S M mm '-- 1 F THE BENSON LIBRARY OF HYMNOLOGY Endowed by the Reverend Louis Fitzgerald Benson, d.d. * LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY //i f - V>\\. > r \ r P S A L M S O D A V I D In M E T R \ W I T H THE 4 ANNOTATIONS a f The Rev.DAVID DICKSON, Professor of Divinity In the College of Edinburgh. GLASGOW: Printed by J. and J. Duncan, 17S& f L T H E P S A L M S O F D A V I D. PSAL M I. This Pi aim touch rth, That no xjpgod!;.- man if LlefTeJ, but the godly man only, ver. i, i. which i-p.oved by three realon*: l!hc firft, beqaufe Cod doth bid-: ihe godly even in this life with grace to bring forth good woiks profitable to them- felvcs and other?,, in every irate of life, ver. 3. But all that the wicked do for making themfelves happy, (ha!) be blafted, and found to be mere vanity, ver, 4. Another teafon is, becanfc afier this life the Wicked fhall be fecludcd from the prcfence of God, and fociety of life godly at the Day of Judgment, ver. 5. The third re'afon, confirmin* both the former, i?, hecaufe God approveth the way of the d will make the end of the way of jhe ungodly, defti action, ver. 6. 1 JTpH AT man hath perfed bleiTed. J_ who walketh not ailray In counfel of ungodly men, nor ftands in iinners' way, Nor fitteh in the (corner's cha ; r : 2 But place th his delight Upon God's law, and meditates on his law day and Right* The,, P S A L M S 3 He fhall be like a tree that grows, near planted by a river, Which in his feafon yields his fruit, and his leaf fadeth never : And all he doth fhall prcfper well. 4 The wicked are not fo : But like they are unto the chaff, - v hich wind drives to and fro. 5 In judgment therefore fhall not ftand fuch as ungodly are ■, Nor in th' aflembly of the juft fhalljvicked men appear. 6 For whj r the way of godly men • unt^the Lord is known : Whereas the way of wicked men (hall quite be ovei thrown. P S A L M II. That this Pfalm doth mainly, if not only, ccncen C appeareth by this, That it hath not To much as L . name in the iafeription, a'btit he did write it, and by Ac>» iv. 25, 26, Inhere it is apntorriate to Chrill. This Pi'aim hath two raits-, in the former is let do^n the (lability of ChritTs kingdom, againft all the enemies thereof, ver. 1, 2, 3. Fiift, Became God the Father taketh part with his Son, againll all his enemies, and will eflablilh Chi ill's kingdom, maugre them all, ver. 4, 5, 6. Secondly, Be- caafe in the Covenant of Redemption the Fatbei hath pro- mifed to ths Sen, enlargement of his kingdom and victory over all his emmie?, vcjr y, 8, 9. In the latter pait of ibe Pfalm, the Piophet delivereth the ui'e ©f thudoclrine in an exhortation to greet and Ima!!, tc repent of the:, and to believe in Ch: ill, ver. ic, 11, 11. i "TT7HY rage the heathen r and vain things * * why do the people mind ? 4t Kings of the earth do fet themfelves, and princes are combin'd, P.2.] Of DAVID. 5 To plot againft the Lord, and his anointed, laying thus, 3 Let us afunder break their bands, and caft their cords from us. 4 He that in Heaven fits, mall laugh : the Lord mall fcorn them all. 5 Then mail hefpeak to them in wrath, in rage he vex them mall. 6 Yet notwithstanding I have him to be my King appointed : And o'er Zion my holy hill, I have him King anointed. 7 The fure decree I will declare . the Lord hath faid to me, , Thou art mine only Son, this day I have begotten thee. 8 Afk of me, and for heritage the heathen I'll make thine : And, for poffeflion, I to thee will give earth's utmofl line. 9 Thou (halt, as with a weighty rod of iron, break them all ; And, as a potter's fherd, thou fhalt them dafh in pieces fmall. i o Now therefore, kings, be wife, be taught, ye judges of the earth : 1 1 Serve God in fear, and fee that ye join trembling with your mirth.. 12 Kifs ye the Son, left in his ire ye peri ill from the way, If once His wrath begin to* burn : bleft ail that on him flay. A z 4 The P S AL M S [P.j. PSALM III. A Tjalm of David, when he fed from Abfa- lom his Son. This Pfa!m holdeth forth a notable procf and benefit of Faith in David's expeiience; who when bis own Ion Abalom rebelled againft him, and forced him to flee for fear of his life ; did, Pirft, Lay before the Lord his pitiful condition, ver. i, 2. Secondly, He lettled his faith on God, prayed and obtained a comfortable anl'wer, was quiet and reTOlLed in foul and body, and made confident agasnft all fears pof- fible, ver. 3, 4, 5, 6. Thi:d!y, He continueth in Prayer, confirming his faith from former exre ience, ver. 7. And, Laftly, He giveth foith the ue of his experience to the Church's edification in a gcneial docliine, ver. 8. ir\ Lord, how are my foes increas'd ? ^-^ againft me many rife. 2 Many lay of my foul, For him in God no fuccour lies. 3 Yet thou my fhield, and glory art, th' uplifter of mine head. 4 I cry'd, and from his holy hill the Lord me anfwer made. 5 I laid me down, and flept ; I wak'd, for God fuftained me. 6 I will not fear, thcT thoufands ten ' fet round againft me be. 7 Arife, O Lord, fave me, my God ; for thou my foes hail ftrokje All on the cheek-bone ^ and the teetli of wicked men haft broke. 3 Salvation doth appertain unto the Lord alone : Thv bleiling, Lord, for everrr thy people is upon. P. 4 .] Of DAVI D. 5 P S A L M IV. To the chief ' Mufician, on Nigwoth, d Pfalm of David. Another experience of David, as fen example of a Chriftian erer, unjultly perlisfiuted and feorned for his piety by profane enemies, ftich W Sn'bl, and Ws : court iere were : Wherein, Firft, He fetleih dnwn his p'.-iyc,-, ver. 1. Se- condly, linn being comfoited in God, he iniulteih over his enemies, and glorteih in God's favour, ver. i,: 3; VcActoy, }'c ■ ,-xhoj icth K'S enemies to flepehtafice, and faith in God, ver. 4, 5. Fourthly, He piefeireth the bleffednefs of his te above whatsoever, the wo.Lly man can enjoy, ver. 6, •;, 8. i /~> IVE ear unto me when I call, ^-* God of my righteou fuels : Have mercy, hear my pray'r, thou hall enlarg'd me in diftrefs. 2 O ye the fons of men, how long will ye love vanities ? How long my glory turn to fhame, and will ye follow lies ? 3 But know, that for himfelf the Lord the godly man doth chufe : The Lord, when I on him do call, to hear will not refufe. 4 Fear, and fin not : talk with your heart on bed, end filent be. 5 OfPrings prefent of righteoufneis, and in the Lord truft ye. 6 O who will fhew us any good P is that which many fay : But of thv our. tenance the light Lord, lift on us alway. A3 6 The PSALMS [P. 5. 7 Upon my heart, beftow'd by thee, more gladnefs I have found, 4 Than they, ev'n then, when corn and wine did raoft with them abound. 8 I will both lay me down in peace, and quiet fleep will take : Becaufe thou only me to dwell in fafety, Lord, doft make. P S A L M V. ' To the chief Mufidan^ upon Nehi/oth, a ~ PJaltn of David. David, as a type of Ch.ift, and one of the number of bis ■ffiicted followers, fet forth in his affliction, as an example of cxerciie to others in after a^e«, doth p. ay fot himfclf, »nd againft bi« enemies, ui ng inn dry arguments to ftrengih- en hifnfelf in his hope to be heaid : Firft, From the giace of God bellowed on bimfelf to nfe the means, ver. I, x, 3. Secondly, tr his prey he doth him make. 10 Himfelf he humbleth very low, he croucheth down witha 1 , That fo a multitude of poor may by his ftrong ones fall. 1 1 He thus hath faid, within his heart, the Lord hath quite forgot ; He hides his countenance, and he for, ever fees it not. 12 O Lord, do thou arife-, O God, lift up thine hand on h : gh : Put not the meek afflicted ones out of thy memory. 13 Why is it that the wicked man thu<; doth the Lord defpife ? Becaufe, that God will it require, he in his heart denies 14 Thou haft it feen, for their mifch'-rf and fpite thou wilt repay : i8 The PSALMS [P.n The poor commits himfelf to thee, thou art the orphan's ilay. 1 5 The arm break of the wicked man, and of the evil one : Do thou feek out his wickednefs, until thou findeft none. 16 The Lord is King thro' ages all, ev'n to eternity : The heathen people from his land are perifli'd utterly. 1 7 O Lord, of thofe that humble are thou the defire didft hear : Thou wilt prepare their heart, and thou to hear wilt bend thine ear : 18 To judge the fatherlefsj and thofe that are oppreffed fore, That man, that is but fprung of earth, may them opprefs no more. PSALM XI. To the chief Mufician, a Pjalm of David. David, as an example of a Chiiftian under the trial of his faith in time of trouble, and tempted to defperation, refitted the tempta ion how desperate feever his condition feemrd, yer. 1, 2. And difputeth for the confirmation of his o'.rn faith, ver. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 1 T In- the Lord do put my truft ; A how is it then that ye Say to my foul, Flee as a bird unto your mountain high ? 2 For lo, the wicked bend their bow, their fhafts on firings they fit : That thofe who upright are in heart they privily may hit. P.I2] Of DAVID. 19 3 If the foundations be deftroy'd, what hath the righteous done ? 4 God in his holy temple is, in Heaven is his throne : His eyes do fee, his eye-lids try 5 men's fons. The juft he proves: But his foul hates the wicked man, and him that vi'lence loves. 6 Snares, fire and brimftone, furious ftorms on finners lie fhall rain : This, as the portion of their cup, doth unto them pertain. 7 Becaufe the Lord moil: righteous doth in righteoufnefs delight: And with a pleafant countenance beholdeth the upright. PSALM XII. To the chief Mujkian upon Sheminiih, a I)alm of David. The Prophet having oblei veri, as is let down, ver. 8. how wickednefs liftcth up the head in all the land, when the places of power and tru.t do come into the hands of naughty and vile men, doth give direction by his own example unto the godly, firft, To have their recourle to God by prayer, while they are borne down by the wicked in fuch an ill time, ver. j, z. And next how to comfort them- felves by the word of G. d, pronouncing the femence of jul'tice upon all loofe-tongue>1 men, ver. 3, 4. And pro- mifiag delivery to the cpprelTed godiy, a:sd prefervation or" the Church in all generations, ver 5, 6, 7. Howfoever he fufter wicked men to bear rule fometimes, and wicked- nels to abound by that mean, ver. 8. iTIELP, Lord, becaufe the godly man A A doth daily fade away ; And from among the fons of men the faithful do decay. 20 The PSALMS [P.13. 2 Unto his neighbour ev'ry one doth utter vanity : They with a double heart do fpeak, and lips of flattery. 3 God mall cut off all flatt'ring lips, tongues that (peak proudly, thus : 4 We'll with our tongue prevail, our lips are ours : who's Lord o'er us ? 5 For poor oppreft, and for the fighs of needy, rife will I, Saith God, and him in fafety fet from fuch as him defy, 6 The words of God, are words moil pure, they be !ik HAT there is not a>God, the fool A doth in his heart conclude ; They are corrupt, their works are vile, not one of them doth good. 2 Upon mens' fons the Lord fiom heav'n did caft his eyes abroad ; To fee if any underftood and did feek after God, 22 The PSALMS [P.15. 3 They altogether filthy are, they all afide are gone : And there is none that doeth good, yea, fure there is not one. 4 Thefe workers of iniquity, do they not know at all, That they my people eat as bread and on God do not call ? 5 There fear'd they much : for God is with the whole race of the juft. 6 You (hame the counfel of the poor ; becaufe God is his truft. 7 Let Ifra'i's help from Zion come : when back the Lord fhall bring His captives, Jacob fhall rejoice, and Ifrael mall fing. PSALM XV. A Pfalm of David. The Prophet for diftinguiflw; of the true Members of the Church, from thofe who were only outwaiJIy I'rofelTorf, afketh of the Lord how the one may be known fiom the other ? ver. i. And recciveth anlwer to the queftion, ver. 2, 3, 4, 5- i 1X7ITHIN thy tabernacle, Lord, * V who fhall abide with thee ?-* And in thy high and holy hill who fhalJ a dweller be ? 2 The man that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteoufhefs ; And, as he thinketh in his heart, fo doth he truth exprefs. 3 Who doth not flander with his tongue, nor to his friend doth hurt, P.i6] Of DAVID. 23 Nor yet againft his neighbour dotli take up an ill report. '4 In whofe eyes vile men are defpis'd ; but thofe that God do fear He honoureth, and changeth not, though to his hurt he fwear. 5 His coin puts not to ufury, nor take reward will he Againft the guiltlefs. Who doth thus, ihall never moved be. PSALM XVI. Michiam of David. David, in this Pfalm, finding himfelf in the ftate of grace, prayeth for prefe; vation in general, in relation unto all dangers and evils in body and foul, and whatfoever other evil, from which a godly man, with allowance of God's word might pray to be preicrved. His only realon to af- faire himfelf to be heird, is becaufe he had gotten grace to truft in God. The finccrity of which faith in God he proveth by iimdty evidence*, ver. i, 2, 3, 4. In the fecond place, He climbeth up to the comfo.t and joy of believing; and all the grounds of joy whereupon he goeth, do ferve both to confirm his faith, and to give him al- furance of the granting of his prayer, ver. 5, 6, 7, 8, o, 10, n. i T ORD, keep me : for I truft in thee. 2 -■— ' To God thus was my fpeech : Thou art my I ,ord, and unto thee my goodnefs doth not reach. 3 To faints on earth, to th' excellent where my delight's all plac'd. 4 Their forrows (hall be multiply 'd to other gods that hafte : -4 The PSALMS P.16.] Of their drink offerings of blood •I will no orT'ring make -, Yea, neither I their very names up in my lips will take. 5 God is of mine inheritance and cup the portion : The lot that fallen is to rr?e thou doft maintain alone. 6 Unto me happily the lines in pleafant places fell -, Yea, the inheritance I got, in beauty doth excel. 7 I biefs the Lord, becaufe he doth by counfel me conduct : And, in the feafons of the night, my reins do me inftrucl. 8 Before me Bill the Lord I kt : fith it is fo that he Doth ever ftand at my right h-v I mail not moved be, 9 Becaufe of this my heart is glad, and joy fhall be expreft Ev'n by my glory : and my flefh in confidence mall reft, ro Becaufe my foul in grave to dwell fhall not be left by thee ; Nor wilt thou give thine holy One corruption to fee. 1 1 Thou wilt me (hew the path of life : of joys there is full ftore Before thy face, at thy right hand are pleasures evermore. P.i 7] Of D A V I D. 25 PSALM XVII. A Prayer of David. This Pfalm, according to the infcription. thereof, U a Prayer of David, mixed with lundry reafons for helping ; wherein, firit, He craveth in general juitice in the contioverfy be- tween him and' his oppreffors, ver. i, a, 3, 4. Secondly, More fpecially, he requefteth for a wife carriage of himlelr under his exercife, ver. 5, 6. Thirdly, Prayeth for pro- tection and prefervation from his enemies, ver. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, iz. Fourthly, For difappointment to his enemies, and for delivery of himfelf from them, ver. 13, 14.. And clofeth comfortably in confidence of a good anlwer and hope of iatisfa&ory happinefs, ver. 15. 1 T ORD, hear the right, attend my cry, -*-' unto my pray'r give heed, That doth not, in hypocrify, • from feigned lips proceed. 2 And from before thy prefence forth my fentence do thou fend : Toward thefe things that equal are do thou thine eyes intend. 3 Thou provd'ft mine heart, thou vifit'dftme by night, thou didft me try, Yet nothing found'ft : for that my mouth fhall not fin, purpos'd I. 4 As for mens' works, I, by the word that from thy lips doth flow, Did me prefer ve out of the paths wherein deftroyers go. 5 Hold up my goings, Lord, me guide in thofe thy paths divine. So that my footlteps may not Aide out of thefe ways of thine, B H 26 The PSALMS P.17.] 6 I called have on thee, O God, becaufe thou wilt me hear : That thou may'ft hearken to my voice, to me incline thifte ear. 7 Thy wond'rous loving-kindnefs fhow, thou that by thy right hand Sav'ft them that truft in thee, from thofe that up againft them ftand. 8 As th' apple of the eye, me keep ; in thy wings fhade me clofe : 9 From lewd oppreffors,. comparing me round, as deadly foes. I o In their own fat they are inclos'd ; their mouth fpeaks loftily. I I Our fteps they compaft ; and to ground down bowing fet their eye. 12 He like unto a lion is that's greedy of his prey, Or lion young, which lurking doth in fecret places ftay. 1 3 Arife, and difappoint my foe, and cafi: him down, O Lord ; My foul fave from the wicked man, the man which is thy fword. 14 From men which are thy hand, O Lord, frcm worldly men me fave, Which only in this prefent life their part and portion have : Whofe belly with thy t.eafure hid thou filPfl : they children have In plenty, of their goods the reft they to their children leave. > \ P.i8.] Of D A V I D. 27 ,15 But as for me, I thine own face in righteoufnefs will fee: And with thy likenefs, when I wake- I fatisfy'd mall be. , PSALM XVIIL To the chief Mufician, a Pfalm of David the fervant of the Lord, who Jpake unto the Lord the words of this Song, in the day that the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. And he /aid, David in this Pfalm ts a Type of (Thrift, and fellow partaker of the fufferings of Chriit in hi* myllica! members, and of deliveries and victories over his and their enemies, being now fettled in the kingdom, praifeth God for hjs mar- vellous mercies ; and as a Type of Chrift, he piophefietb. of the enlargement and ftability of his own kingdom, and of" Chrift's Kingdom, reprefemed thereby ; and firit o- bligeth himfelf thankfully to depend upon God, whatfocver enemies he fhall have to deal with, ver. i, z, 3. Secondly, -He giveth a reafon of his relblution, from the experience of the Lord's delivering of him out of his deepeft diftreffes, ve>. 4, 5. to ver. 19. Thirdly, He amplifieth this mercy,, acknowledging than this was a fruit of his faith, and righ- teous dealing with his par ty-adverfary ; the like whereof every Believer might expect, as weH as he for time coming, by reaion o thi-r his by-gane large experience, from ver. zo, to ver. 30. Fourthly, He praifeth God in particular, for the experience he hath had in time by-goae in warlaie, and victories in battle, to ver. 43. Fifthly, As a Type of Chriit he pomiieth to himfelf the enlargement of his own kingdom, and prophcfieih of the enlargement, of Chrift's kingdom among the Gentile?, tor which he praifeth God unto the end of the Pialm, ver. 43, 44, 45, 46", 47, 43, 49, 50. i nr Hee will I love, O Lord, my ftrength. 2 * My fortrefs is the Lord, My rock, and lie that doth to me deliverance afford : Thb P S A L I [P.18. igth, wh . trait, a buckler unto me, The horn of my falval and my hisrh tov/'r is he. 3 Upon the Lord, who v. of praifes, will I cr Ajqd then (ball I preferred be iafe from mine enemy. .1 F. yds of ill men affrighted me, death's pangs about me v 5 Hell's forrows me inviro: .hares did me 6 In my diilrefs I calJ'd on God, to my God did I : He from his temple hea- rs came my c - Th 1 earth, as affig .ike, trembling upon it feiz'd : The hills' foundation i were, becnufe he was di 8 Up from hi ne a fmoke, and from his mouth there came Devouring fire: and cor were to 9 He alio b: heav'ns, and thence he did deicend : And rhickeit clouds of d under his : i o And he upon a i thereon he did fly : Yea, on the f the winc^ his : m high. F.iS.] Of D A V I D. 29 / 1 1 He darknefs made his fecret place • about him for his tent Dark waters were, and thickeft clouds of th' airy firmament. 12 And at the brightnefs of that light which was before his eye, His thick clouds paft away, hail ftbnes and coals of fire did fly. 13 The Lord- God alfo in the heav'ns did thunder in his ire, And there the Higheft gave his voice, hail-ftones and coals of fire. 14 Yea, he his arrows fent abroad, and them he fcattered : His light'nings alfo he (hot out, and them difcomfited. 15 The water's channels then were feenj the world's foundations vail At thy rebuke difcover'd were, and at thy noftrils' blaft. 1 6 And from above the Lord fent down, and took me from below, From many waters he me drew, which would me overflow. 1 7 He me reliev'd from my ftrong foes, and fuch as did me hate : Becaufe he faw that they for me too ftrong were and too great. 18 They me prevented in the day of my calamity : But, even then, the Lord himfelf. a flay was unto me. B 2 30 The PSALMS [P.18. 19 He to a place where liberty and room was, hath me brought : Becaufe he took delight in me, he my deliv'rance wrought. 20 According to my righteoufnefs he did me recompenfe, He me repaid according to my hands' pure innocence. 21 For I God's ways kept, from my God did not turn wickedly. 22 His judgments were before me, I his laws put not from me. 23 Sincere before him was my heart, with him upright was I ; f And watchfully I kept myfelf from mine iniquity. 24 After my righteoufnefs the Lord hath recompenfed me, After the cleannefs of my hands appearing in his eye. 25 Thou gracious to the gracious art, to upright men upright. 26 Pure to the pure, froward thou kyuYft unto the froward wight. 27 For thou wilt the afflicted fave, in grief that low do lie : But wilt bring down the countenance of them whofe looks are high. 28 The Lord will light my candle ib, that it fhall iliine full bright : The Lord my God will alfo make my darknefs to be light. P.i8.] Of DAVID. 51 29 By thee thro' troops of men I break, and them difcomfit alls And, by my God afiifting me, I overleap a wall. 30 As for God, perfect is his way : the Lord his word is try'd : He is a buckler to all thofe who do in him confide. 31 Who but the Lord is God ? but he who is a rock and ftay ? 32 'Tis God that girdeth me with ftrength, and perfect makes my way. 22 He made my feet fwift as the hinds, fet me on, my high places. 34 Mine hands to war he taught, mine arms brake bows of fteel in pieces. 25 The fhield of thy falvaticn thou didft on me beftow : Thy right hand held me up, and. great thy kindnefs made me grow. 26 And in my way, my fteps thou haft enlarged under me : That I go fafely, and my feet are kept from Aiding free. 57 Mine en'mies I purfued have, and did them overtake : Nor did I turn again, till I an end of them did make. 38 I wounded them, they could not rife : they at my feet did fall. 29 Thou girdeft me with ftrength for war, my foes thou brought'ft down all. B 4 32 The PSALMS [P.tS. 40 And thou haft given to me the necks of all mine enemies, That I might them deftroy and flay who did againft me rife. 41 They cried out, but there was none that would or could them fave : Yea, they did cry unto the Lord, but he no anhver gave. 42 Then did I beat them lmall as duft before the wind that flies : Vvl I did caft them out like dirt upon the ftreet that lies. 43 Thou mad'ft me free from people's ftrife, and heathen's head to be : A people whom I have not known, fhall fervice do to me. 44. At hearing-they fhall me obey : to me they mall fubmit. 45 Strangers, for fear, fhall fade away, who in dole places fit. 4.6 God lives, bleft be mv rock : the God of my health praifed be. 47 God. doth avenge me, and fubdues the people under me. 48 He laves me from mine enemies : yea, thou haft lifted me Above my foes : and from- the man of vi'lence fet me free. 49 Therefore, to thee wiil I give tha the heathen folk among : And to thy name, O Lord, I will fing praifes in a fong. P.r 9 .] Or DAVID. 33 50 He great deliv'rance gives his king; he mercy doth extend • To David, his anointed One, and his feed without end. PSALM XIX. To the chief Mufician-y a Pjalm of David. This Pfalra is a fv/eet contemplation of the glory of God'c wifdom, power and goqfjneis, fhining in the vvoiks of crea- tion, ver. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. And of the glory of his holinefs and rich grace, fnining thro' his word and ordinances in his Church, ver. 7, 8, 9, 10. Whereof the Prophet having proof, prayeth to have the right ufe and benefit, ver. v n, 12, 13, 14. i HP HE Heav'ns God's glory do declare : ■*> the fkies his hand- works preach. 2 Day utters fpeech to day, and night to night doth knowledge teach. 3 There is no fpeech, nor tongue to which their voice doth not extend. 4 Their line is gone thro' all the earth, their words to the world's end : In them he fet the fun a tent, 5 Who bridegroom-like forth goes, From's chamber, as a ftrong man doth to run his race rejoice. 6 From heav'n's end is his going forth, circling to the end again : And there is nothing from his heat that hidden doth remain. 7 God's law is perfect, and converts the foul in fin that lies : God's teftimony is moll fure, and makes the fimple wife. B5 34 The PSALMS [P.20. 8 The ftatutes of the Lord are right, and do rejoice the heart : The Lord's command is pure, and doth light to the eyes impart. 9 Unfpotted is the fear of God, and doth endure for ever : The judgements of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. I o Theymore than gold*,yea,much finegold, to be defired are ■ Than honey, from the honey-comb that droppeth, fweeter far. I I Moreover they thy fervant warn how he his life fh^uld frame ■ A great reward provided is for them that keep the fame. 1 2 Who can his errors underftand ? cleanfe thou me within 13 From fecret faults. Thy fervant keep From all prefumptuous fin. And do not fuffer them to have dominion over me : Then righteous and innocent 1 from much fin mail be. 1 4 The wordswhichfrommymouthproceed, the thoughts lent from my heart, Accept, O Lord, for thou my ftrength and my Redeemer art. PSALM XX. To the chief Mufician^ a Pfahn of David. Thi< Pialm was indited to the Church in the form r f a Prayer for the King- of I;>atl, but with a fpecial eye upon, and relation unto Chrift, the King of Ifraei ; in re/pect of whom P.20.] Of D A V I D. 35 this Prayer is a Prophecy, and a form of bJeffing of Chrift, and praying for his Kingdom, whereof the Kingdom of ^ Iirael was a Type, and the Kings thereof are Types of Chi id. Not that the kingdom in every condition was figu- rative, or every King a Type of him; but as the Priefts being taken not feveraliy, one by one, but together, fha- dowed foith in fomething, Chrift in the office of his Prieft- hood : fo the Kings, not ever-y one, but taken together, fhadowed forth in iorr.ething, Chrift in his Royal office, and their kingdom refembled his kingdom in his vifible Church in fome thing?, and in hir, invifible Church in other fome things, leaving roonf to lbme perl'ons, both among the Priefts and Kings, to be more fpecially Types than any of the reft in common, ver. i, Z, 3, 4, 5. After which the Church's confidence to be heard is fet down, and their gloriation in God over their enemies, with dependence on God for ialvation in all difficulties and ftraits, vcr, 6 9 7> 8, 9- i TEHOVAH hear thee in the day J when trouble he doth fend, And let the name of Jacob's God thee from all ill defend. t O ht him help fend from above, out of his fancluary : From Zion his own holy hill let him give ftrength to thee. 3 Let him remember all thy gifts, , accept thy facrifice : 4 Grant thee thine heart's wifh, and fulfil thy thoughts and counfel wife. 5 In thy falvation we will joy, in our God's name we will Difplay our banners, and the Lord thy prayers all fulfil. 6 Now know I God his King doth fave : he from his holy heav'n Will hear him, with the faving itrength ? by his own right hand giv'n, 36 The P>S A L M S [P.21. 7 In chariots fome put confidence, fome horfes trull upon : But we remember will the name of our Lord God alone. 8 We rife, and upright Hand, when they are bowed down and fall. 9 Deliver, Lord, and % let the King us hear when we do call. PSALM XXI. To the chief ' Mufician, a PJalm of David. As the former Pialm was a Prayer for the prefervation-of the kingdom of IiraeJ, in relation to the kingdom of Chrift, ieprefented By it : lo this Pialm is a form of thanklgiving unto God by the Church, for bleffing of the kingdom of Iliad, representing the blefling and caufe of thank'giving, * to be found iri Chiift, and ai<; kingdom, wherein a number of good things are fet forth, heaped upon the King, ver. 1, a, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. And a number of miieries fet forth, heaped on the head of his enemies, ver. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. For both which the Lord is glorified, ver. 13. The reafon why the former Pialm and this are referred in fo many particulars unto Chrift, is, becaufe the verity of thefe things here fpoken of, is to be fought in Chiift, and his Kingdom ; for but in fome few only o' : the Kings, and in fome few times of the kingdom only, was the fliadow of what is here fpoken of to be found, when the whole bifto: y is confulted, 1 HR HE king in thy great itrength,OLord, *• mail very joyful be ; In thy falvation rejoice how veh'mently mail he ? 2 Thou haft beftowed upon him all that his heart would have ; Arnd thou from him didft not with-hold whate'er his lips did crave. 3 For thou with bleflings him prevent'ft of goodnefs manifold ; Arid thou haft fet upon his head a crown of pureft gold. P.2I.] Of D A V I D. 37 4 When he defired life of thee, * thou life to him didft give ; Ev'n fuch a length of days, that he for evermore mould live. 5 In that falvation wrought by thee, his glory is made great; Honour and comely majefty thou haft upon him let. 6 JBecaufe that thou for evermore molt blefTed haft him made ; And thou haft with thy countenance made him exceeding glad, 7 Becaufe the king upon the Lord his confidence doth lay, , And thro' the grace of the moil High fhall not be mov'd away. 8 Thine hand (hall all thofe men find out that en'mies are to thee, Ev'n thy right hand fhall find out thofe of thee that haters be. 9 Like firey ov'n thou fhalt them make, when kindled is thine ire ; God fhall them fw allow in his wrath, devour them fhall the fire. 10 Their fruit from eartlrthou fhalt deftroy their feed men from among. 1 1 For they, beyond their might, 'gainft thee did plot mifchief and wrong. 1 2 Thou therefore fhalt makethemturnback when thou thy fhafts fhalt place Upon thy firings, made ready all to fly againft their face. 38 The PSALMS [PJz. 1 3 In thy great pow'r and ftrength, OLord, be thou exalted high ; So (hall we fing with joyful hearts, thy power praife fhall we. PSALM XXII. To the chief Muftcian upon Aijekih Shahar, a Pfalm of David. This Pfalm is a prophecy of Chrift's deepeft filterings, whereof David's exercife is a Type. The agony of fpiri't in Chrift, and wreftling, of David's faith as the Type, is (et down to ver. 22. and the victory, and the outgate to the end of the Pfalm. In the exercife there are three conflicts between fenfe and fat h. The firft conflict, wherein the fene of trouble is fet down, ver. i, z, and faith's wreftling againft it, ver. 3, 4, 5. The fecond conflict, whereia is the fecond affault of fenfe, ver. 5, 7, 8. And faith's wreft- ling againft it, ver. 9, 10, 11. The third conflict, wherein the third atfault of fenfe is ver. M t 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. and faith's wreftling with it, ver. 19, 20, It. Then -fol- lows the vidtory, fet forth firft in a piomiie of piaife, ver. 22. Secondly, In an exhortation to all the godly, to praife the Lord, with a reafon from his experience, ver. 23, 24; Thirdly, In a reaewed promife of piaife and thanks to the edification of the Church, ver. 25. Fourthly, In a pro- phecy of the inc eafe of God's glory in the earth, as a fruit of Chrift's fufferings and vidtory, ver. 26,17,18,29,30,31. 1 AyTY God, my God, why haft thou me 1V± forfaken ? why fo far , Art thou from helping me, and from* my words that roaring are ? 2 All day, my God, to thee I cry, yet am not heard by thee -, And in the feafon of the night I cannot filent be. 3 But thou art holy, thou that doft inhabit Ifra'l's praife. 4 Our fathers hop'd in thee, they hop'd, and thou didft them releafe. P.22-] Of D A V I D. 39 5 When unto thee they fent their cry, to them deliv'rance came : ' Becaufe they put their truft in thee, they were not put to fhame. 6 But as for me, a worm I am, and as no man am priz'd ; Reproach of men I am, and by the people am defpis'd. 7 All that me fee, laugh me to fcorn : rtioot out the lip do they, They nod and (hake their heads at me, and mocking, thus do fay, 2 This man did truft in God, that he . would free him by his might : Let him deliver him, fith he had in him fuch delight. g But thou art he out of the womb that didft me fafely take ; When I was on my mother's breafts^ thou me to hope didft make, i o And I was caft upon thy care, ev'n from the womb till now : And from my mother's belly, Lord, my God and guide art thou. 1 1 Be not far off, for grief is near j and none to j|elp is found. 1 2 Bulls many compafs me : ftrong bulls of Bafhan' me furround. 13 Their mouths they open'd wide on me, upon me gape did they, Like to a lion ravening and roaring for his prey. 40 The PSALMS [P.22. 14 Like water I'm poured out, my bones all out of joint do part : Amidft my bowels as the wax, fo melted is my heart. 1 5 My ftrength is like a potfherd dry'd : my tongue it cleaveth faft Unto my jaws ; and to the duft of death thou brought me haft. 1 6 For dogs have compafs'd me about ; the wicked that did meet In their affembly, me enclos'd, they piere'd my hands and feet. 1 7 i all my bones may tell : they do upon me look and ftare. 1 8 Upon my vefture lots they caft, and clothes among them fhare. 1 9 But be not far, O Lord, my ftrength, hafte to give help to me? 20 From fword my foul, from pow'r of dogs my darling fet thou free. 21 Out of the roaring lion's mouth do thou me fhield and fave : For from the horns of unicorns an ear to me thou gave. 22 I will fhew forth thy name unto thofe that my bretaern are : Amidft the congregation thy praife I will declare. 23 Praife ye the Lord, who do him fear him glorify, all ye, The feed of Jacob ; fear him all that Ifrael's children be. ,P.22.] Of DAVID. 41 24 For he defpis'd not, nor abhorr'd th' amided's mifery : Nor from him hid his face, but heard when he to him did cry. 25 Within the congregation great my praife fhall be of thee : My vows before them that him fear fhall be perform'd by me. 26 The meek fhall eat, and fhall be fili'd : , they alfo praife fhall give •Unto the Lord, that do him feek : your heart fhall ever live. 27 All ends of the earth remember fhall, and turn the Lord unto : All kindreds of the nations to him fhall homage do. 28 Becaufe the kingdom to the Lord doth appertain as his : Like wife among the nations the governor he is. 29 Earth's fat ones eat, and worfhip fhall : all who to duft defcend Shall bow to him : none of them can his foul from death defend. 30 A feed fhall fervice do to him i unto the Lord it (hall Be for a generation reckon'd in ages all. 3 1 They fhall come, and they fhall declare his truth and righteoufnefs Unto a people yet unborn, and that he hath done this, 42 The PSALMS [P.23. PSALM XXIII. A Pfalm of David. This Pfalm is the exprefTion of the Prophet's confidence Ia God's gi ace, wherein from the fettling himfelf in the be- lief of our covenanted relation, between God and him, he doth draw fundi y comfortable conclufions and confir- mation.-, of faith from it, concerning the Lord's furnifhing every necefTary good thing to him, ver. i, a For recovery of him from every evil condition, wheiein he may fall v ver. 3. And ."or affifting and comforting him in the gieateft danger he could fall intn, ver. 4. And for making him bleffed in de'pite o. his enemies, ver. 5. And for continuing in God*s grace and fellowship for ever, ver. 6. i "TPHE Lord's my fhepherd I'll not want. 2 * He makes me down to lie In paftures green ■, he lea'deth me the quiet waters by. 3 My foul he doth reftore again : and me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteoufnefs, ev'n for his own name's fake. 4 Yea, tho' I walk in death's dark vale, yet will I fear none ill : For thou art with me, and thy rod and ftaff me comfort ftill. 5 My table thou haft furnifhed in prefence of my foes : My head thou doll: with oil anoint, and my cup overflows. 6 Goodnefs and mercy all my life fhall furely follow me : And in God's houfe for evermore my dwelling-place fhall be,. P.24-] Of D A V I D. 43 PSALM XXIV. A Pfalm of David. The Pfalnvlt having in (he fir ft plsice fet down God's Lordfhip in the world, that he may thereby commend the fpecial prerogative of the true Church, ver. i, %, Deicribeth in the next place the true citizens of this fpir.itual kingdom, ver. 3, 4, 5, 6. And exhorteth in the third place all in- corporation*, and in fpecial the vifible Church, to accept the offer of a more entire communication with God in Chrift, that they may enjoy fpirituai privileges of the fub- je£ts of the invilible and Ipiritual kingdom, ver. 7, 8, 9, 10. 1 T^HE earth belongs unto the Lord, * and all that it contains : The world, that is inhabited, and all that there remains. w 2 For the foundations thereof he on the feas did lay, And he hath it eftablifhed upon the floods to ftay. 3 Who is the man that (hall afcend into the hill of God ? Or who within his holy place fhall have a firm abode ? 4 Whofe hands are clean, whofe heart is pure; and unto vanity Who hath not lifted up his foul, nor fworn deceitfully. $ He from th' eternal fhall receive the blefling him upon, And righteoufnefs ev'n from the God of his falvatiori. > This is the generation that after him enquire, O Jacob, who do feek thy face with their whole heart's defire. 44 The PSALMS [P.25. 7 Ye gates, lift up your heads on high, ye doors that lafl for ay, Be lifted up, that fo the King of glory enter may. 8 But who of glory is the King ? the mighty Lord is this, Ev'n that fame Lord, that great in might and ftrong in battle is. 9 Ye gates, lift up your heads, ye doors, doors that do laft for ay, Be lifted up, that fo the King of glory enter may. 10 But who is he that is the King of glory ? who is this ? The Lord of hofts, and none but he, the King of glory is. PSALM XXV. A Pfalm of David. In this Pfalm the Prophet being in danger of his life by his enemies without, and troubled with the lenle of fin within, maketh his prayer for relief from both, mixing meditation with pra%er along the Pfalm, for ftrengthening of his faith: So, fi ft he piayeth from ver. I, to ver. 8. Then meditateth, < ver. 8, o. 10- In the third room he prayeth again, ver. i r. In the fourth is a new meditation, ver. \z. 13, 14, 15. In the laft roam is a prayenfrom ver. 16. to the end. x HP O thee I lift my foul. Z * O : ord, I truft in thee : My God, let me not be afham'd, nor foes triumph o'er me. 3 Let none that wait on thee Be put to ihame at all *, But thofe that without caufe tranfgrefs, let lhame upon them fall. P.25-] Of DAVID, 45 4 Shew me thy ways, O Lord -, thy paths, O teach thou me. 5 And do thou lead me in thy truth, therein my teacher be : For thou art God that doft to me falvation fend, And I upon thee all the day expecting, do attend. 6 Thy tender mercies, Lord, I pray thee to remember, And loving-kindneffes : for they have been of old for ever. 7 My fins and faults of youth do thou, O Lord, forget; After thy mercy think on me, and for thy goodnefs great. 8 God good and upright is : the way he'll finners fhow. 9 The meek in judgment he will guide, and make his path to know. 10 The whole paths of the Lord, are truth and mercy fure, To thofe that do his cov'nant keep, and teftimonies pure. 1 1 Now for thine own name's fake, O Lord, I thee intreat To pardon mine iniquity-: for it is very great. 1 2 What man is he that fears the Lord, and doth him ferve ? Him fhall he teach the way that he mall choofe, and {till obfei ve.' 46 The PSALMS [P.25 1 3 His foul (hall dwell at eafe -, and his pofterity Shall flourifh ftill, and of the earth inheritors fhall be. 14 With thofe that fear him, is the fecret of the Lord : The knowledge of his covenant he will to them afford. 15 Mine eyes upon the Lord continually are fet : For he it is that fhall bring forth my feet out of the net. 1 6 Turn unto me thy face, and to me mercy fhew *, Becaufe that I am defolate, and am brought very low. 1 7 My heart's griefs are increas'd, me from diftrefs relieve. 1 8 See mine afTlicYion, and my pain, and all my fins forgive. 19 Confider thou my foes, becaufe they many are, And it a cruel hatred is which they againft me bear. 20 O do thou keep my foul, do thou deliver me : And let me never be afham'd, becaufe I truft in thee. 21 Let uprightnefs and truth keep me, v/ho thee attend 22 Redemption, Lord, to Ifrael from all his troubles fend. P.25-] Of D A V I D. 47 Another of the fame. 1 HPO thee I lift my foul, O Lord : 2 «■* My God, I truft in thee : Let me not be afham'd -, let not my foes triumph o'er me. 3 Yea, let thou none afhamed be, that do on thee attend; Afhamed let them be, O Lord, who without caufe offend. 4 Thy ways,Lord,fhew; teach me thy paths. 5 Lead me in truth, teach me : For of my fafety thou art God, all day I wait on thee. 6 Thy mercies that moll: tender are, do thou, O Lord, remember, And loving kindneffes : for they have been of old for ever. jy Let not the errors of my youth, nor fms remember'd be : In mercy, for thy goodnefs fake, O Lord, remember me : 8 The Lord is good and gracious, he upright is alfo : He therefore fipners will initrucl: in ways that they mould go. 9 The meek and lowly he will guide in judgment juft alway: To meek and poor afflicted ones he'll clearly teach his way. 10 The whole paths of the Lord our God are truth and mercy fure > To fuch as keep his covenant and teftimonies pure. 4 S The PSALMS [P.25. 1 1 Now for thine own name's fake, OLord, I humbly thee intreat To pardon mine iniquity, _ for it is very great. 1 2 What man fears God ? him fhall he teach the way that he mail choofe. 1 3 His foul fhall dwell at eafe : his feed the earth as heirs fhall ufe. 14. The fecret of the Lord is with fuch as do fear his name : And he his holy covenant will manifeft to them. 15 Towards the Lord my waiting eyes continually are fet : For he it is that fhall bring forth my feet out of the net. 1 6 O turn thee unto me, O God, have mercy me upon : Becaufe I folitary am, and in affliction. 