lilliii i ifl '/Q *^ N^"^ PRINCETON, N. J. ^^h % Presented by rTlrS.Ckc7^rle.S U.Uiken BV 4500 .T29 1849 Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. The rule and exercises of holy living THE ' RULE AND E:?^^"""'" HOLY L I V iTraT IN WHICH ARE DESCRIBED THE MEANS AND INSTRUMENTS OF OBTAINING EVERY VIRTUE, AND THE REMEDIES AGAINST EVERY VICE, AND CONSIDERATIONS SERVING TO THE RESISTING ALL TEMPTATIONS, TOGETHER WITH 33 I a 2 t r sf, CONTAINING THE WHOLE DUTY OF A CHRISTIAN, AND THE PARTS OF DEVOTION FITTED TO ALL OCCASIONS, AND FURNISHED FOR ALL NECESSITIES. By JEREMY TAYLOE, D.D. AFTERWARDS LORD BISHOP OF DOWN AND CONNOR, AND OF DROMORE. A NEW EDITION. OXFORD : JOHN HENRY PARKER; AND 377, STRAND, LONDON. JBDCCCXI.IX. ADVERTISEMENT. In the following pages the whole of the Text of Bishop Taylor's treatise is given — without altera- tion or omission — according to the earliest and best editions. Some of the marginal illustrations from the Greek and Latin Classics &c. have, however, been left out : while, on the other hand, the references to Holy Scripture have been both carefully corrected, and very considerably increased in number. THE EIGHT HONOURABLE AND TRULY NOBLE EICHAED LORD VAUGHAN, EARL OF CAREER Y, KNIGHT OF THE HONOURABLE ORDER OF THE BATH. My Lord, I HATE lived to see Religion painted upon Banners, and thrust out of Churches, and the Temple turned into a Tabernacle, and that Tabernacle made ambula- tory, and covered with skins of beasts and torn cur- tains, and God to be worshipped not as He is the Father of our Lord Jesus (an afflicted Prince, the King of sufferings) nor as the God of peace (which two appellatives God newly took upon Him in the New Testament, and glories in for ever ;) but He is owned now rather as the Lord of Hosts, which title He was pleased to lay aside when the Kingdom of the Gospel was preached by the Prince of peace. But when Religion puts on armour, and God is not acknowledged by His New-Testament titles, Religion may have in it the power of the sword, but not the power of godliness ; and we may complain of this to God, and amongst them that are afflicted, but we have no remedy, but what we must expect from the fellowship of Christ's sufferings, and the returns of the God of peace. In the mean time, and now that Religion pretends to stranger actions upon new prin- THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY. V ciples, and men are apt to prefer a prosperous error before an afflicted truth, and some wQl think they are religious enough if their worshippings have in them the prevailing ingredient, and the Ministers of Reli- gion are so scattered that they cannot unite to stop the inundation, and from chairs or pulpits, from their Synods or Tribunals, chastise the iniquity of the error and the ambition of evil guides, and the infi- delity of the willingly-seduced multitude, and that those few good people who have no other plot in their Religion but to serve God and save their souls, do want such assistances of ghostly counsel as may serve their emergent needs, and assist their endeavours in the acquist of virtues, and relieve their dangers when they are tempted to sin and death ; I thought I had reasons enough inviting me to draw into one body those advices which the several necessities of many men must use at some time or other, and many of them daily : that by a collection of holy precepts they might less feel the want of personal and attend- ing guides, and that the rules for conduct of Souls might be committed to a book which they might always have ; since they could not always have a Prophet at their needs, nor be suffered to go up to the House of the Lord to inquire of the appointed oracles. I know, my Lord, that there are some interested per- sons who add scorn to the afflictions of the Church of England, and because she is afflicted by men, call her forsaken of the Lord; and because her solemn assem- blies are scattered, think that the Religion is lost, and the Church divorced from God, supposing Christ (who was a man of sorrows) to be angry w^ith His spouse when she is like Him, [for that is the true state of the error] and that He who promised His Spirit to assist His servants in their troubles, will, because they are in trouble, take away the Comforter from them, who vi THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY. cannot be a comforter, but while He cures our sad- nesses, and relieves our sorrows, and turns our perse- cutions into joys, and crowns, and sceptres. But concerning the present state of the Church of Eng- land^ I consider, that because we now want the bless- ings of external communion in many degrees, and the circumstances of a prosperous and unafflicted people, we are to take estimate of ourselves with single judg- ments, and every man is to give sentence concerning the state of his own Soul by the precepts and rules of our Law -giver ^ not by the after-decrees and usages of the Church ; that is, by the essential parts of Religion rather than by the uncertain significations of any ex- terior adherencies : for though it be uncertain, when a man is the member of a Church, whether he be a member to Christ or no, because in the Church's net there are fishes good and bad ; yet we may be sure, that if we be members of Christ, we are of a Church to all purposes of spiritual Religion and salvation ; and, in order to this, give me leave to speak this great truth : That man does certainly belong to God, who 1. Believes and is baptized into all the Articles of the Christian Faith, and studies to improve his knowledge in the matters of God, so as may best make him to live a holy life. 2. He that in obedience to Christ worships God diligently, frequently, and constantly, with natural Religion, that is, of prayer, praises and thanksgiving. 3. He that takes all opportunities to remember Christ's death by a frequent Sacrament (as it can be had ;) or else by inward acts of understand- ing, will, and memory, (which is the spiritual com- munion,) supplies the want of the external rite. 4. He that lives chastely ; 5. And is merciful ; 6. And de- spises the world, using it as a man, but never suffer- ing it to rifle a duty ; 7. And is just in his dealing, THE EPISTLE DEDICATOKY. VU and diligent in his calling. 8. He that is humble in his spirit, 9. And obedient to government, 10. And content in his fortune and employment. 11. He that does his duty because he loves God: 12. And espe- cially if after all this he be afflicted, and patient, or prepared to suffer affliction for the cause of God. The man that hath these twelve signs of grace and predes- tination, does as certainly belong to God, and is His son, as surely as he is His creature. And if my brethren in persecution, and in the bonds of the Lord Jesus, can truly shew these marks, they shall not need be troubled that others can shew a prosperous outside, great revenues, pubHc assem- blies, uninterrupted successions of Bishops, prevailing armies, or any arm of tlesh, or less certain circum- stance. These are the marks of the Lord Jesus and the characters of a Christian : this is a good Religion : and these things God's grace hath put into our powers, and God's Laws have made to be our duty, and the nature of men and the needs of commonwealths have made to be necessary. The other accidents and pomps of a Church are things without our power, and are not in our choice : they are good to be used when they may be had, and they help to illustrate or advantage it: but if any of them constitute a Church in the being of a Society and a Government, yet they are not of its constitution as it is Christian, and hopes to be saved. And now the case is so with us, that we are re- duced to that Religion which no man can forbid, which we can keep in the midst of a persecution, by which the Martyrs in the days of our fathers went to Heaven ; that by which we can be servants of God, and receive the Spirit of Christ, and make use of His comforts, and live in His love and in charity with all men: and they that do so, cannot perish. Mil THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY. My Lord, I have now described some general lines and features of that Religion, which I have more par- ticularly set down in the following pages : in which I have neither served nor disserved the interest of any party of Christians as they are divided by uncharitable names from the rest of their brethren, and no man will have reason to be angry with me for refusing to mingle in his unnecessary or vicious quarrels; especi- ally while I study to do him good by conducting him in the narrow way to Heaven, without intricating him in the labyrinths and wild turnings of questions and uncertain talkings. I have told what men ought to do, and by what means they may be assisted ; and in most cases I have also told them why ; and yet with as much quickness as I could think necessary to esta- blish a rule, and not to engage in Homilj* or Discourse. In the use of which rules (although they are plain, useful, and fitted for the best and worst understand- i.igs, and for the needs of all men, yet) I shall desire the reader to proceed with the following advices. 1. They that will with profit make use of the pro- per instruments of virtue, must so live, as if they were always under the physician's hand. For the counsels of Religion are not to be applied to the distempers of the Soul, as men use to take hellebore; but they must dwell together with the Spirit of a man, and be twisted about his understanding for ever: they must be used like nourishment, that is, by a daily care and meditation ; not like a single medicine, and upon the actual pressure of a present necessity. For counsels and wise discourses applied to an actual distemper at the best are but like strong smells to an epileptic person, sometimes they may raise him, but they never cure him. The following rules if they be made fami- liar to our natures, and the thoughts of every day, may make virtue and Religion become easy and habi- THE EPISTLE DEDICATOHT. IX tual: but when the temptation is present, and hath already seized upon some portions of our consent, we are not so apt to be counselled, and we find no gust or relish in the precept ; the lessons are the same, but the instrument is unstrung, or out of tune. 2. In using the instruments of virtue we must be curious to distinguish instruments from duties, and prudent advices from necessary injunctions; and if by any other means the duty can be secured, let there be no scruples stirred concerning any other helps : only, if they can in that case strengthen and secure the duty, or helj) towards perseverance, let them serve in that station in which they can be placed. For there are some persons in whom the Spirit of God hath breathed so bright a flame of love, that they do all their acts of virtue by perfect choice and without objection, and their zeal is warmer than that it will be allayed by temptation : and to such persons mortification by phi- losophical instruments, as fasting, sackcloth, and other rudenesses to the body, is wholly useless; it is always a more uncertain means to acquire any virtue, or secure any duty ; and if love hath filled all the corners of our Soul, it alone is able to do all the work of God. 3. Be not nice in stating the obligations of Religion ; but where the duty is necessary, and the means very reasonable in itself, dispute not too busily whether in all circumstances it can fit thy particular ; but stiper totam materia)-}!, upon the whole, make use of it. For it is a good sign of a great Religion, and no impru- dence, when we have sufliciently considered the sub- stance of afl\urs, then to be easy, humble, obedient, apt and credulous in the circumstances which are appointed to us in particular by our spiritual guides, or in general by all wise men in cases not unlike. He that gives alms, does best, not always to consider the minutes and strict measures of his ability, but to give X THE EPISTLE DEDICATOKY. freely, incuriously, and abundantly. A man must not weigh grains in the accounts of his repentance ; but for a great sin have a great sorrow, and a great severity, and in this take the ordinary advices; though it may be a less rigour might not be insufficient : aKpi^oblnaiov, or arithmetical measures, especially of our own pro- portioning, are but arguments of want of love and of forwardness in Religion; or else are instruments of scruple, and then become dangerous. Use the rule heartily and enough, and there will be no harm in thy error, if any should happen. 4. If thou intendest heartily to serve God, and avoid sin in any one instance, refuse not the hardest and most severe advice that is prescribed in order to it, though possibly it be a stranger to thee ; for what- soever it be, custom will make it easy. 5. When any instruments for the obtaining any virtue or restraining any vice are propounded, observe which of them fits thy person, or the circumstances of thy need, and use it rather than the other ; that by this means thou mayest be engaged to watch and use spiritual arts and observation about thy Soul. Con- cerning the managing of which, as the interest is greater, so the necessities are more and the cases more intricate, and the accidents and dangers greater and more importunate; and there is greater skill required than in the securing an estate, or restoring health to an infirm body. I wish all men in the world did heartily believe so much of this as is true : it would very much help to do the work of God. Thus (my Lord) I have made bold by your hand to reach out this little scroll of cautions to all those who, by seeing your honoured names set before my book, shall by the fairness of such a frontispiece be invited to look into it, I must confess it cannot but look like a design in me to borrow your name and beg your THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY. XI patronage to my book, that if there be no other worth in it, yet at least it may have the splendor and warmth of a burning-glass, which, borrowing a flame from the eye of Heaven, shines and burns by the rays of the sun, its patron. I will not quit myself from the sus- picion : for I cannot pretend it to be a present either of itself fit to be offered to such a personage, or any part of a just return (but I humbly desire you would own it for an acknowledgment) of those great endear- ments and noblest usages you have past upon me : but so, men in their Religion give a piece of gum, or the fat of a cheap lamb, in Sacrifice to Him that gives them all that they have or need : and unless He who was pleased to employ your lordship as a great minis- ter of His providence in making a promise of His good to me, the meanest of His servants, \that he would never leave me nor forsake me'] shall enable me by greater services of Religion to pay my great debt to your honour, I must still increase my score, since I shall noAv spend as much in my needs of pardon for this boldness, as in the reception of those favours by which I stand accountable to your lordship, in all the bands of service and gratitude; though I am in the deepest sense of duty and affection. My most honoured Lord, Your honour's most obliged and most humble servant, JER. TAYLOR. THE CONTENTS. CHAP. I. PAGE Consideration of the general instruments and means serving to a holy life, by way of intro- DUCTION . . . . . .1 Sect. I. — Care of Time, and the manner of spending it . 3 Twenty-three rules for employing our time . . 6 The five benefits of this exercise . . .13 Sect. II. — Purity of Intention or purpose in all our actions, &c. ..... ib. Ten rules for our Intentions . . . .15 Eight signs of Purity of Intention . . .17 Three Appendant Considerations . . .20 Sect. III. — The Consideration and practice of the pre- sence of God . . . . . .21 Six several manners of the Divine presence . . 22 Ten rules of exercising this consideration . . 26 The five benefits of this exercise . . .28 Prayers and Devotions according to the Religion and purposes of the foregoing Considerations . . 30 Devotions for ordinary days . . . . ib. CHAP. II. Of Christian Charity . . . . 48 Sect. I. — Of Sobriety in the general sense . . ib. Five evil consequents of Voluptuousness or Sensuality 49 Three Degrees of Sobriety . . . .50 Six rules for suppressing Voluptviousness . . ib. Sect. II. — Of Temperance in Eating and Drinking . 53 Four Measures of Temperance in Eating . . 54 Eight Signs and Effects of Temperance . . 55 Of Drunkenness . . . . .56 Seven Evil consequents to Drunkenness . . 57 CONTENTS. Xlll PAGE Eight Signs of Drunkenness . . . .59 Eleven Rules for obtaining Temperance . . 60 Sect. III.— Of Chastity . . . .62 The ten evil consequents of Uncleanness . . 65 Seven acts of Chastity in general . . .69 Five acts of Virginal or Maiden Chastity . . 70 Five rules for Widows or Vidual Chastity . .71 Six rules for married persons, or Matrimonial Chastity 72 Ten remedies against Uncleanness . . .75 Sect. IV.— Of Humility . . . .79 Nine arguments against Pride, by way of consideration ib. Nineteen acts or offices of Humility . . .81 Fourteen means and exercises of obtaining and increas- ing the grace of Humility . . . .86 Seventeen signs of Humility . . . .91 Sect. V.— Of Modesty . . . . .92 Four acts and duties of Modesty as it is opposed to Curiosity . . . . . .93 Six acts of Modesty as it is opposed to Boldness . 96 Ten acts of Modesty as it is opposed to Indecency . 97 Sect. VI. — Of Contentedness in all estates, &c. . 99 Two general arguments for Content . . .101 Eight Instruments or exercises to procure Contentedness 104 Eight means to obtain Content, by way of consideration 114 The consideration applied to particular cases . . ib. Of Poverty or a low Fortune . . . .121 The charge of many Children .... 126 Violent necessities . . • . . 127 Death of Children, Friends, &c. ... 128 Untimely Death . . . . .129 Death unseasonable . . . . .131 Sudden death or violent . . . .132 Being Childless . . . . . ib. Evil, or unfortunate Children . . 133 XIV CONTENTS. PAGB Our own Death ..... 133 Prayers for the several graces and parts of Christian sobriety, fitted to tlie necessity of several persons . 134 CHAP. III. Of Christian Justice .... 139 Sect, I. — Of Obedience to Superiors . . .140 Fifteen acts and duties of Obedience to all our Superiors 141 Twelve remedies against Disobedience, by way of con- sideration . . . . . .144 Three Degrees of Obedience .... 148 Sect. II. — Of Provision, or that part of Justice which is due from Superiors to Inferiors . . . 149 Twelve duties of Kings and all the Supreme power, as Law-givers . . . . . . ib. Two duties of Superiors as they are Judges . .152 Five duties of Parents to their Children . .153 Duty of Husbands and "Wives reciprocally . . 155 Seven duties of Masters of Families . . 156 Duty of Guardians or Tutors . . . ib. Sect. III. — Of Negotiation, or Civil Contracts . . 157 Thirteen rules and measures of Justice in bargaining . ib. Sect. IV.— Of Restitution . . . .161 Seven rules of making Restitution as it concerns the persons obliged . . . . .162 Nine as it concerns other circumstances . .165 Prayers to be said in relation to the several Obligations and Offices of Justice .... 168 CHAP. IV. Of Christian Religion .... 175 I. Of the internal actions of Religion . . . ib. Sect. I.— Of Faith . . . . .176 The seven acts and offices of Faith . . . ib. Two signs of true Faith . . . .177 Eight means and instruments to obtain Faith . .180 CONTENTS. XV rAOJB Sect. IL— Of Christian Hope . . . .181 The five acts of Hope . . . .182 Five rules to govern our Hope . . . .183 Twelve means of Hope, and remedies against Despair 184 Sect. III.— Of Charity or the Love of God . .189 The eight acts of Love to God . . .191 The three measures and rules of Divine Love . .193 Six helps to increase our Love to God, by way of exercise . . . . . .194 The two several states of Love to God . . 196 viz. The state of Obedience . . . ib. The state of Zeal . . . . .197 Eight cautions and rules concerning Zeal . . ib. II. Of the external actions of Religion . .199 Sect. IV.— Of Reading or Hearing the Word of God . 200 Five general considerations concerning it . . ib. Five rules for Hearing or Reading the Word . 202 Four rules for reading spiritual Books or hearing Sermons 203 Sect. V. — Of Fasting ..... 204 Fifteen rules for Christian Fasting . . . ib. Benefits of Fasting ..... 209 Sect. VI. — Of keeping Festivals, and days holy to the Lord; particularly the Lord's day . . . 210 Ten rules for keeping the Lord's day and other Chris- tian Festivals ..... 212 III. Of mixed actions of Religion . . , 215 Sect. VIL— Of Prayer .... 216 Eight motives to Prayer . . . . ib. Sixteen rules for the practice of Prayer . . 217 Six cautions for making Vows .... 224 Seven remedies against Wandering thoughts, &c. . 225 Ten signs of tediousness of Spirit in our Prayers and all actions of Religion ..... 226 Eleven remedies against tediousness of Spirit . . 227 XVI CONTENTS. PACK Sect. VIII.— Of Alms . . . . .231 The eighteen several kinds of Corporal Alms . . 232 The fourteen several kinds of Spiritual Alms . .233 The five several kinds of mixed Alms . . . ib. Sixteen rules for giving Alms .... 234 Thirteen motives to Charity .... 240 Remedies against the Parents of Unmercifulness . 242 1. Nine against Envy, by way of consideration • ib. 2. Twelve remedies against Anger, by way of exercise 243 Thirteen remedies against Anger, by way of considera- tion . . . . . . .247 Seven remedies against Covetousness . . . 249 Sect. IX. — Of Repentance .... 255 Eleven acts and parts of Repentance . . . 257 Four motives to Repentance .... 264 Sect. X. — Of Preparation to, and the manner how to re- ceive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper . . 266 Fourteen rules for preparation and worthy Communi- cating ...... 268 The effects and benefits of worthy, &c. . . 274 Prayers for all sorts of men, &c. . .276 THE RULE AND EXERCISES OF i^olB ILibing, $cc. CHAP. I. CONSIDERATION OF THE GENERAL INSTRUMENTS AND MEANS SERVING TO A HOLY LIFE, BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION. It is necessary that every man sliould consider, that, since God hath given him an excellent nature, wisdom and choice, an understand- ing soul, and an immortal spirit, having made him lord ' over the beasts, and but a little lower than the An- gels ; He hath also appoint- ed for him a work and a service great enough to em- ploy those abilities, and hath also designed him to a state of life after this, to which he can only arrive by that service and obe- dience. And therefore, as every man is wholly God's own portion by the title of Creation ; so all our labours and care, all our powers and faculties, must be wholly employed in the service of God, even all the days of our life : that, this life be- ing ended, we may live with Him for ever. Neither is it sufficient, that we think of the service of God as a work of the least necessity, or of small employment ; but that it be done by us as God in- tended it: that it be done with great earnestness and passion, with much zeal and desire ; that we refuse no THE INTRODUCTION TO HOLT LIFE. labour, that we bestow upon it much time, that we use the best guides, and arrive at the end of glory by all the ways of grace, of pru- dence, and religion. And indeed, if we consi- der how much of our lives is taken up by the needs of nature ; how many years are wholly spent, before we come to any use of reason ; how many years more, be- fore that reason is useful to us to any great purposes ; how imperfect our discourse is made by our evil edu- cation, false principles, ill company, bad examples, and want of experience ; how many parts of our wisest and best years are spent in eating and sleeping, in necessary businesses and unnecessary vanities, in worldly civilities and less useful circumstances, in the learning arts and sciences, languages or trades ; that little portion of hours, that is left for the practices of piety and religious walking with God, is so short and trifling, that, were not the goodness of God infinitely great, it might seem unrea- sonable or impossible for us to expect of Him eternal joys in heaven, even after the well spending those few minutes, which are left for God and God's service, after we have served our- selves and our own occa- sions. And yet it is consider- able, that the fruit, which comes from the many days of recreation and vanity, is very little ; and, although we scatter much, yet we gather but little profit : but from the few hours we spend in prayer and the exercises of a pious life the return is great and profitable ; and what we sow in the minutes and spare portions of a few years, grows up to crowns and sceptres in a happy and a glorious eternity. 1. Therefore, although it cannot be enjoined, that the greatest part of our time be spent in the direct actions of devotion and religion, yet it will become, not only a duty, but also a great providence, to lay aside for the services of God and the businesses of the Spirit as much as we can : because God rewards our minutes with long and eternal hap- piness ; and the greater portion of our time we give to God, the more we trea- sure up for ourselves ; and No man is a better merchant than he that lays out his time upon Ood, and his money upon the poor. THE INTRODUCTION TO HOLY LIFE. 2. Only it becomes us to remember, and to adore God's goodness for it, that God hath not only permitted us to serve the necessities of our nature, but hath made them to become parts of our duty ; that if we, by directing these actions to the glory of God, intend them as instruments to con- tinue our persons in His ser- vice, He, by adopting them into religion, may turn our nature into grace, and ac- cept our natural actions as actions of Religion. God is pleased to esteem it for a part of His service, if -we eat or drink ; so it be done temperately, and as may best preserve our health, that our health may enable our services toAvards Him: and there is no one minute of our lives (after we are come to the use of reason) but we are or may be doing the work of God, even then when we most of all serve ourselves. 3. To which if we add, that in these and all other actions of our lives we always stand before God, acting and speaking and thinking in His presence, and that it matters not that our conscience is sealed with secrecy, since it lies open to God ; it will concern us to behave ourselves carefully, as in the presence of our Judge. These three considera- tions rightly managed, and applied to the several parts and instances of our lives, will be, like Elisha stretched upon the child, apt to put life and quickness into every part of it, and to make us live the life of grace, and do the work of God. I shall therefore, by way of introduction, reduce these three to practice, and shew how every Christian may improve all and each of these to the advantage of piety, in the whole course of his life : that if he please to bear but one of them upon his spirit, he may feel the benefit, like an uni- versal instrument, helpful in all spiritual and tempo- ral actions. Sect. I. The first general instrument of Holy Living, Care onr Time. He that is choice of his time, will also be choice of his company, and choice of his actions : lest the first b2 engage him in vanity and loss ; and the latter, by be- ing criminal, be a throwing his time and himself away, CARE OF OUR TIME. and a going back in the ac- counts of Eternity. God hath given to man a short time here upon earth, and yet upon this short time Eternity depends : but so, that for every hour of our life (after we are persons capable of laws and know good from evil) we must give account to the great Judge of men and Angels. And this is it which our blessed Saviour told us, that we must account for every idle word * ; not meaning, that every word which is not designed to edification, or is less prudent, shall be reckoned for a sin ; but that the time which we spend in our idle talking and unprofit- able discoursings, that time which might and ought to have been employed to spi- ritual and useful purposes, that is to be accounted for. For we must remember, that we have a great work to do ; many enemies to conquer, many evils to pre- vent, much danger to run through, many difficulties to be mastered, many neces- sities to serve, and much good to do, many children to provide for, or many friends to support, or many poor to relieve, or many diseases to cure ; besides the needs of » Matt. nature and of relation, our private and our public cares, and duties of the world, which necessity and the pro- vidence of God hath adop- ted into the family of Re- ligion. And, that we need not fear this instrument to be a snare to us, or that the duty must end in scruple, vexa- tion, and eternal fears ; we must remember, that the life of every man may be so ordered (and indeed must) that it may be a perpetual serving of God : the great- est trouble and most busy trade and worldly incum- brances, when they are ne- cessary, or charitable, or pro- fitable in order to any of those ends which we are bound to serve, whether public or private, being a doing God's work. For God provides the good things of the world to serve the needs of nature, by the labours of the ploughman, the skill and pains of the ar- tisan, and the dangers and trafiick of the merchant : these men are in their call- ings the ministers of the Di- vine providence, and the stewards of the creation, and servants of a great family of God, the world., in the employment of procuring CARE OP OUR TIME. necessaries for food and clo- thing, ornament and physic. In their proportions also, a king and a priest and a pro- phet, a judge and an advo- cate, doing the works of their employment according to their proper rules, are doing the work of God, be- cause they serve those ne- cessities which Grod hath made, and yet made no pro- visions for them but by their ministry. So that no man can complain that his call- ing takes him off from re- ligion: his calling itself and his very worldly employ- ment in honest trades and offices is a serving of God ; and, if it be moderately pur- sued, and according to the rules of Christian prudence, will leave void spaces enough for prayers and retirements of a more spiritual religion. God hath given every man work enough to do, that there shall be no room for idle- ness ; and yet hath so or- dered the world, that there shall be space for devotion. He that hath the fewest businesses of the world, is called upon to spend more time in the dressing of his Soul ; and he that hath the most affairs, may so order them, that they shall be a service of God ; whilst at b Ezek. xvi. 49. certain periods they are blessed with prayers and actions of religion, and all day long are hallowed by a holy intention. However, so long as idle- ness is quite shut out from our lives ; all the sins of wantonness, softness, and ef- feminacy are prevented, and there is but little room left j for temptation : and there- I fore to a busy man tempta- tion is fain to climb up to- gether with his businesses, and sins creep upon him only by accidents and oc- casions ; whereas to an idle person they come in a full body, and with open vio- lence, and the impudence of a restless importunity. Idleness is called " the sin of Sodom and her daughters, and indeed is<= the burial of a living man : an idle per- son being so useless to any piu'poses of God and man, that he is like one that is dead, unconcerned in the changes and necessities of the world ; and he only lives to spend his time, and eat the fruits of the earth : like a vermin or a wolf, when their time comes they die and perish, and in the mean time do no good ; they nei- ther plough nor carry bur- thens ; all that they do, 6 CARE OF OUR TIME. . either is unprofitable, or mischievous. Idleness is the greatest prodigality in the world : it throws away that which is un valuable in respect of its present use, and irreparable when it is past, being to be recovered by no power of art or nature. But the way to secure and improve our time we may practise in the following Rules. Rides for employing out Time. 1. In the morning, when you awake, accustom your- self to think first upon God, or something in order to His service ; and at night also, let Him close thine eyes : and let your sleep be neces- sary and healthful, not idle and expensive of time be- yond the needs and con- veniencies of nature ; and sometimes be curious to see the preparation which the Sun makes, when he is com- ing forth from his chambers of the East. 2. Let every man that hath a calling, be diligent in pursuance of its employ- ment ; so as not lightly or without reasonable occasion to neglect it in any of those times which are usually, and by the custom of prudent d See Chap, persons and good husbands, employed in it. 3. Let all the intervals or void spaces of time be era- ployed in prayers, reading, meditating, works of nature, recreation, charity, friendli- ness and neighbourhood and means of spiritual and cor- poral health : ever remem- bering so to work in our calling, as not to neglect the work of our high Cal- ling ; but to begin and end the day with God, with such forms of devotion as shall be proper to our necessi- ties. 4. The resting-days of Christians, and Festivals of the Church, must in no sense be days of idleness ; for it is better to plough upon holy-days, than to do no- thing, or to do viciously : but let them be spent in the works of the day, that is, of Religion and Charity, according to the rules ap- pointed ^ 5. Avoid the company of Drunkards and husy-bodieSj and all such as are apt to talk much to little purpose ; for no man can be provi- dent of his time, that is not prudent in the choice of his company : and if one of the speakers be vain, tedious, and trifling, he that hears iv. Sect. 6. CARE OP OUR TIME. and he that answers in the discourse are equal losers of their time. 6. Never talk with any man, or undertake any tri- fling employment, merely to pass the time axoay : for every day well spent may become a day of Salva- tion, and time rightly em- ployed is an acceptable time ^ And remember, that the time thou triflest away was given thee to repent in, to pray for pardon of sins, to work out thy salvation, to do the work of grace, to lay up against 'the day of Judg- ment a treasure of good works, that thy time may be crowned with Eternity. 7. In the midst of the works of thy calling often retire to God in short Prayers and ejaculations ; and those may make up the want of those larger portions of time, which it may be thou de- sirest for devotion, and in which thou thinkest other persons have advantage of thee : for so thou reconcilest 1-he outward work and thy inward calling, the Church and the commonwealth, the employment of the body and the interest of thy Soul : for be sure that God is present at thy breathings and hearty sighings of prayer, as soon • S. Bern, de as at the longer offices of less busied persons ; and thy time is as truly sanctified by a trade, and devout, though shorter, prayers, as by the longer offices of those whose time is not filled up with labour and useful business. 8. Let your employment be such as may become a reasonable person : and not be a business fit for chil- dren or distracted people, but fit for your age and un- derstanding. For a man may be very idly busy, and take great pains to so little pur- pose, that in his labours and expence of time he shall serve no end but of folly and vanity. There are some trades that wholly serve the ends of idle per- sons and fools, and such as are fit to be seized upon by the severity of laws, and banished from under the sun : and there are some people who are busy ; but it is, as Domitian was, in catching flies. 9. Let your employment be fitted to your person and calling. Some there are that employ their time in afiairs infinitely below the dignity of their person ; and being called by God or by the republic to help to bear great burthens, and to judge triplici castodia. 8 CARE OF OUR TIME. a people, do enfeeble their understandings, and disable their persons by sordid and brutish business. Thus JVero went up and down Greece, and challenged the fiddlers at their trade, ^rojms a MacedonianKmg made lan- terns. Harcatius the King of Parthia was a mole- catcher : and Biantes the Lydian filed needles. He that is appointed to minister in holy things, must not suffer secular affairs and sordid arts to eat up great portions of his employ- ment : a clergyman must not keep a tavern, nor a judge be an inn-keeper ; and it was a great idle- ness in Theophylact the Patriarch of C. P. to spend his time in his stable of horses when he should have been in his study, or the pulpit, or saying his holy Offices. Such employments are the diseases of labour, and the rust of time, which it contracts, not by lying still, but by dirty employ- ment. 10. Let our employment be such as becomes a Chris- tian ; that is, in no sense mingled v/ith sin : for he that takes pains to serve the ends of covetousness, or ministers to another's lust, or keeps a shop of impuri- ties or intemperance, is idle in the worst sense ; for every hour so spent runs him backward, and must be spent again in the remain- ing and shorter part of his life, and spent better. 11, Persons oi great qua- lity, and of no trade, are to be most prudent and curious in their employ- ment and traffick of time. They are miserable, if their education hath been so loose and undisciplined as to leave them unfurnished of skill to spend their time : but most miserable are they, if such misgovernment and unskilfulness make them fall into vicious and baser company, and drive on their time by the sad minutes and periods of sin and death. They that are learned know the worth of time, and the manner how well to improve a day ; and they are to pre- pare themselves for such purposes in which they may be most useful in order to arts or arms, to counsel in public or government in their country : But for others of them that are unlearned, let them choose good company, such as may not tempt them to a vice, or join with them in any ; but that may supply their defects by counsel and dis- CARE OP OUR TIME. 9 course, by way of con- duct and conversation. Let them learn easy and useful things, read history and the laws of the land, learn the customs of their country, the condition of their own estate, profitable and chari- table contrivances of it : let them study prudently to govern their families, learn the burthens of their ten- ants, the necessities of their neighbours, and in their pro- portion supply them, and reconcile their enmities, and prevent their law-suits, or quickly end them ; and in this glut of leisure and dis- employment, let them set apart greater portions of their time for Religion and the necessities of their Souls. 12. Let the women of nolle hirth and great for- tunes do the same things in their proportions and capacities ; nurse their chil- dren, look to the affairs of th e house, visit poor cottages, and relieve their neces- sities, be courteous to the neighbourhood, learn in si- lence of their husbands or their spiritual guides, read good books, pray often and speak little, and learn to do good works for necessary uses; for by that phrase S. Paul expresses the ob- ligation of Christian women to good housewifery, and charitable provisions for their family and neigh- bourhood. 13. Let all persons of all conditions avoid all delicacy and niceness in their cloth- ing or diet, because such softness engages them upon great misspendings of their time, while they dress and comb out all their oppor- tunities of their morning devotion, and half the day's severity, and sleep out the care and provision for their Souls. 14. Let every one of every condition avoid cu- riosity, and all enquiry into things that concern them not. For all business in things that concern us not is an employing our time to no good of ours, and therefore not in order to a happy Eternity. In this account our neighbours' ne- cessities are not to be reck- oned ; for they concern us as one member is concerned in the grief of another : but going from house to house, tatlers and busy-bodies, which are the canker and rust of idleness, as idleness is the rust of time, are re- proved by the Apostle in severe language, and for- bidden in order to this exer- cise. 3 10 CARE OF OUR TIME. 15. As mucli as may be, cut off all impertinent arid useless employments of your life ; unnecessary and fan- tastic visits, long waitings upon great personages, where neither duty nor necessity nor charity ob- liges us ; all vain meetings, all laborious trifles, and whatsoever spends much time to no real, civil, re- ligious, or charitable pur- pose. 16. Let not your recrea- tions be lavish spenders of your time ; but choose such which are healthful, short, transient, recreative, and apt to refresh you ; but at no hand dwell upon them, or make them your great emjyloyment : for he that spends his time in sports, and calls it recreation, is like him whose garment is all made of fringes, and his meat nothing but sauces ; they are healthless, charge- able, and useless. And therefore avoid such games which require much time or long attendance ; or which are apt to steal thy affections from more severe employments. For to what- oever thou hast given thy sffections, thou wilt not grudge to give thy time. Natural necessity and the * Cassian, Collat. xxiv. c. 21 example of S. John (who recreated himself with sport- ing with a tame partridge ^ teach us that it is lawful to relax and unbind our bow, but not to suffer it to be unready or unstrung. 17. Set apart some por- tions of every day for more solemn devotion and reli- gious employment, which be severe in ohserving : and if variety of employment, or prudent affairs, or civil society press upon you, yet so order thy rule, that the necessary parts of it be not omitted ; and though just occasions may make our prayers shorter, yet let no- thing but a violent, sudden, and impatient necessity make thee upon any one day wholly to omit thy morning and evening de- votions ; which if you be forced to make very short, you may supply and leng- then with ejaculations and short retirements in the day- time, in the midst of your employment, or of your company. 18. Do not the work of God negligently^ and idly : let not thy heart be upon the world, when thy hand is lift up in prayer : and be sure to prefer an action of religion in its place and e Jer. xlviii. 10. CARE or OUR TIME. 11 proper season before all worldly pleasure, letting secular things (that may be dispensed with in them- selves) in these circum- stances wait upon the other ; not like the pa- triarch who ran from the Altar in S. Sophia to his stable in all his Pontificals, and in the midst of his office, to see a colt newly fallen from his beloved and much valued mare F/ior- hante^. More prudent and severe was that of Sir Thomas More, who, being sent for by the king when he was at his prayers in public, returned answer, he would attend him when he had first performed his ser- vice to the King of kings. And it did honour to Rus- ticus that, when letters from Ccesar were given to him, he refused to open them till the philosopher had done his lecture. In hon- ouring God and doing his work, put forth all thy strength ; for of that time only thou mayest be most confident that it is gained, which is prudently and zealously spent in God's service. 19. When the Cloch strikes, or however else you shall measure the day, it is good *> Plutarch, to say a short ejaculation every hour, that the parts and returns of devotion may be the measure of your time: and do so also in all the breaches of thy sleep ; that those spaces, which have in them no direct business of the world, may be filled with religion. 20. If by thus doing you have not secured your time by an early and fore- handed care, yet be sure by a timely diligence to redeem the time ; that is, to be pious and religious in such instances in which formerly you have sinned, and to bestow your time especially upon such graces, the contrary whereof you have formerly practised, doing actions of chastity and temperance with as great a zeal and earnest- ness as you did once act your uncleanness ; and then by all arts to watch against your present and future dangers, from day to day securing your standing : this is properly to redeem your time ; that is, to buy your security of it at the rate of any labour and honest arts. 21. Let him that is most busied set apart some solemn de Curiosit. 12 CARE OF OUR TIME. time'^ every year, in which, for the time quitting all worldly business, he may attend wholly to fasting and prayer, and the dres- sing of his Soul by con- fessions, meditations, and attendances upon God ; that he may make up his ac- counts, renew his vows, make amends for his care- lessness, and retire back again from whence levity and the vanities of the world, or the opportunity of temptations, or the dis- traction of secular affairs, have carried him. 22. In this we shall be much assisted, and we shall find the work more easy, if, before we sleep every night, we examhie the ac- tions of the day with a particular scrutiny, if there have been any accident ex- traordinary, as long dis- course, a Feast, much busi- ness, variety of company. If nothing but common hath happened, the less examination will suffice : only let us take care, that we sleep not without such a recollection of the actions of the day, as may repre- sent any thing that is re- markable and great either to be the matter of sorrow or thanksgiving ; for other i 1 Cor things a general care is proportionable. 23. Let all these things be done prudently and rao- derately ; not with scruple and vexation. For these are good advantages, but the particulars are not Di- vine commandments ; and therefore are to be used as shall be found expedient to every one's condition. For, provided that our duty be secured, for the degrees and for the instruments every man is permitted to himself and the conduct of such who shall be appointed to him. He is happy that can secure every hour to a sober or a pious employment : but the duty consists not scru- pulously in minutes and half hours, but in greater portions of time ; provided that no minute be employed in sin, and the great por- tions of our time be spent in sober employment, and all the appointed days and some portions of every day be allowed for Religion. In all the lesser parts of time we are left to our own elections and prudent ma- nagement, and to the consi- deration of the great degrees and differences of glory that are laid up in Heaven for us, according to the degrees vii. 5. CARE OF OUR TIME. 13 of our care, and piety, and diligence. The henejits of this exercise. This exercise, besides that it hath influence upon our whole lives, it hath a special efficacy for the preventing of, 1. Beggarly sins ; that is, those sins which idleness and beggary usually betray men to : such as are lying, flattery, stealing, and dissi- mulation. 2. It is a proper antidote against carnal sins, and such as proceed from fulness of bread and empti- ness of employment. 3. It is a great instrument of preventing the smallest sins and irregularities of our life, which usually creep upon idle, disemployed, and cu- rious persons. 4. It not only : teaches us to avoid evil, but I engages us upon doing good^ as the proper business of all our days. 5. It prepares us so against sudden changes, that we shall not easily be , surprised at the sudden coming of the Day of the Lord : For he that is curious of his time, will not easily be unready and unfur- nished. Sect. II. The second general instrument of holy Living, Purity of Intention. That we should intend and design God's glory in every action we do, whe- ther it be natural or chosen, is expressed by >S'. Favl'\ Whether ye eat or d.rinh do 1 all to the glory of God. Which rule when we ob- serve, every action of nature becomes religious, and every meal is an act of worship, and shall have its reward in its proportion, as well as an act of prayer. Blessed be that goodness and grace of God, which, out of infi- nite desire to glorify and save mankind, would make the very works of nature capable of becoming acts of virtue, that all our life- time we may do Him ser- vice. » This grace is so excellent, that it sanctifies the most common action of our life : and yet so necessary, that without it the very best actions of our devotion are imperfect and vicious. For he that prays out of custom, or gives alms for praise, or fasts to be accounted reli- gious, is but a Pharisee in i I Cor. X. 31. 14 PURITY OF INTENTION. his devotion, and a beggar in his alms, and an hypo- crite in his fast. But a holy end sanctifies all these, and all other actions which can be made holy, and gives distinction to them, and procures acceptance. For, as to know the end distinguishes a man from a beast ; so to choose a good end distinguishes him from an evil man. Hezekiah re- peated his good deeds upon his sick-bed, and obtained favour of God ; but the Pharisee was accounted in- solent for doing the same thing : because this man did it to upbraid his brother, the other to obtain a mercy of God. Zacharias ques- tioned with the Angel about his message, and was made speechless for his incredu- lity ; but the blessed Virgin Mary questioned too, aud was blameless : for she did it to enquire after the man- tier of the thing, but he did not believe the thhig itself : he doubted of God's power, or the truth of the messen- ger ; but she only of her own incapacity. This was it which distinguished the mourning of David from the exclamation of Saul; the confession of Pharaoh from that of Manasses ; the tears of Peter from the re- ! pentance of Judas : " for i the praise is not in the deed j done, but in the manner of j its doing. If a man visits ■ his sick friend, and watches I at his pillow for charity sake, and because of his old afiection, we approve it : but I if he does it in hope of le- gacy, he is a vulture, and only watches for the car- cass. The same things are honest and dishonest : the manner of doing them and the end of the design makes the separation^." Holy intention is to the actions of a man that which the Soul is to the body, or form to its matter, or the root to the tree, or the sun to the world, or the foun- tain to a river, or the base to a pillar : for without these the body is a dead trunk, the matter is slug- gish, the tree is a block, the world is darkness, the river is quickly dry, the pillar rushes into flatness and a ruin ; and the action is sin- ful, or unprofitable and vain. The poor farmer that gave a dish of cold water to Artaxerxes was rewarded with a golden goblet ; and he that gives the same to a disciple in the naine of a disciple shall have a crown : PURITY OF INTENTION. 15 but if he gives water in despite, when the disciple needs wine or a cordial, his reward shall be to want that water to cool his tongue. But this Duty must be reduced to Rules. Rules for our Intentions. 1. In every action reflect upon the end ; and, in your undertaking it, consider V)hy you do it, and what you propound to yourself for a reward, and to your action as its end. 2. Begin every action in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: the meaning of which is, 1. That we be careful that we do not the action without the permis- sion or warrant of God. 2. That we design it to the glory of God, if not in the direct action, yet at least in its consequence ; if not in the particular, yet at least in the whole order of things and accidents. 3. That it may be so blessed, that what you intend for inno- cent and holy purposes, may not by any chance or abuse or misunderstanding of men be turned into evil, or made the occasion of sin. 3. Let every action of concernment be hegu7i with prayer, that God would not only bless the action, but sanctify your purpose ; and make an oblation of the ac- tion to God : holy and well- intended actions being the best oblations and presents we can make to God ; and, when God is entitled to them, He will the rather keep the fire upon the altar bright and shining. 4. In the prosecution of the action, renew and re- enkindle your purpose by short ejaculations to these purposes : Not unto us, Lord, not unto us, but unto thy Name let all 'praise he given : and consider. Now I am working the work of God ; I am His servant, I am 171 a happy employment, I am doing my Master'^s business, I am not at my own dispose, I am using His talents, and all the gain must he His : for then be sure, as the glory is His, so the re- ward shall be thine. If thou bringest His goods home with increase, He will make thee ruler over cities. 5. Have a care, that, while the altar thus sends up a holy fume, thou dost not suffer the birds to come and carry away the sacri- fice : that is, let not that which began well, and was intended for God's glory, decline and end in thy own 16 PURITY OF INTENTION. praise, or temporal satisfac- tion, or a sin. A story told to represent the vileness of unchastity is well begun : but if thy female auditor be pleased with thy language, and begins rather to like thy person for thy story, than to dislike the crime, be watchful, lest this goodly head of gold descend in sil- ver and brass, and end in iron and clay, like Nebu- chad7i€zzars imsige ; for from the end it shall have its name and reward. 6. If any accidental event, which was not first intended by thee, can come to pass, let it not be taken into thy purposes, not at all be made use of: as, if by telling a true story you can do an ill turn to your enemy, by no means do it ; but when the temptation is found out, turn all thy enmity upon that. 7. In every more solemn action of Religion, join to- gether many good ends, that the consideration of them may entertain all your affections, and that when any one ceases, the purity of your intention may be supported by another sup- ply. He that fasts only to tame a rebellious body, when he is provided of a remedy either in Grace or Nature, may be tempted to leave off his fasting. But he that in his fast intends the mortification of every unruly appetite, and accus- toming himself to bear the yoke of the Lord, a con- tempt of the pleasures of meat and di'ink, humiliation of all wilder thoughts, obe- dience and humility, auste- rity and charity, and the convenience and assistance to devotion, and to do an act of repentance ; what- ever happens, will have rea- son enough to make him to continue his purpose, and to sanctify it. And cer- tain it is, the more good ends are designed in an action, the more degrees of excellency the man ob- tains. 8. If any temptation to spoil your purpose happens in a religious duty, do not presently omit the action, but rather strive to rectify your intention and to mor- tify the temptation. St. Bernard taught us this rule : For when the Devil, observing him to preach excellently and to do much benefit to his hearers, tempted him to vain glory, hoping that the good man to avoid that would cease preaching, he gave this an- swer only ; / neither began PURITY OF INTENTION. 17 for thee, neither for thee will I mcike'an end. 9. In all actions which are oi long continuance, de- liberation, and abode, let your holy and pious inten- tion be actual ; that is, that it be by a special prayer or action, by a peculiar act of resignation or oblation, given to God : but in smaller actions, and little things and indifferent, fail not to secure a pious habitual in- tention ; that is, that it be included within your gene- ral care, that no action have an ill end ; and that it be comprehended in your gene- ral prayers, whereby you offer yourself and all you do to God's glory. 10. Call not every tempo- ral end a defiling of thy in- tention, but only, 1. when it contradicts any of the ends of God ; or, 2. when it is principally intended in an action of Religion. For sometimes a temporal end is part of our duty : and such are all the actions of our calling, whether our employment be religious or civil. We are commanded to provide for our family : but if the Minister of Divine Offices shall take upon him that holy calling for cove- tous or ambitious ends, or shall not design the glory of God principally and es- pecially, he hath polluted his hands and his heart ; and the fire of the altar is quenched, or it sends forth nothing but the smoke of mushrooms or unpleasant gums. And it is a great unworthiness to prefer the interest of a creature before the ends of God the Al- mighty Creator. But because many cases may happen in which a man's heart raay deceive him, and he may not well know what is in his own spu'it ; therefore by these following signs we shall best make a judgment, whether our intentions he ijure, and our jnorposes holy. Signs of Purity of In- tention. 1. It is probable our hearts 1 are right with God, and our intentions innocent and pious, if we set upon actions of Religion or civil life with an affection pro- portionate to the quality of the Avork ; that we act our temporal affairs with a de- sire no greater than our necessity ; and that in ac- tions of Religion we be zealous, active, and opera- tive, so far as prudence will See sect. I. of this chapter, rule 18. 18 PURITY OF INTENTION. permit ; but in all cases, that we value a religious design before a temporal, when otherwise they are in equal order to their several ends : that is, that whatso- ever is necessary in order to our Soul's health be higher esteemed than what is for bodily ; and the ne- cessities, the indispensable necessities, of the spirit be served before the needs of nature, when they are re- quu-ed in their several cir- cumstances : or plainer yet, when we choose any tempo- ral inconvenience rather than commit a sin, and when we choose to do a duty rather than to get gain. But he that does his recreation or his merchan- dise cheerfully, promptly, readily, and busily, and the works of Religion slowly, flatly, and without appetite ; and the spirit moves like Pharaoh'' s chariots when the wheels were off ; it is a sign that his heart is not right with God, but it cleaves too much to the world. 2. It is likely our hearts are pure and our intentions spotless, when we are not solicitous of the opinion and censures of men ; but only that we do our duty, and be accepted of God. For «° Seneca, Ep. 113. n St. our eyes will certainly be fixed there from whence we expect our reward : and if we desire that God should approve us, it is a sign we doHiswork, and expect Him our paymaster. 3. He that does as well in private, between God and his own Soul, as in public, in pulpits, in theatres, and market-places ; hath given himself a good testimony that his purposes are full of honesty, nobleness, and in- tegrity. For what HelJca- nah said to the Mother of Samuel, Am not I better to thee than ten sons ? is most certainly verified concern- ing God ; that He who is to be our Judge is better than ten thousand witnesses. But he that would have his vir- tue published, studies not virtue, but glory. " He is not just™, that will not be just without praise: but he is a righteous man, that does justice when to do so is made infamous ; and he is a wise man, who is de- lighted with a7i ill name that is well gotten. And indeed that man hath a strange"^ covetousness, or folly, that is not contented with this reward, that he hath pleased God. And see what he gets by it. He Chrys. lib. ii. de Compun. cordis. PLRITY OF I^"TEXTION. 19 that does good works o for praise or secular ends, sells an inestimable jewel for a trifle ; an 1 that, which would purchase Heaven for him, he parts with for the breath of the people ; which at the best is but air, and that not often wholesome." 4. It is well also, when we are not solicitous or troubled concerning the ef- fect and event of all our ac- tions ; but that, being first by prayer recommended to Him, is left at His dispose : for then, in case the event be not answerable to our desires, or to the efficacy of the instrument, we have nothing left to rest in but the honesty of our purposes ; which it is the more likely we have secured, by how much more we are indiffe- rent concerning the success. St. James converted but eight persons, when he preached in Spain; and our blessed Saviour con- verted fewer than His own disciples did : And if thy labours prove unprosperous, if thou beest much troubled at that, it is certain thou didst not think thyself se- cure of a reward for your intention, which you might have done, if it had been pure and just. 5. He loves virtue for God's sake and its own, that loves and honours it loher- ever it is to be seen ; but he that is envious or angry at a virtue that is not his own, at the perfection or excel- lency of his neighbour, is not covetous of the virtue, but of its reward and repu- tation ; and then his inten- tions are polluted. It was a great ingenuity in Moses., that wished all the 'people might be Prophets ; but if he had designed his own honour, he would have pro- phesied alone. But he that desires only that the work of God and Religion shall go on, is pleased with it, whoever is the instru- ment. 6, He that despises tlie world and all its ap]3endant vanities, is the best judge, and the most secured, of his intentions ; because he is the furthest removed from a temptation. Every degree of mortification is a testi- mony of the purity of our purposes : and in what de- gree we despise sensual pleasure, or secular honours, or worldly reputation, in the same degree we shall conclude our heart right to Religion and spiritual de- signs. ° St. Greg. Moral., viii. cap. 25. 20 PURITY OP INTENTION. 7. When we are oiot soli- citous concerning the in- struments and means of our actions, but use those means which God hath laid before us, with resignation, indif- ferency, and thankfulness ; it is a good sign that we are rather intent upon the end of God's glory, than our own conveniency or tempo- ral satisfaction. He that is indifferent whether he serve God in riches or in poverty, is rather a seeker of God than of himself; and he that will throw away a good book because it is not curi- ously gilded, is more curi- ous to please his eye, than to inform his understanding. 8. When a temporal end consisting with a spiritual, and pretended to be subor- dinate to it, happens to fail and be defeated ; if we can rejoice in that, so God's glory may be secured and the interests of Religion ; it is a great sign our hearts are right, and our ends pru- dently designed and or- dered. When our intentions are thus balanced, regulated, and discerned, we may con- sider, 1. That this exercise is of so universal efficacy in the whole course of a holy life, that it is like the soul to every holy action, and must be provided for in every undertaking ; and is of itself alone sufficient to make all natural and indif- ferent actions to be adopted into the family of Religion. 2. That there are some actions, which are usually reckoned as parts of our Religion, which yet of themselves are so relative and imperfect, that without the purity of intention they degenerate : and unless they be directed and proceed on to those purposes which God designed them to, they re- turn into the family of com- mon, secular, or sinful ac- tions. Thus alms are for charity, fasting for temper- ance, prayer is for religion, humiliation is for humility, austerity or sufferance is in order to the virtue of pati- ence : and when these ac- tions fail of their several ends, or are not directed to their own purposes, alms are mis-spent, fasting is an impertinent trouble, prayer is but lip-labour, humilia- tion is but hypocrisy, suffer- ance is but vexation ; for such were the alms of the Pharisee, t^iefast of Jezabel, the prayer of Judah re- proved by the Prophet Isaiah, the humiliation of Ahab, the martyrdom of Heretics ; in which nothing PURITY OF INTENTION. 21 is given to God but the body or the forms of Reli- gion, but the soul and the poiver of Godliness is wholly wanting. 3. We are to consider, that no intention can sanc- tify an tmholy or unlawful action. Said, the King, dis- obeyed God's command- ment, and spared the cattle of Amaleh to reserve the best for sacrifice : and Said, the Pharisee, persecuted the Church of God with a de- sign to do God service : and they that killed the Apos- tles had also good purposes, but they had unhallowed actions. When there is both truth in election and charity in the intention p ; when we go to God in ways of His own choosing or approving ; then OUT eye is single, and our hands are clean, and our hearts are pure. But when a man does evil that good may come of it, or good to an evil purpose ; that man does like him that rolls himself in thorns that he may sleep easily ; he roasts himself in the fire, that he may quench his thii'st with his own sweat : he turns his face to the east, that he may go to bed with the Sun. I end this with the saying of a wise Hea- then i; "He is to be called evil, that is only good for his own sake. Regard not how full hands you bring to God, but how pure. Many cease from sin out of fear alone, not out of innocence or love of virtue ; and they (as yet) are not to be called innocent, but timorous." Sect. III. The third general Instrument of Holy Living : or the Practice of the Presence of God. That God is present in all places, that He sees every action, hears all discourses, and understands every thought, is no strange thing to a Christian ear, who hath been taught this doctrine not only by right reason, and the consent of all the P St. Bern. lib. de Praecept. wise men in the world, but also by God Himself in holy Scripture. ^^Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off 2 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him ? saith the Lord. Bo not I fill heaven and q Publius Mimus. PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD. 22 earth^ ? " " Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight ; hut all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do *." ^^ For in Him we live and move and have our being '." God is wholly in every place ; included in no place ; not bound with cords, ex- cept those of love ; not divided into parts ; not changeable into several shapes ; filling heaven and earth with His present power, and with His never absent nature. So St. Au- gustine 'i expresses this ar- ticle. So that we may im- agine God to be as the air and the sea ; and we all inclosed in His circle, wrapt up in the lap of His infinite nature ; or as infants in the wombs of their pregnant mothers: and we can no more be removed from the presence of God, than from our own being. Several manners of the Divine presence. The presence of God is understood by us in several manners and to several pur- poses. 1. God is present hy His Essence ; which, because it , Jer. xxiii. 23, 24. J Acts vii. 28. is infinite, cannot be con- tained within the limits of any place : and because He is of an essential purity and spiritual nature, He cannot be undervalued by being supposed present in the places of unnatural un- cleanness : because, as the sun reflecting upon the mud of strands and shores is un- polluted in its beams, so is God not dishonoured when we suppose Him in every of His Creatures, and in every part of every one of them ; and is still as unmixt with any unhandsome adherence, as is the soul in the bowels of the body. 2. God is every where present hy His power. He rules the orbs of Heaven with His hand ; He fixes the Earth with His foot ; He guides all the Creatures with His eye, and refreshes them with His influence : He makes the powers of Hell to shake with His ter- rors, and binds the Devils with His Word, and throws them out with His com- mand ; and sends the An- gels on embassies with His decrees ; He hardens the joints of infants, and con- firms the bones when they are fashioned beneath se- . Heb. iv. 13. • Lib. vii. de Civit. c. xxx. PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OP GOD. 23 cretly in the earth. He it is that assists at the nume- rous productions of fishes ; and there is not one hollow- ness in the bottom of the sea, but He shews Himself to be Lord of it by sustain- ing there the creatures that come to dwell in it : And in the wilderness the bittern and the stork, the dragon and the satyr, the unicorn and the elk, live upon His provisions, and revere His power, and feel the force of His Almightiness. 3. God is more specially present in some places by the several and more special manifestations of Himself to extraordinary purposes. First, by Glory. Thus His seat is in Heaven ; because there He sits encircled with all the outward demonstra- tions of His glory, which He is pleased to shew to all the inhabitants of those His in- ward and secret Courts. And thus they that die in the Lord may be properly said to be gone to God; with whom although they were before, yet now they enter into His Courts, into the secret of His Tabernacle, into the retinue and splen- dour of His glory. That is called walhincj with God ; but this is dwelling or heing , » Matt, xviii. 20- Heb. x. 25. with Him. / desire to he dissolved and to he with Christ; so said S. Paul, But this manner of the Divine presence is reserved for the elect people of God, and for their portion in their country. 4. God is by Grace and heTiediction specially present in holy places'^, and in the solemn assemblies of His servants. If holy people meet in grots and dens of the earth, when persecution or a public necessity disturbs the public order, circum- stance, and convenience ; God fails not to come thi- ther to them : but God is also by the same or a greater reason present there where they meet ordinarily, by order and public authority : there God is present ordi- narily, that is, at every such meeting. God will go out of His way to meet His Saints, when themselves are forced out of their way of order by a sad necessity : but else, God's usual icay is to be present in those places where His servants are ap- pointed orditiarilyto meet ^ . But His presence there sig- nifies nothing but a readi- ness to hear their prayers, to bless their persons, to ac- cept their offices, and to y 1 Kings v. 9; Ps. cxxxviii. 1, 2. 24 PRACTICE OP THE PRESENCE OF GOD. like even the circumstance of orderly and public meet- ing. For thither the prayers of consecration, the public authority separating it, and God's love of order, and the reasonable customs of Reli- gion, have in ordinary, and in a certain degree, fixed this manner of His presence ; and He loves to have it so. 5. God is especially i:>re- sent in the hearts of His people by His Holy Spirit : and indeed the hearts of holy men are Temples in the truth of things, and in type and shadow they are Heaven itself. For God reigns in the hearts of His servants : there is His king- dom. The povv^er of grace hath subdued all His ene- mies : there is His power. They serve Him night and day, and give Him thanks and praise : that is His glory. This is the religion and worship of God in the Tem- ple. The Temple itself is the heart of man ; Christ is the High Priest, who from thence sends up the incense of prayers, and joins them to His own intercession, and presents all together to His Father ; and the Holy Ghost, by His dwelling there, hath also consecrated it into a Temple «; and God dwells " 1 Cor. iii. 16 in our hearts by faith, and Christ by His Spirit, and the Spirit by His purities : so that we are also Cabinets of the Mysterious Trinity ; and what is this short of Heaven itself, but as infancy is short of manhood, and letters of words? The same state of life it is, but not the same age. It is Heaven in a looking-glass (dark, but yet true) representing the beau- ties of the Soul, and the graces of God, and the images of His eternal glory, by the reality of a special presence. 