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I had no design originally of presenting to the public the following observations on the Book of Psalms, which I have endea- voured to explain in metrical composition,- and in a manner conformable to my abili- ties; but being earnestly solicited by a number of my friends to prepare the work for publication, and hoping that it might be of some interest and benefit to my fellow men, I complied with their request. I have availed myself of the labours of some of the most eminent authors I could obtain. The commentaries of Bishop Horn, Dr. Watt, and Dr. Henry were my daily companions, and with expressions of gratitude I own myself their debtor for the use I have made of their explanatory remarks on the gacred Poems. But I must more particu- larly acknowledge my indebtedness to God alone, in enabling me to accomplish the following work, which I denominate my profession of faith in Christ. 4 PREFACE. I "believe that an avowal of my religious sentiments to the world is an indispensable duty, (not on me alone, but on all profess- ing Christians who name the name of Christ with reverence, and who place their hope and confidence in Him alone as their surety,) and to make a written pro- fession of our faith in him according to the abilities God has given us, seems also •to be a duty, giving to a sovereign God all the glory. The book of Psalms has been called the abstract, or a compendium, containing the substance of both Testaments, and applica- ble and suited to saints in every age of the church, and in all their various circum- stances in life. With what pleasure may believers employ their leisure hours in reading and meditating on these songs of praise to Him who wrought out and brought in a finished salvation for his people ! And how delightful to anticipate the time when we shall join the song of the church, tri- umphant, in glory, in the highest ascrip- tions of praise, saying, Hallelujah, salvation, and glory, and honour, and power unto the Lord our God, and to the Lamb that was slain, and that redeemed us to God by his own blood, out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation ! That it may be your happy lot, dear reader, and mine at last, to mingle our praise, through a blissful eternity, with the praise of the countless millions of the redeemed around the throne, is the prayer of Yours, in the bonds of the Gospel, Samuel McClure. May 1, 1849. Having had an opportunity of examin- ing, in manuscript, sixty or seventy para- phrases in verse of the Psalms, by Mr. S. McClure, I have no hesitation in saying, that, considering the opportunities of the author, they are well executed, and appear, so far as I have examined them, to be scriptural in expression and doctrine. The leisure with which, in the providence of God, the author was faVoured, appears to have been well employed, and, as he de- signs to publish a few copies of his work for his friends, I doubt not they will find it profitable to their souls. The humblest effort to advance the honour of the Lord Jesus, to promote the study of his word and the welfare of immortal souls, deserves 6 PREFACE. encouragement. Like the religious poems of Meikle, these compositions of Mr. Mc- Clure are designed for the private reading and edification of the Christian. May the Lord the Spirit bless the reader, and make the book instrumental in promoting the glory of the great Redeemer ! William Easton. March 24th, 1849. In the above recommendation I can with pleasure concur, as far as my examination has extended. This has been more limited and cursory than I could have wished, yet I feel persuaded the work, with the bless- ing of God, is well calculated to promote the author's object. He has not attempted any thing like a literal version for the purpose of praise, but a metrical explanation or paraphrase of the, scripture Psalms, and also of the Song of Solomon, to be read for private edification and instruction. If, therefore, the literary critic finds something to which to object, as deficient in artistic skill and rule, the Christian reader will find much more to admire in its pious and evangelical strain. J. S. Easton. THE ^ G1C - Jggam PSALMI! of DAVID. PSALM 1. C. M. 1 BLEST is the man, who will not sit With men that sinners are, Who hates the den where atheists meet, And shuns the scoffer's chair. 2 But he has placed his chief delight In the eternal word ; And meditates by day and night, The statutes of the Lord. 3 He shall be like a tree that grows, Beside a living stream ; His fruit in time with plenty flows, And honors crown his name. 4 Fresh as the leaf and ever green, Shall his profession be ; His works are fruit that will be seen, And prosper well shall he. 5 Not so the ungodly, they nor have Nor can such mercies find ; Their schemes are lost, or fly like chaff Before the stormy wind. 5 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 6 In judgment sinners shall not stand, Nor can they bear to meet Assembled saints, at God's right hand, Who there enjoy a seat. 7 His eye beholds the pious race, Their works approve will he, But sinners and their crooked ways, Turned upside down shall be. PSALM 1. L. M. 1 THAT man is blest who hates the place, Where wicked men in counsel meet, Who dreads to walk in sinners' ways, And shuns the boasting scoffer's seat. 2 By day it is his chief delight To read the statutes of the Lord ; And in the seasons of the night, To meditate the sacred word. 3 He shall be like a tree that grows Near by where living waters glide ; His fruit in time with plenty flows, And all his wants shall be supplied. 4 But atheists find their schemes are crost, And fly like chaff before the winds ; And all their hopes of heaven are lost, Whenthe last loud high trumpet sounds. 5 The guilty rebels fain would stand In judgment with the sons of light, But God, their judge, will them command, To regions of eternal night. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. V C My saints the narrow way have trod, I blest the way and made it clear ; But sinners take the crooked road That leads to darkness and despair. PSALM 2. C. M. 1 WHY did the heathen nations rage, And why did king's combine 1 'Gainst the anointed of the Lord, They plot their vain design. 2 Say they, come, let us break his bands, And cast his laws aside, And thus with envy and with spite, Their Lord they crucified. 3 But God, who reigns in highest heavens, Them in derision holds ; In vengeance drest, his awful voice Speaks terror to their souls. 1 I will support mine only Son, And from the grave him bring, On Zion's hill shall be his throne, And he shall be your King. 5 His resurrection from the dead, Almighty power makes known; The Lord proclaims his birth, this day I have begot my Son. 6 Ask me, my Son, and I will give The heathen unto thee, And utmost lands thy name shall own, And humbly bend the knee. 2 10 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 7 The nations that reject his laws His iron rod shall slay, His power will crush the wicked race That dare resist his sway. 8 Be wise, ye kings who sit on thrones, And bow before the Lord, Your crowns cast humbly at his feet, Fear and obey his word. 9 Embrace the Son, with humble love, Lest in his ire ye die ; His wrath will burn to lowest hell, His grace gives life on high. 10 His frown pursues you down to hell, He is a God most just : Those saints are blest, and those alone, Who in his name do trust. PSALM 2. L. M. 1 WHY did the Jews and Gentiles rage, And kings and princes both agree, To join their powers against the Lord, His dear anointed one to slay 1 2 Say they, come, let us break his bands, And with contempt despise his laws, And thus, with envy and with spite, They slew their sovereign on the cross. 3 But God, who rules the worlds above, Laughs at their rage and them restrains,, He speaks, and anguish fills their souls, And racks them with tormenting pains. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 1 1 4 I will uphold mine only Son, And place his throne on Zion's hill ; I will him rescue from the grave, And he shall reign your ruler still. 5 His resurrection from the dead Does his almighty power display; The Lord proclaims his wondrous birth, This day I have begotten thee. 6 Now he ascends to my right hand ; There ask, my Son, thou shalt receive The heathen for inheritance, And utmost lands thee praise shall give. 7 But nations that rebellious are His iron rod shall them destroy ; His power will crush the wicked race That dare provoke the Lord most high. 8 Ye kings and rulers now be wise, With reverence bow before the Lord, Your crowns lay humbly at his feet, With trembling mirth adore the Word. 9 With humble love embrace the Son, Lest in his anger ye shall die ; His wrath will burn to lowest hell, His love enlightens worlds on high. 10 His frown will sink you down to woe, He is a God w T hom none can trace ; Blest are the souls that love the Lord, And trust alone his sovereign grace. 12 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM 3. C. M. 1 HOW many are my griefs, O Lord, How num'rous are my foes, Who seek my everlasting death And break my sweet repose. 2 The prince of darkness would suggest With God I have no peace, My sins like mountains do appear, Too great for pard'ning grace. 3 But thou, my glory and my shield, Shall tread the tempter down, Shall hush my restless, guilty fears, And all my hopes shall crown. 4 I cried, and from his holy hill The Lord gave ear to me ; I said, my Father* thou 'rt my God, And calm my fears did he. 5 In slumbers sweet he closed mine eyes, In spite of wicked men, And when I woke I found his grace Alone did me sustain. 6 Should earth and hell their force unite And up against me rise, No more shall fear disturb my mind, In God my refuge lies. 7 Arise, O Lord, grant me thy grace To praise my Saviour's name, My God has bruised the serpent's head And put my foes to shame. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 13 8 Salvation, Lord, belongs to thee, Thine arm can save in might — Rich blessings crown thy people here, And reach to worlds of light. PSALM 4. C. M. 1 HEAR me, O God of righteousness, When I complain to thee, Thou hast enlarged me in distress, 0, bow thine ear to me. 2 Ye sons of men, 'tis your delight To glory in your shame ; Ye lying brood, how long will ye Despise my Saviour's name. 3 Know that the Lord will guard his saints From base dissembling men, In sovereign grace he'll plead their cause, And hear when they complain. 4 And when upon my bed I rest In wakeful hours of night, To talk with thee and with my heart Shall be my chief delight. 5 This evening sacrifice I pay, And plead thy righteousness, My only hope, Lord, alone Is in thy pard'ning grace. 6 Let w T orldly men inquire for good. And toil for earthly gain, Lord manifest thyself to us, Thy face on us cause shine. 14 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 7 Then shall my heart be filled with joy For thy rich mercies shown, Nor would I change my happy state To fill an earthly throne. 8 Now in sweet sleep I close mine eyes Since Jesus has me blest, My God, who keeps my active hours, Will guard my hours of rest. PSALM 5. L. M. 1 AT early dawn of day, my God, To thee I will direct my voice, 0, hear me from thy blest abode, Thou source from whence spring all my joys. 2 Immortal praise to Christ belongs Who pleads above for all his saints, Marks all their troubles and their wrongs, And bows an ear to their complaints. 3 The righteous Lord will not delight In those who proud and haughty are, The sons of falsehood and deceit Will sink at last in keen despair. 4 But I will come into thy court And feast on thine abundant grace, There in thy fear I will resort, And worship in thy holy place. 5 O, lead me in thy righteousness, My path make plain before me, Lord, And may thy Spirit guide my ways To walk according to thy word. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 15 6 My wicked enemies do join To tempt my feet to leave thy path ; They flatter with an ill design, And seek my everlasting death. 7 0, let destruction seize them, Lord — Destroy their plots and wicked ways ; While those who trust thy gracious word Shall sing with joy their Saviour's praise. 8 The Lord will bless his saints below And grant them favor as a shield, He grace and comfort will bestow, And all their hopes shall be fulfilled. PSALM 6. C. M. 1 LORD, I can bear thy kind rebukes When me thou dost chastise, But, 0, against me suffer not Thy dreadful wrath to rise. 2 pity, Lord, my sad estate, My sorrows do thou ease, And heal the wound thy hand has made And give me joy and peace. 3 My weary days in groans I pass, My nights I spend in sighs, With tears my couch is watered And grief consumes mine eyes. 4 Lord, I am weak and troubled sore, How long wilt thou delay — When shall the glorious hour arrive That come to thee I may. 16 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 5 My flesh and heart begin to fail, O, save me from despair, For in the grave none can thee praise, But all is silence there. 6 Depart from me ye wicked men, My God has heard my voice, His grace has healed my wounded heart And makes me to rejoice. PSALM 7. C. M. 1 MY Saviour, my almighty friend, My trust is in thy word ; Arise, O Lord, my cause defend, My foes would spill my blood. 2 Those spiteful enemies my soul Would like a lion tear, In pieces rend without control, While none to save is near. 3 If I did e'er displease my foe Or had provoked him first, Then let him lay my honor low, My life tread in the dust. 4 If malice lay within my breast Thy searching eyes would see, I could not then plead their arrest Nor dare appeal to thee. 5 Awake for me to judgment, Lord, And all their pride restrain, Command deliverance and afford Thy love to me again. THE PSALMS OF DAVrD. 17 6 0, let the wicked and their ways Be trodden in the dust — "Will not the God of sovereign grace Defend the man that's just? 7 The heart and reins the Lord will try, And guard the just man's ways, But bids his vengeful arrows fly Against the spiteful race. 8 The proud for me have digg'd a pit, But there themselves are laid, Their wicked actions all shall light With vengeance on their head. 9 The sons of violence and shame Shall fall beneath his sword : thou, my soul, with joy proclaim The goodness of the Lord. PSALM 8. C. M. 1 LORD our God, how excellent, How wondrous is thy name, The glories of Immanuel Let every tongue proclaim. 2 The Jewish babes were glad, and sung Hosannas to their King, While angry priests and wicked scribes Their vain objections bring. 3 When I behold the skies above, And moon, and stars that shine, Those splendid worlds on high declare Their Maker is divine. 3 18 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 4 Then said I, Lord, what is frail man, Or all his sinful race, That thou should'st bear such love for him And visit him with grace. 5 That thy beloved Son should take Our humble form in clay, And lower than his angels made To wash our guilt away. 6 And when retired on earth he lived Man did reject the Word, Behold ! the winds and waves obey, And own him sovereign Lord. 7 The winds were calm, the waves were spread At his divine command ; The fish to him its tribute paid, When he did it demand. 8 The miracles wrought by thy Son Shone through the veil of flesh, But now we see his mighty power, And men will him confess. 9 Exalted honors crown our Lord Who died that we might live ; Let every being that has breath Their praise unto him give. 10 Our sovereign God, thy wond'rous name Exalted is on high ; Thy splendid glory is advanced Above the starry sky. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 19 PSALM 9. C. M. LORD, thee I'll praise with all my heart, I will give thanks to thee; Thy judgments all are true and right, My foes they turn and flee. I'll praise his majesty who sits In judgment on his throne, With equity he'll judge the world, And justice give each one. 3 My God will then a refuge be For humble souls that pine, He'll save the people of his choice And ease their troubled mind. 4 The saints that know thy name, Lord, Their trust in thee will place, For thou wilt not forsake the men That trust thy sovereign grace. 0, sing ye praise unto the Lord, Who dwells on Zion's hill ; His threat'ning word he will perform, His promises fulfill. 6 When the great sovereign of the skies Inquireth after blood, The pious saints he'll not forget, He is their faithful God. 7 His people from the gates of death His mighty arm will raise, That they within thy holy gates Their Father's name may praise. 20 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 8 The wicked in the pit are sunk Which they for saints prepared, And in the net which they concealed They are themselves ensnared. 9 Thus by thy righteous judgments, Lord, Thy justice is displayed, When guilty sinners are destroyed In snares themselves have laid. PAUSE. 10 Down into hell the wicked sink, Their lands he will destroy, With all the nations that rebel Against the Lord most high. 11 Although thy people sore complain, With longing eyes they wait ; The expectation of the saints My God will not forget. 12 Arise, O Lord, stir up thyself, Exert thy power and might, And make the guilty rebels fear, The wicked, Lord, affright. 13 Let terror seize their guilty souls, And, trembling with dismay, Acknowledge, humbly, thou art God, And they but sinful clay. PSALM 10. C. M. 1 WHY dost thou stand afar, Lord, And why withhold thy care, THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 21 "When bold transgressors do arise, In time when trouble 's near 1 2 And shall the wicked, Lord, despise Thy power and just array, And raise their scornful heads on high Thy pious saints to slay 1 3 The wicked men through haughty pride Thy name will not confess, And in their thoughts they will not own A God of sovereign grace. 4 Their hearts are full of wrath and guile, Thy chosen saints they hate ; And underneath their lying tongues, Lie poison and deceit. 5 Arise, O Lord, with power and might — Make persecutors know, That thine own arm defends thy saints And brings the wicked low. 6 Yet wicked men they vent their spite : In boasting pride they say, That God will not regard his saints Nor hearken when they pray. 7 But thou, O Lord, still art the same, That still has us upheld, As when the heathen vanquished were And from thy land expelled. 8 0, may our hearts enjoy thy love, And lend a gracious ear, Unto the prayer of thy saints, The children of thy care. 22 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 9 Let persecutors no more rage, Nor slander upright men ; Make tyrants know they sprung from earth And turn to earth again. PSALM 11. ' C. M. 1 I PLACE my trust in thee, O Lord ; My spiteful foes they cry, Fly distant like a tim'rous bird Unto, your mountain high. 2 If government should be laid waste, And order overthrown — Should law and justice be suppressed, By saints what can be done 1 3 The Lord has fixed his throne on high And makes the nations yield ; Our actions all before him lie, And thoughts lie unconcealed. 4 And when he does his saints chastise, He sees 'tis for their best, But wicked men he will despise, His soul will them detest. 5 On guilty sinners God will pour Tremendous storms of wrath, Such as he did on Sodom shower And kindled with his breath. 6 The Lord is righteous, and beholds The righteous saints in peace ; He will bestow on humble souls A full supply of grace. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 23 PSALM 12. C. M. 1 HELP, Lord, for pious men do fail, And virtue seems to cease ; The wicked sons of hell prevail And treacheries increase. 2 Their lying tongues are like a dart, Their promises untrue — With flatt'ring lips»and double heart They smile and murder too. 3 But lips that's cover'd with deceit Shall not maintain their ground : The Lord in vengeance them will meet And liars will confound. 4 Should we reprove their hateful way Their angry words are thus : Is not our tongue our own, they say, ^Yho will be Lord o'er us ? 5 Lord, when the vilest men prevail, And wicked acts abound — "When faithfulness begins to fail, . And love can scarce be found — 6 Is not thy time then near at hand, To rescue the opprest : The time thy saints shall firmly stand, And on thy promise rest 1 7 Now", saith the Lord, I will arise, I Oppressors I '11 cast down ; With dread dismay I'll them surprise, And will my children own. 24 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 8 Thy word, O Lord, is very pure, Like silver seven times tried ; Thy promises to saints are sure, That do in thee confide. PSALM 13. C. M. 1 HOW long, O Lord, wilt thou conceal And hide from me thy face — How long, my King; before I feel Thy kind and quick'ning rays ] 2 How long wilt thou forsake me, Lord, Shall I forgotten be — And mourn the absence of thy word As one that 's cast away 1 3 0, when wilt thou relieve my mind From heaviness and woe, For Satan does rejoice to find A praying saint brought low. 4 My dear Redeemer hear my cries, Be thou my glorious light ; O, haste, before I close mine eyes In everlasting night. 5 Look how the sons of hell rejoice To see my inward grief: But I have heard thy gracious voice, My soul has found relief. 6 At thy command the wicked fly, E'en Satan cannot stand The awful terror of thine eye, Nor bear thy dread command. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 25 7 My God, thy name I'll magnify For giving me thy peace; In thy salvation I will joy, And sing redeeming grace. PSALM 14. C. M. 1 THERE is no God, the simple fools Do in their hearts maintain, Nor Providence, that overrules The destinies of men. 2 With such blasphemous thoughts as these Corruptions do arise ; Their hands are filled with guilty bribes, Their tongues delight in lies. 3 God, from his glorious throne on high, Did cast his-eyes below, To see if he could find one man That did his precepts know. 4 But all by nature are unclean ; ^Ye all are prone to ill ; Not one observes his righteous laws, Not one performs his will. 5 They speak with false deceitful tongues, Their neighbours they defame ; They love to work iniquity, And glory in their shame. 6 This enmity, the seeds of sin, Are sown in every heart ; Nor can we free ourselves from guilt, Till God his grace impart. 4 26 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 7 The wicked rise against the just And slandering lies proclaim ; They neither learn to do thy will, Nor love thy sacred name. 8 Great God, alarm their guilty fears, And make them know thy power ; That they no more, with greediness, Thy humble saints devour. 9 Know that the Lord dwells with the just, Though wicked men may jeer ; That we should trust thy sovereign grace, And they meet with despair. 10 O, how I long for Zion's King Her captives to release, Thy children then shall praise thy name, And Israel shall have peace. PSALM 15. C. M. 1 WHO shall ascend to thine abode, God of sovereign grace — Who will the Lord receive on high To dwell before his face 1 2 The humble and the contrite man, Who walks in wisdom's ways ; Whose works are fruits of righteousness, Whose lips the truth express — 3 Who will not deal in sly deceit, Nor slander, nor defame, Nor will he spread an ill report Against his neighbour's name. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 27 4 Vile wealthy men he will despise, But loves the sons of grace ; And though he swears to his own hurt, He 's true to what he says. 5 Xhe man that bribes will scorn, nor wrongs The humble and sincere; This man shall soar to thine abode And dwell for ever there. PSALM 16. C. M. 1 SAVE me, God, I do beseech, Thou art my trust alone; To thee my goodness doth not reach, Yea, merits I have none. 2 I must confess to me belongs A shameful blushing face ; My prayers and my choicest songs Add nothing to thy grace. 3 0, may I with thy saints rejoice, With them thy praise declare; Thy saints on earth they are my choice And children of thy care. 4 Let sinners choose the sons of night And revel in their wine, Thy people, Lord, are my delight, Their language is divine. PAUSE. 5 Their sorrows shall increase with haste Who idol gods do seek, 2S THE PSALMS OF DAVID. Their offerings I will not taste Nor I their names will speak. 6 God is my portion and my light, His gracious love is free ; He gives me knowledge in the night And teaches me by day. 7 I set the Lord before me still, He is my only stay, He keeps my soul and guards me well, I shall not moved be. 8 My faith is strong when he is nigh, His name be ever blest — My heart is glad, in him I joy, My flesh in hope shall rest. 9 Though in the tomb my body's laid, Yet there thou wilt not leave My flesh to dwell among the dead, Nor moulder in the grave. 10 The path of life thou wilt make known And raise me up on high, To dwell for ever on thy throne Above the starry sky. 11 Thus Israel's royal shepherd sung In Christ's exalted name, And the words from his- inspired tongue, The Lord fulfilled the same. 12 Jesus, who on the cross was slain, And whom the saints adore, The grave could not its prey retain, He lives for evermore. THE PSALMS OF D.WTD. X\) 13 When shall I rench the heavenly hills, My home, my blest abode — There I shall meet my Father's smiles And see my Saviour God. PSALM 17. C. M. 1 ARISE, almighty, sovereign Lord, And cast the wicked down ; Save me from men who are thy sword, They're in thy hand alone. 2 From treacherous men who make a show, Do thou deliver me ; They have their portion here below, Then sink in misery. 3 Then let them prosper in their ways, And boast of all their wealth, Thou art my God whom I will praise, My joy, my peace and health. 4 The face of my sin pardoning God I shall behold in peace, Being wash'd in the atoning blood I'm sanctified by grace. 5 Now since I of thy grace partake, And like my Saviour drest, Then in the morning when I wake, I satisfied shall rest. PSALM 18. C. M. 1 THEE will I love, Lord, my strength, ■ Now is thy power revealed ; 30 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. Thou art my rock and my defence, My glory and my shield. 