are called Hexachorda dura, (hard), on account of the fcj, that is b durum occurring in it; the two beginning with C and c are called Hexachorda naturalia, (natural), because neither a b or fc| occurs in them; and the two beginning with F and f are called Hexachorda mollia, because of the presence in both of the b molle or rotundum. From these tables also were derived special names for the notes of the scale according, to their situation. For in- stance, if you wished to designate F in the first sep- tenary; by reading across the page you would call it F fa ut; if you meant d, you would call it d la sol re, or c, c sol fa ut dec. Again G has the syllable sol in the natural hexachord, re in the soft or molle hexachord, and ut in the hexachord durum • b natural can be only called mi., and b flat fa. These three hexachords may be dove-tailed into one another in the following manner. ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la. r, A, I: , C, D, E. ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la. C, D, E, F, G, a. ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la. F, G, a, b, c, d etc. If the compass of any Hexachord were exceeded, and another commenced, the tones belonging to the new Hexachord must be so designated that the syllables mi fa may coincide with the position of the semitone, thus: f g a^b c d e^f, g a b$ c d e fjt g ut re mi fa (sol) ut re mi fa (sol) ut re mi fa, ut re mi fa. Tonic Sol-Fa modulator. See "The Standard Course of Lessons on the Tonic Sol- Fa method" by John Cur wen. 30 In this system of Mutation consisted the peculiar use of the so-called Gmdonian hand. Guido is supposed to have taught his pupils to find and name the tones upon the hones of the hand . and it was regarded at the time as a wonderful discovery, that the Creator should have given to man exactly the same numher of members in the hand a- there were tones in the scale, according to the system of the great master viz. nineteen. The twentieth tone e was only added at a later period by Guido's pupils, in order to eojnplete a seventh hexachopd, and not being able to tind a place for it on the hand, they fixed it over the top of the second finger whose highest member is called d. Observation. This perhaps may be the proper place to remark on the origin of our sign * or natural. In a note found in the Appendix to Kiesewetter's work ,l I)ie Geschichte der Musik," we find the following information "on the origin of the German H, as name for the second note of the alphabetical series." (It must be remembered that in Germany b when natural is always indicated by the letter h pronounced hah) "The B has also with the Ger- "mans as many significations and employments as with the "English, with the exception only that we never under- "stand it to be H (English B natural or French Si). It "appears that we were in some perplexity with regard to "the appellation of the seventh note of the scale, and that **the difference of the already existing signs b and * oc- casioned the introduction of the H, because the sign ; in "itself could be taken for H by drawing the stroke down- "wards from the right side, in the same way that out of - 1 we procure an h by the prolongation of the stroke to "the right. It may be sufficient in this place, simply to "remark that the name of the second note of the scale "was twofold: one with a 7 called B rptundum, round and "one with a b or h called B quadratum, squared which k iast agrees with the // of the Germans, the H natural "of the English and the Si of the French." 31 For a long time this difficult and complicated Gui- donian Solmisation or Solfisation, (according to Tinctoris) continued in use, until with the extension of the Tone- system below Gamma, and above ee, 1 ) and the discov- ery of harmony, a new syllable Si was added 2 ) to de- signate the seventh Tone of the succession. This syllable when it expressed B natural was written Si } when B flat, Sa or Za ; and so the octave system of St. Gregory was re-established ; and Mutations abandoned. Later still the Italians substituted Bo for Ut for euphony sake ; but either syllable may be used. In Germany the Ut is retained. II. All possible musical sounds therefore, may be re- duced to, and classed under, seven principal or foundation sounds. These seven sounds may be repeated ascending or descending in regular alphabetical order, thus: iABCDEFG abc defg aa etc. . la si Do re mi fa sol la si Do re mi fa sol la etc. ' l. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. I etc. each octave forming what is called a scale, (from scala, a ladder). Of these seven sounds, five are whole tones, and two are semi-tones: and every scale proceeding in this regular manner is called diatonic, 3 ) that is ;, by tones." From B to C, (Si-Bo), and from E to F {mi-fa) the distance or span is not so great, as from C to B, (Bo-Be). ') This addition was made by Guillaume Du Fay, a singer in the Papal Chapel in 1380. He died in 1432, and because* of this extension of the scale and his masterly compositions, was reputed one of the first of musicians of his time. *) Some attribute the adoption of this syllable to Le Maire in 1H20. Janssen refers it to Henry Van de Putte (Erycius Puteanus) in the 17 th century. 3 ) rovog (from mvtiv, to span). Every scale was called diurovog by the Greeks, which from its commencing note to the octave counted five whole tones, and two half-tones. Mi^Fa therefore and Si-Do are called natural (also major) half-tones or semitones. l)o-R< . H<-Mi, Fa-Sol, Sol-La, La-Si are five whole tones. Observation. These five whole tones may, as in modern music, be divided into semitones by means of the so called musical accidents; — the diesis or sharp represented thus jf; and the flat thus P. The diesis or sharp raises the note to which it is prefixed, a {minor) half-tone, and the note is then called c sharp. The bimol or flat lowers the note a {minor) half-tone, and it is then called J) flat, supposing D to be the note affected. These subdivisions of the scale are called chromatic, they are 12 in number, and a scale proceeding through all of them is called a chromatic scale. Again, every whole tone is divisible into a major and minor semitone. The semitone was called by Plato Li mm a, 1 ) because imperfect, and not dividing the tone into two equal parts; one part being greater than the other and called apotome or major semitone, the remaining part diesis or minor semitone. The whole tone is made up of 9 commas, of which 5 are found in apotome and 4 in diesis. Thus from C to D we have c-c sharp, — diesis or minor semitone, and c sharp — D, — apotome or major semitone. From G to F descending we have G-G flat, minor semitone, G flat — /'apotome, or major semitone. This mathematically exact progression consti- tutes the enharmonic scale; but practically in modern music it exists only in name; as all semitones whether affected by flats, sharps or naturals are considered equal intervals. This practice may perhaps be traced to the re- cently extended use of keyed instruments, organ, piano- forte or harmonium; in which, in order to facilitate mo- dulation, a system of tuning is adopted, whereby the odd commas of the enharmonic progression , are distributed equally over the entire scale; and hence it is called the ') "Semitonium a Platone Limma vocatum eo quod non sit plenus tonus sed imperfectus, neque dimidium toni, non enim in duas aequas partes dividi potest, sed inaequales tantum, quaruin alter semitonium majus seu apotome, alter semitonium minus seu diesis, quae ab apotome superatur commate." Cottonius apud Gerbert. II. 238. 33 equal temperament system. Stringed instruments however, such as the violin, are tuned with mathematical precision, and for this reason the violin is preferred for teaching singing. Plain-Chant admits the diatonic or natural semitone, {mi-fa, si-do), and the limma or chromatic semitone in the single case of the interval from La to Sa or Za; but al- together excludes the diesis, and knows nothing of the enharmonic scale. The sign X (St. Andrew's cross) raises the note two minor semitones 8 A>, so that x F and g make almost the same impression on the ear; in like manner V? (double flat) lowers the note 4 /s of a whole tone, e. g. w E = D. The sign \ (B quadratum) or natural removes the effect of the single \ or t 7 , and restores the note to its natural condition. CHAPTER 2nd. PROGRESSION OF THE SOUNDS OF THE SCALE. — INTERVALS. "The sounds of the scale are connected in six dif- ferent ways, viz: by a tone, a semitone, a major "third, a minor third, a fourth and a fifth." 1 ) Junguntur ad se invicem sex modis, tono, semitonio, ditono, semiditono, diatessaron, diapente. Non aliter quam his sex modis voces junctce concordant vel moventur. So that to learn Gregorian Chant the student need only devote his attention to these six simple progressions. "To these "consonances two other species of progression are super- added by some singers, viz, the diapente with a semi- u tone, as from E to c {a minor sixth), and diapente "with a tone, as from C to a (a major sixth). But as "these and the octave are rarely met with, I have not "reckoned them." 2 ) ') Ita. Guido. Hucbald. Odo. Cottonius. See Article of Fr. Utto Kornmiiller "Die Compositionslehre vom 10. bis 13. Jahrhundert" in "Monatshefte filr Musikgeschichte" 4th year 1872. — 2 ) Ibid. 3 u An Interval is the distance, in acuteness or gravity, between one sound and another. A single sound, is not an interval, it is unison; 1 ) an interval can only exist when two different sounds are produced. The intervals are named from the number of letters which they include. Thus from A to B (including two letters) is called a second; from A to C (including three letters A B C) a third; from A to D a fourth and so on, and the intervals may be counted ascending or de- scending. The intervals used in Gregorian Chant are as follows. 1 st . A Second. The distance from any given sound to the next adjoining, above or below, is called the in- terval of a second: as from A to B; — B to C or descending; A to G; — G to F. There are two kinds of 'second; — the major second, comprising a full tone, as from C to D — (Do-Be); and the minor second, where the natural diatonic semitone occurs as from JE to F— (Mi-Fa) or B\ to C, — (Si-Do); or A to B flat — (La-Za.) Observation. The word Tone in Church music, has many significations. In the original Greek (teweiv) the word denotes tension, stretching, spanning or bracing, and in this sense it is often used by physicians, as descriptive of medicinal ' effects. But as a string when stretched is easily made to sound, and the more it is stretched the higher the sound it gives, so the word tone, rorog, was naturally taken to signify sound. In this sense we have been using it up to the present, when speaking of the tones or sounds of the scale. But it has another mean- ing, and expresses not only sounds, but the distance or ') Unisonus quasi unus sonus;.. . non est modus neque cautus, quia cautus est inflexio vocis, i.e. omnis cantus inflectit vocem variat sonum. Ibid. 35 interval between sounds. In this latter sense we use it in the present chapter; so that Tones and Semitones, when spoken of as Intervals, are not sounds, but the di>tance between sounds; just as a mile, is not a place, but the distance between two places. "Tonus for tern so mint reddit respectu semitonii; et est spatii legitima mag- nit it do a sono in sonum ratione 8:9 i.e. epog dousT Jerome of Moravia, see Coussemaker. vol. 1. pag. 27. 2 nd . A Third. The distance from any sound to the third degree from it is an interval of a t h i r d ; as : A-C : B-B : : G-F : F-B. There are tw r o kinds of thirds; major and minor. A major third includes two whole tones as: C-E (Do-mi); F-a (Fa-La); or descending B-G (Si-Sol). A minor third includes one tone and a semitone, as: G-bflat (Sol-Za); A-C (La-Bo) B-F (Re-Fa) B-B (Si-Be). Anciently this twofold interval was called respectively Di tonus and Se^midi tonus. 1 ) Too much importance cannot be attached to the necessity of learning this in- terval correctly, as it occurs most frequently, and once a facility is acquired in striking with accuracy major and minor thirds, the reading of Gregorian music presents no difficulty. 3 d . A Fourth. The interval which includes two tones and a semitone is called a fourth; thus Do -Fa, (C-F) i. e. tone, tone, and semitone; or La-Re, (A-D) i. e. tone, semitone, tone; or Si-Mi (Bi(-E) i. e. semi- tone , tone, tone. Its ancient Grecian name was Dia- tessaron. The interval known in modern music as the augmented fourth, including three full tones, as from Fa to Si (F to b natural) and called the Tritone, is not ') "D it onus duos tonos in se continet. Semiditonus vocatur,. quod non sit plenus ditonus; hujus sunt species duce; una tono et semi- tonio, altera semitonio et tono constans, vel in metrica similitudine semi- ditonus iambicus —) et trochaicus (— ^)." Engelbert apud Gerbert. 3* 36 allowed in Gregorian; and it is to obviate this that the b flat is introduced; — the only accidental admitted in Plain-Chant. "Tritonus, constans tribus continuis tonis, diatessaron non reputatnr." Guido. 4 th . The Fifth, (ancient name Diapente) includes three full tones and a semitone; as: D-a (Re-La) i.e. tone, semitone, tone, tone; or E-bi^ (Mi-Si) semitone, tone, tone, tone; or F-c (Fa -Do) tone, tone, tone, semi- tone; or G-d (Sol-Re) tone, tone, semitone, tone. This interval is called the perfect fifth; to distinguish it from what is known in modern music as the diminished or false fifth; consisting of two tones and two semi- tones, e. g. btj-f (Si -Fa). This is but the inversion of the objectionable tritone, and consequently the b must be lowered a semitone and so made to constitute a per- fect fifth. 1 ) 5 th . The Octave (Diapason) includes five whole tones and two semitones; which may be distributed in seven different ways according to the letter with which it is commenced. This will be seen more clearly, when we come to speak of the modes. Observation. The octave, like the Major and Minor Sixth is seldom if ever encountered in Plain- Chant. "Hie canendi modus," writes the Cistercian Engelbert in the 13 th century, "rarissime in cavlu usitatus reperitur." Hucbald tells ns that the octave received the name diapason, "de omnibus" "t i rough all" because anciently the greatest num- ber of strings on the lyre was eight. ') "B — F, &5j — f, quae etsi 5 voces includunt, ab omnibus tamen diapente speciebus secluduntur ; ista anomala species (minus diapente) duobus tonis, totidemque scmitoniis completur , quce 2 semitonia juncta (minora) non faciunt integrum tonum, sicque ad completionem diapente comma cum semitonio deerit." Guido. Engelbert Hucbald etc. Apud Gerbert. 37 CHAPTER 3d. NOTATION. - CLEFS. I. Notes are signs which by their shape indicate . the duration of a sound, and by their position the names of the sounds and their respective gravity, or acuteness. 1 st . Shape. Three shapes of notes are employed in Gregorian music; a) * Jjj long a nota (long note); b) n brevis (short note). Its time value is estimated by the. syllable over which it is placed, and approaches sometimes the longa, sometimes the semibrevis. c) The semibrevis about half the duration of the brevis. 1 ) In Gregorian however there is no such thing as strict time. The music is entirely subordinated to the words. 2 nd . Position. If we consider for a moment the difficulty of fixing on paper the height or depth of a sound, the invention of means by which this could be effected and properly represented without fear of mistake, may be well regarded as a most ingenious contrivance. ! ) In the Graduale Bomanum, ~ (Mediccean edition) the brevis is placed over short syllables whenever they should be sung to one note; e. g ^g^^fcz instead Eg^^E. The semi- o-ra-ti- 6-nem o- ra- ti- 6-nem. brevis is used as an embellishment or passing note, in groups of notes or neumas descending, e.g. H-ifrN+H - M^- :| p . Jacovacci De - um. in 11 Palestrina, No. 3. anno 2 do says "Le note di passagio furono usate nei buoni Coraji soltanto discendenti, e senza tornare indietro; discendenti, perche accelerando il canto, la voce si abbandona e ab- bandonandosi , le riesce piu facile il discendere che il salire; senza tornare indietro, perche appunto sono note di passagio, e chi passa rocede da un punto all altro direttamente, e chi torna indietro, prima 'arrivare ad un punto determinate, non passa." 38 Previous to Guido's time the Netmce or Notce Romance were simply written over the text, no lines or spaces were in use, and it was left to the judgment or taste of each teacher to interpret them in his own fashion. See Introduction. Shortly before Guido two lines were introduced, one coloured yellow to denote c, the other coloured red to denote F. Guido added two more lines, and so established the four line system, which prevails in Gregorian to the present day. He placed the notes on the lines, and between the spaces, and over and under the four lines, and in this way he fixed the name and position of each note of the Scale. If in the following example we call the first note c, the names of the other notes placed in regular succession on the lines and spaces can be given without difficulty. cdefgab^c = 9=*z r*r- — =z= ut re mi fa sol la si ut In case the melody should extend higher or lower than what may be contained within the four lines and spaces, then recourse is had to what are called ledger lines; thus a ] a ^ ^ N " ^ d re The lines are (minted upwards, likewise the spaces. The traditional character of the old notation is so worthy of respect, and its employment in the liturgical books has been so steadfastly maintained for centuries, that to change it into modern notation seems neither necessary, useful, nor advisable. Four lines and three spe- cies of notes are amply sufficient. Frequently it has been proposed and in ' some places *) the proposal has been ') ' Recueil de Messes et d'autres pieces de Chant, nouvelle edition redigee et mise en notation musicale par l'abbe Gaillard Choriste de 39 acted upon, to convert the Gregorian into modern no- tation, and so facilitate its being taught to the masses; but it should be remembered that the ==, ^ and , ot modern notation, are tied down to a fixed measured time, which is contrary to the very essence of Gregorian, de- manding as it does free rythmical declamation, and where as Witt says: "the Text is the master, the notes the slaves"', 2 ) and again it has been proved by experience that singers when exercised on four line music, acquire more speedily a correct knowledge of the intervals, than when using five ; and lastly in groupings of several notes ascending or descending, the united smooth rendering thereof is greatly facilitated. Observation. A. Should a number of notes be clo- sely bound together and attached to the same syllable, thus, — VfrN^ ~~ ? ^ ne y are ^ en ca ^ e( ^ notae Hgatae (bound notes) and are to be sung quickly but smoothly. We also meet with notes of this shape :z£s^=:£*— . They are called notae obliquae (oblique notes), also plica (transverse notes). They are an abbreviated form of writing two notes, one being on the line or space where the oblique note commences and the other where it terminates: thus, in the example given the oblique notes are instead of zzg^^^rj^z:. The Folio Medicsean edition of the Gradual 1614, employs the plica only descending, and never for a greater interval than a third. The first note of the ligature is accented. The new official Ratisbon edition employs it in precisely the same way. Observation. B. The Neumse have been mentioned as the notation in use previous to the invention and adop- tion of the note system just explained. Any dissertation on the Neuma writing would he more of historical than practical value , and archaeology has yet a great deal la Catbedrale d'Annecy publiee par les soins de M. le Chanoine Poncet Annecy 1851. a ) Fliegende Blatter. October 1*75: 40 to do, before it can throw every necessary light on this antiquated and obscure note system. The Neuirwe or Neu- mata consisted of points, little hooks, strokes and flourishes, in different shapes and directions ; these represented to the singer by their position the height of the tone, and by their shape the inflexion. See example given in Introduc- tion, page 8. The ambiguity of them as note signs cannot be questioned for a moment. However the binding or grouping of notes in the neuma system, was established according to certain fundamental forms, which have sur- vived the use of the little hooks and flourishes themselves and are still employed. When a syllable is noted with n { virga, it receives an Accent (te) , and is sustained longer than a syllable noted with the * punclum (in) ; \ is called dims, the first note accented (pater). Climacus is a name given to note groupings such as the following: (Dominus) or i*V« : * s called scandicus, and lor cuius. Several other signs were in use for artistically trained singers ; such as may be heard at present in the Papal Chapel when the Solo voices adopt certain embellishments and mannerisms, intoning the Introit or the Antiphons. These note-groupings are as it were the elements of Gregorian song, as words are the elements of speech, and on their equitable distribution depends the beauty of the melody, as the charm of speech depends upon the prudent use of long and short words. The word neuma has yet another signification from its greek root nvevna a breath or breathing , and indicates a grouping of several notes, as many as can be sung together in one breath, and therefore set to one syllable or one vowel; or as Joannes Tinctoris remarks "Neuma is a song or chant which hangs on to the end of a word, without a word." Such Neumas are constantly met in the Gradual* with their Alleluias, the neuma been sung to the final vowel a of the Alleluia, as it were in token of highest jubilee approaching to a shout, and hence they are also called Jubilationes. 1 ) The Neuma? were very lengthened in some of the old Choral books. A Council held at Reims in 15 64 ') "Jubilus Sonus quidem est significans cor parturire quod dicere non potest." (St. Augustine in Psal. xxxii.) 41 forbade the undue lengthening of the neumce and in the Medicsean edition (reprinted in Ratisbon) they were much abbreviated. Strange, that the Reims and Cambrai Gradual, published by Lecoffre of Paris, should be the only one to reestablish them in all their pristine prolixity. II. Clefs. The lines of themselves do not fix im- movably the positions of the several notes of the scale, nor does the stave of four (or even five) lines, comprise the whole compass of the human voice. Wherefore some conventional sign becomes necessary to determine in each melody the position of the semitones of the diatonic scale, for these being once determined, it is easy to find the rest. This conventional sign is called a Clef, (from the Latin word clavis or French word clef, a key,) be- cause fixing the position of the semitones in a piece, it discloses and expounds the whole piece. Previous to Guido, as has been already stated, there were in use two lines, on, between, under, and over which the several notes of the scale, were placed. One was coloured red, and denoted F, for the grave hexachord, that is to say all Neumce written on that line were to be considered F or fa; the other yellow, or sometimes green, denoting c, for the acute hexachord. These two lines served all the purpose of clefs, for every one could understand that in the interstice between them, were to be found the notes a, b; although these three notes in relation to one another had no fixed position, but had to be guessed from the peculiar formation of the cor- responding neuma. Later on they placed the letters F and C at the beginning of these lines and so rendered the different colouring unnecessary. When Guido how- ever added two more lines he placed the neumce both on the lines and in the spaces, retaining the use of the alphabetical letters F and C on the two original lines, in order to fix the position of the semitones. 42 Subsequently when the square black notes, displaced the points or dots hitherto in use, the clef letters F and C assumed a conformation or shape somewhat analogous to the notes employed, and F was represented by the sign V, and C by the sign fc. However as the system of Mutations still prevailed, and the introduction of the b molle constantly changed the names of the notes (See Chap. 1 st ); so to the figure 1 denoting F, they added the C sign fc, and thus obtained the compound sign which continued to denote F or F fa at, in the nomen- clature of the Mutation system. The C sign remained unaltered (in fact it is only a squared formation of the letter C). So that we have in Gregorian or Plain-Chant, two clefs, and only two: the C or Do clef = the F or Fa clef = The Do Clef may be placed on any line; the Fa Clef is usually on the 2 nd , 3 d or 4 th line. C or Do clef. F or Fa clef. All notes placed on the line where the Do clef is found are called Do ; and wiiere the Fa clef, Fa e. g. cGehad cfaeg FGagcEDC FEDCab These Clefs being movable from line to line, do not indicate the pitchy but only the position of the semi- tones. Even in the course of a melody they often change position and one is substituted for the other, as in the Grad. Bom. pag. 21*. 43 ^-g rt-^-^^j ^^:|^= ^J^Mz± or pag. 172: mi -se- re -re no -bis. Qui tol - lis etc. mi -hi Si quis etc This shifting and changing of the Clefs, is practised, in order to keep the melody within the compass of the four line stave, and obviate the necessity of employing ledger lines , which are rarely met with in Gregorian. In these sudden changes of Clef it will be enough to remember that Fa and Bo both indicate the position of their respective neighbouring semitones Mi and Si, and both are the uppermost note of exactly similar tetrachords, Fa. Mi, Be, Bo, when sung being in every respect simi- lar to Bo, Si-La, Sol. The little sign like a note ■, (also written EEz^ltzz:) found at the end of lines, and before a change of clef, if such occur in the middle of a line, is used to indicate the succeeding note; and is therefore called a custos, watchman, guide or direct. To sum up the substance of these two chapters, the primary elements of Plain-Chant and its system of no- tation may be thus briefly enumerated: a) A Diatonic octave Scale, comprising live tones and two semitones. b) Notes indicating the sounds of the scale, shaped in three different ways, * longa; o brevis; ♦ semibrevis to express duration; and placed one above the other on a stave of four lines (both on lines and in the spaces) to determine their exact acuteness or gravity. c) Two clefs Fa and Bo to fix the position of the semitones of the scale; and d) a Guide employed at the end of a line, or be- fore a change of Clef to indicate the next succeeding note. CHAPTER 4th. RHYTHM. — ACCENT. — PAUSES. I. Rhythm, in general ((jvfhuoc from Qstp to flow) means a smooth flowing progression , varied and main- tained according to certain determined divisions of Time. It is measure; even-measure as well as (mathemat- ically) equal -measure. Rhythm can be imagined with- out words, and may be indicated by notes or tones, one sustained longer than the other, or sounded with varying force and emphasis: and this is musical rhythm. The natural fondness for rhythm, in the human mind, must be referred to its natural love of order, harmony, and symmetry. We trace it in the regular pulsations of the nerves. 1 ) as well as in the ever varying, but regular waves of emotion that disclose the ceaseless activity of the soul. Even in children, the sense of rhythm is de- veloped earlier than that of melody, and both Poetry and Prose are indebted to it for a large share of their fascinating power. In Music. Rhythm is a necessity. How strange it is , that in the face of this law of nature all idea of rhythmical movement in Gregorian chant should be so generally lost sight of. Of all forms of Music, no one so entirely depends upon rhythm for its legitimate effect as Gregorian. And yet in most of the Grammars and Manuals of Plain-Chant in use amongst us, whilst we have chapters explanatory of the Notes, and Intervals and Clefs and Tones cvc, scarcely a line is to be found on rhythm. This deficiency may perhaps to some extent account for the bad and ineffective rend- ') ''Universim igitur rhythmus tribus hisce sensibus percipitur. Visu, ut in saltatione; Audita., ut in cantu: Tactu, ut artcriarum pulsus. At qui in Musica considerntur, a duobus; visu nimirum et au- dita." Aristides Quintilianus lib. X. dc Musica, apud Martini. 45 ering of Plain-Chant that so often offends our ears, and gives ground for the charge so often made against it, that it is devoid of Melody, a barbarism adapted for ruder ages but intolerable in the present advanced state of musical science. The rhythm of poetry is susceptible of the same exact divisions of time , as the rhythm of dancing and music; but rhetorical rhythm is satisfied with a pleas- ing cadence of syllables — an approximation to the rhythm of verse, particularly at the beginning and the end of periods. Whether it be poetry or prose that we are called upon to sing in the notes of St. Gregory, we shall find the rhythm or swing of the melody, closely bound up with the euphony of the language to which it is wedded ; the musical melodies are as it were constructed on the melody of the language itself, — the language being simply clothed in musical sounds ; so that the fun- damental rule for understanding Gregorian melody and singing it effectively is: — "Sing the words with notes, as you would speak them without notes." u Good singing is good accentuation" wrote Adam of Fulda, as we read in Gerbert, u Dc cantu et Musica sacra." One of the first requisites therefore for good sing- ing of Gregorian Chant, is a knowledge of the Latin tongue , of its peculiarities , its prosody, its scansion ; *) in a word Gregorian Chant demands "faultless, clear, scientific pronunciation." For we again assert that the Ritual Song is not a monotonous composition, con- sisting of slow notes of equal length, to be drawled out in a hard unappreciative manner, tiresome to the voice ') A fixed measure and determined number of alternating long and short syllables is called Metre. The science which teaches the reltiive length of syllables, and correct accentuation is Prosody. The enumera- tion of the metrical syllables, their abbreviation (cesura), punctuation etc. is Scansion. 46 of tlie singer, and far more tiresome to the ear of the listener. It abounds with melodies infinitely varied in their rhythm, and peculiarly adapted to give increased force and emphasis to the words and sentiments of the Liturgy. The length and emphasis proper for each note therefore, whether it be the nota longa or brer is. can only be determined by a consideration of the meaning of the words, and the character of the musical phrase of which it forms a . part. So that the nota longa only expresses longer duration than the hrevis, because coup- led with a syllable demanding emphasis , and being at the same time a leading note of the melody, or of the scale on which the melody is based. This co- incidence of the verbal accent with the musical ictus, and a distribution of notes so that they run easily with the words, constitutes good rhythmical progression. Therefore, when a syllable is thus rendered prominent by an intensified and emphatic effort of the voice it is said to be accented. This accent has a great duty to perform in Gregorian. Through the proper use of it, the main features of the melody are distinguished from the less important, and words or syllables of consequence are conspicuously brought to the front. Here it must be borne in mind that it is not the number of notes placed over a syllable, that makes the syllable long or shoit or accented, but rather their stronger or weaker intonation. Hence we often find in such words as Dominus . quite a group of notes over the short syllable mi, and but one or two perhaps over the accented syllable Do. In this and similar instances the group of notes over the short syllable, should be sung quickly but smoothly and witli a thesis 1 ) or depres- ') Arsis and Thesis. Latine elcvatio and depressio; an elevation or depression of the voice in marking the accented and unaccented syl- lables. Also the rise and fall of the melodic movement. 47 sion of the voice ; while the single note (if there be but one) over the syllable Do should be delivered with em- phasis and power. Accent therefore is not the relative duration of a note, "it is not even the strength of it," says Dr. Witt, 2 ) "but it is a spiritualizing of the voice, a veritable surrendering of the whole power of the soul to a sound w r hich from the soul must receive its pecu- liar character and vitality." In consequence of this free- dom of rhythm in Gregorian Chant, the dispositions of the singer are at once made manifest, his devotion or distraction, his earnestness or indifference. Hence it has been said with truth. "To sing Gregorian one must have a musical ear, a technical knowledge of it, and fair appreciation of it; to sing it well he must understand the Liturgy and the Latin language; to sing it per- fectly, he must be holy." (Flieg. Blatter Sept. 1875.) The rules which the author of a Choral unci Liturgie" lays down appear so important that a few of them may be briefly enumerated here. 1 st . "In Gregorian Chant there are no long and short syllables in the sense of Prosody, but only accented and unaccented." — 2 nd . "The notes have no determined Time-value , and never serve to indicate the .duration of the sound, but only to guide the modulation of the voice." From these two rules we may gather how faulty is that method of singing which measures out to each note and syllable equal value (Isotony). The ear is offended with the speaker who would recite the syllables and words of his speech with equal speed or sluggishness, and experience proves that nothing is so tiresome to listen to as monotonous, isotonous chant. Observation. 1st. a few examples of the Accent in Plain-Chant may serve to illustrate the preceeding par- 2 ) "Fliegende Blatter.*' Oct. 1875. 48 agraph. In some editions of the Vesperal we find the Hymn of the Holy Ghost notated and sung as follows: Ve - ni ere - a - tor spi - ri - tus. Let us contrast this with the correct version of the "Vesper ale Romanum" Ratisbon 1875 Page 212, and the ictus or musical accent indicated by the mark a correctly placed. A A Ve - ni ere - a - tor spi - ri - tus. Again in the edition of the Officium et Missa Defun- ctorum generally used throughout Ireland Ci Dublinii Ricardi Coyne MDCCCXLI" we find the first verse of the Dies Irae thus Di-es i-rae Di-es il-la sol -vet sae-clum in fa-vil-la Tes-te Da-vid cum Sy-bil-la. In the Ratisbon "Graduate" Page 48* 8™ edition, and in the "Exequiale Romanum" of the same publishers we find the accents placed thus Di-es i-rae Di-es il-la Sol -vet sae-clum in fa-vil-la A Tes-te Da-vid cum Sy-bil-la. In the 1 st we have unmistakeable traces of Gallican origin from the accent being placed on the final syllables, as the French do to the present day; while in the latter the requirements and nature of the language are respected. This matter will be better and more fully illustrated when we come to treat of the Practice of Plain-Chant. 49 Observation. 2 nd . Hitherto we have-spoken of rhythm as even measure, but it may also be considered as mathe- matically equal measure. A certain note of fixed {time) value is taken as a standard of unity, which may be di- vided and subdivided; and in all those divisions and sub- divisions the value of this unit must be fully expressed. These time-sections are now indicated by short perpen- dicular lines drawn across the stave called Bars. This is the system of Time in modern music. The Harmonists of the middle ages used no bars (i. e. perpendicular lines) but left the duration of the notes to be determined by the united effect of the voices and free rhythm of the text. When measured music l ) came into use, it at once appeared how unreasonable and unscientific it would be to tie down the free rhythm of Plain-Chant in the fetters of strictly measured Time Bars. So that in Gregorian w T e have no measured time and no Bars, in the modern sense. II. Rhythmical progression essentially requires Pau- ses, and both the physical and mental powers of the singer demand time to gather fresh strength, (to take breath). In even measured Rhythm such as we have in Plain-Chant, the Pauses are partly left to the feeling or just discretion of the singer, (never to caprice or necessity, from want of breath); but the meaning of the phrase should never be altered by the Pauses, nor the word so broken up that it becomes difficult to the hearer to join together its constituent syllables. Generally speak- ing the Pauses or places for taking breath are marked in the ritual Books, 2 ) as follows: 1) is either a breathing mark, useful especially in large choirs wiiere there are many singers, in order that all may begin and end the words together; or it serves to divide the ') Cantus mensurabilis. Franco of Cologne. 2 ) The Folio edition of the Grad. Rom. has only the perpendicular lines (No. 2) as breathing marks, but it is understood that at every punctuation mark in the Text breath should be taken. 4 50 phrase into members and sections. 1 ) 2) This last object is more generally attained by the simple perpendicular line drawn right across the stave, thus Epi; which also marks off the melodic and rhythmical members of a mu- sical phrase. This mark is never to be confounded with the bar in modern music, there being no measured time in Gregorian and consequently no time bars. 2 ) 3) This, the double bar, is the sign used to de- note the close or termination of the entire phrase or section. In old Choral Books, especially in Manuscripts, after eacli word there is found the =ci semis a spirt urn, to the end that a singer unacquainted with the Latin tongue might not in singing run the words into one another. It is however superfluous, even in such a supposition to be always pausing. Nevertheless, though this sign is no longer used, the words, even monosyllables, should be audibly sounded distinct from each other. Let the follow- ing rule for the Pauses be observed: '-According to the importance of the word, or the sentiment, or the solem- nity of the occasion, or the dignity of the persons present, or the place where Gregorian is to be sung, the Pauses may be of varied duration; they must always be natural, and should never be mathematically timed."' Pauses are in singing, what the comma, semi-colon, colon and full-stop are in reading. When a comma occurs in the ' mediation or ending , it may be disi egarded ; while on the other hand . when a great many syllables have to be sung to one reciting note, and there is no comma, ') In the Octavo edition of the Grad. Rom. these pauses are more than sufficiently indicated J ) In Introits, and antiphons this sign marks off the portion to be intoned (the first word or two). It is only to be treated as a breathing mark when the Antiphon is repeated. 