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The y* mf mM \ -9^= --A- 3 =ti: S= •^* 5 E^f: =3=T li^ T f 1^3= P ^=#S ^^^ ::]= :i ^^B^ 1: d=i ::t E :P If:: Thee, O Christ, of kings the King, Whose love our souls en-fold - eth ; And Thee, O Church on earth, and Heav'nly Host, Are one in a - do - ra - tion. With heart and m 'm=^ 3= 3= H: -t 5 :± -. 5 r«T t^r^' -m^- 5^1 iE: > -* ^ :« te ^ *- 3= =t :± ^S Holy Ghost, we praise; O be our Guide through all our days. mind may we a - dore Our gracious God for ev - er - more. :fol ■—d — -i- -i — •- ^-v- 3^5 •— ^ u *: 3: :F±-P =i=e 3= E3 -t •— ^ 3: =^ A - men. 3=ES :^4 :^z=: Supt. Repeals. — God's House is Holy. "I was glad when tlicy said unto me, Let us go into the House of the Lord." Inter viediate Dcpt. Repeat. — " This is none other but the House of God." Asst Supt. Repeats. — God's Day is Holv. "Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy." Primary Dept. Repeat. — " The Lord blessed the Sabbath Day, and hallowed it." Supt. Repeats. — God's People should be Holy. " Ye shall be holy, for \, the Lord, your God, am holy." All Repeat. — "Sanctify yourselves, therefore, and be ye holy." THE LORD'S PRAYER, J pp Voices in unison, (who)~ Repeated or sung '-W- Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy ^ name. Thy Kingdom J2S^ I (be done on earth) come,Thy will be done in ^r ■ ■ ■ ear til as it is m Heaven, G\\& us this day our daily St ~o l>rc'ad,zn6. for- I give us our A {trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and) I ~-^s^^ debts as we forgive our debtors. And a lead us not into temp tation,h\xi deliver us from a evil. m In harmony. J crescendo. I For -g) S ri- Thine is the -^ — ^ Kingdom and the -si — r pow'r and the 1 I 1 2ii^ 0, * At the close of the prayer, a phrase of soft iiiusic. HYMN, Copyright, 1891, by Silver, Burdett & Co. vii School seated THE DECALOGUE AXD RESPONSES. School St an dill SI ExOBUS 20 : 3-17. I. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. II. Thou shalt not make unto thee anj' graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of tlie fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth gen- eration of them that hate me ; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. IV. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work ; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God ; in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates : for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day : wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath dav, and hallowed it. Melody in the Tenor. Slow. ores. dim. Staixer. -•-; •- =t Z^ _^4 Lord, have mer - cy up - on — 1— g±=f-^'^ us, And in-cline our hearts to keep this law. feE cres. -m— — »- dim. -0 •- -f-.^ 1 — r- V. Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. VI. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. VII. VIIL IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's. See Dejtt. vi : 6-9. =>;= ¥=f- t=t :i—±-=tz:. Lord have mer - cy up - on us, And in-cline our hearts to keep this law . ^ ^ • -^ ^J ^ ^- -^ -0- ••- fEE=E^E: :E=E ? :!===[: S t- £ :t -1 1- i ^ 'J '^ Thou Shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it; Tliou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets. pp slower. =1: r^T -N— ^^ i=^' '-3^^ Lord, have mer-cy up -on us, And write all these Thy laws in our hearts we beseech Thee. ^km \ &E^ -0-^0- -•-r- f=P= -C H- -0-'-0—0- -0..^ :fl READING OF THE LESSON, GLORIA PATRI, Snperinteudcnt and School reading alicrtiatc verses School standinp Kate S. Chittenden I a Glo-ry be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho - ly Gh ost; As it t=l=^ '(Hj — ^ — s — ' ' — ^- -1-- V ^ T -4— i- .^ J2. in jz. ^^ :t:=P=t=|=t=t f^^^E^^^E^ 1 was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. A - men, A-men. f^^ -•— #- N -I — \ ^^ S^s r <iM-=f- 'II ^ -^_ -•-^ Copyright, 1S91, by Silvek, Blkuett & Co. THE LORD'S DA Y O Day of Rest and Gladness C. Wo7-dsworth Ger//ian Melody ( O day of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light, ) Qn thee the high and lowly, |0 balmof care and sadness, Most beautiful, most bright; j N -#- ••- -« Thro' a-ges joined in tune, Sing " Holy, holy, holy,"' To the great God Triune. A-men. -s*- %-^-^ XziX-zX-V^^ -1 — I 1 — 1-- :!4:: iEEp- -■F 1 —W-W—\—W- :t=t: J=t :&1 2 To-day on wear)' nations The heavenly manna falls; To holy convocations The silver trumpet calls, Where gospel light is glowing With pure and radiant beams, And living water flowing With soul refreshing streams. -V- 3 New graces ever gaining From this our day of rest, We reach the rest remaining To Spirits of the blest; To Holy Ghost be praises. To Father, and to Son ; The Church her voice upraises To Thee, blest Three in One. Safely through another IVeek Tune — Sahbatli Moni G major 1 Safely through another week, God has brought us on our way; Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in His courts to-day : Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. 2 While we seek supplies of grace, Through the dear Redeemer's name. Show Thy reconciling face — Take away our sins and shame, From our worldly cares set free, — May we rest this day in Thee. 3 Here we come Thy name to praise ; Let us feel Thy presence near; May Thy glory meet our eyes. While we in Thy house appear : Here afford us. Lord, a taste Of our everlasting feast. 4 May Thy gospel's joyful sound Conquer sinners, comfort saints ; Make the fruits of grace abound, Bring relief for all complaints : Thus let all our Sabbath's prove, Till we rest in Thee above. Jo Jul jYewtoH 4 Isaac Watts J Vigorously THE LORD'S DA Y This is tJic Day the Lord Hath Made H. Lahee W-^i — ^ — i — ^^^-^ — * — w=^^-t=^4 — « — • — =1=^. — J I. This is the day the Lord iiath made, He calls tlie hours his own; m m m *— • ■♦• m^-- V ? — I — r A—^t± X — k-4 :{= — G>-^ =t=:|: -# « — «- ^ — # -a* ^- Let heaven re-joice, let earth be glad, And praise sur-round the throne. A - men. 2 To-day He rose and left the dead. And Satan's empire fell ; To-day the saints His triumphs spread, And all His wonders tell. 4 Bless'd be the Lord, Who conies to men With messages of grace ; Who comes, in God His Father's name, To save our sinful race. 3 Hosanna to th' anointed King, To David's Holy Son ! Make haste to help us, Lord, and brin* Salvation from Thy Throne. 5 Hosanna in the highest strains The Church on earth can raise : The highest heav'ns in which He reigns Shall give Him nobler praise. MORNING Lord God of Morning and of Night Francis Turner Palgrave H. W. Baker 1. Lord God of morn-ing and of night, We thank Thee for 2. P'resh hopes have wakened in our hearts, Fresh force to do m,u ^ SEE: £ — tS* EE: ■0 • tliy gift of light: our dai - ly part; — — I — w w- iP As in the dawn the sha-dows fly, We seem to find Thee now more nigh. Thy thousand sleeps our strength restore A thousand-fold to serve Thee more. A - men. ♦ ■•-■•- -f2- 3 Yet, whilst Thy will we would pursue, Oft what we would we cannot do ; The sun may stand in zenith skies, But on the soul thick midnight lies. 4 O Lord of lights, 'tis Thou alone Canst make our darkened hearts Thine own ; Though this new day with joy we see, O Dawn of God, we cry for Thee I 6 New Every Morning is the Love 1 New every morning is the love Our wakening and uprising prove ; Through sleep and darkness safely brought. Restored to life, and power, and thought. 2 New mercies each returning day Hover around us while we pray ; New perils past, new sins forgiven, New thoughts of God, new hopes of heaven. 3 If, on our daily course, our mind Be set to hallow all we find, New treasures still, of countless price, God will provide for sacrifice. 4 The trivial round, the common task. Will furnish all we ought to ask ; Room to deny ourselves ; a road To bring us daily nearer God. 5 Only, O Lord, in Thy dear love, Fit us for perfect rest above. And help us this, and every day, To live more nearly as we pray. John Keble MORNING Awaked froin Sleep R. jM. Moorso7t A. H. Brcnvn ^^ I. Awaked from sleep we fall Be-fore Tliee, God of love, And chant the praise the * * * - ■ ^-m-Imt-^ r^f z^zziz: tE^E^ES: T=f= an- gels raise, O Cod of miglit, a - bove; Ho- ly, Ho- ly, Ho • ly! feEEN=t^f^ See£ ^ a( tEiESfe ^^i^ Thou art God adored! In Thy pity- ing mer -cy show us mer-cy, Lord. Amen. 2 Thou wakedst me from sleep ; Shine on this mind and heart, And touch my tongue, that I among Thy choir may take my part ; Holy, Holy, Holy! Trinity adored! In Thy pitying mercy show me mercy. Lord. 3 The Judge will come with speed, And each man's deeds be known ; Our trembling cry shall rise on high At midnight to Thy Throne ; Holy, Holy, Holy! King of saints adored! In the hour of judgment show us mercy, Lord. AfORN/NG 8 Now that the Daylight Jilts the Stcy From ike Latin. J. M. A'calc G. A. Macfarrcn 1^ K-1 -—A — j — |--N — — K — hf Ni 1-^ 1 — I ^ — hr-, [^ ^ '^|> i ^1 ■*■ ! cres. I. Now that the daylight fills the sky, We lift our hearts to God on high, That He, in Ei'3=?: iEi -T^iiL x==x--- -«-H« -!:!-;?— iz—D—t-^F — y— ^-^' s,^ -•-•- te &-. all we do say, Would keep us free from harm to - day. ii^=S -h- -^- -A -(©- A - men 1 4 So we, when this day's work is o'er, And shades of night return once more, Our path of trial safely trod. Shall give the glory to our God. 5 All praise to God the Father be. All praise. Eternal Son, to Thee, Whom with the Spirit we adore P^or ever and for evermore. Amen. 2 May He restrain our tongues from strife, And shield from danger's din our life. And guard with watchful care our eyes From earth's absorbing vanities. 3 Oh, may our inmost hearts be pure. From thoughts of folly kept secure. And pride of sinful flesh subdued Through sparing use of daily food. Q Again Retiirns the Day of Hoty Rest 7)i!tc on opposite page I Again returns the day of holy rest So shall He hear when fervently we raise Which, when He made the world, Jehovali Our supplications and our songs of praise. bleg^ed; When, like His own, he bade our labor cease, 3 father in heaven ! in whom our hopes confide, Whose power defends us and whose precepts guide. In life our Guardian and in death our Friend, Glory supreme be Thine till time shall end. IVm. Mason And all be piety and all be peace. 2 Let us devote this consecrated day To learn His will, and all we learn obey; EVENING lO SaviouF, again to TJiy dear Name John Ellerton E.J. Hopkins 1. Sav - iour, a - gain to Thy dear Name we raise With one ac - cord our 2. Oant us Thy peace up- on our homeward way; With Tliee be - gan, with 3. (Irant us Thy peace, Lord, thro' the com - ing night, Turn Thou for us its 4. Grant us Thy peace throughout our ear - ly life, Our bahn in sor-row part - ing hymn of praise We stand to bless Thee e'er our wor - ship cease, Thee shall end the day ; Guard Thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame, dark-ness in - to liglit- From harm and dan - ger keep Tliy chil-dren free, and our stay in strife; Then wlien thy voice shall bid our con - flict cease, fe-£i=J^=|.± 35r SI 22: =1: :J=^: -^a- kneel - ing, Wait Thy word of louse have called up - on Tin- light are both a - like to Lord, to thine e - ter - nal •ZP- i -^- peace. Name. Thee, peace. I EVENING II Sweet Saviour, Bless Us ere IVe Go F. IV. Faber IV. H. Monk :1= ---X- -4- :q= 1. Sweet Sav - iour, bless us ere we go; Thy words in - to our minds in - stil; 2. Do more than par - don ; give us joy, Sweet fear, and so - bar Hb - er - ty. ♦^ #- *- ^:r4-» Bee ^— ^-^^— ^-^— t=:=F5-:^z=^^P^^Pt=¥= =£ i: iigi ^1 ^=B ^ -^- -^- :4=1: « ^ *-* r^i^— » -^ 'J wj ^* ' r ' r * tJ And make our luke - warm hearts to glow With low - ly light and fer-vent will ; And lov - ing hearts with-out al - loy That on - ly long to be like Thee. c — p — — » mI b — ' ^1-0- -f- "i ^^ ::|=:1= gifesz:§iEEg=3B =^1 -t Thro' life's long day and death's dark night, O Thro' life's long day and death's dark night, O Gen - tie Je-sus ! be bur Light. Gen - tie Je-sus ! be our Light. A-mec _^. 'M :£=E p|Eig ^ t^- t-p==l ^ =f== 3 Labor is sweet, for Thou hast toiled. And care is light, for Thou hast cared; Let not our works with self be soiled. Nor in unsimple ways ensnared. Through life's long day, etc. 4 For all we love, the poor, the sad, The sinful, unto Thee we call; O let Thy mercy make us glad ; Thou art our Jesus, and our All. Through life's long day, etc. 8 EVENING 12 Lord, Dismiss its //. /. Buckoll J. Barnby. ^ . — ^- I 1. Lord, dis - miss us with Thy bless- ing, Thanks for mer-cies past re-ceive: 2. Bless Thou all our days of leis - ure; Help us sel-fish lures to flee; JFJ- 1— l -^^ M— J.=j= ^J=|=j=^=^=ib=FJ— ^=^=1 Par -don all, their faults con - fess - Sane - ti - fy our eve - ry pleas - ure ; cres. Time that's lost may all re - trieve ; Pure and blame-less may it be ; -*- g May May Thy our dijii. chil-dren Ne'er <£lad-ness Draw a us iain ev Thy Spir - er - more It to grieve. Thee. A - men. ^^- m r- -I — 3 By Thy kindly influence cherish All the good we here have gain'd; May all taint of evil perish By Thy mightier power restrain'd; Seek we ever Knowledge pure and love unfeign'd. :2=: -h- 4 Let Thy father-hand be shielding All who here shall meet no more; May their seed-time past be yielding Year by year a richer store ; Those returning, Make more faithful than before. 13 Glory to T/iee, my God, this night Tunc — Tiil/is' Canon. G major 1 Glory to Thee, my God, this night. For all the blessings of the light ; Keep me, oh, keep me, King of kings ! Beneath Thine own almighty wings. 2 Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ill which I this day have done; That with the world, myself, and Thee, 1. ere I sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed : Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the judgment-day. 4 Oh, let my soul on Thee repose. And may sweet sleep mine eyelids close! Sleep, which shall me more vigorous make, To serve my God when I awake. r. Ken EVRNING The Situ is Sinking Fast H. S. Irons I. The sun is sinking fast, Tlie daylight dies: Let love awake, and pay Her evening sacrifice IN I^^T H T,#-|-#— I 1— l+s-r-^"- -.5^ f V- ^ :^^ 2 As Christ upon the cross His head inclined, And to His Father's hands His parting soul resigned : 3 So now herself my soul Would wholly give Into His sacred charge. In whom all spirits live. 4 Thus would I live ; yet now Not I, but he In all His power and love Henceforth alive in me. 5 One sacred Trinity ! One Lord divine ! May I be ever His, And He forever mine. 15 Take me in Thine Arms and Bless "tne Not too quick, and very softly. A J^"V- 4— , 1. Take me in Thine Arms and bless me, Gen -tie Je - sus, ere I sleep; 2. As 1 kneel in prayer be - fore Thee, Par - don all my griev - ous sins, Through this day Thine eye has watched me, Now my soul and bo Nail them to Thy Cross, O Je-sus, Ere an - oth - er day dy keep, be- pins. A -men. . •_ ■0- 4t- =t r- &= 3 For the past, O God, forgive me, In the present be Thou near; And through all the veiled future Guide me ever, Saviour dear. -^W!- =U=t^: -^ 4 Through the darksome valley lead me. And be with the friends I love, Whilst on earth we live together Fit us for the rest above. ID RVENTh'G i6 Abide With Me! H. F. Lyte W. H. Monk I Abide xvith me ! Fast falls the eventide, The darkness deepens-Lord, with me abide 1 2. Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away ; I i|te=^ ^^^^m l^iiiiil§l^^i^i1i^P§ii§iP When other helpers fail, and comforts flee. Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me ! Change and decay in alUround I see ; O Thou, who changest not, abide with me ! A-men. ' I I 1 ' I ^£^3: ^ I need Thy presence every passing hour, 4. Hold thou Thy cross before my closing eyes; What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's ^'^'"^Vies"^ ^ " '" "' power ? Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain Who, like Thyself, mv guide and stay can be ? shadows flee \ Thro' cloud and suns'hi'ne, oh. abide with me ! In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me ! Notl' the Day is Over S. Dart Hi; Gould G. Hintoji ^-» m I Now the day is o - ver Night is drawing nigh ; Shadows of the eve - ning o" |e - sus give the wea - ry Calm and sweet re - pose : With Thy tenderest bless-ing ii^ Steal a - cross the sky. May our eye - lids close. A - men. N itrif: :t=:5t ^-^. ^m 3 Comfort every sufferer Watching late in pain; Those who plan some evil From their sin restrain. 4 When the morning wakens, Then may I arise. Pure, and fresh, and sinles In Thy holy e^es. 1 1 EJ'EXIXG l8 Goii that madest EartJi and Heaven R. Heher OuL-klv jr. H. Mcmk e 9 • • » r 1. God. that ma - dest earth and heav - en. Dark 2. Guard us wak - ing. guard us sleep - ins: ? And. ness and light : when we die. ^Sri^ • -''^- V ^-i-» m w^ p W"ho the day for toil has: giv - en. For May we. in Thy might - y keep - ing. All rest the peace - ful night: lie: m yr^ ^ i ^V- ^ -» — ^ ^=^ May Thine an - gel guards de - fend us I Slumber sweet Thy mer - cv send us 1 WTxen the last dread trump shall wake us, Do not Thou, our Lord, for - sake us : m y-" ^5 m • « T — « « # « « « « • -^ ^0- m -0- bj Ho - ly dreams and lopes at - tend US, This live - long night. But to reign in -S ' 5— glo - r\ take us — — 1 With Thee m * on high. >-^ ^ m — - ^ 9 F^ M EVEXING 19 Saviour, noii' the Day is Ending S. Doudmy J. Jt: Elliott te 1. Sav - iour, now the day is end 2. Bless the gos - pel mes -sage, spo ■ ing, And the shades of even-ing fall: ken In Thine own ap-poin-ted way; g ^ &Ee^ £12* i p 9z3Z Let Thy Ho - ly Ghost, des - cend Give each long - ing soul a to - to -ing, Bring Thy mer - cy ken Of Thy ten - der lo us to all. dav. m P P 3^ y*— ?•- m Set Thy seal on eve - ry heart. Set Thy seal on eve - ry heart. U i y* '• ^ ' ' — r Je - sus I bless us ere we part. Je - sus I bless us ere we part. A-men. >^-? -J :£ 3 Comfort tl.ose in pain and sorrow- Watch each sleeping child of Thine : Let us all arise to-morrow Strengthened by Thy grace Di%-ine ; Set Thy seal on every heart. Jesus I bless us ere we part. 4 Pardon thou each deed unholy. Lord, forgive each sinful thought; Make us contrite, pure, and lowly, Bv Thy great e.xample taught : Set Thy seal on even.- heart, Jesus ! bless us ere we part. 20 -S"//;/ of my Turn — Hursley. F major I Sun of mv soul I Thou Saviour dear, Son/! TJlou Savionr Dear It is not night if Thou be near Oh, may no earth-born cloud arise To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes ! 2 When soft the dews of kindly sleep Mv wearied eyelids gently steep. Be mv last thought — how sweet to rest For ever on mv Saviour's breast I 3 Abide with me from morn till eve, For without Thee I cannot live : Abide with me when night is nigh, For without Thee I dare not die. 4 Be near to bless me when I wake. Ere through the world my way I take : Abide with me till in Thy love I lose mv self in heaven above. /. K'ebU EVENING 21 Anatoli lis. Tr. The Day is Past and Over J. M. Ni-ale, A. //. Brotvn ^7\y—i — 1 — — 1— H- — 1 -, - 1 J... -| ^ ^-1— 1 #'&t=3- -1- — «— — 1 — i — $! — -^-^^H — 1 1- % i -H 1. The 2. The — • — clay joys — — — __i — is of -1 past day and are ■#- — 1& — o - o - 5^ • ^ ^ sti- ver; All thanks, O ver; All thanks, ^ T • r— •^ S Lord, Lord, ■•- — 1 — » — to to Thee! Thee ! ^FK-f— -r- ^ -f —^ — _i 1 — tl- I4— 1 ^ii :1: E •_j # ^ 1 — , J — i_^_i_3 I pray Thee that of - fence - less The hours of dark may be We ask Thee that of - fence - less The hours of dark may be 4zl2=ti=:bt: i^sisi :t: •— # m d^ri pill O Je-sus, keep me in Thy sight, And save me thro' the cotji-ing night. O Je-sus, keep us in Thy sight. And save us thro' the coiVi-ing night. A-men ^f»— b, — ^— r-» ■-• — i — -•" *-w--:fwt-f — w _i« '^m I I #- — # • 1 — —~ - g- *=? l=F=F=t: :E^E t- tr- -f2 tiJJ "f 3 The toils of day are over; We raise our hymn to Thee, And ask, that free from danger The hours of night may be : O Jesus, keep us in Thy sip;ht, And guard us through the coming night. 4 Be Thou our soul's Defender, Good Lord, for thou dost know How many are the perils Through which we have to go : Thou, ever wakeful, hear our call, And guard and save us from them all. 14 22 U'ORSIIIF Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Charles Wesley Voices in Unison A. E. Tozer ^ I I- a - ther, Son, and Ho - ly Ghost, One in Three, and Three in One, 2. If a sin -ner such as I May to Thy great glo.- ry live, t — I — —\ »rf3: is; --j- r — ^ As by thy ce - les • tial host. Let Thy will on earth be done; All my ac - tions sane - ti - fy. All my words and thoughts re - ceive; ♦• .*- -^ ■^__4l^ ri^p^^^iisi^iii r — r- -I — I — '- %-^ X i^^EE^^ Praise by all to Thee be given, Glo - rious Lord of earth and heaven. Claim me for thy ser - vice, claim All I have, and all I am. A-mcn. m 3 Take my soul and body's powers; Take my memory, mind, and will, All my goods, and all my hours, All I know, and all I feel, All I think, or speak, or do; Take mv heart:- but make it new ! 4 O my God, Thine own I am. Let me give Thee back Thine own ; Freedom, friends, and health, and fame. Consecrate to Thee alone ; Thine to live, thrice happy I ; Happier still if Thine I die. WORSHIP Isaac Watts Lord of tJie PVorlds Above J. Dartsjall -4-. -X I ' I I. Lord of the worlds above, How pleasant and how fair The dwellings Thine earthly of thy love, *Sf- -A - • — V-W — • ^ — I— -«5?-i- *= =h=F tem-ples are ! To thine abode my heart aspires ; With warm desires to see my God, ^ -tfz. lE^t ^ 2 O happy souls, who pray Where God appoints to hear! O happy men, who pay Their constant service there ! They praise Thee still ; and happy they Who love the way to Zion's hill ! I 3 They go from strength to strength, Through this dark vale of tears, Till each arrives at length, Till each in heaven appears. O glorious seat, when God, our King, Shall thither brina: our willing feet. 24 Ttiuc oil page i 5 1 Glorious is Thy Name, O Lord ! Heav'n and earth with one accord Tell Thy greatness, part revealed, But the larger part concealed. How shall we poor sinners dare Seek Thy face in praise and prayer ! 2 Fearful is Thy Name, O Lord! Dread Thy voice, and sharp Thy sword : Thunders roll around Thy path : None can stand before Thy wrath ! How shall trembling sinners dare Lift their voice in praise and prayer? Glorious is Thy Name, O Lord! 3 Yet with all thy wondrous might Far beyond our mortal sight. Perfect wisdom, boundless powers, Thou, O glorious God ! art ours. So, though filled with awe we dare Name Thy Name in praise and prayer. 4 Since, to save a world undone, Thou didst give Thine only Son, All Thy greatness. Lord Most High, Brings Thee to our hearts more nigh. Thus in faith and hope we dare Claim Thy love in praise and prayer. //. Twdls 16 25 Isaiic Watts Jil«jxji . yr>-- 4 woRsfnr To Hi ill that Chose us First — - — ^ fi.-v — « — ' — ^ 5" y d: Traditional Melody 1- :3i -4> ^s-- -—i- > -« <»'- ^F=P -.s>-= — •- fe^fcEE^EEt -f, ^- :2 ^] ^y-=fa=d==d=d=i^ 'fr ;=:=5^: :^z=^ ^ fem -K :i=^ To Him that bore the curse To save re - bell - ious man : .*EEE ?r=; Jr^- * -f—ia _«___(5=. =^=i =?-=F 1^22^ ii^-i^^tgl To Him that formed our hearts a - new, Is endless praise and glo - ry due. 1*^ - — A<9 -•-— # C2=;it| pit l42.tt -1-- 3 Let every saint above, And angel round the throne. For ever bless and love The sacred Three in One; Thus heaven shall raise his honors high, When earth and time grow old and die. 17 WORSHIP 26 John Marriott Thou whose Almighty IVord Miller^s Choralhich X 3: -^- ^- ^-riA- t^ ^^ 1. Thou whose almighty word Chaos and darkness heard, And took their flight, Hear us, we 2. Thou who didst come to bring On Thy redeeming wing Healing and sight, Health to the humbly pray, And, where the Gosple-day Sheds not its glorious ray, Let there be light! sick in mind, Sight to the in - ly blind, O now to all mankind Let there be light!-- A - men. \ 3 Spirit of truth and love. Life-giving, holy Dove, Speed forth Thy flight, Move on the waters' face. Spreading the beams of grace, And in earth's darkest place Let there be light ! 4 Blessed and holy Three, Glorious Trinity, Wisdom, Love, Might: Boundless as ocean's tide. Rolling in fullest pride. Through the earth far and wide Let there be li"ht ! 27 Come, Thou Almighty King 1 Come, Thou almighty King, Help us Thy name to sing, Help us to praise : Father ! all-glorious, O'er all victorious, Come, and reign o'er us, Ancient of Days ! 2 Come, Thou incarnate Word, Gird on Thy mighty sword ; Our prayer attend ; Come, and Thy people bless. And give Thy word success — Spirit of holiness ! On us descend. 18 3 Come, holy Comforter ! Thy sacred witness bear, In this glad hour : Thou, who almighty art. Now rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power ! 4 To the great One in Three, The highest praises be. Hence evermore ! His sovereign majesty May we in giorv see. And to eternity Love and adore. C. Wesley IVOKSIIIP 28 Lordy with glowing heart I \i praise Thee Francis S. Key Voices in unison. A. E. Tozcr E^i^ ^m^ :^tr 33 ¥- 3^S: _ ^^ ... I ^ 1. Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise Thee Forthe bliss Thy love bestows ; For the pardoning grace that saves me, J— 4- :i .i: 2 Praise, my soul, the God that sought thee, Wretched wanderer, far astray ; Found thee lost, and kindly brought thee From the paths of death away ; Praise, with love's devoutest feeling. Him who saw thy guilt-born fear, And, the light of hope revealing, Bade the blood-stained cross appear. 3 Lord, this bosom's ardent feeling Vainly would my lips express: Low before Thy footstool kneeling. Deign Thy suppliant's prayer to bless Let Thy grace, my soul's chief treasure. Love's pure flame within me raise; And, since words can never measure, Let my life show forth Thy praise. WORSHIP God Almighty, Father ^ Robert Steivart Who hast made, and guard Who for my sal - va est tion X- ^- Eve - ry Spar - edst t 1- Jiv - mg not Thy thing Blood, 3 God the Holy Spirit, Pure, most pure Thou art, Be thou ever with me, Dwell within my heart; Bid all thought of evil Far from me depart. * The 5th line in each verse to be repeated in the same way, 30 4 Trinity most Holy, Father, Spirit, Son, One in Three for ever Ever Three in one ! May I praise Thee alway When this life is done. woRSfnr 30 Fanny J. Crash A^igel 1^0 ices B yea filing Ever Paul Ambrose Thro' the gates of light and glo - ry, Call us now from yon - dor sky, Come and wor- ship, Come and wor - ship, Wor-ship Christ our I,ord and King. %=)*■ h- 2 O'er the lovely realm of nature, By her sparkling fountains clear, Thro' the forest and the valley. Still the earnest call we hear. Come and worship, etc. 3 When tlie morning in its beauty Wakes the earth from sleep profound, In the music of the song bird We can hear the grateful sound, Come and worship, etc. Copyright, 1891. by SILVER, Burdett & Co. -^ #— r-# «- — ^f t=5El=:z=f=fe m 4 In the whisper of the twilight. When the zephyrs murmur low, In the sighing of the leaflet. We can hear where'er we go, Come and worship, etc. 5 Come and worship our creator. Him wliose mercy we adore; Come and worship our Redeemer, Sing and praise Him evermore; Come and worship, etc. WORSHIP oj Come, O my Soul, in Sacred Lays T. Blacklock , Jr. < :&-feEEi= 1^=#^J E^i /. B. Calkin s — ^- ^^ 1. Come,0 my soul ! in sa - cred la_vs, Attempt Thy great Cre-a-tor's praise : But 2. Enthroned a - mid the radiant spheres, He glo - ry, like a garment,wears ; To *-l i ^ *— _-*^ ^L*. :t:: =t=: =b: r- -r =i -•-T- --J--T- 1 oh, what tongue can speak His fame ! What mor - tal verse can reach the theme ! form a robe of light di-vine, Ten thou-sand suns a - round Him shine. tb: :t:: — I — 1 J — — 1 — -•-- -»-- 3 In all our Maker's grand designs, 4 Raised on devotion's lofty wing. Almighty power, with wisdom, shines ; Do thou, my soul. His glories sing; His works, through all this wondrous frame, And let His praise employ thy tongue, Declare the glory of His name. Till listening worlds shall join the song ! When Morning Gilds the Skies I. When morning gilds the skies, My heart a-wak-ing cries May Jesus Christ bepraised. Joseph Barnby -0- ■§•■»■ -0- f — — •- tE^EEEE -I&-T- A-like at work and prayer. To Je-sus I re- pair; May Je - sus Christ he praised. #- •0- -.«(-• ^^^m^^m WORSHIP 2 The night becomes as day, When from tlie heart we say May Jesus Christ be praised : The powers of darkness fear, When tliis sweet chant they hear. May Jesus Christ be praised, 3 In heaven's eternal Ijliss The loveliest strain is this. May Jesus Christ be praised, Let earth, and sea, and sky From depth to height reply, May Jesus Christ be praised. oo /;/ Thy Name, O Lord, A ssembling IVtomas Kelly E.J. Hopkins I. In Thy name, O Lord! as - sem-bling, We, thy peo-ple, now draw near ; '-\ r-A'7- -I 1 — ^ — , — ^ — — — ^ — ^- :EE=E Teach us to re- joice with treni-bling ; Speak, and let thy ser- vants hear, — t — r :(i=z i-i- -#— - l»rtr-j- ^ -1 — r — \ r — d — — ll — — ^ -H m-^^-^^ — il- — • — -^= ~^i — •- a| — » ^ — h" 41 D •' Hear -0- with meek ft -ness,- ••- -Hear Thy ■0- Word with =§5- god - ly fear. ^W t LT^ k- — h— =t— —75 41 2 While our days on earth are lengthened. May we give them. Lord, to Thee ; Cheered by hope, and daily strengthened, May we run, nor weary be. Till Thy glory Without clouds in heaven we see. 3 There, in worship purer, sweeter, Thee Thy people shall adore : Tasting of enjoyment greater Than they could conceive before ; Full enjoyment. Full, unmixed, and evermore 23 WORSHIP o^ Angels Holy, High mid Lowly John Stuart Blackie F. A. G. Ouseley 2 Sun and moon, bright night and moonlight; Starry temples, azure-floored ; Cloud and rain, and wild wind's madness, S(.>ns of God that shout for gladness. Praise ye, praise ye God the Lord ! 3 Praise Him ever, bounteous Giver; Praise Him, Father, Friend and Lord ! Each glad soul its free course winging, Each glad voice its free song singing. Praise the great and mighty Lord. 35 Songs of Praise the Angels Sang Time on opposite page 1 Songs of praise the angels sang. Heaven with hallelujahs rang. When Jehovah's work begun. When He spake, and it was done. 2 Songs of praise awoke the morn When the Prince of peace was born; Songs of praise arose when He Captive led captivity. 3 Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice; Learning here, by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing above. 4 Borne upon their latest breath. Songs of praise shall conquer death ; Then, amidst eternal joy. Songs of praise their powers employ. Jas. Montgomenv 24 IVORS////' 36 Glory be to God on High ^-^ (-. IVt'sh-v English Melody i4i-=a:^i ^ :*: d^ ^-5- I. Glo - ry be Bit? ^-t=t= to God on high, — God, whose glo- ry fills the sky; =1= f^-'^lr^^^^' If f^—- Peace on earth to man for - given, — Man, the well be - loved of heaven P *-*-aviour of offending man. 3 Jesus ! in Thy name we pray. Take, oh, take our sins away! Powerful Advocate with (iod ! Justify us bv Thy blood. Hear, for Thou, O Christ! alone, Art with Thy great Father one: One the Holy Ghost with Tliee: — One supreme eternal Three. WORSHIP o*^' Be joyful in God 38 1 Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth ; Oh, serve Him with gladness and fear; Exult in his presence with music and mirth, With love and devotion draw near: Jehovah is God, and Jehovah alone, Creator and Ruler o'er all ; And we are His people, His sceptre we own, His sheep, and we follow His call. 2 Oh, enter His gates with thanksgiving and song. Your vows in His temple proclaim; His praise in melodious accordance prolong, And bless His adorable name: For good is the Lord inexpressibly good. And we are the work of His hand; His mercy and truth from eternity stood. And shall to eternity stand. James Alontgomery Oh, zv or ship the King Tune — Lyons A major 1 Oh, worship the King, all-glorious above. And gratefully sing His wonderful love; Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of days, Pavilion'd in splendor, and girded with praise. 2 Oh, tell of His might, and sing of His grace. Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space; His chariots of wrath the deep thunder-clouds form, And dark is His path on the wings of the storm. 