^^" O' '/ //.J.//.y //.r//. ITTT A -'?^^I^-v-.-«L,,fz^ liry^^^ry 0; isyiheie our Lord W-as /pleafed tu-caufe us to he -■' down at BEAUFORT, Sec 5 down and deep in Peace and Safety. Bleffed, for ever blejfed be the Keeper of IfraeU who neither flumbereth nor fleepetb, m- Beaufort in Port-RoyaL ^f-Tuefday^ fuly i. Felt a moft fweet and humble Senfe of the divine Prefence in my Soul this Morning. Went aflbon as it was Light, to a Relation of our Fellow Travellers, and afterwards had fome clofe Converfation with Mr. J — , the Minifter of the Parifli, about the great Dodrines of the Gofpel. He received us with much Tendernefs and Re- fpedl:, but thought I went too far in condemning Archbifliop Tillotfon. 1 think the Arguments I brought were conclufive, and the Account my new Convert (being one of his Pari- fliioners) gave of God's Dealing with his Soul was rational, and as he confefs'd fatisfadtory : But he could not fee clearly into the Dodrine of Free Jujiification, without Regard to any Thing forefeen in the Creature. However, being more noble than moft of his other Brethren, he was candid, cour- teous, and notwithftanding he was in Danger of incurring the Commiflary's Difpleafure thereby, yet he read Prayers, and requefted me to preach in the Evening at his Church. I did preach, but to a fniall Auditory, there being but little Notice given of my Preaching. After Sermon Mr. f — re- turned me Thanks, and having promifed to preach again, God willing, in my Return to Savannah^ I took my Leave, and fpent the Evening with my Fellow-Travellers at their Relations Houfes. May God convert every one related to ibetiiy and make them all Members of the Hovfiold of Faith, Even [oy Lord Jefus, A7nen. CHARLESrOJVN. Thurfday, July 3. Set out Yefterday about one in the Morn- ing. Reach'd Mr. Bryans Plantation about ten. Stayed and dined comfortably together. Wrote a few Letters. Rode through extreme Heat. Put in and lay at a Planter's Houfe, by Reafon of the Thunder, Lightning and Rain. Breakfafted this Morning at Mr. B — 's of Ponpon. Pray'd, talk'd of the Things of God, and v;as enabled to hold out, notwith- ftanding the Weather was exceeding hot, till I came to- Charhjio-wny about eighty Miles from Beatfort. Here again' my Spirits were much jjiHid, and my ficart comforted by a Packet of Letters from :he Northward, giving me an Ac- coun: how the Word of God run and w^i glonhcd uxPhi- lade'phia^ 6 Mr. WartfiFlELDV Jaurmi lade/phia, and other adjacent Places. - The Ldrd's Name h praijed from the Rifmg up (f the Sun to the ^olng doivn of the fiune, Friday^ July, 4. Lay at a Gentlewonidn's Houfe, who came laft Night to give me an Invitation. Was vifited by- many dear Friends of the Town, who were rejoiced to fee me. Received a Letter from the Commiflary, which I im- mediately anfwered. Wrote fome Letters to Savannah. Difpatched fome Affairs for the Orphan- Houfe, and preached in the Evening in the Independent Meeting-Houfe to as large and attentive Congregations as ufual. Bleffcd be God for giving the People a Hearing Ear. Lord give them alfo an cbedicnt Heart for thy dear Sen^s Sake. Amen. Sunday^ July 6. Preached twice Yefterday and twice To- day, and had great Reafon to believe our Lord got himfelf the Vidory in iome Hearts : For the Word was with Power. "Went to Church Morning and Afternoon, and heard the Commiffary preach as virulent, unorthodox and inconfiftent a Difcourfe as ever I heard in my Life. His Heart feemed full of Choler and Refentment. Out of the Abundance thereof he poured forth fo many bitter Words againft the Mcthodifts (as he call'd them) in general, and me in par- ticular, that feveral who intended to receive the Sacrament at his Hands withdrew. Never, I believe, -Wzs fuch a Pre- paration-Sermon preached before, I could not help thinking the Preacher was of the fame Spirit with Bifhop Gardner in Queen Marfs Days. After Sermon, he fent the Clerk to defire me not to come to the Sacrament till he had fpoke with me. I immediately retired to my Lodgings, rejoicing that I was accounted worthy to fuffer this further Degree ot Contempt for my dear Lord's Sake. Bleffcd Jffus^ lay it not to the Commijfarf s Charge. Amen and-Amtn. AS HLET- FERRT. ^ "Monday, July 7. Set out early this Morning, inComparf^^ with feveral, whofe flearts the Lord has lately opened, aritf went to the Houfe of one Mr. C — a gracious Baptilt Mini-'' iter, who lives about fourteen Miles from Chdrhjiawn. Af- ter Dinner, • according to Appointment, I preached at hfiS' Meeting-Houfe, to the- ConviYKi*i niaioqi i <\^q'0 : Dtareji at SAVANNAH. 15 Deareji Lardy for thy Mercies Sake^ never let me dijlruji Thee again. Oh me of little Faith ! Monday Augujl 4. Was fent for about Noon to fee Mr. 'Jonathan B — n. At my Coming, I found him under great Concern, and flrong Convicllons of Sin. Oh ! How did he refledl on his paft mifpent Life! How did he blefs God for bringing him now to Savannah, and defire that he might be found in Chrift ere he returned Home ! His Wife fat weep- ing by, and Mr. B — // lay on a Bed groaning in Bitternefs of Soul, under a Senfe ot Guilt, and crying out for an Inte- r.^ in Jefus. I asked him, *' what caufed him to fall down *5. Yefterday." Heanfwered, *' The Powerof God's Word." After about half an Hour's Converfation on the Nature of the New-Birth, and the Necellity of a faving Clofure with the Lord Chrift ; I kneeled down, prayed with them, and then took my Leave, well hoping, that the Lord would pluck them as Fire-brands out of the Burning. Even fo Lord J 6' fus. Amen and Amen. Sunday y Augujl 9. Went on Tuefday with Mr. B ^ y — J, &c. to Bethefda, and had the Pleafure of feeing the Work of God going on in moft of our Vifuor's Hearts. It was but feldom I could officiate ; but, when I did, the Lord generally caufed the Word to come with very great Power. This Morning I expounded early as ufual, and read Part of the Prayers at ten o' Clock ; but got Mr. T — y to preach, who (tho' a Baptiil: Minifter) joined with us in receiving the Sacrament in the Church of England Way. The King was pleafed to fit at his Table : He brought us into his Ban- quetting Houfe, and caufed it to be a Feaft of fat Things to our Souls. Many, I believe, fed on Jefus in their Hearts with Thankfgiving. After the Ordinance was over, the Lord enlarged my Heart, and I prayed as the Spirit gave me Utterance. I went home much refrefhed in my Soul, but ib weak in Body that I declined going to public W^orihip in the Afternoon. In the mean while God gave me a frei'ti Supply of Strength. About the Evening, when my Friends were fitting down together, finding the Power of the Lord come upon me, 1 began to fpeak to them of the Things of God. A great Alteration v/as foon difcernable in moft of the Company J their Concern gradually iacreafed, till many burlt into Floods of Tears, and one iell upon the Ground — Eije I had done, fome of my Panfhioners came up, and the reft of my Family: They al fo felt the divine Power. Wii^ 1 had done fpeaking to ihera from God, I fpoke in Prayer to God 1 6 Mr. WniTEFiELD'i jGurnal God for them. My Soul was carried, as it were, out of the Body, and I was enabled to vvrdtle mightily with our Lord in their Behalf — He did not let us go without a BlefTmg. — The Room was filled with the Cries of thofe around me, and many, I believe, at that Time fought Jefus forrowing. — The Concern continued after the Duty was over — Several ■were in great Agonies of Soul, and a Cherikee Indian Trad- er, who providentially was prefent, defired to fpeak v/ith me, faying, he never faw or felt the like before. Mr. f — s alfo of Port- Royal (who wenf> away on Friday^ but was forced back by contrary "Winds, and officiated fcr me this Af- ternoon at Savannah) rold a Friend, th-Mfurely Gcdwas with us of a Truth. Blefjed be his rich., fcvercign^ and diflinguifo- ing Grace ! Lord make me lowly in mine own Eyes, and caufe tnejlill to go on from conquering to conquer. Not unto me, not un- to me, but unto Thee, my King and my God, be all the Gloiy f Saturday y Augujl 15. Parted with dear Mr. B — and Mr, B — n, on Tuefday, who, I hope, could fay. Lord now lettcft thou thy Servants depart in Peace^ for our Eyes have feen, our Hearts have felt thy Salvation. Met with clofer outvi^ard Trials this Week than ever I was vifited with before. Was forced feveral Times to come out thro' Concern of Soul, and Weakncfj of Body in the midft of public Worfhip, and, had not God uncommonly fupported me, I muft frequently have given up the Gholl. But, as Troubles abounded, Con^ folations abounded alfo. Thcfe Words, But D.xvidflre?Jgth- ened himfelf in the Lord his God, were preflcd with a won- derful (unporting Power upon my Soul. The Eleventh of Hcbrevjs alfo was blefled to me. I found the Benefit of be- rpg afflided. God enabled me to fanftify him in my Heart, and my greateft Grief was, that I fliould be fo naughty as to oblige my heavenly Father to chaflize and fcourgc ine. Lord, I adore thy infinite condcfcending Goodncfs. Oh do not leave me to my f elf but purge, O purge me, for thy Afcrcics Sake^ that I may bring forth more Fruit ! Cor re Si me when I go a fir ay. And lead me in thy perfcfi Way. h>.iMonday, Augufl I'j . Preached Ycftcrday Morning, and took Leave of my Parifliioncrs. Admin:frer*d the blefled Sa- crament, iuid gave a ciofe Exhortation ar!:crward>\ Settled every Thing to the bell of my Power for the Orphan- houfe, which fuccteds bcyord Expectation, and was ib filled with the at CHARLES^TOWN. ly of the Love of Chrift in this Evening's Expofition, and my pri- vate Farevi'el difcourfe, that I coulcl ahnoft fay I was within the Veil. — My Hearers, both in public and private, were vaflly afFcifted, and a ftrange Woman was fo touched, that fnecame to me confefTing her Sins, and crying out what JhaJl I do to he fovedi' When I came to converfe with her, I found God had ftruck her the lafl Time I preached at Port- Royal^ and 1 hope he will now efFeftnally call her by his Grace, Pleafed, and I hope, in fome Meaiure thankful to the Lord. of all Lords for fetting fiich Seals to my Miniftry jufl at Departure. About lo at Night 1 went on Board our Sloop with my other dear Vifitors, in order to go to Charles- Town ; where, by the Advice of Friends, the Captain is to take in Freight for Bojion, for the Benefit of the Orphan- houfe. The Lord preferve my dear La?nbs and Flock., in ?ny Jh fence ; bririg the?n bito green Pafiures^ and lead them befide the IFaters of Comfort for his own Names Sa^e I CHARLES^TOJVN, Friday., Auguft 2i. Had a comfortable PafTage with xr\y dear Friends. Found the Sea Aii»improved my Health; and arrived at Charleflon about 4 this Afternoon. Many came to the Wharf, and faluted me moll kindly. 1 retired as foon as poflible, to my Lodgings ; and Ipent the Evening moft fweetly at the Houfe of Mr. F — r \ where I hope many a true Difciple of the blefTed Jefus were met together. The Lord, who once came to the eleven by Night, and faid Peace be unto you, I am perfuaded by his Spirit fpoke to many of them. The Lord, I believe; has made a willing People in this Day of his Power. Praifed be his Name from the rifing up of the Sun, unto the going down of the fame ! Monday, Augufl 24. Being but weak in Body (except oa Sundays) 1 have preached only once every Day : But I think with greater Power than ever, and with greater Succefs.— < I fcarce know the Time, wherein I did not fee a conliderable melting in fome Part or other of the Congregation, and of- ten it fpread over all the Parts of it. Several Times I was fo weak before I began to preach, that I thought it almoft im- poflible I fhould go through half the Difcourfe. But the Lord quickened, enlightened, and fupported me above Meafure. Out of Weaknefs I became ftrong, and the Lord manifefted. himfelf in the Sandaary. The Audiences were more nume- roiis than ever, and it was fuppofed, not lefs -than 4000 C were 1 8 Mr. WaiTEFiELD'i Journal were in and about tlie Meeting- houfe, when I preached my Fare wel- Sermon. The Commiflary, having run his utmoft I^ength, thought it beft to fay no more himfelf ; finding, when I was here laft, that Jefus Chrift was not preached in the Church, my Confcience would not fuffer me to attend on thofe that preached there any more. I therefore wenttotha Baptift and Independent Meeting houfes, where Jefus Chrift was preached in Sincerity. I likewife adminiftered the Sacra- ment thrice in a private Houfe. Yefterday, Yefterday was fevennight, and this Morning — Never did I fee any Thing more folemn — The Room was large, and moft diflblved into Tears as though they were weeping at their Saviour's Crofs. Surely Jefus Chrift crucified was evidently fet forth before them. Many, at their Requert, ftood by that did not receive, but they wept bitterly. I prayed for them all with great Power, and I hope the Lord will cloath them with a Wedding Garment. What was beft, Baptlfts, Church Folks and Presbyterians, all joined together, and received ac- cording to the Church of Englafid, except two, who delired to have it fitting : I willingly ccmplied, knowing it was a Thing quite indifferent. Adany others hearing how God was amongft us Yefterday, defired I would adminifter to Day ; I did, and our Lord was with us again. Having more Lei- fure from my private Studies, by Reafon my Weaknefs would not permit me to read much ; I had better Opportu- nities ol converfing with, and confirming thofe that were under Convi6lions. Molt of them I found grown in Grace, and their Hearts foftened by redeeming Love. Mr. Jona- than B — n came much eftabliflied. Air. Hugh B — n was left fick at Home, drinking dctply of the Cup of God's Con- foiations, and his Wife a gracious Woman came to Charles- toivn. By my Advice they refolved to begin a Negroe-School. A young Stage Player, convinced when I was at New-York laft, and who providentially came to Georgia., when Mr. Jonathan B — n was there, is to be tiieir firft Mafter. The Time would fail me was I to defcend to every Particular. — Great, a very great Alteration is made in the Life and Manners of feveral of the polite Ladies. Thy Profellion, I think, _ ' '. " 2 he at NEWPOnr, &c. 21 he is a feventh Day Baptift ; he is a Man of good Report, as to his Conduft and Dealing with the World. After a fhort Vifit I returned to take Leave of Mr. H n, and to fetch my Friends, who were at his Houfe, waiting for me. We then went to the Houfe of Mr. B e, who firlt fpake to me, when coming out of the Church. The Houfe was foon filled with Company. I expounded and prayed for about an Hour, and then retired to a Lodging, the Lord in his good Providence had provided for me. The blefled Jefus was pleafed fvveetly to manifeft himfelf to my Soul. A Confi- deration of his diftinguiftiing ^repeated Mercies quite melted me down, and I called upon all that was within me to praife his Holy Name. O Lord^ in the Night Seafon, let me arife and give Tloanh unto thee, and let my talking he of thy loving Kindnefs and tender Mercies all the Day long ! Monday, September 15. Breakfafted this Morning with old Mr. Clap, and was much edified by his Converfation. I could not but thinjc whilft at his Table, that I was fitting with one of the Patriarchs. He is full of Days, a Batchelor, and has been Minifter of a Congregation in Rhode- IJland \x^~ wards of 40 Years. People of all Denominations, I find, refpedl him. He abounds in good Works, gives all away, and is wonderfully tender of little Children ; many of diffe- rent Perfuafions come to be inftrudled by him. Whenever he dies, I am perfuaded, with good old Simeon, he will be en- abled to fay, Lord, now lettcji thou thy Servant depart in Peace. At lO in the Morning, and 3 in the Afternoon, ac- cording to Appointment, I read Prayers and preached in the Church: 'Tis very commodious, and I believe will contain 3000 People. It was more than filled in the Afternoon. — Perfons of all Denominations attended God affifted me much. I obferved Numbers affetfled, and had great Reafon to believe the Word of the Lord had been {harper than a two- edged Sword in fome of the Hearers Souls. After Evening Service I received the following Lettef. Newport in Rhode-TJland, September 15, 1740. Reverend Sir, and beloved Brother, " A Lthough mine Eyes never faw your Face before this " '^^ Day, yet my Heart and Soul have been united to *' you in Love, by the Bond of the Spirit. I have longed " and expeiled to fee you for many Months paft: Blefled *^ be God, mine Eyes have feen the joyful Days! I truft, V'' through Grace, I have fome Things to communicate to *' you t2 Mr. White field'/ Jciirfial *' you, that will make you Heart glad. I fhall omit writ- " ing any Thing ; and only hereby prefent my hearty ** Love, and lee you know, that I am waiting now at the *' Poft of your Door for Admiflion : Though I am unwor- *' thy, my Lord is worthy, in whofe Name, I truft, I *' come." / am your unworthy Brother^ Jonathan B r. On reading it, I could not but think this was one of thofe young Minifters, whom God had lately made TJfe of, in fuch a remarkable Manner, at the Eaft End of Long IJIand. I fent for him, and found he was the Man. My Heart rejoiced. We walked out, and took fweet Counfel together ; and amongft other Things, he told me, that he came to Rhode- IJIand un- der a full Conviction, that he fhould fee me there, and had been waiting for me about a Week ; for, he faid, thefe Words were mightily imprefied upon his Heart, h not Aa- ron the Levite thy Brother ? I know that he can /peak well. And alfo Behold he cometh forth to meet thee \ and when he feeth thee., he will be glad in his Heart. And / tvill be with thy Mouth and with his Mouthy and will teach you ivhat ye Jhall do. What rendered this more remarkable was, I had no Intention of faih'ng mXo Rhode IJIand^ till about 3 Days before I left Carolina ; and alfo I had a great Defire to put in, if I could, if the Eaft End of Long-I/land^ to fee this very Perfon, whom the great God now brought unto me — Lord., accept our Thanks, fanSlify our Meeting., and teach us both what we Jhall do for thy own Najnes Sake ! After a long Conference, we took Leave of each other for the prefent, but agreed, that we fhould now be Companions in Travel, till the Lord fhould make our Way more plain. In the Eve- ning I went to venerable Mr. Clap's, and exhorted and pray- ed with a great Multitude, who not only crowded into the Houfe, but thronged every Way about it. The dear old Man rejoiced to fee the Things which he faw ; and after my Exhortation was over, difmifled me with his Blef- fing. Lord 'J ejus, do thou fay Amen to it. Even Jo Lord fefus. Amen and Amen. Tuefday, September lb. Perceived myfelf a little low in the Morning, but was enabled to read Prayers and preach with much Flame, Clearnefs and Power to ftill greater Audito- ries than Yefterday. It being Aflembly Time, the Gentle- men adjourned in order to attend the Service, and feveral In- at NEWPORT, ^c. 23 Invitations were given me to come to other adjacent Places. The People were exceedingly attentive. Tears trickled down their Checks ; and they fo far prevailed with me by their Im- portunity, that, by the divine Permiflion, I promifed to call upon them in my Return from Bojhn. When I came Home to my Lodgings, the Woman of the Houfe faluted me with *' BiefTed art thou of the Lord." I looked round to fee the Reafon of fuch a Salutation, and on the Couch there lay a young Woman under great Diftrefs of Soul. After a little Converfation, I found Ihe had a gracious Difcovery of the Lord Jefus made to her Soul, when I was fpeaking thefe Words, Come fee a Man that told me all Things that ever I did. She told me *' She had often grieved the Spirit of God, *' but now {he believed the Lord was calling her Home ef- " fedually. The Word, added fhe, came with fuch Power, *' that I was obliged to go out of the Church, otheru^ife *' I muft have difturbed the Congregation. When. I came *' from Home, contrary to my Parents Inclinations, I in- *' fifted, I knew not why, on Itaying at Newport 6 Weeks. " They would have me flay only a Month, but at laft con- " fented that I fhould (lay my own Time. To Morrow, *' fays he, is the lalt Day of the fix Weeks, and Oh the *' Goodnefs of God in fending you juft now, before my *' Time was out." Or Words to that Effedl. — Afterwards one or two more came under the like CIrcumftances, crying out in the Bitternefs of their Souls, after the Lord Jefus. — I prayed with each of them, and exhorted them not to reft till they found Refl in Jefus Chrift. In the Evening I went, as I thought privately, to a Friend's Houfe. But the Peo- ple were i'o eager after the Word, that in a fliort Time, I believe, more than a thoufand were before the Door, befides thofe that were within, and filled every Room in the Houfe. I therefore flood upon the Threfhold, and fpake for, near an Hour on thefe Words, Ble/fed are they that hunger and thirjl after Right eoufnefs, for they Jhall be filled. Blefled be God, it was a very folemn Meeting. Being Night, I could not fee how the Hearers were afFeded, but the Lord aflifted me in fpeaking. Glory be to his great Na?ne. Before I re- tired to Bed, I went to take my Leave of Mr. H — «, and had fome clofe Talk with him about the New-Birth. Tl:e Lord gave hirn an experimental Knowledge of it. He was very civil,' and would have had me flayed with him longer ; but being to go a Journey on the Morrow, 'alftfer |?e had cbnverfed near half an Hour, 1 took my Leave. -V ■ ....