1 7 Enlarg'd the griefs are of my heart 1 me from diftrefs relieve. 18. See mine affliction, and my pain, and all. my fins forgive. 19 Confider thou mine enemies, becaufe they many are, And it a cruel hatred is, which they againft me bear. 20 O do thou keep my foul, O God, do thou deliver me : Let me not b^afham'd: for I do put my truft in thee. f.26.] Of D A V I D. 49 21 O let integrity and truth keep me, who thee attend. 22 Redemption, Lord, to Ifrael from all his troubles fend. PSALM XXVI. A Pfalm of David. David being opprefled by the Judges of the land, his powerful adverfaries, and being exiled from the Hou'e of God, he appeaieth to God, the lupreme fudge in the teftimony of a good confeience, bearing him witness, fid of his endeavour to walk uprightly as became a believer, ver. i, 2, 3. And, Secondly, Of his keeping himfeif fiom the contagion of evil couniel, finful cou r fes, and example of the wicked, ver. 4, 5. Thirdly, Of his purpofe ftill to behave himfeif holily and righteouily, out of love to be partaker of the public privileges of the Lord's people in the Congregation, ver. 6, 7, 8. Whereupon he prayeth to be free of the judgment coming on the witked, ver. 9, 10. According as he was purposed to e'ehew their fins, ver. it. And he cloleth his prayer with comfoit and atTurance to be heard, ver, 12. JUDGE me, O Lord, for I have walked in mine integrity : I trufted alfo in the Lord, Aide therefore mail not I. 2 Examine me, and d6 me prove ; try heart and reins, O God. 3 For thy love is before mine eyes, thy truth's paths I have trod. 4 With perforis vain I have not fat, nor with diftemblers gone. 5 Th' aflembly of ill men I hate : to fit with fuch I (huu\ ■6 Mine hands in innocence, O Lord, I'll warn and purify j So to thine hoi- ta : go, and comp : C fb The P S A L M S [P.27. 7 That I with voice cf thankfgiving may pubiifh and declare, And tell of all thy mighty works that great and wond'rous are. 8 The habitation of thy houfe, Lord, I have loved well ; Yea, in that place I do delight, where doth thine honour dwell 9 With tinners gather not my foul, and fuch as blood would ipill : 10 Whofe hands mifchievous plots, right corrupting bribes do fill. [hand 1 1 But as for me, I will walk on in mine integrity : Do thou redeem me, and, O Lord, be. merciful to me. 1 2 My foot upon an even place doth ftand with ftedfaftnefs : Within the congregations th' Eternal I will hlefs. PSALM XXVII. A PJalm of Da-cid. In this Pfalm David fettcth dovva what ufe he had of his faith in God, in the time of his fo.ible ; and, firft how he ftrengthened his fa th per. i, z, 3, 4, 5, 6. And next, how he* prayed upon the a ere aid grounds, ver. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11. Andthiir: atge he had by be- lieving in God, in the tm\e of hfif exe cile, ver. 1 3. Where- upon be exhort* all the godly to follow hi> example, under hope to be helped, as he was helped, ver. 14. 1 THHE Lord's my light and faving health A who mall make me difmay'd ? My life's ftrength is the Lord, of whom then mall I be afraid ? rP.27.] Of D A V I D. 51 2 When as mine enemies and foes, moft wicked peribns all, To eat my flefh againft me rofe, they ftumbled and did fall. 3 Againft me though an hoft encamp, my heart yet fearlefs is : Though war againit me rife, I will be confident in this. 4 One thing I of the Lord defir'd, and will feek to obtain, That all days of my life I may within God's houie remain : That I the beauty of the Lord behold may and admire, And that I in his holy place may rev'rently enquire. 5 For he in his pavilion (hall me hide in evil days : In fecret of his tent me hide, and on a rock me raife. 6 And now, ev'n at this prefent time, mine head (hall lifted be Above all thofe that are my foes, and round encompafs me : Therefore unto his tabernacle I'll facrifices bring Of joyfulnefs -, I'll fing, yea, I to God will praifes fing. 7 Lord, give ear unto my voice, when I do cry to thee : Upon me alfo mercy have, and do thou anfwer me. C 2 5^ The P S A L M S rp^ 7 8 When thou didft fay, Seek ye my face ; then unto thee reply Thus did my heart, above all tilings thy face, Lord, feek will I. 9 Far from. me hide thou not thy nice, put not away from thee Thy fervant in thy wrath; thou haft an helper been to me j O God ot my falvation, leave me not, nor for fake. 10 Tho' me my parents both mould leave, the Lord will me up take. 11 O Lord, inftruct me in thy way, to me a leader be In a plain path, becaufe of thole that hatred bear to me. 1 2 Give me not to mine en'mies will ; for witnefles that lie, Againft me rifen are, and fuch as breathe out cruelty. f'3 I fainted had, unlefs that I believed had, to fee The Lord's own goodnefs in the land of them that living be. 14 Wait on the Lord, and be thou ftrong, and he mail iirength afford Unto thine heart : yea, &o thou wait, I fay, upon the Lord. PSALM XXVIII. A Pfalm of David. In the firft part cf this Pfalm, we have the Prophet's conflict ngainll his enemies, i'uch as in the formei Piajrri ft to be Icen, wherein he prayeih For audience, vcr. i, z. and de- V.2S.] Ov D A V I D. 53 livery to hin^felf, ver. 3. and that God would vindicate his own juffic'e againlt his dudainful enemies, ver. 4, 5. In t&e latter parj, lb; Prafhet having gotten comfort in his . 6. and (lengthens his own ;!it reft of ', ver. 7, b\ and piayeth fqr a bleffing to tbe ChfrrcK, vej 9. i "T^Q thee fll cry, O Lord my rock, * hold not thy peace to me : Left, I: that to pit defcend, I by thy filerice be. 2 The voice hear of my humble pray'rs, when unto thee I cry : When to thy holy oracle I li r t my hands on high. 3 With ill men draw me not away, that work iniquity : That (peak peace to their friends, while in their hearts doth mifchief lie. 4 Give them according to their deeds, and ills endeavoured : And as their handy-works deferve, : to them be rendered. 5- God (hall not build, but them deftroy, who would not understand, The Lord's own works, nor did regard the doing of hj> hand. 6 For ever bleiled be the Lord, for graciouily he heard The voice of my petitions, and prayers did regard. 7 The Lord's my ftrength and ftiield, my upon him did rely ; [heart And I am helped ; hence my heart doth joy exceedingly, C J 54 Thk PSALMS [P.29. And with my fong I will him praife. 8 Their ftrength is God alone, He alio is the faving ftrength of his anointed One. 9 O thine own people do thou favc, blefs thine inheritance : Them alfo do thou feed, and them for evermore advance. P S A L M XXIX. A Pjalm of David. David exhorteth P.inccs and g; eat men, to humb'e them'elvej before Cod, and to woilhlp h;m [as he hath commanded) in his public ordinances, vet. 1, z. Fiift, Became he is in- finitely higher than they, an! mote terrible to all men, than they can be to their fubjeits, or inferiors, as the utter- ing of his maj-fiy and power by thunder doth make evident, ver - 3t 4> 5> 6., 7, 8, 9. Secondly, Became he ptfeTeth the means of faving knowledge, even ail his ordinances, -whcicby men may heartily glorify him in their a(femb!ie% ver. 9? Thirdly, i'tcauie he is an everlafting King and Ruler of all the c«eatutes; ver. 10. And Fourthly, Becaufe fuch as do humbly fubr.it themfelves to him, and woifhip -him as his people fhould do, (hall be furnifhed with abilities for every good work, and ihall be abundantly bleffed. * i /?S IVE ye unto the Lord, ye fons ^~* that of the mighty be, All ftrerigth and glory to the Lord with cheerfulnefs give ye. 2 Unto the Lord the glory give that to his name is due ^ And in the beauty of holinefs *P^- unto Jehovah bow. ~ v - 3 The Lord's voice on the waters is : the God of Majcfty Doth thunder, and on multitudes of waters iitteth he. P.50.] Of D A V I D. 5 5 4 A pow'rful voice it is that comes out from the Lord moft high -, The voice of that great Lord js full of glorious majefty. 5 The. voice of the Eternal doth afunder cedars tear : Yea, God the Lord doth cedars break that Lebanon doth bear. 6 He makes them like a calf to (kip : ev'n that great Lebanon, And, like to a young unicorn, the mountain Sir ion. 7 God's voice divides the flames of fire 8 The defart it doth fhnke : The Lord doth make the wildernefs of Kadefh all to quake. g God's voice doth make the hinds to calve, it makes the foreft bare : And in his temple ev'ry one his glory doth declare. io The Lord fits on the floods : the Lord fits King, and ever fhall. 1 1 The Lord will give his people ftrength, and with peace blcfs them all. PSALM XXX. A Pfahn and Song at the Dedication of the Houfe of David. David praifeth God for his late deliverance from the hand of Abfalom, ver. i, 2, 3. And, Secondly, He exhorteth others to mai:e God alto for his merciec, vet. 4, 5. Thirdly, He confeileth hi- carnal fecurity, and how he was contdted for i', ver. 6, 7. Fourthly, He fheweth how he pra>ed for me.c", ver. 8, 0, 10. And fifthly. He praifeth the Loul ior his g:acious ani'wer, ver. ii, rz, c 4 56 The V S A L M S [P.30. t T ORD, I will thee extol, for thou -*— ' haft lifted me on high, And over me thou to rejoice mad'ft not mine enemy. 2 O thou who art the Lord my God, » I in diftrefs to thee With loud cries lifted up my voice, and thou haft healed me. 3 O Lord, my foul thou haft brought up, and refcued/rom the grave : That I to pit mould not go down, alive thou didft me lave. 4 O ye that are his holy ones, fing praife unto the Lord, And give unto him thanks, when you his holinefs record. 5 For but a moment lafts his wrath ; life in his favour lies : Weeping may for a night endure, at morn doth joy arife. 6 In my profperity, I faid, that nothing fhall me move. 7 O Lord, thou haft my mountain made to ftand ftrong by thy love : But when that thou, O gracious God, clidft hide thy face from me, Then quickly was my profp'rous ftate turn'd into mifery. 8 Wherefore unto the Lord my cry I caufed to afcend ; My humble fupplication I to the Lord did fend }\ 3 i.] Of D A V I D. 57 9 What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to pit ? Shall unto thee the dull give praife ? thy truth declare fhall it ? i o Hear, Lord, have mercy, help me, Lord : 1 1 Thou turned hall my fadnefs To dancing ; yea, my fackcloth loos'd, and girded me with gladnefs : 1 2 That ling thy praife my glory may, and never filent be : O Lord my God, for evermore I will give thanks to thee. P SALM XXXI. To the chief Mufician , a Pfahn of Da r ckl' Another exercife of David, wherein he being in great danger to be taken by h : s enemies, p r aycth for delivery, ver. i, z, 3, 4, 5, 6. Secondly, He itrengtheneth his faith by his bv gone experience, ver. 7, 8. Thirdly, In prayer he k)eth out his lamentable condition before God, ver. 9, ic, 11, \z, 13. Fourthly, He wreftleth on in prayer for com- fort and fafety to him!el : , and cinfufion to his enemies, ver. 14, 15, j 6, 17, 1.8. Fifthly, Being delivered and convened by a new experience of God's merciful preferva- tion of him, .he maketh good ufe of it, by praifing God for it, and exhorting the godly to love Gcd and rely on him, ver. 19, 20, zi, a*, 13, 24. iTN thee, O Lord, I put my trull:, -*■ fham'd let me never be : According to thy rightcoufnefs, do thou deliver me. 2 Bow down thine ear to me with fpeed, fend me deliverance : To fave me, my ftrong rock be thou, and my houfe of defence. C5 53 The P S A L M S [P.3*. 3 Becaufe thou art my rock, and thee I for my fortrefs take : Therefore do thou me lead and guide, ev'n for thine own name's fake: 4 And fith thou art my ftrength, therefore, pull me out of the net, Which they in fubtilty for me fo privily have fet. 5 Into thine hands I do commit my fpir'rt ; for thou art he, O thou Jehovah, God of truth, that haft redeemed me. 6 Thofe that do lying vanities regard, I have abhorr'd : But as for me, my confidence is fixed on the "Lord. 7 'I'll in thy mercy gladly joy : for thou my miferies Confider'ci haft ; thou haft my foul known in adverfities ; 8 And thou haft not inclofed me within the en'my's hand : And by thee have my feet been made in a large room to Hand. 9 O Lord, upon me mercy have, for trouble is on me ; Mine eye, my belly, and my foul with grief confumed be, 10 Becaufe my life with grief is fpent, my years with fighs and groans : My ftrength doth fail, and for my fin confumed are my bones. P.3i.] Of D A V I D. 59 11 I was a fcorn to all my foes, and to my friends a fear, And fpecially reproach'd of thofe that were my neighbours near : - When they me faw, they from me fled. 12 Ev'n fo I am forgot, As men are out of mind when dead : I'm like a broken pot. 1 3 For flanders I of many heard, fear compaft me, while they Againft me did confult and plot, to take my life away. 14 But as for me, Lord, my truft upon thee I did lay : And I to thee, thou art my God, did confidently fay. 1 5 My times are wholly in thine hand : • do thou deliver me From their hands, that mine enemies and perfecutors be. 16 Thy countenance to mine do thou upon thy fervant make : Unto me give falvation, for thy great mercies' lake. 1 7 Let me not be afham'd, O Lord, for on thee calPd I have: Let wicked men be fham'd, let them be filent in the grave. 18 To filence put the lying lips, that grievous things do fay, And hard reports in pride and fcorn, on righteous men do lay. 60 The PSALMS [P.32. 19 How great's the goodnefs thou for them that fear thee keep'ft in ftore, And wrought'ft for them that trull in thee, , the fons of men before ! 20 In fecret of thy prefence, thou fhalt hide them from man's pride: From nYife of tongues thou clofely fhalt as in a tent, them hide. 2 1 All praife and thanks be to the Lord : for he hath magnify 'd His wond'rous love to me, within a city fortify'd. 22 For from thine eyes cut off I am, (I in my halte had faid -,) My voice yet heard'ft thou, when to thee with cries my moan I made. 23 O ^ove the Lord, all ye his Saints: becaufe the 1 ord doth guard The faithful, and he plenteoufiy proud doers doth reward. 24 Be of good courage, and he ftrength unto your hearts fhall fend, All ye whofe hope and confidence doth on the Lord depend. PSALM XXXII. A VJahn of David, MnfchiL David in this Pialm dtfoibeth the blefiednefs of the man juftified by fai(h, by way of geneial do&rine, fet down, ver. 1. 2. Which he cleaieih by his own experience, vu;. 3, 4, 5. Th;n he fheweth (he ufes both of the general do&rine^ and of his own expe-ience ; Firft, for inducing the godly, to go to God by prayer in trouble, ver. 6. Se- indly, lor confirming of hi.<= own faith, ver. y. Thirdly, teaching all men fubmifiion to God, and not to Itrive him when he o do good, hath left oft utterly. 4 He mifchief, lying on his bed, m >ft cunningly doth plot, He lets himfelf in ways not good ; ill he abhorreth not. 5 Thy mere v, Lord, is in the Heav'ns • thy truth doth reach the ciouds. 6 Thy jufYtce is like mountains great ± thy judgments deep as floods : Lord, thou preferveft man and beaft. 7 How precious is thy grace ! Therefore in fhadow of thy wings mens' fons their truft (hall place. 8 They with the fatnefs of thy hou.fe mall be well fatisfy'd. From rivers of thy pleafures thou wilt drink to them provide. 72 The PSALMS [P.37. 9 Became of life the fountain pure remains alone with thee : And in that pureft light of thine we clearly light fhall fee. 10 Thy loving-kindnefs unto them continue that thee know ; And flill on men upright in heart thy righteoufnefs bellow. 1 1 Let not the foot of cruel pride come and againft me ftand, And let me not removed be, Lord, by the wicked's hand. ■i2 There falFn are they, and ruined, that work iniquities : Caft down they are, and never (hall be able to aiife. PSALM XXXVII. A Pfalm of David. This Pfalm tendeth to guard the godly againft the ordinary tenta"tion unto envy, emulation, fetting, and discourage- ment in the way of godlraefr, ariCng from the temporal prosperity of the :;d lhat by eight di-cfrion? or council: f:om the Lord, eac:> o: them confirmed by re_ mofi of which are enmparifons of the hlefled eftate of the godly at the worft, v. _ .^d at their bed. Theii ', ver. i, z. the fecond, ver. 3. the thi.-d, ver. 4. the fouith, ver. 5, 6. the fifth, ver. 7. the fixth, ver. S, 9, i b, 11, 12, to ver. 26". the Seventh, ver. i~, to ver. 33. the eighth direction, ver. 34, to the end. 1 17 OR evil-doei-s fret thou not ™ th-.Telf.unquietly, Nor do thou envy bear to thofe that work iniquity. f,3%] Of D A V I D. 73 I For, even like unto the grafs, foon be cut down (hall they, And, like the green and tender herb, they wither (hall away. 3 Set thou thy truft upon the Lord, and be thou doing good [ And fo thou in the land (halt dwell, and verily have food. 4. Delight thyifelf in God: he'll give thine heart's defire to thee. 5 Thy way to God commit : him truft, it bring to pais (hall he. $ And like unto the light he (hall thy rightecufnefs difplay, And he thy judgments (hall bring forth like noon-tide of the day. 7 Reft in the Lord, and patiently wait for him : do not fret For him, who, profp'ring in his way, fuccefs in fin doth get. 8 Do thou from anger ceafe, and wrath fee thou forfake alfo : Fret not thyfelf in any wife, that evil thou (hould'ft do. 9 For thofe that evil-doers are, (haft be cut off and fall : But thofe that wait upon the Lord, the earth inherit (hall. 10 For ye^a little while, and then the wicked fnall not be : His place thou (halt confider well, but it thou (halt not fee. D 74 The P S A L M S [P.37. 11 But, by inheritance, the earth the meek ones fhall poflfeis : They alio fhall delight themfelves in an abundant apeace. 12 The wicked plots againft the juft, and at him whets his teeth. 13 The Lord fhall laugh at him, becaufe his day h'e coming feeth. 14 The wicked have drawn out the fword, and bent their bow, to flay The poor and needy, and to kill men of an upright way. 15 But their own fword which they have fhall enter their own heart; [drawn, Their bows which they hav.e_ bent fhall and into pieces pari -VSf? [break, iG A little that a juft man hath is more, and better far, Than is the wealth of many fuch as lewd and wicked are. 17 For finners' arms (hall broken be; but God the juft fuftains. 1 8 God knows the juft man's days, and ftill their heritage remain?. 19 They fhall not be'aiham'dy^hejfcthey the evil time do fee ; ";-.j::^ ; ' And when the days>af"fa*Ktfrie are, they fatisfy'd fhall be. 20 But wicked men, and foes of God, as fat of lambs decay; They fhall confume : yea, into fmoke they fhall coniume ay, a\ . P.57 ] Of D A V I D. 75 21 The wicked borrows, but the fame again he doth not pay ; Whereas the righteous mercy mows, and gives his -own away. 22 For fuch as blefled be of him, the earth inherit mall; And they that cur fed* are of him, mail be deftroyecfall. 23 A good man's footfteps by the Lord are ordered aright : And in the way whereijf he walks, he greatly doth delight. 24. Although he fall, yet mail he not be cart down utterly; Becaufe the Lord, with his own hand, upholds him mightily. 25 I have been young, and now am old ; yet have I never leen The juft.rftan left, nor that his feed for bread have beggars been. 26 He ; ^ ever -merciful, and lends: his feed is bleft therefore. 27 Depart from evil, and do good ; and dwell for evermore. 28 For God loves judgment, and his Saints leaves not in any cafe; They are kept ever : but cut off mail be the fmner's race. 29 The jufr,inherit (hall the land, and ever in it dwell. 30 Thejuft man's mouth doth wifdcm fpeak, his tongue doth judgment tell. D 2 7 6 The PSALMS [P.37. 31 In's heart the law is of his God, his ftepj Aide not away. 32 The wicked man doth watch the juft, and feeketh him to flay. 22 Yet him the Lord will not for fake, nor leave him in his hands ; The righteous will he not condemn when he in judgment ftands. 34 Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and thee exalt mall he, Th' earth to inherit : when cut off the wicked thou (halt fee. 35 I &w the wicked great in pow'r, fpread like a green-bay tree. 26 He pad, yea, was not : him I fought, but found he could not be. • 37 Mark thou the perfect, and behold the man of uprightnefs : Becaufe that furely of this man v - the latter end is peace. 38 But thofe men that tranfgrelTors are, fhall be deftroy'd together-, The latter end of wicked men, mall be cut off for ever. $g But the (alvation of the juft is from the Lord above ; He, in the time of their diftrefs, their flay and ftrength doth prove. 40 The Lord fhall help, and Ishem deliver : he fhall them free and fave From wicked men, becaufe in him their confidence they have. P. 38.] Of DAVID. P S A L M XXXVIII. ' A Pfalm of David, to bring in remembrance. In thi? Palm, David in trouble both of foul and bod), as an example c . exerciles that Chtfft's followers can fall into; Firft, Prayeth for the muigation of his .trouble and removal of wrada, ver. i. And fcconclly, Liytth out this icnle of the t ouble which he felt immediately fiom Cod, ver. 2, 3, 4 c, 6, 7, 8. Thirdly, Having put up his con- fu.'cd dernes t./God, for Prayeis, in the fenle of his in~bil ty I . prefs himielr v c r. 9, 10. He lays out hisfenfe of the grief and troubles which he felt from men, and endured wiih gieat patience, \c. 1 r, i*, I3i r 4- Fou.thly, He fets down the wreftling he had in prayer to God, becaufe of his perf( cution by hi adverfaru syver 1 5,16, 17,-1 .% 19, 20. And clofeth the Pfalm, not having gotten comfoit for the ' time, ver. 21, ^l. 1 TN thy great indignation, -* O Lord, rebuke me. not : Nor on me lay thy chaft'ning hand, in thy difpleafure hot. 2 For in me fail thine arrows flick, thine hand doth prefs me fore. 3 And in ray flefh there is no health, nor fuundnefs any more : This grief I have, becaufe thy wrath is forth againft me gone ; And in my bones there is no reft, for fin that I have done. 4 Becaufe gone up above mine head my great tranfgreflions be : And, as a weighty burthen, they too heavy are for me. 5 My wounds do ftink, and are corrupt : my folly makes it fo. 6 I troubled am, and much bow'd down : all day I mourning go. D 3 78 The PSALMS [P.38. 7 For a difeafe that loathfome is Co fills my loins with pain, That in my weak and weary flefh no fcundnefs doth remain. S So feeble and infirm am I, and broken am fo fore; That, through difquiet of my heart, I have been made to roar. 9 O Lord, all that I do defire is frill before thine eye : And of my heart the fecret groans not hidden are from thee. 10 My heart doth pant incefTantly, my ftrength doth quite decay : As for mine eyes, their wonted light is from me gone away. 1 1 My lovers and my friends do ft and at diftance from my fore : And thofe do ftand aloof that were kinfmen, and kind before. 1 2 Yea, they that feek my life, lay fnares : who feek to do me wrong, Speak things mifchievous, and deceits imagine all day long. 13 But, as one deaf, that heareth not, I furTer'd all to pafs: I as a dumb man did become, whofe mouth not open'd was. 1 4 As one that hears not, in whofe mouth are no reproofs at all. 15 For, Lord, I hope in thee: my God, thou'lt hear me when I call. P-39-] ° F D A V l D * 1 6 For I raid, hear me, left they mould rejoice o'er me with pride ; And o'er me magnify themfelves, when as my foot doth Hide. 1 7 For I am near to halt, my grief is ftill before mine eye. 1 8 For I'll declare my fin : and grieve for mine iniquity. 19 But yet mine en'mies lively are, and ftrons; are they befide : And they that hate me wrongfully, are greatly multiply'd. 20 And they for good that render ill, as en'mies me withftood : Yea, ev'n for this, becaufethatl do follow what is good. 21 Forfake me not, (DLord: my God, far from me never be. 22 O Lord, thou my falvation art, hafte to give help to me. PSALM XXXIX. To the chief Mufcian, even to Jeduihan, a Tjcdm of David. Another l'uch l.ke hard cxercife as in the former Pfalm, wherein David acknowledged! his infirmity in a paffionate exp:d- fion, when he was in rouble, ver. 1, i, 3, 4- Secondly, He recovereth and comforted himfelf, ver. 5, 6, 7. Thirdly, What was his prayer in this exercife, ver. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. i T faid, I will look to my ways A left with my tongue I fin : In fight of wicked men, my mouth with bridle I'll keep in. D 4 So The PS A' L M S [P.39. 2 With filence I as dumb became, I did myfelf reftrain From fpeakihg good \ but then the more increafed was my pain. 3 My heart within me waxed hot, and while I muting was, The fire did burn ; and from my tongue thefe words I did let pafs : 4 Mine end, and meafure of my days, O Lord, unto me (how, What is the fame ; that I thereby my frailty well may know. 5 Lo, thou my days an hand-breadth mad'ft, mine age is in thine eye As nothing: fu re each man at beft is wholly vanity. 6 Sure each man walks in a vain fhow ; they vex themfelves in vain : He heaps up wealth, and doth not know to whom it fhall pertain. 7 And now, O Lord, what wait I for ? my hope is fix'd on thee. 8 Free me from all my trefpalTes, the fool's fcorn make not me. 9 Dumb was I, op'ning not my mouth, becaufe this work was thine. 10 Thy ilroke take from me : by the blow of thine hand I do pine. 1 1 When with rebukes thou doll correct man for iniquity, Thou waftes his beauty like a moth : fure each man's vanity. P.40.] Of D A V I D. m 12 Attend my cry, Lord, at my tears, and pray'rs not filent be : I fojourn as my fathers all, and ftranger am with thee. 13 O fpare thou me, that I my ftrength recover may again, Before from hence I do depart, and here no more remain. PSALM XL. To the chief Mi/Jicia??, a Pfalm of David. David as a Type of Chrift in the whole Pfalm, and as an ex- ample of the exeicife o? the godly, giveth thanks for the experience of God's delivering of him out of a notable trou- ble, ver. i, a, 3, 4. In the lecond place, He is led on in his thankfgiving to prail'e God for the great woik of Re- demption by Chrift the ion of God coming into the world, which is the fountain of all other mercies to the Saints, ver. 5, 6, 7, 8. In the third place, David in Type, and Chrift in the accomplifhment, giving account of his prophetical office, intercedeth and prayeth for the evidence of God's favour to himielf perlbnally and myftically confidered, ver. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. and for difappointment of his ene- mies, ver. 14, 15. and for the comfort of all the godly beholding his exercife and his delivery, which he confidently doth expect, ver. 16, 17. i T Waited for the Lord my God, * and patiently did bear ; At length to me he did incline my voice and cry to hear. 2 He took me from a fearful pit, and from a miry clay, And on a rock he fet my feet, eftabliming my way, 5 He put a new fong in my mouth, our God to magnify : Many fhall fee it, and fliall fear, and on, the Lord rely. D 5 82 The PSALMS [P.40. 4 O bleffed is the man whofe truft upon the Lord relies : Refpecting not the proud, nor fuch as turn afide to lies. 5 O Lord my God, full many are the wonders thou haft done-, Thy gracious thoughts to us-ward far above all thoughts are gone : In order none can reckon them to thee : if them declare, And fpeak of them I would, they more than can be numb'red are. 6 No facrifice nor offering didft thou at all defire ; Mine ears thou bor'd : fm-oflf'ring thou and burnt didft not require. 7 Then to the Lord thefe were my words, I come, behold and fee : Within the volume of thy book it written is of me : 8 To do thy will I take delight, thou my God that art : Yea, that moft holy law $f thine 1 have within my heart. 9 Within the congregation great, I righteoufhefs did preach : Lo, thou doft know, O Lord, that I refrained not my fpeech. 10 I never did within my heart conceal thy righteoufnefs ; I thy falvation have declar'd, and mown thy faithfulnefs : I\ 4 o.] Of DAVID. *3 Thy kindnefs, which moft loving is, * . concealed have not I ; Nor from the congregation great have hid thy verity. 1 1 Thy tender mercies, Lord, from me do thou not reftrain : Thy loving-kindnefs and thy truth, let them me ftill maintain. 1 2 For ills paft reckoning compafs me, and mine iniquities Such hold upon me taken have, 1 cannot lift mine eyes : They more than hairs are on mine head, thence is my heart difmay'd. 1 3 Be pleafed, Lord, to refcue me : Lord, haften to mine aid. 14 Sham'd and confounded be they all that feek my foul to kill : Yea, let them backward driven be, and fham'd that wifh me ill. 1 5 For a reward of this their fhame, confounded let them be, That in this manner fcoffing fay, Aha ! aha ! to me. 16 In thee let all be glad and joy, who feeking thee abide : Who thy falvation love, fay ftill, the Lord be magnify 'd. 1 7 I'm poor and needy, yet the Lord • of me a care doth take : Thou art my help, and Saviour, , my God, no tarrying make, $4 The P S A L M S [P.41. PSALM XLL To the chief Mujtciariy a Pfalm of David. David as a Type of Chrift, and one of his affliaed followers, after prayer comforteth himfelf againft the uncharitable Judgment, which the wicked had of him in his afHictioi, ver. 1, i, 3, 4. f n the fecond place, he complaineth or his enemies curled difpifuion againft him, and prayeth to be delivered out of his trouble, vei. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. In the third piace, he is answered comfortably, and praileth God for it, ver. 11, iz, 13. ipLESSED is he that wifely doth JD the poor man's cafe confider ; For when the time of trouble is, the Lord will him deliver. 2 God will him keep -, yea, fave alive, on earth he bleft mail live ; And to his enemies' defire thou wilt him not up give. 3 God will give ftrength, when he on bed of languifhing doth mourn : And in his ficknefs fore, O Lord, thou all his bed wilt turn. A I faid, O Lord, do thou extend thy mercy'unto me ; O do thou heal my foul ; for why ? I have offended thee. 5 Thofe that to me are enemies, of me do evil fay ; When (hall he die, that \o his name may perifh quite away ? 6 To fee me if he comes, he fpeaks vain words : but then his heart Heaps mifchief to it, which he tells when forth he doth depart. P. 4 2.] Of D A V I D. 85 7 My haters jointly whifpering, 'gainil me my hurt devife. 8 Mifchief, fay they, cleaves fail to him : he ly'th, and mail not rife. 9 Yea, ev'n mine own familiar friend, on whom I did rely, Who ate my bread, ev'n he his heel againft me lifted high, io But, Lord, be merciful to me, and up again me raife, That I may juftly them requite, according to their ways. 1 1 By this I know that certainly I favour'd am by thee, Becaufe my hateful enemy triumphs not over me. 1 2 But as for me, thou me uphold'ft in mine integrity, And me before thy countenance thou fett'ft continually. 1 3 The Lord, the God of Ifrael, be bleft for ever then ; From age to age eternally, Amen, yea, and amen. PSALM XLII. To the chief Muftchn, Mafchi/, for the Jons of Korah. In this Pialm David fheweth what was his longing after the fellowfnip of the Saints in their public w.jrihip and fervice of God in the time of his b inifhrrsent, by the perfecution of Saul, vet. i, 2, 3, 4. and how he wreft'.ed with dii- c-iuragement;, by checking himlelf for it, and by p-aying t« God, whe:eby he wa= erected unto hope and cccSdecce to be aniwsred, ver. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, io, 11. 36 The PSALM S [P.42. 1 T IKE as the hart for water-brooks -■— ' in thirft doth pant and bray, So pants my longing foul, O God, that come to thee I may. 2 My foul for God, the living God, doth thirft : when fhall I near Unto thy countenance approach, and in God's fight appear ? 3 My tears have unto me been meat, both in the night and day ; While unto me continually, Where is thy God ? they fay. 4 My foul is poured out in me, when this I think upon ■, Becaufe that with the multitude , I heretofore had gone - y With them unto God's houfe I went, with voice of joy and praife, Yea, with the multitude that kept the folemn holy days. '5 O why art thou caft down, my foul? I why in me fo difmay'd ? Truft God, for I mall praife him yet, his count'nance is mine aid. 6 My God, my foul's caft down in me: thee therefore mind I will From Jordan's land, the Hermonites, and ev'n from Mizar hill. 7 At the noife of thy water- fpouts, deep unto deep doth call : Th) breaking waves pafs over me ; yea, and thy billows all. P.43-] Of D A V I D. 87 8 His loving-kindnefs yet the Lord command will in the day 5 His fong's with me by night : to God, by whom I live, I'll pray. 9 And I will fay to God my rock, why me forget t'ft thou fo ? Why, for my foes opprefiion, thus mourning do I go ? 10 'Tis as a fword within my bones, when my foes me upbraid : Ev'n when by them, Where is thy God ? 'tis daily to me faid. 1 1 O why art thou call down my foul ? why thus with grief oppreft, Art thou difquieted in me ? in God mil hope and reft : For yet I know I (hall him praife, who gracioufly to me The health is of my countenance, yea, mine own God is he. PSALM XLIII. This Pfalm tende'.h to the fame purpofe with the former; lor David in exile complaineth of hi? peilecutors, and prayeth for delivery, and regrettcth his fad condition, ver. i, a. Prayeth for rettitution unto the liberty of the public ordi- nances, promiiing to praile God at his returning chearfully, ver - 3i 4- and wieftk-th with his discouragements as he did in the foimer Pfalm, ver. 5. 1 IUDGE me, OGod, and plead mycaufe •J againft th' ungod ] * r nation; From the unjuft and crafty man O be thou my falvation. S3 The PSALMS [P.44. a For thou the God art of my ftrength - t why thrirfts thou me thee fro' ? For th' enemies' oppreflion, why do I mourning go ? 3 O fend thy light forth and thy truth ; let them be guides to me, And bring me to thine holy hill, ev'n where thy dwellings be. 4 Then will I to God's altar go, to God my chiefelt joy : Yea, God, my God, thy name to praife my harp I will employ. 5 Why art thou then call: down, my foul ? what fhould difcourage thee ? And why with vexing thoughts art thou difquieted in me ? Still truft in God, for him to praife good caufe I yet fhall have; He of my count'nance is the health, my God that doth me fave. PSALM XLIV. To the chief Mufician, Mafchi/, for the Jons of Korah. The Church under heavy perfection, Fiift, Strengthened her faith in God before the eater upon her lamentation, ver. i, a, 3, 4, 5, 6", 7, 8. In the fecond place, She layeth forth her fad i'ufferings under the hands of cruel peifecutorp, ver. 9, 10, 11, ri, 13, 14, it. i5. In the third, She profefleth her conftant adherence unto God, and doth avow his truth for time by-paP, and her pvpofe to continue for time to come, ver. 17, 18, 19, 2.0, zi, ^^■ In the laft place. They pray unto the Lord to arife, and relieve them from their cruel perfccutor?, for the glory of both his juftice and mcicy, ver. 2,3, 24, 25. F.44-] Of DAVID. 89 1 (~\ God, we with our ears have heard, ^-J Our fathers have us told » What works thou in their days had'ft done ev'n in the dafS of eld. 2 Thy hand did drive the heathen out, and plant them in their place ; Thou didft afflict the nations,- but them thou didft increafe. 3 For neither got their fword the land, nor did their arm them fave : But thy right hand, arm, countenance, for thou them favour gave. 4 Thou art my King ; for Jacob, Lord, deliv'rances comrrr.nd. 5 Thro' thee we fhall pufh down our foes that do againft us ftand ; v We, thro' thy name, fhall tread down thofe that ris'n againft us (jave. 6 For in my bow I fhall not truft, nor fhall my fword me fave. 7 But from our foes thou haft us fav'd, our haters put to fliame. 8 In God we all the day do boaft * and ever praife thy name. 9 But now we are caft off by thee, and us thou putt'ft to fhame ; And, when our armies do go forth, thou go'ft not with the fame. 10 Thou mak'ft us from the enemy, faint-hearted to turn back : And they who hate us, for themfelves our fpoils away do take. 90 The PSALMS [P. 44 1 1 Like fheep for meat thou gaveft us : 'mong heathen call we be. j 2 Thou didft for nought thy people fell, their price enrich d not thee. 1 3 Thou mak'ft us a reproach to be unto our neighbours near ; Derifion," and a fcorn to them that round about us are. 14 A by-word alio thou doft us among the heathen make : The people, in contempt and fpite, at us their heads do make. 15 Before me my ccnfufion continually abides, And of my bafhful countenance the fhame me ever hides. 16 For voice of him that doth reproach, and fpeaketh blafphemy ; By reafon of th' avenging foe, and cruel enemy. 1 7 All this is come on us, yet we have not forgotten thee, Nor falfely in thy covenant, behav'd ourfelves have we. 1 8 Back from thy way our heart not turn'd, our fteps no (braying made : 19 Tho' us thou brak'ft in dragon's place, and cov'redft with death's fhade. 20 If we God's name forgot, or ftretcht to a ftrange God our hands ; 21 Shall not God fearch this out? for he heart's fecrets underftands. P.45-] 0& D A V I D. yi 22 Yea, for thy fake we're kill'd all day ; counted as flaughter-fleep. 23 Rife, Lord, caft us not ever off* awake, why doft thou fleep ? 24 O wherefore hideft thou thy face, forgett'ft our cafe diilreft, 25 And our oppreflion ? for our foul is to the duft down preft : Our belly alfo on the earth, fail cleaving hold doth take. 26 Rife for our help, and us redeem, ev'n for thy mercies' fake. PSALM XLV. To the chkf Mujician upon Sho/hanim, for ihz Jons of Korah, Majchil, a Jong of Loves. Laying afide what ufeth to be fpoken here of Sc.'omcn's mar- rying of Pharoah's daughter, and o.' fome typical tlvngs therein, (tending to the extenuation of Sc'omon's fault) as conjectural, and ferving nothing to the advantage of that marriage, preiuppofe the conje-Sture did hold, both concern- ing the occafion, and alio what might feem typical in it, becaufe firnilitudes taken from, and types made of what things foever God pleafeth, do ferve to make clear what the Spirit will have taken up about Chrift, or aocst any fp^ritual Anutype ; ; but doth not ferve to make ciear'the thing re- fembled by the Antitype from being finful, a- by the Type of Agar, and of the brazen feipent, and of Jonas his pu- nifhment, and lundry other fimilnudes and parables fet down in Scripture doth appear : But we are lure thi- Pfalm is a fong, defcribing the myftical marriage of the Mefliah Chrift Jefus our Lord, and his Chu ch, wherein Chrift the bride- groom is praiied, ver. 1, z, 3, 4, 5, 6", 7, 8, 9. and the Church his ipoufe is inftructed in her duty to him, ver. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. and the end of the fong declared to be the everlafting praife of Chrift, ver. 16, 17. iA/TY heart brings forth a goodly thing • -I* J- my words that I indite Concern the King : my tongue's a pen of one that fwift doth write. 92 The PSALMS [P.45. 2 -Thou fairer art than Tons of men : Into thy lips is ftore Of grace infus'd : God' therefore thee hath bleft for evermore. 3 O thou that art the mighty One, ' thy fword gird on thy thigh : Ev'n with thy glory excellent, and with thy majefty. 4 For meeknefs, truth and righteoufnefs in ftate ride profp'rouily'; And thy right hand mall thee inftruct in things that fearful be. 5 Thine arrows fharply pierce the hearts of -th' enemies of the King ; And under thy fubjeclion the people down do bring. 6 For ever and for ever is, O God, thy throne of might: The fceptre of thy kingdom is a fceptre that is right. 7 Thou loveft 1 ighf, and hatef t ill : for God, thy God mod high, Above thy fellows have with th' oil of joy anointed thee. 8 Of aloes, myrrh and calTia, a fmell thy garments had ; Out of th' iv'ry palaces, whereby they made thee glad. 9 Among thy women honourable king's daughters were at hand : Upon thy right hand did the Queen in gold of Ophir fland. P45-] ° r D a VI D - 93 10 O daughter, hearken and regard, and do thine ear incline j Likewiie forget thy father's houfe, • and people that are thine. 1 1 Then of the King defir'd fhall be thy beauty veh'mently 5 Becaufe he is thy Lord, do thou him worfhip rev'rently. iz The daughter there of Tyre fhall be" with gifts and ufT 'rings great - y Thofe of the people that are rich, thy favour 111 all in treat. 13 Behold, the daughter of the King all glorious is within ; And with embro ; deries of gold her garments wrought have been. 14 She fhall be brought unto the King in robes with needle wrought : Her fellow-virgins following fhall unto thee be brought: 1 15 They fhall be brought with gladnefs and mirth on ev'ry fide, [great, Into the palace of the King, and there they fhall abide. 16 Inftead of thofe thy fathers dear, thy children thou may 'ft take, And, in all places of the earth, them noble princes make. 1 7 Thy name rememb'red I will make through ages all to be : The people therefore evermore fhall praifes give to thee. 9| The PSALMS [P.45. Another of the fame, i TV yT Y heart inditing is JLVJL good matter in a fong : I fpeak the things that I have made, which to the King belong : My tongue mail be as quick, his honour to indite, As is the pen of any fcribe that ufeth fair, to write. 2 Thou'rt fairefl of all men, grace in thy lips doth flow : And therefore bleffings evermore on thee doth God beftow. 3 Thy fword gird on thy thigh, thou that art moll of might : Appear in dreadful majefty, and in thy glory bright. 4 For meeknefs, truth and right, ride profp'roufly in ftate : And thy right-hand mail teach to thee things terrible and great. 5 Thy fhafts mall pierce their hearts that foes are to the King ; Whereby into fubjedtion the people thou fhalt bring. 6 Thy royal feat, O Lord, for ever mall remain : The fceptre of thy kingdom doth all righteoufnefs maintain. 