6. God is specially pre- sent in the consciences of all persons, good and bad, by way of testimony and judg- ment : that is. He is there a remembrancer to call our actions to mind, a witness to bring them to judgment, and a judge to acquit or to condemn. And although this manner of presence is in this life after the manner of this life, that is, imper- fect, and we forget many actions of our lives ; yet the greatest changes of our state of grace or sin, our most considerable actions, are al- ways present, like Capital Letters to an aged and dim eye: and at the day of judgment God shall draw 2 Cor. vi. 16. PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OP GOD. 25 aside the cloud, and mani- fest this manner of His pre- sence more notoriously, and make it appear that He was an observer of our very thoughts ; and that He only laid those things by, which because we covered with dust and negligence, were not then discerned. But when we are risen from our dust and imperfection, they all appear plain and legible. Now the consideration of this great truth is of a very universal use in the whole course of the life of a Christian, All the conse- quents and effects of it are universal. * He that remem- bers that God stands a loit- ness and a. Judge, beholding every secrecy ; besides his impiety, must have put on impudence, if he be not much restrained in his temptation to sin. " For the greatest part of sin is taken away ^, if a man have a witness of his conversation : And he is a great despiser of God, who sends a boy away when he is going to commit fornication ; and yet will dare to do it, though he knows God is present and cannot be sent off: as if the eye of a little boy were more awful than the all-seeing eye of God. He is to be feared in public. He is to be feared in private : if you go forth, He spies you ; if you go in, He sees you ; when you light the candle. He observes you ; when you put it out, then also God marks you. Be svu-e that while you are in His sight you behave your- self as becomes so holy a presence." But if you will sin, retire yourself wisely, and go where God cannot see : For no where else can you be safe. And certainly, if men would always actu- ally consider, and really esteem this truth, that God is the great Eye of the World, always watching over our actions, and an ever- open Ear to hear all our words, and an umvearied A rm ever lifted up to crush a sinner into ruin ; it would be the readiest way in the world to make sin to cease from amongst the children of men, and for men to ap- proach to the blessed estate of the Saints in Heaven, who cannot sin, for they always walk in the presence and behold the face of God. This instrument is to be re- duced to practice according to the following Rules. St. Aug. de verbis Domiuicis, c. 3. C 26 PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD. Rules of exercising this consideration. 1. Let this actual thought often return, that God is omnipresent, filling every place ; and say with David, Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit, or whither shall I fke from Thy' presence ? If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there : If I make my bed in hell, Thou aH there, ', " There is one way of over- coming our ghostly ene- mies; spiritual mirth, and a perpetual bearing of God in our minds." This eifec- tively resists the Devil, and suffers us to receive no hurt from him. 4. This exercise is apt also to enkindle holy desires of the enjoyment of God, because it produces joy when we do enjoy Him ; the same desires that a weak man hath for a de- fender, the sick man for a physician, the poor for a patron, the child for his father, the espoused lover for her betrothed, 5. From the same fountain are apt to issue humility of spirit, apprehensions of our great distance and our great needs, our daily wants and hourly supplies, admiration of God's unspeakable mer- cies : It is the cause of great modesty and decency in our actions ; it helps to re- collection of mind, and re- strains the scatterings and looseness of wandering thoughts : it establishes the heart in good purposes, and St. Antho. 30 PRACTICE OP THE PRESENCE OF GOD. leadeth on to perseverance ; it gains purity and perfec- tion, (according to the say- ing of Ood to Abraham, Walk before Me, and be pe- fect,) holy fear, and holy love, and indeed everything that pertains to holy living : when we see ourselves placed in the Eye of God, who sets us on work and will reward us plenteously, to serve Him with an Eye- service is very pleasing ; for He also sees the heart : and the want of this considera- tion was declared to be the cause why Israel sinned so grievously, ^^ For they say, The Lord hath forsaken the earth, and the Lord seeth notK-'^ "therefore the land is full of blood, and the city fullofperversejiess^." What a child would do in the eye of his father, and a pupil before his tutor, and a wife in the presence of her hus- band, and a servant in the sight of his master ; let us always do the same : for we are made a spectacle to God, to Angels, and to men^; we are always in the sight and presence of the All- seeing and Almighty God, who also is to us a Father and a Guardian, a Husband and a Lord. PRAYERS AND DEVOTIONS ACCORDING TO THE RELIGION AND PURPOSES OF THE FOREGOING CONSIDERATIONS. I. — For grace to spend our tiTne well. Eternal God, who from all eternity dost behold and love Thy own glories and perfections infinite, and hast created me to do the work of God after the manner of men, and to serve Thee in : this generation, and accord- I ing to my capacities ; give me Thy grace, that I may be a curious and prudent i spender of my time, so as I 1 may best prevent or resist ' ' l\ix\. X, II. ^ Ezek all temptation, and be pro- fitable to the Christian Com- monwealth, and by dis- charging all my duty may glorify Thy Name. Take from me all slothfulness, and give me a diligent and an active spirit, and wisdom to choose my employment ; that I may do works pro- portionable to my person, and to the dignity of a Christian, and may fill up all the spaces of my time with actions of Religion and Charity ; that, when ix. 9. ' 1 Cor. iv. 9. DEVOTIONS FOR ORDINARY DAT3. 31 the Devil assaults me, he may not find me idle, and my dearest Lord at His sudden coming may find me busy in lawful, neces- sary, and pious actions ; improving my talent en- trusted to me by Thee, my Lord, that I may enter into the joy of my Lord, to par- take of His eternal felici- ties, even for Thy mercy sake, and for my dearest Saviour's sake. Amen. If Here follows the devo- tion of ordinary days ; for the right employ- ment of those portions of time which every day must allow for Reli- gion. The first Prayers in the Morning as soon as we are dressed. % Humbly and reverently compose yourself, with heart lift up to God and your head bowed ; and, meekly kneeling upon your knees, say the Lord's Prayer : after which, use the follow- ing Collects, or as many of them as you shall choose. Our Father which art in Heaven, &c. •n Rev. xi. 17. o Rev. iv. 10, 11. 1. — An act of Adoration^ being the song that the Angels sing in Heaven. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come™ : Heaven and Earth, Angels and Men, the Air and the Sea, give glory, and honour, and thanks to Him that sitteth on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever". All the blessed spirits and souls of the righteous cast their crowns before the throne, and worship Him that liveth for ever and ever ; " Thou art worthy, Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power ; for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created"." " Great and marvellous are Thy works, Lord God Almighty : just and true : are Thy ways, Thou King I of Saints P. Thy wisdom is I infinite, Thy mercies are glorious ; and I am not j worthy, Lord, to appear in Thy presence, before whom the Angels hide their faces. Holy and Eternal Jesus, j Lamb of God, who wert I slain from the beginning ' of the world, Thou " hast I redeemed us to God by Thy " Rev. V. 11, ]3. P Rev. XV. 3. DEVOTIONS FOR ORDINARY DATS. 32 blood out of every nation, and hast made us unto oui- God kings and priests, and we shall reign with Thee for ever"!." " Blessing, honour, glory and power be unto Him that sitteth on the throne and to the Lamb for ever^" Amen. II. — An act of thanksgiving, being the song of David for the Morning. Sing praises unto the Lord*, ye Saints of His, and give thanks to Him for a remembrance of His holi- ness. For His wrath en- dureth but the twinkling of an eye, and in His plea- sure is life ; heaviness may endure for a night, but joy Cometh in the morning. Thou, Lord, hast preserved me this night from the violence of the spirits of darkness*, from all sad casualties and evil acci- dents, from the wrath which I have every day de- served : Thou hast brought my Soul out of hell ", Thou hast kept my life from them that go down into the pit : Thou hast shewed me mar- vellous great kindness % and hast blessed me for ever : the greatness of Thy glory reacheth unto the heavens, and Thy truth imto the clouds ^. Therefore shall every good man sing of Thy praise without ceasing. my God, I will give thanks unto Thee for ever ^. Allelujah. III. — An Act of oblation or presenting oitrselves to God for the day. Most Holy and Eternal God, Lord and Sovereign of all the creatures, I hum- bly present to Thy Divine Majesty myself, my Soul and body, my thoughts and my words, my actions and intentions, my passions and my sufferings, to be dis- posed by Thee to Thy glory ; to be blessed by Thy provi- dence ; to be guided by Thy counsel ; to be sancti- fied by Thy Spirit ; and afterwards that my body and Soul may be received into glory : for nothing can perish which is under Thy custody ; and the enemy of iSouls cannot devour what is Thy portion, nor take it out of Thy hands. This day, Lord, and all the days of my life I dedicate I Rev. V. 9, 10 r Rev . V. 13. • Ps. XXX. 4 ,5 t Ps. XXX. 1 u Ps. XXX .3. X Ps XXXi. 23 y Ps. xxxvi 3; cviii 4, 5. = Ps. XXX 12. DEVOTIONS FOR ORDINARY PAYS. 33 to Thy honour, and the ac- tions of my calling to the uses of grace, and the Re- ligion of all my days to be united to the merits and intercession of my holy Saviour Jesus ; that in Him and for Him I may be par- doned and accepted. Amen. IV. — An act of Repentance or Contrition. For as for me, I am not worthy to be called Thy servant, much less am I worthy to be Thy son ; for I am the vilest of sinners and the worst of men, a lover of the things of the world and a despiser of the things of God, \j)roud and envioiLS, lustful and intem- perate,'] greedy of sin and impatient of reproof, de- sirous to seem holy and negligent of being so, transported with interest, fooled with presumption and false principles, dis- turbed with anger, with a peevish and unmortified spirit, and disordered by a whole body of sin and death. Lord, pardon all my sins for my sweetest Saviour's sake : Thou who didst die for me. Holy Jesus, save me and deliver me : reserve not my sins to be punished in the day of wrath and eter- nal vengeance ; but wash j away my sins, and blot I them out of Thy remem- j brance, and purify my Soul with the waters of repen- tance and the blood of the cross ; that for what is past I Thy wrath may not come out against me, and for the time to come I may never provoke Thee to auger or to jealousy. just and dear God, be pitiful and gracious to Thy servant. Amen. V. — TJie Prayer or Petition. Bless me, gracious God, in my calling to such pui-- poses as Thou shalt choose ; for me, or employ me in : ! Relieve me in all my sad- I nesses, make my bed in my ; sickness, give me patience ] in my sorrows, confidence in Thee, and grace to call upon Thee in all tempta- tions. be Thou my Guide in all my actions, my Pro- I tector in all dangers : give me a healthful body, and ! a clear understanding ; a I sanctified and just, a chari- table and humble, a religious and a contented spirit : let I not my life be miserable and j wretched ; nor my name : stained with sin and shame, I nor my condition lifted up to a tempting and danger- ous fortune : but let my condition be blessed ; my o3 34 DEYOTIONS FOR ORDINARY DATS. conversation useful to my neighbours and pleasing to Thee ; that, when my body shall'lie down in its bed of darkness, my Soul may pass into the regions of light, and live with Thee for ever, through Jesus Christ. Amen. VI. — A n act of intercession or prayer for others, to he added to this or any other office, as our devotion, or duty, or their needs, shall detervnhu us. God of infinite mercy, who hast compassion on all men, and relievest the ne- cessities of all that call to Thee for help, hear the prayers of Thy servant who is unworthy to ask any petition for himself, yet in humility and duty is bound to pray for others. For the Church. let Thy mercy descend upon the whole Church ; preserve her in truth and peace, in unity and safety, in all storms, and against all temptations and ene- mies : that she, offering to Thy glory the never-ceasing sacrifice of prayer and thanksgiving, may advance the honour of her Lord, and be filled with His Spirit, and partake of His glory. Amen. For the King. In mercy remember the King ; preserve his person in health and honour, his crown in wealth and dig- nity, his kingdom in peace and plenty, the Churches under his protection in piety and knowledge, and a strict and holy Religion : keep him perpetually in Thy fear and favour, and crown him with glory and immortality. Amen. For the Clergy. Remember them that minister about holy things ; let them be clothed with righteousness and sing with joy fulness. Ame7i. For Wife or Husband. Bless thy servant my \_Wife, or Husband'] with health of body and of spirit, let the hand of Thy blessing be upon his [or her] head night and day, and support him, in all necessities, strengthen him in all temptations, com- fort him in all his sorrows, and let hi'in be thy servant in all changes ; and make us both to dwell with Thee for ever in Thy favour, in the light of Thy counten- ance, and in Thy glory. Amen. DEVOTIONS FOR ORDINARY DATS. 35 For our Children. Bless my CMldren with healthful bodies, with good understandings, with the graces and gifts of Thy Spirit, with sweet disposi- j tions and holy habits, and : sanctify them throughout in their bodies and Souls and spirits, and keep them unblameable to the coming of the Lord Jesus, Amen. For Friends and Benefac- \ tors. i Be pleased, Lord, to remember my friends, all that have prayed for me, and all that have done me good. [Here 7iani€ such whom you looidd specially reconwiend.'] Do Thou good to them and return all their kindness double into their own bosom, rewarding them with blessings, and sancti- fying them with Thy graces, and bringing them to glory. For our Family. Let all my family and kindred, my neighbours and acquaintance [here name what other relation you please'] receive the benefit of my prayers, and the blessings of God ; the comforts and supports of Thy providence, and the sancti- fication of Thy Spirit. For all m misery. Relieve and comfort all the persecuted and afflicted : speak peace to troubled con- sciences : strengthen the weak : confirm the strong : instruct the ignorant : de- liver the oppressed from him that spoileth him, and relieve the needy that hath no helper ; and bring us all by the waters of comfort and in the ways of right- eousness to the Kingdom of rest and glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. A^nen. To God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, To the eternal Son that was in- carnate and born of a Virgin, To the Spirit of the Father and the Son, be all honour and glory, worship and thanksgiving now and for ever. Amen. A nother fo rm of Prayer for the Morning. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Our Father, &c. I. Most glorious and eter- nal God, Father of mercy, and God of all comfort, I worship and adore Thee with the lowest humility of my Soul and body, and give 36 DEVOTIONS FOR ORDINARY DAYS. Thee all thanks and praise for Thy infinite and essential glories and perfections, and for the continual demon- stration of Thy mercies upon me, upon all mine, and upon Thy holy Catholic Church. II. I Acknowledge, dear God, that I have deserved the greatest of Thy wrath and indignation ; and that, if Thou hadst dealt with me according to my deserving, I had now at this instant been desperately bewailing my miseries in the sorrows and horrors of a sad eter- nity. But, Thy mercy tri- umphing over Thy justice and my sins. Thou hast still continued to me life and time of repentance ; Thou hast opened to me the gates of grace and mercy, and perpetually callest upon me to enter in and to walk in the paths of a holy life, that I might glorify Thee and be glorified of Thee eternally. III. Behold, God, for this Thy great and un- speakable goodness, for the preservation of me this night, and for all other Thy graces and blessings, I offer up my Soul and body, all that I am, and all that I have, as a Sacri- fice to Thee and Thy service ; humbly begging of Thee to pardon all my sins, to de- fend me from all evil, to lead me into all good, and let my portion be amongst Thy redeemed ones in the gathering together of the Saints, in the Kingdom of grace and glory. IV. Guide me, Lord, in all the changes and varieties of the world ; that in all things that shall happen, I may have an evenness and tranquillity of spirit ; that my Soul may be wholly resigned to Thy Divinest Will and pleasure, never murmuring at Thy gentle chastisements and fatherly correction, never waxing proud and insolent, though I feel a torrent of comforts and prosperous successes. V. Fix my thoughts, my hopes and my desires upon Heaven and hea- venly things ; teach me to despise the world, to repent me deeply for my sins ; ' give me holy purposes of amendment, and ghostly strength and assistances to perform faithfully whatso- i ever I shall intend piously. Enrich my understanding I with an eternal treasure of Divine truths, that I may DEVOTIONS FOR ORDINARY DAYS. 37 know Thy will ; and, Thou who workest in us to will and to do of Thy good pleasure, teach me to obey all Thy Commandments, to believe all Thy Revelations, and make me partaker of all Thy gracious promises. VI. Teach me to watch over all Thy ways, that I may never be surprised by sudden temptations or a careless spirit, nor ever return to folly and vanity. Set a watch, Lord, before my mouth, and keep the door of my lips, that I oiFend not in my tongue neither against piety nor charity. Teach me to think of no- thing but Thee, and what is in order to Thy glory and service ; to speak nothing but Thee and Thy glories ; and to do nothing but what becomes Thy servant, whom Thy infinite mercy by the graces of Thy holy Spirit hath sealed up to the day of Redemption. VII. Let all my passions and affections be so morti- fied and brought under the dominion of grace, that I may never by deliberation and purpose, nor yet by levity, rashness, or incon- sideration offend Thy Divine Majesty, Make me such as Thou wouldst have me to be : strengthen my faith, confirm my hope, and give me a daily increase of charity, that this day and ever I may serve Thee ac- cording to all my oppor- tunities and capacities ; growing from grace to grace, till at last by Thy mercies I shall receive the consummation and perfec- tion of grace, even the glories of Thy Kingdom in the full fruition of the face and excellencies of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, to whom be glory and praise, honour and adoration given by all Angels, and all men, and all creatures, now and to all eternity. Amen. ^ To this may be added the prayer of Interces- sion for others whom we are bound to re- member, which is at the end of the forego- ing Prayer ; or else you may take such special Prayers which follow at the end of the fourth Chapter [for Parents, for Children, &c.] After ivhich, conclude with this Ejaculation. Now, in all tribulation and anguish of spirit, in all 38 DEVOTIONS FOR OEDINARY DATS. dangers of Soul and body, in prosperity and adversity, in the hour of death and in the day of Judgment, holy and most blessed Saviour Jesiis, have mercy upon me, make His Name to be glo- rious, come hither and behold the works of God, how wonderful He is in His doings towards the children of men. He ruleth with save me and deliver me and I His power for ever a. all faithful people. Ame7i. U Between this and noon usually are said the public Prayers ap- pointed by Authority ; to which all the Clergy are obliged, and other devout persons, that have leisure to accom- j captivity ; pany them. j runagates Ps. IxvJii. 5, 6. • Vi. IxY. 5. He is the father of the fatherless, and defendeth the cause of the widow, even God in His holy habi- tation. He is the God that maketh men to be of one mind in a house, and bring- eth the prisoners out of but letteth the continue in scarceness •». It is the Lord that com- mandeth the waters, it is the glorious God that maketh the thunder. It is the Lord that ruleth the sea : the voice of the Lord is mighty in operation ; the voice of the Lord is a glori- ous voice «^. Let all the earth fear the Lord : stand in awe of Him, all ye that dwell in the world '1. Thou shalt shew us wonderful things in Thy righteousness, God of our salvation, Thou that art the hope of all the ends of the Earth, and of them that remain in the broad Sea^. Glory be to the Father, &c. Ps. xxix. 3, 4. DEVOTIONS rOR ORDINARY DATS. 39 Or this. Lord, Thou art my God, I will exalt Thee: I will praise Thy Name, for Thou hast done wonderful things : Thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truths Thou in Thy strength settest fast the mountains, and art girded ahout with power. Thou stillest the raging of the sea, and the noise of his waves, and the madness of the people. They also that remain in the uttermost parts of the earth shall be afraid at Thy tokens ; Thou that makest the out-goings of the morn- ing and evening to praise Thee?. Lord God of Hosts, who is like unto Thee 1 Thy truth, most mighty Lord, is on every side'^. Among the gods there is none like unto Thee ; Lord, there is none that can do as Thou doest. For Thou art great and doest wondrous things ; Thou art God alone ». God is very greatly to be feared in the counsel of the Saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are round about him. Righteousness and equity is in the habitation of Thy seat ; mercy and truth shall go before Thy facei^. Glory and worship are before Him ; power and honour are in His Sanctuary'. Thou, Lord, art the thing that I long for ; Thou art my hope even from my youth. Through Thee have I been holden up ever since I was born ; Thou art He that took me out of my mother's womb : my praise shall be always of Theera. Glory be to the Father, &c. H After this may be read some portion of holy Scripture out of the New Testament or out of the Sapiential books of the Old, viz. Pro- verbs, Ecclesiastes, &c. because these are of great use to piety and to civil conversation. L^pon which when you have a while meditat- ed, humbly composing yourself upon your knees, say as foUoweth. Ejaculations. ^ly help standeth in the name of the Lord, who hath made Heaven and Earth" . Isai. XXV. 1. Ps. Ixxxvi. 8, 9, Ps. Ixxi. 4, 5. g Ps. Ixv. 6—8. k Ps. Ixxxix. 8, 15. ■> Ps. cxxiv. 7. *" Ps. Ixxxix. 9. ' Ps. xcvi. 6. 40 DEVOTIONS FOR ORDINARY DAYS. Shew the light of Thy countenance upon Thy ser- vant, and I shall be safe °, Do well, Lord, to them that be true of heart?, and evermore mightily defend them. Direct me in Thy truth and teach me, for Thou art my Saviour "i and my great Master. Keep me from sin and death eternal, and from my enemies visible and invisi- ble. Give me grace to live a holy life, and Thy favour that I may die a godly and happy death. Lord, hear the prayer of Thy servant, and give me Thy Holy Spirit. The Prayer. eternal God, merciful and gracious, vouchsafe Thy favour and Thy blessing to Thy servant : let the love of Thy mercies and the dread and fear of Thy Majesty make me carefid and inqui- sitive to search Thy will, and diligent to perform it, and to persevere in the practices of a holy life, even till the last of my days. II. Keep me, Lord, for I am Thine by creation ; guide me, for I am Thine by purchase ; Thou hast re- deemed me by the blood of Thy Son ; and love me with the love of a Father, for I am Thy child by adoption and grace : let Thy mercy pardon my sins, Thy provi- dence secure me from the punishments and evils I have deserved, and Thy care watch over me, that I may never any more offend Thee : make me in malice to be a child ; but in understand- ing, piety, and the fear of God, let me be a perfect man in Christ, innocent and prudent, readily fur- nished and instructed to every good work. III. Keep me, Lord, from the destroying Angel, and from the wrath of God : let Thy anger never rise against me, but Thy rod gently correct my follies, and guide me in Thy ways, and Thy staff support me in all sufferings and changes. Preserve me from fracture of bones, from noisome in- fections, and sharp sick- nesses, from great violences of fortune and sudden sur- prises : keep all my senses entire till the day of my death, and let my death be neither sudden, untimely, Ps. Ixxx. 3. p Ps. cxxv. 4. < Ps. XXV. 4. DEVOTIONS FOR ORDINARY DATS. 41 nor unprovided : let it be after the common manner of men, having in it nothing extraordinary, but an ex- traordinary piety, and the manifestation of Thy great and miraculous mercy. IV. Let no riches make me ever forget myself, no poverty ever make me to forget Thee : Let no hope or fear, no pleasure or pain, no accident without, no weakness within, hinder or discompose my duty, or turn me from the ways of Thy Commandments. let Thy spirit dwell with me for ever, and make my Soul just and charitable, full of honesty, full of Religion, resolute and constant in holy purposes, but inflexible to evil. Make me humble and obedient, peaceable and pious : let me never envy any man's good, nor deserve to be despised myself: and if I be, teach me to bear it with meekness and charity. V. Give me a tender con- science ; a conversation dis- creet and aflable, modest and patient, liberal and obliging ; a body chaste and healthful, competency of living according to my condition, contentedness in all estates, a resigned will and mortified afiec- tions : that I may be as Thou wouldst have me, and my portion may be in the lot of the righteous, in the brightness of Thy counten- ance, and the glories of eternity. Amen. Holy is our God. * Holy is the Almighty. *Holy is the Immortal. * Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth, have mercy upon me. A form of Prater for the Evening, to be said hy such, vjho have not time or opportunity to say the public Prayers appointed for this office. Evening Prayer. I. eternal God, great Father of men and Angels, who hast established the Heavens and the Earth in a wonderful order, making day and night to succeed each other ; I make my humble address to Thy Di- vine Majesty, begging of Thee mercy and protection this night and ever. O Lord, pardon all my sins, my light and rash words, the vanity and impiety of my thoughts, my unjust and uncharitable actions, and whatsoever I have transgressed against Thee this day, or at any time before. " Behold, God, my 42 DEVOTIONS FOR ORDINARY DATS. Soul is troubled in the re- membrance of my sins, in the frailty and sinfulness of my flesh exposed to every temptation, and of itself not able to resist any. Lord God of mercy, I earnestly beg of Thee to give me a great portion of Thy grace, such as may be sufficient and effectual for the morti- fication of all my sins and vanities and disorders : that as 1 have formerly served my lust and unworthy de- sires, so now I may give myself up wholly to Thy service, and the studies of a holy life. II. Blessed Lord, teach me frequently and sadly to remember my sins ; and be Thou pleased to remember them no more : let me never forget Thy mercies, and do Thou still remember to do me good. Teach me to walk always as in Thy presence : Ennoble my Soul with great degrees of love to thee, and consign my spirit with great fear, reli- gion, and veneration of Thy holy Name and laws ; that it may become the great employment of my whole life to serve Thee, to advance Thy glory, to root out all the accursed habits of sin ; that in holiness of life, in humility, in charity, in chastity and all the orna- ments of grace, I may by patience wait for the coming of our Lord Jesus. Amen. III. Teach me, Lord, to number my days, that I may apply my heart unto wisdom ; ever to remember my last end, that I may not dare to sin against Thee. Let Thy holy Angels be ever present with me to keep me in all my ways from the malice and violence of the spirits of darkness, from evil company, and the occa- sions and opportunities of evil, from perishing in po- pular judgments, from all the ways of sinful shame, from the hands of all mim enemies, from a sinful life and from despair in the day of my death. Then, brightest Jesu, shine glori- ously upon me, let Thy mer- cies and the light of Thy countenance sustain me in all my agonies, weaknesses, and temptations. Give me opportunity of a prudent and spiritual Guide, and of receiving the holy Sacra- ment ; and let Thy loving Spirit so guide me in the ways of peace and safety, that, with the testimony of a good conscience and the sense of Thy mercies and refreshment, I may depart this life in the unity of the DEVOTIONS FOR ORDINARY DAYS. 43 Church, in the love of God, and a certain hope of salva- tion through Jesus Christ our Lord and most blessed Saviour. Amen. Our Father, &c. Another form of Evening Prayer luhich'may also be used at hed-time. Our Father, &c. I will lift up my eyes unto the hills', from whence Cometh my help. My help cometh of the Lord, which made Heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved : He that keepeth thee will not slum- ber. Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper, the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, neither the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil ; He shall preserve thy Soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy com- ing in, from this time forth for evermore. Glory be to the Father, kQ 1. Visit, I beseech Thee, Lord, this habitation with Thy mercy, and me with Thy grace and salvation. Let Thy holy Angels pitch their tents round about and dwell here, that no illusion of the night may abuse me, the spirits of darkness may not come near to hurt me, no evil or sad accident op- press me ; and let the eter- nal Spirit of the Father dwell in my Soul and body, filling every corner of my heart with light and grace. Let no deed of darkness overtake me ; and let Thy blessing, most blessed God, be upon me for ever, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Ameii. II. Into Thy hands, most blessed Jesu, I commend my Soul and body, for Thou hast redeemed both with Thy most precious blood. So bless and sanctify my sleep unto me, that it may be temperate, holy and safe, a refreshment to my wearied body, to enable it so to serve my Soul, that both may serve Thee with a never- failing duty. let me never sleep in sin or death eternal, but give me a watchful and a prudent spirit, that I may omit no opportunity of serving Thee; Ps. cxxi. 1, &c. 44 l/EVOTIONS FOR ORDINAKT DAYS. that whether I sleep or wake, live or die, I may be Thy servant and Thy child : that when the work of my life is done, I may rest in the bosom of my Lord, till by the voice of the Arch- angel, the trump of God, I shall be awakened and called to sit down and feast in the eternal supper of the Lamb. Grant this, Lamb of God, for the honour ol Thy mercies, and the glory of Thy name, most mer- ciful Saviovir and Redeemer Jesus. Amen. III. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus, who hath sent His Angels, and kept me this day from the destruction that walketh at noon, and the arrow that flieth by day ; and hath given me His Spirit to restrain me from those evils to which my own weaknesses, and my evil habits, and my un- quiet enemies would easily betray me. Blessed and for ever hallowed be Thy name for that never-ceasing shower of blessing, by which I live, and am content and blessed, and provided for in all necessities, and set for- ward in my duty and way to heaven. Blessing, hon- our, glory and power be unto Him that sitteth on the throne, and to the Lamb, for ever and ever. Amen. Holy is our God. * Holy is the Almighty. *Holy is the Immortal. * Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth, have mercy upon me. Ejaculations and short nie- ditations to he used in the Night lohen we wake. Stand in awe and sin not : commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. I will lay me down in peace and sleep : for Thou, Lord, only makest me to dwell in safety s, Father of Spirits, and the God of all flesh, have mercy and pity upon a]l sick and dying Christians, and receive the Souls which Thou hast redeemed return- ing unto Thee. Blessed are they that dwell in the heavenly Jeru- salem, where there is no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it : for the glory of God does lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof'. And there shall be no night there, and they need no candle; for the Lord God giveth them light, and they shall reign for ever and » Ps. iv. 4, 9. Rev. xxi. 23. " Rev. xxii. 5. DEVOTIONS FOB ORDINARY DATS. 45 Meditate on t/acoS's wrest- ling with the Angel all night : be thou also impor- tunate with God for a bless- ing, and give not over till He hath blessed thee. Meditate on the Angel passing over the children of Israel, and destroying the Eqyptians for disobedience and oppression. Pray for the grace of obedience and charity, and for the Divine protection. Meditate on the Angel who destroyed in a night the whole army of the As- syrians for fornication. Call to mind the sins of thy youth, the sins of thy bed ; and say with David, My reitis chasten me in the night season, and ony Soid refuseth comfort. Pray for pardon, and the grace of chastity. Meditate on the agonies of Christ in the garden. His sadness and affliction all that night ; and thank and adore Him for His love that made Him suffer so much for thee ; and hate thy sins which made it necessary for the Son of God to suffer so much. Meditate on the four last things. 1. The certainty of Death. 2. The terrors of the day of Judgment. 3. The joys of Heaven. 4. The pains of Hell ; and the eternity of both. Think upon all thy friends which are gone before thee, and pray that God would grant to thee to meet them in a joyful resurrection. The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night ^, in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of God % Lord, in mercy remember Thy servant in the day of Judgment. Thou shalt answer for me, Lord my God. In Thee, Lord, have I trusted : let me never be confounded. Amen. ^ I desire the Christian Reader to observe, that all these offices or forms of Prayer (if they should be used every day) would not spend above an hour and a » 2 Pet. iii. 10—12. 46 DEVOTIONS FOR ORDINARY DATS. half: but because some of them are double (and so but one of them to be used in one day) it is much less : and by affording to God one hour in twenty- four, thou mayest have the comforts and re- wards of devotion. But he that thinks this is too much, either is very busy in the world, or . very careless of heaven. However, I have parted the Prayers into smaller portions ; that he may use which and how many he please in any one of the forms. Ad Sect. 2. A Prayer fo r h oly intention in the beginning and pursuit of any consider- able action; as Study, Freachiiig, djc. eternal God, who hast made all things for man, and man for Thy glory, sanctify my body and Soul, my thoughts and my inten- tions, my words and actions, that whatsoever I shall think, or speak, or do, may be by me designed to the glorification of Thy Name, and by Thy blessing it may be effective and successful in the work of God, accord- ing as it can be capable. Lord, turn my necessities into virtue; the works of nature into the works of grace ; by making them or- derly, regular, temperate, subordinate and profitable to ends beyond their own proper efficacy : and let no pride or self-seeking, no covetousness or revenge, no impure mixture or unhand- some purposes, no little ends and low imaginations pol- lute my spirit, and unhal- low any of my words and actions : but let my body be a servant of my spirit, and both body and spirit servants of Jesus; that, doing all things for Thy glory here, I may be par- taker of Thy glory hereafter, through Jesus Christ oiu* Lord. Amen. Ad Sect. 3. A Prayer meditating and referring to the Divine ^presence. % This Prayer is speci- ally to be used in temp- tation to private sins. Almighty God, infinite I and eternal, Thou fillest all \ things with Thy presence ; j Thou art everywhere by Thy i essence and by Thy power, j in hea^^en by glory, in holy ! places by Thy grace and I favour, in the hearts of Thy DEVOTIONS FOR ORDINARY DATS. servants by Thy Spirit, in the consciences of all men by Thy testimony and ob- servation of us. Teach me to walk always as in Thy presence, to fear Thy Ma- jesty, to reverence Thy wis- dom and omniscience, that I may never dare to commit any indecency in the eye of my Lord and my Judge ; but that I may with so much care and reverence demean myself, that my Judge may not be my ac- cuser, but my Advocate ; that I, expressing the belief of Thy presence here by careful walking, may feel the effects of it in the par- ticipation of eternal glory, throuo-h Jesus Christ. A men. CHAP. II. OF CHRISTIAN SOBRIETY. Sect. I. Of Sobriety in the general sense. Christian Religion in all its moral parts is nothing else but the Law of Nature, and great Reason, com- plying with the great ne- cessities of all the world, and promoting the great profit of all relations, and carrying us through all ac- cidents of variety of chances to that end, which God hath from eternal ages purposed for all that live according to it, and which He hath revealed in Jesus Christ : and according to the Apo- stle's Arithmetic hath but these three parts of it ; 1. Sobriety, 2. Justice, 3. Religion. For the grace of God bringing salvation hath apinared to all men, teach- ing us that, de7iging ti7i- godliness and 'worldly lusts, v)e should live, 1. Soherly, 2. Righteously, and 3. Godly in this present world, look- ing for that blessed hope and glorious aj)pearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. The first con- tains all our deportment in our personal and private capacities, the fair treating of our bodies and our spirits. The second enlarges our duty in all relations to our Neigh- bour. The third contains the offices of direct Reli- gion, and intercourse with God. Christian Sobriety is all that duty that concerns our- selves in the matter of rneat and drink und pleasures Sind. thoughts ; and it hath with- in it the duties of 1, Tem- perance, 2. Chastity, 3. Jltc- mility, 4. Modesty, 5. Con- tent. It is a using severity, denial and frustration of CHRISTIAN SOBKIETY. 49 our appetite, when it grows unreasonable in any of these instances : the necessity of which we shall to best pur- pose understand by con- sidering the evil conse- quences of sensuality, ef- feminacy, or fondness after carnal pleasures. Evil consequents of Volup- tuousness or Sensuality. 1 . A longing after sensual pleasures is a dissolution of the spirit of a man, and makes it loose, soft, and wandering, unapt for noble, wise, or spiritual employ- ments : because the prin- ciples, upon which pleasure is chosen and pursued, are sottish, weak, and unlearned ; such as prefer the body before the Soul, the ap- petite before reason, sense before the spirit, the plea- sures of a short abode be- fore the pleasures of eter- nity. 2. The nature of sensual pleasure is vain, empty and unsatisfying ; biggest al- ways in expectation, and a mere vanity in the enjoy- ing, and leaves a sting and thorn behind it when it goes oiF. Our laughing, if it be loud and high, com- monly ends in a deep sigh ; and all the instances of a 1 Cor. D pleasure have a sting in the tail, though they carry beauty on the face and sweetness on the lip. 3. Sensual pleasure is a great abuse to the spirit of a man, being a kind of fascination or witchcraft blinding the understanding and enslaving the will. And he that knows he is free-born or redeemed with the blood of the Son of God, will not easily suffer the freedom of his Soul to be entangled and rifled. 4. It is most contrary to the state of a Christian ; whose life is a perpetual exercise, a wrestling and warfare ; to which sensual pleasure disables him, by yielding to that enemy with whom he must strive if ever he will be crowned. And this argument the Apostle intimated a : He that striveth for masteries is teiwperate in all things : Noio they do it to obtain a corrwptible crown, but we an incorruptible. 5. It is by a certain con- sequence the greatest im- pediment in the world to martyrdom : that being a fondness, this being a cruelty, to the flesh ; to which a Christian man ar- riving by degTees must first ix. 25. 60 CHRISTIAN SOBRIETY. have crucified the lesser affections: for he that is overcome by little argu- ments of pain will hardly consent to lose his life with torments. Degrees of Sobriety. Against this Voluptuous- ness Sobriety is opposed in three degrees. 1. A despite or disaf- fection to pleasures, or a resolving against all enter- tainment of the instances and temptations of sen- suality : and it consists in the internal faculties of will and understanding decree- ing and declaring against them, disapproving and dis- liking them, upon good reason and strong resolu- tion. 2. A fight and actual war against all the temptations and offers of sensual plea- sure in all evil instances and degrees : and it con- sists in prayer, in fasting, in cheap diet, and hard lodging, and laborious exer- cises, and avoiding occa- sions, and using all arts and industry of fortifying the Spirit, and making it severe, manly, and Chris- tian. 3. Spiritual pleasure is the highest degree of So- ! ^ Apoc hriety : and in the fame degree in which we relish and are in love with spiri- tual delights, the hidden Manna^., with the sweet- nesses of devotion, with the joys of thanksgiving, with rejoicings in the Lord, with the comforts of hope, v/ith the deliciousness of charity and alms-deeds, with the sweetness of a good con- science, with the peace of meekness, and the felicities of a contented Spirit ; in the same degree we dis- relish and loathe the husks of swinish lusts, and the parings of the apples of Sodoon ; and the taste of sinful pleasures is unsavoury as the drunkard's vomit. Rules for siipijressing Yo- luptuousness. The precepts and advices, which are of best and of general use in the curing of sensuality, are these : 1. Accustom thyself to cut off all superfluity in the provisions of thy life ; for our desires will enlarge beyond the present posses- sion so long as all the things of this world are unsatisfying : if therefore you suffer them to extend beyond the measures of necessity or moderated con- ii. 17. CHRISTIAN SOBRIETY. 51 veniency, they will still swell : but you reduce them to a little compass, when you make nature to be your limit. "We must more take care that our desires should cease'', than that they should be satisfied : and therefore reducing them to narrow scantlings and small proportions is the best in- strument to redeem their trouble, and prevent the dropsy, because that is next to an universal denying them : it is certainly a paring off from them all unreasonableness and ir- regularity. For whatso- ever covets unseemly things, and is apt to swell to an inconvenient hulk, is to he chastened and tempered : and such are sensuality, and a hoy"", said the Philoso- pher. 2. Suppress your sensual desires in their first ap- proach'^ ; for then they are least, and thy faculties and election are stronger : but if they in their weakness prevail upon thy strengths, there will be no resisting them when they are in- creased, and thy abili- ties lessened. You shall scarce ohtain of them to end, if you suffer them to hegin. ^ Seneca. "^ [Aristotle] Lib. iii, 3. Divert them with some laudable employment, and take off their edge by inad- vertency, or a not attend- ing to them. For since the faculties of a man can- not at the same time with any sharpness attend to two objects ; if you employ your spirit upon a book or a bodily labour, or any in- nocent and indifferent em- ployment, you have no room left for the present trouble ofa sensual temptation. For to this sense it was that Alexander told the Queen of Caria, that his tutor Leonidas had provided two cooks for him, " Hard marches all night, and a small dinner the next day." these tamed his youthful aptnesses to dis- solution, so long as he ate of their provisions. 4. Look upon pleasures not upon that side that is next the sun, or where they look beauteously ; that is, as they come to- wards you to be enjoyed ; for then they paint, and smile, and dress themselves up in tinsel and glass, gems and counterfeit ima- gery : but when thou hast rifled and discomposed them with enjoying their false beauties, and that they be- Eth. cap. 12. "i Seneoa, Ep. 86. 52 CHRISTIAN SOBRIETY. gin to go off, then behold them iu their nakedness and weariness*. See what a sigh and sorrow, what naked unhandsome propor- tions and a filthy carcase they discover ; and the next time they counterfeit, re- member what you have already discovered, and be no more abused. And I have known some wise persons have advised to cure the passions and long- ings of their children by letting them taste of every thing they passionately fan- cied ; for they should be sure to find less in it than they looked for, and the impatience of their being denied would be loosened and made slack : and when our wishings are no bigger than the thing deserves, and our usages of them according to our needs, (which may be obtained by trying what they are, and what good they can do us), we shall find in all pleasures so little enter- tainment, that the vanity of the possession will soon reprove the violence of the appetite. And if this per- mission be in innocent in- stances, it may be of good use : But Solomon tried it in all things, taking his fill of all pleasures, and soon grew weary of them all. The same thing we may do by reason, which we do by experience ; if either we will look upon pleasures as we are sure they look when they go off, after their enjoy- ment ; or if we will credit the experience of those men who have tasted them and loathed them. 5. Often consider and contemplate the joys of Heaven ; that, when they have filled thy desires which are the sails of the Soul, thou mayest steer only thither, and never more look back to Sodoku. And when thy Soul dwells above, and looks down upon the pleasures of the World, they seem like things at distance, little and contemptible, and men running after the satisfac- tion of their sottish appe- tites seem foolish as fishes, thousands of them running after a rotten worm that covers a deadly hook ; or, at the best, but like chil- dren with great noise pur- suing a bubble rising from a walnut-shell, which ends sooner than the noise 6. To this, the example * Voluptates abeuntes fessas et poenitenti^ plenas animis nostris na- tura subjecit, quo minus cupid^ repetantur. Seneca. OF TEMPERANCE i:^I EATING. 53 of Christ and His Apostles, of 2{os3s and all the wise men of all ages of the world, will much help ; who, un- derstanding how to dis- tinguish good from evil, did choose a sad and me- lancholy way to felicity, rather than the broad, pleasant, and easy path to folly and misery. But this is but the ge- neral. Its first particular is Temperance. Sect. II. Of Temperance in Eating and Drinking. Sobriety is the bridle of the passions of desii-e, and Temperance is the bit and curb of that bridle, a re- straint put into a man's mouth, a moderate use of meat and drink, so as may best consist with our health, and may not hinder but help the works of the Soul by its necessary supporting us, and ministering cheer- fulness and refreshment. Temperance consists in the actions of the Soul prin- cipally : for it is a grace that chooses natural means in order to proper and na,- tm-al and holy ends : it is exercised about eating and drinking because they are necessary ; but therefore it permits the use of them only as they minister to lawful ends ; it does not eat and drink for pleasure, but for need ; and for refresh- ment, which is a part or a degree of need. I deny not but eating and drinking may he, and in healthful bodies always is, with plea- sure ; because there is in nature no greater pleasure than that all the appetites which God hath made should be satisfied : and a man may choose a morsel that is pleasant, the less pleasant being rejected as being less useful, less apt to nourish, or more agreeing v/ith an infirm stomach, or when the day is festival by order or by private joy. In all these cases it is permitted to re- ceive a more free delight, and to design it too, as the less principal : that is, that the chief reason, why we choose the more delicious, be the serving that end for which such refreshments and choices are permitted. But when delight is the only end, and rests itself, and dwells there long, then eating and drinking is not a serving of God, but an in- ordinate action : because it 54 OF TEMPERANCE IN EATING. is not in the way to that end whither God directed it. But the choosing of a delicate before a more ordi- nary dish is to be done as other human actions are in which there are no degrees and precise natural limits described, but a latitude is indulged ; it must be done moderately, prudently, and according to the accounts of wise, religious, and sober men : and then God, who gave us such variety of creatures, and our choice to use which we will, may re- ceive glory from our tempe- rate use and thanksgiving ; and we may use them in- differently without scruple and a making them to be- come snares to us either by too licentious and studied use of them or too restrained and scrupulous fear of using them at all but in such cer- tain circumstances in which no man can be sure he is not mistaken. But Temperance in meat and drink is to be estimated by the follov/ing Measures. Measures of Temperance in Eating. 1. Eat not before the time; unless necessity, or charity, or any intervening accident, which may make it reason- able and prudent, should happen. Remember it had almost cost Jonathan his life, because he tasted a lit- tle honey before the sun went down, contrary to the King's commandment ; and although a great need, which he had, excused him from the sin of gluttony ; yet it is inexcusable when thou eatest before the usual time, and thrustest thy hand into the dish unsea- sonably, out of greediness of the pleasure, and impa- tience of the delay. 2. Eat not hastily and imimtiently ; but v/ith such decent and timely action, that your eating be a hu- man act, subject to delibe- ration and choice, and that you may consider in the eating : whereas he that eats hastily, cannot consider particularly of the circum- stances, degrees, and little accidents and chances that happen in his meal ; but may contract many little indecencies, and be sud- denly surprised. 3. Eat not delicately, or nicely; that is, be not troublesome to thyself or others in the choice of thy meats, or the delicacy of thy sauces. It was imputed as a sin to the sons of Israel, that they loathed Manna and lonsred for flesh : the OF TEMPERANCE IN EATING. 53 Quails stuck in their nos- trils^ and the wrath of God fell upon theraK And for the manner of dressing, the sons of Eli were noted of indiscreet curiosity : they would not have the flesh boiled, but raw, that they might roast it with fire^. Isot that it was a sin to eat it, or desire meat roasted ; but that when it was ap- pointed to be boiled, they refused it : which declared an intemperate and a nice palate. It is lawful in all senses to comply with a weak and a nice stomach : but not with a nice and curious palate. When our health requires it, that ought to be provided for ; but not so our sensuality and intemperate longings. Whatsoever is set before you, eat i» ; if it be provided for you, you may eat it, be it never so delicate ; and be it plain and common, so it be wholesome and fit for you, it must not be refused upon ciu-iosity : for every degTee of that is a degree of in- temperance. Happy and innocent were the ages of our forefathers, who ate herbs and parched corn, and drank the pui-e stream, and broke their fast with nuts and roots ' ; and when they were permitted flesh, ate it only dressed with hunger and fire; and the first sauce they had was bitter herbs, and sometimes bread dipped in vinegar. But, in this circumstance, mode- ration is to be reckoned in proportion to the present customs, to the company, to education, and the judgment of honest and wise persons, and the necessities of nature. 4. Eat not too much : load neither thy stomach nor thy understanding. If thou sit at a bountiful table, be not greedy upon it; and say not, There is much meat on it. Remember that a wiclced eye is an evil thing : and what is created more wicked than an eye ? There- fore it weepeth upon every occasion. Stretch not thy hand whithersoever it look- eih, and thrust it not with him into the dish. A very lit- tle is sufficient for a num well nurtured, and hefetcheth not his wind short uponhis bed^. Signs and effects of Tempera'iice. We shall best know that we have the grace of Tem- Num. xi. 19, 20, 32, 33. g 1 Sam. ii. 15, 17. 1 Cor. X. 27 ; Luke x. 8. ^ Boeth. lib. i. de consol.; Ov. M. i. 104. Eeclus. xxxi, 12, 13, 14, 19. se OP TEMPERANCE IN EATING. perance "by the following signs, which are as so many arguments to engage us also upon its study and practice. 1. A Temperate man is modest : greediness is un- mannerly and rude. And this is intimated in the ad- vice of the son of Sirach\ '^Vhen thou sittest amongst majiy, reach not thy hand out first of all. Leave of first for manners sahe, and be not uiuatiahle, lest thou offend. *2. Temperance is accompanied with gravity of deportment : greediness is garish, and rejoices loosely at the sight of dainties. *3. Sound, but moderate, sleep is its sign and its efiect. Sound sleep cometh of moderate eating., he riseth earhj and his wits are with him"". *4. A spiritual joy and a devout prayer. *5. A suppressed and seldom anger. *6. A command of our thoughts and passions. * 7. A seldom-returning, and a never-prevailing tempta- tion. *8, To which add, that a Temperate person is not curious of fancies and deliciousness. He thinks not much, and speaks not often, of meat and drink ; hath a healthful body and long life, unless it be hin- » Ecclus xxxi. 18, 17. » lb. 20. dered by some other ac- cident : whereas to glut- ; tony, the j^oaji of icatching and choler, the ])angs of the helly^ are continual com- I pany. And therefore Stra- to'iiicus said handsomely concerning the luxury of j the Rhodiaiis, " They built houses as if they were im- mortal, but they feasted as I if they meant to live but a j little while." And Anti- ■ pater by his reproach of j the old glutton Bemades I well expressed the baseness ' of this sin ; saying, that i Bemades. now old°, and al- I ways a glutton, was like a i spent sacrifice, nothing left of him but his belly and his I tongue ; all the man besides is gone. Of Brunl-enness. But I desire that it be observed, that because in- temperance in eating is not so soon perceived by others as immoderate drinking, and the outward visible ef- fects of it are not either so notorious or so ridiculous, therefore gluttony is not of so great disreputation amongst men as drunken- ness ; yet according to its degree it puts on the great- ness of the sin before God, and is most strictly to be » lb. " Plutarch, de cupid. divit. OF TEMPERANCE IX DRIXKIXG. 57 attended to, lest we be sur- | prised by our security and ■want of diligence ; and the intemperance is alike crimi- nal in both, according as the affections are either to the meat or drink. Glut- tony is more uncharitable to the body, and Drunken- ness to the Soul or the un- derstanding part of man ; and therefore in Scripture is more frequently forbidden and declaimed against than the other : and Sobriety hath by use obtained to sig- nifyTemperance in drinking. Drunkenness is an im- moderate affection and use of drink. That I call im- moderate, that is besides or beyond that order of good things for which God hath given us the use of drink. The ends are digestion of our meat, cheerfulness and refreshment of our spirits, or any end of health ; besides which if we go, or at any time heyoiid it, it is inor- dinate and criminal ; it is the vice of drunkenness. It is forbidden by our blessed Saviour in these words, " Take heed to your- selves lest at any time your hearts he overcharged with surfeiting and drv/iiken- ness^^r Surfeiting, that is, the evil effects, the sottish- P Luke xxi. 34. ness and remaining stupi- dity, of habitual or of the last night's drunkenness. For Christ forbids both the actual and the habitual in- temperance ; not only the effect of it, but also the affection to it : for in both there is sin. He that drinks but little, if that little make him drunk, and if he know- beforehand his own infir- mity, is guilty of surfeiting, not of drunkenness. Eut he that drinks much, and is strong to bear it, and is not deprived of his reason violently, is guilty of the sin of drunkenness. It is a sin not to prevent such un- charitable effects upon the body and understanding : And therefore a man that loves not the drink, is guilty of surfeiting, if he does not watch to prevent the evil effect : and it is a sin, and the greater of the two, inor- dinately to love or to use the drink, though the sur- feiting or violence do not follow. Good therefore is the counsel of the Son of Sirach ; Sheiv not thy val- iantiuss in wine ; for wine hath destroyed rnany"^. Evil consequents to Drunk- enness. The evils and sad con- 1 Ecclns. xxxi. 25. 3 58 OF TEMPERANCE IN DRINKING. seqiients of drunkenness (the consideration of vfhich are as so many arguments to avoid the sin) are to this sense reckoned by the Writers of Holy Scripture ^, and other wise personages of the world. 1. It cau- seth woes and mischief, wounds and sorrow, sin and shame ^ ; it maketh bitter- ness of spirit, brawling and quarrelling ; it increaseth rage and lesseneth strength; it maketh red eyes and a loose and babbling tongue. 2, It particularly ministers to lust, and yet disables the body ; so that in effect it makes man wanton as a Satyr, and impotent as age. And Solomon, in enumerat- ing the evils of this vice, adds this to the account ; Thine eyes shall heholcl strange loome^i, and thy heart shall utter perverse things^ : as if the drunkard were only desire, and then impatience, muttering and enjoying like an eunuch embracing a woman. 3. It besots and hinders the ac- tions of the understanding, making a man brutish in his passions, and a fool in his reason ; and differs nothing from madness, but that it is voluntary, and so is an equal evil in nature, and a worse in manners. 4. It takes off all the guards, and lets loose the reins of all those evils to which a man is by his nature or by his evil customs inclined, and from which he is restrained by reason and severe principles. Drunken- ness calls off the watch- men from their towers ; and then all the evils that can proceed from a loose heart, and an untied tongue, and a dissolute spirit, and an unguarded unlimited will, all that we may put upon the accounts of drunken- ness. 5. It extinguisheth and quenches the Spirit of God ; for no man can be filled with the Spirit of God and with wine at the same time. And therefore Saint Paul makes them exclusive of each other : Be not drunk with wine wherein is ex- cess ; hut he filled ivith the Spirit^. And since Joseph'' s cup was put into Benjamin'' s sack, no man had a divining goblet'. 6. It opens all the sanctuaries of Nature, and discovers the nakedness of the Soul, all its weaknesses and follies ; it multiplies sins and discovers them ; it makes a man incapable of Prov. xxiii. 29 • Ecclus. xxxi. 26. « Seneca. Ephes. V. 18. I Gen. xliv. 2, 5, 12. Prov. xxiii. 33. OF TEMPERANCE IN DRINKING. being a private friend, or a public counsellor y. 7. It taketh a man's Soul into slavery and imprisonment more than any vice what- soever ; because it disarms a man of all his reason and his wisdom whereby he might be cured ; and there- fore commonly it grows upon him with age : a drunkard being still more a fool and less a man. I need not add any sad ex- amples, since all story and all ages have too many of them. Amnon was slain by his brother Ahsalom when he was warm and high with wine^. Simon the High Priest and two of his sons were slain by their bro- ther at a drmiken feast". Holof ernes was drunk when Judith slew him '' : and all the great things that Daniel spake of Alexander'' were drowned with a surfeit of one night's intemperance : and the drunkenness of Noah and Lot are upon record to eternal ages, that in those early instances, and righteous persons, and less criminal drunkenness than is that of Christians in this period of the world, God might shew that very great y ProY. xxxi. 4, 5. ' 2 Sam. xiii. ■j Jud. xiii. 2, 8. c Dan. ^ Geu. ix. 20—22, 25. xix' 30—2 59 evils are prepared to punish this vice ; no less than shame, and slavery, and in- cest ; the first upon Noah, the second upon one of his sons, and the third in the person of Lot '^. Signs of Drunkenness. But if it be enquired con- cerning the periods and distinct significations of this crime, and v/hen a man is said to be drunk ; to this I answer, That drunken- ness is in the same manner to be judged as sickness. As every illness or violence done to health in every part of its continuance is a part or degree of sickness : so is every going off from our natural and common tem- per and our usual severity of behaviour, a degree of drunkenness. He is not only drunk, that can drink no more ; for few are so : but he hath sinned in a degree of drunkenness, who hath done anything towards it beyond his proper mea- sure. But its parts and periods are usually thus reckoned. 1. Apish gestures. 2. Much talking. 3. Im- moderate laughing. 4. Dul- ness of sense. 5. Scurrility ; 23, 28. a 1 Mace. xvi. 11, 12, 16. vii. 6. viii. 5—8, 2l. xi. 3. CO OF TEMPEKAKCE IN DRINKING. that is, wanton or jeer- ing or abusive language. 6. An useless understanding. 7. Stupid sleep. 8. Epi- lepsies, or fallings and reelings ; and beastly vo- mitings. The least of these, even when the tongue be- gins to be untied, is a degree of drunkenness. But that we may avoid thes in of Intemperance in meats and drinks, besides the former rules of mea- sures, these counsels also may be useful. Rules for obtaining Tem- perance. 1. Be not often present at feasts ; nor at all in dis- solute company, when it may be avoided : for variety of pleasing objects steals away the heart of man ; and company is either violent or enticing ; and we are weak or complying, or perhaps desirous enough to be abused. Bat if you be unavoidably or indis- creetly engaged, let not mistaken civility or good nature engage thee either to the temptation of stay- ing (if thou understandest thy weakness) or the sin of drinking inordinately. 2. Be severe in your judg- ment concei'uing your pro- portions, and let no occasion make you enlarge far be- yond your ordinary. For a man is surprised by parts ; and while he thinks one glass more will not make him drunk, that one glass hath disabled him from well discerning his present con- dition and neighbour danger. While Tnen think themselves wise they become fools : they think they shall taste the aconite and not die, or crown their heads with juice of poppy and not be drowsy ; and if they drink off the whole vintage, still they think they can swallow another goblet^. But re- member this ; when ever you begin to consider whether you may safely take one draught more, it is then high time to give over. Let that be accounted a sign late enough to break off: for every reason to doubt, is a sufficient reason to part the company. 3. Come not to table but when thy need invites thee: and if thou beest in health, leave something of thy ap- petite unfilled, something of thy natural heat unemploy- ed, that it may secure thy digestion, and serve other needs of nature or the spirit. Seiiec. ep. 83. OF TEMPERANCE IN DRINKING. 61 4. Propound to thyself (if thou beest in a capacity) a constant rule of living, of eating and drinking : which though it may not be fit to observe scrupulously, lest it become a snare to thy con- science, or endanger thy health upon every acci- dental violence ; yet let not thy rule be broken often nor much, but upon great necessity and in small degrees, 5. Never urge any man to eat or drink beyond his own limits and his own desires. He that does other- wise, is drunk with his brother's surfeit, and reels and falls wuth his intem- perance ; that is, the sin of drunkenness is upon both their scores f they both lie wallowing in the guilt, 6. Use >S', Paul's instru- ments of Sobriety ? : Let us who are of the day he sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for an helmet the hope of salvation. Faith, Hope, and Charity are the best weapons in the world to fight against intem- perance. The faith of the mahometans forbids them to drink -vvine, and they abstain religiously as the sons of Rechah^ : and the faith of Christ forbids drunkenness to us ; and therefore is infinitely more powerful to suppress this \ice, when we remember, that we are Christians, and to abstain from drunkenness and gluttony is part of the Faith and Discipline of Jesus, and that with these vices neither our love to God, nor our hopes of heaven, can possibly con- sist : and therefore when these enter the heart, the others go out at the mouth : for this is the Devil that is cast out by fasting and prayer, which are the proper actions of these graces, 7, As a pursuance of this Rule, it is a good advice, that, as we begin and end all our times of eating with prayer and thanksgiving, so at the meal we remove and carry up our mind and spirit to the Celestial table, often thinking of it, and often desiring it ; that by enkindling thy desire to Heavenly banquets, thou mayest be indifi'erent and less passionate for the earthly. 8 . Mingle discourses pious, or in some sense profitable, and in all senses charitable f Nil mferest. faveas sceleri, au illu:l facias. Seneca. ^ Jur, XXXV. 6. % 1 Thess. V. 8. 62 OF CHASTITY. and innocent, with thy meal, as occasion is ministered. 9. Let your drink so serve your meat, as your meat doth your health ; that it be apt to convey and digest it, and refresh the spirits : but let it never go beyond such a refreshment as may a little lighten the present load of a sad or troubled spirit ; never to inconveni- ence, lightness, sottishness, vanity, or intemperance ; and know that the loosing the bands of the tongue, and the very first dissolu- tion of its duty, is one degree of the intemperance. 10. In all cases be careful that you be not brought under the power of such things which otherwise are lawful enough in the use. AU things are lawful for me^ hut i will not he hr ought under the power of any thing, said >S'. Paul'K And to be perpetually longing, and impatiently desirous of any thing, so that a man cannot abstain from it, is to lose a man's liberty, and to become a servant of meat and drink, or smoke. And I wish this last instance were more considered by persons who little suspect themselves guilty of in- temperance, though their desires are strong and im- patient, and the use of it perpetual and unreasonable to all purposes, but that they have made it habitual and necessary, as intem- perance itself is made to some men. 11. Use those advices which are prescribed as instruments to suppress Voluptuousness in the fore- going Section. Sect. III. Of Chastity. Reader, stay; and read not the advices of the follow- ing section, unless thou hast a chaste spirit; or desirest to he chaste : or at least are apt to consider whether you ought or no. For there are some spirits so Atheistical, and some so ivholly j^^ssessed toith a spirit of uncleanness, that they turn the most pru- dent and chaste discourses into dirt and filthy appre- hensions; like choleric sto- machs, changing their very cordials and medicines into hitterness; and in a literal sense turning the grace of vi. 12. OF CUASTITT. 63 God into wantonness ''. They study cases of conscieiice in the matter of carnal sins, not to avoid, but to learn ways how to offend God and pollute their own spirits ; and search their houses with a sunbeam, that they may be instructed in all the corners of nasti- 7iess. I have used all the care I coidd, in the follow- ing periods, that I might neither be wanting to assist those that need it, nor yet minister any occasion of fancy or vainer thoughts to those that need them not. If any man loill snatch the pure taper frora my hand, and hold it to the Devil, he will only burn his oivn fingers, but shall not rob me of the reward of my care and good intention; since I have taken heed hoio to express the following duties, and given hirrv caution how to read them. Chastity is that duty, which was mystically in- tended by God in the law of Circumcision. It is the circumcision of the heart, the cutting oif all sufer- fluity of naughtiness^, and a suppression of all irre- gular desires in the matter of sensual or carnal plea- sure. I call all desires irre- gular and sinful J that are k Jude, 4. not sanctified, 1. By the holy institution, or by being within the protection, of marriage ; 2. by being within the order of nature ; 3. by being within the moderation of Christian modesty. Against the first are fornication, adultery, and all voluntary pollu- tions of either sex. Against the second are all unnatural lusts and incestuous mix- tures. Against the third is all immoderate use of permitted beds ; concern- ing which judgment is to be made as concerning meats and drinks : there being no certain degree of frequency or intention pre- scribed to all persons, but it is to be ruled as the other actions of a man ; by proportion to the end, by the dignity of the person in the honour and severity of being a Christian, and by other circumstances, of which I am to give account. Chastity is that grace, which forbids and restrains all these ; keeping the body and Soul pure in that state in which it is placed by God, whether of the single or of the married life. Con- cerning which our duty is thus described by S. Paul ; For this is the will of 1 Jam. i. 2]. 64 OF CHASTITY. Ood, even your sanctifica- tion, that ye should abstain from fornication : that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sancti- fication and honour ; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which Icnoio not God"". Chastity is either ahsti- tience or continence. Ab- stinence is that of Virgins or Widows : Continence of married persons. Chaste marriages are honourable and pleasing to God: Widoiv- hood is pitiable in its soli- tariness and loss, but ami- able and comely when it is adorned with gravity and purity, and not sullied with remembrances of the passed licence, nor with present desires of returning to a second bed. But Virginity is a life of Angels, the enamel of the soul, the huge advantage of Religion, the great opportunity for the retirements of devo- tion" : and, being empty of cares, it is full of prayers ; being unmingled with the world, it is apt to converse with God ; and, by not feeling the warmth of a too-forward and in- dulgent nature, flames out with holy fires, till it be burning like the Cherubim and the most extasied order of holy and unpolluted Spirits. Natural virginity of itself is not a state more accept- able to God: but that which is chosen and voluntary in order to the conveniences of Religion and separation from worldly incumbrances, is therefore better than the married life, not that it is more holy, but that it is a freedom from cares, an opportunity to spend more time in spiritual employ- ments ; it is not allayed with business and attend- ances upon lower affairs : and if it be a chosen con- dition to these ends, it con- taineth in it a victory over lusts, and greater desires of Religion and self-denial; and therefore is more excel- lent than the married life, in that degree in which it hath greater religion, and a greater mortification ; a less satisfaction of natural desires, and a greater ful- ness of the spiritual : and just so is to expect that little coronet or special re- ward which God hath pre- pared (extraordinary and •" 1 Thess. iv. 3—5. n "Virginitas est in came corruptibili incorruptionis perpetua meditatio. S. Aug. I. de Virg. c. 13. OF CHASTITY. 