Q Q - >- 2 as < 0) z Ll z i III H hi y OQ z u. * to XL < Q J i >• >• J < y m j u i < tit Id O ■ Q Ul I U. < a J 5 j u H N < ui I I— 2 h U X r" OE Ll a H Z u. CO 5 J Ll ■ Ll u z S > Id Sc8 1 if, 6 1 gttrUicm V / / n / / ^ 7 7./ y H>U4j '^ Jute* /-u~^^1? '"-4 *^~sC*> /_ / ^/<~*6^ ^Vx /& ^ rt /* +4 ForMiniiters - * H4— 49 The Chriftian Warfare - H9 11 The Millenium - - * 55 ;6o TheUniverfalReftoration - I7 ,° °, The New Creation - - ,8 *r»9 r e A Z Times General Index to the Suhjefls. Hymn Times and Seafons - - igi — 198 Wedding Hymns - - 198 — 203 The Afflictions and Sorrows of Life 203 — 219 Support under Trouble and Affliction 219—225 Death - - 225 — 229 The Dying Chriftian - - 229 — 232 Defiring to be with Chrift - 232 — A Profpeft of Heaven - - 233 — 237 ssSSE THE APPENDIX. THE Penitent " - from Hymn 1 — 5 The FuJnefs of Divine Love - 5 — 1 1 Praife - - - n — 18 Chrift . ... 18—37 Heaven ... 37 — 51 The Backflider - - - 51 — 59 Prayer - 59 — 65 A TABLE A TABLE OF FIRST LINES. Page AH whither do they drag, my Lord ? 66 Alas, how dark thofe gloomy days 3 1 Alas, how dark was our belief - 247 Alas, poor feeble, helplefs man, - 280 Alas, my golden days are gone ! • 283 Alas ! my fpirits fink ! - - 298 Alas, alas, behold a light - - 309 Amazing, what is that I fee ? - 68 Amen, the holy angels cry - - 172 And if I fhould be lifted up - 229 And now the year falutes our eyes - 2 $$ Another birth-day does appear - - 265 Afk, and it mall be given you - 141 As nature acls by fteady laws - - 277 At length, when forty days was o'er - 87 a 3 B. Before A Tahle of Fhjl Lines. Pase Before onr blefied Lord was flain - 85 Behold, Jehovah gives a iign - 46 Behold, to us a child is barn - 47 Behold, the heav'nly angel bright - 48 Behold, the glorious time draws nigh 288 Behold, the glorious day - - 217 Behold the new Jerufalem - 25 £ Behold another glorious thing - 256 Bleffing, and glory, wifdom, pow'r - 164 BlefTed are they, the fcriptures fay - 340 Brethren, I bid you all farewel - 183 But this I do confefs to thee - - 234 By many proofs infallible * 86 c. Can fuch poor feeble worms as we - 131 Can we behold without amaze - 135 Chrift fuffer'd once, and filed his blood 74 Chrift is the author of our faith - 121 Chrift's trumpet founds, let faints be arm'd 191 Come fee the pow'r of Chrift our King 71 Come bleffed Spirit, raife our fongs - 96 Come let us join, and God adore ^ 138 Come join to ufe the facred form - 140 Come let us record the love of our friend 177 Come let our eyes of faith behold - 179 Come all ye Chriftians view - - 193 Come let us declare - - - 270 D* Dear A 1 able ofFirft Lines. D. Page Dear Lord, how wond'rous is thy love 130 Dear Brethren, join'd in Chrift our head 188 Dear Saviour, here we panting lie - 204 Dear friends farewel, I go to dv/ell - 318 Deep are the forrows of my foul - 294 Did our Immanuel die for us ? - 132 Difmifs us from thy houfe of pray'r - 160 E. Eternal Majefty on high - 20 Eternal God, thy pow'r make known 206 Fain would my tongue in loudeft ftrains 212 Farewel dear friends in Chrift below - 316 Five thoufand and eight hundred years 260 G. God is afcended with a fhout - 90 Go faithful mefTenger of peace - - 183 Good men have often curs'd the day - 266 Great Father of the univerfe - 1 H. Hail A Table of FirJ! Lines. Page H. Hail glorious day ! from ancient times foretold 250 Happy are fuch, the fons of light - 199 Hark, hear the joyful found - 40 He that hath ears, now let him hear - 157 How long did God with patience bear - 18 How flowly was that grace reveal'd - 50 How humble, patient, meek, refign'd • 57 How fweet and pleafant is the thought 93 How charming was that harmony - 98 How can we be aiham'd - -112 How vaft the charge that on us lies ! - 185 How hath the Father lov'd the Son ! 