7 Thou lov'ft right, and hat'ft ill : for God, thy God moft High, Abcv- thy r ello\vs have with th' oil of joy anointed thee. P.45-] Of D A V I D. 95 8 Of myrrh, and Tpices fweet a fmell thy garments had : Out of the iv'ry palace's, whereby they made thee glad. 9 And in thy glorious train king's daughters waiting {land : And thy fair Queen, in Ophir gold, doth ftand at thy right hand. 10 O daughter take good heed, incline, and give good ear: Thou muft forget thy kindred all, and father's houfe moft dear. »Xhy beauty to the King ftiall then delightful be : And do thou humbly worfhip him becaufe.thy Lord is he. 12 The daughter then of Tyre there with a gift mail be; "And all the wealthy of the land mail make their fuit to thee. 1 3 The daughter of the King all glorious is within ; And with embroideries of gold, her garments wrought have been. 14 She cometh to the King in robes with needle wrought j The virgins that do follow her mail unto thee be brought. 15 They mail be brought with joy, and mirth on ev'ry fide, Into the palace of the King, and there they mail abide. o6 The PSALMS [P.46. 16 And, in thy father's flead", thy children thou may'ft take; And in all places of the earth them noble princes make. 1 7 I will fhevv forth thy name to generations all : Therefore the people evermore to thee give praifes (hall. PSALM XLVI. To the chief Mufician, for the Jons of Korah, a fong upon Alamoth. ^^ After forae notable delivery of the Church from her eneQH|; the Lord's people do confirm themfelves in their reioiution to truft in God, and aot to be afraid of trouble, becau.e of his comfoi table prefence among them, which ia like unto a river or" continual refreshment, as iite experience did give evidence, vcr. 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6". and do exhort all men in the world to ob'erve this his late work, and make ufe of ic 1. for their humiliation, ver. 7, 8, 9, 10. as the Church doih I make u'*e of it for confirmation, ver. 11. i ("JOD is our refuge, and our ftrength, in itraits a prefent aid. 2 Therefore, altho' the earth remove, we will not be afraid, Thousjl! hills amidft the feas be call : 3 Though waters roaring make, And troubled be, yea, tho' the hills by fwelling feas do make. 4 A river is, whofe ftreams do glad the city of our God : The holy place wherein the Lord moft High hath his abode. P.47-] Of DAVID, 97 5 God in the midft of her doth dwell, nothing (hall her remove : The Lord to her an helper will, and that right early, prove. 6 The heathen rag'd tumultuouflv, the kingdoms moved were : The Lord God uttered his voice, the earth did melt with fear. 7 The Lord of hofts upon our fide doth conftantly remain ; The Gcd of Jacob's our refuge, us fafely to maintain. ^Xome and behold what wond'rous works I have by the Lord been wrought : ^Come, fee what defections he on the earth hath brought. g Unto the ends of all the earth wars into peace he turns ; The bow he breaks, the fpear he cuts, in fire the chariot burns, to Be Hill, and know that I am God:^ among the heathen I Will be exalted. I on e?rth will be exalted high, i Our God, who is the Lord o^bfts, is ftill upon our fide • The God of Jacob our refuge, for ever will abide. PSALM XLVI1. *o the chief Muftcian, a Pfalm for the fifis of Korah, E 9 SS The PSALMS [P-47 This Pialm is a prophecy of the enlargement of Ch rift's. King, dom, v and of the conjunction of Jews and Gentiles, in one body under Chrift their head and Lord, delivered by way of exhortation to Jews and Gentiles, joyfully to praife the God and Saviour of the people, Jefus Chrift, on whom the P:'al- mift looketh as now acended intoHcaven triumphantly,after the full payment made of the pi ice of redemption, and as going about the gathering in of the redeemed Gentiles, till he bring in the fulnefs of them into one Church with the Jews: The exhortation i« prefixed, ver. i. and repeated ver. 6, 7, The reafons of the exhortation to a Joyful praifing of him are fcven : The firit, ver. 2, The l'econd, ver. 3. The third, ver. 4. The fourth, ver. 5. The fifth, ver. -. The fixth, ver. 8. The feventh, ver. 9. i A LL people, clap y our hands to God, -^^ with voice of triumph fhouri 2 For dreadful is the Lo.d moll High ; great King the earth throughout. ^^ 3 The heathen people under us he furely mall fubdue ; And he mail make the nations under our feet to bow. 4 The lot of our inheritance chufe out for us mall he, Of Jacob whom he loved well, ev'n the excellency. . 5 God is with fhouts gone up, the Lord with trumpets founding high. 6 Singyaraife to God, fing praife: fing praife, p4Pb to our God fing ye. 7 For God is King of all the earth, with knowledge praife exprefs. S God rules the nations : God fits on his throne of holinefs. 9 The princes of the people are affembled willingly ; Ev'n of the God of Abraham they who the people be ; P. 4 B] Of DAVID. 99 For why ? the fhields that do defend the earth, are only his : They to the Lord belong ; yea, he exalted greatly is. PSALM XLVIIL A Song and Pfalm, for thefons of Korah. In this Pfalm the Lord is magnified for all his raercies beftowed on his Church, (refemblcd by Jerul'alem), ver. I, 2, 3. And in Ipecial for a late meicy manifefted in a p2iTage of hi-s cale to preferve Jerufalem, a Type of the Church univerfal, againft the allault of mighty Kings, ver. 4, 5, 6. The ufes of -which Tnercies'are fet down in number leven : The fit ft, ver. 7. The iecond, ver. 8. The third, ver.o. The fourth, ver. 10. The fifth, ver. 11. The fixth, ver. iz, 13. The ^j^enth, ver. 14. ■^IREAT is the Lord, and greatly he ^K-T is to be praifed ftill, Within the city of our God, upon his holy hill. % Mount Zion Hands moil beautiful, the joy of all the land ; The city of the mighty King on her north fide doth ftand. 5 The Lord within her palaces is for a refuge known : |.l For lo, the Kings that gather'cWere together by have gone. .^ But, when they did behold the fame, they wond ring would not flay ; Eut, being troubled at the fights they thence did hafte away. Great terror there took hold on them, they were poflefs'd with fear ; Tto* grief came like a woman's pain when fhe a child doth hear. E z 100 The PSALMS [P49 eaft-wind [break'ft : 7 Thou Tarfhifh fhips with 8 As we have heard it told, So in the city of the Lord our eyes did it behold : In our God's city, which his hand for ever 'ftablifh will. 9 We of thy loving-kindneis thought, Lord, in thy temple ftill. 10 O Lord, according to thy name, thro' all the earth's thy praife -, And thy right hand, O Lord, is full of righteoulhefs always 1 1 Becaufe thy judgments are made kn let Zion mount rejoice, Of Judah kt the daughters all fend forth a chearful voice. Walk about Zion, and go round : the high tow 'is thereof tell. Confider ye her palaces, and mark her bulwarks well ; That ye may tell pofterity. 14 For this God doth abide Our God for evermore ; he will •* 12 *3 evjLunto death us guide. ; the fons "To the chief Mufician, a Pfalmfor of Korah. This Plalm fets forth the gloriation of a Believer in the grace cf God, aid in his bleifed condition, wherein he is Jifted up above all the wealthy and honourable men in the J -world, who are not reconciled unto God; and this the j Plalmift ddivereth out of bis own feeling and experience. And firft, Becaufe it is a main matter and worlky of a acceptation, he maketh a preface to his gloriation %. P.49 J Or DAVID. 101 3, 4. Then he comcth cut with it, making his boaft in God, That by faith in God he was lo lecttred againft fin and v that they (hould not be able - o ma:- his happinefs, ver. f TkirdJy, He doth pfefei his blefledneft above vrhatfoe- •'.eaith or riches could \ie!d to a ma-n, ver. 6", 7, 8, 9, 10. and ab >ve whatfoever dominion over air land?, or honour among men could yield to any man, either living or after hi death, either to himfelf or to a.;y of hi* poilertty, ver. n, !i. 13, 14. Four-thiy, He giveth reafon of his gloria 1 - tii n. becaoXe Heine juilificd by faith, 2nd at |ie?cc with G-. -", he was '.u e of deiiyeiy from every evi , a.id to be received out of his grave ir.to glory aad fci'ov.fnip v.ith God, ver 1 5. ll •, He gua ump- [Ui'et him wiien he teth hftnfe f and othe s '. t oublcj a.Ai the v.icktd in pofterity, ver. 16, 17, 18, 10, 10. iTTEARthis, all people, an(J give ear ] i~A 'all in the world that dwell : IBpotb low and b ; gh, both rich and poor. My mouth fhall wifdora tell ; My heart fhall knowledge meditate. I will incline mine car To parables -, and on the harp my fayings dark declare. Amidft thofe days that evil be, why fliould I, fearing, doubt ? When o^ my heels th' iniquity (hall 6ompafs me about. Whoe'er they be that in their wealth their confidence do pitch, g* And boaft themfelves becaufe they arc become exceed'ng rich. Yet none of thefe his brother can redeem by any way, Nor can he unto God for him fufficient ranf^m pay : (Their foul's redemption precious is, "&nd it can never be). E3 102 The PSAL M S [P.49 9 That Hill he ftiould for ever live, and not corruption fee. ro For why ? he feeth that wife men die, and brutifh fools alfo Do perifti, and their wealth, when dead, to others they let go. 1 1 Their inward thought is,that their houfe and dwelling-places fhall Stand thro' all ages ; they their lands by their own names do call. 12 But yet in honour fhall not man abide continually : But, pafling hence, may be compar'd^^ unto the beafts that die. 13 Thus brutifh folly plainly is their wifdom and their way ; Yet their pofterity approve what they do fondly fay. 24 Like fheep they in the grave are laid, and death fhall them devour ; And. in the morning, upright men fhrll over them have pow'r : Their beauty, from their dwelling, fhall confume within the grave. 15 But from hell's hand God will me free, for he (hall me receive. 1 6 Be thou not then afraid, when one enriched thou doll: fee, Nor when the glory of his houfe advanced is on high. 17 For he fhall carry nothing hence, when death his days doth end -k P.5H.] Of DAVID. 103 Nor fhall his glory after him into the grave defcend. 18 Although he his own foul did blefs, whilft he on earth did live, (And when thou to thyfelf doft well, men will thee praifes give). 19 He to his father's race fhall go, they never fhall fee light. .20 Man honoui'd, wanting knowledge, is like beafts that perim quite. PSALM L. A Fj'alm of AJ'aph. This Pfalm is a citing of the vifible Chnich before God, the Judge of all the earth, (who at laft fhall judge all fklh ia the day of Judgment, and fhall take vengeance on the, wicked),, to compear before the tribunal of God; now in time when mercy may- be had, and now then timeoufly to confider the Lord's controve/fy agah ft finncis in his Church, that they may repent and be laved. Aiid fiifl, The diead- fulnefs of the Judgment is fct down, vei . i, z, 3. Secondly, The citation of the paity, that is, the vifible Church with the wjtneffes, ver . 4, 5, 6. Thirdly, There is a. challenge of fell- work Jufticiariv ?, f-egalifts, md formal Ceremonialilt?,.. who did )<-!' ■ pon outwaid good behaviour, and upon the outward dilcharge of the ordinances, as if the faenfices ©f the law or any performance of external duties, had been fuffici^nt to expiate fin, and jaftify a man, ver. 7, 8, 9, ic, n, 12, 1 J. Fou thly, There i? a direction Unto them hew to come off their legal righteoufnefs, and carnal way of wor- fhip, and to turn themfelves to the right way of woifhipping God in fpirit and truth, ver. 14, 15. Fifthly, There is a challenge of thole who were grofly wicked, ver. 16, 17, 18, 19, zo, zi. And iaftly, There is a direction alio to them to repent, and to give God glory in time, with an encourage- ment to the upright Believer- to go on their way, ver. Zi, z$. 1 npHE mighty God, the Lord A hath fpoken, and did call The earth, from rifing of the fun, to where he hath his fall. E4 104 The PSALMS [P. 50 2 From out of Zion hill, which of excellency And beauty the perfection is, God fhined glorioufly. 3 Our God mall furely come, keep filence fhall not he : Before him fire (hall wafte, great ftorms fhall round about him be. 4 Unto the heavens clear he from above fhall call, And to the earth likewife, that he may ju«Jge his people all. -5 Together let my Saints unto me gather'd be : Thofe that byTacrifice have made a covenant with me. 6 And" then theHeay'ns lhall his righteoufnefs declare : Eecaufe the Lord himfelf is he by whom men judged are. 7 My people Ifra'l hear, fpeak will I from on High ; Againft thee I will teftify : God, ev'n thy God, am I. 8 I, for thy Sacrifice, no blame will on thee lay, Nor for burnt-off 'rings, which to me thou off'red'll ev'ry day. 9 I'll take no calf, nor goats, from houfe or fold of thine. 10 For beafts of forefts, cattle all on thou land bills are mine:. P.5o.] Of D A V I D. 105 1 1 The fowls on mountains high are all to me well kown : Wild befits, which in the fields do lye, ev'n they are all mine own. 1 2 Then, if I hungry were, I would not tell it thee : Becaufe the world, and fulnefs all thereof, belongs to me. 13 Will I eat flefti of bulls? or goats blood drink will I ? 14 Thanks offer thou to God, and pay thy vows to the moil High. 15 And call upon me when in trouble thou fhalt be ; I will deliver thee, and thou my Name fhalt glorify. 16 Eut to the wicked man God faith, My laws and truth Shouldit thou declare? .how dar'ft thou my cov'nant in thy mouth ? [take 17 Sith thou inftruction hat'ft, which Ihould thy ways direct : And fith my words behind thy back thou caiVft, and doft reject. |'f 8 When thou a thief didrtYee, th him thou dicfcft confent, And with the vile adulterers partaker on thou went, . 9 Thou giv'ft thy mouth to ill, thy tongue deceit doth frame. Thou fitt'it and 'gainft thybrotherfpeak'il thy mother's fon doft fhame. E 5 io6 The PSALMS [P.50 21 Becaufe I filence kept, while thou thefe things haft wrought - 9 That I was altogether like thy 1 elf, hath been thy thought : Yet \ will thee reprove, and fet before thine eyes In order ranked thy mildeeds, and thine iniquities. 22 Now, ye that God forget, this carefully confider, Left I in pieces tear you all, and none can you deliver. 23 Whofo doth offer praife, me glorifies : and I Will fhew him God's falvation, that orders right his way. Another of the fame, 1 npHEmightyGod, the Lord, hath fpokc, A and call'd the earth upon, Ev'n from the rifing of the fun, unto his going down. 2 From out of Zion his own hill, where the perfection high Of beauty is, from thence the Lord hath fhined glorioufly. 3 Our God mail come, and mall no more be fiient, but fpeak out : Before him fire mall wafte, great ftorms- fhill compafs him about. 4 He to the Heavens from above, and to the earth below Shall carl, that he his judgments may before his people fhow. P.50.] Of D A V I D. 107 5 Let all m-y Saints together be unto me gathered ; Thofe that by facrifice with me a covenant have made. 6 And then the Heavens fhall declare his righteoufnefs abroad ; Becaufe the Lord himfelf doth come, none elfe is judge but God. 7 Hear, O my people, and I'll fpeak; O Ifrael by name, Againft thee I will teflify •,. God, ev'n thy God I am. . 8 I, for thy facrifices few, reprove thee never will, Nor for burnt-orT 'rings to have been before me ofPred frill. 9 I'll take no bullock, nor he- goats, from houfe nor folds of thine. 10 For beafls of forefts, cattle, all on thoufand hills are mine. 1 1 The fowls are all to me well known, that mountains high do yield : And I do challenge as mine own the wild beafts of the field. 12 If I were hungry, I would not to thee for need complain -, F01 earth, and all its fulneis, c to me of right pertain. 13 That I to eat the flefh of I take pleafure, d Or that I need to quencb the blood of goats t 108 The PSALMS [P.$e 14 Nay, rather unto me, thy God, thankfgiving offer thou ; To the moft High perform thy word, and fully pay thy vow. 15 And in the day of trouble great, fee that thou call on me : I will deliver thee, and thou my name (halt glorify. \6 But God unto the wicked faith, Why fhouldft thou mention make Of my commands? how darTt thou in thy mouth my cov'nant take ? 17 Sith it is fo, that thou doft hate all good inftruction, And fith thou caft'ft behind thy back, and flight'ft my wo'ras each one. 1 8 When thou a thief didft fee, then ftraight thou joind'ft with him in fin, And with the vile adulterers thou haft partaker been. 19 Thy mouth to evil thou doft give, thy tongue deceit doth frame, ao Thou fitt'ft and 'gainft thybrotherfpeak'ft thy mother's fon to fhame. 2 1 Thefe things thou wickedly haft done, and I have filent been : Thou thoughtft that I was like thyfelf, and did approve thy fin : But I will fharply thee reprove, and I will order right Thy fins and thy tranfgreflions, in pre fence of thy fight. P.51.] Of DAVID. 109 22 Confider this, and be afraid, ye that forget the Lord, Left I in pieces tear you al% when none can help afford. 23 Who ofT'reti praife, me glorifies : I will (hew God's falvation To him that ordereth aright his life and converfation. PSALM LI. To the chief Mufichw, a Pjahn of J}(md y when Nathan the Prophet came unto him, afttr he had gone in to Bathjheba, The P'almift in the lad feme of his guiltincfs, ptaveth for remiffion of fin, with an eye to the Lord's large mercy, ver. 1, 2. and folioweth his petition with a deep and hearty confeffion of his fiafulnefs, ver. 3, 4, 5, 6. Heprayrrhthe fecoad time for remilTi..n of fin, with an eye toward the blood of the Meffiah, ver. 7. and folioweth it with another petition for comfort to hU arrl idled (pirit, ver. 8. He prayeth for remiffion of fins the thi.d time, ve.. 9. and folloveth it with another petition for renewed comfoit of the Holy Spirit, and for removal of felt wrath, with a proirife of making ufe thereof, to the edincaik n of God's people, ver. 10, 11, 12, 13. He prayeth for remiffion of fin the fourth time, and namely of that particular fin, W be re with for the prefent his conlci- ence was moft troubled, ver. 14 and he folioweth it with another petition, for enabling of him for a more fpiritual and fincere manner cf fervjng God hereafter, renouncing all confidence in the external ceremonies of the law, ver. 15, 16, 17. And laft of all, he p. ayeth for mercy to the Church, ver. 1 8, 19. i A FTER thy loving-kindnefs, Lord, -£* have mercy upon me : For thy companions great, blot out all mine iniquity. 2 Me cleanfe from fin, and th'roughly wafh from mine iniquity. 3 For my tranfgreilions I confefs: my fin I ever fee, no The PSALMS [P.51 4 'Gainft thee, thee only have I finn'd, in thy fight done this ill : That when thou fpeak'ft thou may'ft be and clear in judging ftill. [juft, 5 Behold, I in iniquity was form'd the womb within : My mother alfo me conceiv'd in guiltinefs and fin. 6 Behold, thou in the inward parts with truth delighted art : And wifdom thou (halt make me know within the hidden part. 7 Do thou with hyflbp fprinkle me I (hall be cleanfed fo : Yea, wafh thou me, and then I (hall be whiter than the fnow. 8 Of gladnefs and of joyfu-Inefs make me to hea* the voice : That fo thefe very bones, which thou haft broken, may rejoice. 9 All mine iniquities blot out ; thy face hide from my fin. 10 Create a clean heart, Lord, renew, a right fp'rit me within. 1 1 Caft me not from thy fight ; nor take thy holy Sp'rit away. 1 2 Reftore me thy Salvation's joy ; with thy free Sp'rit me ftay. 1 3 Then will I teach thy ways unto thofe that tranfgreiTors be -, And thofe that fmners are, fhall thea be turned unto thee. F-52.] Of D A V I D. iti 14 O God, of my falvation God, me from blood-guiltinefs Set free : then (hall my tongue aloud fing of thy righteoufnefs. 15 My clofed lips, O Lord, by thee let them be opened ; Then (hall thy praifes by my mouth . abroad be publifhed. 1 6 For thou defir'ft not facrifice, elfe would I give it thee : Nor wilt thou with burnt-offering at all delighted be. 17 A broken fpirit is to God a pleafing facrifice : A broken and a contrite heart, Lord, thou wilt not defpife. 1 8 Shew kindnefs, and do good, O Lord, to Zion, thine own hill, The walls of thy Jerufalem build up, of thy good will. 1 9 Then righteous offerings fhall thee pleafe, and off'rings burnt, which they, With whole burnt-ofT'rings, and with fhall on thine altar lay. [calves, PSALM L1I. To the chief Mufician, Mafcbil, a Pfahn of Dwvidy 'when Doeg, the Edomite, came and told Saul, and [aid unto him, Dad'a judgments were to come on all the perfecutor's of the Gx>dly, ver. 5. And the third, Becaufe there is horfe of the full falvation of the Godly in Chrilt, ver. 6. Compai ing thisPfalm withPfalm 14. wherein ?hc cn:r.ity of ll:t sacked agtiaft the Godly, and the com- fort of the godly in that ca r e, in this place a-e the fame which are fet down there ; We Ifarn, that as the Godly may fall ofner than once, in one cafe, ttn«fer one and the fame tentation, feme fort of hard exercife and grief 5 To may they, and (liquid they make u!e of fome comforts, and bring to memo, y the fame doctrines for that end, as theChuich i« taught to d<>, Pialm 14. and here in this Pfalm. I ~T ~HAT there is not a God, the fool -* doth in his heart conclude : They are corrupt, their works are vile h not one of them dcth good The Lord upon the fons of men from Hcav'n did caft his eyes To fee if any one there was, that fought God, and was wife. They altogether filthy are, they all are backward gone ; And there is none that doeth good, no not fo much as one. ii4 The PSALMS [P.54 4 Thefe workers of iniquity, do they not know at all, That they my people eat as bread, . and on God do not call ? 5 Ev'n there they were afraid, and flood with trembling all difmay'd -, Whereas there was no caufe at all why they mould be afraid : For God his bones that thee befieg'd hath fcattered all abroad ; Thou haft confounded them, for they defpifed are of God. $ Let IfraTs help from Zion come : when back the Lord (hall bring His captives, Jacob mail rejoice, and Ifrael mail fmg. PSALM LIV. To the chief Mii/irian, on Negmoth, Majchil y a Pfalm of David ivben the Zipbims came and /aid to Saul, Dotb not David bide biwfelf nvith us ? David being betrayed by the Zipbims, Firft, Doth make his prayer to God, for delivery, ver. i, 2.. Secondly, He tt'crgthe.ieih his faith by I'ome reafons, ver. 3. Thirdly, He is confident of his own delivery, and of God's judgments on the Ziphims, wherennto he fubfcribes, ver. 4, 5. And laftof all, he promiteth prail'e to God for his own allured deliverance, ver. 6", 7. i C AVE m?. O God, by thy great name, & and judge me by thy ftrength. % My prayer hear, O God -, give ear , unto my my words at length. 3 For they that ftrangers are to me, do up againft me rife ; Oppreffors feck my foul, and God fet not before their eyes. P.55-] Of DAVID. 115 4 The Lord my God my helper is, lo, therefore I am bold : He taketh part with ev'ry one that doth my foul uphold. 5 ' Unto mine enemies he fhall mifchief and ill repay : O for thy truth's fake cut them off, and fvveep them clean away. 6 I will a facrifice to thee give with free willingnefs ; Thy name, O Lord, becaufe 'tis good, with praife I will confefs. 7 For he hath me delivered from all adverfities ; And his defire mine eye hatli feen upon mine enemies. PSALM LV. To the chief Mujirian, on Neginoth, MafcUly a Pfalm of David. This Pfalm containeth this dofttine, That albeit Ch:i ; t and hi*- followers may be m g'eat (traits by the treachery of their pretended friends, yet through God's favour they (hall be delivered, as David felt in experience. The ufe of which ! doctrine is fubjo ned in the end of the Pfalm, which well a^reeth with the Pialmiffs condition in the time of Abfalom's 1 and Actiitophel's conlpi.acy. The parts of the Pfalm we may make thefe three. In the fi \ is let down his ibrrowful Supplication, to ve . i 6". In the next, hi^ comforting of bimfelf in the Lord his deliverer, to ver. az. In the third, Ufe of his expenence t in the two laft verl'e?. In his fupplication he prayeth in the firft place for a gracous healing, becaufe of the calumnies and cruelties of his ene- mies, ver. i, 2, 3. In the next place, He letteth down his pitiful condition of mind, ver. 4, 5. Making him to with to be far from the company of thefe confpii ators, v^hich were combined againft him, ver. 6, 7, 8. In the thiid place, he prayeth to God to confound their counfek, becauie the whole city was in an uproar againft him, leaking how to execute their mifchicvous plot, ver. 9, ic, 11. lathe no The PSALMS [P.55 . fourth place, he condefcend; upon a more particular reafon of his prayer for confounding their counftls, becaufe the plotter of the confpiiacy had been moil intimate in his fami- liarity, and deep upon his counlel, ver. 12, 13, 14. Where- upon in the latt place by way of prayer, he prophefieth of the curie of God to come upon thern, ver. 15. In the fecond part of the P.alm he comforteth himfelf in God. Firft, By his reibiution conltantly to depend upon God, and hopeful y to pray. ver. 16, 17. Secondly, By his former experiences of deliverances gi anted to him before, ver. 1 8. Thirdly, Becaufe he was afi'uicd God fhould take order with his enemies for their treacherous breach of covenant, and plaiftering of their malicious defigns with fair pretences, and deep diiTimulation, ver 19, 2,0, S, 1 . In the third put of the Pia.m are the ufes of this experience, ver. 22, 13. 1 T ORD, hear my pray Y, hide not thyfelf -*— ' from my intreating voice : 2 Attend and hear me, in my plaint I mourn, and make a noife. 3 Becaufe of .th'en'mv's voice, and for lewd m^n's oppreflion great.: On me they caft iniquity, and they in wrath me hate. 4 Sore pain'd within me is my heart : death's terrors on me fall. 5 On me comes trembling, fear, and dread, o'er whelmed me withal. 6 O that I like a dove had wings! faid I, then* would i flee Far hence, that I might find a place where I in reft might be. 7 Lo, then far off I wander would, and in the defart flay. 8 From windy ftorm, and temper! I would hafte to 'icape away. 9 O Lord, on them deftrucVion bring, and do their tongues divide j P.55-] Of D A V I D. 117 For in the city violence and ftrife I have efpy'd. 10 They day and night upon the walls do go about it round : There mifchief is, and forrow there in midft of it is. found. 1 1 Abundant wickednefs there is within her inward part : And from her ftreers, deceitfulnefs and guile do not depart. i z He was no foe that me reproach'd, then that endure I could ; - Jfe ^ Nor hater that did 'gainft me doot, from him me hide I would. 13 But thou, man, who mine equal, guide, and mine acquaintance waff. 14 We join'd fweet counfels toGod's houfe, in company we paft. 15 Let death upon them feize,-and down let them go quick to hell : For wickednefs doth much abound among them where they dwell. 1 6 I'll call on God ; God will me fave. 1 7 I'll pray, and make a noife At ev'ning, morning, and at noon ; and he fhall hear my voice. 1 8 He hath my foul delivered, that it in peace might t?e, From battle that againft me was : for many v/ere with me. ■19 The Lord fhall hear and them afflict, of old who hath abode : uB The PSALMS [P.56 Becauie they never changes have, therefore they fear not God. 20 'Gainft thofe that were at peace with him he hath put forth his hand : The covenant that he had made, by breaking he profan'd. 2 1 More fmooth than butter were his words while in his heart was war : His fpeeches were more foft than oil, and yet drawn fwords they are. 22 Call: thou thy burthen on the Lord, and he (hall thee fuftain : Yea, he mail caufe the righteous man unmoved to remain. -23 But thou, O Lord my God, thofe men in juftice fhalt o'erthrow, And in deftruct ion's dungeon dark at laft fhall lay them low : The bloody and deceitful men fhall not live half their days, But unto thee with confidence I will depend always. PSALM LVI. To the chief Muficiau^ upon Joimth-ekm- rechokim, Micbtam of David, zv.ben the PbilijUnes took him in Gatb . David flyiner from Saul to the country of the Philiftine?, (as we read, i Sam. xxi, 13) is apprehended, he prayeth to God, and is delivered. There a;e two pa r ts of the P. aim; In the former part there are three conflicts of David's taith with hi? troubie and centation, and three victories. The firft conflict is in prayer, laying "forth his enemies carriage againft him, ver. i, 2. And his victory by faith, ver. 3, 4. The fecond conflict in his complaint he maketh againft his enemies, ver. 5, 6. And his fecond victory by faith, vei. 7. His third conflict is by laying forth his mournful conaitiga P. S 6.] Of D A V I D. t'19 before God, with hope to* be regaided, ver. 8. And his third and greateft victory by faich, ver. 9, 10, il. In the Jatter part or" the P. aim is David's obligation, thankfully to acknowledge his merciful delivery, with a petition for grace to perfeveie in the courfe of obedience under God's pro- tection, ver. 12, 13. i CHEW mercy, Lord, to me, for man & would fwallow me outright. : He me oppreifeth, while he doth againft me daily fight. 2 They daily would me fwallow up, that hate me fpitefully : For they be many that do fight againft me, O moil High, j When I'm afraid, I'll truft in thee. 4 In God I'll praife his word : I will not fear what fiefh can do, my truft is in the Lord. 5 Eachdav they wreftmy words their thoughts 'gainft me are all for ill. 6 They meet, they lurk, they mark my fteps, waiting my foul to kill. 7 But (hall they by iniquity efcape thy judgment fo ? O God, with indignation, down do thou the people throw. 8 My wand'rings all what they have been thou know'ft, their number took : Into thy bottle put my tears ; are they not in thy book ? 9 My foes mail, when I cry, turn back : I know't, God is for me. 10 In God his word I'll praife: his word in God (hall praifed be. 120 The PSALMS flp.57 1 1 In God I truft : I will not fear what man can do to me. 1 2 Thy vows upon me are, O God : I'll render- praife to thee. 1 3 Wilt thou net, who from death me fav'd, my feet from falls keep free, To wafk before God in the light of thofe that living be r PSALM LVII. To the chief Mufcian^ Al~tajchiih y Mich tarn of David j when he fiedfromSaulin the cave. This Plalm of David, a* many oiher his Pfalms, doth reprefent the condition of his fpirit, both in the time of his trouble, and after the delivery : What was his exercife in the cave, and what was his condition after he was delivered out of that danger, -whereof we read, i Sam. xxiv. There are two parts of the Plalm : The full containeth his prayer for deli- verance, which is prelfcd by fix arguments, all ferving to ft>engthen his faith : The firft becaule he trufted in God, ver. 1. The fecund, bgcaufe he rel'olved to infift in prayer till he were heard, ver.' a. The third, Became he hoped certainly to find notable delivery from his extraordinary dan- ger, ver. 3, The fourth, Becaule his enemies were beaftly cruel, ver. 4. The fifth Beca. Te this mercy might contri- bute much to the glorifying of God, ver. 5. The fixth is from the low condition-wheteunto his fpirit is brought, by their crafty and cruel purfuit of him, ver. 6. In the reft of the Pfalm is his thanklgiving, confirming of five parts. The fiift is the acknowledgement of the mercy and delivery granted, ver. 6. The next is his fixt refohvion to praife God for it, ver. 7. The third is the up-ftining of tongue and hand, and the whole man to praife God, ver. 8. The fourth is a promile to tranfmit the knowledge of God's mercy to other nation*, ver. 9. The fifth is the acknow- ledgement of the glory ot this mercy, with a wifh that ic might be more and more i'een and acknowledged, by giving new experience of it, ver. 10, 11. i T> E merciful to mc, O God, A-* thy mercy unto me Do thou extend, becaufe my foul doth put her truft in thee : P.57-] The PSALMS 121 Yea, in the fhadow of thy wings my refuge I will place, Until thefe fad calamities do wholly over pafs. My cry I will caufe to afcend unto the Lord moft High ; * To God, who doth all things for me perform moft perfectly. From Heav'n he fhall fend down, and me from his reproach defend, That would devour me : God his truth and mercy forth fhall fend. My foul among fierce lions is, I fire-brands live among ; Mens* fons, whofe teeth are fpears and a fliarp fword is their tongue [darts, Be thou exalted very high above the Heav'ns, G God : Let thou thy glory be advanc'd o'er all the earth abroad. My foul's bow'd down, for they a net have laid, my fteps to mare : Into the pit, which they have digg'd for me, they fali'n are. My heart is fix'd, my heart is fix'd, O God : I'll fing, -and praife. 3 My glory wake, wake pfalt'ry, harp : myfelf I'll early raife. ) I'll praife thee 'mong the people, Lord, 'mong nations fing will I. ,o For great to Heav'n thy mercy is, thy truth is to the Iky. F 122 The PSALMS [P.58 1 1 O Lord, exalted be thy name above the Heav'ns to ftand : Do thou thy glory far advance above both fea and land. PSALM LVIir. To the chief Muftcian, Al-tafchith y Mkbtam, of David. The Pfalmift being opprelfed by the calumnies of the courtiers of King Saul, and by the Senatois of the courts of juftice, who fhould have provided aga'mlt the oppreflion of the fubjecls, chargeth them in the firft past of this Pfalm, as rtioft guilty of injuftice done to him, ver. r, 2, 3, 4, 5. In the fecond part, He prayeth againft them, that God would execute judgment upon them, ver. 6, 7, 8. And in the third part, He pronounceth the lentence of their deferred destruction, ver. 9, 10, 11. From this experience of the Prophet, we may fee what ftrong parties, and hard oppofi- tion the Godly may meet with in. the defence of a good caufe, and how neceflary it is in fuch trials to exerciie our faith, and to exalt God above all oppofite powers, that we may be borne out, and get coniolation and victory in the Lord. 1 T^\ O ye, O congregation, \* indeed fpeak righteoufhefs ? O ye that are the fons of men, judge ye with uprightnefs ? 2 Yea, ev'n within your very hearts ye wickednefs have done, And ye the vi'lence of your hands do weigh the earth upon. 3 The wicked men eftranged are, ev'n from the very womb : They, fpeaking lies, do itray as foon as to the world they come. 4 Unto a ferpent's poifon like their poifon doth appear ; Yea, they are like the adder deaf, that clofely flops her ear : P-59-] Of DAVID. 123 5 That To (he may not hear the voice of one that charm her would, No, not tho' he moil cunning were, and charm moll: wifely could. 6 Their teeth, O God, within their mouth break thou in pieces fmall : The great teeth break thou out, O Lord, of thefe young lions all. 7 Let them like waters melt away, which downward ftill do flow : In pieces cut his arrows all, when he fhall bend his bow. 8 Like to a fnail that melts away, let each of them be gone : Like woman's birth untimely, that they never fee the fun. 9 He fhall them take away before your pots the thorns can find, Both living, and in fury great, as with a ftormy wind. 10 The righteous, when he vengeance fees, he fhall be joyful then : The righteous one (hall wafh his feet in blood of wicked men. 11 So men fhall fay, The righteous man reward fhall never mifs : And, verily, upon the earth a God to judge there is. PSALM LIX. To the chief Mufician, Al-tafchifh, Michtam of David, nvhen Saul feat, and they ivaiched tbe houfe to kill him. Fa 124 The PSALMS [P.59 David inprefent danger of* his life by Saul, (who having David inclofed within the city anf within brs own houfe, thought furely to have killed him, as we read, i Sam. xix. u.) praycth to God for deliverance, ver. 1, z. and tor a rtalon of his prayer, maketh a complaint againll his enemies, ver. 3, 4. In the next place, He prayeth the iecond time for delivery to himfe'f, and judgment againll his enemies, ver. 5. and complaineth ofthem ths Iecond time, ver 6, 7. In the third place, He declareth his confidence to be delivered, ver. 8, 9, 10. In the fourth place, He maketh imprecation againll his enemies for their wickednels, ver. 11, 12., 1 3, 1 4,1 5. And in the laft place, He promueth thanks to God for his delivery, whereof he was allured before it came, ver. 16, 17. I A/J" Y God, deliver me from thofe lVA that are mine enemies: And do thou me defend from thofe • that up againft me rife. 2 Do thou deliver me from them that work iniquity ; And give me fafety from the men of bloody cruelty. 5 For lo, they for my foul laid wait ; the mighty do combine Againft me, Lord, not for my fault, nor any fin of mine. 4 They run, and without fault in me, themfelves do ready make : Awake to meet me with thy help, and do thou notice take. 5 Awake therefore, Lord God of hofts, thou God of Ifrael, To vifit heathen all : fpare none that wickedly rebel. 6 At ev'ning they go to and fro : they make great noife and found Like to a dog, and often walk about the city round. P.59-] Or D A V I D. 125 7 Behold, they belch out with their mouth, and in their lips are'fwords; For they do fay thus, Who is he that now doth hear our words ? 8 But thou, O Lord, (halt laugh at them, and all the heathen mock. 9 While he's in pow'r, I'll wait on thee : for God is my high rock. 10 He of my mercy that is God, betimes fhall me prevent : Upon mine en'mies God (hall let me fee mine heart's content. 1 1 Them flay not, left my folk forget i but fcatter them abroad By thy ftrong pow'r ; and bring them O thou our fhield, and God. j down 1 2 For their mouth's fin, and for the words that from their lips do fly, Let them be taken in their pride, becaufe they curfe and lye. 13 In wrath con fume them, themconfume, that fo they may not be : And, that in Jacob God doth rule, to th' earth's ends let them fee. 14 At ev'ning let thou them return, making great noife and found Like to a dog, and often walk about the city round. 15 And let them wander up and down, in feeking food to eat ; And let them grudge, when they fhall not be fatisfy'd with meat. F 3 126 The P S A L M S [P-6o i 6 But of thy pow'r I'll fing aloud, at morn thy mercy praife : For thou to me my refuge waft, and tow'r in troublous days. 1 7 O God, thou art my ftrength, I will fing praifes unto thee : For God is my defence, a Qod of mercy unto me. PSALM LX. To the chief Mufician, upon Shnjhan-eduth, Michtam aloft your voices raife. 2 Sing forth the honour of his name and glorious make his praife. 3 Say unto God, How terrible in all thy works art thou ? Through thy great pow'r thy foes to thee- mall be conftrain'd to bow.' 4 All on the earth (hall worfhip thee, they (hall thy praife proclaim In fongs ; they (hall fing cheerfully unto thy holy Name. 5 Come, and the works that God hath with admiration fee : [wrought, In's working to the fons of men, moll terrible is he. 1\66.] Of DAVID. 137 6 Into dry land the Tea he turn'd, and they a pafTage had ; Ev'n marching thro' the flood on foot, there we in him were glad. 7 He ruleth ever by his pow'r, his eyes the nations fee : O let not the rebellious ones lift up themfelves on high. 8 Ye people, blefs our God, aloud the voice fpeak of his praife. 9 Our foul in life who fafe preferves, our foot from Hiding ftays. I o For thou didft prove and try us, Lord, as men do filver try : I I Brought'!! us into the net, and mad'ft bands on our loins to lie. 1 % Thou haft caus'd men ride o'er our heads ; and tho' that we did pafs Through fire and water,yetthoubrought'(t us to a wealthy place. 13 I'll bring burnt ofPrings to thy houfe: to thee my vows I'll pay. 14 Which my lipsutter'd, my mouth fpake when trouble on me lay. 15 Burnt- facrifices of fat rams with incenfe I will bring : Of bullocks and of goats I will prefent an offering. 1 6 All that fear God, come here, I'll tell what he did for my foul. 17 I with my mouth unto him cry'd, my tongue did him extol. 138 The PSALMS [P.$y 1 8 If. in my heart I fin regard, the Lord me will not hear. 19 But furely God me heard, and to my prayer's voice gave ear. 20 O let the Lord, our gracious God, for ever bleflfed be, Who turned not my pray'r from him, nor yet his grace from me. PSALM LXYII. To the chief Mufician, on Neginoth, a Pfahn or Song. This Pfalm is a prophetical prayer for a blcfling upon the Church of the Jew-:, for the good of the Gentiles, and en- larging of the Kingdom of Chrift among them. The Petition is propounded, ver. 1, a. In the next place is an acclamation with the Gentile?, glorifying of God at their in-bringing, now foreieen that it fhould come moft certainly, ver. 3, 4. In the third place, the Church of the Jews do appiaud the fecond time the converfion of the Gentiles, and their praifing of God, promising to tBcmleJves, that by that means the increafe of God's b'efTing on them (hall follow, and the en- larging of the Kingdom of God through all the world, ver, 5,6, 7 - i T O R D, blefs and pity us : ■*— ' fhine on us with thy face. 2 That th* earth thy way, and nations all may know thy faving grace. 3 Let people praife thee, Lord, let people all thee praife. 4 O let the nations be glad, in fu'.igs their voices raife : Thou'lt juftly people judge, on earth rule nations all. 5 Let people praife thee, Lord ; let them praife thee, both great and fmall. P.68] Of DAVID. r 3j 6 The earth her fruit ftiall yield : our God fhall bleiling fend. 7 God fhall us blefs, men (hall him fear, unto earth's utmoft end. Another of the fame. i T ORD, unto us be merciful, -*— ' do thou us alfo blefs : And gracioufly caufe fhine on us the brightnefs of thy face : 2 That fo thy way upon the earth to all men may be known, Alfo among the nations all thy faving health be fhown. 3 O let the people praife thee, Lord ; let people all thee praife. 4. O let the nations be glad, and fing for joy always ; For rightly thou (halt people judge, and nations rule on earth, ? Let people praife thee, Lord ; let all the folk praife thee with mirth. ) Then fhall the earth yield her increafe ; God, our God blefs us fhall. ' God fhall us blefs ; and of the earth the ends fhall fear him all. PSALM LXVIII. To the chief Mufician, a Pjalm or Song of David. bis Pfalm is very fuitable to that time, when David having gotten the victory over his enemies round about, did aifem- Die all Iirael, and carried the ark of God, now returned from i.he land of the Philiftines, triumphantly out of the houfe of Dbed-Edom, into the city of David, as a type of Ch.