■- ^ .. .., ^^ 24 ^f"' Whit efield'j Journal At my Return to my Lodgings, good old Mr. Clap went with me into a private Room, and gave me fomething for my Orphans, and fpake many affe^ionate Things to me. Al- tho' very old, yet he followed me from one End of the Town to another ; fo that the People faid I had made old Mr. Clap young again. Oh what a Crown of Glory is a hoary Head, when found in the Way of Righteoufnefs. He was exceed- ingly defirous of my coming to Rhode- IJIand zg?\n, which I promifed to do by divme Permiilion : For Rhode-ljland feems to be a Place where much good may be done. They are very plain People for the generality ; tho' I obfcrved there were fomc foolifli Virgins at Church, covered all over with the Pride of Life. I find they are fadly divided amongft them- felves as to outward Things. I think there are no lefs than four different Congregations of Baptifts, two of the Lidepen,- dent, and one of the Qt^iakers Perfuafion. Dean Bcrkley^s Name is had in much Rcfpcil among them. The efta,- blifhed Church is in excellent Order as to Externals ; but many of the Head-Members I foon found were exceeding great Bigots, They feem'd very fearful left I fhould preach in Mr. Clap's Meeting-Houfc, and gloried much in my bringing the good old Man to Church. Nor is there lefs Bigotry amongft thofe of other Commuriions. All, I fear, place the Kingdom of God too much in Meats and Drinks, and have an ill Name abroad for running of Goo Is. One Day, when I faid in my Sermon, *' What will become of *' you, who cheat the King of his Taxes?" The whole Congregation feem'd furprized, and look'd on one another, as tho' they ihould fay, IVe are guilty. Lord "Jcfus^ give them to know thee, and the Power of thy Refurrenion, and teach them to live foberly^ righteo'vjly and godly in this prefent florid. Amen and Amen. "Newport and BriJhL Wednefday^ Septe?nber i-j. Ldt Newport in Rhode- 1/1(7 nd about nine in the Morning, and reached Brijlol, a Town twelve Miles diitant, about Noon. Several Friends from Rhode- I/land ;iQCom^z-n\cA- me, and before we came to the Town, a Diffenting Mmifter (as I found afterwards) met me, and in the Name of the Cuurt, which was then fitting at Brijiol, invited me and my Friends to dine with them, and alfo defired me to give them a Sermon. I complied. T'he Genrlemen received us with much Civility j and, af- \ ■ ^ ter (It NEWPORT, &Co 25 ter Dinner, I preached in the Meeting- Houfe to more Peo- ple than might be expe(51ed on fuch fudden Notice. My Heart was much fhut up in the Exercife, I felt, I law but little Power. However, the Gentlemen feem'd very thank- ful. I took my Leave about four in the Afternoon, and lay at an Inn about ten Miles farther on the Road. Here the Lord gave me a Spirit of Prayer. I wreflled with God in behalf of myfelf and Friends ; fupped comfortably ; fung a Hymn, and went to Reft. Thanks be to God for his un~ Jpeakable Mercies ! Thurfday^ September 18. Rofe a long while before Day^ and fet out as foon as it was Light. Breakfafted at aMiniiler's Houfe on the Road. Found People were apprized of my Coming, and were follicitous for my Preaching ; but being refolved, under God, if pofiiblc, to reach Bojlon, we travel- Jed on for near fifty Miles, and came to Bojion about eight in the Evening. When we were v/ithln fuur Miles of the City, the Governor's Son, fcveral other Gentlemen, and one or two Minifters waited at a Gentleman's Houfe to give me the Meeting. They received me with great Gladnefs, and told me many more would have come, had not a large Funeral been in the Town, or if there had been more certain Notice of my arriving. This rejoiced me ; for I think I can ftand any Thing better than this. Is favours too much of human Grandeur : But I muft be tried every Way. The Lord be my Helper. After flopping a while, we went to- gether in Company to Bo/Ion, to the Houfe of one Mr. 5-^ Brother in Law to the Reverend Dr. Coleman, who longfince had fent mean Invitation. Seven'.l Minifters and other Gen- tlemen came to pay their Refpeds. My Heart was but low, and m.y Body w^eak ; but, at the Rcqueft of one of the Mi- nifters, I gave Thanks to our gracious God, for bringing me in Safety, and prayed that my Co ning might be in the Ful- nefs of the Bleffing of the Gofpe! of Peace. We then parted. I eat a little Supper, and then retired, befeeching the Lord to raife my Heart, and make his Power known in the Hearts of his People. Even y3, Lord Jefus, Amen and Amtn. BOSTON. Friday, September 19. Slept pretty vt'cll, c:nd in the Morning perceived frelh Emanations of the divine Light break in upon •M\([ refrefti my Soul. Was viijted by feverai Gentlemen and Minifttrs, and v.'ent to the Governor's with Efquire IVillari^ D Secreia y 26 Mr, Whitef^eld*^ "Journal Secretary of the Province, a Man fearing God, and with •whom (tho' before unknown in Perfon) I have correfponded fome Time. The Governor received me with the utmoft Refpeft : He feemed to favour the Things which were of God, and defired me to fee him as often as I could. At eleven I went to public Worfliip at the Church of England^ and afterwards went home with the CommifTary, who read Prayers. He received me very courteoufly, and it being a Day whereon the Clergy of the eftablifhed Church met, I had an Opportunity of convcrfmg with five of them together. I think, one of tliem began with me for calling " T'hat Ten- *< nent and his Brethren faithful Miniflers of Jefus Chrift." 1 anfwered, " I believed they were." They then queftion- ed me- about " the Validity of the Presbyterian Ordina- *' tion." I replied, " I believed it was valid." They then urged againft me a Paffage in my firft Journal, where I faid, *' That a Baptift Minifler at Deal did not give a fatisfadory " Anfwer concerning his Miffion."^ I anfwered, " Perhaps *' my Sentiments v/ere altered." *' And is Mr. IVeJley al- *' ter'd, faid one, in his Sentiments? For he was very flre- *' nuous for the Church, and rigorous againft all other Forms ■** of Government when he v/as at Bojion.'* I anfwered, ^' He was then a great Bigot, but God has fmce enlarged •** his Heart, and 1 believed he is now like-minded with ''* me in this Particular." I then urged, *' That a Catho- "" lie Spirit was beft, and that a Baptift-Minifter had com- *' municated lately with me at Savannah." And, " I fup- *' pole, fay5 another, you would do him as good a Turn, ♦' and would communicate with him." I anfwered, *' Yes." 1 then urged, " Tliat it was beft to preach up the New Birth, *' and tlie Pov/er of Godlinefs, and not toinlift fo much up- ■*' on t lie Form : For People would never be brought to one '*' Mind as to that ; nor did Jefus Chrift ever intend it." ■*'' Yes, but, fays Dodor Cutler, he did." " How do you '•*' prove' it." Why, fays he, " Chrifl prayed That all *^^' might be one^ even as thoii Father and I are one." I re- plied,- "••That was fpoken of the inward Union of the Souls *' of Believers with Jefus Chrift, and not of the outward ♦' Church." «' Th.U cannot be, fays Dr. Cutler., for how " then could rt be faid, That the IForld might knotu that thou '^^. ha/i-fenir me?" He then (taking it for granted that the Church of England was the only true Apoftolical Church) drew a Parallel between the yeiuijli and our Church, urging how God retjuifed all Things to be made according to the \ ■ 1 .V ' Pattern at B S T N. 27 Pattern given in the Mount. I anfwered, " That before *' the ParalJel could be juft, it muft be proved, that every *^ Thing enjoin'd in our Church vi'as as much of a divine y Inftitution as any Rite or Ceremony under the Jewijh Y Difpenfation." I added further, *' That I hw regene- ^ rate Souls among the Baptifts, among the Fresh) terians, Y among the Independents, and among the Church- Folks, >' all Children of God, and yet all born again in a different *' Way of Worfhip, and who can tell which is moft evan- *' gelical ?" " What, fays the Commiflary, can you fee ** Regeneration with your Eyes ?" or fomething to that Purpofe. Soon after we began to talk of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, and the Commiflary faid, " Chrift was to make *' up the Defeds of our Righteoufnefs." I asked him, ** Whether Converfion was not inftantaneous?" He was unwilling to confefs it, but he having juft before baptized an Infant at public Worfhip, I asked him, " Whether he " believed that very Inftant in which he fprinkled the Child "with Water, the Holy Ghoft fell upon the Child?" He „^' anfwered, '* Yes," " Then, faid I, according to your '" own Principles, Regeneration is inftantaneous, and ftnce you " will judge of the New Birth by the Fruits, pray " watch that Child, and fee if it brings forth the Fruits of " the Spirit." I alfo faid, " That if every Child was really " born again in Baptifm, then every baptized Infant would " befaved." " And fo they are," fays Dr. CwZ/^r. " Hov/ " do you prove that?" Why, fays he, " The Rubrick " fays, that all Infants dying after Baptifm before they have *' committed adlual Sin, are undoubtedly (iived." I asked, '' What Text of Scripture there was to prove it ?" ** Here, " fays he, (holding a Prayer-Book in his Hand) the Church *' fays fo." We then juft hinted at Prcdeftination. I faid, " I fubfcribed to the feventeenth Article of the Church in " its literal Senfe with all my Heart." We then talked a little about falling away finally from Grace, I faid, " A " true Child of God, tho' he might fall foully, yet could ne- *' ver fall finally." But, fays he, the Article fays, " Men *' may fall away from Grace given." But then, faid I, ob- ,,ferve what follows, " And by the Grace of God they may "J^* rife again." Several other Things of lefs Confequence paf- fed between us. But, being engaged to dine at my Lodging, . and finding how inconfiftent they '.vere, I took my Leave, ■ refolving they fhould not have an Opportunity of denying me the Ufe of their Pulpits: However, they treated me with D 2- more ZS: Mr, White*' iIeldV ydurnal more Civility than any Set of our own Clergymen have done for a long While, The CommiiTary very kindly urged me to dine with them : But being pre-engaged, 1 went to my Lodging, and, in the Afternoon, preached to about 4000 People in Dr. Colman's Meeting Houfe.; and, as I after- wards was told by fevcral, with great Succefs. I exhorted and prayed with many that came to my Lodgings, and in- wardly rejoiced at the Prcfpe6l there was of bringing many Souls in Bofion^ to the faving Knowledge of the Lord Jefus Chrift. Grant this, O Father^ for thy dear Son's Sake. yfmen. Satunhy, September 20. Perceived myfelf dill growing more and more comfortable both in Body and Soul. Was ivveetly refrefiied with feveral Packets of Letters fent to me from different Parts in England and America, giving me an Account of the Succefs of the Gofpel. Yet I was a little caft down to find fome EngUjh PViends had thrown afide the Ufe of Means, and o'hers were difputing for jInUfs Per- fection and Univerfal Redemption. I know no fuch Things alTerted in the Gofpel, if explained aright. Lord^ do thou caufe even this to lucrk for Gocd^ and give jne Grace to op- pofi fuch Errors^ ivithout Refpc£l ofPerfons, but with Meeknefsy Humility and Love, Jnun^ Lord Jefus, Amen and Amen. Preached in the Morning with much Freedom and Power to about 6000 Hearers in the Reverend Dr. Sezvars Meeting- Houfe, and afterwards on the Common to about 8coo, and again at Night to a thronged Company at my Lodging;;. I fpent the Remainder of the Evening with a few choice Friends, in preparing for the Sabbath. O that zue may be always in the Spirit on a Lord's Day. ' Su>!day, September 21. Went in the Morning, and heard Dr. Cohian preach. Dined with his Colleague the Reverend Mr. Cscper. Preached in the Afternoon to a thronged Au- ditory with great and vifible Efi^df at the Reverend Mr. Fo^\'- craft's Meeting. Immediately after, in the Common to ar bout 15000, and again at my Lodgings, as ufual, to a great- . er Company than before. Some afterwards came up into my Room. I felt much of the divine Prefence in my own Soul, and tho' hoarfe, was enabled to fpcak with much Power, and could have fpoke, I believe, till Midnight. To fee People ready to hear, makes me forget myklf. Oh that it may he my Sleep, JHy Meat and Drink to da the -frill of viy heavenly Father ! Oh that all who prefs to hear the JVorel, imay tak» thi Eingdm of God by, Fo-tce. Amen sad/Lnen, '■ "' Mondayy at NEW-ENGLAND. 29 Monday^ September 22. Preached this Aborning at the Re- verend Mr. Webb's Meeting-Houfe to 6000 Hearers in the Houfe, befides great Numbers ftanding about the Doors. The Prefence of the Lord was amongft them. Look where I would around me, vilible Impreflions were made upon the Auditory. Moft wept for a confiderable Time ; and fome- time after I received a Letter wherein were thefe Words : " But what I muft give the Preference to was that graqi- ^' ous Seafon at the New North the Monday f:jllowi;:ig, v/here *.*- there was more of the Prefence of God through the whole *' Vifitation than ever I had known at one Time through ** the wnole Courfe of my Life. Juftly might it have been ^' faid of that Place, it was no other than the Houfe of God ** and the Gate of Heaven ! O how dreadful was the Place ! ^< and yet how delightful ! The Lord Jefus feemed to be *' vifibly walking in that his golden Candleftick, to try *^ feme of the many Thoufands that were then prefent. But ^<' oh ! how few were prepared for fo holy an Inquifition. I *'* am fure I know none who could not but be humble at the *■• Thoughts of it. x^nd indeed who could help crying our, ^^ Wo is ms ! for I am undone, becaufe I am a Man of un- J*. clean Lips, for mine Eyes have feen the King, the Lord **. of Hofts. Indeed my own Soul was fo deeply abafed and **'' overwhelmed with fuch unufual Meltings that I cou'd have ■^'f- been glad of feme private Corner in that Houfe to pour out ^' my Soul, without DHiurbance to the Audience. The *' Spirit of God, indeed, feemM to be moving upon the Face *' of the Waters at that Time, and who knows, but that *' to a great many Souls, God was pleafed to fay, Let there ** be Lights and there was Light" l''^-'In the Afternoon I went to preach at the Reverend Mr. 'G^(?^-^//'/s Meeting-Houfe: But God was pleafed to humble us by a very awful Providence; For the Meeting-Houfe be- ing filled with People, tho' there was no real Danger ; yet on a Sudden all the People were in an Uproar, and fo unac- countably furprized, that fome threw themfelvcs out of the Window, ethers threv/ themfelves cut of the Gallery, and others trampled upon one another ; fo that five were actual- ly killed, and others dangeroully wounded. I happened to come in the Midft of the Uproar, and faw two or three lying on the Ground in a pitiable Condition. God was pleafed to give me Prefence of Mind ; fo that I gave Notice I would immediately preach upon the Common. The Weather was wet, but many Thoufands followed in the Field, to whom I preached ^3' M". WhitefieldV Journal I preached from thefe Words, Go out into the Highways and Hedges, and compel thefti to come in. I endeavoured, as God enabled me, to improve what had befallen us ; and tho' Satan in this bruifed our Heel, yet I doubt not but even this will be a Means of bruifing his accurfed Head. Lordy thy Judg^ ments are like the great Deep. Thy Footjleps are not known, Juji and holy art thou, O King of Saints ! In the Evening perceived myfelf weak in Body, fo that I could not fay much at the Houfe where I fupped ; but God, by his bleffed Spirit, greatly refreflied and comforted my Soul. Bleffed be God, I find what our Saviour fays exceeding true: He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath fpoken, cut of his Belly Jh all flow Rivers of living Waters. I drank of God's Pleafiire as out of a River. Oh that all were made Partakers of this living Water, they zvould never thirfl after the fenfual Pleafures of this ivicked World. . Tuefday, September 23. Went this Morning with Dr, Colman and the Secretary to Roxbury, three Miles from Boflon, to fee the Rev. Mr. Walter, a good old Puritan, who, with his PredecefTor the Rev. Mr. Elliot, commonly called the A- poftle of the Indians, but now with God, has been Paflor of that Congregation 106 Years, I had but little Converfa- tion with him, my Stay being very fhort, but I remember he told me, " He was glad to hear I faid Man was half a *' Devil and half a Beaft." The more People drink into God's Spirit, the more, I find, they arc inclined to dehafe human Nature. About eleven we returned, and I preached in the Reve- rend Mr. Gee'?, Meeting- Houfe, but not to a very crowded Auditory, bccaufe the People were in doubt where I would preach. Dined at the Secretary's ; Preached in the After- noon to a thronged Congregation ; and exhorted and prayed as ufual at my own Lodgings, at neither Place without fome Manifeftations of a divine Power accompanying the Word. Lord let thy Prefence always follow me, or otherwife I Jhall he but as a founding Brafs or a tinkling Cymbal. Wednefday, September Q.\. Went this Morning to fee and ■preach itCa?nbridge, the chief College for training up the Sons of the Prophets in all New-England. It has one Prefl- dent, I think four Tutors, and about a hundred Students. It is fcarce as big as one of our lealt Colleges in Oxford, and as far I oauld gather from fonie who well knew the JState of it, not far fuperior" to our Univerfities in Piety and true Godlihefs." Tutors negtedl "to pray with and examine - - the at NEIi'-ENGLAND. 