''^^SWWJW .^,i^ '.^ >-♦ ^^.1^^ f ' • -r. v.-^ V tHEOLOGICAL 8EMINARYi Princeton, N. J. #* EXPOSITION OF THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS; WITH T H PRELIMINARY EXE RC ITATIO NS. By JOHN OWEN, D. D. REVISED AND ABRIDGED; WITH A FULL AND INTERESTING LIFE OF. THE AUTHOR, A COPIOUS INDEX, &c. By EDWARD WILLIAMS Search the Scriptures. — John v. 39, IN FOUR VOLUMES, VOL. IV. London: Printed for T, Pitches, No. 44, Barbican; And fold alfo by C. Dill Y, Po\iltry; T. Parsons, Faternofler- 'Row; and T. Mathews, Strand. M.DCC.XC. [OEntcteiJ at ^tationcts^Cpall.] A N E X P O S I T 1 O N, 8c Chap. X. V^r. i, T,OR THE LAW HAVING A SHADOW OF GOOD THING* TO COME, AND NOT THE VERY IMAGE OF. THE THINGS, CAN NEVER WITH THOSE SACRIFICES WHICH THEY OFFERED YEAR BY YEAR GONTI- KUALLY MA^KE THE COMERS THEREUNTO, PER.- FECT* ^ I. A gcnci:al dlftrlbutlon of the chapter, § 2. The fuhjc^ fpoken of» § 3, 4. (I.) If hat is granted to the IazL\ § 5—^ 8. fFhai is denied it, § 9. (II.) C^bfervations^ § I. JL HERE are two. parts of this chapter; the Jirjt conceriieth the necejfityi and efficacy of the facrilice of Chrlfl ; [ver. I — 20.] the other is an improvement of the dofirine for faith, obedience, and perfeverance, [ver, 20 —39-] § 2. * For the law having a fl:^dow of good things to * come.* The fubje£l fpoken of is ('0, voiLoq^ nnin) th& law, that is, the facrificcs of the law, efpecially tbofc which were offered annually by a perpetual ilatutc, as the words Immediately following declare; buf he refers A'hat he fpeaks of to the law itfcf as that whereby thcfc fa- crifices were inftituted, and upon which depended all tlieir virtue and efficacy : and the law here is the covenant which God made with the people at Sinai, with all the conflitutions of worfhlp belonging to it; the firfl tcfla- ment, as it was the fpring of ail their religious privileges-, ' Vol. IV. B ^ [ch^P^ 4 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X. [chap. vii. Ix.] Concerning this law, or covenant, the. apoflle declares two things : — Pojitlvely, and by way of conceilion, ' it had a iliadow of good things to come : — • Negatively, that ' it had not the very image of the things * themfelves ;' which v/e mull coniider together, becaufe they mutually illuftrate each other. § 3, (I.) * For th^ lav/ having a fnadow,' he. Thefe. exprelfions are metaphorical, and have therefore given occaiion to various conjectures about the nature of the allufions, and their application to the prefent fubje£l. Both what is called ' a Jhad^iv,^ and ' the very imaged have refpe^l to the ' good things to come \ wherefore the true notion of what thefe * good things to come,' are, will determine what it is to have *. a fnadow of * them,' and ' not the very image of the things them- * felves,' The gcod. things intended niuft be Chr'iji himfelf^ with all the grace, merry, and privileges y v;hich the church receiveth by his actual coming in the tlefh, and the dif- charge of his office ; for he himfelf, principally and evi- ■dently, was the fubje£l of all promifes ; and whatever elfe is contained in them is but that whereof, in his perfon, oiiice, and grace, he is the author and caufe : hence he^ was iignally termed (0 c^yj)\Livoc) he zvho was to come ; * art thou he %vho Is -U come?' [I. John iv. 3.] And thefe things are called (r^ c^yoi^cc) the good things — becaufe they are ahjoluiely fo without any mixture. Nothing is. gcod^ either in itfelf, them, are applicable to either reading ^ 2. In oppofit.on to this argument in general it may be laid that tins reiteration was not becaufe they did not ^-/.<^/j CKpiate the fins of the offerer, but becaufe thofe for whom they were offered did again contraft the guilt gf^^n, and io flood in need of a rene^^^ed expiation of In anfwer to this ohjeaion which may be laid againfl he foundation of the apoftle's argument, I fay, thefe are j^. thmgs in the expiatipij gf fin. Firft, the efe^s of the Vek... epistle to the HEBREWS. „ the facrifice ..W. G.^i„ making atonement; fecondl.. apoltle treats not oi the Utter which may be frequent ! repeated ; for of this nature are the ordLnces 'of "£ gofpd and our own faith and repentance ; for a ,«W paruapauon of the thing fignified is the only ufe o ", f trequent repetu.on of the fign. So, renewed ads of faith and repentance are contmually neceflkry upon the in- curfions of the new ads of fin and defilements ; but by none of thefe is there any atonement made for fin; the one great lacr.fice of atonement is applied to us, but is not to pe repeated by us, Suppofing therefore the end of facrifices to be mah.. atonement w>th God for fin, and the procuring of all at- tendant privileges, (which was the faith of the fews con cerning them) and the repetition of them invincibly proves -that they could not of themfelves effea that end Hence we may fee both the objiinaey and miferable fate of the prefent Jews. The law plainly declares, that %y.thout atonement by blood there is no remiffion of fins- this they expea by the facrifices of the law, and their frequent repetition ; but thefe they have been utterly de- prived of for many generations, and therefore they muft, on their own principles, die in their fins and under the curfe. And It IS hence alfo evident, that the fuperftition of the church of Rome, in their mafs, fwherein they pretend to offer, and every day to repeat, a propitiatory facrifice for the fins of the living and the dead) doth evidently de- monftrate, that they virtually difbelieve the efficacy of the one facrifice of Chrift. as onee offered, for the expiation or liii. * § 3- (!•) The ' worjhlppers' (oi Kdjr^-vov^sg) are the lame with the comers, {ol 'nrpoa-^f^xof^^'^oi) in the verfe fore- going ; and in each place not the priefVs, but the peop/e for whom they ofFered, are intended ; and concerning them It IS fuppofed, that if the facrifices of the law could make themper/e<^, then would they h^ve been purged ; where- JorQ th^ latter (KOi9c^pi<^s(r9oii) is the efe^J of the former \z AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X. (^7:-X-iuj(ra.i') If the law did not make them -perfect ^ then were they not purged. This facred {v^(x,^a^jLo'\Lcq) purification takes away the condemning power of fm from the confcience, which was introduced on account of its guilt. § 4. ' They fhould have had no more confcience of * fins ;' rather, they fhould not any farther have any confcience of fins. The meaning of the word is fm- gularly well exprelTed in the Syriac tranflation : * they * fhould have no confcience agitating, (toffing, difquiet- ' ing, perplexing) for iins ;' no confcience judging and condemning their perfons for the guilt of f n, fo depri- ving them of folid peace with God ; it is (ouvc/o/^cr/j/ auccojioov^ confcience^ with refpeft to the guilt of fins, as it binds over the iinner to punifhment in the judgement of God ; now this is not to be meafured by the apprehenfion of the {inner, but by the true caufes cind groune/s of it — - that fm was not pcrfe^ly expiated. Tlie way and means of our intereft in the facriiice of Chrlft, is hj falih only ; now, even in this flate, it often falls out, that true beUevers have a confcience, judging and condemning them iox fin, no lefs than they had under the law ; but this trouble of confcience doth not arife hence, that fin is not perfedly expiated by the facrifice of Chrifl, but only from an apprehenfion, that they have not a due Intcreft in that facriiice, and its benefits. On the con- trary, under the Old Teflanient, they quellioned not their due iniereft in their facrifices, which depended on the per* formance of the rites belonging to them ; but their con^ fciences charged them with the guilt of fm, through an ap- prehenfion that their facrifices could not perfe£lly expiate it ; and this they found themfelves led to by God's in- flituted repetition of them, which had not been done, if they could ever make the worfliippers perfect ; but in the ufe of them, and by their frequent repetition, they were taught to look continually to the great expiatory facrifice, whofe virtue was laid up for them in ^he promife^ whereby they had peaQe with God, V£R. a. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 13 § 5. « But in thofe facrifices there is a remembrance « again made of lins every year }' {uKKoc) but, this note of introdu£lion fufficiently intimates the nature of the ar- gument infilled on : had the worihippers been perfe condecency to divine juflice ; in fatisfa£lion to juflice, by way of compenfation for injuries, there mufl be a proportion between the injury and the re-^ paration, that juflice may be as much exalted and glorified in the one, as it was deprelTed and debafed in the other ; but there could be no fuch thing between the demerit of lin, and the affront put on the righteoufnefs of God, on *hc one hand, and the reparation by * the blood of bulls * and goats/ on the other. § 5. From thefe things we may obferve^ 1. It is poffible that things may ufefully reprefent, what it is impoffible they themfelves fhould effefl. This is the fundamental rule of all inftitutions of the Old Tcllament. Wherefore, 2. There may be great and eminent iifes of divine ordi- nances and inftitutions, although it be impoffible that in Themfelves, in their moft exad and diligent ufe, they fhould work out our acceptance with God ; and it be- longs to the wifdom of faith to ufe them to \X\tiv proper end. 3. It was utterlv impoffible that lin fhould be taken ftWay before God, and from the finncr's confciencc, but by the blood of Chriii ; other ways, mea are apt to betake P 2 themfelves j8 an exposition OF THE Chap. X. themfelves to for this end, but all in vain. It is the blood of Jefus Chriil alone that cleanfeth us from all our fins ; for he alone was the propitiation for them. 4. The declaration of the infufhciency of all other ways for the expiation of fin, is an evidence of the ho- linefs, righteoufnefs, and feverity of God againil it, with the unavoidable ruin of all unbelievers. 5. Herein alfo confiils the great demonflration of the love, grace, and mercy of God, with an encouragement to faith ; in that, when the old facriflces could not perfectly expiate fin, he would not fuffer the work itfelf to fail, but provided a way that Ihould be infallibly efFe£live of it ; as in the following verfes : Verse 5—10. wherefore, vv'hin he cometh into the vv'orld, he saith, sacrifice and offering thouwouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me ; in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou iiast had no pleasure. then, said i, lo, i COME (in THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK IT IS WRIT- TEN OF me) to DO THY V,' ILL, O GOD. ABOVE, W^HEN HE SAID, SACRIFICE AND OFFERING, AND BURNT OFFERINGS, AND OFFERING FOR SIN THOUWOULDEST NOT, NEITHER HADST PLEASURE THEREIN (WHICH ARE OFFERED BY THE LAW,) THEN, SAID HE, LO, I COME TO DO THY WILL, O GOD. HE TAKETH AWAY THE FIS.^T, THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH THE SECOND. BY THE WHICH WILL WE ARE SANCTIFIED, THROUGH THE OFFERING OF THE BODY OF JESUS CHRIST ONCE FOR ALL. § I, Introdu^lion and connexion, § 2. (I.) Expqfition of the words, § 3. Chr'ifTs coming, § 4. In vjhat fenfe God reje^ s ■ the legal facr'ific^i and offaingu § 5. If hat k wills in their fiidd. Ver. S-^io. epistle to the HEBREWS. ig f^ead^ § 6 — 8. The Pfahn'iJ}, Scptuagint^ mid Jpojllc re- conciled, \ 9 — 15. Expojition continued, § 16 — 19 (H.) Ohfcrvat'ions, ^ I. IriERE we have the provifion God made to fupply the defed of legal facfifices, as to the expiation ot fin, peiice of confcience, &c. For the words contain the bleired undertaking of our Lord Jefus Chrift, to per-- form and fufFer all things required by the will, wlfdom, holinefs, righteoufnefs, and authority of God, to the complete falvation of the chnrch. This is a blefTed portion of divine writ fummarily reprefenting to us the love, grace, and wifdom of the Father ; the love, obedience, and fufFering of the Son ; the federal agreement between the Father and the Son, about the work of redemption a'^d falvatior., with the blelTed harmony between the Old and New feftament, in the declaration of thefe things. The divine authority and wifdom that here evidence themfelves are ineffable. § 2. (L) (Alo) %vherefore, for which caufe, for which end. It doth not intimate why the words fo}iowing were fpoken, but why the things themfelves v/ere fo difpofed ;. * wherefore,' faith the apoftle, becaufe it was fo with the law, things are thus ordered in the wifdom and counfet of God ; (A'cyn) he faith ; the words may have a three- fold refpeft ; — as they were given out by infpi ration, and recorded in fcripture ; — as they were ufed by David the penman of the Pfahns, who fpeaks by infpiration, and as a type of ChrilL But David did not, would not, ought not in his oivn name and perfon reject the wo::.' ip of God, and prefent himfelf with his obedience \\\ its room, efpecially as to the end of facrifices in the --:pia- tion of lin. Wherefore, — the vvords are properly the words of our Lord Jefus Chrill ; ' when he cometh into « the world, he faith.' The Holy Ghoft ufeth thefe words ai his, becaufe they exprellivcly declare liis mir.d and refolution in his coming into the world. On con- fidering the infufficiency of legal facrinccs (the only ap- pearing ao AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X,' pearing means) to make re-coiiclliatioii with God, the Lord Chrift, that all mankind might not eternally periih under the guilt of lin, reprelents his ready willingnefs to tjndertake that work. § 2. The fcafon of his fpeaking thefe words was^^ * when be cometh into the world,' (>.:/crcp;^o^x:->c^, veniensy or ventiirus) when the defign of his future coming into the world was declared, [fee Matt. xi. 3.] But as the words were not verbally fpoken by him, being only a real declaration of his intention ; io this ex- preffion of his ' coming into the w^orld/ is not to be confined to any one fingle a£i to the exclufion of others, but refpeds all the folemn a6ls of the fufception and dif- charge of his mediatory office for the falvation of the church ; but if any ihould rather judge that in this ex- preffion fome iingle feafon and a6l of Chrift is intended, it can be no other than his incarnation, by which he came into the world ; for this was the foundation of all that he did afcerwards, and that whereby he was fitted for his whole mediatorial w^ork. § 4. (nnJDi n::v, ^va-toi, kc^a nv^^oa-^lG^oc) facrifice and of-ering ; in the next verfe the one of them, (^ucr/^) facrifice is dif- tributed into (ni^isn'i n'^ip rendered here oXoKavjojjLo^cc kcci. TTzJi oiU.ocDJioC'g) whole burnt offerings and facrifices for fin. It is evident that the Holy Ghoft, in this variety of ex- preffions, comprifeth all the facrifices of the law that had any refpedl to the expiation of iin. Of thefe facrifices it is affirmed, that God ' would them * not,' [ver. 5.] and that he ' had no pleafure in tliem,' ver. 6. (nvDn «*?, ^m s9iXy;(TG^g) thou wouldeft not ; thou didfl not defire. The Hebrew word is (van) to will freely and with delight. But this f^nfe the apoflle transfers to to the other word (n'^^u^) which he renders by (5^>c ch^oKr^trac ver. 6.) thou haft had no pleafure ; in the pfalm it is * thou * haft, not required^ w^herefore, if we grant that the w^ords tiled, by the apofi:le be not exa£t verlions of thofe ufed by. the pfalmifV, as they are applied the one to the other, yet it is evident that the full and exacl meaning of both is declared, which is funkient to his purpofe,- The Ver. 5;— 10. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 21 The mind of the Holy Ghoft is plain enough, both in the teflimony itfelf, and in the improvement of it by the apoftle ; for the legal facrifices are fpoken of only with refped to that end which the Lord Chrill undertook to accomplifh bv his mediation ; and this was the pc-fea real expiation of iin, with the julVification, fandification, and eternal falvation of the church ; wIli that perfecEt ilate of fpiritual worHiip which was ordiined for it ia this v/orld ; all thefe things were thefe facrifices appointed to prefigure ; but the nature and defign of this pretigura- tion being dark and obfcure, and the things fignified being utterly hidden as to their fpecial nature and the manner of their efficacy, many in all ages of the church expe£led them from thefe facrifices, and they had fome appearance of being ordained to that end. Therefore this is that, and that alone, with refpe6t to which they are here reje£led ; God never appointed them to this end, he r^ever took plea fur e in them in this view, they were infufficient in the wifdom, holinefs, and righteoufnefs of God to any fuch purpofe ; wherefore the fenfe of God concerning them, as to this end, is, that they were not appointed, not approved, not accepted. No new revelation, abfolutely, is intimated in the words * thou wouldefl not, thou tookeft , ' no pleafure,- but a mere exprefs declaration of that will and counfel of God, which he had by various ways given intimation of before, § 5. The firft part of ver. 5. declares the will of God concerning the facrifices of the law ; the latter contains the fupply that God in his wifdom and grace provided, anfwerable to the mfufficlency of thefe facrifices ; and this is not fome^what that fhould help to make them efFeftual, but what fhould be introduced in cppojition to them, and for their removal ; but a body hall thou prepared me.' The adverfative, (h) but, declares that the way defigned of God for this end was of another nature than thefe facrifices were, and yet muft be fuch, as fhould not render thofe facrifices utterly uielefs from the firji injiitution, which -would refled on the divine wifdom ; for although the T^^al way of expi^iting fiu be \\y itfelf of another nature, yet Hi AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. ST. yet were thofe facrifices meet to prefigure and reprefent it to the firiih of the church ; and therefore, faith Chrifr, the firfl thing that God did, in preparing this new way, was the preparation of a body for me, which was to be oitered in facrifice. And in the aniithejis intimated in the adverfative con- junction, refpeCt is had to the tvill of God ; as facrifices were what he ' zvould not' to this end ; fo this prepara- tion of the body of Chriil: was what ' he would,'' and was ■well pleafed with, [ver. 9, lo.] § 6. Wv. n uft, firfl, fpeak to the apoftle's rendering thefe words crc of the plaimift ; they are in the original, ('■^nnD CD*r.4"; my ears haji thou digged^ bored^ prepared. All forts of C: it'ical writers and expofitors have fo laboured to refolve this difficulty, that there is little to be added to the indufrry of fome, and it were endlefs to confute the mif- takes of others ; I fnall therefore only fpeak briefly to it, fo as to nianifefc \\\q onenefs of the fenfe of both places; "and fome things muft be premifed : It doth not feem probable to me, tliat the Septuagint did ever tranflate thefe words as they are now extant in all the copies of that tranflation, [a-ooiLot, Si KtzlcoJKru) ^oi) but a body that thou freparedji me ; for it is not a tranflation^ of the original words, but an expofition of their meaning, which was no part of their defign ; if they made this ex- pofition, it was either from a mere conje(fture, or from a -Tight underffanding of the myftery contained in them; ^the former is altogether improbable ; and that they un- derftood the mvftery couched In that metaphorical ex- prefTion (without which no account can be given of this verfion of the words) will not be granted by them who know any thing of thofe tranflators or their work; belides, there was of old a diff'ercnt reading of that tranflation ; for inftead of {(tmum) a body, fome copies have it {ccjicc) the ears, which the vulgate Latin follows ; an evidence that a change had been made in that tranflation, to comply witir the words ufcd by the apoille. The words, therefore, in this place were the words whereby the apojik eKprelTed the {^\\{t and meaning of the Holy Ver. 5—!!;«) firings, from the way of their confumption on the altar hy fire. The other fort is exprelTed by a word (ni^ton) which the Greek renders by {irsc^i (Zixa^oTiag) concerning fin ; for («tDn) the verb in Kal, iignifieth to fin, and in F'lel, to expiate Jin, Where it is taken in the latter fenfe, the Greek renders it by (Trspi ccfJMOTic/.g} * a facrilice /or y?>z,' («• a/w- cffering, which exprelTion is here retained, and Rom. v. 3. This facrifice, therefore, was appointed, both for the fins of the whole congregation, [Lev. xvi. 21.] and the fpecial lins of particular perfons. The one offering of Chrift was really to efie^I what all of them repre/lnted. Concerning all thefe facrifices, it is added (i^x, cvhKWccg) thou hadjl no pleafiurc. In oppofition to this, God gives teftimony from heaTcn concerning the Lord Chnft and E 2, iiis si6 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.X. his undertaking. * This is my beloved Ton, {sk w cVooKYicra) inwhom I amivcll pleafed^ [Matt. iii. 17. chap, xvii 5. See Ifa. xHi. I. Ephef. i. 6.] This is the great antithefis be- tween the law and the gofpel \ * in facrifices and offerings * for fin, thou hadll no pleafure.' ' This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleafed.' § 10. '' Then, faid I, lo, I come (in the volume of the * book it is written of me) to do thy will, O God.' ^litov) I faid. There is no neceflity, as was before obferved, that thefe very w^ords fliouW at any one feafon be fpoken by our Lord ; the meaning is : ' This is my refolution, this *^ is the frame of my mind and will.' Hence, whatever dif- ficulties afterwards arofe, whatever he was to do or fufFer, there was nothing in it, but what he had before folemnly engaged to God. (To/w-) then, or thereon ; for it may re- fpe6l the order of time ; though it is, as I judge, better ex- tended to the whole cafe in hand. When things were come to this pafs, when all the church of God's eleft were under the guilt of fm, and the curfe of the law, v/hen there was no hope for themfelves, nor in any divine inilitu- tion of worlhip ; when all things were at a lofs, as to our recovery and falvation ; then did Jefus Chrift, the fon of God, in infinite wifdom, love, and grace, interpofe him- felf in our behalf (I^y) behold ! A glorious fpeftacle it was to God, to angels and to men : To God, as it was filled with the higheft eife£ls of infinite goodnefs, wifdom, and grace, which all flione forth in their greatefl elevation and luflre. To angels, for in this their confirmation and ellablifhment in glory depended, [Ephef. i. 10.] which, therefore, they endeavoured (with fear and reverence) to look into y [I. Pet. i. 12, 13.] And as /c; men, the church of the elc£t, nothing could be fo glorious in cheir fight, nothing fo defirable. By this call of Chrift, * behold I * come,' the eyes of all creatures in heaven and earth ought to be fixed on him, to behold the glorious w^ork he had undertaken, and its wonderful accomplifliment. He came forth like the riling fun, with healing in his wings, or as a giant rejoicing to run his race. The VER..S-IO, EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS, g; Th^ faith of the old teftament was, that he was thus to come ; and this is the life of the new, that he 2s come. They by whom this is denied, overthrow the faith of the gofpei, [I. John iii. 1—3.] He that did not exift before m the divine nature, could not promife to come in the human. God, and he alone, knew what was neceflary to the accomplifhment of his will ; and if it micrht have been otherwifeeffeaed, he would have fpared his o'nly Son,,- and not have given him up to death. § II. The end of this promifing to come, is to do the will of God ; ' io, I come to do thy will, O God.' The ' will of God' is here taken for his eternal purpofi and defign, called the * counfel of his will,' [Ephef. i. 1 1'.] yet Chrift came fo to fulfill the will of God's purpofe, as that we may be enabled to fulfill the will of his command-, yea, and he himfelf\\?iA a command from God to lay down his life for the accomplifhment of this work. When the fulnefs of time was come, the glorious counfels of God, Father, Son, and Spirit, broke forth with light, like the fun in his flrength from under the cloud, in the tender the Son made of himfelf to the Father, ' io, . I come to da * thy will, O God ;' this, this is the way, the only way whereby the will of God might be accomplifhcd. Herein were all the riches of divine wifdom difplayed, all the treafures of grace laid open, all fhades and clouds dif- peiled, and the open door of falvation made evident to all. This will of God, Chrifl came to do, (to Trotyjcrcci) to efe^, to eflahUfh and perfc^ly fulfil ; he did it in the whole work of his mediation, from the fufception of our nature in the womb, to what he doth in his fupremc agency in heaven at the right hand of God. This fcems to me the firfl k\\{Q of the place ; I (hould not however, as I faid before, exclude the fenfc, that he fulfilled the will of his purpofe, by obedience to the will of his commands ; hence it is added in the pfalm, that he ' delighted to do the will of God, and that his law * was in the inidil of his bowels.' § 12. «« AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X. § 12. The laft thing is the ground and rule of this un- dertaking ; ' in the volume of the book it is written of * me.' The Socinlan expoiitors have a peculiar notion on this place. They fuppofe the apollle ufeth this expreilion, (fy K-(pciKi^i) in the volume^ to denote fome fpecial chapter or place in the law, and conje6ture it to be that of Deut. vxvii. 1 8, 19. David they fay, fpoke thofe words in the -pfalniy and it is no where faid that he fliould come to do the will of God, but in this place of Deuteronomy, as he was to be the king of that people ; but there can be nothing more fond than this empty conjefture. For, 1. He that fpeaks, doth abfolutely prefer his own obe- dience^ as to worth and efficacy, before all God's inflitu- tions ; he prefents it to God, as that which is more ufeful to the church, than all the facrifices which God had ordained ; this David could not juilly do. 2. There is nothing fpoken in Deuteronomy concerning the facerdotal office, but only of the regal; and in the pfalmijl there is no refpe6l to the kingly office, but only to the priefihood \ for the comparifon is made with the facrifices of the law, but the offering of thefe facrifices was exprellly forbidden to the kings ; as is manifelt in the inftance of king Uzziah ; [11. Chron. xxvi. 18 — 20. belides, there is in that place of Deuteronomy nothing that belongs to David in a peculiar manner. 3. The words there recorded contain a mere prefcrip* tion of duty, no prediction of the event, which for the mofl part was contrary to what is required ; but the words of the pfalmift are a divine predi6lion which mull be aftually accompliffied. Nor doth our Lord Chrifl in them declare what yN2.^ prefcrihcd to him, but what he did undertake to do, and the record that was made of that undertaking. 4. There is not one word in that place of Mofea concerning the removal of facrifices and burnt offerings, which, as the apoflle declares, is the principal thing in- tended by the pfalmiil ; yea, the contrary, as to the in- tended feafon, is exprefsly alTerted ; for the king was to read Ver. 5-10. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 29 read in the book of the law continually, tliat lie might obferve and do all that is written therein, a part whereof confifts in the inftitation nnd obfervation of facrifices, 5. This interpretation of the words utterly overthrows what they difpute for immediately before ; viz. that the entrance of Chrift into the world was not indeed his coming into this world, but his goh7g out of it and entering into heaven ; for it cannot be denied but that the obe^ dience of reading the law continually, and doing it, is to be attended to in this world, and not in heaven ; and this they feem to acknowledge fo as to recall their own expo- fition. Other abfurdities, which are very many in this place, I fhall not infift upon. § I 3. ' In the volume of the book ;' {sv k^^oX^l) in the volume, or roll. But the Hebrew word (i3d) which we tranflate a book, doth not lignify a book as written in a roll, but only an enuntiation or declaration of any thing ; but another word (h'^jd) is properly a roll, and the words ufed by the pfalmift iignify, that the declaration of the will of God made in this matter was written in a roll. As the book itfelf was one roll, fo in the head, or the beginning of it, amongft the firft things written in it, is this recorded concerning the coming of Chrill: to do the will of God. Now this can be no other than thQ firji promife recorded Gen. iii. 15. In this promife, and the writing of it in the head of the volume, is the pfalmift's alTertion verified. However, the following declarations of the will of God are not excluded ; for indeed the whole volume of the law is nothing but a prediction of the co- ming of Chrifl, and a prejignification of what he had to do ; even that book which God had given to the church, as the only guide of its faith — the Bible — wherein all divine precepts and promifes are enrolled or recorded. § 14. * Above when he fays,' he. What he defigned to prove was, that by the introduftion and eftablilhment of the facrifice of Chrift in the church, there was an end put to all legal facrifices ; and now adds, that the ground and reafon of this great alteration was the utter infufhci- ency of thefe legal facrifices in themfelves for the expia- tion 3© AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X. tion of fin and fan£lification of the church. And ver. 9. he gives us this as the fum of his defign ; * He takes * away the firft, that he may ellablifh the fecond/ But the apoflle doth not here dirediy argue from the matter of the tellimony itfelf, but from the order of the wordsy and the regard they have in their order to one another ; for there is in them a two-fold proportion ; one concern- ing the rejedion of legal facrifices ; the other, an intro- duftion and tender of Chrill and his mediation. And he declares, from the order of the words in the pfalmift, tliat thefe things are infeparable, viz. the taking away of legal facrifices and the eJiabliJJjment of that of Chrift. Again, we may remark, he had refpe£l not only to the lemoval of the facrifices, but alfo of the law itfelf, whereby they were retained. Allowing thefe facrifices and otFe- lings all that they could pretend to,— r-that they were efta^ hllpjed by the law ; yet, notwi;hll:anding this, God rejects them as to the expiation of fin and the falvation of the church. After this was flated and delivered, when the mind of God was exprejjly declared, as to his rejedlion of legal fa- crifices and offerings, (to7c) then he faid, upon the grounds before mentioned, ' facrifice,' he. In the former words he declared the mind of God, and in the latter his own refolution to comply with his will, in order to another way of atonement, * Lo, I come to do thy will, O God.' It is evident, that thefe words (^avaia'zL to 7rpo7cv) * iakcth * away the ftrfi,^ intend facrifices and offerings, which he did not immediately, but declaratively, indicating the lime, that is, when the fecond fhould be introduced. The end of this removal of tlie firil was the eftablifhment of the fecond : this fecond, fay fome, is the v^^ili of God ;* but the oppofition made before is not betv^cen the will of God and the legal facrifices, but between thofe faofiecs and the coming of Chr'ift to do the will of God, Wherefore * xhe fecond' is the way of expiating fin, and of the com- plete fan£tification of the church by the coming and fa- crifice of Chrift, § IS- V£R. 5— lo. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 31 § 15. * By the which will we are fanaified through « the offering of the body of Jcfus Chriit once for all.* From the whole context the apoftle makes an inference, which comprehends the fubftance of the gofpel. (Hyiua-- IJ.SV01 ccr^sy) we arc farU'tificd, relates not only to the thingSy but alfo the time of the offering; for although all therein intended did not immediately follow on the death of Chrifl, yet were they all in it, as the effc£ls in their proper caufe, to be produced by virtue of it in their due time. This end of God, through offering the body of Chrifl, was the fan6tification of the church, * we are fandified.' The principal notion o'i fandificatlon, in the New Tefla- ment, is the effctling of real internal hol'mcfi in the perfons of believers by the change of their hearts and lives : but the word is not here fo to be reflrained ; nor is it ufed in that fenfe in this epifde, or at leaft very rarely. It is here plainly comprehenfive of all that he hath denied to the lavr, priefthood, and facrifices of the Old Teflament, with the whole church flate of the Hebrews under it^ and the ef- fe£ls of their ordinances and fervices ; particularly a com- plete dedication to God, in oppofition to the typical one ; a complete church ft ate for the celebration of fpiritual wor- fhip, by the adminiilration of the Spirit ; peace with God Upon a full and perfed expiation of fin, which he denies to the facrifices of the law, [ver. i. 4.] real internal puri^ jrcaticn^ or the fandtification of our natures and perfons ; the privileges of the gofpel, in liberty, boldnefs, and im- mediate accefs to God, in oppofition to that fear, bon- dage, diflance, and exclufion from the holy place of the divine prefence, under which they of old were kept. All thefc things are comprifed in this expreffion of the apoflle, ' we arc fan^ificd.^ It was the ' will,' that is, the counfel, the decree of God, tliat the church fnould be fandified. Our Lord Chriit knew that this was the zvill of the Father, in whofe bolbm he was. And God had determined, which alio tlie Son knew and declared, the legal facrifices could not make effeaual this his will fo as that the church might be fanc- tified. Wherefore the ' will of God' here intended is Vol. IV. F nothing 32 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X. iiotliing but the eternal, gracious, free purpofe of his vvilJ, whereby he determiiied, or pnrpofed in himfelf, to re- cover a church out of loll mankind, to fanciify them to himfelf, and to bring them to the enjoyment of himfelf for ever, [fee Ephef. i. 4 — 9.] And this will is not at all Gppo fed to tjie legal facrilices, except when obtruded as the fufficient means of its accomplifhment. Our fandi- ' fication is efje£ted by the ' offering of the body of Chiii!: :' — in tliat tliercby the expiation of our fins and reconci- liarion with God were perfectly wTought ; and thereby the whole church of the ele£l was dedicated to God : lie redeemed us thereby from the wliole curfe of the law, the original law of nature, and the covenant of Sinai ; thereby he ratified the new covenant and all its rich promifes ; iil Ihort, Chr'ijl cruel ficdis the wifdom of God, and the power of God to this end. (J^vra^pa-t) once for all^ once only ; it was never before that one time, nor fhall ever be cfter- vjards ; there remains no more ouering for iin ; and this dcmonllrates both the dignity and efficacy of his facriflce. Of fuch ivorth and dignity it was, that God abfolutely acquicfccd tlicrcin, and fmelled a favour of eternal rell in it ; and of fuch effcacy^ that the fandification of the chmxh was pcrfetlcd by it, fo that it needed no repe- tition. § 16. CII.) From thcfe vcrfes and their expofition we are furnilhed with feveral ohfcrvations : I. V/e have X.\\c folemn zvord of Chruf in the declaration he made of liis readinefs and wiilirjgnefs to undertaive the work of expiating iin, propofed to our faith, and engaged c.% tile fure anchor of our fouls. 1, The Lord Chrill had an infinite profpe?/} of God's promifes, and his infinite wifdom as to the feafon of their accomplifhment ; but, faith the apoftle, as to ' what remains' to the Lord Chrift, in the Vol. IV, G difchargc 40 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.X. difcharge of his office, he is henceforth no more to offer ; he is for ever in the enjoyment of the glory that was fet before him, fatisfied in the promifes, the power, and wifdom of God, for the complete effecting of his mediatory office, in the eternal falvation of the church, and by the conqneft and dellru6lion of all his and their enemies in their proper times and feafons. § 7. ' For by one offering he hath perfefted for ever * them that are fan^lified.' He did not repeat his offering as the legal priefls did theirs ; he is fat down at the right hand of God, expecting his enemies to be made his foot- llool, (wlierein they had no ffiare after their oblation) be- * caufe, by one offering he hath for ever perfected them that * are fandtified.' This being done, there is nothing that fhould detain the Lord Jefus out of the poffeffion of his glory. (M/dPi 7rpocr(po^.« W of fpiritual glones. which the'y had not jo.„ed wuh l.berty and confidence ; liberty of fl ch and confidence of being accepted ; tl.e pkroplly offeith * ^h^/Tn^''i ''"""'"''''^' /■"/«->« concerning the ^n.^Wof Chnft, whereby we have this accefs to God with the glory and efficacy of it. ' faith without waverl ing; for many of the Hebrews who had received itx general the fa.th of the gofpel. yet ^a.ered .p and down III their maids about this office of Chrift, and the do- nous th.ngs related of it. fuppofing that there might be fome place yet left for the adminiftration of the legal |..ghpr.eft Ih,s is the frame which the apoftle con- futes, and therefore ' the full affiarance of faith' here re- fpeas not the affurance that any have of their oivn falva- tton, nor any degree of fuel, an affurance, but intends only the full fatisfaaion of our fouls and confciences i,x the reahty and efficacy of the priejlhood of Chrift to give us acceptance with God, in oppofition to all other ways and means. But this perfuafion withal is accompanied with an ajfurcd truft of our own acceptance with God through Chrift our high prieft, and an acquiefcence of pur fouls in the bleffed objeft of our truft. § 9. There is a two-fold preparation prefcribed to us for the right difcharge of this duty ;— that our ' hearts be ' fprinkled from an evil confcience,' and ' that our bodies 'be wafted with pure water ;' it is plain that thefe expref- fions allude to the neceffary preparations of divine fervice vnder the Jaw. For whereas there were various ways whereby men were legally defiled, fo there were ways ap- pointed for their legal purification, [chap. ix.J The fubjea fpoken of is alfo two-fold— the heart and the bod^, that is, the invjard and outward man. There is no doubt but in this place, as in many others, the heart is taken for all the faculties of our fouls with our afFedions ; for It is that wherein confi:ience is feated, and in which it powerfully aas, which it doth efpecially in the praaical ^jnderftanding, as the rule and guide of the affcaions. This l2r AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X. This confcience, antecedently, is evil. Confcience, merely 3S fuch, is not to be feparated from the heart, but as it is evil it fhould. It may be faid to be ' evil' on two ac- counts ; — as it difquieteth, perplexeth, judgeth, and con* demneth for {in, and — on account of a vitiated prindph in the confcience not performing its duty, but continues fecure when filled with all vicious habits : I take it here in the latter fenfe, becaufe the way of its removal is by fprinkllng, and not by offering, {E^ocjOCVtlq-^svol Tocg y^oc^Locg) fprlnkUng our hearts. The cxpreliion is taken from the fpruikling of blood upon of- fering the facriiices, [Exod. xxix. i6. 21. Lev. iv. 17, 5civ. 7.] The fpiritual interpretation is given us Ezek. xxxvi. 25. And whereas this fprhiklmg and cleanfing from lin is in Ezekiel afcribed to pwe water, (for in the type the hloed of the facrifice was fprinkled) it gives us the fenfe of the whole : for as the blood of the facrifice was ^ type of the hlood of Chrljl as oiFered to God, fo the Holy Spirit, and his efficacious work, is denoted by ' pure * v;ater,' as is frequently obfcrved. Wherefore this * fprlnklhg of our hearts' is an a£l of xh^ fancllfylng power of the Holy Ghoft, by virtue of the blood and facrifice pf Chrifl, in making application of them to our fouls. And thus ' the blood of Chrifl the Son of God cleanfeth * us from all our lins.' § 10. * Our bodies wafhed with pure water.' This at iirft view may feem to refer to the outward adminiflra- tion of baptlfm ; but the ' body is faid to be wajhed from them, becaufe they are outward, in oppofition to thofe that are only inherent in the mind. And becaufe the lody is the inilrument of the perpetration of them, hence are they called the * deeds of the body ;' and the body is defiled by fome of them in an efpecial manner, [I. Cor. vi.} Therefore, the * pure water' wherewith the body lis to be waflicd, and which is divinely promifed, [Ezek. xxxvi. 25, 26.] is the aififiance of the fanclifying Spirit, by virtue of the facrifice of Chrift. Hereby, all thofe fins '^hich cleave to our outward convcrfatlon are removed and J waflied Ter. 10— 23, EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS, 53 wafhed away ; for we arc fanalfied, (called by the gofpel to be fo) in our whole /pints, fouls, and bodies. § II. (III.) The fpecial duty exhorted to. ' Let us * hold fall the profeflion of our faith without wavering, * for he is faithful who hath promifed.' — Some copies read (r;jv oiMoKoyiocv T'/jg sKTr&g) ' the profeflion of our * hope,'' which virtually conies to the fame with our ver- sion ; for on our faith is our hope built, and is an emi- nent fruit of it: wherefore, holding faft our bope includes in it the holding faft of our faith, as the caufe in the eifeft. But I prefer the other reading, as more fuited to tlie defign of the apoftle, and his following difcourfe. * Faith' is here taken in both the principal acceptations of it, namely, that faith whereby we believe, and that dodrine which is believed ; of both which we make the fame profeflion : of one. as the inward principle, of the other as the outward rule. Of the meaning of the word itfelf, (^o^oKoyicc) joint profeffion, I have treated largely clfewhere. [Chap. iii. i.] The continuation of their profeflion firft folemnly made, avowing the faith on all juft occafions, attending on all duties of worfhip required in the gofpel, profefling their faith in the promifes of God by Chrift, and cheerfully ^indergoing afiiiftions, troubles, and perfecutions on that account, is eminently included in this * profeflion of our * faith' here exhorted to. But what is it to hold faft this profeflion? [fee chap. iv. 14.] There is included — a fuppofition of great dlffi^ culty with danger, and oppofltion againft this holding , — therefore the putting forth of the utmoft of our fl:rengtli and endeavours in the defence of it, and a conftant perfc- verance in it. This is to be done ' without wavering^ that is, the profeflion muft be immoveable and conftant. The frame of mind which this is oppofed to, is exprefled James i. 6. (^LOiY^mou/cVog) one that is always difputing, and tofled up and down with various thoughts in his mind, not com- ing to a fixed determination : he is like a wave of the fea, which one while fubfidcs and is quiet, and another while is 54 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap; X. ;is tofled this way or that, as it receives imprcffioiis from the wind. As men's minds waver in thele things, fo their frofcjjion wavers, which the apoflle here oppofeth to that full ajjurance of faith required in us. (A;cA/y/?^) without wavering ; the word denotes, not to be bent one way or other ; iirm, fixed, liable, in oppofition to them ; where- fore, it includes — pofitively, aj^rw perfuajtbn of mind as to the truth of the faith profeffed ; — a conjiant refoluiion to abide therein, and adhere to it againft all oppofition, and —— conftancy and diligence in the performance of all the duties which are required to the continuation of this profeflion. § 12. For he is faithful that hath promifed/ In open- ing thefe words, let us attend to the nature of jthe en- couragement given us in them. 1. It is God alone who promifeth. He alone is the author of all gofpel promifes ; and by him are they given to us, [II. Pet. i. 4. Tit. i. i.] Hence, evangelically, that is a juft perlphrafts of God, ' he who hath promifed.' 2. The promifes of God are of that nature in them- felves, as are fuited to the encouragement of all believers to conftancy, and final perfeverance, in the profelfion of their faith ; whether we refped them, as they contain and exhibit prefent grace, mercy, and coniblation, or as they propofe to us eternal things in the future glorious re- ward. The efficacy of the promifes to this end depends upori the faithfulnefs of God who gives them ; with him is neither variablenefs, nor fliadow of turning. The flrengtli of Ifrael will not lie, nor repent. God's faithfulnefs is the unchangeablenefs of his purpofe, and the counfels of his will, proceeding from the immutability of his nature, accompanied with almighty power for their accomplifh- ment, as declared in the word. [See chap. vi. 18.] Con- fider, faith he, the promifes of the gofpel, their incompa- rable greatnefs and glory; in their enjoyment confifls our eternal blelTednefs, and they will all be accompliflied to- wards thofe who hold fail their profeffion, feeing he who hath Ver. 19— *3. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 5^ hath promifed them, is ahjolutdy faithful and unchange- able. § 13. (IV.) From the whole obferve, 1. It is not every miftake, every error, though it be in things of great importance, while it overthrows not the foundation, that can divefl men of a fraternal intcrcll with others in the heavenly calling. 2. This is the great fundamental principle of the gof- pel, that believers, in all their holy worlhip, have liberty, boldnefs, and confidence, to enter into this gracious prefence of God ; they are not hindered by any prohi- bition. There is no fuch order now, that he who dravvS nigh ilia] 1 be cut off; but, on the contrary, that he who doth not fhall be deftroyed. 3. Hence there is no room for terror in their con- fciences, when they make thofe approaches to God. They have not received the fpirit of bondage, but the Spirit of the Son, whereby with holy boldnefs they cry, * Abba, Father,' for ' where the Spirit of the Lord is, * there is liberty.' 4. The nature of gofpel worfliip confifts in an entrance with reverential boldnefs into the prefence of God. 5. Our approach to God in gofpel worlhip is to him ^s evidencing himfelf in a v/ay of grace and mercy. Hence, it is faid to be an entrance into the holicft^ for in the holy place were all the pledges and tokeiis of God's favour. 6. Nothing but the hlood of Jcfus could have given -this boldnefs, nothing that il-ood in its way could other- wife have been removed, nctliing elfe could have fet our fouls at liberty from that bondage, wliich was come upon them by iin. What fhall we render to him .' How un- Ipeakable are our obligations ! Hov/ fliould we abound in faith and love ! 7. ConiidencG in accefs to God not built on, nat re- folved into the blood of Cknjl, is but a daring prcfumption which God abhors. § 14. I. The way of our entrance into the holicft is folemnly dedicated and confvcratcd for us, fo that we may make ufe of it wftU becoming boldnefs. Vol. IV. I 2. All ^S AN EXPOSITION OF THE Ghap.X* 2. All the privileges we have by Chriil are great, glo- rious, and efficacious, all tending and leading unto life. 3. The Lord Chrift peculiarly prefides over all the per- fons, duties, and worihip of believers in the church of God. [See Expofition, chap. iv. 14 — 16. 4. The heart is that which God principally refpe£ts in our accefs to him ; and univerfal internal fincerity of heart is required of all thofe, who draw nigh to him in his holy worfliip. 5. The aciual exercife of faith is required in all our ap- proaches to God, in every particular duty of his worfhip. 6. And it is faith in Chnji alone that gives this bold- nefs of accefs ; and the perfon and office of Chrift are to be refted in with full afjurance in all our accelTes to the throne of grace. § 15. I. Although the worfliip whereby we draw nigk to God be performed with refpedl to inftitution and rule, yet without internal fan£iificatian of heart we are not ac* cepted in it. 2. Due preparations, by a frefli application of our fouls to the efficacy of the blood of Chrifl, for the purification of our hearts, that we may be meet to draw nigh to Godj is at once our incumbent duty and high privilege. 3. In all wherein we have to do with God, we are ■principally to regard thofe internal fins we are confcious of to ourfelves, but are hidden from all others. 4. Yet the umverfal fayiflification of our whole perfons, and efpecially the mortification of outward fins, arc alio required in our drawing nigh to God. Thefe, and not the gaiety of outward apparel, are the beft preparatory or- naments for our rehgious worfhip, 5. It is a great mark to. draw nigh to God, fo as to worfhip him in fpirit and in truth. ^ 16. I. There is an internal principle of faving faith required to our profitable profeffion of the gofpel dodlrinu, witliout which it will not avail. 2. All that believe ought folemnly to give themfelves up to Chriil and his xule, in au exprcfyprofcjfwi of their faith. 3. Great ^ER.n. EFISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 57 •3. GxQ^t difficulties WxW fometimes arife in oppofitiou to a fincere profellionof the faith. 4. Firmnefs and 6-^w>«0' of mind, with our utmoft di- ligent endeavours, are required to an acceptable conti- iiuance in our profeffion. ^ Uncertainty and wavering of mind, as to the trutti we profefs, or a negled of the duties wherein it confifls, or compliance with errors for fear of perfecutions and fuf- ferin-s, overthrow our profeiTion, and render it ufelefs. 6 '^ As we ought not on any account to dechne our pro- feffion, fo to abate of the degrees of fervency of fpmt therein, is dangerous to our fouls. ^ 7 The fakhfulnefs of God in his promifes is our great encouragement and fupport againiUll oppofition^. Verse 24. AND LET US CONSIDER ONE ANOTHER TO PROVOKE UNTO LOVE, AND TO GOOD WORKS. & I. Love and good-u,orks the evidences of faith § 2. What ^ implted In prLkins one another to love and go,d mrku § 3- Ohfervationi* & T T^OVE and good works are the fruits and cvl- e^^es of^Toicere ^rofeffion of favu| fai.. ^w ere fore, a dihent attendance to them is an effeftual mea.u coiiftancy in our profeffion. another. o .l^.7„,l ' Jet us coniaer one anoinci. (J^uawcil'.iv «AAj)A«j) -£-'•' "' /.. denotes The word hrth been opened on chap. ni. i. and deno e I brief, an heedf.l confederation of -^^^^^^^^ .pon a thing, ^^n<^^iZa:::x^^^^- thoughts about .t. The objett he e ^^ and herein the apoftle f"PP°f^''^-''"' l„ ,i,,i, prefc, wrote had a deep concernment n. one another, P ^^ T n 5S AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X4 and future ftate, without which, the mere confideration of one another would only be a fruitlefs efFedl of curiofity; — » that they had alfo communion together about thofe things, without which this duty could not be rightly difchargcd ; — and, finally, that they judged themfelves obliged to watck sver one another as to fledfaflnefs in profefiion, and fruit- fulnefs of love and good works. On thefe fuppoiitions, this * conjideration refpe^ls the gifts •) \\\^ graces^ the temptations^ the dangers^ the feafons and opportunities for duty, the manner of walking in church fellowfhip, and in the v/orld ; and is, in reality, the foundation of all thefe mutual duties. § 2. The branch of duty here fpecified is (sig Trapo- tvcru.cy tzyccTTYig kc/a VjaJKoov i^yjd'j) to the provocation of love and good vjorks \ that is, as we have rendered the words, * to provoke (one another) to love and good works.* Fro- vocation^ though commonly ufed in an ill fenfe, is fome- times taken, as here, for an eanieft and diligent excita- tion of the minds or fpirits of men to that which is good i [fee Rom. ix. 14.] as by exhortation, example, or re- bukes, until they be as it were warmed for the duty. — • * Love and good works ;' ' lovi is the fpring and foun- tain of all acceptable good w^orks 5 of mutual love among believers, which is that here intended, as to its nature and Caufes, and motives to it, I have treated at large chap. yi. The * good works' intended are (yMXcc) thofe which are moil commcndahU and praife worthy, fuch as are moll ufeful to others, and whereby the gofpel is moil exalted ; works proceeding from the fliining light of truth, by which God is glorified. § 3. Hence obferve, 1. The mutual watch of C!irii\ians m the particular focieties whereof they are members, is a duty neceifary for preferving a confiftent profellion of the faith. 2. A due confideration of the circumilances, abilities, temptations, and opportunities for duties, in one another, j:5 alfo required for the; fiime end. 3. Diligent mutual exhortation to gofpel duties, that we may, on all grou^ids of leafon and example, be pro- yoked »".=,-. ""TIE TO THE HEB,Bv«. » to attend. ^^pcciai manner wc ought Verse 2q, -*OT FORSAKING TfTT. . TocErHK.. .s III t?""'"' °'- °^'^'^-" THE DAY APPROACHING. § I- (^■) Expofilon of the iuBrA< R rr, M- --• § 4. The cJrary du]y \t "^^ ''' "-"'""■ of mouve to It. § 8, 5. („.j O^j; JJr^" ^""'■''^ i I- (I-) 1 HE words contain an r^f ceding exhortation, in a JZ g"ai S™ is"' ^'^ P^'" » .s not the .i>«,vAy?i abfolufe v Zh "f "'°'"^'^' of believers, walking togettr ti' H Z'r^"' "^"-"^'^^ apoftle intends ; for as Z I, '}'l\^^''' ^^'^'■<^!> the ^-. of all p.biic ^^^:tiST\ r of It are the only wav ^nA rJ r affcmbhej performance of it' Thefe 1/7 T"' °'' '"= ^^"^^''''^ ^"'^ W, on thefirftdayS rt ;tk Tl"/ ^"° '°"^ ■- Pteaching, fi„gi„g, and t" 'adS.^^f ^ ^ 7^-. ments, and—the exercife of ^r . ^''^ '^="- ^hurch over itsmenr °f ^^f^""' °'- t'>e watch of the be in all nS f ch a ".' ","' ""'' ""^ «nvcrihtio„ voluntary ngfeaj V /f"" ^'" f°''P=' ^ ^'--'-e a y neglect, or a»Xv;,;f of thefe affcmblics, if per- ig) the blood of the covenant : This was not only the great exprcffion of the grace of God, and of the love of Chrift, but alfo to finners, the cauje of all good, the center of divine wifdom in all the mediatory a6lings of Chrift, the life and foul of the gof- pel. (Ko/vov) common^ as oppofed to any thing that is confecrated to God, and thereby made facred : hence it is ufed for profane and unholy, as not belonging to divine worfhip. They no longer efteemed it as that blood where- with the new covenant was fealed^ confirmed, and ella- blifhed, but as the blood of an ordinary mem flied for his crimes, which is not facred, but common and unholy , nay, in their eftimation, not of fo much ufe to the glory of God as the blood of beafts in legal facrifices, which is the height of impiety, Thofe by whom the efficacy of his blood for the expiation of fin, by making fatisfac- tion and atonement, is denied, will never be able to free themfelves from making it in fome fenfe a common thmg ; yea, the contempt which has been call on the blood of Chrifl: by that fort of men, will not be expiated with any other facrifice for ever. But as Chr'ifi h precious to them who believe, (I. Pet. i. 19.) fo is his Hood alfo, where- with they are redeemed. — (Ev w 7^yioi(T9)]) wherewith he vjuas fanciified ; it is not real or internal fan£tification that is here intended, but a feparaiion and dedication to God, in which fcnfe the word is often ufed, and all the dif- putes concerning the total and final apoftacy from faith and real fatisfaftion, from this place, are altogether vain. The chief difficulty of this text is, concerning whom thefe words are fpoken? The defign of the apoftle in the con-, text leads plainly to Chriji himfelf, who was dedicated to God, to be an eternal High Priefl, by the blood of the covenant. VER.i8,fl9- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 75 covenant. This thefe daring apoftates efleemed an un- holy thing, fuch as would have no efFed to confecrate him unto God and his mediatorial office. § 6. A farther aggravation of this fin is taken froni its oppofition to the fpirit of Chrift ; (xgci to vrvivixoc tt}^ %a^nog svxjfo^LO-ocg] and hath done defpite unto the Spirit of grace. There are two parts of this aggravation ; the firft, taken from the objed of their fins, the Spirit of grace ^ the fecond, taken from the manner of their oppofition to him, they do him dcfpife. This divine perfon, the Holy Spirit, who is God himfelf, and his communication of grace and mercy, was he whom thefe apoftates renoun^ ced under this peculiar notion or confideration, that h^ was peculiarly fent, given, and bellowed, to bear ivitnefi to the perfon, doctrine, death, and facrifice of Chrift, with the confequent glory, [John xvi. 4. I. Pet, i. 12.] But now being wholly fallen off from Chrift and the gof- pel, they openly declared, that there was no teftlmony in them to the truth, but that all thefe things were either diabolical delufions or fanatical mifapprehenfions. Now this proceeding from them who had once themfelves made the fame profefiion with others of their truth and reality, gave the deepeft wound that could be given to the gofpel ; for all the adverfaries of it who had been filenced with the public miraculous teftimonies of the Holy Spirit, now ftrengthened themfelves by the confefiion of thefe apof- tates — that there was nothing in it but pretence ; and who fhould better know than thofe who had been of that fociety ? Hence are they faid to ' do defpite to the Spirit * of grace :' they Injure him as far as they are able. The word includes wrong with contempt. And what greater defpite could be done to him, than to queftion his truth and the veracity of his teftimony ? And if lying to the ' Holy Ghoft is fo great a fin, what is it to make the Holy Ghoft a liar f § 7. * Of how much forer punifhment, fuppofe ye?* which includes that fuch a finner fhall be punfhed, that this Ihall be ?i fore punifiiment, a far greater punifhment, ^hat what was inflicted according to the law, fuch as men 76 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X. fhall be able neither to abide nor to avoid. * Of hoio * much forer V None can declare, none can conceive it, [I. Pet. iv. 17, 18.] But whereas that punifnment v^as death vjithont mercy, wherein could this exceed it ? I an- fwer, becaule that was a temporal death only ; for though fuch finners under the law might perilh eternally, yet that was not by virtue of the conilitution of the JMofaic law, which reached only to temporal punifhments ; but this punilhmcnt is eternal. [See II. Thef. i. 6 — 8. Mark xvi. 16.] The way v/hercby they are made obnoxious to it i.^, that they are {cc^iui^-o-iTOii) counted worthy of it ; they fhall receive neither more nor lefs than their due : the judge in this cafe is God himfelf, as the apoflle de- clares in the next vcrfe ; he alone knows, he alone can juftly determine what fuch apoftates are worthy of; but, in general, that this fjiall unfpeakably exceed that annexed to the tranfgrcllion of the law, is \ch to themfelves to judge, * fuppofc ye.* What do you think in your own hearts will be the judgement of God concerning thefe finncr^i ? This argument the apoflle frequently infifts upon, fas chap. ii. 2 — 4. and xii. 25. j and it had a peculiar cogency towards the Hebrews, who had lived under the terror of thofe legal punifhments ail tiieir days, § 8. (II.) From the whole v/e proceed to obferve, 1. The contempt of God and his authority in his law, is the gall and poifon oi {\\\. 2. When the God of mercies will have rnen fliew no mjrcy, as in temporal punilhments ; he can and will, upon repentance, fliew mercy as to eternal punifhment ; for we dare not condemn all into hell when the law con-» demncd as to temporal punilbment. 3. Though there may be fometimes an appearance of great fevciity in God's judgements againil: fmners, yet When the nature of their fins and their aggravation fhall be difcovered, they will be manifefl to have been righteous and within due meafures. 4. Let us take heed of every negleft of the perfon of Chrifl, and his authority, left we enter into fome degree or other of the guilt of this great offence, 5. The Ver. 28,. 29. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. jj 5. The fins of men can really and aftually reach neither the perfon nor authority of Chrifl ; they only do that in dejire, which in eifect they cannot accompiifh. This doth not extenuate their iin ; the guilt of it is no Icfs than if they did adluaily trample upon the Son of God. 6. Every thing that takes off from an high and glorious «fteem of the blood of Cnrift, as the blood of the cove- ifiant, is a dangerous entrance into apoilacy. 7. There are no fuch curfed pernicious enemies to re- iigion as apoflates. § 9. I. The inevitable certainty of the eternal puni{h- ment of gofpel defpifers depends on the efiential holinefs and righteoufnefs of God, as the ruler and judge of all ; it is nothing but what he in his juil judgement, which is according to truth, accounteth them worthy of, [Rom. i. 32.] 2. It is a righteous thing with God to deal thus with men ; wherefore all hopes of mercy, or the leafl relax- ation of punilhraent to all eternity, are vain as to apof* tates ; they fhall have judgement without mercy. 3. God hath allotted different degrees of punifhment to the different degrees and aggravations of fin. 4. The apoflacy from the gofpel here defcribed, being the abfolute height of all fin and impiety that the nature of man is capable of, renders them eternally obnoxious to punifhment, and the greatefl fin moifl have the greatef^ judgement. 5. It is our duty diligently to inquire into the nature ©f fin, lefl we be overtaken in the great offence. 6. Sinning againfl the teilimony given by the Holy Ghofl to the truth and power of the gofpel, of which men have had experience, is the moft dangerous fymptom ©f a perilhing condition. 7. Threatenings of future eternal judgements on gofpel defpifers belong to the preaching of the gofpel. 8. The equity and righteoufnefs of the moft feverc judgement of God againft gofpel defpifers is fo evident^ that 7? AM EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X^ that it may be referred to the judgement of men them- felves if not totally obilinate in their blindnefs. 9. It is our duty to juilify God and to bear him^ witnefs with refpe£l to the righteoufnefs of his judgemeatis againfl gofpel defpifers. Verses 30^ 31. fOR WE KNOW HIM ThAT HATH SAID, VENGEANCE BELONGETH UNTO ME, I WILL RECOMPENSE, .SAITH THE LORD. AND AGAIN, THE LORD SHALL JUDOS HIS PEOPLE. IT IS A ^^EARFUL THING TO FALI, IN THE HANDS OF THE LIVING GOD. § I. (I.) Expojition. ^he fevcrlty before mentioned fupported hy facrcd tejiimonies. § 2. Vengeance belongs to God. § 3. God the fupreme judge. § 4. Hence the awful danger of falling under this difpleajure, § 5, 6. (II.) Obfervations, § I. x\S if the apoflle had faid, in the fevere fentence we have denounced againll apofiates, we have fpokcn no- thing but what is fuitable to the holinefs of God, and what indeed in fuch cafes he hath declared he will do^ The conjun£lion (yj^p) for, denotes the introdu^ion of a teafon of what was fpoken before, but more particularly fhe reference he had made to their own judgements of what fore punifhment was due to apoftates ; if you would be fully convinced of the righteoufnefs and certainty of this dreadful de{lru6lion of apoftates, confider, in the firft place, the author of it, the only judge in the cafe ; ' we ♦ know him that hath faid,' what God fpeaks [Deut. xxxii^ 55, 36.] concerning his memieSf and the enemies of his people in covenant with him, is applicable to that peopfe ftfelf when they abfolutely break and rejeft the covenant; for thefe, upon their apoilacy, come into the place of the inoft Ver.30>3i- epistle TO THE HEBREWS. 79 moll curfed enemies of God and his faithful people ; and therefore God will be to theniy what he was to the worfl of his adverfaries ; for fliall he not a£l in the like manner towards them who murdered the Lord Jefus, and per- fecuted all his followers ? § 2. This^^y? tejiimony in the original is (cz:Vti>i C3pj h) to me vengeance and recompcnce, which the apoflle renders by {zvhy^og jjLio-OaTfo^oa-ici) a juji recompence^ to the fame pur- pofe. Recompence is the a£lual exercife of vengeance ; (hKYiy SKSiKfjCTis) vengeance, is the a£lual execution of judgement on linners, according to their defert, without mitigation of mercy ; it is an a£l of judgement, and wherever mention is made of it, God is ftill propofed as a judge \ it being a J74/i retribution, according to the juft demerit of lin. This vengeance God appropriateth to himfelf, in a peculiar manner, as that v;hich in its full latitude, no creature hath any intereil in ; [fee Pfal. xciv. I, 2.] for it refpefts ov\\j Jin in its own formal nature^ as an offence againfl God ; although he hath in magiilrates allowed the infliftion of punifhments on offenders to an- fwer the proper ends of government, and to promote the peace of the world ; yet as to vengeance, as it denotes giving fatisfa£lion to ourfelves in the punifliment of others, it is forbidden to all perfons, both public and private. God in executing vengeance gives fatisfadtion to his own infinite hoUnefs and righteoufnefs, which makes it holy and jufl ; wherefore the formal reafon of the appropriation of all vengeance unto God, is, that he alone can judge and punifh in his own cafe, and to his own fatisfadion. ' He * hath made ail things for himfelf, and the wicked for * the day of evil ;' in this appropriation of vengeance unto God there is fuppofed and included, that indeed there is vengeance with him, which in due time he will execute ; * I will repay, faith God ;' He doth oftentimes exercife great patience and forbearance, even then when vengeance might juftly be expedled ; * how long doll thou not * avenge our blood V This commonly adds to the fecurity of wicked men, and they learn to defpife the threatenings of all the divine judgements which thev have deferved ; Vol. IY. M ' . [H. 8o AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. %• [IT. Pet. iii. 3 — 7. Ecclef. viii. 11.] they are ready to conclude, that either vengeance doth not belong to God, or that It ihall be executed when and where they are not concerned ; but a determined time is fixed for the execu- tion of deferved vengeance ; hence he calls it ' the year * of vengeance, and the day of recompence \ fo hear, * I will recompence, faith the Lord.' § 3. The fecond teftlmony, taken from the fame place, is of the fame import with this ; ' The Lord fliall judge * his people.' Id Deuteronomy [chap, xxxii. 36.] it is applied to fuch a judgement of them as tends to their deliverance ; but the general truth of the words is, that God is the fupreme judge, he is judge himfelf; [Pfal. i. 6.] this the apollle makes ufe of, concluding that the righte- oufnefs of God, as the fupremc judge of all, obligeth him to this fevere deftrudion of apollates ; for * fliall not ' the judge of all the world do right r' Shall not he who is judge, in a peculiar manner, of thofe that profefs themfelves to be his people, punifh them for their ini- quities, efpecially fuch as break oft all covenant rela- tion. ^4. * It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of th.e ^ living God.' Thefc words are both an inference from thofe immcdiatelv toregoing and a rtcapitulcition of all he had fpoken to \.\n-> purpofe. Let men look to it, let tiiem look to themfelves, and confider what they do ; * for ' it is a fearful thii]g,' he. In what {^n^c God is called the * living Cod^'' and with rcfpefl to what ends, hath been declared before; [chap. iii. 12. and ix. 14.] In brief, this title is afcribcd to God in oppojition to all dead and dumb idols, and witli refpe£l to his eternal pozutr^ whereby he is able to avenge the fms of pen ; indeed it calls to mind all the other ho!y properties of his nature, which are fuited to imprefs dread and terror on pre- fumptuous finners, whofe punilhment is thence demonr llrated to be unavoidable; the event of finning is (-ll- TTcCTi/v cig yjiciocg) to fall into his hands", which is a com- mon exprelTion with reference to the power of any one over his enemies ; none can be faid to * fall into the ' hands Ver. 30, 31- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 8t * hands of God/ as if they were not before in his power ; therefore it denotes to be obnoxious to his power and judgement, when there \z nothing in God himfelf, no- thing in his word, nothing in the law, nothing in the gofpel, that can be pleaded for the leafl abatement of punilhment. There is no property of God that can be implored ; it is the deflru£lion of the finner alone, whereby they will all be glorified ; {(^•cS-f.oy) a fearful^ dreadful things that which no heart can conceive, nor tongue exprefs ; men are apt to put off all thoughts of it, or to have flight thoughts about it ; but in itfelf how dreadful, terrible, and eternally deflrudive of all their, happinefs, and inflidive of all the evil that our nature is capable of ! Tliis therefore is a paflage of holy writ much to be conlidered, efpecially in thcfc days, wherein men grow cold and carelefs in their profefTion. and are fignali- zed by awful marks of declenlion. § 5. (II.) We may here pbferve, I. There can be no right judgement made of the nature and demerit of fin, without a due confideration of the nature and holinefs of him againil whom it is com- mitted ; nothing, therefore, vrill ilate our thoughts aright concerning the guilt and demerit of fin, but a deep con- fideration of the infinite greatnefs, holinefs, righteoufnefs, and power of God. To which we may add, that God a£i:s not as to the cffeils of thefe properties of his nature, but on a preceding contempt of his bounty, grace, and mercy, as it is impofiible that fin fhould come into the world but by the contempt of thefe things ; for, antece- dently to all poflibility of finning, God communicates the e/fefl-s of his goodnefs and bounty to the creation, and, ia the reference to thofe fins which are againft the gofpel, the effecl of his grace and mercy ; this is that which will give us a due meafure of the guilt and demerit of fin ; look •upon it as a contempt of infinite goodnefs, bounty, grace, and mercy, and as rifing up againft infinite greatnefs^ l^olinefs, righteoufnefs and power, and we fiiall view it as it is. M 2 2. Under 82 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X, 2. Under the apprehenfions of the great feverities of divine judgements, the confideration of God, the author of them, will both relieve our faith and quiet our hearts. We fhall need nothing elfe to give the moft full fatisfaftion to our fouls, than to confider him who hath faid, ' vengeance * is mine, I will repay it.* 3. A due confideration of the nature of God, and that he is judge of all, efpecially of his people, and that en- clofure he hath made of vengeance to himfelf, under an ir- revocable purpofe for its execution, gives indubitable aiTu- rancc of the certain unavoidable deftruflion of all wilful apoflates ; all their fecurity, all their prefumptuous hopes will vanifh before this confideration, as darknefs before the rifing fun. 4. Although thofe who are the peculiar people of God fland in many relations to him that are full of refrefhment and comfort, yet let them conftantly remember that he is the holy and righteous judge^ even towards his owri people. 5. The knowledge of God in fome good meafure, both as to what he is in himfelf, and what he hath takea on himfelf to do, is necelTary to render either his pro- mifes or threatenings efFeftual to the minds of men. § 6. I. There is an apprehenfion of the terror of the Lord in the final judgement, which is of great ufe to the fouls of men, [II. Cor. v. 11.] at leafl to them who are not yet irrevocably engaged in the tremendous efFeft of it. 2. When there is nothing left but the expectation of judgement, its fore-apprehenlion will be filled with dread and terror. * It is a fearful thing.' 3. The dread of the final judgement where there fhall be no mixture of eafe, is altogether inexpreflible. 4. That man is lofl for ever who hath nothing In God that he can appeal to ; nothing in the law or gofpel which he can plead for himfelf ; and this is the flate of all wilful apoflates. 5. Thofe properties of God which are the principal Might of believers, the chief objed of their faith, hope, and Ver.32— 34« EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS, $j and truft, are an eternal fpring of dread and terror to all impenitent ilnners ; * the living God.' 6. The glory and honour of the future Hate of blefled- nefs and of mifery are inconceivable, either to believers or to finners. 7. The fear and dread of God, in the defcription of bis wrath, ought continually to be on the hearts qf ^11 who profefs the gofpel. Verses 32^ — 34. 5ut call to remembrance the former days ilf which, after ye were illuminated, ye en- dured a great fight of afflictions ; partly, whilst ye were made a g azing-stock, both by reproaches and afflictions, and partly, whilst ye became companions of them that were so used ; for ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoil- ing of your goods ; knowing in yourselves, that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance. § I. (I.) Expojition ; general dejign and import of the words ^ § 2. 'The former days, what. Their being illuminated^ what, § 3. Their fight of affli^ions, § 4. Reproaches^ § 5. Made a gazing-Jiock, § 6. Became voluntary com^ panions of fufferers. § 7, 8. Their fymphathy with Paul. § 9. Their encouragement for fo doing, § 10, II. (II.) Obfervations, § I. (I.) X HE words in their coherence, intimated in the adverfative (^5) but, have refpeft to the exhortation laid down, ver. 25. All the verfes interpofed contain dehorta^ tioa ti AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X, tron from the evil which they are warned of. {Aya^iM^vw x--cr?i) call to mind ; it is not a bare remembrance, but a calling to mind, fo as to conjlder what fupport they had tinder their fuiferings, what fathfad'ion in them, what dcl'rjcrance from them, that they might not defpond upon the apprpacTi oT^he like evils ; for if we thus call to mind what 'Was the caufe for which we fuiFered, the honour of our fufferings out-balancing all the contempt and re- proaches of the world ; the prcfencc of God enjoyed in them ; and the reward propoled to us ; — our mij:ids will be greatly Hrengthened. § 2. (Tciif vrooJsDov '/juiioocg) the former days ; it is un- certain what days or feaibns the apoflle peculiarly in- tends ; beiides thofe continual hazards they were in from their adverfaries, and the occafional fufferings they were ex- pofed to, they feem to have had fome fpccial fcafon of- pcrfccuilon before the writing of this epiftle ; the firji was in the ftoning of Stephen, when great pcrfecution arofe againll all the church, and extended itfelf to all the churches of Chrid in that nation, wherein our apoille liimfelf was highly concerned, [Ads viii. i. ix. i. xxii. 19. and xxvi. 10, 11.] And there was another on oc- cafion of this holy apoflle himfelf ; for upo;! his laft com- ing to Jerufalem, after his great fucceifes in preaching tlie gofpel among the Gentiles, the whole body of the people was filled with rage and madnefs againfl him and all the other difciples. (JLv aic (pooii(r9r7j3c) in which ye zvcra enlightened, or rather, * ii* which having been enlightened.* The mention of this their illumination, being in the time pajl, manifefts that their enlightening preceded thofe days of their fufferings ; the one following, as it were, imme- diately on the other. This enlightening was that work of God's grace whereby they were [I. Pet. ii. 9.] * called * out of darknefs into his marvellous light ;' the ' light of * the knowledge of God fnining into their hearts.' This fpiritual change was prefcntly followed with davs of afHidion, trouble, and perfccution. In itfelf it is, for the rhofl part, accompanied with joy, delight, real and vigorous adings of faith and love. y.. Pet. i. 8.] Hence, frequent mentioA V£R.32— 34- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 9j: mention is made of the firll love of perfons and churches. And it is ufual with God thus to deal with his people in all ages ; he no fooner calls them to himielf, but he * leads them into the wildernejs ;' he no fooner plants them, but he (hakes them with llorms, that they may be more firmly rooted. And this he doth — to take off their expeftatioyi from this world ; — to try their faith ; — [I. Pet. V. 6, 7.] for the glory and propagation of the gofpel ; — for tlie cxercifc of all graces ; — to breed us up for the military difclpline of Chriil, who is the captain of our falvation. They who pals through their firil trials, are Chrifl's ve- terans for nt\Y attempts. § 3. 'Ye endured a great fight of afflldions \ we render the original word (Troc^yjixc^ooy) affliclions, although, by the particulars afterwards mentioned, it appears the apoftle intended only perfecutions from men ; but the word (7roc9yiiJicc]rx) is properly fufferings ; the fame that the apoflle ufeth to exprefs the fufferings of Chrifl, [chap. ii. 10. and V. 8.] It is a general name for every thing that is hard and afflltl'ive to our nature, from whatever caufe it arifes ; and therefore all the evils, troubles, hardihips, and diilreffes that may befall men on account of their profeffion ; this is what we are called to, and of which we are not to think ftrange. He calls us indeed to ' his * eternal glory ;' but we muft fuff^r with him, if we ex- pe£l to rehm with him. Of thefe afflidions and perfecu- tions they had {7ro?