cKj-\ JUN 3 1921 Division ^E>CL/3 A Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library Ms ISy JUN 3 1921 COLLECTION or PSALMS AND HYMNS FOR CHRISTIAN WORSHIP. I Will 8 '4T ing of mercy and judgment; unto thee, 0 Lord 1 will I sing. Psalm ci. I. >• FortjMttintj 22 ti 1 1 1 o n . - jMp w BOSTON: EICKLING, SWAN AND BREWER. 1859. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1835, BY CARTER, HENDEE & CO.,. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Preface, by Rev. Dr. Greenwood, 3 " " Rev. Mr. Waterston, 5 Index of First Lines, 7 " " Subjects, 24 » « « to the Supplementary Hymns, 26 " " Psalms, 27 Introductory Anthems, 23 Psalms and Hymns, (Figures at foot of page,) 29 Supplementary Hymns, by Rev. Dr. Greenwood, "... 435 u u u Rev ]vir. Waterston, " . . . *** Doxologies, ...» " • • • Mf PREFACE As some account may be expected, of the principles on wnich this collection of hymns was made, it will be here given in a few words. My main object has been, to gather from the existing body of divine poetry, those hymns which I deemed the best calculated to be sung in our churches. I consequently adopted all which ap- peared to me to possess the requisite poetical and devotional char- acter, without regard to the particular denomination of Christians to which their authors belonged. Hymns from Wesley's collection, and some Moravian hymns from the Christian Psalmist of Mont- gomery, I regard as among the richest contents of this volume. Their delightful fervor, though by some it may be called metho- distical, will be thought by others, I trust, to be the true spirit of devotional Christian poetry. I have taken care to alter as little as possible from my originals, and to obtain all hymns, whenever it was practicable, as their authors wrote and published them. The effusions of Watts and Doddridge, the two principal classics in this high and difficult spe- cies of literature, will be found in a purer form in this volume than they are usually met with in other collections. Whenever a hymn by one of these, or any other author, seemed to require a great deal of alteration, it was not altered, but left ; for it was my desire and intention that even* hymn, as it appeared in this collection, should be really the production of the individual whose name is placed over it. I freely omitted such verses, however, as I did not apprcrve, whenever it could be done without essential injury to the connexion. Those words and expressions which I consider as forming the peculiar and appropriate diction and imager}* of sacred poetry, such as Zion, Israel, Canaan, Saints, &c., I have constantly retained. The adaptation of musical emphasis and expression to the words, I have left with intelligent and well instructed choirs. Although I undertook this work, because I was not altogether satisfied with any collection which I had seen, yet I cannot hope to have succeeded to the entire satisfaction of others. I am conscious IV PREFACE. that I must, at least, have omitted some hymns which many per- sons have been accustomed to regard as indispensable, and intro- duced some which may be thought unworthy of the place which they occupy. It is to be presumed that there is a considerable number of them which will be admired by some, aud disliked by others. Among five hundred and sixty hymn?, there will be found, it is probable, sufficient range for a variety of tastes. It is sincerely my prayer that this book, wherever it may be intro- duced, may be instrumental in heightening the interest of Christian worship, and serving the cause of religion and God ; — and as sin- cerely is it my wish that wherever and whenever it may be found inadequate to these great purposes, it may be superseded by one which will answer them better. F. W. P. G. October 1, 1830. NOTE TO THE SIXTEENTH EDITION. The suggestions of some of my friends, together with my own experience, have induced me to believe that some additions to this Collection would increase its usefulness ; and I feel that the favor with which it has been received, is an obligation on me to improve it. But at the same time that I determined to make additions, I also resolved not to hazard such alterations in the main body of the work, as wTould render the first fifteen editions so different from those wrhich might succeed them, that the former could not be used conveniently with the latter. I have therefore changed but eleven hymns in the five hundred and sixty which were contained in the previous editions ; and in the place "of each rejected hymn, I have inserted one on the same or a similar subject. For the convenience of ministers and others, I here