3 His bountiful care what tongue can recite ? It breathes in the air it shines in the light. It streams from the hills, it descends to the plain, And sweetly distils in the dew and the rain. 4 Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail. In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail; Thy mercies how tender! how firm to the end! Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer and Friend. Robert Grant 26 WORSHIP 39 Hosanna, Raise the Pealing Hymn Win. R. Havergal P^3= r- i—t r- A. E. Tozer :t:: X-- t — r -tS*-— 3^ I 1. Ho 2. Ho san - na ! raise the peal - ing hymn To Da - vid's Son and Lord ; san - na ! Sov'reign, Proph-et, Priest ; How vast Thy gifts, how free! With cher - u - bim and Thy blood, our hfe;Thy ser - a • Word, our phim Ex - alt th"in - car - nate Word. feast ; Thy name our on - ly plea. ■♦• -#• -<«>-• X ^ ^=± =i|: W ^-E ^ san san na ! Lord,our na ! Mas-ter, ?^EEE -•— ^e^e: fee - ble lo, we X- tongue No bring Our T loft - y strains can raise ; of - f 'rings to Thy throne ; X ^^. rall. 1=1: ii ^ ? — r=g=B= :.— f- r- Thou wilt not de • gold, nor nivrrh,nor -n — -iS^. spise the young, Who meek - ly chant Thy praise, mor-tal thing, But hearts to be Thine own. — T =t: T. X-- £ 3 Hosanna ! once Thy gracious ear Approved a lisping throng : Be gracious still, and deign to hear Our poor but grateful song. Our Saviour, if, redeemed by Thee, Thy temple we behold, Hosannas through eternity We '11 sing to harps of gold ! WORSHIP 40 When the Morning Breaketh A. H. Turner R. F. Dale r#r --r- -1- I ( ^ — ^ =r:^= A 1 1. When 2. When the the — 3 — morn day — « in? de - — «■ break clin - — ^ - eth, i « — ■ And trades c ■*■ the in — #— 1 — ■# — dawn ev - J— — « — 1 of 'ning — s— it- day, light, — s^ A _Lt=z V — t G' J A All ere - a - tion And the stars' soft wak shin eth ing -tfz- With its joy Cheers the gloom ous of ray, night, iig^^^^i > slower. T --J — -J- ;^3: ;=:1--: mr mm Je - sus, grant that Thou mayst be Light and life a- gain to me. Je -sus, may Thy child be blest With Thy gifts of sleep and rest. V A^ f jt. f: ± itis. fi ,i^«- ^■ ^t?d=T --5=1: A 3 While my life is flowing Onward through the years, And Thy Hand bestowing Joy, entwined with tears, Jesus, guide me by Thy love To my home prepared above. 4 Wiien life's shadows lengthen, And its day dreams cease. Then my spirit strengthen. Give to me Thy peace; Jesus, let Thy Presence be Life for evermore to me. Amen. 23 ivoRsrrrp Angel Voices ever Singing Arthur S. Sullivan ^=q .?EEQE^^::^tfe=s=^- Si=i=:=s Si ^ ... I. An-gel voi-ces ev - er singing Round Thy throne of light, Angel harps forever ringing, #— *— #— 1-# •- •0- ■0- -0-^-0- m- 5333: "-h ±: -^— -• — — • — #H^ • i ^— 1 1 — I H — p>| — I ! 1 F^f--^ — rjrv i^ EJ? f S^ Rest not day nor night ; Thousands only Thee, And confess Thee Lord of might. A-men. live to bless jS. .^ > 2 Thou, who art beyond the farthest Mental eye can scan, Can it be that Thou regardest Songs of sinful man? Can we feel that Thou art near us And wilt hear us? Yea, we can. 3 Here, Great God, to-day we offer Of Thine own to Thee ; And for Thine acceptance proffer All unworthily, Hearts and minds, And hands and voices, In our choicest melodv. A2 Hark! fen f /ion sand Harps and Voices Tunc — Hari^'cll. G major I Hark! ten thousand harps and voices Sound the note of praise above ; Jesus reigns, and heaven rejoices; Jesus reigns, the God of love : See, He sits on yonder throne ; Jesus rules the world alone. 2 King of glory ! reign forever — Thine an everlasting crown; Nothing, from Thy love, shall sever Those whom Thou hast made Thine own Happy objects of Thy grace, Destined to behold Thy face, 3 Saviour! hasten Thine appearing; Bring, oh, bring the glorious day, When, the awful summons hearing, Heaven and earth shall pass away; — Then, with golden harps, we'll sing, — " Glorv, glorv to our King! " Thomas Kelly 29 WORSHIP J. B. Dykes Let Glory be to God on High 43 J, I. Let glo - ry be to God on high: Peace be on earth as in the sky I N -^-P- ^ ,_J_^J^__t-_^^ ;jczz=tii=i=:^ -F \y — I h- •-i« I I #■♦ X=^¥^- tt:=F: =1: I I Good will to men! We bow the knee, We praise, we bless, we wor -ship Thee; w — ^ — I — m~. s s a — I — •-- • — • — ■ — * — I — ^ — it* S • F=«F^=t: I We give Thee thanks, Thy name we sing, Almighty Father! Heavenly King! A - men. i \ -^ ■•-••- ■»- is" :E: =F :t: -^- i > -# 2 O Lord, the sole begotten Son, Who bore the crimes which we had done; Son of the Father, who wast slain To take away the sins of men ; O Lamb of God, whose blood was spilt For all the world, and all its guilt; — 3 Have mercy on us, through thy blood Receive our prayer, O Lamb of God ! For Thou art holy ; Thou alone, At God's right hand, upon His throne. In all His glory, art adored, With Thee, O Holy Ghost, One Lord. 3° WORSHIP 44 C. Wordsworth Hark ! the Sound of Jioly Voices J. Barnby ^^^^^^^^^^ I. Hark! the sound of ho- ly voi - ces Chant-ing at the crys - tal sea, Hal - le - lu - jah ! Hal - le - lu - jah ! Hal - le - lu - jah ! Lord, to Thee ; ■^ -^ b* -^ ♦• f- a* f- J f- . fe* •*• ~ ? f^ "*^ I Mul -ti - tude which none can num . ber. Like the stars in glo - ry stands. v.-l^ ■^ ••- -r— T ^F=f / "m^ =^ 3^3= -,— ^— - Clothed in white ap - par - el, hold - ing Palms of vie - tory in their hands. feE^E&=t It 2 Patriarch and holy Prophet, Who prepared the way of Christ, King, Apostle, Saint, Confessor, Martyr and Evangelist, Saintly Maiden, goodly Matron, Widows who have watched to prayer. Joined in holy concert, singing To the Lord of all, are there. ^=z|:itS=:i^=q=l^=^=|=#==f==#=H; 3 Marching with Thy cross their banner, They have triumphed following Thee, the Captain of salvation. Thee their Savior and their King ; Gladly, Lord, with Thee they suffered ; Gladly, Lord, with Thee they died ; And by death to life immortal Thev were born and glorified. 31 WORSHIP 45 Isaac Watts Sweet is the Work, my God, my King a. Schumann 1. Sweet is the work, my God, my King! To praise Thy name,give thanks and sing; 2. My heart shall tri - umph in the Lord, And bless His works, and bless His word j isHir ?^t=: -• 1 — • * # 1 — ^ • s 1 -U — # fl U 1#— — P P— P — \ f^=-T -J g • * • « — L_i2_l_^_JJ I ■ I 1 To show Thy love by morn-ing light, And talk of all Thy truth at night. Thy works of grace,how bright they shine ! How deep Thy counsels! how divine ! A-men. Se^^eE :l2: =^: ^ EE: ?Ct:: :t=i: Et 3*-*-ri- t- t= t: 3 Lord ! I shall share a glorious part, When grace hath well refined my heart, And fresh supplies of joy are shed, Like holy oil to cheer my head. 4 Then shall I see, and hear, and know All I desired or wished below ; And every power find sweet employ. In that eternal world of joy. 46 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty \ R. Heber J. B. Dykes 1. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly ! Lord God Al - might - y! Ear - ly in the 2. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly ! AlU the saints a - dore Thee, Casting down their liA4=? I r 32 WORSHIP morn - ing our song shall rise gold-en crowns a - round tlie glas sea ; Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly ! Cher- u - bim and ser-a-phim r^r r mer-ci-fiil and might - y ! God in three per fall-ing down be - fore Thee,Which wert,and art. sons,bless-ed Trin - i - ty ! and ev - er-more shah be. ^i|i= — d ^ I^E :t r~r- ^ f^=r- iS 47 3 Holy, holy holy, Lord God Almighty ! All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea; Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty I God in three persons, blessed Trinity. Sweet Hour of Prayer Tunc — '■'■S'Lvect Hpitry D Major. I Sweet hour of prayer ! sweet hour of prayer ! 2 Sweet hour of prayer ! sweet hour of prayer ! That calls me from a world of care, And bids me at my Father's throne. Make all my wants and wishes known In seasons of distress and grief. My soul lias often found relief. And oft escaped tlie tempter's snare, By thy return, sweet hour of prayer ! Thy wings shall my petition bear, To Him whose truth and faithfulness, Engage the waiting soul to bless ; And since He bids me seek His face. Believe His word, and seek His grace, I "11 cast on Him my every care, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer! 3 Sweet hour of prayer ! sweet hour of prayer May I thy consolation share, Till from Mount Pisgah's lofty height, I view my home, and take my flight : This robe of flesh I '11 drop, and rise To sieze the everlasting prize ; And shout, while passing tlirough the air. Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer ! 33 U: IV. Walford IVOKSHIP 48 Th 0)11 as Hatvcis To Thee, my God, my Savior ^r^m^^mm Old Gei-fnan Melodv -J^— «- 1^ I. To Thee, my God, my Sav iour, My soul, ex - ult - ing sin-^s Re - joic - ing in Thy fa I — vor, Al- might -y King of kings! ^^^^^#P^^pi^^^^ I '11 eel - e - brate Thy glo ••y, With all the saints a - bove, And tell thp inv-f„i o^i":; — .._ ^. the joy - fill 2 Soon as the morn with roses Bedecks the dewy east, And when the sun reposes Upon the ocean's breast, My voice in supplication. My Saviour.Thou shalt hear : Oh, grant me Thy salvation, And to my soul draw near ! men. 34 3 By Thee through life supported, I pass the dangerous road. With heavenly hosts escorted Up to their bright abode : There cast my crown before Thee, And, all my conflicts o'er. Unceasingly adore Thee : What would an angel more ? Amen. WORSHIP JVith Psalms and Hy7nns English I. Witli psalms and hymns and ho - ly songs, Lift up your liearts un - to the Lord, msE^ -J-V^ ^J^\ -m 0i- \ J, To His great Name all power belongs, Through Him the Fa - ther is a-dored. X'==t -I — r ^^ jj ii^Ei J=!V-J,- i^35Ej=3 I I ^1 r/A -•-T- Lord, as we wor - ship, make us see God man - i - fest on earth in Thee. f==f^. ^t=-=— =t^: £ 2 By Him we in thanksgiving raise The offering from our harvest store, Through Him speeds down the Spirit's grace. His Light Divine herein to pour. Grant, Lord, whene'er Tiiy death we shew. We may Thv sacred Presence know ! 3 In Him and in His love alone, That brought Him from the highest down, Is wisdom true for aye forth shewn, Doth love receive its highest crown. Grant, Lord, we may that wisdom know, A love like Thine to all to shew I THE SCRIPTURES do How shall the Young secure their hearts Isaac Watts J, Barnby How shall the young se - cure their hearts, And guard their lives from sin! When once it en - ters to the mind, It spreads such light a - broad, 'T is like the sun, a heaven - ly light, That guides us all the day ; r— I , . fc:?: ^ :^=^ 3^ M^ t—nt- Thy word the choic - est rules im - The mean - est souls in - struc - tion And thro' the dan - gers of the -m — I — ^ — J • ^ '■ I parts To keep the con - science clean, find, And raise their thoughts to God. night, A lamp to lead our way. W^ :t=l= 1 ^ :t: ^ r- =1== "W 4 Thy precepts make me truly wise; I hate the sinner's road ; I hate my own vain thoughts that rise. But love Thy law, my God ! 5 Thy word is everlasting truth ; How pure is every page ! That holy book shall guide our youth, And well support our age. 51 Holy Bible, Book Divine Tune — Aletta. F tnajoi- 1 Holy Bible, book divine. Precious treasure, thou art mine: Mine to tell me whence I came; Mine to teach me what I am ; 2 Mine to chide me when I rove ; Mine to show a Saviour's love ; Mine art thou to guide my feet. Mine to judge, condemn, acquit; 36 3 Mine to comfort in distress, If the Holy Spirit bless ; Mine to show by living faith, Man can triumph over death; 4 Mine to tell of joys to come, And the rebel sinner's doom: Holy Bible, book divine. Precious treasure, thou art mine ! John Burto)!. THE SCRTPTURES 52 O IVord of God Jiicarnate VV. IV. H(no. P /. Hallet Shepherd t=fe i •a- — i^-j- 3 i^ :3^Ei e ^ — ^^ — ^ zi r -c — I. O word of God in -A' ^d i -' g ^ — ■«? — nate, O wis - dom from on liigli, -h- f=P=F iii 22~ fei =2a23 O truth unchanged un - chang - ing, O h'ght of our darlc sky! _ J , -^: -9- -^ ,^v ,.^ ,. .-^=2. -^ .^ j2- E|g^E ^=gzP ^^^6§^^ iS--^-, 1 ■— /S'-T #- - s^— l-z? (5- -?5l- fP ^^^4- VVe praise Tiiee for the radi - ance That from the hal - lowed page, ,--g- rz^fS^Jiili :|==t: ^ =^^i:^^ ^ ,5^-- :t=t= =P=f Ian - tern to our foot - steps, Shines on from age to age. A-men. ^ Sg^=^^ ^i 2 The Church from her dear Master Received the gift divine, And still that light she lifteth O'er all the earth to shine. It is the golden casket Where gems of truth ere stored, It is the heaven drawn picture Of Christ tlie livin 3 E'en the hour that darkest seemeth, Will His changeless goodness prove ; From the gloom His brightness streameth ; God is wisdom, God is love, -^— r 4 He with earthly cares entwineth Hope and comfort from above ; Every where His mercy shineth, God is wisdom, God is love. d5 My God, how wonderful Thou art Time — Corinth D major I My God, how wonderful Thou art, 3 No earthly father loves like Thee, Thy majesty bow bright! No mother half so mild How gracious is Thy mercy seat, Bears and forbears, as Thou hast done In depths of burning light! With me, Thy sinful child. 2 Yet I may love Thee too, O Lord, Almighty as Thou art; For Thou hast stooped to ask of me The love of my poor heart. 4 My God, how wonderful Thou art, Thou everlasting Friend ! On Thee I stay my trusting heart. Till faith in wisdom end. F. W. Faber 40 GOD AND THE TRIXITY 57 Father of All \ J. /iilian Not too Slow. J. Barnby 1. Fa 2. Fa fe: tlier of ther of all, all, to to Thee With Thee Our —f5>—- lov - ing hearts we co'.i - trite hearts we pray, raise, Thro' Un :bt:z--J=t: ^ ^ ^— l=q=|— ^n~^=y sin or pain, Long voiceless in Thy praise: lireathe Tiiou the si -lent m^^^mwm^^^^.\ mer - cy shed Thy bless-ings on each bend - ed chords a - long, Un - til they trem - ble in - to N P^F --^t- J --!- -3^ is: 3 Father of all, to Thee We breathe unuttcr'd fears. Deep-hidden in our souls. That have no voice but tears ; 4 Father of all, may we In praise our tongues employ. When gladness fills the soul With deep and hallowed joy; Take Thou our hand, and through the wild In storm and calm give us to see Lead gently on each trustful cliild. The path of peace which leads to Thee. 41 CHR/SrS BIRTH 50 While ShepJicrds JVatched their Flocks F. H. Chccszvright -A H -^. ^ , ^: - "Fear not,"' said he,- — for might -y dread Had seized their troubled mind, Glad ti-dings of great joy I bring. To you and all man-kind. A - men. U ^ ^ '^ x-~ ^-=^-- --1- i^ d: :E3: A -h— r- -t-- -h- -Zir i 2 "To you in David's town this day. Is born of David's line, The Saviour, who is Christ, the Lord, And this shall be the sign ; The heavenly babe you there shall find To human view displayed, All meanly wrapped in swathing bands, And in a manger laid." By penuissiou of F. II. Clieeswrieht. 3 Thus spake the seraph — and forthwith Appeared a shining throng Of angels, praising God, who thus Addressed their joyful song: — • " All glory be to God on high. And to the earth be peace ; Good-will henceforth from heaven to men Begin, and never cease ! " CHRIST'S IWK'/Vf 59 // Came upon the Midnight clear /,. //. Sears g -4-»- /. B. Dykes 4- i?=^=^ It came up - on the mid-niglit clear,That glo-rious song of Still tiiro' the do- van skies they come, With peace-1'ul \vin<;;s un - O yn beneath lite's crushing load, Wliose form are bend-ing For lo ! the days are hasl'ning on, By proph-ets seen of *-: ^ ^ 5EEE t. ^ I^E ^ r f old, From furPd ; And low, Who old, When ^ 5 a^ *-*^ an-gels bending near the eartli. I o touch their harps of gold : "Peace on the earth.good still their lieav'nly mil- sic floats 0"er all thewea-ry world ; A - bove its sad and toil along the climb-ing way With painful steps and slow, Look now! for glad and with the ev - er- circling years Shall come tlie time fore-told, When tin; new heav'n and will to men. From Heav'ns all low - ly plains. They bend on gold - en hours Come swift - ly earth shall own The Prince of gra - cious King;" hov - 'ring wing : on the wing, Peace their Kins T he world in sol - emn And ev - er o"er its O rest beside the And the whole world send still-ness lay To hear the an-gels sing,To hear the an Babel sounds The blessed an-gels sing,The blessed an wea - ry road And hear the an-gels sing,And hear the an back the song Which now the angels sing. Which now the an gels sing, gels sing, gels sing, srels sino;. A z=t=t ^ -m^^^ pp To The An.l Whicli i ir^ji^ J ^A^J-*-*^^^. ^ l=t: i?z: i^a lu-ar l.le^s luar now the ed the . the gels sing gels sing gels sing gels smg 4.^ CIIKISrS BIRTH 5o Hark! the Jierald Angels sing Charles WesUy Mendelssohfi 4^ — -I — • — f- *^T — ^ — * — — |-*^i — \—* i— *- 1. Hark !tlie her - aldan-gels sing Glo - ry to the new-born King; Peace on 2. Hail,theheav'n-born Prince of Peace ! Hail, the Sun of Righteous -ness ! Light and e:13: =t=t: i^i^ r :d=|=:i^ ^=r ^?5^- m,i earth and mercy mild, God and sin - ners re -con-ciled. Joy-ful, all ye na-tions life to all He brings, Risen with heal - ing in His wings, Mild He lays His glo - ry I III ,N ^ -^- A :^ I N d J. ? ^:^ ^:c:ir 0. 0. jl ^ ^ ^ =r=F='=F ^ 3z=g— ^--*-E*-B±==:b=Et==r:: t=lit=F: rise, Join the triumph of the skies ; With th' angel - ic host proclaim Christ is by, Born that man no more may die. Born to raise the sons of earth. Born to III II ^ ^ Mr ^ ^ ^ il fl fl fl tl ^ ^. U. ^0. X-- X-—V-'- 1=: :t== =E^t=Ef t=t=: :pp=| ^=Tti=ti=tt E J=i ilgifi^=r=§i^i :^=:f iPi -•-?- _^_^_ born in Beth-le-hem. Hark ! the her-ald an-gels sing Glo-ry to the new-born King, give them second birth. Hark ! the her-ald an-gels sing Glo-ry to the new-born King. -^' d^ m ■*- n ■*-■*- ^ ■§■ -t- ii» N =F=F WM. Org. 44 & t^^> t: ^ :t: 1 CirR/STS PTRTir 6i As wit J I gladness Men of Old W. C. Dix Paul Ambrose 1. As with a;lacl-ness men of old Did tlie guid-ing star l^e - liold ; 2. As with joy- ful steps they sped To that low - ly man -ger-bed, 3. As they of - fered gifts most rare At that man-gcr rude and bare; As with joy they hailed its light, Lead - ing on - ward, beam-ing briglit, — There to bend the knee be - fore Him whom heav'n and earth a - dore ; So may we with ho - ly joy Pure and safe from sin's al - lov, So most gra-cious Lord may we Ev - er - more be led to Thee. So may we with will - ing feet Ev - er seek Thy mer - cy - seat. All our costliest treas-ures bring,Christ ! to Thee our heav'n -ly King. -I— j-#-5#- --^^ * ? =^ ^ 4 Holy Jesus, every day Keep us in the narrow way ; And, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransomed souls at last Where thev need no star to guide. Where no clouds Thy glory hide. Copyright, 1S91, by Silvek, Bordett & CO. -•-^^ * - ^ 1 ^ 5 In the heavenly country bright Need they no created light ; Tl'.ou its light, its joy, its crown. Thou its sun which goes not down ; There forever may we sing Alleluias to our King. Amen. 4; CHRIST'S BIRTH 62 Rejoice, rejoice! Wm. A. Cmddzvell -zN h-| N- /• V- :3: :E^E 1 . O'er the plains where the shepherds watch'd by night,Thro' the air strains of music rang, 2. "In the man-ger nearby, your King has come As a babe in its mother'sarms ; 3. ' With the tid-ings the dome of heav'n we fill, And the earth with our songs of peace. =t ;i j^bJ^ %w^-=^ ::3^: :^: zii S=d=:S=i ^^=d: -«-r- I I 5 15=^: :i -*-^- A'-^ -•-^-1 -v-N- ::1: :t= And He For the sky was a-blaze with won -derful light While the angels this anthem sang: has left for a-while His heav - enly home, With its harps and its waving palms; to all we proclaim God's love and good-will, And from sorrow and death release. -^ :^=H= i^: :3^ -^^- ^ i^: r -J — -I- -A-^X -X^ N -^S2- :d= :^ "Re - joice ! Re - joice ! Re - joice ! re - joice re - joice re - joice ! For we her- aid a new-born King! ! He has come as a gracious Kins! ! Come and wor - ship the Babe your King! CHRIST'S' BIRTH ^^ -(&-— with the news of Je - sus' birth, And we bear it to proclaim your Saviour's name, And we bear it sage is sweet which we re-peat, And we bear it ■■d'-i •- — —r- t=X ritard. a tempo. There is glo - ry to God and peace on the earth, Re-joice at the news we bring!" He has come to re-deem from sin and from sliame, Re-joice at the news we bring!" That the day-star has risen, tlie shad-ows re -treat, Re -joice at the news we bring!" Ci)pyii{jlit, 1891, Ijy SiLVEU, Buiu)ETT& Co. CHRIST'S BIKTII 63 ''No room'' Within the Dwelling K. H. Baynes ■ ^ R. F. Dole I -•■-#■^-•■-•■-•--73- I *-:rt-5- I. "No room" within the dwelling For Him whose love excelling Towards those who never sought Him, To earth from heav-en brought Him, Who count - ed not the cost To seek the lost. m-tr- :t= -(^-= X t=Ezt: EEE >-V- :^-==F=t=f:, ;p?^£ X-- -i9- =t:= 2 " No room ;" so to the manger They bore the kingly stranger ; But angel hosts attended, And angel voices blended. Whilst on His mother's breast He lay at rest. r- ^^ 1 3 " No room." O Babe so tender To Thee our hearts we render, Not meet for Thy posessing. Yet make them by Thy blessing A home within to dwell, Emmanuel. 64 y^y ^0 the World, the Lord is Come Tune — Antioch Ev major I Joy to the world, the Lord is come ! Let earth receive her King; Let everp heart prepare Him room. And heav'n and nature singf. While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains, Repeat the sounding joy. c Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns, Let men their songs employ ; 3 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the notions prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love. Isaac Watts 65 Tine — Portuguese Hyvin I Oh come, all ye faithful, Joyfully triumphant, To Bethlehem hasten now with glad accord Lo ! in a manger Sits the King of angels ; Oh come, let us adore Him, ||:Oh come, let us adore Him,:|| Christ the Lord. Oh come, all ye faithful A major 2 Raise, raise, choirs of angels ! Songs of the loudest triumph, Through heaven's high arches be your praises Now to our God be [poured; Glory in the highest; Oh come, let us adore Him, ||: Oh come, let us adore Him,:|| Christ the Lord. 48 C//A' AST'S BIRTH 66 Joy and Gladness! Joy and Gladness! I /' Animato. 'i^^EF^- — ^ — ^ English '--?=« __ .^. :i zP? 3= :4 I. Joy and glad - ness ! Joy and glad- ness ! Oh, liap - py day! m Ev - ery thought of sin and sad - ness Chase, chase a - way. / / I Heard \e not the an -gels tell - ing, Christ the Lord of might ex - cell- ino-, — • «>- t=t: /■f On the earth with man is d=£i ^ dwell - ing. — -^_ — r- Clad ±!= 2 With the shepherd-throng around Him. Haste we to bow; By the angel's sign they found Him ; We know Him now; New-born Balje of houseless stranger. Cradled low in Bethlliem's manger, Saviour from our sin and danger, Jesus, 'tis Thou ! :F=t: ^ -0- -ji— r— •- -• ~v — our clay? m ±1 £ —I— i 2 In Thy holy footsteps treading, Guide, lest we stray : From Thy Word of promise shedding Light on our way; Never leave us nor forsake us, Like Thyself in mercv make us, And at last to glory take us, Jesus, we pray. 49 CHRISTS BIRTH In the Field with their Flocks Abiding Chape's Carols =:]=d=r ■ :^z£3: =3 e^eEeeeeE^E=E= t=- X-- 1. In the field with their flocks a - bid - ing They lay on the dew - y ground; 2. To you in the ci - ty of Da - vid A Saviour is born to - day ! 3. And the shep-herds came to the man - ger,And gaz'd on the Ho - ly child; m rA—-X 2^=^-^: mf^ ^:^ -a^- -6^ -#■ -6^ :=1= ::1=1: ^3=1= --^=A—A- -4-4 — I 1 1- -^r—^- :1: -s)- £ It: zE^Eee: -#■■•■• ^ — And glim - m'ring un-der the star - light, The sheep lay white a - round. And sud-den a host of the heav'nly ones Flashed forth to join the lay. . . , And calm - ly o'er that rude era - die The vir - gin mo- ther smiled; 3: --X ^ ^= i4==li :d: 1 -^- \-* 3^qEai* -(2_^_^ ^ciiJBZ^iM: N_S ^ t=f:: --^-v :5Ei :3: d=d= :d:: When the Light of the Lord streamed o'er them, And lo ! from the heav'n a O ne - ver hath sweet-er mes - sage Thrilled home to the sons of And the sky in the star - lit si - lence,Seemed full of the an - gel bove, men, lay ; W 1=^: :fcl: r f=^=F ■t9-. -^- *— i^- -'J't- So :d=i -f-^ f^ C//R/ST'S BTKTH mil. An an - gel leaned from the And the heav'ns them-selves had "To you in tlie ci - ty of his sent |i m tr- 2i ;t 3= J CHORUS Glo - ry And sang his song of love, ne - ver heard i\ glad - der choir than then. Da - vid A Saviour is born to - day." -o>--,' -«^. -^- ■,^^" -««-• s -'§^ ?,^-i- r--i — Tc/Hpo. :^=:zq=qizpq!=g=ij:^=q=:|-qi=4 -I S #— L|5t-i — ^ #1^1 — ^ ^ =:1=d: I He sang on tliat bright morn - ing. The song tliat shall ne - ver Fortheysang tliat glo - rious ca - ol That ne-ver on earth shall Oh, they sang and I ween that ne - ver That ca - rol on earth sliall -(g " Glo • ry to God in the high ^ -« — # — J — I — I 68 S//0/// the glad Tidings Clio. — Shout the glad tidings, etc. Tune — Miriam. F Major Cho.- Shout the glad tidings, e.xultiniilv sing; How free to the faithful He offers salvation ! Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is King. How His people with joy everlastmg are crowned ! I Zion, the marvelous story be telling, The Son of the Highest, how lowly His birth: The brighest archangel in glory excelling. He stoops to redeem thee, he reiiins upon ,, , , i„ „^f„f,,n,.Kv;,-,rr;no- „.^,.{|^ ° ' 3 IVIortals. your homage be gratetuUybiingmg, And sweet let the gladsome hosanna arise ; Cho. — Shout the glad tidings, etc. Ye angels, the full hallelujah be singing; One chorus resound through the earth and 2 Tell how He cometli ; from nation to nation, the skies. The heart-clieering news let the earth echo round : Cho.— Shout the glad tidings, etc. j I W. A. Muhlenberg CHRIST'S BIRTH R. R. CJiope #=^= Wake and Sing ^T-i- R. R. Chepe * 0—^ I. Stars all bright are beam - ing From the skies a - bove, Nature's face all CHORUS ^^ i-leam - ing, Shines with Heaven's own love. Wake and sing, good Christ-ians, -F— i-^i • T- -^— h"— »— I— *^^-v-r-F • h •- t^ :t= :r:=p: =E :E: -y- :E iSi^ ^ On tliis birth-day Morn, Heaven and earth are tell -ing God for man is born. 2 Here for us abiding, Cradled in a stall, All His glory hiding, See the Lord of all ! Wake and sing, &c. 3 Born that He might lead us From this desert home, — Guide our way and feed us. Till the end shall come ! Wake and sing, &c. 4 Thousand thousand blessings Sing we for His Love, Choral hymns addressing To our Lord above. Wake and sing, &c. 5 Glory to the Highest, For this wondrous Birth! Choir of Heaven ! thou criest Peace to all the earth ! Wake and sing, &c. 52 CHRIST'S BIRTH 70 Sing ye the Songs of Praise ¥ With spirit H :t5=l: 1. Sing ye the songs of praise; 2. This day in ISeth - le -hem, :r4=»r :d== English Carol — =t^ — *~^^ Je - sus is come ! Je - sus was born ! High your glad King of Je - :t=^ -X--- :F=^ X^ E r i s^i A d===t voi - ces raise, Je - sus is come ! ru - sa - lem, Je - sus was born ! :t:=t= Cast world - ly cares a - way, Sun of all right-eous- ness, ^ ■•- ^ . . *- =F='=F=F=F li ^ ->^- N ^^- ;EEa^r*=i Q=? iSS Worship and ho-mage pay, Wel-come the bless -ed day, Je-sus is come! Shi-ning with blessed-ness, Heal- ing our wretchedness, Je-sus was born ! A -men. r- X^ --1f=X- > - ^— ¥-- X^:^ 0- llilii^ ^F=F r ^y] 3 Cleanse us from all our sin, Saviour Divine ! Make our thoughts pure wnthin, Saviour Divine ! Lo ! now the heralds sound ! Carols the love profound, Telling of Jesus found. Saviour Divine ! 4 Save through Thy merit, C7reat Prince of Peace ! Give Thy good Spirit, Great Prince of Peace! Let not Thy love depart, But holy gifts impart. Born into every heart. Great Prince of Peace! S3 71 CNJiJSTS FIRTH Ring out tJie Bells teEE :=1: —I H J EPPS ^^ I. w/ Ring out the bells for Christmas, The hap - py,hap-py day, In win - ter wilclthe 2./ Where'er His sweet lambs gather With-in this gen-tle fold. The Sav-iour dear is 3. / Then sing your gladsome ca - rols, And hail the new-born Sun ; For Christmas light is 4- -0-. m- t^ =E: :± f^ ,^J. EEEEtEi -#-T- \ ?tt=3= ::1=:1: :J=4= =:1===^ ■^-^*- ^i 3 =4^=-i — •— -t=-^ Ho - ly Child With - in a era - die lay. Oh, won -der-ful ! the Sav-iourls wait -ing near, As in the days of old: In each youngheartyou see Him, In pass -ing bright, It smiles on ev - ery one. And feast Christ's little chil-dren,His P »<9-r teE| -^-•- :^=F 3: =3=3± 3 =i d: -«>--- :i in a man-ger lone ; His pal - ace is a sia - ble,And Ma- ry's arm His throne, ev - ery guileless face You see the Ho - ly Je - sus,Who grew in truth and grace, poor, His or-phan call ; For He who chose the man - ger, He lov - eth one and all. ^te V-- P^—\ 1— 1-K-^— P— » tfr^ 54 CHRIST'S BIRTH CHORUS. fS 1 1 ! w^- ' 1 1 ■1 1 1 ps 1 J -f*^ * i J — -d — n- 1 -1 1— -1 « — -H— — r-^ Ring 1 — 1 out the bells 0^ J h 1 1 for 1 Christ-mas, ■1 1 — i — 4— The hap - — (#— — #— — u — hap - py -^ k day, Ring r ^!:#JL._h._ —/ — F— t— — 1 ^fi* — — 1 r — w— r - kE \r-A s ' 1 L 1 out the bells for Christ - mas, The hap - pv, hap - py day. -^-. m i. .• 1 — • -^ * 1 — ^* ^ • • 1 — -S?-^ x~ r ^ i F=F :t > :|=: -iS>-^ 72 Brightest and Best Tune, f'tigL' 207 I Brightest and best of the sons of the morning! Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid; Star ci the East, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. 2 Cold on His cradle the dew-drops are shining; Low lies His head with the beasts of the stall : Angels adore Him, in slumber reclining. Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour of all ! 3 Say shall we yield Him, in costly devotion, Odors of Eden, and offerings divine? Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, or gold from the mine? 4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation, Vainly with gold would His favor secure : Richer, by far, is the heart's adoration ; Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. 55 R. Heber CHRIST'S BIRTH Hail ! Glorious Morn Bessie B. Chittenden Kate S. Chittenden ^l^i 3= ::1: :t=: X-- 1. Hail! glo - rious morn, the earth re-sounds With joy - ous notes of praise; 2. Lo ! heav'n it - self, with gates flung wide To earth its glo - ry lends, 3. No prin - ces we, to of - fer Him Rich in-cense, myrrh or gold, ^- i=eES= ^-=rX 4 ^ ^^1= :1: ::f ^- ^- -(2- :1: -»-. d-^- -rV: =1= --X -^- '=?^ :t=d From east to west a chain of song Sa - lutes the day of days. And o'er the Sav - iour's low - ly bed, A host an - gel - ic bends. No power of an - gel song have we His prais - es to un - fold ; --X --X =1: :^=J :1=ri: -^- 3 -|S2- jS- h-- :t=t:: E ^- -^■ ^^=l"= ces bring the rich - est gems That mon-arch's brows a - dorn, tial horn -age greets the babe, The world shall dare to scorn, ing hearts and will - ing hands We bring this hap - py morn, . ^- ---^—i^X- >:^l-T—?— T- 3E 3^ --^ — 1 -r -^ r#— ^-- Copyriglit, 18'.)1, by SlLVElt, BUKDETT & Co. 56 CHRTSTS BlRTir :3: ^- _^_L Z- It --%^ -C'-r And kneel witli meekness at His feet, The King of kings is born. And lieav'n - ly strains of praise a -rise, The King of kings is born. And sing as on - ly mor - tals can, The King of kings is born. I -t ''— "t =c ; ji-i t^ ?^ F=f=1=4 3^d=j^: -#-=-- -!2€-- -y—j- Sound forth, glad Christ- mas bells, pro - claimTlie Sav - iour come to earth, -J , • — ^- l^=t =^ Let hearts re - joice, and voi - ces wake, To eel - e - brate His birth. -J- W- =^ ^ — • T ■?f5-^ — ^ » #- d=4 3^ #— >!3* — !?^i- -[- — f-- 3^-:-= -s^ 57 CHRIST'S SUFFERINGS 74 Blessed Saviottr ! Thee I Love George Diiffield Spanish Hymn All my hopes in Thee a - bide, Thou my hope, and naught be - side; Earth - ly pleas - ures fade a - way, — Clouds they are that hide my day : Height, or depth, or earth -ly power, Ne'er shall hide my Sav -iour more : Ev - er let my glo - ry be. On - ly, on - ly, on - ly Thee. Hence, vain shad-ows ! let me see Je - sus cru - ci - fied for me. Ev - er shall my glo-ry be On - ly, on - ly, on - ly Thee. A - men. t^tn i -^^^ B^^ :^=t=t "=t== :t: =F=F= ^—^ :t: 75 f- IVhen I survey the Wondrous Cross Tune — Hamlntrg. F major 1 When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss. And pour contempt on all my pride, 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast. Save in the death of Christ, my God ; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood. 3 See, from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet. Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 4 Were all the realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine. Demands my soul, my life, my all. Isaac IVatis 58 CHRIST'S SUFFERINGS 76 Sweet the Moments J. Allen JrJkJ^ I ■X 3 Philip Francis 1. Sweet the mo-ments, rich in bless - ing, Which be -fore the cross we spend; 2. For Thy sor-rows we a - dore Thee, For the pains that wrought our peace, mjS=L ^S'PE fe^ t :t X=. -•-(t S Life, and health and peace possess - ing, From the sin-ner's dy - ing Friend. Gra-cious Saviour ! we im-plore Thee In our souls Thy love increase. Wk EE=E3S^ — I — -5* — r-*-f • — r* • — X-m~' f — \-^ — C | | 3 Here we feel our sins forgiven, While upon the Lamb we gaze ; And our tlioughts are all of heaven, And our lips o'erHow with praise. 