2 Death's terrors then before me stood, In dismal aspect there, When Belial's sons came like a flood My soul did faint with fear. 3 The yawning gates of hell I saw With all their agony, Which none but guilty rebels know : Despair took hold of me. 4 I called on God now in my grief And he remembered me, His sovereign grace sent me relief And set me safe and free. 5 He flew to save me in distress, On cherubims he rode, And glittering as the lightning's blaze Shone my Redeemer God. 6 He did restrain his chastisement, At the blast of his breath He from on high salvation sent, And rescued me from death. 7 With strength and power my foes appear, In rage they still increase ; But Christ, my King, is conqueror O'er all the spiteful race. 8 My praise to him shall never cease While I existence have, 1 Now to my God of sovereign grace, I all the glory give. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 31 PART II. 9 According to my righteousness Thou hast thy love made known, Before me still thy laws I place And thou my cause wilt own. 10 Since I'm supported by thine hand I've learned thy pleasant ways ; Or, should I stray from thy command, Thou wilt restore me peace. 11 What strivings, Lord, are in my breast, Which breaks my peace within; But through thy grace I'll guard against My much beloved sin. 12 0, give me strength to mortify My sins which vex me still, That close besetting sin destroy Which works against my will. 13 For thou art just in all thy ways, • Thou'rt faithful, good and kind ; And those who trust thy sovereign grace Shall peace and comfort find. 14 The pure in heart, that serve the Lord, Shall find thy word more pure ; But vengeful men for their reward Thy vengeance shall endure. PART III. 15 Thy ways are just, thy word is pure, Thou rock of my defence ; 32 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. The Lord our God is a strong tower And refuge for his saints. 16 His sword he gives to me to wield, To fight my foes and sin ; His full salvation is my shield, And makes the vict'ry mine. 17 The God of my salvation lives, And his design fulfils ; His angry frown the proud receives, But saints enjoy his smiles. 18 My Father's name I'll magnify Before the scornful race, Nor will I fear their subtlety, But bear with the disgrace. 19 He great deliverance did afford To David and his seed, His grace to saints through Christ our • Lord Will be unlimited. PSALM 19. C. M. 1 THY glories Lord, the heavens proclaim, Thy works how bright they shine ; Sun, moon and stars declare thy name, And own thy hand divine. 2 Day unto day, and night to night, Thy power and skill displays, While still the darkness and the light Pursue their changing ways. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 33 3 In every clime, through every land, Their voice is heard and known ; By them the doings of thy hand And mighty power is shown. 4 Ye Christian lands your songs prepare, Here he makes known his grace — We are not left as heathens are To learn his sacred ways. 5 My God, I love the book of grace, How pure is every word, That perfect book shall guide my ways And joy to me afford. 6 Thy laws are holy, just and good, From these I learn thy will ; Not honey, nor the richest food, Can so much pleasure yield. 7 Thy judgments, Lord, are true and right, Thy promises are sure, The finest gold with nattering sight Can no such joys secure. 8 0, who can understand his faults ! Lord, cleanse thou me within, From secret crimes and sinful thoughts, And all presumptuous sin. 9 While I employ my heart and tongue And in thy praise partake, My sovereign, God, accept the song For my Redeemer's sake. 5 34 t THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM 20. C. M. 1 GIVE ear, O God of sovereign grace, Unto thy people's prayer, Thou art our hope in sore distress, To save when trouble 's near. % The name of Jacob's God defends When shields and bucklers fail ; He from on high salvation sends And guards his people well. 3 He bears in memory our moans, His love exceeds our praise; Our griefs, our sorrows and our groans, Are pleasing in his eyes. 4 Our confidence is in his grace, In Israel's God we're blest; Our banner in his name we'll raise, And on his arm we'll rest. 5 In horses some place confidence, On chariots some depend, But Israel's God is our defence And our almighty friend. 6 0, may his name our hearts inspire To do his holy will, Our foes shall quickly then retire, Or perish in the field. 7 Save us, we pray, O Lord most high, And make us firm and strong, Until thy goodness crowns our joy In a triumphant song. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. ■ 35 PSALM 21. C. M. 1 THE king was glad in God his strength, And crowned hy special grace, But unto Christ alone belongs Triumphant songs of praise. 2 The blest Messiah's joy was great To do his Father's will ; The Lord will his dominions spread, And his desire fulfil. 3 For thou didst not from him withhold Whate'er request he made, And thou hast placed a glorious crown On his illustrious head. 4 Honour and glorious majesty Thou hast upon him laid, That glory which he had from God Before the worlds were made. 5 Thine hand shall find the wicked out, And all his spiteful foes : Thy vengeance shall devour them like A fiery oven that glows. PSALM 22. C. M. 1 WHY has my God forsaken me 1 Thus David did complain ; And thus our Lord cried on the cross, In agony and pain. 2 To dwell with saints is thy delight, And thy dear children own Thou hast an ear for their complaints, Thou pitiest every moan. 36 • THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 3 Our fathers placed their trust in thee, And thou didst them defend, But I'm a worm, and trodden down, And am despised by men. 4 With wagging heads they me deride, Shoot out their lips do they : In God he trusted but in vain, To set him free, they say. 5 But thou art he who brought'st me forth According to thy word, And from my mother's breasts my hope Is in my sovereign Lord. 6 Why will my Father now withdraw, While raging foes stand round, And in the time of my distress When none to help is found. 7 Thy darling one now left among The sons of cruelty, Who are like lions ravening And roaring for their prey. 8 Those fiends of earth and hell unite, And with increasing pride, My hands and feet nail to the cross And perforate my side. 9 Yet if the Lord permits those fiends In wickedness to run, Why will my heavenly Father bruise His well beloved Son. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. J / 10 My God, if it be possible, This cup let pass, he begs: Thy will be done, not mine, he said, Then drank it to the dregs. 11 With unknown pangs my heart is broke, My breath in groans I waste, Thy hand has crushed and brought me down To dust of death thou hast. 12 Now to my heavenly Father's hand My spirit I commend ; My flesh shall rest in hope till thou Shall bid me rise again. 13 Now from the raging lion's mouth Protect thy darling well, Nor leave thy Son to fight alone The powers of earth and hell. 14 'Twas thus, in mournful cries and tears, Jesus our Saviour prayed ; His Father heard him in that day And all his fears allayed. 15 Great was his triumph on the cross, His gracious throne sublime, And all the nations of the earth Shall homage pay to him. 16 A glorious offspring shall come forth From his last dying groans, And in all ages reckon'd be For true and faithful sons. 3S THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 17 The poor in spirit shall receive The kind provision made, And all thai trust the Lord shall see Their table richly spread. 18 Our Saviour, God, the distant isles Shall learn thy righteousness, And people yet unborn shall own And trust thy sovereign grace. PSALM 23. C. M. 1 THE Lord himself my shepherd is, I shall be well supplied ; His tender care and sovereign grace Will be my guard and guide. 2 He leads me where salvation flows, To banquet on his love, Where sweet celestial pasture grows And living waters move. 3 And when I wander from his ways He pardons my mistake, And leads me in the paths of peace For his own mercy's sake. 4 My Saviour, God, be thou my aid, Then shall I fear no ill; And though I walk through death's dark shade, My shepherd's with me still. 5 Am I in darkness and in doubt 1 ? Thou art my strength and stay ; Thy rod and staff will me support, And guide my doubtful way. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 39 6 How are the sons of hell dismayed, In anguish keen and sore, To see my hoard so richly spread, And my cup running o'er. 7 When on my head thy spirit rests, Like oil divinely shed, I praise thee for thy bounteous feast, The rich provision made. 8 Surely thy goodness, O my God, Will bless me all my days, And in thy house, my blest abode, I'll ever sing thy praise. PSALM 24. C. M. 1 THE solid earth is all the Lord's, And all thereon he owns ; He based the buiLding on the floods, And gave it to men's sons. 2 But there's a world above the sky, Thy splendid, bright abode : Who shall ascend to dwell on high, So near his sovereign God ? 3 The man that worketh righteousness, Whose ways are clean and pure : God will impart to him his grace, And joys that shall endure. 4 These are the righteous men that seek The God of Jacob's face, The Lord delights to bless the meek And humble sons of grace. 40 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 5 Ye splendid worlds rejoice and sing, Your King of glory see; But who is this exalted King? The mighty Saviour he. 6 Ye heavenly gates be lifted high, Prepare the Lord a way ; Lo, now he soars above the sky To reign in endless day. 7 In awful grandeur from the dead He ope's the heavenly gate, And has,, for saints, provision made At his right hand a seat. PSALM 25. C. M. 1 TO thee I lift my soul, O Lord, I place my trust in thee ; Let not my foes, pleased with my shame, Still triumph over me. 2 The sons of hell would me persuade My Maker does me hate — O, make me know thy cov'nant, Lord, And on thee fearless wait. 3 From the first beams of morning light, Till evening shades appear, I long for thy salvation, Lord, And wait with anxious care. 4 Remember, Lord, thy tender love, And lead me in thy ways : The errors of my youth forgive, And sins of later days. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 41 5 The Lord is holy, just and good, Ho crowns the meek with grace — And every humble penitent Shall learn his pleasant ways. 6 In mercy, for his goodness sake, My soul from shame he saves ; My sins he pardons through my Lord, And his rich blessing gives. 7 What man is he that fears the Lord T He will direct his ways, Who loves to plead his promises And trust his sovereign grace. 8 He will communicate to him The secret of the Lord : His cov'nant unto him will show, How faithful is his word. 9 In all God's dealing with his saints His truth and mercy stands, To such as keep his cov'nant well And practice his commands. 10 Their souls shall always dwell at ease, Before the Lord their King, Their seed inherit shall the earth, And praises to him sing. 11 My longing eyes and my desire, Towards the Lord they are ; His promised grace is all my trust, I look for pardon there. 12 0, turn thee to my soul, God ; My hope on thee is set ; 6 42 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. Grant me thy care to guard my feet, To 'scape the tempter's. net. 13 My dear Redeemer and my God, Thy sovereign grace I plead ; 0, make me shun those dang'rous ways Wherein my feet have strayed. 14 The wild commotion of my thoughts Afflict my weary mind, My strength is failed, my heart is faint, And no relief I find. 15 When ev'ry morning sun appears, New troubles on me flow ; Look on my grief and sorrow, Lord, And grace to me bestow. 16 See my malicious enemies, How cruel is their spite ! They plot to take away my life Through envy and deceit. 17 Do thou preserve my soul, God, And keep me free from shame, For I have all my confidence Placed in my Saviour's name. 18 Now with humility and faith I wait to see thy grace ; Redeem thy chosen Israel, Lord, Thy people do thou bless. PSALM 26. C. M. 1 JUDGE me, O Lord, and search my way, Try heart and reins, God, THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 43 Thy promise is my only slay, Thy paths my feet have trod. 2 I hate the painted Hypocrite, And those who joy in lies; With such vile men I will not sit, Their actions I despise. 3 The saints are clothed in righteousness, With them I will appear, And when thine altar I address, I plead thy merits there. 4 Thy habitation., Lord, I love, There I delight to dwell, To hear thy word, and to approve, And thy sweet mercies tell. 5 Gather me not with the vile race, Whose hands are stained with blood ; Since I on earth have passed my days, With thy dear saints, my God. PSALM 27. L. M. 1 LORD, thou art my glorious light, On me thy goodness overflows ; Thou art my strength, I will not fear The malice of my ra^ng foes. 2 One thing I earnestly desire : O, grant to me a happy place, Among thy well-beloved saints, Within the churches of thy grace. 44 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 3 There my desire I shall make known,, And see with joy thy beauty still ; Shall hear the pleasure of thy grace, And there inquire thy sacred will. 4 Although an host of foes should rise, There may thy people safely hide ; The Lord has a pavilion, where His saints forever shall abide. 5 My head is lifted now above All my surrounding enemies, And joyful songs of triumph sound Within thy consecrated place. PAUSE. 6 My sovereign Lord, when thou didst say, Ye chosen sons, come seek my grace, My heart did quickly then reply, I'll seek my heavenly Father's face. 7 Hide not thy love from me, O Lord, Nor thy displeasure manifest, To thee I fly, thou art my hope, When I am grieved and sore opprest. 8 Should both my parents me forsake, And prove unfaithful and unkind, The Lord vuii guide me in his ways, And eveify needful good I'll find. 9 My feeble flesh with grief had died, If I had not believed thy word, And seen thy love to me made known, And kindness of my sovereign Lord. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 45 10 Trust in the Lord, ye pious saints, With Strength and fortitude of mind ; God will support your sinking hopes, And joys immortal you shall And. PSALM 27. C. M. 1 THOU art my hope, my sovereign God, And my Almighty friend, Thy strong right arm my battles fought, And all my vict'ries gained. 2 One privilege I do request, give to me a place Among the children of the blest, In temples of thy grace. 3 There I shall offer songs of praise, And see what I desire, Shall hear the order of thy grace, And there thy will inquire. 4 Although an host of foes appear, 1 safely there shall hide ; The Lord has a pavilion where His people shall abide. 5 My head e'en now is lifted high, O'er all my spiteful foes, And sweet victorious songs, of joy Sound in thy sacred house. 6 Almighty Lord, when thou didst say Ye saints come seek my face, 46 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. My heart did quickly then reply, I'll seek thy heavenly grace. 7 Hide not thy face, O Lord, from me, Nor cast me from thy care ; Thou art my God, I fly to thee, In time when trouble's near. 8 Though should my parents me forsake, And see me trodden down, My dear Redeemer will me take, And all my hopes will crown. 9 I fainted had, if I had not Believed thy sacred word, And seen the goodness of my God, Who did me help afford. 10 Ye humble saints, trust in his grace, With fortitude of mind, Come place your hope in him always, And you shall comfort find. PSALM 27. S. M. 1 LORD, thou art my light, Salvation on me flows, Thy strong right hand, and arm of might, Has conquered all my foes. 2 Now I desire one thing, O grant to me a place Among the saints to pray and sing, In temples of thy grace. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 47 3 There I shall offer praise, And see thy beauty shine, Shall hear the order of thy grace, And learn thy will divine. 4 When spiteful foes appear, There I may flee and hide : The Lord has a pavilion where I safely shall abide. 5 My head even now is found 'Bove my surrounding foes, And pleasing songs of victory sound Within thy sacred house. 6 Lord, when I heard thee say, Ye saints come seek my grace, My heart did quickly then reply, I'll seek my Father's face. 7 Hide not thy love from me, Nor cast me from thy care ; God of my strength I trust in thee, In time when trouble's near. 8 Should parents both me leave, To perish or to want, The Lord for me a care will have, And every blessing grant. 9 With grief I fainted had, If I had not believed, And seen the goodness of my God, Who kindly me relieved. 48 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 10 Wait on the Lord ye saints, And trust in him alone, He richly will supply your wants, And your desires will crown, PSALM 28. C. M. 1 LORD, to thee I raise my cry, Attend unto my prayer, My soul would all in ruin lie, If thou refuse thine ear. 2 When to thy holy hill I come, And plead thy righteousness, O guard me safe, and keep me from The vile deceitful race. 3 Those false, malicious sons of hell, Despise thy power and might, But justice sinks them down to dwell In everlasting night. 4 Forever blessed be the Lord Who heard my mournful cries, Who made me trust his promised Word, And taste his heavenly joys. 5 Ye humble souls when troubled sore, By faitlv draw near to God, He will employ his pardoning power, And give you heavenly food. PSALM 28. S. M. 1 TO thee I cry, my God, Unto my prayer attend ; THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 49 hear me from thy blest abode, I on thy grace depend. 2 When to thy holy hill, I come and plead for grace, O guard me safe, and keep me still From the perfidious race. 3 The wicked sons of hell, Despise thy power and reign, Thy vengeance sends them down to dwell In everlasting pain. 4 Now blessed be the Lord, Who heard rny weeping voice, Who kindly did me help afford, And made rne taste his joys. 5 Let every trembling saint Draw near to God with zeal, He will his pardoning power grant, And promises fulfil. PSALM 29. C. M. 1 YE sons of might, give to the Lord Exalted power and fame, Proclaim the honour of his word, The glory due his name. 2 The Lord makes known his power abroad, And rules the earth and seas, His awful voice divides the cloud, And makes the lightnings blaze. 3 At his command the tempest sweeps The wide spread forest round, 50 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. The tim'rous heart with terror leaps, Affrighted at the sound. 4 He speaks, and lo ! the cedar trees Of Lebanon doth break, The hills shake at his awful voice, And barren deserts quake. 5 The Lord is monarch of the flood, And rules the worlds on high, But gives his saints all needful good, And will their wants supply. 6 The Lord in milder language there Bestows his heavenly grace; In storms that sinners fill with fear, He to his saints speaks peace. PSALM 30. C. M. 1 I WILL extol thee, Lord, for thou Canst heal disease and pain ; 'Tis unto thee alone I owe My health and peace again. 2 sing unto the Lord, ye saints, And magnify his grace, He bows an ear to your complaints In time of sore distress. 3 His wrath, 'twill for a moment last, His grace prolongs my days, Grief may a night my comforts blast, But morning brings me peace. 4 My health was firm, my day was clear, Which made me rest secure, THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 51 While in my heart I cherished there That peace would still endure. 5 But I forgot thee, O my guide, Who strong my mountain made, For when thy countenance thou didst hide, Then all my comforts fled. 6 To thee, Lord, I cry and mourn, What profit's in my blood, For in the grave can I make known The goodness of my God 1 7 Hear me, I said, O gracious God, And bring me from the grave ; Thy grace rebuked the heavy load, Thy mercy did me save. 8 My griefs and fears are silenced now, For I have comfort found, My sackcloth on the ground I throw, And gladness girds me round. 9 My glory, Lord, to thee I yield, To praise thy name divine, For thou alone my sickness healed, And pardoned all my sin. PSALM 31. L. M. 1 LORD, my God, of truth and grace, My spirit I commit to thee, My soul thou hast redeemed from death, And thy salvation set me free. 2 Despair and hope on every side, Upheld their contest and the strife, 52 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. My wicked foes in counsel join, And plot to take away my life. 3 My times are in thy hand, I said, Thou wilt direct them for the best, Thou art my rock, and my strong tower, My hiding place, and place of rest. 4 0, make thy countenance to shine Upon thy humble servant, Lord, For with devotion, I am thine, And may thy grace be my reward. PAUSE. 5 I am cut off before thine eyes, In haste, my doubting spirit said ; But thou hast heard my weeping voice, And gave to me thy gracious aid. 6 How large, how free thy goodness, Lord, Thy shining countenance, how sweet, And those who trust thy sovereign grace, Their joys are perfect and complete. 7 love the Lord, all ye his saints, Proclaim his glorious praise aloud, His mercy will supply your wants, He amply will reward the proud. part n- 8 My God, thy mercy is my trust, "With joy 1*11 magnify thy name; Thou hast preserved me safe from death, Mine honour from reproach and shame. THE PSALMS OF DAVin. 53 9 My life is spent with fear and dread, My years I waste in sighs and moans, Mine eyes arc dried, my strength declines, And grief of mind consumes my bones. 10 Among my foes I am a scorn, My friends they look on me with dread, And to my neighbours near I am Forgotten and unnoticed. 11 Foul sland'ring tongues beset me round, On every side I met with fear : I to thy sovereign grace applied, And thou didst lend a gracious ear. PAUSE. 12 Thy goodness, how wonderful, Which thou hast wrought before all men; The lying lips are silenced now, And all their joyful boasting vain. 13 From strife of tongues, thy chosen saints Shall in thy strong pavilion hide ; Thou wilt preserve them from disgrace, And slay the haughty sons of pride. 14 Within thy secret place, O Lord, Let me abide forever more, No city strongly fortified » Can guard thy children so secure. PSALM 32. C. M. 1 BLEST is the man to whom the Lord Freely forgives his sin, Whose trust is in the promised word, To make him pure and clean. 54 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 2 His hateful crimes no more shall rise Before the judgment throne, He pleads a perfect sacrifice As his sure hope alone. 3 His soul abhors ensnaring- lies, And his designs are pure ; His prudent walk and watchful eyes Will keep his mind secure. 4 How excellent that righteousness Which covers all his sin, While rich supplies of heavenly grace Through all his actions run. PART II. 5 While I concealed my grievous guilt, No comfort could I find, What dreadful pain my conscience felt, What anguish seized my mind. G I will acknowledge to the Loid My secret sins, I said ; Thy spirit then did grace afford, Thy word my fears allayed. 7 For this shall every one that's wise Their prayer to thee make known ; And then when fears and troubles rise, % They '11 hasten to thy throne. 8 I 'm safe beneath thy guardian care, From ev'ry raging storm, My God will save me from each snare, And keep me safe from harm. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 55 PSALM 33. L. M. 1 YE righteous in the Lord, rejoice, With holy joy declare his praise, Sing of his name with cheerful voice, And tell how wondrous are his ways. 2 Let heaven and earth proclaim aloud His mercy and his faithfulness; The works of nature own him God, And Providence reveals his grace. 3 His word with power and skill divine, The shining skies with glory spread ; He bids the starry hosts to shine, And light the heavens his wisdom made. 4 The waters of the mighty deep, Are bound by his Almighty hand ; He makes the raging billows sleep, And swell again at his command. 5 Let all that dwell upon the earth, With veneration fear the Lord, He spake, and lo ! the world sprang forth, And moves according to his word. 6 The scornful race in every land Shall fail in all their ill designs ; God's counsel shall forever stand, Pure, just, and true, it ever shines. 7 0, greatly blest that nation is, Where God has placed his gracious throne, 56 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. "Where he makes known his heaven]}' grace, And takes the people for his own. 8 Though in the highest heavens he reigns, He sees all on the earth that dwell ; He forms their hearts as pleaseth him, And knows our feeble frames full well. 9 Kings are not saved with all the power Or force of armies which they have, Nor can the horse, well trained for war, Secure his rider from the grave. 10 The power of men and beasts are vain, And can no preservation bring, But pious saints they do obtain Their safety from their sovereign King. 11 The fear of God is in their heart, When famine wastes he is their trust ; God will to saints his grace impart, And pour his blessings on the just. 12 Lord, our hearts rejoice in thee, let thy count'nance on us shine ; Our joy, our hope, our only stay, Is in thy sovereign grace divine. PSALM 34. C. M. 1 I BLESS the Lord, all times his praise Upon my tongue shall dwell ; Ye faithful souls come seek his grace, And his sweet mercies tell. 2 Come let us magnify the Lord, And bless his holy name ; THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 57 I sought his sovereign grace, he heard, And rescued me from shame. 3 My trouhles to the Lord I told, And he to me gave ear, His love to me he did unfold And chased away my fear. 4 The poor to him lift up their cries, Their countenances shine, While glorious light breaks from th6 skies And fills their humble mind. 5 His angels pitch their camps around The well beloved saints, God's fear within their hearts is found, He is their sure defence. 6 The wild young lions in distress, May suffer hunger's pain ; But they who trust his sovereign grace, All needful good obtain. PART II. 7 Come children hear, and I'll explain How you should fear the Lord ; From lying lips you must refrain, Nor speak a spiteful word. 8 If length of days is your desire, A quiet life and long; Of base deceit you must beware, From slander guard your tongue. 