-U'.'» : 140 The PSALMS [P.68 afcenfion after the work of Redemption in the word. la which Pialm, after the manner that Mofes prayed unto God, or to Chtift who was to be incanate, when the ark did march, David prayeth here fi-ft againft the Lord's enemies, ver. i, 2. And then for the Lord's people, ver. 3. In the next place, He exhorteth all the Lord's people to praile God, ▼ er. 4. and giveth twelve or thirteen reafons for it: Firft, Becaufe of his mercy to the defolate and afnicted, ver. 5, 6. Secondly, Becaufe of his wonderfulnefs and terriblenefs ia delivering of his people out of bondage, as appeared in his bringing of his people out of Egypt, and thro' the wildernefs, ver. 7, 8. Thirdly, Becaufe of his fatherly care to entertain his redeemed people, as did appear in his nourifhing of hrs Church in Canaan, ver. 9, 10. Fourthly, Becaufe of the vi&ories which he giveth ufuflly to his people, when their enemies do invade them, ver. ii, 12. Fifthly, Becaufe of the delivery which, he will give to his people out of their molt fad calamities, as he hath oftentimes given proof, ven 13, 14. Sixthly, Becaufe his Church is the mnft glorious kingdom in the world, being compared therewith, ver. 15, 16*. Seventhly, Becaufe Chrift the King of the Church, hath all the Angels at his command to ferve him; and having ended the Work of Redemption, was to aicend glorioufly, for fending down gifts to his Church, and ruling o,f it, ver. 17, 18. tighthly, Becaufe of God's bounty to his people, in daily renewed mercies, till he perfect the work of their Salvation, ver. iq, zo. Ninthly, I ecaufe of his avenging of himlelf npon all his enemies, ver. 21. Tenthly, 'lecau.e God hath Undertaken to work over again in efTecl, as need (hall require, what he hath done in bringing his people out of Egypt, and in giving them victory over the Canaanites, ver. 22, 23^ whereof the experience of his power, already manifefted for Ifrael, was a proof and pledge iufficient, ver. 24, 25, 26, 27. Eleventhly, Becaufe it was decreed by God, to eftabiifh his Church, and to make her ftrong by ma'iing Kings to become converts, ver. 28, 29. and that partly by treading down feme of her enemies, ver. 30 and partly by making others, even fome of her greateft enemies, to feek reconciliation with God, even her God, ver. 31. Twelfthly, He exhort- eth to praife God, becaufe of his omnipotent power, in con- verfion of kingdoms ready to be let forth for the defence of his people, ver. 32, 33, 34. and ready to overthrow their enemies and all for the ftrengthening of his Church: for all which he exhorteth all to blefs the Lord, ver. 35. 1 T ET God arife, and (battered -"— ' let all his en'mies be : And let all thefe that do him hate, before his prefence flee, F.68.] Of DAVID. 141 2 As fmoke is driv'n, fo drive thou them ; as fire melts wax away, Before God's face let wicked men fo perifh and decay. 3 But let the righteous be glad : let them before God's fight Be very joyful, yea, let them rejoice with all their might. 4 To God fing, to his name fing praife : extol him with your voice, That rides on Heav'n by his name J ah, before his face rejoice. 5 Becaufe the Lord a father is unto the fatherlefs ; God is the widow's judge within his place of holinefs. 6 God doth the folitary kt in fam'lies ; and from bands The chain'd doth free ^ but rebels do inhabit parched lands. 7 O God, what time thou did'ft go forth before thy people's face -, And when thro' the great wildernefs thy glorious marching was ; S Then at God's prefence fhook the earth, then drops from Heaven fell : This Sinai fhook before the Lord, the God of Ifrael. 4 9 O God, thou to thine heritage didft fend a plenteous rain, Whereby thou, when it weary was, didft it refrefh again. 14* The PSALMS [P.6S i o Thy congregation then did make their habitation there : Of thine own goodnefs for the poor, O God, thou didft prepare. 1 1 The Lord himfelf did give the word, the word abroad did fpread ; Great was the company of them the fame who publifned. 12 «Kings of great armies foiled were, and forc'd to flee away : And women who remain'd at home, did diftribute the prey. 1 3 Tho' ye have lain among the pots, like doves ye (hall appear, Whofe wings with filver and with gold whofe feathers cov'red are. 1 4 When there th' Almighty fcatt'red kings, like Salmon's fnow 'twas white. 15 God's hill is like to Bafhan hill, like Bafhan hill for height. 1 6 Why do ye leap, ye mountains high ? this is the hill where God Defires to dwell, yea, God in it for ay will make abode. 1 7 God's chariots twenty thuufand are, thoufands of Angels ftrong ; In's holy place God is, as in mount Sinai them among. 1 8 Thou haft O Lord, moft glorious afcended up on high ; And, in triumph victorious, led captive captivity ; P.68.] Of D A V I D. 143 Thou haft received gifts for men, for fuch as did rebel : Yea, ev'n for them, that God the Lord in midft of them might dwell. 19 Bleft be the Lord, who is to us of our falvation God ; Who daily with his benefits us plenteoufly doth load. 20 He of falvation is the God, who is our God moft ftrong : * And, unto God the Lord, from death the ilfues do belong. 2 1 But furely God mall wound the head of thofe that are his foes ; The hairy fcalp of him that Hill on in his trefpafs goes. 22 God faid, My people I will bring again from Bafhan hill ; Yea, from the fea's devouring depths, them bring again I will. 23 That in the blood of enemies thy foot imbru'd may be, And of thy dogs dipt in the fame the tongues thou may eft fee. 24 Thy goings they have feen, O God,. the fteps of majefty Of my God, and my mighty King, within the fanctuary. JL$ Before went fingers, players next on inftruments took way 5 And them among the damfels were that did on timbrels play. i 4 4 The PSALMS [P68 26 Within the congregations, blefs God with one accord ; From IfraTs fountain do ye blefs and praife the mighty Lord. 27 With their prince, little Benjamin, princes and counfel there Of Judah were, there Zabulon's and Napht'li's princes were. [ftrong 28 ThyGod commands thy ftrength : make what thou wrought'!!: for us, Lord. 29 For thy houfe at Jerufalem, kings (hall thee gifts afford. 30 The fpear-men's hoft, the multitude of bulls which fiercely look, [fent, Thofe calves, which people have forth O Lord, our God, rebuke, Till every one fubmit himfelf, and filver pieces bring : The people that delight in war, difperfe, O God and King. 3 1 Thofe that be princes great, mall then come out of Egypt lands, And Ethiopia to God fhall foon ftretch out her hands. 32 O all ye kingdoms of the earth, fing praifes to this King, For he is Lord that ruleth all, unto him praifes fing. 33 To him that rides on heav'ns of heav'ns, which he of old did found ; Lc, he fends out his voice, a voice in might that doth abound. .6 9 .] Of DAVID. 14$ 34 Strength unto God do ye afcribe ± for his excellency Is over Ifrael ; his ftrength is in the clouds molt high. 35 Thou'rt from thy temple dreadful,Lord, IfraTs own God is he, Who gives his people ftrength and pow'r ; O let God bleffed be. PSALM LXIX. To the chief Mufician upon- Shojkannhn^ a Pfalm of David. David, as a Type of Chrift, earneftly dealeth with-God for a delivery fiom his perplexed condition, and fiom the malice of his adverfaries ; and d .lh find a comfortable event. There are th ee parts of the Pfalm. In the firft, is' his Prayer, fix times pi dented, and ftrengther.ed with new reafons, to ver. 22. In the fecond part of the Plalm, is his imprecation of ten p'»gues againft his enemies, with forne rea ons added for the j aft ice of the inflicting the plagues, mentioned to ver. 29. In the third part, are four evidences ', ' of his victory from ver. 29. to the end. In all which, what- soever is proper to the Type, is to be refened to the Type only; and whatfoe'ver is lit alfo to be applied unto Chrift the Antitype, muft be referred to him only, in that fenfe which is fuitable to his Majcfty. \ His prayer at fiift, is pronounced in few words ; " Save me." The reafous aie four. The fiift, from the danger he wa.i in, ver. 1, 2. The next, fiom his long and patient waiting for an anlwer to his piayer, ver. 3. The third, from the mul- titude, malice, and iniquity of his enemies, ver. 4. The fourth, is by way of atteftation of Cod, that he was inno- cent of that whereof he was charged by his enemies, joined in with his humble acknowledging of wraaifoevter other fins juftice could charge upon him in any othei re"pc£r, ver. 5. 1 C AVE me, O God, becaufe the floods ^ do,fo environ me, That ev'n unto my very foul come in the waters be. G U6 The PSALMS [P.69 2 I downward in deep mire do fink, where ftanding there is none : I am into deep waters come, where floods have o'er me gone; 3 I weary with my crying am, my throat is alfo dry'd . Mine eyes do fail, while for my God I waiting do abide. 4 Thofe men that do without a caufe bear hatred unto me, Than are the hairs upon mine head in number more they be : They that would me deftroy, and are mine en'mies wrongfully, Are mighty : fo, what I took not, to render forc'd was I. 5 Lord, thou my folly know'ft • my fins not cover'd are from thee. 6 Let none that wait on thee be fham'd, Lord God of hofts, for me. O Lord, the God of Ifrael, let none who fearch do make, And feek thee, be at any time confounded for my fake. 7 For I have borne reproach for thee ; my face is hid with fhame. 8 To brethern ftrange, to mother's fons an alien I became. 9 Becaufe the zeal did eat me up, which to thine houfe I bare : And the reproaches call at thee, upon me fallen are. 1 P.69T ° F D A V l Dl I4? 10 My tears and fafts, t' afflicl my foul, were turned to my fhame. 1 1 When fackcloth I did wear, to them a proverb I became. 1 2 The men that in the gate do fit, againil: me evil fpake : They alfo that vile drunkards were, of me their fong did make. 13 But in an acceptable time my pray'r, Lord, is to thee : In truth of thy falvation, Lord, and mercy great, hear me. 14 Deliver me out of the mire -, from finking do me keep : Free me from thofe that do me hate, and from the waters deep. 15 Let not the flood on me prevail, whofe water overflows ; Nor deep me fwallow, nor the pit her mouth upon me clofe. 16 Hear me, O Lord, becaufe thy love and kindnefs is moft good : Turn unto me according to thy mercies' multitude. 17 Nor from thy fervant hide thy face - y I'm troubled, foon attend. [8 Draw near my foul, and it redeem : me from my foes defend To thee is my reproach well known, r my Jhame and my difgrace : Thofe that mine adverlaries be are all before thy face. G 2 148 The PSALMS [P.69 30 Reproach hath broke my heart, Pm full of grief : I look'd for one To pity me, but none- 1 found j comforters found I none. 21 They alfo bitter gall did give unto me for my meat •, They gave me vinegar to drink, when as my thiift was great. 22 Before them let their table prove a fnare : and do thou make Their welfare and profperity a trap themfelves to take. 23 Let thou their eyes fo dark'ned be, that fight may them forfake ; And let their loins be made by thee continually to make. 24 Thy fury pour thou out on them, and indignation ; And let thy wrathful anger, Lord, fall hold take them upon. 25 All wafte and defolate let be their habitation, And in their tabernacles all inhabitants be none. 26" Becaufe him they do perfecute, whom thou didft fmite before ; They talk unto the grief of thofe whom thou haft wounded fore. $7 Add thou iniquity unto their former wickednefs ; And do not let them com£ at all into thy righteoufnefs. P.6<>] Of D A V I D. 149 a 8 Out of the book of life let them be raz'd and blotted quite : Among the juft and righteous let not their names be writ. tg But now become exceeding poor and forrowful am I ; By thy falvation, O my, God, let me be let on high. 30 The name of God I with a fong moft cheerfully will praife ; And I, in giving thanks to him, his name mall highly raife. 31 This to the Lord a facrifice more gracious (hall prove, Than bullock, ox, or any beaft that hath both horn and hoof. 32 When this the humble men mail fee,. it joy to them lhall give : O all ye that do feek the Lord, your hearts (hall ever live. 3-3 For God the poo* hears, and will not his prifoners contemn. 34 Let heav'n and earth,and feas him praife, and all that move in them. 35 For God will Judah's cities build, and he will Zion fave : That they may dwell therein, and it in fure pofleflion have. 56 And they that are his fervants' feed inherit (hall the fame : So (hall they have their dwelling there, that love his blelTed name. G 3 150 The PSALMS [P.70 PSALM LXX. To the chief Muftcian, a Pfalm of David, to bring to remembrance. This Pi aim is almofl one in words with th^ latter end of P.'alm xl. wheiein David being in pt'clent danger of his life by his enemies, prayeth fLft, For fpee-'y delvery, ver.'i. Next, For fhamefal dilappointment to his enemies, ver 2,3. Aad thirdly, Foi a comfoi table life to all the Godly, ver. 4. From wh^ch condition albeit he him elf was very far for the prefent, yet he profeffeth he doth rely on God by faith, and pjayeth for a timeous delivory, ver. 5. 1 T O R D, hafte me to deliver ; -*— ' with fpeed, Lord, fuccour mc. 2 Let them that for my foul do feek fham'd and confounded be : Turn'd back be they and fham'd, that, in my hurt delight : 3 Turn'd back be they, Ha, ha, that fay, their (naming to requite. 4 In thee let all be glad, and joy that feek for thee : Let them who thy falvation love, fay ftill, God piaifed be. 5 I poor and needy am ; come, Lord, and make no ftay : My help thou and deliv'rer art, O Lord, make no delay. Another of the fame. ilWTAKE hafte, O God, me to preferve- lyX with fpeed, Lord, fuccour me. 2 Let them that for my foul do feek, fham'd and confounded be : Let them be turned back, and fham'd that in my hurt delight. 3 Turn'd back be they, Ha, ha, that fay, their fhaming to requite. P.7i.] Of D A V ID. 151 4 Lord, in thee let all be glad, and joy that feek for thee : Let fhem who thy falyation love lay ftill, God praifed be. 5 But I both poor and needy am ; come, Lord, and make no fray : My help thou end deliv'rer art ; O Lord, make no delay. PSAL M> LXXL This Pfalm is a Prayer o David's in his old age, requeuing for delivery from the confpiracy of Abialom, wherein he wreftleth with ihe Lord by feivent Implication, in seven petitions, all tending to thi purpose, that he may be deli- ve.ed, to ver. 14. and from ver. 14. to the end, we have his confident e to be delive ed, let forth in four evidences theteof Abi.lom here is i.ot named, nor is the pai ticular ca'e tet down, otheiwie than in general expieiTions, that fo it may ferve the better for the la.g^r u;e of the Chuich of God, and of the pa. ticular membeis thcieof in their af- flictions. i f~\ Lord my hope and confidence ^-^ is plac'd in thee alone : Then let thy fervant never be put to confufion. 2 And let me, in thy righreoufnefs, from thee deliv'rance have : Caufe me efcape; incline thine ear unto me, and me fave. 3 Be thou my dwelling rock, to which I ever may refort : Thou gav'ft commandment me to fave, for thou'rt my rock and foi t. 4 Free me, my God, from wicked hands, hands cruel and unjuft : 5 For thou, O Lord God, art my hope, and, 60m my youth, my trufl. G 4 i 5 2 The P S A L M S [P.71 6 Thou from the womb didft hold me up ; thou ait the fame, that me Out of my mother's bowels took : I ever will praife thee. 7 To many I a wonder am ; but thou'rt my refuge ftrong. 8 FilPd let my mouth be with thy praife, and honour all day long. 9 O do not caft me off, when as old age doth overtake me : And, when my ftrength decayed is, then do not thou forfake me. 10 For thofe that are mine enemies againft me fpeak with hate : And they together counfel take that fc ' my foul lay wait. 1 1 They faid, God leaves him : him purfue and take ; none will him fave. 12 Be thou not far from me, my God : thy fpeedy help- 1 crave. 13 Confound, confume them, that unto my foul are enemies : Cloth'd be they with reproach and fhame that do my hurt devife. 14 But I with expectation will hope continually : And yet with praifes more and more I will thee magnify. 15 Thy juftice and falvation my mouth abroad fhall mow Ev'n all the day ; for I thereof the numbers do not know. P„7i.] Of DAVID. 153 16 And I will conftantly go on in ftrength of God the Lord ; And thine own righteoufnefs, ev'n thine alone, I will record. 17 For, ev'n from my youth, O God, by thee I have been taught : And hitherto I have declar'd the wonders thou haft wrought. 1 8 And now, Lord, leave me not, when I old and grey-headed grow : ■ Till to this age, thy ftrength and pow'r ' to all to come I fhow. 19 And thy moft perfect righteoufnefs, O Lord, is very high, Who haft fo great things done: O God, who is like unto thee ? Thou, Lord, who great adverfities, and fore to me didft fhow, Shalt quicken, and bring me again from depths of earth below. 1 My greatnefs and my pow'r thou wilt increafe and far extend ; On every fide, againft all grief, thou wilt me comfort fend. 2 Thee, ev'n thy truth I'll alfo praife, my God, with pfaltery : Thou hols' One of Ifrae], with harp I'll fing to thee. 3 My lips fhall much iejoice in thee, when I thy praifes found ; My foul, which thou redeemed haft, I in joy fhall much abound. G 5 154 The PSALMS [P.72 24 My tongue thy juftice fhall proclaim, continuing all day long : For they confounded are and fliam'd, that leek to do me wrong. PSALM LXXIL A Vjalm for Solomon. In this Pfalm, under the fhadow of King Solomon^ reign y Chilli's giacious government is p ai e I; 3nd fir ft, The Church it caught to pray for a bleffmg on King David and hi- ion's government, including Chrifl%, ver. i. Next, The anfwer is given by the Spirit of the Lord in a prophecy of the-bletfedr.e a of the reign, and Kingdom of Chrill the fon of David, fora ver. a, to ver. 18. Thirdly, The uie hereof is letdown in thankfgiving unto God, ver. i K, 19. and herein is the accomplifhmeat of all the defires of David, obtained by this fatisfactory anfwer, ver. 20. 1 /~\ Lord, thy judgments give the King, ^-^ his fon thy righteoufnefs. 2 With right he fhall thy people judge, thy poor with uprightnefs. 3 The lofty mountains fhall bring forth unto the people peace ; Likewife the little hills the fame fhall do by righteoufnefs. 4 The people's poor ones he fhall judge, the needv's children fave - 9 And thofe fhall he in pieces break, who them opprefled have. 5 They mail thee fear, while fun and moon do laft, through ages all. 6 Like rain on mown grafs he fhall drop, or (how 'rs on earth that fall. 7 The juft fhall flourifh in his days, and profper in his reign : He fhall, while doth the moon endure, abundant peace maintain. P.?a.} Of DAVID. 155 8 His large and great dominion mall from fea to lea extend : It from the river mall reach forth unto earth's utmoft end. 9 They in the vvildernefs that dwell, bow down before him mull: : And they that are his enemies mail lick the very duft. 10 The Kings of Tarfhim, and the ifles, to him mail prefents bring : And unto him lhall offer gifts Sheba's and Seba's King. 1 1 Yea, ail the mighty Kings on earth before him down mall fall : And all the nations of the world do fervice to him fhali. 1 2 For he the needy mall preferve, when, he to him doth call ; The poor alfo, and him that hath no help of man at all. 1 3 The poor man, and the indigent, in mercy he (hall fpare : He fhall preferve alive the fouls of thofe that needy are. 14 Both from deceit and violence,' their foul he fhall fet free : And in his fight right precious and dear their blood fhall be. .15 Yea, he : : and giv'n to him fhall be of Sheba's gold; For him ftill fhall they- pray, and he lhall daily be extoll'd. 156 The PSALMS [P. 73 "16 Of corn an handful in the earth on tops of mountains high, With profp'rous fruit mail make, like on Lebanon that be. [trees The city mail be flourifhing, ^ her citizens abound In number mail, like -to the grafs that grows upon the ground. 1 7 His name for ever fhall endure, lafl like the fun it fhall : Men fhall be bleft in him, and bleft all nations fhall him call. 1 8" Now bleffed be the Lord our God, the God of Ifrael, For he alone doth wond'ruus works in glory that excel. ,19 And bleiTed be his glorious name to all eternity : The whole earth let his glory fill : Amen, fo let it be. [The Prayers of Dai id the [on of fejfe are ended.] PSALM LXXIII. A Pfalm of AJabh. The FfalmSft fctteth down here the dochine of Cod's goodnefs t -> the faithful, however he i'eem to deal with him, ver. i. and clra.eih it by hi; own eypeiience : Wherein fi! ft, After he had (tumbled to fee the wicked prol'per in the wor'd, comparing hi> cwn calamities with their profperity, ver. 2 > 3> 4, 5) ^> !•> 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. he was like to be o- vercome with the tentation, and to forfake the courfe of godline;"?, ver. 13, 14. Next, With this tentation he wreflles, ver. 15, 16. And thirdly, He getteth the victory, by consulting the word oPGpd, ver. 17, 18, 19, 20. In the laft place, He maketh a fourfold ufe of this expedence : the firit whereof is, the acknowledging of his own weakness under. the- tentatioo, ver. 21, 22. The next is, Conferring of God's kindnefs to him in the time of testation, ver. 23. P.73-] Of DAVID, 157 The third is, The confi-ming of his own faith for time to come, ver. 14, *Si l6 The fourth U > His relolutlon to draw more near to God hereafter, ver. 2,7, z8. iyET God is good to Ifrael, 1 to each pure hearted one. 2 But as for me, my fteps near flipt, my feet werealmoft gone. 3 For I envious was, and grudg'd the foolifh folk to fee, When I perceiv'd the wicked fort enjoy profperity. 4 For itill their ftrength continueth firm -, their death of bands is free : 5 They are not toil'd as other men, nor plagu'd as others be. 6 Therefore their pride, like to a chain, them compaiTeth about : And, as a garment, violence doth cover them throughout. 7 Their eyes ftand out with fat, they have more than their hearts could wifh. 8 They are corrupt, their talk of wrong both loud and lofty is. f) They fet their mouth againft the heav'ns in their blafphemous talk ; And their reproaching tongue throughout the earth at large doth walk. 10 His people oftentimes for this look back, and turn about i Sith waters of fo full a cup to thefe are poured out. 1 1 And thus they fay, How can it be that God thefe things doth know ? Or, can there in the Higheft be knowledge of things below ? 158 The PSALMS [P.73 1 2 Behold, thefe are the wicked ones, yet profper at their will In worldly things, they do increafe in wealth" and riches ftill. 1 3 I verily have done in vain, my heart to purify h To no effecl in innocence warned my hands have I. 14 For daily, and all day throughout, great plagues I fuffer'd have; Yea, every morning I of new did chaftifement receive. 15 If in this manner foolifhly to fpeak I would intend, Thy children's generation behold, I mould offend. " 16 When I this thought to know, it was too hard a thing for me. 1 7 Till to God's fanc\uary I v/ent ; then I their end did fee. 18 Afluredly thou didft them fet a flipp'ry place upon : Them fuddenly thou caftedft down into deftrucYion. 19 How, in a moment, fuddenly to ruin brought are they ! With fearful terrors utterly they are confum'd away. 20 Ev'n like unto a dream, when one from fleeping doth arife ; So thou, O Lord, when thou awak'ft, their image flialt defpife. P.74.] Of DAVID. 159 21 Thus grieycd was my heart in me, and me my reins oppreft. 22 So rude was I, and ignorant, and in thy fight a beaft. 23 Neverthelefs continually, Lord, I am with thee : Thou doft me hold by my right hand, and ftill upholdefl me. 24 Thou with thy counfd, while I live, wilt me conduct and guide ; And to thy glory afterward receive me to abide. 25 Whom have I in the Heav'ns high, but thee, O Lord, alone ? And in the earth, whom I defire, befides thee there is none. 26 My flefh and heart doth faint and fail, but God doth fail me never : For. of my heart God is the ftrength, and portion for ever. 27 For lo, they that are far from thee for ever perifh fhall : Them that a- whoring from thee go thou hall deftroyed all. 28 But furely it is good for me that I draw near to God : In God I truft, that all thy works 1 may declare abroad. PSALM LXXIV. Mafchil of Afaph, Of this Pfaim there are three parts. In the firft the pitiful lamentation of the Chu;ch prcfcnted unto God, becaule of" the deltniclioQ of Jerulalem, and burning of the temple 1 6o The PSALMS [P.74 by the Chaldeans, to ver. u. In the next, is the ftrength- cning of the faith and hope of God's people, that God would fend a delivery, to ver. 18. In the thud, There are fundry petitions for relief of his people, leftitution of his. . own work, and luppreflion of his enemies, to the end of the Plalm. i(~\ God, why haft thou call us off? ^-^ is it for evermore ? Againft thy pafture-fheep, why doth thine anger fmoke fo fore ? 2 O call to thy rememberance thy congregation, Which thou haft purchafed of old, ftill think the fame upon : The rod of thine inheritance, which thou redeemed haft/ This Zion hill, wherein thou hadft thy dwelling in times paft. 3 To thefe long defolations thy feet lift, do not tarry : For all the ills thy foes have done within thy fanctuary. 4 Amidft thy congregations thine enemies do roar : Their enfigris they fet up, for figns of triumph, thee before. 5 A man was famous, and was had in eftimation, According as he lifted up his ax thick trees upon. 6 But all at once with axes now and hammers they go to ; And down the carved work thereof they break and quite undo. , P.74-] ° F DAVID. 161 7 They fired have thy fandtuary, and have defil'd the fame, By caftinpr down unto the ground the place where dwelt thy name. 8 Thus faid they in their hearts, Let us deftroy them out of hand : They burnt up all the fynagogues of God within the rand. 9 Our figns we do not now behold - 7 there is not us among A prophet more, nor any one that knows the time how long. io How long, Lord, fhall the enemy thus in reproach exclaim ? And fhall the adverfary thus always blafpheme thy name ? 1 1 Thy hand, ev'n thy right hand of might, why doft thou thus draw back ? O from thy bofom pluck it out, for our deliv'rance fake. 12 For certainly God is my King, ev'n from the times of old, Working, in midft of all the earth, falvation manifold. 13 The fea by thy great pow'r to part afunder thou didft make ; And thou the dragons' heads, O Lord, within the waters brake. 14 The leviathan's head thou brak'rt in pieces, and didft give Him to be meat unto the folk in wildernefs that live. i62 The PSALMS [P. 74 1 5 Thou clav'ft the fountain and the flood,. which did with ftreams abound ; Thou dry 'ft the mighty waters up unto the very ground. 16 Thine only is the day, O Lord, thine alio is the night ; And thou alone prepared haft the fun and mining light 1 7 By thee the borders cf the earth were fettled ev'ry where : The fummer and the winter both by thee created were. 1 8 That th' enemy reproached hath, O keep it in record ; And that the foolifh people have blafphem'd thy name, O Lord. 19 Unto the multitude do not thy turtle's foul deliver ; The congregation of thy poor do not forget for ever. 20 Unto thy cov'nant have refpecl : for earth's dark places be Full of the habitations of horrid cruelty. ii O let not thofe that be opprefs'd return again with fhame ; Let thcfe that poor and needy are give praife unto thy name. 22 Do thou, O God, arife and plead the caufe that is thine own : Remember how thou art reproach'd ftill by the foolifh one. P.75-] Of DAVID. 163 23 Do not forget the voice of tliofe that are thine enemies : Of thofe the tumult ever grows that do againil: thee rife. PSALM LXXV. To the chief Mufician, Al-tafchith y a Pfalm or Song of Ajaph. This Pfalm doth weli agree with the time of David's entry into the kingdom after Saul's death, before he was eftabJifhed King over all the tribes : whe c n he with the Church, Fi.lt, Doth 'thank God for bringing h:m w onderfully to a begun pofTcflion of a pat t of the kingdom, ver i. Secondly, He promiuth thai when the L id fh .11 give him the refl of the kingdom in poffeffion, to employ h s power f.»r righteous governing and lettling oi it, arte" it fhall be put one- in a right frame, ver. 2, 3 Thirdly, He begin* to triumnh. over the wicked that followed Saul, bringing to their mind the advcith-ment he h>d given them not to be» proud 'n their places, ver. 4, c. Pa tly, Becau.e Gf-d had the difpofing of preferments in hi c own hanc;, ve . 6, 7 And partly, Becaufe-alb. it God pave to all h,'; own children a talle of troubles, as he law fit, yet the d.egsof wrath were referved for the wicked,, ver. 8. Fourthly, He promifeth to praife God cmtinuallv, for calling down the wicked, and exalting of the Godly, ver. 9, 10, i *T^O thee, O God, do we give thanks, * we do give thanks to thee : Becaufe thy wond'rous works declare thy great name near to be. 2 I purpoie when I fhall receive the congregation, That I fhall judgment uprightly render to ev ry one. 3 DiiTolved is the land, with all that in the fame do dv/ell : But I the pillars thereof do bear up, and ftablifh well 1 64 The PSALMS [P.76 4 I to the foolifh people faid, do not deal foolifhly; And unto thofe that wicked are, lift not your horn on high. 5 Lift not your horn on high : nor fpeak 6 with ftubborn neck. But know, That nor from eaft, nor weft, nor fouth, promotion doth flow. 7 But G xi ; s judge: he puts down one and fets another up. 8 For in the hand of God moft High of red wine is a cup : 'Tis full of mixture, he pours forth, and makes the wicked all Wring out the bitter dregs thereof, yea, and they drink them fhalL 9 But I for ever will declare ; I Jacob's God will praife. 10 All horns of lewd men I'll cut off; %. but juft men's horns will raife. PSALM LXXVI. To the chief Mujician on Negmoth, a Pfahn or Song of Afaph. Pfalm of praife, given forth upon occafion of forae great udiverance of the Cbu ch, fuch as was that when Senache- rib*= ho.t was dellroyed, or ibme other like overthrow given to the enemy. The fum of .hs Pfalm is this, The Lord is glorious in hi? - Chu;ch, and greatly to be prailed by his people, let down, ver. 1, z. The reafons given for this we fix : The fi.rft, ver. 3. The fecond, vet. 4. The third, ver. 5, 6. The fourth, ver. 7. The fifth, ver. 8, 9. The fixth, ver. 10. The life whereor, with a realon for it, is fct dov»n, ver-u , ia. This del 1\ 7 6.] Of DAVID. 165 1 TN Judah's land God is well known : A his name's in Ifra'l great. 2 In Salem is his tabernacle, in Zion is his feat. 3 There arrows of the bow he bra£e, the fhield, the fword, the war. 4. More glorious thou than hills of prey, more excellent art far. 5 Thofe that were ftout of heart are fpoil'd, they flept their deep outright : And none of thofe their hands did find that were the men of might. 6 When thy rebuke, Jacob's God, had forth againft them paft, Their.. horfes and their chariots both were in a dead fleep call. 7 Thou, Lord, ev'n thou art he that mould be fear'd, and who is he That may ftand up before thy fight, if once thou angry be ? [heard ; 8 From Heav'n thou judgment caus'd be the earth was ftill with fear. 9 When God to judgment rofe, to fave, all meek on earth that were. 10 Surely the very wrath of man unto thy praife redounds ; Thou to the remnant of his wrath wilt fet retraining bounds. 1 1 Vow to the Lord your God, and pay ; all ye that near him be, Bring gifts and prefents unto him, for to be fear'd is he. 166 The PSALMS [P.77 12 By him the fp'rits (hall be cut off of thofe that princes are ; Unto the Icings that are on earth he fearful doth appear. PSALM LXXVII. To the chief M.iftcian, to Jeduthun, a Pfalm of Afaph. This Palm doth exprefs the (Wp exercife of the Pfalmift, troubled with the ierne of Cod's dilplealure, an"i how he wreftied under this condition, and ha*1 deliverance Urn it, which is fummarily p opoundcd, ver. i. and made plain more particularly in the itft of the Pfaim; for firft, he letteth down hh trc'able of mind, ver. 2, 3, 4. Secondly, His wreftling with the len.e of felt w.ath, ver. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Thirdly, HU begun viSory by faith, Jfer, 10, u, iz. Fourth- ly, Toe fettling of his mind bv c nfideration of God's man- ner of dealing with his Church of old, to the end of the Pfalm. iT TNTO the Lord I with my voice, ^ I unto God did cry Ev'n with my voice, and unto me his ear he did apply. 2 I in my trouble fought the Lord : my fore by night did run, And ceafed not : my grievecf foul did confolation fhun. 3 I to rememb'rance God did call, yet trouble did remain ; And overwhelmed my fpirit was, whilft I did fore complain. 4 Mine eyes debarr'd from reft and fleep thou makefPftill to wake : My trouble is fo great, that I unable am to fpeak. P.77] Of DAVID. iC 5 The days of old to mind I call'd, and oft did think upon The times and ages that are pall full many years agone. 6 By night my fong I call to mind, and commune with my heart ; My fp'rit did carefully enquire how I might eafe my (mart. 7 For ever will the Lord caft off, and gracious be no more ? 8 For ever is his mercy gone P fails his word evermore ? 9 Is't true, that to be gracious the Lord forgotten hath ? And that his tender mercies he hath fhut up in his wrath ? 10 Then did I fay, That furely this is mine infirmity : I'll mind the years of the right hand of him that is moft High. 1 1 Yea, I remember will the works .performed by the Lord : The wonders done of old by thee, I furely will record. 1 2 I alio will of all thy works my meditation make, ~And of thy doings to difcourfe great pleafure I will' take. 13 O Gcd, thy way moll: holy is within thy fanduary : And what God is fo great in pow'r as is our God moft High ? ■ i68 The PSALMS [P. 78 1 4 Thou art the God that wonders doft by thy right hand moft ftrong ; Thy mighty pow'r thou haft declar'd the nations among. 15 To thine own people with thine arm thou didft redemption bring, To Jacob's fons, and to the tribes of Jofeph that do fpring. 16 The waters, Lord, perceived thee, the waters faw thee well ; And they for fear afide did flee : the depths on trembling fell. 1 7 The clouds in water forth were pour'd, found loudly did the iky : And Aviftly through the world abroad thine arrows fierce did fly. 18 Thy thunder's voice alongft the heav'n a mighty noife did make : By light'nings Iight'ned was the world, th' earth tremble did and fhake. 19 Thy way is in the fea, and in the waters great thy path ; Yet are thy footfteps hid, O Lord, none knowledge thereof hath. 20 Thy people thou didft fafely lead like to a flock of fheep, By Mofes' hand and Aaron's thou didft them conduct and keep. < PSALM LXXVIII. Majchil of Afaph. In this Pfalm the Lord's Spirit doth ilir up his people to make 'a right ufe of the Lord's work of juftice and mercy fet down in the holy Scripture; and to this end he giveth account of P.7«-l Of DAVID. 169 God's dealing very mercifully with his people, and never in jullice but when mercy was abufed; and he fheweth alfo by the people's dealing with Cod unthankfully and deceitfully, whether he dealt mercifully or in juftice with them. The Pfalm may be divided thus : After a preface to prepare the heaier for attention and observation of what he was to deliver, ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. he bringeth fo. th, fi.ft, The evi- dence of God's gracious care he ha^hof his people, in giving them his bleffed word, to teach unto them faith and obedi- ence, ver. 5, 6, 7, 8. Secondlv, The evidence of God's judgment againft his people, who were put to flight before their toes, when they did not believe the Lord, and did not make ufe of his works among them, ver. 9, 10, n. Thirdly, He ietteth down how great thingsGod did for them in Egypt, and in the wildernefs, ver. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Fourthly, How they made no better ufe of thefe meicies, than to tempt God, and provoke him to wrath, ver. 17, 18, 19, 20. Fifthly, How for their tempting of God, he was angry at them for their unbelief, and not confidering of the miraculous feeding of them with Manna, ver. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. and how in wrath he fatisfied their luft by fending quails for there, to eat flefh their fill, ver. 26, 27, 28, ^9. Sixthly, How becaufe they repented not of their provocation, the Lord did pfague them, and they went on in their mifbelief and difobedience ; and God went on in the courfe of multiplying judgments on them, and cutting off" multitudes of them, ver 30, 31, 32, 33. Seventhly, How they at laft made a fafhion of repenting and ieeking of God, but proved in effect nothing but flattering and diffembling hypocrites, un* conftant in the covenant, ver. 34, 35, 36", 37. Eighthly, How the Lord in mercy pitied and ipaied them many a time, notwithstanding all their provocations of his juftice againfl them, ver. 38, 39, 40, 41. Ninthly, He ietteth down the prime caufe of all this their fin and nailery, becaufe they marked not, or made no ufe of the difference that God put between the Egyptians and them; nor how for their caufe he had plagued the Egyptians with plague after plague, ver. 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 40, 50, 51. and biought their fathers falely out of Egypt, when their enemies were drowned before their eyes, ver. 52, 53. Tcnthly, He ietteth down how the Lord perfected their journey to Canaan, and hrought them to the poffiflion of it, thiufting out the Canaanites, that they might have place, ver. 54, 55. Eleventhly, How they for all this, provoked God to 3nge: with their idolatry and fuperflition, ver. 56", 57, 58. Twe^fthly, How the Lord for this their oft repeated provocation, did milerably vex them in the days of Eii and 'Samuel, giving over * is ark into the Hhiliftines hand, and plaguing their country with variety of plagues, ver. 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64. Thir- teenthly, How God of his free mercy-put his enemies t» H 170 The PSALMS [P.7S ftiame, and reftored Rdigion and Liberty to the Church and Kingdom, ver. 65, 66. And Iafl: of ali, How he brought them to a fettled condition under David, vtho was a Type of Chrift, ver. 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, J%. 1 A TTEND, my people, to my law, -^ thereto give thou an ear; The words that from my mouth proceed attentively do hear. 2 My mouth mail fpeak a parable, and fayings dark of old : 3 The fame which we have heard and known, and us our fathers told. 4 We alfo will them not conceal from their poller ity ; Them to the generation to come declare will we : The praifes of the Lord our God, and his almighty itrength, The wond'rous woiks that he hath done we will fhew forth at length. 5 HLs teftimony and his law in Ifra'l he did place, And charg'd our fathers it to fhew to their iucceeding race. 6 That fo the race which was to come might well them learn and know : And ions unborn, who mould arife, might to their fons them fhow. - 7 That they might fet their hope in Qod, and fuiTer not to fall Hib mightv works out of their mind ; but keep his precepts all : 1\78.] Of DAVID. 171 8 And might not, like their fathers, be a ftiff rebellious race ; A race not right in heart, with God whofe fp'rit nut iledfaft was. 9 The fons of Ephra'm, who nor bows, nor other arms did lack, When as the day of battle was, they faintly turned back. 10 They brake God's cov'nant, and refus'd in his commands to go : 1 1 His works and wonders they forgot, which he to them did (how. 1 2 Things marvellous he brought to pafs, their fathers them beheld, Within the land of Egypt done, yea, ev'n in Zoan's field. 13 By him divided was tjie fea, he caus'd them through to pafs, And made the waters fo to fland as like an heap it was. 14 With cloud by day, with light of fire all night he did them guide. 15 In deiert, rocks he clave, and drink as from great depths fupply'd. 16 He from the rock brought flreams, like made waters to run down. [floods 17 Yet finning more, in defert they provok'd the higheit One. 18 For in their heart they tempted God, and, fpeaking with miftruit, They greedily did meat require to fatisfy their lull. H 2, i7.a The PSALMS [P.78 19 Againft the Lord himfelf they fpake; and, murmuring, faid thus, A table in the wildernefs can God prepare for us ? 20 Behold, he fmote the rock, and thence came ilreams and waters great ; But can he give his people bread, and fend them flefh to eat ? £ 1 The Lord did hear, and waxed wroth fo kindled was a flame 'Gainfl Jacob, and 'gainft Ifrael up indignation came. 22 For they believ'd not God, nor trull in his falvation had : 2 3 Tho' clouds above he did command, and Heav'n's doors open made ; 24 And Manna rain'd on them, and gave them corn of Heav'n to eat. 25 Man Angels' food did eat : to them he to the full fent meat. 26 And in the Heaven he did caufe an eaftern w 7 ind to blow ; And by his power he let out the fouthern wind to go. 27 Then flefh, as thick as dull, he made to rain down them among, And feather'd fowls, like as the fand which ly 'th the fhore along. 28 At his command, amidft their camp thefe fhow'rs of flefh down fell, All round about the tabernacles and tent sw here they did dwell. P. 78.] Of DAVID. 173 29 So did they eat abundantly, and had of meat their fill ; For he did give to them what was their own defire and will. 30 They from their hrft had not eftrang'd their heart and their defire : But while the meat was in their mouths, which they did fo require. -31 God's wrath upon them came, and flew . the fatteft of them all ; So that the choice of Ifrael, o'erthrown by death, did fall. 32 Yet, notwithftanding of all this, they finned frill the more : And, tho' he had great wonders wrought, believ'd him not therefore. ^^ Wherefore, their days in vanity he did confume and wafte : And by his wrath their wretched years away in trouble pair. 34 But when he flew them, then they did to feek him fhew defire : Yea, they returned, and after God right early did enquire. $5 And that the Lord had been their rock they did remember then ; Ev'n that the high Almighty God had their Redeemer been. 36 Yet with their mouth they flatter'd him, and fpake but feignedlv , And they unto the God oT truth with their falfe tongues did lye. H z 174 The P S A L M S [P.78 37 For tho' their words were good, their with him was not fincere ; [heart Unftedfaft and perfidious they in his cov'nant were. 38 But, full of pity, he forgave their fin, them did not flay j Nor fiirr'd up all his wrath, but oft his anger, turn'd away. 39 For that they were but fading flefh to mind he did recall • A wind that paiTeth foon away, and not returns at all. 40 How often did they him provoke within the wilderness? And in the defert did him grieve with their rebeliioufnefs ? 