3 .bu ^ PRINCETON, N. J. *Hjf Presented by~V^ve^a\CX(2/\^'V^VK-V\or^ BV 4501 .M36 1858 Mallard, Harriet. Scripture tests of Christia discipleship . . iSE( SCRIPTURE TESTS OF CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP. y BY HARRIET MALLARD. Titus, ii: 11-14. —"For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, " Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; " Lo'oking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ ; " Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from aU iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works." BOSTON : PRINTED BY BAZIN & CHANDLER, 1858. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1858, BY HARRIET MALLARD, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court, for the District of Massachusetts. INTRODUCTION " Search the Scriptvres , for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they that testify of me.''' Search the Scriptures ! You will see They fully testify of me. 'Tis there you hope the " Pearl," to find, — The life, for you, that heaven design'd. Then ssarch the volume richly stored With types and shadows of your Lord, — And gem'd with promises most sweet, Where truth and grace in beauty meet. When morning stars together sung, And yonder azure arch was hung, And studded with those brilliant rays, I was the " Ancient," then, of days ; I counsel'd then the beauteous plan. And fashioned Eden's bower for man. And when his Paradise was lost, — Of sin the fearful, fearful cost, — 'Twas then in mercy render'd plain The spoiler should be bruised and slain ; And there, in living lines, you'll see They early testify of me. And when the seventh, the day of rsst. Was given, and sanctified, and bless'd. You'll see a token of that Sabbath peace For you, in me, when types and shadows cease. Search where the righteous Abel lies, The heaven-accepted sacrifice, With off'ering there which faith had brought, A type of me, the Christ was fraught. INTRODUCTION. Search all the ancient Scripture ground Where faith, or trembling hope, hath found An alter, where the typic flood Hath brought the sinner near to God, Who by his everlasting love Looked on the spotless lamb — the dove, — Each bleeding victim, brought and given, Tlu'ough which to crave the grace of heaven. I am that Rock by Moses named — The same that David blessed and claimed — The Rock of Ages, — which they tried And found no saving help denied. The shadow in the weary land, — The " wall of fire" — the shelt'ring hand — The '* Corner Stone, " eternal laid In Zion, for thy trust alone ; No other name is given, — is known. Whereby ye may be saved — be shriven, — I am the " Door" — the way to H ;aven. Oh ! Thou, the Christ, thus typified. Thou art the Fount of Life, supplied By love's immortal springs, that rise In the unfading Paradise ; The River, flowing pure and clear, — The throne of God, forever near, — Immanuel, — Saviour — Prince of Peace, — Now shadowy forms forever cease ! The Scriptures — record of thy power And grace divine, for mortal dower — Are conduits from that heavenly sea, Pilled by the co-eternal Three Thy holy Book — Thy heavenly word — 'Tis filled with Thee, my Saviour, Lord. INTRODUCTION. Guide me, Thou Spirit of Almighty Grace, Illumine as the sacred page I trace ; This, this, blest Jesus, lights the lines so fair, I read thy tokens, types, and shadows there. And where no symbol points direct to thee I trace some beautiful analogy. The Ark — when rising on the flood, And bearing high the church of God — Speaks thy redeeming power to save. To ransom from the tomb, the grave. This holy type attracts me most : — The Paschal Blood-besprinkled post ; Of all with which thy book is stored. This speaks the plainest of my Lord. The Lamb of God for sinners slain, Whose tokens ne'er were set in vain. That time and death shall not remove The gift divine of saving love ; The seal of sanctifying grace, Lnpress that sin may not efface. And where thy people, safe, and free From bondage, pass the swelling sea, — I read a glorious token there. That thou wilt evermore prepare A way, — the way I must pursue. And bear the fearful surges through j All who in true contrition see Their perishing — their need of Thee. And when but bitter waters found — A barren waste, extending round, — The cry of faith was sent to Heaven, How soon the sweet'nine: branch was given ; INTRODUCTION. So may each wave of care or grief Drive me to Thee, for sweet relief, — And find the manna scattered near Both daily bread, and grace to cheer. There, where the water from the rock, Burst full and clear, to bless thy flock — The smitten rock to symbolize The river that thy love supplies — It followed them the desert through, The path thy hand in wonders drew, And there refreshed, at weary night, Led by the fiery pillar's light ; ! glorious imagery of heaven. What proof of love to sinners given ! Thy Word, my faith, my love refines, 1 read thy name in mystic lines ; There, where the fragrant incense rise With the Mosaic sacrifice, I read, enwrapt with awe profound ; I trace the consecrated ground Where Thy redeeming, gracious power Supplied the heaven-built, glorious bower Pavilion for thy shelter'd flock, O, Thou, the Christ — the Heavenly Rock. There, where prophetic, melting fire. Has strung to heavenly strains the lyre, My trusting spirit joys to see. And hails each note that sings of Thee, That psalmist sweet of Israel's, My soul with hope and rapture fills ; His kingly harp, of thrilling lays, Is set to my Redeemer's praise THE SPIRIT BIRTH. " Ye must be born again.'''' Without this new, this Spirit birth, Lost, fallen child of sin, of earth, Thy soul must meet a fearful dearth, " Ye must be born again ;" Be born of God — born from above ; To Christ must yield thy heart, thy love, By faith must come, no more to rove, — All other trust is vain. Thy heart, upon his altar laid, A free-will offering must be made, To Him who hath thy ransom paid. Would you His peace partake ; To find the safe abiding place — Pavilion of the heavenly grace — Lit by His own life-giving face, — Thy sins ye must forsake. Discipled, then 'tis not in vain. Thy hope to reach the blissful plain — The heavenly kingdom to obtain. And favored thou may'st " test," If heart and mind are thus renewed. And fully with His love imbued. And seeds of charity are strewed. Thy call to lasting rest. HEAVENLY PITY. HEAVENLY PITY. " Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Hirn.^^ The tenderest pulse that pity moves, Where love paternal reigns, And binds the filial, fostered band In fondest, tenderest chains, Is but an emblem, shadowy, faint, Of that sweet, sacred tide. That flows for those that fear the Lord, The Tree of Life beside. Divine compassion — peace and love, — Garnered in heavenly store — For all that trust, that seek His face. Through Christ, the only Door, — Dispensed by the Almighty Hand, When Faith with upward wing. Approaches near the mercy seat. Ventures the heart to bring. Then children, heirs of Him, our God, Within the walls are found, Of that pavilion of His grace. Built on Immanuel's ground ; Where the parental heart of Heaven Immortal food supplies. Water from Mercy's lasting fount, That wastes not — never dies ! THY SINS ARE FORGIVEN THEE. '• THY SINS ARE FORGIVEN THEE." If drops of contrition Now truly attest, That light of the Spirit Hath entered thy breast, Dispelling the darkness That mantled so deep, The heart, that, now broken, Can tenderly weep. Then joy thee, sad mourner Thy penitent tears Are treasured in heaven ; Now banish thy fears, — Thy pardon most freely, Most fully, is given, Now rest thee securely, Thou art saved — thou'rt shriven, Thy sins are forgiven thee. And angels employ. They tune their glad harps To anthems of joy ; They hailed the blest hour That gave thee new birth, — They'll watch thee, and guide thee. Once lost one of earth. 10 WHO IS THIS. WHO IS THIS? Who is this, before whose power Death, disease, and sin retires, While his word a heavenly dower, Hope of lasting life inspires ? Who is this, that bids the tempest Cease, — that bids the waves be still, — Speaks to humble spirits pardon, — Deigns with joy the soul to fill ? Who is this, whose word is melting Hearts that long were hard and sear ? While the promise of salvation, Sorrows darkest hour can cheer. Who is this, thus claiming honors, Praise, and worship — clothed in power? Who is this, thus speaking blessings. Shedding mercy's heavenly shower ? 'Tis the Prophet, meek and lowly, — He that dwelt in Galilee, — Jesus Christ, whom God anointed, With the Holy Spirit free. 'Tis the Lamb of God, — behold Him, Sent of heaven, strong to redeem ; He whom all the angles worship, — Lovest thou the incarnate theme ? IT IS I, BE NOT AFRAID. 11 All ye sick, and sad, aud weary, Perishiug, and poor, and blind. When ye humbly thus receive Him, You the bread of life will find. IT IS L BE NOT AFRAID." Once, upon the raging billow. Rocked a trembling fisher's bark ; Unbelief, sad, doubting, fearful, Row'd and toiled, the night was dark. Walking on the waters — heaving Mountains high — a form appears, Spirit-like, the crew surprising ; But a voice — 'tis heavenly, cheers ! " It is I," fear not, beloved, " It is I," and what shall harm ; It is Jesus, — they receive him. And forget their wild alarm. Still this glorious friend, the Saviour, Seeks the sorrowing, fainting heart — Meets it on life's troubled ocean, Peace eternal to impart. 12 WHAT THINK YE OP CHRIST. Pilgrim ! hath thy weary spirit Sin sick turned, his hand to greet, He will lead thee, guide and shelter, Till in heaven ye find a seat. WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST?" What think ye of Christ, Frail children of earth ? What think ye of Jesus, His mission, His birth, His love, and His mercy, His power, and His grace ; Oh ! have ye beheld Him, — The light of His face? What think ye of Jesus ? Know ye his glad voice ? Is he now your portion, Your hope, and your choice ; And is he beloved. And is he adored ; Have you thus received Him, Your Saviour and Lord ? What think ye of Jesus ? For if you believe. Rich blessings and mercies, With Him ye receive. TAKE UP THY CROSS AND FOLLOW ME. 13 Thy Faith is the anchor By which ye may " Test," If moorings are shelter' d For the heavenly rest. What think ye of Jesus ? Whose favor is heaven, Whose grace, and whose mercy. Most freely are given. 'Tis heaven to regard Him, The Eternal One, And Father and Spirit, Accept in the Son. TAKE UP THY CROSS AND FOLLOW ME.' If you would find a portion there, Where saints his face behold. The dear Redeemer, glorious, fair. That " treasure " must be sold ! That cherished idol, self, — or pride Or passion, — wealth, or power. May not with heaven thy heart divide. If you would gain its bower. Of everlasting rest and life. Where all is new and pure. Ye must renounce the hidden strife, And make your calling sure. 14 A THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Deny thyself, and take thy cross, And follow Christ, the Lord ; Count earthly good as sold, as loss, And keep his ways, his word. Obey his voice, obey.his will. And set before thy sight. And by his gracious help fulfil His precepts pure and right. Oh ! follow in his steps, they lead Where fruits of love abound, — Where pity's charms, and kindly deeds, Where sacred things are found. A THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.'''' If sad the soul, and heavenly joy Has fled the stricken heart ; If trembling fears thy hopes destroy, And faith no light impart ; Still, if thy hungry spirit pant For perfect righteousness, God will to thee most freely grant His saving, quickening grace. LEARN OF ME. 15 He fills, with his indwelling peace, The humble minds that know Of true contrition's gushing tears From wounded breasts that flow. Opprest with conscious guilt and sin, With threatenings of the word, Fear not, the prize you yet shall win. Through Him, your Saviour, Lord. The first desire that heavenward turns Is kindled to a flame, — The feeblest prayer, God never spurns If ofiered in His name. LEARN OF ME. " Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in hearV When Mary chose the better part, She took the learner^s seat, — She gave to Thee her broken heart. And worshipped at Thy feet. Like Mary, I would come to Thee — Would wait to know thy voice ; ! blest Redeemer, say to me : " 'Tis yours, the better choice !" 