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* +4
ForMiniiters - * H4— 49
The Chriftian Warfare - H9 11
The Millenium - - * 55 ;6o
TheUniverfalReftoration - I7 ,° °,
The New Creation - - ,8 *r»9 r e
General Index to the Suhjefls.
Times and Seafons - - igi — 198
Wedding Hymns - - 198 — 203
The Afflictions and Sorrows of Life 203 — 219
Support under Trouble and Affliction 219—225
Death - - 225 — 229
The Dying Chriftian - - 229 — 232
Defiring to be with Chrift - 232 —
A Profpeft of Heaven - - 233 — 237
THE Penitent " - from Hymn 1 — 5
The FuJnefs of Divine Love - 5 — 1 1
Praife - - - n — 18
Chrift . ... 18—37
Heaven ... 37 — 51
The Backflider - - - 51 — 59
Prayer - 59 — 65
AH whither do they drag, my Lord ? 66
Alas, how dark thofe gloomy days 3 1
Alas, how dark was our belief - 247
Alas, poor feeble, helplefs man, - 280
Alas, my golden days are gone ! • 283
Alas ! my fpirits fink ! - - 298
Alas, alas, behold a light - - 309
Amazing, what is that I fee ? - 68
Amen, the holy angels cry - - 172
And if I fhould be lifted up - 229
And now the year falutes our eyes - 2 $$
Another birth-day does appear - - 265
Afk, and it mall be given you - 141
As nature acls by fteady laws - - 277
At length, when forty days was o'er - 87
a 3 B. Before
A Tahle of Fhjl Lines.
Before onr blefied Lord was flain - 85
Behold, Jehovah gives a iign - 46
Behold, to us a child is barn - 47
Behold, the heav'nly angel bright - 48
Behold, the glorious time draws nigh 288
Behold, the glorious day - - 217
Behold the new Jerufalem - 25 £
Behold another glorious thing - 256
Bleffing, and glory, wifdom, pow'r - 164
BlefTed are they, the fcriptures fay - 340
Brethren, I bid you all farewel - 183
But this I do confefs to thee - - 234
By many proofs infallible * 86
Can fuch poor feeble worms as we - 131
Can we behold without amaze - 135
Chrift fuffer'd once, and filed his blood 74
Chrift is the author of our faith - 121
Chrift's trumpet founds, let faints be arm'd 191
Come fee the pow'r of Chrift our King 71
Come bleffed Spirit, raife our fongs - 96
Come let us join, and God adore ^ 138
Come join to ufe the facred form - 140
Come let us record the love of our friend 177
Come let our eyes of faith behold - 179
Come all ye Chriftians view - - 193
Come let us declare - - - 270
D* Dear
A 1 able ofFirft Lines.
Dear Lord, how wond'rous is thy love 130
Dear Brethren, join'd in Chrift our head 188
Dear Saviour, here we panting lie - 204
Dear friends farewel, I go to dv/ell - 318
Deep are the forrows of my foul - 294
Did our Immanuel die for us ? - 132
Difmifs us from thy houfe of pray'r - 160
Eternal Majefty on high - 20
Eternal God, thy pow'r make known 206
Fain would my tongue in loudeft ftrains 212
Farewel dear friends in Chrift below - 316
Five thoufand and eight hundred years 260
God is afcended with a fhout - 90
Go faithful mefTenger of peace - - 183
Good men have often curs'd the day - 266
Great Father of the univerfe - 1
H. Hail
A Table of FirJ! Lines.
Hail glorious day ! from ancient times foretold 250
Happy are fuch, the fons of light - 199
Hark, hear the joyful found - 40
He that hath ears, now let him hear - 157
How long did God with patience bear - 18
How flowly was that grace reveal'd - 50
How humble, patient, meek, refign'd • 57
How fweet and pleafant is the thought 93
How charming was that harmony - 98
How can we be aiham'd - -112
How vaft the charge that on us lies ! - 185
How hath the Father lov'd the Son ! 23 {
How painful and bitter is life ! - 275
How dreadful is our fallen ftate! * 278
How fallen man by fin is marrd ! 282
How bitter mine afflictions are ! 286
How weak and feeble is my mind ^ 289
How hard it is to bear the blame • 290
How often have I thought and faid • 297
How often do th' afflicted fay - 302
How fore and grievous is our pain ! - 303
How fhort and light cur forrows are - 305
I am Jehovah, f hat's my name - 17
I am now inclined - - 186
I love the facred word - * 36
A Table of Firjt Line.
If. we would worfhip God aright - 146
If all the globe beJong'd to me - l™
Incompreheniibility - 4
I fing the Majefty divine - * 11
I fing my glorious Lord - - 105
It is a very pleafant thing - I "
I will that earneft pray'r be made - 148
Jehovah, when we think of thee * 2
Jehovah is both true and juft - 7
Jehovah, great and glorious name - 9
Jehovah to our Saviour fpake - - 91
Jehovah praife ye, and call on his name 22L
Jesus, a man by God approv'd - °3
Jesus upon the tree - 73
Jesus our Saviour went - - 75
Jesus who did to heav'n arife - - 7^
Jesus, the thought of thee - - IQ 8
Jesus our Lord deferves a fong - J 6 Q
Jesus the Father's image bright - 228
Jesus, my King, I love thy name - 33*
King Jefus doth reign, and governs the land 223
L, Look
A Table of Fir ft Lines.
Xook yonder, what is that I fee - 67
Lord, how can we exprefs - - n?
Lord, we have heard thy word proclaim'd 159
Lord, I adore thy holy name * 253
Marriage was by the Lord ordain'd - 269
Methinks my Saviour's voice I hear - 203
Millions of angels itand around - - 167
Mourning and drooping here I lie - 326
My God, thy glories I would fing - 5
My God, my tongue would blefs thy name 35
My Saviour, Prophet, Prieft, and King 113
My fong mall always be of him - 114
My trembling foul enquires to know - 123
My knees with rev'rend awe I bow - 153
My blefTed Saviour, fee my grief - 296
My foul is like a bird confin'd - 308
My weary foul doth pant and long - 331
Not all the pow'rs of earth and hell - 128
Now to the great eternal King - 15?
Now may the God of peace and love - 156
Now let our fouls to God attend - 238
Now mall our fouls with pleafure ralfe 24.3
O. Of}
A Taile ofFirfi Line:.
)ft have I read the facred book - 3 z
)f all the pleafures that we know - 144
)f all the misfortunes I've {cen - 288
Once more the fun in Libra's fcales • 299
Once more to thee, my God I turn - 295
Our Saviour's miracles of love - 61
Our hearts rejoice in Jefu's name - 1 50
Our great Creator, wife and good - 273
Our days are like an hireling's hours - 312
O the amazing love of God ! - ie
O what a grand difplay - 22
O what a bleffing God hath giv'n - 27
O 'twas a joyful glorious night - 54
O what a heart affecting fcene - 6{
O 'twas a glorious hour - -100
O God be merciful to me - -118
O 'tis a grievous bitter thing - 1 2D
O Lord, thou know'ft my foul's defires 126
O Lord, thy goodnefs we admire - 133
O what a favour God hath giv'n - 152
O blefied be our heav'nly King - 160
O holy, holy, holy Lord - - 163
O what amazing glories fhine - 226
O what a fight our eyes behold - 253
O blefs the Lord of heavn ! - 263
O 'twas a fad and gloomy Jiour - 310
P. Poor
A Talk o/FirJi Lines.
Poor Ephraim's iniquity - - 240
Praife God ye fervants of the Lord - 168
Quit all thefe foolifh trifling toys - 129
Redeem thy church from deep diftrefs 201
Saviour of men, we blefs thy name - 125
Salvation to our God - - 164
Since the Almighty is fo great - 13
Since Jefus did this feaft ordain - 178
Since all our days are fleeting vain - 314
Sing to the Lord, and blefs his name 142
Sing to our Saviour's name - 170
Soldiers of Chrifl awake - 195
Thanks, praife, and honour, glory, pow'r 161
That night wherein he wasbetray'd - 175
There's none fo holy as the Lord - 6
There is a war prodaim'd above - 19°
1 The
.ATabhofFirjl Lines.
The Lord decended in the cloud - 14
The wifdom of Jehovah mines - 16
The bounties of thy providence - 24
The facred pages I behold - 28
The hift'ries of our Makers love - 29
The prophecies by David giv'n - , 52
The life of Jefus let us fing - 56
The Saviour's doctrine how divine ! • 58
The things of vafl important weight - 60
The more our Saviour's life is known 64
The love of Chrift conftraineth us -70
The fouls who fometime difobey'd - 77
The third time that our Saviour fhow'd 83
The facred prophecies we trace - 89
The bleiTed thought that jefus lives - 94
The praife of God mall fill my foul - 134
The faints appear to tread the courts 136
The grace of Jefus Chrift the Lord - 163
The Lord our Saviour will appear - 209
The day is near at hand - - 214
The grace of God which brings to all 230
The various fects enquire to know - 231
The grandeft rubied I would fing - 244
The wounds and (landers of a friend - 292
The trials which fo hardly prefs - 306
This is a faying faithful, true * 41
This is a bleft word, both faithful and true 42
This is a faying faithful, juft - 43
This faying, worthy of efteem - 44
This is a promife large and free - 241
b 'Tig
A Tallt of Fhjl Linn,, ■
f Tis pleafure Lord, on thee to wait - 135
? Tis no vain thing to ferve the Lord - 161
Thomas was abfentfrom his friends - &x
Thofe who are by the Spirit led - 105
Though Jefus is gone up on hjgh - 215
Thou worthy Lamb of God - no
Thou God and Father of our Lord - 145
Thou who hail caus'd thy holy word - 151-
Thus far thy providential care - ' 264
Thy judgments, great God, are equal and juft 1 1&
Thy gofpel, which we now have heard j6a
Upon the day of Pentecoft - ~ 99
Vain things allure and charm the mind 224
We give thee thanks Almighty Lord % <6j
We now commemorate - - ijjk
We view by faith the glorious day - 246
Welcome once more the folemn hour 151
Well, let this earthly houfe decay - 329
What majefty appears 37
What comforts are here 38
What glorious prpmifes are made - 198
A 7 'able of Fir ft Lines.
- Page
What glorious things hath God foretold ai i
What wond 'rou s things reveal 'd - 219
What fweet and bleft effects we find - 248
What can the fervants of their Lord - 3.00
When God the earth's foundation laiu - 21
When Jefus rofe on the third day • 80
When fhall that glorious day arile - L67
When Jefus knew the time was nigh - 1 8a
When the Saviour good and gracious - 267
When once my foul fhall bid adieu - 334.
Who will regret that Chrift fhould have 237
With joyful hearts we praife thy name 34.
With joyful hearts we fing - 53
With heav'nly joy we hail the day - 79
With joy we celebrate that day - 102
With forrow and bitter diftrefs - 117
Ye faints rejoice, lift up your voice * 205
Ye marry'd pairs, give ear - - 274
AH ! what muft I do ? or how be fecure ? 336
Away dark thoughts, awake my joy 359
Awake, ye faints, and lift your eyes - 404
Bleu 1 be my God, that I was born • 350
Christ the Lord is ris'n to-day - 368
Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart 391
Come, thou bleit Jefus, fill my heart 407
D. Deferters
A fable of Flrji Lines in the Appendix.
Defer tevs, to the camp return - 42 1
Earth has detain'd me piis'ner long - 393
Father, how wide thy glory fbines !" - 357
Far from thefe narrow fcenes of night 389
Father of faithful Abrah'm hear - 430
From pole to pole let others roam - 374
God of my life, through all my days 349
Hark! whence -that found ? hark! hark ! the
joyful fhoutings - - 362
Hark, the glad found ! the Saviour comes 364
Happy the hours, the golden days - 416
Hence from my foul, my fins depart - 340
He dies ! the friend of tinners dies ! - 367
How fweet the name of Jefus founds - 379
How happy are they - - 410
How fliali a loll miner in pain - 419
b 3 t If
A Table of ' Fir ft Lines in the Appendix.
If there are paffions in my foul - 383
Infinite unexhaufted love ! - - 343
1 fojourn in a vale of tears - 385
I long to behold him array 'd - 397
I long to ihare the happinefs - - 398
In heav'nlv choirs a queftion rofe - - 400
I am a little child you fee - 431
Jesus, I love thy charming name - 376
Jssu, lover of my foul - - 3 So
' K.
Kind fouls, who for the mis'ries moan - 426
Let worldly minds the world purfue - 375
Magnificent free grace, arile - 346
Mortals, awake, with angels join - 30 j
My foul doth magnify the Lord - 352
My Jefus, he is all to me - - $jy
My Lord, my God, I once could fing 41 7
N. New
A Table of Firjt Lines in the Appendix,
Now I have found the ground wherein
Now Jet my faith grow ftrong, and rife
Oh that I had an angel's tongue ! - 3 <\
O what fhall I do my Saviour to praife ? 355
O for a fweet infpiring ray - - 40 5
O that my foul were now as fair - 414
Oh, for a clofer walk with God - 422
Cur Lord is rifen from the dead - 370
On Jordan's flormy banks I (land 406
On wings of faith mount up my fou! and rife 408
Once more we come before our God - 427
Pray V was appointed to convey . 424
Proftrate, dear Jefus, at thy feet - 335
Rejoice, the Lord is King - 3 7 1
See matchlefs mercy from on high - 347
Shepherds rejoice ! lift up your eyes - 360
Stay, thou infulted Spirit, flay - 42a
T. There
A Table ofFlrJi Lines in the Appendix*
There is a land of living joy - 390
Though ftrait be the way, with dangers befet 356
Thy ceafelefsun exhau (led love - 343
Thy love, O Jefus, is a theme - 347
To Chrifl: the Lord, let ev'ry tongue - 38 c
Try us, O God, and fearch the ground 428
What various hindrances we meet - 425
While fhepherds watch'd their flocks by night 363
While on the verge of life I frand - 388
Who knows but iuch a one as I. - 338
( *» }
The Reproach ofCbrifi bis CbufcVs Glory.
r F r HE victims flefli without the camp
Was burnt, as ftain'd with fin :
Whole blood was for atonement brought
The holy place within.
So Chrift, that by his blood he might
The people fanctify,
loaded with guilt without the gate,
Was led to groan and die.
In his pure heart, though tempted much,
Ne'er lodg'd.an impious thought ;
Yet God's rich grace the fins of ail
The people on him brought.
The earthly church, tho' ill they meant,
Did yet confpire to fliew,
% loading him with heinous crimes.
He was the victim true.
With crimes their own, not his, they did
The Juft One vilify ;
With felons vile they led him forth,
A felon's death to die.
fCX.il The Reproach of Chi ijl his ChuicVs Glory,
Thus the reproaches of our crimes
Againft the High eft done,
Not whence thev came, fell back ; — but fell
All on the Holy One.
Eut fhall we, dare we, join his foes,
By low'ring our eiteem
Of him, bccaufe he fioopM fo low,
Such wretches to redeem ?
Nay, rather let us leave the camp,
And unto him go forth,
Bearing our honour, his reproach ;
And glory in his worth.
Becaufe the fov'reign judge of worth
Hath put the higheft price
On his abafenvnt, and hath made
Him Lord of Paradife.
.Deign'd he to come fo nigh to us,
As not to count it fhame,
To call us brethren ! Should we blufh
At ought that bears his name ?
i i f
Nay, let us boaft in his reproach,
And glory in his crofs :
When he appears, one fmile from him
Will far o erpay our lofs.
( xxiii )
Difcrlptvve of the hleffed Slate of the Saved* Rev. v*
9, 10. and xiv, ^ and of the Rc/ioicd^ Chap. vii.
THY worthinefs is all our long,
O Lamb of God ! for thou waft flain ;
And by thy bJood brought ft us to God,
Out from each nation, tribe and tongue ;
To our God mad 'ft us kings and priefts,
And we CiaJl reign upon the earth.
Salvation to our God, who fliines
In face of Jefuson the throne,
The only juft and merciful ;
Salvation to the worthy Lamb,
With loud voice all the church afcribes ;
3brten\ fay angels, round the throne.
To him who lov'd us, and hath wahYd
Us from our fins, in his own blood,
(And he hath made us kings and priefh,
To his own Father and his God)
The glory and dominion be
To him eternalJv. Amen.
A Tharikfgiving
{ xxir )
A Thanbfgming and Prayer ', taken from the Neza
Tejlament, and chiefly from the Writings of the
T3LESSED be the Lord God of Ifrael ;. for he
hath vifited and redeemed his people, and hath
raifedup an horn of falvation for us in the houfe
of his fervant David : as he fpake by the mouth
of his holy prophets, who have been fince the
world began ; that we'fhould be faved from our
enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us ;
to perform the mercy promjfed to our fathers, and
to remember his holy covenant, the oath which
he fware to .pur father Abraham, that lie would
grant unto us, that we, being delivered out of the
hands of our enemies, might feive him without
fear, in holinefs and righteoufaefs before him, all
the days of our Me.* Through the tender mercy
of our God ; whereby the ^ day lpring from on
high hath vifited us, to give light to them that
fit in darknefs and in the madow of death, to
guide our feet into the way of .peace f.
* St. Lukc,.i. 68—75. I St. Luke, 1. 73,79.
4 BlefibI
Le/fofU XXV
, Bleifed be the God and Father of our Lord
Jefns Chrift, who, according to his abundant
mercy, hath begotten us again unto a lively hope
by the refu [recti on of Jefus Chrift from the dead,
to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, and
thai fadeth not away, referved in heaven for us :
who are kept by the power of God through faith
unto falvation, ready to be revealed in the laft
time *. Blefled be the God and Father of our
Lord Jefus Chrift, who hath bleiTed us with all
fpiritual bleftings in heavenly places in Chrift :
according as he hath chofen us in him before the
foundation of the world, that we fhould be holy
and without blame before him in love : having
predeftinated us unto the adoption of children by
Jefus Chrift to himfelf, according to the good
pleafure of his will, to the praife of the glory of
his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in
the Beloved : in whom we have redemption
through his blood, the forgivenefs of fins, ac-
cording to the riches of his grace ; wherein he
hath abounded towards us in all wifdom and pru-
dence, having made known unto us the myftery
of his will, according to his good pleafure, which
he hath purpofed in himfelf. That in the dif-
penfation of the fulnefs of times he might gather
together in one all things in Chrift, both which
are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in
him : in whom alfo we have obtained an inhe-
• x Pet; i. 3, 4, 5.
c rusftice
kxvi Lrjfon.
ritance, being predeftinated according to the pur-
pole of him who worketh all things after the
counsel of his own will ; that we fhould be to
thepraife of his glory, who fir ft trufted in Chrift*.
And this vjc fhould do that which is honed f.
Now the Lord of pence himf if, give us peace
always by all means. The Lord be with as all J,
For this caufe
But there's another volume writ,
Which who can dare attempt to fcan h
Who can fufficient knowledge get
To fathom Heav'n's amazing phn ?
But wifdom (nines \n ev'ry page,
Fall as the myfteries unfold ;
God's providence in ev'ry age,
His character to men hath told,
But thefe are volumes deep and large.
Which men at belt can barely view ;
JJut God hath giv'n us all a charge
To read a little volume through. The
The filing ami Perfections of God. 1 7
The facred pages do contain
The wifdom of our God, reveal'd ;
They teach us endkfs life to gain,
Which elfe from man, had been conceai'dL
Behold the crofs where Jelus dy'd,
There wifdom fhines w ; th wond'rous ray* !
Though fons of "folly this deride,
Yet let the fons of wifdom praife.
.JlomVous 2nd grand were the defigns,
In this aflonifhing event!
Here wifdom in full glory fhines,
In his dear face whom God hath fent.
Lord fend us wifc'om from above,
Pure, gentle, peaceable and kind ;
Make us the children of thy love,
Wife, holy, and of heav'nly mind.
*Ibc Unchangeahlenefs of God,
T AM Jehovah, that's my name,
! j[ From age to age I am the fame ;
lThe fame I mall for ever be,
faithful to all who truft in me.
B 3 Lord,
1 8 Tie Being and Perfections of God,
Lord, fhould'fl thou change like helplefs men,
Alas, alas, where had we been ?
Forfaken, loft, confum'd, and dead,
And all our hopes of glory fled.
But thine eternal love endures,
And this our happinefs fecures,
This truth our finking fouls fuftains,
Our God unchangeable remains.
Though creatures fail, and wafte away,
Thy promifes can ne'er decay ;
To God we will forever cleave,
\V~ho cannot change, nor us deceive.
Tbe Patience and Long-fuffering of God.
HOW long did God with patience bear
The provocations of the world !
Beiore he ceas'd his friendly care,
And men to dire deftruftion huil'd ?
What mighty patience did he (hew
To Ifr'el in the wildernefs?
^fhey tempted God, the defart through,
find did perpetually tranfgrefs.
The Bang and Pcrfcdliotu of God. \ 9
How many acres God hath borne
The dreadful crimes which now prevail !
Such fins as make the land to mourn ;
Yet his companions do not fail.
Hoxv many thoufend million fins
The eyes of God rnuft daily view \
Yet itiil he bears, and fcarce begins
His judgments and his wrath to fhew.
Long my Crentor bore with me,
Before J knew and lov'd his name,
While I from righteoufnefs was free,
And did thofe things which caufe me mame.
How did my fins his wrath provoke,
While I in death and darknefs lay !
He could have flain me with his ftroke,
Me in a moment took away. -
But oh ! he fpar'd me in his love,
And gave me time, and gave me grace*
To leek by faith -the blifs above,
And run with joy the heav'nly race.
Praife to God for creating GooJnefs.
ETERNAL Majefty on high,
Thou God of light and love ;
Thy hands have fpread the ftarry iky,
And form'd the worlds above.
This globe below fhews forth thy might,
Thy goodnefs and thy fkill,
The fun, the moon, the day, and night
Thy pleafure do fulfil.
Beafts, birds, Mi, infects, all declare
Thou art the mighty God ;
Fire, hail, andftorms, earth, water, air.
Declare thv name abroad.
Trees, mountains, rivers, rocks and plains*
Gardens, fields, meadows, lands,
Proclaim, The God of goodnefs reigns;.
And will while nature flands.
All things below, and all above,
God, wife, good, great proclaim ;
Then let the children of his love
Delight to blefs his name.- Lord,
Crcatim and Proviiknce, 3 C
Lord, thou art worthy to receive
PowY, honour, glory, praife f
For thou to all didft being give,
All nature God difplays.
7 be happy J! ate of things in the begin whig of the
WHEN God the earth's foundation laid,
And all his works in beauty flood,
He faw with pleafure all he made,
He faw, and he pronouuc'd them good :
The morning ftars together fung,
And God was prais'd by ev'ry tongue.
The human fpecies form'd by God,
Stood in the image of his Son,
For them he form'd a bleft abode,
And warn'd them evil how to fhun :
Taught them his goodnefs to adore,
To praife his wifdom, love and pow'r,
In Eden's garden fair and green,
j 1 Jehovah did our parents place,
in his prefence oft was feen,
i They heard his voice, beheld his face :
n what a glorious happy ftate
>i^l God the human race create ! AH
2% Cr eat l en and Providence.
AJl things nppear'd in gaveft forms,
Nature in all its profpects fmii'd;
No earthquakes, tempeits, plagues or ftorms,
But all was lovely, pleafant, mild :
God faw his works with great delight,
The fcene was charming, glorious, bright.
No barren land, infectious air,
Nor deadly waters could be found ;
No reptile venemous was there,
Nor thorns nor briers vex'd the ground,
Man call'd the birds, and beafls by name;
All were obedient, gentle, tame.
What happinefs did man enjoy!
With life, health, peace, and plenty bleft !
His tongue in praife he did employ,
And with his hands the garden drefl.
All was delightful, pleafant, fweet,
As the Creator faw it meet,
The beauties and nvonders of Creation*.
Owhat a grand difplay
Of wifdom, goodnefs, might*
J)id God reveal, when he did fay,
Let there be light !
Creatzcii ana Providence* 23
He form'd the earth and Tea,
And fpread the iky abroad ;
Made ev'ry plant, and flow'r, and tree,
By his own word.
He made the glorious fun,
To rule the conftant day ;
And form'd the moon, its courfe to run,
Which keeps its way.
The finning ftars of light
Were fafhion'd by his hand,
They {hew his wifdom in the fight
Of ev'ry land.
The birds and beafls he made,
With ev'ry creeping thing ;
And man at Jaft to be their head.
Their lord and king,
Him in a garden plac'd,
And gave to him a bride,
With ev'ry female beauty grac'a,
Took from his fide.
How happy they remain'd,
While they their God obey'd !
Till fin God's fair creation ftain'dy
And ruin made.
3ut though they fell by fin,
And ruin'd all their race,
Sod their recov'ry did begin,
By his free grace. OtH
£i Creation and Providence.
Our glorious Lord we praife,
For all his works of love, ,
How great his pow'r ! how good his ways !
He reigns above.
His mercy reaches earth,
All glory to his name ;
The pow'r that gave Creation birth>
Prefer ves the fame.
Creation is a book \
Prefented to our view,
"Wherein we may for ages look,
Yet find it new.
How boundlefs is the plan !
Kow infinite the ft ore !
God made and knows the whole, but man
Can but adore.
A Seng of Praife and Gratitude to God.
THE bounties of thy Providence
My foul with joy furveys,
Since my exiftence did commence,
Through all my fleeting days.
My tender life was made thy care
When in the womb I lav ;
And when I drew the vital air
Thy hand was ft ill my'ftay. Thou
ttr cation and Providence. 2_5
Thou gaveft being, Jife, and breath,
Health, ftrength, and food to me :
In ncknefs me redeem'd from death,
From dangers kept me free.
My bones thou haft preferv'd unbroke,
My reafon haft maintain'd ;
And though my fins did thee provoke,
Yet thou my foul fuftain'd.
I have been nourifh'd, cloth'd, and fed,
Supported, and upheld,
Kindly fuftain'd, and gently led ;
Yet I have oft rebell'd.
When from my father's houfe I rov'd,
To diftant places went,
In ev'ry p^ace where'er I mov'd,
ThyMeilings ftill were fent.
Kind friends in ev'ry place were rais'd #
Who for my welfare car'd ;
And often I have itood amaz'd
At what thy love prepar'd.
For mighty things I never fought,
Contented low to be ;
But what thy care and kindnefs brought,
I took it as from thee.
C And
2 6 Creation and Providence*
And though my heart has known diftrefs,
And felt fevereft pain,
Yet frill thy gracious hand I blefs,
I fought thee not in vain.
io. .
Nor has thy favour me forfook,
In all my deepeft grief;
For when my eyes to thee did look,
Thou gaveft me relief.
Thy love to me I will reveal,
Before the human race,
Nor am I willing to conceal
Thy mercy, and thy grace.
So long as life itfelf fhall lafl,
Thy name I will adore ;
And when this little fpan is paft
I then mall praife thee more.
While my exiftence fhall remain,
I'll raife a joyful fong
To God, and to the Lamb once flain,
With all the ranfonVd throng.
[ *7 J
7 he exceeding great Worth and Ufefulnefs of the
Q WHAT a blefling God hath giv'u
To mortals here below !
His word, to be our guide to heav'n,
While through this vale we go.
O richeft mine of truth and grace,
More precious far than gold !
'Tis here that heav'nly pearls have place
Whofe value can't be told.
The words of life are fweeter found
Than honey to the tafte ;
Here's healing balm for ev'ry wound,
Ye needy, come with hafte".
Here s food, and drink, here's life and health,
Here's an exhauftlefs ftore ;
Here's honour, length of days, and wealth,
What can we wifh for more ?
C % Then
ft 8 The Scripture*.
Then let as to this book attend,
And learn our Maker's will ;
He did this revelation fend,
And he fupports it (till.
Divhie Revelation moft excellent.
T^HE facred pages I behold,
And read with ever frefh delight^
How can my mind be dark or cold,
With fuch an heav'nly fire and light ?
Here is the love of God feveal'd,
His wifdom, pow'r and goodnefs fhown ;
And myfteries that lay conceal'd,
Are now in plaineft terms made known,
I read the facred hiftory
With deep attention, and with aire;
Then fearch the books of prophecy ;
And fludy o'er the holy law.
The dreadful piclure drawn of fin,
With all its confequences dire,
The awful threat'nings found therein
Peftroy each hurtful vain defire.
The Scriptures. 29
God's facred characters difplay'd,
Throughout the volume of his word,
With our redemption's plan there laid,
Prove that its author is the Lord.
6. '
Let ftubborn infidels deride
My fixt attachment to this book;
Here I'm determined to abide,
As by a never failing brook.
Here all I want I'm fure to find,
Divine inftruclion, heav'nly food ;
Such joys as fatisfy the mind,
A fountain rich of evVy good.
Search the Scriptures. St. John v. 39,
npHE hifVries of our Maker's love,
His wife and holy laws,
Such glorious news from heav'n above,
Deferve our high applaufe.
Then let us fearch with great delight
The facred volume through,
Perufe it over, day and night,
'And read, and learn, and do,
C 3 There
JO 7 he Scriptures.
Th?re we may read our Father's will,
And learn to trufl his grace ;
May find the way to Zion's hill,
Where we mall fee his face.
Here our Redeemer's name we learn,
And view his grand defigns,
The things of infinite concern,
We read in fairefl lines.
Our Saviour's birth, and life we find
Set forth before our view ;
His death and fufF 'rings for mankind,
And refurrection too :
And that he did to heav'n afcend,
And lives to intercede ;
And evermore abides our friend,
Our help in time of need.
'Tis here immortal glories mine,
Ten thoufand beauties rife ;
And prove the volume is divine,
And wrote to make us wife.
The Scripture:. 31
T%e BUJfcdnefs of thefe Days of Liberty.
ALAS how dark thofe gloomy days
When fuperflition reign'd !
And ftupid priefts by impious ways
The light of truth reftrain'd !
Men fcarcely were allow 'd to read,
Still lefs to underfland,
God's word a fealed book indeed,
By very few was fcann'd.
Then Chrift's command was out of fight,
Neglected anddefpis'd;
The Chriflian Church involv'd in night,
The Gofpel lightly priz'd.
But blefled be our gracious Lord,
His word's no longer hid ;
The means of help he doth afford
Are not to us forbid.
We are invited to attend
To his inftructions giv'n ;
The precepts in this volume penn'd,
Which light our way to heav'n.
32 The Script u
Our teachers now would fain reveal
Whatever-hidden* lies ;
No longer wifhing to conceal
The truth from human eyes.
They urge us on with diligence,
To fearch the fcriptures through «
And fet its glorious evidence
Full open in our view.
How muft we blame ourfelvec at Jafr,
If we neglect to read !
Hew mail we mourn when life is paft,
lintel's we now take heed !
The rich Variety of God's IFord.
OFT have I read the facred book,
Yet frequently when there I look,
i find fome heav'nly matter new ;
The mining luftre doth furprize,
I gaze with newly open'd eyes,
And glorious wonders rife to view.
Here greateil beauties new and grand,
Appear and mine on either hand,
The mind of man to entertain ;
God's wonders wrought in days of old,
And in the facred page enroll d,
Eternal monuments remain.
The Scrlpturgs. 33
How num'rous are the words of peace,
The facred promifes of grace !
Exceeding great, and precious too !
A rich fupply for all our needs,
Thy mercy Lord, onr want exceeds ;
And all thy words are juft and true.
By thefe thy nature we partake,
And taught by thefe our fins forfake,
And fet our minds and hopes above ;
Thy word our counfel, light, and guide,
Shall richly in our fouls abide,
And make us perfect in thy love.
O rare and precious gift divine,
Which doth with fuch a luftre fhine,
As fills our fpirits with delight !
We thank thee gracious God for this;
And pray that we may never mifs,
But always underfland aright.
Give us thy Spirit to direct
lOur hearts, that we may not negle&
The facred treafure thou haft giv'n ;
(Lord make us here thy truth to know,
'And when from earthly fcenes we go,
Give us a dwelling place in heav'n.
34 7&* Scriptures.
The Information given by the Scriptufe.
TT TITH joyful hearts, we praifc thy name,
YV That gave to us thy facred word ;
In which thou doft thyfelf proclaim,
Our Maker, King, our God and Lord.
There we may learn thy name to know,
Thy nature there thou doft reveal ;
There we are taught what thanks we owe,
And what obedience to thy will.
The hiit'ry of Creation writ
By the Almighty's high command,
Doth teach us never to forget
That we are formed by thine hand.
But O the melancholy news
We find recorded in thy book !
That man thy favours did abufe,
And foon thy fervice he forfook !
What might he then expect to feel,
In confequence of hateful fin ?
BiU thou didft thoughts of love reveal,
And to reftore him didYt begin.
The Scriptures. 35
6 \
The great myfterious glorious plan,
Was by degrees to men made known ;
Thy love through ev'ry period ran,
And hath with wond'rous brightnefs flionc.
Thofe things which by thy word we learn,
Are wormy of our greateft care ;
For truths of infinite concern,
Thou haft reveaTd to mortals there.
Pralfe to God for facred Injlru&ion.
MY God, my tongue would blefs thy name
That ever I the Scriptures knewj
The precepts which thy lips did frame,
* Which thou commanded me to do.
'Tis there that I the Goipel learn,
That mighty plan of faving grace:
'Tis there I read man's great concern,
And there I view mv Saviour's face.
\ book of knowledge 'tis to me,
A treafure vaft, its worth untold,
Without this prize I would not be
For rocks of diamonds, hills of gold.
The Scriptures.
TV* is to mine eyes has been a light,
To guide me through this demrt land;
It chafes far the fhades of night,
And makes me wifdom under ftand.
Thanks, honour, glory, praife, might, pow'r,
1 render to the Lord of heav'n,
And hope to praife him evermore
For his divine inftruftions giv'n.
Delight in the Scriptures.
T LOVE the facred word,
And thence my comfort draw,
Great joy thy promhes afford,
Thy threat'nings ftrike with awe.
With joy thy name I trace,
Throughout the facred book ;
I feem to view my Father's face
Wherever I can lock.
Thy word gives fuch delight,
To my diftrefled mind,
That when my fears and foes affright,
'Tis there that peace I find,
I read
The Scriptures. '3?
I read, I hear, I pray,
And caft on God my care ;
Thus I furvive, and day by day
Am ftrengthen'd ftili to bear.
Lord, be my portion here,
My helper when I die,
Deliver me from fin and fear,
And raife my foul on high.
The Majefly, Beauty, and Worth of the Scriptures.
WHAT majefty appears,
Through all the facred book !
Thy word, thine holy image bears
Where'er we look.
Its wbnd'rous beauty fhines,
And gives our hearts delight,
"We read with joy the heav'niy lines,
With open fight.