31 the Hearts of their Pupils. Difcipline is at at too low an Ebb. Bad Books are become fafhionable among them. Tillotfon and Clarke are read inftead of Sheppard, Stoddard^ and fuch like evangelical Writers ; and therefore I chofe to preach on thefe Words. IFe are not as jnany who corrupt ths Word of God. And in the Conclufion of my Sermon, I made a clofe Application to Tutors and Students. A great Number of neighbouring Miniflers attended, as indeed they do at all o- ther Times ; and God gave me great Boldnefs and Freedom of Speech. The Prefident of the College and Minifter of the Parifli treated me very civilly. In the Afternoon I preach- ed again in the Court, without any particular Application to the Students. I believe there vi^ere about 7000 Hearers. The Holy Spirit melted many Hearts. The Word was attended with manifeft Power : And a Minifter foon after wrote mc Word, *' That he believed one of his Daughters was faving- *' ly wrought upon at that Time." Lord., add daily to thy Church fuch as Jhall be faved I Paid my Refpec^s to the Lieutenant Governor, who lives at Cambridge^ and returned in the Evening to Bofion., and prayed with and exhorted ma^ ny People who were waiting round the Door for a fpirituai Morfel. I believe our Lord did not fend them empty away* O hleffed fefus^ feed them with that Bread of Life which Cometh down from Heaven. Thurfday^ September 25. Preached the Weekly-Le£lure at M.r. Foxcraft's Meeting- Hftufe ; but was fo opprefled with a Senfe of my bafe Ingratitude to my deareft Saviour, that Sa- tan would fain have tempted me to hold my Tongue, and not invite poor Sinners to Jefus Chrift, becaufe I was fo great a Sinner myfelf; but God enabled me to withftand the Temptation, and fince Jefus Chrift had ftievvn fuch Mercy to, and had not withdrawn his Holy Spirit from me the chief of Sinners, I was enabled more feelingly to talk of his Love, and afterwards found that one Stranger in particular, was in all Probability effectually convinced by that Morning's Sermon. After puhlick Worfliip, I went, at his Excellen- cy's Invitation, and dined wiih the Governor. Moil of the Minirters of the Town were invited with me. Before Din- ner, the Governor fent for me up into his Chamber : H^ wept, v/ifhed me good Luck in the Name of the Lord, and recommended himfelf, Miniilers and People to my Prayers. Immediately after Dinner, I prayed explicitly for them all, and went in his Coach to the End of the Town j but had fiich a Senfe of my Vilenefs upon my Soul,; that I wondered People ^2 Mr. Whitefield'j Journal People did not ftone me. CrofTed a Ferry, and preached at Charlcjiown^ a Town lying on the North-fide of Bojfon. The Meeting- Houfe was very capacious, and quite filled. A gracious Melting was difcernible through the whole Congre- gation, I perceived much Freedom and Sweetnefs in my own Soul ; tho' the Damp I felt in the Morning was not quite gone off. Oh ! when Jhall I he free from Indwelling Sin ! O Lord, deliver me from the Body of this Death. In the Evening I exhorted and prayed, as ufual, at my Lodgings ; and, blefled be God, I found a great Alteration in my Hearers. They now began to melt and weep under the Word. Oh that the Lord may beat them down with the Hammer of his JFord, till the Heart of Stone be entirely taken away ! Amen^ Lord Jefus, Amen and Amen. R X B U R'T. Friday, September lb. Preached in the Morning at Ro>f- bury from a little Afcent to many thoufand People, with much of the divine Prefence amongfl iis. Several, I think, came afterwards to me, telling hov/ they were ftruck at that Time under the Word : And a Miniller wrote to me thus : Reverend and dear Sir, *' A ^^^^ ^' ^^"^^'"'^ Affecflion, and very humble Service ** "^ to you, I return my hearty Thanks for your good " Services Yellerday, and efpecially at Roxbury, my native *1 Place. I cannot but admire, and greatly rejoice in thofe «' extraordinary Gifts and Graces which it has pleafed the *' Father of Lights to confer upon you. And to fee how " much the Intention of them is anfwered, in your flaming '.'Devotion, and zealous and indefatigable Endeavours to do *' good to Souls, and thereby advance the Kingdom and In- *' tereft of our Lord. I think I never faw a more attentive " Audience, or more weeping Eyes than Yefterday and A/otr- *' day. The Holy Spirit, the alone Author of all fpiritual *^ Lifej fecmed in a vcrv wonderful Manner to be moving *'. upon tl:»e Waters of the Sanctuary, breathing upon the "dry Bones. For my own Part I was much afre^tcd, for '' which I give our glorious Lord the Praife." Dined at Judge Dudley's; Preached In the Afternoon from a Scaffold exc«iic(l without the Reverend Mr. Byles's Meet- ing-iioufe, tojiear double the Number as in the Morniiv^. ^-- • ■ . - ::. . ... Snatch'd at NEW^ENGLAND. 33 Snatch'd a few Minutes to write a few Lines to Friends in England. Gave a fhort Exhortauon to a great Crowd of People, and fpent the Remainder of the Evening with fe- veral Minifters at Vlv. Deacon H — rns. Our Conveifation tended to the Ufe of edifying. After Supper, we fung Pfalms, one of the Minifters prayed, and then we took our Leave. O that the Lord may anfwer our RequcjJ , and revive his Work in the Midji of the Tears ! IVe wait for thy SalvatioUy O Lord y O let thy Kingdom co?ne ! Saturday, Septe?nber 2-] . Preached in the iVIorning at the Reverend J\4r. Weljlead'i Meeting- Houfe, Dined with Co- lonel W — /, and preached in the Afternoon on the Common to about 1 5 000 People. But oh liow did the Word run ! It rejoiced me to fee fuch Numbers greatly afteded, fo that ■ fome, I believe, could fcarce abftain from crying out, That Place xvas no clher than a Bethel^ and the Gate of Heaven. After Sermon, I vifited and prayed with two different Per- fons that were much hurt in the late Flight, and then went home to my Lodgings. The Power and Prefence of the Lord accompanied and followed me. A4any now wept bit- terly, and cried out under the Word like Ferfons that were really Hungering and Thirfling after Righteoufnefs j and af- ter I left them, God gave me to wreltle with him in my Chamber, in behalf of fome dear Friends then prefcnt, and others that were abfcnt from us. The Spirit of the Lord was upon them all. It made Interceffion with Groanings that cannot be uttered. O let them enter into thy Ears^ O Lord of Sabaoth ! Sunday^ September 28. Preached in the Morning at Dr. Sewal's Meeting- Houfe to a very crowded Auditory, and al- moft with as much Power, and as vifible Appearance of God among us as Yelierday, In the Afternoon colleiTted 555 /. Currency for my little Lambs j was taken very ill afcer Din- ner ; vomited violently ; but was enabled to preach at Dr. Colman's in the Afternoon to as great, if not a greater Congregation than in the Morning. Here alfo 470/, were collcfted for the Orphan-Houfe in Georgia. In both Places, all Things were carried on with great Decency and Order. People went flowly cut, as tho' they had not a Mind to cf- cape giving; and Dr. Cdrnan faid, " It was the moft plea- *' fant Time he ever enjoyed in that Meeting-Houfe through *' the whole Courfe of his Life." Blelfed be God, after Sermon, I perceived myfc:lf fomewhat refrefhcd. Supped very early. Had the Honour of a private V'ifit from the Go- J4f" Mr. Whit EF I eld' J Journal vernor, who came full of Affedion to take his Leave of me for the prefcnt. Went at their Requeft, and preached to a great Number of Negroes on the Convcrfion of the £'//;/(?/)7,j/7, A^s viii. (at which the poor Creatures, as well as mgny white People, were much afFcdied) and, at my Return, gave a Word of Exhortation to. a Crowd of People, who were waiting at my Lodgings. My Animal Spirits were almoft exhauftcd, and my Legs, through Expence of Sweating and Vomiting, almoft ready to fmlc under me: But the Lord vifited my Soul ; and I went to Bed greatly refrefhed with divine Confolations. Oh zvhat am I that I JJoould be thus doily f(d with heavenly Manna ! Lord, thsu fiHeJl my Soul vAth Marrow and Fatnefs. O let me praife thf^jjuitb joyful Lips! r/iij "io W :■: Marble-Headj Salem 2X\^Jpfmch. Monday, Sept(?nbcr 29. Set out about feven in the Morn- ing ; Got to Marble- Head, a large Town twenty Miles from Bojion. About eleven preached to fome Thoufands in a broad Place in the Middle of the Town, but not with much vifible EfFedr. Dined with the Reverend Mr. Bernard, one of the Minifters of the Place. Rode to Salem, four Miles from Marble-Head, and preached there alfo to about 2000. Here the Lord manifefted forth his Glory. One was, I be- lieve, (truck down by the Ppwer of the Word. In every Part pf the Congregation, Perfons might be feen under great Concern ; and one Mr. C — /•, a good Miniiler, as is grant- ed by all Lovers of God, feemed to be almoft in Heaven. Salem is the firft fettled and biggeft Town (next to Bojion) In all New-England, but, as far as I could fee and hear, ra- ther exceeds it for Politenefs, I found the Inhabitants had been fadly divided about their Miniftcrs, and God was plcafed, before I knew their Circumftances, to dire<^ me to a fuitable Siibjeift. Lord heal their Divifions, and graiit that ivith one Heart and one Aiind, they may endeavour to glorify thy holy Name. After the Exercife, 1 immediately fet out, and got to Ipfwich, another large Town fixtecn Miles (the Way we Went) diftant from Salem. Two or three Gentlemen came to meet mc, and 1 and my Friends were moft kindly en- tertained at the Houfe ot the Reverend Mr, R — s, one of the Miniftcrs of the Place. The Lord rciuard him and all ethers^ a tlmfand FolJy ivho refrcjl/ our Bowels in the Lord ! Ipfivichy ct HAMPrON, Sec: '3J Tuefday^ September 30. Preachld at Ipfwlch about ten- in - the Morning to many Thoufands. The Lord gave me Free- dom, and there was a great melting in the Congregation. Dined. Set cut for and reached Ncivbury\ another Town, twelve Miles diftant from Ipfivich^ about three. Here agaia the Power of the Lord accompanied the Word. The Meet- ing-Houfe was very large. Many Minifters were prefent, and the People were greatly affected. Bleffed be God^ his divine Power more and more attends us. Took Ferry im- mediately after Sermon, and with the Reverend Mr. Cotton^ Minifter of the Place, who came to fetch me, went in a Chaife to Hampton^ where I was pleafed to fee more Plain- nefs in Mr. Cotton's Houfe, than I had feen in any Minifter's Houfe fmce my Arrival. His Wife was as one that ferveth. Oh that all Minifters Wives were fo ! For there is nothing gives me more OfFence than to fee Clergymen's Wives drclTed out in the Pride of Life. They brng a Reproach upon Re- ligion. The generally live up to the utmoft of their In- come ; and, being above working, after their Husband's De- ceafe, they are of all Women moft miferable. From fuch a Wife^ good Lord^ of thy infinite Mercy ^ deliver my Soid I Hampton^ Fortfmouth and Tork, Wednefdayy OSIober I. Preached in the Morning, tho' not with fo much Freedom as ufual, at Hampton, to fome Thoufands in the open Air. The Wind was almoft too high for me. Some, tho' not many, were afFe^led. God''s Spi- rit bloweth when and where it Ujhth. After Dinner, rode in Company with many to Porifnvmth^ a large Town about fourteen Miles from Hampton. Got thither in about an Hour and a half. Preached to a polite Auditory, and fo ve- ry unconcerned, that I began to queftion whether I had been preaching to rational, or brute Creatures. Seeing no imme- diate Effects of the Word preached, I was a little dejefted ; but God, to comfort my Heart, fent one young Man to me crying out, in great Anguifli of Spirit, What jhall I do tQ be Javed ? Oh how doei^God pity the IVeaknefs cf his Children / Why wajl thou fo\(^l down, O my Soul F Crpfll'd a Ferry immediately after Sermon, and went over a yejy llony Way - to Tori, a Town thirteen Miles, round the Ferry, diilant £2 from ij> Mr. Whitefield'^ 'journal l\om Porifmouth : Hither I came to fee one Mr. Moody, a -worthy, plain and powerful Minifler of Jefus Chrift, tho' now much impaired by old Age. He has lived by Faith for manv Years, would have no fettled ^]alary, and has been much defpifed by bad M'^n, and as much refpeclcd by the true Lovers of the blefltd Jefus. H^ came as far as Hampton to meet me, hut getting before him, in our Night-Travelling ; a Phylician, his Neighbour, whc. came alfo to meet me, re- ceived us into jjis Houfe, and ki.nolv entertained us. Some of our Fellow-travellers loft their \'v ay, but came to us fome- time after our Arrival at Tork. Here we prayed and fup- ped very comfortably together. The Air agreed mightily with my Ccnftitution. As i can,:- along, 1 was furprized to fee fuch Improvements made in a Place of about a hundred Years ftandmg, ;u]d could nut but fancy ir.yfelf in Old- Eng- land. Surely. Gcd is a God keeptng Covenant. He has blefled this Generation for their Fathers Sake, with all tem- poral Bleffings. Lord, with tbefe temporal, give them .fpiri- tual Bleffijtgs ; otherwife Profperity will ■ dejiroy them. Tork and Port/mouth. Tuefday, 06icher i. Was comforted to hear good Mr. Moody tell me, *' That he believed I {hoi.-ld preach to a *' hundred new Creatures this Morning in his Cong-cgation." And indeed I believe I did. For when I came to preach, I could fpeak little or no Terror, but almoft all Confolation. I preached both Morning and Evening. The Hearers looked plain and fimple j and Tears trickled apace down moft of their Cheeks. Indeed we faw the Outgoings of the Lord in his SancSiuary. But one Thing put- a little Damp upon iny Soul, and I hope, did me good. Mr. Moody has a Son, a Minifter, who was once full of Faith and Joy in the Holy Ghoft, and walked in the Light of God's Countenance, and made full Proof of hisMiniftry ; but for thefe two Years lafl; paft, has walked in Darknefs, and feen no Light. Lie has an inexpreflible Gloominefs upon his Soul, and cannot apply any of thePromifes to himfcif I was Informed he was at Meet- ing, but dared not fee me. I was affifted to pray for him. I prayed the more earnef^ly, not knowing but his Cafe might be mine hereafter. Lord, let me not be high-minded, but fear. Into thy Hands I commit my Spirit. I dejire to take no Thought for the Morroiu. Deal ivith me as it Jhall pleafe thee. Jufi- ly mayjl thou take every Comfort ffcm me : For J have wretchr edly at N E IF BURT, &c. 37 £dly alufed thy Loving- Kindnefs. God be merciful to me a Sinner ! Left York about four in the Evening; Reached Portfmouth by Night ; Supped ; Converfed, and fung Pfalms very com- fortably with my Friends. The Lord was pleafed to hft up the Light of his blefied Countenance more and more upon my Soul. Rightly is 'Jsfui called Jmmanuel. He is God not only in, but with us. Oh that I may never provoke him to dtpart from me ! Portfmouth J Hampton and Neivhury. Friday, OSioher 3. Preached this Morning at Portfmouth to a far greater Congregation than before. Inftead of preach- ing to dead Stocks, I bad now Reafon to believe I was preach- ing to living Men. People began to melt foon after 1 began to pray, and the Power encreafed more and more during the whole Sermon, The Word feemed to pierce through and through, and carried fuch Convidion along with it, that ma- ny, who before had induftrioufly fpoken Evil of me, were afhamed of themfelves. Mr. Shiitlif the Minifter, when he afterwards fent me 97 /. colleded at this Time for the Or- phans, wrote thus : "• You have kft great Numbers under *•■ deep Impreffions, and I truft in God they will not wear *' off; but tiiat the Convidions of fume will he kept up and " chcrifhed, till they have had their defired Effed." Ajnen and Amen. 0- Haltned after Dinner to Hampton \ Preached to fcveral ^houfands of People, with a great deal of Life and Power, Colledcd 41/. for my little Ones, and fct out direiftly fof Newbury ; which we reached about eight at Night, and was kindly entertained at a Gentleman's Houfe wivh all my Friends- My Heart was much enlarged and filled with Jov, and in the Way two old Difciples came to me, acquainting me what fweet refrefhing Times God had vouclifafed them under my Miniftry. Lord, not unto me, not unto me^ bitt^into thy Free^ Grace be all the Glory ! "^^' v I,^,'", Newbury, Jpfimh and S^akm. Saturday^ GSiober 4. Lay at the Houfe of Mr. i— / 1V^{- nifter of the Place. Preached in the Morning to a , very thronged Congregation, and favi' the Outgoings of God in his San(auary. Colleded 80// Hafted to Ipfwich. Preach- ed 3§ Mr. White FiELD*^ Journal ed to a larger Congregation, and with as much Power as when there laft. CoIJeded 79 /. for the Orphans. Got to Saletn about eight at Night. Was kindly received by Co- lonel P — r, and aifo was favoured with a Vifit from ^hfl Minifter belonging to the Church of England. '' ^ Sunday^ OBober 5. Preached at eight in the Morning, in the Meeting- Houfe, at the Minifter's Requeft. Read Prayers, and aflifted in the Sacrament in the Church of England. But thought Matters were not at all carried on with Decency and Order. Preached again in the Afternoon in the Meeting- Houfe, but faw no fuch Power all the Day as when I preach- ed here a few Days ago. Colleded 72/. for the Orphan- Houfe. O that the Lord -would reach the Hearts of the In- habltantSj and make them a peculiar People^ zealous of good Works I y Saletriy MarbJe-Head, MauUen and Bojlon. \ Monday^ OSIoher 6. Spent the Sabbath-Evening very com- fortably with my dear Fellow-Travellers in converfing, praying and finging fpiritual Songs. I truft, we made Melody with Grace in our Hearts unto the Lord. Set out from Salem about nine this Morning. Preached at Marble- Head about eleven, and with fuch Power, that I truft it will be a Day much to be Tcmember'd by many Souls. I was upon the Mount myfelf, and the Lord attended his Word with mighty Power. The two Minifters prcfented me with 70/. for the Orphan- Houfe, ■which they had voluntarily colle<5tcd Yefterday in their own private Meetings. Was moft: affedionately received and cn- tcrtain'd by Colonel M — 7z, from whom I parted almoft with Tears. Thr Lord make him rich in Faith, and in good ' TForks. At the Requeft of the Reverend Mr. E — «, Son- in-law to dear Mr. Moody., and, I believe, really a Man of God, we went to A'lauldcn, fourteen Miles from Marble- Head^ where I preached not with fo much Power as in the Morning. But one Girl came crying to me and faying^ *' She feared flie had not true Faith in Jefus," O that others began to doubt aljo ! Here tlic Secretary, and feveral Friends from. Bojhn^gd.