^K7}v uoXviO'iy) a great fight ; a great labour and contention of fpirit. The allufion is taken from their wreftling and fighting in the athletic (com- monly called \\\^Olympic^ games, who contended publickly for viftory, with the glory and honour attending it. Now there v/ere no occafions of life wherein men fo voluntarily engaged themfelves in difficulties and dangers, as in thofe games and drivings for maflery ; in like manner, no man is compelled to enter into the gofpel combat, but they muft make it an adl of their ozvn choice^ but, in order to obtain it, they mull undergo a great ft rife ^ contention and dange- rous contii6t. {^X^!T'z^.zLvci\i) ye endured^ and bore patiently, fo as not to faint or defpond, or turn away from your pro-. feffion ; 86 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X. fefTion i ye came off conquerors, having failed in no point of your conflid. This the apoftle would have tlieni * call to remembrance,' that they might be flrength- ened and encouraged for future engagements. ^ 4. * Partly, whilft ye were made a gazing-ftock, both • by reproaches and affliftions f their fufferings coniilled of reproaches and afflictions ; and as to the manner of fuf- fering, they were made a gazing-Jiock, {Ovsilio-^oig) re- f roaches, are a great aggravation of fufferings to ingenuous minds. The pfalmift, in the perfon of Chrift himfelf, complains, that * reproaches had broken his heart,' [Pfal. Ixix. 20.] There are tivo branches of reproaches ; — -falfe accufations, or charging men with vile and contemptible things, fuch as will expofe them to public fcorn and rage ; — and the contempt that is cait upon what is true, good, and praife worthy ; they reproach them with their faith in Chrifl, their worfliip of him, and their owning his authority ; this in itfelf vi2iS their honour and their crown ; but as it was managed with hatred and blafphemy, as it was confirmed by the common confent of all, as it re- ceived flrength and countenance from their fuffering, vvhersin they were efteemed punifhed for their fins and impieties, it greatly added to their dillrefs. § 5. The manner of their fuffering thefe things was, (^-(Zjr>i^oix.svoi) they were made a ga%ing-flock ; they were brought, as it were, on the public ftage, or theatre, and there cxpofed to all forts of evils ; for when guilty perfons were caft to beads to be devoured, it was in the theatre, where they were made a fpeaacle, or a gazing-flock to the people. But the apoftle limits the fufferings of the Hebrews to reproaches and afiiaions ; they had not yet * yet refifted unto blood ;' fo at Ephefus they drew Gaius and Ariftarchus into the theatre and were there publickly expofcd with an intention to deftroy them ; [A£ls xLx. 29.] fo when men and women were driven or dragged out of thdr meetings into the ftreets, or committed to prifons, [Ads viii. 3.] then were they loaded with all manner of reproaches, ^nd made a gazing-ftock to all ^about thcmi but their caufe and their divine example were Ver. 32— 34- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 87 were fufficient to fupport them on thefe occafions however trying. § 6. The other part of their fufFerings was, that they ' became the compamom of them that were fo ufed ;' they came into a felloivjhip of fuiFerings with them that {'^^oog o(,voc(fl^s(poKLcVCAJv) vjerc fo ufcd, that had their way and courfe of converfation in the world, in that manner. I am rather inclined to regard a double dillribution of things and perfons in the text ; that of things {thJo u.^) partly, in a£lual fuffering, and a participation of the fuf- fering of others ; that of perfons ,{t8]o ^s) and partly, in that only fome of thofe to whom he wrote did ad u ally in their own perfons fufFer the things of which he fpcaks, and the reft of tliem were only companions with them that fuffered ; and fo it generally falls out in the fierceft per- fecutions ; all are not called forth to the fame adiual fufFerings ; fome in the order of Providence, and through the rage of men, are fingled out for trials ; and fome efcape, at leaft for a feafon, and it may be are referved for the fame trials at another time ; \o it may be faid of the whole church, that they endured a great fight of afilic tions, while fome of them were a gazing-fiock, &c. and others of them were companions of them who were fo ufed. {Y^oivcjovoi ysy/ficvjcg) fVhilft ye became companions ; by their common inter eft in the fame caufe for vvhich they fuf- fered, — by their apprehenfion that the fame fufFerings would reach to themfelves, feeing there v/as the fame caufe in them as in othef« ; — by their forroiv, trouble, and compafjion for the fufFering of the members of the fame body and exalted head ; — by all duties of love and afflictions which they difcharged in owning and vifiting of them \ — by the communication of their goods, and outward enjoyments to them, who had fuffered theUofs of their own; fo were they made their ' companions.' § 7. ' For ye had compaflion of me in my bonds.* This he affirms as a proof of what he had fpoken before ; [Kai yoip) for even ye had compallion on me. I have proved before that the apoflle Paul was the author of this Vol. IV. N epiflle, 88 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X. epiftle, and this very paflage is a flrong confirmation of it ; for who elfe could there be, whofe bonds for the gofpel were fo known among the believing Jews, as his own? Hence he ililes himl'elf in particular, [Philem. i.] the prijomy, the bond-man of Chrift, and he gloried in his bonds as his peculiar honour, [Afts xxvi. 29. Ephef. vi, 20. Phil. i. 7. and 12 — 16. Col. iv. 18. 11. Tim. ii. 9.] k is unreafonable to fuppofe that any other is in- tended. — Note^ of what kind our fufFerings fhall be, is at the fovereign difpofal of God ; wherefore let every one of us be content and rejoice in what way foever God fhall be pJeafed to call us to fufFer for the truth of the gofpel, and the glory of his name. § 8. (^'Lvv-7i'ur/](rs^i-^ ye had compajjion ; they fuffered to- icthcr with him therein ; they were not unconcerned in his fuffcrings, as being fatisfied with their own freedom, as is the manner of fome ; no, it is not a heartlefs^ fruitlefs, incfefiual pity that the apoflk intends, but fuch a frame of mind as hath a real concern in the fufFerings of others, and Is operative in fuitablo duties towards their good. He next minds them of their deportrrent under their civn fufFerings ; ' and taok ^joyfully the fpoiling of your * goods.' (Ttt ap%ov]cA)v) their outward fubjiance, and prefent enjoyments ; it is efpecially applied to things of prefent ufc, as the goods of a nian*s houfe, his money, corn or cattle, which are more fubject to rapine and fpoil, than Dthcr real pofTeilions, lands, or inheritances- I'lie way whereby they were deprived of their goods was by ( ccf^TrocyYjv) rapine and fpoil, to fatisfy their rage and malice, in the ruin of the faints of Chrifl The frame of mind in the Hebrews, as to this part of their fuffering, is, that they took their lofTes and fpoils (/^-V^ Z^p^'S") ^'^^^-^ j^O'- Nothing ufually more afrefts tlie minds of men than the fudden fpoiling of their goods, what they have laboured for, what they have ufe tor, what they have provided for tliemfelves and their families. But thcfe Hebrews received this rapine, not only Ver.32— 34- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 89 only patiently and cheerfully, but with a certain peculiar joy- § 9. ' Knowing in yourfelves, that ye have in heaven * a better and enduring fubftance.' Some Greek copies, and ancient tranflatlons, read the words ; {yL)i'jO(Ty.o\/\iq cj apccvoig) * knowing that ye have in heaven ;' and not (cJ/ socvjoig) in yourfelves, I fhall therefore open the words according to both readings. 1. * Knowing that ye have in yourfelves ;' the things which they had loft were their goods, their ' fubflance' as they are called. [Luke xv. 13.] To thefe he oppofeth the fubftance in themfelves, which none could fpoil them of. Such is the peace and joy our Lord Jefus Chrifl gives to his church here below, [John xvi. 22. chap. xiv. 27.] And if the ^ fuhjlance* here intended be that which was in themfelves, in oppoiition to thofe external goods which they were deprived of, then it is that experimental fubftjlence m the fouls of believers, which faith gives to the grace and love of God in Chrift Jefus ; in this fenfe (yivuj(Ty^oPiic) knowings expreffeth an afjurance ariiing from experience, the powerful experience, which faith gave them of it ; [fee Rom. v. i — 5] and this fubllance is (x^psfj ci^a^) better^ incomparably more excellent, than the outward goods that are fabjed to fpoil ; and it is {u^svuTc/yv) abid'ng, that which will not leave them in whom it is, nor can never be taken from them ; * my joy fhall no man take from ' you.' 2. If we follow the ordinary reading, this fubjlance is faid to be in heaven ; there prepared, there laid up, there to be enjoyed ; wherefore, it comprifeth the whole of the future ftate of bleffednefs ; and it is well called * fub- ' fiance,' being all riches, an inheritance, a weight of glory ; for, in comparifon of it, all temporary things have no fubfiance in them. Again, they are faid (-'XiTy) to have this fubfiance not in prefent pofTcffion, but in right, title, and evidence ; they knew in themfelves that they had an undeniable title to It — becaufe it is prepared for them In the will, pleafure, and grace of God ; * it is your Father's good pleafure to N 2 * give 90 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X, * give you the kingdom ;' — becaufe it is purchafed for them by the blood of Chfift ; — promifed to them in the gofpcl ; — fecured for them in the interceffion of Chrift ; granted to them in the firft fruits ;— and all this con- iirmed to them by the oath of God ; the firfl fruits they had in poficffion and ufe, the whole in right and title ; arid continual application of it was made to their fouls by the hope which will not make afhamed. How this fubftance is better than outward enjoyments, and abiding, needs not to be explained, they are things in themfelves fo plain and evident. § lo. (II.) The following ihort obfervations may be here made, 1. A wife management of former experience is a great direction and encouragement to future obedience. 2. All men by nature are darknefs, and in darknefs. 3. Saving illumination is the firfl fruit of effedtual vocation. 4. Spiritual light in its firfb communication puts the foul on the diligent exercife of all graces. 5. It is fuited to the wifdom and goodnefs of God ta fuffer perfons on their firll converfation to fall into mani- fold trials and temptations. 6. All temporary fufFerings, in all their aggravating circum fiances, in their mofl dreadful preparations and appearances, are but light things in comparifon of the gofpel and its precious promifes. 7. There is nothing in the whole nature or circura- Hances of temporary fufferings, that we can claim an ex- emption from, after we have undertaken the profeflion. of the gofpel. 8. It is referved to the fovereign pleafure of God, to meafure out to all profefTors of the gofpel their fpecial lot and portion of trials and fuiferings fo as that none ought to complain, none envy one another. § II. I. Faith giving an experience of the excellency of the love of God in Chrifl, and of the grace received thereby, with its incomparable preference above, all out- ward pcriihing tilings, \<\\\ give joy and fatisfa^lion in the Ver.35»36- epistle TO THE HEBREWS. 91 the lofs of them all, on account of an interefl in thefc better ^things. 2. It is the glory of the gofpel that it will, from a fenfe of an interelt in it, afford fatisfaftion and joy in the worft of fufFering for it. 3. It is our duty to take care that we be not furprifed with outward fufFerings, when we are in the dark as to our interefl in thefe things. 4. Internal evidences of the beginnings of glory, In divine grace ; a fenfe of God's love, and affured pledges of our adoption, will afford infeparable joy under the greatefl outward fufFerings. 5. It is our prefent and eternal interefl to preferve our evidences for heaven clear and unflained, fo that we may ' know in ourfelves' our right and title to it. 6. There is a Jubjlance in fpiritual and eternal things, whereto faith gives a fubfiflence in the fouls of believers. [See chap. xi. i.] 7. There is no rule of proportion between eternal and temporal things ; hence the enjoyment of the one will give joy in the lofs of the other. Verse 35, 36. cast not away therefore your confidence, -which hath great recompence of reward ; for ye have need of patience; that after ye have done the will of god, ye might receive the promise., § I. (I.) Connexion and expojition of the words. Not to cajl away confidence^ what. § 2. 'The matter of it, § 3. The . fcafon of continuing the duty. § 4. (II.) Obfervations, § I. (I.) JLN tliefe two verfes there is both an inference from the former argument, and a confirmation of it ; the inference ^» AN EXPOSITION OF THE ChaI'. X- inference is plain j feeing yo'J have fufFered fo many things in your perfons and goods, iec'rg God by the power of his grace hath carried you through with fatisfaftion and joy, do not now defpond. The confirmation lies in ver. a6; — that which he exhorts them to is the prefervation and continuance of their (TiOipp'/jo-Kzv) confidence, as to in- vincible conftancy of mind, and boldnefs in profelling the gofpel, in the face of all difficulties, through a truft in God, and a valuation of the eternal reward. This confidence which hath been of fuch ufe to them, they are exhorted (^^/i c^7roj3aX'/i]c) not to caji away ; he doth not fay, leave it not, ferego it not ; but * cafl it not * away ;' for where any graces have been ilirred up to their due exercife, and have had fuccefs, they will not fail, nor be loft, without fome pofitive a^ of the mind in reje£ling them. When faith, on any occafion, is im- paired and infnared, this confidence will not abide ; and io foon as we begin to fail in our confidence, it will refiecl weaknefs on faith itfelf ; and hence it appears how great is the evil here dehorted from, and what a certain cntcrance it will prove into apoflacy itfelf if not feafon- ably prevented. § 2. What the apoftle, as to the matter of it, here calk a ' recompencc of reward,' he in the next verfe^ from the formal caufe of it, calls the promije, that promifc Avhich we receive after we have done the will of God ; wherefore, what is here intended is the glory of heaven, propofed as a reward by way of recompence to them that overcome in their fufferings for the gofpel. A free gift of God, for the * wages of fin is death, but the gift of * God is eternal life through Jefus Chrift our Lord.' They are as fure in divine promifes as in our own pro- felfion ; and although they are yet future, faith gives them a prefent fubfiftence in the foul, as to their power and efhcacy, * for ye have need of (viro^ovr^q) patience.^ a bear- ing of evils with quietnefs and complacency of mind, without raging» fretting, defpondency, or inclination to compliance with undue ways of deliverance : ' In pati- * ence poffefs your fouls ;* confidence will engage men in troubles Ver. 35, 36. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 9^ trouble and difficulties in a way of duty; but if patience take not up the work, and carry it on, confidence will flag and fail. [See chap. vi. 11, 12.] Patience is the perfedling grace of fufFering Chriflians, [Jam. i. 4. This, faith the apoflle, ' you have need of.* He fpeaks not abfolutely of the grace itfelf, as though they had it not, but of its continual exercife in their condi- tion ; and the necejjity here intimated is grounded on thefe two fuppofitions ; — That thofe who profefs the gof- pel in lincerity fhall ordinarily meet with trials on the account of that profeflion ; and — that without the con- ilant exercife of patience, noae can pafs through them to the glory of God, and their own advantage in obtain- ing the promife of eternal life. Patience is not a mere endurance of trouble, but is, indeed.^ the due exercife of all graces under fufFerings ; nor can any grace be a£ted in that condition where patience is wanting: it is there- fore indifpenfably neceflary for this condition. § 3. * That after ye have done the will of God.*" There is no difcharge from this duty until we have done the will of God. The will of God is twofold ; — the will of his purpofe and good pleafure, the eternal aft of his counfel, which is accompanied with infinite wifdom concerning all things which fhall come to pafs ; and — the will of his command prefenting to us a required duty. And both thefe fenfes, I judge, are included in this place. What is meant here by the * promife' is evident from the context ; even all the promifes of grace and mercy in the covenant which they had already received. God had not only given them the pr^m'ifes of thefe things, but he had given them the good things themfehes, as to their de- grees and the meafures of their enjoyment in this world. And as to the promife of eternal life and glory, they had received that alfo, and did mix it with faith ; but the thing itfelf promifed they had not received. This different notion of the promifes, the apoftle declares, chap. xi. 17, 39. as we {hall fee, God willing. §4. ^4 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.X* ^ 4. (II.) From the whole obferve the following things : 1. In times of fufFering, and in the approaches of them, it is the duty of believers to look on the glory of heaven under the notion of a refrefliing, all-fufficient reward. 2. He that would abide faithful in difficult feafons, muft fortify his foul with an unconquerable patience. 3. The glory of heaven is an abundant recompence for all we undergo in our way towards it. 4. Believers ought to fuflain themfelves in their fuf- ferings with the promife of future glory. 5. The future blelTednefs is given us by promife, and is therefore free and undeferved. 6. The consideration of eternal life, as the free effeft of divine gr?xe, and as propofed in a gracious promife, is a thoufand times more full of fpiritual refrefliment to a believer, than if he fhould conceive of it as a reward propofed to our own doings or merits. Verses 37- v)V FOR YET A LITTLE WHILE, AND HE TilAT SHALL COME, WILL COME, AND NOT TARRY. NOW THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH; BUT IF ANY MAN DRAW BACK, MY SOUL SHALL HAVE NO PLEASURE IN HIM. BUT WE ARE NOT OF THEM WHO DRAW BACK UNTO PERDITION, BUT OF THEM THAT BE- LIEVE TO THE SAVING OF THE SOUL. § I. Introdun'ion. § 2. (I.) Expo_/ition of the words. He that "jjas to come., Chr'ift. § 3. The jiiji H'oing by faith § 4. The contrary charaiUr, § 5. The fejitence denounced aga'inji VfiR.'s;— 39' EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 95 again/} apojlacy. § 6. T^he apojili s charitable conclujion concerning the Hebrews. § 7 — lO. (II.) Obfervations, § I. X HE fubftance of the apoJioTical exhortation^ as hath been often obferved, is to infpire the Hebrews with conflancy in their profeffion againfl perfecutions and temptations. To this end he commends to them the necelTary ufe of confidence and patience \ and in thefe verfes, he makes a tranfiilm to the confideration t^^ faith itfelf, whereunto he refolves tlie whole confideration to conllancy. § 2. (I.) ' For yet a little while, and he that fhall * come will come, and will not tarry.' It might arife ia the minds of thefe Hebrews, that it was a long time for them to be exercifed with thefe troubles, and they might begin to fear they fhould be worn out by them. To en** courage them againfl the influence of this temptation, the apoflle accommodates a teflimony out of the pro- phet Habbakuk, which leads him direflly to the con- sideration of the power and efficacy oi faith ^ [Heb. ii. 3, 4.] * For the vifion is yet for an appointed time, but * at the end it fhall fpeak, and not lie ; though it tarry, * wait for it, becaufe it fhall furely come, it will not « tarry. Behold, his foul which is lifted up, is not up- * right in him, but the jull fhall live by his faith.' He fpeaks of a ' vifion,' that is, a prophetical vifion of good things, v/hich God would efFe£l in due time ; and there is the fame reafon, in general, of all the promifes of God. ' 7'hough It tarry^ faith he, that is, feem to you to do fo ; for believers are apt, under their fuffer- ings, to regard the feeming delays of the accomplifhment of divine promifes, of long continuance; (as wicked men and fcoffers, on the contrary, hsrden themfelves in their fins and impieties on the fame account of God's threatenings, IL Pet. iii. 3, 4-) but, faith he, * It will * not tarry^ that is, although it feem to you to do fo, and are deje£led about it, yet there is an appointed time for it, and in itfelf no long time, beyond which it fhall Vol. IY, O not 96 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X» not be deferred one moment, [Ifa. Ix, 2 2. II. Pet. iii.] 'J'bis whole feiife the apoftle coiiiprifeth in this fhort verfe, — (Mikpov) a little /pace ; though it feem to tarry^ wait for it, it will come after a Jhort /pace of time, as if he had faid, *' My brethren faint not, be not weary nor difcouragcd, keep up confidence and patience, you know what you expeft, which will be an abundant re- compence to you for all your fuffcrings; and what- ever appearances there may be of its tarrying, what- ever it may feem to you, yet if you have but a prof- peft into eternity, be it what it will, it is but a very little zi'bile.'" — * He that fhall come will come, and will * not tarry.' What the prophet fpake of the vijion he faw, the apoftle applies to the perfon of Chrift:, (o c^y^o^3>oc) he that JJjall come ; for this term is fre- <^uently ufed as a pcriphrafis of him. Once it is ufed to cxprefs his eternity, [Rev. i. 8.] but generally it hath Tcfped to the promife of him; yet, after he was come in the fielh, he was to come again on a double account. 1. In the power of his Spirit, and the exercife of his royal authority ; the aiiiftance of his Spirit, with his miraculous operations with the minifters of the gofpel, was an illuftrious advent of Chrift, not in his own per- fon, but in that of his reprefentative, whom he promifed to fend in his ftead. He was to come in the exercife of his royal authority* for the puniflinient and deftru£lion of his ftubborn and inveterate adverfaries ; and thus, in refpe£l of his ene- mies, Chrift is ftill * he thai is to come,' and as fuch, is to be believed in, and his comi/ig prayed for by all the faints i for he is to deftroy ' the man of fm,' the head ot the apoftacy, by the brightnefs of his coming. 2. Chnft is {o i^yjlJiC-'^cg) he who is to come; with re- fpcft to his comi?ig tiT Judgement at the laft day : this is known and confelTcJ, and the bufmefs of his coming therein is the prayer of the whole church, [Rev. xxii. 20.] To every ftate of the church there is a coming of Chrijl fuited and accommodated to their condition, whereby their faith is kept in continual exercife of de- fires Ver.37— 39- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 97 iires after it. This was the life cf faith under the Old Teftament, as to his comuig in the flefli, until it was accompliilied. This filthy after his refurre£lion, they lived by, though but for a fhort feafon, until he came in the power of his Spirit, and his miraculous opera- tions, to convince the world of fin, righteoufnefs, and judgment. Nor do I underftand how the jufl can live by faith, without a continual expectation of the coming 4f Chrifi, in a way fuited to the fiiiferings and delive- rance of his church. All the faints have exercifed faitli in this word, that it was but a little while, and he that Ihall come, will come ; and the cafe is the fame v/ith thofe who fufter under the antichriitian spoftacy. They live by faith in the expeftation of that coming of Chrift^ wherewith the man of fin fhall be confumed; and al- though it feem to tarry, they wait for it: this is the faith and patience of the faints. Wherefore the end for which this coming of Chrifl is propofed to the church, being the fupport and en- couragement of their fouls to faith and patience, a re- fpe£l muft be had to fuch a coming, as is fuited to their relief in their prefent ftate and condition ; and this, to thefe Hebrews, was then (/// \liv^oov Itov ocrovj yet a little while, in a literal fenfe. It is accommodated to all other ftates of the church, and the confideration of the com- ing of Ghrift, at the laft day, to the final and eternal judgement, ought not to be omitted. § 3. ' Now the jult Ihall live by faith ;' the Greek particle (Si) which we render * now,'' is taken for (i) the Hebrew prefix, which is oftentimes exceptive (invi) and in the prophet the exprefFion is plain, becaufe it .followeth the defcription of the contrary frame to what is here afTerted, ' whofe heart is lifted up.' But the Greek particle (h) hath the force of an exceptive only in rc^ fpe6: to the difficulty fuppofed in the cafe under con- iideration, the fufferings and temptations of profellbrs, and the appearance of delay as to their deliverance out of ■them. * But,' faith the apoflle, notwithftanding thefe -things, ' the jufl fliall Hve by faith,' (0 hii.cciog)a juft O 2t perfm. 9S AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X. per/on, a man really made juft, or juftified by faith. Yet what is principally here intended, is that qualifica" tion of a righteous man, which is oppofed to pride and hajtc of fp'irit through unbelief, whereon men draw back from God in the profeffion of the gofpel. The jujl man^ he who is humble, meek, fmcere, fubdued to the will of God, waiting for his pleafure, as all juftified perfons are in their feveral degrees — -Jh all live \ for he is free from the principle of pride and unbelief, which ruins the fouls of men in times of trial. — * Shall live by faith,' (s}t 7n(fJ3U)c) by faith, may be joined with (o ImccLog) the jufi, and fo exprefs the inflrumental caufe whereby a man becomes to be jujh Or it may denote the way whereby a juft man perfeveres even to Ife, in his profelTion ; and this fenfe I embrace, becaufe it is an entrance into the demonftration of the mighty things which have been done and fuffered through faith by believers. Whatever difficulties and oppofitions a juft man meets with in the way to life eternal, faith will carry him through them with fafety and fuccefs. * He lliall live;' tfe in both the principal fenfes of it is here intended: — he fhall not die from his profelTion , he fhall not perifh as trees plucked up from the roots, twice dead ; he fliali main- tain a fpiritual life, the life of God, as the pfalmifl fpeaks, * I fhall not die but live, and declare the loving * kindnefs of the Lord.' — And, finally, he fhall live, attain the promife of eternal life ; or, as in the next verfe, ' believe to the faving of the foul.' § 4. In the latter part of the verfe there is a defcrip- tion of others, on a fuppofition of the contrary flatc and event. In the former the perfon is righteous^ the way of his a£li ng is by faith, and the event is life ; * he • fhall live.' On the other hand, there is a fuppofi- tion made of a perfon not fo qualified, not fo a£ling, not fo living, not having the fame fuccefs, but contrary in all thefe things. Wherefore, they do greatly deceive themfelves and others, who fuppofe it is the fame perfon who is thuf fpokcn of, and countenance themfelves by the defe£t of tlie pronoun (r/g-) any one, which is natu- rally Ver.37— 39- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 99 rally and necelTarily fupplied in our tranflation. Where- fore, in the next verfe, the apoftle makes an exprefs diflinftion concerning whom he fpeaks in the two ftates ; the one, {v7rc(r]oXr,g) of perdition; the other, {7ri(flsujg) of faith. Of the latter he had fpoken in the firft words, and of the fo^rmer in thefe ; I Ihall therefore retain the fupplement, * If any man, or any one^ draw back,' * if * there be in any an evil heart of unbelief in departing * from the living God.' There is an appearance of a great change in the words of the prophet. For * his foul^ which in the prophet is referred to the perfons offending, is by the apoftle re- ferred to God who is offended. But it is enough that the apoftle gives us the plain general fenfe ; and indeed he feldom keeps to the proper words of the teftimonies he quotes, but always gives the mind of the Holy Ghoft iii them. {T7rc(f]siX"/i]a.i) draw hack; the word in the pro- phet denotes the caufe of the fin intended. The original of all defeftion from the gofpel is a ftnful elation of heart, not fubmitting to, not acquiefcing in the will of God, not fatisfied with the condition of temporal fufFer- ings on the account of the eternal reward. When men are under the power of this evil frame of heart, they will draw back, fubdu£l themfelves out of that ftate and condition wherein they are expofed to thefe inconvenien- ces; ' If any marC who makes a profeflion of faith in Chrift and the gofpel, ' withdraw himfelf from that pro- feflion, and communion with them who periift faithful in it, ' my heart fhall not/ &c. This is the evil which the great defign of the whole epiftle is to obviate and prevent. § 5. The fentence denounced againft this fin Is, * my foul fhall have no pleafure in him/ The foul of God is God himfelf ; but he fo fpeaks of himfelf, to affe6t us with a due apprehenfion of his concern in what he fo fpeaks, as we are affefled with what our fouls and minds, and all our affections, are engaged in. So God promifes to the church, that he will rejoice over them with his whole heart, and with his whole foul. He hath no de- light .,ed AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.X* Tight in fucli a perfoii, he is not pkafcd with him, h^ fliall not live before him. There is a mclofis \\\ the words, he will abhor him, dcfpife him, and in the end utterly dcjhoy him. All apollates have feme pretence for what they do, wherewith they jullify themfelves, until their iniquity be found out to be hateful. Wherefore to <}eprive them of this pretence, the apoille declares, ' that * the foul of God takes no pleafure in them,' in which all pofitive evils are included. For when God doth jiot delight in any perfon, the confequence is, that he will utterly deflroy them. [See Jerem. xv. i.] § 6. * But we are not of them who draw back unto * perdition ; we are not (uttoct] oXvjg sig anruoT^iav) ofwith-^ drawing, that is, of them who withdraw or draw back unto perdition. No fmall numbers there were who, everi then, were falling into apofiacy. This wdiole band of rovers, though in profeflion harneiTed like the children of Ephraim, turned their backs in the day of battle: th« event of this defc£lion was defiruftion. Gradual decays and declenhons there may be among true believers, from which they may be recovered ; but thofe here intended, are fuch as fall into eternal ruin, as appears from the an- tithe (is y wherein it is oppofed to the '' Javing of the 'foui: ' But of them who believe to the faving of the foul.* What is ajjerted of thefe believing Hebrews is, that they belonged to another Jiate which had another event. But ■we are (ttio^ ioog) of faith, of that which is effedual (sig ^2pi7roiy,crp -^V'Xj'^k) ^o the faving of the faul. Both here, and in the former claufe, not only the event but th© a^ual influence of apoftacy on the one hand to deftruc^ tion, and of faith on the other to the faving of the foul, is intended ; as the prepolition (j/c) intimates. § 7. (II.) From the words and expofition let us ob- fcrvc : I. The delay of the accompliflimcnt of promifes is a great exercife of faith and patience ; hence are all the exhortations not to faint in ouf minds. VfiR.37— 39- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS, lot 2. It Is efTentlal to the profitable exerclfe of faith, when we look for Chrift's appearance, that it be afted on the prom'ife of his coming. 3. There is a proniife of the coming of Chrlft fuited to the flate and condition of the church in all yges. 4. The appearing delay of the accomplifiiment of an]f of thefe promifes requires an exercife of the faith and patience of the faints. 5. Every fuch coming of Chrift hath its appointed, feafon, beyond which it fhall not tarry. 6. This divine difpofal of things renders necelTary the continual exercife of faith, prayer, and patience, about tlie coming of Chrifl. 7. Although we may not know the fpedal difpenfatlons of time that are palling over us, yet all believers may know the ftate, in general, of that church in which thej^ are, and what coming of Chr'ijl they are to expe EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 103 CHAPTER XL Verse i, how faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. § I . The apoftles great argument recapitulated^ His prefent dejign. § 2. His definition of faith. § 3, 4. (L) The fubjiance of things hoped for, § 5. (IL) The evidence of things not feen. § 6. (IIL) Obfervations. § 7. Great ohje^ions are apt to lie againfi invifible things when cx^ lernally revealed. § 8, 9. Remaining obfervations, § I. X HE general nature of this epiflle, as hortatory y hath been repeatedly noticed ; and the apollle — having evidently declared from the fcripture itfelf that the ftate of the gofpel church in its high prieft, facrifice, covenant, worfhip, privileges and efficacy, is incomparably to be preferred above that of the Old Teftament ; yea, that all the excellency and glory of that Hate, and all that belonged to it, confifted only in the reprefentation that was made thereby of the greater glory of Chrijl and the gofpel, with- out which they were of no ufe, and therefore pernicious to be perfifled in ; — having fixed their minds in the truth, and armed them againft the temptations which they were continually expofed to, the oppoftion which befel them, and the perfecutions they were like to undergo from the obftinate members of the Jewifh church ; — having hinted, at the clofe of the la ft chapter, that the only way and means on their part, whereby they may be kept conftant to their profeffion, notwithftanding all the evils that might befall them, is by faith alone ; — being thus deli- vered from temptations by the doHrine of truths and from the oppofition made to them by faith in exercife ; — the apoftle, I fay, proceeds to fhew what this faith is, and, Vol. IV. P produces 104 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XL produces abundant evidence to prove that it is able to efFeft this great work of preferving men in the profellion of the truth, under bloody and dellru6live perfecutions. This being the delign of the apoflle, the milling of it liath caufed fundry contefts about the nature of jujiify'ing faith^ which is here not at all fpoken to ; for the apoftle treats not oi jujlificatlon^ or oi faith as jujiifying, but of its efficacy and operation in thaii who are jiift'ified^ with re- fpeft to conllancy and perfeverance in their profellion, notwithilanding the difficulties which they have to con- flidl with ; as it is treated of Jam. ii. And here, before we defcend to a particular difcuflion, we may remark, that it is faith aloiie, which, from the beginning of the world, under all difpenfations of divine grace, and all alterations in the church ftate and worfhip, h.es \t joyful hx them and vitlorious over them. (3.) It gives an afjnrance hereby of the greatnefs and glory of the eternal reward, which is the greatefl encou- ragement to conftancy in believing, [I. Pet. iv. 12, 13.] § 9. Ohf, It is faith alone that takes behevers out oi this world whilfl they are in it, that exalts them above it whilfl they are under its rage ; that enables them to live upon things future and invifible, giving fuch a real fubfiftence to their power, and vidorious evidence of their reality and truth, in themfelves, as fecures them from fainting under all oppofitioiis, temptations, and perfecu- tions whatever. Vexse lie AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.XI. VtRSE 2. FOR BY IT THE ELDERS OBTAINED A GOOD REPORT. § I. Connection of the ivords, § 2. The elders, who. § 3. The tcfi'imony given them. § 4. Obtained by faith, § c. Obfervat'ions. § I. X HE efficacy of this faith the apoflle now proceeds to prove by the fignal and illullrious effetls it hath had \\\ thofe of old who were the fubjeds of it. * For by it the * elders,' &c. The coiijundlive particle [yoc^j) for, intro- duces a proof, by way of inilance, of what was before aflerted ; as if the apollle had faid, * The nature and ' efficacy of faith is fach as I have defcribed ; for by it the * elders,' he. This thev could no way have done, but by that faith whereof thefe are the properties. Note, in- fiances, or examples, are the mofl powerful confirmations of practical truths. § 2. Who thefe ('z^ro-o-Qvl-pot) elders were, is put be- yond all difpute by the enfuing difcourfe. AD true be- lievers from the foundation of the v/orld, or the giving of the tiril promife, to the end of the difpenfation of the Old Teffamcnr, are intended ; for in all forts of them he givctli particular inftances, from Abel to thofe who fuf- fcred tlie lall perfecution that the Jewifli church under- went/or religion, [ver. 36 — 38.] What befell them af- terwards w^s judgement and punifhment for fm, not per- fecution for religion ; all thefe, by one general name, he calleth * the elders.' Thus was it conftantly with all be^ lievers, from the beginning of the world called the elders^ as having lived before us in ancient times. § 3. {KijiCi[lvp->py,o'a',) tejtimony was given to them m the fcripture ; to many of them in particular, and to the reft in the general rules of it. It is the Holy Spirit in the fcripture, who gives them \\\?iX good tefiimony, and to whom the Ver.4; epistle to the HEBREWS. in the apoftle appeals for the proof of his aiTertion. From, the vjorld things were othervvife with them, none fo de- famed, fo reproached, fo reviled, as they. If they had received fuch a good report in the world, their example would not have been of ufs to the apoftle's defign ; for he applies it to them who were made a ' gazing-ltock, both ' by reproaches and afflictions,' [chap. x. -^-t,, 34. J as it had been with majiy of them who yet obtained this tefli- mony. ' They had trials of cruel mockings,' &c. [ver. 36, 37.] NotCy They who have a good tellimony from God, ihall never want reproaches from the world. § 4. What was fo teflified of them by ti;e Holy Ghofl is, that t\\ty pleafcd God^ or were accepted with him, and conftituted rigliteous, [ver. 4 — 6, &c.] (ivo^J/ji) ^J' ^^ their faith\ through t'.eir believing they ' obtained tnis report.' Many great and excellent things, fome heroic a6fions, fome deep fuiferings, are afcribed to them ; but their obtaining this tcitimony is affigned \o faith alone ; for thofe yNtr:t fruits of their faith, and their acceptance with God depended thereon. ^ 5. Hence we may obferve, 1. It is faith aloncy which from the beginning of the world, (or from tae giving of the £rll: promife) was the means and way of obtaiiiing acceptance with God, There hath been great varietv as to the revealed ohje^ls of this faith, but the faith itfelf is of the fame nature and kind in ail from firft to daft ; and all the promifes of God, as branches of the firfl promife, are in general the forinal obje£t of it; that is, Chrifl in them, w^ithout faith 111 whom none have found acceptance with God. 2. The faith of true believers, from the beginning of the-wor-ld, was fixed on things future, hoped for ^ and in- i^lfible ; that is, eternal life and glory in an efpecial man- ner : that was the faith whereby they * obtained a good * report, as the apoftle here teftifies. So vain is the ima- gination of them who affirm, that all ihe promifes under the Old Teftament refpecled only things temporal ; fo making the whole church to have been Sadducees : the contrary is here expreflly affirmed. Vol. IV. Ci, 3. That ti± AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XT. 3. That faith whereby men pleafe God, a£ls itfeif in a fixed contemplation of things future and invifible, from whence it derives encouragement and flrength to abide lirm in their profefTion, and endure to the end, againft all op- pofitions. To which we may add, 4. That however men may be defpifed, vilified, and reproached in the world, yet if they are true believers, tliey are accepted with God, and he will give them a good Verse 3. 'through faith we understand that the worliu' were framed by the w^ord of god, so that things which are seen were not made op things which do appear. § I. Connexion mid dcfign. §2. Taith^-vjhen fpoken of asr the tnjlrumental caufe, includes its ohje^. Is fuperior^ and fometimes contrary^ to the boafled principles of reafon ; and give a clear undcrjianding of fails in their true caufes. § 3, 4. ^he making of the worlds y how an ohje£l of faith* \ 5, Obfervatious, § I . X H E apoflle now enters on the confirmation and exemplification of his propofition by inftances ; firfl, from gn efpecial objctl of faith, and then proceeds to the agings of it in believers. In this firll inflance of the power and efficacy of faith, the apoftle hath refpeft to the fecond claufe of his general defcriptlon of it, the evidence of things Tiot fccn ; for although this world, and the things con- tained in it, are "jifible^ and are here faid to hcfeen^ yet the original framing and making of them hath a principal place among things not fesn. And to prove that faith hath Ver. 3- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 113 liath a refpe£l to unfeen things, as unfeen, he gives an in- ilaiice in that which was fo long paft as the creation of the world ; all his other inftances declare its efficacy in the profped of unfeen things that 2S^ future, § 2. * By faith we underfland.' V^\\trt faith is fpokeii of as the Inflrumental caufe of any thing, it always includes its ohje£l as the principal caufe of the fame things. So where it is faid, that we are ' jufliiied hy faith ^ it includes Chrift and his righteoufnefs as the principal caufe of our juflification ; faith being only the inftrument whereby we apprehend it : and here, where it is faid, that ' by faith' we underftand that the worlds were framed, it neceflarily includes its ohje^y the divine revelation that is made thereof in the word of God ; for there is no other way for faith to give us an underflanding of it. The apoflle here lays a good foundation of all his fol- lowing aflertions ; for if by faith we are affbred of the creation of the world out of mthhig^ which is contrary to the moft received principle of natural reafon, (ex nihilo v'lh'il fit) nothing comes of nothing, it will bear us out in the belief of other things that feem impoilible to reafon, if fo be they are inconteftably revealed. In particular, faith well fixed on the original of all things as made out of nothing, will bear us out in the belief of the refurreftion of our bodies, which the apollle takes notice of with re- fpedl to fome of his worthies. ' By faith we M?iderfiand\ that is, by faith we not only affent to the divine revelation of it, but alfo come to have a due comprehenfion of it in its caufes, fo as that we may be faid to underjland it : wherefore * underflanding' here is not oppofed only to an utter ignorance, but alfo to that dark and confufed appreheniion of the creation of the world, which fome by the light of reafon attained to. § 3. (T^$- ex^iocvug Kcclyiflia-^c^i) that the worlds wer0 framed. The word always denotes the ordering, difpofing, fitting, perfe£ling, or adorning of what is produced ; the reducing of all created things into that b.eautifnl order whicli we behold ; and the apoule hath an efpecial refpeft %Q the things that are feen, as they are orderly, beautiful, 0,2 au^ 114 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.XX, and glorious, fetting forth the glory of their Maker [Pfal, viii. 2, 3. XIX. I, 2. Rom. i. 21.] fo it is faid, that * God by his Spirit gar?ii/^ed the heavens,' [Job xxvi. 13.] that is, call tuem into that carious, glorious frame vvliich we behold ; and the apoille hath ia this word rcfpeft to Gen. ii. I. (iVd'i) ' The heavens and the earth, and all the • iiofl: of tliem were finljhed^ -perfctledy and completely framed. yk'>,iMa'i Q^ii) by the vjord cf God \ the inefrable facility of almigiity power ; he ipako the word and it was made ; he commanded, and it ftoud fait. And furely it is alike eafy unto him to difpofe of all things that are made \ and fo faitli, as to the difpofal of all things by divine Pro- vidence, in times of gre^it difficulties, and infeparable ob- Hacles, is fccured by the con{\dtx?X\o\\ o^ the eafy produ^lion of all things out of nothing by the fame power ; how eafy is it with God to help, relieve, and deliver them by changing, if neceJary, the nature of all thefe things at his plcafure, who by his word, through an almighty facility, erefted and pcrfeCled the worlds ! And this coniideration doth God himfelF frequently propofe for the confirmation of the faith of the church, in all her troubles, [Ifa. xL 28. xhv. 24- xlv. 12. li. 13.] 4. * So the things which are ^een, were not made of * things which do appear; — (T« j3Ks7rGiJ.iva,) things which are feen ; wliich are tlie objefts of our fenfes, and our rea- fon working by them ; thefe afj^eftable heavens^ with all their glorious luminaries; the earthy with all its furniture and ornaments ; the fea^ with all its fullnefs ; their great- nefs, their glory, their order, and their ufe, with which the minds of men ought to be affefted. Of thefe things it is affirmed, that they were not made (f;c (\j(yAVoiJ.?j(jcv) of things that do appear ; which feems to be a negation of any pre-exifting natural caufe ; the word ((poi,iyoiJi:ycc) imports, things that appear clearly, illufrioufy^ in their fhape and order. The underflanding of this we have hy faith alone from divine revelation ; for nothing of the order of creating can be known or underliood any other way ; and this the apoftle intimates in the particles. •Ver. 3« EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 115 (sig TO, i. e. CAj(f]c) fo that ; by faith alone we underftand that the worUs were made, fo as ' that the things which * are fecn were not made of things that appear.' § 5. Hence we may obferve, 1. Thofe who firmly alTent to divine revelation, un- derftand the creation of the world as to its truth, feafon, caufe, manner and end ; it was never determined among the ancient fages of the world, the pretended priefts of the myilerics of reafon ; fome faid one thing, and fome another ; fome faid it had a beginning, fome faid it had none, and fome affigned it fach a beginning, as it had better never had any ; nothing but an alfent to divine re- velation can give us a clear underjland'ing of it. And, 2. Then doth faith put forth its power in our minds in a due manner, when it gives us clear and diltind ap* preheniions of the things believed ; faith that gives not -under ft anding is but fancy. 3. As God's firft work was perfefl, fo all his works fhall be ; he undertakes nothing, but what he will finifh and complete in beauty and order ; and not only the ori- ginal produ6lion of all things out of nothing, but alfo t\\Q framing of them into their prefent order, is a demon- Uration of this eternal power of God. 4. The aids of reafon, with the due confideration of the nature, ufe, and end of all things, ought to be admitted for confirming our minds in the perfuafion of the original creation of all things ; yet they are not to be refted in, but we mud betake ourfelves to faith fixed on divine revela- tion ; for if they are alone^ they will be fhaken with a contrary maxim, (ex nihilo nihil fit) of nothing nothing comes ; and they can give us no light into the way and manner of the creation of all things, which faith alone difcovers. Verse iii AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI Verse 4. by faith abel offered unto god a more ex- cellent sacrifice than cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, cod testifying of his gifts ; and by it he being dead yet speaketh. ^ I. Coymcriion. § 2, 3. (I.) Expojztlon. § 4. AheVs facnficc better than Cains, § 5. The teji'imony given it § 6. How he yet fpcakcth, § 7, 8. (II.) Objcvvatimu, § I . Jr^ R O M the nature of faith in general, and its efficacy with rcfpcd to things beheved, the apoflle pro- ceeds to give inftances of its power and efficacy in far- txcular perfons^ whole example in believing he propofeth to the Hebrews for their encouragement ; and he begins with Abel ; the firft whofe faith is expreflly recorded, and the firft that fufFered in the caufe of Chrift, by ihedding his blood, which the Hebrews had not yet experienced ; wherefore on all accounts this was the meetell inftance to begin with. § 2. (I.) * By faith Abel^^ who without example, without any outward encouragement, without any witnefs of his fufferings to tranfmit them to others, but God alone, was the firft in the world that fuffered death in the caufe of Chrift and his worfliip, and that even from his own brother, who joined with him in the outward a£ls of divine worfhip ; which is an example of the two churches, the fufferings and the pcrfccuting to the end of the world j and this hath made him famous in all generations ; which, as ciiRYsosTOM thinks, is intended in the clofe of the words, [i\L XcOkil\c/a) he is yet fpokcn efy that is, with fame and renown. Note, Every circumftance in fuffering fhal! add to the glory of the fufferer ; and thofe who fufFer .here for Chrift wthmu witnefs^ as many have done to death iu V£R. 4." EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. iij ill prifons and dungeons, have yet an all-feeing witnefs to give them teilimony in due feafon. * The righteous fhail * be had in everlafting reraemberance ;' and nothing that is done or fufFercd for God fhall be loft for ever. § 3. 'By faith Abel offered unto God.* The original account is more particular ; (Gen. iv. 3 — 5. xTi^ia^n ypn) after the expiration of fome time, or days ; after he and Cain were fettled in their diftin^l callings, (ver. 3.) they had been until then under the inftru£lion of their parents ; but now being fixed in their own pecuhar flations and callings, they made their diftinft folemn profeffion of the worfhip of God ; which is the fenfe of the place, thougti not obferved by expofitors. The matter of his offering was the fo-Ji lings of his flock, and of the fat thereof; it was of living creatures, and therefore was made by ma^iation^ or the fhedding of blood ; whence the apoflle calls it (9va-i(z) a facrifice by ma£lation ; — it was of the beft \ it was an hohcauft, wherein after the blood was fhed on the altar, and offered unto God, the fat was burned on the altar, and the whole body at a diftance from it ; therefore it appears, that Abel's was, as to the matter of it, both ia itfelf, and in God's efteem, of the moft precious and xaluable things in the whole creation, fubjeft to man and his ufe ; and even hence it may be called [ivK-iova, 9va-to& TTOCpcc Kuiv) a more excellent facrifice than that of Cain^ which was only of the fruit of the ground that might be gathered (raptimj without choice gf what was moft meet to be offered. And he offered this facrifice unto God^ (tw 0.-60, nirr^V ver. 3,) this was, from the firft inftitution of it, the higheft and moft peculiar way of paying homage to the Divine Being ; for to whomfoever facrifice is offered, he is owned as God ; and therefore when tlie Gentiles faerie ficed to the devils, as they did, [I. Cor. x. 20.] they owned him thereby as the ♦ God of the world,' [II. Cor. iv. 4.] He offered it (ttktJ-i) by faith. Now faith herein refpe£ls ; — the injlitution of the worftiip ; and — the heart ev^iind of the worshippers. He did it by faith, becaufe he had ti« AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xt had rcfpefl in what he did to God's injtitutlon, which coii-» lifts of a command and a promife ; had he himl'clf invented the fcrvice, he could not have performed it in faith^ which in its very nature refpefts a divine coniniand and a promife ; again, he did it in faith ^ in that he did it in the exercife of faving faith in God ; for he did it not hypo- critically, nor in a mere attendance to the outward duty ; - but it was kindled in his own heart by the Holy Spirit, before it was fired on the altar from heaven. § 4. * A better facrifice than Cain ;' a choicer^ a more excellent facrifice {r.cit^a, Y^aiv) than Cain ; we obferved before, that as to the matter of it, it was better^ more valu* able and precious than that of Cain ; but this is not a fufiicient caufe of afcribing fuch an excellency and pre- ference to it, as that, on account of it, Abel fhould ob- tain fuch acceptance with God, and receive a teftimony from him ; beiides, the delign of the apoiile is to declare the efficacy and prcvalency oi faith, and not of any fpecial kind of facrifices ; wherefore, {Vl rig) for which, or whereby^ in the next words, is to be referred to {7n(f]ci) faith, and not to (Sva-ia-j) facrifice ; this difference therefore was from his faith ; and two things depended thereon ; — that his per [on was juftificd in the light of God antecedently to bis facrifice ; and, — that on account thereof his facrifice was acceptable, as is commonly obferved from the order of the words ; * the Lord had refpeft unto Abel and his * offering ;' but yet it is not fo evident where the great difference lay ; for Cain alfo, no doubt, brought his offer- ing in faith ; for he believed the being of God, his om- nipotent power in the creation of the world, as alfo his government of it with rewards and punifhments ; for all this he prof [Jed in the facred offering that he brought unto the Lord i wherefore it is certain that the faith of Abel and Cain differed — in their objefis, and — in their -fpecial nature and ails. I. Cain confidered God only as a creator and pre- ferver, whereon he offered the fruits of the earth, as an acknowledgement that all thcfe things were made, pre- ferved, and bellowed on man by him i but he had no re- gard Ver.4. epistle to THE HEBREWS. 119 gard to fin^ or the way of deliverance from it revealed in the firft promife ; but the faith of Abel was fixed on God, not only as a creator, but as a redeemer alfo ; as he who, in infinite wifdom and grace, had appointed the way of redemption by facrifice and atonement intimated in the lirfl promife ; wherefore, his faith was accompanied with a fenfe of fin and guilt, with his loll condition by the fall, and a trufl in the way of redemption and recovery which God had provided ; which he teftifled in the kind of his facrifice, which was by death and hlood ; in t!ie one^ owning the death which he himfelf by reafon of f.n was obnoxious to ; and in the other^ the way of atonement, which v/as to be hlood — the blood of the promifed feed. 2. They differed in \\it\v fpeclal nature and a£ls ; for the faith of Abel was faving, juilifying, a principle of holy obedience, an eifeft of the Holy Spirit in his mind and heart ; but that of Cain was a naked barren ajpnt to the truths before mentioned, which is ufually defcribed under the nam.e of a common and temporary faith ; which is evident from the event, in that God never accepted his perfon, nor his offering. And thefe are the things that flill make the hidden difference between the profefTors of the fame faith and worfnip in general, whereof God alone is the judge, ap- proving fome and rejeding others ; fo from the founda- tion of the world the church was fignally warned, that the mere performance of the outward duties of divine wor- Ihip is not the rule of the acceptance of men's perfons with God ; but a diflincfion is made from the inzvard principle whence thofe duties proceed ; yet the world wiii not receive a warning to this very day. Nothing is an higher provocation to carnal minds, than that tliQ fame duties fliouid be accepted in fome, and rejected in others, only becaufe the per/ens of the one, and not of the other, are accepted. Many have no greater quarrel at religion, than that God had refpeft to Abel and his offerings, and not to Cain and his. § 5. The firfh confequent of this faith in Abel is, that (S/ Vjg) hy which \ that is, by which /^///;, {liLc^.'^-oo'/pr^) he Vol. IV. R ' ' was «30 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XL ivas tcjiififd iinio ; be obtained witnefs ; even from God himfcif. And this was fo famous in the church, that he feems to be commonly called by that name, ' the righteous * Jbal,'' [Mat. xxiii. 35. j — A tcjlimony is virtually con- tained ; ' God (faith he) tcftifying of his gifts ;' refer- ring to thefj words in Moies, ' The Lord had refpecl * unto Abel and his offering :' he tejiified, in the appro- bation ot" his offering, that he had refpedl to his perfon ; ^ that is, he judged, elieemed and accounted him righteous ;- for otherwife God is no refpeder of perfons ; whomfoever God accepts, or refpeds, he teftifieth him to be righteous, that is, to be juftified and freely accepted with him: this Abel was by faith antecedently to his offering ; for he was not made righteous, he was not juftified, by hh facrificc \ but therein ' fliewed his faith by his works ;' and God by- accepting his works of obedience, juflified him (as he did Abraham) by works declaratlvely ; he declared him to be fo, by giving teftimony to his gifts. By what way God gave this teftimony is not expreiTed ; moil fuppofe that it was by cauling/";-^ to fall from heaven to kindle and confume his facrince on the altar ;' certain it is, that it was by fome ofjured token and pledge, whereby his own faith was ftrengthened, and Cain provoked ; for God did that with refpe£l to him and his offering, which he did not tov;ards Cain and his ; whereby both of them knew how things ftood between God and them. As Efau knew that Jacob had gotten the blefling, which made him refolvc to kill him ; fo Cain knew that Abel and his offering were accepted with Qod.^ whereon he atlualh fiew him. And here we have the prototype of the Relieving and perfccuting church in all ages ; of them thnt arc bom after the Spirit, and thofe that are born after the flelh only. Then that began which the apoftle afiirms ftill to continue ; ' He that was born after the * flefli perfccuted him that was born after the Spirit'; even * fo it is now.' [Gal. Iv. 29.] This was the firft vifible a6\ing of the enmity between the feed of the woman, and the feed of the fcrpent ; for ' Cain was of the wicked oncy * (the feed of the fcrpent) and flew his brother,' [I. John 111 Ver.4.- epistle to THE HEBREWS, 121 iii. 12.] and it was a pledge and a reprefentation cf the death of Chrifc h*mfelf from the fame principle. § 6. And {^i cc'S]rig) hy it (faith) he being dead yet fpeaketh; the original word (A^AiTri;/./) being of a middle form, may be rendered either he fpeaketh^ or he is fpoken of; and accordingly is varioufly interpreted ; for fome take it fo: the good fame that Abel had in all gene- rations ; but it is not according to the mind of the apoftle; for it is evident that he afcribes fomething peculiar to Abel, wherein others were not to be joined with him, but this of a good report is not fo ; but common to him with Noah, Abraham, and all the patriarchs ; they were fpoken of, and their praife celebrated in the church, no lefs than Abel. The apoflle plainly proceeds in repre- fenting the fhory concerning him, and what fell oat after his death, as expreiTed by God himfelf, [Gen. iv. 10.] ' The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from * the ground;' this is the fpeaking of Abel after his death, which is here inter^ied, and this was peculiar to him ; it is not affirmed of any one belides in fcripture. Belides, the apoftle interprets himfelf, [Heb. xii. 24.] where he dire£lly afcribes this [peaking to the ' blood of ' Abel. And from this hrft inilance, the apoille hath mightily confirmed his intention concerning the power and efficacy of faith, enabling men, with bleifed fuc- cefs, to do and fuffer according to the mind of God ; and tliis example was of great force to convince the Hebrews, that if, indeed, they were true believers, as he fuppofed them to be, [Heb. x. '^<^''\ faith would fafely carry them through all the difficulties they had to contlict with in their profeffion, to the glory of God, and their own eternal falvation. § 7. (II.) Hence we may learn, 1 . We are to ferve God with the beft we have ; the bed in our pov/er; v.'ith the beft of our fpiritual abi- lities. 2. God approves not our duties, but where the prin- ciple of a living faith goes previoufly in their perform- ance. R 2 3. Our 12% AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. 3. Our peffons mull be firft juflified, before our works of obedience can be accepted with God jjfor by that ac- ceptance he teflifies that we are righteous. 4. Thofe whom God approves, mull expe£l that the world will difapprove of them, and ruin them if it can. |. When there is difference in the hearts of men, on account of faith, there will, for the moll part, be un- avoidable differences about outward worlhip. 6. God's approbation is an abundant recompence for the lofs of our very lives. § 8. I. There is a voice in all innocent blood flied by violence; Ibr there is an appeal in it from the injullice and cruelty of men, to God the righteous judge of all; and, of all cries, God gives the rnoll open evidence that he hears it, and admits of the appeal. Hence moll murders committed fccretly are difcovered, and moll of thofe that are openly perpetrated, are, fooner or later, openly revenged by God himfelf ; for his honour and glory are concerned to appear on the appeal made to his juHice by innocent blood. Wherefore this voice, this /peaking of blood, arifeth from the eternal law which God hath given mankind for the prefervation of life from violence, the fupreme confervation and guaranty of which he hath taken on himfelf, [Gen. ix. 5, 6.] — To which we may add, 2. Whatever troubles j/^i//?? may bring us to, in the profejfion of it, with obedience according to the mind of God, it will at lafl bring us fafely out of them all, (yea though we fnould die in the caufe) to our eternal falvation and honour. Ver se Ver.^. epistle to the HEBREWS. 123 Verse 5. by faith enoch was translated, that he should not see death, and was not found, because god had translated him ; for before his translation, he had this testimony, that he pleased god. § I, Introdudlon, § 2. (I.) Expofitlon, Enoch tranjlated by faith. § 3. His not feeing death. § 4. His not being found. § 5. Becaufe God took him, § 6. IVhy afcribed to faith. § 7. Probable conj enures, § 8. How witnejfed to before his tranflation. § 9. (II.) Obfer- vations, § I. JrllS fecond inflance is Enoch ; for he is the fecond man to whom tefimony is perfonally and peculiarly- given that he pleafed God, and was accepted with him. This venerable patriarch was not only eminent for faith andhoUnefs, [Gen. v. 2 2, 24 ] but alfo for what he pro-- phefied, [Judc, ver. 14, 15.] It is probable that all the holy fathers before the flood were prophets and preachers, [II. Pet. ii. 5.] in whofe miniftry the Spirit of God firove with the men, which at the flood he put an end to, [Gen. vi. 3.] Yea, Chriil by his Spirit, which was in his fervants, [I. Pet. i. 11.] preached repentance to them, before they were caft into their eternal prifon, [I. Pet. iii. 19.] and thefe feem to have had a different miniftry for the declaration of the whole counfel of God. Noah was a ' preacher of right eoufnefs' one who emi- nently propofed the righteoufnefs of God through the promife, to encourage men to faith and repentance ; he was, as we may fay, emphatically a gofpel preacher. - And Enoch preached the * thrcatenings of the law,' the future judgement, with the vengeance that would be taken on ungodly linners, efpecially fcofFers and perfecutors, which 124. AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.XL wliich Is the lubflance of his prophecy or fermon re- corded in the epiille of Jude. § 2. (I.) 'By faith E»och was tranflated,' (^fls]c9'/)) iranflatcd out of one Hate and condition into another. There are but two ilates of good men, fuch as Enoch was, from lirft to lafl: : 1 . The ftate of faith and obedience in this worlds where Enoch hved three hundred years, and walked with God. To ' walk with God,' is to lead the hfe of faith in covenant obedience to hirn (-j^nnn) and he walked -, the fame word whereby God prefcribeth covenant obedi- ence to Abraham, (oaV ^'pnn') [Gen. xvii. i.] The word in both places, in the fame conjugation Hithpacl, figni- lies a continued walk up and down, every way ; and fo to walk with God is, in all our ways, aftions, and duties, to have a continual regard to God, by faith in his word, dcpendance on his grace, and fabmiffion to his will. 2. The ftate of hlcjjcdncfs in the enjoyment of God. "Ko other ftate of good men is once intimated in fcripture,, or coniifient witii God's covenant ; wherefore Enoch being tranfiatcd from the one, was immediately injlatcd in the other, as Elijah crfterwards ; his body was made in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, incorrupt, fpiritual, immortal, meet for the bleffed habitation above. If any fhould alk why was Enoch not joined with Elijah, (who was afterwards in' like manner tranflatedj at his appearance with the Lord Chrift, in his trans- fig:iration, rather than Mofes who died P [Mat. xvii. 3.] I would anfwer, it feems agreeable to the mind of God, that — the difcourfe which they then had with the Lord Jefus Chrift, being about the * accomplilhment ' of the law in his death' — Mofes, who was the law- giver, and Elijah, the moft zealous defender of it, fliould be rather employed in that fervice, than Enoch, who was !.-.t ''^o concerned. § 3. (To ^x>; ioiLV Ocyy^cTjov) that he Jljould mt fee death ; or this was the effefi of it, that he Ihould not die. IDeatb being the great objedl ot' fenfible conlideralion, it is expreffed by words or fetfe ; feeing it, tnflng it, an4 the I Vhr. 5, £PISTLE TO T-KE HEBREWS. 125 the like. And two things are intended : — that this trd.n(i^tion W2LS wltboMt death, ^ or not by death : and,— ^ he was £reed from death by e??iineni favour. The great daw-giver put in an exception to the general fan£tion of the law. ' that all iinners fhould die.' Death being in its own nature penal, as alfo defiru£live of our prefent con- flitution, in the dilTolution of foul and body, an ex^ emption from it w^as a fignal inflance of grace and favour. And this was a divine teflimony, that the body itfelf is alfo capable of eternal life. When all mankind faw that their bodies went into dufl and corruption univer- fally, it was not eafy for them to believe that they were capable of any other condition, but that the grave was to be their eternal habitation, according to the divine fentence on the entrance of fin ; * dull thou art, and * unto dull flialt thou return.' (Gen. iii. 19.) But herein God gave us a pledge and allurance, that the body itfelf hath a capacity of eternal bleflednefs in heaven. But whereas this evidence of a capacity in the body to enjoy eternal life and bleffednefs, w^as confined to fuch never died, it could not be a convincing pledge of the rcfurre^ion of bodies, over which death once had a do- minion ; this therefore was referved for the refurred^ion of Chriih § 4. (Y^ui i^K sv^io-ySjo) and he zuas not found. In the text of Mofes it is only (iJ:'«"i) and he vvas «o/; he went away, and was no more among men. Enoch was the principal patriarch then in the world, being, be- fides, a great preacher and prophet, the eyes of all were upon him. How God took him is not declared ; whether there was any viiible iign of it, as there was in the cafe of Elijah, (II. Kings ii. 11.) is uncertain; but, doubtlefs, upon the difappearing of fo great a per- fon in the world, there was great inquiry after him. [See II. Kings ii. 16, 17.] The apoftle fcems to inti- mate this as if he had faid, * they made great fearch af- ^ ter him, but /;^ was not found.'' § s- 126 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XT. § 5. The reafon was Qioji ixfj^^riKSv avjcv Qccg) lecaufc God had tranjlated him into another Hate and con- dition ; it was an a6t of God hiinfelf, his power and grace ; and when;he did not appear, when ("sy^ sv^KTKflo) he was not founds this was what fatisfied all the godly ; for there was Juch evidence as was fufficient fecurity for their faith, relative to the important facl, although we know not at prefent what it was in particular ; but the ^ apoflle doth not only declare the truth of the thing, but alfo that it was a matter known^ and of ufe to the church in thofe days. ^ 6. This the apoflle afcribes to his faith ; * hy faith * he ivas tranfated \ that is, inllrumentally, in that thereby he was brought into that flate and condition, and fo accepted with God, as that he was capable of fo great a favour. But his being made an inftance of this divine grace, for the edification of the church in all ages, was an ad of fovereignty alone. And this is peculiar, and not unworthy of remark, refpe£ling thefe two firft inflances of the power of faith; that the one was expofed by it to a bloody deaths the other was de- livered by it that he did not die at all. § 7. In the field of conjcdurcs\x{tdi on this occafion, I judge it probable — that his rapture was vifible to many that feared God, who were to be witncjjes of it to the world, that it might be his ordinance for the convi£lion of linners, and the flrengthening of the faith of the church, as alfo an expolition of the firfi promife ; — that it was by the m'lnijiry of angels, like that of Elijah ; — that he vvas carried immediately into heaven itfelf; — that he was made partaker of all the glory which was al- lotted to the heavenly {late, before the afcenfion of Chrifl. I am alfo fully fatisfied, from the prophecy of Enoch recorded by the apoflle Jude, that he had a great contejl with the world about faith, obedience, and the wor- fliip of God, with the certainty of divine vengeance on ungodly finners, and the eternal reward of the righteous. And, as this contejl for God againil the world is exceed- ingly acceptable to him, which he manifeflcd afterwards in Ver, 5- EFISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 127 in his taking Elijah to himfelf, who had difcharged his commifiion with a fiery (but divinely regulated) zeal; fo, in this tranilation of Enoeh upon the like conteft, he ' vilibly judged the caufe on his fide/ confirming his minillry, to the ftrengthening of believers, and the condemnation of the world. Wherefore, although it be a dream, that the witiicjjes mentioned, [Rev. xi. 3^ 5.] are Enoch and Ehas perfonally, yet becaufe their niiniilry is to bear teftimony for God and Chriil againft the world, thereby plaguing and tormenting the men that dwell on the earth, [ver. 10.] as they alfo did, there may be an allufion to them and their miniftry. Where- fore, there are two ways of confirming a miniftry; — by fuffermg, as Abel did, — and by God's vifibly owning them, as he did Enoch : and both thefe ways are to be^ fall the two witneff'es, firil to be fiain, and then taken up into heaven ; firft to fuffer, and then to be exalted. § 8. * For before his tranflation he had this tefli-. * mony, that he pleafed God.' Thefe words are an en- trance into the proof of the apoflie's aflertion, that it was by faith Enoch was tranflated, which he confirms in the next verfe ; he was tranflated by faith^ (tt^o ya^ TTjg u.^cc9-cO-cCA)g) for before that tranflation he had walked with God three hundred years ; but the apofiie doth not fay^ that this was teflified of him before his tranfation, as fig- nifying the time of giving the teftimony ; for it was not given until many generations afterwards ; and yet the teftimony when given him concerned the time before his tranflation, [Gen. v. 2i, 24.]^ — That of ' walking with * God' in Mofes, the apoftle renders by (sv7i^so-j".r^.sya.i tca) @cm) pica/ing God ; for this alone is zveli pleafing to him ; his pleafiire, his delight is in them that fear him, and walk before him ; and thus the apoftle gives us the whole fenfe of the divine teftimony. And we may again remark, that this alfo is peculiar to thefe two firft inftan- ces, that they had an cfpecial teftimony from God, as to the acceptance of them and their fervices ; and in them we have a reprefcntation in epitome of the ftate of the pld world before the flood. There were two forts of Vol. IV. S per- izS: AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. perfons in it, believers and unbelievers ; among thefc there were differences about religion, and the worfliip of God ; fome of them were approved of God, and fomc were not ; hence arofe pcrfecution ; and the wicked, fcoffing, perfecuting world was threatened with predic- tions of judgements, and divine vengeance to come. God, in the mean time, exercifcd patience and long-fuf- fering towards the difobedient, [I. Pet. iii. 20.] yet not without fome inftances of his fpecial favour towards ke* lievers ; and thus it is at this day. ^ 9. (II.) From the above obferve, 1. Whatever be the outward different events of faith m believers in this world, they are all alike accepted with God, and fliall all equally enjoy the eternal inheri- tance. 2. God can and doth put a great difference as to outward things, between fuch as are equally accepted be- - fore him ; Abel fhall die, and Enoch Ihall be taken alive into heaven. 3. There is no fervice fo acceptable to God, fa- voured with pledges of his favour fo lignal, as a due and zealous oppolition to the world in giving witncfs to his ways, his worihip, and his kingdom, or the rule of Chrift over all. And, 4. It is a part of our teftlmony to declare and wit- nef^^that vengeance is prepared for ungodly perfecutors, and all forts of impenitent iinners, however they may- be provoked thereby. 5. The principal part of this teftimony conlifts in our vilible walking with God in holy obedience, accor- ding to the tenor of the covenant, [II. Pet. iii. 1 1 — 14. 6. As it is ar effect of divine Wifdom to difpofe the works of his providence, and the accompiilhment of his promifes, to an ordinary eflablifhed rule declared in his word, which is the guidance of faith ; fo it is fometimes to give extraordinary injlanccsy both in the way of judge- ment, and of grace, 7« Faith Ver. 6. EPISTLE TO THE HEJBREWS. 129 7. Faith in God, through Chrift, hath an efficacy in procuring fuch mercy and favour, in particular, as it hath no particular ground to believe. Enoch was tranflated by faith ; yet he did not believe he Jhould be tranflated until he had a particular revelation of it ; fo there are many particular mercies which hath no word of promife to mix itfelf with; but yet, keeping itfelf within due bounds of truft and reliance on God, and a£ling by patience and prayer, it may be inftrumental in procuring them. 8. They muft walk with God here, who delign to live with him hereafter ; or they mufl pleafe God in this world, who would be blefled with him in another. 9. That faith which can tranilate a man out of this world, can carry us through the difficulties we may meet with in the profeffion of faith and obedience in it. Herein lies the apoflle's argument ; and this latter the Lord Jefus Chrill hath determined to be the lot and portion 6f his difciples, [John xvii. i^.] * I pray not *• thou fliouldeft take them out of the world, but that * thou fhouldeft keep them from the evil.* Verses 6, but without faith it is impossible to please him ; for he that cometh to god must be- lieve that he is, and that he is a rewarder. of them that seek him. § I. (L) 'The apoJiW s argument. § 2. All pleafmg of God is by faith. § 3. Coming to Gody what. § 4. fVhat implied in believing that God is, § 5. ^ rewarder. § 6. (IL) Obfervatlons. § I. (I.) JL HERE being no direft mention made of faith in the teftimony given to Enoch^ but only that by walking with Godj he pleafed him, the apollle in this S 2 verfc 13© AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. verfe proves from thence that it was by faith he pleafed God, and confequently that thereby he obtained his ti^anflation. The ajjertion is, — That Enoch was tranf- lated by faith, whicli appears from his having a divine teflimony that he pleafed God; which he could not have without faith, as is evident from an acknowledged facred maxim, — without taith it is impolTible to pleafe God- — whence the conclufion follows, that if his tranflation was the efFe£l of his pleafng God^ it muil be alfo of his faith. ' Without faith it is impoffible to pleafe God ;' that is, faith is the only way and means whereby any one may pleaje God ; or, all pleafng of God muft be by faith, it being impoffible it fhould be otherwife. The verb (sv(XP3(fl'/](r(zi) is ufed only in this epiflle, in thefe two verfes, and chap. xiii. i6. in the paffive voice, * God is well pleafed.' The adjeftlve (svo:oi(r]og) is ufed frequently, and is conftantly applied to perlbns or things that are accepted with God, [Rom. xii. i, 2.] Three things are included in our pleafing God : — that our per- fons be accepted, — that our duties pleafe, and — that we have a teflimony that we are righteous, or juflified, as Abel and Enoch had, and as all true believers have ia the fcripture. This is that pleafng of God which is ap-, propriated to faith alone ; otherwife there may be many a^s and duties, materially, with which God is pleafed, and which he will reward in this world, without faith ; fo was the deftrudion of the houfe of Ahab hv Jehu. § 2. This pleafing of God is fo * by faith,"* as that without faith it cannot be, {oc^vvccjov) it is impoffible. Many, in all ages, have attempted to pleafe God without faith. Cain began it, for his defign in his offering was to pleafe God; but he did it not by faith, and therefore failed in his defign. And this is the great difference always in the vifible church ; all in their divine worfhip profefs a de- fire and hope to pleafe God, elfe to what purpofe do they fcrve him? But, as our apoflle fpeaks, many of them * feek it not by faith,' but by their own works and du- ties, [Rom. ix. 32.] thofe alone attain their end who feek it by faith, and therefore God frequently rejeds the greatell Ver.6. epistle to the HEBREWS. 131 greateft multiplication of duties where that Is wanting. Wherefore, faith the apoflle, this h ?i fundamental maxim of religion, that — * it is impolfible to pleafe God any ' other way than by faith ;' let men delire, and aim at it as long as they pleafe, they fhall never attain to it, for it is impojjihle, both from a 'divine confiitution^ and from the nature of the thing itfelf, faith being the iirft regular motion of the foul towards God. Neverthelefs, fo deeply rooted is this prejudice in the minds of men, that lome have difputed with God himfelf, as if he dealt not equally and juflly with them when he was not pleafed with their duties, nor themfelves ; and the apprehenfion of this difference keeps up hatred, feuds, and perfecutions in the viiible church ; lays the foundation of fuperfliti- ous worlhip, and occalions innumerable controverlies. Wherefore, unlefs we hold fail this truth, that it is faith alone whereby we -pleafe God, and obtain accep- tance with him, we condemn the generation of the righ- teous from the foundation of the world : and, may we not add, take part with Cain againft Abel ? § 3. ' For he that cometh to God mufl believe that ^ he is ;' (TTPOcn^yjDUzVGv too Q)cOO^ he that cometh to God i this ' coming" denotes an accefs of the perfon to the fa- vour of God, including the particular addrfjcs to him WMth his duties. And that accefs which makes faith fo necelTary, implies a previous fenle of zuant in ourfelves, by a dijiance from God. No man defigns to come to God but for relief, fatisfa£tion, and reft. Now faith alone is the gracious power which takes us off from all confidence in ourfelves, and diie£ls us to look for all in another, in God himfelf; and therefore it muft fee that in God which is fuited to give relief in this condition. Again, there muft be antecedently fome encouragement given to him that will come to God, and that from God himfelf; which can be nothing but his free gracious pro- mife to receive them who come to him by Chrift, grounded on a divine revelation ; which revelation itfelf, in reality, hath in it the nature of a promife ; for the reception of which, faith is indifpenfably neceflary ; this is what the apoftle 1^% AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap* XL- apoflle makes it his defiga to prove in a great part of tlie chapter. § 4. It is the duty of thofe who have this delign of coming to God,. (7rL(fliV(ra>i) to believe \ for this is the only- appointed way of attaining that end ; whence believing itfelf is often called ' coming to God/ or ' coming to * Chrift,' [Ifa. Iv. i. 3. John vi. 37. 