subjoin a list of the hvmns which have been changed as above stated. They are hymns 69, 142, 155, 175, 177, 265, 315, 340, 399, 402, 519. Hymn 204, which formerly consisted of two verses from one of the hymns of Watts, is now enlarged by the addition of two other verses of the original hymn. The additions which I have made, are placed under the head of Supplementary Hymns, and are numbered from 561 to 609, inclusive. Some of these were printed at the end of the book, as it formerly stood ; but the greater part are now first inserted. They are on various subjects, and several of them are of a private and domestic character. The Doxologies close the volume. No further alter ations are contemplated. Francis W. P. Greenwood. May 18, 1835. PREFACE TO THE SUPPLEMENT. In the following Collection of Hymns, the Rev. Mr. Greenwood's admirable compilation has, by permis- sion, been retained in its original form, and to this an addition of one hundred and seventeen hymns has been made.^ We believe that no one can become familiar with Mr. Greenwood's collection without being impressed by its uncommon excellence. It includes throughout hymns of unsurpassed beauty and devotional power, whose acknowledged superiority must ever give them a high place in every collection for sacred worship. Among the most excellent productions of this kind in the English language, are those by Watts and Dodd- ridge ; and more than two hundred of their best hymns may be found in this volume. Besides these, it includes the finest lyric pieces which have come down to us from Addison, Newton, Cowper, Pope, Heber, Milman and Scott, and the choicest by Bar- bauld and Steel, Bo wring and Montgomery, as well as the most fervent from among the Wesleyan and Moravian collections. In addition to its intrinsic worth, Mr. Greenwood's collection has another advantage, inasmuch as it is now used in about fifty of our Religious Societies, more than forty thousand copies being in circulation. It has thus, with many minds, become connected * The Hymns added commence at the 610th. Excepting the ad- dition, the condensation of the prefatory pages, Index, &c, and trans- posing the Doxologies to the end of the book, the enlarged edition is the same as all others since the 16th, and can be used with those editions. No alteration in numbering the hymns has been made. 1* VI PREFACE TO THE SUPPLEMENT. with pleasant associations, and is already familiar to a large body of Christians. It is also no slight consideration that it is directly associated with the memory of one who was among the truest and most devout of the followers of Christ ; one who united a singular purity of taste with a most earnest spirit of devotion ; and who was, in every way, peculiarly qualified to select a volume of sacred poetry, which should give fit expression to the soul's varied emotions, and which should promote the highest inter- ests of Christianity. All, therefore, that we have considered desirable, was to add to Mr. Greenwood's collection, such hymns as might give it a more extended usefulness, and adapt it to a wider circle of wants. Many hymns are here added which had not been written when Mr. Greenwood's volume was published ; among these are several by Eev. Henry Ware, Jr., whose mem- ory it will ever be interesting to associate with our hymns of praise, and our places of worship. Besides which there will be found additional hymns by Cow- per and Watts, Doddridge and Wesley, Montgomery and Bowring. It is hoped that they may prove a useful accompaniment to the valuable collection with which they are here connected. jj q ^y Boston, October, 1845. INDEX OF FIRST LINES. A. ACCORDING to thy gracious word 517 A. charge to keep I have 582 Again our ears have heard the voice 29 Again the Lord of life and light 232 Again we 've seen the Sabbath day . . 593 Ah, wretched souls, who strive in vain 300 All earthly charms, however dear 287 All hail the power of Jesus' name 639 All powerful, self-existent God 100 All-seeing God, 'tis thine to know 311 All ye nations, praise the Lord 64 Almighty God, in humble prayer 405 Almighty God, thy wondrous works 137 Almighty God, thy word is cast 30 Almighty Maker, Lord of all 409 Almighty Ruler of the skies 598 Am I an Israelite indeed 308 Am I a soldier of the cross 690 Amidst a world of hopes and fears 310 Amidst unsatisfied desires 275 And art thou with us, gracious Lord 164 And is the gospel peace and love 245 And now, my soul, another year 547 And shall I sit alone 359 And will the great, eternal God 529 Angels! roll the rock away 641 Another fleeting day is gone 706 Another six days' work is done . 