9 Depart from evil, speak the truth, Pursue the paths of peace, 8 58 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. The Lord will then protect your youth, And bless with happy days. 10 His eye beholds your pious ways With pleasure and delight, But sets his awful frowning face Against the sons of spite. 11 The grieved hearts and troubled minds, He grace to them imparts, H*e pardons and forgives their sins, And heals their broken hearts. 12 He sees their sorrows, hears their moans, His Son their ransom paid, His holy Spirit heals their bones, And makes his people glad. 13 When desolation like a storm, Lays hopes of sinners waste, My God will keep his saints from harm, They on his promise rest. 14 Evil shall slay the wicked race, But God protects the just, happy souls that learn his ways, And in his mercy trust. PSALM 35. L. M. 1 BEHOLD the sympathizing cares Which pious David kindly shows ; See what generous love he bears, For his inveterate suffering foes. 2 When they are sick his spirit moans, And 'pears to feel their racking pains, THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 59 His tender heart complains in groans While gospel grace within him reigns. 3 Towards his foe he did behave As if a brother he had been, And with fasting he prays to save The lives of brutish wicked men. 4 With vile reproach his name they curst, Yet still he humbly pleads and mourn9 ; While heavenly blessings on him rest, And peace and happiness returns. 5 O splendid type of grace divine, So Christ our Saviour advocates, While bold transgressors pride in sin, The blest Redeemer thus intreats. 6 Christ the true David loved of God, And Israel's illustrious King, To save his saints left his abode, And paid their ransom, bore their sins. PSALM 36. C. M. 1 HIGH in the splendid heavens, Lord, Thy mercy ever shines, Through mists and clouds the truth shall break That covers thy designs. 2 Thy righteousness forever stands, And firm as mountains keep, Thy mighty works are wonderful, Thy judgments are a deep. 3 With tender care both man and beast Are guarded in thy sight, 60 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. All things that live on thee depend, But saints are thy delight. 4 How glorious is thy grace, O God, From thee our joys arise, And underneath thy guardian wings Our hope and safety lies. 5 From the rich fulness of thy house We on thy bounty feast, And from the river of thy love Shall thy salvation taste. 6 Life, like a fountain free and pure, Springs from thy sovereign grace; And in thy glorious light we see The promises of peace. PSALM 36. L. M. 1 WHILE wicked men go on in sin, And yet a sovereign power still own ; I often am inclined to say Their sinful actions say there's none. 2 Their very thoughts at once make known The words their sinful lips express, God's indignation they fear not, Nor ask the favour of his grace. 3 Self-flattering hope still blinds their eyes, But that tremendous day is near When in despair they shall behold The lightning of thy glittering spear. 4 Thy righteousness forever stands, Though mountains melt before thy face ; THE PSALMS OF DAVID. Gl Thy judgments are a vast unknown, Which no created mind can trace. 5 Above the starry heavens, O Lord, Thy mercy in perfection reigns, Thy truth shall live when nature dies, And in full glory ever shines. 6 Thy providence is kind and free, Thy goodness feeds both man and beast, And under thy protecting wings Thy people there may safely rest. 7 When creature comforts cease to flow, And earthly pleasures waste away, Thou wilt thy heavenly grace bestow To thy dear saints who trust in thee. 8 Then when the light of day shall cease, And death our mortal eyes close up ; Then Christ our sun of righteousness Will be our light, our joy, and hope. PSALM 37. L. M. 1 WHY should I grieve my mind and fret When perfidious men in power rise, Or hate the sons of sly deceit Who utter false malicious lies 1 2 As like the grass at morn cut down, Before the setting sun it fades, So all their joys shall perish soon In never ending gloomy shades. 3 Then in thy sovereign grace I'll trust, And on thine arm I will repose ; 62 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. My dwelling shall be with the just, And Providence my food bestows. 4 I will commit my ways to thee, And with submission wait thy will, Thine hand which guides my wandering way Shall my best wishes all fulfill. 5 My innocence thou wilt adorn When thy just judgments are made known, Clear as the rosy beams of morn, And shining as the noonday sun. 6 The meek delight themselves in peace, And shall possess the earth at last, For they are clothed in righteousness, And on thy promises they rest. PAUSE. 7 Wait on the Lord and trust his grace, Nor fret yourself in any wise, Though God his justice long delays To punish sinners for their vice. 8 Let scorners join to break you down, And all their angry rage employ ; The Lord their counsel will confound, He sees the day of vengeance nigh. 9 The wicked have drawn out the sword And bent their threatening bow to slay The righteous saints that fear the Lord, And men that walk in upright way. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 63 10 God will in pieces break their bow And disappoint their ill designs, For their own swords shall pierce them through, And sink them down in endless pains. PART II. LI Why should the wealthy sinner vaunt, And grow most wickedly profane, The humble portion of a saint Exceeds the sinner's richest gain. L2 The wicked from his friend receives, But ne'er intends the same to pay, Whereas the saint in kindness gives, Nor turns the indigent away. 13 With generous heart his goods he shares Among the needy sons of want, His name on earth is blest, his heirs Shall flourish like a thrifty plant. L4 His tongue abhors the speech profane, The slander vile, the fraud, the lie, His actions and his ways to men Are justice, truth, and verity. 15 The gospel and the law of God Is deep engraven on his heart, He is directed by the word, And from the way he'll not depart. 16 When sinners sink to endless night, The righteous saints shall firmly stand, And shall inherit with delight Their title of the promised land. 64 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 17 The steps of righteous men, Lord, Are ruled by thine unerring will, Although cast down they are restored, Thy mighty power upholds them still. 18 The Lord beholds them with delight, And justifies their pious ways; He'll never cast them from his sight, Nor take, from them his saving grace. 19 He is the portion of his saints, Their God, their everlasting love ; His grace provides for all their wants, And makes them kings and priests above. 20 Wait on the Lord, and do not fret, Nor dread the guilty sinner's frown, For you shall own their pride was great When all their hopes are overthrown. PAUSE. 21 The bold blasphemer have I seen Despise thy laws, and them defied, And like a bay-tree tall and green, With arms extended far and wide. 22 And lo, unseen he perished there, Consigned to everlasting- pain, And not a remnant did appear Where all that pride and vice did reign. 23 But mark the perfect and behold The happy man of righteousness, God will to him his love unfold, And crown his latter days with peace. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 65 PSALM 38. C. M. 1 IN thy displeasure, great, O Lord, Remember me with love, Nor smite with thy chastising sword, Avenging wrath remove. 2 Thine arrows stick within me fast, Thine hand has pressed me down, My tlesh and heart with troubles waste, And all my peace is gone. 3 My follies I confess are great, Gone o'er my head they are, And like a heavy pressing weight, Too much for me to bear. 4 I am bowed down with grief and woe, I bear a guilty lo^d, While all day long I mourning go, Beneath thy chastening rod. 5 I am disheartened and afraid, Disease has made me blind ; With keen remorse my wounds they bleed, And rack my tortured mind. 6 All my requests are known to thee, My tears they numbered are, And to my groans and every sigh, Thou lend'st a gracious ear. 7 Lord, thou art my only hope, Mv God my cause will own, The Lord will bear me safely up, When foes would cast me down 9 66 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 8 And when I from thy precepts slide, Mine enemies are glad, With pleasure and exulting pride, They raise their haughty head. 9 But I will own I broke thy laws, And mourn my sinful ways ; I grieve to think how weak I was, And beg for heavenly grace. 10 Forsake me not, O God of grace, But visit me in love, And clothe roe in thy righteousness, Before my last remove. PSALM 39. C. M. 1 MY ways before the Lord, I have Firmly resolved to guard ; Nor will I once permit my tongue To speak a spiteful word. 2 And when I'm urged to stay a while With those who are profane, I'll place a guard before my mouth Lest with my lips I sin. 3 With watchful care I silent was, And therefore held my peace, Lest wicked men should ridicule And mock my pious ways. 4 But yet I will not be restrained From speaking a good word ; I'll let the scornful sinner know That I will praise the Lord. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 67 PART II. L. M. 5 My Maker, my Almighty friend, Teach me the measure of my days, That I may know my latter end, And learn how frail my nature is. G My clays are as a hand-breadth made, Mine age is nothing in thine eye ; Frail man even in his best estate, Is altogether vanity. 7 Look how the race of mortals strive, And are disquieted in vain, They toil and labour while they live, Their pleasing object to obtain. 8 In rich attire some make a.show, Pleased with the gaudy dress they wear, They work for heirs they do not know, And then fly hence and disappear. 9 But I will earthly joys give up, Nor at rich feasts will I regale, They only disappoint my hope, And all their expectations fail. 10 My hope is in thy grace divine, And not in creatures, earth or dust, All worldly interest I'll resign, And make my God my only trust. PART III. c. M. 11 Lord thou hast made my life thy care, See my distressing pain, But I am dumb and will not dare Against thee to contend. 6S THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 12 Pains and disease by thee are sent, And thy commands fulfil, I'll then not utter one complaint Against thy sovereign will. 13 Yet with humility I pray, Remove my heavy load, My health and strength consumes away Beneath thine angry rod. 14 While under thy displeasing look, Our feeble powers decay, We cannot bear thy sharp rebuke, Our beauty wastes away. 15 I sojourn as my fathers here, On earth my transient home, may thy love to me appear, Before my summons come. 16 But if thou wilt my life prolong, And give me heavenly grace, Then I'll employ my heart and tongue To celebrate thy praise. PSALM 40. C. M. 1 I for the Lord my God did wait, And he my cries did hear, His eye beheld my low estate, His grace did then appear. 2 He drew me from a fearful pit, Where I in bonds did lie, From miry clay he brought my feet, And raised me up on high. THE PSALMS OF DAVTD. 69 3 Safe on a rock he fixed my ways, And made me firm and strong, Then taught my tongue to sing his praise, In a new grateful song. 4 His works of grace I will make known, The saints shall hear with joy, Sinners ^hall hasten to his throne, And raise their voices high. 5 Thy love, O Lord, exceeds our praise, And far transcends our thought, Our language fails to speak thy ways, Or wonders thou hast wrought; 6 And when I mourn, and grieve and pine, Finding no peace or rest, may thy graces in me shine, And make me truly blest. 7 Cease from burnt offerings, sailh the Lord, The blood of beasts is vain ; My soul can take no more delight In goats or bullocks slain. 8 Lo ! says the Saviour, I am here To do thy will, my God, To ransom sinners doomed to die, And bear their weighty load. 9 Thy holy law I will exalt, It on my heart is sealed, And what is written in thy book, By me shall be fulfilled. 70 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 10 Behold ! the blessed Son appears, See our exalted head, And at the full appointed time, Is like his brethren made. 11 He did make known his Father's love, He showed to us his grace, And preached to large societies Thy way of righteousness. 12 His Father's law he magnified, His love to sinners showed, And to fulfil his mission here, For rebels shed his blood. 13 Not all the blood of bullocks slain, Could cleanse us from one sin, But the atonement which he made, Will wash us pure and clean. 14 And those who seek his saving grace,. Shall largely be supplied, And with exceeding joy shall say, The Lord be magnified. PSALM 41. C. M. 1 BLEST is the man whose generous heart Melts for the pious poor, Who friendly favours will impart, And feels what they endure. 2 He will relieve their suffering cries, And ease their weary mind, Then he in time when troubles rise, Shall also mercy find. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 71 3 The Lord will blessings on him send, Nor need he be afraid When drought and famine far extend, And thousands join the dead. 4 Or if he suffer on his bed, God will his guilt remove, Will heal the breach which sin has made, Or crown his joys above. PSALM 42. L. M. 1 AS the hart pants for water brooks, And longs to taste the cooling stream, So pants my soul that I may come To thee, my God, and praise thy name. 2 'When shall I in thy courts -appear, To worship in thy holy place, I mourn for my long absence there, And the communion of thy grace. 3 With grief I spend my weary days, My tears are mingled with my food, While my insulting foes rejoice, And say to me, where is your God. 4 My soul with sorrow is cast down, While I remember former days, Then with the multitude 1 went Into thy courts to sing thy praise. 5 But why, my soul, art thou cast down, And sunk with grief and heaviness % Why should I thus indulge despair, And sin against the God of grace 1 14, THE PSALMS OF DAVID* 6 Hope in the Lord, whose power alone Can keep me safe and guide my ways, For I shall yet enjoy his love, And sing my blest Redeemer's praise. PART II. c. M. 1 Lord, my soul within me sinks, But still I mind thy word, And in the time of my distress, Thy goodness I'll record. 2 Great troubles like a dreadful storm With a tumultuous noise, Arose like billows o'er my head, Which banished all my joys. 3 But yet the Lord will show to me His kindness in the day ; His songs shall be my theme at night, And to my God I'll pray. 4 I'll bow with reverence at his feet, And say he is my God ; Why will my Lord forget. .ne now Beneath his chastening rod ? 5 But why, my soul, in sorrow sunk, Say, why to trouble yield 1 Hope in the Lord, he is my stay, My glory and my shield. 6 My God, my everlasting love, Thy A\ord is all my joy, Thy truth and grace will me conduct To happy worlds on high. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. /J PSALM 43. L. M. 1 JUDGE me, O Lord, and plead my cause Against the wicked and profane ; Defend from the deceitful race, And save me from their ill design. 3 My hope depends on thee alone, Forsake me not, my gracious God, Nor let me sink in sorrow down, But visit me from thine abode. 3 O send thy glorious light to me, Guide me in truth and guard my ways, And lead me to thy holy hill, Ev'n to thy sacred dwelling-place. 4 Then will I to thine altar go With pleasure and exceeding joy, And raise my songs to him who rules The glorious worlds of light on high. 5 suffer not my soul to sink, 'Nor let thy servant be cast down, For I shall praise my Saviour yet, And thankfully his mercies own. PSALM 44. L. M. 1 THY works of old, O God, we heard, Thy wondrous works of love and grace, Our fathers spoke them to our ears, The mighty deeds done in their days. 2 They saw the Gospel spread with joy, And churches planted with success ; While heavenly light breaks from on high And fills the temple of thy grace. 10 74 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 3 All the day long in God they boast, ■ Humble and contrite thousands came To meet for prayer and for praise, And heavenly grace was all their theme. 4 Bat now we're loaded with contempt, Shame and confusion fills our face, To hear the enemy revile, And fools despise thy sovereign grace. 5 Yet we have not forgot thy laws, Nor been unfaithful to thy grace ; Nor have we walked in sinful paths, Nor left the way of uprightness. 6 Fierce dragons with destroying breath Have us encompass'd all around; We are afflicted and oppress'd, Thy mighty hand has brought us down. 7 All the day long we are exposed, And die as martyrs at the stake ; As sheep for slaughter we are bound, And suffer for thine own name's sake. 8 Arise, O Lord, to our relief, And do thou strength to us afford, Nor let thy saints forgotten be, Nor banish'd from thy presence Lord. 9 Wilt thou neglect our mournful cries, And hide from us thy smiling face ; Will God to us no more be kind, Nor save us now in sore distress ? THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 75 10 Our drooping spirits are bowed down, And to our foes we are exposed ; Arise, O God, and cast them down, And let their plans become confused. 11 We on thy grace depend alone, O keep us free from sin and shame; We plead the merits of thy blood, And honour of thy glorious name. PSALM 45. C. M. 1 INSPIRE my heart, my heavenly King, To praise my Saviour's name; Then shall my tongue with pleasure spread His glory and his fame. 2 His splendid beauty far excels The sons of Adam's race ; While pleasant words flowed from his lips With sweetest heavenly grace. 3 Arm thee in power, illustrious Prince, Gird on thy glittering sword, And ride with splendid majesty To spread the glorious word. 4 Thine arrows that are sharp, will pierce Thy foes that stubborn are ; Or words of tenderness and love W : iH bring the rebels near. 5 Thy throne, God, is firmly fixed, Thy word 's a sure defence, A pleasing sceptre in thy hands To govern all thy saints. 76 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 6 God, thine own God, has with the oil Of gladness on thee shed ; His sacred spirit has thee blest, And 'bove all mortals made. PART II. 7 Jesus our King, how beautiful, Adorned with grace divine ; Lo he descends, and gospel lio-ht Over all nations shine. 8 Behold his bride at his right hand, In robes of gold is seen, The saints esteem her splendid dress, And virgins 'tend the queen. 9 Her beauties are made like his own, Receive his love, fair bride ; Thou must forget thy father's house, Thy idols cast aside. 10 Then shall the King in thee be glad, The object of his choice ; Love and adore thy maker God, From him are all thy joys. 110 glorious hour when thou shalt soar To mansions in the sky, Where all his numerous happy sons Like kings shall reign on high. 12 Illustrious honours crown his name, And let his glory sound From every being that has breath, To earth's remotest bound. THE PSALMS OF DAVrD. / / PSALM 40. C. M. 1 GOD is our refuge and defence When foes our rights invade ; See him resenting our complaints Before we ask his aid. 2 Though mountains from their seats be cast Into the mighty deep, Or earth be from her centre tost, Yet God his saints will keep. 3 Although the swelling oceans roar, We shall remain in peace, While heathen lands on every shore Dread the tempestuous seas. 4 There is a stream which does supply The city of our God ; There love and sweet transporting joy Reign in our blest abode. 5 Thy blessed word is that pure stream Which governs all our fear, Thy promises are all our theme, They joy to us declare. 6 The church enjoys her Saviour's love In every threat'ning storm ; God will to her an helper prove, And keep her safe from harm. part n. 7 The church rejoices in her King, Though tyrants furious are ; The Lord in vengeance to them speaks, And makes them quake with fear. 78 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 8 The Lord of Hosts defends his saints, Of old he for them fought ; Come see the work his hand has done, The desolation wrought. 9 Unto the ends of all the earth He makes the war to cease, He bids the nations sheathe their swords, And crowns the world with peace. 10 The bow he breaks, the spear he cuts, The chariot burns in fire ; Let every land with rev'rence bow, And fear his dreadful ire. 11 Be still, and know that I am God, I rule the worlds on high ; On earth I will exalted be, But Zion is my joy. 12 Lord of Hosts, our sovereign God, Thy presence bears us up ; The God of Jacob 's our defence, And our eternal hope. PSALM 47. L. M. 1 FOR a shouting song of praise To our almighty sovereign God, Let the whole earth new anthems raise, And celebrate his praise aloud. 2 Jesus our King on high ascends With shouts and trumpets sounding high ; His morning stars of light attends Him rising through the shining sky. THE. PSALMS OF DAVID. I \) 3 While angels sing and shout for joy, O may we learn their heavenly strains, And sound his glorious honours high, O'er every land our Saviour reigns. 4 Let us with awe adore the Lord, Let heavenly wisdom be our guide, And fear to speak a single word Thro' heedless or thro' haughty pride. 5 God is our sovereign King, and reigns High on his throne of holiness ; While o'er the world his goodness shines, And Israel tastes his heavenly grace. 6 Through faith the heathen kingdoms yield With fear and reverence to the Lord ; While king and princes, sword and shield Own and confess his sacred word. PSALM 47. S. M. 1 fora shout of praise To our Almighty God, Let every land new anthems raise, And spread his name abroad. 2 Jesus our King ascends, With trumpets sounding high, His morning stars of light attend Him rising through the sky. 3 While angels shout for joy, And sing angelic lays, may we raise our voices high, And sound aloud his praise. 80 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 4 Let us adore the Lord, May wisdom be our guide, Nor dare to speak a sinful word Through vain and haughty pride. 5 For God is King alone, He reigns o'er earth and seas, He calls the nations all his own, Makes Israel taste his grace. 6 The Gentile nations yield With reverence to the Lord, While kings and princes, sword and shield Own and confess his word. PSALM 48. C. M. 1 GREAT is the Lord, and let his praise O'er earth be spread abroad, He makes the temples of his grace The place of his abode. 2 Zion the glory of the earth, Appears most beautiful, The place where first we drew our breath, And where he loves to dwell. 3 Within his house he's known to be To saints a hiding place; His great salvation, O how free, How wonderful his grace. 4 For lo ! the kings that did unite Against them were dismayed, And being troubled at the sight, With fear and trembling fled. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 81 5 When well trained fleets and armies rise, And 'tempt to spill our blood, He sends bis thunders from the skies. And sinks them in the flood. G Of old we of his wonders heard, Our eyes do them behold, How faithfully his grace will guard The people of his- fold. 7 When in affliction and distress, We'll go up to his house, To thank and praise his sovereign grace, And pay our solemn vows. PART II. 8 Lord, according to thy name, Thy praise through earth is known, The saints thy wonders do proclaim, The wonders thou hast done. 9 Thy people with exceeding joy, On Zion hill shall stand, Shall sound thy glorious honours high, The wonders of thy hand. 10 Walk about Zion and go round Our holy, happy place, Examine well the sacred ground, And mark her palaces. 11 The pleasing order of thy court, The solemn service there, The saints with joy do there resort, To worship in thy fear. 11 82 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 12 How proper, how becoming wise, How glorious and how fair, Not finest gold that charms the eyes, Can with such joys compare. 13 The sovereign Lord whom we adore, Will guide us constantly, Will all our comforts here secure, And be our joy on high. PSALM 49. L. M. 1 SEE how the wealthy sinner toils, And heaps his silver as the dust, Looks with contempt upon the poor, And tramples on the pious just. 2 He says his might has got this wealth, Which elevates him more than they, And loudly boasts that he is born Of nobler rank and better clay. 3 But all the riches which he owns, Can't gain for him a short reprieve, Nor buy from death one hour of time, Nor make a guilty brother live. 4 Eternal life cannot be bought, The soul's redemption is too high ; No, justice never can be sold, That mortal man should never die. 5 He sees with grief that wise men die, The fool, the brutish and sincere, Quit their possessions and their wealth, And flee away and disappear. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 83 6 His inward thought is that his house Forever shall remain the same, With haughty pride lie calls his lands In mem'ry of his odious name. 7 But all his pomp and hopes are lost, His title and his grandeur dies, His mem'ry in the grave shall rot, Where his own filthy carcass lies. S This is the way the wicked walk, And yet their sons the same pursue, They justify their fathers' deeds, And act the work of violence too. 9 Men wanting wisdom, grace and truth, Though magnified and honoured high, Live like the beasts that perish quite, And like the thoughtless beasts they die. LO Like sheep they in the grave are laid, There death and darkness o'er them reign, Till the last thunders cleave their tombs, And wake them up in endless pain. 11 Ye scornful haughty sons of pride, That dare reproach the just with lies, When death has laid on you his hand, Your vanity no more shall rise. 12 The judgment day will change the scene, When will that glorious hour arrive, 84 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. When scoffers shall forever fly, And righteous men again revive. 