\'c me the JMceting. With tlicin, immediate- Wy aCtcr Sermon, I fet out, and get privately into Bojhn about jfci'cn at Night. Received con^fortablc Letters iVom Georgia and South Carolina y and alfo had the Satisfaflion of hearing -that- Brother Seiuard was fafcjv arrived in England. "The .Lord pro/per the JVork of Lis Hands upon hint. Perceived my at S ALE M, &c. 39 my Health to be much improved llnce I left Bojlon. And tho' 1 had rode 178 Miles, and preached fixteen Times, I truft to the great Benefit of Thoufands ; yet I was not in the leaft wearied or fatigued. The Spirit of the Lord was upon me; and I fat up till near Midnight to anfwer Corre- fpondents, and fettle my private Affairs. Afterwards I went to Reft, full of Peace, and defiring to be thankful to the Lord, for caufing me thus to renew my Strength. Oh what a good Mafter h Jefus Chrijl ! Tuefday, Oiiober 7. Preached both Morning and Evening in Dr. Caiman's Mceting-Houfe, both Times with much Power. People feemed greatly rejoic'd at my Arrival, it be- ing confidently reported I died fuddenly, or was poifoned : But I find I muft not yet die, but live and declare the Works of the Lord. Father^ I fuhnli \ thy Will he done. Vifited, I believe, a true Difciple, who had been fick for a long Seafon. The Lord has made his Bed in his Sicknefs, He has been enabled to rejoice in the Truth. Who would but he a Chrijllan ? Supped and gave a Word of Exhortation to many People, at a Houfe which I truft the Lord will vifit with his Salvation. Wherever I go. People will follow me. And I now, hourly almoft, receive Letters from Perfons un- der Conviflions, as alfo congratulatory Letters, and Vifits from many Children of God, who caufes me to triumph iii the Felicity of his Chofen. Blejjed he God / Wednefdayy O£ioher 8. Went v/ith the Governor in his Coach to Mr. Webb's Meeting- Houfe, where I preached both Morning and Evening to very great Auditories. Both Time's (efpecially in the Morning) Jefus Chrift manifefted forth his Glory. Many Hearts melted within them, and I think I never was io drawn out to pray for and invite little Children to Jefus Chrift, as I was this Morning. A little before, I had heard of a Child, who v/as taken fick juft after it had heard me preach, and faid, " He would go to Mr. JVhltejisld'^ *' God," and died in a fhort Time. This encouraged me to fpeak to little Ones. But, oh how were the old People aftV-ded, when I faid, *« Little Children, if your 'Parents " will not come to Chrift, do you come and go to Heaven ** without them." Tiiere feemed to be but few dry Eyes. Look where I would, the Word fmote them, I believe, through and through, and my own Soul was very much car- ried out. Surely it was the Lord's Paflbver. I have not feen a greater Cotn^^otion fince my Preaching at Bofton. Glo' ry be to God zvho ^''■' v;t Jor-^oft^n to l:- gracious. Went with i ' the 40 Mr. WhiTefikld'j Journal the Governor, who feemed more and more affefted, in his Coach to my Lodgings. Snatch'd a few Moments to write a Letter or two. Gave a Word of Exhortation to a great Crowd of People, and afterwards flipped out privately at a Back door, and went and fupped at a Man's Houfe, whofe Wife and Sifter, as well as himfelf, I truft the Lord will vifit-with his Salvation. AmeUy come Lord J ejus Chri/I, come quickly. Tburfda)\ OfJoher 9. Have been applied to, this and every Morning fince my Return, by many Souls under deep Di- flrefs, and was only grieved that I could not have more Time with them. Preached this Mornmg the public Lec- ture at Dr. Seivall's Meeting-Houfe, which was very much crowded. When I had left my Lodgings, I had fixed upon and folded down a particular l>xt : But, when I came near the Meeting-Houfe, I found it much imprefled upon my Heart, that I fhould preach upon our Lord's Conference •with Nicodemus. I acquainted a Friend with it. When I came into the Pulpit, I faw a great Number of Minifters fitting around and before me : And when I came to thefe Words, Jrt thou a Majfcr in Ifrael, and knowcjl not thefe Things ? the Lord gave mc to open my Mouth boldly, a- gainft unconverted Miniilers, to caution Tutors to take care of their Pupils, and alfo to advife all Minifters, particularly to examine the Experiences of thofe that were Candidates for Ordi- nation. For I am verily perfuaded., the Generality of Preachers talk of an unknoivn, unfclt C'orljl. And the Rcafon luhy Congre- gations have ht:en fo dead^ Is iecaufe dead Men preach to them. O that the Lord may quicken and revive them for his own Names Sake. For how can dead A .:-i^w ^... ._• 15000 CHARLESrOPTNi 4^ 15000 Pieoplej colle<5ied upwards of 200 /. for the Orphahs*. Juft as I had linifhed my Sermon, a Ticket was put up t^ t6 ine, wherein I was defired to pray " for a Perfon juft en-j " tered upon the Minlftry: hut under Apprehfenllons that.^ *' he was not converted." God enabled rne to pray for him with my whole Heart. Jnd I hope that Tuket iviil teach many others^ not to run before they can give an Account of their Converfion ; ;/ thny do^ they offer God Jlrange Fire. — Went to a F^uneral of one belongihg to the Council, but do not like the Cuftom at Bojlon of not fpeaking at the Grave. TVhen can Minifen Prayers and Exhortations be mere fuit- able, than when the Corps before them luill ftlently as it were . ajjijl them ; and with a Kind of du?nb Oratory, bid the Spec- tdtors confidcr their later End? When the Funeral was over, I went, as privately as poffible, to the Alms-Houfe, and en-. larged on thcfe Words, The Poor received the Go/pel, for near half an Hour; then I went to th? Work-hcufe, where I prayed with, and exhorted a great Number of People, who crowded after me, befides thofe belonging to the Houfe, for near an Hour more. And then, hearing there vt'as a confide- rable Number more waiting for me at my Lodgings (tho' fome.. Cryed out, fpare thyfelf) God ftrengthened me to give them ^ a fpiritual Morfel, and then I went and eat Bread very com- ' fortably at a Friend's Houfe, whither I was invited, ani' foon aiter retired to my Reft. Ob ! hotv comfortable is Sleep after zvorking for Jefus ! Lord firengtben me yet a little longer, and then let me fleep in thee, never to awake in thii vain World again: Still I mufl intreat thee, ifmcjl conducive^ to thy Glory, and the Good of Souls, to make no long ^^rrj^ hgy O my God! ■ .VV" Charleftoivn and Redding, . ^^.". Frtday, Odolcr lO. Still bufied, from the very Momeri'g I rofe 'till I went out, in anfwering poor Souls, that cam'b^ to me under great Diilrefs. About nine went to Mr. Ccopei; ^ ever Charlcfiown Ferry, where I preached with fnuch De'^ monftratjon of the Spirit, and coIle<£led 156/, for the Oi^ phans. Then I dined at Myjlick, at the Houfe of Efq; R — t*^ a. young rich Man, who has feemed to be much afFc<5led fpjf, fome Time. Oh that he may net lack one Thing I Immei diately after Dinner we hafted to Redding, 12 Males' fromJ Char lejl own. There I.preachtd_ to many thouGmd?, and coiled;* ted 51"/. 5 ;. for mv litile'Ones.' And o^bfcrved'a 'coriridef'a» • Q bl« 42 M-r. Wh I T E F I E L D'i Journat ^le Moving in the Congregation. Returned and fupped at Mr. R — /'s. Was weak, very weak in Body. But was re- freflicd to hear of a poor Girl, who was found fitting at the Gate in the Cold. Upon being examined by a truly expe- rienced Friend, he found fhe was under very ftrong Convidi- ons, and had followed me from Rcxbury. She faid,- **• She " wanted nothing but Chrifl, and Chrifl: fhe would have." Blejfed are they who hunger and ih'irji after Righteoufnefs^ for they Jhall he filled. Lord let this 'Promifi: he fulfilled in her Heart ! Cambridge and Bofion. Saturday, October ii. Was bat weak in Bod v, and per- ceived I had taken Cold. But Preaching, I find, is a con- flant Remedy againft all Indifpofitions. Went to Cambridge, four Miles from MyfUck. Preached at the Meeting- Houfe Door, to a great Body of People, who ftood very attentively, tho' it rained, and were, at the latter Part of the Sermon, much affeifled. It being at the Univcrfity, I preached on thefe Words, Noah the eighth Perforin a Preacher of Righte- otfnefs, and endeavoured to flievv the Q^ialifications proper for a true evangelical Preacher of Chrifl 's Righteoufnefs. The Lord opened my Mouth, and I fpoke very plainly to Tutors and Pupils. One hundred Pounds were colleded for the Orphans. After a Sermon, the Prelldent kindly enter- tained me and my Friends. About four we reached Bojhn ; I preached immediately at Dr. SeiuaTs Meeting-Houfe j ex- harted a great Isluttiber afterwards at my Lodgings : And then was employed "till near Midnight in fettling my private Affairs, anfwering Letters, and fpeaking to Souls under Con- victions. One little Girl, about eight Years old, came to me under deep Co.icern. She, as her Friends told, had been wreftling f&r Chrtfl-, and while fhe was wreftling, it came to her Mind, That Jefus being in Agony, prayed yet fo much ihe^rnore earnefly, and that an jLigel xvas Jent from. Heaven to firenglhcn him. This encouraged lier to perfevere, and her Soul focn" received fonie Comfort. Another iMinifter's Daughter hSs been quite refllefs alter Chiift Night and Y>e^y. 7\nd a' young Man. about fourteen came to me crying and fay'ing, " Sir, I am corvi£le-(l but nc converted, Oh pruy for ^^ xnzVff r 'thank thee^ Ilgly Father, ' crd <^f Hea-ven 'in^ Earth, ^that thou hajl hid ' thefe Tl/tngs from the IFife and af B S r N, 43 and Prudent, and haft rmmled, them unto^ Bales. Even foy Father ; for fo it feemed gaod in thy Sight. Sunday, OBchcr 12, Was much refre&ed in Body and Soul, when I rofe in the Morning. Spoke to as many as I could, that came for fpiritual Advice. Preached with great great Power and Affe(rtion, at Dr. Sewal's Meeting-Houfe, which was fo exceedingly throng'd, that I was obliged to get in at one of the Windou's. Dined with the Governor, who came to me, after Dinner, when I was retired, and v/eeping, moft earneftly delired my Prayers. 77^*? Lord be "with and in hi?ny for Time and Eternity ! Went and heard Dr. Sewal preach in the Afternoon. Was fick at Meeting, and alfo after Meeting was over. W^^ent with the Governor in his Coach, to the Common, where I preached my Farewel Sermon to near 30.000 People. A Sight I have not fcen fmce I left Blachheath, and a Sight, perhaps never before feen in Ame- rica. It being duskilh before I had done, the Sight was more folemii. Numbers, great Numbers, melted into Tears, when I talked of leaving them. I was very particular in my Application, both to Rulers, Miniflers and People; com- mended what was commendable, blamed what was blame- worthy, and exhorted my Hearers ileadily to imitate the Pie- ty of their Forefathers ; fo that, whether 1 v/as prefent, or whether I was abfent, I might hear of their Affairs, that with one Heart and one Mind, thejr were firiving together for the Faith of the Gofpel. After Sermon, the Governor went with me to my Lodgings. I flood in the Paffage, and fpoke to a great Company, both within and without Doors ; but they were fo, deeply affed^ed, and cried fo loud that I was obliged to leave off praying. The Governor was highly pleafed to fee the Power of God. He took his Leave in the moft affectionate Manner, and faid, he would come and take me in his Coach to Charlcjlovun Ferry the Morrow Morn- ing. The Remainder of the Evening was almoft entirely ta- .Icen-up in fpeaking to Pcrfons under va-'j great Diflrcfs of Soul. ^*The poor Girl that followed me from Roxbury^ I beheve, got a Saviiig Difcovery of Chrift this Morning. For when I preached on thcfe Words, Tl^s Lord our Right coufnefs., (he was enabled to fay. The Lord my Righteoufncfs., and was not afraid to die. The poor Creature, I found upon Enqiirv, /could not read, which fliews tiie Sovereignty of God's ele«fl- '^'ing Love, and confirms what the Apoftle fays. That the Lord ^chafes the foolijh Things of this World to confound the IVifei i^^lany ciTered to go with me to Georgia j and Charity, I be- G 2 liev e , 44" ^r, WHiTEFi£tD*j yourjial lieve, will incline me to take her : For fhe's caft out, in ef- fect, already for Chrifl's Sake. BleJJed be God^ for tvhat Things has been done in Bofton. / hope a glorious JVork is now begun^ and that the Lord will Jiir up fome faithful La- btrurers to carry it en. ** Bofton is a large populous Place, *' ver)' wealthy. Has the Form kept up ; but has loft much *' of the Power of Religion. I have not heard of any re- ** markable Stir for tbefe many Years. Minifters and Peo- " pie are obliged to confefs, that the Love of many is waxed ** cold. Both, for the Generality, feem to be too much con- " formed to the World. There's much of the Pride of Life ** to be (ecn in their AlTemblies. Jewels, Patches, and gay *' Apparel are commonly worn by the Female Sex, and even *' the common People, I obferved, drelTed up in the Pride *' of Life. And the little I.n>ants that were brought to Bip- *' tifm, were wrapped up in fuch fine Thing'', and fo much *' Pains taken to dtefs them, that one would think they were *' brought thither to be initiated into, rather than to renounce *' the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World. There are *' nine Meeting- houfes of the Congregational Perfuafjon, ** one Baptift, one French, and one belonging to the Scots *' Irijh. There zre two tnonihly, and cr^ weekly Lectures, *' and thofe two but poorly tended. Several Minifters com- •* plained to me of it. I mentioned it in my Scrmon<;, and •* I truft God will ftir up the People more frequently to tread ** the Courts of his Houfe. One Thing Bojton is very re- ** markable for, the external Obfcrvation of the Sabbath, •' Men in civil OfHces, have a Regard to Religion. The ** Governor encourages them : And the Minifters and Magi- •* ftrates are more united than in any other Place where I ** have been. Both were exceedingly civil during my Stay : ** I never faw fo little Scoffing!' Never had fo little Oppo- ** fition. But one might eafily fee how much would hereafter *' arife when I come to be more particular in mv Application ** to particular Perfons. Fori fear many reft in a Head-Know* *' ledge, are clofe Pharifecs, and have only a 'Name to live. ** It muft needs be fo, when the Power of Qodlincfs is " dwindled away, and where the Form only of Religion is ^* become fa{hionabIe amongft People. However, no doubt, ^' there are a few Names Uft in Sardis, which have net de- ** filed their Garments. Many Letters Come to me, as far " as I could j'jdge, from truly pious People, in which they Vi'. heavily complained of the fad Degeneracy of their Times^ H'and hoped that God was now about to revive his Work in J; V' the at NEtr-EN GLAND, 45 *^ the MWft of the Years. Emn fi^ Lord JefuSy Amen an^ *' Amen^ fay I with my whole Heart, i^or Bofton People are- " dear to my Soul. They were greatly afFeiled by the Word, '* foliowed Night and Day, and were very liberal to my dear ♦'Orphans. Ipromifed, God willing, to vifit them again, ♦' and intend to fulfil my Promifc, when it Ihall pleafe God ^' to bring me again from my native Country. In the mean '* while. Dear Bo?ion, adieu. The Lord be with thy Mi- '-^ Jlers and People., and grant that the Remnant^ which is ^^ Jim left according to the EleSiion of Grace, may take Root *f: downwards., and hear Fruit upwards, and fill ihe^ Land. ^ Bojic }on and Concord.y-o :;■ s^ :-jM.-nh •s^ norarinoD adi Monday, OSlober i"^. Took an affetSlionate Leave of'iliany dear Friends, efpecially my kind Hoft and Hoftcfs-,- who have been exceedingly kind to me and mine, and wept over me at my Departure from them. The Lord reivard them a thoufand Fold! Went Vv'ith the Governor in his Coach to Charlejiown Ferry. He took me to the Boat, killed me, and with Tears in his Eyes bid me farewell. About Noon, I reached Concord, a Town eighteen Miles from Bcfion. Heie I preached to fome Thoufands in the open Air; and comfortable Preaching it was. The Hearers were fvyeetly melted down. About 45 /. were colledted for- the Orphans. The Mmifterof the Town being, I believe, a true Child of God, I chofe to ftay all Night at his Houfe, that we n>ight rejoice together. The Lord was with us. The Spirit of the Lord came upon me, and God gave me to wreilk with him for my Friends, efpecially thofe then with me; They felt his Power. Brother/'B — <-, the Minifter, broke into Floods of Tears, and vjl^d Reafon to cry out, it was good for us to be here. (^ bleffed be thy Name, O Lard^ for thefe fwcet Refrefnngs* in our IVay toivards tho heavenly Canaan. Sudbury, Marlborough and Worcejier. Tuefday, Odober 14. Reached Sudbury, about fix Miles from Concord z\io\xt ten, where Mr. L — g, a Man of God, pre- fides. Preached to fome Thoufands with Power, and obferved a confiderable Commotion in the AlTembly. Got to Marl- borough, eight Miles from Sudbury about four. Pleached in the Meeting to a large Congregation : At firll my Heart was dead. 46 Mr. Whitefield'^ yournal dead, and I had but little Freedom, but before I had finifhed, the Word came with fuch a Demonftration of the Spirit, that great Numbers were very much melted down. When I came into the Meeting-Houfe, I turned about, and to my Sur- prize, faw Governor Belcher there \ he was aftedled, and tho' it rained, and he was much advanced in Years, yet he went in Company with us as far as Worchcjler^ 15 Miles from Marlborough^ whither we got about 8 at Night. — Here we were kindly entertained at the Houfeof one Colonel C r. We Ipent the Remainder of the Evening very agree- ably with the Governor, and after Prayer retired to Reft. Oh thai I may prove rnyfelf a Difciple of that Majier, tOho^ ivhllji iaberiiaclirig ksre en Earth, had not where to lay his Head f JVorceJler and Leicejicr, Wednefday^ 05loher 15. Perceived the Governor to be more affectionate than ever. After Morning Prayer he took me by myfclf, ki/Fed me, *' and exhorted me to zo on in " flirting up the Minifters." For, fays he, *' Reforma- ** tion muft begin at the Houfe of God." As we were go* ing to Meeting, fays he, " Mr. White field, do not fpare *' Rulers any more than Minifters, no, not the Chief of <« them." I'preachcd in the open Air to fome Thoufand?. The Word fell with much Weight indeed : It carried all be- fore it. After Sermon the Governor faid to me, " I pray *« God, I may apply what has been faid to my own Heart." *' Pray, Mr. IVhiicfield, that I may hunger and thirft after *' Righteoufnefs. ""Dinner being ended, with Tears in his Eyes he killed me, and took Leave of me, — that we may meet in Heaven ! I have obferved, that I have had greater Power *' than Ordinary, whenever rtie Governor has been at public «« Worihip. A Sign this, 1 hope, that tiie Moft High in- "«f tends to let him at his Right-Hand." Even fo, Lordjc- Jus^ Amen and Amen. Was enabled much to rejoice in Spirit. Preached in the Afternoon at Leicefier^ 6 Miles from IVorcefur^ vq\i\\ fime, tho' not fo much Po\\'er as in the Morning. Got to Brodkfieldhy Night, anfl was upoh the Mount indeed. My Soul was upon the Wing; I ex- ceedingly enlarged, and was enabled, as it were, to take the Kingdom of God by Force. Oh ! JVhat precious Hours are tho fe, when we are thus 'Jlvcn^ihened, as it zvere, lo lay 'ho*d'on God: Oh that we Jhsuld ever cajl oiirfehes down Jroi^n fb'efe Frames ! God be merciful to me a Sinn&j ! \ . Brook- Head, di- * G tKiWf 5<> Mr. Wh I 'T F I E L D'i Journal reflly upon tny Nofe. The Fall ftunri'd me for i while — My Mouth was full of Duft, I bled a little, but falling upon folt Sand, got not much Damage. After I had recovered my felf, and mounted my Horfe, God fo filled me with a Senfe of his fovereign, diftinguifliing Love, and my own Unwor- thinefs, that my Eyes gufhed out with Tears ; but they were all Tears of Love. Oh ! how did I want to fmk before the High and lofty One, who inhabitctb Eternity ! I felt myfeif lefs than Nothing ; and yet knew that Jefus was my All in All. The divine Prefence was ilrong upon me all the Even- ing. We flopped at a Friend's Houfe about 4 Miles from Springfield ; took proper Refrcfhmcnt, and then went to Reft, defiring not to be unthankful for the peculiar Favours conferred upon me the Night paft. Lord, they are noted in thy Book. Oh let them be alfo written en the Tables of mine Heart, Sitffield and IVindfo 'or Tucfday, OHoher 21. Set out for Nuffield about 8 Miles from the Place where I lay. Reached thither, and preached about II o'clock to feveral Thoufands of People. Meeting with a Miniiter in the Way, who faid *' It was not abfb- *' lutely necelTary for a Gofpel Minifter, that he fhould be *' converted •" I infilled much in my Difcourfe upon the Docfrine of the New- Birth, and alfo the Neceflity of a Mi- nifter 's being converted, before he could preach Chrift aright. The Word came with great Power, and a great Impreflion was made upon the People in all Parts of the AiTembly. Ma- jiy Miniilers were prefent. I did not fpare them. Moft of .them thanked me for my plain Dealing : But one was offend- ed, and fo would more of his Sramp, if I was to continue longer in New-England. For unconverted Minifters are the ijaiic of tlie Chriftian Church : And, thu' I honour the Me- mory of that great and good Man Mr. Stoddard ; yet I think he is much to be blamed for endeavouring to prove that :unconvcrted Men might be admitted irijo the Miniftry. — How he lus handled the Controvcrfy, Lknow not. I think no folid Arguments can be brought to defend fuch a Caufe. But the bcft of Men are permitted to err that we may know ^,(they are but Men. A Sermon lately publiflicd by Mr. Gil- Vert Tennenty entitled, " The D.mger of an unconverted .,5-^.. Miniftry," I think unanfwerable. As I was riding to "7?7/;.