16 TO WHOM SHALL WE GO. And then the powers of death, of earth, Shall never snatch away, My portion fair, of priceless worth. Which ne'er shall know decay. The cank'ring cares of life, I know, The weeds — the choking thorn — In all my chequered path below, Of strength they will be shorn. While pleasures, riches, dazzling lure, Shall pass unheeded by, ! Thou, my Saviour, holy, pure, Be Thou forever nigh. Disciple, if thy contrite heart Is bow'd before the Throne, He will not bid thee hence depart, Jesus thy name will own. TO WHOM SHALL WE GO. Lord, to whom shall we go, thou hast the words of eternal life." To whom. Lord Jesus, shall we go, If wc from Thee depart. When hopes of heaven are ebbing low. When crushed and broke the heart. TO WHOM SHALL WE GO. 17 Where is the staff, so firm, or reed On which to lean for rest, That shall not break, and leave to bleed The pierced and wounded breast. If to thy holy law, so pure, Our naked spirits turn, 'Tis vain we seek that place for cure, Its flames before us burn. Sinai, her tablet, lucid, bright, No sceptre holds of grace. It flashes on our trembling sight, Its frowns we may not face. Oh, Thou, who hast of life the word Eternal, deign to spread Thy cloud of mercy now, to guard Each weary, fainting head. Thy robe of righteousness complete, Alone it can defend ; Oh ! hear us, from thy mercy seat, Great Mediator — Friend. Oh ! shelter us, thou mighty rock, Here in tliis desert land, Great shadow, Shepherd of the Flock, And hold us by thy hand. 2 18 THE SPIRIT OF FORGIVENESS. Forbid, by thy Almighty Name, That we depart from Thee, Thou Son of God, who willing came From sin and death to free. THE SPIRIT OF FORGIVENESS. And he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice. Lord lay not this sin to their charge.^' The throne of the eternal God Dissolving clouds revealed. Above the stained, beflooded sod. On which the martyr kneeled. Jesus, the glorified, appears At the right hand of power. And faith, now changed to sight, it cheers The saint's expiring hour. That spirit which the holy dove Had made its dwelling place. Before it wing'd its flight to prove Redemption's full embrace, — Though visions of immortal gain, They fill the raptured sight, And from the bonds of flesh, of pain, The suffering soul invite, — THE SPIRIT OF FORGIVENESS. 19 It lingers on the earthly shore — Its mission incomplete — It waits one ardent prayer to pour Before the mercy seat. Is it with supplicating voice, Which death it hastes to stay ? For such as Christ hath made their choice, He tarries now to pray. Is it for brother, kindred, friend, The persecuted pleads. Or those whose kindly tear-drops blend. That now he intercedes ? The murderous horde, — for mentally blind For perjured, guilty foe, — That such may life-repentance find — May God and mercy know. Oh, Christian ! bring thy walk, thy life, Here for a scripture test ! Can love for hatred, wrong, and strife, Prevail, and rule thy breast ? 20 CHRIST THE RESURRECTION. CHRIST THE RESURRECTION. •' I am the resurrection and the Ufe.^'' Christ is the Resurrection ; All who through grace believe, Though death presume to triumph, With Him they'll rise to live. He is the Resurrection, — And death shall own liis power, And yield to Him the victory In his appointed hour. He is the way — the fountain Of life, of endless bliss ; Dismiss thy trembling fears If thou believest this. He is the Resurrection ; All who obey — believe — Earnest of life eternal From Him they here receive. Weep not for Him that sleepeth. For he shall rise again ; Christ is the resurrection. The tyrant's bars are vain. Believest thou this mourner ? Then let thy tears be dried. He'll own thee his Disciple, — Jesus, the glorified. THE PERFECT GIFT. 21 THE PERFECT GIFT. *' Thy faith hath saved thee.^* Thy faith hath saved thee. Go in peace ; Thou'rt washed, thou 'rt cleansed, forgiven. Lord, grant to all like precious faith, This " perfect gift " of Heaven. Dark ! dark, indeed, life's stormy sea, All tempest-tost and driven, But for this gift, this glorious gift, — Blest, " perfect gift " of Heaven. The purest light the spirit cheers. Wanes like the queen of even ; And flowery hopes they die away, Without this gift of Heaven. From waves of death and dire despair, We Ve else no sheltering haven, — But wings of faith bear us away. Quite near the gate of Heaven. By faith we view the mansions fair. Where Righteous Robes are given, — By faith we know we '11 wear one there — Our faith will end in Heaven. 22 AND THEY FORSOOK ALL AND FOLLOWED HIM. km THEY FORSOOK'ALL AND POLLOWED HIM. 'And when they had brought their ships to land they forsook all and followed him.'' Their ships they anchor'd by the strand, Asked not the scathe or loss ; They left, at Jesus' high command, And learned to bear the cross. Won by his love, — the Spirit's voice — Forsook their earthly gain. And made the yoke of Christ their choice A Kingdom to obtain ; Where all is righteousness and peace. And heavenly armies boast, — Where perfect bliss shall never cease, — Joy in the Holy Ghost. They followed not for golden lure. But for the bread of heaven, — Of life the water, blessed, pure, So freely, fully given. They learned to find their drink, their meat, Food for the immortal part. While list'ning at the Saviour's feet, With undivided heart. UNION WITH CHRIST. 23 If you would his Disciple be, Presume not to divide, That heart which he demands of thee, And will not be denied. UNION WITH CHRIST. Thertfore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things have passed away, behold all things have become new." Union with Christ, the living vine, Whose reconciling grace Renews and sanctities the soul, For heaven's entire embrace. Admits not of the former flower, The bud or poisonous root, The bitter germ of sin must die — The vile, unholy shoot. That life is now the breath of heaven, With aspirations new ; The vision cleared from films of death Hath glorious things in view ; Now love, and joy, and righteousness, And faith, with heavenward wing, Around the spirit born of God, What blessedness they bring. 24 SANCTIFICATION OF THE SPIRIT. Supplanting every former growth, Luxuriant that was found, Where angol — fallen — lost and driven ■ Smiled on the fruitful ground, Pr jlific with the harvest dire Of most unholy grain, Rip'ning for death and dark despair, Sorrow and lasting pain. SANCTIFICATION OF THE SPIRIT. " But ye are not in the flesh, but the spirit, if so be the spirit of God dwell in you. JVow, if any man hath not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his." Where Heaven its love hath shed abroad. Spirit of saving grace. There is a Temple built for God, A consecrated place. Law of the Spirit, — Law of Life — In Christ hath made it free, From law of sin, and death, and strife. Though strong their bondage be. Spirit of Him who raised the dead, By his life-giving word, Jesus, the Lamb, who suffered, bled — The Son of God, our Lord. FRUITS OP RIGHTEOUSNSS. 25 Spirit of Life, it dwells with you — You, who are called and led By Him, the righteous, pure and true, The Saviour, Living Head. Spirit of Faith, adoption clear. By which we " Father " cry, — Spirit of " Abba, Father, " here, And hope above the sky. The saving hope — the sanctified, And sanctifying dower — Fruit of renewing grace allied To upper Eden's bower, Where heirs of God are glorified, With Jesus Christ, the Son, Redeemed, and blessed, and justified, With Him forever One. FRUITS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.'" Where Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, Is loved, and served, and known, The goodly seeds of righteousness For heavenly fruit are sown. 26 THE BREAD OF LIFE. Fruits of the Spirit, truth sincere, With every kindred grace. In beauteous clusters now appear, And fill the sacred place. That " Temple of the Holy Ghost "— The soul that's born an heir, With Christ, and with the ransomed host, To mansions high and fair. And all who now receive this word — The indwelling power of grace — Adorn the doctrines of the Lord, His holy footsteps trace. Where God, the Spirit, sets the seal Of consecrating love. Fruits of immortal worth reveal The presence of the " Dove." THE BREAD OF LIFE. " 7 am that bread of life." I AM the life, the living bread, For your salvation given, — A portion for the hungry soul. The bread that came from heaven. THE BREAD OF LIFE. 27 Partakers of this holy food, Shall live forevcrmore ; My flesh is meat, — except ye share, You're famishing and poor. These words I speak, of flesh, of bread, They're spirit, they are life : Ye must receive this gift in faith, With blessedness most rife. Given for the world a sacrifice. That ye may never die, — To all that eat believingly. My grace is ever nigh. As by my Living Father, God, I live — with Him abide — So you, who eat by faith this bread, With me are firm allied. To whom, oh. Saviour, should we go. To find eternal rest ? Thou Son of God, the bread of heaven, To which he doth attest. The Spirit — blessed comforter — The Witness with the Son — And with the Father, Mighty God, Now and forever One. 28 COME TO THE ALTAK. COME TO THE ALTAR. " The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit.''* Come to the altar of the Lord, And hear his faithfuhiess record ; Ye shall of loving kindness sing, When contrite, you, this offering bring. A heart with true repentance broke. That comes His spirit to invoke, Shall hear His pardoning, saving voice, And in His righteousness rejoice. He'll sanctify thy waiting soul — Thy trembling fears and doubts control - "Will make thee purer, far, than snows, And lead to where the fountain flows, The Fount of Life — the " smitten rock"- To Christ, the Shepherd of that flock That feed in valleys, heavenly sheen, " Beside deep waters " — ever green. THE PURE IN HEART. 29 THE PURE IN HEART. *' Blessed are the pure in heart, Jor they shall see God. Would you walk with God below — Would you His presence share ; His love and peace and favor know, And go and see him there Where life immortal, righteousness, Forever shall endure. And songs divine shall never cease, — In heart ye must be pure ; Be pardoned, cleansed, and sanctified. By Faith, that works by Love, — Deceit and guile may not divide The soul born from above. Heirs to that heavenly heritage, Where sin is never known. And harps and robes of light are given. Around the Eternal Throne, — They will be humble, holy, mild. Meek charity impart. With heart and spirit undefiled, They will be " Pure in heart." 30 CHASTE CONVERSATION. CHASTE CONVERSATION. " Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth.^^ The lips that pay devotion's vow 111 mention of that Name, That fills the ransomed throng above With love's undying flame, May not their consecrated breath Lend to unholy themes, Nor yield at sinful passion's shrine The powers that heaven redeems. The heart that cleansing, saving grace, Has rendered meet for heaven. Will not commune with evil thought — Will fear the poisonous leaven, Malign and dark, insidious, deep, That would ferment the soul To dire pollutions fearful maze. When given to its control. The altar, where the living coal Has owned the sacrifice, Acceptance of forbidden things For evermore denies ; But fruits of purity and peace, With humble hands are brought. Where God, the Spirit, sets the seal. And life divine hath wrought. FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT. 31 FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT. But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, teinperance." What heavenly fruits of life abound, Where'er thy shadowing wing is found, Thou holy, sanctifying dove, Ambassador from courts above. Sent of the Father, source of light. The hapless sinner to invite To Christ, the fount of joy and peace. And hope, and lasting blessedness. Dispenser of Almighty Grace, Goodness and Faith, their steps we trace ; Where Thou hast consecrated ground, Thy heavenly light is shed around. Long suffering, truth, and gentleness. The temple of the heart possess, Where Thou hast fixed thy sure abode. Blest, Holy Spirit of our God. Meekness and temperance unite With charity, so pure and white. And bring their fragrance to that shrine To speak thy mission, all divine. 32 TRIUMPH OF FAITH. TRIUMPH OF FAITH. And Thomas answered and said, my Lord and my God.'''