65 besides the great Crown of all faithful Souls) for those who have not defiled themselves with women, hut follow the Virgin Lamb for ever°. But some married persons even in their marriage do better please God than some Virgins in their state of virginity : They by giving great example of conjugal affection, by preserving their faith unbroken, by educat- ing children in the fear of God, by patience and con- tentedness and holy thoughts and the exercise of virtues proper to that state, do not only please God, but do in a higher degree than those Virgins whose piety is not answerable to their great opportunities and advan- tages. However, married persons and Widows and Virgins are all servants of God and coheirs in the inheritance of Jesus, if they live within the restraints and laws of their particular estate, chastely, temperately, justly, and religiously. The evil consequents of Uncleanness. The blessings and proper effects of Chastity we shall best understand by reckon- ing the evils of uncleanness and carnality. 1. Uncleanness of all vices is the most shameful. The eye of the adulterer icaiteth for the twilight, saying, No eye shall see me; and dis- guiseth his face. In the dark they dig through houses, ivldch they had marJced for themselves in ths day-time; they know not the light : [for the morning is to thera as the shadow of death. He is swift as the waters ; their portion is cursed in the earth : he beholdeth not the way of the vineyards^. Shame is the eldest daugh- ter of Uncleanness. 2. The appetites of un- cleanness are full of cares and trouble, and its fruition is sorrow and repentance''. The way of the adulterer is hedged ivith thorns^ ; full of fears and jealousies, burn- ing desires and impatient waitings, tediousness of delay, and sufferance of affronts, and amazements of discovery. 3. Most of its kinds are of that condition, that they involve the ruin of two Souls : and he that is a fornicator or adulterous. " Apoc. xiv. 4 ; Isa. Ivi. 4, h. p Job xxiv. 15, &c. q Appetitus fornicationis anxietas est, satietas vero poeuiteutia. S. Hieron. Hos. ii. 6. 66 OP CHASTITY. steals the Soul as well as dishonours the body of his Neighbour ; and so it be- comes like the sin of falling Lucifer^ who brought a part of the stars with his tail from Heaven. 4. Of all carnal sins it is that alone which the Devil takes delight to imitate and counterfeit ; communicating with witches and impure persons in the corporal act but in this only. 5. Uncleanness with all its kinds is a vice which hath a professed enmity against the body. Every sin v:h.icha man doth is tvithout the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body\ 6. Uncleanness is hugely contrary to the spirit of government by embasing the spirit of a man, making it eifeminate, sneaking, soft and foolish, without courage, without confidence. David felt this after his folly with Bathsheha ; he fell to un- kiugly arts and stratagems to hide the crime : and he did nothing but increase it, and remained timorous and poor-spirited, till he prayed to God once more to esta- blish him with a free and a Princely sjnrit^. And no superior dare strictly observe discipline upon his charge, if he hath let himself loose to the shame of incontinence. 7. The Gospel hath added two arguments against un- cleanness which were never before used, nor indeed could be : since God hath given the Holy Spirit to them that are baptized, and rightly confirmed, and entered into covenant with Him, our bodies are made temples of the Holy Ghost in which He dwells ; and therefore un- cleanness is Sacrilege, and defiles a Temple. It is >S'. PauVs argument, Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost " ? and He that defiles a tem- ple, him %oill God destroys. Therefore glorify God in your bodies^ ; that is, flee Fornication^. To which for the likeness of the argument add, that our bodies are mem- bers of Christ, and therefore God forbid that we should take the members of Christ and mxike them members of a harlot \ So that unclean- ness dishonours Christ, and dishonours the Holy Spirit : it is a sin against God, and 1 Cor. vi. 18. 1 Cor. vi. 19. [1 Cor. vi. 20.] Spiritu principali me confirma, Ps. li. « 1 Cor. iii. 17. ' [lb. 18.] » [lb. 15.] OF CHASTITY. C7 in this sense a sin against the Holy Ghost. S. The next special argu- ment which the Gospel mi- nisters especially against adultery, and for the pre- servation of the purity of marriage, is, that Marriage is by Christ hallowed into a mystery to signify the Sa- cramental and mystical union of Christ and His Ghurcli b. He therefore that breaks this knot, which the Church and their mutual faith hath tied, and Christ hath knit up into a mystery, dishonours a great rite of Christianity, of high, spi- ritual, and excellent signifi- cation. 9. tS. Greff or}/ reckons un- cleanness to be the parent of these monsters ■= ; Blindness of mind, inconsideration, precipitancy or giddiness in actions, self-love, hatred of God, love of the present pleasures, a despite or de- spair of the joys of Religion here and of heaven here- after. Whereas a pure mind in a chaste body is the mother of wisdom and de- liberation, sober counsels and ingenuous actions, open deportment and sweet car- riage, sincere principles and unprejudicate understand- b Ephes. V. 32. "1 S. Cyprian, de bono pndicitije. ing, love of God and self- denial, peace and confidence, holy prayers and spiritual comfort, and a pleasure of Spirit infinitely greater than the sottish and beastly plea- sures of unchastity. For to ov€7rome pleasure is the greatest pleasure; and no victory is greater than that which is gotten over our lusts and filthy inclination s ^. 10. Add to all these, the public dishonesty and dis- reputation that all the na- tions of the world have cast upon adulterous and un- hallowed embraces. Abi- melech to the men of Gerar made it death to meddle with the wife of Isaac : and Judah condemned Thamar to be burnt for her adul- terous conception : and God, besides the Law made to put the adulterous person to death, did constitute a settled and constant miracle to discover the adultery of a suspected woman, that her bowels should burst with drinking the waters of jealousy e. The Egyptian law was to cut ofi" the nose of the adulteress, and the oifending part of the adul- terer. The Locrians put out the adulterer's both eyes. The Germans (as c Moral. • Nnmb. v. 14, &c. 68 OF CHASTITY. Tacitus reports) placed the adulteress amidst her kin- dred naked, and shared her head, and caused her hus- band to beat her -R-ith clubs through the city. The GortyiKJcans cro-R-ned the man -with wool, to shame him for his efieminacy: and the Ci'.mani caused the woman to ride upon an Ass, naked and hooted at ; and for ever after called her by an appellative of scorn ^, " J[ rider upon the AssP All nations, barbarous and civil, agreeing in their general design of rooting so dis- honest and shameful a vice from under heaven. The f middle ages of the Church were not pleased that the adulteress should be put to death : but in the Primitive ages the i> civil laws, by which Christians were then governed, gave leave to the wronged hus- band to kill his adulterous wife, if he took her in the fact : but, because it was a privilege indulged to men, rather than a direct de- testation of the crime ; a consideration of the injiury rather than of the unclean- ness ; therefore it was soon altered : but yet hath caused an inquiry, ^Vhether is worse, the adultery of the man or the icornan. The resolution of which case, in order to our present affair, is thus. In respect of the person, the fault is greater in a man than in a woman ; who is of a more pliant and easy spirit and weaker understanding, and hath nothing to supply the unequal strengths of men but the defensative of a passive nature and armour of modesty, which is the natural ornament of that sex. And it is v.njust that the man shoidd demand chastity and severity from his wife, which himself will not ob- serve towards her'^, said the good Emperor Antoninus : it is as if the man should persuade his wife to fight against those enemies to which he had yielded him- self a prisoner. 2. In re- spect of the effects and evil consequents, the adultery of the woman is worse ; as bringing bastardy into a family, and dis-inherisons or great injuries to the law- ful childi-en, and infinite violations of peace, and murders, and divorces, and all the efiects of rase and ^ ovo^dris. s Concil, TribuT. c. 49. Concil. Anrel. 1. sub Clodov.ire, or any phan- tastic imaginative loves, though by shame, or dis- ^ Time videre unde possis cadere; & noli fieri perversa simplicitate securus. 5, Aug. ^ Matth. v. 28. sits all day long seeing plays and revellings, and out of greediness to fiU his eye, neglects his belly. There are some vessels, which if you oiFer to lift by the belly or bottom, you can- not stir them, but are soon removed if you take them by the ears. It matters not with which of your members you are taken and carried off from your duty and severity. 4. To have a, heart and, mind chaste and pure : that is, detesting aU uncleanness ; disliking all its motions, past actions, circumstances, likenesses, discourses : and this ought to be the chas- 70 OF CHASTITY. tity of Virgins and Widows, of old persons and Eunuchs especially, and generally of all men, according to their several necessities. 5. To discourse chastely and purely : with great care declining all indecencies of language ; chastening the tongue ; and restraining it with grace, as vapours of wine are restrained with a bunch of myrrh. 6. To disapprove hy an after-act all involuntary and naturcd pollutions : for if a man delights in having suffered any natural pollu- tion, and with pleasure re- members it, he chooses that which was in itself involun- tary : and that which, being natural, was innocent ; be- coming voluntary, is made sinful. 7. They that have per- formed these duties and parts of Chastity, will cer- tainly abstain from all ex- terior actions of unclean- ness, those noon-day and mid-night Devils, those law- less and ungodly worship- pings of shame and unclean- ness, whose birth is in trouble, whose growth is in folly, and whose end is in shame. But besides these general acts of Chastity which are common to all states of men and women, there are some few things proper to the severals. Acts of Virginal Chastity. 1. Virgins must remem- ber, that the Virginity of the body is only excellent in order to the purity of the Soul : who therefore must consider, that since they are in some measure in a con- dition like that of Angels, it is their duty to spend much of their time in An- gelic employment : for in the same degree that Virgins live more spiritually than other persons, in the same degree is their Vii'ginity in a more excellent state. But else it is no better than that of involuntary or con- strained eunuchs : a misery and a trouble ; or else a mere privation, as much without excellency as without mix- ture. 2. Virgins must contend for a singular modesty, whose first part must be an ignorance in the dis- tinction of sexes, or their proper instruments ; or if they accidentally be in- j structed in that, it must be supplied with an inad- vertency or neglect of all thoughts and remembrances of such difference : and the following parts of it must be OP CHASTITY. 71 pious and chaste thouglits, holy language, and modest carriage. 3. Virgins must be retired and unpublic : for all free- dom and looseness of society is a violence done to vir- ginity, not in its natural, but in its moral capacity: that is, it loses part of its severity, strictness, and opportunity of advantages, by publishing that person, whose Avork is religion, whose company is Angels, whose thoughts must dwell in heaven, and separate from all mixtures of the world. 4. Virgins have a peculiar obligation to charity : for this is the virginity of the Soul ; as purity, integrity, and separation is of the body : which doctrine we are taught by S.Peter; Seeing ye have j^urified your souls in oheying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren^ see that ye love one another loith a picre heart fervently '. For a Virgin that consecrates her body to God, and pol- lutes her spirit with rage, or impatience, or inordinate anger, gives Him what He most hates, a most foul and defiled soul. 5. These rules are neces- sary for Virgins, that offer that state to God, and mean not to enter into the state of marriage : for they that only wait the opportunity of a convenient change, are to steer themselves by the general rules of chastity. Rules for Widows, or Vidiud Chastity. For Widows, the fontinel of whose desires hath been opened by the former per- missions of the marriage- bed, they must remember, 1. That God hath now re- strained the former licence, bound up their eyes, and shut up their heart into a narrower compass, and hath given them sorrow to be a bridle to their desires. A Widow must be a mourner ; and she that is not, cannot so well secure the chastity of her proper state. 2. It is against public honesty to marry another man so long as she is with child by her former hus- band : and of the same fame it is, in a lesser proportion, to marry within the year of mourning : but anciently it was infamous for her to marry, till by common ac- count the body was dissolved ] 1 Pet. i. 22. •2 OF CHASTITY. into its first principle of ^ earth. I 3. A Widow must restrain her memory and her fancy, ' not recalling or recounting | her former permissions and freer licences with any pre- sent delight : for then she opens that sluice which her husband's death and her own sorrow have shut up. 4. A Widovv^, that desires her Widowhood should be a state pleasing to God, must spend her time as devoted virgins should, in fastings, and prayers, and charity. 5. A Widow must forbid herself to use those temporal solaces, which in her former estate were innocent, but now are dangerous. Hules for Married Persons, or Matrimonial Chastity. Concerning married per- sons, besides the keeping of their mutual faith and con- tract with each other, these particulars are useful to be observed. 1. Although their mutual endearments are safe within the protection of marriage, yet they that have wives or husbands, must be as though they had them not ; that is, they must have an affection greater to each other than they have to any person in the world, but not greater than they have to God : but that they be ready to part with all interest in each other's person rather than sin against God. 2. In their permissions and licence, they must be sure to observe the order of Nature, and the ends of God. He is an ill husband that uses his wife as a ma7i treats a harlot ", having no other end but pleasure. Concern- ing which our best rule is, that although in this, as in eating and drinking, there is an appetite to be satisfied, which cannot be done with- out pleasing that desire ; yet since that desire and satisfaction was intended by nature for other ends, they should never be separate from those ends, but always be joined with all or one of these ends, with a desire of children, or to avoid forni- cation^ or to lighten and ease the cares and sadnesses of household affairs, or to endear each other; but never with a purpose either in act or desire to separate the sensuality from these ends which hallow it. Onan did separate his act from its proper end, and so ordered " Plutarch. De Conjug. Praecept. his embraces that his wife should not conceive, and God punished him. 3. Married persons must keep such modesty "^ and decency of treating each other, that they never force themselves into high and violent lusts, with arts and misbecoming devices ; al- ways remembering that those mixtures are most innocent, which are most simple and most naticral, most orderly, and most safe. 4. It is a duty of matri- monial chastity to be re- strained and temperate in the use of their lawful plea- sures : concerning wnich, although no universal rule can antecedently be given to all persons, any more than to all bodies one proportion of meat and drink ; yet married persons are to es- timate the degree of their licence according to the fol- lowing proportions. * 1. That it be moderate, so as to consist with health. *2. That it be so ordered as not to be too expensive of time, that precious opportunity of working out our salvation. * 3. That when duty is de- manded, it be always payed OF CUASTITY. 73 (so far as is in our powers and election) according to the foregoing measures. *4. That it be with a temperate affection, without violent transporting desires or too sensual applications. Con- cerning which a man is to make judgment by propor- tion to other actions, and the severities of his religion, and the sentences of sober and wise persons ; always remembering, that marriage is a provision for supply of the natural necessities of the body, not for the artificial and procured appetites of the mind. And it is a sad truth, that many married persons, thinking that the flood-gates of liberty are set wide open without measures or restraints (so they sail in that channel), have felt the final rewards of intempe- rance and lust, by their unlawful using of lawful permissions. Only let each of them be temperate, and both of them be modest. Socrates was wont to say, that those women to whom nature had not been indul- gent in good features and colours, should make it up themselves with excellent ■> Non rect^ est ab Herodoto dictuin, simul cum tunic5 mulierem vere- cundiam exuere. Quee n. casta est, positS veste, verecundiam ejus loco induit, maxim^qne verecundia conjnges teaser^ maximi invicem amoris utuntur. Plut. conjug. prcecept. 74 OF CHASTITY. manners ; and those wlio were beautiful and comely, should be careful that so fair a body be not polluted ■with unhandsome usages. To which Plutarch° adds, that a wife if she be un- handsome, should consider how extremely ugly she should be if she wanted modesty : but if she be handsome, let her think how gracious that beauty would be if she superadds chastity. 5. Married persons by con- sent are to abstain from their mutual entertainments at solemn times of devotion ; not as a duty of itself ne- cessary, but as being the most proper act of purity which in their condition they can present to God, and being a good advantage for attending their prepara- tion to the solemn duty and their demeanour in it. It is S. PauVs counsel, that hy consent for a time tliey should abstain, that they Tiiay give themselves to fasting and prayer^'. And though when Christians did receive the holy Communion every day, it is certain they did not abstain, but had children : yet when the Communion was more sel- dom, they did with religion abstain from the marriage- bed during the time of their solemn preparatory devo- tions "J, as anciently they did from eating and drinking till the solemnity of the day was past. 6. It were well if married persons would in their peni- tential prayers and in their general confessions suspect themselves, and accordingly ask a general pardon for all their indecencies and more passionate applications of themselves in the offices of marriage : that what is law- ful and honoiu-able in its kind may not be sullied with imperfect circumstan- ces ; or if it be, it may be made clean again by the interruption and recallings of such a repentance of which such uncertain parts of action are capable. But because of all the " De Conjug. prsecept. p 1 Cor. vii. 5. q Hoc etiam ex more Christianornm Tertul. suadens foeminis Chris- tianis n^ Paganis nubant, ait, Quis denique golennibas Paschae abnoc- tantem securus sustinebit? Tertul. ad Uxor., 2. 1. Et ex more etiam Gontilium. Phtt. sympos. 3. q. 6. Nobis autera, si leges civitatis rect^ colimus, cavendum est, n^ ad templa et sacrificia accedamus, paulo aiit^ re venerr/i usi. Itaqne expedit nocte et somno interjecto, justoque inter- vallo adhibito, mundos rursum quasi de integro, et ad novum diem nova cogitantcs (ut ait Democritus) Burgere. OP CHASTITY. dangers of a Christian none more pressing and trouble- some than the temptations to lust, no enemy more dan- gerous than that of the flesh, no accounts greater than what we have to reckon for at the audit of concupi- scence, therefore it concerns all that would be safe from this death to arm themselves by the following rules, to prevent or to cure all the wounds of our flesh made by the poisoned arrows of lust. Reinedies against Un- clean7iess. 1. When a temptation of lust assaults thee, do not resist it by heaping up ar- guments against it, and disputing with it, consider- ing its oflers and its danger, but fi)/ from it^, that is, think not at all of it ; lay aside all consideration con- cerning it, and turn away from it by any severe and laudable thought of business. 8aint Hierome very wittily reproves the Gentile super- stition, who pictured the Virgin Deities armed with a shield and lance, as if chastity could not be de- ' Contra libidinis impetum apprehende fugam, si vis obtinere vie- toriam. 5. Aug. * Quisquis in primo obstitit Repuli'tque amorein, tutus ac victor fuit; fended without war and direct contention. No ; this enemy is to be treated other- wise. If you hear it speak, though but to dispute with it, it ruins you ; and the very arguments you go about to answer, leave a relish upon the tongue. A man may be burned if he goes near the fire, though but to quench his house; and by handling pitch, though but to draw it from your clothes, you defile your fingers. 2. Avoid idleness, and fill up all the spaces of thy time with severe and useful em- ployment : for lust usually creeps in at those empti- nesses where the soul is un- employed and the body is at ease. For no easy, healthful, and idle person was ever chaste, if he could be tempted. But of all em- ployments, bodily labour is most useful and of greatest benefit for the driving away the Devil. 3. Give no entertainment to the beginnings, the first motions and secret whispers, of the spirit of impurity. For if you totally suppress it, it dies* : if you permit the Qui blandiendo dulee nutrivit malum, Sero recusat ferre, quod snbiit, jugnm. £2 ■Senec. EippoJ., 134. 76 OP CHASTITY. furnace to breathe its smoke and flame out at any vent, it will rage to the consump- tion of the whole. This cockatrice is soonest crushed in the shell ; but if it grows, it turns to a serpent, and a dragon, and a devil. 4. Corpoi'ol mortification and hard usages of our body hath by all ages of the Church been accounted a good instrument and of some profit against the spirit of fornication. A spare diet, and a thin coarse table, seldom re- freshment, frequent fasts, not violent and interrupted with returns to ordinary feeding, but "constantly lit- tle, unpleasant, of whole- some but sparing nourish- ment : for by such cutting off the provisions of vic- tual we shall weaken the strengths of our enemy. To which if we add lyings upon the ground, painful postures in prayer, reciting our devotions with our arms extended at full length, like Moses praying against Amalek, or our blessed Sa- viour hanging upon His painful bed of sorrows, the Cross, and (if the lust be upon us and sharply tempt- ing) by inflicting any smart to overthrow the strongest passion by the most violent pain, we shall find great ease for the present, and the resolution and apt sufferance against the future danger. And this was >S'. PauVs re- medy ', / bring my body un- der, he used some rudenesses towards it. But it was a great nobleness of chastity which S. Hierome reports of a son of the king of Nico- media ", who, being tempted upon flowers and a perfumed bed with a soft violence, but yet tied down to the temptation, and solicited with circumstances oi Asian luxury by an impure cour- tesan, lest the easiness of his posture should abuse him, spit out his tongue into her face : to represent that no virtue hath cost the saints V so much as this of chastity. 5. Fly from all occasions, temptations, loosenesses of company, balls and revel- lings, indecent mixtures of wanton dancings, idle talk, private society with strange t 1 Cor. ix. 27. " In vita S. Pauli. '•■ Benedictus in spinis se volutavit. 9. Martinianus faciem et manns. S. Johannes cognomento Bonus, calamos acutos inter ungues et camera digitorura intrnsit. 8. Theoctistus in silvis more ferarum vixit, ne inter Arabes pollueretur. OF CHASTITY. 77 women, starings upon a beauteous face, the com- pany of women that are singers, amorous gestures, garish and wanton dress- ings, feasts and liberty, ban- quets and perfumes, wine and strong drinks, which are made to persecute chastity ; some of these being the very prologues to lust, and the most innocent of them being but like condited or pickled mushrooms, which, if care- fully corrected and seldom tasted, may be harmless, but can never do good. Ever remembering, that it is easier to die for chastity than to live with it ; and the hangman could not ex- tort a consent from some persons, from whom a lover would have intreated it. For the glory of chastity will easily overcome the rudeness of fear and vio- lence ; but easiness and softness and smooth temp- tations creep in and like the sun make a maiden lay by her veil .and robe, which persecution like the north- ern wind made her hold fast and clap close about her. 6. He that will secure his chastity, must first cure his pride and his rage. For oftentimes lust is the pun- ishment of' a proud man, to '^ 2 Cor. tame the vanity of his pride by the shame and affronts of unchastity : and the same intemperate heat that makes anger, does enkindle lust. 7. If thou beest assaulted with an unclean spirit, trust not thyself alone; but run forth into company, whose reverence and modesty may suppress, or whose society may divert, thy thoughts : and a j^erpetual witness of thy conversation is of es- pecial use against this vice, which evaporates in the open air like camphire, being impatient of light and witnesses. 8. Use frequent and ear- nest prayers to the King of Purities, the first of virgins, the eternal God, who is of an essential purity, that He would bs pleased to reprove and cast out the unclean spirit. For besides the blessings of prayer by way of reward, it hath a natural virtue to restrain this vice : because a prayer against it is an unwillingness to act it ; and so long as we heartily pray against it, our desires are secured, and then this devil hath no power. This was Saint Paid's other re- medy: For this cause I besought the Lord thrice"^'. And there is much reason xii. 8. 78 OF chastitt; and much advantage in the use of this instrument ; be- cause the main thing that in this affair is to be secured, is a man's mind. He that goes about to cure lust by bodily exercises alone (as S. PauVs phrase is ^) or mor- tifications, shall find them sometimes instrumental to it, and incitations of sudden desires ; but always insuf- ficient and of little profit: but he that hath a chaste mind shall find his body apt enough to take laws ; and let it do its worst, it cannot make a sin, and in its great- est violence can but produce a little natural uneasiness, not so much trouble as a se- vere fasting-day, or a hard night's lodging upon boards. If a man be hungry he must eat, and if he be thirsty he must drink in some conve- nient time, or else he dies : but if the body be rebellious, so the mind be chaste, let it do its worst, if you resolve perfectly not to satisfy it, you can receive no great evil by it. Therefore the proper cure is by applica- tions to the spirit, and se- curities of the mind, which can no way so well be se- cured as by frequent and fervent prayers, and sober resolutions, and severe dis- courses. Therefore, 9. Hither bring in suc- cour from consideration of the Divine presence, and of His holy angels, meditation of death, and the passions of Christ upon" the Cross, imitation of His purities, and of the Virgin Mary His unspotted and holy mother, and of such emi- nent saints, who in their generations were burning and shining lights, un- mingled with such un- cleannesses which defile the soul, and who now follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes^. 10. These remedies are of universal efificacy in all cases extraordinary and vio- lent ; but in ordinary and common, the remedy which God hath provided, that is, honowahle marriage^, hath a natural efficacy, besides a virtue by Divine blessing, to cure the inconveniences which otherwise might af- flict persons temperate and sober. 1 Rev. xiv. 4. Heb. xiii. OF HUMILITY. 79 Sect. IV. Of Humility. Humility is the great ornament and jewel of Christian Religion ; that, whereby it is distinguished from all the wisdom of the world ; it not having been taught by the wise men of the Gentiles, but first put into a discipline, and made part of a Religion, by our Lord Jesus Christ, who pro- pounded Himself imitable by His Disciples so signally in nothing as in the twin sisters of JMeekness and Humility. Learn of Me, for I am meek and humble, and ye shall find rest unto your Souls^. For all the World, all that we are, and all that we have, our bodies and our Souls, oiu' actions and our suffer- ings, our conditions at home, our accidents abroad, our many sins and our seldom virtues, are as so many ar- guments to make our Souls dwell low in the deep val- leys of Humility. Arguments against Pride by way of Consideration. 1. Our body is weak and impure, sending out more uncleannesses from its » Matth. xi. 29. several sinks than could be endured if they were not necessary and natural : and we are forced to pass that through our mouths, which as soon as we see upon the ground, we loathe like rot- tenness and vomiting. 2. Our strength is inferior to that of many beasts ; and our infirmities so many, that we are forced to dress and tend horses and asses, that they may help our needs, and relieve our wants. 3. Our beauty is in colour inferior to many flowers, and in proportion of parts it is no better than nothing ; for even a dog hath parts as well proportioned and fitted to his purposes, and the designs of his nature, as we have : and when it is most florid and gay, three fits of an ague can change it into yellowness and leanness, and the hoUowness and wrinkles of deformity. 4. Our learning is then best, when it teaches most humility: but to be proud of learning is the greatest ignorance in the world. For our learning is so long in getting, and so very imper- 80 OF HUMILITY. feet, that the greatest clerk knows not the thousandth part of what he is ignorant ; and knows so uncertainly what he seems to know, and knows no otherwise than a fool or a child, even what is told him or what he guesses at, that except those things which concern his duty, and which God hath revealed to him, which also every woman knows so far as is necessary, the most learned man hath nothing to be proud of, unless this be a sufficient argument to exalt him, that he uncer- tainly guesses at some more unnecessary thing than many others, who yet know all that concerns them, and mind other things more necessary for the needs of life and Commonwealths. 5. He that is froud of riches is afoot. For if he be exalted above his neighbours because he hath more gold, how much inferior is he to a gold mine 1 how much is he to give place to a chain of pearl, or a knot of dia- monds 1 for certainly that hath the greatest excellence from whence he derives all his gallantry and preemi- nence over his neighbours. 6. If a man be exalted by reason of any excellence in his Soul, he may please to remember that all Souls are equal ; and their differing operations are because their instrument is in better tune, their body is more healthful, or better tempered : which is no more praise to him, than it is that he was l)orn in Italy. 7. He that is proud of his birth, is proud of the bless- ings of others, not of him- self : for if his j)arents were more eminent in any cir- cumstance than their neigh- bours, he is to thank God, and to rejoice in them; but still he may be a fool, or unfortunate, or deformed ; and when himself was born, it was indifferent to him whether his father were a king or a peasant, for he knew not any thing, nor chose any thing : and most commonly it is true, that he that boasts of his ancestors, who were the founders and raisers of a noble family, doth confess that he hath in himself a less virtue and a less honour, and therefore that he is degenerated. 8. Whatsoever other dif- ference there is between thee and thy neighbour, if it be bad, it is thine own, but thou hast no reason to boast of thy misery and shame : if it be good, thou hast received it from God ; and then thou OF HUMILITT. 81 art more obliged to pay duty and tribute, use and principal, to him : and it were a strange folly for a man to be proud of being more in debt than another. 9. Remember what thou wert before thou wert be- gotten. Nothing. AVhat wert thou in the first re- gions of thy dwelling, before thy birth ? Uncleanness. What wert thou for many years after 1 Weakness. What in all thy life ? A great sinner. What in all thy excellencies 1 A mere debtor to God, to thy parents, to the earth, to all the creatures. But we may if we please use the method of the Platonists ^, who reduce all the causes and arguments for humility which we can take from oiu'selves, to these seven heads. 1. The spirit of a man is light and trouble- some. 2. His body is bru- tish and sickly. 3. He is constant in his folly and error, and inconstant in his manners and good purposes. 4. His labours are vain, intricate, and endless. 5. His fortune is changeable, but seldom pleasing, never perfect. 6. His wisdom comes not till He be ready to die, that is, till he be past usinof it. 7. His death is certain ; always ready at the door, but never far off. Upon these or the like me- ditations if we dwell, or frequently retire to them, we shall see nothing more reasonable than to be hum- ble, and nothing more fool- ish than to be proud. Acts or offices of Humility. The grace of HumiKty is exercised by these following Rules. 1. Think not thyself better for any thing that happens to thee from with- out. For although thou mayest by gifts bestowed upon thee be better than another, as one horse is bet- ter than another, that is of more use to others ; yet as thou art a man, thou hast nothing to commend thee to thyself but that only by which thou art a man, that is, by what thou choosest and refusest. 2. Humility consists not in railing against thyself, or wearing mean clothes, or going softly and submissly : but in hearty and real evil or mean opinion of thyself. Believe thyself an unworthy person heartily, as thou be- lievest thyself to be hungry, or poor, or sick, when thou art so. Apuleius de Daemon. Socratis. e3 82 OP HUMILITY. 3. "Whatsoever evil thou sayest of thyself be content that others should think to be true : and if thou callest thyself fool, be not angry if another say so of thee. For if thou thinkest so truly, all men in the world desire other men to be of their opinion ; and he is an hypo- crite, that accuses himself before others with an intent not to be believed. But he that calls himself intempe- rate, foolish, lustful, and is angry when his neighbours call him so, is both a false and a proud person. 4. Love to be concealed, and little esteemed « : be content to want praise, never being troubled when thou art slighted or undervalued : for thou canst not under- value thyself; and if thou thinkest so meanly as there is reason, no contempt will seem unreasonable, and therefore it will be very tolerable. 5. Never be ashamed of thy birth, or thy parents, or thy trade, or thy present employment, for the mean- ness or poverty of any of them : and when there is an occasion to speak of them, such an occasion as would invite you to speak of any thing that pleases you, omit it not ; but sj>eak as readily and indifferently of thy meanness as of thy great- ness. Primislaus the first king of Bohemia kept his country-shoes always by him, to remember from whence he was raised : And Agathodes by the furni- ture of His table confessed, that from a potter he was raised to be the king of Sicily. 6. Never speak any thing directly tending to thy praise or glory ; that is, with a purpose to be com- mended, and for no other end. If other ends be min- gled with thy honour, as if the glory of God, or charity, or necessity, or any thing of prudence be thy end, you are not tied to omit your discourse or your design that you may avoid praise ; but pursue your end, though praise come along in the company. Only let not praise be the design. 7. When thou hast said or done any thing for which thou receivest praise or esti- mation, take it indifferently, and return it to God ; re- flecting upon him as the Giver of the gift, or the Blesser of the action, or the Aid of the design : and give God thanks for making thee e Ama nesciri et pro nihilo reputari. Gerson. OF HUMILITT. 83 an instrument of His glory, or the benefit of others. 8. Secure a good name to thyself by living virtuously and humbly : but let this good name be nursed abroad, and never be brought home to look upon it : let others use it for their own advan- tage; let them speak of it if they please ; but do not thou at all use it, but as an instrument to do God glory, and thy neighbour more ad- vantage. Let thy face like Moses's ^ shine to others, but make no looking-glasses for thyself. 9. Take no content in praise when it is ofiered thee: but let thy rejoicing in God's gift be allayed with fear, lest this good bring thee to evil. Use the praise, as you use your pleasure in eating and drinking: if it comes, make it do drudgery, let it serve other ends, and minister to necessities, and to caution, lest by pride you lose your just praise which you have deserved; or else by being praised unjustly, you receive shame into your- self with God and wise men. 10. Use no stratagems and devices to get praise. Some use to inquire into the faults of their own actions or discourses on purpose to hear that it was well done or spoken, and without fault : others bring the matter into talkjOr thrust themselves into company, and intimate and give occasion to be thought or spoke of. These men make a bait to persuade themselves to swallow the hook, till by drinking the waters of vanity they swell and burst. 11. Make no suppletories to thyself, when thou art disgTaced or slighted, by pleasing thyself with sup- posing thou didst deserve praise, though they under- stood thee not, or enviously detracted from thee : neither do thou get to thyself a pri- vate theatre and flatterers e in whose vain noises and phantastic praises thou mayest keep up thine own good opinion of thyself. 12. Entertain no fancies of vanity and private whis- pers of this Devil of pride : such as was that of Nebu- chadnezm r ; Is not th is great Babylon, loliich I have built for the honour of my naTne, and the might of my majesty, and the power of my king- dom^ ? Some phantastic spirits will walk alone, and dream waking of greatnesses, tation for a man to have in his poiver ichat- soever he can have in his sensual desires: and there- fore riches is a blessing like to a present made of a whole vintage to a man in a hectic fever ; he will be much Title of Covetousness. 124 OF CONTENTEDNESS. tempted to drink of it ; and if he does, he is inflamed, and may chance to die with the kindness. Now besides what hath been ah-eady noted in the state of poverty, there is nothing to be accounted for but the fear of icanting ne- cessaries; of which if a man could be secured, that he might live free from care, all the other parts of it might be reckoned amongst the advantages of wise and sober persons, rather than objections against that state of fortune. But concerning this I consider, that there must needs be great security to all Christians; since Christ not only made express pro- mises that we should have sufficient for this life, but also took great pains and used many arguments to create confidence in us : and such they were, Avhich by their own strength were sufficient, though you abate the authority of the speaker. The Son of God told us. His Father takes care of us : He that knew all His Father's counsels and His whole kindness towards mankind, told us so. How great is that truth, how certain, how necessary,whichC%riSif Him- self proved by arguments! The excellent words and most comfortable sentences, which are our Bills of Ex- change, upon the credit of which we lay our cares down, and receive provi- sions for our need, are these ; l^ake no thought for your life, what ye shall eat or lohat ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment ? Behold the fou'ls of the air ; for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your Heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they ? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit to his stature ? And why take ye thought for raiment 2 Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow : They toil not, neither do they spin; and yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Therefore if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to-day is, and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not onuch more clothe you, ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat ? or ichat shall ive drink? or wherewithal shall we be clothed? {for OF CONTE^'TEDXESS. 125 after all these things do the may boldly say, The Lord Gentiles seek:) For your is my helper^. And all this Heaverdy Farther knoiveth is by *S'. Peter summed up that ye have need of all these i in our duty, thus. Cast things. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness., and all these things shall he added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow ; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of Itself: sufficient to the day is the evil thereof^. The same discourse is repeated by Saint Luke's : and accord- ingly our duty is urged, and our confidence abetted, by the Disciples of our Lord, in divers places of holy Scripture. So Saint Paul; Be careful for nothing, hut in every thing hy prayer and supplication, with thanks- giving, let your requests he madeknovrn unto God^. And again ; Charge them that are rich in this world, that they he not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches; hut in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoys. And yet again ; Zet your conversation he without covetous7iess, and he content with such things as ye have ; for He hath all your care upon Him, for He careth for you"". Which words he seems to have borrowed out of the Iv.*'^ Psalm, ver. 23, where David saith the same thing almost in the same words. To Avhich I only add the observation made by him, and the argument of ex- perience ; I have been young and now am old, and yet saw I never the righteous forsaken, nor his seed beg- ging their bread ". And now after all' this, a fearless con- fidence in God, and con- cerning a provision of necessaries, is so reason- able, that it is become a duty ; and he is scarce a Christian, whose faith is so little as to be jealous of God and suspicious con- cerning meat and clothes : that man hath nothing in him of the nobleness or confidence of Charity. Does not God provide for all the birds and beasts and fishes ? Do not the spar- rows fly from their bush, and every morning find / will never leave thee, nor meat where they laid it forsake thee : so that we I not % Do not the young p Matt. vi. 25, &c. >J Luke xii. 22. t Hcb. xiii. 5, 6. » 1 Pet. v. 7. ' Phil.iv. 6. » 1 Tim. vi. 15 » Psalm xxsrii. 25. 126 OF CONTENTEDNESS. ravens call to God, and He feeds them ? And were it reasonable that the sons of the family should fear the Father would give meat to the chickens and the ser- vants, His sheep and His dogs, but give none to them ? He were a very ill Father that should do so : or he were a very foolish son that should think so of a good Father. *But be- sides the reasonableness of this faith and this hope, we have infinite experience of it : How innocent, how care- less, how secure is Infancy ! and yet how certainly pro- vided ! We have lived at God's charges all the days of our life, and have (as the Italian proverb says) set down to meat at the sound of a bell ; and hitherto He hath not failed us : we have no reason to suspect Him for the future : we do not use to serve men so ; and less time of trial creates great confidences in us to- wards them Avho for twenty years together never broke their word with us : and God hath so ordered it, that a man shall have had the experience of many years provision, before he shall understand how to doubt ; that he may be provided yRom. for an answer against the temptation shall come, and the mercies felt in his child- hood may make him fear- less when he is a man, * Add to this, that God hath given us His Holy Spirit ; He hath promised Heaven to us ; He hath given us His Son ; and we are taught from Scripture to make this inference from hence, Hoiu should not He with Hirii give us all things else^ ? The Charge of many Chil- dren. We have a title to be provided for, as we are God's creatures ; another title, as we are His chil- dren ; another, because God hath promised : and every of our children hath the same title : and therefore it is a huge folly and infidelity to be troubled and full of care because we have many children. Every child we have to feed is a new re- venue, a new title to God's care and providence ; so that many children are a great wealth : and if it be said they are chargeable, it is no more than all wealth and great revenues are. For what difference is it 1 Ti- tius keeps ten ploughs, Cor- nelia hath ten children. He viii. 32. OF CONTENTEDNESS. 127 land enough to em- ploy and to feed all his hinds ; she blessings, and promises, and the provi- sions and the truth of God, to maintain all her chil- dren. His hinds and horses eat up all his corn ; and her children are sufficiently maintained with her little. They bring in and eat up ; and she indeed eats up, but they also bring in from the store-houses of heaven, and the granaries of God : and my children are not so much mine, as they are God's ; He feeds them in the womb by ways secret and insensible ; and would not work a perpetual mira- cle to bring them forth, and then to starve them. Violent necessities. But some men are highly tempted, and are brought to a strait ; that without a miracle they cannot be re- lieved : what shall they do ? It may be, their pride or vanity hath brought the necessity upon them, and it is not a need of God's mak- ing : and if it be not, they must cure it themselves by lessening their desires, and moderating their appetites ; and yet if it be innocent, though unnecessary, God » 1 Tim. vi. 8; does usually relieve such necessities ; and He does not only upon our prayers grant us more than He pro- mised of temporal things, but also He gives many times more than we ask. This is no object for our faith, but ground enough for a temporal and prudent hope : and if we fail in the particular, God will turn it to a bigger mercy, if we submit to His dispensation, and adore Him in the de- nial. But if it be a matter of necessity, let not any man by way of impatience cry out that God will not work a miracle ; for God by miracle did give meat and drink to His people in the wilderness, of which He had made no particular promise in any Covenant : and if all natural means fail, it is cer- tain that God will rather work a miracle than break His word ; He can do that, He cannot do this. Only we must remember, that our portion of temporal things is but food and rai- ment '^ : God hath not pro- mised us coaches and hor- ses, rich houses and jewels, Tyrian silks and Persian carpets ; neither hath He promised to minister to our needs in such circumstances Matt, vi, 30—33. 128 OF CONTENTEDNESS. as we shall appoint, but such as Himself shall choose. God will enable either thee to pay thy debt, (if thou beggest it of Him), or else He will pay it for thee ; that is, take thy de- sire as a discharge of thy duty, and pay it to thy creditor in blessings, or in some secret of His provi- dence. It may be. He hath laid up the corn that shall feed thee in the granary of thy brother ; or will clothe thee with his wool. He enabled Saint Peter to pay his gabel by the ministery of a fish ; and Elias to be waited on by a crow, who was both his minister and his steward for provisions : and His Holy Son rode in triumph upon an ass that grazed in another man's pastures. And if God gives to him the dominion, and reserves the use to thee, thou hast the better half of the two : but the charitable man serves God and serves thy need ; and both join to provide for thee, and God blesses both. But if He takes away the flesh-pots from thee, He can also alter the appetite, and He hath given thee power and com- mandment to restrain it : and if He lessens the re- venue, He will also shrink the necessity ; or if He gives but a very little, He will make it go a great way ; or if He sends thee but a coarse diet, He will bless it and make it health- ful ; and can cure all the anguish of thy poverty by giving thee patience, and the grace of Contentedness. For the grace of God se- cures you of provisions, and yet the grace of God feeds and supports the spirit in the want of provisions : and if a thin table be apt to enfeeble the spirits of one used to feed better, yet the cheerfulness of a spirit that is blessed will make a thin table become a delicacy, if the man v/as as well taught as he was fed, and learned his duty when he received the blessing. Poverty, there- fore, is in some senses eli- gible and to be preferred before riches, but in all senses it is very tolerable. Death of Children, or near- est Relatives and Frieyids. There are some persons who have been noted for excellent in their lives and passions, rarely innocent, and yet hugely penitent for indiscretions and harmless infirmities : such as was Paidina, one of the ghostly children of S. Hierome ; and OF CONTENTEDNESS. 129 yet, when any of her chil- dren died, she was arrested with a sorrow so great as brought her to the margent of her grave. And the more tender our spirits are made by Religion, the more easy we are to let iu grief, if the cause be innocent and be but in any sense twisted with piety and due affec- tions. *To cure which, we may consider, that all the world must die ; and there- fore, to be impatient at the death of a person concern- ing whom it was certain and known that he must die, is to mourn because thy friend or child was not born an Angel ; and when thou hast awhile made thy- self miserable by an impor- tunate and useless grief, it may be thou shalt die thy- self, and leave others to their choice whether they will mourn for thee or no : but by that time it will ap- pear how impertinent that grief was, which served no end of life, and ended in thy own funeral. But what great matter is it if sparks fly upward, or a stone falls into a pit ; if that which was combustible be burned, or that which was liquid be melted, or that which is mortal do die ? It is no more than a man does every day : for every night death hath got possession of that day, and we shall never live that day over again ; and when the last day is come, there are no more days left for us to die. And what is sleeping and waking, but living and dy- ing ? what is Spring and Autumn, youth and old age, morning and evening, but real images of life and death, and really the same to many considerable effects and changes ? Untimely death. But it is not mere dying, that is pretended by some as the cause of their impa- tient mourning ; but that the child died young, be- fore he knew good and evil, his right hand from his left, and so lost all his portion of this world, and they know not of what excellency his portion in the next shall be. *If he died young, he lost but little ; for he under- stood but little, and had not capacities of great plea- sures or great cares : but yet he died innocent, and before the sweetness of his Soul was deflowered and ravished from him by the flames and follies of a fro- ward age : he went out from the dining-room before he g3 130 OP CONTENTEDNESS. had fallen into error by the intemperance of his meat, or the deluge of drink : and he hath obtained this favour of God, that his Soul hath suffered a less imprison- ment, and her load was sooner taken off, that he might with lesser delays go and converse with immortal spirits : and the babe is taken into Paradise before he knows good and evil, (For that knowledge threw our great Father out", and this ignorance returns the child thither.) *But (as concerning thy own parti- cular) remove thy thoughts back to those days in which thy child was not born, and you are now but as then you was, and there is no difference but that you had a son born : and if you reckon that for evil, you are unthankful for the blessing ; if it be good, it is better that you had the blessing for awhile than not at all ; and yet if he had never been born, this sorrow had not been at all. But be no more displeased at God for giving you a blessing for awhile, than you would have been if He had not given it at all ; and reckon that intervening blessing for a gain, but account it not an evil ; and if it be a good, turn it not into sorrow and sadness. *But if v/e have great reason to com- plain of the calamities and evils of our life, then we have the less reason to grieve that those whom we loved have so small a por- tion of evil assigned to them. And it is no small advantage that our children dying young receive : For their condition of a bless- ed immortality is rendered to them secure by being snatched from the dangers of an evil choice, and car- ried to their little cells of felicity, where they can weep no more. And this the wisest of the Gentiles understood well, when they forbade any offerings or libations to be made for dead Infants as was usual for their other dead ; as believing they were entered into a secure possession, to which they went with no other condition, but that they passed into it through the way of mortality, and for a few months wore an uneasy garment. And let weeping parents say, if they do not think that the evils their little babes have suf- fered are sufficient. If they be, why are they troubled . 22, 23. OF CONTENTEDNESS. 131 that they were taken from those many and greater, which in succeeding years are great enough to try all the Reason and Religion which art and nature and the grace of God hath pro- duced in us, to enable us for such sad contentions ? And possibly we may doubt concerning men and women, but we cannot suspect that to Infants death can be such an evil, but that it brings to them much more good than it takes from them in this life. Death unseasonable. But others can well bear the death of Infants : but Avhen they have spent some years of childhood or youth, and are entered into arts and society, when they are hopeful and provided for, when the parents are to reap the comfort of all their fears and cares, then it breaks the spirit to lose them. This is true in many; but this is not love to the dead, but to themselves ; for they miss what they had flattered themselves into by hope and opinion : and if it were kindness to the dead, they may consider, that since we hope he is gone to God and to rest, it is an ill expression of our love to them, that we weep for their good fortune. For that life is not best which is longest : and when they are descended into the grave, it shall not be in- quired how long they have lived, but how well : and yet this shortening of their days is an evil wholly de- pending upon opinion. For if men did naturally live but twenty years, then we should be satisfied if they died about sixteen or eighteen ; and yet eighteen years now are as long as eighteen years would be then : and if a man were but of a day's life, it is well if he lasts till Evensong, and then says his Compline an hour before the time : and we are pleased and call not that death immature if he lives till seventy ; and yet this age is as short of the old periods before and since the flood, as this youth's age (for whom you mourn) is of the present fulness. Suppose therefore a decree passed upon this person (as there have been many upon all mankind) and God hath set him a shorter period : and then we may as well bear the immature death of the young man, as the death of the oldest men : for they 132 OF CONTENTEDNESS. also are immature and un- seasonable in respect of the old periods of many genera- tions. *And why are we troubled that he had arts and sciences before he died 1 or are we troubled that he does not live to make use of them ? The first is cause of joy, for they are excel- lent in order to certain ends : And the second can- not be cause of sorrow ; be- cause he hath no need to use them as the case now stands, being provided for with the provisions of an Angel, and the manner of eternity. However, the sons and the parents, friends and relatives are in the world, like hours and minutes to a day. The hour comes and must pass ; and some stay but minutes, and they also pass, and shall never return again. But let it be con- sidered, that from the time in which a man is conceived, from that time forward to Eternity he shall never cease to be : and let him die young or old, still he hath an immortal Soul, and hath laid down his body only for a time, as that which was the instrument of his trouble and sorrow, and the scene of sicknesses and disease. But he is in a more noble manner of being after death than he can be- here : and the child may with more reason be allowed to cry for leaving his mother's womb for this world, than a man can for changing this world for another. Sudden death or violent. Others are yet troubled at the manner of their child's or friend's death. He was drowned, or lost his head, or died of the plague; and this is a new spring of sorrow. But no man can give a sensible account, how it shall be worse for a child to die with drowning in half an hour, than to en- dure a fever of one and twenty days. And if my friend lost his head, so he did not lose his constancy and his Religion, he died with huge advantage. Being Childless. But by this means I am left without an heir. Well, suppose that : Thou hast no heir, and I have no inherit- ance ; and there are many kings and emperors that have died childless, many royal lines are extinguish- ed : and Augustus Caesar was forced to adopt his wife's son to inherit all the Roman greatness. And OF CONTENTEDNESS. ]33 there are many wise per- sons that never married : and we read nowhere that any of the children of the Apostles did survive their fathers : and all that in- herit any thing of Christ's kingdom come to it by adoption, not by natural inheritance : and to die without a natural heir is no intolerable evil, since it was sanctified in the per- son of Virgin. Evil or unfortunate Children. And by this means we are freed from the greater sorrows of having a fool, a swine, or a goat, to rule after us in our families : and yet even this condition ad- mits of comfort. For all the wild Americans are sup- posed to be the sons of Do- donaim ; and the sons of Jacob are now the most scattered and despised peo- ple in the whole world. The son of Solomon was but a silly weak man ; and the son oiHezekiah was wicked : and all the fools and barba- rous people, all the thieves and pirates, all the slaves and miserable men and wo- men of the world, are the sons and daughters oiNoah: and we must not look to be exempted from that portion of sorrow which God gave to Noah and Adam, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob : I pray God send us into the lot of Abraham. But if any thing happens worse to us, it is enough for us that we bear it evenly. Our own Death. And how, if you were to die yourself ? you know you must. Only be ready for it, by the preparations of a good life ; and then it is the greatest good that ever hap- pened to thee : else there is nothing that can comfort you. But if you have served God in a holy life, send away the women and the weep- ers, tell them it is as much intemperance to weep too much as to laugh too much : and when thou art alone, or with fitting company, die as thou shouldest, but do not die impatiently, and like a fox catched in a trap. For if you fear death, you shall never the more avoid it, but you make it miserable. Fannius, that killed himself for fear of death, died as certainly as Porcia that ate burning coals, or Cato that cut his own throat. To die is necessary and natural, and it may be honourable ; but to die poorly, and basely, 134 PRATERS FOR SEVERAL GRACES. and sinfully, that alone is it that can make a man un- fortunate. No man can be a slave but he that fears pain, or fears to die. To such a man nothing but chance and peaceable times can secure his duty, and he depends upon things with- out for his felicity ; and so is well but during the plea- sure of his enemy, or a thief or a tyrant, or it may be of a dose or a wild bull. PRAYERS FOR THE SEVERAL GRACES AND PARTS OF CHRISTIAN SOBRIETY. A Prayer against Sen- suality. Eternal Father, Thou that sittest in Heaven in- vested with essential Glories and Divine perfections, fill ray Soul with so deep a sense of the excellencies of spiritual and heavenly things, that, my affections being weaned from the pleasures of the world and the false allurements of sin, I may with great severity and the prudence of a holy discipline and strict desires, with clear resolutions and a free spirit, have my conver- sation in Heaven and hea- venly employments ; that, being in afiections as in my condition a pilgrim and a stranger here, I may covet after and labour for an abi- ding city, and at last may enter into and for ever dwell in the Celestial Jerusalem, which is the mother of us all, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Temperance. Almighty God and gracious Father of men and Angels, who openest Thy hand and fillest all things with plenty, and hast pro- vided for Thy servant suffi- cient to satisfy all my needs ; teach me to use Thy creatures soberly and tem- perately, that I may not with loads of meat or drink make the temptations of my enemy to prevail upon me, or my spirit unapt for the performance of my duty, or my body healthless, or my affections sensual and un- holy. my God, never suf- fer that the blessings which Thou givest me may either minister to sin or sickness, PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL GRACES. 13^ but to health and holiness and thanksgiving ; that in the strength of Thy provi- sions I may cheerfully and actively and diligently serve Thee : that I may worthily feast at Thy table here, and be accounted worthy through Thy grace to be admitted to Thy table here- after at the eternal supper of the Lamb, to sing an Allelujah to God the Fa- ther, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, for ever and ever. Amen. For Chastity : to be said especially by ummirried -persons. Almighty God, our most holy and eternal Father, who art of pure eyes, and canst behold no unclean- ness ; let Thy gracious and holy Spirit descend upon Thy servant, and re- prove the spirit of Fornica- tion and IJncleanness, and cast him out ; that my body may be a holy Temple, and my Soul a Sanctuary to en- tertain the PRINCE of pu- rities, the holy and eternal Spirit of God. let no im- pure thoughts pollute that soul which God hath sanc- tified ; no unclean words pollute that tongue which God hath commanded to be an organ of His praises ; no unholy and unchaste action rend the veil of that Tem- ple where the holy Jesus hath been pleased to enter, and hath chosen for His habitation : but seal up all my senses from all vain ob- jects, and let them be en- tirely possessed with Reli- gion, and fortified with prudence, watchfulness, and mortification; that I, pos- sessing my vessel in holi- ness, may lay it down with a holy hope, and receive it again in a joyful resurrec- tion, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A Prayer for the love of God ; to be said by Vir- gins and Widoivs, profes- sed or resolved so to live : and may be used by any one. Holy and purest Jesus, who wert pleased to espouse every holy Soul, and join it to Thee with a holy union and mysterious instruments of religious society and com- munications ; fill my soul with Religion and desires holy as the thoughts of Che- rubim, passionate beyond the love of women ; that I may love Thee as much as ever any creature loved Thee, even with all my Soul, and all my faculties, and all the degrees of every PRATERS FOR SEVERAL GRACES. 136 faculty : let me know no loves but those of duty and charity, obedience and de- votion ; that I may for ever run after Thee who art the King of Virgins, and with whom whole kingdoms are in love, and for whose sake Queens have died, and at whose feet Kings with joy have laid their crowns and sceptres. My Soul is Thine, dearest Jesii ; Thou art my Lord, and hast bound up my eyes and heart from all stranger affections ; give me for my dowry purity and humility, modesty and de- votion, charity and patience, and at last bring me into the Bride-chamber to par- take of the felicities and to lie in the bosom of the Bridegroom to eternal ages, holy and sweetest Sa- viour Jesus. Amen. A Prayer to he said hy Married persons in he- half of themselves and each other. Eternal and gracious Father, who hast consecra- ted the holy estate of Mar- riage to become mysterious, and to represent the union of Christ and His Church ; let Thy Holy Spirit so guide me in the doing the duties of this state, that it may not become a sin unto me ; nor that liberty which Thou hast hallowed by the holy Jesus, become an occasion of licentiousness by my own weakness and sensuality : and do Thou forgive all those irregularities and too sensual applications which may have in any degree dis- composed my spirit and the severity of a Christian. Let me in all accidents and cir- cumstances be severe in my duty towards Thee, affec- tionate and dear to my AVife [or Husband], a guide and good example to my family, and in all quiet- ness, sobriety, prudence, and peace, a follower of those holy pairs who have served Thee with godhness and a good testimony. And the blessings of the eternal God, blessings of the right hand and of the left, be upon the Body and Soul of Thy servant my Wife [or Husband], and abide upon her [or him] till the end of a holy and happy life ; and grant that both of us may live together for ever in the embraces of the holy and eternal Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. Am^n. A Prayer for the grace of Humility. O holy and most gracious Master and Saviour Jesus, PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL GRACES. 137 who by Thy example and by Thy precept, by the practice of a whole life and frequent discourses, didst command us to be meek and humble in imitation of Thy incomparable sweetness and great humility ; be pleased to give me the grace, as Thou hast given me the commandment : en- able me to do whatsoever Thou commandest, and com- mand whatsoever Thou pleasest. mortify in me all proud thoughts and vain opinions of myself : let me return to Thee the acknow- ledgment and the fruits of all those good things Thou hast given me ; that, by confessing I am wholly in debt to Thee for them, I may not boast myself for what I have received, and for what I am highly ac- countable : and for what is my own, teach me to be ashamed and humbled, it being nothing but sin and misery, weakness and un- cleanness. Let me go be- fore my brethren in nothing but in striving to do them honour and Thee glory, never to seek my own praise, never to delight in it when it is offered ; that despising myself I may be accepted by Thee in the honours with which Thou shalt crown Thy humble and despised servants for Jesus His sake in the king- dom of eternal glory. A men. Acts of Humility and Mo- desty by way of Prayer and Meditation. I. Lord, I know that my spirit is light and thorny, my body is brutish and ex- posed to sickness ; I am constant to folly, and in- constant in holy purposes. My labours are vain and fruitless ; my fortune full of change and trouble, sel- dom pleasing, never per- fect : my wisdom is folly ; being ignorant even of the parts and passions of my ov/n body : and what am I, Lord, before Thee, but a miserable person, hugely in debt, not able to pay ? IL Lord, I am nothing, and 1 have nothing of myself : I am less than the least of all Thy mercies. III. What was I before my birth 1 First, nothing, and then uncleanness. What during my childhood ? weakness and folly. What in my youth 1 folly still and passion, lust and v/ild- ness. What in my whole 138 PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL GRACES. life ? a great sinner, a de- ceived and an abused per- son. Lord, pity me, for it is Thy goodness that I am kept from confusion and amazement, when I consi- der the misery and shame of my person and the de- filements of my nature. IV. Lord, what am I ? and Lord, what art Thou ? Wiat is man that Thou art mind- ful of him, and the son of onan that Thou so regardest him'' ? V. Hou) can man he justified with God ? or how can he he clean that is horn of a woman 2 Behold even to the moon, and it shineth not ; yea, the stars are not pure in His sight : Hoio much less m^an that is a worm, aiid the son of man ^vhich is a worm"? A Prayer for a contented spirit, and the grace of Moderation and Patience. Almighty God, Father and Lord of all the crea- tures, who hast disposed all things and all chances so as •> Ph. viii. 4 ; cxliv. 3. may best glorify Thy Wis- dom, and serve the ends of Thy Justice, and magnify Thy Mercy, by secret and undiscernible ways bringing good out of evil ; I most humbly beseech Thee to give me wisdom from above, that I may adore Thee, and admire Thy ways and foot- steps, which are in the great deep and not to be searched out : teach me to submit to Thy providence in all things, to be content in all changes of person and condition, to be temperate in prosperity, and to read my duty in the lines of Thy mercy, and in adversity to be meek, pa- tient and resigned, and to look through the cloud, that I may wait for the consola- tion of the Lord, and the day of Redemption ; in the meantime doing my duty with an unwearied dili- gence, and an undisturbed resolution, having no fond- ness for the vanities or pos- sessions of this World, but laying up my hopes in Hea- ven and the rewards of holy living, and being strength- ened with the Spirit of the inner man, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, ■= Job XXV. 4, &c. OF CHRISTIAN JUSTICE. 