//cr alter Dinner, a.a old Man came up tome, faying, ♦' He at NEW^ENGLAN D. 51 ** He. knew what I had preached in the Morning was true ; <« I have felt it, fays he, I was under the Spirit of Bondage f*;,- 20 , Years, and have received tlic Spirit of Adoption 23 #- -years," Another came, giving me an Account of his Experiences, and the People of God feemed much revived at Wind/or^ where, as I am informed, a true converted Man is Minifter. I preached in the Afternoon with fuch Freedom, that .a»youngMinifter, who had heard me feveral Times, told me, <* I had kept the good Wine until now." As foon as Sermon was over, I rode about a Mile and a half, and preached to a throng'd Congregation, belonging to old Mr. Edvjards, Fa- ther to Mr. Edwards of Northampton^ and I believe a true Difci- ple and Minifter of the Lord Jefus Chrift. My Body was fome- what weak, and I was not fo much afli(ted. But it is the Xord — He knows beft when to difpenfe, and when to fuf- pend his Aids. After Exercift we fupped at theHoufe of old Mr. Edwards. His Wife was as aged, I believe, as him- felf, and I fancied that I was fitting in the Houfe of a Za~ chary and Elizabeth. Indeed I felt great Satisfaction in my Soul, and parted from him and his Son (who came with me fo far) with fome inward Regret. But, blefled be God, we ihall meet again in Eternity. Lord^ grant that I, may al- ways comfort myfelf with this Thought ! Hartford and Weathersjield. tri> Wednejday^ OHober 22. Preached to many Thoafands, -and with much Freedom and Power in the Morning ; and to about the fame Number at JFeathersfield^ three Mdes fvoni Hartford., in the Afternoon. Here my Soul was refrefhed by the coming of yit^x^JVheelock and Pomeroy^ two young, faithful, and zealous Minifters of Jefus Chrift, which much revived me. This Morning I intended to go and preach at both their Places ; as alfo to Ply mouthy Rhode- IJland^ he. — But God fhexved me to Davi it was inconfiltent with" my other Buhnefs upon many Accounts. And therefore, after Prayer and Confultation with my Friends, I refolved to. go dire£tly to New-York. Accordingly, 'at Night,' I rode to . Middle Town, lo Milzs hora IP^eathcrsfeldy and Was enter- tained at the Houfe of Mr. Rujely the Minifter of the'PJace, and, I think, an Ifraellte indeed, and one, who, I hear, has been long mourning over the Deadnefs of Pfofe^rs; Oh : that all Minljicrs ivere like minded ! ■ ' - ',"'<-' lY^^- :.v- - ■■ . t ■.:... . _,;, r-r..: lr_,0 . Tuefday, OSfober 23. Was lujuch pleafed with the; §inFVn plicity of our Hoft, and the Order wherein his Children at^ tended on their Family Devotions. Preached to about 400a People (^ eat Numbers of which were coofiderablv affected) about n o'clock. Preached again in the Afternoon at JVallingsford^ fourteen Miles from Adiddletown ; and then rode to New-Haven, fourteen Miles farther, where I v/as jnoft afFedl'cnately received by Mr. Pierpoiut, Brother to Mr. Edwards of Northampton. As I came along I foimd wonderful Freedom in my Soul for declining to go fo long a Circuit as was propofed. I converfed profitably with a god- ly, zealous Mmifter from Long JJland, and when I came to New-Haven^ I found God ftrengthening my inner ^an. — I wreftied in Prayer, in Company with my dear Fellow- Travellers, and am perfuaded the Lord did not let us go without his BlefTing. Ob that %uc may fit down in ibx King- dom of Heaven ! hi ElV^ HAVEN. Friday^ Oaober 24. Was refrefhed wish the Sight of dear ^r. Noble of Ncw-Tork, who alfo brought me Letters from Georgia. Blefled be God, the Orphan- Houfe Affairs go on profperoufly. The Lord is with my dear Family of a . Truth. Declined preaching in the Morning, becaufc it was ^ wet, and the People had no Notice of my Coming, and I "had much private Bulinefs on my Hands. Perceived my Health grow better. Preached in the Afternoon with Power rtowards the latter End of the Sermon, and obferved fome deeply aff'ecSled indeed. It being the Time in which the Af- fembly met, the Governor, Council, and the Gentlemen of the lower Houfe were prtfent. After Sermon, two young Minirters, who fecmed to have fome Experience of divine Things, came to converfe with me, and in theEvening'I ex- pounded at my Lodgings to a Room full of People. l"bc Power of the Lord was upon me, I fpake with much Weight and Freedom, and had {wct:t Fellowfhip with i;^y dear Com- panions afterwards. Oh / who vj-iuld bat travel for Chri/i ? Saturday, Q,^ober 25. Wds again refreflied this Morrving /hv the Si^ht of lyir, Jedcdi^h Afills, a dear Man- of Gcd, '''^Wi^tT zi Riptoax near Sti^at ford. He wrote to me fome lime Time ago. I felt his Letter, and now alfo felt the Man- My Soul was much unitech to him.' 1 could not but think God would do great Things by hjs Hands, He. has had a re- markable Word in his Parifo fome Time ago, and talked like one that was no Novice in divine Things. With hirS r dined at the Rev. Mr.C — 's, R'edor of New- Haven CollegeiJ about one third Part as Big as that of Cambridge. It has one Req* tor, three Tutors, and about a hundred Students : But f hear of no remarkable Concern amongft them concerning Re- ligion. I preached twice to the Confolation of God's Peo- ple, many of which, I have heard, Wvq zt ISfewHaVeti, and the Countries round about. There were fweet Meltings dif- cernible both Times. I fpoke very clofely to the Students, and (liewed the dreadful Ill-Confequences of an unconverted Miniftry. Dear Mr.' Mills, when he took hi? Leave, told me pf one Minifler iii particular, who had" been Wrouglit upon before, but now ^\'as gone Home as full as he could hold. Oh that God may quicken Minifters ! Oh thai the Lord may 7nake them a Jlaming Fire ! Come Lord Jefus^ co?ne quickly^ Amen <7;/<^ Amen. " Sunday, OSfober 26. Preached both Morning and Evening to mucn larger Congregations than before, and in the Af- ternoon obferved an efpecial Prefence ot God in the Ailem- bly. Many, I believe, were comforted and quickned by the Holy Ghoft. The People of God fent me "VVord, t£(at they were much revived, and one came and told me that theifc Words were lately prefled upon her Hcs^n^ The IVinier is gone y the Spring is coming on, the Foice of the Turtle is heard in the Land. Indeed I believe this will bean acceptable Year of the Lord. Before E>'ening Service, the following Note was put into my Hand, by one who came to me a Day or two ago, fome Miles ofF, under Diitrefs, and^ tho' but weak in Body, could not but follow me, *' Qne Self-righteous 9 *' Pharifee reding in Duties, who "hath a rational Belief of 3** his damned Eftate, and that he never, felt the Pangs -of ■'»^* the New- Birth, defires your Prayers to that God that hath -^* faid. Ye niujl he horn again.'' After Sermon I waited on ^f'the Governor : I obfcYved him to be much a^ifted under the 3^Word. When I came in, h,eTaid, '' I am glad,. Sir, to fee "■™* you, and heartily glid to hear you."' , His Heart vvasTo '^jfoll that he could not fpcak. much. The, Tears trickled S'^wn his aged Cheeks Tike Drops of Rain. *' He was tjiank- ,b«f. fii] to God", he faidj for.rach.,Refrel3iing§,^in 'dur .Way', to amok am c; .>3?n\ -l\ \,-^'A\vc,:. u-.?"" r/.^-..-^ v. ^^^ '^^^^ amiT' 5^ Mr, Whitefield'j Journal ,%'Our Reft. Food does us Good, when we cat it with an ^^ Appetite." And indeed, I believe he had fed upon the Word. The Lord fupport him^ ivhen his Strength faihtb him^ and bring his grey Hairs with Comfort to the Grave ! In the Evening I expounded at my Lodgings to a great Number of People, and colleded upwards of 35 /. for the Orphans. My Soul was much refreflied to hear how the Children of God "were revived under the Word preached. And nothing con- firms me more that I have been taught of God, and preach the Truth as it is m Jefus, than to find our Lord's dear old Difciples, feeling the Power of the Word wherever I go, faying, " Its agrees with their Experiences." My Sheep hear my Voice, fays our Redeemer, A Stranger will they not hear. About eight at Night we left Neiu-Havcn. The Moon fhone bright, and, after we had rode three Miles, we ar- rived at a Houfe, which, as a faithful Miniller told me be- fore, *' was full of God." I think, they tell me the Mo- ther and three Daughters were converted Perfona. As foon as I came into the Houfc, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me. God gave me to wreftle with him, and my Friends faid at departing they u'ere never in fuch a Houfe before. Oh it was a fweet Time indeed ! God made his Power to be felt and known. After I had given a Word of Exhortation, that they would ftudy to adorn the Gofpel of our Lord in all Things, we went forward on our Journey, znd got to Mil/or dy 10 Miles from New-Havcny about ten at Night. The Lord's Name be prai Jed from the rifing up of the Sun, unto the going doiun of tJje fame. Amen and Amen. Milford and Stratford. Monday, October 27. Preached this Morning at Milfrrd^ and, I think, with as much Ciearnefs, Freedom and Power as.l have for a long St'afon. The Prefcnce of God wasmucli in the Alltmbly, which was large. Many Minifters v/ere prefent, and they could not iieip glorifying God muc^in my Behalf. Dear Mr. yW/V/j, wiio came agaii\ to meet Bi;e this Morning, was much afftded, and as I was riding out of .Town a godly Gentleman met me, and with Tears m his Eyes, faid, •' I ney§f faw God's Prefcnce in the Sandluary •\'.jon this wife beforei it. has been a blefi'ed Time to my -«ifc Soul," or_ Wor.ds to that Effe(fl. In the AitermJKjn I preached at Stratford^ four Mil<^3 from Milfi^rd, :hixtvf^ not. -io much aflilled as in the MorAUig.- : Both Place.^, efpecially , ' :. the ^WEfF^ ENGLAN Di 55 the latter, were ill reported of, for their leaning too much towards Armlnian Principles, O Lord^ convince them of the Rottennefs of their Foundation, and^nng th^ is know the Truth as it is4n Jefus. m •.:/•.;.- - >, -■ \o ■ ■ . - X^' Fairfield 2.nA Newafk, "^'Tuefde^, Oiioher 28. Got to Fairfield^ eight Miles from Stratford, about 10 laft Night. The Weather was very cold, it having fnowed a great Part of the Afternoon ; but the Lord brought us on in Safety. Preach'd in the Morning to a confiderable Congregation, and found myfelf aflifted very much in Prayer after Sermon. I fcarce knew how to leave off. In the Afternoon at Newark, 12 Miles from Fairf eld, r was reftrain'd much both in Prayer and Preaching. — It rained greatly, fo that we had not a very large Congregation : Ho_wever, fome (I obferved) were affeded. / believe tny 3jbrd never lets me preach in vain. Y' . Stanford and Rye, Wednefday^ OSfober 29. Came hither laft Night in Safety, tho* it was dark and rainy. Was vifited with a great inward Trial, fo that 1 was pained at the Heart. Was fomewhat dejedled before I went out of my Lodgings, and diftreffed for a Text after I got up into the Pulpit ; but the Lord directed me to one : And though I looked for no Power or Suc- cefs, being fomewhat low by my laft Night's Trial, yet be- fore I had preached half an Hour, the blefied Spirit began to move on the Hearers Hearts in a very awful Manner. Young, and efpecially many old People were furprifingly af- fe6ted ; fo that I thought they would have cried out. At Dinner the Spirit of tlie Lord came upon me again, and en- abled me to fpeak with fuch Vigour againfl: fending uncon- verted Minifters into the Mini'Jry, that two Minilters with Tears in their Eyes, publickly confeffed that they had Iain Hands on two young Men without fo much as asking them, *' whether they were born again of God, or not V After Dinner, finding my Heart much enlarged, I prayed, and ■with fuch Power, that mod: in the Room were put under Concern, and one old Miniiter was io deeply conviifted, that calhng Mr. Noble and me out, with great Difficulty, (be- caufe of his weeping) he defired our Prayers : " For, fays '^'■he, I have been a Scholar, and hive preached the Dot- »^^ * I - trmes 1$ Mr, W H I T E r 1 E L D'i yournal *' trines of Grace a long Time j but I believe I ha\e never ** felt the Power of them in my own Soul ;" or Words to that efte£l. O that all unconverted Mhujiers were brought 1o make the fame Confejjion ! I was much afFedled with hh Ingenuity, and after having by Prayer recommended him to God, I took Horfe, rejoicing exceedingly in Spirit, to fee how our 'Lord was getting himfelf the Vit5tory, in a Place where Mr. Davenport, a Native of Stanford.^ a dear ^^mi- fler of the blefled Jefus, had been flighted and defpifed. A Prophet is not without Honour^ favc in his own Country and his Father s Houfe. But here I think it proper to fet up my Ebcnezer^ before I enter into the Province of Neiu-Tork^ to give God Thanks for fending me to Kctv-England. *< I have now had an Op- *' portunity of feeing the greatcft and moft populous Part of *' it, and take it all together, it certainly on many Accounts *' exceeds all other Provinces in Jmerica ; and, for the E- *' ftablifliment of Religion, perhaps all other Parts of the ** World. Never, furely, was a Place fo well fettled in fo *« (hort a Time. The Towns all through Conneclicut and *' Eallward towards Tork^ in the Province of Majfachiifets, ** near the River-fide, are large, well peopled, and exceed- *' ing pleafant to travel through. Every five Miles, or *' perhaps lefs, you have a Meeting houfe, and, 1 believe, *' there is no fuch thing as a Pluralill or Non-refident Mi- *^ nifter in both Provinces. Many, nay moft that preach, *' I fear do not experimentally knowChrift; yet I cannot ♦'■ fee much woildlv Advantage to tempt them to take upon " them the facred Fundtion. Few Country Minifters, as I *' have been informed, have fufficient allowed them in Money *' to maintain a Familv. God has remarkably, in iundry '* Times and in divers Manners, poured out his Spirit in fe- *' veral Parts of both Provinces ; and it often refreshed my " Soul to hear of the Faith (^i their good Forefathers, who '* firft fettled in thcfc Parts. Notwithftanding they had the;: *' Foibles, furely they were a Set of righteous Men. They ** certainly followed our I^ord's Rule, fought frf the King- *' dom. of God and his Right ccvfnrfs, and bd;Id all cthef^ *' Things God added unto them. Their Seed are now blef- ** fed in temporal 'Filings crpeclally, and notwithftanding *' the Riling Generation feem to be fettled on their Lees, yet ** I believe the Lord hath left more than 70CO, who have ** not bowed their Kncci to Baal. "Fhe Alimftera and Peo- •* pie of Conne^iiUt ftcmed to be more fimple than thole jTt, '--' at N EW^rORK, ■ ^'j **"that live near5^f3W, efpecially in thofe Parts where I went : "But I think the Minifters Preaching almoft univeTfally by " Note, is a certain Mark they have, in a great Meafure, ** loft the old Spirit of Preaching. For tho' all are not to ** be condemned that ufe Notes, yet it is a fad Symptom of *' the Decay of vita! Religion, when reading Sermons be- ** comes fafliionable where extempore Preaching did once al- *« moil: univerfally prevail. When the Spirit of Prayer be- *' gan to be loft, then Forms cf Prayer virere invented, and '• I believe, the fame Obfervation will hold good as to Preach- *' ing. As for the Univerfiiies, I believe It may be faid^ '* their Light is become Darknefs, Darkncfs that may be *' felt, and is complained of by the moft godly Minifters. ^^ I pray God thofe Fountains may be purijied, and fend forth ** pure Streams to ivater the Cities of our God. — The Churcll *' of England \% at a low Ebb, and, as far as I can find, ^' had People kept their Primitive Purity, it would fcarce *' have got Footing in NeitJ- England. I have many Evi- *' dences to prove that moft of the Churciies have been fir ft *■'• fet op by immoral Men, and fuch as would not fubmit to *' the Difcipline of their Congregations. But I'll fay no *' more of the poor Church of England. Moft of her Sons, ** I fear, hate to be reformed, and will b-it caft my Words *' behind them. — As tor the Civil Government of Neivr *' England^ it feems to be well regulated ; and. I think, a.t ** opening all their Courts, either the Judge or a Minifter. *' begins with a Prayer. Family Worftiip, I believe, is ge- " nerally kept up. The Negroes, I think better ufed in '* refpedl both to Soul and Body, than in any other Province *' I have yet feen : In fhort, I like New England exceed- *' irtg Well ; and when a Spirit of Reformation revives, it " certaifily will prevail more than in any other Place, be- '* caufe they are fimple in tlieir "Worftiip, Icfs corrupt in their " Prin<5iples, and confequently eafier to be brought over tp •- the-^J'ofm of found Words, into which fo many of theic " pi(^ :Anceftors were delivered." Se^d forth., O Lord^ thy J^tJ^t and thy Truth, and for thy infinite' Mercys Sake, fnezv'thou.