51 a pause will sometimes have to be made in order to take breath. Attention to this point, the management of the breath, cannot be too much insisted on, because if we do not draw breath where we ought, we shall be obliged to do so where we ought not, and thus produce ludi- crous effects. CHAPTER 5th. THE VOICE. I. The theoretical knowledge absolutely requisite for a singer of Plain-Chant is neither very extensive nor burthensome, as the preceding chapters testify. But the art of singing, or the art of playing upon the most exquisite musical instrument that can be conceived, the human voice, is not so generally un- derstood, or so easily acquired. For it should be known "that with the organ of the voice, we may not only produce a pleasing tone and melody to charm the ear, but more than that, we can coin the musical sounds into articulate speech, that may be appreciated by the under- standing ; and still more than this , we can throw into our performance feeling, that will reach the heart, and make others feel as we feel." *) To fully acquire the art of singing, and the correct management of the voice, a competent master is nec- essary, and constant practice of solfeggios &c. However a few theoretical rules may be here given, which if carefully applied will render material service. l ) Parish Choir. Vol. II. Page 43. Article " Village Lectures on Psalmody." 4* 52 Observation. The human voice may be said to belong to that class of musical instruments called reeds, in which a current of air is employed to throw a tongue, or the edges of a membrane into vibration. Take for example a trumpet. 1 ) The reed, or vibrating portion of the trumpet, is formed by the lips of the player, which are tightly pressed against the mouth-piece of the instru- ment, and formed into a narrow slit; through which slit the air is blown from the mouth, setting its edges in vi- bration in its course. The tube of the trumpet only serves to modify and give character to the sounds generated by the lips; — and the sound which they produce is raised in' pitch by narrowing and shortening the aperture between them, or by increasing the tension of the edges of the slit. Now just such an instrument is the human voice. It con- sists of four parts, which we will arrange in the order in which they exist, placed one over another ; — thus : Mouth (a cavity to modify and vary the character of the sounds as the tube in the trumpet), Reed (whose vibration produces sound), a? © CD 3 CD M* CD B CD CD Bellows or wind chest (to hold air, and force it through the windpipe). To commence with the lowermost part. In the wind- chest, — commonly called the lungs, we have a provis- ion for three things, — viz : first, for holding a good supply l ) Though we select a trumpet as an example of a reed, we are aware that it is not classed amongst reed instruments, but the manner ol blowing it is quite similar to the manner in which a reed is set in vibration. 53 of air, i. e. breath; secondly, for sending it upwards with proper force; and thirdly for the chest itself to act as a sounding-board to the voice, and make it reverberate more loudly. The next part of the apparatus is the wind- pipe, or air- tube, a thing of beautiful mechanism, elastic, so that it can be made longer or shorter, and furnished moreover with a contrivance for increasing or decreasing its diameter. Immediately above the windpipe we meet the reed, called by anatomists the larynx, or organ of the voice. Its framework is composed of five principal cartilages, which are capable of being moved on each other in various directions by muscles, so as to act upon two elastic cords, or little strings of highly elastic tissue, one on either side, passing from the front to the back of the tube, and enveloped by the membrane which lines it. They are called the vocal ligaments, or vocal cords and it is only this portion of the larynx, which forms the reed, generating the voice. The aperture be- tween these little strings, allowing the air to pass from the lungs, is called the glottis. It opens into a small cavity which serves all the purpose of the mouth piece of a trumpet, giving the little strings room to vibrate freely; and this cavity is terminated above by another pair of cords or strings, not quite so elastic, and more apart from each other than the inferior pair. They are called by anatomists the false vocal cords, but have no share whatever in the production of the voice. Now w r hen we are merely breathing quietly, these true vocal cords lie back, and do not interrupt the current of air that is always passing upwards and down- wards between them; but when we begin to speak, and still more when we begin to sing, these vocal cords are brought near together, so as to narrow the air passage or glottis into a slit; they are tightened by the action of the surrounding muscles; and the air breathed upwards from the lungs, being obstructed by this narrow slit, throws the edges of it into vibration , and this vibration we recog- nise as the human voice. The other portions of the throat and mouth, the uvula, the palate, the walls of the mouth, the tongue, the teeth and the lips do good service in modifying and improving 54 * the quality of the tone, and are essential for articulation ; but the voice itself is produced by the simple but beautiful mechanism which we have just attempted to describe. The strength or power of a voice depends not only on the dimensions or muscular activity of the larynx but much more on the easy working of the lungs and breathing organs; whilst the cavities of the mouth and nose also contribute to its resonance. The acuteness or gravity of a voice is regulated by the size of the larynx, which is larger and wider in deep voices. The good quality of the voice, depends on the symmetrical, well-arched con- struction of the organs that serve to produce it; and its flexibility on the general healthiness of the larynx and elasticity of its muscles. 1) To sing with power we must have a copious supply of air — breath — always ready at hand. The chest and the muscles below it should be kept perma- nently expanded, and guarded against all weakening in- fluences. The drawing in of the breath should be quick, the breathing it forth slow and without violence. The throat should not be tightely muffled, the head erect, not thrown back nor yet bent forward. Constant singing in a sitting position injures the voice. 2) A full, clear metallic tone, depends princi- pally on good physical organization, nevertheless, a dull- toned voice may be much improved, by a judicious ma- nagement of the breath. 3) The so-called guttural tone, or singing from the upper part of the throat, arises from the tongue being drawn upwards and backwards ; or from the voice being exercised too soon, and too vehemently on the higher notes of the scale; in either case, the current of air pro- ceeding from the lungs does not pass out freely through the opening of the mouth, but is retained in the roof or cavities thereof. 4) In low notes many persons violently press down the larynx, so that the air passage, or glottis sensibly 55 quivers, and produces what the Germans call Gur gel- ton. Facility in low notes depends exclusively on the greater diameter of the larynx. No one should try to sing them if he cannot, do so with ease, nor needlessly force the available tones of his voice ; otherwise harsh- ness of voice, and serious detriment to its metallic timbre, power and firmness, will be the undesirable results. 5) The closing up of the nostrils gives the voice a peculiar twang, called the Nasal sound; although the fault , is not that we then sing through the nose , but that the nasal exit for the voice is closed up. 6) To open the mouth too widely is another fault. On the other hand the mouth should be well open and freely open ; just so much as to allow the index-finger, or at most the thumb to fit between the two rows of teeth. 7) The use of the head voice (Falsetto) is very fatiguing, and if continued for any length of time injures the voice organs. The chest voice is the most natural, and sufficiently extensive in its compass. Observation. The average compass of the voice is two octaves, 15 notes, but in different parts of the scale in different persons ; neither are those 15 notes on any one voice equal in quality or power. In the average voices of men there is a middle or mean compass, of about 8 notes, which come easily, and can be sung and rolled out round and clear; above these follow closely the high notes, which require a greater effort and more breathing power, and sound sharp and shrill; under the middle voice come the low notes which are deep and proportionately toneless (klanglos), except with deep contralti and bassi profondi. In men's voices we often meet with instances, where when the voice has been raised to a certain height, at which it is felt that the production of tone requires considerable effort, a change suddenly occurs; and they can go on with less effort producing a new and higher series of notes, of new and peculiar character. This is called falsetto or head voice, in contradistinction to the natural chest voice. 56 By these appellations however we are not to under- stand that one kind of tone is produced in the chest and the other in the head. Both kinds are produced by the reed; the difference being that in the fuller notes of the chest voice, the whole substance which bounds the slit vibrates; while it is only the thinnest possible edge that vibrates in the falsetto. These falsetto notes are very un- like the chest notes either in power or quality; if uncul- tivated they sound wailingly and effeminate, and it is only by constant culture they can be brought to resemble in strength or character the other tones of the voice, so that the use of it is not to be encouraged. These different stages of the compass of average voices are called Registers, Chest, Middle, and Falsetto Register respectively ; and great attention should be paid to the producing of those notes where the transition from one register of the voice to another occurs, so as to render this transition as easy as possible and equalize the voice throughout its entire compass. 8) The progression of two notes must be so accom- plished, that one can be clearly distinguished from the other, and 3 et no gap or break appear between them. This is called portando la voce. The immediate pro- gression of several notes presupposes a proportionate and judicious supply of breath. To begin the progression gently , and . then with increasing power continue up to the natural degree of strength, and on the return or descending journey allow the voice gradually to cease sounding , strengthens and consolidates the voice , and endows it with the desirable facility of singing loud or soft, piano or forte on each degree of the natural high or low register. 9) In singing two notes successively (especially if it be a distant interval) according to the method so-called of "Portamento divocef that horribly bad habit of sliding through all or most of the intervening tones should be carefully avoided. Affectation and vulgar mannerisms are easily detected in this method of singing. Good singing demands a certain mobility and elasticity of Tone, but this is very different from the sliding or howling we have just adverted to. 10) When the voice commences to change or crack, (in boys) all attempts at singing must be laid aside for at least two years, and then only by degrees, and cantiously a few exercises in the new voice may be essayed, until the organ of the voice gets strong and attains a sufficient degree of firmness. u The old fasioned notion that from Soprani come Bass voices , and from Alti, Tenors, has already produced a multitude of harsh rough Basses, and disagreeable Tenors." 1 ) Observation. The voices of boys resemble very near- ly those of women, but in males a remarkable change takes place at puberty, when the voice is said to crack. The change from the shrill treble of the boy, to the fuller and rounder tone of the man is sometimes perfected almost suddenly; but in most cases it is for sometime in progress, wavering between the two extremes, deep and manly during quiet enunciation, but when any exertion is used, suddenly starting up again to the shrill tones of boyhood. This change occurs generally about the 16 th or 17* year, some- times earlier; and many are of opinion that boys so affected should abstain from singing for two or more years. Cer- tain it is that the greatest precaution should be adopted, if the voice is to be preserved. 1 1) By continued exercise a very weak voice may be strengthened, and a limited compass or uncertain in- tonation be extended and secured. Easy and judicious vocal exercises if they be practised daily, build up the voice organs, and give them flexibility, persistance and power. u Men ? s throats are like fire-arms; they are good and useful as long as they are kept polished; otherwise they become rusty." 2 ) *) A. B. Marx. Die Musik des 19. Jahrhundprts. 2 ) Mattheson in his Patriot. Hamburgh 1728. Page 84. 58 12) With regard to the care of the voice, it may be observed. 1 st . When singing. Any voice is improved by moderate and well ordered energy, and weakened by irregular singing, and too much forcing. You should never sing so as to be completely fatigued. Those notes which require an effort should be touched very seldom. One should never sing when in a great heat, or after much fatigue, nor immediately after eating, nor in an overheated or too cold apartment. Should the voice organs be unhealthy, or suffering from inflamma- tion, catarrh, or cough &c. ; then the person so affected should not attempt to sing. The same remark applies to boys when their voices commence to change. 2 nd . When not singing. We should be always moderate in eating and drinking ; excess in the last men- tioned particular is very injurious to the voice ; avoid fatty meats, oily substances, all strong spirituous drinks, and pungent spices. Too ' much snuff- taking leaves it toneless and without resonance. The singer should be warmly clothed, yet not overclad, and avoid great ex- tremes of temperature. Draughts of cold air, North and East winds injuriously affect the voice. Playing wind instruments, should be avoided. They tighten the chest, and rob the voice of a great part of its power. CHAPTER 6th. VOCALIZATION. - ARTICULATION. I. Take a tuning fork ; make it vibrate by a gentle tap ; then press the end firmly against a table, against a whole pane of glass, against a cracked pane, against a book, in succession. Notice that the tone derives a difference in character from each of these substances ♦ 59 which it sets vibrating along with it. This experiment will suffice to show that the quality, (or as it is tech- nically called the timbre) of the voice, is modified and varied by every change in the shape, size, quality, and degree of elasticity of those parts which are connected with it, and which vibrate along with it. So that we cannot make any alteration whatever in the mouth or features without producing some corresponding change in the voice. 1 ) But pure tone must be formed in the larynx, and not in the upper parts of the throat, as is too commonly done. To acquire purity and steadiness of tone, vocalization is absolutely necessary, and con- stant exercise in the same ; i. e. sounding up and down the notes of the diatonic scale, to each of the five vowels A. E. I. 0. U. The first and most important exercise in vocalization is to produce the vowel A clear and steady on each degree of the scale. Stand upright, with the head held up in an easy attitude ; — fill the lungs ; — let the jaw drop, and the tongue lie as flat and motion- less as possible. Keep the lips away from the teeth, and the corners of the mouth open. Then vocalize; i. e. sound the vowel A ; — (pronounced ah as in Father, charm, and such words). The mouth should be moderately open, not too much so, which would have the effect of throw- ing the tongue too much forward, and thereby depriving the larynx of that support to its muscles, which is na- turally given by the back of the tongue being held against it, and the tone losing firmness, becomes cracked and tremulous. All the notes of the scale should be sounded to this vowel ; being careful to breathe after each note, and not to change the posture of the body nor move the features, lips, or jaws, in the least. The only parts *) Of course the natural form or shape of the mouth will modify the tone. _ 60 that are to move, are the edges of the vocal aperture, and other parts in the larynx, which gradually become tighter and tighter, as the sound rises in pitch. This exercise should be frequently employed as it ensures the production of pure tone. "By this open vowel,*' writes Herr Xauenburgh "the position of the mouth and tongue is at once regulated, the tone comes out instantaneously, without foreign admixture, and strikes on the right place in the cavity of the mouth." l ) It is the most easily produced, and the parent of all the other vowel sounds ; the other vowel sounds being produced' in fact, by making the mouth more narrow than it is whilst A is being uttered. Then for the 2 nd vowel, bring the lips together into a transverse slit, and let the tip of the tongue touch the base of the under row of teeth, and you produce the sound of E: — pronounced as a in baby , or fate. Go up and down on this vowel, as when sounding A; here again being careful to preserve the positions of the mouth and features once they are fixed. In Exercise X° 3 , you contract the transverse slit of the lips still more, and let the tip of the tongue touch, no longer the base, but the upper edge of the same under row of teeth, and you produce I ; pronounced as ee in Bee. This vowel in the upper notes of the scale easily becomes shrill and piercing {spitz). 2 ) For N° 4 you bring the mouth into a decided oval shape . with the lips braced , resembling the shape of the vowel itself 0; and you sound 0. Practice on the vowel 0. enriches the tone . and throws the voice for-* ward. Lastly, contract the aperture of the lips rather ') "Daily Sing- Studies for all Voices." Breiikopf & Hartel, Leipsic. -) In sounding the lower notes to this vowel, more tone is pro- cured by allowing the tongue to assume a concave form like the hollow of a spoon. 61 more, diminish their tension by raising the lower jaw slightly, push them forward and then open, and you have the 5 th vowel U, sounded as double oo in goose. Observation. We here give the simple vowel sound. ThQ englisk method of sounding this vowel, as in you, is diphthongal, and may be divided, if sounded slowly, into e -u. The simple sound as in soon, is much preferable, in Latin universally adopted, (if we except perhaps France) and one that will tend to eliminate that vulgarity in pro- nunciation, with which our ears are painfully familiarized. In vocalizing therefore, A is the parent sound, most naturally and most easily produced. E and I are found by contracting the aperture of the mouth transversely: and II, by contracting it circularly. In each of these cases however there is one and the same sound produced in the larynx; it only becomes altered in its passage out of the mouth. This can be proved by sounding the five vowels , one after the other , and without taking breath ; which may be best done in the following order : I. E. A. 0. U. In this experiment the throat remains unaltered whilst the month changes its shape. When singing up or down the scale to any one vowel, the mouth remains unaltered, whilst the throat keeps moving, tightening or relaxing according as we ascend or descend the scale. 1 ) Double vowels such as a-i, a-u, e-i, e-u; ae, oe &c, are sometimes sounded separately, and sometimes to- gether. (See, next Chap.) In the latter case they are called Diphthongs and then the last vowel is slurred, and the stress laid on the first. Exercises on singing the Diphthongs should therefore be resorted to, in order to enable the voice to sing them in an easy flowing x ) Padre Martini Vol. 3. Page 432. quoting from Vossius says u esser vasta e sonora la vocale A, grave ed elegante I'E , debole V J , vasta la lettera 0, e con qualche ragione magnifica ; le due vocali I e If si fanno di jper se stesse conoscere, oscure, e di suon bujo." 62 manner. Before quitting the subject of vowel sounds, it becomes most necessary to caution students at the outset against the pernicious habit of aspirating vowels; i. e. putting an h before them. Nothing can be more bar- barous than when singing Amen to a group of notes, to sing it as if it were written A-me-hen. II. The sounds of articulate speech, are, as all must know, divided into vowels, and consonants. Vowels are the open sounds, and produced as we have just seen, when the mouth is open more or less. Consonants are produced by interrupting the vowel sounds, at some part or other of their passage outwards. Vowel sounds there- fore may be sustained as long as you like, as long as your breath holds out; consonants on the contrary, should be pronounced decidedly and clearly, but as quickly as possible. Therefore when singing, never dwell upon a consonant; — sing the vowel, dwell on it, and bite it off, as it were, with the consonant. It is only that tone which proceeds straight outwards from the throat, which is at all musical. Such is the tone of the vowels. Those sounds, on the contrary, which are produced by closing any part of the mouth , (as in the case of consonants, which are mere interruptions to tone,) are unmusical. They are hissings, or explo- sions, or vibrations of the tongue, necessary enough to separate the vowels one from another, but in themselves destitute of musical quality, and most unpleasant to the ear. Therefore again, when singing any syllable to any note, and especially any long note, single out the vowel, and sing on it. Let the consonant be heard, by all means, at the beginning or at the end as the case may be, but do not dwell on it. Too often we hear the word Kyrie sung, as if it were written Ky-ur-ri-e; and Miserere, as if it were Mi-se-re-ir-re. Another bad habit is that of putting a consonant where it does not exist, 63 or where there is no need whatever for it. Thus we sometimes hear namavit, for amavit; mmater for mater; nregi for regi; and more commonly still, nor emus , or gnoremus for oremus. In a language so rich in vowels as the Latin language, and thereby so well adapted for singing, it is only increasing the difficulties of the voice to be adding on consonants where even orthography for- bids them. Again each word of the text must be clearly and distinctly enunciated. No syllables should be glided over, nor should final syllables be tacked on to the next word, as for example, e tin scecula, for et in scecula; Kyrieleison, for Kyrie eleison. Whenever there is a comma, observe it; in other cases pronounce the final consonant clearly, and make the slightest possible, almost an imperceptible break in the tone, before the next vowel. For the third time let it be stated; — Sing the vowel, let the con- sonant just be heard. So that in the word Sanctus, the first syllable of which is usually sung to a long note even in modern music, let that first syllable be Sa- and the second, -nctus; and not San-ctus, or still worse Sang-tus. From the articulation of syllables to the articulation of complete words or phrases of a sentence, the transi- tion is not difficult. All that need be remembered is to manage the breath well, to adapt the power of the voice to the dimensions of the building in which it is to be heard, and to utter the words distinctly. He is a good speaker who declaims well, who has a distinct utterance, speaking slowly and with a clear voice , distinguishing the important from the less important passages of his speech, and knowing when to raise or lower his voice, so as to bring out the sense and meaning of his words and phrases. We have said it already, at least in equivalent terms ; — that Word and Tone are related. The Word puts meaning into the Tone, and the Tone throws 64 warmth and life into the Word. Miisic is the language of the feelings, as ivords are the language of the un- derstand t ng. CHAPTER 7th. PRONUNCIATION (of Latin). - ACCENTUATION. I. The Latin language has the vowels a, e, i, o, u (v), (#); and the Diphthongs ae, oe, au and eu. (A has ¥*. always the one sound Pater, as a in the English word cjf 'father.) E is pronounced as a in gate or say when be- r~ fore a, i, o and u; before consonants in general as e in met. I and Y are prononuced as ee in seen. as o in no, and U under all circumstances, and in all cases, as oo in goose. The vowel y is taken from the Greek alphabet and found in such words as Kyrie, hyssopo, Babylon, bitty- rum, coenomyia and sounded as I. The Diphthongs ae and oe, as in sae-cu-lum, coe-lum, are pronounced as the vowel E itself, i. e. as a in the English word say. The Diph- thong eu is only met with in the words heu, eheu, ecu, seu, neu , neuter and neutiquam, and the Greek words Eu-ge and Euphrates, and then the first vowel is made the more prominent. But in all other words as De-us, me-us, re-us, o-le-um, fer-re-us , the two vowels are sounded apart. Ei is a Diphthong in the word hei, in all other words , the vowels are sounded separately, therefore ele-ison, de-inde, de-itas, di-e-i; ui is a diph- thong in kmc and cut, in which the stress is laid on the first vowel and the second slurred. They should never be pronounced as the English words pike or shy. Those vowels are separate in Spi-ri-ta-i, gt'-nu-i. vo-hi-i dtc. Au is always a Diphthong, and to be pronounced as ou in the English word house. Sometimes when the vowels 65 should be sounded separately, this is indicated by two little dots placed over the last vowel, called puncta diareseos , which distinguish them from other words of identical spelling; thus aer, aeris (to distinguish it from aeris), Israel}) V, v in early Latin is often written for U; as in vnvm for unum; and is then pronounced of course as the vowel U: but when used as a con- sonant in such words as Veritas, vox, silva dc. it is pronounced as our English v in voice. The Consonants are b, c, d, f, g, h, (k), 1, m, n, 2 ) p, q, r, s, t, x, (z); and for them the general rule is: Pronounce them as they are written. The exceptions are l 3t with regard to the letter c. 3 ) C before e, i, y, ae, oe and eu, should be pronounced as ch in cheese or child; before other vowels and all consonants as k. Therefore the words ce-drus, ci-ha-vit, Cy-re-ne, cae-sus, coe-lum, ceu, should be sounded as if written tsche-drus, tschi-ba-vit &c. When however c comes before h itself, it is pronounced as k, e. g. chirotheca will be Jcirotheca. Sc before the same ') In this word Israel, and in all such words not of Latin origin, the puncta diareseos, are deemed superfluous, and are consequently omitted. To this class belong the Hebrew names, Mi-sa-el, Gelbo-e, Ephra-im &c. 2 ) These are three consonants (I, m, n) that singers have most reason to be careful of; for there is a great tendency to prolong them, and if so the vowel is sacrificed, and the tone infallibly becomes nasal. 3 ) We prefer adopting the Italian pronunciation of the Latin for many reasons; 1 st because it is the pronunciation adopted at the fountain head, Rome; 2 nd because it is spreading very rapidly, and in England and the United States is all but universal ; lastly, because it is more musical. The soft c before e and t, is decidedly better adapted for vocalization than the hissing consonant s into which c is converted in countries outside of Italy. The Germans affect a com- promise and pronounce the c as an z, e. g. zedrus, zibavit. However the rules laid down here lor the pronunciation of this letter, whether in its simple form or in composition, need not be adhered to by those accustomed to another pronunciation, except in so far as they may wish to promote uniformity. But we would be anxious to insist on the Italian pronunciation of U in all cases, and without exception, for it is a matter of the greatest importance in singing Latin. 5 66 vowels is sounded as sh in should; thus descendit, read as if deshendit. Sch is to be separated: Pas-cha, s-chola. Xc, before e, i, y, &c. is as gsh in egg-shell: thus excelsis, should be pronounced as if written eggskelsis. Double cc, before the vowels mentioned is pronounced as tc, e. g. Ec-ce, pronounced JEtsche. The 2 nd exception is with regard to the letter j, when used as a consonant in the words Juda, Jerusalem, jam, juxta &c. it is to be pronounced as y in the word you; or indeed we may say it is still to be considered as the same vowel i, only written in that lengthened form j before another vowel and when commencing a syllable. Therefore the words shall be Yuda, Yerusalem, Yesus &c. G is always soft be- fore e and i as ge-nu-i. K is usually sounded as hard c . X and Z are double consonants, and to be treated as cs and ds, Z occurs only in foreign words. When a vowel follows the syllable ti , this syllable is to be pronounced as if zi e. g. o-ti-um, gra-ti-as, ju- sU-ti-a, are equal to, o-zi-um. gra-zi(dsi)-as, yu-sti-zi-a. Except from this rule foreign names such as Aegypti-i, and when another t, s or x comes immediately before this syllable; therefore, ostium, mixtio. Qu } gu and su, are sounded as Jew, gw and sw, when they form one syllable with the following vowel; thus, quan-do, san- guis, ma-vis; but when they form a distinct syllable as in sH-um , they are pronounced according to the rules already given. Sequutus and loquutus, are but different ways of writing secutus and locutus , and are to be sounded accordingly. When two vowels come together, one at the end of a word, and the other commencing the following word, w r e meet with the so-called Hiatus, or break. In Poetry, the rule is. elide the first vowel. In the Christmas Hymn for instance. Jesu I led emptor, whether reading or singing it. we must say, antoriginem, and not ante origin* ni. 67 In the new official edition (Batisbon) of the Vesperal, this is indicated by the sign ^ placed where the hiatus occurs. In the Directorium chori (same edition) page [42], milteT angelorum = millangelorum, or supernce^et = su- pernet. 1 ) In Prose however the rule laid down in the preceding chapter holds good; i. e. the final syllables of words must never be absorbed into the first syllable of the next word. Consequently it will be Kyrie e-le-i-son, and not Kyrieleison. 2 ) Double vowels in the middle or beginning of words are to be uttered separately, thus de-esse, e-le-emosyna. au-di-it, A-aron. The division of words into their constituent syllables is sufficiently indicated ' in the new liturgical books by hyphens placed between each syllable. However a few leading rules may be here given for general use: 1 st . A consonant coming between two vowels , belongs to the latter vowel, as pa-ter> lau-do. 2 nd . Consonants which commence a Latin or Greek word together , remain together when forming the inner syllable of a word ; e. g. pa-tris, e-sca, i-gnis, o-mnis, scri-ptns, pastor, ho-spes ; on the other hand man-da-vit , Sm^tus (although in singing the n must not be allowed to interfere with the a) re-dem-ptio. Double consonants are pronounced saparate-, ly: e.g. pos-ses-si-6-nem. Compound words are divided into their component parts, sus-ee-pit. tam-quam. II. The production of pure tone by vocalization, the correct articulation of vowels and consonants, and their real power or sound, may be called the elements of song; now we come to speak of the manner in which these elements should be put together to constitute good sing- ') In the Hymn U A Solis ortus" we have in the 6 th strophe to sing pastest for pastus est. 2 ) This insufficient pronounciation of the word is unfortunately very common. Also the le-i : is made one syllable and pronounced as the English lie, which is wrong; the e and i should be sounded separately. 5* 68 ing. It has been already pointed out in Chap. 4. that singing is not merely the mechanical utterance of words to a certain time; but an art, and a high art, because dealing with noble and exalted sentiments. We pointed out in that Chapter what a very important role is as- signed to rhythm and accent in Gregorian Chant ; and as a general rule we may lay down , that , in singing, the natural accent of syllables in words , of words in clauses, and of clauses in sentences ought to be preserved. But how are we to know this natural accent. In words of more than two syllables, the new Edition of the Ritual Books marks the accented syllable with a little stroke, thus , re-di-me. So that we need only give rules for monosyllables, and dissyllables. Monosyllables are always accented. In dissyllables the accent falls (unless other- wise marked) on the first syllable; thus: md-ter, ho-mo. Hebrew names such as Sion, Juda dtc. have the accent on the last syllable ; and this is the reason why in the mediation of the Psalms, as we shall afterwards see, the voice is inflected upwards, as with monosyllables. A complete dissertation on long and short syllables y their relations to each other in composition, and the difference between Quantity and Accent , would be out of place here. As a general rule however , it may be" stated, that the syllable, which immediately follows an accented syllable, is shorter than the syllable next com- ing on. Thus in the word ho-mi-nes ; ho is accented, mi is short, nes not quite so short. A vowel followed im- mediately by another vowel, is, as a rule, short: e. g. proprio, omnia. In the Recitation of Psalms, Lessons, Prayers etc. we should carefully distinguish the reading from the musical accent. In reading, all the rules for pronunciation, and accentuation should be faithfully ad- hered to. In singing, the voice must give still greater emphasis to the accented syllable, and the other syllables 69 should follow humbly and quietly in its train. A strong ac- centuation of the syllable mi in hominibus, demands pre- paratory voice power on the preceeding syllable ho; and ni and'Zws fall in respectively as weaker and less weak echoes. The accents of words of many syllables, take precedence of dissyllabic accents, and serve as it were the purpose of distance posts in the recitation. Even in English a continuous succession of monosyllables and dissyllables becomes tiresome. Let the text of the Credo serve as an example, where the weightest accents are laid on the syllables Pa, ten, cto, Fi ge &c. He who reads and accentuates well, and is gifted with a good voice and sufficient technical knowledge, must sing Gregorian effectively. CHAPTER 8th. EXERCISES TO STRIKE THE NOTE. Striking the note, or the strike in singing, means good Intonation; 1 ) that is to say a facility of hitting the exact note of the scale you wish to sing, decidedly, in tune, and without any preparatory sliding up to it. The "good attack" as M. Fetis calls it; or "that vigorous shock of the glottis," as Garcia describes it, should become a habit of the singer. The voice should always have a bold decided opening, as well as a dis- tinct close. Each note should be like a newly cut coin. Nothing can be more injurious to the good effect of singing than an uncertain, timid, groping for the note; l ) Tinctoris in his u Definitoriuiir" writes: "Intonatio est debita cantus inchoatio." 70 or sliding up to a distant interval, and then only reach- ing it with exhausted breath, and out of tune. Intonation must be decided, and true. For this purpose regulate the pitch of the voice, according to the compass of the music to be sung. Choose neither too high nor too low a tone to commence with, but one that lies securely in the middle register of the voice. When a long recitation must be sung to the one note, let the pitch be a me- dium pitch, for if high, the voice becomes disagreeably shrill and strident, if low, inaudible. An ear for music may be acquired or a defective ear considerably improved, by industrious practice of the simpler intervals, and with the assistance of an instru- ment, (Violin or Pianoforte). We are said to sing flat when the voice falls a little from the true tone of the note; false when we differ a complete semitone from the note to be sung; and incorrectly when we strike a different note al- together from the one indicated. The following exercises in the different intervals of the scale, may be practised on the vowel sounds, on the letters of the alphabet, on the syllables of Guido, or on words, and should be repeated again and again, until the student acquires steadiness and purity of Intonation. 1 ) I. defgahcdchagfed re mi fa sol la si at re at si la sol fa mi re Be - a - tus vir qui ti-met Do - mi-num, be - ne - di - ce - tur. l ) Quintillian says: "Phonascis et oratoribus, necessaria est exerci- tatio qua omnia convalescunt." 71 II. Seconds. aha hch cdc ded efe la si la si ut si ut re ut re mi re mi fa mi G16-ri - a, Ky-ri-e, im-pi-us, vo-lun-ias, D6-mi-nus, h c d " c d e f g i gag ahc ^^^^^^ fa sol fa sol la sol la si ut si ut re ut re mi vm-cu-la, be - a-tus, sae-cu-lum, fer-re-us, P6-mi-nus, def efg lga gab ahc re mi fa mi fa sol fa sol la ha-be-mus, si-de-ra, lau-da-te, sol la sa sol si ut 16-que- re, Ga-briel, 51= in. h c d h *=fcdl si ut re An - ge - lus. IV. Thirds. e g e f g a h c d e si ut re mi fa sol la si ut re mi in ae-ter-num. c d e Df - li-gam te Do - mi - ne h g h mi sol mi fa la fa sol mi sol la ut la si sol si Se-cun-dum, ex -eel -sis, la-bi-a, pro-ba-sti, ho-mi-num, d h d c a c re si re ut la ut si re si h d h ut mi ut re si re ut la ut si re si la ut ft - li - us, pu - ri- tas, Ma - ri - a, Sal -va- tor. Sal - ve, g f g d f si sol fa la sol mi san-cta, pa-rens, De-us, re fa mi ut re si po-tens, cle-mens, pi - a, e f e f re mi /a mi re mi ful-gu-ris, 6-mni-a. e d c h g /"a soZ la si ut re mi fa Ex - au - di 1)6 - mi - ne ju - sti- f e d c. — ^— m ZjJl — mi re ut si la sol - ti - am me - am, in - ten VI. Fourths. c f e fa mi re ut. de D6-mi-ne. f b a ut fa mi re sol fa mi la sol fa sa la sol In - ten - de , 16 - qui-tur, vo - la - vit , a-scen- dit , con- cb adc hed cfe dac b m ut sa la re ut si mi re ut fa mi re la ut sa - spe-ctus, o - de-runt, a - nri-cus, gra - ti - as, de - bi-tum, in" g d f VII. fa la no-cens, e f g sol re fa mi ut fa te - ne-brae, Cre - a - tor, mi fa sol fa mi re ut si que vo - lu - it fe - cit in coe-lo la sol la si ut re 0- mni - a quae-cum- g f e d sol fa mi re. et in ter-ra. VIII. Fifths, and mixed Intervals. dfgad efga mm, re fa sol la re mi fa sol la mi Re-dem - pti - 6 -nem, glo - ri - ti - ca-mus, fa ut ut fa tran -si - e-runt, 73 ghadg acea chcdf sol si la re sol la id mi la id si id re fa for - ti - tu - di - nem, o - cu - 16-rum, Do-nec po-nam i - edchacfegc mi re ut si la ut fa mi sol ut. - ni-mf-cos tu-os; non de - re -lin-quas. Observation. The best exercises for ear-improve- ment, recitation, pronunciation, and intervals, are as ex- perience teaches, the Psalm-Tones; then, for beginners, the Anthems of the B. V. M. for the four seasons, as in the Directoriurn Chori, then the Chants of the Mass, (espe- cially the Credo) in the Ordinarium Missce , and Graduate Romanum. Here we subjoin a setting of all the Intervals ac- cording to a quaint old form. 1 ) — =-- W — ■ — s — *— w— w — ^- Ter ter-ni sunt mo-di, qui -bus o-mnis can-ti-le-na From 3x3 (9 without unison) Intervals is every song con-te - xi - tur, scf-li-cet: U - m'-so-nus, Se - mi - to - ni - um, constructed, namely: Unison, minor second {\ Ton), To - nus, Se - mi - di - to-nus, Di - to - nus, Di - a - tes-saron, fulltone, minor Third, major Third, Fourth, ') In Coussemacker, Script. Tom. 111. pag. 425; also in 1 st and 3 d vol. several similar combinations are found. The example here given is also found in Glarean and Gerbert. 