13 The Lord my spirit will receive, And will my happiness secure, Will cleave the dark and silent tomb, And raise my slumb'ring dust in power, li Heaven is my glorious pkce of rest, Bestowed to me by grace divine, Then let the wicked rage and fret, I shall rejoice and not repine. PSALM 50. L. M. 1 THE Lord, the judge, behold he comes, And o'er the world his summons spread, His awful thunder cleaves the tombs, And wakes the nations of the dead. 2 No more shall atheists mock his name, Nor dare reproach his long delay, No more shall hypocrites blaspheme, Behold the last, the dreadful day. 3 Our sovereign God shall surely come, Lo ! he descends, his hosts are nigh, Fire and tempest, thunder and storm, Attend him downward from the sky. 4 Heaven from above shall hear his call, On swiftest wing his guards shall come, And all who on the earth that dwell, Shall hear and know their final doom. 5 But gather first my saints, he says, Bring them from North, South, East and West; t THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 85 Those who have sealed with me their peace, My love for them stands ever fast. 6 He bids his angels spread their thrones, And place them near their sovereign Lord ; The world beholds their faith, and owns The sentence of my just reward. PART II. 7 The earth is mine, and flocks and herds, And beasts, and men, and flow'ry fields, I claim a right to all the birds And cattle on a thousand hills. 8 No offerings burnt nor sacrifice Of sheep or oxen I desire ; To fear my name, adore and praise, Is all the worship I require. 9 Call on my name when in distress, I safely will deliver thee ; AVhen shall thy grateful tongue express Exalted honours due to me. 10 The man that offers praise aright, Shall be extoll'd and honoured high, And those who in my ways delight, My full salvation shall enjoy. 11 The Lord, the sovereign judge shall come, And with his saints he shall appear, Then hypocrites shall know their doom, And sink forever in despair. 86 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 12 Not for the want of sacrifice, Of goats or bullocks I reprove, Off'rings and forms no more can please. Without the holy flame of love. 13 Tremble, thou painted hypocrite, Vain are the works thy zeal pretends, Thou saidst my laws were just and right. When thieves and liars were thy friends. 14 Yet thou didst sin without control, And vainly thought to 'scape my sight, But now thy sins affright thy soul, Now thy base crimes are brought to light. 15 Consider this ye fools, be wise, Before this dreadful day appear; If once his wrath begin to rise, You'll find no hope, no pardon there. PSALM 50. C. M. 1 THE mighty God, behold he comes, In judgment robes arrayed, His awful voice divides the tombs, And wakes the sleeping dead. 2 No more shall atheists blaspheme, Nor mock his long delay, Nor in derision scorn his name, Behold the judgment day. 3 Our sovereign God shall surely come, His heavenly hosts are nigh, Fire and tempest, thunder and storm, Attend him down the sky. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. SI 4 The heavens above shall hear his call, His guards shall then appear, And earth and the dark world of hell, Their final doom shall hear. 5 But gather first my saints, he says, Bring them from every land, They who have sealed with me their peace, My love for them shall stand. 6 Their faith and works before the Lord, Are now brought forth to light, And earth and heaven with one accord Shall own my sentence right. PART II. 7 The earth is mine and all it yields, With birds of every name, O'er cattle on a thousand hills, I have the only claim. 8 No orT'rings burnt in sacrifice Of bullocks I require, To fear my name, adore and praise, Is all that I desire. 9 When in distress call on my name, I will thy wishes crown, Then shall thy grateful tongue proclaim Due thanks to me alone. 10 The man that offers praise aright, Exalted high shall be, And those who in my ways delight, Shall my salvation see. 8S THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PART III. 11 When Christ in judgment robes arrayed. With all his saints shall come, Then hypocrites with fear and dread, Shall hear their final doom. 12 Not for the want of sacrifice Of bullocks I reprove, Off'rings and forms no more can please, Without the flame of love. 13 With thieves and liars thou didst share In falsehood and deceit, And with the vile adulterer Thou didst participate. 14 Thy tongue didst sing without control, And thought'st to 'scape my sight, But now thy crimes affright thy soul, When they are brought to light. 15 Consider this and be in dread, Ye that forget the Lord, If once your day of grace is fled, Then none can grace afford. PSALM 51. C. M. 1 thou, my sovereign Lord divine, Be merciful to me, O'er all thy works thy mercies shine, May not I hope in thee. 2 My God, I own my crimes are great, But can't surpass thy grace, I with humility entreat, Hide not from me thy face. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 89 3 Purge me, Lord, from every sin, And cheer me with thy love, make my conscience pure and clean, And all my guilt remove. 4 With shame I own my crimes, God, They still before me are, And should'st thou scourge me with thy rod, I must pronounce thee clear. 5 Should sore affliction and distress, Sink me beneath thy frown, Heaven would approve thy righteousness, And earth thy justice own. 6 Yet save a penitent, O Lord, And keep me from despair, My only hope is in thy word, I plead for pardon there. PART II. 7 LORD I am filthy and unclean, Conceived in guiltiness, I sprung from Adam, whose first sin Corrupted all his race. 8 Soon as I breathe the vital air, Sin breaks my quiet rest ; Thy law demands perfection here, But I'm defiled in lust. 9 Create my heart anew, O Lord, And form my spirit free, Grant me deliv'rance and afford Thy gracious love to me. 12 90 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 10 Before thee, Lord, I humbly lay, And trust thy grace divine, Rivers of oil can't wash away My leprosy of sin. 11 No sacrifice of bird or beast, Nor running stream nor sea, Nor hysop plant nor holy priest, Can wash my guilt away. 12 Jesus my sovereign king divine, Thy pity to me show, Thy blood alone can wash me clean, And make me white as snow. 13 While sin and guilt disturb my joys, And I can find no ease, let me hear thy pleasant voice, And give me rest and peace. PART III. 14 My sins, O Lord, are known to thee, They 're spread before thy face, O cast them all into the sea Of thy forgetfulness. 15 Create within me a clean heart, And form my spirit right, Let not thy love from me depart, Nor cast me from thy sight. 16 Without thy light, God of grace, I would no comfort find, Restore to me thy heavenly peace, And ease my weary mind. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 91 17 Take not from me thy spirit, Lord, Nor cast me from thy care ; May not a wretch trust in thy word, And plead thy merits there? 18 A spirit grieved for sin's desert, Is pleasing in thine eyes, A broken and a contrite heart, My God will not despise. 19 Lord I fall before thy face, And own thy sentence right, Forgive my sins and let thy grace Preserve me in thy sight. 20 When will I teach the sons of men To trust in Jesus' blood, Backsliders shall return again, And praise their Saviour God. 21 may thy grace indite my song, Salvation's all my theme, Then Til employ my heart and tongue To praise my Saviour's name. PSALM 52. L. M. 1 AVHY should the wicked dare to boast, And with contempt thy grace despise ; They trust alone their warlike host, And join in murder, theft and lies, 2 But God in dreadful vengeance drest, Shall sinners from his presence rout, And that his church may safely rest, He from the earth shall root them out. 92 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 3 But saints are like to olive trees, That flourish in immortal green, And blooming in sweet heavenly grace, Shall in thy sacred courts be seen. 4 Thy children, Lord, thy name confess, And trust alone thy grace divine, And those who walk in wisdom's ways, Shall every joy and comfort find. PSALM 52. C. M. 1 WHY should the tyrant boast of might, And raise his head on high, When murder is his chief delight, And vengeance all his joy. 2 The pris'ner's groans, the widow's tears,* The helpless orphan's cries Are joy and music in his ears, His mouth is filled with lies. 3 He loves the work of sin and shame, And arms his tongue to slay, His power and pride he does proclaim, And bids the world obey. 4 But God shall utterly destroy And root him from the land ; His fall the saints shall hail with joy, Freed from the tyrant's hand. 5 But now the wretch lies low in dust, That did God's power defy, And vainly his own arm did trust To murder and destroy. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 93 6 Lord, we praise thy sovereign grace, And thy salvation own ; Still may thy saints in sore distress, With faith approach thy throne. PSALM 53. L. M. 1 THERE is no God, the simple fools Do in their wicked hearts maintain; Nor Providence that overrules The schemes and deeds of impious men. 2 Their thoughts are filthy and unclean, Foul slander dwells upon their tongue ; They are defiled with every sin, And love to do God's children wrong. 3 But they shall meet his dreadful frown, And sink at last in sore surprise, His arm will crush the wicked down That dare against his people rise. 1 The sons of hell in vain may rise Against the saints whom he did choose ; His sovereign power will them despise, And make them fly when none pursues. 5 hasten on that joyful hour When our calamities shall cease ; Thy children then shall rest secure, And praise the Lord their righteousness. PSALM 54. L. M. 1 SAVE us, O Lord, and let our prayer Ascend before thy -gracious throne; 94 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. O guard the children of thy care, Our hope depends on thee alone. 2 For bloody men, and hypocrites Unite to slay thy people, Lord ; They trample on thy sacred rites, And with contempt despise thy word. 5 But still thy sovereign grace we own, And on thy mighty arm rely ; Thy power shall crush the wicked down, Thy love to us is all our joy. 4 But grant to them thy heavenly grace Who gave to us their friendly hand, And may thy truth and righteousness Spread with success through every land. PSALM 55. C. M. 1 LORD my God of sovereign might, Hear my entreating cries ; For earth and hell their force unite, And up against me rise. 2 They cast iniquity on me, And seek to spill my blood ; They strive to turn my thoughts away From my creator God. 3 Death's terrors make me sore afraid, My heart is pained with wounds, On me comes trembling, fear and dread, My days I spend in moans. 4 were I clothed in innocence, And like a dove had wings, THE PSALMS OF DAVID. I would remove and fly far hence, From all perplexing things. Lo then, T in the wilderness Would seek a happy home, Far from a cruel treach'rous race, Where troubles never come. But how trifling and how poor Are such vain thoughts as these; The mighty God can here, secure Me from mine enemies. 7 I'll call on God by morning light, And trust his grace at noon ; Then in the seasons of the night I will address his throne. 8 He has bestowed me joy and peace, And set me safe and free ; Has made the roar of battle cease, For many were with me. 9 I'll cast my burden on the Lord, And trust his mighty hand ; My hope is in the blessed word, That saints shall firmly stand. 10 My hope in God shall not be vain, I'll trust in him always, "While bloody and deceitful men Shall not live half their days. 95 96 THE FSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM 55. L. M. 1 LET bold blasphemers choose the road That downward leads to endless woe ; But in the service of my God, I'll spend my days while here below. 2 I daily will address his throne, His wondrous works I will declare, At evening, morning, and at noon, And he will hearken to my prayer. 3 Thou wilt,0 Lord, regard my moans, And grant me rays of heavenly light ; While sinners sink beneath thy frowns In dungeons of eternal night. 4 Because they live in pamper'd ease, And no afflicting changes have, • They neither trust thy sovereign grace, Nor praise and thanks to thee will give. 5 But I will rest upon his word, To him I will commit my ways, I'll cast my burdens on the Lord, And trust alone his sovereign grace. 6 His strong ana" his almighty hand Shall all his children well sustain, The rock on which they firmly stand, Through endless ages shall remain. PSALM 56. L. M. 1 SHOW pity unto me, O God, And drive the wicked from thy face, Who daily me with curses load, And on my head they heap disgrace. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 97 2 The sons of falsehood and deceit Unite to take my life away ; With cruel spite they do me hate, But thou forever art my stay. 3 In thee my God I do repose My hope, my confidence and trust; Nor will I fear my haughty foes, The feehle children of the dust. 4 My words they wrest and do me hate, And lay new plans against me still ; They meet, they lurk, and lie in wait, Their bloody object to fulfil. 5 Shall they escape thy fierce rebuke? Must their injustice still remain; cast on them a frowning look, And make them know their schemes are vain. PAUSE. 6 The Lord beholds, and also hears The moanings of his humble saints, He counts the number of their tears, And lends an ear to their complaints. 7 When I address thy gracious throne, And make my prayer known to thee, The wicked fly and are cast down, For thou alone upholdest me. 8 In thee, my God, I do repose My hope, my confidence, and trust; Nor will I fear my haughty foes, The feeble children of the dust. 13 '98 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 9 Thy vows upon me are, O God, Accept my humble sacrifice ; Then with delight I'll spread abroad The kindness of thy sovereign grace. 10 Thou hast my soul from death set free, O lead me in thy holy ways ; Then I'll employ my time for thee, And sing with joy my Saviour's praise. PSALM 57. C. M. 1 MY God, my trust is in thine arm, My safety from thee springs ; O hide me from the threat'ning storm, Beneath thy downy wings. 2 My cry up to the heavens I send, The Lord my cries will hear ; He from above will me defend, And banish all my fear. 3 Be thou exalted, O my God, Above the starry frame ; May land to land with one accord Unite and praise thy name. 4 Prepare my heart to raise my song, Thy name to glorify ; Then life and breath, and hand and tongue For thee I will employ. 5 O'er all the wonders of his hand, His mercies he proclams ; His truth forever firm shall stand When earth shall melt in flames. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 99 G Bo thou exalted, O my God, Above the starry frame; May land to land with one accord Unite and praise thy name. PSALM 58. C. M. 1 AND will you, judges of the land, Subvert the righteous laws; Will golden bribes pollute your hand To scorn the righteous cause? 2 Will you condemn the humble poor, See truth and justice soldi While rich transgressors 'scape secure, Saved by their shining gold. 3 Do you not know that God is just, And that he'll judge you too ; His arm will crush you into dust, His wrath will you pursue. •1 Forever firm his justice stands, And shall forever last; Yet you annul his high commands, And bind the conscience fast. 5 Your tongue is like a poisoned dart Shot from an arrow strong, And death attends the deadly smart From your blasphemous tongue. 6 The widow's sighs you will not hear, Nor listen to her moans ; So the deaf adder stops her ear Against the charmer's sounds. 100 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 7 They live by rapine, theft and blood, But all their hopes shall fall ; Break out the teeth, O mighty God, Of these young lions all. 8 The Lord beholds them with a frown, And treads them in the dust ; In black despair they are cast down, Where all their hopes are lost. 9 His awful thunders from on high, Their wickedness controls ; Their courage fails, their titles die, And anguish seize their souls. 10 As snow on house top melts and run, Or snails that waste away, Or births that never see the sun, So shall their hopes decay. 1 1 God's vengeance on the wicked race Affords to saints true joys, He saves his people in distress, And listens to their cries. 12 And men that hear shall surely say There is a Providence; A God who richly will repay His persecuted saints. PSALM 59. L. M. 1 SAVE us, O Lord, and plead our cause 'Gainst deadly foes that round us rise ; They trample on our sacred laws, And with contempt thy saints despise. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 101 2 See how the haughty sons of pride, Raise their rebellious heads on kigh ; They join in league, they lurk and hide Thy chosen people to destroy. 3 Beneath the gloomy shade of night They roam and rage like beasts of prey ; With savage fury they unite, To waste thy towns and fields by day. 4 And will the sovereign Lord above, Regardless of our weary cry, Permit that cruel race to rove, And plunder with impunity. 5 But God, who high in glory reigns, Shall terror speak unto their souls, His eye beholds their ill designs, His mighty ami their power controls. 6 Yet spare them, Lord, and slay them not, Lest we forget their misery, But in thy wrath drive them abroad, In distant heathen lands to stray. 7 Then shall our thankful hearts declare The goodness of our sovereign God, And every land thy name shall fear, And sing with joy thy praise aloud. PSALM 60. L. M. 1 LORD, thou hast chastised us sore, See how thy people mourn and pine, AVilt thou be merciful no more, Nor cause thy face on us to shine. 102 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 2 Thy awful judgments from on high Alarm and shake the world below, Thy terror makes the wicked fly, And sinks them down in endless woe. 3 Beneath thy stroke see our distress, Thy threatening rod makes us afraid, Keep us, we pray, free from disgrace, And heal the breach thine hand has made. 3 O raise thy standard in the field, Aid those who on thy grace rely, And make our foes submit and yield, Or in disgrace to turn and fly. PSALM 61. L. M. 1 MY God, attend unto my prayer, And hear my supplicating cries, For I am overwhelmed with fear, My heart within me sinks and dies. 2 From thee, my God, my safety springs, I in thy sovereign grace confide, And under thy protecting wings, Let me forever there abide. 3 Within thy holy place, Lord, There let me rest and be secure, Thou art my hope and my reward, My rock, my fortress, and my tower. 4 Thou givest me the lot of saints, Who fear and trust thy holy name, If life eternal crown their wants, Then I inherit shall the same. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 103 PSALM 02. C. M. 1 MY soul waits for the Lord my God, And trusts in him alone, He is my rock, my safe abode, My refuge is his throne. 2 place your hopes in him, ye saints, And trust his sovereign power, For he alone is your defence, Your fortress and strong tower. 3 Mean are the men of lowest grade, And great men are a lie, Sure both when in a balance laid, Are nought but vanity. 4 In wealth place not your confidence, "Why seize the flying smoke, Nor set your hearts on time and sense, But hear what God has spoke. 5 The Lord hath spoken and made known, Again his voice I heard, That power belongs to him alone, And that he must be feared. 6 His justice shines bright on his throne, There mercy also pleads, And he will give to every one According to their deeds. .PSALM 63. L. M. 1 MY God, my sovereign love divine, Grant me the riches of thy grace, cause thy face on me to shine, And let me early seek thy face. 104 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 2 As pilgrims thirst in desert lands, And long to taste the cooling brook, So with mine eye9 and lifted hands, Up to thy streams of grace I look. 3 Within thy courts, my God, my king, I long to find a happy place, To join with saints thy praise to sing, And feel thy power of quickening grace. 4 Not sweetest food nor richest wine, Could e'er such pleasing joys command, As when I taste thy love divine, And in thy glorious presence stand. 5 For life itself without thy care, Would prove a tiresome, heavy load, I'd sink with sorrow and despair, If I were driven from my God. 6 I'll raise my voice and hands with joy, And unto thee will praises give, This work shall be my sweet employ, My greatest pleasure while I live. 7 Amidst the seasons of the night I thought upon thy sovereign grace; My soul with pleasure and delight Still kept in view thy lovely face. 8 And while upon my bed I lie, My thoughts ascend to thee above; I said, my God, thou art my joy, My hope, my portion and my love. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 105 9 My spirit follows after thee, And wings her way to thine abode, Thine arm is my support and stay, While I pursue my Saviour God. 10 Beneath the shadow of thy wings My soul in safety rests secure, My glory Lord awakes and sings The wonders of thy saving power. 11 But those who would my soul destroy, Shall rage and foam and fret in vain, The tempter shall forever fly, And all my inward foes be slain. 12 Thy sword mine enemies shall slay, And sink them down in endless pains, To spend a long eternity In gloomy darkness, fire and chains. PSALM 64. C. M. 1 LORD, behold my grief and woe, Nor let my strength decay; My foes in secret bend their bow To take my life aw^ay. 2 Let thy salvation be my shield From treacherous enemies, Make pride and lust within me yield, And give me heavenly grace. 3 Make known thy power and justice Lord, And drive thy foes away ; May nations learn to fear thy word, And saints thy laws obey. 14 106 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 4 Then shall thy chosen sons rejoice, And all that love the Lord, With joy shall raise their cheerful voice, And praise the sacred word. PSALM 65. C. M. 1 PRAISE waits for thee in Zion, Lord, To thee vows paid shall be, There shall thy saints with one accord Perform their praise to thee. 2 Thy goodness bends the vaulted skies, To save when sinners pray, Thine ear is open to their cries, And makes their heart obey. 3 My sins prevail against my will, But grace is my delight, My Saviour's blood will never fail To wash me clean and white. 4 Blest is the man whom thou dost choose, And has to thee access, That he within thy holy house May find a resting place. PAUSE. 5 When Zion prays let sinners fear, And be in great distress; When God to judgment shall appear, Rob'd in his righteousness. C God gives his people their desire, And satisfies their wants, He also will reveal his ire, For good unto his saints. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 107 7 Then shall (he different nations own The Lord their righteousness, From rising to the setting sun, The Saviour's name will bless. PART II. 8 The God of our salvation hears, And sees when Zion pines; Yet when in kindness he appears, How terribly he shines. 9 On him we all depend alone, Unto earth's utmost land, Where God the Lord is only known By his almighty hand. 10 Sailors who plough the ocean o'er, Address the Lord with zeal ; And when the angry billows roar, He bids the waves be still. 11 At his command the storms abate, He cMms tumult and noise, When nations rave in wild debate, And in disorder rise. 12 Whole nations that distracted were, Are still at his command ; And mountains that established are, On their foundation stand. 13 But see his glorious signs on high, Behold his lightnings play, His glittereng tokens in the sky Make heathen melt away. 108 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 14 The golden lamp of day fulfils His order and designs, He sits and guides his chariot wheels, And o'er the world it shines. 15 The morn and eve are joyful made, And each their pleasures yield ; His golden sheaves make harvest glad, And lilies deck the field. 16 The clouds above at his command Sprinkle the earth with showers, To cheer the dry and thirsty land, And raise the drooping flowers. 17 The little hills on every side Sing with a cheerful voice, And vallies that are mollified, Repeat their pleasant joys. 18 The fields in pasture clothed are, There lambs and cattle graze, The lambs and cattle each declare And speak their Maker's praise. 19 Thy works, Lord, thy wisdom own, And o'er the world they shine, Our days and years thy mercies crown, Thy gifts are all divine. PSALM 66. L. M. 1 LET the spacious earth around Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice, In harmony of sweetest sound, • Make known his glories and your joys. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 109 2 Say unto God who rules on high, How dreadful in thy works art thou, Transgressors from thy presence fly, Or at thy feet they humbly bow. 3 Come and behold the works of God, And tell how glorious are his ways, His mighty power and lifted rod Asunder cleft the mighty seas. 4 He turned the sea into dry land, And made his saints a pleasant road, Then takes his children by the hand, And leads them safely through the flood. 5 He rules by his almighty power, Will mortals dare his laws defy ; Will sinners tempt the Lord to war, And raise their scornful heads on high ? 6 bless the Lord, all ye his saints, Make known your sovereign maker's praise, His goodness still supplies your wants, And safely guides your wand'ring ways. 7 Lord thou hast proved our grieved minds, And made our faith (thy grace) appear, As fire the silver well refines, And makes the metal shine more clear. 8 Through fiery flames, and floods and seas, We travel on at thy command, Until we reach the wealthy place, Provided by thy sovereign hand. 110 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PART II. 9 Now to the Lord who rules on high, My solemn vows I will perform ; His tender mercy heard my cry, And saved me from the threat'ning storm. 10 My heart with joy I will prepare To spread abroad my Saviour's praise ; Come ye that fear the Lord and hear The wonders of his saving grace. 11 When I was overwhelmed in grief, I humbly asked his heavenly care, His sovereign grace sent me relief, And saved my soul from black despair. 12 If covert sin within me lies, While his rich mercies I proclaim, The Lord my prayer will despise, Nor could I dare call on his name. 13 But his rich gifts, I will declare, Who crowns my days with peace and rest, Nor turn'd from him my humble prayer, Nor turn'd his heart from my request. PSALM 67. L. M. 1 BE merciful to us, God, And cause thy face on us to shine, Make known thy mighty power abroad, And give us heavenly grace divine. 2 Do thou surround our happy land, Still be our glory and our shield, And let thy all-supporting hand Enriching blessings to us yield. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. Ill 3 When shall thy great and glorious name Throughout the spacious earth be known, When every nation shall proclaim The glories of thy blessed Son. 4 all ye lands sing to the Lord, Sing ye his praises and rejoice, Let every tongue with one accord, Unite and sing with cheerful voice. 5 For he is God, forever blest, He made the splendid worlds above, While on his arm they safely rest, And bids them taste his heavenly love. 6 Earth shall obey his mighty voice, And yield to him her full increase, The Lord will make her to rejoice, And crown her lands with fruitful ness. 7 Our Saviour God his saints will bless, And spread his choicest favours round ; Nations shall learn to trust his grace Unto creation's utmost bound. PSALM G8. C. M. 1 LET God arise with mighty arm, And make the wicked flee, As smoke before the windy storm, So let them driven be. 2 Behold he comes in dread array, And. justice he proclaims, His stubborn foes shall melt away Like wax before the flames. 112 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 3 He rides and rules the heavens above, His fearful name sounds high, Ye sons of light sing of his 'love, And on his grace rely. 4 He gives the widow timely aid, And helps the fatherless, Supplies the poor with daily bread, And saves them in distress. 5 He pleads the weary captive's cause, And breaks their heavy chain ; But rebels that despise his laws, Shall sink in endless pain. PAUSE. 6 The earth belongs to him alone, For he did it create, Come let us make his glories known," His name with awe repeat. 7 His awful thunder shakes the sky, How dreadful is our God, Yet still he makes his church his joy, And his most choice abode. 8 Crown him, ye nations, sovereign Lord, He is your sure defence, When kingdoms fail he'll strength afford To all his humble saints. PART ir. 9 Lord, when thou didst in royal state Ascend the heavenly hill, Thy flaming guards like chariots wait, And thy commands fulfil. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 113 10 Not Horeb's hill, with all its awe, More glorious could appear, "When he made known his dreadful law, And struck his tribes with fear. 11 Illustrious honours crown his head, Jesus our Saviour reigns, The sons of hell he captives made, Like captives led in chains. 12 Now he ascends on high to reign, But sends his spirit down, With heavenly gifts for erring men Who trust in him alone. PART III. 13 We bless the Lord, he does supply Our daily wants with good, He sends us blessings from on high, And gives us heavenly food. 14 The lamp of day, lit by his hand, Performs his daily round, And copious rains at his command, Refresh the thirsty ground. 15 To him we owe our life and breath, And all that we possess, And from the grasp of endless death, We 're guarded by his grace. 16 To saint and sinner each he gives, They common blessings share, But saint his lovely smile receives, While sinners meet despair. 15 114 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 17 The Lord shall wound the head of those Who still in sin delight, His stubborn and rebellious foes Shall sink in endless night. 18 But God shall bring his people up From the devouring seas, His humble saints have placed their hope, Their all on sovereign grace. PSALM 69. L. M. 1 Save me, O God, because the floods Like great sea billows o'er me roll, I sink in sorrow and distress, Distracting fear alarms my soul. 2 I with my cries exhausted am, My days I spend in tears and grief, My God behold my suffering pain, And hasten on to my relief. .3 They hate me still without a cause, And yet my haughty foes increase More than the hairs around my head, And mighty are mine enemies. 4 'Twas then I ransomed sinful men, And suffered in their room and stead ; My Father's law I magnified, Which sinful mortals disobeyed. 5 Thus Israel's royal prophet mourns, In the Messiah's sacred name, Stirs up repentance in our minds, And pleasing joy to us proclaim. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 115 6 Now shall the humble saints be glad, I am their Saviour and their God ; 'Twee tor their sakes I took their form, And bore their shameful heavy load. 7 'Twas for my saints I suffered shame, And sackcloth was my humble dress ; I for my people did procure Pure spotless robes of righteousness. 8 Unto my kinsmen and the Jews, A scorn and proverb I became, Vile scandal and disgrace 1 bore, That sinners might trust in my name. 9 Affection for my Father's house, Exposed my life to cruel shame, For when I did my Father's will, They slandered and despised my name. JO My griefs and sorrows, and my fasts, Were made the scornful drunkard's song, But God, who rules the worlds above, Gave ear to my complaining tongue. 11 He took me from the miry pit, Where fears I met on every hand, And firmly placed my steadfast feet On well established ground to stand. 12 'Twas in a most accepted time My prayer to him I did make known, And for my sake my Father will Regard the sinner's dying moan. 116 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PART II. 13 With rev'rence and with godly fear Our mournful songs let us record, The griefs and sorrows of our Kino-, The suff 'rings of our blessed Lord. 14 In floods of deep distress he sinks, How high the angry billows rise, While to his heavenly Father's throne He sends his supplicating cries. 15 hear me from thine high abode, Nor turn thy countenance from me, Draw near to me now in distress, Nor let thy Son forsaken be. 16 My foes with rage pursue me still, Like beasts of prey they me surround. While for a perfect sacrifice I spill my blood upon the ground. 17 My reputation they destroy, And in derision mock my groans, They heap vile slander on my head, And joy to hear my sighs and moans. 18 To thee is my reproach well known, My grief, dishonour and disgrace, My heart is broke, my spirits fail, And blushing shame defiles my face. 19 1 looked in vain for sympathy From my acquaintances around, I asked my kindred and my friends, But I no peace nor comfort found. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 117 }0 They mock my thirst with vinegar, And gave me bitter gall for meat, Then with my lite they vainly sport, And triumph in their bloody deed. >A O may thy light shine in my soul, Thy sovereign grace is all my trust ; Though in the tomb my body's laid, Thou wilt redeem it from the dust. 22 I from the dust shall rise again, And never, never more shall die, Then thy salvation, O my God, Shall be my constant theme on high. PART III. 23 Thy wondrous grace, my God, I'll sing, And magnify my Saviour's name, He suffered for the humble poor. And bore their load of guilt and shame. 24 His griefs and sorrows crowned our joys, And by his sufferings we are healed ; His Father's law he magnified, And every duty he fulfilled. 25 His songs, his sufferings, and his cries, Shall better please my sovereign God, Than the most costly sacrifice Of bullock, goat, or heifer's blood. 26 The poor shall see this and rejoice, And set their hearts at rest and peace ; They by his death are free from bonds, And live»in joy and happiness. 118 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 27 Let heaven and all the shining host, To God their hallelujahs raise, While earth and seas in concert join, To sound aloud his glorious praise. 28 Thou wilt, God, thy Zion bless, And give to her all needful good; Thy son has paid her dreadful debt, And sealed her pardon with his blood, PSALM 70. L. M. 1 GOD, in haste my prayer attend, And hear my supplicating cries, "With speed to me deliv'rance send, And bid my sinking prospects rise. 2 When false deceitful foes unite To slander and reproach my name, Arise, Lord, with power and might, And clothe them in perpetual shame. 3 While those who love thy gracious name, And in thy sacred word rejoice, Shall with transporting joy proclaim Thy saving grace with cheerful voice. 4' Be thou my aid when troubles rise, Nor let my expectation fail ; O may I hear thy pardoning voice, And let thy grace with me prevail. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. H9 PSALM 71, L. M. LORD, my Cod of grace and truth, Thou from the womb hast held me up ; Thy hand has strengthened all my youth, And thou alone still art my hope. •2 Thy power created me of earth, Thy skill my humble frame didst build, And from the moment of my birth I've been thy servant and thy child. 3 To many I a wonder am, And wondrous things I often see ; Behold my days that are to come, I dedicate them all to thee. 4 Cast me not off now, when mine eyes And voice, and strength, and limbs decline ; But when thy humble servant dies, Then let thy glory round me shine. .3 Then in the events of my days, When men my labour will define, In every leaf they'll read thy praise, And see thy love in every line. PART II. C. M. 1 JESUS, my strength and righteoulness, Thy goodness I'll declare ; The growing numbers of thy grace How numberless they are. 120 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 2 Thou art my joy and my reward, Thy mercies crown my days, And since I knew thy kindness, Lord, My tongue hath spoke thy praise. 3 Now I will constantly go on In wisdom's happy ways ; I in thy strength will walk alone, And trust thy sovereign grace. 4 When griefs and sorrows break my peace For ill that I have done, I'll plead the merits of thy grace, The victory thou hast won. 5 My tongue with gladness shall proclaim The conquests of my King ; My soul redeemed from sin and shame Shall of thy mercies sing. 6 Throughout the day I will make known My Saviour's righteousness ; His death my foes has overthrown, He saved me by his grace. 7 Awake, my heart, with holy joy, To sing my Saviour's praise, And may this work be the employ Of my remaining days. PART III. L. M. 1 GOD of my mercies, and my guard Of childhood, youth, and later days, And hitherto I have declared The wonders of thy saving grace. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 121 2 leave me not when 1 am old, When health, and strength, and sight decay ; Who would my feeble frame uphold, If thy supporting hand 's away. 3 Let me thy righteousness declare Before the people of this race, And leave a mem'ry of thy care When all my earthly scenes shall cease. 4 The land of dark forgetfulness Awaits my last, and next remove; give thy servant strength and grace To teach the world thy truth and love. 5 Thy pure and perfect righteousness, Lord, exalted is on high, Thy wondrous ways not one can trace, Thy glory shines beyond the sky. 6 Oft have I suffered grief and woe, And oft endured distressing pain, But when I was brought very low, Thy sovereign grace did me sustain. 7 By griefs and trials have I known Thy mighty power employed to save ; Then when my days en earth are run, I'll venture down into the grave. 8 Though in the earth my body lies, And mingles with its native clay, At thy command my flesh shall rise, And live with thee in endless day. 16 122 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM 72. C. M. 1 ALMIGHTY sovereign Lord alone Whom all the world adore, Now let thy Son ascend his throne, And kingdoms own his power. 2 Thy royal sceptre is his due, High o'er the heavens he reigns ; His wrath the wicked will pursue, And bind them fast in chains. 3 But upright men he will defend, And tread the unjust down ; His worship always shall remain When days and years are gone. 4 As on mown grass descending rains Their influence distil ; So his free grace his saints sustains, Like dew on thirsty hill. 5 The heathen in the wilderness Whose minds are spread with gloom, Shall hear the tidings of his grace, And desert lands shall bloom. 6 The just shall flourish more and more, And still in wisdom grow ; Peace shall extend from shore to shore, And like a river flow. PART II. 7 Long as the sun shall rule the day, Jesus shall reign with power, THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 123 And nations own his sovereign sway, Till moons shall be no more. 8 Behold the mighty kings on earth Their tribute to him bring, And princes of illustrious birth Shall own him sovereign King. 9 Yea every king and potentate Shall bow before the Lord, Shall cast their honours at his feet, And humbly trust his word. 10 Ever for him shall praise be made, And ever speak his praise; His name like sweet perfume shall spread With every sacrifice. 11 Ye tribes of every land rejoice And speak his glorious fame, While infant babes with cheerful voice Delight to lisp his name. 12 Where'er he reigns there blessings rest, The captives are set free ; The weary souls in him are blest, And set at liberty. 13 Where his healing power is displayed, The curse there is not known ; In. him we all are stronger made, He being our strength alone. 14 Let all the num'rous happy saints Bow humbly at his feet, And heaven and earth in highest strains, Their loud amen repeat. 124 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM 73. L. M. 1 THE Lord will heavenly blessings pour On humble men that are sincere; Yet once my mind was troubled sore, And sunk with sorrow, grief and fear. 2 I mourn'd to see the wicked grow, And flourish in prosperity ; While worldly honours on them flow, And yet how peaceably they die. 3 With pamper'd ease they do rejoice, In robes of dignity they shine, Against the heavens they raise their voice, While humble saints in silence pine. 4 In vain I've cleansed my hands from guilt, And purified my heart in vain ; I all the day thy plagues have felt, And all the night thy chast'ning pain. 5 But while I murmur'd and complained, My heart did quickly me condemn ; Surely thy saints I will offend, And grieve the people I esteem. 6 But here my mind was left in doubt, I found the conflict was too hard, Until I went unto thy court, And learned the secrets of thy word. 7 Here I beheld their awful state, With fear and dread they smitten were ; While on a slipp'ry place they sat, Beside a gulph of dark despair. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 125 8 I heard their vaunting blasphemies, Until they fell beneath thine ire ; Then in despair they raise their cries In dungeons of eternal fire. 9 Lord, what a thoughtless fool I was, How like a beast I did behave, To doubt thy love and promises, And think the wicked never grieve. 10 My God, I fall before thy face, And never more I will repine ; I'll trust alcne thy sovereign grace, And will myall to thee resign. PART II. 11 My God, my everlasting friend, My ready help when troubles rise ; Thine arm alone didst me defend, And saved me from mine enemies. 12 Thy counsels still shall guide my ways, While here on earth I do remain, And afterwards thy sovereign grace At thy right hand shall me sustain. 13 Whom have I in the heavens on high, But thee alone, my sovereign Lord, And on the earth thou art my joy, My life, my hope, and my reward. 14 What if my vital powers decay, And flesh and heart return to dust ; God is my all supporting stay, My guard, my everlasting trust. 126 THE rSALMS OF DAVID. 15 Behold the wicked that depart Far from thy ways shall perish all ; Not all the idols of their heart Can free and save them when they fall. 1G But surely it is good for me That I draw near to thee, my God ; Thy wondrous works I'll every day With joy and gladness spread abroad. PSALM 73. C. M. 1 YET God is good to Israel, To each pure-hearted one ; Yet once my mind began to fail, My hopes were almost gone. 2 I mourned to see the proud and vain Live in prosperity ; How peaceably they do remain, Their death from bands are free. 3 In wanton ease they do rejoice, In dignity they shine Against the heavens they raise their voice, While saints in silence pine. 4 I lift mine hands in vain to pray, In vain I've cleansed my heart, For I have felt thy plagues all day, The night renews my smart. 5 Yet while I foolishly complained, My heart reproved my ways ; Surely thy saints I will offend, And grieve the pious race. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 127 6 When I consider'd this it was Too hard a thing for me, Until I went into thy house, There I their end did see. On what a fearful slipp'ry place I saw the wretches sit ; High mounted on a precipice, Close by a fiery pit. I And in a moment of surprise, They fell beneath thine ire, Then in despair they lift their cries, In flames of endless fire. 9 My heart was grieved within me, Lord, How like a careless beast, Thus to suspect thy gracious word, And think vile wretches blest. 10 Nevertheless, Lord, I am Continually with thee, Thy strong and thy almighty hand Is my support and stay. PART II. 11 My God, my portion and my friend, Thy goodness on me flows, Thy nighty arm didst me defend, And saved me from my foes. 12 Thy counsel still shall guide my ways While here I do remain, And afterward thy sovereign grace Above shall me sustain. 128 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 13 Whom have I in the heavens on high But thee, O Lord, alone, And in the earth thou art my joy, My hope, my only one. 14 What if my flesh and heart should faint, Or turn again to dust, God is the strength of every saint, And my eternal trust. 15 For so the wicked that remove From thee shall perish all, Not all the idols which they love Can raise them when they fall. 16 But it shall be my sweet employ, To do thy will, my God ; My tongue with gladness and with joy Shall spread thy works abroad. PSALM 73. S. M. 1 THE Lord is good and kind To men that are sincere, Yet once I found my weary mind Was bordering on despair. 2 I mourned to see the vain Live in prosperity While saints in silent grief remain And wear the time away. 3 In wanton ease they live, Enjoying peace and health, In worldly goods they grow and thrive, And boast of all their wealth. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 129 4 Free from the toils and grief That humble saints endure, The tyrants reign through all their life, And trample on the poor, 5 They raise their impious voice, And 'gainst the heavens exclaim, They love to spread malicious lies To blast the good man's name. 6 But while I mourn'd in tears, My heart my way condemns; Surely thy saints I will displease, And grieve my pious friends. 7 Yet still I doubtful was, The ccnflict seemed severe, Until I went into thy house And saw thy justice there. 8 Now there thy sovereign grace My errors did amend, I viewed before the sinner's ways, But there their doom I learned. • 9 There I beheld their fate, Which none but rebels know, And oh, the fiery flames that wait Their dreadful fall below. Before thee, Lord, I fall, And trust thy grace divine, To thee I will resign my all, And never more repine. 17 130 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM 73. C. M. 1 WHAT a fool I was to mourn, And grieve and find no rest, To see the wicked rise in power, And high in honour placed. 2 But in thy sanctuary, Lord, I saw them standing there, High on a slipp'ry precipice, And writhing in despair. 3 With haughty pride aloud they boast, And make a gaudy show, There they may stand until they sink In fiery floods below. 4 Their fleeting joys shall perish soon, And all their grandeur cease, Their songs of mirth and revelry Shall but their pain increase. 5 I estimate their mirth too dear To traffic with my blood ; I'll make my God my only care, My home, my sure abode. PSALM 74. L. M. 1 WILL God forever cast us off, • And cause his anger still to smoke Against the children of his love, His chosen and his purchased flock 1 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 131 2 Think on the saints to thee allied, For whom their Saviour did atone, Nor let the temple he destroyed, Where once thy God-like glory shone. 3 Lift up thy feet and quickly come, Our troubles call aloud for aid ; See how the wicked rage and foam, And have thy church in ruins laid. 4 Where once thy people met for praise, There they engage in wilo 5 array, They in thy church iheir ensigns raise, And shout and roar like beasts of prey. 5 How is the carved work laid waste, They to the ground thy building raze, And he that cuts and ruins most, Receives most honour and most praise. 6 They threat to fire thy sanctuary, And make thy land a dreary waste, Come let us burn them all, they say, The temple, children, and the priest. 7 And yet our troubles still increase, Thy wonted signs we do not see, Thy usual signs of power and grace, Have from thy servants pass'd away. 8 We have no prophet to speak peace, But we are filled with silent grief, Nor know the time when heavenly grace, Will graciously grant us relief. 132 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PAUSE. 9 How long shall the deceitful race With blasphemies reproach thy name, How long shall saints be in distress, And suffer sorrow, fear and shame. 10 Wilt thou, Lord, forever hear, The profanation of thy name, And still thine angry wrath forbear, And still thy jealousy restrain. 11 What strange deliv'rance hast thou wrought, In ages that have long since gone, And now we serve no other God, And now no other God we own. 12 Thou didst asunder cleave the sea, By thine almighty strength and power, And for thy people madest a way, And safely didst their flight secure. 13 Is not the day, O Lord, thine own, And also thine the sable night, And didst thou not prepare alone The blazing sun and shining light? 14 By thee the borders of the earth Were settled by thy sure decree, The summer and the winter both, Created were alone by thee. 15 And shall the sons of hell blaspheme That mighty power that rules on high, Will not thy hand avenge thy name, And all thy haughty foes destroy ? TUE PSALMS OF DAVID. 133 6 The cov'nant is our only pie*, Think on the promise of thy love, Nor let the vulture make a prey, Nor irritate thy turtle dove. 7 Keep us safely from our foes, They daily heap on us disgrace ; Arise, Lord, and plead thy cause, And give thy humble servants peace. PSALM 75. C. M. 1 To thee our sovereign Lord on high, Our choicest songs we raise, Thy works make known thy name with joy, And claim our noblest praise. 2 The humble saints to slavery bound, Beheld their foes arise, And sore opprest no peace they found, To heaven they lift their eyes. 3 'Twas then with mighty power, great God, Arose thy wrath and grace, To drive the rebels far abroad, And save thy chosen race. 4 Thy hand that made the raging deep, And raised the mountains high, Bids roaring seas and billows sleep, And desert lands be dry. 5 By chance such wonders never come, Nor can such gifts bestow, 'Tis God, the judge, that raises one, And lays another low. 134 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 6 Let tyrants shrink with sore dismay, Nor deal with haughty hand, But cast their wicked thoughts away, And own God's happy land. PSALM 76. L. M. 1 IN Judah's land God was well known, His name in Israel sounded high, In Salem city stood his throne, And Zion was his only joy. 2 Among the children of his care, He chose a place where he might dwell, And hear his people's humble prayer, Against the haughty sons of hell. 3 His word from Zion forth did go, He broke the murdering spear and shield, The sword, the arrow and the bow, And crushed th' Assyrian in the field. 4 What are earth's kingdoms here below, But hills of violence and prey? The hill from whence our blessings flow Is more illustrious far than they. > Twas Zion's King, whose mighty hand And sovereign power stopped the breath Of captains and their warlike band, And made them sleep the sleep of death. 6 At thy rebuke, O Jacob's God, The horse and chariot both fell dead, The dreadful terror of thy rod, Through different nations quickly spread. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 135 7 What power can in thy presence stand Whene'er thy v«ii-«;in<( is made known, When heaven shines bright at thy com- mand, And earth adores thy name alone. 8 When God in his mysterious ways Relieves the captives from their chains, The wrath of man will work his praise, And the remainder he restrains. 9 Vow to the Lord your God and pay, Ye haughty kings with rev'rence bow, His wrath will strike you with dismay, And lay your proudest armies low. 10 His terrible and with'ring frown Is on the sons of violence ; But Jacob's God delights to own, And loves to dwell among his saints. PSALM 77. L. M. 1 UNTO the Lord I'll raise my cries, And supplicate his heavenly aid, Now in the day of my distress, When trouble makes me sore afraid. 2 My weary days I spend in moans, And I can find no rest nor peace, I to remembrance God did call, Yet still my sorrows did increase. 3 Opprest with grief I still complained, My sinking heart began to bieak, Thy terror, Lord, forbid my rest, And kept my weeping eyes awake. 136 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 4 My soul was overwhelmed in grief, That I no utterance could find, Then secretly within myself, I call'd thy judgments into mind. 5 I thought upon the days of old, When I enjoyed thy gracious love ; I search'd my heart for secret sins, That might thy tender love remove. 6 Oft have I thought upon thy care, And oft thy mercies call'd to mind ; And will the Lord no more appear, Will God no more to me be kind 1 7 Forever will the Lord cast off, And will his mercies ever fail; His tender love has he forgot, And will his anger still prevail ? 8 But I'll dismiss these doubts and fears, And every dark despairing thought, Rememb'ring what thy love has done, And what thy grace for me hath wrought, 9 Thy wondrous ways I call to mind, They bear my sinking spirits up, The wonders of thy saving grace, W'hen feeble flesh no more could hope. 10 Thy justice dwells high on thy throne, And there thy tender mercies shine, And humble souls that love the Lord Will place their trust in grace divine. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 137 PAUSE. [1 How dreadful is thy chastening hand, Thy people, Lord, may truly say ; The mighty God, how wonderful, How holy, just and true his way. 3 I'll call to mind his marvellous works, Who rules the glorious worlds on high, I'll talk his ancient wonders o'er, And on his grace alone rely. 3 The house of Joseph he beheld Oppress'd with the Egyptian yoke, And yet how long his grace delayed To free his little chosen flock. I 4 The sons of Jacob seemed forgot, And given to their haughty foes, But God's almighty hand in time Redeemed the people whom he chose. 