* Disciple, now 'tis not by sight, The way we find to heaven ; 'Tis faith that must thy soul incite, A grace most freely given. Where saving Faith hath set its seal On the renewed soul, Indwelling love will soon reveal Its reign, its blest control. Then hope and trust expression findj In " Abba;' filial word, That heart-affections all combined In God, — my Saviour, — Lord. The faith that " Abba, Father," cries, It hath a welcome voice, A melody for upper skies — It speaks the " better choice." Dost Thou believe ? the promised grace, Is thine, of life, of rest ; Dost Thou believe ? although his face Ye see not, that shall test. THE PAVILION OF GRACE. 33 Thy title to that name desired, Disciple of the Son ; Siicli faith it is of heaven inspired — The crown it shall be won. THE PAVILION OF GRACE. " Thou art my portion , oh. Lord." Thou art my portion, my hope and my trust, My God, my salvation. Thou Gracious and Just, In thee, the great giver, the faithful and kind, A refuge, a shelter, a Father I find. 0, thou, in the highest ; thou great King of kings, I find a pavilion beneath thy kind wings, 'Tis wall'd and surrounded, and evermore shaded; And with thy blest presence most sweetly per- vaded. This heavenly pa\'ilion is paved with thy grace, *Tis richly illumin'd with smiles of thy face, 'Tis ruled with the strength, — the strength of the arm That curtained the heavens, I fear no alarm. My portion ! my portion ! inheritance fair ! Come all and most freely this wealth you shall share. 3 34 LIGHT AND JOY. You'll find my Redeemer a portion indeed. Believe him and trust him, you never shall need. Believer, it is not, the spirit of earth That brought thee to glory in this, the new birth; 'Tis but the Disciple, by Faith that has known, And held sweet communion with him on the throne. LIGHT AND JOY. " Light is sown for the righteous, and joy for the tcpright in heart." Light, life, and joy, and holy peace. Abundantly are sown, For heirs of heavenly righteousness — They who approach the Throne. The mercy-seat where God will hear The upright when they pray, — For Jesus' sake dispel their fear. And take their sins away. The spirit of renewing grace. With sanctifying power. Seals for the rest, the glorious place For that unfading bower, — ; CHRISTIAN AFFINITY. 35 Where Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Beatitude will shed, On the enraptured, ransom'd host, They who by faith have fled. For refuge to that hope divine — To Christ the only door ; The Sun of Righteousness shall shine For them forever more. CHRISTIAN AFFINITY. " We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren.''' If fear and unbelief obscure Our trembling hopes of heaven, And sin, temptation, pleasures lure. Our storm-rocked bark have driven ; If sad despair, with murkey sail Is hovering near the breast. This verdict clear must still prevail — This holy " Scripture Test." If melting love the heart can warm, For every name and shade, For highest, lowest, humblest form. If with this charm arrayed. 36 THE KEY OF THE GARNER. The halo of redeeming grace — The Spirit of the throne — Assimilation to his face, Who as our Lord is known. We then may say, to doubt and strife, " Our anchor is secure ; Our passport to eternal life Is now forever sure. We know we love our Saviour, Lord, In those who are born of heaven ; We now may lean upon his word. And bless our sheltering haven." THE KEY OF THE GARNER. Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." A PRECIOUS boon of Heaven — This gift divine of love — The faith, which makes the mountains Of doubt and fear remove ; This faith, the gracious channel Through which our souls are fed, — The key of the rich garner. Of life's immortal bread. THE KEY OF THE GARNER. 37 A holy, worthy portion — 'Tis justifying power, — That lends the peace of Heaven To sorrow's bitterest hour, By which we look to Jesus, Our hope, our life, the way, — The lack of sight supplying, It leads to endless day. By faith, we know our Saviour, Is the " Anointed One ; " By faith, we trust his promises, The Father's equal Son ; Relying on his mercy. Receiving Him, our Lord, We " test " our hopes eternal, By His most sacred word. " Now, you shall never perish, You, who believe in me, — The life is everlasting That I award to thee ; Through me ye have salvation, You who my name have known, And by your love, your charity, True faith in me have shown." 38 LOVEST THOU ME. LOVEST THOU ME. " Lovest thou we." Loy'sT thou me ? you who are called By my name, the " Christ of God ; '* Lov'st thou me ? ye that are ransomed, Washed and saved, " redeemed with blood ; " Lov'st thou me ? then love my people, Love my cause, and feed my sheep, — Give my lambs their needful portion, I, a watch will round thee keep. I am the Almighty Shepherd ; I have sheep of other fold, — Sheep and lambs in other pastures, Some are wounded, grieved and sold ; Lov'st thou me ? for these I suffered, Offer them the " Living Bread," I, the Master, will be with you, I will blessings on thee shed : — Some are scattered on the mountains, Others famished on the plain, Craving the life-giving water, — Shall they ask it still in vain ? Go and bless them — go and feed them, — Haste and call them in my name : Tell them Jesus will receive them, — Gather weary, blind and lame ; THE SPIRIT OF PROMISE. 39 Lo ! the ready, waiting harvest, For the gospel laborer white, Go " attest " thy love, thy pity, Where yon foreign fields invite ; Count thy life not dear unto thee, So the Gentile may be blest, — You shall have a heavenly treasure, Share my own Eternal Rest. THE SPIRIT OF PROMISE. After ye believed^ ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of prom- ise.''^ • You that believe and trust his word, The gospel of his grace, Receive this " seal " of Christ, our Lord, That ne'er shall be effaced. Earnest of the inheritance — Possession — heavenly ground — " The everlasting recompence,'* Where springs of life abound. '' Belief," the faith that " works by love," And purifies the soul. And wings for glorious flights above Sorrow and sin's control. 40 UNDIVIDED PRAISE. On airy pinions borne away, Forgets the scenes of earth — Beholds a rapturous, joyful ray Of light of purer birth. Oh ! precious, saving, gracious seal, Hope of immortal day, That can such blessedness reveal And banish fear away ; " Spirit of promise," holy, pure, Given, that we here may " test," If we " election, calling sure," Have made for " perfect Rest." UNDIVIDED PRAISE. " I will praise the Lord with my whole heart. With this heart entire, and spirit, I will praise thee, 0, my God ! Called thy kingdom to inherit — Leaning on thy staff, thy rod ; I will praise Thee, 1 will trust Thee, Giver of almighty grace, I will never more distrust thee. Let me still behold thy face. THE WELL OP LIFE. 41 Eeconciled. that look bestow me, Dear Redeemer of my soul, Look of love, that saith, " I know thee," Look, that shall my fears control ; Countenance, with mercy lighted. Radiant with the life of heaven, For the weary, sad, benighted, — Light that speaks my sins forgiven : God, the Father, Son, and Spirit, One eternal Lord of Love, May I claim that pard'ning merit, For the heirs of rest above ; Where thy undivided glory. Fills a vast, immortal sea, May I hope to join that story, " Christ, the Lamb, was slain for me ! THE WELL OF LIFE " Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.'' Wh^t see 'st thou in this Nazarene ? TIjou of the w(>rld caressed ; What see 'st thou, ye who fainting lean, Still earthward seeking rest ? 42 THE WELL OP LIFE. Oh ! is tliis Well of Life, of Light, A fountain -stiit unsealed, And to thy weary, thirsty sight, Remains it unrevealed ? See ye no beauty to desire, Behold ye not the form So comely as may faith inspire. And thy glad spirit warm With love immortal — heavenly love — Thy silent harp to string, Thy melting gratitude to prove And plume the heavenward wing ? Then fearful, fearful, that unrest Thou find 'st on earthy ground, Bewail the hours ye 've walked unblest. Of life the " Pearl," unfound ! Is He to thy awakened sight. Of " thousands," first and '' chief," And altogether lovely too, Is this your firm belief ? He is the Christ — anointed Son Of God, — the living Lord. If so thy claim, thy test is one That will thy name record. As one discipled, saved and sealed. His ransomed there to greet. Where untold glories are revealed, And find a ready seat. THE PLENTEOUS REDEMPTION. 43 THE PLENTEOUS REDEMPTION. " And ivith Him is plenteous redemption.^* With God, the high, the mighty God, Who spread the spangled heaven's abroad, That gave to every star, its name, And lit the sun with brilliant flame, With Him redeeming love is free, More deep and boundless than the sea. Redemption plenteous indeed, — The ransom paid, the captive free'd, The fountain pure, forever flows. And there, too, Sharon's dewy Rose, And Lily of the valley blend, And round the desert waste they send Their fragrance, not to be compared With bowers that angels blest or shared ; For angel harps though strung above, Well tuned to harmony and love, Have ne'er yet known the joys that rise With broken-hearted sacrifice. Repentant tears — they hail the prize, And bear the gem to paradise ; They joy to see one sinner turn, But 'tis the soul that's newly born, That knows the bliss of this Redemption When Christ reveals his own Preemption. 44 SPIRIT OF MISSIONS. SPIRIT OF MISSIONS. "Go work to-day in my vineyard.'^ The car of life immortal Sweeps o'er the barren field, Before its gospel enginery The powers of darkness yield. Glory to God the Father, Glory to God the Son, To God the Holy Spirit, The gracious Three in One. The chariot of salvation, Its wheels they roll in light, The films of sin and error Retire before its sight. Joy tunes each heavenly lyre. That angel hand hath known, As sinners saved and pardon'd. Bend low before the throne. And every true disciple, His " meat," his " drink," is found, Where he may toil and labor, On hopeful harvest ground. GOD AND MAMMON. 45 GOD AND MAMMON. " Ye camiot serve God and mammon.' Disciples of this risen Lord, Jesus the Lamb once slain, Ye cannot serve this Holy One, K earthly goods and gain Have dragged thee to that graceless shrine, Where mamm jn's golden wand. Has paralyzed thy spirit's power, In the enchanted laud. Where every giddy worshipper. Led by unholy wiles, To bowers where fearful, deadly, damp. The sickly soul defiles ; The hand that crowns its votaries With flowers as fancies choose. Plucks to bestrew that area, The plants that Heaven bedews. And fain would grasp, would bear away. Would snatch the Immortal Prize, Ye cannot serve this earthly God And one above the skies ; The Altar where the sacrifice The fairest, first must be Claimer, if thou art accepted there. An offering pure of thee. 46 GATHER UP THE FRAGMENTS. An undivided perfect heart, By faith and love renewed, With humble, holy charity, That heavenly grace imbued ; The world may mingle incense Before this idol's throne. But Christ, our Lord and Master, He will be served. Alone ! GATHER UP THE FRAGMENTS. Give a 'portion to seven, and also to eight, for thou knoivest not what evil shall be upon the earth.'' To every child of want and care, If seven, or eight, or more, Tliat would the gathered fragments share. And crave them at thy door, — Refuse not of thy furnished board A portion to bestow. And for a lasting, heavenly hoard. In season ye may sow. Thou knowest not what ruthless storm May wreck thy hopes of Earth, And every pictured joy transform. Of idol, cherished worth ; THE LAST SUPPER. 47 To-morrow's dawn may see the wave Assail tliy prosperous bark, While angry winds around thee rave, And skies are lowering, dark ! What measure now you deign to meet, You shall receive again, When summoned to the judgment seat, Award of joy or pain ; If trusting in his gracious word You Charity have shown. That " test " of our Redeemer, Lord, He then your name will own. THE LAST SUPPER. " This do in remembrance of me.'''' The Lamb of God, in that sad hour. When sin in all its weight and power, O'er his devoted head was stay'd, And soon an offering to be made, He took the bread, — he bless'd and broke, And, Oh ! what tender words he spoke : " This is my body, broke for you, A type — an emblem — symbol true — Li mercy now, ordain' d to be, ' By this you shall remember me.' 48 THE LAST SUPPER. The cup the Saviour took and bless'd, What heavenly love he then express'd : " This is my blood, now shed for you, A tolvcn of the covenant new, And of the price — the ransom paid — The sacrifice that I have made ; This do in memory of my love, When I am gone to reign above. " When you this bread, this cup receive. Remember me, my words believe, I'm with you till the world shall end ; The Comforter I too will send. To make a long abode with you. The Holy Ghost, the Witness true. " My life for you is freely paid — I am a willing offering made, — 'Tis mine the power to lay it down To rise from death and wear the crown, The victor's crown, the crown of heaven, And then the vail, it will be riven. " Though dark this hour, you then will see ' The scriptures testify of me,' What Prophets spoke and Moses wrote. For you the Witness then shall quote. And bring to your remembrance plain That Christ should suffer ; should be slain. LOVE TO THE REDEEMER. 