PAUL RAMSEY DD199 .F413 1922 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 1762-1814. Addresses to the German nation / SI* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION [Frontispiece. JOHANN GOTTLIEB FICHTE AT THE TIME OF THE DELIVERY OF THESE ADDRESSES ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION BY JOHANN GOTTLIEB FICHTE TRANSLATED BY R. F. JONES, M.A. G. H. TURNBULL, M.A., Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF EDUCATION IN THE UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD JAN 25 2007 CHICAGO AND LONDON THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING COMPANY 1922 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Printed in Great Britain by Neill & Co., Ltd., Edinburgh. CONTENTS PAGE Introduction . . . . . . • . xi Translation First Address : Introduction and General Survey . I Second Address : The General Nature of the New Education . . . . . . . 19 Third Address : Description of the New Education (continued) * . . . . . .36 Fourth Address : The Chief Difference between the Germans and the other Peoples of Teutonic descent 52 Fifth Address : The Consequences of the Difference that has been indicated ..... 72 Sixth Address : German Characteristics as Ex- hibited in History ...... 91 Seventh Address: A Closer Study of the Originality and Characteristics of a People .... 108 Eighth Address : What is a People in the Higher Meaning of the Word, and what is Love of Father- land ? . . . . . . . .130 Ninth Address : The Starting-point that Actually Exists for the New National Education of the Germans ....... 152 Tenth Address : Further Definition of the German National Education ..... 169 vii ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION PAGE Eleventh Address : On whom will the Carrying-out of this Scheme of Education devolve ? . .187 Twelfth Address : Concerning the Means for our Preservation until we attain our Main Object . 205 Thirteenth Address : The same subject further considered ....... 223 Fourteenth Address : Conclusion . . . 248 TRANSLATORS' NOTE This translation is based on Vogt's edition of Fichte's Reden an die deutsche Nation in the Bibliothek pada- gogischer Klassiker, Langensalza, 1896. Mr Jones is responsible for the translation of Addresses 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, and 14, Dr Turnbull for the remainder and for the introduction, which is intended primarily for the general reader. Each of us, however, has had the benefit of the other's suggestions and criticisms. We have endeavoured to make the rendering of the prin- cipal technical terms uniform throughout, and have aimed at making the translation intelligible, while keeping close to the original German. We desire to express our deep gratitude to Prof. E. T. Campagnac for originally suggesting the translation, for showing the deepest interest in the work throughout, and for reading part of the MS. Dr Turnbull wishes also to thank Miss E. Purdie for a number of valuable comments on the rendering of the first address. R. F. J. G. H. T. ix b INTRODUCTION Johann Gottlieb Fichte was born on May 19, 1762, at Rammenau, a little village in Upper Lusatia between Dresden and Bautzen. His father, Christian Fichte, married the daughter of Johann Schurich, a ribbon manufacturer of the neighbouring town of Pulsnitz, to whom he was apprenticed, and returned to settle with his bride in Rammenau, where he managed to make a living by following his trade as a ribbon-weaver. Johann was the eldest of a family of six sons and one daughter, and at an early age showed signs of precocious intelligence, conscientiousness, and stubbornness. By a fortunate accident the young Johann came under the notice of Baron von Miltitz, a neighbouring land- owner, who took him under his protection and sent him to be educated, first at Niederau by a Pastor Krebel, with whom he remained for nearly five years, and then in 1774 to the well-known school at Pforta near Naum- burg. His patron's death early in the same year made no difference to Fichte's education, for he received finan- cial support from the relatives and friends of the baron until 1784, when his allowance was stopped by the latter's widow. He remained at Pforta until 1780, when he became a theological student first at Jena and then at Leipzig. He did not complete his course, but spent the years from 1784 to 1788 as a private tutor in various xi xii ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION families, being unable to keep any post for long owing, it is said, to his proud temper and his original ideas on education. In 1788 he was a tutor at Zurich, where he met distinguished men like Lavater, and had the good fortune to fall in love with Johanna Rahn, the daughter of the Inspector of weights and measures. In March 1790, on the termination of his teaching engagement at Zurich, Fichte went to Leipzig and, while waiting for a suitable post, began to study Kant's philo- sophy for the first time, in order to give some lessons on it to a pupil who had asked for them. This study revolu- tionized his ideas and converted him from determinism to a belief in moral freedom and the inherent moral worth of man. As a result of this he took the opportunity of visiting Kant at Konigsberg in 1791, after an abortive journey to Warsaw where he had been engaged to act as private tutor to a Polish family. He was warmly received by the old philosopher, who approved of an essay entitled Critique of all Revelation, which Fichte had written and sent to him. This essay was published in 1792, after Fichte had gone, on Kant's recommendation, to Danzig to act as tutor to the family of the Count of Krockow. Owing to the publisher accidentally omitting the author's name, the essay was taken for a work of Kant, and Fichte's reputation was made. As a direct result of this he was able to marry Johanna Rahn on October 22, 1793- The tracts which the French Revolution inspired Fichte to write at this time, and which established the rights of the people on the basis of the inherent moral freedom of man, increased his fame ; but at the same time they caused moderate and conservative men to regard him as a radical and dangerous teacher. In spite of this, however, he was called to succeed Reinhold as INTRODUCTION xiii Professor of Philosophy at Jena in 1794. Here he won immediate success as. a lecturer, owing undoubtedly in great measure to the vigour of his thought and to his moral intensity and practical earnestness. His enemies, however, especially the bigoted supporters of the tradi- tional constitution and of the established form of religion, never ceased trying to undermine his position and to secure his removal. They first complained that the course of general moral lectures which he gave on Sunday mornings was an attempt to overthrow Christianity and to introduce the worship of reason in its stead ; but, meeting with no success, they then attempted to turn to his disadvantage the efforts which Fichte was making to suppress the students' associations. Throughout these negotiations Fichte, who saw that these associations were productive of much harm, was animated solely by the desire to develop and cultivate the moral and intellectual powers of his pupils. Though again unsuccessful, his enemies did not cease their attacks, and were at last victorious. In an article which appeared in the Philo- sophical Journal, of which he had been joint editor since 1795, Fichte identified God with the moral order of the universe. Immediately his enemies raised the cry of atheism against him ; the Saxon government condemned the Journal and demanded Fichte's expulsion from Jena. The Grand Duke of Weimar would probably have imposed merely a formal censure, but Fichte would not submit to anything that he thought encroached upon his liberty of teaching. He unwisely threatened to resign in case of reprimand, and his resignation was accepted in 1799, much to his own discomfiture and the delight of his enemies. From Jena Fichte went to Berlin, where he was welcomed by Schelling, the Schlegels, Schleiermacher, xiv ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION and other adherents of what is called the romantic school. The sentimental atmosphere and moral laxity of this school, however, did not suit his austere character and strict principles, and friendship gradually changed to coldness and ultimately to antagonism. In 1805 he was appointed Professor at Erlangen, but the French victories over the Prussians at Jena and Auerstadt drove him to East Prussia, where he lived at Konigsberg from 1806 to 1807. During his stay there he studied, amongst other things, the writings of Pestalozzi, whose Leonard and Gertrude he had read and approved of as early as 1788, and whose personality and teaching methods had much impressed him at their first meeting in 1793. The Peace of Tilsit in July 1807 enabled him to return to Berlin, and during the winter of 1 807-1 808 he disclosed his views on the only true foundation of national pro- sperity in the Addresses to the German Nation which he delivered in the Academy building there. He also drew up an elaborate and minute plan for the proposed new university at Berlin, and helped in its organization, being appointed Professor in 18 10 and Rector in 181 1. The latter office, however, he resigned after holding it for only four months, his domineering manner preventing any close co-operation with his colleagues. In 18 14 his wife caught a fever while attending sick and wounded in Berlin. Thanks to Fichte's devoted care she recovered, but he was himself stricken with the same fever and died on January 27, 1814. Though short and thickset in build, Fichte had never- theless an imposing presence ; this he undoubtedly owed to his sharp commanding features, his keen piercing eyes, and his high forehead surmounted by thick black hair. In speech and movement alike he was quick, impetuous, decisive, and energetic. Though inclined INTRODUCTION XV to be too abstract and very terse, he was a splendid orator. He tried in every way to win his audience and to make himself perfectly clear and intelligible to them ; his voice was always attuned to the sentiments he ex- pressed, and his delivery never lacked clearness and precision. His discourse swept on like the course of a tempest, rousing rather than moving the souls of his hearers and stirring them to their very depths. His flights of imagination were great and mighty, and the pictures he conjured up for his listeners, though seldom charming, were always bold and massive ; his writings, though they contained little that was particularly beauti- ful, were always characterized by force and weight. Appearance, speech, action — all bore witness to the authority of the man and to the boldness and originality of his spirit. The most striking features of Fichte's character were the intensity and resoluteness with which he maintained his moral convictions, and his burning passion for activity. He loved the truth. In 1792, at the very outset of his career, he solemnly declared that he was devoting himself to truth, and throughout his life he maintained that truth was the sole object of his inquiries, and that he troubled himself very little about what was likely to please his hearers or be disagreeable to them. As a thinker, he sought first principles which were indubitably certain ; as a man, he loathed lies, hated compliments and flattery, and told everyone the truth to his face. Equally he loved liberty ; his whole life was spent in its pursuit and in its defence. His honesty was trans- parent, his disinterestedness patent, and his kindness proverbial. As early as 1775 he declared that " a theft is a theft and remains a theft." He treated the students at Jena as honourable men, and understood how to xvi ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION appeal to what was best in them. He refused to canvass for the chair at Jena, or to use the good offices of his friends to clear away possible obstacles. He would not take fees from poor students, yet he always found room for them in his classes. He befriended the distressed in spite of the uncertainty of his own financial position, and imposed no condition on them save that of absolute secrecy. It is not surprising that his influence over the students was so powerful, and that his friendship was regarded as an inestimable gift. Nor is it surprising that, strengthened by the consciousness of the loftiest moral convictions, such a man in early life should have taken as his motto the words which Horace used in praise of Caesar Augustus : — Si fractus illabatur orbis, Impavidum ferient ruinae. 1 He was convinced that this world was a land not of enjoyment, but of labour and toil, and that every joy in life should be only a refreshment and an incentive to greater effort. He felt that he must, therefore, not only think but act, and he confessed to one all-engrossing passion, the desire to influence and ennoble his fellow- men, declaring that the more he acted the happier he seemed to be. His spirit thirsted for opportunity to do great things in the world, to enable him to purchase by deeds his place in the human race. Unfortunately Fichte showed most of the character- istic defects of these good qualities. He inherited from his mother a violent and impetuous nature which con- verted his principles into passions and, coupled with his absorbing desire for activity, caused him to be rash and tactless. His passion for the truth made him suspicious 1 Odes, iii, 3, 7-8. INTRODUCTION xvii of the sincerity of others, impatient with those who did not understand his teaching, and intolerant towards those who did not admit its truth. Owing to the fierceness with which he maintained his convictions he always seemed despotic, uncompromising, and obstinate ; he himself admitted that one of the many qualities he lacked was that of accommodating himself to those around him and to people who were opposed to him in character. The rigour of his principles was tempered by few humane considerations and led men to regard him as harsh and difficult. It was undoubtedly these characteristics which set him at variance so often with the authorities of the Church and of the State, and with his colleagues at Jena and Berlin, and which allowed it to be said of him, when he was Rector at the latter place, that he had no measure in anything, and treated the students for the smallest fault as though they were imps of hell. The independence of his spirit caused him to appear cold and proud ; and the cavalier manner in which he dealt with illustrious predecessors and contem- poraries, besides inducing Goethe and Schiller to nickname him the " Absolute Ego " and the " Great Ego," earned for him the reputation of being conceited, and sometimes shocked the feelings of the most friendly-disposed persons. Thus it was no rare thing to hear him say : " Here Kant, here Reinhold is wrong, and in this I have surpassed them " ; or, " No one has understood Kant ; there is only one way to understand him, that which I have explained." He had little finesse, tact, or prudence, and could, therefore, seldom brook contradiction or interference. When attacks were made upon him he was very rash and retaliated in the most provoking way, sometimes even letting himself go into violent fits of passion. This xviii ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION inevitably aroused opposition and resentment against him, and led him to commit many blunders, which even his best friends could not deny, and which caused Schiller to allude to him as " the richest source of absurdities." Thus, when the cry of atheism was raised against him at Jena, the violent threatening letter which he wrote to the minister, Voigt, irritated the Weimar government intensely, alienated the sympathies of many influential men, and effectively put an end to all possibility of retaining him at the University. The fourteen Addresses to the German Nation were delivered by Fichte during the winter of 1 807-1 808 in the great hall of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin before crowded audiences, and were published in April 1808. Before attempting to estimate their significance and importance, it is necessary t o con sider the circumsta nces under which they were delivered. In 1806 Napoleon began his campaign against Prussia which, almost alone among the German States, still maintained its independ- ence. War was declared on October 9, and on the 14th the Prussians were severely defeated at Jena and Auer- stadt. So overwhelming were these defeats that further opposition was impossible ; on October 25 Napoleon entered Berlin and, one after another, the Prussian fortresses fell into his hands. Fichte left Berlin hurriedly on October 18 and fled to East Prussia, remaining at Konigsberg during the winter. The Russians, who had come to the aid of the overwhelmed Prussians, fought a drawn battle with the French at Eylau on February 8, 1807, but were beaten at Friedland on June 14, and made peace with France at Tilsit on July 8, 1807. The net results of the treaty for Prussia were that she was deprived of much of her territory and was forced to maintain French garrisons in her fortresses, pay INTRODUCTION xix large sums of money to France, and reduce her army to 42,000 men. Fichte returned to Berlin at the end of August, 1807, to find Prussia completely humiliated and the French troops still in occupation of the city. Like many other heroic souls, however, he could not belie ve t h at all wa s over with Germany ; and just as Stein set himself to reform the land laws, and Scharnhorst the military organization, so Fichte took upon himself the task of arousing the German people to new life by his Addresses to the German Nation. Such a course demanded con- siderable courage and determination, for the Addresses maintained the ideals of liberty and justice against the despotism of Napoleon in the very face of the French army of occupation. Yet the attitude of the French authorities to the Addresses was one of complete indiffer- ence ; probably, as Fichte said, they considered education too insignificant and harmless a matter for them to worry about. Even among Fichte's fellow-countrymen there were no doubt many who, like the French authorities, were completely indifferent ; others perhaps did not really understand a good deal of what the Addresses contained, and it was probably the lecturer's presence, delivery, and force of character, as much as what he said, which influenced public opinion at the time so profoundly as to draw from Stein the comment that the Addresses " had a great effect upon the feelings of the cultivated class." Whatever the real cause, however, it is certain that the Addresses were a powerful factor in the creation of that national spirit which appeared for the first time in the War of Liberation of 1813-1815. Some of the ideas and opinions expressed in the Ad- dresses are obviously false and cannot be accepted, while others are gross exaggerations and require considerable xx ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION modification. Little comment need be made on Fichte's conception of the German language as the sole living language, or on his notion of the part that Germany has played and must still play in the process of the sal- vation of the world. His whole-hearted enthusiasm for things German inclines him at times to regard everything genuinely German as necessarily good, and everything foreign as necessarily bad. It is obvious what evil results would accrue from the logical development of such a conception. He greatly exaggerates the part played by Luther and by Germany in the reformation of the Church ; and it may be that his forecast of some of the good results that would follow upon the adoption of his educational reforms is fantastic and overdrawn. The fact, however, remains that these false and exaggerated ideas are but small blemishes in the work ; they are easily explained, if not justified, when we consider the desperate state of the times, the exalted aim of the lecturer, the peculiar difficulty of his task, and his enthu- siastic personality. In any case they do not affect to any considerable extent the tremendous influence of the Addresses at the time, and their great importance for the understanding of subsequent periods. It is impossible within the limits of this introduction to do anything like justice to the historical and political importance of the Addresses both for Germany and for the world. It would be a most interesting and profitable study to trace, for instance, the development and practical consequences of Fichte's idea of the closed commercial State, or to consider the influence of the principle of nationality, which he so emphatically champions, upon the course of political development in Germany and in the rest of Europe during the nineteenth century. In these and other directions it would be found that the INTRODUCTION xxi Addresses are of the utmost importance, and fully justify Seeley's reference 1 to them as " the prophetical or canonical book which announces and explains a great transition in modern Europe and the prophecies of which began to be fulfilled immediately after its publication." They certainly mark a definite stage in the political evolution of modern Germany, for in them Fichte appears as one of the founders of a united Germany, and from them date the regeneration of Prussia and the awakening of a national spirit in Germany. They mark, too, an epoch in the history of the world, for they show Fichte as an apostle of the gospel of liberty, and proclaim that principle of nationality which had far-reaching effects on the political development of Europe in the nineteenth century. Nor is it possible here to do justice to their tremendous effect on the development of education in Germany. Stein was certainly influenced, especially by those Ad- dresses which deal mainly with education ; he became an ardent advocate of the reforms urged by Fichte, as the educational schemes of his ministry testify. That part of his political testament which concerns itself with education seems also to have been inspired by Fichte's influence. 2 More important still, however, is the fact that the Addresses influenced Wilhelm von Humboldt, whose ideas and plans for German education were carried into effect in 1809 and 1810, and who selected Fichte to be Professor of Philosophy in the new University of Berlin in 1 8 1 o. Humboldt's work laid the real foundations of modern German education, and it would be interesting to show how Fichte's ideas helped to mould that educa- tion in its origins and subsequent development. It is not just because of their great significance in 1 Life of Stein, ii, 41. 2 Ibid., p. 28 ; cf. p. 292. xxii ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION the political and educational evolution of Germany and of the rest of Europe, however, that the Addresses are important and demand attention. The ideas they con- tain are of value to-day as they were in 1808, and are applicable not to one country alone but to every nation. 1 The Addresses are essentially modern both in outlook and in content. This is particularly true in regard to the educational principles they embody, many of which are only now being gradually accepted and put into practice. On these grounds too, therefore, the views which Fichte puts forward in his Addresses deserve close scrutiny and careful consideration. 1 It is interesting in this connection to note the conclusion of Ebert's speech at the opening of the National Assembly at Weimar, reported in the Times, February 8, 1919 : " In this way we will set to work, our great aim before us : to maintain the right of the German nation, to lay the foundation in Germany for a strong democracy, and to bring it to achieve- ment with the true social spirit and in the socialistic way. Thus shall we realize that which Fichte has given to the German nation as its task. We want to establish a State of justice and truthfulness, founded on the equality of all humanity." BIBLIOGRAPHY The following books may be recommended to the general reader who desires to know more of Fichte's life and ideas. The Popular Works of J. G. Fichte. Translated, with a memoir, by William Smith. 2 vols. Chapman, London, 1848-9. 2nd edition, Triibner, 1873. The Vocation of Man. Translated by William Smith. 2nd edition. Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910. Fichte. By R. Adamson. Blackwood's Philosophical Classics. London, 1881. Fichte. Article, by R. Adamson, in Ency. Brit., nth edition. Life and Times of Stein. By J. R. Seeley. 3 vols. Cam- bridge University Press, 1878. Fichte et son Temps. By X. Leon. vol. 1. Armand Colin, Paris, 1922. xxiii ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION FIRST ADDRESS INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL SURVEY I. The addresses which I now commence I have an- nounced as a continuation of the lectures which I gave three winters ago in this place, and which were published under the title : " Characteristics of the Present Age." In those lectures I showed that our own age was set in the third great epoch of time, 1 an epoch which had as the motive of all its vital activities and impulses mere material self-seeking ; that this age could comprehend and under- 1 [In accordance with his fundamental conception that the aim of human life on earth is that mankind may consciously and voluntarily order all its relations according to reason, Fichte distinguishes five epochs in the life of the human race : (i) that in which those relations are ordered by reason acting in the human race as blind instinct, i.e., without man having any insight into the grounds of its activity ; (2) that in which those relations are ordered by reason acting as an external ruling authority upon the human race through its more powerful individual members, in whom reason appears as the desire to raise the whole race to their level by compelling blind faith and unconditional obedience ; (3) that in which mankind frees itself, directly from the rule of reason as an external ruling authority, indirectly from the dominion of reason as instinct, and generally from reason in any form, and gives itself over to absolute indifference towards all truth and to unrestrained licentiousness ; (4) that in which mankind becomes conscious of reason and understands its laws with clear scientific knowledge ; (5) that in which mankind, with clear conscious- ness and by its own free act, orders all its relations in accordance with the laws of reason. See Lectures I. and II. on the Characteristics of the Present Age in Smith's translation of Fichte's Popular Works.] I 2 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION stand itself completely only by recognising that as the sole possible motive ; and, finally, that by this clear per- ception of its own nature it was becoming deeply rooted and immovably fixed in this its natural state of existence. Time is taking giant strides with us more than with any other age since the history of the world began. At some point within the three years that have gone by since my interpretation of the present age that epoch has come to an end. At some point self-seeking has destroyed itself, because by its own complete development it has lost its self and the independence of that self ; and since it would not voluntarily set itself any other aim but self, an external power has forced upon it another and a foreign purpose. He who has once undertaken to interpret his own age must make his interpretation keep pace with the progress of that age, if progress there be. It is, there- fore, my duty to acknowledge as past what has ceased to be the present, before the same audience to whom I characterized it as the present. 2. Whatever has lost its independence has at the same time lost its power to influence the course of events and to determine these events by its own will. If it remain in this state its age, and itself with the age, are conditioned in their development by that alien power which governs its fate. From now onwards it has no longer any time of its own, but counts its years by the events and epochs of alien nations and kingdoms. From this state, in which all its past world is removed from its independent in- fluence and in its present world only the merit of obed- ience remains to it, it could raise itself only on condition that a new world should arise for it, the creation of which would begin, and its development fill, a new epoch of , its own in history. But, since it has once fallen under alien power, this new world must be so c onstituted t hat INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL SURVEY 3 it r emains un perceived by t hat power, that it_ does not in any way_ a rous e it s jealousy ; nay more, t hat the alien powej_ itseli is induced by its o wn i n teres t to put no obstacle in t he way__of_the f ormation of such a world , j 1 Now if, for a race which has lost its former self, its former age and world, such a world should be created as the means of producing a new self and a new age, a thorough inter- pretation of such a possible age would have to give an account of the world thus created. Now for my part I maintain that there is such a world, and it is the aim of these addresses to show you its exist- ence and its true owner, to bring before your eyes a living picture of it, and to indicate the means of creating it. In this sense, therefore, these addresses will be a con- tinuation of the lectures previously given on the then existing age, because they will reveal the new era which can and must directly follow the destruction of the kingdom o f self-seekin g by an alien power. 3. But, before I begin this task, I must ask you to assume the following points so that they never escape your memory, and to agree with me upon them wherever and in so far as this is necessary. (a) I speak for Germans simply, of Germans simply,! not recognizing, but setting aside completely and rejecting,!)" all the dissociating distinctions which for centuries un-| happy events have caused in this single nation. You, gentlemen, are indeed to my outward eye the first and immediate representatives who bring before my mind the beloved national characteristics, and are the visible spark at which the flame of my address is kindled. But my spirit gathers round it the educated part of the whole German nation, from all the lands in which they are scattered. It thinks of and considers our common position and relations ; it longs that part of the living 4 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION force, with which these addresses may chance to grip you, may also remain in and breathe from the dumb printed page which alone will come to the eyes of the absent, and may in all places kindle German hearts to decision and action. Only of Germans and simply for Germans, I said. In due course we shall show that any other mark of unity or any other national bond either never had truth and meaning or, if it had, that owing to our present position these bonds of union have been destroyed and torn from us and can never recur ; it is only by means of the common characteristic of being German that we can avert the downfall of our nation which is threatened by its fusion with foreign peoples, and win back again an individuality that is self-supporting and quite incapable of any dependence upon others. With our perception of the truth of this statement its apparent conflict (feared now, perhaps, by many) with other duties and with matters that are considered sacred will completely vanish. Therefore, as I speak only of Germans in general, I shall proclaim that many things concern us which do not apply in the first instance to those assembled here, just as I shall pronounce as the concern of all Germans other things which apply in the first place only to us. In the spirit, of which these addresses are the expression, I perceive that organic unity in which no member regards the fate of another as the fate of a stranger. I behold that unity (which shall and must arise if we are not to perish altogether) already achieved, completed, and existing. | (b) I assume as hearers not such Germans as are in their whole nature completely given over to a feeling of pain at the loss they have suffered, who take comfort in this pain, luxuriate in their disconsolate grief, and think INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL SURVEY 5 thereby to compromise with the call that summons them to action ; but I assume such Germans as have already risen, or at least are capable of rising, above this justifiable pain to clear thonght and meditation. I know that pain ; I have felt it as much as anyone ; I respect it. Apathy, which is satisfied if it find meat and drink and be not subjected to bodily pain, and for which honour, free- dom, and independence are empty names, is incapable of it. Pain, however, exists merely to spur us on to reflec- tion, decision, and action. If it fails in this ultimate purpose, it robs us of reflection and of all our remaining powers, and so completes our misery ; while, moreover, as witness to our sloth and cowardice, it affords the visible proof that we deserve our misery. But I do not in the least intend to lift you above this pain by holding out hopes of any help which will come to you from out- side, and by indicating all kinds of possible events and changes which time may perchance bring about. For even if this attitude of mind, which prefers to roam in the shifting world of possibilities rather than to stick to what must be done, and would rather owe its salva- tion to blind chance than to itself, did not already in itself afford evidence, as it really does, of the most criminal levity and of the deepest self-contempt, yet all hopes and indications of this kind have absolutely no applica- tion to our position. Strict proof can, and in due course will, be given that no man and no god and not one of all the events that are within the bounds of possibility can help us, but that we alone must help ourselves if help is to come to us. Rather shall I try to lift you above that pain by clear perception of our position, of our yet remain- ing strength, and of the means of our salvation. For that purpose I shall, it is true, demand of you a certain amount of reflection, some spontaneous activity, and some 6 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION sacrifice, and reckon therefore on hearers of whom so much may be expected. The demands I make, however, are on the whole easy, and presuppose no greater amount of strength than one may, I think, expect of our age ; as for danger, there is absolutely none. (c) Since I intend to give the Germans, as such, a clear view of their present position, I shall assume as hearers such as are disposed to see things of this sort with their own eyes, and by no means such as find it easier in their consideration of these matters to have foisted upon them a strange and foreign eyeglass, which is either deliber- ately intended to deceive, or never properly suits a Ger- man eye, because it has a different angle of vision and is not fine enough. Moreover, I presuppose that such hearers, when looking at these things with their own eyes, will have the courage to look honestly at what does exist and to admit candidly to themselves what they see, and that they either have conquered already, or at least are capable of conquering, the tendency (frequently manifested) to deceive oneself concerning one's own affairs, and to present to the mind a less displeasing picture of them than is consistent with the truth. This tendency is a cowardly flight from one's own thoughts ; and it is a childish attitude of mind which seems to believe that, if only it does not see its misery, or at least does not admit that it sees it, this misery will thereby be removed in reality, even as it is removed in thought. On the other hand, it is manly courage to look evil full in the face, to compel it to make a stand, to scrutinize it calmly, coolly, and freely, and to resolve it into its com- ponent parts. Moreover, by this clear perception alone is it possible to master evil and to proceed with sure step in the fight against it. For the man who sees the whole in each part always knows where he stands, and is sure INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL SURVEY 7 of his ground by reason of the insight he has once gained ; whereas another man, lacking sure clue or definite cer- tainty, gropes blindly in a dream. Why, then, should we be afraid of this clear perception ? Evil does not become less through ignorance, nor increase through knowledge ; indeed it is only by the latter that it can be cured. But the question of blame shall not be raised here. Let sloth and self-seeking be censured with bitter reprimand, with biting sarcasm and cutting scorn, and let them be provoked, if to nothing better, at least to bitter hatred of him who gives the reminder — such hatred is at any rate a powerful impulse ; let this be done, so long as the inevitable result, the evil, is not fully accom- plished, and so long as salvation or mitigation may still be expected from any improvement. But, when this evil is so complete that we are deprived of even the pos- sibility of sinning again in the same way, it is useless and looks like malicious joy to continue to rail against a sin that can no longer be committed. The consideration immediately drops out of the sphere of ethics into that of history, for which freedom is ended, and which regards an event as the inevitable consequence of what has gone before. For our addresses there remains no other view of the present than this last, and we shall therefore never adopt any other. This a ttitud e of mind, th erefore , tha t we consid er ourselves simply German s, that we _be not held c aptive evjmjby_pahijtself, t hat we wish to see_the_ truth and have the c ourage to look_it_in the f ace, I p resupposej tncl reckon upon in e very word t hat I shall say. If, therefore, any- one should bring another attitude of mind to this meeting, he would have to attribute solely to himself the unpleasant feelings which might be caused him here. Let this then be said once for all, and finished with. I proceed now 8 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION to my other task, namely, to put before you in a general survey the contents of all the addresses that are to follow. 