23 { How painful and bitter is life ! - 275 How dreadful is our fallen ftate! * 278 How fallen man by fin is marrd ! 282 How bitter mine afflictions are ! 286 How weak and feeble is my mind ^ 289 How hard it is to bear the blame • 290 How often have I thought and faid • 297 How often do th' afflicted fay - 302 How fore and grievous is our pain ! - 303 How fhort and light cur forrows are - 305 I. I am Jehovah, f hat's my name - 17 I am now inclined - - 186 I love the facred word - * 36 If A Table of Firjt Line. Page If. we would worfhip God aright - 146 If all the globe beJong'd to me - l™ Incompreheniibility - 4 I fing the Majefty divine - * 11 I fing my glorious Lord - - 105 It is a very pleafant thing - I " I will that earneft pray'r be made - 148 Jehovah, when we think of thee * 2 Jehovah is both true and juft - 7 Jehovah, great and glorious name - 9 Jehovah to our Saviour fpake - - 91 Jehovah praife ye, and call on his name 22L Jesus, a man by God approv'd - °3 Jesus upon the tree - 73 Jesus our Saviour went - - 75 Jesus who did to heav'n arife - - 7^ Jesus, the thought of thee - - IQ 8 Jesus our Lord deferves a fong - J 6 Q Jesus the Father's image bright - 228 Jesus, my King, I love thy name - 33* K. King Jefus doth reign, and governs the land 223 L, Look A Table of Fir ft Lines. L. Page Xook yonder, what is that I fee - 67 Lord, how can we exprefs - - n? Lord, we have heard thy word proclaim'd 159 Lord, I adore thy holy name * 253 M. Marriage was by the Lord ordain'd - 269 Methinks my Saviour's voice I hear - 203 Millions of angels itand around - - 167 Mourning and drooping here I lie - 326 My God, thy glories I would fing - 5 My God, my tongue would blefs thy name 35 My Saviour, Prophet, Prieft, and King 113 My fong mall always be of him - 114 My trembling foul enquires to know - 123 My knees with rev'rend awe I bow - 153 My blefTed Saviour, fee my grief - 296 My foul is like a bird confin'd - 308 My weary foul doth pant and long - 331 N. Not all the pow'rs of earth and hell - 128 Now to the great eternal King - 15? Now may the God of peace and love - 156 Now let our fouls to God attend - 238 Now mall our fouls with pleafure ralfe 24.3 O. Of} A Taile ofFirfi Line:. .Page )ft have I read the facred book - 3 z )f all the pleafures that we know - 144 )f all the misfortunes I've {cen - 288 Once more the fun in Libra's fcales • 299 Once more to thee, my God I turn - 295 Our Saviour's miracles of love - 61 Our hearts rejoice in Jefu's name - 1 50 Our great Creator, wife and good - 273 Our days are like an hireling's hours - 312 O the amazing love of God ! - ie O what a grand difplay - 22 O what a bleffing God hath giv'n - 27 O 'twas a joyful glorious night - 54 O what a heart affecting fcene - 6{ O 'twas a glorious hour - -100 O God be merciful to me - -118 O 'tis a grievous bitter thing - 1 2D O Lord, thou know'ft my foul's defires 126 O Lord, thy goodnefs we admire - 133 O what a favour God hath giv'n - 152 O blefied be our heav'nly King - 160 O holy, holy, holy Lord - - 163 O what amazing glories fhine - 226 O what a fight our eyes behold - 253 O blefs the Lord of heavn ! - 263 O 'twas a fad and gloomy Jiour - 310 P. Poor A Talk o/FirJi Lines. P. Page Poor Ephraim's iniquity - - 240 Praife God ye fervants of the Lord - 168 Quit all thefe foolifh trifling toys - 129 R. Redeem thy church from deep diftrefs 201 Saviour of men, we blefs thy name - 125 Salvation to our God - - 164 Since the Almighty is fo great - 13 Since Jefus did this feaft ordain - 178 Since all our days are fleeting vain - 314 Sing to the Lord, and blefs his name 142 Sing to our