74 Di-a-pente, Se-mi- to-ni-um cum di - a-pente, To-nus cum Fifth, minor Sixth major ft-tt — w di - a -pente, ad haec mo-dus di- a -pa -son. Si quern Sixth, then the Octave. Who wishes de - le - ctat can-tus hos mo-dos es-se cog-n6-scat. to enjoy song, must know these Intervals. ') In Coussemacker the following sentence is also put to music in different Intervals. "Cumque tarn paucis clausulis tota armonia for- metur, utilissimum est, eas alte memorise commendare, nec prius ab hujus modi studio quiescere, donee vocum intervallis agnitis harmonia totius facillime queat comprehendere notitiam." In other words "prac- tice a little, zealously and continuously, and you will learn to strike the notes securely." PART II. SCIENCE OF PLAIN-CHANT. (SECTIO THEORETICA.) CHAPTER 9th. THE CHURCH MODES OR TONES. In Chapter 4 th it was shown how all elementary musical sounds , proceed in a certain natural order ; starting from any one sound, taken as first, and going to the eight or octave, which, is but a repercussion of the first in a different pitch. So that there may be as many (Diatonic) scales, as there are different sounds in the scale itself; i. e. seven. Moreover each scale is di- visible into two integral, constituent parts, a fifth and a fourth: — diatessaron and diapente. Now, when the sounds of any one of these seven scales; — thus divis- ible into fifths and fourths;— are so disposed in the course of a melody or musical phrase, that all of them, ascend- ing or descending, bear a fixed relation to one principal or fundamental sound; the melody so constructed is said to be in a Church mode, or tone. 1 ) Ugolinus ') It cannot be too frequently or too clearly stated that there is a wide essential difference between the Church Modes or Gamuts, and the so-called Keys of modern music. In the seven scales of the Dia- tonic genus, the order of the tones and semitones, depends upon the first sound of the series; whereas in modern music, the different keys, major or minor, are but transpositions of the same progression 01 sounds, into a higher or lower pitch. 76 (died A. D. 1626) writes "Tropus, tonus sine modus est quamplurium vocum ex diapente ac diatessaron ordinatis speciebus debite conjunct arum in acumine et gravitate distantium per arsin et thesin congrua neumarum forma constitutarum conveniens disposition *) The modality or tonality of a scale depends upon the character of the pentachord and tetrachord ; — dia- pente or diatessaron; — which it comprises, and this character is determined by the position of the semitone. There are four combinations of fifths (yentacliords), and three of fourths (tetrachords) to be distinguished. From D to a, and from a to e, we find the mi -fa, or semitone between the 2 nd and 3 d degree. From E to bij, it comes between the 1 st and 2 nd degree; from F to c, between the 4 th and 5 th ; and from G to d, and c to g, between the 3 d and 4 th . Similarly in the fourths, the semitone lies from A to D , and D to G , between the 2 nd and 3 d ; from Bi) to E, and E to a, between the 1 st and 2 nd ; and from C to F, and G to c between the 3 d and 4 th degrees. The most ancient musical theorists speak of 8 modes only, which were constructed on the sounds represented by D, E, F, G; and so constructed that each scale had two methods of progression. 1 st . The scales beginning with D, E, F, G and proceeding by a fifth, and then a fourth; called authentic. 2 ) 2 nd . When the fourth ') We already alluded to the various significations of the word tone in Church Music. Here it signifies a scale or gamut or system of sounds. However the correct Latin name was modus, in contradistinction to tonus, denoting certam fixed forms of the mode such as the Psalm- tunes. This was customary up to the 15 th century. The notions were altered, so that, e. g. in Tinctoris the word modus designated the time notation of a chant, and toyius the key or scale on which the chant was constructed. Toni also indicate the "8 fixed forms of the Psalm tunes, Gloria Patri etc. and modi the keys or gamuts of the antiphonal chants. 2 ) ai/#£j'7/;c, principal, original, because they furnish the funda- mental tone of the other modes. They were also called Ambrosian, because these alone were used by St. Ambrose (A.D.397) in his Liturgy. i i instead of being uppermost as in the authentic scales is placed under the fifth; whereby the compass is al- tered, and the fundamental tone becomes the fourth in this new octave series ; though still fundamental. Such scales or modes are called plagal. 1 ) Synopsis of the 8 Modes. I. Modus authenticus. II. Modus plagalis. DEFGa ahcd AHCD DEFGa Fifth. Fourth. Fourth. Fifth. III. Modus authent. IV. Modus plagal. EFGah hcde HCDEEFGah "^Fifth. Fourth. Fourth. Fifth V. Modus authent. VI. Modus plagal. FGahc cdef .CDEFFGahc Fifth. Fourth. Fourth. Fifth. VII. Modus authent. VIII. Modus plagal. Gahcd defg DEFGGahcd Fifth. Fourth. Fourth. Fifth. After the 12 th century the Gregorian system of scales was extended still further , and modes authentic and plagal were constructed on a, &^ # and c, 2 ) divided ') TiXdyioi, obliqui. laterales, or collateral modes; also called dis~ cipuli, or pupils, in contradistinction to the authentic called magistri. ') Glareanus (1488-1563) in his Dodecachordon treats of 12 modes. The scale forsooth in which the diminished fifth or tritone (bt|-f, f-bfc|) occurred, was not usually employed for the construction of chants or melodies , and hence it comes that , what are theoretically the 13 th and 14 th modes, are counted practically as 11 th and 12 th . 78 in the same manner into fifths and fourths. So that in this extension, or increasing of the number of scales or modes, the principle was not altered. IX. Modus authent. X. Modus plagal. alicde efga EFGa ahcde Fifth. Fourth. Fourth. Fifth. XL Modus authent. XII. Modus plagal. hcdef f g a h F G a h hcdef False Fifth. ' Tritone. Tritone. False Fifth. XIII. Modus authent. XIV. Modus plagal. cdefg gah"c Gahc cdef'g Fifth. Fourth. Fourth. Fifth. X ) On closer examination we find that the 9 th mode, over steps the boundaries or compass of Gregorian song, extending to g (commencing a 3 d octave) ; therefore it is but seldom and thus used. After the 12 th century the 10 th mode was frequently employed. The 11 th and 12 th have in their respective fifths, two semitones, and in their fourths, not even one; and were therefore adopted only in a few melodic forms, where these false relations ') The well known decision of Charlemagne "octo toni sufficere videntur;" "eight tones appear to be sufficient:" shows 1 st that even in his time attempts were made to increase the number of the Gregorian gamuts or systems; but secondly, that reference is made to peculiar fixed intonations of the Psalms, "toni psalmorum for at that time it would appear that a distinction was drawn between tonus and modus. Jerome of Moravia at all events in the 13 th century charges Guido. with having used the words tonus and modus carelessly and without dis- crimination. See Coussemaker Tom. I. page 74 Paschali" page 232, and in the Anti- phon "Cum appropinquaret" for the Procession of Palm- Sunday page 172. 83 CHAPTER 11th. SIGNS OF THE TONES. In order to know to which Tone any given Chant belongs, certain signs or marks are necessary. The surest and most general sign is the final. The next charac- teristic mark to determine the Tone will be its range, ambitus. This shows to what scale the melody belongs, whether such scale be fully or only partially employed; and serves also to mark the difference between perfect and imperfect Tones. (See preceding Chapter.) The third mark or sign to indicate the Tone of a Gregorian melody, is the Dominant, 1 ) also called the Tenor. In the annexed Table the Finals and Dominants of the 12 (14) Tones are shown together. Toni. Final. Domin. Toni. Final. Domin. j L D a VIII. G c II. D F IX. a e III. E c X. a c IV. E a (XI. b5 g) V. F c (XII. blj e[d]) VI. F a (XIII.) XI. c g VII. G d (XIV.) XII. c e To distinguish therefore the plagal from the authentic tone ; — as both have the same final ; — we must see if the melody ranges downwards more than one note below the final ; and observe which note may be the Dominant, i. e. on which note is the body of the words sung or recited. In more florid compositions this will be less apparent , but it will be always found that in ') The student must be careful to distinguish between the Dom- inant in Gregorian; and the Dominant in modern music which is al- ways a 5 th above the tonic. In Gregorian it varies. 6* 84 singing in any particular mode, the voice always has a tendency to attach itself to the Dominant. Finals and Dominants one with another give what is called the Repercussion, i.e. the Interval which in each Tone may be inverted. According to the Table given above , the Repercussion in each Tone , is : I. Toni re-la, II. re-fa, III. mi-id, IV. mi-la, V. fa-ut, VI. fa-la, VII. sol-re, VIII. sol-ut, IX. la-mi, X. la-ut, (XL) si-sol, (XII.) si-mi (re), (XIII.) XL tit-sol, (XIV.) XII. tit- mi. Again, in the authentic Tones the melody goes to the Final by degrees; in the plagal tones often- times by skips i. e. more or less distant intervals. Lastly, each Tone , has certain notes, or note-groupings , with which the chant usually begins ; and as a Rule, it may be observed , that in authentic Tones the Chant never begins with an Interval reaching from the final to the fifth, or in p la gals to the fourth. In the construction of the middle cadences, (sections of the musical compo- sition indicated with punctuation marks , ; : &c.) the rule is observed, to make them, in authentic tones, on the final, the fifth, or intermediate notes, and in plagals, never to go beyond the fourth. For the eight Church Tones most in use. we may enumerate the initial notes or Intonations, as follows : Ton. L: C, D, F, G, (E, a). Ton. V.: F, G, a, c. Ton. II.: A, C, D, F. Ton. VI. : Q (1), E), F, (a). Ton. III.: E, F, G, a (c). Ton. VII.: G, b% c, d. Ton. VI. : C, D, E, F, G, a. Ton. VIII.: C, D, F, G, a, c. For all practical purposes, singers of Gregorian Chant have but to glance at the book and the number of the Tone will be found printed in all the new editions. 85 CHAPTER 12th. NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE 1 th , 2 d , 3 th AND 4 th TONES. There is one fundamental law in Gregorian Chant which must be observed in all the Tones, to wit: "The immediate progression of an augmented fourth (Tri- tontis) or a diminished fifth is not allowable in Gre- gorian, and such Intervals when met with must be made perfect, by placing a b before the si;' 1 and so depress- ing it a semitone. This Rule observed in the composition of Chants in each of the Gregorian systems or Gamuts, renders the remarks about to follow deserving of attention. They are mostly gathered from the definitions collected and published by Father Utto Kornmuller 0. S. B. 1 ) The scale or gamut of the 1 st Tone, (doric) is made up of the first 2 ) species of fifth {diapente) and the first species of fourth (diatessaron) (See Synopsis p. 77.); it may proceed from its final to an octave ascending, and a major (or minor) third descending; it seldom ascends to e, it descends to C, but very rarely to B. s ) B flat must be used whenever the Tritone is to be avoided, or when the melody does not go above si: Example: The "Ite Missa est" on Semidoubles (See Directorium chori page 7 8) and the Communio u JEcce virgo" (Grad. Romanum page 11). ') Monatshefte fur Musikgeschichte. 4 th year, 1872, page 70. 3 J "Quod dictum est, ilium habere primam speciem diatessaron, intellige, non quod ibi prima ejus species exordiatur, sed quod forma et similitudo illius primae, quae inferius (A) est, hie sub earum chor- darum dispositione contineatur, tono scilicet et semitonio et tono." Berno von Eeichenau. 12 th century. 3 ) "Ille est regula autentum primae maneriae seu moduli deter- minans, terminatur in D vel a, et constituitur ex prima specie diapente D-a, et prima specie diatessaron a-d. Ejus diapason {ambitus leg i- timus) est D-d; licentialiter ascendit sed raro ad e, et descendit ad C, rarissime vero ad B." St. Bernard. 86 The phrase J)-a-b-a. recurs times without number in Chants of the 1 st tone. Nevertheless in the Hymn, Ave Maris stella, the third note — ^r— * is not to A - ve be sung as b flat, as the melody immediately proceeds to the octave. Examples for the different Tones, are in abundance in the Gradual 'e and Director turn chori: and the diligent student should analyse them and study their peculiarities The Chants of the first Tone are joyous , festive , and majestic. l ) The Second Tone (hgpodoric) or 1st Plagal, is also made up of the 1 st species of fifth, and 1 st species of fourth. ''Est hie tonus regula plagalem primae maneriae determinant; finem facit in D vel a." 2 ) It has for its final D ; its fifth from D to a ; and fourth D to A de- scending, and thus forms its octave A B; CD.EFGa. It sometimes goes down to r gamma, but seldom; (see Offertory "Dextera Domini" page 61. Grad. Bom.) It often ascends to the 9 th .- bflat; but never to the 10th or 11 th , c or d. In case the Chant proceeds upwards to a sixth from the final, then the si takes the accidental bflat before it, and must be sung as za\ — see the sewn Antiphons beginning with , preceding the Office of Christmas Day. The character of the 2 nd Tone is grave and mourn- ful, "severe cum majestate tonat." The 3 d Tone (jphrygian) is constructed from the 2 nd species of Diapente, (semitone, tone, tone, tone) and 2 nd ') These characteristics of the Tones are not fanciful. The different position of the semitone in each of the scales, and the different combina- tions of intervals give each Tone a peculiar character. The character- istics we give here are taken from old writers such as Guido, Adam of Fulda &c. as found in Gerbert, and more fully in Cardinal Bona. 5 ) St. lernard. 87 species of Diatessaron (semitone, tone, tone). It lias E for its final, and its legitimate range is to the octave e acutum. It may descend to D ; and sometimes even to C; e.g. Offertory, "Lauda" (Grad. Bom. page 257.) sed abusive , writes Odo of Clung. TSi or b natural as the fifth from the final , is o frequent occurrence ; "maxiwne autem ideo , quia ad acutissimam ejus, i. e. e diatessaron reddit." But as this fifth has three tones in succession, the interval is met with ascending or de- scending oftener in skips., than with the intermediate notes : "potius saliendo quam gradiendo vadit " The 3 d tone is imperious, threatening and characterised by ve- hement passion. "Tertius indignatur et acerbo insultat" For examples the following may be taken ; the Introits; In nomine Jesu and tui Domine, (Grad. Bom. pages 190 and 47) and the Hymns: Deus tuorum, and Te Joseph celebrent (Vesper ale Bomanum pages [12] and 325). The fourth Tone (hgpophrggian) is similarly con- structed from the 2 nd species of fifth and fourth. Its final is E or bfe and legitimate range BCDEFGa bb. The Chants of this Tone seldom descend to the fourth below B, and the want of this . half-tone is generally supplied by extending the upper part of the scale to c; so that its actual ambitus, or range, is from to c. The si above the final is very often changed into za by pre- fixing the b flat, as in the Hymn " Virginis Proles'" (Dir. chori page [34]), and the Invitatorium "Venite" p. 16*. The fourth tone is known as bland sweet and at- tractive, "quasi aduiatur et cdlicit" ss CHAPTER 13th. NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE 5 th , 6 th , 7 th & 8 th TONES. The Fifth Tone (Lydian) takes the third species of fifth and fourth. Its Final is F or c and its range F-f. The characteristic note of this tone is the si or b£|, which need only be changed into za or b flat when sung with F or fa, in order to avoid the Tritone. This ht natural, gives the fifth tone a spirited majestic and joyful character, hence it is called the tonus d elect abilis, Icetus, jubilans. This tone is not to be confounded with the transposed Ionian mode having a b flat in the signature. The fifth and fourth in the sixth Tone (hypolydian) are the same as those used in its authentic fifth Tone. Its Final is F, descending to the fourth below, and forms the octave scale thus : C D E F G a tj c. It may ascend to d, and by degrees, not by skips descend from F to C. The low pitch of this Tone, and the frequently re- curring b flat (to avoid the Tritone) give it the character of tenderness and quiet devotion "Sextus lachrymatur et plorat" The Seventh Tone (mixolydian) comprises the 4th species of Diapente or fifth, and the 1 st species of Dia- tessaron or fourth. Its final is G; and its range G a 5 c d e f g. The si or 6Jj is natural to it, and espe- cially the progression G a t|. If a Chant in this Tone should not ascend to the octave from the final, compen- sation is frequently made by descending a full tone below the final. Sometimes we meet with endings on G, when b flat has been frequently used in the piece. In such cases the 7 th Tone becomes like the 1 st and it will 89 be then always better to place b flat in the signature and treat it as a transposed tone. The seventh tone breathes majesty boldness and joy: "imitate progreditur et imperiose" See the Introit "Puer natus" (Grad.Rom. page 30). The Antiphon "Exaudi nos" page 73 conveys the impression of strong emotion. The eighth Tone (hypomixolydian) has the same species of fifth and fourth as the 7 tn . It ranges upwards to e, and descends to C. The scale of the eighth Tone is like the first. D E F G a \ c d ; but the melodic phrases and the Finals are different in both. The b flat, is not used in the eighth Tone so frequently as in the 1 st ; and should any piece have it recurring very often and not irregularly , then it were better to treat it as the 2 nd Tone transposed, having a normal b flat in the signature , as e. g. the Hymn "Quern terra, pontus" (Dir. cliori page [48]). The greatest number of Gregorian melodies are written in the eighth tone. 1 ) The old writers consider it full of power and manly ; also the tonus narrativus. The 7 th and 8 th tones are often , especially in long chants, mixed ; e. g. the "Lauda Sion" Observation. As has been already observed, Chants in the 9 th mode, _on account of its overstepping the con- ventional limits, g, of the Gregorian system, are seldom met with; they often appear transposed into the 1st Tone with a normal bflat. We frequently meet in the Graduate the 10 th or hypotiolian tone, made up of the 2 nd species of fourth and first of fifth e. g. "Hodie sc/etis" (Grad. Rom.) p. 23, "Tecum principium" p. 25, "Requiem ceternam" p. 47*. The 13 th or Jonic mode (XI) is composed of the 4* h species ') Probably because most composers of Church Chants wished as far as possible to follow the example of St. Gregory, who commenced his Antiphonarium with the Ad te levavi in the 8 th Tone. 90 of Diapente and third of Diatessaron; and because of its fifth being g , it still more closely resembles our modern scale of C major, than the 6 th Tone. In the harmonic com- positions of the old Masters the Jonic and its plagal the Hypojonic Tones were much employed, especially trans- posed to E with b flat in the signature. In Gregorian books it is seldom met, as nearly all chants in this mode are marked as belonging to the 5 th Tone. In some editions of the Gregorian books (Mettenleiter's Enchiridion page 71) there is found a Salve Regina clearly belonging to the XI. Tone. The Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei of the Missa de B. M. p. 22* and the Missa p. 33*; as well as several chants in the Gradual, especially in the Ordinarium Misses, are in the 11th Tone transposed an octave lower, ranging from C to c. The Antiphons Alma Bedemptoris [Dir. chori p. 60) and the solemn Jte missa est {Graduate Romanum p. 12) are transposed a fifth lower with b flat normal. The Antiphons Are Regina and Regina Ceeli can also be considered as the Hypoaolian mode, transposed a fifth lower and b flat in the signature. CHAPTER 14 th. TRANSPOSITION. Every Tone (modus) of the so-called Sy sterna re- gular e, or durum, (because none of the seven diatonic scales include a bmolle or flat), may be transposed; i. e. raised a fourth higher, or depressed a fifth lower, by establishing one b immediately after the Clef, (as we say in modern music, in the signature:) and this alteration in pitch of the entire scale, is called the Sy sterna transpositum, or molle. The 1 st Tone, for example, transposed a 4 th higher will run thus: Gab c d e f g : the relative position of the tones and semi- tones remaining unaltered. The notes of these transposed 91 scales are called "tuoni finti"\ and the Chant so trans- posed Musica flcta. 1 ) In Gregorian Chant however this kind of transpo- sition does not often occur. But it is sometimes met with especially in Chants of the I, 2 ) II, XIII (XI) and XIV (XII) modes. And whenever a flat is thus estab- lished in the signature, that is an indication that the tone has been transposed. But as all voices have not the same compass, and Gregorian is essentially Unison Chant, some arrangement of pitch becomes necessary, in order to bring the range of the several Tones within the compass af average voices. This perhaps will be better understood, by dis- playing the extended (2 octave) scale of St. Gregory, and then each Tone in its natural place taken out of that scale. The letters in large type mark the finals and dominants of the Tones , and the circumflex lines the position of the semitone's. Scale of St. Gregory. r A B C D E F G a b c d e f g 1 st Tone. n e > G a tf c d A if jD E G a 1 3'i ' „ £ ~F G a b c d e 4 th „ B D K G a b 5 th „ JP G a b" c d e 6 th „ C D E ~> G a c 7 th „ G a \ c d e g 8* „ D E ~F G a b c d •) This is not the only signification of Musica ficta; it is also used in contrapuntal harmony but in a different sense. 2 ) In the third line of the verses of the Hymn Jesu Bedemptor ( Vesp. Bom. page 85) several versions place a flat before e-mi. The reason of this is that it is the first Tone transposed, and the t> there is instead of si, (b+) to avoid the otherwise occurring Tritone. 92 It will be seen from the above schema that only two tones, the 1 st and 8 th , lie easily within the compass of the generality of voices, i. e. from D to d. So that it seldom becomes necessary to transpose or alter the pitch of the 1 st or the 8 th Tone. They may be sung or played as written. But the 2 nd Tone, and the 7 th proceed to the opposite extremes of the extended scale and run too low in one instance, too high in the other. A medium pitch therefore should be selected so as to render all the Tones available for all classes of voices. A general rule is to select La or a the dominant of the 1 st Tone, as a common dominant for all the Tones. For example in the 2 nd Tone the dominant is Fa, give that the same pitch as La in the 1 st and you thus raise the whole scale a major third, its lowest note being then C instead of A ; and similarly with the other Tones. Another rule is to leave the 1 st and 8 th Tones untouched ; to raise the 2 nd Tone a major third, or even a fourth. Lower the 3 d by one Tone, or better still, if the Chant does not go up to e leave it untransposed. In the 4 th Tone- if the Chant does not go down to B, it may be sung in the natural pitch , otherwise it may be raise a Tone. The 5 th is to be transposed a 3 d lower. The 6 th a Tone higher; and the 7 th a major third or fourth lower. However the annexed Table will facilitate all pos- sible transpositions with the aid of an instrument and make them easier and more secure. It gives the num- ber of sharps or jiats to be used in each transposition, the Finals, Dominants of all, and the under fourths of the Plagal Tones. The attention of Organists is specially called to this Table; as a careful study of it, and practical applica- tion, will soon facilitate the otherwise difficult task of transposing Gregorian melodies. 93 Transpositions of the eight Tones. Authentic. Plagal. Final. n„,„ Number of SET (t or bin the inant ' Signature. Final. Dom- inant, it„h^^ Number of fnnwh Sorb in the fourth ' 'signature. ec I* IZ 5 8w 5 S *C o v a E F Fg bfa c *« 1 ft 3b *§ E F(F ft) G(Gft) a G a b (a) b (bb) c c ft C (Cft) D (Djj) E r ft 3 b (4 ft) ib (6 J) i— < ° P§ §*? ■ a- Ft D eg G E(E b) D d b a 2 S 2 b ■J F(Fft) G(Gfc b (b \) c(c ft) C (Cjf) D(D jj) 5 b (2 ft) 3 b (4ft) a s as *3 O Ci 3 ~- 3» A fl bfcf (b flat) a 9 If oft (2 b) E(E b) G(Gb) a (a b) Gf{(G) btf(bflat) cft(c) B (B D) D (D b) E (Eb) oft (2 k) 2 jj (5 b) 4 ff (3 b) ■d £i ft g F(Fjf) E(E b) D(D b) C c (eft) b^(bflat) a (a b) G 2 b (5 ft) 3 ft (4 b) 1 ft (6 b) i b atab) F(F|) E(E b) D d,(d b) b (b t|) a (a b) G E (E b) C (Cft) Bft(Bflat) A 2 j| (5 b) 2 b (5 ft) 3 ft (4 b) 1« pi r-i ^ With the assistance of this Table we can not only restore a transposed tone to its natural position, but raise it or lower by degrees, diatonic or chromatic, ac- cording to the requirements of the voices engaged. For example a Chant in the VII. Tone must be reduced a minor Third. The Final of the 7 tQ Tone is G ; and the Dominant d\ therefore transpose the final a minor third lower, and it becomes E, and the Dominant &t|; and 3ft / c and g occur in the signature. On the other hand a Chant closes in F, it has 5 b (b, e and a flat) in the signature, and a flat the Dominant To what Tone does it belong? I look to my Table and find it belongs to the 2 nd which has D for a final, F for Dominant, and A for the under fourth. 94 Observation. Of course it should be borne in mind that this Table is only meant to be of service where the pitch is taken from a keyed instrument such as an organ, Harmonium or Pianoforte, on which chromatic intervals {black keys) are found as well as Diatonic (white keys). And again Organists and accompanyists of Plain-Chant, not thoroughly acquainted with its principles or the nature of its Modes, should be careful not to confound the signatures rendered necessary by these several transpositions, with the like signatures of modern music. For instance, if a Chant of the 1st Tone be transposed, so as to require 2 ft in the signature ; the accompanyist should never regard it as in the Key of D major, or its relative minor. If he do so, he will alter the whole character of the melody. In the Little Book "Cantica Sacra" of Hauber and Ett, the accompaniment to the 1st Tone for Vespers is arranged with 2 ft in the signature. That does not mean that we are to play in the Key of D major or b« minor; but simply, that the 1 st Tone has been transposed a note higher, hav- ing E for its final, and b\ for its Dominant, instead of D and a respectively ; and the sharps are placed to preserve the original position of the semitones. In the accompani- ments to the "Ordinarium Missce" arranged by Dr. Witt, the Kyrie in Masses of the B. V. M. is written with two sharps in the signature. Therefore you will say, it is in the key of D, or perhaps b\ minor, especially as I find a b in the final chord. It is in neither one key nor the other. I look to the final and I find it to be E, I look for the dominant or prevailing note and I discover it to be b\. I then look to the table and ascertain this arrangement to be the 1st transposition of the 1st Tone. Consequently the semitones fall between the 2nd and 3d degrees and 6'th and 7th. The Gloria of the same mass is written in 3 sharps, it ends on E, has b» for a dominant, therefore it is the 2 nd transposition downwards of the 7 th Tone and neither the Key of A major, nor Fi minor. P'rom this it may be readily concluded that the accompaniment of Plain-Chant is a very different science from that of accompanying music in the modern major and minor modes. Where the Plain-Chant is unaccompanied or no in- strument at hand, then the transposition should be re- 95 gulated by the previous rules. Transposition also takes place by substituting the fa clef , for the £ Do clef or vice versa. CHAPTER 15th. ON THE USE OF THE DIESIS OR it IN GREGORIAN CHANT. The word Diesis has had several significations in the course of time. The Greeks used it to designate the half of the Limma, enharmonic diesis. In a some- what analogous sense the musical Theorists of the 12 th and 13 th centuries, call diesis every Interval, which by mathematical calculation does not make up an exact half- tone. 1 ) John de Muris (1300 — 1370) calls the minor semitone diesis u Semitonium minus vocatur diesis." This signification of it was generally, established in the 16 th century and thence to our time, so that every raising of the Tone by # and a (this last sign was written # even up to the 17 tn century) was named Diesis. 2 ) Except i? before Si to avoid the Tritone, no other accident, and no other indication of the ') "Cum aliquis tonus bipartite propter aliquam consonantiam co- lorandam, prima pars toni, sic aivisi, si per ascensum tit, major est, et vocatur chroma, pars vero, quae restat, diesis dicitur." Marchet- tus de Padua (1300). 2 ) The Italians even still say ut diesis, and the French ut dieze. The English use the word sharp. The Germans when they wish to designate the sharpening or flattering of a note, instead of saying Aflat, Cflat, D sharp or F sharp they add a syllable is or es or as. to the letter expressing the note affected by a musical accident and thus they have for, English: A sharp, B sharp, C sharp, D sharp, E sharp, F sharp, G. sharp. German: Ais, His, Cis, Dis, Eis, Fis, Gis. English: A flat. B flat, C flat, D flat, E flat, F flat, G flat. German: As, B, Ces, Des, Es, Fes, Ges. _ 96 raising or lowering of the Tone, is allowable in Gregorian. Consequently the sign £ does not exist in pure Gre- gorian Chant. The sign : restoring the Si. when pre- viously lowered by the ? prefixed to it. to its natural sound, is usually marked in modem editions, but it is not essential, as. if no Tritone occurs, it should be al- ways understood that Si is to be sung natural. Many authors rely on certain passages in Gerbert Script, and de cant a et nuts, sacra, to uphold the use of the diesis, and chromatic closes in Plain-Chant. Ab- stracting however from the obscurity and ambiguity of these passages, both Gerbert. and Coussemacker Tom. II. p. 293. especially, bring forward witnesses for the con- trary, who to say the least of them, are fully as clear and of as great authority as the defenders of the Diesis. These are Begino con Prim (A. D. 910) in Gerbert, Tom. I. p. 232. Odo of Clang, 1 ) HucbcUd &c. Moreover, the passage from Aurelian. quoted by Gerbert. in which the diesis is denned, says nothing about its use in the dia- tonic music of the Church. Elias Salomonis (A. D. 1274), quoted also by Gerbert writes "In G nan dicitur fa, sed recompensatur re" r) that is to say. you cannot construct ") S. Odo says of it "minis delicate, vitiosa, inaxime lasciviens, quod magis corrigi. quam imitari oportet:' -) Ambros in his History of Music is also of opinion that it was much later, when forsooth Gregorian Chant and tigured Music were mixed up. and the latter got the upper hand, that the $ was used with C and F (VII. and VIII. Tones and even more frequently: any- one that knows the History of Plain Song must admit the same. In the II. vol. p. 155 [Geschichte der Mustk) he writes. "So long as Gre- gorian Chant, the pure choral Song, was rendered in unison, it is well established that none other but the tixed Tones of each Church Mode according to the strict Diatonic system were adopted: as soon however as they commenced to sing in parts, the difficulties of a strict dia- tonic chant began to be felt, and it had to seek the assistance of Me- dium Tones.** And again in page 51. "The harmonic relations of To- nality in the modern sense . have got the mastery over our melodic treatment: the Gregorian was independent of them.*' 97 a Hexachord (See Table of Hexachords in Chap. 1.) on D, because tlien it would run thus ^ f e JJi ^ but you must begin a Tone under G, and say | f h a ') Padre Martini (A. D. 1784) whose work on Music has earned a world-wide reputation, writes. "The Cantus "firmus is, according to the testimony of the earliest "authors, purely Diatonic. Consequently it receives no "colouring from the so-called musical accidents jf and "except when the latter is used from F upwards to avoid "theTritone, and downwards to avoid the diminished fifth." Baini in his Memorie Storico-Critiche of Palestrina Vol. II. pag. 122. complains, that in some of the editions of the Choral books capricious alterations had been intro- duced , leaving nothing but a mere skeleton of the an- cient chant. "Some," he says "dreamt of putting b molle "before e (mi) : and then they should either contradict "themselves, or else place it also before a (la)) and so "the very nature of Gregorian Chant becomes completely "altered; others scattered b molls, and b quaclros (t)), "and even jf (dieses) recklessly about and thus destroyed "almost every vestige of the ancient mode." If recourse is had to the masters of the middle ages, who in the polyphonous treatment of the Gregorian me- lodies frequently use the accidental semitones, it must be borne in mind that they never undertook the con- struction or arrangement of the entire melody; (and ') Herr Schlecht, in a very closely reasoned paper published in the Monatshefte fur Musikgescliichte, 1872. tries to elicit authority for the Diesis from a passage in Guido's Micrologus, where speaking of irregular transpositions, he enumerates amongst the blunderers, those who "quasdam subductiones faciunt, in trito, quae dieses appellantur." But Herr Haberl in the 4** edition of the "Magister Choralis" published 1873, says in a foot note, page 52. that he examined the most ancient exemplars of Guido's Micrologus in the Vatican Library, in Florence and Bologna, compared them with Gerbert's version, and found that this sentence was originaly a marginal gloss inserted at least two cen- turies later, which subsequently found its way into the text. 7 98 therefore do not furnish the true version of the Gregorian Chant, as such) but only extracted melodic phrases from It. on which to establish their polyphonous compositions. These very compositions themselves furnish undeniable proofs that, even in their time, Gregorian was regarded as strictly Diatonic; for they usually give the Gregorian melody or as we would call it, the subject,' — marked cantus firmUSf — to the Tenor, or some dther leading voice, and leave it there untouched. Then the harmonic and contrapuntal effects had to be arranged around that in such a manner, as that the full tone might be ex- pressed in those places where the defenders of the Diesis would now seek to introduce a semitone. 1 ) The reproach of unmusical taste, or unscientific de- velopment of the same, cannot fairly be urged against the supporters of the pure Diatonic system ; for if some passages sound hard or even rugged, the fault may be traced either to their bad rendering of it to a disregard of the Rhythm, or an injudicious organ accompaniment. Louis Schneider 2 ) (A. D. 1864) writing to Herr Ober- hoffer in Luxembourg said "One thing I must impress "upon you; i. e. to banish for ever and aye the Diesis "from Gregorian Chant, and fly the cross (the sign $ "in German is called Kreuz, cross.) as the Devil would. "All that has ever been said or may yet be said in its "justification is vain, a delusion and a snare. Between "music external to the Church, and Liturgical Chant there "is and must be an impassable barrier, as great a dis- "tinction as there is between Heaven and Earth, between 1 ) These remarks can be proved by examples. The Proske Library in Ratisbon will furnish rich materials to any one that wishes to study this point closely. See also. Witt. Musica Sacra. 1868. page 33 &c. 2 ) Schneider was a very clever contrapuntist. His rules for har- monising Gregorian are most valuable. They were published in 1806 (Frankfbrt-Hammacher) and styled "Gregorianische Choralgesange"' &c. 99 "a secular banquet, and the Last Supper. I beseech "of you never to be offended with the simple, "earnest, strictly diatonic, proscribed, poor "garment of Christ, the liturgical Song." SECTIO PRACTICA. CHAPTER THE LITURGICAL BOOKS. The Books of the Liturgy , in which the several sections of Ecclesiastical Chant may be found, are as follows : 1. The Roman Missal, — Missale Romanum, or Mass Book, containing all the Lessons, Gospels, Prayers &c. and the Canon of the Mass ; — in a word, all that is to be read or sung in the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice. The portions of the Liturgy set to musical notation in the Missal, are those that appertain to the Celebrant, or sacred ministers; classed under the generic term Accentus , to distinguish them from the portions to be chanted by the choir, called Concentus. In furtherance of the Decree of the Council of Trent, (24th session,) the sainted Pontiff Pius V., by a Bull dated July 24th 1570, ordered, that in the celebration of Mass, whether read or solemnly chanted, no other Missal should be used, except the one corrected, amended, and restored to its pristine dignity, by his authority. "Mandantes omni- bus et singulis.... ut missam juxta ritnm, modum, ac formam, quae per missale hoc, a nobis nunc traditur , decantent ac leg ant." The Title of this Missal is as follows: "Missale Romanum, ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini resti- tutum, Pit V. Pont. Max. jussu editum. Romae. Apud haere- des Rartholomaei Faletti, Joannem Yariscum et socios." Then 7* 100 on the last page we find the date, MDLXX. The correct- ion of the Missal was entrusted by Pius V. to Giovanni Bernardino Scotti, Cardinal of Trani, and Thomas Goldwell Bishop of St. Asaphs, to whom was added the priest Gio- vanni Guidetti a pupil of Palestrina, who was intimately acquainted with the manuscripts of the Vatican Library and the archives of the Basilica and inserted the old tra- ditional chants of the Preface, Pater iwster, Exultet, Gloria &c. in the square black notation then in general use. Under Sixtus V. a revised edition of this Missal ap- peared : Venetiis apud Juntas 1589, and apud Jo. Ant. Pam~ pagettum (Melch. Sessa) 1589. Under Clement VIII. 1604 a third improved edition; under Urban VIII. 1634 a fourth, and another under Innocent XL 1677. Modern editions are reprints of those of St. Pius, Clem. VIII. and Urban VIII. 2. The Eoman Gradual, — Graduale Romanum, contains the chants of the Concentus, or those portions of the Liturgy of the Mass not to be sung by the Ce- lebrant or sacred ministers, but by the Choir. Hence in it, we have the Introits, Graduate, Alleluias, Tracts, Sequences, Offertories and Communions of the entire Ec- clesiastical year, and those proper to the several Festi- vals. The name Gradual was originally given to the Chant which followed the Epistle, from the fact, as some suppose, 1 ) that whilst it was being sung, the Deacon stood on the steps (ad gradus) of the Ambo or pulpit, preparing to sing the Gospel. The name was subsequently extended to the Book containing all the Chants used in the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice. Pope Gregory XIII. on the termination of the Jubilee year 1575, charged Palestrina 2 ) with the duty of revising and correcting the Graduale, so as to bring it into ac- cordance with the corrected and amended Missal. He •) Vide Otto Kornniuller "Lexikon der kirchhchen Tonkunst" under the word ''Graduale." 