Mtwuwnww 1 - oeui sitf sec Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library Qt (ptc^ureb Compilation of 3E)£ mM # &ot>eb anb ^ung 6g Christians t§t teorfb ot>er (Uriafl <£urman (Rogers Compiler cmb $u6ftB0er 155 Wtst 97^3 #f*eef COPYRIGH 1,1 BY I'riaii Furman Rogers Albrights reserved 1 ). B. RICHARDSON hi St.. N»w fork. "'Tis finished! — so the Saviour cried, And meekly bowed his head and died: " 'Tis finished!" — yes, the race is run, The battle fought, the victory won. 'Tis finished! — all that heaven foretold By prophets in the days of old ; And truths are opened to our view That kings and prophets never knew. 'Tis finished! — Son of God, Thy power Hath triumphed in this awful hour ; And yet our eyes with sorrow see That life to us was death to Thee. 'Tis finished! — let the joyful sound Be heard through all the nations round; 'Tis finished! — let the triumph rise, And swell the chorus of the skies. Behold the Lamb of God! O/riiou for sinners slain, Let it not be in vain Thai Thou hast died : Thee for my Saviour let me take, My only refuge let me make Thy pierced side. Behold the Lamb of God! Into the sacred flood Of Thy most precious blood My soul I cast : Wash me and make me clean within. And keep me pure from every sin, Till life be past. Behold the Lamb of God! All hail, incarnate Word, Thou everlasting Lord, Saviour most blest ; Fill us with love that never faints, Grant us with all Thy blessed saints, Eternal rest. Behold the Lamb of God! Worthy is He alone, That sitteth on the throne Of God above ; One with the Ancient of all days, One with the Comforter in praise, All light and love. Upon the Gospel's sacred pa. The gathered beams of ages shine; And, as it hastens, every age Hut makes its brightness more divine. On mightier wing, in loftier flight, From year to year does knowledge soar And, as it soars, the (iospel light Becomes effulgent more and more. More glorious still, as centuries roll, New regions blest, new powers unfurled, Expanding with the expanding soul, Its radiance shall o'erflow the world,— Flow to restore, but not destroy; As when the cloudless lamp of day Pours out its floods of light and joy, And sweeps the lingering mist away. " It is the theology of the heart that invites men Our very childhood is embalmed in sacred tunes and hymns. Our early lives, and the lives of our parents, hang in the atmosphere of sacred song." Mary, the pure and lowly maid, the favored of the Lord. . tbc blessed Dayspring ( !ometh from on high ; Now, the world's Redeemer, To her aid, draws nigh ; Bearer of the tidings, From the throne of light, . lowly maiden, Speeds an angel bright. In the chosen daughter ( )f King David's line, Cod fulfills the promise Of King Ahaz's sign : Gabriel hath spoken ; Mary hath believed ; And, behold a virgin Hath a Son conceived. Though He take our nature Linked to low estate, Though He stoop to suffer, Yet shall He be great; Though His crown and sceptre Be of thorn and reed, His shall be the kingdom Sworn to David's Seed. Light to light the Gentiles Bending at His throne; Glory of His people. When His sway they own ; He shall reign forever, King of kings confessed, And all tribes and kindreds Shall, in Him, be blest. I lark! what mean those holy voices Sweetly sounding through the skies? Lo ! the angelic host rejoices, Heavenly alleluias rise. Listen to the wondrous story, Which they chant in hymns of joy — "Glory in the highest, glory! (ilory be to God most high! "Peace on earth, good-will from heaven, Reaching far as man is found; Souls redeemed and sins forgiven, Loud our golden harps shall sound. "Christ is born; the great Anointed! Heaven and earth His praises sing! Oh, receive Whom God appointed For your Prophet, Priest, and King! " Hasten, mortals, to adore Him ; Learn His name to magnify, Till in heaven ye sing before Him, Glory be to God most high!" !<■ Rejoice ye sons of men! Your brightest praises yield! The everlasting Son e in l he flesh rcvcalctl ! The world's Redeemer comes to-day His own redemption's price to pay! Lo ! Simeon's saintly arms The holy burden bear; He sees with raptured eye His true salvation there. The weary waiting now is past: The long-expected comes at last. The aged saint's embrace The blessed mother saw, And on his words so strange She mused with silent awe. What conflict for her child is stored ? And what for her this piercing sword? O Saviour, in Thy courts We all our sins confess: But Thou didst once for us Fulfill all righteousness. Impure, unclean, oh, may we be Presented pure and clean in Thee! And when, O God made Man. Upon our waiting ey< . In glorious might