49 " Be made a sacrifice for sin, And from the grave the victory win ; Should life immortal bring to light, And Death and Hell should vanquish quite ; Remember me, my love my pain, — The blood of Christ flows not in vain. Remember me, and keep my word, Keep the commandments of your Lord ; And oft as in my name this bread Ye break in faith, in me, your head, You show my death until I come To fetch my ' Dear Beloved home.' " LOYE TO THE REDEEMER. If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anatha- ma maranatha.^^ The test of our discipleship, Of our immortal birth, Is not in joyous rapture. Nor deeds of dazzling worth ; No tythe, no golden offering. Conflicts this clause, this word, That every soul that's sanctified Will love this Saviour, Lord ;. 4 50 LOVE TO THE REDEEMER. Will love his liouse, his kingdom, His service, holy praise, The place where heirs of Heaven Unite in joyful lays ; His altars, where the incense Of faith and humble prayer. The consecrated spirits For heavenly draughts prepare. Will love and hail the image Of Christ, when dimly seen, Worn by the high, the honored, Or by the low and mean — Mean in the world's esteeming. But precious in the view Of Him, the glorious Master, The gracious, good, and true. He came — the great anointed — With tidings for the poor, — To set before the captive An ever open door, — To loose the bonds, the fetters. And let the oppressed be free, — To give to every people A gospel jubilee. All you that love the Father, And Equal Son unseen. Must love his church, his children, Though shades may intervene. THEY WALK BY FAITH. 51 Of calling, cast, or color Of name — if bond or free — Or fall beneath the blighting Of Heaven's Anathama ! THEY WALK BY FAITH. ■ Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. The heirs of faith how richly bless'd, Of glorious promises possess'd. They who " believe " in Christ, the Lord, Relying, leaning on his word. " They walk by jTaith, and not by sight," Led by the Spirit's gracious light. Though seen not here His lovely face, Yet still reflected by his grace. All who his gospel now believe. New life, and hope, they shall receive, Their name in Heaven the Lamb will write, " They walk by faith and not by sight." By grace, through faith, in Him, the Son, They " know," and trust the Holy One ; Their faith will soon be lost in sight, Andlight immortal banish night. 52 WILT THOU BE HEALED. In Heaven a costly brilliant crown, At Jesus' feet they'll cast it down, Will there the song of triumph sing. And see Him there — the Conquering King. And there with joy forever see. And praise the Co-Eternal Three, On Christ, not seen with eyes before, Shall gaze eternal, and adore. WILT THOU BE HEALED. *' To obey is better than sacrifice.^' Beside the lucid, placid pool. Which bears, alas ! no trace Of pitying angels healing wing, A cripple finds a place. Alternate hope, and trembling fear, Bespeaks the tearful eye, That long has watched that coming hour, The visit from the sky. The turbid waves of dire despair. That ventured near the soul. Met there a mighty talisman. That bade tham backward roll. A DRAUGHT FROM THE FOUxXTAIN. 53 Mysterious — earnest — mercy given, That Heaven a cure designed, That 'neath Bcthsada's rippled wave, The balm he yet shall find. " Wilt Thou be healed ? Arise and walk ; Arise and bear thy bed ;" Then through the sad and sorrowing soul. The light of faith was shed. Then on the stranger's lovely face, Of lineament like Heaven, He reads of pity, grace, and power, That sinners may be shriven. Then fully trusting Him, the Lord, Though impotent so long, -$e- believes, obeys, arises, walks, And Jesus is his song. A DRAUGHT FROM THE FOUNTAIN. "But the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of living water springing up into everlasting life.^' God, the Uncreated Son, Promised, great Anointed One ; He to whom angelic bands Minister, with joyful hands, Here no house, no home, no bed Claimed, nor pillow for his head ; 54 DRAUGHTS FROM THE FOUNTAIN. 'Twas his meat, his drink, his rest When he made the sorrowing blest. Wings of everlasting love Brought him willing from above, — Mission of almighty grace, Mercy for a fallen race, — Bearing from the courts of light Rays to cheer the darkest sight ; Gifts for all that will receive Heaven — to such as " can believe." Wearing here our throbbing clay, Sat him weary by the way. Thirsty by the water side. Fount by earthly spring supplied, Hungry, fainting for the bread That his heavenly hand had spread. Like the manna sprinkled round. Once upon the desert ground. Works of love, his walks they fill. Labor of~ his father's will ; Angry storms, disease, and death. Flee before his word — his breath. And the tomb, deserted grave. Speaks him Christ, the strong to save, Godhead, veiled in mortal mould, — Oh ! what glorious truths he told. DRAUGHTS FROM THE FOUNTAIN. 55 I that speak, I am the same, Sent in God, the Father's name ; Would you the Messiah see, You behold him now in me ; I have draughts divine to give, Come, poor sinner, drink and live ; Call thy kindred, they may share, I will give them portions fair. Living water I bestow. Balm for every grief and woe ; 'Twill refresh thee all the day, That ye thirst not by the way, E'er attracted to that heaven Where the holy drops were given, Tending upward evermore To that ocean running o'er. You that drink, receive my word. As I live, your Saviour, Lord, You eternal life shall gain. Mansions on the blissful plain ; If I go 1 will prej)are Place for my disciples there ; I will come again for you. And my glory ye shall view. 66 I WOULD BE WHOLLY THINE. I WOULD BE WHOLLY THINE. " Lord increase our faith.^' I DO believe thy word, Thy face I hope to see, But, Oh ! my faith increase, dear Lord*, Help me to rest in Thee. Eestore my wonted peace, My fainting soul renew. Bid every rising doubt to cease. Thy glory let me view. Blest Jesus, send a beam Of light, renewing power. To chase the false delusive dream Of life's poor transient hour. In vain the brightest rays of earth To gladden or to cheer ; The purest joys that here have birth. Will quickly disappear. But, Oh ! the beauties of thy name, Are heavenly, all divine ; Oh ! come, my languid love inflame, I would be wholly thine. THE FULL ASSURANCE OF FAITH. 57 THE FULL ASSURANCE OF FAITH. '* And ice know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding that we may know that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.'" We know the Son of God is come With gifts divine of love ; With Him, the True, Eternal One, We know we'll dwell above. The understanding of His word 'Tis soul-renewing power, A precious gift of Him, our Lord, A cherished, heavenly dower. " We know the Son of God is come," His spirit He hath given. The earnest of eternal life, Foreshadowing breath of heaven ! We know we are in him, " The True," The Christ, the Father's Son, — We know his mansion we shall view When life's poor day is done. This is the true — the King of Kings, This Jesus we believe. Sustained by faith's aerial wings, That life we now receive, The fulness of abounding grace, Efficient, mighty, free. Light of the Reconciled Face, Oh glorious Trinity ! 58 BLESSED ARE THE PEACE-MAKERS. BLESSED ARE THE PEACE-MAKERS. are the peace makers, for they shall be called the children of God.'* The Temple of the Holy Ghost, The heart by grace renewed, Is ever with this perfect love. The love of peace imbued. The heavenly, sanctifying Dove, Where he has fixed his stay, Malice and discord, war and strife. Will ever die away. The ever blessed comforter, Has never yet been found. Where envy, hatred, dare attest. Claim to the field, the ground. - The sceptre of the heavenly hand. Bids angry storms to cease ; It calms and smooths the turbid waves, Swayed by the Prince of Peace. Disciples of this Holy One, The sinless Nazerene, Eeflected by their spirit here, His image will be seen. THE HOME OF THE SPIRIT. 59 THE HOME OF THE SPIRIT. *' I would not live alway." I WOULD not live alway ! ^ Oh ! why should I stay, From the home of the spirit, Thus wandering away, Alone on the mountains. To danger a prey ; The Shepherd is calling, I hear him to-day. I would not live alway ! Most welcome his voice, — 'Tis music, 'tis rapture, It fixes my choice ; To join them, the harpers Rapt choirs above. Where swells the loud anthem With chorus of love. I would not live alway ! The grave I would share, Where slept the blest Saviour Now gone to prepare For me a glad mansion ; I fain would be there, And begin my new song, In regions so fair. 60 REMEMBER THE POOR. I there would live alway, Where praises abound ; Where saints and bright angels In glory surround The Throne of the Lamb, The Eternal Son, The Father, the Spirit, The Great Three in One. REMEMBER THE POOR. *' Blessed is he that considereth the poor.'* The heart that pity's gentle hand, Can move and mould at will. In sweet compassion for the poor, Heaven's choicest blessings fill. Jesus, He chose the humble poor. The heirs of grace and faith, Joint heirs with Christ the Son of God, The Holy Scriptures saith. Oh ! ye that make that lovely name. Your passport to the Throne, His spirit breathe. His image wear, He then your name will own. REMEMBER THE POOR. 61 He shed the balm of love divine, O'er every form of grief, And sorrow's child of want, in vain Ne'er sought from Him relief. If you would lend to be rejiaid, Would seek to fill your store With wealth for sorrow's coming hour, Give to the sorrowing poor. The cup of charity but fill'd With water given in love ; Like some fair gem of heavenly dye, Is treasured up above. 'Tis treasured there a rich reward, And Christ will say to Thee : Fear not, I know your deed, your alms, Your giving, gave to Me. Come and inherit now with Me, My kingdom, my abode, The path of tender charity It leads direct to God. 62 JESUS WEPT. JESUS WEPT. Weep with those that weep. ' Jesus wept ; tlie sympatliizing flood Was honor' d by the Holy Son of God ; He wept, though soon to bring relief, Almighty ! soon to calm the mourner's grief. Yes, Jesus wept, he felt for mortal woe, And o'er each sorrowing heart he deigned to throw The balm of heavenly tenderness and love Denied to none ; all his compassion prove. Oh ! Holy Saviour, ever gracious friend, Jesus forbid we e'er refuse to lend To all that claim the tribute of a tear. That gift so precious — ever held most dear, By sorrows child, by want or woe opprest. ! give us charity that may arrest The tide of ills, and ever seek to heal. And calm and soothe, and may we ever seal Our title to be called the heirs of Heaven, By sympathizing tears, like Jesus' given. POVERTY OF SPIRIT. G3 POVERTY OF SPIRIT. "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.'^ Child of eartli, of sin, of care, Heritor of grief and pain, rHave you portion treasure there, Yonder, on the heavenly plain ; There, where death is never known, — There, where tear-drops never Ml, — Where He fills the immortal throne, Jesus, and their crowns they fall ; As they bow, the ransomed throng, And repeat his worthy praise, Giving by enraptured song. Glory to redeeming grace. Of an inheritance so dear. Have you earnest day by day ? Is thy faith so bright and clear. As no storm may chase away ? Army of the subtle foe — Riches, pleasures, tempting lure, Doubts and fears, the thorns that grow, — Do you trust your calling sure ? 64 POVERTY OF SPIRIT. Have you now the fountain found, Righteousness and peace and joy ; Does your hope, your love abound. Such as death may not destroy ? Hail we, then, the saved and blest,— Greet we then the heir of heaven ,- " Poor in spirit," 'tis thy rest Which remains ; it shall be given Unto thee, thou child of God, Life with all its present things ; Though beneath the chastening rod Oft ye faint, the sheltering wings Of the ever living dove. Will a safe pavilion spread ; Thou hast made the Lord thy love, And for shelter, refuge, fled. Shorn of all of earthward claim. With thy spirit broken, poor. Unto Him, the only name Given, that ye may die no more, You that kingdom shall obtain Where no orbic rays they shine, For his smile it lights the plain, Sun of Righteousness divine. LANGUAGE OF TRUST. 