4-1 Yea, turning back, they tempted God, and limits fet upon Him, who in midft of Ifra'l, is the only holy One. 42 They did not call to mind his pow'r, nor yet the -day when he Deliver'd them out of the hand of their fierce enemy. 43 Nor how great figns in Egypt land he openly had wrought, What miracles in Zoan's field his hand to pafs had brought. 44 How lakes and rivers ev'ry where, he turned into blood ; So that no man ncr beaft could drink of fhnding lake or flood. P.7&.] Of DAVID. 1 75 45 He brought among them fwarms of flies, which did them fore annoy : And divers kinds of filthy frogs he feut them to deftroy. 46 He to the caterpillar gave the fruits of all their foil ; Their labours he deliver'd up unto the locufts' fpoil. 47 Their vines with hail, their fycamores he with the froft did blaft. 48 Their bealls to hail he gave, their flocks hot thunder-bolts did waile. 49 Fierce burning wrath he on them call, and indignation ftrong, And troubles fore, by fending forth ill angels them among. 50 He to his wrath made way, their foul from death he did not fave - t But over to the peftilence the lives of them he gave. 51 In Egypt land the firft-born all he fmote down ev'ry where : Among the tents of Ham, ev'n thefe chief of their ftrength that were. 52 But his own people, like to fheep, thence to go forth he made ; And he, amidft the wildernefs them, as a flock, did lead. SZ And he them fafely on did lead, fo that they did not fear : Whereas their en'mies by the fea quite overwhelmed were. H 4 176 The PSALMS [P.78 54 To borders of his fanctuary the Lord his people led, Ev'n to the mount which his right hand, for them had purchafed. 55 The nations of Canaan, by his almighty hand, Before their face he did expel out of their native land •, Which for inheritance to them by line he did divide, And made the tribes of Ifrael within their tents abide. 56 Yet God moil high they did provoke, and tempted ever ftill ; And to obferve his tefti monies did not incline their will. 57 But, like their fathers, turned back, and dealt unfaithfully : Afide they turn'd, like a bow that moots deceitfully. 58 For they to anger did provoke him with their places high, And with their graven images mov'd him to jealoufy. 5£ When God heard this, he waxed wroth, and much loath'd Ifra'l then : 60 So Shiloth's tent he left, the tent which he had plac'd with men : 61 And he his ftrength delivered, into captivity ; He left his glory in the hand of his proud enemy. P. 7 8.] Of DAVID. 177 62 His people alfo he gave o'er unto the fword's fierce rage, So fore his wrath inflamed was againft his heritage. 63 The fire confum'd their choice young their maids no marriage had. [men : 64 And when their priefts fell by the fword, their wives no mourning made. 65 But then the Lord arofe, as one that doth from fleep awake * And, like a giant, that, by wine refrem'd, a fhout doth make. 66 Upon his en'mies' hinder parts he made his ftroke to fall : And fo upon them he did put a fliame perpetual. 67 'Moreover, he the tabernacle of Jofeph did refufe : The mighty tribe of Ephraim he would in no wife chufe. 68 But he did chufe Jehudah's tribe to be the reft above ■, And of mount Zion he made choice, which he fo much did love. 69 And he his fandluary built like to a palace high, Like to the earth, which he did found to perpetuity. 70 Of David, that his fervant was, he alfo choice did make ; And even from the folds of fheep was pleafed him to take : H5 t 73 The PSALMS [P.79 71 From waiting en the ewes with young, he brought him forth to feed Ifrael, his inheritance, his people, Jaeob's feed. 72 So after the integrity he, of his heart, them fed : And by the good (kill of his hands, them wifely governed. P S A L M LXXIX. A Pfalm of Afo.ph. The fcattered and captive people of God, after the deftruction of Jerufalem and of the Temple, do pat up a pitiful com- plaint unto God, to ver. 6. and do p av For a merciful relief to his Church, and for avenging their blood upon their ene- mies. As for the complaint, in it they lament Four thing'-', Firft, the profanation and deflation of the Lo:d's inheritance and temple by the heathen their enejiiies, ver. i. Secondly, The barbarous cruelty and inhumanity ufed againft them, ver. 2, 3. Thirdly, 'I he contempt and mocking of their vicked neighbours in their miiery, ver. 4. Fourthly, As they acknowledge this to proceed from God's difpleafure, 10 they lament that it is like to be everlafting, ve ! ^. In their PraverJ in the latter part of the P a Pfalm of Afaph. This Pfalm given the Church to be made ufe of, is of the like lad fubjedt with the former, and may be applied to the time of carrying away the ten tribes out of the holy Land, while Judah was yet in pofleflion of it, and the temple was yet lt.anifing v and the Loid was dwelling between the Cherubims and the Sanctuary, where the ark and mercy-teat were yet remaining; or to the time of ihe begun delegation of the land by Nebuchadnezzar, or to ajiy other delolation which O come for our falvation* ftir up thy ftrength and mrght. 3 Turn us again, O Lord, our God : and upon us vouchfafe To make thy countenance to mine, and fo we fhall be fafe. 4 O Lord of hofts, almighty God, how long fhall kindled be Thy wrath againft the prayer made by thine own folk to thee ? 5 Thou tears of forrow giv'ft to them inftead of bread to eat: Yea, tears inftead of drink thou giv'ft to them in meafure great. 6 Thou makeft us a ftrife unto our neighbours round about : Our enemies among themfelves at us do laugh and flout. 7 Turn mjs again, O God of hofts, and upon us vouchfafe To make thy countenance to fhine, and fo we fhall be fafe. 3 A vine from Egypt brought thou haft, by thine out-ftretched hand : And thou the heathen out didft caft, to plant it in their land. i82 The V S A L M S [P.So 9 Before it thou a room didft make, where it might grow and ftand ; Thou caufedft it deep root to take, and it did fill the land, i o The mountains veil'd were with its made, as with a covering ; Like goodly cedars where the boughs which out from it did fpring. 1 1 Upon the one hand, to the fea her boughs me did out fend •, On th' other fide, unto the flood her branches did extend. 1 2 Why haft thou then thus broken down and ta'en her hedge away, So that all pafTengers do pluck and make of her a prey ? - 1 3 The boar who from the foreft comes, doth wafte it at hjs pleafure ■, The wild beaft of the field alfo devours it out of meafure. 14 O God of hofts, we thee befeech, return now unto thine : Look down from Heav'n in love, behold and vifit this thy vine. 15 This vineyard, which thine own righthand hath planted us among, And that fame branch, which for thyfelf thou haft made to be ftrong. 16 Burnt up it is with flaming fire, it alfo is cut down : They utterly are perifhed when as thy face doth frown. p.Si.] Of DAVID. i«3 17 O let thy hand be ftill upon the man of thy right hand, The fon of man, whom for thyfelf thou madeft ftrong to ftand. 1 3 So henceforth we will not go back, nor turn from thee at all : O do thou quicken us, and we upon thy name will call. 19 Turn us again,. Lord God of hofts, and upon us vouch fa fe To make thy countenance to mine, and fo we mail be fafe. PSALM LXXXI. To the chief Mufician, upon Gittith, a Pfalm of Afapb. This Pfalm was appointed to be Tung in their folemn feafts, new moons, and feafl: of tabernacles ; -in fpecial, for a tcftimony of God's giacious and bountiful dealing with his pcoj le on the one hand, and of their provocation of God on the other hand, moving him to change his dilpenfation toward them, and to withhold many benefits fiom them, which otheiwde they might have had, if they had not re- jected God's couhfel, and had choien their own ways, that by this Pfalm his people might learn to be wiler. The paits of the Pialm a e three The fctt, is a preface, vvhcicin there is a mutual ftirring up o ' the Chu ch-menV ers to keep the folemn feafb, and blowing or" tr mpe*s, ver. 1, 1, 3 and a reaion of this mutual exhortation, taken f,om God's mftitution of this ordinance when he brought his peo- ple out of Egypt fiom the 'eivice of fti anger?, ver. 4, 5. In the fetond part is let down, how God delivered them from bondage in Egypt, and from troubles in their journey, ver. 6, 7. and how reafonab e commands the Lord did give unto them, which commands aie all iummed up in this one T vat God Or uld be their God alone ver. 8, 9, ?o. In the thiid (art is let down, Fi.fl, How they rejected God and h'S couniet, ver. 11. Next, How therefore they were rlagucd, by being g ven over to thdr own lu(rs,"vei. 11. . Thirdly, How they deprived themfe!ves of God's benefit, which by following God's counicl, they might have enjoyed; ver. 13, 14, 15. 1 84 The PSALMS [P.81 i CING i ou j toGod, our ftrength: with joy ^ to Jacob's God do fing. 2 Take up a pfalm, the pleafant harp, timbrel and pfalt'ry bring. 3 Blow trumpets at new-moon, what day our feait appointed is. 4 For charge to Ifra'l, and a law of Jacob's God was this. 5 To Jofeph this a teftimony he made, when Egypt land He travelPd thro' : where fpeech I heard I did not understand. 6 His fhoulder I from burdens took : his hands from pots did free. 7 Thou didft in trouble on me call, and I deliver'd thee : In fecret place of thundering, I did thee anfwer make ; And at the ftreams of Meribah, of thee a proof did take. 8 O thou my people, give an ear, I'll teftify to thee : To thee, O Ifrael, if thou wilt but hearken unto me. 9 In midft of thee there mall not be any ftrange God at all : Nor unto any God unknown thou bowing down fhalt fall. io I am the Lord thy God, which did fiom Egypt land thee guide : I'll fill thy mouth abundantly, do thou it open wide. P.82.] Of DAVID. 185 1 1 But yet my people to my voice would not attentive be : , • And ev'n my chofen Ifrael he would have none of me. 12 So to the lull of their own hearts I them delivered : And then in counfels of their own they vainly wandered. 1 3 O that my people had me heard, Ifra'l my ways had chofe ! 14 I had their en'mies foon fubdu'd, my hand turn'd on their foes. 15 The haters of the Lord to him fubmiflion mould have feign'd ; But as for them, their time mould have for evermore remain'd. 1 6 He mould have alfo fed them with the fineft of the wheat : Of honey from the rock, thy fill I mould have made thee eat. PSALM LXXXII. A Pfalm of Afaph, This Pfalm agreeth with the time of David's perfecution by Sau) and his counfellors, the Peers of the land; wherein the Pfalmift comforteth himfelf in God's fupremacy, and his judging of all judges on the earth; for executing whereof God cometh into their meeting, ver. i. Then challengeth. them for their injuflice and oppreffion, ver. 2. Thirdly, Readeth the law and rule of their duty unto them, ver. 3, 4, Fourthly, Condemneth them as guilty, ver. 5. Fifth!;', Pronounceth fentence of doom upon them, ver. 6, 7. And then the Pl'almift clofeth the Pialm with prayer, ver. 8. iTN Gods' aflembly, God doth ftand : ■*• he judgeth Gods among. 2 How long, accepting perfons vile, will ye give judgment wrong ? 1 86 * The PSALMS [P.83 3 Defend the poor and fatherlefs : to poor opprefs'd do right. 4 The poor and needy ones fet free : rid them from ill men's might. 5 They know not, nor will underftand ; in darknefs they walk on : All the foundations of the earth out of their courfe are gone. 6 I faid, that ye are Gods, and are fons of the Higheft all. 7 But ye /hall die like men, and as one of the princes fall. 8 O God, do thou raife up thyfelf, the earth to judgment call : For thou, as thine inheritance, (halt take the nations all. PSALM LXXXIII. A Song or PJahn of AJaph. This Pfalm ag eeth with fuch a condition of the Church, as we xead of in the days of Jehofaphat, a Cluon. xx. and ierveth to comfort the. Church in the greateft confpiracies of her enemies againfther. The Pfalm hath two parts. In the foimer, The Church d th cry to God to fhew himfelf for his people, ver. i. and-complaineth of their confpiracy and p epaiation to come againft her, ver 2, 3. and of their purpofe to root out the Lord'; people, ver. 4, 5. fpecifying a number of nations, who were upon the plot, ver. "6, 7, 8. In the latter part, They p r ay that judgment may fo befall them, as befell other fuch their enemies before, who enter- p. i/ed the fame enterprife, vey. 9, 10, 11, 1 2. In particular, That the whole Kofi may be overturned and coniumed, ver. >3, 14. and the remnant may be chafed and fca,ttered, ver. 15. and afhamed and confounded for ever, ver. 16, 17. that foGod may have the more glory among them', ver. 18. 1 j^EEP not, O God, we thee entreat, -" O keep not filence now : Do thou not hold thy peace, O God, and ftill no more be thou. P.83-] Of DAVID. 187 2 For lo, thine enemies a noife tumultuoufly have made: And they that haters are of thee have lifted up the head. 3 Againft thy ehofen people they do crafty counfel take : And they againft thy hidden ones do confutations make. 4 Come, let us cut them off, faid they, from being a nation, That of the name of lua'l may no more be mention. 5 For with joint heart they plot: in league againft thee they combine. 6 The tents of Ed::m, Ifhma'lites ; Moab's and Higar's line. 7 Gebal, and Ammon, Amalek, Philiftines, thofe of ' yre : 8 And Afiur join'd with them ; to help Lot's children they confpire. 9 Do to them as to Midian, Jabin at Kifon ftrand : i o And Sis'ra ; which at Endor fell, as dung to fat the land.. 1 1 Like Oreb, and like Zeeb, make their noble men to fall : Like Zeba, and Zalmunna-like, make thou their princes all : 12 Who faid, for our pofleffion let us God's houfes take. 1 3 My God, them like a wheel, as chaff before the wind, them make. i88 The PSALMS [P.84 14 As fire confumes the wood, as flame doth mountains fet on fire : 15 Chafe and affright them with the ftorm and tempeft of thine ire. 16 Their faces fill with fhame, O Lord, that they may feek thy name. 1 7 Let them confounded be, and vex'd, and periuh in their fhame : 1 8 That men may know, that thou to whom alone doth appertain The Name Jehovah, doll: moil high o'er all the earth remain. PSALM LXXXIV. To the chief Mufician upon Gittith, a Pfalm for the Sons of Korah, This Pfalm is of the fame fubject with Pfalm xlii. and Pfalm Jxiii. Wherein the Pfalmift lamenteih his baniChment from the temple and the public ordinances of religion, to ver. 8. and then p.ayeth for his reftoring to that privilege in the relt of the Pfaim. This Pfalm agreeth well with the time of David's parting with the ark, when he fled from Abfalom. In his lamentation, Firft, He commendeth the place of public Woifhip, ver. 1. Then fheweth his longing after it, ver. %, Thirdly, He wiftieth to be as a fparrow, in the meanefl: con- dition partaker of that privilege, ver. 3. Fourthly, He proclaimeth the blcffednefs of all the Lord's Minifters, who may always be there, ver. 4. Firthly, He calleth them bletfed who have liberty to come on foot from any part of the country to keep at leaft the folemn feafts, vei. 5, 6", 7. In his prayer, he requefls in general terms, to be reftored to the Lord's worfhip, ver. 8, 9. for two reafons, one is, Hecaufe he prefeneth the meaneft officer's condition in God's Houfe to the moft quiet dwelling among the wicked, ver. 10. Another reafon, Becaufe felicity is to be found in God, by the means of his ordinances, ver 11. And meantime while his prayer (hould be granted, he refteth by faith on God, in whom Believers are made blefled, wherever they be. < i T_T O W lovely is thy dwelling-place, *1 O Lord of hotts, to me ! The tabernacles of thy grace, : how pleafant, Lord, they be ! P.8 4 .] Of D A V I D. 189 2 My thirfty foul longs veh'mently, yea, faints thy courts to fee : My very heart and flefh cry out, O living God, for thee ! 3 Behold, the fparrow findeth out an ho.ufe wherein to reft ; The fwallow alfo for herfelf, hath purchafed a neft, Ev'n thine own altars ; where (he fafe her young ones forth may bring, O thou Almighty, Lord of hofts, who art my God and King. 4. Bleft are they in thy houfe that dwell, they ever give thee praife. 5 Bleft is the man whofe ftrength thou art : in whofe heart are thy ways. 6 Who palling thorough Baca's vale, therein do dig up wells : Alfo the rain t -at falleth down the pools with water fills. 7 So they from ftrength unwearied go ftill forward unto ftrength, Until in Zion they appear, before the Lord at length. 8 Lord God of hufts, my prayer hear : O Jacob's God, give ear. 9 See, God, our fhield, look on the face of thine anointed dear. 10 For in thy courts one day excels a thou find : rather in My Goa's h nife will i keep a door, than dwell in tents of fin. i 9 o • The PSALMS [P.85 1 1 For God the Lord's a fun and fhield : he'll grace and glory give : And will withhold no good from them that uprightly do live. 1 2 O thou that art the Lord of hofts, that man is truly bleft, Who by allured confidence on thee alone doth reft. PSALM LXXXV. To the chief Muftcian, a Pf aim for the Sons of Korah, This Plalm agreeth well with the condition of the Church of the Jews, now fallen into new tioubles, after their return fiom the captivity of babylon. In the toi me/ pa, t whereof they p; ay hv a new proof and expeiience of God's meicy, to ver. 8. In the latter pa; t is i'et dywn a comfo. table an wer to their prayer, and for the help of theii faith in thei. prayer. Firlt, They make mention or their g acious delivery f>om the captivity, ver. i, 2, 3. Next, They p. ay for repent- ance, and removing of the token- of God's wrath, ver. 4, 5. Thiidly, They pray for reltora,.ion of their miieable and dead condition wheiein they we. e lying, by tome meiciful deiiveiance, ver. 6, 7. As for the au.wer in the latter part, he p:epa eth him elf to receive it from the L>id, and by inlpi ation 'eceiveth indeed a comfortable prophecy of five notable fi uits of me.cy. The firlt is, Of peace to God's people, ver. 8. The next is, Of deliverance and f .lvaiion to his i'e vants, ver. 9. The third is, of the g.ace of Chnll unto jufi fication, and the fruits of it, ver. 10, 11. The fou th is, O. tempo al blef- firrg^, upon the place where the Lord's people do dwell, and that for his peopes' cimiort, ver. 12. The fiith 1-, Of the grace of Chriit unto l'an&ification, ver. 13. 1 f\ Loid, thou haft been favourable ^-^ to thy beloved land ; Jacob's captivity th ;u haft recall'd with mighty hand. 2 Thou pardoned thy people haft all their iniquities, Thou all their treipaffes and fins haft cov'red from thine eyes. I\8s .] Of D A V I D. . i 9 i 3 Thou took'ft off all thine ire, and turn'dft from thy wrath's furioufnefs. 4 Turn us, God of our health, and caufe thy wrath 'gainft us to ceafe. 5 Shall thy difpleafure thus endure againfl: us without end ? Wilt thou to generations all thine anger forth extend ? 6 That in thee may thy people joy, wilt thou not us revive ? 7 Shew us thy mercy ; Lord, to us do thy falvation give. 8 I'll hear what God the Lord will fpeak : . to his folk he'll fpeak peace, And to his faints : but let them not return to foolimnefs. 9 To them that fear them, furely near is his falvation ; That glory in our land may have her habitation. io Truth met with mercy, righteoufnefs and peace kifs'd mutually. ii Truth fprings from earth, and righ- teoufnefs looks down from Heav'n high. i z Yea, what is good the Lord fhall give : our land fhall yield increafe. 1 3 Juftice, to fet us in hL fteps, fhall go before his face. i 9 2 The PSALMS [P.86 PSALM LXXXVI. A Trayer of David. This Pfalm agreeth we'll with the time when David was ia trouble, being perfec ted by Saul. The ium of it was a Prayer for relief, confuting of feven petitions, feme of them more generally, and lome of them more particularly expi ef- fing hif trouble, and his defi/e of relief: All which petitions have reafons joined unto them, ferving to ftrengthen the faith of the fuplpicant. i f*\ Lord, do thou bow down thine ear, ^-^ and hear me graciouily ; Becaufe I fore affli&ed am, and am in poverty. 2 Becaufe I'm holy, let my foul by thee preferved be : O thou my God r thy fervant fave that puts his trull in thee. 3 Sith unto thee I daily cry, be merciful to me. 4 Rejoice thy fervant's foul : for, Lord, I lift my foul to thee. 5 For thou art gracious, O Lord, and ready to forgive ■, And rich in mercy, all that call upon thee to relieve. 6 Hear, Lord, my pray'r : unto the voice of my requeft attend. 7 In troub'lous t ; mes I'll call on thee : for thou wilt anfwer fend. 8 Lord, there is none among trj|*Gods that may with thee compare : And like the works, which thou haft done, not any work is there. I I\86.] " Of D A V I'D. 193 9 All nations whom thou mad'ft, fhall come and worfhip rev'rently . » Before thy face: and they, O Lord, thy Name fhall glorify. 10 Becaufe thou art exceeding great, and works by thee are done, Which are to be admir'd : and thou art God thyfelf alone. 1 1 Teach me thy way, and in thy truth, O Lord, then walk will I : Unite my heart, that I thy name may fear continually. 1 2 O Lord my God, with all my heart to thee I will give praife : And I the glory will afcribe unto thy name always. 1 3 Becaufe thy mercy toward me in greatnefs doth excel : And thou deliver'd haft my foul out from the loweft hell. 14 O God, the proud againft me rife, and vi'lent men have met, That for my foul have fought, and thee before them have not'fet. 15 But thou art full of pity, Lord, * a God moft gracious ; . Long-fufFering, and in thy truth and mercy plenteous ; 16O turn to me thy countenance, and mercy on me have : Thy fejjyant ftrengrhen, and the ion of tape own hand-maid fave. I 1^4 The PSALMS [VM« 1 7 Shew me a fign for good, that they which do me hate, may fee, And be aiham'd : becaufe thou, Lord, didft help and comfort me. PSALM LXXXVIL A Pfalm or Song for the Sons of Korah. When God loofed the captivity of the Jews by Cyrus, few or" them did return horn Babylon ; the woik of the reparation of church and Hate, temple and city, had few to afiift it; their enemies weie many, they wereihaitned with poverty end famine, and the hearts and hands of the Godly were weakened ; they were like to faint and defpair, thai neither chuich or ftate fhould fluurifh any more amongit them. For comfort in fuch a time was this Pfalm fitted, leading the Lord's peopU to live by faith, and to work on in the building of the Lord's houle, and reparation of the city, looking to God the builder of his church, and maintainer of his people, to v/hich purpoie the Pfalmift giveth them feven coniola-^ tion% oppol'te to fo many tentations unto difcouragement. The fiilt i?, Tha-t they fhould look to God who had founded his own temple folidly, and lo not faint for the v/iaknefs and fewne's of the builders, ver, I. The fecond, That they fhould look to God's love and good-will, and not be troubled fcr want of external power and riches, ver. %. The third is, That they fhould look to the prophecies con- cerning the Chuich, and not be troubled foi what prefent outward appearance and carnal reaibn did repiefent, ver. 3. The fourth is, That they fhould not be troubled for the multitude of their foes for the prelent time, but look to the multitude of friends and converts which they fhould have hereafter, ver. 4. The fifth is, That they fhould not be troubled with the fear of the luin of the Chuich, but look to Almighty God, who would eflablifh her lo, that no power fhould overturn her, ver. 5. The futh is, That they fhould not be troubled with the prefent contempt under which they did lie, but look to the glory and eflimation which Go-i fhould put in his own time upen the Church and her children, ver. 6. The feventh is, That they fhould not be troubled with the pieient grief they were in, .but fhould look to the l'pn itual joy ana caufes theieof, which the Loid was to furnifh to his people, vCr. 7. yj he his foundation fets. 2 God, more than Tacob's dwellings all, delights in Zion's gates. |£ P.8S.] Of DAVID. 195 3 Things glorious are faid of thee, thou city of the Lord. 4 Rahab and Babel, I, to tiiofe that know me, will record : Behold ev'n Tyrus, and with it the land of Paleftine, And likewife Ethiopia : this man was born therein. 5 And it of Zion fhall be faid, This man, and that man there Was born : and He that is moil high himfelf, (hall 'ftablim her. 6 When God the people writes, he'll count that this man born was there. 7 There be that fing and play: and all my well-fprings in thee are. PSALM LXXXVIIL A Song or Pf aim for the Sons of Ko>ah % to the chief Mu/ician upon Mahalatb Leanoth, Mafchil of He- man the Ezrahite. This Heman the Ezrahite, was one of thofe four wifeft mea in all li'rael, nexc after Solomon, who is preferred above them all, i King? iv, 31. The extrcife of this wile and holy man is let down hee under the heavieit condition of a wounded l'piiit, of any that we read oi ; wherein, fiift, He praye.h for comfort to his ibul, now afflicted under the seme of lad w.ath and long defertion, ver. 1, 2.. In the fecond place, Hepoureth out his foul to God, and layeth be ore him a mod pitiful lamentation of hU did died condition, vn\ 3, 4 ? $1 °"> 7> 8 - ln the third place, He Wreftteth by faith in hi; piayer to God fo: comfort, ver. 9, 10, 11, 1 ., 13, > _j. And lallly, Finding no comfort, he leneweth his lament 1- tion, leaveth his piaye< be oie the Lord, and writeth it for the edification of theChu-.ch in all time coming, as the mat- ter of a joyful long. 1 T ORD God, my Saviour, day and night •*~ / before thee cry'd have [. 2 Before thee let my prayer com give ear unto my crv. i a ip6 The- PSALMS [P.33 3 For troubles great do fill my foul : my life draws nigh the grave. 4 I'm counted with thofe that go down to pit, and no ftrengtfi have. 5 Ev'n free among the dead, like them that ilain in grave do lie.; Cut off from thy hand, whom no more tliou haft in memory. 6 Thou haft me laid in loweft pit, in deep and darkfome caves. 7 Thy wrath lies hard on me, thou haft me prels'd with all thy waves. 8 Thou haft put far from me my friends : thou mad 'ft them to abhor me : And I am fo fhut up, that I find no evafion for me. 9 By reafon of affliction, mine eye mourns dolefully : To thee, Lord, do I call, and ftretch my hands continually. io Wilt thou ftiew wonders to the dead ? fhall they rife, and thee bleis ? 1 1 Shall in the grave thy love be told ? in death thy faithfulnefs ? 1 2 Shall thy great wonders in the dark, or mail thy righteoufnefs Be -known to any in the land of deep forgetfulnefs ? 1 3 But, Lord, to thee I cry'd, my pray'r at morn prevent mail thee. 14 Why, Lord, doft thou caft off my foul and hid'ft thy face from me ? P.89.] Of DAVID.' 197 15 Diftreft am T, and from my youth I ready am to die : Thy terrors I have borne, and am diitra&ed fearfully. 1 6 The dreadful fiercenefs of thy wrath quite over me doth go : Thy terrors great have cut -me off, they did purfue me 'fo. 17 For round about me ev'ry day, like water, they did roll ; And, gathering together, they hive corn] d my foul. 18 My friends thou haft put far from mc, and him that did me love; And thofe, that mine acquaintance were to darknefs didft remove. PSALM LXXXIX. Mafchil of Ethan the Ezrahite. This Pfalm is intitltd Mafchil, or a pfalm written for in- ftruction of Ethan the Ezrahite, who, after Solomon, was another of the four wilelt men in Ifracl : This man lurviving the gloiy of Solomon's kingdom, and beholding the di- minifhing of the glory of David's houfe, lamenteth the de- ibiation rhereor unto C The Pfalm hath three parts. In the fiift part, he fetteth h's faith upon God, and labourt-.th to llrengthen it againfl the tentation which was boiling in his breaft, ver. 19. In the fecond part, he expoundeth the fum of the covenant of giace, made between God and Chi ill, typified by David ; wherein indeed, albeit David hath his own intereft, yet the lubftance was to be- found only inChiift, who camcof David ac- cording to the flefh, from ver. 19 to 38. In the third part, is a lamentation of the apparent ciifolving of this covenant David's pofterity, and a prayer for repairing the ruins gdom for the gloiy of God ; wh'th p: ayei he af- i'ur&th. himlelf fnall be gi anted. I 3 198 The P S A L M S [F.89 1 /^f O D's mercies I will ever fmgfr vJ and with my mouth I mall Thy faithfulnefs make to be known to generations all. 2 For mercy mail be built, faid I, for ever to endure ; Thy faithfulnefs, ev'n in the Heav'ns, thou wilt eftablifh fure. 3 I with my chofen one have made a cov'nant graciouflv ; And to my fervant. whom I lov'd, to David fworn have I : 4 That I thy feed eftablifh mail for ever to remain, And will to generations all thy throne build and maintain. 5 The praifes of thy wonders, Lord, the Heavens mall exprefs ; And in the congregation of Saints, thy faithfulnefs. 6 For who in Heaven with the Lord may once himfelf compare ? Who is like God among the fons of thofe that mighty a*e ? 7 Great fear in meeting of the Saints is due unto the Lord : And he, of all about him, mould with rev'rence be ador'd. 8 O thou that art the Lord of hofts, what Lord in mightinefs Is like to thee, who compafs'd round art with thy faithfulnefs ? P.8p.] Of DAVID. 199 9 Ev'n in the raging of the fea thou over it doit reign -, And when the waves thereof do fwell, thou ftilleft them again. 10 Rahab in pieces thou didft break, like one that flaughter'd is ; And with thy mighty arm thou hall difpers'd thine enemies. n TheHeav'ns are thine, thou for thine own the earth doft alfo take ; The- world, and fulnefs of the fame, thy pow'r did found and make. 1 2 The north and fouth from thee alone their firft beginning had : Both Tabor mount and Hermon hill mall in thy name be glad. 1-3 Thou haft an arm that's full of pow'r : thy hand is great in might : And thy right hand exceedingly exalted is in height. 14 Juftice and judgment of thy throne are made the dwelling place : Mercy, accompany'd with truth, mail go before thy face. 15 O greatly bleft the people are, the joyful found that know : In brightnefs of thy face, O Lord, they ever on fhall go. 16 They in thy name mail all the day rejoice exceedingly; And in thy righteoufnefs fhall thcy exalted be on high. 14 200 The PSALMS [P. 89 1 7 Becaufe the glory of their ftrength . doth only ftand in thee : And in thy favour fhall our horn and pow'r exalted be. 1 8 For God is our defence, and he to us doth fafetv bring': • The holy One of Mrael is our almighty King. 19 In vifion to thy holy One thou faidft, I help upon A ftrong one laid : out of the folk I rais'd a chofen one : 20 Ev'n David, I have found film out a fervant unto me ; And, with my holy oil, my! King anointed him to be. 2 1 With whom my hand fliall ftabfifh'd be" mine arm fhall make him ftrong. 22 On him the foe fhall not exact, nor fon of mifchief wrong. 23 I will beat down before his face all his malicious foes- I will them greatly plague-, who do ' with hatred him oppofe. 24 My mercy and my faithfulnefs, with him yet ftill fhall be : And in my name his horn and powV men fhall exalted fee. 25 His hand and pow'r fhall reach afar, I'll fet it in the fea ; And his right hand eftablifhed fhall in the rivers be. P. 89.] Of DAVID. a©* 26- Thou art my father, he mail cry, thou art my God 1 alone •, And he mail fay, Thou art the rock of my falvation. 27 I'll make him my nrft-born, more high , than Kings of, any land. 28 My love 1*11 ever lfceep for him, my cov'nant faft fhall Hand. 29 His feed I by my pow'r will make . for ever to endure ; And, as the days of Heav'n, his throne fhall liable be and fure. 30 But if his children fhall for fake my laws., and go affray, And m my judgment fhall not walk, but wander from my way : If they my laws break, and do not keep my commandments : 32 I'll vifit th^n their faults with rods, their fins with chaftifements. 33 Yet I'll not take my love from him, nor falfe my promife make. 34 My cov'nant I'll not break, nor change what with my mouth I fpake. 35 Once by my holinefs I fware, . to David I'll not lie. 36 His feed and throne fhall as the fun before me laft for ay. 57 It, like the moon, fhall ever be eftablifh'd ftedfaftly : And, like to that which in the heav'n, doth witnefs faithfully. 15 J 202 The PSAL M S [P.S9 58 But thou, difpleafed, haft caft off, thou didft abhor and loath ; With him that thine anointed is thou haft been very wroth. 39 Thou haft thy fervant's covenant made void, and quite caft by : Thou haft profan'd bis crown, while it caft on the ground doth lie. 40 Thou all his hedges haft broke down, his ftrong holds down haft torn : 41 He to all paflers by a fpoil, to neighbours is a fcorn. 42 Thou haft fet up his foes' right hand, mad'ft all his en'mies glad ; 43 Turn'd his fword's edge, and him to ftand in battle haft not made. 44 His glory thou haft made to ceafe, his throne to ground down caft : 45 Short'ned his days of youth, and him with fhame thou cover'd haft. 46 How long, Lord, wilt thou hide thyfelf, for ever in thine ire ? And fhall thine indignation burn like unto a fire ? 47 Remember, Lord, how fhort a time I fhall on earth remain : O wherefore is it fo, that thou haft made all men in vain ? 48 What man is he that liveth here, and death fhall never fee ? Or from the power of the grave, what man his foul fhall free ? P.po.] Of DAVID. 203 49 Thy former loving-kindnefTes, O Lord, where be they now ? Thofe which in truth and faithfulnefs to David fworn haft thou. 50 Mind, Lord, thy fervant's fad reproach, how I in bofom bear The fcornings of the people all, who ftrong and mighty are. 51 Wherewith thy raging enemies reproach'd, O Lord, think on ; Wherewith they have reproach'd the fteps of thine anointed One. 52 All-bleiling to the Lord our God . let be afcribed then : For evermore, fo let it be. - Amen, yea, and amen. PSALM XC. A Prayer of Mofes, the Man of God. This Pfalm agreeth well with the latter end of Mofes's life, when he being now to remove, did prelent this prayer to God, and delivered it unto the Church, for their comfort and direction, how to cairy themielvcs towards God in their fhorf and forrowful life. The Pfalm may be divided into three parts. In the firft, Is the Chinch's rour-rold comfort againft the tempo. al troubles and milerie8 in this world. The fiifl, Is taken from the Lord's kindnefs to hi? people in all ages, ver. i. The iecond, Is taken from the decree of their election, ver. %. The third, from the hope of their refurrechon, ver. 3. The fourth, From the fhortnefs of time unto it, ver. 4. In the fecond part, The fhortnefs anJ mi ery of life procured by fin, are lamentably ret fo;rh before the Lord, who is full of pity, ver. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, ri. In the lall pare ari fix pe- titions, fomc whereof are for the right ufe of the fhortnefs and farrows of this life, and fome of them for a gracious deliverance from them, ver. 1 1, t 3, 1 4, 15, 16, 1 7. 1 I O.RD, thou haft been our dwelling- -*-^ in generations all : [place 2 Before thou ever hadft brought forth the mountains great or fmall, 204 The PSALMS [P.90 E'er ever thou hadft form'd the earth and all the world abroad ; Ev'n thou from everlafting art to everlafting, God. 3 Thou doft unto deftruction man that is mortal turn : And unto them thou fay 'ft, Again, ye fons of men, return. 4 Becaufe a thoufand years appear no more before thy fight, Than yefterday, when it is paft, or than a watch by night. 5 As with an overflowing flood, thou carry 'ft them away : They like a fleep are, like the grafs that grows at morn, are they. 6 At morn it flourifhes and grows, cut down at ev'n doth fade. 7 For. by thine anger we're confum'd, thy wrath makes us afraid. 8 Our fins thou and iniquities _. doft jn thy pretence place, And fett'ft our fecret faults before the brightnefs of thy face. 9 For in thine anger all our days do pafs on to an end ; And as a tale that hath been told, fo we our years do fpend. 10 Threefcore and ten years do fum up our days and years, we fee ; Or if, by reafon of more ftrength, in fome fourfcore they be : P.po.] Of DAVID. 205 Yet doth theftrength of fuch old men but grief and labour prove •, For it is foon cut off, and we fly hence, and foon remove. 1 1 Who knows the power of thy wrath ? according to thy fear, 12 So is thy wrath. Lord, teach thou us our end in mind to bear : And fo to count our days, that we our hearts may ftill apply To learn thy wifdom and thy truth, that we may live thereby. 1 3 Turn yet again to us, O Lord ; how long thus fhall it be ? Let it repent thee now for thofe that fervants are to thee. 14 O with thy tender mercies, Lord, us early fatisfy ; So we rejoice fhall all our days, and itill be glad in thee. 15 According as the days have been wherein we grief have had, And years wherein we ill have feen, fo do thou make us glad. 16 O let thy work and pow'r appear thy fervants' face before, And fhew unto their children dear thy glory evermore. 17 And let the beauty of the Lord our God be us upon : Our handy-works eftablifh thou, eftablifh them each one, 206 The PSALMS [P.91 'PSALM XCI. Albeit this Pfalm hath no infcription, nor the name of the penman who did write, yet Satan could not deny it to be the Lord's word, for out of this Pialm he brought one of his darts againlt our Saviour, Matth. iv. and the promifes which are made here to the believer, are fo much more ftiongly ours, as Chrift, head of all his people, hath intereft therein as a man, and hath taken them to him in our name. rTTE that doth in the fecret place A A f t he moll High refide, Under the fhade of him that is th Almighty, mail abide. 2 I of the Lord, my God, will fay, He is my refuge ftill, He is my fortrefs, and my God, and in him trull: I will. 3 Affuredly he fhall thee fave, and give deliverance From fubtile fowler's fnare, and from the noifome peftilence. 4 His feathers fhall thee hide ; thy truft under his wings fhall be : His faithfulnefs mail be a fhield and buckle, unto thee. 5 Thou (halt not need to be afraid for terrors of the night, Nor for the arrow that doth fly by day, while it is light : 6 Nor for the peftilence that walks in darknefs fecretly : Nor for deftruclion that doth wafte at noon-day openly. P.9i.] Of DAVID. 207 7 A thoufand at thy fide fhall fall, on thy right hand fhall lie Ten thoufand dead ■, yet unto thee it fhall not once come nigh. 8 Only thou with thine eyes (halt look, and a beholder be ; And thou therein the juft reward of wicked menfhalt fee. 9 Becaufe the Lord, who conftantly my refuge is alone, Ev'n the moil High, is made by thee thy habitation : 10 No plague fhall near thy dwelling come, no ill fhall thee befall : 1 1 For, thee to keep in all thy ways, his Angels charge he fhall. 1 2 They in their hands fhall bear thee up, ftill waiting thee upon, Left thou at any time fhouldft dafh thy foot againft a ftone. 1 3 Upon the adder thou (Trait tread, and on the lions ftrong ; Thy feet on dragons trample fhall, and on the lions young. ' 14 Becaufe on me he fet his love, I'll fave and fet him free : Becaufe my great Name he hath known, I will him let on high. 15 He'll call on me, I'll anfwer him : I will be with him ftill In Jrouble, to deliver him, and honour him I will. aoS The PSALMS [P.92 16 With length of days unto his mind I will him fatisfy ; I alfo my falvation will caufe his eyes to fee. PSALM XCII. A PfaJm or Song for the Sabbath-day. This P:alm is entitled, A Pfalm for the Sabba:h-day •, wherein the Church is ftirgtd up to prai:e God by fundry reafons, ver. 1, z, 3. but efpccially for thefe thr^g caufes, fint, For the great work of oeation, fnftenapce and v. ile governing of the ceic-jrc, ver. 4, 5. ..The iecond caufe is, For his .uiidorn and jaftice in punKhing the wicked, ver. 6, 7, 8, 9. The third is, For his gracs and goodoefs towards believers, ver. 10, 11, 12, 13, ,4, 15. 1 " j O render thanks unto the Lord * it is a comely thing, And to thy Name, O thou moll: High, due praife aloud to fing : 2 Thy loving-kindnefs to fhew forth, when mines the morning" light, And to declare thy faithfulnels, with pleaiure ev'ry night. 5 On a ten ftringed inftrument, upon the pfaltery : And on the harp with folemn found, and grave fweet melody. 4 For thou, Lord, by thy mighty works, haft made my heart right glad ; And 1 will triumph in the works which by thine hands were made. 5 How great, Lord, are thy works ! each of thine, a deep it is : [thought 6 A brutiih man it knoweth not : fools underftand not this. P.02.] Of DAVID. 209 7 When thofe that lewd and wicked are, < fpring quickly up like grafs, And workers of iniquity, - do flourifh all apace : - It is that they for ever may deftroyed be and flain : 8 But thou, O Lord, art the moft High, for ever to remain. 9 For lo, thine enemies, O Lord, ' thine en'mies perifh fhall : The workers of iniquity fhall be difperfed all. 10 But th >u (halt, like unto the horn of th' unicorn, exalt My horn on high : thou with frefh oil anoint me alio fhalt. 1 1 Mine eyes (hall alfo my defire fee on mine enemies : Mine ears (hall of the wicked hear that do againft me rife. 12 But like the palm-tree flourifhing fhall be the righteous one : He fhall like to the cedar grow that is in Lebanon. i 3 Thofe that within the houfe of God are planted by his grace, They fhall grow up, and flourifh all in our God's holy place. 14. And in old age, when others fade, they fruit full forth fhall bring : They fhall be fat, and full of fap, and ay be flourifhing ; 210 The PSALMS [P.93 15 To fhew that upright is the Lord : he is a rock to me : And he from all unrighteoufnefs is altogether free. PSALM XCIII. in thh Pfa'ra, 'or the ccmfert of God's people, againft the multitude and power of their enemies, and the greatr.