Our God hath fent his mind,
To mortals from above ;
And when we read we plainly find
How vail his love !
O what a bleffing's this !
What thanks, to him we owe,
Who points the road to heav'niy blifs,
And bids us go !
D 3. What
3 8 The Scriptures,
3- .
What wonders meet and fliine,
In God's moft precious word !
Its excellencies fo divine,
Are from the Lord-
It makes us truly wife,
Forbids our fouls to fin ;
It makes us life eternal prize,
And feek to win.
May we with rev'rence hear,
And learn to do God's will ;
Walk in his ways with holy fear,
His laws fulfil.
His word by faith receive,
His Gofpel pure obey.
Thofe who unto his glory live,
How Weft are they !
ye/us held forth in the Scriptures,
T\7H AT comforts are here,
The fpirits to chear,
Of thofe who are faithful, devout, and fincere !
The promifes fweet
In Jefus all meet,
And fhine in perfection and glory compleat.
3. 'Tis
The Scriptures. 39
Tis pleafant to fee,
The Scriptures agree
That Chrift is the Saviour, and Jefus is he.
His wonderful name
The prophets proclaim ;
The Gofpel doth publifh his glorious fame.
Now will we rejoice
To hear his fweet voice,
His word is our portion, our treafure, our choice,
With rapturous joy
Our days we'll employ
In tafting thefe pleafures, which never can cloy.
God's word is a prize,
Which fools may defpife,
But which is efteemed by all who are wife.
'Tis light to our way,
Forbids us to dray,
And keeps thofe from evil who do it obey.
Read, meditate, hear,
Learn, mark, be fincere; [p-ar.
And thus fhall the fruits of your knowledge ap-
Da 10.S0
40 The Go/pel.
So fhall you attain i
The richeft of gain ;
And find that your labour fhall not be in vain,
T'be G of pel Proclamation.
HARK, hear the joyful found ;
The voice of mercy cries,
Sinners, behold a ranfom's found,
For you the Saviour dies.
The Saviour dy'd for all*;
'He hung upon the tree,
Come, {inner hearken to his call,
And thou (halt faved be.
Sav'd from the love of fin,
And from its reigning powV ;
And fav'd from guilt, thy heart made clean,
Shall be defii'd no more.
. 4-
How powVful is his word !
How fweet are his commands!
What uxength his promifes afford !
How firm his gofpel ftands !
5. Lor
Faithful Sayings. 4 1
Lord in thy hands I trull
My foul, and all I have ;
Thou faithful, holy, good and juft,
Who mighty art to fave.
I cannot doubt thy love,
Since thou thy life hall giv'n ;
JLet me on earth thy goodnefs prove,
And fee thy face in Heav'n.
This is a Faithful Saying, &c. i Tim. i. 15.
nnHIS is a faying, faithful, true,
Important, plain and clear,
Worthy to be accepted too,
By all mankind that hear :
That Jefus Chrift our Saviour came
Into this world of woe,
Sinners to fave, for this his name,
To us wiil plainly mew.
Christ, the Anointed of his God,
Prophet, and Pj ieil, and King •
Jesus, a Saviour, who by blood
Poth us from bondage bring-.
P~ 3 4- H«
4% The Go/pel
Fie faves us by his doctrine pure,
And by his works of love,
And by his miracles makes fure
. His million from above.
His bright example had a pow'r
To fave the fouls .of men;
And on the crofs their fins he bore,
To bring them home again.
He lives above to intercede,
And fliil is ftrong to fave ;
For whom* he dy'd he lives to plead,
Aud life from him they have.
This is a Faithful Sciying, &C. I Tim. iv. 9, 10, 1 1.
rpHIS is a bleft word both faithful and true,
The word of the Lord, and fpoken to you,
Of all acceptation 'tis- worthy, we tell
Great news of falvaiion, from fin, death and hell.
Our portion feems hard, we fuffer and bear,
Inftead of reward for labour- and care,
We meet with defaming, reproaches and grief,
For truly proclaiming our ftedfaft belief.
3. We
Faithful Sayings. 43
We truft in God's name the Saviour of all,
Reftorer of them who from him did fall,
Of all the Reftorer, but chiefly of fuch
Who truft in his power, and honour him much.
All thofe who believe, and truft in his grace,
Their fouls he'll receive, and give them a place
In manfions of glory, of peace, joy, and love,
From things tranfitory he will them remove.
He'll fave them from fin, guilt, terror and pain,
And bring them with him in honour to reign ;
He'll give them thofe treafures laid up in his ftore,
And blefs them with pleafures which laft evermore.
But all he'll reftore and ranfom at laft,
They fhall him adore, his promife is paft:
This teach to each nation ; God will have it done :
This glorious falvation fhall fave ev'ry one.
This is a Faithful Sayings &c. Tit. iii. 8.
rpHIS is a faying, faithful, juft,
And fliould be urged conftantly,
That fuch who in Jehovah truft,
Should walk in love and piety.
2. Should
44 TheGoftel.
Should carefully good works maintain,
Deal juftly, walk in mercy's ways,
Avoid each word and deed profane,
And humbly pafs their fleeting days.
How good and pleafant 'tis to fee,
Thofe who profefs the chriftian name
In heart, and lips, and life agree
To honour and adorn the fame !
Let all who wifh to be efteem'd
Difciples of the Lamb of Ood,
Shew by their fruits they are redeem'd
From (in, and evil through his blood.
Thus (hall they benefit mankind,
And be approv'd by God at lad,
Into his kingdom entrance find,
When this fhort life is gone and pad:,
fhis is a Faithful Saying, &c. 2 Tim. ii. 1 I, 12, 13
HTHIS faying, worthy of efteem,
Is faithful, juft, and true and plain,
That if we now are dead with him,
We jhall with Jefus live and reign.
Faithful Sayings'
If we are dead to feif and fin,
Dead to the world, and all below,
Then Chriftwill be our life within,
And choiceft bleflings will bellow.
If we now fuffer for his fake,
With him we mail be glorify'd ;
Of his difgrace if we partake,
On thrones he'll feat us by his fide.
What are the fuff'rings that we feel,
Compar'd to all thofe glories high,
Which Chrifi our Saviour mall reveal,
When he'll appear to ev'ry eye ?
If we are like him here on earth,
When he mail in his glory come,
With fongs of joy and heav'nly mirth,
He'll bring us to his heav'nly home.
' 6.
But if our Saviour we deny,
And will not own his blefTed name,
j He will before his Father's eye
Difown, and put our fouls to fhame,
And if we do not him believe,
Yet he abideth faithful ftiil ;
His fayings cannot once deceive,
Deny himfelf, he never will.
46 The Procefs of Chrijl.
The Birth of Jefus. Prophecies r ef petting thefama
Ifaiah vii. 14. Jer. xxxi. 22.
TOEHOLD, Jehovah gives a fign
Of his amazing love,
To finful men ; his Son divine
Defcends from heav'n above.
Behold, a virgin tliall conceive,
And fhall bring forth a fon ; .
But few could fuch a thing believe
Until the fact was done.
o .
Daughter, why goeft thou about,
Backfiiding to and fro ?
God will perform beyond a doubt,
What nature cannot mow.'
He will on earth create a thing,
Surprizing, ftrange, and new,
A woman forth a man fhall bring,
Yet be a virgin true.
' $'
Hail virgin mother of our Lord,
Who bore the promised feed !
All Chriflans join with one accord,
To call thee bleft indeed !
6. Bleft
. The Incarnation. 47.
Blefl: was the womb, that bore the man
Who came to fave our race ;
Bleft be the babe, who then began
To feel our wretched cafe.
This raoft amazing wonder wrought,
Deferves our higheft praife ;
\nd let it never be forgot,
To everlafting days.
The Birth of the MeJJiah. Ifaiah ix. 6, 7.
3EHOLD, to us a child is born,
And unto us a fon is giv'n,
rhough men may treat his name with fcorn*
He is the Son and Heir of heav'n.
he pow'r, the rule, the government,
Upon his moulder fhall be laid,
5e is the Great Meffiah, fent,
And comes to bring us heav'nly aid.
, ; 3-
Ijs name is called, Wonderful,
The Counfellor divinely wife,
lie Mighty God, who has the rule
. Of earth and heav'n, of feas and fkies :
4. The
48 The Procefs of Chrljl^
The Father of the future age ;
The Prince of everlafling peace ;
Who doth with God, for man engage,
To make confufion's reign to ceafe.
His government and peace mail lafl,
And fhall prevail o'er death and hell,
Till ail diforder fhall be pad,
And he fhall all rebellion quell.
He fhall obtain the mighty throne
Of David, and fhall govern there;
His truth and Juftice fhall be fhown,
And all the earth his name fhall fear.
Jehovah fhall this work fulfil,
His word is pad, he will perform,
He mail accomplifh all his will ;
His love is flrong, his zeal is warm.
The Miffion of Gabriel to Mary.
"DEHOLD, the heav'nly angel bright,
Sent by Jehovah from above,
Array'd in robes of pureft light,
His heart inflam'd with heav'nly love ;
To Mary's humble dwelling came,
And did moil glorious news proclaim.
The Incarnation. 49
u Fear not, O Mary, thou haft found
The higheft favour with the Lord,
With dignity thou fhalt be crown'd ;
Great is the mefTage of his word.
Behold, thou fhalt conceive and bear
The Saviour, God's own Son, Heav'n's heir.
He fhall be Great, and God will give
To him the Royal David's throne ;
Honour and praiie he mall receive
Where'er his righteous laws are known ;
He fhall the human race redeem,
And all mankind fhall him efleem.
* 4.
O'er Jacob's houfe he long fhall reign,
His kingdom never fnall decay ;
The pow'r and glory he fhall gain,
And rule with univerfal fway ;
He fhall be call'd The Son of God,
And all fhall bow before his rod."
pThis joyful mefTage fhe receiv'd
J With wonder and humility ;
^.nd as flie heartily believ'd,
! So did flie the performance fee :
3f her, on the appointed morn,
The blefled Saviour, Chrift was born.
$0 The Procefs of Chr'iji.
Promifes of Chrlfi made to the Fathers.
TJOW (lowly was that grace reveal'd,
Which now we view with open eyes !
For many ages half conceal'd,
And did by (low gradations rife.
Firft hinted as The Woman's Seed,
Who mould the crafty ferpent bruife ;,
This was a help in time of need,
An intimation of good news,
This proraife for two thoufand years,
Seem'd all the hope the fathers had :
This was a refuge from their fears,
And cheer'd and made. their fpirits glad.
At length to Abrah'm 'twas made known,
That in his feed all mould be bleil, •
This feed was Jesus, who alone
Of ev'ry bleiling is pofTeft.
To Ifaac was this promife made,
The fame confirm'd to Jacob's race,
To Judah was this grant convey 'd,
That Shiioh fhould his offspring grace.
6, No
The Incarnation, 5 1
No more difccvYies did appear
Until the prophet David reign M,
To whom Jehovah made it clear,
That Chrift fhould from his loins defcencL
God gave to him more knowledge far
Than unto all who liv'd before ;
Shew'cl him,the bright and morning fb.r,
And fiird his heart with truth's rich (lore,
To him the Saviour's life, and death,
' And refurrecfcion were reveal' d,
He faw, and fpake of thefe by faith,
Nor his afcenfion was conceal'd.
Our great Redeemer he foretold,
As prophet, prieft, and facrifice,
And moil of what we now behold
Was plainly fet before his eyes.
The Saviour's kingdom, David fang,
In lovely and majeftic itrains ;
Its glories dwelt upon his tongue,
The fcene our fpirits entertains,
What pleafure do the Pfalrns afford!
Where many prophecies divine
Reflecting Jefus Chrift our Lord,
Do iu fuch full perfection mine.
The Procefs of drift.
T'he Prophecies refpeSllng Chrift continued.
'"PHE prophecies by David giv'n,
Were glorious, heav'nly, bright,
But ere the Saviour came from heav'n
The Lord fent farther light.
One facred prophet did foretel
The place where he was born ;
The place where David once did dwell ;
Thence came falvation's horn.
A virgin was by God defign'd
To be his mother dear ;
And this in prophecy we find,
Set forth exceeding clear.
That he fhould mighty wonders do,
Was by the prophets told ;
His life and miracles they (hew,
As though they did behold.
That he mould be defpis'd by men,
And ihouid their forrows beair ;
That he mould die, and rife again.
The facred books declare.
6. Tha
' Incarnations 53
That he for money mould be fold,
And hafely be betray'd,
Jjefcoiirg'd, mock'd. piercd; were things foretold.
And where he (hculd be laid.
n ,
Thefe circumftances point him out,
When we the fcriptures fcan,
They leave our minds without a doubt,
That Jefus was the man.
Joy for the Birth of Chrijl,
TylTH joyful hearts we fing
Our dear Redeemer's birth,
Who came from heav'n's high courts, to bring,
Peace and good will to earth.
This bleffed news we hear,
Glad tidings of great joy,
That God did in our flefh appear,
This doth our fears deftroy.
God lov'd the race of men,
And fent his only Son,
To bring them back to him again,
And fure this fhaJl be done.
E 3 4-TTWa
54 The Proccfs of ChriJ?.
This counfel to fulfil
Our Saviour did defcend
That he might do his Father's will,
And be to men a friend.
He is a Friend indeed !
Born for adverfity ;
A Brother, fuch as finners need,
The fons of mifeiy.
Loud may we raife our fongs,
To him our homage pay ;
With all our ppw'rs, with all our tongues,
We hail our Saviour's dav.
The AngeVs Mfjfage to the Shepherd*.
C\ 'TWAS a joyful glorious night,
When Chrift our Lord was born !
Who came to give the nation's light,
Who lay in death forlorn.
The Shepherds watching in the field
Firft heard the joyful fong,
To them the wonder was reveal'd,
Bv Gabriel's heav'nlv tongue.
The Incarnation. 55
For lo, this fhining angel came,
In robes of light array 'd,
The birth of Jefus to proclaim, ,
The fhepherds were afraid.
But foon the blefled angel's voice
Their flavifh fears difpell'd,
His tidings made their hearts rejoice,
While glory they beheld.
' Fear not ; behold good news I bring,
u Of joy to all your race;
' Jefus is born, your Saviour, King,
" Go, and behold his face.
4 In Bethle'm you the babe mall find
. '* In fwadhng bands' array'd ;
; The Lord and Saviour of mankind
I "Is in a manger laick"
ind fuddenly a multitude
( Of the ceieftial throng,
r ith Gabriel joiird ; the fhepherds view'd,
> And heard their charming fona.
I 8.
i Glory to God in higheil {trains!
I " Peace and good will to men !
J Peace be on earth, while time remains,
; €i Such as hath never been."
0. How
$6 The Procefs of ' Cbri/l.
How fweetly angels bear a part
In all our fongs of praife !
O let us each with jovful heart
Join in their heav'nly lays.
Glory to God, and peace on earth
Good will to ail mankind ;
For in our bieft Redeemer's birth,
Our Father's love we find.
The Purity, Innocence, and Miracles of Chyljl,
nnHE life of Jems let m ling,
How perfect, holy, pure ;
His praifes make all beav'n to ring,
And always will endure.
No evil did from him, proceed,
His heart and hands were clean ;
Spotlefs his life ; each word, each deed*
Was' free from taint of fin.
. J
But innocence was not alone,
His heart was full of love,
His num'rous works of kindrtefs flione,
And did his million prove.
4. He
His' Life and Miniflry. { 7
He heal'd the fick, the blind, the deaf,
And made the dumb to fpeak ;
To the pofTefs'd he gave relief,
And did fupporl the weak.
He cur'd the lepers, heai'd the lame,
And raifed up the dead-;
The Gofpel did to men proclaim,
And multitudes he fed.
All thefe amazing works of grace,
Which were by Jefus done,
Prov'd him the Saviour of our race,
God's well beloved Son.
The heavenly Tempers of Chrifl, and the noble Prin-
ciples of his Adions,
TJOW humble, patient, meek, reiign'd,
Was Jefus while he dwelt below ;
No pride, nor envy can we find
In ail that he did fay or do.
When he was grievoufly revil'd,
He never once revil'd again ;
And when he fuffer'd, ftill was mild,
Nor threaten'd, when in fharpeii: pain,
3. His
5 8 The Prccefs of Chijl.
His wifdom, love, and innocence,
Were ail the weapons that he us'd ;
Thefe form'd his armour and defence,
When mock'd, derided, and accus'd.
Teach me thefe tempers, dearefl Lord,
For fare thou feed I have need ;
Let pride and wrath, by me abhorr'd,
Be ilain in me, and I be freed.
teach me patience, meeknefs, love,
r Humility, and lowly mind ;
Give me the meeknefs of the dove,
With wifdom of the ferpent join'd.
Then mall my foul conform'd to Thee,
With pleafure for thy coming wait ;
1 fhall rejoice thy face to fee,
And to obtain the heav'nly flate.
The Excellency of CbriJPs Doclrlne.
n^HE Saviour's doclrine how divine !
How full of truth and grace !
How lovely all his precepts mine !
How fuited to our cafe !
His Life and Mtmfiry % 49
His matter vaft, important, grand,
His manner ftrong, fweet, clear !
His hearers with attention fland,
Surpriz'd at what they hear.
He taught as with authority,
He fpake with life and povv'r ;
Not as the fcribes, who lazily
Read their dull leflbns o'er,
The common people gladly heard
The leffons of his tongue,
Which aw'd, inflrucled, pleas'd, and chearM $
On him with joy thev hung.
When officers him Game to take,
1 Sent by the Pharifees,
jCharm'd by his words, their orders brake,
Which did the priefts difpleafe.
Why have ye not him pris'ner brought,
I In chains and fetters bound ?
JHis words (fay they) exceed all thought,
[ And more than human found.
His enemies with wonder cry,
i How doth he letters know,
jAs being never learn'd fo high,
Yet doth great wifdom fliow ?
\ - 8. All
6o The PrccefscfCbriJi.
All bareivim witnefs, and admir'd
His gracious words, and fpeech ;
He by the Spirit was infpir'd,
And righteoufnefs did preach.
The important things to follow Thee ; •
Then (hall our God be glorily'd,
. And fafe and happv we {hail be.
' F 2 HYMN
64 The Procefs ofChrif.
The Saviour's Doflrine, Manner of Life , Miracles^
and the Fulfilment of Prophecy in Him.
HPHE more our Saviour's life is known,
More beautiful it mines ;
It is a perfect copy mown,
And full of great defigns.
The works that were by Jefus wrought,
Hisdoclrine good and pure,
His actions holy, as he taught,
All prove his million fure.
In him was prophecy fulfill d,
In him its lines all meet :
He came to do what God had will'd,
His work was all compleat.
4- %
The precepts of the law he kept,
Its penalty endur'd ;
For fins of men he figh'd, he wept,- •
And life for them procur'd.
Our Saviour's procefs for our fakes
Is worthy of our fongs ;
Hisloveour melody awakes,
His praife emplovs our tongues.
7 'he Crucifixion % 6$
*Thc Agonies and Sufferings of Jefus %
C\ WHAT a heart affecting fcene
The fuff'rings of our Saviour are (
The forrows of his foul how keen !
How heavy was the load he bare !
When in the garden he did pray,
What agonies his heart did fill !
He cry'd " O take this cup away,
u My Father, if it be thy will."
His fweat like drops of blood ran down.
So mighty was his forrow's weight !
But floods of troubles could not drown,
Nor quench his love, to us lb great.
What grief of heart did him opprefs,
When he by Judas was betray 'd !
This was a crime who can exprefs ?
Or who can tell the wounds it made ?
Before the Sanhedrim accus'd
By perjju&Hiars ; mock'd, reviTd ;
Blindfolded, fmitten, fcorn'd, abus'd - 7
His face with foittle was defil'd.
F \ 6. Behold
66 The Procefs, of Chijl.
Behold him then to Pilate led,
And j adgmei i d $ gai nft his life !
"They fill'd the 'governor with dread,
treatnings, rage and frrife'
In vain he laboured to appeafe
Tjieii: rage, and fought our Lord to fave ;
At lait cKeir oioody minds to pleafe,
Jefus unto their will he gave.
'The Crucifixion.
A H ! whither do they drag my Lord,
" As though from condemnation led ?
Worthy to be by all ador'd,
Why will they hafle his blood to fhed?
The beam upon his back he bears,
Without the city gates he goes,
In all our griefs and forrows fhares,
And feels our load of fins and woes.
They nail him to the fatal tree,
There hangs the Son and Keir of Heav'n !
He dies for ail mankind, and me,
For all, his life's a ranfom giv'n.
L The
The Crucifixion. 67
The torments which he did endure,
While hanging on the fhameful crofs,
Bleflings for Tinners did procure,
And fliall retrieve our mighty lofs.
Thofe things the Prophets have foretold,
According as Jehovah wili'd,
With fatisfaction we behold
Were in our Saviour's death fulfil I'd.
The Gofpel doth aloud proclaim
Salvation, through his precious blooi ;
And all who truft in his dear name,
Shall be accepted with their God.
7' •
Then reft my foul in Jefu's arms, -
Repent, believe, hope, love, obey ;
Aad thou malt be fecur'd from harms,
And dwell with Chrift in endlefs day.
AJigbt of Jefus crucified.
T OOK yonder, what is that I fee
On that infamous hill ?
Who hangs expiring on the tree ?
Alas, mv blood doth chill !
2. This
68 The Prcccfs ofChriJl.
This fight fo awful wounds my heart,
While I the fcene behold ;
And yet it healing doth impart,
And joys that can't be told.
The Lamb of God, behold he dies,
See him on Calvary !
For finners made a facrifice,
To give them liberty.
For me, and all mankind was (lain
The darling Son of God,
That he our life and peace might gain;
By his own precious blood.
His name I ever would adore,
And in his merits truft ;
Who all my fins and forrows bore,
And was for me accursed.
The Ejfecls of beholding a crucified J ejus hy Fait
A MAZING ! what is that I fee ?
1 With vail aftonifhment !
The Saviour, hanging on the tree ;
My heart of fione relent.
The Crucifixion. 69
I By faith, I look on him, and mourn
For all the ills I've done;
He mine iniquities hath borne,
! . And my deliv'rance won.
Weep O my heart, thy Saviour flair;
Lament with bitter grief,
That Chrift for thee was put to pain,
To give thee fweet relief.
Who knows the pow'r of Jefu's love,
That mov'd our Lord to die?
He left the glorious realms above
That we might dwell on high.
Myfelf I never can forgive,
But if he pardons me,
I would unto his glorv live,
Till I like him mall be. -
;His death I fhall remember ftill,
In ceafelefs fongs of praife ;
,'And may his love conilrain my will
I To ferve him all my days.
7 Q The Procfs of Chrift.
The death cf Chrift a ranfom for all men. 2 Cor. v,
14, 15. 1 Tim. ii. 6. Heb. ii. 9. 1 John ii. 1, 2.
H^HE Love of Chrift conftraineth us,
Becaufe, we taught of God, judge thus,
That if one truly dy'd for ail,
The whole were ruin'd by the fall.
And certainly for all he dv'd,
That fuch who fhall be fanclify'd,
May never live to fin again,
But live to Jefus, who was flain.
There is one God, whom we adore,
And one Days-man, nor need we more,
He oice for ail a ranfom gave
Himfelf, that all men he might fave.
To all it (hall be teftify'd
In God's due time, that Jefus dy'd ;
And all at lad he will reftore,
And they fhall never wander more.
All things to Chrift fhall fubjeft be ;
But this as yet we do not fee ;
But we behold the work begun,
And truft it fhall at laft be done.
$. Chri
The Crucifixion, J I
"hrift tafted death for evVy man :
This was the great, the glorious plan,
Vhich wifdom, leve, and mercy drew,
Vnd which the Saviour carry'd through.
Je is our advocate who pleads,
it God's right hand he intercedes ;
or us propitiation made,
Uid all our fins on him were laid,
Je dy'd for us, not us alone,
Jut did for all the world atone :
ror ev'ry foul of Adam's line
le freely did his life refign.
his is the truth that we declare,
^hat all did in the ranfoni fliare ;
ynd all at laft mall know his grace,
md fee with joy their Saviour's face.
"be Triumph of Grace > in the Converjion of the Thief
on the Crofs.
qME fee the powV of Chrift our King !
When on the crofs the Saviour hung,
jlis grace * dying thief did bring,
To own him with his heart and tongue*
%\ Onr
7* The Procefs of Chnft.
N One malefaclor fcorn'd Chrift's name,
The other him rebuk'd with fear,
Chrift's innocence did there proclaim,
And then addrefs'd the Saviour dear.
" O Lord, I pray remember me,
ce When thou fhalt come on earth to reign,
" And let mine eyes thy glory fee."
He faid, nor did he fpeak in vain.
(What noble faith in him appear'd,
That he could truft a dying man !
Could call him Lord, whom others jeer'd,
Where others fail'd his truft began.)
< 4 Amen, faid Jefus, thou this day
" Shalt be with me in Paradife."
Who but the Lord fuch words could fay ?
Who though he dy'd, had pow'r to rife.
What comfort did this fenfence give,
To his poor guilty wretched mind I
The Saviour bid the fi finer, live !
And O what joys his foul did find !
Thus Jefus Chrift forgave the thief,
And fhew'd great mercy to the man ;
So in the midft of deepeft grief,
His perfect happinefs began.
8. O how
The Cormier jion of the Thief on the Croft* Ji
J how he lings the Saviour's praife,
Who took him at the very I ait !
/'hen he his youthful ftrength and days
In Satan's caufe had fpent and paft !
dw he adores God's holy name,
And ftands before the Saviour's face ;
\nd will eternally proclaim
The boundlefs riches of his grace !
Tbs Same.
lSUS upon the tree,
A glorious vift'ry gain'd,
He fet a dying pris'ner free,
In whom before fin reign'd.
One criminal reviPd
The luff ring Son of God,
Whofe hands were ne'er by fin defiPd,
Yet forely felt the rod.
The other ftraight reply'd,
The fcorner did reprove ;
And then to Jefus humbly cry'd,
^ With faith, and hope, and love.
G 4. « O Lord
7 4 The Proce/f of CbrijT.
" O Lord remember me,
M When thou malt reign as King,
** And let me then have leave to be
'* Shelter'd beneath thy wing."
His pray'r the Saviour heard,
And granted his requefl ;
Soon reicu'd him from all he fear'dj.
And gave him peace and reft.
The Preaching of cur Saviour to the Spirits in Prifon.
QHRIST fuffer'd once, and fhed his blood, ■
Come finners, hear the reafon why !
That he might bring us unto God, •
Thejufl for the unjuft did die.
He in the fteih was put to death,
But by the fpirit quickened,
But though he yielded up his breath.
He went and preach ? d unto the dead.
Thofe who once difobedient were,
When God's forbearance waited long,
Confin'd in darknefs and defpair,
A nmu'rous, guilty, wretched ihj*Qi)£.
4- B*t
His Preaching to the Spirits in Prifon. y$
: But Jefus who for them had dy'd,
In perfon went and preach'd to them,
I That fo they might be juftif/d,
Whom law and juftice did condemn.
O what a glorious joyful found
Was in the darkfome prifon heard !
Then (Thrift releas'd the captives bound,
And fet them free from all they feard.
1 For this moft grand difplay of grace,
Let us exalt his praifes high ;
He will not fail to fave our race,
Since he for evVy foul did die,
The Gofpri preached to the Dead.
JESUS our Saviour went
Into the prifon drear,
(On acts of mercy mod intent,
To preach to fpirits there,
The Gofpel Jefus preach'd
To fouls in hell confin'd,
lis boundlefs love their misVies reach'd,
*His grace their good defign'd.
G 2 2. What
76 TheProcefsofCbriJi.
What tidings did he bring
To their aftoniih'd ears !
Such news as made the prifon ring,
And foon difpelld their fears,
« Behold your rightful Lord !
u I dy'd to let you free ;
" I vifit thefe abodes abhorr'd,
" To give you liberty.
*' To yon for ages dead,
" My Gofpel I proclaim :
M My precious blood for you I flied ;
" Chriil Tefus is my name.
^ My Father gave me pow'r,
" The loft to feek and fave ;
" This I will do, and from this hc„ur
" You mall delivrance have."
O what a bright difplay ,
Of grace that did excel,
Tpok place upon that wondVous day
jen Jefus went to hell !
His Preaching to the Spirits in Prjfin. J J
i The deplorable State of the Spirits in Prifon, and the
Defign of our Saviour ii preaching to them*
' ^HE fouls who fometime difobey'd,
When God's long differing did wait,
At length were fad examples made,
And plung'd into a dreadful ftate.
Ten thoufand millions doubly told
Were in the flood of water loft ;
They had been miners long and bold,
But they offended to their coft.
Eight hundred thoufand days and more
They had remain'd in deep defpair,
And long fuch pains and fuff 'rings bore,
As none, in mortal fiefli could bear.
But God beheld their deep difrrefs,
And fent his darling Son to die,
That he might vifit and releafe
Thofe who in prifon long did lie.
This was fuch unexampled grace
As fcarcely yet can men believe ;
This love of God to rebels bafe
Is more than thought could e'er conceive.
G s 6. But
7 8 TbeProcefs d/ChriJf.
But Peter plainly doth declare
Why Chriit defended into hell,
To preach good news to fpirits there,
And fave the fouls who did rebel.
Chrt/Ps Vtclory over the Powers of Darknefs, and
, the Deliverance of the Captives. Col. ii. i 5.
Pfalm cvii. 16. Ephef. iv. 8, 9, 10. 1 Pet. iii, i
18, 19, 20. Rev. i; 18.
JESUS who did to Heav'n arife,
Defended fir ft to earth below,
He fpoiled principalities,
And of them made an open mow.
He brake the gates of brafs, and cut
The iron bars in funder quite ;
And prifon doors fo clofely ihut
He open'd and expos'd to light.
He to the prifons did defend,
To preach the gofpel, and difplay
His love, and prove himfelf their friend,
Who Jong in death and darknefs lay.
4. He
His RefurrcSlion. 79
He hath the keys of death and hell,
All things to him committed are ;
What he begins he'll finifh well,
And who to controvert fhall dare ?
The Refurreftlon ofjefus.
"\X7TTH heav'nly joy we hail the day
When Qiir Redeemer role ;
And bore the bars of death away,
And triumph'd o'er his foes.
How grand how glorious this event,
Its confeqnence how great!
Chrift dy'd and rofe, with full intent,
To better our efrate.
The Lord that dy'd is ris'n indeed ;
The proofs are full and plain:
No farther evidence we need ;
Our faith is not in vain.
Jefus is risen from the dead,
His million's fully prov'd ;
He is to us a living head,
Cur hope fhall ne'er be mov'd.
5. Mortals
So The Procefs of CJmft.
Mortals rejoice, give thanks, and fing !
And celebrate the day,
When Chrift our Saviour, and our King,
His glory did difplay.
Rifing he conquer'd death and hell,
And won eternal fame;
And we with greateft joy will tell
The honours of his name,
The fevered Appearances of Chrift on the Day of his
U .
TXTHEN Jefus rofe on the third day,
He firft to Mary did appear,
She to th' Apoftles did convey
The news; they were furpriz'd to hear.
But though fhe told them certainly
That her own eyes had feen his face,
They were in fuch perplexity,
To her report they gave no place.
To Simon then the Lord appear'd,
The firft of all the chofen train,
And by his gracious prefence chear'd
His mind, and rais'd his hopes again.
|. Then
His Refurreflion. 2 1
Then to another company
Of women did our Saviour fhew
Himfelf, and gave them liberty
To hold him, and adore him too.
The two that went to take a walk,
Were by the bleffed Jefus join'd,
And wijb them freely he did talk,
Shew'd them what fcripture had defign'd.
This made their hearts with lo^e to burn,
They came unto their journey's end,
And prefs'd th' unknown with them to turn,
That they might entertain their friend.
But when he fupp'd with them at night,
He took the bread, and bleit, and brake ;
They knew him, then he vanifiYd quite,
And back their journey they did take.
When to JerufaJem they came,
Th' Apoftles they together found;
The Saviour's rifing did proclaim,
" The Lord is ris'n !" O pleating found !
They in their turn, the tidings told,
How Jefus had with them convers'd ;
How pleafantly the moments roll'd,
His converfation they rehearsd.
i o While
82 The PrccefsofChriJl.
While yet they fpake, be"o!d their friend,
Among them flood, and publifh'd peace ;
They fear'd at firft, but in the end
He made their fears and forrows ceafe.
He fpake, and ate, and drank with them,
Shew'd them his hands, and feet, and fide,
They knew him, and could then exclaim,
" Our Jefus lives, who lately dy'd,"
The Unbelief of Thomas cured, or our LorcFsfecond
Appearaiice to his Difciples. St. John xx. 24 to 29.
T^HOMAS was abfent from his friends*.
When Jefus firft to them appear'd,
But they in part to make amends,
To him the wond'rous news declared.
But he reply'd, " I'll not believe,
" 'Till I his hands, feet, fide (hall view,
" Mark'd with thofe marks which can't deceive,
> " Nor fee alone, but feel them too."
But when another week was o'er,
And the difciples met again,
Then Jefus came as heretofore,
And them faluted not in vain*
4. The*
His Rrfurreftion. Sj
4- '
Then he to faithlefs Thomas fpake,
" Behold my hands, and feet, and fidej
" Come, and the uttnoft trial make,
" And perfedly be fatisfy'd."
Thomas, convinced, cry'd out, and faid,
" My Lord, my God, I doubt no more ;
u Thou art alive, though lately dead,
•' I fee, admire, believe, adore."
Thomas believ'd, becaufe his fight
Beheld his Lord, nor was deceived,
But bleft are thofe of hearts upright,
Who have not feen, yet have believ'd,
Lord, let this bleffing great be mine :
I never have beheld thy face,
Yet I my foul to thee refign,
And truil entirely to thy grace.
Our Lord's third Appearance to bis Difciples %
St. John xxi.
IHTHE third time that our Saviour fhew'd
Himfelf to his Apoftles dear,
On the fea more behold he flood,
And they his lovely voice did ijeajf.
84 The Prccefs of Cfmjt*
They had been toiling all the night,
But all. their labour was in vain ;
But when they faw the morning light,
An end was put to fruitlefs pain.
The Saviour thus his friends addreft,
My children, have ye any meat ?
They anfwer J d, No ; but foon he bleft
Them with a ftore exceeding great.
As foon as they were come to land,
They faw a fire of coals prepar'd,
And food made ready to their hand ;
And with their bounteous Lord they fhar'd.
. 5-
They were content with plainefl fare
Of fifh and bread, no coflly wine :
But happy dinner ! Chrift was there,
Inviting them to come and dine.