44. vii. 37.] the iirll thing to be believed is, (or/ S(f}i) that God is ; the ex- prcffion feems to be elliptical, fomething more being in- tended than the divine being, abfoluteiy ; even as ' his * God,^ The apoille fpeaks not here of any fuch affent to Xh^ truth of the being and exiftence of God as may be attained by reafon, or the light of nature, but that which is the true objedl oi faith \ and it is fuch a believing of the being of God, as gives encQuragement ' to come to * him/ And that apprehenfion which men may have of tlie being of God by the light of nature, and even of his being a rewarder, Cain had, as we have lhewn,.and yet he had no Ihare in that faith whicli the apoftle here requires ; wherefore, it is evident from the context, the circuni- Itance of the fubjeft treated of, and the defign of the apoille, that the objeft of faith here intended is — ^the divine nature with its glorious properties, as engaged, and acting themfelves in a way of giving rell, fatisfadtion, ad bleflednefs to them who come unto him. When we are obhged to believe * that he is^ it is what be propofeth wjien he declareth himfelf by the name, I AM, [Exod. iii. 14.] whereby he did not only iignify his exiftence abfoluteiy, but alio that he Jo ivas, as that he would aftually give exiftence and accomplilhment to all his promjfes to the church ; fo when he revealed himfelf to Abraham by the name of ' Almightv God,* [Gen. xvii. I.] he was not obliged to believe merely his * eternal * power and godhead,' which may be known by the light of nature, [Rom, i. 20.] but ah"o that he would be fo ta him, in exerting his Almighty power on his behalf; whereon he requires of him that he fliould ^ walk before * him and be perfe£l ;' wherefore, the believing that God ii, according to the text, is to believe him as our God in cQvcnanty V£R.6c EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 133 xovenant^ exercifing the holy properties of his nature, i power, wifdom, goodnefs, grace, and the like, in a way \ of givHig reft and bleilednefs to our fouls. For to fup- pofe that the apoftle intends by that faith whereby wc may come to God, and find acceptance with him, no- thing but an afient to the^^m^ of God abfo lut e ly con^idtvtd^ which is aJ together fruitlefs in the generahty of mankind, is a vain notion unfuited to his delign. § 5. * And (ijLia-SecTiro^ojYig yivfjoci) that he is, or will b^ * a reward of them that dihgently feck them ;' that is, he will a£l in all things towards them fuitably to the propofal which he makes of himfelf to faith, when he fays, I AM, or I AM GOD ALMIGHTY, or the like. God is a rewarder to them that feek him, in that he himfelf is thc't reward \ which eternally excludes all thoughts of merit in them that are rewarded ; for who can merit God to be his reward ? Is not this an ad of infinite grace and bounty ? And the propofal of this (O ftupendous reward !) is that alone which gives encouragement to come unto him, and which the apoftle defigns to declare. This farther appears from the limitation : ' them who * diligently feek him ; for (cX^yJ]siv) the word here ufed, argues a peculiar manner o^ feeking, whence we render it diligently feek him. To feek God, implies a rule, guiding us as to the way we are to go, and what wc are to expe6t ; thofe that fought him without fuch a rule, did but flrivc (•^'/l?.cii(p'/ic-SiCiC)/) to feel after him, as men feel after a thing in the dark : when they know neither what it is, nor how to come at it. And what can this rule be, but the rule of God's co- venant with us, and the revelation made of himfelf therein ? Again, this diligent feeking of God is an accefs to him by faith, initial and progreffive, according to the tenor of the covenant of grace in Chrlft Jefus, that we may find favour and acceptance. § 6, (II.) Hence we may ohferve, I. When God hath put an impcffibility upon any thing. It is in vain for men to attempt it ; from tlie davs of Cain multitudes have been defignlng to pleafe God without faith, ,34 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.XI^ faith, all in vain ; like them that would have builded a tower, whofe top lliould reach to heaven. 2. It is of the higheft importance to examine well into the lincerity of our faith, whether it be of the true kind or no ; feeing thereon depends the acceptance of our perfons and our duties. None ever thought that God was to be pleafed without any faith at all ; for the very deiign of pleafing God avows fome kind of faith ; but that fpecial kind of faith whereby we may be juftiiied, they regard not. 3. God himfelf in his feif fufficiency, and all fuflici- cncy, being thereby meet to aft towards poor finners in a way of bounty, is the nrfl motive or encouragement to faith. 4. Thofe who feek God only according to the light of nature^ do but feel after him in the dark, and they fhall never find him fuch a rewarder as here defcribed, what« ever notions they may have of his juflice, rewards, and punifhments. 5. Thofe who feek him according to the law of works ^ and by the beft of their obedience to it, lliali never find him as a rewarder, nor attain what they feek after ; [fee Rom. ix. 31, 32.] 6. It is the moft proper a£l of fiiith to come and cleave to God as a rewarder, by way of grace and bounty^ as propoiing h'lmfef for our Redeemer. 7. That faith is vain, which doth not put men in a- diligent inquiry after God. 8. I'he whole iffue of our finding God when we feek him, depends on our wa^ and rule in fo doing. VERSli Ver. 7' EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 135 VtR SE feV FAITH NOAH BEING WARNED OF GOD OF THINGS NOT SEEN AS YET, MOVED WITH FEAR, PREPARED AN ARK FOR THE SAYING OF HIS HOUSE ; BY WHICH HE CONDEMNED THE WORLD, AND BE- CAME HEIR OF THE RIGHTEOUSNESS WHICH 18 BY FAITH; § I. (I.) Introdunlon. Noah, § 2. Warned of God, § 3. Obeyed, § 4. Prepared an ark. § 5. To the favlng of his houfe. § 6. Condemned the world. § 7. Became of the rlghteoufnefs of faith, § 8, 9. (II.) Qbfervatiom. § I. (I.) iN OAH is the third perfon mentioned in th« fcripture, to whom tejiimony was given in particular that he was righteous ; and therefore the apofile produceth him in the third plaae^ as an inftance of the power and efficacy of faith, declaring alfo wherein his faith wrought, ancj was efFe£lual. — -The application of this example was ex- ceedingly proper and feafonable to thefe Hebrews, who Hood now on their trial of what they would follow and abide by, faith or unbelief ; for here they might fee, as in a glafs, what would be the efFeft of the one, and the other. Noah being defigned of God for a work uncommonly im- portant, to live and a£l at that time wherein God would dejlroy the world for fin, he had his name given him by a Spirit of prophecy. His Father Lamech called him (n'j) Noah, for, faid he (iJDm» m) this fh all comfort us concern- ing our work and toil of our hand, becaufe of the ground which the Lord hath curfed, [Gen. v. 29.] He forefaw that by him, in his days, relief would come from the curfe ; which was done — partly, in the juft deftru£lion of the wicked world ; wherein the earth for a while had reft from its bondage under which it groaned ; [Rom. yiii. 22.] — and partly, that in him the promife of the Vol. IV. T bleiTed 1^6 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. blelfcd feed fliould be preferv^ed, whence proceed all refl and comfort ; as to his Hate and condition antecedent to what is here declared of him ; it is afErmed in his hiftory, that he * found grace in the eyes of the Lord/ [Gen. vi. 8.] and that he was '^w/?, perfect in his generation, and * ivalkcd ivith God,'' [ver. 9.] he was accepted with God, juiliiied, and walked in acceptable obedience, before he was thus divinely warned. As to his employment in the world, he was ' a preacher ' of righteoufnefs,' [II. Pet. ii. 5.] that is, of the righteouf- iiefs of God by faith ; and of righteoufnefs by repentance and obedience among men. There is no doubt but that before, and whilft he was building the ark, he was urgent with mankind in calling them to repentance, by declaring the promifes and threatenings of God ; And, oh I what a bleli'^d {late and employment ! to be a preacher of righte- oufnefs to others, and an heir of righteoufnefs himfelf ! He is faid to be {oydoog, II. Pet. ii. 5.) the eighth perfon ; becaufe he was the head of the eight that were faved, the other feven depending on him, and faved by him ; unlefs we Ihall fuppofe him to be called the eighth preacher of righteoufnefs, that is, from Enofli, when the feparation was firft made between the wicked and the godly, and, wicked nefs increaling, thofe who feared God began pub- lickly to preach repentance. [Gen. iv. 26.] § 2. * Being (xf'7j^txlio-9:-tg} warned of God of thingi * not feen as yet.' The word (xpyj j^cy^j i^ou) properly denotes, to give an anfvjer with authority, by Kings or iVIag ill rates, to ambaifadors or orators ; and paffively is ufed in Icripture for called or named ; but its niore frequent ufe is for a divine wartmigy [Mat. ii. 12 — 22.] and the fubftantive ('■/^oYjiJ.cclio-ixog) is a divine oracle, [Rom. ix. 4.] and it is ufed to exprefs any kind of divine revelation, as by infpiratlon of the Holy Ghofl, [Luke ii. 26.]. by the miftcry of angels, [A6ts x. 22.] by dreams, [Matt. ii. 125 — -22.J or by an immediate voice of God, [Rom. ix. 4.] And this warning of God is no other but that which is recorded, Gen. vi. 13, &c. and there were two parts of it i the iirfl mmatQry, or a declaration of the purpofe of God VER.-7- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. .37 God to deftroy the whole world, [ver. 13-] The fecond dircm-y, Ihewing what he required of him m makmg aa ark, [ver. 14, &c.] accordingly it had a two-fold eiFcft on Noah ; fear from the threatening, and obcdmce in building the ark according to direaion. Both parts of this div.ne warning were of ' thmgs no ' yet feen ;' wherefore it was a pun aa of faah m Noah to believe what he had no evidence for but by divine re- velation ; efpecially confidering, that the thing rev a ed was in itfelf flrange, direful, and to human reafon in- credible. , ^ r tt ^^r-*- rvf & ,. In confequence of this war;»«^ the firft part ot which was a threatening of total deftruaion, faithfu Noah (.vKadn^^,;) w«. moved v.'ith fear ; a ^everentia fear of God's threatenings, and not an anxious, fohcitous fear of the evil threatened. His believing the word of God had this efFea on him ; in the warning gi^en him he confidered the greatnefs, holinefs, and power of God with the vengeance becoming thofe holy P'""?"''" °' "f^ nature which he threatened to bring on the world tl is fear, which arofe from faith, was ufed by the fame faith to ftirhim up to duty; and therefore this reverenUal fear of God is frequently in fcripture ufed for the whole worlhip of God, and all the obedience required ot us ; becaufc it is a continual motive to it, and a means ot a due performance of it. , , > ti,» §V (Y.c?,i^y.iVC^'.y-^^'^loy)' he prepared an ark. Tne preparing of this velTel, or any thing like it, to fwim on the water, was a thing new on the earth, a marvellous work, requiring great labour, expence, and time, com- monly fuppofed an hundred and twenty years ; and a flrange thing, no doubt, it was in the world, to fee a maa with fo great an endeavour building ^Jhip where there was no water near him. During this preparation he con- tinued to preaeh righteoufnefs and repentance to the inha- bitants of the world ; and doubtlefs he let them know in what way they fliould be deftroyed if they did not repent, and which the preparing of an ..^ fo clearly implied : but the inhabitants of the old world were dijokdicnt ; they T 2 ^^^ t3« AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xt did not repent, they did not return to God upon his preaching, [I. Pet. iii. 19, 20.] for which caufe they were not only temporally deftroyed, but fhut up in the everlafiing pr'ifon : and all the time of warning they were fecurcy not being moved with his threatening to the lall hour, [Matt. xxiv. 38,39.] * They knew not until the * flood came and took them away.* N^y, on the con- trary, they v^Qxt fcoff'ers, [II. Peter iii. 3 — 6.] they fcorned and derided Noah both in his preaching and building. § 5. The in^mediate happy efe^ of this faith of Noah, and the fruits oi it in fear and obedience, was * the faving * {th oiKH avjii) of his houfe^ family, or houfehold ; in- cluding hlmfelf, his wife, his three Jons, and their wives -^ that is, fuch as, on the forefight of the flood, they had efpoufed ; for probably they came not together in conjugal duties till after the flood, for they had no child until then, [Gen. X. I.] and the perfons faved were eight only. This family God in fovercign grace and mercy would prcferve, principally to continue the conveyance of the promifed feed, which was to be produced from Adam, [Luke iii. 38.] and which was not, by virtue of the im- mutable counfel of God, liable to an intercellion. And in this faving of the family of Noah by the ark, we have a figure of God's preferving a remnant in all ages, wheri defolating judgements have deftroyed apoftatized churches and nations ; fo the apoftle Peter declares with refpe£t to the vengeance and overwhelming deftru£lion that was coming on the apoftatized church of the Jews, [I. Pet. iii. 21, 22.] * The ark wherein few, that is> eight fouls, * were faved by water ; the like figure whereunto everi * baptifm doth now fave us.' I deny not but that there is a great analogy in general between falvation by the ark and that by baptifm, inafmuch as the one did reprefent and the other doth exhibit Chrift himfelf. But the apoftle had a particular dcfign in this comparifon ; for judgement by an univerfal deftrudion was then coming on the whole church and people of the Jews, but God would fave a few by baptifm, that is, their initiation into gofpel faith and re- pentance, wherein they vitiQ feparated from the perifhing infidels^ Ver. 7. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS, J39 Infidels, and were really and a£lually delivered from the de{tru£lion that befell them, as Noah and his family were in the ark. § 6. (KizJcTip/yc Tov 7CO(TUov) he condemned the world ; not as a judge of it, properly and authoritatively, but as an advocate and a witnefs, by plea and teftimony. He con- demned it by his do£lrine, obedience, example, and faith ; he cleared and juftified God in his threatenings and the execution of them, and therein * condemned the world* as guilty, and jullly deferving the puniihment infli6led on them : he * condemned the world' by calling a weighty aggravation on its guilt, in that he believed and obeyed when they refufed to do fo. It v/as not any thing evil, grievous, or impoffible, that was required of them, but what he gave them an example of in himfelf, which greatly^ aggravated their fin : he * condemned the world* by leaving it utterlv without excufe ; he that takes away the principal plea that a guilty perfon can make in his own defence, may be juftly laid to condemn him ; and this Noah did towards the old world : he left them no pretence that they had not been warned of their lin and approaching ruin ; fo that they had nothing to plead for themfelves why the execution of judgements was refpited for one moment .'—^finally, he * condemned the world' by approving of the vengeance that befell them, though very fevere ; fo fhail the faints judge and condemn fallen angels at the laft day, [I. Cor. vi. 3.] § 7. The laft thing is, ' that he became heir (t>;^ * Kccloc TiKfjiv 6i%ociO(j-vvYig) of the righteoufnefs which is by * faith. ^ What is the righteoufnefs here intended is fully declared by the apollle in all his other writings ; he calls it fometimes the ' righteoufnefs of God* abfolutely ; fome- times * the righteoufnefs of God which is by faith ;' fome- times * the gift of righteoufnefs which is by Chrift ;' fometimes * the righteoufnefs of faith,' or the ' righteouf^ * nefs which is by faith,' as here : in all which our free gratuitous juilification by the righteoufnefs of Chrift im- puted to us through believing is intended. This Noah obtained by faith \ for that in tl:iis faith of the patriarchs no 140 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. no refpc£l was had to Chrift and his righteoufnefs, is fuch a putid tigment, fo deftru£live of the lirit promife and all true faith in the church of eld, fo inconfillent with and contrary to the defign of the apoille, and utterly deftroy- ing the whole force of his argument, that it deferves no coniicleration. The way whereby he obtained this righteoufiiefs is, that (sycvPiO yJkriOOVOu.og) he vjas made the hc'ir of it. Noah was the ' heir of the righteoufncfs which is by faith ;' iii that by free adoption through faith he came to have an intereil in the righteoufnefs which is tendered in the pro- ynifc, whereby it is conveyed to us as an 'inheritance. And whereas it is faid that he ' became' fo, if refpeft be had to his faith in building the ark, the meaning is, that he was theri evidenced and declared to be fo ; as Abraham was faid to be jujtified when he offered Ifaac, who w^is perfonally juftified long before : io alfo was Noah by the tefti- mony of God himfeif, before he was warned to build an ark. ^ 8. (II.) We may from hence make fome ahjerva- iions : 1. It is an high commendation of faith, to believe things on the word of God, though in thcmfelves, and as to ail fecond caufes, invifible, and feemingly impof- fible, [Rom. iv. 17 — 19.] 2. No obftacle can Hand in the way of faith when it fixeth itfelf on the almighty pov^^-er of God and his in- iinite veracity, [Rom. xi. 23. Tit. i, 2.] 3. It is a great encouragement and ftrengthening to faith, when the things believed, as promifed or threatened, .are fuitable to the properties of the divine nature \ righte- oufnefs, holinefs, goodnefs, and the like ; fuch as it be- came God to do, fuch was the dellruction of the worldj when it was filled with wickednefs and violence. 4. We have here a pledge of a certain accomplifhment of all divine threatenings againft ungodly iinners and enemies of the church, though the time of it may be yet faf diftant, aad the means of it inevident, 5- A V£R.7-. EPISTtE TO THE HEBREWS, 141 5. A reverential fear of God, as threatening ven- geance on impenitent linners, is a fruit of faviiig faith, and acceptable to God, [fee chap. iv. i.] 6. It is one thing to fear God, as threatening, with an holy reverence ; another to be afraid of the evil threatened merely as it is penal and de{lru<9:ive \ which the woril of men cannot avoid. 7. Faith produceth various effefls in the minds of be- lievers, according to the variety of objedis fixed on ; fome- times joy and confidence, fometimes fear and reverence. 8. Then is fear a fruit of faith, when it engageth us to diligence in our duty ; thus Noah, being moved by fear, prepared an ark. How commendable his faith ! Nei- ther the difficulty nor length of the work itfelf, nor his want of fuccefs in preaching, as to the repentance of his hearers and their converiion to God, nor the contempt and fcorn which were cafl upon him by the whole world, difcouraged him from going on with the work and duty to which he was divinely called. 9. When the preaching of righteoufnefs lofeth its ef- ficacy in the converiion of linners, it is a token of ap- proaching defolations, [Rev. xviii. 7, 8.] § 9. I. The viiible profefling church fhall never fall into fueh an apbftacy, nor be fo totally deftroyed, but that God will prcfer\ e a remnant for a feed to future genera- tions, [Ifa. vi. II — 13. Rom. ix. 27. Rev. xviii. 4.] 2. Thofe whom God caileth to, fitteth for, and. em- ployeth in any work, are therein {G-vv-cryQi 0.-^) rs- workers with Gcd^ [I. Cor. iii. 9. II. Cor. vi. i.] So as that what God doth himfelf efficiently, is afcribedto them inilrumentally, as working with him and for him. So the preachers of the word fave men, [I. Tim. iv.. 16.] and are faid to ccndemn them. 3. Let thofe who are employed in the declaration of God's promifes and threatenings, take heed to tliem- felves to anfwer the will of him by whom they are em- ployed. It ought to be a motive to exemplary diligence and obedience, that therein we bear teilimony for God againft t4fc AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. IX* againft the impenitent world, which he will judge and punifh, 5. All right to fpiritual privileges and mercies is by gratuitous adoption. 6. The righteoufnefs of faith is the beft inheritance ;• for thereby we become heirs of God, and joint heirs with Chrift. Verse 8. fiy FAltH ABRAHAl^r, WHEN HE WAS CALLED TO COf OUT INTO A PLACE WHICH HE SHOULD AFTER RE- CEIVE FOR AN INHERITANCE, OBEYED ; AND RD WENT our, NOT KNOWIi^G WHITHER HE WENT. § I. Introdu^mt and connection, § 2. (L) Abraham, His call. § 3. Two parts of it. § 4. If here to. § 5. Commendation of his faith, § 6 — 8. (II.} Obfcrva- tlous, § I. X HE apoflle hath now paflbd through the firf! pe- riod of fcripture records — from the beginning of the World to the flood ; and therein hath confidered the examples of all concerning whom it is teftified in parti- cular, that t\\ty pkafed Gody and were accepted with hira in their obedience ; and hath fliewn that they all pleafed God, and were righteous by fmLh\ and their faith was eff'etlual to fccure them in that ftate of divine favour, by enabling them for all duties of obedience, notwithftan- ding the difficulties and oppofitions they met witho Hereby he makes good his defign with refpe£l to thefe Hebrews, viz, to convince them that if they did not perfevere in their profeffion, it was becaufe of their un- beliefs feting true faith would certainly carry them through with conftancy and perfeverance, whatever dif- ficulties they ^ould jneet with. Hence he proceeds to tlie VER.e. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 143 the next period, (extending from the renovation of the worfd in the family of Noah to the giving of the law) to manifefl, that in every Itate of the church the way of pleafing God was one and the fame ; as, alfo, that faith flill retained its efficacy under all economical alte- rations. He who, in this period of time, is firfl teflified unto in the fcripture is Abraham; on whofe example, by reafon of the eminency of his perfon, the relation of the He- brews to him, (deriving from him all their privileges, temporal and fpiritual) the efficacy of his faith, with the various fuccefsful exercifes of it, he declares at large from hence to the end of the eighteenth verfe. § 2. (I.) Defigning to give many and illuftrious in- flances of the power and efficacy of the faith of Abra- ham, the apoftle begins with that which was the begin- ning and foundation of them all, vi%. the call of God and his compliance. True faith a£ls itfelf in obedience to all the commands of God ; this alone is that faith which the apoftle celebrates, and to which he afcribes the great effe£l of pleaiing God. ' By faith Abraham, when he was (^Ka.Knusvog) caU * led, that is, of God, by an immediate word of com- mand from him. He did not leave all his prefent fatis- fadions, and put himfelf on innumerable hazards for the future, merely of his own accord. Had he not a divine call, there had been no fuch work for faith. Where there is no eall from God, there can be no truft in God. Where the call is general, as in our ordinary concerns, fo is our faith in God ; it refigns all circum- llances into his difpol^il ; but this fpeciat call of Abra- ham required a fpecial faith. It is particularly recorded, Gen. xii. i. which took place immeditely after the death of Terah. § 3. Of this call of Abraham there were two parts : —a command, [Q^w. xii, 2.] * Get thee out of thy coun- * try,' &c. and a promife, [ver. 3.] and 1 will make, &c. The promife included a temporal blelling in the multi- plication of his feqd, [ver. 2.] and a fpiritual bleffing Vqj.. IV, U ia 144 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XL in confirming the promifed feed to him and his family, jn whom all the families of the earth were to be bleffed. And it is a thing moil abfurd, and contrary to the whole defign of fcripture, and the difpenfation of the cove- nant, to confine the faith of Abraham to the land of Canaan, and the glory of his poflerity therein. For the life of the promife, on his call, whereby his faith was animated, was in the * bleffing of all the families of the * earth in him/ which was in Chrlfi alone, the prbmifed feed, as all but infidels muft confefs. The apoftle takes notice only of tht firji part of the calls, (>:^Aj^^5vo$- c^riX9.-iv) he was called to go out, fo our tranflation ; or, being called (uttcJ^^j^o^^j/ c|'/?A^i/v) he obeyed to go out, as they lie in the original ; they are both to the fame purpofe. In the latter way, obeyed is imme- diately referred to faith ; in the former going &ut is fo ; his faith wrought by obedience in his goiiig out, [Gen. xii. I.] * Get thee (i? -^ vade tlbl) out of thy country, * and from thy kindred, and from thy father's houfe ;' leave and forfake all thy pleafant, ufeful, defirable things on earth; thefe three things, country, kindred, and fa- ihers houfe, comprife them all. Whereas, therefore, natural affealon and fenfe of ifcfulnefs are the two cords that powerfully bind us to thefe things, the forfaking of them muft needs proceed from fome great caufe and effi- cacious impulfe. This, therefore, commends the faith of Abraham, in the firft place, and evinceth the power- ful efficacy of faith in general -, that under its conduct, in obedience to the call of God, he could relinquifh all thefe things, call their infinuations out of his aiFedions, and break the cords of delight and interefl. § 4. Yet he was not called to forfake this place where he was, and then left to rove and wander up and down -uncertainly ; but was called {nq tov tottov) to a certain place. It fo falls out many times, that men — grown weary by one means or other, (as convictions or affiiaions) of their natural flate, fo as to have a mind to relinquifh it, yet having no difcovery of a better ilate, with reft in pirift by the gofpel-^rove up and down in their minds; Ver. §; EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 145 and afFeftions for a feafon, and then perifh in their wanderings, or return to the place from which they come onU This did not the patriarchs. And he is faid to receive it ; it was given him by way of a free do-, nation ; and fo it is with refpe£t to all good things be- twixt God and us ; he is the free donor of them, we are but paflive recipients. — (E/$" ySk'/ioovo^Locv^ for an inherit tance. To an inheritance there is required right and title^ that a man may be a lawful polTeflbr of it. Now this country was before polTeffed by others, who enjoyed it by a prefcription from its firfl plantation. But God, as the great pofieilbr of heaven and earth, as the fovereiga Lord of all things, transferred their right and title, and vefted it in Abraham. So it is frequently remarked^ ' God gave them this or that land.' § 5. The laft thing in the words is, the commen- dation of Abraham's faith from his unacquaintednefs with the place whither he was to go upon the call of God* He had only faid to him, that he fhould * go into a ' land that he would fhew him.' [Gen. xii.] It fhould feem, indeed, that God had told him from the begin- jfiihg, it was the land of Canaan he deiigned ; for when he lirft left Ur of the Chaldees, he direded his courfe towards Canaan; [Gen. xi. 31.] but yet it is {2Ad.\iQ knoi/^ it not. He did not underftand any thing of the circum^ JIances of it, what in that land he was called to, nor where it was ; fo that it may be well faid, that * he ' went whither he knew not.* The fum is, that he wholly committed himfelf to the power, faithfulnefs> goodnefs, and good condu£l of God, without the leail encouragemei^t from a profpedt of the place whither he was going. All thefe things being put together— what he Was cal- led from, what he was called to, his readinefs in obe- dience, the ground of his whole undertaking, which was tlie call of God, which he received and obeyed by faith ^-— here is not only an eminent inflance of his faith re- corded, but an invincible encouragement given to thofe Hebrevi'S, and to us, that faith is able to carry us U a through j+6 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xl. through all the difficulties of our profeflion, unto the full enjoyment of the promife. This I look upon as a fccond injlance of the faith of Abraham, wherein it was iignally exemplary : he did not only, on the firft call of God, through a view of his greatnefs and fovercign au- thority, forego all he had, but engage himfelf to abfolutc obedience, without any profpe£l what it might coll him ; and is not the fame required of us ? § 6. (II.) Wc may now obferve^ 1. It becomes the infinite greatnefs and all-fatisfac- tory goodnefs of God, at the firft revelation of himfelf unto any of his creatures, to require of them a renun- ciation of all other things, and, their interefts in them, in compliance with his commands. Get thee away from country, friends, relations, and enjoyments, is a com- mand becoming the greatnefs of God. * I am the Lord * thy God,' is the firft word to us ; and the next is, * Thou fhalt have no other gods but me ;' with me, be- fore me, befides me ; nothing to be in my place, in comparifon of me, in competition with me ; forfake all and be mine only. Unlefs we have a fenfe of that greats nefs of God, making fuch commands to hecome him, wc yield no obedience to him in a due manner. 2. The power of fovereign grace in calling men to God, and the power of faith complying with it, is mightily efficacious. Whilft Abraham lived with his fa- ther on the other fide of the river, * they ferved other * gods,' [Jofii. xxiv. 2.] or were engaged in the fuper- iHtion and idolatry then prevalent in the world. And file minds of men being once thoroughly infefted with them, as having received them by tradition from their fatliers, are very hardly recovered from their fnares. In this ftate he had all worldly accommodations that his own country and kindred could afford him ; yet, fuch was the powerful efficacy of fovereign grace in his call, that it enabled him, by faith, to relinquifh all, and to betake himfelf, at once, into a new ftate and condition, as to things temporal and eternal. It is well if all of xis, who make Ver..8, epistle to the HEBREWS. i^ make profefTioii or the fame faith, have an experience of the fame grace. 3. It is the call of God alone that makes a diflinc- tion am.ongft mankind, as to faith, obedience, and their cfFe£ls. Abraham thus believed and obeyed God, be- caufe he was called ; and he was called, not becaufe he was better or wifer than others, but becaufe it pleafed God to call him, and not others, [I. Cor. i. 36—31.] 4. The church of believers conlifls of thofe that are called out of the world. The call of Abraham is a pat- tern of the call of the church, [Pfal. xlv. 10. II. Cor. vi. 17, 18.] 5. Self denial, in fa£l, or refolution, is the foun- dation of all fincere profefiion : this Abraham began his profeffion with, and proceeded to the nob led infcances. The inftrudion our Saviour gives herein, [Matt. x. 37, 38, and xvi. 24, 25.] amounts but to this : if you intend to have the faith of Abraham, with the fruits and bleffings attending it, you muil lay the foundation of it in felf-denial, and the relinquiihment of all things, if called to it, as he did. Wherefore, the faith of Abraham being every where in fcripture fet up as the- meafure and ftandard of the faith of believers in all ages, and the apoflle in this place giving us an account of the beginning and progrefs for it for our example, there is notliing that belongs more diredlly to the expo- iition of the place, than a due obfervation of its nature, adings, and effefts for our inflru£tion, without which the mind of the Holy Ghoil in the context is not under- ftood, though expofitors take very little notice of thefe things. Now the foundation of it is laid in this, — That the firft aft of faving faith conlifts in the difcovery of the infinite greatnefs, goodnefs, and other excellencies of the divine nature, fo as to judge it our duty, upon his call, his command and promife, to deny ourfelves, and to rehnquifh all things; and then, as occafion offers, to do fo accordingly. § 7. I. There is no claim of right, title, or poffef- iion, that can (land agaiull the righteoufnefs of God in the 148 AN EXFOSITION OF THE CriAP.Xt the difpofal of all inheritances here' below at his plea- fure. Whatever fingle perfons, whatever whole nations^ may think or boaft of their title and right, as to God they are all but tenants at will ; he can dilinherit and difleilin them of all, as he feems good : and when h© will do fo, (of which he gives inftances in all ages) no plea will be admitted againfl his right, or the exercife of it. So do kings hold their crowns, nations their foil, and private men their pofleffions. 2. God's grant of things to any is the bell of title?, and mod fure againft all pretences and impeachments,, [Judges xi. 24.] * We will poffefs what the Lord our * God gives us to poflefs.* / 3. Fojfcjjhn belongs to an inheritance enjoyed. This God gave to Abraham in his pofterity, with a mighty hand and firetched out arm ; and he divided it unto them by lot. 4. An inheritance is capable cf a limited feafon. So was it with this Inkcrhance ; for although it is called an everlajiing inheritance^ yet it was fo only becaufe it was typical of that heavenly inheritance which is properly , eternal ; and becaufe as to right and title it was to be continued to the end of that limited perpetuity which God granted to the church ftate in that land ; that is, to the coming of the promifed feed, in whom all nations Ihould be blefled ; which the call and faith of Abraham principally regarded. Many incurlions were made upon it, but thev v^rho made them were puniflied for their tifurpation ; yet when the grant of it to them expired, alid thofe wicked tenants of God's vineyard forfeited their right to it by their unbelief, and murdering the true heir ; God difmherited them, difpofleiled them, and left them neither right nor intereft in this inheritance as at this day. It is no more the inheritance of Abraham - but in Chrlfl he is become heir of the worlds and his Spiritual poficrity enjoy all the privileges of it. Nov have the prefent Jews any more title to the land of Ca- naan, than to any other country in the world. Nor fliall their title be renewed upon their converiiou to God.; fot Ver. 9. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 149 for their right was limited to that time wherein it was typical of the heavenly inheritance ; that now ceafing for ever, there can be no fpecial title to it revived. § 8. Hence we may infer, 1. That It \^ faith alone gives the foul the fatisfadion in future rewards, in the midll of prefent difficulties and diftrelTes. So it did to Abraham, who, in the whole courfe of his pilgrimage, attained nothing of this pro- mifed inheritance. And, 2. The ajjurance given us by divine promifes, is fuf- ficient to encourage us to the moil difficult cgurfe of obedience. Verse 9. by faith he sojourned in the land of promise as in a strange country, ' dwelling in taber- nacles, with isaac and jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise. § 1—3. ExpofiUon of the words. § 4. The matter cort* taincd in them. § 5. (I.) 7 he internal principle of Abra~ ham's pilgrimage. § 6. (II.) The external part of it, § 7. (III.) Ohfervations. § I. JtIaVING declared the foundation of Abraham's faith, and given the firfl fignal initance of it, he pro- ceeds to declare his progrefs in its exercife : (^TlGipouTiyjo-sv) he fojourned \ the original word (TTccpct^ KSM, commoror) fignifics to abide as a Jlranger. [Luke xxiv. 18. Du ^ovov TTccpcniug] * Art thou only a firanger * in Jerufalem ?' Kfojoumer therefor a feafon, not an in- habitant in the place ? Wherefore he abode as a firanger^ not as a free denifon of the place ; not as an inheritor, foi: he had i;o inheritance, not a i"got breadth in that place, [Aas 1^6 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. [Afts vii. 5.] Not as a conftant inhabitant or houfe- dweller^ but as a llranger that moved up and down as he had occafion. ' In the land of promife ;' [iLq tz/v yv^ for cny] y\], vii^n) in the land \ [l"ee A(fls vii. 6,] ' The land [nq yjv v^stg vw xtzjciKSilc) wherein you novj * dwelW And from the ufe of the Hebrew particle (3) the one Greek prepofition (etc) is freqneiiUy put for the other (iv) in the New Teilament, and the reverfe. Wherefore not the removal of Abraham ir; that land which he had mentioned in the foregoing verfe, but his abode as a ftranger^ a foreigner, a pilgrim in it, is in- tended ; and this was the land {rriC i'nocyycXL&.q) of pro- mife ; that is, which God. had newly promifed to give him, and wherein all the other promifes v/ere to be ac- compli flied. He fojourned in this place {cA)g aXKojoioiv) as m a Jirange land. He built no houfe in it, purchafed no in- heritance but only a burying place ; he entered, indeed, into leagues of peace and amity witii fome, [Gen. xiv. 13.] but it was not as one that had any tiling of his own in the land. He reckoned tliat land at prefent no more hh ozvn than any other land in the world, no more than Egypt was the land of his pofterity when they fojourned there, which God had faid, was not their s^ [Gen. xv, '3-] • § a. The manner of his fojcurning in this land was that (c"y crycTiyoiig iiOiioiyiv,crczg) he dvjelt in tabernacles. It was no unufual thing in thofe days, and in thofe parts of the world, for whole nations to dwell in fuch move- able habitations. Why Abraham was fatisfied with this kind of life, the apoftle declares in the next verfe ; and he is faid to dwell in tabernacles^ or tents, becaufe the largenefs of his family required more than one, [Gen. xxiv. 67, xxxi. 33.] and with refpe£t to their moveable conditions in thefe tents, God in an efpecial manner, was faid to be their dwelling place, [Pfal. xc. i.j § 3. ' With Ifaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the * fame promife.' It is evident that Abraham lived until Jacob was lixtcen or eighteen years old i and therefore may Ver. 9. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. i^x may be faid to live with him, as to the time they both lived ; but there is no need to confine it to the fame time; the lamenefs of condition only feems to be intended ; for as Abraham was a fojourner in the land of Canaan with- out any inheritance or poffeffion, living in tents ; fo it was alfo with Ifaac and Jacob, and with them alone ; Jacob was the laft of his pofterity who lived as 3. fojourner in Canaan ; all thofe after him lived in Egypt, and came not into Canaan until they took poffejjion of it for them- ielves. And they were (rwy a-vyxXTjpovoiJLCov T/jg cTrayyiKiMg 7Vig cojj'/ig) heirs with him of the fame promife ; for not only did they inherit the promife as made to Abraham, but God diflinftly renewed the fame promife to them both; [Gen. xxvi. 24. xxviii. 13 — 15.] So Were they heirs with him of the very fame promife, [Pfal. cv. 9-— § 4. The fenfe of the words being declared, we may- yet farther conlider the matter contained in them. — We have here an account of the life of Abraham after his call ; — as to the internal principle of it, being a life o£ faith ; and- — as to the external manner of it, being % pilgrimage. * By faith he fojourned.* § 5. (Lj As to the internal principle, it was a life of faith, I. It had refpeft to things fpiritual and eternal; for its foundation and ebje^, he had the promife of the blefjed feed, and the fpiritual blefling of all nations in him ; which was a confirmation of the firfl fundamental promife of the church concerning the ' feed of the woman that was to ' break the ferpent's head.' And God entered cxpreffy into covenant with him, confirming it with the feal of circumcifion, wherein he obliged himfelf to be his God, his God Almighty and all-fufhcient, for his temporal and eternal good. To fuppofe that Abraham faw nothing in this promife and covenant but things confined to this life. — ^^nothing of fpiritual grace, nothing of eternal reward or glory — is fo contrary to the analogy of faith, and to ex- VoL. IV. X prefs i^s AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xt. prefs teftimony ; fo deflru6live of all the foundations of reii'^ion, fo unworthy of the nature and properties of God ; rendering Abraham's title * the Father of the faith- * ful,' and his example in believing fo ufelefs, that it is a wonder men of any tolerable fobriety lliould indulge to fuch an imagination. 1. It was a life of faith with refpe£l to things temporal alfo ; for as he was a fojourner in a ftrange land, without friends, or relations, not incorporated in any political focicty, or dwelling in any city, he was expofed to dan- gers, opprelTion, and violence, as is ufual in fuch cafes ; beiides, thofe amongfl: whom he fojourned were for the nioft part wicked and evil men, fuch as, being fallen into idolatry, were apt to be provoked againft him for his pro- feflion of faith in the moft High God. Hence, on fome t)ccurrences of his life that might give them advantage, it is obferved, as a matter of danger, ' the Canaanite and * the Perizzite dwelt then in the land ;' [Gen. xiii. 7. and xii. 6. chap. xx. 2.] moreover, he had fundry particular trials wherein he apprehended that his life was in im- minent danger, [Gtn. xii. 11 — 13. xx. 2.] but in all fhefe dangers, being helplefs in himfelf, he lived in the continual exercife of faith and trufl in God, his power, all-fufficiency and faithfulnefs. Hereof his whole hiitory is full of inilances, and his faith in them is frequently- celebrated. In things of both forts, fpi ritual and temporal, he lived bv faith, in a conjlant refignation of himfelf to the fovereigii Tvill and pleafure of God, when he faw no way or means for the accomplifhment of the promife ; fo it was with Tefpc6: to the long feafon that he lived without a child, 'Smd under the command he had to offer him for a facri- 51ce, when he had received him ; on all thefe accounts he was the fiUher, the example of behevers in all genera- tions. ^ 6. (n.) For the external part or manner of his life, it was a pilgrimage, a fojourning. Tv/o things conflitutc •iuch a ilate of life ; — that a man be in ^.Jlrange country ; ;md Ver.9. epistle to THE HEBREWS. 153: and — that he have no fixed habitation of his own ; a man may want a habitation of his own as his inheritance, and yet, being in his own country, not be a pilgrim ; and a man may be in a llrange country, and yet having a fixed habitation of his own therein, he may not be a pilgrim ; but when both thefe concur, there is a Hate of pilgrimage. And fo it was with Abraham ; he was in a Irrange land, though the land of promife ; for having no interell in it, no relation, no poffeffion, no inheritance, it was to him 3. Ji range land; wherefore, he had nothing to trufb to, but Divine proteftion alone. § 7. (III.) And we m^ij obferve^ 1. That where faith enables men to live to God, as to their eternal concerns, it will enable them to truil him in all the difficulties and hazards of this life. To pretend a truft in God as to our fouls and invifible things, and not reiign our temporal affairs with patience and quietnefs to his difpofal, is a vain pretence ; and we may take hence an eminent trial of our faith ; too many deceive themfelves with a prefumption of faith in the promifes of God, as to things future and eternal ; for if they are brought into any temporal trial, they feem utter Grangers to the life of faith. It was not fo with Abraham, his faith acted itfelf uni- formly wnth refpeft to the providences as well as the pro- mifes of God. Wherefore, 2. If we deiign to have an interefl in the bleflings of Abraham, we muft walk in the fleps of his faith ; and to this end is juftly required — a firm affiance in the promifes for grace, mercy, and eternal falvation, trufl in his pro- vidence for prefervation and prote£lion in this world,- with a cheerful refignation of all our temporal and eternal concerns into his difpofal, according to the tenor of the covenant. Is not the faith of moil: profeirors lame and halt in thefe parts and duties of it ? 3. Where faith is once duly fixed on the promifes, it will wait patiently under trials, afiliflions, and tcmpta-. tions, for their full accomplilhment, [fee the Expofitioa Qi\ chap. vi. 12. 15.] X 2 .4. Faith t54 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. 4. Faith difcerning aright the glory of fpiritual pro- mifes will make the foul of a believer contented and well fatisfie4 with the fmalleft portion of earthly enjoyments. - Vjerse 10. yOR HE LOOKED FOR A CITY WHICH HATH FOUN-. CATIONS, WHOSE BUILDER AND MAKER IS GOD. §1. Introduilion. § 2. (I.) JVhat the city Ahraham looked for, ^ o — ^. (XL) What included in the defcriptlon of it. § 6. (III.) Obfcrvations. § I. X HE apoflle abundantly indicates in this difcourfe, that Abraham was very well fatisfied with his condition as a flranger and pilgrim in the world, and now he proceeds to declare the grounds and reafons of that fatisfadion ; he knows that his portion did not he in things here below, but he looked for things of anothe, nature, which by this means were to be obtained ; for it is the end that regulates our judgement concerning the means. Let us briefly in- quire, T. What the city is, which he looked for ? II. What is included in the defcription of it ? § 2. * For he looked for a city ;' {Tr,v ttcKiv) that city^ the article prefixed denoting an eminency. Jerufalem, faith Grotius, and he fo interprets the words, as if Abraham hoped that his poflerity fhould have in the land of promife a city that God would prepare for them in a fpecial manner. 1. This is expreflly contrary to the expofition given by the apoftle himfelf of this exprelfion, ver. 16. 2. It is not fuitable to God's dealing with Abraham, and to the nature and efie^ls of the holy patriarch's faith, that lie fhould have nothing to encourage him \n his pil- grimage,. V£R..io. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. :>> grimage, but an hope that after many generations his poflerity fhould have a city to dwell in, in the land of Caanan, wherein the condition of moil of them was not better than his in tents ? 3. The fenfe of that exprefiion, ' whofe builder and * maker is God/ is the fame with chap. viii. 'i. ' which * the Lord pitched, and not man.' 4. To fuppofe that this was only an earthly city, not to be polTelled by his poilerity until eight hundred years afterwards, and that but for a limited time, is utterly to overthrow his faith, the nature of the covenant of God with him, and his being an example to gofpel believers, as he is here propofed to be. This city, therefore, which Abraham looked for, is that heavenly city, that everlafting maniion which God hath provided and prepared for all true believers with him- felf after this life, [ver. 16.] it is alfo fometimes called a tabernacle, fometimes an houfc, fometimes a manjion, [II. Cor. V. I. Luke xvi, 9. John xiv. 2.] it being the place of their everlailing abode, reft, and refrefhment ; and herein is comprifed the whole reward and glory of heaven in the enjoyment of God ; with tlie expectation hereof did Abraham and the follov/ing patriarchs fupport, refreih, and fatisfy themfelves in the midil of all the toil jind labour of their pilgrimage. § 3. (II.) As to the defcriptlon of this city, the firjl part is taken from the nature of it, being fuch as (rovg Sfsi^tKiag syj^a-a.v) hath foundations. It is generally granted that here is an oppolition to tents or tabernacles, (in which Abraham fojournied) which had no fowndation, being fupported only by flakes aiid cords ; but the /pe- dal nature of the foundation of this city is intended, in comparifon of which the foundations of other cities laid in (lone and mortar are none at all ; for experience mani- fefls how temporary and fubjeft to ruin they all are ; but thefe foundations are fuch as give perpetuity, yea eternity, to the fuperjirucfure, even all that are built upon them ; wherefore thefe foundations are the eternal power, the in- ^nite wlfdom, aq4 in^rViUtab}e counfd of God. On thefe 156 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. is the heavenly city founded and eilabiifhed ; the purpofe of God in his wifdoin, and power to make the heavenly- Hate of behevers immutable and eternal, fubje£l to no change, is the immovable foundation of the city we look, for by faith. § 4. The fccond part of the dcfcription -is from the- maker and builder of it — ' God' MoH: expolitors judge that both the words here ufed are of the fame fignifica- tion ; and indeed the difference between them is not material, if there be any ; properly the one is [r^yj'ilnc^. art'ifcx) he who in building projedteth, and defigneth the whole frame and fabric : that regularly difpofeth of it according to the rules of art ; and the other is (o/^^/j^pyoc, condlior) the builder or maker ; that is, he whofe the whole w^ork is, at whofe charge, and for whofe fervice it is made. Between thefe two, (the archite£l and proprietor) there are in other buildings thofe who a£lually labour in the woik itfelf, the workmen \ there is nothing faid of them; for this building is ereded by a mere word of infinite and fovereign power, without labour or toil ; he faid — Let it be foj and it ivas fo ; wherefore, God alone is the only^ contriver and eredor of the heavenly city, without the leall concurrence of other agents, without the lead ufe of any inftrument ; — in Ihort, it is the habitation of God himfelf^ with all that enjoy his prefence, and the polity which is fuitcd to it. Oh, delirable abode I Oh, ineffable effeft of jjifinitc wifdom, power, and grace ! \^ 5. Of this city it is faid that Abraham by faith (c'^-hyfjo) looked for it ; that is, he believed eternal refl with God in heaven, wherewith he comfortably and con- fcantly fufl:ained the trouble of his pilgrimage ; [II. Cor. iv 16, 17.] ' For which caufe we fai:it not; but though * our outward man perifh, yet the inward man is renewed * day by day ; for our light affli o-TTc^^ocjog) to con^ ceive feed, a child, in a natural way and manner ; fhe conceived and accordingly bore a fon^ [Gen. xxii. 2.] That which is eminent herein, manifefling that it was a mere effe^ of faith, is, that it was thus with her {ttccdoc, Kc^.ipov YiXiKiag) after the feafon of age was paf. So the apoltle expounds that palTage in Mofes, * Sarah was old * and well ftricken in age, and it ceafed to be with her * after the manner of women,' [Gen. xviii. 11, 12.] She was ninety years old at that time, (Gen. xvii. 17.] and this at firft fhook her faith, for want of a due confidera- tion of the omnipotency of God ; * Is any thing too hard * for the Lord?' [Gen. xviii. 14.] She confidered not. Vol. IV. Y that i6o AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. that where divine veracity was engaged by 'promife, infi- nite power would be alfo engaged to make it good. § 5. * Becaufe Hie judged him faithful who had pro- * mifed ; [sTiSh qumlam) becaufe ; fignifying the reafon of what was before ailcrted ; (riy'/j(rcc]o} Jhe judged ; fhe reckoned, elleemed, reputed him to be fo. And herein the nature of true faith in general doth confift, viz. in * the mind's judging and determining upon the evidence * propofed ;' when (lie recolIe£led herfelf, and took off her mind from the thing promifed to the fpecial obje£l of her faith ; (rov STTcy.yysXXo^svov^ the promifer, who was God liimfelf, faith prevailed ; fhe then came to this refo- lution — whatever difficulties or oppofitions lie in the way of accomplifhing the promife, he who made it is able to remove them all ; and flie farther concluded, on the fureft grounds, that he would make good his word wherein he had caufcd her to put her truil ; ' becaufe fhe judged ' him who had promifed {'7ri/]u,o/) pilgrims, are fuch as take up an abode for a feafon, without an intermixture with the rights, du- ties, or privileges of the place where they are. This tUcy are faid to be (stti TVig yrig) on the earthy du-- ring their whole continuance in this world. And an in- timr.tion is given of that other ftate which they looked for, and wherein their intereft lay^ which is heaven. § 8. (II.) Hence obferve, 1. It is the glory of true faith that it will not leave them in whom it is, that it will not ceafe its a£^ings for their fupport and comfort in their dying moments ; when the hope of the hypocrite Ihall perifh. 2. The life of faith eminently manifefts itfelf in death, when all other reliefs and fupports fail. 3. That is the crowning aft of faith, the great trial of its vigour and wifdom,- — what it doth in our dying, 4. Hence it is, that many of the faints, both of old and of late, have evidenced the moft triumphant a(El~ ings of faith in the approach of death. 5. The due underftanding of the whole Old Teftament, with the nature of the faith and obedience of all the faints under it, depends on this one truth — that they believed things that were not yet a£lually exhibited nor enjoyed. This is the line of life and truth, that runs through all their profelTion and duties. Chrift in the promife, even before his Coming, was the life of the church in all ages. 6. God would have the church from the beginning of the world to live on promifes not actually accompHflied. For although we do enjoy the accomplilliment of the great promife of the incarnation of the Son of God, yet the church continues ftill to live on promifes, which in this world cannot be pcrfeftly fulfilled. 7. We may receive the promifes as to the comfort and benefit of them, when we dq not actually receive the things promifpd. 8. As Ver. 14. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 16^ 8. As our privileges in the enjoyment of the promifes are above theirs under the Old Tellamenf, fo our faith, thankfulnefs, and obedience ought to excel theirs alfo. 9. No diilance of time or place can weaken faith as to the accomplifhment of divine promifes. There arc ilill left us upon record, fome promifes that are, it may- be, afar off; fuch as thofe which concern the deilrudtioii of antichrift, and the glory of the kingdom of Cariic 111 the latter days. The rule of faith concerning them is given us, Heb. ii. 3, 4. 10. Quiet waiting for the accomplifhment of promifes at a great diilance, and which moll: probably will not be in our days, is an eminent fruit of faith. He that be- lieveth will not make hafte. 11. This firm perfuafion of the truth of God in the accomplifliment of his promifes to us, upon a diicovery of their worth and excellency, is the fecond a(5l of faithj wherein the life of it doth principally conrf., 12. This avowed renunciation cf all other things befides Chrift in the promife. and the gjod will of God in him, as to the repofe of any truft or conndence in them for our reft and fatisfaction, is an eminent aft of that faith whereby we walk with God; [Jer. iii. 23. Hof. xiv. 3, 4.] Verse 14. ror they that say such things, declare plainly that they seek a country. § I . The words an inference from the foregoing account ; their expojttion. § 2. Obf. i. 'The proper way of interpret- i?jg Scripture is to conftder the words th em f elves ^ with rela- tion to the perfons fpeakingy and all their circun fiances. Z a §3- 170 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XK ^ c. 2. Some Scripture proofs are unconirolahly evident only from a due regard to peculiar circumjlances. ^ I X^ ROM the profeffioii of thefe patriarchs, that tWey were flrangers and pilgrims on the earth, the apof- tie makes an inference from what is contained therein. ' Foi- they that fay fuch things,' &c. (O/ yc/.^)for they^ be they who they will, that [peak fuch things as thcfe lincere- ly : or, thefe perfons in their circumflances faying fuch things, as recorded in fcripture {-ij^pccvi^i^a-ii') declare plainly ; they make it manifeft to all, that they did feek a country, or ' a city for themfelves,' as the Syriac expref- feth it ; {s7ri^/i]ii(n) they diligently inquired after it, as the word fignifies. There is an entrance in thefe words on z train of evident confequences. From their profeffioii he concludes that they defired a country ; and if they did fo, it mufl be either that from whence they came, or fomc other : that from \vhence they came it could not be, for the reafon he affigns ; and if fome other, it muft be a better than either that from whence they came, or that where they were ; which could be no other but an heavenly country^ that is, heaven itfclf. §. 2. Olfi, This is the genuine and proper way of in- terpreting fcripture ; when, from the words themfelves, oonlidered with relation to the perfous fpeaking them, and all their circumftances, we declare what was their de- terminate mind and {q.yi{q. And on the due apprehenlion of the literal fcnfe of the words themfelves, the fludiou? exercife of reafon, in ail proper ways of arguing, is re^ tjuired. §. 3. Ohf. 2. The inference of the apoftle from thefe words of the patriarchs is fo evident and uncontrolable, that he affirms the^nfelves to declare plainly^ what he declares to be their fenfe contained in their words. And indeed, take the words precifeiy, without a conflderation of the w/W wherewith, the circumftances n\\s\\\ch., and for what end tliey were fpoken, they do not exprefs any peculiar ad or fruit of faitli. For the very heathen had an ap- prehenlion tUat tliis life is but a kind of pilgrimage. But uade /' Ves.- i$. epistle to the HEBREWS. ijx wilder thi'lr clrcumjiances, there muft be another fenfe in the words. For they fpeak them not as the conimoa condition of mankind, but as their peculiar portion in the world, with refped to the promifes of God. Moft men meet with, and are feniible of fundry wants ; yet they are fuch as may b^ fuppiied in the place where they are ; and their great delire with their utmoll endeavour is, that they may be here fuppiied. Such perfons, be they never fo poor, fo indigent, fo harbourtefs, are not pilgrims on the earth ; this is their home, although they are but ordinarily provided for. IMuch lefs are they fo who have an affluence of all things to their fatisfa£tion, though they fometimes meet with a pinch or lofs. They cnly are fo, who live always in a fenfe of fuch wants a£ this world cannot fupply. Verse 15. A5?D TRULY IF TH£Y HAD BEEN MINDFUL OF THAT COUNTRY FROM W^HENCE THEY CAME OUT, THEY MIGHT HAVE HAD OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE RE- TURNED. § I . The words an anfiver to an ohje^lon that might be ra'ifed. ^ 2. The objeflion fully anfwered. § 3. Obfervations. § I. Whereas thefe patriarchs thus exprefled their defire of a country, and diligently fought after it, was it not becaufe they had loft their Q%vn countryy their re- lations and enjoyments ? Was it not, becaufe of the difficulties of a wandering qourfe of life, a d^fire to re* turn home again, wlxere they might have quiet habita- tions ? No, ^or, § 2. I. They had a country of their own, to which they might have gone; Ur of the. Chaldees, [Gen. xi. 32.] called 17a AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. called alfo Mefopotamia, [A UP ISAAC ; AND HE THAT HAD RECEIVED THE. PROMISES OFFERED UP HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. OF WHOM IT WAS SAID, THAT IN ISAAC SHALL THY SEED BE CALLED ; ACCOUNTING THAT GOD WAS ABLE TO RAISE HIM UP FROM THE DEAD ; FROM WHENCE ALSO HE RECEIVED HIM IN A FIGURE. I I. Connexion. § 2. (I.) Expojitlon. Ahrahanis trtaL § 3. His offering Ifaac, § 4 — 6. The amplification of his obedience. § 7, 8. Expofition continued. § 9 — 14. (II.) Obfervations, § I. XXAVING fpoken of the faith of the patriarchs in the lafl period of time, in general, with refpeft to their peculiar flate as pilgrims in the land of Canaan, he now lingles them out in particular, giving fingle inflances of their faith, beginning with Abraham. § 2. (I.) * By faith Abraham when he was tried.' The inftance is fuch as became him who was to be an example in believing to all that fhould fuccecd him ; that through which he was renowned, and efleemed blelled, in all generations. The trial of Abraham was by a private command that he fhould facrifice his fon, which was un- lawful for him to do of his own accord ; both as it was a facrifice that God had not ordained, and becaufe he had no fuch power over the life of an obedient fon ? but in this command God, by virtue of his fovereign right and authority over all, changed the nature of the a^ and mad# it lawful, yea, a duty to Abraham ; Ifaac was his abfo- lutely, and by way of fovereignty, before and above any intereft of Abraham in him i He is the fupreme Lord of life and death, and may appoint what means of them he pleafeth; Ver. 17— 19- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. itt pleafeth j {o when he commanded the Ifraelltes to borrovr jewels of the Egyptians, which they carried away with them, he did it by transferring the right and title of them from one people to the other ; [Exod. xii. ^S^ 3^-1 wherefore, it was no part of Abraham's trial, that what he was to do had any thing of Jtn in it ; no, for he knew full well that God's command had made it not only lawful, but his indifpenfable duty ; but his trial arofe from othej: confiderations ; and the internal work of God under thi.3 temptation was the corroboration of the faith of Abraham unto a blefled victory, which was in his dcfign from the beginning ; and the temptation is faid to be for his trials as if God had done it for his own fatisfa£lion refpe^ling the faith and love of Abraham ; ' Now I know thac * thou fearell God,' [Gen. xxii. 12.] but thefe things are fpoken after the manner of men ; God knew his faith and the flrength of it, as alfo the fincerity of his love, fot they were both from himfelf ; he knew what would b© the ifflie of the trial, and what he had himfelf determined concerning the life of Ifaac ; and therefore, ' Now I ' know,' is no more than * now I have made known,' to thyfelf and others ; thus therefore he was tried ; God by his command, which could not be obeyed bwt by a vigorous, victorious faith, fervent love, and a reverential fear of God, made it known unto Abraham for his com- fort, and to all the church for their example, to his ever- lafling honour, what power of grace was in him, and by what principles he was entirely actuated in his walking before God ; and it is remarkable that the trial mufl have been greatly augmented by the calling out of Ifhmael, which is reported in the foregoing chapter, fo that he being gone from his family, he had no other fon but Ifaac, in whom all his expeftations were centered. § 3. The a6l and efFed of his faith, was — -* He offerecf * Ifaac ;' the command was to ' offer him for a burnt of- * fering,' which was firfl to be flain, and then confumei with fire ; accordingly the apoflle affirms that he offerel him ; that is, he * fully obeyed the command of God { but tliat command did not refped the event ; Abrahan ws iH AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XL was not obliged to believe that he Ihould aSlually be offered in facrifice ; but he beheved that it was his duty to obey the divine command, which he accordingly did ; refledl, therefore, in what fenfe God commanded that Ifaac lliould be offered, in the fame did Abraham offer him ; for he fulfilled the command of God. 1. He parted with his own intercjl in him, and gave him up wholly to God and his will, which was the prin- cipal thing in every offering or facrifice ; this God takes notice of in an efpecial manner, as that which anfwered his mind ; * Thou hafl not withheld thy fon, thine only « fon from me,* [Gen. xxii. 12.] 2. He complied in the way deligned in the command for the giving him up unto God, vi%. as 2i facrifice by blood and fire ^ wherein himfelf was to be the offerer ; herein was the great convulfion of nature ; but his faith rofe fuperlor to it. What ! to have an only beloved fon flain by the effulion of his blood, vifibly under his eyes ; yea, to do it with his own hand, and to fland by his confumption in the £re ! How unparalleled the trial ! We read indeed in heathen flories, and in holy writ with reference to Mo- loch, that fome in overwhelming diftreffes have facrificed fome of their children in a kind of rage and fury, out of hopes to be gainers by it ; but this was not the cafe of Abraham ; he was at perfect peace with God and man, with an affluence of all other things to the utmofl of his defires ; on all accounts his fon was dear to him, to as great an height as it is poffible perhaps for natural affeftioa to arife ; bcfides, the holy patriarch was quite fedate in his mind ; had no hope of advantage ; yea, what could be rxpeded but the utter ruin of his family and poflerity ? Yet he complies with the unequivocal divine mandate to offer him, with his own hands, a bloody facrifice unto God. 3. He did as much for the trial of his faith, as if his Ton had been aflually flain. There could not have been \ greater affault upon it in cafe he had been offered ; le looked on him as dead under his eye ; and thence, as ve fhall fee, is faid to ' receive him in a figure \ he was, 9S t^ER- 17— 19- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 183 as to his faith, in the fame condition as if he had been dead. Wherefore, 4. In compliance with the command of God, he fhut his eyes, as it were, againfl all difficulties and confequences ; refolving to venture Ifaac, pofterity, truth of promifes, See. upon the authority of God^ wherein he is principally propofed as our example. § 4. The next thing to be confidered is the ampUficatioji of this obedience of Abraham in the various circumftances of it ; and to begin with the per/on of Ifaac ; he was his * only begotten,^ that only fan in' whom the promife of the feed (hould be accompliflied ; farther to clear the reafou of this expreffion, it may be obferved, that the fons of Abraham by Keturah were not yet born ; Idimael was, by the command of God himfelf, put out of his family, as one that fhould not be the heir of his family, by whom his feed fhould be reckoned — he w^as his only begotten by Ear ah ^ who was concerned in all this affair between God and him no lefs than himfelf; and — the Holy Ghofl taketh into confideration the whole Jiate of things between God and Abraham, in his call, his feparation from the world, in the covenant made with him, in the promife made him concerning the blelTed feed ; in all which Ifaac ahne had any concernment ; therefore as Abraham alone was placed in thefe circumftances, he was his ' only * begotten fon.' Finally, this expreffion is ufed in fcrip- ture fometimes for as much as peculiarly and entirely beloved above ail others, [Prov. iv. 2.] to which there is here great refpe^V. Abraham was very remote from being favage or cruel, nor did he defign tliat ftolcal apathy which was fo falfely and fooli filly boafled of by forae of old ; nor was he ((Z(r]opyog) without natural affc^ions, which the apoftlc reckons amongil the worfc vices of the heathens ; [Rom. i. 31.] yea, he was fuch a tender and affedionate father, that the fending of Ifhmael out of his family was more than he could well bear, until God comforted him in it, [Gen. xxi. 11 — 13.] what now muft the workings of his heartn eeds be towards Ifaac, a fon whom hehad fo long Vol. IV. E b waited 184 AN EXPOSITION OF TPIE Chap. XI. waited and prayed for, the only child of his dear wife, (who was the companion of all his wandering troubles and trials) and who was now grown up (as is raoft pro- bable) to the age of iixteen or feventeen years, and had engaged his aifedions by ail ways poflible, being the flay of his age, the life of his family, his only hope and comfort in the world ? And how was he to deal with him ? Not to fend him out of his family, with fome provifion, and a guide, as he fent Ifhmael ; not to part with him for a time into a foreign country ; but to take him himfelf, to bind him, flay him with a knife, and then burn him to aflies. Who can conceive what con- vulfions in nature mull: needs be occaiioned hereby ? The advantages alio which Satan might hence take to excite unbelief with refpe£t to the command of God, are obvious to all : " Can it be thought that he who is infinitely good, benign, and gracious, Ihould command one who fears and loves him, thus to tear and rend his own bowels, to devour his own offspring, his only fon ? Hearken a little to the out-cries of love, fear, and foirow, and be not too hafty to be the executioner of all thine own joy." Here then the divine power of faith manifelled itfelf- ' it is * the Lord,'' prevented all murmurings, filenced all reafon- ings, and preferved his mind in a frame iit to approach God in his holy worfliip. § 5. His obedience farther appears, in that he had '* received tlie promifes.' It is twice faid in this chapter, that neither he nor any other believers under the Old Tellament, r;celved the promlfe \ [verfe 13 — 39.] but here it is affirmed, that he did receive the promifes. The folution is eafy ; for in thofe two other places, by the ' promife,' the tl/mg prornifcd is intended. And this fuf- ficiently difcovers the vanity of thofe expolitors who would have thofe promifes to refpeft principally, yea •nlyy the land of Canaan, with the numerous pollerity of Abraham therein. For this was fully enjoyed by them under the Old Teftament, as much as ever it was to be enjo)ed, when the apoftle affirms concerning them that they * received not the proniife.* But Abraham is faid V£R,i7— 19- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 185 faid to receive the promifes formally, inafmuch as God made and gave them unto him, and he believed them, or received them by faith. The fcripture calleth the fame thing indifferently the promt fe or the premifes. [See Expof. on chap. vi. 13 — 18.] § 6. * Of whom it was faid, that in Ifaac (liall thy feed * be called ;' {ttooq ov) of whom, or concerning whom ; the word ^ whoYTi immediately relates to Ifaac. (HA(%A7^9)^) It was faid \ that is, it was exprefsly fpoken to him by God himfelf, on the occafion of fending Iihmael out of his family ; that he might have fall aifurance of the ac- complilhment of the promifes in him. And this w^as that which gave the greateft exercife to his faith. In Ifaac {V'W *]^ i^ip' KKviS/icrfloii (TOi (TTrSQiLcc) Jhall a feed be called * unto thee \ that is, the feed promifed from the beginning fhall be given iix him ; the traduftion of it into the world fhall be through him and no other. The principal fub- jed matter of the promife was no other than Chrifh him- felf, with the whole work of his mediation for the re- demption and falvation of the church. This is fo evi- dent, [A6i:s ii. 38, 39. Gal. iii. 16.) that it needs no confirmation. Suppofmg therefore what we have fpokea before concerning the exercife of faith, occafioned by his natural affedions, with reference to his only fon ; and who can conceive with what heart Abraham received the thunder of this command ? what perplexities he was call into, or at leaft would have been {q, had not faith carried him through them all ? He feems to be preffed unavoid- ably with one or the other of the greateft evils in the world ; either he muft difobey the command of God, or he muft let ^o his faith in the promife ; either of them filled with eternal ruin. § 7. * Accounting that God was able to raife him up * even from the dead ; from whence alfo he received him * in a figure.' The immediate obje£t of his faith ia general was the power of God, that God was able, Abra- ham firmly believed, not only the immortality of the foul, but alfo the refurre£lion from the dead. Had he not done fo, he would not have betaken himfelf into this rehef in B b 2 his iS6 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XL his diilrefs. It is in vain to inquire what fpccial reve- lation Abraham had of thele things ; for the refurre^lion. from the dead, which includes the other, was an eirential part of the firll: promifc, or no relief is tendered therein againft the curfe, which was a return into the dull. He owned the omnipotency of God, as able to produce in- conceiveable effe£ts. He did not limit God as they did in the wildernefs, as the pfalmiil at large defcribes their unbelief, [Pfalm Ixxviii. 19, 20, 40, 41.] He refted on this, that the power of God could extend itfelf to things by himincomprehenlible. This was the life and foul, as it were, of the faith of Abraham ; he believed that the power of God was infinitely fufficient to fecure his truth and vera- citv in his promifes, though he could not conceive the way whereby it was to be done. And this is the life of faith at prefent in all true believers. Abraham flill firmly believed the accomplifhment of the great promife, although he could not difcern the way whereby it fhould •be fuliilled. Had his faith failed herein, his obedienct had been ufelefs. This is the lafl anchor of faith ; 16 cleaves unto, and rcfls upon the truth of God in his pro* mifss, againft all objeftions, temptations, and oppositions^ 'althoush they are fuch as reafon xin its higheft exercifc xanuot conquer. God, who cannot lie, hath promifed, {Tit. i, 2'] On thefe principles, which were immoveably lixed in his mind, be reafoned within h'lmfelf as to the w^ay .and manner whereby the power of God would make good his truth in the accomplifliment of the promife. Account^ \raz. [7\.oyL(7i) He hlejjcd thent\ thefe patriarchal blellings were, partly, prayers ; and partly, predMons -^ they were authoritative applications of God's promifes ta the perfon to whom they belonged for the confirmation of -their faith ; ^o far as they confiiled in folemn prayer^ they were an effeft of the ordinary parental mln'ifiry, and as fuch ought to be ufed by all parents ; not as fome, by the trifling cuflom of daily afking and giv^lng blefllng, but by folemn reiterated prayer to that purpofe — '{\\i(F\il) by faith. But here is a double difficulty ; for the Wefiing of facoh was from Immediate infplration^ and not intended by ICaac to be applied to Jacob ; and the bleffing of Efau ©lily related to temporal things, not with rxifpe^ to any fpsciat VsR.ao. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 193 fpeclal promife ; I anfwer, as to the firft, faith was adted by the promife, and was guided as to its obje£t by- God's providence ; and jmmediate infpiration doth no way hinder the aftings of faith on preceding revelations ; he had die warrant of the word of God before revealed fqr the ground of his faith, and his immediate infpiration guided him to aft according to it ; and, as for the blelling of Efau, although it refpecled only temporal things., yet ke gave it him in faith alfo, in that it was the fruit of liis prayer for him^ and contained predic- tions which he bad received by divide revelation^ § 5. Thefubjed matter of both thefe things were (^.-Acv- Tujy) thinp to come ; that is^^ thhigs that were not yet, nor ye^t to have their prefent accomplifhment ; for that part of the bleliing of Jacob, that he fhould be the * Lord * of his brethren,' or, as exprcffed In the bleffing of Efau, ' thou fhalt ferve thy brotlier,' \yas not fulfilled in their days, there being a great appearance of the isontrary ; wherefore, the things contained in thefe bleffitigs, abfo-^ lutely confidered, were yet to come among their pofterity. Now the bleffing of Jacob did not contain only a better portion in this world than that of Efau, as Grotius would have it ; nor had ihere been any need of fo great a contefl about the difference between the land of Can aaii and that of Edom ; but, as it comprifed the numerous poflerity of Jacob, tlieir quiet habitation, power and dominion in the land of Canaan ; fo the principal fub- je£l of it was the enclofure of the church, the confinement of the covenant, the enjoyment of the promife of the bleffed feed, to him and his offspring; and it was the contempt of this, and not of a double portion of earthly tilings, for which Efau is ftigmatized as a profane per-fon. C C 2 VERSii 1^4 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. Verse 21. by faith jacob when he was a dying, blesseb both the sons of joseph; and worshipped, leaning on the top of his staff. § I. Jacob'' s faith ^ In hlejfing the fons of Jofeph, § 2. Why this injiance fekcled. § 3. 'This holy reverence and faith. § 4, 5. Obfervations, § I. X3Y faith Jacob when he was a dying ;' (tsiTTO^r/^cr- Y.CAJVi morienSy mori turns, cum moreretur,^ when be drew nigh to death ; probably a few days before his death ; ' wor- * Ihipped leaning on the top of his ftaff;* (?7r/ to o!,kdov TT}^ pccl3h oivji^) The Yulg. Lat. (et adoravit fafligium virgas ejus,) he adored the top of his rod, leaving out the prepofition {sin) on, corrupts the ^tnk ; and hence ^ vain and foolifh opinion hath been fancied about adoring or worjhipping creatures, as remote from the fenfe of this place as from truth. § 2. Eat why does the apoflle choofe to inftance in this particular ? for Jacob, as he abounded in trials and temptations above all the other patriarchs ; fo he gave fundry illuflrious tellimonies of his faith, feemingly of greater evidence than this of bleffing the fons of Jofeph. This is the only difficulty of the place, which yet by expohtors is taken little or no notice of. But if we look attentivelv into the thing itfelf, we fliall find that it was an effect of lingular divine wifdom in the apoflle, whereby he fixed on this inflauce of the faith of Jacob, For in his 'bleffing of the fons of Jofeph,' the good man, being near to death, makes a recapitulation of all the principal concernments of his life, as it was a life of faith ; and we fhali therefore confider feme of thofe circumftances, wliich manifeft how proper this inflance Vv^as to the purpofe of the apoflle. It Ver.£i. epistle to the HEBREWS. 19 1. It was the exercife of bis faith in his old age ; his natu- decays abated not in the leaft his fpiritual ftrength. 2. In this blemng of Jcfeph and his fons, he folemnly recognized, pleaded, and alTerted the covenant made with Abraham ; ' God before whom my fathers Abraham and * Ifaac did walk/ [Gen. xlviii. 