- Kings and Potentates in the v.orld, who < ft times are like to ovciflow, devour, and drown the Church, the glory of the Lord is rielcibt.-", In whom is the Church'* defence* comfort, and victory. For thts end fi: ft, The praifes of God for the Church's comfort ate Jet down absolutely, ver. 1 , 2. Thtn the r ppofiticn of the enemies of the Church i c compared to the growing do^d and raging lea, ver. 3. And thirdly, The prai r « of Cod are fet down inoppofition to their power, ver. 4, 5. vith the ufe of this doctrine. 1 HP HE Lord doth reign, and cloth'd is he * with Ma jetty molt bright : His works, do fhew him cloth'd to be and girt about with might : The world is alio itablifhed, that it cannot depart. 2 Thy throne is fix d of old, and thou from everlafting art. 3 The floods, O Lord, have lifted up, they lifted up their voice : The floods have lifted up their waves, and made a mighty noife. 4 But yet the Lord, that is on high, is more of might by far Than noife of many waters is, or great fea-billov/s are. 5 Thy tefti monies ev'ry one in faithfulneis excel : And holinefs for ever, \ ord, thine houfe becometh well. P.94-] Of DAVID. 211 PSALM XCIV. This Pfalm is a prayer and complaint of the Church unto Cod in the time of her oppreflion by inteftine enemies, in Ipecial by unjuft and cruel ruler:-, wheieunto fundi y grounds of comfort to the Godly in this hard condition aie fubjoined. The p:ayer and complaint reach unto ver. 8. The grounds of comfort are four. The flift is, the confideration of God T s wii'dom in the .pei mifiion of this fore trouble of his people, with a check upon the opprefTors for their atheifm, ver. 8, 9, 10, 11. The fecond i?, The confideration of the profit which God's people fhall have by this exercife, ver. 12, 13. The third is, From a piomife that God (hall change the face of aftVrs to the joy of the Godly, ver. 14, 15. The fourth is, From the experience which the Plalmift had of God's helping of him in this cafe> let down at large to the ead of the pfalm. iA^\ Lord God, unto whom alone ^^ all vengeance doth belong : O mighty God, who vengeance own'ft, fhine forth, avenging wrong. 2 Lift up thyfelf, thou of the earth the fov'reign Judge that art : And unto thofe that are fo proud, a due reward impart. 3 How long, O mighty God, fliall they who lewd and wicked be, How long fhall they who wicked are thus triumph haughtily? 4 How long fhall things moft hard by them be uttered and told ? And all that work iniquity to boail themfelves be bold ? 5 Thy folk they break in pieces, Lord, thine heritage opprefs. 6 The widow they, and ftranger flay, and kill the fatherlefs. 212 The PSALMS [P.94 7 Yet fay they, God it (hall not fee : nor God of Jacob know. 8 Ye bruirfh people ! underftand : fools ! when wife will ye grow ? 9 The Lord did plant the ear of man, ■ and hear them fhall not he ? He only form'd the eye, and then fhall he not clearly fee ? 10 He that the nations doth correct, fhall he not chaftife you ? He knowledge unto man doth teach, and fhall him (elf not know ? 1 1 Man's thoughts to be but vanity, the Lord doth well difcern. 12 Bleft is the man thou chaft'neft, Lord, and mak'ft thy law to learn. 1 3 That thou may 'it give him reft from days of fid adverfity, Until the pit be digg'd for thofe that work iniquity. 14 For fure the Lord will not call: off thole that his people be, Neither his own inheritance quit and forfake will he. 15 Bat judgment unto righteoufnefs fhall yet return again : And all fhall follow after it that are right-hearted men. 1 6 Who will rife up for me againft thofe that do wickedly ? Who will ftand up for me 'gainlt thofe that work iniquity ? P.95-] Of D A V I D. 213 1 7 Unlefs the Lord had been my help, when I was fore oppreft,. AlmoQ my foul had in the houfe of filence been at reft. 1 8 When I 'had uttered this word, (my foot doth flip away) Thy mercy held me up, O Lord, thy goodnefs did me ftay. 19 Amidft the multitude of thoughts which in my heart do fight, My foul, left it be overchaig'd, thy comforts do delight. 20 Shall of iniquity the throne have fellowfhip with thee, Which mifchief, cunningly contriv'd, doth by a law decree ? 21 Againft the righteous fouls thy join, they guiltlefs blood condemn. 22 But -of my refuge God's the rock, and my defence from them. 23 On them their own iniquity the Lord mall bring and lay, And cut them off in their own fin : our Lord God mall them flay. PSALM XCV. Thfs Pfalm is applied to Chrift by the Apoflle, Heb. iii. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Whereof there are two parts. In the fiift, is an exhortation to worfhip Cod in Chrift, or Chrift with pod the Father and holy Sp'.iit, dwelling among them in the temple, and rep- enting onto them his future incar- nation, and the execution of his offices in tvpes and figures. The arguments of praifing and wo; (lipping of him are five. The firir, Becaufe he is the lock of our falvation, ver. i, z. The fecond, Bccaule of his g eatnels, vet. 3. The third, For his power, rer. 4 The tourth, Becaule he created all thing?, aad us his people, ver. 5, 6. The latter pa.t af ai4 The PSALMS [P.95 the Pfalm is another exhortation unto the vifible Church, to evidence th.-ir obedience of fa;th, and not to harden their hearts in the time of God's dealing with them by his word, as their fathers did, who perifhed in the wildernefs for their provocation, ver. 8, q, io, ii. i(~\ Come, let us fing to the Lord : ^^ come, let us ev'ry one A joyful noife make to the rock of our falvation. 2 Let us before his prefence come, with praife and thankful voice : Let us iing pfalms to him with grace, and make a joyful noife. 3 For God, a great God, and great King, above all Gods he is. 4 Depths of the earth are in his hand : the ftren^th of hills is his. 5 To him the fpacious fea belongs, for he the fame did make : The dry land alfo from his hands its form at firft did take. 6 O come, and let us worfhip him, let us bow down withal -, And on our knees, before the Lord our Maker, let us fall. 7 For he's our God, the people we of his own pafture are, And of his hand the fheep : to-day, if ye his voice will hear. 8 Then harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, As in the defer t, ->n the day of the tentation : VgC] Of DAVID. 215 9 When meyour fathers tempt'd and prov'd, and did my working fee : 10 Ev'n for the fpace of forty years this race hath grieved me : I faid, this people errs in heart, my ways they do not know : 1 1 To whom I fwarc in wrath, that to my reft they mould not go. PSALM XCVI. We find, 1 Chrou. xvi. 23. a -part of this Pfalm, fung at the bringing up of the ark to Sion, to be in lubfUnce and almoft in woids alio one and the lame with this which is here; for as there, fo here the Prophet tore eeth in the fpirit the fpreading of the kingdom of Chiiu among the nations; and the.efore, firft He exhorteth all people heartily to receive Chiilt and propagate his glory, ver. 1, 2, 3. and giveth rea ons for it, ver. 4, 5, 6. Then he repeateth and en- largeth the exhortation to glorify G>d, and to rejoice in him, becaufe Chiift was indeed to come among theGenliles, to reign among them righteoufly, ver. 7, 8,9, 10, 1 1, 1 a, 13. i/^\ Sing a new fong to the Lord, ^-^ fing all the earth to God. 2 To God fing, blefs his Name : mew itill his faving health abroad. 3 Among the heathen nations his glory do declare ; And unto all the people mow his works that wond rous are. 4 For great's the Lord and greatly he is to be magnify 'd : Yea, worthy to be fear'd is he '• above all Gods befide : 5 For all the Gods are idols dumb which blinded nations fear : - But our God is the ^ord, by whom the Heav'ns created were. ai6 The PSALMS [P.cC 6 Great honour is before his face, and majefty divine : Strength is within his holy place, and there doth beauty fhine. 7 Do ye afcribe unto the Lord, of people ev'ry tribe, Glory do ye unto the Lord, and mighty pow'r afcribe. 8 Give ye the glory to the Lord that to his Name is due : Come ye into his courts, and bring an offering with you. 9 In beauty of his holinefs, O do the Lord adore : Likewife let all the earth throughout tremble his face before. io Among the heathen fay, God reigns : the world fhall ftedfaitly Be fixt from moving, he fhall judge the people righteoully. ii Let Heav'ns be glad before the Lord, and let the earth rejoice : Let feas, and all that is therein, cry out, and make a noife. 12 Let fields rejoice, and ev'ry thing that fpringeth of the earth : Then woods, and ev'ry tree, fhall fing with gladnefs and with mirth 1 3 Before the Lord : becaufe he comes, to judge the earth comes he : He'll judge the world with righteoufnefs, the people faithfully. 1\ 9 7] Of DAVID. PSALM XCVII. This Pfalm containeth a prophecy of the fpiritual glory of Chrift's Kingdom, to ver. 8. and the u(e of the doctrine, to tea end of the Pl'alm. The comfort of Ch; ift's Kingdom in relation to his Church is let down, ver. i, z. and the tenibleneis thereof in relation co his enemies, ver. 3, 4, 5, 6". with a curie upon image-worfhippers, ver. 7. The ule^ of the dottrine they are four : The firft is, That all excellency, and whatfoever is honourable in the world, fhould do homage to him, fet down in the end of ver. 7. The fecond is, That the true Church fhould be glad it the hearing and the feeing of the execution of God's judgments upon idolators, with a reafon for it, ver. 8, 9. The third life is, A direction to the Saints to beware of fin, with fome reafons for it, ver. jo, 11. The fourth ufe is, That the righteous (hould rejoice, and thank God upon all occafions, ver. iz. 1 (~i OD reigneth : let the earth be glad, VJf and iiles rejoice each one. 2 Dark clouds him compafs; and in right with judgment dwells his throne. 3 Fire goes before him, and his foes it burns up round about. 4 His light'nings lighten did the world : earth faw, and (hook throughout. 5 Hills, at the pre fence of the Lord, like wax did melt away : Ev'n at the pre fence of the Lord, of all the earth, I fay. 6 The Heav'ns declare his righteoufnefs : all men his glory fee. 7 All who ferve graven images confounded let them; be. Who do of idols boaft themfelves, let mame upon them fall : Ye that are called God^/e.e that ye do him worfliip™ Go <*. i V- of rirad, b r ion to all v -iS The PSALMS [P. 9 S 8 Zion did hear, and joyful was, glad Judah's daughters were : They much rejoic'd, O Lord, becaufe thy judgments did appear. 5) For thou, O Lord, art high above all things on earth that are : Above all other Gods thou art exalted very far. 10 Hate ill, all ye that love the Lord :' his Saints' fouls keepeth he ; And from the hands of wicked men he fets them fafe and free. 1 1 For all thofe that be righteous, fown is a jo) ful light ; And gladnefs fown is for all thofe that are in heart upright. 1 2 Ye righteous in the Lord rejoice ; exprefs your thankfulnefs, When ye into your memory do call his holinefs. PSALM XCVIII. A Pfalm. This Pfa-lm is an exhortation tojcw and Gentile, to rejoice anc blels the Lord for ChrilVs coming, to let up his kingdom in the world, The exhortation is thrice prefied : Firlt, In proper terms, requiring the Church to ling for joy, with italons adjoined, ver. 1,1,3. Then it is repeated, and mu- fical inftruments called for, to (hew that by the human voice the matter of the joy which is in Jefus Ch.ift, is inexprerllble, ver. 4, 5, 6 Thirdly, To ihew that neither voice of man, nor mufical init,ument>, a;e fufricicnt to exprels the joy which c; meth by. Chrilt's Kingdom ; the v.'hoie creatures aie called unto this work of rejoicing, and letting forth his glory, ver. 7, 8. and ^the region is given,' becaute Chril'c cometh to let up, and exetcife hii kingdom in righteoul- nefs, ver. o. fajfc % P.99-] ° F DAVID. 219 i(~\ Sing a new fong to the Lord, ^-J for wonders he hath done ; , His right hand, and his holy arm, him victory hath won. 2 The Lord God his falvation hath caufed to be known : His juftice in the heathen's fight he openly hath fhown. 3 He mindful of nis grace and truth to IfraTs houfe hath been : And the falvation of our God all ends of th' earth have feen. - 4 Let all the earth, unto the Lord fend forth a joyful noife : Lift up your voice aloud to. him, fing praifes, and rejoice. 5 With harp, with harp, and voice of pfalms, unto Jehovah fing. 6 With trumpets, cornets, gladly found before the Lord, the King, Let feas, and all their fuinefs roar ; the world, and dwellers there. 8 Let floods clap hands, and let the hills together joy declare J '9 Before the Lord •, becaufe he comes, an- 1 to judge the earth comes he ; Jj: || He'll judge the world with righteoufnefs, >*• II his folk with equity. ■: ■■• I "' I « Cfeii'll'or the comfort of the Church againlt a multitude «f rnemies round about her, there is i rt this Pfalro a declaration of the Kingdom o" Chi>c reigning as God, one with the Father and holy Spirit in the Chu ch of flrael, befoie his in- carnation, with a tour-fold exhortation to all who flu!; hear li , PSALM XCIX. 120 The PSAL M S [P.99 tell of him. The firft exhortation is, To ftand in awe of him, becaufe of his great majelty manifefted in Sion, ver. 1, 2. Another exhortation h, To p.aiie him for his great- nefs, terriblenefs, holinefs and rightc uihefs, Ytr. 3, 4. A third exhortation is, To glorify and worfhip hirr, for l'undry reafons, ver. 5, 6, 7, S. for which he repcateih the exhor- tation the fourth time, ver. 9. i 'TPH' eternal Lord doth reign as King, ■** let all the people quake : He fits between the cherubims, let th' earth be mov'd and fhake. 2 The Lord in Zion great and high above all people is. 3 Thy great and dreadful Name (for it is holy) let them blefs. 4 The King's ftreng'th alfo judgment loves, thou fettlefr. equity ; Juft judgment thou doft execute in Jacob righteoufly. 5 The Lord our God exalt on high, and rev'rently do ye Before his footftool worfhip him : the holy One is he. 6 Moles and Aaron 'rnongil his priefts, Samuel with them that call Upon his name : thefe call'd on God, and he them anfwer'd all. 7 Within the pillar of the cloud he unto them did fpeak : The teftimonies he them taught, and laws, they did not break. 3 Thou anfwer'dft them, O Lord ourGod, thou waft a God that gave Pardon to them, tho' on their deeds s thou wouldeft vengeance have. -P.ioo.] Of D A V I D. *2t 9 Do ye exalt the Lord our God, and at his holy hill Do ye him worfhip : for the Lord our God is holy ftill. P S A L M C. A Pfalm of Praife. The title of this Pfalm (heweth the fum and fcope thereof to be for furring up of the whole Church to prsileGod cheer- fully ; unto which duty all are exhorted once, ver. i, %'. for three reafons, firft, Beeaufe he is God. Secondly, Be- caufe we are his creatures. Thirdly, Becaufe we are his covenanted people, or members of the vifible Church, whereof he taketh care, as a paftor doth of his own flock, ver. 3. And again, All are exhorted to thank, praife, and blefs him, ver. 4. And that for his goodnefs, meicy, and truth, ver. 5. i A LL people that on earth do dwell, ■*■ * Sing to the Lord with chearful voice. 2 Him ferve with mirth, his praife forth tell: Come ye before him and rejoice. 3 Know, that the Lord is God' indeed, Without our aid he did us make ; We are his flock, he doth us feed, And for his fheep he doth us take. 4 O enter then his gates with praife, Approach with joy his courts unto : Praife, laud, and blefs his name always ; For it is feemly fo to do. 5 Tor why ? the Lord our God is good ; His mercy is for ever fure : His truth at all times firmly flood, And fhall from as;e to age endure, K 3 222 The PSALMS [P.ioi Another of the fame. i f~\ All ye lands, unto the Lord ^-^ make ye a joyful noife. 2 Serve God with gladnefs : him before come with a finging voice. 3 Know ye the Lord, that he is God ; not we, but he us made : We are his people, and the fheep ' within his pafture fed. f Enter his gates and courts with praifc, to thank him go ye thither : To him exprefs your thankfulnefs, and blefs his name together. 5 Becaufe the Lord our God is good ; hfs mercy faileth never : And to all generations his truth endureth ever. PSALM CI. A Pfahn of David. David, not being ar, yet entered in pofleflion of his kingdom, doth by direction of the holy Spirit, fall upon a cenfidera- tfors of the duties of a righteous Prince, which he fetteth down a^ a rule, to be followed by himfelf aad all raa^iftiates, ©bliging him:elf to endeavour to comfo.-t his government thereto, wheiein he is but a type and fhadow of Chi ill, in whom alone the perfeel performance of the duties here promifed are to be found. The principal duties which David enderuketh to discharge may be for order's lake, reduced to the number of eight, according to the number of verieft iT Mercy will and judgment fing : -I Lord, I will fing to thee. 2 With wifdom in a perfect way mail my behaviour be : O when, in kindnefs unto me, wilt thou be pleas'd to come r " with a perfect heart will walk v i thin my houfe at home. P.I02] Of DAVID. 223 3- I will endure no wicked thing before mine eyes to be : I hate their work that turn afide, it fhall not cleave to me. 4 A ftubborn and a fro ward heart depart quite from me fhall : A perfon given to wickednefs I will not know at all. 5 I'll cut him off that flandereth- « his neighbour privily-: The haughty heart I will not bear, nor him that looketh high. 6 Upon the faithful of the land mine eyes fhall be, that they May dwell with me : he fhall me fervc that walks in perfect way. 7 Who of deceit a worker is, in my houfe fhall not dwell : And in my prefence fhall he not remain that lyes doth tell, 8 Yea, all the wicked of the land early deftroy will I : All from God's city to cut off that work iniquity, PSALM GIL A Prayer of the Affiled nvhen he is overwhelmed ' f and poureth out his complaint before the Lord This Pfajm agreeth well with the time of the Babylonifh cap- tivity of the Jews, about the end whereof the seventy years being now nigh expired, and weight of the mifery of God's people, and the mocke: y of the Heathen, and the people's longing lor delivery, did lb afflict the Prophet, that m companion towards the tcattered Cljurch, he poureth out this Prayer, and CAmmunicateth it at the Lord's direction, to aH other feeling members of the body to be made uie of_ K 4 C2 4 The PSALMS [P.102 for the v/a' ing yp of their afJcc~tions, and ftrengtbening of their hope of delivery. The pam or" it are three. .In the firft, He craveth audience to hi? P:ayer became of bis fad cendjtion, wherein he lympaihiieth v. ith the Chur. h in ■af- fliction, to ver. 12. In the i'ecsr.d, He encouiageth himfelf in the hope of being heard in behalf of the Church, to ver. 23. In the third, He layeth forth the occafion of all this grie f , which was the fear he had of the cutting off o, the Church of the Jews, before the coming of che Mefliah, and fheweth how he ftrengtheneth his, faith in P.ayei againft this temr. tation. I f~) Lord, unto my pray r give ear, ^^ my cry let come to thee : 2 And in the day of my diftrefs, hide not thy face from me. Give eario me : what time I call, to anfwer me make hafte. 3 For as an hearth my bones are burnt : my days like fmoke do wafte. 4 My heart within me fmitten is, and it is withered Like very grafs : fo that I do forget to eat my bread. 5 By reafon of my groaning voice, my bones cleave to my (kin i 6 Like pelican in wildernefs, forfaken I have been : I like an owl in defart am, that nightly there doth moan. 7 I watch, and like a fparrow am, on the houfe-top alone. 8 My bitter en'mies all the day reproaches caft on me : And being mad at me, with rage againft me fworn they be. P.I02.] Of DAVID. 225 9 For why ? I afhes eaten have like bread, in-forrows deep - r My drink I alfo mingled have with tears that I did weep : 10 Thy wrath and indignation did caufe this grief and pain : For thou haft lift me up on high, and call me down again. 1 1 My days are like unto a made which doth declining pafs : And I am dry'd and withered ev'n like unto the gtafs. 1 % But thou, Lord, everlafting art, and thy remembrance fhall Continually endure, and be to generations all. 1 3 Thou fhalt arife, and mercy have upon thy Sion yet : The time to favour her is come, the time that thou haft fet. 1 4. For in her rubbifh, and her ftones thy fervants pleaftfre take, Yea, they the very dull: thereof do favour for her fake. 1 5 So fhall the heathen peorMe fear, the Lords moft holy Name : And all the Kings on earth ihall dread thy glory and thy fame 1 6 When Sion by the mighty Lord built up again fhall be, In glory then, and majefty, to men appear fhall he. K 5 226 The PSALMS [P.I02 17 The prayer of the deftitute he furely will regard : Their prayer will he not defpife -, by him it mail be heard. 18 For generations yet to come this fhall be on record : So mall the people that fhall be created, praife the Lord. 19 He ficm his farufhiary's height hath downward cail his eye : And from his glorious throne in Heav'n the Lord the earth did fpy : 20 That of the mournful prifoner the groanings he might hear, To fet them free that unto death by men appointed are : 21 That they in Sion mav declare the Lord's moll holy Name, And pubiifh in Jerufalem the praifes of the fame : 22 When as the people gather fhall in troops with one accord, When kingdoms fhall aflembled be to ferve the higheft Lord. 23 My wonted ftrength and force he hath abated in the way : And he my days hath fhortened ; 24. Thus therefore did I fay,' My God, in mid-time of my days, take thou me not away : From age to age eternally thy years endure and ftay. P.iorf,] Of DAVID. 227 25 The firm foundation of the earth of old time thou hail laid : The Heavens alfo are the work which thine own hands have made, 26 Thou (halt for evermore endure, but they fhall periih all : Yea, ev'ry one of them wax old, like to a garment, fhall. Thou, as a veilure, (halt them change, and they fhall changed be 27 But thou the fame art, and thy years are to eternity. 28 The children of thy fervants fhall continually endure ; And in thy fight, O Lord, their feed fhall be eftablifli'd fure. Another of the fame. 1 T ORD, hear my pray'r, and let my cry •*-> Have fpeedy accefs unto thee. 2 In day of my calamity, hide not thou thy face from me : Hear when I call to thee, that day An arifwer fpeedily return. 3 My days like fmoke confume away, And, as an hearth, my bones do burn. 4 My heart is wounded very fore, And withered, like grafs, doth fade : 1 am forgetful grown therefore To take and eat my daily bread. 5 By reafdn of my fmart within, And v .ice of my moll: grievous groans, My flHh con fumed is, f :iv (kin All parch'd, doth cleave unto my bones, 2fc8 The PSALMS [P.102 6 The pelican of wildernefs, The owl in defart I do' match. 7 And, fparrow-like, ccmpanionlefs, Upon the houfe's top, I watch. 8 I all day long am made a fcorn, Reproach'd by my malicious foes ; The madmen are againft me fworn, The men againit me that arofe. 9 For I have allies eaten up, To me as if they had been bread •, And, with my drink, I in my cup Of bitter tears a mixture made : 10 Becaufe thy wrath was not appeas'd, And dreadful indignation ; Therefore it was that thou me rais'd, And thou again didft call me down. 1 1 My days are like a made alway, Which doth declining fwiftly pafs : And I am withered away, Much like unto the fading grafs. 12 But thou, O Lord, (halt ftill endure, From change and all mutation free, And, to all generations fure, Shall thy rememb'rance ever be. 13 Thou (halt arife, and mercy yet Thou to mount Sion (halt extend : Her time for favour which was fet, • Behold, is now come to an end. 14 Thy Saints take pleafure in her ftones, Her very dull to them is dear. 15 All heathen lands, and kingly thrones On earth, thy glorious name ihall fear. gh. P.iba.] Of D A V I D. 29 1 6 God in his glory (hall appear, AVhen Sion he builds and repairs. 1 7 He (hall regard and lend his ear Unto the needy's humble pray'rs. / Th' afflicled's pray'r He will not fcjrn ; 18 All times this fhall be on record : And generations yet unborn Shall praife and magnify the Lord. 19 He from his holy place look'd dow The earth he view'd fromHeav'n on r 20 To hear the pris'ners' mourning grcjin, And free them that are doom'd to d 21 -That Sion, and Jerus'lem too, His name and praife may well recoiii : 22 When people and the kingdoms d> Aflemble all to praife the Lord. 23 My (Irength he weak'ned in the w^r, My days of life he fhortened. 24 My God, O take me not away In mid-time of my days, I faid : Thy years throughout all ages laff. 25 Of old thou halt eftablifhed / The earth's foundation firm and Ml : Thymightyhandstheheav'ns have made 26 They periih fhall, as garments do, But thou (halt evermore endure : As veilures, thou (halt change them fo And they fhall all be changed fure.. 27 But from all changes thou art free, Thy endlefs years do laft for ay : 28 Thy fervants, and their feed who be, Eftablifli'd (hall before thee flay. 2 3 The PSALMS [p.103 PSALM CIII. A PJalm of David. Thi is a P'alra of praife and ihankfgiving to God, for his g'ce to his people, whereia -he believer ttirreth up himfelf, art by his own example othe.s alio 'o p'aife God, ver. i, %. A.i that for feventeen reafons or arguments of praile ; fome o, L them taken from me etc fliewn to bimfelf, lome ftom m pic to all believers, and fome taken from hi- ibveieign doninir.n over aii, unto ver. io. And in the iaft three vqes, the e is an exhortation to all the creatures, to join iOjJod's ptaifea with the Prophet. l (\ Thou, my foul, blefs God the Lord : v/ and all that in me is, ie ftirred up, his rrly name # to magnif and blefs. 2 $Lefs, O m) i ml, the Lord thy God, and not forgetful be Of ill his gracious benefits he hath beitow'd on thee. 3 Al thine iniquities who doth m< [\ graciottfly forgive : "Who thv diieafes all and pains doth heal, and thee relieve. 4 V. I redeem thy life, that thou . »ath m'ay'fl not go down : Wl thee with loving-kindnefs doth i.nd tender mercies crown. 5 Whv» vvith abundance of good things coth fatisfy thy mouth : So rhat, ev'n as the eagle's age, renewed is thy youth. 6 God .'ghteous judgment executes f r ah oppreffed ones. 7 His w.r s to Mofe-o, he his acts made known to Iira'Fs lbn c P.I03-] Of DAVID. 231 8 The Lord our God is merciful, and he is gracious, Long-fuffering, and flow to wrath, in mercy plenteous. 9 He will not chide continually, nor keep his anger fall. 10 With us he dealt not as we. fmn'd, nor did requite our ill 1 1 For as the heav'n in its height the earth furmounteth far : So great to thole that do him fear his tender mercies are. 1 2 As far as eaft is diftant from the weft, Co fir hath he From us removed, in his love, all our iniquity. 1 3 Such pity as a father hath unto his children dear ; Like pity fhews the Lord to fuch as worfhip him in fear. 1 4 For he remembers we are duft, and he our frame well knows. 15 Frail man, his days are Tike the grafs, as flow'r in field he grows. 1 6 For over it the wind doth pafs, and it away is gone, And of the place wh^re once it was, it fhall no more be known. 17 But unto them that do him fear, God's mercy never ends ; And to their children's childicn ftiil his righteoufnels extends j 232 The PSALMS [P.104 1 8 To fuch as keep his covenant, and mindful are alway Of his m )ftjuft commandements, that they may them obey. - 19 The Lord prepared hath his throne in heavens firm to ftand : And every thing that being hath, his kingdom doth command. 20 O ye his Angels that excel in ftrength, blefs ye the Lord; Ye who obey what he commands, and hearken to his word : 2 1 O blefs and magnify the Lord, ye glorious hofts of his -, Ye minifters, that do fulfil whate'er his pleafure is. 22 O blefs the Lord, all ye his works, wherewith the world is ftor'd, In his dominions ev'ry where : my foul, blefs thou the Lord. PSALM CIV. As in the former Pfalm, the Prophet fr.ir.ed up himfelf, and all others to glorify God > fpecially for the wo ks of grace ; fo he:e he liirreth up hi-nfeif and othe s to glorify God, lpecially for the works of Creation and Providence : And in the firlt place, He fheweth the fcope of all the Pfaim, ver. 1. In the fecond place, He bringeth arguments for preffing the duty of praifir.g God, from the firft day's work of Cteatbn, to wit, The light. And from the fc-cond day's work in ipreading forth the Heaven?, ver 2, 3, 4- And from the third day's work of bringing forth the earth, the lea, ihe flowers and plant', for the life of man and bead;, wh ch were the woiks of the fixth day, ver. 5, 6\ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ii, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 And from the works of the fourth day, fun and moon, ver. 19, 20, at, 22, 2.3, 24. And trom the works of the fir'thyday, f.fhes greater and fmaller, ver. 25, 26. In the third place, He bringeth argu- men rof God's praife, from the prefervation, fpecially of livi»g cieatu!e% ver 27, 25, i God's mighty works, who c?n exprefs? or (hew forth all his praife : ] BlefTed are they that judgment keep, and juftly do always. y Remember me, Lord, with that love which thou to thine doft bear : With thy falvation, O my God, to vifit me draw near : 5 That I thy chofen's good may fee, and in. their joy rejoice : And may, with thine inheritance, triumph with cheerful voice. 5 We with our fathers finned have, and of iniquity Too long we have the workers been, - have done wickedlv. j The wonders great, which thou, O Lord, didit work in Egypt land, Our fathers, tho' they faw, yet them they did not underftand ; And they thy mercies' multitude kept not in memory ; But at the lea, ev'n the Red Sea, provok'd him grievouily. i. Nevei thelefs he laved them, ev'n for his own name's fake : That fo he might to be well known his mighty pow'r make. -) When he the Red Sea did rebuke, then dried up it was : Thro' depths, as thro' the wildernefs, he fafely made them pafs. P.io6.] Of DAVID. 243 1 o From hands of thofe that hated them »he did his people fave ; And from the en'my's cruel hand to them redemption gave. " 1 r The waters overwhelm'd their foes, not one was left alive. 1 2 Then they believ'd his word, and praile to him in fongs did give. 13 But foon did they his mighty works forget unthankfully : And on his counfel and his will did not wait patiently : 14 But much did luft in wildernefs, and God in defert tempt. 15 He gave them what they fought, but to their foul he leannefs fent. 16 And againft Mofes in the camp, their envy did appear : At Aaron they, the Saint of God, envious alfo were. 1 7 Therefore the earth did open wide, and Dathan did devour, And all Abiram's company did cover in that hour. 1 8 Likewife among their company a fire was kindled then ; And fo the hot con fuming flame burnt up thefe wicked men. 9 Upon the hill of Horeb they an idol calf did frame, A molten image they did make, and worfhipped the fame. L 2 244 The PSALMS . [P.iot 20 And thus their glory, and their God, moft vainly changed they Into the likenefs of an ox , that eateth grafs or hay. 2 1 They did forget the mighty God, that had their Saviour been, By whom fuch great things brought tc they had in Egypt feen. [pafs, 22 In Ham's land he did wond'rous works, things terrible did he, When he hfe mighty hand and arm ftretch'd out at the Red Sea. 23 Then faid he, He would them deftroy, had not, his wrath to ftay, His chofen Mofes flood in breach, that them he mould not flay. 24 Yea, the} 7- defpis'd the pleafant land, believed not his word : 25 But in their tents they murmured, not heark'ning to the Lord. 26 Therefore in defert, them to flay,. he lifted up his hand : 27 'Mong nations to o'erthrow their feed,' and fcatter in each land. 28 They unto Bael-peor did themfelves aflbciate ; The facrifices of the dead they did profanely eat. 29 Thus by their lewd inventions, they did provoke his ire : And then upon them fuddenly the plague brake in as fire. ' F.io6.] Of D A V I D. 245 '30 Then Phineas rofe, and juftice did : and fo the plague did ceafe. 31 That, to all ages, counted was to him for righteoufnefs. 32 And at the waters where they ftrove, they did him angry make, In fuch fort, that it fared ill with Mofes for their fake : i 33 Becaufe they there his Ipirit meek provoked bitterly, So that he utter'd with his lips words unadvifedly. 34. Nor, as the Lord commanded them, did they the nations flay : 35 But with the heathen mingled v/ere, and learn'd of them their way. $6 And they their idols ferv'd ; which did a fnare unto them turn. 37 Their fons and daughters they to dev'ls in facrifice did burn. 38 In their own children's guiltlefs blood their hands they did imbrue, Whom to Canaan's idols they for facrifices flew : So was the land defil'd with blood : They ftain'd with their own way, £6And with their own inventions a whoring they did ftray. 40 Againft his people kindled was the wrath of God therefore, Infomuch. that he did his own. inheritance abhor. L.3 246 The P S A L M S [P. icy 41 He gave them to the heathen's hand ; their foes did them command. 42 Their en'mies them oppreft, they were made fubjecl to their hand. 43 He many times deliv'red them, but with their counfel fo They him provok'd, that for their fin they were brought very low. 44 Yet their affliction he beheld, when he did hear their cry. 45 And he for them his covenant did call to memory. After his mercies' multitude 46 he did repent : And made Them to be pity'd of all thofe who did them captive lead. 47 O Lord, our God, us fave, and gather the heathen from among, That we thy holy Name may praife in a triumphant fcng. 48 Bleft be Jehovah, Ifra'l's God, to all eternity : Let all the people fay, Amen. Praife to the Lord give ye, PSALM CVII. Tr.is PlYm i? p"-a'Te for God's gracious and wife* dilpcnfa' irn* towa ds rr.cn In the foirner pa.t wheieof, the Pfalroift, reckoneth four exe^ci es of Cod's peopie, by God's juftice bringing them to jh'aits, and by his mercy dciivctiog ihe:n again. The iiift exe.tife i*, liy banilhmerst, and bj the Lord'* bringing them buck from it, to ver. 10. The fe< i-, bv captivity and imp. i'.'onment, and delivery out of it, 10 vc.. 17. The thiid is, By bodily fickne'.'s, and recovery from it, to vc '. Z3. The fourth is, By danger by fea, aafc the delivery gut of it, to ver. "33. P.k>7 ] ©> D A V I D. 247 In the litter paitof the Plalm he praifetfe God for his wife dealing with people and nation', in changes made among them, in then land 1 ;, perlbn?, goods and ellate<;, far the cool of his- own, and overthrow of the proud. One chain;.: : , Of a fertile into a barren wi!detnefs{ for the inhabitants 1 fin«, ver. 33, 34. Another change is, Of a barren land into a fe. tile and plentiful ioil, well peopled, to ver. 38. A third change i', Witting and '"polling of a wtFl-peopled and fertile country, ver. 39. A fouuh change i«, Pulling down p;inces and (latel'men, and confound ng of them, lb that thej knew not what to do, or whither to go, veT. 40 The fi "1I1 change 1-, The li "ti.ig up of the ponj and defolate, and enlarging of them in all relncSt*, ver. 4.1. The beft witneffes or" which ge8, a e the Godly and wi e obfd vers of God's Provi- dence, who, :'or a rev.-.i d of their < b crva ion, ftiiil ha -e comfortable u^e and benefit of all God's dlfpeniatton*, ver. 4i, 43. ipRAISE God, for he is good : for ftill 1 his mercies Lifting be. 2 Let God's redeem'd fay fo, whom he from th' en'mies hand did free : 3 And gather'd them out of the lands from north, fouth, eaft and weft. 4 They ftray'd in defarts pathlefs way, no. city found to reft. 5 For thirft and hunger, in them faints 6 their foul. When ftiaits them prefs,. They cry unto the Lord, and he them frees from their diftrefs. 7 Them alfo in a way to walk, that rtght is, he did guide, That jjjev might to a city go wheieih' they might abide. 8 O that men to the Lord ^ould give praiie, for his goodnefs then, And for. his works of wonders 'done unto the fons of men ! 1- 4 248 The PSALMS [P i 9 For he the foul that longing is doth fully fatisfy, With goodnefs he the hungry foul doth fill abundantly. 10 Such as fliut up in darkneis deep, and in death's (bade abide, Whom ftronglv hath affliction bound, and irons fa ft have tyd: ii : nft the words of God wrought rebellioufly, . . counfel did contemn of him that is moil high) : 12 Theii ith grief, , no help could have. 15 I to God, he r .its did 1 i\ Heou^ of darkneis did them bring, and from death's ihade them take - % ;e bands wherewith they had been afunder quite he brake. [bound, 15 O that men to the Lord would give fe, for his goodnefs then, A id for \ ione unto the fons of men ! 10 B nighty gates of fcrafs in piece he did tear, E h oder alio cut the bars of iron were. j- Fo Is, for their fin, and their offence, d 1 fore afflicYio.n bear. 18 All k : nd of meat their foul •the gates dr: P. 1 07.] Of DAVID. 249 1 9 In grief they cry to God, he faves them from their miferies. 20 He fends his word, them heals, and them from their deftrucYions frees. 21 O that men to the Lord would give praife, for his goodnefs then, • And for his works of wonder done unto the fons of men ! 22 And let them facrifice to him ofT'rings of thankfulnefs, And let them fhew abroad his works in fongs of joyfulnefs. 23 Who go to fea in mips, and in great waters trading be : 24 Within the deep,theie menGod's works and his great wonders fee. 25 For he commands, and forth in hafte the ftormy tempeft flies, Which makes the fea with rolling waves a.loft to fwell and rife. 26 They mount toHeav'n,then to the depths they do go down again \ Their foul doth faint, and melt away with trouble and with pain. 27 They reel and ftagger like one drunk, at their wits end they be : 28 Then they to God in trouble cry, who them from ftiaits doth free. 29 The ftorm is chang'd into a calm, at his command and will ; So that the waves, which rag'd before, now quiet are and ftill. L 5 250 The PSALMS [P.107 30 Then are they glad, becaufe at reft and quiet now they be - y So to the haven he them brings, which they defne to fee. 3 1 O that men to the Lord would give praife, for his goodnefs then, And for his works of wonder done unto the fons of men ! 32 Among the people gathered, Jet them exalt his Name ; Among alfembled elders fpread his mcft renowned fame. ^l He to dry-land turns water-fprings, and floods to wildernefs : 34 For fins of thofe that dwell therein,. fat land to barrennefs. 25 The burnt and parched wildernefs to water-pools he brings - t The ground that was dry'd up before,. he turns to water-fprings. $6 And there, for dwelling, he a place doth to the hungry give, That they a city may prepare commodioufly to live. 37 There fow the fields, and vineyards to yield fruits of increafe. [plant, 38 His blefling makes them multiply, lets not their beafts decreafe. 39 Again they are diminifhed, and very low brought down, Through forrow and affii&ion, and great opprefTion. P.ioS.] Of DAVID. 251 40 He upon princes pours contempt, and caufeth them to ftray, And wander in a wildernefs wherein there is no way. 4.1 Yet fetteth he the poor on high from all his mVTeries, . And he, much like unto a fleck, doth make him families. 42 They that are right'ous mall rejoice when they the fame fhall fee ; And, as afhamed, flop her mouth ftiall all iniquity. 43 Whofb is wife, and will thefe things obfei've, and them record, Ev'n they (hall underftand the love and kindfiefs of the Lord. p s a i, m cvm. A Song or Pfalm of David. T&is Plalm if compoled of pau'of the 57th P.alqi, from wi. j. to the end, and of a pan of the 6otn Pi?.lm, from vcr 5. to the end, but in a d.ve fe< notion j, for in the 57th and 60th 1' ilrns, David i p:a;ni for expedience of the truth of the promife ma.le to him,- concerning the kingdom of lirael, and victory over his en mies < n ali fides, being now in hazaid by them ; but here he is making me o the expeiience ieceiveo, and o victory obtained over cii- mie.-. wi'hin and without the kingdom or Ifrael, foi the er.ee u, agement . uf the Church miiua.ru to the end of the wo; id, againft intefline and foreign enemies w hr tfoc'cr. Again, in thefe two fcimei FValrm, whence he doth repeat the woiJs of 'his Plalm, he had h i ^ o>. n intereft to plead, befide what v/as typical in hisexerci'e : Here, hi? own mterelt being fettled, and the promi.'e made to himielf pe. formed, he recommendetb this expeticnee of his in a moie abft act notion horn his own particular, and in a more typical way of a pledge of the victory of the true Chuich militant, under he-i herd and Lord, over all her ene- mies both inteftipe and foreign, without the verge o. the vifible pcofcffi n, that in the failh of Ch.-iir, and hope of his pic ailing in the work of enlarging and reforming of the. vifible Catholic Church, and overthi owing of the ©pea^eae^ 252 The PSALMS [P.108 mies of ChrifTs kingdom, typified under the exercife of David, the true fubjc&s of Chrift might go on in their warfare with the greater confidence. This Pialm hath two parts ; In the former is the thankfgiving of faith, and promife of praife, in hope of obtaining all v.hic. the Church if here to pray for, ver, r, a, 3, 4, 5. In the latter part is the p-a et for p. efervation of the Church, vtr. 6. with confidence to be head and helped, whatsoever impediment appear, againfr all who ftand out againll Chrift's kingdom, whether within the vifi le Church, ver. 7, 8. or whether without, frch as are profcfiTe enemies unto it, ver. 9, ic, M, which pra\er is followed forth, ver iz. and comfortably cio r ed with alTurarce of the Church's victory by the aihllance of God, ver. 13. 1 ]V yj" Y heart is fix'd, Lord : I will fmg, l^i- and with my glory praife. 2 Awake up pfaltery and harp, m\felf I'll early raife. 5 I'll praife thee 'mong the people, Lord, 'mong nations fing will I. 4 For above Heav'n thy mercy's great, thy truth doth reach the Iky. 5 Be thou above the Heavens, Lord, exalted glorioufly ; Thy glory all the earth above be lifted up on high. 6 That thofe who thy beloved are delivered may be ; O do thou lave with thy right hand, and anfwer give to me. 7 God in his holinefs hath faid, Herein I will take pleafure, Shechem I will divide, and forth will Succoth's valley meafure. 