65 LANGUAGE OF TRUST. ** In the Lord put I my trust.'*^ I WILL not doubt thy faithful word, My heavenly father, kind, Within thy holy volume stored, What promises I find. 'Tis there I see, in melting lines. The record of thy grace, And there my trusting spirit finds A safe abiding place. In thee. Oh ! Lord, my hope is staid. In thee alone I see The port where storms may ne'er invade. The soul — its rest in thee. 0, make my steadfast soul abide Where dangers ne'er assail. Till anchor' d there, the throne beside Away within the vail. 5 QQ SPIRIT OF SUBMISSION. SPIRIT OF SUBMISSION. ■ Even so. Father , for so it seemed good in thy sight.* Father, I would in faith All to thy will resign, Would come with undivided heart, And bring this hope of mine. Thou knowest, Heavenly Friend, This struggle to be free, To lay the cherished idol down, And leave it here with Thee. But, ah ! this false, deceitful heart. Its pulses beat with pride, And clings with lingering fondness yet, To what thou hast denied. I know thy all-sustaining grace, It hath sufficed for me. Thou art my only resting place. Thy hand in all I see. ! may thy presence, ever near. With joy my spirit fill ; Thy name alone, ! may I fear, And learn and love thy will. BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD. 67 BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD. 'Behold the Lamb of God thattaketh away the sin of the world.''* Behold the sin-atoning Lamb ! Look, fallen soul, and see, The all-sufficient sacrifice That now appears for thee. Through which you now may venture near The late so awful throne. The mediating Lamb of God — The promised " Corner Stone." The Alpha of the written Word, Of every typic flood. Omega of each symbol brought, Through which to look to God. The " Ransom" which the Father found, Before he bade thee " live," And look upon the paschal drops, That may thy pardon give. The Lamb of God, an ofiering made, The curtain to remove. Partition that hath frowned between Thee and thy Father's love. 68 BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD. 'Twas through th' eternal Spirit's power Strength of the mighty God — He bore the weight of sin to free From the avenging rod. Disciples of this spotless Lamb, In him they joyful see Salvation, wisdom, knowledge, light, — Of life the heavenly tree. The fount of love, of truth, and grace, In him by faith they find. And trusting his Almighty word. They break from error's wind. From snares of unbelief and pride, Each guise of darksome lure. That glad would rob the holy cross Of its immortal cure. GIVE THANKS. 69 GIVE THANKS. *'In every thing give thanks.^^ When hope her pictured bowers of joy Are light, and fair, and nigh, When favoring gales their power employ To glad thy trusting eye, Bring then an offering pure, of praise, His holy altar near. Who gently crowns thy blissful days, An d guards from harm and fear. When angry winds and threat'ning storms, Reveal to watchful sight, The wreck that all of earth transforms. And shrouds in fearful blight, " Give thanks," for on the troubled wave, That now would thee o'erwhelm. The heavenly Pilot walks to save. Yield him thy bai-que — thy helm. " Give thanks," disciple, that thy heart. From faithless hold is driven ; " Give thanks," though every joy depart. Thy treasure is in heaven ; " Give thanks," if by the cheerless stream Of death, no hght allure, Redeeming love will shortly beam — God's Covenant is sure. 70 YE ARE THE LIGHT OP THE WORLD. YE AEE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Go ye into all the worlds and preach the gospel to every creature.*^ Ye are the light, if ye reflect The rays that ever shine From Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, The light of life divine. Ye are the light, that must illume This desert dark and drear, — The light to banish death and gloom, And vales of sorrow cheer. The spirit of almighty grace Ordained that you should go As heralds through this wilderness, The immortal seed to sow. Beside all waters cast it forth, The word, the bread of heaven, ^Twill prosper, and 'twill fill the earth — This promise, too, is given. As water on the thirsty ground Is gathered not again, Shall spring to life, shall bud, and bloom, Ripen to heavenly grain. PERSECUTION. 71 Reflectors of this gospel light, Now what expansive fields Are to the harvest sickle white, Haste where the tillage yields Sheaves that may never know compare, With aught of earthly things, Of ramsomed souls to cleave the air With more than angel wings. PERSECUTION. Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sakCy for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." The servants who the livery wear Of Christ the Prince of Peace, They wage an unremitted war, A strife that may not cease. With unbelief, the world and sin. And foes of every form ; And if the victory they would win, They, too, must breast the storm Of persecution, for the sake Of Him, their loving Lord ; His bitter cup they must partake, Such was his faithful word. 72 HEREIN IS MY FATHER GLORIFIED. The world will love, will greet it's own, But you who know the voice, And walk the path by Jesus shown — Make him your highest choice ; Weep not if it withhold its smile, If it would rob thy rest, Suffer for righteousness awhile And be forever bless' d : Yours is the kingdom, the abode Of light, and life and joy ; God speed thee in this narrow road Where naught can e'er destroy. HEREIN IS MY FATHER GLORIFIED. Herein is my Father glorified^ that ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be my disciples. ^^ I am the vine," beloved, In me ye must abide ; My Father, heavenly husbandman. For culture hath supplied To every branch of promise. The nutrous, heavenly root. Watered for coming harvest. Of more abundant fruit. THE GREAT PHYSICIAN. 73 Lord of this gospel vineyard, He never will abide, The branch whose fitful foliage Is sin — scathed, withered, dried ; Blossoms of seeming beauty, That bloom but for a day, The hand of faithful pruning "Will scatter, cast away. To glorify my Father, My word of truth and grace, My holy, blest commandment Must find the highest place In hearts where perfect charity True faith in me " attest" — And God hath given an earnest Of life — eternal rest. THE GREAT PHYSICIAN. " He healeth the broken in heart.** The heavenly, great Physician, Thy wounds will kindly heal, — Come, child of sin and sorrow. And at his altar kneel. Where cherub wings extending, They clasp the mercy seat ; Haste, if thy heart be broken. And bow at Jesus' feet. 74 THE GREAT PHYSICIAN. If through thy troubled spirit The shafts of grief have sped, Or storms of persecution Are bursting o'er thy head, — Whatever the pain or anguish That now oppresseth thee. Approach the blessed fountain, The perfect cure is free. Come, if with sin's dark shadow Thy fainting heart is bound, — Though fear, and doubt, and trembling Have pressed thee to the ground ; Arise, the Master calleth. His grace he hath revealed. Come, all ye heavy laden, Come and be saved and healed. Jesus, the mighty healer. If to his melting word. Thy spirit humbly turneth. While trusting Him, your Lord, He'll own thee his disciple, And give thee here to " test," Thy calling and tliy passport. To his eternal rest. CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY. 75 CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY. Bear ye one another's burdens^ and so fulfil the law of Christ.'' Sweet sympathy, thou balm of love, The law of Christ, our Lord, — Thou min'string spirit from above, There's music in thy word. The dew of Hermon drops serene From lips that breathe of heaven, Where'er thy gentle steps are seen, Thy mantle fair is given. Bequeathed to wrap the Christian band. Within its mystic fold. Where pity, with her tender hand. Applies the rule of gold. The measurement of him who gave, His life a sacrifice, Who bore our sins, who came to save. To ransom for the skies. The burthen of our guilt was laid On him who died for thee. When he the mighty ransom paid. Sinner, for thou and me. 76 GIVE HEED TO THE WORD. GIVE HEED TO THE WORD. •' Order my steps in thy word.^* Father, now look thou on my ways, And deign my guide to be. And may thy word, with melting rays, Direct my steps to thee. Order my ways, dear Saviour, here, My heart renew by grace, And let thy love my spirit cheer, And bring me to thy face. When washed and wholly sanctified, And by thy will made meet, For the divine inheritance, 0, grant me, then, a seat, — A place in that blest high abode. Where saints they dwell in light, And let thy Spirit mark the road. And order all aright. May perfect faith ond charity Confirm my better choice, — My tears of tend' rest sympathy, Respond to sorrow's voice. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. 77 And as I hope, in Jesus' name, Pardon, and life and heaven, So must I every wrong and blame Forgive, to be forgiven. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. " Tf^atch aad pray, that ye enter not into temptation.' If Jesus, whom the heavens obey, While here in flesh, retired to pray Alone, upon the mountain's height. And importuned till morning light, Shall we, the creatures of a day — Like withering grass to pass away, The frail, the fading of an hour. Beset by strong temptation's power — Shall we now turn and shun the way That leads to God, forget to pray. To seek with undivided mi:id, In Christ our life, our all to find. Almighty Saviour, thou the road. The living light that wins to God, Do thou our languid hopes inflame, — Are they not anchored in thy name. When watching at the mercy seat, What joyful things our spirits greet ; 78 CAST THY BREAD UPON THE WATERS. Our kindling faith may there behold, The blessed mansion's streets of gold ; The mental eye may raptured view, The city of our God — the New Jerusalem — the heavenly plain, Where reigns the Lamb that once was slain, But now he wears a starry crown, With ransomed jewels set around, The holy, happy, glorious place. Lit by the radiance of his face. His Spirit here we all must share, If we would find a portion there ; They only know and keep the way Who walk by faith, — who watch and pray. CAST THY BREAD UPON THE WATERS. Cast thy bread upon the waters and thou shaltfind it after many days.'' Cast thy bread upon the waters. Give to him that lacketh meat, In due time you shall receive it — A rich harvest you shall greet. Cast thy bread upon the waters, Late and early sow thy seed. Go to such as have no shelter. For the friendless outcast plead. CAST THY BREAD UPON THE WATERS. 79 Cast thy bread upon the waters — Bread of sympathy and love — You shall find reward in heaven, — Find all treasured up above. Cast thy bread upon the waters, When the frost of night is keen, Sow where none but mercy enters, In the hovel low and mean. Cast thy bread upon the waters. When the snow is falling fast. Ne'er refuse it to the hungry. Let no widowed poor be past. Cast thy bread upon the waters, — Cast it not with fear and doubt ; Angels, they shall watch the germen. Harvest-home with you they'll shout. Cast thy bread upon the waters, — Sow in hope and trust His word ; Heaven is your eternal harvest, — Full salvation of the Lord. 80 THE ALL-SUFFICIENT RIGHTEOUSNESS. THE ALL SUFFICIENT RIGHTEOUSNESS. I will go in the strength of the Lord; I will make mention of thy righteousness, even thine only." ! thou, our life and righteousness, What blessed hopes thy saints possess. What precious faith, the gift of love, And angel visits from above. In mention of thy saving grace. We venture near to seek thy face ; No other name — through Christ alone May we approach the heavenly throne. Where'er thou call or bid us go, Thou great Redeemer, still we know Thy arms are spread for our defence. And naught shall dare to draw us hence. Or drive us from thy shelt'ring wings, Messiah, Prince, thou King of Kings, ! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Our joy and trust, our strength and boast. WALKS OF HOLINESS. WALKS OF HOLINESS. **Enoch walked with God, and'he was not ; for God took him.'