4. At some point, I said at the beginning of my address, self-seeking has destroyed itself by its own complete development, because thereby it has lost its self and the power of fixing its aims independently. This destruction of self-seeking, now accomplished, constitutes both that progress of the age which I have mentioned and the com- pletely new event which, in my opinion, has made a continuation of my previous description of that age both possible and necessary. This destruction would, therefore, be our real present, to which our new life in a new world (the existence of which I likewise maintained) would have to be directly linked. It would, therefore, be also the proper starting-point for my addresses, and I should have to show above all how and why such a destruction of self-seeking must result inevitably from its highest develop- ment. Self-seeking is most highly developed when, after it has I first affected, with insignificant exceptions, the whole body Iof subjects, it thereupon masters the rulers and becomes their sole motive in life. In such a government there arises first of all, outwardly, the neglect of all the ties by which its own safety is bound up with the safety of other I States, the abandoning of the whole, of which it is a part, solely in order that it may not be roused from its slothful sleep, and the sad illusion of self-seeking that it has peace, if only its own frontiers are not attacked ; then, inwardly, that feeble handling of the reins of State which calls itself in alien words humanity, liberality, and popularity, but which in German is more truly called slackness and ' unworthy conduct. When it masters the rulers too, I said. A people can INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL SURVEY 9 be completely corrupted, i.e., self-seeking — for self- seeking is the root of all other corruption — and yet at the same time not only endure, but even outwardly accomplish splendid deeds, provided only that its govern- ment be not also corrupt. Indeed, the latter may even outwardly act treacherously, disloyally, and dishonourably, if only it have inwardly the courage to hold on to the reins of government with a strong hand and to win for itself the greater fear. But where all the circumstances I have mentioned are combined, the commonwealth collapses at the first serious attack which is made upon it, and just as it first disloyally severed itself from the em- body of which it was a member, so now its own members, who are restrained by no fear of it and are spurred on by the greater fear of a foreign power, cut themselves off from it with the same disloyalty and go each his own way. At this, the greater fear once more seizes those who now remain isolated ; and where they gave sparingly and most unwillingly to the defender of their country, to the enemy they give abundantly and with a forced look of cheer- fulness. Later on, the rulers, abandoned and betrayed on all sides, are compelled to purchase their further exis- tence by submission and obedience to foreign schemes ; and so those, who in battle for their country threw away their arms, now learn to wield those same arms bravely under foreign colours against their mother - country. Thus it comes about that self-seeking is destroyed by its own complete development ; and upon those who would not voluntarily set themselves any other aim but self, another aim is imposed by alien power. 5. No nation which has sunk into this state of depend- ence can raise itself out of it by the means which have usually been adopted hitherto. Since resistance was use- less to it when it was still in possession of all its powers, io ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION what can such resistance avail now that it has been deprived of the greater part of them ? What might previously have availed, namely, if its government had held the reins strongly and firmly, is now no longer appli- cable, because these reins now only appear to rest in its hand, for this very hand is steered and guided by an alien hand. Such a nation can no longer depend upon itself ; and it can rely as little on the conqueror, who would be just as thoughtless, just as cowardly and weak as that nation itself once was, if he did not hold fast to the advan- tages he had won, and exploit them in every way. Or if in course of time he were ever to become so thoughtless and cowardly, he also would perish, like ourselves ; but not to our advantage, for he would be the prey of another conqueror, and we, as a matter of course, the insignificant addition to that prey. If, however, a nation so fallen were to be able to save herself, it would have to be by means of something completely new and never previously employed, namely, by the creation of a totally new order of things. Let us see, therefore, what in the previously existing order of things was the reason why such an ^ order had inevitably to come to an end at some time or other, so that in the opposite of this reason for its down- fall we may find the new element which must be intro- duced into the age, in order that by its means the fallen nation may rise to a new life. 6. On investigating this reason we find that in every previous system of government the interest of the indi- vidual in the community was linked to his interest in himself by ties, which at some point were so completely severed that his interest in the community absolutely ceased. These ties were those of fear and hope concern- ing the interests of the individual in relation to the fate of the community — both in the present and in some INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL SURVEY u future life. The enlightenment of the understanding, ^ with its purely material calculations, was the force which destroyed the connection established by religion between some future life and the present, and which at the same time conceived that such substitutes and supplements of the moral sense as love of fame and national honour were but illusory phantoms. It was the weakness of governments which removed the individual's fear for his own interests even in this life (in so far as they depended upon his behaviour towards the community) by frequently allowing neglect of duty to go unpunished. Similarly, it rendered the motive of hope ineffective by satisfying it frequently on quite different grounds and principles, without heed to services rendered to the community. Such were the ties which at some point were completely severed ; and it was this severance that caused the breaking- J up of the commonwealth. Henceforth it matters not how industriously the con- queror may do that which he alone can do, namely, linkup again and strengthen the latter part of the binding tie — fear and hope for this present life. He alone will profit thereby, and not we at all ; for so surely as he per- ceives' his advantage will he link to this renewed bond first and foremost only his own interests. Ours he will further only in so far as their preservation can serve as a means to his own ends. For a nation so ruined, fear and hope are henceforth completely destroyed, because control over them has now slipped from her hands, and because she herself indeed has to fear and hope, but no one hence- forth either fears her or hopes for aught from her. There remains nothing for her but to find an entirely different and new binding tie that is superior to fear and hope, in order to link up the welfare of her whole being with the self-interest of each of her members. 12 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION 7. Above the material motive of fear or hope , and bordering immediately upon it, mere is the spiritual motive of moral approval or disapproval, and the higher feeling of pleasure or displeasure at the condition of our- selves and of others. The physical eye, when accustomed to cleanliness and order, is troubled and distressed, as though actually hurt, by a spot which indeed causes the body no actual injury, or by the sight of objects lying in chaotic confusion ; while the eye accustomed to dirt and disorder is quite comfortable under such circumstances. So, too, the inner mental eye of man can be so accustomed and trained that the very sight of a muddled and dis- orderly, unworthy and dishonourable existence of its own or of a kindred race causes it intense pain, apart from anything there may be to fear or to hope from this for its own material welfare. This pain, apart again from material fear or hope, permits the possessor of such an eye no rest until he has removed, in so far as he can, this condition which displeases him, and has set in its place that which alone can please him. For the possessor of such an eye, because of this stimulating feeling of approval or disapproval, the welfare of his whole environment is bound up inextricably with the welfare of his own wider self, which is conscious of itself only as part of the whole and can endure itself only when the whole is pleasing. To educate itself to possess such an eye will, therefore, be a sure means, and indeed the only means left to a nation which has lost her independence and with it all influence over public fear and hope, of rising again into life from the destruction she has suffered, and of entrusting her national welfare, which since her downfall neither God nor man has heeded, with confidence to this new and higher feeling that has arisen. It follows, then, that the means of salvation which I promised to indicate con- INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL SURVEY sists in the fashioning of an entirely new self, which may -St-he does not let any spiritual need or feeling of consideration>prevent him from satisfying that material need. But wnfen it_ i s s a tisfied, he has^ little inclinatio n to let his fancy d well on_ t he painful image of it ? or_to keep it in his mincL He is much more inclined to free his thoughts and turn them without restraint to the consideration of whatever attracts the attention of his senses. Nor, indeed, does he scorn a poetic flight to ideal worlds, for he has by nature but little interest in the temporal, in order that his taste for the eternal may have scope for development. This is proved by the history of all ancient peoples, and by the various observations and discoveries which have come down to us from them. It is proved in our day by the observation of races that are still savage, provided, of course, their climate does not treat them far too unkindly, and by the observation of our own children. It is proved even by GENERAL NATURE OF NEW EDUCATION 27 the candid confession of the opponents of ideals, who com- plain that it is a far more disagreeable business to learn names and dates than to rise into this empty (as it appears to them) world of ideas ; but who would themselves, it seems, if they might indulge, rather do the latter than the former. In place of this natural freedom from care there appears anxiety, in which tomorrow's hunger and all possible future states of hunger in their whole long series hang over even him who is satiated, as the one thing that occupies his mind and evermore goads and drives him on. In our age this is caused artificially, in the boy by the repression of his natural freedom from care, in the man by the endeavour to be considered prudent, a reputation which falls to the lot only of him who does not lose sight of that point of view for a moment. This, then, is not the natural disposition with which we should have to reckon, but a corruption imposed by force on reluctant nature, which vanishes when that force is no longer applied. 2 1 . This education, which stimulates directly the mental activity of the pupil, produces knowledge, we said above. This gives us the opportunity of distinguishing still more clearly the new education from the old. The new educa- tion, in fact, aims especially and directly only at stimulat ing regular and progressive mental activity. Knowledge, as we saw above, results only incidentally and as an inevitable consequence. Now, if it is only in such knowledge that our pupil can conceive the image of real life which shall stimulate him to serious activity when he becomes a man, knowledge is certainly an important part of the training which is to be obtained. Yet it cannot be said that the new education aims directly at such knowledge ; knowledge is only incidental to it. On the other hand, the old education aimed definitely 28 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION at knowledge, and at a certain amount of some subject of knowledge. Besides, there is a great difference between that kind of knowledge which results incidentally from the new education and that at which the old education aimed. The former results in knowledge of the laws which condition all possible mental activity. For instance, if the pupil tries in free fancy to enclose a space with straight lines, this is the first stimulation of his mental activity. If in these attempts he discovers that he cannot enclose a space with fewer than three straight lines, this is the incidental knowledge resulting from another quite different activity, that of the faculty of knowledge, which restricts the free power first stimulated. This education, therefore, results at the very outset in know- ledge which transcends all experience, which is abstract, absolute, and strictly universal, and which includes within itself beforehand all subsequently possible experience. On the other hand, the old education was concerned, as a rule, only with the actual qualities of things as they are and as they should be believed and noted, without anyone being able to assign a reason for them. It aimed, therefore, /V at purely passive reception by means of the power of memory, which was completely at the service of things. ^jTTt was, therefore, impossible to have any idea of the mind ' gjas an independent original principle of things themselves. Modern education must not think it can defend itself against this reproach by appealing to its oft-declared contempt for mechanical rote-learning and to its well- known masterpieces in the Socratic manner. On this point it was fully informed long ago from another source that these Socratic reasonings are also learned by heart purely mechanically, and that this is a much more dan- gerous form of rote-learning, because it makes the pupil who does not think appear capable of thinking. It was GENERAL NATURE OF NEW EDUCATION 29 informed, too, that no other result was possible with the material it employed to develop spontaneous thought, and that for this purpose one must commence with entirely different material. This quality of the old education shows clearly why the pupil generally learned unwillingly, and therefore slowly and but little, and why, because learning itself was not attractive, extraneous motives had to be introduced ; it also shows the reason for the exceptions to the rule hitherto. Memory, if ^ employed alone and without serving any other purpose in the mind, is a passive condition rather than an activity of the mind, and it is easy to understand that the pupil will be very unwilling to accept this passive state. Besides, acquaintance with things and with the properties of things which are quite strange, and which have not the slightest interest for him, is a poor recompense for the passivity inflicted on him. His aversion, therefore, had ^ to be overcome by holding out hopes of the usefulness of such knowledge in the future, by asserting that by it alone could a living and a reputation be obtained, and even by direct immediate punishment and reward. Thus from the very outset, knowledge was set up as a servant >✓ of material welfare ; and this education, which was described above, from the point of view of its content, as simply incapable of developing a moral sense, was in fact obliged, in order to reach the pupil at all, to implant and develop moral corruption in him and to unite its own interest with that of this corruption. Further, it will be found that the natural talent, which, as an exception to the rule, learned willingly and therefore well in schools under the old education, overcame the moral corruption of the environment and kept its character pure, thanks to this greater love that governed it. Owing to its natural inclination it acquired a practical interest in 30 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION these subjects, and, guided by its happy instinct, it aimed at producing, far more than at merely receiving, such knowledge. Then, in regard to the subjects taught, this education usually succeeded best, in exception to the rule, with those which it allowed to be practised actively. For instance, the classical language 1 in which writing and speaking were the aim was nearly always fairly well learned ; whereas the other language, 2 in which practice in writing and speaking was neglected, was usually learned very badly and superficially, and was forgotten in later years. It follows, therefore, from previous experience, that it is the development of mental activity by means of instruc- tion which alone produces pleasure in knowledge simply as such, and so keeps the mind open for moral training ; on the other hand, purely passive receptivity paralyses and kills knowledge, just as it inevitably corrupts the moral sense completely. 22. To return again to the pupil under the new education. It is evident that, spurred on by his love, he will learn much and, since he understands everything in its relations and immediately puts into action what he has understood, he will learn it correctly and will never forget it. Yet that is but incidental. More important is the fact that this love exalts his personality and intro- duces him systematically and deliberately into a wholly new order of things, into which hitherto only a few, favoured by God, came by accident. The love which spurs him on aims not at sensuous enjoyment, which quite ceases to be a motive for him, but at mental activity and the law of that activity for their own sakes. Now, it is not this mental activity in general with which morality is concerned ; for this purpose a special direction must be given to that activity. Yet this love is the specific 1 [Latin], 2 [Greek]. GENERAL NATURE OF NEW EDUCATION 31 quality and form of the moral will. This method of mental tr aining is, t herefore, the immediate preparation for the moral ; it completely destroys the root of immor- ality by never_ai lowing se nsuous en j oyment to become the motive^ Formerly, that was the first motive to be stimulated and developed, because it was believed that otherwise the pupil could not be influenced or controlled at all. If the moral motive had to be developed after- wards, it came too late and found the heart already occupied by, and filled with, another love. On the other hand, in the new education the training of a pure will is to be the first aim, so that if, later, selfishness should awake within, or be stimulated from without, it may come too late, and find no room for itself in a heart which is already occupied by something else. 23. It is essential both for this first aim and also for the second, which will be mentioned soon, that from the very beginning the pupil should be continuously and completely under the influence of this education, and should be separated altogether from the community, and kept from all contact with it. He must not even hear that our vital impulses and actions can be directed towards our maintenance and welfare, nor that we may learn for that reason, nor that learning may be of some use for that purpose. It follows that mental development should be produced in him only in the manner described above, that he should be occupied with it unceasingly, and that this method of instruction should on no account be exchanged for that which requires the opposite material motive. 24. But, although this mental development does not lei-self-seeking come to life and provides indeed the form of a moral will, it is not yet, however, the moral will itself. If the new education which we propose did not go further, it would at best train excellent men of learn- 32 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION ing, as in the past, of whom only a few are needed, and who would be able to do no more for our true human and national aim than such men have done hitherto — exhort, and exhort again, get themselves wondered at, and occasionally abused. But it is clear, as I have already said, that this free activity of the mind is developed with the intention that by it the pupil may voluntarily create the image of a moral order of life that actually exists, may lay hold of this image with the love that is also already developed in him, and be spurred on by this love to realize it actually in and by his life. The question is, how can the new education prove to itself that it has achieved this, its true and final purpose with the pupil. 25. Above all it is clear that the mental activity of the pupil, which has been exercised already on other objects, s hould be s timulated to c r eate an i mag e of the social orde r of mankind as it_ ought _tp be, simply in a ccord - ance with the law of reason. Whether the image created by the pupil be true can be judged most easily by an education which alone is in possession of this true image. Whether it is created by the pupil's spontaneous activity, and not simply passively accepted and credulously repeated in school fashion, and, further, whether it is raised to the proper clearness and vividness, education will be able to judge, just as it has hitherto correctly judged other things in this respect. Yet all this is a matter for mere knowledge, and remains within the domain of knowledge, which is very accessible in this system of education. It is a very different and a higher question, whether the pupil is so filled with ardent love for such an order of things, that it will be utterly impossible for him not to desire it and to work with all his strength to promote it, when freed from the guidance of education and left inde- pendent. This question, undoubtedly, not words and GENERAL NATURE OF NEW EDUCATION 33 tests which are arranged in words, but only the appear- ance of deeds, can decide. 26. This is my solution of the problem raised by this last consideration. Under the new system of education the pupils, although separated from the adult community, - will, nevertheless, undoubtedly live together among them- ✓ selves, and so form a separate and self-contained com- munity with its organization precisely defined, based on the nature of things and demanded throughout by reason. The very first image of a social order which the pupil's mind should be stimulated to create will be that of the community in which he himself lives. He will be inwardly compelled, therefore, to fashion this order for himself bit for bit, just as it is actually sketched out for him, and to conceive it in all its parts as absolutely inevitable because of its elements. This, again, is merely the work of knowledge. Now, in real life under this social arrange- ment every individual has continually to abstain, for the sake of the community, from much that he could do without hesitation if he were alone. It will be fitting, therefore, that the legislation, and the instruction con- cerning the constitution which is to be based thereon, should represent to each individual all the others as animated by a love of order exalted to the ideal, which perhaps no one person really has, but which all ought to have. It will be fitting, too, that the legislation should consequently maintain a high standard of severity, and should prohibit the doing of many things. Such prohibitions, which simply must exist and on which the existence of the community depends, are to be enforced in case of necessity by fear of immediate punishment, and this penal law must be administered absolutely without indulgence or exception. This application of fear as a motive does not impair in any way the morality 3 34 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION of the pupil, for in this case he is incited, not to do good, but only to abstain from what under this system of govern- ment is evil. Moreover, the instruction concerning the constitution must make it quite clear that anyone who still needs the idea of punishment, or even indeed to revive that idea by suffering punishment, is at a very low stage of civilization. Yet, in spite of all this, it is clear that in these circumstances the pupil will be unable to show his good will outwardly, and education will be unable to estimate it, since no one can ever know whether obedience results from love of order or from fear of k punishment. On the other hand, in the following circumstances such an estimate is possible. The system of government must be arranged in such a way that the individual must not only abstain, but will also work and act, for the sake of the community. Physical exercises, the mecha nical, ' but here idealized, work of farming , and trades of various kinds, in addition to the development of the mind by learning, are included in this commonwealth of pupils. A fundamental principle of the system of government will be that anyone who may excel in one of these depart- ments will be expected to help to instruct the others in it, and to undertake superintendence and responsibilities of various kinds. Anyone who discovers an improvement, or understands most clearly, and before the others, an im- provement proposed by a teacher, is expected to work it out by his own efforts, without being set free for this purpose from his other personal tasks of learning and work- ing which are understood. Everyone is supposed to fulfil this expectation voluntarily, not compulsorily ; for anyone who is unwilling is free to refuse. He is to expect neither reward for it, for under this system of government all are quite equal in regard to work and pleasure, nor even praise, GENERAL NATURE OF NEW EDUCATION 35 for the attitude of mind prevailing in the community is that it is just everyone's duty to act thus ; but he alone enjoys the pleasure of acting and working for the community, and of succeeding, if that should fall to his lot. Under this system of government, therefore, the acquirement of greater skill and the effort spent therein will result only in fresh effort and work, and it will be the very pupil who is abler than the rest who must often watch while others sleep, and reflect while others play. 27. To some pupils all this will be quite clear and intelligible. Yet they will continue to undertake that initial toil and the further labours that result from it so joyfully that they may be relied on with certainty. They will remain strong, and become even stronger, in their feeling of power and activity. Such pupils education can confidently send out into the world ; it has achieved its purpose with them. Their love has been kindled and burns down to the root of their vital impulse ; from now onwards it will lay hold of everything, without excep- tion, that comes in contact with this vital impulse. In the larger community, which they now enter, they can never be anything but the steady and constant beings they have been in the little community they are now leaving. The pupil has in this way been fully prepared for the demands which the world will immediately and certainly make of him. What education, in the name of this world, demands of him has been done. But he is still not perfect in and for himself, and what he himself can claim from education has not yet been done. When this demand, too, has been met, he will be able to satisfy also the, demands which, in special circumstances, a higher world, in the name of the present world, may make of him. THIRD ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW EDUCATION (continued) 28. The essential feature of the proposed new education, so far as it was described in the last address, consisted in this, that it is the sure and deliberate art of training the pupil to pure morality. To pure morality, I said ; the morality to which it educates exists as an original, independent, and separate thing, which develops spon- taneously its own life, but is not, like the legality hitherto often aimed at, linked with and implanted in some other non-moral impulse, for the satisfaction of which it serves. It is the sure and deliberate art of this moral education, I said. It does not proceed aimlessly and at random, but according to a fixed rule well known to it, and is certain of its success. Its _pupil goes forth _at the proper time as_ ajixed and unchan geab le machine p roduc ed _by_ this artj which i ndeed could not goot herwis e than as_ it has b^erire^ulated by the art, and needs no help at all, but continue s of i tself ac c ordin g_to its o wn law. This education certainly does train also the pupil's mind, and this mental training is indeed the first thing with which it commences its task. Yet this mental development is not the chief and original aim, but only the condition and means of applying moral training to the pupil. This mental training, however, though acquired but incidentally, remains an ineradicable pos- 36 DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW EDUCATION 37 session of the pupil's life and the ever-burning lamp of his moral love. However great or small the total know- ledge which he may have obtained from education, he will certainly have brought away from it a mind which, during the whole of his life, will be able to grasp every truth, the knowledge of which is essential to him, and which will remain continually susceptible to instruction from others, as well as capable of reflecting for itself. This was the point we reached in the last address in the description of the new education. At the end of it we remarked that thereby it was not yet completed, but that it had still to solve another problem different from those already set. We proceed now to the task of defining this problem more clearly. 29. The pupil of this education is not merely a member 1 of human society here on this earth and for the short span of life which is permitted him on it. HeJs also, and is undoubtedly acknowledged by education to be, a link in the eternal chain of spiritual life in a higher social order. A training which has undertaken to include the whole of his being should undoubtedly lead him to a knowledge of this higher order also. Just as it led him to sketch out for himself by his own activity an image of that moral world-order which never is, but always is to yr be, so must it lead him to create in thought by the same self-activity an image of that supersensuous world-order n in which nothing becomes, and which never has become, ijr\ but which simply is for ever ; all this in such a way that I he intimately understands and perceives that it could not be otherwise. Under proper guidance he will complete his attempts at such an image, and find at the end thai nothing really exists but life, the spiritual life which lives in thought, and that everything else does not really exist, but only appears to exist. The 38 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION reason for this appearance, a reason that results from thought, he will likewise grasp, even if only in general. Further, he will perceive that, amid the various forms which it received, not by chance, but according to a law founded in God Himself, th e sp ir itual life which alone really exists is on e, the d ivine life itself, which exists and mamfests itself only in living thought. He will thus earn to know and keep holy his own and every other spiritual life as an eternal link in the chain of the mani- festation of the divine life. Only in immediate contact with God and in the direct emanation of his life from Him will he find life, light, and happiness, but in any separation from that immediate contact, death, darkness, and misery. In a word, this development will train him to religion ; and this religion of the indwelling of our life in God shall indeed prevail and be carefully fostered in the new era. On the other hand, the religion of the past separated the spiritual life from the divine, and only by apostasy against the divine life could it procure for the spiritual life the absolute existence which it had ascribed to it. It used God as a means to introduce self-seeking into other worlds a fter t he death of the mortal body, and through fear and hope of these other worlds to rein- force for the present world the self-seeking which would otherwise have remained weak. Such a religion, which was obviously a servant of selfishness, shall indeed be borne to the grave along with the past age. In the new era eternity does not dawn first on yon side of the grave, but comes into the midst of the present life ; while self- seeking is dismissed from serving and from ruling, and departs, taking its servants with it. Education to true religion is, therefore, the final task of the new education. Whether in the creation of the necessary image of the DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW EDUCATION 39 supersensuous world-order the pupil has really acted spontaneously, and whether the image created is abso- lutely correct and thoroughly clear and intelligible, educa- tion can easily judge in the same way as in the case of other objects of knowledge, for that, too, is in the domain of knowledge. 30. But here, too, the more important question is : How can education estimate and guarantee that this knowledge of religion will not remain dead and cold, but will be expressed in the actual life of the pupil ? The premise of this question is the answer to another : How, and in what manner, is religion shown in life ? In everyday life, and in a well-ordered community, there is no need whatever of religion to regulate life. True moral ity suffices wholly for that purpose. In this respect, therefore, religion is not practical, and cannot and shall not become practical. Religion _is simply k nowledg e ; it makes man quite clear and intelligible to himself, answers the highest question which he can raise, solves for him the last contradiction, and so brings into his understanding complete unity with itself and perfect clearness. It is his complete salvation and deliver- ance from every foreign bond. Education, therefore, owes him this religion as his due absolutely, and without ulterior purpose. Religion, as a motive, has its only sphere of action in a very immoral and corrupt society, or where man's field of activity lies not within the social order but beyond it, and rather has continually to create it anew and to maintain it ; as in the case of the ruler, who often could not, without religion, perform the duties of his office with a good conscience. Such a case is not the concern of an education intended for everyone and for the whole nation. When, as in the former case, work is continued unceasingly, although man's understanding 40 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION has a clear perception of the incorrigibility of the age ; when the toil of sowing is courageously borne without any prospect of harvest ; when good is done even to the ungrateful, and those who curse are blessed with deeds and gifts, although it is clearly foreseen that they will curse again ; when after a hundred failures man persists in faith and in love ; then, it is not mere morality which is the motive, for that requires a purpose, but it is religion, the submission to a higher and unknown law, the humble silence before God, the sincere love of His life that is manifested in us, which alone and for its own sake shall Joe saved, where the eye sees nothing else to save. ||3"i. Hence, the knowledge of religion, obtained by the l|pupils of the new education in their little community llin which they grow up, cannot and shall not become l| practical. This community is well ordered, and in it whatever is properly attempted always succeeds ; besides, the yet tender age of man shall be maintained in simplicity and in quiet faith in his race. Let the knowledge of its knavery remain reserved for personal experience in mature and stronger years. It is, therefore, only in these more mature years and in the life of earnest purpose, long after education has left him to himself, that the pupil, if his social relations should advance from simple to higher stages, could need \ his knowledge of religion as a motive. Now, how shall ^education, which cannot test the pupil in this while he is in its hands, nevertheless be sure that this motive will work infallibly, if only the need arise ? I reply : In this way ; the pupil is so trained that none of the knowledge he possesses remains dead and cold within him when the possibility of its coming to life arises, but it all inevit- ably influences life so soon as life requires it. I shall give further reasons for this statement in a moment, and DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW EDUCATION 41 so elevate the whole conception which has been treated in this and in the last address, and fit it into a larger system of knowledge. On this larger system itself I shall shed new light and greater clearness by that con- ception. But first let me describe exactly the true nature of the new education, a general description of which I have just ended. 