revealed, Salvation draweth nigh; In that great day Thy servants bless, And be "the Lord our Righteousness! As with gladness men of old Did the guiding star behold ; As with joy they hailed its light, Leading onward beaming bright; So most gracious Lord, may we Evermore be led to Thee. As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger-bed ; There to bend the knee before Him whom heaven and earth adore So may we with willing feet Ever seek the mercy-seat. i i As they offered gifts most rare At that manger rude and bare ; So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sin's alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ! to Thee our heavenly King. Holy Jesus! every day Keep us in the narrow way; And, when earthly things are past. Bring our ransomed souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds Thy glory hide. In the heavenly country bright. Need they no created light ; Thou its Light, its Joy, its Crown, Thou its Sun which goes not down, There forever may we sing Alleluias to our King. it A pilgrim through this lonely world, The blessed Saviour passed; A mourner all his life was He, A dying Lamb at last. That tender heart that felt for all, For all its life-blood gave ; It found on earth no resting-place, Save only in the grave. Such was our Lord; and shall we fear The cross, with all its scorn ? Or love a faithless evil world, That wreathed his brow with thorn ? No! facing all its frowns or smiles, Like him, obedient still, We homeward press thro' storm or calm, To Zion's blessed hill. i.- Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted because they are not. Once in royal David's city od a lowly cattle shed, Where a mother laid her baby, In a manger for His bed; Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ her little child. He came down to earth from heaven, Who is God and Lord of all, And His shelter was a stable, And His cradle was a stall; With the poor, and mean, and lowly, Lived on earth our Saviour holy. And, through all His wondrous childhood, He would honor and obey. Love and watch the lowly maiden In whose gentle arms He lay : Christian children all must be Mild, obedient, good as He. For He is our childhood's pattern; Day by day like us He grew ; He was little, weak and helpless, Tears and smiles like us He knew ; And He feeleth for our sadness, And He shareth in our gladness. And our eyes at last shall see Him, Through His own redeeming love ; For that child so dear and gentle Is our Lord in heaven above. And He leads His children on To the place where He is gone. Not in that poor lowly stable, With the oxen standing by, We shall see Him ; but in heaven, Set at God's right hand on high ; When like stars His children crowned, All in white shall wait around. -j HE SHALL BE CALLED A NAZARENE. Within the Father's house The Son hath found His home; Ami to His temple suddenly The Lord of Life hath come. The doctors of the law Gaze on the wondrous child, And marvel at His gracious words Of wisdom undefiled. Yet not to them is given The mighty truth to know, To lift the earthly veil which hides Incarnate God below. The secret of the Lord Escapes each human eye, And faithful pondering hearts await The full Epiphany. Lord, visit Thou our souls And teach us by Thy grace, Each dim revealing of Thyself With loving awe to trace ; Till from our darkened sight The cloud shall pass away, And on the cleansed soul shall burst The everlasting day; Till we behold Thy face, And know, as we are known, Thee, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Co-equal Three in One. (> Soil divine! we fain would trace Thy mother's steps so lowly, Her joys and woes, her saintly .^race, Her life so calm and holy. But lo! as all too near we press, A veil the scene enfoldeth ! No tongue may sing its loveli: No eye its peace beholdeth. 2> BUT MARY KEPT ALL THESE THINGS, AXD PONDERED THEM IN HER HEART. On Jordan's bank the Baptist's i ry Announces that the Lord is nigh ; Awake, and hearken, for he brings Glad tidings of the King of kings. Then cleansed be every Christian breast, And furnished for so great a guest ; Yea, let us each our hearts prepare For Christ to come and enter there. For Thou art our salvation, Lord, Our refuge and our great reward ; Without Thy grace we waste away, Like flowers that wither and decay. To heal the sick stretch out Thine hand. And bid the fallen sinner stand , Once more upon thy people shine, And f 1 1 1 the world with love divine. All praise, eternal Son, to Thee, Whose Advent set Thy people fn Whom with the Father we adore, And Holv Ghost for evermore. THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND." Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown, When Thou earnest to earth for me ; But in Bethlehem's home was there found no room For Thy holy Nativity. Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus! There is room In my heart for Thee. Heaven's arches rang when the angels sang, Proclaiming Thy royal degree ; But in lowly birth didst Thou come to earth, And in great humility. Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus! There is room in my heart for Thee. The foxes found rest and the birds had their nest In the shade of the forest tree ; Hut Thy couch was the sod, O Thou Son of (iod, In the desert of Galilee. Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus! There is room in my heart for Thee. Thou earnest, Lord, with the living word, That should set Thy people free ; Hut with mocking scorn, and with crown of thorn, They bore Thee to Calvary. Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus ? Thy cross is my only plea. When the heavens shall ring, and the angels sing At Thy coming to victory, Let Thy voice call me home, saying, " Vet there is room, There is room at My side for thee." And my heart shall rejoice, Lord Jesus, When Thou comest and callest for me. A tower of strength our God doth stand, A shield and sure defender; True help from all our woes, His hand Through life doth freely render. Our foe hath fixed his purpose fell, With might and craft he's armed full well, On earth is not his fellow. With force of arms we nothing can Full soon were we o'erridden ; But for us fights the goodly Man Whom God Himself hath bidden. Ask ye His Name? 'Tis Christ our Lord, The God of Hosts alone adored, Our Champion, none dare brave Him. Should hell's whole legion round us press, All banded to devour us, Yet this should work us good success, Nor fear e'en then o'erpower us ; Though this world's prince look fierce and bold, It matters not, his doom is told, A single word can foil him. Our foes must let the Word stand sure ; No thanks for this they're reaping ; God's Spirit in His way secure, God's grace our souls is keeping ; Those foes may spoil all earthly bliss ; Let be! they win no gain from this, God's kingdom still is left us. Then the devil leaveth Him, and behold angels came and ministered unto Him. Songs of thankfulness and praise Jesu, Lord, to Thee we raise, Manifested by the star To the sages from afar ; Branch of royal David's stem In thy birth at Bethlehem ; Anthems be to Thee addressed, Clod in Man made manifest. Manifest at Jordan's stream, Prophet, Priest, and King supreme And at Cana, wedding-guest, In Thy Godhead manifest; Manifest in power divine, Changing water into wine; Anthems be to Thee addressed, God in Man made manifest. 3^ BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD Thou spakest: it was done: Obedient to thy word The water reddening into wine Proclaimed the present Lord. Blest were the eyes which saw That wondrous mystery ; The great beginning of Thy works, That kindled faith in Thee. i" Would you win a soul to God ? Tell him of a Saviour's bL Once for dying sinners spilt To atone for all their guilt. Tell him,- — it was sovereign grace Led thee first to seek his face ; Made thee choose the better part. Wrought salvation in thy heart. Tell him of that liberty Wherewith Jesus makes thee five: Sweetly speak of sins forgiven, Earnest of the joys of heaven. 42 Jesus calls us ; o'er the tumult Of our life's wild, restless sea, Day by day His sweet voice soundeth, Saying, "Christian, follow Me." As of old, Saint Andrew heard it By the Gal ean lake, Turned from home, and toil and kindred, Leaving all for His dear sake. Jesus calls us from the worship Of the vain world's golden store; From each idol that would keep us, Saying, "Christian, love Me more." In our joys and in our sorrows, Days of toil and hours of ease, Still He calls, in cares and pleasures, "That we love Him more than these." Jesus calls us: by Thy mercies, Saviour, make us hear Thy call, Give our hearts to Thine obedience, Serve and love Thee best of all. M Conic, ye sinners, poor and wretched, Weak and wounded, sick and sore, Jesus ready stands to save yon, Full of pity, love and power. He is able, He is willing, doubt no more. Let not conscience make yon ling Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness He requireth Is to feel your need of Him ; This He gives you ; 'Tis the Spirit's rising beam. Agonizing in the garden, Lo! your Maker prostrate li - On the bloody tree behold Him, Hear Him cry before He dies: 11 It is finished ;" Sinners, will not this suffice? Lo! th' incarnate God ascended, Pleads