7 ) Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. born 1524, died on the Feast of the Purification 2 nd of February 1594, in the arms of his confessor St. Philip Neri; justly styled the "Prince of Music.'* 101 worked at this arduous task for several years, but had only completed the revision of that portion called the "Prop riu m de Tempore" before his death. Whilst Palestrina, assisted by his pupil Guidetti, were thus engaged, there appeared in 1580, published at Venice by Peter Liechten- stein a Patrician of Cologne two folio volumes , one being the Antiphonary, and the other, the Graduale; both corrected and noted in conformity with the new Roman Missal and Breviary of St. Pius V. The editor is unknown, and the authority by which it was issued is equally un- known, but the prolonged neumas, and superabundant notes, which Palestrina was commanded to reduce, were preserved in this edition. It was not until the year 1615, under Pope Paul V. that a regular official edition of the Gradual was issued from the Medicaean printing offices in Rome. Baini supposes Raggiero Giovanelli, — who succeeded Palestrina as Chapel Master to the Vatican Basilica, — to have su- perintended its publication, and pronounces it to be the best. By order of Pius IX., this same edition, enriched with chants for the new festivals, has been reproduced in splendid form by HerrPustet of Ratisbon, and strongly recommended by His Holiness and the Sacred Congregation of Rites, it is being gradually introduced into every country. The other editions of the Gradual deserving special mention, are Ant- werp, 1599. Ingolstadt, 1618. Venice 1652. Mechlin 1848, and the Reims and Cambray edition published by Lecoffre of Paris. 3. The Pontlflcale Romanum, a book containing the several functions proper to a Bishop. The edition under Clement VIII. 1596 serves as a standard for all subsequent issues; such as Antwerp. 1627 and 1663. Rome 1646. 1658. 1752. Venice 1770. 1772. 1786; and the recent edition of the Propaganda print- ing office. The Ceremoniale Episcoporum serves a like pur- pose and contains most of the decrees of the Sacred Con- gregation, appertaining to Episcopal functions. Recently a Commentarhtm by Aloisio Proto , has been published by Pustet, containing several recent decrees of the Sacrecl Congregation. 102 4. The Rituale Romanum, — or Roman Ritual, for the administration of the Sacraments , the burial service &c. It was first edited under Paul V. 1614, and enlarged by Benedict XIV. The most recent edition of the Roman Ritual has been published, with the approbation of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, by Herr Pustet of Ratisbon 1872. Several portions of the Ritual are extracted there- from, and published separately for greater convenience; such as the Processionale Romanum; of which anew edition has just appeared (Ratisbon). Before the reform of the Liturgical Books, the Sacerdotale, or Liber Sacerdotalis, {Yenetiis per Melch Sessas et Petrurn de Ravanis socios 1523, and Yenetiis, Petri Liechtenstein Agri/j- pinensis 1567) was found useful but has now become ob- solete. The extract, however, that will be found most ge- nerally in demand, is the Exequiale Romanum, or Ordo Ex e qui arum, containing the Mass and Office of the Dead, and the ceremony of Interment, published in 1872 by Herr Pustet, with' the approval of the Sacred Congregation. 5. The Antiphonarium Romanum, — or Roman Antiphonary, contains all the chants for the several portions of the Divine Office ; — the Antiphons at Matins, Lauds , Vespers ; the Invitatories , Responses , Psalm- tones, &c. just as the Graduale contains the Chants for the Mass. The old editions are: Antwerp. 1573, 1611; lngolstadt 1630; Yenetiis 1503, 1554, 1580, 1645, 1652, 1695, 1701. The new official edition about to be published in Folio by Herr Pustet, will be a reprint with the addition of the new offices, of the Liechtenstein edition. Baini, speaking of the reform of the Liturgical Books entrusted to Palestrina, says of the Antiphonaries then in use, that they did not suffer much from the transcriptions of the amanuenses. The antiphons, he says, were almost all intact, as also the hymns; and the Psalm tones alike in all the manuscripts; so that the correction of it was more a re-setting of the words of the amended Breviary, than a profound effort of 103 musical scholarship, and for that reason the Liechtenstein edition, which appeared with the amended text, while Pa- lestrina was engaged on the Gradual, served all the pur- poses of Gregory XIII s reform, and is regarded as a stan- dard edition. In the new Ratisbon edition, the 2nd vol. con- taining that portion of the Office in most general use; — i.e. Vespers, will appear first. (Already an octavo edition has been published; — Vesperale Romanum.) The 1st ml. containing Matins, Lauds, &c. will follow. This latter por- tion of the Office is rarely heard now, except in cloisters, and on the Vigil of Christmas, and during Holy Week. For this reason separate editions of the Officium Nativita- tisD.N. J. C. in 8vo y andOfficium majoris Hebdomadae, have been issued by the indefatigable publishing firm in Ratisbon. 6. In the Psalterium Romanum chorale, — we have the Psalms of the Officium de tempore, for the week; as also the Hymns for the entire year, and the Officium Defunctorum. 1 ) In many instances the Hymns were published separately on large folio sheets. 2 ) 7. The Direct orium Chori, the standard text book for all the Intonations , for Priests , sacred Ministers, Chanters &c. Giovanni Guidetti brought it out in 1582, under the following title. "Direct or ium chori ad usnm sacro-sanctae basilicae Vaticanae, et aliarum cathedralium et collegiatarum ecclesiarum collection opera Joh. Giudetti Bononiensis, ejus- dem Vaticanae basilicae clerici beneficiati, et SS. I). N. Gre- gorii XIII, capellani, per mis su Superiorum, Romae ap. Rob. Granjou. Parisien. 1582!' It was the first result of the united labours of Palestrina and Guidetti. The reception which this l 8t edition met with, by reason of its clear method, correct notation, and general usefulness, soon necessitated 1 ) The noteworthy editions are; Antwerp, 1609, 1611, 1664; Rome, 1678; Salzburgh 1683; Venice 1606, 1656, 1751 &c. 2 ) Such editions are found in Venice, 1644, 1675, 1724; Antwerp, 1644; Salzburgh 1684. The harmonised {counterpoint) work of Palestrina "Hymni totius anni" &c. Romae 1589, and that of Vittoria 1581, were of the greatest service in correcting the music of the Hymns themselves. 104: two other editions, one in 1589, and another in 1600. In this Hand book or Manual, with which every Eccle- siastical Student should be provided, we have all the in- tonations of Psalms for the entire year, for the several Venite exultemus, Ver sides, Epistles, Gospels, Te Deum, Prayers, Litanies, Gloria, Ite miss a est &c. The new edition issued by Pustet contains moreover the text of all the psalms in full, the melodies of the Hymns for the year, and the chants for the new Feasts. This Book we consider to be almost indispensable, and certainly most useful. Both the Director turn chori, and the Officii/ in major is Ilebdomadae, just issued by Pustet, are faithful reprints of Guidetti ; the only alteration being the disuse of the notae coronalae, and the adoption of the simpler forms, — the lorn/ a, brer is and semibrevis. See foot note. CHAPTER Htii. THE ECCLESIASTICAL YEAR AND CALENDAR. I. The Ecclesiastical year, is divided into three principal seasons, and all days and hours of these sea- sons, are a proximate or remote, anterior or posterior celebration of the three great central festivals; Christ- mas, Easter and Pentecost. The most proximate anterior celebration is the Vigil, which is only found with the older festivals, and not with those of compa- ratively recent date: (such as Corpus Christi, and the Feast of St. Joseph &c.) The most proximate posterior l ) D. Gio Francesco Massani re-published the Virectorium with slight additions, Rome 160i, Nicolo Stamegna in lfiGo, with several additions; and after various other editions D. Francesco Pelichiari. ot Monte Cassino, and master of Gregorian Chant to the German College in Borne, published in 1737 the most recent up to the present time, in which lie abolished the square notes with the semicircle and dot over them, and retained only the longa , breve and semibreve. 105 celebration is the octave, which closes on the eighth day after the Festival. The remote anterior and posterior celebrations of the three central Feasts, are the Sundays with their intervening Ferias, or Week-days. What the octave is to the Festival, the Feria is to the preceding Sunday. If the latter be ranked high so also are the subsequent Feriae; and hence we have feriae majores and minores. To the first-mentioned belong, the feriae (or iveek-days) of Advent and Lent ; the Wednesdays, Fridays and Satur- days of Quarter tense, and the Rogation days. Between the three great central festivals, other Feasts of bur Blessed Lord, of the Blessed Virgin and of the Saints and Angels are inserted during the course of the year. The Ecclesiastical year begins with the 1 st Sunday of Advent. In the week following the 3 d Sunday we have the 1 st Quarter tense; and after the 4 th Sunday the Vigil of Christmas, then the Feast of Christmas, and a succession of Feasts with Octaves. The octave day of Christmas is the 1 st of January; — feast of the Circum- cision of our Lord. On the 6 th of January we celebrate the Epiphania Domini, or his manifestation to the Gen- tiles ; and then follows the closing of the first great fest- ival with the Sundays after Epiphany (Dom. post Epiph.) ; the number of which is regulated b; the time of Easter ; it is sometimes more, sometimes less, but never can ex- ceed six. The remote preparation for the Festival of Easter commences with Septuagesima Sunday. (70 th dag before Easter) it includes Sexagesima, Quinquagesima and con- tinues up to Ash- Wednesday, (Feria IV. Cinerum) when the Church enters on the 40 days Fast (Quadragesima). Between the 1 st and 2 nd Sunday of Lent, we meet the 2 nd Quarter-tense. After four Sundays, Passion-tide follows commencing with Passion-Sunday (Dominica Passionis)\ 106 the week following being called Passion-week, and then Palm-Sunday {Dominica Palmarum) , commencing Holy Week {Hebdomadas major); during which, Holy Thurs- day {Feria V. in Coena Domini), Good Friday {Feria VI. in Parasceve), and Holy Saturday {Sabbatum Sanctum) are specially solemnized. Easter (Pascha) has its octave, which closes on Low Sunday {Dominica in albis), and then 4 Sundays follow. After the 4 th Sunday (or 5 th after Easter), we meet the Rogation days, and Ascension Thursday, and on the 50 th day after Easter; — Whit- Sunday or Pentecost {Dominica Pentecostes) i; for which the days from Ascension day to the Vigil , including Sunday within the Octave (Domiu. infra Octavam Avcen- sionis\ serve as an immediate preparation. The Octave of Pentecost includes the 3 d Quarter tense, and closes on Trinity Sunday {Festum SS. Trinitatis). On the Thursday immediately following Trinity Sunday, the Church celebrates the Feast of Corpus Christi {Festum SS. Corp. Christi), or Feast of the Most Holy Sacrament. which has an Octave, and then follow the Sundays after Pentecost, in regular succession to the number of 23; {the 4 th Quarter tense occurring in Sej)tember). Should there be more than 24 Sundays, between Pentecost and Advent, then after the 23 d Sunday, are inserted such Sundays after Epiphany, as could not be celebrated in their proper season, by reason of the proximity, of Easter; commencing with the 3 d Sunday after Epiphany, if there be 28; with the 4 th if only 27; and soforth. " The last Sunday after Pentecost (marked XXIV and ultima) terminates the Ecclesiastical year. The Festivals or Feasts occurring between these three central Feasts, have not all the same rank or dig- nity , and consequently are not celebrated with equal solemnity. The Liturgy classifies them as simples {simplicia), semidoubles (semiduplicia). and doubles; 107 the last mentioned are again divided into doubles of the 1 st class (dupl. I. classis) and doubles of the 2 nd class {dupl. II. classis), greater doubles and lesser doubles (d/uplicia major a et minora). The lesser doubles are marked in the calendar with the abbreviated word dupl. (duplex) ; the others are specially indicated. Every country or Diocese has moreover certain na- tional or local Feasts, which are indicated in the Calendar specially, and quoted as from the Office proper to such country or Diocese ; e.g. ex proprio Hibernice, ex proprio Anglim &C; (from the proper of Ireland, or from the proper of England, &c.) II. The Ecclesiastical Calendar, or " Ordo re- cti a ndi officium divinum Missamque celebrandi;" is a book necessary for every priest, that he may know the Office and Mass to be said every day in the year. We would also add, that wherever the music in the Church is conducted according to the requirements of the Liturgy; (and there is no place where such ought not to be the case) every Organist or Choir Master , should likewise be provided with it, and familiarized with its use. On the Continent of Europe, each Diocese has its own spe- cial Calendar or Ordo; but in Ireland, England and Scotland, and the United States of America, a general Ordo for the whole country is compiled each year ; those feasts which are specially celebrated in particular dio- ceses or localities, being indicated in smaller type. More- over, as Organists and Choir Masters are not generally conversant with the Latin language and Latin termino- logy; editions in English of the Ordo are published in Dublin, 1 ) London 2 ) and New York, thus removing all ex- 1 ) Irish Catholic Directory, Almanac and Registry; with the com- plete Ordo in English. A. D. 1876. Dublin, John Mullany 1 Parliament Street. 2 ) The Catholic Directory Ecclesiastical Register and Almanac. 1876. London, Burns & Oates. 10S cuse from those, who should study to have the Music of the Church, conformable to the Church's spirit and Liturgy. t The Ecclesiastical Calendar begins with the civil year on the 1 st of January (the date of the Sunday of Ad- vent, the proper commencement of the Ecclesiastical year, being variable). The order of Feasts is regulated by the time of Easter; for, according as Easter occurs, Septua- geshna Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Ascension Thursday, Pentecost, Corpus Christi, and the 1 st Sunday of Advent, are determined. These Feasts consequently are styled movable Feasts (Festa mobilia). The several Direc- tories or Ordos published, whether in Latin or English, use abbreviations to indicate the rank of the Feast, the Office, to be said whether proper or common, the colour of the vestments &c. : a key to which abbreviations is generally found at the beginning or end of the book. By way of example, let us take Mullaay's Directory for 1876 and at the top of Page 49, we rind. April 2."). Tuesday. — St. Mark the Evang.: (Evangelist) doub., 2 nd cl. (double of the 2 nd class) 11. nn. prop, (lessons in the nocturns proper). In Mass Protejisti me Deus (prop.): — (i.e. the Mass is to be found in the Missal or Gradual amongst the Proper of Saints), creed, pref. (preface) of apostles. In 2 nd vesp. (vesj)ers) com. of. foil, (commemo- ration of the following feast: — i. e. SS. Cletus and Mar- cellinus). Then towards the right hand margin of the page, we meet the letter R which stands for rttbrum (red) indicating the colour of the vestments to be worn. An Alphabetical list at the end of this book will furnish an explanation of most of the contractions used in the Latin or Knuiish Directories. 109 CHAPTER 18th. ARRANGEMENT OF THE MISSAL (GRADUAL) AND BREVIARY. I: The Missale Romanum is divided into six prin- cipal sections ; so also the Graduate Romanum, namely : 1) Proprium de Tempore contains the Masses for all Feasts, Sundays and Ferias of the regular Ecclesiastical year (tempus) from the 1 st Sunday of Advent to the last after Pentecost. Between Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday, the 2) Ordo Missce with the Canon of the Mass is inserted. 1 ) 3) The Proprium Missarum de Sanctis, or special formulas for the Feasts of the B. V. M. the Saints, Angels &c. ; from the 29 th of September (Vigil of St. Andrew the Apostle), to the 26 th of November, Feast of St. Peter of Alexandria. As most Feasts of Saints, even to the smallest Prayers and versicles, have fixed formulas in common; so the 4 th section contains the Commune San- ctorum, or Common of Saints, which is thus subdivided. a) In Vigilia unius Apostoli (on the Vigil of an Apostle). b) Commune unius Martyris Pontificis (common of a Mar- tyr who was also Bishop) ; with two different formulas ; c) Commune unius Martyris non Pontificis (common of a Martyr not a Bishop , with two forms) ; d) Commune Martyrum tempore Paschali. De uno Martyre (Feast of one Martyr in Pascjial time, i. e. from Low Sunday to Pentecost) ; e) Be pluribus Martyribus temp. Pasch. (of many martyrs in Paschal time) ; f) Commune plurium Martyrum extra temp. Paschale (of many martyrs outside of Paschal time); g) Commune Confessoris et Pontificis (common of a Confessor and Bishop, with two different ') Ordo Missae indicates that portion of the Liturgy of the Mass which is unchangeable. In the Graduate the regular Chants for the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei (Credo) are found at the end of the volume under the title "Ordinarium Missae." 110 , Masses) ; h) Commune Boctorum (Common of Doctors) ; i) Commune, Conf. non Pontificis (Common of a Confessor not a Bishop, with two Masses) ; k) Missa pro Abbatibus (a Mass for Abbots) ; 1) Commune Virginum. Pro Virgins et Martyre (for a Virgin and Martyr, three Masses); m) Pro Virgine iantum (for a Virgin only, two formulas) ; n) Commune non Virginum. Pro una Mart, non Virg. (for a Martyr not a Virgin) ; o) Pro nee Virg. nee Mart. (for neither Virgin nor Martyr, e. g. holy widows) ; p) In Anniversario Bedicationis Ecclesice (the anniversary of the Dedication of a Church). Then follows the 5 th section, the Votive Masses 1 ) (Missce votivce)\ first for each day of the week: — for Monday in honour of the Holy Trinity, or for the Dead; 2 ) for Tuesday in honour of the Holy Angels ; for Wednes- day in honour of the Holy Apostles SS. Peter and Paul: for Thursday, in honour of the Blessed Sacrament; for Friday, in honour of the Holy Cross or Passion of our Saviour ; and for Saturday in honour of the Blessed Virgin ; this last with 5 different formulas according to the dif- ferent seasons of the Ecclesiastical year. 3 ) After these come 13 Votive Masses for particular objects, e.g. the election of a Pope, for the Sick, for Peace, for a Bride and Bridegroom &c. The 6 th section finally, embraces the Festivals for particular places (Festa pro aliquibus locis), which are not celebrated by the universal Church, going from the 7 th of December, to the 29 th of November. As an Appendix or Supplement to the Missal or Gra- dual, we meet in the end, the proper for each Diocese ') " Votive masses, are so called, because celebrated for some spe- cial purpose of impetration, thanksgiving or praise.'" Amberger Pasto- raltheologie, II. Bd. p. 241. 2 ) The Missa pro Defunctis is found in the Missal last of all the Votive masses, and in the Gradual at the end of the Ordinar. Missae. 3 ) From Advent to Christmas, from Christmas to the Purification, from the Purification (Feb. 2 ad ) to Easter, from Easter to Pentecost, from Pentecost to Advent. Ill or country , e.g. Proprium Hibernim , containing the Masses for the Irish Saints, whose Feasts may not be solemnized by the Church at large, but who are spec- ially honoured in Ireland. II. The Breviary, and also the Birectorium Chori and the extract for Vespers ( Vesper ale Bomanum) have exactly the same arrangement as the Missal. Before the Proprium cle Tempore (and instead of the Or do and Canon in the Missal), we find the Psalterium Bomanum dispositiim per Hebdomadam or Psalms, portioned out to each day of the week ; and instead of the 5 th section of the Missal (the votive masses), we have in the Bre- viary, the Office of the B. V. M., the Office for the Bead, the Litany of the Saints &c. Each day has its own Matins, Lauds, and canonical hours: Prime, Terce, Sext and None, Vespers and Complin. These several portions of the Divine Office will be more fully explained in subsequent chapters. At the end of the Birectorium Chori, the fixed Chants and Intonations for the Psalms, Versicles &c. are collected together under the rubric u Commune Birectorii." THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS. CHAPTER 19th. INTRO IT. - KYRIE. - GLORJA. The highest and most solemn act of the Catholic Liturgy, ("Isi'tog" and "I'^yov" "public work") is, un- questionably, the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is the very centre point of her worship, and every 112 thing else is subordinate^ grouped around it. Hence every movement in its celebration , whether private or solemn , is carefully provided for by a code of rules, called rubrics, which have all the force of law, and bind under sin. Music or singing, is in no sense essential to the Holy Sacrifice as such; and for chant or music, during the celebration of private or Low Mass, the Liturgy makes no provision. 1 ) But for the solemn 2 ) celebration of Mass , singing is indispensable . and the rubrics do not allow such solemn celebration, where the Chant is not adequately provided for. Again, the Chant which should accompany the solemn celebration of the Holy Sacrifice, is essentially an alternated or antiphonal chant, in imitation, as Witt says (Fliegende Blatter an. II. N° 3 and 4) of the Seraphim crying one to another, and saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy, the Lord God of Hosts, all the earth is full of his glory." (Isais cap. vi.) The Cele- brant intones the Gloria or Credo, and the Choir an- swers him and sings the remainder of the Text. So that the Celebrant who sings the Gloria , Preface , &c. the Deacon who sings the Gospel, the Subdeacon who sings the Epistle and the Choir singing its part, are all quid unum et idem, one and the same, liturgically con- sidered ; and all should combine to carry out the repeated injunction of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, that Mass should be said or sung, prout jacet in Missali; — as it is found in the Missal ; nor is it lawful for the Cele- ') The custom prevailing in most parts of Ireland and elsewhere, of having Music or singing, whether congregational, or by a trained Choir, during Low Mass on Sundays and Festivals, is not contemplated by the Liturgy. Nevertheless it is not a custom to be condemned, pro- vided the music be of a character calculated to edify the faithful and help devotion, and not, as too often is the case, "a cheap concert at one end of the Church, while Mass is being celebrated at the other." 2 ) Solemn Mass is of two kinds, viz: the Missa Cantata, without Deacon or Subdeacon. where the Celebrant alone sings the Accenius; and solemn High Mass, with the sacred ministers. 113 brant, Deacon, Subdeacon or Choir, to omit or abbrev- iate any portion of the Sacred Rite. 1 ) In tjie Missal, the commencement of Mass is, — I. The Int roit, {Introitus, entrance), — and not the Kyrie. 2 ) The Introit is an antiphonal 3 ) Chant, compris- ing an Antiphon, one verse of a Psalm, and the Doxo- logy or Gloria Patrif) after which the Antiphon is re- peated. 5 ) At Easter, and during Paschal Time, the antiphon of the Introit is terminated by a double Alle- luia; which will be found, with a suitable modulation for each mode, at pages 70* and 71* of the Gradual (8 W edition), and pages 113* and seqq., Vol.11, of the Folio edition. Observation I. The Introit was introduced into the Liturgy by Pope Celestine I. (A. D.432) who ordered that the Psalms of David should be sung antiphonally before Mass. St. Gregory the Great ordered one Psalm to be sung whilst the Sacred ministers were proceeding from the Sacristy, and entering the Pr'esbyterium; (hence Introi- tus) and that one verse of such Psalm should be selected ') In a "communicated" article of the Catholic Church Music pe- riodical "Cecilia" {Fischer. Bros. New York) 3<* year N°. 3; the follow- ing remarks occur. "An ordinary organist assisted by a few singers of moderate abilities and immoderate pretensions, can have things pretty much their own way. The priest, the congregation and the Mass itself, are all subordinate to them. The Introit, Gradual, Offertory and other essential parts of the Mass are entirely ignored, while the Kyrie, Gloria &c. are brought out in a carnival of harmony ... Is not this in direct opposition to the spirit of the Church." 2 ) The Sacred Congregation of Rites declared the omission of the Introit by the choir, to be an abuse that should be removed. "Abusus quod in Missis cum cantu praetermittatur cantus Introitus &c. . . . tolla- tur." S. R. C. 11. Sept. 1847. 3 ) i. e. To be chanted alternately by two choirs, or two divisions of a choir. 4 ) During Passion Time, i. e. from Passion Sunday to Holy Thurs- day inclusive, and in Masses of the Dead, the Gloria Patri is omitted. 5 ) We are not supposing the presence of an organ. The rule in this latter case will be given further on. 8 114 to serve as an Antiphon and be sung before and after the Psalm, as at Vespers; such Psalm and Antiphon being se- lected, as would seem most appropriate to the Feast cele- brated. Since the 8 th century, if not earlier, tht custom prevails to sing 1st the Antiphon, 2 nd one verse, instead of the entire Psalm, 3 d the Gloria Patri and then repeat the Antiphon. As e. g. in the Introit for Is* Sunday of Advent, we have for Antiphon "Ad te levari" \ consisting of the two first verses of the 24 th Psalm : then the Psalm-verse, being the 4 th of the same Psalm, and finally the Gloria Patri, with the Antiphon repeated. In the commencement the Anti- phons were selected from the Psalms, later on some were taken from other appropriate portions of Scripture, and some again such as "Salve sancta parens" (Sedulius), and "Gau- dearnus omnes in Domino" belong not to Scripture. In the Missal (and Gradual) there is a special Introit for every day and every Feast in the year, except for Holy Satur- day and the High Mass of the Vigil of Pentecost. On these days as the Litany of the Saints is chanted whilst pro- ceeding from the Baptismal Font to the Altar, the Con- cluding Kyries of the Litany serve as the Kyries of the Mass, and no Introit, in the usual sense, is provided. On Ferias {week-days) and simple Feasts (simplicia) one Chorister 1 ) intones the Introit and sings alone up to the 1 st upright line or bar drawn across the stave on semidoubles and Sundays (when the Mass is of the Sunday, and not the Feast of a Saint &c.) two chor- isters chant the Intonation; on Feasts of greater rank and solemnity, three or four intone the first word: and then the entire Choir falls in, and sings the Anti- phon right through till they meet the double bar, =; and the Psalm verse indicated by the red letters Ps. preceding. The first half of this verse down to the colon; and of the Gloria Patri, is sung by one or more choristers as above directed; the full choir responding ') Vide the Directions for using the Gradual printed in the com- mencement of the new Ratisbon edition. 115 with the remaining half. The time for commencing to sing the Introit is when the Celebrant has reached the Altar steps and commences Mass; 1 ) and the music of the Introit should be Gregorian, even when the other portions of the Mass are sung to harmonised music. 2 ) II. The Introit is followed immediately by the Kyrie (ter — i.e. three times repeated), Christe iter) and Kyrie Iter). In the Missa de B. M. V. the triple Kyrie and Christe have the melodies varied. Observation II. The Introduction of the Kyrie elei- son from the Greek into the Latin Liturgy is attributed by some to Pope Sylvester, by others to Pope Damasus. The number of repetitions was different at different periods, it was finally settled in the Roman Liturgy that the re- petitions should be nine in number. Kyrie thrice, in ho- nour of God the Father; Christe thrice in honour of God the Son; and Kyrie again thrice in honour of the Holy Spirit. The melody of the first Kyrie is generally identi- cal with that of the Ite Missa Est, or Benedicamus prescri- bed for same day or Feast. After the 12* h century the custom grew of interpolating other words between the Kyries; as in a Missal printed in Paris A. D. 1519 we have "Kyrie eleison Pater infantium; Kyrie eleison Refector lactentium and also in a Missal published in 1631, but it is accompanied by the following rubric tC nullo modo sunt de ordinario sen usu Romano." These interpolations were called Tropes, but since the corrected Missal of Pius V. they have never been tolerated. Observation IK. In the Graduate Romanum under the rubric Ordinarium Missae, we find the regularly re- l ) Cum vero Episcopus pervenerit ante infimum gradum altaris . cessat sonitus organorum, et chorus incipit Introitum. Cerem. Episc. Lib. II. cap. VIII. *) Sometimes harmonised arrangements are met with for the words of some Introits, but such are very few; and it is more in keeping with the spirit of the Church that this portion at least of the Liturgy should be sung in Plain-Chant. It is no excuse on the part of the Choir to say the}' do'nt know Plain-Chant; no Church choir, properly so called, should be ignorant of it. 8* 116 curring chants for the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Bene- dict us and Agnus Dei, arranged according to the rank or character of the Ecclesiastical Seasons and Feasts; follow- ing the same order that the lie Missa Est, and Henedica- mus Domino preserve in the Missal: in all, 13 Masses or Mass Chants, and the Mass for the Dead. As Easter is the greatest festival, the first in order is the Mass to be used on week days from Holy Saturday to Saturday in albis (inclusive). Then the Gregorian Mass for the most solemn Festivals (festa solemnia). Every Choir-Master who has the object of the Liturgy at heart, should become ac- quainted with and understand the Directory, or Ordo; and learn from it the rank or solemnity of the Feast, so as to choose the Mass specially appointed for it. The third Mass is for festivals of high rank, though not the highest (festa duplicia), which as occasion suits, may be varied with the fourth. The fifth and sixth Masses are exclusively for Festivals of the B. V. M.; which may be either solemnia, duplicia, or semiduplicia. The Ordo for each year and lo- cality determines the rank of each. If on any Sunday throughout the year (except the Sundays of Lent and Advent) the Office and Mass be of the Sunday, and not of the B. V. M. or any Saint; then the seventh Mass (in Dominicis infra annum) is to be sung. On Feasts of Saints (semidoubles), the eighth Mass is used. On semidoubles (ferias) within Octaves, (not Octaves of theB.V. M.), and when the office is, de die infra Octa- vam, the ninth Mass is employed. The tenth Mass is for simple Festivals (ritu simplici). In the present arrange- ment of the Calendar they occur very seldom. On Ferias (work-days) throughout the year,, except during Advent and Lent, the eleventh Mass is used. On the Sundays of Advent and Lent (Septuagesima to Quin- quagesima not included), the twelfth Mass; and on the Ferias of Advent and Lent the thirteenth. Then comes the Mass for the Dead (pro Defunctis) which is given entire, from the Introit to the Responsorium Libera. III. The Gloria, or Hymn of the Angels, is then intoned by the Priest, if the rubric prescribe it. The 117 Priest sings the words "Gloria in excelsis Deo" and the Choir take up immediately with the words "Et in terra pax" 1 ) and sing all*) the words right through to the end. The following are the various Intonations to be used by the Celebrant according to the rank of the Festival. . Toni "Gloria." 1.) In Festis solemnibus et duplicibus. cdf e f g e G16-ri-a in ex-cel-sis De - o. In this Intonation there is a fall of a semitone from the syllable a to in; consequently it is a mistake to sing in to the note fa. 2.) In Missis B. Maries (also in Votive Masses of the B.V. M. on Christmas Day, Corpus Christi, and dur- ing their octaves). gagfg g a h^c ag efg G16 - ri-a in ex-cel-sis De - o. The full tone Sol-fa (#-/), and the Semitone mi-fa (e-/) should be well fixed on the ear. S.) In Dominicis festis semicluplicibus, et infra Octavas, quce non stmt B. Marim. dgfefg fe d e w f e d G16 -ri-a in ex-cel-sis De-o. l ) It is consequently unrubrical for the choir to repeat the words Gloria &c, though in most modern concerted masses, this is con- stantly done. l ) S. B. C. 5. Julii 1631; 11. Sept. 1847 &c. 118 4.) In Festis simplicibus. 1 ) ega zi g— rfz±=tqnlzz-Jt «=J «_— " qc J - B zzdzzzz=^3=z:ld!3E G16-ri-a in ex- eel -sis De-o. The minor third mi-sol (e-g) should never be sung as if major (e-g if). The Gloria is not sung on the Sun- days of Lent and Advent. CHAPTER 20th. THE CHANTS FOR THE PRAYERS. The Directorium Chori sets forth very clearly the several chants for the Prayers under the rubric Toni orationum; however we think it well to be most explicit on this point, as it is too often overlooked. The prayers may be sung in three ways in Tonus festivus, simplex ferialis, and ferialis. I. Tonus festivus. The Prayers should be sung in Festive tone, quando officium est duplex, vel semiduplex, vel de Dominica in Matutinis, Missis 2 ) et Vesperis. His exceptis sem- per dicuntur in Tono feriali. This festive tone is monotonic admitting of two in- flections or "Accents;" the 1 st fa-mi -re-fa called the punctum principale; the 2 nd fa -mi, called the semi pun- ctum. The punctum principale is employed at that break in the prayer, where the sense of the words marks off \) This is also used in Votive Masses de Angelis, in masses pro parvulis defunctis, and on the Ferias of Paschal time, when de ea. Baini mentions that the praxis in the Pontifical chapel is, on all oc- casions, to use the solemn intonation, N° 1. 2 ) Etiam in Laudibus et Missis votivis solemnibus (ob causam gravem et publicam, et frequentiam popidi). 9 119 a section or clause; in other words, where a colon or semicolon occurs ; or sometimes in the new editions of Liturgical Books, where even a comma completes the clause. This inflection should always be sung with em- phasis, and rather slowly. The second inflection the semipmetum, is used in the second part or section of the prayer, usually indicated by a semicolon or comma. When a prayer is so short that both inflections cannot be introduced without destroy- ing the sense, the semipunctum is omitted. The semi- punctum should never be sung before the punctum in the body of the prayer; the punctum always comes first; e. g. In the Prayer Deus, qui nos conspicis, on the Feast of St. Calixtus, 14. October, the punctum principale falls on the word deficere, and then the semipunctum is not used. The same occurs on the 29 th of Nov. and elsewhere. The punctum and semipunctum are used only once in each prayer, however many the clauses. This rule should be especially borne in mind, in the protracted prayers of some new Feasts. At the close of the prayer, the accented syllable, {not the final syllable) of the last word, should be held out, by dwelling on the vowel ; and a shcrt pause made between it and the closing formula. When the prayer closes with Per Dominum , and Per eundem Dominum, the semipunctum comes first, and falls on tuum, the punctum principale last, on Sancti Beus. In the conclusion Qui tecum vivit, or Qui vivis, the semipunctum is altogether omitted , and only the punctum used on Sancti Dens. If several prayers are to be sung sub unica conclu- sione , each one has its punctum, and semipunctum at the places indicated. The response Amen should be sung on one and the same note, ="zE*EE A-men. 120 Examples of prayers in the Festive tone. (In ritu dupl. aut semidupl.) Dominus vobiscum, is always, and in all cases to be sun^ thus. Kf. Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spi-ri-tu tu-o. O-re-mus. De-us,»qui ko-di-er-nam di-em A-po-sto-16-rum _F E PF _ tu-6-rum Pe-tri et Pau-li marty-ri-o con-se-cra-sti : F E da Ec-cle-si-ae tu-ae e-6-rum in 6-mnibus sequi prreceptum; per quos re-li-gi-6-nis sumpsit ex-6r-di-um. Per D6-minum F E -iff — ■ — ■ — ■ ■ nostrum Jesum Christum Fi-li-um tuum: 1 ) Qui tecum vi.vit m et regnat in u-ni-ta-te Spi-ri-tus sancti De-us, per 6-mni-a sae-cu-la sae-cu-16-rum. Amen. II. Tonus simplex ferialis. The prayers in this tone also called Tonus ferialis missm, are sung without any inflection whatever, and are purely monotonic. Where a pmctum or semipmctum would be used in the festive tone, here a pausa or su- Bpirium is substituted. There is no need of giving an 121 example of this intonation as all the syllables are sung to the same note. The Tonus simplex ferialis is used: 1) in Festis simplicibus and diebus ferialibus; 2) in Missis Defunctorum ; 3) for all the prayers at the bless- ing of Candles and Palms (Candlemas Bay and Palm- Sunday), which close with, Qui tecum vivit, Per Domi- nion nostrum &c, or clausula major ; 4) for the prayer Dens a quo et Judas, on Good Friday, as well as the omnipotens immediately following , and the Libera nos after the Pater noster; 5) for the prayers that occur before the Mass on Holy Saturday and Vigil of Pente- cost, at the end of the Prophecies, and at the blessing of the Water; 1 ) 6) for all the prayers of the Officium Defunctorum , of the Litanies, Processions &c. if they terminate with the clausula major ; as for example, on All Souls Day, and the Rogation Days. HI. Tonus ferialis. In this form of Intonation , all the words of the Prayer are, as in the previous case, sung to one note, except the last word and the ending or close; 2 ) where the voice falls a minor Third. Example of the Tonus ferialis. S Concede , misericors Deus , fragilitati nostrae praesidium : | ut qui sanctae Dei Genitricis memoriam agimus, | inter- ces-si-6-ms ejus au-xi-li-o | a no-stris in-i-qui-ta-ti-bus ■■ ♦ » . ♦ ■ » q — a V " 1-1-^ re-sur-gamus. Per e-un-dem Chri-stum D6-minum nostrum. l ) The prayers at the blessing of the fire are simply read, not chanted. *) The ending of prayers in these cases, where the ferial in- tonation should be used, is always : Per Christum Dominum nostrum, or Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum, or Qui vivis et regnas in scecula sceculorum, and is called the clausula minor. 122 This Intonation is used: 1) With the prayers sung after the four Anthews of theB.V. M. 2) For the prayer Dirigere at Prime. 3) In the Office of the Dead, at Ve- spers [Matins), Lauds, Libera, when the clausula minor is annexed. 4) For the prayers after the Litanies with clausula minor. 5) At the Asperges or Vidi aquam on Sundays. 6) After the Mandatum on Holy Thursdays. 