32. This education, then, no longer appears, as it did at the beginning of our address to-day, simply as the art of training the pupil to pure morality, but is rather the art of training the whole man completely and fully for manhood. In this connection there are two essentials. First, in regard to form, it is the real living human being, not simply the shadow and phantom of a man, who is to be trained to the very roots of his life. Then, in regard to content, all the essential component parts of man are to be developed equally and without exception. These component parts are understanding and will ; and education has to aim at clearness in the former and at purity in the latter. Now, in regard to clearness in the former, two main questions must be raised ; first, what it is that the pure will really wishes, and by what means this wish is to be attained ; under this head is included all other knowledge which is to be taught to the pupil ; secondly, what this pure will is in principle and essence ; under this head is included knowledge of religion. The essentials mentioned, and their development until they influence life, education demands absolutely, and does not intend to exempt anyone from them in the slightest degree, for everyone must be a complete man. As to what anyone may become in addition, and as to the par- ticular form general human nature may take or receive in him, this does not concern universal education, and lies beyond its scope. 42 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION 33. I proceed now, by means of the following proposi- tions, to give the further reasons I promised for the statement that in the pupil of the new education no knowledge can remain dead, and to fulfil my intention of elevating into a connected system all that has been said. From what has been said it follows that from the point of view of their education there are two quite different and entirely opposite classes of men. At first every human being (and, therefore, also these two classes) is alike in this, that underlying the various manifestations of his life there is one impulse, which amid all change persists unchanged and is always the same. Incidentally, the self-comprehension of this impulse and its translation into ideas creates the world, and there is no other world but this world which is created thus in thought, not freely but of necessity. Now this impulse, which must always be translated into consciousness (and in this respect, once again, the two classes are alike), can be so translated in two ways, according to the two different kinds of consciousness. It is in the method of translation and of self-comprehension that the two classes differ. The first kind of consciousness, that which is the first in point of time to develop, is that of dim feeling. Where this feeling exists, the fundamental impulse is most usually and regularly comprehended as the individual's love of self ; indeed, dim feeling shows this self at first only as something that wills to live and to prosper. Hence, material self-seeking arises as the real motive and developing power of such a life engrossed in translating its original impulse thus. So long as man continues to understand himself in this way, so long must he act selfishly, being unable to do otherwise ; and, amid the ceaseless change in his life, it is this self-seeking alone that persists, always the same and to be expected with certainty. This DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW EDUCATION 43 dim feeling can also, as an unusual exception to the rule, pass beyond the personal self, and comprehend the fundamental impulse as a desire for a dimly-felt different order of things. Thence arises the life, adequately described by us elsewhere, which, exalted above self- seeking, is motived by ideas, dim indeed but none the less ideas, and in which reason rules as an instinct. Such comprehension of the fundamental impulse merely by dim feeling is the characteristic of the first class of men, who are trained, not by education, but by their own selves ; this class in turn consists of two species, which are distinct for some reason that is incomprehensible and quite beyond the art of man to discover. Clear knowledge is the second kind of consciousness, ( which does not, as a rule, develop of itself, but mus t be c arefully fostered in_the community. If the fundamental impulse of man were embraced in this principle, it would produce a second class of men quite different from the first. Such knowledge, which embraces fundamental love itself, does not leave us cold and indifferent, as indeed other knowledge can, but its object is loved above every- thing, for that object is but the interpretation and translation of our original love itself. Other knowledge embraces something alien, which remains alien and leaves us cold ; this knowledge embraces the knower himself and his love, and he loves it. Now, although it is the same original love appearing only in different forms which spurs on both classes, yet disregarding this 1 circumstance we can say that man is governed in the one I / case by dim feelings, in the other by clear knowledge. ' Now, that such clear knowledge shall be a direct incentive in life, and shall be capable of being relied on with certainty depends, as has been said, on this, that the real true love of man is to be interpreted by it, that 44 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION this is to be immediately clear to him, and that along with the interpretation the feeling of that love is to be (stimulated in him and experienced by him. Knowledge, therefore, is never to be developed in him without love being developed at the same time, because otherwise he would remain cold ; nor is love ever to be developed with- out knowledge being developed at the same time, because otherwise his motive would be a dim feeling. At every step y in the training, then, it is the whole man as a unit that is fashioned. The man who is always treated by education as an indivisible whole will remain so in the future, and all knowledge will inevitably become for him a motive in life. | 34. Clear knowledge instead of dim feeling being thus made the first and true foundation and starting- point of life, self-seeking is avoided altogether and cheated of its development. For it is dim feeling alone that represents to man his ego as in need of pleasure and afraid of pain. The clear idea does not represent it thus to him, but shows it rather as a member of a moral order ; and there is a love for that order which is kindled and developed along with the development of the idea. This e ducatio n has nothing at all^ to do with s^lfj^eddng, thejr oot of w hich, dim feelin g, it ki lls through clearness. It neither attacks it nor develops it ; it has nothing at all to do with it. Even if, later, it were possible for this self-seeking to stir, it would find the heart already filled with a higher love which would deny it a place. 35. Now this fundamental impulse of man, when translated into clear knowledge, does not concern itself with a world which is already given and existent, which can be accepted, indeed, merely passively just as it is, and in which a love that stimulates to original creative activity would find no sphere of action for itself. On the contrary, exalted to knowledge, it is concerned with a world that DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW EDUCATION 45 is to be, an a priori world that exists in the future and ever remains in the future. The di vine life, th erefore , that u nderlie jjdljtpp earance re veals i tself neve r as a fixed and_ known e ntity,_ but as some_thing that is to be ; and~ after it has bec ome what it^was to be, it w ill r eveal i tself a gain to^ all^ etejnitv as som ething that Js to_ be. This divine life, then, never appears in the death of the fixed entity, but remains continually in the form of ever- flowing life. The direct appearance and manifestation of God is love. The interpretation of this love by knowledge first fixes an existence, an existence that ever is to be ; this is the only real world, in so far as a world can be real. The other world, on the contrary, which is given and found existing by us, is but the shadow and phantom, out of which knowledge builds up for its inter- pretation of love a fixed form and a visible body. This other world is the means for, and the condition of, the perception of the higher world that is in itself invisible. Not even in that higher world does God reveal Himself 1 directly, but there too only through the medium of the 1 one, pure, unchangeable, and formless love ; it is in this love alone that He appears directly. To this love there is joined intuitive knowledge, which brings with it an image drawn from itself, with which to clothe the object of love that is in itself invisible. Yet each time it is opposed by love, and thereby stimulated again to make a new form, which is once again opposed in just the same way. Only thus, by fusion with intuition, does love too, which purely in itself is one and quite incapable of pro- gress, of infinity, and of eternity, become like it eternal and infinite. The image mentioned just now, which is supplied from knowledge itself, considered by itself alone and without application to the love that is clearly per- ceived, is the fixed and given world, or nature. The 46 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION delusion that God's presence reveals itself in this nature in any way directly, or otherwise than through the agencies above mentioned, arises from darkness of mind and profanity of will. 36. The complete avoidance of dim feeling as a solvent of love and the setting up in its stead of clear knowledge as the usual solvent, as has already been men- tioned, can happen only as the result of a deliberate art of education, and hitherto has not happened in this way. By this means too, as we have also seen, a type of man quite different from men as they have usually been hitherto will be introduced and become the rule. As the result of this education, therefore, a totally new order of things and a new creation would begin. Now, in this new form, mankind would fashion itself by means of itself, for mankind considered as the present generation educates itself as the future generation ; and mankind can do this only by means of knowledge, the one common true light and air of this world which can be freely imparted and which binds the spiritual world into a unity. Formerly mankind became just what it did become and was able to become ; the time for such chance development has gone by ; for where mankind has developed most it has become nothing. If it is not to remain in this nothingness, it must henceforward make itself all that it is yet to become. The real destiny of the human race on earth, I said in the lectures of which these are the continuation, is in freedom to make itself what it really is originally. Now, this making of itself deliberately, and according to rule, must have a beginning somewhere and at some moment in space and time. Thereby a second great period, one of free and deliberate development of the human race, would appear in place of the first period, one of develop- ment that is not free. We are of opinion that, in regard DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW EDUCATION 47 to time, this is the very time, and that now the race is exactly midway between the two great epochs of its life on earth. But, in regard to space, we believe that it is first of all the Germans who are called upon to begin the new era as pioneers and models for the rest of mankind. 37. Yet even this wholly new creation will not result as a sudden change from what has gone before ; it is rather, especially with the Germans, the true natural continuation and consequence of the past. It is apparent and, I believe, generally granted that the impulse and effort of the age has been seeking to dispel dim feelings and to secure the sole mastery for clearness and knowledge. This effort has been quite successful at least in this, that it has completely revealed the nothingness of the past. The impulse towards clearness should not be rooted out, nor should dull acquiescence in dim feeling again obtain the mastery. Rather must this impulse be developed still further and introduced into higher spheres, so that when the Nothing has been revealed, the Some- thing, the positive truth that sets up something real, may likewise become manifest. The world of given arid self-forming existence, which arises from dim feeling, has been submerged and shall remain below the surface. The world, however, which arises from original clearness, the world of existence that is ever to be evolved from the mind, shall dawn and shine forth in its splendour. 38. Truly the prophecy of a new life in such forms will probably seem strange to our age, which would scarcely have the courage to take this promise to itself, if it were to look solely at the tremendous difference between its own prevailing opinions on these matters and those which have been expressed as principles of the new era. I will not speak of the education which in the past, as a rule, only the higher classes received, as a 48 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION .privilege not to be extended to everyone, and which was 'quite silent concerning any supersensuous world, and strove merely to produce some skill in the affairs of the sensuous world. It was obviously the worse kind of education. But I will look only at what was popular education and could also, in a certain very limited sense, be called national education, which did not preserve com- plete silence concerning a supersensuous world. What were the doctrines of this education ? We put forward as the fundamental assumption of the new education that there i_s _at the root of_ man's nature a pure pleasur e in the good, w hich can be^ de veloped to such an e xtent that it b ecomes i mpossib le for him tojeave un done what Kek nows to be good and to dojnstead what he knows to be evil. The existing education, on the other hand, has not only assumed, but has also taught its pupils from early youth onwards, that man has a natural aversion from God's commandments, and, further, that it is absolutely impossible for him to keep them. What else can be ex- pected of such instruction, if it is taken seriously and believed, than that each individual should yield to his absolutely unchangeable nature, should not try to achieve what has once been represented to him as impossible, and should not desire to be better than he and all others can be ? Indeed, he accepts the baseness attri- buted to him, the baseness of acknowledging his natural sinfulness and wickedness, because such baseness in God's sight is represented to him as the sole means of coming to terms with Him. If perchance such a statement as ours comes to his ears, he cannot but think that someone merely wants to play a bad joke on him, because he has an ever- present inward feeling, which to him is perfectly clear, that this statement is not true, and that the opposite alone is true. We presuppose a knowledge, not dependent DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW EDUCATION 49 on any given existence, but on the contrary itself giving laws for that existence, and propose to immerse every child of man in this knowledge from the very beginning, and to keep him from that time onwards continually under its rule. On the other hand, we regard that nature of things which can be learned only from history as an insignificant accessory that follows of itself. When we do all this, then the ripest products of the old educa- tion oppose us, reminding us that it is well known there is no a priori knowledge, and saying they would like to know how there can be any knowledge except through experience. In order that this supersenuous and a -priori world should not reveal itself in the place where this seemed unavoidable, namely, in the possibility of a knowledge of God, and that even in God Himself there should be no spiritual spontaneity, but that passive sub- mission should remain all in all — to meet this danger the old education has hit upon the daring expedient of making the existence of God an historical fact, the truth of which is established by the examination of evidence. So in truth the matter stands ; yet our generation should not therefore despair of itself, for these and all other similar phenomena are themselves not independent, but only flowers and fruits of the uncultivated root of the past. If only this generation submits quietly to the grafting of a new, nobler, and stronger root, the old will be killed, and its flower and fruits, deprived of further nourishment, will of themselves wither and fall. As yet this generation cannot believe our words ; it is inevitable that they seem to it like fairy tales. Nor do we want such belief ; we want only room to work and to act. After- wards it will see, and it will believe its own eyes. 39. Everyone who is acquainted with the productions of recent years will have noticed long ago that here again 4 5 o ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION those principles and views are expressed which modern German philosophy since its origin has preached again and again, because it could do nothing else but preach. It is now sufficiently clear that these sermons have vanished without result into thin air, and the reason for this is evident too. A living thing affects only something living ; but in the actual life of the age there is no rela- tionship at all with this philosophy, which goes its own way in a sphere that is not yet revealed to this age, and which calls for sense-organs that it has not yet developed. This philosophy is not at home in our age, but is an anticipation of time, and a principle of life ready in advance for a generation which shall first awake to light in it. It must give up all claim on the present genera- tion ; but, in order not to be idle until then, let it now undertake the task of fashioning for itself the generation to which it does belong. As soon as this, its immediate business, has become clear to it, it will be able to live in peace and friendship with a generation which in other respects does not please it. The education which we have hitherto described is likewise the education for this philosophy. Yet in a certain sense it alone can be the educator in this education ; and so it had to be a fore- runner neither understood nor acceptable. But the time will come when it will be understood and received with joy ; and that is why our generation should not despair of itself. 40. Let this generation hearken to the vision of an ancient prophet in a situation no less lamentable. Thus says the prophet 1 by the river of Chebar, the comforter of those in captivity, not in their own, but in a foreign land. " The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the 1 [Ezekiel xxxvii. 1-10. I have used the Authorised Version here.] DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW EDUCATION 51 midst of the valley which was full of bones, and caused me to pass by them round about : and, behold, there were very many in the open valley ; and, lo, they were very dry. And He said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live ? And I answered, 0 Lord God, thou knowest. Again He said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones, Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live : and I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live ; and ye shall know that I am the Lord. So I prophesied as I was commanded : and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone. And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above ; but there was no breath in them. Then said He unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord God, Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live. So I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army." Though the elements of our higher spiritual life may be just as dried up, and though the bonds of our national unity may lie just as torn asunder and as scattered in wild disorder as the bones of the slain in the prophecy, though they may have whitened and dried for centuries in tempests, rainstorms, and burning sunshine, the quickening breath of the spiritual world has not yet ceased to blow. It will take hold, too, of the dead bones of our national body, and join them together, that they may stand glorious in new and radiant life. FOURTH ADDRESS THE CHIEF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE GERMANS AND THE OTHER PEOPLES OF TEUTONIC DESCENT 41. We have said that the means of educating a new race of men, which is being put forward in these addresses, must first be applied by Germans to Germans, and that it concerns our nation in a special and peculiar way. This statement also requires proof ; and here, as before, we shall begin with what is highest and most general, showing what is the characteristic of the German as such, apart from the fate that has now befallen him ; showing, too, that this has been his characteristic ever since he began to exist ; and pointing out how this characteristic in itself gives him alone, above all other European nations, the capacity of responding to such an education. 42. In the first place, the German is a branch of the Teutonic race. Of the latter it is sufficient to say here that its mission was to combine the social order established in ancient Europe with the true religion preserved in ancient Asia, and in this way to develop in and by itself a new and different age after the ancient world had perished. Further,it is sufficient todistinguishtheGerman particularly, in contrast only to the other Teutonic peoples who came into existence with him. Other neo-European nations, as, for instance, those of Slav descent, do not seem as yet to have developed distinctly enough in comparison 52 GERMANS & OTHER TEUTONS COMPARED 53 with the rest of Europe to make it possible to give a definite description of them ; whereas others of the same Teutonic descent, as, for instance, the Scandinavians, although the main reason for differentiation (which will be stated immediately) does not apply to them, are yet regarded here as indisputably Germans, and included in all the general consequences of our observations. 43. But at the very outset the special observations which we are now on the point of making must be pre- faced by the following remark. As the cause of the differentiation that has taken place in what was originally one stock I shall cite an event which, considered merely as an event, lies clear and incontestable before the eyes of all. I shall then adduce some manifestations of the differentiation that has taken place ; and these manifesta- tions, considered merely as events, could perhaps be made just as clear and obvious. But with regard to the connection of the latter, as consequences, with the former, as their cause, and with regard to the deduction of the consequences from the cause, I cannot, speaking generally, reckon upon being equally clear and con- vincing to everyone. It is true that in this matter also I am not making entirely new statements which no one has heard of before ; on the contrary, there are among us many individuals who are either well prepared for such a view of the matter, or perhaps already familiar with it. Among the majority, however, there are in circulation ideas about the subject of our discussion which differ greatly from our own. To correct such ideas, and to refute all the objections to single points that might be raised by those who are not practised in taking a comprehensive view of a subject, would far exceed the limits of our time and our intention. I must content myself with placing before such people, merely 54 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION as a subject for their further consideration, what I have to say in this connection, remarking that in my system of thought it does not stand so separate and detached as it appears in this place, nor is it without a foundation in the depths of knowledge. I could not omit it entirely, partly on account of the thoroughness of treatment demanded by my whole subject, and partly because of its important consequences, which will appear later in the course of our addresses, and which are intimately connected with our present design. 44. The first and immediately obvious difference between the fortunes of the Germans and the other branches which grew from the same root is this : the former remained in the original dwelling-places of the ancestral stock, whereas the latter emigrated to other places ; the former retained and developed the original language of the ancestral stock, whereas the latter adopted a foreign language and gradually reshaped it in a way of their own. This earliest difference must be regarded as the explanation of those which came later, e.g., that in the original fatherland, in accordance with Teutonic primitive custom, there continued to be a federation of States under a head with limited powers, whereas in the foreign countries the form of government was brought more in accordance with the existing Roman method, and monarchies were established, etc. It is not these later differences that explain the one first mentioned. 45. Now, of the changes which have been indicated, the first, the change of home, is quite unimportant. Man easily makes himself at home under any sky, and the national characteristic, far from being much changed by the place of abode, dominates and changes the latter after its own pattern. Moreover, the variety of natural influences in the region inhabitated by the Teutons is GERMANS & OTHER TEUTONS COMPARED 55 not very great. Just as little importance should be attached to the fact that the Teutonic race has inter- mingled with the former inhabitants of the countries it conquered ; for, after all, the victors and masters and makers of the new people that arose from this inter- mingling were none but Teutons. Moreover, in the mother-country there was an intermingling with Slavs similar to that which took place abroad with Gauls, Cantabrians, etc., and perhaps of no less extent ; so that it would not be easy at the present day for any one^ of the peoples descended from Teutons to demonstrate" a greater purity of descent than the others. 46. More important, however, and in my opinion the cause of a complete contrast between the Germans and the other peoples of Teutonic descent, is the second change, the change_of la nguage. Here, as I wish to point out distinctly at the very beginning, it is not a question of the special quality of the language retained by the one branch or adopted by the other ; on the contrary, the importance lies solely in the fact that in the one case something native is retained, while in the other easel something foreign is adopted. Nor is it a question of the previous ancestry of those who continue to speak an original language ; on the contrary, the importance lies solely in the fact that this language continues to be spoken, for men are formed by language far more than language is formed by men. 47. In order to make clear, so far as explanation is possible and necessary in this place, the consequences of such a difference in the creation of peoples, and to make clear the particular kind of contrast in national character- istics that necessarily follows from this difference, I must invite you to a consideration of the nature of language in general. 56 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION Language in general, and especially the designation of objects in language by sounds from the organs of speech, is in np_ way_ dependent on arbitrary decisions and agreements. On the contrary there is, to begin with, a fundamental law, in accordance with which every idea becomes in the human organs of speech one particular sound and no other. Just as objects are represented in the sense-organs of an individual by a definite form, colour, etc., so they are represented in language, which is the organ of social man, by a definite sound. It is not really man that speaks, but human nature speaks in him and announces itself to others of his kind. Hence one should say : TJiere is_and can_be but_one singlela nguage . Now indeed, and this is the second point, language in this unity for man, simply as man, may never and no- where have arisen. Everywhere it may have been further changed and formed by two groups of influences ; firstly, those exerted on the organs of speech by the locality and by more or less frequent use, and, secondly, those exerted on the order of the designations by the order in which objects were observed and designated. Never- theless, in this also there is no chance or arbitrariness, but strict law ; and in an organ of speech thus affected by the conditions mentioned there necessarily arises, not the one pure human language, but a deviation therefrom, and, moreover, this particular deviation and no other. ' If we give the name of People to men whose organs of speech are influenced by the same external conditions, who live together, and who develop their language in continuous communication with each other, then we must say : The language of this people is necessarily just what it is, and in reality this people does not express its knowledge, but its knowledge expresses itself out of the mouth of the people. GERMANS & OTHER TEUTONS COMPARED 57 48. Despite all the changes brought about, as the language progresses, by the circumstances mentioned above, this conformity with law remains uninterrupted ; and indeed, for all who remain in uninterrupted com- munication, and who all hear in due course whatever any individual for the first time expresses, there is one and the same conformity with law. After thousands of years, and after all the changes undergone in that time by the external manifestation of the language of this people, it ever remains nature's one, same, living power of speech, which in the beginning necessarily arose in the way it did, which has flowed down through all conditions without interruption, and in each necessarily became what it did become, which in the end necessarily was what it now is, and in time to come necessarily will be what it then will be. The pure human language, in conjunction first with the speech-organ of the people when its first sound was uttered, and the product of these, in conjunc- tion further with all the developments which this first sound in the given circumstances necessarily acquired — all this together gives as its final result the present language of the people. For that reason, too, the language always remains the same language. Even though, after some centuries have passed, the descendants do not understand the language of their ancestors, because for them the transitions have been lost, nevertheless there is from the beginning a continuous transition without a leap, a transition always imperceptible at the time, and only made perceptible when further transitions occur and the whole process appears as a leap forward. There has never been a time when contemporaries ceased to understand each other, for their eternal go-between and interpreter always was, and has continued to be, the common power of nature speaking through them all. Such is the con- 58 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION dition of language, considered as the designation of objects directly perceived by the senses ; and in the beginning all human language is this. When the people raises itself from this stage of sensuous perception to a grasp of the supersensuous, then, if this supersensuous is to be repeated at will and kept from being confused with the sensuous by the first individual, and if it is to be com- municated to others for their convenience and guidance, the only way at first to keep firm hold of it will be to designate a Self as the instrument of a supersensuous world and to distinguish it precisely from the same Self as the instrument of the sensuous world — to contrast a soul, a mind, etc., with a physical body. As all the various objects of this supersensuous world appear only in and exist for that supersensuous instrument, the only possible way of designating them in language would be to say that their special relation to their instrument is similar to the relation of such-and-such particular sensuous objects to the sensuous instrument, and in this relation to compare a particular supersensuous thing with a particular sensuous one, using this comparison to indicate by language the place of the supersensuous thing in the f supersensuous instrument. In this sphere language has no further power ; it gives a sensuous image of the supersensuous thing, merely with the remark that it is an image of that kind ; he who wishes to attain to the thing itself must set his own mental instrument in motion according to the rule given him by the image. Speaking generally, it is evident that this designation of the super- sensuous by means of sensuous images must in every case be conditioned by the stage of development which the power of sensuous perception has reached in the people under consideration. Hence, the origin and pro- gress of this designation by sensuous images will be very GERMANS & OTHER TEUTONS COMPARED 59 different in different languages and will depend on the difference in the relation that has existed and continues to exist between the sensuous and intellectual develop- ment of the people speaking a language. 49. We shall next illustrate this observation, clear though it is in itself, by an example. Anything that arises, according to the conception of the fundamental impulse explained in the preceding address, directly in clear perception and not in the first place in dim feeling — anything of this kind, and it is always a supersensuous object, is denoted by a Greek word which is frequently used in the German language also ; it is called an Idea [German, Idee] ; and this word conveys exactly the same sensuous image as the word Gesicht in German, which occurs in the following expressions in Luther's translation of the Bible : Ye shall see visions [Gesichte], ye shall dream dreams. Idea or Vision, in its sensuous meaning, would be something that could be perceived only by the bodily eye and not by any other sense such as taste, hearing, etc. ; it would be such a thing as a rainbow, or the forms which pass before us in dreams. Idea or Vision, in its supersensuous meaning, would denote, first of all, in conformity with the sphere in which the word is to be valid, something that cannot be perceived by the body at all, but only by the mind ; and then, something that cannot, as many other things can, be perceived by the dim feeling of the mind, but only by the eye of the mind, by clear perception. Further, even if one were inclined to assume that for the Greeks the basis of this sensuous designation was certainly the rainbow and similar phenomena, one would have to admit that their sensuous perception had already advanced to the stage of noticing this difference between things, viz., that some reveal themselves to all or several senses and others to 6o ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION the eye alone, and that, besides, if the developed conception had become clear to them, they would have had to desig- nate it not in this way but in some other. Also their superior mental clearness would then be evident as compared, say, with that of another people which was not able to indicate the difference between the sensuous and the supersensuous by an image taken from the deliberate waking state, but had gone to dreams to find an image for another world. It would at the same time be plain that this difference was not based on the greater or smaller strength of the sense for the supersensuous in the two peoples, but solely on the difference between their sensuous clearness at the time when they sought to desig- nate supersensuous things. 