»iii FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Section S/3^ Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2011 witii funding from ^^ Princeton Tlieolpgical Seminary Library littp://www.arcliive.org/details/clironologicalliisOOmyle AP rt 4.6 1932 CHRONOLOGICAL OF THE PEOPLE GALLED METHODISTS, OF THE CONNEXION OF The Late Rev. JOHN PFESLEY; FROM THEIR RISE IN THE YEAR 1729, TO THEIR LAST CONFERENCE IN lH02. ■^■ By WILLIAM MYLES. According to this time it shall he said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God ivrought ! Numb, xxiii. 23, / design plain Truth for plain People. Preface to Mr. Wesley's SermoHs. THE THIRD EDITION, ENLARGED. LONDON ; SOLD BY THE AUTHOR, NO. l8, KING STREET, BOROUGH ; J. BUTTERWORTH, NO 43, FLEET STREET; W. BAYNES, NO. 54, PATERNOSTER-ROW ; AND J.BRUCE, NO. 5. CITY ROAD. SOLD ALSO BY B. DUCDALE, NO. 6, DAME STREET } ANO J. COOKE, NO. 5, ORMOND QUAY, DUBLIN. 1803. Printed by Jaques mi Co. Lomhard-street,. Fket-slreei. THE PREFACE, J HE materials from which I have chiefly com- piled this History, are Tr£ Minutes of the Conferences: tor as the Societies were form- ed by the labours of the Preachers, so they have been preserved as one body, united by one spi- rit, chiefly under God by the rules which were made annually a: those meetings. The origin, in- crease, and establishment of the Societies must therefore be sought chiefly in these records. I have in this hiftory inserted all the Minutes. 1. Those which relate to doctrines. 2. The rules according to which the Preachers are called to, and dire6led in the work. 3. Those which were made at different times for the regulation and well-order- ing of the Societies. And 4. Those which concern their connexion with other people: and especially with the national Church. 1 have noted these things in the order in which they occurred. I have also taken notice of the increase of Me- thodism ; and in a few instances mentioned some ot those blessed men whom God has used as instru» ments in this great revival of scriptural Christian. ty, I have consulted Mr.Wesley's Journals, — his Ec- clesiastical History, — his Life, written by Dr. Coke and Mr. Moore, and that by Dr. Whitehead ; as also the Memoirs oi the Preachers published in the Metho- dist Magazine, — Mr, Benson's Apology for the Me- thodists, — the Methodist Memorial published by Mr. Atmore, and indeed every thing I could meet with, wrote either by the friends or enemies of the Metho- dists, in order to ascertain historical facts, and to find out those particulars which took place prior to thefir-^t Conference, as alfo to detail some circumstances which at subsequent Conferences were but barely mentioned. My reasons for publishing this hiftory are, i. It appears to m.e to be absolutely necessary, in order, that it a stranger should enquire what are the prin. iv FKEFACE. ciples of the Methodists, as to t'i.ei lity, politics, ceconorny ? How are they governed? What is tlie nature of their reli^i^ious government ? How is the work supported ? What are their de- signs ? What methods do they take to accomplish their designs? What is iheir success? Who are their Preachers? What effect Mr. Wesley's death had upon the body at large, and the Preachers in particular? he may have a satisfactory answer to all these enquiries from their most authentic records. 2. 1 wished to shew the Methodists what great things the Lord hath done for them; how from very small beginnings they be- came a very numerous, useful, holy people ; owing to the Lord's blessing on his Gospel preached among them. The Methodists I divide into three 'X^nera- t.!.)ns : The first, those that joined the Society fiom the year 1739 to the year ty6^; most of these are gone to their eternal reward ; the few that re- main are worthy of double honour, and I w^ould wish to stir up their pure minds by way of remem- brance, 'by calling them to consider former times and persons, in order that their gratitude to, and confidence in the Lord may be thereby increased. The second generation, are those th.at joined the so- ciety from the year 1765 to 17(^0: from this body we at present derive most of our steady, active, use- ful members. To these I present this Hiftory, that they may know without much labour, the rules by which we all act. The third generation are those who liave joined tlie Society since Mr. Wesley's death, in the year 1791. A numerous and a pro- mising race of christian men and women. I wished to shew these tlie origin and progress of Methodism. 3. That they may all see at w^hat time these regula- tions took place, and those rules were made, which, under God, have been instrumental in preserving so numerous a body united together. 4. To shew, 4hat though our doctrines have been the same from the first, and, as we think, purely scriptural; the same which the primitive Christians held for the three first ceniitries ; and also agreeable to the /z = PREFACE. V furgy, articles and ho??iilic? of the established Church ; yet with regard to our discipline and oeco- nomy, we have been in a regular state ot improve- ment from the firfl Conference in 1744, to the last in August 1802. It is plain from the New Testament that the doc- trine of the Methodists is approved ot God ; for every good efiPcct which followed the descent oi the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost, and the preach- ing of the ApoRles, has followed the preaching of the Methodist Preachers, excepting the miiaculous fruits of the Spirit : — Multitudes of living instances might easily be produced, of a thorough reformation having taken place in the hearts of those, who for- merly were living in all manner of iniquity ; but by means of the awakening and instructive preach- ing of the Methodists, have now become blessings to Society at large by their well regulated lives : By the astonishing success of the Methodist doctrine and discipline, it is evident with what propriety it might have been observed to their numerous and powerful opposers, what Gamaliel said of the first Christians to the Jewish Senate, " Refrain from these men and let them alone, for if this counfel or thisiuork he of men it luill ccme to nought, but?/ ?