139 CHAP. III. OF CHRISTIAN JUSTICE. Justice is by the Chris- tian Religion enjoined in all its parts by these two propositions in Scripture : Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, even so do to them. This is the measure of commutative jus- tice, or of that justice which supposes exchange of things profitable for things profit- able : that, as I supply your need, you may supply mine ; as I do a benefit to you, I may receive one by you : and because every man may be injured by another, there- fore his security shall de- pend upon mine : if he will not let me be safe, he shall not be safe himself (only the manner of his being punished is upon great rea- son both by God and all the world taken from particu- lars, and committed to a public disinterested person, who will do justice without passion both to him and to me) ; if he refuses to do me advantage, he shall receive none when his needs require it. And thus God gave ne- cessities to men, that all men might need ; and seve- <* Rom. : j ral abilities to several per- ! sons, that each man might help to supply the public I needs ; and, by joining to j fill up all wants, they may I be knit together by justice, as the parts of the world are by nature : and lie hath made all obnoxious to inju- ries, and made every little thing strong enough to do us hurt by some instrument or other ; and hath given us all a sufficient stock of self- love, and desire of self-pre- servation, to be as the chain to tie together all the parts of society, and to restrain us from doing violence, lest we be violently dealt withal ourselves. The other part of justice is commonly called distri- butive, and is commanded in this Rule, Render to all their dues ; tribute, to ivhom tribute is due; custom, to whom custom ; fear, to u'hom. fear ; honour, to lohom ho- nour. Owe no man any thing, but to love one ano- ther'^. This justice is dis- tinguished from the first, because the obligation de- pends not upon contract or 140 OP OBEDIENCE. express bargain, but passes upon us by virtue of some command of God, or of our superior, by nature or by grace, by piety or religion, by trust or by office, accord- ing to that commandment : As every man hath received the gift, so let him minister the sajne one to another, as good steivards of the mani- fold grace of God^. And, as the first considers an equality of persons in re- spect of the contract or particular necessity ; this supposes a difference of per- sons, and no particular bar- gains, but such necessary intercourses as by the laws of Grod or man are intro- duced. But I shall reduce all the particulars of both kinds to these four heads. 1. Obedience, 2. Provision, 3. Negotiation, 4. Restitu- tion. Sect. I. Of Obedience to our Superiors. Our Superiors are set over us in aiFairs of the world, or the affairs of the Soul and things pertaining to Reli- gion ; and are called accord- ingly, Ecclesiasticcd, or Civil. Towards whom our duty is thus generally described in the New Testament. For Tem])oral or Civil governors the commands are these : Render to Cmsar the things that are Ccesar''s^; and, Let every soid he sid)ject to the higher powers : For there is no poiver hut of God: The powers that he are ordained of God : Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God ; and they that resist shall receive e 1 Pet. iv. 10. f Luke ^ Titus iii. 1. to themselves diamnationi : and, Put them in mind to he subject to principalities and powers, and to obey Magistrates^ : and, Suhynit yourselves to every ordi- nance of man, for the Lord's sake ; tohether it he to the King, as supreme ; or unto Governors, as unto them that are sent by Him for the punishment of evil doers and the praise of them that do weir^. For Spiritual or Ecclesi- astical Governors thus we are commanded : Obey them that have the ride over you^ and submit yourselves ; for they watch for your souls, as they that must give an K, 25. g Rom. xiii. 1, 2. 1 Pet. ii. 13, 14. OF OBEDIENCE, 141 account^ : and, Hold such ■in reputation^ : and, To this end did I ^vrite, that I might know the proof of you, whether ye he obedient in all things"^, s^id 8. Paid to the Church of Coi'inth. *Our duty is reducible to practice by the following Rules. Acts and duties of Obedience to all our Superiors. 1. We must obey all hu- man laws appointed and constituted by lawful au- thority, that is, of the su- preme power, according to the constitution of the place in which we live ; all laws, I mean, which are not against the law of God. 2. In obedience to human laws, we must observe the letter of the law where we can without doing violence to the reason of the law and the intention of the law- giver : but, where they cross each other, the charity of the law is to be preferred before its discipline, and the reason of it before the letter. 3. If the general reason of the law ceases in our particular, and a contrary reason rises upon us, we are to procure dispensation, or k Heb. xiii. 17. leave to omit the observa- tion of it in such circum- stances, if there be any per- sons or office appointed for granting it : but if there be none, or if it is not easily to be had, or not without an inconvenience greater than the good of the obser- vation of the law in our particular, we are dispensed wdthal in the nature of the thing, without further pro- cess or trouble. 4. As long as the law is obligatory, so long our obe- dience is due ; and he that begins a contrary custom without reason, sins : but he that breaks the law when the custom is entered and fixed, is excused ; because it is supposed the legisla- tive power consents, when by not punishing it suffers disobedience to grow up to a custom. 5. Obedience to human laws must be for conscieiice sake : that is, because in such obedience public order and charity and benefit is concerned, and because the law of God commands us, therefore Ave must make a conscience in keeping the just laws of superiors : and although the matter before the making of the law was 1 Phil. ii. 29. "> 2 Cor. ii. 9. 142 OF OBEDIENCE, indifferent, yet now the obe- dience is not indifferent n ; but, next to the laws of God, we are to obey the laws of all our superiors ; who, the more public they are, the first they are to be in the order of obedience. 6. Submit to the punish- ment and censure of the laws, and seek not to re- verse their judgment by op- posing, but by submitting, or flying, or silence, to pass through it or by it as we can : and although from in- ferior judges we may appeal v/here the law permits us, yet Ave must sit down and rest in the judgment of the supreme ; and if we be wronged, let us complain to God of the injury, not of the persons ; and He will deliver thy Soul from un- righteous judges. "7. Do not believe thou hast kept the law, when thou hast suffered the pun- ishment. For although pa- tiently to submit to the power of the sword be a part of obedience, yet this is such a part as supposes another left vmdone : and the law punishes, not be- cause she is as well pleased in taking vengeance as in being obeyed ; but, because she is displeased, she uses punishment as a means to secure obedience for the future, or in others. There- fore although in such cases the law is satisfied, and the injury and the injustice is paid for, yet the sins of ir- religion, and scandal, and disobedience to God, must still be so accounted for, as to crave pardon, and be washed off by repentance. 8. Human laws are not to be broken with scandal, nor at all without reason ; for he that does it carelessly is a despiser of the law, and undervalues the authority. For human laws differ from Divine laws principally in this : 1. That the positive commands of a 7nan may be broken upon smaller and more reasons than the posi- tive commands of God ; we may upon a smaller reason omit to keep any of the fasting days of the Church, than omit to give alms to the poor : only this, the reason must bear weight ac- cording to the gravity and concernment of the law ; a law in a small matter may be omitted for a small rea- son, in a great matter not without a greater reason. And 2. The negative pre- cepts of men may cease by many instruments, by con- Arist. Eth., v. cap. 7. OF OBEDIENCE. 143 trary customs, by public disrelish, by long omission : but the negative 2^recepts of God never can cease, but when they are expressly abrogated by the same au- thority. But what those reasons are, that can dis- pense with the command of a man, a man may be his own judge, and sometimes take his proportions from his own reason and neces- sity, sometimes from public fame, and the practice of pious and severe persons, and from popular customs ; in which a man shall walk most safely, when he does not walk alone, but a spiri- tual man takes him by the hand. 9. We must not be too forward in procuring dis- pensations ; nor use them any longer than the reason continues for which we first procured them : for to be dispensed wdthal is an ar- gument of natural infir- mity, if it be necessary ; but if it be not, it signifies an undisciplined and un- mortified spirit. 10. We must not be too busy in examining the pru- dence and unreasonableness of human laws : for al- though we are not bound to believe them all to be the wisest ; yet if, by en- quiring into the lawfulness of them, or by any other instrument, we find them to fail of that wisdom with which some others are or- dained, yet we must never make use of it to disparage the person of the law-giver, or to countenance any man's disobedience, much less our own. 11. Pay that reverence to the person of thy Prince, of his Ministers, of thy Pa- rents and spiritual Guides, which by the customs of the place thou livest in are usually paid to such per- sons in their several de- grees : that is, that the highest reverence be paid to the highest person, and so still in proportion ; and that this reverence be ex- pressed in all the circum- stances and manners of the city and nation. 12. Lift not up thy hand against thy Prince or Pa- rent upon what pretence soever : but bear all per- sonal afironts and inconve- niences at their hands, and seek no remedy but by pa- tience and piety, yielding and praying, or absenting thyself. 13. Speah not evil of the Ruler of thy people^ ^ nei- Acts xxiii. 5. 144 OF OBEDIENCE. ther Curse thy father or mother^, nor revile thy spi- ritual Guides, nor discover and lay naked their infir- mities : but treat them with reverence and religion, and preserve their authority sa- cred by esteeming their persons venerable. 14. Pay tribute and cus- toms to Princes according to the laws, and maintenance to thy Parents according to their necessity, and ho- nourable support to the Clergy according to the dignity of the work, and the customs of the place. 15. Remember always that duty to our superiors is not an act of commuta- tive justice, but of distri- butive : that is, although Kings and Parents and spi- ritual Guides are to pay a great duty to their infe- riors, the duty of their several charges and govern- ment ; yet the good govern- ment of a King and of Pa- rents are actions oi Religion as they relate to God, and of Pieti/ as they relate to to their people and fami- lies. And although we usually call them just Princes who administer their laws exactly to the people, because the actions are in the manner of Jus- tice ; yet in propriety of speech they are rather to be called Pious and Reli- gious. For as he is not called a just Father that educates his children well, but pious ; so that Prince who defends and well rules his people, is Religious, and does that duty for which alone he is answerable to God. The consequence of which is this, so far as con- cerns our duty : If the Prince or Parent fail of their duty, we must not fail of ours ; for we are answerable to them and to God too, as being account- able to all our superiors, and so are they to theirs : they are above us, and God is above them. Remedies against Disobe- dience, and means to endear our Obedience by way of consideration. 1. Consider, that all au- thority descends from God, and our superiors bear the image of the Divine Power, which God imprints on them as on an image of clay, or a coin upon a less perfect metal, which whoso defaces, shall not be an- swerable for the loss or spoil of the materials, but the defacing the king's Matt. XV. 4. OP OBEDIENCE. 145 image : and in the same measure will God require it at our hands, if we despise His authority upon whom- soever He hath imprinted it. He that despiseth you, despiseth Me ^. And Dathan and Ahiram were said to be gathered together against the Lord^. And this was S. PauVs argument for our obedience : The powers that be, are ordained of God\ 2. There is very great peace and immunity from sin in resigning our wills up to the command of others : for, provided that our duty to God be secured, their commands are war- rants to us in all things else ; and the case of con- science is determined, if the command be evident and pressing : and it is certain, the action that is but indifferent, and with- out reward, if done only upon our own choice, is an act of duty and of Reli- gion, and rewardable by the gi-ace and favour of God, if done in obedience to the command of our su- periors. For since natu- rally we desire what is for- bidden us, (and sometimes there is no other evil in the thing but that it is forbid- den us), God hath in gi-ace enjoined and proportion- ably accepts obedience, as being directly opposed to the former irregularity ; and it is acceptable, al- though there be no other good in the thing that is commanded us, but that it is commanded. 3. By obedience we are made a society and a re- public, and distinguished from herds of beasts, and heaps of flies, who do what they list, and are incapable of laws, and obey none ; and therefore are killed and destroyed, though never punished, and they never can have a reward. 4. By obedience we are rendered capable of all the blessings of government, signified by S. Paul in these words ; He is the minister of God to thee for good^ ; and by S. Peter in these ; Governors are sent hy Him for the punishment of evil-doers, and for the praise of them that do well\ And he that ever felt, or saw, or can under- stand the miseries of con- fusion in public affairs, or amazement in a heap of sad, tumultuous, and inde- 1 Liike X. 16. "■ Numb. xvi. 11. " Rom. xiii. 1, * Rom. xiii. 4. "1 Pet. ii. 14. 146 OP OBEDIENCE. finite thoughts, may from thence judge of the ad- mirable effects of order, and the beauty of government. What health is to the body, and peace is to the spirit, that is government to the societies of men ; the great- est blessing which they can receive in that temporal capacity. 5. No man shall ever be fit to govern others, that knows not first how to obey. For if the spirit of a subject be rebellious, in a prince it will be tyrannical and intolerable ; and of so ill example, that, as it will encourage the disobedience of others, so it will render it unreasonable for him to exact of others what in the like case he refused to pay. 6. There is no sin in the world which God hath pun- ished with so great severity and high detestation as this of Disobedience. For the crime of Idolatry God sent the sword amongst His peo- ple ; but it was never heard that the Earth opened and swallowed up any but re- bels against their Prince. 7. Obedience is better than the particular actions of Religion ; and he serves God better that follows his Prince in lawful services, » 1 Sam than he that refuses his command upon pretence he must go say his prayers. But Rebellion is compared to that sin which of all sin seems the most unnatural and damned impiety. Rebel- lion is as the sin of Witch- craft ^. 8. Obedience is a com- plicated act of virtue, and many graces are exercised in one act of obedience. It is an act of humility, of mortification and self-de- nial, of charity to God, of care of the public, of order and charity to ourselves and all our society, and a great instance of a victory over the most refractory and unruly passions. 9. To be a subject is a greater temporal felicity than to be a King : for all eminent governments ac- cording to their height have a great burden, huge care, infinite business, little rest, innumerable fears ; and all that he enjoys above another, is, that he does enjoy the things of the world with other circum- stances, and a bigger noise ; and if others go at his sin- gle command, it is also cer- tain he must suffer incoij- venience at the needs and disturbances of all his peo- . XV. 23. OP OBEDIENCE. 147 pie : and the evils of one man and of one family are not enough for him to bear, unless also he be almost crushed with the evils of mankind. He therefore is an ungrateful person that will press the scales down with a voluntary load, and by disobedience put more thorns into the crown or mitre of his superior. Much better is the advice of Saint Paul, Obey them that have the rule over you^ as they that must give an account for your souls, that they may do it with joy and not with grief: for (besides that it is unpleasant to them) it is miprofitable for your. 10. The Angels are mi- j nistering spkits^, and per- petually execute the will , and commandment of God : \ and all the wise men and , aU the good men of the i world are obedient to their : governors ; and the eternal | Son of God esteemed it His | Meat and drink to do the \ will of His Father^, and ' for His obedience'' alone obtained the greatest glory : and no man ever came to perfection but by Obe- dience : and thousands of Saints have chosen such institutions and manners of living, in which they might not choose their own work, nor follow their own will, nor please themselves, but be accountable to others, and subject to discipline, and obedient to command, as knowing this to be the high-way of the Cross, the way that the King of Suf- ferings and humility did choose, and so became the King of glory. 11. No man ever perished who followed first the will of God, and then the will of His superiors : but thou- sands have been damned merely for following their own will, and relying upon their own judgments, and choosing their own work, and doing their own fan- cies. For if we begin with ourselves, whatsoever seems good in our eyes is most commonly displeasing in the eyes of God. 12. The sin of rebellion, though it be a spiritual sin, and imitable by Devils, yet it is of that disorder, un- reasonableness, and impos- sibility amongst intelligent spirits, that they never murmured or mutinied in their lower stations against their superiors. Nay, the y Heb. xiii. 17. ' Heb. i. 14. >> Phil. ii. 8,9. h2 « John iv. 34. 148 OF OBEDIENCE. good Angels of an inferior order durst not revile a Devil of a higher order. This consideration which I reckon to be most pressing in the discourses of reason, and obliging next to the necessity of a Divine pre- cept, we learn from Saint Jude ; Likewise also these fithy dreamers despise do- minion, and speak evil of dignities. And yet Michael the Archangel, lohen con- tending with the Devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing ac- cusation'^. But because our superiors rule by their example, by their word or law, and by the rod, therefore in pro- portion there are several degrees and parts of obedi- ence, of several excellencies and degrees towards per- fection. Degrees of Obedience. 1. The first is the obedi- ence of the outward Work : and this is all that human laws of themselves regard ; for, because Man cannot judge the heart, therefore it prescribes nothing to it : the public end is served not by good wishes, but by real and actual performances ; c Jude 8, 9. and if a man obeys against his will, he is not punish- able by the laws. 2. The obedience of the Will : and this is also ne- cessary in our obedience to Human laws, not because Man requires it for himself, but because God commands it towards Man ; and of it Calthough Man cannot, yet) God will demand an ac- count. For we are to do it as to the Lord, and not to men^ ; and therefore we must do it willingly. But by this means our obedi- ence in private is secured against secret arts and sub- terfuges : and when we can avoid the punishment, yet we shall not decline our duty, but serve Man for God's sake, that is, cheer- fully, promptly, vigorously ; for these are the proper parts of wilKngness and choice. 3. The Understanding must yield obedience in general, though not in the particular instance ; that is, we must be firmly per- suaded of the excellency of the obedience, though we be not bound in all cases to think the particular law to be most prudent. But in this our rule is plain enough. Our understanding ought to ^ Eph. vi. 7. THE DUTY OP SUPERIORS. 149 be inquisitive whether the civil constitution agree with our duty to God ; but we are bound to enquire no further : And therefore be- yond this, although he who, having no obligation to it, (as counsellors have), en- quires not at all into the wisdom or reasonableness of the law, be not always the wisest man, yet he is ever the best subject. For when he hath given up his under- standing to his Prince and Prelate, provided that his duty to God be secured by a precedent search, he hath also, with the best and with all the instruments in the world, secured his obedience to INIan. Sect. II. OF PROVISION, OR THAT PART OF JUSTICE WHICH IS DUE FROM SUPERIORS TO INFERIORS. As God hath imprinted His authority in several parts upon several estates of Men, as Princes, Parents, Spiritual Guides : so He hath also delegated and committed parts of His care and providence unto them, that they may be instru- mental in the conveying such blessings which God knows we need, and which He intends should be the effects of government. For, since God governs all the world as a King, provides for us as a Father, and is the great Guide and Con- ductor of our spirits as the Head of the Church, and the great Shepherd and Bishop of our Souls ; they who have portions of these dignities, have also their share of the administration : the sum of all which is usually signified in these two words Governing and Feeding ; and is particu- larly recited in these fol- lowing rules. Duties of Kings, and all the Supreme poiver, as Law-givers. 1. Princes of the people and all that have legislative power must provide useful and good laws for the de- fence of property, for the encouragement of labour, for the safeguard of their persons, for determining controversies, for reward of noble actions and excellent arts and rare inventions, for 150 THE DUTY OF SUPERIORS. promoting trade, and en- riching their people, 2. In the making laws Princes must have regard to the piiblic dispositions, to the affections and dis- affections of the people, and must not introduce a law with public scandal and displeasure ; but consider the public benefit, and the present capacity of affairs, and general inclinations of men's minds. For he that j enforces a law upon a ; people against their first ; and public apprehensions, j tempts them to disobedi- : ence, and makes laws to i become snares and hooks to [ catch the people, and to [ enrich the treasury with the | spoil and tears and curses of the commonalty, and to multiply their mutiny and their sin, 3. Princes must provide that the laws be duly exe- cuted : for a good law with- out execution is like an un- performed promise : and therefore they must be se- vere exactors of accounts from their delegates and ministers of Justice. ' 4. The severity of laws must be tempered with dis- : pensations, pardons, and re- i missions, according as the j case shall alter, and new I * 1 Sam, xiv necessities be introduced, or some singular accident shall happen, in which the law would be unreasonable or intolerable as to that parti- cular. And thus the peo- ple with their importunity prevailed against Said in the case of Jonathan, and obtained his pardon for breaking the law which his father made, because his necessity forced him to taste honey, and his break- ing the law in that case did promote that service whose promotion was intended by the lawe, 5, Princes must be Fathers of the people, and provide such instances of gentle- ness, ease, wealth and ad- vantages, as may make mu- tual confidence between them ; and must fix their security under God in the love of the people, which therefore they must with all arts of sweetness, remis- sion, popularity, nobleness and sincerity, endeavour to secure to themselves. 6. Princes must not mul- tiply public Oaths Avithout great, eminent, and violent necessity, lest the security of the King become a snare to the people, and they be- come false when they see themselves suspected, or 24,27.45. THE DUTY OF SUPERIORS. 151 impatient when they are violently held fast : but the greater and more useful caution is upon things than upon persons ; and if secu- rity of Kings can be ob- tained otherwise, it is better that Oaths should be the last refuge, and when no- thing else can be sufficient, 7. Let not the people be tempted with arguments to disobey, by the imposition of great and unnecessary taxes : for that lost to the son of Solornon the domi- nion of the ten Tribes of IsraeV. 8. Princes must in a special manner be Guar- dians of Pupils and Widows, not suffering their persons to be oppressed, or their states imbecilled, or in any sense be exposed to the rapine of covetous persons, but be provided for by just Laws, and provident Judges, and good Guardians, ever having an ear ready open to their just complaints, and a heart full of pity, and one hand to support them, and the other to avenge them. 9. Princes must provide that the laws may be so administered, that they be truly and really an ease to the people, not an instru- ment of vexation ; and therefore must be careful that the shortest and most equal ways of trials be ap- pointed, fees moderated, and intricacies and windings as much cut off as may be, lest injured persons be forced to perish under the oppres- sion, or under the law ; in the injury, or in the suit. Laws are like Princes ; those best and most be- loved, who are most easy of access. 10. Places of Judicature ought at no hand to be sold by pious Princes, who re- member themselves to be Fathers of the people. For they that huy the ofice will sell the act, and they that at any rate will be Judges, will not at any easy rate do Justice ; and their bribery is less punishable, when bribery opened the door by which they entered. 11. Ancient pri\aleges, favours, customs, and acts of grace indulged by former Kings to their people, must not without high reason and great necessities be revoked by their successors, nor for- feitures be exacted violently, nor penal laws urged rigor- ously nor in light cases, nor laws be multiplied without great need, nor vicious per- sons, which are publicly and ' 1 Kings xii. 152 THE DUTY OP SUPERIORS. deservedly hated, be kept in defiance of popular desires ; nor any thing that may unnecessarily make the yoke heavy and the affec- tion light, that may in- crease murmurs and lessen charity : always remember- ing, that the interest of the Prince and the People is so enfolded in a mutual em- brace, that they cannot be untwisted without pulling a limb off, or dissolving the bands and conjunction of the whole body. 12. All Princes must es- teem themselves as much hound by their word, by their grants, and by their promises, as the meanest of their subjects are by the restraint and penalty of laws : and although they are superior to the people, yet they are not superior to their own voluntary con- cessions and engagements, their promises and oaths, when once they are passed from them. The duty of Superiors as they are Judges. 1. Princes in Judgment and their Delegate Judges must judge the causes of all persons uprightly and im- partially, without any per- sonal consideration of the power of the mighty, or the bribe of the rich, or the needs of the poor. For al- though the poor must fare no worse for his poverty, yet in justice he must fare no better for it : And al- though the rich must be no more regarded, yet he must not be less. And to this purpose the tutor of Cyrus instructed him, when, in a controversy where a great boy would have taken a large coat from a little boy, because his own was too little for him, and the other's was too big, he ad- judged the great coat to the great boy : his tutor answered, Sir, if you were made a Judge of decency or fitness, you had judged well in giving the biggest to the biggest ; but when you were appointed Judge, not whom the coat did fit, but whose it was, you should have con- sidered the title and the possession, who did the vio- lence, and who made it, or who bought it. And so it must be in judgments be- tween the rich and the poor : it is not to be con- sidered what the poor man needs, but what is his own. 2. A Prince may not, much less may inferior Judges, deny justice when it is legally and compe- tently demanded : and if THE DUTY OF SUPEEIORS. 153 the Prince will use his pre- rogative in pardoning an offender against whom Jus- tice is required, he must be careful to give satisfaction to the injured person, or his relatives, by some other in- strument ; and be watchful to take away the scandal, that is, lest such indulgence might make persons more bold to do injury : and if he spares the life, let him change the punishment into that which may make the offender (if not suffer jus- tice, yet) do justice, and more real advantage to the injured person. These Rules concern Prin- ces and their delegates in the making or administer- ing laws, in the appointing rules of justice and doing acts of judgment. The duty of Parents to their Children and Nephews is briefly de- scribed by jS. Paul. The duty of Parents to their Children. 1. Fathers, provoJce not your children to wrath^ : that is, be tender-bowelled, pitiful and gentle, comply- ing with all the infirmities of the Children, and in their several ages proportioning to them several usages ac- s Ephes. vi. 4. *> Hcb H cording to their needs and their capacities. 2. Bring them wp in the nurture and admonition of the Lord : that is, secure their Religion, season their younger years with prudent and pious principles, make them in love with virtue, and make them habitually so before they come to choose or to discern good from evil ; that their choice may be with less difficulty and dan- ger. For while they are under discipline, they suck in all that they are first taught, and believe it in- finitely. Provide for them wise, learned, and virtuous Tutors, and good company and discipline h, seasonable baptism, catechism, and con- firmation. For it is a great folly to heap up much wealth for our Children, and not to take care concerning the Children, for whom we get it. It is as if a man should take more care about his shoe than about his foot. 3. Parents must shew piety at homei; that is, they must give good example and reverent deportment in the face of their children ; and all those instances of charity which usually endear each other, sweetness of conver- sation, affability, frequent xii. 9. 1 Tim. V. 4. 154 THE DUTY OF SUPEEIORS. admonition, all significa- tions of love and tender- ness, care and watchfulness, must be expressed towards Children, that they may- look upon their Parents as their friends and patrons, their defence and sanctuary, their treasure and their guide. Hither is to be re- duced the nursing of Chil- dren, which is the first and most natural and necessary instance of piety which mo- thers can shew to their babes ; a duty from which nothing will excuse, but a disability, sickness, danger, or public necessity. 4. Parents must i^rovide for their oivn ^ according to their condition, education, and employment ; called by Saint P«?^/, a laying ui^ for the children, that is, an en- abling them by competent portions, or good trades, arts, or learning, to defend them- selves against the chances of the world ; that they may not be exposed to tempta- tion, to beggary, or un- worthy arts. And although this must be done without covetousuess, without impa- tient and greedy desires of making them rich ; yet it must be done with much care and great afiection, with all reasonable provi- sion, and according to our power: and if we can without sin improve our estates for them, that also is part of the duty we owe to God for them. And this rule is to extend to all that descend from us, although we have been overtaken in a fault, and have unlawful issue ; they also become part of our care, yet so as not to injure the production of the lawful bed. 5. This duty is to extend to a provision of conditions and an estate of life. Pa- rents must according to then- power and reason pro- vide husbands or wives for their children. In which they must secure piety and religion, and the afiection and love of the interested persons ; and after these let them make what provisions they can for other conveni- ences or advantages : ever remembering, that they can do no injury more afflictive to the children, than to join them with cords of a dis- agreeing afiection : it is like tying a wolf and a lamb, or planting the vine in a gar- den of coleworts. Let them be persuaded with reason- able inducements to make them willing and to choose according to the parents' k 1 Tim. V. 8, 10. THE DUTY OF SUPERIORS. 155 wish, but at no hand let them I all night, than to go to bed be forced. Better to sit up ' with a dragon. The duty of Husbands, d'C. See Chap. 2. Sect. 3. Rules for married persons. 1, Husbands must give to their wives love, main- tenance, duty, and the sweetnesses of conversation ; (and wives must pay to them all they have or can with the interest of obedi- ence and reverence :) and they must be complicated in affections and interest, that there be no distinction between them of Mine and Thine. And if the title be the man's, or the woman's, yet the use must be com- mon ; only the wisdom of the man is to regulate all ex- travagancies and indiscre- tions. In other things no question is to be made ; and their goods should be as their children, not to be di- vided, but of one possession and provision : whatsoever is otherwise, is not marriage but merchandise. And upon this ground I suppose it was, that S. Basil com- mended that woman who took part of her husband's goods to do good works n Sara withal : for supposing him to be unwilling, and that the work was his duty or hers alone, or both theirs in conjunction, or of great ad- vantage to either of their Souls, and no violence to the support of their families, she hath right to all that : and Abigail of her own right made a costly present to David, when her husband Nahal had refused it '. The husband must rule over his wife, as the Soul does over the body, obnoxious to the same sufferings, and bound by the same affections, and doing or suffering by the permissions and interest of each other : that (as the old philosopher said) as the hu- mours of the body are ming- led with each other in the whole substances, so mar- riage may be a mixture of interests, of bodies, of minds, of friends, a conjunction of the whole life, and the no- blest of friendships. But if after all the fair deport- ments and innocent chaste compliances, the husband 156 THE DUTY OP SUPERIORS. be morose and ungentle, let the wife discourse thus ; if while I do my duty my hus- band neglects me, what will he do if I neglect him ? and if she thinks to be separated by reason of her husband's imchaste life, let her con- sider, that then the man will be incurably ruined, and her rivals could wish nothing more than that they might possess him alone. The duty of Masters of Families. 1, The same care is to extend to all of our family in their proportions, as to our children : for as by Saint Paul's economy the heir differs nothing from a servant while he is in mino- rity™, so a servant should differ nothing from a child in the substantial part of the care ; and the differ- ence is only in degrees. Ser- vants and masters are of the same kindred, of the same nature, and heirs of the same promises, and therefore *1. must be pro- vided of necessaries for their support and maintenance. 2. They must be used with mercy. 3. Their work must be tolerable and merciful. 4. Their restraints must be reasonable. 5. Their recre- m Gal. iv. 1,2. ations fitting and healthful. 6. Their religion and the interest of Souls taken care of. 7. And masters must correct their servants with gentleness, prudence, and mercy ; not for every slight fault, not always, not with upbraiding and disgraceful language, but with such only as may express and re- prove the fault, and amend the person. But in all these things measures are to be taken by the contract made, by the laws and customs of the place, by the sentence of prudent and merciful men, and by the cautions and remembrances given us by God ; such as is th?vt written by >S'. Paul^. as hioioing that we also have a Master in Heaven. The master must not be a lion in his house, lest his power be obeyed, and his person hated ; his eye be waited on, and his business be neg- lected in secret. No servant will do his duty, unless he make a conscience, or love his master: if he does it not for God's sake or his master's, he will not need to do it always for his own. The duty of Guardians or Tutors. Tutors and guardians are " Col. iv. 1. OF CIVIL CONTRACTS. 157 in the place of parents ; and what they are in fiction of law, they must remember as an argument to engage them to do in reality of duty. They must do all the duty of parents, except- ing those obligations which are merely natural. ^ The duty of Ministers and Spiritual Guides to the people is of so great bur- den, so various rules, so intricate and busy cau- tion, that it requires a distinct tractate by it Sect. III. OF NEaOTIATION, OR CIVIL CONTRACTS. This part of justice is such, as depends upon the laws of man directly, and upon the laws of God only by consequence and indi- rect reason ; and from civil laws or private agreements it is to take its estimate and measures : and although our duty is plain and easy, requiring of us honesty in contracts, sincerity in af- firming, simplicity in bar- gaining, and faithfulness in performing ; yet it may be helped by the addition of these following rules and considerations. Rules and measures of Jus- tice in bargaining. 1. In making contracts, use not many words ; for all the business of a bargain is summed up in few sentences : and he that speaks least, means fairest ; as having fewer opportunities to de- ceive. 2. Lie not at all; neither in a little thing, nor in a great ; neither in the sub- stance, nor in the circum- stance ; neither in word, nor deed : that is, pretend not what is false, cover not what is true, and let the measure of your affirmation or denial be the under- standing of your contrac- tor ; for he that deceives the buyer or the seller, by speaking what is true in a sense not intended or under- stood by the other, is a liar and a thief. For in bar- gains you are to avoid not only what is false, but that also which deceives. 3. In prices of bargaining concerning uncertain mer- chandises, you may buy as 158 OF CIVIL CONTRACTS. cheap ordinarily as you can, and sell as dear as you can, so it be 1 . without violence ; and 2. when you contract on equal terms with persons in all senses (as to the mat- ter and skill of bargaining) equal to yourself, that is, merchants with merchants, wise men with wise men, rich with rich ; and 3. when there is no deceit, and no necessity, and no monopoly : for in these cases, viz. when the contractors are equal, and no advantage on either side, both parties are volun- tary, and therefore there can be no injustice or wrong to either. But then add also this consideration ; that the public be not oppressed by unreasonable and unjust rates : for which the follow- ing rules are the best mea- sure. 4. Let your prices be ac- cording to that measure of good and evil which is esta- blished in the same and common accounts of the wisest and most merciful men skilled in that manu- facture or commodity ; and the gain such which with- out scandal is allowed to persons in all the same cir- cumstances. 5. Let no prices be height- ened by the necessity or un- skilfulness of the contrac- tor : for the first is direct uncharitableness to the per- son, and injustice in the thing ; (because the man's necessity could not natur- ally enter into the con- sideration of the value of the commodity ;) and the other is deceit and oppres- sion : much less must any man make necessities ; as by engrossing a commodity, by monopoly, by detaining corn, or the like indirect arts ; for such persons are unjust to all single persons with whom in such cases they contract, and oppres- sors of the public. 6. In intercourse with others, do not do all which you may lawfully do ; but keep something within thy power : and because there is a latitude of gain in buy- ing and selling, take not thou the utmost penny that is laAvful, or which thou thinkest so ; for although it be lawful, yet it is not safe ; and he that gains all that he can gain lawfully this year, possibly next year will be tempted to gain some- thing unlawfully. 7. He that sells dearer, by reason he sells not for ready money, must increase his price no higher than to make himself recompence for the loss which accord- OP CIVIL CONTRACTS. ing to the rules of trade te sustained by his forbear- ance, according to common computation, reckoning in also the hazard, which he is prudently, warily, and cha- ritably, to estimate. But although this be the mea- sure of his justice, yet be- cause it happens either to their friends, or to necessi- tous and poor persons, they are in these cases to consi- der the rules of friendship and neighbourhood, and the obligations of charity, lest justice turn into unmerci- fulness. 8. No man is to be raised in his price or rents in re- gard of any accident, ad- vantage or disadvantage of his person. A Prince must be used conscionably, as well as a common person ; and a beggar be treated justly, as well as a Prince : with this only difference, that to poor persons the utmost measure and extent of justice is unmerciful, which to a rich person is innocent, because it is just, and he needs not thy mercy and remission. 9. Let no man for his own poverty become more op- pressing and cruel in his bargain ; but quietly, mo- destly, diligently, and pati- ently, recommend his estate 159 to God, and follow its in- terest, and leave the success to Him : for such courses will more probably advance his trade ; they will cer- tainly procure him a bles- sing and a recompence ; and if they cure not his poverty, they will take away the evil of it : and there is nothing else in it that can trouble him. 10. Detain not the wages of the hireling ; for every degree of detention of it beyond the time is injustice and uncharitableness, and grinds his face till tears and blood come out : but pay him exactly according to covenant, or according to his needs. 11. Religiously keep all promises and covenants, though made to your disad- vantage, though afterwards you perceive you might have been better : and let not any ! precedent act of yours be altered by any after-acci- ! dent. Let nothing make ! you break your promise, un- less it be unlawful or im- possible : that is, either out ' of your natural, or out of ' your civil power, yourself being under the power of another ; or that it be in- tolerably inconvenient to yourself, and of no advan- tage to another ; or that 160 OP CIVIL CONTRACTS. you have leave expressed, or reasonably presumed. 12. Let no man take wages or fees for a work that he cannot do, or cannot with probability undertake, or in some sense profitably and with ease or with ad- vantage manage. Physi- cians must not meddle with desperate diseases, and known to be incurable, without declaring their sense before-hand ; that if the patient please he may entertain him at adventure, or to do him some little ease. Advocates must deal plainly with their clients, and teU them the true state and dan- ger of their case ; and must not pretend confidence in an evil cause : but when he hath so cleared his own in- nocence, if the client will have collateral and legal advantages obtained by his industry, he may engage his endeavour, provided he do no injury to the right cause, or any man's person. 13. Let no man appropri- ate to his own use what God by a special mercy, or the republic, hath made com- mon ; for that is both a- gainst justice and charity too : and by miraculous ac- cidents God hath declared His displeasure against such enclosure. When the kings of Naples enclosed the gar- dens of CEnotria, where the best manna of Calabria de- scends, that no man might gather it without paying tribute; the manna ceased, tUl the tribute was taken ofi"; and then it came again : and so, when after the third trial the Princes found they could not have that in pro- per which God made to be common, they left it as free as God gave it. The like hap- pened in Epire : when Zfi/si- machus laid an impost upon the Tragascean Salt, it van- ished, till Lysimachus left it public. And when the pro- curators of king Antigonus imposed a rate upon the sick people that came to Edepsuinto drink the waters which were lately sprung, and were very healthful, in- stantly the waters dried up, and the hope of gain perished ». The sum of all is in these words of S. Paul ; Let no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter, because the Lord is the aven- ger of all suchp. And our blessed Saviour, in the enu- merating the duties of jus- tice, besides the Command- " Caelius Rhod. lib. ix. P 1 Thess. iv. 6. 12. Athenae. Deipnos. lib. iii. OF CIVIL CONTRACTS. 161 ment of Do not steal, adds Defraud not; forbidding (as a distinct explication of the old law) the tacit and secret theft of abusing our brother in civil contracts i. And it needs no other argu- ments to enforce this cau- tion, but only that the Lord hath undertaken to avenge all such persons. And, as He always does it in the great day of recompences ; so very often He does it here, by making the unclean portion of injustice to be as a can- ker-worm eating up all the other increase: it procures beggary, and a declining estate, or a caitiff cursed spirit, an ill name, the curse of the injured and oppressed person, and a fool or a pro- I digal to be his heir. Sect. iv. or restitution. Restitution is that part of justice to which a man is obliged by a precedent con- tract, or a fore-going fault, by his own act or another man's, either with or with- out his will. He that bor- rows, is bound to pay ; and much more he that steals or cheats. For if he that bor- rows and pays not when he is able, be an unjust per- son and a robber, because he possesses another man's goods to the right owner's prejudice ; then he that took them at first without leave, is the same thing in every instant of his possession, which the debtor is after the time in which he should and could have made pay- ment. For in all sins we are to distinguish the tran- sient or passing act from the remaining effect or evil. The act of stealing was soon over, and cannot be undone, and for it the sinner is only answerable to God, of His Vicegerent ; and he is in a particular manner appoint- ed to expiate it by suffering punishment, and repenting, and asking pardon, and judging and condemning himself, doing acts of justice and charity in opposition and contradiction to that evil action. But because in the case of stealing there is an injury done to our neigh- bour, and the evil still re- mains after the action is 1 Lev. xix. 13 ; 1 Cor. vi. 8; Mat. x. 19. 162 OF RESTITUTION. past; therefore for this we are accountable to our neigh- bour, and we are to take the evil off from him which we brought upon him, or else he is an injured person, a sufferer all the while : and that any man should be the worse for me and my direct act, and by my intention, is against the rule of equity, of justice, and of charity ; I do not that to others, which I would have done to my- self ; for I grow richer upon the ruins of his fortune. Upon this ground it is a determined rule in Divinity, Our sin can never be par- doned till we have restored what we unjustly took, or wroncjfully detain : restored it (I mean) actually, or in purpose and desire, which we must really perform when we can. And this doctrine, besides its evident and appa- rent reasonableness, is de- rived from the express words of Scripture, reckoning Re- stitution to be a part of Re- pentance, necessary in order to the remission of our sins. // the wicked restore the pledge, give aqain that he had rohhed, &c. he shall surely live, he shall not die''. *The practice of this part of justice is to be directed by the following rules. r Ezek. Rules of making Restitution. 1 . Whosoever is an effec- tive real cause of doing his Neighbour wrong, by what instrument soever he does it, (whether by commanding or encouraging it, by coun- selling or commending it, by acting it or not hinder- ing it when he might and ought, by concealing it or receiving it,) is bound to make restitution to his Neighbour ; if without him the injury had not been done, I but by him or his assistance it was. For by the same reason that every one of these is guilty of the sin, and is cause of the injury, by the same they are bound to make reparation ; because by him his Neighbour is made worse, and therefore is to be put into that state from whence he was forced. And suppose that thou hast persuaded an injury to be done to thy Neighbour, which others would have persuad- ed if thou hadst not, yet thou art still obliged, be- cause thou really didst cause the injury ; just as they had been obliged if they had done it : and thou art not at all the less bound by having persons as ill in- clined as thou wert. xxxiii. 15. OF RESTITUTION. 163 2. lie that commanded the injury to be done, is first bound; then he that did it : and after these, they also are obliged, who did so assist, as without them the thing would not have been done. If satisfaction be made by any of the former, the latter is tied to repent- ance, but no restitution : but if the injured person be not righted, every one of them is wholly guilty of the injustice, and therefore bound to restitution singly and entirely. 3. Whosoever intends a lit- tle injury to his Neighbour, and acts it, and by it a greater evil accidentally comes ; he is obliged to make an entire reparation of all the injury ; of that which he intended, and of that which he in- tended not but yet acted by his own instrument go- ing further than he at first purposed it. He that set fire on a plane-tree to spite his Neighbour, and the plane-tree set fire on his Neighbour's house, is bound to pay for all the loss, be- cause it did all arise from his own ill intention. It is like murder committed by a drunken person ; involun- tary in some of the effect, but voluntary in the other parts of it J and in all the cause ; and therefore the guilty person is answerable for all of it. kndiVf\iQn Ariarathes, the Cappadocian King, had but in wantonness stopped the mouth of the river Me- lanus, although he intended no evil, yet Euphrates be- ing swelled by that means, and bearing away some of the strand of Cappadocia, did great spoil to the Phry- gians and Galatians ; he therefore by the Roman Senate was condemned in three hundred talents to- wards reparation of the damage. Much rather there- fore, when the lesser part of the evil was directly in- tended. 4. He that hinders a charitable person from giv- ing alms to a poor man, is tied to restitution, if he hindered him by fraud or violence ; because it was a right which the poor man had when the good man had designed and resolved it, and the fraud or violence hinders the efiect, but not the purpose : and therefore he who used the deceit or the force, is injurious, and did damage to the poor man. But if the alms were hin- dered only by entreaty, the hinderer is not tied to re- stitution, because entreaty took not liberty away from 164 OP RESTITUTION. tlie giver, but left him still master of his own act, and he had power to alter his purpose ; and so long there was no injustice done. The same is the case of a testa- tor giving a legacy either by kindness or by promise and common right. He that hinders the charitable le- gacy by fraud or violence, or the due legacy by en- treaty, is equally obliged to restitution. The reason of the latter part of this case is, because he that entreats or persuades to a sin, is as guilty as he that acts it : and if without his persua- sion the sin and the injury would not be acted, he is in his kind the entire cause, and therefore obliged to re- pair the injury as much as the person that does the wrong immediately. 5. He that refuses to do any part of his duty (to which he is otherwise ob- liged) without a bribe, is bound to restore that money ; because he took it in his Neighbour's wrong, and not as a salary for his labour, or a reward of his wisdom, (for his stipend hath paid all that,) or he hath obliged himself to do it by his volun- tary undertaking. 6. He that takes any thing from his Neighbour which was justly forfeited, but yet takes it not as a mi- nister of Justice, but to sa- tisfy his own revenge or avarice ; is tied to repent- ance, but not to restitution. For my Neighbour is not the worse for my act, for thither the law and his own de- merits bore him ; but be- cause I took the forfeiture indirectly, I am answerable to God for my unhandsome, unjust, or uncharitable cir- cumstances. Thus Philip of Macedon was reproved by Aristides for destroying the Phocenses ; because al- though they deserved it, yet he did it not in prosecu- tion of the law of nations, but to enlarge his own do- minions. 7. The heir of an obliged person is not bound to make restitution, if the obligation passed only by a personal act ; but if it passed from his person to his estate, then the estate passes with all its burden. If the father by persuading his neighbour to do injustice be bound to re- store, the action is extin- guished by the death of the father, because it was only the father's sin that bound him, which cannot directly bind the son ; therefore the son is free. And this is so in all personal actions, un- OP RESTITUTION. 165 less where the civil law in- terposes and alters the case. IT These rules concern the persons that are obliged to niahe restitution : the other circumstances of it are thus described. 8. He that by fact, or word, or sign, either frau- dulently or violently does hurt to his Neighbour's body, life, goods, good name, friends, or Soul ; is bound to make restitution in the several instances, according as they are capable to be made. In all these instances we must separate entreaty and enticements from de- ceit or violence. If I per- suade my Neighbour to com- mit adultery, I still leave him or her in their own power : and though I am answerable to God for my sin, yet not to my Neighbour. For I made her to be will- ing ; yet she was willing : that is, the same at last as I was at first But if I have used fraud, and made her to believe a lie, upon which confidence she did the act, and without she would not, (as if I tell a woman her husband is dead, or intend- ed to kill her, or is himself an adulterous man ;) or if I use violence, that is, either force her or threaten her with death, or a gi'ievous wound, or any thing that takes her from the liberty of her choice ; I am bound to restitution : that is, to restore her to a right under- standing of things and to a full liberty, by taking from her the deceit of the violence. 9. An adulterous person is tied to restitution of the injury, so far as it is repara- ble, and can be made to the wronged person ; that is, to make provision for the chil- dren begotten in unlawful embraces, that they may do no injury to the legitimate by receiving a common por- tion : and if the injured person do account of it, he must satisfy him with money for the wrong done to his bed. He is not tied to offer this, because it is no proper exchange ; but he is bound to pay it if it be reasonably demanded ; for every man hath justice done him, when himself is satisfied, though by a word, or an action, or a penny. 10. He that hath killed a man is bound to restitu- tion by allowing such a maintenance to the children and near relatives of the deceased as they have lost by his death, considering and allowing for all circum- stances of the man's age, 166 and health, and probability of living. And thus Her- czdes is said to have made expiation for the death of Iphitus whom he slew, by paying a mulct to his chil- dren. 11. He that hath really lessened the fame of his Neighbour by fraud or vio- lence, is bound to restore it by its proper instruments ; such as are confession of his fault, giving testimony of his innocence or worth, do- ing him honour, or (if that will do it, and both parties agree) by money, which an- swers all things. 12. He that hath wound- ed his Neighbour, is tied to the expences of the surgeon and other incidences, and to repair whatever loss he sus- tains by his disability to work or trade ; and the same is in the case of false impri- sonment : in which cases, only the real effect and re- maining detriment are to be mended and repaired : for the action itself is to be punished or repented of, and enters not into the ques- tion of restitution. But in these and all other cases, the injured person is to be restored to that perfect and good condition from which he was removed by my fraud or violence, so far as is pos- OP RESTITUTION. sible. Thus a ravisher must repair the temporal detri- ment or injury done to the maid, and give her a dowry, or marry her if she desire it. For this restores her into that capacity of being a good wife, which by the injury was lost, as far as it can be done. 13. He that robbeth his neighbour of his goods, or detains any thing violently or fraudulently, is bound not only to restore the prin- cipal, but all its fruits and emoluments which would have accrued to the right owner during the time of their being detained. * By proportion to these rules we may judge of the obligation that lies upon all sorts of injm-ious persons : the sa- crilegious, the detainers of tithes, cheaters of men's in- heritances, unjust judges, false witnesses and accusers, those that do fraudently or violently bring men to sin, that force men to drink, that laugh at and disgrace virtue, that persuade ser- vants to run away, or com- mend such purposes ; vio- lent persecutors of religion in any instance : and all of the same nature. 14. He that hath wronged so many, or in that manner, (as in the way of daily OF RESTITUTION. 167 trade,) that he knows not in what measure he hath done it, or who they are ; must redeem his fault by alms and largesses to the poor, according to the value of his wrongful dealing as near as he can proportion it. Better it is to go begging to Hea- ven, than to go to Hell laden with the spoils of rapine and injustice. 15. The order of paying the debts of contract or re- stitution are in some in- stances set down by the civil laws of a kingdom, in which cases their rule is to be ob- served. In destitution or want of such rules, we are 1. to observe the necessity of the creditor, 2, then the time of the delay, and 3. the special obligations of friend- ship or kindness ; and ac- cording to these in their several degrees make oiu: restitution, if we be not able to do all that we should : but if we be, the best rule is, to do it so soon as we can ; taking our accounts in this, as in our human actions, according to pru- dence and civil or natural conveniences or possibili- ties; only securing these two things : 1. That the duty be not wholly omitted, and 2. That it be not de- » Luke xix. 9. ferred at all out of covet- ousness, or any other prin- ciple that is vicious. Re- member that the same day in which Zacheus made re- stitution to all whom he had injured, the same day Christ Himself pronounced that salvation was come to his houses. 16. But besides the obli- gation arising from contract or default, there is one of another sort which comes from kindness and the acts of charity and friendship . He that does me a favour, hath bound me to make him a return of thankfulness. The obligation comes not by covenant, not by his own express intention, but by the nature of the thing ; and is a duty springing up within the spirit of the ob- liged person, to whom it is more natural to love his friend, and to do good for good, than to return evil for evil : because a man may forgive an injury, but he must never forget a good turn. For every thing that is excellent, and every thing that is profitable, whatso- ever is good in itself or good to me, cannot but be be- loved ; and what we love we naturally cherish and do good to. He therefore that t Gratitude. 168 OF RESTITUTION". refuses to do good to them whom he is bound to love, or to love that which did him good, is unnatural and monstrous in his affections, and thinks all the world born to minister to him, with a greediness worse than that of the sea ; which, although it receives all rivers into itself, yet it fur- nishes the clouds and springs with a return of all they need. Our duty to benefactors is to esteem and love their persons, to make them pro- portionable returns of ser- vice or duty, or profit, ac- cording as we can, or as they need, or as opportunity pre- sents itself, and according to the greatnesses of their kindness ; and to pray to God to make them recom- pence for all the good they have done to us ; which last office is also requisite to be done for our creditors, who in charity have relieved our wants. Prayers to be said in relation to the several obli- gations AND offices or Justice. A Prayer for the Grace of Obedience, to he said hy all persons under Command. Eternal God, great Ruler of men and Angels, who hast constituted all things in a wonderful order, making all the creatures subject to man, and one man to another, and all to Thee, the last link of this admir- able chain being fastened to the foot of Thy throne ; teach me to obey all those whom Thou hast set over me, reverencing their per- sons, submitting indiffer- ently to all their lawful commands, cheerfully un- dergoing those burdens which the public wisdom and necessity shall impose upon me ; at no hand mur- muring against Govern- ment, lest the spirit of pride and mutiny, of murmur and disorder, enter into me, and consign me to the portion of the disobedient and rebel- lious, of the despisers of dominion and revilers of dignity. Grant this, holy God, for His sake, who for His obedience to the Father hath obtained the glorifica- of eternal ages, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. PEAYERS RELATING TO THE DUTIES OF JUSTICE. 169 ^ Prayers for Kings and all Magistrates, for our Parents spiritual and natural, are in the following Litanies at the end of the fourth Chapter. A Prayer to be said by Subjects, when their Land is invaded and overrun by barbarous or wicked people, enemies of the Religion, or the Government. I. Eternal God, Thou alone rulest in the King- doms of men, Thou art the great God of battles and recompences, and by Thy glorious wisdom, by Thy Almighty power, and by Thy secret providence, dost determine the events of Avar, and the issues of human counsels, and the returns of peace and victory: now at last be pleased to let the light of Thy countenance, and the effects of a glorious mercy and a gracious par- don, return to this Land. Thou seest how great evils we suffer under the power and tyranny of war ; and although we submit to and adore Thy justice in our suf- ferings, yet be pleased to pity our misery, to hear our complaints, and to provide us of remedy against our present calamities : let not the defenders of a righteous cause go away ashamed, nor our counsels be for ever confounded, nor our parties defeated, nor Religion sup- pressed, nor learning dis- countenanced, and we be spoiled of all the exterior ornaments, instruments, and advantages of piety, which Thou hast been pleased formerly to minister to our infirmities, for the interests of Learning and Religion. Amen. II. We confess, dear God, that we have deserved to be totally extinct and sepa- rate from the Communion of Saints, and the comforts of Religion ; to be made ser- vants to ignorant, unjust and inferior persons ; or to sufiier any other calamity which Thou shalt allot us as the instrument of Thy anger, whom we have so often provoked to wrath and jealousy. Lord, we humbly lie down under the burden of Thy rod ; begging of Thee to remember our infirmities, and no more to remember 170 PBATERS RELATING TO our sins, to support us with Thy staff, to lift us up with Thy hand, to refresh us with Thy gracious eye : and, if a sad cloud of tem- poral infelicities must still encircle us, open unto us the window of Heaven, that with an eye of faith and hope we may see beyond the cloud, looking upon those mercies which in Thy secret providence and admirable wisdom Thou designest to all Thy servants, from such unlikely and sad begin- nings. Teach us diligently to do all our duty, and cheerfully to submit to all Thy will; and, at last, be gracious to Thy people that call upon Thee, that put their trust in Thee, that have laid up all their hopes in the bosom of God, that besides Thee have no helper. A7n€7l. III. Place a Guard of Angels about the person of the KING, and immure him with the defence of Thy right hand, that no unhal- lowed arm may do violence to him. Support him with aids from Heaven in all his battles, trials, and dangers ; that he may in every instant of his temptation become dearer to Thee ; and do Thou return to him with mercy and deliverance. Give unto him the hearts of all his people, and put into his hand a prevailing rod of iron, a sceptre of power, and a sword of Justice ; and enable him to defend and comfort the Churches under his protection. ly. Bless all his friends, re- latives, confederates, and lieges ; direct their coun- sels, unite their hearts, strengthen their hands, bless their actions. Give unto them holiness of intention, that they may with much candour and ingenuity pur- sue the cause of God and the King. Sanctify all the means and instruments of their purposes, that they may not with cruelty, injus- tice, or oppression, proceed towards the end of their just desires : and do Thou crown all their endeavours with a prosperous event, that all may cooperate to, and actually produce, those great mercies which we beg of Thee ; Honour and safety to our Sovereign, defence of his just rights, peace to his people, establishment and promotion to Religion, ad- vantages and encourage- ment to Learning and holy THE DUTIES OF JUSTICE. 171 living, deliverance to all the oppressed, comfort to all Thy faithful people, and from all these, glory to Thy holy Name. Grant this, KING of Kings, for His sake by whom Thou hast consigned us to all Thy mercies and promises, and to whom Thou hast given all power in Heaven and Earth, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A7nen. A Prayer to he said hy Kings or Magistrates, for themselves and their People. My God and King, Thou rulest in the King- doms of men ; by Thee Kings reign, and Princes decree justice : Thou hast appointed me under Thyself \_and under my Prince "] to govern this portion of Thy Church according to the laws of Religion and the Common-wealth. Lord, I am but an infirm man, and know not how to de- cree certain sentences with- out erring in judgment : but do Thou give to Thy servant an understanding heart to judge this people, that I may discern between good and evil. Cause me to walk before Thee and all the people in truth and righte- " These words to be added i2 ousness, and in sincerity of heart; that I may not re- gard the person of the mighty, nor be afraid of his terror, nor despise the person of the poor, and re- ject his petition ; but that, doing justice to all men, I and my people may receive mercy of Thee, peace and plenty in our days, and mu- tual love, duty, and corre- spondence, that there be no leading into captivity, no complaining in our streets ; but we may see the Church in prosperity all our days, and Religion established and increasing. Do Thou establish the house of Thy servant, and bring me to a participation of the glories of Thy Kingdom, for His sake who is my Lord and King, the holy and ever- blessed Saviour of the world, our Redeemer Jesus. Amen. A Prayer to he said hy Pa- rents for their Children. Almighty and most merciful Father, who hast promised children as a re- ward to the righteous, and hast given them to me as a testimony of Thy mercy, and an engagement of my duty; be pleased to be a Father unto them, and give them healthful bodies, under- by a delegate or inferior. 172 PRATERS RELATI^'G TO standing Souls, and sancti- fied spirits, that they may be Thy servants and Thy children all their days. Let a gi'eat mercy and provi- dence lead them through the dangers and tempta- tions and ignorances of theu" youth, that they may never run into folly and the evils of an unbridled appe- tite. So order the accidents of their lives, that by good education, careful tutors, holy example, innocent company, prudent counsel, and Thy restraining gTace, their duty to Thee may be secured in the midst of a crooked and untoward gene- ration : and, if it seem good in Thy eyes, let me be en- abled to provide conveni- ently for the support of their persons, that they may not be destitute and miserable in my death ; or if Thou shalt call me off from this world by a more timely summons, let their portion be, Thy care, mercy, and providence, over their bodies and Souls : and may they never live vicious lives, nor die violent or untimely deaths ; but let them glorify Thee here with a free obedience, and the duties of a whole life : that, when they have served Thee in their generations, and have profited the Christian Common wealth, they may be co-heirs with Je&us in the glories of Thy eternal King- dom, through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen, A Prayer to he said hy Mas- ters of Families, Curates, Tutors, or other oUiged persons,for their charges. Almighty God, merci- ful and gracious, have mercy upon my Family [or Pupils, or Parishioners, &c.] and all committed to my charge : sanctify them with Thy grace, preserve them with Thy providence, guard them from all evil by the custody of Angels, direct them in the ways of peace and holy Religion by my Ministery and the conduct of Thy most Holy Spirit, and consign them all with the participa- tion of Thy blessings and graces in this world, with healthful bodies, with good understandings, and sancti- fied spirits, to a full fruition of Thy glories hereafter, through Jesus Christ our Lord. A Prayer to he said hy Mer- chants, Tradesmen, and Handicrafts-rtien. Eternal God, Thou Fountain of justice, mercy, and benediction, who by my education and other effects THE DUTIES OF JUSTICE. 