7) Before and after the blessing of the candles, (Feast of the Purification) ashes, and Palms when the prayers close with the clausula minor; and at Benediction, or expositio SS. Sacramenti, out of Mass time, when the prayers are terminated by the clausula minor. When several prayers are sung in succession in Tono feriali, then this inflection of the minor Third is only made on the last word of the last prayer. Observation I. Before the 7 Prayers of Good Friday, after the Prophecies on Holy Saturday, at the blessing of candles on the 2 n <* of February (if after Septuagesima), and in the Masses of Quarter tense extra tempus pasch. the following is sung by the Celebrant, Deacon and Sub- deacon. Sacerdos. Diaconus. Subdiaconus. D CD A C D ED A CD O - re-mus Fle-ctamus ge-nu-a: Le-va-te. The full tone D-C, and the minor third A-C, should be well practised; and the fourth (r-C) should never be sung. Observation II. At the ratio super populum, (can- tata Post-communione in missa de feria temp. Quadrag.) the Deacon sings after the Oremus of the Celebrant. Hu-mi-li- a-te ca-pi-ta vestra De-o. Observation III. On Good Friday the prayers com- mencing with Oremus, are sung to a peculiar intonation, 123 which in some Missals is only noted for the first, but here we give all in full. a I. Oratio. F E D E ■ B n N O-re-mus, delectissimi nobis | pro Ecclesia sancta De-i n-n- ut e-am Deus et D6minus noster | pacificare, | Q ^ Q ^ er adunare, | et custodire dignetur toto -I- rarum: sub-ji-ci-ens ei prin-ci-pa-tus , et po-te-sta-tes : A I S — M- q£=fc= detque nobis quietam et tranquillam vi-tam de-gen -ti-bus, Mzjb=zlLMz:>.Wzig glorificare Deum Patrem o-mnipoten-tem. O-re-mus &c. See Observation I. The prayer immediately following is then sung in Tono simplici feriali, on the one note D. II. Oratio. O-re-mus et pro beati'ssimo Papa no-stro N... ut De-us 5g 4 et Dnus noster, | qui elegit eum in drdine E-pi-sco-pa-tus, -1 ====== ===i=n^=^ ^ salvum atque incolumem custodiat Ecclesiae suae sanctae, E C 3£— :*=» ad regendum populum san-ctum De-i. Oremus &c. as above. 124 III. Oratio. O-re-mus et pro 6m-ni-bus E -pi'-sco-pis, Pres-by - te-ris, Diaeonibus, | Subdiaconibus , Acolythis , I Exorcistis, Le-cto -ri-bus, I O-sti-a-ri-is, Con-fes-so-ri-bus, I Virgi-ni-bus, Vf-du-is, et pro omni po-pu-lo san-cto De-i. O-re-mus &c. as above. IV. Oratio pro Eomano Imperatore ob sublatum Romanum im- perium non amplius recitetur, nec qiiidquam aliud ejus loco substitua- tur. S. R. C. U. Mart. 1861. V. Oratio. qt — I — q O-re-mus et pro catechumenis nostris : ut Deus et Dnus noster, adaperiat aures prae-cor-di-6-rum i-pso-rum: ja-nu-amque mi-se-ri-cor-di-ae; ut per lavacrum regenera- ti6nis | accepta remissione omnium pecca-to-rum , et ipsi 3£E inveniantur in Cbristo Jesu D6-mi-no no-stro. Oremus &c. as above. VI. Oratio. O-re-mus, dilectissimi nobis, I Deum Patrem o-mni-po- 125 tentem: ut cun-ctis mun-dum purget er-ro-ri-bus : morbos — 1 — □ au-fe-rat; fa-mem de-pel-lat: a-pe-ri-at car-ce-res, ilF vin-cu-la dis-sol-vat, pe - re-gri-nan-ti-bus re-di-tum, in-fir- . J. 4 — _!__. man-ti-bus sa-ni-ta-tem: na-vi-gan-ti-bus por-tum sa-lu-tis in - dul - ge - at. VH. Oratio. Oremus &c. as above. O-re-mus pro haereticis et schis-ma-ti-cis : ut Deus et : i_ Dominus noster | eruat eos ab erroribus u-ni-ver-sis, 11= et ad sanctam matrem Ecclesiam Cath61icam, | atque Apost61icam revo-ca-re di-gne-tur. Oremus &c. as above. VIII. Oratio. - re-mus et pro per-fi-dis Ju-dae-is : ut Deus et Dnus noster | auferat velamen de c6r-di-bus e - 6-rum ; ut et ipsi agnoscant Jesum Christum D6-mi-num nostrum. Oremus &c. as above. 126 IX. Oratio. - re-mus et pro pa-ga-nis: ut Deus omnipotens aiiferat iniquitatem a c6r-di-bus e-6-rum; ut re-Ii-ctis i - d6 -lis su-is, con-vertan-tur ad De-um vi-vum et ve-rum, | et u-ni-cum Fi-li-um e-jus Je-sum Chri-stum | 4 -1 3P- De-um et D6-mi-num no-strum. Oremus &c. as above. CHAPTER 21st. FROM THE EPISTLE TO THE PREFACE. I. The Epistle is sung on one note without any change or inflection; except, before a mark of interro- gation, where the accentas interrogativus is introduced. This inflection is made by falling a semitone, and then returning to the reciting note. If the sentence close with a monosyllable, the inflection is made on it; if with a word of many syllables, the voice falls the semitone on the accented syllable of such word; e. g. Tonus Epistolse. Le-cti-o ii-bri sa-pi-en-ti-ae. Quis est hie et laudabi- Quid igitur 127 Interrogatio. mus e-um? Dedit illi coram praecepta, et legem vitae lex? Finis, slowly and ivell sustained. et dis -ci -plf-nae. II. After the Epistle or Lesson, comes the Gradual. This for the most part is sung to a prolonged melody, and frequently touches the extreme limits of the Gre- gorian compass. Two chanters intone the Gradual, that is, sing the first word or words until they meet the bar or line drawn across the stave =|=: ; then the full choir joins in and sings down to the f or Gradual-verse, which is sung by the chanters only. Should the Gradual be followed; as is mostly the case, by two Alleluias and a verse of a psalm; then the, Chanters sing the first Alleluia down to the neuma 1 ) or sign zipz; the Choir repeats the same Alleluia, and continues the neuma fol- lowing,, but only on the vowel a. Then the Chanters intone the verse down to the sign =f=, and the Choir continues it to the end ; — the Chanters repeat the Al- leluia to the neuma; the choir falls in and sings the neuma only, on the vowel a. From Septuagesima, in- stead of the double Alleluia and verse, the Tract should be sung; each verse of which is intoned by the Chan- ters, and continued by the Choir. In Paschal Time the Gradual is omitted, and only the Alleluias and verse sung, in the manner just de- scribed; but in Paschal time, the verse is followed by ') We have already explained the various significations of the word neuma. Here it is used for the group of notes sung to the final vowel of the word Alleluia, by way of prolonged jubilation. 128 a new special Alleluia and a second verse. This special Alleluia is intoned by the Chanters down to the neuma, or sign E|E, the Choir does not repeat it but vocalizes the neuma to the vowel a ; then the chanters intone the verse as before, and the special Alleluia is repeated with neuma. The Alleluia and verse 1 ) differ in the character of the melody, and mostly in the modus, from the Gra- dual to which they may be annexed. Observation. In Masses for the Dead there is a Gradual and Tract; both of which strictly speaking should be sung. The Sacred Congregation of Rites in an answer dated the 11. Sept. 1847. says: "Vel non celebrandas Missas defunctorum vel canenda esse omnia, quae precationem suf- fragii respiciant." This would imply that at least the I s * verse of the Gradual, which is per modum suffragii, and the entire of the Tract or Absolve should be sung. How- ever the praxis in the Papal Chapel, and in the Roman Basilicas, is to omit the Gradual and sing only the Tract or Absolve. "The last syllable of the last Alleluia by being "broken up into several notes , is held out in a long "protracted chant Tins prolongation of the Alleluia x ) "Before the correction of the Gregorian Chant under Pius V., great confusion prevailed as to the method of singing the Alleluia and verse. St. Gregory appears to have left it to the good will of the singers, and in the writings of this immortal Pontiff, we meet the words: Alleluia et Versus quale volueris." Lambillote , Aesthet. p. 33. The 1 st Ordo Romanns says: "In quotidianis diebus, si voluerint can- tores, tantum prima pars dicatur." (The Alleluias in the older Litur- gies were joined with several verses, and continued until the cere- monies preceeding the singing of the Gospel had ended. Even still in Pontifical Masses, this custom is observed, and the 5 th Ordo Bomanus says: "Episcopus annuit magistro scholce , quando a cantoribus Gra- duate vel Alleluia repetere debeat.") On account of this practice it may be inferred as a practical rule, that according to circumstances, one or more verses oi the Gradual, Alleluia, Tract or Sequence may be sung as many as can be sung until the Deacon is ready to sing the Gospel. In a Missa cantata; — without Deacon or Subdeacon;— the singing of the Gradual &c., may be omitted altogether. 129 "was called Sequence.... Later on however, words "appropriate to the Festival were supplied to this pro- "tracted chant, to which the name Sequence was re- stricted By degrees every Sunday and Festival "had its proper Sequence, until the correction of the "Missal, when only four were retained in use." *) The Sequences in earlier times were also called Prosce; most of them were composed by Notker Bal- bulus (AD. 912). Pre-tridentine Missals have as many as one hundred such; however, the general Reform of the Missal ordered by Pius V., eliminated all but the five 2 ) best and most beautiful. These truly divine poems, the works of most holy men, are wedded to equally divine melodies. As a rule, each verse has its own special melody, or in some in- stances two verses are sung to the same notes. III. The Gospel admits of three inflections; 1) be- fore a mark of interrogation', 2) before a full stop, and 3) at the termination. Before a mark of interrogation, the voice falls from the reciting note, half a tone, Do-Si, and returns imme- diately to the same note; before a period or full stop, it falls a minor third, — Do-La, and returns at once to the reciting note Do, without any intermediate Si. The accented syllable before a period is always sung on the ') Amberger, Pastoraltheologie. II. Vol. p. 97. s ) These five are: Victinue Paschali Laudes, of Wipo (11 th century) for Easter; Veni Sancte Spiritus, (11 th cent. [?]) for Pentecost. Lauda Sion, of St. Thomas of Aquin (13 th century) for Corpus Christi; and the Stabat mater dolorosa of Jacopone (end of 13 fcl1 cent.) for the Seven Dolours of the B. V. M. The Sequence Dies Irce may not be classed with the above; it is a speciality of the Mass for the Dead. As the last verse of the Dies Irce contains a prayer for the departed , it must always be sung. The descriptive or dramatic verses may be omitted. Schubiger's work: "Die Sdngerschule von St. Gotten? affords a great deal of information regarding the Sequences. 9 130 tonus currens, or reciting note, and the minor third should never he made on a short syllable, it usually occurs on the fourth syllable before the period. Towards the termination of the Gospel, about the fourth or sixth last syllable, l ) the voice falls the minor third, and then returns to the reciting note, but with an intermediate Si, and these notes should be sung slowly and impressively. Tonus Evangelii. ^^^^ ^^^ t. D6-mi-nus vo-bi's-cum. Et cum Spi-ri- tu tu - o. — w # ♦ w — ■— J— ~- Sequentia sancti Evangelii se-cun-dum Mat - thae-um. Jo - an-nem, G16ria Initium. Interrogatio. se-cun-dum Mar -cum. Quid er-go e-rit no-bis? " Lu - cam. Nonne decern mundati sunt ? ti - bi Do - mi - ne. Mediatio communis. Hi autem qui por-ta-bant stete-runt. Hie autem dixit: Mediatio in monosyllabis. alio Finalis. Quia Pro-phe-ta est. Et vitam aeternam pos- si -de -bit. Et qui se humiliat ex- al-tabi-tur. Non potest meus esse disci-pulus. *) The Direct. Chori remarks: non fit depressio vocis a fa ad re (here it is Do-La, same interval as Fa-Be, F-D) ante 6 syllabam.... ncc post quartam. 131 Observation. The Passion of our Lord, according to the four Evangelists, is sung in Holy Week in a pe- culiar manner. Three Priests or Deacons, 1 ) divide the Text between them in such a way, that one chants the words spoken by Our Saviour, another the narrative of the Evangelist, and the third the words spoken by other individuals, such as Peter, Pilate &c. the Jews or the Sy- nagogue. In the Missal these three divisions are marked thus, X (Chrislus), E (Evang e lis ta), T (Turba), or f {Chris his), C (canto?- or chronista), S (succentor or synagoga), or S (Salvator), E (Evangelista), Ch (Chorus), or finally B (vox bassa, Christus), M (v. media, Evang.), A (v. alia, the Turba). Those passages in which a multitude or number of indi- viduals are represented speaking, may be sung by a spe- cial choir to the harmonised arrangements of Vittoria, or Suriano, &c. William Durandus Bishop of Menda, who died in Rome on the 1st of November 1296, in his Rationale Divin. Offic. lib. 2. cap. de fer. 2. post Dominic, in ramis palmarum, te- stifies that even at that remote period, u non legitur tota passio sab tono evangelii, sed cantus verborum Christi dul- cius moderantur ; evang elistae verba in tono evangelii pro- feruntur ; verba vero impiissimorum judaeoram clamose , et cum asperitate vocis." (See Baini, Vol. II. page I JO.) The Tonus passionis varied in different countries. However the Roman method, compiled by Guidetti, now prevails universally. 2 ) h a E. Passi-o D6-mi-ni nostri Je-su Christi se-cundum Mattbae-um. Ch. Tu di - - cis. S. Cruci-fi-ga - - - tur. l ) Or the Celebrant as Christus, Deacon and Subdeacon the other parts. If however the Passion be not sung by the Priest and sacred ministers at the altar, then ordinarily speaking, a Subdeacon cannot take the part of the Turba, still less that of the Evangelist, because he cannot use the stole. l ) A very useful edition of the four passions in full was brought out in Rome 1838 by Alfieri "Cantus passionis." This has been re- produced by Pustet in Katisbon. 9* 132 IV. After the Gospel the Celebrant intones the Credo in unum Deum, if the Rubric should prescribe it. and the choir answers, commencing with the word Patrem. The official edition of the Gradual contains, besides the first form of chanting the Credo , usually found in most Graduals , three others written in the same Tone or Mode. (IV.) Any one of these can be selected by the Choir. The intonation of the Credo is as follows: G E F ED Ga a Credo in u-nura De-um. The choir immediately follows with the words Patrem omnipotentem, and sings all the words v ) without abbre- viation to the end. V. As soon as the Credo is terminated, the Cele- brant sings Bominus vobiscum, and the Choir responds. The Celebrant then introduces the Offertory by Ore- rnus, as follows : _-pz=q~-=zrz=z=q=lt: q q=ibzi=q=qd-L t. Dominus vobi'scum. Et'cum Spiri-tu tu-o. Sac. O-remus. The Offertory consists of an extract from the Psalms or some other portion of Scripture, and all the Offertories assigned to each day and Feast are contained in the Graduale. Like the Introit, it is intoned by 1, 2 or 3 and 4 Chanters according to circumstances, and then continued to the end by the full choir. In Paschal Time an Alleluia is added, which if not printed after the Offertory of the day, may be found at the end of the Gradualr. '•) What we already advanced when speaking of the Gloria, holds equally tor the Credo. The Sacred Congregation, and innumerable Provincial and Diocesan Councils have published Decrees against all abbreviation in the Credo. See Smcddink. 2 ad year Ccccilia, Be Herdt &&• 133 Observation. A custom very generally prevails of singing a Motett instead of the Offertory, or after the Of- fertory and before the Preface. The first mentioned prac- tice is not allowable, as the Offertory prescribed for the day should be sung and may not be substituted. If time however permit, it is allowable after the Offertory either to repeat it, or to sing a Motett suitable to the Festival. Thus, if it be a Feast of the B. Sacrament, an Salutaris or Ave verum &c, if of the B. V. M. an Ave Maria, Alma Virgo &c; but we fail to see the appropriateness of the "Quis est homo" on Christmas Day, or of the Inflammatus on Easter Sunday. CHAPTER 22nd. THE PREFACE. — SOLEMN INTONATION. The Preface, as its name indicates, is an intro- duction to the Canon of the Mass. It commences with an antiphonal chant between Priest and People (choir). Both Text and Melody are of very ancient date. Pope Gelasius is reputed by some writers to be the author. Baini quotes a manuscript in the Vallicellian Library, dating from 1075, in which the melodies are precisely the same as we sing at the present day. The Intonation or Chant of the Preface is of two kinds: Solemn (cant us solemnis or festivus), and Ferial (cantus ferialis). The Missal contains 1 1 Prefaces, differing somewhat in Text, according to the character of the season or Festival ; viz. for Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Passion- tide , Easter, Ascension, Pentecost and Trinity (which serves also for Sundays throughout the year), for Feasts of the B. V. M., of the Apostles, and the Prcefatio com- munis or Preface generally used, when no special pre- face is prescribed. 134 We give here the Chant for all 1 ) the Prefaces, in so far as the Text varies. The learner should be care- ful to sing the first interval, a minor third (A-C, La-Do) correctly; and the recurring full tone from D to C, should not be diminished by sharpening the C. The Celebrant should also be careful not to intone the Per omnia , at too high a pitch ; as by reason of the continous ascent of the melody (II. Tone) it reaches to a minor sixth from the initial note A ; and if this be taken too high, the falling and weakening of the voice during the course of the Chant, will lead to un- tunefulness and precipitation; neither should he make the first interval a fourth G-C, as is too commonly done. The accented syllables should be specially attended to. 1. De Nativitate. From Christmas to Epiphany (except the Octave Bay of St. John the Evangelist), on the Purification, on Corpus Christi, and during its Octave (if no Festival occur having a proper Preface), on the Feast of the Transfiguration, and of the Holy Name, the following Preface is sung. A CD E Per 6-mni-a sae-cu-la sae-cu-16-rum. I£. A-men. Dominus def e de do vo-biscum. Ijfc. Et cum spf-ri-tu tu-o. t. Sur-sum eor-da. e def e e de dc e d dc e def e $. Ha-be-mus ad D6-mi-num. Hr. Gra-ti-as a - ga - mus T)6- ') The Prefaces for the blessing of Palms, and of the Baptismal Font, can be learned from the missal. The Prefaces given here are taken from the most recent Roman edition of the Missal approved of by the Sacred Congregation of Rites; and are a faithful reprint of the work compiled by Guidetti: Cantus Prafationum. Pomcc. Jac. Tomer it. 1588. 135 mi -no De - o nostro. Ijfc. Dignum, et ju-stum est Vfe — ♦ ♦ — ■ — ♦ — W 3F Ve-re d: di gnum et justum est , ae-quum et sa - lu - ta - re , nos ti - bi semper , et u - bi-que gra-ti - as a - ge - re , D6-mi-ne * sancte, Pa-ter o-mnipotens , ae-ter-ne De-us. Qui-a d e e e e e per in-car-na-ti Verbi my - ste - ri-um , no-va men-tis nostrae 6-cu-lis lux tu-ae cla-ri-ta-tis in-ful-sit: ut ,dum vi-si- bi-li-ter Deum co-gno-sci-mus, per hunc in in-vi-si-bi - li-um a-mo-rem ra-pi-a-mur. Et i-de-o cum Ange lis et Ar-chan-ge-lis, cum Thronis , et Do-mi-na-ti - 6 - ni-bus, cumque o-mni mi-H-ti-a coe-le-stis ex - er - ci-tus, hymnum glo-ri-ae tu-ae ca-ni-mus, si-ne li-ne di-centes. 136 2. De Epiphania. On the Feast of the Epiphany and during the Octave. Per <5mnia &c. Vere dignum et justum est, aequum et salutare, nos tibi semper et ubique gratias agere, Domine sancte, Pater omnf- potens (as at page 134.) ?t:=^— q-^nj^ - H - 3.t-W— q — q T-=d=3= ae-ter-ne De-us. Quia, cum u-ni-ge-ni-tus tu-us in substan-ti-a nostra? mor-ta-li-ta-tis ap-pa-ru-it, no-va i— ^-w-w- nos immorta-li-ta-tis suae lu-ce re-pa-ra-vit. Et i-de-o cum Angelis _ \ _ -J _j — e-i-dem con-tu-K-sti praees-se pa-stores. Et i-de-o &c. (See p. 145). 151 9. Praefatio communis. On Simple Feasts on Ferial days having no special Preface, and in Masses for the Dead. Per omnia saecula &c. (See p. 144.) Ve-re dignum et justum est, aequum et sa-lu-ta-re, nos ti-bi semper et u-bique gra-ti-as agere: D6-mi-ne sancte, Pa-ter o-mnipotens, ae-ter-ne De-us, per Christum Dominum nostrum. Per quern maje-statem tuam lau-dant Angeli, ad-6rant Do-mi-na-ti-6-nes, tremunt Po-te-states. Coe-li, coe-lorumque Vir-tu-tes, ac be-a-ta Se-ra-phim, J- :q so-ci-a ex-sul-ta-ti-6-ne con-ce-le-brant. Cum quibus et nostras voces ut ad-mi't-ti ju-be-as, de-precamur suppli-ci con-fes-si - 6 - ne di-centes. The Sanctus, which is selected according to the season, or rank of the Festival (see p. 115. Observ. TIT) 152 immediately follows the Preface. During the Elevation nothing should be sung : — "silet chorus et adorat cum aliis." The Organ however may play ; yet in such a way as not to distract, but rather help the devotion of the adoring faithful. "Orgarmm vera, si habetur, cum omni tunc melodia et gravitate pulsandum est." ( Car em. Episc. lib. II. cap. viii. n. 70.) After the Elevation the Benedictus should be sung : — u Cantari debet post elevationem." (S. R. C. 12. Nov. 1831.) This rule certainly holds for Pontifical Masses, and for others, De Herdt says it is a praise- worthy custom ; — "laudabilis." However if the Sanctus and Benedictus should both be sung before the Elevation, then it is allowed, after the Elevation, to sing the Tan- turn ergo, or other portion of a Hymn or Antiphon to the Blessed Sacrament ; provided however the words be not altered. 1 ) CHAPTER 24th. THE PATER NOSTER. — COMMUNION. I. There are tivo intonations of the Pater noster, one solemn, the other ferial. 2 ) ') See Kornmuller "Die Musik beim liturg. Hochamte" In some places it is customary in Masses for the Dead to sing after the Ele- vation the "Pie Jesu" or "0 Sahttaris" the latter with words different from those of the authorised hymn. This appears unrubrical, and many rubricians are of opinion that* the permission quoted above, does not apply to Masses for the Dead, where nothing should be added to the liturgical text. ■) In the P>ull: "Quo primum temp." Pius V. remarks (14 th July 1570): "Quare abusus est, in 31issa cantata legere tantum. qua juxta ritum, modum et normam Missalis cantari debent, uti fit, quando Epistola vcl Prafatio abrumpitur, canius Pater noster omittitur vet truncatur d'C." 153 1. Tonus festivus. A C D E Per 6-mni-a sae-cu-la sae-cu-16-rum. A-men. O-re-mus: C D E Praeceptis sa-lu-ta-ribus m6-ni-ti, et di-vi-na in-sti-tu-ti - , , Extendit x manus. .-\ 1 , 1 -n 1 W-N- H j— W- h W-W— nH-»- M -4l = - r -H— 6-ne forma -ti, au-de-mus di-ce-re. Pa-ter noster, qui es in coelis: Sancti-fi-ce- tur no-men tuum: Ad-ve-ni-at regnum tu-um: Fi-at vo-luntas tu-a, si-cut in coe-lo, et in ter-ra. Panem nostrum quoti-di -anum da no-bis ho-di-e. Et di-mit-te nobis de-bi-ta nostra, si-cut et nos di-mit-timus de-bi-to-ribus nostris. Et ne nos in-du - cas in ten-ta-ti-6-nem. Sed H-be-ra nos a ma-lo. 2. Tonus ferialis. To be used on simple Feasts, ferials, and in Masses for the Dead. 2 ) Per 6-mni-a sae-cu-la sae-cu - 16-rum. A-men. Oremus: l ) Also in Votive Masses, of a private not solemn character. 154 Prae-ce-ptis sa-lu-ta-ri-bus mo-ni-ti, et di-vf-na in-sti - Extendit manus. tu-ti-6-ne for-ma-ti, au-de-mus di'-ce-re. Pa-ter no-ster, qui es in coelis: Sancti-fi-ce-tur no-men tu-um: Ad-ve-ni-at regnum tuum: Fi-at vo-lun-tas tu-a, si-cut in coe-lo et in ter-ra. Pa-nem nostrum quoti-di-a- num da no-bis ho-di-e: Et di-mft-te no-bis de-bi-ta no - stra, si-cut et nos di-mit-timus de-bi-to-ri-bus no-stris. Et ne nos in-ducas in ten-ta-ti - 6-nem. Sed li-be-ra nos a ma - lo. Tlie Pater noster is immediately followed by a short prayer, recited submissa voce by the Celebrant, and then Dexter a tenens particulam super Co f ice, sinistra Calicew, dicit: Per 6-mni-a sae-cu-la «ae-cu-lo-rum. A-men. 155 Cam ips(t particula signal ler super Calicem, dicetis : * . ■ N i ** W" -ife N N-~ Pax f D6-mi-ni sit f sem-per vo-bis-fcum. Et cum I? Spi'-ri-tu tu - o. II. The Agnus Dei is repeated three times , con- cluding the third time with Dona nobis paceni, instead of Miserere nobis. In Gregorian Chant, each repetition has a melody of its own, which differs according to the class of the Festival. (See Observation III. p. 115.) Immediately after the communion of the chalice — sumptio sanguinis, and before the first ablution, the Gommunio should be commenced by the Choir. This is a short antiphon or Psalm-verse, peculiar to the festival, like the Introit and Offertory, and it is intoned and sung according to the same rules, (p. 114.) In Paschal time an Alleluia is added, which if it do not occur in the text, will be found at the end of the Graduate p. 72* (S vo edition). Observation. Si Communio in Missa solemni distri- buitur, Diaconus se conslituit in Cornu Epistolae vel etiam descendit in planum ad cornu Epistolae, ubi, versus cele- brantem profunde inclinatus alia voce dicit: Ton. V. a_ - Conffteor I -i *— : )eo omni-po-ten - ti , beatae Mariae - 5_ ♦ -i semper 1- Vir-gi-ni beato Michaeli Arch-an - ge - lo , beato Joanni Bapti'-stae, Sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, 156 Omnibus Sanctis et ti-bi, Pa-ter quia peccavi ni ♦— ■ mis co-gi-ta-ti- 6-ne verbo et 6-pe-re; me-a cul-pa, M-m—m ==q: me-a cul-pa, me-a ma - xi-ma cul-pa. Ideo precor bed - m tarn Man'am semper Vir-gi-nem, beatum Michaelem ■W — N — r — =- , - — | — — Arch-an - ge-lum, beatum Joannem Ba-pti'stam, sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum , omnes Sanctos. et te :E[=jL— ■ ■=^-A-j?H : pa-ter, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum. — l ) . . . Diaconus respondet "Amen." Nan impedit, quominas in numerosa Communionis distribuUone c ante tar Ps. aul hymn, de ss. Sacr. ad populum excitandam , morendvm et laetifi- candum. ') This form of chant is also employed when the Confiteor is sung at Pontifical Mass, where an Indulgence is proclaimed. 157 CHAPTER 25th. ITE MISSA EST. — BENEDICAMUS DOMINO. After the Prayer, called the Post-Communion, and the Dominus vobiscum immediately following, have been chanted by the Celebrant; the Celebrant, (in Missa cantata,) or the Deacon, (in Missa solemni,) sings the Ite Missa est, or Benedicamus Domino, to one or other of the following formulas; the Choir to answer Deo gra- tias in the same notes. 1 ) 1. From Easter Saturday to Low Sunday (exclusive). Tonus VIII. g a_ g f g a a gchag f ga a g I-te Mis-sa est, al-le-lu-ja, al-le - lu - ja. De-o gra-ti-as, "« " 2. In Festis Splemnibus. fLecdcab c ogagf ^ Mod. XIII. transp. I - te e e e e Missa est. De - o o o o o gra-ti - as. According to the Acta Fphemerides T. III. p. 367. 6. Sept. 1781. the following Feasts are to be classed under the head of Festa solemnia: NativitasD.N.J.C, Fpiphania, Pascha, Ascensio Dni, Pentecoste, Solemnitas Corporis Christi, F. Ss. App. Petri et Pauli, Assumptio B. M. V., F. Omnium Sanctorum, F. tituli vel patrocinii. Hence it follows that this solemn intonation, 1ST 2, (of comparatively recent adoption) is to be employed only on the Epiphany, the Ascension, Pentecost Sunday Mon- day and Tuesday, Ss. Peter and Paul, All Saints, De- "Laudandus est mos, quo chorus eodem tono respondet Deo ara- Has." Vid. Grad. Rom. J 158 dication of the Church, as well as on all Feasts of the 1 st class, in solemn Votive Masses, and on the Feast of the Patron Saint (when not de Beata). Christmas Day. Corpus Christi. and the Assumption, have the formula de Beata, and Easter the form X° 1. On account of the number of notes in this Intona- tion, it should be sung very smoothly, not drawlingly, and care should be taken not to commence it too high. Sufficient attention to the rhythm, breathing marks, &c; and avoidance of all ostentation or affectation, will ren- der tills chant solemn and dignified. 3. In Festis Duplicibus. Ton. I. agachaga agfde ega deg f ede fed • I - te e e Missa est. De - o o o gra-ti - as. This form serves for Feasts of the Apostles, 1 ) and Feasts which are dupl. II. classis, (majm et minus.) 2 ) The several phrases should be smoothly and pleasingly sung . and not drawled out in separate notes , of equal time-value. 4. In Missis Beata? Maria?, in Oct. Corp. Clir. et Nativ. Dni. 3 ) Ton. I-U. dfga d cd fg f ed I - te e Mis-sa est. De - o o gra-ti -as. ') Ss. Peter and Paul is a double of the 1 st class, and has the solemn Itt Missa est. N° 2. 2 ) But Feasts of the B. V. M., de Ss. Nomine Jesu, and others of the II. classis, or lower rank use the Ite Missa est d* Beata, when the Preface is of the Nativity or de Beata. 3 ) From what has been already said it is clear when this form de Beata should be used. On the Sunday however within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception N' 8 should be employed. 159 The minor third d-f should never be sung as a fourth, and the full tone e-d (instead of c#-d) should be carefully attended to. 5. In Dominicis infra annum, in fest. semidupl, et infra Octavas, quae non sunt beatse Maria?. Ton. I. abaga d fgabagfe d cd I - te e Mis-sa est. I)e - o o gra-ti - as. 6. From Septuag. to Quinquag. inclusive: 4p= p_,_d_a^ — Be-ne-di-camus Do - mi -no. De - - - o o gra-ti- as. 7. In Festis simplicibus. et Feriis temp. Paschali. ga c ch. a h I - te Mis-sa est. De - o gra-ti -as. 8. In Dominicis Adv. et Quadrag. (Advent- and Lent-Sundays.) Be-ne-di -ca-mus Do - - o - mi -no. De - - - o o gra - ti - as. 9. In Feriis per Annum. 1 ) a fa gfede Be - ne-di - ca-mus Do - mi-no. De-o gra-ti -as. ') E. g. the 3 Rogation days , and private Votive Masses not oc- curring in Lent or Advent. 160 10. In Feriis Adv. et Quadrag. a f Be-ne-di-ca-mus D6-mi-no. De - o gra-ti-as. 11. In Missa Vigiliae Nat. Dni, in Festo Ss. Innocentium, et in Missis Votivis pro re gravi, quando non 1 ) dicitur Gloria in excelsis. Be-ne-di-ca-mus Do o o mi-no. De - o o gra-ti-as. 12. In Missis Defunctorum. 2 ) Re-qui-escant in pa-ce. A-men. ') In Votive Masses with a Gloria, the intonation of the Ite Missa est, is regulated by the Gloria: N°ll therefore is used only in solemn Votive Masses, which are celebrated in purple vestments, e.g. de Passione Domini, ad tollendum schisma &c. 2 ) Etiamsi tantum pro uno celebratum fuisset, dicitur in Plurali: Bequiescant. THE DIVINE OFFICE. CHAPTER 26th. PSALMODY. 1. By Psalmody we understand the practice of sing- ing the Psalms to certain simple melodies or chants ; — "a recitation in a musical tone of voice, with a slight "inflection or change of tone at certain fixed points." 1 ) All the Psalms, (with a partial exception for the 1 1 3 th " In exitu Israel") are sung to eight different me- lodies or chants, corresponding to the first eight Gre- gorian modes ; and these chants are called Psalm- Tones, Toni Psalmorum. • Every Psalm or group of Psalms , is accompanied by an A n tip h on, which is a verse, taken sometimes from the Psalm itself , sometimes from other sources, always suitable to the Festival, and serving as an intro- duction to the Psalm. The music of the antiphon is more elaborate than the Psalm-Tone, being a regular melodic composition with one or more notes to every syllable, and invariably complete, i. e. ending on the final of its mode ; so that the antiphon governs the Psalm ; — the mode of the former determining the tone of the latter. Observation. The words antiphonai and antiphon require perhaps some further explanation. The custom of singing Psalms is most ancient in the Church. The Epistles of St. Paul bear witness to it. St. Ignatius Bishop of An- l ) St. Augustine relates that in Alexandria under St. Athanasius, such was the simplicity of the chant employed, that "it was more like speaking than singing." 11 162 tioch, the third from St. Peter, is said to have had a vision of angels, and hearing them sing the praises of God in alternate choirs, he enjoined upon the church of Antioch this method of singing the Psalms. In St. Basil's time (A. D. 371) this custom was uni- versal throughout the Eastern Church, and he describes the people " rising before day, and going to the Church, "where having made their confessions and prayers, they "proceeded to the singing of Psalms;" — and he adds, "that in this holy exercise, the choir being divided into two "parts, they mutually answered each other" (avzupauovotv (xkhjloig). The word antiphonal comes from the Greek word avvicpiovr h compounded of avn, opposite, and l. 168 the 3 d Part of this book , when we come to speak of the Practice of Plain-Chant, a few rules will be given for chanting the Psalms, which if observed in practice cannot fail to prove useful. a) The Antiphon which accompanies every Psalm, or group of Psalms, must, on a Double, — Fest. Dwpl. — be sung both before and after the Psalm. 1 ) On Fes- tivals of inferior rank , Semidoubles Sc. only the two first words are sung before the Psalm, and the entire Antiphon after. b) Every verse of a Psalm is divided into two parts, the point of division being indicated by a colon: or asterisk *. The first member of each Psalm-Tone, i. e. down to the asterisk, is always the same; the second member has in the 1 st , 3 d , 4 th , 7 th and 8 th Tones various endings, which are called the Terminatio or Differentia, and in English the "ending," or "final cadence." c) The Intonation of the first verse of the Psalm may be either solemn, (on great festivals) or ferial (on lesser festivals or Ferias). d) In the solemn Intonation, only the first verse is sung with the little melodic phrase or inflection at the beginning, (called on this account the initium or inchoatio), in all the subsequent verses it is omitted. e) In the Choral Books we find at the end of each antiphon, the second member or "ending" of the corre- sponding Psalm-Tone indicated in notes ; and frequently under the notes we meet the letters E V V A E. These are the vowels of the closing words seculOrVLm AmQn, as every Psalm is regularly terminated by the Gloria Patri. ') When the Organ accompanies , a short interlude after each Psalm will allow some one of the choristers to read the Antiphon after the Psalm in a low voice, a practice permitted by the Rubric. Vide Ccerem. Episc. lib. II. cap. 1. n. 8. 11* 104 f) As the mode of the Antiplion determines the tone of the Psalm. — the psalm-tone in truth dovetailing with the music of the antiphon, — it becomes necessary to keep in mind the final note of the Antiphon . and the initial note of the Psalm, in order that the progression may be natural and easy. The following Table will show the relative positions of these notes in each of the eight Tones; the round white note representing the final of the antiphon, and the square black note the initial of the Psalm. 1 ) I. Tonus. II. Tonus. III. Tonus. IV. Tonus. DFDC E G E a V. Tonus. VI. Tonus. VII. Tonus. VIII. Tonus. F F F F G c G g This Table serves for the Canticles, and the festive Psalm-Tones, — Toni Psalmorum festivi. For the Toni Psalmorum feriales., we append another Table, which gives the final of the Antiphon, and the first note of the Differentia or ending of the Psalm-Tone. This note is also the Dominant or reciting note. I. Tonus. II. Tonus. III. Tonus. IV. Tonus. Da D F Ec E a V. Tonus. VX Tonus. VII. Tonus. VIII. Tonus. FcFa Gd Gc ') These final and initial notes will also prove useful in the In- troits: but not with the Gloria Patri in the responses to the Noctures. 165 g) If the first half of the Psalm-verse end with a monosyllable or Hebrew proper name, then in the 2 nd , 4 th , 5 th , 6 th and 8 th Tones the last note is omitted. Such words for instance, as tu, sum, Israel, usquequo, David, Jacob. Jerusalem, Sion, dec. come under this rule; but Juda is an exception. This incomplete cadence is called intonatio in pausa correpta. e. g. Ton. v. Cre-di-di propter quod lo-cutus sum * h) Should the first words of the antiphon be iden- tical with the first words of the Psalm, the latter are not repeated on semidoubles and simples. For example in the Vespers for Sunday, the Antiphon begins with the opening words of the 109 th psalm Dixit Dominus: the psalm consequently will commence with Domino meo. Observation. When a number of choristers, or a community are singing the Psalms, all should commence and end together, take breath in the same place, and sing the inflections of the mediation and ending to the same syllables. Most of the words are of course sung to the reciting or Dominant note, and so far no rule is requisite beyond the universal rule of pronouncing the words clearly, minding the punctuation, and in long verses where a comma may not occur, taking breath together at some convenient point, so as not to interfere with the sense. 1 ) But the difficulty of laying down a uniform rule for adapting the syllables of the ever-varying words to the notes of the same mediation and ending, so as to preserve musical rhythm and correct verbal accentuation, is not so easily surmounted. The various schemes proposed by many able writers on the Chant and Psalmody may be classed under two heads, the syllabic, and the accentual. In the ') In the new choral books the breathing places are marked by a perpendicular line | drawn between the words where breath is to be taken. 166 syllabic arrangement, as many syllables are told off from each member of the verse as there are notes in the me- diation or ending; in other words, a note for a syllable. The radical defect in this system is, that in many verses the verbal accent must be sacrificed to the musical and vice versa. The Mechlin editors adopted the accentual ar- rangement, by which the ^accented notes are invariably apportioned to the emphatic or accented syllables, these syllables being printed in capital letters. This arrangement is theoretically the most perfect, but practically in conse- quence of the number of rules it involves regarding the treatment of short or unimportant syllables, and the ne- cessity of having the entire Psalter printed eight times over so that it may be pointed for each of the eight tones, it does not fully satisfy all requirements. The editor of the new Choral Books published at Ratisbon, and of the Magister choralis; — of which this present manual is little else than a translation ; — when asked which system he followed in pointing the Psalms for chanting, replied, that he followed neither; because in his opinion the number of rules to be observed in both systems tended to enslave the chant, and deprive it of that elasticity and freedom which is one of its characteristic beauties. The principle which he applied in the Graduate Rom., Antiph. Rom., Director ium Chori, and in pointing the Psalms, was, "Singe, icie da sprichst," i.e. "Sing as you speak." Take a Psalm, read it aloud, minding the punctuation, and giving to every syllable its just pronunciation and emphasis, read it as though you felt and understood it. Then lift up your voice, and recite the same Psalm in any musical tone that suits you, — say G. Then sing it to the Psalm-tone, introducing the notes of the mediation and ending, so as not to alter the emphasis and accentuation you observed when reading, and that, after a little practice, will be faultless chanting. It should always be borne in mind, that the text is the mistress, the note the slave. 1 ) The words must govern the music, and not the music the words. We must treat the notes, not as a rigid and un- ') In the Preface to an ancient collection of Sarum hymns we read " Dominam, i. e. Hteram. ancillari; ancillam, i. e. notam domivari, tarn a jure, quam a ratione est penitus alienum." 