50. Thus all designation of the supersensuous is con- ditioned by the extent and clearness of sensuous percep- tion in him who gives the designation. The image is clear to him and expresses to him in an entirely com- prehensible way the relation of the thing conceived to the mental instrument, because this relation is explained to him by another, direct, and living relation to his sensuous instrument. The new designation which thus arises, together with all the new clearness which sensuous perception itself acquires by this extended use of the sign, is now deposited in the language ; and the supersensuous perception possible in the future is now designated in accordance with its relation to the total supersensuous and sensuous perception deposited in the whole language. So it goes on without interruption, and so the immediate clearness and comprehensibility of the images is never broken off, but remains a continuous stream. More- over, since language is not an arbitrary means of com- munication, but breaks forth out of the life of under- standing as an immediate force of nature, a language GERMANS & OTHER TEUTONS COMPARED 61 continuously developed according to this law has also the power of immediately affecting and stimulating life. Just as things immediately present influence man, so must the words of such a language influence him who understands them ; for they, too, are things, and not an arbitrary contrivance. Such is the case first in the sensuous world. Nor is it otherwise in the supersensuous ; for, although in the latter the continuous process of observ- ing nature is interrupted by free contemplation and reflection, and at this point God who is without image appears, yet designation by language at once inserts the Thing-without-image in the continuous connection of things which have an image. So, in this respect also, the continuous progress of language, which broke forth in the beginning as a force of nature, remains uninter- rupted, and into the stream of designation no arbitrari- ness enters. For the same reason the supersensuous part of a language thus continuously developed cannot lose its power of stimulating life in him who but sets his mental instrument in motion. The words of such a language in all its parts are life and create life. Now if, in respect of the development of the language for what is supersensuous, we make the assumption that the people of this language have continued in unbroken communica- tion, and that what one has thought and expressed has before long come to the knowledge of all, then what has previously been said in general is valid for all who speak this language. To all who will but think the image yLfs deposited in the language is clear ; to all who really think it is alive and stimulates their life. 51. Such is the case, I say, with a language which, from the time the first sound broke forth among the same people, has developed continuously out of the actual common life of this people, and into which no element 62 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION i has ever entered that did not express an observation actually experienced by this people, and, moreover, an observation standing in a connection of wide-spread reciprocal influence with all the other observations of the same people. It does not matter if ever so many individuals of other race and other language are incorpora- ted with the people speaking this language ; provided the former are not permitted to bring the sphere of their observations up to the position from which the language is thereafter to develop, they remain dumb in the com- munity and without influence on the language, until the time comes when they themselves have entered into the sphere of observation of the original people. Hence they do not form the language ; it is the language which forms them. 52. But the exact opposite of all that has so far been said takes place when a people gives up its own language and adopts a foreign one which is already highly developed as regards the designation of supersensuous things. I do not mean when it yields itself quite freely to the influence of this foreign language and is quite content to remain without a language until it has entered into the circle of observation of this foreign language, but when it forces its own circle of observation on the adopted language, which, when it develops from the position in which they found it, must thenceforward proceed in this circle of observation. In respect of the sensuous part of the language, such an event, indeed, is without con- sequences. For among every people the children must in any case learn that part of the language just as if the signs were arbitrary, and thus recapitulate in this matter "the whole previous linguistic development of the nation. But in this sphere of the senses every sign can be made quite clear by directly looking at or touching the thing GERMANS & OTHER TEUTONS COMPARED 63 designated. At most, the result of this would be that the first generation of a people which thus changed its language would be compelled when adults to go back to the years of childhood ; with their descendants, however, and with subsequent generations, everything would doubtless be in the old order again. On the other hand, this change has consequences of the greatest impor- tance in respect of the supersensuous part of the language. For the first possessors of the language this part was formed in the way already described ; but, for those who acquire the language later, the verbal image contains a comparison with an observation of the senses, which they have either passed over long ago without the accom- panying mental development, or else have not yet had, and perhaps never can have. The most that they can do in such a case is to let the verbal image and its mental significance explain each other ; in this way they receive the flat and dead history of a foreign culture, but not in any way a culture of their own. They get symbols which for them are neither immediately clear nor able to stimulate life, but which must seem to them entirely as arbitrary as the sensuous part of the language. For them this advent of history, and nothing but history, as expositor, makes the language dead and closed in respect of its whole sphere of imagery, and its continuous onward flow is broken off. Although, beyond this sphere, they may again develop the language as a living language in their own way and so far as this is possible from such a starting-point, nevertheless that element remains a dividing wall at which, without exception, language in its original emergence from life as a force of nature and the actual language's renewal of contact with life are broken. Although such a language may be stirred on the surface by the wind of life and thus present the appearance of 64 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION having a life of its own, nevertheless it has a dead element deeper down, and by the entrance of the new circle of observation and the breach with the old one it is cut off from the living root. 53. We proceed to illustrate the foregoing by an example, remarking incidentally that such a language, at bottom dead and incomprehensible, very easily lends itself to perversion and to misuse in glossing over every kind of human corruption, and that this is not possible in a language which has never died. I take as my example the three notorious words, Humanity, Popularity, and Liberality. When these words are used in speaking to a German who has learnt no language but his own they are to him nothing but a meaningless noise, which has no relationship of sound to remind him of anything he knows already and so takes him completely out of his circle of observation and beyond any observation possible to him. Now, if the unknown word nevertheless attracts his attention by its foreign, distinguished, and euphonious tone, and if he thinks that what sounds so lofty must also have some lofty meaning, he must have this meaning explained to him from the very beginning and as some- thing entirely new to him, and he can only accept this explanation blindly. So he becomes tacitly accus- tomed to acknowledge as really existing and valuable something which, if left to himself, he would perhaps never have found worth mentioning. Let no one believe that the case is much different with the neo-Latin peoples, who utter those words as if they were words of their mother-tongue. Without a scholarly study of antiquity and of its actual language they understand the roots of those words just as little as the German does. Now if, instead of the word Humanity [Human- itat], we had said to a German the word Menschlichkcit, GERMANS & OTHER TEUTONS COMPARED 65 which is its literal translation, he would have understood us without further historical explanation, but he would have said : " Well, to be a man [Mensch] and not a wild beast is not very much after all." Now it may be that no Roman would ever have said that ; but the German would say it, because in his language manhood [Mensch- heit] has remained an idea of the senses only and has never become a symbol of a supersensuous idea as it did among the Romans. Our ancestors had taken note of the separate human virtues and designated them symboli- cally in language perhaps long before it occurred to them to combine them in a single concept as contrasted with animal nature ; and that is no discredit to our ancestors as compared with the Romans. Now anyone who, in spite of this, wished to introduce that foreign and Roman symbol artificially and, as it were, by a trick into the language of the Germans, would obviously be lowering their ethical standard in passing on to them as distinguished and commendable something which may perhaps be so in the foreign language, but which the German, in accord- ance with the ineradicable nature of his national power of imagination, only regards as something already known and indispensable. A closer examination might enable us to demonstrate that those Teutonic races which adopted the Latin language experienced, even in the beginning, similar degradations of their former ethical standard because of inappropriate foreign symbols ; but on this circumstance we do not now wish to lay too great a stress. Further, if in speaking to the German, instead of the words Popularity [Popularitat] and Liberality \Liber- alitdt], I should use the expressions, " striving for favour with the great mob," and " not having the mind of a slave," which is how they must be literally translated, 5 66 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION he would, to begin with, not even obtain a clear and vivid sense-image such as was certainly obtained by a Roman of old. The latter saw every day with his own eyes the flexible politeness of an ambitious candidate to all and sundry, and outbursts of the slave mind too ; and those words vividly re-presented these things to him. Even from the Roman of a later period these sights were removed by the change in the form of government and the introduction of Christianity ; and, besides, his own language was beginning to a great extent to die away in his own mouth. This was more especially due to Christianity, which was alien to him, and which he could neither ward off nor thoroughly assimilate. How was it possible for this language, already half dead in its own home, to be transmitted alive to a foreign people ? How could it now be transmitted to us Germans ? More- over, with regard to the symbolic mental content of both those expressions, there is in the word Popularity, even at the very beginning, something base, which was perverted in their mouths and became a virtue, owing to the corruption of the nation and of its constitution. The German never falls into this perversion, so long as it is put before him in his own language. But when Liberality is translated by saying that a man has not the soul of a slave, or, to give it a modern rendering, has not a lackey's way of thinking, he once more replies that to say this also means very little. Moreover, into these verbal images, which even in their pure form among the Romans arose at a low stage of ethical culture or designated something positively base, there were stealthily introduced during the development of the neo-Latin languages the idea of lack of seriousness about social relations, the idea of self-abandonment, and the idea of heartless laxity. In order to bring these GERMANS & OTHER TEUTONS COMPARED 67 things into esteem among us, use was made of the respect we have for antiquity and foreign countries to introduce the same words into the German language. It was done so quietly that no one was fully aware of what was actually intended. The purpose and the result of all admixture has ever been this : first of all to remove the hearer from the immediate comprehensibility and definiteness which are the inherent qualities of every primitive language ; then, when he has been prepared to accept such words in blind faith, to supply him with the explanation that he needs ; and, finally, in this explanation to mix vice and virtue together in such a way that it is no easy matter to separate them again. Now, if the true meaning of those three foreign words, provided they have a meaning, had been expressed to the German in his own words and within his own circle of verbal images, in this way : Menschenfrcundlichkeit (friendliness to man), Leutselig- keit (condescension or affability), and E delimit (noble- mindedness), he would have understood us ; but the base associations we have mentioned could never have been slipped into those designations. Within the range of ■German speech such a wrapping-up in incomprehen- sibility and darkness arises either from clumsiness or evil design ; it is to be avoided, and the means always ready to hand is to translate into right and true German. But in the neo-Latin languages this incomprehensibility is of their very nature and origin, and there is no means of avoiding it, for they do not possess any living language by which they might examine the dead one ; indeed, when one looks at the matter closely, they are entirely without a mother-tongue. 54. This single example will serve to demonstrate what could with ease be followed up throughout the whole range of the language and found present everywhere. 68 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION It is intended to explain to you as clearly as is here possible what has so far been said. We are speaking of the supersensuous part of the language, and not immediately or directly of the sensuous part. This super- sensuous part, in a language that has always remained alive, is expressed by symbols of sense, comprehending at every step in complete unity the sum total of the sensuous and mental life of the nation deposited in the language, for the purpose of designating an idea that like- wise is not arbitrary, but necessarily proceeds from the whole previous life of the nation. From the idea and its designation a keen eye, looking back, could not fail to reconstruct the whole history of the nation's culture. But in a dead language this supersensuous part, which, while the language was still alive, was what we have described, becomes with the death of the language a tattered collection of arbitrary and totally inexplicable symbols for ideas that are just as arbitrary ; and with both idea and symbol there is nothing else to be done but just to learn them. 55. With this our immediate task is performed, which was to find the characteristic that differentiates the German from the other peoples of Teutonic descent. The difference arose at the moment of the separation of the common stock and consists in this, that the German speaks a language which has been alive ever since it first issued from the force of nature, whereas the other Teutonic races speak a language which has movement on the surface only but is dead at the root. To this circumstance alone, to life on the one hand and death on the other, we assign the difference ; but we are not in any way taking up the further question of the intrinsic value of the German language. Between life and death there is no comparison ; the former has GERMANS & OTHER TEUTONS COMPARED 69 infinitely more value than the latter. All direct com- parisons between German and neo-Latin languages are therefore null and void, and are obliged to discuss things which are not worth discussing. If the intrinsic value of the German language is to be discussed, at the very least a language of equal rank, a language equally primitive, as, for example, Greek, must enter the lists ; but such a comparison is far beyond our present purpose. 56. What an immeasurable influence on the whole human development of a people the character of its lan- guage may have — its language, which accompanies the in- dividual into the most secret depths of his mind in thought and will and either hinders him or gives him wings, which unites within its domain the whole mass of men who speak it into one single and common understanding, which is the true point of meeting and mingling for the world of the senses and the world of spirits, and fuses the ends of both in each other in such a fashion that it is impossible to tell to which of the two it belongs itself — how different the results of this influence may prove to be where the relation is as life to death, all this in general is easily perceived. In the first place, the German has a means of investigating his living language more thoroughly by comparing it with the closed Latin language, which differs very widely from his own in the development of verbal images ; on the other hand, he has a means of understanding Latin more clearly in the same way. This is not possible to a member of the neo-Latin peoples, who fundamentally remains a captive in the sphere of one and the same language. Then the German, in learn- ing the original Latin, at the same time acquires to a certain extent the derived languages also ; and if he should learn the former more thoroughly than a foreigner does, which for the reason given the German will very likely 70 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION be able to do, he at the same time learns to understand this foreigner's own language far more thoroughly and to possess it far more intimately than does the foreigner himself who speaks it. Hence the German, if only he makes use of all his advantages, can always be superior to the foreigner and understand him fully, even better than the foreigner understands himself, and can translate the foreigner to the fullest extent. On the other hand, the foreigner can never understand the true German without a thorough and extremely laborious study of the German language, and there is no doubt that he will leave what is genuinely German untranslated. The things in these languages which can only be learnt from the foreigner himself are mostly new fashions of speech due to boredom and caprice, and one is very modest when one consents to receive instruction of this kind. In most cases one would be able, instead, to show foreigners how they ought to speak according to the primitive language and its law of change, and that the new fashion is worth- less and offends against ancient and traditional good usage. 57. In addition to the special consequence just men- tioned, the whole wealth of consequences we spoke of comes about of itself. It is, however, our intention to treat these consequences as a whole, fundamentally and comprehensively, from the point of view of the bond that unites them, in order to give in this way a thorough description of the German in contrast to the other Teutonic races. For the present I briefly indicate these consequences thus : — (1) Where the people has a living language, mental culture influences life ; where the contrary is the case, mental culture and life go their way independently of each other. (2) For the same reason, a people of the former kind GERMANS & OTHER TEUTONS COMPARED 71 is really and truly in earnest about all mental culture and wishes it to influence life ; whereas a people of the latter kind looks upon mental culture rather as an ingeni- ous game and has no wish to make it anything more. (3) From No. 2 it follows that the former has honest diligence and earnestness in all things, and takes pains ; whereas the latter is easy-going and guided by its happy nature. (4) From all this together it follows that in a nation of the former kind the mass of the people is capable of education, and the educators of such a nation test their discoveries on the people and wish to influence it ; whereas in a nation of the latter kind the educated classes separate themselves from the people and regard it as nothing more than a blind instrument of their plans. The further discussion of the characteristics indicated I reserve for the next address. FIFTH ADDRESS THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE DIFFERENCE THAT HAS BEEN INDICATED 58. With the object of describing the characteristic quality of the Germans we have pointed out the funda- mental difference between them and the other peoples of Teutonic descent, viz., that the former have remained in the uninterrupted flow of a primitive language which develops itself continuously out of real life, whereas the latter adopted a language which was foreign to them and which under their influence has been killed. At the end of the previous address we indicated other manifestations among these peoples, who differ from each other in the way we have shown. To-day we shall deal more fully with these manifestations, which are a necessary conse- quence of that fundamental difference, and establish them more firmly on their common foundation. An investigation which endeavours to be thorough can rise too high to be involved in many disputes or to arouse much jealousy. Our method of investigation in the present instance will be the same as it was in the one to which this is a sequel. We shall take the fundamental ' difference that has been indicated, and deduce its con- sequences step by step ; our sole concern will be to see that this deduction is correct. Whether the various manifestations which, according to this deduction, ought 72 CONSEQUENCES OF THE DIFFERENCE 73 to exist, are actually met with in experience is a question which I shall leave entirely to you and to any observer for decision. As regards the German especially, I -shall indeed prove at the proper time that he has in fact revealed himself to be what our deduction shows he was bound to be. But, as regards Teutons in other countries, I shall have no objection if one of them, with a real under- standing of the true nature of our present discussion, is subsequently successful in proving that his compatriots have been just what the Germans have been, and is able to show that they are entirely free from the opposite characteristics. In general, our description even of these opposite characteristics will not dwell on what is harsh and disadvantageous, for such a method makes victory more easy than honourable, but will merely point out what are the inevitable consequences, and will do this with as much consideration as is consistent with the truth. 59. The first consequence of that fundamental differ- ence, I said, was this : among the people with a l iving langua ge ment al^c ultur e i nfluences life, whereas among a peopl e of_ the opposite kind mental c ultur e and life go their s eparate ways. It will be useful first of all to explain more fully the meaning of this statement. First of all, when we speak here of life and of the influence exerted upon it by mental culture, we must be understood to mean primitive life in its flow from the source of all spiritual life, from God, the development of human relationships according to their archetype, and, therefore, the creation of a new life such as has never hitherto existed. We are by no means discussing the mere preservation from decay of those relationships in their present stage. Still less have we in mind the assistance of individual members who have fallen behind in the general development. 74 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION Next, when we speak of mental culture we are to under- stand thereby, first of all, philosophy, for it is philosophy which scientifically comprehends the eternal archetype of all spiritual life. We must designate it by the foreign name, as the Germans have shown themselves unwilling to adopt the German name 1 that was recently suggested. For this science, and for all science based upon it, the claim is now made that it influences the life of a people who have a living language. But, in apparent contrast to this assertion, it has often been said, and by some among ourselves, that philosophy, science, the fine arts, etc., are ends in themselves and not handmaids of life, and that it is degrading them to esteem them according to their utility in the service of life. Here we must define these expressions more closely and guard against any misinter- pretation. They are true in the following double but limited sense ; first, that it is not the duty of science or art, as some have thought, to be useful at what may be called a lower stage of life, e.g., temporal or sensuous life, or for everyday edification ; then, that an individual, in consequence of his personal seclusion from a spiritual world regarded as a whole, may be entirely absorbed in these special branches of the universal divine life without needing a stimulus from outside them, and may find in them complete satisfaction. But they are in no wise true in the strict sense, for it is just as impossible that there should be more than one end in itself as that there should be more than one Absolute. The sole end in itself, apart from which there can be no other, is spiritual life. Now this expresses itself in part and appears as an eternal stream, with itself as source — that is, as eternal activity. This activity eternally receives its pattern from science, and its ability to form itself according to 1 [Wissenschaftslehre, i.e. Theory of science.] CONSEQUENCES OF THE DIFFERENCE 75 this pattern from art, and in so far it might appear that science and art exist as means to an end, which is active life. But in this form of activity life itself is never com- pleted and made absolute as a unity, but goes on into the infinite. Now, if life is to exist as such an absolute unity, it must be in another form. This form is that of pure thought, which produces the religious insight described in the third address, a form which, as absolute unity, is utterly incompatible with infinity of action and which can never be completely expressed in action. Hence both of them, thought as well as activity, are forms incompat- ible only in the world of appearance, but in the world beyond appearance they are both equally one and the same absolute life. One cannot say that thought exists, and exists as it does, for the sake of activity, or vice versa ; one must say that both must simply exist, since life must * be a completed whole in the phenomenal world, just as it is in the noumenal. Within this sphere, therefore, and according to this view, it is not nearly enough to say that science exerts an influence on life ; science itself X is life perpetual in itself. Or, to connect this with a well-known expression, one sometimes hears the question put : What is the use of all knowledge, if one does not I act in accordance with it ? This remark implies that J knowledge is regarded as a means to action, and the ( latter as the real end. One could put the question ( the other way round and ask : How can we possibly [ act well without knowing what the Good is ? This ) way of expressing it would regard knowledge as con- ) ditioning action. But both expressions are one-sided, ) and the truth is that both, knowledge as well as action, are in the same way inseparable elements of rational life. 60. But science is life perpetual in itself, as we have 76 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION just expressed it, only when thought is the real mind and disposition of the one who thinks, in such a way that, without special effort and even without being clearly conscious of it, he views and judges everything else that he thinks, views, and judges according to that fundamental thought, and, if the latter exerts an influence on action, just as inevitably acts according to it. But thought is in no wise life and disposition when it is thought only as the thought of a life that is strange or foreign, however clearly and completely it may be comprehended as a thought that has a mere possibility of existence in this way, and however clearly one might think, as perhaps someone could think, in this fashion. In this latter case, between our thinking at second-hand and our real think- ing there lies a wide field of chance and freedom — a freedom that we feel no desire to use ; and so this think- ing at second-hand remains apart from us ; it is a merely possible thinking, one made free from us and always freely to be repeated. In the former case thought has by itself directly taken hold of our self, and made it into itself ; and through this reality of thought for us, arising in this way, we obtain insight into its necessity. As we have just said, no freedom can forcibly bring about the latter con- sequence, which must be produced of itself, and thought itself must take hold of us and form us according to itself. 61. Now this living effectiveness of thought is very much furthered and, indeed, where the thinking is of the proper depth and strength, even made inevitable, by think- ing and designating in a living language. The symbol in such a language is itself directly living and sensuous ; it re-presents all real life and so takes hold of and exerts an influence on life. To the possessor of such a language spirit speaks directly and reveals itself as man does to man. But the symbol of a dead language does not stimulate CONSEQUENCES OF THE DIFFERENCE 77 anything directly ; in order to enter the living stream of such a language one must first recapitulate knowledge acquired by the study of history from a world that has died, and transport one's self into an alien mode of thought. How superabundant must be the impulse of one's own thinking, if it does not grow weary in this long and wide field of history and in the end modestly content itself with the region of history. If the thinking of the possessor of a living language does not become alive, he may rightly be accused of not having thought at all and of having merely indulged in reverie. The possessor of a dead language, however, cannot in a similar case be similarly accused without hesitation ; it may be that he has " thought " after his own fashion, i.e., carefully developed the conceptions deposited in his language. Only he has not done that which, if he succeeded in doing it, would be accounted a miracle. Incidentally it is evident that the impulse to thinking, in the case of a people with a dead language, will be most powerful and produce the greatest apparent results in the beginning, when the language has not yet become clear enough to everyone. It is also evident that, as soon as the language becomes clearer and more definite, this impulse to thinking will tend more and more to die away in the chains of the language. It is further evident that in the end the philosophy of a people of this kind will consciously resign itself to the fact that it is only an explanation of the dictionary, or, as un-German spirits among us have expressed it in a more high-sounding fashion, a metacritic of language ; and, finally, that such a people will acknowledge some mediocre didactic poem in comedy form on the subject of hypocrisy to be its greatest philosophical work. 1 1 [Fichte seems to refer here to Moliere's Tartujjft.] 78 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION 62. In this way, I say, spiritual culture — and here especially thinking in a primitive language is meant — does not exert an influence on life ; it is itself the life of him who thinks in this fashion. Nevertheless it necessarily strives, from the life that thinks in this way, to influence other life outside it, and so to influence the life of all about it and to form this life in accordance with itself. For, just because that kind of thinking is life, it is felt by its possessor with inward pleasure in its vitalizing, transfiguring, and liberating power. But everyone to whose inmost being happiness has been revealed is bound to wish that everyone else may experience the same bliss ; he is thus driven, and must work, to the end that the stream from which he has drawn his own well-being may spread itself over others too. It is different with him who has merely apprehended the possibility of second-hand thinking. Just as its substance yields him neither weal nor woe, but merely occupies his leisure agreeably and enter- tainingly, so it is impossible for him to believe that it can bring weal or woe to anyone else. In the end it is to him a matter of indifference on what subject anyone exercises his ingenuity or with what he occupies his hours of leisure. 63. Of the means of introducing into the lives of all the thought that has begun in the life of the individual, the highest and best is poetry ; hence this is the second main branch of the spiritual culture of a people. The thinker designates his thought in language, and this, as we have said above, cannot be done except by images of sense and, moreover, by an act of creation extending beyond the previous range of sensuous imagery. In doing this the thinker is himself a poet ; if he is not a poet, language will fail him when his first thought comes, and, when he attempts the second, thought itself will CONSEQUENCES OF THE DIFFERENCE 79 depart from him. An extension and amplification of the language's range of sensuous imagery having thus been begun by the thinker, to send it in flood through the whole field of sensuous images, so that every image may receive its appropriate share of the new spiritual ennoblement and so that the whole of life, down to its deepest depths of sense, may appear steeped in the new ray of light, may be well-pleasing, and may unwittingly give the illusion of ennobling itself — to do this is the work of true poetry. Only a living language can have such poetry, for only in such a language can the range of sensuous imagery be extended by creative thought, and only in it does what has already been created remain alive and open to the influence of kindred life. Such a language has within itself the power of infinite poetry, ever refreshing and renewing its youth, for every stirring of living thought in it opens up a new vein of poetic enthusiasm. To such a language, therefore, poetry is the highest and best means of flooding the life of all with the spiritual culture that has been attained. It is quite impossible for a dead language to have poetry in this] higher sense, for none of the conditions necessary to' poetry exist in it. Such a language can have, how- ever, though only for a limited period, a substitute for poetry in the following way. The outpourings of the art of poetry in the original language will attract attention. The new people, indeed, cannot go on making poetry in the path that has been begun, for this is foreign to its life, but it can introduce its own life and its new circumstances into the sphere of sensuous imagery and poetry in which the preceding age expressed its own life ; it can, for example, dress up its knights as heroes, and vice versa, and make the ancient gods exchange raiment with the new ones. It is precisely this placing 8o ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION of unfamiliar vesture upon the commonplace that gives it a charm akin to that produced by idealization, and the result will be quite pleasing figures. But the range of sensuous and poetical imagery in the original language on the one hand, and the new conditions of life on the other, are finite and limited quantities. At some point their mutual penetration is completed ; and when that point is reached the people celebrates its golden age and the source of its poetry runs dry. Somewhere or other (there must be a highest point in the adaptation of fixed Iwords to fixed ideas, and of fixed imagery to fixed con- ditions of life. When this point has been reached this people must do one of two things. It can either repeat J its most successful masterpieces in a different form, so that they look as if they were something new, although they are in fact nothing but the old familiar things. J Or else, if it is determined to achieve something entirely new, it can seek refuge in the unbecoming and the unseemly. In this case their poetic art will mix together the ugly and the beautiful and have recourse to carica- ture and humour, while their prose will be compelled to confuse ideas and to jumble virtue and vice together. This they must do if they seek new forms of expression. 