15.] this is the life of faith, — ' to lay hold on the covenant', — and this he did exprefsly. 3. As he made a folemn acknowledgement of ^W fpi- ritual mercies by virtue of the covenant ; fo he ad- ded thereunto that of all temporal mercies aifo ; * the * God w^hich fed me all my life long unto that day.' It was a work of faith to retain a precious thankful re- membrance of divine Providence, during the whole courfe pf his life. 4. He reflects on all the hazards, trials, and evils that befel him, and the exercife of his faith in them all. * Re* * deemed me from all evil/ 5. In particular, he remembers the a£lings of his faith in the matter recorded by Hofea, [chap. xii. 3, 4.] and of his faith in the Son of God in an efpecial manner, as he was the angel of the covenant. ' The angel, faith * he, that redeemed me from all evil, biefs the lads.' By this ' angeV the perfon of the Son of God, as he was to be the mefTenger of the covenant and the redeemer of the church, is undoubtedly intended. 60 The difference here made between the fons of Jofeph, when he was blind, the difpofal of his hands, contrary to the defire of their father ; with the prediftioii of their condition many ages after, — were all evidences of the fpecial prefence of God with him, and confequently pf his own faith in God. 7 He laid the foundation pf his faith in an efpecial revelation, [Gen. xlviii. 3.] * And Jacob faid unto Jofeph, * God Almighty, (God in covenant with me) appeared * unto me at Luz, in the land of Canaan, gnd blefled me/ &c. On all thefe conliderations (and feveral others that migh; be mentioned) it is evident, that the apoftlc fixed 196 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI- £:ied on this inflance of faith in Jacob for weighty rea- fons. § 3. The latter claufc of the words, or the other in- Hance of the faith of Jacob, that ' he worfhipped leaning ' on the top -of the flafF,' hath a peculiar difficulty in it, from a difference between the words of the apoftle, and thofe of Mofes concernuig the fame thing, [Gen. xlvii.] But we fhould not forget that the apoftle doth not tic himfelf to the exprefs tvords of the o-riginal text in his alle- gations out of the Old Tcftament^ but only gives the certain fenfc and meaning of the Holy Ghoft in them. The word in the original (hidd) may have a different pronunciation by a diffecent fupply of vowels, and fo a different figni- fication. If we read it mittah, it iigniiies a bed, as we render it in Genefis ; if we read it mitteh, it fignifies a jlaff or a rod^ on which a man may kan ; both from the fame verb (ntoj) to extend ov to incline. And hence the dif- ference arifes. Although I will not contend that the words in that piace have a double fignification, of a bed and a ftaff, yet this is the true folution of this difficulty ; the apoftle did not deiign a precife tranflation of the words €^ Mofes, but intended only to exprefs the fame thing ; and whereas that was undoubtedly the pofiure of Jacob in worfhipping God, the apoftle ufcth his liberty in ex- preffing it by his ' leaning on his ftaff;' for that he did * bow towards the head of the bed,' and at the fame tim? * lean on his ftaff,' we are affured by comparing the divine writers together; [fee I. Kings i. 47.] Jacob's leaning on. his ftaff ^ added to — his ' bowing himfelf unto the head of * the bed,' completes the reprefentation of his reverence and faith ; by the one he bowed down, by the other ht fu/lained himfelf; as whatever fuftains and fupports, is in fcriptura called a faff, § 4. Hence ohfcrve^ 1. It IS an eminent mercy when faith not only hoida out to the end, but waxeth ftrong towards the laft conflift with death ; as in the cafe with Jacob. 2. It is alfo a fignal merqy to be able by faith in the clofe of our pilgrimage to recapitulate all the paffagcs of 3 our Ver. 21. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. *9r our lives, in mercies, trials, affli£lrons, {o as to give glory- to God v^rith refpeft to them all ; thus did Jacob. 3. That which enlivens and encourages faith, as to other things, is a peculiar refped to the angel, the Re- deemer, by w^hom all grace and merey is communicated to us. 4. It is our duty Co to live in a conftant exercife of faith, as that we may be ready and flrong in it when ws die. 5. Though we fhould * die daily,' yet there is a peculiar fiafon, when death is in its near approach, which required particular adlings of faith. § 5. I. " In all adts of divine worfhip, whether folem 11 or occafional, it is our duty to difpofe our bodies to fuch a poflure of reverence, as may reprefent the inward frame of our minds." So did Jacob ; and it is reckoned as an aft of his faith. 2. There is an allowance for the infirmities of a^e and ficknefs, in our outward deportment in divine worfnip, io that there be rto indulgence to floth, and that a due re- verence of God and holy things be preferved. Thefe poftures which are commended in Jacob, would not become others in their health and ftrength. So David affirms, that he would 'rife at midnight (out of his bed) ^' to give thanks to God/ [Pfalm cxix. 62.] Ver SE 22, ^Y FAlTH JOSEPH, WHEN HE DIED, MADE MENTION OF THE DEPARTING OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL ; AND GAVE COMMANDMENT CONCERNING HIS BONES, I I* Two Injlances of the faith of J of c ph. § 2. Firft^ his making mention of the departure of the children of Ifracl eut of Egypt. 7d whom, when, and the way whereby^ % 3. Secondly, his commandment concerning his bones. § 4, The 198 EPIStLE TO THE HEBREWS. CuAr.XI, ^he evidence of his faith in this particular. The Fopifh argument for relicksy ridiculous, § 5. Obfervations, § I. X WO inilances are here propofed of the faith of Jofeph — That he made mention of the departing of the children of Ifrael out of Egypt ; and — -that he gave commands concerning his bones. The account is giveii ill the clofe of the book of Genelis. § 2. The firj} inilance propofed of Jofeph's faith, is *' his making mention of the departing of the children of ' of Ifraer out of Egypt. But, ? 1. To whom did he fpake thefe words, and gave this diarge ? To * his brethren,^ [Gen. i, 24.] Some of bis own brethren, ftriftly fo called, were yet alive, as is evident concerning Levi. For Jofeph, when he died, was but a hundred and ten years old, [verfe 26.] and Levi lived 3 hundred and thirty-feven years, being not twenty years older than Jofeph. Alfo under the name of his * bre- * thren* his brother s [on may be intended, as is ufual. But as to the command concerning his bones, the exprelTioii is changed. For it is faid, that he took an oath of the children of Ifrael ; and fo it is again repeated, [Exod. xiii. 10.] ' He had fcraitly fworn the children of Ifrael ;' that is, he brought the whole people into this engage- ment by the heads of their tribes, that they might be obliged in after generations ; for he forefaw that it would not be the work of them who were then living. — More- over wc may notice, 2. The tinie wl>erein thefe things were done, (tsXsv- Tccy) ' when he was dying.' ' And Jofeph faid unto his * brethren, / die' This evidence he gave of the Jied-^ faftncfs of his faith, that it had accompanied him through all his aflildigns and profperity, not forfaking him now at his death. He had lived longer in glory, power, and wealth ; but through all he preferved his faith in the promife of God entire. 3. In the ivay whereby he exprefled his faith, wc may remark the ohje^ of it, or what h« did believe ; and — the inanmr of his adling that faish. This Ver.21» epistle to the HEBREWS. 199 This * departure of the children of Ifrael' is not in- tended as a mere departing thence ; but fuch as whereby the prom'ife made to their fathers fhould be accomplifhed ; and he feems to have refpedl to the promife made to Abraham, [Gen. xv» 13, 14.] wherein the fojourning and afflidtion of his feed in a ftrange land v/as determined before their admiffion into the land of Canaan. As to the manner of a£ling his faith towards this obje<^j he ' made mention of it ; he called his brethren to him, and fpake of it unto them all, [Gen. i. 24.] both to difcharge his own duty, (for with the mouth confeffion is made unto falvation} and to ilrengthen their faith ; for when they found that he in all his glory and wealth embraced the promife^ and died in the faith of it, what a great encouragement was it to them, who were in a mean- er condition, firmly to cleave to the fame promife ; and w-hen any who are great, mighty, and wealthy in the World, do in their public profeffion prefer the promifes of the gofpel to their prefent enjoyments, it is of great ufe in the church. He ' made mention of it) or called it to rem.embrance ; it was not that which he had by immediate prefent reve- lation ; but it was from his reliance on the promifes long before given ; the profpe£l of their bondage and helplefs condition did not at ail weaken his faith as to the accom- plifhment of the promife ; wherefore, when the apoftle fays, that he * made mention of the departing of the * children of Ifrael,* he had not only refpecl to the thing itfeif, but alfo to the manner and circumftances of it ; that it fhould be after great oppreffion, and by a work of almighty power. This wag a proper feafon for Jofeph to make mention of the promife and its accomplifhment, and his embracing of it fhews the wifdom of his faith ; he was now dying-^ and at the folcmn junfture, his brethren, the poflerity of Jacob, knew not what would become of them, being deprived of him who was their only protector ; at this Jcafony to teflify his own faith in the promife, now he had no more concernment in this world, and to encourage Vol. IV, D d thena too AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XL them to th« like confidence in it, makes mention of his accomplilhment. § 3. Secondly, There is a particular inflance of the faith, of Jofeph, in that (svflsiXulo) * he gave commandment con- * cerning his bones,' which was peculiar to himfelf, "What the apoftle expreiTeth by his commanding, or giving commandment, was his taking an oath of his brethren and their pofterity in them, [Gen. 1. 25.] * He llraitly * charged the children of Ifrael with an oath,' [Exod. xiii. 19.] as it was an a£t of authority in him, (for he had the rule over his brethren,) it v*'as a command; the manner of the obligation to the performance of it was by an oath, IS0 Abraham gave charge and command to Eliezer his fervant about taking a wife for Ifaac with an oath, [Gen. xxiv. 2, 3, 9.] and this kind of oaths in things lawful, for a good end, not arbitrarily impofed, but entered into by confent, are good in themfelves, and fometimes nccef- fary ; the apoftle faith only, that ' he gave commandment * concerning his bones ;' and doth not declare what it was that he gave in charge concerning them ; but this is exprcf- fed in the florv, viz. * that when God vilited them, and de- * livered them out of Egypt, they fhould carry his bones * along with them into Canaan,' [Gen. 1. 25.] In order to this they embalmed hivci, and put him in a coffin in Egypt^ [vcr. 26.] probably the Egyptians left the care of his funeral to his brethren, and that his coffin remained in the cullody of their pofterity, perhaps his own in par- ticular, until the time of their departure ; then Mofes. took him into his care, [Exod. xiii. 19,] and the iffue of the whole was, that into the land of Canaan they were fafely carried, according to the oath of the people, and buried in Sichcm, in a parcel of ground whereof Jacob had made a purchafe, and left it in legacies to the chil- dren of Jofeph, [Jolh. xxiv. 32.] § 4. But there were fome things peculiar to Jofeph, which caulcd his faith to a£t in this way about the dif- pofal of his bones. For, I. He had been of great power, authority, and dignity among the Egyptlajis j his facie and reputation for wif- dom, Ver.2?. epistle to the HEBREWS. not dom, righteoufnefs, and legiflation were great among the nations ; he might therefore juilly have feared, that if he hzd not thus openly renounced all cognation and alliance with them, he might among pofterity be efteemed aa Egyptian, which he abhorred ; therefore he eflablifhed this lafling monument of his being of the feed and pof- terity of Abraham, and not an Egyptian ; yea, it is thought by many that in after-ages they worfhipped him under the name of Serapis, and the fymbol of an ox ; but this (as much as in him was) he prevented by the removal of his bones. 2. He did it plainly to encourage the faith and ex- pectation of his brethren and their pofterity, both for the certainty of their future deliverance, and alfo to take them off from all intention to fix themfelves in Egypt, feeing he who had all advantages above them for that end, would not have fo much as his bones to abide in the land ; the frame of his fpirit, now he was dying, may be fairly con- sidered as an indication of what it was in the whole courfe of his life ; ho is not folkitous about the difpofal of his wealth and revenues, which no doubt were very great; but his mind is wholly on the promife, and thereby on, the covenant with Abraham ; it is highly probable that his wife Afenath, a woman of a princely family, was con- verted from idolatry to the knowledge of God and faitli in him ; and hereon, probably, flie alfo was contented that her children and pofterity fhould fall from their parental honour and revenues, to take up their portion among the affli no doubt, was the princip?.! in the advice Ver. 24--a6. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 207 advice and contrivance, as his wife was in its adual ex- ecution. 3. This is the height of perfecution, when private houfes are fearched by bloody officers to execute tyran- nical laws ; when the laft and utmofl retreat of innocency, for that protection which is due to it by the law of God and nature, with the common rules of human fociety, cannot be a fhelter againft wicked rage and fury. 4. The rage of men and the faith of the church fliall work out the accomplifliment of God's counfels and promifes, to his glory, from under all perplexities and difficulties that may arife in oppolition to it. Verses 24 — -26. r.y faith moses when he was come to years, re* FUSED^ TO BE CALLED THE SON OF PHARAOH's ' DAUGHTER ; CHOOSING RATHER TO- SUFFER AF- FLICTION WITH THE PEOPLE OF GOD, THAN TO feNJOY THE PLEASURES OF SIN FOR A SEASON, ESTEEMING THE REPROACH OF, CHRIST GREATER RICHES THAN THE TREASURES OF EGYPT ; FOR HE HAD RESPECT UNTO THE RECOMPENCE OF RE- WARD. § I. The fcihh of Mofes. § 2. (I.) When he was come tj years, § 3. Rcfufcd the honour of his adoption. § 4. ^_y , what means came Afofes to know his adoption P § 5. fVhen did he refufe to he called the fon of Pharaoh's daughter. § 6 — -10. The choice and faith of Mofes. § II. Hi$ motive. § 12 — 15. (II.) Obfervations, § I. . A HIS example is great and %nal. The *apoflle, as we fliewed before, takes his inllances from the three ilates of the church under the Old Teilament, The/r/? Vol. IV. E e ^as 268 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. was from the giving of \\\t firjl promife continuing to the call of Abraham. The fccond had its beginning and confirmation in the call of Abraham^ with the covenant made with him and the token thereof. The conftitutioii and confecration of the third ftate of the church was in ghing the laWi and herein an iPiflance is given in. tlie lav/- giver himfelf. All to manifcft, that whatever outward variations the church paffed under, yet faith and the promife s were of the fame efficacy and power under them alh § 2. (I.) * By faith Mofes when he was come to ' years.' None in the old world Vv^as more lignalized by' Providence in his birth, education, and adlions, than Mofes. Hence his renown was both then, and ever after, verv great. He was the law-giver ; whence it is mani- fell, that the law is not oppofite to faith y feeing the law- giver himfelf lived thereby. (Mivcic yivousvcg^ cum efjct grandis^ cum grandis fa^u:: ejjei,) If hen he became great. Syriac ; * When he was a * man.' The word may refpe£l either fate and condition^ or time of life and flature. To become great, is in fcrip- ture and common fpeech, to become fo in wealth, riches, or power, [Gen* xxiv. 35. and xxvi. 13.] and fo Mofes was come to wea-lth, povver, and honour in the court of Pharaoh ; and hence the greatnefs of his felf-deniai here commended.- But although this be true materially, and hath an efpecial influence to the commendation of the faith of Mofes, yet it is not primarily intended in this- cxprefTion ; for, having declared the faith of his parents, and the providence of God towards him in his infancy,^ in the foregoing verfes, the apoflle here Ihcws what his^ own way and acling was, after he grew up to years of underhand ing. So the word (ut^yc^c) is ufed for one that is gi'own np to be a ?7:a}i, ffui juris) to a£t the' duty v/hereunto- he was called, [Exod. ii. 11.) 'And if * came to pafs \n thofe days, after Mofes was grown up, ' that he went cur unto his brethren ;' where the Hebrew (ntrDSn:i»T} is by the Septuofnt rennered by (jjisyc^.g ycvoij.zvog) the words here ufed. According as he grew Ver, 24— -26. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 209 up in flature and underftanding, he a£led faith in the duties whereunto he was called. § 3. 'He refufed to be called the Ton of Pharaoh's ^daughter.' It is raanifeft from the flory, [Ex >d. ;j upon Pharaoh's daughter £r{l finding him in tLe river, and faving his life^ fhe gave orders to his mother who appeared for a nurfe, that fhe fhould ' nurfe him for * her's,' [vcrfe 9.] When he was weaned, his mother carried him to her. And it muil be acknowledged, that there was no lefs danger and trial of the faith of his parents herein, than when they put him into an ark of bu.rufhes iioating on the river^ For to carry a tender iiafant, probably about three years of age, to be bred in an idolatrous^ psrfecuting court, was no lefs dangerous to his foul and eternal coiidition, than the expoling of him in the river was- to his natural life. But when Mofes was thus brought to court to Pharaoh's daughter, it is faid he became her fin. It is probable Ihe had no other child ; and that fhe folemnly adopted him to be her fon, and confequently the heir of all her honour and riches, ivhich enfued on adoption. Hereon fhe gave him his name, as w-as ufual in cafes of adoption, taking it from the firiL occafion of her owning him. She called his name Mofes ; and fhe faid * becaufe' I drew him out of * the water.^ And this is what God would have him ufe, as a perpetual remembrance of his deliverance, when he was in an helplefs condition. Being thus publickly adopted and owned, he was by all efleemed, honoured, and called ' the fon of Pharaoh's daughter.' § 4. It may bs inquired by what means, (fuppofing Mofes to be carried to Pharoah's daughter prefently after he was weaned, and thenceforth brouglit up in the court) by what means could he come to know his fl:ock, race, and kindred, fo as, upon all difadvantages, to cleave to diem, to the relinquishment of his new regal relation ? I anfwer, I. He found himfelf circumcifed^ and fo to belong to the circumcifed people. Hereon God inflrucled him to mquire into the reafon and nature of that dilliaguilliing E e 2 cha- aio AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap, XI, chara£leF ; and fo he learned that it was the token of God's covenant with the people, the pofterity of Abraham, of whom he was ; it was a bielTed inlet into the know- ledge and fear of the true God. And whatever is pre- tended by fome to the contrary, it is a moll eminent divine privilege to have the feal of the covenant in bap- tifm communicated to the children of believers in their infancy ; and a means it hath been to preferve many from fatal apoftacies. 2. His nurfe^ who w^as his mother^ was frequently with him, and probably his father, on the fame account. M^liether they were ever known to the Egyptians to be his parents, I very much queftion. But there is no doubt that they, truly fearing God, and folicitous about his eternal condition, took care to communicate to him the principles of true religion, with a detellation of the Egyptian idolatries and fuperilition. 3. The notoriety of the faft was continually before him. It was known to all Egypt that he was of an Hebrew extra6lioh, and non-incorporated into the royal family of the Egyptians. Hereon he confidered what thefe two people were, what was the difference between them ; and quickly fouiid which of them was the people of God, and Low they came to be fo. By thefe means his mind was inlaid with the principles of faith and the true rehgion, before he was given up to learn the wifdoni of the Egyp- tians, and before the temptation from wealth, power, and glory had any powerful influence on his affe6lions. § 5. Our next inquiry is, When did Mofes refufe to be called the fon of Pharaoh's daughter ? Whereas it is the internal frame and a£l of his mind that is here in- tended, it is not to be confined to any particular outward aftion, much lefs to that which fell not out until he was full forty years old, [Ads viii. 23.] and before which it is faid, that he owned the Ifraelites for his brethren ; * He went out to his brethren and looked on their bur- * dens,' [Exod. ii. 11.] which he could not ^o without a refolution to relinquilh his relation to Pharaoh's daugh- ter. Wberefore V£R.24-z6. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS, -ir Wherefore his refufal confined in the fedate rcfolution of his mind, not to abide in that ftate, whereinto he was bfonght by his adoption, by faith, prayer, and tiull in God ; for this refufal was undoubtedly an a£l and fruit ef faith, the power of which is here given as an inftance ; no doubt, but as he had occalion he converfed with his brethren, not only owning himfelf to be of t\\t'n Jiock and race, but alfo of their faith and relfgkn, and to belong to the fame covenant ; where there was no longer a con- fillency between his faith and profeflion to be continued with his flation in the court, he openly and fully fell ofF from ail refpeft to his adoption, and joined himfelf to the other people, as we Ihall fee in the following verfc. § 6. ' Choofing rather to fufier aflii£lioH with the ^ people of God, than to enjoy the pleafures of {in for a * feafon.' There are two things to be confidered in thefc words ; fiiji, that there were at this time two things pro- pofed to Mofes ; — The people of God in their afflided ilate, and^ — the enjoyments of the pleafure of fin for a feafon ; fecondly, the determination he made, as to his own intereft and concernment. ' He chofe rather,' &c. (tw Kaoo t8 g ocTToXocvcriy) to enjoy the pleafures of Jin for a j'eafon ; to have the temporary {oi7VoXoiV(rLg) fruitkfl or enjoyment of fin ; and the word is ui'ually applied to lig- pity I'ach a fruition as hath guft and rehih ; this enjoyment of iin IS faid to be [iT^jOcry.oir^og) temporary, for a feafon ; fub- je^t to a ihouland interruptions in this life, and unavoidably ending with it , thus were things truly repirfented to the thoughts of Mofes ; he did not hide his eyes from the worfl on the one hand ; liCr did he fuifer hinifeii to be impofed upon by flattering appearances or* the other ; he omitted no circurailances that might iaiiuence a right judgement in his choice : he confidered the woiTt or the people of God, which is their anlif'tion, and the heft of the world, which is but the evanid pleafur? of iin ; an4 prefers the worfl of the one above the beil of the other. § 8. (MciiAAoy cKojj.svoc) choof.ng rather \ they v/ere pro- pofed to his ele£live faculty ; he could not enjoy the good things of them both, but adhering to the one, he mufl renounce the other ; if he cleave to the treafurcs of Egypt, he mull renounce the people of God, and if he join him- ielf to the people of God, he muft renounce all his in- terell in Egypt ; this he faw neceffary from that profeffion which God required of him, and from the nature of the promife which that profeflion rcfpecled. § 9. * Efleeming (tov ovc/S/cr/xcy ry Xp;cr7&;0 the reproach * of Chr'ift greater riches than .the treafurcs in Egypt \ this mull be the fame with w'i;at he calls * being afRided with * the people of God,' in tne verfe foregoing, only with an addition of a confideration under which it is peculiarly eligible. ('O jspio^og) Chrif, is never ufed for any type of •Chriil. The immediate reafon of the perfecution of the Ifrat'lites was, becaufe they would not coalefce into ojie people v/ith the Egyptians, but ilill would retain and abide by their diflin£l interefl and hopes ; now their per- severance herein was grounded on their faith in the pro- mife to Abraham concerning Ghrift ; from the firfl pro- Diife concerning the exhibition of the Son of God in the flefh, Ver.24— 26. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS, 213 fieili, Chr'tji was the life and foul cf the church in all ages-; for from him all was derived, and in him all centered ; Jefus Chriil the fame yeflerday, to-day, and for ever ; a lamb fiain from the foundation of the world. All the perfecutions of the church arofe from the enmity between the two feeds^ which entered upon the firft pro- mife of Chrift^ and the adherence of believers to that promife is the grand caufe of that feparation from the world, which is the immediate caufe of all their perfe- verance ; wherefore, the reproach of Chr'iji in the firfi: place, ligniiies the reproach which, upon the account of Chrift, or their faith in him, they underwent ; for al! outward obfervances in the chtirch in all ages are but the profeffion of that faith ; Chrift and the church were confidered from the beginning as one niyfacal body ; fo that what the one underwent, the other is eileenied to undergo the fame. Hence it is faid, that in all their afiliftionsy lie was ajfflided, [Ifa. Ixiii. 9.] and our apoflle calls his own fufferings, that whidi is behind of the affli^tiGns of Chrlfl, [Col. i. 2 4. J vi%. v;hat belonged to the full allot- ment of fufFerings to that myflical body whereof Chriil is the head ; and in this fenfe alfo the afdidions of ti>e church are thole of Chrift, [Gal. vi. 17.] All the fuf- ferings of the people of God for the fake of Chrift arc called his rcpr-oach ; the foundation cf them all is laid in. reproach ; the world can neither juilify nor countenance itfelf in its perfecutions of the church, unlefs they iirft cover it all over \n\.\\ reproaches ; fo they dealt with our Lord himfelf. § 10. (Toov cj Aiyvvfjoo ^7i(Ta'JuiA)v) * the trcafures of ' Egypt ;' trcafures properly are riches in gold, iilver, pre- cious ftones, and other valuables that are laid up ; but when the trcafures of a nation are mentioned, they in- clude all the profits and advantages of it whence thofe treafures are gathered ; in both refpeds Eevpt, v;hcn ia its flourifhing ftate, was behind no kingdom in the world; he confidered what they v^-ere, what they would amount to, what might be done vvith them, or attained by them, and prefers the * reproach of Chrifl' above them all ; * he * elleemed 614 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chaf. XIj * efteemed the reproach of Chrifl to be (^^H^ova ttT^ov) * greater riches ;' riches, opulency^ wealth, contain all that men have and value in this world ; all that they delire and place their happinefs in ; at lead fo far as that they judge they cannot be happy without them ; that which is the principal means of all the ends of life ; and an abundance of it. § II. * For he had refpe£l unto the recompence of ' reward ;' (c>^7ic!3K-7rs, intuitus ejl) he looked on ; he faw by the eyes of faith, as reprefented in the promife ; he took into conlideration, (t'//j/ ^Kr^OTiohoo'icy.v) * the recompence of * reward \ (pramii retributionem, largitionem, mercedis red^ ditionem) the gratuitous reward that God hath annexed to faith and obedience, not merited or delired by them, but infallibly annexed to them, in a way of fovereign bountyi The apoftle gives us here a pregnant inflance of that defcription of faith which he gave us in the iirll verfe of t!ie chapter ; — that it was the * fubilance of things hoped '' for, and the evidence of things not feen,' for both thefe were feen confpicuoufly in this faith of Mofes ; it gave liim an evidence of the invilible things of the eternal reward ; and caufed them fo to fubfiil: i]i their power and foretafte in his mind, as that he preferred them above all tliings. I'hat this recompence of reward principally re- fpeds the eternal reward of pcrfecuted believers in heaven, is out of queftion ; but — whereas God in his gracions covenant is a prefent reward to them, [Gen. xv. i.] and in the prefent keeping of his commandments there is a great reward, [Pfal. xix. i i.] as alfo that the fpiritual wifdom, grace, mercy, ahd cowfolation behevers receive in this world, are riches, treafures^ and durable fubftances - — I doubt not that the blclled peace, reft, and fatisfa6lion whicli they have in a comfortable perfuafion of their co- venant intereft in God, are alfo included^ But even thefe alfo have their power and efficacy from: tlieir infeparable relation to the eternal reward ; this re^ u^ard comprifeth three things , — He believed it upon di- vine revelation and promife, — he valued it according Xcf its worth ; — he brought it to the account, in the judge- iiicnt Ver. 24-^26. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS, si^ ment which he was to make concerning the reproach of Chrift and the treafures of Egypt ; and this was the vic- tory whereby he overcame the world, even his faith. § 12. (II.) Here we obferve the enfuing particulars ; 1. Whatever be the privileges of any, whatever be their work or ofEce, it is by faith alone that they muil live to God, and obtain acceptance with him. The law- giver Mofes himfelf was juftified by faith. 2. It is good to fill up every age and feafon with the duties which are prope'- to it ; and it is the duty of all young perlbns, that, according as they come to the know- ledge of what is required of them, they apply themfelves vigoroufly and dihgently to the fame. * Mofes, when he * w^as come to years,' &c. 3. It is a blefled thing to have the principles of true religion fixed in the minds of children, and their afrec- tions engaged to them, before they are expofed to temp- tations from learning, wifdom, wealth of preferment ; and the negligence of moil parents herein, who have none of thofe difiiculties in the difcharge of their duty, which the parents of Mofes had, is a treachery which they mufb be accountable for. 4. The token of God's covenant received in infancy being duly coniidered, is the mofl effectual means to pre- ferve perfons in the profefTion of true religion againft apoflacy by outward temptations. 5. The work of faith in all ages of the church, as to its nature, efficacy, and method of afting, is uniformly the fame ; the firfl a£l of faith purely evangelical is f elf denial ^ [Matt. xvi. 24. Luke ix. 23.] and what greater inflance of it, Jefus Chrifl only excepted, can be given fince the foundation of the world, than what is here recorded of Mofes ? § 13. I. Let no m.an be offended at the low, mean, perfecuted condition of the church at any time ; the fo- vereign wifdom of God, In difpofing the outward flate and condition of his people in this world, is to be fub- mitted to. Vol. IV. F f 2- The ^iG AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XT. 2. The church in all its diftrelTes is ten thoufand times more honourable than any other fociety of men n the world ; they are the people of God. 3. In a time of great temptations, efpecially from furious perfecutors, a fedate coniideration of the true nature of the things wherein we are concerned, and their circumftances on every hand, is neceflary to enable us for a right choice of our lot, and a due performance of our duty. 4. No profeffion will endure the trial in a time of per- fecution, but fuch as proceeds from a determinate choice of adhereing to Chrifl and the gofpel, with a rejec- tion of whatever Hands in competition with them, on a due confiderationof the refpeftive natures and ends of the things propofed to us on both hands. Mofes chofe to be affiicted with the people of God ; and fo muil every one do, who will be of that number to his advantage ; many would have him^ but not with his crofs ; and his gofpel, but not with its hura'en. And of the fame Samaritan fe6t there are multitudes in every age ; but thofe who will not have their affliclions, Hiall never have their privileges ; and fo k is ail one whether they profefs themfelves to belong to them or no. § 14. And we may further chferve, 1. That reproach hath in all ages from the beginning of the world, attended Chrift and all the fincere profefTors of faith in him, which in God's eileem is upon his ac- count. 2. Let the things of this world be increafed and mul- tiplied into the greateil meafure and degree imaginable, it alters not their kind ; they are temporary, fadiixg and periihing Hill ; fuch as w^ill Hand men in no Head on their greateft occalions, 3. That there is an all-fatisfa6lory fulnefs in fpiritual tilings, even when the enjoyment of them is under re- proach and perfecution. 4. Signal exemplifications of the nature and efficacy of faith in others, fpeciaily when vidorious againft mighty oppolitions, Ver. 24— 26. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 217 oppofitions, as in Mofes, are high encouragements to us, for the like excrcife of it in the like circumilances. § 15. We may further learn ; 1. That it is our duty in the whole courfe of our faith and obedience, to have refpeft unto the future recom- pence of reward ; but efpecially in times of great per- fecution wherein we are fliarers. A refpeft — not to what we Ihall deferve by what we fuffer, nor to what prin- cipally infiuenceth us to obedience or fufFering, nor as if there were between the reward and what we do any proportion^ like that between work and wages ; but — what Divine bounty hath propofed to us for our encouragement, which becomes the divine goodnefs and righteoufnefs freely to grant to the believing and obedient. 2. It is faith only that can carry us through the diffi- culties, trials, and perfecutions which we may be called to for the fake and name of Chrifl ; Mofes himfelf with all his wifdom, learning, courage, and refolut'ion,had never been able to have gone through with his trials and diffi- culties, had not faith had the rule and government of his heart. 3.^ Faith in cxercife will carry us fafely through all trials which we have to undergo for Chrift and the gofpel ; conlider all circumftances, and it is almoft impoffible that our temptations and trials fhould be greater than thofe of Mofes ; y^X faith carried him through them all. 4. Faith is highly rational in all its adls of obedience towards God ; it reckoneth, computeth, judgeth, choofeth and determineth in the moil: exalted a£ls of reafon ; all thefe things were here afcribed to Mofes in the exercife. of his faith ; and if we cannot prove — that the wifdom of faith and the reafon wherein it always a£ls, are the mofl eminent that our nature is capable of in this world, and that whatever is contrary to them, or inconfiftent with them, is arrant folly, aiid contrary tO; the prlmogerilal light of our natures, and all the principals of reafon truly fo called ; we fhall freely give up the caufe of faith to the vaineft pretences of reafon that foolifh men can make. F f 2 Verse 3il AN EXPOSITION OF T^E Chap. XI, Verse 27. jy faith he forsook egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king ; for he endured as seeing him who is invisible. § I. The faith of Mofes in fofah'mg Egypt, His remarkable courage. § 2. His confiancy. § 3. The objed of hi 5 faith and courage. § 4. Obfervations, § I. X HE fa£t which the apoftle here intends was ac« companied with, or immediately followed by Mofes keep- ing the paiTover, which was forty years and fomewhat more after his £rll; flight out of Egypt ; wherefore, although the leaving of Egypt may be a general expreffion of his whole condu6ling of the people thence into the wilder- nefs, yet the apoftle hath a peculiar refped to what is recorded, [Exod. x. 28, 29.] ' And Pharaoh faid unto * him, get thee from me, take heed to thyfelf, fee my face * no more ; for in the day that thou feeft my face, thou * Ihalt die ; and Mofes faid, thou haft fpoken well ; I will * fee thy face again no more ;' never was there an higher expreffion of faith and fpiritual courage ; whence it is laid, [Exod. xi. 8.] 'that he threatened Pharaoh, that all his ^ fervants fhould come and bow down before him ;' and fo went out from him in great anger, or the height of in- dignation at his obftinate rebellion againll: God ; he had before him a bloody tyrant, armed with all the power of Egypt, threatening him with prefent death, if he perfifled in the work and duty which God had committed to him ; but he was fo far from being terrified, or declining his duty in the leaft, that he profefleth his refolution to proceed, and denounceth deftru6lion to the tyrant hi rafelf. Faith will not move without a divine word for its warranty; ^nd natural courage would not carry him out in his un- dertaking I Ver.2.7- epistle to the HEBREWS. 219 <3ertaking ; but now being affured of his call as well as of his work, he is bold as a lion through the power of faith a6ling regularly on a word of promife and corn- xnand. § 2. * He endured as feeing him who is invifible.* (Kciflipsc^i forii a?iimo fumt non cedo malls) to endure, is a word (ingalarly fuited to exprefs the frame of mind that was in Mofes, with refpeft to his work of faith in leaving Egypt ; for he met with a long courfe of various diffi- culties, and was often threatened by the king ; befides ~^vhat he had to cope with from the unbelief of the people; but he ilrengthened and confirmed his heart with fpiritual courage, and refolution to abide in his duty to the end ; and as the verb (y.c/.pjspuy) to endure, is ufed fometimes with a dative, fometimes an accufative cafe, fometimes with prepofitions, (ttcc^, cTT*', sv) and fometimes without; fo it is aifo neutrally, without affecting any other perfons or things ; wherefore this enduring by faith is not a mere bare continuance in duty ; but it is an abiding in it with courage and refolution, without fear and defpoii- dency, § 3. That which preferved Mofes in this frame, was, that he faw the inviiible God ; (tdv aopajov ocg vooov) as feting him who is invijihle ; God is faid to be invijible in refpe£l of his eiTence ; [Rom. i. 20. Col. i. 15. I. Tim. i. 17.] but there is a peculiar reafon of this defcription of him here ; Mofes was in that Hate and condition, and had thofe things to diO, wherein he continually Hood iu need of divine power and afliftance ; whence this fhould proceed he could not difcern by his fenfes ; his. bodily eye could behold no prefent afTiftant, for God was in- vifible ; and it requires a fpccial aft of the mind in ex- pelling help from him who cannot be feen ; wherefore ho faw him by faith whom he could not fee with his eyes ; • As feeing^ he reprefented him a prefent help, no lefs than if he had been {ttn. A double a6l of Mofes finth is intended herein ; — a clear, diftinft view and apprehen- fion of God in his omniprefence, power, and faithfulnefs ; and-^a fixed trufl in him on their account, at all times and «20 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XX. and on all occafions. This he refled on, this he tfufted to, that God was every where prefent with him, able to protect him, and faithful to his promife ; which is the fum of the revelation he made of himfeif to Abraham, [Gen. XV. I. and xvii. i.] hereof he had as certain a per- fualion, as if he had feen God working with him and for him with his bodily eyes. This fight of God he continually retreated to, in all his hazards and difficulties, and thereon endured courageoufly to the end. § 4. Hence we may ohferve ; J. In all duties, efpecially fuch as are attended with great difficulties and dangers, it is the wifdom of be- lievers to take care not only that the works be good in therafelves, but alfo that they have a juft and due call to their performance. 2. Even the wrath of the greatefl kings is to be difre- gardedj if it lie againfl: our duty towards God, [Dan. iii, 3. There is an heroic frame of mind and fpiritual fortitude required to the due difcharge of our callings in times of danger, and which faith in exercife will produce, [I. Cor. xvi. 13.] 4. There is nothing infuperable to faith, whilll it can keep a clear view of the power of God and his faithful- nefs in his promifes. And unlefs we are conftant in this exercife, we fliall faint and fail in great trials and difficult duties. From hence we may fetch revivings and renewals of ilrength and comfort on all occafions, as the fcripture every where tellifieth, [Pfalm Ixxiii. 25, 26. Ifa. xl. 28, 30.] Verss,' yER.uS. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 22% Verse 28. £y faith he kept the passover, and the sprink- ling of blood, lest he that destroyed the first born should touch them. § I. Mofis keeps the pajjover hy faith \ and § 2. Thefprink' ling of blood, § 3. The end of the infiitution, § 4. Of vjhat a fign. \ 5. Obfervations. § I. A HE firll thing afcribed to him as the fruit of faith is, that he * kept the paiTover.' The word (TTiTroiriKs) is of a large fignification ; he wrought, he performed the whole facred duty ; that is, of killing the palTover, and fprinkling the blood. * The pajjover.'' The word is of an Hebrew original, only ufed by the Greeks after the Chaldee dialeft, wherein it is ufual to add ( « ) aleph to the end of words. So from the Hebrew (noD) to pafs over by a kind of leaping^ came the Chaldee («nDs) ^nd the Greek (jTvaa-ya.^ The word was chofen to inti- mate the mamier of the di{lin£lion God made by the de- ftroying angel between the houfes of the Egyptians and the Ifraelites, when he paffcd over the one untouched, and entered into another, (it may be fometimes the next to it) with death. The apoftle exprefsly calls Chrift, « our paf- *■ fover, facrificed for us. [I. Cor. v. 7.] He and his facrifice was that really and fubflantially, whereof the paf- chal lamb was a typical lign and fhadow. § 2. The fecond thing afcribed to the faith of Mofes, is, [tYiV TTpOQ-yjuo-iv) the fprinkling of blood. This, whether it were a peculiar temporary ordinance, or an obfervance annexed to the firfl celebration of the paflbver, is all to the fame purpofe. The blood of the lamb was preferved in a bafon, from whence they were to take it by dipping a bunch of hylTop into it, [verfe 22.] and {Irike it on the ^2t AN EXPOSITION OF THfi Ckap. X!^ the two j^de-poJIs, and the tapper door pofls of their houfcs. And this was to be a token unto them that God would ^ajs over the houfes that ^were fa fprinkled and marked with blood, that none fhould be deflroyed in theim, [verfe 13.] and this in its myflical fignification, was to abide for ever. § 3. The end of this inftitution was, * that he who * deflroyed the firft born might not touch them.' (OAc- ^Lcvoovi or cXo9psv]yjg, I. Cor. x. 10.) that is, an angel whom God employed in that work, as the executioner of his judgements, as he did afterwards in the deitru6tion of Sennacherib's army ; and before in that of Sodom. There is no work more holy, nor more becoming the holy minillering fpirits, than to execute the judgements of God on impenitent finners. I grant, that in the in- fliction of the plagues of the Egyptians in general, efpe- cially in the work of hardening their hearts, and feducing them to their deferved deflrud^ion, God made ufe of evil angels ; * He fent evil angels among them,' [Pfalm Ixxviii. 49.] But this work of flaying their iirll born is {o pecu- liarly and frequently afcribed to God himfelf, that I rather judge he employed a good angel therein. * He • deftroyed the Jirji born ;' {tcc TvpcSjojoKC/.) the firji things that were born ; in the neuter gender, (i. e. y'i]v'/iUOijo^.) For the deftruiTtion was intended to the firft born of beaJIs as well as of men, [Exod. xii. 29.] and this was done at the fame //?«^ throughout all the land of Egypt, that is, about midnight, [Exod. xi. 4. and xii. 29, 30.) § 4. * Left he that deftroyeth the firft born fhould * touch them ;' namely, that it might be a iign and token to the Ifraelites, that they fhould be prcferved from that woeful deftru^lion which they knew would, that night, befall the Egyptians, [Exod. xii. 13.] * The blood Ihall ' be to you for a token upon the lioufes where you are.* And what is added, that when he did fee the blood, he would pafs over tliem, and the plague fhould not come nigh them, was only to oblige them with all diligciice and reverence to obfeuve his facred inftitution. For their deliverance Ver. 28. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. ^ly deliverance was fufpended on that condition, and had any of them failed herein, they Ilioald have periflied with the Egyptians. (M^ Giyii uvjcajv) Jhould not touch them ; that is, the Ifraelites or their cattle. Not touch them ; to declare the abfolute fecur'ity which they were to enjoy whiifl the Egyptians were fmitten. The deftroyer made no approach to their houfes, they had no fear of him. So ' not to touch,' is ufed for doing no harm ; or being re- mote from it, [Pfalm cv. 15.] ' Touch not mine anoint- * ed, and do my prophets no harm.' [I. John v. 18.] * The wicked one toucheth him not.', § 5. Hence ohfcrve : 1. There is always an cfpecial exercife of faith re- quired to the due obfervance of a facramental ordinance. 2. Whatever is not fprinkled with the blood of Chrifc the lamb of God, who was flain and facrificed for us, is expofed to dellru6lion from the anger and difpleafure of God. 3. And this alone is that which gives us fecurity fiom him that hath the power of death. [See Expof. on chap. ii. 14, 15. 4. God hath always inftruments in readinefs to execute the fevereft of his judgements on linners in their greateil fecurity. They were all in their midnight fkep in Egypt„ when this mefTanger of death came amongft them. 5. Such is the great power and a£livity of thefe fiery miniftering fpirits, as that in the fhortell fpace of time imaginable they can execute the judgements of God on whole nations, as wxll and as eafily as on private perfons, [IT. Kings xix. 35.] 6. That which God would for ever inftruft the church in by this ordinance, is, that unlefs we are fprinkled with the blood of Chrift, our pafchal Lamb, no other privilege can fecure us from eternal defl:ru£lion. Though a man had been really an Ifraelite, and had with others made himfelf ready that night for a departure, which was an high profeiTiOn of faith, yet if the Untel and pji^ of his door had not been fprinkled with bloodj he would liave been deflroyed. Vgl lY, G^ YeRs.::! j^4 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xi, Verse 29. by faith they passed through the red sea, as by dry land, which the egyptians essay- ing to do were drowned. § I. (I.) 'The 'words explained. The Ifraelites hy faith fa f^ fing the Red Sea, § 2. fVhy fo called, § 3. The pajjagc- itfelf. § 4. The fate of the Egyptians,. § 5—6. (11.) Obfervations, " § I. (I.) (AIEBHSAN) theypajjcd', that is, the whole congregation of the Ifraehtes under the conduct of Mofes, [Exod. xiv.] and the whole is denominated from the better part, for many of them were not behevers to the fanftiiica- tion of their perfons. For with many of them, as the apoftle f peaks, God was not well pleafed, though they were ' all * baptized unto Mofes in the cloud and in the fea,' [I. Cor., X. 2 — 5.] But in a profejjlng fociety, God is pleafed to afcribe the faith and obedience of fome to the whole ; as on the other hand, judgements oftentimes fall on the whole for the provocations of fome, as it frequently happened to the people in the wildernefs. It is therefore the duty of every man in the church to endeavour, on the one hand, the good of the whole in his own perfonal faith and obedience ; as alfo on the other, to keep thera as far as lies in him from fin, that he fall not with them under the difpleafure of God. § 2. It was {^r^v cpv9Qocy Qc67wi(r(roiv) the Red Sea they pafTed through ; that part of the Ethiopic ocean which lieth between Egypt and Arabia. In the Hebrew it ia conllantly called {j^o cd') the fa of /edges, reeds or canes» from the multitude of them growing on its fhore, as to this day. The Greeks call it (^sov^oaiog or spv9Q(z) red -^ not from the red colour of the waters, appearing fo from the fand or the fun, as fome have fancied ; but from Erythrausi that is^ Efau or Edom, who fixed his habi-, tatioa Ver. 29. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 225 tation and rule towards this fea. And whereas that name (EdomJ fignifies r^d^ they gave him a name of the fame fignification in their language. Thence came the fea among them to be called the ' Red Sea,"* which the He- brews call yam Syph. § 3. It is faid, that they paffed through (ug W ^yipag) as on dry land^ [Exod. xiv. 21, 2 2 — 29.] I'he ground was made fit for them to travel on, and they paffed the Waters without any impediment. The divilion of th& waters was very great, leaving a fpace for fo great a mul- titude to pafs in an orderly manner between the divided parts ; perhaps to the diilance of fome miles* And their paffage is judged to have h^.tVi Jix leagues from fhore to fhore, and by fome much larger. The Ifraelites had light to difcern this miraculous appearance, which, no doubt, was very dreadful. The waters mufl of neceffity be raifed to a very great height on each fide : and although they were, by the powder of God, a w^all to them on the right and left ; yet was it an high a£t of faith in them, to put themfelves between fuch walls, as were re?dy in their own nature to fall on them to their deilruftion every moment, abiding only under an almighty reflraint. But they had the command and promife of God for their warranty and fecurity, which will enable faith to over- come all fears and dangers. I doubt not but that Mofes himfelf iirft entered at the head of them. Hence it is faid, that God led them through the fea * at the right * hand of Mofes \ [Ifa. Ixiii. 1 1 — 13.] he entering before them into the channel of the deep, to guide and encourage them. § 4. It remains that we confider the other people, the Egyptians ; fo they are called here in general; but in the account given us by Mofes, it appears that Pharaoh him- felf, the king, was prefent in perfon, with all the nobility and power of his kingdom. It was he, in an efpecial manner, whom God had undertaken to deal with, [Exod, ix. 16. Rom. ix. 17. Exod. xv. 3—9.] This Pharaoh, with his Egyptians, that is, his whole armv, hoifis and chariots, alfo attempted ; {irsi^ixy KolSovjsg) qff(^ying to do ; G g 2 which jiab. EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XL which was the greateil height that ever obdurate infidels could arife to in this world. They had feen all the mighty works which God had wrought in behalf of his people among them ; they and their country were almoft confumed with the plagues and judgements that were inflided on them on their account. And yet, now be- holding this wonderful work of God, in opening the fea to receive them from their purfuit, they would make a •venture (as the word hgnities) to follow them into it. Vain and defperate attempt, and an high evidence of in- fatuation ! Here we have one of the moil lignal ex- amples of the power of unbelief, confirmed by judiciary hardnefs of heart, that is upon record in the whole book of God ; nor is there any monument of equal folly and. blindnefs among the annals of time. The event was, that they (^y^u'izTiooVicrav) were dro'wncd, fwallowed up. The account hereof is given us fo glorioufly in the triumphant fong of Mofes, [Exod. xv.] that nothing needs to be added for its farther illuflratlon. And this deftrudion of the Egyptians, with the deliverance of Ifrael, was a type and pledge of the vidtory and triumph which the church Ihall have over its anti-chriftian ad- verfaries, [Rev. xv. 2 — 5.] § 5. (II.) Obfcrve hence, 1. Where God engagcth his word and promlfe, there is nothing fo difficult, nothing fo remote from the rational appreheniions of men, but he may righteoufiy require our faith and truft in him therein. 2. Faith will find a way through a fea of diihcultles tinder the call of God. 3. There is no trial, no difiiculty, that the church can be called to, but there are examples on record of the power of faith in working out its deliverance. There can be no greater flrait than tlie Ifraelites were in be- tween the hoil of the Egyptians and the Red Sea. ^6. I. God knows how to fecure impenitent finners to their appointed deftru£iion, by giving them up to hard- nefs of heart, and an obilinate continuance in their fins againft 3 Ver. «9' EPISTLE TO THE HEl3TlEW§^ Sfef againft all warnings and means of repentance, [fee Rom. i. 24—32.] 2. God doth not give up any in a judicial way to fin, but it is a punifhment for preceding fins, and as a means to bring on them total ruin and dellruftion. 3. Let us not wonder that we fee men in the world obftinate in foolifh counfels and undertakings, tendino^ to their own inevitable ruin, feeing probably they are under judicial hardnefs from God, [Ifa. vi. 9, 10. and xxix, ID. and xix. 13, 14.] 4. There is no fuch blinding, hardening lufl in the minds of men, as hatred of God's people, and delire of their ruin. Where this prevails, as it did in thefe per- fecuting Egyptians, it deprives men of all wifdom and underflanding, that they fliall do things againfl all rules of reafon and polity, (which commonly they pretended to) ad brutilhly and obftinately, though apparently t-ending to their own ruin and defl:ru£lion. Thefe Egyp- tians deligned the utter extirpation of the people, that they lliould be no more in the world, by their edi6l for the deftruftion of all the male children, which in one age would have totally exterminated them out of Egypt ; yet now they will run themfelves on imminent univerfal deflruftion, to bring them back again into Egypt. 5. When the opprefTors of the church are neareft to their ruin, they commonly rage moil, and are moft obftinate in their bloody perfecutions. Yersb S28 AN EXPOSITION OF THE CrtAP.XI. Verse 2^, by faith the wall of jericho fell down af- ter they were encompassed a'^out seven days. § I, The faith of Ifrael at Jericho. § 2. Jfter it was com^ pifjcd about fcven days. ^ 2* Hoiv this manijcjicd their faitb, § 4. Ohfervations, § I. xN this verfe the apoflle adds another inftance of the faith of the whole congregation in the fenfe before declared ; for although refped be had, no doubt, to the faith of Jofhua in an efpecial manner, yet that of the ivhole people is exprelTed. The city itfelf was not great, as is evident, becaufe the whole army of the liraelites did compafs it feven times in one day ; but mofi: probably it was fortified and encompaflcd with walls of great height and ilrengtli, with which the fpies fent by Mofes out of the wildernefs were terrified, [Numb. xiii. 28.] and it is uncertain how long it was belieged by the liraelites, be-^ fore God fhewed them the way to demolifh the walls ; for the town was beleaguered by Jolhua it may be for fome good while before he had the command to compafs it, [Jofhua vi. i.] — thefe walls, faith the apoftle, (iTTicrt) fell do-wn; or as in Jofhua [ver. 20. Heb.) ' The iv all fell ' dovon under it.'' It intimates the utter calling it down flat on the earth, whereby the people went over it with eafc into the city ; yet need not this be fo far extended, as that no part of it was left {landing ; for that part of it, for inftance, whereon the houfe of Rahab was built, was probably left (landing ; but the fall was fuch as took away all defence from the inhabitants, and facilitated the en- trance of the Ifraelites in various places at once. § 2. This, faith the apoftle, was done after they were ' compafTed about feven days,' [Jofli. vi. 2, 3.] The ;firft command of God was to have it ^o\\^ fix times in the fpace Ver.30. epistle to THE HEBREWS. ^2^ fpace of px days, [ver. 3.] but an efpecial command and dire£tioQ was given for that of the feventh day, becaufe it was to be done then [even times, [ver. 4.J This feventh day probably was the fabbath ; and fome mvftery is, no doubt, intimated in the number y^;^'^;z in this place. The reader may, if he pleafes, confult our difcourfe of the original and inflitution of the fabbath, wherein thef^ things are fpoken to. § 3. And fome things there are wherein the Ifraelites did manifeft \\\t\x fakh therein. 1. It was on the command of God, and his promife of fuGcefs, that they now entered the land of Canaan, and began their work and war with the iiege of this ilrong^ town, not having, by any previous fight, weakened the inhabitants. Here they made the firit experiment of the prefence of God with them in the accomphlhment of the promife made to Abraham. 2. They fliewed their faith in their readinefs to com- ply with the way pre fori bed, of compaffing the town fa many days with the noife of trumpets, without the lenft attempt to poliefs it; for without a refpe£l by faith to the command and promife of God, this aft was fo far from furthering them in their defign, that it was fuited to ex- pofe them to the fcorn and contempt of their adverfaries ; this way was prefcribed to them of God to give them a diftin£l apprehenfion, that the work of the conquefl of Canaan was his, and not theirs. 3. The fame faith is manifefl in the triumphant Jh out they gave, before the walls in the leaft moved ; they ufed^ the yzV« of their downfall before the thing fignified was accomplifhed ; and triumphed by faith in the ruin of the walls, whilft they flood in their full ftrength ; whereford the apollle might juftly commend their faith, which was afted againft fo many difficulties, in the ufe of unlikely means. § 4. Hence we may obferve ; I. Faith will make ufe of means divinely prefcribed, though it be not able to difcern the efTedive influence of ther^i to the end aimed at^, [fee 1\, Kings v. 14.] S. Faith t^o AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XL 2. Faith will cafl down walls and flrong towers that lie in the way of the work of God ; it is true, we have no Hone walls to demolifh. nor cities to deftroy ; but th^ fame faith in exercife is required of us in all our con-. cerns, as was in Jolhua when he entered on the conqueft of Canaan, as the apoftle declares chap. xiii. 5. and there are ftrong holds of iin in our minds, which nothing but faith can cafl to the ground. Verse 31. BY FAITH RAHA3 THE HARLOT PERISHED NOT WITK THEM THAT BELIEVED NOT, WHEN SHE RECEIVED THE SPIES WITH PEACE. ^ I . The hijlpry and faith of Rahah^ contained In fcveral propqfitions. She was a Gentile, an Amorite, an harlot^ yet converted to God. § 2 . Afade an excellent confejjion of her faith. § 3. fo'ined God^s people. § 4. Shewed her faith by her works. § C. The fruit of her faith, § 6. Oh~ firvations. § I. X HE flory concerning this Rahal>, her faith and works, is at large recorded in Jofhua, chap. ii. vi. What Concerns the expofition of thefe v/ords, and the great inftance of the grace of God, and efficacy of faith in them, may be comprifed in fome remarks, 1. Rabab was by nature a Gentile^ an alien from the flock and covenant of Abraham ; wherefore, as her con- verfion to God was an ii£l of free grace and mercy in a peculiar manner, fo it was a type and pledge of calling a church from among the Gentiles. 2. She was not only a Gentile, but an A-morite ; of that race which in general was devoted to utter deflruc- tion J fhe was therefore an inftance of God's fovercignty m difpcnling Ver. 31* EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 231 dlfpenfing with his pofitive laws, as it feems good unto him ; for of his own mere pleafure he exempted her from tlie doom denounced againft all thofe of her origin. 3. She was (-/j Tropyrj) o.n harlot, though it may be not one that commonly and promifcuouily expofed himfelf i (nJtn nobili fcortum ;) that fhe kept a public houfe of enter^ tainmenty is evident from the fpies going thither ; which they did as to fuch a houfe ; and herein have we a bleffed inftance both of the fovereignty of God's grace, and of its power. No perfon, no lin, is to be defpaired of, in whofe cure fovereign almighty grace is engaged, [I. Cor. vi. 9 — 1 1.] 4. She was converted to God before the coming of the fp'ies to her, by what fhe had heard of him ; his mighty works, and his pecuHar owning of the people of Ifrael ; for God had ordained and defigned that the report of thefe things fhould be an effeftual ordinance, both ta terrify obftinate believers, alfo to call others to repen- tance, and converfion from their idols ; to which end, no doubt, it was effectual on others as well as on Rahab; as it was on the Gibeonltes in general. Hence thofe who perifhed are faid to be unbelievers ; Ihe perifhed not with * them that believed not,* or who were difobedlent ; for they had a fufficient revelation of God and his will ne- celTary to their faith and obedience ; and their deflru6lioii is afcribed to the hardening of their hearts, fo that they Ihould not makepeace with Ifrael, [Jofh. xi. 19, 20.] § 2. Rahab upon this iiril opportunity made an ^^-. cellent confejjion of her faith, and of the means of her converfion to God. This confefiion is recorded at large, Jofh. ii. 9 — II. She avows the >Lord Jehovah to be the only God in heaven above and in the earth be» neath ; wherein flie renounced all the idols which before fhe had worfhipped ; [ver. 11.] and fhe avows her faith in him as the God of Ifrael, who had taken them to be his people by promlfe and covenant, which in this con- feffion fhe lays hold on by faith ; * the Lord your God, * he is God,' [Rom. x. 10.] Vol. IV, H h § 3, ^3s AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI, § 3. She feparated herfelf from the caiife and inter eft of her own people among whom fhe lived, and joined her- felf to the caufe and interefl of the people of God ; this aUb is a necefTary fruit of faith, and an infeparable con- comitant of profellion ; this God called her to, this fhe complied with, and this was that which rendered all fhe did in receiving, concealing and preferving the fpies, though they came to deftroy her country and people, jufl and warrantable. § 4. She fliewed her faith by her w^orks ; ' She recei- • yed the fpies with peace.' In thefe few words the apofile comprifes the whole flory of her receiving them ; her fludioufly concealing them ; the intelligence fhe gave them, the prudence fhe ufed, the pains fhe took, and the danger fhe underwent in the fafe conveyance of them to their army ; all which are at large recorded, Jofh. ii. (fee alfo James ii.) Again, it was a work of great ufe and importance to the church and caufe of God ; for had thefe fpies been taken and flain, it would have been a great difcouragement to the whole people, and made thefo queilion whether God would be with them in their un- dertaking or no ; and it is evident that the tidings which they carried to Jofliua, and the people, from the intel- ligence which they had by Rahab, was a mighty eli- couragement to them ; for they report their difcovery iii her words ; they faid unto Jofhua, * Truly the Lord hath * delivered into our hands all the land ; for even all the * inhabitants of the country do faint becaufe of us,' [Jofh. ii. 24.] and it was a work accompanied with the utmofl hazard and danger to herfelf; had the matter been dif- covered, doubtlefs flie, and all fhe pofTefTed, had beeri utterly deflroyed ; and all thefe things fet a great luftre upon this work, whereby fhe evidenced her faith and her juflification ; and as this is an inflance exceedingly ap- pofite to the purpofe of the apoflle, to arm Jlnd encourage believers againfl the difficulties and dangers which they TVere to meet with in their proftflion ; fo it is fufficient to condemn multitudes among ourfelves, who, after a long profeffion of the truth, are readj to tremble at the firft approach Ver. 31. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. ^33 approach of danger, and think it their wifdom to keep at a diftance from fuch as are expofed to danger and fuf- ferings. § 5. The fruit of this faith of Rahab was, that Jhe perl/he d not, fhe was not dellroyed, [Jofh. vi. 25.] ' And * Jofhua faved Rahab the harlot aUve, and her father's * houfehold, and all that fhe had, and fhe dwelt in Ifrael ' to this day.' Note, it is good, and fometimes ufeful, tD be related to them that believe ; but what is added of her * dwelling in Ifrael' plainly intimates her folemn con- jundtion to the people of God in faith and worfhip ; yea, I am perfuaded that from henceforward fhe was as emi- nent \n faith and holinefs, as fhe had been before in Jin and folly ; for it was not for her wealth that flie was afterwards married to Salmon the fon of NaafTon, the prince of the tribe of Juda, [Matt. i. 5.] becoming thereby to have the honour of a place in the genealogy of our blefled Saviour, and of a type of tlie intereft of the Gentiles in his incar- nation. The Holy Ghoft alfo taking occalion twice to mention her in a way of commendation, and propofing her as an example of faith and obedience, gives fuch an approbation of her, as teftifies her to have been eminent and exemplary in thefe things. § 6. The following obfervatiens ofFer ; 1. Although unbelief be not the only deftroying fin, (for the wages of every fin is death, and many are ac- companied with peculiar provocations) yet it is the only Hn which makes eternal deilrudtion inevitable and re- medilefs. And, 2. Where there are means granted of the revelation of God and his will, unbelief is the greateil and moil pro- voking thing, and from whence God is glorified in his fevereft judgement. And, 3. "Where this revelation of the mind and will of God is mofl open, full, and evident, and the means of it are mofl exprefs, and fuited to the communication df the knowledge of it, there is the higheft aggravation of un* belief. If the inhabitants of Jericho perifhed in their >5nbelief, becaufe they believed not the report that was ti h 2 brought t34 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. brought to them of the mighty works of God ; what will be the end of them who live and die in their unbelief under the daily, conllant preaching of the gofpel, the moft glorious revelation of the mind and will of God for the falvation of men ! [Heb. ii, 3.] 4. Every tiling which God deligns as an ordinance to bring men to repentance, ought to be diligently attended to and complied with, feeing the negle£t of the call of God therein Ihall be feverely revenged. Such were his mighty works in thofe days ; and fuch are his judgements in all ages. 5. It is in the nature of true, real, faving faith, im- mediately, or at its firll opportunity, to declare and pro- teil itfelf in confeffion before men i or confeffion is ab- folutely infeparable from faith, and the fearful, that is, thof« who fly from public profeflion in times of danger and perfecution, Ihall be no lefs afluredly excluded from the heavenly Jerufalem, than unbelievers themfelves, [Rev, xxi. 8.] 6. A feparation from the carnal caufe and interefl of the world is required in all believers, and will accom^ pany true faith wherever it is. Verse 32. und what shall i say more? for the time would fail me to tell op gideon, and of ba- rack, and of sampson, and of jephth^e, of DAVID ALSO, AND SAMUEL, AND OF THE PRO- PHETS. § I. Connexion and general remarks. § 2. Expojitlon, § 3. Hqvj does it appear that it was by faith thefe perfons a^ed ? 2 §4. VER.-32- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 435 § 4. Efpeclally in their heroic a^'ions^ hovj they could be ex* amples to us. § 5. Obfervatioiu § I. IN this verfe, and to the end of ver. 38, he funis up the remaining teflimonies, which out of many he in- fifted on, with intimation that there were yet more of the like kind upon record, which he would not fo much as name. We may here notice two things ; 1. That in the naming of them, (Gideon, Barak, Samp- fon, Jephthse, David, and Samuel,) he doth not obferve the order of time wherein they lived ; for Barak was be- fore Gideon, and Jephthse before Sampfon, and Samuel before David. 2. He doth not reckon up the things they did in the fame order wherein he had named the perfons ; fo as that the firft thing mentioned fhould be afcribed to him that was firft named, and fo in order ; but he ufeth his liberty in fetting down both the names of the perfons and of the things afcribed to them ; and the things he mentionetli cannot all be abfolutely applied to the perfons named ; but fome of them v/ere wrought by others whofe names are not exprefled. Having given this account of the fcope and argument of the apoftle, I fhall be very brief in the expofition of the particulars. § 2. (Y^ui 71 si I Xsyuj ;) Jnd what Jhall I fay more? Or, why do I farther fpeak ? He had in readinefs many more examples of the fame kind. To muhiply arguments and teftimonies beyond what is neceffary, ferves only to divert the mind from attending to the truth itfelf to be confirmed ; for the time would fail me ; it would be a work of that length as would not be contained within the bounds which I have affigned to this epiftle, fhould I fo declare their faith and the fruits of it in particular, as I have done in the foregoing charafters ; yet \\Q fo names them as to bring them in witnefs in the caufe. v § 3. How doth it appear that it was hj faith they per^ formed the things afcribed to them ? s. They 2^5 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XT. 1. They all, or at leail moft of them, h2.dL fpecial callf from God to the works which they wrought. So had Gideon by an angel, [Judg. vii.] Barak by the prophecy of Deborah, [Judg. iv.] Sampfon by the direction of an angel to his parents, [Judg. xiii.] fo was it alfo, it is well known, with Samuel and David ; they had their calls immediately from God ; and as for Jephtha?, he was iirfl chofen by the people to his office and work, [Judg, xi. II.] which God approved of in giving him his Spirit in an extraordinary manner, [ver. 29.] They werefatisfied in their call from God, and fo trulled in him for his aid and alTiflance. 2. The work which they had to do was the iJi/ork of Gild I namely, to deliver the church from trouble and oppreffion ; and there was a promife annexed to their works, when undertaken according to the mind of God ; yea, many promifes to this purpofe were left on record for their encouragement, [Deut. xxxii. 36, &c.] this pro- Kiife they relied on h^ faith in all their undertakings. 3. Some of them, as Gideon, Barak, and David, had particular promifes of fuccefs in what they were called to ; and although at fiifl they might be flow in believing them, yet in the ifTue their faith was vi£lorious, and they •^ obtained the promifes,' as in the next verfe. On thefe grounds they wrought all their great works of faith, whereby they engaged the divine prefence and affiilance, and are therefore a meet example to be pro- pofed for our encouragement. § 4. And though thefe examples were chiefly beroie aftions, yet confider ; 1. The faith whereby they wrought tliefe great things was of the fim.e nature and kind with that whicii is in every true believer ; wherefore, as it was efFedual in them for thofe duties whereunto they were called, it will be fo in us alfo, as to all we may be called to. 2. To deflroy the kingdom of Satan in us, to demolifh all his ftrong holds, to overcome the world in all its at- tempts on our eternal fafety, will appear one day not ta be inferior to the conqueft of kingdoms, and overthrow of Ver. 33— 35- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 23;, of armies. [See Epb. vi. 10 — 12, &c.] And wc may learn hence, — That it is not the dignity of the perloii that gives efficacy to taith, but faith makes the perfon accepted — That neither the guilt of fin, nor the fenfe of it, Ihould hinder us from a6ting faith on God in Chrifl, when we are called to it — That true faitli will fave great finners ; for that they were all faz/ed who are on this cata- logue of bflievers, the apoflle exprefly affirms, [verfe 30.] § 5. Olff. There is nothing fo difficult, or feeming.ly infuperable, no difcouragement fo great, from a fenfe of our own unworthinefs by fin, nor oppofition arifino- againft us from both of them in conjundion, that fliould hinder us from believing when we are called to it. Verse 33—35. -who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises^ stopped THE MOUTHS OF LIONS, QUENCHED THE VIOLENCE OF FIRE, ESCAPED THE EDGE OF THE SWORD, OUT OF WEAKNESS WERE MADE STRONG, WAXED VA- LIANT IN FIGHT ; TURNED TO FLIGHT THE AR- MIES OP THE ALIENS ; WOMEN RECEIVED THEIR DEAD J^AiSED TO LIFE AGAIN. 5 I . From the pcrfons, the apoftle proceeds to the things per- formed by faith. § 2. They fubdued kingdoms, What kingdoms, and hoiv, by faith. § 3. Wrought rlghteouf- nefs, § 4. Obtained particular promlfes. § 5. Stopped the mouths of lions. § 6. ^enched the violence of fire. § 7. Efcaped the edge of the fivord. § 8. Some out of vjeaknefs zvere made firong. §9. IVa^ed valiant In fight, % 10. Routed armies. § ii. Women received their dead. § 12. Obfervatlons, %\. V ROM the enumeration of pcrfons that believed, th$ apoflle proceeds to declare the things which they wrought t}S AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XT. s wrought by faith, all to the fame end, to encourage u to make ufe of the fame grace in all our occafions and emergencies. — (A/oj Trier] cCAjg) through faith ; the fame with (7ri(flEi} byfaith-^ all along in the chapter ; an injhumental caufe. The words are of common ufe, and there is no difference in the tranilation of them. § 2. The firfl thing afcribed to them is, that they ^fuhdued kingdoms.' The fimple verb [ayMviQ)^ai) iig- niiies to fight ^ to contend, to enter into trial of ftrength and courage in the theatre or the field. And thence {Kccjoi" 'vocvLroucci) the word here ufed is to prevail in battle, to conquer, to fubdue. ' Ihey fubdued kingdoms.^ This is generally and rightly affigned to Jofnua and David ; Jo- fhua fubdued all the kingdoms of Canaa4i ; and David, all thofe about it ; as Moab, Ammon, Edom, Syria, and the Philiftines. But it may be inquired, how this con- quering of kingdoms fhould be a fruit and efFeft oi faith F For the mofl of them who have fubdued kingdoms in the world, have not only been unbelievers, but for the moft part wicked and bloody tyrants, I fay, therefore, that the kingdoms fubdued by faith, were of two forts : 1. Thofe "juithin the land of Canaan, which were dc- flroyed by Jofnua ; which had by their wickednefs for- feited their land and lives to divine jullice. Wherefore, God having given the country to the Ifraelites, they in the conqueft of them only executed the judgements of God, taking pofiefiion of what was their own. 2. Such as were about that land which was the inhe- ritance and pofleffion of the church, and were enemies to the worfhip of the true God ; fuch were thofe con- quered by David. Now it was the will of God that they Ihould be fo far fubdued, as that the land might be a quiet habitation to his people. Wherefore through faith they fubdued thefe kingdoms ; in that they did it on Cod's command, and in the accomplifliment of his pro- mifes. The perfons deftroycd by them being devoted to deftruftion for their own fins, they did only execute the righteous judgement of God upon them. Again ; it de- ferves farther notice, that although it was through faith they Ver.33— 35- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 239 they fubdued kingdoms, yet they made ufe of all heroic virtues, fuch a^ courage, valour, military fkill, and the like. Never, doubtl(?ls, were there on the earth, morq valiant men than Jofhna and David, nor were there any who underwent greater hardfliips and dangers in war. Thefe things are perfedly confiftent, yea, mutually help- ful to one another ; for as faith will excite all graces and virtues that are ufeful for any enterprize men are called to, fo they, in their turns, are fubfcrvient to faith in what it is called to. § 3. The fecond thing afcribed to thefe worthies is, that through faith [ci^ya,(r(x,v\o liy^c/AO^rvvviv) * they wrought * right coufncfs' There is a three-fold flate of life, and cor- refponding thereto, a three-fold righteoufnefs ; namely, military, moral, and political. In the firft way, to * work * righteoufnefs,' is as much as to execute judgement, the judgement of God en the enemies of the church,. [Pfalm cxlix. 6 — 9.] — In a moral fenfe it comprifeth a refpeft to all tlie duties of the fecond table ; and fo s^ya^^a-^ccL ^iKOiioo-vniv) to zvork righteoufnefs, is the fame with {ttohiv hx.ccic(rvy7iv) to do rlghteotfnefs, [I.John, iii. 7.] — To work righteoufnefs in a political fenfe, is to be righteous in rule and government, to adminifter juftice and judgement to all that are under their rule. Now all the perfons ex- prefsly mentioned, being rulers and judges, and this righ- teoufnefs being of fuch eminent ufe to the church and to the world, it is that, mofl likely, which is here afcribed to them. [See Pfalm ci. throughout; and I. Sam., vii. 15 — ^ 4. It is faid of them that they obtained promlfesJ' Sun- dry expofitors have taken pains to reconcile this with what is faid, ytr^Q 39. As if * they obtained,' and ' they * received not the promife,' were contradiftory. But they niake a difficulty themfelves where there is none ; which when they have done, they cannot eafily folve. For (c7rt]vxoy E7rc^.yy:-Kia)v) they obialned promifes, viz, the things peculiarly promifed to them on particular occafions, may well conlifl with (i^K sko jjjo-cc'!^ tvjv S7rocyycKioi.v) they re- mvcdnot that great pronilfe of the coming of Chrift in the Vol. IV. ^ \i idefli, S40 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XL flefh, in its adlual accomplifhment ; wherefore the promifcs here intended, which by faith they obtained, were fuch as were made particularly to themfelves. As to Jofliua, that he fliould conquer Cannaan ; to Gideon, that he ihould defeat the Midianites ; and to David, that he fhould be king over all Ifrael. And they are faid to obtain thefe promifes, becaufe of the difficulty there was in their ac- complifliraent, yea and fonietimes a feeming impoilibility. How often was the faith of Jofliua tried in the conquell of Canaan ; yet at length he obtained the promife. Gi- deon was put on a great improbability, when he was commanded with three hundred mtn to fet upon an innu- merable hoft, and yet he obtained the promife of their dellru£lion. And it is known how long, and by what various ways, the faith of David was tried and exercifed, before the promife made to him was fulfilled. § 5. It is afcribed to them, that they '-flopped the mouths * of lions ;' which may intend the preventing of them from deftroying and devouring by any means whatever. It is with their mouths that they devour ; and he that hinders them from devouring, may well be faid to Hop their mouths. In this fenfe it may be afcribed to Sampfon, who, when a young lion roared againft him, approaching to devour him, he rent him to pieces, [Judg. xiv. 5, 6. J In like manner, David flopped the mouth of a lion, when he flew him, [I. Sam. xvii. 34, '^^.'] But if the word be taken in its proper fignification, to put a fcop to the mouth of a lion, fo that he fp.ali neither hurt nor devour, though he be kept alive and at liberty, then it is applied to Daniel only ; for fo it is faid of him exprefsly, when caft into the dtw of lions, that God had fent his angel, and * Ihut the lions mouths,' that they did not hurt him ; [Dan. vi. 22.] and Daniel did it by faith \ for although the miniftry of angels was ufed therein, yet it was done^ becaufe he bctievcdiw his God, [verfe 20. J § 6. {F.o'(3~(roiv ^vvceuv^ TTVpog) * they quenched the violence * of fire.' Ke doth not fay, they quenched ^;t, which may be done by natural means ; but they took off, abated, rc- Itrained ' the violence,' the power of lire, as if the fire it- felf V£R.