the merit of His blood ; Venture on Him, venture wholly ; Let no other trust intrude: None but Jesus Can do helpless sinners good. JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM, "RISE, TAKE UP THY BED AND WALK." Lord, I am come! Thy promise is my plea, Without Thy word I durst not venture nigh! But Thou hast called the burdened soul to Thee, A weary, burdened soul, O Lord, am I! Bowed down beneath a heavy load of sin, By Satan's fierce temptations sorely prest, Beset without and full of fears within, Trembling and faint I come to Thee for rest. Be Thou my refuge, Lord, my hiding-place ; I know no force can tear me from Thy side ; Unmoved, I then may all accusers face, And answer everv charge, with — " Jesus died." COME UNTO ME AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST. How condescending and how kind Was God's eternal Son! Our misery reached His heavenly mind, And pity brought Him down. He sunk beneath our heavy woes, To raise us to His throne : There's ne'er a gift His hand bestows. But cost His heart a groan. This was compassion, like a God, That when the Saviour knew The price of pardon was His blood, His pity ne'er withdrew. Now, though He reigns exalted high, His love is still as great; Well He remembers Calvary, Nor lets His saints forget. 50 11 GO, WASH IN THE POOL OF SILOAM. When, like a stranger on our sphere, The lowly Jesus wandered here, Where'er He went affliction lied, And sickness reared her fainting head. The eye that rolled in irksome night, Beheld His face — for God is light ; The opening ear, the loosened tongue, His precepts heard, his praises sung. With bounding steps the halt and lame, To hail their great Deliverer came ; O'er the cold grave he bowed His head, He spake the word, and raised the dead. Despairing madness, dark and wild, In His inspiring presence smiled; The storm of horror ceased to roll, And reason lightened through the soul. Through paths of loving-kindness led, Where Jesus triumphed we would tread ; To all, with willing hands dispense The gifts of our benevolence. r4 (io, labor on! spend and be spent! Thy joy to do the Father's will ; It is the way the Master went ; Should not the servant tread it still? Go, labor on! 'tis not for naught ; Thine earthly loss is heavenly gain ; Men heed thee, love thee, praise thee not; The Master praises : what are men ? Go, labor on! enough, while here, If He shall praise thee, if He deign The willing heart to mark and cheer: No toil for Him shall be in vain. Go, labor on, while it is day! The world's dark night is hastening on: Speed, speed thy work! cast sloth away! It is not thus that souls are won. Toil on! faint not! keep watch, and pray! Be wise the erring soul to win ! Go forth into the world's highway! Compel the wanderer to come in ! Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice! For toil comes rest, for exile home ; Soon shalt thou hear the Bridegroom's voice, The midnight peal, "Behold, T come!" 56 t»li!ri *■•* * ■« S #^:"~ ^PP^ ■Bjat Jj# Jp Blest are the pure in heart, For they shall see their God ; The secret of the Lord is theirs ; Their soul is Christ's abode. He to the lowly soul Doth still himself impart, And for His dwelling and His throne, Chooseth the pure in heart. Lord! we Thy presence seek; May ours this blessing be ; Oh, give the pure and lowly heart, — A temple meet for Thee. ;8 Thine arm, Lord, in days of old Was strong to heal and save; It triumphed o'er disease and death, O'er darkness and the grave. To Thee they went, the blind, the dumb, The palsied and the lame, The leper with his tainted life, The sick with fevered frame. And lo! Thy touch brought life and health, Gave speech, and strength, and sight ; And youth renewed and frenzy calmed Owned Thee, the Lord of light. And now, < ) Lord, be near to bless, Almighty as of yore, In crowded street, by restless couch, As by Gennesareth's shore. Though love and might no longer heal By touch, or word, or look ; Though they who do Thy work must read Thy laws in nature's book; Yet come to heal the sick man's soul, Come, cleanse the leprous taint, Give joy and peace, where all is strife, And strength, where all is faint. Be Thou our great deliverer still, Thou Lord of life and death, Restore and quicken, soothe and bless With Thine almighty breath. To hands that work and eyes that see, Give wisdom's heavenly lore, That whole and sick, and weak and strong, May praise Thee evermore. I WILL, BE THOU CLEAN.' Heboid, tbe Master passeth by! Oh, seest thou not His pleading eye? With low, sad voice He calleth thee, 11 Leave this vain world, and follow Me." soul, bowed down with