Saviour's name - 170 Soldiers of Chrifl awake - 195 T. Thanks, praife, and honour, glory, pow'r 161 That night wherein he wasbetray'd - 175 There's none fo holy as the Lord - 6 There is a war prodaim'd above - 19° 1 The .ATabhofFirjl Lines. Page The Lord decended in the cloud - 14 The wifdom of Jehovah mines - 16 The bounties of thy providence - 24 The facred pages I behold - 28 The hift'ries of our Makers love - 29 The prophecies by David giv'n - , 52 The life of Jefus let us fing - 56 The Saviour's doctrine how divine ! • 58 The things of vafl important weight - 60 The more our Saviour's life is known 64 The love of Chrift conftraineth us -70 The fouls who fometime difobey'd - 77 The third time that our Saviour fhow'd 83 The facred prophecies we trace - 89 The bleiTed thought that jefus lives - 94 The praife of God mall fill my foul - 134 The faints appear to tread the courts 136 The grace of Jefus Chrift the Lord - 163 The Lord our Saviour will appear - 209 The day is near at hand - - 214 The grace of God which brings to all 230 The various fects enquire to know - 231 The grandeft rubied I would fing - 244 The wounds and (landers of a friend - 292 The trials which fo hardly prefs - 306 This is a faying faithful, true * 41 This is a bleft word, both faithful and true 42 This is a faying faithful, juft - 43 This faying, worthy of efteem - 44 This is a promife large and free - 241 b 'Tig A Tallt of Fhjl Linn,, ■ Page f Tis pleafure Lord, on thee to wait - 135 ? Tis no vain thing to ferve the Lord - 161 Thomas was abfentfrom his friends - &x Thofe who are by the Spirit led - 105 Though Jefus is gone up on hjgh - 215 Thou worthy Lamb of God - no Thou God and Father of our Lord - 145 Thou who hail caus'd thy holy word - 151- Thus far thy providential care - ' 264 Thy judgments, great God, are equal and juft 1 1& Thy gofpel, which we now have heard j6a u. Upon the day of Pentecoft - ~ 99 V. Vain things allure and charm the mind 224 W. We give thee thanks Almighty Lord % <6j We now commemorate - - ijjk We view by faith the glorious day - 246 Welcome once more the folemn hour 151 Well, let this earthly houfe decay - 329 What majefty appears 37 What comforts are here 38 What glorious prpmifes are made - 198 What A 7 'able of Fir ft Lines. - Page What glorious things hath God foretold ai i What wond 'rou s things reveal 'd - 219 What fweet and bleft effects we find - 248 What can the fervants of their Lord - 3.00 When God the earth's foundation laiu - 21 When Jefus rofe on the third day • 80 When fhall that glorious day arile - L67 When Jefus knew the time was nigh - 1 8a When the Saviour good and gracious - 267 When once my foul fhall bid adieu - 334. Who will regret that Chrift fhould have 237 With joyful hearts we praife thy name 34. With joyful hearts we fing - 53 With heav'nly joy we hail the day - 79 With joy we celebrate that day - 102 With forrow and bitter diftrefs - 117 Y. Ye faints rejoice, lift up your voice * 205 Ye marry'd pairs, give ear - - 274 b 2 A TABLE TABLE OF FIRST LINES IN THE APPENDIX. A. Page AH ! what muft I do ? or how be fecure ? 336 Away dark thoughts, awake my joy 359 Awake, ye faints, and lift your eyes - 404 B. Bleu 1 be my God, that I was born • 350 Christ the Lord is ris'n to-day - 368 Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart 391 Come, thou bleit Jefus, fill my heart 407 D. Deferters A fable of Flrji Lines in the Appendix. Page D. Defer tevs, to the camp return - 42 1 % Earth has detain'd me piis'ner long - 393 Father, how wide thy glory fbines !" - 357 Far from thefe narrow fcenes of night 389 Father of faithful Abrah'm hear - 430 From pole to pole let others roam - 374 God of my life, through