4 Still in ceaseless contemplation, Fix our hearts and eyes on Thee, Till we taste Thy full salvation, And, unveiled, Thy glories see. 77 /// the Cross of Christ I Glory Tunc — RathbiDi. C major 1 In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. 2 When the woes of life o'crtake me, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy. Never shall the cross forsake me : Lo ! it glows with peace and joy. 3 When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my wa)-. From the cross the radiance, streaming, Adds more lustre to the day. 4 Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified ; Peace is there, that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide, 5 In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time ; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. John Bawring 59 CHRIST'S SUFFERINGS La7nb of God! ^ /. Booth ^ * r ^^- 1. Lamb of God! Whose bleeding love We now re - call to mind, 2. By Thine ag - o - niz - ing pain, And blood -y sweat, we pray, 3. Let Thy blood, by faith ap - plied, The sin- ner's par - don seal; r- i— '-r- r- -^ i -^ J, ^ ^P^ d= :T :i 3: :=q: ^—^-^-^ =^ -T :* Send the an - swer from a - bove. And let us mer - cy find : By thy dy - ing love to man. Take all our sins a - way, Speak us free - ly jus - ti - fied. And all our sick -ness heal: -^ ~\ — ^^ h- %-^ x-=~^ ^i^i 1=:=^ ^-=t :^— : :fl*: ^^ r-1: r - g^=3 Think on us, who think on Thee, Ev - ery strug-gling soul re -lease; Burst our bonds, and set us free. From in - i -"qui - ty re -lease; By Thy Pas - sion on the tree. Let our griefs and trou - bles cease; jL t: ^ ^ I i N \Si. (Sr^ 2d. -2^ Last verse. O! remember Cal - va-ry. And bid us go in peace. ] rail. Org. between _ the verses It f=t=F .j.yjki. 60 CHRIST'S SUFFERINGS Saviour, when in dust to Thee R. S. Ambrose 3 By Thine hour of whelming fear ; By Thine agony and prayer; By the purple robe of scorn; By Thy wounds. Thy crown of thorns; By Thy cross, Thy pangs, and cries ; By Thy perfect sacrifice ; Jesus, look with pitying eye; Hear Thy people when they cry. >pyiiglit, ISlll, by .SlI.VKi;, 15rin>ETr A Co. 6i 4 By Thy deep expiring groan; By the sealed sepulciiral stone; By Thy triumph o'er the grave; By Tiiy power from death to save; IMighty God, ascended Lord, To Tliy Throne in heaven restored, Prince and .Saviour, hear our cry; Hear our solemn litany. CIIKIS T'S RESURRECTION The Strife is der Palestriiia I, The strife is o'er, the bat- tie done: The vie - to - ry of hfe is won: =S= -^^ — :^=&-=t: _«_?_. |3*5E -f2_f2- _^_ It -fS-ig- Pi^ 2 The powers of death have done their worst, But Christ their legions hath dispersed; Let shouts of holy joy outburst, — Alleluia! 3 The three sad days have quickly sped ; He rises glorious from the dead ; All glory to our risen Head ! Alleluia ! 4 He brake the age-bound chains of hell ; The bars from heaven's high portals fell : Let hymns of praise His triumphs tell : ^ Alleluia! 5 Lord, by the stripes which wounded Thee, From death's dread sting Thy servants free, That we may live, and sing to Thee 62 Alleluia! 8i CHRIST'S RESURRECTION' yesus Lives tr. Frances E. Cox H.J. Gmtntlett ^-=f r— p -i J -^- 1 =-i= — 1 -, —si .. Je- 2. Je- 1 1 sus sus lives ! jves ! 1 r ^ no long - henceforth 1 J 1 ' er is — ^ — Can But J. — ««> — tl>y the ■ S ter - gate — — ors, of death, life ap - im - r^V *> 1??' • J . ■ /> 1 1 ^fi 5^ ^^ ' f).- ■= f^. J -P ^- -1 1 H '^- 1 ^ — r~ — — 1 -V— k- ' U,.J ^ 1 i ^^^ J: *^ pal nior e A us; tal; Je This sus lives! shall calm by our this trem we know Thou, O bling breath When we --^ EEE :[=: i i / 3 isi 12^ F grave canst pass its ^ not en gloom - y thral por us. tal. Hal Hal ..O- lu lu jah ! jah ! ^ 3 Jesus lives ! for us He died: Then, alone to Jesus living. Pure in heart will we abide, Praise to Him and glory giving, Hallelujah • 4 Jesus lives ! our hearts know well Nought from us His life shall sever Life nor death nor powers of hell Part us now from Christ for ever. Hallelujah! 63 CHRISTS RESURRECTION 82 Christ is Risen Archer T. Gurnev A. S. Sullivan A=^ :B± :^=^, »-4- :^=d=t=5=|id=:^i:^ I. Christ is risen ! Christis risen ! He hatli burst His bonds in twain; Christ is risen ! Christ is ^ ^ ^ ^ [risen! Al-Ie-lu-ia! Swell'the strain ! For our fjain He suffered loss, By di-vine de - cree, N ^ =F- :t: r f2— r-# i! E=F=F m He hath died up-on the cross, But our God is He. gfci(:|5=^=t:=t=|=t=t=i^— =F I r Christis risen ! Christis risen! :H:xr|i=N^c: He hath burst His bonds in twain ; Christ is risen ! Christ is risen ! Al-le-lu-ia ! swell the strain ! ^ff #:5==^==«: Xr- =F=F= :^=^: t: i 2 See the chains of death are broken ; Earth below and heaven above Joy in each amazing token Of His rising, Lord of love; He for evermore shall reign By the Father's side, Till He comes to earth again, Comes to claim His Bride. Christ is risen ! Christ is risen ! He hath i)urst His bonds in twain; Christ is risen ! Christ is risen ! Alleluia ! swell the strain ! 64 3 Glorious angels downward thronging Hail the Lord of all the skies ; Heaven, with joy and holy longing For the Word incarnate, cries, " Christ is risen ! earth rejoice ! Gleam, ye starry train ! All creation find a voice : He o'er all shall reign." Christ is risen ! Christ is risen ! He hath burst His bonds in twain; Christ is risen ! Christ is risen ! O'er the universe to reign. CHR/STS RESURRECTION Praise the Lord Dr. Champneys 3 Mighty One ! we bow before Thee, And we own Thee Lord of all ; Jesus ! Saviour ! we adore Thee, At Thy cross we meekly fall. Help us in this time of waiting; In Thy strength to follow Thee, That, partakers in Thy warfare. We may share Thy victory. 65 4 Hallelujah ! Christ is risen. And He lives to die no more : To His hand the keys are given, Open is the prison door. Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Now our triumph is begun ; Death and hell are spoiled for ever, And the victory is won. CHRIST'S RESURRECTION 84 Welcome, happy mornings John Elkrton tr. /. B. Calkin -# « *# — ^- 3zz:z|iz=:)c :^=J=i:^ l=F= ^ i-- 1. Welcome liap-py morn- ing! Age to age shall say; Hell to-day is vanquished 2. Mak-er and Redeem- er, Life and health of all, Thou from heaven beholding m -^ -^ a ■F- -«i- -»■ ■•- -I— 4- -F- -i^ m 1 ._j« «Q 1 1 1 , ■ ^^-F'^- :^=F £ t=t=t -*— :t=t:: t: ^ £ fi '*- -*- i A yr A ^=^=^i^ :=)= 4 Heav'n is won to - day ! Lo ! the dead is liv - ing, Lord for ev - er-more ! Hu-man na - ture's fall, Of the father's Godhead True and on - ly Son, ■•- -#- -«©- 1 I :fc^=t=E: -^ Jti=^ f=f=3-E^ ^=1 • — w- ^ ^r -m. --! — I- KEFRAIN. q=:t ^-^ 1 -^- :q=:z:=: 3= i^-M -/& — • Him, their true Cre-a - tor. All His work a - dore ! | Man -hood to de-liv - er, Manhood didst put on 3 Welcome, hap-py morn -ing! N^ r 1^ I - — P- # # — l-tpj — -^ V -ft Age to age shall say; Hell to-day is vanquished, Heav'n is won to- day ! fe^:3^=! " nz=:[iz t— il :t=t:: :N=^fz:=:-i: :^: vu :t=t izzi:: :t=s 66 CHRIST'S RESURRECTION Lo I the dead is living, Lord forcvermore ! Him, their true Creator, All his works adore! ■•-*■#- -0- ■•- -9- - — h- 2 Earth repeat the glad note With thy myriad voices; Round the globe let it float, Earth with Heaven rejoices. Triumph songs banish gloom, Hope's bright flowers now shall bloom. Springing fresh from the tomb Of the Prince of Life. Copyright, 1891, by Silver, Burdett & Co. 68 3 And till time folds its wing. Be the song repeated ; Death is robbed of his sting, Hell has been defeated. Never more let us moan Over dear ones who have flown, For they share in the throne Of the Prince of Life. CHRIST'S RESURRECTION AXD ASCEXSIOIf Hail the day that sees Hint rise Wm. II. Monk t^ H 2 There for Him high triumph waits; Lift your heads, eternal gates! He hath conquered death and sin. Take the King of glory in. Hallelujah ! 3 Lo. the heaven its Lord receives! \'et He loves the earth He leaves; Though returning to His throne, 4 Still for us He intercedes, His prevailing death He pleads ; Near Himself prepares our place. He, the first-fruits of our race. Hallelujah 5 Lord, though parted from our sight Far above the starry height, Grant our hearts mav thither rise. Still He calls mankind His own. Hallelujah ! Seeking Thee above the skies. Hallelujah! 88 Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day SECOND HYMN 1 Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day, Sons of men and angels say ; Raise your joys and triumphs high Sing, ye heavens ! and earth, reply 2 Love's redeeming work is done. Fought the fight, the battle won; Lo, our Sun's eclipse is o'er ; Lo, He sets in blood no more. 69 3 Lives again our glorious King; "Where, O Death is now thy sting.'''' Once He died our souls to save; "Where's thy victory, boasting Grave?"' 4 Soar we now where Christ has led, Following our exalted Head ; Made like Him, like Him we rise ; Ours the cross, the grave, the skies ! C. Wesley CHK/ST'S REIGN' 89 Golden Harps are Soimdmg Jc F. R. Havcrgal *-pr .0 — 0- :£^ ^ — -d — tl*— — ^ 1—* *- /: R. Havcrqal 1. Golden harps are sound-ing, 2. He who came to save us, 3. Pray - ing for His chil - dren An - gel voi-ces ring, Pearly gates are o-pened, He who bled and died, Now is crown'd with gladness In that blessed Place, Call-ing them to glo - ry. # -<9- 11= :t=t:: :=t^=!i: ;^- t=F= :t:z=t:=t: -• u 1— -i9- I 1 — — ^ — 9 — I—* « — 1—^ 1 3-. O- pened for the King. Christ the King of Glo - ry, Je- sus, Kingof Love, At His Fath-er's side. Nev - er - more to suf - fer, Nev-er-more to die, Send - ing them His grace ; His bright home pre - par - ing, Lit - tie ones, for you ; •-■=- P. 1 h- :t: :t: =t=F=F^ :t= =t=t — — — -I— I 1 1 i- =1=^ •1= ::s: ^- :^= -4- Is gone up in tri - umph To His Throne a - bove. Je-sus, King of Glo - ry Is gone up on high. Je - sus ev - er liv - eth, Ev - er lov - eth too. --^ AH His Work is end - ed, ^E ^- H^ ^ #^ > -^i J— J- 4 -F-^ — =1 — ^ — * -#-^- Joy - ful - ly we sing; Je - sus hath as -cend -ed ! Glo-ry to our King! \ Ss«; 2!J -#-•- 11 :p=:te=z=^z= fc x—t-- ZSi 1 70 CHRIST'S REIGN 90 My yestis, I love Thee B. Luard Sclby 1. My Je - sus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine, For Thee all the 2. I love Thee, be -cause Thou hast first lov - od me. And purchased my spi^^ii^iS^: f=^ 3 :«. I re - sign ; My gra-cious Re - deem - er, my va - rv s tree; 1 love Thee for wear - ing- the t tree: :t=: -I • ^F=f= ^=«f: I Sav-iour art Thou, If ev - er I thorns on Thy brow ; If ev - er I I ^ i=? ^^ loved Thee,my Je - sus, 't is now. loved Thee, my Je - sus, 't is now. *: ^; =F= -^- =F 1 3 I will love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death, And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath ; And say when the death-dew lies cold on my brow, If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 't is now. 4 In mansions of glory and endless delight, I '11 ever adore Thee in heaven so bright ; r II sing witli the glittering crown on my brow, If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, "t is now. 7» 91 CHKISTS REIGN Nearer, ever nearer Geoffrey T/iring A. E. Toner /n 1 1 1 1 1 !r ' H 1 VT 1 «| 1 ^ ^ • 1 J ' 1 1 1 v+)i — « — — « — — -0 — — ^ — " 5 «i ^ — V— A — ^ — Thou for ••- — F — our re 1 ,__€ ^ , - demp - tion Cam'st ■r ^^' -,-0 1 on — — earth to — — 1 — ^ 1 ■TSr die; ^ b '• — w — *f — \^-^=^» — » — 1* ■ — 1 — ft^ 1 1 1 ' r (^ 1 1 i r " 1 r ' 1 1 1 1 1 I \ ' ' r =t -A- Thou, that we might fol 2 Onward, ever onward, Journeyin^ d: ^ — ^ — ' Light of the glad; Home of the stran - ger, Strength to the end, Life of the dead; Path of the low - ly, Prize at the end, m& \^d?z P It It F=t=F=F=F= :gz=: Ref - Breath uge of from the .^-^EE ^ -h- ^ dan ho - I — •— ^< ger, Sav Sav iour and friend ! iour and friend ! ^ 3 When my feet stumble, ril to Thee cry ; Crown of the humble, Cross of the high. When my steps wander. Over me bend, Truer and fonder. Saviour and Friend ! 73 1:: 4 Ever confessing Thee, I will raise Unto Thee blessing, Glory, and praise! All my endeavor. World without end. Thine to be ever, Saviour and Friend ! i 93 CI/R/ST'S REIGN C7^own Him Matthew Bridges G. J. Elvey Hark ! how the heav'nly an - them drowns All mu - sic but its own! Those wounds, vet vis - i - ble a - bove, In beau - ty glo - ri - fied: A - wake, my soul, and sing No an - gel in the sky Of Him who died for Thee ; Can ful - ly bear that sight, »P3: -(S^- EEE^ -p — \ i And hail Him as thy match-less King Thro' all e - ter - ni - ty. But down-ward bends His won-d'ring eye At mys - ter - ies so bright. S=E EziU: EE: r — \ mm 3 Crown Him the Lord of heaven! One with the Father known, — And the blest Spirit through Him given From yonder Triune Thfone ! All hail, Redeemer, hail ! For Thou hast died for me : Thy praise and glory shall not fail Throujjhout eternity. 74 CHRIST'S REIGN 94 Art TJioii Weary A /('//// Mason A'cale Henry William Baker 1. Art thou wep. - ry, art thou Ian - guid ? Art thou sore clis - tress'd ? 2. Hath He marks to lead me to Him, If He be my guide? 3. If I find Him, if I fol - low, What my £ut - ure here? 1 =F=F = 1 — r — \ — r - ri I I ^ ^ gi--=^ ^^^ --X -^-- Me," saith One, feet and hands sor - row, many r * •' and com - ing, are wound-prints, a la - bor. — <5»-i — Be And Many at His a rest." side." tear.'' =F= =??: i^iz: r 4 If 1 still hold closely to Him, What hath He at last? " Sorrow vanquished, labor ended, Jordan past." 5 If I ask Him to receive me. Will He say me nay ? " Not till earth and not till heaven Pass away." 1 95 All Hail the Power I'll lie — Coronation. F major 1 All hail the power of Jesus' Name ; Let Any;e]s prostrate fall : Bring forth the royal diadem And crown Him Lord of all. 2 Crown Him, ye morning stars of light, Who fixed this floating ball : Now hail llie Strength of Israel's might. And crown Him Lord of all. 3 Crown Him, ve Mart) rs of your God, Who from H'is Altar'call ; Praise Him whose blood-stained path ye And crown Him Lord of all. 4 Ve seed of Israel's chosen race, Ye ransomed from the fall. trod. Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all. 5 Hail Him, ye heirs of David's line. Whom David Lord did call. The God Incarnate, Man Divine, And crown Him Lord of all. 6 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall, Go spread your trophies at His Feet, And crown Him Lord of all. 7 Let every tribe and every tongue Before Him prostrate fall. And shout in universal song The crowned Lord of all. Amen 75 CHR/SrS REIGN q6 ^^ ^^"^^y ^^ot climb the heavenly steeps John G. Whittier f^ate S. Chittenden =:]= i m :fca I. We may not climb the heavenly steeps To bring the Lord' Christ down. d . f. ^ m- •^. u^ J . ■F # 1 ^ . r-l 1 b: . ■^ Si# 1 F-i- £ It -J- ;i^ ^ In vain we search the low- est deeps For Him no depths can drown. &g fc '-m -V- -^f— t- -f- £ t:: I Copyright, 1891, by Silver, Burdett & Co. 2 But warm, sweet, tender, even yet 3 The healing of the seamless dress A present help is He : Is by our beds of pain ; And faith has yet its Olivet, We touch Him in life's throng and press, And love its Galilee. And we are whole again. 97 /. Watts yesus shall reign F. Carr c^ffi • -4 * II ii ■ I n -•■ I. Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run; Wis kinffdnrn stretch [from il^^E •-a>- \ T -F #=#: ?3* -^-=^£ tf-^- ^ - -^ t^?=^ -»-!->■ t: atil :p:r =F ^^ ::i=il: shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. Till moons shall wax and wane no more. I -#■ « -•■ — -^ ■•■ . #-#-# j^ ^-# t=t; \ i§^^ t: -W- 1 ^1— • r i=te= -!-- =F= :t=^ 2 For Him shall endless prayer be made, 3 Blessings abound where'er He reigns ; And endless praises crown His head ; The prisoner leaps to lose his chains; His name, like sweet perfume, shall rise The weary find eternal rest. With every morning sacrifice. And all the sons of want are blest. 76 CHRISrS KKIGiV q8 The head that once was crowned with thorns Thomas Kelly J. /•: Bariictt 1. The head tlint once was crowned with thorns, Is crowned with glo - ry now; 2. To tliem the cross, with all its shame, With all its grace is given; t t. tL W\ :t2^ X=t- =t==!^ f tt • i tEE^^ W-y,=t :«: **=*' S=tt w ity- V^ -^—w-r I A roy - al di - a - dem a - dorns The might - y Vic - tor's brow. Their name an ev - er - last - ing name. Their jov the joy of heaven. —•—I 1 =t=F: :^ E5^3: =t It r- \-- -&-.- X- A k=:j=|=d^: mm^^ d=i= A=^- h m. E^ X- it: £ S= X- The joy of all who dwell a - bove, The joy of all be - low. The cross he bore is life and health, Though shame and death to Him, i ^^ x^ X=-t 3: P — ^- HtH TT . I — I — >i>_^ — »-i To wliom He man - i - fests His love, And grants His nam'e to know. His peo - pie's hope. His peo-plc's wealth. Their ev - er - last - ing theme. See f=F -j 1 — '-t- r — 1 i='-T= — " 77 CIIRISTS KEfGN We worship Thee A H. Smart 1. O Sav - iour pre - cious Sav - iour, Whom yet un - seen we love, 2. O Bring - er of sal - va - tion, Who won - drous-ly hast wrought, )::rt2=±=l: X- :^±=fc:=l=t:: -&,- gl :t: A --X M- ^ v^ Ee O name of might and fav Thy - self the rev - e - la • — '-3 or. All oth - er names a - bove ; tion Of love be - yond our thought; > :t: :ji=z :E^EE CHORUS t- ^=3 — I 1 1 # — I — ^ — — --, We wor - ship Thee, We bless Thee, To Thee a - lone sing; We praise Thee and con - fess Thee, Our ho - ly Lord and King. A - men. :t: :c: r-* — I — » ^ • \ ^ ' V. N ^ q^ • 1 A guide. a Com fort - er bequeathed, With us to dwell. While he can find one hum - ble heart Where - in to rest. /^N> 1 ^ ' • ' r • 1 ^f S S — r~f — 1 J — r 1 ^^F^- — #-i- — V — V ^ 1 — ^ — — 1 -t — r — r-F-^- Hs' — ■5'— ^\ K^'^v^ ' • — 1^ 1 H — 1 3 And every virtue we possess. And every victory won. And every thought of holiness Is His alone. 4 Spirit of purity and grace! Our weakness pitying see ; Oh, make our hearts Thy dwelling-place, And worthier Thee ! 109 Come, Holy Spirit i Tuue on page 107 I Come, Holy Spirit! calm my mind, And fit me to approach my God ; Remove each vain, each worldly thought, And lead me to Thy blest abode. 2 Hast Thou imparted to my soul A living spark of holy fire ? Oh, kindle now the sacred flame ; Make me to burn with pure desire. 3 A brighter faith and hope impart. And let me now my Saviour see; Oh, soothe and cheer my burdened heart. And bid my spirit rest in Thee. John Stewart 8S THE HOL V SPIRIT J JO Breathe on me, Breath of God Edwin Hatch / B. Calkin __j ' 3 -i ^t- of God, of God, :i ~-'^ me, Breath me, Breath Fill Un me til with my life heart new, pure. S=E^ :EB "t" — I — That I may love what Thou dost love. And do what Thou wouldst do. Un - til with Thee I will one will, To do or to en - dure. S=E -^ > 4= A-men. 3 Breathe on me, breath of God, Till I am wholly Thine, Till all this earthly part of me Glows with Thy fire divine. 4 Breathe on me, Breath of God, So shall I never die. But live with Thee the perfect life Of Thine eternity. Ill Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove. Tune on opposite page 1 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove ! With all Thy quickening powers. Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Look ! how we grovel here below, Fond of these trifling toys ! >. Our souls can neither fly nor go To reach eternal joys. 3 In vain we tune our formal songs; In vain we strive to rise; Hosannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. 4 Dear Lord, and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate — Our love so faint so cold to Thee, And Thine to us so great? 5 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove! With all Thy quickening powers. Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. /. JVatts 86 112 Simon Broivn THE HOL Y SPIRIT Come, Gracious Spirit Pierracini ^- I. Come z. TllG SI a=i g;rac - lous light of Spir trutli It, to licaven us 5 is: 5^^^ P ly Dove, With light and dis - play, And make us T com - fort from a - hove; Be Thou our Guard know and choose Thy way ; Plant ho - ly fear lan, in «^ i^EgEZ A i^^zEB ^S =^F=3= Hi I I .it-^= -©1- Thou our Guide, O'er eve - ry thought and step pre - side, eve - ry Iieart, That wc from Thee may ne'er de - part. A ^^5 N -^-S6= :?2: .,_^_ -A- r 3 Lead us to Christ the living way. Nor let us from His precepts stray; Lead us to holiness, the road That we must take to dwell with God. 4 Lead us to heaven, that we may share Fulness of joy for ever there ; Lead us to God, our final rest, So be with Him for ever blest. =^ Si 87 "3 Tr. by G. Moultrie ^$4w=i THE HOL V SPIRIT Come Thou, O Come — «,^ ^^ A little slower E.J. Hopkins -0—i—0 — — *—• 0- 3= -=t ^% 1. Come Thou, O 2. Come Thou, O come;.... Sweet-est and kind - li - est, Giv - er of come ; . . . . Help in the hour of need, Strength of the Pit -g- 4=t -(«?— -I — «■ -^-- :^=tc ^ P ^ tran - quil rest Un - to the wea - ry bro - ken reed, Guide of each lone - ly In all anx Or - phans' and X-- -r<5'- n =1^1^ ^- :«*= m i - e - ty With pow'r from Heav'n on high widows' stay. Who tread in life's hard way 3 Come Thou, O come; Glorious and shadow-free, Star of the stormy sea. Light of the tempest-tost ; Harbor our souls to save When hope upon the wave Is lost. 4 Come Thou, O come; Joy in life's narrow path, Hope in the hour of death. Come, Blessed Spirit, come; Lead Thou us tenderly, Till we shall find with Thee Our Home. 88 THE HOI. V SPIRIT 114 Gracious Spirit, dwell with me Moderafo. Gracious S^pi - rit dwell with me, — I Truth-fulSpi - rit dwell with me,— I Ten -der Spi - rit dwell with me, — I myself would gracious be ; And with words that myself would truth ful be ; And with wisdom myself would ten -der be; Shut my heart up help and heal. Would Thy life in mine reveal; And, with ac - tions bold and meek, kind' and clear, Let Thy life in mine appear; And, with ac - tions broth-er-ly, like aflow'r At temp -ta-tion's darksome hour ; O - pen it, when shines the sun, -\j- m =[=: tt: ^W=^ iiStSs Would for Christ,my Saviour,speak. Speak my Lord's sinceri - ty. And His love by fragrance own. A 4 Holy Spirit, dwell with me, — I myself would holy be ; Separate from sin, I would Choose and cherish all things good ; And whatever I can be Give to Him who gave me Thee. i "5 Holy Ghost, the Infinite! I'ltne on piigf 199 1 Holy Ghost, the Infinite ! Shine upon our nature's night With Thy blessed inward light. Comforter Divine ! 2 We are sinful : cleanse us. Lord : We are faint : Thy strength afford ; Lost,— until by Thee restored. Comforter Divine ! 3 Like the dew, Thy peace distill ; Guide, subdue our wayward will, Things of Christ unfolding still. Comforter Divine ! 4 In us, for us, intercede. And with voiceless groanings, plead Our unutterable need, Comforter Divine ! 5 In us •' Abba, Father," cry, — Earnest of our bliss on high, Seal of immortality, — Comforter Divine ! 6 Search for us the depths of God; Bear us up the starry road, To the height of Thine abode. Comforter divine I Amen. George Rawson 89 INVITA TION ii6 Come to the Saviour F. Faber Not too slo7uly. Francis John rfe=3_ I. Re - turn, and come to God: Cast all your sins 2. Sav not - way; can - not come ; For Je - sus bled and died, ^ *—i 3« — 'i 4 0— -.>g-ir Seek ye the Sav - iour's cleans-ing blood ; Re - pent, be - lieve, o - bey ! That none who ask in hum-ble faith Should ev - er be de-nied. 3 Say not ye will not come ; 'T is God vouchsafes to call ; And fearful will their end be found, On whom His wrath shall fall. 4 Come, then, whoever will ; Come, while 't is called to-day ; Seek ye the Saviour's cleansing blood; Repent, believe, obey ! ii8 Almost Persuaded Time — " Almost Fersuadcd.' I '• Almost persuaded " now to believe ; " Almost persuaded "' Christ to receive. Seems now some soul to say, " Go, Spirit, go Thy way. Some more convenient day. On Thee I '11 call." 2 " Almost persuaded," come, come to-day; " Almost persuaded," turn not away. Jesus invites you here, Angels are lingering near. Prayers rise from hearts so dear : O wanderer, come ! 3 " Almost persuaded," harvest is past ! " Almost persuaded," doom comes at last ! " Almost " cannot avail ; " Almost " is but to fail ! Sad, sad that bitter wail, — " Almost," but lost J 9' P. P. Bliss INVITA TION F. H. Cheeswright A ±=1^: 3=3=3= ^- -«^. -«£ i come :" The bride, the church of Christ, proclaims To all H's children, " Come!" "Come;" Let him that thirsts for right-eous-ness To Christ, the fountain, come. See -h- X-- \m- E: X-- X-- T: :t:- -iS2- B 3 Yes, whosoever will, 4 Lo ! Jesus, who invites, O let him freely come, Declares, " I quickly come : " And freely drink the stream of life ; Lord, even so : we wait Thy hour ; 'T is Jesus bids him come. O blest Redeemer, come. Copyright, ISiH, by Silver, Burdett & Co. I20 Child of Sin and Sorrow 7'uiic — " Ava." major I Child of sin and sorrow, Filled with dismay. Wait not for to-morrow, Yield thee to-day : Heaven bids thee come, While yet there's room. Child of sin and sorrow, Hear and obey. 2 Child of sin and sorrow, Why wilt thou die ? Come while thou canst borrow Help from on high ; Grieve not that love Which from above, Child of sin and sorrow, Would bring thee nigh. 3 Child of sin and sorrow, Thy moments glide Like the flitting arrow Or the rushing tide ; Ere the time is o'er. Heaven's grace implore ; Child of sin and sorrow. In Christ confide. 92 TJiomas Hastitis- INVITA TION 121 To-day Thy viercy calls us Osruald Allen John Stainer 2 To-day Thy gate is open, And all who enter in Shall find a Father's welcome And pardon for their sin, No question will be asked, How often we have come ; Although we oft have wandered, It is our Father's Home ! 3 To-day the Father calls us, His Holy Spirit waits ; His blessed angels gather, Around the heavenly gates ; The past shall be forgotten, A present joy be given, The grace which He has promised, A glorious crown in heaven. 93 INVITA TION The Beautiful Stream J. B. Calkin 1. O have you not heard of a beau -ti-ful stream That flows thro' our Father's land? 2. Its fountains are deep and its wa-ters are pure, And sweet to the weary soul; 3. This beau-ti - ful stream is the riv - er of life, It flows for all nations free ; 4. Oh, will you not drink of the beau-ti - ful stream, And dwell on its peaceful shore? Its waters gleam bright in the heav-en - ly light. And rip- pie o'er gold - en sands. It flows from the throne of Je - ho-vah a - lone: Oh, come where its bright waves roll. A balm for each wound in its wa-ters are found, O sin - ner, it flows for thee. The Spir-it says, "Come, all ye wea- ry ones, home. And wander in sin no more." Oh, seek that beau - ti -ful stream; Oh, seek that beau - ti stream ; Its wa-ters so free are flow- ing for thee, Oh seek the beau- ti stream. mA 5^ 'J — y- 94 ±^=t: ^B^ INVITA TIOAT 123 Come to Jesus! 2 Come to Jesus! sin no more, But on thy bended knees implore, And knock in faitli at mercy's door, He's sure to welcome thee. 3 Come to Jesus ! Lift thine eye : There's prayer in every contrite sigh And every groan, for God is nigh. He'll bow His ear to thee. 4 Come to Jesus ! cling to Him, Hark! how He calls "Come unto Me 1 cast out none, I'll pardon thee." Oh, thou shalt welcome be. 5 Come to Jesus ! cling to Him, He'll keep thee far from paths of sin, Thou shalt at last the vict'ry win ; And He will welcome Thee. 6 Come to Jesus ! Do not stand. The Father draws — 'tis His command. And none shall pluck thee from His hand, No — that can never be. 7 Come to Jesus ! Lord, I come : Weary of sin, no more I'd roam. But with my Saviour be at home ; I know He'll welcome me. 124 To-day the Saviottr cat Is. Tune — Amoy E major 1 To-day the Saviour calls; Ye wanderers, come ! O, ye benighted souls. Why longer roam ! 2 To-day the Saviour calls : O, listen now ! Within these sacred walls To Jesus bow. 3 To-day the Saviour calls : For refuge fly ; The storm of justice falls. And death is nigh, 4 The Spirit calls to-day. Yield to His power; O, grieve Him not away ; 'Tis mercy's hour. Thomas Hastings 95 IN VITA TION 125 Emily H. Miller / love to hear the Story Cyril Bowdler > * I -2^ I. I love to hear the sto - ry Which an - gel voi - ces tell, Chorus. I love to hear the sto - ry Which an - gel voi - ces tell, Fine. -N- =1=^= How once the King: of ^^: glo -(2- > * ^ '- • • ry Came down on earth to dwell. — r — i- How once the Kin<: t — V- of glo - ry Came down on earth to dwell. 1 ^: ful, But this I sure - ly know, :t==t =F= :^=F ^ i^^^E -i^: ^: The Lord came down to save me, Be - cause He loved me so. =t=^t=. e^ 1 1 -5?-T 2 I know my blessed Saviour Was once a child like me, To show how pure and holy His little ones might be ; And if I try to follow His footsteps here below. He never will forget me, Because He loves me so. I love to hear the story, &c. 96 3 To sing His love and mercy. My sweetest songs I '11 raise ; And though I cannot see Him, I know He hears my praise ; For He has kindly promised That even I may go To sing among His angels. Because He loves me so. I love to hear the story, &c. REPENTANCE AND EAITH I luas a wandering Sheep Francis John 'I did not love my Shepherd's voice, I would not be con -trolled. He fol - lowed me o'er vale and hill, O'er des - erts waste and wild: 3 Jesus my Shepherd is ; 'T was He that loved my soul, 'T was He that washed me in His blood, 'T was He that made ine whole ; 'T was He that soui^ht the lost. That found the wanderinj^ sheep; •'T was He that brou^jht me to the fold. 'T is He that still doth keep. r r 4 No more a wandering sheep, I love to be controlled; I love my tender Shepherd's voice, I love the peaceful fold : No more a wayward child, I seek no more to roam ; I love my heavenly Father's voice, I love, I love His home ' 'J7 REPENTANCE AND FAITH \2ri Heal me, O my Saviour, heal Godfrey Thring W. H. Monk ifeii^: ^SEEt 1. Heal 2. Fresh me, O my the wounds that Sav sin 5 =:|=fa iour, heal; Heal hath made; Hear me as i the prayers I V^. sup -pliant kneel; Heal oft have prayed, And ^ -(2— me in and mer my cy par send don me seal, aid. A &- _^. It: -<9- -^ X-- -h- t- ±=±1 3 Thou the true Physician art ; Thou, O Christ canst health impart, Binding up the bleeding heart. 128 Lord, ill this SECO 1 Lord, in this Thy mercy's day Ere it pass for aye away. On our knees we'll fall and pray. 2 Holy Jesus, grant us tears, Fill us with heart-searching fears Ere that awful doom appears. 3 Lord, on us Thy spirit pour, Kneeling lowly at the door Ere it close for evermore. 4 Other comforters are gone; Thou canst heal, and Thou alone. Thou for all my sin atone. Thy mercy s day ND HYMN 4 By Thy night of agony, By Thy supplicating cry, By Thy willingness to die. 5 By Thy tear of bitter woe For Jerusalem below, Let us not Thy love forego. 6 Grant us 'neath Thy wings a place, Lest we lose this day of grace — Ere we shall behold Thy face. Isaac Williams 98 REPENTANCE AND FAITH I heard a voice L. Spohr :Jr— r ^ ^ ^m ^^^ I. I heard a voice, the sweet - est voice That mor - tal ev - er heard; # #-i • ^ -m 1 1 • 2 b 1 -1 # — a 2 I saw His face, the fairest face That mortal ever saw ; I longed the Saviour to embrace, From Him new life to draw. "Come unto Me,'" He kindly said, "And I will give Thee rest ; The ransom-price I fully paid — Repent! believe! be blest!" 99 3 I felt His love, the strongest love That mortal ever felt; Oh ! how it drew my soul above, And made my hard heart melt! My burden at His feet I laid, And knew the joy of heaven, As in my willing ear he said The blessed word, "■Forgiven.''''' REPENTANCE AND FAITH 130 Frances R. Haver ml / .- --K- -N-i — -#"i- I ^ -A ^^ W. G. Fischer =1: :^ I, I am com - mg to the cross ; ■0- -^ ^. I am poor, and weak, and blind ; mm^ t- -y- -^— :t=: Ref. — I am trust - ing. Lord, in Thee, ^^^ _^_ -^-.