15 At length he sets his children free, Takes off their load and breaks their chain ; He bids them travel through the sea, And makes the flood a pleasant plain. 16 The waters, Lord, perceived thee, The waters saw the mighty God, And they for fear aside did flee To make thy saints a pleasant road. 17 Thy way, God, is in the sea, And quite unknown thy footsteps are ; Alarms and fears attend thy way That brings thy tender mercies near. 18 13S THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 18 Thy voice like thunder in the sound, Around the heavens a noise did make, And throughout earth thy lightnings shone, The trembling world w ith fear did shake. 19 Around the skies thine arrows fly, How glorious is thy dreadful name; The trembling world seized with surprise, And all the saints thy praise proclaim. 20 Thy chosen people thou didst lead By Moses and by Aaron's hand, Through desert wastes, through floods and seas, To Canaan's fair and happy land. PSALM 78. L. M. 1 ATTEND my people to the deeds Which God in days of old hath wrought, The same which we have heard and known, And which our fathers have us taught. 2 His mighty works we'll spread abroad, His power and grace we will declare, And hand his wonders fully down To the succeeding age with care. 3 We to our sons shall them transmit, And their posterity to theirs, That distant ages yet to come, May learn them to their latest heirs. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 139 4 So shall they know that in the Lord Is all their hope, their strength and stay, And not forget his power and grace, But keep his statutes carefully. PART II. 5 what a stubborn haughty race, Was Israel's rebellious house, False and deceitful to their God, And to their own most solemn vows. C The covenant of his love they broke, And set his holy laws at naught, Forgot the works his hand had done, The miracles for them he wrought. 7 The plagues on Zoan's field they saw, Sent forth from his almighty hand, Spreading the tokens of his wrath, O'er Egypt's proud and haughty land. 8 They saw him cleave the sea in two, Then through its midst he makes them pass, And makes the watery walls to stand, Like as a solid heap it was. 9 A marvellous pillar marked their way, A pillar formed of shade and light, Which screened them from the heat by day, And proved a fiery guide by night. 10 He split the hard and flinty rock, And their impatient thirst supplied, Thence gushing streams of water ran, And flowed like rivers by their side. 140 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 11 Yet they provoked the highest One, And still mistrust his sovereign grace : Can he supply our wants with bread, Amidst this barren desert place ? 12 The Lord did hear and was displeased, And caused his wrath 'gainst them to flame ; His awful judgment he pours down On rebels that despise his name. PART III. 13 When Israel sinned against the Lord, And did their Maker's laws despise, Yet he forgave their heinous sins, And sent them blessings from the skies. 14 He opened wide the doors of heaven, And made his gifts and graces known, He bids the midnight clouds above To pour their rich provision down. 15 He rained down manna from the skies, And gave them bread from heaven to eat; Sweet heavenly bread so nourishing, So pure as though 'twere angel's meat. 16 But while they ate, they thus complain'd, Is manna only our repast ? This airy food so light we hate, We must have meat to please our taste. 17 You shall with meat be satisfied, The Lord in indignation said ; And sent them quails thick as the dust, And round their camp the flesh was laid THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 141 18 He granted them their full request, And while their mouths^were fill'd with meat, His vengeance slew those wicked men, Whose craving lusts had grown so great. 19 The rest return'd, when some were slain, And early sought his sovereign grace ; Beneath his chast'ning hand they feared, But soon forgot their sore distress. 20 Oft he forgave their many sins, And oft they bore his scourging hand, Until he brought them safely through, And gave them Canaan's happy land. PSALM 79. C. M. 1 FROM cruel foes thy people shield, Thy heritage they wast, Thy tabernacle is denied, Her walls are laid in dust. 2 Saints' blood like water they have shed, Regardless of thy power ; While birds have on their bodies fed And beasts their flesh devour. 3 The proud insulting enemy Reproach thy chosen race ; Where is the God, they boasting say, Can save you in distress. 142 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 4 work deliv'rance, and relieve The pris'ner's mourning cry, And let thy sovereign grace reprieve Thy children doomed to die. 5 let the vile deceitful race Sink down in endless pain ; Then heathen„who despise' thy grace Shall know thy power and reign. 6 Thy people then no more shall mourn, But songs to thee will raise, And generations yet unborn, Shall trust thy sovereign grace. PSALM 80.. CM. 1 GREAT shepherd of thy sheep, that dwelt Between the cherubims ; That safely led thy chosen flock Through seas and fiery flames. 2 The saints are in the desert yet, Shine on us with thy face ; Turn us again, O Lord, our God, And give us heavenly grace. 3 Jesus, our King, who rules on high, Shall we forever mourn 1 We long to see thy lovely smiles And wait thy kind return. 4 Instead of bread and cheerful wine, Thy saints are fed on tears ; 143 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. Turn us again, O God of hosts, And banish all our feais. pause. 5 A vino from Egypt thou didst plant In Canaan's happy land, And heavenly grace on it descends From thy enriching hand. 6 See how the thrifty branches grew, And spread from sea to sea ; But now behold that mourning vine, That choice and lovely tree. 7 Why is her comeliness so marr'd, Her beauties no more shine ; Strangers and enemies unite With beasts against thy vine. 8 In mercy's name we do beseech, Thy love to us restore ; Turn us again, O Lord, our God, Then we shall weep no more. PAUSE. 9 This heavenly vine in Canaan grew In spite of all its foes ; God gave it strength and beauty too, Until the branch arose. 10 This branch, ordained of old by thee, From David's ancient line ; He was the noble vine, and we The branches of that vine. 144 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 11 'Tis thy own Son, thine only Son, Array'd in light and blest; And he shall stand at thy right hand With power above the rest. 12 for his sake forgive our sins, Shine on us with thy face ; Turn us again, God of hosts, And all thy people bless. PSALM 81. C. M. 1 SING to the Lord with cheerful voice, And spread abroad his fame ; From God alone are all our joys, Let Israel praise his name. 2 Keep ye from idols false and vain, Is the divine command ; I am the Lord who broke the chain Of slavery from your hand. 3 Your hopes and your desires I'll bless Your wants shall be supplied, But if you will refuse my grace, And basely turn aside; 4 Then to the lust of their own hearts I'll leave them, saith the Lord, To wander in their crooked paths, 'Tis their own chosen road. 5 that my saints my ways had chose, And listened to my voice, I would have soon subdued their foes, And made their hearts rejoice. TIIC PSALMS OF DAVID. 1^5 While I their enemies destroy, I'll feed my chosen flock, And they shall taste the streams of joy That flows from Christ, their rock. PSALM 82. C. M. 1 WITHIN the congregation great, God's counsels ever stand, The sovereign Lord on high will judge The judges of the land. 2 Why will ye make pernicious laws, And why insult the poor ; When will ye join the righteous cause. And vex the saints no more'? 3 Lord, they desire not to know, In darkness they remain ; Their earthly gods are a vain show, For they shall die like men. 4 Our Saviour, God, arise in might, And judge the earth again, Take thou possession of thy right, ,And o'er the nations reign. PSALM 83. C. M. 1 AND will the sovereign Lord on high In silence still remain; Will God forever hear our cry, And yet his wrath restrain ? 19 146 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 2 See what destructive deadly snares Vile persecutors spread, The men that haters are of thee, Have raised their haughty head. 3 Against thy chosen people, Lord, Their cunning plots they lay, While raging malice in them burns, They seek thy saints to slay. 4 Come let us root them from the land, And lay their country waste, Till Israel no more be found, And their remembrance lost. 5 Almighty sovereign, Lord arise, And in thy dreadful ire, Give them like stubble to the wind, As forests to the fire. 6 Convince them of their sinful ways, And make them .seek thy face, Or else destroy their stubborn rage, And slay them in disgrace. 7 Then shall the different kingdoms know Thy glorious majesty ; Jehovah is thy name alone, The Lord that rules on high. PSALM 84. C. M. 1 LORD of hosts, how lovely are The temples of thy grace ; I love to meet thy people there Within thy holy place. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 147 2 My heart and flesh cries out for thee, The ever living- God; Jesus my King, why should I be So far from thine abode ? 3 Behold, the sparrow finds a place, And builds herself a nest : O may I choose the sparrow's ways, And on thine altar rest. < Blest are the saints who sit around Thy glorious throne on high, There perfect peace is only found, And never ending joy. 5 Blest are the saints who find their way To where their God resorts, With cheerful zeal they meet and pay Thee service in thy courts. 6 Blest are the men whose hearts are right, And steadfast in the Lord, God is their strength and their delight, Their joy and great reward. 7 They go from strength to strength, and move Still onward in thy ways, Until they meet in heaven above, To join in nobler praise. 8 One day within thy courts to praise Thy high exalted name, Is better than a thousand days Employed in sin and shame. 148 THE TSALMS OF DAVID. 9 Lord, at thy door I'd rather stand, And hear thy pleasant voice, Than have the world at my command, With all its sweetest joys. 10 For God the Lord he is our sun, Our King who rules on high, He shields us from the wicked one, And makes our en'mies fly. 1 1 The Lord will crown our days with peac^, And give us glory too, Substantial joys and heavenly grace, He will to us bestow. 12 Lord, our God, thy mighty word, The shining hosts confess ; The saints on earth adore thee, Lord, And trust thy sovereign grace. PSALM 84. P. 31. 1 LORD of hosts, how fair, How lovely is thy house, Where humble saints repair, And pay to thee their vows. With thee, my God, I long to rest Among the blest In thine abode. 2 The sparrow finds a place, And builds herself a nest, The swallow also has A place where she may rest; THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 149 With equal love My spirit longs To join the songs With saints above. 3 Blest are the men that pray In God's appointed house, There saints with rev'rence pay Their songs and solemn vows. On Zion hill With one accord They praise the Lord With fervent zeal. 4 They go from strength to strength, Increasing in thy ways, . Until they meet at length, In heaven to sing thy praise. happy place Where Christ makes known To saints alone His truth and grace. 5 To spend one day of praise Within his holy gate, Exceeds a thousand days Of folly and deceit. Where God is known I'd rather wait And keep his gate Than fill a throne. 6 God is our glorious sun, Our support and our shield, In him we live alone, His hands with gifts are fill'd. 150 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. The Lord will show To Irrael's race His power and grace, And glory too. 7 The saints are his delight, They're children of his love, And those who walk upright Shall feast on joys above. The Lord will bless His saints below Whose love they owe To sovereign grace. PSALM 85. C. M. 1 LORD thou hast been very kind, Thou hast reversed our stroke, Thy mercy thou hast called to mind, And saved thy little flock. 2 Thy love to us thou hast made known, Thy wrath 'gainst us to cease ; Now let our hearts be thine alone, And trust thy sovereign grace. 3 Revive our drooping spirits, Lord, And guide us in thy ways, Fulfil the promise of thy word, And tune our lips for praise. 4 We'll hear what God the Lord will say, To his saints he'll speak peace, But let them wander not away, Nor turn to foolishness. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 151 PART II. C. M. 5 Salvation is forever near, All those who trust his grace, His love for them he'll make appear, And crown their days with peace. 6 Truth met with mercy, they embraced Each other, since the Lord By his obedience justice pleased, And peace again restored. 7 Now mercy, truth and righteousness Dwell on the earth again, And heavenly virtues bless the place, In our dear Saviour's reign. 8 Jesus our King is gone before To lead us to our God, And guard us that we sin no more, But keep the heavenly road. PSALM 86. L. M. 1 LORD, there is none among the gods, So pure as thy perfections are, Nor is their holiness like thine, Nor can their works with thine compare. 2 All nations whom thou madest shall come, And round thy throne their offerings bring, For thou, O Lord, art wonderful, And thou alone art sovereign King. 152 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 3 Make me to walk in thy commands, And. give to me thy heavenly grace, Let all my thoughts and actions join To sing my heavenly Father's praise. 4 My tongue shall tell thy wonders o'er, And thy sweet mercies I'll record, How that thy sovereign love alone Gave me thy grace for my reward. PSALM 87. C. M. 1 GOD in the churches of his grace, His firm foundation sets ; He, more than Jacob's dwelling place, Delights in Zion's gates. 2 His goodness still supplies the wants Of those who pay their vows, But his delight is with his saints, Who worship in his house. 3 What glorious things are on record, Wrought on the earth below ; Thou city of the living God, Thy fame shall Egypt know. 4 Egypt and Babylon, Jew and Greek, Their lives begin anew, And ev'ry nation early seek The place whence blessings flow. 5 The Lord when he shall count will write Of people in his mount, 'Twill be an honour to unite With saints in his account. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 153 PSALM 88. C. M. 1 LORD God of my salvation, hear My supplicating cry, And lot my morn and evening prayer Ascend to thee on high. 2 Thy wrath lies heavy on my soul, Impress'd with all thy waves, While o'er my head dread sorrows roll In deep and darksome caves. 3 My friends thou hast from me removed, Whom I esteemed have, And my companions whom I loved Are tenants of the grave. 4 By reason of my pain and grief, I mourn, and weep and sigh, To thee I look for kind relief, And on thy grace rely. 5 Through every scene I walk alone, And comfortless remain, I am forgotten and unknown, Each change renews my pain. G Why will the Lord now cast me off, And hide his face from me] "Will he remove from me his love, When life has fled away] 7 Can dust and ashes praise the Lord, Or trihute to him bring, Or wake to being at his word, And tune the voice to sing ! 20 154 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 8 Yet through each day when suffering grief, To thee my God, I prayed, And still will pray for kind relief, And seek thy heavenly aid." 9 For friends are numbered with the dead, My comforters are gone, My joys and pleasures all have fled, And I am left to mourn. PSALM 89. L. M. 1 GOD'S mercies I will ever praise, His faithfulness I will make known, So that the next succeeding race May hand his wonders safely down. 2 His truth forever shall endure, It steadfast as the heavens remains, The promise of his grace is sure, As is the throne whereon he reigns. 3 The ancient house of Israel's race, Held long the Jewish royal throne, But there is sealed the promised grace, To holy David's promised son. 4 His seed forever shall remain, And 'hove the skies in glory shine, The meanest saint shall there obtain A crown adorned by grace divine. 5 Lord our God, thy glorious praise Is sung by all the saints on high, Thy saints on earth their anthems raise, And celebrate thy praise with joy. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 155 PART II. L. til. 6 With rev'rence and with godly fear, Adore and magnify the Lord, Let us obey his laws with care, And walk according to his woid. 7 Thy glories Lord how bright they shine, How terrible thine armies are; Where is the power can equal thine, Or with thy majesty compare. 8 The northern and the southern pole, Rest on thine hand, almighty Lord, While nights and days still onward roll, And move according to thy word. 9 The stormy winds and swelling deep, Own and confess thy mighty hand, And when the raging billows sleep, They rise again- at thy command. 10 The starry heavens, Lord, are thine, And earth and air and spacious sea, They saw thy dreadful vengeance shine, When Egypt's children thou didst slay. 11 Justice and judgment are thy throne, Thy sovereign grace, how large, how free ; Thy gracious love thou hast made known, To bring thy people home to thee. part in. l. M. 12 Divinely blest the people are, Who hear the words of gospel grace, 156 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. Peace shall attend their steps while here, And heavenly light surround their ways. 13 They in their great Redeemer's name, Rejoice and are exceeding glad, His righteousness applied to them, Fills all their foes with fear and dread. 14 The sovereign Lord our cause maintains, And is our rock and our strong tower, Israel, thy God in glory reigns, Thy King forever shall endure. PART IV. L. M. 15 The holy one in vision said, I'll make my loving kindness known, Ye saints rejoice, your help is laid On Christ my dear anointed Son. 16 Now see the man among your race, The only man my wisdom chose; He comes adorned with heavenly grace, Anointing oil his head o'erflows. 17 Exalted high on David's throne, His government he will sustain, Mine arm will beat his enemies down, That dare oppose his sovereign reign. 18 My mercy and my faithfulness, Witlvhim establish'd firm shall be, While in my name his sovereign grace Shall o'er the world his sceptre sway. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 157 19 Thou art my Father, he shall say, My hope, my sovereign God alone ; Call me his rock, his only stay, And I'll uphold mine only Son. 20 Arrayed in light my first born Son, Enthroned at my right hand shall sit; Angels his mighty power shall own, And kings how humbly at his feet. 21 My mercy is forever sure, And my engagements firm and strong, And long as days of heaven endure, His children shall remain so long. PART V. L. M. 22 But if his children, saith the Lord, Should break my laws and go astray, Or choose the guilty sinner's road, And tempt my love from them away : 23 Their faults I'll visit with the rod, And make them suffer for their crime, Yet still I'll be their faithful God, Nor will I take my grace from them. 24 My promises I will not break, My mercies shall forever last, And that which with my mouth I spake, Eternal truth shall bind it fast. 25 Once by my holiness I swore, My faithfulness should never cease, To make the promised grace secure, To pious David and his race. 15S THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 26 The sun shall see his children blest, And spread abroad from sea to sea, Long as he shines from east to west And governs and adorns the day, 27 And like the moon that cheers the nigh His government shall last alway, Until the daikness and the light Be lost in beams of heavenly day. LAST PART. C. M. 28 Remember Lord how frail we are, How short our time on earth ; Where is the man that is secure From sickness, pain and death. 29 All nations die and turn to clay : . Must death forever reign 1 ? Our heart and flesh repine and say, Hast thou made man in vain! 30 Thy servants die and turn to dust, Where are thy promises 1 But faith prohibits this mistrust, And sees the dust arise. 31 That dreadful day, that glorious hour, Shall wipe the stain away, Shall magnify thy word with power, And raise the sleeping clay. PSALM 90. L. M. 1 OUR sovereign God, our happy home, Our help in generations past, THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 159 Our hope for ages yet to come, And our eternal all at last. 2 Beneath thy shade the humble saints Rejoice and are exceeding glad ; Thou art my rock and my defence, My hope and my perpetual aid. 3 Before the mountains forth were brought, Or spacious seas or pleasant plains, From everlasting thou art God, To endless ages still remains. 4 We die by thousands in thy sight, Through fallen Adam we are lost ; Thy sentence Lord was just and right, Return ye sinners to your dust. 5 A thousand years are in thy sight Like yesterday when it is gone, Or like the ending watch of night, Before the early morning dawn. 6 Behold the race of flesh and blood, The vain, the prudent and the gay, As with an overwhelming flood Thou sweepest them from the earth away. 7 Our days and years they swiftly fly, Race after race soon pass away, And as a dream forgotten lie, Expiring at the dawn of day. 8 We flourish like the flowery fields, Our days of youth in pleasure run ; The grass beneath the mower yields, And fades before the setting sun. 160 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 9 Our sovereign God, our happy home, Our help in generations past, Our hope for ages yet to come, And our eternal all at last. PART II. L. M. 10 If thou, O Lord, shouldst mark our faults, And make thy judgments just appear, Thy vengeance would exceed our thoughts And strike us with distressing fear. 11 We are consumed, thine angry frowns Turn us to dust for one offence ; Adam with all his guilty sons Have lost their perfect innocence. 12 On trifling jo}'s we meditate, Which bring our years unto an end, And as a tale which we relate, So we our months and years do spend. 13 Our age on earth in thine account, To three score years and ten are set, But if to eighty they amount, How frail the time, how short the date. 14 How oft appears thy dreadful wrath, Which strikes us with alarm and dread, Cuts off our joyful years on earth, To join the mansions of the dead. 15 Our sovereign Lord, thy love make known, And not thy wrath alone display ; Let us with prayer address thy throne, And daily offer praise to thee. THE PSALMS OF DAVID 161 6 Teach us, O Lord, thy truth divine, And in thy work our time employ, So that we may in glory shine, And live with thee beyond the sky. PART III. L. M. .7 Turn unto us, God of love, Earth is a tedious place to stay : How long before thou wilt remove, Thine anger from the saints away. 18 may sweet heavenly joys succeed, Those years of sorrow, pain and woe, And in proportion to our grief, So make our happiness to flow. 19 let thy work and power appear Unto thy humble servants, Lord, Then cheerfully we will declare, And spread thy truth and love abroad. SO Then in thy glorious heavens, Lord, We'll in thy splendid beauty shine, There meet with a divine reward, A recompense for all our pain. PSALM 90. C. M. 1 Our God, our hope, our dwelling place, In generations past, Our sure support in sore distress, And our sweet joy at last. 21 162 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 2 Thy saints have ever dwelt secure, Beneath thy shady wings ; Thou art my rock and my strong tower, My safety from thee springs. 3 Before the earth received her frame, Or was in being brought, E'en thou forever art the same, The everlasting God. 4 At thy command the sons of men Perish and waste away, And unto man thou sayest again, Return ye into clay. 5 A thousand years are in thy sight, As yesterday to thee, Or as the ending watch of night, Before the dawn of day. 6 See the whole race of flesh and blood, The prudent and the gay, As with an overflowing flood, Thou sweepest them away. 7 On rapid wing our years they fly, In following years they're lost ; We as a dream forgotten lie, And turn again to dust. 8 We flourish like the grassy fields, Our youth we spend in joys, The grass beneath the mower yields, And ere the night it dies. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 163 9 Our God, our hope, our dwelling place, In generations past, Our sure support in sore distress, And our sweet joy at last. PART II. C. M. 10 If thou, Lord, should st mark our faults, And up against us rise, Thy vengeance would exceed our thoughts And strike us with surprise. 11 For in thine anger all our days, We pine for one offence, Adam, with all his sinful race, Have lost their innocence. 12 Life's vain amusements we behold With pleasing joy always, And as a tale that hath been told, So we do spend our days. 13 Th' appointed age on earth we livo To seventy years is set, But if to eighty we arrive, How very short the date. 14 And yet how oft appears thy wrath, Which strikes us with a dread, Cuts off our joyful years on earth To join the silent dead. 15 Lord, our God, thy love make known, And not thy wrath display, Thy tender mercies still we own, Thy mercy is our plea. 164 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 16 Teach us thy sacred truth and love, We on thy grace rely, So that we may our time improve, And live with thee on high. TART III. c. M. 17 Turn unto us, O God of love, How long thus shall it be, How long before thou wilt remove Thy wrath from us away. 18 may sweet heavenly joys divine, Succeed our years of woe, And in proportion to our pain, So make our comforts flow. 19 let thy work and power appear Before thy servant's face, Then ever more thy children dear Shall praise thy sovereign grace. 20 Then in thy courts above, O Lord, We'll in thy beauty shine, And there receive a blest reward, That's heavenly and divine. PSALM 91. C. M. 1 HE that hath made the mighty God His refuge and delight, Shall find a safe and sure abode To rest by day and night. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 1G5 2 I of the Lord my God will say, He is my rock and tower, I that am formed of feeble clay, Can trust his mighty powers 3 happy man, beneath his smiles, And his protecting care, lie keeps thee safe from Satin's wiles, And from the fowler's snare. 