3 Gilead I claim as mine by right, Manaffeh mine (hall be ; Ephraim is of my head the ftrength, Judah gives laws for me. P.109-] Of D A V I D. 253 9 Moab's my wafhing-pot, my fhce I'll over Edom throw, Over the land of Paleftine I will in triumph go. 10 O who is he will bring me to the city fortify 'd ? O who is he that to the land of Edom will me guide ? 1 1 O God, thou who hadft caft us off, this thing wilt thou not do '? And wilt not thou, ev'n thou„ O God, forth with our armies go ? 1 2 Do thou from trouble give us help, for helplefs is man's aid. 1 3 Through God we fhall do valiantly, our foes he fhall down tread. PSALM CIX. To the chief Mz/fician, a Pfalm of David. David, as a type or Lhfilt, hath here to do v.uh his and the Lord's de'pcraie enemies. The Palm hath three parts. In the firtt part, he c mplaineth againir them unto G' d, ver. 1 » 2 » 3i -4-1 5- I n l ^c fecond, he pronounccth the fearful vengeance of God aga nft them, by way of imp ecation in the Ipirit of prophecy, unto ve.. 21 In the third part, he putteth up a prayer to God for h m'elf, and i< comroted. In all which he is a type of Chrili, and hath an eye unto Chrift's kingdom, and to the del, eraie en .mie< thereof, as the apoftle Peter doth leach us in his appli.ation of what is here lpoken, as 2 Prophecy to be in part completed in Judas, Acts i. 10 A^d lo '. -avid is not here latisfying his own pri- vate revenge againft Achitophel, or any other fuch like traitor, but as a Pi ophet foretelling what judgment was to fall on the deperate enemies of God, and as * Saint fubfciib- ing to God's righteous judgments, for the terror of all op- puiers of ChriflA kingdom. 1 f~\ Thou the God of all my praife, j ^^ do thuU not hold thy peace : 2 For mouths of wicked men to fpeak againft me do not ceafe ; 254 The PSALMS [P.109 The mouths of vile deceitful men againft me op'ned be ; And with a falfe and lying tongue they have accufed me. 3 They did befet me round about with words of hateful fpite : And, tho' to them no caufe I gave, againft me they did fight. 4 They for my love became my foes : but I me fet to pray. 5 Evil for good, hatied for love, to me they did repay. 6 :et thou the wicked over him, and upon his right hand Give thou his greateft enemy, ev'n Satan, leave to ftand. 7 And when by thee he fhall be judgYk let him condemned be-, And let his pray'r be turn'd to fin, when he fhall call on thee. 8 Few be his days, and in his room his charge another take. 9 His children let be fatherlefs, his wife a widow make. 10 His children let be vagabonds, and beg continually : Anil from their places defoTate, feek bread for their fupply. 11 Let covetous extortioners catch all he hath away : Of all r which he labour'd hath let ftrangeis make a prey. F.i 09] Of DAVID. 255 i 2 Let there be none to pity him, let there be none at all That on his children fatherlefs II let his mercy fall. 1 3 Let his pofterity from e cut off f r ever be, And in the following age their name be blotted out bv thee. 14 Let God h ftill to . ranee cal , And never let his mother's lin be blotted out at all. 15 But ler [] before the Lord ear continual That he miv wholly from the ea; cut off their memory. 16 Becaufe he mercy minded not, but perfecAited ftill The poor and needy, that he might the broken hearted kill. 17 As he in c; leafure took, fo let it fo him fall ; And as he delighted not to blefs, fo blefs him not at all. iS As curfing he like clothes put on, into his bowels fo, iter, and into his bones, :e oil, down let it go. 19 Like to the garment let it be lkrifelf array, id for ^-'girdle, v. is girt about aiway. £ The PSALMS [P.109 20 From God let this be their reward that en'mies are to me ; • And their reward, that fpeak againft my foul malicioufly. 21 But do thou, for thine own name's fake, O God, the Lord, for me ; Sith good and fweet thy mercy is from trouble fet me free. 22 For I am poor and indigent, afflicted fore am I ; My heart within me alfo is wounded exceedingly. 23 I pafs like a declining made, am like the locuft toft : 24 My knees thro' fafting weak'ned are, my flefh hath fatnefs loft. 25 I alfo am a vile reproach unto them made to be ; And they that did upon me look, did fhake their heado at me. 26 O do thju help and fuccour me, who art my God and Lord : And. for thy tender mercies' fake, fafety to me afToid : 27 That thereby they may know, that this is thy almighty hand : And that thou, i ,ord haft done the fame they may well underftand. 28 Altho' they cu.fe with fpite, yet, Lord, blefs thou with loving voice : Let them afham'd be when they rife : thy fervant let rejoice. P.uo Of DAVID. 257 29 Let thou mine adverfaries all with fhame be cloathed over : And let their own confufion them, as a mantle, cover. 30 But as for me, I with my mouth will greatly praife the Lord : And I among the multitude his praifes will record. 31 For he (hall Hand at his right hand who is in poverty, To fave him from all thofe that would condemn his foul to die. PSALM CX. A Pfalm of David. This Pfalm con'.aineth the do£bine of Chiift, God and Man in one perfon, concerning his everlafting kingdom and Piieft- hood, whofe kingdom albeit begun to be manirei'ted among the Jews, yet was to be extended unto the Ccntiks with great fuccefs, ver. i, 2, 3. As for his priei'thood, he is lettled therein for ever by an oath, ver. 4. and that with the overthrow of his enemies, how great or many foever, ver. 5, 6. yet not without ChrilVs fufferings, by which he was fir it to be humbled, and then to be exalted, ver. 7. 1 '"J S HE Lord did fay unto my Lord, -*- Sit thou on my right-hand, Until I make thy foes a ftool whereon thy feet may Hand. 2 The Lord fhall out of Sion fend the rod of thy great pow'r : In midft of all thine enemies be thou the governor. 3 A willing people in thy day of pow'r, fhall come to thee, In holy beauties from morn's womb : thy youth like dew fhall be. 2 5 8 The P S A L M S [P.iii 4 The Lord himfclf hath made an oath, and will repent him never, Of th' order of Melchifedeck thou art a prieit. for ever, 5 The glorious and mighty Lord, that fits at thy right hand, Shall, in his day of wrath, ftrike through Kings that do him withitand. 6 He fhall among the heathen judge, he fhall with bodies dead The places fill : o'er many lands he wound fhall ev'ry head. 7 The brook that runneth in the way with drink fhall him fupply, And, for this caufe, in triumph he_ fhall lift his head on high. PSAL M CXI. The fcope of this Pfalm is to (tit up all topaileGod, and that for fo many realbns as thee a.-e vcics ;n the Pialm. The exhortation ms in the firft woids, Prai:e ye the Lord. The reafoas follow in order. The iiaim is eompofed io after the ortrel" of the Hebrew alphabet, as every lentence oi half ve le beginnrtn with a feveral letter of the ABC in order, and all ihe r-falm is of praiic only. i T)Raife ye theLord. With mywhole heart ■■• I will God's praife declare, Where the aflemblies of the jufl and congregations are. 2 The whole wbrks of the Lord our God- are great above all meafure ; S ■ Jght out they are of ev'ry one that doth therein take pleafure. . 3 His work moft honourable is, mail glorious and pure : And his untainted righteoufnefs, ibr ever doth endure. P.i 12.] Of DAVID. 259 4 His works moft wonderful he hath made to be thought upon : The Lord is gracious, and he is full of compaflion. '5 ^ e giveth meat unto all thofe that truly do him fear : And evermore his covenant he in his mind will bear. 6 He did the power of his works unto his people mow, When he the heathen's heritage upon them did beftow. 7 His handy-works are truth and right : all his commands are fure ; B And, done in truth and uprightnefs, they evermore endure. g He fent redemption to his folk, his covenant for ay He did command : holy his name, and rev'rend is alway. 10 Wifdom's beginning is God's fear: good underitanding they Have all, that his commands fulfil : his praife endures for ay. PSALM CXII. This P:"a!m is a pra^r.g of God for blefiing of the believer^ and the whole Pfalrn d >th prove that rue helLvcr is Wtfled; which proportion is fct down, ver. i. and confumed with lb many realons as thee are venes following ipRaife ye the Lord. The man is bleft -*- that fears the Lord aright, He who in his commandements doth greatly take delight. 2t>0 The PSALMS [P.112 His feed and offspring powerful (hall be the earth upon : Of upright men bleiled ihall be the generation. Riches and wealth ihall ever be within his houfe in (tore : And his unfpotted righteoulhefs endures for evermore. Unto the upright light doth rife, though he in darknefs be : Companionate and merciful, and righteous is he. A good man doth his favour (hew, and doth to others lend : He with difcretion his affairs will guide unto the end. Surely, there is not any thing that ever fhall him move ; The righteous man's memorial ihall everlafting prove. When he ihall evil tidings hear, ihe fhall not be afraid ± His heart is fix\d, his confidence upon the Lord is fiay'd. His heart is firmly 'ftablifhed, afraid he (hall not be, Until upon his enemies he his defire fhall fee. He hath difpers'd ; giv'n to the poor his righteoufnefs (hall be To ages all ^ with honour ihall his horn be railed high. P.i 13] Of DAVID. 261 10 The wicked (hall it fee, and fret, his teeth gnafh, melt away : What wicked men do molt defire, fhall utterly decay. PSALM CXIII. This alio is a Pl'alm of piaife, wherein, firft, The propofition, that God is to be praiied by aH, is letdown, ver. i, a, 3. In the next place, are the Italians taken from his incompara- ble Majefty, ver. 4, 5. In the third place, are the reafoni of his piaife, taken ftom hib bounty towards men, in railing the afflicted unto an honourable condition, ver. 6, 7, 8. and enlarging of defolate families, ver. 9. i T)Raife God : ye fervants of the Lord,* •t O praife, the Lord's name praife. 2 Yea, bleiTed be the name of God from this time forth always. 3 From rifing fun, to where it fets, God's name is to be prais'd. 4 Above all nations God is high, 'bove heav'ns his glory rais'd. 5 Unto the Lord our God, that dwells on high, who can compare ? 6 Himfelf that humbleth things to fee in heav'n and earth that are. 7 He from the duit doth raife the poor that very low doth lie, And from the dunghill lifts the man ■ opprefs'd with poverty : 8 That he may highly him advance and with the princes fet, With thofe that of his people are the chief, ev'n princes great. 9 The barren wcman, houfe to keep he maketh, and to be Of fons a mother full of joy. Praife to the Lord give ye. id The PSALMS P 114 PSALM CXIV. This Pfalm is a p:aifing of God, for the gracious and glorious work of def vering or" his people out of Egypt, and bringing them into Canaan, and that for fix rea/ons. The firft whereo-", ver. I. The next, ver. 2. The third, ver. 3. The fourth, ver. 4. The fifth, with the fpccial u!e thereof ver. 5, 6, 7. The fixih, ver. 8. i"\T7HEN Ifra'l out of Egypt went, * * and did his dwelling change; When Jacob's houfe went out from thofe that were of language ftrange : 2 He Judah did his fanctuary, his kingdom Ifra'l make : The fea it faw, and quickly fled, Jordan was driven back. 4 Like rams the mountains, and like lambs the hills fkipp'd to and fro. 5 O fea, why fledd'ft thou ? Jordan back why waft thou driven fo ? 6 Ye mountains great, wherefore was it that ye did ikip like rams ? And wherefore was it, little hills, that ye did leap like lambs ? 7 O at the pretence of the Lord, earth, tremble thou for fear, While as the prefence of the God of Jacob doth appear. 8 Who frcm the hard and ftony rock did ftanding water bring ; And, by his pow'r, did turn the flint into a water- fpring ! PSALM CXV. The Church of IJcel being under the power of the heathen, and unable to help themiclves, do flee to God for relief ^ and in the former part of the P:'2lm tbey pray for dcii. V.H5-] Of DAVID. 265 firengthening their hope to be heard by four argument*, unto ver. 9. In the latter part, the Church is encouraged to truft in G d, and to expecl deliverance in due time, by feveral reafon?, all leiving to confi.m their faith, unto the end of the Plalm. i VTOT unto us, Lord, not to us, -L^> but do thou glory take Unto thy name, ev'n for thy truth and for thy mercies' fake. 2 O wherefore mould the heathen fay, Where is their God now gone ? 3 But our God in the heavens is, what pleas'd him he hath done. 4 Their idols filver are and .gold, work of men's hands they be : 5 Mouths have they, but they do not fpeak ; and eyes, but do not fee. 6 Ears have they, but they do not hear ; nofes, but favour not : 7 Hands, feet, but handle not, nor walk, nor fpeak they through their throat. 8 Like them their makers are, and all on them their truft that build. 9 O Ifra'l, truft thou in the Lord : he is their help and fhield. 10 O Aaron's houfe, truft in the Lord, their help and fhield is he. 1 1 Ye that fear God, truft in the Lord, their help and fhield he'll be. 1 2 The Lord of us hath mindful been, and he wall blefs us ftill ; He will the houfe of Ifra'l blefs, blefs Aaron's houfe he will. 264 The PSALMS [P.116 13 Both fmall and great that fear the Lord, he will them furely blefs. 14 The Lord will you, you and your feed, ay more and more increafe. 15 O bleffed are ye of the Lord, who made the earth and heav'n. 1 6 The heav'n,ev'n heav'ns are God's ; but earth to men's fons hath giv'n. [he 1 7 The dead, nor who to filence go, God's praife do not record. 1 8 But henceforth we for ever will blefs God. Praife ye the Lord. PSALM CXVI. This Pfalm is a threefold engagement of the Pfalmift nnto thankigiving unto God for his mercy unto him, and in par- ticular, for feme notable ddivery from death, both bodily and fpiritual. The firlt engagement is, that he (hall out of love have his recourse unto God always by prayer, ver. 1,2. the reafoa:-and motive:, whereof are let down, because of his delivery out of a great ftrait, ver. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The iecond engagement is to a holy convenation, ver. 9. the motives, a- t down, ver. 10, ii, iz. Tr-.e tkird engagemen: praife;, or paying of piaifes and vows before the Church, with the realou. thereof, ver. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, ; 8, 19. iT Love the Lord, becaufe my voice J. and prayers he did hear. 2 I, while I live, will call on him, who bow'd to me h 3 Of death the cords and forrows did about me compafs round ; The pains of hell took hold on me : I grief and trouble found. 4 Upon the name of God the Lord, then did I call, and fey, Deliver thou my foul, O Lord, I do thee humbly pray. P.u6.] Of DAVID. 265 5 God merciful and righteous is, yea, gracious is our Lord. 6 God faves the meek, I was brought low, he did me help afford. 7 O thou, my foul, do thou return unto thy quiet reft ; For largely, lo, the Lord to me his bounty hath expreft. 8 For my diftreiled foul from death deliver'd was by thee •, Thou didft my mourning eyes from tears, my feet from falling, free. 9 I in the land of thofe that live will walk the Lord before. 10 I did believe, therefore I fpake I was amidted fore. 1 1 I faid, when I was in my hafte, that all men liars be. 12 What fhall I render to the Lord, for all his gifts to me ? 13 I'll of falvation take the cup, on God's name will I call : 14 I'll pay my vows now to the Lord, before his people all. 15- Dear in God's fight is his Saints' death. 1 6 Thy fervant, Lord, am I ; Thy fervant fure, thine hand-maid's fon : my bands thou didft unite. 1 7 Thank-cfT'rings I to thee will give, and on God's name will call 1 5 I'll pay my vows now to the Lord, before his people all : M i66 The PSALMS [P.117 1 9 Within the courts of God's own houfe, within the midft of thee, O city of Jerufalem. Praife to the Lord give ye. P S A L M CXVII. ? Ym i : an exhortation to the Gentile? to prai.e Goo. ver. 1. for his mercy and truth towards r i /^\ Give ye praife unto the Lord, V^J all nations that be : Likewife, ye people all, accord his name to magnify. 2 For great to us-ward ever are his loving kindneiTes ; His truth endures for evermore. The Lord, O do ye bleis. PS A L M CXVIII. i.-.e Pfalmift in his thankfgiving for bringing him fo Won- uily to the kingdom, prophefier m o.Chrift's treoblcs-by hi; enemies, and of his victories o-e: them, both in hi: ov, n pe:!ca, and in his myftical body. This Pfalm hath i'uch an eye andrefpen nnto Cbrirt and his Church, that whatsoever fhadow of thefe thine. nd in David, tfce main fubftance and accomplishment of all things herein t contained, are to be found mod clearh and fully in Chuffs : with his enemies, and his triumphing over them the comfort o: the Church, and glory of the fa; he; : and ■ e and acknowledge, at ta.:eth by their acclamation taken out of this Pfalm, and mac . mine into Jerufalem, as King riding, and by Chrift's i^te. pre:it:on, and app;op;iating of i: unto -elf, Matth. xxi. 9, 15, bis caufe alfo the Piaim (t doth not prefix his name unto this Pfalm, wbatfoe- ver might be fit for his particular expe.ier.ee ::i it, but ieav- eth it fo run the more dearly and directly towaids the Mef- *iih ; or Ch ill, who i* here mainly intended. Pfalm may be divided into three pa;ts. In the firft. The Pfalmift, andChrift reprelented bybim. exhorteth theChurcb, to p aile God. and giveth fund.;* re-. or., for it, to vc ic fecond. He reatv.cth t e R 1 praife, 2nd :th new^rcatom for the fame, to ver. 19. In the third, C'hrifl's triumph is let down, wherein he goeth into the Of D A V I D. 267 Temple and fclemn aiTemblv of the Church i and here (Thrift: by his rejoicing ftirreth up the Church to rejoice, and the Church giveth acclamation to him as their Lord and King, and all the company do rejoice together, and priefts and peo- ple ftir up one another to pfai;e the Lord, unto the end of the Pfalm. , if~\ Praife the Lord, for he is good : ^-^ his mercy lafteth ever. 2 I-et thole of Ilrael now fay, his mercy faileth- never. 3 Now let the houfe of Aaron fay, his mercy lafteth ever. 4 Let thole that fear the Lord now fay, his mercy faileth never. 5 I in diftrefs call'd on the Lord ; the Lord did anfwer me : He in a large place did me fet, from trouble made me free. 6 The mighty Lord is on my fide, I will not be afraid : For any thing that man can do I (hall not be difmay'd. 7 The Lord doth take my part with their. that help to fuccour me : Therefore on thole that do me hate I my defire fhall fee. 3 Better it is to truit in God, than truft in man's defence : 9 Better to truft in God, than make Princes our confidence. 10 The nations, joining all in one, did com pals me about : But in the Lord's moft holy name 1 ihp.ll them all root our, M 2 268 The PSALMS [P.116 1 1 They compafs'd me about, I fay, they compafs'd me about : But in the Lord's molt holy name I mail them all root out. r 2 Like bees they compafs'd me about ; like unto thorns that flame They quenched are : for them fhall I deftroy in God's own name. 1 3 Thou fore haft thruft, that I might fall ; but my Lord helped me. 14 God my falvation is become, my ftrength and fong is he. 1 5 In dwellings of the righteous is heard the melody Of joy and health : the Lord's right hand doth ever valiantly. 1 6 The right hand of the mighty Lord exalted is on high : The right-hand of the mighty Lord doth ever valiantly. 1 7 I fhall not die, but live, and mail the works of God difcover. 1 8 The Lord hath me chaftifed fore, but not to death giv'n over. 19 O fet ye open unto me the gates of righteoufnefs : Then will I enter into them, and I the Lord will blefs. 20 This is the gate of God, by it the rift fhall enter in. 2,1 Thee will I praife, for thou me heard'ft, . and haft my fafety been. F.i ip.] Of DAVID. 269 22 Thatftone is made head corner-Hone, which builders did defpife : 23 This is the doing of the Lord, and wond'rous in our eyes. 24 This is the day God made, in it we'll joy triumphantly. 25 Save now, I pray thee, Lord, I pray, fend now profperity. 26 BiefTed is he in God's great name that cometh us to five; We, from the houfe which to the Lord pertains, you bleffed have. 27 God is the Lord, who unto us hath made light to arife ; Bind ye unto the altar's horns with cords the facrifice. 28 Thou art my God, I'll thee exalt : my God, I will thee praife. 29 Give thanks to God, for he is good j his mercy lafts always. PSALM CXIX. We read of no maa who had more troubles and exercifes or confcience, or greater viflicitude of change?, outward and inward, or more frequent experience of his own weaktfets, witlefhefs and tWulneis, or of God's merciful direction, confolaticn and deliverance, than David. This man did the Lo:d fit, by the immediate ioTpi ration of the Holy Ghoft, for the edification of the Church, to exprefs his exercifes, and good -deliveran.es from them all • And in this PJalm as in a bundle, he hath collected the fum of hi? holy meditations, and of the profitable ules which he made of the revealed will of God in Scripture, in all the conditions wherein he was, to teach all the faithful after him, to have the word of God in fpecial regard, and to have refpect unto it, as the only rale whereby they might find direction, confolation and fal- vation, however matters went. To this end, for men. fake, he hath filled the Hebrew alphabet with iz meditations, cvei y U ne of them beginning with a leveral letter of lir; M 3 270 The P S A L M S [P.119 alphabet, and every fectio* having eight veifes, beginning with the lame lctte", and every verfe almoft of every lection und'.-r iome expreffion, making mention of the Scripture. The words wherein the Scriptu.e, or revealed will of God in Scripture, here is expreffed, is one of thei'e ten. i. The law or doetiine, which fignifieth the Lord's will to be taught of God that all men fhould learn it. a. Statutes, which figni- fieth that this revealed will of God con^a neth the duties which God hath appointed and p.-efcribed for our rule. 3. Precept*, which fignifiy that this will of God is impofed by the authority of our Ibvereign law-giver. 4. Commands, which fignifieth that this revealed will is committed unto our 'ruft to be kept 5. Testimonies, which fignifieth that this revealed will of God doth tellify of our duty and of our do- ings, whether conform or not to the iu'e, and leftifieth alio what event maybe expected by our believing or mifbe!ieving, by our obedience or dilbbedience thereof. 6. Judgments, which fignifieth the Scripture to be God's judicial decree, ordaining how our word-, deeds and thoughts (hall be or- dered, and what fhall be the execution of his will answerable thereto. 7. Oracle, or ipeech, becauie the Scripture pro- ceeded, as it were, from the mouth of God. 8. The word, Vrhich fignifieth God's expounding his mind to us, as if he Were (peaking unto us. o. The way of God, which fignifi- eth the Lord's giving direction for our feveraf actions how v.e fhould walk, as by lb many Reps into the kingdom of lieaven. to. Righteoufnel's, which t fignifieth that the word of God hath in it the way how a man fhall be juftified, to wit, by faith, and how a juftified man fhould approve him- fetf to God and man, as juftified by faith ; and that every fon of wifdom, mult and will jullify the word of God, as the peifecl rule of righteouinefs. ALE? H.— The ift Part. In this firft fedtion he del'cribeth the bleffcd men, to be only they who walk in the obedience of faith, as God's word prefci ibeth, ver. 1, z, 3. Then he maketh application of Lhis doctrine to bimlelf : and firft acknowledged this obliga- tion to follow the ]ih Part. In this fe&ion he profefleth his high eltimation of, and affc&ion to the word of God, ver. 129, 130, 131. And unto this profefHon of his eftrmation and affection unto theScripture, he fubjoineth four petitions for the right ule and benefit thereof. The rlrl't is, ver. 132,. The fecond is, ver. 133. The third is, ver. 134. The fourth is, ver. 135. And then he addeth a realbn to this laft petition, ver. 136. 1 29 Thy flatutes, Lord, are wonderful : my foul them keeps with care. 130 The entrance of thy words gives light, makes wife who fimple are. 1 3 1 My mouth I have wide opened, and panted earneftly : While after thy commandements I long'd exceedingly. 132 Look on me, Lord, and merciful do thou unto me prove, As thou art wont to do to thofe thy name who truly love. 133 O let my footfteps in thy word aright ftill order'd be : Let no iniquity obtain dominion over me. 1 34 From man's oppieflion fave thou me : fo keep thy laws I will. 1 25 Thy face make on thy fervant mine : teach me thv ftatutes ftill. 286 The PSALMS [P.119 136 Rivers of waters from mine eyes. did run down, when I faw How wicked men run on in fin, and do not keep thy law. In the la!t veiie of this fe&ion, he piayeth for a greater mealure of the faving knowledge of the Scripture, moft ardently, and p.emifeth eight rcalons before the prayer, from whiih he doth infer his petition as a conclusion: the reafons of his petition are all fet down in order in the eight fol- lowing verfe c . 137 O Lord thou art moil righteous, thy judgments are upright. 138 Thy teftimonies thou command'ft, moft faithful are and right. 139 My zeal hath even confumed me ; becaufe mine enemies Thy holy words forgotten have, and do thy laws defpife. 140 Thy word's moft pure; therefore on it thy fervant's love is fet. 141 Small and'defpis'd I am ; yet I thy precepts not forget. 142 Thy righteoufnefs is righteoufnefs, which ever doth endure ; Thy holy law, Lord, alio is the very truth moft pure. 143 Trouble and anguiih have me found, and taken hold on me ; Yet in my trouble my delight thy juft commandments be. 144 Eternal righteoufnefs is in thy teftimonies all : Lord to me underftanding give, and ever live I fhalJ. P.up] Of D A V,I D. zSi { KOPH.— The igtbPart. In this fe&ion he falleih on another main petition unto God, for reftoring unto him, and incrcafmg in him the vigour of fpiritual life by his word, ' O Lord quicken me according to thy judgment/ ver. 149. And to prefs this petition he uleth four arguments, tome going before, ibme following after it. The fir ft argument hath four branches. The firlt branch is, ver. 145. The fecond is, ver. 146. The thud is, ver. 147. The fourth is, ver. 148. The fecond argu- ment of this his prayer is, Hear my voice according to thy loving-kindnefc, ver. 149 The third is, ver. 150, 151. The fourth is, ver. 152. 145 With my whole heart I cry'd ; Lord, I will thy word obey. [hear : 146 I cry'd to thee, fave me, and I will keep thy laws alway. 1 4.7 I of the morning did prevent the dawning, and did cry : For all mine expectation did on thy word rely. 148 Mine eyes did timeouily prevent the watches of the night, That in thy word, with careful mind, then meditate I might. 149 After thy loving-kindnefs hear my voice that calls on thee : According to thy judgment, Lord, revive and quicken me. 150 Who fellow mifchief, they draw nigh : they from thy law are far. 1 5 1 But thou art near, Lord : moft firm truth all thy commandments are. 152 As for thy teftimonies, all, of old this have I try'd, That thou halt furely founded them for ever to abide. 28 ^ PSALMS P.i 19 .£SH.—The 20th -Part. ion he prayeth for delivery out of hh affli&ion, and quickening of him, by confolation and fpiritual ability, .„ terve God till the delivery came ; and to ftrcngthen him- felf in the hope of obtaining this, he biingeth forth eight reasons of his petition : all in order fet down in the eight foiiowing verfes. 153 Confider mine affliction, in fafety do me fet : Deliver me, O Lord, for I thy law do not forget. 154 After thy word revive thou me : fave me, and plead my caufe. 155 Salvation is from fmners far j for they feek not thy laws. 156 O Lord, both great and manifold thy tender mercies be : According to thy judgments juft, revive and quicken me. 157 My perfecutors many are, and foes that do combine ; Yet from thy teftimonies pure my heart doth not decline. 158 I faw tranfgrefTors, and was griev'd ; for they keep not thy word. 159 See how I love thy law ! as thou art kind, me quicken, Lord. 1 60 From the beginning, all thy word hath been moll true and lure : Thy righteous judgments ev'ry one for evermore endure. P.n 9 .] Of DAVID. 289 SCHIN.— The zijl Part. In this feftion he taketh comfort by fix approved evidences of laving grace felt in himfeif, which he prcienteth unto God to be fealed by him. The firft e'vidence of laving grace in the Plalmilt is, ver. 1 61 . The fecond is, ver. i6z. The third is, vei. 163. The fouith'is, ver. 164. And for the con- firmation of the former maiks of favii.g grace, he com- mendeth the love of God's word, by two notable efTedts. One is, that it bringeth a glorious peace with it. Another is, that it maketh a man hold on in the way of God's obedience, whatfoever impediments or ftumbling blccks fhall be cad in his way, ver. 165. The fifth evidence of laving grace in the Pfalmilt is, ver. 166. The fixth is, ver. 167, 168. 161 Princes have perfecuted me, although no caufe they faw ; But ftill of thy moil holy word my heart doth ftand in awe. 162 I at thy word rejoice, as one of fpoil that finds great ftore. 163 Thy law I love, but lying all I hate and do abhor. 1 64. Sev'n times a day it is my care to give due praile to thee : Becaufe of all thy judgments, Lord, which righteous ever be. 1 65 Great peace have they who love thy . offence they fliall have none, [law : 166 I hop'd for thy falvation, Lord, and thy commands have done. 167 My foul thy teftimonies pure obferved carefulh* : On them my heart is fet, and tliem I love exceedingly. 68 Thy tefti monies and thy laws I kept with fpecial care ; For all my works and ways each one before thee open are. 290 The PSALMS [Pa 19 TAIL— The zzd Part. In this lad feclion, he clofeth all ihe former fweet meditation?, and comfortable expreiTicns concerning his faith and love, and the fiuits thereof, with five petitions. The fir ft is, ver. 169. The fecond is, ver. 170. An! then he flrengthens his hope in thefe two piayeis, by a prcmife of thankfulnefs for any meafure of a gracious anfvver, ver. 171, 172, The third petition is, ver. 173, 174. The fourth is, ver. 175. The fifth and laft is, ver. 175. 1 69 O let my earneft pray'r and cry come near before thee, Lord : Give underftanding unto me, according to thy word. 1 70 Let my requeft before thee come ; after thy word me free. 171 My lips fhall utter praife, when' thou haft taught thy laws to me. 172 My tongue of thy moil blefled word fhall fpeak, and it confefs : Becaufe all thy commandements are perfect righteoufnefs. 173 Let thy ftrong hand make heip to me thy precepts are my choice. 1 74 I long'd for thy falvation, Lord, and in thy law rejoice. 175 O let my foullive, and it fhall give praifes unto thee : And let thy judgments gracious be helpful unto me. 176 I, like a loft fhecp, went affray j thy fervant feek and find : For thy commands I fufPred not to flip out of my mind. P. 1 2o.] Of DAVID. 291 PSALM CXX. A Song of Degrees. The fcope of this Pl'alm is, by the experience of the Pfalmift, to teach and comfort i'uch a* fhall be rraruced, and falfly flandered. His exerciie and deliverance is fet down iumma- lily, ver. i. And then in the reft of the Plalm, he fit ft puts up his petition to be faved from the bloody tongue ot the calumniator, ver. a. and then denounceth God's judgment againft him, vex. 3, 4. and cloieth with a lamentation, ver. 5, 6, J; 1 1 N my diftrefs to God I cry'd, ■*• and he gave ear to me. 2 From lying lips, and guileful tongue, O Lord, my ibul fet free. 3 What fhall be giv'n thee ? or what fhall be done to thee, falfe tongue ? 4 Ev'n burning coals of juniper, fharp arrows of the ftrong. 5 Wo's me, that I in Mefhech am a fojourner fo long ; That I in tabernacles dwell to Kedar that belong. 6 My foul with him that hateth peace hath long a dweller been. 7 I am for peace : but when I fpeak, for battle they are keen. PSALM CXXI. % A Song of Degrees. ipbe fcope of this Pfalm is to fhew, that howfocer we are ready to leek help any where elie, rather than in God, yet no help is to be h..d, except from God; pertedt help, ajid full delivery i s to be had in him undoubtedly, asthc'p:?U mill's experience and example of faith doih teach ; wht the Plalmift leavin? all othtr confidences befide God, be- taketh him to Cod Almighty only. ver. 1 , z. And from his own expe -ence, g;v- 2t h enco-iragement to all Oed's people to place their confluence in Cod alone, by fix p.. mile- in ithe fix verles following, to the end of the Pfalm N 2 292 The PSALMS [P.122 1 T Tothe hills will lift mine eyes, ■*• from whence doth come mine aid. 2 My fafety cometh from the Lord, who heav'n and earth hath made. 3 Thy foot he'll not let Hide : nor will he flumber that thee keeps. 4 Behold, he that keeps Ifrael, he (lumbers not, nor fleeps. 5 The Lord thee keeps : the Lord thy made on thy right hand doth flay. 6 The moon by night thee (hall not fmite, nor yet the fun by day. 7 The Lord (hall keep thy foul : he (hall preferve thee from all ill. 8 Henceforth thy going out and in God keep for ever will. PSALM CXXII. A Song of -Degrees of David. The ark of God had for a long time moved from place tc place ; at length the Lord revealeth unto David the place whereof Moles hath ipoken, to be Sion where the ark fhould reft, and there David let up the ark, having revealed unto the people the oracle; whereupon the people did heartily • embrace the will of God, and came to that place appointed! for public worfliip, and did invite one another to go up toj worfliip. In this Pfalm, we have fir ft, David's j y for the] people's willingnefs to aflemble unto the Lord's houfe, ver., i, 2. In the next place, he p:aifes Jerufalem, ver. 3, 4, 5.J In the third piace, he exhorteth all to pray for the peace of] Jerufalem, repiefenting the univerfal Church, and ufethl fome reafons to fet them forward on the duty, ver. 6, 7, 8, $.\ 1 T Joy'd, when to the houfe of God, A go up, they faid to me. 2 Jerufalem, within thy gates A our feet (hall (landing be. P.I23-] Of DAVID. 293 3 Jerus'lem as a city is compactly built together : 4 Unto that place the tribes go up, the tribes of God go thither : To Ifra'l's teftimony, there to God's name thanks to pay. : 5 For thrones of judgment, ev'n the thrones of David's houfe, there flay. 6 Pray that Jerufalem may have peace and felicity : Let them that love thee, and thy peace, have ftill profperity. Therefore I wifh that peace may ftill within thy walls remain, And ever may thy palaces profperity retain. Now,for my friend's and brethren's fakes, peace be in thee, I'll fay. ) And for the houfe of God our Lord, I'll feek thy good alway. PSALM CXXIII. A Song of Degrees. he fcope of this Plalm is to teach the Lord's pecple, how to car-y themselves when they are oppreiTed by the tvranny of th.ei; proud adver!a;ie% and are dclhtute or' all help under Heaven; v. herein the Plalmilt maketh his add els to God, in patience, humility, and hope, ver. i, x ,a may fay, and that truly, If that the Lord had not our caufe maintain'd : 2 If that the Lord had not our right fuftain'd, When cruel men againft us furioufly Rofe up in wrath, to make of us their prey. 3 Then certainly they had devour'd us all, And fwallow'd quick, for ought that we could deem :. Such was their rage, as we might well efteem. And as fierce floods before them all things drown, So had they brought our foul to death quite down. The raging ftreams, with their proud fwelling waves, Had then our foul o'erwhelmed in the deep : 5 But bleft be God, who doth us iafely keep, N 4 296 The PSALMS [.Pis s And hath not giv'n us for a living prey Unto their teeth, and bloody cruelty. 7 Ev'n as a bird out of the fowler's fnare Efcapes away, fo is our foul fet free : Broke are their nets, and thus efcaped we. 8 Therefore our help is in the Lord's great name, Who heav'n and earth by his great pow'r did frame. PSALM CXXV. A Song of Degrees. The fcone of this Pfalm is to confirm the faith of the Believer, pe. fecuted and oppieftcd by the wicked, that he may hold out walking in the light way of God's obedience ; and to this end, th; - Palmift n:eth four arguments. The firlt is, from ihe (lability of the Believer's felicity, ver. i. %. The fecund, is fiom the (hoi t time of his trouble, which he (hall f'uffer by perfecutors, ver. 3. The third, is from the good- nets which God will manifeff toward him, fet down i"n the Pfalmift's prayer, ver. 4. The fourth, is from the Lord's judgments upon back-(Tiding Hypocrite.% vrhfl make fhift for themfelves to be freed from trouble by unlawful mean;, ver. 5. i "TPHEY in the Lord that firmly truft, 1 fhall be like Sion hill,. Which at no time can be remov'd ? but ftandeth ever ftill. 2 As round about Jerufalem the mountains {land alway, The Lord his folk doth compafs fo from henceforth and for ay. P.126] Or DAVID. 297 3 For ill men's rod upon the lot of juft men (hall not lie : Left righteous men ftretch forth their unto iniquity. [hands 4 Do thou to all thofe that be good, thy goodnefs, Lord, impart; And do thou good to thofe that are upright within their heart. ^ 5 But as for fuch as turn afide ty after their crooked way, God fhall lead forth with wicked men : on Ifra'l peace fhall flay. PSALM CXXVI. A Song of Degrees. This is the Church's long o thankfgiving foi her delivery from the captivi'y of Babylon, wherein, fiift, the gieatnefs of the mercy is let down, vex i, 2, 3 Then a prayer to God for enlarging of the bencfii, by making many t embiace the offer of delivery, ver. 4. And thirdly, an encouraging conflation to Inch as had returned or (hould return from Babylon to their own land, vei. 5, 6 I i'TT7HenSion , s bondage God turn'd back, V V ac mpn t J-m r rlrfflm'rl xxr^ro wt& I Tie ** as men that dream'd, were we. 2 Then fill'd with laughter was our mouth, our tongue with melody : They 'm^ng the heathen faid, The Lord great things for them hath wrought. 3 The Lord hath done great things for us ; whence joy to us is brought. % As ftreams of water in the fouth, our bondage, Lord, recall. 15 Who fow in tears, a reaping time of joy enjoy they fhall. ! 29S The PSALMS [P.117 6 That man, who, bearing precious feed, in going forth doth mourn, He doubtlefs, bringing back his fheaves, rejoicing mail return. PSALM CXXVII. A Song of Degrees for Solomon. The fcope of this Plalm is to (hew, fivft, That the defence of our perions, and lucceis in our affairs, do depend upon tiod's blefiiDg upon the means uied, ver. ?, z. Next, To fiiew that multitudes of God's children, is God's blefiing , ver. 3, 4, 5. The Pialm is intituled for Solomon, 10 va-, to build the houle of God, and to enlarge the l-.ingdom of liracl. t EXCEPT the Lord do build the houfe, -*-' the builders lofe their pain ; Except the Lord the city keep, the watchman watch in vain. 2 'Tis vain for you to rife betimes, or late from reft to keep, To feed on forrow's bread : fo gives he his beloved fleep. 3 Lo, children are -God's heritage, the womb's fruit his reward. 4 The fons of youth as arrows are, for fir on g men's hands prepar'd. 5 O happy is the man that hath his quiver fill'd with thole : They, unafhamed, in the gate fliall fpeak unto their foes. PSALM CXXVIII. A Song of Degrees. The feepe of this P aim is to fiiew the bkiTednefs of the man that rVartth God, which doth appear, firft, In temporal blefling or' him in his calling, ver. i, 2. Secondly, In his family, ver. 3, 4. Thirdly, in pouring fpirittal bleffings upon him, ver. 5, 6. P.I28.] Of DAVID. 299 1 T> LEST is each one that fears the Lord, *-* and vvalketh in his ways. 2 For of thy labour thou (halt eat, and happy be always. 3 Thy wife fhall as a fruitful vine by thy houfe fides be found ; Thy chil&en like to olive plants about thy table round. 4 Behold, the man that fears the Lord, . thus blefied fhall he be. 5 The Lord fhall out of Sion give his bleiiing unto thee : Thou fhalt Jerus'lem's good behold whilft thou on earth doii dwell. 6 Thotr fhalt thy children's children fee, and peace on Ifrael. PSALM CXXIX. A Song of Degrees. The fcope of this Pfalm is, to confirm the faith of God's people againft peilccut.cn. The parts the.eof are two The foimer is, Praife to God f r delivering many times his Church f:om (he opprcfiion of periecaiors, vc r . 1, a, 3, 4. Tht. ( ther hath a prophetical curie a^ainfl the enemies oi the Chuich, ver. 5, 6, 7, 8. i/^vFT did they vex me from my youth, ^-^ may Ifra'l now declare : 2 Oft did they vex me from my youth ; yet not victorious were. 3 The plowers plow'd upon my back : they long their furrows drew. 4 The righteous L-.rd did cut the cords of the ungodly crew. 300 The PSALMS P. 130 5 Let Sion's haters all be turn'd back with confufion. 6 As grafs on houfes tops be they, which fades e'er it be grown : 7 Whereof enough to fill his hand the mower cannot find ; Nor can the man his bofom fill, whole work is fheaves to bind. 8 Neither fay they who do go by, God's bl effing on you reft : We, in the name of God the Lord, do wiiTi you to be bleft. PSALM CXXX. A Song of Degrees. This r fa'm contameth the exercii'e of the Pfalmifl:, wieftli under the fen e of fin with fwrtul temptations, which we like to overcome him, wherein he p ayeth for relief, vJ 1, 2. oppoieth God'' mercy to hisjuftice, ver. 3, 4. aid waiteth for m'oU, ve-\ 5, 6 then hebringcth forth t» ule which he make:h of the relief and comfort which Goc gave unto him, by encouraging the Church to trurt in God's' meicy, beiaule he will deliver his people from all tiouble ami fin, ver. 7, 8. i T ORD, from the depths to thee I cry'd. 2 *-*. My voice, i ord, do thou hear : Unto my fupplication's voice give an attentive ear. 3 Lord, who mall ftand, if thou, O Lord, ftiould'ft mark iniquity ? 