Chrift ate and drank with them, 'tis plain*
And like wife gave them fifh and bread ;
That they might never doubt again
That he was rifen from the dead.
O glorious truth ! that Chrift who dy'd,
As certainly did leave the tomb !
The proofs our fouls have fatisfy'd,
And for difpute there is no room.
His Refurreftion. 8 f
The great Meeting, where our Saviour Jbevied him*
fiif to above Five Hundred Brethren at once.
1 Cor. xv. 6.
"DEFORE our blefTed Lord was flain,
He did foretel with certainty
That he mould die, and rife again,
And meet them all in Galilee.
A mountain was th' appointed place,
Where all were notify'd to meet,
Where they with joy beheld his face,
And worfhipp'd at his facred feet.
More than five hundred brethren then
Beheld their Lord, and heard his voice \
Who long furviv'd to tell to men
That news at which our fouls rejoice.
Then he the great commiffion gave
To teach all nations, and baptize ;
Chrift dy'd and rofe, mankind to fave*
And now he lives above the fkies.
86 The Pracefs of Chrijl.
The infallible Proofs of the Refurreftion tfjefus*
X\ Y many proofs Infallible,
Our bleiTed Lord was mown ;
Enough the facred writers teH,
And more by them was known*
Ten times they mention he appear 'd,
Before he did afcend,
To one, to more, to all, and chearM
Their fpirits to the end.
To James 'tis mention'd he did mow
Himfelf upon a day,
But what he faid we do not know,
Since fcripture doth not fay.
All thefe appearances combine
To prove the Gofpel true,
They mew Chrifl's million was divine,
And bring our heav'n to view*.
For life and immortality
Are hereby brought to light ;
And future blifs with certainty
Shines in full Iuftre bright. "
6. Since
His Refurreflzon and Afenfion. 8/
Since Jefus rofe and left the dead,
He furely us will raife,
And we ihall live with him our head,
And fiiout his endlefs praife.
Our Saviour's laf Appearance to his Difciples, and
his Afcenf.cn into Heaven.
St. Luke xxiv. 5c, 51, 52, 53, Acts i. 2— —is*
A T length when forty days were o'er,
; The blefled time was nigh, .
When Jefus ihonki be feen once more,
And then afcend on high.
Th' Apoftlesin Jerufalem,
On this occzdon met, -
Jefus appear *d, and charged them
With work of mighty weight.
Then to the mount of Olives walk'd,
Wirh all the chofen band ;
And by the way divinely talk'd,
And made them underftand.
Hs 4. How
83 rie Procefs of 'Chvift,
How wife and gracious were his laws !
How excellent his will !
They with delight efpous'd his caufe,
And did his work fulfil.
When they were come to Bethany,
His bleffing there was giv'n ; ,
Which he pronounc'd with fervency,
Then took his flight for heav'n.
Pirft flowly rifing from the ground,
With wonder they beheld,
Till a bright cloud enwrapp'd him round,
And him from them conceal'd.
They worfhipp'd him, and then return'd,
With joy and great delight ;
Their hearts with glowing raptures burn'd,
At the amazing fight.
It muft have been a glorious view,
And wond'rous to behold,
When Chr id to earth did bid adieu,
As fcripture had foretold.
His Jfcerijion. %
¥he Prophecies of his Afcenfion*
' fFHE facred prophecies we trace,
Which of ourLord's afcenfion treat \
In onr Redeemer's blefTed face
The iines as in a centre meet.
When Jefns did afcend on high
• Captivity he captive led;
Approach'd the portals of the iky,
A mighty warrior who had fped.
Lift up your heads eternal gates,
Unfold, in Hate to entertain
The King of Glory, lo he waits,
To enter, with his mining train !
i t 4.
: put who can claim admittance here?
What form of man can entrance find J
j Who can before the throne appear ?
1 Or undertake for human kind ?
! ! . ' . ' 5*'
i It is Jehovah, mighty, ftrong,
Who hath the battle fought and won:
1 To whom the kingdom doth belong,
Th ! citiucil Father's darling Son.
H 3 6. Lift
90 The Procefs of Chrijf,
Lift np your heads ye gates, un r >'d,
Ye everlaftiflg dcors give wa ;
The King of gloi;y here behold,
With glory crown'd : his voice obey.
Who is this King of glory ? who ?
It is Jehovah, Jefos, Lord ;
Who did his mighty foes fubdue ;
And mall for ever be ador'd.
Prophecies of his Afceufoti.
/~lOD is afcendedwith a fhout,
And trumpet's joyful found ;
Jleav'n opens, angels iflue out,
Their Lord and King furround.
To his great name high praifes ling,
And raife triumphant (bugs:
He i< the Lord our Saviour King,
And praife to him belon
He is the Prince of heav'nly birth,
The Lord of high renown,
fie (hall be King ofall the earth,
And wear the rich t ft crown.
4. He
His Afccnjkn, 9,
He fits upon his holy throne
Until that glorious day,
en he (hall be to all made Known,
And all fliali him obey.
Thehcav'ns have now our Lord received,
And him they will retain,
10 hath fuch works atchiev'd
Shall come, on earth to reign.
6 \
The Restitution fliali begin,
Of whit -h our God hath fpoke;
A final end be made of fin,
His promife can't be broke.
n m
We hail our Saviour on his throne,
Jefus, our God, and King!
And while his government we own,
We will give thanks and (ing.
Part of Pfahn ex. paraphrafed*
JEHOVAH to our Saviour fpake,
Sit thou at my right hand,
1 Till I thy foes thy footftool make,
And give thee evVy la/id.
2. Thou
qz Tlje Prccefsof Cbrift.
Thou didft the mighty work fulfil,
Which I appointed thee;
And I declare my foy'reiga will,
Thou malt exalted be.
To thee mall ev'ry foe iubmit.
And own^thy pow'rful fway:
And haughty monarchs at thy feet,
Shall all their honours lay.
Moft lib'ral mall thy people feem,
When thy great day fhall come ;
The multitudes thou malt redeem,
How infinite their fum !
Their numbers like the drops of dew
From fruitful womb of morn,
Proclaim thy converts not a few
Who fhall to thee be born.
Through all. the earth thou flialt be known.
Rule thou with powV divine ;
Till ev'ry nation mail thee own,
And all the world be thine.
His AfcenRon. gft
Chvifi exalted and gfortfieet.
CJOW f'.veetand pleafaat is the thought,
Jefusour Saviour dwells above !
And he hath never yet forgot
Mankind, the objects of his love,
Humanity is glorify d
Jn his dear perfon, now enthron'd !
:ed at his Faiher's fide,
Who once for all our fins aton'd.
i Is this the babe of Bethlehem ?
The man of fbrrows, fon of grief?
Whom Pontius Pilate did condemn ?
See him the whole Creation's Chief.
i What glory doth his head adorn !
Oh how reiplendant doth he thine !
Who once was dcenVd accurs'd forlorn,
Lo now his form appears divine!
How mould we triumph and rejoice.,
To fee our Saviour rais'd fo high {
J' Who Mr thcie regions once by choice,
And came to earth to bleed and die !
6. O ma\
94 Toe Procefs of Chrlft*
O may we love him more and more,
And always in his truth delight,
That we may reach that heav'nly fhore,
And dwell for ever in his fight !
The Inter cejjion of Chrijl.
H^HE blefTed thought that Jefus lives .
To intercede for me,
Abundant fatisfa£tion gives,
And fets my fpirit free.
When I am plung'd in deep diflrefs,
And fill'd with tortYing pain,
Rememb'ring Jefus lives to blefs,
I fing for joy again.
. 3-
Who mall condemn if God approve ?
'Tis Chrift our Lord that dy'd ;
Yea, rofe, and intercedes above,
And doth our prieit abide.
He's therefore able to redeem,
Andfave in very deed
AH thofe who come to God by him,
Becaufe he lives to plead.
5. O what
His Inter cejjion. 95
O what a great high prieft we have,
Jefus the Son of God !
Who liv'd, dy'd, rofe, our fouls to fave,
And wafh'd us in his blood.
In him I truft with all my heart,
And venture on his grace,
And hope that nothing eer lhall part
My foul from his embrace. t
Since he's mv Prophet, King, and Pricfr,
Why mould I be afraid ?
My caufe with him I wholly reft,
Who once my ranfom paid.
I know the Lord in whom I truft,
And firmly Ibelieve
That he is faithful, pow'rful, juft,
I And never will deceive.
He is my glorious Advocate,
And will fupport me through,
jHe's wife, good, merciful and great,
Moft holy, righteous, true.
5$ Tfo Procefs of Chrljt.
The Day cfPenteccft.
pOME blefTed Spirit, raife our fongs
To reach the wonders of that day,
When thou appear'd like cloven tongues,
And did fuch glorious fcenes djfplay.
Ten days the blefled company,
Did praying for thy corning wait,
When mighty wind did fuddenly
Fill all the manfion where they fate.
Then cloven tongues of heav'nly flame,
Did on the head of each appear,
Then with new tongues they did proclaim
The Gofpel, that mankind might hear.
This mighty work was nois'd about,
And foon a num'rous multitude
Aflembled, many Jews devout
With great amazement wond'ring flood ;
Becaufe each heard his native fpeech,
By Galileans fpoken plain;
Then Peter rofe, and fo did preach,
As fevral thoufand fouls to gain.
6. That
The Day of Penttcoft. 97
That was a day of blefled things!
(O could our eyes the like behold !)
Jefus the mighty King of Kings,
Saw many foldiers then enroll'd.
Three thoufand were that day immers'd,
True penitents, who glad receiv'd
The truths which Peter had rehears'd,
And who in Jefu's name believ'd.
' Thefe all continued ftedfaftly
In the Apo files fellowfhip,
i Receiv'd with much fincerity
The doctrine which they bade them keep,
In faith and love, and conftant pray V,
In breaking bread, they did abide ;
Did daily to God's houfe repair,
I And did for all their poor provide.
Their common meals with joy they made,
With finglenefs of heart did eat ;
[They praifed God, their fouls were glad,
Then was their bleil communion fweet-
93 the Procefs of Chrifi*
^hefirjt Chrifkian Church,
TTOW charming was that harmony, .
Which in the Chriftian church was found,
When peace, love, joy and unity,
Did in the hearts of all abound !
Their faith and order was the fame,
One Lord, one faith , one baptifm had,
Each other lov'd with pureft flame,
Their hearts rejoic'd, their tongues were glad,
The happy, faithful multitude
Were one in heart, and foul and mind ;
Such Chriftians holy angels view'd,
Saw heav'n begun among mankind,
Great grace was found upon them all,
Their joy and love who can expre fs ?
God heard, and anfwer'd at their call ;
And who can paint their happinefs ?
O might fuch days return again !
O could our eyes fuch glory fee !
Jefus, when thou on earth fhall reign,
More glorious times by far fhall be.
The Day ofPentecoJ. 99
The Defcent of the holy Spirit, and the glorious Ccnfc-
quences of the fame 9
FTPON the Day of Pentecoft,
What wondrous works were fhown !
When Jefus lent the Holy Ghoft,
To make his glory known !
It came like to the lofty found
t Of mighty wind, from heav'n,
And fiird the houfe where they were found:
To them choice gifts were giv'n.
ft feem'd like cloven tongues of fire,
And fat on each of them ; -*
And fill'd them with intenfe defire,
( The Saviour to proclaim.
But when to fpeak they did begin,
Their words had fuch fuccefs,
jThat thoufands foon were tunvd from fin,
To truth and righteoufnefs.
They did repent, and were baptis'd
In the Redeemer's name ;
|And by th* Apoftles were advis'd,
' To walk with pureft aim.
I a 6. So
lOO The VrocefsofChriJt.
So they continued fteadily
In gofpel truth, and grace,
In pray Ys, in love, and unity,
With joy they ran their race.
They felt and knew their fins forgiv'n,
Through their Redeemer's blood ;
Their hearts and hopes were fix'd on heav'n*
They liv'd like heirs of God.
The Same*
r\ 'TWAS a glorious hour,
A feafon of delight,
When God's own Spirit came with powV,
And evidence molt bright !
By this th' Apoftles knew
That Chrift had entered heav'n*
And had obtain'd the promife too,
By'God his Father giv'n.
The blefiing which he fhed,
Gave them authority
To preach him rifcn from the dead,
And glorify 'd on high.
4. Such
The Day o/Pentecoft. Ipj
Such bleflings did attend
The Gofpel on that day,
When Chrift the Holy Ghoft did fend,
That thoufands did obey.
The word they did receive
With joyfulnefs of heart,
And did in Jefu's name believe,
And in his Jove had part.
They earneftly enquired
What God would have them do ?
Soon they qbtain'd what they deiir'd,
And practis'd what they knew.
They heard, and were baptiz'd,
And with the* faints did join,
God's inftitutions much they priz'd,
Of origin divine.
^Vhen fhall thofe days return ?
When fhall the faints agree ?
£nd when fhall Zion ceafe to mourn,
And her delivVance fee?
I o& Toe Procefs of Chrijf.
The Same,
TyiTH jov we celebrate that day,
VV Wher/Chrift his promife did fulfil.
And fejit the Spirit to difplay
His gifts, according to God's will.
Jefus received gifts for men,
That God the Lord with them might dwell,
How bleft were his A po files* when
The holy Spirit on them fell 1
They fpake with tongues, the Gofpel preach'd,
That Jefus dy'd, and rofe again ;
Their words jhe hearts of many reach'd,
Who bow'd and own'd the Lamb once (lain.
The wond'rous miracles they wrought,
In Jefu's name, and by hi? pow'r,
Confirm'd the doclrine which they taught,
And fpread his knowledge more and more.
O Lord, pour out thy Spirit now,
On old and young, in thefe our days,
That multitudes to Chrifl may bow,
And henceforth walk in wifdom's ways.
6. Let
The Day ofPenteceft. I O 3
Let true Chriftianity be found
In its firft pure fimplicity ;
May truth, love, joy and peace abound,
And Chriitians ail live righteoufly.
The In-dwelling of the Holy Spirit in the Hearts of
true Believers.
; n^HOSE who are by the Spirit led,
j They are the Sons of God ;
To felf, fin, world and luft are dead.
Are cleans'd in Jefu's blood.
! The Spirit's facred fruits they bear,
Love, joy, peace, gentlenefs,
jLong-fufPring, goodnefs, faith (incere,
j Meeknefs they do pofTefs.
■ They're fober, temperate, andjufl,
Mercv and truth they love ;
• They in their Saviour's merits truft.
And all his ways approve.
Taught by the Spirit of the 1 Lord,
They his commands obey :
Their fouls, directed by his word,
Walk in the heav'nly way.
5. The
1 04 The Procefs of Cbrift.
The Spirit mews their iins forgiv'n,
And makes the Gofpel known ;
Seals them, and makes them meet for heav'n,
Prepares each for a throne.
It makes them Abba Father, cry,
And their adoption feals,-
AfFures their hopes of joys on high,
And heav'nly things reveals.
Its witnefs with our fpirits bears,
That we are born of God,
And with our Saviour are joint heirs ? -
d to him by blood.
Let us not grieve the facred Dove,
The earneft of our blifs,
The t iheds abroad our Father's love ?
And makes and feals us his.
Lord, fend the Spirit of thy Son,
In all our hearts to dwell :
That fo the work in us begun,
May be compleated well.
Tralfe to Chrifl. IOJ
The Procefs ofChrijt.
SING my glorious Lord,
Tho Saviour of mankind,
Let all the Saints with one accord
In this be join'd.
I fing his wond'rous birth,
Who was of woman born,
To fave poor man he dwelt on earth,
Defpis'd, forlorn.
Behold the Saviour prove
By miracles divine,
That he came down from heav'n above,
With grand defign.
He came to do the will
Of God the Lord moil high,
The facred prophecies fulfil,
He came to die.
He dy'd for finfu! man,
He yielded up his breath,
According to the wond'rous plan,
He tiffed death.
He did defcend to hell,
And preach d the gofpel there,
To wretched fpirits, who did dwell
In deep defpair.
3. Thsir
106 Praife to Cbrijf.
Their fouls he did redeem,
By his moil precious blood ;
And therefore they (hall live to him.
Their Lord and God.
Ke is the Lord of all,
7'he living, and the dead ;
And they fliall hearken to his call,
And own their head.
He rofe on the third day,
And fhew'd himfelf alive ;
He whom the fons of men did (lay
Did foon revive.
He did afcend to Heav'n,
And fits at God's right hand,
From thence the Holy Ghoft was giv n
To his dear band.
They did the gofpel preach,
Salvation publifh'd wide,
And did to Jews and Gentiles teach
That Chrift had dy'd,
And that he rofe again,
And did to heav'n afcend ;
And lhali return 'on earth to reign.
Before the end.
This gofpel we believe,
For we its pow'r have felt,
When we our Saviour's love receive
Our hearts do melt. We
Praife to Chrift. XC;
We love our glorious King,
And triumph in his grace;
And truft he will his fervants bring
To fee his face.
When Jefus fhall appear
In glory bright array'd,
His voice fhall all the righteous hear,
And leave the dead.
They'll rife with him to reign,
He'll give to each a crown ;
Then all the faints fhall honours gain
And high renown.
What glorious things are thefe !
How worthy of our fong !
Behold what wondrous promifes,
To faints belong!
The day is at the door
When Jefus fhall defcend,
And we fhall be for evermore
With our dear' friend.
Jefus our Lord mail re'gn,
Till all his foes fubmit,
Till he the victory fnall gain,
And fin defeat.
All things fhall reconcile,
Redeem, rehead, reftore ;
Then fhall the great Creator finife,
To frown no more. HYMNf
ic8 Prarfeto Cbrijt.
Jefus the Delight cf the true Believer*
TESUS, the thought of Thee
J With rapture fills my breaft ;
But fweeter far it is to fee
And with Thee feaft.
No harmony fo gay
Did mufic ever frame
No thoughts can reach, no words can fay
How fweet thy name.
Thy name infptres my mind,
With ever new delight,
More than I afk in thee I find,
By day and night.
No eloquence of words,
Can tell the joys of love,
Which Jefu's blefTed name affords,
To thofe who prove,
Thou who didft die for me
Upon the mameful crofs,
What mall I do to- honour Thee,
Who gain'd my lofs ?
I'll dedicate my heart
To ferve thee all my days,
My tongue mall bear a joyful part,
Tofing thvpraife.
Praife to Chriji. 1 09
In thy bleft fteps I'll tread,
And thy commands obey ;
Tofelf, the world, to fin be dead :
I'll watch and pray.
Give me an heart like thine,
As free from wrath and pride.-
May I be fili'd with love divine,
And fan&ifyd.
5 ;'
Thy pow'r I fain would know,
To cleanfe my foul from fin ;
More of thy-faving grace bellow,
And make me clean,
Come Lord, poflefs my heart,
And rule and reign in me,
And let me have that better part,
My Lord, in Thee.
„ 6.
Thy glory mines mofl clear,
To thofe who do thy wiP,
Where'er they go, they find Thee near^
Their hearts to fill.
Thou art their fun and fhield,
Strength, wifdom, righteoufnefs.
-By Thee, they are for glory feaPd,
Spirit of grace.
ri^ Praife to Chrijl.
Praife to the Redeemer*
rpHOU worthy Lamb of God,
Whom heav'nly hofts adore,
Who did for finners ihed thy blood,
Their forrows bore.
Who dv'd and rofe again,
Afcended up above,
And there doft intercede for men,
We fing thy love.
Thy pity ftoop'd fo low,
As reach'd our woeful cafe,
Thy life, thy blood, Thou didil bellow*
For our loft race.
Thou didft behold us loft,
And didft refolve to have
The human race, whate'er the coft,
Our fouls to fave.
Thy blood was fhed for all,
That ail might be reftor'd \
The world mall hearken to thy call r
And own Thee Lord.
For yet a little while,
And thou with joy mall fee
The fruit of all thy pain and toil,
Return to Thee.
4. All
Praife to Chrift. 1 1 1
; All things in heav'n {hall bow,
And all on earth confefs,
All things howe'er rebellions now,
Thy name (hall blefs.
To Thee all tongues (hall fwear,
And true allegiance pay ;
1 And all thy bieft commands ihall hear,
And (hall obey.
God will in Thee rehead, ,
And gather all in one,
All things, all hofts, all quick and dead,
In Thee his Son.
"Thou who didfl once make peace,
By thine own precious blood,
I Shall fee all things from evil ceafe,
Reilor'd to God.
For fuch a glorious plan,
Accept our highefl praife ; *
Thy boundlefs love to (infill man,
Shall wake our lays;
In ioudeft joyful ftrains
The glowing theme to flng,
And tell who bore our woes and pains,
Jefus our King.
•Here let all people join,
With warmer! hearts and tongues,
|To praife our Lord in notes divine,
And iweeteQ fangs, la
f r& Prazfeto Chrtjt.
Jn vain we drive to raife
tongs to reach his fame ;
He belt adores who more obeys
The Lord the Lamb.
The glorias G of pel ofChrz/l.
T OW can we be afham'd
~JL Of fuch a wond'rous plan,
Which God hath in his wifdoni fram'd,
To raniom man ?
Here goodnefs join'd with pow.'r,
Difplays the grand defign,
Poor man to fave, redeem, reftorc,
By grace divine.
What news the Gofpel brings
To drive away our fears !
Grand, true, important, glorious things
Salute our ears.
We hear that Chrift was born,
Liv'd, dy'd, and rofe again,
To fave the race of men forlorn,
From fin and pain.
«. H$
Pralfe to Chrijt. 1 1 3
He did afcend on high,
That he might intercede ;
The Saviour who for men did die,
Now lives to plead.
He lives forevermore ;
Our fouls to heav'n he'll bring ;
J We fliall eternally adore
Our .Lord and King.
Praife to Chrijl as our Prophet, Pricjl, and ' Khig.
MY Saviour, Prophet, Pried:, and King,
With joy thine offices I iing ;
j Jesus the Saviour is thy name,
! Who on the crofs did'ft bear my fliame.
j Thou glorious Prophet of my God,
< Thou heav'nly Prieft who filed thy blood,
j To fave my foul from death and (in,
' Rule as mv Kiny; with pow'r divine.
The method which thou dofl employ.
Thy glorious purpofe to fi
Pifp laying love, and pow'r, and (kill.
*I4 fraife toCbifi.
My Prophet, teach me all thy ways !
My King, O rule me by thy grace !
My Prieft, who dy'd, and rofe to plead,
Stili for a Sinner intercede !
Praife and Gratitude in Remembrance of the Saviour's
TV/ST forg mall always be of hirn
"Who gave himfelf for me ;
That dy d a. finner'to redeem,
And bled upon the tree.
I never can his love forget,
Who fuffer'd for my good :
His wounded head, hands, fide, and feet s
Pour'd forth the facred flood.
That blood can warn my flains away,
And purify my heart :
By faith on Jefus I would fray,
Who for my fins did fmart.
What can I pay for love fo vaft ?
What do for him that dy'd ?
Let me with mifpent time that's paft
Be more than fatisfy'd,
f. Foe
Pratfe to Cbrifi. j i J
For time to come I would fulfil
The pleafure of my Lord ;
Obey his precepts, do his will,
And magnify his word.
Lord, let me think, and acl, and fpeak,
Like Chrift, and have his mind ;
Like him be humble, loving, meek.
Mild, patient, and refign'd.
Like him on earth I wim to be,
That when he doth appear,
I may rejoice his face to fee,
Arid his bleft voice to hear.
Ye are not your own, Sec, I Cor. vi. 19, 20,
I- ^
T ORD, how can we exprefs
) j The praifes that we owe,
iTo thee, the Lord, our R'ghteoufnefs,
Who faveft us from woe ?
Great wonders thou haft wrought,
And boundlefs grace difplay'd;
jThy love exceeds an angel's thought,
And cannot be repaid.
3. Yet
1 1 6 Repentance*
Yet, cleared Lord, receive
The tribute of our tongues,
Our fouls, and all to thee we give,
Our all to thee belongs.
For we are not our own.
But are redeem'd by Thee :
And may we live to thee alone,
And thine for ever be.
¥he Penitent f elf -condemned, trufii-ng in Cbvl;!,
T^HY judgments great God, are equal and juft,
Propitious thou art to mortals below ;
But for my tranfgreffions and treafons I muft
Be doomed to fuffer in mis'ry and woe.
Yes, O mv good God, my fins are fo high,
So loudlv for wrath and punifhment call,
Thine int'reit oppofes my felicity,
And even thy mercy expecls I mould fall.
* ">.
Content thy defire, if glorious to Thee,
Be angry with tears, which flow from mine eyest
Offend not thy juftice in pardoning me ;
J\ T o j rather iet vengeance the guilty furprize.
V For
Repentance. 1 1 7
Tor though I mould die, the caufe I'll adore
My fins they deferve the threatening ftroke;
I'm juflly expelling thy thunder to roar,
And punifh a rebel who xlid Thee provoke.
But O, with a turn furprizing I cry, [fall ?
Lord, where fhall thy wrath and thunder now
For Jefus my Saviour did fuffer and die,
His blood covers over, and ihieids me from all.
Deep Contrition for Sin.
WITH forrow and bitter diitrefs
I feel, and lament for my fins,
My numerous follies confefs,
My weeping in earned begins*
The follies of childhood and youth,
Tranfgreffions of my riper years,
Proclaim me a finner in truth,
And fill me with terrors and fears.
I I am grieved for what I have done,
In finning againfl my good God ;
In ways of tranfgreflion I've run,
And juftly deferved his rod.
My fins I can never excufe,
Alas I have often rebell'd !
Sin rather than grace I did chufe, f held.
Which would me from finning wich-
3. A iinner
1 1 $ Repentance
A Tinner, O what ftiall Fdo ?
My cafe it is dreadfully bad,
God's terrors my conference purfue,
And where can deliv'rance be had
A glimpfe of falvation for me,
Such tidings indeed would be good,
But where can encouragement be,
For one who hath mercy withftood ?
Yet Lord, T would never defpair,
Since Jefus for finners hath dy'd,
To him I would humbly repair,
And in his falvation confide.
I'll hope in the mercy of God,
Revealed in Tefus his Son ;
Deliv'rance I'll (eek through his blood ;
And evil henceforward will fhun.
An earneji Supplication for Pardon,
C\ GOD be merciful to me,
O hear the iinner's cry ;
And let me thy falvation fee, v
Or elfe, behold I die !
Repentance. 1 1 9
I am a firmer great indeed,
1 have tranfgrefled much ;
But when thy precious word I read,
rid thou faveftfuch.
My Tins have reached unto heav'n,
And are before thy fight ;
Let mercy Lord to me be giv'n,
In which Thou doft. delight.
I am unworthy of thy grace,
But as thy love is Iree,
De::r Lord, behold my wretched cafe,
And help and pardon me.
Lord, here I am, and would refign
My foul into thine hands ;
: Let me for evermore incline,
To praclife thy commands.
teach me what I have not known,
Nor underflood before ;
! And wherein I have evil done,
1 I will offend no more.
Take mine iniquities away,
J And all my fins deftroy ;
\o will I praife Thee ev'ryday^
And loudly fhout for joy.
- T -Q Repent and.
A bitter Lament at ion for Siri*
'Tis a grievous bitter thing,
I now by fad experience find,
That I have finn'd againft my King,
Nor kept his precepts in my mind.
Had I but once his law tranfgrefs'd^
It muft a lamentation been,
A forrow not to be exprefs'd ;
What then is all my mafs of fin ?
O that my head were waters deep !
' My eyes to living fprings were turn'd !
That day and night I (till might weep,
For what fhould be for ever mourn'd.
Againft my gracious God I've finn'd,
How bitter are my fins to me !
And mine iniquities like wind.
Have far removed my foul from Tfiee.
What {hall I do? where fliall I go ?
Or what fliall eafe me of my pain?
What balm can cure my grievous woe ?
From whence deliy'rance can I gain ?
6. Behold
Faith. 12*
Behold, the Saviour's bleeding wounds
pour forth the very balm I need ;
le gofpel pardon founds;
O this is welcome news indeed !
Why mould I then defpair and die,
>d thejuft can fins forgive?
. the tear from forrow's eye,
id bid the guilty fmner live ?
1 and fall before his feet,
it unworfhinefs confefs,
And while his mercy I intreat,
I'll own myfelf unrighteoufnefs.
Jjofi thou helle-ve on the Son cf God? St. John ix. 35
jPHFJST is the Author of our faith,
d the great object too ;
tirades, and death,
; Are fafts we own as true.
ills Relurreftion from the dead,
i Afceniion into heav'n,
nterceilion for us made 7
The Holy Spirit giv n :
L 3. That
1ZZ Faith -.
That he from Heav'n fliall come again,
In glory mall defcend,
Shall raife his faints, and rule and reign,
And with his foes contend :
Shall all his enemies fubdue,
And order fliall reftore ;
Thele are important things, and true;
But faith requires much more.
We muft not only thefe believe,
But be convinc'd of fin,
And for our Saviour, Chrifl receive,
And a new life begin.
In his dear name we muft rejoice,
Who doth falvation bring ;
Take him with undivided choice,
As Prophet, Prieft, and King.
Lord, I believe thy facred word,
And on thy grace relv : '
To me thine heav'nly aid afford^
Thy name to glorify.
Faiib, 123
'BeTiC'vc in the Lord Jefus Chriji, and thou foall be
favcd. Acts xvi. 31.
VTY trembling foul enquires to know,
To whom for refuge I lhoulci go ?
But lo, the Gofpel doth reply,
To Jefus for faivation fly.
In him are peace and fafety found,
And healing balm for ev'ry wound ;
There's none who come to him lhall be
Rejected, for his grace is free.
He's wifdom, ftrength, and righteoufoefs,
In him all good we do poflefs ;
i He fanclifies us by his grace,
S fits our fouls to fee his lace.
; >
: He Cacd for u? his precious blood,
To reconcile the world to God ;
I And interceffion makes above,
Confirming thus to men his love.
Lord, I believe, and firmly truft,
|In thy kind hands, thou good andjufr,
I My f„a] with all I am or have,
Jtelieving thou art ftrong to fave.
L 2, 6. The
1 24 Confidence In Conj?,
The words of endlefs life thou haft,
And I would hold that promife faft,
That whofo doth believe in thee,
Shall be. from condemnation free.
ims is enough, here would I dwell,
Nor fear the pow'rs of death and hell ;
In Chrift my Saviour I confide,
And all I need he will provide.
2\ T o Re/i norfafeiy but in the divine promife J y hi Chriji
J ejus the Saviour.
VAIN things allure and charm the mind,
And lead our fouls from thee our Lord ;
But we no reft nor peace can find,
But what thy promifes afford.
We rove, and feek for folid ground,
To reft our finking fouls upon ;
But no fafe {belter can be found,
But Chrift the fure foundation ftone.
. .3-
This is the blefTed hiding place,
Where finners find a fure repofe ;
9 Tis here they tafte the richeft grace,
And here falvation's water flows.
I. 'Tis
Confidence in Cbrift* lz$
*Tis here pcor guilty mortals find,
A fclici ground of lifting hope ;
peace and light to chear the mind,
Which did in darknefs blindly grope,
O glorious refuge from the heat!
An hiding place from frormy wind !
Safe and fee u re in this retreat,
Peace, reft, and confidence we find.
Nothing fhall drive our fouls from thee,
Or make us feek another home ;
JSince all we want in Chrifl we fee,
Infinite bleflmgs, boundlefs room.
Trujling in Chrift, and Praying him for bis Love,
SAVIOUR of men, we blefs thy name,
For thou art good forevermore ;
(Thy pow'rand grace we would proclaim,
( And thine eternal love adore.
L Q "
Thy counfels fhall for ever ftand,
Thy words are truth, and mail endure,
Our fouls we venture in thine hand,
And there we feel onrfelves fecure.
L 3 3. Though
126 Confidence in Chrijl.
Though troubles roll rows rife,
We (hall not fe:n\ iinre God s our aid ;
111 tidi 1 thofe fin prize
Who are upon Jehovah fcay'd.
Glory toChrift, our faithful friend;
Ke is oar helper ever near ;
On ]. (ways won Id depend,
And in his righteoufnefs appear.
We love the Lord our God mofl: high;
F:s grace demands onr nobleft fbng
O blefs his name who came to die !
From age to age his praife prole;.
Chriji the Comfort and Support of the maiming )
ful Soul.
r\ FORD, thou know'ft my fold's den res,
And then canft give me per
Thou art the food my heart reqr. 1
While fore afflictions on me feize.
Give me, O Ford, the happinefs,
To fit and hear thy graci<
Come, Saviour, come my foul poffi
And make my mourning heart rejc
3. Fo.d,
Confidence in Chrifi^ I - J
Lord, I would praife thy holy name,
Thou art mine everlafting friend ;
i haft not put my foul to thame ;
Preferve me fafely to the end.
Thou art my ftrength, and my fupport,
My -hope, my everlafting a ; d ;
To thee 1 always would refort,
And truft in thee, jvhenTm. afraid.
Thy name affords my foul relief,
When i withYorrows am oppreft ;
jWhen I am fill'd with bitter grief,
Thy word can give me peace and -reft,
(Teach me to do thy holy will,
Unite m) heart to fear thy name ;
: me to thine heav'nly hill,
Where {lands the new Jeruialem.
IWere not the Lord of Hods mv ftrength,
I ftiould fiave funk in deep defpair ;
But now I truft I /hall at length
Arrive at Canaan's harbour fair.
There /hall I reft forevermore,
. Fearlefs of dorms, and raging feas ;
A.nd dwell upon the heav'nly fhore,
I And feed on life's immortal trees.
128 Confidence in Cbrift.
Cleaving to Chrift, and tru fling in him for Deliver^
ance from Sin and iis Conjequences.
"OT all the powVs of earth and hell
Can fright my foul from thee my God ;
I fliarll with my Redeemer dwells
For he hath bought me with his blood,
What though the pow'rs of darknefs rage^
And tell me thft my hope is vain ;
Yet Chrift my. Saviour doth engage"
That fuch who truft him he II mfiain.
Mv fins begone, my cruel foes ;
My Saviour fliall pofTefs my heart,
Though once your company I chofe,
Yet now I bid you all Depart.
I love my fhephcrd, he (hall guide
My feet to find dnd keep his way j
He will fur round me ev vy fide ;
And mine iniquities will flay.
. ' 5-
J-Iis grace fufficient is for me,
To fave from ev'ry hurtful mare ;
£hd bring me home his face to fee,
And give my foul a portion there.
6. My
Confidence in C 1 2 3
.teful fins entirely flain,
ill hurt and vex my foul no more,
i Hi all with my Saviour r<
I are o'er,
QUIT all thefe fooliih trifling toys,
i vain ; jf
• its are but noifej
loon expire in pain.
the gofpel there is food,
; ! 1 and chear the mind ;
The true, fubftantial, beav'nly good,
e may in Jefus find.