64. When mental culture and life thus go their own separate ways in a nation, the natural consequence is that those classes who have no access to mental culture, and who do not even receive the results of it as they would in a living nation, are placed at a disadvantage as compared with the educated classes and are regarded, so to speak, as a different species of humanity, unequal to them in mental power from the beginning and by the mere fact of birth. Another consequence is that the educated classes have no truly loving sympathy with them and are not impelled to give them thorough aid, CONSEQUENCES OF THE DIFFERENCE 81 for they believe that their original inequality makes them quite incapable of being aided. It follows also that the educated classes are tempted rather to make use of them as they are and to let them be so used. Although even this consequence of the death of the language can be mitigated in the first years of the new nation by a humanitarian religion and by the lack of special skill among the higher classes, yet, as time goes on, this despising of the people will become more and more unconcealed and cruel. That is why the educated classes assume superiority and give themselves airs ; and there is in addition a special reason closely connected with it which, as it has had a very extensive influence even on the Germans, must be mentioned here. It arises from the fact that in the beginning the Romans called themselves barbarians and their own language barbarous, as contrasted with the Greeks. In this they very ingenuously repeated what the Greeks had said about them. Afterwards the Romans handed on the description they had taken upon themselves, and found among the Teutons the same unquestioning simplicity as they themselves had shown towards the Greeks. The Teutons believed that the only possible way to get rid of barbarism was to become Romans. The immi- grants to what was formerly Roman soil became as Roman as they possibly could. But in their imagination the term " barbarous " soon acquired the secondary meaning of " common, plebeian, and loutish," and in this way " Roman," on the contrary, became synonymous with " distinguished." This way of looking at it affected the Teutonic languages in general and in particular ; in general, since, when measures were taken deliberately and consciously to mould the language, they were directed towards throwing out the Teutonic roots and forming 6 82 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION the words fromLatin roots, and thus creating the Romance language as the language of the court and of the educated classes. But the particular result is that, whenever two words have the same meaning, the one from a Teutonic root almost without exception denotes what is base and ignoble, and the one from the Latin root what is nobler and more distinguished. 65. This endemic disease of the whole Teutonic race, as it might be called, attacks the German in the mother- country too, if he is not armed against it by a high earnestness. Even in our ears it is easy for Latin to sound distinguished, even to our eyes Roman customs appear nobler and everything German on the contrary vulgar ; and as we were not so fortunate as to acquire all this at first-hand, we take much pleasure in receiving it at second-hand through the medium of the neo-Latin nations. 1 So long as we are German we appear to our- 1 [Fichte adds this note here : In our opinion the decision as to the greater or less euphony of a language should not be based upon the direct impression, which depends on so many matters of chance. Even a judg- ment of this kind should be founded on definite principles. The merit of a language in this respect should undoubtedly be, first of all, that it exhausts and comprehensively presents the possibilities of the human organs of speech, and, secondly, that it combines the separate sounds in a natural and convenient unity. Hence it follows that nations who only half develop their organs of speech, and that in a one-sided fashion, who avoid certain sounds or combinations under the pretext of difficulty or cacophony, and who esteem euphonious only what they are accustomed to hear and can them- selves pronounce — such nations have no say in an investigation of this kind. This is not the place to deliver judgment according to those higher principles on the German language in this respect. Latin itself, the parent language, is pronounced by each neo-European nation in its own way, and it would not be easy to restore its true pronunciation. There remains, therefore, only this question, whether the German language when compared with neo-Latin languages sounds so bad, hard, and harsh as some are inclined to think. Until this question is thoroughly decided, we may meanwhile at least explain how it happens that it does seem so to foreigners, and to Germans too, even when they are unprejudiced and free from preferences or hate. CONSEQUENCES OF THE DIFFERENCE 83 selves men like any others ; when half or more than half our vocabulary is non-German, and when we adopt conspicuous customs and wear conspicuous clothes which seem to come from foreign parts, then we fancy ourselves distinguished. But the summit of our triumph is reached when we are no longer taken for Germans, but actually for Spaniards or Englishmen, whichever of the two happens to be the more fashionable at the moment. We are right. Naturalness on the German side, arbitrariness and artificiality on the foreign side, are the fundamental differences. If we keep to the former we are just like all our fellow-Germans, who understand us and accept us as their equals ; only when we seek refuge in the latter do we become incomprehensible to our fellows, who take us to be of a different nature. This unnatural- ness comes of itself into the life of foreign countries, because their life deviated from nature originally and in a matter of the first importance. But we Germans must first seek it out and accustom ourselves to the belief that something is beautiful, proper, and convenient, which does not naturally appear so to us. The main reason for all this in the case of the German is his belief in the greater distinction of romanized countries, together with his craving to be just as distinguished and arti- ficially to create in Germany too that gulf between the A people as yet uncultivated, with a very lively power of imagination, and at the same time childlike in mind and free from national vanity (the Teutons seem to have had all these qualities) is attracted by what is far away, and likes to make remote countries and distant islands the habitation for the objects of its desires and the glories of which it dreams. Such a people develops a sense of romance (the word explains itself and no more suitable one could be invented). Sounds and tones from those regions touch this sense and awaken its whole world of wonders ; hence they are pleasing. This may be the reason why our countrymen who emigrated gave up their own language for a foreign one so easily, and also why we, their kindred so very far removed, find even now such wondrous pleasure in these tones.] 84 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION upper classes and the people, which came about naturally in foreign countries. I shall content myself with having indicated the main source of this love of foreign ways which is to be found among Germans ; on another occa- sion I shall show how widespread its effects have been, and how all the evils which have now brought us to ruin are of foreign origin. Of course it was only when united with German earnestness and influence on life that such evils were bound to bring destruction in their train. 66. In addition to these two manifestations resulting fl?. ~^from the fundamental difference — firstly , that mental @>. v^" culture either does or does not influence life, and, s econdly, that between the educated classes and the people a dividing wall either does or does not exist — I cited the following £p. S manifestation, that the people with a living language will possess diligence and earnestness and take pains in all things, whereas the people with a dead language will rather look upon mental activity as an ingenious game, and will be easy-going and guided by its happy nature. This circumstance is a natural result of what has been said above. Among the people with a living language investigation proceeds from a vital need, which is thereby to be satisfied ; hence, investigation receives all the com- pelling impulses which life has in itself. But among the people with a dead language investigation seeks nothing more than to pass away the time in a manner that is pleasant and in keeping with the sense of the beautiful, and it has attained its object completely when it has done this. With foreigners the latter course is almost inevitable, but when a German boasts about his genius and his happy nature he displays a love of foreign ways which is unworthy of him and which, like every imitation of foreign ways, arises from the craving to be distinguished. It is true that nothing excellent will be produced in any nation CONSEQUENCES OF THE DIFFERENCE 85 in the world without a primitive impulse in man which, as something supersensuous, is rightly called Genius, to give it the foreign name. But this impulse in itself only stimulates the power of imagination, and brings forth in it figures that hover above the ground but are never completely defined. To bring these down completed to the ground of actual life and to fix them firmly therein, this requires thought, diligent, deliberate, and in accord- ance with a definite principle. Genius delivers to diligence the stuff to be worked upon, and the latter with- out the former would have to work upon either what had been worked upon already or else upon nothing at all. But diligence brings this stuff, which without it would remain an empty game, into life ; and so it is only when united that the two can achieve anything ; divided they can do nothing. Moreover, in a people with a dead language^ no truly creative genius can express itself, because they lack the primitive power of designation ; they can only develop what has already been begun and convey it into the whole existing and completed system of designation. 67. When we consider the question of taking greater pains, it is natural that this can be done by the people with the living language. A living language can stand on a higher level of culture in comparison with another, but it can never in itself attain that perfection of develop- ment which _a dead language, quite easily attains. In \ the latter the connotation of words is fixed, and the J possibilities of suitable combinations will also gradually become exhausted. Hence, he who wishes to speak this/ language must speak it just as it is ; but, after he has oncej learnt to do this, the language speaks itself in his mouth) and thinks and imagines for him. But in a living lan- guage, if only life in it is really lived, the words and their meanings increase and change continually, and for that 86 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION very reason new combinations become possible ; and the language, which never is, but eternally is becoming, does not speak itself, but he who wishes to use it must speak it himself in his own fashion and creatively for his own needs. The latter undoubtedly demands far more diligence and practice than the former. Similarly, the investigations of a people with a living language go down, as we have already said, to the root where ideas stream forth from spiritual nature itself ; whereas the investiga- tions of a people with a dead language only seek to pene- trate a foreign idea and to make themselves comprehen- sible. Hence, the investigations of the latter are in fact only historical and expository, but those of the former are truly philosophical. It is quite plain, too, that an investigation of the latter kind may be completed sooner and more easily than one of the former. So we may say that genius in foreign lands will strew with flowers the well-trodden military roads of antiquity, and weave a becoming robe for that wisdom of life which it will easily take for philosophy. The German spirit, on the other hand, will open up new shafts and bring the light of day into their abysses, and hurl up rocky masses of thoughts, out of which ages to come will build .their dwellings. The foreign genius will be a delightful sylph, which hovers in graceful flight above the flowers that have sprung of themselves from its soil, settles on them without causing them to bend, and drinks up their refreshing dew. Or we may call it a bee, which with busy art gathers the honey from the same flowers and deposits it with charming tidiness in cells of regular construction. But the German spirit is an eagle, whose mighty body thrusts itself on high and soars on strong and well-practised wing into the empyrean, that it may rise nearer to the sun whereon it delights to gaze. CONSEQUENCES OF THE DIFFERENCE 87 68. Now let us sum up in one main point of view all that has hitherto been said. In general, when we con- sider the history of civilization in a race of men which is split up in history into an age of antiquity and a new world, we shall find on the whole that the function of these two main branches in the original development of this new world is as follows. That part of the vigorous nation which has gone abroad and adopted the language of antiquity thereby acquires a much closer relation- ship to antiquity. At the beginning it will be far easier for this part of the nation to grasp the language of anti- quity in its first and unchanged form, to penetrate the memorials of its culture, and to bring into them enough fresh life to enable them to be adapted to the new life that has arisen. In short, it is from them that the study of classical antiquity has taken its way over modern Europe. In its enthusiasm for the unsolved problems of 1 antiquity it will continue to work at them, but, of course, only as one works at a problem that has been set, not by the needs of life, but by mere curiosity. It will take them lightly and not whole-heartedly, grasping them merely with the power of imagination, and solely in this medium giving them, as it were, an airy body. The very wealth of material bequeathed by antiquity, and the ease with which the work can be carried on in this fashion, will enable them to bring an abundance of such images into the field of vision of the modern world. Now, when these images of the ancient world in their new form reach that part of the original stock which, by its reten- tion of the language, has remained in the stream of original culture, they will arouse the attention of the people and stimulate them to activity on their own part ; though, perhaps, these images, if they had remained in the old form, would have passed before them unheeded and 88 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION unperceived. But as soon as they have really grasped them and not, as it were, merely passed them on from hand to hand, they will grasp them as their nature impels them to do, not merely as knowledge of a foreign life, but as an element of their own life. So they will not only derive them from the life of the new world, but also bring them into it again, incarnating the hitherto merely airy figures in solid bodies that will endure in real life. These figures, thus transformed in a way that would never have been possible to foreign countries, the latter now receive from them again. Through this channel alone is a development of the human race possible on the path of antiquity, a union of the two main portions, and a regular progress of human evolution. In this new order of things the mother-country will not actually invent anything ; but, in the smallest as in the greatest matters, it will always have to acknowledge that it has been stimulated by some hint from abroad. The foreign countries themselves were in their turn stimulated by the ancients, but the mother-country will take earnestly, and bring into life, what other countries have only super- ficially and hastily sketched out. As we have already said, this is not the place to illustrate this relationship by striking and far-reaching examples. This we reserve for our next address. 69. In this way both parts of the joint nation remained one, and only in this simultaneous separation and unity do they form a graft on the stem of the culture of antiquity, which otherwise would have been broken off by the new age, and so humanity would have begun again from the beginning. The two parts have these vocations laid upon them, different at the starting-point but coming together at the goal ; each part must recognize its own CONSEQUENCES OF THE DIFFERENCE 89 vocation and that of the other, and in accordance there- with each part must make use of the other. It is especi- ally necessary for each part to consent to assist the other and to leave its characteristic quality untouched, if good progress is to be made in the general and complete culture of the whole. The recognition of this ought to come first from the mother-country, which has been endowed in the first place with the sense of profundity. But if ever foreign countries, in their blindness to this relation- ship, should be so far carried away by what appears on the surface as to attempt to deprive their mother-country of its independence and so to destroy and absorb it, they would thereby, if their attempt succeeded, sever for themselves the last vein connecting them with nature and with life, and fall defenceless into spiritual death, which indeed, apart from this, has been revealing itself to be their true nature more and more clearly as time has gone on. Then the hitherto continuous stream of the development of our race would be in fact at an end ; barbarism would be bound to begin again and to go on without hope of deliverance, until we were all living in caves again like wild beasts and, like them, devouring one another. That this is really so and must inevitably follow, only the German can see, of course, and only he shall see it. To the foreigner, who, since he knows no foreign culture, has unlimited scope to admire himself in his own, it must and it may always appear preposterous blasphemy proceeding from ill-educated ignorance. Non-German countries are the earth, from which fruitful vapours detach themselves and arise to the clouds, and by which even now the old gods condemned to Tartarus keep in touch with the sphere of life. The mother-country is the eternal sky enveloping the earth, the sky in which the light vapours are condensed to clouds 9 o ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION which, impregnated by the lightning flash of the Thunderer from the other world, descend in the form of fertilizing rain, uniting sky and earth and causing the gifts whose home is in the sky to germinate in the lap of earth. Do new Titans once more want to take heaven by storm ? It will not be heaven for them, for they are earth-born, and the very sight and influence of heaven will be taken from them. Only their earth will remain to them, a cold, gloomy, and barren habitation. But, says a Roman poet, what could a Typhceus do, or the mighty Mimas, or Porphyrion with his threats, or Enceladus, the rash hurler of uprooted tree-trunks, if they flung themselves against the resounding shield of Pallas ? It is this very shield that will undoubtedly cover us too, if we under- stand how to betake ourselves to its protection. SIXTH ADDRESS GERMAN CHARACTERISTICS AS EXHIBITED IN HISTORY 70. In our last address we stated what would be the chief differences between a people that has developed in its original language and a people that has adopted a foreign one. We said at the time that, so far as foreign countries were concerned, we would leave it to each observer's own judgment to decide whether those mani- festations had in fact occurred which, according to our assertions, were bound to occur. But with regard to the Germans we undertook to prove that they had in fact turned out to be what, according to our assertions, a people with a primitive language was bound to be. To-day we proceed to the fulfilment of our promise ; and we prove our assertions, first of all, by the latest, great and, in a certain sense, completed achievement of the German people, an achievement of world-wide importance — the reformation of the Church. 71. Christianity, which originated in Asia, and in the days of its corruption became more Asiatic than ever, preaching only silent resignation and blind faith, was something strange and foreign even to the Romans. They never really laid hold of and assimilated it, and their nature was divided by it into two halves that did not fit each other ; nevertheless, the foreign part was joined on by means of their inherited and melancholy 91 92 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION superstition. In the immigrant Teutons this religion found disciples who had no previous intellectual educa- tion to hinder its acceptance, but also no hereditary superstition favourable to it. Hence, it was presented to them as one of the things that formed part of the equip- ment of a Roman, which is what they wanted to become ; but it had no special influence on their life. These Christian educators would obviously not let their new converts know any more than suited their purpose about the ancient culture of Rome or its language, the key to its culture ; and here, too, we have a reason for the decay and death of the Latin language in their mouth. When later the untouched and genuine works of the old culture fell into the hands of these peoples, and when the impulse to think and understand for themselves was thereby stirred into action, then, partly because this impulse was new and fresh to them, and partly because they had no inherited terror of the gods to act as a counterpoise, the contradiction between blind faith and the strange things that in course of time had become its objects was bound to strike them far more sharply than it had struck the Romans themselves when Christianity first came to them. The perception of an utter contradic- tion in what one has hitherto faithfully believed excites laughter. Those who had solved the riddle laughed and mocked ; and even the priests, who had also solved it, laughed with the rest ; they could do so in safety, because only very few people had access to the classical culture which broke the spell. Here I refer especially to Italy, the chief seat of neo-Latin culture at that time, the other neo-Latin races being still very far behind Italy in every respect. They laughed at the deception, because there was no earnestness in them to turn bitter. Their exclusive GERMAN CHARACTERISTICS 93 possession of rare knowledge strengthened them in their position as a distinguished and educated class, and so they were quite willing that the great multitude, for whom they had no feeling, should remain under the sway of the deception and thus be more subservient to their purposes. This state of things— a people deceived, and their betters making use of the deception and laughing at them — might have continued ; and it would probably have continued until the end of time, if there had been none but neo- Latins in the modern world. Here you have a clear proof of what I said about the continuation of ancient culture by the new, and about the share the neo-Latins are able to have in it. The new light proceeded from the ancients and, falling first upon the central point of neo-Latin culture, was there developed into nothing more than an intellectual view of things, without taking hold of life and shaping it differently. 72. But it was impossible for the existing state of things to continue once this light had fallen upon a soul whose religion was truly earnest and concerned about life, when this soul was surrounded by a people to whom it could easily impart its more earnest view, and when this people found leaders who cared about its urgent needs. However low Christianity may fall, there always remains in it an essential part which contains truth and which is sure to stimulate life, if only it is real and independent life. That part is the question : What shall we do to be saved ? When this question fell on barren soil, where either it remained undecided whether such a thing as salvation was really possible, or else, even if that was assumed, there was still no firm and decided will to be saved — on such soil religion from the very beginning did not affect life and will, but remained suspended in 94 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION the memory and the imagination like a faint and quivering shadow. So all further enlightenment concerning the condition of the existing religious ideas was similarly bound to remain without influence on life. But when, on the other hand, that question fell upon soil that by nature was living, where there was an earnest belief that salvation existed and a firm will to be saved, where the means of salvation prescribed by the existing religion had been employed to that intent with inward faith, honesty, and earnestness, and where, moreover, this very earnestness long kept from the light the quality of the prescribed means of salvation — when, I say, the new light fell at last upon such a soil as this, the inevitable result was horror and loathing of this deception in the matter of the soul's salvation, and an unrest impelling them to secure salvation in another way. What appeared to be a rushing towards eternal ruin could not be treated as if it were a joke. Moreover, the individual who was first possessed by this view of the matter could not possibly be content with saving only his own soul, and remain indifferent to the welfare of all other immortal souls ; for, if he had, he would thereby have saved not even his own soul. Such was the teaching of his more profound religion. He was bound, on the contrary, to wrestle for all mankind with the same anxiety that he felt for his own soul, so that the whole world might have its eyes opened to the damnable delusion. 73. It was in this way that the light fell upon the soul of the German man, Luther. Long before him very many foreigners had seen the light and comprehended it more clearly with the intellect. In refinement, in classical culture, in learning, and in other things he was surpassed, not only by foreigners, but even by many of his own nation. He, however, was possessed by an all-powerful impulse, GERMAN CHARACTERISTICS 95 the anxiety about eternal salvation, and this became the life of his life, made him always throw his life into the scale, and gave him the power and the gifts which are the admiration of posterity. Others during the Reforma- tion may have had earthly aims, but they would never have been victorious had there not been at their head a leader inspired by the eternal. That this man, who always saw that the salvation of all immortal souls was at stake, fearlessly and in all earnestness went to meet all the devils in hell, is natural and in no way a wonder. Here we have a proof of German earnestness of soul. It was in the nature of things, as we have said, that Luther should turn to all men with this question, which concerns all men and which each man must deal with for himself. First of all he turned to the whole of his own nation. How, then, did his people respond to this pro- posal ? Did they remain in their dull placidity, chained to the ground by the cares of the world, and going on un- disturbed in the accustomed path ? Or did this mighty enthusiasm, such as is not manifested every day, merely excite them to laughter ? By no means ! They were seized by the same concern for the salvation of their souls ; like fire it spread among them ; and so their eyes, too, were quickly opened to the fullness of light, and they were quick to accept what was offered to them. Was this enthusiasm merely a momentary elevation of the imagina- tion, unable to hold its ground in daily life with its stern struggles and dangers ? By no means ! They renounced all, endured all tortures, and fought in bloody and in- decisive wars, solely that they might not again come under the power of the accursed Papacy, but that the light of the gospel, which alone can save, might shine upon them and upon their children's children. There were renewed among them, late in time, all the miracles that Chris- 96 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION tianity showed forth among those who professed it when it began. All the utterances of that period are filled with this universal concern for salvation. Behold in this a proof of the characteristic quality of the German people. By enthusiasm it can easily be raised to enthusiasm and clearness of any kind whatsoever, and its enthusiasm endures for life and transforms life. 74. In earlier times and in other places reformers had inspired masses of the people, and gathered and formed them into communities. Yet these communities found no firm abiding-place on the foundation of the existing constitution, because the princes and rulers of the people did not come over to their side. At first no more favour- able destiny seemed to await Luther's Reformation. The wise Elector, under whose eyes it began, seemed to be wise rather in the foreign than in the German sense. He did not appear to have any special grasp of the real question at issue, nor to attach much importance to what seemed to him a quarrel between two orders of monks ; at the most he was concerned merely about the good reputation of his newly-founded University. But he had successors who, though far less wise than he, were seized by the same earnest care for their salvation as lived in their peoples, and by this likeness were fused with them into one body for life or death, defeat or victory. Behold in this an illustration of the above-mentioned characteristic of the Germans as a single body, and of their constitution as established by nature. The great events of national or world importance have hitherto been brought before the people by speakers who came forward voluntarily, and the people have taken up the cause. Though their princes, from love of foreign ways and the craving for brilliance and distinction, might at GERMAN CHARACTERISTICS 97 first separate themselves, as those did, from the nation and abandon or betray it, they were afterwards easily swept into unanimity with the nation and took pity on their peoples. That the former has always been the case we shall prove more clearly hereafter by further illustra- tions ; that the latter may always continue to be the case we can only wish with fervent yearning. 75. One must confess that there was a darkness and unclearness in the anxiety of that generation about the salvation of souls, since it was a question, not merely of changing the external mediator between God and man, but of needing no external mediator at all and of finding the bond of connection in one's self. Nevertheless, it was perhaps necessary that the religious education of mankind should go through this intermediate state. Luther's own honest zeal gave him more than he sought, and carried him far beyond his own dogmatic system. Once he had successfully overcome the first inward con- flicts, produced by his conscientious scruples when he boldly broke away from the whole existing faith, all his utterances are full of jubilation and triumph about the freedom won for the children of God, who assuredly no longer sought for salvation outside themselves and beyond the grave, but were themselves a manifestation of the immediate feeling of salvation. In this he became the pattern for all generations to come, and died for us all. Behold in this also a characteristic of the German spirit. If it but seeks, it finds more than it sought, for it comes into the stream of living life, which flows on of itself and carries the seeker on with it. 76. To the Papacy, when taken and judged according to its own view of the matter, wrong was undoubtedly done by the way in which it was taken by the Reformation. Its utterances were for the most part picked at random 7 1 98 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION from the existing language ; they exaggerated in Asiatic and rhetorical fashion and were intended to have what- ever validity they could ; they reckoned on more than due deduction being made in any case, but were never seriously measured, weighed, or intended. The Reforma- tion took them with German seriousness at their full weight ; it was right in thinking that everything should be taken thus, but wrong in thinking that the others had actually so taken it, and in blaming them for anything more than their natural superficiality and lack of thorough- ness. In general, we may say that this is what always happens in every conflict of German seriousness with the foreign spirit, whether the latter is found in foreign or in German lands ; the foreign spirit is quite unable to comprehend how anyone can wish to raise such a great to-do about unimportant things like words and phrases. Foreigners, when they hear it again from German mouths, deny that th^y said what they did in fact say, and what they go on saying and always will say. So they complain of calumny, or pushing consistency too far, as they call it, when one takes their utterances in their literal sense and as seriously intended, and treats them as part of a logical sequence of thought, which one traces back to its principles and forward to its conclusions ; although one is perhaps very far from attributing to them in person a clear consciousness of what they say or any logical consistency. In the demand that one must take every- thing as it is meant, but not go further and call in question the right to have opinions and to express them — in that demand the foreign spirit always betrays itself, however deeply it may be concealed. 77. The seriousness with which the old system of religious doctrine was now taken compelled this system itself to be more serious than it had been hitherto, GERMAN CHARACTERISTICS and to undertake a new examination, interpretation, and consolidation of the old doctrine and practice for the future. Let this, and the example that is to follow, be to you an illustration of the way in which Germany has always reacted on the rest of Europe. The general result was that the old doctrine thus obtained, at any rate, such innocuous efficacy as was possible to it, once it had been resolved not to abandon it altogether. But in particular, to those who supported it, it became an oppor- tunity for, and a challenge to, more thorough and consistent reflection than had been given to it before. The doc- trine, thus reformed in Germany, spread into the neo- Latin countries and there produced the same result, viz., a loftier enthusiasm ; but, as this phenomenon was tran- sitory, we shall say no more about it here. It is, how- ever, noteworthy that in none of the entirely neo-Latin countries did the new doctrine obtain permanent recog- nition by the State, for it seems that German thoroughness among the rulers and German good-nature among the people were needed, if this doctrine was to be found compatible and made compatible with the supreme power. 78. In another respect, however, Germany exercised a general and permanent influence on other countries — though, indeed, not on the common people, but on the educated classes — by its reformation of the Church. By means of this influence Germany once more made other countries its forerunners and its instigators to new creations. Free and spontaneous thinking, or philo- sophy, had frequently been stimulated and practised in the preceding centuries under the dominion of the old doctrine ; not, however, to bring forth truth out of itself, but solely to show that the doctrine of the Church was true and in what way it was true. Among the ioo ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION German Protestants, philosophy was at first given the same task in regard to their doctrine, and with them it became the handmaid of the gospel, just as with the Schoolmen it had been the handmaid of the Church. In foreign countries, which either had no gospel or else had not apprehended it with pure German devotion and depth of soul, this free-thinking, fanned into flame by the brilliant triumph it had achieved, rose higher and more easily, unfettered by a belief in the supersensuous. It remained fettered, however, by a belief of the senses in the natural understanding [Ferstand] that develops without mental or moral training. Far from discovering in the reason [Vernunft] the source of truth which rests upon itself, the utterances of this raw understanding were to this way of thinking exactly what the Church was for the Schoolmen and the gospel for the first Protes- tant theologians. As to whether they were true, not the slightest doubt was raised ; the only question was how they could maintain this truth against hostile assertions. But, as this way of thinking did not even enter the domain of the reason, whose opposition would have been more important, it found no opponent except the exist- ing historical religion. This it easily disposed of by applying to it the measure of understanding or common sense, which was presupposed, and thereby proving to its own satisfaction that this religion was in direct con- tradiction to the latter. Hence it came about that, as soon as all this was made quite plain, the word " philo- sopher " became synonymous with " irreligious atheist " in foreign countries, and both designations served as equally honourable marks of distinction. 