1 From God thy peace and safety spring, Through him their joys endure, And underneath his sheltering wing, His saints shall rest secure. 5 Should burning heats of noonday sun Dart his infectious rays, God is their health and strength alone, And shields them from disease. 6 Should vapours rise and scatter death In night's dark atmosphere, There they are safe, the air they breathe Is pure if God be there. 7 What though a thousand, sunk in death, On thy right hand shall lie, Though thousands ten around thy path, To thee 'twill not come nigh. 3 Thus, when his angel from the skies His wrath on Egypt pours, All the first born of Egypt dies, But pass'd by Jacob's doors. 166 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 9 But if the sword or pestilence, Are ordered by his love, Among the rest to strike his saints, Their deaths a blessing prove. 10 The sword, the fire, and sore distress Shall their desires fulfil, Shall free thy children from disgrace, And bring^them to thy hill. PART II. L. M. 1 Ye feeble sons of earth and dust, Who groan beneath a sinful load, Come make the Lord your only trust, Your only care and sure abode. 2 No plagueshall hauntyourdwellingplace, Or if the pestilence comes nigh, What sinks to hell the wicked race, Shall raise the humble saints on high. 3 He'll give his angels charge to choose For you the way wherein to go, To watch your bed while you repose, And guard you safe while here below. 4 They'll bear you safely in their hands, Lest you should dash against the stones, For they obey his high commands When sent to 'tend his chosen sons. 5 Lions and adders ye shall tread, And Satan's stratagems frustrate, The Lord who bruised the serpent's head, Has trampled him beneath your feet. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 167 6 Because on me they set their love, I'll strength and grace to them afford, I'll bear my faithful saints above Disease and the destructive sword. 7 I'll answer them whene'er they call, In their afflictions I'll be nigh ; My hand shall lift them when they fall, Spread glory round them when they die. 8 Those who have known my name on earth Shall dwell with me above the sky ; They shall receive a heavenly birth, And my salvation shall enjoy. PSALM 92. C. M. 1 HOW pleasant 'tis by morning light To tender thee my praise, And talk thy wonders o'er by night, The wonders of thy grace. 2 How pleasing is the sacred day, From worldly care set free, O teach me, Lord, aright to pray, And sing with melody. 3 My heart shall triumph in my God, His works, how bright they shine, Thy work of grace how wonderful, Thy councils how divine. 4 Fools do neglect the work of praise, They live like brutes below, Like grass they nourish till thy frown Sinks them in endless woe. 16S THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 5 But I shall be exalted high, When grace like early dew, And fresh anointing oil of joy, My comforts will renew. 6 Iniquities no more shall rise, Nor vex mine eyes again, And ev'ry sin within my breast Forever shall be slain. 7 Mine eyes with pleasure shall behold All that I wished to see, And every sense fill'd with delight, When blest alone in thee. PAUSE. 8 Within the garden of thy grace, Thy plants do thrive beiow, Let me in thy fair paradise Like a young cedar grow. 9 There shining as the mid-day sun, Thy saints wkh grace appear ; Not all the trees of Lebanon Presents a sight so fair. 10 Those heavenly plants shall grow and thrive When nature must decay, Time's things will fade, but grace will live And shine in endless day. 11 Opprest with fruits of age, they prove The Lord is just and kind, And those who trust his sovereign love, Will every comfort find. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 1G9 PSALM 03. CM. 1 THE Lord on high in gloty reigns With majesty most bright, While the creation he sustains By his own power and might. 2 Long ere the earth and seas were made, Or on their bases stood, Thy throne was fix'd and firmly laid, The ever-living God. 3 Floods of ill men lift up their voice, And 'gainst the heavens exclaim, But God will still their angry noise, And sink them down in shame. 4 The testimony of thy grace Forever shall remain, And pure and perfect righteousness Shall in thy dwellings reign. PSALM 04. L. M. 1 O GOD, revenge belongs to thee, Thy vengeance now declare aloud, Our insults and our injuries see, And recompense the haughty proud. 2 Yet they say God sees not nor hears ; Ye fools, how long till ye be wise 1 Can God be deaf who made their ears, Or he be blind who formed their eyes. 3 He knows their thoughts are vanity, But they shall know his power and reign; 22 170 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. He'll sink their hopes eternally, And pierce their souls with, grief and pain. 4 But should the saints deserve thy rod, Thou hast for them a milder way : Thy tender care and gracious word, Shall bring them safely home to thee. 5 Blest is the man that bears the rod, And suffers trouble from thy hands, Thy chastisements to saints are good When they forget thy high commands 6 Because the Lord will not cast off Nor break his promises to saints, His wonderful and gracious love Will pardon his inheritance. 7 Who will stand up and plead my cause, Against my cruel enemies, For wicked men collect their force, And daily up against me rise. 8 Had not the Lord, mine help, mine aid, My feeble, fainting power sustained, My soul had dwelt among the dead, My life in silence had remained. 9 When this I said, my feet they slide, Thy constant-care was all thy joy, Thy sovereign grace stood by my side, And raised my feeble prospects high. THE MALMS OF DAVID. 171 LO Amidst the multitude of thoughts, Which in my bosom daily fight, Thy goodness pardons all my faults, Thy promised grace is my delight. LI Though thrones of wickedness may rise, And vile destructive laws may make, But God, on whom may hope relies, Defends me for his mercy's sake. 12 Malevolence may vent her rage, And persecutors boast aloud ; The Lord will on my side engage, And pour his vengeance on the proud. PSALM 93. C. M. 1 Come let us make a joyful noise, And tell his wondrous ways, "When his salvation is our joys, Exalted be our praise. 2 Come let us bow before the Lord, The shepherd of his sheep, He did create us with his word, And doth us safely keep. 3 Come hear the language of his grace, Obey his voice to-day : Not like the Jews, that hardened race, That sinn'd and fell away. 4 Israel when in the wilderness, His mighty works they saw, Did yet despise their Maker's ways, And trample on his law. 172 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 5 I said in heart, this people err, How false they are and vain; Since they despise my rest, I swear My rest they'll not obtain. 6 My soul look back with fear and see, Those stubborn sinners dead, Accept the offered grace to-day, The rich provision made. 7 Embrace his love without delay, And seize the promised rest, Wi h joy march on the heavenly way, And live forever blest. PSALM 96. L. M. 1 ALL ye lands, sing to the Lord, And let your solemn songs be new, Let every tongue with one accord, His new discovered wonders show. 2 Among the heathen nations say, Jesus the blest Redeemer reigns, His word the heavenly hosts obey, His mighty arm the world sustains. 3 That glorious day let heaven declare, Let gladness through the world be seen, In beauty let the hills appear, And flowery fields arrayed in green. 4 Let earth and seas and skies rejoice, The starry train his power displays ; Let valleys sing with cheerful voice, And pleasant groves repeat his praise. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 173 5 He comes adorned with heavenly grace, All nations own his sovereign sway ; He comes to teach the world his ways, And spread his truth from sea to sea. 6 His voice the sleeping dust shall wake, And bid the world before him come: But how will guilty wretches quake, To hear from him their final doom. PSALM 97. C. M. 1 JESUS the prince of glory reigns, O'er earth and isles and seas, Let every tongue in sweetest strains, Sing the Redeemer's praise. 2 His justice stands forever sure, His counsels none can trace, But truth and grace shall still endure, Though clouds obscure his ways. 3 In judgment robes, lo he returns, With saints in bright array, Consuming fire before him burns, And mountains melt away. •4 His foes with awful terror fly, And faint away with fear ; Ye saints then lift your heads on high, For your redemption's near. PART II. C. M. 5 His birth the heavenly hosts make known, A Saviour's born, they sing; 174 THE PSALMS OP DAVID. An eastern star directs the road Of wise men to their king. 6 He bids his shining armies go, And homage to him pay ; Those gods on high and gods below, Their honours prostrate lay. 7 His rightful power the heavens confess, Then let the idols all Heap on their votaries vile disgrace, Then into ruins fall. PART HI. C. M 8 O'er all the earth, o'er all the skies, Jesus our Saviour reigns, Though round about him darkness rise, Yet still his mercy shines. 9 love the Lord, all ye his saints, And hate the work of shame; He hears the moanings and complaints Of all that love his name. 10 For those that truly upright are, A joyful light is sown ; The seeds of glory rise wnile here, And bloom in worlds unknown. 11 Rejoice ye righteous in the Lord, Express your thanks and praise, "When in your memories ye record The kindness of his grace. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 175 PSALM 08. L. It 1 LET us prepare to sing new praise To our almighty Saviour God; He has made known his saving grace, And spread his truth and love ahroad. 2 lie spake the word to Ah ram first, Then taught his happy sons the same ; The Gentile nations in him trust, And spread the glory of his fame. 3 Let ev'ry land adore the Lord, And ev'ry tongue with joy proclaim, The glory of his sacred word, The honour due his blessed name. PART II. L. M. 4 Let earth, and isles, and seas rejoice, Our sovereign King his love displays; Let ev'ry tongue with cheerful voice, Proclaim the honour of his graee. 5 O'er ev'ry land the Saviour reigns, Let men their hallelujahs raise; While raging seas, rocks, hills and plains, Aoree to spread his glorious praise. G Let griefs and fears no more abound, And ev'ry vice forever flee ; He comes to spread his blessings round, And take the curse of sin away. 7 Jesus, the prince of glory, reigns O'er all who dwell below the skies; While the creation he sustains, And men and beasts with food supplies. 176 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM 98. S. M. 1 TO our Redeemer God, New hallelujahs raise ; He comes to spread his love abroad, And teach the world his ways. 2 He spake to Abram first, His truth and promised grace; The Gentile nations in him trust, And plead his promises. 3 Let earth adore the Lord, And ev'ry tongue proclaim The honour due his sacred word, And spread abroad his fame. part ir. s. M. 4 Let the whole world be glad And own her Saviour King ; May ev'ry heart be joyful made, And all creation sing. 5 Let seas and all within The world, and dwellers there ; Let rocks and mountains, hills and plain, Together joy declare. 6 No more let fears abound, Nor sin destroy our peace ; He scatters heavenly blessings round, And makes the curse to cease. 7 My dear Redeemer reigns, And rules the earth below ; While the creation he sustains, And makes his blessings flow. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 17 < PSALM 00. L. M. L THE Lord in glory reigns on high, L.t all the people quake with fear; Let guilty sinners weep and cry, And let his church be humble there. I Jesus, the Prince of glory reigns, Let earth adore bis power divine; Bright cherubims on him attend, And execute his wise design. 3 His glorious throne in Zion stands, His honour shines supremely there ; His church is govern'd by his hands, And guarded by his heavenly care. 4 How holy is his fearful name, His dreadful praise none can express ; Justice and truth make known his fame, And loud proclaim his righteousness. PAUSE. 5 Do ye extol the Lord our God, And bow with rev'rence at his feet ; For he is holy, just, and pure, His throne of mercy is his seat. G When Israel on the Lord relied, When pious Aaron was his priest, When Samuel prayed, when Moses cried. He answered them and gave them rest 7 Oft he forgave their num'rous faults, Nor would their stubborn race destroy, 23 17S THE PSALMS OF DAVID. And oftentimes afflicted them When they provoked the Lord mosthigl 8 Do ye exalt the Lord our God, And worship at his holy hill ; He is a God that's just and pure, And for his name is jealous still. PSALM 100. L. M. 1 SING to the Lord with cheerful voice, Ye nations round the earth that dwell Appear before him and rejoice, And all his mighty wonders tell. 2 Know that the Lord is God alone, He formed us men without our aid ; We are his flock, he doth us own, And on his pastures we are fed. 3 enter then his gates with joy, ' W T ith songs of praise approach his house, And make it still your sweet employ, To pay him there your solemn vows. 4 Because the Lord our God is kind, His love from age to age is sure, And those who trust his grace shall find', His truth forever shall endure. PSALM 100. C. M. 1 BEFORE the Lord your sovereign King, Ye nations all rejoice ; Come let your tongues his praises sing, And make a joyful noise. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 179 2 Without our aid he did us make Of clay, and formed us men, And when his fold we did forsake, He brought us back again. 3 We are his saints, we love his ways, lie is our sure abode; What glorious honours shall we raise To thee our sovereign God. 4 With joy we'll to thy house resort, And high cur voices raise, With cheerful songs we'll fill thy court, And sound aloud thy praise. 5 Exceeding broad is thy command, And boundless is thy grace; Forever firm thy truth shall stand, When time itself shall cease. PSALM 101. C. Iff. 1 MERCY and judgment I will sing, Since both belong to thee ; My sovereign God, my gracious King, To thee my praise shall be. 9 If as a king I bear the sword, I'll trust thy sovereign grace ; Thy justice and thy mercy, Lord, Shall model all my ways. 3 Let heavenly wisdom be my guide, My God, my only stay; Let nothing vain with me abide To rouse thy jealousy. 180 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 4 No sons of malice, lies or fraud, • My friendship shall obtain ; The wicked heart, the vain and proud, With me shall not remain. 5 I'll raise the faithful of the land To posts of honour high ; The men that 'bey thy high command, On them I will rely. 6 The treach'rous sons of sly deceit, By flattery shall not rise ; I will protect the innocent, And punish haughty vice. 7 The factious crew, whose wicked deeds Destroy the public peace; Shall turn and hide their guilty heads, And sink into disgrace. PSALM 102. L. M. 1 LORD, unto my prayer attend, See my afflictions and distress, L T p to thy throne my cries I send, Hide not from me thy smiling face. 2 My days they vanish like the smoke, Dissolving in the atmosphere ; My health is gone, my heart is broke, With trouble, sorrow, grief and fear. 3 Like wither'd grass my flesh decays, Scorched with the sun's excessive heat; In groans I pass my weary days, So that I do forget to eat. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. IS I t As on some desolate house top The sparrow mourns her late alone ; Far distant from a place of hope I sit and tell my daily moan. 5 My P<»1 is like a desert waste, Where savage beasts roam for their prey, Where the sad raven builds her nest, And screaming owl avoids the day. G What boding thoughts and gloomy fears Within my troubled bosom roll ; What blasphemies disturb my ears, And constant sorrows vex my soul. ? My drink is mingled with my tears, And griefs, and troubles are my meat ; My daily bread like ashes 'pears, Offensive to my taste to eat. 8 No happiness can sense afford To those who suffer grief and woe ; It was thy hand that raised me, Lord, Thy chast'ning hand has brought me low. 9 Like autumn leaves my looks appear, Or life's declining days are made ; The evening shadows weaker are, And mingle in the sable shade. 10 But thou forever an our Lord, And thy eternal years the same, The coming ages shall record The wonders of thy glorious name. 1S2 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 11 Thou wilt arise and mercy have, Nor will thy goodness long- delay, Beyond th' appointed time to save, Beyond the glorious joyful day. 12 He hears his people when they pray, And knows when they lament and cry; His grace in a mysterious way, Redeems the pris'ners doomed to die. PART II. l. M. 13 Let Zion joy with all her sons, Behold the long expected day, Her gracious God has heard her moans, And comes to chase her grief away. 14 The ruin of her dust is dear, And highly valued in our eyes, Those ruins shall once more appear, And in immortal glory rise. 15 The Lord will Zion build again, And there in splendour will appear, Nations shall own his sovereign reign, And potentates attend with fear. 16 The mighty Lord who rules the skies, Looked down in pity from his throne, To see the captive's rising sighs, And hear the dying pris'ner's moan. 17 The souls condemned to death he frees, And when his humble people mourns, His tender mercies he displays, And blessings on their heads returns. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 1S3 IS When we are mouldering in the Just, This shall he known and on record, That ages yet to come may trust, And glorify their sovereign Lord. PART III. c. M. 1 Our Saviour God, it is thy hand • That weakens our frail race, Diseases wait for thy command, And thus cuts short our days, 2 Save us, O Lord, nor let our sun Go down at shining noon ; Thy years are one eternal round, And must we die so soon. 3 Yet in the midst of all our griefs, The pleasing thought remains, Our Father and our Saviour lives, And o'er creation reigns. 4 The earth's foundation firm he laid, And build the heavens did he; The earth shall fail, the heavens shall fade, And all things changed be. 5 Like garments shall the heavens above, Be changed and laid aside, Yet still thy throne shall never move Thy people must abide. G Thy saints shall live before thy face, And reign with thee on high, They shall survive when earth and seas Before thy presence fly. 184 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM 103. C. M. 1 THOU my soul, bless God the Lord, And all within me praise, His holy, high, exalted name, Whose goodness crowns my days. 2 thou my soul, forever bless, The Lord who rules on high, Nor let his wonders be forgot, Nor in mute silence lie. 3 'Twas he that sent his only Son, To die that I might live, The Father owns the ransom paid, And all my sins forgive, 4 The mind diseased with sin he heals, By his renewing grace, • He saves our souls from sin and hell, And crowns our days with peace. 5 Our youth he will renew again, And guide us in his ways, Our mouths with bread will satisfy, And give us heavenly grace. 6 The proud oppressors he treads down, And sets the oppressed free, And righteous judgment executes On the decisive day. 7 His ways to Moses, and his acts To Israel's sons made known, But sent his gospel down to earth, By Jesus Christ his Son. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 1S5 8 Let every land his name adore, The world his power confess, And Jew and (untile both agree, To magnify his grace. PART II. C. M. 9 His ways how wonderful they are, His truth always remains, His throne of mercy is on high, From thence his glory shines. 10 High as the starry heavens are, Above the flowery plains, So far the riches of his grace, Exceed our noblest strains. 11 Far as the golden beams of morn, Is from the distant west, So far will he remove the guilt From those his grace has blest. 12 How slow his anger is to rise, His tender mercies great, And if he lets his vengeance burn, How soon his frowns abate. 13 Amidst his wrath kind blessings flow, Our sins how great they are, And when he does afflict his saints, He heals with tender care. 14 Such pity as a father bears The children of his loins, The Lord to saints such pity shows, His countenance on them shines. 21 1S6 THE TSALMS OF DAVID. 15 The Lord our God is merciful, And knows how frail we are, His tender love will not oppress Beyond what we can bear. 16 Our feehle frames lie did create, And knows we are but clay, Like tender grass at morn cut down, We die and waste away. 17 His tender care to all his saints Will everlasting prove, And children's children ever find In him a faithful love. PART III. C. M. 18 The sovereign Lord has fix'd his throne, In heaven above to stand, And ev'ry creature that exists Is governed by his hand. 19 O ye his angels, great in strength, That fly at his commands, Bless ye the Lord, obey his voice, Whose counsel ever stands. 20 Ye shining hosts of his who wait The pleasure of his will, Who guard his saints from.hurtful snares, Your praise to him fulfil. 21 bless the Lord, all ye his saints, Ye kingdoms own his word, Throughout his vast dominions all : My soul, bless the Lord. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 1S7 PSALM 104. C. M. 1 THOU my soul, forever bless The God of grace divine; When he appears in royal dress, How bright his glories shine. 2 His curtains are the starry skies, His bed the flowing seas, Clouds are his chariot when he flies, The wind his voice obeys. 3 His ministers that dwell on high, Appear like flaming fires, And swift as light, his angels fly To do what he desires. 4 The earth's foundation by his hand Forever shall remain, He binds the ocean fast in sand, Lest it o'erflow again. 5 When o'er the earth the waters spread, And 'bove the mountains stood, He thunder'd, and the ocean fled Into its deep abode. 6 The swelling ocean knows its bound, He binds it in his chains, And streams of water through the ground From mountains high descends. 7 The crystal fountains from the hills Cheer valleys as they flow, There the wild asses drink their fills, And herds for water low. 1SS THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 8 The trees that shade the cooling stream, The birds choose for their place; Their thankful notes of praise should shame The silence of our race. 9 God from the wat'ry clouds above On earth the rain distils, The fields, the garden, and ihe grove, Their double blessing yields. 10 His goodness makes the grass to rise To feed the grazing beasts, And herbs to man his hand supplies For med'cine or for feasts. 11 The products of the noble vine, Bring forth a pleasant juice, Our hearts are joyful made with wine, His gifts are all of use. 12 He spreads our table day by day, Our gran'ries fills with bread : Food is our strength, our vital stay, Our thanks to him be paid. PART II. c. M. 13 Behold, the cedar stands with grace, Its top salutes the sky, There birds for safety choose their place, And build their nests on high. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 1S9 l-l Wild goats ascend the craggy hill, While at the mount below The weaker creatures build their cell, Which by instinct they know. 15 The sun from him learns when to set, The moon her face to change, And when the darkness makes it night, Calls out wild beasts to range. 1G The lions young roar for their prey; And seek from God their meat, But when the morning dawns for day, They to their dens retreat. 17 Then man unto his labour goes, And toils all day in grief; The night was made for his repose, His sleep is sweet relief. 18 Thy works, how wonderful they are, Thy gifts how large, how free, Thy wisdom through all lands appear, The earth is full of thee. 19 So is the wide and spacious sea, Where frightful monsters creep, And where they are preserved by thee, To wander in the deep. 20 There ships divide the raging seas, Where great sea monsters are, There that huge Leviathan plays, Nor dreads the shaking spear. 190 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PART III. C. M. 21 Now marv'lous are thy works, Lord, They own thy power and skill, Creatures depend upon thy word, And wait thy sovereign will. 22 While each their different food receives, They all make known thy praise, And every thing that moves and lives, Are glad in different ways. 23 But when thy face is hid they mourn, They to thy will resign, And at thy word to dust return, For life and breath are thine. 24 Yet thou again canst fill the earth With living beasts and men, One word of thy creating breath Repairs what death has done. 25 His works make known his mighty pow T er, And sing aloud his praise, His truth forever shall endure, How dreadful are his ways. 26 The earth stands trembling at thy frown, Thy touch sets hills on fire, But still thy saints thy mercies own, And tell thee their desire. 27 In thee my hopes are placed, which make My meditation sweet ; Thy glorious praise my mouth shall speak Till heavenly joys I meet. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 191 28 From earth let sinners bo cut off, Destroy the wicked race* But thou niysoul forever love And bless the God of grace. PSALM 105. L.M. 1 GIVE thanks to God, call on his name, And tell to men his wondrous ways, Go through the world, his works proclaim, That all may seek his heavenly grace. 2 His cov'nant still he thought upon, Through generations long since past, It thousand ages yet to come, With equal energy shall last. 3 The promise made, he firmly sealed To faithful Abram and his seed ; The Gentiles to his precepts yield, And love his promises to plead. 4 All nations shall be blest in thee, Said the almighty, sovereign Lord, Canaan thy resting-place shall be, And shall a type of heaven afford. 5 How great his love, how large the grant, To give them such a resting-place, "When they were strangers in the land, A destitute and feeble race. 6 And as they went from land to land, Secure and safe they marched along, And for their sakes his chast'ning hand Reproved the kings that done them wrong. 