167 alterable fetter, but as a light elastic drapery that ought to adapt itself to the words. In accordance with this principle, in some of the new choral Books (Exeqniale Rom., Officium Nativitatis D. N. J. C. and Officium Majoris Hebdomadal) the syllables where the mediation or ending commences, are printed in larger type; but for general use and answering all requirements, a very simple method of pointing the Psalms has been adopted by Rev. F. X. Haberl, and used in the Vesperale Romanum, and in a little Book containing the Vesper Psalms only, entitled Psalmi Vesper arum?) Over the syllables of the mediation and ending in each verse there are figures going from 1 to 8, indicating the 8 Psalm-Tones. On whatever syllable the figure 1, 2 or 3 &c. is found, there the in- flection for mediation or ending begins in the Is*, 2 nd or 3 d Tone, as the case may be. There are however three exceptions, a) In the third and fourth ending of the 3 d Psalm-tone, the inflection does not fall on the syllable over which the figure 3 is placed, but ' i the syllable imme- diately preceding, b) In the third ending of the 4 th Tone, the inflection falls only on the last syllable, c) This method of figuring is not applicable in the mediation to the ferial form of the 1 st Tone. In the 6 th Tone, the neuma g, a, in the ending may be sung to two syllables, if necessary. By way of example we give here in full the 109 th Psalm. The figures 5-8, 4-8 united by a dash, comprise the inter- vening figures 6. 7. or 5. 6. 7. The mark I/ 3 , VIII/ 2 &c. stands for 1st Tone, 3 d ending, 8 th Tone, 2 nd ending; <#c. 1 37 4 6 258 4 15-8 2:* 1. Dixit Domi-nus D6-mi-no me-o: * sede a dex-tris meis. 1 $47 6 258 4-8 1 2. Donee ponam in - i - mi-cos tu-os, * scabellum pe-dum tu-6-rum. 1 3 7 4 »> 2 5 8 3. Virgam virtutis tuae | emfttet D6-mi-nus ex Si-on: dominare 4-8 1 2 3 in medio inimi-co-rum tu-6-rum. 1 3 4 7 4. Tecum principiiam in die virtutis tuae, | in splendo-ri-bus 6 258 4-8 1 2 3 san-cto-rum: * ex utero ante lu-ci-fe-rum ge-nui te. ') Published by Fr. Pustet, Ratisbon. This method of figuring the Psalms is also found in the Cantica Sacra of Hauber and Ett, re-edited by Witt. • 16S 1 347 6 2 5s 5. Juravit Dominus et non poe-ni - te - bit e-um: * Tu es sa- 4 15-8 2 3 cerdos in aeternum | secundum 6r-di-nem Mel-ehisedeeh. 1 ! 114 7 6 2 58 4 1 5-8 23 G. Dominus a dex-tris tu-is: * confregit in die irae su-ae reges. 137 4 6 258 7. Judicabit in nationibus, 1 im -pie -bit ru-i-nas: * conquassabit 4-8 1 2 3 . capita in ter-ra mul-torum. 1 3 4 7 6 2 5 8 4 1 5-8 23 8. De torrente in vi-a bi-bet: * propterea ex-al - ta • bit caput. 1 3 7 4 6 2 5 8 1 4-8 2 3 9. Gloria Pa-tri, et Fi-lio, * et Spi-ri-tu-i sancto. 1 3 4 7 6 258 10. Sicut erat in principio, I et nunc, et sem-per. * et in saecula 4 15-S 2 3 sac-cu - 16 - rum. Amen . CHAPTER 27th. THE PSALMS IN TONO DUPLICI ET SEMIDUPLICI. I. The following Psalm-Tones are used: l stl y on all Feasts of the 1 st and 2 nd class (majora) , throughout the entire Divine Office; 2 nd1 )' in festis dupUcibus, Dominicis et festis semidupNcibus. at Matins. Lauds and Vespers only. Observation. The white note — before the initium represents the final of the Antiphon : the black h is the reciting note or Dominant of the Tone. Initium. Tonus I. T^=^^^ 1. Di-xit I)6-mi-nus D6-mi-no Mediatio. , Finalis 1. j m e-o: * Se-de a dex-tris me -is. Se-de a de-xtris 169 Finalis 2. , Finalis 3. ■m—m- me -is. Se-de a dex-tris me -is. Se-de a dex- Finalis 4. Finalis 5. tris me -is. Se-de a dex-tris me-is. 2. Vers, j^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^g j^^^g Do -nee po-nam i-ni- mi-cos tu-os, * scabellum pe-dum tu - 6 -rum. Inithim. Mediatio. Tonus n. t^i^S^^EBEE^ J 1. Di-xit D6-mi-nus D6-mi-no me-o: * Finalis. se-de a dex-tris me-is. 2. Vers. ^^^'£H-E ^E^ qS^J^N^|bEjjEA^- s Donee ponam inimi'cos tu-os, * sca-bel-lum pe-dum Intonatio in pausa correpta. tu-6-rum. Ps. 131. 1. Me-men-to D6-mi-ne Da-vid: (fee. Initium. Tonus III. S^E^E^3^^^iEEE^5^^iE = 3 1. Di-xit D6-minus D6-mi-no Mediatio. Finalis 1. me-o: * se-de a dex-tris me-is. Se-de a dextris no Finalis 1. Finalis 3. Finalis 4. s s me-is. Se-de a dextris me -is. Se-de a dex-tris rae-is. 2. Vers. z\ _ 3 Donee ponam ini - mi - cos tu-os, &c. Initium. Tonus IV. — w — »— x — iT i 1. Di-xit D6-mi-nus D6mi-no Mediatio. Finalis 1. —Mr- ■ — B — pi — N p,— — j| ■-■ — -y M—* : M ^ me-o: * 4 se-de a dex-tris me-is. Se-de 4 a dex-tris Finalis 2. Finalis 3. — m — ■ ■ — ■ — ■ — n— M — h me-is. Se - de a dex-tris me-is. 2. Vers. T pEggg jEEE^ Donee ponam inimicos tu-os, * sea-bel-lum pedum Intonatio in pausa correpta. , 3 r j * tu - 6-rum. Cre-di-di propter quod lo-cu-tus sum. &c. Initium. Tonus V. :^==^^^1|=h^5^^^^ 1. Di-xit D6-mi-nus D6mi-no Mediatio. Finalis. t S 5 me-o: * se-de a dex-tris me-is. 2. Vers. J: Do-nec po-nam i-ni-mi-cos tu-os, - te-ctio. deleantur nostra de li - eta. A-men. In ritu simplici, feriali and in Offic. B. V. M. and in Sabbato the Absolutiones and Benedictiones are sung as follows: Absolutio. Precibus et meritis B. M. semper V., | et omnium Sanctorum | perducat nos Dominus — ! — m — *■ i — h- m — 2=3 — ■ — ■ — 3E : ad re-gna coe-16-rum. fy. A-men. 186 Benedictio. Nos cum prole pia i benedi'cat Virgo Ma-n'-a. 3. A-men. 8. The Lector (minister clioro assistens) sings the Lesson in the following manner : Tonus Lectionis. De Acti-bus A-po-sto-16-rum. Petrus autem et Joannes Sic dicimr Punctum. ascendebant in templum | ad horam orationis no-nam ..." Sic die. Monosvllabum Intuens autem in eum Petrus cum Joanne dixit: re-spi-ce Sic regulariter finitur Lectio. in nos. — Quid ergo erit no-bis? Tu au-tem D6-mi-ne = ^ I= li ^ :i » I= ^ir := r ii — N — m ~ ■ '—J L mi - se. - re - re no - bis. De - gra - ti - as. Observation. The Lessons in Offic. Defunct, and on the three last days of Holy Week, have no Abwhitw, Be- nedictio or Tu autem Domine at the end. The Reader be- gins the lesson after the Pater noster (recited in silence), he uses the punctuation noted in the above example, but does not close with the fall to the fifth, or with a dif- ferent phrase, but on the reciting note sung somewhat slower and more solemnly ; e. g. ') In the 9 th Lesson on Christmas Day (and in all similar in- stances) -where on the words factum est, the 'acccntus acut«s and inter- rogate seem to come in collision, the interrogatio should be sung on est, and the acceutus acutus be allowed to drop out. 187 Finis. - 5 5 5r -1 -1 4 Vi-si-;a-ti - o tu-a cu-sto - di-vit Spi'-ri-tum me-um. The first Nocturn of the three last clays in Holy Week has for Lessons the so called "Lamentations" of the Prophet Jeremias, and they are sung to peculiarly solemn and affecting melodies. 1 ) We give a portion of one here as a specimen. The 9 Lamentations are given in full in the official Direct. C/wri and in Officio majoris Hebdomadw. Tonus Lamentationis. De Lamen-ta-ti - 6-ne Je-re-nri-ae Pro-phe - tae. Hcth. * Co-gi-ta-vit Domi-nus dissipare murum fi'-liae Si-on : tetendit fum'culum su-um, et non ayertit manum su-am a per-di-ti-6-ne: hi- xit-que ante mura-le , et murus pa-ri-ter dissi-pa - tns est etc. ') These "touching elegies," as Card. Wiseman calls them, when well sung, form one of the most striking features of the solemn Oftice of Tenebrce. At Guidetti's time, as Baini tells us (Vol. II. pag. 103 Memorie Storico-Critiche) the Lamentations were not usually sung in Plain-Chant but in figured chant or read; and a manuscript in the Vallicellian library containing the three Lamentations of the o* 1 day, was the only one Baini knew that could have furnished Guidetti with an idea of the old chant "for them. Some changes were made, but so judiciously, that Baini suspects Palestrina to have had a share in them. The figured music for the Lamentations of Carpentrasso, introduced in the Pontificate of Leo X, held their ground in the Papal Chapel to the end of Greg. XIII s reign. But no sooner had Sixtus V. ascended the throne than he ordered that the 2 nd and 3 d Lamentation on each evening should be sung in Plain-Chant; whilst the first might be in figured chant, but not that of Carpentrasso which he did not relish, and the genius of Palestrina was not slow to correspond with the Pontiff's wishes and produce his incomparable arrangements. In the preface to the Plain-Chant lamentations Guidetti says "prasertim cum sanctitas vestra lamentationes , quas ego ad musicam rationem restitue- ram, in pontificio sacello voluerit decantari." 1SS Even Lamentation concludes with: Je - ru-sa-lem, Je - ru-sa-lem, con-ver-te-re ad D6-minum De-um tu - urn. 9. Every Lesson is followed by its Responsoriuni, 1 ) or Response, which consists of three parts. The first part is the response properly so called : the 2 nd part begins with a versicle; in the third part, the second half of the response , or first from the asterisk ::: is repeated. Should the Office have three Xocturns. then the 3 d response of the 1 st and 2 nd Xoct., and the 2 nd of the 3 d Xocturn (except in Passiontide) have a Gloria Patri, after the versicle, and when this is sung, the second half of the responsorium should be repeated. "When the Office has only one Xocturn, then the Gloria Patri is attached to the 2 nd response. If however the "Te Deum" is not said, then the Gloria Patri is attached to the 3 d response of the 3 d , or only nocturn. as the case may be. Observation. Any alterations in this order of the Responses in the Matins of Christmas. Easter, Passiontide, Holy Week &c. are clearly indicated in the Choral books. ') The responsoria are not to be confounded with the short response in answer to the versicle, of which we spoke in parag 6. of this chapter. Thev are of greater length both as to words and music. The ancient ritualists are not agreed about the reason of the name: some saying thev were so called because one singing, the whole choir did answer them: while others sav thev had their name, because they answered to the lessons. Baini tells us that the Besponsoria were amongst those portions of the Chant that required cutting down because of the length of the neumce. 189 It may be added, that in Festis solemnibus et Do- minicis privilegiatis, the officiating priest, — hebdomada- v riiis, — sings the ninth Lesson. 10. In Festis solemnibus et Dominicis the Chanter gives the Intonation of the "Te Deam" to the Hebdo- madarius, who repeats it. If the feast be not solemn or a Sunday, then the Chanters in medio cJwri intone it themselves. Intonatio Hymni Ss. Ambrosii et Augustini. e ga Ton. IIZ. et IV. Te De-urn lau - dd -mus. The extended compass of this Hymn comprises the eight degrees of the scale, from C to c. CHAPTER 30th. LAUDS AND BENEDICAMUS. I. The officiating priest begins Lauds with the Deus in adjiitorium, intoned as at page 178. In Offic. de Dominica, the Antiphons are found in the psaltery (psalterium disposition per hebdomad am), 1 ) on Feasts of Saints they are taken from the Proper or Common of Saints as noted in the Directory, on Feasts of our Lord from the Proprium de Tempore, and on Ferias from the Psaltery. 2 ) During Paschal time an ') The three first psalms have only one antiphon. The Sundays of Advent and Lent (Septuag., Sexagesima and Quinquag. included) have special antiphons and psalms; also Low Sunday. *) The 6 ferias preceeding Christmas, and the ferias of Holy, Easter and Whitsun-weeks, have special offices in the Propr. de Tempore. 190 Alleluia is added to each antiphon. The Psalms at Lauds are, for all Feasjts and ordinary days, except from Septuagesima to Palm Sunday, and the Ferias and Vigils, (but not those of Easter week.) the following five: 1) Ps. 92. 2) Ps. 99. 3) Pss. 62 and 66, joined so as to count as one, 4) Canticum trium puerorum, 5) Pss. 148, 149, 150, all sung as one. In Dominica aid die solemni the Chanter gives the officiating priest the first Antiphon. On other occasions the officiating priest himself intones it. After the Intonation 1 ) of the Antiphon, two or more chanters, according to the dignity of the Feast, intone the Psalm as prescribed. In diebus festivis et ferialibus the Chanter gives the first words of the remaining antiphons to the Canons or assistant clergy in the order of seniority or rank. When the Psalms are ended, and the last antiphon sung, then the officiating priest sings the "Little Chapter," — Capitulum, 2 ) which is generally the same for Lauds, Yespers and Terce. Tonus Capituli. Beatus vir , qui inventus est sine macula , et qui post aurum non abiit , nec speravit in pecunia et thesauris. Quis est hie, et laudabimus e - um i Fecit enim mirabilia in vi-ta su - a. Ijfc. De-o gra-ti-as. ') If the Feast be a duplex, the Psalm is not intoned until the whole antiphon is sung through by the choir. 2 ) From Holy Thursday till Saturday before Low Sunday, and in the Office for the Dead there is no capitulum. 191 Should the last be a word of one syllable, as in the Cap. Epiph. Domini : Surge ittuminare, — on the 3 d Sun- day of Advent , — on the Ascension &c. ; then it ends with the accentus acutus as in the Little Chapter at Prime: Begi scemlorum, as follows: Su-per te or-ta est. In sae-cu-la sae-cu-16-rum. A-men. The Response Deo Gratias remains always the same. In Dominica et die solemni the Chanter gives the iirst words of the Hymn 1 ) to the officiating priest, who repeats them. On other occasions he himself in- tones them. The Hymn is followed by a versicle and response sung as at page 183; in Paschal time an Alleluia is added. TheAntiphon for the Benedictus, in Dominica et die solemni is given by the Chanter to the officiating priest; otherwise he intones it himself. The Benedictus is intoned by one or more chanters according to the dignity of the Festival, but always solemniter (see Page 174), and sung in alternate choirs to the end. When the singing of the Antiphon is concluded, the officiating priest sings Dominus vobiscum, and then the Prayer (see Pages 118, 119 and 120). The Preces when prescribed are sung alternately by the officiating priest and the choir, after the manner of the versicles in commemorations (Toni versiculorum in commemoratione) which we are just about to give. In Commemorations 2 ) the versicle in Dominica et die solemni should be intoned by two or more ') When there is no capitulum, there is no hymn: the last strophe is often varied according to the .season. (See above, page 181.) a ) A Commemoration occurs when two or more Feasts fall on the one day. As only one office can be recited completely, the feast 192 chanters, at other times a binis musicis vel ah mo. The versicles and responses to the Preces, Commemorationes, Antiphons of the B. V. M., before the Oratio Ss. Sacra- menti, at Processions, Benedictions, and on other such occasions, are sung as follows. Toni Versiculorum in Commemorat. &e. : 1 ♦ t. Ora pro nobis J sancta Dei Ge - ni - trix. Ut digni efficiamur | promissionibus Chri - sti. In a monosyllabic ending of the versicle the accen- tus acutus is employed, as follows : t. Fiat misericordia tua D6mi-ne super nos. Quemadmodum speravimus in te. t. Angelis suis Deus man-da-vit de te. The Tone of the Prayers in Commemorations is the same as that for the principal prayer. II. After the Prayer and prescribed commemorations the officiating priest sings i Dominus vobiscum. In Do- minica et die solemni, the Benedicamus Domino is sung by two or more chanters, on other occas^ns by two or even one of the choir, — a binis musicis vel ab uno, — to one or other of the following chants: of higher rank takes precedence, and the other feasts are commemo- rated in Lauds and Vespers. To this class also belong the SufJ'ragia Sanctorum which are found in the Direct, and Breviary before Com- pline, and except on duplicia and infra Octavas should, at certain seasons of the year, notified in the Directory, always be said. 193 Torti Benedicamus pro Officio. 1. In Festo solemni. Be-ne-di-camus Do - o o - o-o - mino. De - - o o o o gra - ti-as. 2. De beata Yirgine. 1 ) Be - ne -di - ea-mus Do - mi -no. De - o gra ti-as. 3. De Apostolis, et in Festis Duplicibus. Be-ne-di - ca - mus Do - o - - o mi-no. De - o o o . gra-ti-as. 4. In Dominicis, (etiam Adventus et Quadrag.) Semidupl. et infra Octav., quae non sunt B. M. V. Be-ne-di-ca-mus Do - - mi -no. De - o gra - - ti-as. 5. A Vesp. Sabbati saneti usque ad Vesp. sequentis Sabb. exclus. Be-ne-di-ca-mus D6-mi-no, al-le-M-ja, al-le - lii - ja. ]£. De-o gra-ti-as, al-le-lu-ja, al-le - lu - ja. ' i Et in vesper is Feria VI., quando fit seq. Sabbato off. de B.V.M. also during the octaves of Christmas and Corpus Christi, and on all Feasts where the Hymn closes with Jesu tibi sit gloria. 13 194 fi. In Festis simplicibus ad Matutin. Laudes et Vesper, e d e dc ha cdfed 3E Be-ne-di - ca-mus Do - mi -no. IjEr. De - o gra - ti - as. In Feriali Officio per totum annum ad Vesp., Matut. et Laudes. Be - ne- di - ca - mus D6-mi-no. De - o gr6 - ti - as. 8. In Officio Defunctorum. Re-qui-e -scant in pa-ce. fy. A-men. The above eight chants are used at the close of Matins, Lauds and Vespers only. The following Benedicamus is employed at Prime. Terce, Sext, None and Compline, as well in Festis so- lemnibus, duplic. as in semidupL simplic. ac Ferns. 9. In horis minoribus ac Completorio. Be-ne-di-ca-mus Do -mi -no. I£. De - o gra - ti - as. The Benedicamus is followed immediately by Fide- c a Hum animce per misericordiam Del requiescant m pa-ce. a c A-men. If an Antiphon of the B.V. M. should terminate Lauds then the officiating priest, after & Pater noster in c a silence, sings: Bominus det nobis suam pa-cem. R. Ft a c vitam mternam. A-men. in the tone of a versicle. The 195 entire Office is closed by Bivinum anxilium maneat sem- j)er nobiscum which the officiating priest chants in a sub- dued voice, and the choir answers Amen on the same note and in the same subdued voice. CHAPTER 3 1st. PRIME. TERCE. SEXT AND NONE. I. At Prime, after the preparatory Pater, Ave and 'Credo, said in silence, the officiating priest sings Deus in adjutoriwn as at page 178. The Hymns at Prime. Terce, Sext and None have (according to the season) different melodies, and are generally sung to the same melody as the Hymn at Matins or Lauds, if the latter be in the same metre. Observation. This general rule is set forth in the Direct. C/iori as follows: In the Offic. de Temp, in Advent and Lent (in Domin. el Feriis) the melody of the Hymn for Lauds is employed. In Passiontide, that of the Vexttla Regis. At Christmas and during its octave, the melody of the Jesu Redemptor answers; on the Epiphany and within its octave the Crudelis Herodes. At Easter and during its octave, and on all Feasts occurring within that period, even though the Office be not de Tempore, the Ad regias gives the chant ; on the Ascension and during its octave, the Salulis humance; on Pentecost and during its octave the Jam Christus; *) and on Trinity Sunday , the Jam sol recedit. On Corpus Christi , and on all Feasts of the B. V. M. with their octaves, and whenever the hymns should close with Jesu tibi sit gloria, the hymn Quern terra furnishes the chant: on the Feast of the Transfiguration, the Salutis humance , and on All Saints , the Placat e Christe. On Feasts of Apostles and Evangelists, and in ') The Hymn at Terce during the octave of Pentecost is the Veni Creator Sjririius, which of course has its own special chant. 13* 190 dtiplicibus, when the hymns of the minor hours are not written in the same metre as those at Lauds or Matins; as for example, on the feasts of St. John the Baptist, Dedicatio S. Michaelis, the Angels guardian, Dedication of a Church &c. and during their octaves, the melody of the Alter na Cliristi munera is always adopted, also in Comm. plurim. Marly nun sub rilu duplici. Within the octave however of a Feast de Comm. plur. Martyr, or when it is only a semidouble, the Hymns at the minor hours are chanted to the melody of the Rex glortose Martyrum. The same melody answers in the Oftice of Comm. Co/if. Pont., and non Pont., Virg. and non Yirg. whether doubles or semi- doubles. For the most part the chants of the Hymns are specially given in the Directorlum. The Hymn Jam lucis at Prime is omitted on the three last days of Holy Week, and in Easter week. The Antiphon before the Psalms is merely intoned, (first word or two) and is generally the 1 st antiphon of Lauds. On Sundays, Ferias and Vigils, it is found in the Fsal- terium or Propr. de Tempore, on principal Feasts in the Propr. de Temp, and on Feasts of Saints in the Propr. or Commune Sanctorum . The Intonation of the Antiphon is given by the of- ficiating priest; the Psalms are intoned and continued by the Choir, after the chant given in Chapters 27 or 28. The Psalms at Prime vary according to the season or rank of the Office. On Sundays and Ferias, now one. now another Psalm, is added to the 53 d and the two sections of the 118 th , which are invariably sung. The officiating priest sings the Capitulum as at page 190. The Besponsoria brevia, or short responses with the versicle that immediately follows, should at all the minor hours be sung by two chanters of the capella musicorum ; on Vigils, Advent. Lent and Quarter- tense Ferias by one only. The melody of the Responsorium breve is at all the minor hours of the Ecclesiastical year usually the same. 197 the difference of text sometimes making slight altera- tions ; this melody is found in extenso in the Dir. cJwri. Toni "Responsorii brevis." op '• < A • * 1 5 6 -tig — ■— ■ — ■ Chri-sti fi-li De-i vi - vi, * Mi - se - re -re nobis. The choir repeats the entire Responsorium. a _ ab _g f_£j S _g a _ H^=^£3£^J«=W="-t^^ii£^^ Choir: Miserere nobis. T. Qui se-des ad de-xteram Patris. G16-ri-a Pa-tri, et Fi-li-o et Spi-ri-tu-i san-cto. Chorus: Christe Fili Dei vivi, miserere nobis, t. Exsurge Christe adjuva nos. I£. Et libera nos propter nomen tuum. (As at pages 183 or 184 b ')or c.) In Paschal time and on . several feasts during the year two Alleluias are added, and then the chant runs as follows: Chri-ste Fi-li De-i vi-vi. mi-se-i e-re no-bis. * Al-le- y{s H~irj "V ~^ ■ Chorus repetit Bespons. lu-ja, al-le -lu-ja. n^r^_^Z^~|T=^izrWz:i~W— ^ Choir: Alleluja, alleluja. t. Qui sur-re-xi'-sti a mor-tu-is. G16-ri-a Pa-tri, et Fi-li- o. et Spi-n'-tu"-i sancto. Chorus: Christe Fili Dei vivi miserere nobis, * alleluja, alleluja. Vers, with Alleluia (p. 183, b), in fest. simpl. et diebas fer. e) p. 184). ') This versicle (after the Resp. br.) is chanted as at page 183 b), in fest. solemn, dupl. et semidupl, in fest. simp, et feriis as at c) page 184. 198 Then the officiating priest sings the Prcccs if pre- scribed, in the ordinary versicle-tone. page 192. Domi- nus coliseum and the prayer Domine Deus as at page 120 or 121; Dominas voiiscum and Benedicamus Domino as at page 194, N° 9. After the Benedicamus (and its response) Deo grg,- Has, the Martyrology is read in choir. 1 ) The reader without asking the blessing, reads the martyrology for the day immediately following 2 ) in the Tone of a Lesson; see page 186. Ca-lendis Ja-nu- a -ri - i, lu-na pri-ma Circumcisio Do- mini nostri Jesu Christi, | et Octava Nativitatis e-jus-dem. SGG page 196. On monosyllables, thus: EEEzz=*^r~r^i a-de-pta est. At the close he adds: Et alibi aliornm plurimorum Ss. Marti/ram et Confessorum atque sanctarum Vfr-gi-num. Chorus: De-'o gra-ti-as. In Vigilia Nat. Domini 2 ) the reader ascends a fourth when he comes to the words "In Bethlehem;" thus: i — In Bethlehem Judae nascitur ex Maria Virgine lactus ho-mo. Tlien louder, — solemniori modo, et in tono Pas- sionis, he sings the following passage: ') On the three last days of Holy Week there is no Martyrology. a j For the special rite of this portion of the office on this day- see in the Martyrology itself. 199 Nativitas Domini nostri Je-su Christi secundum car-nem. For the concluding sentences he returns to the Tonus Lectionis as in the beginning. After the Martyrology the officiating piiest sings, alternately with the Choir, in versicle- tone (p. 192): Pretiosa, then Sancta Maria (in ton. fer. p. 121), Beus W adjutorium in versicle-tone , the prayer Dirigere as at p. 121. The Lectio brevis as at p. 186. II. Terce, Sext, and None after a preparatory Pater and Ave in silence, begin with Beus in adjuto- rium as at page 178. Each hour has its own special Hymn, the melody of which will be varied according to season , (see Observation in the present chapter). The Antiphon for Terce is usually the second of Lauds, for Sext the third, for None the fifth. For the Sun- days from Septuagesima untill Holy Week, there are special antiphons for the minor hours, indicated in the Propr. de Temp. ; on all other Sundays and Ferias they are found in the Psalterium. The Psalms in all Offices are for each hour the same, namely three portions of the 118 th Psalm, each portion closing with a Gloria Patri. The first verse of each portion should, according to the rank of the festival, be intoned. The chant for the Besp. br. is the same as that for Prime, unless a special Besp. be indicated in the Psalterium. Observation. In many places the solemn celebration of None is customary on Ascension Day and Pentecost Sunday. The rules already given are applicable here, but the antiphon and Besp. br. is as follows: Ant. in Ascens. Ton. VIII. Fin. 1. Vi-den-ti-bus il - lis. Ps. 118. Mirabi'lia testimonia. 200 Ant. in Pcntec. Ton. VIII. Fin. 2. Lo-que-bantur. Ps 118. Mirabilia testimonia. JResp. br. ^ [ _ y— tr— I — c; A ■ H— In Ascens. Ascendo ad Patrem me-um. et Pa-trem vestrum, * In Pentec. Repleti sunt omnes Spi-ri-tu san-cto, * 1 fc— *-J*J* B J--g< H-TF# — jr ■ Al-le-lu-ja, al-le-lu-ja. Ascendo or Repleti Al-le-lu-ja, al-le-lu-ja. mp U AscenQ0 or ne P leu ' I 1 ■ iS— K=i[=z*^m4=m-»-Z-—*-- — — It- — - J De-um meum , et Deum vestrum. Repet. Alleluja, alleluja. t. Et C03 - - perunt lo-qui. u Then Gloria Patri, see page 197. Repeat Ascendo or Repleti. V. Dominus in coelo, Alleluia, or Loquebdntur &c. as at page 183. b. Dominus vobiscum, the Prayer as at page 120. Then Dominus vobiscum, Benedieamus Domino, as at page 194. 9. Terce, Sext and None are closed with Fidelium animce, as at page 194. CHAPTER 32d. VESPERS AND COMPLINE. I. Most Feasts have two Vespers, the first on the Vigil, and the second on the evening of the Feast. The Directory or Ordo must be consulted in order to know the Vespers for each Feast. If they be 1st Vespers of the following day, then the Ordo say-. Vespem de ' sequent i (Vespers of the following): if Vespers of the day itself, they are described: In II.Yesp. (in 2 nd vespers); 201 if finally the Vespers be divided, i. e. the first portion be given to the Office of the Feast being celebrated, and the 2 nd portion to the Feast of the following day, then the direction is: Vesp. a capitulo d? sequenti; i.e. vespers from the Little Chapter of the following: the Capitidum or Little Chapter being the point of division. The Vespers are arranged in the same way as Lauds, namely 5 antiphons , 5 Psalms (which vary with the Feast), the Little Chapter, Hymn, Versicle and Response and the Magnificat instead of the Benedictus. Then the Prayer and Commemorations. After the Priest has recited in silence the prepar- atory prayer, he intones Deus in adjutorium as at p. 178. The Choir answers with Domine ad ad/juvandum do. . . Alleluia (from Septwagesima till Easter "Laus tibi Do- mine" etc instead of the Alleluia). Then follow the 5 Antiphons and Psalms. If the Feast be of higher rank than a semi-duplex, the entire antiphon should be sung both before and after the Psalm ; l ) if of a semi-double or any lower rank, only the first word or two is intoned before the Psalm, and the entire Antiphon is sung after. The Antiphons should in all cases be commenced by one or two Chanters, and then continued by the full choir. In the same way with regard to the Psalms, the first verse of each Psalm should be intoned by the Cantores, 2 ) and then sung through alternately by both sides of the choir. As soon as the 5 th Psalm and its Antiphon are concluded the Priest sings the Little Chapter as at p. 190, the choir answering Deo Gr alias , and then the Hymn is sung. The same ceremony is observed in the in- ') When the Organ accompanies, the antiphon after the Psalm may be recited submissa voce on the reciting note of the mode; the organ continuing to play. *) When the Organ" is played the 1 st verse of each Psalm should be intoned without accompaniment. 202 tonation of the Hymn as at Lauds. After the Hymn comes the versicle and response as at page 183; and then the Antiphon before the Magnificat. The Magnificat is intoned by the Chanters, as at p. 175 or 176, and sung through by both sides of the choir alternately; the solemn intonation (or initium) being observed with each verse. The Magnificat concluded, its antiphon is repeated, and then the Priest sings Dominus vobiscam and the Prayer (as at page 120). If any Commemorations or the Preces be prescribed, the same order is observed with regard to them as already described in Lauds. After the last Prayer follows Dominus vobiscum; — Benedicamus Domino (see p. 192 — 193), Fidelium ani- mce Sc. on one note and in a subdued voice. II. Completorium or Compline is usually joined to Vespers, and is almost invariable. The official Direct. Chori gives Compline in its entirety, antiphons and psalms. The melody of the Hymn varies according to the rule given in Observation, page 195. The Confiteor before the Psalms, should be recited, not sung, by the offic- iating Priest and Choir. The Responsoria brevia, have a special chant given in the Direct. Chori. The Canticle Nunc Dimittis is always in the 3 d Tone 1 5t ending, and is intoned in the same way as the Psalms and sung to the end. The Preces, if prescribed are sung as indicated at p. 192, the prayer Visita as at p. 120 or 121, and' Benedicamus page 194, N° 9. After the Benedicamus the dignior Chori sings Benedicat et custodiat nos omni- potens et misericors Dominus. 1$. Amen. Then follows immediately one of the Anthems of the 13. V. M. according to the season. From Advent till Candlemas exclusive. Till Holy Thursday. 203 From Easter to Trinity Sunday exclusive. From Trinity till Advent. Re-gi-na coe-li. Sal-ve. The Chant for these Anthems is given in full in the Direct. Chori p. 60* — 64*. The Prayers after the Au- thems are sung in Tono feriali p. 121. Divinum auxilium maneat semper nobiscum. R. Amen, is recited in a low tone of voice, on one note and without any inflection. SPECIAL FUNCTIONS. CHAPTER 33d. THE ASPERGES AND THE LJTANY OF THE SAINTS. I. On all Sundays throughout the year Holy Water is sprinkled on the altar, choir and congregation, be- fore the principal Mass. The Celebrant intones : l ) Infra Tempus Paschale. From Easter until Trinity Sunday exclusive. ga afag gag g :fe=zrnLi~ z^zzirz The Choir follows after with: Egret :pn&!LL%_H-N*pl-W:iit: ^n> n t em . Grad. Rom. or Ord, Misscc p. 2*. Yi - di a - quam. Sac. ft. Ostende nobis Domine misericordiam tuam, Al-le-lu-ja. Chor. Et salutare tuum da nobis, Al-le-lu-ja. Sac. Hf. Domine exaudi orationem meam. Chor. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. Sac. ft. Dominus vobiscum. Chor. fy. Et cum spiritu tuo. Oratio in tono fer. p. 121. ') Sacerdos, inclinatione aut genuflexione facta, flectit utroque genu super intimum gradum altaris, accipit aspersorium, et incipiens cantare antiphonam Asperges vel Vidi aquam, cantando ter aspergit altare &c. 204 Extra Tempus Paschale. r^mzCzz^^zzr^linic The Choir continues with: Bomine hys- z *^k— tj^ti * s6po, as in page 1* of the Grad. Horn, or A - sper-ges me. Grdinarium Missce. Should the Celebrant commence the intonation of the Asperges with d for the first note (d, e, | g, f;}, e, | fj}, g, | a.) the choir can easily continue in the same pitch with , c, d, &c. ; should he however choose a higher note, then, on account of the high range of the piece, it being in the 7 th Tone, a transposition becomes necessary, either to the original setting, or that commen- cing with d. On Passion and Palm-Sundays the Gloria Patri is omitted, and the Antiphon repeated immediately after the f. Miserere. Versicle (without Alleluia), &c. and Prayer as with Vidi aquam. II. On the Feast of St. Mark, and on the Ro- gation Days, (the three days immediately preceding Ascension Thursday) the Litany of the Saints should be sung as in the Directorium Chori, p. [63]. l ) On Easter Saturday and the Vigil of Pentecost the beginning and end of the Litany differ in a few notes from the chant prescribed for Rogation week ; on these two days more- over several invocations are omitted and the order of the Virgins is changed. 2 ) The Litany for these two oc- casions will be found at page 224 of the Gradualelto- x ) Duo cantores litanias cantare incipiunt, ceteris singulos versus eadem voce respondentibus. If there be a custom of singing the Litany divided, (thus, Cantores: Sancta Maria, Chorus: Ora pro nobis, or Can- tores one entire invocation with its Response, and the Choir the follow- ing one in like manner) this is tolerated. But the rule for the repetition of each verse and Response by the choir, remains. S. R. C. 1G. Sept, 1865. 2 ) On these two days it is not allowed to curtail the singing of the Litany; each invocation and response must be sung in full by the chanters, and repeated by the choir. 205 manum (S vo ). We subjoin here a few of the invocations for sake of practice. Special attention is directed to the minor third d, b£, and not b flat as is commonly heard at the word Beus (in Pater de ccelis Bens) and all si- milarly inflected words. I. On Easter Saturday and Vigil of Pentecost. e a Ky-ri - e e- le - i-son. Chri-ste e - le - i - son. Ky-ri - e a ga f e-le- i-son. Chri-ste au-di nos. Chri-ste ex-au-di nos. c Pater de coelis d h h a h c De-us, Mi- se -re- re no-bis. O-ra pro no-bis. O-rate pro no-bis. m Sancta Ma - - ri - a , Omnes sancti Do - ctores, Omnes Sancti, et Sanctae De-i, In-ter-ce-di-te pro no-bis. Pro -pi - ti - us e - sto , Par - ce no - bis D6-mi-ne. Pro -pi - ti - us e - sto , Ex - au - di nos D6-mi-ne. Ab o-mni ma - lo, Li - be - ra nos D6-mi-ne. In di - e iu - di - cii, " " " " " Pcc-ca - to -res , * Te ro-ga-mus au-di nos. 206 1—3. A -gnus Pe-i, qui tol-lis pec-cfl-ta mundi, c d e 1. par-ce no -bis D6-mi-ne. 2. ex - an - di nos Do - mi - ne. 3. mi - se - re - re no - bis. Chri-ste au - di nos. Chri-ste ex-au-di nos. At this point the Choir begins immediately the Kyrie of the Mass ; on Easter Saturday at p. 6* of the Grad. Bom.; on the Vigil of Pentecost at page 9*. 2. At the Procession on St. Mark's day, the Rogation days, and on other occasions. Before the Procession the Eitual prescribes the An- tiphon Exurge Domine. 1 ) c h a h a g a Ky-ri-e e-le-i-son. Christe e-le-i-son. Ky-ri-e e-le- a ga f g a i-son. Christe au-di nos. Christe ex-au-di nos. Pater de ccelis. Sanda Maria. PropUius esto. Pecca- tores. Agnus Dei &C. 2 ) as above under N°l, and as in ') See the Bit Bom. page 225. and Grad. Bom. page 379. ') On the occasion of the canonization of the Japanese Martyrs 8 June 1862, the Times correspondent thus describes the chanting of the Litanv. (Times June 16.) f 'The Papal singers chanted the Kyrie. eleison, and the words were taken up and passed from wave to wave of this vast sea. and the Litanv of the Saints was sung by thousands, producing such a bodv of sound as I had never heard before, and 207 the Direct. Chori p. [63] &c. Then follows Ghriste audi nos y Christe exaudi nos, Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, as above under N° 2, and at the close: Ky-ri-e e - le - i - son. The Psalm Deus in adjutorium is sung alternately in Tono feriali (Ton. VI.); the Verse and Kesp. as at page 192. If the Prayers conclude with the clcmsida majori or longer ending, then they are sung in Tono simpl. fer. page 120; if with the clausula minori or shorter ending, in Tono feriali, page 121. After the Dominus vobiscum the two Chanters sing t. Exaudiat nos omm'potens et mi-se-ricors Dominus. 1$. A - men. f. Et fidelium animm is recited in a low voice, and its response Amen on the same note. CHAPTER 34th. BLESSING OF CANDLES, ASHES, PALMS. PASCHAL CANDLE AND BAPTISMAL FONT. I. The five Prayers at the Blessing of the Candles on the Feast of the Purification (Febr. 2 nd ) are all sung in tono simplici feriali page 120. During the distribution of the candles, the choir sings: Lumen ad revelationem (Grad. Rom. page 378). electrifying every one who had the slightest feeling." (See Prose and Verse by the Rev. Dr. Murray of Maynooth College. Appendix p. 130.) 208 Before the Procession : Exsurge Domine is sung, (Grad. Bam. p. 379). The Priest then sings the Prayer Exaiidi ws, (if after Septuagesima with a previous Fle- cktrnus genua &c. p. 122) in tono ferial 7. p. 121 and the Deacon turning to the people sings, in versicle-tone: Chor. t. Proce-damus in pa-ce. In no-mi-ne Christi. A-men. During the Procession the Choir sings the Antiphon: Adorna ihalamum or Besponsum accepit; when re-enter- ing the Church, Obtulerunt pro eo: Grad. Horn. p. 380 — 383, Bit. Bom. p. 245—248. II. On Ash-Wednesday before the blessing of the ashes the choir sings the antiphon: Exaudi nos, with the Psalm-verse Sal ram me fac, Gloria Patri &c. and then repeats the Antiphon (Grad. Bom. p. 73). The four prayers which follow are sung in tono fe- rial 7. p. 122. Whilst the ashes are being distributed, the choir sings the Antiphon: Immutemur habit a , or Inter vestibulnm, and at the close: Umendemus in melius with the y. Adjuva nos and Gloria Patri {Grad. Bom. p. 73 — 76). The Prayer after the distribution is sung in Tono ferial i, p. 122. III. Alter the Asperges, on Palm Sunday the Bless- ing of the Palms commences with the Antiphon Hosanna filio David (Grad. Bom. page 107 or Ojficium majoris Hebdomada? p. 2). The Prayer. Bens quern diligere is sung by the Priest, in tono simplici feriali. p. 121. 2. Then comes the Epistle as at p. 126. As a Gradual, the Choir sings Collegerunt Pontifices or In monte Oliveti (Graduate Bom. p. 16$ and 169, or Officium majoris Hebdomads p. 3 and 5) and then the Deacon follows with the Gospel more eonsueto. p. 130. The Prater Auge 209 fid em in tono simpl. fer. page 120. The Preface in tono feriali. The Choir sings Sanctus and Benedictus to a chant identical with that of the Missa pro Defunctis (see Grad.Rom. p. 170). Of the six Prayers which now follow, the fourth : Beus qui per Olivce ramum is sung as at page 121. the others in tono simpl. fer. p. 120. Dining the Distribution of Palms the Choir sings : Pveri Hebrceorum (Grad. Bom. p. 171 or Offic. maj. Hebdom. p. 12). The Prayer Omnipotens in tono feriali p. 121. When the Procession is about to move the Deacon sings: Procedamus in pace, p. 208. The Choir during the procession sings one or other of the Antiphons: Cum appropinquaret , Cum audisset popidus , Ante sex dies, Occurrunt turbm, Cum angelis, Turba midta, {Grad. Bom. p. 172-177. Bit. Bom. p. 248-252; Offic. maj. Hebd. p. 13-18). On the return of the Procession, two or four chanters enter the Church and sing the first two verses of the Hymn: Gloria I a us. The Celebrant and Pro- cession who remain outside, repeat it. The Chanters then sing the five following Strophes, 1 ) the procession answering after each strophe with the words Gloria laus, as follows : G16ri-a, laus, et honor, ti-bi sit, Rex Giriste, Redemptor: cu - i pu - e - ri - le de-cus prom-psit Ho - san - na pi-um. When the Subdeacon knocks at the door with the foot of the Cross, the door is opened and the Procession enters the Church, singing Ingrediente Domino. ■) Omnes, eel partim, prout videbitur. 