— 1 ^— fs Dear Lamb of Cal - va - ry; — ^- 9- tion find. Hum-bly Thy cross I sus, save me now. 2 Long my heart has sighed for Thee ; Long has evil dwelt within ; Jesus sweetly speaks to me, I will cleanse you from all sin. 3 Here I give give my all to Thee, — Friends and time and earthly store ; Soul and body Thine to be — Wholly Thine for evermore. REPENTANCE AND EAITJf By the Graciotts, Saving Call F. A.J. Hervey 3 •t^ r^i^^ ^ — - 1. By the gra - cious, sav - ing call, Spo - ken ten - der - ly to all 2. By the na - ture Je - sus wore, By the stripes and death He bore. n^ >^ -•— t _-. n^ — »-H -r — itii ^J 1 =t=f== A V =|- :i^=^=F=^: 4 rJ - -^ * * *^ Who have sinned in Adam's fall, We be-seech Thee By His life for - ev er- more, We be-seech Thee ^=F= -Ar =^=t: hear hear I us ! us ! ^- 3: :^=. . — 1 3 By the love that longs to bless, Pitying our sore distress, Leading us to holiness. We beseech Thee hear us ! 5 By the love that speaks within. Calling us to flee from sin, And the joy of gladness win, We beseech Thee hear us ! 4 By the love so calm and strong, Patient still to suffer wrong. And our day of grace prolong. We beseech Thee hear us ! 6 By the love that bids Thee spare, By the Heaven Thou dost prepare, By Thy promises to prayer. We beseech Thee hear us ! REPENTANCE AND FAITH 133 Redeemed, Restored, Forgiven Henry W. Baker Traditional Melodv 1. Redeemed, restored, for-giv-en. Through Jesus' precious Blood, Heirs of His home in 2. Once on the drear- y mount-ain We wandered far and wide, Far from the cleansing ■(9 1^ «>— ^«»- f^ESE^fc - -,9- m ■^- :zfa3!=i^: -A 1- -iri- ^: rr -A- Heav - en, O praise our pardoning God! Praise Him in tune-ful measures, Who Foun-tain, Far from the pier-ced Side; But Je - sus sought and found us. And 'It: -f2- :p2=^ ^- f- -^2- X -a- :^=^- -J. ■(2. ^- i W=^=^==: i^^if^iip gave His Son washed our guilt to a die ; way; S :=!=:l: -gj— g! — gj- :^=^=^il: ^ li Praise Him whose sevenfold treasures Enrich and sancti- With cords of love He bound us To be His own for - ^^ -^ -^ -«'- «! ^ I^ (J2_ i^ :^=:^: :]=i Praise Him whose sevenfold treasui With cords of love he bound us --I — ^- :^=^=^ ?cj — gf- iH es En -rich and sanc-ti - f y ! To be His own for aye. A -men. 3 Dear Master, Thine the glory Of each recovered soul; Ah ! who can tell the story Of love that made us whole ? Not ours, not ours the merit; Be thine alone the praise, And ours a thankful spirit To serve Thee all our days. 4 Now keep us. Holy Saviour. In Thy true love and fear; And grant us of Thy favor The grace to persevere ; Till, in Thy new creation. Earth's time-long travail o'er, We find our full salvation. And praise Thee evermore. REPENTANCE AND FAITH 134 Self and Christ A. Monod W. H. Monk 1. Oh, the bit - ter shame and 2. Yet He found me : 1 be sor - row, That a held Him Bleed - injr ^ ^ ^-i — :f:==t=- F==F==F ^ i^c: time on could the -^ P 3 E3 JZ. ^= -•■ -(S>- -«'- ^ <» - ^s- ^ '»= 3= proud - ly an - swer"d, " All of self, and none _«. Li^ -*i- of Thee."' m m- ^ ■g ;g ^ :??=^ i^E 3?: 3 Day by day His tender mercy. Healing, helping, full and free, Sweet and strong, and ah ! so patient, Brought me lower, while I whisper'd, '* Less of self, and more of Thee." 4 Higher than the highest heavens, Deeper than the deepest sea. Lord, Thy love at last hath conquer'd; Grant me now my soul's desire, " None of self, and all of Thee." heart said faint - ly, "Some of self, and some of Thee." A - men. 103 REPENTAiWCE AND FAITH I lay my sins on jfcsus S. S. Wesley _J_^ — 1-# 8— J I. I lay my sins on Je - sus, The spotless Lamb of God; He bears them all and :l2^t=tt I |r2z4=M=P=P=^=^= f=r= :^z=^i hs^ tt ±:— 1— ^ #— i — • — ^— -?5i^H-*— -f — * — i— :J— hp — H-3-#— ^-#— —#-#—#-- r # ^ g — ug :--'-5 — ■-* — ^ — • — • — ^'^ — *- — ' 1 — frees us From the ac-curs -ed load; I bring my guilt to Jesus, To wash my crimson -6i>- -*■-#■ stains White in His blood most prec - ious, Till not a stain re - mains. 1^' « m fl C ^ It: =^ 2Eg ^i 2 I lay my wants on Jesus ; All fulness dwells in Him ; He healeth my diseases. He doth my soul redeem : I lay my griefs on Jesus, My burdens and my cares ; He from them all releases. He all my sorrows shares. 3 I long to be like Jesus, Meek, loving, lowly, mild ; 1 long to be like Jesus, The Father's holy child: I long to be with Jesus Amid the heavenly throng. To sing with saints His praises, And learn the angels' sono;. 136 Lord, Thy mercy now entreating Time on pagi: 190 I Lord, Thy mercy now entreating. Low before Thy throne we fall, Our misdeeds to Thee confessing, On Thy name we humbly call. Sinful thoughts, and words unloving. Rise againsl us one by one; Acts unworthy, deeds unthinking. Good that we have left undone : 2 Precious moments idly wasted. Precious hours in folly spent; Christian vow and fight unheeded. Scarce a thought to wisdom lent: Lord, Thy mercy still entreating. We with shame our sins would own From henceforth, the time redeeming. May we live to Thee alone. loX ' A. x\'. REPENTANCI-: AND FA/lIf Lord, I confess to lliee -0-, — •— — tf — L.^ — — ^ 2 Faithful and just art Thou, Forgiving all ; Loving and kind art Thou, When poor ones call ; Lord, let the cleansing blood, IJlood of the Lamb of God Pass o'er my soul. 3 Then all is peace and light This soul within : Thus shall I walk with Thee, The loved unseen : Leaning on Thee, niy God, Guided along the road, Nothing between. 138 Take up thy Cross Tioie on /(ij,v 200 1 Take up thy cross, the Saviour said. If thou would'st My disciple be ; Deny thyself, the world forsake. And humbly follow after Me. 2 Take up thy cross ; let not its weight Fill thy weak spirit with alarm ; His strength shall bear thy spirit up. And brace thy heart, and nerve thine arm. 3 Take up thy cross then in His strength. And calmly eery danger brave : 'T will guide thee to a better home, And lead to victory o'er the grave. 4 Take up thy cross, and follow Christ, Xor think till death to lay it down : For only he who bears the cross .May hope to wear the glorious crown. REPENTANCE AND FAITH I heard the voice of yesus say rail /-^ tempo /. B. Dykes Lay down, thou wea - ry one, lav down Thy head up - on my breast;" :t=: '^^^ 13: *^^EE Quicker mf I found in Him a rest - ing place, And He has made me glad. > ^^ ^ — I i:=t:: 2 I heard the voice of Jesus say, " Behold, I freely give The living water, thirsty one, Stoop down, and drink, and live ; " I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life giving stream ; My thirst was quenched, my soul revived. And now I live in Him. 1 06 -h- 3 I heard the voice of Jesus say, " I am this dark world's Light ; Look unto Me, thy morn shrll rise, And all thy day be bright : " I looked to Jesus, and I found In Him, my Star, my Sun; And, in that Light of life, I'll walk Till traveling days are done. 40 Charh-s IVeslcv A' /■:/•/■: XT A A'CE AND /A/ 77/ yes?fs flic Sinner s Friend 3^ ■I- ^r~^ ■*■ d: -#-f- 3^3^ /. B. Dykes -^-•-7^ U—^ m 1. Je - sus, the sin - ner's friend, to thee, Lost aud un-done, for aid I flee; 2. Pi - ty and save my ru - ined soul ; 'Tis thou a - lone canst make me whole; 'I I Wea - ry of eartii, my - self, and sin, O - pen thine arms and take me in. Dark, till in me thine im - age shine, And lost I am till thou art mine. 3 At last I own it cannot be That I should fit myself for thee : Here, then, to thee I all resign ; Thine is the work, and only thine. 4 What can I say thy grace to move ? Lord, I am sin. — but thou art love : I give up every plea beside, Lord, I am lost. — but thou hast died I 141 Tu/w — /'')',?■(• 4 1 Just as I am, without one plea. But that Thy Blood was shed for me. •And that Thou bid'st me come to Thee O Lamb of God. I come. 2 Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings and fears within, without, O Lamb of God, I come 3 Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind : Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in Thee to find, O Lamb of God. 1 come, ynsf as I am 4 Just as I am, Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve. Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come. 5 Just as I am (Thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down.) Now to be Thine, yea, Thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come. 6 Just as I am, of that free love. The breadth, length, depth, and height to prove. Here for a season, then above, O Lamb of God, I come. Amen. C liar lot te Elliott 107 KEPKA'TANCE AND EAITII F. W. Faber Dear Saviottr ever at my side f "m A- Ha7-riette B. Judd g ^ :Zr ^E3E^f3^«3=r=5^F^?^ '^X=X- '^ ^ )ear Sav To leave iour ev - er at my side, How Thy Home in Heaven to guard A -0 ^ # ^ lov - ing Thou must sin - ful one like be, me -i9- The sweet-ness of Thy soft, low Voice, I • ■*■■••• am too deaf Copyiight, 1891, by Silver, Burdett & Co. 2 I cannot feel Thee touch my hand With pressure light and mild, To check me as my mother did, When I was but a child : But I have felt Thee in my thoughts. Fighting vi^ith sin for me; And when my heart loves God I know The sweetness is from Thee. 3 And when, dear Saviour, I kneel down, Morning and night, to prayer, Something there is, within my heart. Which tells me Thou art there. Yes, when I pray Thou prayest too, — Thy prayer is all for me ; But when I sleep Thou sleepest not, But watchest patiently. 143 Time — Welcome Voice I I hear The welcome voice, That calls me. Lord to Thee, For cleansing in Thy precious blood, That flowed on Calvary. Cho. — I am coming. Lord ! Coming now to Thee; Wash me, cleanse, in thy blood That flowed on Calvary ! / hear Thy welcome voice 108 2 Though coming weak and vile, Thou dost my strength assure ; Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse. Till spotless all, and pure. — Cho. 3 'T is Jesus calls me on To perfect faith and love. To perfect hope, and peace, and trust, For earth and heaven above. — Cho. L. Harts ough CONFLICT Hark, tJie Sound of the Fight Charles //. Lloyd -H gi, !-»-! U Hark, the sound of the fight hath gone forth, And :t:=t^=e=ti we must not tar - ry at home; For our Lord from the south and the north Has commanded His sol - diers to come '^- :.^=|E - — I* — ^ r -p-f= — I — r- :t=t: fc It =#£ Lamb who bleeds. ;g?=g2 2 We must stand to our colors like men : Our Lord is a leader to love ; For the wounded he heals, and the slain He crowns in His city above. We must march to the battle with speed. Upon earth our duty is strife ; Oh, blest are the soldiers who bleed For the Saviour who died to give life. 3 There is Jesus in heaven above, There is Jesus on eartii below. And His the one standard we love, And His the one watchword we know. Let us sing the new song of the Lamb; Let us sing round our banner so brave : Let us sing of that bountiful blood That was shed to redeem and to save. I GO CONFLICT 145 Soldiers of the Captain With spij'it. A — ^-^- =^=Fi -'-^ — s^- ■ — — I i ^ • — ^ 1 — 1-^ « — ^ at — \-6>- I-'-* * p\f ^^^ •— 'ttt . . ,-. J . . . ... . . I.- — s* — I. Sol-diers of the Captain ! Stand for Him and fight, Hardness glad en - dur - ing, REFRAIN. r — I ^ -H \~x~A 1— -1 I — «-i- — « — « ^ — — I (& — ^ Glo - rv of each sol - dier Who to Him be - longs. Sol-diers of the Cap-tain ■ — \: f& — ^^ ^ — „ — p ,_ — H^ihj=d= %5^^' if-x-- t^ • If^ 1/ h L I ^ ~ ' =' sn. Il Stand for Him and fight, Hardness glad en-dur - ing, Arnior'd in His might. A m -\ — •-s»- E="E3ES?^it3Fi=£ ez- — z?~ 2 Take ye, then, the helmet. Breastplate, shield, and sword- Thus equipped, for battle Ready at His word : Fierce though be the warfare, Sure is the renown — And, though dark the conflict, Bright the promised crown. Soldiers of the Captain ! &c, 3 Jesus ! Captain ! help us Soldiers good to be — Living, dying, ever. Fighting, Lord, for Thee: Eager to march forward. In those ranks of Thine — Waiting but the order From Thy voice divine ! Soldiers of the Captain ! &c. CONFLICT We are Soldiers of Christ T. B. Pollock E. C. A. Chepmell N-i ^ S -:X. 1. We are sol - diers of Christ, Who is might - y to save, And His 2. We are bro - thers and com - rades, we stand side by side. And our 3. We will watch read - y armed if the tempt - er draw near, If he See^ \ '^-^^ ban faith come -A- :4-r-^ ^-,-J ^ ■ 'J i) ner the cross is un - furled; We are pledged to be faitii - ful and and our liope are the same; And we think of the Cross on which a smile; We will heed not his threats, nor his ^ ^ with frown or -Fp= ^- , I ^ \p-V=f-^—h ^ ^\ =^ — f —^ f — ^ — ^— y- ? r 'y ^ ^ stead Je flat SfcE fast sus ter and brave A - gainst Sa has died. When we bear ies hear, Nor be tak J kt 1~ ^ ^0 tan, the flesh the re-proach en by storm and the world, of His Name, or by wile. tEE^^E^: m \ 4 Now let each cheer his comrade, let hearts beat as one, While we follow where Christ leads the way. 'T were dishonor to yield, or the battle to shun, We will fight, and will watch, and will pray. 5 Though the warfare be weary, the trial be sore. In the might of our God we will stand ; Oh, what joy to be crowned and be pure evermore In the peace of our own Fatherland I III CONFLICT 147 Breast the wave, Christian J. Stammers -6f- -/& — -^. A- jv. X -■tr ^H -^z -6f>- —^— 1. Breast the wave, Chris -tian, When it is strong - est, Watch for day, Chris-tian, 2. Fight the fight, Chris-tian, Je - sus is o'er thee; Run the race, Chris-tian, 3. Lift the eye, Chris-tian, just as it clos - eth ; Raise the heart, Chris-tian, when heaven ere night is is be it re long - est; On- ward and on -ward still fore thee: He who hath pro - mised all, pos - eth, Noth - ing thy soul from the be thine en - fal - ter - eth Sav - iour shall deav nev sev or. The rest that re - main - eth en - dur - eth for - ev - er. er, Oh, trust in the love that en - dur - eth for - ev - er ! er. Soon Thou shalt mount up - ward to praise Him for - ev - er. I -^9- ■»-' ■0-^^-0- a a^mi^ A s -«- ••• 9-0- ^-^ I A iEEEE=NEa3EEt Fed. -f^=f- t==t =t: i Copyright, 1891, by Silver, Burdett & Co. 148 My soul, be on thy guard Time — Laban C 7najor 1 My soul, be on thy guard, Ten thousand foes arise; And hosts of sin are pressing hard To draw thee from the skies 2 Oh, watch, and fight, and pray! The battle ne'er give o'er; Renew it boldly every day. And help divine implore. 3 Ne'er think the victory won, Nor lay thine armor down ; Thine arduous work will not be done. Till thou obtain thy crown. 4 Fight on, my soul, till death Shall bring thee to thy God ! He'll take thee at thy parting breath, Up to His blest abode. George Heath CONFLICT 149 My Saviour, be Thoit near me 'J\ A. St owe I I 11'. H. Loiig/iitrst S^i^p^pi^^iSii^li^ I. My Saviour, be Thou near me When Sa-tan doth as - sail, To strengthen and pro -* — ^-l 1 r — •■ ^^^\r^^ tact me, That he may not pre- vail. When sor-rows come ui^ - on me. And f=^- ^ J: ^ IX -J— I- ^3: X =^^^ m ^ir^ -^ 1 days are dark and sad, My Sav-iour, be Thou near me. And I shall still be glad. --1- 2 My Saviour, be Thou near me In sickness and in pain. To teach my spirit patience, To make my sorrow gain When heart and flesh are failing. Receive my parting breath ; My Saviour, be Thou near me, To comfort me in death. 3 And then, forever near Thee, Safe in that iiappy place Where angels sing Thy praises, And saints behold Thy face ; My joy shall be Thy Presence, Yes, this mv heaven will be, My Saviour will be near me Thro' all eternity. Tunc — Clirisimas Ey major 1 Am I a soldier of the cross, A follower of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own His cause. Or blush to speak His name? 2 Must I be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease, While others fought to win the prize. And sailed through bloody seas ? Am 1 a soldier of the Cross 3 Are there no foes for me to face ? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God ? 4 Sure I must fight, if I would reign; Increase my courage. Lord; ril bear the toil, endure the pain. Supported by Thy word. /. Watts IW CONFLICT 151 IVatch and pray Charlotte Elliott Kate S. Chittenden =t :^ V=^- m I. Chris - tian, seek not yet re - pose Cast Thy dreams of ease a - way; Copyright, 1891 2 Gird thy heavenly armor on, Wear it ever night and day; Ambushed lies the evil one, Watch and pray. by Silver, Burdett & Co. 4 Hear, above all, hear thy Lord ; Him thou lovest to obey ; Hide within thy heart His word, Watch and pray. 3 Hear the victors who. overcame; Still they mark each warrior's way; All with warning voice exclaim, — Watch and pray. 5 Watch, as if on that alone Hung the issue of the day; Pray that help may be sent down ; Watch and pray. Tunc — Christmas Ey major 1 Awake, my soul ; stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on ; A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. 2 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey; Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. Awake my Soul 3 'Tis God's all animating voice That calls thee from on higii : 'T is his own hand presents the prize To thine uplifted eye ; — 4 That prize, with peerless glories bright, Whicli shall new lustre boast, When victors' wreaths and monarch's gems Shall blend in common dust. Philip Doddridge 114 COXFLICT Lord, we stand before Thy Throne Philip Armes 1. Lord, we stand be - fore Thy Throne ; Thee our Lord and God we own, 2. How can we, a fee - ble band, Sa - tan's gath-ered hosts withstand, ¥£ ^=t= A :f:=tf:: te f:=t:F=t "^^ -«-T- -* — i- *^li"^ ^ I to Thee, and Thee re - sist, with sword a - lone. All our lives in hand. Hell's u - ni •i9- re - sign ! ted pow'rs? *-_ — ^- Then, if Thou our Lead - er art, Strengthen Tliou the faint - ing heart, Sav-iour, in Thy Name we go, Thou hast conquered ev - 'ry foe; Cour-age, pa-tience, help im-part; Keep us wliol - ly Tiiine. And if Thou Thv strength be-stow, Sav - ing Help is ours. —0 5 #—1—1 \ 1 T -#- A - men. =F A :t=t: V- ^=f i 3 For above our mortal sight, In the land of endless light, Stand the victors robed in white. Strike their harps and sing — Jesus triumphed when He rose, Jesus conquered all our foes : Now His hand the Crown bestows. Glory to our King ! 4 Lord, if we Thy cross will bear, We may hope Thy joy to share. With Thy ransomed ones to wear Crown and palm on high ! Hear us then, we humbly pray, ' Take our hearts, ourselves, to-day ; 'Neath Thy banner may we stay Faitliful till we die. CON FLIC 7 54 Onward, Christian soldiers S. Baring Gould Arthur S. Sullivan I V-^^-0 (^ f^-r-^ ^ ^ (9 1 1 1 — \-f^ -ri H 1. Onward, Christian sol-diers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Je - sus 2. Like a might-y ar -my, Moves the church of God, Brothers, we are tread -ing -J s « -t ifeS; t=t: ;== I r '•-^•— S — ^— r^ — r-S — S — S — 5— r^*^^^^^ n :fc :^=^=3^ -tt^= -a- , Go- ing on be -fore; Christ the Roy- al Mas - ter. Leads against the foe; Where the saints have trod; We are not di - vid - ed, All one bod -y we, — h« — m — • — T ■ < y — r— « — •- :E^E3: x—t-- X- X—t-- :t: lb: -0 — ^-f9 (5^ r -X =i 3=S3ES^ ■# V -H 1 I-Ht^ For-ward in - to bat - tie See His banners go. Onward,Christian sol - diers, One in hope and doc- trine. One in char -i - ty. ^^ :ti=|i=^=ji: 1:: te war, fzi|=i|=:^z=3i£l=^ -& -^ -^ -r "ST" I I I With the cross of Je ■ sus =1=1: -1 t--^ -^ — e- -M-=xw- -& -* -^ -^ Marching as to war, With the Cross I I I i^l J ^ -0 — — 9 T— •-^-«^— '-• i=i: -I — F=f- of Je -sus Go -ing on be -fore. I I I. ^ ^? a ^ ^L ^_,._ =E=a -»-^— •- With the cross of Je - sus I f i^: I L/ 3 Crowns and thrones may perish, Kingdoms rise and wane. But the Church of Jesus Constant will remain ; Gates of hell can never 'Gainst that church prevail, We have Christ's own promise. And that cannot fail. Onward, Christian soldiers, &c. 4 Onward, then, ye people, Join our happy throng. Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song — Glory, laud and honor. Unto Christ the King, This, through countless ages, Men and angels sing. Onward, Christian soldiers, &c. ii6 CONFLICT 155 /'. R. Havergal^ Who is on the Lord's side -4- Adapted by J. Goss rt -^ pe=^ m^- ^ 1. Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the King? Who will be His helpers 2. Je-sus,Thou hast bought us, Not with gold or gem, But with Thine own life-blood. m \ tE^^ r— r -t=: f-t^ '^E^ -g— 1 3^ :=«^ ■— * •— U--- •—Li 5 /^ 0th - er lives to For Thy di - a bring? Who will leave the world's side ? Who will face the foe ? dem. With Thy blessing fill - ing Each who comes to Thee, Who is on the Lord's side ? Who will for Him go? Thou hast made us will-ing, Thou hast made us free. =t^=F a= A -4-,- • - By Thy call of mer - cy. By Thy grand Redemp-tion, -#• I I •&- .-(9- 1 i -^ — r By By Thy grace Thy grace di di vme, vine, We We are are on on the Lord's side, the Lord's side. Sav-iour, we Sav-iour, we are Thine ! are Thine ! A :t: rsssi :E ^ — r 3 Fierce may be the conflict, Strong may be the foe. But the King's own army None can overthrow. Round His standard ranging. Victory is secure ! For His truth unchanging Makes the triumph sure. Joyfully enlisting By Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side. Saviour, we are Thine ! >=^ ^= 117 4 Chosen to be soldiers In an alien land, " Chosen, called, faithful," For our Captain's band In the service royal, Let us not grow cold : Let us be right loyal. Noble, true, and bold. Master, Thou wilt keep us, By Thy Grace divine, Always on the Lord's side, Saviour, always Thine! CONFLICT %-k A We march to Victory J. Barnhv -•t- We march, we march to vie - to - ry, ^=r :t=: :t: :k= —I p 1 — -• — -. '/. With the cross of the Lord be b ^/< P la— P w =^ -sf- fore us, With His lov - ing eve look - ing down from the sky, And His •#■••-■#-#■ if-\M-^. i -9-i- \st two verses. ^ u Last verse j I only. -^- ^=^ ;^ N r IHis ^ '-T^h ho - ly arm spread o'er us, His ho - ly arm spread o'er us. o'er £=E= ^E: X-^ His arm spread &—. K\ 1 — 1 "1 1 '1 ■ 1 1 -is — N — ! \ 1 V^ i' -'m~ .1 — 1 ^ — 1 1 1 — -A \^ -^3 3^ -J — t^0~i — ;— d vl) ■* ■• ■ J • J 5 1* 1* p • 3 12 « # I ^ L' — -1^ 1 '^z^ \j \) \ • I. We come in the might of the Lord of light, With ar - mor bright to 2. Our sword is the Spir - it of God on high, Our hel - met His sal - 3. And the choir of . . . an - gels with «-: — ^ ■•- ^ ^ song a - waits Our march to the gol - den -^'^f ., -0 — — • \ -X r — ' l± — L 4_i^ u -V i^ 1 \- - 118 CONFLICT '-^:ir-' — hMaf i^==r-i 1 _ i — I m — ~ j 1 1 1 r— "-^ 1 — •^^•-pB i ^ *r^ i ^ *~n — 5 — t — #i — t— ^ — :±E3 W meet Him And we put va - tion; Our ban Zi - on ; For our Cap -(2- to flight ner the tain has tlie armies of night Tliat the cross of Cal - va - ry, Our broken the braz-en gates, And ^-. -* • V— '- D.S. ^M m — I- i-l=^. -h- -I ^ y \ ,• •— '— 5i -^ sons of the day may greet Him, The sons of the day may greet Him. watch - word — the In-car-na - tion, Our watchword the In - car - na - tion. burst the bars of i - ron. And burst the bars of i - ron. We mmmm K ^ f3 Fight the good Jig J it A. Britten 1. Fight the good figlit with all thy might, Christ is thy Strength, and Christ thy light ; 2. Run the straight race through God's good grace, Lift up thine eyes, and seek His Face ; .^Trf r^— ^» • • — — f» 1- &- -G> — It: ^±T=|: E E^E -^ m^ J 22: ^^- -^^ :i=i '^im ^ ^g^ Lay hold on life, and it shall Life with its ways be - fore us ^ £ # - - -^ -• — • £3 be lies, r Thy joy and crown e - ter - nal - ly. Christ is the path, and Christ the prize. 1 ^H t-ht^^- :E -W- itz -(2- i9- =E -| — I 1 — -i — n Jrong'or wea-ry, Trust in God, trttst in God, trust in G.,. jd do the r^ht. \ 2 Perish "policy" and cunning, Perish all that fears the light, Whether losinsi, whether winning, Trust in God and do the right. Shun all forms of guilty passion. Fiends can look like angels bright: Heed no custom, school, or fashion. Trust in God, and do the right. 3 Some will hate thee, some will ove thee, Some will flatter, some will slight ; Cease from man, and look above thee, Trust in God, and do the right. Simple rule and safest guiding, Inward peace and shining light, Star upon our path abiding, _ Trust in God, and do the right. 121 CONFLICT— WORK I 60 King of Glory! J, Mrs. Mitchell R. Stezvart 1. King of glo - ry ! Sav - iour dear ! Grant us grace to per - se - vere ; 2. Once for Thee the Cru - ci - fied, Many a faith - ful mar - tyr died, L°ad - er of the hosts of God, May we tread where Thou hast trod! How can we Thy chil-dren show All our love for all Thy woe? 3 Bearing calmly for our Lord Thoughtless jest or spiteful word ; Curbing angry speech and tear, Strong in Thee to persevere. 4 Persevere, Thy yoke is light ; Persevere, Thy crown is bright ; Persevere, and we shall sing, In the palace of our King 1 161 One more days work for yesMS B\> niajor 1 One more day's work for Jesus, One less of life for me ! But heaven is nearer. And Christ is dearer. Than yesterday to me; His love and light Fill all my soul to-night. — Cho. 2 One more day's work for Jesus ! How sweet the work has been, To tell the story, To show the glory. Where Christ's flock enter in ! How it did shine In this poor heart of mine ! — Cho. 3. One more day's work for Jesus — Oh, yes, a weary day ; But heaven shines clearer. And rest comes nearer. At each step of the way ; And Christ in all — Before His face I fall. — Cho. 4 Oh, blessed work for Jesus ! Oh, rest at Jesus' feet! There toil seems pleasure. My wants are treasure, And pain for Him is sweet. Lord, if I may, I 'II serve another day! — Cho. A. Warner IVOR A' FOR CHRIST 162 JVork.for the Night is coming S. Dyer Work, while the dew is \-^ g =g — ^ =g -»!- r^^= ling; Work 'mid the spring - ing flowers. :t:=|:z:f=f==t=t=1 S — y- ±: i: 33 J= ^ES!l3^^i Work, when the day grows bright - er, #- ^ ^ #. #. .^- #.• i=t=ti=t:=t=F sun : Work in tiie glow-ing ■0- -m- -0- ■»- s 4— 4— -I— +- r -^ i • — I — - ' =^=^= ^ ^F -^- t~ £ ±: -s'- -H 1 1- --•t- Work, for — 9~ the -#T- -#-r- «^ t:= night is com - ing When man's work J n ^ -^ ^ ie:i=p -^ * -U u-i— I- — • • !*- — b-l ^. 1 done. =1^ =F- r- 2 Work, for the night is coming, Work through the sunny noon ; Fill brightest hours with labor, Rest will come sure and soon : Give every flying minute Something to keep in store : Work, for the niglit is coming When man works no more. 3 Work, for the night is coming, Under the sunset skies ; While their bright tints are glowing Work, for the daylight flies : Work till the last beam fadeth, Fadeth to shine no more ; Work, while the night is darkening When man's work is o'er. I 23 WORK FOR CHRIST 163 IVhile the Sun is shining T. A. Stowell Walter Macfarren Ere His rays de Plead to be for =f=f== 3: < i tJiK Ere the shad - ows fall Watch a - gainst temp - ta II Leno'th - en on our Watch, and fiafht and ::=):: #: ^ 1 Hark! Each a voice in his 3 Work, but not in sadness, For your Lord above ; He will make it gladness With His smile of love. When that Lord returning Knocketh at the gate, Let your lights be burning. Be like men who wait. 4 Happy then the meeting. When you see His face ; Welcome then the greeting From the Throne of grace- " Good and faithful servant, Of my Father blest, Now your work is ended, Enter into rest." ASPIRA TION 164 Goethe Purer yet and purer Kate S. Chittenden A \> , , 1 — 1 1 S 1— 1 N^-4— -A~ -^^—^ — N 1— — 1 — -A ^ 1- — -1 — ll -^ — d — « « — *-! • H 1 — • — fii^-r- — H=^^:-^ 'A 0— — 3—4— — -m -d — — ^ — 1. Pur 2. Calm ^: 7-4— I-r- — S — •— ■ er yet - er yet — — 1 and and ■0- I— # — pur calm _* — 1«*4-' - er - er I Tri T— ^ — •— would be - al bear in and ••- -" mind, pain, Dear Sur #- : - er yet - er yet and and 1 1 -is— t- _u_ V — 1— — V — N— h- 1 J 1 J \ 4: i^ ^ du last V i? -s^ 1^1 dear - er Eve - ry sur - er Peace at ty to find; Hop - ing still and trust - ing gain ; Suffer - ing still and do - ing, :* Efc -^ ti« -^ A f -25*- God with-out a fear, Pa-tient-ly be - To his will re - signed, And to Cod sub -•■ V* -0.-0. liev-ing He will make du -ing Heart and will t^- \^^^^ t=t= -t-- all clear, and mind. —& — i 3 Higher yet and higher Out of clouds and night, Nearer yet and nearer Rising to the light — Light serene and holy. Where my soul may rest, Purified and lowly. Sanctified and blest. 4 Quicker yet and quicker Ever onward press, Firmer yet and firmer Step as I progress : Oft these earnest longings Swell witliin my breast, Yet their inner meaning Ne'er can be expressed. Copyright, 1891, by Silver, Burdett & Co. 125 ASPIRA TION 165 Far from my Heavenly Home II. F. Lyh- Not too slow John Wilkes IS: ^ Far trom my My spir - it heaven home ■ ■ Iv ward -G- -6^ home, turns, Far And from my Fa - ther's breast, fain would thith - er flee; 1:2:=^ 11 fc=te — 1 — «> ■^- "^m d=p± =4-»-4 ^^-^ i^ Faint -ing I cry, "Blest Spir - it, come. And speed me to my rest." My heart, O Zi - on, droops and yearns. When I re-mem - ber Thee. A - men. - 1 -^ ■». =£ a ■^- *^ •^- :F=t= li^ 3 To Thee, to Thee I press A dark and toilsome road ; When shall I pass the wilderness. And reach the saints' abode ? 4 God of my life, be near; On Thee my hopes I cast; O guide me through the desert here. And brinof me home at last. 166 Father! whateer of earthly bliss Tunc — Naomi D major I Father ! whate'er of earthly bliss Thy sovereign will denies. Accepted at Thy throne of grace. Let this petition rise : 2 " Give me a calm, a thankful heart. From every murmur free ; The blessings of Thy grace impart. And make me live to Thee. 3 "Let the sweet hope that Thou art mine My Life and death attend ; Thy presence through my journey shine, And crown my journey's end." 126 A. Steele ASPIRA TION Father, hear the Prayer we offer! d^1=q=T-J=J= :^zz=il=|:^=i:l3==z:d3z:1=zz=jri==i --j- 3 1. Fa - ther, hear the prayer we of- fer ! Not for ease our prayer shall be, 2. Not for - ev - er in green pas - tures Do we ask our way to be; ^ A But for strengthjthat we may ev - er Live our lives cou - ra-geous - ly. But by steep and rug-ged pathways Would we strive to climb to Thee. A- men. ^t=F= 3 Not for ever in still waters Would we ask that we may stay, But would win the living fountains From the rocks along the way. 4 Be our strength in hours of weakness ; In our wanderings be our guide : Through endeavor, failure, danger, Father ! be Thou at our side. 1 68 From '■ Pilgrim Songs," by per. ol Cong'l S. S. and Pub. Soc. Come, Thou Fount of every Blessing Time "A'fttlt'toii." F major- I Come, Thou Fount of every blessing. Tune my heart to sing Thy grace : Streams of mercy never ceasing. Call for songs of loudest praise. Teacli me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above ; Praise the mount — 1 'm fixed upon it ! Mount of Thv redeeming love. 2 Oh, to grace how great a debtor, Daily I "m constrained to be ! Let Thy goodness, like a fetter. Bind my wandering heart to Thee. Prone to wander. Lord, I feel it — Prone to leave the God I love ; Here "s my heart, oh take and seal it ! Seal it for Thy courts above. K. Robinson 127 169 ^ James Edmeston ASPIRA TION Lead us, Heavenly Father Gounod m I. Lead us, heaven-ly Fa-ther, lead us O'er the world's tem-pest-uous sea; ■A. A 11 :t=t= =|t^ .43 ^:]=i :fc;: •— *- :t-fzi: SJ=Ei s= iii &s Guard us, guldens, keep us, feed us, For we have no help but Thee; fef^ :^=t|^= :t=t:==t:: ^«- ■#- ^t^E £=^ S A I Yet pos-sess-ing Ev - ery bless -ing, If our God our Fa - ther be. ■•-J f- -» ^ ^ :^=|i: -.rx-- 0-^ iSi^^^iil^l 2 Saviour, breathe forgiveness o'er us ; All our weakness Thou dost know ; Thou didst tread this earth before us; Thou didst feel its keenest woe ; Lone and dreary, Faint and weary. Through the desert Thou didst go. 3 Spirit of our God, descending. Fill our hearts with heavenly joy ; Love with every passion blending, Pleasure that can never cloy; Thus provided, Pardoned, guided. Nothing can our peace destroy. 128 ASPIRA TION 170 While we lowly bow I While we lowly bow before Thee, Wilt Thou, gracious Saviour, hear? We are poor and needy sinners, Full of doubt and full of fear ; Gracious Saviour, Make us humble and sincere. 2 Fill us with Thy Holy Spirit; Sanctify us by Thy grace ; Oh, incline us more to love Thee, And in dust our souls abase. Hear us, Saviour, And unveil Thy glorious face. 3 None in vain did ever ask Thee For the Spirit of Thy love ; Hear us, then, dear Saviour, hear us ; Grant an answer from above ; Blessed Saviour, Hear and answer from above. Lord, I believe D. C. Coles-worthy A. H. Mann •f*= I wan - der com - fort - less and lone, When from Thy truth I stray I look to Thee with prayers and tears. And cry for strength and light -42- h2- *EE3E T -(2. i=fe: t -b< p^E^ r- IS 3 Lord, I believe ; but oft, I know. My faitli is cold and weak : My weakness stren2:then, and bestow The confidence I seek. 4 Yes ! I believe ; and only Thou Canst give my soul relief: Lord, to Thy truth my spirit ho^ \ " Help Thou mine unbelief!" 