-33-^3v EPISTLE TO TFIE HEBREWS. 24^ feif had been utterly quenched. This, therefore, belongs to the three companions of Daniel, who were cafl into the burnnig fiery furnace, [Dan. iii. 23.] The fire conti- nued flill, and retained its burning power, for it flew the men that cafl them into the furnace. But by faith they quenched or reflrained the power and violence ot it to- wards themfelves, that not one hair of their head was fmged, [verfe 27.] And the /^/^^ of thefe men confifled in their committing themfelves to the omnipotence and fovereignty of God in the difcharge of their duty. § 7, (k'Poyov (fJoiJ^c^ia, ^a.yj7Aoa.g) ' 'They efcaped the edge * of the fvjord\ the mouths of the fword from the Hebrew (mn '3) and a * t^jjo edged fujord,' they call a * fword of * mouths,* as in the Greek (^.ayjyAoa. hcf]o^ogf chap iv. 12.) * They efcaped' by flight from the danger. So was it frequently with David, when he fled from the fword of Saul, which was in a manner at his throat feveral times, and he * efcaped by flight,' wherein God was with him. So did Elijah, when he was threatened to be ilain by Jezebel, [I. Kings xix. 3.] — It may be faid. Was not this an efFed oi fear rather than oi faith, with sll its good fuccefs ? No ; for it is the wifdom and duty of faith, to apply itfelf to all lawful means and ways of de- liverance from danger. Not to ufe means when God affords them to us, is not to trufl but to tempt him. Fear will be in all cafes of danger, and yet faith may have the principal condu£l of the foul. And a vidory is fometimes obtained by flight. § 8. Some of them, (i>£juyc;//W'^^cr^y o^tto ad^-v-iag) * out of weaknefs were made flrong.^ The term {cy.a-UcVcL(yS) nvcaknefs, denotes any kind of infirmity, moral or corporeal. The words are taken almofl literally out of Il?.iah ; ' The * writing of Hezekiah, king of Judah, when he had been * fick, and was recovered of his ficknefsf [Ifa. xxxviii. 9.] and that this was through faith is evident in the ilory, and was in part miraculous. § Q. Some of them through faith ( sy3vvi9'i](ro^v icryjucoL sv TToX-uLuo) were made valiant, waxed ilirong in fight or battk. As this may be applied to many of them, as I i z Jofhua, tj^t AN EXPOSITION OF TKtE Chap. X!^ JoHiua, Barak, Gideon, Jephtha, fo David affirms df himfelf, tiiat * God taught his hands to war, fo that a * bow of fleel was broken by his arras ; and that he * girded him with flrength unto battle,' [Pfal. xviiii 34 — 39.] which anfwers to what is here allirmed. § 10. Of the fame kind is that which followeth^ {7roiO:^f3oKo:g ^kXivuv aKXojoiU)','^ ' They tur7ied to flight the * annies of the aliens.'* The original word {7ia>cc-u[2oKoii^ _, properly denotes the camps, the fortified tejtts of an army ; but it is ufed for an army itfelf, [I. Sam. iv. 16.] an ^:of encamped like that of the Midianites when Gideon went down unto it, [Judg. vii. 10.] which overthrow of that hofl is here principally intended j for fo it w^as ligni- £ed in the dream, that the tents lliould be fmitten and overturned, [ver. 13.] But becaufe the apoille ufeth the word in the plural number, it comprifeth other enterprifes of the like nature, as that of Barak and Jonathan againlt the Philiftines, with the vidtories of Afa and Jehofliaphat, in all which there was an eminent exercife of faith, as the llories of them declare. And thefe * aliens^ were thofe whom the fcripture calls {U2'>'\\') fir angers from and enemies to the church of God. § II. It is added, * Women received their dead raifed * to life again.' Thefe women were, the widow of Zarephath^ whofe fon Elijah raifed from death, [I. Kings Xvii. 17 — 24.'] ^.nd the Shunamitefs^ whofe fon was raifed by Elillia, [11. Kings iv. 33 — 36.] And it is faid of them, that they received tht'ix children from the dead ; for in both places the prophets having raifed them from the dead, gave them into their mothers arms, who received them with joy and thankfulnefs. Their faith is not cx- preffed ; but refpeft is rather had to the faith of the pro- phHs, who obtained this miraculous operation by faith. However, at leafl one of them, the Shunamitefs, feems to have exercifed much faith in the whole matter. And it is faid, they received their dead, (s^ ui/occfjaoscug} out ofy or hy a refurredicyi. Thefe ten inftances did the apoftle choofe to give, out of the great things that had been done through faith, to aifuie the Hebrews, and us with them, tliac Ver. 35-^37- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 143 that there is nothing too hard or difficult for faith to cfFe£l, when it is fet on work and applied according to thp jnind of God. § 12. We may now ohferve : 1. There is nothing that can lie in the way of the accomplifhment of any of God's prornifes, but it is con* -querable by faith. Or, whatever difficulties any one may- have to confIi£l with in the difcharge of his duty, if he abide in faith, he Ihall in the end obtain the things pro- mi fed. 2. Faith, that hath thus ' flopped the niouths of lions,* can reflrain, difappoint, and ftop the rage of the moil lavage oppreffors and perfecutors of the church. 3. We ought to exercife faith about temporal mercies, as they are oftentimes received by it, and given on ac* count of it. Verses 35—37- * — and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a bet- ter resurrection. and others had trial of cruel mockings, and scourgings, yea, more- over, of bonds and imprisonment. they were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain w^ith the sword ; they wandered about in sheep-skins and goat- SKINS, BEING DESTITUTE, AFFLICTED, TOR- MENTED. ^ I . Injiances of another nature. ^he -power of faith binder 'various fufferlngs, § 2. Some were tortured to deaths § 3. yet accepted not deliverance. § 4. The ground of their ficdfajlnefs. § 5. Others had trials of mockings^ fcourgingSy bonds, imprfonments. § 6. Stoned. § 7. Some were fawn af under, § 8. Tempted. § 9. Slain. § 10. Some ft44 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XT. Some wandered about, § il. meanly cloathed, § 12. and deji'itiite of friends. § 13. Obfervatlons, § I. i~x E proceeds in the next place to inllances quite of another nature, and which were more immediately fuited to the condition of the Hebrews : for hearing of thefe great and glorious things, they might be apt to think that they were not fo immediately concerned in them. For their condition was poor, pcrfecuted, expofed to all evils, and death itfelf, for the profcffion of the gofpel. Their interefl therefore was to inquire what help from faith they might expeft in that condition ? What will faith do where men are to be oppreiTed, perfecuted, and flain ? To this he replies, that its power was great in preferving the fouls of believers under the greatefl fuffcr^ ings. There is as much glory to a fpiritual eye in the catalogue of the efFefts of faith which follow, as in that which went before. The church is no lefs beautiful and glorious when encompaffed and feemingly overwhelmed with all the evils and dreadful miferies here recounted, than when it is in the greateft peace and profperity. To look indeed only on the outfide of them, gives a terrible profpeft ; but to fee faith and love to God working effec- tually under them all ; to fee comforts retained, yea, con- folations abound, holinefs promoted, God glorified, the world condemned, the fouls of men profited, and at length triumphant over all ; tliis is beautiful and glorious. To do the greatefl: things, and to fuffcr the hardefl, is all one to faith. It is equally ready for both as God fhall call, and equally efFe£lual. Thefe things, as to ihtfc/h, differ nearly as heaven and hell, they are both alike to faith when duty calls. The apoftle takes mofl of thefe in- llances, if not all, from the time of the perfecution of the church under Antiochus, the king of Syria, in the days of the Maccabees. §2. * Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, * that they might obtain a better refurreftion.' {EI'j^ttcc^ yiQ-^Yicruy) they were tortured \ critics have remarked, that Ver. 35—37- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 24^ (rj/x7r(%yov) tympanum, whence the word is formed, iigni- fies either an engine whereon thofe who were tortured were llretched out, as a ikln is flretched on the head of a drum; or the hijiruments iifed in beating them. So fome render the word, fiijilbiis muliati^ contufi, csefi ; but the word is frequently ufed to take away the lives of men by any kind of torture or tormenting pain, therefore the precife nota- tion of it from the original is not here fo much to be re-, garded : we have, therefore, rendered it properly, * were * tortured \* that is, to death. There is no doubt but the apoille hath refped herein to the ftory recorded in the iixtli and feventh chapters of the fecond book of Maccabees. For the words are a fummary of the things there afcribed to Eleazer, who was beaten to death when he had been perfuaded and allured to accept deliverance by tranfgref- ling the law. And the like refped may be had to the mother and her {qv&w fons, whOiC torments are there alfo recorded. There never was any greater inftance of the degeneracy of human nature to the image and likenefs of the devil than this, that fo many men have been found, even in high places of power — emperors, kings, judges, and priefts — who were not fatisfied to take away the lives of the true worfhippers of God by the fword, or fuch other ways as they flew the worft of malefactors, but invented all kinds of hellifh tortures whereby to deflroy them. But this alfo hath God feen good to permit, in that patience whereby he endures, v^ith much long-fufFering, the vef- fels of wrath that are thus fitted for deilrudion. * They * vjcre tortured;' that is, the utmoft that the devil and the world can reach unto, all the hell he hath to threaten his enemies with. But when he hath done his utmofl, it falls only on the body, it cannot reach the foul ; it is but of a lliort continuance, and gives afTurance of entering into a bleffed eternity. It can fhut out no divine confolatioii from the minds of them that fuffer ; a little precious faltli will carry believers viftorioufly through the worft of all. § 3. The way whereby thofe who were tortured evi- denced their faith, was, that they * accepted not delive- * ranee i* that is, freedom from their tortures^ which was offered «46 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI» offered them in cafe they would forego their prcfeffion. This is exprelTly affirmed of Eleazer, and the feven bre- thren. Yea, they were not only offered to be freed from tortures and death, but to have great rewards and promo- tions, which they magnanimoufiy refufed. And it was not thus with them only, but alfo with all that have been tortured for religion. For the principal delign of the devil, in bringing them unto tortures, is^«rnot to flay their bodies thereby, though that he aims at in the next place, in cafe his firft defign fails, but — to deflroy their fouls. Unto Eleazer it was offered, that he fhould bring fiefh of his own providing to the place where he was to eat, and only make an appearance that he had eaten fwines liefh, which he refolutely and glorioufly refufed. It may be, this would by fome be efleemed a fmall matter, and fuch as, for the refufai whereof, wife men ought not to have un- dergone martyrdom by tortures. But the things wiiich are commanded or forbidden of God, are not to be efleemed by the matter of them, or what they are in them- felves, but by the authority of him that commands or for- bids them. The authority of God may be defpifcd in fmall tilings as well as in great ; and therefore God doth ordinarily choofe out arbitrary inflitutions for the trial of the church's faith. So the martyrs have in England died on account of the facrament of the Lord's fupper. And if we begin at any time to fuppofe that, to fave our lives, we may comply with fome Icffcr things (as it were bowing in the houfe of Rimmon) forbidden by Jehovah, both faith and profeilion are lofl. We know not what com- mand, what ordinance, what inflitution, what prohibi- tion, God will fingle out to be the means and fubje£l of our trial as to fufferings. If we are not equally ready to fuffer for cilery one, we fliail fuffer for none at all, [See Jam. ii. ic] § 4. The ground of their fledfaftnefs in their profcllion, and under their tortures, was, ' that they might obtain a ^ better refurrc£lion.' So one of the brethren in Macca- bees affirmed expreflly, that he ' endured thofe torments, ' and death itfelf, in that he believed God would raife I * hiiy^ Ver. 35— 37- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. S47 * him up at the lall day.' This, as the Syrlac has it, they were ' intent upon.' And this the apoflle calls a * better re*' *• furre£lion^^ not only in oppofition to the deliverance they rcfufed, but becaufe he intends that ' better refurre£lion,' which is to life ; for feeing all fliall rife again, only fome fliall to life, but fome to everlafting torments. § 5. * Others had trial of cruel mockings and fcourg- * ings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprifonments.' It is of no ufe to fix the particulars mentioned to certain determinate perfons, as Jeremiah, or others : for feeing the apoftle hath left that undetermined, fo may we. Cer- tain it is, that there were in thofe days belieyers who, through faith, patiently and viftorioufly underwent thefe things. Of which it is faid, {tt-zI'jocv cXccfooy) they had trial ; (cxperti funtj they had experience of them, they really underwent them, and confequently their faith was tried Vf\t\\ them. (E.^ivay^Cjoy) of cruel mockings \ fuch as were caft on our Lord Jefus Chrift himfelf, [fee Matt. XX. 19. xxvii. 29.] ludibriuniy a mocking with reproach and contumely, or fcorn. Hence we have rendered it ' cruel * mockings.' The world is never more witty, nor doth more pleafe itfelf, than when it can invent reproachful names and pretended crimes to cafl upon fufFering be- lievers. Whereas the word is derived from {itcci^caj^ and that from ttocic) to play and mock childijhly, it may refpe£t the calumnious reproaches that oftentimes in the llreets are caft on fufFering profeiTors by the rude foolifh multi- tude, like the children that ran after Elifha mocking and fcofhng at him. And this is reckoned among * fevere ^ fuiferings,' there being nothing more harfh to ingenuous minds, nor any thing almoft which they had not as wil- lingly undergo ; nor is there any thing that their adver- faries infii. There may be fufferings fufficient for the trial of the faith of the church, when the world is reflrained from blood and death. 3. No inflrument of cruelty, no inventions of the devil or the world, no terrible preparations of death ; that is, no endeavours of the * gates of hell,' fliall ever prevail againfl the faith of God's ele£l. 4. It is no fmall degree of fuffering, for men by law or violence to be driven from thofe places of their own habitation, which the providence of God, and all jull right among men, have allotted to them. VtRSE VER.3S. £FTSTLE TO THE HEBREWS. ari Verse 38. of whom the world was not worthy ; they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. § I. Connexion. § 2. The world zva^ mt worthy of them, § 3. "Their ivandcr'ing Jlate of life farther dcfrihed, § 4, Obfervations. § I. IVlEN ill this courfe of life might be looked on as the ' off-fcourings of all things,' and unmeet either for human converfe, or any of the good things of this world ; but rather to be efteemed as the beads of the field j thefe thoughts the apoille obviates. There are two things in thefe words ; — the chamber which the apoille gives to thefe fufferers ; * the world ' was not worthy of them ;' and — the remainder of their faiFerings which he would reprefent ; * They wandered * in deferts,' he. § 2. Their character is, that {0 xoa-^og) the world vi2i% not worthy of them ; by the * world' is underflood the inhabitants of it, in their interefts, defigns, ends, and a£lions ; their fuccelTes in them, and advantages by them, as they are oppofite to the true intereft of the church and people of God. In this fenfe the world in its power, pride, pomp, enjoyments, and the like, hath an high opinion of itfclf, as poiTeiTed of all that is delirable, def- pifing and hating them who are not in conjunction with. it in thefe things. And yet of this world it is faid, that [uov i^x, '/jv a-^^iog) of thefe fufferers it was not worthy. The world thinks them not worthy of it ; to live in it, or at leaft to enjoy any name or place among the men of it ; but they may efleem of it as they pleafe ; we know that this tellimony is true, and -52 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XL and the world one day fhall confefs it to be fo. The delign of the apoflle is to obviate an objeftion, that thefe perfons were jujlly cafl out as not worthy of the fociety of mankind, which lie doth by a contrary alTertion, that the world was not worthy of them \ it was not worthy to have convey fe with them ; it is not worthy of thofe mercies and bleffings, which accompany this fort of perfons, where they have a quitt habitation. § 3. Having given this chara^er of thefe poorfufferers, he proceeds to ilTue his account of their fufFerings in a farther defcription of that wandering courfe oj life which he had before afcribed to them ; (TrKavca^cVoi) they wan- dered, with an erratical motion, without any certain aim as to any place of reft ; they were before driven from cities, boroughs, towns corporate, and villages, partly by law, partly by force. What now remains for them but deferts, Iblitary, and uninhabited places ? By * de farts and unin- * habited mountains,' all know what is intended ; nor is there any need of any.exaft diftin£lion between * dens and * caves ^^ though poflibly one may lignify greater, the other 'leffer fubterraneous receptacles ; but the common ufe of the firft word feems to denote fuch hollow places under ground as wild beafts have fheltered themfelves in from the purfuit of men. This was the ftate of thefe fervants of the living God, when they were driven from all inhabited places, they found no reft in deferts and mountains, but wandered up and down, taking up dens and caves for their fhelter. And inftances of the fame kind have been multiplied in the pagan and antichriftian perfecutions of the churches of the New Teftament ; but that no colour is hence given to an hermetical life by voluntary choice, much lefs to the horrible abufe of it under the papacy, is openly evident. § 4. Hence ohferve ; I. Let the world think as well, as highly, as proudly of itfelf as it pleafeth, it is, when it perfecutes, bafe and unworthy of the fociety of true believers, and of the mercies wherewith it is accompliflied. 2 2» God'« Ver. 39»40- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS, t^^ 2. God*s elleem of his people is never the lefs for their outward fuiFerings and calamities, whatever the world judgeth of them. 3. Oftentimes it is better, and more fafe for the faints of God, to be in the wildernefs among the beafls of the field, than in a favage world, inflamed by the devil into rage and perfecution. 4. Though the world may prevail to drive the church. i[ito the wildernefs, to the ruin of all public profeffion ia their own apprehenfion, yet it fhall be there preferved to the appointed feafon of its deliverance ; the world Ihali never have the victory over it. 5. It becomes us to be filled with thoughts of and afFe£lions to fpiritual things, to labour for an anticipation of glory, that we faint not in the confideration of the evils that may befall us on account of the gofpel. Verses 39, 40. and all these having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise ; god having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. § I. The apojlles concluding remark^ and the fuhjeFt Jlaud, § 2. (I.) Of whom he f peaks. § 3. (II.) What is af- firmed of them, § 4. (III.) What is denied concerning them, § 5—7. (IV.) The reafon of it. § 8, 9. Obfer^ vations. § I. An this clofe of the apoflle's difcourfe, which is an obfervatlon concerning all the inftances of the faith of believers under the Old Teftament, and his judgement con- cerning tliQir iliite, four tilings are coiiliderabk ; I. Who 454- AN EXPOSITION GFTHE Chap. XI/ I. Who they are of whom he fpeaks ; * All thcfc.'' 1. What he allows and afcribes to them j * They ob- * tallied a good report through faith.' 3. "vVhat he yet denies to them ; ' They received not * the promife/ 4. The rcafon of it : ^ God having provided,' &c. § 2. (I.) Thofe ofvvhoQi be fpeaks in this ciofe of hls difcourfc, that they * obtained a good report through ■ faith,' are the fame of whom he affirms in the beginning of it, [ver. 2.] for, of any di{lin£lion to be made between them, as fome would infinuate, there is not the leaft in- timation. It is faid expreilly of Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob, that tacy ' received not the promifes,' [ver. 13.] as well as of thofe now mentioned. It is one thing to obtain (^c7ra,yycKLa.c) promifes, indefinitely, promifes of any fort, as fome are faid to do, [ver. 33*] and another to receive (r'/^y ciTcy.yyz7ACi,v^ that fignal fromife which was made to the fathers. Nothing can be more alien from the defign of the apoitle, than to apply the promife in- tended to /fw/>(jr«/ deliverance, and freedom from fufFering. Wherefore the ' all thefe' intended, are all thofe who have been reckoned up from the giving out of the firft promife concerning the Saviour and Redeemer of the church, with the deflruftion of the works of the devil. § 3. (II.) Of all thefe it is affirmed, that they (^^«p-» ']vpy}9svl-g oiO' ttio^sccc) obtained a good report through faith ; they were well teftified tmto ; they were God's martyrs, and he in a fenfe was theirs, giving zultnefs to their faith ; (fee the Expofition of ver. 2.) I'hat they were all of them fo teitified unto on account of their faith, we need no other teftimony but this of the apoftle ; yet is there no doubt but that in the feveral ages of the church wherein they lived, they were renowned for their faith and the fruits of it in what they did or fuffered. § 4. (III.) What he denies concerning them, is, that they ' received not the promife ' It is affirmed of Abra- ham that he ' eceived the promife,' [ver. 17.] which promife is declared by the apofile to be the great funda- mental promife of the gofpel, [chap, vi. 13—18.] The fame Ver. 39>4^- EPISTLE TO TH§ HEBREWS. 255 h.mQ which is the objcd of the faith of the church in all ages; wherefore the pro m i fe /or^^//y confidered muft in the one place be intended ; and in the other it is con- sidered materially as to the thing itfelf promifed. The promife, as a faithful engagement of future good, they re- ceived ; but the good thing itfelf was not in their days exhibited ; befides, whatever this promife be, the apoftle is poiitive that they did not receive it, but that the Chrif" tians m thofe days had received it. It is therefore not onlv untrue, and unfafe, but contrary to the fundamental prin- ciples of our religion, the faith of Chriftians in all ages, and the defign of the apoftle in this whole epiflle, to interpret this promife, as fome do, of any thing but the coming of Chrifl in the flefh, of his accomplifhment of the work of our redemption, with the unfpeakable privi- leges and advantages that the church hath received thereby. That this promife was made to the elders from the begin- ning of the world ; that it was not aftually accomplifhed to them, which was neceflarily confined to one fcafon, called ' the fuUnefs of time ; and that herein lies the great difference of the two ftates of the church, that under the Old TeftamCnt, and that under the New, vrith the prerogative of the latter above the former, are fuch Weighty iacred truths, that without an acknowledgement of them, no important do6lrine either of the Old Teflament or the New can be rightly underflood. This then was the flate of believers under the Old Tcflament ; they had the pro- mife of the exhibition of Chrift the Son of God in the flefli for the redemption of the church ; this promife they received, faw afar off as to its a£lual accomplifliment, VfftiL^ pcrfuaded of the truth of it, and embraced \X., [ver. 13.] the adual accomplitliment of it they defired, longed for, and looked after ; [Luke x. 24.] inquiring diligently into the grace of God contained therein, [I. Pet. i. 1 1 — 13.] hereby they enjoyed the benefits of it even as wc, [Acts XV. II.] yet they received it not as to its actual accomplifliment, in the coming of Chrift ; and the reafon Jicreof the apoflle gives in the next veife. Vol. IV. LI § 5. ^:f> AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI. § 5. (IV.) ' God having provided/ &c. Having de- clared the victorious faith of behevers under the Old Tefta- ment, v^ith what it enabled them to do and fufFer, and given an account of their ftate, as t© the aftual accom- pliHiment of that promife which they lived on, and trufted to, the apoftle now compares that flate of theirs with that of believers under the gofpel, giving the pre-eminence to the latter, with the reafon of it. In the expoiition of thefe words, Schlictingius pro- ceeds on thefe principles ; that the promife intended [ver. 39.] is the' promife of eternal life; that under the Old Teftament, believers had no fuch promife, whatever hopes or conjectures they might have of it ; that both they and we at death, ceafe to be in foul and body until the refurreftion, none entering before into eternal life. — But, if fo, if when any one dies, he is nothing or as nothing ; if it is but one moment between death and the refurreClion, as he contends, the flate of the one is in nothing better than the other, although they fliould die thoufands of years one before another. But as all thefe things are open- ly falfe, and contrary to the chief principles of the Chriilian religion, fo they are utterly remote from the mind of the apoille, as we fhall fee in the expoiition of the words. Thofe of the church of Rome do hereby fancy a limhus^ ^ fubterraneous receptacle of fouls, wherein, they fay, the fpirits of believers under the Old Teftament were detained until after the refurreClion of Chrift, fo that * they with- • out us were not made perfect.' But the apoftle treats not here at all about the difference between one fort of men and another after death ; but of that which was be- tween them who lived under the Old Teftament church ilate, whiljl they livedo and thofe that live under and enjoy the privileges of the New, as is evident in the very reading oftheepiftle. § 6. * God having (n ^0(^X1-]^ oi,^u)/>^) provided \ the word properly fignifies forefeelng ; but God's prav'ifion is his prov'ijion^ as being always accompanied with his pre- ordination ; his forelight with his decree. For known \intp him aye all his worKs frotn the foundation of the world, Ver. 39,40. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. ^i,^ world, [A£ts XV. 1 8.] Now this provifion of God is the (oiKcyouoi' Toov KotiQCjoy) difpcnfation of the times, [Ephef. i. lO.] the ordering of the ilate, tiaies and feafons of the church, and the revelation of himfelf to it. ' Something ' better \ that is, more excellent, a flatc above theirs, or all that is granted them. I fnppofe it ought to be out of queflion with all Chriflians, that it is the aBual exhibition of the Son of God in the flelh, the coming of the pro- niifed feed, with his accomplifhment of the work of re- demption, and all the privileges of the church, in light, grace, liberty, fpiritual worfhip, with boldnefs of accefs to God that enfued thereon, which is intended. For, were not thefe the things which they * received not' under the Old Teflament ? Were not thefe the things which were * promifed' from the beginning ; which were ex- pefted, longed for, and delired by all believers of old, who yet faw them only afar off, though through faith they were faved by virtue of them ? And are not thefe the things whereby the church Ilate of the gofpel was per^ feflcd\ the things alone wherein our Hate is better than theirs ? For, as to outward appearances of things, they had more glory, coftly ceremonies and fplendour in their worfliip, than is appointed in the Chriflian church ; and their worldly profperity was for a long feafon very great, much exceeding any thing that the Chriftian church did then enjoy. To deny, therefore, thefe to be the better things that God provided for us, is to overthrow the faith of the Old Teflament and the New. § 7. * That they without us were not made perfeft.' — • Without us, is as much as without the things which are ac- tually exhibited to us, the things provide^l for us, and our participation of them. — They and we, though diftributed by divine provifion into diflin£l flates, yet, with refpe£t to the firfl promife, and the renovation of it to Abra- ham, are but one church, built on the fame foundation, and enlivened by the fame fpirit of grace. Wherefore, until we came into the church flate, they could not be made perfe^, feeing the church flate itfelf was not fo. — All the advantages of grace and mercy which they received hi 2. and ^^S AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XI* and enjoyed, were by virtue of thofe better things, which are actually exhibited to iis ; thefe they applied by faith, and enjoyed nothing by virtue of any thing committed to thcmfelves. Wherefore, That which the apoftle affirms, is, that they never at- tained that perfed confummate fpiritual Hate which God had deligned and prepared for his church in the fuhiefs of times, and which they forefaw fliould be granted to others and not to tbemfelves, [I. Pet. i. i i — 13. See chap, vii.] I cannot but marvel that fo many have Humbled, aS" moft have done, in the expolition of thefe words, and in- volved themfelves in difficulties of their own devifing ; for they are a plain epitome of the whole doftrinal part of the epiftle ; fo as that no intelligent judicious perfon can avoid the fcnfe which they tender, unlefs they divert theiu minds from the whole fcope and defign of the apoftle. ^ 8. And here we ohfcwc : 1. It is our duty alfo, not only to believe that we may be juftified before God, but fo to evidence our faith by the fruits of it, as that we may obtain a good report, op be juftified before men. 2. The difpofal of the ftates and times of the church, as to the communication of light, grace, and privileges, depends merely on the fovereign pleafure and will of God, and not on any merit or preparation in man. The com- ing of Chrift was as little deferved by the men of that age, as by thofe of any age from the foundation of the world. 3. Though God gives more light and grace to the church in one feafon than another, yet in every feafon h« gives wliat is fufficient to guide believers in their faith and obedience to eternal life. 4. It is the duty of believers, in every ftate of the church, to improve the fpiritual provifion that God hatU made for them ; always remembering, that to whom rnuch is given, much is required. § 9. And to dole this chapter we riiay ohfcrve : I. God meafures out to all his people their portion iri fervtce, fufFcrings, privileges, and rewards, according to 1ii5 own good pleafure. And therefore the apoftle ihuts up. Ver. 1. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 259 up this difcourfe of the faith, obedience, fufferings, and fuccefles of the faints under the Old Teflament, with a declaration tliat God had yet provided more excellent things for his church, than any they were made partakers of. All he doth in this way, is of mere grace and boun- ty, and therefore he may diilribute thefe things as he pleafeth. 2. It is Chrill alone who was to give, and could give perfeftion or confuramation to the church ; he was in all things to have the pre-eminence. 3. All the outward glorious worfliip of the Old Tefta- ment had no perfe^flon in it ; and fo no glory compared to that which is brought in by the gofpel, [II. Cor. iii, 10. ] 4. All perfection, all confummation is in Chriil alone; for in him dwelleth all the fulnefs of the Godhead bodily ; and we are complete in him who is the head of all princi- pality and power. CHAPTER XII. Verse i. .wherefore seeing we also are compassed abo-ut with so great a cloud of w^itnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin w^iiicil doth ^o easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. § I . The dcjtgn of the chapter^ ayid the fever al -parts of it, § 2. (I.) 'Their expofition. JVitneJJes, what here intended. § 3. y^ cloud of them, what. § 4. The weight to be laid afidey what. § 5. How to be laid afide. § 6 — 8. The Jiri that eajilj heft* «j', y*'hat^ § 9. Hovd it may be laid afide. %^y AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xlt^ afide. § 10. The duty hfelf of runn'mg the Chrijiian race, §11. Which IS fet before us, § 12. It requires Jirength andfpeed. § 1 3- Patieuce. § 14, 15. (II.) Obfer-. i/ations, ^ I. X HIS chapter contains an application of the doc- trine declared and coniirmed in the foregoing chapter. Dotlrine and ufe was the apoftle's method. There are three general parts of the chapter : 1. A prelfing of the exhortation in hand from new addi- tional motives, [ver. i — 11.] 2. A direction to fpecial duties^ necefTary to a due com- pliance with the general exhortation, [ver. 12 — 17.] 3. A new cogent argument to the fame purpofe, taken from a comparifon between the two Hates of the law and gofpel to the end of the chapter. His whole difcourfe is exceedingly pregnant with argu- ments to the purpofe in hand. For it both declares what hath been the lot of true believers in all ages from the be- ginning, which none ought now to be furprifed with ; what was the way of their deportment fo as to pleafe God ; and what was the fuccefs or vidory which they obtained in the end. Concerning the paflage in hand we may obferve, that the whole of it \s figurative^ Confifling in fundry metaphors drawn from the comparifon of our patient abiding in the profeinon of the gofpel, and our contending for a prize. The expoiition of the words is not fo much to be taken from the precife lignification of them, as from \\iz matter plainly intended in them. § 2. (I.) I Ihall open the words in the order wherein they lie in the text. The firfl thing is, the motive and encouragement given to our diligence in the duty exhorted to. * Seeing we alio are compafled about with fo great a * cloud of witnelTcs ;' we having lb great a cloud of wit- nelTes placed about us ; we, we alfo, or even we. The apoftle joins himfelf with thefe Hebrews, not only the better to iufiauate the exhortation mto their minds, by. > enga- Ver. i. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 261 engaging bimfelf with them, but alfo to intimate that the greatefl and llrongefl believers fland in need of this encou- ragement. — WitnelTes are of two forts : 1. Such as behold the doing of any thing, and give their teftimony to it when it is done. For in the llriving and contefl in thefe pubHc games which are alluded to, there were multitudes, clouds of fpeftators, that ^!?/('^^o;z to en^ courage thofe that contended by their applaufes, and to teflify of their fuccefs. So is it with us in our patient perfeverance ; all the faints of the Old Tellament do, as it were, ftand looking on us in our ilriving, encouraging us to our duty, and ready to teftify to our fuccefs with their applaufes. They are all placed about us to this end ; and thus we are encom- pajfed with them. And they are fo in xh^ fcripture^ where- in they being dead, yet fee, and fpeak, and bear tefli- jnony. The fcripture hath encompajfed us with them, fo that when we are in our trials, wiiatever way we look ia it, we may behold the faces of fome or other of thefe worthies looking on, and encouraging us. 2. But the intention of the apoflle may be better taken from his general fcope, which requireth that the witneffes be fuch as teftify to ivhat is to be done^ and the grounds of truth whereon it ought to be done. For he intends, efpe- cially the perfons whom he had before enumerated ; and that which they teftify to is this, that faith will carry be^ lievers fafely through all that they may be called to do or fuffer in the profeftion of the gofpel. They all jointly tejiify to thefe things, that it is beft for us to believe and obey God, whatever may befall us in our fo doing. Faith, w^here it is true and ftncere, will engage thofe in whom it is, to venture on the greateft hazards, dangers, and miferies in the world, rather than to forego their pron feffion, and it will fafely carry us through them all. Thofe who teftify thefe things are important witnefles in this caufe. Teftifyingto the folly of our fears, the falfe- nefs of all the fuggeftions of unbelief, and the fraud of Satan's temptations ; as alfo to the excellency of the du- tie^ thx AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xlt. ties wliercto we are called, and the certainty of ourfucceft in them through believing. And in this fenfe do I take the ikitnefjcs here intended, both becaufe of the fcope of the place, and that we know by experience of what kind of ufe this teftimony is. But if any think better of the former fenfe, I fhdl not oppofe it. For in the whole verfe the apoille doth, as it were, re- prefent believers in their profeflion, 2.?,Jhrjing for vitlory^ as upon a theatre. Chrift fits at the head of it, as the great j^gonothetcs^ the judge and rewarder of thofe that llrive law- fully, and acquit themfelves by perfeverance to the end. All the faints departed divinely teilified unto, {land on ^very lide, looking on, and encouraging us in our courfe ; which was wont to be a mighty provocation to men, to put forth the utmoft of their flrength in the public con-- tells for vidory. Both thefe fenfes are confiiVent. § 3. Of thefe witnefles, there is faid to be z cloudy ^ fo • great a cloud.^ A cloud in Hebrew is (nj^) a thick, per- plexed, or condenfed thing. God compares the fins of liis people to a cloud, and a thick cloud, becaufe of their multitude, the vapour of them being condenfed like a cloud, (Ifa. xliv. 22,] And in all authors, a thick body of men or foldiers compa<^ed together, is ufually called a cloud of them. So Homer, Iliad iv. (Aplcc os ir-^^og -iTrfjc^ TT^^ouv) with him followed a cloud of footmen* So LriVY, (Teditttm equltjimqjie nuhcs ;J a cloud of horfe and foot. Wherefore, ' fo great a cloud,' is, fo great a number, or multitude at once appearing together to witnefs in this caufe. What is done in the fcripture for our ufe, is im- mediately done to us ; and what is fpoken in It, is fpokeii to us, [fee vtT. 5.] § 4. ' Let us lay alide every weight.' Thofe who were to run in a race, freed themfelves from all weight or burden ; and fuch things as might ejitangle them, as long garments, which, cleaving to them, fhould be their continual hindrance. * Laying a/idc,^ or as others render the word (cc7roo-^.y;cL) cajling avjay. The word is once ufed in the New Tellament with refpeft to a natural gftion, [Adls vii. 58.] * Tlic v/itnelFcs {3-> 34-] But becaufe there is another great gofpel- rule in the fame cafe, which retrains this felf denial to one fort of things, which the words feem to point to, and which alfo falls in with conftant experience, it may have here an ef- pecial regard. And this rule we may learn from the words of our Saviour alfo, [Matt. xix. 23, 24.] * Jefus *■ faid to his difciples, verily 1 fay unto you^ that a rich man * fhall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven ;' and again, * I fay unto you, that it is eafier for a camel to go through * the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the * kingdom of God.' Nothing but the exceeding greatnefs of the pov/er of God, and his grace, can carry a rich man fafely, in a time of fuffering, to heaven and glory* And it is confirmed by the apoftle, (1. Tim. vi. 9, 10.) * They will be rich, fall into temptation and a fnare, and * into many foolifli and hurtful lufls, which dcown men * in de{lru£tion and perdition,' &c. The riches of this world, and the love pf them, are a peculiar obflrudi^n ta conflancy in the profeffion of the gofpel, oh ftiany ac- Vol. IV, M m counts 264 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xlt counts. Thefe, therefore, feem to be a burden hindering ns in our race in an efpecial manner. And thefe things may be called ' a weighty^ not from their own nature, for they are as light as vanity ; but from the confequence of our fetting our hearts and affe£lions upon them. A man may burden himfelf with feathers or chait, as well as with things in themfelves more pon- derous. § 5. How is this zL'cight to be laid afide ? Suppofe the weight to be the good things of this life, with the engage- ment of our affections to them ; then this laying them kfide includes, 1. A wiilingnefs, a readinefs, a refolution, if called thereto, to part with them cheerfully for the fake of Chrift and the gofpel ; fo was it with them who took joyfully the fpoiling of their goods. When this refolution is prevalent in the mind, the foul will be much eafed of the weight of thofe things, which would hinder it in its race. But.whiift our hearts cleave to them with an undue valu- :ation, whilil we cannot attain to a cheerful wiilingnefs -to have them taken from us, or to be taken ourfelves from them., for the fake of the gofpel, they will be an in- tolerable burden to us in our courfe. For hence will the mind difpute every dangerous duty ; hearken to every jfinful .contrivance for fafety ; be furprifed out of its own power by every appearing danger ; and to be difcompofcd in its frame on all occauons. Such a burden can no man carry in a race. 2. Sedulous and daily mortification of our hearts and affeftions witli refpect to all things of this nature, is prin- cipally prefcribed to us in this command of * laying them ' afide as a weight ;' this will take out of them whatever js rcallyburdenlbme to us. Mortification is tlie dilTolution of the conjun£lion, or league, that is between our affec- tions and earthly things, which alone gives them their weight and cumbrance. [See Col. iii. i — 5.]. Where this grace and duty are in their due exercife, thefe things cannot influence the mind into any diforder, nor make it unready for its- race, or unwieldy in it. 3. Con* Ver. r. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 265 3. Continual obfervatlon of what difficulties and hinderances thele things are apt to cafl on our minds, either in our general courfe, or with refpeft to particular duties : they operate in our minds by love fear, care, delight, contrivance?, with a multitude of perplexing thoughts about them. Unleis we continually watch againft all thefe ways to obviate their infinuations, we lliall find them a w^eight and burden in all parts of our race. — In fliort ; faith, prayer, mortification, an high va- luation of things invifible and eternal ; a continual pre- ference of them to all things prefent and {qcu^ are enjoined in this expreffion — * laying afide every v/eight.* § 6. The other thing to be laid afide is, (rViV o-uccDJiaA^ £V7TSDi(flalovj ' the fm that dothfo eafily hcfct us.* We may be fatisfied, that no bare confideration of the word, either as fimple, or in its compofition, or its ufe in other authors, will of itfelf give us the full and proper fignification of it in this place ; which is evident to me from hence, in that thofe who have made the moll diligent inquiry into it, and traced it through- all forms, are moft remote from agreeing what is, or Ihould be the precife fignification of it ; but clofe their difquifitions with various and op- pofite conjedures. I Ihall therefore attend to other fcripture diredions and rules in the fame cafe, with the experience of believers, who are exercifed in it, and the ufe of thofe other word§ with which the doubtful expreffion is joined. § 7. The word (ocTToji^viUi) to lay ajidc^ is never ufed in fcripture with refpefl to that which is evil and finful, but w^ith regard to the original depravation of nature ; and the vicious habits wherein it confifts, with the effedls of tliem. And why it fhould have another intention here, feeing that it is not only fuited to the analogy of faith, but moll agreeable to the defign of the apoftJe, I knov/ not. And the truth is, the want of a due confideration of this one word, with its ufe, which expofitors have lijniverfally overlooked, hath occafioned many fruitlefs eonje£lures on the place. U Txi z Tilt afc6 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII. The general nature of the evil to be laid alide, is ex- prefied by the article prefixed (T^v(x^.aflia,y) that Jin. Now this, if there be • nothing to limit it, is to be taken in its largefl, moft ufual, and molt eminent fignification. And that this is the original depravation of our natures, cannot be denied. So it is in an efpecial manner Hated, [Rom. vii.] where it is conilantly called by that name. And [verfe 17.] ' the fin that divellcth in me^ is of the fame force and figniiication with ' the fin that doth fo *■ eajily hefct us \ though all the allufions are various. — [See Rom. vii. 20, 23.] But I do not judge that qrlglnal fin is here abfolutely intended ; but only with refpeft to an efpecial way of ex- erting its efhcacy, and to a certain end ; namely, as it works by unbelief to obilrud us, and turn ns away from the profefTion of the gofpei. And fo the inflru£lion falls in with the rule given us in the lame cafe in other places of the epiflle, [as chap. iii. 12, ?>cc.] The fin^ therefore, intended is in-dwcUin^fin which, with refpedl to the profeilion of the gofpei, and permanency therein with patience, W'Orketh by mihelief^ whereby it expofeth ns to all forts of temptations, gives advantage to all weakening, difcouraging eonfiderations, flill aiming to make us faint, and at length to depart from the living God. Thefe things being fixed, it is all one whether we in- terpret (vjTTcOirP'tXiov) ' that W'hich doth eafily hefct u%^ it bt^ing in a readinefs always to do fo ; or, ' that which * doth ecfily expofe us to evil ;' which are the two fenfes of the word, with any probability, contended for. Both come to the fame. § 8. This fjn is that which hath an eafy accefs to our minds to hinder us in our race, or doth eafily expofe us to danger, by the advantage it hath to thefe ends ; for, it is ^l-jk>ays frefent with us, and fo is never wanting to any fa- vourable occafion. It Hands in need of no help from outward advantages to attempt our minds ; dwelling in Tis, abiding with us, cleaving to us, it is always ready to dogj to hinder and diflurb us. Doth any difficulty or danger Vep.-Tc epistle to the HEBREWS, 267 danger appear in the way ? it is at hand to cry, * Sparc * thyfelf,' working by fear. Is any finful compliance propofed to us ? it is ready to argue for its embracement, working by carnal wifdom. Doth the wearinels of the fiefh decline perfeverance in neceiTary duties ? it wants not arguments to promote its inclinations, working by the difpofitions of remaining enmity and vanity. Doth the whole matter and caufe of our profeffion come into queftion, as \\\ a time of fevere perfecution ? it is ready to let all its engines on work for our ruin ; fear of dan- ger, love of things prefent, hopes of recovery, referves for a better feafon, the examples of others efleemed good and wife, Ihall all be put into the hands of unbelief, to be managed againil faith, patience, conftancy, and perfe- verance, and it hath a remaining interell in all the fa- culties of our fouls. § 9. The laft inquiry is, how we may lay it afide, or put it from us ? One learned man thinks it a fufficient reafon to prove, that the hn of nature is not here in- tended, becaufe we cannot lay that alide, whilfc we are in this life. Eut I have Ihewed that the word {cc7roli9Y}u,i) is never ufed when a duty is enjoined by it, but it is with refpe£l to thh pn. Wherefore, 1. We are to lay it afde abfolutely and univcrfally, as to dejign and endeavour. We cannot in this life attain to perfedVion in holinefs, yet this is what we are to endeavour ail the days of our lives, [II. Cor. vii. i.] * Let us * cleanfe ourfelves from all filthinefs of flelh and fpirit, * perfefting holinefs in the fear of God.' 2. We ought adually to lay it aiide in fuch a meafure and degree, as that it may not be a prevalent hinderance to us, in any of the duties of Chriflian obedience ; for it may have various degrees of power and efficacy according as it is .negle6led or continually mortified ; and it often- times takes advantage by a conjunction with outward temptations to our unfpeakable prejudice. And if die inortiiication of it be negle6^ed in any one branch, or any of its exertions, if any one fm be indulged,-^ it will ruin i6S AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chaf. XI?,. ruin all ftrength and refolution for fufFeriiigs on account of the gofpel. The way whereby it principally manifefts itfelf, is, by the clogs and hinderances, which it puts upon us in tlie conllant courfe of our obedience. Hence many think, that — whereas it is faid '- eafily to befet us' to our hinderance — an allufion is taken from a long garment, which it a man wear in the running of a race, it will hinder and entangle him, and foraetimes call him to the ground ; fo that, unlefs he call it away, he can have no luccefs in his race. § 10. The laft thing expreiTed, is the duty itfelf di- re6ted and exhorted to ; ' Let us run with patience the *■ race that is fet before us.' What is the duty in general intended hath been fufficiently declared ; but whereas the terms wherein it is expreiTed, all but that word ' ivith * patience^ are metaphorical, they muft be opened. That with refpedl whereto we are exhorted, is (to/ ayyjvcc^ certamen) a ftnfe or confii^i. It is ufed for any thing, work, or exercife, about which there is a flriving and contending to the utmoft of men's abilities. Such as were ufed when men contended for mafcery and viftory in the Olympic games ; and fo it is applied to all earneil: fpiritual endeavours in any kind, [Phil. i. 30. Col. ii. i. 1. Thef. ii. 2. I.Tim, vi. 12. II. Tim. iv. 7.] Here the {ft AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.XII; Ver SE iOOKING UNTO JESUS THE AUTHOR AND FINISHEJl OF OUR FAITH, WHO, FOR THE JOY THAT WAS SET BEFORE HIM, ENDURED THE CROSS, DESPISING THE SHAME, AND IS SET DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE THRONE OF GOD. § I. The dejtgn and connexion, § 2. Looking to 'J ejus ^ luhat, § 3. The author and finijher of faith, § 4. The joy^ what ; and how fet before him, § 5. His en^ during the crofs and defpijing the Jhame, § 6. The con-- fequent thereof § 7. Obfervations. § I. A HE apDflle here rifeth to the highefl: encourage- ment, with refpeft to the fame duty, whereof we are capable. Hitherto he hath propofed to us their exam-» pie who had profeiTed the fame faith with ourfelves ;■ now, he propofeth him who is the * author and finifher' of that faith in us all. His perfon is propofed to us as a ground of hope and expe£lation ; whilft he is at the fame time an univerfal example of faith and obedience iii every kind. § 2. The peculiar prefcribed manner of our refpe£l to him, is * L&oking to him ;' and being put in the prefent tenfe, a continual ad is intended. In all that we do in bur profeflion and obedience, we are conflantly to be look- ing to Chrift. ' Looking,^ in the fcripture, when it re- fpe6ts God or Chrift, denotes an a£l of fiith or trufi^ with hope and expectation. It is not a mere a£l of the imderftanding, in confideration of what we look on ; but it is an a6l of the whole foul in faith and trufl. [See Pfal. xxxiv. 4 — 6. Ifa. xlv. 22.) — Wherefore, the Lord Jefus is not propofed to us as a mere example to be coniidered, but as him alfo in whom we place our faith, trufV, and confidence, with all our expedation of fuccefs in our 5 Clxriflia-n VjiR.2. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 273 Chriftian courfe ; without this we fhall have no benefit by his example. And the word here ufed (^u'poooo'^sg) fo exprclTeth a looking to hirriy as to include a looking off from, all other things which might be difcouragements to us. Such are the oppofitions, perfecutions, mockings, evil ex- amples of apoflates, &c. Nothing will divert our minds from difcouraging views of thefe things, but faith and truft in Chrifl. Look not to thefe things in times of fuf- fering, but look to Chr'ijl, The name ' Jcfus' minds us of him as a Saviour and a fufFerer, the former by the fignification of it, [Matt. i» 21.] the latter^ in that it was that name alone whereby he was known and called in all his fufferings. Look to hina as he was Jefus^ that is, both the only Saviour and the greateft fufferer, § 3. ' The author and finifher of our faith.' He by his death and obedience procured this grace for us. It is given to us on his account, [Phil. i. 29.] And he -prayg that we may receive it, [John xvii. ig, 20.] and he works it in us, or bellows it on us by his Spirit, in the beginning and all the increafes of it, from iirft to laft. Hence his difciples prayed to him, * Lord mcreafe our faith,' [Luke xvii. 5.] 5o he is the authar or beginner of our faith, in the efficacious working of it in our hearts by bis Spirit ; and the finijher of it in all its effeils^ in liberty, peace, and joy i and all the fruits of it in obedience \ for * without * him we can do nothing.' Nor is it faith objeHlvely that the apoflle treats of, the faith that is revealed, but that which is in the hearts of believers. And he is faid to be the author and finifher oi the faith treated of in the fore- going chapter j in them that believed under the Old Tef- tament as well as in themfelves. § 4. The next thing in the words is, the ground and reafon whereon Jefus did and fufFered the things, wherein he is propofed as our example for our encouragement ; and this was * for the joy that was fet before him.' The ambiguous fignification of the prepofition {avji) before, hath given occafion to a peculiar interpretation of the words. For mofl commonly it fignifies, in the flead N n a ^i «74 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X!l/ of\ one thing for another. It denotes here \\\q final mov- ing caitfe in the mind of Jefus Chrifl, for the doing what he did. He did it on account of the joy that was fet be- fore him. Joy^ is taken for the things in which he rejoiced, and on the account of which he endured the crofs and defpifed the fhame, viz. the glory of God in the aceomphfhment of all the councils of divine wifdom and grace, and the falvation of all the eleft. Thefe were the two things that the mind of Chrifl valued above life, honour, reputation, and all that was dear to him. Hov/ was this joy fct before him ? By God the Father, th^ fovereign Lord of this whole affair. And refpeft may be had to the eternal conjlltutlon of God, the covenant of ledemption, between the Father and the Son ; all the promifes, prophecies, and predictions that were given out by divine revelation from the beginning of the world. •And his faith of its accomplifhment againfl oppofitions, and under all his fufFerings, is illuftrioufly exprefled, Ifa. 1. 6—9. § 5. 'He endured the crofs and defpifed the lliame.* Tain 2indijhame are the two conflituent parts of all outward fufferlngs ; and they were both eminent in the death of the crofs. No death more lingering, painful, and cruel ; Jione fo Ihameful, wherein he that fufFered was in his dy- ing hours expofed publicly to the fcorn, contempt, and in- fults of the worfl of men. * He endured it ; he patiently endured it, as the word fignifies. The invincible patience of our Lord Jefus Chrifl enduring the crofs, was mani- fcfled not only in the holy compofure of his foul in all his fufFerings to the lafl breath, expreffed by the prophet, [Ifa. liii. 7.] but in this alfo, that during his torments, being fo unjuflly, fo ungratefully, fo villainoufly dealt with by the Jews ; he neither reviled, reproached, nor threatened them with that vengeance and deflru^ion which it was in his power to bring upon them every moment ; but he pitied them, and prayed for them to the lafl, that if it were poffible their fin might be forgiven, [Luke xxiii. 34. I. Pet. ii. 21 — 23.] Never was any fach example Ver, 1. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREVfS. 575 of patient enduring given in the world, before nor fince ; nor can any equal to it be given in human nature. To invincible patience he added heroic magnanimity ; {oiio-yjj^ v'/ig x.cc]cc1p^or/}a-ccg) * dcfplfing the Jhame^ ignominy, con- tempt ; it denotes fhame from reproach andfcorn, fuch as the Lord Jefus in his death was expofed to ; an ignQmin)r that the world, both Jews and Gentiles, long made ufe of to countenance themfelves in their unbelief. This he defpifed, that is, he did not faint becaufe of it ; he valued it not, in com.parifon of the blefTed and glorious eiFe£t of his fufFerings, which was always in hLs eye. The hie (fed frame of mind in our Lord Jefus in all his fufferings is that which the apoflle propofeth for our en- couragement^ and to our imitation. And it is that which contains the exercife of all grace, faith, love, fubmiilion to the will of God, zeal for his glory, and compaiTioii for the fouls of men in their highefl degree. § 6. ' And is fet down at the right hand of the throne * of God ;' in equal authority, glory, and power with God, in the rule and government of all. For the meaning of the words, fee the Expofition on chap. i. 3. chap. viii. i. On the whole, we have an exa6l delineation of our Chriftian courfe in a time of perfecution ;— in the blef- fed example of it, the fufferings of Chrift ; — the alfured confcquent of it, eternal glory ; — in a direction for the right difcharge of our duty ; which is the exercife of faith on Chrift himfelf for alTiftance, as a fufferer and a Saviour. And how great is our encouragement from the joy and glory that are fet before us as the ilTue of ail I § 7. Hence ohferve : 1. The foundation of our ftability in faith and gofpel profeflion, in times of trial and fuffering, is a conftant looking to Chrift, with expeftation of aid and affiftance ; having encouraged us to our duty by his example. Nor Ihall we endure any longer than whilft the eye of our faith is fixed on him. From him alone do we derive our re- frefliments in all our trials. 2. It is a mighty encouragement to conftancy and per- feverance in believing, that he in whom we believe is the author »76 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XXI. aiUiior and finifher of our faith. He both begins it in us, and carries it on to perfection. 3. The exercife of faith on Chrift, to enable us to' perfevere under difnculties and perfecutions, refpe£ls him as a SaiJiour and a fiffcrer, as the author and fini/Jjer of faith itfelf. 4. Herein is the Lord Chrift our great example^ in that he was influenced in all he did and fuftered by a continual refpeft to the glory of God, and the falvation of the church. And, 5. If we duly propofe thefe things to ourfelves in all our fufFerings, as they are fet before us in the fcripture, we fhall not faint under them, nor be weary of them. 6. This manner of Chrifl's enduring the crofs ought to be continually before us, that we may glorify God in conformity thereto, according to the meafure of our at^ tainments, when we are called to fufFerings. If we can fee the beauty and glory of it, wc are fafe. 7. li he went viflorioufiy through his fufFcring, we alfo may be vi£lorious through his aid, who is the author and finilher of our faith. And, 8. We have the higheft inftance, that faith can con- quer both fear and fliame. Wherefore, 9. We fnould neither think flrange of them, nor fear them on account of our profefiion of the gofpel, feeing the Lord Jcfus hath gone before in his conflidwith then'^ and conquell over them. Verse 3. FOR CONSIDER HIM THAT ENDURETH SUCH CON- TRADICTION OF SINNERS AGAINST HIMSELF, LEST "/£ BE WEARIED AND FAINT IN YQUR MINDS. % \. Toe fame argument continued, with a fpeclal improvement nf It, ^ 2. What we are cautioned about i agalrjji beipg wearjf Ver.> epistle to the HEBREWS. 277 weary or faint, § 3, 4. T'he fufferln^ example of Chrifi. p-opofcd. § 5, 6. Obfervatmis» § I. 1 HE apoflle carries on the fame argument, with refpe£t to an efpecial improvement of it in this verfe. (r^e) for, renders not a reafon af what was Ipoken be- fore, but denotes a progrefs to an efpecial motii^ to the duty exhorted to. Some copies read {hv) therefore, in a progrefUve exhortation. The pecuHar manner of the refpeft of faith to Chrif]b is exprelTed by {(zvccKoyKTUT^s) conftder, compare things by their due proportion one to another. Whereas mention is made of hhn who endured, and of what he endured, wc muft inquire where the emphafis h'es. If he fufFered, if he endured fuch things, why fhould not we do fo alfo ? For he was the Son of God, the author and finifher of our faith. Compute thus with yourfelves, that if he, though being fo great, fo excellent, fo infinitely exalted above us, yet endured fuch contradiction of linners, ought we not to do fo if called to it ? — Or elfe he calls us to the coniide- ration of what he fufFered in particular, as to the contra- diftion of finners ; fuch,yo great contradi£lion, by com- paring our own with them. And this fenfe the fallowing words incline to ; * for you have not yet refifled unto * blood,' as he did. But although thefe things are thus diftinguifhed, yet are they not to be divided, Both the pcrjon of Chrift, and what hefuffered, are propofed to our diJigent conlideration, and our impartial eflimate of them, with refped to our- ielves and our fufFe rings. § 2. * Left ye be wearied ;' the wor4 [%miLV'^) %ni-^ £es to labour, fo as to bring on wearhiefs ; and to be fick^ which alfo is accompanied with wearinefs. The apoltle treating before of a race, he may eaiily be fuppofed to have refped to fuch as fainted therein through wearinefs. But the fenfe of the words is fully explained in Rev. ii. 3. * Thou haft borne, and haft patience, and for my nam.e's * fake ha'ft laboured, and haft not fainted.' To abide and per- ijS AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xlt* perfevere in fufferlng and labour for the name of Chrift, is, ' not to faint,' or be wearied ; wherefore to be wea- ried in this cafe, is to be fo preffed and dlfcouraged with the greatnefs or length of difficulties and trials, as to draw- back, partially or totally, from the profeffion of the gof« pel. This I judge to be the frame of mind here caution- ed againll, viz. the want of life, vigour, and cheerfulnefs in profeffion, tending to a relinquilhment of it ; (tyj 'J^u- 'X.VY} SKKvco-9aii animo defic'i et concidere) to have the flrength and vigour of the mind dilTolved, fo as to faint and fall ; and it confifls principally in a remiffion of the due adling of faith by all graces, and in all duties. It \% faith that ilirs up and engageth fpiritual courage, refolution, pati- ence, perfeverance, prayer, and all preferving graces and duties ; and on this failing our fpiritual llrength is dif- folved, and we wax weary. § 3. And as to \\\s fufferings, he propofeth the confide- ration of them in one fpecial inilance, and therein every word is emphatical ; — It was emtradi£lion he underwent ; -—and it \^2iS fuch, or fo great, that it is not eafy to be apprehended ;— ^it was the contradiction of fnners ; — and it >vas againft himfef immediately. 1. He endured contradic'Y ion. The word is u fed for any- kind of oppoiition in things as well as words, and fo may include the whole fuiferings of Chrift from men ; but no doubt the apoftle hath a peculiar refpedl to the revilings and reproaches which he underwent ; fuch as, * Let the * the king of Ifrael come down from the crofs, and wc * will believe ; he faved others, himfelf he cannot fave/ And, 2. The apoftle intimates the fcverity and cruelty of thefe contradidions ; and herein he refers us to the whole flory of what was pail at his death. Such contradi£lion» fo bitter, fo fevere, fo cruel ; whatever the malicious wits of men, or fuggeflions of Satan, could invent or broach ; whatever was venemous and evil, was call upon him. 3. It was the contradiftion o{ fnners ; that is, fuch as gave no bounds to their wrath and malice. But withal the apoflle feems to reflet on tkeni, as to \}si€\x fate and T^ con- Ver. > EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 279 condition : for it was the priefts, the fcribes and pharifees, who from firll to hll managed this contradiftion ; and thefe all boafled themfelves to be jull and righteous : but they deceived themfelves ; they wcvcjimiersy the worft of finners. 4. It was contradiftion againft himfclf immediately, and, as it were, to his face. There is an emphaJJs in that expreffion (cig sa^vrov) agalnjl himfelf in perfon ; fo they told him openly to his face, that he had a devil, that he was a feducer, &c. All this he patiently endured. § 4. The confideration of the Lord Chrift's patient enduring thefe contradi(flions againfl himfelf, is propofed" as the means to prefcrve us from being ' weary and faint-^ * ing in our minds :' — by way of motive ;'for if he v/ho ia his own perfon was infinitely above all oppoiition of fin^ ners, as the apoftle flates the cafe, Phil. ii. 5 — 8. yet for our fakes would undergo all ; there is all the reafon ia the world why for his fake we fhould fubmit to our portion. in them. — By way o^ precedent and example ; as it is urged by Peter, I. Epift. ii. 21, 22. — By way oi deriving power from him ; for the due confideration of him herein will work a conformity in our minds and fouls to him in his fufFerings, which will afluredly preferve us from fainting. § 5. Ohfcrve hence : 1. Such tlimgs may befall us in the way of our pro- feflion, as are in themfelves apt to weary and burden us, fo as to folicit our minds to a relinquilhment of tliem. 2. When we begin to be heartlefs, defponding, and weary of our fulTerings, it is a dangerous difpofition of mind, leaning towards a defe6lion from the gofpel. And 3. We ought to watch againfl nothing more diligently, than the infenfible, gradual prevailing of fuch a frame, if we mean to be faithful to the end. 4. If wc defign perfeverance in a time of trouble and perfecution, it is both our wifdom and our duty to keep up faith to a vigorous exercife ; the wain of this befpeaks a fainting in our minds. This is like the hands of Mofes in the battle againfl Amalek. § 6. And we may farther ohfervc ; Vql. IV. O o I. That ftSo AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII, 1. That the malicious contradi£lion of wicked priefts, fcribes, and pharifees, againfl the truth, and its profefTors, is peculiarly fuited to make them faint, if not oppofed by vigorous ay it a6ts its power and fubtilty, which are un- fpeakable. 4. It is an honourable warfare to be engaged againfl fuch an enemy as iin is. This being the only contrariety that is to the nature and will of God himfeif, it is highly honourable to be engaged againfl it. 5. Though tlie world cannot, or will not, yet Chrif- tians can diftinguifh betv/ecn relifling the authority of men, and the rciiilance o£ fii lurking under the cloak of that authority. ^5. I. There is no room for negligence or floth in this confii^l. 2. They do but deceive themfelves, w^ho hope to pre- ferve their faith in times of trial, wnthout tlie utmofh watchful diligence againft the aiTaults and impreliions of Iin. Yea, 3. The vigour of our minds in the conflant exercife of fpiritual ftrength is to this end required. 4. Without this we fliall be furprifed, wounded, and at lafl deftroyed by our enemy. 5. They that would abide faithful in their profeffion iti times of trial, ought conilantly to bear in mind, and be armed'^gtiinft the worft of evils. This will preferve them from being fhaken or furprifed wath thofe lefler evils w^hich may befall them, when things come not to an ex- tremity. Ter. 5. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. ^Bj Verse 5". and ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, my son, despise not thou the chastening of the lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him, § I . 'The apoftle proceeds to a new argument^ that the affll^lons of the faithful are ch a fife merits. § 2. (I.) Explanation of the words. Te have forgotten the exhortation. § 2. Which fpeaketh as to children. § 4, 5. The exhortation '^if^lf' § ^> 7- (5I-) Obfervations, ' § I. X HE apoftle in thefe words proceeds to a new* argument, whereby to prefs his exhortation to patience and perfeverance under fufferings^ from the nature and end, on the part of God, of all thofe fufferings ; for they are not only neceflary as tefiimonies to the truth, but they are chaftifcments wherein God hath a blefTed defign towards us. And this argument he enforceth with fundry conliderations, to the end of ver. 13. This multitudes have found by experience, that their outward preffing fufterings from the world have been puri- fying chaftifements from God to their fouls ; by them have they been awakened, revived, mortified to the world, and, as the apoftle exprefteth it, made partakers of the hohnefs of God, to their inexpreflible advantage and con* folation. And, Thereby doth God defeat the counfels and expeftations of the world, having a defign to accomplifh by their agency which they know nothing of; for thofe very reproaches, imprifonments, and ftripes, with the lofs of goods, and danger of their lives, which the world applies to their ruin, God at the fame time makes ufe of for their re- fining, confolation, and joy. In all thefe things is the tiivine wifdom and gQodnefs for ever to be admired. ^2. ft84 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Cmap.XIL § 2. (T.) ' And ye have forgotten the exhortation/ There is in the foregoing w^ords a tacit rebuke, that they were ready to faint under their lelTer trials ; the reafon, faith he, why you are fo ready to faint, is, becaufe you have not attended to the direction and encouragement provided for you. This indeed is the rife of all our mii- carriages, and it is the height of pride and ingratitude not to comply with God s entreaties. * You have forgotten ;' a thing we mind not when we ought, and as we ought, we may be juilly faid to have forgotten it ; whether by the exhortation we underftand the divine words themfelves, as recorded in fcripture, or the things exhorted to. — Note^ The want of a diligent coniideration of the provifion God hath made in fcripture for our encouragement to duty, and comfort under dif- ficulties, is a linful forgetfulnefs, and of dangerous con- fequence to our fouls. For ' whatfoever things were written aforetime, were * written for our learning, that we through patience and * comfort of the fcriptures might have hope,' [Rom. xv.4.] § 3. ' Which fpeaketh unto you, as unto children.' The fcripture is not a dumb and filent letter ; it hath a voice in it, the voice of God himfelf ; and /peaking is frequently afcribed to it, [John vii. 42, &c.] And if we hear not the voice of God in it continually, it is becaufe of our unbeHef, [Heb. iii. 7 — 15.] The word which was fpoken fo long before by Solomon to the church in that generation, is faid to be fpoken to thefe Hebrews ; for the Holy Gholl is always prefent in the word, and fpeaks in it equally and alike to the church in all ages. He fpeaks as immediately to us as if we were the firft and only per- fons to whom he fpake. It argues, it pleads, it maintains a holy conference with us ; it prelTeth the mind and will of God upon us ; and we fhall find the force of its ar- guing if we keep it not off by our unbelief. What ijifinite condefcenfion is it in God, that he fpeaks unto us as unto, fons ! for whereas thefe words have refped to a time of trouble and chaflifement, it is of unfpeakabie concernment to us, to confider God under the Ver. ^. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. s^s the relation of a Father, and that in them he fpeaks to us as unto fons. .The words originally fpoken by Solomon were fpoken by God himfelf \ * He fpeaks unto us as unto ^ fons^ becaufe our gratuitous adoption is the foundation of God's gracious dealings with us ; and this, if any thing, is calculated to bind our minds, in the iirmefl manner, to a diligent compliance with this divine exhor- tation. Note ; Ufually, God gives the moil evident pledges of their adoption to believers, when in their fufferings, and under their afflic- tions ; then do they moft Hand in need of them, then do they mofl fet off the love and care of God towards us. * My fon,' is an application that a wife and tender father makes ufe of to reduce his child to confideration and compofure of mind, when he fees him nigh to dcf- pondency, under pain, licknefs, trouble, or the like ; ' My * fon, let it not be thus with thee.' God fees us under our afflictions and fufferings, ready to fall into difcompo- fures, with excefles of one kind or another ; and thereon applies himfelf to us, with this endearing expreffion, § 4. * Defpife not thou the chafiening of the Lord.' * Defpife not thou^ that every individual perfon may con- ceive himfelf fpoken to in particular, and hear God fpeaking thefe words to him ; What is this chajlemng of the Lord ? The word [iraioiioi) is varioufly rendered ; dodr'ine, injiitution, corre^ilon^ chajiifcment, difcipUne ; and it is fuch corredlion as is ufed in the liberal, ingenuous education of children by their parents, [Ephef. vi. 4. J They are indeed God's chaflifcments of us, for our educa- tion and inllruftion in his family ; and if we duly con- fider them as fuch, applying ourfelves to learn what we are taught, we fhall pafs through them more to our ad- vantage than "ufually we do. That which we are cautioned againft, with refpeft to the Lord's chaftening, is (^^ri oXiycAj^si) that we defpife It 7iot. The word is no where ufed in the fcripture but in this place ; it fignifies to fet lightly by, not to value any thing according to its worth and ufe ; and not to efteem them as we ought, not to improve them to their proper Z end ; ftg6 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. X2t end ; not to comply with the will of God in them, is, in^ Icrpretatively to defp'ife them ; wherefore, the evil cautioned jigainil, is, want of a due regard to divine admonitions and inilru£tions in our troubles, either through inad- vertency, or flout heartednefs. Note, It is a tender cafe to be under troubles and afflictions, which requires our iitmofl dihgence, w^atchfulnefs, and care about it ; God is in it, adling as a father and a teacher, if he be not duly- attended to, our lofs by them will be inexpreilible. § 5. The next caution is, that we ' faint not when * we are {sX£y%ou.-voi) reproved \ for this is the next evil we are liable to under troubles and afPiidlions. — The word fignifies a reproof by rational conviulion \ the fame thing materially with chajiifement is intended ; but under this formal confideration, that there is in that challifement a convincing reproof, God, by difcovering to ourfelves our hearts and ways, it may be in things which we before took 110 notice of, convinceth us of the necelTity of our trouble? and afflictions. He makes undcrftand, wherefore it is that he is difpleafed with us ; and what is our duty hereon is declared, Habak. ii. i — 4. Namely, to accept of his rcproof, to humble ourfeives before him, and to betake oiirrdvcs to the rlghteoufnefs of faith for relief. § 6. We now ohferve ; 1. It isf a bleifed efFeCl of divine wifdom that the fuf- fcrings we undergo from meji, for the profeiiion of the gofpel, Ihall be au'b chafrifemcnts of divine love for our fpiritual advantnge. 2. The gofpel never requires our fuffering, but when, '^s wc fhall find if we examine ourfelves, we Hand in need of the divine chaftifemcnt. 3. When by the wifdom of God we can difcern that what we fuftcr is, on the one hand, foi the glory of God and the gofpel ; and is, on the other, neceifary, , for our ov/n fanCtnicatioh, we Ihall be patient and perfevering. 4. Where there is lincerity \\\ faith and obedience, let not men defpond when called to fuffer for the gofpel, feeing it is the deiign of God by thofe fufferings to purify and cleanfe them from their prefcrit evil frames. §7., Ver.6. epistle to the HEBREWS. ©87 § 7. I. When God's chafiifements in our troubles and afili£lions are reproofs alfo j when he gives us a fenfe in them of his difpleafure againft our fins, and we are re- proved by him • yet even then he requires of us, that we Should not faint nor defpond, but cheerfully apply our- felves to his mind and calls. This is the hardeft cafe a believer can be exercifed with, when his troubles and afHidions are alfo in his own confcience reproofs for fin. 2. A fenfe of God's difpleafure againft our fins, and of his reproving us for them, is confijicnt with an evidence of our adoption ; yea, may be itfelf an evidence of it, as the apoftle proves in the next verfes. 3. The fum of inflruftion in this verfe is, that a due conlideration of this facred truth — that all our troubles, perfeciitions, and affiiflions are divine chafiifements and reproofs, whereby God evidenceth to us our adoption, and his i?iftrutling of us for our advantage — is an effectual means to preferve us in patience and pcrfeverance to the cud of our trials. Verse 6. fop. whom the lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whoxm pie receiveth^ § I. The fame divine tejiimony continued. § 2. The firft part of the tejiimony explained by feveral inftru^ive particular s» § 3. The fecond branch explained* §4. Obfervation, § I. X HE apoflle proceeding with the divine teflimony, retaining the fenfe of the whole exactly, changeth the wfsrds in the latter claufe ; for inftead of, * and as a father * the fon in whom he delighteth,* with whom he is pleafed, he fupplies ' and fcourgeth every fon whom he * receiveth.' In the FrQverbs the words are exegeiical of Vol. IV. P p thofb it% AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII. thofe foregoing, by an allufioii to an earthly parent ; * For * whom txiQ Lord loveth he corredeth, even as a father * the fon in whom he delighteth.