14 210 [V. At the Blessing of the Fire l ) on Easter Satur- day, the 5 grains of incense to be tixed in the Paschal candle are also blessed. The Deacon who is charged with the benedictio cerei Paschalis, enters the Chinch with the procession, bearing the triple candle, and sings three times during the procession, each time raising his voice : m Lu-men Chri-sti. Chorus. De-o gra-ti-as. The Chant for the Blessing of the Paschal Candle called the prceconium pa$chale or Exultet: it has a m eat similarity with the chant of the Preface, and per- haps surpasses it in beaut v and simplicity. We ^ive it in full. 2 ) Ex-til -tet jam An-ge-li-ca tur-ba cce-16-rum: ex-sul-tent — I — di-vi-na my-ste -ri-a: et pro tan-ti Re-gis vi-cto-ri-a £=33=5 tu-ba in -so-net sa-lu- ta -ris. Gau-de-at et tel-lus tan-tis i-ra-di-a-ta ful-go-ri-bus: et ae-ter-ni Re-gis splendore l ) The Prayers at the Blessing of the Fire are only recited not sung; see foot note page 121. *) Baini in Vol. 2. of his Memorie Storico-Critiche page 93 in the note, cites a most ancient manuscript of the 9 th century preserved in the library of Monte Cassino, and containing the chant of the Ej uJtet note for note as we give it here. It was composed by Landulph who was Bishop of Capua A. D. 851. 211 il-lu-stra-ta, to-tf-us or-bis se sen-ti-at a - mi-sis-se ica-li - ginem. Lae-te-tur et mater Ec cle-si- a, tan-ti lu-mi-nis ad-or-na-ta ful-go - ri : bus: et magnis po-pu-16-rum vo-ci-bus haec au-la re-sul-tet. Qua-pro-pter a l-stan- re tes vos, fra-tres ca-ris si-mi. ad tarn mi-ram hu-jus san-eti lu-mi-nis cla-ri - ta- tern, u-na me-eum, quae-so, De-i o-mni- po-ten-tis mi -se-ri-cor-di-am in-vo-ca - te. Ut qui me -Si — ♦— w-m — U J J— non me-is me-ri-tis in-tra Le-vi-ta-rum numerum dig-na- ' - ? 1 — ♦— "n— WH — I 1 1 1 — m — P— " n— > tus est ag-gre-ga - re: lu-mi nissu-i cla-ri -ta-tem in-fun - dens, Ce-re-i hu-jus laudem im-ple-re per - fi - ci -at. Per Do - minum no-strum Je-sum Christum Fi -li-um su - urn : 212 qui cum e-o vi-vit et reg-nat in u - ni-ta - te Spi-ri-tus ft G ^ ft ll san-cti De-us. Per d-mni-a sae-cu-la sae cu-I6-rum. S a 11 , , i _ _ A-men. X v . Do-mi-ncs vo bis-cum. Etcum Spi-n-tu tu-o. c h ah ag c h t. Sur-sum cor-da. 5- Ha-bemus ad D6-mi-num. t. Gra-ti-as a-ga-musr6-mi-no Be-o nostro. Tjt. Dignnm et justum est. j ^jp^ i ^* — ♦ — w — ♦ — a r F r ^»- b— ♦-T^i ;== T i::r i=^ 1^ 5 q 1 c — 5 q q Ve-re di-gnum et ju-stum est, in-vi - si-bi-lem Pe-um Pa-trem o-mni-po-ten-tcm, P'i-li-umque e-jus u- ni-ge-nitnm, Do- 1 — ■- ♦ ■ ■ ■ ■ U-tb, -1 1 _L mi-num nostrum Je-sum Christum, to -to cordis ac men-tis af - fe - cl u, et vo-cis mi -ni-ste-ri - o per - so - na - re. Qui pro no-bis ae-ter-no Pa-tri, A-dae de-bi-tum sol-vit: et ve-te-ris pi-a-eu-li cau-ti - 6-nem pi-o cru-6 - re 213 de ter-sit, Haec sunt e-nim fe-sta Pa-scha-li- a, in qui- bus ve-rus il-le A-grius oc-cl- di-tur, cu-jus san-gui-ne po acdch stes fi - de-li-um con-se-cran-tur. Haec nox est, in qua pri-mum pa-tres nostros, fi- li-os I-sra-el, e-du-ctos de Ae-gyp-to, Ma - re ru-brum sic-co ve-sti'-gi - o tran-si - re fe-ci - sti. Haec i - gi-tur nox est, quae pec-ca-to-rum te-ne - bras, co-lumnae il - lu-mi-na-ti - 6 - ne pur-ga-vit. Haec nox — ♦ - ♦ - N — ■ — W — — ■ — ■ — "1 est, quae ho-di - e per u - ni-ver-sum mundum, in Chri-sto ^ — _. cre-den-tes, a vf-ti-is sae-cu-li, et ca-h'-gi-ne pec- ca-t6-rum se-gre-ga-tos, red - dit gra-ti-ae, so-ci-at san - cti-ta - ti. Haec nox est, in qua de-stru-ctis vin-cu-lis 214 mor-tis. Chri-stus ab in-fe-ris vi-ctor a-scen-dit. Ni-hil e-nim no-bis na-sci pro-fu-it. ni-si re-di-nii pro-fu-fs - set. mi-ra cir-ea nos tu-ae pi-e-ta-tis di-gna - ti - o! in -ae-sti-ma-bi-lis di - le-cti-o ca - ri - ta -tis : ut servum re-di'-me-res. Fi-li-um tra -di-df-sti! cer-te toft ne-ees-sa-ri-um A-dae pee-ca-tum. quod Chri-sti mor-te de- al^ le -turn est! fe-lix cul-pa, quae ta-lem, ac tan-turn me-ru-it ha-bs-re Re-dem-pto-rem! ve-re be-a-ta mm — ^ u I nox. quae so-la me-ru-it sci-re tem-pus et ho-ram, in qua Cliristus ab in-fe-ris re- snr-re -xit ! Haec nox est, de qua scri-r»tum est : Et nox si-cut di-es il- lu-mi - na - bi-tur: 215 Et nox il-lu-mi-na-ti-o me-a in de-li - ci-is me- is. m — ■ — ♦ Hu-jus i-gi-tur san-cti-fi-ca-ti- o no-ctis, fu - gat sce-le ra, cul-pas la -vat: et red-dit in-no-centi-am la-psis, et moe-stis lae-ti-tiam. Fu-gat 6-di-a, concor-di-am pa -rat, et cur -vat im-pe-ri-a. 1 ) In hu-jus i-gi-tur no-ctis gra-ti-a, su-sci-pe sancte Pa-ter, in-cen-si hu-jus sa-cri-fi-ci-um ve-sper-ti'-num: quod ti-bi in hac Ce-re-i ob-la-ti - 6-ne so-le-mni, per mi-nistrorum manus de o- pe-ri-bus a-pum sa-crosancta red-dit Ec-cle-si-a. Sed jam co-lumnaa hujus praeco-ni-a no-vi-mus, quam in ') Hie Diaconus infigit quinque grana incensi benedicti in Cereo in modum Cruris, hoc or dine: 425 3 216 ho-n6rem De-i ru-ti-lans i-gnis ac-cen-dit. 1 ) Qui li-cet sit di-vf-sus in par-tes, mu-tu-a-ti ta-men lu-mi-nis de- tri-men-ta non no-vit. A- li-tur e-nim li-quanti-bus ce- ris, quas in substanti-am pre-ti - 6-sae hu-jus lam-pa-dis, a -pis ma -ter _ e - du - xit. 7 ) ve-re be-a-ta nox, quae ex-po-li - a -vit Ae - gy - pti-os , di - ta - vit He-braeos ! Nox, in qua ter-re-nis coe - le-sti-a, hu-ma-nis di-vi-na jun-guntur. 0- ramus er-go te D6-mi-ne: ut Ce-re-us i - ste in ho-no-rem tu - i no-mi-nis con-se - cra-tus , ad no- ctis hu-jus ca-li-gi-nem de-stru-end \m, in-de-fi-ci-ens per- l ) Hie Diaconns accendit Cereum cum una ex tribus candeUs in arundine positis. ') Hie deeenduntur lampades. 217 se-ve-ret. Et in o-do-rem su-a-vi-ta-tis ac - ce-ptus su-pernis lu-mi-na-ri-bus mi-sce-a- tur. Flammase-jus lu-ci-fer ma-tu-ti -nus in-ve-ni-at. II -le, inquam, lu- JfcrlA :-i- far_i=tr "-»=>f ci-fer , qui ne - scit oc - ca - sum. II - le , qui in-gressus ab in - fe- ris hu-ma-no ge- ne -ri se - re - nus il - lu - xit. Pre- camur er-go te D6-mi-ne: ut nos fa-mu-los tu-os, om- nemque elerum, et de-vo-ti's-si-mum po-pu-lum, u-na cum be -a- tis- si-mo Fa-pa no-stro N. et An-ti-sti-te, no-stro N. qui-e-te temporum con-ces-sa in his Pascha-libus gau-di- is , as - si-du - a pro-te-cti - 6 - ne re- ge-re. gu-ber-na-re, et conser-va-re di-gne-ris . . . ') Per 2 ) Oratio "Bespice cum omni populo suo" in fine Prceconii Paschalis Sabbato Sancto, ob sublatum Bomanorum imperuim, non am- plius recitetur. S. B. C. U. Mart 1861. 218 e-undern Dominum nostrum Je-sum Christum Ff-li-um tu-um: Z E — ^-HiP"^ 3 ! 1 ^ — ♦— H ^— ■ — — mz— 77. X=±=l=l= 1 i=r=^z=qz=i=:q qzzBzg: Qui tecum vi-vit et regnat in u-ni-ta-te Spi'-ri-tus san-cti De-us: per 6-mni-a sae-cu-la sae-cu - 16-rum. J£. A-men. The Blessing of the Paschal Candle is followed im- mediately by the 12 Prophecies which are sung in the Tone of a Lesson ; thus : Punctum. Mouusyllaba In princfpio creavit Deus coe-lum et ter-ram. Dixi'tque Dixit ad et accentus acutus. Interrc-gatio. " M ■ ~ AV Deus : fi-at lux. Quid vis, ti-li? Requievit eum: Abraham, A-braham. Sio finitur Prophetia. - i — — r~^NN= die septimo ab uni verso opere, quod pa-trarat. Each Prophecy 1 ) is followed by Or emits, Flectamus genua and a Prayer in tono simpl. fer. p. 120. After the 4 th , 8 th and 11 th Prophecies and before the Oremus, the Choir sings a Tractus, (see Grad. Rom. p. 219-223). Observation. The six Prophecies with their Prayers are sung in the same manner on the Vigil of Pentecost; the Choir singing a Tract after the 2 nd , 3 d and 4&. V. In the Procession to the Baptismal Font the Tract Slant cervus is sung by the Choir. The two Prayers ') At the end of the 12 th Prophecy Oremus only and then the Frayer in tono simpl. fer. 210 before the Preface, as at page 120. The Preface is in the same Chant as the Preface at the Mass. Towards the end of the Blessing , the following is sung by the Priest three times, raising the voice each time : Pescendat in hanc ple-ni-tudinem fontis, vir-tns Spf-ritus sancti. The last note but one (e) serves as the first note for the repetition. Returning from the Font to the Altar two Chanters intone the Litany of the Saints in the curtailed form, (see Grad. Bom. p. 224) the Choir re- peating in full each invocation and response. The same takes place on the Vigil of' Pentecost. CHAPTER 35th. HOLY THURSDAY. GOOD FRIDAY. AND EASTER SATURDAY AD MISSAM. I. Mass on Holy Thursday has little special about it 1 ) except in Cathedral Churches, where the Bishop con- secrates the Holy Oils. Twelve Priests, seven Deacons and seven Subdeacons assist the Bishop. The Mass pro- ceeds more consueto up to that part of the Canon where we meet the words "Per quern ha^c omnia, Domine. semper bona creas," exclusive. The Bishop having assumed his mitre proceeds to the table prepared, and seats himself at it, facing the altar. Then the Arch- deacon sings, alta voce in tono lectionis : ') The Organ is played at the Kyrie and Gloria, and at the latter the bells are rung-, after which both Organ and Bells remain silent till the Gloria on Easter Saturday. 220 - le - urn in - fir - mo-rum. One of the Subdeacons with two acolytes retires to the Sacristy and brings the Oil of the Sick, which when consecrated is brought back in the same manner to the Sacristy. Then the Bishop having washed his hand-, ascends the Altar and resumes the Mass at the words Per quern (fx. and continues it up to the communion of the Chalice. Having administered Holy Communion to the Deacon, 2 ) Subdeacon and assistant Clergy, and placed in a vase specially prepared, the host consecrated for the ceremonies of the following day, he resumes his place at the table, and tho Archdeacon sings in tono lectionis: - le - urn ad Sanctum Chrisma. And immediately adds in the same tone: :p=zqz=^zzi^= :zz=q=JL=±:=: - le - urn Ca - te - chu-me- no-rum. The Bishop then puts incense in the thurible and blesses it more solito. Then the 12 priests. Deacons and Subdeacons with the Acolytes and other ministers go processionally to the Sacristy and bring, cum omm decore et reverentia the Oil of Chrism and the Oil of Catechumens. Returning to the altar they proceed in the following order; 1 st the Thurifer, then one Subdeacon bear- ing the cross between two Acolytes with lighted candles, then two Chanters, chanting the verses "0 Bedemptor." To n. II. _ Re-demptor, su - me car-men te- met con - ci-nen-ti-um. s ) The Deacon standing at the Epistle side sings the Confiteor, as at page 155. The choir repeats the same verse, and the Chanters continue the following verses as in Offic. maj.Hebd. p. 257; the Choir repeating after each, the verse u O Bedemptor" as above. The Bishop then proceeds with the Blessing of the Chrism, as in the Ponttf. Bom. and Off. maj. Hebd. p. 259 et seqq. When the Blessing is completed, first the Bishop, and then the twelve priests in order, salute the consecrated Chrism saying : A-ve san-ctum Chrisma. This is sung three times by each, the voice being raised at every repetition. After the third salutation each one reverently kisses the edge of the vase containing the Holy Chrism, and retires to his place. The same ceremony is observed with the Oil of Catechumens, the consecration of which immediately fol- lows, except that instead of the word chrisma the word oleum is substituted : A - ve san- ctum 6 - le - am. Then the consecrated oils are brought back to the Sacristy with the same ceremony as before, the chanters continuing the verses Ut novetur seams ? and the choir answering each verse, with "0 Bedemptor" as before. Mass is then brought to a conclusion and preparations are made for bringing the consecrated Host to the Altar or Chapel prepared for its reception. The Pange lingua is sung during the Procession. II. On Good Friday a Lector reads the Prophecy H&c dicit Dominus, as at page 219; the choir singing the Tract Dom'me audivi which follows. The Celebrant says Oremus, Flectamus genua dx. p. 122, the Prayer Deu$j a quo (p. 120) in ton. simpl. fer. The Subdeacon sings, in Epistle tone, tlie lesson In diebus Mis: and as soon as the Choir has concluded the Tract Eripe me, the Passion according to St. John is sung as on Palm- Sunday. From the words Post hcec autem the Deacon of the Mass sings the remainder in the usual Gospel tone. ([>. 130.) The Priest then sings the nine prayers as at pages 123 ginis, Beati Michaelis Archangel! , Beat? Joannis Baptist a, Sanctorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli, et omnium San- ctorum, misereatur vestri Omnipotent Bern, et dimissis peccatis vestri s, p^r ducat vos ad vitam ceternam. To which the Choir answers on one note A-men. Then the Bishop continues, "Indulgenticm, absolutio- nem, et remissionem peccatorum vestrorum, tribuat robis omnipotens, et misericors BominusT Choir answers : zji-iMiz±r:j]E A-men. Then assuming the mitre, the Bishop blesses the people more consueto, saying: — "Et benedictio Bei ■omnipotentis Pa f tris, et Fi f Hi, et Spirit us f Sancti desceridat super vos, et maneat semper." Choir answers : ^Ez?Ezr^§E A-men. The second form is when presiding at Solemn Mass the Bishop gives the Blessing at the end of Mass. thus: t. Sit no-men Domini be-ne - di - ctum. Ex hoc nunc us-que in sae-cu- lum. #\ Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Do - mini. I£. Qui fecit ccelum et ter - ram. Benedicat vos o-mnf-po-tens De-us. Pa -ter. et -g — W ~ ] — * — ■ — j-h — ■ — ■ — Fi-li-us, et Spi'-ri-tus san-ctus. 1$. A-men. 227 5. In Exequiis. As the new Exequiale Bomanum gives in full all the chants and Intonations to be used in the Office and Mass for the Dead, we give here only those words that may have to be intoned by the officiating Priest. Parochus. Cautores. Ant. Si i - ni-qui-ta-tes. Ps. 129. De profundis ciamavi ad te D6-mi-ne: Domine, exaudi vocem me-am. VII ; . Si i - ni-qui-ta-tes ob-ser-va-ve-ris D6-mi-ne, D6-mi-ne. quis su-sti-ne-bit V Parochus. Cantores. Ant. Ex-sul-tabunt D6mi-no. Ps. 50. Mi- se- re- re me-i. De-us. secundum magnam misericor-di-am tu-am. J/ x . The Chanters intone the Resp. Subvenjte, the Clergy (Choir) answer. The Prayers which conclude with Per Christum Dominum nostrum, or Qui vivis et reffrias in scecula saccular urn. should be sung in Tono ferial 7 p. 121, the others in simpl.fer. p. 120. After the Libera me, Domine, the Priest sings : i§_ gj^gL— and Pa-tor noster secreto, 15* 22S after the Incensation and Aspersion : V. Et ne nos indu- c a c a cas in tentatio-nem. JR. Seel libera nos a nta-lo. V. A c a c a porta in-feri. JR. Erue, Domine, animam ejus. V. JRe- c a c c quiescat in peice. JR. Amen. V. Domine. exaudi oreitio- c a c a nem meant. R. Et clamor mens eul te veniat. V. Do- minus vobiscum dc. After the Blessing of the grave the Priest intones: Cantores. Ant. E-go sum. Cant. Bene-dictus D6-mi-nus De-us I-sra-el: * i§=< quia visitavit , et fecit redemptidnem ple-bis su-ae. II. Iii exequiis parmlorum, he sings: Cantores. Ant. Sit nomen D6mi-ni. Ps. 112. Laudate, pueri, Dominum. lau-da-te nornen D6-mi-ni. II. A P P1 I B I X. CHAPTER 37th. THE ORGAN IN GENERAL. I. For centuries past the Organ has become so domesticated in the Church, that it is now regarded as almost indispensable. It is true indeed that Church de- crees bearing on music, do little more than tolerate this instrument, 1 ) and at certain seasons and occasions formally prohibit it ; the Chant being the only music prescribed in the Liturgy. Nevertheless the organ is re- cognised and its use sanctioned in sustaining the Chant ; and it must be admitted that the majesty and solemn grandeur of its tones justify its employment in religious worship. Even those who hold that Plain-Chant should never be accompanied, must nevertheless be desirous that the Preludes, Interludes and Postludes permitted on the Organ, should be of a grave, devotional character, and not out of keeping with the Chant itself; "non dehet deformare cantum planum?' How few Organists seem to comprehend this principle! How few again are thoroughly instructed in the nature, construction, or im- portance of the instrument! Many plead the wretched condition or insufficient size of their instrument as an excuse for a very indifferent performance. No doubt l ) "Hoc solo instnimento utitur Ecclesia in diversis cantibus, et in 2)rosis, in sequentiis , et in hymnis , propter abusum histrionum ejectis aliis communiter instrumentis" Aegid. Lamorensis apud Gerbert. Scrip. Tom. II. p. 388. The Cmrem. Episc. decrees i( nec alia instruments musicalia, prater ipsum organum addantur." Lib- 1. cap. 28. N° 11. It must be remembered that the organ has never been admitted into the Papal Chapel. 230 many organs are sadly neglected, and allowed to fall into disrepair; but it is a mistake to imagine that good Organ-playing can only be obtained on an instrument of imposing dimensions. The really clever Organist will be speedily discovered on a small chancel-organ of four stops ; whilst Organs of eight and twelve stops allow of numerous and effective combinations, if the Organist only takes the trouble to study carefully the nature and con- struction of his instrument. It is also necessary for those who have to manage Organs, to be able to remedy the more trivial accidents which will occur from time to time in the most carefully constructed instruments , and to suggest to the Organ Builder such alterations or im- provements as may tend to balance the tone more evenly, and enhance the value of the instrument as a work of art. Every organ , no matter how small . should have the so-called long pjedal, i. e. a full octave of Pedal pipes from c to c (or to g if the Organ be what is called a G Organ). Where this is wanting, it can be added on without much expense. The mixture stops should not be too shrill, 1 ) but yet powerful and sonorous. A 4-foot stop can be used without coupling it to an 8-foot, if the piece be transposed an Octave lower. The larger the Organ is , and the more numerous the stops , the more varied are its tone-resources and post ble combi- nations, and the more imperative does the duty of the Organist become, to study well the mechanism and the arrangement, the Tone-power and general effectiveness of the instrument entrusted to him. Several valuable works have been compiled on the Organ, its Construction &c; which to the diligent stu- dent will prove most useful. Most of them indeed are in \) In old Organs we often meet with exceedingly shrill Mixtures and Fifth?, which if remodelled would furnish good material for more solid "small" work. 231 German.' such as : Becker, ') Heinricli, 2 ) Jacobs, 8 ) Bidder, 4 ) Seidell) ScJdimbach. 6 ) But Topfer's exposition in his "Lehrbuch der Orgelkunst" (4 vols. Weimar, Vogt) ; as well as in the smaller work : Die Orgel Sc. (Erfurt, Korner) is considered of the greatest usefulness and im- portance. For English readers "The Organ, its History and Construction" by Edward J. Hopkins, Organist of the Temple Church, London, will be found invaluable. (Cocks & Co. London.) XI. This instrument is so complicated in construc- tion, and presents so many difficulties in the just em- ployment of its varied resources, that constant, earnest persevering study is of paramount necessity. The skilful organist should be able not only to execute faultlessly whatever music may be placed before him, but moreover to improvise, or create music, guided by the well- established principles of a good school and the rules of composition , and not exclusively by his own peculiar fancy or musical taste. But to do this well, he must be a thorough master of the theory of music, he must be gifted with fair natural talent, and have acquired good executive ability by patient and well-ordered practice. Anyone acquainted with the biographies of great Musi- cians, cannot but remember, with what care and fore- thought such masters of the instrument as Sebastian Bach, Handel, Albrechtsberger and others, prepared them- L ) Rathschlage fur Organisten .... Leipzig, Schubert. ') Orgellehre, Structur und Erhaltung. Glogau, Flemming. 3 ) Prakt. Anleitung zur Erlangung der Kenntniss der Orgelregister etc., nebst einer Anleitung zum Stimmen der Zungenwerke. Muhllieim, Bagel. Amongst the most recent works of this nature, we may cite: Sattler, die Orgel nach den neuesten Grundsatzen der OrgelbaukunsU Langensalza, Gressler. Schmals, funf Recensionen Tiber verschiedene neuere Orgeln. Hamburg, Griming. Schubert, die Orgel, ihr Bau ihre Geschichte und Behandlung. Leipzig, Merseburger. '') Katechismus der Orgel. Leipzig, Weber. b ) Die Orgel und ihr Bau. Breslau, Leuckart. Verv good ! 6 ) Ueber Structur &c der Orgel. Leipzig, Breiticopf & Hartel... Good but dear. 2 3 2 selves when about to perform on it ; and what minute attention they bestowed even on the most insignificant of their compositions. With such memories to haunt him, no organist should be tempted to regard the momentary fancies of an oftentimes untutored taste, as subjects on which to expend the multiplied and varied resources of the King of instruments. Chr. Fr. Schubart 1 ) remarks with truth -that as the "Organ is the first of instruments, so is the Organist "the first of musicians. The management of the Organ "is exceptionally difficult, and whosoever undertakes to "study it, should possess good intellectual and physical "abilities. Amongst these I would reckon Genius and "Application. One that has not a natural talent for "the instrument can never become a clever organist; and "one who relies solely on his talent, and takes no pains "to educate it. or neglects to study the peculiarities of the "instrument, must always remain a naturalist." Every C atholic organist should understand Harmony, Thorough- Bass, Counterpoint. Fugue (or at least Imitation) so as to be able to guide himself in modulations, suitable transpositions, and pedal work: for all this is indis- pensable in the accompaniment of Plain-Chant. By playing from memory . at first short and easy pieces . then more difficult compositions for the Organ, his talent for improvisation will be developed, his imag- ination enlivened, his memory well exercised, his taste improved, and a correct musical comprehension of uni- formity and style gradually but securely acquired. From the innumerable works compiled on the Theory and Practice of Organ-playing, we select the following as the best known and most useful. Albrechtsberger, 2 ) Cheru- ') Ideen zu einer Aesthetik der Tonkunst Wien 1806. p. 280. -) Collected writings on Thorough-Bass. Harmony and Composition for self-instruction. XoveJlo Ewer d Co. 1855. 233 bini, ') Dehn, 2 ) Herzog, 3 ) Hohmann, 4 ) Marx, 5 ) Oberhoffer, 6 ) Richter, 7 ) Ritter, 8 ) Schiitze, 9 ) Dr. Crotch, Organ fugues, C. H. Rinck's Organ School edited by Best, and Henry Smart's works. Many of those works are exclusively for practical Organ-playing, but are of little use to Catholic Organists except so far as they furnish manual and pedal exercises. Amongst works suitable for Catholic purposes we may enumerate Albrechtsberger, 10 ) Bach, 11 ) Becker, C. F. 12 ) Brosig, 13 ) Oberhoffer, Hesse, 14 ) Kothe 15 ) and Ett. 16 ) ') Theorie des Contrapunctes und der Fuge. Leipzig, Kistner, ~) Theor.-prakt. Harmonielekre. Berlin, Schlesinger. 3 ) Orgelschule. Erlangen, Deichert. 4 ) Lehrb. d. rnus. Komposition , Harmonie und Generalbasslehre. Niirnberg, Schmid. 5 ) Compositionslehre. Leipzig, Breitkopf & Hartel. 6 ) Die Schule des kath. Organisten. 2 Theile. Trier, Lintz. We understand, this very useful work is being translated into English by the author's son, at present Organist in the Catholic Church, York. To this class ot useful works for Catholic Organists belong "die Be- handlung der Orgel," bv B. Mettenleiter. Regensburg, Pustet ; and the "prakt. Orgelschule 5 ' by B. Braun. Grmund, Schmid. 7 ) Lehrbuch der Fuge, des Oontrapunkts, der Harmonie. Leipzig, Breitkopf & Hartel. 8 ) Die Kunst des Orgelspiels. 3 parts, a very useful book, also his Handbook for harmony. 9 ) Prakt. Orgelschule. Leipzig, Arnold. 10 ) Six Fugues for the Organ. Vienna, Haslinger. ") The "well-tempered Clavier," and especially his compositions edited by Chrysander. Leipzig, Peters. Above and beyond all, Sebastian Bach remains" the grand model for all organ players ; and his works are an inexhaustible mine of Taste, Thought and manner of grasping the subject. ") The "Organ archives" edited together with Ritters work is de- serving of special mention. 48 pieces from different epochs. Leipzig,Friese. l3 ) A Catholic Organist of great distinction. u ) His works to be had mostly from Leukart in Breslau. l5 ) Handbuch fur Organisten. Breslau, Leuckart, A very useful, practical work, to be highly recommended. Cadenzen, Versetten, Praludien und Fugen fur Orgel, 2 nd im- proved edition. A most useful, and one might add necessary work for all Catholic organists. 234 CHAPTER 38th. THE ORGAN IN PLAIN-CHANT. "As Plain-Chant is pure melody; and was invented "and composed without harmonic accompaniment, without "time and with free recitation of the text; so any har- "monic accompaniment to it is an evil." Thus writes Dr. Franz Witt. 1 ) He would indeed except the simple antiphonal chants, such as the Responses and Psalm- Tones, which do not belong to the scientific chant proper, and are for the most part only a recitation of the text upon one note, with certain cadences and melodic pas- sages, according to fixed rules at the commas, full-stops, etc. But for the scientific chant itself, he regards "any "harmonic accompaniment, even if it be by the first artist "in the world, as the greatest misfortune: in fact its "death." "Twenty years practical experience" he adds, "has convinced me, that singers who always sing Plain- " Chant accompanied are quite incapable of singing it with "proper feeling .... An Organ accompaniment, tliQugh "liked by almost everybody, is and must be monotonous; "a proper change of the registers, the perpetual accen- tuation and non-accentuation, the crescendo and dimi- u nuendo, with which the text should be declaimed, cannot " by any possibility be managed on an organ. — The "countless embellishments (the neumce on short syllables, "20 or more notes, in old books. 160 to 200 notes on "one short syllable) which resemble the arabesques round "the initial letters in ancient illuminated Missals, and "which must be treated with the same delicacy, become "quite unmeaning with any accompaniment; moreover "everything else becomes, to say the least of it, coarse, 17 ) See Preface to "Orqanwn comitans ad Ordinarium Missix and eight-part, and the good Organist will exercise his judg- ment in employing the resources of his instrument, and always with the view of rendering the performance of the Chant effective. It is self-evident on the other hand that an immoderate number of notes and douhled-chords produces a bad effect, and that excursions up and down the man- uals, variations, appoggiatura$ and other such modulation-, should never be permitted to obscure or interrupt the chant. 239 The Preludes should have a reference to the Chant coming on, and serve as an introduction to it; one or more ideas from the Introit for instance, might form the subject of the Prelude, which should close on the final of the mode in which the Chant begins. This requirement is in no way preposterous, as the Preludes in Catholic Church-service, can never be so long as to create airy embarrassment to a skilled organist. The Organist must take Masters for his models, study their compositions, be not ashamed to play from the copy, and try in writ- ing, to work out short organ passages in the old Gre- gorian modes. l ) The least that may be expected from an Organist who has to accompany Plain-Chant, is that at all events, in the last 10 to 12 bars of his Pre- lude he should employ a strict Church style, and so introduce his singers to the holy function in which they are to take an active part. The Interludes, wiiere they are introduced with judgment and taste, should for a still stronger reason be invested with the character of the Church Tones. Operatic Overtures , military Marches , Fantasias and Ariettas, favourite pieces with so many Organists, are scarcely the character of interludes that would fit well after the Gradual or Offertory in an Old Gregorian Tone. The Postludes should put the seal on the sublimity and dignity of the Chant that preceded, and not draw off the singers or hearers to another train of thought. 4 ) Franz Commer published (Trautwein in Berlin) a collection of Organ-pieces from the 16 th and 17 th centuries. Father Schmidt, Ka- pellmeister in Minister, is the compiler of another collection; also Riegd "Praxis Organoedi and Kothe : " ' Orgelstiicke in den alten Kirchen- tonarten (Begensburg , Pustet). In Herzog's "das kirchliche OrgelspieV you will find in the Appendix very pretty short and long pieces and modulations in the old Church Modes. A most practical method for acquiring a facility of playing in the old modes, would be to study the scores of the "Musica Divina," especially the 3 d vol., or other si- milar works of the old masters, and write out for one"s self, short and striking passages, transpose them if necessary, and then play them. 240 When several pieces in different modes follow one an- other; e.g. the Antiphons at Vespers &c, care should be taken to modulate naturally into the new mode, so as to mark its distinctive character. It will be there- fore necessary for the Organist by free transposition to be able to give the Chants in different pitches ac- cording as circumstances may require. For thi< purpose exercises in reading the different clefs and the system of transpositions (as in Chapters 3 d and 14 th ) become absolutely necessary, until the player is no longer em- barrassed by them. Above all it can never be too often stated, that conscientious practice, steady self-criticism, zealous working out of the old models, coupled with un- interrupted theoretical study, must form the distinctive qualifications of a good Catholic Organist. 1 ) We may close this chapter with a short quotation from the musical historian Ambros. 2 ) "The innate vital "power of these chants is so great, that even without "any harmonization, they can be made available for "the most intense expression, and nothing is required out- "side themselves to mark their great importance; whilst "on the other hand, for the richest and most artistic "harmonic treatment, they furnish inexhaustible matter, "and their accumulation through the course of centuries "form a treasure, of which art has now the benefit. Music "has waxed strong in the mighty vitality of (h'egorian "Chant; she has been formed out of its melodies, from "the first rude attempts of the Organum, of Diaphony, "and Faux Bourdons, down to her highest perfection "in the Palestrina style." la these old compositions there is a rich collection of pieces, in Which the parts do not cross each other too often, and which thereby be- come most useful for the organ. ') Anyone -who does not feel thoroughly competent to accompany Plain Chant, should not attempt it. He would do more harm than good. 2 ) Gcschichte der Musik. Vol. 2. p. 67. PART III. PRACTICE OF PLAIN- CHANT. I. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. CHAPTER 39th. TO THE CLERGY AND CLERICAL STUDENTS. The zeal and industry with which the Clergy in the earlier ages cultivated the Chant, is a matter of history. *) From the same source we may learn, how the Church, not only adopted the words of Ecclesiasticus, cap. 44. 5. ("Laudevnus vivos gloriosos et parent es nostros in genera- tions sua . . . in peritia sua requirentes modos musicos, et narrantes carmina script ur arum") as suitably describing the characteristic virtues of many amongst her Saints; (In Comm. Conf. Pont.) but 'also embellished her entire Ritual, and brightened it up with the songs of holy and enlightened men: and Bishops, Priests and Clerics vied with each other in rendering in a worthy manner the splendid melodies of St. Gregory; and Councils encour- aged the conscientious study of the same. 2 ) ') Laicus in ecclesiis non debet recitare , nec Alleluia dicer e, sed psalmos iantum sine Alleluia. Theod. of Canterbury. See Gerbert. T. I. p. 243. 2 ) 8th Council of Toledo, Can. 6. Council of Trent, Sess.23. can. 18, de reformatione. Council of Rome (1725) and numerous National and Provincial Synods and Pastoral Addresses. The National Synod of Thurles in the Chap, de Eucharistia, can. 38, says : "Nullus cantus nisi gravis, et ecclesiasticus, in Ecclesiis adhibeatur. Bectores Seminariorum 16 . 242 "If then," writes Jannsen. "we address ourselves to the Clergy first, we do so under the firm persuasion that the study of Plain-Chant and its good execution depend principally upon them,.'.-. But it is. alas! too true, that man} amongst them, through carelessness or want of knowledge in this matter, furnish the hest pos- sible reasons for its decay and depreciation. We are forced to say with Cardinal Bona "Ut fateor quod res est, pudet me plerosque eeclesiasiicos vivos totius vita cursu in cantu versari, ipsum vevo cantum, quod turpe est, ignorare" (Be cantu eecL HI- N° l.) 1 ) Stein, who in his excellent little book") extends the duties of the Priest as Master in his Church, also to the depart- ment of Church Music, mentions, that formerly musical culture was especially to be met with amongst the Clergy, and that the greater and better portion were only turned away from it when the degenerate style of Church-Music was first introduced, but with unpardonable carelessness they remained inactive. "But for this indifference the ignorance we have now to deplore would never have he- come so great or so universal.*" 3 ) curent, prapositis etiam prcemiis, ut alumni in Cantu gravi et eccle- siastico bene instituantur" See Preface tor the Synod of Maynooth. The Council of Laodicea (in the 4 th century) decrees: "Non oportet nisi canonicos cantor es qui suygestum ascendant , et ex diphtera seu membrana canunt, ahum quemlibet in Ecclesia psallere" ' » Methode (les vrais principes) du Chant Gregorien. H. Dessain, Maiines. -) Die katholisclie Kirchenmusik nach Hirer Bestimmung and ihrer dermaligen Beschaff'enheit. Koln. Bachem. 3 ) May we venture to hope, that by reason of the greater inter- est awakened amongst the Clergv. and their deep penetration, the words of Fr. Rollens in his dent ache Choralgesang in der katholischen Kirche p. ISO may have lost their force. "Instruction in Gregorian Chant is mostly entrusted to men. who are utterly ignorant of its principles, and who fail to command the attention of their pupils, whereby the Singing Lesson becomes an hour's recreation and amuse- ment. The Teacher is satisfied if his pupils can sing the collects and the Preface tolerably, or intone thef'Gloria? or "IteMissa est:" a feat however which he can get few to accomplish. "Sunt etiam plerique 243 He therefore counsels scientific instruction in singing, at as early an age as possible; and if at all feasible, in the Pianoforte and Organ, for those who aspire to the Sacred Ministry. "If in early life the education of the future Priest does not embrace the science of music and its practical application, later on, when he enters the Ecclesiastical Seminary, and is engrossed by other and more important studies . this instruction can no longer be efficiently imparted. Here it will be too late to be- gin the musical education of a young man; too late even to direct him in the proper rendering of the simple liturgical Chants of the Altar/' ProJcsch: 1 ) "The Priest himself in his Church, must be a Singer, even if he only have to sing at the Altar: for he has the super- vision of the Church Music, of the popular chants, and of the Organ-playing . . . .' : Antony: "If however many persons seek to excuse themselves on the ground, that in the matter of musical capabilities* nature has treated them after the manner of a step-mother , and conse- quently they do not know their errors in singing, nor how to correct them; they are bound nevertheless to avail themselves of external aid, in order to work out, what they, left to themselves, are not in a position to do; for it is written: {James iv. 17) Scienti igitur bonum facere, et non facienti, peccatum est illi." Amberger: 3 ) Clerici vel Monachi, qui artem Musicse jucundissimae neque sciunt, ne- que scire volunt, et, quod gravius est, scientes refutant et abhorrent, et quod si aliquis musicus eos de cantu, quern vel non rite vel incom- posite proferunt, compellat, impudenter irati obstrepunt, nec veritati adquiescere volunt, suumque errorem suo conamine defendant." Guido ot Arezzo, sec Gerbert Scriptores T. II. p. 51. One would think these words were written in -the t 9 th century instead of the 11 th so well do they describe the present condition of affairs. l ) Aphorismen fiber katholische Kirchenmusik. Prai. Bellmann. *) Archaolog. liturg. Lchrbuch des gregorianischen Kircliengesanges. Munster, Coppenrath. 3 ) Pastoraltheologie, II. vol. From page 216 to 234 the writer enu- merates various motives to encourage the study of Liturgical Song. The 16* 244 "AYliosoever enters the domain of Liturgy, is as much bound to learn Gregorian Chant and to sing, ac- cording to the mind of the Church, as he is to be a faithful observer of the Rubrics." "Even though every one may not be able to produce or to appreciate that wonderful unison of Tone, and those most tender movements of the heart of the Church, yet it is the duty of every one, with holy joy, to set value on the songs of the Church, and not to put them aside with in- difference; to try and understand their truth, their beauty and their power, and not through neglect of necessary practice, or through clumsy rendering of them, deprive them of all feeling. Everyone should try and feel more and more the beauty of Plain-Chant, in order that he may sing it with devotion." "Let no man say: — the people understand very little about it — ; you sing in the name of the Church, to the honour of her eternal Spouse ; but you must also be persuaded that through this elevating chant, the hearts of the faithful are effectually reached." On the other hand the following remarks are wor- thy of the Cleric's attention: "The Singer should be a man of prayer:" St. Bernard: 1 ) Sunt quidam voce dissoluti, qui vocis suce modulatione glofiantur, nec tan- turn gaudent de dono gratice, sed etiam alios spernuni. Tumentes elaiidne aliud cantant, quam Jibri habeant, tanta est levitas vocis, forsitan et mentis, Cantant ut pldeeant populo mag is quam Deo. Si sic cantos, ut ab pastoral letter of the Bishop of Katisbon, on the question of Chureh- Music, must also be mentioned here. C. Sew Meister writes in his costly work li das katholische deutschc Kirchenlied" : The Chant of the Church is an essential part of public worship; its history is a portion of Church history; the knowledge of it, in an histor- ical and point of view, is part of theological science.'" See also Durandus, Rationale divinorum officiorum, Lib. II. De can- tore, de psalm ista &c. ') See Bona, Div. Psalmodia. cap. XVII , de canto Ecclesias. §i v. 245 uliis laudem queer as, vocem tuam vendis , et facis cam non tuam, sed suam. Vivos decet virili voce cantare, et non ' more fcemineo tinnulis vel falsis vocibus vehit Jiis- trionicam imitari lasciviam. The expression "castigatio vocis" when the Amict is given in the ordination- of a Sub-deacon may also be understood in this sense. Instit. Patr. : Nee voluMUtate nimia confundenda quce dicimus, qua et distincMo- peril et affectus . . . cui contr avium est vitium nimice tarditatis. — Jerome of Moravia: 1 ^ Nun- quam cantus nimis basse incipiatur, quod est ululare , nee nimis alte, quod est clamare; sed mediate, quod est cantare. — Bona: Beceptum a majoribus can turn in- tegrum oportet, et UUbatum custodire. ne si semel ab- errare coeperimus a semitis antiquis , quas posuerunt Patres nostri, paulathn inconsidtis emtationibus religio- liis integritas destruatur. Denique damnati sunt illi, qui parcerites vocibus suis rapinam faciant in holocaustis , qui vitulos scilicet labiorum suorum Domino redder e negligentes, vel dolo- rem capitis vel stomachi debilitatem, vel exiUtatem vocis pr attendant ad excusandas excusationes in peccatis : cum revera totum in eis sibi vindicent mentis evagatio, dis- tractio cordis, carnis inertia, et propria salutis incuria. Non enim consider ant , quod, qui a communi labor e se subtrahunt, communi etiam retributione carebant, et qui JLcclesiam servitute, proximum mdificatione, Angelos Ice- titia, sanctos gloria, Deum cultu defraudant , ipsi quo- que Dei gratia, sanctorum suffragiis, Angelorum custo- dia , proximi adjutorio , JEcclesice benefiens se reddunt indignos. Eis enim, qui legitime canunt , et sapienter psallant (inquit Bupertus Abbas) remuneratio vel pre- mium erit carmen ceternum. ') In Coussemacker, Script. 