1 29 ASPIRA TION F. C. V'an Alstyne More like Jesus would I be John Nay lor y Dolce. W te^^ s'-j— ^ ^3 =|: 1. More like 2. More like Je - sus would Je - sus, while 4 be, go. Let Fil- my Sav erim in iour dwell in me ; this world be - low -4- Fill my Poor in soul with peace and love, Make me gen - tie as a spir - it would I be, — Let my Saviour dwell in dove, me. A- men. 3 He will teach me how to live, All my sinful thouglits forgive ; Pure in heart I still would be,- • Let my Saviour dwell in me. 4 Born of Him, through grace renewed, I5y His love my will subdued, Rich in faith I still would be, — Let my Saviour dwell in me. 173 Tune— ''Sicilian FlyvinP E major I Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land ; I am weak, but Thou art mighty; Hold me with Thy powerful hand ; Bread of heaven. Feed nie till I want no more. Guide me, O TJiou great Jehovah 2 Open Thou the crystal fountain Whence the healing streams do flow ; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through ; Strons; Deliverer, Be Thou still my Strength and Shield, 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; Death of Death ! and hell's Destruction ! Land me safe on Canaan's side ; Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee. Amen. W. Williams 130 174 J. E. Bode, ASPIRA T/OX O ycsifs, I Jiavc promised J. W. Elliott ■±=* H 1 1 P^i-i — d -1— 1—- ^ — I ^— — ' d — I 1 — I I. O Je - sus, I have prom - ised To serve Thee to the end; ±- >- £^^E -2«- • — • — ^ . I EBE* Be Thou tor - ev - er near me. My Mas - ter and my Friend! -*-^-^*-4-SH-* m S pi— ^— h-d — >5j 1 1 Nor wan-der from the path - way, It" Thou wilt be my Guide. A -men. ^^ -0- JE=i-r- Z^-I^ -fZ- i 2 O ! Let me feel Thee near me — The world is ever near: I see the sights that dazzle. The tempting sounds I hear. My foes are ever near me, Around me and within; But, Jesus, draw Thou nearer. And shield my soul from sin. 3 O Jesus, Thou hast promised To all who follow Thee. That where Thou art in glory There shall Thy servant be ; And, Jesus, I have promised To serve Thee to the end ; O, give me grace to follow My Master and my Friend ! 131 ASPIRA TION 175 yesus calls Us ipfe C. F. Alexander ^ A- W.H.Jude A :q=5: 1. Je - sus calls us; o'er the tu - mult Of our life's wild, rest - less sea, 2. Je - sus calls us from the wor-ship Of the vain world's gold-en store. Day From by day His sweet voice sound-eth, each i - dol that would keep us, ¥ ■— I 1 ^ 3 In our joys and in our sorrows. Days of toil and hours of ease, Still He calls in cares and pleasures, " Christian, love Me more than these." Say. Say ing " Christian fol - low ing " Christian love me ^ -*- — • « • * -y- :t= -y- me : more. — (2- :t r- 4 Jesus calls us : by Thy mercies, Saviour, may we hear Thy call. Give our hearts to Thine obedience. Serve and love Thee best of all. i The Friend Unseen C. H. Bowne -^- -Z5l- 1. O Christ, our 2. Make eve - ry --±=-X -l5»- God, Who heart that t: with is jsu Thine own hast been, Thy dwell - ing - place Our spir - its cleave to Thee, the A wa- tered (jar - den filled with Friend fruits un - seen, of grace. mm^ ASPIRA TION 3 Each hoi}- purpose help us to fulfill ; Increase our faith to feed upon Thee still. 4 O Grant us peace, that by Thy peace possessed, Thy life within us we may manifest. 5 So shall we pass our days in holy fear, In joyful consciousness that Thou art near. 6 So shalt Thou be for ever, loving Lord, Our Shield and our exceedinjr great Reward. 177 Charlotte Elliott Thy linll be done A. S. Sullivan My, God, my Fa - ther, wliile I stray Tho' dark my path and sad my lot, Far from my home, on life's rough way, Let me be still and mur- inur not. ^ ^^f£ ^m ±=t:: =t=t I fctzzn^i ^ -S#- yk 3(: ~t9 — "25- Oh, teach me from my heart to say, Thy will be done. And breathe the prayer di - vine - ly taught, Thy will be done. A - men. ^ :t=: =EE£ -(2- 3 Renew my will from day to day. Blend it with Thine, and take away All that now makes it hard to say Thy will be done. 4 Let but my fainting heart be blest With Thy sweet spirit for its guest, My God, to Thee I leave the rest ; Thy will be done. '33 ^ I ASPIRA TION 178 How good Thou art to me! R. JV. Laiidis Kate S. Chittenden 1. How good Thou art 2. Should tri - als dark to me ! Oh may and drear Be mv ev lot er be Faith ment here, Till ful and ail earth's true to Thee, Thou God of hopes ap-pear To fade a love; way; And Let be it joy my e'er my will Thy pleas - ure spir - it fill To see there to in :^^ ful - fill, Whose love shall guide me still Thy will. To lead me on - ward still To realms a - In Thy blest bove. way. :d= ::1=i :^--g: -^- S T 3 Faithful and true Thou art, O still Thy grace impart. Till my whole life and heart From sin be free ; Till I shall live Thy praise, Love Thee in all Thy ways ; Yea, every moment raise Some note to Thee. Copyright, 1891, by Silver, Burdett & Co. ^* I 4 O Christ receive my prayer ! I would Tliine image bear Would still Thy guidance share, Till life retires; Oh make me Thine for aye ; Thine while on earth 1 stay. And Thine where endless day Its joy inspires. •34 AS/VA'.l TIOX yesus! Lover of my Soul A /. B. Dykes 1. Je - sus ! Lov - er of my soul, Let me to Thy bo - som fly, 2.0th- er ref - uge have I none; Hangs my help-less soul on Thee; ^^^riJ^. ^ && ^• 1 -A ^— , H- N -1 1 Fine. k n i^^-E — • — ^*^r^S= ^ — o — ^ J i| — s — — 1 — #-i --7^^ tr— — •— — — — # — —25* I — __ — « — — =•-! 1 — •— 1 — j= — ,^ — 'J I i While the \va - ters near - er roll, While the tern - pest still is high ; n.s.s^ie in - to tlie ha- ven guide; re - ceive my soul at last ! Leave, ah! leave me not a - lone, Still sup - port and com -fort me! D.S.—Cov - er my de - f ence less head With the shad • ow of Thy wing. '^.'r? I — ^ Pf — • — ■»- —•— _A^ [f— ^ =^ # — ^ g A\ '^b-f?— r — =4^ 1 1 -+- — 1 — f ^ — # — -y — *— -4— r^fl s 1 1 \ ' I ' ^- i=Ef^ :!?zit:: =t X- -\z- £ r- D.S. Hide me, O my Sav - iour ! hide. Till the storm of life is past; All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I bring; -(S2- 3 Thou, O Christ ! art all I want ; More than all in Thee I find ; Raise the fallen, cheer the faint. Heal the sick and lead the blind, Just and holy is Thy Name, I am ail unrighteousness; Vile and full of sin 1 am, Thou art full of truth and nrace. " — r- 4 Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin. Let the healing streams abound. Make and keep me pure within; Thou of life the Fountain art: Freely let me take of Thee : Spring Thou up within my heart. Rise to all eternity. ASPJRA TION 1 80 Break Thou the Bread of Life M. A. Lathbnrv 5fefe^F=^= :a=E3 :i Paul Ambrose 1^ -J^- * ^ 1. Break Thou the bread of life. Dear Lord, to 2. Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord. To me — to me, As Thou didst me — As Thou didst teEE ^g W^ -(2^ ^ ,^= B: d==1: :q: -^ LI® break the loaves Be - side the sea ; Be - yond the sa - bless the bread By Gal - i - lee ; Then shall all bond cred page I seek Tliee, -age cease, All fet - ters Copyright, 1891, by Silver, Burdett & Co. 181 More love to Thee, O Christ SECOND HYMN I More love to Thee, O Christ, More love to Thee ! Hear Thou the prayer I make, On bended knee; This is my earnest plea. More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee ! 2 Once earthly joy I craved. Sought peace and rest ; Now Thee alone I seek. Give what is best ; This all my prayer shall be. More love, O Christ, t© Thee, More love to Thee! 3 Then shall my latest breath Whisper Thy praise ; This be the parting cry My heart shall raise. This still its prayer shall be. More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee! 136 Klhabcth Prentiss ASPIRA TlOX 182 O Love that casts out Fear If. Bo liar 1. O love that casts out fear, 2. Oreat love of God, come in, O love that casts out sin, Well-spring of heaven - ly peace; IfeeEt i^ ■x^ £ E3^ '^-rt - ' * ( Rise from transitory things Toward heaven, thy native place ; ) Sun and moon and stars [decay; I ■0- ^ -*- -«2- H 3:aEF='= d= s J=J3:fa ^^^^ Time shall soon this earth remove ; Rise,my soul,and haste away To seats prepared above. 7ff-# • 0- ipizii: 138 ASPIRA TIOX 2 Rivers to the ocean run, Nor stay in all their course ; Fire, ascending, seeks the sun : Both speed them to their source : So a soul that 's jjorn of God Pants to view His glorious face, Upward tends to His abode, To rest in His embrace. 3 Cease, ye pilgrims, cease to mourn Press onward to the prize : Soon our Saviour will return, Triumphant in the skies ; Yet a season, and you know Happy entrance will be given, All our sorrows left below, And earth exchanged for heaven. God made nic for Himself Kate S. Chittenden i=3: fEE^: m =tj,r^ ==!=:: love's pure ser - vice and in fil life and death, my full sal - va ial fear; To show His praise ; for tion won; Thy grace that would have Hini to la - bor now. Then see His glo - ry where the an - gels bow. strengthened me, and taught ; Grace that would crown me when niv work was wrouo-ht. y ^ 3 And I, poor sinner, cast it all away ; Lived for the toil or pleasure of each day : As if no Christ had shed His precious blood, As if I owed no homage to my God. 4 O Holy Spirit, with Thy fire divine. Melt into tears this thankless heart of mine ; Teach me to love what once I seemed to hate, And live to God, before it be too late. Copyrifrht. ism, liv Sii.vki!, F.ukdktt^- Co 1 .30 ASPIRA TION 1 86 J. G. Small I 've found a Friend =1: Arthur S. Sullivan um I, I 've found a Friend ; O ! such a Friend ! He loved me ere I knew Him! 'W-h"" • t- i^E: -^ « m I d=|^^=1= «= -I N i P 1 — 1 -I J b-' — ti--l- g r— He drew me with the cords of love, And thus He bound me to Him ■•- -0- ■•-■»- -0- i».! ■#■ -^ — t- — I — I 1 1 s-y^^- • i — S^ *-^ x=-v--- S =F=t=F -1 — r''"i =^=E- :^=:t ^g And round my heart still close - ly twine Those ties which nought can sev er, :t=t: -fJ ■^ -^ =t=l=t:= P -•-^ -Li^ M= r- X -d — ^ *-^— ^ ^it"^^ For I ■ am His, and He is mine. For ev - er and for - ev - er- 0— \ 1 1 P 1 1 #^5 — H :t=^ 2 I 've found a Friend ; O ! such a Friend ! 3 I 've found a Friend ; O ! such a Friend ! He bled, He died to save me : And not alone the gift of life, But His own Self He gave me. Nought that I have my own I call, I hold it for the Giver : My heart, my strength, my life, my all, Are His, and His forever. So kind and true, and tender. So wise a Counsellor and Guide, So mighty a Defender. From Him, who loves me now so well. What power my soul can sever ? Shall life ? — or death ? — or earth ? — or hell? No I I am His forever. I40 ASP/h-A T70\ 187 0/i,for a closer walk with God Win. Cotoper ill I Joseph Smith . 1- I. Oh, for N clos er walk with God, -^ A ^^ :«2if- V— calm and heav'n - ly frame, ,-^- — « — b?9- • m 12^ -;^- to shine up - on -<5i- ^ -r — r I tlie road That leads me J2. -«. -(2- znagn 2 Where is the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord ? Where is the soul-refreshing view Of Jesus and His word. 3 What peaceful hours 1 then enjoyed How sweet their memory still ! Hut they have left an aching void The world can never fill. i= to the Lamb ! A -TS—W - 5?^=^ ^^^ ;n. 1 men. 4 Return, O Holy Dove, return. Sweet messenger of rest ; I hate the sins that made Thee mourn. And drove Thee from my breast. 5 The dearest idol I have known, Whate'er that idol be. Help me tear it from Thy throne. And worship only Thee. 188 There is an Eye that never sleeps SECOND HYMN 1 There is an Eye that never sleeps. Beneath the wing of night ; There is an Ear that never shuts, When sink the beams of light. 2 There is an arm that never tires, When human strength gives way ; There is a love that never fails, When earthly loves decay. 3 But there 's a power which man can wield When mortal aid is vain. That Eye, that Arm, that Love to reach, That listening Ear to gain. 4 That power is prayer, which soars on high Through Jesus to the throne. And moves the Hand, which moves the world. To bring salvation down. 141 ASPIRA TION 189 Thou hidden Love of God Charles Wesley John Stainer — -i— '--t-y — -^— ^ — ^^^ — • — r -0-i- I. Thou Iiicl - ckn love of God. wliose height, Whose depth un - fath - omed, :vz^t: A- -•i- X-- -¥- =^^#=^= 1 , J r. Mor/ey 1 1 V-i f , k. 1 1 1 , 1 ; 1 1 1 /rU' i^ \ ^ ■1 J m '"' ^ 4 ^ 1 ifn'^ * ^ J '1 ' •^ 1 1 1 ^ K ^ • i iih « € J ' ^j # s- ■ -^ hJ '5' 1 1. Heaven - ly Fa ■ 2. Je - sus, who ther, didst let suf Thy - fer — #— light Break pain, To ^— ^-^ up re - c - on our blind lease from er - - ed sight, ror's chain, ^\>r' f ' T r • r — 1 — — b 1— [- L. ^ ^ k-^U' I / L • L L 1^ L V \^ \ " '■ ' w U ■■ i ^ 1 11 p 7. ~ p' - p r r !' 1 1 S 1 y 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 ' 1 1 i '"IR*- ;t^Jife=|i=i=:^: r y^ ^ Chase a - way the shades of night, We be-seech Thee, hear us. Man's lost Par - a - dise to gain, Je - sus, Sav - iour, hear us. :vb=?=i: =t=f:= -H=^^ =ti:: ^— • ^- S A - men. F=n=.-; I 3 Seek for those who careless roam, Bring the wanderers safely home. May Thy glorious Kingdom come, Jesus, Saviour, hear us. 5 Come and breathe new life within, Rescue souls from death and sin, Teach the careless Heaven to win, Blessed Spirit, Hear us. 4 Blessed Spirit, heavenly Lord, Speak with power the saving Word, How the lost may be restored, Blessed Spirit hear us. 6 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Loving those who need Thee most, Raise the fallen, save the lost. We beseech Thee, hear us, 144 93 /(;//// .his tin COXSECKA TION Jesus! I live to Thee Schumann 15^ . I rest, nal home. i^m^^Mmm^m 3 Whether to live or die, I know not which is best; To live in Thee is bliss to me, To die is endless rest. 4 Living or dying. Lord, I ask but to be Thine : My Life in Thee, Thy life in me, Makes heaven for ever mine. 194 Thine for ever! God of love Tune on page 1 30 1 Thine for ever! God of love. Hear us from Thy Throne above; Thine for ever may we be. Here and in eternity. 2 Thine for ever! Oh, how blest Tliey who find in Thee their rest ! Saviour, Guardian, heavenly Friend, Oh, defend us to the end. 3 Thine for ever ! Lord of life, Shield us through our earthly strife. Thou, the Life, the Truth, the Way Guide us to the realms of day. 4 Thine lor ever! Shepherd, keep Us Thy weak and tiembling sheep Safe alone beneath Thy care. Let us all Thv goodness share. 5 Thine for ever ! Thou our Guide; All our wants by Thee supplied; All our sins by Thee forgiven ! Lead us. Lord from earth to heaven ! 145 M. F. Maude CONSECRA TION 195 Take my Life, and let it be, F. R. Harm-gal S^EES^SSi Kate S. Chittenden J __ ^s ?s L -«— ^ 1 H 1 ^ 1. Take my life, and let it be Con - se - era - ted, Lord, to Thee. 2. Take my hands and let them move At the im - pulse of Thy love. ;fc^f E^ _^_. -5*- ^ ^ I^I -^ ^ I :^=4=^ r- ~^ > : YL^ — , — g — •—'—5 — ; — 0^gr^ — • — • — *•— *- ^'^^ i.^E^^ Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my feet and let them be Swift and beau- ti - ful for Thee. ' -1 "-* * L*' T* 1 — r — ^ — '^ ""^ — A - men. I -^-r C!?-: t: —I Copyright, 1891, by Silvek, Bcrdett & Co. mm 3 Take my voice, and let me sing Always, only, for my King. Take my lips, and let them be Filled with messages from Thee. 4 Take my love, my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasured store. Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee. 106 M^cst yesMS bear the cross alone Tune — Maitland B"^ major I Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go free? No, there's a cross for every one. And there's a cross for me. 3 And palms shall wave, and harps shall ring, Beneath heaven's arches high ; The Lord that lives, the ransomed sing. That lives no more to die. 2 The consecrated cross I'll bear, Till death shall set me free ; And then go home my crown to wear. For there'r a crown for me. 4 Oh, precious cross! oh, glorious crown! Oh, resurrection day ! Ye angels, from the stars come down. And bear my soul away. T. Shepherd 146 COA'SACA'AYVOX Jesits dear, I conic to Thee /• V- :::l=qi=*: — i=i -0- -0- -0- -0- ■0- ■»•-»• I. Jesus dear. I come to Thee, Thou liast said I may; Tellme what my life siiouldbe, ^-r-^- :i!=3S A ^^-r-^ A^,-A- _j 1 — 1_| — I 1 1 1-.-. :5=i(: qzz: 1 N— N-! 1 "T g ^: -'9^- ^1 I -I * ^ ^ * j;^ Take my sins a - way; Je-sus dear, I learn of Thee In Thy word di - vine; ilslt4= -,-4-.-4 \-sri Lo> A 1- I * s - '&^- tt ^E*: *tJ^^ -75Hir- c riouus. # • * — >& — ' Ev" -ry promise there I see, May I call it mine. *■ 5^5=5: -7 1 ^ -*■ 1*- Jesus hear my liumble song; -1-4— I— l-r-^ — I — I — l-r A 1 i-£>-*- ■ » r -M- s^-, 1—1— -^- 1 -iS^ • I am weak, but Thou art strong; Gently lead my soul along; Help me come to Thee. rf i= J- :t3tF5- r- J_J_^_+ 2 Jesus, dear. I long for Thee, Long Thy peace to know, Grant those purer joys to me, Karth can ne'er bestow : Jesus, dear. I cling to Thee ; When my heart is sad, Thou wilt kindly speak to me, Thou wilt make me glad. — Cho. Copyright, 18iU,by Silver, IUtkdktt & Co. 1 3 Jesus, dear I trust in Thee, Trust Thy tender love : 1 here's a happy home for me. With Thy saints above ; Jesus, I would come to Thee, Thou hast said I may : Tell me what my life should be, Take my sins away. — Cho. 14; CONSECRA TION 198 Present with the two or tJiree Arfhitr S. Sullivati 2 Jesus I by Thy blood alone, Who didst for our sins atone, Dare we come before Thy throne 3 Thou who knowest all our need, Grant the prayer of faith to plead, Teach us how to intercede. 4 Holy Spirit, from on high Helping our infirmity. Aid us in our feeble cry. 5 Glory to the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Three in one. While the endless ages run. 199 Jestts, keep me near the Cross I Jesus, keep me near the cross : There a precious fountain. Free to all, a healing stream. Flows from Calvary's mountain. Cho. — In the cross. In the cross, Be my glory ever, Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. 748 2 Near the Cross, a trembling soul, Love and me rev found me ; There the bright and morning star Sheds its beams around me. — Cho. 3 Near the Cross ! oh. Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me ; Help me walk from day to day. With its shadow o'er me. — Cho. F. C. Van Alstyne CONSKCRA TION 200 Chas J, Saviour! I folloiv on S. Rol'iitsoii It S. S. JVesley A 1 S- ^ ^MEEEE ^ 1. Sav - iour ! 2. Riv - en 3. Sav - iour I I tlie I -#_ '-9A- fol - low on. Quid - ed by Thee, See rock for me Thirst to re - h'eve, Man long to walk Clo - ser with Thee ; Led M » « ^_(S2 ing not na from by Thy -- r- ={=t=F= -^- 3E3E1 yet the hand lieav - en falls guid - ing hand, 3^ te: T^ — ^" eth me; Hushed be ery eve; Nev - er to be ; Con-stant I ^• -<5>—0- niy a m heart and want sev near Thy still, Fear I no ere Caus -eth my side. Quickened and -(25!- S^E^ :t=t: K -A-=^=t ^ 3± fur - ther ill; On - ly eye a tear, But Thou pu - ri - fied, Liv - ing to meet Thy dost wliis-per for Him who S=E It: A 201 Saviour/ Thy dying Love SECOND HYMN 1 Saviour ! Thy dying love Thou gavest me : Nor should I ought withhold, Dear Lord, from Thee; In love my soul would bow, My heart fulfill its vow ; Some offering bring Thee now, Something for Thee. 2 O'er the blest mercy-seat, Pleading for me. My feeble faith looks up, Jesus, to Thee : 149 Help me the cross to bear. Thy wondrous love declare. Some song to raise, or prayer. Something for Thee. 3 Give me a faithful heart — Likeness to Thee, That each departing day Henceforth may see .Some work of love begun, .Some deed of kindness done, .Some wanderer sought and won, Something for Thee. Syhaiiiis. D. Phelps CONSECKA TIOiY 202 My heart is resting, O luy God 2 I thirst for springs of heavenly life, And here all day they rise ; I seek the treasure of Thy love, And close at hand it lies. 3 I have a heritage of joy. That yet I must not see ; The hand that bled to make it mine. Is keeping it for me. 4 There is a certainty of love. That sets my heart at rest; A calm assurance for to-day That to be poor is best. 5 A prayer, reposing on His truth, Who hath made all things mine; That draws my captive will to Him, And makes it one with thine. 203 OJi, happy day Tune — Happy day G major I Oh, happy day, that fixed my choice On Thee, my Saviour, and my God ! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. Cho, — Happy day, happy day. When Jesus washed my sins away ! He taught me how to v;atch and pray. And live rejoicing every day, Happy day, happy day. \\nien Jesus washed my sins away ! 2 Oh. happy bond, that seals my vows To Him who merits all my love I Let cheerful anthems fill His house, While to that sacred shrine I move. — Cho. 3 'Tis done, the great transaction's done ; I am my Lord's, and He is mine : He drew me, and I followed on. Charmed to confess tiie voice divine. — Chq. P. DodJrtdge 150 COXSECRA T/OJV Jesus, I my Cross have taken 1. Je - sus, I my 2. Let the world de -5j — e^ cross have ta -ken, All to leave, and fol - low Thee ; spise and leave me. They have left my Sav-iour, too ; Na - ked, poor, de - spised, for - sak - en, Thou, from hence my all shaltbe! Hu - man hearts and looks de - ceive me — Thou art not like them untrue; jgz. .a. .iz. ^. .^9. ^ Per \i\\, ev - ery fond am- bi - tiiii. All 1 "ve soutjht, or hoped, or known. Oh, while Thou dust smile up - on me, God of wis - dom, love, and might. -*>- m Yet how rich is mv con - di - tion, God and heav'n are Foes mav hate, and friends dis - own me, Show Thy face, and 4= -Xr- 1- — r ^EE^ ^ £ -^9- Still all my own. is bright. i= =1= m 3 Man may trouble and distress me, 'T will but drive me to Thy breast ; Life with trials hard may press me ; Heaven will bring me sweeter rest ! Oh, 'I is not in grielf to harm me. While Thy light is left to me ; Oh, 't were not in joy to charm me. Were that joy unmixed with Thee. 4 Go, then, earthly fame and treasure ! Come, disaster, scorn and pain ! In Thy service, pain is pleasure. With Thv favor, loss is gain. I have called Thee- Abba, Father! I have stayed my heart on Thee ! Storms may howl, and clouds may gather, .Ml must work lor good to me. 151 CONSECRA TION Give up all for Jesus C. H. Cellier 3 Give up all for Jesus, Keeping back no part! Give your best affections, Give Him all your heart: For your full redemption He has paid the cost ! Come while he is waiting, Or you must be lost! — Clio. 4 Wondrous gifts He offers ! Bliss without alloy ; Earth exchanged for heaven — Grief, for endless joy : Come, for he is calling, Swift the moments fly; Hasten to the Saviour, He is passing by! — Cho- 152 CONSKCRATION 206 ^ot yoitr own ; but His ye are F. R. TTavergal J. Barnby 2 Not your own I to Him ye owe All your life and all your love ; Live, that ye His praise may show Who is yet all praise above. Every clay and every hour, Every gift and every power, Consecrate to Him alone Who hath claimed vou for His own. 3 Teach us, Master, how to give All we have and are to Thee ; Grant us, Saviour, while we live Wholly only Thine to be. Henceforth be our calling high, Thee to serve and glorify ; Thine for ever, not our own — Thine for ever, Thine alone ' 153 CONSECRA TIOJV Saviour, while my heart is tender Kate S. Chittenden I. Sav- iour while my heart is ten- der, I would yield that heart to Thee; pm i =q= i± :t=ttt ^. -\- -K^ =^: tl =55^ m :t: All my powers to Thee sur-ren - der, Thine, and on - ly Thine, to be. :=\- -Ir-S- --^- :t2=^ -\- 3S >T-s^5nr Copyright, 1891, by Silver, Burdett & Co. 2 Take me now. Lord Jesus, take me, Let my faithful heart be Thine : Thy devoted servant make me, Fill my soul with love divine. 4 Let me do Thy will or bear it I would know no will but Thi Should'st Thou take my life, or I that life to Thee resisrn. ne ; spare it, 3 Send me. Lord, where Thou wilt send me, 5 Thine I am, O Lord for ever, Only do Thou guide my way ; ■ To Thy service set apart ; May Thy grace through life attend me. Suffer me to leave Thee never; Gladly then shall I obey. Seal Thine image on my heart. 208 Jesus demands this heart of mine Tune on page 177 1 Jesus demands this heart of mine — Demands my wish, my joy, my care : But ah ! how dead to things divine, How cold, my best affections are ! 2 'T is sin, alas ! with dreadful power. Divides my Saviour from my sight; O for one happy, shining hour Of sacred freedom, sweet delight ! 3 Oh, let Thy love shine forth and raise My captive powers from sin and death. And fill my heart and life with praise, And tune my last expiring breath. Anna Steele '54 CONSECRA TION 200 yesits, Thou art standing IVni. W. How A. S. Sullivan t^T- 4^-e- O Je - sus Thou art stand - ing Out -side the last closed door • — ^-i-fg » — r — • — I — m * 1 1- y-^- ; * 1—*- • m ^ &l?=^-tii=bpzi=:^=!=^: :!=: ■19- Piiir^^S^J T T- — ,=i— # — « — « — «- In low - ly pa - tience wait - ing To pass the thresh - old o'er: We ^ i^E P i^:: :^ hear the name of Chris -tians. His =n=s ^i#r^ mm ?#. ♦ ^=E ^ *' Jf^:__* fciz: name and sign we bear: Oh, -» t ' — -f 1 1— a-- — r— *- P^^^ shame, thrice shame up - on ^* * ^ -# |-^ US ! To keep Him stand-ing there. ,-i5>- — # -, •— r— g F i-^ tp A - men. m 2 O Jesus, Thou art knocking : And lo ! that hand is scarred, And thorns Thy brow encircle. And tears Thy face have marred : Oh, love that passeth knowledge, So patiently to wait ! Oh. sin that hath no equal. So fast to bar the srate ! 3 O Jesus, Thou art pleading In accents meek and low, — " I died for you. my children. And will ye treat me to ? " O Lord, with shame and sorrow We open now the door : Dear Saviour, enter, enter. And leave us nevermore ! '55 CONSRCRA T/OJV 2IO G. Alat/iesoit Slow O Love that wilt not let me go A. L. Peace 3 O joy that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to Thee ; I trace the rainbow through the rain, And feel the promise not in vain. That morn shall tearless be. 4 O cross that liftest up my head, I dare not ask to fly from Thee ; I lay in dust life's glory dead, And from the ground there blossoms red Life that shall endless be. 211 yesMs, my all Tune on page 136 I Lord, at Thy mercy seat, Humbly I fall ; Pleading Thy promise sweet, Lord, hear my call : Now let Thy work begin, Oh, make me pure within, Cleanse me from every sin, Jesus, my all. 156 2 Hark ! how the words of love Tenderly fall, Ere to the realms above. Heard is my call; Now every doubt is flown, Broken my heart of stone, Lord, I am Thine alone, Jesus my all. F. C. Van Alstvne CO/VSACA'A 'IJON Saviour, teach nie, day by day 1. Sav - iour teach me day by day, Love's sweet less - on to o ■ bey; 2. With a child- like heart of love, At Thy bid - ding may 1 move; ig= -^ ^ -\ — r Sweet - er less - on can - not be — Lov - ing Prompt to serve and fol - low Thee, Lov - ing Him who Him who first loved me. first loved me. ^^E *: :ESSEE • *-|-i 1— -Xr- 3 Teach me all Thy steps to trace, Strong to follow in Thy grace. Learning how to love from Thee, Lovins: Him who first loved me. r- x:- m 4 Thus may I rejoice to show That I feel the love I owe ; Singing, till Thy face 1 see. Of His love who first loved me. 213 Stand itp. Time — Webb B^ major 1 Stand up ! — stand up for Jesus ! Ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high His royal banner, It must not sufter loss : From victory unto victory His army shall He lead, Till every foe is vanquished. And Christ is Lord indeed. 2 Stand up ! — stand up for Jesus ! The trumpet call obey ; Forth to tiie mighty conflict. In this His glorious day: "Ye that are men now serve Him," Against unnumbered foes ; Let courage rise witii danger, And strength to strength oppose. 3 Stand up! — stand up for Jesus! Stand in His strength alone; The arm of flesh will fail you — Ye dare not trust your own: Put on the gospel armor. And watching unto prayer, Where duty calls or danger. Be never wanting there. 4 Stand up ! — stand up for Jesus ! The strife will not be long; This day, the noise of battle, The next, the victor's song: To Him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be; He with the King of glory Shall reign eternally G. Duffield 157 CONSECRA TION JVeary of wandering from 7ny God IV. H. Lonffkurst A- — #- Ad - vo - cate a - bove, A Friend be- fore the throne of my back- slid -ings heal, And love the faith -less sin - ner still. A men. m,^^ r — f- r — r- f=f^ 1 3 Thou know'st the way to bring me back, My fallen spirit to restore ; O for Thy truth and mercy's sake Forgive, and bid me sin no more ; The ruins of my soul repair, And make my heart a house cf prayer. 4 Ah, give me, Lord, tlie tender heart That trembles at the approach of sin ; A godly fear of sin impart, Implant, and root it deep within. That T may dread Thy gracious power, And never dare offend Thee more. IS8 TRUST 215 He careth for me --^-^ :Jz=j=:*d: G. A. Burdett I S^EiE: T I. Sweet praises I sin-j; in liymns to the Lord; My Saviour and King, J e - gJ^^^^ ^g^ T :f:=^: =EE ^ i U m '-^ ^sr— » ho - vah a - dored : Who fixed earth's foun-da - tions, who formed the deep sea; ^^F=F =t: "to ^ -zt. 2 Though poor my estate, though humble my name He cares not for that, He loves me the same : While breasting life's ocean, though fierce the waves be, In storm or commotion, " He careth for me." 3 My road may be long, dark sorrow betide ; I '11 cheerful go on, while He is my guide. He knows all my weakness, whate'er it may be. In toil, pain, and sickness, " He careth for me." 4 Then raise, O my tongue, a song to His name; In notes loud and long His goodness proclaim ; While birds in the forest, with earth, sky and sea, All join in the chorus, " He careth for me." From '• Tlie Stiulunts' Hymnal." Silver, Bckuett & Co., Publisher; TRUST 2l6 Far 07tf on the desolate billow R. W. Ravinoitd Ferd. Silcher ^^-^' -t=±Lti -^-^-^- -#■ \ -0- 1. Far out on the des-o-late bil - low, The sail - or sails the sea, 2. Far down in the earth's dark bos - oni, The min - er mines the ore; 3. Forth in - to the dread - ful bat - tie The stead - fast sol - dier goes, 4. Lord, grant as we sail life's o - cean, Or delve in its mines of woe; S S S S N K s i I r ^ A - lone with the night and the temp - est, Where countless dan - gers be. Death lurks in the dark be - hind him, And hides in the rock be - fore. No friend when he lies a dy - ing His eyes to kiss and close. Or fight in its ter - ri-ble con - flict, This com - fort all to know. --.--_ . ^ ^ I S S ,S N ,S ^ ■^ ^r- ^r- ^r- ^ ^ -m- ^:=t=Ft^t:=t==f=t=t= -y- 1^=^=^=^=^: I^— i^ -J^— >- V CHORUS. -0- -»■ • -#■ Yet, nev Yet, nev Yet, nev That, nev er er er er a - lone is the chris - tian. Who lives by faith and prayer; a - lone is the chris - tian, Who lives by faith and prayer; a • lone is the chris - tian. Who lives by faith and prayer; a - lone is the chris - tian. Who lives by faith and prayer; For C.od is . -0- ' -0- J0- \ d ■*■ -*■ ^^ 160 ~* — '— #— i — #-- " F'riend un - fail - ing. And God is eve - ry - where. A- -I P" TRUST Holy FatJicr, TJiou Jiast taught mc ;=-^-=4 /)'. Luard Sclby — «>- -(9 # I. Ho - \\ Fa - ther, Thou hast taught me I should live to Thee a - lone ; ^^m^^m ■0- -&• -h2— J=: fc ^ -I ^E=^=E ;3 ^/>;/ Year by year Thy hand hath brought me On through dan - gers olt un-known. ■#-*■•- --^ . ^ igsi^ wan ■ dered Tliouliasl found me; When I donbt -ed sent me liglit ; -5 l^m g -•■ -(©^ Still Thine arm has been a - round me. All my paths were in Thy sight. A-men. fctz: ^b ;?=li: — f-b , g— ;g- |-"^ ^ ^F ?g— g-i- - — ;^ — f — *-i-t — g 2 In tlie world will foes assail me, Craftier, stronger far than I ; And the strife may never fail me, Well I know, before I die. Therefore, Lord. I come lielieving Thou canst give tiie power I need : Through the prayer of faith receiving Strength— the Spirit's strength, indeed. 3 I would trust in Thy protection. Wholly rest upon Thine arm ■ Follow \vholly Thy direction. Thou, mine only guard from harm \ Keep me from mine own undoing. Help me turn to Thee when tried. Still my footsteps. Father, viewing. Keep me ever at Thy side. i6i TRUST 2l8 Every day M. Butler d==1= Henry Lahee I. Look - ing up -ward ev - ery day, Sun - shine on our SiBEt^ :ii fa -^- — ^ A I ps ■^i- :S=-^: Press -ing: on -ward ev _j — 3=3: ^- ^=q3:]=i ^^- ery day Toward Uie heaven-]y H- -^ « -J"——* =t 2 Growing every day in awe, For Thy Name is holy ; Learning every day to love With a love more lowly. 3 Walking every day more close To our Elder Brother; Growing every day more true Unto one another. ^=\ ^ ^-'-i: pla - ces. -(=2—, -<&- A - men. -S- 1 -._H. 4 Leaving every day behind Something which might hinder; Running swifter every day, Growing purer, kinder. 