* In this text they are farther explanatory of what was before affirmed \ but the fenfe in both places is abfolutely the fame. This, faith he, is the way of God ; thus \t feems good to him to deal with his children ; thus he may do, becaufe of his fovereign dominion over all ; may not he do what he will with his own ? This he doth in infinite imfdomy for their good and advantage ; as alfo to evidence his love to them, and care of them. § 2. In the iirfl part of the teftimony given to the fovereignty and wifdom of God, in the ways and me- thods of his dealings with his children, we are in- ilrufted, 1. That love is antecedent to chaftening ; he challens whom he loves. The love, therefore, here intended, is the love of adoption ; that is, the love oi benevolence^ where- by he makes men his children, and his love of compla^ cence in them when they are lO. 2. ChajTifing is an cffe^ of his love. It is not only confequential to, but fprings from it : wherefore, there is nothing properly penal in the chaflifements of believers. Funi/hment proceeds from love to juftice^ not from love- to the pcrfon puniflied ; but chaftifement is from love to the perfon chaftifed^ though mixed with difpleafure againil 3. It is required in chaftifement, that the perfon be in a Hate wherein there is lin, or that he be a finner \ fo that lin fliould have an immediate influence to the chafiifementy as the meritorious caufe of it : for the end of it is, * to * take away fin,' to fubdue it, to mortify it^ to increafe holinefs. There is no chaftifement in heaven or in hell. Not in heaven, becaufe there is no fin ; not in hell, be- caufe there is no amendment. Chaftifement, therefore, is a companion of them that are ' in the way,' and of them on'y. 4. Divine love and chaftening in this life are iyfepara^ Ik, * Whom he loveth \ that is, whomfoeve^ he loveth, *hc Ver. 6. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 2S9 * he chafleneth ;' none goes free. It is true, there are diffe- rent degrees and meafures of chaftifements, which compa- ratively makes fome feem to have none^ and fome to have nothing elfe. But abfoluteiy the divine {jtoci^zloc) injiru^ive chajiifement^ is extended to all the family of God, as we Ihall fee. 5. Where chaftifement evidenceth itfelf not to be penal — as it doth many ways, with refpe£l to God the author of it, and thofe who are chaftifed — it is a broad feal fet to the patent of our adoption, which the apoftle proves in the following verfes. 6. This being the way and manner of God's dealing with his children, there is all the reafon in the world why we fhould acquiefce in his fovereign wifdom therein, and not faint under his chaftifement. 7. No particular perfon hath any reafon to complain of his portion in chaftifement, feeing this is the way of God's dealing with all hh children. [I. Pet. iv. 12. v. 9.] § 3. The latter claufe of this divine teftimony, as ex- ^refted by the apoftle — * and fcourgeth every fon whom < he receiveth' — being, as it is generally underftood, the fame with the former aflertion, expreffing fomewhat more earneftnefs, may feem to need no farther expolition, the fame truth being contained in the one and the other. But, I confefs, that in my judgement there is fomething pe^ cul'iar in it, which I fhall prqpofe, and leave to the reader. The particle (Sc) and^ may rather be, etlam^ even, or alfo^ moreover, — The verb * fcourgeth,* argues at leaft a peculiar degree or meafure in chaftifement, above what is ordinary ; and it is never ufcd but to exprefs a high de- gree, of fufFering. A fcourging is the utmoji which is ufed in (tt^/^s/^) corretlive injlruflmu Wherefore the Utmoft that God in|ii£ls on any in this world is in- cluded in the expreffion. — (YlocQochyjloa) receiveth, accept- eth, owncth, avoweth ; the word whereby God declares his reft and acquiefcence in Chrift himfelf, [Efai. xlii. i.] fo that it includes an efpecial approbation. — (Yiccvjoc viov) every fon, is not to be taken univerfally, but is reftrained to P p 2 fuch 29©* AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.XIL fuch only as God doth Jo accept. I am, therefore, in- duced to judge this to be the meaning of the words, v'l'z, * yea, alfo, he feverely chajiifeth above the ordinary mea- * fure thofe fons whom he accepts, and peculiarly delights * in.* This gives a di{lin£l fenfe, and doth not make it a mere repetition ; and the truth contained herein is high- ly necelTary to the fupport and confolation of many of God's children. For when they are JtgnalizeJ by afflic- tion ; when all muft take notice that they are fcourgcd m a peculiar manner, and fuffer beyond the ordinary meafure of children, they are ready to defpond (as Job, and David, and Heman) and be utterly difcouraged. But a due apprehenfion of its being tlye way of God to give the fevereil: trials, exercifes, and fcourges to them whom he loves and peculiarly delights in, will make them lift up their heads and rejoice in all their tribulations. § 4. Oaf. That in all our aiBidions, the reiignation oi ourfelves to the fovereign pleafure, infinite wifdom, and goodnefs of God, is the only means of preferving us from fainting, wearinefs, or negled of duty. After all our ar-=. guings, defires and pleas, this is what we mufl come to* [See Job xxxiii. 12, 13. xxxiv. 18, 19,23,31, 33. xlii, 4,6.3 Verse 7. IF YE ENDURE CHASTENING, GOB DEALETH WITH YOU AS WITH SONS ; FOR WHAT SON IS HE WKOM THE FATHER CHASTSNETH NOT ? § 1 . 7'o endure chajlcmng, what. § 2 . God*s cmdu^ towards his children fo enduring. § 3.. l^he propriety of chaftife^ mcnt from his paternal relation to them. § 4. Obferva-^ nations.. § I, *XF (uTTij/y-ry-Ti) ye f;7^«r^ chailening ;* there is m the word a fuppofition, ' If you do comply with the ex- * hortation.' A mere Offering of things calamitous, which I is Ver. 7- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 19^ is common to mankind, is no evidence of a gracious re- ception with God. ' If you endure \ that is, with faith, fubmiirion, patience, and perfeverance, fo as not to faint* If, faith he, affliflions, trials, and troubles befaU you^ fuch as God fends for the chaftifement of his children, and you undergo them with patience and perfeverance ; if you faint not under them, nor defert your duty, then § 2. * God {7rp-ithcut refpeft to rule or equity, for it is Vol. IV. C2^q the ^^6 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII, the example of good parents that is intended. But thev did it according to xX\q.\y beji difcrction ; wherein they might fail, both as to the caufes and the meafure of chailife- ment. The exercife of this right is '■for a few days ;' ei- ther a few of our own days ; or it may refped the advantage which is to be obtained by fuch chaflifements, which is only the regulation of our affections for a little feafon, — And {•vflps7rous9cc) we gave them reverence ; an ingenuous, modeft fubmiffion, as oppofite to ftabbornnefs and fro- wardnefs. We w^ere kept in a proper dutiful temper of mind ; -we did not defert the family of our parents, nor g*ow weary of their difcipline, fo as to be difcouraged from our duty. § 3. * Shall we not much rather be in fubje£lion to the Father of jYirits^^ of our fpirits ? So the oppofition re- quires ; the fathers of our flefb, and the father of ourjpl- rits ; the rational foul, which is immediately created and infufed, having no other father but God himfelf. [See Numb. xvi. 22. Zech. xii. i. Jer. xxxviii. 16.] I will not deny, but that the lignification of the word here may 1)6 farther extended, fo as to comprife alfo the Hate and frame of our fpirits in their reftoration and rule, wherein alfo they are fubjc£l to God alone : but his being the immediate creator of them is primarily regarded. And this is the fundamental reafon of our patient fub« milTion to God in all cur afBiflions, that our very fouls are his, thp immediate produft of his divine power, and under his rule alone. May he not do what he will with his own ? Shall the potlberd contend with its maker ? His general end and deiign therein is our profit or ad- vantage. TJiis being once well £xed, takes off all dif- putes in this cale. Men in their chaflifements do at beft but conjecture at the event, and are no way able to effeft it. But what God defigns fhall infallibly come to pafs ; for he himfelf will accomplifh, and make the means of it certainly effeclual. § 4. ' That we might be partakers of his holinefs.' I'he holhicfs of God is either that which he hath in him- felf, or that which he approves of, and req^uires in us. The Ver.9, lo. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 297 The firftis the infinite purity of the divine nature, which is abfolutely incommunicable ; neverthelefs, we may be faid to be partakers of it in a peculiar manner, by virtue of our interell in God, as God ; as alfo by the effefls of it in us, [Ephef. iv. 24.] as we are faid to be made * par- * takers of xX\^drjhu nature ^^ [11. Pet. i. 4.] which alfo is the holinefs of God in the latter fenfe, or that which he requires of us, and approves ia us. Whereas therefore holinefs confifts in the mortification of our lufts and afFedions, in the gradual renovation of our natures, and the fan£lification of our fouls ; th^ car- rying on and increafe of thefe things in us is what God defigns in all his chaflifements. And whereas next to our participation of Chrill, by the imputation of his righteoufnefs to us, this is the greateft privilege, glory, honour, and benefit, that in this world we can be made partakers of; we have no rcafon to be weary of God's chaflifements, which are defigned for fo valuable an ^wA, § 5. That which is required of us as children is, that we ' be in fuhjedion to him, as unto the Father of fpirits^ This anfwers to the having our earthly parents in reve- rence before mentioned. The fame which the apoftlc Peter calls, ' humbling ourfelvcs under the mighty hand * of God,' [I. Pet. V. 6.] and there may be refpe£t to the difobedient fon under the law, who refufed to fubjeft himfeif to his parents, or to reform upon their correc- tion, [Deut. xxi. 18.] which I rather think, becaufe of the confequent affigned to it — * and live ;' whereas the refraftory fon was to be ftoned to death. And this fub- je^tion to God confifts in an acquiefcency in his right and fovereignty, to do what he will with his own ; an ac- knowledgement of his righteoufnefs and wifdom in all his dealings with us ; a fenfe of his care and love, with a due apprehenfion of the end of his chaflifements ; a diligent application of ourfelves to his mind and will, as to what he calls us to, in an efpecial manner at that feafon ; in keeping our fouls by faith and patience from wearinefs and defpondency ; and finally, in a full refignation of our- selves to his will, as to the matter, manner, times, and Q^98 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII. continuance of our affii(^ion. And where thefe things are not in fome degree, we caft off the yoke of God, and are not in due fubje£lion to him ; which is the lands inha- bited by the fons of Behal. § 6. Once more ; the confequent of this fubje£lion to God in our challifements is, that * we Ihall live ;' and fo we /hall live. Though in their own nature they feem to tend to death, or the deftru£lion of the fielh, yet it is for life they are deiigned ; which is the encouraging confe- quent, which y^«// be the infallible effeft of them ; [11. Cor. iv. 16 — 18.] the increafe of fpiritual life in this world, and eternal life in the world to come. The rebel- lious fon who would not fubmit himfelfto corre£tion was to die without mercy; but they who are in fubjeftion to God in his challifements, y??.?////^;^ here and hereafter. § 7, (II.) And we may now obfcrve : 1. As it is the duty of parents to challife their children, if need be, and of children to fubmit thereto ; fo it is good for us to have had the experience of a reverential fubmillion to paternal chaflifements, as from whence we may be convinced of the equity and necellity of fubmif- iion to God in all our afflictions. 2. No man can undcritand the benefit of divine chaf- tifements, who underflands not the excellency of a par- ticipation of God's holinefs. No man can find any good in a bitter, potion, who underllands not the be- nefit of health. If we have not a due valuation of this blefied privilege, it is impoffible we fliould ever make a Tight judgement concerning our afflictions. 3. If under chaftifements we find not an increafe of holinefs, in fome fpecial inftances or degrees, they are xitterly loft, we have nothing but the trouble and forrovv of them. 4. There can be no greater pledge nor evidence of divine love in affliction, than this, that God defigns by them to make us partakers of his holinefs, to make us more like him. Verse Ver. II, EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 099 Verse ii. kow no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous ; nevertheless, afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are ex- ercised thereby. § I. Connexion and defign . § 2. (I.) Expojttton. Affile- tion, not joyous but grievous. § 3. Chaftifement beneficial. Ityieldeththefruitofrighteouftiefs, § ^. Which is peace- able, § 5. 'iThe feafon of yielding fruit. §6. To whom » § 7. (II.) Ohfervations. God's chaftifements will bs matter of for row to us. §8,9. Other obfervatlons. § I. X HIS is the clofe of the apoflle's arguing about fufFerings and aftlidions, their ufe, and our duty in bear- ing them with patience. The fame argument he infilled upon, II. Cor. iv. 17. ' For our light affliftion, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. — The trouble and forrow wherewith chaftifement is accompanied he takes for granted, he will not contend about it ; but he takes off all its weight, by oppoiing to it the fuperlor benefit. § 2. ' Now no chaftening, &c.' Hterally, ' but every * chaftifement at prefent feems not to be of joy ;' that is, none doth feem to be fo. Now ; not as an adverb of time, but as a note of attention. Every chafifement^ not any accepted ; For what is affirmed is of the very nature of chaftifements. If any thing evil befall a man, and it. be no ways dolorous to him, it may be a judgement, but it is not a chaftifement to him. For the prefent ; that is, whilft it is aftually on us, whilft we fufter under it, ef- pecially in its firft ingrefs and alTault ; whilft the wound they give to the fpirit is frefli, before it be moUified by faith and fubi?iilTion to God. 2 It 30O AN EXPOSITION OF THE Cbap, XH, It feemeth fiot to be joyous, but grievous ; that is, what- ever be Ipoken of the good of challifement, it reprefents it- felf otherwife to us ; it appears with another face to us, and we cannot but make another judgement of it. The original IS, * it is not of joy, but of for row. ^ The apoftle fpeaks not of it here, as to its effc^s, but as to its na- ture ; and fo it belongs not to things joyous and pleafa.nt. It is not a fvveet concoction, but a bitter potion. It is in the nature of every chaftifement, to be a matter of for- low and grief at prefent to the chaflifed. § 3. In the balance againft this matter of forrow in divine chaftifements, the apoflle lays down the advantage and benefit of it. * It yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righ- * teoufnefs.* It yieldeth fruit ; not it will do fo, but it doth fo. It is not a dead ufelefs thing. When God purgeth his vine, it is that it may * bear more fruit,' [John xv. 2.] Where he drefleth the ground, it fhall * bring forth herbs * meet for himfelf,' [Heb. vi. 8.] By this, therefore, Ihall the iniquity of Jacob be purged, and this is all the fruit, * to take away his fn,^ [Ifa. xxvii. 9.] This fruit is ' the fruit of right eoufnefs ;' that which righ- teoufnefs bears, or brings forth. Neither our doing nor our fufFering is the caife of our righteoufnefs, but they promote it in us, and increafe its fruit. Wherefore, by * righteoufnefs'' in this place, our fancliiication, or the inter ^ 7ial principle of holinefs or obedience is intended ; and the fruits hereof are its increafe in the more vigorous ^(Stings of all graces, and their eifeCls in all duties ; efpe- cially patience, fubmiflion to the will of God, weancdnefs from the world, mortification of fin, heavenly mindednefs, purity of heart, readinefs for the crofs, and the like, [Rom. V. 3 — 5. John XV. 2 — 4.] § 4. This fruit of righteoufnefs whicli chaftifement yieldeth is alfo peaceable. * I'he work of righteoufnefs * (hall be peace;' [Ifa. xxxii. 17.] W'hen we are chaf- tened, and when thefe fruits are brought forth in us, they are a high evidence that God is at peace with us, and that he defigns our eternal good, [Rom. v. 3 — 5.] They bring in peace to our minds. Aifiictions arc apt to put our Ver. II. ElPlStLE TO THE HEBREWS. 39 f our minds into diforder ; our afFe£lions will tumultuate, and raife great contefts in our fouls ; but by thefe fruits of righteoufnefs our hearts are quieted, our minds com- pofed, all tumults allayed, and we are enabled to poiTefs our own fouls in patience. § 5. liht feafon wherein they yield this fruit, is * after- * wards ;' that is, after we have been a little exercifed with them. This efFeft, it may be, doth not appear at firft ; w^e have their furprifal, as Job had, to conflidt with, which fufpends for a while the produftion of thefe fruits. They firft tend to fubdue the flefh, to root up weeds, thorns, and briars, to break up the ftubborn fallow-ground, and then to cherifh the feeds of righteoufnefs. § 6. So it is added, * unto them which are exercifed * thereby.' The word here ufed fignifies an exercife with diligence and vehemence, there being an allufion in it ta thofe who ftripped themfelves naked, and fo put out all their ftrength in their public games, or conteft for maf- tery. Wherefore to be exercifed by chaftifement, is to have all our fpiritual ftrength, all our faith and patience, tried to the utmoft, and afted in all things fuitably to the mind and will of God. § 7. Obf. (II.) When God defigneth any thing as a Ghaftifement, it is in vain to endeavour to keep off a fenfe of it ; it fhall be a matter of forrow to us. Men are apt in their trials to think it a point of courage and refolu- tion to keep off a fenfe of them, fo as not to be affeded ■with grief about them. It is efteemed by fome a piece of pulillanimity to mourn, or to be affefted with forrow about them. It is true, indeed, fo far as they are from men, and fufferings for the gofpel, there is an heroic frame of fpirit required for undergoing them, fo that it may appear we are in nothing terrified by our adverfaries ^ but there can be no pufillanimity in us towards God. It is our duty to take in a deep fenfe of his rebukes ; and if he defigns any thing befalling us as a chajifement, it is in vain for us to contend, that it may not be a matter of forrow to us. For if it yet be not fo, it is but an en- trance into bis more feyere dealing wilh us. He will not 302 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII, not ceafe till be hath broken the fiercenefs and tamed the pride of our fpirits, and have brought us, hke obe= dient children, to fubmit ourfelves under his mighty- hand, § 8. Obfcrve farther ; 1. Not to take in a fenfe of forrow In affiiflion, through ftoutheartednefs, is to dcfpife the chaftening of the Lord, [ver. 5.] — The forrow intended which ac- companies challifcment, is that which the apoftle terms (KvTry] ys^Acc 0Js^, II. Cor. vii. 9.) ' Sorrow according * to God,' or after a godly fort ; it is not a wailing of the fiefh upon a fenfe of pain ; it is not the diforder of our affections upon their encounter with things grievous in their prefent fiiate of eafe ; it is not a heartlefs de- fpondency under our preiTures, enfeebling us for our duties \ but a filial fenfe of God's difpleafure, accom.panied with nature's averfation from things evil and grievous to it. 2. The nature and end of afflldlions are not to be meafured by our prefent fenfe of them ; at prefent they are dolorous, but the great relief under what is grievous at prefcKt is, the due confederation of their end and ten- dency, as appointed of God. And, 3. All the trouble of afHiiflions is butyir the prefent % at molt but for the little w^iile we are to continue in this world ; wnthin a very Ihort time we fhall leave them be- hind us for evermore. § 9. I. Thofe w^ho cannot fee an excellency in the •. abounding of the fruits of righteoufnefs before defcribed, can never apprehend that there is either good or benefit in chafiiifements ; for this alone is that which the apoHle propofeth to anfwer all that is grievous or evil in them ; but thefe things believers value above life itfelf, and can eftcem well of every thing, be it never fo fharp to the fielh, that doth promote thefe fruits in our fouls. 2. We can never ^Vid^ any benefit in chaftifements "un- lefs we are cxcrclfed by them ; that is, that all our graces are ftirred up by them to an holy, conftant exercife ; for hereby alone do they yield the peaceable fruit of righteouf^ nefs. 3- It V£R. 1^,13. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREV/S. 303 3. It is the fruit of righteoufnefs alone, that will bring 119 peace ; give us a fenfe of peace with God, peace in ourfelves, and, as far as poillble, peace w^ith all others. And, 4. Grace in afflidions will at length quietly conmpofe the mind under the florm raifed by them, and give it a peaceful reft. 5. Herein lies the wifdom of faith in this matter^ not to pafs a judgement on chaftifement from the prefent fenfe we have of what is evil and dolorous in them, but from their end and ufe, which are bleiTed and glorious. Verses 12, i^, WHEREFORE LIFT UP THE HANDS WHICH HANG DOWN, AND THE FEEBLE KNEES ; AND MAKE STRAIGHT PATHS FOR YOUR FEET, LEST THAT WHICH IS LAME BE TURNED OUT OF THE WAY, BUT LET IT RATHER EE HEALED. § I. Introduction, § 2j 3. (I.) 'The feveral parts of the words explained. § 4 — 6. Making Jlraight paths for our feet, what. § 7. The enforcement of the duty. § 8, 9. (II.) Obfervations* ^ I . In thefe verfes an entrance is made to the fecond part of the chapter, which is defigned for the application of the dodlrine concerning fufFerings, affliflions and chaf- tifements, before infifted on ; for the right underftanding of the mind of the Holy Ghoft in the words, we muft take notice, that there is a fuppojiiion included of fome failure in the Hebrews as to their courage and conftancy in fuffering ; at leaft that they were in great danger of it, and that it began to afFe£l the minds of many ; and perhaps greatly to prevail in fome among them ; this he .Vol. IV, R r had 304 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xll. had iiifinuated before in the entrance of his difcourfe on this fubjeft, [ver. 3 — 5.] and now refumes it as the ground of his addrefs. That part of the exhortation which is contained in ver. 12. is taken from Ifaiah xxxv. 3. and the way of its propofal is in continued metaphors^ in anfwer to the firft prefcription of duty which ^vas to run a race, or drive for a vidlory, [ver. i.] Wherefore, the exhortation is ap- plied to thofe parts of the body which are of principal ufe in the gymnaflic exercifes, vi%. the hands, the knees, and thtfeet, whereby the body putteth forth all its ilrength, to obtain the prize ; the hands and knees being the prin- cipal feat of ilrength and activity. § 2. (I.) * Lift up the hands that hang down ;' (iraoHiL-vag) weakened and dijjohed in their Ilrength, whence of courfe they hang down ; which is an evidence of being %veary, faint, unready, and on the point of giving over. — •* And they^^Z'/V knees \ {TTOcQocT^sXv^svoi, foluta, d'lf- foluta, labantlaj debilitated, weak, whofe nervous vigour is diffolved ; fo in great weaknefs, fear and defpondency, the knees are faid to fmite together, [Nahuin ii. 10. Dan. V. 6.] In both expreilions we have a defcription of a man heartlcfs, or Jlothful, or fo faint in running a race, as to be ready to cail off all hopes of fuccefs, and to give over. § 3. It is the fame kind of diflemper which affedls thefe feveral parts ; and- therefore the apoille prefcribes the fame remedy to both ; {ocvo'o^ooQ-aii, furripite, erigite) ra'ife them up to a due llate and poilure ; fet them right ?gain ; apply them to their duty ; fo in the cure of the woman who had the infirmity, wherewith flie was bowed down, we render the f.rr.e word ' made firaight^ [Luke xiii. 13.] or ?//)r/o-/^/ again. Wherefore the fpiritual {zw{^ of the words, or mean- ing of the fimilltudcs, is plain, and there is no necefiity to make a diflribution of parts, as to what is particularly and feparately intended by the hands and knees ; for by the fame kind of defedl in both, the fault of the whole is de- fcribed ; which is fuch a decay in Chriftian courage and refolution, Ver. 1-2, 13. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 305 refolotlon, as brings along with it a great weaknefs and unreadinefs for duty ; proceeding from a defpondency ss to fuccefs, and wearinefs of duty ; in them do our hand^ hang down, and our knees grow feeble. § 4. * And make llraight paths for your feet.' — The firfl part of the exhortation concerned the inivard frame of eur minds ; that which now follows looks to our ways^ walking, and converfation with refpef5l to others ; accord- ing as our path is, right and ftraight, or crooked and "uneven, fo will our courfe be. It is therefore highly- incumbent on us to look well to the paths wherein we are going. The diredion feems to be taken from Prov. iv. 26. * Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be * eftabliflied ;' or rather, ' all thy ways (hall be ordered * aright ;' which is the fenfe of this place. In order to difcover the duty here prefcribed, we muft conlider ; — What are the paths of our feet ; and — How we are to make them ftraight. § 5. (TDOxia,g) Our paths ; the original word fignifies {tmv TiJoyjjQV K(Xpcy.^ig) the mark made by wheels ; fo though it be taken for (femltaj a path, yet it is (orh'ita) fuch a path as is marked out for others, that leaves a track that may be followed. Our obedience to God is called our walking before him, [Gen. xvii. i.] The firfl divine teflimony given to any man was with refpe£l to his faith in facrifice, [Gen. iv. 4.] expreiling the atonement to be made by Chrifl ; and the fecond was to obedience under the name of walking with God; ' Enoch walked with God,' [Gtn^ v. 24.] in thefe two, thus exemplified from the beginning, faith and obedience, doth the life of God in the church confifl ; and every one's courfe of aflions, with refpe£l to God and his will, are his paths. The path of our obedience may be confidered, either objedively, denoting the will of God revealed to us ; the canon or rule which we are to walk by ; in which fenfe the path of all men is one and^the fame ; abfolutely and perfectly ftraight in itfeif ; or, it may be confidered fub- R r 2 jcfiivelyy 3o6 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII. je^ively, with refpeft to them that walk in it ; and fo there are degrees of ilraightnefs ; men may cojttinue in. it, yet fall varioufly as to its univerfal reftitude. So Peter and others with him did not (op^07ro^.-/y, Gal. ii. 14.] walk with a right foot ; they continued in the path ot gofpel truth, but they fiumbled in it, they warped in one inftance from it. § 6. And hereby we may underfland what is here en- joined by way of duty, vl%. to make thefe paths llraight. For there are two things herein ; 1. That we walk uprightly in the paths of obedience; then are our paths fralght when we walk uprightly in the paths of God. And as this refpefts our univerfal obedi- ence ; fo, I doubt not, but regard is bad to halting, or taking fome crooked Heps in profeffion during trial ; de- ferting of church aflemblies, forbearing of fundry neceflary duties, irregular compliance with the Jews in their wor- Ihip ; though they utterly forfook not the path of the gofpel, yet they walked not in it with a right foot ; they failed in the way, though they fell not from it ; thefe things the apoftle would have re^^ified. 2. That we walk vlfihly in thefe paths ; this is in- cluded both in the fignification of the original word (imyjcci) paths, and in the precept, to make our paths pralght. And this is neceflary to the end of preferving others from being turned out of the way, or their reco- very from their w^andering. Therefore, the duties efpecially intended in this precept, are courage, refokition, conf!:ancy in profeflion, with a diligent watch againft all crooked compliances, or fearful relinquifliment of duties. § 7. The enforcement of the duty required, is, ' lefl * that which is lame be turned out of the way ; but let it * rather be healed/ — He that is lame can make but flow progrefs, and is often ready by his halting to ftumble out of the way. Lamenefs^ therefore, is fome defedt that is diftinguillud from external hinderances, and from mere faintir.g or wearinefs, (whereof the apoille had fpoken before, and which may befall them that are not lame) which Ver. 12, 13. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 307 which obftru^s men in their progrefs, and makes them be eafily turned out of the way ; befides, it indndcs an imvard difeafe in particular, whence the apollle fays, it is to be healed. § 8. Hence ohferve ; I. Defpondency and wearinefs are the great evils which, in all our fufFerings and affiiftions, we are with all at- tention of mind to watch againft ; this is the way whereby multitudes have entered into fcandalous backflidings, and many into curfed apoftacies. — We do well to pity others who are weary and fainting in their courage, and under their burdens, for they have fpent all their Arength, and have no way of fupply -, but we are to be no way gentle towards ourfelves in our fpiritual wearinefs and decays, becaufe we have continual fupplics of lirength ready for us, if we ufe them in a due manner. [See Ifa. xl. 28 — 31.] 2. We ought to confirm our minds againft all dif- couragements and defpondencies, by the confideration of God's defign in all our fufFerings and afflidions, and the blelTed fuccefs with which he will crown them. 3. The recovery of this frame, or the reftoration of our fpiritual ' hands and knees' to their former vigour, is by ftirring up all grace to its due exercife, which is torpid and defponding under this flothful frame. 4. It is our duty not only to be found in the ways of God in general, but to take care that we walk carefully, circumfpeftly, uprightly, and diligently in them. It is a fad thing when fome men's walk in the ways of God Ihall deter others from them, or turn them out. 5. To make halts or baulks in our way of profeffion ; or our paths being crooked in the negleft of duty ; or daftardly compliances with the world in time of trials and perfecution, is an evidence of an evil frame of heart, and of a dangerous ftate and condition. 6. Sundry difeafes, weakneiTes, and lameneflfes are apt to befall the flock of God. Thefc he promifeth himfelf to be tender towards, and to heal, as he feverally threatens thofe 5o8 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII, thofe fliepherds by whom they are negle£led ; [Ezek. xxxiv. 4, Stc] § 9. And the feiife of the words may be included in the enluing obfervations : 1. An hefitation or doubtfuhiefs about important doc- trines of truth will make men lame and weak in their profeilion. And 2. Thofe who are fo, are difpofed to a total defe£tioi\ from the truth, and are ready on all occalions to go out of the way. Alfo in general, 3. Every vicious habit of mind, every defe£l in light or negled of duty, every want of llirring up grace to ex- crcife, will make men lame and halt in their profeffion, and eafy to be turned aiide by difficuhies and oppolitions. 4. When we fee perfons in fuch a {late, it is our duty to be very careful fo to behave ourfelves, as not to give any occalion to their farther mifcarriages, but rather en- deavour their healing. 5. The beft way whereby this may be done, is by ma- king vifible and plain to them our own faith, refolution, courage, and conftancy, in a way of obedience becoming the gofpel. Hereby we lliall both excite them to, and direft them in their duty. For, 6. The negligent walking of thofe profefTors, who arc found in the faith, their weaknefs a.nd pulillanimity in times of trial, their want of making ftraight paths to their feet in vifible holinefs, is a great means of turning afide thofe that are lame, v/eak, and halting. 7. It is good to deal with, and endeavour the healing of fuch halters, * whilfl they are yet in the way ;' for when they are quite turned out, their recovery will be difficult, if not impolTible. Verse Ver, 14. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 309 Verse 14. follow peace with all men, and holiness, v/ith- out which no man shall see the lord. § I . T'ranfition to a new fubJeJi. Prefcrlptlon of pra^lical duties. § 2. Expojition. Our duty towards men, To follow peace with them, § 3. The manner of dolno- it. § 4. Our duty towards God, To follow hollnefs, § 5. Obfervations. § I. Jt^ ROM his exhortation to patient perfeverance in the profeffion of the go fpel under /z/^mV/^j and affli(rtions, the apoille proceeds to a prefcription of practical duties ; and although they are fuch as are abfolutely neceflary in themfelves at all times, yet they are here peculiarly en- joined, with refpefl to our conflancy in piofeffing the gofpel ; for no light, no knowledge of the truth, no refolution or courage will preferve any man in his pro- feilion, efpecially in times of trial, without a diligent at- tendance to the duties of holinefs and gofpel obedience. § 2. ' Follow peace with all men.' The fubflance of our duty towards all men, as men^ in all circumftances and relations, is to ' feek peace with them.' And that we may do our duty to attain it, three things are required ;— Righteoufnefs ; * The fruit of righteoufncfs is peace ;' to wrong no man, to give to every one his due, or to do to all men as we would have tliem do to us : — Ufefuhiefs ; That we be ufeful to all men, in all duties of piety, cha- rity, and beneficence, [Gal. vi. 10.] « As we have op- * portunity let us do good,' be ufefid, profitable, benefi- cial, working that which is good towards all men ; avoid- ^^^S °f J^ifi offence \ ' Give none offence, neither to the * Jews, nor to the Gentiles,' [I. Cor. x. 32,] — But, be it remarked, we muit eternally bid defiance to that peace with men, which is inconfillent with the peace of God. The 310 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xlt The divine mandate runs, — * If it be poflible as much as * lieth ill you, live peaceably with all men,' [Rom. xii* § 3. From thefe difficulties arifetli the injun£lion of the fpecial way and manner of feeking it (^lUDcfls) earnejily follow. It is that which will lly from us, and which we mull with all earneftnefs purfue, or we ihall not overtake it ; and it is fo exprelied, becaufe of the many pretences which moft men ufe to avoid peace with thofe who pro- fefs the gofpel. All thefe, ' as much as in us lieth,' we we are to overcome in puifuit of peace, never giving it over whilft we are in this world. * With all men ;' that is, all forts of men, according as we ftand related to them, or have occafion of conver- fing with them. The worjl of men are not excepted out of this rule ; not our enemies ; not our perfecutors ; we are flill, by all the ways mentioned, to * follow peace* with them all. Let this alone be fixed, that we are not obliged to any thing that is inconliftent with holinefs, contrary to the word of God, adverfe to the principles and light of our minds and confciences, for the obtaining of peace with any, or all the men in the worlds which rule is abfolute and univerfal. Wherefore, § 4. The other thing enjoined refpe£ls our duty to- wards God. ' And holinefs.' — It refers to t\\Q fame way of feeking it ; to follow it earneflly, to purfue it by all appointed ways and means ; and what is licre prefcribed, is univerfal holinefs^ * without which no man fhall fee the * Lord.' It is all one whether we underftand God abfo- lutely, or the Lord Chrift in an efpecial manner, by the name * Lord ;' for we fliall never fee one without the other. Chriil prays for us, that we may be where he is, to behold his glory; [John xvii. 24.] but this we can- not do without feeing God alfo, or the eternal glory of God in him. This fight of God and Chrift, which is intellc^ual, not corporeal ; finite, not abfolutely comprc- henfive of the divine elTence ; is the fum of our future blelTednefs. And the neceffity of it depends both on an eternal, unchangeable, divine confthiition — God having ^ enacted Ver. i^. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. ^ji enafted it, as an eternal law, that hoUnefs fhall be the way of attaining and coming to bleflednefs — and on its being a due preparation for it ; the foul being by holinefs made meet and fit to come to the fight of the Lord, [Col. i. 1 2, 13.] And therefore (j^ %c^f^igt q^a defiltutus) without which \ of which whoever is deftitute, in Vvhom this holinefs is not, he fhall never fee the Lord. § 5. Whence ohjcrve : 1. A frame and difpofition of feeking peace with all men, by the means before laid down, is eminently fuited to the doftrine and grace of the gofpel. It is a great or- nament to our profeflion, and a great comfort and fupport to ourfelves in our fufferings. For when we have the tef- timony of our confciences, that we have fincerely fought peace with all men, it will not, only make us refl fatistied in what they unjuflly do to us ; but give us a triumph over them in our minds, in that we have complied witU tlie will of God therein. 2. They are much miflaken who hope to fee Chrifl hereafter in glory, and live and die here in an unholy flate. No privilege, no gift, no church office or power, will give admillion to this flate. 3. If this do£lrine be true, that ' without holinefs no * man ,^all fee the Lord,' the cafe will be hard at lafV, and the difappointment dreadful, with a multitude of profelTors, efpecially thofe popes, cardinals, and prelates, who pretend that they have the opening of the door into his prefence committed to them. 4. We may {oWo'n peace with men, and not attain it; but if we follow holinefi^ we fhall aiTuredly fee the Lord. 5. Tlie fame means are to be ufed for fecuring our prefent perfeverance, and our future blelTedncfs,^ — * holi» ♦ nefs.' Vol. IV. SI Verss 3ia AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.XH. Verse 15. j.ooking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of god, lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled, § I . Connexion. § 1 . Explanation of the caution and warn- ing, § 3. 'Taken from Mofes, ^ 4. The dangerous con- fequence of negle£ilng the caution. § 5, 6, Obfervations, § I. r ROM a prefcrlption of neceffary duties^ the apof- tle proceedeth to give caution and warning againft fundry fins and evils that are contrary to them, and fuch as, if ad- mitted, would prove ruinous to their profeflion, particu- larly in reference to our work and duty towards others. And the apoftle would have us (obfiare princtpiis) to hin- der the entrance of this evil, and fo eftedualty to prevent its progrefs. § 2. * Looking diligently,' refpe£ls both the common charitative duty of all believers, as they are called to it by occalions and circumflances, as alfo an efpecial infli- tution of Chrift, to be obferved in his church. The Lord Chrifl hath ordained, that the members of the fame church and fociety Ihould mutually watch over one ano- ther, and the whole body over all the members to their mutual edification. And that the prad\ice of it is now fo much lofl, is the fhame'and almofl the ruin of Chrif- tianity. The firft evil to be obviated by this church infpe£lior^ is, ' failing of the grace of God ;' God*s favour and ac- ceptance in Chrift, as propofed and declared by the gofpel ; all fpiritual mercies and privileges in adoption, juflifica- tion, fanclification, and (jonfolation. This grace, men, un- der all their profelTion of the gofpel, mayy^i/of. The word (v(fiSp:co) to fail^ fignifies foiijetimes to want or be def-^ dent Ver. 15. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 313 dent in any Icind, [Matt. xix. 20,] fometimes to come be* hindy [I. Cor. i. 7.] fometimes to be dejiltute^ [Heb. xi. 37.] fometimes to come JJjort of, [as Rom. iii. 23. Heb. iv. I.] but no where fignifies to fall from : fo that the in- quiries of men about falling from grace, as to thefe words, are impertinent. Wherefore, to ' fail of grace,' is to come fhort of it, not to obtain it, though we feem to be in the way thereto. So alfo to * fall from grace,' [Gal. V. 4.] is, not to obtain j unification by the faith of Chrift. § 3. * Left any root of bitternefs fpringing up trouble ' you.' All agree that the apoftle hath refpe£l to the words of Mofes, [Deut. xxix. 18.] ' Left there fhould be * among you a root that beareth gall and wormwood.* Gall was a poifonous weed in the eaftern countries, and the name is often applied to poifonous and deftrudive fins, [Amos vi. 12. Deut. xxxii. 32.] Now it is evident that in the words of Mofes, perfons inclining to apojiacy and departure from God are intended. So the foregoing words make it manifeft ; ' Left there * fhould be among you a man or woman, or family, or * tribe, whefe heart turneth away from the Lord our God, * to go and ferve the gods of thefe nations ;' that is, left tliere fhould be among you a root that beareth gall or wormwood ; be it one or more, man or woman, family, or tribe, that is thus afFefted, it is a root of bitternefs among you. Hence it is evident the apoftle intendeth not any evil in the abftraft, any herefy or fin ; hut perfons guilty of this evil, whofe hearts are inclined to apoftacy from the gofpeJ, either into Judaifm, or fenfuality of life. It may be called a * root,^ becaufe the beginning of it is hidden in the hearts of men, where it cannot be difco- vered ; and becaufe from this evil heart of unbelief, the whole evil of apoftacy proceeds, as fruit upon its proper root. And it is called a * root of bitternefs,^ becaufe of its poifonous qualities. Generally when men's hearts are inclined to apoftacy, they conceal it for a feafon like a root in the eaith j but as they have opportunity they § f :? begin ^14 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII. begin to dlfcover what is within ; commonly by the neg- k(^ of church affemblies and duties, [chap. x. 24, 25.] Thence they proceed to perverfe difputings, and conten- tion againfl the truth, [I. Tim. vi. 5.] and fo go on to manifeft themfelves in pra^ices, as occafions are admi- niftercd. This ' root* will not always lie covered, this evil heart will manifeft itfelf ; which is the ^ fpringing up* here intended. (EvcxA/^) * trouble you^ by bringing things into difor- der, tumult, and confulion. A trouble of forroiu and grief for the fin and eternal ruin of thofe who have been united with them in the fame gofpel fociety. When thofe in whom this root iS; are either confident or numerous, they \^ill trouble the church, diforder it, and call things into confufion, by wrangling difputes, fpeaking perverfe things, endeavouring to draw difciples to corrupt and deceive, as is the manner of all apoftates. They 2.\{o ^ trouble^ the church by bringing an evil report upon it, for divifions, contentions, and inllability. § 4. * And thereby many be defiled ;' thereby^ by this root fo fpringing up and bearing this fruit of trouble. A dangerous thing it is to have fuch things fall out in churches, that there be amongfl them a man or woman, few or more, that on any pretences incline to a departure from the truth of the gofpel. It feldoni IVops with the^P;^ felvcs. Through ignorance, negligence, darknefs, but efpecially the want of experiencing the power of gofpel truth, profeflbrs are eafily impofed on by them, and therc- ■ by many 2Xt defiled, Tliere is no impropriety in faying they are defiled by a ' root fpringing up ;' for the apoflle doth not fpeak of the manner of its operation, but of the efiec^ it produceth ; and thi<; is, that men who have been cleanfed by bap- tifm, and the profefTion of the truth, Ihould be again contaminated with abominable errors, or ijlthy lufts, [II. Pet. ii. 18 — 22.] § 5. ObferveliCiice, i^ The grace, love, and good will of God, in the a- (rfoption, juilifiCiition, fan^ification^ and glorification of 2 believers, Ver.i^ epistle to the HEBREWS. 315 believers, is propofed to all in the gofpel, as what may- be infallibly attained in the due ufe of appointed means fincere faith in Chrift Jefus. 2. The outward profeffion of the gofpel, and the en- joyment of its privileges, will not of themfclves inftate- any man in the grace of God, or an affured interef . therein. 3. There is no man, who, under the profeffion of the gofpel, comes fhiort of obtaining the grace and fa^ vour of God, but it is by reafon of his own fin. The propofal of it, on the terms expreffedan the gofpel, is Jure, and none fhall ever fail of it, who er..brace it on thefe terms. This is included in the word which hath a charge on it, of a finful deliciency in feeking after this grace. 4. Negligence and floth, miffing of opportunities, and love of fin, all proceeding from unbehef, are the onlv caufes why men under profeffion of the gofpel, do fail of. the grace of God. § 6. Farther obferve, • 1. That the root of apoflacy from God and the pro- 'feffion of the gofpel, may abide invifibly in profeffing -churches. 2. Spiritual evils in churches are progreffive. From fmall and imperceptable beginnings, they will grow and increafeto the woril of evils, [II. Tim. ii. 16, 17.] 3. It is the duty of churches, what in them lies, to prevent their own trouble, as well as the ruin of others. 4. There is a latent difpofition in negligent profeffiors to receive infedion by fpiritual defilements, if they arc not watched againfl:. * Many w\\l be defiled.' 5. That church infpedion is a biefTed ordinance and duty, which is defigned by Chrift himfelf, as a means td prevent thefe contagious evils in churches, ir^iifs 3i6 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xil. Verses i6, 17, lest there be any fornicator or profane per- son, as esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright ; for ye knew that af- terwards, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected. for he fodnd no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears. § I. Introdu^ion, § 2. (I.) TVords explained. Fom'iea' tlcn, § 3. Profanenefsy Efau, § 4. His birthright. § 5. Hozv he fold it, § 6. Found no place for repen- lance, § 7. But %uas reje^cd. Why? § 8, 9. (II. Ohfervations, § I. JL HE apoftle proceeds to give other inftances of evils, whereby Chriftian focieties would be corrupted, and way made for total apoilacy, which were to be diligently heeded, and carefully watched againft. He puts together fornication and profanenejs ; becaufe they "ufuaily go together. Fornicators, that is, thofe wIjo are habitually io^ always grow profane ; and pro- fane perfons, of all others, are apt to fet light by for- nication. Thefe things are written with the beams of the fun, in the days wherein we live. Few fornicators or profane perfons do ever come to repentance. § 2. (I.) ' That there be no fornicator;* reference is had to the former charge ; ' look you to it diligently,' that there be no fornicator in your fociety. Take care that no perfons fall into that fin ; or if they do, let them be removed from among you. The fin is evil to them^ but Xh^ communion IS, evil to you. This fin is moll diredlly and particularly oppohte to that holinefs, which he is ex- liorting them to, as that without which they fhall not fee the Ljpid. ^ Under . Veii. i6, i;. epistle TO THE HEBREWS. 317 Under this name of fornicator, all fins of the fame kind are intended. For the fcripture calls all conjunction with women not in lawful marriage by the name of * for- < nication,' [L Cor, v. 8 — 10.] It is therefore general, as to all who are fo guilty of uncleannefs, as to come under this denomination, without any fuppofed reflriftion to the Gentiles. There is no fort of finners that would be fo fcandakus to churches, fhould they be tolerated in them, 2,% forni- cators. And therefore the Pagans endeavoured with their utmoft malice and falfe accufations, to fallen the charge of adulteries, incefts, promifcuous lulls, and uncleannefs, on Chrillians in their alTemblies. For they knew full well, tllat let them pretend what elfe they pleafed, if they could fix this llain upon them, they would be the com- mon hatred and fcorn of mankind. For the higher men's pretences are to God and religion, if they fhould ilTue in fuch vile lulls, they are the more contemptible, and the more to be abhorred. § 3. The fecond evil to be watched againll is profane^ nefs ; or that there be no * profane perfon^ among them. For it is perfons that are flriclly intended, as is evident in the inllance of Efau. To be profane, may be taken G\tX\QX pajjively or a^ively : — In xht firji fenfe, it is a per- fon or place feparated and call out from the fociety of things facred. So holy things are faid to be profaned, when men take off the veneration that is due to them, and expofe them to common ufe or contempt. A pro- fane perfon, a^ively, is one that defpifetli, fets light by, or contemneth facred things. Such as mock at religion, or who lightly regard its promifes or threatenings ; who defpife or negle£l God's worfhip, who fpeak irreverently of its concerns, we defervedly call profane perfons, and fuch the world is filled with at this day. This profanenefs is the laft Hep of entrance into final apollacy. When men from profeflbrs of religion become defpifers of, and fcoffers at it, their Hate is dangerous, if not irrecoverable. As 3i8 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xlt. * As Efau.* There are very few in fcripture, concern- ing whom more evidences are given of their being repro- bates. And this fhould warn all men not to truft to the outward privileges of the church. He was the iirft-bora of Ifaac, circumcifed according to the law of that ordi- nance, and partaker in all the worfhip of God in that holy family ; yet an outcaft from the covenant. § 4. ' Who for one morfel of meat fold his birthright.' Many expolitors, in the confideration of the lin of Efau, [Gen. XXV. 30 — 34.] relie£l on many crimes in him, ef- pecially intemperance and gluttony ; but, as far as I can fee, witliout caufe. This delire of food from his own brother, when he was hungry and faint, jnight be harmlefs ; but his ' profanenejs' a£led itfeif in a readinefs to part with his birthright^ with whatfoever was contained in it, and an- nexed to it. And whereas, as we fhall fee, this had fomething in it that was facred, the undervaluing of it was an high inllance of profanenefs. He fold (toc Trooolojoyuoi c-ivjh', fiiumjus primogeniti : Bez.) his right of the Jirjl-born ; (jus primogeniture fu^ej the right of his own primogeniture ; the things belonging to him as the firft-born. I Ihall not with fome admit tht priejihood among the privileges of the birthright, and can give arguments fufficicnt to difprovc it ; but this is not a place to infill on thefe things. A double portion of the paternal inheritance appertained to the iirft-born by the law, [Deut. xxi. 17.] There was alfo in it a right of rule and government over the refl of the children of the family, which was trans* ferred to Judah on the forfeiture made by Reuben, [I. Chron. v. 2.] And, therefore,, when Ifaac had transferred the birthnglit and bleiTing to Jacob, he tells Efau, ' I have made him thy lord, and all his brethrea, * have I given unto him for fervants,* [Gen. xxvii. 37.} - — But, moreover, there was a bUjjing that from Abraham ran in the patriarchal line, which was communicated from father to fon, containing an inclofure of all church privileges, and the prefervation of the promifed feed. This, Iconfefs, was diflin£l from the birthright, [Gen. xxvii. 36.] But although it were noi^^aniiexed i«/^/>ar^/?/y Ver. i6, 17. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS, ^t§ to the birthright, yet there was a jufl expectation that it ihould be conveyed according to the primogeniture. Hence, not only Efau calls it his blejfing, * he hath taken * aw^y my bleffing,* [ver. 36.] but Ifaac calls it fo too ; *^ he hath taken away thy hkjfing^ [ver. 35.] It was not his by divine deflination, as appeared in the ifllie ; nor had he made it his by obtaining a fpecial intereft in the J)romife by faith ; for he had it not. But in the ordina- ry courfe it Was to be his, and fo in his own expectation ; but God. cut off the line of fucceflion herein, and gave it to Jacob. Now as Jacob in his whole defign aimed not at riches and power, wherein he was contented to fee his brother far exceed him ; but at an inheritance of the pa^ iriarchal blejjing, wherein the promifed feed and the church, flate were contained, whereinto the birthright was an toutward entrance, a iigw and a pledge of it ; fo Efau, by felling his birthright, did virtually renounce his right to the bleffing, which he thought to be annexed thereto. § 3. But it may be inquired how ht fold his birthright, or how he could fell what was not in his own power I Tiie word is (octts^^o) he gave away, or he gave up. But whereas he did it for what he efleemed a valuable con- iideration, and made an exprefs bargain, the fenfe in- tended in the word is, that he fold it, [Gen. xxv. 33.] And although he never fought the recovery of the birth- right, tlie renunciation of which he had confirmed by an oath, yet he hoped he might retain the blej/ing HWL It is evident how in all his aCtions he carried it pro- fanely ; for he difcovered a great readinefs to part with his birthright, and all that was annexed to it by divine inflitution. Being a man wholly given to his pleafures, and the love of prefent things, he feems fcarce ever to have entertained ferious thoughts, about what it was figni- iicant of, in things fpiritual and heavenly. He^'did it on fo flight an occalion, and valued it at fo fmall a rate, as. * one mefs of pottage,^ or * one rftorfel of meat,* that is, what was to be eaten. Regardlefs of what he had done, after the power of his prf fent temptation was over, it is faid, ' he did eat and drink, and rofe up and went his Vol. IV. T t ' way,' '^26 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.XIL * way,' as a man utterly unconcerned in what he had done ; whereon the Holy Ghoft adds that cenfure. — < Thus Efau defpifed his birthright; he did not only fell * it, but defpifed it,' [Gen* xxv. 31—34. This was the * profanenefs' of Efau. § 6. ' For ye know how that afterwards, when he * would have inherited the bleffing.' There is a peculiar force of perfuaiion and eonviftion, when we argue from men's own knowledge and concellions. Ton knoiv this yourfelves ; you know it full well from the fcriptuie, and therefore let it be of great weight and conlideration with you, Efau is reprefented as a man under great amaze- ment, as if he had little thought to fall into fuch a con- dition. And thus at one time or other it will fall out with all profane perfonSj who have refufed the mercy and privileges of the gofpel ; they fhall at one time or other fall under dreadful furprifals. Then fhall they fee the horror of thofe crimes, which before they made nothing of, — ' How that afterzvards.'' This afterwards was not lefs, perhaps, than forty or fifty years ; for he fold his birthright when he was young : now when he deligned the recovery of the bleffing, Ifaac was about an hundred and forty years ; fo long did he live in his fin, without any fenfe of it or repentance for it. Things went prof- feroufly with him in the world, and he had no regard in the leail of what he had done, nor of what would be the end of it. But falling now into a new diftfefs, it iills him U'ith perplexity ; and fo it is with all fecure linners > whilft things go profperoufly with them, they can conti- nue without remarfe ; but at one time or other their ini- quity will find them out* {QicXoov yJ'.Vi^c^'/ia-cci TyjV cvXoyio^v) he would have inherited the bleffing. He efleemed hirhfelf the prefumptive heir of the patriarchal bleffing, and knew not that he had virtu- ally renounced it, and meritorioufly loft it, by felling his birthriglit. So the apoftle here diflinguiflieth between the birthright and the bleffing. He fold his birthright^ but would have inherited the bleffing : and herein he was hemency in expreilions and tears may be influenced by fuch coniiderations as are not an evidence of inward finr cerity. He fought it not of God, but only of him who was]the miniHer of it. There are no bounds put to the in- finite treafures of divine goodnefs, if application be made '\a 5 due manner. But he fought the end without the T t 2 sieans ; 5zi AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII, means ; he would have the bleffing, but ufed not the means for attaining it, — -faith and repentance. For, not- withflanding all his forrow and trouble, upon his difap- pointment he immediately refolved, as Cain in the like cafe, to kill his brother. § 8. From the premifes obferve the enfuing particu- lars : 1. That church which tolerates in its communion m^n. living in fuch grofs ^iw^, as fornication, &c. is utterly- departed from the rule of the gofpel. And it is alfo hence evident, 2. That apoflatizing profeflbrs are prone to fins of un- cleannefs ; for being overcome of the fiefh, and brought into bondage, [as II. Pet. ii. 19.] they are flaves an(} debtors to it, to ferve it in the lulls of uncleannefs. 3. Evil examples propofed in fcripture light, laid oper% in their roots and courfes, are efficacious warnings to be- lievers to abflain from all occalions leading to the like evils. Take warning from Efau. 4. When there is in any a latent predominant princi- ple of profanenefs, a fudden temptation or trial will let it out to the greateft evils. Thus it was with Efau ; and we fee it daily verified to amazement. 5. This principle of profanenefs, in preferring the morfels of the world before the birthright privileges of the church, is what at this day threatens the prefent ruin of religion. Let men pretend what they pleafe, it is from a fpir^t of profanenejs that they forfake the privileges and afiem- blics of the church for any outward advantages ; and what will be their fuccefs, we fliall fee in the next verfe, § 9. Again oh ferve ; 1 . This example of Efau cuts off all hopes by out- ward privileges, when there is an inward profanenfs of heart. Ke had as much to plead for the blefhng, and as fair a probability for attaining it, as ever any profane hy- pocrite can have in this world. And 2. Profane apoflates have a limited ieafon only, where- in the recovery of the blefling is poflible. For although hero Ver. i6, 17. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 32^ here be no intimation of a man feeking repentance from God in a due manner and being rejeded, which is con« trary to the revealed nature of God, who is a rewarder of all who diligently feek him ; yet here is an indication of feverity, in leaving men, guilty of fuch provocations, in an irrecoverable condition, even in this life. 3. The feverity of God in dealing with apoflates is a bleifed ordinance for the prefervation of beHevers, and the edification of the whole church, [Rom. xi. 22.] 4. Sin may be the occafion of great forrow, where there is no forrow /or fin ; as with Efau. Men may rue that in its confequences which yet they like well enough in its caufes. 5. No man knows to what event a deliberate fin may- lead him. Efau little thought, when he fold his birth- right, that he had utterly forfeited the eternal blefiing, :, '6. Profanenefs, the defpifing of fpiritual privileges, is a fin that God will, at one time or other, teftify his feve- rity againft ; yea this, on many accounts, is the proper object of God's feverity. It fhall not be fpared in the eldeft fon, and mofl dearly beloved of an Ifaac. 7. Stedfaftnefs in faith, with fubmiffion to the will of God, will eftablifh the foul in thofe duties which are mofl irkfome to fiefh and blood. Nothing could prevail with Jfaac to change his mind, when he knew what was the \vill of God, Verses ^tj^ AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xlj^ Verses i8, 19. ror ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire, nqr unto blackness and darkness and tempest, and the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words ; which voice they that heard entreated that the wqi^j^ 5i^qux«d no:i^ 3e spoken to them any mob,e, ^ I. Some general conjtdnations ■premifed, § 2, 3. (I.) Ex'% pofition. Not come to the mount thai might he touched^ § 4. 'The fire that turned, § 5. Blacknefs» § ^^Dark-^ vefs and tcmpcji, § 7, The found of a trumpet. § 8. Thf %-^cice of words, § 9. The r^^«^^ of the hearers^ § .10^ J I. (II.) Ohfrvations. § I. X HIS difcourfc, from hence to the end of th^, chapter, is of great weight, and accompanied with fundry difficulties ; which expofitors do fcarcely fo much as no- tice. I ihail, therefore, premife thofe general conf derations: which Vv'ill direft us in its expofition, taken from thei fcope of the words, and nature of the argument in hand-*. And I . The whole epiftle, as we have often obferved, is a% to the kind of writing, -parenetic ; intended as a perfua-^ iive to confiancy and perfeverance in the profeliion of the gofpel. 2,. The main argument which he iniiils on in general to this end, and wherein the d'ldadical part of the epiftle doth coniifl, is, the excellency, glory, and advantage of thatgofpel ftate to which they were called. 3. Having infilled particularly and diflin£lly on thefc things, and brought his argument from them to an ifliie, he makes, in the difcourfe before us, a recapitulation of the whole ; for he makes a brief fchcmi of the two flates.. Ver. I?, 19. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 52- of the law and gofpel which he had compared, balancing the one againil the other, and thereby dcmonllrates the force of his argument and exhortation. 4. It mull be obferved, that ihc great horiour ^nd privi- lege of the Judaical church ftate, and whereon all parti- cular advantages depended, was their coming to mount Sinai at the giving of the law. 7here were they taken into covenant with God, to be his peculiar people above all the world ; there were they formed into a national fhurch ; and there had they all the privileges of divine worfhip committed to them» 5. Wherefore the apoftle, allowing all this, obferves, that it was done in fuch a way of dread and terror, as that there was no evidence in all that was done of God's being reconciled to them by thofe things. The whole re- prefentation of him was as an ahfolute foverelgn, and a fevere judge. Thunders, voices, earthquakes, and iire, give no fignification of grace and mercy \ but rather be- fpeak a * glorious miniftration of death,* [II. Cor. iii. 7.] whence the confciences of linners were forced to fubfcribe to their own condemnation as juft and equal. God was here reprefented in all outward demonftrations of infi- nite holinefs, juflice, feverity, and terrible majefty, on the one hand ; and, on the other, men in their lowei^ condition of lin, mifery, guilt, and death. If there be not therefore fomething elfe to interpofe between God and men, fomewhat to fill -up the fpace between infinite feverity and inexpreflible guilt ; all this glorious prepa- ration was but a theatre fet up for pronouncing judgement^ and the fentence of eternal condemnation againfl finners. On this confideration depends the force of the apoflle's ar-* gument, and the due apprehenfion and confideration of it is a better expofition of verfes 18 — 21, than the mere opening of the particular expreflions will amount lo \ yet they alfo mull be explained. § 2. (I.) ' For ye are not come unto the mount that * might be touched.* Ye are not come ; two things are in- cluded in this negative expreflion : — What their fathers iid, the^ carm to the things here mentioned ; and — What I thej %it AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xlt iheywtre delivered from, by their call to the gofpel. They were no more concerned in all that dread and terror. The apoftle in this co^nparlfon between their ^ coming^ of old into the legal church ilate, and our admijfion into the gofpel {late, includes a fuppofition of the way and mariner wliereby they approached to God in the giving of the law, vi%, by the fandtification of themfelves, the wafhing of" their cloaths, as an outward fign thereof, with other re- verential preparations, [Exod. xix. 10, II.] Whence it will follow, that, the gofpel church ftate being fo much more excellent than that of old, God himfelf being in it in a more glorious and excellent manner ; we fought to endeavour a more eminent fanftification and preparation, in all our approaches to God therein, [ver. 28.] Wc may alfo obferve fome things in general concerning the appearance of the divine Alajejiy, which intimates the glory and terror of it. As 1. It was on the top of an high mountain j not on a plain. As this had a great appearance of the throne of majeflyj fo, it being above the people, as it were over them, it was meet to fill them with dread and fear ; they looked up and faw the mountain above them full of fire and fmoke ; the whole mount quaking greatly, thunders and terrible voices being heard in the air, [Exod. xix. iS. and XX. 18. Deut. iv. 11.] they could have no other thoughts hereon, but that it was z fearful thing to come to judgement before the holy Lord God. And one view of that terror of the Lord's holinefs and feverity here repre- fented, is enough to make the llouteft finner quake and tremble. 2. To increafe the reverence due to this appearance, the people were commanded to keep their dillance, and were flraightly forbidden an approach beyond the bounds fixed and prefcribed to them. § 3. They came ('^YiX(x>(poou.svu) opu) * unto the mount * that might be touched \^ mount Sinai in Arabia, [Gal. iv, 25.] He makes this obfervation to manifefl how Inferior the giving of the law was, in comparifon of the promul- gation of the gofpel, wliich was from heaven j and to in- timate Ver.i8, 19. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 32- tlmate the fear and bondage the people were then in, who might not fo much as touch the mountain, on which were the figns of God's prefence, though it was in itfelf a thing expofed to the fenfe of all creatures. — And there is much of divine wifdom obferveable in the choice of this place for the giving of the law. For, 1. It was a place of abfolute folitude \ here the people could neither fee nor hear any thing, a<; it were, but God and themfelves : there was no appearance of any relief, no place of retreat ; but there they muH abide the will of God. — And this teacheth us, that when God deals with men by the law, he will let them fee nothing but hlmfelf, and their own confciences. He takes them out of their wonted reliefs, and prevents all referves and retreats. For the mofl part, when the law is preached to finners, they have innumerable diverfions and reliefs at hand to fhield themfelves from its terror and efficacy. They betake themfelves to the promifes of fin itfelf, or the purpofes of future amendment ; or elfc the various occupations of life ; they have other things to do than to attend to fo unwelcome a voice, at leaft it is woX. yet necelTary. But when God will bring them to the mount, all thefe pre- tences will vanifh and difappear ; not one of them fhall be able to fuggell the leail relief to a poor guilty finncr ; his confcience fliall be kept to that which he can neither abide nor avoid. Unlefs he can make the great plea of an intereft in the blood of Chrifl, he is gone for ever.-^ To this we may add, that God gave herein a type and re- prefentation of the great judgement at the lafl day : the terror of it confifts much in this, that iinners fhall be able to fee nothing but God and the tokens of his wrath. 2. It was a barren zvid fruit lefs defcrt, where there was neither water nor food ; and anfwerable thereto the law, in a ftate of fin, would bring forth no fruit, nothing ac- ceptable to God, nor ufeful to men ; for there was no- thing on Sinai but bufhes and brambles ; whence it had its name. Thefe made an appearance at a diftance of fome fruitfulnefs, but when it came to be tried, there was nothing but what was iit for the fire. And fo it is with Vol. IV. U u aU 328 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII. all under the law, they may feem to perform many duties of obedience ; yea, fuch as they truft to, and make their boaft of. But when they are brought to the trial, they arc no other but fuch as God fpeaks of, [Ifa. xxvii. 4.] * Who would fet the briars and thorns againft me in bat- * tie ? I would go through them, I would burn them to- * gether.' Other fruit the law will not bring forth. Nor was there any water in the defert of Horeb to make it fruitful ; that which the people lived on was brought out of the rock ; and * that rock was Chrift.' § 4. * The fire that burned ;' for fo I rather read the words, than the mount which * burned with fire.' For the fire of itfelf was a token of God's prcfence, and a diftin5i means of filling the people with dread, [Exod. xix. i8.j * The Lord defcended on the mount in fire;' and Deut. iv. 12. * God fpake out of the midil of the * fire.' And this fire prefented both — the defcent of God on the mount ; * The Lord came down in fire ;' the peo- ple thus feeing the token of God's prefence ; and — the continuance of his prefence there, for it continued burning all the time God fpoke ; * he fpake out of the fire.* And it was a flaming fire, which raifed a fmoke, * like the * fmoke of a furnace,' [Exod. xix. 18.] which our apof- tie feems to exprefs by * blacknefs,' in the next word. Yea, this fire flamed and burned up, as it were, ' to the * midfl of heaven,' [Deut. iv. 11.] It fignifies \{\% jea- loiify ; for fo Moles expounded it, [Deut. iv. 24.] * For * the Lord your God is a confuming fire, even zjea/ous « God.' This is the firfl: thing the people beheld when they came to the mount. And when men under the law have to deal with God, their firft apprehenfion of him is his holinefs and feverity againft finners, with his anger and difpleafure againft fin. There the law leaves them, and thence they muft be confumed, without relief by Jefus Chrift. Until the law comes, they are alive, that is, at peace, and in fecurity, well fatisfied with their condition. They fee not, they think not of the fire that is ready to confume them j yea, for the moft part, they have quite other Ver. iS, 19. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 3*9 other notions of God, [Pfal. I. 21.] But when the law hath by its convictions brought the {inner to a fenle of guilt which he cannot avoid, it reprefents to him the holi- nefs and feverity of God, with his indignation and wrath againft iin, which have a refemblance of a confum'mg fire. This fills his heart with dread and terror, and makes him fee and bewail his miferable undone condition, in the pre- fence of infinite holinefs, inexorable juflice, and fiery in- dignation. Hence the cry of thofe who find not the way of relief will be one day, ' Who among us fhall dwell * with devouring fire ? Who Ihall inhabit everlafling * burning ?' § 5. To * fire* the apoflle adds ' blacknefs,^ as we ren- der the word, attended with * darknefs and tempefl,* [Deut. V. 22 — 24.] 'God fpake to you out of the midft * of the fire, and the cloud and the thick darknefs,' [ver» 22.] So that it is evident there was a mixture of them altogether, [Pfal. xviii. 8 — 13.] And nothing can be con- ceived of greater dread and terror, than fuch a mixture of fire, and darknefs, and tempefl, which left nothing o£ light to the fire but its dread and terror.* (Tvo(pog) blacknefs, faith Eustathius, is from {vi(pog JEol. ]/o(pog) a cloud, in the ^olic dialed. Wherefore the apoflle in this word might have refped to that * black- ' nefs,' which was caufed by the thick cloud wherein God defcended, [Exod. xix. 9.] 'I will come to thee in a * thick cloud \ which abode upon the mount, [ver. 16.] the blacknefs of it not being taken away by the fire that was in it, every part of the appearance referving its own ter- ror. But the Syriac and Jrabic, with other tranflations^ put the words in con{lru£lion, and render them, the blacks * Thus Milton could conceive of nothing more dreadful, when defcribing the ' place eternal juftice had prepared* for the rebel- lious, than the following : • _ Yet froi^n thofe flames No light, but rather darknefs vilible Served only to difcover lights of woe, Regions of forrovv, doleful fhades, where peace And reft can never dwell. Parad, Loft. Book I. line 63. 330 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XIL nefs or obfcurity of the cloiid \ which probably is intended in this word and the following. And this is the third thing in the progrefs of the work of the law on the confciences of iinners ; when they are Ihut np under guilt, and begin to be terrified with the reprefentation of God*s feverity againll fin, they cannot but look to fee if there be any thing in the manifeftation of God and his will by the law that will yield them relief ; but here they find all things covered with hlack- nefs and obfcurity ; the glory of God, and his defign of bringing them to the law, or the law to them, is covered under the veil of this darknefs which increafeth their dread. § 6. To this blacknefs the apoflle adds * darknefs and * tempeft ;' blacknefs is a property of a thing in itfelf ; darknefs is its elfeft towards others ; what this darknefs was we cannot well comprehend ; but this it teaches us, that notwithftanding the revelation God made of himfelf in this difpenfation of the law, he was, as to his glorious pUTpofes of grace and mercy, in thick darknefs to the people. * Jnd tempeft ;* in this word he comprifeth the thun- dering, lightning and earthquake; [Exod. xix. 1 6. xx. 18.] thefe increafed the terror of the darknefs, and mad» it (hirw) a thick darknefs^ as it Is in Mofes. As it was without in the giving of the law, fo it is Vfithin m the work of the law ; it fills the mind of men with a florm, accompanied with darknefs and perplexKy. Firft, its work in the minds and confciences of finners ends in darknefs and tempeft ; it brings the foul to dark^ nefs, that it knows not what to do, nor how to take one ftep towards its own relief ; it can fee no light, either for its direttlon, or confolation ; and herein it dither tires itfelf with vain endeavours for relief, by its own works ^nd duties ; or elfe finks into heartlefs cfefpondencies and complaints. And, fecondly, it raifeth a tempefi of dif- quieting and perplexing thoughts ; oftentimes accom- panied with dread and terror. In this ftate the law leaves poor fiaiiers, it will not accompany them one ftep towards Z deU- Veil, i?, 19. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 331 deliverance ; it will neither reveal, nor encourage theoi to look after any relief; yea it declares that here the linner muft die and perifh, for any thing the law can do. This therefore is the place and feafon wherein Chrill interpofeth, and cries to flnners, ' Behold me, behold me i> § 7. They came to * the found of a trumpet.' This is called (131^ b)p) the voice of the trumpet, [Exod. xix. 16 — 19.] and was of diflinguifhed ufe in that folemnity ; it is well rendered by the apoflle, * the found of a trumpet;* for it was not a real trumpet, but formed in the air by the miniftry of angels, to a degree of terror ; fo it ' waxed * louder and louder,' to fignify the nearer approach of God. As to its typical -figniiication — it was a pledge of the future judgement, when all flefh Ihall be fummoned before the judgement feat of Chrift, to anfwer the terms of the law ; and — as it was changed in the following inflitution of the feafl of expiation ; and in the year of jubilee — it was a type of the promulgation of the vofpel in the miniftry of Chrift himfelf ; and thus are things ftated ia the confciences of finners, with refpeft to the different founds of the trumpet ; the fummons of the law fills them with dread and terror ; appear they muft before God, there is no avoidance ; but ftand before him they can- not ; they are like Adam, when he could no longer hide himfelf, but muft appear and anfwer for his tranfgreflion ; they have no refuge to betake themfelves to ; the law con- demns them, they condemn themfelves ; and God is reprefented as a judge full of feverity ; under this dreadful fummons of the law, the gofpel finds us ; which exceed- inglv exalts the glory of fovercign grace, and of the blood of Chrift in the confciences of believers, [Rom. iii. 19 § 8. Hereunto is added * the voice of words.' It iS faid that God fpake by a * voice,' [Exod. xix. 19.] that is, an articulate voice, in the language of the people, that it might be underftood by all ; and hence he is faid to fpeak with the people, [chap. xx. 19.] ' The Lord fpake 33* AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII. to them out of the midft of the fire, and they heard his * voice/ [Deut. iv. 12. v. 23.] Now the words that were -uttered with a voice, were the ten wordsy or ten commandments, written afterwards in two tables of flonc, but no more, which all the people heard, [Deut^ v. 22.] Wherefore from the midft of the dreadful appearance of fire, clouds, and darknefs (all other noifes of thunder and the trumpet cealing) God caufed a voice, fpeaking the words of the ten commandments articulately in their own language, to be heard by the whole congregation, men, women and children, in the ftation wherein they were placed at the foot of the mount ; and this voice was fo great and terrible, as that the people were not able to bear it ; for although it is evident, that they were ter- rified with the dreadful appearances on the mount ; yet was it this /peaking of God himfelf that utterly over- whelmed them. § 9. ' Which voice they that heard entreated that the * word fhould not be fpoken to them any more.