173 of Thy Providence hast called me to this profession, that by my industry I may in my small proportion work together for the good of my- self and others ; I humbly beg Thy grace to guide me in my intention, and in the transaction of my afiairs, that I may be diligent, just, and faithful : and give me Thy favour, that this my labour may be accepted by Thee as a part of my neces- sary duty : and give me Thy blessing to assist and pros- per me in my calling, to such measures as Thou shalt in mercy choose for me : and be pleased to let Thy Holy Spirit be for ever present with me, that I may never be given to covetousness and sordid appetites, to lying and falsehood, or any other base, indirect, and beggarly arts ; but give me prudence, honesty and Christian sin- cerity, that my Trade may be sanctified by my Reli- gion, my labour by my in- tention and Thy blessing ; that, when I have done my portion of work Thou hast allotted me, and improved the talent Thou hast en- trusted to me, and served the Common-wealth in my capacity, I may receive the mighty price of my high calling, which I expect and beg, in the portion and in- heritance of the ever blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus. Amen. A Prayer to he said hy Debtors, and all persons obliged whether by crime or contract. Almighty God, who art rich unto all, the treasury and fountain of all good, of all justice, and all mercy, and all bounty, to whom we owe all that we are, and all that we have, being Thy Debtors by reason of our sins, and by Thy own graci- ous contract made with us in Jesus Christ ; teach me in the first place to perform all my Obligations to Thee, both of duty and thankful- ness ; and next enable me to pay my duty to all my friends, and my debts to all my Creditors, that none be made miserable or lessened in his estate by his kindness to me, or traffick with me. Forgive me all those sins and irregular actions by which I entered into debt further than my necessity required, or by which such necessity was brought upon me : but let not them sufier by occasion of my sin. Lord, reward aU their kindness into their bosoms, and make them recompense where I cannot, and make me very willing in all that I can, and 174 PRAYERS RELATING TO THE DUTIES OP JUSTICE. able for all that I am ob- liged to : or, if it seem good in Thine eyes to afflict me by the continuance of this condition, yet make it up by some means to them, that the prayer of Thy servant may obtain of Thee at least to pay my debt in blessings. Ame7i. Lord, sanctify and for- give all that I have tempted to evil by my discourse or my example : instruct them in the right way whom I have led to error, and let me never run further on the score of sin : but do Thou blot out all the evils I have done by the sponge of Thy passion, and the blood of Thy Cross ; and give me a deep and an excellent re- pentance, and a free and a gracious pardon, that Thou mayest answer for me, Lord, and enable me to stand upright in judgment; for in Thee, Lord, have I trusted, let me never be confounded. Pity me and instruct me, guide me and support me, pardon me and save me, for my sweet Sa- viour Jesus Christ His sake. Amen. A Frayer for Patron and Benefactors. Almighty God, Thou Fountain of all good, of all excellency both to Men and Angels, extend Thine abun- | dant favour and loving kind- | ness to my Patron, to all " my Friends and Benefac- tors : reward them and make them plentiful recompence for all the good which from Thy merciful providence they have conveyed unto me. Let the light of Thy countenance shine upon them, and let them never come into any affliction or sadness, but such as may be an instrument of Thy glory and their eternal com- fort. Forgive them all their sins ; let Thy Divinest Spirit preserve them from all deeds of darkness. Let Thy ministering Angels guard their persons from the violence of the spirits of darkness. And Thou who knowest every degree of their necessity by Thy in- finite wisdom, give supply to all their needs by Thy glorious mercy, preserving their persons, sanctifying their hearts, and leading them in the ways of righte- ousness, by the waters of comfort, to the land of eter- nal rest and glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. CHAP. IV. OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. Religion in a large sense doth signify the whole duty of Man ; comprehending in it Justice, Charity, and So- briety : because all these being commanded by God, they become a part of that honour' and worship which we are bound to pay to Him. And thus the word is used in S.Jarnes : ^'^ Pure Religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this; To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspot- ted from the loorld'^.^'' But in a more restrained sense it is taken for that part of duty which particularly re- lates to God in our worship- pings and adoration of Him, in confessing His excellen- cies, loving His person, ad- miring His goodness, believ- ing His Word, and doing all that which may in a proper and direct manner do Him honour. It contains the duties of the first Table * James i. 27. only, and so it is called God- liness'^ , and is by S. Paul distinguished from Justice and Sobriety. In this sense I am now to explicate the parts of it. Of the internal actions of Religion. Those I call the internal actions of Religion, in which the Soul only is employed, and ministers to God in the special actions of Faith, Hope,2indiCharity. Faithhe- lievesthe Revelations of God: Hope expects His Promises : and Charity loves His excel- lencies and mercies. Faith gives our understanding to God : Hope gives up all the passions and affections to Heaven and heavenly things : and Charity gives the Will to the service of God. Faith is opposed to Infidelity, Hope to Despair, Charity to Enmity and Hos- tility; and these three sanc- tify the whole Man, and y Tit. ii. 12. 176 OF FAITH. make our duty to God and obedience to His Command- ments to be chosen, reason- able, and delightful, and therefore to be entire, 'per- severing, and universal. Sect. I. OF FAITH. The acts and offices of Faith are, 1, To believe every thing which God hath revealed to us ; and when once we are convinced that God hath spoken it, to make no far- ther enquiry, but humbly to submit ; ever remember- ing, that there are some things which our under- standing cannot fathom, nor search out their depth. 2. To believe nothing con- cerning God, but what is honoui-able and excellent ; as knowing that belief to be no honouring of God, which entertains of Him any dis- honourable thoughts. Faith is the parent of Charity ; and whatsoever Faith enter- tains, must be apt to pro- duce love to God : but he that believes God to be cruel or unmerciful, or a rejoicer in the unavoidable damna- tion of the greatest part of mankind, or that he speaks one thing and privately means another; thinks evil thoughts concerning God, and such as for which we should hate a man, and therefore are great enemies of Faith, being apt to de- stroy Charity. Our Faith concerning God must be as Himself hath revealed and described His own excellen- cies : and in our discourses we must remove from Him all imperfection, and attri- bute to Him all excellency, 3. To give ourselves wholly up to Christ in heart and desire, to become Disciples of His doctrine with choice (besides conviction), being in the presence of God but as Idiots, that is, without any principles of our own to hinder the truth of God ; but sucking in greedily all that God hath taught us, believing it infinitely, and loving to believe it. For this is an act of Love reflected upon Faith, or an act of Faith leaning upon Love. 4. To believe all God's promises, and that whatso- ever is promised in Scrip- ture shall on God's part be OF FAITH. 177 as surely performed as if we had it in possession. This act makes us to rely upon God with the same confi- dence as we did on our Pa- rents when we were chil- dren, when we made no doubt but whatsoever we needed we should have it if it were in their power. 5. To believe also the con- ditions of the promise, or that part of the revelation which concerns our duty. Many are apt to believe the Article of Remission of sins, but they believe it without the condition of repentance, or the fruits of holy life: and that is to believe the Article otherwise than Ood intended it. For the Cove- nant of theGospel is the great object ofFaith, and that sup- poses our duty to answer His grace ; that Ood will be our God^ so long as we are His people. The other is not Faith, but Flattery. 6. To profess publicly the doctrine of Jesv^ Christ, openly owning whatsoever He hath revealed and com- manded, not being ashamed of the Word of God, or of any practices enjoined by it ; and this, without com- plying with any man's in- terest, not regarding favour, nor being moved with good * Dial, ad words, not fearing disgrace, or loss, or inconvenience, or death itself. 7. To pray without doubt- ing, without weariness, with- out faintness, entertaining no jealousies or suspicions of God, but being confident of God's hearing us, and of His returns to us, whatso- ever the manner or the in- stance be, that, if we do our duty, it will be gracious and merciful. These acts of Faith are in several degrees in the servants of Jesus; some have it but as a grain of mustard-seed, some grow up to a plant, some have the fulness of faith: but the least faith that is, must be a persuasion so strong as to make us undertake the do- ing of all that duty which Christ built upon the found- ation of believing. But we shall best discern the truth of our Faith by these fol- lowing signs. S. Hierome^ reckons three. Signs of true Faith. 1. An earnest and vehe- ment Prayer ; for it is im- possible we should heartily believe the things of God and the glories of the Gos- pel, and not most importu- nately desire them. For ver. Lucif. 3 178 OF F every thing is desired ac- cording to our belief of its excellency and possibility. 2. To do nothing for vain glory, but wholly for the interests of Religion, and these Articles we believe : valuing not at all the ru- mours of men, but the praise of Ood^ to whom by faith we have given up all our intellectual faculties. 3. To be content with Ood for our Judge, for our Patron, for our Lord, for our friend; desiring God to be all in all to us, as we are in our understanding and affec- tions wholly His. Add to these ; 4. To be a stranger upon earth in our affections, and to have all our thoughts and principal desires fixed upon the matters of Faith, the things of Heaven. For, if a man were adopted heir to C(£sar, he would (if he believed it real and effec- tive) despise the present, and wholly be at Court in his Father's eye ; and his desires would out-run his swiftest speed, and all his thoughts would spend them- selves in creating ideas and little phantastic images of his future condition. Now God hath made us Heirs of * Jam. ii. 18. marginal reading, His Kingdom, and Co-heirs with Jesus : if we believed this, we would think and affect and study accord- ingly. But he that rejoices in gain, and his heart dwells in the world, and is espoused to a fair estate, and trans- ported with a light moment- ary joy, and is afflicted with losses, and amazed with temporal persecutions, and esteems disgrace or poverty in a good cause to be in- tolerable ; this man either hath no inheritance in Heaven, or believes none ; and believes not that he is adopted to be the Son of God, the Heir of eternal Glory. 5. S. Jameis sign is the best : '•'' Shewme thy faith I y thy works". ^^ Faith makes the Merchant diligent and venturous, and that makes him rich. Ferdinando of Aragon believed the story told him by Columbus, and therefore he furnished him with ships, and got the West Indies by his Faith in the undertaker. But Henry the Seventh oiEngland believed him not, and therefore trust- ed him not with shipping,and lost all the purchase of that Faith. It is told us by Christ, " He that forgives, shall be forgiven^:'''' if we believe this, it is certain v/e shall b Luke vi. 37. forgive our enemies ; for none of us all but need and desire to be forgiven. No man can possibly despise or refuse to desire such excel- lent glories as aje revealed to them that are servants of Christ ; and yet we do no- thing that is commanded us as a condition to obtain them. No man could work a day's laboxu' without faith : but because he believes he shall have his wages at the day's or week's end, he does his duty. But he only be- lieves, who does that thing which other men in the like cases do when they do be- lieve. He that believes money gotten with danger is better than poverty with sa^fety, will venture for it in unknown lands or seas ; and so will he that believes it better to get Heaven with labom-, than to go to Hell with pleasure, 6. He that helieves does not make haste = / but waits patiently till the times of refreshment come, and dares trust God for the morrow, and is no more solicitous for the next year, than he is for that which is past : and it is certain, that man wants Faith, who dares be more confident of being supplied when he hath money in his OP FAITH. 17& purse, than when he hath it only in bills of exchange from God ; or that relies more upon his own industry than upon God's providence, when his o^wti industry fails him. If you dare trust to God when the case to hu- man reason seems impossi- ble, and trust to God then also out of choice, not be- cause you have nothing else to trust to, but because he is the only support of a just confidence ; then you give a good testimony of your Faith. 7. True Faith is confi- dent, and will venture all the world upon the strength of its persuasion. Will you lay your life on it, your es- tate, your reputation, that the doctrine of JESUS CHRIST is true in every Article 1 Then you have true Faith. But he that fears men more than God, believes men more than he believes in God. 8. Faith, if it be true, living, and justifying, can- not be separated from a good life : it works mira- cles, makes a drunkard be- come sober, a lascivious per- son become chaste, a cove- tous man become liberal ; it overcomes the wo'dd^; it works righteousness^; and Isa. sxriii. 16. 1 John V. 4. •• Heb. xi. 33. 180 OF FAITH. makes us diligently to do, and cheerfully to suffer, whatsoever God hath placed in our way to Heaven. The Means and Instruments to obtain Faith are, 1. An humble, willing, and docile mind, or desire to be instructed in the way of God : for persuasion en- ters like a sun-beam, gently, and without violence : and open but the window, and draw the curtain, and the Sun of Righteousness will enlighten your darkness. 2. Remove all prejudice and love to every thing which may be contradicted by Faith. How can ye be- lieve (said Christ) that re- ceive praise one of another '? An unchaste man cannot easily be lirought to believe that without purity he shall never see God. He that loves riches, can hardly be- lieve the doctrine of pover- ty and renunciation of the world : and Alms and Mar- tyrdom and the doctrine of the Cross is folly to him that loves his ease and pleasures. He that hath within him any principle contrary to the doctrines of Faith, can- not easily become a Disciple. ^ John V. 44. B Jam. i. 5. ^ Luke xi. 13. ' In rebus miris summa crwdendi ratio est omnipotentia Creatoris, S. Aug. 3. Prayer, which is in- strumental to every thing, hath a particular promise in this thing. He that lacks wisdom let him. ask it of God ^ ; and if you give good things to your children, how much more shall your Hea- venly Father give His Spirit to them that ask Him^? 4. The consideration of the Divine omnipotence and infinite wisdom, and our own ignorance, are great instru- ments of curing all doubt- ing, and silencing the mur- murs of infidelity \ 5. Avoid all curiosity of enquiry into particulars and circumstances aud myste- ries : for true faith is full of ingenuity and hearty sim- plicity, free from suspicion, wise and confident, trust- ing upon generals, without watching and prying into unnecessary or undiscerni- ble particulars. No man carries his bed into his field, to watch how his corn grows, but believes upon the gene- ral order of Providence and Nature ; and at Harvest finds himself not deceived. 6. In time of temptation be not busy to dispute, but rely upon the Conclusion, and throw your self upon OF FAITH. 181 God, and contend not with Him but in prayer, and in the presence and with the help of a prudent untempt- ed Guide : and be sure to esteem all changes of belief which oflfer themselves in the time of your greatest weakness (contrary to the persuasions of your best un- derstanding) to be tempta- tions, and reject them accor- dingly. ^ 7 It is a prudent course that in our health and best advantages we lay up parti- cular arguments and instru- ments of persuasion and con- fidence, to be brought forth and used in the great day of expense ; and that espe- cially, in such things in which we use to be most tempted, and in which we are least confident, and which are most necessary, and which commonly the Devil uses to assualt us withal in the days of our visitation. 8. The wisdom of the Church of God is very remarkable in appointing Festivals, or Holy-days, whose Solemnity and Offices have no other special busi- ness but to record the Arti- cle of the day ; such as Trinity Sunday, Ascension, Easter, Christmas-day; and to those persons who can only believe, not prove or dispute, there is no better instrument to cause the remembrance and plain no- tion, and to endear the afiec- tion and hearty assent to the Article, than the pro- claiming and recommending it by the festivity and joy of a Holy-day. Sect. II. OP THE HOPE OF A CHKISTIAN. Faith differs from Hope in the extension of its ob- ject, and in the intension of degree. S. Austin^ thus accounts their differences. Faith is of all things reveal- ed ; good and bad, rewards and punishments ; of things past, present, and to come ; k Ench of things that concern us, and of things that concern us not : but Hope hath for its object things only that are good and fit to be hoped for, future, and concerning om-selves : and because these things are offered to us upon conditions of which we may irid. c. 8. 182 OF HOPE. SO fail as we may change our will, therefore our cer- tainty is less than the ad- herences of Faith ; which (because Faith relies only upon one proposition, that is, the truth of the Word of God) cannot be made uncertain in themselves, though the object of our Hope may become uncertain to us, and to our possession. For it is infallibly certain, that there is Heaven for all the godly, and for me amongst them all if I do my duty. But that I shall enter into Heaven, is the object of my Hope, not of my Faith ; and is so sure, as it is certain I shall persevere in the ways of God. The acts of Ilope are ; 1. To rely upon God with a confident expecta- tion of His promises ; ever esteeming that every pro- mise of God is a magazine of all that grace and relief which we can need in that instance for which the pro- mise is made. Every degree of Hope is a degree of Con- fidence. 2. To esteem all the dan- ger of an action, and the possibilities of miscarriage, and every cross accident that can intervene, to be ' Rom. V. 3 : 2 Cor. vii. 4 no defect on God's part, but either a mercy on His part, or a fault on ours : for then we shall be sure to trust in God when we see Him to be our confidence, and our- selves the cause of all mis- chances. The hojye of a, Christian is Prudent and religious. 3. .To rejoice in the midst of a misfortune or seeming sadness ; knowing that this may work for good, and will, if we be not wanting to our Souls. This is a direct act of Hope ; to look through the cloud, and look for a beam of the light from God : and this is called in Scrip- ture, Rejoicing in tribida- tio7i\ when the God of Hope fills us with all jog in be- lieving^. Every degree of Hope brings a degree of Joy. 4. To desire, to pray, and to long for the great object of our Hope, the mighty price of our high calling ; and to desire the other things of this life as they are promised ; that is, so far as they made neces- sary and useful to us, in order to God's glory and the great end of Souls. Hope and Fasting are said to be the two wings of Prayer. Fasting is but as the wing of a Bird ; but Hope is like «» Rom. XV. 13. the wing of an Angel soar- ing up to Heaven, and bears our prayers to the throne of Grace. Without Hope it is impossible to pray : but Hope makes our prayers reasonable, passionate, and religious ; for it relies upon God's promise, or experi- ence, or providence, and story. Prayer is ahvays in froiwrtion to our Hope zea- lous and affectionate. 5. Perseverance is the per- fection of the duty of Hope, and its last act : and so long as our hope continues, so long Ave go on in duty and diligence : but he that is to raise a castle in an hour, sits down and does nothing towards it : and Herod the sophister left off to teach his son, when he saw that 24 Pages appointed to v^^ait on him, and called by the several letters of the alpha- bet, could never make him to understand his letters perfectly. Rules to govern our Hope. 1. Let your Hope he mo- derate; proportioned to your state, person, and condition, whether it be for gifts or graces, or temporal favours. It is an ambitious hope for persons whose diligence is like them that are least in the kinodom of Heaven, to OF HOPE. 183 believe themselves endeared to God as the greatest Saints, or that they shall have a throne equal to S. Paul, or the blessed Virgin Mary. A stammerer cannot with moderation hope for the gift of tongues ; or a peasant to become learned as Origen : or if a beggar desires or hopes to become a king, or asks for a thousand pound a year, we call him impu- dent ; not passionate, much less reasonable. Hope that God will crown your en- deavours with equal mea- sures of that reward which He indeed freely gives, but yet gives according to our proportions. Hope for good success according to, or not much beyond, the efficacy of the causes and the in- strument : and let the hus- bandman hope for a good harvest ; not for a rich king- dom, or a victorious army. 2. Let your Hope he vjell founded, relying upon just confidences ; that is, upon God according to His reve- lations and promises. For it is possible for a man to have a vain hope upon God : and in matters of Religion it is presumption to hope that God's mercies will be poured forth upon lazy per- sons that do nothing to- wards holy and strict walk- 184 OP HOPE. ing, nothing (I say) but trust and long for an event besides and against all dis- position of the means. Every false principle in Religion is a reed of Egypt, false and dangerous. * Kely not in temporal things upon un- certain prophecies and astro- logy, not upon our own wit or industry, not upon gold or friends, not upon armies and princes ; expect not health from physicians that cannot cure their ovra breath, much less their mor- tality : use all lawful in- struments, but expect no- thing from them above their natural or ordinary efficacy ; and, in the use of them, from God expect a blessing. A hope that is easy and credu- lous, is an arm of flesh "^ ; an ill supporter without a bone. 3. Let your Hope be ivith- out vanity, or garishness of spirit ; but sober, grave, and silent; fixed in the heart, not borne upon the lip ; apt to support our spirits with- in, but not to provoke envy abroad. 4. Let your Hope he of things possible, safe, and use- ful. He that hopes for an opportunity of acting his revenge, or lust, or rapine ; watches to do himself a mis- chief. All evils of ourselves or brethren are objects of our fear, not hope : and when it is truly understood, things useless and unsafe can no more be wished for, than things impossible can be obtained. 5. Let your Hope be pati- ent, without tediousness of spirit, or hastiness of pre- fixing time. Make no limits or prescriptions to God, but let your prayers and en- deavours go on still with a constant attendance on the periods of God's providence. The men of Bethulia re- solved to wait upon God but five days longer: but de- liverance stayed seven days, and yet came at last". And take not every accident for an argument of despair : but go on still in hoping ; and begin again to work, if any ill accident have interrupt- ed you. Means of Hope, and reme- dies against Despair. The means to cure De- spair, and to continue or in- crease Hope, are partly by consideration, partly by ex- ercise. 1. Apply your mind to the cure of all the proper causes of Despair : and they are, weakness of Spirit, or violence of Passion. He Jer. xvii. 5. Judith vii. 30; viii. 15; xiii. 11. that greedily covets, is im- patient of delay, and despe- rate in contrary accidents ; and he that is little of heart, is also little of hope, and apt to sorrow and suspicion p. 2. Despise the things of the "World, and be indiffe- rent to all changes and events of providence : and, for the things of God, the promises are certain to be performed in kind ; and where there is less variety of chance, there is less pos- sibility of being mocked : but he that creates to him- self thousands of little hopes, uncertain in the promise, fallible in the event, and depending upon ten thou- sand circumstances, (as are all the things of this World); shall often fail in his ex- pectations, and be used to arguments of distrust in such hopes. 3. So long as your hopes are regular and reasonable, though in temporal affairs, (such as are,deliverance from enemies, escaping a storm or shipwreck, recovery from a sickness, ability to pay your debts, &c.) remember, that there are some things ordi- nary, and some things ex- traordinary, to prevent De- spair, la ordinary, remem- 3PE. Ig5 ber, that the very hoping in God is an endearment of Him, and a means to obtain the blessing, "/ will deliver him because he hath put his trust in Me i." 2. There are in God all those glorious attributes and excellencies, which in the nature of things can possibly create or con- firm Hope. God is 1 . Strong, 2. Wise, 3. True, 4. Loving. There cannot be added ano- ther capacity to create a confidence : for upon these premisses we cannot fail of receiving what is fit for us. 3. God hath obliged Himself by promise, that we shall have the good of every thing we desire : for even losses and denials shall loork for the good of them that fear God". And if we will trust the Truth of God for per- formance of the general, we may well trust His Wisdom to choose for us the particu- lar. * But the extraordina- ries of God are apt to supply the defect of all natural and human possibilities. 1. God hath in many instances given extraordinary virtue to the active causes and in- struments : to a jaw-bone to kill a multitude « ; to 300 men, to destroy^ a great Armyt; to Jonathan and q Ps. xci. 14. Rom. viii. 28. Judg. XV. 15. Judg. vii. 186 OF HOPE. his Armour-bearer, to rout a whole Garrison i. 2. He hath given excellent suffer- ance and vigorousness to the sufferers ; arming them with strange courage, he- roical fortitude, invincible resolution, and glorious patience : and thus He lays no more upon us than Yfe are able to bear ; for when He increases our suf- ferings, He lessens them by increasing our patience. 3. His providence is extrare- gular, and produces strange things beyond common rules : and He that led Israel through a sea, and made a rock pour forth wa- ters and the Heavens to give them bread and flesh, and whole armies to be destroyed with phantastic noises X, and the fortune of all France to be recovered and entirely revolved by the arms and conduct of a Girl y against the torrent of the English fortune and chi- valry ; can do what He please, and still retains the same affections to His people, and the same providence over mankind, as ever. And it is impossible for that man to despair, who remembers that his helper is Omnipo- tent, and can do what He ■ 1 Sam. xiv. y Joanof Arc. A.D. 1429. please z. Let us rest there a while ; He can if He please : and He is infinitely loving^ willing enough : and He is infinitely wise ; choosing better for us, than we can do for ourselves. This in all ages and chances hath supported the afflicted peo- ple of God, and carried them on dry ground through a Red Sea. God invites and cherishes the hopes of men by all the variety of His Providence, 4. If your case be brought to the last extremity, and that you are at the pit's brink, even the very margin of the grave, yet then de- spair not : at least put it off a little longer : and remem- ber, that whatsoever final accident takes away all Hope from you, if you stay a little longer, and in the mean while bear it sweetly, it will also take away all Despair too. For when you enter into the regions of death, you rest from all your la- bours and your fears. 5. Let them who are tempted to despair of their salvation, consider how much Christ suffered to re- deem us from sin and its eternal punishment : and he that considers this, must * 2 Kings vii. 6 ; xix. 7. Ed. ' Heb. ii. 18. needs believe that the de- sires which God had to save us were not less than infi- nite, and therefore not easily to be satisfied without it. 6. Let no man despair of God's mercies to forgive him, unless he be sure that his sins are greater than God's mercies. If they be not, we have much reason to hope that the stronger ingredient will prevail, so long as we are in the time and state of repentance, and within the possibilities and latitude of the Covenant ; and as long as any promise can but reflect upon him with an oblique beam of comfort. Possibly the man may err in his judgment of circumstances, and there- fore let him fear: but be- cause it is not certain he is mistaken,let him not despair. 7. Consider, that God, who knows all the events of men and what their final condition shall be, who shall be saved, and who will perish ; yet He treateth them as His own, calls them to be His own, ofiers fair conditions as to His own ; gives them blessings, argu- ments of mercy, and in- stances of fear, to call them off from death, and to call them home to life ; and in ' ^ 2 Sam. xvi. 31 : xvii. 23 OF HOPE. 187 all this shews no despair of happiness to them : and therefore much less should any man despair for himself, since he never was able to read the scrolls of the eter- nal predestination. 8. Remember, that de- spair belongs only to pas- sionate fools or -sdllains, (such as were Achitophel^ and Judas), or else to devils and damned persons : and, as the hope of salvation is a good disposition towards it ; so is Despair a certain con- signation to eternal ruin. A man may be damned for despairing to be saved. De- spair is the proper passion of damnation. God hath placed truth and felicity in Heaven; curiosity and re- pentance upon Earth; hut misery and despair are the portions of Hell ^. 9. Gather together into your spirit and its treasure- house (the memory), not only all the promises of God, but also the remem- brances of experience, and the former senses of the Di- vine favours ; that from thence you may argue from times past to the present, and enlarge to the future and to greater blessings. For although the conjec- tures and expectations of " V. Beda 188 OF HOPE. Hope are not like the con- ' elusions of Faith, yet they are a helmet against the scorchings of Despair in temporal things, and an anchor of the Soul sure and stedfast against the fluctu- ations of the spirit in mat- ters of the Soul. S. Bertiard reckons divers principles of Hope, by enumerating the instances of the Divine Mer- cy ; and we may by them reduce this rule to practice in the following manner. 1. God hath preserved me from many sins : His mer- cies are infinite : I hope He will still preserve me from more and for ever. * 2. I. have sinned, and God smote me not : His mercies are still over the penitent : I hope He will deliver me from all the evils I have de- served. He hath forgiven me many sins of malice, and therefore surely He will pity my infirmities. * 3. God visited my heart and chang- ed it : He loves the work of His own hands, and so my heart is now become : I hope He will love this too. *4. When I repented, He received me graciously ; and therefore I hope, if I do my endeavour, He will totally forgive me. * 5. He helped my slow and beginning en- •^ Rom. viii. 32. deavours ; and therefore I hope He will lead me to per- fection. * 6. "When he had given me something first, then He gave me more : I hope therefore He will keep me from falling, and give me the grace of persever- ance. * 7. He hath chosen me to be a Disciple of Christ's institution ; He hath elected me to His Kingdom of grace ; and therefore I hope also to the Kingdom of His glory. * 8. He died for me when I was His enemy ; and there- fore I hope He will save me when He hath reconciled me to Him, and is become my friend. * 9. God hath given us His Son ; how shoidd not He loith Him give us all things else^? All these S. Bernxird reduces to these three Heads, as the instruments of all our hopes : 1. The charity of (roc? adopt- ing us, 2. The truth of His promises, 3. The power of His performance : which if any truly weighs, no infirm- ity or accident can break His hopes into undiscemible fragments, but some good planks will remain after the greatest stonn and ship- wreck. This was Saint Favl's instrument : Expe- rience begets hope, and hope maketh not ashamed'^. d Rom. V. 4, 5, 10. Do thou take care only of thy duty, of the means and proper instru- ments of thy purpose, and leave the end to God : lay that w^ with Him, and He will take care of all that is entrusted to Him : and this being an act of confidence in God, is also a means of security to thee. 11. By special arts of spi- ritual prudence and argu- ments, secure the confident belief of the Resurrection, and thou canst not but hope for every thing else which you may reasonably expect, or lawfully desire, upon the stock of the Divine mercies and promises. OF HOPE. 189 12. If a despair seizes you in a particular temporal instance, let it not defile thy spirit with impure mix- ture, or mingle in spiritual considerations ; but rather let it make thee fortify thy Soul in matters of Religion ; that, by being thrown out of your earthly dwelling and confidence, you may re- tire into the strengths of grace, and hope the more strongly in that, by how much you are the more de- feated in this ; that despair of a fortune or a success may become the necessity of all virtue. Sect. III. OF CHARITY, OR THE LOVE OF GOD. Love is the greatest thing that God can give us ; for Himself is Love : and it is the greatest thing we can give to God ; for it will also give ourselves, and carry with it all that is ours. The Apostle calls it the band of perfection® ; it is the Old, and it is the New, and it is the Great Commandment, and it is all the Command- ments, for it is the fidfilling * Col. iii. 14. * Matth of the Law^. It does the work of all other graces, without any instrument but its own immediate vir- tue. For as the love to sin makes a man sin against all his own Reason, and all the discourses of wis- dom, and all the advices of his friends, and without temptation, and without opportunity ; so does the love of God : it makes a , xxii. 37 — 40. Rom. xiii. 8. 190 OF CHARITY, OR man chaste without the la- borious arts of fasting and exterior disciplines, tempe- rate in the midst of feasts, and is active enough to choose it without any in- termedial appetites, and reaches at Glory through the very heart of Grace, without any other arms but those of Love. It is a grace that loves God for Himself, and our Neighbours for God. The consideration of God's goodness and bounty, the experience of those profita- ble and excellent emana- tions from Him, may be, and most commonly are, the first motive of our Love: but when we are once en- tered, and have tasted the goodness of God, we love the spring for its own excel- lency ; passing from passion to reason, from thanking to adoring, from sense to spirit, from considering ourselves to an union with God : and this is the image and little representation of Heaven ; it is beatitude in picture, or rather the infancy and beginnings of glory. We need no incentives by way of special enumeration to move us to the love of God ; for we cannot love any thing for any reason real or imaginary, but that excellence is infinitely more eminent in God. There can but two things create Love ; Perfection and Usefulness : to which answer on our part, 1. Admiration, and 2. De- sire ; and both these are centered in Love. For the entertainment of the first, there is in God an infinite nature. Immensity or vast- ness without extension or limit, Immutability, Eter- nity, Omnipotence, Omni- science, Holiness, Dominion, Providence, Bounty, Mercy, Justice, Perfection in Him- self, and the End to which all things and all actions must be directed, and will at last arrive. The consi- deration of which may be heightened, if we consider our distance from all these glories ; Our smallness and limited nature, our nothing, our inconstancy, our age like a span, our weakness and ignorance, our poverty, our inadvertency and incon- sideration, our disabilities and disafi'ections to do good, our harsh natures and un- merciful inclinations, our universal iniquity, and our necessities and dependen- cies, not only on God origi- nally and essentially, but even our need of the mean- est of God's creatures, and our being obnoxious to the weakest and most contemp- THE LOVE OF GOD. 191 tible. 'Kvit for the entertain- ment of the second, we may consider that in Him is a torrent of pleasure for the voluptuous, He is the foun- tain of honour for the ambitious, an inexhaustible treasure for the covetous. Our vices are in love with phantastic pleasures and images of perfection, which are truly and really to be found no where but in God. And therefore our virtues have such proper objects, that it is but reasonable they should all turn into Love : for certain it is that this Love will turn all into virtue. For in the scrutinies for righteousness and judg- ment. When it is required, whether such a person he a good man or no ; the mean- ing is oiot, What does he be- lieve ? or ivhat does he hope ? hut what he lovess. The acts of Love to God are, 1. Love does all things which may please the be- loved person ; it performs all his commandments : and this is one of the greatest instances and arguments of our love that God requires of us, " This is Love, that we keep His command- ments'^." Love is ohedient. s 9. Aug., 1. ii. Confes. c. 6. ' 2. It does all the intima- tions and secret significa- tions of his pleasure whom we love ; and this is an ar- gument of a great degree of it. The first instance is it, that m.akes the love accept- ed : but this gives a great- ness and singularity to it. The first is the least, and less than it cannot do our duty : but without this se- cond we cannot come to per- fection. Great Love is also plicinl and inquisitive in the instances of its expression. 3. Love gives away all things, that so he may ad- vance the interest of the beloved person : it relieves all that he would have re- lieved, and spends itself in such real significations as it is enabled withal. He never loved God, that will quit any thing of his Religion to save his money. Love is cdioays liheral and communicative. 4. It suffers all things that are imposed by its be- loved, or that can happen for his sake, or that inter- vene in his service, cheer- fully, sweetly, willingly; ex- pecting that God should turn tliem into good, and instruments of felicity. Charity hopeth all things, endureth all things I. Love is patient and content with 1 John V. 3. * 1 Cor. xiii. 7. 192 any thing, so it be together with its beloved. 5. Love is also impatient of any thing that may dis- please the beloved person ; hating all sin as the enemy of its friend ; for love con- tracts all the same relations, and marries the same friend- ships and the same hatreds ; and all affection to a sin is perfectly inconsistent with the Love of God. Love is not divided between God and God's enemy : we must love God with all our heart ; that is, give Him a whole and undivided affection, having love for nothing else but such things which He allows, and which He com- mands or loves Himself. 6. Love endeavours for ever to he present, to con- verse with, to enjoy, to be united with, its object: loves to be talking of him, recit- ing his praises, telling his stories, repeating his words, imitating his gestures, tran- scribing his copy in every thing ; and every degree of union and every degree of likeness is a degree of love ; and it can endure any thing but the displeasure and the absence of its beloved. For we are not to use God and Beligion as men use per- fumes ; with which they are delighted when they have OF CHARITY, OR them, but can very well be without them. True Cha- rity is restless till it enjoys God in such instances in which it wants Him : it is like hunger and thirst ; it must be fed, or it cannot be answered : and nothing can supply the presence, or make recompense for the absence, of God, or of the efforts of His favour, and the light of His countenance. 7. True Love in all acci- dents looks upon the beloved jierson, and observes his countenance, and how he approves or disapproves it, and accordingly looks sad or cheerful. He that loves God, is not displeased at those accidents which God chooses, nor murmurs at those changes which He makes in His family ; nor envies at those gifts He be- stows ; but chooses as He likes, and is ruled by His judgment, and is perfectly of His persviasion ; loving to learn where God is the Teacher, and being content to be ignorant or silent where He is not pleased to open Himself. 8. Love is curious of little things, of circumstances and measures, and little acci- dents ; not allowing to it- self any infirmity, which it strives not to master ; aim.- THE LOVE OP GOD. 193 ing at what it cannot yet reach ; desmng to be of an angelical purity, and of a perfect innocence, and a Se- raphical fervour ; and fears every image of offence : is as much afflicted at an idle word, as some at an act of adultery ; and will not al- low to itself so much anger as will disturb a child, nor endure the impurity of a dream. And this is the cu- riosity and niceness of di- vine Love ; this is the fear of God. and is the daughter and production of Love. The Measures and Rules of Divine Love. But because this passion is pui-e as the brightest and stnoothest mirror, and there- fore is apt to be sullied with every impurer breath ; we must be careful that our love to God be governed by these measures. 1. That our Love be sweet, even, and full of tranquil- lity; having in it no violences or transportations ; but go- ing on in a course of holy actions, and duties which are proportionable to our condition and present state : not to satisfy all the desire, but all the probabilities and measures of our strengvth. A new beginner in Religion hath passionate and violent desires ; but they must not be the measure of his ac- tions : But he must consider his strength, his late sick- ness and state of death, the proper temptations of his condition, and stand at first upon his defence ; not go to storm a strong fort, or attack a potent enemy, or do he- roical actions, and fitter for giants in Religion. Indis- creet violences and untime- ly forwardness are the rocks of Religion, against which tender spirits often suffer shipwreck. 2. Let our Love be pru- dent and without illusion : that is, that it express itself in such instances which God hath chosen, or which we choose ourselves by propor- tion to His rules and mea- sures. Love turns into do- ting, when Religion turns into Superstition. No degree of Love can be imprudent, but the expressions may: we cannot love God too much, but we may proclaim it in indecent manners. 3. Let our love be firm, constant, and inseparable ; not coming and returning like the tide, but descending like a never-failing river, ever running into the Ocean of Divine excellency, pass- ing on in the channels of duty and a constant obedi- 194 OF CHARITY, OR ence, and never ceasing to be what it is, till it comes to what it desires to be ; still being a river, till it be turned into sea and vastness, even the immensity of a blessed Eternity. Although the considera- tion of the Divine excellen- cies and mercies be infinite- ly sufiSicient to produce in us love to God, (who is invisi- ble, and yet not distant from us, but we feel Him in His blessings, He dwells in our hearts by faith, we feed on Him in the Sacrament, and are made all one with Him in the incarnation and glo- rifications of Jesus); yet that we may the better en- kindle and increase our love to God, the following advices are not useless. Helps to increase our Love to Ood, hy way of Ex- ercise. 1. Cut ofi" all earthly and sensual loves ; for they pol- lute and unhallow the pure and Spiritual love. Every degree of inordinate afiec- tion to the things of this world, an-d every act of love to a sin, is a perfect enemy to the love of God : and it is a great shame to take any part of our affection from the eternal God, to bestow it upon His creature in de- fiance of the Creator ; or to give it to the Devil, our open enemy, in disparage- ment of Him who is the fountain of all excellencies and Celestial amities. 2. Lay fetters and re- straints upon the imagina- tive and phantastic part; because our fancy, being an imperfect and higher facul- ty, is usually pleased with the entertainment of sha- dows and gauds : and, be- cause the things of the world fill it with such beauties and phantastic imagery, the fan- cy presents such objects as amiable to the affections and elective powers. Per- sons of fancy, such as are women and children, have always the most violent loves : but therefore, if we be careful with what repre- sentments we fill our fancy, we may the sooner rectify our loves. To this purpose, it is good that we transplant the instruments of fancy into Religion : and for this reason music was brought into Churches, and orna- ments, and perfumes, and comely garments, and solem- nities, and decent ceremo- nies ; that the busy and less discerning fancy, being brib- ed with its proper objects, may be instrumental to a THE LOVE OF GOP. more Celestial and Spiritual love. 5. Remove solicitude or worldly cares, and multi- tudes of secular businesses : for if these take rip the in- tention and actual applica- tion of our thoughts and our employments, they will also possess our passions ; which, if they be filled with one object, though ignoble, cannot attend another, though more excellent. We always contract a friendship and relation with those with whom we converse : our very Country is dear to us for our being in it ; and the neighbours of the same vil- lage, and those that buy and sell with us, have seized upon some portions of our love : and therefore, if we dwell in the aflairs of the World, we shall also grow in love with them ; and all our love or all our hatred, all our hopes or all our fears, which the eternal God would willingly secure to Uimself, and esteem amongst His treasures and precious things, shall be spent upon trifles and vanities. 4. Do not only choose the things of God, but secure youi' inclinations and apt- nesses for God and for Re- ligion. For it will be a hard t 2 Kinsrs 195 thing for a man to do such a personal violence to his first desires, as to choose whatso- ever he hath no mind to. A man will many times satisfy the importunity and daily solicitations of his first long- ings : and therefore there is nothing can secure our loves to God, but stopping the natural fountains, and mak- ing Religion to grow near the first desires of the Soul. 5. Converse with God by frequent prayer. In parti- cular, desire that your de- sires may be right, and love to have your afiections re- gular and holy. To which I)urpose, make very frequent addresses to God by ejacu- lations and communions, and an assiduous daily devo- tion : discover to Him all your wants, complain to Him of all your affronts ; do as Hezekiah did, lay your misfortunes and your ill news before Him, spread them before the Lord^ ; call to Him for health, run to Him for counsel, beg of Him for pardon : and it is as natural toloveHimto whom Ave make such addresses, and of whom we have such dependences, as it is for children to love their pa- rents. 6. Consider the immen- xix. 14. 2 196 OF CHARITT, OR sity and vastness of the Di- vine Love to us, expressed in all the emanations of His Providence ; \. In His Cre- ation, 2. Li His Conserva- tion of us. For it is not my Prince, or my patron, or my friend, that supports mc, or relieves my needs ; but God, vrho made the corn that my friend sends me ; who cre- ated the Grapes, and sup- ported him who hath as many dependences, and as many natural necessities, and as perfect disabilities, as myself. God indeed made him the instrument of His providence to me, as He hath made his own land or his own cattle to him : with this only difference ; that God by his ministration to me intends to do him a fa- vour a,nd a reward, which to natural instruments He does not, 3. In giving His Son, 4. In forgiving our si^is, 5. In adopting us to glory ; and ten thousand times ten thousand little accidents and instances happening in the doing every of these : and it is not possible but for so great love we should give love again ; for God, we should give Man ; for feli- city, we should part with our misery. Nay, so great is the love of the holy Jesus, God incarnate, that He would leave all His trium- phant glories, and die once more for Man, if it were necessary for procuring feli- city to him. In the use of these instru- ments Love will grow in several knots and steps, like the sugar-canes of India, according to a thousand va- rieties in the person loving ; and it will be great or less in several persons ; and in the same, according to his growth in Christianity. But, in general discoursing, there are but two states of Love ; and those are, Labour of love, and the Zeal of love : the first is duty, the second is perfection. The two states ofLoveto God. The least love that is, must be obedient, pure, sim- l^le, and communicative : that is, it must exclude all affection to sin, and all in- ordinate affection to the world ; and must be ex- pressive, according to our power, in the instances of duty ; and must be love for love's sake : and of this love Martyrdom is the highest instance ; that is, a readi- ness of mind rather to suffer any evil than to do any. Of this our blessed Saviour affirmed, That no man had THE LOVE OF GOD. 197 -greater love than this^ : that is, this is the highest point of duty, the greatest love that God requires of Man. And yet he that is the most imperfect, must have this love also in preparation of mind ; and must differ from another in nothing, except in the degrees of promptness and alacrity. And in this sense, he that loves God truly, (though but with a beginning and tender love,) yet he loves God with all his heart ; that is, with that degree of love which is the highest point of duty, and of God's charge upon us ; and he that loves God with all his heart, may yet in- crease with the increase of God : just as there are de- grees of love to God among the Saints, and yet each of them love Him with all their powers and capacities. 2. But the greater state of love is the zeal of love ; which runs out into excre- scences and suckers, like a fruitful and pleasant tree, or bursting into gums, and producing fruits, not of a monstrous, but of an extra- ordinary and heroical great- ness. Concerning which these cautions are to be observed. John XV. 13. n 1 Kings XIX. 9—15, Cautions and Rules con- cerning Zeal. 1. If Zeal be in the be- ginnings of our spiritual birth, or be short, sudden, and transient"" ; or be a consequent of a man's na- tural temper ; or come upon any cause but after a long growth of a temperate and well-regulated love ; it is to be suspected for passion and frowardness, rather than the vertical point of love. 2. That Zeal only is good, which in a fervent love hath temperate expressions. For let the affection boil as high as it can, yet if it boil over into irregular and strange actions, it will have Mufew, but ivill need many excuses. Elijah was zealous for the Lord of Hosts ; and yet he was so transported with it, that he could not receive answer from God, till by music he was recomposed and tamed": and Moses broke both the Tables of the Law by being passion- ately zealous against them that brake the first °. 3. Zeal must spend its g-reatest heat principally in those things that concern ourselves ; but with great » Gal. ivr. 18. ° Exod. xxxii. 19. 198 OP CHARITY, OR care and restraint in those that concern others. 4. Remember, that Zeal, being an excrescence of Di- vine Love, must in no sense contradict any action of Love. Love to God includes Love to our Neighbour ; and therefore no pretence of zeal for God's glory must make us uncharitable to our brother? ; for that is just so pleasing to God, as hatred is an act of Love. 5, That zeal that concerns others, can spend itself in nothing but arts and actions and charitable instruments for their good : and when it concerns the good of many that one should suffer, it must be done by persons of a competent authority, and in great necessity, in seldom instances, according to the Law of God or Man ; but never by private right, or for trifling accidents, or in mistaken propositions. The Zelots in the Old Law had authority to transfix and stab some certain persons : but God gave them warrant ; it was in the case of Idola- try q, or such notorious huge crimes % the danger of which was insupportable, and the cognizance of which was infallible : and yet that warrant expired with the Synagogue. 6. Zeal in the instances of our own duty and per- sonal deportment is more safe than in matters of counsel, and actions besides our just duty, and tending towards perfection. Though in these instances there is not a direct sin, even where the zeal is less wary, yet there is much trouble and some danger : (as if it be spent in the too-forward vows of Chastity, and re- straints of natural and in- nocent liberties.) 7. Zeal may be let loose in the instances of internal, personal, and spiritual ac- tions, that are matters of direct duty ; as in prayers, and acts of adoration, and thanksgiving, and frequent addresses : provided that no indirect act pass upon them to defile them ; such as complacency, and opinions of sanctity, censuring others, scruples and opinions of ne- cessity, unnecessary fears, superstitious numberings of times and hours : but let the zeal be as forward as it will, as devout as it will, as Seraphical as it will, in the direct address and inter- course with God, there is no Phil. iii. 6; 1 Tim. i. 13. ' Numb. XXV. 7 — 11 1 Dent. xiii. XXXV. 19, 27. THE LOVE OF GOD. 199 danger, no transgression. Do all the parts of your duty as earnestly as if the salvation of all the world, and the whole glory of God, and the confusion of all Devils, and all that you hope or desire, did depend upon every one action. 8. Let Zeal be seated in the will and choice, and re- gulated with prudence and a sober understandings, not in the fancies and alFoctions ; for these will make it full of noise and empty of profit, but that will make it deep and smooth, material and devout. The sum is this : that Zeal is not a direct duty, no where commanded for itself ; and is nothing but a forward- ness and circumstance of another duty ' : and there- fore is then only acceptable, when it advances the Love of God and our Neighbours, whose circumstance it is. That Zeal is only safe, only acceptable, which increases Charity directly : and be- cause love to our Neighbour and obedience to God are the two great portions of charity, we must never ac- count our Zeal to be good, but as it advances both these, if it be in a matter that relates to both ; or severally, if it relates seve- rally. S. raid's Zeal was expressed in preaching with- out any oiferings or stipend, in travelling, in spending and being spent for his tlock, in suiiering, in being willing to be accursed for love of the people of God and his countrymen. Let our Zeal be as great as his was, so it be in attections to others, but not at all in angers against them : In the first there is no danger ; in the second there is no safety. In brief, let yovir Zeal (if it must be expressed in anger) be always more severe a- gainst thyself than against others ". *I The other part of Love to God is Love to our Neigh- bour, for which I have reserved the Paragraph of Ainu. Of the external actioiis of Religion. Religion teaches us to present to God our bodies as well as our Souls ; for God is the Lord of both : and if the body serves the Soul in actions natural and civil and intellectual, it must not be eased in the only offices of Religion, un- less the body shall expect » Rom. X. 2. « Tit. ii. 14 ; Rev. iii. 15, 16. » 2 Cor. vii. 11. 200 OF READING AND HEARING no portion of the rewards of Religion, such as are resur- rection, re-union, and glori- fication. Our bodies are to God a living sacrifice : and to present them to God is Jioly andj acceptable^. The actions of the body, as it serves to Religion, and as it is distinguished from Sobriety and Justice, either relate to the Word of God, or to Prayer, or to Repen- tance ; and make these kinds of external actions of Religion : 1. Reading and hearing the Word of God ; 2. Fasting and corporal aus- terities, called by S. Paid, bodily exercise^ ; 3. Feast- ing, or keeping days of pub- lic joy and thanksgiving. Sect. IV. OF READING OR HEARING THE WORD OF GOD. Reading and Hearing the Word of God are but the several circumstances of the same duty ; instrumental especially to Faith, but con- sequently to all other graces of the Spirit. It is all one to us whether by the eye or by the ear the Spirit con- veys His precepts to us. If we hear Saint Paid saying to us, that " Whoi-emongers and Adulterers God will jiidge ^," or read it in one of his Epistles ; in either of them we are equally and sufficiently instructed. The are many that cannot read the Word, and they must take it in by the ear ; and they that can read, find the same Word of God by the eye. It is necessary that all men learn it in some way or other, and it is sufficient in order to their practice that they learn it any way. The Word of God is all those Commandments and Reve- lations, those promises and threatenings, the stories and sermons recorded in the Bi- ble : nothing else is the Word of God, that we know Scriptures read are the same of by any certain instrument, thing to us which the same j The good books Pvud spiri- doctrine was when it was preached by the Disciples of our blessed Lord ; and we are to learn of either with the same dispositions. There tual discourses, the sermons or Homilies written or spoken by men, are but the Word of men, or rather ex- plications of, and eshorta- * Eom. xii. 1. y 1 Tim. iv. 8, margiual reading. ^ Heb. xiii. THE WORD OF GOD. 201 tions according to, the Word of God : but of themselves they are not the Word of God. In a sermon, the text only is in a proper sense to be called God's word : and yet good sermons are of great use and convenience for the advantages of Reli- gion. He that preaches an hour together against drunk- enness with the tongue of men or Angels, hath spoke no other word of God but this, " Be not drunk with ^viiie wherein there is ex- cess^:'''' and he that writes that Sermon in a book, and publishes that book, hath preached to all that read it a louder sermon than could be spoken in a Church, This I say to this purpose, that we may separate truth from error, popular opinions from substantial truths : For God preaches to us in the Scripture, and by His secret assistances and spiri- tual thoughts and holy mo- tions : Good men preach to us, when they by popular arguments and human arts and compliances expound and press any of those doc- trines which God hath preached unto us in His holy Word. But 1. The Holy Ghost is cer- tainly the best preacher in the world, and the words of Scripture the best Sermons. 2. All the doctrine of Sal- vation is plainly set down there, that the most unlearn- ed person by hearing it read may understand all his duty. What can be plainer spoken than this, " Thou shalt not kill '^." " Be not drunk with wine <^." " Husbands love you Wives Matth.v.21. * Matth. vii. 12. k3 c Eph. V. 18. f Luke xvi. 29, 31. 202 or READING AND HEARING commanded uss, and is called in Scripture "Preaching^:"''' all other preaching is the effect of human skill and in- dustry ; and although of great benefit, yet it is but an Ecclesiastical ordinance ; the law of God concerning Preaching being expressed in the matter of reading the Scriptures, and hearing that Word of God, which is, and as it is, there described. But this duty is reduced to practice in the following Rules. Mules for Hearing or Head- ing the Word of God. 1. Set apart some portion of thy time, according to the opportunities of thy cal- ling and necessary employ- ment, for the reading of Holy Scripture ; and, if it be possible, every day read or hear some of it read : you are sure that Book teaches all truth, commands all holi- ness, and promises all happi- ness. 2. When it is in your power to choose, accustom yourself to such portions, which are most plain and certain duty, and which con- tain the story of the Life and Death of our Blessed Saviour. Read the Gospels, the Psalms e Dent. xxxi. 13; Luke xxiv. 45; Matt. xxii. 29; Rev. i. 3; 2 Tim. iii. 16. " Acts XT. 21. of David ; and especially those portions of Scripture which by the wisdom of the Church are appointed to be publicly read upon Sun- days and Holydays ; viz. the Epistles and Gospels. In the choice of any other portions you may advise with a Spiri- tual guide, that you may spend your time with most profit. 3. Fail not diligently to attend to the reading of Holy Scriptures upon those days wherein it is most pub- licly and solemnly read in Churches : for at such times, besides the learning our du- ty, we obtain a blessing along with it ; it becoming to us upon those days a part of the solemn Divine worship. 4. When the Word of God is read or preached to you, be sure you be of a ready heart and mind, free from worldly cares and thoughts, diligent to hear, careful to mark, studious to remember, and desirous to practise, all that is commanded ; and to live according to it : Do not hear for any other end but to become better in your life, and to be instructed in every good work, and to in- crease in the love and ser- vice of God. THE WORD OF GOD. 5. Beg of God by prayer, that He would give you the spu'it of obedience and pro- fit, and that He would by His Spirit write the Word in your heart, and that you describe it in your life. To which purpose serve your- self of some affectionate eja- culations to that purpose, before and after this duty. Coiicerning spiritual Books and ordinary Sermons, take in these advices also. 6. Let not a prejudice to any man's person hinder thee from receiving good by his doctrine, if it be accord- ing to godliness : but (if occasion offer it, or especially if duty present it to thee, that is, if it be preached in that assembly where thou art bound to be present,) accept the word preached as a message from God, and the Minister as His Angel in that ministration. 7. Consider and remark the doctrine that is repre- sented to thee in any dis- course ; and if the preacher adds accidental advantages, any thing to comply with thy weakness, or to put thy spirit into action, or holy resolution, remember it, and make use of it. But if the Preacher be a weak person, yet the Text is the doctrine 203 thou art to remember : that contains all thy duty ; it is worth thy attendance to hear that spoken often, and renewed upon thy thoughts : and though thou beest a learned man, yet the same thing which thou knowest already, if spoken by an- other, may be made active by that application. I can better be comforted by my own consideration, if an- other hand applies them, than if I do it myself ; be- cause the Word of God does not work as a natural agent, but as a Divine instrument : it does not prevail by the force of deduction and arti- ficial discoursings only, but chiefly by way of blessing in the ordinance, and in the ministry of an appointed person. At least obey the public order, and reverence the constitution, and give good example of humility, charity, and obedience. 8. When Scriptures are read, you are only to en- quire with diligence and modesty into the meaning of the Spirit : but if Homi- lies or Sermons be made upon the words of Scrip- ture, you are to consider whether all that be spoken be conformable to the Scrip- tures. For although you may practise for human reasons, 204 OF FASTING. and human arguments min- istered from the Preacher's art ; yet you must practise nothing but the command of God, nothing but the Doc- trine of Scriptiire, that is, the Text. 9. Use the advice of some spiritual or other prudent man for the choice of such spiritual books which may be of use and benefit for the edification of thy spirit in the ways of holy living ; and esteem that time well accounted for, that is pru- dently and afiectionately employed in hearing or read- ing good books and pious discourses ; ever remember- ing, that God by hearing us speak to Him in prayer, ob- liges us to hear Him speak to us in His Word, by what instrument soever it be con- veyed. Sect. V. OF FASTING. Fasting, if it be consi- j dered in itself, without re- lation to spiritual ends, is a , duty no where enjoined or , counselled. But Christi- ; anity hath to do with it, as it may be made an instru- ' ment of the Spirit, by sub- ' duing the lusts of the flesh, or removing any hindrances of Religion. And it hath been practised by all ages of the Church, and advised in order to three ministeries, 1. to Prayer, 2. to Mortifi- cation of bodily lusts, 3. to Repentance : and it is to be practised according to the I following measures. Rules for Christian Fasting 1. Fasting, in order to ' Acts ii. 15. Prayer, is to be measured by the proportions of the times of prayer : that is, it ought to be a total fast from all things during the solem- nity ; (unless a probable necessity intervene.) Thus the Jews ate nothing upon the Sabbath-days till their great offices were perform- ed, that is, about the sixth hour : and S. Pder used it as an argument that the Apostles in Pentecost were not drunk ; because it was but the third hour of the day i ; of such a day in which it was not lawful to eat or drink till the sixth hour : and the Jews were ofiended at the disciples for plucking the ears of com on OF FASTING. 205 the Sabbath k early in the morning, because it was be- fore the time in which by their customs they esteemed it lawful to break their fast. In imitation of this custom, and in prosecution of the reason of it, the Christian Church hath religiously ob- served fasting before the Holy Communion ; and the more devout persons (though without any obligation at all) refused to eat or drink till they had finished their morning devotions : and further yet upon days of public humiliation, which are designed to be spent wholly in devotion, and for the averting God's judg- ments (if they were immin- ent), fasting is commanded together with prayer ; com- manded (I say) by the Church to this end ; that the sph'it might be clearer and more Angelical, when it is quitted in some proportions from the loads of flesh, 2. Fasting, when it is in order to Prayer, must be a total abstinence from all meat, or else an abatement of the quantity : for the help which fasting does to prayer, cannot be served by changing flesh into fish, or milk-meats into dry diet ; '' Matth. xii. 1. "■ Jejunium sine eleemosyna. but by turning much into little, or little into none at all, during the time of so- lemn and extraordinary prayer. 3. Fasting, as it is in- struinental to Prayer, must be attended with other aids of the like virtue and effi- cacy ; such as are, remov- ing for the time all worldly cares and secularbusinesses; and therefore our blessed Saviour enfolds these parts within the same caution ; Take heed, lest your hearts he overcharged with sur- feiting, aiid drunkenness, and the cares of this ivorld, and that day overtake you unawares"^. To which add ahns^ ; for upon the wings of fasting and alms holy prayer infallibly mounts up to Heaven. 4. When Fasting is in- tended to serve the duty of Repentance, it is then best chosen, when it is short, sharp, and afflictive ; that is, either a total abstinence from all nourishment (ac- cording as we shall appoint, or be appointed) during such a time as is separate for the solemnity and at- tendance upon the employ- ment ; or, if we shall extend our severity beyond the so- ' Luke xxi. 34. lampas sine oleo. S. Aug. 206 OF FASTING. lemn days, and keep our anger against our sin, as we are to keep our sorrow, that is, always in readiness, and often to be called upon ; then, to refuse a pleasant morsel, to abstain from the bread of our desires, and only to take wholesome and less-pleasing nourishment, vexing our appetite by the refusing a lawful satisfac- tion, since in its petulancy and luxury it preyed upon an unlawful. 5. Fasting, designed for repeTitance, must be ever joined with an extreme care that we fast from sin : for there is no greater folly or indecency in the world, than to commit that for which I am now judging and con- demning myself. This is the best Fast ; and the other may serve to promote the interest of this, by in- creasing the disaffection to it, and multiplying argu- ! ments against it. [ 6. He that fasts for re- \ pentance, must, during that j solemnity, abstain from all bodily delights, and the sen- j suality of all his senses and his appetites : for a man must not, when he mourns in his Fast, be merry in his sport : weep at dinner, and laugh all day after ; have a silence in his kitchen, and music in his chamber ; judge the stomach, and feast the other senses. I deny not but a man may in a single in- stance punish a particular sin with a proper instru- ment. If a man have of- fended in his palate, he may choose to fast only ; if he have sinned in softness and in his touch, he may choose to lie hard, or work hard, and use sharp inflictions : but although this Discipline be proper and particular ; yet, because the sorrow is of the whole man, no sense must rejoice, or be with any study or purpose feasted and entertained softly. This rule is intended to relate to the solemn days appointed for Repentance publicly or privately : besides which, in the whole course of our life, even the midst of our most festival and freer joys, we may sprinkle some single instances and acts of self- condemning, or punishing ; as to refuse a pleasant mor- sel or a delicious draught with a tacit remembrance of the sin that now returns to displease my spirit. And though these actions be sin- gle, there is no indecency in them ; because a man may abate of his ordinary liberty and bold freedom with great prudence, so he does it without singularity in himself, or trouble to others ; but he may not abate of his solemn sorrow : that may be caution; but this would be softness, effe- minacy, and indecency. 7. When fasting is an act of mortification^ that is, is intended to subdue a bodily lust, as the spirit of forni- cation, or the fondness of strong and impatient appe- tites ; it must not be a sud- den, sharp, and violent Fast, but a state of fasting^ a diet of fasting, a daily lessening our portion of meat and drink, and a choosing such a coarse diet which may make the least preparation for the lusts of the body. He that fasts three days without food, will weaken other ppa'ts more than the ministers of fornication : and when the meals return as usually, they also will be served as soon as any. In the mean time they will be supplied and made active by the accidental heat that comes with such violent fastings : for this is a kind of aerial Devil ; the Prince that rules in the air is the Devil of fornication ; and he will be as tempting with the windiness of a violent fast, as with the flesh of an ^ See chap, ii, OP FASTING. 207 ordinary meal. But a daily substraction of the nourish- ment will introduce a less busy habit of body, and that will prove the more effectual remedy. 8. Fasting alone will not cure this Devil, though it helps much towards it " ; but it must not therefore be neglected, but assisted by all the proper instru- ments of remedy against this unclean spirit ; and what it is unable to do alone, in company with other instruments, and God's blessing upon them, it may effect. 9. All fasting, for what- soever end it be undertaken, must be done without any opinion of the necessity of the thing itself, without cen- suring others, with all hu- mility, in order to the pro- per end ; and just as a man takes physic ; of which no man hath reason to be proud, and no man thinks it necessary, but because he is in sickness, or in danger and disposition to it. 10. All Fasts, ordaine'd by lawful authority, are to be observed in order to the same purposes to which they are enjoined ; and to be accompanied with actions of the same nature, just as Sect. 2 and 3. 208 OF FASTING. it is in private fasts : for there is no other difference, but that in public our Su- periors choose for us, what in private we do for our- selves. 11. Fasts, ordained by lawful authority, are not to be neglected, because alone they cannot do the thing in order to which they were enjoined. It may be, one day of humiliation will not obtain the blessing, or alone kill the lust ; yet it must not be despised, if it can do any thing towards it. An act of Fasting is an act of self denial ; and though it do not produce the habit, yet it is a good act. 12. When the principal end, why a Fast is publicly prescribed, is obtained by some other instrument in a particular person ; as if the spirit of Fornication be cur- ed by the right of marriage, or by a gift of chastity ; yet that person so eased is not freed from the Fasts of the Church by that alone, if those fasts can prudently serve any other end of Reli- gion, as that of prayer, or repentance, or mortification of some other appetite : for when it is instrumental to any end of the Spirit, it is freed from superstition ; and then we must have some other reason to quit us from the obligation, or that alone will not do it. 13. When the Fast, pub- licly commanded, by reason of some indisposition in the particular person cannot operate to the end of the Commandment ; yet the avoiding offence, and the complying with public or- der, is reason enough to make the obedience to be necessary. For he that is otherwise disobliged, (as when the reason of the Law ceases as to his particular ; yet) remains still obliged, if he cannot do otherwise with- out scandal ; but this is an obligation of charity, not of justice. 