21 Another day its course hath run 590 A poor way-faring man of grief 635 As body when the soul has fled . , 345 As every day thy mercy spares 46 A soldier's coarse from battles won 270 As panting in the sultry beam 569 As pants the hart for cooling streams 402 As parched in the barren sands 283 As the hart with eager looks 403 Vlll INDEX OF FIRST LINES, As the sun's enlivening eye 613 As the sweet flower that scents the morn 515 As when the weary traveller gains 468 At thy table, Lord of life 651 Attend, ye children of your God 526 Author of good, we rest on thee 421 A voice from the desert comes awful and shrill .... 206 Awake, my drowsy soul, awake 285 Awake, my soul, and with the sun 35 Awake, my soul, lift up thine eyes 273 Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve 271 Awake, our souls, away our fears 272 Awake, ye saints, and raise your eyes 467 B. BEFORE Jehovah's awful throne 1 Begin, my soul, the exalted lay 71 Behold my servant, see him rise 207 Behold the amazing sight 228 Behold the blind their sight receive 239 Behold the lofty sky 182 Behold the man, how glorious he 227 Behold the morning sun 36 Behold the Prince of peace 211 Behold the Saviour on the cross 229 Behold the western evening light 684 Behold where, breathing love divine 240 Behold, where, in a mortal form 241 Be thou, 0 God, by night, by day 610 Be it my only wisdom here . 277 Beset with snares on every hand 407 Be still, my heart, these anxious cares 321 Be with me, Lord, where'er I go 404 Beyond, beyond that boundless sea 600 Bless, O my soul, the living God 112 Blest are the meek, he said 333 Blest are the sons of peace . 313 Blest are the souls that hear and know 258 Blest be our everlasting Lord ♦ . . 76 Blest be the everlasting God 236 Blest day of God, most calm, most bright 567 Blest hour, when virtuous friends shall meet 688 Blest Instructer, from thy ways 352 Blest is the man who fears the Lord 301 Blest Spirit, source of grace divine 410 Bread of heaven, on thee we feed 519 LXPEX OF FIRST LIN Lis. IX Bright Source of intellectual rays 200 Bright was the guiding star that led 217 Brother, thou art gone before us ... 603 By cool Siloam's shady rill • . 485 C. CALLED by the Sabbath bells away 592 Calm on the bosom of thy God -. 695 Calm on the listening ear of night 573 Can creatures to perfection find 98 Christians, brethren, ere we part 726 Clay to clay and dust to dust 560 Come, and before we bid adieu 655 Come, blessed Spirit, source of light 201 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove 382 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove 383 Come let us anew our journey pursue 538 Come, said Jesus' sacred voice 247 Come sound his praise abroad 2 Come thou Almighty King 59 Come to the house of prayer 3 Come we that love the Lord 432 Continue, Lord, to hear my voice « . 377 D. DAUGHTER of Zion, from the dust 504 Deem not that they are blest alone . 677 Delightful is the task to sing 37 Do flesh and nature dread to die 451 Do not I love thee, O my Lord 634 E. EARLY, my God, without delay 38 '•Eat, drink, in memory of your friend" 652 Ere mountains reared their forms sublime 101 Ere to the world again we go . . . 715 Eternal and immortal King .... . « 99 Eternal God, Almighty cause ... 60 Eternal Source of every joy 540 Eternal Source of life and light 406 Eternal Source of life and thought 412 Exalt the Lord our God 128 F. FAITH, hope and love now dwell on earth 347 Far from mortal cares retreating 5 Far from the world, O Lord, I flee 33! X INDEX OF FIRST LINES. Father, adored in worlds above 375 Father and Friend! thy light, thy love 618 Father divine, before thy view 138 Father divine, the Saviour cried 230 Father in heaven, to thee my heart 619 Father of all, in every age 571 Father of light, conduct my feet 278 Father of lights, thy needful aid 505 Father of lights, we sing thy name 139 Father of me and all mankind 417 Father of mercies, God of love 401 Father of mercies, in thy word 193 Father of mercies, when the day is dawning 586 Father ci our feeble race 344 Father of spirits, nature's God 106 Father, supply my every need 413 Father, thy gentle chastisement 678 Father, to thy kind love we owe 121 Father, thy paternal care 47 Feeble, helpless, how shall I 658 Flung to the heedless winds 627 Forgive us for thy mercy's sake 353 For all thy saints, 0 God 689 For thee, 0 God, our constant praise 4 Forth from the dark and stormy sky 361 Fountain of being, source of good 491 Fountain of mercy, God of love 549 From all that dwell below the skies 65 From Greenland's icy mountains 503 From north and south, from east and west 369 From the table now retiring . 523