* They that heard -y that is, the whole alTembly or congregation ; of all which, thofe that were above th,e age of twenty years, aiii fo able to underftand the matter and perfonally engage \n tlie covenant, except two pferfons, died in the wildernefs under the difpleafure of God ; *' Entreated that the word fhould not be fpoken to ikem any more ; or, that the fpeecb rf Gody fhould not be continued to them iw- medlatelyy The word {Tra^cjynwocvio)- here rendered ' en- * treated,'' we expre fs by rcfujlngy ver. 25. they deprecated the hearing of the word in that manner any more ; which they did no doubt by their officers and elders ; for both themfelves being terrified, and obferving the dread of the whole congregation, they made requeft for them- felves and the reft to Mofes ; and becaufe they did it with a good intention, out of reverence for the majefty of God, without any defign of declining obedience, it was accepted,. [Deut. v. 28, 29.] ^ 10. (II.) Hence we may ohferve \ I. A view of God as a judge, reprefented in fire and blacknefs, will fill the fouls of convinced finners with dread Ver»i8, 19. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 333 dread and terror ; how fecure foever they may be at prefent, when God calls them forth to the mount their hearts cannot endure, nor can their hands be flrong. 2. When God calls finncrs to anfwer the law, there is 110 avoiding of an appearance ; the terrible fummons and citation will draw them out, whether they will or no. 3. It is a blelled change to be removed from the fum- mons of the law, to the invitation of the gofpel ; and from the guilt of Hn to mercy and pardon ; he that fhall compare the terrible citation of finners before the throne of God, to receive and anfwer the law, with thofe fweet, gracious, heavenly invitations, with proclamations of grace and mercy, given by Chrift in the gofpel, [Matt. xi. 27, 28.] may apprehend the difference of the two Hates here infilled on. 4. Let no man ever hope to appear before God with confidence or peace, unlefs he can have an anfwer in readinefs for all the words of this law ; and they who fuppofe they have any other anfwer, but the fubflitution of the furety of the covenant in our flead, with an in- terefl by faith in his mediation, blood, and facrifice, will be eternally deceived. § II. O^^ri;^ moreover ; 1. No outward privilege, fuch as this was, to hear the voice of God, is fufficient of itfelf to preferve men from fuch rebellion and finful provocati©n as Ihall render thera obnoxious to divine difpleafure. 2. Then is the finner utterly overwhelmed, when he hath a fenfe of the voice of God himfelf in the law ; when he finds God himfelf fpeaking to his confcience, he can. no longer bear it. 3. That the fpeaking of the law immediately difcovers the invincible neceffity of a mediator between God and iinners. The people quickly found that there was no dealing with God in their own perfons, and therefore defired that there might be one to mediate between God and them. And, 4. If the giving of the law was fo full of terrors, that the people could not bear it, but apprehended they mufb die 334 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII, die if God continued to fpeak it to them ; what will be the execution of its curfe in a way of vengeance at the laft day ! Verse 20, 21. ror they could not endure titat which was' commanded ; and if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart ; and so terrible was the sight, that moses said, i exceedingly fear and quake. § I. Introdu^ion. § 2. T^he terror of the law illujirated from the inter d'lil about touching the mountain. § 3. Far^ thcr illujirated from i^ conflernation of Mofes, § 4. 0^-* Jervation. § 1 . 1/ OR they could not endure that which was com* * mended,' that is, the law itfelf ; they could not endure it; they could not bear it, or Jland under it ; there was ad- miniftered with it a fpirit of bondage to fear, [Rom. viii. 15.] which aggravated the terror of it in their con- iciences. Thefe are the effeds which a due apprehenfion of the nature, end» and ufe of the law, with the feverity of God therein, will produce in the minds and confciences of finners. Thus far the law will bring us ; and here it leaves us ; here are we Ihut up ; there is no avoiding of its power, fentence, and fanflion ; it is given by God himfelf ; the {inner could wirti that he might never hear more of it; what is paft againil this law, cannot be anfvvered for ; what is to come cannot be complied with ; hereon they find themfelves utterly loll, and fo have no expedation but of fiery indignation to confume them ; and accord- Ver.20, 21. EPISTLE TO JKE HEBREWS, 335 accordingly they raufl eternally perifli, if they betal^e not themlelves to the only relief, Chrift the Saviour. § 2. Of this terror from the giving of the law, and the caufes of it, the apollle gives a double illuflration ; the firfl whereof is the tnterdl^ given againfl touching the mount ; which extended to the very beafts ; * And if io * much as a beaft touch the mountain ;' fo was the divine conftitution ; * whether it be bead or man, it fliall not ^ live ;' [Exod. xix. 13.] I doubt not but that Divine Providence removed from it fuch brute creatures as were not under the power of men, fuch as might be wild about thofe mountainous deferts, or elfe the fire confumed them to the leaft creeping thing ; but the prohibition refpe£ls the cattle of the -people^ which were under their power, and at their difpofal ; and this (befides being an illuftratioa of the abfolute inacceffiblenefs of God by the law) feems to intimate the uncleannefs of all things v/hich finners poflefs, by their relation to them. To the impure all things are impure and defiled ; therefore doth the prohibition extend itfelf to the beafts alfo. The punifhment of a beaft touching the mount, was, that it fhould die ; and it is exprefied in the prohibition, that no hand fhould touch that which had oiiended ; it was to be flain at a diflance with ilones or darts ; no hand was ever more to touch it \ either, to relieve it, which may be the fenfe of the word ; or to Jlay it^ left it were defiled thereby ; and this alfo fheweth, at what a diftance we ought to keep ourfelves from every thing that falls under the curfe of the hiw. § 3. The fecond evidence which he gives of the dreadful promubzation of the law, and coi^fequently of the miferable ft ate of them that are under its power, is on what befell P'vlofrs on this occafion ; the eflecl of this terror extendeth irfelf to the meaneft of beafts, and to the beft of men ; Mofes was a peri-on holy, and abounding ia grace above all others of his time ; the meekeft man on the earth ; he was accirftomcd to divine revelations, and had once before beheld a reprefentation of the Divine prefence [Exod. iii.] he was the internuntius, the media- , Vol. IV. X x tory 336 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap, XIL tory mefTenger, between God and the people at that time ; yet would none of thefe privileges exempt him from an amazing fenfe of the terror of the Lord in giving the law ; and if on all thefe advantages he could not bear it, much lefs can any other man do fo ; the Mediator himfelf of the old covenant was not able to fuftain the dread and terror of the law ; how defperate then are their hopes who would yet be faved by Moles ! This exprefhon was, * I exceedingly fear and quake,' or tremble ; that he faid fo, we are affured by the Holy Ghofl in this place ; they were undoubtedly fpoken then and there (though not recorded in the facred ftory,) hence it is faid, that he /pake, but not one word is added of what he did fpeak, [Exod. xix. 19.] ' And when the * voice of the trumpet founded long, and waxed louder "* and louder, Mofes fpake and God anfwered him by a * voice ;' then no doubt he fpoke thefe words ; for it was immediately upon his light of the dreadful appearance, to which feafon the apollle affigns them. It is faid, moreover, that God anfwered him v/ith a voice ; but what he faid to him is not recorded. Doubt- lefs, God fpoke what gave him relief, which deUvered him out of his diftrefs, and reduced him to a frame of mind meet for the miniflration committed to him, which in his furprifal and confternation he was not ; and there- fore immediately afterwards, v/hen the people fell into their great horror and diftrefs, he was able to relieve and comfort them, no doubt, with that kind of relief which he himfelf had received from God, [Exod. xx. 20.]— ^ It appears then that, § 4. Obf. All perfons concerned were brought to an utter diflrefs by the renovation and giving of the law, from whence no relief is to be obtained but by him alone who is the end of the law for righteoufnefs to all ths,t ■ believe* Vehsss ysR. 22— 24. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS, 337 Verses 22 — 24. BUT YOU ARE COME UNTO MOUNT SION, AND UNTO THE CIT.Y OF THE LIVING GOD, THE HEAVENLY JERUSALEM, AND TO AN INNUMERABLE COMPANY OF ANGELS, TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND CHURCH OF THE FIRST-BORN WHICH ARE WRITTEN IN HEAVEN, AND TO GOD THE JUDGE OF ALL, AND TO THE SPIRITS OF JUST MEN MADE PER- FECT, AND TO JESUS THE MEDIATOR OF THE NEW COVENANT, AND TO THE BLOOD OF SPRINKLING THAT SPEAKETH BETTER THIIiGS THAN THAT OF ABEL. § I. The Ji ate of the church under the go [pel, A rule of in- terpretation. § 2. (I.) Believers are come to mount SI on, § 3, 4. '2 he city of the living God. ^ 5. 7 he company of angels, § 6. Inferences. § 7. The general ajfembly^ and churchy § 8. Of the firflborn^ written in heaven, § 9. 7(? God the judge of all, § to. To the fpirits of juft men made perfccf. § li. To Jefus the Mediator of the neu> covenant. § 12. The blood of fprinkling. § 13. T'hat fpeaketh better things than AbeVs. § 14- How wtf come to theje things. § 15 — 17. (II.) Obfervations, § I. X HIS is the fecond part of the comparifon. In X\iQ former he gave an account of the ilate of the people and the church under the law, from the giving of it, and the nature of its commands. In this he fo declares the ilate to which they were called by the gofpel, as to ma- nifeft it to be incomparably more excellent in itfelf, and beneficial to them. We have here a bleffed, a glorious defcription of the Catholic church, as the nature and communion of it is re- vealed under the gofpel ; whiclr is diftributed into two parts — militant and triumphant. There is in the religion X X 2 of il^ AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.XIL of the papills another part of the church, neither in earth nor in heaven, but mtder the earth, as they fay, in pur-> gatory. But with thisf they who come to Chrifl by the gofpel have nothing to do. They come indeed to the • fpirits of juft men made perfeft :' but fo are none of thofe, by their own confeffion, who are in purgatory. Wherefore believers have nothing to do with them. That which we mufl refpedl as our rule in the expofi- tion of the whole is, that the apoflle intends a defcrip- tion of that Hate whereunto believers are called by the gofpel. For it is that alone which he oppofeth to the itate of the church under the Old Teflament. And to fuppofe that it is the heaverdy future ft ate which he intends, is utterly to deftroy the force of his argument and exhor- tation. For they are built folely on the pre-eminence of the gofpel flate, above that under the law, and not of hea- ven itfelf, which none could queflion. § 2. (I.) And firfl we are faid to * come to mount * S>ionJ The fum of the whole is, that by the gofpel we are called to a participation of all the glory which was afcribed orpromifed to the church under thofe names, in opposition to what the people received by the law at mount .^; mat. Sion was a mount in Jerufalem, which had two heads, one whereof was called Moriah, whereon the temple was built, whereby it became the feat of all the folemn wor- .fhip of God ; and on the other was the place and habi- tation of the kings of the houfe of David ; both of them typical of Chrift, the one in his prieftly,- the other in his kingly office. And the opposition between tlkfe two mountains was eminent. For God came down for a feafen only on mount Sinai ; but in Sion he is faid to dwell^ and to make It his habitation for ever. He appeared in terror on mount Sinai, as we have (een ; but Sion was in Jerufalem^ which is a ' vifion of peace.' He gave the law on mount Sinai; the gofpel went forth from Sion, [Ifa. ii. 2, 3.] He utterly forfook Sinai, and left it under hondagt ; but Sion hfree forever, [GaL iv.] The people were, burthen- ed V£Ri22— 24- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 339 ed with the law at mount Sinai, with which burden they were led to Sion, where they waited for dehverance from it, in the obfervations of tJiofe inflitutions of divine wor- • fhip which were typical and fignificant thereof. Sion therefore is the place of God's fpecial gracious re- lidence, the throne of Chrift in liis reign, the fubjeft of all graces, the objed of all promifes, as the fcripture abundantly teilifies. This is the firfl privilege of be- lievers under the gofpel. They come to mount Sion ; that is, they are interefted in all the p-omlfes of God made to Sion, recorded in the fcripture ; in all the love and care of God exprelTed towards it ; in all the Jpiritual glories af- •figned to it. The things fpoken of it were never ac- complifhed in the earthly Sion ; but typically, fpiritually, and in their reality they belong to believers under the New Teftament. All the promifes, therefore, which were made of old to Sion, do belong to the prefent church of believers. Thefe in every condition they may plead with God ; they have the grace, and fhall have the comfort contained in them. There is the fecurity and alTurance of their fafetv, prefervation, and eternal falvation. Hereon depends their final deliverance from all their op- prefTions. Be their outward condition never fo mean and deflitute ; be they affli£led, perfecuted, and defpifed, yet all the glorious things that are fpoken of Sion are theirs, and aC' complilhed in them in the fight of God, however excel- lent and innumerable. Let this be compared with the people's coming to mount Sinai, as before declared, and the glory of it wiil be confpicuous. And believers are to be admonifhed, to walk worthy of the privilege ; [Pfal. xv,] to be thankful for it; to rejoice in it ; and to make it an efFedual motive to obedience and perfeverancc. § 3. They are faid to come ' unto the city of the living * God, the heavenly Jerufalem.' Both thefe are the fame. So Jerufalem is calkd the city of God ; [Pfal. xlvi. 4. xlviii. I, 8. Ixxxvii. 3.] But in every place with refpe£t to Sion. I. Thev 340 AN EXr^OSltlON OF THE Chap. XII. 1. They came to a city. They received the law in a ivUdernefsy where they had neither reft nor refuge. But in a city there is order, defence, and fafety j it is the name of a quiet habitation. 2. This was the city ef God. The flate of the church under the New Teflament hath the fafety, and beautiful order of a city, the city of God ; the only city which he takes peculiarly to be his own in this world. — It is his on account of propriety ; he framed it, he built it, it is his own ; no creature can lay claim to it, or any part of it. And thofe who ufurp a dominion over it, fhall anfwer to him for their ufurpation. — It is his on account of inhabit tation ; for he dwelleth in it, and in it alone, by his gra- cious prefence. — It is under God's rule^ as its only fove- reign. Therein he difpofeth all his children to a fpiritual fociety. So Paul tells the Ephefians, that by gr^ce they were delivered from being flrangers and foreigners, and made fellow citizens with the faints, and the houfehold of God, [Ephef. ii. 19.] 3. The apoftle adds a property of God of great confi- deration in this matter. It is * the city of the livitig * God •/ that is, of the true and only God. Of him who is omnipotent, able to keep and preferve his own city, as having all life, and confequently all power in himfelf. Of him who Jives, eternally, and with whom we Ihall live, when we fliall be no more here. 4. This city of the living God, is the heavenly Jerufa^ Urn, And the apoftle herein prefers the privileges of the gofpel, not only above what the people were made parta- kers of at Sinai in the wildernefs \ but alfo above all that afterwards they enjoyed in Jeri-tfalem in the land of Ca- naan. For in the glory and privileges of that city the Hebrews greatly boafted. But the apoflle cafts that city, in the {late wherein it then was, into the fame condition with mount Sinai in Arabia, that is, under bondage ; [Gal. iv. 25.] and he oppofeth thereto that Jerufalem which is above, that is, this heavenly jerufalem. And it is called heavenly ; becaufe, as a city, it is not of this world ; becaufc no fmall part of its inhabitants are already actu- ally V£R,22— 24- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 341 ally inflated in heaven ; becaufe as to its flate on ear^h, it comes down from heaven ; [Rev. xxi. 2, 3.] that is, hath its original from divine authority and inflitution ; becaufe the portion and inheritance of all its inhabitants lie in heaven : becaufe the fpiritual life and graces of all that be- long to it are heavenly ; and, finally, becaufe their [710X1- '^svuoc) city converfatioriy is in heaven. § 4. And we may yet a little farther reprefent the glory of this privilege, in the enfuing remarks : 1. A city is the only place of r£/?, peace, fafety, and honour, among men in this w^orld. To all thefe, in the fpiritual fenfe, we are brought by the gofpel. Whilft men are under the law, they are at Sinai, in a wildernefs where there are none of thefe things. The fouls of fin- ners can find no place of reft or fafety under the law. But we have all thefe things by the gofpel. Reft in Chrift, peace with God, order in the communion of faith, fafety in divine protection, and honour in our relation to God in Chrift. 2. The greateft and moft glorious city which is, or ever was in the worlds is the city of this or that man who hath power or dominion in it. The gofpel church is the city of the living God \ and it is ten thoufand times more glorious to be a citizen thereof than of the greateft city in the world. To be a citizen of the city of God, is to be free, to be honourable, to be fafe, to have a certain habitation, and a blefted inheritance. 3. God dwells in the church of believers. The great king inhabits his own city. Herein is the fpecial reii- dence of his glory and majefty. He built it, framed it for himfelf, and fays concerning it, * There will I dwell, * and this fhall be my habitation for ever.' And it is no fmall privilege to dwell v^Mth God in his own city. The name of this city is * Jehovah Shammah,' the Lord Is there. [Ezek. xlviii. o,^.'] 4. The privileges of this city of God are heavenly, it is the * heavenly Jerufalem.' Thence it is that the world knows tliem not, values them not, § S- In 34S AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XO, § 5. Ill the next place the apoftle affirms, that believers are come to * an innumerable company of angels ;' (uv- cicc ator 348 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII. ator, or middle agent^ between God and the people. But as to the fpecial nature of the mediation of Jefus l>e had no intereit in it. He was not th^ furety of the covenant to God on the people's part. He did not confirm the covenant by his own death. He did not offer himfelf in facrince to God, as Jefus did ; but as an internuntius^ to declare the mind of God to the people, he was a me- diator appointed by God, and chofen by the people them- felves, [Exod. xx.] To him as fuch the people came. They were all * baptized into Mofes, in the cloud and ' in the fea,' [I. Cor. x. 2.] In oppoution hereto, be- lievers come to * Jefus, the mediator of the new cove- * nant ; which includes an intereil in that new covenant, and all the benefits of it. Whatever, therefore, is of mercy, grace, or glory, prepared in the new covenant, and its promifes, we are made partakers of it all, by our accefs to Chrifl, the mediator of it. And whereas before he had evidenced from the fcripture how much more excel- lent this covenant is, than that made with tlie people at Sinai ; there is a peculiar force in it to perfuade them to fledfailnefs in the profefiion of the gofpcl, which is aimed at in all thefe divine reafonings. § 12, Again; the mofl fignal inftance wherein the Lord Jefus exercifed and executed his office of mediation on earth, v/as \!i\t foedding of his hlood iox the confirmation of the covenant, whereof he was the mediator ; hence it is added, * And to the blood of fprinlzUng \ fo called, no doubt, in allufion to all the various typical fpriiikiings of blood by divine inftitution under the Old Tcftament. But whereas it is immediately annexed to the mention of him, as ' mediator of the w^^^ covenant,' it efpccially re- fpeds the fprinkhng of the blood wherewith the covenant at mount Horeb was cojifirmed. As that old covenant was ratified and confirmed by the mediator of it, with th-e fprinkling of the blood of facrifieed oxen ; fo the new covenant was confirmed by the blood of the mediator himfelf of the new covenant offered in facrifice to God. Wherefore the blood of Chrift is called, ' the blood of ' fprinklingy with refpe6l to the application of it to believers, as Ver. 22— 24- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 349 as to all the ends and effects for which it was offered in facrifice to God ; and to be fprlnklcd with the blood of it, is to have the expiating and cleaning efficacy of it ap- plied to us. [See chap. i. 3. ix. 14. with the Expofition.] § 13. ' That fpeaketh better things than that of Abel.' It [peaks ; it hath a voice ; it pleads ; and this mull: be either with God or man. But whereas it is the blood of a facrifice, whofe objed was God, to him it fpeaks. 1. It fpeaks good //^i«^j abfolutely. To ' fpeak' here is to call for, cry for, plead for ; it fpeaks to God by- virtue of the everlafting compaft between the Father and the Son, in his undertaking the work of mediation ; it fpeaks for the communication of all the good things of the covenant in mercy, grace, and glory, to the church. It did fo when it was fned, and it continues to do fo in his interceifory prefentation of it in heaven. 2. It fpeaks good things comparatively ; * better things ' than that of Abel.' It is expreflly recorded, that Abel's own blood, .after it was fhed, did fpeak, cry, and plead for vengeance, or the puniHiment of the murderer. So fpeaks God himfelf : ' The voice of thy brother's blood crieth • unto me from the ground,' \^Gtn. iv. 10.] The ground of the comparifon ufed by the apoille is plainly this ; that whereas the blood of ChriH was fhed by their wicked hands, even as Abel was by the hands of Cain, the con- fideration of that might call many of the Jews who were confenting thereto into Cain's defperation ; he feafonr ably fhews, that the blood of Chrift (as the blood of the covenant) never cried as Abel's did, for vengeance on them by whom it was flied, but pleaded their pardon ; fo fpeaking things quite of another nature than did that of Abel. This, therefore, is the plain, obvious, and only true fenfe of the place. § 14. Our laft inquiry on thefe words is; How we come to all thefe things P I anfwer, I. The original of this communion, the framer of this fociety, is God himfelf, even the Father, in a peculiar raanner. Therefore doth our admiffion into it arife from,. and 350 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII. and depend upon that peculiar a£l of his, * eknlon^ [Ephef. i. 3, 4.] 2. The only means of an a6lual admiffion into this fociety is> Jefus Chrifl, in his perfon and mediation. For ahhough the ele£l angels be not redeemed and jufcified by him, as we are, yet \\\t\x Jiatlon in this fociety is from him, [Ephef. i. 10.] Wherefore, 3. The means on our part^ whereby we come to this ftate and fociety, is, faith in Chiifi. Hereby w^e come to him ; and coming to him he makes us free citizens of the heavenly ferufalem. If this only true notion of the catholic church were received as it ought to be, it would cafl contempt on all thofe contefts about the church, which at this day fo perplex the world. He who is firft enftated by faith on the perfon and mediation of the Lord Jefus Chrill in this heavenly fociety, will be guided by the light and privileges of it into fuch ways of divine worfliip in churches here below, as fhall caufe him to improve and grow in his intereft in that above. And he who is not admitted into this fociety, let him be in the bofom, or at at the head of all the churches in the world, it will be of no advantage to him. § 15. (II.) From the above reprefentation of things dhferve : 1. All pleas about church order, power, rights, and privileges, are ufelefs, where men are not interefted in the Sion ft ate. 2. It is our duty well to confider what fort of perfons they ought to be, who are meet to be denizens of this city of God. 3. The revelation of the glorious myftery of this ge- neral affembly is one of the moft excellent pre-eminences of the gofpel above the law. A myftery it was of divine wifdom hid in God from the beginning ; but now ftiining out in its beauty and glory. An intereft, therefore, herein is well propofed by the apoftle as one eminent privilege of believers. 4. All 'Ver,23— 24. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 351: 4. All the right and title of believers, under the Old Teflament to Sonfhip, or the right of the firft-born, arofe merely, from their interefl in him, and participation o£ him, who is abfolutely fo. All things are theirs, becaufe they are Chrift's, [I. Cor. iii. 22, 23.] Without this, whatever are our outward enjoyments and privileges, whatever place of dignity we may hold in the vifible pro- fefling church ; we have neither lot nor portion in things fpiritual and eternal. 5. It is a glorious privilege to be brought to this blef- fed fociety, this general alTembly of the iiril-born ; and as fuch it is here propofed. And we fhall find it fo, if we confider what company, fociety, and alFembly, we belong to without it ; for this is no other than that of de- vils and the wicked feed of the ferpent. 6. If we are come to this alTembly, it is our duty care- fully to behave ourfelves as becometh the members of this ibciety* 7. All contefts about church order, flate, interefl:, power, with whom the church is, &c. are all vain, empty and unprofitable, among thofe who cannot evidence that they belong to this general afTembly. 8. Eternal election is the rule of the difpenfation of effedual grace, to call and colled an alTembly of the firfl- born to God. § 16. We may hrthcr obferve : 1. In Jefus Chrifl believers are delivered from all dif- couraging dread and terror, in the confideration of God as a judge j fuch I mean as befell the people at Sinai in ''the giving of the law. They now behold all his glory in the face of Jefus Chrill, which makes it amiable and de- fireable to them. 2. Such is the pre-eminence of the gofpel flate above tiiat of the law, that whereas they of old were feverely forbid to make ^ny approach to the outward figns of the prefence of God, we now have an acccfs with holdnefs to his throne. 3. As the greatefl m'lfery of unbelievers is to be brought to the prefence of this eternal Judge, fo it is one of the Vol. IV. Z z greateji y^% AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII* ^■eateft privileges of believers that they may come to him. Hence is that cry of hypocritical fmncrs, [Ifa. xxxiii. 14,] * Who among us,' &c. 4. Believers have an accefs to God, as the judge of all, with all their caufes and complaints. As fuch he will hear them, plead their caufe, and judge for them. How- ever they may be here opprelTed, in or out of the courts of men, the Judge of all will at all times receive their ap- peals, and do them right. This liberty no man can de- prive them of; it is purchafed for them by Chrift ; and make their oppreffions unfafe to the greatell of the fons of men. Wherefore, 5. However dangerous and dreadful the outward ilate of the church may be at any time in the world, it may fecure itfelf of final fuccefs ; becaufe therein God is judge alone, to whom they have free accefs. 6. The profpe6l of an eternal reward from God, as the righteous judge, is the greateft fupport of faith in all prefent diftreffes. 7. A profped by faith into the flate of the departed fouls of believers, is both a comfort againfl: the fears of death, and a fupport under all troubles and diflrelTes of this prefent life. § 17. I. This is the bleffednefs and fafety of the ca- tholic church, that it is taken into fuch a covenant, and hath an intereft in fuch a mediator of it, as are able to fave it to the utmoft. 2. The true notion of faith for life and falvation is a coming unto Jefus as the mediator of the New Teila- ment ; for thereby we have an egrefs and deliverance from the covenant of works, and the curfe wherewith it is accompanied. 3. It is the wifdom of faith to make ufe of that medi- :itor continually, in all wherein we have to do with God. To be negligent herein, is to refleft on the wifdom and grace of God, in appointing him to be the mediator of the covenant, and on his love and power to difcharge that ofHce. 4, The Ver. 2^ EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS, 353 4. The gloiy, the fafety, the pre-eminence of the ftate of beh'evers under the gofpel coniifts in this, — That they come therein to Jefus the mediator of the new covenant. This is the center of all fpiritual privileges, the rife of all fpiritual joys, and the full fatisfadion of the fouls of ^U that believe. Verses 25. see that ye refuse not him that speaketh, for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speak'* eth from heaven. § I. IntroduSfion. § 2. (I.) Expofitlon, Him that fpeak-» eth, § 3. He thai [pake on earthy who. § 4. How the people refufed him that then f poke ^ and did not ef cape. § 5, Him that fpeaketh from heaven. § 6. To turn away from hlm^ what^ § y. (II.) Obfervatioms § I. Jrl AVING given a fummary account of the two Hates of the law and gofpel, with the incomparable excel- lence of the latter above the former, the apoftle draws from hence a charge and exhortation addrefled both to them who had adually profeffed the gofpel, and them to whom it had been preached, but who had not received and profeffed it. In brief, he intended all forts in their fe- veral flates and capacities, to whom the gofpel had been preachetl. § 2. (I.) * See that ye refufe not,' (rov "KGtXHvla) him thai fpeaketh. There is a general rule in the words, that "we are diligently to attend to, and not to refufe, any that fpeak to us in the name and authority of Chrift j but yet the perjon of Chrift hlmfelf is immediately intended. Z a ^ And ^3^4 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII. And this command hath refpe£l to the double fokmn charge given of God to the church ; the firft on the clofing of the law, the other as the beginning and foundation of the gofpel. The firfl charge was given to prepare the church for their duty in its proper feafon, [Deut. xviii. i8, 19.] The other charge was given immediately from heaven, as the foundation of the gofpel, [Matt. xvii. 5.] This is the foundation of all gofpel faith and obedience, and the for- mal reafon of the condemnation of all unbelievers. God hath given command to all men to hear, that is, believe and obey his Son Jef^s Chrift.. By virtue thereof he hath given command to others, to preach the gofpel to all in- dividuals. They who believe them, believe in Chrill ; and they who believe in Chrill through him, believe in God, [I. Pet. i. 21.] fo that their faith is ultimately re- folved into the authority of God himfelf And fo they who rcfiife them, who hear not them, do thereby refufe Chrift himfelf; and by fo doing reje£l the authority of God, who bath given this command to hear him, and hath taken on himfelf to require it when it is negleded ; which is the condemnation of all unbelievers. Again ; the apoflle gives an enforcement of this duty- taken from the conlideration of tlie perfon with whom they had to do, and a comparifon between the event of the ncgled of this duty in them, and a negled of the fame kind of duty in thofe to whom the law was given. But^ § 3. Who is (rvig stti T'/jg yvjg y^pvi^.c^JL^ovjoc) he that fpake on earth P The word {y^priUc^LQiv) in fcripture is ap- plied to God alone, and he who Jpake on the earth, his voice thcnJJjook the earth ; which was not the voice of Mofes. Some therefore fay, that an angel is intended, who deli- vered all thofe oracles on mount Sinai in the name of God. But it deferves notice, that in giving the law he lays the whole weight of its authority on the perfon of the fpeaker, faying, * I am the Lord thy God.' If all this may be afcribcd to an angel, then there is one who is an angel by cfficc, and God by nature ; or v/e are bound to take a created angel to be our God. Wherefore, he that then fpoke on earth, who gave thefe divine oracles, was none other I ' but Ver.2^, epistle to the HEBREWS. 35^ but the Son of Godhmfelf \ or the divine nature afting itfelf in a pecuhar manner in the perfon of the Son ; and to him all things agree. What is purely divine was proper to his perfon, and what was of condefcenfion belonged to him in a way of office^ as he was the angel of the cove- nant, in whom was the name of God. It again deferves notice, that the oppofitlon exprefled is not between the per^ fons fpeaking, but between earth and heaven, as the next verfe fufficiently fliews. And that verfe declares pofitively, that it was one and t\it fame perfon y whofe voice then fhook the earth, and who under the gofpel Ihaketh the heaven alfo. — But let us inquire, § 4. How the people {TrocpoiPscroiixsvoi) refufed hira, who fpake on earth ? The word here ufed is the fame with that which ver. 19. we render by entreated to hear m more, that is, deprecated the hearing of the voice of God^ It difcovered the want of that faith and filial boldnefs, which were necefiary to enable them to abide with God. With refped hereto the apoftle might juftly date their de- parture from God, and refufal of obedience, which imme- diately enfued on this difcovery, fo that they liked not the prefence and voice of God. But the people's a^ual refufai of obedience began in their making the golden calf, while Mo fes v/as in the mount, [Exod. xxxii.] from which tiiey did not efcape ; for, befides that three thoufand of them on that occafion ^tx^ fain by the fword — and God made it a record concerning that fin ; ' In the day where- ' in I will vifit, I will vifit their fin upon them ; and the * Lord plagued the people,' [Exod. xxxii. 34, 35.] — af- ter this enfued fundry other rebellions of the people, in all which they refufed him who fpake on earth. § 5. * Much more fhall not we efcape if we turn away * from (roy (xjtt ^mvuo'j) him that is, or fpcaketh,yroAW hea- < ven.^ This is fuily declared by himfelf, [John iii." 12, 13.] * If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe « not, how fhall ye believe if I tell you of heavenly things.' * And no man hath afcended up to heaven, but he that * came down/ro;?2 heaven, even the Son of man who is in ^.heaven.' Add hereto, [ver. 31.] ' Ho that cometh from * hea- !t56 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII. * heaven is above all ; he that is of the earth is earthy, * and fpeaketh of the earth : he that cometh from heaven is ^ above all.' [See John vi. 33 — 38.] .Thele places treat of the fame matter as that intended in the text : namelv, the revelation of heavenly things, or the myileries of the will of God by Jefus Chrift, In each place it is affirmed, that to make this revelation he came from heaven \ fo that emphatically ' he was from heaven \ but withal, whilfl he did fo, he was Hill in heaven, * the Son of Man who is * in heaven.' He was {o fom heaven io his defcent to de- clare the will of God, as that he was in his d'lvme perfon ilill in heaven. Wherefore he is from heaven as for other reafons fo eminently on account of his opening heaven^ and all the treafares of it, bringing life and immortality to light by the gofpel, in comparifon whereof the things of the law are called earthly things. § 6. We muit next inquire, what it is to turn away from him who thus fpeaketh from heaven ? And fundry things are included in this expreffion : 1. That in the declaration of the gofpel by Jefus ^ Chrift from heaven, there is a call^ an invitation of fin- ners to come to him, to be made partakers of the good things contained therein. And herein it differeth fuffi- ciently from the law in the giving of it. For that was fo far from being propofed with an encouraging invita- tion to come to God thereby, as that it was only a terribk denunciation of duties and penalties, which they that heard coidd not endure, and rem.oved as far as they could froni it. 2. There is in this turning away a dljllke of the terms of the gofpel propofed to them. And therein they defpife the wifdom, grace, and faithfulnefs of God to the utmoft. This is emphatically unbelief 3. There is in this turning away, a rejedion cf the authority of Chrift ; for befides tlic matter which he de- clared and preached, his perfonal authority had its peculiar power and efficacy to require obedience this the apollle here had an efpccial refpeft to. It was he who was ' fiom heaven/ and who fpak« iu the name of liim that Ver.!j^\ epistle to the Hebrews. 3^7 feiit him, even in the flrength of the Lord, in the majefty of the name of Lord his God ; fo that all authority in heaven and earth was in him, and prefent with him. It is evident on thefe confide rations, that human nature cannot more highly defpife and provoke God, than by this fin of unbelief. But, 4. An obftinancy in the refufal of him is alfo included herein ; it is a turning away that is final and incurable. § 7. (IL) From what has been faid cbjerve \ 1. Unbelief under the preaching of the gofpel is the great, and, in fome refpe6l, the only damning fin, as being accompanied with, yea greatly confifling in, the laft and utmoll contempt of the authority of God. 2. There is in all fin and difobedlence a ycje£liGn of the authority of God, in the giving of the law. 3. No finner can efcape divine vengeance, if he be tried and judged according to the law, [fee Pfal. cxxx. 4. It is the duty of gofpel miniflers diligently and eiTeclually to declare the nature of unbelief, with the heinoufnefs of its guilt, above all other fins whatever ; fins againft the light of nature, or exprefs commands of the law, mofl men are fenfible of; but as to unbelief, and all the confequents of it, they regard it not ; but it is not more their duty to declare the nature of faith, and to invite men to Chrift in the gofpel, than it is to make known the nature of unbelief, and to evidence the woful aggravations of it, [Mark xvi. i6.] 5. This is the iffue whereinto things are brought be- tween God and finners wherever the gofpel is preached ; namely, whether they will hear the Lord Chrift, or turn away from him. On this one point alone depends their eternal fafety or mifery ; if they hear him, God puts an end to the whole claim of the law againft them on the ac- count of all other fins ; if they refufe him, they are left under the guilt of all their fins againft the law, with the tmfpeakable aggravation of the contempt of Chrift fpeak- ing to them from heaven for their relief. 6. The '35S AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII. 6. The grace, goodnefs, and mercy of God will not be more iliullrious and glorious to all eternity, in the iaivation of believers by Jefus Chrift, than his jufliccj JUolinefs, and feverity in the condemnation of unbelievers* Verses 26, 27. whose vofce then- shook the earth, but now me hath promised, saying, yet once more 1 shake not the earth only, but also heaven ; and this, yet once more, signifieth the removing of the things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things that cannot be shaken may remain. § I . Explanation of the words, 'The voice of Chrift Jhook the earth, § 2. Atid the heavens alfo, ^ 3. The apoftW s Inferences, The removal of the things that are fhaken, § 4. And the eflabUJIjment of the gofpel kingdom, § 5., Objervations, § I. X HESE verfes contain an illuflratlon of the ex-« hortation in the foregoing verfe. [Ov 71 (poov}]) ivhofe voice ; that is, the voice of him who is from heaven ; Jefus Chrift the Son of God, the author of the gofpel, who is laft fpoken of; nor is there any other in the context to whom the relative [h) ivhofe lliould refer. The voice of Chrift abfolntely is his great power in exercife ; fo all the mighty efFe£ls of Providence are afcribed to the ' voice' of God, [Pfal. xxix. 3—9.] In particular, the declaration and exerting of his power in the giving of the law is here intended ; {tots) then; at the time when the law was given, as oppofed to what he would do now. (Y.(roiKsvG-c T»jy ytp) fhook the earth ; refer- ring to the great commotiou that was at mount Sinai before VfiR.2-6, 27- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 359 before defcribed, ver. 18 — 21. and \}a^ Jhaking is faid to be of the earthy becaufe it was all on the earthy and this is put for a part of the earth by a fynecdoche ; and we have here an illuftrious evidence given to the divine nature of Chrill ; for it is unavoidable, that he whofc voice this was, is no other but he that fpake from heaven in the promulgation of the gofpel ; which to deny, is not only far from truth, but all pretence of modeily. It is evidently one and the fame perfon, who both fpake from heaven in the promulgation of the gofpel, and whofe voice Jhook the earth in the giving of the law, and who promifed in the prophet to Jhake heaven alfo ; unlefs this be granted there is no fenfe, no co-herence in the apoftle's difcourfe. § 2. The apoille adds another demonflration of the great power of Chrift, in what he hath promifed to do ; * But now he hath promifed, faying, yet once more I * fhake not the earth only, but alfo heaven.' The words are taken from Hag. ii. 6, 7. a part only of which text is quoted ; the prophet affirming that he would lliake * the heaven and the earth \ the apoftle in an accommodation to his prefent purpofe exprefleth it, * not only the earth,' as of old, ' but the heaven alfo ; wherefore in this new fpak^ in?, a Ihaking of the earth alfo is comprifed. The principal inquiry is, what is the fhaking of the heavens and earth intended, and at what feafon it was to be done ? and for the clearing hereof we mufl obferve, that the fame thing and time is intended by the prophet and the apoftle ; for unlefs this be granted, there can be no force in this teftimony to his purpofe ; and indeed thefe things are fpoken by the prophet evidently and ex- pre Illy with refpe6l to the firjl coming of Chrift, and the promulgation of the gofpel thereupon. — Again, there is no reafon why we lliould take this Jhaking ' not only of ' the earth, but of heaven,' or as the prophet exprelTes it, of * the heavens, and the earth, and the fca, and the * dry land,' in ^literal or natural fenfe \ the prophet ^y^^ounds it all in the next words, « And I will fhake all nations \ and moreover they are fpiritual things whereof the apofh Vol. IV. A a a dif- 360 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XII. difcourfeth, fuch as end in that iinfhakened kingdom which behevers receive in this world ; whereas therefore it is evident, that the apoflle treats about the deaUng of Chrifl with his church, both in the giving of the law, and the promulgation of the gofpel 5 the lignification of thefe expreffions mull be the great alteration he would make in the church Hate, with the mighty works and commotions with which it was to be accompanied ; belides, it is felf-evident that the dealing. of God with the church, and the alterations which he would make in the ftate thereof, is that concerning which the apoflle treats ; there- fore it is the * heavens' of Mofaical worjh'ip, and the Judaical church ftate ; with the * earth' of their political Jlate belonging thereunto, that are intended ; this was far more great and glorious than the fhaking of the earth at the giving of the law. § 3. * And this word, yet once more, fignifieth the * removing of thofe things which are fhaken, as of things * which are made.* This is the conclufion of the whole argumentative part of this epiflle, that which was aimed at from the beginning ; for, having fully proved the ex- cellency of the gofpel flate above that under the law, and confirmed it by an examination of all the concernments of the one and the other, as we have feen ; he now de- clares from the fcripture, according to his ufual mode of dealing with thofe Hebrews, that all the ancient inftitutions of worlhip, and the whole church Jiate of the old cove- nant, was now-' to h^ removed, and taken away, to make way for that better flate, a flate more glorious, that fhould never be obnoxious to change or alteration. This expreffion, ' yet once more^ plainly intimates — that there had been 2i fimilar work wrought before ; which, as to the general nature of it, was the ereftion of a neiu ecclejlajlical Jiate, which God then wrought, and the like he would now do again ; and therefore — it fignifies the removal of that which - was before ; the things in- tended vitxt Jhaken, even by God himfelf ; and the things that were to be efFefted by this new work were to be in- troduced into their place \ and therefore of neceffity they 2 were Ver. 26,27- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 361 were to be removed ; fo the apoftle deduces the fole necef- lity of their removal from the eJiaUi/hment of * the things ' that cannot be Ihaken ;' which therefore muft be of the fame general nature and ufe with them ; namely, a nevj church ft ate ^ 2indi new divine worjhlp ; in fhort, the gospei; WITH ITS PRIVILEGES. The apoftle alfo intimates the original ground and eq^ulty of the removal of the one, and the introduction of the other ; (^oog ttsttoi'/iuj-voov) as of things that uxere made ; fo made, as that they were made only for 2i feafon, until the time of reformation, [chap. ix. 10.] § 4. In the room of thefe things removed, things that cannot be fhaken are to be eftablilhed ; thefe things in the next verfe he calls a kingdom that cannot be moved, which believers receive ; that is, the things of the fpiritual kingdom of Jefus Chrifl ; the gofpel with all its privileges, worfhip, and excellency, in relation to Chrifl, his perfon, office, and grace ; the things that cannot be moved are to remain and be eflabliflied againft all oppoiition whatever. Wherefore, as the heavens and the earth of the idolatrous^ world were of old fhaken and removed ; fo fhall thofe alfo of the antichrifiian world, which at prefent in many places feem to prevail ; for if God made way for his glory by the removal of his own inllitations, appointed for a feafon, what elfe fhall hinder its eilablifliment and progrefs to the end ? § 5. And we may hence ohferve ; 1. The fovereign authority and mighty power of Chrifl are glorioufly manifeiled in that iignal change and alteration which he made in the ftate and worfliip of the church by the promulgation of the gofpel. 2. God was pleafed to give teflimony to the greatnefs and glory of this work, by the greatefl commotions ia heaven and earth wherewith it was accompanied. 3. It was a mighty work to introduce the gofpel among the nations of the earth, feeing their gods and heavens were to be f?)aken and removed. A a a 2 Verses 36a AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XU. Verses 28, 29. wherefore \ve receiving a kingdom which can- not be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve god acceptably with reve- rence and godly fear ; for our god is a consuming fire. § I. I'he docfrlnal and hortatory parts of the epijlh here concluded. § 2. The Jiate of the gofpel is a kingdom that cannot be moved. ^ 3. Which believers receive. § 4. The duty exhorted to^ the ferving of God acceptably. § 5. jind to have grace. § 6. The manner of performing the duty, with reverence and godly fear. § 7. The reafon €7 forcing the duty. § 8, 9. Obfervations. § I. X HE apoflle in thefe verfes fums up both the dodrinal and hortatory parts of the epiftle ; and from hence to the clofe of it brancheth his general exhortation into a prefcription of particular duties of the moft im- portance to his general end ; the note of inference (S/o) wherefore, may refpecl either the whole difcourfe which he hath now pafTed through, or that immediately preced- ing, concerning the fhaking and removal of the Judaical church flate, with the introduction and eilablifliment of the things of the kingdom of Chrift ; the force of the exhortation arifeth equally from either of them. Note^ Such is the nature and the ufe of all divine truths, that ' the teaching of them ought conflantly to be applied and improved to pra) when applied to perfons, is conflantly ufed in the New Teflament for Qntcr) among ; Beza, [inter quofvis) among all ^ that is, all forts of perfons. The apoftle doth not aftert that marriage was a thing in good reputation among all men, Jews and Gentiles, but that it is honourable in all forts of perfons, who eater into it a • accord- 3Ba AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chm>. XITI. according to the law of God and righteous laws among men. For by a defe£l herein it may be rendered highly d'ljhonourahle. Again ; it mud be a marriage pf two individual per- fons, and no more, according to the law of creation and divine inflitution, (for polygamy was never honourable ;) it muft not be of perfons within the degrees of confan- guinity laid under divine prohibition, [Incejl being no lefs difhonourable than adultery ;) there muft alfo be a con- currence of all neceffary circumftances both of mind and body in the married ; fuch are power over their own per- fons, freedom in choice or confent, perfonal mutual vow or contraft, natural meetnefs for the duties of marriage, and the like. Wherefore that marriage is honourable^ which, on the ground and Warranty of divine inftitution, is " a lawful conjunction of one man and one woman by their juft and full confent, into an indifToluble union, (whereby they become one flefh) for the procuration of children, and mutual aiTiflance in all things divine and human." I fhall only add, that as the legitimate and orderly continuation of the human race depends hereon, fo whatever is of virtue, honour, comelinefs, or order amongfi men ; whatever is praifeworthy and ufeful in all focieties oeconomical, eccleiiaftical or political, proceeds from the principle here alTerted, Ail to whom children are dear, relations ufeful, inheritances valuable, and God's approbation is preferred to fordid uncleannefs and eternal ruin, ought to account this ftate honourable. j*i Nor is there any fort, order, or degree of men, by rea« fon of any calling, work, or employment, but that mar- riage is an honourable ftate to them. This is the plain {txiit of the words. However, if the phrafe [iv nTocdi) Ihould be rendered * in all things y or every manner of way, the popijh notion of celibacy can never efcape the force of this divine teftimony againft it. For, is it law- ful for them to efteem and call that io vile, as to be un- meet for fome order or fort of men among them., which God hath declared to be honourable * in all things ' or evoy * manner of way ?' I Ihall only fay, that their impiety in , impa" Ver. 4-. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 381 impoiing the neceffity of fingle life on all their ecclejiajiicsy wherein they have ufurped divine authority over the con* iciences of men, hath been openly purfued by divine ven- geance, in giving it up to be an occaiion of multiplying fuch horrid uncieannefles as have been fcandaious to the Chriuian religion, and ruinous to the fouls of millions. § 3. To the flate of marriage, the apoftle adds the confideration of the duties of it in that exprefiion, [v^oi\'/i cy.jM/yy^oc) the hcd iinde filed. And two things are here in- tended : — The honourable Hate of marriage as oppofed to the^defiled bed of whoremongers and adulterers ; and— the prefervation of marriage duties within their due bounds; [I. Thef. iv. 3 — 5. I. Cor. vii. 2 — 5.] for, in that refpe£l, there may be many pollutions even of the marriage bed. From this fl:ate and ufe of marriage — the means ap- pointed of God for the prefervation of the purity and challity of our perfons — the aggravation of the contrary fin is enormous. Who can exprefs the deteftable wick- ednefs of forfaking thofe divine appointments, in con- tempt of the authority and wifdom of God, by any feek- ing the fatisfa6lion of their lulls in ways injurious to others, debaiing and defiling to themfelves ? Yes, they difturb the whole order of nature, and drown themfelves in everlafting perdition. § 4. ' But whoremongers and adulterers God will * judge.' The diilin'Ition between {Tfopyi^g and i^or/j^c) whoremongers and adulterers, is allowed by all to be this ; that the former are fingle perfons ; and the latter are thofe who are both, or elfe one of them, in a married ftate. The fin of the firft is fornication, of the other, adultery ; al- though the v/ords {no'jvrjoo and ttoov-io,) may fometimes be ufed to denote any uncleannefs in general, and fo to comprife adultery alfo. Some have fallen into that degree of impudence in our days, as to countenance themfelvejj with the opinion and practices of fome of the heathen, who thought that fornication was no fm, or a matter not much to be regarded, But Ihall we fuppofe that our holy, reli- 38z AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xm. religion, which condemneth o\xx inward lujllng of the heart after a woman without any outward act as a fin worthy of judgement, gives countenance to, or rather doth not moil: feverely condemn a6lual fornication ? It is to be fear- ed that if magiftrates and thofe who are public minifters in the nation, do not take more care than hitherto hath been ufed, for the reftraint of this raging abomination, divine judgements on the whole nation, on its account, will fpeedily fatisfy men's fcruples, w^iether it beay?7/ or no. For adulterers^ who are mentioned in the next place, there is no queflion amongft any about the heinoufnefs of their fin ; and the common intereft of mankind keeps up a deteflation of it. But it is here, together with fornica- tion, referved in a peculiar manner to divine vengeance, becaufe for the mofl part it is kept fecret, and fo free from human cognizance , and becaufe — although the divine law made it punifhable by death, yet — for the moil part it ever paiTes in the world under a lefs fevere punifhment. But whatever fuch perfons think of themfelves, or others think of them, * God (jco/vj/) will judge* and con- demn them, at the final judgement of the great day ; they fliall not be acquitted, but (having periifted in their detefcable practice) they fhall be eternally damned. And there is an cmphafis in the expreflion, ' God will judge ;' wherein we may fee, that the fpeclal aggravations of thefe fins expofe men to a fore condemnation in a peculiar manner, [I. Cor. ill. 17. vi. 16 — 19.] Although the ilate of men may be changed, and divine wrath due to thofe fins be finally efcaped by repentance ; yet it may be obferved, that thofe who are habitually given up to thefe luils of the flelh are of all others the moft rarely brought to effecSlual repentance. ^ 5. And we may obferve, 1. Divine inilitutlon Is fufhcient to render any flate or condition of life honourable. 2. The more ufeful any itate of life is, the more ho- nourable it is ; the honour of marriage arlfes much from its ufefulnefs. 3. That Ver.4. . EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 383 3. That which is honourable by divine inftitution, and "ufeful in its own nature, may be abufed and rendered vile by the mifcarriages of men. 4. It is a bold ufurpation of authority over the con-^ fciences of men, and a contempt of the authority of God, to forbid that ftate to any which God hath declared honourable to all. 5. Means for chaflity and purity not ordained, nor fandlified to that end, will prove fartherances of impurity and uncleannefs, or worfe evils. 6. The {late of marriage being honourable in the fight of God himfelf, it is the duty of them that enter there- into duly to confider how they may approve their confci- ences to God in what they do. § 6. I. Conjugal duties regulated by the bounds af- ligned them by natural light, v/ith the general rules of fcripture, and fubfervient to the due ends of marriage, are honourable, giving no caufe of pollution or fhame. 2. Whatever flight thoughts men may have of fin, any Jin, the judgement of God, which is accordmg to truth, muft fland for ever. To have flight thoughts of fin, will prove no relief to finners. 3. Fornication and adultery are deferving of eternal damnation. If the due wages of all Jin be death, much more of fo great abominations. 4. Men living and dying impenitently in thefe fins, Ihall eternally perifh ; or an habitual courfe in them is •utterly inconfiflent with any fpark of faving grace. [See Ephef. V. 5. I. Tim. i. 10. Rev. xxi. 8, xxii. 15.] Vol. IV. D a d V£Rse 394 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XIIL Verses 5, 6. let your conversation be without covetou&- ness, and be content with such things as ye have, for he hath said, i will never leave thee nor forsake thee ; so that we may boldly say, the lord is my helper, and i will not fear what man shall do UNTO ME. § I. 'Tranfit'ion from particular duties to what is more general. The Chriji'ian s iimvcrfal walk before God ; which Jhould be without covetoufnejs. § 2. JFith contentment. ^ 3,- 4. Enforced by a divine promifc, § 5. The apoflle^s in- ference. § 6, 7. Obfervations. §1.1^ ROM particular duties the apoftle proceeds to that which is more general, which relates to our whole courfe of walking with God. — Our ' converfation here includes both the frame of our minds, and the moral manner of our a£ling, in all that we do about the things pertaining to this life ; and becaufe of this rellridlon of it to our a£tings about the things of this life, the apoftle ufeth the word (TpoTTC^-, mos, or mores) cujlonty and not the other word {&'A>ccgcjo(P'/i) which exprelleth our univcrfal ivalk with God, in all holy obedience, [Phil. i. 27, iii. 20. Jam. iii. 13. I. Pet. i. 15. XL Pet. iii. 11.] the ordering of our converfation aright in this matter is of great importance in our Chriilian profeffion ; and for the dire6lion of it the apoftle gives this rule, that it be (u(piXaoyvP^oc.) without covetoifnefs. Covetoufnefs ((piKcco- yvpioc) is an inordinate delire and endeavour after the enjoyment of more riches than we have, or that God is pleafed to give us, proceeding from an undue valuation of them or love to them; [I. Tim. vi. 6 — 10.] a vice this, which, by its effects, manifefts itfelf always to be cga- Veii.5,'6. epistle to THE HEBREWS. 3B5 contrary to the light of nature, as debafing the muids of men, making them ufelefs, and expofing them to all man- ner of vile praftices ; hence it was always fligmatized by fober heathens, as one of the vilefl afFeftions of the human mind; and there is nothing which the fcripture more feverely condemns, or upon which it denounces more inevitable punifhment. Covetoufnefs is idolatry, [Col. iii. 5.] but hereof there are many degrees ; where it is pre- dominant, the fcripture abfolutely excludes thofe in whom it is from life and falvation, amongft the moft profligate linners ; but there may be fmaller degrees of inordinate defires after earthly things, in believers, which are a fubjeft of mortification all their days : when men are fpoiled of their goods, and in danger of loling all, it is apt to flir up in them earneft and inordinate defires after fomewhat more than they have, and not to be con- tent with what is prefent, which the apoitle declares to be covetoufnefs ; this he would have us to be free from at all times, efpecially in times of perfecution ; to which he plainly had refpe6l. § 2. In oppolition hereunto we are enjoined to be * content with fuch things as we have ;' without complain- ing or repining at God's providential difpofals of our outward concerns ; without envy at the more profperous condition of others ; without fears and anxious cares about future fupplies ; and without defires and defigns of thofe things which a more plentiful condition than what we are in would fupply us with ; this contentment is with re- fpe£l to [^OLq 7rotCj>io'Lv) ''fuch things as arc pre f cut ;' as oppofed to things which are not prefent with us in our prefent con- dition, and therefore denote * fuch things as we have ;' yet are not things only intended, but in general the fate and condition wherein we are, as of poverty, or afflictions, or perfecutions, or of more enlargement in earthly things ; [fee P]]ii. i. 11.] and the meafure of them, in ordinary cafes, \% food and raiment, as the rule is given us, [I. Tim. vi. 8.] ' having food and raiment, let us be therewith * content ;* not that we are allowed to be di (contented if we i are not elleemed by Chrifl, as acceptable gilides or rulers ; nor is the honourable re- membrance of them any duty. — -' T^he word of God \^ the written word ; including the vocal fpeaking of perfons di- vinely infpired by virtue of new revelations. And whereas the word of the gofpel is principally intended, this fpeaking may comprife the apoftolkal writing alfo. This * word of God' is the fole obje£l of the church's Faith ; and the only outward means of communicating to it the mind arid grace of God, wherefore upon it the being, life, and bleflednefs of the church depend. § 4. * PFIjofe faith follow \ fo mind them and their work in jpreaching the word of God, as to follow, (^i^i^LHQ'^Ui) io imitate them ; to copy their example in a lively, exprefiive manner, and particularly their faith ; the grace of faith, whereby they believed the truth, and its exerctfe in all they did and fuiTered. Their faith was that which purified their hearts, and made them fruitful in their lives. § 5. * Confidering the end of their [a,v(X(;^o^'/\) con* * verfation ;' the way or courfe of their walking and con- verfe in the world, with refpe£l to moral duties, and the whole of their obedience. This converfation of theirs Vol. LV, Eee had 59* AN EXPOSITION OF THE Cha?. XIII. had now received its {iii(ia,(T ig) end \ the word fignifies an end accompanied with a deliverance from, and fo a conqueft over, fuch difficulties and dangers as they were before expofed to. Thefe perfons, in the whole courfe of their converfation were exercifed with difficulties, dan- gers, and fufferings, ail attempting to ilop them in their way, or to turn them out of it. But what did it all amount to ? what was the iffue of their conflid ? It was a bleffied deliverance from all troubles, and a complete conqueji over them. Their faith failed not, their hope did not perifli, they were not difappointed ; but had a blelTed end of their v;alk and courfe. This they were advifed to conjider^ (a.va^^cocj^vjsg) not with a flight traniient thought, with which we ufually pafs over fuch things, but a reiterated contemplation of the matter, with its caufes and circumftances. § 6. A due conlideration of the faith of thofe who have been before us, efpecially of fuch who were conilant in fufferings ; and above all, thofe who were fo unto death, as the holy martyrs in former and latter ages, is an efFeftual means to ftir us up to the fame exercife of faith, when we are called to it. And happy had it been, if men's Imliat'iGn of former ages had kept itfelf within thefe bounds. Verse 8. jesus christ .t«e same yesterday, to day, ane» FOR EVER. ^ I. The occafion of the words, § 2. The Soc'miaH glofs re^ futed. Expofitory remarks. § 3. Concerning the coK" nenlcn and nfc of the words, § 4. Obfervations. s; I- X WO things are to be confidered in thefe words? firil tli^ occafion of them ; and tlien their fe^fe and raean- Ver. 8. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 393 iiig. And as to the occaiion of their ufe in this place, to liie they appear as a glorious light, which the apoftle fets •up to guide our minds in the coniideration of his whole difcourfe, that we may fee whence it all proceeds, and whereunto it tends. He is the alpha and omega, the £rfl and the lafl: ; the beginner and the finilher of our faith. § 2. There are va -cvis interpretations of the words QyJ^cg Kcci (ry-JiJispov) yejierday and to day \ Eniedinus fays, that by ' yeficrdaf (yj^g) a ^ fliort time before' is in- tended ; that which was of late, vl%. fince the birth of Chrifl at moft, which was not long before. He is fol- lowed by ScHLicTiNGius, and all the Socinians. But there cannot be given a more abfurd interpretation ; for when we fay of any one, that he is of yejierday, (x9sg ncct TTpo'/iy) it is fpoken of him in contempt ; ' w^e are of yef^ ierday, and know nothing,' [Job viii. 9.] But the dej7gn of the apoftle (which is our clue) is to utter that w^hich tends to the honour of Chrift, and not to his diminution. And the fcripture expreflions of him to this purpofe are — * He was in the beginning ; he was with God \ he was ' God,' he. But clearly to comprehend the mind of the Holy Ghoft, herein fundry things are to be obferved. As, 1. That it is the per/on of Chrifl that is fpoken of; nor is this whole name {lYicn^g l^oigog) Jefus Chrifl, ever tifed for any other purpofe. It is falfe, therefore, that it is here taken metonymically for his doftrine, or for the gofpel ; nor, indeed, would fuch a fenfe be any way to. the apoflle's purpofe. Yet, 2. He fpeaks not of his perfon abfolutely, but with re- fpe£l to his office, and his difcharge of it, or he declares who and what he was therein. 3. It is from his divine Perfon, that, in the difcharge of his office, he was (^avjog) the fame. So it is faid of him, [chap. i. 12, (tv I'- aiPjog cl) * But thou art the fame ;'- that is, eternal, immutable, indeiicient. Where-, foe, E e Q :i 4, TherQ 3^ AN EXPOSITION OF THE Ckap-XHI. 4. There is no need to fix a determinate, difiinft fenfc as to the notation of time to each word, * yefterday, to, * day, and for ever,' the apoftie defigning, by a kind of pro- verbial fpeech, wherein refpe6l is had to all feafons, to de- note the eternity and immutability of Chriil in them all. To the fame purpofe he is faid to b,e (0 s:?, i. e, ^\)(nci>gmi'd) of which altar, and all the things which arc fanftificd thereby ; Tq eat ; what was every one's portion was to be eaten ^ hence the apoflle ufeth the word {(pcKyni/) to eat here for any kind of participation ; they have m (c^'dG-iOiv) right or title, by virtue of any divine inftitu^ tion ; he doth not abfolutely exclude fuch perfons front ever attaining an intereft in our altar ; no, far from it ; but he doth it in two refpefts ; — they had no fuch right by virtue of their office and relation to the tabernacle ; and — whilfl they adhered to the ufe of their own taber- nacle, altar, 8cc. for the eflablifliment of their hearts with. God, they would have no intereft in this altar of ours. § 4. From hence we may /ear?i ; 1. That the Lord Chrifl, in the one facrifice of him- felf, is the altar of the new teflament church. 2. That this altar is every way fufiicient of itfelf for the grand end of an altar in general j namely, the fanc^ tification of the people, [ver. 12.] 3. The eredion of any other altar in the church, or the introduction of any other facrifice requiring a mate- rial altar, is derogatory to the facrifice of Chrifl, and excludes him from being our altar. 4. Whereas the defign of the apoflle in the whole of this difcourfe, is, to declare the glory of the gofpel, and its worfhip, above that of the law ; of our prieil and filtar above theirs, it is fond to think, that by ' our altar* he intends fuch a materia! fabric as is every way inferior to that of old. 5. Wliea 4*4 AN 'EXPOSITION bF THE CiiAf.XUh 5. When God appointed a material altar for his fervicc, he himfelf enjoined the making of it, prefcribed its form and ufe, with all its utenlils, fervices and cere^ monies, allowing of nothing relating to it but what was by himfelf appointed ; it is not therefore probable, that, under the New Teftament, there fliould be a material altar of equal neceffity, without a divine appointment But, 6. Sinners, under a fenfe of guilt, have in the gofpel an altar of atonement to which they may have continual accefs for the expiation of their lins i ' he is the pro- *- pitiation.' 7. That all privileges, of whatever nature, without a participation of Chrift, as the altar and facrifice of the church, are of no advantage to their pofTeflbrs* Verses i i, 12. for the bodies of those beasts whose bloobi is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned without the camp; wherefore jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. § I. l:'he apojile's thrce-foJd dcjign. § 2. Expofitlon. The typical Jin o^ering. § 3. ^he burning of the bodies with^ out the camp, § 4. Ihe inference, wherefore Jefus. § 5. ILxpofitory remarks* § 6. IVithoKt the gate, what implUd in it. § 7. Obfervations* § 1. X HE apoflle in thefe words proceeds to the con- firmation of his whole prefent delign in all the parts of it, which are three ; I. To declare of what nature our altar and facrifice are^ and Ver. 11,12. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 4.05 and thereon of what nature and kind the duties of religiaii are which depend upon them. 2. To teftify that the removal of all dijvinfiion of meats^ by virtue of this aitar, was fignified in the old inflitutions which had their accomplifnment in this altar and fa- criiice. 3. To fhew the necelfity of tht fuff'ering of Chrijl with- out the gate of the city, from the typical reprefentation of it ; and fo to make way for treating of the ufe we are to make of it. § 2. * For the bodies of thofe beafls,' &c. {Jlioi ccuixp^ ^Lug) for fn ; referring to the fn offering on the great day of atonement; (fee on chap. x. 6.) the blood of that facrifice alone was carried into the mofl holy place by the High Priell ; and there was an efpccial inftitution for burning the bodies of the bealls whofe blood was then offered without the camp. [Lev. xvi. 27.] § 3. The burning of the bodies was ordered to be without the camp ; namely, whiift the Ifraelites were in the wilder^ nefs, encamped round about the tabernacle. To this camp the city of Jerufalem afterwards anfwered ; wherefore, when this facrifice was obferved in the temple, the * bodies * of the beails' were carried out of the city to be burned ; hence the apoftle makes the fuffering of Chrilt without th^ gate^ to anfwer the burning of thofe bodies without the camp ; the city and the camp being in inflitution the fame thing. In this facrifice there was no eating ; all was confumed ; hence the apoftle proves that meats did never contribute any thing towards the eftablifliment of the heart before God, for there was no ufe of tliem in the facrifice whereby atonement for fin was made ; whereon the eflablilbment of the heart dependcth ; yea, there w^as a clear prefiguration, that when the great atonement was made, there fliould be no ufe of the dijlintiion of meats lefl^ in the church. § 4. ' Wherefore Jefus aljo ;* being to fulfil all righteouf- nefs, and the whole law, what he did was regulated by the predieiions of fcripture, and the typical reprefentations of what wa3 to be done ; th^ cxprefTion intmiates diJimHi^ I •:tude, ^o6 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xlil, iude, fuch as is between the type and the thing typified j as was that facrifice, or fin offering, under the hvfyfo was tiiis of Chrift— ' Wherefore Jefus alfo: § 5. There are fundry truths of great importance in thefe words, the confideration whereof will give us the juft expolition of them. 1. That Jefus in his fufFerings offered himfelf to God ; tliis is plain in the words ; ' that he might fandify tlic "^ people with his blood (cTtcc^s) he fuffered ;* for in that fuffcr'mgy his blood was Hied whereby the people were fanftified ; which utterly overthrows the SOCINIAM ^gment of his eblation in heaven. 2. That in his fufferings he offered himfelf a ^f;? ^^''- hig ; in anfwer to thofe legal facrifices, whofe blood was carried into the holy place, and whofe bodies were burned without the camp; and this belonged to Jtn-^ tffirings only, 3. The end of this offering was, that he m\ght fanfiify the peofie\ this was {finis opcris & operant is J the end of 'ivhat was donCy arid of him who did it ; (ivoc) that, hath lefpefl to the final caufe ; and the obje^ of tlie work, "Wrought is the people ; that is, all the ele£t people of God^ "both Jews and Gentiles. [I. John ii. 2.] 4. That which he defigned and accomplifhed for this people, was their fanflification ; and it is here manifefl, by^ the refpe£t his blood had to the great facrifice of ex-^ piation, that it fignifies to have atonement mad^, 5. This is what the Lord Jefus Chrift defigned for his church, and he did it by his own blood; [A£ls xx. 28, Rev. i. 5.] an evidence of the unfpeakable worth and value of this offering, and whereon all its efficacy doth depend. What a tefiimony is here of what it cofl the Lord Jefus to fan£lify the people ; even with his owi* blood ! § 6. ' Saifered without the gate ;' intimating that he ift the city and church Jiate of the Jews, put an end to all. acceptable facrificing in the city and temple ; that his. facrifice and its benefits were not included in the church of the Jews, but were finally extended to the whole world ; Ver« ir, t2. EPISTLE TO tHE tlESREWS. ^0% f I. John ii. 2.] that his death and fufFering were not only zfacrifice, but a pun'ijhment for fin, the iins of the people that were to be fantilfied by his blood ; for he went out of the city as a malefaftor, and died the death which by divine inftitution was a iign of the curfe^ [Gal. iii. 13.] By all thefe things it appears, how different our altar eind facrifice are from theirs under the law ; and how iieceffary it is from thence that we fhould have a worjhip of another nature than what they had, wherein particu- larly the dljilndion of meats fhould be of no ufe. § 7. And we may hence obferve ; 1. The complete anfwering and fulfilling of all types \vi the perfon and ofhce of Chrifl, tefcifieth the famenefs and immutability of the counfel of God in the whole work of redemption, notwithftanding all the outward changes that have been in the inflitutions of divine worfliip i from hence it it manifeft, that, in the whole, Jefus Chrifl is * the fame yeflerday, to day, and for ever.* 2. The church could no otherwife be fan£tified, but by the blood of Jefus, the Son of God. [See on chap. x. 4 —7-] 3. The Lord Jefus out of his incomprehenfible love to his people, would fpare nothing that was needful for their fandlification, their reconciliation, and dedication, tinto God ; for he did it with his own blood, 4. Th-e whole church is perfeflly fan^ified by the offering of the blood of Chrifl as to impetrat'ion ; and it filial! be fo a£luaiiy by the virtue of the fame blood in its application. 5. When the Lord Jefus Chrifl carried all the fins of his own people in his body on the tree, he left the city ias a type of all unbelievers under the wrath and curfe of God. 6. Going out of the city as a malefa£lor, he bore all the reproaches that were due to the fins of the xhurcji, which was a part of the curfe. Vol. IV. <^ gZ 4^)8 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XIII, Verses 13, 14. let us go forth therefore unto him, with- out the camp, bearing his reproach ; for hep.e have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. ^ 1. ^n exhortation to go forth luithout the camp. § 2 . Tf Chrij}^ to hear his reproach. §3.4. ^he reafons to enforce it. § 5, 6. Obfervations, § I . i/ ROM the account given of our altar in the fuf- fering and offering of Chrifl:, the apoflle draws an cx^ hortation to a general duty. * Let us go forth therefore unto him (c^w t>?^ ttocosu.-' f2'0?Krjg) zuithout the camp.^ He refers, as before hinted, to the original inflitution in the wildernefs ; therefore he confirms his difcourfe to the tabernacle, without any mention of the temple, or the city wherein it was built, though all that he fpeaks be equally applicable to them. Now the camp in the wildernefs was that fpace of ground which was taken up by the tents, as they were regularly pitched about the tabernacle ; out of this camp the bodies of the bealls for the fin offerings were carried and burned; and to this afterwards anfwered the city of Jerufalem ; now the camp and city were the feat of all the political and religious converfe of the yewijh church ; and to be in the cvmp, is to have a right to all the privileges and advantages of all the commonwealth of Ifrael, and the whole fervice of the tabernacle ; but here it may be alked, how were the Hebrews on account of this facrifice of Chrifl-, and the fanftification of the people by his own blood, to go out of this camp P It is not a /(j<:^/ departure out of the city that is primarily intended, though I am apt to think, from the next verfe, that the apoflle had fome Ver. i3,r4' EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 409 fome refpecl alfo thereunto; but what is principally in- tended, is a moral and religious going forth ; there was nothing that thefe Hebrews more valued, and more tenacioufly adhered to, than their political and religious in- tereft in the commonwealth of Ifrael ; they could not under- Hand upon what principle they mufh forfake all the glorious privileges granted of old to that church and people ; this therefore the apoftle clearly lliews them by the fufFering of Chrifl without the camp. § 2. They were thus to ' go forth unto him ;' he went forth at the gate, and fuffered ; and we mud go forth after him. And it denotes, 1. A relinquifhment of all the privileges of the camp and city for his fake ; leave them^ and go to him, 2. A doling by faith with his facrifice and fanftifica- tion thereby, in oppofitioii to all the facrifices of the law. 3. The owning of him under all that reproach and con- tempt which was caft upon him in his fufFering without the gate ; or a not being afhamed of the crofs. 4. The betaking ourf elves to him in his office, as the king, prieft, and prophet of the church, for our accep- tance with God, and in his worfhip, [ver. 15.] * Bearing his reproach ;' either the reproach that was caft on his perfon, or the reproach that Is cafi: on oio's for his fake, [fee on chap. x. 33.] this we bear when we pa- tiently undergo it, and are not fhaken in our minds, in. what we fufFer by it. The fum of all is, that we muft leave all to go forth to a crucified Chrift. An enforce- ment of this exhortation, or an encouragement to this duty, the apoftle adds in the next words. § 3. ' For here have we no continuing city, but wc < feek one to come,' [fee on chap. xi. 10 — 16.] Their Intereft in the city of Jerufalem was gone, after the Lord Jcfus went without the gate to fuffer. Now it is not fald of believers abfolutely, that they belonged to no city, but that they have no continuing city. But it is fpokea Oil other accoiints. Ggg2i I. They 4to AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XIII. 1. They had no cityxh^t was the feat of divine worfhip, and to v/hich it was confined, as it was before with refpe£t to Jerufalem. 