14. All fasting is to be used with prudence and charity : for there is no end to which fasting serves, but may be obtained by other instruments : and therefore it must at no hand be made an instrument of scruple, or become an enemy to our health, or be imposed upon persons that are sick or aged, or to whom it is in any sense uncharitable, such as are wearied travellers ; or to whom in the whole kind of it it is useless, such as are women with child, poor people, and little children. But in these cases the or FASTING. 209 Church hath made provi- sioDj and inserted caution into her Laws ; and they are to be reduced to prac- tice according to custom, and the sentence of prudent persons, with great latitude, and without niceness and curiosity: having this in our first care, that we secure our virtue ; and next, that we secure our health, that we may the better exercise the labours of virtue ; lest out of too much austerity we bring ourselves to that condition o, that it be neces- sary to be indulgent to soft- ness, ease, and extreme ten- derness. 15. Let not intemperance be the prologue or the epi- logue to your Fast ; lest the Fast be so far from taking off any thing of the sin, that it be an occasion to increase it : and therefore, when the Fast is done, be careful that no supervening act of glut- tony or excessive drinking unhallow the religion of the passed day ; but eat tem- perately, according to the proportion of other meals ; lest gluttony keep either of the gates to abstinence. T/ie lenefits of Fasting. He that undertakes to enumerate the benefits of Fasting, may in the next page also reckon all the benefits of physic : for Fast- ing is not to be commanded as a duty, but as an instru- ment ; and in that sense no man can reprove it, or un- dervalue it, but he that knows neither spiritual arts, nor spiritual necessities. But by the doctors of the Church it is called the nourishment of prayer, the restraint of lust, the wings of the Soul, the diet of Angels, the in- strument of humility and self-denial, the purification of the Spirit : and the pale- ness and meagreness of vi- sage which is consequent to the daily Fast of great mor- tifiers, is by Saint Basil said to be the mark in the fore- head which the Angel ob- served, when he signed the Saints in the forehead to escape the wrath of God. " The soul that is greatly vexed, which goeth stooping andfeeUe, and the eyes that fail, and the hungry soul, shall give Thee 'praise and righteousness, Lord'^^'' ° S. Basil. Monast. Constit. cap. 5. Cassian. col. 21. cap. 22. Ne per causam necessitatis eo impingamus, ut voluptatibus serviamns. P Baruch ii. 18. 210 OF KEEPINa THE LORD's DAY, &C. Sect. VI. Of Jceeping Festivals, and days holy to the Lord : 'par- ticularly, the Lord's day"^. True natural Religion, that which was common to all nations and ages, did principally rely upon four great propositions : 1. That there is one God ; 2. That God is nothing of those things which we see ; 3. That God takes care of all things below, and governs all the world ; 4. That He is the great Creator of all things without Himself : and according to these were framed the four first pre- cepts of the Decalogue. In the first, the Unity of the Godhead is expressly affirm- ed. In the second. His in- visibility and immateriality. In the third is affirmed God's government and pro- vidence, by avenging them that swear falsely by His Name ; by which also His Omniscience is declared. In the fourth Commandment He proclaims Himself the Maker of Heaven and Earth : for in memory of God's rest from the work of six days, the seventh was hallowed into a Sabbath ; and the keeping it was a confessing ■J Rev. i. 10. God to be the great Maker of Heaven and Earth ; and consequently to this, it also was a confession of His good- ness, His omnipotence, and His wisdom ; all which were written with a sun-beam in the great book of the Crea- ture. So long as the Law of the Sabbath was bound upon God's people, so long God would have that to be the solemn manner of confess- ing these attributes ; but when, the Priesthood heing changed, there was a change also of the Law'', the great duty remained unalterable in changed circumstances. We are eternally bound to confess God Almighty to be the Maker of Heaven and Earth ; but the manner of confessing it is changed from a rest or a doing no- thing to a speaking some- thing ; from a day to a sym- bol ; from a ceremony to a substance; from a Jewish rite to a Christian duty : we profess it in our Creed, we confess it in our lives, we describe it by every line " Heb.vii. 12. OF KEEPING THE LORd's DAT, &C. 211 of our life, by every action of duty, by faith, and trust, and obedience : and we do also upon great reason com- ply with the Jewish manner of confessing the Creation, so far as it is instrumental to a real duty. We keep one day in seven, and so confess the manner and cir- cumstance of the Creation ; and we rest also, that we may tend holy duties : so imitating God's rest better than the Jew in Syiiesms, who lay upon his face from evening to evening, and could not by stripes or wounds be raised up to steer the ship in a great storm. God's rest was not a natural cessation ; He who could not labour, could not be said to rest : bat God's rest is to be under- stood to be a beholding and a rejoicing in His work finish- ed : and therefore we truly represent God's rest, when we confess and rejoice in God's Works and God's glory. This the Chi'istian Chuixh does upon every day ; but especially upon the Lord's day, which she hath set apart for this and all other offices of Religion, being detennined to this day by the resurrection of her dear- est Lord, it being the first day of joy the Church ever had. And now upon the Lord's day we are not tied to the rest of the Sabbath, but to all the work of the Sabbath : and we are to ab- stain from bodily labour, not because it is a direct duty to us as it was to the Jews ; but because it is necessary in order to our duty, that we attend to the offices of Religion. The observation of the Lord's day differs nothing from the observation of the Sabbath in the matter of Religion, but in the riianner. They differ in the ceremony and extermil rite : rest with them was the principal ; with us it is the accessory. They differ in the office or forms of worship : for they were then to worship God as a Creator and a gentle Father ; we are to add to that. Our Redeemer, and all His other excellencies and mercies. And though we have more natural and proper reason to keep the Lord's day than the Sabbath, yet the Jews had a divine Com- mandment for their day, which we have not for ours : but we have many Com- mandments to do all that honour to God which was intended in the fourth Com- mandment ; and the Apo- 212 OF KEEPING THE LORD's DAY, &C. sties appointed the first day of the week for doing it in solemn assemblies ^ And the manner of worshipping God, and doing Him solemn honour and service upon this day, we may best ob- serve in the following mea- sures. Rides for keeping the Lord's day and other Christian Festivals. 1. When you go about to distinguish Festival days from common, do it not by lessening the devotions of ordinary days, that the com- mon devotion may seem bigger upon Festivals ; but on every day keep your ordinary devotions entire, and enlarge upon the Holy- day. 2. Upon the Lords day we must abstain from all servile and laborious works, except such which are mat- ters of oiecessiti/, of common life, or of great charity : for these are permitted by that authority which hath separated the day for holy uses. The Sabbath of the Jews, though consisting principally in rest, and established by God, did yield to these. The kihour » John XX. 19, 26 ; Acts i, 1, 41 ; ' Numb, xxviii. 9; Mattli. xii. 5, " John V. 9. of Love and the labours of Keligion were not against the reason and the spirit of the Commandment, for which the letter was de- creed, and to which it ought to minister. And therefore much more is it so on the Lord's day, where the letter is wholly turned into Spirit, and there is no Command- ment of God but of spiritual and holy actions. The Priests might kill their beasts and dress them for sacrifice*; and Christ, though born under the Law, might heal a sick man"; and the sick man might carry his bed to witness his recovery ", and confess the mercy, and leap and dance to God for joy ; and an ox might be led to water, and an ass be haled out of a ditch ^ ; and a man may take physic, and he may eat meat, and there- fore there were of necessity some to prepare and minis- ter it : and the performing these labours did not consist in minutes and just de- termining stages, but they had, even then, a reasonable latitude ; so only as to ex- clude unnecessary labour, or such as did not minister to Charity or Religion. And XX. 7; 1 Cor. xvi. 2. " Matth. xii. 12; John v. 17. * Luke xiii. 15, 16; xiv. 5, 6. OF KEEPIXG THE LORD's DAT, &C. 213 therefore this is to be en- larged in the Gospel, whose Sabbath or rest is but a cir- cumstance, and accessory to the principal and spiritual duties. Upon the Christian Sabbath necessity is to be served first, then Charity, and then Religion ; for this is to give place to Charity in great instances, and the second to the first in all ; and in all cases God is to he u-orshipped in spirit and in truthy. 3. The Lord's day, being the remembrance of a great blessing, must be a day of joy, festivity, spiritua,! re- joicing, and thanksgiving : and therefore it is a proper work of the day to let your devotions spend themselves in singing or reading Psalms, in recounting the great works of God, in re- membering His mercies, in worshipping His excellen- cies, in celebrating His attri- butes, in admiring His per- son, in sending portions of pleasant meat to them for whom nothing is provided ; and in all the arts and in-^ struments of advancin Ji God's glory and the reputa- tion of Religion : in which it were a great decency that a memorial of the resurrec- tion should be inserted, that the particular Religion of the day be not swallowed up in the general. And of this we may the more easily serve ourselves by rising seasonably in the morning to private devotion, and by retiring at the leisures and spaces of the day not em- ployed in public offices. 4. Fail not to be present at the public hours and places of prayer ; entering early and cheerfully, attend- ing reverently and devoutly, abiding patiently during the whole office, piously assist- ing at the prayers, and gladly also hearing the Ser- mon : and at no hand omit- ting to receive the holy Communion when it is offer- ed, (unless some gTeat rea- son excuse it ;) this being the great solemnity of thanksgiving, and a proper work of the day. 5. After the solemnities are past, and in the inter- vals between the morning and evening devotion, (as you shall find opportunity,) visit sick persons, reconcile differ- .ences, do offices of neigh- bourhood, inquire into the needs of the poor, especially house-keepers ; relieve them as they shall need and as you are able : for then we truly rejoice in God, when ? John iv. 23. 214 OP KEEPING THE LORD's DAY, &C. we make our neighbours, the poor members of Christ, rejoice together with us. 6. Whatsoever you are to do yourself as necessary, you are to take care that others also, who are under your charge, do in their station and manner. Let your servants be called to Church, and all your family that can be spared from necessary and great house- hold ministeries : those that cannot, let them go by turns, and be supplied otherwise as well as they may : and provide on these days espe- cially that they be instruct- ed in the articles of Faith and necessary parts of their duty. 7. Those who labour hard in the week, must be eased upon the Lord's day ; such ease being a great charity and alms : but at no hand must they be permitted to use any unlawful games, any thing forbidden by the laws, any thing that is scanda- lous, or any thing that is dangerous and apt to min gle sin with it ; no gan;ie? prompting to wantonness, to drunkenness, to quarrel- ling, to ridiculous and su- perstitious customs ; but let their refreshments be inno- cent, and charitable, and of good report, and not exclu- sive of the duties of Reli- gion. 8. Beyond these bounds, because neither God nor Man hath passed any obli- gation upon us, we must preserve our Christian liber- ty ^ and not suffer ourselves to he entangled with a yoJce of bondage ^: for even a good action may become a snare to us, if we make it an occa- sion of scruple by a pre- tence of necessity, binding loads upon the conscience not with the bands of God, but of men ; and of fancy, or of opinion, or of tyranny. Whatsoever is laid upon us by the hands of Man, must be acted and accounted of by the measures of a man : but our best measure is this ; He keeps the Lord's day best, that keeps it with most Religion and with most Charity. 9. What the Church hath done in the article of the resurrection, she hath in some measure done in the other articles of the Nativity, of the Ascension, and of the ?.^J)escent of the Holy Ghost ;, iBkt Pentecost : and so great blessings deserve an anni- versary solemnity ; since he is a very unthankful person that does not often record them in the whole year, and esteem them the ground of » Gal.v. 1. OP KEEPING THE LORD's DAY, &C. his hopes, the object of his faith, the comfort of his troubles, and the great ef- fluxes of the Divine mercy, greater than all the victo- ries over our temporal ene- mies, for which all glad per- sons usually give thanks. And if with great reason the memory of the Resurrec- tion does return solemnly every week, it is but reason the other should return once a year. * To which I add, that the commemora- tion of the articles of our Creed in solemn days and offices is a very excellent instrument to convey and imprint the sense and me- mory of it upon the spirits of the most ignorant person. For as a picture may with more fancy convey a story to a man, than a plain nar- rative either in word or writing ; so a real repre- sentment, and an office of remembrance, and a day to declare it, is far more im- pressive than a picture, or any other art of making and fixing imagery. The mixed actio'iis of Region are,\. Prayer, 2. Alms, 3. Repentance, 4. Receiving the blessed Sacrament. 215 10. The memories of the Saints are precious to God, and therefore they ought also to be so to us ; and such persons who serve God by holy living, industrious preaching, and religious dying, ought to have their names preserved in honour, and God be glorified in them, and their holy doctrines and lives published and imitat- ed : and we by so doing give testimony to the article of The Communion of Saints. But in these cases, as every Church is to be sparing in the number of days, so also should she be temperate in her injunc- tions ; not imposing them but upon voluntary and un- busied persons, without snare or burden. But the Holy- day is best kept by giving God thanks for the excel- lent persons, Apostles or Martyrs, we then remem- ber ; and by imitating their lives: this all may do : and they that can also keep the solemnity, must do that too, when it is publicly enjoined. 216 OF PRATER. Sect. VII. OF PRAYER. There is no greater argu- ment in the world of our spiritual danger and un- willingness to religion, than the backwardness which most men have always, and all men have sometimes, to say their prayers ; so weary of their length, so glad when they are done, so witty to excuse and frustrate an op- portunity : and yet all is nothing but a desiring of God to give us the greatest and the best things we can need, and which can make us happy : it is a work so easy, so honourable, and to so great purpose, that in all the instances of Religion and Providence (except only the Incarnation of His Son) God hath not given us a greater argument of His willingness to have us sa,ved, and of our unwillingness to accept it. His goodness and our gracelessness. His infi- nite condescension and our carelessness and folly, than by rewarding so easy a duty with so great blessings. Motives to Prayer. I cannot say any thing beyond this very considera- I tion and its appendages, to invite Christian people to ' pray often. But we may consider, that 1. It is a duty commanded by God and His Holy Son. It is an act of grace and highest honour, that we dust and ashes are admitted to speak to the eternal God, to run to Him as to a Father, to lay open our wants, to complain of our burdens, to explicate our scruples, to beg remedy and ease, support and coun- sel, health and safety, deli- verance and salvation. And 3. God hath invited us to it by many gracious promises of hearing us. 4. He hath appointed His most glori- ous Son to be the Precedent of Prayer, and to make con- tinual intercession for us to the throne of Grace. 5. He hath appointed an Angel to present the Prayers of His servants. And 6. Christ unites them to His own, and sanctifies them, and makes them affective and preva- lent : and 7. Hath put it in- to the hands of men to re- scind or alter all the decrees of God which are of one kind (that is, conditional, and con- cerning ourselves and our final estate, and many in- stances of our intermedial or temporal), by the power of prayers. 8. And the Prayers of men have saved cities and kingdoms from ruin : Prayer hath raised dead men to life, hath stop- ped the violence of fire, shut the mouths of wild beasts, hath altered the course of nature, caused rain in Egypt, and drought in the sea ; it made the Sun to go from West to East, and the Moon to stand still, and rocks and mountains to walk ; and it cures diseases without phy- sic, and makes physic to do the work of nature, and na- ture to do the work of grace, and gTace to do the work of God, and it does miracles of accident and event : and yet Prayer, that does all this, is of itself nothing but an ascent of the mind to God, a desiring things fit to be desired, and an expression of this desire to God, as we can, and as becomes us. And our unwillingness to pray is nothing else but a not desi- ring what we ought passion- ately to long for ; or if we do desire it, it is a choosing rather to miss our satisfac- tion and felicity, than to ask ^ for it . j There is no more to be OF PRAYER. 217 said in this afiair, but that we reduce it to practice ac- cording to the following Rules. Rules for the 'practice of Prayer. 1. We must be careful that we never ask any thing of God that is sinful, or that directly ministers to sin : for that is to ask of God to dishonour Himself, and to undo us. We had need con- sider what we pray ; for be- fore it returns in blessing, it must be joined withChrist's intercession, and presented to God. Let us principally ask of God power and as- sistances to do our duty, to glorify do good works, to live a good life, to die in the fear and favour of God, and eternal life : these things God delights to give, and commands that we shall ask, and we may with con- fidence expect to be answer- ed graciously ; for these things are promised without any reservation of a secret condition : if we ask them, and do our duty towards the obtaining them, we are sure never to miss them. 2. We may lawfully pray to God for the gifts of the Spirit, that minister to holy ends ; such as are the gift of preaching, the spirit of 218 OF PRAYER. prayer, good expression, a ready and unloosed tongue, good understanding, learn- ing, opportunities to publish them, !kc. with these only restraints. 1. That we can- not be so confident of the event of those prayers, as of the former, 2. That we must be curious to secure our intention in these desires, that we may not ask them to serve our own ends, but only for God's glory ; and then we shall have them, or a blessing for desiring them. In order to such pm-poses our intentions in the first desires cannot be amiss ; be- cause they are able to sanctify other things, and therefore cannot be unhallowed them- selves. 3. We must submit to God's Will, desiring Him to choose our employment, and to furnish our persons as He shall see expedient. 3. Whatsoever we may lawfully desire of temporal things, we may lawfully ask of God in prayer, and we may expect them as they are promised. 1. Whatsoever is necessary to our life and being, is promised to us: and therefore we may with certainty expect food and raiment ; food to keep us alive, clothing to keep us * 1 John iii. 22; John ix. 31; 1 Tim. ii. 8 ; Psal. iv. 5 ; Ixvi. 18. from nakedness and shame : so long as our life is per- mitted to us, so long all things necessary to our life shall be ministered. We may be secure of mainten- ance, but not secure of our life ; for that is promised, not this : only concerning food and raiment we are not to make accounts by the measure of our desires, but by the measure of our needs. 2. Whatsoever is convenient for us, pleasant, and modest- ly delectable, we may pray for: so we do it, 1. with submission to God's Will ; 2. without impatient desires ; 3. that it be not a trifle and inconsiderable, but a matter so grave and concerning, as to be a fit matter to be treated on between God and our Souls ; 4. that we ask it not to spend upon our lusts, but for ends of justice, or charity, or Religion ; and that they be employed with sobriety. 4. He that would pray with eifect, must live with care and piety". For although God gives to sinners and evil persons the common bles- sings of life and chance ; yet either they want the comfort and blessing of those blessings, or they be- Isai. i. 15; iviii. 9; Mai. iii. 10; come occasions of sadder ac- cidents to them, or serve to upbraid them in their ingra- titude or irreligion : and in all cases, they are not the effects of prayer, or the fruits of promise, or instances of a father's love ; for they cannot he expected with confidence, or received with- out danger, or used without a curse and mischief in their company. *But as all sin is an impediment to prayer, so some have a spe- cial indisposition towards acceptation ; such are Un- charitableness and Wrath, Hypocrisy in the present action. Pride, and Lust : because these by defiling the body or the spirit, or by contradicting some neces- sary ingredient in prayer (such as are Mercy, Humi- lity, Purity, and Sincerity), do defile the prayer, and make it a direct sin in the circumstances or formality of the action. 5. All Prayer must be made with Faith and Hope : that is, we must certainly believe we shall receive the grace which God hath com- manded us to ask ^ ; and we must hope for such things which He hath permitted us to ash ; and our Hope shall not be vain, though we b Mark xi. 24 OF PRAYER. 219 miss what is not absolutely promised, because we shall at least have an equal bles- sing in the denial, as in the grant. And therefore the former conditions must first be secured ; that is, that we ask things neces- sary, or at least good and innocent and profitable, and that our persons be gracious in the eyes of God ; or else, what God hath promised to our natural needs, He may in many degrees deny to our personal incapacity : but the, thing being secured, and the person disposed, there can be no fault at all : for whatsoever else remains is on God's part ; and that cannot possibly fail. But because the things which are not commanded cannot possibly be secured, (for we are not sure they are good in all cii'cumstances) ; we can but hope for such things, even after we have secured our good intentions. Wo are sure of a blessing, but in what instance we are not yet assured. 6. Our prayers must be fervent, intense, earnest, and importunate, when we pray for things of high concern- ment and necessity. " Con- tinuing instant in prayer ;" " striving in prayer : " " la- ; Jam. i. 6, 7. 2 220 OP PRAYER. leaving it ; but daily renew- ing our suits, and exercising our hope, and faith, and pa- tience, and long-sufler ing, and Religion, and resigna- tion, and self-denial, in all the degrees we shall be put to. This circumstance of duty our blessed Saviour taught, saying, that " me7i ought always to pray, and not to faint ^" Alivays to pray signifies the frequent doing of the duty in general: but because we cannot al- ways ask several things, and we also have frequent need of the same thing, and those are such as concern our great interest, the pre- cept comes home to this very circumstance ; and S. Paul calls it '■'■praying with- out ceasing '^ i''' and himself in his own case gave a pre- cedent : " For this cause 1 besought the Lord thrice ^." And so did our blessed Lord; He went thrice to God on the same errand, with the same words, in a short space about half a night ; for His time to solicit His suit was but short. And the Philip- pians were remembered by the Apostle, their spiritual Father, " always in every prayer of his K"" And thus = Rom. xii. 12 ; xv. 30 ; Col. iv. 12; 1 Thess. iii. 10; Eph. vi. 18. '• 1 Pet. iv. 7. « Jam. v. 16, 17. * Luke xviii. 1 ; xxi. 36- ^ I Thcss. V. 17. '■ 2 Cor. xii. 8. * Phil.i. 4. ho uring fervently in prayer ;" " night and day praying ex- ceedingly :"" ''praying al- ways with all prayer ;" so S. Paul calls it ": " watching unto prayer ;" so S. Peter": ''praying earnestly : " so S. James ^. And this is not at all to be abated in matters spiritual and of duty : for according as our desires are, so are our prayers ; and as our prayers are, so shall be the grace ; and as that is, so shall be the measure of glory. But this admits of degrees, according to the perfection or imperfection of our state of life : but it hath no other measures, but ought to be as great as it can ; the bigger the better : we must make no positive restraints upon ourselves. In other things we are to use a bridle : and as we must limit our desires with sub- mission to God's will, so also we must limit the importu- nity of our prayers by the moderation and term of our desires. Pray for it as ear- nestly as you may desire it. 7, Our desires must be lasting, and our prayers fre- quent, assiduous, and con- tinual : not asking for a once, and then or PRAYER. 221 "we must always pray for the pardon of our sins, for the assistance of God's grace, for charity, for life eternal ; never giving over, till we die : and thus also we pray for supply of great temporal needs in their several pro- portions ; in all cases being curious we do not give over out of weariness or impati- ence. For God oftentimes defers to grant our suit, be- cause He loves to hear us beg it, and hath a design to give us more than we ask, even a satisfaction of our desires, and a blessing for the very importunity. 8. Let the words of our prayers be pertinent, grave, material, not studiously many, but according to our need, sufficient to express our wants, and to signify our importunity. God hears us not the sooner for our many words, but much the sooner for an earnest desire ; to which let apt and sufficient words minister, be they few or many, according as it happens. A long prayer and a short differ not in their capacities of being ac- cepted ; for both of them take their value according to the fer^-ency of spirit, and the charity of the prayer. That prayer which is short ' Phil by reason of an impatient spirit, or dulness, or despite of holy things, or indiffer- ency of desires, is very often criminal, always imperfect ; and that prayer which is lorg out of ostentation, or superstition, or a trifling spirit, is as criminal and im- perfect as the other, in their several instances. This rule relates to private prayer. In public, our devotion is to be measured by the appoint- ed office ; and we are to support our spirit with spiri- tual arts, that our private spirit may be a part of the public spirit, and be adopted into the society and blessings of the Communion of Saints. 9. In all forms of prayer mingle petition with thanks- giving, that you may endear the present prayer and the future blessing by returning praise and thanks for what we have already received. This is Saint PauVs advice ; '' Be careful for nothing ; hut in every thing hy prayer and s^rpplication with thanks- giving let your requests he made fcnov:n unto God^.'''' 10. Whatever we beg of God, let us also work for it ; if the thing be matter of duty, or a consequent to industry. For God loves to bless labour and to reward it 222 OF PRAYER. but not to support idleness. And therefore our blessed Saviour in his Sermons joins watchfulness with Prayer : for God's graces are but assistances, not new crea- tions of the whole habit in every instant or period of our life. Read Scriptures, and then pray to God for understanding. Pray a- gainst temptation : but you must also resist the Devil, and then he will flee from you\ Ask of God compe- tency of living : but you must also u-ork with your hands the things that are honest, that ye may have to supply in time of need'". We can but do our endea- vour, and pray for a blessing, and then leave the success with God : and beyond this we cannot deliberate, we cannot take care ; but so far we must. II. To this purpose let every man study his prayers, and read his duty in his Petitions. For the body of our Prayer is the sum of our duty : and as we must ask of God whatsoever we need ; so we must labour for all that we ask. Because it is our duty, therefore we must pray for God's grace: but because God's grace is necessary, and without it ! Jam, iv. 7. we can do nothing ; we are sufficiently taught, that in the proper matter of our religious Prayers is the just matter of our duty ; and if we shall turn our Prayers into precepts, we shall the easier turn our hearty de- sires into effective practices. 12. In all our Prayers we must be careful to attend our present work ; having a present mind, not wander- ing upon impertinent things, not distant from our words, much less contrary to them : and if our thoughts do at any time wander, and divert upon other objects, bring them back again with pru- dent and severe arts ; by all means striving to obtain a diligent, a sober, an un- troubled and a composed spirit. 13. Let your posture and gesture of body in Prayers be reverent, grave, and hum- ble : according to public order, or the best examples, if it be in public ; if it be in private, either stand, or kneel, or lie flat upon the ground on your face, in your ordinary and more solemn prayers ; but in ex- traordinary, casual, and eja- culatory prayers, the rever- ence and devotion of the Soul, and the lifting up the "' Eph. iv. 28. OF PRATER. 223 eyes and hands to God with any other posture not un- decent, is usual and com- mendable ; for we may pray in bed, on horse-back, every where^, and at all times^ and in all circumstances : and it is well if we do so : and some servants have not opportunity to pray so often as they would, unless they supply the appetites of Re- ligion by such accidental devotions. 1 4. " Let prai/ers and sup- plications anil giving of thanhs he made for all men : for Kings and all that are in authority. For this is good and acceptable i7i the sight of God our Saviour °.'' We who must love our Neighbours as ourselves, must also pray for them as for ourselves : with this only difference, that we may en- large in our temporal de- sires for Kings, and pray for secular prosperity to them with more importunity than for ourselves, because they need more to enable their duty and government, and for the interests of Re- ligion and Justice. This part of Prayer is by the Apostle called ititercession V in which with special care we are to remember our Relatives, our Family, our ° 1 Tim. ii. 8. ° 1 Tim. ii. Charge, our Benefactors, our Creditors ; not forget- ting to beg pardon and cha- rity for our Enemies, and protection against them. 15. Rely not on a single prayer in matters of great concernment ; but make it as public as you can, by ob- taining of others to pray for you : this being the great blessing of the Communion of Saints, that a prayer united is strong, like a well- ordered army ; and God loves to be tied fast with such cords of love, and con- strained by a holy violence. 16. Every time that is not seized upon by some other duty, is seasonable enough for prayer : but let it be performed as a solemn duty morning and evening, that God may begin and end all our business, and the out- going of the morning and evening may praise Him 1 ; for so we bless God, and God blesses us. And yet fail not to find or make opportunities to worship God at some other times of the day ; at least by ejacu- lations and short addresses, more or less, longer or short- er, solemnly or without so- lemnity, privately or pub- licly, as you can, or are per- mitted : always remember- 1—3. P lb. 1 Ps. IxY. 8. 224 OF PRATER. ing, that as every sin is a degree of danger and un- safely ; so every pious prayer and well-employed opportunity is a degree of return to hope and pardon. Cautions for making Vows. 17. A vow to God is an act of prayer, and a great degree and instance of op- portunity, and an increase of duty by some new un- commanded instance, or some more eminent degree of duty, or frequency of action, or earnestness of spirit in the same. And because it hath pleased God in all ages of the world to admit of intercourse with His servants in the matters of vows ; it is not ill advice, that we make vows to God in such cases in which we have great need, or great danger. But let it be done according to these rules and by these cautions. 1. That the matter of the Vow be lawful. 2. That it be useful in order to Reli- gion or Charity. 3. That it be grave, not trifling and impertinent, but great in our proportion of duty to- wards the blessing. 4. That it be in an uncommanded instance ; that is, that it be of something, or in some manner, or in some degree, to which formerly we were not obliged, or which we might have omitted without sin. 5. That it be done' with prudence ; that is, that it be safe in all the circum- stances of person, lest we beg a blessing, and fall into a snare. 6. That every vow of a new action be also ac- companied with a new de- gree and enforcement of our essential and unalterable duty : such as was JacoVs vow, that (besides the pay- ment of a tithe) God should he his God^\ that so he might strengthen his duty to Him, first in essentials and precepts ; and then in additional and accidentals. For it is but an ill tree that spends more in leaves and suckers and gums than in fruit : and that thankful- ness and Religion is best, that first secures duty, and then enlarges in counsels. Therefore let every great prayer, and great need, and great danger, draw us nearer to God by the approach of a pious purpose to live more strictly ; and let every mer- cy of God, answering that prayer, produce a real per- formance of it. 7. Let not young beginners in Religion ^ Gen. xxviii. 20—22. OF PRATER. 225 enlarge their hearts and straiten their liberty by vows of long continuance : nor (indeed) any one else, without a great experience of himself, and of all acci- dental dangers. Vows of single actions are safest, and proportionable to those sin- gle blessings ever begged in such cases of sudden and transient importunities. 8. Let no action which is mat- ter of question and dispute in Religion, ever become the matter of a vow. He vows foolishly, that promises to God to live and die in such an opinion, in an article not necessary, nor certain ; or that, upon confidence of his present guide, binds him- self for ever to the profes- sion of what he may after- wards more reasonably con- tradict, or may find not to be useful, or not profitable, but of some danger, or of no necessity. If we observe the former rules, we shall pray piously and effectually : but because even this duty hath in it some special temptations, it is necessary that we be arm- ed by special remedies a- gainst them. The dangers are, 1. Wandering thoughts; 2. Tediousness of spirit. Against the first these ad- vices are profitable. Remedies against Wa7ider- ing thoughts in Praijer. If we feel our spirits apt to wander in our prayers, and to retire into the world, or to things unprofitable, or vain and impertinent ; 1. Use Prayer to be as- sisted in Prayer : pray for the spirit of supplication, for a sober, fixed, and recol- lected spirit : and when to this you add a moral indus- try to be steady in your thoughts ; whatsoever wan- derings after this do return irremediably, are a misery of nature and an irr perfec- tion, but no sin, while it is not cherished and indulged to. 2. In private it is not amiss to attempt the cure by reducing your Prayers into Collects and short forms of prayer; making volun- tary interruptions, and be- ginning again, that the want of spirit and breath may be supplied by the short stages and periods. 3. When you have ob- served any considerable wan- dering of your thoughts, bind yourself to repeat that prayer again with actual at- tention, or else revolve the fuU sense of it in your spi- rit, and repeat it in all the effects and desires of it : and 3 226 OF PKAYER. possibly the tempter may be driven away with his own art, and may cease to inter- pose his trifles, when he perceives they do but vex the person into carefulness and piety ; and yet he loses nothing of his devotion, but doubles the earnestness of his care. 4. If this be not season- able or opportune, or apt to any man's circumstances, yet be sure with actual at- tention to say a hearty Amen to the whole prayer with one united desire, earn- estly begging the graces mentioned in the prayer : for that desire does the great work of the Prayer, and se- cures the blessing, if the wandering thoughts were against our will, and dis- claimed by contending a- gainst them. 5. Avoid multiplicity of businesses of the world ; and in those that are u.navoid- able, labour for an evenness and tranquillity of spirit, that you may be untroubled and smooth in all tempests of fortune : for so we shall better tend Religion, when we are not torn in pieces with the cares of the world, and seized upon with low affections, passions, and in- terest. 6. It helps much to at- tention and actual adver- tisement in our prayers, if we say our prayers silently, without the voice, only by the spirit. For in mental prayer if our thoughts wan- der, we only stand still ; when our mind returns, we go on again : there is none of the prayer lost ; as it is, if our mouths speak and our hearts wander. 7. To incite you to the use of these or any other counsels you shall meet with, remember, that it is a great indecency to desire of God to hear those prayers, a great part whereof we do not hear ourselves. If they be not worthy of our atten- tion, they are far more un- worthy of God's. Signs of tediousness of spirit in our Prayers and all actions of Religion. The second temptation in our Prayer is a tediousness of spirit, or a weariness of the employment ; like that of the Jews, who complained that they were weary of the new Moons, and their souls loathed the frequent return of their Sabbaths : so do very many Christians ; who, first, pray without fervour and earnestness of spirit ; and secondly, meditate but seldom, and that without OF PRATER. 227 fruit, or sense, or affection ; or thirdly, who seldom ex- amine their consciences ; and Avhen they do it, they do it but sleepily,slightly, without compunction, or hearty pur- pose, or fruits of amend- ment. 4. They enlarge themselves in the thoughts and fruition of temporal things, running for comfort to them only in any sadness and misfortune. 5. They love not to frequent the Sacraments, nor any the in- struments of Religion, as Sermons, Confessions, Pray- ers in public, Fastings ; but love ease, and a loose undis- ciplined life, 6. They obey not their superiors, but fol- low their own judgment, when their judgment fol- lows their affections, and their affection follow sense and worldly pleasures. 7. They neglect, or dissemble, or defer, or do not attend to, the motions and inclina- tions to virtue which the Spirit of God puts into their Soul. 8. They repent them of their vows and holy pur- poses, not because they dis- cover any indiscretion in them, or intolerable incon- venience, but because they have within them labour, (as the case now stands) to them displeasure. 9. They content themselves with the first degTees and necessaiy parts of virtue ; and when they are arrived thither, they sit down, as if they were come to the mountain of the Lord, and care not to proceed on toward per- fection. 10. They enquire into all cases in which it may be lawful to omit a duty ; and though they will not do less than they are bound to, yet they will do no more than needs must ; for they do out of fear and self-love, not out of the love of God, or the spirit of holi- ness and zeal. The event of which will be this : He that will do no more than needs must, will soon be brought to omit something of his duty, and will be apt to be- lieve less to be necessary than is. Remedies against Tedious- ness of spirit. The Remedies against this temptation are these. 1 . Order your private de- votions so, that they become not arguments and causes of tediousness by their in- discreet length ; but reduce your words into a narrower compass, still keeping all the matter, and what is cut off in the length of your prayers, supply in the earn- estness of your spirit : for 228 OP PRAYER. SO nothing is lost, while the words are changed into mat- ter, and length of time into fervency of devotion. The forms are made not the less perfect, and the spirit is more, and the scruple is removed. 2. It is not imprudent, if we provide variety of forms of Prayer to the same pur- poses, that the change by consulting with the appe- tites of fancy may better entertain the Spirit : and possibly we may be pleased to recite a Hymn, Avhen a Collect seems flat to us and unpleasant ; and we are willing to sing rather than to say, or to sing this rather than that : we are certain that variety is delightful ; and whether that be natural to us, or an imperfection, yet if it be complied with, it may remove some part of the temptation. 3. Break your office and devotion into fragments, and make frequent returnings by ejaculations and abrupt intercourses with God ; for so, no length can oppress your tenderness and sickli- ness of spirit ; and by often praying in such manner and in all circumstances, we shall habituate our Souls to prayer, by making it the business of many lesser por- tions of our time ; and by thrusting in between all our other employments, it will make every thing relish of Religion, and by degrees turn all into its nature. 4. Learn to abstract your thoughts and desires from pleasures and things of the world. For nothing is a direct cure to this evil, but cutting off all other loves and adherences. Order your affairs so, that Religion may be propounded to you as a reward, and Prayer as your defence, and holy actions as yoiu' security and Charity, and good works as your treasure. Consider that all things else are satisfactions but to the brutish part of a man, and that these are the refreshments and relishes of that noble part of us by which we are better than beasts : and whatsoever other instrument, exercise, or consideration, is of use to take our loves from the Avorld, the same is apt to place them upon God. 5. Do not seek for delici- ousness and sensible conso- lations in the actions of Re- ligion, but only regard the duty and the conscience of it. For although in the beginning of Religion most frequently, and at some other times irregularly, God OF PRAYER. 229 complies with, our infirmity, and encourages our duty with little overflowings of spiritual joy, and sensible pleasure, and delicacies in prayer, so as we seem to feel some little beam of Heaven, and great refresh- ments from the Spirit of consolation ; yet this is not always safe for us to have, neither safe for us to expect and look for : and when we do, it is apt to make us cool in our enquiries and wait- ings upon Christ when we want them : It is a running after Him, not for the mira- cles, but for the loaves ; not for the wonderful things of God, and the desires of pleasing Him, but for the pleasure of pleasing our- selves. And as we must not judge our devotion to be barren or unfruitful when we want the overflowings of joy running over ; so nei- ther must we cease for want of them. If our spirits can serve God choosingly and greedily out of pure consci- ence of our duty, it is bet- ter in itself, and more safe to us. 6. Let him use to soften his spu'it with frequent me- ditation upon sad and dolo- rous objects ; as of Death, the terrors of the day of Judgment, fearfal judg- ments upon sinners, strange horrid accidents, fear of God's wrath, the pains of Helljthe unspeakable amaze- ments of the damned, the intolerable load of a sad Eternity. For whatsoever creates fear, or makes the spirit to dwell in a religious sadness, is apt to entender the spirit, and make it de- vout and pliant to any part of duty. For a great fear, when it is ill managed, is the parent of superstition ; but a discreet and well- guided fear produces Re- ligion. 7. Pray often, and you shall pray oftener ; and when you are accustomed to a frequent devotion, it will so insensibly unite to your nature and aflections, that it will become trouble to omit your usual or appointed prayers : and what you ob- tain at first by doing vio- lence to your inclinations, at last will not be left with- out as great unwillingness as that by which at first it entered. This rule relies not only upon reason de- rived from the nature of habits, which turn into a second nature, and make their actions easy, frequent, and delightful ; but it relies upon a reason depending upon the nature and con- 230 OF PRATER. stitution of Grace, whose pro- ductions are of the same nature with the parent, and increases itself, naturally growing from grains to huge trees, from minutes to vast proportions, and from mo- ments to Eternity. But be sure not to omit your usual prayers without great rea- son, though without sin it may be done ; because after you have omitted some- thing, in a little while you will be passed the scruple of that, and begin to be tempt- ed to leave out more. Keep yourself up to your usual forms : you may enlarge when you will ; but do not contract or lessen them without a very probable reason. 8. Let a man frequently and seriously by imagina- tion place himself upon his death-bed, and consider what great joys he shall have for the remembrance of every day well spent, and what then he would give that he had so spent all his days. He may guess at it by proportions : for it is cer- tain he shall have a joyful and prosperous night, who hath spent his day holily ; and he resigns his Soul with peace into the hands of God, who hath lived in the peace of God and the works of Religion in his life-time. This consideration is of a real event, it is of a thing that will certainly come to pass. It is appointed for all men once to die, and after death comes judgment^ ; the apprehension of which is dreadful, and the presence of it is intolerable, unless by Religion and Sanctity we are disposed for so vener- able an appearance, 9. To this may be useful, that we consider the easi- ness of Christ's yoke*, the excellencies and sweetnesses that are in Religion, the peace of conscience, the joy of the Holy Ghost, the re- joicing in God, the simpli- city and pleasure of virtue, the intricacy, trouble, and business of sin ; the bles- sings and health and reward of that ; the curses, the sick- nesses and sad consequences of this ; and that if we are weary of the labours of Re- ligion, we must eternally sit still and do nothing : for whatsoever we do contrary to it, is infinitely more full of labour, care, difficulty and vexation. 10. Consider this also ; that tediousness of spirit is " Heb. ix. 27. * See the " Great Exemplar." Part iii. Disc. 15. Of the Easiness of Christian Religion. the beginning of the most dangerous condition and estate in the whole world. For it is a great disposition to the sin against the Holy Ghost : it is apt to bring a man to backsliding and the state of unregeneration, to make him return to his vomit and his sink ; and either to make the man im- patient, or his condition scrupulous, unsatisfied, irk- some and desperate : and it is better that he had never known the way of godliness, than after the knowledge of it, that he shoiddfall aivay^. There is not in the world a greater sign that the spirit of reprobation is beginning upon a man, than when he OF PRAYER. 231 is habitually and constantly, or very frequently, weary ; and slights or loathes holy Offices. 14. The last remedy that preserves the hope of such a man, and can reduce him to the state of zeal and the love of God, is a pungent, sad, and a heavy affliction ; not desperate, but recreated with some intervals of kind- ness, or little comforts, or entertained with hopes of deliverance : which condi- tion if a man shall fall into, by the grace of God he is likely to recover ; but if this help him not, it is infinite odds but he will quench the Spirit ^. Sect. VIII. OF ALMS. Love is as communicative as fire, as busy and as ac- tive ; and it hath four twin- daughters, extreme like each other; and but that the Doctors of the School have done as Thamars Midwife did, who bound a scarlet thread, something to dis- tinguish them, it would be very hard to call them asun- n 2 Pet. ii.21, 22. der. Their names are, 1. Mercy ; 2. Beneficence, or well-doing; 3. Liberality; and 4. Alms ; which by a special privilege hath ob- tained to be called after the mother's name, and is com- monly called Charity. The first or eldest is seated in the afiection, and it is that which all the other must » 1 Thess. V. 19. 232 attend. For Mercy without Alms is acceptable, when the person is disabled to ex- press outwardly what he heartily desires. But Alms without Mercy are like prayers without devotion, or Religion without Humi- lity. 2. Beneficence, or well- doing, is a promptness and nobleness of mind, making us to do offices of courtesy and humanity to all sorts of persons in their need, or out of their need. 3. Liberality is a disposition of mind opposite to Covetous- ness ; and consists in the despite and neglect of money upon just occasions ; and relates to our friends, chil- dren, kindred, servants, and other relatives. 4. But Alms is a relieving the poor and needy. The first and the last only are duties of Chris- tianity. The second and third are circumstances and adjuncts of these duties : for Liherality increases the de- gree of Alms, making our gift greater ; and Benefi- cence extends it to more persons and orders of men, spreading it wider. The former makes us sometimes to give more than we are able ; and the latter gives to more than need by the necessity of beggars, and serves the needs and con- veniences of persons, and supplies circumstances : whereas, properly, Alms are doles and largesses to the necessitous and calamitous people, supplying the neces- sities of Nature, and giving remedies to their miseries. Mercy and Alms are the body and Soul of that cha- rity which we must pay to our Neighbour's need ; and it is a precept which God therefore enjoined to the world, that the great in- equality which He was pleas- ed to suffer in the posses- sions and accidents of men might be reduced to some temper and evenness ; and the most miserable person might be reconciled to some sense and participation of felicity. WorJcs of Mercy, or the several kinds of corporal Alms. The works of Mercy are so many as the affections of Mercy have objects, or as the world hath kinds of misery. Men want meat, or drink, or clothes, or a house, or liberty, or attend- ance, or a grave. In pro- portion to these, seven works are usually assigned to INIer- cy, and there are seven kinds of corporal Alms reck- oned. 1. To feed the hun- gry^. 2. To give drink to the thirsty. 3. Or clothes to the naked. 4. To redeem captives. 5. To visit the sick. 6. To entertain strangers. 7. To bury the deadz. But many more may be added. Such as are, 8. to give physic to sick persons. 9. To bring cold and starved people to warmth and to the fire ; for sometimes clothing will not do it : or this may be done when we cannot do the other. 10. To lead the blind in right ways. 11. To lend money. 12, To for- give debts. 13. To remit forfeitures. 14. To mend high-ways and bridges. 15. To reduce or guide wander- ing travellers. 16. To ease their labours by accommo- dating their work with apt instruments ; or their jour- ney with beasts of carriage. 17. To deliver the poor from their oppressors. 18. To die for my brother. 19. To pay maidens' dowries, and to procure for them honest and chaste marriages. Works of spiritual A Ims and mercy are, 1. To teach the ignorant. 2. To counsel doubting per- sons. 3. To admonish sin- y Mat. XXV. 35, 36. * Heb. X. 24. .MS. 233 ners diligently, prudently, seasonably, and charitably : To which also may be re- duced, provoking and en- couraging to good works a. 4. To comfort the afflicted. 5. To pardon oiFendcrs. 6. To succour and support the weak ''. 7. To pray for all estates of men, and for re- lief to all their necessities. To which may be added, 8. To punish or correct refrac- toriness. 9. To be gentle and charitable in censuring the actions of others. 10. To establish the scrupulous, wavering, and inconstant spirits. 11. To confirm the strong. 12. Not to give scandal. 13. To quit a man of his fear. 14. To redeem maidens from prostitution and publication of their bodies. To both these kinds a third also may be added of a mixed nature, partly cor- poral, and partly spiritual : such are, 1. Reconciling enemies ; 2. Erecting pub- lic Schools of Learning ; 3. Maintaining Lectures of Di- vinity ; 4. Erecting Colleges of Religion and retirement from the noises and more frequent temptations of the World ; 5. Finding employ- ment for unbusied persons, ^ Mat. xxvi. 12 ; 2 Sam. ii. 5. b I Thess. V. 14. 234 OF ALMS. and putting children to honest trades. For the par- ticulars of Mercy or Alms cannot be narrower than men's needs are : and the old method of Alms is too nar- row to comprise them all ; and yet the kinds are too many to be discoursed of particularly : only our bless- ed Saviour, in the precept of Alms, uses the instances of relieving the poor", and forgiveness of injuries^; and by proportion to these, the rest, whose duty is plain, simple, easy, and necessary, may be determined. But Alms in general are to be disposed of according to the following rules. Rides for giving Alms. 1. Let no man do Alms of that which is none of his own ^ ; for of that he is to make restitution : that is due to the owners, not to the poor ; for every man hath need of his own, and that is first to be provided for ; and then you must think of the needs of the poor. He that gives the poor what is not his own, makes himself a thief, and the poor to be the receivers. This is not to be understood, as if it were un- lawful for a man, that is not able to pay his debts, to give smaller Alms to the poor. He may not give such portions as can in any sense more disable him to do jus- tice : but such, which if they were saved could not ad- vance the other duty, may retire to this, and do here what they may, since in the other duty they cannot do what they should ^ But ge- nerally cheaters and robbers cannot give Alms of what they have cheated and robbed, unless they cannot tell the persons whom they have injured, or the propor- tions ; and in such cases they are to give those un- known portions to the poor by way of restitution ; for it is no Alms : only God is the supreme Lord to whom those escheats devolve, and the poor are His Receivers. 2. Of money unjustly taken, and yet voluntarily parted with, we may and are bound to give Alms : such as is money given and taken for false witness, bribes, si- moniacal contracts ; because the Receiver hath no right to keep it, nor the Giver any right to recall it ; it is un- just money, and yet paya- ble to none but the supreme <= Matth. xix. 21. d Matth. v. 23, 24. « S. Greg. vii. 1. 110. Epist. ^ Proebeant misericordiS, ut conservetur justitia. S. Aug. Prov. iii. 9 OF ALMS. Lord (Who is the person in- jured) and to His Delegates, that is, the poor. To which I insert these cautions, 1, If the person injured by the unjust sentence of a bribed Judge or by false witness, be poor, he is the proper object and bosom to whom the restitution is to be made. 2. In case of Simony, the Church, to whom the Simo- ny was injurious, is the lap into which the restitution is to be poured ^ ; and if it be poor and out of repair, the Alms, or Restitution (shall I call it ?) are to be paid to it. 3. There is some sort of gain that hath in it no in- justice properly so called ; but it is unlawful 2iTi(\. filthy lucre : such as is, money taken for work done unlaw- fully upon the Lord's day ; hire taken for disfiguring oneself, and for being pro- fessed jesters ; the wages of such as make unjust bar- gains ; and of harlots : of this money there is some preparation to be made be- fore it be given in Alms. The money is infected with the plague, and must pass through the fire or the wa- ter before it be fit for Alms : the person must repent and e Decret. ep. tit. de Simoni; 235 then leave the crime, and minister to the poor. 4. He that gives Alms, must do it in mercy ; that is, out of a true sense of the calamity of his brother ; first feeling it in himself in some proportion, and then endeavouring to ease him- self and the other of their common calamity. Against this Rule they ofiend, who give Alms out of custom, or to upbraid the poverty of the other, or to make him mercenary and obliged, or with any unhandsome cir- cumstances. 5. He that gives Alms, must do it with a single eye, and heart ^^ ; that is, without designs to get the praise of men i : and if he secures that, he may either give them publicly or pri- vately : for Christ intended only to provide against pride and hypocrisy, when He bade Alms to be given in secret'' ; it being otherwise one of His commandments, that our light should shine hefore nun v this is more ex- cellent, that is more safe. 5. To this also appertains, that he who hath done a good turn, should so forget it, as not to speak of it™ ; but he that boasts it or upbraids Rom. xii. 8. i Matth. vi. 1. ^ lb. 4. 'Matt. V. 16. ™ Qui dedit beneficium,taceat ; narret, qui accepit. 5^. 236 OF ALMS. it, hath paid himself, and lost the nobleness of the charity. 7. Give Alms with a cheerful heart and counte- nance, not grudgingly or of oiecessity, for God loveth a cheerfid giver^, and there- fore give quickly when the power is in thy hand, and the need is in thy Neigh- bour, and thy Neighbour at thy door. He gives twice, that relieves speedily. 8. According to thy abi- lity give to all men that need « : and, in equal needs, give first to good men, rather than to bad men p; and if the needs be unequal do so too ; provided that the need of the poorest be not violent or extreme : but if an evil man be in extreme necessity, he is to be relieved rather than a good man who can tarry longer, and may subsist without it. And if he be a good man, he will desire it should be so : because him- self is bound to save the life of his brother with doing some inconvenience to him- self: and no diiFerence of virtue or vice can make the ease of one beggar equal with the life of another. 9. Give no Alms to vici- ous persons, if such Alms will support their sin : as if they will continue in idle- ness, (" if they will not work, neither let them eat v") or if they will spend it in drunk- enness, or wantonness : such persons, when they are re- duced to very great want, must be relieved in such proportions as may not re- lieve their dying lust, but may refresh their faint or dying bodies. 10. The best objects of charity are poor housekeep- ers, that labour hard, and are burdened with many children ; or Gentlemen fallen into sad poverty, especially if by innocent misfortune, (and if their crimes brought them into it, yet they are to be reliev- ed according to the former rule ;) persecuted persons, widows, and fatherless chil- dren, putting them to ho- nest trades or schools of learning. And search into the needs of numerous and meaner families "^ : for there are many persons that have nothing left them but mise- ry and modesty ; and to- wards such we must add two circumstances of Charity. 1. To enquire them out. Cor. ix. 7. ° Luke vi. 30. s 2 Thess. iii. 10. P Gal. vi. 10. Psal. xli. 1. OF ALMS. 237 2. To convey our relief un- j to them so as we do not make them ashamed. 11. Give, looking for no- j thing again s ; that is, with- out consideration of future ' advantages: give to children, to old men, to the unthank- ful, and the dying, and to those you shall never see again : for else your Alms or courtesy is not charity, ! but traffick and merchan- dise : and be sure that you omit not to relieve the needs of your enemy and the in- iurious ; for so possibly you may win him to yourself ; but do you intend the win- ning him to God. 12. Trust not your Alms to intermedial, uncertain, and under-dispensers : by which rule is not only in- tended the securing your Alms in the right channel ; but the humility of your person, and that which the Apostle calls the labour of love\ And if you converse in Hospitals and Alms- houses, and minister with your own hand what your heart hath first decreed ; you will find your heart endeared and made fami- liar with the needs and with the persons of the poor ; those excellent images of Chi'ist. 13. Whatsoever is super- fluous in thy estate, is to be dispensed in Alms. He that hath two coats must give to him that hath none " / that is, he that hath beyond his need, must give that which is be- yond it. Only, among needs we are to reckon, not only what will support our life, but also what will maintain the decency of our estate and person ; not only in present needs, but in all future necessities, and very probable contingencies ; but no further : we are not ob- liged beyond this, unless we see very great, public, and calamitous necessities. But yet, if we do extend beyond our measures, and give more than we are able, we have the Philippvans'^ and many holy persons for our prece- dent, we have S. Paul for our encouragement y, we have Christ for our coun- sellor, we have God for our rewarder, and a great trea- sure in Heaven for our re- compence and restitution. But I propound it to the consideration of all Christian people, that they be not nice and curious, fond and » Luke vi. 35. * 1 Thess. i, 3. » 2 Cor. viii. 1—4; Phil. iv. 15. ■» Luke iii. 11. y lb. and 2 Cor. xii. 14, 15. 238 OF ALMS. indulgent to themselves, in taking accounts of their per- sonal conveniences ; and that they make their pro- portions moderate and easy, according to the order and manner of Christianity : and the consequent will be this ; that the poor will more plentifully be relieved, themselves will be more able to do it, and the duty will be less chargeable, and the owners of estates charg- ed with fewer accounts in the spending them. It cannot be denied, but in the ex- penses of all liberal and great personages many things might be spared ; some superfluous servants, some idle meetings, some unnecessary and imprudent feasts, some garments too costly, some unnecessary law-suits, some vain jour- neys : and when we are tempted to such needless expenses, if we shall descend to moderation, and lay aside the surplusage, we shall find it with more profit to be laid out upon the poor mem- bers of Christ, than upon our own with vanity. But this is only intended to be an advice in the matter of doing Alms : for I am not ignorant that great variety of clothes always have been permitted to Princes, and Nobility, and others in their proportion ; and they usu- ally give those clothes as rewards to servants, and other persons needful enough, and then they may serve their own fancy and their duty too : but it is but reason and Religion to be careful that they be given to such only, where duty, or prudent liberality, or alms, determine them ; but in no sense let them do it I so as to minister to vanity, I to luxury, to prodigality. j The like also is to be ob- j served in other instances. And if we once give our minds to the study and arts of Alms, we shall find ways enough to make this duty easy, profitable, and useful. 1. He that plays at any game, must resolve before- hand to be indifferent to win or lose : but if he gives to the poor all that he wins, it is better than to keep it to himself : but it were bet- ter yet, that he lay by so j much as he is willing to ! lose, and let the game alone, and by giving so much Alms traffick for eternity. That is one way. 2. Another is, keeping the fasting days of the Church ; which, if our condition be such as to be able to cast our accounts, and make OF ALMS. 239 abatements for our wanting so many meals in the whole year, (which by the old ap- pointment did amount to 153, and since most of them are fallen into desuetude, we may make up as many of them as we please by voluntary Fasts,) we may from hence find a consider- able relief for the poor. But if we be not willing some- times to fast that our brother may eat, we should ill die for him. S. Martin had given all that he had in the world to the poor, save one coat ; and that also he di- vided between two beggars. A Father in the Mount of Nitria was reduced at last to the inventory of one Testament, and that book also was tempted from him by the needs of one whom he thought poorer than him- self. Greater yet : S. Pauli- nus sold himself to slavery to redeem a young man, for whose captivity his Mother wept sadly : and it is said that S. Katharine sucked the envenomed wounds of a villain who had injured her most impudently. And I shall tell you of a greater Charity than all these put together : Christ gave Him- self to shame and death to redeem His enemies fi-om 3. Learn of the frugal man, and only avoid sordid actions, and turn good hus- band, and change your arts of getting into providence for the poor, and we shall soon become rich in good works : and why should we not do as much for charity, as for covetousness ; for Heaven, as for the fading world ; for God and the Holy Jesns, as for the need- less superfluities of back and belly ? 14. In giving Alms to beggars and persons of that low rank, it is better to give little to each, that we may give to the more ; so ex- tending our alms to many persons : but in charities of Religion, as building Hos- pitals, Colleges, and Houses for Devotion, and supplying the accidental wants of de- cayed persons, fallen from great plenty to great neces- sity, it is better to unite our Alms than to disperse them ; to make a noble relief or maintenance to one, and to restore him to comfort, than to support only his natural needs, and keep him alive only, unrescued from sad discomforts. 15. The Precept of Alms or Charity binds not inde- finitely to all the instances and kinds of Charity : for 240 or ALMS. he that delights to feed the poor, and spends all his portion that way, is not bound to enter into prisons and redeem captives : but we are obliged by the pre- sence of circumstances, and the special disposition of Providence, and the piti- ableness of an object, to this or that particular act of charity. The eye is the sense of mercy, and the bowels are its organ ; and that enkindles pity, and pity produces alms : when the eye sees what it never saw, the heart icill think ivhat it never thought : but when we have an object present to our eye, then we must pity ; for there the Provi- dence of God hath fitted our charity with circum- stances. He that is in thy sight or in thy neighbour- hood, is fallen into the lot of thy charity. 16. If thou hast no money, yet thou must have mercy ^ ; and art bound to pity the poor, and pray for them, and throw thy holy desires and devotions into the trea- sure of the Church : and if thou doest what thou art able, be it little or great, corporal or spiritual, the charity of Alms or the cha- rity of prayers, a cup of wine or a cup of watery if it be but love to the brethren^, or a desire to help all or any of Christ's poor ; it shall be accepted according to what a man hath, not according to what he hath not"". For love is all this, and all the other Commandments : and it will express itself, where it can ; and where it cannot, yet it is love still, and it is also sorrow that it cannot. Motives to Charity. The motives to this duty are such as Holy Scripture hath propounded to us, by way of consideration and proposition of its excellen- cies and consequent reward. 1. There is no one duty which our blessed Saviour did recommend to His Dis- ciples with so repeated an injunction, as this of Cha- rity and Alms ^. To which add the words spoken by our Lord, It is better to give than to receive^. And when we consider how great a bless- ing it is, that we beg not from door to door ; it is a ready instance of our thank- fulness to God, for His sake to relieve them that do. ' Luke xii. 42; Acts iii. 6. ^ Matth. x. 42; Mark ix. 41. ^ 1 Pet. i. 22. = 2 Cor. viii. 12. ^ Matth. vi. 4 ; xix. 21 ; xv. 32 ; Luke xi. 41 ; xii. 33. « Acts xx. 35. OP ALMS. 241 we do to our poor brother ' ; and therefore, when a poor man begs for Christ His sake, if he have reason to ask for Christ His sake, give it him if thou canst. Now every man hath title to ask for Christ's sake, whose need is great, and himself unable to cure it, and if the man be a Christian, Whatsoever charity Christ will reward, all that is given for Christ's sake ; and therefore it may be asked in His name : but every man, that uses that sacred name for an endear- ment, hath not a title to it ; neither he, nor his need. 7. It is one of the wings of prayer, by which it flies to the throne of grace"". 8. It crowns all the works of piety. 9. It causes thanks- giving to God on our be- half". 10. And the bowels of the poor bless us, and they pray for us°. 11. And that portion of our estate, out of which a tenth, or a fifth, or a twentieth, or some ofiering to God for Religion and the poor, goes forth, certainly returns with a great blessing? upon all the resfi. It is like the eflfusion f Matt. XXV. 34—46. e Phil. iv. 17. »> Acts X. 4 ; Heb. xiii. 16 ; Dan. iv. 27. ' Matt. xix. 21. ^ Lake xvi. 9. ' Matt. xxv. 40. ™ Acts x. 4. - 2 Cor. ix. 12, ]3. » lb. 14. p lb. 10. "^ Nunquain memini me legisse mala morte mortuum, qui libenter opera charitatis exercuit. S. Hieron. Ep. ad Nepot. M 2. This duty is that alone, whereby the future day of Judgment shall be transact- ed. For nothing but Cha- rity and Alms is that where- by Christ shall declare the Justice and mercy of the eternal sentence '. Martyr- dom itself is not there ex- pressed ; and no otherwise involved, but as it is the greatest Charity. 3. Christ made Himself the greatest and daily example of Alms or Charity, He went up and down doing good, preaching the Gospel, and healing all diseases : and God the Father is imitable by us in nothing but in purity and mercy. 4. Alms given to the poor redound to the emolument of the Giver both temporal and eternal^. 5, They are in- strumental to the remission of sinsh : our forgiveness and mercy to others being made the very rule and pro- portion of our confidence and hope and our prayer to be forgiven ourselves. 6. It is a treasure in Heaven i ; it procures friends when we die^^. 6. It is reckoned as done to Christ whatsoever 242 or ] of oil by the Sidonian wo- man ; as long as she pours into empty vessels, it could never cease running ■■ : or like the widow's barrel of meal ; it consumes not as long as she fed the pro- phets 12. The sum of all is contained in the words of our blessed Saviour; Give alms of such things as you have ; and, behold, all things are clean unto you^. 