5 Lord, so pray we every day Hear us in Thy pity. That we enter in at last To the Holy City. ■'f9- Tune " Topliuiyy B\) major Rock of Ages 1 Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee ; Let the water and the blood, From Thy side, a healing flood, Be of sin the double cure. Save from wrath and make me pure. 2 Should my tears forever flow. Should my zeal no languor know. All for sin could not atone ; Thou must save, and Thou alone ; In my hand no price I bring; Simply to Thy cross I cling. 16: 3 Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling ; Naked, come to Thee for dress ; Helpless, look to Thee for grace ; Vile, I to the fountain fly, Wash me. Saviour, or I die. 4 While I draw this fleeting breath, When mine eyelids close in death. When I rise to worlds unknown. See Thee on Thy judgment throne, — Rock of ages, cleft for me. Let me hide myself in Thee. A. M. Tophi dy TRUST 220 When the weary, seeking rest //. Botiar ir. //. CalliOU i gef3 :<=^: J— • « z^=ikz -•-5- I I 1. When tlie wea - ry seek-ing rest, To Thy .goodness flee; When tlie heav-y 2. Wiicn the world-ling sick at heart, Lifts his soul a- bove ; When the prod - i - la - den cast All their load on Thee; When the troubled, seek-ing peace, gal looks back To his Fa-ther's love; When the proud man from His pride -Z-B— fa- . w-'^^^ — *— f -• * ^— ^^^ " i:=*=f r-3sa= =1 £'y-*-ti*-^i'r^' On Thy name shall call ; When the sin-ner seeking life. At Thv feet shall fall. Stoops to seek Thy face ; When the burdened brings his guilt To Thy tlirone of grace : @fe^: -0 — «- -5? - ^T' -^ "W- -^ • (2 =g2=Z« t=tiliziz^=f=zf REFRAIN. 6'/£77i/. ^^=J Hear then in love. O Lord, the cry. In heaven, Thy dwelling - place on high. -«- A ■•- 4- ♦ ± 5* i?. 3 When the stranger asks a home. All his toils to end ; When the hungry craveth food. And tlie poor a friend : When the sailor on the wave Bows the fervent knee ; When tiie soldier on the field Lifts his heart to Thee ; — Ref. 163 4 When the man of toil and care, In the city crowd. When the shepherd on the moor. Names the name of God : When tlie learned and the high, Tired of earthlv fame. Lfpon higher joys intent. Name the blessed Name ;— Ref. TRUST 221 Saviour, lead me Thine to be E. H. jVevin f ± :e=j -^r: I I. Sav - iour lead me Thine to be, Con - stant - ly # -*-M trust in Thee: ms. Trust Thy wis - dom to —0- guide ; Trust Thy good - ness to pro - vide ; ^ ^tEEE^^ ditn :^=| V ^ 3 ^H^i -f5>-i ^i^ Trust Thy sav - ing love and power : Trust Thee eve - ry day 1 and hour 2 Trust Thee as the only light In the darkest hour of night; Trust in sickness, trust in health Trust in poverty and wealth ; Trust in joy and trust in grief, Trust Thy promise for relief: 3 Trust Thy blood to cleanse my soul Trust Thy grace to make me whole; Trust Thee living, dying too ; Trust Thee all my journey through ; Trust Thee till my feet shall be Planted on the crystal sea. 222 What a Friend we have in Jesus Tunc — What a Friend F major I What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear ! What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer ! Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer! 2 Have we trials and temptations ? Is there trouble anywhere .'' We should never be discouraged, — Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faitliful, Who will all our sorrows share ? Jesus knows our every weakness — Take it to the Lord in prayer. //. Bonar. 164 TA'CSI- 22'^ //6'7t' sweet the name of Jesus sounds F. H. Cheeswright John A\'wtcn --I- ^=t 5 1. How sweet the nime of Je - sus sounds In a be - liev - er's ear! 2. It makes tlie wouiul - ed Spir - it whole, And calms the troub -led breast; ^ :E l:-f- JSrZi ^fa= =^ -1- 1 • — -^J-^n 1 .^ i ^ -H- :==^:= -6-=J] It soothes his sor - 0— rows; heals his wounds, bl* — * sH And drives a - wav his fear. 'T is man - 11 a to the hun -'^vy soul, And to the wea - ry rest. •#- S- -r-rfi- fe •»■ =g=i-Tl P=4= -V- -f3 U — t t-t-t -^ Lf=f~m ' =b- -t=H Copyright, 1891, by Silver, Burdett & Co. 3 Weak is the effort of my heart, 4 Till then, I would Thy love proclaim And cold my warmest thought; With every fleeting breath ; But wlieii 1 see Thee as Thou art, And may the music of Thy name I'll praise Thee as I ought. Refresh my soul in death. 224 Chrisfs Sympathy SECOND HYMN. I There is no sorrow, Lord, too light 3 There is no secret sigh we breathe To bring in prayer to Thee ; But meets Thine ear divine ; There is no an.xious care too slight And every cross grows light beneath To wake Thy sympathy, The shadow, Lord, of Thine. 2 Thou who hast trod the thorny road Wilt share each small distress ; The love which bore the greater load Will not refuse the less. 16s 4 Life's ills without, sin's strife within, The heart would overflow, But for tliat love which died for sin, That love which wept with woe. Jane Cye-vdson TRUST 225 ^ yesus is our Shepherd German :d=n -zsJ- I. Je - sus is our Shepherd, wip-ing ev-ery tear; Fold-ed in His bos pa=a3=^3=i=gE3=3=3^ ■ — I — ^ ^ 1 9. J. fol - low whith-er He doth lead, 2 Jesus is our Shepherd, well we know His voice ; How its gentlest wh'sper makes the heart rejoice ! Even when it chideth, tender is its tone ; None but He shall guide us, we are His alone. 3 Jesus is our Shepherd, for the sheep He bled ; Every Lamb is sprinkled with the blood He shed ; Then on each He setteth His own secret sign, " They have my Spirit, these," saith He, " are mine." 4 Jesus is our Shepherd, guarded by His arm. Though the wolves may raven, none can do us harm ; When we tread death's valley, dark with fearful gloom We will fear no evil, victors o'er the tomb. 166 TRl^ST 226 Look to Jesus L. Peace 1. Look 2. Look Pifc to Je - sus ! till re - viv - to Je - sus, prayer - ful wak ing, Faith and ing Wliere thy ± r love feet thy life-springs swell, on ros - es tread ; ^\==t=tr- r — r t^t^E^E -^ F=i --X '-X -^-^- r- Strength for all good things de - riv - ing; Je - Fol - low, world-ly pomp for - sak - ing. With sus hath done all things well, thy cross where He hath led. ±^±=:^- ' — # :p^ -s^^^-j ;fp Hg- =F =^ :j=j=4-ri — ^-=:t Work, wiiile it Baf - fled shall is called to - day, Works which the tempt- er flee, And God's -^ — » — ^-0 shall an - not fade gels come -i? -t: — ^ ■- ----r r — - 3 Look to Jesus, when, dark lowering, Perils thy horizon dim; Once from Him a band fell cowering; Calm in temjiests. look on Him; Wind and billow, fire and Hood, — Forward ! brave by trusting (lod. :t=it: EE: way. thee. ■tz. 1- 4 Look to Jesus still to shield thee. When no longer tiiou mayest live In that last need. He will yield thee Peace the world can never give ; He who finished all for thee Takes thee, then, with Him to be. 227 Tune " Langton''' I:^ iiiajor 1 Jesus, who knows full well The heart of every saint. Invites us all our griefs to tell. To pray and never faint. 2 He bows His gracious ear, — We never plead in vain ; Then let us wait till He appear. And pray, and pray again. Jesus, ii'/io knows full Zl'cII 167 3 Jesus, the Lord, vrill hear His chosen when they cry: Yes, though He may a whilf forbear. He '11 help them irom on high. 4 Then let us earnest cry. And never faint in jiraver : He soes. He hears, and, from on high. Will make our cause His care. /. .Vcioton I TRUST 228 As helpless as a child James D. Bunts =^-pzil=:]=i|: Henry Smart =1: I. As help -less as child who clings fast to his fa-thers arm m 2 As truthful as a child, who looks up in his mother's face, And all his accidents and griefs forgets in her embrace: So I, to Thee, my Saviour, look, and in Thy face divine Can read the love that will sustain as weak a faith as mine. 3 As loving as a child, who sits close by his parent's knee. And knows no want while he can have that sweet society; So sitting at Thy feet, my heart would all its love out-pour. And pray that Thou wouldst teach me, Lord, to love Thee more and more. 168 TRUST 2.2.(^ Come my Son I T/iou must be luaking HarrUttc B. Jitdd :$^=IS=S: u I. Come my soul thou must be wak - ing, Now is break-ing O'er the earth an ^^=1=1^ oth - erday; Come to Him who made this splendor, See thou render All thvfee-ble •■.•■^••- ■•■♦ I. fe-*^ ■#-■*-. %^ ^ ti' tL ^ ^ ^ ^ strength can pay, See thou ren-der All thy fee - ble strength can pay. Copyright, 1891, by Silver, Bukdett & Co. 2 Pray that He may ever prosper 3 Only God's free gifts abuse not, Each endeavor Light refuse not, When thine aim is good and true ! But His Spirits' voice obey; iJut that He may ever thwart thee, Thou with Him shalt dwell, beholding ||: And convert thee ||: Light enfolding When thou evil wouldst pursue. :|| All things in unclouded day. :|| 230 He leadeth me ! Tune — He leadeth me D major 1 He leadeth me! O blessed thought! O words with heavenly comfort fraught ! Whate'er 1 do, where'er I be. Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me. Ref. — He leadeth me ! He leadeth me ! By His own hand He leadetli me ! His faithful follower I would be. For by His hand He leadeth me. 2 Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom, 169 By waters still, o'er troubled sea, — Still 'tis His hand that leadeth me ! 3 Lord ! I would clasp Thy hand in mine. Nor never murmur or repine ; Content whatever lot I see, Since 'tis my God that leadeth me. 4 And when my task on earth is done, When Thy grace the victory's won. E'en death's cold wave I will not flee. Since God through Jordan leadeth me. J. H. Glim ore TRUST 231 M II. A. Caul dwell J, Mark the lilies how they grow A. S. Sullivan 3 — ,__ — — m. € ^ "^-#4 — S — • — ' — * * / I. Mark the HI - ies how they grow, 'T is your Fa - ther robes them so, Nor can earth -ly mon-arch shine With a beau-ty so di - vine. m^ ^=F :t: Et^E T r 2 See the birds that skim the air — 'T is your Heavenly Father's care To supply the food for all, Watch their rise and note their fall. 3 May He thus provide for you, Feed you, clothe you, watch you too, Make you as the lily fair, Joyous as the birds of air. 2 '22 Ho2u Jim I a foundatio^i Tune, " Portuguese Hymn. A major 1 How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord ! Is laid for your faith in His excellent word ! What more can He say, than to you He hath said, — To you, who for refuge to Jesus have fled? 2 " Fear not, I am with thee, oh, be not dismayed. For I am thy God, I will still give thee aid ; I '11 strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand. Upheld by my gracious, omnipotent hand. 3 " E'en down to old age all my people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love ; And then, when gray hairs shall their temples adorn, Like lambs they shall still in my bosom be borne. 4 " The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not — I will not desert to His foes ; That soul — though all hell should endeavor to shake, I '11 never — no never — no never forsake ! " 170 G. Keith TRUST 233 Now I Jiavc found a Friend Unirv J. M. Hop. I. S. Sullivan ev - er end ; Je - sus is mine ; Tlio' earthly joys decrease, Tho' eartli-Iy i ii^?=fe 3^ :£E friendsliips cease, Now I have last- ing peace: Je ¥-t • •5' r sus IS mine. 2 Though I grow poor and old, Jesus is mine ; Thou « And Like ^miles in place of dew shall melt a - * — « « — -1 — ^ tears ; way — ^-(T-p— — t 1 1 * y, ^ — * — -^^ — i — -^- My weak hand He Lord, let not this ^^ ^ i; * — ^ m hold - ing With - in His lov - ing clasp; larm me ; In Thee may I con - fide, J^E; ^^1 ES Ei :d=^ :^: fcfc My sink - ing form up - hold -ing K^ - sured no change can harm me %-- =:i=^ ^— ^ -)5<-r- By His Al- might -y grasp. If Thou art by my side. -x=x-- 172 TRUST 236 On oitr way rejoicing Thos. Kelly Joyous. -11—4- — I 1 1 1 «< s*— h-" 1 w S ig— —-I • * m ^ Frances Ridley Havergal I. On our way re-joic-ing as /e homeward move, Hearken to our prais- es, gg=^3^S^ r i~<- 1 =fe: -#-- :^ _j5 c — ; EEEE^ f *-! « « ^5=1— ^— I— # « ^ •— J-«^ <©' 1 **5 O Thou God of love! Is there grief or sad- ness? Thine it can - not be! ^SL .^ ^ ^ ^ S^j i ? g p y 1 h .fa=i=± :3HEi -A — 4- CHORUS. is our sky be-cloud - ed ? Clouds are not from Thee ! On our way re - joic-ing ^ :^= i2i- =:t=1: -Us'^^^ — i — i — i- -C^—l-H ,1 — « — t =1:=± :?E£i 1 as we homeward move, Hearken to our prais-es, O Thou God of love ! A-men. Wm Al_ ft "- »- — i* ^ — I — • • » ^ — 1~^ 1 r-^ 1" i= i= — I r-h. 3 f =i^ ^E3^ :t= ?2=?2= X: ^ 2 On our way rejoicing gladly let us go ; Conquered hath our Leader, vanquished is our foe ! Christ without, our safety, Christ within, our joy: Who, if we be faithful, can our hope destroy? 3 Unto God the Father joyful songs we sing : Unto God the Saviour thankful hearts we bring; Unto God the Spirit bow we and adore, On our way rejoicing now and evermore. 173 TRUST Know, my soul, thy full Salvation Henry F. Lyte :^=i Frank Birtcfmcll -*-^- ^^^^^ :^=t — I m. 1 — ^ d: -25*- 1. Know, my soul, thy full sal - va - tion, Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care; 2. Haste thee on from grace to glo - ry, Armed by faith and winged bv prayer! d: =4 ^ X- =F i^n tt ' ^ y tt ' ■ ! , 1 1 i ^^ ^ 1 ttr^-1— ~t-i- — 1 — -^ -^— d ^— -_, m—g — -| ~ 3 ?i— iH Joy, Heaven's 1 i • to find e - ter - 1 , -#■ in nal ( eve lay 's - ry sta - tion Some-tliing still be - fore thee, God's own hand _ , 1 --\ ^— to shall do or bear, guide thee there. ^sHT 1 1 • ~t~ I '» ' ' -L^— ttl J ^ f-\ J J * i • r to 1 rtM M * • p * \ * s 1 . i ' tt* • \ 1 Think whatSpir-it Soon shall close Th> mm dwells with-in thee! Think what Fa-ther's smiles are thine; earth -ly mis-sion. Soon shall pass thy pil - grim days, Z- E ^— ^ i ^ =F f-=|i: P :d: :1: -t- :i ::]: :5: 3: ^^m 9 ? m^m- I 1 1 I Think that Je - sus died to win thee! Child of heaven, canst thou re- pine? Hope shall change to glad fru - i - tion, Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. X'- ^^ :t: 174 =£= :| t: =f==F i TRUST 208 Call Jehovah thy Salvation Tune on opposite page I Call Jehovah Thy salvation, Rest beneath the Almighty's shade: In His secret habitation Dwell, and never be dismayed: There no tumult can alarm thee, Thou shalt dread no hidden snare ; Guile nor violence can harm thee, In eternal safeguard there. Fear not Thou the deadly quiver. When a thousand feel the blow ; Mercy shall thy soul deliver, Though ten thousand be laid low. 2 From the sword, at noon-day wasting, From the noisome pestilence, In the depth of midnight, blasting, God shall be thy sure defence : 3 Since, with pure and firm affection, Thou on God hast set thy love, With the wings of His protection, He will shield thee from above; Thou shalt call on Him in trouble. He will hearken. He will save; Here, for grief reward thee double. Crown with life beyond the grave. y. Montgomery 2'2Q My times are in Thy hand IVm. FrcCTuan Lloyd Alexander Ernst Fesca 1. "My times are in Thy hand;" My God 2. "My times are in Thy hand:" What- ev I wish them er they may 0— — — — ^ . *^ ' 0-^ . — S — ■— ,^-— ^ I I • I My life. my soul, my all, I leave En - tire - ly to Thy care. Pleas -ing or pain-ful. dark or bright. As best may seem to Thee. 3 " My times are in Thy hand, Why should I doubt or fear .? My Father's hand will never cause His child a needless tear. 1 75 —^ — I — r 4 " My times are in Thy hand : I always trust in Thee : Till I possess the promised land, And -All Thy glory see. m TRUST 2AO Since Jesus is my friend C. IVJjtkworth, ir. E. Sweetser I. Since Je - sus is ?. He whis - pers in my friend, And I to my breast Sweet words of Him ho be - long, ly cheer. ._l_ 1 r— •— p -• m It mat - ters not what foes in - tend, How - ev - er fierce and strong, flow they who seek in God their rest Shall ev - er find Him near. > My heart for gladness springs ; It cannot more be sad; For very joy it smiles and sings, — Sees naught but sunshine glad. 4 The sun that lights mine eyes Is Christ the Lord I love ; I sing for joy of that which lies Stored up for me above. 241 / hear the Saviour say Tune — Ali to Christ £^ major I T hear the Saviour say, 3 For nothing good have I Thy strength indeed is small; Whereby Thy grace to claim — Child of weakness, watch and pray, I'll wash my garment white Find in me thine all in all. In the blood of Calvary's Lamb. — Cho. Cho. — Jesus paid it all. All to Him 1 owe; Sin had left 1 crimson stain ; He washed it white as snow. 2 Lord, now indeed I find Thy power, and Thine alone, Can change the lej^er's spots, And melt the heart of stone. — Cho. 4 When from my dying bed My ransomed soul shall rise. Then "Jesus paid it all" Shall rend the vaulted skies. — Cho. 5 And when before the throne I stand in Him complete, I'll lay my trophies down. All down at Jesus' feet. — Cho. 176 E. M. Hall 242 CharU'lte Elliott TKCST Conic to Me A N--4 S3 =^ Paul Ambrose 1. With tear- ful eyes I look a-round; Life seems a dark and storm -y sea; 2. It tells me of a place of rest; It tells me where my soul may flee; rtM 'mf- * ^ :t=t= 5^ il l==f= Yet, 'mid the gloom I hear a sound, A heaven -ly whis - per/'Come to Me." O to the wea - ry, faint, oppressed. How sweet the bid-ding.'Come to Me." ^# ^=g=iq s^ t= t SEfep It: t- -(-- Copyright, 1891, by Silvkr, Bukdktt & Co. 3 " Come, for all else must fail and die ; Earth is no resting-place for thee; To heaven direct thy weeping eye, I am thy portion ; Come to Me." m 4 O voice of mercv, voice of love, In conflict, grief, and agony. Support me, cheer me from above; And gently whisper, " Come to Me." 243 Tune — Pilot B)^ major 1 Jesus, Saviour, pilot me. Over life's tempestous sea: Unknown waves before me roll, Hiding rock and treacherous shoal ; Chart and compass came from Thee : Jesus, .Saviour, pilot me. 2 As a mother stills her child. Thou canst hush the ocean wild. Boisterous waves obev Thv will Jestis, Saviour, pilot nie 'When Thou say'st to them " Be still ! " Wondrous Sovereign of the sea, Jesus, Saviour, pilot me. 3 When at last I near the shore, And the fearful breakers roar Twixt me and the peaceful rest, Then, while leaning on Thy breast, May I hear Thee say to me, " Fear not. I will pilot Thee!" Ed-iOarU JJoppcr 177 TRUST 244 W. Cou'pcr Sometimes a Light surprises ;:4,-=q: --X -^^^- ,-J- /. Hullah ^ a l =i — I — # =t :i -^■ T 1. Some -times a light sur - pns - es The Christian while He sings; 2. In ho - ly con - tern - pla - tion. We sweet -ly then pur - sue ^ .a- ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ xsL' It is the Lord who The theme of God's sal ris va es. With heal - ing on His Wings ! tion, And find it ev - er new : aj=|:= x-=^t-- =te± I d==^=T=:1: A- :1=4 0' T de - clin - ing, He grants the soul a -^T- When com - forts are Set free from pres - ent sor - row, We cheer -ful ^ JO. ^ J ^ ♦. ly gam can say, i " — '^ — ^ of clear shin - ing, To cheer it sea the af - ter rain. un - known to - mor - row Bring with it what it may Sig^: -J- d=^=d -«4- =F 3 It can bring with it nothing, But He will bear us through ; Who gives the lilies clothing, Will clothe His people too; Beneath the spreading heavens. No creature but is fed; And He who feeds the ravens. Will {rive His children bread. 178 ■7, * 4 Though vine nor fig-tree neither. Their wonted fruit should bear, Though all the field should wither, Nor flocks nor herds be there. Yet God the same abiding His praise shall tune my voice, For, while in Him confiding, I cannot but rejoice. TRUST The Loyd will provide -^^-^ //./. GauntUtt A A~ Et =t=q I. Tlio" trou-bles as - sail, and dan-gers af- fright, Tho' friends should all E -z?- I ld=± 3^ ^^ i^H T fail, and foes all u - nite, Yet one thing se - cures us, what - ev - er be - .42. Pii PiagggEgp > — ^ 1 — m -X i=-H: i^ tide, The prom - ise as - sures us, " The Lord will =^: '^ i= :fi5c :t=l: pro — •— vide." :t: -i«>- i i 2 The birds, without barn or storehouse, are fed ; F'rom them let us learn to trust for our bread : His saints what is fitting shall ne'er be denied. So long as 't is written, " The Lord will provide." 3 When life sinks apace, and death is in view, The word of His grace shall comfort us through : Not fearing or doubting, with Christ on our side. We hope to die shouting, " The Lord will provide.'' 179 TRUST 2a6 ^A^ JVord, O Lord Ubcrt Midlane :fe /. i9. ZJj'/f^-j- I. Thy wordjO Lord, Thy precious word a - lone, Can lead me on; By this, un- til the dari ~ r-»- Thy word is lieht, Thy fefe? word is life and power; Bv it, oh, guide me in each try -ing hour! A - men. ri \-0-. M h»-» *^ a- 0-\-0^^^- '^-\y ^ It: 42- -0 F 0-^ 2 •— I 0— • • 0-\ ■^ — ^- :t= y-v--: t^^tc: 2 Whate'er my path, led by the word, 'tis good; 3 Led by aught else, I tread the devious way. Oh, lead me on ! Oh, lead me on ! Be my poor heart Thy blessed word's abode, Speak, Lord, and help me ever to obey. Lead Thou me on ! Lead Thou me on I Thy Holy Spirit gives the light to see, [Thee. My every step shall be then well defined. And leads me by Thy word, close following And all I do according to Thy mind. 247 Lead, kindly Light! I Lead, kindly Light ! amid the encircling I loved the garish day, and spite of fears. Lead Thou me on ; [gloom, Pride ruled my will. Remember not past The night is dark, and I am far from home. years. Lead Thou me on ; Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see The distant scene ; one step enough for me. 3 So long Thy power has blessed me, sure it Will lead me on [still O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till The night is gone ; And with the morn those angel faces smile I loved to choose and see my path ; but now Which I have 'oved long since and lost Lead Thou me on : awhile ! , J. 11. Newman 180 2 1 was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou Shouldst lead me on ; TRUST Throng Ji the Love of God Mary B. Peters Welsh Melody >— *— i g I. Thro' tlie love of God our Say-iour, All will be well; Free and changeless Per-fect is the "race that sealed us: Strong'^he hand stretched out to shield us ; All must be I '" 1 I [well. 2Though we pass through tribulation, All will be well ; Ours is such a full salvation ; All, all is well. Happy still in God confiding, Fruitful, if in Christ abiding. Holy, through the Spirit's guiding, All must be well. 3 We expect a bright to-morrow ; All will be well ; Faith c.\n sing through days of sorrow. All, all is well. On our Father's love relying, Jesus every need supplying, Or in living or in dying, All must be well. 249 Safe in the arms of Jesns 1 Safe in the arms of Jesus. Safe on His gentle breast. There by His love o'ershaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest. Hark ! 't is the voice of angels, Borne in a song to me, Over the fields of glory, Over the jasper sea. 2 Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe from corroding care, Safe from the world's temptations. Sin cannot harm me there. 181 Free from the blight of sorrow, Free from my doubts and fears Only a few more trials. Only a few more tears. 3 Jesus, my heart's dear refuge, Jesus has died for me ; Firm on the Rock of Ages Ever my trust shall be. Here let me wait with patience. Wait till the night is o'er ; Wait till I see the morning Break on the golden shore. TRUST 250 Edgar Page Simply trusting every day SIE5E^3 =t :i 1 ^-1^^: 1==^= ^(sr- Philip Amies U- fiS==fe^ d= I 1. Sim - ply trust - ing eve - ry day, Trust - ing through a storm- y way; 2. Bright - ly doth his Spir - it shine In - to this poor heart of mine; Ev - en when While He leads my I faith is small, Trust - ing Je - sus, that is all. can - not fall, Trust - ing Je - sus, that is all. A -:^--^V- — — -ft. :t2=t: 3 Singing, if my way is clear ; Praying, if the path is drear; If in danger, for Him call; Trusting Jesus, that is all. ^mm^m^^^m r 4 Trusting Him while life shall last. Trusting him till earth is past ; Till within the jasper wall, Trusting Jesus, that is all. 251 Fade, fade each earthly joy Time oil page 53 1 Fade, fade each earthly joy, Jesus is mine ; Break every tender tie, Jesus is mine. Dark as the wilderness, Earth has no resting place, Jesus alone can bless, Jesus is mine. 2 Tempt not my soul away, Jesus is mine ; Here would I ever stay, Jesus is mine. Perishing things of clay Born but for one brief day. Pass from my heart away ; Jesus is mine. 3 Farewell, ye dreams of night, Jesus is mine ; Lost in this dawning bright, Jesus is mine. All that my soul has tried Left but a dismal void; Jesus has satisfied; Jesus is mine. H. Bonar TRUST Tranquil and peaceful is tJie palh to heaven F. F. Fleming '—gn « 1. Tran - quil and peace - ful is the path to heaven. Where now so 2. There life is bliss - ful, shall the spir - it tremble ? Bright heaven-ly 3. There our lost rose - buds in our hands shall open ; Love, pure and 7^^=^ ^~^ — 1 — 1 -0 — 6t 1- — ~-^ ^-==::1- — *—: m • « — '-■1 -:^— ^ ij man an ho «S 1 - gels - 'y- -i9- —5-^ — 9 9 5- fresh from earth's ripe wait to lead us in our bos - oms ■•-• ♦ ^ ■•■ vin - tage, yon - der; glow - ine, -'^^htr-l ^ «1— L^fS- #^^ So man - y There dwell the Flows from the hap spir Fa — & — 1 - py. - its - ther, <2 ^l7-^-^ a — #-S • » •— -\ !r--- "1 1 1 — — ^— ^ S^-^-A— V — H =^ i- 1- -M 1* •r— 1 1' 1 -X M and bless - ed ri - fied by source of eve - ry J . > . high p\i =P spir - its, suffer - ing, bless - ing, Wait Bless Liv -(9- to re ing and ing and ceive bless lov t; -a- us. ed. ing. -^9- . f=f ^ Use slurs for second hymn. 253 O Holy Saviour! SECOND HYMN. 1 O holy Saviour! Friend unseen. Since on Thine arm Thou bidst me lean ; Help me throughout life's changing scene. By faith to cling to Thee ! 2 What though the world deceitful prove : And earthly friends and hopes remove ; With patient, uncomplaining love. Still would I cling to Thee ! 183 3 If e'er I seem to tread alone Life's weary waste, with thorns o'ergrown ; Thy voice of love in gentlest tone, Still whispers, " Cling to Me." 4 If faith and hope are often tried, I'll ask not, need not aught beside; So safe, so calm, so satisfied. The soul that clings to Thee ! Charlotte Elliott TRUST 254 The King of Love my Shepherd is J. B. Dykes I. The King of love my shepherd is, Whose good - ness fail - eth nev - er : 2. Where streams of liv - ing wa - ters flow My ran-somed soul He lead -eth, I !■■■■» ^ . m \ ■ 'I i^ — N- A g #-^ -x^ f=F=t « r-0 1 X-^=X'- -6^- l=i :=1: •=r"' 3EE E3: ■4: i^^^^3^ :i=i^ 3EF3^ r- — I— -sr ■» -M "S W 31' ■0-»- ^: -•■-•■ • I noth - ing lack if I am His, And He is mine for- ev - er. And, where the ver-dant pastures grow. With food ce-les-tial feed -eth. A - men i r- :t A 3 Perverse and foolish oft I strayed. But yet in love He sought me. And on His shoulder gently laid, And home, rejoicing, brought me. F 4 And so through all the length of days, Thy goodness faileth never ; Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise Within Thy house for ever. 255 Solid Rock Time " Solid Rock" G major I My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness : 1 dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name : On Christ the solid rock, I stand ; All other ground is sinking sand. 2 When darkness seems to vail His face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the vail ; On Christ the solid rock, 1 stand; All other ground is sinking sand. 3 His oath, His covenant, and blood. Support me in the whelming flood : When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay: On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ; All other ground is sinking sand. E. Mote 184 TRUST 256 John Connie k Child re7t of the Heavenly King J, \^A- -*-i- J: Ignace Pleyel -•t- :± :i --^^ 1. Chil-dren of the heavenly King, As ye jour - ney,sweet-ly sing; 2, Ye are travel -ing home to God In the way the fa - thers trod ; :t:: X Sing your Sav-iour"s worth - y praise, Glo-rious in His works and ways. They are hap - py now, and ye Soon their hap - pi - ness shall see. 1 1 *= -•i- :^: -\Xr- — # #- t: -T^ 3; 3 Fear not, brethren : joyful stand On the borders of your land ; Jesus Christ, your Father's Son, Bids you undismayed go on. 4 Lord, submissive make us go, Gladly leaving all below ; Only Thou our Leader be, And we still will follow Thee. 2^7 JVhen I walk in God's clcai' sitnlight Tune, " What a Friend we have in Jesus'' 1 When I walk in God's clear sunlight. With its beauty beaming fair. Or when shadows seem to gather, I may see him everywhere. Ref. — He will lead me, He will lead me. Be my true and constant Guide ; He will lead me, He will lead me. In His love I may abide. 2 Though amid tlie deepest darkness, 1 mav surelv trust the Lord ; F major He hath never yet forsaken^ He will keep His promised word.- Ref. 3 Though all friendships mav be broken. And the hand of death be laid. In His might and love confiding, I shall never be afraid. — Ref. 4 When to me shall come the glory Of tlie heavenly mansions bright, Still the song 1 will be singing In that home of pure delight. — Rkf. r^S 258 E. H. Bickersteth S- T COMMUNION WITH CHRIST Peace, perfect peace C. T. Caldeck g- ^ >-i\-G^\-i zi :i;izi;=bsi#^t^=?.=^i±g=|=i feS I. Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin? The blood of jesus whispers peace with-in. ^ ^=^ ->9- 4-*- ^~ • '9- ' -^ -^9• -(2-|22- -^ -<^ J^- -«!-. b-<5>3 -*9-\-i9- -^■ ^:^- E :=t= 2 Peace, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed? To do the will of Jesus, this is rest. 3 Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging round? On Jesus' bosom nought but calm is found. 4 Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away ? In Jesus' keeping we are safe and they. 5 Peace, perfect peace, our future all unknown ? Jesus we know, and He is on the throne. 6 Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours ? Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers. 7 It is enough : earth's struggles soon shall cease, And Jesus call us to heaven's perfect peace. ii 259 Sweet Saviour! Tune on page 8 I Sweet Saviour ! in Thy pitying grace Thy sweetness to our souls impart ; Thou only Lover of our race Give healing to the wounded heart ; Oh ! hear Thy contrite servants' cry. And save us, Jesus ! lest we die. 3 All we have broken Thy command ; ' Lord, help us for Thy mercies' sake; Deliver us from Satan's hand; And safely to Thy Kingdom take ; Oh ! hear Thy contrite servants' cry. And save us, Jesus ! Lest we die. Long-suffering Jesus ! hear our prayer 4 We flee for refuge to Thy love. Who weep before Thee in our shame ; We have no hope but Thee; O spare. Lord, spare us from th' undying flame ; Oh ! hear Thy contrite servants' cry, And save us, Jesus ! lest we die. ;86 Salvation of the helpless soul; Pour down Thy radiance from above. And make these sin-worn spirits whole ; Good Lord, in mercy hear our cry And save us, Jesus ! lest we die. K. M. Moorson COMMUNION IV mi CHRIST 260 Oh, hear its, our Saviour / After Godfrey Thritii; Franz Schubert s I I ' I I X i I -y I. Dear Sav-iour! our Sav-iour! Hear, hear as we sing, Our »lad voi - ces !Sb^ -^zA r— ^- —1d' -s- i -1— 1— tlld -»»- rais-ing loud praise to our King, We bring Thee our tri- bute, we yield Thee our gB \ A~ -I - I — I — ' 1 — I — -4- A 1- M Our Sav-iour I dear wm^m ^1 — »-- : * ' ^ j^ — i»— <-»=[ P-— Lt g--^ >, I J- e—: — LJ_LzziiZi^z±^JJ i 1 7 , Sav-iour! Our strong refuge be : -2_f: 3EE3: 5 -^I^C Oh. hear us • 11" f' f I ! ^ ! r our Sav - lour ! We crv unto Thee ! jq=:j— 1- — ^ ri"-i= -* * ^-v — ■* — \—» -•— ^ 2 Still brighter and brighter Come rays from the sun, O'er-shedding with gladness Our work that is done Soon time will be over. Toil, sorrow, all past ; And we, blessed Saviour, At home rest at last. Our Saviour ! &c. 187 ' ^ t Y . -* ■* -*• -< 3 Bliss ! bliss all excelling When, ransomed, the soul. Karth's toils all forgetting. Now finds its sought goal. Then anthems celestial With angels we "11 sing, And give All the glory To Jesus, our King. Our Saviour! &c. COMMUNJON WITH CHKJST f With siirit. The joy that yesus gives ^^ =^: dim. I. The joy that Je - sus gives, ^ '-^^ H»-^ ^- is the dawn of heaven ; Not :?=^: I ?^ =i===i=q 1^=^ t^ as the gifts the world be - stows, Are gifts by Je - sus given. The t:=\: \ ^^ i m loos - eth us from chains of sin, In '=^^ His sweet lib - er ty- 1 A 2 The peace that Jesus gives Is pure and perfect peace ; Deep, silent, full as the ocean swell, When winds and tempests cease. The rest that Jesus gives Is like the blessed rest, Which the beloved disciple knew Upon the Master's breast. 