^ Walks of holiness are found Narrow, — drawn on earthly ground ; Though the seeds of sin abound Through the desert land ; Faithful few have known the road, Walking with their Father, God, Where the gifts of love are strew'd, By his gracious hand. Showers jof mercy — showers of grace,- Smiles of the life-giving face — Arm divine to guard the place, And a shadow sj^read ; " Wall of fire," a " PiUar," cloud. Raven's favoring wing, allow'd For his servant, sorrowing, bowed, Daily manna, " daily bread." From the cleft^ rock the stream, Pure, efficient to redeem, Speaking life's reviving beam, Following all the way ; 6 82 WALKS OF HOLINESS. Promises of strength renewed, Favors new forever strewed, And by faitli a mansion viewed, Not to know decay. Speeded on their way to rest. Where the ransomed shall be blest ; And their joyful spirits dressed. In that robe He gives ; Kobe of righteousness, his own. Mediator, God the Son, Filling the Eternal Throne — His, that " ever lives." His, the Hebrew captive found, When on Chaldca's idol ground*, — Heathen power his form had bound, For the threaten' d flame ; As the martyr's prayers arise. Son of God, from list'ning sk'es, Walks with him, its rage defies, — Ready martyr for his name. Present helper, day by day, Ever watchful by the way, Scat'ring darkness' clouds away Storms that gather fast ; WALKS OF HOLINESS. 83 Speaking words, of heavenly cheer, When his people draw them near — They, m mercy's sight most dear — He allays the blast. Saith to " such as are oppressed," " All thy wrong shall be redressed ; I, thy foe will soon arrest, In his mad career ; I am mighty to requite. Trust me, I thy wrong will right ; You are precious in my sight, — You, my name who fear." When by Jordan's flowing tide. Earth with all her boast and pride — Though her efforts all were tried, — Yet were poor and weak, — They no saving help have shown, Jesus, who that surge hath known, — Leaves them not to walk alone — Comes their peace to speak. Gives them his Almighty hand, — Leads them to the " better land" — Safely to immortal strand ; 'Twas his blessed word : 84 WALKS OF HOLINESS. " I will ever be with thee," You, that here believe in me, — You my glory too shall see, You, that love the Lord. Enoch, who the word obeyed, Ere he walked the gloomy shade Where that reckless hand is laid, Pitiless of death. Found his garment pure and white, Bathed in resurrection light. Veiled from all but heavenly sight. Gave to God his breath. Christ, the spoiler of the grave. Great Redeemer, strong to save, He that step'd upon the wave, And the dead awoke, — He will ransom from the tomb. Banish all its fearful gloom. Clothe in life's eternal bloom, He this word hath spoke. THE NEW COMMANDMENT. 85 THE NEW COMMANDMENT. Ve are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. This is his new commandment, That you should walk in love, That deeds of kindly sympathy. Your calling here should prove ; If you would bear this title, The " Friend of Christ," the Lord, Ye must regard this precept, Of his most holy word. Now, if you love each other. By this the world shall know That ye are his disciples ; And while ye dwell below, You'll need this blessed panoply, Fraternal love to shade. Where thorns of sin and sorrow The pilgrim path pervade. As Christ your Lord and Master, Has loved the precious flock. And set their doubtful footsteps On heaven's eternal rock. And laid his life an offering, A willing sacrifice — For you — for your salvation — To bring you to the skies. 86 APOSTOLIC CHARITY. So love tliy Christian brother. For his, your Saviour's sake, If you of grace and favor, Forever would partake ; To " test" thy heavenly calling To life, to worlds above, Ask of thy heart to witness, If dwellii]g now in love. APOSTOLIC CHARITY. Only they would that we should remember the poor, the same ichich I also was forward to do." — St, Paul. Pledged in blest sacred fellowship. These servants of the Lord, St. John, and James, and Cephas, Who listened to the word Of Christ, the gracious Master, Gladly obey'd his voice ; And made his name, his service. Their portion and their choice ; With Paul, the great Apostle, Who gloried in the cross. And riches, worldly honors, Counted as naught, as dross. APOSTOLIC CHARITY. 87 So he might win the immortal, The prize by Jesus given, And break to starving Gentiles, The bread of life and heaven. And Barnabas, recipient Of the same glorious grace, Wiiile hearts they blend in unity, The poor they too have place In this holy convocation. Conferring in the name Of Father, Son, and Spirit, Where love and zeal inflame. Each heart to spread the story, Tiie gospel of his love. And point the dying sinner To Him who pleads above. There, too, sweet heaven-born charity, Finds most conspicuous seat, — On mission of compassion This union to complet3, Smiles heavenly benediction, On this saintly brotherhood, By whom her holy precepts Are fully understood. THE PURE IN HEART. THE PURE IN HEART. '• Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." The heart that sanctifymg grace, Has made its long abode, 'Tis poor and lowly, meek and chaste, And honored by our God. A temple for the Holy One, The Spirit, Heavenly Dove — The rest of heaven is there begun — It is the seat of love. Love undissembled, true and pure, Is ever to be found. And deeds that speak the calling sure. And charities abound. Most blessed are the pure in mind, Where the life-giving word, Has heart and spirit well refined, For they shall see the Lord. THE FORGIVING SPIRIT. 89 THE FORGIVING SPIRIT. When you stand praying forgive if ye have aught against any, that your Father also which is in Heaven, may forgive your trespasses." When to the temple of the Lord Ye come to seek his face, To learn his will, his ways, his word, To ask his saving grace. If shafts of injury and wrong. Thy trembling heart hath riven. Before thy offering, prayer, or song. Forgive and be forgiven. The spirit where malignant strife. The injury would requite, May not partake the hidden life, s u I L r3 ing sight. It "Ventures not the vail to draw, Tliat fountain deep would hide, — It shrinks before the perfect law That Jesus has supplied. With gifts of righteousness and love With this unyielding test. That none receive the heavenly dove The messenger of rest. 90 A BETHEL. But those who on the inmost mind Eeceive this stamp of heaven, That heirs of glory hath refined, When all, all were forgiven. A BETHEL. This is none other hut the house of God, and this is the gate of Heaven.'^ Pilgrim, weary, sad, and lone. Cheerless, pillowed on the stone, Heaven hath deigned thy watch to be, — Angels minister to thee. Keady on immortal wings. Visions bright to thee they bring Of the high, the blest abode. Presence of thy father's God. Tidings at the gate of Heaven, Abraham's God to thee hath given, In promise, too, a gracious shower. Of earthly blessings, wealth and power. Resting there thy weary head. Naught but earth thy welcome bed. Though unknown to hope or fear, God was most divinely near. FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY. 91 Near, thy slumbers to defend. There, thy shelter, shepherd friend, — There, to make the ground ye press'd " The house of God," a " Bethel" blest. When the sorrowing on the road, Seek their rest in Jacob's God, They shall find a spirit guide Ever present at their side. FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY. JSTow ahideth Faith, Hope, Charity, these three ; but the great- est of these is Charity.'^ What art thou. Christian Charity, Thus throned above the rest Of heavenly, kindred grace, And made of all the " test ? " What art thou ? thus exalted, By sacred pen inspired. And who thy unique spirit, Below has yet acquired ? I am the living presence Of undissembled love. By whom the heirs of glory Their hopes immortal prove. 92 I am the sure abiding, The indwelling Dove at rest ; Ho ! all ye doubting, fearing, And I will make thee blest. Come to my perfect temple, 'Tis built on " holy ground, " Where shoots and roots of bitterness Presume not to be found ; Where envy, wrath, and hatred, Find no congenial place, — And strife, and war, and tumult, They die before my face. My temple " hath foundation, " And ever must endure, — Known as the gate of Paradise, Of heavenly cast and pure ; I'll 'ray thee in my livery, That you may there be known, — There, with the washed and sanctified, Before the Father's throne. I fill, entire, the area Of this divine abode. And I from long eternity Dwelt with my Author, God, Rejoicing in His presence. In His transcript, holy truth ; I suffer long, compassionate, I'm pitiful and ruth." FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY. 93 Oh ! Heaven-born Christian Charity, We hail thy lofty spire ; *Tis blending with the heavens ! Pretences all retire, Of faith, or hopes, or labors. Of alms, of deeds, oh ! love, Thou only art a passport To blessedness above. That Faith, no oil supplying To feed thy lucid flame, Is but a " tinkling cymbal, " An empty, sounding name ; And Hopes that bring no incense, Around thy peaceful shrine, Expire before thy radiance, Sweet Charity, divine ! But all the blessed sisterhood, Who watch the waving wand. That Christ, the great Redeemer, Bestowed thy tender hand. Obey thy voice, thy bidding, And listen to thy word, — They are in truth and verity Accepted of the Lord. 94 THE SHADOW IN THE WEARY LAND. THE SHADOW IN THE WEARY LAND. " The Lord is my Rock/' The Lord He is a rock, A safe abiding place, A shadow in the weary land, A wall of fire, of grace. Abiding ever sure, A Corner Stone well tried. To build thy heavenly hopes upon What couldst thou ask beside ? This Rock of Ages thine, Forever shall endure — 'Twas smitten, and the water Of life is flowing pure. A river broad and deep, Of healing power possessed, The everlasting stream It hath the desert blessed. Around earth's barren waste, Its power is to be shown To every true Disciple, — By faith, it here is known. mercy's hour. 95 MERCY'S HOUR. *' And when he saw him he had conipassion on him." A POOR wayfaring man, opprest, "Was suffering on the ground, While in one priestly, flinty heart, No pity could be found. He viewed the stranger bleeding there, But wends him on his way. And left him lonely, fainting, where To thieves he fell a prey. He found him at the point to die, A Levite in his pride, Who casts on him a haughty eye, Then passed the other side. Oh ! Mercy, pitying angel, send Some token of thy care, Some heavenly balm, some earthly friend — Yield not to death — despair ! Lo ! all compassionate and kind, Samaria's son descends; He seeks no plea — excuse to find. But lovingly he bends. 96 mercy's hour. He pours the oil in charity, He soothes each throbbing wound, And by his hand, most tenderly, The bruises they are bound. With needful wine his heart he cheers. He bears him in his arms, With holy, heavenly sympathy. Allays his wild alarms. Now, you who claim to love the Lord, And neighbor, for his sake, 'Tis written in His holy word. You here must sample take. To every form of human woe. That's found, the way beside. Ye must the hand of help bestow, Though by the world denied. Though passed by Priest or Pharisee, By all of state or power, Ah ! what is this, or that, to thee, To see is Mercy's hour. ALMS-DEEDS. 97 ALMS-DEEDS. " 7s it not to deal thy bread to the hungry.'** Now have you loaves, or have you none, How many loaves have ye ? Have you but one — one smgie one — Or have you two or three ? Is it for you the lot to share Of those who ask for bread, And make the scattered crumbs their care. From mammon's table shed. Fear not, the Hand that clothes the grass, The lilies of the field, "Will not forget, and by thee pass, This truth he hath revealed, That all who serve and trust the Lord, And ask for " daily bread," In sweet obedience to his word, They shall be blest and fed. Are you of those who never knew Of poverty's dark hour. Around whom wealth and plenty strew A golden, lavish shower ? 7 98 SAFE ANCHORAGE. Do loaves iu rich aban dance crown Your lordly, queenly board ? Let sorrow's child ne'er meet thy frown - They're lent you by the Lord. That God who claims a " tythe" of thee, Compassion, at thy door, Thy soul if barr'd to charity, Must be forever poor ! SAFE ANCHORAGE. They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion. You're anchored for eternity, Ye — bless' d and favored flock, No storms may loose thy moorings. Thou art cabled to the Rock ; Your trust the waves of sorrow And death, in vain assail, Your " anchor sure and steadfast," Is cast within tlie " vail." Firm as the lasting mountain — As " Zion's holy hill" — Your trust built on his mercy, All you, who do his will, LANGUAGE OF SUBMISSION. 