13. To which may be added, that charity or mercy is the pe- culiar character of God's Elect, and a sign of predes- tination; which advantage we are taught by S. Paid : "Put on therefore as the elect of God, holy and be- loved, bowels of mercy, kind- ness, he. Forbearing oyie another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any^." The result of all which we may read in the words of S. Chry- sostom : To know the art of Alms, is greater thati to be crowned with the Diadem of Kings. Aiid yet to convert 07U Soul is greater than to pour out ten thousand talents into the baskets of the poor. But because giving Alms is an act of the virtue of mercifulness, our endeavour "■ 2 Kings iv. 6. * Luke xi. 41. must be by proper arts to mortify the parents of un- mercifulness ; which are, 1. Envy, 2. Anger, 3. Covet- ousness : in which we may be helped by the following rules or instruments. Rem-edies against Unmerci- fulness and Uncharitable- ness. 1 . Against Envy, by way of consideration. Against Envy I shall use the same arguments I would use to persuade a man from the fever or the dropsy. 1. Because it is a disease : it is so far from having plea- sure in it, or a temptation to it, that it is full of pain, a great instrument of vexa- tion ; it eats the flesh, and dries up the marrow, and makes hollow eyes, and lean cheeks, and a pale face. 2. It is nothing but a direct resolution never to enter into Heaven by the way of noble pleasure taken in the good of others. 3. It is most contrary to God : 4. And a just contrary state to the felicities and actions of Heaven ; where every star increases the light of the other, and the multi- » 1 Kings xvii. 15, 16 » Coloss. iii. 12. 13. tude of guests at the supper of the Lamb makes the eter- nal meal more festival. 5. It is perfectly the state of Hell, and the passion of Devils : for they do nothing but despair in themselves, and envy others quiet or safety, and yet cannot re- joice either in their good or in their evil, although they endeavour to hinder that, and procure this, with all the devices and arts of ma- lice and of a great under- standing. 6. Envy can serve no end in the world ; it can- not please any thing, nor do any thing, nor hinder any thing, but the content and felicity of him that hath it. 7. Envy can never pretend to justice, as hatred and uncharitableness sometimes may : for there may be causes of hatred ; and I may have wrong done me, and then hatred hath some pretence, though no just argument. Bat no man is unjust or injurious, for being prosperous or wise. 8. And therefore many men profess to hate another, but nn 'man owns envy, as being an en- mity and displeasure for no cause but goodness or feli- city : Envious men being like CantJiarides and Cater- pillars, that delight most to devour ripe and most excel- M rvY. 243 lent fruits. 9. It is of all crimes the basest : for ma- lice and anger are appeased with benefits, but envy is exasperated, as envying to fortunate persons both their power and their will to do good ; and never leaves mur- muring till the envied per- son be levelled, and then only the Vulture leaves to eat the liver. For if his Neighbour be made mise- rable, the envious man is apt to be troubled : like him that is so long unbuilding the turrets till all the roof is low or flat, or that the stones fall upon the lower buildings, and do a mischief that the man repents of. 2. Remedies against Anger by wag of Exercise, The next enemy to mer- cifulness and the grace of Alms is Anger : against which there are proper in- struments both in Prudence and Religion. 1. Prayer is the great remedy against Anger : IVir it must suppose it in some degree removed before Ave pray, and then it is the more likely it will be finish- ed when the prayer is done. We must lay aside the act of Anger, as a preparatory to prayer ; and the curing the habit will be the eflect 244 OP ANGEB. and blessing of prayer : so that if a man, to cure his anger, resolves to address himself to God by prayer, it is first necessary that by his own observation and dili- gence he lay the anger aside, before his prayer can be fit to be presented : and when we so pray, and so en- deavour, we have all the blessings of prayer which God hath promised to it, to be our security for success. 2. If Anger arises in thy breast, instantly seal up thy lips, and let it not go forth ^ : for, like fire when it wants vent, it will suppress itself. It is good in a Fever to have a tender and a smooth tongue ; but it is better that it be so in anger : for if it be rough and distempered, there it is an ill sign, but here it is an ill cause. Angry passion is a fire, and angry words are like breath to fan them ; together they are like steel and flint sending out fire by mutual collision. Some men will discourse themselves into passion, and if their neighbour be en- kindled too, together they flame with rage and violence. 3. Humility is the most excellent natural cure for anger in the world : for he that by daily considering * Psalm xxxix. 1, 2. his own infirmities and fail- ings makes the error of his neighbour or servant to be his own case, and remem- bers that he daily needs God's pardon and his bro- ther's charity, will not be apt to rage at the levities, or misfortunes, or indiscre- tions, of another ; greater than which he considers that he is very frequently and more inexcusably guilty of. 4. Consider the example of the ever blessed Jesus, who sufiered all the contra- dictions of sinners ", and re- ceived all aflronts and re- proaches of malicious, rash, and foolish persons ; and yet in all them was as dis- passionate and gentle as the morning Sun in Autumn : and in this also He pro- pounded Himself imitable by us. For if innocence it- self did suffer so great in- juries and disgraces, it is no great matter for us quietly to receive all the calamities of fortune, and indiscretion of servants, and mistakes of friends, and un- kindnesses of kindred, and rudenesses of enemies ; since we have deserved these and worse, even Hell itself. 5. If we be tempted to Anger in the Actions of go- » Heb. xii. 3. OF ANGER. 245 vernment and Discipline to our inferiors, (in which case anger is permitted so far as it is prudently instrumental to government, and only is a sin when it is excessive and unreasonable, and apt to disturb our own discourse, or to express itself in im- prudent words or violent actions ;) let us propound to ourselves the example of God the Father ; Who at the same time and with the same tranquillity decreed Heaven and Hell, the joys of blessed Angels and Souls, and the torments of devils and accursed spirits : and at the day of Judgment, when all the World shall burn under his feet, God shall not be at all inflamed, or shaken in His essential seat and centre of tranquil- lity and joy. And if at first the cause seems reasonable, yet defer to execute thy anger till thou mayest better judge. For, as PJiocion told the Athenians, who upon the first news of the death of Alexander were ready to revolt, Stay a while, for if the King be not dead, your haste will ruin you ; but if he be dead, your stay cannot prejudice your affairs, for he will be dead tomorrow as well as today : so, if thy servant or inferior deserve punishment, staying till to- morrow will not make him innocent ; but it may pos- sibly preserve thee so, by preventing thy striking a guiltless person, or being fiu-ious for a trifle. 6. Eemove from thyself all provocations and incen- tives to Anger ; especially 1. Games of chance, and great wagers, Patroclus killed his friend, the son of Amphidamas, in his rage and sudden fury, rising upon a cross game at tables. Such also are petty curiosi- ties and worldly business and carefulness about it : but manage thyself with in- difierency, or contempt of those external things, and do not spend a passion upon them ; for it is more than they are worth. But they that desire but few things, can be crossed but in a few ^ . 2. In not heaping up with an ambitious or curious pro- digality any very curious or choice utensils, seals, jewels, glasses, precious stones ; because those very many accidents, which happen in the spoiling or loss of these rarities, are in event an irresistible cause of violent anger. 3. Do not entertain nor sufier tale-bearers : for y Qui panca requirunt, noa multis excid'.mt. Plut. 246 OF ANGER. they abuse our ear first, and then our credulity, and then steal our patience ; and it may be for a lie : and if it be true, the matter is not considerable ; or if it be, yet it is pardonable. And we may always escape with patience at one of these out- lets : either 1. By not hear- ing slanders, or 2. by not believing them, or 3. by not regarding the thing, or 4, by forgiving the person. 4. To this purpose also it may serve well if we choose (as much as we can) to live with peaceable persons ; for that prevents the occasions of confusion : and if we live with prudent persons, they Avill not easily occasion our disturbance. But because these things are not in many men's power, therefore I propound this rather as a felicity than, a remedy or a duty, and an art of preven- tion rather than of cure. 7. Be not inquisitive into the affairs of other men, nor the faults of thy servants, nor the mistakes of thy friends ; but what is offered to you, use according to the former rules ; but do not thou go out to gather sticks to kindle a fire to burn thine own house. And add this ; If my friend said or did well in that for which I am angry, I am in the fault, not he ; but if he did amiss, he is in the misery, not I : for either he was deceived, or he was malicious ; and either of them both is all one with a miserable per- son : and that is an object of pity, not of anger. 8. Use all reasonable dis- courses to excuse the faults of others ; considering that there are many circum- stances of time, of person, of accident, of inadvertency, of iufrequency, of aptness to amend, of sorrow for doing it : and it is well that we take any good in exchange ; for the evil is done or suf- fered. 9. Upon the rising of anger, instantly enter into a deep consideration of the joys of Heaven, or the pains of Hell : for fear and joy are naturally apt to appease this violence'^- 10. In contentions be al- j ways passive, never active ; I upon the defensive, not the • assaulting part : and then also give a gentler answer, receiving the furies and in- discretions of the other like a stone into a bed of moss and soft compliance ; and you shall find it sit down quietly : whereas anger and OF ANGER. 247 violence makes the conten- tion loud and long, and in- jurious to both the parties. 11. In the actions of Re- ligion be careful to temper all thy instances with meek- ness, and the proper instru- ments of it : and if thou beest apt to be angry, nei- ther fast violently, nor entertain the too-forward heats of zeal ; but secure thy duty with constant and regular actions, and a good temper of body with conve- nient refreshments and re- creations. 12. If Anger rises sud- denly and violently, first restrain it with considera- tion, and then let it end in a hearty prayer for him that did the real or seeming injury. The former of the two stops its growth, and the latter quite kills it, and makes amends for its monstrous and involuntary birth. Remedies against Anger, ly way of consideration. 1. Consider that Anger is a professed enemy to Counsel ; it is a direct storm, in which no man can be heard to speak or call from without : for if you counsel gently, you are de- spised ; if you urge it and be vehement, you provoke it more. Be careful there- fore to lay up beforehand a great stock of reason and prudent consideration, that like a besieged town you may be provided for, and be defensible from within, since you are not likely to be relieved from without. Anger is not to be suppres- sed but by something that is as inward as itself, and more habitual. To which purpose add, that, 2. Of all passions it endeavours most to make Reason useless. 3. That it is an universal poi- son, of an infinite object : for no man was ever so amo- rous, as to love a Toad ; none so envious, as to re- pine at the condition of the miserable ; no man so timo- rous, as to fear a dead Bee ; but Anger is troubled at every thing, and every man, and every accident ; and therefore, unless it be sup- pressed, it will make a man's condition restless. 4. If it proceeds from a great cause, it turns to fury ; if from a small cause, it is peevish- ness : and so is always either terrible, or ridicu- lous. 5. It makes a man's body monstrous, deformed, and contemptible ; the voice horrid ; the eyes cruel ; the face pale or fiery ; the gait fierce ; the speech clamor- 248 or ANGER. ous and loud. 6. It is nei- ther manly, nor ingenuous. 7. It proceeds from softness of spirit and pusillanimity ; which makes that women are more angry than men, sick persons more than the healthful, old men more than young, unprosperous and calamitous people than the blessed and fortunate. 8. It is a passion fitter for flies and insects, than for persons professing nobleness and bounty. 9. It is trouble- some, not only to those that suffer it, but to them that behold it ; there being no greater incivility of enter- tainment, than for the cook's fault, or the negli- gence of the servants, to be cruel, or outrageous, or un- pleasant, in the presence of the guests. 10. It makes marriage to be a necessary and unavoidable trouble ; friendships, and societies, and familiarities, to be in- tolerable. 11. It multiplies the evils of drunkenness, and makes the levities of wine to run into madness. 12. It makes innocent jest- ing to be the beginning of tragedies. 13. It turns ' friendship into hatred ; * it , makes a man lose himself, and his Reason, and his ar- gument, in disputation. *It turns the desires of know- ! ledge into an itch of wrang- ling. *It adds insolency to power. *It turns justice into cruelty, and judgment into oppression. * It changes discipline into tediousness and hatred of liberal insti- tution. * It makes a pros- perous man to be envied, and the unfortunate to be unpitied. * It is a conflu- ence of all the irregular passions : there is in it envy and sorrow, fear and scorn, pride and prejudice, rash- ness and inconsideration, rejoicing in evil and a de- sire to inflict it, self-love, impatience, and curiosity. *And lastly, though it be very troublesome to others, yet it is most troublesome to him that hath it. In the use of these argu- ments and the former exer- cises, be diligent to observe, lest, in your desires to sup- press anger, you be passion- ate and angry at yourself for being angry ; like phy- sicians, who give a bitter potion when they intend to eject the bitterness of cho- ler ; for this will provoke the person, and increase the passion. But placidly and quietly set upon the morti- fication of it : and attempt it first for a day ; resolving that day not at all to be angry, and to be watchful OP COVETOUSNESS. 249 and observant ; for a day is no great trouble : but then, after one day's watchfulness it will be as easy to watch two days as at first it was to watch one day ; and so you may increase till it be- comes easy and habitual. Only observe, that such an anger alone is criminal, which is against charity to myself or my Neighbour ; but anger against sin is a holy zeal% and an effect of love to God and my brother, for whose interest I am pas- sionate, like a concerned person : and if I take care that my anger makes no reflexion of scorn or cruelty upon the offender, or of pride and violence, or trans- portation to myself, anger becomes charity and duty. And when one commended Charilaus, the King of Sparta, for a gentle, a good, and a meek Prince, his col- league said well, How can he be good, who is not an enemy even to vicious per- sons ^ ? 3. Remedies against Covet- ousness, the third enemy of Mercy. Covetousness is also an enemy to Alms, though not to all the effects of merci- fulness : but this is to be cured by the proper motives to charity before mentioned, and by the proper rules of justice ; which being se- cured, the arts of getting money are not easily made criminal. To which also we may add, 1. Covetousness makes a man miserable ; because riches are not means to make a man happy : and unless felicity were to be bought with money, he is a vain person who admires heaps of gold and rich pos- sessions. For what Hippo- machus said to some per- sons who commended a tall man as fit to be a Champion in the Olympick games, '' It is true (said he) if the crown hang so high that the long- est arm could reach it ;" the same we may say con- cerning riches ; they were excellent things, if the rich- est man were certainly the wisest and the best : but as they are, they are nothing to be wondered at, because they contribute nothing to- wards felicity : which ap- pears, because some men choose to be miserable that they may be rich, rather than be happy with the expense of money and doing noble things. 2. Riches are useless and Mark iii. 5. Plutar. de odio et in\idia. M 3 250 OP COVETOUSNESS. unprofitable ; for beyond our needs and conveniences nature knows no use of riches : and they say, that the Princes of Italy ^ when they sup alone, eat out of a single dish, and drink in a plain glass, and the wife eats without purple ; for nothing is more frugal than the hack and belly, if they be used as they should : but when they would entertain the eyes of strangers, when they are vain and would make a noise ; then riches come forth to set forth the spectacle, and furnish out the Comedy of tvealth, of vanity. No man can with all the wealth in the world buy so much skill as to be a good lutenist ; he must go the same way that poor people do, he must learn and take pains : much less can he buy constancy or chastity or courage ; nay, not so much as the contempt of riches : and by possess- ing more than we need, we cannot obtain so much power over our Souls as not to re- quire more. And certainly riches must deliver me from no evil, if the possession of them cannot take away the longing for them. If any man be thirsty, drink cools him ; if he be hungry, eat- ing meat satisfies him : and when a man is cold and calls for a warm cloak, he is pleased if you give it him ; but you trouble him if you load him with six or eight cloaks. Nature rests and sits still, when she hath her portion ; but that which exceeds it, is a trouble and a burden : and therefore in true philosophy. No man is rich but he that is poor, according to the common account : for, when God hath satisfied those needs which He made, that is, all that is natural ; whatsoever is beyond it, is thirst and a disease : and unless it be sent back again in charity or religion, can serve no end but vice or vanity : it can increase the appetite to represent the man poorer, and full of a new and arti- ficial, unnatural need ; but it never satisfies the need it makes, or makes the man richer. No wealth can sa- tisfy the covetous desire of wealth. 3. Riches are trouble- some ; but the satisfaction of those appetites which God and Nature hath made, are cheap and easy : for who ever paid use-money for bread and onions and water to keep him alive / But when we covet after houses of the frame and de- OF COVETOUSNESS. 251 sign of Italy, or long for jewels, or for my next neigh- bour's field, or horses from Barbary, or the richest per- fumes of Arabia, or Gala- tian mules, or fat Eunuchs for our slaves from Tunis, or rich coaches from Naples, then we can never be satis- fied till we have the best thing that is fancied, and ail that can be had, and all that can be desired, and that we can lust no more : l)ut before we come to the one half of our first wild desires, we are the bond- men of usurers, and of our worse tyrant appetites, and the tortures of envy and im])atience. But I consider that those who drink on still when their thirst is quenched, or eat after they have well dined, are forced to vomit not only their su- perfluity, but even that which at first was neces- sary : so those that covet more than they can tempe- rately use, are oftentimes forced to part even Avith that patrimony which would have supported their per- sons in freedom and honour, and have satisfied all their reasonable desire. 4. Contentedness is there- fore health, because Covet- ousness is a direct sickness : and it was well said of A ris- ti'pims, (as Plutarch reports him) If any man after much eating and drinking be still unsatisfied, he hath no need of more meat or more drink, but of a Physician ; he more needs to be purged than to be filled : and therefore since Covetousness cannot be satisfied, it must be cured by emptiness and evacua- tion. The man is without remedy, unless he be re- duced to the scantling of nature, and the measures of his personal necessity. Give to a poor man a house, and a few cows, pay his little debt, and set him on work, and he is provided for, and quiet : but when a man enlarges beyond a fair pos- session, and desires another lordship, you spite him if you let him have it ; for by that he is one degree the further ofi" from rest in his desires and satisfaction ; and now he sees himself in a bigger capacity to a larger fortune ; and he shall never find his period, till j'ou be- gin to take away something of what he hatli ; for then he will begin to be glad to keep that which is left : but reduce him to nature's mea- sures, and there he shall be sure to find rest : for there no man can desire beyond his belly-full, and v/hen he 252 OF COVETOUSNESS. wants that, any one friend or charitable man can cure his poverty ; but all the world cannot satisfy his Covetousness. 5. Covetousness is the most phantastical and contradic- tory disease in the whole world ; it must therefore be incurable ; because it strives against its own cure. No man therefore abstains from meat, because he is hungry ; nor from wine, because he loves it and needs it : but the covet- ous man does so : for he desires it passionately, because he says he needs it ; and when he hath it, he will need it still ; because he dares not use it. He gets clothes, be- cause he cannot be without them ; but when he hath them, then he can : as if he needed corn for his granary, and clothes for his wardrobe, more than for his back and belly. For Covetousness pretends to keep much to- gether for fear of want ; and yet after all his pains and purchase, he suffers that really, which at first he feared vainly ; and by not using what he gets, he makes that suffering to be actual, present, and neces- sary, which in his lowest condition was but future, contingent, and possible. It stirs up the desire, and takes away the pleasure of being satisfied. It increases the appetite, and will not content it: it swells the 'princiijol to no purpose, and lessens the use to all purposes ; disturbing the order of nature, and the de- signs of God ; making tno- ney not to be the instrument of exchange or charity, nor corn to feed himself or the poor, nor wool to clothe himself or his brother, nor wine to refresh the sadness of the afflicted, nor his oil to make his own counte- nance cheerful ; but all these to look upon, and to tell over, and to take ac- coimts by, and make him- self considerable, and won- dered at by fools ; that while he lives he may be called rich ; and when he dies may be accounted miserable : and like the dish-makers of China, may leave a greater heap of dirt for his nephews, while he himself hath a new lot fallen to him in the por- tion of Dives". But thus the Ass carried wood and sweet herbs to the Baths, but was never washed or perfumed himself: he heap- ed up sweets for others, while himself was filthy with smoke and ashes. And OF COVETOUSNESS. 253 yet it is considerable ; If the man can be content to feed hardly, and labour ex- tremely, and watch care- fully, and suffer affronts and disgrace, that he may get money more than he uses in his temperance and just needs, with how much ease might this man be happy 1 and with how great imeasiness and trouble does he make himself miserable ? For he takes pains to get content, and when he might have it, he lets it go. He might better be content with a virtuous and quiet poverty, than with an arti- ficial, troublesome, and vici- ous. The same diet and a less labour would at first make him happy, and for ever after rewardable. 6. The sum of all is that which the Apostle says, Co- vetous7iess is Idolatry^ ; that is, it is an admiring money for itself, not for its use ; it relies upon money, and loves it more than it loves God and Religion : and it is the root of all evil^; it teaches men to be cruel and crafty, industrious in evil, full of care and malice ; it devours young heirs, and grinds the face of the poor, and undoes those who especially belong- to God's protection, help- d Col. iii. 5. less, craftless, and innocent people ; it inquires into our parents' age, and longs for the death of our friends ; it makes friendship an art of rapine, and changes a partner into a vulture, and a companion into a thief ; and after all this, it is for no good to itself ; for it dare not spend those heaps of treasure which it snatched : and men hate serpents and basilisks worse than lions and bears ; for these kill because they need the prey, but they sting to death and eat not. And if they pre- tend all this care and heap for their heirs, (like the mice of Africa hiding the golden ore in their bowels, and re- fusing to give back the in- digested gold till their guts be out,) they may remem- ber, that what was unneces- sary for themselves, is as unnecessary for their sons ; and why cannot they be without it as well as their fathers who did not use it ? And it often happens, that to the sons it becomes an instrument to serve some lust or other ; that, as the gold was useless to their fathers, so may the sons be to the public ; fools or pro- j digals, loads to theu' coun- ) try, and the curse and pu- e J Tim, VI. 10. 254 OF COVETOUSNESS. nishmeiit of their father's avarice : and yet all that wealth is short of one bless- ing ; but it is a load, com- ing with a curse, and de- scending from the family of a long-derived sin. How- ever, the Father transmits it to the son, and it may be the son to one more, till a tyrant, or an oppressor, or a war, or change of govern- ment, or the usurer, or folly, or an expensive vice, makes holes in the bottom of the bag, and the wealth runs out like water, and flies away like a bird from the hand of a child. 7. Add to those the consi- deration of the advantages of poverty ; that it is a state freer from temptation, se- cure in dangers, but of one trouble, safe under the Di- vine Providence, cared for in Heaven by a daily min- istration, and for whose sup- port God makes every day a new decree ; a state of which Christ was pleased to make open profession, and many wise men daily make vows : that a rich man is but like a pool, to whom the poor run, and first trouble it, and then draw it dry : that | he enjoys no more of it than j according to the few and i limited needs of a man ; he ! cannot eat like a wolf or an ! elephant : that variety of dainty fare ministers but to sin and sicknesses : that the poor man feasts oftener than the rich ; because every lit- tle enlargement is a feast to the poor, but he that feasts every day feasts no day, there being nothing left to which he may beyond his ordinary extend his appe- tite : that the rich man sleeps not so soundly as the poor labourer ; that his fears are more, and his needs are greater ; (for who is poorer, he that needs 51. orhe that needs 5000^. ?) the poor man hath enough to fill his belly, and the rich hath not enough to fill his eye : that the poor man's wants are easy to be relieved by a common charity, but the needs of rich men can- not be supplied but by princes ; and they are left to the temptation of great vices to make reparation of their needs ; and the ambi- tious labours of men to get great estates is but like the selling of a fountain to buy a fever ; a parting with con- tent to buy necessity, a pur- chase of an unhandsome condition at the price of in- felicity : that Princes, and they that enjoy most of the world, have most of it but in title, and supreme rights OP REPENTANCE. 255 and reserved privileges, pep- per-corns, homages, trifling services and acknowledg- ments ; the real use descend- ing to others to more sub- stantial purposes. These considerations may be use- ful to the curing of Covet- ousness, that, the grace of mercifulness enlarging the heart of a man, his hand may not be contracted, but reached out to the poor in Alms. Sect. IX. OF REPENTANCE. Repentance of all things in the World makes the greatest change : it changes things in Heaven and Earth : for it changes the whole Man from sin to grace, from vicious habits to holy customs, from un- chaste bodies to Angelical Souls, from swine to philo- sophers, from drunkenness to sober counsels : and God Himself, ^cith ichoni is no varialleness or shadow of change^, is pleased, by de- scending to our weak un- derstandings, to say that He changes also upon man's Repentance ; that He alters His decrees, revokes His sentence, cancels the bills of accusation, throws the records of shame and sorrow from the couit of Heaven, and lifts up the sinner from the grave to life, from his prison to a throne, from Hell ^ James i. 17. and the guilt of eternal tor- ture, to Heaven and to a title to never-ceasing felici- ties. If we be hound 0,1 Earth, we shall he hound in Heaven^ ; if we be absolved here, we shall be loosed there : if we repent, God will repent, and not , send the evil upon us which we had deserved. But Repentance is a con- jugation and society of many duties ; and it contains in it all the parts of a holy life, from the time of our return to the day of our death inclusively ; and it hath in it some things spe- cially relating to the sins of our former days, which are now to be abolished by spe- cial arts, and have obliged us to special labours, and brought it in many new necessities, and put us into a very great deal of danger. B Matth. xviii. 18. 256 And because it is a duty consisting of so many parts and so much employment, it also requires much time, and leaves a man in the same degree of hope of par- don, as is his restitution to the state of righteousness and holy living, for which we covenanted in Baptism. For we must know that there is but one Repentance in a man's whole life, if repent- ance be taken in a proper and strict Evangelical Co- venant sense, and not after the ordinary understanding of the word ; That is, we are but once to change our whole state of life, from the power of the Devil and his entire possession, from the state of sin and death, from the body of corruption, to the life of grace, to the pos- session of Jesus, to the king- dom of the Gospel : and this is done in the baptism of water, or in the baptism of the Spirit, when the first rite comes to be verified by God's grace coming upon us, and by our obedience to the heavenly calling, we working together with God. After this change, if ever we fall into the contrary state, and be wholly estranged from God and Religion, and profess ourselves servants of unrighteousness, God hath OF REPENTANCE. made no more covenant of restitution to us, there is no place left for any more Re- pentance, or entire change of condition, or new birth : a man can be regenerated but once : And such are voluntary malicious Apos- tates, Witches, obstinate, impenitent persons, and the like. But if we be over- taken by infirmity, or enter into the marches or borders of this estate, and commit a grievous sin, or ten, or twenty, so we be not in the entire possession of the Devil, we are for the present in a damnable condition if we die ; but if we live, we are in a recoverable condi- tion ; for so we may repent often. We repent or rise from death but once, but from sickness many times ; and by the grace of God we shall be pardoned, if so we repent. But our hopes of pardon are just as is the Re- pentance : which, if it be timely, hearty, industrious, and effective, God accepts; not by weighing grains or scruples, but by estimating the great proportions of our life. A hearty endeavour and an effectual general change shall get the par- don ; the unavoidable in- firmities, and past evils, and present imperfections, and OF REPENTANCE. 257 short interruptions, against which we watch, and pray, and strive, being put upon the accounts of the Cross, and paid for by the holy Jesus. This is the state and condition of Repent- ance : its parts and actions must be valued according to the following rules. Acts and parts of Repent- a7ice. 1, He that repents truly, is greatly sorrowful for his past sins : not with a su- perficial sigh or tear, but pungent afflictive sorrow ; such a sorrow as hates the sin so much, that the man would choose to die rather than act it any more : This sorrow is called in Scripture "a weeping sorely, a weep- ing with bitterness of heart, a weeping day and night, a sorrow of heart, a break- ing of the spirit, mourning like a dove, and chattering like a swalloiv ^.•" and we may read the degree and manner of it by the Lament- ations and sad accents of the prophet Jeremy, when he wept for the sins of the nation ; by the heart-break- ing of David, when he mourned for his murder and adultery * ; and the bitter weeping of S. Peter, after the shameful denying of his Master^. "^^ The expres- sion of this sorrow difiers according to the temper of the body, thfe sex, the age, and circumstance of action, and the motive of sorrow, and by many accidental tendernesses, or masculine hardnesses ; and the re- pentance is not to be esti- mated by the tears, but by the grief ; and the grief is to be valued not by the sen- sitive trouble, but by the cordial hatred of the sin, and ready actual dereliction of it, and a resolution and real resisting its consequent temptations. Some people can shed tears for nothing ; some for anything : but the proper and true effects of a godly sorrow are, fear of the Divine judgments, ap- prehension of God's displea- sure, watchings and striv- ings against sin, patiently enduring the cross of sorrow (which God sends as their punishment,) in accusation of ourselves, in perpetually begging pardon, in mean and base opinions of our- selves, and in all the natural productions from these ac- ; Jer. ix. 1, 17, 18; '^ Jer. xiii. 17 ; Ezek. xxvii. 31 ; James iv. Joel ii. 13; Ps. xxxiv. 18; Isaiah xxxviii. 14. i Ps. li. ; 2 Sam. xi. xii. ^ Luke xsU. 54—62. 258 OF REPENTANCE. cording to our temper and constitution. For if we be apt to weep in other acci- dents, it is ill if we weep not also in the sorrows of Repentance : not that weep- ing is of itself 'a duty ; but that the sorrow, if it be as great, Avill be still expressed in as great a manner. 2. Our sorrow for sins must retain the pro2)ortion of our sins, though not the equality : we have no par- ticular measures of sins ; we know not which is greater, of Sacrilege or Su- perstition, Idolatry orCovet- ousness. Rebellion or Witch- craft : and therefore God ties us not to nice measure of sorrow, but only that we keep the general Rules of proportion ; that is, that a great sin have a great grief, a smaller crime being to be washed oiF with a lesser shower. 3. Our sorrow for sins is then best accounted of for its degree, when it, together with all the penal and afflic- tive duties of Repentance, shall have equalled or ex- ceeded the pleasure we had in commission of the sin ^ 4. True Repentance is a punishing duty, and acts its sorrow, and judges and con- demns the sin by voluntary ' Hugo de S. Victor. ■" 1 Cor. x submitting to such sadness- es as God sends on us, or (to prevent the judgments of God) by judging our- selves, and punishing our bodies and our spirits by such instruments of piety as are troublesome to the body : such as are fasting, watch- ing, long prayers, trouble- some postures in our prayers, expensive alms, and all out- ward acts of humiliation. For he that must judge him- self, must condemn himself if he be guilty ; and if he be condemned, he must be punished ; and if he be so judged, it will help to pre- vent the judgment of the Lord, S. Paul instructing us in the particular™. But I before intimated, that the punishing actiojis of Re- pentance are only actions of sorrow, and therefore are to make up the proportions of it. For our grief may be so full of trouble as to out- weigh all the burdens of fasts and bodily afflictions, and then the other are the less necessary ; and when they are used, the benefit of them is to obtain of God a remission or a lessening of such temporal judgments which God hath decreed against the sins, as it was in the case of Ahah ° ; but 31. 1 Kings xxi. 27 — 29. OP REPENTANCE. 259 the sinner is not by any thing of this reconciled to the eternal favour of God ; for as yet this is but the Introduction to Repentance. 5. Every true penitent is obliged to confess his sins, and to humble himself be- fore God for ever. Confes- sion of sins hath a special promise. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins " .* meaning, that God hath bound Himself to forgive us, if we duly confess our sins and do all that for which confession was ap- pointed ; that is, be asham- ed of them, and own them no more. For confession of our sins to God can signify nothing of itself in its direct nature : He sees us when we act them, and keeps a record of them ; and we for- get them unless He reminds us of them by His grace. So that to confess them to God does 7iot punish us, or make us ashamed ; hut con- fession to Him, if it pro- ceeds from sliame and sor- row, and is an act of humi- lity and self-condemnation, and is a laying open our Avounds for cure, then it is a duty God delights in. In all which circumstances, be- cause we may very much be helped if we take in the assistance of a spiritual Guide ; therefore the Church of God in all ages hath com- mended, and in most ages enjoined °, that we confess our sins, and discover the state and condition of our Souls, to such a person whom we or our superiors judge fit to help us in such needs. For so, if we ^^ confess our sins one to another,^'' as S. James advises f, we shall ob- tain the prayers of the holy man whom God and the Church hath appointed so- lemnly to pray for us : and when he knows our needs, he can best minister com- fort or reproof, oil or caus- ticks; he can more op- portunely recommend your particular state to God ; he can determine your cases of conscience, and judge better for you than you do for yourself ; and the shame of opening such ulcers may restrain your forwardness to contract them : and all these circumstances of ad- vantage will do very much towards the forgiveness. And this course was taken by the new Converts in the n 1 John i. 9. ° S. Basil, reg. brev. 228. Concil. Laod. c. 2. Concil. Qnin. sext. c. 102. Tertnl. de popuit. P James v. 16. 260 OF REPENTANCE. days of the Apostles : " For many that believed, came and confessed and shewed their deeds q." And it were well if this duty were prac- tised prudently and inno- cently in order to public discipline, or private com- fort and instruction ; but that it be done to God is a duty, not directly for itself, but for its adjuncts and the duties that go with it, or before it, or after it : which duties because they are all to be helped and guided by our Pastors and Curates of Souls, he is careful of his eternal interest that will not lose the advantage of using a private Guide and Judge. He that hideth his sins, shall not prosper; {Non dirigetur, saith the Vulgar Latin, he shall want a guide ;) hut ivho confess- eth and forsaketh them, shall have merci/'^. And to this purpose Climacus reports that divers holy persons in that age did use to carry table-books with them, and in them described an ac- count of all their determi- nate thoughts, purposes, q Acts xix. 18. » Rom. vi. 3, 4, 7 ; and viii. 10; Gal. V. 6,24; andvi. 15; 1 Cor. vi Heb. xii. 1, 14, 16 ; and x. 16, 22 words, and actions, in which they had suffered infirmity ; that by communicating the estate of their Souls they might be instructed and guided, and corrected or encouraged. 6. True Repentance must reduce to act all its holy purposes, and enter into and run through the state of holy living^, which is con- trary to that state of dark- ness in which in times past we walked. For to resolve to do it, and yet not to do itt, is to break our resolu- tion and our faith, to mock God, to falsify and evacuate all the preceding acts of Re- pentance, and to make our pardon hopeless, and our hope fruitless. He that re- solves to live well when a danger is upon him, or a violent fear, or when the appetites of lust are newly satisfied, or newly served, and yet when the tempta- tion comes again, sins again, and then is sorrowful, and resolves once more against it, and yet falls when the temptation returns, is a vain man, but no true peni- r Prov. xxviii. 13. and xiii. 13, 14; and xi. 22, 27; .19; 2 Cor. xiii. 5; Col. i. 21— 23 ; 1 Pet. i. 15 ; 2 Pet. i. 4, 9, 10 ; and \ iii. 11 ; 1 John i. 6 ; and iii. 8, 9 ; and v. 16. t Nequam illud verbum, Bene vult, nisi qui bene facit. Trinumm. II. iv. 38. Plautiis. OF REPENTANCE. tent, nor in the state of grace ; aucl if he chance to die in one of these good moods, is very far from sal- vation: for if it be neces- sary that vre resolve to live well, it is necessary we should do so. For resolu- tion is an imperfect act, a term of relation, and signi- fies nothing but in order to the actions : it is as a facul- ty is to the act, as spring to the harvest, as eggs are to birds, as a relative to its correspondent, nothing without it. No man there- fore can be in the state of grace and actual favour by resolutions and holy pur- poses ; these are but the gate and portal towards pardon : a holy life is the only perfection of Repent- ance, and the firm ground upon which we can cast the anchor of hope in the mer- cies of God through Jesus Chi-ist. 7. No man is to reckon his pardon immediately up- on his returns from sin to the beginnings of good life, but is to begin his hopes and degrees of confidence according as sin dies in him, and grace lives ; as the habits of sin lessen, and righteousness grows ; ac- cording as sin returns but ■> Phil 2G1 seldom, in smaller instances, and without choice, and by surprise without delibera- tion, and is highly dis- relished, and presently dash- ed against the Rock Christ Jesus by a holy sorrow and renewed care and more strict watchfulness. For, a holy life being the condition of the Covenant on our part, as we return to God, so God returns to us, and our state returns to the probabilities of pardon. 8. Every man is to work out his salvation with fear and trembling" ; and after the commission of sins his fears must multiply ; be- cause every new sin and every great declining from the ways of God is still a degree of new danger, and hath increased God's anger, and hath made Him more uneasy to grant pardon : and when He does grant it, it is upon harder terms both for doing and sufiering ; that is, we must do more for pardon, and, it may be, suf- fer much more. For we must know that God par- dons our sins by parts ; as our duty increases, and our care is more prudent and active, so God's anger de- creases : and yet it may be, the last sin you committed ii. 12. 262 OF REPENTANCE. made God unalterably re- solved to send upon you some sad judgment. Of the particulars in all cases we are uncertain ; and there- fore we have reason always to mourn for our sins that have so provoked God, and made our condition so full of danger, that it may be no prayers or tears or duty can alter His sentence con- cerning some sad judgment upon us. Thus God irrevo- cably decreed to punish the Israelites for Idolatry, al- though Moses prayed for them, and God forgave them in some degree ; that is, so that He would not cut them off from being a people ; yet He would not forgive them so, but He would visit that their sin upon them : and He did so. 9. A true penitent must all the days of his life pray for pardon, and never think the work completed till he dies ; not by any act of his own, by no act of the Church, by no forgiveness by the party injured, by no resti- tution. These are all in- struments of great use and efficacy, and the means by which it is to be done at length ; but still the sin lies at the door ready to return upon us in judgment and damnation, if we return to it in choice or action. And whether God hath for- given us or no, we know not ; and how far, we know not ; and all that we have done is not of sufficient worth to obtain pardon : therefore still pray, and still be sorrowful for ever having done it, and for ever watch against it ; and then those beginnings of pardon which are working all the way, will at last be perfected in the day of the Lord. 10. Defer not at all to repent ; much less mayest thou put it off to thy death- bed. It is not an easy thing to root out the habits of sin, which a man's whole life hath gathered and con- firmed. We find work enough to mortify one be- loved lust, in our very best advantage of strength and time, and before it is so deeply rooted as it must needs be supposed to be at the end of a wicked life : and therefore it wiU prove impossible when the work is so great and the strength so little, when sin is so strong and grace so weak : for they always keep the same proportion of increase and decrease ; and as sin grows, grace decays : so that the more need we have of grace, the less at that OF REPEI\"TANOE. 263 time we shall have ; because the greatness of our sins, which makes the need, hath lessened the grace of God (which should help us) into nothing. To which add this consideration ; that on a man's death-bed the day of Repentance is past^ : for, Repentance being the renewing of a holy life, a living the life of grace, it is a contradiction to say that a man can live a holy life upon his death-bed : espe- cially if we consider, that for a sinner to live a holy life must first suppose him to have overcome all his evil habits, and then to have made a purchase of the contrary graces, by the labours of great prudence, watchfulness, self-denial, and severity. Nothing that is excellent can he wrought suddenly'' . 11, After the beginnings of thy recovery, be infinitely fearful of a relapse ; and therefore upon the stock of thy sad experience observe where thy failings were, and by special arts fortify that faculty, and arm a- gainst that temptation. For if all those arguments which God uses to us to preserve our innocence, and thy late danger, and thy fears, and the goodness of God making thee once to escape, and the shame of thy fall, and the sense of thy own weaknesses will not make thee watch- ful against a fall, especially knowing how much it costs a man to be restored, it will be infinitely more danger- ous if ever thou fallest a- gain ; not only for fear God should no more accept thee to pardon, but even thy own hopes will be made more desperate, and thy impati- ence greater, and thy shame turn to impudence, and thy own will be more estranged, violent, and refractory, and thy latter end loill he ivorse than thij beginning'^. To Avhich add this considera- tion ; That thy sin, which was formerly in a good way of being pardoned, will not only return upon thee with all its own loads, but with the baseness of unthankful - ness, and thou wilt be set as far back from Heaven as ever ; and all thy former labours and fears and watch- ings and agonies will be reckoned for nothing, but as arguments to upbraid thy folly, who when thou hadst * Mortem venientem nemo hilaris excipit, nisi qui ad earn se diu cora- posuerat. y Arrian. ^ 2 Peter ii. 20. 2G4 OF REPENTANCE. set one foot in Heaven, didst pull that back and carry both to Hell. Motives to Repentance. I shall use no other ar- guments to move a sinner to Repentance, but to tell him, unless he does, he shall certainly perish ; and if he does repent timely and en- tirely, that is, live a holy life, he shall be forgiven and be saved. But yet I desire that this consideration be enlarged with some great circumstances ; and let us remember, 1. That to admit man- kind to Repentance and par- don, Avas a favour greater than ever God gave to the Angels and Devils : for they were never admitted to the condition of second thoughts ; Christ never groaned one groan for them ; He never suffered one stripe nor one afi'ront, nor shed one drop of blood to restore them to hopes of blessedness after their first failings. But this He did for us : He paid the score of our sins, only that we might be admitted to repent, and that this Repentance might be effectual to the great purposes of felicity and sal- vation. » Heb. vii. 25. 2. Consider, that as it cost Christ many millions of prayers and groans and sighs, so He is now at this instant, and hath been for these 1600 years, night and day incessantly praying for grace to us that we may re- pent, and for pardon when we do, and for degrees of pardon beyond the capaci- ties of our infirmities, and the merit of our sorrows and amendment ; and this pray er He will continue till His second coming : for He ever liveth to make intercession for us\ And that we may know what it is, in behalf of which He intercedes, S. Paul tells us His design ; " We are Ambassadors for Christ, as though He did be- seech you by us ; we pray you in Christ's stead, to be reconciled to God^" And what Christ prays us to do, He prays to Cod that we may do ; that which He desires of us as His servants, He desires of God, Who is the fountain of the grace and powers unto us, and with- out Whose assistance we can do nothing. 3. That ever we should repent, was so costly a pur- chase, and so great a con^ comment, and so high a favour, and the event is >> 2 Cor. V. 20. OF REPENTANCE. 265 esteemed by God Himself so great an excellency, that our blessed Saviour tells us, there shall he joy in Heaven over one sin7ier that repent- eth ^ : meaning, that when Christ shall be glorified, and at the right hand of His Father make intercession for us, praying for our Re- pentance ; the Conversion and Repentance of every sinner is part of Christ's glorification : it is the an- swering of His prayers, it is a portion of His reward in which He does essentially glory by the joys of His glorified humanity. This is the joy of our Lord Himself directly ; not of the Angels, save only by reflection : The joy (said our blessed Savi- our) shall be in the presence of the Angels ^ ; they shall see the glory of the Lord, the answering of His prayers, the satisfaction of His de- sires, and the reward of His sufferings, in the repentance and consequent pardon of a sinner. For therefore He once suffered, and for that reason He rejoices for ever. And therefore when a peni- tent sinner comes to receive the effect and full consum- mation of his pardon, it is called, "an entering into the joy of our Lord^f that is, a partaking of that joy which Christ received at our con- version, and enjoyed ever since. 4. Add to this, that the rewards of Heaven are so great and glorious, and Christ's burden is so light, His yoke is so easy, that it is a shameless impudence to expect so great glories at a less rate than so little a ser- vice, at a lower rate than a holy life. It cost the heart- blood of the Son of God to obtain Heaven for us upon that condition ; and who shall die again to get Hea- ven for us upon easier terms ? what would you do if God should command you to kill your eldest son, or to work in the mines for a thousand years together, or to fast all thy life-time with bread and water ? were not Heaven a very great bargain even after all this ? And when God requires nothing of us but to live soberly, justly, and Godly (which things of themselves are to a man a very great felicity, and ne- cessary to our present well- being), shall we think this to be an intolerable burden, and that Heaven is too little a purchase at that price ; and that God in mere justice will take a death- bed sigh Luke rv. 7. d lb. 10. e Matth. xsv. 21. 266 PREPARATION TO THE HOLT SACRAMENT. or groan, and a few unpro- fitable tears and promises, in exchange for all our duty ? If these motives joined together with our own in- terest, even as much as feli- city, and the sight of God, and the avoiding the in- tolerable pains of Hell and many intermedial judg- ments, comes to, will not move us to leave, 1. the fil- thiness, and 2. the trouble, and 3. the uneasiness, and 4. the unreasonableness of sin, and turn to God, there is no more to be said ; we must perish in our folly. Sect. X. or PREPARATION TO, AND THE MANNER HOW TO RECEIVE, THE HOLY SACRAMENT OP THE LORD's SUPPER. The celebration of the holy Sacrament is the great mysteriousness of the Chris- tian Religion, and succeeds to the most solemn rite of natural and Judaical Re- ligion, the Law of sacri- ficing. For God spared mankind, and took the sacri- fice of beasts together with our solemn prayers for an instrument of expiation. But these could not purify the Soul from sin, but were typical of the sacrifice of something that could. But nothing could do this, but either the ofiering of all that sinned, that every man should be the anathema or devoted thing ; or else by some one of the same capa- city, who by some super- added excellency might in His own personal sufferings have a value great enough to satisfy for all the whole kind of sinning persons. This the Son of God, Jesus Christ, God and man, un- dertook, and finished by a Sacrifice of Himself upon the Altar of the Cross. 2. This Sacrifice, because it was perfect, could be but one, and that once : but be- cause the needs of the world should last as long as the world itself, it was neces- sary that there should be a perpetual ministry esta- blished, whereby this one sufficient sacrifice should be made eternally effectual to the several new-arising needs of all the world who should desire it, or in any sense be capable of it. 3. To this end Christ was made a Priest for ever^ : Heb. vii. 17, PREPARATION TO THE HOLY SACRAMENT. 267 He was initiated or conse- crated on the cross, and there began His Priesthood, which was to last till His coming to judgment. It began on earth, but was to last and be officiated in Heaven, where He sits per- petually representing and exhibiting to the Father that great effective sacrifice (which He offered on the cross) to eternal and never- failing purposes. 4. As Christ is pleased to represent to His Father that great Sacrifice as a means of atonement and expiation for all mankind, and with special purposes and intend- ment for all the elect, all that serve Him in holiness ; so He hath appointed that the same ministry shall be done upon earth too, in our manner, and according to our proportion ; and there- fore hath constituted and separated an order of men, who, by shewing forth the Lo7'd''s death^ by Sacra- mental representation, may pray unto God after the same manner that our Lord and High Priest does, that , is, offer to God and repre- sent in this solemn prayer i and Sacrament, Christ as I already offered ; so sending j up a gracious instrument j e 1 Cor. xi. 26. whereby our prayers may for His sake and in the same manner of intercession be offered up to God in our behalf, and for all them for whom we pray, to all those purposes for which Christ died. 5. As the Ministers of the Sacrament do in a Sacra- mental manner present to God the sacrifice of the cross, by being imitators of Christ's intercession ; so the people are sacrificers too in their manner : for besides that by saying Amen they join in the act of him that ministers, and make it also to be their own ; so when they eat and drink the con- secrated and blessed Ele- ments worthily, they receive Christ within them, and therefore may also offer Him to God, while in their sacri- fice of obedience and thanks- giving they present them- selves to God with Christ whom they have spiritually received, that is, themselves with that which will make them gracious and accept- able. The offering their bodies and Souls and ser- vices to God in Him, and hy Him, and idth Him, who is His Father's icell-beloved, and in whom He is well- pleased^, cannot but be h Matth. iii. 16, 17. N2 PREPARATION TO THE HOLY SACRAMENT. accepted to all the purposes of blessing, grace, and glory. 6, This is the sum of the greatest mystery of our Re- ligion ; it is the copy of the Passion, and the ministra- tion of the great mystery of our Redemption : and there- fore whatsoever entitles us to the general privileges of Christ's passion, all that is necessary by way of disposi- tion to the celebration of the Sacrament of His Pas- sion ; because this celebra- tion is our manner of apply- ing or using it. The par- ticulars of which prepara- tion are represented in the following rules. 1. No man must dare to approach to the holy Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper if he be in a state of any one sin ; that is, unless he have entered into the state of repentance, that is, of sorrow and amendment ; lest it be said concerning him, as it was concerning Judas, the hand of him that betrayeth Me is with Me on the table i : and he that re- ceiveth Christ into an im- pure Soul or body, first turns his most excellent nouiish- ment into poison, and then feeds upon it. 2. Every Communicant must first have examined himself; that is, tried the condition and state of his Soul, searched out the secret ulcers, enquired out its weaknesses and indiscre- tions, and all those apt- nesses where it is exposed to temptation : that by find- ing out its diseases he may find a cure ; and by dis- covering its aptnesses, he may secure his present pur- poses of future amendment, and may be armed against dangers and temptations. 3. This examination must be a man's own act and in- quisition into his life : but then also it should lead a man on to run to those, whom the Great Physician of our Souls, Christ Jesus, hath appointed to minister physic to our diseases ; that in all dangers and great accidents we may be assisted for comfort and remedy, for medicine and caution. 4. In this afiair let no man deceive himself, and, against such a time which public authority hath ap- pointed for us to receive the Sacrament, weep for his sins by way of solemnity and ceremony, and still retain the aflfection : but he that comes to this Feast must have on the wedding-gar- ment, that is, he must have Luke xxii. 21. PREPARATION TO THE HOLY SACRAMENT. 269 put on Jesus Christ^, and he must have put off the old vnan with his affections and lusts^ ; and he must he wholly conformed to Christ in the image of his mind "". For then we have put on Christ, when our Souls are clothed with His righteous- ness, when every faculty of our Soul is proportioned i and vested according to the ! pattern of Christ's life. And therefore a man must not I leap from his last night's surfeit and bath, and then I communicate : but when he ' hath begun the work of , God effectually, and made some progress in repentance, I and hath walked some stages and periods in the ways of godliness, then let him come to him that is to minister it, and having made known the state of his Soul, he is to be admitted : but to receive it into an unhallowed Soul and body, is to receive the dust of the Tabernacle in the waters of jealousy ; it will make the belly to swell, and the thigh to rot " ; it will not convey Christ to us, but the Devil will enter and dwell there, till with it he returns to his dwelling of torment. Remember al- ways, that after a great sin k Rom. xiii. 14. m Rom. xii. 2. or after a habit of sins, a man is not soon made clean ; and no unclean thing must come to this Feast. It is not the preparation of two or three days that can ren- der a person capable of this banquet : For, in this Feast, all Christ, and Christ's pas- sion, and all His graces, the blessings and effects of His sufferings, are conveyed. No- thing can fit us for this, but what can unite us to Christ, and obtain of Him to pre- sent our needs to His Hea- venly Father : this Sacra- ment can no otherwise be celebrated, but upon the same terms on which we may hope for pardon and Heaven itself. 5. When we have this general and indispensably- necessary preparation, we are to make our Souls more adorned and trimmed up with circumstances of pious actions and special devo- tions, setting apart some portion of our time imme- diately before the day of solemnity, according as our great occasions will permit: and this time is specially to be spent in actions of re- pentance, confession of our sins, renewing our purposes of holy living, praying for 1 Eph. iv. 22 ; Gal. v. 24. n Numb. V. 17, 27, 29. 270 PREPARATION TO THE HOLT SACRAMENT. pardon of our failings and for those graces which may prevent the like sadnesses for the time to come, medi- tation upon the passion, upon the infinite love of God expressed in so great mysterious manners of re- demption ; and indefinitely in all acts of virtue which may build our Souls up into a Temple fit for the recep- tion of Christ Himself and the inhabitation of the Holy Spirit. 6. The celebration of the Holy Sacrament being the most solemn prayer, joined with the most effectual in- strument of its acceptance, must suppose us in the love of God and in charity with all the World : and therefore we must, before every Com- munion especially, remem- ber what differences or jea- lousies are between us and any one else, and recom- pose all disunions, and cause right understandings be- tween each other ; offering to satisfy whom we have injiured, and to forgive them who have injured us, with- out thoughts of resuming the quarrel when the solem- nity is over ; for that is but to rake the embers in light and phantastic ashes : it must be quenched, and a holy flame enkindled : no fires must be at all, but the fires of love and zeal: and the altar of incense will send up a sweet perfume, and make atonement for us. 7. When the day of the Feast is come, lay aside all cares and impertinencies of the World, and remember that this is thy SouVs day, a day of traffic and inter- course with Heaven. Arise early in the morning. 1. Give God thanks for the approach of so great a bles- sing. 2. Confess thine own unworthiness to admit so Divine a Guest. 3. Then remember and deplore thy sins, which have made thee so unworthy. 4. Then con- fess God's goodness, and take sanctuary there, and upon Him place thy hopes. 5, And invite Him to thee with renewed acts of love, of holy desire, of hatred of His enemy, sin. 6. Make oblation of thyself wholly to be disposed by Him, to the obedience of Him, to His providence and posses- sion, and pray Him to enter and dwell there for ever. And after this, with joy and holy fear and the forward- ness of love address thyself to the receiving of Hi7n, to whom and by whom and for whom all faith and all hope and all love in the whole PREPARATION TO THE HOLT SACRAMENT. 271 Catholic Church, both in Heaven and Earth, is de- signed ; Him, whom Kings and Queens and whole King- doms are in love with, and count it the greatest honour in the World, that their Crowns and Sceptres are laid at His Holy feet. 8. When the holy man stands at the Table of hless- ing and ministers the rite of consecration, then do as the Angels do, who behold, and love, and wonder that the Son of God should be- come food to the Souls of His servants ; that He who cannot suffer any change or lessening^ should be broken into pieces, and enter into the body to support and nourish the Spirit, and yet at the same time remain in Heaven while He descends to thee upon earth ; that He who hath essential feli- city should become misera- ble and die for thee, and then give Himself to thee for ever to redeem thee from sin and misery ; that by His wounds He should pro- cure health to thee, by His affronts He should enti- tle thee to glory, by His death He should bring thee to life, and by becoming a man He should make thee partaker of the Divine na- » 2 Pet, ture°. These are such glo- ries, that although they are made so obvious that each eye may behold them, yet they are also so deep that no thought can fathom them ; but so it hath pleas- ed Him to make these mys- teries to be sensible^ because the excellency and depth of the mercy is not intelligible; that while we are ravished and comprehended within the infiniteness of so vast and mysterious a mercy, yet we may be as sure of it as of that thing we see and feel and smell and taste ; but yet it is so great, that we cannot understand it. 9. These holy mysteries are offered to our senses, but not to be placed under our feet ; they are sensible, but not common : and there- fore, as the weakness of the Elements adds wonder to the excellency of the Sacra- ment ; so let our reverence and venerable usages of them add honour to the Elements, and acknowledge the glory of the mystery, and the Divinity of the mercy. Let us receive the consecrated Elements with all devotion and humility of body and spirit ; and do this honour to it, that it be the first food we eat, and 4. RECEIVING THE HOLT SACRAMENT. 272 the first beverage we drink \ that day, unless it be in j case of sickness, or other j great necessity ; and that j your body and Soul both be prepared to its reception with abstinence from se- cular pleasures, that you may better have attended fastings and preparatory prayers. For if ever it be seasonable to observe the counsel of Saint Paul, that married persons by consent should abstain for a time, that they may attend to solemn Religion p, it is now. It was not by Saint Paul nor the after-ages of the Church called a duty so to do, but it is most reasonable that the more solemn actions of Religion should be attended to without the mixture of any thing that may discom- pose the mind, and make it more secular or less religious. 10. In the act of receiv- ing, exercise acts of Faith with much confidence and resignation, believing it not to be common bread and wine, but holy in their use, holy in their signification, holy in their change, and holy in their effect : and believe, if thou art a worthy Communicant, thou dost as verily receive Christ's body and blood to all effects and purposes of the Spirit, as thou dost receive the blessed Elements into thy mouth ; that thou puttest thy finger to His hand, and thy hand into His side, and thy lips to His fontinel of blood, sucking life from His heart '' : and yet if thou dost com- municate unworthily, thou eatest and drinkest Christ to thy danger, and death, and destruction. Dispute not concerning the secret of the mystery, and the nicety of the manner of Christ's presence ; it is sufficient to thee that (.hrist shall be present to thy Soul, as an instrument of grace, as a pledge of the resurrection, as the earnest of glory and immortality, and a means of many intermedial bless- ings, even all such as are necessary for thee, and are in order to thy salvation. And to make all this good to thee, there is nothing necessary on thy part but a holy life, and a true belief of all the sayings of Christ ; amongst which, indefinitely assent to the words of insti- tution, and believe that Christ in the holy Sacra- V 1 Cor. vii. 5. q Cruci haeremus, sanguinem sugimns, et inter ipsa Redemptoris nostri vulnera figimus linguam. Cyprian, de Caena Dom. RECEIVING THE HOLT SACHAMEXT. 273 ment gives thee His body and His blood. He that believes not this, is not a Christian. He that believes so much, needs not to in- quire further, nor to entan- gle His faith by disbelieving His sense. 11. Fail not, this solem- nity, according to the cus- tom of pious and devout people, to make an offering to God for uses of religion and the poor ; according to thy ability. For Avhen Christ feasts His body, let us also feast our fellow-members who have right to the same promises, and are partakers of the same Sacrament, and partners of the same hope, and cared for under the same providence, and de- scend from the same com- mon parents, and whose Fa- ther God is, and Christ is their elder brother. If thou chancest to communicate where this holy custom is not observed publicly, sup- ply that want by thy pri- vate charity ; but offer it to God at His Holy Table, at least by thy private design- ing it there. 12. When you have re- ceived, pray and give thanks. Pray for all estates of men ; for they also have an interest in the body of Christ where- ' Rev. of they are members : and you in conjimction with Christ (Whom then you have received) are more fit to pray for them in that ad- vantage, and in the cele- bration of that Holy sacri- fice which then is sacra- mentally represented to God. * Give thanks for the passion of our dearest Lord : re- member all its parts, and all the instruments of your Redemption ; and beg of God that by a holy perse- verance in well-doing you may from shadows pass on to substances, from eating His body to seeing His face, from the Typical, Sacra- mental, and Transient, to the Real and Eternal Sup- per of the Lamb^ 13. After the solemnity is done, let Christ dwell in your hearts by faith, and love, and obedience, and conformity to His life and death : as you have taken Christ into you, ^ortut Christ on you, and conform every faculty of your Soul and body to His holy image and perfection. Remember, that now Christ is all one Avith you ; and therefore when you are to do an action, consider how Christ did or would do the like, and do you imitate His example, xix. 9. 3 RECEIVING THE HOLT SACRAMENT. 274 and transcribe His copy, and understand all His com- mandments, and choose all that He propounded, and de- sire His promises, and fear His threatenings, and marry His loves and hatreds, and contract His friendships ; for then you do every day communicate ; especially when Christ thus dwells in you, and you in Christ, growing up towards a 'per- fect man in Christ Jesus^. 