Behold, what pure and iblid joys,
in religion found 1
true blifs, which never cloys •
id is with glory crown'd.
^HShrifr our Lord there is a florc
■Of bleflings infinite ;
;her that we foar,
I^The greater our delight.
5. When
130 Prarfe to God for Salvation*
When we by faith behoJd the frream
That fiovv'd from Tefu's fide,
How does the thought enrich our theme,
For us the Saviour dv'd !
What riches of abundant grace,
In I (fus we behold !
Such treafures for the human race
As can't by tongues be told.
O bon ndlefs ocean ! deep abyfs!
Which flows creation round \
In fuch a fca of love as this,
Our higheft thoughts are drown'd.
Jjcfrinv always to rcrngmher the Wonders of Go
Lcve made knonxrn in cur Salvation,
^EAR Lord, how wond'rons is thy love,
^J To fuch unworthy worms as we !
Thou haft fent down the heav'nly Dove,
To fet our fouls at liberty.
We that were doom'd to woe and pain,
Expos'd to death of ev'ry kind,
Through Jefus Chrifl, the Lamb once flain,
Do life and peace and pardon iind.
3. Sh
Praife to God for Salvation. I 3 \
Shall we forget our Saviour's grace,
Who dy'd to fave our guilty fouls,
And bring us to his Father's face,
Where everlafting pleafure rolls ?
Forbid, O Lord, each wand'nng thought,
May Chrift be all in our efteem ;
Let earthly things be all forgot,
And counted iofs compared with him.
Lord Jefus, make us bear in mind
Thy rich, thy pure, redeeming love,
Till we mall be for ever join'd
With thofe that iing thy praife above.
Then mail weftand before thy face,
" And fbout with all the ranfom'd throng;
Our cry fhall be, Free grace, free grace,
While endlefs ages roil along.
¥he Love and Grace of God imfpeakable.
CAN fuch poor feeble worm*; as we
Praife and adore our Saviour's name ?
{■Or bring a tribute Lord to Thee ;
Or half thv pow'r and love proclaim ?
2. Wc
t$k Traife to Get/ for Salvation *
We ftand arnauM when we behold
I hy beauty and thy goodnefs Lord !
Thy love and grace can ne'er be told,
Which thou to mortals (toft afford.
Yet Lord, we would attempt thy praife,
We would exalt thy holy name ;
We love to tread thy pleafant ways,
And fing with joy thy wond'rous fame.
would our fouis mount up to Thee,
• And dwell for ever in thy love ;
And praife the glorious Deity,
As Angels do who dwell above.
The aflonijhing love if God made knonun in the I
^ of a
"PjID our Immanuel die for us,
To fave fuch poor rebellious men?
Did he difplay his pity thus,
That we might coine to God again ?
All human language wants a name,
For this unfathoirTd wond'rous love ,'
This pure immortal fervent flame,
Could only fpring from God above.
3. What
rraifc to God for Salvattbn. 13$
What can we add ? our fpeech is faint ;
We fink beneath the pond'rous load !
love no eloquence can paint ;
'Tis grand ! 'tis worthy of a God !
. 4-
O'envhelm'd with this abyfs of love,
We Hand aftonifli'd at the grace
That brought our Saviour from above,
To die for all the fallen race !
. 5;
Did our Immanuel die for us ?
This love can never be expreft !
For. tinners Chrift was made a curie,
That we might be for ever bleft.
jt grateful Recolkflkn of the BleJJings ofSahtoitn
that come to us by cur dear Saviour.
C\ LORD, thy goodnefs we admire,
That lent our bleffed Saviour do^
To fave us from eternal fire,
And bring iis to an heawnly crown.
The glorious Saviour of mankind
Did once for (infill men atone,
That we through him might pardon find,
And be acknowledged for his own.
M 3. We
1 5 4 . Praife to God for Salvation*
We that were bound in heavy chains,
Are now fet free by Chrift our King;
His love we know, what then remains,
But that our fouls his praifes fing ?
We that deferv'd the fecond death,
That flood expos'd to mifery,
Are call'd to praife him with our breath,
Who fets our fouls at liberty.
We by his crofs falvation gain,
And through his death are made to live ;
Ail glory to the Lamb once flain,
Who doth to men fuch bleflings give.
Defer ing to praife God here, and hereafter*
rpHE praife of God mall fill my foul
While I have breath, or ufe my voice;
And while eternal ao-es roll
In Chriit my Lord I will rejoice,
O let me count no (late my reft
Till I (hall come to God above,
Till I mail lean on Jefu's breaft,
And drink for ever of his love.
3. Then
Praifc to God for 8 ah at ion t l$$
Then fhall the wonders of his name,
Conftrain my joyful foul to fing;
1 (lull eternally proclaim
The glories of th' Almighty King.
The voice of endlefs harmony
My ravifh'd foul with joy fhall hear ;
No difcord in the melody,
Xo jarring founds mail ftrike mine ear.
Praife to Go J for his Mercy, which comes to the
PA\ we behold without amaze
I Our dear Redeemer's love r
Moil: marvellous are all his ways !
His kindnefles we prove.
To mortal worms he (hews his grace,
And makes his mercies known ;
On us the glories of his face
Moft wondYoufly have fhone.
y 3-
'Tis of his mercy that we live,
And common good polTefs ;
; J Tis mercv freely doth us give
The gift of righteoufnefs.
M z 4. Mercy
136 Praife to God for Salvation*
Mercy doth to the worthlefs come,
Or none ccjuld we receive :
But in God's mercy there is room
For finners, who believe.
Mercy refpe&s mere wretchednefs,
And perfect mifery ;
Chrift liv'd, dy'd, role, poor men to blefs,
With life and liberty.
At Meeting for Public Worjirip.
HPHE faints appear to tread the courts
Of their dear Lord below ;
Behold, the multitude reforts,
To hear the trumpet blow.
Lord God, appear for our relief,
And leave us not alone ;
Come Saviour, banifh unbelief,
And take us for thine own.
Wcrjhip, 137
)ur waiting eyes are unto thee,
Afliit us Lord, we pray ;
>od Spirit prefent be ; ^
6 God, thy love difplay.
efts, may we thy Gofpel hear ;
:h us to know thy voice :
n iinner fear,
td all thy faints rejoice.
^ome, Lord, be preftnt for our aid,
Lord, hear thy people pray ;
And call thee Father, Friend ;
And through his merits we fhall be
Accepted in the end
^ 7-
Thy Spirit mtercemon makes,
Helps our infirmities ;
And of the things of Jefus takes,
And mews them to our eyes.
Through Jefus, Jews and Gentiles have
Accefs, both full and free ;
And by one Spirit they may crave
All that they need from thee.
The God to whom we worfhip owe
Is plainly here reveal'd ;
Thefe words the Mediator mew,
The Spirit's not conceal'd.
The Char afters of true Worjhipper*.
Tf we would worfhip God aright,
We mull in ail things be fincere ;
No fawning, lying hypocrite,
Will God with approbation hear.
2. Nor
Worjhip. 147
Nor muft we be in love with fin,
If we would come before his throne ;
For worfhippers impure, unclean,
A holy God can never own.
Nor can a boafting Pnaniee,
Who {lands in all the pomp of pride,
By God the Juft accepted be,
Nor in his fight be jut'tify'd.
Nor thofe whofe hearts with malice burn,
Can ftand approv'd before the Lord ;
Their prayers muft to curfes turn,
And all their feryjce be abhorrd.
But penitents acceptance find.
How great foe'er their fins have been ;
For God is gracious, good and kind,
And full of mercy towards men.
Ail muft approach with fome degree
Of faith, or no acceptance gain ;
Believe in God, believe in me,
(Saith Chrift) if life you would obtain.
When ye ftand praying then forgive,
If ought againft mankind you feel,
That ye forgVvenefs may receive,
And God your pardon fure may feal.
N % 8. Come
14& Worjbip.
Come in the name of Jefus come,
And humbly afk the Spirit's aid ;
So ihall you find abundant room,
And have no caufe to be afraid.
The Svbjefls and Manner of General Inte^cejioti^
and the Foundation of the fame, i. Tim, ii. l y
2 > 3> 4> 5> 6 > 7> 8 -
T WILL that earned pray'r be made,
And fupplications for mankind ;
With interceffions ftrongly plead,
For all, and be thankigiving join'd.
For kings and rulers fupplicate,
Thai they may rule in righteoufnefe ;
That we may live in happy Hate,
And all our rights in peace pofTefs.
That we might live in honefty,
Free from oppreiliort, fraud and ftrife ;
Jn gcdlinefs efpecially,
1 hat we might pafs a quiet life,.
4. Fo
Worjbip. 14.9
For fuch defires our God approves,
This is acceptable and right ;
Since ev'ry foul of man he loves,
And in their welfare doth delight.
. 5-
Yea more, it is the will of God,
That all mankind (hall faved be,
Shall know the truth, and chufe the good,
And be from fin and error free.
And this (though difficult it feem)
May come to pafs, for God is one,
And hath determin'd to redeem
The human race, by Chrifl his Sort.
He is the Mediator ftrong,
Who was the ranfom for us all ;
^This (hall be teftify'd ere long,
To ev'ry creature, great and fmall.
This I'm appointed to declare,
(I fpeak the truth, and do not lie)
I teach the Gentiles every where,
In faith and ftrongeft verity,
I teach them Chrifl: hath dy'd for all, '
That God will every one reftore :
That all fhall hearken to his call,
Shall know the truth, and fin no more.
N 3 10. For
IjO Worjhip.
For this I will that men prefent
In faith their prayrs, with holy hands
Let neither wrath nor doubts prevent
Obedience to thefe blelt commands.
Bejiring that the preaching of the Go/pel may h$
/"YUR hearts rejoice in Jefu's name,
His word forbids our fear ;
With joy his Gofpel we proclaim,
That all mankind may hear.
To ev'ry creature we would preach
The grace of Chrift our Lord ;
Whofe mercy ev'ry foul can reach,
For pow'rful is his word..
As thou commanded, we have done,
Thy Gofpel have proclaimed ;
Thy counfel we would never fhun,
Nor be of thee afham'd.
Give us the pleafure, Lord, to fee
That mighty good is wrought ;
That many Tinners flock to thee,
And of our God are taught.
5. Let
lT r orJhip t
Let fuch as hear us be a crown
Of joy, in thy great day !
O Lord, our feeble labours own,
Thy faving grace difpiay.
Lord, we defire to know thy will.
And to obey the fame :
May we our courfe on earth fulfil,
And glorify thy name.
And may we all at laft enjoy
That everlafting peace,
Which nothing ever (hall deftrov,
Nor caufe it to decrease.
Rejoicing in Public N^orfpip.
YS7ELCOME once more the Solemn hour,
The hour of ph?c[ure and deifght !
"We praiie thy wifdom, love, and pow'r,
And bow with.rev.ren.ee in thy fight.
With greateft joy we wait to hear
Whit God the Lord to us wul j&jr-j
Vv r e in his prefencp would appear,-
And read h-is wor>.i r aivd praiic and CptfaVJ
* %] Tlide
Thefe feafons are an antepaft
Of thofe delights we hope to fee ;
Towards that blefled land we hade
Where we fliall dwell O Lord with thee.
Thefe preparation-days are giv'n,
That we might now in time prepare
To fee our Saviour's face in heav'n,
And with him in his kingdom fliarev
O let us then improve them well,
Nor the falvation great neglect ;
Then foon we mall with Jefus dwell,
And be accounted his elect.
1 'he great Privilege of being allowed to To all that live ; whom none can fee.
To him be endlefs praifes giv'n,
Pow'r, glory, might, and highef: fame,
By ev'ry one, in earth, or heav'n,
Whofe ears have heard his wond'rous name.
156 Worjlnp.
New the Qod of Peac-e, &c Heb. xiii. 20, 21.
NOw may the God of peace and love,
That rais'd our Saviour from the dead,
1 hat glorious Shepherd, who above
And over #11 things is the head ;
£) may he through that precious blood
Which jefus, flied, us perfect make
In ev'ry wprd and aclion good,
To do ai^d fufter for hisYake,
May what is pleafing in his fight,
By us be thought, and faid, and done \
And may'.we fconitantJy delight
To practife good, and vice to fhun.
O grant us this, through Chrift our Lord,
In him we would be ever found ;
He worthy is to be ador'd,
And with eternal glory crown'd.
tyiftjbip+ Vgf
Before Sermon.
*pHOU, who haft caus'd thy facreci word
To be for our inftruciion penn'd,
Thy light and grace to us afford,
That we may all cur ways amend.
May we fo read, hear, mark and learn,
And inwardly thy word digeft,
And fo attend our great concern,
That we may gain eternal reft.
. 3-
That blefled hope which thou haft giv'n
Of endlefs life, may we retain ;
Through Chrift we hope to enter heav'n,
And joy and gladnefs there to gain.
Before Sermon.
TTE that hath ears, now let him hear,
What holy fcripture faith ;
God's word mould be efteemed dear,
And always mix'd with faith.
O i. What
f$ JVerlhlp.
at hiftories therein* are told !
v wonderful ! how true !
How many worthies there enroll 'd,
Examples are for you !
How wife the rules ! the laws how good
Which are in fcripture found !
The promrfes*, when underftood
Vv ith grace and love abound.
The prophecies therein reveal'd
Our ciofe attention claim ;
Have been, or ftiall be all' fulfill'^
For God abides the fame.
God's words are true, and ju ft, and pure,
And none of them can t fail;
What he hath fpoken mtrff endure,
And profper and prevail.
Then let us read, and'hear, and mark.
Believe, and hope, and Jove,
And walk no longer in the dark.
But foar to joys above.
Worjbipn 159
After Sermon,
T ORD, we have heard thy word procla*
Gh, let us never be afliam'd
To hear, profefs, learn, keep and do ;
Let none forgetful hearers be,
But may we all falvation fee,
And ever keep thv love in v:
Lord, let thy truth in us abide,
And may our fouls be purify'd
From err. , and ev'ry fin ;
Fill us with me< ice and love,
With heav'njy w i id qui from above,
And may. we feel ati heav'n within.
Preferve us £r*om hypocrify,
May we retain integrity,
Think, fpeak, and act as in thy fiohf ;
And when our courfe on earth is rujft s
The battle fought, the vicVry won,
:-ve us to the realms of light*
i6o Worjhlp.
DISMISS us from thy houfe of prayV,
With bleffings, fuch as mortals need ;
And make our fouls thy conflant care,
Till we from evil (hall be freed.
And if we never meet again
Till we our Lord's appearing fee,
O may we all with Jefus reign,
Ami always with our Saviour be.
Q BLESSED be our heav'nly King,
Foi fuch great things as thefe ;
With joy thy praifes we would fing,
And fnout thy victories.
Thy wonders, Lord, to us made known,
Exceed our nobleft fongs ;
Thy favours granted we will own,
With grateful hearts ajnd tongues. ,
IForjbip. \b\
^FHY Gofpel which we now have heard
Imprefs it on each heart ;
And may that grace which hath appeared
Its faving pow'r impart.
May we repent, believe, and hope,
And chearfully obey ;
Till Jefus mail receive us up
To joy and endlefs clay.
May peace, love, joy our fouls fupport
Till we (hail overcome ;
The conflict fore, is yet but fhort,
When ended, we go home :
There Chrift will ev ry bleffing give ;
There we his face mall fee ;
I Like him be made, with him mall Jive,
And always happy be.
162,. Worfolp.
5^ I ^IS no vain thing to ferve the Lord,
JL ^° P ra if e h^ s name, and hear his word ;
The pleafures which we find therein
Make us abhor tiie fweets of fin.
One day or hour, while thus employ'd,
God's prcfence felt his love enjoy'd,
Exceeds a thoufand fpent elfewbere,
So much our joys fuperior are.
AJhort Hy?n?iofPraifc\
nPHANICS, praife and honour, glory, pow'r,
Be to our God for evermore ;
And to the worthy Lamb once (lain,
He who was dead, but lives again.
He hath the keys of death and hell,
His pow'r and love no tongue can tell ;
To him authority is giv'n,
O'er ail on earth, in helJ, in heav'n.
Worfoip. i6j
HTHE grace of Jefus Cbrift the Lord,
The lgve of God, our Father kind,
The Spirit's fellowfhip afford
Peace to all thole in Jefus join'd.
Communion may our fouls obtain
l h God the Father, and the Son,
s d may the Floly Spirit reign
In all our hearts, and make us one.
Praife to God for Creation*
; Q HOLY, holy, holy, Lord,
Who was, and is, and is to come,
Worthy to be by all ador'd,
Thy works how infinite their fum !
Lord, thou art worthy, King of Kings,
Glory, pow'r, honour, to receive ;
\ For thou haft form'd and made all things,
And for thy pleafure ftill they live.
% We-
164 Worflnp.
We by thee form'd, and for thee made,
Would wifh to praife thee as we ought ;
But can that debt of love be paid,_
"Which ib exceeds our higheft thought?
Praife to God and the Lamb.
C ALVATION to our God,
Who fits upon the throne,
And to the Lamb, who fhed his blood.
And did for all atone.
We'll never ceafe to (ing
The riches of his love,
Til he' our happy fouls fhall bring
To dwdl with him above.
General Afaiption of Praife to God,
T1LESSTNG, and glory, wifdom, powY,
Thankfgiving, honour, might,
Be to our God forevermore ;
Let him obtain his rjght.
%. He
Worjhip. 165
He worthy is to be ador'd,
By all that breathe or live,
And ev'ry creature to the Lord
Shall adoration give.
Praife to God for his righteous 'Judgments^
T1TE give thee thanks, Almighty Lord,
Who art, and waft, and art to come,
Becaufe thou doft fulfil thy word,
And doft thy reigning pow'r aflame.
How angry all the nations are !
Thy wrath is come, thy pow'r is known ;
Thy mighty arm is now made bare,
Fixt and eftablifh'd is thy throne.
Thy faints fhall rife, and reign w 7 ith thee ;
The dead fhall hear thy voice, and live :
I "All fhall be judged righteoufly,
And juft rewards thine. hands fhall give.
The nsiv Song to the Lamb once/Iain.
JESUS our Lord defer ves a fong,
Come join with all the ra-nfom'd throng,
To give nim praife and glory due ;
Thon'rt worthy Lord, to take the book.
Its feals to open, and to look,
And its amazing contents mew.
For thou waft (lain, and haft redeemed
Our fouls by blood j thy blood efteem'd
Hath ranfonrd us, and brought. us out
From ev'ry kindred, people, tongue,
From ev'ry nation, and our fong
In loudeft {trains to thee we'll fnout,
Thou to our God haft made us kings,
And priefts ; creation loudly rings
With thy eternal boundlefs fame ;
And we fflaiJ reign with thee on earth,
Thou glorious King of heav'nly birth,
And we thine honours will proclaim
WorJJAp. t6f
The Seng of the Angels.
A/jTLLIONS of angels Hand around
Our dear Redeemer's throne ;
And praife his name with lofty found,
And make his glories known.
Worthy the Lamb that once was (lain,
' To be exalted high ;
(minor tai glories he fbaH gain,
Who once for men did die.
Strength, riches, wifdom, honour, pow'r,
Glory and bleffltig give,
im whom all the faints adore',
In whom all creatures live.
The whole Creation praijing God and the Lamb*
WHEN mall that glorious day arife,
That all mail praife thy name ?
(When all in heav'n, earth,- air, feas, ikies,
Shall join to hlefs the Lamb ?
2. When
When with a loud united voice
The univerfe fhall ring ?
And ev'ry creature fhali rejoice,
And God's high praifes fing ?
3 • ,
All tongues and hearts with joy fhall join,
Without a jarring found,
To circle with a fong divine,
The glorious throne around.
Ble fling and honour, glory, pow'r,
To God upon the throne,
And to the Lamb for evermore ;
All voices join in one.
With joy we now anticipate
The glories of that day,
When all Jehovah did create,
Shall willing homage pay.
An Exhortation to praife the Lord.
>RAISE God, ye fervante of the Lord,
Who fear his name, and keep his word,
Ye who delight to do h- will,
And his commandments to fulfil,
2. His
Baptifm. j6c
His name deferves your highefl praife,
Moll glorious are his words and ways :
He made, preferves, and will reftore,
And all his works (hall him adore.
Following the Example cf CbrijL
TT is a very pleafant thing
To follow Chrift our Lord ;
And thus obey our heav'nly King,
According to his word.
Down to the water fide we go I
By Chrift's example led ;
Into the fame we come alfo,
As did our glorious head.
Saviour, we blefs thy wond'rous name,
For thine example bright ;
We love to imitate the fame,
As thou doft us invite.
P 4- We
I";o Baphfm.
We are baptiz'd as Jefus was,
His eafy yoke we bear ;
And we are thus baptiz'd, becaufe
That we his fubjecls are;
Lord, may we to thy glory live,
Teach us thy heav'nly ways ;
To us thy Holy Spirit give,
And we thy name will praife.
■ 6.
As we thy facred name profefs,
May we our moments fpend
In ways of truth and righteoufnefs,
* Until our lives fhall end.
The Beauty and TJ/efulnefs of this facred Ordinance,
SING to our Saviour's name
Eternal fongs of praife ;
His wifdom, love, and pow'r proclaim,
In all the notes you raife.
Bel;old a lovely fight
Appears beiore our eyes !
Behold this facred awful rite,
Which many do defpife !
V What
Jj 'apt -ijh. I 71
What wond'rous truths appear,
When Bapt/Tm we do view!
It fhews our Saviour's Burial clear,
And Refurreftion too.
With Chrift we bury'd lie
In Baptifm, as a iign
That we to ev'ry fin muft die,
To live a life divine.
Planted with him we are,
In likenefs of his grave ;
His glorious form we hope to bear,
And life eternal have.
Happy are thofe indeed
Who do their Lord obey !
Where love conftrains there will be fpeed, ,
In his delightful way.
' 7-
Our fouls rejoice to fee
The fons of men incline
To know thy will, and follow Thee,
And to thy laws refign.
This ordinance we own,
Appointed by thy will,
We bow to Thee our Lord alone,
And thy commands fulfil.
?z o.Our
1 1% Baptijm*
9\ .
Cur hearts and tongues rejoice
When Jefus is ador'd ;
We love to hear thy people's voice,
Cry, Glory to the Lord.
O may we ftill maintain
The ftatutes thou hail giv'n,
Till Chrift our Lord mail come again,
In glorious ftate from heav'n.
Kis kingdom he will take,
And be with glory crown 'd ;
And all mankind obedient make,
Throughout the world around.
After Baptifm.
AMEN, the holy angels cry,
Thus far O Lord thy will is done !
Amen, the faints on earth reply,
Thy glorious work is now begun.
Our joy is great when we can fee
Thy fweet commands by men obey'd ;
When fouls from fin are turned to Thee,
And are obedient children made.
3- Thy
Baptifm. 173
3- .
Thy facreci precepts we receive,
' O Lord, we blefs thy holy name,
That thou fhould ever give us leave,
And charge us to obev the fame.
It is an honour to obey
Thy great commands in fight of men ;
We therefore tread the wat'ry way,
For in the water Chrift has been,
This ordinance, O Lord* we keep,
According to thy wife dehgn •
Lord, may we walk among thy fheep,
We feek no other fold but thine.
Lord, guide us by thy counfel here,
Till we this gloomy vale have paft ;
Save us from fin, guilt, grief, and fear,
And bring us to thyfelf at laft.
T 74 The Lord's Supper*
The Injiitution of the Lord's Supper , and the Dejign
of the Same,
TyE now commemorate
The dying of our Lord,
We praife his name, and celebrate
His love, with one accord.
This feaft he did ordain,
For all his friends to keep,
Till he defcends to earth again,
And wakes the dead from fleep,
The bread he bleft and brake,
And pour'd the flowing wine,
And bade them all of both partake,
To be a conftant fign.
The bread his body fhew'd,
As broken for our fin,
"\Vine pointed out his blood that flcw'd,
To wafh and make us clean.
c. Oft
The LorcTs Supper, irjj
Oft as we eat this bread,
And drink this facred enp,
We fhew the death of Chrift our head,
And to his mem'ry flip.
This did our Lord command*
' And him we would obey,
And trull we fhall before him ftand,
With joy another day. *
Chrift infihuting this Ordinance, and his kind D if <
ccurfe to his Difciples.
St. Matt, xxvi.26, 27, 28. St. Markxiv, 22,23,24,
St. Luke xxii. 10, 20. 1 Cor. xi. 23, 24, 25, 26.
See St. John, Chap, xiv, xv, xvi.
' r PHAT night wherein he was betray'd,
; Chrift blcft and brake the bread ;
" Take this, and eat, (our Saviour faid)
k - 1 fhall to death be led.
2 -
My body in a figure {lain,
k - To ; oil I now prefent,
•: I fl«d] be put to pain,
% * To bear your puniuinaent.' 1
3, iU'U
l j6 The Lord'' s Supper.
Then afterwards he took the wine,
Gave thanks, and gave th^t too ?
" Take this, and drink, it is align,
" My blood is fhed for you.
u Nor yon alone, the many fhare,
" And have their part in me ;
<; Crimes of the multitude I bear,
ci Upon the fhameful tree. . (
u This featl for you I inftitute,
" To keep your friend in mind ;
4i Who dy'd for you a fubflitute,
" As was by God delign'd.
" Love me, and my commandments keep,
u And you (hall be my friends ,
" I'll always own you for my fheep,
" Love always recommends.
w If my commandments you obey,
" You fhall in me abide,
" Your fruits of love fhall not decay :
" The^Spirit is your guide.
" Gh hear my dying words again,
" Henceforth each other love ;
c ^ Let this command in you remain,
%i Audi vvillvou approve."
The Lord's Slipper. i~j
An Hymn of 'thankful Remembrance.
r^OME let us record the love of our frie.id,
i ' Cur Saviour and Lord, who iov'd to the end ;
Who dv'd for tranfgreflbrs and fhed his dear blooi
To make us poiTeflbrs of all that is good.
He came from above, our fouls to redeem,
His wonderful love fhall be our choice theme ;
We'll fing of his dying to fave us from fin,
tn which we were lying, defil'd and unclean.
What tongue can exprefs, or heart can conceive,
What joy they poffefs who truly believe ?
Who troft in their Saviour, and honour his name,
! And by their behaviour do witnefs the fame I
The night our bleft Lord was bafely betray 'd,
(O action abhorr'd \) he movingly laid,
f l Now for a fliort feafon from you I depart,
" And you for this reafon have for row cf heart,
'" 'Tis needful for you that I go away,
l gi Your intereft true forbids me to flay,
;" I'll fend you my Spirit, and leave you my peace,
$! Joys you fhall inherit, t*iat never fluli cede.
b. Hear
I 7 8 The herd's Supper,
II Hear now. my requeft, fee what I intend,
t€ Let this be inapreft, Remember your friend,
c< Behold the bread broken ! my body here view !
u The wine doth betoken my blood filed for you.
** This feait I ordain for you to fulfil,
" Tiii I come again, for this is my will ; [love,
" And by your complying, in faith, hope, and
" You'll mew forth my dying, your friendfhip
will prove.
A Caution not to defpi/e or neglcft the Ohfervatioil of
this Ordinance.
i INCE Jems did this feaft ordain,
Lex not his friends efteem it vain,
Nor wifh tnemfeives to be excus'd ;
If our dear Saviour faw it fit,
Let none that love his name omit,
Left he efteem his grace refus'd,
He bled: and brake the bread, and gave
To j lis difciples ; ** Here you have
" A figure of my body flain."
Then pour'd the confecrated wipe,
Of his own blood rhe facred iign,
So freely fhed our peace to gain.
3. Thus
The Lor as Supper. 1 79
" Thus eat and drink, rememb ring me,
*' Who hung and dy'dupon the tr_
u And tailed death for all mankind. n
As often as ihis thing we do,
The dying of the Lore! »/e mew,
Through which we all acceptance find.
A/olemn View cf the Sufferings and Death ofChriJl
COME, let our eyes of faith behold
Our Lord on Calvary ;
'Twill make our love to fin grow cold, j
To view this tragedy.
There nail'd, the blefied Saviour har
Betwixt the heav'ns and earth;
See him in agonizing pangs,
Who gave creation birth !
Behold the blood run trickling down,
From head, hands, feet, and fide !
Behold all nature feems to frown.
To fee him crucify'd !
The wonders of that awful clay
Declar'd him more than man ;
Thofe great events in dread array
To fpeak bis worth began.
5- The
«3o " •-_. The LmcI'j %Mv
' . . . > .
The fun \n darknefs hid- his face,
The rocks themfdves were rent ;
Yet ftubbdrn fouls of human race,
Did not at ail relent.
Let not our hearts be fuch as thofe,
Hard and unmov'd remain !
But while Chrift's love to us overflows,
Can we our love rcfriin ?
Let us behold the Lamb of God,
Who takes away our fin,
Who faves by his atoning blood,
And makes us pure within.
This great event we celebrate
By actions, words, and figns ;
The death of Chrift, that wonder great,
In this appointment mines.
This Ordinance injlituted hy jefus, to pre/ewe in his
Church the confiant Remembrance of his Death*
TyHEN Jefus knew the time was nigh,
That he for wretched men fhould die,
He did this facred feaft decree-,
To keep in mind his love fo free.
The Lord's Suppc, . I S I
He took the bread, and bleft the fame,
As we now do in his dear name ;
I The bread thus broken, to each gueft
He gave, and thus his will expreft.
" Take, eat ; this doth my body fhew,
'-• Which (hail be broken foon for you ;
u And for the multitude of men,
" That they may be reftor'd again. 5 *
Then Jefustook, and bleftthe wine,
And made the fame a folemn fign
Of his moil precious faving blood,
By which we're reconcil'd to God.
"Take ye, and drink ye ail of this,
" A figure of my blood it is,
€i Which is for you, and many flied,
" By which a full atonement's made.
" Remiflion of your fins and guilt,
u You fhall obtain by blood thus fpiit ;
" As freely I my life refign,
u As from this veffel raaa the wine.
" This feaft obferve for me, your Lord,
" And when you meet with one accord,
" Remember him that for you dy'd,
** To lave your fouls was crucify 'd."
( 1 8a )
A Minijlcr bidding Farenvel to a Peqple nmong c Chilian Warfare. 197
And take the Spirit's fword,
At which your foes will flee ;
God's glorious all prevailing word
Gives victory.
Pray always with all prayV,
And fupplication itrong,
Watch thereunto, and perfevter",
With heart and tongue.
Pray, for yourfeives, and thofe
Who have believ'd through grace ;
That God would fave you from your foes
In little fpace.
And pray withal for me,
That utt'rance I may have,
That 1 from fear of man be free,
This boon I crave.
Jehovah, let fuccefs
Attend the Gofpel found ;
Till ti uth and grace the nations blefs,
The world around.
This is the glorious war
In which we lift to fight ;
The trumpet founds, we hear from far
God's voice of might.
He calls us to withftand
The po w 'rs of earth and hell ;
We fhall o'ercome ; at his right hand
Vidors fhall dwell.
Io8 The Chrijlian Warfare.
Promjes to Overcomers. Rev. ii.
WHAT glorious prom ifes are made
To fueh as overcomers are !
By Je&s Chrift, who oft hath faid,
" He that hatji ears now let him hear.
" To him that overcomes I'll give
" The tree of life in paradife ;
iC And he mall eat its fruits, and live,
" And to immortal glory rife.
" Fear nothing which thou (halt endure,
" But faithful unto death remain,
' w And I thy glory will fee n re,
tl And thou a crown of life Hialt gain.
u Hear what the Holy Spirit faith,
" The happy conqulror fnall be free
€i From danger of the fecond death,
" And he (hall reign in life with me.
" The hidden manna, heav'nly bread,
u To overcomers I will grant ;
P They ftuli be well (upply'd and fed,
" And be for ever free from want.
6. ru
The CbrljVian Warfare. 1 99
. 6 \
I'll g\ve a white, a precious (lone,
u With a new name engrav'd therein,
Which is to e>v'ry man unknown,
u But fuch as do the cohqueft win:
To the victorious conqueror,
'" Who keeps my works unto the end,
O'er nations I will give him powY,
tl And thev. fhall to his fceptre bend.
That pow'r my Father to me gave,
11 On overoomers I'll beftow ;
All fuch the morning fiar fhall have,
" And its effulgent glories know."
Prom.j/es to Over comers. Rev. iii.
HAPPY are fuch, the fons of light,
\ ' Whofe lives are fpotlefs, garments clean,
For they mail walk with me in white,
<; Worthy in glory to be feen.
The man that overcomes fhall be
" Cloth'd in white raiment, clean and pure ;
His name not blotted out by me,
11 Shall in my book of life endure.
3 .His
200 The Chnjlian Warfare.
w His name with honour I'll confefs,
" Before the nunvrous -hofls of heav'n,
* c Him. in my. Father's fight will biefs ;
u What honours fhall to fuch be giv'n ! *'
" Behold I quickly come, hold faft
" What thou haft from my hand receiv'd,
" That no man take thy crown at laft,
" And thou mould lofe what thou atchiev'd,
K The victor {hall by me be made
" A pillar in the heav'nly dome ;
" Securely mall he there be (laid,
" And in God's temple find his home.
** Upon his forehead I'll engrave
u My heav'nly Father's blefTed name ;
" And in addition he mail have
" That of the new Jerafalem.
" This City coming from above,
" Shall be his habitation bright ;
*l And my new nam e of bonndiefs !ove x
" Upon his forehead I will write.
a The overccmers I propofe
" To feat with me upon my throne ;
t{f As when I overcame my foes,
* I with my Father did {it down."
( 201 )
The Cburchin Difirefs ; the Coming of Chrijl prayed
T> EDEEM thy church from deep diftrefs,
Lord, bring her from the the wiidernefs ;
Save her according to thy word,
And fpetdy help to her afford.
How Jong fhall thy poor mourning bride,
Pe toft and tempted ev'ry fide ?
Bow long be fill d with grief and pain,
And feek for kind relief in vain ?
Pier foes reproach her conftantiy,
With a licentious liberty ;
Where is your God, (they proudly fay)
In whom you boafted ail the day ?
So Zion mourns her widow'd flat? »
ild, (fays file) my fiorrow's greats
1 "hat fnou Id my helper be,
is, far horn me!
5. Behold,
202 The Milleniwn.
Behold, dear Lord, the rage of thofe
Who do thy glorious caufe oppofe ;
Who with derifion vaunt, and fay,
Ha, how we love to fee this day !
What wilt thou do for thy £'*eat name ?
Behold, O Lord, our grief and fhame !