4 But yet with thee forgivenefs is, that fear'd thou mayeft be. 5 I wait f r God, my foul doth wait, mv hope is in his word. 6 More than they that for morning watch, my foul waits for the Lord : [P.I3*. Of DAVID. I fay, more than they that do watch the morning light to fee. 7 Let Ifrael hope in the Lord, for with him mercies be ; And plenteous redemption is ever found with him. 8 And from all his iniquities he Ifra'l fhall redeem. 301 PSALM CXXXI. A Song of Degrees of David. In this Pialm, the Prophet minding to teach the Godly to be humble before Cud, however matters go with them, doth pi opound his own example, ver. 1, a. that To the Believer may perfevere in hope, ver. 3. He provcth his humility by the lowlinefs of his hea't, ibbriety of carriage, and keeping himfeff Within his vocation, ver. 1. and by the lubmiffion of his will unto God's di;pcn\ation, ver. %. The ufe and profit whereof, as he had found in his own experience, fo he recornmendeth the following of hi* e ample unto ail God's people, as the way to be conftant in their hope, ver. 3, i IVyf Y heart not haughty is, O Lord -, ■*■ ▼ A mine eyes not lofty be : Nor do I deal in matters great, or things too high for me. I furely have myfelf behav'd with quiet fp'iit and mild, As child of mother wean'd : my foul is like a weaned child. Upon the Lord let all the hope of Ifrael rely, Ev'n from the time that prefent is unto eternity. 302 The PSALMS [P.132 P S A L M CXXXII. A Song of Degrees. In this P.Viti the Church i ; taught to pray, according to the ■covenant made ^ith David, repreienting Chi ill. Firft, For the maintainance of true religion, to rer, 10. Next, For the continuing of the kingdom in hi- race, and preservation of the Cbn ch of L':ael, and 10 of the kingdom and Cnurch of Chrift figured by it. In the firft petition, He p.ayetb for the Lord's affectionate and effectual remembrance of David, and of the fufrerings undergone by David, for mantaining his covenant with God, ver. i. And then, cal:tth to mind the care wh ch David had in fettling of the place of God's wo fhip, ver. z, 3, 4. 5. Thirdly, He fhewech, how after the Lord's departing from Shiloh, his ark was found in Kirjaih-jearim, and thence b.oJ 5 ht up the city of David, ver. 6. Fourthly, The Cbu.ch profefleth her williagnefs and purpofe to worfhip the Lod, now alcended unto mount Sion, ver. 7, 8. And fifthly, He prayeth for holinefs of doit.ine in the Lords MnUte s, and joy to the Godly in obeying them, ve 9. la the next petition, firft, TheChuch praye'.h for the covenant's lake made with David, that the Lord would uot v.ithd.aw c untenancc f.orn hi? off ip ing, ver. 10. The 1, to urengthen their faith in the petition, they repeat the c vena.it ot God made with David, as we have it, P. aim lxxxix. concerning his o£F-:pring, and mainly concerning Ch.ift, ver. 11, 12. Then, they pray concern- ing the temple and city o;* Jerusalem, rep e. eating rhe unirerfal Church, ver. 13, 1 4. and concerning his mmiftry, ver. 15, 16". and Concerning the inc cafe of Chi id's king- dom, and for confufioo of his enemies, ver. 17, 18. for we mult not conceive thi- payer delivered to theChuich for the ufe of all ages, to have the full accomplifhment, except Chrift ar.J hi Chwch and kingdom be mainly comprehended and aimed at in it. iT^V/WTD, and his afflictions all, -L' Lo. d, do thou think upon : 2 How urit > God he fware, and vow'd to Jacr,hV Mighty One. 3 I will not come within my houfe, nor reft in bed at all : 4 Njr lriall mine eyes take any fleep, nor eye-lids flum.ber mail. P. 1 32.] Of DAVID. 3°3 5 Till for the Lord a place I find, where he may make abode : A place of habitation for Jacob's mighty God. 6 Lo, at the place of Ephratah of it we underftood, And we did find it in the fields and city of the wood. 7 We'll go into his tabernacles, and at his footftool bow : 8 Arife, O Lord, into thy reft, th' ark of thy ftrength and thou. 9 O let thy priefts be cloathed, Lord, with truth and righteoufnefs : And let all thofe that are thy Saints, fhout loud for joyfulnefs. io For thine own fervant David's fake, do not deny thy grace, Nor of thine own anointed One turn thou away the face. 1 1 The Lord in truth to David fware, he will not turn from it, I of thy body's fruit will make upon thy throne to fit. 1 2 My cov'nant if thy fons will keep, and laws to them made known j Their children then (hall alfo fit for ever on thy throne. 13 For God of Sion hath made choice, there he defires to dwell. 14 This is mv reft : here ftill I'll ftay, for I do like it well. 304 The PSALMS [P.133 15 Her food I'll greatly blefs : her poor with bread will fatisfy. 16 Her Priefts Pll clothe with health : her fhall ftiout forth joyfully. [Saints 1 7 And there will I make David's horn to bud forth pleafantly : For Him that mine Anointed is, a lamp ordain'd have I. 1 8 As with a garment I will clothe with fhame his en'mies all : But yet the crown that he doth wear upon him flourifh mall. PSALM CXXXIII. A Sony of Degrees of David. This Pfalm doth fit the ccni.i on o. God's people, in David's time, when after their civil wa>s they were brought to a happy unity in religion, and civil government. Tins lort of concord and communion of Saint* is he t con mended to the Chu ch as both pkat'ant and profitable The goodness of it is 1'poki.n or,.ver. i. The* pleafantnefs of it, vei. i. The profitabknefs of it, ver. 3. iT>EHOLD, how good a thing it is, X) and how becoming well, Together iuch as brethren are in unity to dwell. 2 Im made heav'ns high : for mercy hath he ever. 6 Who ftretch'd the earth above the fea, for his grace faileth never. 7 To him that made the great lights fhine : fur mercy hath he ever. 8 The fun to rule till day decline : for his grace faileth never. 9 The moon and ftars to rule by night : for mercy hath he ever. io Who Egypt's firft-born kill'd outright : for his grace faileth never. 1 1 And Ifra'l brought from Egypt land : for mercy hath he ever. 12 With ftretch'd out arm, and with ftrong for his grace faileth never. [hand : 13 By whom the Red Sea parted was : for mercy hath he ever. 14 And through its midft made Ifra'l pafs : for his grace faileth never. P.i 36.] Of DAVID. 509 15 But Pharaoh and his hoft did drown : for mercy hath he ever. 16 Who through the defert led his own : for his grace faileth never. 1 7 To him great kings who overthrew : for he hath mercy ever. 18 Yea, famous kings in battle flew : for his grace faileth never. 19 Ev'n Sihon, King of Amorites : for he hath mercy ever 20 And Og, the King of Bafhanites : for his grace faileth never. 21 Their land in heritage to have : (for mercy hath he ever.) 22 His fervant Ifra'l right he gave : for his grace faileth never. 23 In our low ftate who on us thought : for he hath mercy ever. 24 And from our fees our freedom wrought: for his grace faileth never. 25 Who doth all flefh with food relieve : for he hath mercy ever. 26 Thanks to the God of heaven give : for his grace faileth never. Another of the fame. ipR AISE God, for he is kind : -t His mercy lafts for ay. 2 Give thanks with heart and mind To God of Gods alway : For certainly His mercies dure > Moft firm and fure Eternally. 5io The PSALMS [P. 156 3 The Lord of Lords praife ye, Whofe mercies ftill endure. 4 Great wonders only he Doth work by his great pow'r : For certainly, &c. 5 Which God omnipotent, By might and vvifdom high, The heav'n and firmanent Did frame, as we may fee : For certainly, See. 6 To him who did out-ftretch This earth fo great and wide, Above the waters reach, Making it to abide : For certainly, &c. 7 Great lights he made to be ; For his grace lafteth ay. 8 Such as the fun we fee, To rule the lightfome day : For certainly, &c. 9 Alfo the moon fo clear, Which fhineth in our fight j The ftars that do appear, To guide the darkfome night ; For certainlv, &rc. 10 To him that Egypt fmote, Who did his meflage fcorn ; And in his anger hot Did kill all their firit-born : For certainly, &c. 1 1 Thence Ifra'l out he brought : For his grace lafteth -ever. P.136.] Of D A V ID. 511 1 2 With a ftrong hand he wrought, And ftretch'd-out arm deliver : For certainly, otc. 13 The fea he cut in two : For his grace lafteth ilill. 14. And through its midft to go Made his own Ifrael : For certainly, &c. 1 5 But overwhelmed and loft Was proud King Pharaoh, With all his mighty hovr, And chariots there alio : For certainly, &c. 16 To him who powerfully His chofen people led, Ev'n through the defart dry, And in that place them fed : For certainly, &c. 1 7 To him great Kings who fmote : For his grace hath no bound. 18 Who (lew, and fpared not Kings famous and renown'd : For certainly, &c. 19 Sihon, th' Amorite's King : For his grace laiteth ever, 20 Og, alfo who did reign The land of Baflian over ; For certainly, &c. 2 1 Their land by lot he gave : For his grace faileth never. 22 That Iira'l nvght it have In heritage for ever : For certainly, &c, 3 i2 The PSAiMS [P.137 23 Who hath remembered Us in our low eftate ; 24 And us delivered From foes which did us hate : For certainly, See. 25 Who to all flefh gives food : For his grace faileth never. 26 Give thanks to God moil good, The God of heav'n for ever : For certainly, &c. PSALM CXXXVII. This Pfalm may be divided into three parts. In the firft, is let down the lamentable condition wherein the Lord's people we'e in their captivity in Babylon, ver. i, z, 3. J n the next, is their conftancy in religion, ver. 4, 5, 6". In the third, is their denouncing of judgment by way of impreca- tion againft the inftiuraents and chief authors of their ca- lamity, ver. 7, 8, 9. i T> Y Babel's ftream we fat and wept, -O when Sion we thought on : 2 In midft thereof we hang'd our harps the willow-trees upon. 3 For there a fong required they, who did us captive bring* Our fpoiler's call'd for mirth, and faid, A fong of Sion fing. 4 O how the Lord's fong fhall we fing within a foreign land ? 5 If thee, Jems'] em, I forget, fkill part from my right-hand. 6 My tongue to my mouth's roof let cleave, if I do thee forget, Jerufalem", and thee above my chief joy do not fet. P.138-] O p DAVID. 3*3 7 Remember Edom's children, Lord, who, in Jerus'lem's day, Ev'n unto its foundation raze, raze it quite, did fay. 8 O daughter thou of Babylon, near to deftruction : Bleft mail he be that thee rewards, as thou to us haft done. 9 Yea, happy furely fhall he be, thy tender little ones Who mall lay hold upon, and them (hall dam againft the ftones. PSALM CXXXVIII. A Pfalm of David. This Pfalm is David's thankfgiving unto God, and praifing of him for the experience he had of his love and faithfulnefs. The promife of praife oi thankfgiving is fet down, ver. i . and fix reafons are to be fubjoined in the verfes following, which are clofed with a prayer in the end of the Pfalm. i THHEE will I praife with all my heart, * I will fing praife to thee Before the gods : and worfhip will toward thy fancluary. I'll praife thy name, ev'n for thy truth, and kindnefs of thy love : For thou thy word haft magnify'd all thy great name above. Thou didft me anfwer in the day when I to thee did cry : And thou my fainting foul with ftrength didft ftrengthen inwardly. O 314 The PSALMS [P.r39 4 All Kings upon the earth that are, fhall give thee praife, O Lord : When as they from thy mouth mall hear thy true and faithful word. 5 Yea, in the righteous ways of God with gladnefs they fhall fing : For great's the glory of the Lord, who doth for ever reign. 6 Though God be high, yet he refpecls all thofe that lowly be : Whereas the proud and lofty ones afar off knoweth he. 7 Though I in midft of trouble walk, I life from thee fhall have ; 'Gainft my foes' wrath thou'lt ftretch thine thy right hand fhall me fave. [hand, fl Surely, that which concerneth me, the Lord will perfect make : * Lord, frill thy mercy lafts, do not thine own hand's works forfake. PSALM CXXXIX. To the chi.f Mufician, a Pfalm of David. David being wickedly flandered and perfecuted by his adverfa- ries, findeth his zeal kindled againft them ; and leaft his own heart's corruption fhould deceive him, as being carnal in this matter, he piefenteth his heart unto God, the all-feeing and every-where prefent Judge of the feciets of all heart?, and he prelenteth alio hi* adverlaiies both perfons and cau'.e, with his own carriage toward them, to be tried by God, praying | that himfelr" may be directed toward life everlafting. In the firft place, the omnikience of God is declared, ver. i. a, 3, 4, c, 6. In the next, the omniprefer.ee of G?d, with his omnifcieace is fet forth, ver. ", 8, 9, 10, u, u. In the third place, the reafon is given of God's to exact know- ledge of all the lecrets of his heart, becau'e the Lord did form and fafhion.him, in fo wonderfully wife and powerful a way, as he eould neither exprels nor comprehend, ver. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. In the fourth place, he conteffeth to ' P.T39-] Of D A V I D. 315 God his judgment of wicked men, and his hatred of their ways, making God, who is the learcher of hearts, witneft and judge of his fincerity, corrector and director of his coutie toward everlafting life, ver. 19, 20, 21, Z2, 2.3, 24. i (~\ Lord,thou haft me fearch'd and known. 2\J Thou know'ft my fitting down And rifing up ; yea, all my thoughts afar to thee are known. 3 My footfteps, and my lying down, thou compafleft always : Thou alfo moft entirely art acquaint with all my ways. 4. For in my tongue, before I fpeak, not any word can be, But altogether, lo, O Lord, it is well known to thee. 5 Behind, before, thou haft befet, and laid on me thine hand. 6 Such knowledge is too ftrange for me, too high to underftand. 7 From thy Sp'rit :w hither fhall I go ? or from thy prefence fly ? 8 Afcend I heav'n, lo ! thou art there : there, if in hell, I lie. 9 Take I the morning's wings, and dwell in utmoft parts of fea : 10 Ev'n there, Lord, mail thy hand me lead, thy right hand hold fhall me. 11 If I do fay, that darknefs fhall me cover from thy fight ± Then furely fhall the very night about me be as light. O 2 3i6 The PSALMS P.139 1 2 Yea, darknefs hideth not from thee, but night doth mine as day : To thee the darknefs and the light are both alike alway. 1 3 For thou pofTeffed haft my reins, and thou haft cov'red me, When I within my mother's womb inclofed was by thee. 14 Thee will I praife, for fearfully and ftrangely made I am : Thy works are marv'llous, and right well my foul doth know the fame. 1 5 My fubftance was not hid from thee, when as in fecret I Was made •, and in earth's loweft parts was wrought moft curioufly. 1 6 Thine eyes my fubftance did behold, yet being unperfect : And in the volume of thy book my members all were writ ; Which after in continuance were fafhion'd ev'ry one, When as they yet all fhapelefs were, and of them there was none. 1 7 How precious alfo are thy thoughts, gracious God, to me ! And in their fum how palling great, and numberlefs they be ! 1 8 If I fhould count them, than the fand they more in number be : What time foever I awake, 1 ever am with thee. P.140.] Of DAVID. 317 19 Thou, Lord, wilt fure the wicked flay-: hence from me bloody men. 20 Thy foes againft thee loudly fpeak, and take thy name in vain. 2 1 Do not I hate all thofe, O Lord, that hatred bear to thee ? With thofe that up againft thee rife can I but grieved be ? 22 With perfecl hatred them I hate : my foes I them do hold. 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart : try me, my thoughts unfold. 24 And fee if any wicked way there be at all in me, And in thine everlafting way' to me a leader be. PSALM CXL. To the chief Mufician, a Pfalm. of David. David, being purfued for his life, and loaded with falfe calum- nies of wicked men, prayets, firlr, for deliverance from them, ver. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Secondly, pi ayeth againft them, ver. 8, 9, 10, 11. Thirdly, declareth the Lord's gracious anfwer, ver. iz, 13. i T ORD, from the ill and fro ward man -»— ' give me deliverance : And do thou fafe preferve me from the man of violence. 2 Who in their heart mifchievous things are meditating ever ; And they for war arlembled are continually together. O3 3i8 The PSALMS [P.140 3 Much like unto a ferpent's tongue, their tongues they (harp do make ; And underneath their lips there lies the poifon of a fnake. 4 Lord, keep me from the wicked's hands, from vi'ient men me fave, Who utterly to overthrow my goings purpos'd have. 5 The proud for me a fnare have hid, and cords, yea, they a net Have by the way-fide for me fpread ; they gins for me have fet. 6 I faid unto the Lord, Thou art my Gjd : unto the cry Of all my fupplications, Lord, do thine ear apply. 7 O God the Lord, who art the ftrength of my falvation : A cov'ring, in the day of war, . my head thou haft put on. 8 Unto the wicked man, O Lord, his wiflies do not grant : Nor further thou his ill device, leaft rney themfelves mould vaunt. 9 As for the head and chief of thofe about that compafs me, Ev'n bv the mifchief of their lips let thou them cov'red be. 10 Let burning coals upon them fall them throw in firey flame ; And in deep pits, that they no more, may rife out of the fame. J\i4i] Or DAVID. 319 1 1 Let not an evil fpeaker be on earth eftablifhed : Mitchief fhall hunt the vi'lent man till he be ruined. 12 I know Gcd will th' affli&ed's caufe maintain, and poor men's right. 1 3 Surely the juft ilia 11 praife thy name, th' upright dwell in thy fight. PSAL M CXLI. A Pjalm of David. The Pfalmift being in diftrefs by the malicious perfection of his adverlaries, prayeth for relief, and for a holy carriage under his trouble, till his own full delivery, and till his enemies deltrudtion fhould come. The petitions are feven. The fir ft is general, for acceptation of his perfon, and grant- ing of his prayer, ver. 1, 2. The next is, for direction of his fpeeches, ver. 3. The third is, for guiding of his heart and action*, ver. 4. The fourth is, for the benefit of the fellowihip of the Saints, by their whollbme couniel and ad- monition, ver. 5. with the reafons thereof, ver. 6, 7. The fi "th is, for the com ort of fpiritual communion with God, ver. 8. The fixth i*, for prefervation from the plot- of the enemies, ver. 6 The feventh is, for the overthrow of his enemies, ver 10. i /~^\ Lord, I unto thee do cry, vy do thou make hafte to me ; And give an ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee. 2 As incenfe let my prayer be directed in thine eyes ; And the uplifting of my hands as th' ev'ning facrifice. 3 Set, Lord, a watch before my mouth, keep of my lips the door. 4 My heart incline thou not unto the ills I mould abhor, 4 ; 320 The PSALMS [P.i 4 r To pra&ife wicked works wjthmen . that work iniquity : And with their delicates, my tafte Jet me not fatisfy. 5 Let him that righteous is, me fmite, it mall a kindnefs be ; Let him reprove, I fhall it count a precious oil to me : Such uniting fhall not break my head : for yet the time fhall fall, When I in their calamities to God pray for them fhall. 6 When as their. judges down fhall be in ftony places caft : Then fhall they hear my words, for they fhall fweet be to their tafte. 7 About the grave's devouring mouth our bones are fcatt'red round, As wood which men do cut and cleave, lies fcatt'red on the ground. V3 But unto thee, O God the Lord, mine eyes uplifted be : My foul do not leave deftitute, my trull: is fet on thee. 9 Lord, keep me fafely from the fnares which they for me prepare, And from the fubtile gins of them that wicked workers are. io Let workers of iniquity into their own nets fall, Whilft I do by thine heJp, efcape the danger of them all. P.r 4 2.] Of DAVID. 321 PSALM CXLII. Mafchil of David; a Prayer when he was in. the Cave. This Pfalm doth (hew what was David's exercife, when he was in the cave of one of the mountains of En-gedi, (i. Sam. xxiv.) flying from Saul ; wherein hi firlt fetteth down his betaking of himfelf to prayer in general, ver. i, z. Se- condly, the ltraits wherein he was for the time, ver. 3, 4. Thiidly, what were the lpccial petitions of his prayer, with the iealbns thereof, ver. 5, 6", 7. 1 T With my voice cry'd to the Lord, A with it made my requeft : 2 Pour'd out to him my plaint ; to him my trouble I expreft. 3 When in me was o'erwhelm'd my fpYif, then well thou knew'fl my way : Where I did walk, a (hare for me they privily did lay. 4 I look'd on my right hand, and view'd, but none to know me were ; All refuge failed me ; no man did for my foul take care. I cry'd to thee, I faid, Thou art my refuge, Lord, alone ; And, in the land of thofe that live, thou art my portion. Becaufe I am brought very low, attend unto my cry : Me from my perfecutors fave, who ftronger are than I. From prifon bring my foul, that I thy name may glorify : The juft fhall compafs me, wjien thou with me deal'ft bounteoufly. o 5 322 The PSALMS [P. 143 PSALM *CXLIII. A Pfalm of David. David being in gitat tiouble of mind, for the long continu- ance of hts peifecuiion by his enemies, and alto under fome excrcii'e of ccn cience, thro' the fenfe of his fin, prayeth in this Pialm for deliverance in general, from the two-fold • trouble, ver. i, 2. and then he giveth two reafons of his prayer; the fill is taken frojm the miferable condition, v. herein the violence and oppreffion of the enemy hath driven him, ver 3, 4. The other i- fiom his careful ul'e of the msans for finding grace, ver. 5, 6. Then he prtffeth his pi tyer in nine mote fpecial petitions in the reft of the Pfalm. r T Ord, hear my pray r, attend my fuits ; ■•*— ' and in thy faithfulnefs Give thou an anfwer unto me, and in thy righteoufnefs. 2 ThyTervant alfo bring thou not in judgment to be try'd : Becaufe no living man can be in thy fight juftify'd. 3 For th' en'my hath purfu'd my foul, my life to ground down tread : In darknefs he hath made me dwell, as who have long been dead. 4 My fp'rit is therefore overwhelm'd in me perplexedly : Within me is my very heart amazed wond'roufly. 5 I call 10 mind the days of old, to meditate I ufe On all thy works : upon the deeds I of thy hands do mufe. 6 My hands to thee I ftretch ; my foul thirfts as dry land for thee. 7 Hafte, Lord, to hear, my fpirit fails, hide not thy face, from me ; P.I43-] Of D A V I D. 3 2 3 Left like to them I do become that go down to the duft. 8 At morn let me thy kindnefs hear, for in thee do I truft : Teach me the way that I mould walk ; I lift my foul to thee. 9 Lord, free me from my foes : I flee to thee to cover me. 10 Becaufe thou art my God, to do thy will do me inftrud : Thy fp'rit is good, me to the land of uprightnefs conduct. 1 1 Revive and quicken me, O Lord, ev'n for thine own name's fake i And do thou, for thy righteoufnefs, my foul from trouble take. 12 And of thy mercy flay my foes ; let all deftroyed be That do afflidt my foul : for 1 a fervant am to thee. Another of the fame. i C\ H, hear my pray'r, Lord, \f And unto my defire To bow thine ear accord, I humbly thee require : And, in thy faithfulnefs, Unto me anfwer make, And, in thy righteoufnefs, Upon me pity take. 2 In judgment enter not With me thy fervant poor : For why, this well I wot, No finner can endure 324 The PSALMS [P-H3 The fight of thee, O God, If thou his deeds (halt try, He dare make none abode Himfelf to juftify. 3 Behold, the cruel foe Me perfecutes with fpite, My foul to overthrow : Yea, he my life down quite Unto the ground hath fmote : And made me dwell full low In darknefs as forgot, Or men dead long ago. 4 Therefore, my fpVit much vex'd, O'erwhelm'd is me within: My heart right fore perplex'd, And defolate hath been. 5 Yet I do call to mind What ancient days record ; Thy works of ev'ry kind I think upon, O Lord. 6 Lo, I do ftretch my hands To thee my help alone, For thou well underftands All my complaint and moan : My thirfting foul defires, And femfeth after thee, As thirfty ground requires With rain refrefh'd to be. 7 Lord, let my pray 'r prevail, To anfwer it make fpeed, For lo, my fp'rit doth fail : Hide not thy face in need, P.I43] Of DAVID. 325 Left I be like to thofe That do In darknefs fit, Or him that downward goes Into the dreadful pit. 8 Becaufe I truft in thee, Lord, caufe me to hear Thy loving-kindnefs free, When morning doth appear : Caufe me to know the way Wherein my path fhould be ; For why, my foul on high 1 do lift up to thee. 9 From my fierce enemy , In fafety do me guide, Becaufe I flee to thee, Lord, that thou may'ft me hide. 10 My God alone art thou, Teach me thy righteoufnefs : Thy fp'rit's good, lead me to The land of uprightnefs. 1 1 O Lord, for thy name's 'fake, Be pleas'd to quicken me : And, for thy truth, forth take My foul from mifery. - 12 And of thy grace deftroy My foes, and put to fhame All who my foul annoy : For I thy fervant am. PSALM CXLIV. A Pfalm of David. David being now King, but yet not fullv fettled on his throne, in this Pfalm giveth thanks to God for the wo.k already wrought, ver. i, z, 3, 4. aod piay^eth for cornpleating the 326 The PSALMS [P.144 deliverance, and fettling; of him in his kingdom, ver. 5, 6", 7, 8. And in hope to be heard, promifeth praife to God, ver. 9, 10. And in the laft place, repeateth his" petition, with reafons taken from the benefit which fhould redound unto the Lord's people, by fettling of him in_ his kingdom, ver. 1 1, 12, 13 14. i (~\ Bleffed ever be the Lord, ^-^ Who is my ftrength and might ; Who doth inflrucl: my hands to war, my fingers teach to fight. 2 My goodnefs, fortrefs, my high tow'r, deliverer, and fhield, In whom I trull: : who under me my people makes to yield. 3 Lord, what is man, that thou of him doll fo much knowledge take ? Or fon of man, that thou of him fo great account doll make ? 4 Man is like vanity : his days as fhadows pafs away. 5 Lord,bow thy heav'ns-, come down; touch the hills, and fmoke mall they, [thou 6 Call forth thy light'nings; fcatter them : thine arrows moot; them rout. 7 Thine hand fend from above, me fave ; from great depths draw me out ; And from the hand of children ftrange : 8 Whofe mouth fpeaks vanity ; And their right hand is a right hand that works deceitfully. g A new fong I to thee will fing, Lord, on a pfaitery : I on a ten-ilring'd inftrument. will prailes fing to thee. P.I45-] Of DAVID. 3*7 10 Ev'nheitis, that unto Kings falvation doth fend : Who his own fervant David doth from hurtful fword defend. 1 1 O free me from ftrange children's hand, whofe mouth fpeaks vanity ; And their right hand a right hand is that works deceitfully. 1 2 That as the plants our fons may be in youth grown up that are ; Our daughters like to corner-ftones, carv'd like a palace fair. 1 3 That to afford all kind of ftore, our garners may be fill'd : That our fheep thoufands, in our ftreets ten thoufands they may yield : 14 That itrong our oxen be for work, that no in-breaking be, Nor going out ; and that our ftreets may from complaints be free. 1 5 Thofe people blefTed are, who be in fuch a cafe as this : Yea, bleiTed all thofe people are, whofe God Jehovah is. PSALM CXLV. David's PJalm of Praife. ThisPfalm is altogethci or praifes, every verie beginning with a feveral lette. of the Hebrew, A, B, C frorr^ the fit ft to the laft ; wherein David engageth himlelf unto the work or" praifing of God twice . In the former part of the Pialm once, ver. i, x, and of this he giveth a reai'on, andp.ophe- fieth that the praifes of the Lord (hall be perpetuated throughout all ages, ver. 3, 4. Then he engageth himlelf the lecond time, and prophefjes of the Church's, holding up this fong, ver. 5, 6, 7. And from the eighth vcrle, he piaifeth 328 The PSALMS [.P145 God more particularly, giving ten arguments of praife unto the laft veri'e j and dofeth the Pi aim with engaging of him- feh anew again, and exhortation of others to follow the fong for ever. i I'LL thee ex f ol, my God, O King, * I'll blefs thy name always. 2 Thee will I blefs each day, and will thy name for ever praife. 3 Great is the Lord, much to be prais'd, his greatnefs fearch exceeds. 4 Race unto race (hall praife thy works, and mow thy mighty deeds. 5 I of thy glorious Majefty the honour will record; I'll fpeak of all thy mighty works which vond'rous are, O Lord. 6 Men of thine ads die might fhall fhow, thine acts that dreadf -jl ate ; And I, thy glory to advance, thy greatnefs will declare. 7 The. mem'- v of thy goodn*fs great they largely fhall exprgfs ; With fongs of praife they fhall extol thy perfect righteoufnefs. 8 The Lord is very gracious, in him compafiions flow 9 In mercy he is verv great, and is to anger flow. 9 The Loid Jehovah unto all his goodnefo doth declare ; And avei all his other works his tender mercies are. P.I4S-] Of DAVID. 329 10 Thee all thy works (hall praife, O Lord, and thee thy Saints (hall blefs. 1 1 They fhall thy kingdom's glory (how, thy pow'r by fpeech exprefs. 12 To make the Tons of men to know his a£ts done mightily, And of his kingdom th r excellent and glorious majefty. 1 3 Thy kingdom (hall for ever Hand, thy reign through ages all. 14 God raifeth all that are bow'd down, upholdeth all that fall. 1 5 The eyes of all things wait on thee, the giver of all good ; • And thou, in time convenient, beftows on them their food. 16 Thine hand thou op'neft lib'rally, and of thy bounty gives 4 Enough to fatisfy the need of ev'ry thing that lives. 1 7 The Lord is juft in all his ways, holy in his works all. 1 8 God's near to all that call on him, in truth that on him call. 19 He will accomplifh the defire of thofe that do him fear : He alfo will deliver them, and he their cry will hear. 20 The Lord preferves all who him love, that nought can them annoy ; But he all thofe that wicked are will utterly deftroy. 33Q The PSALMS [P.145 2 1 My mouth the praifes of the Lord, to publifh ceafe fhall never : Let all flefh blefs his holy name for ever and for ever. Another of the fame. i/"\ Lord, thou art my God and King, ^-* Thee will I magnify and praife : I will thee blefs, and gladly fmg Unto thy holy name always. 2 Each day I rife, I will thee blefs, And praife thy name time without end; 3 Much to be prais'd, and great God is, His greatnefs none can comprehend. 4 Race fhall thy works praife unto race, The mighty acts fhow done by thee.. 5 I will fpeak of the glorious grace, And honour of thy Majefty : Thy wond'rous works I will record. 6 By men the might fhall be extoFd* Of all thy dreadful arts, O Lord : And I thy greatnefs will unfold. 7 They utter fhall abundantly, The mem'ry of thy goodnefs great, And fhall fing praifes chearfully Whilft they thy righteoufnefs relate. 8 The Lord our God is gracious, Companionate is he alfo ; In mercy he is plenteous, * But unto wrath and anger flow. 9 Good unto all men is the Lord : O'er all his works his mercy is. 10 Thy works all praife to thee afford ; Thy Saints, O Lord, thy name fhall blefs, P.I45-] ° F DAVID. 331 1 1 The glory of thy kingdom fhevv Shall they, and of thy pow'r tell. 1 2 That fo mens' fons his deeds may know, His kingdom's grace that doth excel. 1 3 Thy kingdom hath none end at all, It doth through ages all remain. 1 4. The Lord upholdeth all that fall, The caft-down raifeth up again. 15 The eyes of' all things, Lord, attend, And on thee wait, that here do live : And thou in feafon due doll fend Sufficient food them to relieve. 1 6 Yea, thou thine hand doll: open wide, And ev'ry thing doll: fatisfy That lives, and doth on earth abide, Of thy great liberality. 1 7 The Lord is juft in his ways all, And holy in his works each one. 1 8 He's near to all that on him call, Who call in truth on him alone. 19 God will the juft defire fulfil Of fuch as do him fear and dread : Their cry regard, and hear he will, And fave them in the time of need. 20 The Lord preferves all, more and lefs, That bear to him a loving heart : But workers all of wickednefs Deftroy will he, and clean fubvert: 2 1 Therefore my mouth and lips I'll frame To fpeak the praifes of the Lord : To magnify his holy name For ever let all flefh accord, 332 The PSALMS [P.146 PSALM CXLVL This Pfalm is a Pfaim of praife wholly, wherein, when the Pfalmift hath exhorted all men to praife the Lord, he en- gageth himfelf to the work, ver. i, 2. Then he teacheth the way how to praife God in effett, to wit, by renouncing all carnal confidence, and trufting only in the Lord, ver. 3, 4, 5. Thirdly, he giveth ten reaions, both of trufting in God, and p.aifing of God. The firft and fecond reafons are, ver. 6' The third, fourth and fifth are, ver. 7. The ftxth, feventh and eighth are, ver. 8. The ninth is, ver. 9. The tenth is, ver. 10. and clofeth as he began, with the fame exhortation to praife God. ipRAISEGod. The Lord praife, O my 2* I'll praife God while I live ; [foul. While I have being, to my. God in fongs Pll praifes give. 3 Truft not in princes,- nor man's fori, in whom there is no ftay. 4 His breath departs, to's earth he turns : that day his thoughts decay. 5 O happy is that man, and bleft, whom Jacob' s God doth aid ; Whofe hope upon the Lord doth reft, and on his God is ftay'd : 6 Who made the earth, and heav'ns high, who made the fwelling deep, And all that is within the fame : who truth doth ever keep :' 7 Who righteous judgment executes - for thofe oppreft that be, Who to the hungry giveth food : God fets the pris'ners free. 8^ The ! ord doth give the blind their fight, the bowed down doth raife : The Lord dot'i dearly love all thofe ■$fc that walk in upright ways. P.I47 ] Of DAVID. 333 9 The ftranger's fhield, the widow's ftay, the orphan's help is h£ : But yet by him the wicked's way turn'd upfide down mail be. 10 The Lord mall reign for evermore -, thy God, O Sion, he Reigns to all generations. Praife to the Lord give ye. PSALM CXLVII. This Pfalm is for ftirring up of the Church to praife and thankfgiving. The exhortation is threefold. The firfl is, ver. 1. and fix reafons for it, or motives unto it are fet down, ver. z, 3, 4, 5, 6. The fecond exhortation is, ver. 7. and three reafons for it, ver. 8, 9, 10, 11. The third is, ver. 12. and fixVcafons for it, unto the end, ipRAISE ye the Lord : for it is good *■ praife to our God to fing : For it is pleafant, and to praife it is a comely thing. 2 God doth build up Jerufalem : and he it is alone That the difpers'd of Ifrael doth gather into one. Thole that are broken in their hearts, and grieved in their minds, He healeth, and their painful wounds he tenderly u poinds. He counts the number of the ftars : he names them ev'ry one. Great is our Lord, and of great pow'r : his wifdom fearch can none. 6 The Lord lifts up the meek : and cafts the wicked to the ground. 7 Sing to the Lord, and give him thanks, on harp his praifes found. 334 The- PSALMS [P.147 8 Who covereth the heav'n with clouds, who for the earth below Prepareth rain, who maketh grafs upon the mountains grow. 9 He gives the beaft his food, he feeds the ravens young that cry. 10 His pleafure not in horfe's ftrength, nor in man's legs, doth lie. 11 But in all thofe that do him fear, the Lord doth pleafure take, In thofe that to his mercy do by hope themfelves betake. 1 2 The Lord praife, O Jerufalem : Sion, thy God confefs. 1 .3 For thy gates' bars he maketh ftrong : thy fons in thee doth blefs. 14 He in thy borders maketh peace, with fine wheat filleth thee. 15 He fends forth his command on earth : his word runs fpeedily. 16 Hoar froft, like afhes, fcatt'reth he : like wool he fnow doth give. 1 7 Like morfels cafteth forth his ice : who in its cold can live ? 1 8 He fendeth forth his mighty word, and melteth them again : His wind he makes to blow, and then the waters flow amain. 19 The doctrine of his holy word to Jacob he doth fhow ; His ftatutes and his judgments he gives Ifrael to know. P.14&] ° F D A V I D. 335 20 To any nation never he fuch favour did afford : For they his judgments have not known. O do ye praife the Lord. PSALM CXLVIII. In this Pfalm, the Church is ilirred up to praife God, becaufe of the incomparable excellency of his glory and Majefty, appearing firlt in the Heavens above, ver. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Secondly, in the earth and fea beneath, and lower parts under the Heaven, ver. 7, 8, 9, 10. Thirdly, in the go- verning of men, and of all forts and ranks of men, but efpecially in doing for his Church, ver. 11, 12, 13, 14. In 1- all which, as he fheweth how the world is full of God's glory, i'o he pointeth at it as a matter of his praife, whither- loever we turn our eyes. iT)RAISE God. m From heavens praife the •t in heights praife to him be. [Lord, 2 All ye his angels, praife ye him : his hofts all, praife him ye. 3 O praife ye him, both fun and moon ; praife him, alll ftars of light. 4 Ye heav'ns of heav'ns him praife, and above the heav'ns height. [floods 5 Let all the creatures praife the name of our almighty Lord : For he commanded, and they were created by his word. 6 He alfo for all times to come, hath them eftabliuYd fure : He hath appointed them a law, which ever fhall endure. 7 Praife ye Jehovah from the earth, dragons, and ev'ry deep. •8 Fire, hail, fnow, vapour, ftormy wind, his word that &lly keep. 336 The PSALMS [P.148 9 All hills and mountains, fruitful trees, and all ye cedars high. io Beafts, and all cattle, creeping things, and all ye birds that fly. 11 Kings of the earth, all nations, princes, earth's judges all : 1 2 Both young men, yea, and maidens too, old men, and children fmall. 1 3 Let them God's name praife -, for his alone is excellent : [name His glory reacheth far above the earth and firmament. 1 4 His people's horn, the praife of all his Saints exalteth he ; Ev'n Ifra'l's feed, a people near to him. The Lord praife ye. Another of the fame, 1 'T^HE Lord of heav'n confefs, A On high his glory raife. 2 Him let all angels blefs, Him all his armies praife. 3 Him glorify Sun, moon, and ftars ; 4 Ye higher fpheres, And cloudy Iky. 5 From God your beings are, Him therefore famous make : You all created were, When he the word but fpake. 6 And from that place, Where fix'd you be By his decree, You cannot pafs. P.I48.1 Op DAVID. 33* 7 Praife God from earth below, Ye dragons, and ye deeps: 8 Fire, hail, clouds, wind, and fnow, Whom in command he keeps. 9 Praife ye his name, Hills great and (mall, Trees low and tall : io Beafts wild and tame, All things that creep or fly. 1 1 Ye kings, ye vulgir throng. All princes mean or high, 12 Both men and virgins young, Ev'n young and old 13 Exalt his name : For much his fame Should be extoll'd. O let God's najrie be prais'd Above both earth and iky : 14 For he his Saints hath rais'd, And fet their horn on high -, Ev'n thofe tbat be Of IfraTs race, Near to his grace, The Lord praife ye. PSALM CXLIX. The foregoing Pfalm was a hymn of praife to the Creator 5 this to the Redeemer. It is a pfalm of triumph in the God of Ifrael, and over the enemies of Ifrael. Probably it was penned upon o^cafion of fome vi&ory wh ch Ifrael was blefled and honoured with. Sonne eonjedlure that it was penned when David had taken the ftrong hold of Zion, and fettled his government there ; but it looks further to thc kingdom of the Meflhh, who,* in the chariot of the cver- P 333 The PSALMS P.r^ hiring Gofpel, goes f rth conquering and to conquer. To hhrc, and his grates and glories, we rouft have an eye in «ingin| this pl'a'm, which fpeaks, (i) A undance of joy to all the people of God, ver. 1,5 (7) Abundance of terror to- the pioaJeft of their enemies, ver. 6, 9. 1 O RAISE ye the Lord : unto him ting A a new fong, and his praife In the a (Terribly of his Saints in fweet pfalms do ye raife. 2 Let Ifra'l in his M.ker joy, and to him praifes f ng : Let all that Sion's children are, be joyful in their king. 3 O let them unto his great Name give praifes in the dance : Let them, with timbrel and with harp, in fongs his praife advance. 4 For God doth pleafuie take in thofe that his own people be : And he, with his falvation, the meek will beautify. 5 And in his glory excellent, let all his Saints rejoice : Let them, to him, upon their beds, aloud lift up their voice. 6 Let, in their mouth aloft, be raised the high praife of the Lord ; And let them have in their right hand, a fharp two-edged fword : 7 To execute the vengeance due upon the heathen all, And make deferved punifhment upon the people fall ; P.i49l Of DAVID. 339 8 And ev'n with chains, as pris'ners, bind their kings that them command ; Yea, and with iron fetters ftrong, the nobles of their land. g On them the judgement to perform found written in his word : This honour is to all his Saints : O, do ye praife the Lord. PSALM CL. 'Jhe firft and laft of the Pfalms have both the fame number of verfes, are both flv rt, and very memorable ; hut the fcope of hem is very diffieren:. The firft pfilm is an ela- borate inftruftion in o.r duty, to prepare us for the com- forts of devotion ; this is all rap.ure and tranfport, and per- haps was penned on pirpofe to be the conclufion of thofe facred fongs, to mew whit is the defign of them all, and that is, to ;.fiift us in praifing God. 'i he Pfalmift had been himfelf full of the praifcs of God, and here he would fain iiN all the world v,ih them; again and again he calls, •« praife the Lord, piaifs him, praife him," no Itfs than 13 times in thefe fn ihort verfes! — He (hews, (i) For what, and upon what account God is to be praifed, ver. I, 2 (2) How, and with what expnfiions rf joy God ia to be praifed, ver. 3, 4, 5. (3) Who muft pra ; fe the Lord ; it it every one's bufinefs, ver. 6. — in fingi..g .his j.faim, we mould endeavour to get ©ur hearts much affected with the perfections of Cod, and the praifes with which he is, and fn ill be, for ever attended throughout all ages, world without end. i TJRAISE ye the Lord. God's praife A his fan&uary rarfe : [within And to him in the firmament of his pow'r give ye praife, P s 34 o The "PSALMS. [P.i$o 2 Becaufe of all his mighty acts, with praife him magnify: O praife him, as he doth -excel ^ in glorious majefty. 3 Praife him with trumpets'found: hispraife with pfaltery advance. 4. With timbrel, harp,ftring\dinftrnments, and organs, in the dance 5 Praife him on cymba ! s loud, him praife on cymbals founding high. 6 Let each thing breathing praife the Lord ; praife to the Lord give ye. FINIS, I ♦ ♦ > I > •**> K