246 CHAPTER 40th. TO CHOIR-MASTERS. The Choir-Master or Conductor is the very soul of the Choir, animating and governing it. On him devolves the duty of teaching his Choristers Gregorian Chant, and securing by every means within his reach, that its simple but heavenly melodies be rendered in a becoming and edifying manner. This pre-supposes a thorough knowl- edge, theoretical and practical, of the Ancient Modes and Melodies, for the soul must have a body: but no knowledge howsoever extensive, if unaccompanied by a just esteem of the Chant itself, and of the honourable position it occupies in the Church" s Liturgy, will ensure its being worthily rendered . for the body without the spirit is dead. Here however we encounter the first great obstacle to the proper teaching and rendering of Plain- Chant: for, most Catholic Choir-Masters, whilst thorough- ly well grounded in the principles of modern music, and conversant with the manifold and marvellous adaptabi- lities of the major and minor mode: — (which date only from the latter half of the 17 th century:) — carry their researches no farther back, and when you speak to them of Gregorian Chant, they turn away from you with a contemptuous shrug of the shoulders, as if you broached a subject utterly out of joint with all correct notions of music or things musical. We therefore venture to enu- merate what may be regarded as the necessary qual- ifications of a Catho'ic Choir- Master. lj He should have a knowledge of the Latin tongue, as the Liturgical text is all written in that language. 1 ) Without a fair knowledge of Latin . he cannot under- ) We specially recommend "The Catholics Latin Instructor'" by Rev. E. Caswall London. Burns & Oates. 247 stand the sentiments conveyed in the words, and there- fore cannot give the just expression to these words, or to the melody in which they are clothed ; for it should he ever remembered , that in Ecclesiastical Chant the "text is the master, the notes the slaves." If however any Conductor he not acquainted with Latin . a trans- lation will be of some assistance, although it may not give the precise meaning of every word. It is also de- sirable, as we have remarked in a previous chapter, that he should understand and know how to use the Eccle- siastical Calendar, or Directorium (Ordo) ; in order that he may find the Chants prescribed for the day or sea- son, and regulate their performance in accordance with the requirements of the rubric. The conscientious Choir- Master would moreover be careful to teach his singers the meaning of the words they are called upon to sing, and explain the mutual relations of Word and Tone. 2) The Liturgy is so beautiful in itself, and conveys so clearly the mind of the Church in her various sol- emnities throughout the year, that no Catholic who ob- serves it closely and strives to understand it , can fail to be influenced by that peculiar spirit which animates the Church herself, and gives force and meaning to the several functions of her public worship. Now the Catholic Choir-Master who seeks to discharge his duty faithfully, must allow this spirit to take possession of him ; he must as it were live with the Church, and enter into her feel- ings ; — weep with her in her sorrow and exult in her joy ; — otherwise he can never realize for himself or those under him, the meaning of the occasion which she solemnizes, or of the words which she employs. No matter how great his musical talents otherwise may be, the Choir-Master who cannot identify his way of thinking with that of the Church, as expressed in her Liturgy, and who fancies that he adequately discharges his duty 248 by merely making music whilst a religious function is being gone through, is deficient in one of the most im- portant qualifications for his position. 3) The particular occasion or Festival, 1 ) also serves to determine the style of Intonation, the rhythmic move- ment, and the more or less solemn delivery of the Chant. On High Festivals, even the Psalm-Tones are more elab- orate in their inflections, and approximate to the melodic Chants of the Graduate or Antiphonarium ; whereas on simple Feasts and Ferias, they are throughout, little more than a reciting monotone sung more rapidly and at a lower pitch. On these latter occasions the melodies themselves should not be sung so slowly or with all that solemnity which is expected on the great Festivals. In Requiem Masses, the voice should be subdued, yet clear, pitched in a quiet tone, but not comfortless. 4) The Tone of each piece, its compass and pecu- liarities, should be carefully explained, in order that the special character of each of the modi may be clearly understood and conveyed; and the Singers should be trained to strike unwonted intervals with accuracy and without hesitation, and to master the melodic or rhyth- mical difficulties which may occur in a piece. 5) A clear understanding should exist between the Organist and Choir-Master, as regards the pitch of each piece. As high and low voices unite to sing Plain-Chant, the pitch should be so regulated, i. e. transposed, as that the entire piece can be sung by all with equal power and without any extraordinary effort. The division of the choir into two sections, such as Chanters and full ') The Institut. Patr. distinguishes three classes of Festivals. On great occasions one should sing with his whole heart, and soul, and voice; on Sundays and Feasts of Saints more quietly: on ordinary days, the manner of chanting should be so regulated', that all may sing carefully and devotionally . without straining of the voice, with feeling and without fault (cum aff'ectu absque defectu). 249 Choir, or Boys and Men, or upper (Soprano and Tenor) voices and under (Alto and Bass) voices, so that the sev- eral periods of the melody may be sung alternately, and occasional emphatic passages be delivered by all united, varies the Chant and renders it easy and animated, whilst it obviates many difficulties which in the continuous chant of a piece by the full choir are unavoidable. 6) The Choir-Master should be thoroughly acquainted with the power and capabilities of his Singers, and only allow those to sing, who are sufficiently instructed in the Principles and Practice of Plain-Chant, and are possessed of sound tuneful voices, and a good distinct pronuncia- tion. The flippant saying: "for Plain-Chant any voice is good enough," betrays not only gross ignorance and con- tempt of art, but also unpardonable irreverence towards the consecrated Chant of the Catholic Church. Young fresh voices when singing up the scale, and especially when the higher notes are touched are in danger of going out of tune; this should not be allowed, and it is the duty of the Master, quietly and without delay (by a stronger or quicker delivery of the voice) to bring them back to the normal tone. 7) The quantity (i. e. length or brevity) of the syllables must be specially attended to, for the regular alternation of the rhetorical rhythm, and absolute free- dom in delivery , unfettered by any bar-measurement, form the grand features of Gregorian Chant. The long and short notes should never be subjected to any law of a mechanical metronome. We recommend Chapters 3 d and 4 th of this Manual to the careful perusal of Choir-Masters. 1 ) Steady and marked motions of the hand ') Rev. F. X. Haberl in the "Mag. chordlis" states it as the re- sult of his own experience, that a choir of from 15 to 20 mixed voices can sing with greater ease, swing, and unity, from one copy of the Folio edition of the Grad. Bomanum than from ten copies of 250 should direct the Singers to bind together the several note-groupings, the Words and Phrases in alternate slower and quicker enunciation and with stronger or weaker accent into one perfect whole. 1 ) 8) The subdivision too of the piece into Phrases, Periods and Sections depends in a great measure on the Conductor. The breathing places are indicated by the words and the perpendicular lines or bars drawn across the stave, while for Pauses the double lines mark the natural place. The Syllables of the same word should never be separated. If however such a number of notes must be sung to one syllable as to necessitate a rest for breathing, then the Choir-Master should be- fore hand mark a suitable place in the neuma , where the entire choir may take a short, almost imperceptible breath. A wise discretion in regulating the speed of the movement, is another desirable qualification in a Choir- Master. Where there is a small number of choristers he should be on the alert to prevent too great haste, and where a large number, too great a tendency to drawl. Where these two faults are not guarded against, the clear distinct pronunciation of the words and the pure just intonation of the notes suffer ; and when such el- ements are wanting , Gregorian Chant becomes contem- ptible, indeed ridiculous. As a rule the style of singing Plain-Chant, should be lively, crisp, fresh, at times the octavo edition; and then adds; "our forefathers made no blunder, when after the discovery of printing they had the Choral Books pub- lished in Folio." ') A writer in the 'Tablet** of Sept. 1876. giving a reason for the excellence of the Plain-Chant singing in Ratisbon Cathedral says that "every note is led by the conductor's baton, and thus expression is gained by emphasis being placed upon certain notes and passages. No comparative value as to time is given to the notes themselves , but the length of time they are sustained, and the force with which they are sung, are made entirely subservient to the meaning of the words, as interpreted by the conductor of the choir." W. H. Brewer. 251 very animated, always with an easy rhythmic swing throughout, and not that wretched habit of slow, lum- bering, tedious drawling, which has already earned such a bad name for Liturgical Music, and in which the voices are certain, as the piece advances, to sing out of tune. 9) The Conductor should also determine the degree of strength or weakness of the note and the increasing or decreasing of the voice in the several members or phrases. The effects of piano, forte and crescendo are not to be overlooked or neglected in Plain-Chant, al- though no uniform rule can be established, and still less should these marks of expression be printed in the Choral Books; the words and the occasion exercising so great an influence on the expression of the Chant. Short de- scending passages diminish in power of tone as they descend, whilst the tone should be increased in ascend- ing scales ; the more distant intervals should be entoned securely ; Unison, Major Thirds and Fifths demand more power and expression, than the Semitones, Minor Thirds. Fourths &c. 10) From all that has been said it is evident that conscientious and persevering practice is of paramount importance. Where the Choir-Master does not exercise his Choristers by continual practice , and keep them alive to the sanctity and importance of the duty they discharge, but trusts everything to chance, and to his long experience and acquaintance with the subject matter no blessing or good result can be expected from Gregorian Chant rendered by such a choir. More than any other kind of Music, Plain-Chant should be deeply, attentively studied , and again and again rehearsed , if its performance is intended to be effective; for "Gre- gorian Chant is a matter of no easy acquirement, as the large schools of past centuries and the examples of learned and holy men can testify, but it demands ear- 252 nest and profound study." J ) One or two special or general rehearsals , will never enable a Choir to prove itself effective , in the different pieces to be chanted during the various religious functions. These rehear- sals, special and general, must be regular and constantly recurring, and must embrace not only the younger or less instructed members of the Choir, but also, in large choirs ; the individual members, and the Chants should be repeated again and again until even those who are accustomed to trust to their neighbours, and thereby become such an unpleasant drag both on Conductor and Choir, are made thoroughly sure of their work. A good elementary uninterrupted method of instruction is the forerunner of a good, natural, easy, certain, worthy and edifying Chant. Ant Ccesar, aut nihil! CHAPTER 41st. FOR ORGANISTS. The observations of the last chapter are also ap- plicable to Organists, especially when the two functions of Choir-Master and Organist are united in the one per- son, as is most frequently the case. A glance, moreover, at the remarks made on the Organ and its employment in Plain-Chant, in the Appendix to the 2 nd part, will clearly establish the difference that exists, 1 st between a Pianist and an Organist, 2 ndl y between a right skilful Organist in a general sense and one whose duty it is to accom- pany the Chant. The Organist, in a Plain-Chant Choir, should lead the singers, facilitate the delivery of the l j Amberger, I c p. 232. Chant for them, and by a clear, steady and correct playing of the Plain-Chant melody, regulate and control its movement, The employment of the Organ in the several por- tions of the Liturgy, and at the various seasons of the year, is regulated by formal Decrees of the Church bear- ing on the subject; 1 ) and the sacredness of the functions and sublim-ty of the text which it is called on to ac- company, should influence the style of playing to be adopted. 1) The accentus of the Celebrant and Sacred Min- isters at the Altar should never be accompanied, and during the Elevation the greatest silence and devotion should prevail. 2 ) 2) The use of the Organ is forbidden during Ad- vent and Lent, (from Ash -Wednesday to the Gloria of Holy Saturday) at Mass, or at the Divine Office, when de Tempore. From this rule we must except the 3 d Sunday of Advent (called Gaudete Sunday), 3 ) and the 4 th Sunday (Laetare) of Lent; on which occasions, as also on Festivals celebrated ritu dupl. or semidupl. dur- ing these penitential seasons , at solemn votive masses, # and at the Kyrie and Gloria of Holy Thursday, the Organ is allowed to play. 3) The alternate Chants of the Kyrie, Gloria, San- ctus and Agnus Dei may be omitted by the singers and only played on the Organ, but then the words omitted ') Bened. XIV. Bullar. magn. Cone. Mediol. I. : Organo tantum in ecclesiis locus sit; tibice , covnua, et vdiqua musica instrumenta exclu- dantur. 5 ) The Ceremoniale Episcoporum (from the beginning of the 17 tk century) and several Provincial Councils speak no doubt of a quiet and devotional playing of the Organ during the Elevation, and in Rome, except in the Sixtine, this practice is universal, and therefore may be tolerated. Nevertheless the silence of the Organ at that solemn moment is commanded in several decrees both anterior and subsequent to that edition of the Ceremoniale. 3 ) When the Vigil of Christmas falls on Sunday the Organ is played. 254 should be recited by one of the singers mediocri voce. This permission however does not extend to the Credo, the entire of which must be snug. 1 ) The Tract, Se- quence, Offertory and Communion may also be recited in the manner described, when the Organ plays; but the Introit should be sung entire (minus the repetition Avhich may be recited) as also the Gradual, or at least a portion of it. 2 ) In Vespers the Antiphons need not be sung after the Psalms, but only recited; they should always be sung before. The alternate verses of the Hymn may be recited in the same manner. 4) With regard to the Mass for the Dead, there is a Decree forbidding the use of the Organ on these occasions. Nevertheless Alfieri, Regnier, and other ru- bricists rely on another decree authorising its use, and on the prevailing practice at Rome and many other places. The decree is found in a Commentarium to the Caeremoniale compiled by Aloysius Proto of Xaples, and recently published by Pustet ; it runs thus : Organi pul- satio sono mcesto, et lugubri permitti potest in Missis defunctorum, etsi renuat Ordinariiis. Die 31. Hart. 1629. Savonm. n. 807. — However we may fairly infer that it is only allowed in Missis Defimctorum as a support to the voices, especially in weak choirs, and not as an independent instrument. 5) Where the custom prevails of substituting the music of the Organ for the Chant of the Deo Gratius after the Ite Missa est, this practice may be continued, according to a decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites. (11. Sep. 1847, in Angelopol, ad 6.) Nevertheless the practice of singing the response is more to be en- couraged. (See foot-note p. 157.) ') (Uim dititur symbohtm in Missa non est intermiscendum organum, sed Hind per chorutn cantu inteUigibili proferatur. (Car.Ep.lib.l.N* 10.) •) See foot-note page 128. 255 G) The Organist should employ and vary the stops on his instrument according to circumstances, and take special care that the delivery of the Chant may be en- riched with all that light and shade, which the text demands, and a well-played instrument can impart. The Office of the Organ, — that of handmaid and guide to the Chant, — precludes that bad taste which would have good Organ-playing consist in a confused noisy jumble of melody and harmony with every stop drawn out; because such a disproportion of sound between the voices and the instrument intended to support them , renders the hearing and understanding of the words utterly impos- sible. The judicious Organist "clothes the Chant, some- times with lightest breathings and the most gentle "lisping, sometimes with grave, majestic tones, that go "on increasing in power and fashion themselves to har- " monies , whose united sound grows louder and fuller, "until the chanting of God's praises becomes like a head- long mountain torrent that carries all before it, and "consoles and lifts up the heart of the devout Christian." 1 ) 7) Just intonation depends lor the most part on the Organist. When the Celebrant at the Altar intones, it is much to be desired that his intonation should ac- cord with that of the choir, so that Priest and People, Pastor and flock may praise God in unison. To this end the Organist should close his Prelude or Interlude on the note on which the Celebrant should commence , or by drawing a very soft stop, he may just touch the re- quired note, and the Priest, if he have a fair musical ear, will have little difficulty in catching it up. 8) It is undeniable indeed that no amount of effort or no mechanical appliance as yet discovered, will enable a piped or keyed instrument, such as the Organ, to give l ) Smeddink. II. Jahrgang. Caecilia. p. 25. 256 the verbal accent, as the human voice alone can; and many rhythmical melodic progressions, call up strange and unfriendly chords, which to a modern musician seem illegitimate , and have thereby originated those various systems of harmonising Plain-Chant . that we have al- ready spoken of. However these and similar difficulties should not dishearten the young Organist . but rather urge him to greater study and more intimate acquain- tance with the nature and characteristics of the Church modes and of mediaeval harmony, that he may be enabled on comparison, to see how very different it is from har- mony in the modern acceptation of the term. All that is to be desired is, that the worshippers in every Catholic Church may be able to realize the truth of Cardinal - Bona*s words: 1 ) "The harmonious tones of the Organ "rejoice the sorrowing hearts of men. and remind them "of the joys of the heavenly city, they spur on the tepid, "they comfort the fervent, they call the just to love, -and sinners to repentance." But to attain this desirable end the Catholic Organist must also keep before Ins eyes the warning of the same pious and learned Cardinal : "The playing of the Organ must be earnest and appro- priate, so that it may not. by its agreeableness, draw "to itself and monopolize the whole attention of the soul, "but rather furnish motives and an opportunity, for me- ditating on the words that are being sung, and thereby promote "feelings of true devotion. 55 ') Bona. div. psalm, c. 17. % 2. ad finero. 257 CHAPTER 42nd. FOR CHORISTERS. The system of musical training to be adopted , in a Plain-Chant choir, differs in many respects from that usually followed in the case of harmonized Church-Music. The rhythm of Gregorian Chant, so closely allied as it is with the verbal accent, and the treasure of melody in which it is so rich; — melody however, which to a singer trained only in modern music often seems uncouth and unma- nageable — ; furnish, for every class of voice, exercises of such difficulty, that even a well-trained chorister, at the first attempt, and without special instruction or close study of the Gregorian Tone-system, will certainly fail to render them effectively. Gregorian Chant requires, be- sides good distinct pronunciation, a clear understanding of the subject , a quick apprehension of its treatment, and a carefully cultivated voice. Whosoever therefore is called upon to sing Gregorian, should in the first instance be properly trained by a competent teacher, at least in those places where such teachers might be reasonably expected to be found ; such as Cathedral Churches and Ecclesiastical seminaries. *) And he who can sing Plain- Chant well, tunefully, and faultlessly, will be able to sing any kind of Church-Music that may be placed be- fore him. 2 ) We will here set forth in -one short paragraph the qualifications of a good Plain-Chant Chorister. "He must ') The Council of Trent commanded that the Chant should be taught in all Ecclesiastical Seminaries. Several National and Provincial Synods (including Thurles and Maynooth) re-iterate this command ; in many places but these Decrees are allowed to remain a dead letter, for want of competent teachers. % ) The Domlapellmeister of Katisbon (Rev. F. X. Haberl) makes it a rule to commence the musical education of his boys with Plain- Chant. 17 253 obey implicitly and attentively every hint, word, wish and direction of the Choir-Master or Conductor, even when they may be in opposition to his own bet- ter judgment." This blind obedience, easy enough to a true musician, should not spring merely from a love of order, but above all from a deep feeling of humility. "In chanting," says St. Ambrose, "moderation is the first rule; let the tone be so adjusted, that the hearer may not be offended by too loud a voice." 1 ) A genuine feeling of reverence for the Lord's house, will never be content with having what is prescribed carefully sung; but will strive, both in rehearsals 2 ) and performance, to express the meaning, importance, and liturgical raison d'etre of the Chant itself, and make clear the end and spirit of the Church in each of her solemn functions.* " Who can repeat the wonderful song of the Church, and not be moved by it? Hence whosoever undertakes to sing Ecclesiastical Chants, must study to know and un- derstand what are the feelings and sentiments, which on her various Festivals, should come as it were from the very heart of the Church, pass through the heart and mouth of the Chanter into' the hearts of all, and enkindle in all a flame of uniform love. It is only thus that Gre- gorian Chant can produce its legitimate effect."' i All that is necessary for an earnest and effective rendering of Plain-Chant is, a heart full of faith, a feel- ing of joyful hope, 4 ) a recollected mind, 5 ) a spirit of ') Ambrosius de Of fie. rainist. L. I. c. 18. 2 ) "The first requisite," says an old theoretician , Jerome of Mo- ravia quoted by Gousscmackcr^ "is, that what is to be sung should be clearly understood by all, beforehand." 3 ) Ambcrger, loc. cit p. 231. 4 ) "Notes are good tor nothing that come not from a joyful heart. Melancholy people may have good voices, but they can never sing well.* 1 Jerome of Moravia. 5 ) "Whilst singing think of nothing else but what you are engaged at." Bernhard. 259 devotion, earnest prayer, 1 ) and the good intention of doing all for the greater honour and glory of God. 2 ) "The Church has just reason to complain of those, who with unpardonable levity, putting aside all the rules of the Chant, alter and modify the Tones at pleasure, substitute the weakness and agreeableness of the semi- tone for the power and earnestness of the full-tone, who make no distinction between long and short notes , or study not to give their voices a character of devotional tenderness and overlook the intrinsic worth of the Chant itself, dragging it on lazily, as if it were a stone of great weight; now precipitating it in unbecoming haste, and again vulgarising it by painful shouting, or by vi- tiated or imperfect pronunciation of the vowels, or by the adoption of various other faulty mannerisms." 3 ) "Bossuet's funeral orations when declaimed by a good orator terrify and inspire one, but when uttered by an indifferent reader, not only produce no effect, but engender coldness and indifference. So is it with Plain-Chant." 4 ) '"Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual canticles, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord" (Ephesians V. 19.) 1 ) In the beginning of an old Psalterium (now the property of the Kreisbibliothek in Passau) written in the monastery of Seeon A. D. 1434, we find the following prayer for Choristers. Deus omnipotens redemptor mundi, qui pro salute humani generis in hunc mundum venisti, pecca- tores redimere pretioso sanguine tuo: exaudi orationem meam, per quam ego indignus peccator te deprecor, ut psalmi, quos cantabo, digne inter- cedant apud te pro peccatis meis. Creator mundi, cunctipotens Deus, spes ardentibus, gloria resurgentibus, suppliciter per hos psalmos clemen- tiam tuam imploro, quos pro salute vivorum sive defunctorum decantabo, ut per eos a perpetuis eripias tormentis et prcemium ceternce beatitudinis concedas. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. 2 ) "If you seek the edification of your hearers when you sing, the more you shun vanity, the more you will edify them." Bona centum. 3 ) Amberger, loc. cit. p. 233. 4 ) Cloet, Recueil de Melodies, Tom. II. p. 30* 17 260 n. SPECIAL DIRECTIONS FOR CHANTING a) recitative Chant. 1 ) CHAPTER 43d. PSALMS. CHORAL READING. I. What we have said in the 4 th . 5 th , G th and 7 th Chapters must now be recalled to mind. A good reader is careful , not only to pronounce his words with due consideration for the vowels and consonants, but also to group those words together as the context may require, and perceptibly distinguish the important syllables, words and phrases of a sentence. Psalm-singing is little more. Good chanting means good reading. 2 ) The Poetry of the Psalms is most simple yet most sublime ; the loftiest sentiments are conveyed in concise forms of words, but every word is pregnant with meaning and capable of receiving the most varied expression. It would not be easy to find more suitable melodies where- with to invest those words, than the eight Gregorian Tones with their various endings prescribed by the Church. Sometimes indeed when we hear Vespers sung, we re- alize the truth of Mendelssohn's words: "You cannot conceive how tiresome and monotonous the effect is. and hoiv harshly and mechanically they chant through the Psalms. They sing with the accent of a number of men quarrelling violently, and it sounds as if they ivcre shout- ') Wo take this partition of the different styles of Chant from the work of ClojSt mentioned in last chapter (Tom. I. p. 40*). with the reserve however that the border line between recitative and modu- lated Chant docs not appear to be clearly detincd, as both come under the general laws of Rhythm- a ) The practice in many places . especially in Germany, when teaching the P.-alm-Chants is, to have the pupils read every verse sev- eral times over, in order that they may secure the accented syllables, the pauses, and the grouping of the words. 261 Ing out furiously one against another!' (Letters from Italy &c. p. 169.) But this method of chanting we need hardly say , is against the spirit and the wish of the Church, and should be attributed to inattention, ignor- ance of the language, carelessness in pronunciation, im- perfect training or deplorable indifference and indevotion. "The voice of the Psalmist should not be harsh or un- tuneful, but clear, sweet, and true; Tone and Melody should correspond to the sacredness of the service, and in the modulation of the voice, christian simplicity, and not the art of the theatre, should prevail." *) Would that every man, whose duty it is to sing Psalms, repeated to himself with the Royal Psalmist : {( I tvill sing praise to Thee in the sight of thy angels" 2 ) and considered as addressed to himself alone, those words, Psallite sa- pient er ; then indeed the many eulogiums lavished by the Holy Fathers and the Church on the Psalm-Chants would appear reasonable , and just , and the counsel of St. James the Apostle come to be understood: "Is any one of you sad? Let him jyray. Is he cheerful in mind? let him sing" (James, cap. V. v. 13.) Baini in the Preface to his Tentamen gives some useful hints for a devotional and edifying rendering of the Psalm-Tones. "The perfection," he says, "of these "chants depends on the combined efforts of all engaged, "but especially on the Basses who should pronounce the "words gently but distinctly and with due regard to "correct intonation, the relative length of the syllables, "and the meaning of the words." The Initium must always be solemn and slow, the mediatio distinct, with the syllables judiciously distrib- uted amongst the several notes of the inflection ; in the Finalis the accented syllable should receive greater 1 ) Isidore of Seville, de eccl. offic. 2 ) Psalm 137. v. 1. 2G2 power and duration of tone , and all should be careful not to do violence to the text , or unduly prolong the final syllables. Good chanting is in truth an art in itself, and can- not be acquired all in a moment. Industrious practice, constant attention to the rules of the language, and an earnest spirit of harmonious cooperation on the part of the choristers are indispensable requisites. In f est is solemnibus et duplicibus two Chanters in- tone the first verse; (always unaccompanied;) in festis semidupl. and others of lower rank, on ] y one Chanter. The remaining verses of the Psalm are sung by alter- nate sides of the Choir, but without the Initium. The words in each verse should be carefully and distinctly enunciated ; the recitation moderately slow r and rhythmi- cal. One side of the choir should not begin a verse until the previous verse has been concluded by the other; and a perceptible pause should be made at the asterisk in the middle of the verse, so that all may begin the second portion together. If half of the verse, whether before or after the asterisk , be very long, then it is the duty of the choir-master to indicate one or more breathing places , so that all the words may be sung evenly and together. Except the first, all the verses of a Psalm may be accompanied by the Organ. The same rules hold for the Canticles {Magnificat and Be- nedict us ;) except that in these the words are sung more solemnly and slowly (tracHus), and the Initium is em- ployed with each verse. II. The 'manner of chanting the Prayers , Lessons, Gospels etc. according to the Roman Rite, may be classed amongst the most effective arrangements of Gregorian Chant, because of its extreme simplicity, suitability and variety. Old theoreticians styled this manner of chanting choraliter lecfere, or choral reading, and in their sev- 263 eral treatises give special directions for the correct rhyth- mical rendering of the same. The notes are so few 1 ) and the inflections so simple that they do not call for much attention; but it is of the utmost importance that the pronunciation, expression and rhythmical declama- tion of the text should be carefully practised. In pro- fane music there is an axiom : "Recitative is the real test of a good singer;" in like manner choral reading, which so closely resembles recitative, demands great earnestness and distinctness. Heavy cumbersome chant- ing, unseemly jerking of the words, an affected tone of voice, nasal effects, long drawling of final syllables and little grace notes and unauthorised flourishes , are all evils to be avoided. The reading of the Office of the Dead may perhaps be classed under the head of choral reading; and in many places faults without number are painfully apparent in the manner of going through this solemn and essent- ially impressive function. Where time is limited, it would be far preferable to use the permission of the Rubric, and read but one nocturn with Lauds ; than to run through the entire office at express speed, with the pauses at the asterisks disregarded, one side never waiting for the other to have concluded its verse, a want of uniformity in tone, and no apparent effort to combine except on the final syllables, giving them an emphasis and prominence that utterly destroys the rhythm of the verse and violates the elementary rules of prosody. We never could see what reason there was for saying: u In terra cfeserta et invia et inaquoSB,] when both prosody, rhythm and good l ) "De aequalibus quidem vocibus nihil aliud dicendum, nisi quod communis vocis impetu proferantur, in modum soluta oratione legen- ds." Script. T. I. p. 104. Accentu regulantur qusecumque simplici lit- tera hoc est sine nota, describuntur, ut sunt Lectiones &c. (Martyrolog. Usuardi ed. 1490 ad calcem.) 264 choral reading would require inaq&osa. "The rules of rhythm must be observed, even if they were never indicated, just as the laws of language would be observed even if there were no grammar. As the grammar presup- poses the language, and not the language the grammar, so also rhythmical rules owe their existence to the ele- ments of rhythm implanted in man by the Creator, and not vice versa." *) A good system of securing an effective reading of the Office, is for two or more of the select choir to lead the rest on either side, and give the proper swing to the words and carefully observe the pauses. 2 ) b) modulated Chaut. CHAPTER 44th. HYMNS. SEQUENCES, PREFACES &c. By modulated chant we understand the changing or modulating of notes on the several syllables of the text ; for the most part only one note is apportioned to each syllable, and seldom more than three. For this reason modulated Plain-Chant, if we exclude the ac- cent us which appertains to the Celebrant or Sacred Min- isters, is justly esteemed the specially popular chant for the masses ; and in countries where the Latin language is fairly understood, as in Italy and Spain, the Hymns, Psalms, Litanies, Sequences fcc. are to the present day sung with wonderful effect by the congregation. 3 ) ') Choral und Liturgie. p. 101. Note. *) Moderatores chori qui choro didasculi vocari solent constituant pausarios, qui signo aliquo pausas faciant, vel indicent, versusque pra- cipittntcs cohibeant. (Bonartius de horis canonicis lib. III. c. XX.) 3 ) Augustinus Confess, lib. X. writes " Primitiva ccclesia ita psal- Jebat, ut modico flexu vocis faceret resonare psallentem, ita ut pronun- tianti vicinior esset quam canenti." 265^ I. In the Hymns we must distinguish those which are strictly metrical from the unmetrical or prose hymns. In the first , the melody and its rendering are guided hy the metre of the verse and the laws of language and accent; in the latter, the melodic phrases are divided according to the grammatical construction of the text, and therefore present less difficulty than the former. "As regards their musical construction, they are models of devotional feeling expressed in music ; their melody goes hand in hand with the sublime movement of the poetry, and serves the more on that account to expound the word. The older hymns have as a rule a note for each syllable , and only at the end of each portion of the context is a neuma or group of notes to be met with. The strophes should be sung by alternate sides of the choir." l ) The last strophe may be sung by the entire choir. A light, easy, free rhythmical swing, corresponding to the Festival and the Text is recommended. The alter- nate strophes may be recited when the Organ is played. 2 ) The first and last strophe, as also the strophe where a genuflexion is prescribed, (e. g. crux ave &c.) should always be sung. To the class of unmetrical hymns belong chiefly the Gloria and Te Beum. The Gloria should be sung right through, from the intonation of the Priest 3 ) to the end, without prelude or interlude. The several phrases may be sung, a) alternately by two sides of the choir, ') Father Utto Kornmiilier, Lexikon der kirchlichen Tonkunst. p. 215. 2 ) Quod si hymnus cantatur a musicis vel alternatim ab organo, tunc cantores legunt mediocri voce ea verba , qiice a musicis seu ab Or- gano cantantur. (Caerew. JEp. Lib. I. 20.) 3 ) "After the ravishing, seraphic, vocal interweaving of a Palestrina Kyrie, the simple Gloria in excelsis Deo, escapes from the mouth of the Celebrant with a tone of majestic grandeur and jubilation, worthy of proclaiming the glory of the Most High/' Ambros. Geschichte der Musik. II. vol. p. 68. 266 or, b) by the Chanters and the entire choir; or c) in divided choirs for some phrases and all united at some others; the division of the choir being so arranged as to give a Tenor and Bass for Chanters, or Soprano and Alto as Soloists, or Soprano, Alto. Tenor and Bass as a Quartett. and then the entire choir. The point of alternation is determined by the close of the sentence. By a steady intonation., and adoption of the antiphonat method just indicated, the soul-stirring melody of this angelic hymn will acquire still greater expression and fire. But care should be taken not to multiply without reason these alternations, and the greatest industry should be employed in the execution . to keep closely bound together the several melodic phrases of the Chant. "The Te Deum" according to Baini "may be sung "in two ways : either alternately by the Chanters and "full choir, or alternately by the Chanters and Congre- gation. — or choir against choir." *) The same method in a word, may be adopted as in the case of the Gloria. At the words: Pleni sunt cwli and Te ergo qu