3 The life which Jesus gives To life eternal grows, And backward to the Fountain From which at first it flows. Lord Jesus, from Thy hand These gifts we Thee implore ; Joy, pardon, peace, eternal rest, And life for evermore ! sprmgs iSS COMMUNION WITH CHRIST Love divme, all Love excellmg I. Love di-vine, all love ex -eel -ling, Joy of heaven, to earth come down -N- :*=^r ii; Fix @^ E3E :|Er V us Thy hum-ble dwell-ing ; All Thy faith - ful mercies crown ♦ ^ *- *- , Je - sus, Thou art all com - pas-sion : Pure, un-bound-ed love Thou art : J**1 ••■■#■ ■•- J.I#-#. ^- PI :tc= us with Thy sal- va - tion ; En-ter ev - ery loving- heart. A-nien. |dz=g=g£5 :_ u--i- — T rt: 1=t^ £ 2 Breathe, oh, breathe Thy loving Spirit Into every troubled breast ! Let all us in Thee inherit, Let us find the promised rest : Come, Almighty to deliver. Let us all Thy life receive ! Speedily return, and never, Nevermore Thy temples leave ! 189 3 Finish then Thy new creation. Pure, unspotted may we be : Let us see our whole salvation Perfectly secured by Thee ! Changed from glory into glory. Till in heaven we take our place : Till we cast our crowns before Thee. Lo.st in wonder, love and praise. ii COMMUNION WITH CHRIST 263 There s a wideness in God's mercy F. W. Faber Unison. Russian Melody 3: 3: ^ f There's a wide - ness in God's mar - cy, Like the wide-ness of (.There's a kind -ness in His jus - tice, Which is more than lib f For the love of God is broad \ And the heart of the E - ter - nal the sea : ) er - ty, ) er Than the meas - ure of man's mind; y Is most won - der - ful - ly kind. ) In Parts * J — — I — I « * 5 — ^ — I There is wel- come for the sin - ner. And more gra - ces for the good; If our love were but more sim - pie, We should take Him at His word; _ t?^ ♦ J . . 1?^ -^ ri ^^ :£= A fcl?d :t: :fc tr- t -t-- _^zz: Unison. S 1 a :T 3= =t ■X ^^3^i -•-^ :^z=: Tliere is mer - cy with the Sav - iour ; There is heal - ing in His blood. And our lives would be all sun - shine In the sweet - ness of our Lord. EE3: J \ 3: ¥ ■25" ^ ^ m -7Sr 190 264 COMMUXlOiV WITH CHRIST I will give you yest Catherine II. IVaiernian E. HiiKon A„ii S|eS d=4=i=t \ f3: :a=^-ii: 1^ I. Come un - to me, when shad -ows dark - ly gath - er, When the sad liaEiE^^: SEp=F=f — ^ — t= E^e:^ .0 — #_ JSL m y^ — z>— heart L=E we a -F== ry and g6pj=g^^"^^is=^=— I =t # dis - tressed, Seek - ing for com fort from your heavenly Fa - ther, Come un - to me, and #. ^ 4^ -^ -O- -^ ■^- I will give you rest. ^ a?^ :fi?2= :t =I=F= 2 Large are the mansions in thy Father's dwelling, Glad are the homes that sorrows never dim ; Sweet are the harps in holy music swelling, Soft are the tones which raise the heavenly hymn. 3 There, like an Eden blossoming in gladness. Bloom the fair flowers the earth too rudely pressed; Come unto me, all ye who droop in sadness, Come unto me, and I will give you rest. =Ff=r m 191 COMMUNION WITH CHRIST Come, Jesus, Redeemer ! Pmil Ambrose Copyright, 1891, by Silver, Burdett & Co. 2 Without Thee but weakness, with Thee I am strong By day Thou shalt lead me, by night be my song; Though dangers surround me, I still every fear, Since Thou, the Most Mighty, my Helper, art near. 3 Breathe, breathe on my spirit, oft ruffled, Thy peace. From restless vain wishes bid Thou my heart cease ; In Thee all its longings henceforward shall end, Till glad to Thy presence my soul shall ascend. 192 coMMC.vioN wrrii ciikist 266 Tntsfingly, tntstiiigly II. Botiar ^4.4 s —^—*r^-^~r*—*—9—0—^ — • — *—4 — 4 — r John W. Tufts K I ^•'M 1 1. Trustingly, trusting-ly, Je-sus to Thee Come I: Lord, lovin^-ly Come Tliou to me! 2. Peacefully, peacefully, Walk I with Thee, Jesus, my Lord, Thou art All, all to me. -^ ^ — ^5 — ?^9==«-Et — ^ 5=:^=^=^=^ pl-T— #, S 4 4 ^— '^M * * ^ *^ =5 -->, -">- i^ Then shall I lov- ing-Iy, Then shall I joy - ful - ly, Walk here with Thee. Peace Thou hast left us; Thy peace hast giv - en us; So let it be. :|i=ti: w i=t: -V & ^s* 3 Whom but Thyself, O Lord ! Have I above ? What have I left on earth ? Only Thy love ! Come then, O Saviour! come: Come then, O Spirit ! come Heavenly Dove. ^=ii: ^ ■^-s'- -y- 1 4 Happily, happil}-. Pass I along, Eager to work for Thee, Earnest and strong. Life is for service true, Life is for battle too ; Life is for song. 267 From " I'ilgriin .Sonys," by per. of C'on>r'l s. S. iind Pub. Soc. / need Thee every hour Tune — / need Thee A\i major 1 I need Thee every hour, Most gracious Lord ! No tender voice like Thine Can peace afford. Ref. — I need Thee, oh, I need Thee! Every hour I need Thee : Oh, bless me now, my Saviour! I come to Thee. 2 I need Thee every hour ; Stay thou near by ; Temptations lose their power When Thou art nigh. — Ref. 3 I need Thee every hour, In joy or pain ; Come quickly and abide. Or life is vain. — Ref. 4 I need Thee every hour; Teach me Thy will ; And Thy rich promises In me fultill. — Ref. 5 I need Thee every hour. Most Holy One : Oh, make me Thine indeed. Thou blessed Son. — Ref. A. S. Hawks 193 COMMUNION WITH CHRIST 268 To Thcc, O dear, dear Saviour! J. S. B. Motsfll / B. Calkin ih-^ 1 :\= -H— _:p 1 - h=^- 1 -i d A- -H-i p^ T T — • — — — r ^ =r -^^ • rJ I. To Thee, O dear. dear Sav - iour ! My Spir - it turns for rest. 2. In Thee, my trust a - bid - eth, On rhee my hope re - lies. ^Z^-S— ■0- ft » — — • — — »9-^ -S-=bS- |— ^ — ^ — t 1 [""■ __L_ ^ 1 — -F — -T t- 1 T" p^=i --] — -1- -^=± Ivly peace is in Thy O 1 nou whose love pro -f ^^_^*__^ 1- fav vid or, My eth For pil - low on Tliy all be - neath the breast; skies; Though all the world de - ceive me, I know that I am Thme, O Thou whose mer - cy found me. From bond - age set me free. ^ 1 Si ! I =F=J=F= # Pi -X *71 fal-* 1-*- *EE3 1 And Thou And then wilt nev for - ev - er - er leave bound I me, me O With bless - ed three - fold Sav ■ cords lour to mme. Thee. ■0- ^ ■•- £^E: ^^- S= ^ I 3 My grief is in the dulness With which this sluggish heart Doth open to the fulness, Of all Thou wouklst impart; My joy is in thy beauty Of holiness divine. My comfort in the duty That binds my life to Thine. 4 O for that choicest blessing Of living in Thy love, And thus on earth possessing The peace of Heaven above ; Oh for the bliss that by it The soul securely knows, The holy calm and quiet Of faith's serene repose. 194. COMMU.VION WITH C//A'/ST 269 JVe could not do witJiouf TJicc /•'. A'. Havergal W. Sewell Thy right -eous-ness, Thy par don, Thy pre-cious blood must be :t=l=:| il- ^— JF=L_a-|^^ « .=1— ^ pr- 3= fort. Our do :B»: and — # — X- plea. 2 We could not do without Thee 1 We cannot stand alone. We have no strength or goodness, No wisdom of our own. How could we do without Thee ? We do not know tlie way ; Thou knowest and Thou leadest, And wilt not let us stray. 3 We could not do without Thee, O Jesus, Saviour dear ! E'en when our eyes are holden, We know that Thou art near. How dreary and how lonely This changeful life would be, Without the sweet communion, The secret rest in Thee. iy5 270 COMMUNION IVITH CHRIST Teach me J. B. Dykes :^=i=^ 1. Teach me to do the thing that pleas-eth 2. Thy love the law and impulse of my Thee; Thou art my God, in Thee 1 soul, Thy righteousness its fit-ntss 3 My highest hope to be where, Lord, Thou 4 Thy smile my sunshine, all my peace from art, , ' thence, To lose myself in Thee my richest gain, From self alone what could that peace destroy? To do Thy will the habit of my heart, Thy joy my sorrow at the least offence. To grieve the Spirit my severest pain. My sorrow that I am not more Thy joy. Time My faith looks ttp to Thee ' Olivet r E^ major I My faith looks up to Thee Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine : Now hear me while I pray, Take all my guilt away. Oh, let me from this day Be wholly Thine. 2 May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire : As Thou hast died for me, O may my love to thee, Pure, warm, and changeless be, A living fire, 196 3 While life's dai-k maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my Guide; Bid darkness turn to day. Wipe sorrow's tears away Nor let me ever stray. From Thee aside. Ray Palmer COM.UrXJOX WfTH CHRIST jfesits, Saviour, Jiear me call From " Sacred Melodies " ^P^ t. fe - sus, Sav-iour, hear me call, 2. Fill me with Thy love di - vine, Sin - fill though my heart may be. Con - se - crate my love to Thee, 3 When the shades of death prevail, Father, let me cling to Thee ; When I pass the gloomy vale, Still abide with me 4 Then, O then, my raptured soul Heaven's eternal rest shall see, There, while endless ages roll, Thou'lt abide with me ! 273 Nearer, my God, to Thee Tunc — Betliany G tnajor 1 Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me: Still all my song shall be — Nearer, my God, to Thee ! Nearer to Thee ! 2 Though, like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone; Yet in my dreams Fd be — Nearer, my God, to Thee ! Nearer to Thee ! 3 There let the way appear. Steps unto heaven; All that Thou sendest me, In mercy given; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee — Nearer to Thee! 4 Then with my waking thoughts. Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs. Bethel I'll raise ; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee I Nearer to Thee ! S. F. Adams 197 COMMUXION WITH CIJKIST yesus, meek and gentle 1. Je - sus, meek and gen - tie, Son of God Most High, Pity - ing, lev inj -t== X'- -f-- =E= -^t-- :|:: — I — w ■ l3^ E f3: All stanzas but the last 3^3: Last stanza =± 3E3 A i ^ Sav - iour, Hear Thy chil-dren's cry. Hear Thy children's cry. It: '^-- :t: -h- T ilH =£=!= :t: i. >5 2 Pardon our offences, Loose our captive chains, Break down every idol Which our soul detains. 3 Give us holy freedom, Fill our hearts with love ; Draw us, holy Jesus, To the realms above. -h- -V- sr A - men. -«<- 4 Lead us on our journey, Be Thyself the way Through terrestrial darkness To celestial day. 5 Jesus, meek and gentle, Son of God Most High, Pitying loving Saviour, Hear Thy children's cry. 6'- 275 Jesus, gentlest Saviour SECOND HYMN 1 Jesus, gentlest Saviour, Thou art in us now. Fill us with Thy goodness, Till our hearts o'erflow. 2 Multiply our graces. Chiefly love and fear. And, dear Lord, the chiefest, Grace to persevere. 198 3 Oh, how can we thank Thee For a gift like this, Gift that truly maketh Heaven's eternal bliss ! 4 Ah ! when wilt Thou always Make our hearts Thy home ? We must wait for Heaven : Then the day will come. F. IV. Faber COMMUNIOX WITH CIIKLST JesMS 7l'c are far away Kate S. C/iittendcn :s=:]=::J=|=:j_^:|z=z— = i§ :!= 1. Je - sus we are far a - way 2. Keep us low - ly that we may. F'rom the light of heaven-ly day, Ev - er watch-ful turn a - way, f ^zbA- '-'^ ^~X —0- -W-e>- 3E^iEEi •*-»- •*-5.- Lost in paths of sin we stray : Lord, From the snares our temp-ters lay : Lord, ui mer in mer cy cy hear hear us. us. m. r^ ^± ^-m Jz. -A- IrT * :? ES ^ - -r — r — r ■ ^ V-^: Copyright, 1891, by Silver, Burdett & Co 3 On our darkness shed Thy Light, Lead our wills to what is right. Wash our evil nature white : Lord, in mercy hear us. »= -,^=^ =JL -^ 5 Make us earnest when we pray. Diligent from day to day, Meaning, doing, what we say : Lord, in mercy hear us. 4 May Thy wisdom be our guide. Comfort, rest, and peace provide Near to Thy protecting side : Lord, in mercy hear us. 6 May Thy grace within the soul Nature's waywardness control, Guiding towards the heavenly goal Lord, in mercy hear us. lyy THE CHURCH O Thou who rnakest sotds to shine Samuel Reay • -J. — -±r~^—^ — • — •-' — t-^-s^-' — *=^ Eg I. O Thou who makest souls to shine With light from lighter worlds a - bove, And teBE! It :t= -;^^ r— r- drop-pest "[listening dew di-vine On all who seek a Saviour s love. A - men. — t !-• • —* teE »-- izi :t i^zt :t:: r- i 2 Do Thou Thy benediction give On all who teach, on all who learn, That so Thy Church may holier live, And every lamp more brightly burn. 4 Give those who learn, the willing ear. The spirit meek, the guileless mind ; Such gifts will make the lowliest here. Far better than a kingdom find. 3 Give those who teach, pure hearts and wise, 5 If thus, good Lord, Thy grace be given, Faith, hope, and love, all warmed by prayer; In Thee to live, in Thee to die. Themselves first training for the skies. Before we upward pass to heaven They best will raise their people there. We taste our immortality. 278 Blest be the tie that binds Tune " Deittijs." F major 1 Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love ; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares. 3 We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear : And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 4 When we asunder part. It gives us inward pain ; But we shall still be joined in heart. And hope f.o meet again. John Fawcctt 300 THE CHfRCH 2^1^ Glorio7ts filings of 77iec are spoken John A\'7vtoii *r:l=t=i=*=3=J 2 See the streams of living waters, Springing from eternal love, Well supply tliy sons and daughters, And all fear of want remove : Who can faint, while such a river Ever flows their thirst to assuage ? Grace, which, like the Lord, the Giver, Never fails from age to age. 3 Round each habitation hovering. See the cloud and fire appear! For a glory and a covering. Showing that the Lord is near : He who gives them daily manna, He wlio listens when they cry, — Let Him hear the loud hosanna. Rising to His throne on high. THE CHURCH 280 S.J. Stom The Church's one Foundation s.s. 1. The Church's one Found - a 2. E - lect from ev - ery na '^^m^^ tion Is Je - sus Christ her tion, Yet one o'er all the She Her is His new ere char - ter of sal a - tion By wa - ter and the va- t.on One Lord one Faith, one Word; Birth ; — «- 0^ From heaven He came and sought her To be h; 1 One ho - ,y Nau.e she ble^^s - es, Par - t^fes o" e ho '- % Bride ; Food, ^^'mmm^ I " -»- "^ — -^ — '— • — *i- With His own blood He bought her And f. T ,^ '* And to one hope she prets - ^^ vvft?. 'Z -^Tr] ^Lll died, dued. 3 'Mid toil and tribulation, And tumult of lier war. She waits the consummation Of peace for evermore ; Till with the vision glorious Her longing eyes are blest, And the great church victorious Shall be the church at rest. ^ S-..^''^^ T ^^'■^h ^^^fh union With God the Three in One xxr-^J^'l^^ ^^^^^ communion ' With those whose rest is won • O happy ones and holy ! Lord, give us grace "that we Like them, the meek and lowly ^n high may dwell with Thee 202 THE CflURi -fl— MISSIONS 281 / love Thy kingdom, Lord J 'mi,- — Stiih- Street A major 1 I love Thy kingdom, Lord, The house of Thine abode. The Church our blest Redeemer saved With His own precious blood. 2 I love Thy Church, O God ! Her walls before thee stand, Dear as the apple of Thine eye. And graven on Thy hand. 3 For her my tears shall fall, For her my prayers ascend ; To her my cares and toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end. 4 Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways. Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. 5 Sure as thy truth shall last. To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield. And brighter bliss of heaven. T. Dwight 2&-2 The morning light is breaking Tunc — Webb />'(7 iiiajor I The morning light is breaking, The darkness disappears; The sons of earth are waking To penitential tears; Eacli breeze that sweeps the ocean Brings tidings from afar Of nations in commotion. Prepares for Zion's war. 2 See heathen nations bending l^efore the God we love. And thousand hearts ascending In gratitude above ; While sinners, now confessing. The gospel call obey. And seek the Saviour's blessing — A nation in a day. S. F. Smith 283 Hail to the Lord^s anointed Tune on />age 1 7 2 1 Hail to the Lord's anointed. Great David's greater Son ! Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun ! He comes to break oppression. To set the captive free, To take away tran.sgression. And rule in equity. 2 He comes, with succor speedy. To those who suffer wrong; To lielp tlie poor and needy. And bid the weak be strong; To give them songs for sighing, Tlieir darkness turn to light, Whose souls, condemned and dyint Were precious in His sight. 3 For Him shall prayer unceasing And daily vows ascend ; His kingdom still increasing, A kingdom without end. The heavenly dew shall nourish The seed in weakness sown, Whose fruit shall spread and Hourish, And shake like Lebanon. 4 O'er every foe victorious, He on His throne shall rest ; From age to age more glorious, All-blessing and all-blessed, The tide of time shall never His covenant remove ; His name shall stand for ever; His great, best name of Love ! J. Montgomery 203 MISSIONS Hark ! tJie voice of Jesus calling 3 Let none hear you idly saying, "There is nothing I can do," While the souls of men are dying. And the Master calls for you, Take the task He gives you gladly. Let his work your pleasure be; Answer quickly when He calleth — "Here am I, O Lord, send me." 4 If you cannot be the watchman, Standing high on Zion's wall, Pointing out the path to lieaven, Off'ring life and peace to all, With your prayers and with your bounties You can do what Heaven demands ; You can be like faithful Aaron Holding up the prophet's hands. 204 M/SS/OA'S 285 T. Hastings No7l' be the Gospel Banner Joseph Barnby 3^ =^ 3^3 a^3 tr-#- -#■-«■-#■ 1. Now be the gos - pel ban - ner. 2. Yes, — Thou shalt reign for - ev - er, In O T U. *PS= 3?: ev - ery land un-furled ; Je - sus, King of Kings ! And be . Thy light -J- l—rA Sr -^^ el And be the shout, — "Ho Thy light, Thy love. Thy san - na!'' Re - ech - oed thro' the world; fa - vor, Each ran-somed cap - tive sings: Till ev - ery isle and The isles for Thee are na - tion, Till ev - ery tribe and tongue, wait - ing, The des -arts learn Thy praise, '^■^ -^ ♦ ' L . -I- — — • • • — — #-— 1 — 1 -f 1— F r I • \ #-^ Re - ceives the great sal The hills and val - leys va - tion, And joins the hap - py throng, greet- ing, The sonsj re-spon-sive raise. -^-^-^.'- EE -g- ^ 20 s MISSIONS 286 W. Croswcll y te ^- Lord, lead the way II. Ililes • 1~# 1=l=t T -1 — r -gj-v- 1 . Lord, lead the way the Sav - iour went, By lane and cell ob - scure 2. For Thou hast placed us side by side In this wide world of ill, ^ * -^ i*^ I*. 1 :t:=Ut:: =!t=ii=#^ ^ i And And. P :^=t=J=d: let that ->- -#-- r — * — • — *— 0- love's treasures still be spent, Like His up Thy followers may be tried. The poor are on with EE ii the poor: us still. P^: =F=F -(fi- i I -X =T ^ d=l=d=l=^=H: # r- -«*-r- Like Him, thro' scenes of deep dis - tress, Who bore the world's sad weight, Mean are all offerings we can make. But Thou hast taught us, Lord, ' ^ ^ ^ )JA t. ^ t. J. I ^=B itl^- r — r ^- t- =^: i:: £ -fS"— - We, in their crowd - ed lone - li - ness, Would seek the des - o - late. If o-iv - en for the Sav -iour's sake. They lose not their re- ward. i»3: ^=F 4^ I ^0 ji»- :^: 1=f: in 206 M/SS/0/VS T. Hastitiirs Hail to the brightness =r :± 5 Lmudl Mason 1. Hail to the bright-ness of Zi 2. Hail to the bright-ness of Zi 3. Lo! in the des - ert rich flow 4. See, from all lands — from the isles on's glad morn - ing ! en's glad morn - ing, ers are spring -ing, of tiie o - cean, Joy to the Long by the Streams ev - er Praise to Je • sor - row and mourning ; Zi - bond - age re - turn - ing ; Gen - ech - oes are ringf-ing:, Wastes war and com- mo - tion, Shouts > on in tri - umph be - gins tile and Jew the blest vi ■ rise in ver - dure, and min of sal - va - tion are rend her mild reign. ■ sion be - hold. - gle in song. - ing the sky. m i^* J^SE^ i 288 Christ for the world we sing Time — '•Christ for the worid ■ 1 Christ for the world we sing; The world to Christ we bring. With loving zeal ; The poor, and them that mourn, The faint and overborne. Sin-sick and sorrow-worn ; Whom Christ doth heal. 2 Christ for the world we sing ; The world to Christ we bring, Witli fervent prayer; The wayward and the lost, 207 jc sinjj;" F Major By restless passions tossed, Redeemed, at countless cost, From dark despair, 3 Christ for the world we sing ; The world to Christ we bring, With one accord ; With us the work to share, With us reproach to dare, With us the cross to bear, For Christ our Lord. Satnuel Wolcoti SPECIAL OCCASION'S— IE ACHE NS' MEETING Shine TJiou upon its, Lord T. German Rccd 1. Shine Thou up- on us, Lord, True Light of men, to - day; And through tlie 2. Breathe Thou up- on us, Lord, Thy Spir - it's liv - ing flame, Tliat so with 3. Speak Thou for us, O Lord, In all we say of Thee. Ac - cord - ing :± :i =1= :3=_ --r -•«■ E-EI :33E =#F ^ Ml writ- ten word Thy ve - ry self dis-play; That so from hearts which burn With one ac - cord Our lips may tell Thy Name; Give Thou the hear -ing err, Fix to Thy Word Let all our teach-ing be; That so Thy lambs may know Their gazing on Thy Face, The little ones may learn The wonders of Thy grace. Thou the wandering tho't. That those we teach may hear The great things Thou hast wrought, own true Shepherd's voice, Where'er He leads them go. And in His love re-joice. A-men. 208 SPEC r. If. OCCASfOXS—rKMrERAXCK MF.ETIXC—NKW YEAR TiDic 0)1 page 178 1 Christ with His own Blood bought us And made the purchase sure; His are we ; may }Ie keep us Sober, and chaste, and pure, He, God in Man, has carried Our nature up to Heaven ; And thence the Holy Spirit To dwell in us has given. 2 Conformed to His own likeness. May we so live and die, That in the yrave our bodies Tn holy peace may lie. And at the resurrection Forth from those .graves may spring Like to the glorious ]5ody Of Christ, our Lord and King. The temple of the Hoty Ghost 3 The pure in heart are blessed, For they shall see the Lord, For ever and for ever By Seraphim adored; And they shall drink the pleasures. Such as no tongue can tell, From the clear crystal river, And Life's eternal well. 4 Sing therefore to the Father, Who sent the Son in love ; And sing to God the Saviour, Who leads to realms above ; Sing with the saints and angels, Before the Heavenly Throne, To God the Holy Spirit; Sing to the Three in One. C. W'ordsivorth 291 .S-. Cliilds Clark In unison Now a New Year opens /". .-/./. Ho-iey 2 This the holy lesson On the year's first day, Jesus by obedience Teaches to obey. 3 Of Thy Cross thus early Tokens thou dost give; Bv Thv wounds Thou healest. Bv Thv death we live. 4 Not to suffer only, Jesus, didst Thou come, But to leave us way-marks Pointing to our home, 5 In Thy blessed footsteps Ever may we tread. Safe when keeping near Thee, Bv Thv Spirit led, 20

=£=^= t=t^ il 2 We ourselves are God's own field Fruit unto His praise to yield; Wheat and tares together sown Unto joy or sorrow grown ; First the blade, and then the ear, Then the full corn shall appear; Lord of harvest ! grant that we Wholesome grain and pure may be. 3 For the Lord our God shall come. And shall take His harvest home ; From His field shall purge away All that doth offend that day ; Give His angels charge at last In the fires the tares to cast; But the fruitful ears to store In His garner evermore. Tune '■^America. 1 My country ! 't is of thee, Sweet land of liberty. Of thee I sing : Land where my fathers died ! Land of the Pilgrims' pride ! From every mountain side Let freedom ring ! 2 My native country, thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love ; T love thy rocks and rills. Thy woods and templed hills : My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above. My country ! V is of thee 3 Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song : Let mortal tongues awake ; Let all that breathe partake ; Let rocks their silence break, — The sound prolong. 4 Our fathers' God, to Thee, Author of liberty. To Thee we sing ; Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light ; Protect us by Thy might, Great God, our King. ,V. /-; Smith SPECIAL OCCASfOXS— DKDICA r/OX—PRA YPR POP SPAA/EX 296 Father let Thy hnnng gaze TiDic on paf^c 45 1 Father let Thy loving gaze Rest upon Thy children now — In this house accept our praise Hear our prayer, receive our vow, Bless through all the comin<,f days Those who at these altars bow. 2 Risen Saviour, may Thy cross Ever here uplifted be — Counting worldly gain but dross. May Thy people live for Thee ; And in trial, pain or loss, Cling to Him of Calvary. 3 Holy Spirit, be Thou here, When the seed of truth is sown As the dew, the sun appear, 'Till the golden fruits are grown ; Thine the work from year to year, And the glory Thine alone. 4 God of grace, upon Thy throne Hear us as we bend the knee ; May this temple be Thine own Dedicated now to Thee, Father, Holy Spirit, Son, Ever blessed Trinity. Amen. Will. A. Caiddwell 297 Great God, accept the song we raise Tune 0)1 page 195 1 Great God, accept the song we raise- A tribute of our joy That in this house built for Thy praise Our lips find sweet employ. Here may glad hymns to Thee ascend Till earthly days are past, And in the choir celestial blend With seraph songs at last. 2 Here may each eye uplifted, see The loving Saviour's face, Or droop, in deep humility, His tender words to trace. And when these scenes have fled away, May our enraptured sight Wake in that "golden city's'' day. Of which Thou art the light. 3 Here from the altar of each heart May prayer as fncense rise ; And in return Thy hand impart Rich treasures from the skies; And when these hearts shall cease to beat- This temple service o'er — In Thine own temple may we meet To separate no more. Amen. Wm. A. Cauldwell 298 Eternal Father strong to save Time on /om rock and tempest, fire and foe. Protect them wheresoe'er they go; Thus evermore shall rise to Thee Glad hymns of praise from land and sea. Amen. IV. Whiling THE NEU JERUSALEM 299 yevMsalem ! my happy home ^^=r-^ -=i=q li^l t—t~ #—5 ^~i. m :n=^: ^i ^*— S 3 I. Je - ru 2. Why should I :t= I sa - lem ! my hap - py home ! Name ev - er dear to me ! shrink at pain and woe! Or feel, at death, dis- may? — • ^-- — m — ^ . — ^j 1 — . ^v . ; f — ^v : 1- ■ ^i^^lp tr- ±: r :i li—t -(2- -^- 35t 'A- -,^=1=1 ^i -=1=N-N- ii A- I. ' When shall my la - bors have an end, In joy, and peace, in Thee! I've Ca - naan's good - ly land in view, And realms of end -less day. i '^^ :^^: •-T J- i ^ r- ■— si- 3 Apostles, martyrs, prophets there, Around my Saviour stand ; And soon my friends in Christ below, Will join the glorious band. 4 Jerusalem ! my happy home ! My soul still pants for Thee ; Then shall my labors have an end, When I Thy joys shall see. 300 yerusalem, the golden TttJie ''Ewi)igr C major I Jerusalem, the golden, With milk and honey blest! Beneath Thy contemplation Sink heart and voice oppressed : 1 know not, oh, I know not, What social joys are there, What radiancy of glory, What light beyond compare. 2 They stand, those halls of Zion, All jubilant with song, And bright with many an angel. And all the martyr throng ; The Prince is ever in them, The daylight is serene ; The pastures of the blessed Are decked in glorious sheen. 3 There is the throne of David ; And there, from care released. The song of them that triumph, The shout of them that feast: And they who with their Leader, Have conquered in the fight Forever and forever Are clad in robes of white. John M. A'trciA; tr. 214 30I I'lcdcruk ir. Faher THE .\ 'E IV JER USA L EM Hark, hark, my soul! I. Hark. hark my soul ! angelic songs are swelling O'er earth's green fields and ocean's wave-beat [shore: 3— Bi — B — a- -I- — ^^^^ I x=x ¥^:\^ II III How sweet the truth those blessed strains are telling Of that new life when sin shall be no ; -tSr ■0-^^ -^ ■0-k e=lll ^Z -»- -0- -0-^ -0- -^•_* J ^# ■•• ^S REFRAIX. p^^^iiii pilgrims of the night, Sing-ing to ?^=^=ti=^: \ 7 — I— ,-# — •- I ^1 ^ -♦ -#■ jij-^ ^^ T^ ^ ^ _. welcome the pilgrims, the pilgrims of the night. :fe=itei?z* t- 2 Onward we go, for still we hear them singing, Come, weary souls, for Jesus bids you come : And through the dark, its eclioes sweetly ringing, The music of the gospel leads us home. 3 Far, far away, like bells at evening pealing, The voice of Jesus sounds o'er land and sea ; And laden souls, by thousands meekly stealing Kind Shepherd, turn their weary steps to Thee. F=f :^= k— ^-)i- :l THE NEW JERUSALEM 302 Atidretv \oting There is a happy Land S.S. Wesley 2 Come to that happy land, Come, come away ; Why will ye doubting stand ? Why sti'll delay ? Oh, we shall happy be, When, from sin and sorrow free, Lord, we shall live with Thee, Blest, blest for aye ! 3 Bright, in that happy land, Beams every eye ; Kept by a Father's hand, Love cannot die. Oh, then to glory run, Be a crown and kingdom won And bright above the sun, We reign for aye ! ^Q^ Shall we gather at the river Tune ''Beautiful Riverr E\i major I Shall we gather at the river, Where bright angel-feet have trod ; With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the the throne of God. Ref. — Yes, we '11 gather at the river. The beautiful, beautiful river — Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God. 2 On the margin of the river, Washing up its silver spray. We will wait and worship ever. All the happy golden day. 3 Soon we '11 reach the shining river. Soon our pilgrimage will cease ; Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace. Robert Lmury 216 THE XKW JKRrSALKM K. J. I/opkius As flows tJie rapid river 304 S. /-'. Smith I. As flows the m:=& w Tap ■•-■•-#■ er, With chan - nel broad and f ree. f — F^ :ici=ti=E: -4= =11 --N- t=0: ^:& Its ters rip - pling * ev And liast - ing to the sea, Z •=i|: -t^ •J So life 1-z:* "& is on - ward flow - ing, And days of of - fered peace, -ft — •-! "t- m-.. g • ^ -t-- =[:: It y t- -J— , 2 As moons are ever waning. As liastes the sun away. As storm and winds complaining. Bring on the wintry day, So fast the night comes o'er us. The darkness of the grave; And death is just before us : God takes the life He gave. 217 3 Say, hath thy heart its treasure Laid up in worlds above ? And it is all thy pleasure Thy God to praise and love ? Beware, lest death's dark river Its billows o'er Thee roll, And thou lament forever The ruin of thy soul. THE NEW JERUSALEM 305 F. W. Faber O Paradise 1 -.b=±=:^: fc^± •-; « — m — ' — #- -% ---X -A Joseph Barnby 3 ^\ I. O Par - a-dise! O Par :k=^: a-dise! Who doth" not crave for rest? >—^ :t=^l=ti=5=f=J=t:: 1 :t: 11 ^- A d=:|=it =S^= -P »-■!- # # 1 ffp 1 1- tEEE CHORUS Where loy- al hearts and true, -Z^-T -■ Who would not seek the hap - py land Where they that loved, are blest? ^. :|?z=-^==:1: ^^^t All ^^1 !^l^^ rap - tare thro' and thro', In God's most ho I- .p n # — .— ^ ^ I ly -I — ^EEEE: -&- r T- si"ht. 2 O Paradise ! O Paradise ! 'T is weary waiting here ; We long to be where Jesus is, To feel and see Him near. 3 Lord Jesus, King of Paradise ! O keep us in Thy love, And guide us to that happy land Of perfect rest above. 1 1 218 THE NEW JEKrSALEM III flic Paradise of Jcsits E. G. Monk I. In the Par - a - dise of Je - sus There are man - y homes of light, M And they shine be - yond the darkness With a radiance clear and bright. n 5yj=rt=i:iEEE^.E^ I Oh, that I might hear the an - gels Sing-ing o'er the crys tal -1-L T=ZZi" UZ -*—r:l n r- sea. I -^K =F=F^ =i^: --ff- "1 T TFzq: -^— N- And a- midst the man - y man - sions Find a l>^ . . . . home pre-pared for me ! 1 fe:^^EEE: ?=ii =^=f= '~t^r T' -(Sf m 2 In those quiet resting places, Midst the pastures green and fair, Jesus gathers in the homeless, And He dwells among them there. 3 Can we see those happy faces Of the dear ones gone before ? They are ready now to greet us When we gain that blessed shore. 2 19 4 Then the pearly gates, unfolding, Never shall be closed again, We shall see within the city Jesus, 'mid His white-robed train. 5 Oh, to join the Alleluia, And the glad thanksgiving raise. With the ransomed hosts of Jesus, In their songs of endless praise I THE NF. IV JER USA L EM I have a home above St. Alban^s 7une Book A--X 1. I have a home a - bove, 2. My Fa - ther's gra-cious hand From sin and sor - row Has built this sweet a 'S'-i- free ; bode ; Kli N :i± -(S«-* -I— • R? » — k— :^, r =1^—1 •=l=z^=i(=zt:i: 1 A man-sion which e - ter - nal love Designed and formed for me. From ev - er - last - ing it was planned — My dwell-ing- place with God. ^1 ^ I 3 My Saviour's precious blood Has made my title sure; He passed thro' death's dark raging flood To make my rest secure. ' r-^ 0- r- i9-~ E= -K? — r I 4 The Comforter has come, The earnest has been given ; He leads me onward to the home Reserved for me in heaven. 