^aji a peculiar Delight, in. thefe'jjfij^itabk ^qrik, if, the Earth / Amen, Lord Jefus^ Amen^^fi^^ Af^m^t- ^ \ '» ^^ Rye^ m Ne-yih Tork Provlf^li ■: - '■•■ i •• •: •.: t-' ■ ■ '• ' i " Bein 2; kindly invited by a Minifter of theJC,huirch of Sfigr. land af.er Dingier I went to Rye, about elevea Miles frdm H Start' 5 8 Mr . Wh IT E i" I E L D*i Journal Stanford. I read Prayers and preached to a fmall Congre- gation. Was civilly entertained by the Minifter, and then rode Ten Miles further to Eafl Chejier. Here I fpent an agreeable Evening vi'ith my dear Companions in Travel. God filled me out of his own divine Fulnefs, and made me to drink of his Pleafures as out of a River. I think I know what our Lord means when he promifes, He that believeth on me^ out of his Belly J}}all flow Rivers of living JFaters^ Lord, evermore give me this Water. Kings Bridge and Ne^u^-York. Thurfday^ O^iober 30, Preached in the Morning to about 300 People, and obferved a fweet Melting amongfl them. Dined and rode fix Miles to Kings Bridge^ where I preached from the Steps of a public Houfe to about 500 ; but did not perceive much vifible Effedl. Hither fcveral of New-Tor k Friends came to meet me. I talked with them on the Way of the Things of God, and found an inexpreflible Sa- tisfaction in my Soul, when I arrived at the Houfe of my very dear Friend Mr. Noble. After Supper, the Lord filled my Heart, and gave me to wreftle with him for Neiu-Tork Inhabitants, and my own dear Friends. To add to my Comfort, the Lord brought my dear Brother Davenport from Long-IJIatid^ by vvhofe Hands the blefied Jcfus has of late done great Things. In a Letter to his Mother he writes thus : *- The Lord has, in infinite Mercy, given me, in *' my Parifh, near twenty, in a little more than two Months ** Time. In almoit all thefe the Work of Converfion feem'd *' very clear." Let God have all the Praife. Even fo^ Lord fefus. Amen and Amen. N E JV-rO R K. Friday., October 31. Met with a bitter Pamphlet wrote a- gainft me by fome of the Presbyterian Perfuafion, and found Freedom given me to anfwer it. I long fince e.xpedted clofe Oppofition from that Quarter. I believe it will be increafing daily. The Lord will make me more than Conqueror thro' his Love! Met alfo with two Volumes of Sermons publiihed \n. London as dehvered by me, tho'I never preached on moft of the Texts. But Satan muft try all Ways to , bring the Work of God into Contempt. Blcfled be God, -,j>yho enables me abundantly to rejoice in all Things that be- at NEW- TOR K. 59 fal me. Preached in the Morning at Mr. P — «'s Meeting- Houfe : But never faw the Word of God fall with fuch Weight in iV^to-lVi before. Two or three cried out. Mr. JS^qbk could fcarce refrain himfelf. And, look where T \yould, many fecm'd deeply wounded. At Night the Word yfzs attended with great Power. One cried out ; and the Lord enabled me, at the latter End of my Sermon,' to fpeak with Authority. Alas ! How vain are the Thoughts of Men ! As I came along Yefterdav, I found my Heart fome- what dejedted, and told Mr. Noble I cxpeded but little Mov- ings in New-Tark ; but Mr. Noble bid me '* exp-icl great *' Things from God," and likewife told me of fevcral who were, as he Jioped, favingly wrought upon by my Miniilrv, when there laft. O -Lord^ let theje Things humble //ly Soul for thy civn Name's Sake ! Saturday^ November I. Finifhed my Anfwer to the Pam- phlet. God cnabkd me to write It in the Spirit of Meek- nc/s. Lord! give it thy Blejjing ! Preach.ed twice as Ye- rterday to very crowded Auditories, and neither Time with- out Power. In the Evening Exercifc, fome fainted, and the Lord feemed to fhew us ipore and more, that a Time for id.vom'mg.New-Tork was near at Hand. O wherefore did I doubt .' Lord increafe my Faith. .Sunday, Novefnber 2. Preached this Morning with Free- .qom and fome Power, but was much dejected before the E- vening Serm^m. For near half an Hour before I left Mr. N'Mis Houfc, I could only lie before the Lord and fay, " I *' was a poor Sinner, and wonder that Chrifl woulJ be gra- 5** cious to fuch a Wretch." As I went to Meeting, 1 grew weaker and weaker, and when I c.-.me into the Pulpit, I could have chofe to be filent rather than fpeak. But, after 1 bad begun, the Spirit of the Lord gave me Freedom, till. at length it came down like a mighty Rufhing Wind, and car- ried all before it. Immediately the whole Congregation was akriiied, . Shrieking, Crying, Weeping and Wailing were to bcheard in every Corner. Men's Heart's failing them for Fear, and many falling into the Arms of their Friends. My Soul was carried out till I could fcarce fpeak any more. A Senfe of God's Goodnefs overwhelmed me. As I went down, a Woman faid, *' Come and fee what God has done for me ^"To-night." I looked, and her Daughter, in a great A- gony, was crying out, *' Oh my Jefus, my Jefus !" An- ; pther, a little Boy, was fo concerned on the Pulpit Stairs, c,^K^t.;^he could fcarce ftand. One of my Friends asked him H 2 why 6^ Mr. White FIELDS Jotirnal why he cried, "■ Who can help it ? faid he. Mv. TVhite- *' ficld\ Words c\it me to the Heart." After I came home, I threw myftlf upon the Bt-d, and in an awful Silence, ad- mired the infinite Freenefs, Soverrij:nrv and Condefcenfion of the Love ot God. I wa^; iinvvillitijz to move, but was cal- led down to the Marriap;e of Mr. P — r, whom I met at Rhode- Ijland, who being cfpourird to the young Woman, who was fo ftruck at the fame Place, by my Advice, mar- ried her this Night, and borh aie going as my Affiftants to Georgia. Never did I ftc a more f:d'-mn Wedding. Jefus Chnit was called, and lie was prefcnt in a remarkable Man- ^iier. After Mr. P — n had married them, I prayed. But riiy Soul, hov/ was it enabled to wrcdle with and lay hold on God! 1'w.is in a very great Agony, and the Holy Ghoft was remarkably prefcnt, that moft, I believe, could fav, 'Surely God is in this Place ! After this. Divine ManifeHa- tions flowed in. fo faft, that my frail Tabernacle v/as fcarce able to fuliaiii them. My dear Friends fat round me on the Bed-fides. I prayed for each of them alternately with ilrong Cries, and pierced by the Eye of Faith, even within the Veil. I continued in this Condition for about half an Plour, aftonifhed at my own Vilcnefs, and the Excellency of Chriil, then rofe full of Peace, and Love and Joy. Oh! how am I obliged to my Enemies.'' God has remarkably revealed himfclF to my S juI, ever fince I have fecn the Pam- phlet publiflicd by the Presbyterians again ll mc. O how faithful is he that hath promifed, // Jhall bruife thy Heel^ and ihou Jhali bruife his Head ! Lord enable mr to lay hold on this., during the Time of my fcjournirig here on Earth. Monday., N.v. 3. Preached both Morning and Afternoon, and perceived the Congregations f^dl increafe. There was a great and gracious Melting among'i: the People both Times, but no crying out. Near lie I. Currency were collected for the Orphans; and in the Evening m.nny came and took an aflv(fli' .Mate Leave. About (even we took Boat ; reached Staten Ijlmd d}youi ten, greatly refreflicd in my inner Man. A dear Chrifiian Friend received us gladly. We folaced 6urlel\es by hnizing and praying. And about Midnight re- tired t;) fleep, fliii longing for tiiat Time when I ihould fltep no nit^re. Lord keep me from a'ftnj'ul and too eager Dejire after Death. J define not to be impatient. J deftre quietly to wait till my blelfcd Change come. Amen and Amen. Stcten at N EWARKi ' 61 ... Staten IJland im(\ Nezvark,,. .. •• -iic '/J-- ' .. .;. I •, ..p., ■■ tuy^n/^fti^y, November A. Preached from a Waggon on 5"/^- tm Ijlc/nd, to about 3 or 400 People. The Lord came amongft them. One dear young Man, in particular, as tho' his very '~ Heart-ftrings would break, came to me after Sermon, with ftrong Cryings and Tears, befeeching me, *' to pray that '* he might be converted." Many others wept alfo, and feveral of God's Children felt the Prefence of the dear Lord Jefus in their Hearts. Many of them rejoiced to fee me again, Oiie grey-headed Man came and told me how God had brought him from Darknefs to Light, when I was here laft. My Soul was alfo much refreshed with the Sight of dear Mr. Gilbert Tetinent and Mr. Crofs. The former has lately loft his Wife, and though dear unto him, yet he was enabled with great Calmnefs to preach her Funeral Sermon, whilft the Corps were lying before him. This put me in mind of MeiarMhsn^ who, at the News of his Wife's Deatb, faid, " By Kate, I'JI come after thee ere it be long." Since h.s Wife's Deceafe, Mr. Tennent has been in the IVeJi Jer- feys and Mayyiatid, and told me how God remarkably worked by his Miniftry in many Places. Mr. Crofs alfo has fcen great and wonderful Things in .his Congregations, fo great that when I came to defire a particular Account, he , faid, *' It diredlly anfwered the Account given by Mr. Ed- V,> ** wardsy of the Work of God in Northampton.'''' If hat .is the Lord Jefus about to do ! If the Beginning is fo great ^ what will the End of ihefe Things be ! Rode af:er Sermon fq Newark^ about ten Allies from Si a ten Ifland. Preached to a confiderable Congregation, but it being dark before I co|i- eluded, I could not fee what ImprefHons the Difcourfe made. ^oJ fear but little. Hov/ever, at Night the Lord manifefled -Hiforth his Glory. For coming down to Family Prayer, Jj3 ^vhere I lodged, and perceiving -many young Men a- -TOund me, my Soul was, as it were, melted down with Concern for them. After fmging, I gave a Word of Ex- hortation. With what Power none can fully exprefs but ^ thofe that faw it. O how did the Word f.ill like a Hatn- ,^-<>mer and like a Fire! What a Weeping was there ! One poor Creature in particular was ready to fmk into the Earth. His Countenance was altered, till he looked, as it were, fick to Death. At length he faid, " What fhall I do to be ^•V.rf * faved ?" Others were diflblved into Tears around him ; 2 and 6-2 > Mr. Wh I t e f I e l d V jQunmi and one of my Fellow-travellers was ftruck down, and To overpowered, that his Body became exceeding weak. He could fcarce move all the Night after. God, I believe, was now working powerfully on his Soul. As fur my own part, I was almoR fpent. I vomited, threw myftlf upon the Bed, humbled myfelf before God, and fpent the reutaining Even- ing in hearing dear iVIr. Tennent give an Account of his late Excuriion. Oh he is a choice l)umble Minifterof the Go- fpcl ! May I follow him as he does Chriji. Amen and Amen. BASKINRIDGE, TVednefday^ November 5. Set out about eight in the Morn- ing. Got to Basklnridge, the Place where Mr. Cro/s exer- cifes his ftated Miniftry, about one o'Clock. At the Houfe where I waited in the Way, a Woman fpoke to me, under ftrong Convidlions, and told me, *' fhe was deeply wounded *■' by my laft Night's Difcourfe." When I came to Baf-. ihthridge, I found Mr. Davenport, according to Appoint- ment, had been preaching to the Congregation. It confiilcd of about 3000 People, As I went along, I told a Friend, " My Soul wept for them, and 1 was perfuaded within my- ** felf, that the Lord would in that Day make his Power to ** be known amongft them." In Prayer, I perceived my Soul drawn out, and a Stirring of Affed;ion among the Peo- ple. I had not difcourfed long, but the Holy Gholi difplay- ed his Power, In every Part of the Congregation, feme Body or other began to cry out, and almoft all melted into ■^>ars. This abated for a few Moments, till a little Boy about feven or eight Years of Age cried cut exceeding piter- oufly indeed, and wept as tho' his little Heart would break. Mr, Crofs having CompafTion on him, took him up into the Waggon, which fo affedlcd me that I broke from my Dif- courle, and told the People, " the little Boy (hould preach ** to them, and that God, fjnce old Profeiibrs would not *' cry after Chrift, had difplayed his Sovereignty, and put of *' an Infant's Mouth was perfeding Praife." God fo blef.- fed this, that an univerfal Concern fell on the Congregation again. Frefh Perfons dropped down here and there, and the Cry encreafed more and more. At length I concluded, and as I was going away, i ask'd tl^ little Boy '* what he cried *♦ for?" He anfwered, '^ his Sins." I then asked, «* What ** he wanted .?" He lanfwered, " Chrift." As I paiTed a- long, frelh Inftanccs of G(ixi's Power, prtfentedthcniijeivcs to i-jT!-:.;.' my at NEV/'BRUNSWICK, 63 my View. Many mourning after Jefus that would not be comforted. After Sermon, Mr. Crofs gave Notice of an E- vening Le6ture in his Barn, about two Miles oft'. Thither we went, and a great Multitude followed. Mr. Gilbert Ten- mnt preached firft, and that excellently well upon the N^cef- fity and Benefit of fpiritual Defertions. I then began to pray, and felt the Spirit of God working in me mightily. A great Commotion was foon obferved among the Hearers. I then gave a Word of Exhortation. The Lord's Prefence attended it in a furprizing manner. One in about fix Mi- nutes cried out, *' He is come, he is come,'^ and could fcarce fuftain the Difcovery that Jefus Chrill: made of himfelf to his Soul. Others were foearneft for a Difcovery of the Lord to their Souls, that their eager Crying obliged me to flop, and I prayed over them as I faw their Agonies and Diftrels increafe. At length we fung a Hymn, and then retired to the Houfe where the Man that received Chrift continued till near Midnight, talking of and praiiing, " his fwcet Chrijiy *' his free-hearted Chriji" &c. A gracious Woman, who had been wreflling with God for a Difplay of his Power, was fo overcome with a Senfe of his Goodnefs, that £be al- moft fwoon'd away. And at length, my own Soul was io full that I retired, and was in a llrong Agony for forae Time, and wept before the Lord, under a deep Senfe of my own Vilenefs, and the Sovereignty and Greatnefs of God's everlafting Love, Molt of the People fpent the Remainder of the Night in Prayer and Praifes. Two or three young Minifters fpoke alternately, and others prayed as the Lord gave them Utterance. Oh! it was a Night much to be rc- member'd ! May the Lord make us mindful of it even to the Day of our Death. Amen and Amen ! uo Bajkinridge and New-Brunfwick, " • Thurfday^ November 6. After Breakfaft this Morning, at the Deiire of Mr. Crofs^ I went and gave a Word of Exhor- tation to, and fung and prayed with a few People in the Barn. There was a fweet Melting amongfl them again, and the Lord was peculiarly prefent with us. Before I mounted my Horfe, many came to me under great Soul- Con- cern. A Lad about thirteen Years old tuld me, " He never *' felt Sin before Yeflerday." A poor Negroe- Woman faid, ** (he was filled with a Love of Chrift," and being too fond of the Inftrument, would fain have gone with me. Her Mafter 64 ^ Mr. Wh I t e f 1 e l D'i journal Mafter a godly Man confented : But I bid her go Home, and with a thankful Heart ferve her prefent Mafter. When I was upon my Horfe feveral Women came to fhake me by the Hand. I asked one "^ v/hether fhe knew Chrift?" She faid ** yes." ** How long ? Three Years, faid flie, the " third Sunday in next March." I asked another the fame QLieftion. She an4"wered *' Yes ; but I aiYi waiting for a *' freHi Breathing from the blefTed Spirit." I, with Plea- fure, took my leave of them, and rode agreeably in Com- pany with many Children of God to New-Brunfivick, 2-5 Miles from Baskinridge. Here Letters awaited me from Sa- "y^/fw^^, acquainting me that there had been a great Morta- lity amongft the People of that Place. That my Family lived in Love, the Orphans continued very healthy, and thjt a Minifter was coming over tofupply my Place at Siivannah. This laft much rejoiced me, being refolved to give up Sa- vannah Living as foon as I arrived at Georgia. J Parijh and the- Orphan- Houfe together are too much for me : Bcfides God feems to Jheiv me it is my Duty to evangelize, and not to fix in any particular Place. In the Evenmg I preached in Mr. Gil- bert Tennent's Meeting- Houfe, and was led in my Difcourfe to ^.comfort the Hearts of God's dear People. A little after Mr, jB r (5 young Minifter, who, I truft, will here- after come fairly out for God) preached for about an Hour, and then, at the Defire of dear Mr. Gilbert Temient^ I con- cluded with a Word of Exhortation. The Lord was pieafed to communicate himfelf to me freelv- Aly Soul was filled with his blefied Prefence. The Word fell with Weight : And. after Sermon in private Prayer with my dear- Friends, oh -how did my loving Saviour caufe my Cup to overflow ! He permitted me to talk with him as a Man talketh with his -Friend. This I take to be that 7r«;5>;cr,a or Freedom of Speech which St. Paul fpeaks of, and thro' the Lord Je- fus^ Believers have Accefs to the Father, Oh the Happincfs of thoje who ar» really bornMgain of-God ! - ■ Neiv-BninfwTci'znd Trentmi. firiday, November 7. Had -Ibme Thoughts- of going to Freeiold znd Shrewsiury, but. was prevented by the Coming oi "Mr. WilliarnTenrfent, whom I wanted to confult about his Btxjther Gilbert's going to Bofion, in order ro' help in car^ying on the Work of God in Ncw^England. After ' Pray^/ and ■forte* Arguments- />ro and- ft?w, wcthought ir the'^'* i* J • Will at rRBNrON, ^c. 65 Will of God that Mr. Gilbert Tennent Ihould go to Bojion. He (diffident of himfelf) was at firll unwilling, urging his Inability for fo great a Work, but afterwards being convinc- ed it was the Divine Will, he faid, " The Will of the *' Lord be done." With him alfo Mr. R j was to go, a young Minifter, one of ihe Tutors of Cambridge Colltge, whom I brought with a View that he {hould return with Mr. Tennent. God has been pleafed to work upon his \ic:\xi by my Miniftry. I cannot but think he wdl be a burning and a fhining L'ghr. It being the lall Time we fhould be toge- ther for a long Seafon, we thought it bed to fpeiid fome Ufno in Prayer. Mr. Gilbert Tennent was our Mouth to God. — He prayed in the Holy Ghott. Many were greatly affected. About II o'clock we parted in Tears, but with a full Affu- rance that we fliould fee and hear of great Things before ws faw each other again in the Flelh. I then went on towards Trenton^ in Company with Mr. Davenport and fume other?. The Lord was v/ith us on the Way. Some time before we reached the Inn, I could fay but little. I retired as fjon as I came to Trenton^ lay filentiy befure the Lord. He heard tha Cry of my Heart. He liJled it with h;s abundant Prefence, and gave me great Freedom to write fometh ng, which, I truft, will tend to promote his Gljry. Even fa ^ Lord jt- fus ! Amen. Trenton and Philadelphiai Saturday, November 8^ Preached this Morning in the Meeting-Houfe, not to a very large or much affe<^ed Audi- tory. — Was rellrained in public Preaching, bui felt an efpe- cial Prefence of God in my private BuiincG. Set out imme- diately after Dinner, and was mercifully and providentially preferved in going over two Creeks, which lay in the Way, and were mucii fwelled by the Rain. In one of them two of my Feliow-Travellers, in all probability, mufh have perifhed, had not a Woman cried out, and bid us ftop. A Man touch'd, as I afterwards found, by mvMiniftry, hearing my Voice, came and fwam our Horfes over the other Creek, and con- ducted us fafe over a very narrow Bridge. About eight we jeached PhiLuiilphia^ cho* the Night was very dark indeed. Some Friends were jult com'- in, who had been out anothef Way to meet me. Several with great ]oy came to falute me. We fang, v.'e prayed. The Lord inclined his Ear. My Soul waii.iiJkd. is it wsre, with Marty) vv and. i^atoefg. ,, I re- , I ' ' tixei 66 Mr. WHiTFiELD*i Journal tired to Reft, praying the Lord, that my Coming t.o Phila- delphia might be in the Fulnefs of the Bleffing of the Gofpel of Peace, Amen, fo be it ! PHILADELPHIA. Sunday, November 9. Had feveral gracious Souls come to Ice me. — We prayed together. — The Lord much enlarged my Heart. Preached about 1 1 in the Morning to feveral Thoufands in a Houfe built for that purpofe fince my laft Departure from Philadelphia. It is 100 Feet long, and .70- Feet brqad. A large Gallery is to be erected all around .it. — Many Footfteps of Providence have been vifible in be- ginning and carrying it on. Particulars I fliall (God willing) relate hereafter. Let it fuffice at prefent, that both in the .Morning and Evening, God's Glory filled the Houfe : For there vi^as great Power in the Congregation. It was never .preached in before. The Roof is not yet up, but the People .raifed a convenient Pulpit, and boarded the Bottom. The .Joy of moft of the Hearers, when they faw me, was inex- prefTible : Some ftill mocked. Between Services I received a IPacket of Letters from England, dated in May-ch laft. • Jiday the ,Lord heal, and bring Good out of the Divifions, %vhich, at prefent, fecm to be among the Brethren there ! — God giving me Freedom, and many Friends being in the Room, I kneeled down and prayed with and exhorted them all. But, Oh ! how did they melt under both ! My Soul was much rejoiced to look 'round on them, becaufe there • were fome who were now fairly brought through the Pangs • of the New-Birth, who had been moft marvellous Offenders . againft t!)e Great God. I fhall mention two only. The •,firft is one " Mr. Brockden, Recorder of Deeds, i£c. a /*' Man eminent in his Profeflion, but for many Years a ' " notorious Deift. In his younger Days, he f^ld me, he .