99 Abiding in his presence, Relying on his care, Ye fear no day of evil ; He has promised to prepare For you a place in heaven — Your ever-gracious Lord, And bread a daily portion, According to his word ; Confiding in his power. And living in his love, Thou hast a safe Pavilion, And thou shalt ne'er remove. LANGUAGE OF SUBMISSION. " Thy will be done.'* I N0V7 would say '' Thy will be done 1" TYith every thought resigned, — Help me through faith in Christ the Son, This blessed way to find. I know, 0, God ! if I would see — Approach the " Tree of Life" — Would rest beneath its shadow free, 'Tis this must end the strife. 100 SACRED MEMORIES. The waves of sin and unbelief, I fear their dread arioy, — Dear Father, send me quick rehef, And help me now to say, " Thy will be done," thy righteous will. Most holy, just and pure ; With saving grace my spirit fill, And seal my " title" sure. My " title" to that heavenly laud, Grant I may see it clear. Led safely by thy gentle hand, May clouds all disappear. And wilt thou banish all my fears Thou gracious Three in One, — I would forget my cause for tears, And say " thy will be done 1" SACRED MFMOrjES. Tlierefore will I rcv\emhcr ihec from the land of the Herman' itcs, from the hill Mizar."' They say thy hand is icy, I, too, have called it cold, Forgive! forgive, sweet memory ! 'Twas said at random — bold. SACRED MEMORIES. 101 Thy ever active rinp;ersj May turn a chilly page Of thy book, all richly gilded, Our sorrows to assuage. Thy cheerful hand, most willing, Unwearied wafts a leaf Of thy volume, stored with treasures, And antidotes to grief. Oh ! precious, precious memories, Ye are a golden store, Though here and there a cluster Of dark leaves turning o'er. But they are only serving To make the stars more bright, And round the brilliant pictures, To throw a softer light. On pages clear and trulhril, What records we behold, — They're way-marks in the wilderness, All writ with burnislied gold. 'Tis then we read with rapture, The witness of that hand That cheered, that led, that guided, Thus far in de>,ert land. 102 THE FITNESS OF CHRIST. 'Tis written on tlij tablet, What time can ne'er efface, Engraved the recollections, Of all abounding grace. In lines most clear and cheering, Ye speak this truthful word. In vain you never trusted Your ever-failhful Lord. Ye say it is not always, The darksome surges roll,-^— Oh ! blessed, sacred memories, Ye are a friendly scroll. THE fffNESS OF CHRIST. I shall be satisificd when T ivake in thy likeness.'^ Christian, art thou now despondent. All but wreck'd, and Hope's fair sail Rent by winds, now ever freighted With the damps of sorrows vale. Thou shalt behold liis face most glorious. Thou his finished robe shall wear, — With the ransomed tlirong in heaven Drink at springs eternal there. ^ THE BLIND ONE'S BELIEF. 103 From the sacred bed arising — Grave that Jesus deign'd to share — When his voice the dead awakens, Thou shalt see thy Saviour there. In his righteousness adorned, Shall his presence raptured view ; There thy thirsty soul forever Share that river ever new. Then at love's own fount unfailing Every holy want supplied, Gaze on Christ, the Life, forever, With his '* likeness satisfied." If thou art his true disciple — His that rose no more to die — Naught but His own Spirit Likeness, Can thy soul e'er satisfy. THE BLIND ONE'S BELIEF. And (hey iold him that Jesus of JVazareth passed by. A WEARY, lone beggar, Sat blind by the way. With sad palm extended. Poor pittance to crave ; 104 THE BLIND ONE'S BELIEF. The free light of heaven 'Tis vail'd. its glad ray, For him the bright morning Is dark as the grave ! The gaze of the stranger That leaves him unaided, Falls cold and unheeded, And smiles are ne'er bland ; And compassion's warm tears To him are all shaded, If shed not to cover That sun-brown, thin hand. But pitying Heaven That looks on the anguish Of sad, and of sightless. The children of grief, The sick and the wounded. And lepers, that languish, Has opened a fountain Of perfect relief. A murmur — strange voices Now fall on the ear ; Now joyful hosannas. Approaching quite nigh ; — 'T is a token of mercy. The blind one to cheer, The Nazarene Jesus Is now passing by. THE BLIND OxNE'S BELIEF. 105 " Oh ! great Son of David, Have mercy on me ! Thou Son of the Blessed, By prophets foretold; No other physician, Dear Saviour, but Thee, Redeemer or Shepherd, My faith can behold. '* From whence now arises This grateful, loud song, Thus echoed by thousand, — Ten thousand glad tongues ; And caught by the mountains, And wafted along. By whom is this rapturous Melody sung ? *T is the beggar ; At Jesus' command he is brought, His darkness and sorrow Departs at His word ; He " believes," — and receiving The gift which he sought, Looks now on the face Of his sight-giving Lord. 103 FAITH OF EARLY DISCIPLESHIP. FAITH OF KARLY DISCIPLESHIP. And prayer xoas made without ceasing, to God, for Him.'*'' 'T IS midnight, and the pris'ner sleeps, Jerusalem is still, The sentinel his vigil keeps, Obedient to the will Of Herod, sycophant of State, Capricious, cruel, vain ; Who, def'rent to the vile — the great — Hath clasped the double chain, And bound for martyr sacrifice. This servant of the Lord ; A Visitant the wall defies — A Light — an Arm — a Word, — An angel form, an angel hand, A Voice Divine is there ; It yields, the tyrant's mighty band, — The " Christians" are at prayer. 'T is late — their orison they hold — A brother he is bound I The messenger of sacred mould. The inmost cell has found ! 'T is luminous with rays of iicaven, The bolts and bars retire, — A ^VALK TO EMMAUS. 107 It is no Morphean vision given, — "While faith is sending higher, Her supplication to that Ear "Which, through each ■\vatch of night, It deigns the ardent prayer to hear. Till hope is lost in sight. They're waiting at the Throne of Grace, The rescued, too, is there, And grateful anthems find the place Of ardent, wrestling prayer. Prison and bolt, and bar and chain, They baffle not the power Of Him that left the immortal plain. In faith's imploring hour. A WALK TO EiniAUS. Did not our hearts burn within us ichile he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the Scriptures." To Emmaus their lonely way The sorrowing pursue, — That scene of death on Calvary Their bleeding hearts review. Jesus, their dear beloved, They went, and He was gone, But they saw not there the Angels, Their mission done, they'd flown. 108 A WALK TO EMMAUS. Had they, like weeping Mary, Sought earlier the tomb, They'd hailed their glorious Master, In life's immortal bloom. O'erwhelmed, with grief oppressed, All, all are disbelieved ; How can they know He's risen ? They fear to be deceived. Our ever gracious Master, If he was yet alive, Would surely come and bless us. Our blighted hopes revive. He was so kind, so tender. So ready to relieve All that were sick or sorrowing, He'd leave us not to grieve. He's dead ! and Joseph laid him There in his own new grave. Him whom we loved and trusted Had come to reign and save. A stranger joins the mourners, And tenderly inquires, " Whence, sirs, these sad communings, That such deep grief inspires ? " A WALK TO EMMAUS. 109 Oh ! art thou but a stranger, Or hast thou not yet known ? Our hearts are filled with anguish, Our faith is overthrown ! Jesus, a mighty prophet, Jesus, the Nazarene, Such holy deeds and miracles, Sure ne'er before were seen. Thou art, indeed, a stranger. Or must have heard His words. Such powerful acts and wonders, They must be of the Lord. The holy God of Israel Gave witness to his power, He healed the sick, the fainting, At death's triumphant hour. But the high priests and rulers Have condemned and crucified This righteous, mighty Prophet, To truth and Heaven allied. We trusted. Oh, we trusted In his redeeming power, "We trusted God had sent him, And hailed the welcome hour. 110 A WALK TO EMMAUS. They say that he is risen Triumphant from the dead ; But then we should have seen him, Our hearts afresh have bled. " Oh, slow of heart, and faithless, How can ye disbelieve, What long have prophets spoken , Is what ye now receive. " Your shepherd now is smitten, The flock with grief and fear Are scattered on the mountains Of sorrow and despair. " Fear not, but trust His promises, Remember what He said ; He was the Christ from Heaven, The Lord, the Living Head. *' You know that it is written, The Lamb, the sacrifice, That princes, kings, and rulers Would mock, deride, despise. " 'Tis thus the Master told you That he should be betrayed, Should be baptized with sorrow, Should in the grave be laid. A WALK TO EMMAUS. Ill " That God his Son would glorify In his appointed hour, And death and sin be vanquished By his resu rrection power." Then, from the Holy Scriptures, The stranger, heavenly, kind, From my5^tic types and sliadows The prototype defined. From Moses and the prophets And psalms of holy word, Proved this despised Nazarene Is Christ, the glorious Lord. And the Eternal Spirit Applied and sealed the same, And the fires of holy rapture Their hearts and souls inflame. Oh, this precious friend and stranger ! He must with them remain. To listen to his teaching Is heavenly, heavenly gain. He is their guest, mysterious, He blest, he brake the bread ; 'Tis Jesus from the sepulchre, Almighty from the dead. 112 A WALK TO EMMAUS. The Lord liath truly risen, And hast to them appeared ; The vail is rent and riven, Now and ever be revered, The ever blessed Trinity, The Eternal Three in One, The fulness of the Godhead, Was embodied in the Son. Now, if by faith we're risen. With Christ that reigns above, We'll seek those things pertaining To the kingdom of His lo7e. APPENDIX. The writer of this little volume proposes, should this be favorably received by the Christian public, to publish a work under the title of " The Plant of Paradise," being a poem of over five hundred stanzas, on a subject which should be dear to the heart of every Christian — the Sabbath, with its innumerable blessings and benefits. The author, in preparing this poem, has endeavored to trace the hallowed associations of God's Holy Day, through Old and New Testament times, from its earliest institution, with a view to their application to nominally Christian America. The inspired Word furnishes many beautiful illustra- tions of the sacredness of that Day on which the Cre- ator rested from his labors, and of the reverence and awe with which it was observed in early times ; while the com- mand, " Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy," com- ing direct from the Father himself, and transmitted to us through the teachings of the Son, goes direct to the heart open to the reception of Gospel truth. The importance with which our Heavenly Father has invested the Sabbath Day, its sacred injunctions — its hallowed duties — its elevating tendencres, when strictly observed — its sanctifying influ- ence on the heart and mind, — its soul-subduing and heart- inspirii.g associations, have commanded the reverence of the wisest and best of all time ; while every heart, whether beat- ing in the bosom of Prince or Peasant, have felt the sooth- ing influence of the Day wliich brings us all nearer to the presence of Him who ordained that it should be His day — a day of rest from all worldly cares and employments — of outpouring of the spirit, and a lifting up of the heart and voice in prayer and praise to Him by whom we live and have our being, — the King of kings, the High and Holy God. The following are the Introductory Stanzas to " The Plant of Paradise," and are inserted in this volume^ as. an an- nouncement, or Prefatory Chapter, to the forthcoming poem. THE PLANT OF PAHADISE, Though things of beauty perish, Though cherished flowers decay, And death, with brow relentless. Frowns on the bright, the gay, One never barren evergreen, Stranger to frost or death, Lives on among the ruin. But heaven must name its worth. The Sabbath — Plant of Paradise, Blessed, sanctified and known. The constellated Orient, That on creation shown. Whose holy emanations Of consecrated light. Tell of the jaspers, amethysts. Heaven's precious sapphires bright. Gift not, nor loan, or tribute, Of ocean-bed or stream, A diamond from that casket Where rays of life they beam, Set round with Love and Mercy, With everlasting Grace, — 'Tis what the ruthless spoiler Presumes not to deface. APPENDIX. 