all my days 349 H. Hark! whence -that found ? hark! hark ! the joyful fhoutings - - 362 Hark, the glad found ! the Saviour comes 364 Happy the hours, the golden days - 416 Hence from my foul, my fins depart - 340 He dies ! the friend of tinners dies ! - 367 How fweet the name of Jefus founds - 379 How happy are they - - 410 How fliali a loll miner in pain - 419 b 3 t If A Table of ' Fir ft Lines in the Appendix. I. Pace If there are paffions in my foul - 383 Infinite unexhaufted love ! - - 343 1 fojourn in a vale of tears - 385 I long to behold him array 'd - 397 I long to ihare the happinefs - - 398 In heav'nlv choirs a queftion rofe - - 400 I am a little child you fee - 431 J- Jesus, I love thy charming name - 376 Jssu, lover of my foul - - 3 So ' K. Kind fouls, who for the mis'ries moan - 426 L. Let worldly minds the world purfue - 375 M. Magnificent free grace, arile - 346 Mortals, awake, with angels join - 30 j My foul doth magnify the Lord - 352 My Jefus, he is all to me - - $jy My Lord, my God, I once could fing 41 7 N. New A Table of Firjt Lines in the Appendix, N. Now I have found the ground wherein Now Jet my faith grow ftrong, and rife Page 344 373 O. Oh that I had an angel's tongue ! - 3 <\ O what fhall I do my Saviour to praife ? 355 O for a fweet infpiring ray - - 40 5 O that my foul were now as fair - 414 Oh, for a clofer walk with God - 422 Cur Lord is rifen from the dead - 370 On Jordan's flormy banks I (land 406 On wings of faith mount up my fou! and rife 408 Once more we come before our God - 427 Pray V was appointed to convey . 424 Proftrate, dear Jefus, at thy feet - 335 R. Rejoice, the Lord is King - 3 7 1 See matchlefs mercy from on high - 347 Shepherds rejoice ! lift up your eyes - 360 Stay, thou infulted Spirit, flay - 42a T. There A Table ofFlrJi Lines in the Appendix* Page There is a land of living joy - 390 Though ftrait be the way, with dangers befet 356 Thy ceafelefsun exhau (led love - 343 Thy love, O Jefus, is a theme - 347 To Chrifl: the Lord, let ev'ry tongue - 38 c Try us, O God, and fearch the ground 428 w. What various hindrances we meet - 425 While fhepherds watch'd their flocks by night 363 While on the verge of life I frand - 388 Who knows but iuch a one as I. - 338 ( *» } The Reproach ofCbrifi bis CbufcVs Glory. I. r F r HE victims flefli without the camp Was burnt, as ftain'd with fin : Whole blood was for atonement brought The holy place within. 2. So Chrift, that by his blood he might The people fanctify, loaded with guilt without the gate, Was led to groan and die. In his pure heart, though tempted much, Ne'er lodg'd.an impious thought ; Yet God's rich grace the fins of ail The people on him brought. 4- The earthly church, tho' ill they meant, Did yet confpire to fliew, % loading him with heinous crimes. He was the victim true. With crimes their own, not his, they did The Juft One vilify ; With felons vile they led him forth, A felon's death to die. Thus fCX.il The Reproach of Chi ijl his ChuicVs Glory, 6. Thus the reproaches of our crimes Againft the High eft done, Not whence thev came, fell back ; — but fell All on the Holy One. 7: Eut fhall we, dare we, join his foes, By low'ring our eiteem Of him, bccaufe he fioopM fo low, Such wretches to redeem ? 8. Nay, rather let us leave the camp, And unto him go forth, Bearing our honour, his reproach ; And glory in his worth. 