79. This attempt at complete emancipation from all belief in external authority, which was the right thing about these struggles in foreign countries, acted as a fresh GERMAN CHARACTERISTICS 101 stimulus to the Germans, from whom it had first pro- ceeded by means of the reformation of the Church. It is true that second-rate and unoriginal minds among us simply repeated this foreign doctrine — better the foreign doctrine, it seems, than the doctrine of their fellow- countrymen, though this was to be had just as easily ; the reason being that they took the former to be more distinguished — and these minds tried to convince them- selves about it, so far as that was possible. But where the independent German spirit was astir, the sensuous was not enough, and there arose the problem of dis- covering the supersensuous (which is, of course, not to be believed in on external authority) in the reason itself, and thus of creating for the first time true philosophy by making free thought the source of independent truth, as it should be. To that end Leibniz strove in his conflict with that foreign philosophy ; and the end was attained by the true founder of modern German philo- sophy, 1 not without a confession of having been aroused to it by the utterance of a foreigner, which had, however, been taken more profoundly than it had been intended. Since that time the problem has been completely solved among us, and philosophy has been perfected. One must be content for the present with stating this as a fact, until an age comes which comprehends it. On this condition, the result once more would be the creation in the German mother-country, on the stimulus of antiquity which has come to it through neo-Latin lands, of a new age such as never existed before. 80. We, their contemporaries, have seen how the inhabitants of a foreign country 2 took up lightly, and 1 [Kant, who confessed to having been roused from his " dogmatic slumber " by Hume.] 2 [The reference is to the French Revolution.] io2 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION with fervent daring, another problem of reason and philo- sophy for the modern world — the establishment of the perfect State. But, shortly afterwards, they abandoned this task so completely that they are compelled by their present condition to condemn the very thought of the problem as a crime, and they had to use every means to delete, if possible, those efforts from the annals of their I history. The reason for this result is as clear as day ; | the State in accordance with reason cannot be built up 1 by artificial measures from whatever material may be I at hand ; on the contrary, the nation must first be trained : and educated up to it. Only the nation which has first solved in actual practice the problem of educating perfect men will then solve also the problem of the perfect State. Since our reformation of the Church, the last-men- tioned problem of education has more than once been attempted by foreign countries in a spirited fashion, but in accordance with their own philosophy ; and among us a first result of their efforts has been to stimulate some to imitation and exaggeration. To what point the German spirit once more has finally brought this matter in our days we shall relate in more detail at the proper time. 81. In what has been said you have a clear conspectus of the whole history of culture in the modern world, and of the never-varying relationship of the different parts of the modern world to the world of antiquity. True religion, in the form of Christianity, was the germ of the modern world ; and the task of the latter may be summed up as follows : to make this religion permeate the previous culture of antiquity and thereby to spiritualize and hallow it. The first step on this path was to rid this religion of the external respect of form which robbed GERMAN CHARACTERISTICS it of freedom, and to introduce into it also the free- thinking of antiquity. Foreign countries provided the stimulus to this step ; the German took the step. The second step, which is really the continuation and com- pletion of the first, namely, to discover in our own selves this religion, and with it all wisdom- — this, too, was pre- pared by foreign countries and completed by the German. The next step forward that we have to make in the plan of eternity is to educate the nation to perfect manhood. Without this, the philosophy that has been won will never be widely comprehended, much less will it be generally applicable in life. On the other hand, and in the same way, the art of education will never attain complete clearness in itself without philosophy. Hence, there is an interaction between the two, and either without the other is incomplete and unserviceable. If only because the German has hitherto brought to completion all the steps of culture and has been preserved in the modern world for that special purpose, it will be his work, too, in respect of education. But, when education has once been set in order, the same will follow easily with the other concerns of humanity. 82. This, then, is the actual relationship in which the German nation has hitherto stood with regard to the development of the human race in the modern age. We have still to throw more light upon an observation, which has already been made twice, as to the natural course of development which events have taken with our nation, viz., that in Germany all c ulture has proceeded I from-the people. That the reformation of the Church was first brought before the people, and that it succeeded ' only because it became their affair, we have already seen. But we have further to show that this single case was not an exception ; it has, on the contrary, been the rule. io 4 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION 83. The Germans who remained in the motherland had retained all the virtues of which their country had formerly been the home — loyalty, uprightness, honour, and simplicity ; but of training to a higher and intellectual life they had received no more than could be brought by the Christianity of that period and its teachers to men whose dwellings were scattered. This was but little : hence, they were not so advanced as their racial kinsmen who had emigrated. They were in fact good and honest, it is true, but none the less semi-barbarians. There arose among them, however, cities erected by members of the people. In these cities every branch of culture quickly developed into the fairest bloom. In them arose civic constitutions and organizations which, though but on a small scale, were none the less of high excellence ; and, proceeding from them, a picture of order and a love of it spread throughout the rest of the country. Their extensive commerce helped to discover the world. Their league was feared by kings. The monuments of their architecture are standing at the present day and have defied the ravages of centuries; before them posterity stands in admiration and confesses its own impotence. 84. It is not my intention to compare these burghers of the German imperial cities in the Middle Ages with the other estates of the same period, nor to ask what was being done at that time by the nobles and the princes. But, in comparison with the other Teutonic nations — leaving out of account some districts of Italy, and in the fine arts the Germans did not lag behind even these, whereas in the useful arts they surpassed them and became their teachers — leaving these out of account, I say that the German burghers were the civilized people, and the others the barbarians. The history of Germany, of German might, German enterprise and inventions, of GERMAN CHARACTERISTICS 105 German monuments and the German spirit — the history of all these things during that period is nothing but the history of those cities ; and everything else, for example the mortgaging of petty territories and their subsequent redemption and so on, is unworthy of mention. More- over, this period is the only one in German history in which this nation is famous and brilliant, and holds the rank to which, as the parent stock, it is entitled. As soon as its bloom is destroyed by the avarice and tyranny of princes, and as soon as its freedom is trodden under- foot, the whole nation gradually sinks lower and lower, until the condition is reached in which we are at present. But, as Germany sinks, the rest of Europe is seen to sink with it, if we regard, not the mere external appearance, but the soul. The decisive influence of this burgher class, which was in fact the ruling power, upon the development of the German imperial constitution, upon the reformation of the Church, and upon everything that ever character- ized the German nation and thence took its way abroad, is everywhere unmistakable ; and it can be proved that everything which is still worthy of honour among the Germans has arisen in its midst. 85. In what spirit did this German burgher class bring forth and enjoy this period of bloom ? In the spirit of piety, of honour, of modesty, and of the sense of community. For themselves they needed little ; for public enterprises they set no limits to their expen- diture. Seldom does the name of an individual stand out or distinguish itself, for they were all of like mind and alike in sacrifice for the common weal. Under precisely the same external conditions as in Germany, free cities had arisen in Italy also. Compare the his- tories of both ; contrast the continual disorders, the io6 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION internal conflicts, nay, even wars, the constant change of constitutions and rulers in the latter with the peaceful unity and concord in the former. How could it be more clearly demonstrated that there must have been an inward difference in the dispositions of the two nations ? The German nation is the only one among the neo- European nations that has shown in practice, by the example of its burgher class for centuries, that it is capable of enduring a republican constitution. 86. Of the separate and special means of once more raising the German spirit a very powerful one would be in our hands if we had a soul-stirring history of the Germans in that period — one that would become a book for the nation and for the people, just as the Bible and the hymn-book are now, until the time came when we ourselves had again achieved something worthy of record. But such a history should not set forth deeds and events after the fashion of a chronicle ; it should transport us by its fascinating power, without any effort or clear con- sciousness on our part, into the very midst of the life of that time, so that we ourselves should seem to be walking and standing and deciding and acting with them. This it should do, not by means of childish and trumpery fabrications, as so many historical novels have done, but by the truth ; and it should make those deeds and events visible manifestations of the life of that time. Such a work, indeed, could only be the fruit of extensive know- ledge and of investigations that have, perhaps, never yet been made ; but the author should spare us the exhibi- tion of this knowledge and these investigations, and simply lay the ripened fruit before us in the language of the present day and in a manner that every German without exception could understand. In addition to this historical knowledge, such a work would demand a high degree of GERMAN CHARACTERISTICS 107 philosophical spirit, which should display itself just as little, and above all things a faithful and loving disposition. 87. That age was the nation's youthful dream, within a narrow sphere, of its future deeds and conflicts and victories, and the prophecy of what it would be once it had perfected its strength. Evil associations and the seductive power of vanity have swept the growing nation into spheres which are not its own ; and, because it there sought glory too, it stands to-day covered with shame and fighting for its very life. But has it indeed grown old and feeble ? Has not the well of original life con- tinued to flow for it, as for no other nation, since then and until to-day ? Can those prophecies of its youthful life, which are confirmed by the condition of other nations and by the plan of civilization for all humanity — can they remain unfulfilled ? Impossible ! O, that someone would bring back this nation from its false path, and in the mirror of its youthful dreams show it its true disposition and its true vocation ! There let it stand and ponder, until it develops the power to take up its vocation with a mighty hand. May this challenge be of some avail in bringing out right soon a German man equipped to perform this preliminary task ! SEVENTH ADDRESS A CLOSER STUDY OF THE ORIGINALITY AND CHARACTERISTICS OF A PEOPLE 88. In the preceding addresses we have indicated and proved from history the characteristics of the Germans as an original people, and as _a_pe_ople that has t he r ight to_ call itself s imp ly the people, in contrast to other branches that have been torn away from it ; for, indeed, the word " deutsch " in its real signification denotes what we have just said. It will be in accordance with our purpose if we devote another hour to this subject and deal with a possible objection, viz., that if this is something peculiarly German one must confess that at the present time there is but little left that is German among the Germans themselves. As we are quite unable to deny that this appears to be so, but rather intend to acknowledge it and to take a complete view of it in its separate parts, we propose to give an explana- tion of it at the outset. 89. We have seen that the relationship in which the original people of the modern world stood to the progress of modern culture was as follows : the former received from the incomplete, and never more than superficial, efforts of foreign countries the first stimulus to more profound creative acts, which were to be developed from its own midst. As it undoubtedly takes time for the 108 CLOSER STUDY OF CHARACTERISTICS 109 stimulus to result in a creative act, it is plain that such a relationship will bring about periods of time in which the original people must seem to be almost entirely amalgamated with foreign peoples and similar to them, because it is then being stimulated only, and the creative act which is to be the result has not yet forced its way through. It is in such a period of time that Germany finds itself at the present moment in regard to the great majority of its educated inhabitants ; and that is the reason for those manifestations of a love of everything foreign which are a part of the very inner soul and life of this majority. In the preceding address we saw that the means by which foreign countries stimulate their motherland at the present time is philosophy, which we defined as free-thinking released from all fetters of belief in external authority. Now, when this stimulus has not resulted in a new creative act — and it will result thus in extremely few cases, for the great majority have no con- ception of what creation means — the following effects are observable. For one thing, that foreign philosophy which we have already described changes its own form again and again. Another thing is that its spirit usurps the mastery over the other sciences whose borders are contiguous with philosophy, and regards them from its own point of view. Finally, since the German after all can n ever e n tirely lay as ide hisser i ousness and its direct i nfluence on life, this philosopKy^lnfluences the habits of public life and the principles and rules that govern it. We shall substantiate these assertions step by step. 90. First of all and before all things : man does not_ form his sc ientific view in a_p articular way volunta rily and a rbitrarily , but it^ is_ for med for him_by his life, and is in reality the inner, and to him unknown, root of his own life, which has become his way of looking at things. no ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION It is what you real ly are in you r i nmost s oul that stand s forth to your_ou tward e ye, a nd y ou w ould never be a ble to see an ything else. If you are to see differently, you must first of all become different. Now, the inner essence of non-German ways, or of non-originality, is the belief in something that is final, fixed, and settled beyond the possibility of change, the belief in a border-line, on the hither side of which free life may disport itself, but which it is never able to break through and dissolve by its own power, and which it can never make part of itself. This impenetrable border-line is, therefore, inevitably present to the eyes of foreigners at some place or other, and it is impossible for them to think or believe except with such a border-line as a presupposition, unless their whole nature is to be transformed and their heart torn out of their body. They inevitably believe in death as Alpha and Omega, the ultimate source of all things and, therefore, of life itself. 91. Our first task here is to show how this fundamental belief of foreigners expresses itself among Germans at the present time. It expresses itself first of all in their own philosophy. German philosophy of the present day, in so far as it is worthy of mention here, s trives for thoroughn ess— an d^ scientific Jiorm, regardless of the fact that those things are beyond its reach ; it s trives for unity , and that also not without the example of foreign countries in former times ; it strives for reality and essence- — not for mere appearance, but to find for this appearance a foundation appearing in appearance. In all these points it is right, and far surpasses the philosophies prevailing in foreign countries at the present day ; for German philosophy in"' its love of everything foreign is far more thorough and 1 more consistent than the foreign countries themselves. , CLOSER STUDY OF CHARACTERISTICS in Now this foundation, which is to be the basis of mere appearance, is for tho se philosophi es, however much more incorrectly they may further define it, always fixed Being, which is just what it is and nothing more , chained in itself and bound to its own essence. Death, therefore, and alienation from originality, which are within them, stand forth before their eyes as well. Because they them- selves are unable by any effort to rise out of themselves to life as such, but always need a prop and a support for their free upward flight, they do not get beyond this support in their thinking, which is the image of their life. That which is not Something is' to them inevitably ^ Nothing, for their eyes see nothing else between that Being in which growth has ceased and the Nothing, because their life has nothing else. Their feeling, which is their sole possible authority, seems to them infallible. If anyone does not acknowledge this support of theirs, they are far from assuming that to him life alone is enough ; on the contrary, they believe that he merely lacks the cleverness to perceive the support, which they have no doubt supports him too, and the capacity to raise himself by his exertions to their high point of view. It is, therefore, futile and impossible to instruct them ; one would have to construct them, and to construct them differently, if one could. Now, in this matter German philosophy of the present day is not German, but a product of the foreign spirit. ^ij. True philosophy, on the other hand, which has "T, been perfected in itself and has penetrated beyond appearance to the very kernel of appearance, proceeds from the one, pure, divine life — life simply as such, which it remains for all eternity, and always one — but not from this or that kind of life. It sees how it is only in appear- ance that this life ceaselessly closes and opens again, ii2 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION and how it is only in accordance with this law that life attains Being and becomes a Something. In the view of this philosophy. Being arises, whereas the other pres ujj- poses it. So, then, this philosophy is in a very special sense German only — that is, original. Vice versa, if anyone were but a true German, he could not philoso- phize in any way but this. 93. That system of thought, although it dominates the majority of those who philosophize in German, is never- theless not really a German system. Yet, whether it is consciously set up as a true system of philosophical doctrine, or whether, unknown to us, it is merely the basis for the rest of our thinking, it influences the other scientific views of the age. Indeed, it is a main effort of our age, stimulated by foreign countries as we are, not merely to lay hold of the material of science with the memory, as our forefathers may be said to have done, but to turn it over in our own independent thought and to philosophize upon it. So far as the effort is concerned, our age is in the right ; but when, in the execution of this philosophiz- ing, it proceeds, as is to be expected, from the death- creed of foreign philosophy, it will be in the wrong. In this place we propose to glance only at those sciences which are most closely connected with our whole plan, and to trace the foreign ideas and views which are so widespread in them. # 94. In holding that the establishment and government of States should be looked upon as an independent art having its own fixed rules, non-German countries have undoubt- edly served us as forerunners, and they themselves found their pattern in antiquity. But what will be regarded as the art of the State by such a non-German country, which in its language, the very element of its thinking ^nd willing, has a support that is fixed, closed, and dead ? CLOSER STUDY OF CHARACTERISTICS 113 <^*J What, too, will all who follow its example regard as the art of the State ? Undoubtedly it will be the art of finding a similarly fixed and dead order of things, from which condition of death the living movement of society is to proceed, and to proceed as this art intends. This inten- tion is to make the whole of life in society into a large and ingeniously constructed clockwork pressure-machine, in which every single part will be continually compelled by the whole to serve the whole. The intention is to do a sum in arithmetic with finite and given quantities, and produce from them an ascertainable result ; and thus, on the assumption that everyone seeks his own well-being, to compel everyone against his wish and will to promote the general well-being. Non-German countries have re- peatedly enunciated this principle and produced ingenious specimens of this art of social machinery. The mother- land has adopted the theory, and developed its application in the construction of social machines ; and here, too, as always, in a manner that is deeper, truer, more thorough- going, and much superior to its models. If at any time there is a stoppage in the accustomed process of society, such artists of the State can give no other explanation than that perhaps one of the wheels has become worn out, and they know no other remedy than to remove the defective wheels and insert new ones. The more deeply rooted anyone is in this mechanical view of society, and the better he understands how to simplify the mechanism by making all the parts of the machine as alike as possible and by treating them all as if they were of the same material, the higher is his reputation as an artist of the State in this age of ours : and rightly so, for things are even worse when those in control hesitate and come to no decision and are incapable of any definite opinion. ii 4 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION 95. This view of the art of the State enforces respect by its iron consistency and by an appearance of sublimity which falls upon it ; and up to a certain point, especially when the whole tendency is towards a monarchical con- stitution, and one that is always becoming more purely monarchical, it renders good service. But, when it reaches that point, its impotence is apparent to everyone. I will suppose that you have made your machine as perfect as you intended, and that each and every lower part of it is unceasingly and irresistibly compelled by a higher part, which is itself compelled to compel, and so on up to the top. But how will your final part, from which proceeds the whole compelling power present in the machine, be itself compelled to compel ? Suppose you have overcome absolutely all the resistance to the main- spring that might arise from the friction of the various parts, and suppose you have given that mainspring a power against which all other power vanishes to nothing, which is all you could do even by mechanism, and suppose you have thus created a supremely powerful monarchical constitution ; how are you going to set this mainspring itself in motion and compel it without exception to see "{4 the right and to will it ? Tell me how you are going to bring perpetual motion into your clockwork, which, though properly designed and constructed, does not go. Is, perhaps, as you sometimes say in your embarrassment, the whole machine itself to react and to set its own main- spring in motion ? Either this happens by a power that itself proceeds from the stimulus of the mainspring ; or else it happens by a power that does not proceed thence, but is to be found in the whole thing independent of ^the mainspring. No third way is possible. If you suppose the first, you find yourselves reasoning in a circle, and your principles of mechanics are in a circle too ; the CLOSER STUDY OF CHARACTERISTICS 115 whole machine can compel the mainspring only in so far as the machine itself is compelled by the mainspring to compel it — that is to say, in so far as the mainspring only indirectly compels itself. But if it does not compel itself, and this is the defect we set out to remedy, no motion whatever results. If you suppose the second case, you confess that the source of all motion in your machine is a power that has not entered at all into your calcula- tions and regulations, and is not in any way controlled by your mechanism. This power undoubtedly works as it can without your aid and according to its own laws, which are unknown to you. In each of the two cases, you must confess yourselves botchers and impotent boasters. 96. Now, people have felt this, and so they have wished, under this system which, in its reliance upon compulsion, need not concern itself about the other citizens, to educate at any rate the prince by every kind of good doctrine and instruction; for from the prince the whole movement,, of society proceeds. But how can one be sure of finding someone who by nature is capable of receiving the educa- tion that is to make a prince ? Even if by a stroke of luck he were to be found, how can one be sure that he, whom no man can compel, will be ready and willing to submit to discipline ? Such a view of the art of the State, whether it is found on foreign or German soil, is always a product of the foreign spirit. Here we may remark, to the honour of the German race and the German spirit, that, however good artists we might be in the mere theory of these calculations which are based on compul- sion, none the less, when it came to putting them into practice, we were very much hampered by the dim feeling that things should not be done in this way ; and so in this matter we remained behind foreign countries. n6 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION Therefore, even should we be compelled to accept the boon of foreign forms and laws intended for us, at least let us not be unduly ashamed, as if our intelligence had been incapable of attaining these heights of legislation. As we are not inferior to any nation even in legislating, when we only have the pen in our hands, it may well be that we felt with regard to life that even the making of such laws was not the right thing ; and so we preferred to let the old system stand until the perfect system should come to us, instead of merely exchanging the old fashion for a new one just as transitory. 97. Altogether different is the genuine German art of the State. It, too, seeks fixity, surety, and independence of blind and halting nature, and in this it is quite in agree- ment with foreign countries. But, unlike these, it does not seek a fixed and certain thing, as the first element , which will make the spirit, as the second element on the contrary, it seeks from the very beginning, and as the very first and only element, a firm and certain spirit^ This is for it the mainspring, whose life proceeds from itself, and which has perpetual motion ; the mainspring which will regulate, and continually keep in motion, the life of society. The German art of the State understands that it cannot create this spirit by reprimanding adults who are already spoilt by neglect, but only by educating the young, who are still unspoilt. Moreover, with this education it will not turn, as foreign countries do, to the solitary peak, the prince, but to the broad plain which is the nation ; for indeed the prince, jtoo, will without doubt be part of the nation. Just as the State, in the persons of its adult citizens, is the con- tinued education of the human race, so must the future citizen himself, in the opinion of this art of the State, first be educated up to the point of being susceptible to CLOSER STUDY OF CHARACTERISTICS 117 that higher education. So this German and very modern art of the State becomes once more the very ancient art of the State, which among the Greeks founded citizenship on education and trained such citizens as succeeding ages have never seen. Henceforth the German will do what is in form the same, though in content it will be characterized by a spirit that is not narrow and exclusive, but universal and cosmopolitan. 98. That foreign spirit to which we have referred prevails among the great majority of our people in another matter, viz., their view of the whole life of a human race and of history as the picture of that life. A nation whose language has a dead and completed foundation can only advance, as we showed on a previous occasion, to a certain stage of development in all the departments of rhetoric. That stage depends on the foundation of the language, and the nation will experience a golden age. Unless such a nation is extremely modest and self-depreci- ative, it cannot fittingly think more highly of the whole race than it does of itself, from its own knowledge ; hence, it must assume that there will be a final, highest, and for ever unsurpassable goal for all human develop- ment. Just as those animal species, the beavers and the bees, still build in the way they built thousands of years ago, and have made no progress in the art during that long period of time, so it will be, according to that nation, with the animal species called man in all branches of his development. These branches, impulses, and capaci- ties it will be possible to survey exhaustively, and indeed to see on examining a few members ; and then it will be possible to indicate the highest development of each one of them. Perhaps the human species will be far worse off than the bee or beaver species ; for, though the latter learn nothing new, they nevertheless do not deteriorate n8 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION in their art, whereas man, when he has once reached the summit, is hurled back again, and may struggle for hundreds or thousands of years to regain the point at which it would have been better to leave him undis- turbed. The human species, so these people think, will undoubtedly have attained such culminating points in education in the past, and enjoyed more than one golden age ; to discover these points in history, to judge all the efforts of humanity by them, and to lead humanity back to them, will be their most strenuous endeavour. According to them, history was finished long ago and has been finished several times already. According to them, there is nothing new under the sun, for they have destroyed the source of eternal life under and over the sun, and only let eternally-recurring death repeat itself and subside time after time. 99. It is well known that this philosophy of history has come to us from foreign countries, although it is dying away even there at the present day and has become almost exclusively German property. From this closer kinship it follows also that this philosophy of history, which we call ours, is able to understand the efforts of foreign countries through and through ; and, although this view of history is no longer expressed very often in those countries, they go beyond expression, for they are acting in accordance with it and constructing once more a golden age. This philosophy is even able to prophesy, and to point out to them the path they have still to take ; it can pay them the tribute of genuine admiration, which one who thinks as a German cannot pretend to do. Indeed, how could he ? Golden ages are to him in every respect a limitation proceeding from a state of death. Gold may indeed be the most precious metal in the lap of dead earth, he thinks, but the stuff of the living spirit CLOSER STUDY OF CHARACTERISTICS 119 is beyond the sun and beyond all suns, and is their source. For him history, and with it the human race, does not unfold itself according to some mysterious hidden law, like a round dance ; on the contrary, in his opinion a true and proper man himself makes history, not merely repeating what has existed already, but throughout all time creating what is entirely new. Hence, he never expects mere repetition, and even if it should happen word for word as the old book says, at any rate he does not admire it. 100. Now, the deadly foreign spirit, without our being clearly aware of it, spreads itself in a similar way over the rest of our scientific views, of which it may suffice to have adduced the examples quoted. This happens because at the present day we are working in our own fashion upon stimuli previously received from abroad, and are passing through that intermediate state. Because it was pertinent to the matter in hand, I adduced those examples ; and partly, too, so that no one should think himself able to refute the statements here made by de- ductions from the principles which we have quoted. It is not the case that those principles would have remained unknown to us, or that we could not ourselves have risen to their high level ; far from it. On the contrary, we know them quite well, and might perhaps, if we had time to spare, be capable of developing them backwards and forwards in their complete logical sequence. Only we reject them right from the very beginning and also all their consequences, of which there are more in our tradi- tional way of thinking than the superficial observer may find it easy to believe. This foreign spirit influences not only our scientific view of things, but also, and in the same way, our ordinary life and the rules that govern it. But, in order to make i2o ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION this clear, and to make what has been said still clearer, it is necessary first of all to scrutinize more keenly the essence of original life, or freedom. 101. Freedom, t aken in the__sense_ of_in decisive h esita- t ion be tween s everal c ourse s e qually p ossible, is not life, but only the forecourt and portal to real life. At some time or other there must be an end of this hesitation and an advance to decision and action ; and only then , does life begin. Now, at first sight, and when viewed directly, every decision of the will appears as something primary, and in : jio wise as something secondary, or as the effect of a prim ary .thing which is its cause . It appears to be something \ existing simply by itself, and existing just as it is. This ; meaning we wish to establish as the sole possible sensible ''meaning of the word freedom. But, with regard to the inner content of such a decision of the will, there are two cases possible, viz., on the one hand, there appears in it only appearance, separated from essence and without essence entering into its appearance in any way ; on the other hand, essence enters in appearance into this appear- ance of a decision of the will. In this connection it must be remarked at once that essence can become apparent only in a decision of the will, and in nothing else whatever, although, on the other hand, there may be decisions of the will in which essence does not manifest itself at all, but only mere appearance. We proceed to discuss the latter case first. 