308 Tune "Shining Shore." 1 My days are gliding swiftly by, And I, a pilgrim stranger, Would not detain them as they fly. Those hours of toil and danger. For, oh, we stand on Jordan's strand, Our friends are passing over ; And just before, the Shining Shore We may almost discover ! 2 We '11 gird our loins, my brethren dear, Our heavenly home discerning; Our absent Lord has left us word, Let every lamp be burning.^REF. The Shining Shore G ?naJor 3 Should coming days be cold and dark, We need not cease our singing; That perfect rest naught can molest, Where golden harps are ringing.— Ref. 4 Let sorrow's rudest tempest blow. Each cord on earth to sever ; Our King says, come, and there's our home For ever, oh, for ever ! For, oh, we stand on Jordan's strand, Our friends are passing over ; And just before, the Shining Shore We may almost discover ! D. Nelson CHILDREN'S HYMNS 309 A. Midlane There V a Friend for little children J. Stat Iter — « ^ — i — — t-^ 1 — — 9 0—^-0—. I. There's a Friend for lit - tie chil - dren, A- bove the bright blue sky, t^=#=^ :v=tn l2-j8=t:: =t: y=tit: r— N- e:: ^^=t :^^^ A Friend Who nev er chang - es, Whose love will nev - er ^ I die. Efc i^ >-.-!:- :t==^ -^^ 1 T -^ — s-# — 5- --^ -J — •- 3=aig^^ Un - like our friends by na - ture, Who change with chang-ing years. This Friend is al - ways wor n^ thy The pre-cious Name He bears. -W- 'i=^_ -^ -*-i- -r A 2 There 's a Rest for little children. Above the bright blue sky, Who love the blessed Saviour, And to His Father cry; A Rest from every trouble. From sin and danger free; There every little pilgrim Shall rest eternally. 3 There 's a Home for little children, Above the bright blue sky. Where Jesus reigns in glory, A Home of peace and joy ; No home on earth is like it, Nor can with it compare. For every one is happy. Nor can be happier there. CHILDREN'S HYMNS 310 M. Elsie Thalheimcr ^'^ ■ -I ^— . Thou art my Shepherd J. Cramer S^ +=t :i I H— I 1- —4- -9—m^- 1. Thou art my Shep - herd, Car - ing in ev - ery need, Thy lit - tie 2. Or if my way lie Where death o'er - hang-ing nigh. My soul wouk ^ m- 1= H* —0 * •— 1-* ^ '*- :t=:fz=E=»=z=^=:?3=t=pi=t:: 1=: I S lamb to feed, Trust - ing Thee still : ter - ri - fy With sud - den chill. In the green pas-tures low, Yet I am not a - fraid ; fcji=i|i=zzt: K £ i .t:i Where liv-ing wa - ters flow, Safe by Thy side I While soft - ly on my head Thy ten - der hand is go. Fear -ing no ill. laid, I fear no ill. ^^ -ir- -^ — T- ii 3" Lord, do not leave me SECOND HYMN I Lord, do not leave me ! I 'm but an erring child, Weak, poor, and sin-defiled, Afraid, alone ; But Thou art strong and wise No ill can Thee surprise ; Beneath Thy loving eyes Danger is none. 2 If Thou wilt guide me, Gladly I '11 go with Thee ;— No harm can come to me, Holding Thy hand ; And soon my weary feet. Safe in the golden street, Where all who love Thee meet, Redeemed shall stand. M. E. T. 312 /. A. Sto-vell CHILDREN'S HYMNS Ever near to Thee Not too sloif s 1. Sav - iour, we are young and weak, Yet we have a race to run, 2. Ma - ny are our foes and strong, Foes with -out, and fears with - in, Ha HE? E ±1 S ^ m r(\ li 1 i^ IC I 1 V 1 r J 1 1 ^ 1 1 ! p 1 J '1 /\ rt w M *i M 1 -^1 li m 4 — *H ^^V-^ J H €- i fc^-4-»-f- H i 0— ~S^ y^ #— ; #--- GIo - rious is the crown — -e*— #-- ' — #— - we seek. Hard the fight that ■-tt* — must be > won ; Great tempt - a - tions to go wrong, And an e - vil beart of sin; * « « • ^ J^i .. r f - H« — # - ^2. fe^, ?=i=^— ? S tr^- =fe— ^^- =^=ZI —L \- ' — F —0 4f ^M ^b-tt ii 1: \r- -t— -^ii t - -t -^— h— 4-=^ -'- — h ^— 1 v^ -4 :^^ -N -\^- di})i. •—Ti- =1=1= —"^ — li - -N _M u Lest we faint, and lest we flee, Keep us ev - er near to Thee. We shall sure - ly conquered be I N If we keep not near to Thee. ,> t=x. \ It X- 3 When the dark and cloudy day Comes to bow our hearts in grief, Earthly comforts pass away. Earthly hopes give no relief; To Thy Bosom we will flee, Clinging ever near to Thee. 4 Then the prize of victory won. And the weary contest o'er, We shall hear the glad " Well done," Greet us on the heavenly shore, And through all eternity, Evermore be near to Thee. 11 223 CHILDREN'S HYMNS 313 Forbid ye not the children A J. w. s. ^ -^- --X Fricdrich Flotcnu ±rE^. isL: -#• I I I. " For - bid ye not the chil - dren," Said Christ, "but let them come. Sii t= -X=^^- ^-t-r^. SE :t= a i — ^ t- I Of such is Heav - en's king - dom, Their lov - ing Fa - ther's home." -\r- -y- 1= E^E :^_ -1-- 2 In gracious arms He took them, And drew them to His breast. And children still are carried By Him, and still are blest. r > S -h- -P- -(S- r 3 So come to Him, and welcome, As long ago they came. This good and tender Shepherd Knows every Iamb by name ! 314 A ^?ri s Jesus, when He left the sky :i -R-? ?^=i=^ ±-r =fi^= I. Je - sus when He left the sky, And for sin - ners came to die, ife^ S^E 111=1^=^ -» — » — 9 — « — •— ^^*-^ :q= ^5=1 -*S-i 1 In His mer - cy passed not by ifes= Lit — •— tie ones like me. ^h- 224 CHILDREN'S HYMNS 2 Mothers then the .Saviour sought In the places where He taught, And to Him their children brought — Little ones like me. 3 Did the Saviour say them nay? No, He kindly bade them stay; Suffered none to turn away Little ones like me. 4 'T was for them His life He gave, To redeem them from the grave ; Jesus able is to save Little ones like me. 5 Children, then, should love Him too, Strive His holy will to do. Pray to Him and praise Him too — Little ones like me. 315 My Father, hear my prayer E. C. W. R. Brmvn-Bortlnvick 2 Forgive me all my sin. And let me sleep this night In safety and in peace 3 Lord, help me every day To love Thee more and more, And try to do Thy will Much better than before. 4 Now look upon me. Lord, Ere I lie down to rest, It is Thy little child That Cometh to be blest. CHILDREN'S HYMNS 316 Up in Heaven Miss Alexander J. Stainer --^^- -■i=X. bright place far a way, He whom bad »= ^ > Ir^ -*-T- dim. 1*= ti* -y- 2 And He loves His little children, And He pleadeth for them there, Asking the great God of Heaven That their sins may be forgiven, And He hears their prayer. 226 3 And all faithful holy Christians Who their Master's work have done, Shall appear at His right hand And inherit the fair land That his love have won. CHILDREN'S HYMNS /. A. St owe I I In God's Holy dwelling rIEEt --X ^ -^ 1. In God's ho - ly 2. All things tell His dwell £lo Spared to meet a Earth and heaven a gain, bove ; Hark ! glad voi • ces And the gos - pel swell sto *-_*^^ ing. A — (- Raise their joy - ous Tells His won-drous ■^ * *■ . X — I b — ^ strain, love : '^=^-=^ . -^9- ri J=d: Chil - dren, bend How the Fa mg ther -^ ^-— r — r ^ low - ly, Join the an - gels' gave us His own Son to cry, die ; =^=t: 1 ffl i&L 3?2?: "Ho How ly. the ho Son ly, to ho save ly. us. Is the Lord on Left His throne on high ! " high ! ^ 1—%-^ f^,- r- r- 3 Oh, how blest to know Him. And His love so true ! Oh. how sweet to show Him How we love Him too ! For to us is given. Here to taste His grace. And the liope in Heaven To behold His Face. 227 4 Then, within His dwelling. Raise the joyous song ; Let glad voices swelling Still the strain prolong ; Children, bending lowly. Join the angels' cry, " Holy, holy, holy, Is the Lord most High ! " 3i8 CHILDREN'S HYMNS God will take care of you F. R. Havergal F. R. Havergal I. God will take care of you. All thro' the day Je - sus %^\r=^- ^ z^'±^ -(2.- -^- i^3 is near you to d=* -(9-r -'9-i- -«'-T- ^ -k -(2^ -l©"-^ -1 ^- -(2- 2 He will take care of you. All through the night Jesus, the Shepherd, His little one keeps; Darkness to Him is the same as the light. He never slumbers, and He never sleeps. 3 He will take care of you. All through the year Crowning each day with His kindness and love Sending you blessings, and shielding from fear, Leading you on to the bright home above. 4 He will take care of you. Yes ; to the end Nothing can alter His love for His own ; Children, be glad that you have such a Friend ; He will not leave you one moment alone, -»--: -(& — keep you from ill; Wak-ing or rest-ing, at work or at play. ^ 228 CHILDKKA ' 'S HYMNS oiQ Cofue, Children, lift your voices C. F. Hcrmiman Bcrthold Tours ^^^Withfpi^:ii__ I I . , . I ^ - I . . J J_l =t 3^S33: 7 4 r r I. Come, children, lift your voi - ces, And sing with us to - day, As to the Lord.our Saviour, i3^4^=g=-St=S= =t: q=l=t:: ii * .^^- :*=it=^: i J — TT^ = :*=itH » *■- -iS'-v # * — I * 1 "• '-f- Our grateful vows we pay ; We thank Thee, Lord, for sending Tiie gentle showers of rain; i^ ^^^ -f5>~ r^ — r,'-# — ^- fe^: CHORUS. p^^i^Hi^ippPi^^ For summer suns which ripen The fields of golden grain. Come,children,lift your voices, ^3 ?J^tN And sing with us to - day. As to the Lord our Saviour,Our grateful vows we pay. A S^ ^^==f=t=F a 2 Come join our glad Hosanna As gladly still we sing, Rejoicing in the favor Of Christ, our Lord and King ; For good is His creation, All beautiful and fair, E'en angels from the heavenly seats Our grateful gladness share. 3 May we by holy living Thy praises echo forth, And tell Thy boundless mercies. To all the listening earth ; May we grow up as branches. In Christ, the one true Vine, Bear fruit to Life Eternal, And be for ever Thine. r 22Q CHILDREN'S HYMNS 320 Heavenly Father, send TJiy blessing C. li ordsworth In unison. , , , r A/or/ey H3 :f^= 5 -t- a=S ti: ^— *- #— • T (^ lS> iS> o I. Heavenly Father, send Thy blessing, On Thy chil-dren gath-ered here; I J r^ I ' ^ ~ - -^-J^ :p :^ :=t: -t_ :[:: zt:=|=^z =F fcFS]=& p^P^^^mg^^^ May we all Thy name con - fess - ing, Be to Thee for - ev - er dear. 1 n I -fi^- -1^ ^ ff» -H— ^ • t=^ T ^-^- '-^. ^~i ii—Sz we be like Jo - seph, lov .- ing, Du - ti - f ul, and chaste, and pure, our faith, like, Da - vid proving, Steadfast un - to death en-dure. A =F=F=t= >=^ -fi-0 ■F » •— I— r— r— W= :^ r 2 Holy Saviour, who in meekness Didst vouchsafe a Child to be, Guide our steps and help our weakness. Bless and make us like to Thee. Bear Thy lambs, when they are weary, In Thine arms and at Thy breast ; Through life's desert, dry and dreary, Bring us to Thy heavenly rest. 3 Spread Thy golden pinions o'er us, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove ; Guide us, lead us, go before us, Give us peace, and joy, and love. Temples of the Holy Spirit, May we with Thy glory shine. And immortal bliss inherit, And for evermore be Thine. Amen. 230 CHILDREN'S HYMNS Children of yeritsalem English Melody 1. Chil - dren of Je - ru - sa - lem Sang the praise of Je - sus' name 2. We have of - ten heard and read What the roy - al psalm - ist said, ■¥■ E -g— #-hJ= 3 — - — ----^ = Chil - dren, too, of mod - ern days, Join to sing the Sav-iour's praise. Babes' and chil - dren's art -less lays. Shall pro - claim the Sav-iour's praise. S -r •— •— trr S^ -^-■M- E I •H* =£? :S^E n ,^> — ^ U -0- -0- -0- --K ^ 1 ^ Hark ! hark ! hark .'while in-fant voi-ces sing, Hark ! hark ! hark! while infant voi ces sing r ■0- ■»• -0- • — t: •0- -0- -0- -^ -^ i9- A / 0-1- -0--i- -0-i- t^=^ 1 12=*: ^-# Loud ho -san - nas, loud ho- san - nas, loud ho - san - nas to our Kins. '-tj 3 We are taught to love the Lord ; We are taught to read His word : We are taught the way to heaven : Praise for all to God be given ! 4 Parents, teachers, old and young, All unite to swell the song : Higher and yet higher rise, Till hosannas reach the skies. CHILDREN'S HYMNS 322 God of Heaven! hear our Singing F. K. Havergal p„„ ]y_ j^,tff, sing-ing; On - ly pray I'hee ; Let the ti and ii* > tion o bring- ing, Fa bey Thee, Lov ther, now we come to Thee, ing, prais - ing, bless - ing, blest. pEpF^;s^ From 3 Let the sweet and joyful story Of the Saviour's wondrous love Wake on earth a song of glory Like the angels' song above. 4 Father, send the glorious hour. Every heart be thine alone ; For the kingdom and the power And the glory are Thine own. Pilj,niin Songs," l.y per. of Cong'l S. S. and Pub. See 212 1 CHILDREN'S HYMNS Above the clear blue sky E. J. Hopkins 1. A - bove the clear blue 2. But God from in - fant sky, In heav tonvw the | God of | his sal- I vation. 6. Lift up your heads, O ye gates ; and be ye lifted up, ye ez'QX- \ lasting | doors ; !| and the A'ing of I glory I shall come | in. 7. Who is this | King of | glory? |i The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord \ mighty | in — | battle. 8. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye ez'er- | lasting | doors; || and the Kingoi I glory I shall come | in. 9. Who is this | King of: glory? || The Lord of hosts, \ He 'is the | King of | glory. Amen. * The questions may be sung by a Solo voice 328 CHANTS Rejoice in the Lord Selection from Ps. XXXIII S H1-1^1-n' i^3 'TO- -iS- j2- t? -- r- 1. Rejoice in the Lord | O ye i righteous, || iox praise is | comely | for the | upright. 2. Praise the Lord \ with the | harp ; || sing unto him with the psaltery, and an J instrument | of ten I strings. 3. Sing unto him a | new | song ; || play jM/f uUy | with a [ loud | noise. 4. For the word of the Lord \ is | right, || and all his | works are \ done in | truth. 5. He loveth righte.o\xs- \ ness and | judgment; || the earth \s full of the | goodness | of the | Lord. 6. Let all the earth \ fear the | Lord ; || let all the inhabitants of the zvorld j stand in | awe of | him. 7. Blessed is the wation whose | God is • the | Lord ; || and the people whom he hath | chosen for his } own in- j heritance. Amen. 329 Bow down thine ear Selection from Ps. LXXXVI litz: '^ ^i s ^ S -^ -(22- =t== -42- JO- is: 4= 1. Bow down thine ear, O | Lord | hear me : \^for | I am I poor and I needy. 2. Preserve my soul; for | I am I holy • || O thou my God, save thy | servant • that | trusteth" in I thee. 3. Be merciful unio I me, O | Lord: \for I | cry * unto 1 thee 1 daily. 4. Rejoice the sonl I of thy I servant || for unto thee, O Lord, do I I lift I up my I soul. 5. For thou Lord art good, and ready \ to for- | give ; || and plenteous in mercy unto all I them that I call up- 1 on thee. 6. Give ear, O Lord, 1 unto • my 1 prayer ; 1| and attend to the voice \ of my I suppli- I cations. 7. Teach me thy way O Lord ; I will walk \ in thy | truth : || wnite my I heart to I fear thy I name. 8. I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with I all my I heart : || and I will glori/y thy I name for | ever I more. Amen. 236 CHANTS 330 The /aic of file Lord is perfect ScUitioits from Ps. XIX 1. The law of the Lord X'a perfect, con | verting the | soul : || the testimony of the Lord is sure, \ making | wise the | simple. 2. The statutes of the Lord are right, re | joicing • the | heart : || the commandment of the Lord is I pure, en | lightening • the j eyes. 3. The fear of the Lord is clean, en | during -for | ever : || the judgments of the Lord are true, and I righteous | alto | gether. 4. More to be desired than gold. ir^o/(/ from | them that | walk up- | rightly. 8. 1 Lord of | hosts, || blessed is the | man that | trusteth 'in | thee. Amen. 237 CHANTS 332 The Lord upholdeth all that fall Selection f)-07n Ps. CXLV d=i 3^S is: -^- :t=t:: £ tr- -^ 1. The Lord up/zt^A/eth | all that | fall || and raiseth up all \ those that | are bowed | down. 2. The eyes of all \ wait • upon | thee || and thou givest them their | meat in | due | season. 3. Thou ^penest | thine j hand Hand satisfied the A&sire of | every | living | creature. 4. The Lord is righteons in | all his | way || and \ holy in | all his | works. 5. My mouth shall speak the | praise • of the | Lord || and let all flesh bless his ko\y \ name for | ever and | ever. Amen. 000 When Israel went out of Egypt Tonus Peregrinus * Selection from Ps. LVII y :^ :i '^- --X -«(- -p.- •»-. -^- -<2- \ i: E^£: :^ £^^ 1. When Israel went \ out of | Egypt ; I| The house of Jacobyrow a | people • of | strange | language. 2. _/«dah I was his | sanctuary, || and \ Israel | his do- | minion. 3. The sea \ saw it • and | fled ; ||ybrdan | was | driven | back. 4. The ;«w/;/tains [ skipped like | rams; || and the | little | hills like | lambs. 5. What ailed thee, O thou sea \ that thou | fleddest; || thou yi?;-dan that | thou wast | driven | back > 6. Ye mountains that ye ] skipped like | rams, || and ye | little | hills like | lambs ? 7. Tremble, thou earth, at the /rfj-ence | of the | Lord ; || at the fres&nce. \ of the | God of | Jacob. 8. Which turned the roch into a | standing | water ; 1| i\iQjlint ( in * to a | fountain • of | waters. * There is some ground for believing that the hymn sung by our Saviour, and His disciples after the Last Sup. per, may have been the series of Psalms called " Hallel " (cxiii to cxviii of the authorized version) which was used in the second Temple at all the great festivals, and consequently at that of the Passover; and it has been supposed — though the circumstance does not admit of proof — that the melody to which the most characteristic of the Psalms, cxiv, was originally sung, is the germ of that with wliich it has been associated in the Christian Church from time immemorial — the Tonus Peregrinus. — "■Studies m Musical History." Davis. 238 CHAXTS I "d'HI lift lip nime eyes Selection from Ps. CXXI -&- -M- £ —I- M — «' ir-*- "W £ -4- '^- ^ ^- 1. I will lift up mine eyes \ unto • the | hills, \\ from \ whence | cometh • my | help. 2. My help cometh \ from the | Lord, || -a'liieli \ made | heaven • and | earth. 3. He will not suffer \!ty^ foot | to be | moved : 1| he that | keepeth • thee | will not | slumber. 4. Behold, he that | keepeth | Israel || shall wither | slumber | nor | sleep. 5. The Lord \ is thy | keeper ; || the Lord is thy shade up- | on thy | right | hand. 6. The sun shall not smite \ thee by j day, || nor the | moon | by | night. 7. The Lord shall ^xe.serve thee from | all | evil ; || he \ shall pre- j serve thy | soul. 8. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy ! coming | in || from this time forth, and even • for | ever- | more. Amen. 335 O give thanks to tJie Lord Selection from Ps. CV =4=± :i: m .CL. 3^ :&- 1. O give thanks unto the Lord, call up- | on his name ; || Sing unto him, talk ye of | all his | wondrous | works. 2. Glory ye in his ] holy | name ; || Let the heart of them re- | joice that | seek the | Lord. 3. Seek the Lord \ and his | strength ; || Seek his ( face I ever I more. 4. Remember his marvelous -vorks that I he hath 1 done, || his wonders, and the I judgments I of his I mouth. 5. He is the I Lord our ■ God ; || hisyW^inents I are in I all the I earth. 6. Praise ye the Lord, O give thanks unto the Lord, for I he is I good ; || for his I mercy en- ' dureth for I ever. Amen. 239 CHANTS 336 Benedicite jst ^^22- L— p: X2- =f==t= -ts*-— A 1. O all ye works of the 2. O all ye angels of the 3. O all ye Powers of the 4. O ye nights and 5. O ye children of 6. O ye servants of the 7. O ye spirits and souls of the 8. O ye holy and humble men of Lord Lord Lord days men Lord righteous heart I bless ye bless ye I bless ye I bless ye I bless ye I bless ye i bless ye I bless ye the I the I the I the 1 the I the i the I the I Lord; Lord ; Lord; Lord; Lord ; Lord ; Lord; Lord; i Chorus. ri :t^± -f^L -<&■ <9 Gt- -^ F=:=^ --j — ■&- hS- Pq«- ■^ *- m. £ =F ^ Praise Him and I mag - ni - fy I Him for ev Amen. 240 1ln^eJ: of Jfirst Xtncs of Ib^inne. NUMBER Abide with me; fast falls the eventide i6 Above the clear blue sky 333 Again returns the day of holy rest 9 All hail the power of Jesus' name 95 All our sinful words and ways 19° Almost persuaded now to believe ii8 Am I a soldier of the cross 150 Angel harps far and wide 86 Angels holy, high and lowly 34 Angel voices breathing ever 30 Angel voices ever singing 4^ Art thou weary, art thou languid 94 As flows the rapid river 304 As helpless as a child who clings 228 As with gladness men of old 61 Awakened from sleep, we fall 7 Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve 152 Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth 37 Blessed Saviour, Thee I love 74 Blest be the tie that binds 278 Break thou the bread of life 180 Breast the wave. Christian, when it is strongest. . 147 Breathe on me, breath of God no Brightest and best of the sons of the morning. . . 72 By the gracious saving call 132 Call Jehovah thy salvation 238 Child of sin and sorrow 120 Children of Jerusalem 321 Children of the Heavenly King 256 Christ for the world we sing 288 Christian, seek not yet repose 151 Christ is risen, Christ is risen 82 Christ the Lord is risen to-day 88 Clirist with His own blood bought us 290 Come, children, lift your voices 319 Come, Gracious Spirit, heavenly dove 112 24 NUMBER Come, Holy Spirit, calm my mind 109 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove in Come, Jesus, Redeemer, abide Thou with me. . 265 Come, my soul, thou must be waking 229 Come, O my soul, in sacred lays 31 Come, Thou Almighty King 27 Come, Thou fount of every blessing 168 Come thou, O come 113 Come to Jesus, come away 123 Come unto Me when shadows darkly gather. . . 264 Come, ye thankful people, come 294 Courage, brother, do not stumble 159 Crown Him with many crowns 93 Crown His head with endless blessing 104 Dear Saviour, ever at my side 142 Dear Saviour, our Saviour 260 Do no sinful action 325 Eternal Father, strong to save 298 Fade, fade each earthly joy 251 Far from my heavenly home 165 Far out on the desolate billow 216 Father, hear the prayer we offer 167 Father, let Thy loving gaze 296 Father of all, to Thee 57 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost 22 Father, whate'er of earthly bliss 166 Fight the good fight with all thy might 157 Forbid ye not the children 3^3 For the beauty of the earth 54 From glory unto glory, be this our joyous song. . 293 Give up all for Jesus 205 Glorious is Thy name, O Lord 24 Glorious things of Thee are spoken 279 Glory be to God on high 3^ I INDEX OF FIRST LIMES OF HYMNS. NUMBER Glory to Thee, my God, this night 13 God Almighty, Father 29 God is love, His mercy brightens 55 God made me for Himself, to serve Him here . . 185 God of heaven, hear our singing 322 God, that madest earth and heaven 18 God will take care of you. All through the day. 318 Golden harps are sounding 89 Gracious Spirit, dwell with me 114 Great God, accept the song we raise 297 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah 173 Hail, glorious morn, the earth resounds 73 Hail the day that sees Him rise 87 Hail! to the brightness of Zion's glad morning. 287 Hail 1 to the Lord's anointed 283 Hark ! Hark ! my soul, angelic songs are swelling 301 Hark, ten thousand harps and voices 42 Hark, the herald angels sing 60 Hark, the sound of holy voices 44 Hark, the sound of the fight hath gone forth. . . . 144 Hark ! the voice of Jesus calling 284 Heal me, O my Saviour, heal 127 Heavenly Father, let Thy light 192 Heavenly Father, send Thy blessing 320 He leadeth me, O blessed thought 230 Holy Bible, book divine 51 Holy Father, Great Creator 53 Holy Father, Thou hast taught me 217 Holy Ghost, the Infinite 115 Holy, holy, holy. Lord God Almighty 46 Holy Spirit, come and shine 107 Hosanna ! raise the pealing hymn 39 How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord. . . 232 How good Thou art to me 178 How shall the young secure their hearts 50 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds 223 I am coming to the cross 131 I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus 130 [ have a home above 3P7 I heard a voice, the sweetest voice 129 [ heard the voice of Jesus say 139 I hear the Saviour say 241 I hear Thy welcome voice 143 I lay my sins on Jesus 135 I love Thy kingdom. Lord 281 [ love to hear the story 125 I'm but a stranger here 234 t need Thee every hour 267 NUMBER In God's holy dwelling 317 In the cross of Christ I glory jj In the field with their flocks abiding 67 In the paradise of Jesus 306 In the vineyard of our Father 324 In thy name, O Lord, assembling 33 It came upon the midnight clear 59 I've found a friend, oh, such a friend 186 I was a wand'ring sheep 126 Jerusalem my happy home 299 Jerusalem the golden 300 Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult 175 Jesus dear, I come to Thee 197 Jesus demands this heart of mine 208 Jesus, gentlest Saviour 275 Jesus, I live to Thee 193 Jesus, I my cross have taken 204 Jesus is our shepherd, wiping every tear 225 Jesus, keep me near the cross 199 Jesus lives no longer now 81 Jesus, lover of my soul 179 Jesus, meek and gentle 274 Jesus, Saviour, hear me call 272 Jesus, Saviour, pilot me 243 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun 97 Jesus, the sinner's friend, to Thee 140 Jesus, we are far away 276 Jesus, when he left the sky 314 Jesus who knows full well 227 Joy and gladness, joy and gladness 66 Joy to the world, the Lord is come 64 Just as I am, without one plea 14T King of glory, Saviour dear 160 Know, my soul, thy full salvation 237 Lamb of God whose bleeding love 78 Lead, kindly Light ! amid the encircling gloom . . 247 Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us 169 Let glory to the Lord on high 43 Looking upward every day 218 Look to Jesus, till reviving 226 Lord, at Thy mercy seat 211 Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing. 12 Lord, do not leave me 311 Lord God of morning and of night 5 Lord, I believe; Thy power I own 171 Lord, I confess to Thee 137 Lord, in this Thy mercy's day 128 242 INDEX OF FIRST LINES OF HYMNS. Nl'MBER Lord, lead the way the Saviour went 286 Lord of the worlds above 23 Lord, Thy mercy now entreating 136 Lord, we stand before Thy throne 153 Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise thee 28 Love Divine, all love excelling 262 Mark the lilies how they grow 231 More like Jesus would I be 172 More love to Thee, O Christ 181 Must Jesus bear the cross alone 196 My country ! 'tis of thee 295 My days are gliding swiftly by 308 My faith looks up to Thee 271 My Father, hear my prayer 315 My God, how wonderful Thou art 56 My God, my Father, while I stray 177 My heart is resting, O my God 202 My hope is built on nothing less 255 My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine. . 90 My Saviour, be Thou near me 149 My soul, be on Thy guard 148 My times are in Thy hand 239 Nearer, ever nearer 91 Nearer, my God, to Thee 273 New every morning is the love 6 No room within the dwelling 63 Not for our sins alone 183 Not your own, but His ye are 206 Now a new year opens 291 Now be the gospel banner 285 Now I have found a Friend 233 Now that the daylight fills the sky 8 Now the day is over 17 O Christ our God, who with Thine own hast been 176 O come, all ye faithful 65 O, come to the merciful Saviour who calls you. . 116 O, could I speak the matchless worth loi O day of rest and gladness 2 O'er the plains where the shepherds watched by night 62 O for a closer walk with God 187 O for a shout of sacred joy 100 O, happy day that fi.Ked my choice 203 O, have you not heard of a beautiful stream. . . . 122 O Holy Saviour, Friend unseen 253 O love that casts out fear 182 NUMBER O love that wilt not let me go 210 O Jesus, I have promised 174 O Jesus, Thou art standing 209 One more day's work for Jesus 161 On Jesus' love relying 235 On our way rejoicing 236 Onward, Christian soldiers 154 O Paradise I O Paradise ! 305 O Saviour, precious Saviour 99 O the bitter shame and sorrow 134 O Thou, from whom all goodness flows 105 O Thou who makest souls to shine 277 Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed 108 O word of God incarnate '. 52 O worship the King, all glorious above 38 Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin. . 258 Praise the Lord, sing hallelujah 83 Present with the two or three 198 Purer yet and purer 164 Redeemed, restored, forgiven 133 Rejoice, rejoice, believers 103 Rest of the weary 92 Return and come to God 117 Ring out the bells for Christmas 71 Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings 184 Rock of ages, cleft for me 219 Safe in the arms of Jesus 249 Safely through another week 3 Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raise 10 Saviour, I follow on 200 Saviour, lead me Thine to be 221 Saviour, now the day is ending 19 Saviour, teach me day by day 212 Saviour, Thy dying love 201 Saviour, we are young and weak 312 Saviour, when in dust to Thee 79 Saviour, while my heart is tender 207 Siiall we gather at the river 303 Shine Thou upon us. Lord 289 Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing 68 Simply trusting every day 250 Since Jesus is my F"riend 240 Sing ye the songs of praise 70 Soldiers of the Captain 145 Sometimes a light surprises 244 Songs of praise the angels sang 35 Stand up, stand up for Jesus 213 243 INDEX OF FIRST LINES OF HYMNS. NUMBITR Stars all bright are beaming 69 Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear 20 Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer 47 Sweet is the work, my God, my King 45 Sweet praises I sing in hymns to the Lord 215 Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go 11 Sweet Saviour, in Thy pitying grace 259 Sweet the moments, rich in blessing 76 Take me in Thine arms and bless me 15 Take my life and let it be 195 Take up thy cross, the Saviour said 138 Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth Thee. . . 270 The church's one foundation 280 The day is past and over 21 The head that once was crowned with thorns. . . 98 The joy that Jesus gives 261 The King of Love my Shepherd is 254 The morning light is breaking 282 The old year's long campaign is o'er 292 There is a happy land 302 There is an eye that never sleeps 188 There is no sorrow. Lord, too light 224 There's a friend for little children 309 There's awideness in God's mercy 263 The Spirit in our hearts 119 The strife is o'er, the battle done 80 The sun is sinking fast 14 The trumpet call of duty 158 Thine forever, God of love 194 This is the day the Lord hath made 4 Thou art my Shepherd 310 Thou art the way, to Thee alone 106 Though troubles assail and dangers affright 245 Thou hidden love of God whose height 189 Thou whose almighty word 26 Thro' the love of God our Saviour 248 Thy word, O Lord, Thy precious word alone . . . 246 To-day the Saviour calls 124 To-day Thy mercy calls us 121 To him that chose us first 25 To Him that loved the souls of men 102 To Thee and to Thy Christ, O God 85 NUMBER To Thee, my God, my Saviour 48 To Thee, O dear, dear Saviour 268 Tranquil and peaceful is the path to heaven 252 Trustingly, trustingly, Jesus, to Thee 266 Up in heaven, up in heaven 316 We are soldiers of Christ who is mighty to save. 146 Weary of wandering from my God 214 We could not do without Thee 269 We have not known Thee as we ought 191 Welcome, happy morning 84 Welcome, sacred day of rest i We march, we march to victory 156 We may not climb the heavenly steeps 96 What a friend we have in Jesus 222 When I survey the wondrous cross 75 When I walk in God's clear sunlight 257 When morning gilds the skies 32 When the morning breaketh 40 When the weary seeking rest 220 While shepherds watched their flocks by night. . 58 While the sun is shining 163 While we lowly bow before thee 170 Who is on the Lord's side 155 With psalms and hymns and holy songs 49 With tearful eyes I look around 242 Work, for the night is coming 162 CHANTS. Bow down Thine ear 329 Benedicte 336 How amiable are Thy tabernacles 331 I will lift up mine eyes 334 if Thou turn Thy foot 326 O give thanks unto the Lord 335 Rejoice in the Lord 328 The earth is the Lord's 327 The law of the Lord is perfect 330 The Lord upholdeth all 332 When Israel went out 333 Music Typography by J. Frank Giles & Co., Boston. Presswork hv Berwick & Smith, 244 .Ut£if t^-'■.r^^ / I I I I I I I I IJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J^ I ■ I I , < ■ I . ■ ■ I I I I I I I I I ©u^ of i^t mout^B of 6a6e0 a\ib 0uc6;: *i* 'i* >i* 'i* (^(tBBti 6e t^t Botb (Bob of '^Bxad: for l^e ^af^ toi^ifeb avtb uiumti %iB P^Opfe* 'I^ ►t ►^ ►^ ^nb f^eg 0ang a ne>Jo 0ong^ saving xoi^^ a foub y>oxu^ ^oxt^i xb t^t BantB i^(xi yxKxB Biaxn to xtuxM poioet anb tic^ea anb Xoi0bont ani a^reng^^ anb ^onot anb (0fe00tng anb ^onor axi^ gfotg anb poijo^r 6e un^o j^im ^^a^ 0iWef^ upon i^t i2}xoxit (xx(^ xxxito i^t Bam6 for t)^tx