2. They had no city wherein they did reft, or which was the feat of their (^7roK'i\sv^a,) converfation^ [Phil, iii. 20.] Not fuch a city as contained their lot and por- tion. 3. They had not in this world an abiding city. What- ever conveniences they might have for a feafon, yet they had no city that was to abide for ever, nor which they could for ever abide in. And probably herein the apoftle fliews the diiFerence and oppofition between the flate of the Chriftian church, and that under the Old Teflament ; for, after they had wandered in the wildernefs and elfewhere, for fome ages, they were brought to rejl in Jerufalem ; but, faith he, with "US it is not fo ; * but we feek one that is to come.' [See the defcription of the Hate of pilgrimage here in- tended, in the Expofition on chap. xi. 9 — 16. § 4. ' But (sTT/^/J^/xiy) we feek one to come,' with defire and diligence ; not as a thing unknown, but (ryjv usXcfcrcicv) that city ; not one indefinitely, but thai which was to be their eternal habitation ; to come ; not merely becaufe it was future as to their {late and intereft in it, but with refpeft to their being certain of enjoying it ; fox* it was propared for them, and prlmlfed to them. § 5. And we are herein taught, 1. That all privileges and advantages whatever are to be renounced, which are inconfiftent wath an intereft in Chrift, and a participation of him, [Phil, iii, 4 — 10.] 2. If it was the duty of the Hebrews to forfake thofe ways of worihip, which were originally of divine inftitu- tion, that they might wiiolly give up themfelves to Chrift, in all things pertaining to God ; much more is it ours to forego all fuch pretences to religious worfhip^ as are of human invention. And, 3. Whereas the eamp contained not only ecclejiajikal^ but alfo political privileges, we fhould be ready to forego ^11 civil accommodations alfo^ as houfes, lands, poflef- fions Ver. 13,14. EPPSTLE TO THE HEBREWS, ^it lions, &:c. when called to give them up on the account of Chrifl and the gofpel. 4. If we will go forth to Chrift, as without the camp^ or feparated from the finful concerns pf this world, we fhall afluredly meet with reproaches. § 6. I. Believers are not like to meet with any fuch encouraging entertainment in this world, as to make them unready or unwilling to defert it, and go forth after Chrifl, bearing his reproach ; for ' we have here no con- * tinuing city.' 2. This world never did, and never will, give a flate of reft and fatisfa£lion to believers. It will not afford them a city ; it is Jerufalem above that is the vijion of peace, Arife and depart, this is not your refl. 3. Though deftitute of a prefent fatisfa£lory reft, God hath not left believers without a profpedt of what fhall be fo to eternity. We have not, but we feck, 4. As God hath, in his unparalleled love and care, pre- pared a city of reft for us, it is our great duty conti- nually to endeavour the attainment of it in the ways of his appointment. 5. The main bufinefs of believers in this world is, di- ligently to feek after the city of God, or the attainment of eternal reft with him. This is the character v/hereby they IBay be known. Y£RSES i^iz AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.XIII^ Verses 15 — ly. BY HIM THEREFORE LET US OFFER THE SACRIFICE OF PRAISE TO GOD CONTINUALLY, THAT IS, THE FRUIT OF OUR LIPS, GIVING THANKS TO HIS NAME. BUT TO DO GOOD AND TO COMMUNICATE, FORGET NOT ; FOR WITH SUCH SACRIFICES GOD IS WELL PLEASED. OBEY THEM THAT HAVE TflE RULE. OVER YOD, AND SUBMIT YOURSELVES ; FOR THEY WATCH FOR YOUR SOULS, AS THEY THAT MUST GIVE ACCOUNT ; THAT THEY MAY DO IT WITH JOY, AND NOT WITH GRIEF; FOR THAT IS UNPRO- FITABLE FOR YOU. § I . "Tranjztion ' to Chrijlian duties,, as connected with the Chriftian altar. § 2. Our facrifices to he offered by Chrift, § 3. Giving thanks. ^ 4. Other facrifices ; to do goody and to communicate. ^ 5. Which are pleafmg t(x God, § 6. Other duties, § 7. Obedience to our guides y ^8. Who watch for our fouls ^ § 9. And are^accounta-^ ^ hie, § io« A motive of obedience to them, § I I — 13» Obfervations, I. H AVING dsclaredof what nature our altar Is, and the fundamental points of our religion thence ariling ; our faith in Chrift Jefus, and the profeffion thereof in a readi- nefs for the crofs, and conformity to him thereby ; the apoflle proceeds to declare the nature of our altar and facri- fice^ in oppofition to thofe dodrines and ohfervanccs about meats., and other things of a iimilar nature, which de- pended on the altar, with its infcitutions. Having an altar^ we muft have facrifices to offer ; without which the former is of no ufe. § 2. ' By him (liaiPrd) therefore let vis offer.' AH the faciifices of the people under the law were offered by the priejis ; wherefore rcfpe£l is here had to Chrifl in the dif~ char^q Ver. 15—17. EPISTLE TO THE^ HEBREWS. 413 charge of his pricjily office. He fanftifies and ded'ico.tcs our perlons unto God, that we may be mete to offer facrifices to him ; he hath prepared a way for our accefs with boid- nefs into the ho]y place, where we may offer thefe facri- fices ; he hears the iniquity of our holy things, and make* our off*erings acceptable through his merits and interccffion ; he continues in the tabernacle of his own human nature, to offer up to God all the duties and fervices of the church. And ' ky him*, is the fame with by him alone. There is a profane opinion and pra6lice in the Papal church, about offering our facrifices of prayer and praife to God hy others \ as by faints and angels, efpecially by the blejjcd Virgin, But are they our altar f" Did they fanHify us by their blood ? Are they the high priefts of our church? Have they made us priefls unto God ? or prepared a new and a living way for our accefs to the throne of grace ? It is on account of thefc things, that we are faid to offer our fa- crifice by ChriJ}, and it is the higheil: blafphemy to ailigii them to any other. ' Let us offer, ^ the fpecial nature of it is an offering, a facrifice of praife \ praife is the matter Q)i\ht facrifice. By the law no blood could be offered on the altar, unlefs the beafl were immediately fain at the altar in order thereto ; and there anfwerably is a two-fold fpiritual facrifice, where- in our Chriflian profeflion eminently confifls. The firfl is that of a broken fpirit, [Pfal. li. 17.] repentance, in mortification and crucifying of the flefli, anfwers the mac- tation, or killing of the beaft.for facrifice, v/hich was the death and deflru£lion of the flefh. The other is the facri- fee of praife, which anfwers the offering of the blood 011 the altar, with the fire and incenfe, which yieldeth a fweet favour unto God. This we are enjoined to offer {^la, ^a?\0Q) continually ; without beJiig confined to appointed times and places, [Luke xviii. i. I. Thef. v. i 7. J for it may comprife places as well as times, [1. Cor. i. 2.] and alfo including dili- gence and perfcvcrance \ with a conftant readinefs of mmd, an 414 AN EXP(iSlTION OF THE Chap. Xllf. an holy difpofitioii and inclination of heart to it, a£led in all proper feafons and opportunities. § 3. (T^T.-cr/ y^oc^TTov yjiKsoov) that is, the fruit of our lips -y it is generally granted that this expreffion is taken from Hof. xiv. 2. where the fame duty is called {x=2nB tlJ»nst:>j the calves of our lips ; for the fenfe is the fame, and fraife to God is intended in both places. But the defign of the apodle in alledging this place is peculiar ; for the prophet is praying in the name of the church for mercy, grace, and deliverance ; and thereon he declareth what is the duty of it upon an anfwer to their prayers. Now whereas this, according to the inftitutions of the law, was to have been in vows and thank, offerings of calves and other beafls, he declares that, inftead of them all, vocal thank fulnefs in celebrating the praife of God, fhould fuc- ceed. This he calls, ' the calves of our lips,' becaufe that the ufe of our lips in praife was to come into the room of all thanks offerings by calves. The pfalmifl fpeaks to the fame purpofe, Pf. li. 16, 17. But moreover, the mercy, grace, and deliverance, which the prophet treats about, were thofe that were to come by the redemption which is in Jefus Chrift. After that there was to be no moro facrifce of calves, but fpiritual facrifices of praife only, winch he therefore calls the * calves of our * lips.' The apoflle therefore doth not only cite his wordsy but refpe(fts the dcfpi of the Holy Ghoft in them, which was — to declare the ctjjation of all carnal facrifices, upon the deliverance of the church by the facrifice of Chrifl. And he changeth the words from * calves' to ' fruit,' to declare the fenfe of the metaphor in the prophet. And be- caufe there may be fome ambiguity in that expreflion, * the fruit of our Hps,' which in general is the produ£l and effc<5t of them, he adds a declaration of its nature — giving thanks, or confcffing, * to his name;' to profefs and ac- Jcnowlcdge his glorious excellenck-s and works. § 4. Bt caufe he perfifteth in his defign of declaring the pature of gofpel worlhip and obedience, in oppofition to the inftitutions of the law j he calls thefe duties alfo^/^rr/- fices^ Ver.is— 17- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 415 ficesy upon the account of their being accepted with God, as the facrifices of old were. * But to do good,' &c. (Sc) hut^ is only continuative, and may be rendered moreover ; to the former duties add this alfo. Havmg prefcribed the great duty of divine worjhip^ fome may think that this is the vjhole required of them ; but, to obviate that dangerous evil, forget not this impor- tant addition. There may be a Meiofis in the expreffion, * to do good forget not;'' that is, diligently attend to thofe things ; which includeth, 1. A gracious propenfty and readinefs of mind to do good to all. ' The liberal devifeth liberal things,' [Ifa. xxxii. 8.] 2. The afiing of this inclination in all ways fpiritual and temporal, whereby we may be ufeful and helpful to mankind. 3. The embracing of all occaftom and opportunities for the exercife of pity, companion, and loving-kindnefs on the earth. It is required, that the defign of our lives, according to our abilities, be to do good to others ; which is comprehenfive of all the duties of the fecond table. This [zViToiioc) beneficence is the life, fait, and as it were, the ligament of human fociety ; it is the glory of religion^ rendering it divinely honourable ; is a great evidence ot the renovation of our natures into the Hkenefs and image of God, and a convincing demonflration of our having altered our center, end, and intereft, from felf to God. A particular inflance of this beneficence is [■holvjovlo'S) communication^ the aftual exercife of that charity towards the poor, which is required of us according to our ability. To be negligent herein, is to defpife the wifdom of God, in the difpofal of the lots and conditions of his own chil- dren in the world, in fo great variety, for the exercife of our graces ; fuch as patience, fubmifTion, and truft, in the poor ; thankfulnefs, bounty, and charity, in the rich. Where thcfe graces are mutually exercifed, there is beauty, order, and harmony, in this effed of Divine wifc'om, with a revenue of glory and.praife to himfelf. He that gives aright finds the power of divine grace in his VolIV. Hhh heart 5 4i6 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. Xllf, heart ; and he that receives aright, is fenfible of divine care and love in feafonahlc fupphes. God is nigh to both. No man is rich or poor merely for himfelf ; but to fill up that public order of things, which God hath defigned to his own glory. ^ 5. The obfervance of thefe duties the apoftle preiTeth on them, becaufe ' with fuch facrifices God is well pleafed.' He ftiil calls our Chriftian duties by the name o{ facrifices^ feeing they have the general nature of facrifices, as to cojl and parting with what is ours. And, indeed, all things done for God, to his glory, and wiiich is accepted with him, may be fo called. The force of the motive conlifts in this, that ' with thefe facrifices (^svapsgci]cci c ©eoc) * God is well pleafed ;' there is a clear intimation of ih^ f pe- dal pleafure of God in thefe things ; he is well pleafed with it in an efpecial manner. § 6. ' Obey them that have the rule over you.' This is the third inflance of duties required in our Chriflian profefHon, on the account of the facrifice of Chrift, and our fanftification by his blood. — Let us go forth — let us fa^ crifice, and — let us ol^ey, A few things may be here premifed :• 1. There is a fuppofition of a fettled church fiate among them to whom the apoftle wrote, [fee chap, x. 24, 25.] for there were among them rulers and the ruled. 2. The epiflle was written immediately to the commw 'ti'ity of the faithful, or body of the fraternity in the church, as diilinguifhed from their rulers and guides, [ver. 24.] 3. The fpecial duty here prefcribed extends to all that concerns church rule and order ; for all fprings from the * due obedience of the church to its rulers,' and their due difcharge of their ofiice. § 7. ' Them that have the rule over you,' {roig Viyh^^.ivoig vii:.ov) your guides or leaders ; who rule, not with magilie- rial powder or rigid authority ; but with fpiritual care and benignity, which were then of two forts, [I. Tim. v. 17.] iuch as, together with rule, laboured alfo in the word and dodrine, and fuch as attended to rule only. Thofe here intended Ye:i. 15.— 17' EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 417 intended were the ordinary elders, or officers of the church, which were then fettled among them. It is with refpedl to their teachings or paftoral feeding, that they are commanded to obey them ; for the word {TT-i^o^cii) fignifies obedience on a perfuafion ; fuch as dodlrine, inftruflion, or teaching, produceth. And the fiihmijjion required (vTrcmf]:-} fubmlt your/elves, refpe£ls their rule ; obey their do£trine, and fubmit to their rule. Some things mud be remarked to clear the apofde's in- tention: 1. It is not a blind Implicit obedience and fubje^ion, that is here prefcribed ; for there is nothing more contrary to the whole nature of gofpel obedience, which is our reafona^ hie fervice. 2. It refpe£ls them in their office only. If thofe who fuppofe themfelves in office, teach and enjoin things that belong not to their office, there is no obedience due to them by virtue of this command. 3. It is their duty fo to obey^ whilfl they * teach the * things which the Lord Jefus Chrifl hath appointed them * to teach,' (Matt, xxviii. 20.] and to fubmit to their rule^ whilfl it is exercifsd in the name of Chrifl accord- ing to the word, and not otherwife. When they depart from thefe^ there is neither obedience, nor fubmiffion, due to them. Wherefore, 4. In the performance of thefe duties, there Is fup- pofed a judgement to be made of what is enjoined or taught by the word of God ; and our obedience to them mufl be obedience to God. 5. On this fuppofition, their vjord is to be obeyed, and their rule fubmittcd to ; not only becaufe they are true and right materially ; but alfo becaufe they are theirs, and con- veyed from them by divine inflitution. A regard is to be had to their authority and office poiuer, in what they teach and do. § 8. * For they watch for your fouls, as they that mufl < give account.' Obey them, for they watch ; make this confideration a motive to your duty (c^y^vTi'^acri) they watch with the greatefl care and diligence., not without trouble H h h 2 and 4i8 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Crat.XHL and danger; as Jacob kept and watched the flock of La« ban in the night (vtteo tcjcv '^uxocv vijlmv) for your fouls i for their good, denoting the final caufe ; that your fouls may be guided, kept, and dire£led to their prefe^it duty, and future reward. As if it were faid, The important work of thefe rulers is only to take care of your fouls ; to preferve them from evil, fm, and backfliding ; to in- Urudt and feed them ; to promote your faith and obe- dience, that they may lead you fafely to eternal refl ; for this is their office appointed, and herein do they labour continually. Where there is not the defign of church rulers, where it is not their work and employment, where they do not evi- dence it to be fo, they can claim no obedience from the church by virtue of this rule ; becaufe this watching be- longs elTentially to the exercife of the office, without which it is but an empty name. On the other fide, that all the members of the church may be kept in due obedience to their guides, it is necelTary, that they always *' confider the nature of this office, and their difchaVge of it." Wheii they find that the office itfelf is a divine -inllitution for the good of their fouls, and that it is difcharged by their guides, with labour, care, and diligence, they will be dif- pofed to obedience and fubmiffion. And herein confifls the beauty and ufefulnefs of church order ; when the guides make it evident, that their whole defign is laborioufly and diligently to promote the eternal welfare of the fouls com- mitted to their care ; and when the people, on the other hand, obey them in their dodrine, and fubmit to them in their rule. § 9. 'As they that mull give account ;' that is, of their offi.ce, and the difcharge of it. They are not ow- ners, but flewards ; they are not fovereigns, but fervants. There is a great f})epherd to whom they muft give an ac- count of tlieir office, of their work, and of the flock com- mitted to their charge. Although the laft great account^ which all church guides muft give of their ftewardlhips, maybe intended, yet the prefent account which they give every day to Jefus Chrift, of the work committed Xo them J Ver. iil'-r-i;- EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 41^ them, is alfo included. There are no confcientious church guides, but do continually reprefent to the Lord Chrifl the flate of their flock, and what is the fuccefs of their miniilry among them. If they thrive, if they flourifli, if they go on to perfeftion, this they give him an account of; bluffing him for the work of his fpirit and grace among them. If they are unthrifty, fallen under decays, &;c, therein alfo they give an account to Jefus Chrift ; they fpread it before him, mourning v/ith grief and forrow. The fuppofition of an account given with forroiji\ can re- fer to no other account, but that which is prefcnt, with refpe£l to the fuccefs of the miniilry. And, indeed, much of the life of the miniflry, and benefit of the church, de- pends on the continual * giving an account' to Chrift, bv prayer and thankfgiving, of the flate of the church, and fuccefs of the word therein. Thofe guides who efleem themfelves obliged theretc^, ^wd. who live in the praHice of it, will find their minds engaged thereby, to conflant diligence, and earnefl la- bouring in the difcharge of their duty. § 10. ' For that is unprofitable for you.' Now this joy or forrciv, wherewith they are afFeded in giving their accounts, doth not here immediately refpeft themfelves, or their own miniftry, (for they are ' a fweet favour unto * God, both in them that are laved, and in them that pe- * rifh ;') but the church committed to their guidance. I. The duty is urged, that they may give their account (^^cc yjoc^ccc) with joy. What matter of Xht great eft joy is it to faithful paftcrs, when they find the fouls of their charge thriving under their miniilry ! Thus one of the apoftles themfelves : * I have no greater joy, than to hear ' that my children walk in the truth,' [III. John, vcr. 4.I And thus another : ' What is our hope, or joy, or crozu?i * of rejoicing P are ye not in the prefence of our Lord Jefus ' Chrift at his coming r for ye are our glory and jov,* [I. Thef. ii. 19, 20.] And when they give this account "with glory and praife, it fills their hearts with joy in a particular manner. And this, on many accounts, is * proftabli for the church itfelf ; they will quickly find the 42<> AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XIII* the effects of the Joy of their guides, in their account, by the cheerful difcharge of their miniftry^ and in token of Chrift being well pleafed with them. 2. The duty is prefled for the avoidance of the contrary frame, (^yj gcva^oyicg) not with grief; not grieving or mourning. The fadnefs of the hearts of gofpel minifters upon the unprofitablenefs of the people, or their fhame- ful mifcarriages, is not eafy to be expreffed. With what lighing, what greaning^ (as the word fignifies) their ac- counts to Chrill are accompanied, he alone knows, and the laft day will manifeft. When it is thus, although they have the prefent burden and trouble of it, yet it is un- frofitahle for the people, both here and hereafter ; unpro- iitable in the difcouragement of their guides, in the dif- pleafure of Chrill, and in all the alarming confequences which will enfue. § II. From the whole palTage thus explained, ohferve : 1. Thankfulnefs is the peculiar animating principle of all gofpel obedience. And, 2. Every a6l of grace in God, or love in Chrift, to- wards us, is in its own nature obligatory to thankful obe- dience. 3. The religious worfliip of any creatures, under what- ever pretence, hath no place in our Chrillian profeffion. And, 4. Every aft and duty of faith hath in it the na- ture of a faciifice to God, wherewith he is well pleafed. c. The great, yea the only encouragement which we have to bring our facrifice to God, with expedtation of acceptance, lieth herein ; that we are to offer them by him, who can and will make them acceptable in his light. And, 6. Whatever we tender to God, and not hy Chrijl, hath no other acceptance with him than the facrifice of Cain. 7. To ab;dc and abound in Iblcmn praife to God, for Jefus Chrill:, his mediation and facriiice, is the conflant duty of the church, and tlie bell charadler of fincere be- lievers. 8. A Ver. 15—17. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 42? 8. A conllant folemn acknowledgement of the glory of God, and of the holy excellencies of his nature (here cal- led his name) in the work of redemption, by the fufFering and offering of Chrift, is our principal duty, and the ani- mating foul and principle of all other duties. This is the great facriiice of the church, the principal end of all its ordinances of worfhip, the means of ex- prefling our faith and truft in the mediation of Chrift, and of giving up the revenue of glory to God, which, in this world, we are entrufted with. § 12. I. It is dangerous to the fouls of men, when an attendance to one duty is abufed to countenance the neg- le£l of another. So may the duties of the firft table be abufed, to the negle6l of thofe of the other, and the con-^ trary. There is an harmony in obedience, and a failure ia any one part diflurbs the whole. 2. The unbelieving world itfelf receives great advan- tage by the gracs adminiftered from the death of Chrift, and Its fruits, whereof the apoftle treats ; for there is an incli- nation wrought in them who are fan(flified by his blood, t9 ao good to all men, as they are able. And did all thofe, who at this day profefs the name of Chrift, fliew forth the virtue of his mediation in thefe duties, both the profeffioii of religion would be glorious, and the benefit which the world would receive thereby, would be unfpeakable. 3. That religion which doth not difpofe men to be- nignity, and the exercife of loving-kindnefs towards all, hath no relation to the crofs of Chrift. 4. Much lefs hath that, which difpofeth its profeflbrs to rage, cruelty, and oppreffion of others. 5. We ought always to admire the glory of Divine wlf- dom, which hath fo difpofed the ftate of the church in this world, that there fhould be a continual occafion for the exercife of everv grace mutually amongft ourfelves. 6. Beneficence and communication are the only out- zL-ard evidences and demonftrations of the renovation of God's image in us. 7. God hath laid up provifion for the poor, in \\\c grace and duty of the rich \ not in their coffers, and their barns, wherein 42» AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap.XIII. wherein they have no intereft. And in that grace lies the right of the poor to be fapphed. o. That the will of God revealed concerning his ac- ceptance of any duties, is the mofl effectual motive to our diligence in them. Promife of acceptance gives life to obedience. 9. The works and duties, which are peculiarly ufeful to men, are peculiarly acceptable to God. § 13. I. The due obedience of the church, in all its members, to the rulers of it, in the difcharge of their duty, is both the belt means of its edification, and the chief caufe of order and peace in the whole body. 2. An affumption of right and power by any, to rule over the church, without evidencing their defign and work to be a watching for the good of their fouls, is pernicious to themfelves, and ruinous to the church. 3. Thofe who attend confcientioufly and diligently to tlie difcharge of their minifterial work, towards their flocks, have no greater joy, or forrow in this world, than what accompanies the daily account which they give to^Chrift, of the difcharge of their duty among them, according ta the fuccefs they meet with. Verses 18, 19. ?ray for us ; for we trust we have a good con- science, in all things willing to live ho- nestly, but i beseech you the rather to do this, that i may be restored to you the SOONER. § I. Contents of the clofe of the ep'iftle. § 2. 'The true rea^ fon of.PauVs concealing his name. § 3. Expofition. His requeft of their prayers.. ^ 4. The ground of his confidence » § 5. His farther cQrnefincfs. § 6, Ohjervation* § I. vyF the clofe of the cpiflle, which only how re- mains, there are three parts, (i.) The apoftle's ?t^2^£/? of Ver. 18, 19. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 423 of their prayers for himfelf, [ver. 18, 19.] (2.) His fo- lemn bemdl^ive prayer for them, [ver. 20, 21.] (3.) An account of the Hate of Timothy, with the ufual falutation, [ver. 22 — 25.] § 2. From this concluding part of the epiflle it is evi- dent, that the author did not conceal himfelf from the He- brews, neither was that the reafon why his name was not prefixed to it, as to all his other epiflles. For he plainly declares himfelf, in all his circumftances, as one who was very well known to them. But the true and only reafon of that omiffion was, becaufe he dealt not with thefe Jewifh converts merely by virtue of his apoftoUcal authority^ and the revelation of the gofpel, which he had received from Jefus Chrift, on which ground he dealt with the Gentile churches ; but lays his foundation in the authority of the Old Teftament fcriptures, which they acknow- ledged, and refolves all his arguments and exhortations thereto. Hence he gave no title to the epiftle ; but im- mediately laid down the principle and authority on which he v/ould proceed, z^i%. the Divine revelation of the Old Tcilament. § 3. There are in the words > — A requeji made, * Pray * for us.' — The ground which gave him confidence therein ; ' for w^e truft,' &c. — A prefling the fame requeft, with re- fpe£t to his prefent fiate and defign, [ver. 19.] * But I * befeech you,' &c. It was their duty always to pray for him ; but to mind them of that duty, and to manifefl what efleem he had of it, he makes it a point of requeft ; as we ought mutually to do among ourfelves. And this argues a confidence in their faith and mutual love, without which he would not have required their prayer for him. And he grants that the prayers of the meaneji faints may be ufeful to the greateft apoftles, both with refpefl to their perfons, and the difcharge of their office. Hence it was ■ufual with Paul, to defire the prayers of the churches to whom he wrote, [II. Cor. i. 1 1. Ephef. vi. 19, Sec] For in mutual prayer for each other confifts one principal part of the communion of faints, wherein they are help- ful to one another at all times, and in all conditions. Vol. IV. J i i An4 424 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XIIL And herein he alfo manlfells what efteem he had of them, whofe prayers he thought would find acceptance with God on his behalf. § 4. As a ground of his confidence in this requeft, he adds : ' for we truft we have a good confcience.' As Jincerity in the teftimony of a good confcience gives us a confidence before God, in our own prayers, notwithiland- ing our many faiHngs and infirmities ; fo, it is requifitc jn our requefts for the prayers of others. For it is the height of hypocrify to defire others to pray for our deii^ verance from that which we 'willingly indulge ourfelvcs in ; or for fuch mercies as we cannot receive without foregoing what we will not forfake.— This, therefore, the ^poftle here teilifies concerning himfelf, in oppofition to ^11 reproaches and falfe reports, which they had heard con-' cerning him. The teftimony of his * having a good confcience,' con- iifts in this, that he ' was willing, in all things, to live * honeftly.' A will, refolution, and fuitable endeavours to live honejlly in all things, is a fruit and evidence of a good confcience. Being * willing^ denotes readinefs, re- solution, and endeavour, extending to all things^ wherein confcience is concerned, or our whole duty towards God and men. The exprefiion of * living homfdy^ as it is commonly ufed, doth not reach the emphafis of the ori- ginal. A beauty in converfathn, or exa£l eminency therein, is intended. This was the apoftle's defign in all things, and ought to be that of all the minifters of the gofpel, both for their own fakes, as It is what in an efpecial man- ner is required of them, and alfo that they may be con- vincing examples to the people. § 5. ' But I befeech you the rather,* &c. He is fur- ther earneft in his requeft, with refpeft to his defign of coming in perfon unto them. Here it is implied, that he had been with them formerly— that he dcjires to he rejiored to them ; that is, to come to them again, that they might have the benefit of^ his miniftry, and he the comfort of their faith and obedielK:.e ; — that the Lord Chrift did dif- fpofe of the aiFairs of hi§ cliurch much according to their prayers Ver.20, 21. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 42^ prayers, to his own glory, and their great confolation. Yet if is uncertain whether ever this delire of his was accom- phflied or no ; for the epiflle was written after the clofe of the apoftoHcal hiftory in the Book of the Ads^ and from thence forward we have httle certainty in matter of faft. § 6. Ohfervation. According to our prefent apprehen" .Jions of duty, we may lawfully have earneft delires after, and may pray for fuch things, as fliall not in fa£l come to pafs. The facred purpofes of God are not the rules of our prayers. Verses 20, 21. row THE GOD OF PEACE, THAT BROUGHT AGAII^ FROM THE DEAD OUR LORD JESUS, THAT GREAT SHEPHERD OF THE SHEEP, THROUGH THE BLOOD OF THE EVERLASTING COVENANT, MAKE YOU PER- FECT IN EVERY GOOD WORK TO DO HIS WILL, WORKING IN YOU THAT WHICH IS WELL PLEASING IN HIS SIGHT, THROUGH JESUS CHRIST; TO WHOM BE GLORY FOR EVER AND EVER, AMEN. § I. T'he Gpofiles prayer for them. % 2. ^e title given to Gcd \ the God of peace, § 3. The work afcribed to him^ as the God of peace. § 4. Through the blood of the ever^ laji'ing covenant, § 5. The way whereby we may be ena- bled effe dually to d'o the will of God. ^ 6. Jn afcription of glory to Chriji. ^ J . Obfervations. §8. The author's devout thanks and pra'ife to Chrifiy fot his gracious help. § I. JLXAVING defired their prayer for him, he adds his prayer for them, and therewith gives a folemn clofe to the whole epillle. A glorious prayer it is, enclofing the li i 2 whole 4a6 AN EXPOSITIOI^J OF THE Chap. XIIL whole myftery of Divine grace, both in its original,- and the way of its communication. He prays for the fruit end benefit of all he had before injlrutlcd them in^ to be applied to them ; for the fubflance of the whole doftrinal part of the epiftle is included in his comprehenfive prayer. There are fome things to be confidered in this prayer, for the expofition of the words. (i.) The title affigned to God J fuited to the requeft made. (2.) The work af- cribed to him fuitable to that title. (3.) The things ■prayed for ^ &c. (4.) A doxology, with a folemn clofe cf the whole. § 2. Hie title affigned to God, or the name by which he calls upon him is, * the God of peace.' All things being brought by fin into a flate oi dif order ^ confuf.on^ and enmity^ there was no fpr'ing of peace left ; no caufe of it, but in the nature and will of God, which eminently jullii- fies this title. He alone is the author of all peace, both in the preparation and the communication of it by Jelus Chrill. All peace is from him ; that w^hich we have with himfelf, in our own fouls, between angels and men, between Jews and Gentiles. The Hebrews had been tof- fed, perplexed, and difquieted, with various dodrines and pleas about the law, and the obfervance of its inllitu- tions. Wherefore, having performed his part in com- municating the truth to them, he now, as a fuitable clofe of the whole, applies himfelf, by prayer, to the God of peace ; that he, who alone is the author of it ; who ' creates' it where he pleafeth, would, through his inflruftion, give refi and peace to their minds. Note. If this be the title of God ; if this be his glory, that he is * the God of peace,' how excellent and glorious is that peace, from whence he is fo denominated, and w^hich we have with himfelf, by Jefus Chrift. § 3. ' Tliat brought again from the dead our Lord Je~ * fus.' AH the work of God towards Jefus Chrift, refpefted him as the head of the church, as our Lord and Saviour ; and thence alone have we an intereft in all the grace of it. Again, he is defcribed by his office, under which confideration he WaS the obje^ of the work men- tioned > Ver. 20, 2i. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 427 tioned ; * that great Shepherd of the flieep ;* he who was promifed to the church, and the objed of its faith and hope, from the beginning ; he who was looked for, prayed for, and who was now actually come as the Sa- viour of his flock. He is faid to be great on many ac- counts ; in his perfon, in his poiver to preferve and fave his flock ; in his undertaking, and the efFedual accom- phfhment of it ; and his glorious exakation. He is every way incomparably great and glorious. Note. The fafety, fecurity, and confolation of the church much depend on this greatncfs of our Shepherd. He is * the Shepherd of the fheep ;' they are his own. He was promifed and prophefied of, under the name of a Shepherd, [Ifa. xl. i i. Ezek. xxxiv. 23. chap, xxxvii. 24.] and that which is fignified hereby, is comprehen- iive of the whole office of Chrift, as king, prieft, and pro- phet of the church. For as a Shepherd, he feeds ; that is, rules and inftru^s it ; and being * that Shepherd who ' was to lay doivn his life for the fheep, "* [John x. 1 1.] he executes towards them his priefly office alfo. All the ele6t are committed to him of God, 2.% fheep to a fhepherd, to be redeemed and preferved, by virtue of his office. That which we are here principally taught is, that he * died in the difcharge of his office,' as the ' great Shep- * herd of the fheep ;' which exprefieth both the excellency of his love, and the certainty of the falvation of the elea. The God of peace * brought him again from the dead.* Herein confifteth his great adling towards the church, as the God of peace, and herein he laid the foundation for communicating unto us grace and peace. God, even the Father, is frequently faid to * ralfe Chrill from the dead,* bccaufe of his fovereign authority in the difpofal of the whole work of redemption ; and Chriil is faid to raife hirnfelf, or ' to take his life again,' when he was dead ; becaufe of the immediate efficacy of his Divine perfon therein, [John x. 18.] But fomewhat more is intended, than that mere a£l of Divine power, whereby the human nature oi Chrift was qiaick- 428 AN EXPOSITION OF THE Chap. XIIL quickened by a re-union of foul and body ; a moral a£l of authority is alfo intended. The law being fulfilled and anfwered ; the flieep being redeemed by the death of the Shepherd, the God of peace, to evidence that peace was now perfectly made, by an a£l of fovereign authority, brings him again into a Hate of life, completely delivered from the charge of the law. [See ]Pfal. xvi. lo, 1 1.] § 4. ' Through the blood of the everlaftlng covenant ;' the covenant of grace, which is a tranfcript and effect of the covenant of redemption, called ' everlajllng^ both in oppoiition to the covenant made at Sinai, which was but for a time, and accordingly was now removed ; and be- caufe the effefts of it are not temporary benefits, but everlafling mercies, grace, and glory. The blood of this co- venant is the blood of Chrili himfelf ; which, as a faaifice to God, confirmed the covenant ; and which, as it was fpr'mkled, procured and communicates all the grace and mercy of the covenant to them, who are taken into the bond of it. But how is God faid to bring Chriil from the deadj * through the blood of the covenant r' In reply, we re- mark, that the death of Chrifl, if he had not rifen, would haye not completed our redemption ; we fhouldhave been yet in our fins. For then evidence would be given, that atonement was not made. The bare refiivredlion of Chrift would not have faved us ; for fo any other man may be railed by the power of God. But the * bringing * again Chriil from the dead, through the blood of the ever- ' lafiing covenant^'' gives alTurance of the complete redemp- tion and falvation of the church. Many expofitors have iilled this place with conjectures to no purpofe, without fo much as looking towards the mind of the Holy Ghofl in the words. § 5. * Make you perfeft,' or rather, (KcnTCi^ricroii v^ag) make you mcct^ fit and able. This is what in yourfelves you are no way lit and prepared for, whatever light, power, or liberty, you may be fuppofed to have ; it is not abfolute perfe^ion, but a bringing of the mental faculties into due order, to difpofe, prepare, and enable them, that they may work accordingly, — * In every good work / for every duty 2 of Ver. zo, 21. EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. 429 of obedience. In general, he defigns the application of divine grace, through the mediation of Chrift, for our fan£lification, and the daily incrcafcs of it. {Iloiocv cv VjMy) * working in you that which is well plea- * Ung in his light through Jefus Chrift.' This is the way — the only way — whereby we may be enabled efFedlually to do the will of God. The efficiency of a6lual grace for every acceptable act of obedience cannot be more directly expreffed. — Through Jefus Chriji ; which may be referred either to working or to acceptance. If to the latter, what, 154. His feed, how as the ftars in- niimerable, 163. How he fulfilled God's command in offering Ifaac, 182. His obedience amplified, 183. The fvipport of his faith in that trial, 185. J^bridgements, advantage of good, i. 2. Difficulty of making good ones, 3. ^bridger, the duty of a faithful one, i. 5. Of this workj his principal en- deavour, what, 6. • Vol. IY. ^dam, the fin of, its effects, i. 107, 109. Adulterers J their doom, iv. 382. Affe&ions, natural, how mortified by- faith, iv. 173. When overpowered, by faith, an evidence of fincerity, 189. AysveaXoyijIof, its import, iii. 255. Agony, of Chriff, explained, iii. 36. Agrtppa, not the anointed cut off, i. zoo. Albinus, the ftate of the church about the beginning of his government, i. 79- . Allegorical expofitions, ii. 311. Altar, the Chrillian, what, iv. 403. Ambrofe, a remark of, i. 271. Analogy, of faith, its ufe in interpreting fcripture, ii. 452. Anaiiy.s, his cruelty to St. James, i. 80. Angelical motions, how diftinguifhed from the motions of the Holy Gholt, ii. 112. Angels, theaggravation of their apoftacy, our conceptions of, muft be regu- lated by fcripture, ii. 76. Their chief glory, wherein it confifts, 106. The particular, ends of their miniftry, no. L 1 1 AntU N ■flnu-chr'iftiin ftate, the feafon of its con- tinuance, ii. 329. yintiochusj Eplphanes, what called by the Jews, i. 93. A'ifiotky his definition of law, i. 44. AnnilluSy fome accovmt of, i. 158, i6r. Arminianifm, oppofed by Dr. Owen, i. 16. Artaxcrxes, Longimanus, the decree of, referred ta by Daniel's prophecy, i. 212. Afcy Rabbi, compiler of the Babylonifh Talmud, i. 97. t^Jfemblies, why fo much forfaken, iv. 60. ^/^<2«cf,fpecialfeafonsrequiring, ii. 509. AJfurunce, to retain, the utmoft dili- gence neceffaiy, iii. 183. Attendance, on the word, necelTary ta perfeverance, ii. 120. Atonement, the doftrine of, the life and fpirit of religion, iii. 49. Aujiin, St. his remark on the facred wri- ters, i. i;4. Authority of God, the groimd of faith, ii. 70. The formal reafon of our obedience, 307. B BackflidingSf the very appearance of, to be ihunned, ii. 415. Their begin- nings hardly difcoverable, 486. A prefervative againft, 487. JJaf)tiJ»!, not regeneration, iii. 401. Abufes of, iL , • how reprefented by Noah's ark, iv. 138. Saptilm, doctrine of, what, iii. 108. BaT.liT fxo!;i the meaning of, iii. 503. Barchochebu, a falfe MelTiah, i. 155. Bcirloiv, Bilhop, his fricndlhip to Dr. Owen, i. 32. and laft conference with him, ib. Banrr.ne'fSf under the gofpel, its danger iH. 158. BaftI, St. an excellent faying of, ii. 41. Another, 294. Bates, Dr. his charader in brief by Mr. Hervey, i. 31. Note. Beckai, Rabbi, his diftributioiv of the law, i. 91. Believers, the duty of, to rejoice in thp glory of Jefus Chrift, ii. 83. HoW related to one another, 250. Oi» Avhat account the houfe of God, 2.85. What required of them, as being in the houfe, 286. Their happy ftate under the gofpel, 430. Their privi- leges not leffened by the gofpel, 466. Believing, whether, the duty of linncrs, ii. 401. Themyfteryof, confifts in mixing the truth and faith in the mind, 418. Bembus, Fctrus, cenfurcd, i. 53. Ben-U%%iel, his glofs on Jacob's prophe- cy, i. 177. Beritb, conftantly rendered by Jtaflijxu, i. 85. Varioufly ufed, 285. — — remarks on, iii. 441, 531, 541. Bernard^ St. a laying of, about underj ftanding St. Paul's writings, i. 75. Bibli/lsy who fo called, i. 103. Biddie, John, two Socinian catechifms publilhed by, i. 23. Pleffings, facerdotal, how authoritative, iii. 248. The adtsof fuperiors, 277. The kinds of, 278. patriarchal, what, iv. 192.—^ Grotius's miftake concerning them, 193, Of parents, 282. Of minif- ters, 283. Blood of Chrift, all of it neceftary, iii. 64. Its purifying efficacy, 525. A ground of triumph to faith, 529. •—— Ihed, all innocent, has a voice, iv^ 122. Of Chrift, the only fecurity from dcftruftion, 223. Brtnius, betrayed the doftrines of Chrif- tianity, i. 122. Note. Brentiui, a remark of, concerning the fori pt\ ires, i. 49. Buchngham, the Duke of, i. 27. Buxto'f, his treatife on the Maflbretic diftinitions, i. 94. Cajctan, fcruples of, as to the epiftle t* the Hebrews, i. 48. C^tll, an ordinary, to the miniftry, wherein it eonfifts, iii. 22. Canonical y whence the term derived, i. 44. Marks to diftingviiih whacbooksare, ib. Camera, refuted by Spanhcmius, i. 63. Catalogue, a complete, of Dr. Oweu's works, i. 40. Cerinthus, gave occafion to the writing of St. John's gofpel, i. 58.. Chaiuh, Rabbi, author of the Tafiphot, i. 97. Chaiim, Rabbi Jacob, collc(fted the o>-- fervation* yfthe Maftbrices, i. 94. I Qharlt^ D X, Chunks II. \iii civility to Dr. Owen, i. 32. Charnock, his character in brief by Mr. Hcrvey, i. 31. Note. Chajlijement , obfervations on, iv. 286. Children, the minds of, well-principled, a bleiTed thing, iv. 215. Christ, the prielthood of, i. 258. the kingdom or lordftiip of, 3 10. — — fuperior to Mofes, ii. 9. The on- ly vevealer of the Father's w !1, 27. The Father perpetually pre.\nr win, 63. His regalia, 80. His enemies, 98. The head of his people, 162. His inconceivable love, 174. His ex- altation, a pledge of final glory to be- lievers, 175. How he leads his church to glory, 186. His judging omni- fciency, 189, 4S4. The frame of his heart after his fufferings, 212. God find man in one perfon, 228. His atonement for fm neceflary for recon- ciliation, 237. Confideration of, the moft effedlual means to free men fromi error, 258. Worthy of all glory, 273. To be divinely worlhipped, S76. — — a priefl, and not of the tribe of Levi, how, iii. 24. A difcovery of, to convinced finners, 233. No Sa- viour without an oblation, 391. A "Mediator of a better covenant, 407. Chri/lianSy warned to leave Jerufalem, i. 81. Why unwilling to leave it, 82. X/>ireXoy*a, Dr. Owen's, its chara£lcr, i. Chryjojlom, St. a lule of, ii. 34. Say- iugsof, 37,41. r- an obfervation of, iii. 8. A pertinent remark, of, 150. Chtcrch, the fame in fubitance in every age, i. 90. - its immediate dependence on Chrift, ii. 162. its building, a great and glorious work., iii. 288. Never loles any privilege once granted, 493. more honourable in all its troubles than any other fociety, iv. 216. Churches, 'the fchools of Chrift, iii. 84. CV/y of JeruMem, not fought by Abra- ham," iv. 154. Of God, its glorious privileges, 341. Believers have noi^e on earsh, in what fen fe, 410. Clarkfott, his funeral fermon for Dr. Owen, i. 37.. Clemens, Romanus, not the author of the Epiftle to the Hebrews, i. 62. nor tranflator, 84. Alexandrinus, a nx^ftakc of, i. (}2, 66. Command of God, either vocal or inter- pretative, ii. 72. Communion ivith God, Dr. Owen's publi- cation called, i. 23. Compq/Jion, of Chrift, iii. 8. Obferva- tions on, 14. Computation, of Daniel's weeks, i. 20 r. Conant Dr. fucceeds Dr. Owen as Vice- Chancellor, i. 23. Concupijcence, evil, what called by the Jews, i. 109. Good, what, accord- ing to the Jews, iii. Condejcenjion, the great, of God, illuf- trated, ii. 166. CmfeJJion of fin, the caufes and end of evangelical, iv. 14. Infeparable from faith, 234. Conjidfnce of hope, wherein confift^s, ii. 286. Congregational plan of difcipline, pre- ferred by Dr. Owen, i. 17. Ccnfecratcd things, the ufe of, how ceafed, iii. 270. Confeqttences, deducible from fcripture af- fertions, ii. 63. Conjolation of believers, how provided fur, iii. 228. Convi^ion of fin, the great furprifal of, iii. 232. Covenant tranfaftions, between Father and Son, i. 284. —■ the mutual in-being of its pro- mifes and threatenings, ii. 433. the new, its ftability depends on the furetifhip of Chrift, iii. 341. Be- tween God and man, eftablifhcd on promifes, 409. Nature of the Mo- faic, and now diftingxiilhed from all others, 411. None efteftual, but what is confirmed in Chril^, 439. Qf grace, its nature and properties, 441. The foundatioai of a church ftatf, 557- token of the, received in in•^ fancy, its advantage, iv. 215. Covetoujnefs, the evil of, iv. 388. Comifels, the divine, their nature, i. 268. Creation, the firft, fubfervient to th& glory of Chrift, ii. 27. Its dependence on Chrift, 45. The ftage of his, grace, 46. Deeply concerned in Chrift's incarnation, 71. Its perHhing ftatc, how to be improved, 93. Creatures, how ufed to the glory of God, ii. 30. C\rJll, his excellent obfervations, iik Cyrus, hia dcxrcc n.oi intended, by l^niei,. i. 209, ilia D..^ i?i^^^ N D X. D'iK'.el, his prophecy explained and vin- dicated, i. 189. Darius, three of that name, i. 210. JData in theology, what, i. 343. Death, allowed by the Jews to be penal, i. 108. - ■ the fear of, infeparable from fin, ii. 2ZO. Of Chrilt, how victorious, 224- ... ^ i • in what refpeft penal, iii. 582. »— a peculiar feafon, wlieu it is near, iv. 197. Decalogue, fubftance of the, iii. 484. Decrees of God, the moft reafonable way of confidering them, ii. 31. De/herer, two things ncceflary to quali- fy him, i. 122. Dejire of all nations, a name of the Mef- fiah, i. 184. what kind of, fhould pofTefs minif- ters, iii. 182. Whence it proceeds, 2^. Defpondency, how to be avoided, iv. 307. DeJlruBion of gofpel contemners, una- voidable, ii. 147. e of barren profeffors, ordinarily by degrees, iii. 163. Li%, governing nn accufative, and a ge- nitive, ii. 177, 178. Dil'i^encey the great importance of, .ii. 378. n in duty, expreflly required from profeffors, iii. 183, 185. Remarks on, 198. Dtflruft of God, a provoking fin, ii. 332. DoBrines, all Ihould be praftically im- proved, ii. 249. » Ihould be feafonably adminiftered, iii. 112. Some may be omitted for a feafon, 113. • ftrange obfervations on, iv. 401. Dags, two brazen ones made by the wife men, i. 244. Note. Dominion of Chriji, extends to all perfons, and all things, i. 310. believer's duty to rejoice in the, ii. 83. Duties, the fruit of faith and obedience, acceptable to God, iii. 156. Duty, an heroic fpirit neceffary to carry VIS through it, iv. 220. Defeit in it •will make men lame in their profef- lion, 308. F.hionitcs, their treatment of St. Paul and his writings, i. 46. Egyptian accouat of the Greci.in empire, i. 205. Elias, Rabbi, a tradition of his about the age of the world, i. 219. Elohim, remarks on, ii. 68. Eloquenccy facred, wherein it confifts, i. 53- Encouragement, o\\rntcd of, iii, 331. End of God in the work of Providence, "•.338- Enemies of Chrift, their end, ii. T02. — — of the church, remarks on^ iv. 4T. Apoftates the worft of, 77. Eniedinus fcrupled the authority of the, Epiftle to the Hebrews, i. 48. His fophii^ical cavil, 272. His exceptions agaiiift a plurality of perfons in the Di- vine nature, refuted, 277. His con- fidence reproved, 283. ■ ■ an error of, iv. 393. Enoch, why not joined with Elias at Chrift's transfiguration, iv. 124. EnrtXa/wfiaveloj, its falfe interpretation, confuted, ii. 227. Epifle to the Hebrews, its authority by whom, and why fcrupled, i. 48. — • Suppofed by fome to be written in He- brew, difproved, 66, 83. What effeft it had on the profeffing Hebrews, 83. — Not tranflated by Clemens, 84. — Abounds with Greek elegancies, ib. Is freer from hebraifms than could be expefled in a tranflation, ib. Erajmus fcrupled the authority of the Epiftle to the Hebrews, i. 48. Af- cribes it to Clemens Romanus, refu- ted, 65. ' ■ — a miftake of, iv. 390. Error in heart, what meant by it, ii. 301. The root of all provoking fins, 343. EJau, his birth-right what, iv. 318. — How fold, 319. He was rejedled, 321. Found no place of repentance, ib. Eternity, men under their trial for, iii. 157. E^nxa, its meaning in reference to Chrift, ii. 16. ETu/w,7raM what, iii. 99. The importance of it, 120. Its formal ob- je(fl, 431. The ground of its tri- umph, 529. f — ~ gives a prefent fubfiftence to things future, how, iv. 105. What fort of, , will carry us through difficulties, 107. A definition of, 108. By it objeilions againft invifible things are refuted, ib. Brings into the foul an experience of their power, 109. A means of pre- ferving believers in the profefTion of the gofpei, ib. As an inftrument, includes its objedl, 113. Of Abel and Cain, wherein it differed, 118. May be fhaken, but not overcome, 160. Its duty about temporal mercies, ib. Its formal objedl in the promifes, what, i6i. Looks on heaven, 178. In all ages the fame, 215. Highly rational in all its obedience, 217. Nothing infupcrable to, when rightly engaged, 220. Father, God the, with refpeft to the or- der of fubfiftcnce, ii. 43. Fear of God, the feveral forts of, ii. 403. The proper objedt of gcfpel commina- tions, 412. Federal tianfa&ions between the Father and the Son, i. 284. Fi^t lux, fome account of, i . 24. Jip^ment of the heart, moral corruption fo called, i. no. F'tr(i-born, whv is Chrift fo called, ii. 66. Ftavel, his charafter in brief by Mr. Hervey, i. 31. Note. Fleet-MooJ, Charles, Dr. Owen's letter to, Flepy applied to Chrift, fignifies what, iii. 32. formcation, a caveat againft, iv. 316. O Gulgaly what, i. 161. Gemaray compiled by Rabbi Afe, i. 97. Gemarijis, fome of ihem hold the perfcc-. tionof the written law, i. 100. riy=uKayovy.tM>^i its meaning cleared, iii. 255, 276. Genealogy of Chrift vindicated, i. 226. Gibbons, Dr. his vei-fion of the Latin epi- taph, for Dr. Owen, i. 38. Gifti, their order and fubferviency, i. 3^5- Gilbert, Mr. the author of the Latin epi- taph for Dr. Owen, i. 1 1 . Glojy of Chrijl, meditations on the, ils character, i. 31. God, in what fenfc the God of Chrift, ii. 81. His greatnefs illuftrated by the vifible creation, 167. His love and grace in the perfon of Chrift, a matter of eternal admiration, 171. His pre- fcnce alone the rule of defire, 348 His voice heard by many to no pro- fit, 391. Why he preferves a rem- nant for himfelf, 393. Difplcafed with nothing in this world but (in, 394- — what implied in hisbelng fuch to anyv iii. 451. — what implied in believing that he is, iv. 132. Godfrey, Sir Edmund, i. 33. Goud-uiin, Mr. John, his redemption re- deemed, i. 22. Dr. his character ia brief by Mr. Hervey, 31. Note. Gofpei, its dofbines to be improved for faith and obedience, ii. 249. Its mvf- teries require diligent confideration, 252. No newdoftrinc, 417. -' the word of righteouftiefs, in what fenfe, iii. 87. The word of the, is fpiritnal food, 91. Time, a feufon of trial for eternity, 157. Barren- ncfs under the, attended with an in- creafe of fm, 158. Go'V^^, Mr. Thomas, his book on chv rity, iii. 179. Grace, feafon thereof to be improved, ii. its efficacy in calling men, iv. 146. G/7^ri<£tures on, i. 339. Hofpitalityj a Chril^ian dtity recommend- ed, iv. 372. A peculiar reafon for it, ib. JlrA'-y tl^c glory of the latter, what, i. 179, 183. Ho-uiey his chara<5ler in brief by Mr. Her- vey^ i- 31. jVo/t. jFA-fi'", Lord Chancellor, his opinion of Dr. Owen, i. 24. J ^arob, his prophecy refpe^ling the time f>f the Mclhah's coming, i. 170. — — his faith in bleffing the fons of Jo- feph, iv. 194. Why this particular; of his faith fcleded, ib. y.irchiy Rabhi Solomon, his word'; plain and remarkable, i. 283. J^ote. Jdolatyy of the Jews, under the firlt tem- ple,^ i. 215. yfatoujyy Godly, liow a duty, ii. 360. Huiy, what, 361. yehawihy the name how called by the ca- balirts, i. 244. Jerome, St. a remark of his concerning Marcion and others, i. 48. His opi- nion of the wifdom of Solomon, 59. — ■ - the rtate of his mind when a her- mit, ii. 334. Jerujalem, heavenly, believers come t« it, iv. 339. The privileges of it, 340. yefus of Naz-areth, the true Mefliah, i. 224. The charafterilVic notes con- cerning the Meffiah agrej all in him, 226. The Jews' pretence concerning his miracles monftrous, 244. Note. - remarks on the name, ii. 454. the Mediator of the new covenant, iv. 347. The altar of the church, 402. Jewiy their miftake about the promife and coyenajat, i. 88. Their ptefent notion of the written word, and oval tradition, 91. The means whereby they expedt to be faved, 122. Their expeAations at the birth of Chrift, 1:^3. The faith of their forefathers lort among them, ib. Why the Mef- fiah was rejeAcd by them, i ^4. Two Mcfiiahs inexpe6tation by them, 157. The caufes of their unbelief, 163. — Their confeffion concerning the glory they faw at Rome, 168. Modern, their evafions anfwered, 214. remarkable fayings of theirs, ii. 28, 189, 310, 388. — ■ an aggravation of their prefent rai- feiy, iii. 362. IgnorarAre, our calamity and fin, iii. 16. Illumir.ationy fpiritual, iii. 492. Imitation of good men, iii. 203. Impojition of hands, iii. 109. Li/iitutions of the goCpel, their impor- tance, ii. 365. obfervations on Divine, iii. 306- Arbitrary obfervations on, 468. Of Divine worfhip, to be inquired into with diligence, 496. InterceJ/ion of Chrift, iii. 352. Three ways typified under the Old Tcfta- ment, 353. The ground of confola- lation, 358. Jobannany Rabbi, conipiler of the Jeru- falem Talmud, i. 97. yojeph, inllances of his faith, iv. 19"^. Joy, in v.hat fenfe fet before Jefus, iv. '273- Jfaac, the futh of, iv, 191. Wherein deficient, wherein right, ib. Judahy Rabbi, author of the Miftip;':^ J. 96. if^ E X, ^ttJgment^ the laft, Tts nature and evi- dence, iii. 103. Juliariy his notion of the fcriptuies, ii. 346- 'Jujlicc, of God, required the punilh- ment of fin, i. 297. Not contrary to mercy, 302. —— fatisfa>iiion demanded by, ii. 183, J98. Karcct, hold that the law is perfeft, i. 100. Reproved for it by their Jewilh brethren, 103. KaTacr;H^a;jU£v, the import of, ii. 287. ViaiTiyi^y tu irXuS-oj, the meaning of, ii. 287. . — O^at/patf, thefignifica- tion of, lb. Kingdom of Chrift, its laws righteous and holy, ii. 84. KAnjovo/t-to; its true meaning in regard to Chrilt, ii. 14. Knoiu ledge of God, obfervations on, iii. 459- Kpauy* ^^"XJ^^tt the meaning of, ex- plained, iii. 35. AttXEtVaj, the fignification of, when ap- plied to Abel. iv. 121. Lane^ John Vincent, author of Fiat lux, i. 24. L^Jl days, their true import, ii. 3. Laud, Archbilhop, his impofition of fu- perlHtious rites on the univerfity of Oxford, i. 13. La'cv, the different parts of it, i. 124. — Moral, cannot juftify us, 124. Of facrificcs, cannot, 125, 126. »■ ■ wherein it agrees with, and differs from the gofpel, ii. 2. < how abrogated, iii. 319. — — terror attending the promulgation of the, iv. 325. Letter, a peace-making one, i. 36. To Sir John Hartop, 37. Levi, Mr. David, a letter to him, i. 354. Life of Chriit in heaven threefold, iii, 3C2. Llndanus, an obfervation of his on the authority of the fcripturcs, i, 45. L''p'na)i, his thought of Adam's fin, i. 109. Aoyoq rov <5eyj, remarks on, ii. 474. Love of Chrill, in delivering us from fm, ii. 49. Of God, how admirable, 171. Of Chrift, how great, 174. of Chiift, contemplation of the, iii. 57. Its excellence, 170, 191.— Among believers, a fruit of the fplrk of holincTs, 171. Cautions againll the hindrances of it, 176. The molt powerful oppofitions to it, 178. Its great trial, 197. 1 brotherly, recommended and en- joined, iv. 369. Love/acej Lord, Dr. Owen his chaplain, i. 14. Luke, St. fuppofed by fome, to be the au- thor of the Epillle to the Hebrews, i- 63. M Macbir, K^hhi, a faying of, i. 243. Maivtonides, his notion of tltt MefTiaK and his kingdom, i. 162. a faying of, ii. 13. Man, made for eternitv, ii. 93. iV/«>;^|//J Ben Ifrael, Rabbi, his account of original fin, i. iii. His opinioii of the anointed cut off, 200. The opinion of, about the MefTiah's reign, 163. MftvSava), the import of, iii. 54. Marriage, what, honourable, iv. 380. MaJJora, what, i. 93. Means, are fometimcs given without ef- feftual grace, ii. 339. Mediator, the difference between fucK and a furety, iii. 333. His office, 40?. A definition ot the term, ib, Melchijedec, was the firft prieft, i. 261. Was a facriiiccr, 262. — — and his prieflhood, iii. 237. Whether a mere man, 238. His dc- fcent not recorded, why, 255. Where- in typical of Chrifi, 257. Menahem, Rabbi, a remarkable faying of, concerning the fm of Adam, i. 109. Merchants, Solomon's, ii. 252, Mercy, that it hinders the exercife of juftice, confuted, i. 299. And juf- tice, properties of the Divine nature, 303- Mcjfiab, the firfl promife of the, i. 1 2 7. But a few times denotes the promifcd feed in the Old Teftament, 134. Fre- quently occurs in the Targums, ib. — Why called an angel, 152. Truths fpokcn of him myflcrious, yet recon- ciled, 155. Ben Jofcph, or Ephraim, his ftory a talmudical romance, 158. Ben David, ib. A Jewilh tradition about his fuffering, 159, 243. One expe(5led as a deliverer by the Jews, 160. Maimonides's notion of the-, and of his kingdom, 162. A fum of the Jewilb creed concerning hin), 163, 168. N Xt l68. His coming determined by the prophecy of Jacob, 1 70 ; of Haggai, 178; of Malachi, 188; of Daniel, 189. The Jews' tradition about the time of his birth, 218. That he came within the limited time, 225. That no other during that feafon came, ib. Method, its advantage, i. 5. l/UrfioTfaBstY} the lignification of, iii. 8. Michael, Mr. Dr. Owen's father-in-law, *• 35- . Milton, his aelcription of hell, iv. 329. Minivers, of the Word, to guard againft negligence, ii. 24. Their honour, whence, 270. IJnfaithful, worthy of contempt, 272. Thegreateft but fervants, 290. . — their defire to profit their people, iu. i8z. Their duty, 190. Their maintenance, 270. Mirandus, Pious, his obfervation on the excellency of the fcriptures, i. 56. Mlfhna, what, i. 96. Mom'ca, St.Auftin's mother, how fhe dif- cerned Divine revelation, i. 73. f.Joioyv.ijii its import, ii. 66. Maralhy, not enough for a Chriftian, iii. Mojes, the prophet, his privileges above other prophets, ii. 9. The glory of, wherein it confifted, 105. — — the body of, what fignified thereby, iii. 401. ^ ■ ■ ■ his parents* faith, iv. 205. The means of his attaining the knowledge of his defcent, 209. The faith and choice of, 211. His faith in for faking Egypt, 218. Myjlerifi, require an attentive confidera- don, it. 252. The fcripture an in- exhaiiftible repofitory of, 450. Means for underftanding them, 451. » - '. in fcripture, require our diligence, iii. 70. Should be infifted on by mi- niftcrs, 71, 124. An appetite for them, 92. N Kaihman, Rabbi Mofes Bar, his Expo- (ition, i. 150. His apprehenfion of the McfTrah, 151. fla^atenei and Ebionites, ftriftures on the, i. 347. Noah, how h«? condemned the world, iv. 139. Hov,' he became an heir of righ- tcoufnefs, ib. O Oath of God, engaged againft unbelief, ii. 400. Oa/^, folemn, lawful, iii. aij. Obedience, formal reafon of, ii. 307. Sb* ble and permanent foundation thereofj 308. of Chrift, what, iii. 53. When acceptable, 58. A pracStical experience of, ib. blind, iv. 188. Oecumenius, his reafon for fuppofing that - Paul was not the author of the Epiftle to the Hebrews, confuted, i. 66. Off ering oi Chx'i^ in fepar able from hisfuf- fering, iii. 571. Offices of Chrift, their efficacy depend on his dignity, iii. 528. Old Tejiament examples, their ufe, ii. 310. Onkelos, his explication of Jacob's pro* phecy, i. 177. Only'bevotten, its genuine import in re- ference to Chrift, ii. s8- Ofiniom, human, infufficient guides, i. 336. Diverfity of, 344. How to avoid erroneous ones, 345. Origen fuppofed Luke to be the author of the Epiftle to the Hebrews, i. 62. An obfervation of his concerning the ne- ceftity of the incarnation of the Son of God, 267. Oiven, Lewis, Dr. Owen's anceftor, fomc account of him, i. 10. Note. Henry, Dr. Owen's father, his charafter, 1 1. Note. Dr. his character in brief by Mr. Hervey, 31. Ntte, ITaXaj, its meaning afcertalned, ii. 3. Tla^riyu^i^ remarks on, iv. 334. Pafifis, their agreement with the Jews about tradition, i, loi. nafaxaXeiTE, its import, ii. 368. nagap|»t/a),a;y, the fignification of, exami- ned, ii. 119. Parents, how may they blefs their chil- dren, iii. 282. Paul, St. an admirable example to the dif- penfers of the gofpel, ii. 250. Payne, Mr. his converfation with Dr. Owen, i. 34. Penalties annexed to the gofpel, a mo- tive to value it. ii. 133. People of God, remarks on the phrafe, ii.^ 462. Perfe^ion of church -ftate and worlhip, wherein it conlifts, iii. 289. Pafcciions of the Deit)', all belong to the perfon of Chrift, ii. 42. Perfcvcrance of the faints, charafter of Dr. Owen's book fo called, i. 22. PerfiaH empire, continuanceof it, i. 207. Perjon N Per/on (f Chnjl, the glory of it, ii. 42. As incarnate, 44. ■ importance of faith in the, iii. 340. Terjonal tranfaftions in the Holy Trini- ty, i. 269. Diftinaions in God, 275- Fetavius, his computation of Daniel's weeks, i. 206. I*etery the apoftle, his tcftimony for the Epiftle to the Hebrews being written by St. Paul, i. 71. Pbaeion, who compared to, ii. 266. Fhilo, the fuppofed author of the Wifdom of Solomon, i. 59. His perplexity in accounting for God fpeaking of him- felf in the plural number, 271. Pilgrimage, what conftitutes it, iv. 152. ITo^vfAS^oofy its import confidered, ii. 5. Poverty, remarks on, iii. 197. Prayer, ajewi/hone, i. 21;. Preaching, ought to be feafonable, iii. 112. And diligently attended to. Prejudices of the Jews obviated by St. Paul, ii. 8. •*Tg£?r£t, its import as applied to God, ii. 177. Prteji, the fignifi cation of the term, i. 261. Every proper, is ordained to ad; for other men, 265. Priejthood, the importance of it, i. 260. Andfacrifice, indilTolubly related, 264. Of Chrift, the neceflity of it, 293. ■■■' of Chrift, a great encouragement to believers, ii. 500. ■ ■ change of the, iii, 302. Of Chrift, its perpetuity, how important, 346. Vncjiley, Dr. a letter to, i. 334. What he thinks a good guide for difcoveiing the true fenfe of fcripture, 336. His method Ihewn to be fallacious, ib. A fingular declaration of his, 345. — Animadverted on, 346. His charge againft St. Paul anfwered, 347. Priejily office, its glory depended on the , exaltation of Chrift, iii. 381. Priejis, high, their number under the law iii. 343. Remaiks on thofe under the law and gofpel, 377. Principles, hrft, what, iii. 85. Privileges, the difpofal of, entirely with God, iii. 438. Profamnejs, obferv.ations on, iv. 322. Profejfors, barren, righteous in God to deliver them up, iii. 160. Prcgrefs in knowledge, why neceftary, iii. II 3* V«i,. IV. Promi/e of the Mefliah, under the notlo« of a covenant, i. 86. how a general and eternal rule, iii. 412. Promijes, the miftake of the Jews in rc» gard to them, i. 86. How to be in- terpreted, 246. All of them confil- tent with the Chriftian religion, 250. it is of great confequence to have them left us, ii. 4r4. The failure of e d;»y frf, alter- ed under the gol'iiel,, 469. All true, only in Gbirt, 456J A'.'/j, the nature of fcvcral cxplairred, ii. •Kejunccliofi, how a fundamental princi- ple, iii. 100, I z 2. Kivelation, is eminently from the Father, ii. 21. Gradual, a fruit of Divine wifdom, 25. Of the gofpcl, its per- fection, 26. What a powerful mo'- tive to attend to it, 1 2 5. K^ynoLis, Biihop, luccceds Dr. Owen in . his deanery, i. 23. Rl:hteo:(fr. fail refpeclo hifn principally, i. 131. — ■ — his power over death, what,- and wherein it confirteth, ii. 217- Sa-.i.''.:'/; his account of Daniel' .^■'t iiii actvuiit ui i-/aiii(.i i week?, i. III. S-ehl'u'iingiui, a glofs of, refuted, iv, 256, a^urnuiKy Annn Maria, Dr. Owen's cor- refpondcnce with her, i. 3 ■^. Scnptursy cvcty thing in it infttu£tivo, ii. 73, ?SS. Compared with itlelf, H^. A firm f;round (,'f faith and Divine v.orihip, 439. Drre£>ior.s to fenrch i: for our advantage, 4^1. the proper way rji interpreting^ jv. ?7o. Si:f'^ir;J:s, \\-fio^ i. loj. Seafons, fpecial^ how to be obfervcd ani improved, ii, 31^^ SelcuciiUe, the time of their reign in Sy- ria, i. 204. Self-denial, the foundation of fmcere profefTion, iv. 147. SflJ-exaniin.itloriy the duty of all profef- fors, iii. 195. Sephcr Ikkaihn, rcmtirkable words in, i. 237. Shihy the term explained, i. 173. Pro- ved to he the Meffiah, 176. Simeon, the fon Of Hiliel, why the latter Jews exclude him from their roll, v. .96. Sin and punifhmen* entering the world, i. 106. The immediate etFcfts of it, 107. The imputation of it held bjr fonie of the Jews, 109. Original, va-^ rioufly called by the Jews, no. How long it corrtinues, \lz. Could not be pardoned witltout fatisfaction, 300. — its real demerit, ii. 138. Its horrid nature, 202. Its aggravation from the multitude joining, 323. Nu place can ward off, 334. Perfilkd in, its aggravation, 344. How to admi« nifter an antidote againft, 364, — degrees of, iii. 15. — its gali and poifon, what, iv. 76. How to form a right judgmsecit of its deme- rit, 81. The mortitication of, the bell preparation for trials, 271. Si.-iaiy why chofcn for the promulgation of the law, iv. 327. Simmers, fubje*fl to death as it is penal, ii- 220. Exemplary, made exemplary ia puniihment, 395. Sion, believers come to, iv. 338. Skilfulntfs in the word of righteoufncfs, what, iii. 88. SlotbfuJnefs, in hearing the word, iii. 73, i8i;. Its ruinous tendency^ 200. Smalcius Valcntinus, i. 23. Sociniiin notion of Chritl being taken t« heaven, ii. 10. — notion- of ChrilVs oblation, re- futed, iii. 5X0. Of his recfemption, 514. i — - conie, hpw neceffary, ii. 183. For the gofj^>el, how honoura- ble, 197 ; profitable and fafe, 198. - ■ • ■ ■- of Chrill, the general caufes of them, iii. 3S. Their effeas, 39.— Inftrudive, when according to God's will, 59. God's love prevents not his people to undergo them, 60. Sureti/hip of Chrill, the fecurity of the new covenant, iii, 341. ;S'w;-/v differs from a Mediator, iii, 3:53. What, 336. Chrift the, of the new covenant, how, 337. Syrian account of the Grecian empire, i. 204. Xabernnck, Chrift the true, iii. 386 Structure and furniture of the, ex- plained, 469. Tacitus, his teftimony about the time of Chrift's death, i. 225. Talmud, Jerufalem, compiled by Rabbi Johannan, i.97. Babylonian, by Rabbi Afe, ib. Contents of the, ib. Targumsy the import of the phrafc " the Word of God," in the, i. 142. Teaching, what fort of, under the Old Te-ftament, iii. 452. Obfcrvations on, 458. TiMi'^m, its fignification explained, ii. 138. T»Xsf«e-if, its import, iii. a 89. 5 E X. TfmpU, the glorv of the fccond, wh.-;r, i, 1S3. _ Tanptatwns, their danger and relief, ii. ^140. Tejtamcnt, how diftinguilhcd from a co- venant, iii. 541. jM'cw, wherein like thofe ol men, 543. Wherein unlike, 544. Theodoret, his ren)ark concerning moi lygh, i. 271. ^BoXoyoufx-zva, Dr. Owen's book fo cal- led, i. 23. ©Jof, remarks on, ii. 166. Thieatcmngs, evangelical, ii. 133. Of God, their ftability, 147. Tithes, whether neccllary by the light of nature, iii. z^u. T/u-u/Vof the Redeemer's foul, (>hferva- tions on, iii. 4?. Tiiiiity, perfonal tranfadtions concernin/ man in the, i, 269. T'ypes, remarks on the, ii. 60, 310. _ U Vindui^c evangclic^e, its characler, i. 22. Virgin, the term vindicated againft the exceptions of the Jevvs, i, 234. Unbelief, in a time of trial a provoking fin, ii. 325, When ir rifeth to its height, 32S. A tempting of God, when, 332, Negative and privative, 351. How it operates, 335. The root of backllidings, 362. All, ac- companied v.ith rebellion, 398, Q\o- rihes the greatclUVserities of God, 399. The oath of God engaged againft it, 400. Obfcrvations on, 401,^ ■ — ■ the great danger of, iv. 233. — The duty of minillers to declare ir, 3S7- Union with Chrift, the principal of fplri- tual enjoyments, ii. 374, The great evidence thereof, what, 375. Of our nature, to the pcrfun of Chrift as high pricft, a Handing perpetual advttnt.igc to the church, ^06. Unk'er/e, momentarily fupportcd by Chrift, ii. 45. 7'Q/Vf of God irrefillible without ftnal har- dening, ii. 308. Uten/iis of the moft hfdy place, iii. 43 S. W J^^atchfulnefs, the duty 3 iii 205 xiv 18 iii 241 xiv 19, 20 iii 248 xiv 20 i 262 xviii 18 i 130 xviii 1—3 i 143 xxii 12 iv i8x xxii 18 i 130 xxiv 17 i 241 oc xviii 12—15 ii no X xviii 20 — 22 i 146 xxxii 24,26,30 i 145 XXXV 21 i 134 xli 45 i 261 xliv I ii 4 xlviii 17—19 ii 41 xlix I ii 4 xlix I — 10 i 134 xlix 3-8 i 174 xlix 8—10 i 170 xlix 10 iii 414 1 25 iv 200 EXODUS. iii 2—6 i 147 iii 14 iv i3» Chap. Ver. Vol Page. xii II iii 279 xii 42 i 1 34 xiii 10 iv 198 xix 18—20 i 147 xix 19 iv 331, 335 XX ^y 3 ii 277 xxiii 14 i 151 xxiii 20 — 22 i 147 xxiii 21 i 150 xxiv 2—4 ii 324 XXV 31 iii 470 xxvi 33» 34 iii 472, 475 xxix 2—4 ii 324 xxix 16—21 iv 52 xxxi 17 ii 464 xl 9— II ii 270 LEVITICUS. iv 3 iii 371 iv 17 ii 52 xvi 12, 13 iii 353 xvi 14 iii 48s NUMBERS. vi 22-27 iii 249 xii 7 ii 247 xiv 22 ii 297 xiv 34 ii 443 xix 2 iii 517 xix I7> 18 iii 5x8 Xxiv 17 i 175 xxvii 3 ii 385 DEUTERONOMY. iv i4 iv 365 V 2 ii 129 xvii 18, 19 iv 28 xviii 15 ii 6 xviii 15—19 i 136 XXI chap. Vcr. Vol. Page. xxi ai iii 47 xxix 18 iv 3? 5 iHxix i8 ji 7^ JOSHUA t 5 iv 387 V 13—15 1 149 X 24 ii 99 2xiv 2, 3 iii 211— 241 xxiv 19 1 148 :xxi3C 19 ii 199 JUDGES. 10 ii 188 iv RUTH. i" 15 i 136 I . SAMUEL. Vi 3 " 397 li 20 i 135 iii 14 iv 66 iv £1 ii 35 II. S A M U E L. vii 14 ii 59 :xxii 39 Ji 99 xxiii 3 i 135 J B V i3 i 285 xviii 14 ii 169 • xix 25 i 132 5xvi 13 iv 114 xxvi 14 ii ^5 PSALM S. ii 1 i 136 ii 7 ii 97 it 8 i 13- ii 7 i 283 viii 6 ii 99 3tviii z ii 208 xix ii 90 aixii I iii 35 xxii 1—22 i 240 ^xii 22 ii 207 xxii 30 i 242 XXX 3 iii 3^ xl 7, 8 i 2S1 xl 7, 8 iii 54 Xlv 2 i 136 xlv 6, 7, ii 78- xlvi 7 ii 1^5 U 17 iv 413 Ixix 20 ii 508 Ixix 20 iv 86 Uix 22 ii 267 Ixx 2 iii 3^ kxii 6 ii 120 Chap. Ver. Vol. Page Ixxiy 2 243 Ixxviii 6i ii 35 Ixxx 15 136 Ixxxiv 7 iii 179 Ixxxix ^7 ii H ixxxix 3^ ii 60 xci 12 no xcvii 7 ii 68, cii ii 86 cv 7— II ii 297 ex 4 zQi cxix 1% ii 338 cxix 70 no cxxxviii 2 ii 38S cxxxix ?j 3 ii 30Q cxl 2 ii 335 PR OVER BS. ii 2—5 ii -. -5 ' viii 13 li 174 viii 22—31 276 XXX 17 I7T XXX 19 234 EpC LE SIASTESt ix 14 i no CANTICLES, ii 17 iii 293 ISAIAH. u i— 4 i M7— 2i» iv 2 1 138 v r* ar ii 3^6—335 vi 9, 10 li 320 vii 10—16 i 23I,>C. viii 18 ii 208 ix I, 2 ii 4^7 ix 6 i 135? ix 7 ii 81 xi I i 138 xi 10 i 132 xvi 1—5 i 139 xix ^5 i »33 xxviii 5 i 139 xx\ iii 21 ii 395 xxxii 17 iv 300 xxxv 7 ii -25 xlii 2 iii 44 xlii 4 i 133 xlii S ii 375 xlii 1—7 i 28 r xliii I— 10 i 139 xliii 9 i 151 xlvi 6 i 44 . xlvi 8 i 243 xlix 6 i 133 li 17 ii 19 Iii »3 i 139— 24T liii O F T E X T Si CViap. Ver. Vu 1. Page. iiii i 159—240 iiii 6 iii 40 Iiii 10 iv 24 Iiii II ii iv 4 ii 186 lix 4> 5 i 23 Ixii ■ 3 iv 177 Ixiii 9 i 151 Ixiii 19 ii 462 ..J :txia E R E M I A H. 1 5 139 xxiii 13—15 139 XXX 21 139 xxxi 31—33 223 xxxi 3^—34 iii 424, &c. Chap. Vcr. Vol. pajc M A t T H £ W. E Z E K I E L. xxiii 31 iii 73 XVI 25, 26 IV 52 •vii ii 125 DAN I E L. ix ^5 i 24^ ix ^5, ^6 i 134 ix 24—27 i 190 ix 27 ii 4 xii 10 ii 317 H S E A. i 7 i H3 Note I 5 i 140 5/v a iv 414 xiv 3 ii 164 xiv 8 1 140 M I C A If. ii 13 ii 187 iv 8 i 14(3 V 2 i 14c- -229 V 4 ii 187 H AB AKKU K. ii 3, 4 iv 95 'HAG G A I. ii 3#— 9 i 17? ii 6, 7 i^' 359 Z E C H A R I A H. iii 8 i 140 iii 9 vi 13 ii 37-~B^ i 26l_2SS ix 9 . 243 M A L A C H r. iii, , I i 1^1 — 1 38 iii .> i> 2 ii 6^ V 16 111 280 V 17 iii 320 V 33- ■"^I iii 215 X 37, 38 iv H7 li II ii 13 xi 23 ii 340 xi 27 ii 256 xi a9» 30 iii 29S xii 20 ii 489 xvi 3 ii 320 xvi 24» ^5 iv 147 xix 23> 24 iv 263 j XX 28 i 259' xxii 44 ii 95 XXV 26 iii 70 XXV 3* iv 175 xxvii 46 iii 37 xxviii 18 ii 17 xxviii 20 ii 306 LUKE. ii 4 ii ir iii 23 229 X 16 324 xii 32 iv 363 xix 4i> 42 31? xix 43> 44 319 xxii 3h 32 499 xxii 44 iii 44 J H N. i 3 ii 18 JNT.^. i 14 ii ^5 i 17 ii 12 i 18 ii -54 i ii 51 20 ii lit 180 iii 34 ii ^^5 vi 4 ii i8f vi 32 iii 384 vii 16 ii 2? viii 6 ii 208 xii 32 ii 2lg xii 34 iii 345 xiv 28 i 2S7 xvii 2 i 31S xix 30 iii 291 A C T S. ii i8- -20 ii 3f4 ii 21 ii 3^5 ii 23> H ii 368 ii 36 ii 17 v 41 ii 19:' xvi 14 ii 119— 12- R m' AN s. i 4 u 5^ t A B L t Chap Ver. Vol . Page. i I4> 15 ii 202 i 16 iv 177 i 3^ ii J30 jii iS ii 238 iv 16 iii 534 iv 18— SI iii 208 V 12 i 107 vi 4 ii 1 3 Note. vi 13 ii izz Vii 1—6 iii 320 viii 19 22 ii 29 y'lii 29 il 197 viii 35—39 ii 432 viii 37 ii 193 ix 33 iii 58 xi 36 ii i8 Noie. xii I ii 85 xiv 9 ii 275 xiv 17 iii 292 XV 5 ii 4 t. CORINTHIANS. i 17 i 66 ii 5—7 i 54 ii 6 iii 96 ii 9 iii 339 it 13 i 67 Ii 14 ii 451 iii 6, 7 it 120 iv 9 ii 114 xi io ii 114 L C R I N T H IAN S. ii 16 ii 136 iv 6 ii 35 iv 17 iv 299 iv 18 ii 123 vii 9 iv 302 viii 9 174 X 6 136 xi 25 78 PALLATIANS. Iii 15 iii 542 iii 19 iii 322 iii 20 iii 405 iii 19—24 iii 413 iv 6 ii 35 iv 29 iv I2C EPHESIANS. i 8,9 22 i 10 16 i 22 15 ii 8 142 ii 12 409 ii 14—17 292 ii 15 552 iii 9 21 Chap. Ver. Vol. Page. iii 10 ii io8 iii 17 iii 90 iii i8, ig iii 57 iv 2 ii iSi iv 16 ii 361 V 11 iii 97 V 26 ii 39 PHILIl'PIANS. " 5 ii 174 ii 6 ii 36— 27i ii 9— -I I ii 29 iv 13 ii 191 COLOSSIANS. i 6 ii 36 i 15 ii 35— 6y I 19 ii 12—255 i 26 ii 21 »i 3 ii ia6 ii 9 "i 385* 387>47 n 15 ii 502 11 17 iv 4 ii 18 ii ii6 I. THESSALONIANS. i 3 iii 169 ii 7 iii .10 iv 18 ii 368 I. TIMOTHY. ii S> 6 »» 33-3—40^ iij 16 i 155 iv 4 — 8 ii 31 V 2 ii 114 vL 8 iv 385 II. TIMOTHY* iii 7 ii 249^ iii 1 2 iii 5-8 TITUS. I 16 ii 346 iii 5 " 39 JAMES. 15 iii 9f 2 1 iii 74 24 ii 42 1 18 iii 180 20 iii 195 10 iii 203 12 ii 215 t. P E T E k. i 23 ii I4» ii 2 m 8i ii 3 iv 10$ ii 5 n 169 iii zo i 7» ^ O F TEXTS. Chap. Ver. Vol. Page. iii 21, 22 iv 13S iv I ii 174 iv 14 ii 432 V^ 4 ii 272 II. PETER. 1 4 iv 297 i 21 i 57 ii 5 iv 136 iii 2 ii 316 iii 4 iii 2 12 iii 15, 16 i 71—; I. JOHN. ii 2 i 259 iv 16 ii 23 V 3 » 85 V 4 " 194 II. J O H N. I 9 ii 357 Chap. Ver. Vol. Page* J U D E. 3 ii 6 6 114 9 ill 401 REVELATION. I ii 9 8-13 ii 277 18 ii 476 18 iii 44 V 6 ii 42 V 9, 13 iv 345 V 13 ii 29 X 6 ii 329 xiii 8 iii 571 xiv 6—8 ii 315 xxii 2 iii 160 Vol. I. Nfin A DYE R- ADVERTISEMENT. It may probably occur, that the laft claufe of chap. vi. 6, is not infilled upon in the Expofition ; but the reafon is, that no- thing is faid on it in the original, and (if the omiffion was out of d eiign) it is prefumed, that the Do6tor thought that the claufe was already fufficiently explained in the words — ** Fall a^way^'*^ — and that — ** Seeing tkty aucify io the mf elves the Son of God afrejh^ and ^ut hJm to an open Jhame^''^ — is only exegetical of the former ; for what is it to fall away from Chriftianity ? It is, in effecfl, to juf- tify the barbarous condud of the Redeemer's crucifiers ; and by- evident implication to repeat the fame thing ; and the confidera- tion v/ould be flill more ftriking to thofe who were any way con- cerned in his adual fufferings. There is no medium in this cafe, between owning Chrift as a Saviour, and regarding him as worthy of crucifixion. .And the impoffibility of reclaiming fuch total apof- tates, appears, when we confider who it is from whom they fall away, 89 3 IJ9 2 Note nJ3 99 6 4 — »tt^3i — 34 H7 31 ■)p» 100 35 148 3 VJSD 104 26 8 vry\l;^ 129 26 152 37 his coming. 130 12 I bo 6 leaving them, 131 7 173 22 caufal. 13^ 34 185 4 nnann 157 3^ 190 36 treafure 160 ^7 196 16 ntrr — 33 — 17 «uji 170 16 ^97 21 excilion 178 15 198 IS nni — 20 200 I 7^t») 33 19 facerdptal 434 3^ j^ct^wj au1ci)i> 35 32 Rugitus 436 12 nan 54 27 to the fm iters 441 ^^ iw oix.a> 71 38 to make it 447 34 principle ^^^ 33 Ttok-nao^Dt ' 448 3^ tTiycoi-^^u 128 a^ a7ra| 4^0 i^ new covenant 134 39 belong to the 482 I were 137 3^ ayaxonvto-jiO'; 489 ^5 holy place. 156 9 means of others 492 6 Jcle Lev. xvi. ^75 27 living 504 5 dio^^uicr^Oi)^ 186 25 yoQ^oi 565 8 propofition 187 19 IJ,CCK^O^V{XYi(rxi 576 9 once for all. 388 4 ^aji^oSv/xio. 583 3 but now he 208 17 fjiCCK^Q^VlJUCC a66 2 S'EW^EiTE Vol. IV. 27^ 34 he will be 6 12 of its facrifices 279 3 ec7ro9vYic-/.pvlig 10 5 infert ver. 3. ^83 33 minillerial ads ..^ 24 for then 291 9 TslsXccrlai 18 10 ^^^[Pfa.4.6--8.J 291 14 TEAsAOi *5 3^ Rom. viii. 3, 330 37 Rom. yii. 37 1 cenfure 364 15 wrefting 49 35 particularly 306 21 ecjjiu^ojXuv 64 30 loving kindnefs 370 33 This he did once. 95 19 Hab. ii. when he ofiered hirnfelf ; for 124 12 ']bnr)n himfelf he did not offer. — 129 6 which faith hath Contrary, therefore, to the ^35 10 Became heir of fenfe of the whole church of 136 35 miniflry of God, contrary to the analogy 145 24 Hnew of faitf I, and with no fmall H7 *? progrefs of it danger in the expreifion, So- 170 31 in heaven CINUS firft, &c. 195 I his natural 371 18 could do 203 28 VTTO TUV 372 26 ((PoCTTiX^ 213 4 laiT)b flain 373 a facrifices repeated 216 2 in 241 ERRATA, Page 247 269 »78 Line Read II E^Pvyov 17 'Ejj.TTOHyiJi.uv 37 witnefs, 18 he declares 8 T»? -^^vx^ Page Line Read 320 334 408 3^ 15 add [ver. 21.] commanded, Conines 413 Z nieet THE END. 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