9- Becaufe the fov'reign judge of worth Hath put the higheft price On his abafenvnt, and hath made Him Lord of Paradife. io. .Deign'd he to come fo nigh to us, As not to count it fhame, To call us brethren ! Should we blufh At ought that bears his name ? i i f Nay, let us boaft in his reproach, And glory in his crofs : When he appears, one fmile from him Will far o erpay our lofs. A SONG. ( xxiii ) A SON G, Difcrlptvve of the hleffed Slate of the Saved* Rev. v* 9, 10. and xiv, ^ and of the Rc/ioicd^ Chap. vii. 10. r. THY worthinefs is all our long, O Lamb of God ! for thou waft flain ; And by thy bJood brought ft us to God, Out from each nation, tribe and tongue ; To our God mad 'ft us kings and priefts, And we CiaJl reign upon the earth. 2. Salvation to our God, who fliines In face of Jefuson the throne, The only juft and merciful ; Salvation to the worthy Lamb, With loud voice all the church afcribes ; 3brten\ fay angels, round the throne. 3. To him who lov'd us, and hath wahYd Us from our fins, in his own blood, (And he hath made us kings and priefh, To his own Father and his God) The glory and dominion be To him eternalJv. Amen. A Tharikfgiving { xxir ) LESSON. A Thanbfgming and Prayer ', taken from the Neza Tejlament, and chiefly from the Writings of the Apofles. T3LESSED be the Lord God of Ifrael ;. for he hath vifited and redeemed his people, and hath raifedup an horn of falvation for us in the houfe of his fervant David : as he fpake by the mouth of his holy prophets, who have been fince the world began ; that we'fhould be faved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us ; to perform the mercy promjfed to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant, the oath which he fware to .pur father Abraham, that lie would grant unto us, that we, being delivered out of the hands of our enemies, might feive him without fear, in holinefs and righteoufaefs before him, all the days of our Me.* Through the tender mercy of our God ; whereby the ^ day lpring from on high hath vifited us, to give light to them that fit in darknefs and in the madow of death, to guide our feet into the way of .peace f. * St. Lukc,.i. 68—75. I St. Luke, 1. 73,79. 4 BlefibI Le/fofU XXV , Bleifed be the God and Father of our Lord Jefns Chrift, who, according to his abundant mercy, hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the refu [recti on of Jefus Chrift from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, and thai fadeth not away, referved in heaven for us : who are kept by the power of God through faith unto falvation, ready to be revealed in the laft time *. Blefled be the God and Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, who hath bleiTed us with all fpiritual bleftings in heavenly places in Chrift : according as he hath chofen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we fhould be holy and without blame before him in love : having predeftinated us unto the adoption of children by Jefus Chrift to himfelf, according to the good pleafure of his will, to the praife of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the Beloved : in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgivenefs of fins, ac- cording to the riches of his grace ; wherein he hath abounded towards us in all wifdom and pru- dence, having made known unto us the myftery of his will, according to his good pleafure, which he hath purpofed in himfelf. That in the dif- penfation of the fulnefs of times he might gather together in one all things in Chrift, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in him : in whom alfo we have obtained an inhe- • x Pet; i. 3, 4, 5. c rusftice kxvi Lrjfon. ritance, being predeftinated according to the pur- pole of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will ; that we fhould be to thepraife of his glory, who fir ft trufted in Chrift*. And this vjc fhould do that which is honed f. Now the Lord of pence himf if, give us peace always by all means. The Lord be with as all J, For this caufe