And fend us fuccour fpeediiy,
Left we fhould faint, defpair and die.
What will the unbelievers fay, -
If thou thy coming dolt delay ?
They'll mock, and fay, Behold, they have
Trufled in God, who will not fave.
The plowers plow upon our back,
And long their cruel furrows make ;
And loudly do blafpheme thy name,
And love to fee us cloth'd with fhame.
Lord, while thefe things we do behold,
We're fillM with grief which can't be told:
*Tis time for thee to work, for they
Thy laws make void, and difobey.
Return, O Lord, to earth return,
Nor let thy people longer mourn ;
And let the foes of Zion fee,
7"hou iaveii thofe who craft in thee.
The Millenium. 203
Attfiwer to the foregoing Petition*
TV TETH1NKS my Saviour's voice I hear,
Which doth my foul with giadnefs chear :
* My way's preparing, my decrees
* Are now fulfilling as 1 pleafe.
€ My coming maketh no delay ;
* Watch, and be ready for the day :
* Behold the figns, I'm at the door,
4 Watch, keep your garments clean, therefore.
4 Surely I come, to be your King,
* And my reward with me I bring ;
4 Behold my coming draweth nigh,
' My work doth all before me lie.
c Hold faft what you of me receiv'd,
* Knowing in whom you have believ'd ;
4 I am not (lack, nor will I fail,
* Nor fliaii mine enemies prevail.
4 God will avenge his chofen ones,
4 And he will fave his faithful fons,
J Who cry to him both night and dav ;
* Though long he feemeth to delay.
6. I quickly
204 ?Jfe Mllhiiitim.
c I quickly-come to do my will,
c And my good pleafure to fulfil ;
4 I come to itt my children free,
1 And take them all to dwell with me.'
EarnrfiJy defiring the Ccming of Jefus*.
THfcEAR Saviour, here we panting lie,
And long- to fee thy face ;
Defend, O JciVs, from on high,
In mercy to -our race.
How long fhall that bright hour delay ?
When will our Lord appear?
We long to fee the glorious day
When Jefus will draw near.
O how we ft retch to take our flight !
Our fouls are on the wing ;
We long to fee our hearts delight.
And be with Chrift our King.
Dear Saviour come, O quickly come,
We long to hear thy voice ;
Jefus ride on, thy pow'i aflame,
And make thy faints rejoice.
C; W*
The Miiknium. 205
We long to hear the trumpet found,
And fee the Juft arife;
We long to fee our Saviour crown'd,
And bow his enemies.
We wifli to fee our Lord defcend, .
Array 'd in robes of light ;
To Satan's kingdom put an end,
And claim his proper right.
We long thy coming to behold,
That day of joy to fee ±
Our ardent longings can't "be told :
Lord, let it quickly be.
7 'he Coming of Cbriji to reign on Earth a Ihoufand
YE faints rejoice, lift up your voice,
And banim a!l your fears ;
The Lamb once (lain, will Come to reign
With you a thouiand years.
Then Satan hound, and Jefus crown'd,
Will make your hearts to fing ;
The faints he'll raife to fing his praife,
With which the earth mail ring.
S . How
206 The Millenium.
How bled are they who in that day,
Shall with their Lord appear ;
No fecond death, nor future wrath
Shall put their fouls in fear.
) ' . . 4-
They fnall obtain with Chrift to reign,
A crown of life he'll give ;
Which is for all, both great and fmall,
Who to his glory live.
Dear Lord, difplay this glorious day ;
And bring the happy hour,
When we fhall fee, and dwell with Thee,
Free from temptation's pow'r.
The Ccming and Kingdo?n of Chrift earnejlly dejired
by his People.
ETERNAL God, thy pow'r make known,
Make all mankind confefs
That thou art God, and thou alone ;
Do thou the nations blefs.
May the whole earth thy glory fee,
And thy falvation know ;
And to thy faints, who wait for thee,
Thy works and wonders fhow.
3. Lord
The Millenium . 207
ord Jefus, come, and take thy pow'r,
And rule the human race ;
fe wait and look for that bleft hour,
When we fhall fee thy face.
>ur fouls are longing for the day,
When thou fhalt reign as king ;
7hen all the world fhall thee obey,
And thy loud praifes fing.
Vhen pride, and rage, and wars (hall ceafe,
And fierce contentions end •
Vhen univerfal conflant peace,
Shall through the world extend.
Vhen truth, and love, and righteoufnefs,
I Shall in full glory mine ;
iVhen thou malt all the earth pofTefs,
i And rule with pow'r divine.
. 7-
iVhen Zion's watchmen fhall agree,
I And all the church be one ;
(Then fhall the world acknowledge thee,
The Chrift, thy Father's Son.
f'cr this mofl glorious time we wait,
Lord haften on the day,
When all fhall own thy powV is great,
And bow beneath thy fway.
208 Tie Millenium.
The Kingdom of Chrijl. Ifai. ii. Mic. iv.
"DEHOLD, the glorious time draws nigh,
God's mount (hall be exalted high,
Above the higheft mountains rais'd ;
All nations to the place fhall flow,
To them his glory he will fhow,
And by them mail his name be prais'd.
Peoples each other fliall invite,
With this intention to unite,
And to his facred houfe repair;
To hear his word, and learn his will,
Refolv'd his precepts to fulfil,
And pay their higheft homage there.
From Zion fliall proceed the law,
Which fliall infpire the world with awe,
His word mall rule the diftant lands ;
Nations no longer (hall employ
Their arts each other to del troy,
Nor join to march in warlike bands.
Their fwords to plowfhares they fliall bend,
Their fpears in pruning hooks fhall end ;
Then war's deftruclive trade fliall ceafe ;.
Then men the earth fliall cultivate,
Its produce fhall be rich and great,
And they fliall eat and drink in peace. •
5. Under
The Milk n lum . 209
l.'iider the vine and fig tree's fhade,
Each one fhall /if , nor be afraid
Of open or of fecret foes;
Thus God hath fpoke, his words are true,
"What he hath promis a he will do ;
, And who may dare his will oppofe?
The Lord iliall reign in Zion then,
And rule o'er all the race of men ;
And all (hall know and fear his name ;
His bleft commandments fliall obey,
Regard his law, and keep his way,
And all his wond'rous works proclaim.
The Millenium ^ or Thoufand TTear$ reivn cf Chi ift up-
on Earth. Rev. xx. 3, 4, Col. iii. 4. Rev. xix. 7— g
HTHE Lord our Saviour will appear,
His day is nigh at hand;
The figns befpeak his coming near,
As ail may underftand.
Behold he comes, he comes to reign
Cn earth with ail his faints :
Jefus the Lamb of God once ilain,
Will end our long complaiuts,
9 3 Tltf
2 io Toe Millenium.
The Prince of darknefs he will bind,
The holts of hell o'er throw ;
Satan in the abyfs confin'd ;
The pow'r of Chriil fhall know.
Then thofe who fuffer'd for ChruTs irame,
AncJ did obey his word,
Shall rife in glory, and proclaim,
The goodnefs of their Lord.
When he fhall come who is their life,
They fhall in brightnefs fhine ;
Behold the bride, the Lamb's lov'd wife,
Array'd in robes divine !
That glorious joyful marriage day,
A thoufand years fhall laft ;
What glories will our Lord difplay
Before that feafon's pad !
The wonders of that happy age,
What mortal can declare ?
We view with joy the facred page t
For we can read them there.
J/je Mdlcnhin:. «»2 1 1
The Prophecies of the Mille?ihmu Ifaiah ii. Micah iv,
TyHAT glorious things hath God foretold
Shall happen in the latter days !
When Chrift on earth fhall men behold,
And hear his word, and learn his ways.
Upon a mount his throne fhall {land,
To which all nations fhall repair ;
His name mall found through evVy land,
His laws be publifned ev'ry where.
Nations fhall ceafe to war and fight,
Shall cultivate the ufefcl arts ;
And' one another mall invite
To worfhip God with all their hearts.
" Come, let us to his mountain go,
" Where ftands his facred palace fair ;
vt He'll teach us ail his ways to know,
" And we will pay our homage there. 5 '
. ' . 5-
I he Lord mall reign in righteoufnefs,
And make the world his voice obey j
The throne of kingdoms he'il poffcf:.,
And rule with univerfal fwav.
6. AH
2 1 z The Milk mum,
All warlike inftruments (hall then
Be chang'd to thofe of hufbandry ;
Cbriit fliall he King, and Lord of Men,
While they his happy fubje&s be.
Each fhall contentedly enjoy
The labour of his hands in peace ;
God's praifejfhall their tongues employ,
And ftrife and all contention ceaie.
Some- of the E c ve?its which Jhall take place at the
Coming of Chrift.
"pAIN would my tongue in louden 1 {trains
Proclaim the joyful day,
When men (hall know that Jeius reigns,
And all his laws obey.
When fuc.h a fubject charms my heart,
It muft infpire my voice ;
W 7 hile I wouid hope to fhare a part,
And with thy faints rejoice.
O Lord my God, remember me,
And let me fee thy face,
And (hare in the profperity
Of thy redeemed race.
. 4. Behold
The Millenium. 2 I 1
Behold, the Lord from heav'n defcends,
With radient glory crown'd ;
Behold he comes, with all his friends,
Who circle him around.
The faints, who long have (lept in dufr,
Shall at his call arife ;
And with the living changed jufr,
Shall meet him in the fides.
Then to the mount of Olivet
Fj om whence he did afcend,
He fhall return, and there his feet
Again fhall truly ftand.
The earth fhall quake, the mount divide.
Nor flia.ll it only cleave,
But half remove to either fide,
And a great vallev leave.
' 8.
Then fhall the Lord the world fubduc,
And wide his reign «x*nd ;
And to our race his glory fliew,
And his falvation {tnd.
2 1 4 Tb* Millenium.
The Certainty of the Coming of Chrijl, and the Gloria
of his Kingdom on Earth.
THE day is near at hand
When Chrift fliall be reveaPd,
When. he (hall come on earth to ftand,
And be no more conceal'd.
He mail again appear,
On earth to rule and reign,
We fhall behold our Saviour here,
The Lamb who once was (lain.
How bright his glories ihine !
How firm his kingdom Hands !
He (hall fulfil the great defrgn
Intruded to his hands.
All nations rhufi iubmit,
And bow, and own him Lord ;
All kings mull fall before his feet,.
And hearken to his word.
Once he was cloth 'd with lhame,
Contemn 1 dand crucify'd ;
But God fliall highly raife his name,
Above all names befide.
6. His
The Millenium. 215
His glory mall be known
Through the creation valt ;
And ev'ry foul of man fliall own
That Chrift is Lord at laft.
The glorious Kingdom of Cbrift, and the BleJJi?igs
rpHOUGH Jefus is gone up on high,
He left us a promife below,
That he will defcend from the fky,
His glory and honour to mow.
His coming to earth is to reign,
To lule, and to govern mankind,
The Devil, or Satan, to chain
Who mall in th' abyfs be confin'd.
Our Saviour fhali publim his laws,
All nations the fame fhall obey ;
His kingdom fhall ilourilh, his caufe
Shall profper, prevail, and bear fway.
His mmifters all fliall agree,
Contentions no more fhall be known ;
Believers united fliall be,
As Chrift and his Father are one.
5. Then
2i6 The Millenium,
5. !
Then all the Mefliah fliall know,
All people his doctrine receive ;
His ftatutes fliall hear, learn and do,
His Gofpel fliall truly believe.
This bleffed and glorious day,
Jehovah hath promis'd to bring ;
When darknefs fliall all flee away,
And Jefus our Lord fliall be King.
Then wars and deflxu&ions fliall ceafe,
The trumpet no more fliall be heard ;
All nations fliall cultivate peace, t
And God fliall be known, lov'd, and fear'd.
The earth her increafe fliall produce,
With plenty all lands fliall be fill'd ;
Enjoyment without its abufe,
Shall pleafure abundantly yield.
The creatures once fierce, fliall be mild,
And thofe that were hardeft to tame,
Shall yield to be led by a child,
The lion lie down with the lamb.
The glory of God fliall extend,
• His praifes through earth fliall be fung;
All people to him fliall attend,
His name fhall fill evay tongue.
11. For
The Mlknhirt.
For this blefTed feafon we wait,
When Jefus his pcw'r mall difplay ;
O haflen this happy eftate !
Lord Jefus, come quickly we pray.
The Second Coming of Chrift, and the great Even
thai Jh 'all follow.
gEHOLD, the glorious day
Will foon to men appear,
When Chrift mall come in bright array ;
It now draws near.
Jehovah God fliall come j
And all the faints with thee ;
His enemies (hall meet their doom,
Where can they flee ?
The trumpet then fliall found,
To wake the pious dead,
Who fleep in Jefus, and are found
One with their head.
The living faints are chang'd,
And death fnall never tails ;
But with the raifed faints be rang'd,
T 3. They , i.
2 1 8 The Millenium.
They'll all together rife,
To meet their glorious King,
Defcending downward from the ikies ;
His praife they'll f:ng.
O what a joyful throng
Will then together Hand !
That day for which we've waited long,
Is near at hand.
Chrift will to earth defcend,
And take his throne and crown ;
To Satan's kingdom put an end,
And chain him down. •
His fceptre he will fway,
And rule in righteoafnels ; -
And all the world fhall then obey,
The Prince of Peace.
The Saviour fhall pofTefs
The earth's remotefr. bound,
And ev'ry tribe and nation blefs
The world around.
All wars and ftrifes mail ceafe,
And tumults be no more ;
The e a rth fhall vield its full increafe,
And plenteous ftore.
Then mall the gofpel fpre?.d
V 1 < ugt t\ \ y diflafrt hnd ;
Jo as h hath faid,
> n ! :. hand.
The Millenium. 219
This glorious age (hall be,
A thoufand years of reft,
Men fhall be happy, chearful, free,
None fliall moleft.
The watchmen fliall unite,
Together fliall they fihg,
And truth behold with cleared fight,
In ev'ry thing.
Believers fliall be one,
From all divifions freed ;
As God the Father, and the Son,
Are one indeed.
O what delightful days
Shall be when Jefus reigns !
When all the world his name fliall praife,
In londeil ftrams.
Come, Jefus, come away,
And fliew the world thy grace,
We wait, we long, we look, we pray,
To fee thy face.
The Wonders of the Millenium revealed in the Scrip*
WHAT wond'rous things reveal'd,
To us in facred writ,
Remain to be fulfill'
When God fnaii The
The time appointed is at hand :
Prepard and ready let us Hand.
Our Saviour will appear
In all his fobes of light,
We {hull ben old him here;
corned to claim his right.
The kingdoms muft be giv n to him,
Who dy'd all people to redeem.
lefts the Lamb once (lain,
Shall take his glorious powY,
Throughout the earth will reign,
Til] evil is no more.
Kaften, O Lord, that bleded day,
When Chrii't his glory fhall'difpiay.
As Jefus did afcend
In his difciples view,
So, if we may depend
That all his words are true.
He certainly fliall come again,
With his beloved faints to reign.
He from the dead will raife
All who in him have flept,
Who walked in his ways,
And his commandments kept ;
And fuch who fufFered in his caufe,
bh^ll then obtain his Jiigh applaufe.
6. AH
The Millenium. zzi
All who on earth are found
In waiting for their Lord,
Shall at the trumpet's found
Be changed by his word;
And pafe to immortality,
Nor death, far lefs corruption fee.
Our Saviour fnall obtain
The kingdom, fceptre, crown,
And through the world mall reign,
With glory and renown ;
Then ilia 11 fuch wond'rous things be wrought,
ive not been conceiv'd bv thought.
Lord, thou hail made us hope
Upon thy precious word;
We cannot give it up,
Since thou haft promised, Lord :
O roll away the tartly ye;
We cannot reft till C
W VAH praife ye, and call on his name,
J His w<>
Let him be exalted, as-jufth is due,
tolv, moft righteous, and
*Ike MiUciiiutz.
^His hand and his arm have wonders atchiev'd.
His name now is known, the world has receivM
The news of jfalvation -, the knowledge of God,
In all tongues and nations is now fpread abroad^
One Lord reigns on earth, pofTefTes the throne,
The laws of his mouth are ev'ry where known ;
All nations pay homage to Jefus our king,
All kindreds and peoples choice prefehts do bring.
The church is all one, exactly agreed,
Frorri parties and feels the world is now freed;
Tne watchmen of Zion are all of one mind,
In truth, love, and goodnefs are perfectly jo in'd,
Now peace has took place, fell war is no more,
Pride,, envy, and wrath, and wranglings are o'^r ;
All hateful contention is banifh'd from earth,
And love is the language men learn from their
The beafts have forgot their fiercenefs and rage,
No longer for blood fierce war do they wage,
But peaceably feeding on herbs ard green grafs,
They fhew what God pi omis'dis now come to pafs.
. 1-
The trees yield their fruit, the earth her increafe,
Our Saviour has bleft us with plenty and peace ;
The land is a garden, the defart a field,
The plain is now fruitful, the waters are heal'd.
8. The
The MilJcnium. 223
Thecurfe is remov'd, and man is now bled.
The Lord has ordain'd this fabbath of refc ;
This peaceable fabbath, fo lately begun,
To ages far diilant its circle fliall run.
Now praife the great Lord for all that is pair,
His mercy and truth for ever fliall laft;
Join then your glad voices, hisgoodnefs proclaim,
All nature rejoices, let us do the fame.
Pfalm Ixxii\ turned from Prophecy into U?Jiory 3 pro?
per to befung in the Time of the Millenium.
KING Jefus doth reign, and governs the land*
Thefceptre doih fvvay with juft equal hand ;
]\ow righteoumefs, truth, love, and goodnefs iix-
creafe, [peace.
The hills and the mountains bring juftice ami
Oppreflion and fraud, and thrall are no more ;
The needy he faves, he ranfoms the poor :
The people he judges, his judgment is juft,
Proud haughty opprelTors he treads in the duft.
3 • .
Thy name, blefled Lord, is lov'd and rever'd,
Wherever thy truth, thy gcfpel is heard ;
Through all future ages thy glory (hail run,
Thy praife fliall continue as long as the fun.
4 ? Thy
%%$ The Millenium*
Thy bleffings like rain defcend on the earth,
Like ihow'rs, which to grafs, flow'rs, plants, fruits,
give birth,
Now ftourifh. the righteous, and peace fhall abound,
So long as in nature the moon keep^ its round.
The Saviour now reigns from fea unto fea ;
Hath fet the whole earth from tyranny free ;
I^is glorious dominion from more unto more
Prevails, and fhaii ftourifh, till time is no more.
The nations once wild, whom; no man could tame,
Now bow at his feet, and honour his name,
And thofe who with malice did hate him the moll,
Now humbly fubmiffive would lick up the duft.
The kings of the ifles choice prefents do bring, -
All nations fubmit to Jefus our king ;
Fam'd Tarfhifh and Sheba, and Seba all join,
To offer their tribute, and to him refign.
All nations and kings before him fall down,
All peoples rejoice that he wears the crown ;
They ferve him with pleafure, his laws they fulfil,
Oh, how they're delighted with doing his will !
He faveth the poor who cry unto him ;
The needy he fpares, their fouls doth redeem ;
From force and deception he fets them at reft,
Efteems their lives precious, and makes their fouls
blcft. io. Our
The MMenittm. 22$
Jefns, once (lain, (hall live evermore,
J\ il peoples and tongues his name flia.il adore;
fine gold of Shcba to him mall be paid,
Daily fhali be praifes and pray'rs to him made.
The dry mountain tops now corn grows upon,
The fruit doth appear like fanrd Lebanon ;
The citizens flourifh like grafs of the field,
And fruits of the Spirit in plenty do yield.
The name of our King forever mall laft,
Till ages and times, ahd-asras are pair ;
He blefles ail nations, all men call him bleft,
All peoples are happy, for he hath giv'n reft.
Now bleft be our God, Jlhovah moft high,
Whofe works are all grace, pow'r, might, majcfty,
Who only doth wonders ; his goodnefs proclaim ;
For ever and ever bleft be his great name.
The earth with hi s praife and glory is fill'd,
? Tis now come to pafs what Gbdfpake ami wi 1 d :
Thine Lord is the kingdom, the glory and pow'r,
So be it, fo be it, now and evermore.
( "6 }
The Humiliation and Exaltation of Chrlfl, and the
grand Purpofe of God. Phil, ii. 6, 7, 8, 9, .10, II,
WHiVT amazing glories mine,
Through all the procefs of our King !
Aiiift us, Lord, with grace divine,
While we fuch wonders preach and fing.
Tell how the Lord in heav'nly ftate,
Array'd in glory and in light,
The partner with his Father fate,
Girded with majefly and might.
But lo ! that form he now forfakes,
And leaves that glory for a while,
And for poor men he undertakes,
To feel their forrow, fhare their toil.
From heav'n defending, he was born,
Child of the virgin, long foretold,
Though his appearance was forlorn,
Yet fome their Saviour did behold.
:■> .. ■/
The Univexfal Rcfioratioiu 2% J
h'y did he ftoop, to v
form and fafnion of a man ;
And our infirmities to bear !
But iove had drawn "the wondYous plan.
The loweft form he did embrace,
Scorn 'd poverty and fervitude :
That he might raife the fallen race,
Which he with eyes of pity view'd.
But lower ftill our Jefus came,
He was obedient unto death,
To death moft painful, cloth'd with fliame,
He on the crofs did yield his breath.
For this humiliation low,
God hath exalted him on high ;
And hath determined to beftow,
On him the greateft dignity.
To Jefus ev'ry knee mail bow,
All rebels fhali forfake their ways,
And ail mall willingly allow,
That Chrift is Lord, to God's high praife,
This is the Father's great decree,
That all fhall yield to Chrift alone :
And when this (hall accomplim'd be,
Rebellion fhall no more be known.
izi 7 be Unwerfal Reft or at ion.
All Things ^without Exception ivere created, andjlmll
all be reconciled by Chrift. Col. i. 15 '20,
JESUS, the Father's image bright,
At the creation's head he (lands ;
He dwells in uncreated light,
All things were fafhion'd by his hands.
All things in heav'n, all things on earth,
All things invifibie, and feen.
Thrones and dominions, had their birth
From him who made the world of men.
All pow'rs and principalities,
By him we're formed, by him ordain' d 5
All things defign'd by God's decrees,
By him were fafhion'd, and fuftain'd.
All for his fubjecls were defign'd,
He was exalted over all :
He was their Head, and they combin'd,
Compos'd his members till their fall.
But now by fin theunion's broke,
The members are diffever'd wide;
Each other hate, their God provoke,-
But O, their Head and Chief has dy'd.
6. H* 1
The Unwerfal Re/lor at ion. 229
He by his death upon the crofs,
Laid the foundation of a peace,
That (hall regain the mighty lofs,
And make the wild diforder ceafe.
For God by him will reconcile
All things in hear'n, and earth, I fay :
Then meditate on this a while,
And hail the glories of the day.
And /, if J be lifted upfront the Earth, t will dr*fO
all men unto me. St. John xii. 32.
AND if I mould be lifted up,
And furfer on the tree,
I ftiall become the ground of hope,
And draw all men to me.
This is my heav'nly Father's will,
That all fhould be reftor'd ;
For this my blood I freely fpill:
So fpake our loving Lord.
What fweet and blefTed news is thisy
Tfaat Chrift for all did die !
And will not of his purpofe mifs,
But all will juftify !
U 4. TkUT this I do confefs to thee,
i hat in the way call'd herefv,
To God I worfhip pay ;
Believing all the facred writ,
And to the Lord my foui commit,
Until the coming day.
Mj hope in God will not deceive,
irrection 1 believe,
Juft a
For all that fleep in earth (hall wake$
And (bail oJ (ha me or bli: : -
Cbrift (hall fentence
3. Herein
The y n hte+fa I R tfi* ration* ?$$
.J 1
Herein T always wire
Myfelf, as much as in me lies,
To keep my confeience clean,
Towards my God, and all mankind,
Hoping I mall acceptance find,
Through him that knew no fin.
This is my faith, my hope, and trufr,
And this my conduct, good, and juft,
Which Jefus will approve ;
Towards the mark my foul would prefs,
A Hate of greater holinefs,
And conflant perfect love>
The Father lovetb the Son, and hath given all Things
into his Hand. St. John ill. 35. All that the Father
giveth me JJmll come to me. Cnap. vi. 37.
HOW hath the Father lov'd the Son,
And giv'n creation to his hands !
And him exalted on his throne,
Subjected all to his commands.
Dominion, pow'r, authority,
Are giv'n to him without controul ;
AH things are his molt properly,
He fhall polTefs and rule the whole,
3. But
H 3 6 The Univerfal Re/lor at ion*
. 3i
But oh, the glorious things defign'd,
By this fiibjeftion to the Son,
Are worthy of th* eternal mind,
And fha'll moft certainly be done.
All things which God to Jefus gave
Shall to the blefTed Saviour come ;
He'll prove to all his pow'r to fave,
And bring each wand'ring Tinner home*
Not one fhall finally be loft,
For whom the Lamb did filed his blood ;
Their fouls he ranfom'd at his coft,
And he will bring them back to God.
The Father gave him pow'r o'er all,
That he might life eternal give
To high, to low, to great and fmall,
That ev'ry foul through him Ihould live.
This is the plan Jehovah chofe,
And gave to Jefus to fulfil :
God's grand defign our Saviour knows>
And fliall compleatly do his will.
The unhoerfal ULefioratltmr.
^j/rjllons propofed t$ tljofi e who deny the final Reco-
very of all Things.
^TrHO will regret that Chrifl fhould have
The fouls for wjiich
Who can be fornrjbe mould fave;
All that Jehovah made ?
Say, can he be too much ador'ct,
Who dy'd for ev'ry man ?
Are your not willing that your Lc; i
Should refcue all he can ?
o m
Will vou be angry when y^v> know
That Jefus all f 1 . all gain !
Are you unwilling all fhould bew
To Chrift the Lamb once flaio ?
Are you afraid that Chritl" mould bs
Too much belov'd by men f
And that he ihould too fully fee
The fruit of all his pain?
Can it be poflible that you
Should be enrag'd at thofe,
Who hope that jefus will fobduc
}lis moft rebellious foes?
£- Anjf
23S Top Unlverfal Reftoratlon,
And if that be fhould bring them all
To love him heartily,
And raife them wholly from their fall,
Would you offended be ?
If Chrift gets honour by each foul
Whom he doth cleanfe and fave,
If ever he fhould fave the whole,
Will he lefs glory have }
Whence then arifes all this rage,
Againft this plan of love ?
If Jefus doth therein engage,
W ho will his right difprove ?
'Tis befl to let this work alone.
If 'tis of men 'twill end ;
But if the Lord this do&rine own,
Profperity he'll fend.
For 1 will not contend for ever, &c. Ifaiak, IviL 16*
17, 18, 19.
XJOW let our fouls to God attend,
#nd hear his bleffed word,
'f Forever I will not contend,"
Si ith our mod gracious Lord.
a. " Not
The TIniverfal defloration 250^
u Not always fhall my wrath endure,
44 Againft the fouls I made;
* 4 1 wound, Theal, I kill, I cure,
" Nor afk from others aid.
u For mould mv anger always burn,
u The fpiritfure would fail,
€i My creatures would to nothing turn,
" Deftruction would prevail.
" Behold, for his iniquity,
" I fmote him in my wrath,
c; I hid my face, he frowardly
*• Went on in error's path.
tt His ways perverfe I have behekl,
" But I will him reftore;
• ; And though he hath fo long rebeli'd,
M He ihali rebel no more.
u To him great comforts I will give,
" My grace his pains mail heal ;
" His mourners fhall behold him live,
" And greateft joys mail feel.
M Praife from the lips will I create,
" Peace, peace to all mankind ;
•* All mail be heal'd ; (my pow'r is -great ;)
" AU fhall falvation find. 5 '
l. Thfs
£&o T1}C uiuvcrfal Rtjlorailun.
This is Jehovah's blefled will,
That all mould be reftor'd,
And this his purpofe he'll fulfil ;
Then let him be ador'd.
Threafenings and Profni/es to the fame Peopled
Hofea xiii. 12, 13, 14.
^OOR Ephrairn's iniquity.
Is bound upon him tali,
His fin is hidden from his eye,
And he to death doth haiie.
Alas, what bitter for row flies
To feize upon his heart !
He is dfefcrib'd as moil unwife,
He acls a foolifh part.
The dreadful pains of death and hell
Will foon his fpirits feiz£ ;
And he among the dead mull dwell,
Depriv'd of life and eafe.
But ftill Jehovah, God the Lord,
His ran Com doth intend ;
Hark ! hear the glorious joyful word,
,Ou which we may depend ;
z. c: From
The univerfal Restoration. Z\\
" From death their fouls I will redeem,
" And ranfom them from hell ;
** Though death and hell fo pow'rful feem,
M Their ras:e I will repel."
c; Their mighty kingdom I'll deftroy,
" And all their (laves reflore ;
c; My pow'rful arm I will employ,
" Till they fliall be no more.''
This blefTed purpofe of the Lord,
So full of love and grace,
Let us proclaim with one accord,
Among the human race.
All Flcfv fiallfeetbe Salvation of Go J. St. Luke ill. 6.
f "PHIS is a promife large and free,
That all fhaii Gods falvationfee ;
Thy love extends to all our race ;
What joyful words of peace we hear !
The found our fainting hearts doth chear,
And makes our fouls adore thy grace.
Lord, we would praife thy grand defign,
Where wifdom, pow'r. and poodnef; join,
X Thy
242 The Uninierfal Reft or at ion.
Thy poor loft creatures to reftore ;
Thy truth hath fpoken, and thy zeal
Thy word of promife will fulfil,
Till fin and death (hall be no more.
Our thoughts are loft in love and joy,
While we behold our Lord deftroy
The works of Satan, death, and fin ;
His gracious words can never fail,
His pow'r muft over ail prevail*
The conqueft he fhall wholly win. -
If all at laft falvation fee,
There is an end of mifery,
Of forrow, fighing, woe, and pain ;
Mankind redeem 'd from fin and death,
Shall in God's praife employ their breath,
And never turn from him again.
This great falvation fhall be feen,
By all the ruin'd race of men,
And ev'ry foul fhall be reftor'd ;
God's name fhall have eternal praife,
All men fhall triumph in his grace,
And he fliall be by all ador'd.
The Un'wcrfal Refioratlon. 24S
He hath done all Things
Jcfus, Saviour, we invite thee,
Now to blefs thy people here;
May we find at this our wedding
Our Redeemer to be near i
Thy falvation, thy falvation, thy falvation
Let our fouls in fulnefs fee !
5 *
Give us, Lord, thine approbation,
Crown with joy qui nuptial day ;
Let us find abiding pleasure
In the marriage ftate, we pray.
From contention, from contention, from conten-
jefns keep us ever free.
6. Mav
Wedding Hymns, 26 9
May we walk in love and union !
Fatient, humble, meek and mild :
Keep us in the path's of virtue,
Free from (in, and undefil'd.
Let thybiefiing, let thy bleiung, let thy bleHing
Conftantly our ways attend !
Marriage ordained by Gcd ; Exhortations to marries
CARRIAGE was by the Lord ordain'd,
And mould not be defpis'd ;
Ere fin had human nature ftain'd,
This union God devis'd.
Since God hath giv'n us leave to wed,
Who dare forbid the fame ?
But O, preferve the marriage bed
Free from a guilty flame.
Ye hu (bands, always love your wives,
And do not them forfake ;
Women, obey; fo (hall your lives
Of happinefs partake.
How happy is the marriage chain,
Where hearts and hands are join'd !
Where love, and true religion reign,
And make the partners kind !
Z 3 5. But
2,JQ Wedding Hymni.
But Satan much delights to fee
A family at ftrife ;
And feeks to make them difagree,
And live a bitter life.
Of his temptations O be w a re!
And Jive in love and peace ;
So fhali your fouls efcape the fnare,
And find vour biifs increafe.
Marriage a nt»fi happy State ivhile our firjl Parent*
refrained Innocent^ but often rendered moft mifera-
ble by Sin ; fomefe : w happy Exceptions,
(X)ME, let us declare
The pleafures that were
Attendant upon the firft married pair ;
Ere fin, that vile fhame,
Deftroy'd the pure ilame,
When love and affection were mor* than a name.
Our parents were join d
hi body and mind,
And loving each other did happinefs find.
4. No
Uitig Hymns. zji
No hatred they knew,
Their friend fhip was true ;
They, being united, no longer were two.
In Eden's fair bow'rs,
They fpent their fweet hours,
No jealoufy knew they, which true love devours.
All pleafure, no pain
"Within them did reign,
Till (inning their glorv and beauty did {lain.
' 7-
The air was al? love,
Each heart like a dove ;
In rivers of pleafure our parents did move.
But finning, alas,
Has alter'd the cafe ;
And totally min'd our poor wretched race,
. . 9-
Now thofe who are join ; d,
Are often unkind,
Unconftant, and cruel, and falfe as the wind,
But fome few there are,
Efcaping the fnare,
Live always together unclouded and fair.
1 1 . Thrice
2 7 2, Wedding Hymns.
Thrice happy are they
Who find out the way,
And never from friendfhip and hnppinefs Uray*
12. -
Thefe are the bleft pairs ;
Love foftens their cares :
While each* with the other's infirmity bears.
Man. "'Thus let us agree,
" I fay unto thee,
u And always be loving, fixt, pleafant and free.
Woman. cc Mod freely I join,
(C This wifn fhall be mine ;
" And to the performance my heart doth incline."
O God, let us know
True joys here below,
And when we depart hence to heav'n may we go*
And there we fhall join
In worfhip divine ;
All glory and honour, and praife fhall be thine.
Wedding Hymns. 275
Marriage intended by the Creator for the Happinefs of
the human. Race > but is novo often the contrary*
/~\UR great Creator, wife and good,
Who well our nature understood,
One woman for one man did make;
And wherefore one ? and one alone?
Becaufe thefe twain become as one,
And all befides muft each forfake,
God made mankind for happinefs,
Join'd them in union, and did blefs
With his own voice the lovely pair ;
And ftill where hands and hearts are join'cl,
And each proves faithful, loving, kind,
Much fatisfaction they may uiare.
But Satan well is pleas d to fee
Wives and their hu (bands difagree ;
A lively piclure this of heli!
O would each many'd pair take heed ;
Nor give the ferpent time to plead,
But ev'ry thought unkind repel 1
Seek daily to the Lord by prayY ;
Of envy, wrath, and pride beware ;
Nor harbour curs'd fufpicion mean;
274- Wedding Hymns*
Seek always how to live in peace,
So fhall your happinefs increafe,
And fcarce a cloud fhall intervene.