14. Do not instantly upon your return from Church return also to the world, and secular thoughts and employments ; but let the remaining parts of that day be like a post- Communion or an after-office^ entertain- ing your blessed Lord with all the caresses and sweet- ness of love and colloquies, and intercourses of duty and aflection, acquainting Him with all your needs, and re- vealing to Him all your secrets, and opening all your infirmities : and as the af- fairs of your person or em- ployment call you off, so re- tire again with often ejacula- tions and acts of entertain- ment to your beloved Guest. The effects and benefits of worthy Communicating. When I said that the sa- • Eph. crifice of the Cross, which Christ offered for all the sins and all the needs of the world, is represented to God by the Minister in the Sa- crament, and offered up in prayer and Sacramental me- mory, after the manner that Christ Himself intercedes for us in Heaven (so far as His glorious priesthood is imit- able by His ministers on earth) ; I must of necessity also mean, that all the be- nefits of that sacrifice are then conveyed to all that communicate worthily. But if we descend to particulars, Then and there the Church is nourished in her faith, strengthened in her hope, enlarged in her bowels with an increasing charity : there all the members of Christ are joined with each other, and all to Christ their head ; and we again renew the covenant with God in Jesus Christ, and God seals His part, and we promise for ours, and Christ unites both, and the Holy Ghost signs both in the collation of those graces which we then pray for and exercise and receive all at once. There our bodies are nourished with the signs, and our Souls with the mystery : our bodies receive into them the seed iv. 13. RECEIVING THE HOLY SACRAMENT. of an immortal nature, and our Souls are joined with Him who is the first-fruits of the resurrection and never can die. And if we desire any thing else and need it, here it is to be praj'ed for, here to be hoped for, here to be received. Long life and health, and recovery from sickness, and competent sup- port and maintenance, and peace and deliverance from our enemies, and content, and patience, and joy, and sanctified riches, or a cheer- ful poverty, and liberty, and whatsoever else is a bles- sing, was purchased for us by Christ in His death and resurrection, and in His in- tercession in Heaven. And this Sacrament being that to our particulars, which the great mysteries are in themselves, and by design to all the world, if we re- ceive worthily we shall re- ceive any of these bles- sings, according as God shall choose for us ; and He will not only choose with more wisdom, but also with more affection, than we can for ourselves. After all this, it is ad- vised by the Guides of Souls, wise men and pious, that all persons should communi- cate very often, even as * L'Evesciue de Geneve 275 often as they can, without excuses or delays. Every thing that puts us from so holy an employment when we are moved to it, being either a sin or an imperfec- tion, an infirmity or inde- votion, and an unactiveness of Spirit. All Christian people must come. They indeed that are in the state of sin must not come so, but yet they must come. First they must quit their state of death, and then partake of the bread of life. They that are at enmity with their neighbours must come, that is no excuse for their not coming ; only they must not bring their enmity along with them, but leave it, and then come*. They that have variety of secular employments must come ; only they must leave their secular thoughts and affec- tions behind them, and then come and converse with God. If any man be well grown in grace, he must needs come, because he is excel- lently disposed to so lioly a feast ; but he that is but in the infancy of piety had need to come, that so he may grow in grace. The strong must come, lest they become weak ; and the weak, that they may become . introd. a la vie devote, 276 RECEIVING THE HOLY SACRAMENT. strong. The sick must come to be cured, the healthful to be preserved. They that have leisvure must come, be- cause they have no excuse : they that have no leisure must come hither, that by so excellent Religion they may sanctify their business. The penitent sinners must come, that they may be jus- tified ; and they that are justified., that they may he justi-fied still. They that have fears and great rever- ence to these mysteries, and think no preparation to be sufficient, must receive, that they may learn how to re- ceive the more worthily : and they that have a less degree of reverence, must come often to have it height- ened : that, as those crea- tures that live amongst the snows of the mountains turn white with their food and conversation with such per- petual whitenesses ; so our Souls may be transformed into the similitude and union with Christ by our perpetual feeding on Him, and cou- j versation, not only in His Courts, but in His very heart, and most secret af- fections, and incomparable purities. PRAYERS FOR ALL SORTS OP MEN AND ALL NECESSITIES ; RELATING TO THE SEVERAL PARTS OF THE VIRTUE OF RELIGION. A Prayer for the Graces of Faith, Rope., Charity. Lord God of infinite mercy, of infinite excellen- ' cy, who has sent Thy holy Son into the world to re- deem us from an intolerable misery, and to teach us a holy religion, and to forgive us an infinite debt ; give me Thy Holy Spirit, that my understanding and all my faculties may be so re- signed to the discipline and doctrine of my Lord, that I may be prepared in mind and will to die for the tes- timony of Jesus, and to suf- fer any afiliction or calamity that shall ofiTer to hinder my duty, or tempt me to shame or sin or apostasy : and let my faith be the parent of a good life, a strong shield to repel the fiery darts of the Devil, and the Author of a holy hope, of modest desires, of confidence in God, and of a never-failing charity to Thee my God, and to all the world ; that I may never have my portion with the unbelievers, or uncharitable "1>RAYEES FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 277 and desperate persons ; but may he supported by the strengths of faith in all temptations, and may be refreshed with the comforts of a holy hope in all my sorrows, and may bear the burden of the Lord, and the infirmities of my neigh- bour by the support of cha- rity ; that the yoke of Jesus may become easy to me, and my love may do all the mi- racles of grace, till from grace it swell to glory, from earth to Heaven, from duty to reward, from the imper- fections of a beginning and little growing love it may arrive to the consummation of an eternal and never- ceasing charity, through JesiLS Christ the Son of Thy love, the Anchor of our hope, and the Author and finisher of our faith : to whom with Thee, Lord God, Father of Heaven and Earth, and with Thy Holy Spirit, be all glory, and love, and obedience, and domi- nion, now and for ever. Acts of Love hy way of irrayer and ejaculation; to he used in private. 1. God, Thou art my God, early ivill I seek Thee : my sold thirsteth for Thee, » Ps. Ixiii. 1—3. ^ Ps. IxxsiV. 1, 2. 4. my flesh longeth for Thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no loater is; To see Thy power and Thy glory, so as I have seen Thee in the sanctvMry. Because Thy loviyig -kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise Thee u. 2. / am ready not only to he hound, hut to die for the name of the Lord Jesus^. 3. How amiable are Thy tabernacles. Thou Lord of Hosts! My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord : my heart and my flesh crieih out for the living God. Blessed are they that dwell in Thy house ; they will still he praising Thee^. 4. blessed Jesu, Thou art worthy of all adoration, and all honour, and all love : Thou art the Wonderful, the Counsellor, the mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of peace ; of Thy government and peace there shall be no end ^ : Thou art the brightness of Thy Fa- ther's glory, the express image of His person, the appointed Heir of all things. Thou upholdest all things by the word of Thy power ; Thou didst by Thyself purge our sins : Thou art set on * Acts xxi. 13. * Isa. ix. 6, 7. 278 PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. the right hand of the Ma- jesty on high : Thou art made better than the An- gels, Thou hast by inheri- tance obtained a more ex- cellent name than they". Thou, dearest Jesus, art the head of the Church, the beginning and the first-born from the dead : in all things Thou hast the preeminence, and it pleased the Father that in Thee should all ful- ness dwell ''. Kingdoms are in love with Thee : Kings lay their Crowns and Sceptres at Thy feet, and Queens are Thy handmaids, and wash the feet of Thy servants. A Prater to be said in any afjiiction, as death of chil- dren, of husband or wife, in great poverty, in im- jyrisonment, in a sad and disconsolate spirit, and in temptaiions to despair. Eternal God, Father of Mercies and God of all com- fort, with much mercy look upon the sadnesses and sor- rows of Thy servant. My sins lie heavy upon me, and press me sore, and there is no health in my bones by reason of Thy displeasure and my sine. The waters are gone over me, and I stick fast in the deep mire '*, » Heb. i. 2—4. •^ Ps. xxxviii. 2, 3. and my miseries are without comfort, because they are punishments of my sin : and I am so evil and unworthy a person, that though I have great desires, yet I have no dispositions or worthiness towards receiving comfort. My sins have caused my sorrow, and my sorrow does not cure my sins : and un- less for Thy own sake, and merely because Thou art good. Thou shalt pity me and relieve me, I am as much without remedy as now I am without comfort. Lord, pity me ; Lord, let Thy grace refresh my spirit, Let Thy comforts support me. Thy mercy pardon me, and never let my portion be amongst hopeless and ac- cursed spirits : for Thou art good and gracious ; and I throw myself upon Thy mer- cy. Let me never let my hold go, and do Thou with me what seems good in Thy OAvn eyes. I cannot sufier more than I have deserved : and yet I can need no relief so great as Thy mercy is : for Thou art infinitely more merciful than I can be mi- serable ; and Thy mercy, which is above all Thy own works, must needs be far above all my sin and all my b Col. i. 18, 19. d Ps. Ixix. 1, 2. PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 279 misery. Dearest Jesus, let me trust in Thee for ever, and let me never be con- founded. Amen. Ejaculations and short me- ditations to he used in time of Sichiiess and tSo?'- row; or danger of Death. Hear my Prayer^ Lord, and let my cry come unto Thee. * Hide not Thy face from me in the time of my trouble, incline Thine ear unto me ivhen I call : Ohear Tne, and that right soon. * For my days are consumed like smoke, and my hones are hurnt up as it icere a fire- hrand. * My heart is smit- ten down and withered like grass, so that I forget to eat my hread : And that because of Thine indignation and wrath : for Thou hast ta- ken me up and cast me down e. * Th ine arro ws stick fast in me, and Thine hand presseth me sore. There is no health in my flesh because of Thy displeasure, neither is there any rest in my hones hy reason of my sin. '^ My wickednesses are gone over my head, and are a sore burden too heavy for me to hear. * But / ?6" ill co nfess my wickedness, and he sorry for my sin^. *0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thiiu indignation, neither chasten me in Thy displeasure s. *Lord, be mer- ciful unto 'ine : heal my sold : for I have sinned against Thee^. Have mercy upon me, God, after Thy great good- 7iess ; according to the mul- titude of Thy mercies do away mine offences ^. * re- member not the sins and offences of my youth : hut ac- cording to Thy mercy think Thou upo7i me, Lord, for Thy goodness^. * Wash me throughly from my wicked- ness : and cleanse me from my sin. * Make me a clean heart, God, and renew a right spirit ivithin me. * Cast me not away from Thy presence, from Thy all-hal- lowing and life-giving pre- sence : and take not Thy holy Spirit, Thy sanctifying, Thy guiding, Thy comforting. Thy supporting and con- firming Spirit /row one^. God, Thou art my God for ever and ever : Thou shalt he my guide unto death^. "^Lord, comfort me noAv that I lie sick upon my bed : make Thou my bed in all my sichiess " . * deliver e Ps. cii. 1 — 4, 10. '■ Ps. xli. 4. 1 2, 10, 11. Ps. xxxviii. 2- Ps. li. 1. ' Ps. xlviii. 14. -4, 18. s Ps. vi. 1. '' Ps. XXV. 7. ° Ps. xli. 3. 280 PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. my soul from the place of Hell : and do Thou receive me 0. * J/y heart is disquieted within m£, mid the fear of death is fallen upon me'^. * Behold Thou, hast made my days as it were a span long, and my age is even as no- thing in respect of Thee ; and verily every man living is altogether vanity. * When Thou ivith rebukes dost chas- ten man for sin, Thou mah- est his beauty to consume away like a moth fretting a garment : every man there- fore is but vanity. * And oiow, Lord, what is my hope ? tridy my hope is even in Thee. * Hear my prayer, Lord, and with Thine ears consider my calling : hold not Thy peace at my tears. *Take thisj^lague away from me: lam consumed by the means of Thy heavy hand. '^^ lam a stranger with Thee ami a sojourner, as all my fathers tvere. * spare me a little, that I may recover my strength before / go hence and be no more seen '^. * My Sold cleaveth unto the dust: quicken me according to Thy ivord ^. * And when the snares of death compass me round about, let not the pains of hell take hold upon An Act of Faith concernin/f Resurrection and the day of Judgment, to be said by sick persons or medi- tated. 1 know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth : and though cfter my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God : whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, though my reins be consumed within meK God shall come and shall not keep silence : there shall go before Him a consuming fire, and a mighty tempest shall be stirred up round about Him : He shall call the heaven from cd)ove, and the earth, that He may judge His people"^. *0 blessed Jesic, Thou art my Judge and Thou art my Advocate : have mercy upon me in the hour of my death, and in the day of judgment. See John V. 28. and 1 Thess. iv. 15. Short Prayers to be said by sick persons. Holy Jesus, Thou art a merciful High-Priest and touched with the sense of our infirmities : Thou know- ° Ps. xlix. 15. P Ps. Iv. 4. 1 Ps. xxxix. 5, 7, 10, 12, 13. Ps. cxix. 25. * Ps. cxvi. 3. ' Job xis. 25—27. » Ps. 1. 3, 4. PRATERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 281 est the sharpness of my sickness and the weakness of mj person. The clouds are gathered about me, and Thou hast covered me with Thy storm : my understand- ing hath not such appre- hension of things as for- merly. Lord, let Thy mercy support me, Thy Spirit giiide me, and lead me through the valley of this death safely ; that I may pass it patiently, holily, with perfect resignation ; and let me rejoice in the Lord, in the hopes of pardon, in the expectation of glory, in the sense of Thy mercies, in the refreshments of Thy spirit, in a victory over all temp- tations. Thou hast promised to be with us in tribulation. Lord, my Soul is troubled, and my body is weak, and my hope is in Thee, and my enemies are busy and mighty ; now make good Thy holy promise. Now, holy Jesus, now let Thy hand of grace be upon me : restrain my ghostly ene- mies, and give me all sorts of spiritual assistances. Lord, remember Thy ser- vant in the day when Thou bindest up Thy Jewels. take from me all te- diousness of Spirit, all im- patiency and unquietness : let me possess my soul in patience, and resign my Soul and body into Thy hands, as into the hands of a faithful Creator, and a i blessed Redeemer. holy Jesit, Thou didst die for us ; by Thy sad 1 pungent and intolerable ' pains which Thou enduredst I for me, have pity on me, and ease my pain, or in- crease my patience. Lay on me no more than Thou shalt ena-ble me to bear. I have deserved it all and more, and infinitely more. Lord, I am weak and ig- norant, timorous and incon- stant, and I fear lest some- thing should happen that may discompose the state of my Soul, that may displease Thee : do what Thou wilt with me, so Thou dost but preserve me in Thy fear and favour. Thou knowest that it is my great fear ; but let Thy spirit secure, that no- thing may be able to sepa- rate me from the love of God in Jesus Christ : then smite me here, that Thou mayest spare me for ever : and yet, Lord, smite me friendly ; for Thou knowest my infirmities. Into Thy hands I commend my spirit, for Thou hast redeemed me, Lord, thou God of truth. *Come, Holy Spirit, help me PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. in this conflict. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. IT Let the Sick man often meditate upon these fol- lowing promises and gra- cious words of God. My help cometh of the Lord, loho preserveth them that are true of heart". And all they that hioio Thy Name will "put their trust in Thee : for Thou, Lord, hast never failed them that seek Thee"^. how "plentiful is Thy goodness which Thou hast laid up for tliem that fear Thee, and that Thou hast prepared for them that put their trust in Thee, even he- fore the sons of men''! Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear Him, and upon them that put their trust in His mercy, to deliver their souls from death*. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart", and will save such as are of an humble spirit ". Thou, Lord, shalt save both man and beast ; how excellent is Thy mercy, God I and the children of men shall put their trust under the shadow of Thy wings ". They shall he satisfied with theplenteousnessofThy house : and Thou shalt give them to drink of Thy plea- sures as out of the rivers c. For with Thee is the well of life ; and in Thy light we shall see light ^. Commit thy way unto the Lord, and put thy trust in Him, and He shall bring it to pass^ . But the salvation of the righteous cometh of the Lord: ivho is also their strength in the time of trouble^. So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: doubtless there is a God that judgeth the earth's. Blessed is the 7ncCn whom Thou choosest aixd receivest unto Thee : he shall dwell in Thy court^and shall be satis- fied ivith the pleasures of Thy house, even of Thy holy tem- ple^. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy '^. It is written, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee^. The Prayer of faith shall save the sick ; and the Lord shall raise him up : and if ' Pg. vii. 10. ^ Ps. ix. 10. y Ps. xxxi. 19. « Ps. xxxiii. 17, 18. a Ps. xxxiv. 18. •> Ps. xxxvi. 7. <= Ver. 8. d Ver. 9. * Ps. xxxvii. 5. ' Ver. 39. g Ps. Iviii. 11. *» Ps. Ixv. 4. J Ps. czsvi. 5. ^ Heb. xiii. 5. PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 283 ue have committed sins, they ',hcdl he forgiven him^. Come, and let us return into the Lord : for He hath \orn, and He will heal us ; He hath smitten^ and He will bind us up "". Ifive sin, we have an Ad- vocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous ; And He is the propitiation for our si^is". If we confess our sins. He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us frorii all unright- eousness °. He that forgives shall be forgiven"^. And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth US'*. A nd ye know that He was manifested to take away our sins'. If ye being evil know to give good things to your children, hoiv much more shall your Father which is iti Heaven give good things to them that ask Him^? This IS a faithful saying and worthy of all accepta- tion, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sin- * He that hath given us His Son, how should not He with Him give us all things else''? Acts of Hope to be used by sick persons after a pious life. 1. / am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor Angels, nor Principalities, nor powers, nor things pre- sent, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord^. 2. / have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Hejiceforth there is laid up for Tne a crown of righteous- ness, which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day; and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appear- ing y. 3. Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comforts, Who comforts us in all our tribulation'^. Jam. V. 15. 1 John i. 9. 1 John iii. 5. Bom. viii. 32. m Hos. vi. 1. P Luke vi. 37. • Matth. vii. 11. " Rom. viii. 38, 39. ^ 2 Cor. i. 3, 4. I John ii. 1, 2. 1 John V. 14. 1 Tim i. 15. 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8. 284 PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS, A Prayer to he mid in le- Jtalf of a sick or dying person. Lord God, there is no number of Thy days nor of Thy mercies, and the sins and sorrows of Thy servant also are multiplied. Lord, look upon him with much mercy and pity, forgive him all his sins, comfort his sorrows, ease his pain, sa- tisfy his doubts, relieve his fears,instruct his ignorances, strengthen his understand- ing, take from him all dis- orders of spirit, weakness and abuse of fancy. Re- strain the malice and power of the spirits of darkness ; and suffer him to be injured neither by his ghostly ene- mies, nor his own infirmi- ties : and let a holy and a just peace, the peace of God, be within his conscience. Lord, preserve his senses till the last of his time ; strengthen his faith, con- firm his hope, and give him a never-ceasing charity to Thee our God, and to all the world : stir up in him a great and proportionable contrition for all the evils he hath done, and give him a just measure of patience for all he suffers, give him prudence, memory, and con- sideration, rightly to state the accounts of his soul ; and do Thou remind him oi all his duty, that when if shall please Thee that hia Soul goes out from the pri- son of his body, it may be received by Angels, and pre- served from the surprise of evil spirits, and from the hortors and amazements of new and strange regions, and be laid up in the bosom of our Lord, till at the day of Thy second coming it shall be re-united to the body, which is now to be laid down in weakness and dishonour, but we humbly beg may then be raised up with glory and power for ever to live, and to behold the face of God in the glories of the Lord Je.SM.s, Who is our hope, our resurrection, and our life, the light of our eyes and the joy of our souls, our blessed and ever- glorious Redeemer. Amen. Hither the sick persons vaay draw in and use the acts of several virtvycs respersed in the several parts of this hook, the several Litanies, viz. of Repentance, of the Passion, atid the siiiyle prayers, according to his present needs. A Prayer to he said in a Storm at Sea. my God, Thou didst PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 285 create the Earth and the Sea for Thy glory and the use of man, and dost daily shew wonders in the deep : look upon the danger and fear of Thy servant. My shis have taken hold upon me, and without the sup- porting arm of Thy mercy I cannot look up ; but my trust is in Thee. Do Thou, Lord, rebuke the sea, and make it calm ; for to Thee the winds and the sea obey : let not the waters swallow me up, but let Thy Spirit, the Spirit of gentleness and mercy, move upon the waters. Be Thou reconciled unto Thy servants, and then the face of the waters will be smoothe. I fear that my sins make me, like Jonas, the cause of the tempest. Cast out all my sins, and throw not Thy servants away from Thy presence and from the land of the liv- ing, into the depths where all things are forgotten. But if it be Thy will that we shall go down into the waters. Lord, receive my Soul into Thy holy hands, and preserve it in mercy and safety till the day of restitution of all things : and be pleased to unite my death to the death of Thy Son, and to accept of it so united as a punishment for all my sins, that thou mayest forget all Thine anger, and blot my sins out of Thy book, and write my soul there, for Jesus Christ His sake, our dearest Lord and most mighty Redeemer. Amen. Then make an act of Resig- nation thus : To God pertain the issues of life and death. It is the Lord, let Ilim do what seem- eth good in His own eyes. Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven. Recite Psalm 107. and 130. A form of a Vow to be m/xde in this or the like danger. If the Lord will be gra- cious and hear the Prayer of His servant, and bring me safe to shore, then I will praise Him secretly and publicly, and pay unto the uses of charity [or Religion] \then name the sum you design for holy uses.~\ my God, my goods are nothing unto Thee : I will also be Tby servant all the days of my life, and re- member this mercy and my present purposes, and live more to God's glory, and with a stricter duty. And 286 PRATERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. do Thou please to accept this vow as an instance of my importunity, and the greatness of my needs : and be Thou graciously moved to pity and deliver me. Amen. This form also may he used in praying for a blessing on an enterprize, and may he instanced in actions of devotion as loell as of Charity. A Prayer hefore a Journey. Almighty God, Who fillest all things with Thy presence, and art a God afar oft as well as near at hand ; Thou didst send Thy Angel to bless Jacob in his jour- ney % and didst lead the children of Israel through the Red sea, making it a wall on the right hand and on the left : be pleased to let Thy Angel go out before me and guide me in my journey, preserving me from dangers of robbers, from violence of enemies, and sudden and sad accidents, from falls and errors. And prosper my journey to Thy glory, and to all my inno- cent purposes : and preserve me from all sin, that I may return in peace and holiness, with Thy favour and Thy blessing, and may serve Thee in thankfulness and obedience all the days of my pilgrimage : and at last bring me to Thy country, to the celestial Jerusalem, there to dwell in Thy house, and to sing praises to Thee for ever. Amen. Ad Sect. 4. A Prayer to he said before the hearing or reading the Word of God. holy and Eternal Jesus, Who hast begotten us by Thy Word, renewed us by Thy Spirit, fed us by Thy Sacraments and by the daily ministry of Thy word, still go on to build us up to life eternal. Let Thy most holy Spirit be present with me and rest upon me in the reading [or hearing] Thy sacred Word : that I may do it humbly, reverently, without prejudice, with a mind ready and desirous to learn and to obey ; that I may be readily furnished and instructed to every good work, and may practise all Thy holy laws and com- mandments, to the glory of Thy holy name, holy and eternal Jesus. Amen. Gen. xxxii. ], 24, 29. PRATERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 287 Ad Sect. 5, 9, 10. A form of confession of sins and repentance^ to he used upon Fasting-days^ or days of Humiliation ; es- pecially in Lent, and he- fore the Holy Sacrament. Have mercy upon Tne, God, after Thy great good- ness : according to the mul- titude of Thy mercies do away mine offences^. For 1 will confess mi/ loichedness and he sorry for my sin'^. ^O my dearest Lord, I am not worthy to be accounted amongst the meanest of Thy servants ; not worthy to be sustained by the least fragments of Thy mercy, but to be shut out of Thy presence for ever with dogs and unbelievers. But for Thy Name's sake, Lord, he mercifid unto my sin, for it is great*'. I am the vilest of sinners, and the worst of men ; proud and vain-glorious, impatient of scorn or of just reproof ; not enduring to be slighted, and yet extremely deserv- ing it : I have been cozened by the colours of humility ; and when I have truly called myself vicious, I could not endure any man else should say so or think so. I have been disobedient to my supe- riors, churlish and ungentle in my behaviour, unchristian and unmanly. But for Thy Name's sake, &c. just and dear God, how can I expect pity or par- don, who am so angry and peevish, with and without cause, envious at good, re- joicing at the evil of my neighbours, negligent of my charge, idle and useless, timorous and base, jealous and impudent, ambitious and hard-hearted, soft, un- mortified and effeminate in my life, indevout in my prayers, without fancy or affection, without attend- ance to them or persever- ance in them ; but passion- ate and curious in pleasing my appetite of meat and drink and pleasures, mak- ing matter both for sin and sickness? and I have reaped the cursed fruits of such improvidence, enter- taining indecent and im- pure thoughts ; and I have brought them forth in in- decent and impure actions, and the spirit of unclean- ness hath entered in, and unhallowed the temple which Thou didst conse- crate for the habitation of Thy Spirit of love and holi- »> Ps. li. 1. c Ps. xxxviii. 18. "■ Ps. XXV. 1] 288 PKAYERS FOB SEVERAL 0CCASI0J5S. ness. But for Thy Name's sake J Lord, he mercijul unto my sin, for it is great. Thou hast given me a whole life to serve Thee in, and to advance my hopes of Heaven : and this precious time I have thrown away upon my sins and vanities, being improvident of my time and of my talent, and of my grace and my own advantages, resisting Thy Spirit and quenching Him. I have been a great lover of myself, and yet used many ways to destroy myself, I have pursued my temporal ends with greediness and indirect means. I am re- vengeful and unthankful, forgetting benefits, but not so soon forgetting injuries ; curious and murmuring, a great breaker of promises. I have not loved my neigh- bour's good, nor advanced it in all things where I could. I have been unlike Thee in all things. I am unmerciful and unjust ; a sottish admirer of things below, and careless of Hea- ven and the ways that lead thither. But for Thy Name's sake Lord, be merciful unto my sin, for it is great. All my senses have been windows to let sin in, and death by sin. Mine eyes have been adulterous and covetous ; mine ears open to ' slander and detraction ; my tongue and palate loose and wanton, intemperate, and of foul language, talkative and lying, rash and malicious, false and flattering, irreligi- ous and irreverent, detract- ing and censorious ; my hands have been injurious and unclean, my passions violent and rebellious, my desires impatient and un- reasonable : all my mem- bers and all my faculties have been servants of sin ; and my very best actions have more matter of pity than of confidence, being imperfect in my best, and intolerable in most. But for thy Name sake, Lord, &c. Unto this and a far bigger heap of sin I have added also the faults of others to my own score, by neglecting to hinder them to sin in all that I could and ought : but I also have encouraged them in sin, have taken off their fears, and hardened their consciences, and tempt- ed them directly, and pre- vailed in it to my own ruin and theirs, unless Thy glo- rious and unspeakable mer- cy hath prevented so in- tolerable a calamity. Lord, I have abused Thy mercy, despised Thy judg- PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 289 ments, turned Thy grace into wantonness. I have been unthankful for Thy infinite loving-kindness. I have sinned and repented, and then sinned again, and resolved against it and pre- sently broke it ; and then I tied myself up with vows, and then was tempted, and then I yielded by little and little, till I was willingly lost again, and my vows fell off like cords of vanity. Miserable man that lam ! ivho shall deliver me from this bodij of sin ^ ? And yet, Lord, I have another heap of sins to be unloaded. My secret sins, Lord, are innumerable ; sins I noted not, sins that 1 willingly neglected, sins that I acted upon wilful ignorance and voluntary mispersuasion, sins that I have forgot, and sins which a diligent and a Avatchful spirit might have prevented, but I would not. Lord, I am confounded with the multitude of them, and the horror of their rem embrance, though I consider them nakedly in their direct ap- pearance, without the de- formity of their unhand- some and aggravating cir- cumstances : but so dressed, they are a sight too ugly, « Rom. vii. 24. an instance of amazement, infinite in degrees, and in- sufferable in their load. And yet Thou hast spared me all this while, and hast not thrown me into Hell, where I have deserved to have been long since, and even now to have been shut up to an eternity of tor- ments with insupportable amazement, fearing the re- velation of Thy Day. Miserable man that lam ! ivho shall deliver me from this body of sin ? Thou shalt answer for me, Lord my OodK Thou that prayest for me, shall be my Judge. The Prayer. Thou hast prepared for me a more healthful sor- row ; deny not Thy ser- vant when he begs sor- row of Thee. Give me a deep contrition for my sins, a hearty detestation and loathing of them, hat- ing them worse than death with torments. Give me grace entirely, presently, and for ever to forsake them ; to walk with care and prudence, with fear and watchfulness, all my days ; to do all my duty Avith dili- gence and charity, with zeal and a never-fainting spirit ; f Ps. xxxviii. 15. 290 PRATERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. to redeem the time, to trust upon Thy mercies, to make use of all the instruments of grace, to work out my salvation with fear and trembling : that Thou may- est have the glory of par- doning all my sins, and I may reap the fruit of all Thy mercies and all Thy graces, of Thy patience and long-suffering, even to live a holy life here, and to reign with Thee for ever, through Jesiis Christ our Lord. Amen. Ad Sect. 6. Special devotions to he used upon the Lord's Day, and the great Festivals of Christians. 1. In the Morning recite the folloicing form of Thanks- giving ; upon thp special Festivals adding the coni- Tnemoration of the special blessings, according to the follovjing Prayers: add- ing such Prayers as you shall choose otit of the foregoing Devotions. 2. Besides the ordinary and puhlic duties of the day, if you retire into your closet to read and medi- tate, after you have per- formed that duty, say the Song of Saint Ambrose commonly called the " Te Deum," or " We praise Thee," &c. then add the Prayers for particul> Ps. Ixxxix. Heb. i. 1—3. PRATERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIOXg. 29: flicted; and suffered death for us, that we by Him might live, and be partakers of His nature and His glo- ries, of His body and of His Spirit, of the blessings of Earth, and of immortal feli- cities in Heaven. that men would there- fore 'praise the Lord, &c. For Thou, holy and im- mortal God, sweetest Sa- viour Jesus, wert made un- der the Law to condemn sin in the flesh ; Thou, who knewest no sin, wert made sin for us : Thou gavest to us righteous Command- ments, and madest known to us all Thy Father's will : Thou didst redeem us from our vain conversation, and from the vanity of Idols, false principles, and foolish confidences, and broughtest us to the knowledge of the true and only God and our Father, and hast made us to Thyself a peculiar people, of Thy own purchase, a royal Priesthood, a holy Nation : Thou hast washed our Souls in the Laver of Regeneration, the Sacra- ment of Baptism : Thou hast reconciled us by Thy Death, justified us by Thy Resurrection, sanctified us "by Thy Spirit, (sending Him upon Thy Church in visible forms, and giving Him in powers and miracles and mighty signs, and con- tinuing this incomparable favour in gifts and sanctify- ing graces, and promising that He shall abide with us for ever :) Thou hast fed us with Thine own broken Body, and given drink to our Souls out of Thine own heart, and hast ascended up on high, and hast overcome all the powers of Death a,nd Hell, and redeemed us from the miseries of a sad eter- nity ; and sittest at the right hand of God, making intercession for us with a never-ceasing charity. that men woidd there- fore 'praise the Lord, &c. The grave could not hold Thee long, holy and eter- nal Jesus ; Thy body could not see corruption, neither could Thy Soul be left in Hell : Thou wert free among the dead, and Thou breakest the iron gates of Death, and the bars and chains of the lower prisons. Thou broughtest comfort to the Souls of the Patriarchs, who waited for Thy coming, who longed for the redemption of Man, and the revelation of Thy Day. Ahrahmn, Isaac, and Jacob, saw Thy day, and rejoiced : and, when Thou didst arise from Thy bed of darkness, and 294 PRATERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. leftest the grave-clotlies be- liinji Thee, and didst put on a robe of glory, (over which for 40 days Thou didst wear a veil,) and then enteredst into a cloud, and then into glory : then the powers of Hell were confounded, then Death lost its power and was swallowed up into vic- tory : and though Death is not quite destroyed, yet it is made harmless and with- out a sting, and the condi- tion of human nature is made an entrance to eternal glory ; and art become the Prince of Life, the first- fruits of the Resurrection, the first-born from the dead, having made the way plain before our faces, that we may also arise again in the Resurrection of the last day, when Thou shalt come again imto us to render to every man according to his works. that men would there- fore inaise the Lord, &c. give thanJcs unto the Lord, for He is gracious, and His mercy endurethfor ever •*. all ye Angels of the Lord, -praise ye the Lordj : jjraise Him and magnify Hivii for ever. ye spirits and soids of the Righteous, praise ye the Lord : praise Himandmag- "'^ify Him for ever^. ■< Ps. cvi. 1. And now, Lord God, what shall I render to Thy Divine Majesty for all the benefits Thou hast done unto Thy servant in my personal capacity ? Thou art my Creator and my Father, my Protector and my Guardian, Thou hast brought me from my mother's womb, Thou hast told all my joints, and in Thy book were all my mem- bers written : Thou hast given me a comely body, Christian and careful pa- rents, holy education: Thou hast been my guide and my teacher all my days : Thou hast given me readj'^ facul- ties, an unloosed tongue, a cheerful spirit, straight limbs, a good reputation, and liberty of person, a quiet life, and a tender con- science, \_a loving wife or husband, and hopefid chil- dren.'] Thou wert my hope from my youth, through Thee have I been holden up ever since I was born. Thou hast clothed me and fed me, given me friends and blessed them : given me many days of comfort and health, free from those sad infirmities with which many of Thy Saints and dearest servants are afflicted. Thou hast sent Thy Angel to e Benedicite. PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 295 snatch me from the violence of fire and water, to prevent precipices, fracture of bones, to rescue me from thunder and lightning, plague and pestilential diseases, murder and robbery, violence of chance and enemies, and all the spirits of darkness : and in the days of son'ow Thou hast refreshed me ; in the destitution of provisions Thou hast taken care of me, and Thou hast said unto me, / will never leave thee nor forsake thee^. I will give thanJcs unto the Lord loith my whole heart, secretly among the faithful and in the congre- gation^. Thou, my dearest Lord and Father, hast taken care of my soul, hast pitied my miseries, sustained my in- firmities, relieved and in- structed my ignorances : and though I have broken Thy righteous laws and commandments, run pas- sionately after vanities, and was in love with death, and was dead in sin, and was exposed to thousands of temptations, and fell foully, and continued in it, and loved to have it so, and hated to be reformed ; yet Thou didst call me with the checks of conscience, with daily sermons and pre- cepts of holiness, with fear and shame, with benefits and the admonitions of Thy most Holy Spirit, by the counsel of my friends, by the example of good per- sons, with holy books and thousands of excellent arts, and wouldst not suffer me to perish in my folly, but didst force me to attend to Thy gracious calling, and hast put me into a state of repentance, and possibili- ties of pardon, being in- finitely desirous I should live, and recover, and make use of Thy grace, and par- take of Thy glories. / ivill give thanks unto the Lord with my whole heart, secretly among the faithful and in the congre- gation, * For salvation he- loiigeth unto the Lord, and Thy blessing is upon Thy servant^. But as for me^ I will come into Thy house in the multitude of Thy mercies, and in Tliy fear will I v:orship toward Thy h oly temple \ "'^ For of Th ee, and in Thee, and through and for Thee are allthingsK Blessed he the name of God from generation to genera- tion^. Amen. Heb. xiii. 5. Ps. V. 7. e Ps. cxi. 1. h ps. iji, 8_ i Rom. xi. 36. ^ Ps. cxiii. 2 ; Ixxix. 14. 296 PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. A short form of Thanks- giving to he said ujyon any special deliverance; as from Child-birth, from Sickness, from Battle, or immiTient danger at Sea or Land, Ps. Ixxi " Ps. cv. 1. P Ps. cix. 29. upon US. He is our God, even the God of whom com- eth salvation : God is the Lord by whom we escape death'. Thou hast brought me to great honour, and comforted me on every side "". Thou, Lord, hast made me glad through Thy works : I will rejoice in giving praise for the operations of Thy hands «». give thanks unto the Lord, and call upon His name : tell the people what things He hath done^. As for me I will give great tbanks unto the Lord, and praise Him among the multitude ''. Blessed be the Lord God, even the Lord God of Israel, Which only doeth wondrous and gracious things. And blessed be the name of His Majesty for ever : and all the earth shall be filled with His Majesty. Amt7i, Amen'*. Glory be to the Father, \:c. As it was in the begin- ning. Sec. A Prayer to he said on the Feast of Christmas, or the Birth of our Blessed Sa- viour Jesus Christ: the same also may he said 19. n Ps. xcii. 4. q Ps. Ixxii. 18, 19. PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 299 upon the Feasts of the Annunciation and Puri- fication of the B. Virgin Mary. Holy and Almighty God, Father of mercies, Fa- ther of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of Thy love and eternal mercies, I adore and praise and glorify Thy infinite and unspeakable love and wisdom, Who hast sent Thy Son from the bosom of felicities to take upon Him our nature and our misery and our guilt ; and hast made the Son of God to become the Son of Man, that we might become the Sons of God, and par- takers of the Divine nature : since Thou hast so exalted human nature, be pleased also to sanctify my person ; that by a conformity to the humility and laws and suf- ferings of my dearest Savi- our I may be united to His Spirit, and be made all one with the most Holy Jesus. Amen. holy and Eternal Jesus, Who didst pity mankind lying in his blood and sin and misery, and didst choose our sadnesses and sorrows, that Thou mightest make us to partake of Thy felici- ties : let Thine eyes pity me, Thy hands support me, [ Thy Holy feet tread, down all the difficulties in my way to Heaven : let me dwell in Thy heart, be in- structed with Thy wisdom, moved by Thy affections, choose with Thy will, and be clothed with Thy right- eousness ; that in the day of Judgment I may be found having on Thy gar- ments, sealed with Thy im- pression ; and that, bearing upon every faculty and member the character of my elder Brother, I may not be cast out with stran- gers and unbelievers. A men. Holy and ever-blessed Spirit, Who didst over-sha- dow the holy Virgin-Mother of our Lord, and caused st her to conceive by a miracu- lous and mysterious man- ner ; be pleased to over- shadow my Soul, and en- lighten my spirit, that I may conceive the Holy Jesus in my heart, and may bear Him in my mind, and may grow up to the fulness of the stature of Christ, to be a perfect man in Christ Jesus. Amen. To God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, * To the eternal Son that teas incar- nate and horn of a Virgin, * To the Spirit of the Father 300 PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. and glory, worship andador- ation, now and for ever. Amen. U The sa7ne Form of Prayer may he used up>on our own Birth-day, or day of our Baptism : adding the following Prayer. A Prayer to he said upon our Birth-day, or day of Baptism. blessed and Eternal God, I give Thee praise and glory for Thy great mercy to me, in causing me to be born of Christian parents, and didst not allot to me a portion with misbelievers and heathen that have not known Thee, Thou didst not suffer me to be stran- gled at the gate of the womb, but Thy hand sus- tained and brought me to the light of the world, and the illumination of Baptism, with Thy grace preventing my election, and by an ar- tificial necessity and holy prevention engaging me to the profession and practices of Christianity. Lord, since that, I have broken the promises made in my be- half, and which I confirmed by my after-act ; I went back from them by an evil life : and yet Thou hast still continued to me life and time of repentance ; and didst not cut me off in the beginning of my days, and the progress of my sins. Dearest God, pardon the errors and ignorances, the vices and vanities of my youth, and the faults of my more forward years ; and let me never more stain the whiteness of my Baptismal robe : and now that by Thy grace I still persist in the purposes of obedience, and do give up my name to Christ, and glory to be a disciple of Thy institution, and a servant of Jesus, let me never fail of Thy grace ; let no root of bitterness spring up, and disorder my purposes, and defile my spirit. let my years be | so many degrees of nearer ^ approach to Thee : and for- sake me not, God, in my old age, when I am gTay- headed ; and when my strength faileth me, be Thou my strength and my guide unto death ; that I may reckon my years, and apply my heart unto wisdom ; and at last, after the spending a holy and a blessed life, I may be brought unto a glo- rious eternity, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Anun. Then add the form of Thanksgiving formerly de- scrihed PRATERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 301 A Prayer to he said upon the days of the memory of Apostles, Martyrs, (^c. Eternal God, to Whom do live the spirits of them that depart hence in the Lord, and in Whom the Souls of them that be elected, after they be de- livered from the burden of the flesh, be in peace and rest from their labours, and their works follow them, and their memory is blessed ; I bless and magnify Thy holy and ever-glorious Name, for the great grace and bles- sing manifested to Thy Apostles and Martyrs, and other holy persons, who have glorified Thy Name in the days of their flesh, and have served the interest of Religion and of Thy service : and this day we have Thy servant {name the Apostle or Martyr, &:cj in remem- brance, whom Thou hast led through the troubles and temptations of this world, and now hast lodged in the bosom of a certain hope and great beatitude until the day of restitution of all things. Blessed be the mercy and eternal goodness of God ; and the memory of all Thy Saints is blessed. Teach me to practise their doctrinCj to imitate their lives, following their ex- ample, and being united as a part of the same mystical body by the band of the same faith, and a holy hope, and a never-ceasing charity. And may it please Thee of Thy gracious goodness shortly to accomplish the number of Thine elect, and to hasten Thy kingdom ; that we with Thy servant [*] and all others departed in the true faith and fear of Thy Holy Name, may have our perfect consum- mation and bliss in body and Soul in Thy eternal and everlasting Kingdom. Amen. A Form of Prayer record- ing all the parts and mysteries of Chrisfs Pas- sion, being a short history of it : to he used especially m the tveeh of the Passion, and hefore the receiving the hlessed Sacrament. All praise honour and glory be to the Holy and eternal Jesus. I adore Thee, blessed Redeemer, eternal God, the light of the Gen- tiles and the glory of Israel; for Thou hast done and suffered for me more than 1 could wish, more than I could think of ; even all that a lost and a miserable PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 302 and perishing sinner could possibly need. Thou wert afflicted with thirst and hunger, with heat and cold, with labours and sorrows, with hard journeys and restless nights ; and when Thou wert contriving all the mysterious and ad- mirable ways of paying our scores, Thou didst sufier Thyself to be designed to slaughter by those for whom in love Thou wert ready to die. What is Man that Thou art mindful of him, and the Son of man that Thou thus visitest him"^ 1 Blessed be Thy name, Holy Jesus; for Thou wentest about doing good, working miracles of mercy, healing the sick, comfort- ing the distressed, instruct- ing the ignorant, raising the dead, enlightening the blind, strengthening the lame, straightening the crooked, relieving the poor, pleaching the Gospel, and reconciling sinners by the mightiness of Thy power, by the wisdom of Thy spirit, by the Word of God, and the merits of Thy passion, Thy healthful and bitter passion. Lord, what is Man that Thou art mindful of him^&c. ' Ps. Blessed be Thy name, Holy Jestis, Who wert con- tent to be conspired against by the Jetvs, to be sold by Thy servant for a vile price, and to wash the feet of him that took money for Thy life, and to give to him and to all Thy Apostles Thy most Holy Body and Blood, to become a sacrifice for their sins, even for their be- traying and denying Thee ; and for all my sins, even for my crucifying Thee afresh, and for such sins which I am ashamed to think, but that the greatness of my sins magnify the infinite - ness of Thy mercies. Who didst so great things for so vile a person. Lord, what is Man, &c. Blessed be Thy Name, Holy desus. Who, being to depart the world, didst com- fort Thy Apostles, pouring out into their ears and hearts treasures of admirable dis- courses ; Who didst recom- mend them to Thy Father with a mighty charity, and then didst enter into the Garden set with nothing but briars and sorrows, where Thou didst sufier a most imspeakable agony, until the sweat strained through Thy pure skin like drops of blood, and there PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 303 didst sigh and groan, and fall flat upon the earth, and pray, and submit to the intolerable burden of Thy Father's wrath, which I had deserved and Thou suffer- edst. Lord, u'hat is Man, dx. Blessed be Thy name, Holy Jesus, "Who hast sanc- tified to us all our natural infirmities and passions, by vouchsafing to be in fear and trembling and sore amazement, by being bound and imprisoned, by being harassed and dragged with cords of violence and rude hands, by being drenched in the brook in the way, by being sought after like a thief, and used like a sinner, Who wert the most Holy and the most innocent, cleaner than an Angel, and brighter than the Morning Star. Lord, what is Man, d'C. Blessed be Thy name, Holy Jesus, and blessed be Thy loving-kindness and pity, by which Thou didst neglect Thy OAvn sorrows, and go to comfort the sad- ness of Thy disciples, quick- ening their dulness, encou- raging their duty, arming their weakness Avith excel- lent precepts against the day of trial. Blessed be that humility and sorrow of Thine, Who, being Lord of the Angels, yet wouldest need and receive comfort from Thy servant the Angel; Who didst ofier Thyself to Thy persecutors, and madest them able to seize Thee ; and didst receive the trai- tor's kiss, and suflTeredst a veil to be thrown over Thy Holy face, that Thy ene- mies might not presently be confounded by so bright a lustre ; and wouldst do a miracle to cure a wound of one of Thy spiteful enemies ; and didst reprove a zealous servant in behalf of a mali- cious adversary ; and then didst go like a lamb to the slaughter, without noise or violence or resistance, when Thou couldst have com- manded millions of Angels for Thy guard and rescue. Lord, what is Jfan, d:c. Blessed be Thy name, holy Jesus, and blessed be that holy sorrow Thou didst suffer, when Thy disciples fled, and Thou wert left alone in the hands of cruel men, who like evening- Avolves thirsted for a draught of Thy best blood; and Thou wert led to the house of Annas, and there asked ensnaring questions, and smitten on the face by him whose ear Thou hadst but lately healed ; and from 304 PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. thence wert dragged to the house of Caiaphas, and there all night didst en- dure spittings, affronts, scorn, contumelies, blows, and intolerable insolencies ; and all this for Man, who was Thy enemy and the cause of all Thy sorrows. Lord, tohat is Man, &c. Blessed be Thy name, Holy Jesus, and blessed be Thy mercy, Who, when Thy servant Peter denied Thee and forsook Thee, and for- swore Thee, didst look back upon him, and by that gracious and chiding look didst call him back to him- self and Thee ; who wert accused before the High Priest, and railed upon, and examined to evil purposes, and with designs of blood ; Who wert declared guilty of death for speaking a most necessary and most probable truth ; Who wert sent to Pilate and found innocent, and sent to Herod and still found innocent, and wert arrayed in white, both to declare Thy innocence, and yet to deride Thy person ; and wert sent back to Pilate and examined again, and yet nothing but innocence found in Thee, and malice round about Thee to devour Thy life, which yet Thou wert more desixous to lay down for them than they were to take it from Thee. Lord, what is Man, d'c. Blessed be Thy name, Holy Jesus, and blessed be that patience and charity, by which for our sakes Thou wert content to be smitten with canes, and have that Holy face, which Angels with joy and wonder do behold, be spit upon and be despised, when compared with. Parabbas, and scourged most rudely with unhal- lowed hands, tiU the pave- ment was pm'pled with that Holy blood, and condemned to a sad and shameful, a public and painful death, and arrayed in scarlet, and crowned with thorns, and stripped naked, and then clothed, and loaden with the Cross, and tormented with a tablet stuck with nails at the fringes of Thy garment, and bound hard with cords, and dragged most vilely and most pite- ously till the load was too great, and did sink Thy tender and virginal body to the earth ; and yet didst comfort the weeping women, and didst more pity Thy persecutors than Thyself, and wert grieved for the miseries of Jerusalem to come forty years after, more than for Thy present Passion. PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 305 Lord, what is man, d-c. Blessed be Thy Name, Holy Jesus, and blessed be that incomparable sweet- ness and holy sorrow which Thou sufferedst, when Thy holy hands and feet were nailed upon the Cross, and the Cross being set in the hollowness of the earth did in the fall rend the wounds wider, and there naked and bleeding, sick and faint, wounded and despised, didst hang upon the Aveight of Thy wounds three long hours, praying for Thy per- secutors, satisfying Thy Fa- ther's wrath, reconciling the penitent thief, providing for Thy holy and afflicted mo- ther, tasting vinegar and gall ; and when the fulness of Thy suffering was ac- complished, didst give Thy Soul into the hands of God, and didst descend to the regions of longing souls, who waited for the revela- tion of this Thy day in their prisons of hope : and then Thy body was transfixed with a spear, and issued forth two Sacraments, Water and Blood ; and Thy body was composed to burial, and dwelt in darkness three days and three nights. Lord, what is man, that Thou art mindful of him; and tJie son of man, that Thou visitest him ? The Prayer. Thus, blessed Jesu,^\xo\Ji didst finish Thy Holy Pas- sion with pain and anguish so great, that nothing could be greater than it, except Thyself and Thy OAvn infi- nite mercy ; and all this for man, even for me, than whom nothing could be more miserable, Thyself only excepted, who becam- est so by undertaking our guilt and our punishment. And now, Lord, Who hast done so much for me, be pleased only to make it ef- fectual to me, that it may not be useless and lost as to my particular, lest I be- come eternally miserable, and lost to all hopes and possibilities of comfort. All this deserves more love than I have to give : but, Lord, do Thou turn me all into love, and all my love into obedience, and let my obedience be without inter- ruption, and then I hope Thou wilt accept such a return as I can make. Make me to be something that Thou delightest in, and Thou shalt have all that I am or have from Thee, even whatsoever Thou makest fit for Thyself. Teach me to 306 PRATERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. live wholly for my Saviour Jesus, and to be ready to die for Jesus, and to be conformable to His life and sufferings, and to be unit- ed to Him by inseparable unions, and to own no pas- sions but what may be ser- vants to Jesus and Disci- ples of His institution. sweetest Saviour, clothe my soul with Thy holy robe ; hide my sins in Thy wounds, and bury them in Thy grave ; and let me rise in the life of grace, and abide and grow in it, till I arrive at the Kingdom of Glory. Amen. Our Father, ^-c. Ad Sect. 7, 8, 10. A form of Prayer or Inter- cession for all estates of peo- ple in the Christian Church. The pa7'ts of which may he •added to any other forms : and the whole office, entirely as it lies, is proper to he said in our jpreparaiion to the Holy Sacrament, or on the day of celehration. I. For ourselves. Thou gracious Father of mercy, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon Thy servants who bow our heads, and our knees, and our hearts to Thee : pardon and forgive us all our sins : give us the grace of holy Repentance, and a strict obedience to Thy Holy Word : strengthen us in the inner man Avith the power of the Holy Ghost for all the parts and duties of our calling and holy liv- ing : preserve us for ever in the unity of the Holy Catholic Church, and in the integrity of the Christian J faith, and in the love of ^ God and of our neighbours, and in hope of life eternal. A men. 2. For the whole Catholic Church. holy Jesus, King of the Saints, and Prince of the Catholic Church, preserve Thy Spouse whom Thou hast purchased with Thy right hand, and redeemed and cleansed with Thy blood ; the whole Catholic Church from one end of the earth to the other ; she is founded upon a rock, but planted in the sea. preserve her safe from schism, heresy, and sacrilege. Unite all I her members with the bands of Faith, Hope, and Cha- rity, and an external com- munion, when it shall seem good in Thine eyes. Let the daily sacrifice of prayer and Sacramental thanksgiving PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS, 307 never cease, but be for ever presented to Thee, and for ever united to the interces- sion of her dearest Lord, and for ever prevail for the obtaining for every of its members grace and bless- ing, pardon and salvation, A nun. 3, For all Christian Kings, Princes, and Governors. King of kings, and Prince of all the rulers of the earth, give Thy grace and Spirit to all Christian Princes, the spirit of wis- dom and counsel, the spirit of government and godly fear. Grant unto them to live in peace and honour, ' that their people may love I and fear them, and they I may love and fear God Speak good unto their ' hearts concerning the ! Church, that they may be ' nursing-fathers to it, fa- i thers to the fatherless, | judges and avengers of the cause of widows ; that they may be compassionate to the wants of the poor, and the groans of the oppress- ed ; that they may not vex or kill the Lord's people with unjust or ambitious wars, but may feed the flock of God, and may enquire after and do all things which may promote peace, public honesty, and holy Eeligion ; so administering things present, that they may not fail of the ever- lasting glories of the world to come where all Thy faithful people shall reign kings for ever. Amen. 4. For all the orders of them that minister about Holy things. Thou great Shepherd and Bishop of our souls. Holy and Eternal Jesus, give unto Thy servants the Ministers of the Mysteries of Christian Religion, the Spirit of prudence and sanctity, faith and charity, confidence and zeal, dili- gence and watchfulness ; that they may declare Thy will unto the people faith- fully, and dispense Thy Sacraments rightly, and in- tercede with Thee gracious- ly and acceptably for Thy servants. Grant, Lord, that by a holy life and a true belief, by well doing and patient suffering (when Thou shalt call them to it) they may glorify Thee the great lover of souls, and, after a plentiful conversion of sinners from the error of their ways, they may shine like the stars in glory, A- men. Give unto Thy servants 308 PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. the Bishops a discerning spirit ; that they may lay hands suddenly on no man, but may depute such per- sons to the ministries of Religion who may adorn the Gospel of God, and whose lips may preserve knowledge, and such who by their good preaching and holy living may advance the service of the Lord Je- sus. Amen. 5. For our nearest relatives^ as Husband, Wife, Chil- dren, Family, i- fession of sins with the prayer annexed ; and for the graces of Thanksgiving and Charity, let him use the special forms of prayer above described. Or, if a less time can be allotted for pre- paratory devotion, the tico first will be the more proper, as containing in them all the personal duty of the communicant. To which, upon the morning of that Holy solemnity, let him add A Prayer of preparation or address to the holy Sacra- ment. An act of Love. most gracious and eternal God, the helper of the helpless, the comforter of the comfortless, the hope of the afflicted, the bread of the hungry, the drink of the thirsty, and the Saviour of all them that wait upon Thee ; I bless and glorify Thy Name, and adore Thy goodness, and delight in Thy love, that Thou hast once more given me the oppor- tunity of receiving the greatest favour which I can receive in this world, even the Body and Blood of my dearest Saviour. take from me all affection to sin or vanity : let not my affec- tions dwell below, but soar upwards to the element of love, to the seat of God, to the regions of glory, and the inheritance of Jesus; that I may hunger and thirst PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 313 for the bread of life, and the wine of elect souls, and may- show no loves but the love of God, and the most merci- ful Jesu^. Allien. An act of Desire. blessed Jesus, Thou hast used many arts to save me, Thou hast given Thy life to redeem me, Thy holy Spirit to sanctify me, Thy- self for my example, Thy Word for my rule, Thy grace for my guide, the fruit of Thy body hanging on the tree of the cross for the sin of my soul ; and after all this Thou hast sent Thy Apostles and Mi- nisters of salvation to call me, to importune me, to constrain me to holiness and peace and felicity. now come, Lord Jesus, come quickly: my heart is desi- rous of Thy presence, and thirsty of Thy grace, and would fain entertain Thee, not as a guest, but as an inhabitant, as the Lord of all my faculties. Enter in and take possession, and dwell with me for ever ; that I also may dwell in the heart of my dearest Lord, which was opened for me with a spear and love. An act of Contrition. Lord, Thou shalt find my heart full of cares and worldly desii'es, cheated with love of riches, and neg- lect of holy things, proud and unmortiiied, false and crafty to deceive itself, in- tricated and entangled with difficult cases of conscience, with knots which my own wildness and inconsidera- tion and impatience have tied and shuffled together. my dearest Lord, if Thou canst behold such an im- pure seat, behold the place to which Thou art invited is full of passion and pre- judice, evil principles and evil habits, peevish and dis- obedient, lustful and in- temperate, and full of sad remembrances that I have often provoked to jealousy and to anger Thee, my God, my dearest Saviour, Him that died for me, Him that suflfered torments for me, that is infinitely good to me, and infinitely good and perfect in Himself. This, dearest Saviour, is a sad truth, and I am heartily ashamed, and truly sorrow- ful for it, and do deeply hate all my sins, and am full of indignation against myself for so unworthy, so careless, so continued, so great a folly : and humbly beg of Thee to increase my sorrow, and my care, and my hatred against sin ; and make my love to Thee swell up to a great grace, and then to glory and immensity. 314 PRATERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. An act of Faith. This indeed is my condi- tion : But I know, blessed Jesus, that Thou didst take upon Thee my nature that Thou mightest suffer for my sins, and Thou didst suffer to deliver me from them and from Thy Father's wrath : and I was delivered from this wrath that I might serve Thee in holiness and righteousness all my days. Lord, I am as sure Thou didst the great work of Re- demption for me and all mankind, as that I am alive. This is my hope, the strength of my spirit, my joy and my confidence : and do Thou never let the spirit of un- belief enter into me and take me from this Rock. Here I will dwell, for I have a delight therein : Here I will live, and here I desire to die. The Petition. Therefore, blessed Jesu, Who art my Saviour and my God, Whose body is my food, and Thy righteousness is my robe, Thou art the Priest and the Sacrifice, the master of the feast and the feast itself, the Physician of my soul, the light of mine eyes, the purifier of my tains : enter into mv heart and cast out from thence all impurities, all the remains of the Old man ; and grant I may partake of this Holy Sacrament with much reve- rence, and holy relish, and great effect, receiving hence the communication of Thy Holy Body and Blood, for the establishment of an un- reprovable Faith, of an un- feigned Love, for the fulness of wisdom, for the healing my soul, for the blessing and preservation of my body, for the taking out the sting of temporal death, and for the assurance of a holy Re- surrection, for the ejection of all evil from within me, and the fulfilling all Thy righteous Commandments, and to procure for me a mercy and a fair reception at the day of Judgment, through Thy mercies, holy and ever-blessed Sa- viour Jesus. Anien. Here also may he added the Prayer after receiving the Cup. Ejaculations to be said be- fore or at the receiving the Holy Sacrament. Like as the hart desireth the water-brooks : so longeth my soul after Thee, God. My soul is athirst for God, yea even for the living God : PRATERS rOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 315 vjJien shall I come before the liresence of God ' ? Lord ray God, great are TJiy wondrous works tohich Tliou hast done, like as he also Thy thoughts which are to US-ward : and yet there is no nian that ordereth them unto Thee^. send out Thy light and Thy truth, that they tnay lead me, and bring me unto Thy holy hill and to Thy dwelling ; and that I may go unto the altar of God, even unto the God of my joy atul gladness : and with my heart will I give thanks to Thee, God my God"^. I will wash my hands in innocency, Lord ; and so will I go to Thine altar : that I may shew the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all Thy wondrous ivorks. Examine me, Lord, and 'prove me ^ try Thou my reins and my heart. For Thy loving-kindness is now and ever before my eyes : and I will walk in Thy truth y. Thou shalt prepare a table before me against them that trouble me : Thou hast anointed my head with oil, and my cup shall be full. But Thy loving-kindness a7id mercy shall follow Trie all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever^. This is the bread that Cometh down from Heaven, that a man may eat thereof and not die a. Whoso eateth My flesh and drinketh My blood, dwelleth in Me and I in him; and hath eternal life abiding in him ; and I will raise him up at the last day^. Lord, whither shall %oe go but to Thee ? Thou hast the words of eternal life''. If any man thirst let him come unto Me and drink'\ The bread tvhich we break, is it not the communication of the body of Christ ? and the cup which we drink, is it not the communication of the blood of Christ^. What are those wounds in Thy hands ? They are those ivith which I was tvounded in the house of my friends^. Immediately before the receiving, say, Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shoiddst enter un- der my roof. But do Thou speak the word only, and Thy servant shall be healed ^. Lord, open thou my lips, t Ps. xlii. 1,2. J Ps. xxvi. 6, 7, 2, 3. b John vi. 54, 56. e 1 Cor. X. 16. « Ps. xl. 5. 2 Ps. xxiii. 5, ( <= John vi. 68. ^ Zech. xiii. 6. X Ps. xliii. 3, 4. a John vi. 50. d John vii. 37. B Matth. yiii. 8. 316 PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. and my mouth shall shew Thy praise. God, make speed to save me : Lord, make haste to help me. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickli/ h. After receiving the consecrat- ed and blessed Bread, say, taste and see how gra- cious the Lord is : blessed is the man that trusteth in Him. *The beasts do lack and suffer hunger ; but they which seek the Lord shall want no manner of thing that is goodi. Lord, what am I, that my Saviour should become my food, that the Son of God should be the meat of worms, of dust and ashes, of a sinner, of him that was His enemy ? But this Thou hast done to me, because Thou art in- finitely good and wonder- fully gTacious, and lovest to bless every one of us, in turning us from the evil of our ways. Enter into me, blessed Jesus; let no root of bitterness'' spring up in my heart ; but be I'hou Lord of all my faculties. let me feed on Thee by faith, and grow up by the increase of God to a perfect man in Christ Jesus. Amen. Lord, I believe, help mine unbelief. Glory he to God the Father, /Son, &c. After the receiving the Cup of blessing. It is finished. Blessed be the mercies of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ. blessed and eternal High- Priest m, let the sacrifice of the Cross which Thou didst once offer for the sins of the whole world, and which Thou dost now and always represent in Heaven to Thy Father by Thy never-ceas- ing intercession, and which this day hath been ezhibited on Thy Holy Table Sacra- mentally, obtain mercy and peace, faith and charity, safety and establishment to Thy Holy Church which Thou hast founded upon a Rock, the Rock of a holy Faith ; and let not the gates of Hell prevail against her, nor the enemy of mankind take any soul out of Thy hand, whom Thou hast pur- chased with Thy blood, and sanctified by Thy Spu'it. Preserve all Thy people from heresy and division of spirit, fi-om scandal and the spirit of delusion, from sacrilege and hurtful persecutions. Thou, blessed Jesus, didst die for us : keep me for ever Rev. xxii. 20. I Mark ix. 24. Ps. xxxiv. 8, 10 k Heb. xi. 15. Heb. vu. 25, 28. PRAYERS FOR SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 317 in holy living, from sin and sinful shame, in the com- munion of Thy Church, and Thy Church in safety and grace, in truth and peace, unto Thy second coming, Ameii. Dearest JesK,, since Thou art pleased to enter into me, be jealous of Thy house and the place where Thine honour dwelleth : suffer no unclean spirit or unholy thought to come near Thy dwelling, lest it defile the ground where Thy Holy feet have trod. teach me so to walk, that I may never disrepute the honour of my Religion, nor stain the holy robe which Thou hast now put upon my soul, nor break my holy vows which / have made, and Thou hast sealed, nor lose my right of inheritance, my privilege of being co- heir with Jesus, into the hope of which I have now further entered : but be Thou pleased to love me with the love of a Father, and a Brother, and a Hus- band, and a Lord ; and make me serve Thee in the Communion of Saints, in receiving the Sacrament, in the practice of all holy vir- tues, in the imitation of Thy life, and conformity to Thy sufferings ; that I, hav- ing now put on the Lord Jesus, may marry His loves and His enmities, may de- sire His glory, may obey His laws, and be united to His Spirit, and in the day of the Lord I may be found having on the Wedding- garment ; and bearing in my body and soul the marks of the Lord Jesits, that I may enter into the joy of my Lord, and partake of His glories for ever and ever. Amen, Ejaculations to he used any time that day, after the is ended. Lord, if I had lived inno- cently, I could not have deserved to receive the crumbs that fall from Thy Table. How great is Thy mercy. Who hast feasted me with the Bread of Virgins, with the Wine of Angels, with Manna from Heaven ! when shall I pass from this dark glass, from this veil of Sacraments, to the vision of Thy eternal cla- rity ; from eating Thy Body, to beholding Thy face in Thy eternal Kingdom ? Let not my sins crucify the Lord of life again : Let it never be said concerning me, The hand of him that 313 PRATEBS FOE SEVERAL OCCASIONS. hetrayeth Me is with Me on the Table''. O that I miglit love Thee as well as ever any creature loved Thee ! Let me think nothing but Thee, desire nothing but Thee, enjoy nothing but Thee. JesuSj be a Jesus unto lue. Thou art all things unto me. Let nothing ever please me but what savours of Thee and Thy miracu- lous sweetness. Blessed be the mercies of our Lord, who of God is made unto me Wisdom, and Righteousness, and Sancti- fication, and Redemption. He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord". Amen. n Luke xxii. 21. o 1 Cor. i. 30, 31. oxford: printed EY I. SHKIMPTON. CHEAP BOOKS FOR PAROCHIAL USE. Acland's Liturgia Domestica Berens' History of the Prayer Book Beveridge's Sermons on the Church Beveridge on tlie Catechism Child's Christian Year Cotton's Explanation of Obsolete Words in the Bible Hammond's Paraenesis, with a Discourse of Heresy in Defence of our Church against the Romanist Henry Vernon .... Little Mary Henshaw's Meditations Laud on the Liturgy Le Mesurier's Prayers for the Sick . 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