harrowing care. Hast thou no thought for heaven to spare? From earthly toils lift up thine eye; Behold, the Master passeth by! One heard Him calling long ago, And straightway left all things below, Counting his earthly gain as loss For Jesus and His blessed cross. That ''follow Me" his faithful ear Seemed every day afresh to hear : Its echoes stirred his spirit still, And fired his hope, and nerved his will. God gently calls us every day: Why should we then our bliss delay ? He calls to heaven and endless light : Why should we love the dreary night ? Praise, Lord, to Thee, for Matthew's call, At which he rose and left his all : Thou, Lord, e'en now art calling me; 1 will leave all. and follow Thee. 62 FOLLOW ME." Faith is a living power from heaven, Which grasps the promise God has given A trust that cannot be o'erthrown, Securely fixed on Christ alone. Faith finds in Christ whate'er we need, To save and strengthen, guide and feed; Strong in His grace, it joys to share; His cross, in hope His crown to wear. Faith feels the Spirit's kindling breath, In hope and love that conquer death ; Faith brings us to delight in God, And blesses e'en His smiting rod. Such faith in us, O God, implant, And to our prayers Thy favor grant, In Jesus Christ, Thy saving Son, Who is our Fount of health alone. VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, I HAVE NOT FOUND SO GREAT FAITH, NO, NOT IN ISRAEL." Fierce was the storm'of wind The surging waves ran high, Failed the disciples hearts with fear, Though Thou, their Lord, was nigh. But at the stern rebuke Of Thy almighty word, The wind was hushed, the billows ceased And owned Thee God and Lord. So, now, when depths of sin Our soul with terrors fill, Arise, and be our helper, Lord, And speak Thy "Peace, be still." When death's dark sea we cross, Be with us in Thy power, Nor let the water-floods prevail In that dread final hour. And, when amid the signs, Which speak Thine Advent near, The roaring of the sea and waves Fills faithless hearts with fear. May we all undismayed The raging tempest see, Lift up our heads and hail with joy Thy great Epiphany. 66 PEACE, BE STILL. Faith, like an unsuspecting child, Serenely resting on its mother's arm, Reposing every care upon her God, Sleeps on His bosom, and expects no harm. Receives with joy the promises He makes, Nor questions of His purpose or His power; She does not doubting ask, "Can this be so ? " The Lord has said it, and there needs no more. However deep be the mysterious word, However dark, she disbelieves it not; Where Reason would examine, Faith obeys, And "It is written " answers every doubt. In vain with rude and overwhelming force Conscience repeats her tale of misery ; And powers infernal, wakeful to destroy Urge the worn spirit to despair and die. As evening's pale and solitary star But brightens while the darkness gathers round. So Faith, unmoved amidst surrounding storms Is fairest seen in darkness most profound. 68 DAUGHTER, BE OF GOOD COMFORT; THY FAITH HATH MADE THEE WHOLE." Behold, where, in a mortal form, Appears each grace divine! The virtues, all in Jesus met, With mildest radiance shine. To spread the rays of heavenly light. To give the mourner joy, To preach glad tidings to the poor, Was His divine employ. 7" AND HER SPIRIT CAME AGAIN. Saviour! I follow on, t riiided by Thee, Seeing not yet the hand That leadeth me ; 1 lushed he my heart and still, Fear I no further ill, Only to meet Thy will My will shall be. Riven the rock for me Thirst to relieve, Manna from heaven falls Fresh every eve ; Never a want severe Causeth my eye a tear, But Thou dost whisper near, " Only believe ! " Often to Marah's brink Have I been brought; Shrinking the cup to drink, Help I have sought; And with the prayer's ascent, Jesus the branch hath rent, Quickly relief hath sent, Sweetening the draught. Saviour! 1 long to walk Closer with Thee ; Led by Thy guiding hand, Ever to be ; Constantly near Thy side, Quickened and purified, Living for Him who died Freely for me. 72 Would you see Jesus ? come with prayer, And heart repentant, to His feet; None who will rightly seek Him there, Shall fail His face of love to greet. Would you see Jesus ? come with faith, And search the word His grace hath given, For help and guidance in the path That leads to His abode in heaven. Would you see Jesus ? day by day Let thought and converse be on high, And hastening on the heavenward way, With Jesus live, with Jesus die. 74 "Go, preach my gospel," saith the Lord; "Bid the whole earth my grace receive; He shall he saved that trusts my word, And he condemned who'll not believe. 11 I'll make your