Advice to thofe and
full of Trouble. Job xiv. I .
A LAS, poor feeble, helplefs man,
Who is of woman born,
Short are his days, his life a fpan ;
How wretched, vile, forlorn !
With trouble all his days are fill'd,
Beginning from his birth ;
His life at laft with pain muft yield,
And mix again with earth.
Ten thoufand dangers him furround,
Soon as he cfraws his breath ;
And in whatever ftate he's found,
i He's in the midft of death.
Alas, our infancy begins
In weaknefs, want, and woe!
In childhood and in youth, our fins ,
J?egin themfelves to mow.
<. And
The Jffliclions and Sorrows of Life. 283
For though a worm, I am thy child,
And kindred claim with thee ;
Though I with fin have been deftl'd,
Yet thou wilt ranfom me.
For thofe who have known better Times. Oh that I
*were as in Months paft y as in the Days he God
preferred me. Job xxix. 2.
A LAS, my golden days are gone !
And ev'ry joy is fled »
Lamenting with my felf alone,
To pleafure I am dead.
Time was, but ah, that time's no more,
"When God prefer ved me,
Pour'd down his bleffings, choiceft ftore,
From want he kept me free.
His candle on my head did mine,
I walked in his light ! "
What peace and comfort then were mine!
My day was clear and bright.
Profperity did me attend
Tn all my works a,nd ways ;
For God Almighty was my friend,
And did my glory raife.'
5- Hi «
*S4 7 be Affliaioiis and Sorrows of Life.
His lecret was upon my tent,
My heart was full of joy ;
For fuch profperity he fent
That nothing could annoy.
Then plenty crown'd my board with food,
Corn, wine, oil, milk and meat;
Thus was I blefl with ev'ry good ;
Life then to me was fweet.
My root was by the waters fpread,
I flourifh'd like a tree,
With joyftilnefs I rear'd my head,
JFrefli glory was in me.
Then fondly I began to fay,
My ftate mall thus remain,
My happinefs {hall not decay,
Nor pleafure turn to pain,
But oh, the fad reverfe I feel !
How alter'd is my lot !
My fore diftrefs, which none can heal,
Can never be forg-ot.
God hath my cord of fafety loos'd,
And fore <*iffiicled me ;
And therefore I'm by men abus'd,
Who my deiiru&ion fee. 1 1. Th e
The Afflictions and Sorrorujs of Life. 28 X
And as our riper years come on,
And manhood we attain,
How feldom is it feen and known
That we from fin refrain !
Our fins and forrows hand in hand,
Through ev'ry ftage oft run!
Till fuddenly alarm'd we ftand,
Our pilgrimage is done !
Then O what troubles do begin !
What woes and pains make hafte !
Thefe are the dire effects of fin,
Which here we onlv tafte.
But O moft holy, mighty Lord,
Hear this our praying breath,
Let not our fouls, by thee abhorr'd,
Drink of the fecond death !
Its bitter pains who can endure ?
Its forrows who can tell ?
Lord, hear our pray'rs, our fouls fecurc
From fuch a dreadful heii !
A a 3 HYMN
2 8:1 7*i? AffliUkns and Sorrows of Life.
/ have /aid to Corruption, Thou art my Father : t&
the Worm, Thou art my Mother 7 and my Sifter.
Job xvii. 14.
TTOW fallen man by fin is marr'd !
How vile and how unclean !
To loatbfome reptiles is compar'd,
As near to them akin.
O hateful fin, that brought us low,
That render 'd us fo bafe !
That fill'd bur wretched hearts with woe,
And ruin'd all our race !
How am I funk among the reft,
How full of grief and pain !
My forrows cannot be expreit,
Yet ftill I mufl complain !
How much I feel myfelf funk down
Below the ground I tread !
Corruption for my fire I own,
Round me the worms are fpread.
. 5-
My forrows link me in the duft !
I boaft myfelf no more !
But ftill I own my Maker juft,
And dying I'll adore !
6. For
The Affliftions and Sorrows of Life % 1%^
The vileft of the fons of men,
Make me their jeft and fong :
They wound and put my foul to pain,
And love to do me wrong.
Terrors purfue me like the wind,
Like rifing wavejs they roll ;
I feel;, but no relief can find,
To eafe mv tortur'd foul.
My welfare pafTes like a cloud,
My days are fpent in grief j
Troubles furround me like a ihroud ;
Nor can I get relief.
My foul in me is poured out,
Affliction's days are come;
No reft I find, I'm ftill in doubt
How great may be my doom !
To God I cry, but ah, I fear,
He doth not me regard ;
It fecms as though he would not hear;
. Is heav'n again It me barr'd ?
I know that thou wilt bring me down,
To death, and to the tomb ;
But oh, let not deftruction frown,
And all my hopes confume !
17 Mj
2-86 The Aflliftkns and Sorrows of Life
My bowels boil'd, and refled not,
Afflictions griev'd me fore ;
Alas, how forjowful my lot 1
I fee the light no more !
Mourning I went without the fan ;
I hid my face and cry'd ;
My former friends my cafe did fhun,
My foes did me deride.
I 9 .
My .(km is black, my bones do burn,
My forrows cannot deep !
My fongs to lamentations turn,
My harp and organ weep.
Remembering mine AffliSlion and my Mifery, the
IVorm^wood and the Gall. My foul hath them fill
in remembrance , and is humbled ^within mc. This
J recall to my Mind, therefore have I hope. Lam.
iii. 19, 20, 21.
Trow bitter mine afflictions are !
To gall and wormwood I compare
The forrows, which my foul hath known ;
J have them always in my mind,
And deep humiliation find ;
They prefs my airy fpirits down. 2. Behold
The dfflittions and Sorrows of Life. 28*
Behold my troubles are not fmall !
My cup is often fiiTd with gall ;
The bitter draught I can't refufe :
But Lord, how dreadful fin mult be.
That brings Tuch painful ills on mc: ?
Yet this alas, I once did chufe !
My woes I fcarcely can endure !
Yet Lord, if they may work a cure,
And purge my foul from iin and drofs,
I fhal! have greater! caufe to blefs
Thy jufl corrections, and confefs
That I've been fav'd from greater lofs.
Tt is this thought fupports my hope,
J Tis this that bears my fpirits up,
And makes me to thy will refign ;
If trouble mufl my portion be,
Lord, let my foul rind reft in thee,
And always know that thou art mine.
Thefe mis'ries cannot always laft,
Soon (hall the difmal night be pad,
And all my forrows be no more ;
Then {hall Igain a full relief,
From all my woe and pain and grief,
And all that vex'd my foul before.
The Afflictions and Son-civs of Life. % S 8
/ nvill bear the Indignation of J e h o v a H , becaztfe I
have, finned againft him, until he plead my Caufe,
and execute Judgment for me: he 'will bring me
frth to the light, and 1 /hall behold bis righlccuf
nefs. Micahvii. 9.
r\£ all the misfortunes I've feen,
(And they have been many and great) '
None worthy of naming have been
Compar'd with my fallen eftate :
I've finned againft my good God,
And greatly I am to be blam'd ;
Correction I've felt from his rod,
And truft that my foul is reclaim'd
When frequently I have endur'd
Some bitter and torturing pain,
My tongue hath been wholly fecur'd
From daring to fpeak or complain :
Although J have wrongfully borne,
And bittereft (landers have heard,
111 treated with mocking and fcorn,
Complaining and murm'ring I fear'd.
This thought has compofed my mind ,
Thefe fufPrings are all for my crimes,
My happinefs God hath defign'd,
And therefore corrects me betimes.
The Affilclions and Sorrows of Life. 289
His juft indignation PJJ bear,
And meekly relign to his will,
Till he in my caufe mall appear,
And all his good pleafure fulfil.
He'll wipe my reproaches away,
My judgment will bring to the light;
nHis righteoufnefs he will difplay,
* And I mall be bleft with the fight.
5 Tis this gives me patience and ftrength,
My for rows and griefs to endure ;
I know that my Saviour at length
Will make my deliverance fure.
When he mail defcend through the air,
In glory and honour fhall mine,
And fhall his own character clear,
'Tis time enough then to clear mine.
O Lord, may I patiently wait,
Nor fink under deepeft diitrefs,
Till Jefus fhall change my fad ftate,
And me with faivation fhall bjefs.
If thou faint in the Day of Jldverfty, thy Strength is
fmalL Prov. xxiv. 10.
HOW weak and feeble is my mind 1
And often ready to defpair,
But in the Lord fupport I find,
When on him I can cad mv care.
Bb 2 The
2 go The Ajjiittions and Sorrows cf Life.
The days of fad adverfity
Have been my portion here below,
Scarce ever been from trouble free,
My foul is overwhelm "d with woe.
So very forely I've been preft,
I thought I mould oft fainted quite ;
But in the Lord I find my reft,
He faves-me in affliction's night.
So, though I feel my ftrength is (mail,
Yet while 1 know that God is nigh,
And that he hears me when I call,
I cannot fink, nor fainting lie.
Lord, let thy grace fnpport me frill,
Through ev'ry dark and trying fcene ;
Let me refign'd to all thy will,
Be always quiet and ferene.
They laid to my Charge Things that 1 knew not*
Pfal. xxxv. 1 1 .
HOW hard it is to bear the blame
Of things we never did nor thought !
To itand expos'd to pain and fhame
For deeds which we have never wrought !
2 Charg'd
Ihc Afflictions and Sorrows of Life. 291
arg'd wirh thofe crimes we moft cieteiT,
If \\t deny, ah, then 'tis fare !
if li lent, then the fad's confefr,
And we the fcandal mult endure,
But is this poflible to be
Under the government of God ^
' Can the All Good and pow'rful fee
The upright fall beneath this rod ?
The fact is certain, but the caufe
Lies far conceal'd from human fight ;
But he who gave creation laws,
Will iliew at laft that all is right.
5 Twas thus the blefTed Jefus far'd,
When he fojourn'd with men below ;
And if the matter was not fpar'd,
Can fervants better treatment know ?
If Jefus Chrift was counted mad,
A glutton, drunkard, and unclean,
A clofe companion of the bad,
A devil, and a man of fin ;
What mull his faithful friends expect,
But (lander, envy, rage and ftrife ?
Can we delire to meet refpect
Where our dear Mailer loft his life ?
zgi The Afflictions and Sorrows of Life
Be this our comfort and our flay,
Our Saviour knows our innocence,
And will at the great trying day,
The fame make known in our defence,
But let us now with patience bear
This great affliction for his fake,
Who makes the fouls of fuch his care
Who him for their example take,
Perhaps 'tis ufelefs to complain,
And better filent to endure
Thefe heavy woes, this load of pain,
Till Jefus comes our griefs to cure,
For it nuas not an open Enemy that reproached me 5
then I could have borne it, &c. Pfal. lv. 1 2*
THE wounds and flanders of a friend
Or one that ought to be,
Are far more painful, and offend
More than an enemy.
' 2.
The nearer this connection binds,
The greater is the fmart,
As ev'ry tried perfon finds,
Who bears in this a part.
i. From
The. Jlffiittions and Sorrcmjs of Life* 2^3
From diftant foes a man may hide,
Nor heed what the v may do ;
But who fuch forrows cari abide
Which pierce the fpirit through ?
But cannot Jcfus fympathize !
Did he not feel the fame ?
We learn with grief and fore furprize
The guilty traitor's name.
If fuch a character could dwell
With Jeilis, and remain
In heart, a fon of fin and hell,
Then why mould we complain ?
If Chrift, who, never fpoke amifs, *
Was hated and betray'd,
Betray *d with flatt'ry and a kifs,
Why fhould wc be difmay'd ?
We oft the greateft ills endure
From neareft intimates,
Which more vexation does procure
Than all our other fates.
Yet let us reft in Chrift our head,
Who can fupport each foul ;
When troubles fill your hearts with dread,
On him your burdens roll.
B b 3 HYMN
294 ^be Afflictions and Sorrows of Life.
Ob that I had in the JVildernefs a Lodging-place of
Wayfaring Men ! Jer. ix. 2.
Oh that I bad Wings tike a Dove 1 '&c. Pfal. Iv. 6, 7, 8.
|EEP are the forrows of my foul,
Becaufe I have tranfgreft ;
My foe infults without controul,
And I can take no reft.
O that in fome lone wildernefs
I had a little cot,
Where I might dwell in my diflrefs,
And there lament my lot !
O could I fly like birds of air,
I'd wander far away ;
And leave thefe forrows and defpair,
To which 1 am a prey.
My God, look down from heav'n above,
In mercy pity me ;
Open to me thy arms of love,
And let me fly to thee.
Then (hall my heart frefh courage feel,
And bear a while this pain,
Till thou my foul for heav'n flialt feal,
And glory I fhall gain.
6. Then
The Ajjlitthns and Sorrows of Life. ig$
Then fhall I fee my Saviour's face,
And foon forget this fmart,
And reft in his belov'd embrace,
And never thence depart.
The thoughts of this now, while I mourn,
Make me rejoice and ling ;
Soon lhail my foul by thee upborne,
Rife with triumphant wing.
Under deep Afflidion.
ONCE more, to thee my God I turn,
I know not what to do ;
For my tranfgreifions fore I mourn,
They're conftant in my view.
How happily my life had pall,
If I had follow'd thee ;
Peace all the way, and joy at laft,
Thou would'ft have granted me.
Thy will almoft as clear as light
To me thy hand did fliow ;
JBut intimations I did flight,
And juftly fuffbf woe,
4. A poor
2g6 The Affliftions ana cor r civs of Life.
A poor backflider here I lie.
No hand but thine can raife ;
To thee I lift a mourning eye,
Acknowledging my ways.
5- .
Lord, I have (inn d, and griev'd thee fore,
But if thou wilt forgive,
I am refolv'd to fin no more,
But to thy glory live.
But thou art righteous, O my God,
Tho' thou refufe to heai ;
Juft are thy ways, although thy rod
Is hard -for flefn to bear.
Thefe fore chaftifements are my due,
For my great follies parr. ;
But Lord, thy tender mercies mew
To my poor foul at laft.
Prayer for Patience and Rejjgnation.
j\/TY bjefled Saviour, fee my grief,
And fend my fp'rit quick relief,
Or all my courage foon will fail,
And over me my foes prevail.
2. O fen
The AffH&ians and Sorrows of Life. 297
O fend me Lord, a kind reprieve,
Or ftronger faith and patience give ;
Give me more fortitude of mind,
And let me always be refign'd,
How hard my troubles ! how fevere !
Alas ! what can my fpirits chear ?
The bitter pains and wounds I feel
No hand but thine alone can heal.
The fore afflictions which I bear,
Are fuch as tongue cannot declare ;
But O let patience work in me,
Till I mail go to dwell with thee !
Then {hall my forrows vex no more,
And all my mis'ries^hall be o'er ;
An end be put to all my pain,
And joys eternal I {hall gain.
Jufifying the Hand of God in fore Affliction.
HOW often have I thought and faid,
. I can no longer bear
The heavy load that's on me laid,
But henceforth muft defpair !
2. How
3^3 The Ajjiiftions and Sorrows of Life.
How dark and gloomy is thcfcene !
How burdenfome my load !
How thick the clouds that intervene
Betwixt my foul and God !
r >
But when. I think of what I am,
And of my finful deeds,
I find abundant caufe of fhame,
My heart with forrow bleeds.
Lord, thou art juft in all I feel,
For I deferve the pain ;
Make me fubmiflive to thy will,
And then my woes reftrain.
Whatever I may fuffer here,
The Lord is good and jnft ;
He will for my relief appear,
For in his name I trull.
Pre/fed out ofMeafure above Strength, &c. 2. Cor. i,
ALAS! my fpiritsfink!
My griefs and woes are great,
I fcarce can fpeak, or act, or think,
So difmal is -mv ftate.
2. My
J he Affliftions and Sorrows of Life. 299
My heart is fill'd with grief,
My foul is overborne ;
And what can give a man relief,
That can do nought but mourn r
My trials prefs me down,
And cnifli me to the duft ;
I faint, I die beneath thy frown,
Yet own thy hand is juft.'
Thofe things T greatly fear'd,
At length my portion are ;
Such woes I feel as once appear d
Impoflible to bear.
How bitter is my cup !
'Tis wormwood mixt with gall !
Sorely compell'd to drink it up,
My ftrength, alas, how final! !
I'm out of meafure preil,
And of my life defpair ;
But turn, my foul, to God thy reft,
By faith and fervent prav'r.
7- '
He can fupport thee ftill.
He can thy wants fupply ;
Refign thyfelf to his Weil will,
And he will raife thee high.
2, Thv
500 Support under Trouble and Jlffiiftlon,
Thy pains fhall foon be o'er,
Thy fuff 'rings foon be part,
And thou fhait dwell forevermbre
In joys that always laft.
In the World ye /hall have Tribulation ; but he of
good Cheer , / barue overcome the World, St. John
xvi. 33.
WHAT can the fervants of their Lord
Expect, but trouble here ?
How mofi reviving is that word
That makes them of good cheer !
Our glorious Saviour led the van,
And triumph; d o'er his foes ;
His promifes of grace to man
The pow'rs of hell oppofe.
3. Through
Support under Trouble and Affiicikn. 50 r
3- ■
Through him that overcame for us,
We mall o'ercome at laft ;
He for our fins became a curfe,
That we might bleffings tafte.
Then let us never think it hard.
In grief with him to ware ;
Since he has promis'd a reward
To all who faithful are.
Our troubles here may iorely grieve,
But cannot long endure ;
For Chrift our Lord will foon relieve,
And give a perfect cure..
This is our comfort, and our joy,
That Chrift. did overcome ;
And nothing fhall our hopes deftroy
Till we arrive at home.
Then fhall we praife our Saviour's name?
With all the ranfom'd throng ;
And his abundant grace proclaim,
Who help'd us all along.
Support unlet Ttoubk and AJjUBioju
There haih no Temptation taken you but fuch as is
common to Man : but God is faithful, nvho 'will
you to be tempted above that ye are able^
. will with the Te?nptation alfo make a Way to
ij'cape, that ye may be able to bear if. i . Cor. x. 13.
HOW often do th'affiiaed fay,
No troubles are like theirs !
When health, and friends, and goods decay,
And they are drown'd in cares !
hen life itfelf a burden feems,
And all its joys are gone ;
When earth with all its ftatt'ring dreams
Are from the fight withdrawn ;
When fore temptations prefs them low,
And make their ftrength depart,
And overwhelm their fouls with woe,
With pain and tort'ring fmart :
How a£t are we in fuch a cafe,
To fink in deep defpair !
Unlefs Jehovah with his grace
Our finking fpirits t
J. Yet
Support under \
Yet never let the tempted think
That they alone are found ;
a ion's waters numbers drink,
And are in forrows drown'd.
But God is faithful to his word,
And will not them forfake ;
He will fupport to them afford
Who him their refuge make.
Koiv no Chafteningft • nt feemeth to be r r ycus 9
; never thelefs, }er*ward it yieldeth
peaceable Fruit of Right coujnefs unto them wjbo
are exercifeJ thereby, Heb. xii. 1 1 .
jlJOW fore and grievous is our pain !
How difficult to bear !
But our dear Saviour can fuftain, v
make our fouls his care.
And though his chail'ning hand we feel,
His juft rebuke for fin ;
We tnal he w,ili his love reveal,
>eace within.
C c 2 3. Affliaions
304 Support under TrcuMe and Afflittioiu
Affii&ionshe intends for good,
To teach us righteoufnefs ;
When this defign is under flood,
It makes our forrows lefs.
From fin we mull be purify'd,
And though we feel 'the fmart,
Yet here we relt well fatisfy ; d,
Chrift has a loving heart.
With us our Lord doth fympathize,
For he hath felt our woe ;
Jefus that lives above the fkies,
Once dwelt on earth below.
This is our comfort in our grief,
He knows whate'er is beft ;
And in due time will fend relief,
And give us peace and reft.
Support under Troulde and jQjjliHion. 30 £
for cir light Afiliftion, *wkic6 is but for a Moment %
nvorketb for us a far more exceeding and eternal
VFcigbt of Glory, 2 . C or. i v. 17.
1LTOW fhort and light our forrows are,
^ When them we balance, and compare
With future and eternal things !
They are at longer! but a fpan,
Jinded as foon as well began,
They fly away with fvviftefl: wings,
To us they feem of pond'rous weight,,
Eut weigh'd agamfl the future (rate,*
They're lighter far than vanity;
They are as nothing in our fight,
When faith beholds in heav niy iig
The glories of futurity.
Bty; what is more, our prefent -
Us for that g'ory predifpofe,
They h: us for that perfect: reft,
Where we (ha!J dwell fecur'd from f
And with our bkiTed Saviour reign,
And fliarc in joys with ail the bieft.
C c 3 4. C
306 Support under 7 rouble and Ajjiici 7
O let thefe thoughts compofe each mind !
And make us to our lot refign'd !
Our griefs are light, and tramient here ;
But oh, what glory is prepare^,
And (hall by all the mints be mar'd,
When Chrift the Saviour mall appear !
Blejfed is the Man that eridureth Temptation \ for
wjben he is tried be Jhall receive the Croivn of L'tfe^
at thy great day ?
. 7«
Let conscience now in all awake,
And loudly terrify ;
Ye carelefs fouls, your fins forfake,
And to your Saviour fly.
Rouze up, nor longer dare to deep,
To God's defign attend,
Now hear his voice, .or you will weep
When once your life fhall end.
tfhe original Sentence of Death, Dujl thou art,
unto Dufi jhalt thou return. Gen. hi. 19.
Q 'TWAS a fad and gloomy hour
When fill that cuffed thing was born !
When man fubjcclcd to the pow'r
Of pain and death, appear'd forlorn.
2. S
Death. 3 i r
Man that was form'd for happinefs,
Became the child of mifeiy,
And thofe whom once their God did blefs,
Wercjuftly now condemn'd to die :
To labour, pain, and forrow dqpm'd,
To fcenes of woe, and deepen 1 grief;
Their lives in anxious cares confum'd,
From which till death was no relief.
The fentencejufl of death was pad,
In confequence of hateful fin ;
Man being fairly try'd, and cafl,
The execution did begin*
Thus faid the great Creator's voice,
Man thou halt finn'd, and death mufl feel,
Since difobedience was thy choice,
The confequences I reveal :
The ground is cur fed for thy fake,
And thorns and thirties it fliall yield,
In fweat thou fhalt procure and take
Thy food, the produce of the field ;
Till to the ground thou turn again,
From whence I moulded thee at firft ;
For dufl thou art, thy life is vain,
And thou mufl foon difiolve to ddfft,
8. Mow
3 ia
How ftriAly hath this awful doom,
For many ages been fuifLTd !
And where's the man who dares prefunie
That he to death fhall never yield ?
The rich, the poor, the great, the final J ?
The wife, the fools, the high, the tew,
The good, the bad, alike they fall,
And yield to death's relentlefs blow.
But Lord, thou wilt this doom reverfe,
The fatal curfe thou wile remove :
And through the boundlefs univerfe
All fhall be life, and joy, and love.
The Jhcrtnefs and uncertainly of human Life, ninth alt
the Scripture Metaphors ref peeling tbofc Subjects.
/"YCJR days are like an hireling's hours,
Soon pail, and fled away ;
like grafs, and like the fading flow'rs,
Cut down, we foon decay.
The longed life, when pail, appears V
As fhorter than a fpan,
Oar minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years,
Who can their iwiftnefs fcan ?
3. Uke
Death. 313
Like as the fhuttle in the loom,
The eagle on the wing,
Or as the fwifteft poft would come
Important news to bring.
As fwifteft veffels under fail,
Our minutes difappear ;
Our lives we pafs, like to a tale,
One tells, while others hear.
Our life's a vapour, phantom, fmoke,
A fong, a dream, a deep,
Like winds, clouds, fhadows, bubbles broke,
Which no embrace can keep.
We're hurry 'd on the rapid flood,
As chaff by whirlwinds blown ;
As early dew, and morning cloud,
Soon wafted, fpent, unknown.
Part as a watch of filent night,
Before the rifing dawn,
When man awakes to fee the light,
Behold the watch is gone !
Our days remov'd like fhepherd's tents,
Scarce leave a trace behind ;
Thus fudden death mankind prevents,
Nor fafety can we find.
D d o. Man
314 Death.
Man and his days are vanity,
Our age like nothing feems ;
And word of all, we're verily,
Deluded with falfe dreams.
As webs once finiflVd, from the loom
Are cut, and borne away ;
So ends man's life, and in the tomb
The reptiles find their prey.
As waters failing from the fea,
And floods, which quickly dry,
So man lies down, and where is he
When once he comes to die ?
Thefe are the metaphors which ftiow
How foon our time is o'er ;
God grant they may imprefs us fa
That we may lofe no more !
So teach us to number our Days, that ijue ?nay appl
Hearts unto Wi/do?n. Ffalm xc. 12.
SINCE all our days are fleeting, vain,
Short, and uncertain, full of pain,
Lord, teach us to improve them fo,
That they may never end in woe !
Death. 315
To wifdom may our hears incline,
Lord, give us wifdom, pure, divine,
The knowledge of thy perfect will,
And inclination to fulfil.
How careful ought our fouls to be,
Not to commit iniquity !
Nor that moft precious time mifpend,
Which Gcd fo fparingly doth lend !
Oh that the fons of men w r ere wife !
That life immortal they would prize !
Oh that they underftood, and knew,
And kept their latter end in view 1
Lord, pity weak and helplefs man,
And fince our days are but a fpan,
Beftow on us thy quick'ning grace,
That we with joy may fee thy face.
( 3i6 )
The Chrtftians Farewel^ or Dying Saint's Song,
pAREWEL, dear friends in Chrift below,
I bid you all a fhort adieu :
My time is come, I long to go ;
1 truft I foon my Lord mall view.
I thank you for your kindnefs mown,
My Jefus will reward you all ;
I leave you with the Lord alone,
Till he from earth your fouls mall call.
. 3-
Farewel, dear neighbours, brethren, friends,
I hope we foon (hall meet* with joy ;
My heav'nly Father for me fends,
I go where nothing can annoy.
Adieu, to you mine enemies,
You that have fought to do me harm
By (lander, envy, rage, and lies ;
But God upheld me with his arm :
5. I wifli
The Dying Chrifiian. 3 1 7
I wifh you all eternal life,
I owe you not the leaft ill-will ;
My foul is free from wrath and ftrife,
Though me you hate, I love you (till,
Adieu, thou fun, ye ftars, and moon,
No longer mall I need your light ;
My God's my fun, he makes my noon,
My day fhall never change to night.
Adieu, to all things here below ;
Vain world, I leave thy fleeting toys ;
Adieu to fin, fear, pain and woe,
And welcome bright eternal joys.
Temptations, troubles, griefc, adieu :
Sorrows, becloud my face no more :
I go to pleafures ever new,
Where toils, and ftrifes, and wars are o'er,
Now I have done with earthly things ;
And all to come is boundlefs blifs ;
My eager fpirit fpreads her wings ;
Jefus fays, Come ; I anfwer, Yes.
Weep not dear friends, I tell you all,
I go. to dwell with Chrift e^ high ;
I hear my blefTed'Sctvlour's call,
And trufting in his prqrnife die.
D d 3 11. Father
3 1 8 The Dying Chrift ian.
Father, I come to thee above,
All things below I leave behind ;
The fountain of eternal love
Is open'd to my joyful mind.
Eternity ! tranfporting found !
While God exifts my heav'n remains !
Fulnefs of joy that knows no bound
Shall make my foul forget her pains.
The Dying Chriftian' s parting Fareiuel to his Friends
in Chrift,
T>EAR friends, farewel, I go to dwell
^ With Jefus Chrift on high ;
There fhall I fing praife to my King
To all eternity.
"While I've been here, you did me cheer,
To me you have been kind ;
Eut now through grace, I quit this place.
And leave you ail behind.
Weep not for me, for here, you fee
My trials have been great ;
]But now at laft they're overpaft,
With joy I change my flate.
4. Here
The Dying Chrijilan, 3 1 9
Here I have borne what made me mourn,
And fpend my days in grief ;
No friend below could cure my woe,
But Jefus fends relief.
Chariots of Jove, come from above,
To take my foul to reft ;
To carry me where I fhall be
With'higheft pleafures bleft.
'Twill not be long before the throng
Of the redeemed (hall meet ;
We then fhall be from forrows free,
^And dwell in blifs complete.
There we fhall join in fongs divine,
God's holy name fhall praife,
] In joyful {trains ; forget the pains
Of thefe few evil days.
' 8.
There we fhall ftand at Chrift's right hand,
And in his prefence dwell ;
And him adore for evermore,
So brethren, now farewel.
320 The Dying Chrijlian.
On the Death of a Saint,
"DLESSED are they (the fcriptures fay)
Who dying win the prize ;
For reft they Ilia 11, their good works all
Do follow them likewife. 4
'Tis but a deep, why fhould we weep
For thofe in Chrift who die;
Since this we know, to peace they go,
And joys poffefs on high ?
And though to drift their bodies muft
Be turn'd, beneath the clod,
Yet they fhall rife above the fkies,
And always live with God.
Chrift will aloud before the crowd
Compos'd of Adam's race,
Confefs them dear, who own'd him here.
And bore for him difgrace.
Robes they fhall have that will outbrave
The whitenefs of the fnow ;
Moft pure and bright, like mining light ;
Such Jefus will beftow.
6. Ther*
The Dying Chrijlian. ^%%
Therrwhy need we deje£led be ?
Our lofs is their great gain ;
For they fhall ftand at God's right hand,
And with theip Saviour reign.
Their happy days are fpent in praife,
While here we figh and groan ;
Could we but fee how bleft they be,
'TwouM make u&ceafe to moan.
m 8,
i If there was end, 'twould trouble fend,
And would eclipfe the joy ;
But 'tis not fo, they'll never go
Out of their fweet employ.
9- .
When they've been there ten million years.
And millions more are done,
I They've no lefs days to fing God's praife
Tfcanuhen they firft begun,
( 322 )
' sku^m — „, — ..,-iJt,;.. .,;■„ - , , ■■ » '
Having a Dejzre to depart, and to be ejirhig to be with Chrift. 323
Should friends and kindred, with their claims,
A thoufand lovely things fuggeft,
Or call me by the deareft names,
I'd fav, To he with Chrift is beft.
Should I be lov'd by all fo well '
That I fho'uld be by all carefs'd,
My foul doth know in heay'n to dwell,
And be with jefus Chrift is beft.
' 7-.
Or lhould the fons and heirs of heav'n
Seek to detain me from his breaft,
To them this anfwer fhould be giv'n,
To 1 be with Chrift the Lord is beft.
Should all the race of Adam join
To make this world my fettfed reft,
And to regard me lhould combine,
To be with Chrift for me is beft.
9- .
Were nature's goods combin'd in one,
Peace, health, and competence poiTeft,
And all the joys below the -fun,
For me to be with Chrift is beft.
Friendship and mufic furely have
Their iev'rai charms, as 'tis confefs'd }
Thefe in perfection I would crave;
But fure to be with Chrift is beft.
1 1 . She
324 Dejirtng to oe with Chriji,
Should earth's united joys confpke
To make me here entirely bleft,
Yet fuch is my intenfe defire,
I'd fay, To be with Chrift is beft
Or might I fee the world in peace,
No woes nor troubles to moleft,
All wars and flrifes for ever ceafe,
To be with Chrift would then be beft,
Or might I fee religion reign,
The truth in ev'ry place profeft,
This moft would tempt me to remain j
Put then to be with Chrift is beft.
Well may I fay w T hen mortals frown,
When friends forfake, and I'm opprefi.
When evil ftands, and good goes down ?
To be with Chrift is far the beft.
Well may I fay when I'm bereav'd
Of deareft friends by death's arreft,
And by falfe brethren oft deceiv'd,
To be with Chrift mv Friend is beft.
When trouble, ftiame, and wants abound,
And I'm on ev'ry fide diftreft,
And ftill with foes begirt around,
I fay, To be with Chrift is beft. ■
17 When
hcfittng to be with Ctrift. 325
l 7-
1 war and bloodshed fills the earth,
I 1< Lv'n to build my neft ;
n i have mourning for my mirtn,
I'm fare to he with Chrift is beft.
When i on earth can fmd no place,
And am in weeds of forrow c .
And meet reproach, contempt, difgrace,
Xo doubt to be with Chrift is
Thus, whether joy or grief prevails,
This real Chrifrians may atteft,
As fueh a truth that never f
To be with Chrift in heav'n is beft.
. fince this world's a place of woe.
Where ev'ry virtue is fuppreft,
Should I not long from hence to £0,
-\nd be with Chrift, which far is beft ?
Lord, grant while I on earth do flay,
This truth on me may be impreft*
That let my ftate be what it may,
To be with Chriu for me is beft
There's fometbing wrought within my foul,
(Though much borne down, by fin dfepreft)
That fecks the world where pleafures r
And feys, To be \ '. tft is beft.
( 3=& )
2#£ 'mourning Chiijlian charmed «witb' a ProJpecJ of
Heaven a-,id endlefs Happinefs,
jV/TOURNING and drooping here I lie
Upon this earthly clod ;
But beav'nly joys invite my eye,
And draw me near my God.
Tranfported with a glorious view"
Of God's eternal love,
To this vain world I bid adieu,
And long to be above.
There all the faints in harmony
Do ftand forevermore,
And to a vail eternity
Their glorious Lord adore.
Hark ! hark ! mcthinks i hear the found,
Methinks the angels fing ;
The glorious melody goes round,
Which makes the heav'n to ring,
5- The
4 P) -ofpcul of Heaven . 327
The faints above do fing a fong,
In a melodious ft rain,
Of praife, which doth to God belong,
And to the Lamb once (lain.
Wonder, and love, and joy, and praife
Fill all their happy fouls ;
Their pleafures lad: to endlefs days,
Nor grief their biifs controuls.
7- .
The faints all cloth 'd in raiment white,
Their Saviour's love declare ;
Through all the realms of peace and light
There's not one mourner there.
But O, the glory of the place
No mortal tongue can tell !
Where they behold their Saviour's face,
And in his prefence dwell.
O how they all perform their parts !
What grandeur fJ! c each (train !
This glorious fong infpires their hearts,
Wor.hy the Lamb once (lain 1
Bleffing, and glory, wifdom, might,
Thankfgiving, honour, powY,
Be giv'n to thee, O Lord, thy right,
Now, and forevermore.
E e 2 11. O how
A Profpcfl cf Heaven*
"J o praife the God above !
While all the faints in notes divine
Do ling redeeming love.
Worthy, O Lord, worthy art thou,
To wear the glorious crown !
Before his feet the feraphs how,
And caft their di'dems down.
The long etefrialfy goes round,
To him that made the iky,.