*' had fome religious Imprellions, but coming into Bufinefs, *' the Cares of the World fo choak'd the good Seed, th^t he .*' not only forgat his God in fome Degree, but at length be- *' gan to doubt of, and to difpute his very Being. In this ." State he continued many Years, and has been very zea- ," lous to propagate his Delftical, I could almoft fay Atheif- ;" tical Principles among moral Men ; but he told me he ,,-*,' never endeavoured to make Profclvtcs of vicious, de- \1' bauchcd People. When \ came to Philadelphia this Time *' I'welvemonth, he told me, huhad not fo much as a Cu- . . ** riofitv at TRENTON, &c. 67. *f,riofity to hear vine. But a Brother Delft, his choiceft *i Friend, preflipg him to come and hear me, to fatisfy his ** Curiofity, he at length complyed with his Requeft. It ** was Night. ^. I preached at the Court- Houfe Stairs, upon *' the Conference which our Lord had with Nicode7nus. — *' I had not fpoke much before the God ftruck his Heart. For, " faid he, I faw your Dodtrine tended to make People good." ff,. His Family knew nothing that he had been to hear me, 1 After he came Home, his Wife, who had been at Sermon, }, came in alfo, and wifhed heartily that he had heard me. ** He faid nothing. After this, another of his Family came *' in repeating the fame Wifh ; and, if I miftake not, after " that another, till at laft being unable to refrain any longer, " with Tears in bis Eyes, Why, fays he, I have been hear- *' ing him ; and then exprefled his Approbation. Ever fmce " he has followed on to know the Lord, and I veriiy be- *' lieve Jefus Chrift has made himfelf manifeft to his Soul. *' Tho' upwards of threefcore Years old, he is now, I be- " lieve, born again of God. He is a little Child, and often ** (as he told me) receives fuch Communications from God, *' when he retires into the Woods, that he thinks he could *' die a Martyr for the Truth." The next is one " Cap- *' tain H /, formerly as great a Reprobate as ever I " heard of: Almoft a Scandal and Reproach to human Na- " ture. He ufed to fwear to eafe his Stomach, and was fo *' fond of new Oaths that he ufed to go on Board the Traqf- *' port Siiips, and offer a Guinea for a new Oath, that he *' might have the Honour of coining it. It would be end- *' lefs to give Inftances of his vile Profanenefs. To the Ho- *' nour of God's Grace let it be faid, he is now, I believe, a *' Chriftian. Not only reformed, but renewed. The ef- *' fedual Stroke, he told me, was given, when I jft-eached *' laft Spring at P^;;«)|/)«fyf, tho' under good Impreffions be- *' fore. Ever fince he has been zealous for the Truth, ■" ftood like a Lamb when he was beaten, and in Danger of *' being murdered fome Time ago, by many of my Op- '•^ pofers, and, in fliort, flievvs forth his Faith by his Works." I might fpeak alfo of fome Qi^iakers, who are fairly brought into an Experimental Acquamtance with Chrift, who are chofcn with myfelf, the aforefaid B n and H 4 and fome others, joint Truftees for the Houfe lately e- recled. — But I mention thefe in Particular, becaufe I think they are remarkable Proofs of that too much exploded Doc- trine, I mean, God's eternal Election and iverlajling Love. I 2 <' Whatv ^8^, Mr, Wh I XT TBt ^s -^mrn^l *5. Whatever Men's carnal Reafoning may fuggeft, yet if the *^ Children of;God' fairly examine their ovyn Experiences, *^, jf they do God Juftice, they muft acknowledge that Y they did not chufe God, but God chofe them. And if *' he chofe th^m at all, it raufl be frona Eternity, and that ** too withour any Regard to any Thing forefeen in them. *' tJnlefs they acknowledge this, iMan's Salvation muft be ** in Part owing to the Free-Will of Man, and if fo, unlefs ** ^M^n defcend from other Parents than I did, Chrift Jefus ** mi'ht have died, and never have feen the Travel of his •^ Soul in the Salvation of one of his Creatures. But I *^'wuuld be tender in this Point, and leave Perfons to be ?^ t,vjght_ It of God. I am of the M-.rtyr Brndford'^ Mind. " Xfet a Plan go to the Grammar School of Faith and 'Rrpni- ance, before he gees to the Univerfity cf Election and prciejii-' ttatlon. A bare Head Knowledge of the Form of fjund Words availeth nothing. I am qtiite fick of Chnftlefs Talkers. Frojn Juch may I ever turn away ! Amen and Amen ! Monday^ November ic. Preached Morning and Afternoon i.0 very large Congregations, .and obferved a wonderful fweet Power attend both, but efpccially the Evening- Sermon Ma- ny afterwards came and told me what God did for their Souls thereby. All the vacant Timt before and after preach- Jiig, I employed in anfwenng my EngUp^ Letters. Lcrd^ hlefs what was written to the Confclation and Edification of 7ny dear Friends for Jefus Chrifs Sake. Amen aud Amen. - Saturday, Ncvanher 15. Preached twice every Day this Week in the new Houfr, cne Morning excepted, when I preached in A4r. C — 's Mceting-Htiufe on Account of thfe Snow. A mofl fwect and wonderful Power went at that Time through the Congregation, The Lord ga\e me the Text I preached o.n juft before Meeting; direcT:ed me to a Method as I was going up the Pulpit Stairs; and enabled me to difcourfe with an uncommon Clearnef^-, freedom, and Power. The Eftc(fl:s plainly {hewed that it was of God. — The Word feemed to fmite them like fo many pointed Arrows. Mapy afterwards told me what they felt, and in the Evenmg I was fent for to a ycung Woman, who was' carried Home from Meeting, and j|ir.d continued almofl •'fpeechlcfs. W'hen I came, fhc looked like a Per- fondea'ci and laid out. I prayed, with hf-r, and heard after- a/ar'ds that fhc came out inta a, fiioie .c;om>ortah]e State. — » JSteJJed be the Nariii of th£\t^4-y-ly-^(^^v\l^^'(}^'i^^\^'j :'WC ■ ■ ' " ' ■' * " ' ' had Bad bne dry Meeting. The leaft Moving, I t.hinici was one Afternoon, when I was unaccountably carried out to talk a- gainft Reafoiiing Unbelievers. When I was at Dinner I ha4 not jfixed upon a Text. When I was going to .preach, I was {o ill thatfbme of my Friends adviied me to go home. Iithought it btft to truft to God. I went on,' began Preach- ing, and found mv Heart fomewhat ref'refhed, but all on a fudden, my Soul was fo carried out to talk againft depend- ing on our natural Reafon, that my Friends were aftoniihed, and fo was I too: For Ifelt the Holy Ghoft come upon "me at that TIrhe, and never fpake on that wife before. As I was going home, I faid to a Friend, " Surely {ome Rea- ** foners were in the Congregation." Upon Enquiry, I found a Clufter of them were prefent, and then I knevO" wherefore I was fo affifted. Oh ivbo' ivotdd hut trujl in God I One of thefe Reafoners a Kttle aficr, meeting Mr. j5*— M, faid, " . What ! Mr. IVhitefield could not make *' tiie People cry this Afternoon." " A good Reafon for ** it, fays Mr. B — », he was preaching againft Deifts, *' and you know they are a hardned Generation." Lord take from them a Heart of Stone, and give them a Heart of Flejh. Abba, Father, all Things are poffible ivith thee. Another Afternoon, there was fuch an univerfal Commo- tion in the Congregation, as I never faw in Philadelphia be- fore. One or two cried out in a moft piteous Manner, and Numbers wept fo forely, that I broke off Prayer after Ser- mon fooner than otherwife I fliould have done. The Chll- cjren of God were melted down, and their Souls magnified the Lord. I preached on thc-fe Word?, JVhat fiall I do to be fizved ? And as 1 afterwards found, was very providential-^ iy d:re«fted to that Subjed. For one Mrs. /*— r, as I have it in a Paper taken from her own Mouth, went to Mr» Cum- mins to know, ** Why I fhould not preach in the Church ?" He, after feveral Inveftives caft out againli me, faid, He^ could not anfwer his Oath to the Bi/hop of London, if he did give me Leave, and cautioned her againft going to hear me ;. adding, That if Jhe followed or adhered So what 1 faid, Jh( was in a woful Condi.ion.'\ Na.v, faid he, You are damn-^ ed if you do. Withall, hq told her. He was dlfirejfed in his Soul far her^hecaufe Jhe ivas a good Liver, and brought up undir pious Parents. Mrs. B — r asked, *■' If ihe, by; -* God's Aflilfence, could live up to the Doftri.ie arid Ex-. ^'- ample of our Saviour and the Apoftles, a§Jaid dowi^ iq ^'--tne N^w Teftament, fhe fliould not db'weil ?" He an" bfif^ . fwered. yo. Mr. W H I T E F I E L d'^ journal fwered, " "Yes." Then, Sir, replied (he, *' Imuft believe *' in Mr. Whitefield's Do6trine." There now^ fays he, you are running cut again ; / tell you, you are mad. Go home and hear him no more, and you U do well encugh. No, Sir, fays Mis. P — r, *' I cannot Itay away. And feeing fo ma- *^ ny People admire Mr. JVhitefield'^ Doftrine, and you fo *' bitter againft him. What mnft I do to be faved ? For *' you are enough to diftradt me between you." You are gcod enough, replied Mr. Cummins, and may dana or play at Cards, and be in a far better (Fay than Whitefield or his Fo.loivcrs. For my Part, I will wajh my Hands of your Blood, and will leave you. No, faid Mrs. P — r, ** You *' love Money too well. Sir, to leave this Place." After a great deal more Converfation, Mrs, P — r left him in great Diftrcfs of Mind, and often repeating to herfelfj Lord, what jhall I do to be faved ? Contrary to iMr. Cu7)imins\ Advice, file went in the Afternoon, fays the Paper before me, to hear Mr. Whitefield, and he providentially preached on the trembling Jaylor's Words, What fuall I do to be faved P Which gave the Gentlewoman fo much Satisfaction and Com- fort, that {he is thankful to God for having an Opportunity of hearing that Text explained, is much Itrengthened, per* fedlly eafy, and will by God's Grace follow his Command- ments. Lord, for thy Mcrcfs Sah, work in her both to will and to do, after thy good Pleafure. Amen and Amen. It would be almoft cndlefs to recount all the particular In- stances of God's Grace, which I have feen this Week part. Many that before were only convidled, now plainly proved, that they were converted, and had a clear Evidence of it with- in thcmfelvcs. My chief Bufmefs was now to build up and to exhort them to continue in the Grace of God. Notwith- ilanding many were convi^ed almoft every Day, and came unto me under the greateft Diftrefs and Anguifh of Soul. Several Societies are now in the Town, not only of Men anti Womeii, but of little Boys and little Girls, Being fo en- gaged, I could not vilit them as I would, but I hope the Lord -will raiie me up forac Feilow-Labourers,and that Elders will' be ordained in every Place, then we (hall fee a glorious Church fettled and cflablilhed ja Philadelphia . Hajlen that Time, ' O Lard.^ my Strength and my Redeemer. I cannot leave off giving:>,an Account of tirw Week's Work, Vv'ithout mention- ing another Inftance or two of God's (jrace. One Wo- man came to jne, I think fairly converted to our dear Lord Jc'fus. She told rae, , whai X \v:is at Pinladelphia lalt, *' She came at PEN STLVANIA. ^j ' came defining that I would baptize her Child. I being '* otberwife engaged, refufed. Upon this the Devil aflault- ** her, being under ftrong Convi6tions, in a moft violent *' Manner, and endeavoured to perfuade her, that all I had *' told her were Lies. She was caft into Darknefs, but rea- *' foned thus. It is impoffible that it ihould be Lies, or that ** I fliould be a falfe Prophet, fince the Word came with *' fuch Light, Evidence and unfpeakable Power upon her " Soul, when fhe heard me. She went home, retired to *' Bed, and there the Devil would fain have perfuaded her *^ to cut the Child's Throat with a Pair of Sciflars. She *' being brought into the utmoft Extremity, cried and look- " ed up to Chrift. He delivered her out of her Diftrefs. *' Satan immediately left her, and God flowed in upon her " Soul. She now knows that her Redeemer liveth. Praife the Lord^ O 7ny Soul! Another young Woman, who I " believe was m.ade a wife Virgin laft Spring, and received *« Jefus Chrift into her Heart,, acquainted me, *' That fhe *' continued in great Joy for near three Days, and went as ** far as Nno-CaJlU to hear me, when I tooJc my Leave laft. ** As Ihe was returning, feme body told her, I believed Elec- «' tion. Alas ! then, faid {he, (tho' fhe was converted) what *' will become of me ? She fell into Darknefs, retired into *' the Woods, and by Degrees, file told me, folid Comfort " returned to her Soul." ' Jnd tiow^ faid i, do you believe Elc6iion ? Tes^ fays (he, with the ut?7iojl Confidence. It cannot but be fo. Oh that all ivho are 7icw prejudiced a- gainjl that DoSfrine were thus taught of God I They would not ignorantly call the Doftrine of Eledion the DocStrine of Devils, or cry out vehemently ^gainft the Horrible De- cree. But, as an excellent Chnltian obferves, The Doctrine of EleEiion is fuch a glorious Myflery\ that it daz,%les the weak Eyts even of fame of God's dear Children. But I have referred the moft fweet Proof of God's Grace and Power to the laft. Ab.yjt the Middle of the Week I was called . to villt One Mis D. then lying on a iick Bed, but after prodigious. A- goni-s, brought home to God v; hen I vizs^uX. Philadelphia lalt Spring. ** Pier Husband was then at Sea, and fince his _ *' Return home, hc.s greatly perfecuted his W^ife, denying '♦**her fpiritual Friends leave to come- unto her. God now *'.^* inchned his Heart to let me come and pray with her, ac- •^^^ cording to her Defire. When I went tiie firft Time, he •a*;**, was not in tht- Room, but was oftended that he was not ^^ called uptojom withus. The next- D:i5r«-he himfdf .met jz Mr. Whitefi£ld'j Journal " me in the Street, and gave me an Invitation. I com- *' plied, and viiited his Wife leveral Times, But never be-. " fore did I fee a Soul fo exult in God, and talk Ho feeling!}' " " of the Love of Jefus, though fomctimes in E.viremlty of «' Pain. Sometimes Ihe was fo full of God that Ihe could " not fpeak, and at other Times, vi'hen Ihe could not fpeak, '*. and / bid her lift tip her Hands If alt was welly {heftreich- *' them with great Earneftnefs. As foon as ever flie could " recover Breath, £he would talk of Jefus, faying that hrs *' Love was above her Pain, that (lie longed to be di.Tolved, " but was willmg to tarry the Lord's Leifurc. When I *' told her, that I ivanted to be gone too. No, fays (he, do *« you Hay longer, and bring home Come more Souls to *' Chrift ; with many other gracious Words, which dropped *' from her Mouth. My Soul was much enlarged to hear a <« Creature talk v/ith fuch Affurance juft upon the Brink of '< Eternity. Her Husband and other Friends flood weep- ** ing by. God gave me a great AfTiflance in Prayer. His *< Prefcnce filled the Room, and fomc I thought v/ould have ** cried cut." Oh that this Sicknefs may be a Means undtr God of faving her Relations precious and immortal Souls ! Af- ter my Departure, fhe bid one of my Friends tell me, " Tbat " (he fed and lived upon the Dotflrine which 1 had preach'd.''' When he asked her, J Fhat (he thought of the Right eoufnefs cf Chriji ? " Oh, fays file, my Soul is wrapped up in it !— Lord fefiis^ let her repofe her Confidence in thee even to the lajl. Into thy Hands I commend her Spirit : For thou haji re- deemed ity Lord thou God of Truth ! Sunday, November i6. Preach'd both Morning and Even- ing, and collected both Times about 105 /. Sterling fur the Orphans. \\\ the Morning my Soul was peculiarly enlarged, tho' I was fomewhat dejected before I left my Lodgings. . Li the Afternoon, J publickly baptized five adult Women, who had undergone a 11 rich Examination. Before Sermon I gave them an carneil; Exhortation. They melted fweetly und«r the Word, and every thing was carried one with great So- lemnity, I preached from thtfe Words of St. Judcy Biitys^ Beloved^ buildingup yiurfsives on your mofr hciy Faiih, praying in the Holy Ghojl, keep yourfelvcs m the Love of God, looking for the Mercy of our Lord Jefus ChriJI unto eternal Life. The Congregation was very large, ti^o' i think not near fo large as when I took my Leave laft Spring. Tk-re was Abun- dance of Weeping when I came to the C'oncluhon of my Difcouffc, Great Numbers flock'd to my LyJtj;in2!>, fume under at GLOUCESTER. 73 under Dii^refs, fome to give Thanks for what God had done for their Souls, unci others to prefent me with fome- thing for the poor Orphans. One that was hapcized brought three Children. I baptized them, prayed, and gave a Word of Exhortation with a melting Pleart to many dear Souls. In the Evening I went with my dear Friend Mr. Noble to, take a final Leave of Mx?. D— yet rejoicing in God. Vi- fifed a poor diftra<5ted Woman, and afterwards went to the Boys Society, where I met with a tender hearted Lad or two ; then I returned home, and at \x\\ went to Bed, quite weary as to my outward M^n, but inwardlv rejoicing in God mv Saviour. Oh that I could do more for Jefus Chri/i ! He is kinder and kinder to me every Day. Praife the Lord, O my ISoul ! Glcucefler and Grccmmch^ Weft ycrfeys. Monday, November 17. Was much melted at parting from my deiif Friends. Had it much imprfefleJ upon mv Mind, "that I fliould go to Englayid^ and unlergo Trials for tlie Truth's Sake. Thefe Words, The-'Jevji fovght to Jlone thee., and goejl thou thither again ? wn\ r,u; r;!"-d's Anfwer, have beentbrfome Time lying upon me: And whilft my Friends were weep- ing round me, 5f. p^;«/'8 Words darted into m ' Snul. fVhat 7nean you to weep andbrcrih my Heart ? I am wiHing not only to be boitnd^ but io die Jir the Lord J ef us. After fervent Prayer, I took mv Leave -^i l';n;'j, bur oeing to preach at Glouccjier in the IVe/} ycrfeys, others accompanied me in Boats over the River. We fijng as we failed, but my Heart was low. I preached at Glouccjier^ hut found myfeif weighed down, and not abie to- deliver m\- Sermon with my ufudl Vig'^ur. However, there vvas an affeetmg Meiting, and feveral (as I heard afierwaros) .w.ho had been in Bondage befoce, at that Time received Joy in the -^HoK' GhoiK» Wuh Abundance- of Tears, after Dinner mofl; of Philadel- phia Friends that c?.me over the Water took their M\ Fare- well. To fee us part was forrewhat Moving. I rode on in Company with fs.ye'al to Greenwich, and preached to a few, and fcarce with any Pov/er. My Animai Spirits we're almoR gone, and AfTiftances ftifpended. In the Evening ivfe travelled on a few Miies, but m.y Body was more and moi^ Out of Order, »nd 1 thought God was preparing me fof fu^ ture BI fiings. It is godd to be humbled, l am never Icttef than when Itim brcii^ht^i^ He 'a'fihe Foot ofHhe Crof):''4t K is >^ 4. Mr. W H I T E F I E L D 'i '^oiirual is a certain Sig^ God intends f^haf^^oul a greaUr Cr^,wn. Lord let me always feel my f elf a poor SiNner. jimeyi ^n4^Atnen^ piles-grop^e:'""-'"" tuefdayy NovcinheriZ. Wjls fomcwhat better in the Morn- ing ; preached ?it: Pi Ics-Grcve in the Afternoon to about 2000 People. Saw only a few itfFcded. God was pltafcd to re- llrain me, but at Night where 1 lodged, God was pleafcd fp abundantly to refiefli my Soul, as to make me forget the Weaknefs of my Body. I prayed and exhorted with great Power in the Family where I lodged. V'ifible Impreffions were made upon the Hearers. Ob that they may be abiding ! Ate a little : But was enriched plentifully with that Bread which /f Meat indeed and Drink indeed. An Earneft the Lord intends Good to fome Souls hereabouts. Even fo^ Lord J^ftiSy Amen and Amen. -.,T ;., Cohcnfie^ i8 Miles from PUcs-Grove. Wednefday, November 19. Had two precious Meetings To day at Cohanfie. Preached to feme Thoufands both Morning and Afternoon. The Word gradually {truck the Hearers till the whole Congregation waa greatly moved in- deed, and two cried out in the Bitternefs of their Souls, after a crucified Saviour, and were fcarce able to ftand. My Soul was replenifhed as with new Wine, and Life and Power flew all around me. At this Place, dear Adr. Gilbert Tennent preached fome TiniQ ago. At his, as well as the People's Requell, I came thither. Bleffed be God, his Gof- ;pel fpreads more and more. Lord carry it on fur thy ovjn '^^'^ii^'^h^rM- 4'Hf^- ^"^ Amen. ,t)yvom vfoiitlijmv.'j..., . ni r D'S ui -ivn o^W, I o Miles iiora Lcbaf/Jte, , . ■- , '^.Tfjurfdayy Navember 20. Preached twice hgre this Day,^; in the Morning in the Court- houfe ; in thq , 4^'-?