102. By its separation from, and its opposition to, ,essence, as well as by the fact that it is itself capable of Jlappearing and presenting itself, mere appearance simply j as such is unalterably determined, and it is, therefore, /(inevitably just what it is and turns out to be. Hence, ->if any given decision of the will is, as we assume, in its CLOSER STUDY OF CHARACTERISTICS 121 content mere appearance, it is to that extent, not in fact free, primary, and original, but it is a result of necessity, and is a secondary element proceeding just as it is from a higher primary element, viz., the general law of appear- ance. Now, the thinking of man, as we have mentioned several times already, represents man to himself just as he actually is, and always remains the true copy and mirror of his inner being. For this reason, although such a decision of the will appears at first sight to be free, just because it is called a decision of the will, yet it cannot appear so at all to deeper and prolonged thinking ; on the contrary, the latter must think that it is a result of necessity, which, of course, it actually is in fact. For those people, whose will has never yet raised itself to a higher sphere than the one in which it is held that a will merely appears in them, the belief in freedom is, of course, a delusion and a deception, proceeding from a view that is casual and does not go beneath the surface. For them there is truth only in thought — thought that shows them everywhere only the chain of strict necessity. 103. The first and fundamental law of appearance, simply as such, (we are entitled to refrain from stating the reason, all the more so because it has been sufficiently given elsewhere) is this : that it falls into a manifoldness, which, in a certain respect, is an endless whole and, in a certain other respect, a whole complete in itself. In this completed whole of manifoldness every single part is determined by all the rest, and, again, all the rest are determined by this single part. Hence, if in the decision of the will of the individual there emerges into appearance nothing but the possibility of appearance and of repre- sentation, and visibility in general, which is in fact the visibility of nothing, then the content of such a decision of the will is determined by the completed whole of all 122 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION the possible will-decisions of this will and of all the other possible individual wills ; and it contains, and can con- tain, nothing more than that which remains to be willed after all those possible decisions of the will have been abstracted. Hence, there is in fact nothing independent, original, and individual in it ; on the contrary, it is merely secondary, the consequence of the general connection of the sum of appearance in its separate parts. Indeed, it has always been recognized as such by all who, though on this level of culture, were capable of profound thought, and their recognition of it has been expressed in the same words as those of which we have just made use. But all this is the result of the fact that in them not essence, but merely appearance, enters into appearance. 104. On the other hand, where essence itself enters into the appearance of a decision of the will directly and . So to speak, in its own person an d not by any representa- tive, then all that has been mentioned above is likewise present, following as it does fromxappearance as a com- pleted whole, for appearance appearV-here also . But an appearance of this kind does not consist merely of this sum of its component parts, nor is it exhausted by that sum ; p. on the contrary, there is in it something more, another ^component part which is not to be explained by that 1\ connection, but remains over after what is explicable has ^ ify been abstracted. That first component part is present c here too, I said ; that ' something more ' becomes visible, f ' and, by means of this visibility, but not at all by means of [p* Bj its inner .essence, it comes under the general law and the jtj conditions of visibleness. But it is still more than this * V ' something,' which proceeds from some law or other and K\' which, therefore, is a secondary thing and the result of 1 necessity ; and, in respect of this ' more,' it is of itself what *lit is, a truly primary, original, and free thing. Since it CLOSER STUDY OF CHARACTERISTICS 123 is this, it also appears thus to that thought which is deepest and which has found completion in itself. The highest law of visibleness is, as we have said, this : that the thing appearing splits itself into an infinite manifoldness. This ' more ' becomes visible, on every occasion, as more than what proceeds at any particular moment from the sum t otal_ aJL~ of appearance, and so on into infinity ; hence, this ' more ' itself appears infinite. But it is as clear as noonday that it acquires this infinity only because it is on each occasion In- visible and thinkable, and that it is to be discovered only by its contrast to what follows eternally from the sum total, and by its being more than this. But, apart from this need of thinking it, it exists, this ' more than everything infinite,' which has the power of presenting itself eternally ; this ' more,' I say, exists in pure simplicity and invariability from the very beginning, and in all infinity it does not become more than this ' more,' nor does it become less. Nothing but its visibleness as more than the infinite — and in no other way can it become visible in its highest purity — creates the infinite and all that appears to appear in it. Now, where this ' more ' actually enters as such a visible ' more ' — but it can only enter in an act of will — there essence itself, which alone exists and alone can exist, and which exists of itself and by itself, divine essence enters into appearance and makes itself directly visible ; and in that place there exists, for that very reason, true originality and freedom, and so there is also a belief in them. 10^ So, to the general question whether man is free"! or not, there is no general answer ; for, just because man \ is free in the lower sense, because he begins in indecisive j vacillation and hesitation, he may be free, or he may not if be free, in the higher sense of the word. In reality, the way in which anyone answers this question is the clear mirror of his true inward being. He who is in fact no i2 4 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION more than a link in the chain of appearances may, perhaps, for a moment be under the delusion that he is free ; but this delusion cannot hold its ground when he thinks more strictly. Of necessity he thinks that all his fellows are in the condition in which he finds himself. On the other hand, he, whose life is possessed by the truth and has become life direct from God, is free and believes in 1 06. He who believes in a fixed, rigid, and dead state of being believes in it only because he is dead in himself ; and, once he is dead, he cannot do anything but believe thus, so soon as ever he becomes clear in himself. He himself, with all his kind from beginning to end, becomes something secondary and a necessary consequence of some presupposed primary element. This presupposition is his actual thinking, and by no means a merely fancied thinking ; it is his true mind, the point at which his thinking is itself directly life. Thus it is the source of all the rest of his thinking, and of his judgment of his kind in its past, which is history, in its future, which is his expectations for it, and in its present, which is actual life in himself and others. This b elief in death, as_contrasted with an o rigina l and living people, we have called the^ f oreign spirit. When once this foreign spirit is present among Germans it will, therefore, reveal itself in their actual life also, as quiet resignation to what they deem the unalterable necessity of their existence, as the abandonment of all hope of improvement of ourselves or others by means of freedom, as a disposition to make use of themselves and everyone else just as they are, and to derive from their existence the greatest possible advantage for ourselves ; in short, it will reveal itself as the confession, eternally reflecting itself in every stirring of life, of a belief in the universal and freedom in himself and others. CLOSER STUDY OF CHARACTERISTICS 125 equal sinfulness of all. This belief I have sufficiently described in another place ; 1 I leave you to read this description for yourselves and to decide how far it fits the present time. This way of thinking and acting arises from the state of inward death, as has often been mentioned, only when that state becomes clear about itself. On the other hand, so long as that state remains in darkness, it retains the belief in freedom, which belief is in itself true, and is only a delusion when it is applied to existence in such a state of mind. Here we see clearly and distinctly the disadvantage of clearness when the soul is base. So long as this baseness remains in darkness, it is continually disquieted, goaded, and impelled by the unceasing claim to freedom, and it presents a point of attack to the attempts to improve it. But clearness com- pletes it and rounds it off in itself ; clearness imparts to this base state of mind a cheerful resignation, the calm of a good conscience, and self-satisfaction. As their belief is, so is the result ; from now onwards they are in fact incapable of improvement ; at the most they serve to keep alive among their betters a pitiless loathing of evil or a resignation to the will of God ; but, apart from that, they are not of the least use in the world. 107. So, let there appear before you at last in complete clearness what we have meant by Germans, as we have so far described them. The true criterion is this : do you believe in something absolutely primary and original in man himself, in freedom, in endless improvement, in the eternal progress of our race, or do you not believe in all this, but rather imagine that you clearly perceive and comprehend that the opposite of all this takes place ? All who either are themselves alive and creative and 1 [Fichte adds this note here : see the Guide to the Blessed Life, Lecture II.] 126 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION productive of new things, or who, should this not have fallen to their lot, at any rate definitely abandon the things of naught and stand on the watch for the stream of original life to lay hold of them somewhere, or who, should they not even be so far advanced as this, at least have an inkling of freedom and do not hate it or take fright at it, but on the contrary love it — all these are original men ; they are, when considered as a people, an original people, ^£^_p_ eople sim ply. Germans. All who resign themselves to being something secondary and derivative, and who distinctly know and comprehend that they are such, are so in fact, and become ever more so because of this belief of theirs ; they are an appendix to the life which bestirred itself of its own accord before them or beside them ; they are an echo resounding from the rock, an echo of a voice already silent ; they are, con- sidered as a people, outside the original people, and to the latter they are strangers and foreigners. In the nation which to this very day calls itself simply the people, or Germans, originality has broken forth into the light of day in modern times, at any rate up to now, and the power of creating new things has shown itself. Now, at last, by a philosophy that has become clear in itself, the mirror is being held up to this nation, in which it may recognize and form a clear conception of that which it hitherto became by nature without being distinctly conscious of it, and to which it is called by nature ; and a proposal is being made to this nation to make itself wholly and completely what it ought to be, to do this according to that clear conception and with free and deliberate art, to renew the alliance, and to close its circle. The principle according to which it has to close its [circle is laid before it : whoever believes in s pirituality and in_t he f r eedom of this spir ituality , and who_wills CLOSER STUDY OF CHARACTERISTICS 127 the- eternal development of this s pirituality by freedom, I wherever he m a y ha ve been bor n and wh at ever language I rnTspealcsV is of our blood ; he is one of us, and will come J over to our side . Whoever believes in stagnation, retrogression, and the round dance of which we spoke, or who sets a dead nature at the helm of the world's government, wherever he may have been born and what- ever language he speaks, is non-German and a stranger to us ; and it is to be wished that he would separate himself from us completely, and the sooner the better. 108. So, too, at this point let there appear before you at last, and unmistakably, what that philosophy, which with good reason calls itself the German philosophy, really wants, and wherein it is strictly, earnestly, and 1 inexorably opposed to any foreign philosophy that believes W in death. The German philosophy has as its support lJ( what we said above about freedom ; and he that still | hath ears to hear, let him hear. Let it appear before you, not in the least with the intention of making the dead understand it, which is impossible, but so that it may be harder for the dead to twist its words, and to make out that they themselves want more or less the same thing and at bottom are of the same mind. This German philosophy does, indeed, raise itself by the act of thinking — not merely boasting about it, in accordance with a dim notion that it ought to be so, without being able to put it into practice — it raises itself to the ' more than all infinity ' that is unchangeable, and in this alone it finds true being. It perceives time and eternity and infinity in their rise from the appearing and becoming visible of that One which is in itself invisible and which is only comprehended, rightly comprehended, in this invisibility. Even infinity is, according to this philosophy, nothing in itself, and there is in it no true being whatever. It is solely the means 128 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION by which the One thing that exists, and exists only in its invisibility, becomes visible, and the means by which there is built up for the One an image, a form, and a shadow of itself in the sphere of imagery. Everything else that may become visible within this infinity of the world of images is a nothing proceeding from nothing, a shadow of the shadow, and solely the means by which that first nothing of infinity and time itself becomes visible and opens up to thought the ascent to invisible being without image. Within this, the sole possible image of infinity, the invisible directly manifests itself only as free and original life of the sight, or as a decision of the will made by a reasonable being ; in no other way whatever can it appear and manifest itself. All continuous existence that appears as non-spiritual life is only an empty shadow projected from the world of sight and enlarged by the intermediary of the nothing — a shadow, in contrast to which, and by recognizing it as a nothing enlarged by transmission, the world of sight itself ought to elevate itself to the recognition of its own nothingness and to the acknow- ledgment of the invisible as the only thing that is true. 109. Now, in these shadows of the shadows of shadows that philosophy of being, which believes in death and becomes a mere philosophy of nature, the deadest of all philosophies, remains a captive, and dreads and worships its own creature. This constancy is the expression of its true life and of its love ; and herein this philosophy is to be believed. But, when it goes on to say that this being, which it presupposes as actually existing, is one with, and precisely the same as, the Absolute, it is not to be believed, no matter how often it asserts this, nor even though it takes many an oath in confirmation. It does not know this, but only CLOSER STUDY OF CHARACTERISTICS 129 utters it trusting to luck, and blindly echoing another philosophy whose tenet in this matter it does not venture to dispute. If it should want to make good its claim to knowledge, it would have to proceed, not from duality as an undisputed fact (which its dictum, against which there is no appeal, does away with only to leave in full sway) but, on the contrary, from unity. From this unity it would have to be capable of deducing duality, and with it all manifoldness, in a clear and intelligible fashion. For this, however, thought is needed, and reflection consummated and perfected in itself. The philosophy we are r.eferring to has, for one thing, never learnt the art of thinking in this way and is indeed incapable of it, having only the power to indulge in reverie. Besides, it is hostile to this way of thinking and has no inclination whatever to attempt it ; for, if it did, it would be dis- turbed in the illusion that it holds so dear. This, then, is the essential thing in which our philo- sophy deliberately opposes that philosophy ; and on this occasion it has been our purpose, once for all, to enunciate and establish this as definitely as possible. 9 EIGHTH ADDRESS WHAT IS A PEOPLE IN THE HIGHER MEANING OF THE WORD, AND WHAT IS LOVE OF FATHERLAND ? no. The last four addresses have answered the question : What is the German as contrasted with other peoples of Teutonic descent ? The proof to be adduced by all this for our investigation as a whole is completed when we examine the further question : What is a p eople _i_ This latter question is similar to another, and when it- is- answered the other is answered too. The other question, which is often raised and the answers to which are very different, is this : What is love of fatherland, or, to express it more correctly, what is the lo_ve of_the indi vidual for his nation ? If we have hitherto proceeded correctly in the course ibi our investigation, it must here be obvious at once that / only the German — the original man, who has not become [dead in an arbitrary organization — really has a people and is entitled to count on one, and that he alone is capable of real and rational love for his nation. The problem having been thus stated, we prepare the way for its solution by the following observation, which seems at first to have no connection with what has pre- ceded it. in. Religion, as we have already remarked in our third address, is able to transcend all time and the whole of this present sensuous life, without thereby causing the 130 PEOPLE AND LOVE OF FATHERLAND 131 slightest detriment to the righteousness, morality, and holiness of the life that is permeated by this belief. Even if one is firmly persuaded that all our effort on this earth will not leave the slightest trace behind it nor yield the slightest fruit, nay more, that the divine effort will even be perverted and become an instrument of evil and of still deeper moral corruption, one can none the less continue the effort, solely in order to maintain the divine life that has manifested itself in us, and with a view to a higher order of things in a future world, in which no deed that is of divine origin is lost. Thus the apostles, for example, and the primitive Christians in general, because of their belief in heaven had their hearts entirely set on things above the earth even in their lifetime ; and earthly affairs — the State, their earthly fatherland, and nation — were abandoned by them so entirely that they no longer deemed them worthy of attention. Possible though this is, and to faith not difficult, and joyfully though one must resign one's self, once it is the unalterable will of God, to having an earthly fatherland no longer and to being serfs and exiles here below, nevertheless it is not the natural condition nor the rule of the universe ; on the contrary, it is a rare exception. It is a gross misuse of religion , a misuse of which Chris- tianity among other religions has frequently been guilty, to make a point of recommending, on pr inciple and without regard to existing circumstances, such a with- drawal from the affairs of the State and the nation as the mark of a true religious disposition. In such a con- dition of things, if it is true and real and not merely the product of fitful religious zeal, temporal life loses all independent existence and becomes merely a forecourt of true life and a period of severe trial which is endured only out of obedience and resignation to the will of God. 132 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION Then it is true that immortal souls, as many have imagined, are housed in earthly bodies, as in prisons, for their punish- ment. But, on the other hand, in the regular order of things this earthly life itself is intended to be truly life , of which we may be glad and which we may enjoy in gratitude, while, of course, looking forward to a higher life. Although it is true that religion is, for one thing, the consolation of the unjustly oppressed slave, yet this above all is the mark of a religious disposition, viz., to •fight against slavery and, as far as possible, to prevent religion from sinking into a mere consolation for captives. No doubt it suits the tyrant well to preach religious resignation and to bid those look to heaven to whom he allows not the smallest place on earth. But we for our part must be in less haste to adopt this view of religion that he recommends ; and we must, if we can, prevent earth from being made into a hell in order to arouse a greater longing for heaven. 112. The natural impulse of man, which should be abandoned only in case of real necessity, is to find heaven on this earth, and to endow his daily work on earth with permanence and eternity ; to plant and to cultivate the eternal in the temporal — not merely in an incomprehen- sible fashion or in a connection with the eternal that seems to mortal eye an impenetrable gulf, but in a fashion visible to the mortal eye itself. Let me begin with an example that everyone will under- stand. What man of noble mind is there who does not earnestly wish to relive his own life in a new and better way in his children and his children's children, and to con- tinue to live on this earth, ennobled and perfected in their Jives, long after he is dead ? Does he not wish to snatch from the jaws of death the spirit, the mind, and the moral sense by virtue of which, perchance, he was in the days PEOPLE AND LOVE OF FATHERLAND 133 of his life a terror to wrongdoing and corruption, and by which he supported righteousness, aroused men from indolence, and lifted them out of their depression ? Does he not wish to deposit these qualities, as his best legacy to posterity, in the souls of those he leaves behind, so that they too, in their turn, may some day hand them on again, increased and made more beautiful ? What man of noble mind is there who does not want to scatter, by action or thought, a grain of seed for the unending progress in perfection of his race, to fling something new and unprecedented into time, that it may remain there and become the inexhaustible source of new creations ? Does he not wish to pay for his place on this earth and the short span of time allotted to him with something that even here below will endure for ever, so that he, the individual, although unnamed in history (for the thirst for posthumous fame is contemptible vanity), may yet in his own consciousness and his faith leave behind him unmistakable memories that he, too, was a dweller on the earth ? What man of noble mind is there, I said, who does not want this ? But only according to the needs of noble-minded men is the world to be regarded and arranged ; as they are, so all men ought to be, and for their sake alone does a world exist. They are its kernel, and those of other mind exist only for their sake, being themselves only a part of the transitory world so long as they are of that mind. Such men must conform to the wishes of the noble-minded until they have become like them. 113. Now, what is it that could warrant this challenge and this faith of the noble-minded man in the perman- ence and eternity of his work ? Obviously nothing but an order of things which he can acknowledge as in itself eternal and capable of taking up into itself that which 134 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION is eternal. Such an order of things, however, is the special spiritual nature of human environment which, although indeed it is not to be comprehended in any conception, nevertheless truly exists, and from which he himself, with all his thoughts and deeds and with his belief in their eternity, has proceeded — the people, from which he is descended and among which he was educated and grew up to be what he now is. For, though it is true beyond dispute that his work, if he rightly claims it to be eternal, is in no wise the mere result of the spiritual law of nature of his nation or absolutely the same thing as this result, but on the contrary is something more than that and in so far streams forth directly from original and divine life ; it is, nevertheless, equally true that this ' something more,' immediately on its first embodiment in a visible form, submitted itself to that special spiritual law of nature and found sensuous expression for itself only according to that law. So long as this people exists, every further revelation of the divine will appear and take shape in that people in accordance with the same natural law. But this law itself is further determined by the fact that this man existed and worked as he did, and his influence has become a permanent part of this law. Hence, everything that follows will be bound to submit itself to, and connect itself with, that law. So he is sure that the improvement achieved by him remains in his people so long as the people itself remains, and that it becomes a permanent determining factor in the evolution of his people. 1 14. This, then, is a people in the higher meaning of_ the jword , when viewed from the standpoint of a spiritual world : the totality of men continuing to live in society with each other and continually creating themselves naturally and spiritually out of themselves, a totality that arises together out of the divine under a certain PEOPLE AND LOVE OF FATHERLAND 135 special l aw of divine development. It is the subjection in common to this special law that unites this mass in the eternal world, and therefore in the temporal also, to a natural totality permeated by itself. The significance of this law itself can indeed be comprehended as a whole, as we have comprehended it by the instance of the Germans as an original people ; it can even be better understood in many of its further provisions by consider- ing the manifestations of such a people ; but it can never be completely grasped by the mind of anyone, for everyone continually remains under its influence unknown to him- self, although, in general, it can be clearly seen that such a law exists. This law is a ' something more ' of the world of images, that coalesces absolutely in the phenomenal world with the ' something more ' of the world of originality that cannot be imaged ; hence, in the phenomenal world neither can be separated again from the other. That law determines entirely and completes what has been called the national character of a people — that law of the development of the original and divine. From this it is clear that men who, as is the case with what we have described as the foreign spirit, do not believe at all in something original nor in its continuous development, but only in an eternal recurrence of apparent life, and who by their belief become what they believe, are in the higher sense not a people at all. As they in fact, properly speaking, do not exist, they are just as little capable of having a national character. 115. The noble-minded man's belief in the eternal continuance of his influence even on this earth is thus founded on the hope of the eternal continuance of the people from which he has developed, and on the character- istic of that people as indicated in the hidden law of which we have spoken, without admixture of, or corruption' 136 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION by, any alien element which does not belong to the totality of the functions of that law. This characteristic is the eternal thing to which he entrusts the eternity of himself and of his continuing influence, the eternal order of things in which he places his portion of eternity ; he must will its continuance, for it alone is to him the means by which the short span of his life here below is extended into continuous life here below. His belief and his struggle to plant what is permanent, his conception in which he comprehends his own life as an eternal life, is the bond which unites first his own nation, and then, through his nation, the whole human race, in a most intimate fashion with himself, and brings all their needs within his widened sympathy until the end of time. This is his love for his people, respecting, trusting, and rejoicing in it, and feeling honoured by descent from it. The divine has appeared in it, and that which is original has deemed this people worthy to be made its vesture and its means of directly influencing the world ; for this reason there will be further manifestations of the divine in it. Hence, the noble-minded man will be active and effective, and will sacrifice himself for his people. Life merely as such, the mere continuance of changing exis- tence, has in any case never had any value for him ; he has wished for it only as the source of what is permanent. But this permanence is promised to him only by the continuous and independent existence of his nation. In order to save his nation he must be ready even to die that it may live, and that he may live in it the only life for which he has ever wished. 1 1 6. So it is. Love that is truly love, and not a mere transitory lust, never clings to what is transient ; only iin the eternal does it awaken and become kindled, and there alone does it rest. Man is not able to love even PEOPLE AND LOVE OF FATHERLAND 137 himself unless he conceives himself as eternal ; apart from / that he cannot even respect, much less approve of, him- I self. Still less can he love anything outside himself without taking it up into the eternity of his faith and of his soul and binding it thereto. He who does not first regard himself as eternal has in him no love of any kind, and, moreover, cannot love a fatherland, a thing which for him does not exist. He who regards his invisible life as eternal, but not his visible life as similarly eternal, may perhaps have a heaven and therein a fatherland, but here below he has no fatherland, for this, too, is regarded only in the image of eternity — eternity visible and made sensuous — and for this reason also he is unable to love his fatherland. If none has been handed down to such a man, he is to be pitied. But he to whom a fatherland has been handed down, and in whose soul heaven and earth, visible and invisible meet and mingle, and thus, and only thus, create a true and enduring heaven — such a man fights to the last drop of his blood to hand on the precious possession unimpaired to his posterity. So it always has been, although it has not always been expressed in such general terms and so clearly as we express it here. What inspired the men of noble mind ? ^ among the Romans, whose frame of mind and way of thinking still live and breathe among us in their works of art, to struggles and sacrifices, to patience and endurance for the fatherland ? They themselves express it often and distinctly. It was their firm belief in the eternal continuance of their Roma, and their confident expecta- tion that they themselves would eternally continue to live in this eternity in the stream of time. In so far as this belief was well founded, and they themselves would have comprehended it if they had been entirely clear in their own minds, it did not deceive them. To this"^ 138 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION [very day there still lives in our midst what was truly eternal in their eternal Roma ; they themselves live with it, and its consequences will continue to live to the very end of time. 117. People and fatherland in this sense, as a support and guarantee of eternity on earth and as that which i can be eternal here below, far transcend the State in the ordinary sense of the word, viz., the social order as compre- hended by mere intellectual conception and as established and maintained under the guidance of this conception. The aim of the State is positive law, internal peace, and a condition of affairs in which everyone may by diligence earn his daily bread and satisfy the needs of his material existence, so long as God permits him to live. All this •J is only a means, a condition, and a framework for what love of fatherland really wants, viz., that the eternal and the divine may blossom in the world and never cease to become more and more pure, perfect, and excellent. That is why this love of fatherland must itself govern the State and be the supreme, final, and absolute authority. Its first exercise of this authority will be to limit the State's choice of means to secure its immediate object — internal peace. To attain this object, the natural freedom of the individual must, of course, be limited in many ways. If the only consideration and intention in regard to individuals were to secure internal peace, it would be well to limit that liberty as much as possible, to bring all their activities under a uniform rule, and to keep them under unceasing supervision. Even supposing such strictness were unnecessary, it could at any rate do no harm, if this were the sole object. It is only the higher view of the human race and of peoples which extends this narrow calculation. Freedom, including freedom in the activities of external life, is the soil in which higher culture PEOPLE AND LOVE OF FATHERLAND 139 germinates ; a legislation which keeps the higher culture in view will allow to freedom as wide a field as possible, even at the risk of securing a smaller degree of uniform peace and quietness, and of making the work of govern- ment a little harder and more troublesome. 118. To illustrate this by an example. It has happened that nations have been told to their face that they do not need so much freedom as many other nations do. It may even be that the form in which the opinion is expressed is considerate and mild, if what is really meant is that the particular nation would be quite unable to stand so much freedom, and that nothing but extreme severity could prevent its members from destroying each other. But, when the words are taken as meaning what they say, they are true only on the supposition that such a nation is thoroughly incapable of having original life or even the impulse towards it. Such a nation — if a nation could exist in which there were not even a few men of noble mind to make an exception to the general rule — would in fact need no freedom at all, for this is needed only for the higher purposes that transcend the State. It needs only to be tamed and trained, so that the individuals may live peaceably with each other and that the whole may be made into an efficient instrument for arbitrary purposes in which the nation as such has no part. Whether this can be said with truth of any nation at all we may leave undecided ; this much is clear, that an original people needs freedom, that this is the security for its continuance as an original people, and that, as it goes on, it is able to stand an ever-increasing degree of freedom without the slightest danger. This is the first matter in respect of which love of fatherland must govern the State itself. 