My thoughts are loft in this deep found
A vast Eternity !
When there have paft more million years
Than lands upon the more ;
The faints above will have no fears
That the bleft fpace is o'er.
Eternity will ft ill remain,
'Twill be Eternity ; *
The fong to Chrift, the Lamb once fiain,
Will laic eternally.
Who can defcribe the bleffedneis
Of pleafures ever new ?
I long the glory to pofiefs,
And bid all iin adieu.
17 r
A ProfpeH of Heaven. ^ $2j
Farewel my friends, I long to go ;
Adieti death, forrow, pain ;
Adieu to fears, adieu to woe ;
And welcome endlefs gain.
O how my foul doth long to. quit
This earth, and foar away !
Saviour, if for heav'n I'm fit,
Leave me not here to flay.
Come, take my longing fpirit up;
To dwell with thee above ;
1 long with thee my Lord to fup,
On everlafting love.
The time feems long, till thou_ doft bring
« My foul to that bleft place,
Where I thy praife fhall ever fin g,
And reft in thine embrace.
AJJiirance of Heaven makes us willing to depart, and
to be with Chrijl. 2. Cor. v. 1,2, &c.
TK7ELL, let this earthly houfe decay,
This tabernacle fall ;
This our abode muft foon give way,
And down will come the wall.
E e 3 2 Our
I : ry A Frofpeft cfHeayeti*
Our flefli is but a tirefome load,
Which weighs our fpirits down ;
But we've a building with our God,
For which we figh and groan.
Yonder, on heav'n's eternal hill,
We have the joy to fay,
An hotife there is, where we fhall dwell,
That never can decay.
A kingdom, fceptre, crown, and throne,
Is promifed to thofe
Who do their Lord and Saviour own,
And overcome their foes.
Could we behold that happy land
Of Wife and full delight,
Lord, we mould long for thy command,
To leave thefe fhades of night.
How we fhould long to bid farewel
To earth, with all its toys !
And rife, with Jefus^Chrift to dwell,
And tafte celeftial joys !
How we mould drive to run our race,
And all our work fulfil !
\jThat we might quit this mournful place,
And reach the {leav'nly hill.
4 Prof pea of Heaven. \
IfPriging to depart,
MY weary foul doth pant and long
To quit this mortal clay ;
And go and join the happy throng,
In realms of epdlefs day.
Jordan's cold ftreams, and death's (dark fl;?de
No longer terrify ;
Why fhould a Chriftian be afraid, .
Since Chrift himfelf did die r
JWy fight is fought, my race is run;
The crown I {hall obtain ;
J pant to have my moments done.
That I the prize may gain.
Long have I fuffer'd here below,
And felt the deepen 1 tmari ;
With joy and gladnefs hence I'll go,
And to my Lord depart.
I lift mine eyes to thee, my God,
And pant to fee thy face ;
Fain would I dwell in thine abode,
And feaft upon thy grace.
S. Na
* 3 £ A Prefpefl of Heaven.
No fickriefs, (hame, or forrow there
Snail vex, or difcompofe ;
No want, nor pain, nor anxious care a
No fightings, fears, nor foes.
• 7-
All there is peace, health, happinefs,
And glory ever bright ;
Nothing mall ever difpoffefs
The faints from realms of light,
There (hall I my Redeemer fee,
And with the light be warm'd ;
From fin and death for ever free,
And to my Lord conformed.
The joys I fhall experience then,
Shall take away the fmart,
Of all that fore tormenting pain
Which rends my broken heart,
Defying to he tvztb Jefus, and to be fwallfmxd up h
the boundkfs Ocean of Love.
JESUS, my King, I love thy name,
And thee I will adore ;
I long to found thy glorious fame
Upon the heav'nly fhore.
2. 1 can'
A ProfpeH of Heaven. 333
!: \ can't my heart's defires exprefs ;
Be thou my ail in all ;
Vjord, let me have this haopinefs
I Atthy blcft feet to fall.
D let my foul abforbed be,
hile God doth me furround,
As one fmall drop in the vaft fea
Is loft, a«d can't be found !
Before the prefer) ce of my God
How worthl efs 1 mould feem !
Yet ftnce I'm bought with Jefu's blood,
I fliall be found in him.
My confcioufnefs I mail not lofe,
! Nor my identity ;
But I fhaii have the good I chufe,
Be fwailow'd up in thee.
Before thy pfefence I fliall bow,
And join with all the throng
To praife thy glorious name, and thou-
Wilt liften to the fong.
The King of glory I mall view,
In all his beauty bright ;
And in his prefencc fnall purfue
hfubjeds of delight.
8. The
33+ A Prof peel of Heaven,
The land far off I fhall behold,
Array'd in Jiving green ;
And taite the blifs that can't be told,
Nor yet conceiv'd by men.
Heaven-ivzllfoon make amends for all Earthly Sorrow;
YI/TIEN once my foul fhall bid adieu.
To bitter fcenes of woe,
The glories which my eyes ihall view
Shall make my joys o'erfiow.
If (Thrift my Lord mall deign to meet
And bid me welcome in,
Oh what a heav'n of glory iweet
Will inflantly begin 1
Soon mall my pains be all forgot,
When once I gain that more ;
I'll fhout with joy, what God hath wrought,
And praife him evermore.
The firft kind moment will repay
All that 1 fuffer'd here ;
My joys lhall grow without decay,
And love fhall call out fear.
( 335 )
The Penitent.
PROSTRATE, dear Jefus. at thy feet
A guilty rebel lies ;
And upwards to the mercy- feat
Prefunies to lift his eyes.
O let not Juftice frown me hence !
Stay the revengeful ftorm !
Forbid it that Omnipotence
Should crufli a feeble worm. 3. If
336 The Penitent.
If tears of farrow would fufnee
'I o pay the debt I o\ve,
Tears fhould from both my weeping eyes
In ceafelefs torrents flow.
But no fneh facrifice I plead
To expiate my guilt ;
No tears but thofe which thou hail flied,
No blood, but what thou ipilt.
Think of thy forrpws, dearefl Lord,
And ail my fins forgive :
Juilice will well approve the word,
That bids the finner live.
The. burdened Sinner,
AH ! what muft I do ? or how be fecure ?
If juilice purfue, what heart can endure ?
When God fpeaks in thunder, and makes himfelf
The heart breaks in funder, though harder than
With terror I read my fins heavy fcore,
Their numbers exceed the fands on the fhore ;
Guilt makes me unable to iland, or to flee,
So Cain murder'd Abel, and trembled like me.
3. Each
The Penitent. 337
Each fin like his blood, with terrible cry,
Calls loud upon God, to ftrikefrom on high ?
Nor can my repentance extorted by fear,
Reverfe thcjuft Sentence, 'tis juft, though fevere,
The cafe is too plain, T have my own choice.
Again and again I (lighted his voice ;
His warnings neglected, his patience abus'd,
His gofpel rejected, his mercy refus'd.
And mu ft I then go for ages to dwell
In mis'ry and woe, with devils in hell ?
O where is the Saviour 1 icorn'd in times pa
His word in my favour would fave me at iaft.
Lord Jefus, on thee I venture to call,
O look upon me the viicfl of all ;
For whom dklil thou languish, and bleed on the
tree ?
O pity mine anguifh, and fav, a 'Twas for thee.'*
A caufe fuch as mine will honour thy powr ;
All hell will repine, all heav'n will adore,
If in condemnation Ariel juftlce takes place,
It fhines in falvation more glorious through grace,
538 The Penitent.
The Sinner's Hope*
WHO knows but fuch a one as I
May grace and mercy find ?
I hear that IfraeTs God and King
Is merciful and kind.
1 do not hear the trumpet found^
To call me to his bar ;
The proofs and patterns of his grace
Forbid me to defpair.
Ceafe then thy murmYing, O my foul,
And fiiently attend
( To what the bleffed Jefus fays,
Who is the finner's friend.
He does not fay, " Depart from me,
" Into eternal fire ;"
But, " Come into my open arms,
" Where weary fouls retire,"
The trembling wretch, who touch'd his hem,
But fear'd an heavy doom,
Receiv'd a cure, and bleffing too,
And went rejoicing home.
6. Th
The Penitent. 339
The prodigal deferv'd and far'd
Worfe than the fwine he fed ;
Yet found a mirthful feaft at home,
Who only Iook ; d for bread.
Hcav'Ti look'd upon the publican,
Who was bow'd down with fliame ;
Mercy he call'd, which foon appear'd,
And anfwer'd to it's name.
My fins are mighty fins indeed ;>
But I have undcrftood
Great fins are foils, which do inhancc
The worth of faving blood.
My foul has many ghaftly wounds,
Yet J will not defpair,
While there is balm in Gilead found*
And a phyfician there.
That I might march to Canaan's land.
The filver trumpet founds ;
My day ftill (hines, my tent is tixt
Within falvation's bounds.
The door is (hut, but is not barr'd,
And he that is within
Does bid me afk, and feek, and knock,
And flrive to enter in.
I % 12. Here
34° The Tcnlient.
Here then I'M a(k, and feek, and knock,
itil the door be ope ;
Nor will I ftir a foot from hence,
It is a door of hope.
*The Penitent pur done J.
HENCE from my foul, my fins depart,
Your fetal friendfhip now I fee ;
Long have you dwelt too near my heart,
e to eternal diftance flee.
Ye gave my dying Lord his wound,
Yet I carefs'd your vip'rous brood,
And in my heart-firings lapp'd you round ;
You, the vile murd'rers of my God.
Black heavy thoughts, hke mountains roll
O'er my poor breaft, with boding fears,
And cru filing hard my tortur'd foul,
Wring through my eyes the briny tears.
Forgive my treafons, Prince of Grace,
The bloody Jews were traitors too,
Yet thou haft pray'd for that curs'd race.
Father •, they faiozv not njjhai they do.
5. Great
tent* 34 r
Great Advocate, look down, and fee
A wretch, whole frnarting forrows bleed :
plead the fame excufe for me !
For, Lord, 1 knew noc what I did,
Peace my complaints, let ev'ry groan
Be frill, and filencfe wait his love ;
Companions dwell upon his throne,
And through his ininoft bowels move,
j 7-
Lo> from the everlafling fkies,
Gently as morning dews diftil,
The Dove immortal downward flies,
With peaceful olive in his bill,
How fweet the voice of pardon founds !
Sweet the relief from deep diflrefs !
1 fee the balm that heals my wounds,
And ali my powVs adore the grace*
F f 5 HYMN
'[ 34* ]
■ mil mum
'Tbefoi^xe'ign hove of God extending to all*,
JNFINITE nnexhaufled love !
Tefus and love are one :
If fill! to me thy bowels move,
They are reftrain'd no none.
What fhall I do my God to love !
My loving God to praife r
The length, the breadth, and height to prove,
And depth of fov'reign grace t
Thy fov'reign grace to all extends,
• Immenfe and unconfLYd ;
From age to age, it never ends^
And reaches all mankind.
Throughout the world its breadth is known,
Wide as infinity !
So wide, it never pafs'd by one y
Or it had paft'd bv me«
7 'he Fulnefs of Divine lev?. 343
The depth of all redeeming love
What ano-el tongue can tell r
O may I to the utmou prove
The giftunfpeakable !
The Same,
THY ceafelefs, unexhaulled love,
Unmerited and free 5
Delights our evil to remove,
And help our mifery.
Thou waitefi: to be gracious ftill ;
Thou doft. with iinners bear,
That fav'd we may thy goodnefs feel,
And all thy grace declare.
Thy goodnefs and thy truth to me,
To ev'ry foul abound ;
A vafi: unfathomable fea,
Where all our thoughts are drown/d.
Its ftreams th T e whole creation reach ?
So plenteous is the flore - x
Enough for all, enough for each*
JEnbugh for evermore.
5. Faithful
^44- - The Pulnefs of Divine Love.
Faithful, O Lord, thy mercies are !
A rock that cannot move ;
A thoufand promifes declare
Thy conftancv of iove !
Throughout the univerfe it reigns,
Unalterably fure ;
And while the truth of God remains,
This goodnefs mult endure.
^he glorious Redemption nx)hich is in Jefus, and his
koundiefs Lcve and Mercy.
'OW I have found the ground wherein
Sure my foul's anchor may remain,
The blood of fefus fried for fin,
The fpotlefs Lamb of God once flain :
Whofe mercy mall unfhaken flay,
Though heav'n and earth mould flee away,
Father, thy everlafting grace
Our fcanty thoughts fiirpafles far ;
Thy heart ftill melts with tendernefs,
Thy arms of love frill open are,
Returning finners to receive,
That mercy they may tafte, and live,
3. O Love*
The Fuhffs of Divine Love. 345
© Love, thou bottomlefs abyfs !
My fins are fwallow'd up in thee,
CoveVd is my unrighteoufnefs,
Thy Holy Spirit fets me free ;
[e jefu's blood through earth and ddts,
Mercy, free boundlefs mercy, cries.
With faith I plunge me in this fea ;
Here is my joy, my hope, my reft !
Hither^ when hell aflaife, I flee,
I look into my Saviour's breaft ;
Away, fad doubt, and anxious fear, -
Mercy is ail that's written there.
Though waves and ftorms go o'er my head,
Though ftrength, and health, and friends are
Though joys are wither'd all and dead,
Though ev'ry be withdrawn,
Stedfaft on this my (o^l reKes ;
Father, thy mercy never dies.
Fix'd on this ground will I remain,
Though my heart fail, and flefh decay,
This anchor fhall my foul fuftain
When earth's foundations melt away:
cy's full pow 7 r I then fhall prove, '
Lov'd with an eveiiafting love.
34& 2^ Fuhtefs of Dhnne Lo-v£ a
The Grace of God^fovereign^ univerfal, and fret*
MAGNIFICENT free grace, arife,
Outfhine the thoughts of fhallow man ;
SovVeign, preventing all furprize,
To him that neither will'd nor ran,
Grand as the bofom whence thou flow'd,
Kind as the heart that gave thee vent ;
Rich as the gift that God°beftcw 7 d,
And lovely like the Chrift he fent.
, 3-
Sin reign'd to death ; but over fin
And death, with more imperial fway,
Grace fpreads her more extenfive reign ?
And does eternal life convey.
For us falvation wide difplays
Her ample all refrefhing wing;
Safe in the made free grace we praife,
And ail its peerlefs glories fing.
The Fulncfs of Divine Lovi. 3 47
Boundlefs Mercy.
1 EE matchlefs mercy from on high,
Defcend to rebels doom'd to die ;
Tis mercy free, that knows no bound ;
How grand, how gladfome is the found !
While haughty mortals frown and fret,
Who fov'reign boundlefs mercy hate,
Through all the regions of the bleitj
That mercy only is confeiL
+ 3-
Until we join the happy throng,
Let boundlefs mercy be our fong ;
And may our lives with fruits abound,
To fhew we know the iovful found.
The Love of drift conquers all jijjiiftion: „
H^HY love, O Jefus, is a theme
That never, never fhall grow old ;
That love which doth from fia redeem
Is new ten thoufand times thrice told.
z. Thy
348 7^ Fulnefs of Divine Love*
Thy love makes us count all things lofs,
To formed pov charms ;
Makes martyrs bold, e'en on the crofs,
And fmging triumph reach thy arms.
When thy love glows upon the heart,
Difgrace forgets her mocking name;
Afflictions lofe their deadly fmart,
And patience fmiles amidfi the flame.
Salvation founds frpm racks and {lakes ;
Hope blunts the fword's devouring edg^ 4 <
Severeft torture joy partakes,
Of heaf'nly blifs the welcome pledge.
Broad heav'n and earth fhall/fing of thee,
And their melodious numbers raife j
We'll make thy name rememher'd be
Th' eternal centre of all praife.
( 349 )
Praife to God through the Whole of our Exijlencc.
GOD of my life, through all my days,
My grateful powYs would found thy praife -
The fong mall wake with opening light,
And warble to the filent night.
When anxious cares would break my reft,
And grief would tear my throbbing breaft,
* Thy tuneful praife 111 raife on high,
And check the murmur and the figh.
When death o'er nature mail prevail,
And all the powVs of language fail ;
Joy through my fwimming eyes fhall break,
And mean the thanks I cannot fpeak.
But O ! when that laft conflict's o'er,
And I am chain'd to flefh. no more,
With what glad accents fliall I rife,
To join the mufic of the Ikies !
Q g 5, Soon
450 Prmfe.
Soon flialJ I learn th 'exalted ftrains,
Which echo through the heav'nly plains^
And emulate with joy unknown
The glowing feraphs round the throne.
The ch earful tribute will I give,
Long as a deathlefs foul can live ;
A work fo fweet, a theme fo high,
Demands and crowns eternity.
A Jong of Praifefor the Gofpeh
TlLEST be my God, that I was born
To hear the gofoel found ;
That I was born to be baptiz'd,
And bred on holy ground.
That I was bred where God appears
With tokens of his grace ;
The lines are fallen unto me
In a mofl pleafant place.
I might have been a pagan bred,
Or elfe a veiled Jew,
Or cheated with an Al Koran,
Amongft the Turkifli crew.
4- , "
$0 in a dungeon dark as night
I might have fpent my days;
But thou haft fent me gofpel light,
To thine eternal pvaife.
. 5-
The fun that rofe up in the eaft,
And drove the fhades away,
Its healing wings have reach'd the weft*
And turn'd the night to day.
Bleft be my God, for what I fee,
My God for what I hear,
I hear fuch bleflecl news from heav'n,
Not earth nor hell I fear.
I hear my Lord for me was born,
My Lord for me did di*,
My Lord for me did rife again,
And did afcend on high.
On high he ftands to plead my caufe,
And will return again,
And fet me on a glorious throne,
And I with him mall reign.
G gz HYMI^
3S 2 Praifc.
A Song of Praifefor the Holy Ghoft,
lyTY foul doth magnify the Lord,
My fpirit doth rejoice
In God my Saviour, and my God ;
I hear his joyful voice.
I need not go abroad for jor,
I have a feaft at home ;
Mv %hs are turned into fongs,
The Comforter is come.
Down from above the bieffed Dove
Is come into my breaft,
To witnefs God's eternal love ;
This is my heav'nly feaft.
This makes me, Abba Father, cry,
With confidence of foul ;
This makes me cry, My Lord, my God,
And that without controul.
There is a dream that iflires forth
From God's eternal throne,
And from the Lamb, a living ftream,
Clear as the cryftal Hone.
6, The
Praifc. S S}
The frream doth water paradife,
It makes the angels fing ;
One cordial drop revives my heart,
Hence all my joys do fpring.
L 7-
Suchjoys as are unipeaLable,
And full of glv.>ry too ;
Such hidden manna, hidden pearls,
As worldlings do not know.
Eye hath not feen, nor ear hath heard,
From fancy 'tis conceal'd,
What thou Lord, hail laid up for thine,
And haft to me reveal'd.
I fee thy face. I hear thy voice,
I tafte thy (Tweeted love ;
My foul doth leap, but O for wings,
The wings of Noah's dove !
Then would I fly far hence away,
Leaving this world of fin ;
Then would my Lord put forth his hand,
And kindly take me in.
Then fhould my foul with angels feaft,
On joys that always Jaft ;
Bleft be my God, the God of jov,
Who gives me here a tafte.
G g 3 HYMN
Praifc to Cod for redeeming Love.*
OH that I had an angel's tongue !
That I might loudly fing
The wonders of redeeming love,
To thee, my God and King.
But man, who at the gates of hell
Did pale and fpeechlefs lie,
Muft find a tongue, and time to fpeak 3
Or eife the (tones will cry.
r 3- '
Let the redeemed of the Lord
Their thankful voices raife ;
Can we be dumb, when angels ring
Our great Redeemer's praife ?
. 4 '
Come, let us join with angels then,
" Glory to God on high :"
* 4 Peace be on earth, good will to men.' *J
Amen, amen, fay I.
Praife. 3 5 J
Tiaife to the Saviour for his Righteoufnefs, LlooJ-
/headings and powerful Grace.
Q WHAT (hall I do m 7 Saviour to praife ?
So faithful and true, fo plenteous in grace ;
So ftrong to deliver, fo good to redeem
The weakeft believer that hangs upon him.
How happy the man whofe heart is fet free !
The people who can be joyful in thee !
Their joy is to walk in the light of thy face,
And fliil they are talking of Jefus's grace.
Their daily delight fhall be in thy name ;
They fhall as their right thy righteoufnefs claim ;
Thy righteoufnefs wearing, and cleans'd by thy
Bold fhall they appear in the prefence of God.
For thou art their boait, their glory and powY ;
And I alfo truft to fee the glad hour,
My foul's new creation, a life from the dead,
The day of falvation that lifts up my head.
' 5-
Yes, Lord, I fhall fee the blifs of thine own,
Thy mercy to me fhall foon be made known :
IW forrow and fadnefs, I joy fha.ll receive,
And (hare in the gladnefs of all that believe.
356 « Praif*.
Hi they io hath the Lord helped us, I . Sam. vii. 12.
r FHOUGH ftrait be the w^y, with dangers befet,
And we through delay are no farther yet \
Our good Guide and Saviour hath helped thus far ;
And 'tis by his favour we are what we are.
A favour fo great we highly fhould prize ;
Nor 'murmur, nor fret, norfmall things defpife :
JBut what call we fmall things? fins whole can-
cel I'd fum ?
'Tis greater than all things — except thofe to come.
My Brethren reflect, on what we have been,
How God had refpect to us under fin ;
When lower and lower we ev'ry day fell,
He ftretch'd forth his power, and match 'd us
from hell.
Then let us rejoice, and chearfully fing,
With heart and with voice to Jefus our King;
Who thus far hath brought us from evil to good ;
The ranfom that bought us, no lefs than his blood.
5. x
For blefTmgslike thefe, {0 bounteouMy giv'n,
For profpecls of peace, and foretaftes of heav'n,
'Tis grateful, 'tis pleafant, to fing and adore ;
Be thankful for prefent, and then afk for more.
Pvaife. ' 357
God glorious ) and Shiners j
pATHER, how wide thy glory fhines !
How high thy wonders rife !
Known through the earth by thoufand figns,
By thou fan els through the ikies.
Thofe mighty orbs proclaim thy pow'r,
Their motions fpeak thy (kill ;
And on the wings of ev'ry hour •
We read thy patience ftill. -
Part of thy name divinely (lands
On all thy creatures writ ;
They fhew the labour of thine hands,
The imprefs of thy feet.
But, when we view thy ftrange defign
To fave rebellious tvorms,
Where vengeance and companion join,
In their divineft forms :
Our thoughts are loll in rev'rend awe ;
We love, and we adore :
The firfc arch-angel never faw
So much of God before.
6. Here
35 £ Praife.
Here the whole Deity is known,
Nor dares a creature guefs
Which of the glories brighteft flione,
The juftice or the grace.
When finners broke the Father's laws,
The dying Son atones :
Oh the dear myfVries of his crofs !
The triumph of his groans !
Now the full glories of the Lamb
Adorn the heav'nly plains ;
Sweet Cherubs learn Immanuel's name,
And try their choiceft ftrains.
Oh may I bear feme humble part
In that immortal fong !
Wonder and joy fliall tune my heart,
Aiid leve command my tongue.
( 359 )
A Song of Praifefor the Birth of Chrzft.
AWAY dark thoughts, awake, my joy ;
Awake my glory, fing ;
Sing fongs to celebrate the birth
Of Jefus Chrift, our King.
O happy night, that brought forth light,
Which makes the blind to fee !
The day fpring from on high came down,
To chear and vifit thee.
The wakeful fhepherds near their flocks,
Were watching for the morn ;
But better news from heav'n was brought,
" Your Saviour Chrift, is born."
" In Bethle'em town the infant lies,
" Within a place obfcure."
O little Bethle'em, poor in walls,
JSut rich in furniture, '
$, Since
360 - ChriJ}.
Since heav'n is now come down to earth,
Hither the angels fly ;
Hark, how the heav'nly choir doth ling,
" Glorv to Gad on high !"
, 6 *
The news is fpread, the chureh is glad ?
Simeon o'ercome with joy,
Sings with the infant in his arms,
" Now let thy fervant die."
Wife men from far beheld the ftar,
Which was their faithful guide,
Until it pointed forth the babe,
And him they glorify'd.
8 - . . .
While heav'n and earth rejoice and fing f
Shall we our Chriit deny ?
He's born for us, and we for him ;
Glory to God on high !
the Nativity cfChriJt.
€i OHEPHERDS, rejoice ! lift up your eyes,
^3 " And fend your fears away ;
" News from the regions of the (Ivies !
" Salvation's born to day.
Z. " Jefus,
Cbrift. 361
* 2.
" Jefus, the God whom angels fear,
" Comes down to dwell with you ;
€t To-day he makes his entrance here*
" But not as monarchs do.
u No gold, nor purple lwaddling bands,
" Nor royal mining things :
" A manger for his cradle (lands, "
u And holds the King of Kings.
u Go, fhepherds, where the infant lies,
" And fee his humble throne ;
M With tears of joy in all your eyes,
" Go, fhepherds, kifs the Son."
Thus Gabriel fang, and (trait around
The heav'nly armies throng ;
They tune their harps to lofty found,
And thus conclude th£ fong :
u Glory to God, that reigns above ;
" Let peace furroundthe earth :
" Mortals (hall know their Maker's love
11 At their Redeemer's birth."
Lord, and fhall angels have their fongs,
And men no tunes to raife ?
O may we lofe thefe ufelefs tongues
When thev forget to praife !
H h 8, Gloiy
362 Chrijt.
Glory to God, that reigns above,
That pity'd us forlorn ;
We join to iing our Maker's love.
For there's a Saviour born.
The Infant Saviour.
HARK! whence that found? hark! hark!
the joyful fhoutings ;
See ! fee! what fplendor flieds its beams around us!
Turning dark midnight into noon-tide glory,
As it approaches.
With pomp majeftic, fee the heav'nly virion
Slowly defcending, while attendant angels
Pour acclamations ; and celeftial chauntings, ]
Wake our attention.
3- ..
* 4 Fear not, ye fhephei ds, 'tis the Prince of Peace
comes ;
€i Full of companion, full of love and pity ;
•* Bringing falvation for the loll of mankind ;
'* For ruin'd nature.
u Go pay your homage to your infant Saviour,
<; Laid in a manger ; view the Lord of glory,
w Meanly attended ; yet the great Redeemer !
*' Yon nar fhall guide you.
5. Give
CL.tJl. 363
u Give God the glory, all ye hofts celeftial,
u Peace dwells on earth, and man enjoys his fa-
vour ;
w< Rais'd from death's dungeon, heir to life eternal,
" Through a Mediator."
O may impreflions of his boundlefs mercy,
Ever remind me of my grateful duty !
Sweet the employment to proclaim his goodnefs,
And fing his praifes,
For the Birth ofjefus.
VyHILE fhepherds watch'd^their flocks by night,
All feated on the ground,
The Angel of the Lord came down,
And glory fhone around,
" Fear not," faid he (for mighty dread
Had feiz'd their troubled mind)
" Glad tidings of great joy I bring
i; To you, and all mankind.
•* To you in David's town, this day
M Is born of David's line,
u A Saviour, who is Christ the Lord,
11 And this mall be the fign :
Hh2 x 4. " The
364 ChriJ.
" The heav'nly babe ye there mall find
" To human view difplay'd,
* l All meanly wrapt in fwathing bands,
" And in a manger laid."
Thus fpake the feraph ; and forthwith
Appear 'd a mining throng
Of angels, praifing God, and thus
Addrefs'd their heav'nlv fong :
* f AH glory be to God on high ;
" And on the earth be peace ;
u Good wjll, henceforth from beav'n to men
*' Begin, and never ceafe."
The Nativity ofChriJi, and the Dejign thereof.
HARK, the glad found ! the Saviour comes,
The Saviour promis'd long !
Let ev'ry heart prepare a throne,
And ev'ry voice a fong. .
On him the Spirit largely pour'd,
Kxerts its (acred fire ;
Wifdom and might, and zeal and love,
His holy breait infpire.
< * %. He
Chr'ijl. \i%
lie comes the prisoners to releafe,
In Satan's bondage held ;
The gates of brafs before him burft,
The iron fetters yield.
He comes from thickeft films of vice
To clear the mental n
And on the, eye-balls of the blind
To pour celeftial day.
He comes the broken heart to bind,
The bleeding foul to cure ;
And with the treafures of his grace
T'inrich the humble poor.
Cur glad hofanna's, Prince of Peace,
Thy welcome mall proclaim ;
And heavVs eternal arches ring
With thv beloved name.
The Incarnation rf.ChrtJt. Luke ii. 14.
"lyjORTALS awake, with angels join,
And chaunt the fblerap lay •
Joy, love, and gratitude combine
To hail th' aufpicious d;
tl b 3 2. In
365 Chrijl.
In heav'n the raptYous fong began,
And fweet feraphic fire
Through all the mining legions ran,
And ftrung and tun'd the lyre.
3- ' . .
Swift through the vafl expanfe il flies,
And loud the echo roll'd ;
The theme, the fong, the joy was great,
'Twas more than heav'n could hold.
Down through the portals of the fky
Th' impetuous torrent ran ;
And angels flew with eager joy
To bear the news to man.
Wrapt in the filence of the night,
Lay all the eaflern world,
When hurtling, glorious, heav'nly light
The wond'rous fcene unfurl'd.
Hark ! the cherubic armies fhout,
And glory leads the fong ;
Good-will and peace are heard throughout
Th' harmonious, heav'nly throng.
O for a glance of heav'nly love
Our hearts and fongs to raife !
Sweetly to bear our fouls above,
hvA mingle with their lays.
8, With
Cbrijt. 367
With joy the chorus we'll repeat,
Glory to God on high ;
Good-will and peace are now compleat,
Jefus was born to die.
Hail, Prince of Life, for ever hail !
Redeemer, Brother, Friend \
Though earth and time, and life fliould fail,
Thy praife ffrall never end.
drift dying, rijing, and reigning,
HE dies ! the friend of finners dies !
Lo ! Salem's daughters weep around !
A folemn darknefs veils the fkies !
A fudden trembling fhakes the ground !
Come, faints, and drop a tear or two,
For him whogroan'd beneath your load \
He filed a thoufand drops for you,
A thoufand drops of richer blood !
Come, tinners, view your Saviour dead ;
And weep around his royal tomb !
Your hope, your joy, your all is fled,
Fpr all ! your Champion's overcome !
A conflict
36S ' drift.
A conflict willi the pow'rs of hell .
Your Saviour did for you fuflain ;
He nobly fought, but ah ! he fell !
Break, hearts of flint ! the Lamb is (lain.
Here's love and grief, beyond degree ;
The Lord of glory dies for men !
But io ! what fudden joys I fee,
Jefus the dead revives again.
The rifing God forfakes the tomb';
(The tomb in vain forbids his rife)
Cherubic legions guard him home,
And fhout him welcome to the ikies !
Break off your tears, ye faints, and tell
How high our great Deiiv'rer reigns ;
Sing, how he fpoil'd the hods of hell,
And led the monfier Death in chains.
Say!, '<' Live for ever ! wond'rous King,
" Born to redeem, and ftrong J;o fave V
Then a Ik the monfier, — Xi Where's thy fling ?"
And, " Where's thy vicVry, boafling grave F¥
■7 he Refmredion cfjcfiis.
pHRISTthe Lord is ris'n to-day,
Sons of men and angels fay !
Raife your joys and triumphs higty
Sing, ye heavns, and earth reply.
2. Love's
Cbr'ijl. 369
Love's redeeming work is done,
.Fought the fight, the battle's won ;
l.o ! our fun's eclipfe is o'er,
Lo ! he fets in blood no more !
Vain the ftone, the watch, the feal,
Chrift hath burft the gates of hell ;
Death in vain forbids his rife,
Chrift hath open d paradife.
Lives again our glorious King ;
Where, O death, is now thv fting ?
Once he dy'd our fouls to fave ;
Where's thy victory, O grave ?
Soar we now where Chrift hath led,
Folfwing our exalted head ;
Made like him, like him we rife,
Our's the crofs, the grave, the ildes.
What, though once we pcriih/d all,
Partners of our parents fail ;
Second life we (hall receive,
In our heav'nly Adam live.
Hail the Lord of earth and heav'n !
Piaife by both to thee be giv'n ;
Thee we greet triumphant now,
Hail the refurrecticn-thou !
8. Kin
370 . CJrnJl.
King of glory ! foul of blifs !
Everlafting life is this —
Thee to know — thy pow'r to prove*
Thus to fing, and thus to love.
Cbrift's Afcenjion.
{"YUPv Lord is rifen from the dead,
Our Jefus is gone up on high ;
The pow'rs of hell are cnptive led,
Dragg'd to the portals of the fky.
There his triumphant chariot waits,
And angels channt the folemn lay ;
Lift up your heads, ye heav'nly gates,
Ye everlafting doors give way.
Loofe all your bars of maiTy light.
And wide unfold the radiant fcene ;
He claims thofe manfions as his right,
Receive the King of Glory in.
Who is the King of Glory ? Who ?
The Lord that ail his foes o'ercame,
The world, fin, death and hell overthrew ;
And Jefus is the conq'uror's name.
5- Lo ,
Chrljl. 371
Lo, his triumphal chariot waits,
And angels chatint the folemn Jay,
Lift up your heads, ye heav'nly gates !
Ye everiafting doors give way.
Who is the King of Glory ? Who ?
The Lord, of boundlefs pow'r pofTefT. ;
The King of Saints and Angels too,
God over all, for ever bleft.
The Kingdom of Cbrt/f,
T> EJOICE, the Lord is King,
Your God and King adore ;
Mortals, give thanks, and ling,
And triumph evermore !
Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice ;
Rejoice, again, I fay, rejoice.
Jefus the Saviour reigns,
The God of Truth and Love ;
When he had purg'd our ftains,
He took his feat above.
Lift up vour hearts, &c.
3. He
37 2 Chrift
He fits at God's right hand,
Till all his foes fubrait,
And bow to his command,
And fall beneath his feet.
Lift up your hearts, &c.
Kis kingdom cannot fail,
He rules o'er, earth and heavn ;
The keys of death and hell
Are to our Jefus giv'n.
Lift up your hearts, &c.
He all his foes fliall quell,
Shall Satan's works deftroy ;
And ev'ry bofom fwcll,
With pure feraphic joy.
Lift up your hearts, &c,
Rejoice in glorious hope,
Jefus the Judge fliall come,
And take his fervants up
To their eternal home.
We foon mall hear th' Arch-angers voice,
The trump of God fliall found, Rejoice.
Clnfi. 373
Love on a Croft, and a Throne.