^''^°°" A?* the open Air, before thePrifjn, to about; 2CCC, : ^odi Times Cod was with us. In the Morning cfpecially there. was one. cried out and furicked molt p;tt,'0uily, and would not be comforted. Aficr Service, tvvQ,,,gr ibr|ee came to me quite ^weighed down with the Burden .qF ^in. ./Fhey told me, ,^' God had Itruck ihem by Mr. ^«!);«tf/ir's Preaching, but i^Yy^ow ihey were itruck much Jee;x.T." I gave i.hem what Advice at NEJVCASrLE. ys Advice I thought proper, and about five left Salem. O that the Prince of Peace would CG7ne and take Pejejjlon of the Inhabitants Hearts ! Ne-wcajl'e, 13 Miles from Salem, and Whitcclny Crcek^ in Pennj)k)ania, Friday^ Ncvotr.her 2i. Got hither with fome Httle Diffi- culty Tibout Midnight. Preached in the Moriiing in tliC Court-Houfe. Obferved fome few 2ffe£lcd, and fome few fcofHng. Met dear Mr. Charles Tcnnent. Went with him to ll'%iteclay Creek. As we pafied along, Mr, A — ;z, the Prcib) terian Minilter who oppofed me lalt Spring at Fork's Maytnor., gave us the Meeting. Tiiinking he intended to go by, I did not ftop, only pull'd ofF my Hat. He turning about faid, JVhat, will you not /hake Hands ? I gave hirn my Hand. He then asked me, To have a Conference^ as he defired %vhcn lafi at Fork's Manner. I told liim, *•■ Since "• he had begun by fending the Qi^)eries in Pubiick, I was re- " folved to decline all private Converfation." This, as I found afterwards, highly ofFendt^d him. Two or three more of his Aflbciatcs were at Whiteclay Creek: And God was pleafed to appear for me in an extraordinary Manner. There were many Thoufands waiting to hear the Word. I have not feen a more lovely Sight. I fang the xxiii. Pfalm, and thefe Words gave my Soul unfpeakable Comfort. /// Prefence of my fpitefnl Foes, He does 7ny Table fp-.ead. ^' ■ T he Lord Jefus affifled me in Preaching. The Melting foon begun, and the Power increafed more and more till thegreateft Part of the Congregation was exceedingly moved. Several cried out in different Parts, and others were to be feen wringing their Hands, and weeping bitterly. The Stif was ten Times greater than when I was here laft. After Sermon I went about three Miles, and lay at Mr. Charks Tennent^ Houfe, who has lately married a young Lady whom God was pleafed to awaken by my Miniftry. Here I had fweet Converfation with Mr. Blair, and Mr. Craig- head, but being taken very ill, I was obliged to retire to Reft. Bleffed be God., there is a Time coming, when all tHeft "interruptions (hall he done away. . ' , * ?DivJa/ 7^. M% Wh it e pi E^D'i younial Oh! tnay riucrthy prove io fee < Thy Saints in full Prsfperity, That J the joyful Chcir may join, . Jnd coutit thy PapWs Tyiu7npbs OS mine. FOU^K'j MANNOR. Saturdayy November 22, Preached in the Afternoon to ma- ny T'houfands, and God was again pkafcd mightily to own his,.Wt)rd. TiiCxe was a wondrous powerful Amoving, but it, did nut rife to fuch a Degree as when I preached laft Spring. XvJds taken ill after Preaching, Straining cauftd me to vov mit much. 1 rode about twelve Miles, was kindly received iiJto a Houfe with all my Friends, and thought it advifable' to retire to Bed immediately. But on a fudden, Gog's- Pre- fcnce fo lilkd my .Soul that I could fcarce {land under it, I prayed and exhorted, then exhorted and prayed ag:.in, but with fuch Power that every Pcrfon m the Room fecmed to be under very great ImprelTions, fighing and weeping from the \try Bottom of their Souls, and one in particular roared for the very Difquietnefs of her Htart. 7'his continued for near an Hour or two ; but at laft my outward Man was fo weak, and my inward Communications fo ilrong, that I •was quite overpowered. A dear Friend undreffed me. The Lord gave me fvveet Sleep, and m the Morning I arofe with my natural Strength much r<.newed. Bleffd be the Lord my God^ from tuhoin alone cometh every temporal Gift, as well as my eternal Salvation / JNOrriNGHAM. Sunday, November 23. Rode four Miles, and got to Not- tirtgham about, ten, But it raining much, and the People thereby be.ng prevented gathering fo foon, I preaclied about one to a large Congregatio(i, who feeni'd in no wife to re- gard the Rain, fo they might be watered with the Dew gf God'.s IJlefiing,, The .Lord, I believe, lets the D' £lrme di^ ill! like th^ D^)^ upon, .them. Immediately after Sermon,- •we fetout in a very great Company {qx Boheviiaxn Mary- IdnJy near thirty !Milcs Uxm Noifingham, and corny plea- iing Surprize, as we were riding along, met with Captain (5— «, whom I fent over with Mr. Seward to England, He arrived at iVi;zf<7^/f, in, the Morning, and very providentially at FEN SYLVAN I J. yj came to me in the Afternoon. I have been waiting for Let- ters (that I knew were fent me) for fome Weeks. God hath kept them from mc, but he hath fcnt me v.^hat is better. Oh may this teach vie^ Lord, more and more to wait on, and reftgn my Will to thine. For I know thou wilt order all things for my temporal and eternal Good. Oh Grace^ Grace ! Bohemia m Mai-ylarJ, and St. George's in PeJtn- Jyhania. Monday. November 2^. Got hither about 1 1 laft Night, and was moft kindly received by old Mrs. B dy a true Mother in Ifrael, many of whofe Family are under very good Impreffions. Read my Englijh Letters^ had great Free- dom given mc in anfwering them, and thought it was now the Will of God that I {hould imbark for my native Coun- try next Spring. O Lcrd^ prepare thy Way before me ! Preached in the Afternoon to about two Thoufand, and have not feen a more folid Melting, I think, fmce my Arrival. — Some Scoffers flood on the Outfide, but the Holy Spirit en- abled me to lay the Terrors of the Lord before them, and they grew more ferious. Several poor Souls wanted to go with me, and many of their Hearts feemed ready to break. My Soul much rejoiced in the Lord to fee Salvation brought to Maryland, I parted from good eld Mrs. B d in Tears, and rode with my Friends about ten Miles to a Place called St. George'?., where a kind and courteous Quaker received us into his Houfe. Here God gave me great Freedom of Spi- rit, made my Pen the Pen of a ready Writer, and (hewed me more and nic're clearly the Way whr-ein i iliould £0. Lord guide me with thy Counfcl till thou doji bring me to ever- lajilng Glory! REEDT'ISLAND, Monday. December i Came to Reedy- JJland laft Tuef- day Moriiirg, and had a wonderful Prefence of God in the Ailemlily in the Afternoon. Several of my dezx Philadelphia Friends came to take their lafl Farcwel. The Holv Ghoft en:ibled me to preach with fuch Power to them and fome others in the Evening, that one was thrown into Itrong Con- vulfion?, by the Violence of her Convjdons. OhTS were in great Agonies. All I believe were mc.tc' doA-r..^ O'OrWednefday, Saturday^ ?ind Sunday, I preached again. — The 78 Mr, White hi^L^s 'Journal The Lord was with us every Time. My Soul enjoyed much of the divine Prefence' in the Sloop, and I was greatly de- lighted to fee the Captains of the Ships, and their refpc^iive Crews come conftant.'y to attend to hear the Word on Shore, and join with us in religious Exerciies on Board, Dear Cap- tain H — /, Matthew-like^ was very bufy in bringing liis Bro- ther Publican Sailors to hear the glad Tidings of Salvation, and he rejoiced my Heart with the News that fame of them felt the Power of God. This Morning the Wind fpringing up fair, we {zt fail from Recdy-IJIand. " But before I -o on, '* flop, O my Soul, and look back a little on the great ** Things the Lord hath done for thee during this Excurfion. ** 1 think, it is now the 75th Day fmce I arrived at Rhode- *' Jjland. — My Body was then weak, but the Lord has '* much renewed its Strength. 1 have been enabled to preach, *' I think, 175 Times in Public, befides exSiorting very fre- ^' quently in private. I have travelled upwards of 800 '* Miles, and gotten npv^ards of 700 /. Sterling in Goods, ** Provilions and Money for my poor Orphans. Never did *' God vouchfafe me fuch great Afiiftanccs. Never did I ** perform my Journeys with fo little Fatigue, or fee fuch a *' Continuance of the divine Prefence in the Congregations, *' to whom I have preached. All Things concur to convince '* me, that America is to be my chief Scene for Adtion." /l/<7jr the Lord prepare ?ne for every thing he has appointed for me to do and fiiffer^ and then I need not fear being mare than Con^ queror thro'' his Love. Charlejlown in South-Carolina. TVednefdayy December 10. Had a pleafant Pafiage, and ar- rived at Charleflown lait Night. As we came over the Bar. I was informed of a melancholy Fire, that broke out about three Weeks ago, and deftroyed 300 Houfes in the beft Part of Charleflown in the Space of about three Hours. The News much affccled me, becaufe I loved the People, and I preached to them this Morning fiom Ifaiah i. q. Except the Lord of Hofls had left tnifo us a very fmatl Retrmant, we Jhoidd have been as Sodom ^ and xue fhould have been like unto Gotftorrah. In handling the SubjecJ, I endeavoured to (licw what were the Sins which provoked God to punifli the Ifraelites in that man- ner. I drew a Parallel between them and the Charlcflcwn- People, and then made an Application fuitable to the iolcmn Occafion of my Preaching. May the Lord grant it may pro- ^^M GEORGIA. 79 produce the dcfired Effect ^ and be a Means of preferving thi ^InhahUanUjrom Uingcap in\c.t]^^^ Flre^ which never Jhall be em to nought. It was fo with New- England. I am perfuaded it will be fo with Neiv-Georgia. Glory be to God, i leave behind me feme who love the Lord Jefus in Sincerity. Heavenly Father ^ dejiroy not the Pro- vince for their Sakcs^ and for thy own Name's Sake grant it may yet take Root downwardsy and bear Fruit up'iuards / Amen and Amen. Mr. Jonathan B 's Plant:ition near Pert- Royal in South-Carolina. Thurfdayy January i. 1741. Left Savannah on Turfday in the Afternoon. Arrived here this Morning about Two o' Clock, with fome Friends in Mr. Jonathan B 's Boat* u-ho, with fome others, came to Bethcfda^ in hme time ago ; in what Frame, tl.c following Letter, which he fent to a Niece of his now at Be- ihcfda^ willbcfl teftify. Dear Child, TjNdcr -written are the Dying TFcrds cf your Aunt^ which I ^^ fcrid for ysur SatisfaP.ion and Infoi-iiiation. She ditd Oc- tober yth, between the Flours of Nim and Ten in the Morn- ing, being filed with the full AfTurancc of Faith in Chrifl, and a j'-'yful Hope of eternal Salvation through hi. Meri ts and Mediation. As your Aunt and I zvere praying to cur Lord Jefus to give her the Comforts of his Holy Spirit to fuppoit her un- 2 dcr at sour H -CARD LIN A. 8i der the Agonies of Deatk^ Jhe replied^ \ fee him I I fc;e him ' Now I fee Light ! After this flie continmd in Prayer about half an Hoia\ but her speech failing her, we could not during that Time underjland what jhe fpake \ only we cov.ld hear the Name of fefus often^ and Come Jefus, Come Jcfiis ! Then again foe [pake out piairdy, and fat d, Wiio would (J ie with- out a God ? Now I fee Light. God has let me fee my Error. I had not repented ot my original Sin. Gh the Falfe- nefsofour Hearts ! G iearch your Hearts before you come to this ; for they are falfi-'. Then J): e lay in an Agony about half an thiir^ and again fpake out, andfiid, Gcd lias let me fee great and glorious Things which would not be believed, if they were told. Then your Uncle R s coming into the Room fpake to your Aunt ^ s, and your dying Aunt hear- ing his Voice., ccilleth him to her, and when he ivas come, /be jpake to us and f lid. Mind what I fay to you ; for hereafter you mull all give an Account of what I now fay to you ; for I fpeak by the Spirit of God. He has enabled me to fpcaic to you before I go, (for I am juft a going.) Then fh- faid, God is a juft God as well as merciful. Be diligent in fearching your Hearts. Brother, icU Mr. — — - he is in tli^ wron g. Then fe faid. My Pain is great, but Chrift is fuf- ficient for me. And jhe repeated, that God had let her fee great Things that would not be believed, if they were told. She Jaid alfo, f'ollow Whitefeld, God will bkfs him where- ever he goes.— Don't fpeak lightly of him. Bkfs him, blcfi him. God has enabled me to fpeak to you before I go, I am juft a-going. Farewel, Farewel. God be with you ! Then /he compsfcd herfelf, and lay about half an Hour, and neither 7noved nor groan\l, except her Lips and Tongue, and the heaving of her Breaji in breathing, feemiug to be in her perfeSl Senfes till about a Minute before /Jje die^L—She looked round at each of \xs that zvere about her Bed, and then depart- ed in ^ietncfs. Her Hands and Arms, up to her Elbows, were cold, and alfo her Face, when foe fpake zvhat is here in- ferted, and fame time before. As /he l^y begging that the Lord would take her aioay, I felt her Nofe, and told her, it was cold ; and foe replied, Blelled be God for it ; and again. My Soul thirftcth after thee, I come, Lord Jefus, I come. Thus far Mr. .^;7^;/. I fliall only add, O Death, where is thy Sting ! O Grave, where is thy Vi^ory over true Be- lievers ! What Fools are they that count their Liws Madnefs ! L CHARLES^' Mr. Wh I T F I E L D'i- Journal CHARLES TOWN. Sunday, yanuary i^. Came hither Ycfterday in Company with both the Mr. B 's, and feveral other dear Friends. Had the Satisfaction of meeting with -my Brother the Captain^ and hearing from him feme Account of Affairs among the Bretiiren in England. The Lord enable ine tojieer a iv'tje and Jieady Courfe^ when I ccme among them ! Preached twice this Day, and expounded in the Evening to large Auditories. Was molt affectionately entertained at the Houfe of Mr. F — r, and enjoyed much of the divine Piefcnce and Conr)lations in ray Soul. Happy they whole Lives are hid with Chrijl in God! Saturday, yannary lo. Preach'd twice every Day this Week, and expounded frequently in the Lven.ng to a. great •Cumpiny at Mr. P — ■ — 's. The Lord Jefus affiiled and en- lightned me. The Holy Ghoft applied the Word with Power. Several had acquainted me what God had done for their Souls ; and one was tiJled fo with Communications from above, when a Difcovery of Chrift was made to her Soul, that Ihe continued a whole Night praying to and praifing God. Some have fallen away for the prefent, hut blflled be God, the greatcit Part continue fleadfafl:, and are ratlitr more for- ward and. affedtionate than ever. Enemies are more enraged. As a Proof of it, take the following Inilance. — When Mr. 'Jonathan B -n came to Georgia, he ihewed me a Letter written by his Brother Mr. Hugh B n, in which it was .hintevj that the Clergy break their Canons \ and this he de- fired me to correct for the Prefs. I did. It was publifhcd this Week. Inmieiliately Mr. B n was apprehended and bound over, and being asked, frankly contefled that I cor- redted and made fome Alterations in it. This Evening a Conllable came to me with the following Warrant. Sou th- Curolina S f. By B — r^:^^^scc. "'ETST'HereAs" 1 have received Informatidn upon Oathy ^^ that George IVhiteJield Clerk, h.th made and coni- pofed a faifc, niaUcioltSy fcandahusj and infamous Libel, 2 againft at CAROLINA. 83 againft: the Clergy of this Prov'wce^ in "Contempt of His Majejiy and His Laws, and againft the King\ Peace : Thtfj are therefore, in His Majfjly's Name, to charge and command you and c;xh of you /5;-/^zf/V/:> to apprehend the faid George JVbitefield, and to bring him before iVIe to an- fwcr tiie Premijfts. Hereof fail not, at year Peri!. And ■ for youryodoihgithis'fhall be your and each of your fufl'icient Warrant. ■ -' . Given tinder my Hand and Seal this tenth I ir^he G J"f 5J; ^''>' ""^ .7^'"'^'-;'' •" ^"^^^ fourteenth ^/ear of of CbnrMoli:p^ ^'^" Majejifs Reign, Anno Domini One »_,. c^ .. Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty. T went before the C / , confefTed that I had re- vifed and corredted Mr. B 's Letter for'the .P?Y/}i and gave Security to appear by my Attorney at the next general garter Sejjions., under the Penalty of ico /. Proclamation- Money.' Bleffed be God for this further Honour! jMy Soul rejoices in it. I think this may be called Persecution. 1 think it is far Rightesufnefs Szkf;. Oh f ho,w gently does the Lord deal with me^ and by thefe little forewarn^ cmd; I trujl^ prepare me for greater Trials ! Father forgive myFerfccutors. f^ijtt them not in Jud^mcnt^ but in Mercy. They knoiv not %vhat thty do: Sunday\ "January ii. Preached this Morning upon Herodrs fending the wife Men to fmd out Chrift, under: a Pretence that he intended to come and zuorjloip him, when indeed he intended to kill him. I endeavoured to (hew from thence how dreadful it was to perfecute under a Pretence of Religion. Mr. I V ' 'i y . — d telling me, that what he did was out of a Senf^ of Duty^ and that binding me ov.-'r to the Sejfons vjz% no Perfeciitisn, led my Thoughts- this Way. In the Afternoon I preached from Y/'r/fZ/'arx/i, r Kings xxi. 12, 13, They proclaimed a Fail:., and fet Naboth on high amongfi the People, and there came in two Men, Children of Belial, and fat be- fore him : And the Men of Belial witnejjed agaivjl hi?ri, even againft Naboth, in the Prefence of the People, faying, Na- both did blafpheme GOD and the King. Then they carried him forth out of the City, and Jhncd.hijn with Stones thdt ha ^Ud. My Hearers, as well as rnvftlf, made the Application. Ifrwas pretty Ciofe. And I efpecjaily directed my Difcourfe to Men in Authority, and fhewed them' the heinous Sui of a- bufing the Power which God h:id put in:o their H^nds. In L 2 tl^e 84 Mr, WH=r^t¥iELD'j 'Journal the Evening I expounded on the Story of Or/><7)^ and KiAth^ and exhorted my' Hearers to follow the Lord JefusChriil tbo' hii Caufe be never fo much perCecuted and fpoken a^ainft. Lord J'fus, keep us from being ajhamcd of thee or of thy Gofpel. — Jmt-n a/ul Amen. Thurfday., January 15. Received feveral comfortable Let- ters fjom my dear Friends ar Bojh?! ; amoneft whom Secre- tary /F/Z/^/t/, an honourable CounfeJlor, writes thus: " Mr. *' IVehb tells me, that divers young Men in this Town, *' who are Candidates for the MiniUry, have been brought "under c/^^/> Convi