192 'THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 7 Thus saith the Lord, touch ye not those Who my anointed children are, Nor harm my prophets, nor oppose The humble people of my care. 8 Then let the wicked cease from rage, Nor vex the pious and sincere ; His church shall live through every age, His church is his peculiar care. PART II. L. M. 9 When Pharaoh grieved the chosen race, It roused the fury of their God : Moses he sends in their distress, And gives to him his chastening rod. 10 He spake, and gloomy darkness came, The sacred word he did obey, Then turned their lakes and every stream To blood, and all their fish did slay. 11 The frogs, like hateful armies, rise In chambers of their haughty kings: His word, all sorts of flies and lice Through their rebellious land he brings. 12 Then through their fields and palaces Caterpillars did much abound, Locusts destroyed their olive trees, And hail the produce of the ground. 13 Their first born sons by his command Fell dead beneath his chast'ning stroke ; So thus the glory of their land And strength of every house he broke. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 193 14 Then let the" wicked cease from rage, Nor vex the humble and sincere, His church shall live through every age, His church is his peculiar care. PART III. L. M. 15 Now free from slavery, grief and toil, They left their proud oppressors' land Laden with rich Egyptian spoil, Nor was one feeble in their band. 16 The Lord himself was their delight, And marks for them their wondrous way, Gives them a fiery guide by night, And sheltering cloud to lead by day. 17 He from the rock brought forth a stream Of water, and their thirst supplied, Which took their course and followed them, Like flowing rivers by their side. 18 blessed type of grace divine, Of boundless love to saints astray : So Christ, our rock, our hopes maintains, And guides us in the heavenly way. 19 Upheld alone by sovereign grace, The chosen saints at thy command Possessed with joy the promised place Provided by thy gracious hand. 20 Then let the wicked cease from rage, Nor vex the humble and sincere ; His church shall live through every age, His church is his peculiar care. 25 194 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM 106. C. M. 1 NOW to the God of sovereign power Your songs of honour raise, His mercy is forever sure, Give him your thanks and praise. 2 Who knows the wonders of his hand, Or who can sound his praise? Blest are the souls that understand Their duty in his ways. 3 Think, Lord, on what thy mercy done For Jacob's ancient race, And let thy great salvation crown The children of thy grace. 4 Let me rejoice with thy dear saints, And still thy mercies own, To praise the Lord in highest strains Shall all my pleasures crown. PART II- L. M. 1 LORD, our God of truth and grace, Our ways, how changeable they are, Thine ancient race did often prove Thy Providence and guardian care. 2 The wonders of thy hand they saw, And then were glad and sung thy praise, But soon they broke thy righteous law, And murmured 'gainst thy sovereign grace. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 195 3 Now tlipy adore the Lord, their rock, Who from the rock their thirst supplied, Now with their lusts do him provoke, And he brings down their haughty pride. 4 Hut when they mourned their guilt and sin, He saves them in their sore distress, Brings his own promises to mind, And calls them still the heirs of gTace. 5 The Lord his chosen people loved, And heard their moanings and com- plaints, Oft he chastised, but ne'er removed His tender care from pious saints. 6 Let Israel praise the mighty Lord, Who saved and loved their ancient race, Let every tongue, with one accord Join in the solemn song of praise. PSALM 107. C. M. 1 UNTO the Lord our thanks are due, He kindly us sustains, In every age his gifts are new, And always new remains. 2 Let God's redeemed saints rejoice, Let them his works declare, Israel the people of his choice, And his peculiar care. 3 When his dear children he released From their oppressor's hand, They wandered in a desert waste, A solitary land. 196 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 4 There they could find no leading way, Nor city where to rest, No food, nor fountain to allay Their hunger and their thirst. 5 They cried to God in their distress, God takes them by the hand, And leads them through the wilderness, To Canaan's happy land. 6 So when we acquire our release From sin and Satan's chain, We have a world of grief to pass, This world of toil and pain. 7 We from his table daily feast, And from his folds we're clad, His hand conducts us to our rest, Where we are joyful made. 8 Let the saints adore the Lord, And trust his sovereign grace ; His wondrous works let us record, And spread abroad his praise. 9 Let every age his praises spread, His mercies still are sure, He fills the hungry soul with bread, And feeds the humble poor. 10 But if their heaits reject his word, And slight the heavenly cause, If they despise the sovereign Lord, And disobey his laws ; THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 197 .1 He will reduce their spirits low, When none can them relieve: Laden with sorrow, grief and woe, Their lives draw near the grave. L2 Then to the Lord they raise their cries, And he affords them aid, He makes the morning light to rise, And dissipates the shade. 13 The gates of brass he cuts in two, And sets the pris'ners free, Takes off their load and lets them through, And gives them liberty. 14 let the saints with joy declare The wonders of his grace ; His mighty works that marv'lous are, Demand our noblest praise. PART HI. C. M. 15 Vain man, to please his taste and eyes, In carnal pleasures trust ; But O what maladies arise, From luxury and lust. 16 The drunkard wastes his life away, Yet gratifies his taste, Till all his vital powers decay, And he draws near the dust. 17 The glutton sighs and lothes his meals, His soul abhors to taste, The weighty load which nature feels, Would die to be released. 19S THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 18 Then to the Lord the wretches fly, To save them in their pain : God hears their supplicating cry, And gives them health again. 19 No drugs could heal their mortal strokes, So gently and so sure. The fatal sentence God revokes, And sends his word to cure. 20 O let the saints with joy declare The wonders of his grace, His mighty works that marv'lous are, Demands our noblest praise. PART IV. C. M. 21 How mighty are the works of God, How wonderful his ways, Bold mariners his praise record, Who navigate the seas. 22 They leave behind their native land, And seek the gentle breeze, Till tempests rise at his command, And swell the mighty seas. 23 Now they ascend and touch the skies, Now sink in deeps again, Young sailors fear when billows rise, And reel like drunken men. 24 When hope is gone and death draws nigh. They seek his sovereign grace ; His tender mercy hears their cry, And saves them in distress. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 199 25 The stormy wind and ocean's roar Are still at his command; The sailors now their fear give o'er, And hail their native land. 2G let the saints with joy declare The wonders of his grace ; His mighty works that marv'lous are, Demand our noblest praise. LAST PART. C. M. 27 Whenmen against God's laws transgress, They feel his scourging hand ; He turns their fields to barenness, Dries rivers from their land. 28 At his command springs rise again, The mountains green are made, The clouds pour down refreshing rain, And makes the desert glad. 29 Where beasts of prey had dwelt before, Or wild men had their lair, He bids the meek and humble poor To build them cities there. 30 They plant the trees and sow the fields, He gives them strength and grace ; Their race grows up and fruitful yields, And makes their wealth increase. 31 But if they wander from his way, And stray from his commands, The heathen shall their princes slay, Their foes invade their lands. 200 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 32 Their captive sons shall be opprest, And none to mourn their fate ; Their country shall become a waste, Their fields lie desolate. 33 But if they humbly seek his face, Their cities then shall thrive; Their flocks and families shall increase, The churches then shall live. 34 The pious saints with joy proclaim The goodness of his love ; Let atheists no more blaspheme The God that rules above. 35 And those who by his grace are wise, And will these things record; Ev'n they shall have before their eyes The kindness of the Lord. PSALM 108. L. M. 1 MY heart is fixed, now I will praise My sovereign Lord, my gracious King; Awake my tongue the song to raise, And choicest off'rings daily bring. 2 With the dear children of his own, And unto earth's remotest bound, Glad songs of praise I will make known, And spread his mighty wonders round, 3 Be thou exalted, O my God, Above the bright celestial frame ; Thy truth and love be spread abroad, And land to land thy deeds proclaim. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 201 4 The humble saints shall then be glad, And throng thy shining courts on high ; "While sinners are partakers made, Of saving grace and heavenly joy. PSALM 109. L. M. 1 THOU, the God of all my praise, Thy glory is my chief delight; Though sinners speak against thy grace, With angry words of hateful spite. 2 When Christ the sun of righteousness, Was found on earth in human shape; What vile reproaches and disgrace Continually on him they heap. 3 They for his love became his foes, Vet still he labour'd for their peace; Their troubles his compassion moves, They render ill for righteousness. 4 His foes with arms surround his head, And hate him still without a cause; While for his murderers he prayed, And blest his enemies on the cross. 5 And shall this lovely pattern shine, So manifest before mine eyes ] give me, Lord, the gift divine To love and bless mine enemies. 6 The Lord my God is on my side, And in my great Redeemer's name, 1 shall defeat their haughty pride, Who love to slander and defame. 26 202 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM 110. C. If. 1 THUS spake the Father to the Son, Ascend to my right hand, Until I make thy foes a scorn, And bow at thy command. 2 Thy word with royal power divine, From Zion forth did go, To warn traasgressors of their sin, And lay vile rebels low. 3 The humble saints with willing minds, Shall unto thee resort ; Where holiness and beauty shines Within thy sacred court. 4 glorious day of gospel grace, See what a retinue Of humble converts that surpass The drops of morning dew. PART II. C. M. 5 The sovereign Lord of sea ahd land Spake to his Son and swore ; Thy priesthood shall forever stand, And be exchanged no more. G Aaron must die and turn to dust, But life alone is thine ; To save all those who place their trust On sovereign grace divine. 7 Melchisedec on earth was made A king and priest divine j THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 203 Jesus our heavenly priest shall plead, Jesus our king shall reign. 8 Our sovereign Lord ascends his throne, Where peace is ratified ; By the obedience of the Son The Father's satisfied. 9 His reign shall spread from sea to sea, And lay the haughty low; The quick and dead then judge shall he, And sink the proud in woe. 10 Though while he walks with mighty power, And tears drinks in the way ; The dreadful sufferings which he bore, Shall raise him near to thee. PSALM 111. L. M. 1 UNTO the Lord who rules on high, My choicest songs I will proclaim ; My heart and tongue I will employ To spread abroad his glorious fame. 2 His works, how wonderful they are, How great to our astonished eyes, And every age has sought with care, His wonders with transporting joys. 3 How pleasing is his work of grace, How splendid, glorious, and how pure, And his untarnish'd righteousness, Through endless aur Maker's glorious praise. 9 Ye kings and princes join the song, With nature sound his praise; Let men and maidens old and young, Their hallelujahs raise. 10 Far as the distant lands are bound, Or mighty waters roll ; may his glorious name be known, And sung from pole to pole. 11 Thus let his holy blessed name Be chanted and adored ; But saints are bound to spread his fame, "Who best have known the Lord. 12 Ye heavenly hosts on golden wing, Praise him with one accord, Ye saints below, shout and sing, Hosannas to the Lord. PSALM 149. L. M. 1 SING to the Lord and praise his name, In hallelujahs yet unknown ; Within the church his praise proclaim, And tell the wonders he has done. 2 Israel the people of his choice, Shall spread the glory of his word, The Gentile nations shall rejoice, And Zion own her sovereign Lord. 2S4 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 3 For he in saints doth pleasure take, Whom reprobates deride and scorn, His grace will beautify the meek, And with salvation them adorn. 4 The sainls are glad in Christ their King, They on their beds make known his praise, And like the church above, shall sing, For God the sleeping dead shall raise. 5 Then shall their tongues sound his high praise, Their hand shall wield a two edged sword ; Terrors attend the songs thpy raise, The terrors of the mighty Lord. 6 When Christ, the judge, ascends his throne, And bids the world before him stand, He has for all his saints alone, Prepared a seat at his right hand. 7 There with their sovereign King they'll rule, And execute the vengeance due On royal sinners that rebel, And sink them down in endless woe. 8 Their kings and nobles bound in chains, Affords new triumphs of success ; This honour is to all the saints, Praise ye and magnify his grace. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 2S5 PSALM 150. L. M. 1 WITH IX God's house his praise declare, His sovereign grace, he there makes known ; To heaven lift up your souls in prayer, And still address his gracious throne. 2 Let all that is within you join To praise him for his mighty deeds; But the great work of grace divine, Your choicest songs of praise exceeds. 3 Let every being that has breath, Proclaim with joy his tender love; And when my time expires on earth, Praise shall employ my soul above. PSALM 150. C. M. 1 WITHIN God's house sing ye his praise, There dwells his grace divine; • To heaven your choicest offerings raise, For there his glories shine. 2 Let all that is within you join, To spread abroad his ways; But the great work of grace divine, Exceeds your noblest praise. 3 Ye people all, with one accoid, Your Maker's praise proclaim; Let each tiling breathing praise the Lord, And bless his holy name. THE, SONG OF SOLOMON SONG 1.1 CM. Vs. 2, 5, 12, 13, 17. LET him embrace me with his mouth, His voice is all divine, His gracious words are words of truth, Surpassing pleasant wine. 2. Thy name as ointment doth excel All sweet perfumes that be, The Spirit th' oil of gladness will Draw virgin saints to thee. 3. Engage me by thy charms, my King, And help to me afford, Restore our wand'ring feet, and bring Us to thy chambers, Lord. 4. Then unto thee with thankful voice Thy wonders we'll relate; They yield to us much sweeter joys Than wine in purest state. 2S8 THE SONG OF SOLOMON. 5. Impure and filthy as we are, And black as Kedar's tents, Clothed in beauty we are fair, And pure unsullied saints. 6. Since the King has his table spread, He loves to see us come ; Our virtues are like spikenard made, Which make a sweet perfume. A bundle of myrrh 'tween m) r breast, Such is my love to me; And, since dear Lord, I am thy guest, 1 give my all to thee. 8. Not cypress, cedar, or fir beams, Can with thy church compare, And here we'll stay till heaven proclaims Our joyful welcome there. SONG 1. V. 7. I LOVE my Lord, whose mercies flow, Above all earthly care ; Dear Shepherd speak, and let me know Where thy sweet pastures axe. THE 30NG OK SOLOMON. 289 -J. \N here is the rock whose shadow shields Thy flocR from noonday sun, That I may feed in heavenly fields, And with thy sheep be one. 3. Thy loving bride, why like to one That walks in doubtful ways? teach me Lord, ill ways to shun, And cling to thee for grace. 4. 1 see the print thy flock has made, Thy pasture here appears, A feast of love here thou hast spread, Purchased with wounds and tears. 5. His flesh he gives to me for food, How wonderful his love, And bids me drink his precious blood, Till called to feast above. SONG 2. Vs. 1, 4, 6, 7. C. M. THE rose of Sharon blossoms here, The lily of the vale, And tree of life whose branches bear Enlivening fruits that heal. 37 290 THE SONG OF SOLOMON, It's 'mong the thorns are lilies white, And noble vine 'mong gourds, So 'pears my Saviour in my sight, Among all earthly lords. 3. I sat beneath his pleasant shade, A covert from the heat, A heavenly feast he spreads, and made Me to participate. He kindly did supply my want, I feasted on his love, And o'er my head when I was faint His banner sweet did prove. 5. With pleasant wine and living bread This heart of mine he cheers, And the kind words to me he said, Did banish all my fears. 6. My dearest Lord, to thee I cleave, My heart make thine abode ; My 'sins I'll slay, lest they should grieve My Saviour and my God. THE SONG. OK SOLOMON. 291 SONG 2. Vs. 8,13. C. M. THY cheering voice, my Saviour, sounds Over the rising hill, O'er floods of grief he leaps, he bounds, To do his Father's will. Here clothed in flesh I see my Lord, How kind he looks on me, And in his holy, blessed word, His tender love I see. 3. He draws my heart and I obey, How pleasing is his voice, He says arise, make haste away, Forsake all worldly joys. 4. The Jewish dispensation 's gone, Behold the joyful year, The turtle dove salutes our land, And Gospel sounds we hear. 5. The noble vine, a heavenly plant, Brings forth the richest wine, Lord, we are come to serve our want, And bless the heavenly vine. 292 THE PONG OF SOLOMON. 6. And when we hear thee say, arise My love and haste away, With joy we'll soar above the skies, And live in heavenly day. SONG 2. Ps. 14, 16, 17. C. M. BEHOLD, the Saviour from above Invites his people near, From cells of darkness calls his love. And banishes her fear. My dove who in the rock dost hide With sorrow sore opprest, Lift up thy voice, in me confide, And be forever blest. 3. Thy voice to me melodious is. My virtues in thee are ; Though worldlings may thy face despise, To me 'tis bright and fair. 4. Our thankful hearts, O Lord, receive With gladness thy invite, To thee our songs of praise we give With pleasure and delight. THE SONG OF SOLOMON. 293 5. My love is mine, and I am his, Our warm affections join; Let sin and guilt not dare to rise, To grieve my love divine. 6. He leads my sonl in pastures green, To feed 'mong lilies there, With his blest saints whose robes are clean, Washed in his blood they were. 7. Till the day break and shadows flee To the first rising dawn, Turn my beloved and often see, Nor let my hopes be gone. 8. Be like a roe on mountains high, Skip o'er my hills of sin, Let all my crimes forgotten lie, And make me pure and clean. SONG 3. Vs. 1,5. CM. WHEN darkness shrouds the midnight skies Jesus my love I sought, W 7 ith anxious care I did arise To seek, but found him not. 294 THE SONG OF SOLOMON. I then did haste without delay To search the street by night, I hailed the watch, and thus did say, Saw ye my soul's delight. 3. Then I did find my blessed Lord Arrayed in light, divine, I leaped for joy, my love adored, And held him fast as mine. I brought him to my mother's house, Nor does my Lord resist, To Zion's courts, his sacred place, Where first I did exist. 5. His wounded heart to me he gave, Pierced for my sin and shame, I give my Lord all that I have, And bless his holy name. I bid all earthly joys begone. Nor dare disturb my love, I'll sin and shame forever shun, And dwell with God above. THE SONG OF SOLOMON. 295 SONG 3. V. 11. C. M. DAUGHTERS of Zion see with joy The glorious golden crown, Which they, glad church, in ecstacy Placed on King Solomon. 2. Jesus, our king of righteousness, Accept us for thine own, Receive our prayers and our praise, And wear them as thy crown. 3. Make our devotions and our love Espousals, Lord, to thee, Like that blest hour when from above Thy love did set us free. That joyful day may it endure, Lord cause it still to stay, Strengthen our faith, and make us pure, Nor let our hopes decay. 5. Each moment as it swiftly flies Increase our love and joy, Till we are called above the skies. To feast with thee on high. 296 THE SONG OF SOLOMON. 6. Roll on ye days, and bring- in hasle The day of nuptial joy ; Christ in his Father's glory drest, Shall fill his throne on high. SONG 4. Vs. 1, 10, 11, 7, 8, 9. C. M. DEAR Lord, how pleasant are thy ways, What sweet affections rise, So thou art fair, my love, he says, Doves have not brighter eyes. 2. Thy lips are sweet, thy cheerful voice Wilh joy salutes my ear, Not taste of milk, or smell of spice, Can with my love compare. 3. Thou art all fair, my lovely bride, No spot in thee I find, Thy wants shall all be well supplied, My graces in thee shine. 4. Although polluted as we are, He makes us fair and white, Clothed in his beauty we appear. Most lovely in his sight. THE SONG OF SOLO .VON. 297 5. My sister and my spouse, he says, Bound to my heart in love, Thy tender love in my heart stays, And never shall remove. 6. From leopards' dens he calls me out, And beasts of every name, On Zion ground he sets my feet, And there supports my claim. 7. Nor pleasant plains, nor hills of prey, Nor sweetest earthly tie, Shall ever tempt or make me stay, When called to joys on high. SOXG 4. Vs. 12, 13, 15, and 5, 1. C. M. WE are a garden and inclosed, A paradise below, A little spot with grace infused, Amid this world of woe. 2. Like trees of aloes, myrrh and spice, Planted by thee, our God, And living springs in Zion rise, To make thy garden bud. 38 298 THE SONG OF SOLOMON. 3. O heavenly wind, awake and blow, Perfume thy garden here, And may thy heavenly blessings flow On plants of thine own care. May our blest virtues flow and spread, To please our royal love, On us thy blessings richly shed, And fit us for above. Come my beloved, come and taste Thine own delicious fruit, My spouse I come, I come in haste, To feast 'mong spices sweet. 6. Into his garden now he comes, And bids us to his feast, He makes our virtues sweet perfumes, And gives a rich repast. 7. Eat of the living bread, my friends, My Father's heavenly gift, Drink of the fountain that he sends, And live forever blest. THE SONG OF 80LOMON. 299 8. Around thy board thy saints will meet, And praise thy bounteous grace; Thy love to us docs tar exceed Our noblest songs of praise. SOXG 5. Vs. 9, 12, 14, 1G. C. M. TUK world, with wonder and surprise, Asks why I love my Lord ; Say whpre's his charms that please the eyes, Or such delights afford 1 2. In my belo -ed Lord I find A mixture red and white, Ten thousand beauties all combined, Meet in my soul's delight. 3. His soul is white and free from sin. Red's his blood shed for me; He is my chief and lovely one, And my desire is he. 4. His head the finest gold adorns, There perfect wisdom beams ; That sacred head once crowned with thorns, With glory now it gleams. 300 THE SONG OF SOLOMON. 5. His heart with tender mercies flow- Near to his wounded side ; His sacred side shall no more know The scourge of hellish pride. 6. His hands like golden Tings. they be, Beset wiih diamonds fair, Those blessed hands that once-for me Nailed to the gibbet were. 7. His knees once bent beneath our load, The sins of fallen man ; Now on the throne of his abode Like marble pillars stand. His eyes are lovely, and appear As doves' eyes, bright and pure : Those eyes that wept so chaste and clear, With grief shall weep to more. 9. His mouth that mourned with cruelties, Now hails with joy his saints; His presence more delightful is, Than hills of frankincense. THE SONG OF SOLOMON'. 301 10. O, lovely is my blessed Lord, And may his name be sung Through every land, and be adored And praised by every tongue. SOXG 6. Vs. 1, 3, 12. C. M. WHEN aliens stand and hear me speak My dear Redeemer's praise, Say, where's he gone, that we may seek An interest in his grace. On hills of love, in worlds of light, There he delights to dwell ; But he descends with joyful flight To saints that he loves well. 3. In gardens planted by his care, Its fruitful trees they grow ; He feeds among the lilies there, Where spicy sweets do flow. 4. He has my warm affections moved, Ye earthly joys begone: And on his heart my best beloved, Has sealed me for his own. 302 THE SONG OF SOLOMON. 5. Ere I'm aware, he takes my soul, To see his glorious light ; No chariot of Aminadab Can tell the heavenly sight. 6. O may my daily incense' rise, Above the starry sky, Till death on earth shall close mine eyes, To open. them on high. SONG 7. Vs. 5, 6, 9, 12, 13. C. M. THE King in galleries of his love, Presents himself and says, My saints to me do lovely prove Its subjects of my grace. 2. The words which from thy mouth proceed, Are heavenly and divine; Thy language, Lord, does far exceed The- taste of purest wine. 3.. O for this love thou didst afford, To saints almost asleep, Our lips shall speak thy praises, Lord, Do our affections keep. THE SONG OK SOLOMON. 303 1. These earthly joys he lets us know, In cities and in plains ; We taste his love while here below, But feast where Jesus reigns. 5. When in the heavenly paradise, Our joys can't be express'd, On living fruit we'll ever feast, But never more shall thirst. SONG 8. Vs. 5, 7, 13, 14. C. M. LO who is this that's in distress And mourning for her sins, Comes traveling from the wilderness And on her Lord she leans'? 2. She is the spouse of Christ our Lord, For whom he shed his blood ; Her joys and sorrows do accord With every saint of God. 3. My sovereign Lord, engrave my name Upon thy heart and hand ; Impress and seal me on thine arm, Thy pledge of love to stand. 304 THE SONG OF SOLOMON. 4. Thy love more stronger is than death, Which wrathful floods can't drown; Not hell, nor all the powers on earth Can quench this fire divine. 5. This heart of mine, I do mistrust, Lest it should stray from thee ; Engrave thy name upon my breast, Thy seal of love to me. 6. When to thy home thou wilt me bring, No more I'll mourn nor sigh ; Thy presence, my almighty King, Shall be my highest joy. 7 Haste, my beloved, let us go, Cut short the time that flies, Leap like a youthful hart or roe, O'er the mountains of spice