NOW let my faith grow ftrong, and rife,
And view my Lord in all his love 5
Look back to hear his dying cries,
Then mount and fee his throne above.
See where he languifh'd on the crofs ;
Beneath my (ins he groan'd and dy'd ;
See where he fits to plead my caufe,
By his Almighty Father's fide.
If I behold his bleeding heart,
There love in floods of foi row reigns ;
He triumphs o'er the killing fmart,
And buys my pleafure with his pains.
Or if I climb th' eternal hills,
Where the dear Conqif ror fits enthron'd,
Still in his heart companion dwells,
Near the memorials of his wound.
How mall a pardon'd rebel mow
How much I love my Saviour God ?
Lord, here I banim ev'ry foe,
I hate the fins that coft thy blood.
I i 6, I hold
374 &&.
I hold no more commerce with hell.
My deareft Jufts mail all depart j
But let thine image ever dwell
Stampt as a feal upon my heart.
Chrtft the Believer 1 x s Portion*
"pROM pole to pole let others roam,
And fearch in vain for blifs ;
My foul is fatisfy'd at home,
The Lord my portion is.
Jefus, who on his glorious throne
Rules heav'n, and earth, and fea t
Is pleas'd to claim me for his own,
And give himfelf to me.
His perfon fixes all my love,
His blood removes my fear ;
And while he pleads for me above,
His arm preferves me here.
His word of promife is my food,
His Spirit u my guide ;
Thus daily is my ftrcngth rer.ew'd,
And all my wants fupplyvd.
$. For
For him I count as gain each lofs,
Difgrace for him renown ;
Well may I glcry in his crofs,
While he prepares my crown.
Let worldlings then indulge their boaft^
How much they gain or fpend;
Their joys muft foon give up the ghoft.
But mine flialj have no end.
The Same*
T ET worldly minds the world puriuc^
It hath no charms for me ;
Once I admir'd its trifles too,
But grace has fet me free.
Its pleafures now no longer pleafe,
No more content afford ;
Far from my heart be joys like thefc,
Now I have known the Lord.
As by the light of op'ning day
The ftars are all conceaPd.
So earthly pleafures fade away
When Jelus is reveaPd.
I i % 4. Creatures
37 6 Cbyij?.
Creatures no more divide my choice,
I bid them all depart ;
His name, his love, his gracious voice,
Have fix'd my roving heart.
Now, Lord, I would be thine alone,
And wholly live to thee ;
But may 1 hope that thou wilt own
A worthlefs worm like me ?
Yes, though of (inters I'm the woril,
I cannot doubt thy will :
For if thou hadft not lovM me firfr,
1 had refus'd thee Hill.
Cbrijl precious to the Believer.
JESUS, I love thy charming name,
'Tis mutic to my ear ;
Fain would I'found it out fo loud,
That earth and heav'n might hear.
Yes, thou art precious to my foul,
My tranfport and my truft ;
Jewels to thee are gawdy toys,
And gold is fordid dufh
3 . au
CSh 377
All my capacious pow'is c?.n wifh
No* .
O may thy grace flijj chear my heart,
'.:eie ;
The coi "di care.
I'll freak the honours of thy name
reath ;
ee in my arms,
and death.
Chrift all in all U the Ediever.
A/TY Jef.-3s he is all to ..
Whatever my foul can crave ;
A fountain free is Chrift to me,
That I no want can have.
My Jefus he is ftrength to me,
When I do fainting lie ;
He's health in ficknefs, life in death,
In war he's victory.
I i 3 3< I«
378 Chrijl,
In famine he is food to me,
In thirft he's royal wine :
No want can be attending me,
Since Jefus he is mine.
My Jefus he is light to me
When I in darknefs go ;
Such fulnefs in my Jefus is,
That I no want can know.
My Jefus he is liberty,
When bondage doth opprefs ;
Though I in fin have reeking been,
My Chrifl is righteoufnefs.
When forrows compafs me about,
My Ch rift is peace and joy ;
When wrath and fin do rage within,,
My Chrifl: is victory.
. 7 '
When Satan throws his flaming darls*
My Chrifl a hold is ffcropg \
h refuge he is then to me,
And he (ball be mv for>£\
Chrijl, 5 79
TJk Name of Jefiisfweet to the Believer ;
HOW fweet the name of J efus founds
In a believer's ear !
It foothes his forrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear.
It makes the wounded fpirit whole,
And calms the troubled breaft - y
'Tis manna to the hungry foul,
And to the weary reft.
Dear name ! the rock on which I build,
My fhield and hiding-place ;
My never-failing treas'ry fill'd
With boundiefe irores of grace.
£y thee my pray'rs acceptance gain,
Although with fm denl'd ;
patari accufes me in vain,
And I am own'd a child.
5 *
Jefiis, my Shepherd, Huihand, Friend,
My Prophet, Pricft, and King ;
My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End,
Accept the praife I bring.'
6. Weak
380 ChriJ}.
Weak is the effort of my heart,
And cold, my warmeft thought ;
But when I fee thee as thou art,
I'll praife thee as I ought.
' 7-
Till then I would thy love proclaim
With ev'ry fleeting breath ;
And may the .mufic of thy name
Refrelh my foul in death.
ChrJji the Believer s Refuge*
JESU, lover of my foul,
Let me to thy bofom fly,
While the fwelling waters roll,
While the tempeft ftill is high :
Hide me, O my Saviour, hide,
Till the ftorm of life is paft ;
Safe into the haven gui le,
Oh receive my foul at laft.
Other refuge have I none,
Hangs my helplefs foul on thee ;
Leave, ah leave me not £J<
Still fupport and comfort me ;
Chri 5S1
All my trull on thee
Ali ingj
Cov< r
7. ith die fhadbw ol thy wing.
Thou, O Ch. id, art all I want,
. all in thee I fu;d ;
Raife the fallen, .hear the i
Heal the ficfc, and lead zhz .klind.
Juft and hoi;, is t
I am all unri > ;
Vile and fill] of firi J am,
Thou art hill oi truth and grace.
Plenteous grace with the* h found,
Gi ict ■ • pardon all
Let the healing ft:-ear:s abo
Makean< v.in.
of life the fountain art,
Freely let me take of thee,
Spring thou up within my heart,
Rife to all eternity.
Chrijl tic Chiefejl among Ten ThcufamL
npO Chrift the Lord, let ev ? ry tongue
Its nobiefr tribute bring ;
When lie \ of the fong,
Who can refufe to fing ? 2. S
$$Z Cbrijt.
Survey the beauties of his face,
And on his glories dwell ;
Think of the wifdom of his graqe,
And all his triumphs tell.
Majeftic fwcetnefs fits enthron'd
Upon his awful brow ;
His head with. radiant glories crown'd,
His lips with grace o'erfiow,
No mortal can with him compare,
Among the fons of men ;
Fairer he is than all the fair^
That fill the heav'nly train.
He faw me plung'd in deep diftrefs,
He flew to my relief ;
For me he bore the fhameful crofs,
And carry : d all mv grief.
His hand a thoufand bleffings pours
Upon my guilty head ;
His prefence gilds my darkeft hours,
And guards my fleeping bed.
n #
To him I owe my life and breath,
And all the joys I have ;
He makes me triumph over death,
And favf s me from the grave.
(Srt/l. 3S3
To heav'n the place of his abode
hie brings my weary feet :
Shews me the glories of mv God,
And makes my joys complete.
Since from his bounty I receive
Such proofs of love divine,
Had I a thou fa nd hearts to give,
Lord, they mould all be thine.
The He arc gh'en arjoay*
TF there are paffions in my foul,
(And paffions fure there be)
Now they are all at thy controui,
My Jcfus all for thee.
If love, that pleafing pow'r, can reft
In hearts fo hard as mine,
Come, gentle Saviour, to my breaft,
For all my love is thine.
Let the gay world, with treach'rous art,
Allure my eyes in vain ;
I have convey'd away my heart,
Ne'er to return again.
4. I fee)
384 Qhifi.
I feel my warmefr. paffions dead
To all that earth can boaft,
This foul of mine was never made
For vanity and dull.
Now I can fix my thoughts above,
Amidit their ftatt'ring charms,
Till the dear Lord that hath my love
Shall call me to his arms
So Gabriel at his King's command,
From yon celeiFial hill,
Walks downward to our worth] efs laud,
His foul points upward (till :
He glides along by mortal things
Without a thought of love,
Fulfils his taik, and fpreads his wings
To reacJh the realms above*
( 3^5 )
The true Chrlflian defiring Heaven ; or y A Seng of
Praifefor the Hope of Glory.
J SOJOURN in a vale of tears ;
Alas ! how can I Cng ?
My harp doth on the willows hang,
Difmn'd in ev'ry (bring ;
My mufic is a. captive's chain,
Hariri founds my ears do fill ;
How can 1 iiog fweet Sion's fongs
On this fide Sion's hill ?
Yet lo ! I hear a joyful found,
" Surely I quickly corne :"
Each word much fw^eti ids doth diflil,
Like a full honey comb.
And doft thou come, my deareft Lord ?
And doft thou quickly, Cv
And do 1 ! thou ji/re/y, quickly come ?
Methinks I am at acne.
Kk 3. Come
386 Heaven.
Come then, my cleared, dearefl Lord,
My fweeteft, fureft friend,
Come, for I loathe thefe Kedar tents,
The fiery chariots fend.
What have I here ! my thoughts and joys
Are ail pack'd up and gone ;
My eager foul would follow them
To thine eternal throne.
What have I in this barren land ?
My Jefus is not here ;
Mine eyes will ne'er be blefl until
My Jefus doth appear.
My Jefus is gone up to heav'n,
To get a place for me ;
For 'tis his will that where he is
His fervants ail mould be.
Canaan T view from Pifgah's top,
Of Canaan's grapes I tafle :
Mv Lord, who fends to me while here,
-Will fend for me at lad.
I have a God who changeth not,
Why fhould I be perplext ?
My God, that owns me in this world,
Will own me in the next.
Go fearlefs then, my foul, with God,
Into another room ;
Thou who hair walked with him here,
Go fee thy God at home. Vievf
Heaven. 387,
View death with a believing eye,
It hath an angel's fare ;
And this kind angel will prefer
Thee to an angel's place.
. 7-
The grave is but a fining pot
Unto believing eyes ;
For there the flefn (hall lofe itsdrofs,
And like the fun fhall rile. ^
The world which I have known too well,
Hath mock'd me with its lies ;
How gladly could I leave behind
Its vexing vanities !
My deareft friends they dwell above,
Them will I go to fee ;
And all my friends in Chrift below,
Will foon come after me.
Fear not, the trump's earth-rending found;
Dread not the day of doom ;
For he that is to be thy J udge,
Thy Saviour is become.
Blelt be my God, that gives me light,
Who in the dark did grope ; m
Bleft be my God, the God of love,
Who caufeth me to hope.
Here's the word's lignet, comfort's flaff,
And here is grace's chain ;
By thefc thy pledges, Lord, I know
My hopes are not in vain. HYMN
388 Heaven.
The Happinefs of being ivitb CbrijL
WHILE on the verge of life I ftand,
And view the fcene on either hand,
My fpirit frruggles with my clay,
And longs to wing its flight away.
Where Jefus dwells my foul would be ;
And faints my much lov'd Lord to fee ;
Earth, twine no more about my heart,
For 'tis far better to depart.
Come, ye angelic convoys, come,
And lead the willing pilgrim home ;
Ye know the way to Jefu's throne,
Source of my joys, and of your own.
That blifsful interview how fweet !
To fall tranfportcd at his feet 1
Rais'd in his arms to fee his face
Through the full beamings of Bis grace.
As with a feraph's voice to ling !
To fly as on a cherub's wing !
Performing with unweary'd hands
The prefent Saviour's high commands.
6. Ye t
Hcavai. • 339
Yet with thefe profpeck full in fight,
We'll wait thy (Ignal for the flight ;
For while thy fervice we purfue,
We find a heav'n begun below.
The prcmifed Land.
"PAR from thefe narrow fcenes of night,
Unbounded glories rife,
And realms of infinite delight
Unknown to mortal eyes.
There pain and ficknefs never come
And grief no more complains 5
Health triumphs in eternal bloom,
Andendlefs pieaiure it.
No cloud thofeblifsful regions know,
For ever bright and fair !
For iin, the fource of mortal woe,
Can never enter there.
There no alternate night is known,
Nor fun's faint ficklv py ;
But glory from the facred throne
Spreads everlafting day.
K It 3 5- Omay
39° I'Mtz:
O mny the heav'n )y proipeft nre
Our hearts with ardent love,
Till wings of faith, and ftrong defire,
Bear ev'ry thought above.
Prepare us, Lord, by grace divine,
For thy bright courts on high-;
Then bid our fpirits rife, and join
The chorus of the iky.
The Glories cf Heaven*
THERE is a land of living joy.
Beyond the ntmoft fkies,
Where fcenes of blifs without alloy
In boundlefs profpecls rife.
High feated en a blazing throne,
Th' eternal God appears,
Puts all his fmiling glories on,
And awes at once, and chcars.
The (laughter 'd Lamb at his right hand
A flumes his royal feat,
Adoring angels round him fland,
His miniiters of ftate,
^. Each
Heaven* 39I
Each breaft with ftrong devotion glows,
Love evVy heart infpires,
While God's own Spirit gently blows,
And fans thofe holy fires.
In (trains celeftial evVy tongue
Shall God's high praife proclaim $
And all in concert join the Ton g
Of Mofes and the Lamb.
The hallelujahs once begun
An end mail never know,
But joy and harmony in one
Perpetual tranfport flow.
A constant bloom in ev'ry face,
Shall age and death defy ;
Apd grace, free grace, rich boundlefs erace^
Sh^ll always be the cry.
The Delights of Heaven.
POMhl, Lord, and warm each languid hearty
Infpire each lifelefs tongue ;
I^nd let the joys of heav'n impart
fheir influence to our fong.
3. Theii
3 $2 Heaven,
Then to the mining feats of blifs
The wings of faith fhall foar,
And aii the charms of paradife
Our raptur'd thoughts explore. "
Pleafures unfully'd flourifh there,
Beyond the reach of time ;
Not blooming Eden fmil'd fo fair,
In all her flow'ry prime.
Sorrow and pain, and evYy care,
And difcord there fhall ceafe ;
And perfecl joy, and love fincere,
Adorn the realms of peace.
The foul from fin forever free,
Shall,mourn its pow'r no more ;
But cldttTd in fpotlefs purity,
Redeeming love adore.
There mall the foil wers of the Lamb
Join in immortal fongs ;
And endlefs honours to his name
Employ their tuneful tongues.
Lord, tune our hearts to praife and love,
Our feeble notes infpire :
Till in thy bliisful courts above
• We join th' angelic choir.
Heaven. 393
The Seng of the Angels above.
EARTH has detained me prisner long,
And I'm grown weary now ;
My heart, my hand, my ear, my tongue,
There's nothing here for you.
Tir'd in my thoughts I lay me down,
And upward glance mine eyes,
Upward my Father, to thy throne,
And to my native Ikies.
There the dear Man, my Saviour fits,
The God, how bright he fhines !
And fcatters infinite delights
On all the happy minds.
Seraphs, with elevated {trains
Circle the throne around,
And move and charm the ftarry plains
With an immortal found.
Jefus, the Lord, their harps employs,
Jefus, my love, they fing ;
Jefus, the name of both our joys,
Sounds fweet from evVv firing.
6. Hark,
Hark, how beyond the narrow bounds
Of time and fpace, they run !
And fpeak in mod majeftic founds
The Godhead of the Son.
How on the Father's breaft he lay,
The darling of his foul,
Infinite years before the day,
Or worlds began to roll.
And now they fink the lofty tone,
And gentler notes they play,
And bring th' eternal Godhead down
To dwell in humble clay.
O facred beauties of the man !
(The God refides within)
His flefh all pure, without a ftain,
His foul without a iin.
Then how he look'd, and how he foiil'd,
What wond'rous things he faid !
Sweet cherubs, Hay, dwell here a while,
And tell what jefus did.
At his command the blind awake,
And feel the gladfome rays ;
He bids the dumb attempt to foeak,
They try their tongues in praife.
12. He
Heaven* 39 J
Ke {Vied a thou (and bleiTings round
Where'er he turn'd hib eye ;
He fpoke, and at the fov'reign found
The heliim legions fly. ]
Thus while witk unambitious ftrife
Th' ethereal minftrels rove
Through all the labours of his life,
And wonders of his love :
In the fall choir a broken firing
Groans with a flrange furprize ;
The reft in filence mourn their King,
That bleeds, and loves, and dies.
Seraph and Saint, with drooping wings,
Ceaie their harmonious breath ;
No blooming trees, nor bubbling fprings,
While Jefus fleeps in death.
Then all at once to living {trains
They fummon ev'ry chord,
Break up the tomb, and burft his chains.
And (hew their riling Lord.
Around the flaming army throngs,
To guard hint to the fkies,
With loud hofanna's on their tongues,
And triumph in their eyes.
18. la
396 Heaven.
In awful ftate the conqu'ring God
Afcends his filming throne,
While tuneful angels found abroad
The vift'ries he has won.
. I 9-
New let me rife, and join their fong,
And be an angel too ; '
My heart, my hand, my ear, my tongue.
Here's joyful work for you.
I would begin the mufic here,
And fo my foul mould rife :
Oh, for fome heav'nly notes to bear
My fpirit to the fkies !
There, ye that love my Saviour, fit,
There I would fain have place
Among your thrones, or at your feet,
So I might fee his face.
I am confined to earth no more,
But mount in hafte ?bove,
To blefs the God that I adore,
And fine the man I love.
Heaven, 397
The Beatific Vijion
T LONG to behold him arrayed
With glory and light from above
The King in his beauty difplay'd,
His beauty of holieft love.
I languifh and die to be there
"Where Jefus hath fix'd his abode ;
O when mail we meet in the air,
And fly to the mountain of God ?
With him I on Zion mall fland,
(For Jefus hath fpoken the word)
The breadth of Immanuel's land
Survey by the light of my Lord :
But when on thy bofom reclin'd,
Thy face I am ftrengthen'd to fee.
My fulnefs of rapture 1 find,
My heaven of heaven's in thee.
How happy the people who dwell
Secure in the city above I
No pain the inhabitants feel,
No fi,cknefs nor forrow mall prove,
Phyfician of fouls unto me
Forgivenefs and holinefs give,
And then from the body fet free,
And then to the citv receive.
3 $8 Heaven.
Heaven defirable,
t LONG to mare the happinefs
■*- Of that triumphant throng,
That fwim in feas of boundlefs blifs,
Eternity along.
When but in drops here by the way
Free love diilils itfelf,
I pour contempt on hills of prey,
And heaps of worldly pelf.
To me amidfl my little joys,
Thrones, fceptres, crowns, and kings,
Are nothing elfe but little toys,
And defpicable things.
Down with difdain earth's pomp I thruft,
Bid tempting wealth, A*way ;
Heav'n is not made of yellow duft,
Nor blifs of glitt'ring clay.
Sweet was the hour I freedom felt
To call my Jefus mine,
To fee his fmiling face, and melt
In pleafures all divine.
6. Let
Heaven. 399
Let fools an heav'n of fliades purfue,
But I for fubftance am ;
The heav'n I feek is likenefs to
And vifion of the Lamb.
The worthy Lamb, with glorv crown'd,
In his auguft abode,
Enthron'd fubiime, and deck'd around,
With all the pomp of God.
I long to join the faints above,
Who, crown'd with glorious bays.
Through radiant files of angels move,
And rival them in praife.
In praife to Jah, the God of Love*
The fair incarnate Son,
The holy co-eternal Do
The good, the great Three One,
In hope to fing without a fob,
The anthem ever new,
I gladly bid thij be,
And vain delights, Adieu.
L 1 4 HYMN
400 Heaven.
The. Jf r ork and Contention of Heaven,
TN heavenly choirs a queflion rofe,
That ftirr'd up ftrife will never clofe,
What rank of ail the ranfom'd race
Owes higheft praife to fov 'reign grace ?
Babes thither caught from womb and brean\
Claim'd right to fing above the reft,
Becaufe they found the happy fhore,
They never faw nor fought before.
Thofe that arrivW at riper age,
Before they left the duiky ftage,
Thought grace deferv'd ftill higher praife,
That waflj'd the blots of nuuvrous days.
Anon, the war more c}oiq began ,
What prtifing h. lead the van ?
And which of grace's heav'niy peers
run in her arrears ?
" 'Tis I (laid one), 'hove all my ra
" Am debtor 1 e :
H Nay ({aid another.), hark, I trow
" I'm more obliged han you.
x I 6. Stay
Heaven. . 401
u Stay (faid a third), I deepeft fliare
" In owing praife beyond compare ;
" The chief of finners, you'll allow,
* c Muft be the chief of fingers now.
u Hold (faid a fourth), I here proteft,
" My praifes muft outvie the beft ;
" For I'm, of ail the human race,
Ci The higheft miracle of grace.
" Stop (faid a fifth), thefe notes forbear,
«' Lo, I'm the greateft wonder here ;
4C For I, of ail the race that fell,
'* Deferv'd the loweft place in hell."
A foul that higher yet afpir'd,
equal love to Jefus fir'd :
u Tis mine to fing the higheft notes,
" To love, that wanYd the fouleft bl
Ci Ho (cry'd a mate), 'tis mine, I'll prove,
" Who finn'd in fpite of light and love,
" To found his praife with loudeft bell,
" That fav'd me from thejoweft hell.
1 1.
** Come, come (faid one), I'll hold the plea
" That higheft praife is due by me ;
" For mine, of all the fav'd by grace,
# Was the moil dreadful, defp'rate cafe."
L 1 3 12. Another
40 a I$eayct Hoping.
HAPPY the hours, the golden days,
When 1 could call my Jefus mine,
And fit and view his fmiling face,
And melt in pleafures all divine.
Near to mine heart, within my arms
He lay, till fin ciefil'd my bread,
Till broken vows, and earthly charms
Tir'd and provok'd the heav'nly gueft.
And now he's gone, (O mightv woe!)
Gone from my foui, and hides his love !
Curfe on you fins that griev'd him fo,
Ye fins that forc'd him to remove.
Break, break, my heart ; complain my tongue;
Hither, my friends, your forrows bring ;
Angels, aflht my doleful fong«
li vou have e'er a mourning ftrincr.
Eut, ah ! your joys are ever high,
Ever his lovely face you fee :
my poor fpirits pant and die,
groan for thee, my God, for thee.
6. Yet
The Bachjlixer. 41 7
Yet let my hope look through my tear?,
And fpy afar his rolling throne ;
His chariot through the cleaving fpheres
Shall bring the bright Beloved down.
Swift as a roe flies o'er the bills,
My foul fpiings out to meet him high,
Then the fair conquVor turns his wheels,
And climbs the manfions of the fky.
There failing joy for ever reigns,
No more the turtle leaves the dove ;
Farewel to jealoufies and pains,
And all the ills of abfent love.
A Soul under Defer iion^ earn of ly imploring ihe Rctism
of God's Favour.
"fc/JY Lord, my God, I once could fing ;
Bu t now I fear to fay
My God ; J onlv cry, My King,
Of force I muft obey.
IVe forfeited that blefifed gueft,
That joy that fometimes ihone
Within this dark unhallow'd breaft,
Oh whither is it gone ?
3- la
41$ The Badjlidcr.
In infinite companion Lord,
To my comprint give car ;
Whoie troops of foaows bear me down;
when wilt thou appear ?
Remember, Lord, what I am ftil'd,
(Though under darknefs great)
Though under darknefs, Hill thy child,
My heart is tfiil thy feat.
My King, thou doft pofl> r s that throne,
Thou doft thai fceptre {■:.
*Tis thine, (till, Lord, 'tis thine alone,
1 hate the Tinners way.
JLord, when thou fe'd me come to pray,
JBow down a gracious ear
To anfwer ; if my Lord delay,
One darkfome "day's a year.
To mine upon a foul fo vile,
Wo u Id mag i i i fy t h y grace ;
I long for nothing but a fmil£
From my dear Saviour's face.
I will no more my Lord provoke,
Nor caufe thee to withdraw ;
Thy former frowns have made me wife,
To fear, and Hand in aue.
9« My
The BacJcjliJer. 41c
My reftlefs foul will not give o'er,
Until thy bowels move ;
I'll not be driven from thv door
Till thou fhait fay, " i'love."
An earneft Prayer for the Return of the Pr fence of
HOW mall a loft finner in pain
Recover his forfeited peace ?
When brought into bondage again
What hope of a fecond releafe ?
Will mercy itfelf be fo kind
To fpare fuch a rebel as me ?
And, O ! can I poffibly find
Such plenteous* redemption in thee \
O Jefus, of thee I require,
If ftill thou art able to five,
The brand to pluck out of the fire,
And ranfom my foul from the grave.
The help of thy Spirit reftore,
And fhew me the life-giving blood,
And pardon a finner once more,
And bring me again unto God.
3. O Jefb,
420 Tbc Backjlukr.
Jefus, in pity draw near,
Come quickly to help a loft foul.
To comfort a mourner appear,
And make a poor Lazarus whole :
The balm of thy mercy apply,
(Thou fe'il the fore anguilh I feel)
Save, Lord, or I perilh, I die,
O fave, or I iink into helL
1 fink, if thou longer delay
Thy pardoning mercy to ihovv,
Come quickly, and kindly difplay
The oow'r of thy paffion below.
By all thou haft done for my fake,
One drop of thy blood I implore -
Now, now let it touch me, and make
The finner a (inner no more.
A Fryer to the Hdy Ghofi.
1 TAY, thou infulted Spirit, flay.
*3 Though I have done thee fa ch d&fptte
r quite awav,
le everlaftiug ilight.
2. Though
The Bach: 42 r
Though I have mofl unfaithful been.
Of all who e'er thy grace receiv'd,
Ten thoufand times thy goodnefs feen,
Ten thoufand times thy goodnefs -griev'd;
3- r
Yet, O, the chief of finners fpare,
In honour of my great High Prieft ;
Nor in thy righteous anger fwear
T' exclude me from thy people's reft.
4.' /
If yet thou canft my fins forgive,
E'en now, O Lord, relieve my woes ;
Into thy reft of love receive,
And blefs me with a calm repofe.
E'en now my weary foul releafe,
And raife me by thy gracious hand ;
Guide me into thy perfecl peace,
And bring me to the promis'd land.
Exhortation to Deferters*
TQESERTERS, to the camp return,
Refume your former poft ;
Bewail your crimes, your bafenefs mourn,
for yet you are not loft.
N a 2. Your>
422 The Bachjllder.
Yours is a fad, a dang'rous cafe,
Be humble, and repent ;
Mercy you'll find, though e'er fo bafe,
The moment you relent.
Sinners are fav'd by Jefu's blood,
How vile foe'er they be ;
Eternal life's the gift of God,
And gifts are always free.
5 Tis not by works of righteoufnefs,
Which any man has done ;
But God has fent his Son to blefs ;
Return, and kifsthe Son.
Dejiring the Firfi Love.
OH, for a clofer walk with Gad !
A calm and heav'nly frame !
A light to mine upon the road
That leads me to the y Lamb !
Where is the blelfednefs I knew,
When firft I faw the Lord ?
Where is the foul-refrefhing view
Of Jefus and his word ?
3. What
The Backflidcr. 423
What peaceful hours I then enjoy M !
How fwcet their mem'ry ftill !
But they have left an aching void,
The world can never fill.
Return, O Holy Dove, return,
Sweet raefleiiger of reft !
I hate the fins which made thee mourn,
And drove thee from my bread.
The dearcft idol I have known,
Whateer that idol be,
Help me to bear it from thy throne,
And worfhip only thee.
So fhall my walk be clofe with God,
Calm and ferene my frame ;
So purer light fhall mark the road,
That leads me to the Lamb.
N n z HYMN
( 4*4 )
Tray without ceajing. I. Thef. v. 17.
PRAY'R was appointed to convey
The bleffings God deiigns to give ;
Long as the} Hye'fliould Chriftians pray,
For only while they pray they live.
The Chriftian's heart his pray 'r indites,
He fpeaks as prompted from within ;
The Spirit his petition writes,
And Chrift receives, and gives it in.
\ . 3-
And wilt thou in dead filence lie,
When Chrift Hands waiting for thy pray V £
My foul, thou haft a friend on high,
Arife, and try thy int reft there.
If pain afflicT:, or wrongs opprefs,
liftrad, or fears difmay,
Jf guilt dejed, if fin diftrefs ;
The remedy's before thee, -pray.
5. Tis
Prayer. 425
'Tis pray'r fupports the foul that's weak ;
Though thought be broken, language lame,
Fray, if thou canft or canft not fpeak ;
But pray with faith in Jefu's name.
Depend on him, thou canft not fail ;
Make all thy wants and wifhes known ;
Fear not, his merits mud prevail ;
Afk what thou wilt, it ihail be done.
Exhortation to Prayer,
"Vy'HAT various hindrances we meet,
In coming to a mercy feat !
Yet who that knows the worth of pray'r,
But willies to be often there ?
Fray'r makes the darken'd cloud withdraw ;
Y climbs the ladder Jacob few ; j
Gives exorcife to faith and love,
Brim - from above.
Retraining pi - :o fight ;
rmour bright ;
• Satan trembles wh'en he fees -
The weaken: faint upon hiski:
N n 3 4. While
426 Pre
While Mofes flood with arms fpread wide,
Succefs was found 0:1 Ifrael's fide ;
Eut when through wearinefs they faiPd,
That moment Amalek prevail'd.
Have you no words ? ah think again,
Words flow apace when lain,
And hll'vonr fellow creature's ear
With the lad tale of ail your care.
Were half the breath thus vainly fpent,
To heav'n in fupplication fent,
You] • hearful long would oft'ner be,
ir what the Lord has done for me,"
Praying for Relations.
J^IND fouls, who for the mis'ries moan
Of thofe who feldom mind their own ;
But treat your zeal with cold difdain,
.Refolv'd to make your labours vain.
You, whofe fincere affection tends
To help your dear ungrateful friends,
Who think you foes, or mad, or fools,
B.v:mfe you fain would fave their fouls :
h deaf to evVy warning giv'n,
They fcorn to walk with you to heav'n ; But
Prayer. 427
But often think, and fomerimes fay,
They'll never go, if that's the way ;
Though they the Holy Ghoft refift,
And ridicule your faith in Chriit,
Though they blafpheme, oppofe, contemn,
And hate you for your Jove to them ;
One fecret way is left you fliM,
To do them good againft their will ;
Here they can no obftruction give,
You may do this without their leave ;
Fly to the throne of grace by pray'r,
And pour out all your wifhes there,
Effectual fervent pray'r prevails,
When ev'ry other method fails,
Before Preaching.
£\NCE more we come before our God,
Once more his blefiing afk ;
Oh, may not duty feem a load !
Nor worfhip prove a talk.
Father, thy quick'ning Spirit fend
From heav'n, in Jem's name,
To make oirr waiting minds attend,
And put our fouls in frame. 3. May
4^8 Prayer*
May we receive the word we hear,
Each in an honeft heart ;
Hoard up the precious treafure there^
And never with it part.
To feek thee, all our hearts difpofe,
To each thy bleffing ftiit ;
And let the feed thy fervant fows
Produce a copious fruit.
Bid the refrefliing north wind, Wake ;
Say to the fouth wind, Blow ;
Let tv'ry plant the pow'r partake,
And all the garden grow.
Revive the parch'd with heav'nly fhowYs,
The cold with warmth divine ;
And as the benefit is ours,
Be all the glory thine.
A Prayer for ? erf oris joined in Felltnvjbip.
TRY us, O God, and fearch the ground
Of ev'ry finful heart ;
Whate'er of fin in us is found,
O bid it all depart !
s. When
Prayer, 42 J
When to the right or left we flray,
Leave us not comfortlefs ;
But guide our feet into the way
Of everlafting peace.
Help us to help each other, Lord,
Each other's crofs to bear ;
Let each his friendly aid afford,
And feel his brother's care.
Help us to build each other up,
Our little flock improve ;
Increafe our faith, confirm our hope,
And perfect us in love.
L T p into thee, the living head,
Let us in all things grow,
Till thou haft made us free indeed,
And ipotleis here below.
Then when the mighty work is wrought,
Receive thy ready bride;
Give us in heav'n a happy lot,
With all the fanclifVtf.
43 O Prayer.
An earnejl Supplication J or the Salvation of the yews.
pATHER oi faithful Abrah'm hear
Our earned fuit for Abraham's feed ;
Juftly they claim the fofteft pray r
From us, ?d:
Who ir fall obtain,
And Chrift by their rejection gain.
Outcafts from thee, and fcatter'd wide,
ough ev-ry ration under heav'n;
Blafpheming whom they crucify 'd,
Unfav'd, unpity'd, unforgiv'n ;
Branc Cain, they bear their load,
Abhorrd of men, and cursYi of God.
But halt thou finally forfook,
ForeVer call thy own away ?
Wilt thou not bid the murdYers look
pierc'd, and weep and pray ?
Yes, gracious Lord, thy word is pad ;
All Iirael fliall be fav'd at laft.
Come then, thou great Beliy'rer, come !
i Jacob's heart remove !
Rec people home ;
That quicken'd I5 ing love,
The world may their reception find,
Life from the dead for all mankind. HYMN
^raycr. 43 %
The Child's Prayer.
T AM a little child, you fee, •
My ftrength is little too, J
But yet I fain would faved be ;
Lord, teach me what to do.
My Saviour, hear ; thou for my good
Waft pleased a child to be,
And thou didft (lied thy precious blood
Upon the crofs for me.
My deareft Saviour, tell me how
My thank fulnefe to (how,
For all thy love, before and now,
Eife I mall never know.
I think, (ince T fo often hear,
That thou doft want my heart,
-As thy reward, and purchafe dear,
That thou in earned art.
Come then, and take this heart of mine,
Come, take me as I am,
I know that I by right am thine,
Thou loving gracious Lamb.
6. Down
43 2 Prayer.
Down at thy feet frill may I bow,
Be thine my Saviour ftill,
In nothing bad myfelf allow,
Nor ever (hew felf-will.
But I am weak, and nothing can,
Myfelf can nothing do ;
Help' me, O Thou Almighty Man, •
Help my companions too.
Preferve our little hearts fecure
From ev'ry hurt and (lain,
Firft make them, and then keep them pure,
And (hut to all that's vain.
If early thou wouldft have me die,
O that no harm Will be ;
Into thy arms I then will fly,
And ever live with thee.
If thou would'ft have me longer (lay,
In years and ftature grow,
Help me to ferve thee night and day,
While I am here below.
Then after walking in thy ways,
And ferving thee in love,
Put a biefi: end unto my days,
And land me fafe above.