115 Peace holds her quiet banquet Within its glorious reign, — Deals there the saving balsam For grief, despair or pain ; Reclining in its shadow. The way-worn find repose, Fed by the sacred manna Each bending bough bestows. Though grafted on low soil. No stinted fruit it bears, 'Tis rich in ripened clusters — Fresh in the bloom it wears ; Kindred to such as gladden The ransomed, they who greet The balmy leaves for healing. Around the mercy seat. When wintry storms, fierce, wrathful, Determined in their might. Array their threat'ning forces Its wondrous growth to blight. They find their warring weapons Of insufficient mould. Time shall not boast the sickle That sweeps this crescent bold. Nations in pride have trampled The gardens which it blessed ; And dashed the proffered nectar — The dripping bowl it pressed ; 116 APPENDIX. But still more sweet the waters Its prelibations give, Than springs of famed Elysian — For all who share shall live. Allied to that pure life-stream, Poured from the clefted Rock, That in its own meand'ring Pursued a thirsty flock — When, led by fiery pillar, The desert waste was trod By Israel, favored fugitive. From dire oppression's rod. Of showers, from clouds exhaled. It craveth not supply, — Its root shall never languish, It cannot droop or die ; Life, light, and immortality. In heaven they shall be known, To hail its perfect blooming. By the eternal throne. There, wreathed with glorious blossoms. With such as never fade. Such flowers as angel spirits. Enraptured, bring and braid, For heirs of that salvation — Of which they harp — they sing — While ministering in mercy. Of the unfailing spring. APPENDIX. 117 Sprinkling their unctious anodynes Around this holy tree, They spread their favoring pinions, While the Divinity Commissions, as a guardian, For every child of Grace, One from the Father's presence. Such as behold his face. Its teachings are of heaven — The truthful lines we trace — The hand must claim supremacy, That would assign it place, — Would class below the order Of sin untarnished flowers. This one, that God hath planted, Himself, and owned its bowers. And hallowed by his presence. When life, and light, and earth, Called not for the omniscient. To give them place or birth ; When wisdom's well-set lineaments In myriad forms, design. Asked the Creator's eulogy, To speak her work divine. Its leaf, first bright that proffered, Its dear devoted shade. Saw not the worn and weary — Saw not of Angel grade, — 118 APPENDIX. But at the early rising, Of its pellucid hour, Beheld the Lord, Omnipotent, Suspend creative power. Made sacred as the arbors. Where bards of heaven they find New theme for song, for melody, While their attendants bind Or mix'd with their ambrosia. What first was gathered there. By zephyrous spirits waiting. The spicery to bear. Exuberant — mellifluous — That from its chalice rise. Attracted by affinity. To join its native skies, To float on lucid atmosphere Round heavenly hills, and wear The meed, its due awarded. Of praise, no minor share. The heavenly plant, well watered, From that river, crystal clear. That hath its holy fountain The eternal throne so near, Found the created Eden Congenial to its rise. Given for a shade, a tower, To emulate the skies. APPENDIX. 119 The germ was angcl-guarded — 'Twas nurtured by the Lord — Where every form of beauty Infinity had stored ; While wisdom from the portals Of her divine abode, With smile most bland, delighted, A look of joy bestowed. " Rejoicing " still " before him," Great Architect of Earth, As when He built the heavens. She glory's in its worth. As down the length'ning vista Of time's revolving years. This holy Plant of heaven In honor still appears. She sees its vines fructitious. Their tendrils wide expand. To clasp each habitation. And reach to every land ; With foliage, bud, and flower, And fruit of mighty growth. It freights the moral atmosphere With balm of peace and truth. She chose it then to flourish, In most exalted place. Beside her own built temple. The fabric walled by grace, 120 APPENDIX, To rise with em'rald foliage, Adorning well the dome Of her building of " hewn pillars," Where she beckoneth all to come. Who, by her voice attracted, Forsakes the fearful road, Her faithful hand most gently Leads to her safe abode, — Where the light of life, full beaming, With spirit-stirring rays, Is ever more reflected By this beacon that we praise. Wisdom a board of riches Beneath its boughs hath spread — A feast, whore love's propitious. Full hand, supplies the bread, And draughts from kindred clusters, For banquet, too, are given Within the shade — the shadow — Of this Sabbath — Plant of heaven, Its centripetal virtues, Attracteth every flower, That loads the spicy zephyrs Of her immortal bower ; They lend their varied incense — They yield the palm of praise — Unite with earth and heaven, To crown it Queen of Days. APPENDIX. 121 It claimed precedent honors From all the sister throng, That filled the walks of Eden With fragrance or with song ; — Ye may fade, ye plants of beauty, Ye may die, melodious lays, But its bloom is not diurnal. This regent, pearl of days. Heaven's myriad hosts adoring, Her mighty banner hailed. Ordained, if sin and evil Her reign of peace assailed. She sway d, by none disputed, The sceptre, early given,, She waved around creation, The banneret of heaven ; — Firm planted on this bulwark, A " flaming scroll " shall tell Of grace, of love, of mercy. When man has dared reibel, Shall call him from his exile, The fallen child of earth. To fresh, besprinkled altar. To new, immortal birth. To robe with life — with righteousness The sorrowing soul to lave, In sacred fount regenerate. 'Tis wisdom's plan to save, 122 APPENDIX. As from her highest orchestra, Admiring legions gaze, And glory in the plenitude Of love's dissolving rajs. Coeval with the agency Of her that rules the night. Mild Luna, eve's fair Priestess, "Whose mellow, music light Inspire th thrilling sympathies, Exalted with the train, The sparkling, distant spheres. That stud the azure plain. Surcharged by draughts ecstatic The spirit fain would free. Her fettered powers now earthy. And breathe new praise to thee, Great Author of this amplitude, These brilliant fends that speak Thy hand, in silent grandeur. Though mortal notes are weak. When she fades with all her sisterhood. When God's own hand shall roll The sun with his attracted. Together as a scroll. Then this Sabbath light of Eden Shall rise above the gloom That wraps in night, in silence. Creation's sightless tomb. APPENDIX. 123 New fields, heaven-wide, immortal, Will give eternal room For this tree of native culture, To spread in perfect bloom, While the eternal arches Echo the strain that's borne From harps of the regenerate. That in its bowers were born. This pearl of pearls, the Sabbath, Boast not of earthly mine. Was given from heaven's bright cabinet Of precious things divine. Ambry of grace ! most worthy That hand to claim our praise, That round our darkened spirit Sheds its empyrial rays. With gift of immortality, Of peace, of hope, of light, Of truth, of love, with promise, In Book of Life to write The name of all who fear him. Obey his will, his voice. And make this heaven-set radiant With its sanative, their choice. A calcedonious brilliant. It lit young Eden's bower Before the subtle tempter Had tried his fatal power 124 APPENDIX. In that bright, joyous alcove Anterior to care ; — Thy priceless gifts thou sanctified, Were found profusely there. Eest from created joys, Delights of sinless earth, To feast the soul, unsated. With fruits of higher birth, Called, as by angel whispers, From loved, untiring care, To hold more close communion With the Creator there. Who from his work unwearied Of power creative, blessed, Well pleased with his own fashioning, Paused and proclaimed a rest. To set the stamp indellible, The signet of that hand, That stored with life and beauty The air, the sea, the land. To write, in lasting impress. Thus his own high behest, Confirm it, heaven-like, God-like, To hold a Sabbath rest : — Then give to him the evening, To him the morning houiy Of this bequest of mercy, Season of gracious showers. APPENDIX. 125 From " windows,'' courts etherial, Of choicest favors bland, Full cup of spirit blessedness, And heaven's admiring band, Smiles on the blissful bower Of love, that arbor fair, Where the likeness of Jehovah, Enrapt a new-made pair. Earth weeps that e'er the enemy Approached its lovely shade, Where naught but notes of melody, The ravished winds pervade. And every breeze is freighted, With life, with sacred dew. Where all that meets the vision Is holy, rapturous, new. No veil of sin or sorrow, To curtain that sweet bower, No breath of fear or sadness, No wave of passion's power. But one unbroken halo, Of blessedness entire ; It crowns with God's own fulness The springing, fresh desire. Foundation — corner — key-stone — The centre of that bow. The arch of heavenly promises, Which earthly blessings strow ; 126 APPENDIX. And towering high, unrivalled, It spans the pilgrim road, To the final " consummation," This Sabbath of our God. 'Twas first in earth's loved Paradise, Expanding petals shown. From this heaven-sheltered Saviw^, That now we call our own. Great aromant of mercy, Scenting to peaceful skies ; The way, with hope, with promise, Of that life which never dies. Its odor, still exhaling. Shall glad the weary way, — This never wasting nectarine. Impervious of decay. Plucked from the fearful blighting. When sin and death had found Room for their awful footsteps. On this once holy ground. Replete with moUient ofi'erings, 'Twas nursed with heavenly dew. Watched, guarded, ever cherished, And precious in the view Of Him, the great " Omega," The " Alpha," Saviour, Friend, Who claims its sacred honors Where rest and mercy blend. APPENDIX. 127 Its fruit shall grow and ripen, Till every barren Isle Is feasted with its flavor, And heathen deserts smile. Reflecting long its splendor, The ever beaming light, Shed from this orb of glory, Star of creation bright. Turning from toils — from pleasures. From labor and from ill, We share its rest, its favors. Designed of God, to fill The soul with food refreshing. Renewing, saving grace, It gives to faith a foresight Of the most holy place. CONTENTS PAGE PAGE, Introduction, - - - 3 I Would be Wholly Thine, - 56 The Spirit Birth, - 7 The Full Assurance of Faith, 57 Heavenly Pity, - - - 8 Blessed are the Peace-Ma- " Thy Sins are Forgiven kers, - - - _ 58 Thee," - - - 9 The Home of the Spirit,. - 59 Who is This? - - - 10 Remember the Poor, - 60 ♦' It is I, be not Afraid," 11 Jesus Wept, - 62 "What Think Yeof Christ?" 12 Poverty of Spirit, 63 *' Take up thy Cross and Language of Trust, 65 follow Me," 13 Spirit of Submission, - 66 A Thirst for Righteousness, 14 Behold the Lamb of God, 67 Learn of Me, - - - 15 Give Thanks, - 69 To Whom shall we Go, 16 Ye are the Light of the The Spirit of Forgiveness, 18 World,- - - - 70 Christ the Resurrection, - 20 Persecution, - - - 71 The Perfect Gift, 21 Herein is My Father Glori- And They Forsook All and fied, - - - - 72 Followed Him, - 22 The Great Physician, - 73 Union with Christ, 23 Christian Sympathy, 75 Sanctification of the Spirit, 24 Give Heed to the Word, - 76 Fruits of Riirhteousness, 25 Watch and Pray, - - 77 The Bread of Life, - 20 Cast Thy Bread upon the Come to the Altar, - 28' Waters, - 78 The Pure in Heart, - 29 The All -Sufficient Right- Chaste Conversation, 30 eousness, - - - 80 Fruits of the Spirit, - 31 Walks of Holiness. - - 81 Triumph of Faith, - 32 The New Commandment, 85 The Pavilion of Grace, 33 Ajjostolic Charity, 86 Light and Joy, 34 The Pure in Heart, - 88 Christian Affinity, 35 The Forgiving Spirit, 89 The Key of the Garner, - 36 A Bethel, - - - - 90 Lovest Thou Me, 38 Faith, Hope and Charity, - 91 The Spirit of Promise, - 39 The Shadow in the Weary Undivided Praise, 40 Land, _ _ _ 94 The Well of Life, - - 41 Mercy's Hour, 95 The Plenteous Redemption, 43 Aims-Deeds, 97 Spirit of Missions, - 44 Safe Anchorage, 98 God and Mammon, - 45 Language of Submission, 99 Gather up the Fragments, 46 Sacred Memories, The Jifcess of Christ, 100 The Last Supper, 47 102 Love to the Redeemer, - 49 The Blind One's Belief, 103 They Walk by Faith, - 51 Faith of Early Discipleship, 106 Wilt Thou be Healed, - 52 A Walk to Emmaus, - 107 A Draught from the Foun- tain,- _ - - 53 Appendix, 113