119. Then, too, it must be love of fatherland that i 4 o ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION governs the State by placing before it a higher object than the usual one of maintaining internal peace, property, personal freedom, and the life and well-being of all. For this higher object alone, and with no other intention, does the State assemble an armed force. When the question arises of making use of this, when the call comes to stake everything that the State, in the narrow concep- tion of the word, sets before itself as object, viz., property, personal freedom, life, and well-being, nay, even the continued existence of the State itself ; when the call comes to make an original decision with responsibility to God alone, and without a clear and reasonable idea that what is intended will surely be attained — for this is never possible in such matters — then, and then only, does there live at the helm of the State a truly original and primary life, and at this point, and not before, the true sovereign rights of government enter, like God, to hazard the lower life for the sake of the higher. In the main- tenance of the traditional constitution, the laws, and civil prosperity there is absolutely no real true life and no original decision. Conditions and circumstances, and legislators perhaps long since dead, have created these things ; succeeding ages go on faithfully in the paths marked out, and so in fact they have no public life of their own ; they merely repeat a life that once existed. In such times there is no need of any real government. But, when this regular course is endangered, and it is a question of making decisions in new and unprecedented cases, then there is need of a life that lives of itself. What spirit is it that in such cases may place itself at the helm, that can make its own decisions with sureness and cer- tainty, untroubled by any hesitation ? What spirit has an undisputed right to summon and to order everyone con- cerned, whether he himself be willing or not, and to PEOPLE AND LOVE OF FATHERLAND 141 compel anyone who resists, to risk everything including his life ? Not the spirit of the peaceful citizen's love for the constitution and the laws, but the devouring flame of higher patriotism, which embraces the nation as the vesture of the eternal, for which the noble-minded man joyfully sacrifices himself, and the ignoble man, who only exists for the sake of the other, must likewise sacri- fice himself. It is not that love of the citizen for the constitution ; that love is quite unable to achieve this, so long as it remains on the level of the understanding. Whatever turn events may take, since it pays to govern they will always have a ruler over them. Suppose the new ruler even wants to introduce slavery (and what is slavery if not the disregard for, and suppression of, the character- istic of an original people ? — but to that way of thinking such qualities do not exist), suppose he wants to introduce slavery. Then, since it is profitable to preserve the life of slaves, to maintain their numbers and even their well- being, slavery under him will turn out to be bearable if he is anything of a calculator. Their life and their keep, at any rate, they will always find. Then what is there left that they should fight for ? After those two things it is peace which they value more than anything. But peace will only be disturbed by the continuance of the struggle. They will, therefore, do anything just to put an end to the fighting, and the sooner the better ; they will submit, they will yield ; and why should they not ? All they have ever been concerned about, and all they have ever hoped from life, has been the continuation of the habit of existing under tolerable conditions. The promise of a life here on earth extending beyond the period of life here on earth — that alone it is which can inspire men even unto death for the fatherland. 120. So it has been hitherto. Wherever there has i 4 2 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION been true government, wherever bitter struggles have been endured, wherever victory has been won in the face of mighty opposition, there it has been that promise of eternal life which governed and struggled and won the victory. Believing in that promise the German Pro- testants, already mentioned in these addresses, entered upon the struggle. Do you think they did not know that peoples could be governed by that old belief too, and held together in law and order, and that under the old belief men could procure a comfortable existence ? Why, then, did their princes decide upon armed resistance, and why did the peoples enthusiastically make such resistance ? It was for heaven and for eternal bliss that they willingly poured out their blood. But what earthly power could have penetrated to the Holy of holies in their souls and rooted out their belief — a belief which had been revealed to them once for all, and on which alone they based their hope of bliss ? Thus it was not their own bliss for which they fought ; this was already assured to them ; it was the bliss of their children and of their grandchildren as yet unborn and of all posterity as yet unborn. These, too, should be brought up in that same doctrine, which had appeared to them as the only means of salvation. These, too, should partake of the salvation that had dawned for them. This hope alone it was that was threatened by the enemy. For it, for an order of things that long after their death should blossom on their graves, they so joyfully shed their blood. Let us admit that they were not entirely clear in their own minds, that they made mistakes in their choice of words to denote the noblest that was in them, and with their lips did injustice to their souls ; let us willingly confess that their confession of faith was not the sole and exclusive means of becoming a partaker of the heaven beyond the grave ; none the less PEOPLE AND LOVE OF FATHERLAND 143 it is eternally true that more heaven on this side of the grave, a braver and more joyful look from earth upwards, and a freer stirring of the spirit have entered by their sacrifice into the whole life of succeeding ages. To this very day the descendants of their opponents, just as much as we ourselves, their own descendants, enjoy the fruits of their labours. 121. In this belief our earliest common forefathers, the original stock of the new culture, the Germans, as the Romans called them, bravely resisted the on-coming world-dominion of the Romans. Did they not have before their eyes the greater brilliance of the Roman provinces next to them and the more refined enjoyments in those provinces, to say nothing of laws and judges' seats and lictors' axes and rods in superfluity ? Were not the Romans willing enough to let them share in all these blessings ? In the case of several of their own princes, who did no more than intimate that war against such benefactors of mankind was rebellion, did they not experience proofs of the belauded Roman clemency ? To those who submitted the Romans gave marks of distinction in the form of kingly titles, high commands in their armies, and Roman fillets ; and if they were driven out by their countrymen, did not the Romans provide for them a place of refuge and a means of sub- sistence in their colonies ? Had they no appreciation of the advantages of Roman civilization, e.g., of the superior organization of their armies, in which even an Arminius did not disdain to learn the trade of war ? They cannot be charged with ignorance or lack of con- sideration of any one of these things. Their descendants, as soon as they could do so without losing their freedom, even assimilated Roman culture, so far as this was possible without losing their individuality. Why, then, did they 144 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION fight for several generations in bloody wars, that broke out again and again with ever renewed force ? A Roman writer puts the following expression into the mouth of i their leaders : " What was left for them to do, except to maintain their freedom or else to die before they became slaves." Freedom to them meant just this : remaining Germans and continuing to settle their own affairs independently and in accordance with the original spirit of their race, going on with their development in accord- ance with the same spirit, and propagating this indepen- dence in their posterity. All those blessings which the Romans offered them meant slavery to them, because then they would have to become something that was not German, they would have to become half Roman. They assumed as a matter of course that every man would rather die than become half a Roman, and that a true German could only want to live in order to be, and to remain, just a German and to bring up his children as Germans. They did not all die ; they did not see slavery ; they bequeathed freedom to their children. It is their unyielding resistance which the whole modern world has to thank for being what it now is. Had the Romans succeeded in bringing them also under the yoke and in destroying them as a nation, which the Roman did in every case, the whole development of the human race would have taken a different course, a course that one cannot think would have been more satisfactory. It is they whom we must thank — we, the immediate heirs of their soil, their language, and their way of thinking — for being Germans still, for being still borne along on the stream of original and independent life. It is they whom we must thank for everything that we have been as a nation since those days, and to them we shall be indebted for everything that we shall be in the future, PEOPLE AND LOVE OF FATHERLAND 145 unless things have come to an end with us now and the last drop of blood inherited from them has dried up in our veins. To them the other branches of the race, whom we now look upon as foreigners, but who by descent from them are our brothers, are indebted for their very- existence. When our ancestors triumphed over Roma the eternal, not one of all these peoples was in existence, but the possibility of their existence in the future was won for them in the same fight. 122. These men, and all others of like mind in the history of the world, won the victory because eternity inspired them, and this inspiration always does, and always must, defeat him who is not so inspired. It is neither the strong right arm nor the efficient weapon that wins victories, but only the power of the soul. He who sets a limit to his sacrifices, and has no wish to venture beyond a certain point, ceases to resist as soon as he finds himself in danger at this point, even though it be one which is vital to him and which ought not to be surrendered. He who' sets no limit whatever for himself, but on the contrary stakes everything he has, including the most precious possession granted to dwellers here below, namely, life itself, never ceases to resist, and will undoubtedly win the victory over an opponent whose goal is more limited. A people that is capable of firmly beholding the counten- ance of that vision from the spiritual world, independence, even though it be only its highest representatives and leaders who are capable of perceiving it — a people capable of being possessed by love of this vision, as our earliest forefathers were, will undoubtedly win the victory over a people that is used, as were the Roman armies, only as the tool of foreign ambition to bring independent people under the yoke ; for the former have everything to lose, and the latter merely something to gain. But the way 10 t 4 6 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION of thinking which regards war as a game of chance, where the stakes are temporal gain or loss, and which fixes the amount to be staked on the cards even before it begins the game — such a way of thinking is defeated even by a whim. Think, for example, of a Mahomet — not the Mahomet of history, about whom I confess I have no opinion, but the Mahomet of a well-known French poet. 1 He takes it firmly into his head once for all that he is one of those exceptional beings who are called to lead the obscure and common folk of the earth, and in accordance with this preliminary assumption all his notions, no matter how mean and limited they may be in reality, of necessity seem to him, just because they are his own, great and sub- lime ideas full of blessings for mankind ; all who set themselves against these notions seem to him obscure and common people, enemies of their own good, evil-minded, and hateful. Then, in order to justify this conceit of himself as a divine call, he lets this thought absorb his whole life ; he must stake everything on it, and cannot rest until he has trodden underfoot all who refuse to think as highly of him as he does of himself, and until he sees his own belief in his divine mission reflected in the whole contemporary world. I will not say what would happen to him if a spiritual vision, true and clear to itself, entered the lists against him, but he is sure to be victorious over those gamesters with limited stakes, for he stakes everything against them and they do not stake everything. No spirit drives them, but he is driven by a spirit, though it be but a raving one, the violent and powerful spirit of his own conceit. 123. From all this it follows that t he Stat^ . merely as the government of human life in its progress along the ordinary peaceful path, is not something which is primary 1 [The reference is apparently to Voltaire's tragedy Mahomet.'] PEOPLE AND LOVE OF FATHERLAND 147 and which exists for its own sake, but is merely the means to the higher purpose of th e eterna l, regular, and con- tinuous development of what is purely human in this nation. It follows, too, that the vision and the love of this eternal development, and nothing else, should have the higher supervision of State administration at all times, not excluding periods of peace, and that this alone is able to save the people's independence when it is endangered. In the case of the Germans, among whom as an original people this love of fatherland was possible and, as we firmly believe, did actually exist up to the present time, it has been able up to now to reckon with great confidence on the security of what was most vital to it. As was the case with the ancient Greeks alone, with the Germans the State and the nation were actually separated from each other, and each was represented for itself, the former in the separate German realms and principalities, the latter represented visibly in the imperial connection and invisibly — by virtue of a law, not written, but living and valid in the minds of all, a law whose results struck the eye everywhere — in a mass of customs and institutions. Wherever the German language was spoken, everyone who had first seen the light of day in its domain could consider himself as in a double sense a citizen, on the one hand, of the State where he was born and to whose care he was in the first instance commended, and, on the other hand, of the whole common fatherland of the German nation. To everyone it was permitted to seek out for himself in the whole length and breadth of this fatherland the culture most congenial to him or the sphere of action to which his spirit was best adapted ; and talent did not root itself like a tree in the place where it first grew up, but was allowed to seek out its own place. Anyone who, because of the turn taken by 48 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION his own development, became out of harmony with his immediate environment, easily found a willing reception elsewhere, found new friends in place of those he had lost, found time and leisure to make his meaning plainer and perhaps to win over and to reconcile even those who were offended with him, and so to unite the whole. No German-born prince ever took upon himself to mark out for his subjects as their fatherland, with mountains or rivers as boundaries, the territory over which he ruled, and to regard his subjects as bound to the soil. A truth not permitted to find expression in one place might find expression in another, where it might happen that those truths were forbidden which were permitted in the first. So, in spite of the many instances of one- sidedness and narrowness of heart in the separate States, there was nevertheless in Germany, considered as a whole, the greatest freedom of investigation and publication that any people has ever possessed. Everywhere the higher culture was, and continued to be, the result of the inter- action of the citizens of all German States : and then this higher culture gradually worked its way down in this form to the people at large, which thus never ceased, broadly speaking, to educate itself by itself. This essential security for the continuance of a German nation was, as we have said, not impaired by any man of German spirit seated at the helm of government ; and though with respect to other original decisions things may not always have happened as the higher German love of fatherland could not but wish, at any rate there has been no act in direct opposition to its interests ; there has been no attempt to undermine that love or to extirpate it and put a love of the opposite kind in its place. 124. But what if the original guidance of that higher culture, as well as of the national power which may not PEOPLE AND LOVE OF FATHERLAND 149 be used except to serve that culture and its continuance, the utilization of German property and blood — what if this should pass from the control of the German spirit to that of another ? What would then be the inevitable results ? This is the place where there is special need of the disposition which we invoked in our first address — the disposition not to deceive ourselves wilfully about our own affairs, and the courage to be willing to behold the truth and confess it to ourselves. Moreover, it is still permitted to us, so far as I know, to speak to each other in the German language about the fatherland, or at least to sigh over it, and, in my opinion, we should not do well if we anticipated of our own accord such a pro- hibition, or if we were ready to restrain our courage, which without doubt will already have taken counsel with itself as to the risk to be run, with the chains forged by the timidity of some individuals. Picture to yourselves, then, the new power, which we ^ are presupposing, as well-disposed and as benevolent as ever you may wish ; make it as good as God Himself ; will you be able to impart to it divine understanding as well ? Even though it wish in all earnestness the greatest happiness and well-being of everyone, do you suppose f that the greatest well-being it is able to conceive will be ' the same thing as German well-being ? In regard to the main point which I have put before you to-day, I hope I have been thoroughly well understood by you ; I hope that several, while they listened to me, thought and felt that I was only expressing in plain words what has always lain in their minds ; I hope that the other Germans who will some day read this will have the same feeling — indeed, several Germans have said practically the same thing before I did, and the unconscious basis of 150 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION the resistance that has been repeatedly manifested to a purely mechanical constitution and policy of the State has been the view of things which I have presented to you. Now, I challenge all those who are acquainted with the modern literature of foreign countries to show me one of their poets or legislators who in recent times has ever betrayed a glimmering of anything similar to the view that regards the human race as eternally progressing, and that refers all its activities in this world solely to this eternal progress. Even in the period of their boldest nights of political creation, was there a single one who demanded more from the State than the abolition of inequalities, the maintenance of peace within their borders and of national reputation without, or, in the extremest case, domestic bliss ? If, as we must conclude from all these indications, this is their highest good, they will not attribute to us any higher needs or any higher demands on life. Assuming they always display that beneficent disposition towards us and are free from any selfishness or desire to be greater than we are, they will think they have provided splendidly for us if we are given everything that they themselves know to be desirable. But the thing for which alone the nobler men among us wish to live is then blotted out of public life ; and as soon as the people, which has always shown itself responsive to the stirrings of the noble mind and which we were entitled to hope might be elevated in a body to that nobility, is treated as those to whom we are referring want to be treated, it is degraded and dishonoured, and, by its confluence with a people of a lower species, it is blotted out of the universe. 125. But he, in whom those higher demands on life remain alive and powerful and who has a feeling that their right is divine, feels himself set back, much against PEOPLE AND LOVE OF FATHERLAND 151 his will, into those early days of Christianity, when it was said: "Resist not evil; but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also ; and if any man will take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also." The latter is well said, for, so long as he sees that thou still hast a cloke, he seeks to pick a quarrel with thee so as to take this from thee also, and only when thou art quite naked wilt thou escape his attention and be left in peace. To such a man the earth becomes a hell and a place of horror, just because of his higher mind, which does him honour. He wishes he had never been born ; he wishes that his eyes may be closed to the light of day, and the sooner the better ; his days are filled with ever- lasting sorrow until he descends to the grave, and for those whom he loves he can wish no greater boon than a dull and contented mind, so that with less suffering they may live for an eternal life beyond the grave. These addresses lay before you the sole remaining means, now that the others have been tried in vain, of preventing this annihilation of every nobler impulse that may break out among us in the future, and of preventing this degradation of our whole nation. They propose that you establish deeply and indelibly in the hearts of all, by means of education, the true and all-powerful love of fatherland, the conception of our people as an eternal people and as the security for our own eternity. What kind of education can do this, and how it is to be done, we shall see in the following addresses. NINTH ADDRESS THE STARTING-POINT THAT ACTUALLY EXISTS FOR THE NEW NATIONAL EDUCATION OF THE GERMANS 126. In our last address several proofs that had been promised in the first address were given and completed. The present problem, the first task, we said, is simply to preserve the existence and continuance of what is German. All other differences vanished, we said, before the higher point of view, and thereby no harm would happen to the special obligations under which anyone might consider himself to be. If only we keep in mind the distinction that has been drawn between State and nation, it is clear that even in the past it was not possible for their interests ever to come into conflict. Besides, the (higher love of fatherland, love for the whole people of the German nation, had to reign supreme, and rightly so, in each particular German State. Not one of them could, indeed, lose sight of this higher interest without alienating everything noble and good, and so hastening its own down- fall. The more, therefore, anyone was affected and animated by that higher interest, the better citizen also he was for the particular German State, in which his immediate sphere of action lay. " German States might quarrel among themselves about particular established privileges. Anyone who wished for the continuance of the established state of affairs, and this must undoubtedly 152 STARTING-POINT FOR NEW EDUCATION 153 have been the wish of every sensible person for the sake of the more remote consequences, must have desired right to prevail, no matter on what side it might be. A particular German State could, at most, have aimed at uniting the whole German nation under its sway, and at introducing autocracy in place of the established republic of peoples. Suppose, as I for instance of course maintain, that it is just this republican constitution that has hitherto been the best source of German civilization and the chief guarantee of its individuality. Then, if the unity of government which we are presupposing had itself borne, not the republican, but the monarchical form, under which it would have been possible for the autocrat to nip in the bud for his lifetime any new branch of original culture throughout the whole German soil — if my sup- position is true, I say, it would certainly have been a great disaster for the cause of German love of fatherland, if that plan had succeeded, and every man of noble mind throughout the whole length and breadth of the common soil would have been bound to resist it. Yet, even in this most unfortunate event, it would always have been Germans who ruled over Germans and were the original directors of their affairs. Even if for a short period the characteristic German spirit had been lacking, there would still have remained the hope that it would awake again, and every stout heart throughout the whole country could have expected to get a hearing and to make itself intelligible. A German nation would always have remained in existence and have ruled itself, and would not have sunk into an existence of a lower order. Here the essential point in our calculation is always that German national love itself either is at the helm of the German State or can reach it with its influence. But if, according to our previous supposition, the control of the German 154 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION State — whether now that State appear as one or as several does not matter ; in reality it is one — dropped from German into foreign hands, it is certain — for the opposite would be contrary to all nature and utterly impossible — it is certain, I say, that from that moment onwards no longer German, but foreign interests would decide. Whereas formerly the united national interest of the Germans had its place and was represented at the helm of the State, it would now be banished. Now, if it is not to be completely destroyed from off the earth, another place of refuge must be prepared for it, and that in what alone remains, with the governed, among the citizens. If it already existed in the majority of them, we should not have got into the plight which we are now considering ; therefore, it does not exist in them, and must first of all be instilled in them. In other words, the majority of the citizens must be educated to this sense of fatherland, and, in order that one may be sure of the \ majority, this education must be tried on all. So with this it is now plainly and clearly proved, as was likewise formerly promised, that education is the only possible means of saving German independence. Undoubtedly it will not be our fault if anyone has not even yet been able to grasp the true content and the purpose of these addresses, and the sense in which all our statements are to be taken. 127. To put it more briefly. According to our sup- position, those who need protection are deprived of the 'guardianship of their parents and relatives, whose place has been taken by masters. If they are not to become absolute slaves, they must be released from guardianship, and the first step in this direction is to educate them to manhood. German love of fatherland has lost its place ; it shall get another, a wider and deeper one ; there in STARTING-POINT FOR NEW EDUCATION 155 peace and obscurity it shall establish itself and harden itself like steel, and at the right moment break forth in youthful strength and restore to the State its lost independence. Now, in regard to this restoration foreigners, and also those among us who have petty and narrow minds and despairing hearts, need not be alarmed ; one can console them with the assurance that not one of them will live to see it, and that the age which will live to see it will think otherwise than they. 128. Now whether this proof, closely though its parts hang together, will affect others and stimulate them to activity, depends first of all upon whether there is such a thing as the German individuality and German love of fatherland which we have described, and whether it is worth preserving and striving after or not. That the foreigner, abroad or at home, denies this may be taken for granted ; but his advice is not asked for. Besides, it is to be noted here that the deciding of this question does not depend at all upon proof by conceptions ; these can certainly make us clear in this matter, but can give no information about real existence or value, which can be proved only by the immediate experience of each individual. In a case like this, though millions may say that it does not exist, that can never mean more than that it does not exist in them ; by no means, however, that it does not exist at all ; and if a single person rises against these millions and declares that it does exist, he carries his point against them all. Nothing prevents me, as I now speak, from being in the given case that one person who asserts that he knows from immediate experience that there is such a thing as German love of fatherland, that he knows the infinite value of its object, that this love alone has driven him, in spite of every danger, to say what he has said and will still say, since nothing else 156 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION is left to us now but speech, and even it is checked and restrained in every way. Whoever feels this within him will be convinced ; whoever does not feel it cannot be convinced, for my proof rests entirely on that supposition ; on him my words are lost ; but who would not stake something so insignificant as words ? 129. That definite education, from which we expect the salvation of the German nation, has been described in general terms in our second and third addresses. We described it as a complete regeneration of the human race, and it will be appropriate to link up with this description a repetition of the general survey. 130. As a rule, the world of the senses was formerly accepted as the only true and really existing world ; it /was the first that was brought before the pupil in educa- tion. From it alone was he led on to thought and, for the most- part, to thought that was about it and in its service. The new education exactly reverses this order. For it the world that is comprehended by thought is ithe only true and really existing world, and into this it wishes to introduce the pupil from the very beginning. It is only to this world of the spirit that it wishes to link his whole love and his whole pleasure, so that with him there will inevitably begin and develop a life in it alone. Formerly there lived in the majority naught but flesh, matter, and nature ; through the new education spirit alone shall live in the majority, yea, very soon in all, and spur them on ; the stable and certain spirit, which was mentioned before as the only possible foundation of a well-organized State, shall be produced everywhere. 131. Such an education undoubtedly achieves the object which we have specially set before us and from which our addresses started. That spirit which is to be produced includes the higher love of fatherland, the STARTING-POINT FOR NEW EDUCATION 157 conception of its earthly life as eternal and of the father- land as the support of that eternity. If it is produced in the Germans, it will include love of the German father- land as one of its essential elements, and from that love there spring of themselves the courageous defender of his country and the peaceful and honest citizen. Such an education, indeed, achieves even more than that immediate object ; that is always the case when thorough- going measures are willed for a great purpose ; the whole man is inwardly perfected and completed in every part, and outwardly equipped with perfect fitness for all his purposes in time and eternity. Spiritual nature has inseparably connected our complete cure from all the evils that oppress us with our recovery as a nation and fatherland. 132. We have nothing more to do here with the stupid surprise of some, when we assert such a world of pure thought, and assert it, indeed, as the only possible world, and reject the world of sense ; nor have we anything more to do with those who deny the former world altogether, or deny only the possibility that the majority of the people at large can be brought into it. We have already completely rejected these things. He who does not yet know that there is a world of thought can instruct himself meanwhile about it elsewhere by the available means ; we have no time for that instruction here. But we do intend just this ; to show how even the majority of the people at large can be raised into that world. 133. Now, in our deliberate opinion the idea of such a new education is not to be considered as simply a picture set up for the exercise of ingenuity of mind or of skill in argument, but is rather to be put into practice at once and introduced into life. Our task, therefore, 158 ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION is first of all to point out what already exists in the actual world with which the realization of this should be con- nected. We give this answer to the question : it ought to be connected with the system of instruction invented and proposed by Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi , and already successfully practised under his eyes. We intend to give good reasons for this decision of ours and to define it clearly. First of all, we have read and reflected over the man's own writings, from which we have formed our conception of his art of instruction and education. We have taken no notice of the reports and opinions of the current literary periodicals, nor of their further opinions upon those opinions. We observe this in order to recommend this method and the complete avoidance of its opposite to everyone who wishes likewise to have a conception of this subject. Similarly, up to the present we have not desired to see anything of it in actual practice ; not from disrespect, but because we wanted first to provide our- selves with a definite and clear conception of the inventor's true intention. The application may often fall short of the intention, but from that conception the conception of the application and of the inevitable result follows without any experiment, and, equipped with this alone, one can truly understand the application and judge it correctly. If, as some believe, even this system of instruction has already degenerated here and there into blind, empirical groping and into empty play and show, for that the author's fundamental conception, at least, is in my opinion quite blameless. 134. Now this fundamental conception is warranted for me, first of all by the individuality of the man himself, as he shows it in his writings with the truest and most STARTING-POINT FOR NEW EDUCATION 159 hearty frankness. I could have used him, just as well as I used Luther or as I might use anyone else if there have been others like them, to demonstrate the char- acteristics of the German spirit and to give the gratifying proof that this spirit, in all its miraculous power, reigned down to the present day within the range of the German tongue. He, also, has spent a laborious life struggling with every possible obstacle ; within, with his own stubborn obscurity and awkwardness and his very scanty supply of the most ordinary aids to scholarly education ; without, with continual misunderstanding. Towards an end, which he simply surmised and which was quite unknown to him, he has struggled, upheld and stimulated by an unconquerable and all-powerful and German impulse, a love of the poor neglected people. As in the case of Luther, only in another connection and one more in keeping with his age, this all-powerful love had made him its instrument and had become the life of his life. It was the unknown but definite and unchanging guide which led his life through the all-enveloping night, and, because it was impossible for such a love to leave the earth unrewarded, crowned its evening with his truly spiritual invention, which achieved far more than he had ever longed for in his boldest wishes. He wished simply to help the people ; but his invention, when developed to the full, raises the people, removes every difference between them and an educated class, provides national education instead of the desired popular education, and might, indeed, have the power of helping peoples and the whole human race to rise from the depths of their present misery. 135. This fundamental conception of his appears in his writings with complete clearness and unmistakable precision. First of all, in regard to the form, he desires, i6o ADDRESSES TO THE GERMAN NATION not the caprice and blind groping that has hitherto existed, but a definite and deliberate art of education ; that is what we, too, wish and what German thoroughness must necessarily wish. He relates 1 very frankly how a French phrase, that he wanted to make education mecha- nical, made his mind clear concerning this aim of his. , In regard to the content, the first step in the new educa- tion described by me is that it shall stimulate and train | the free activity of the pupil's mind, his thought, in which later the world of his love shall dawn for him. With this first step Pestalozzi's writings deal excellently ; our examination of his fundamental conception treats this subject first of all. In this regard his censure of the previous system of instruction, that it has only plunged the pupil in mist and shadow and has never let him reach actual truth and reality, agrees with ours, that this system has never been able to influence life, nor to form the root of life. Pestalozzi's proposed remedy for this, to lead the pupil to direct perception, is synony- mous with ours, to stimulate his mental activity to the creation of images and to let him learn everything just by this free formation ; for perception of what has been freely created is the only possible perception. The application, to be mentioned later, proves that the inventor really means this, and does not understand by perception that blindly groping and fumbling sense- impression. Quite rightly, too, this general and very far- reaching law is laid down for the stimulation of the pupil's perception by education : from the beginning keep pace exactly with the evolution of the child's powers that are to be developed. 136. On the other hand, in Pestalozzi's system of r instruction all the mistakes in terms and proposals have 1 [See De Guimps,Lz/