/ be of God ye cannot overlhrozc it^ lest haply ye be found even to fight against God." As in the primitive days, there was not one use- less member in the mystical body of Christ; so it is the genius ot Methodism, and what their whole disci- pline ainis at, that every individual member of the So- ciety, young and old; rich and poor; should take an aftive part, not only in getting good, but endea- vouring to do all the good which belongs- to each respective station and occupation m life. Hence every Methodist is exhorted to use his influ- ence witli his relations and acquaintance, in order that they may be brought to know the truth as it is in Jesus; and to take care that he himself adorns his prolcssion by an exemplary lite and conversa- tion ; — to be content with every dispensation oi pro- vidence;— to fulfil the various duties of life, whether vi PREFACE. of master or servant, parent or child; — to be sub- ject to the higher powers, to obey magistrates, and' render honor to whom honor is due ; — to discharge with fidelity every relative duty in society; — to be- come dih"gent in business as well as tervent in spirit ; — in short, following the doctrines of the New Tes- tament, to be ready to every good work ; being as- sured that good Christians, cannot fail to make good Citizens; and while they act upon this principle in a christian temper, no doubt they will be approved of God, for he has always honoured those who were hearty in his cause. If ever I should print this history again, I will in- corporate nothing in the body of the work, that would iTiake the next edition unlike this. To the best of my knowledge, and m^eans of information, I am satis- fied respecting the accuracy of the things related, and the time when they took place. So that il any thing be added, it will be what may occur at some future period, which neither my readers nor myself can have any conception of at the present. At the same time, if there be a miRakein any of the dates, 1 shall be obliged to any friend wh.o would point it out to me, which may easily be done by sending me their friendly remarks to the yearly Conference, and I promiise I will punctually attend to them, for the fake of the public at large as well as my own character as an historian. I have carefully guarded againft judging the mo- tives, from which the different persons have acted who are introduced in this work ; that 1 consider as God's prerogative. My work has been to state what the persons have done, and to leave the public at large to judge whether they think their motives were good or bad. It has been, and still is, objected to Mr. Wesley, '• that his power was too great, and that he held it too fa.st." In reply to this let it be observed, i. Tiifit as he was the first of the Mtthodists, it gave him a Fatherly autliority over the people and the Preaihti;. 2. That he was remarkable lor attend- PREFACE. vii ing to that advice of St. Paul, " ready to every good work:" for if the poorest meinber in his Society began any practice, or proposed any measure, that was in his opinion likely to do good, be was sure to patronize and support it. 3. By the correspondence which he kept up with the Preachers, and members of the Society in every place where Methodism had got the least footing, together with his continual -travelling, and visiting the principal Societies ; he certainly knew the minds of the people better than any other person could possibly do; and it is evi- dent from the rules oi discipliiie which were made for the support of the work while he lived, and the esteem in which he was held by the people, that whatever power he had, he exercised it solely tor their spiritual and temporal advantage. It must be acknowledged, (speaking after the man- nerof men,) that He was the fountain of honour and power in the Societies; and when he died, there was a vacuum that wanted filling up; and to asser- tain who should supply his place, was perhaps the real cause of the uneasmess in his Societies for tlie first four or five years after his deatli. Som.e of the Preachers thought his influence fell to the Confer- ence; some of the Trustees thought it fell to them, at least in a good measure; Mr. Kiiham and his friends thought it fell to the people at large. But by means of the London Law-suit, the pamphlets wrote by each of the parties, and distributed with great zeal among the people, and especially by the friendly meeting of the IVustees and principal mem- bers of the Societies with the Conference at three or four of their annual meetings, the rights and pri- vileges of the Preachers, Trustees and members of the Societies were explained and confirmed. The Rules of Pacification made in the year 1795, and the rules made in 1797, confirm these remarks. It does not appear to me tfiat any of the parties gcted from malice or wickedness: their disputes arose from the state in which they were placed, by the viii PREFACE. death of their aged Pastor, and their Ignorance re- specting who should fill his place. At the same time I am sorry to add, the disputes were not carried on by the contending brethren with that meekness oi wisdom which the scriptures recom- mend. But I am happy to declare, that since tliese disputes have been settled, the Methodists pursue their way as formerly, endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, and m righteousness of life. And now the death of the most respectable of the Preachers, Trustees and members of the Society, would produce no such convulsion in the Body as Mr. Wesley's death did; at the same time it is the prayer oi the people at large, that God would spare useful lives, and crown the endeavours of h's servants with ^reat sue- ts cess. In the history, at page 175, I have given ex- tracts from the Acts ol Parliament made in favour of Liberty of Conscience, and the privileges whicli Teachers of the Gospel enjoy. Smce that part 01 the work was printed, an Act was made (42 Geo. 3. c. go.) relative to the Militia, in which b^^ the forty- third section some doubts might have arisen as to the exemption of our Preachers ; but by a subsequent Act of the next session (43 G. 3. c. 10.; these doubts are removed. I think it right to publish the following ex- tract from this latter Act. *' Whereas an Act passed in the forty-second year of the reign of his present Majesty, intitled y^?i Act for amen dijig the iazvs 7'elating to the militia in England, and Jar augmenting the militia: and whereas doubts have arisen as to the exemption under the said Act of licensed Teachers of separate congregations Irom serving in the mihtia: and whereas it is expedient that such doubts should be removed ; be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent ol the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Com- mons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by PREFACE. ix the authority of the same, That no licensed Teacher of any separate congregation, who shall have been licensed twelve months at the least previous to the yearly General Meeting appointed by the said re- cited Act to be held in October, shall be liable to serve personally, or provide a substitute to serve in the said miliiia; any thing in the said Act con- tained to the contrary notwithstanding." From this Act, it appears, that a Teacher of the Gospel must be licensed as a Preacher twelve months before the regular time of ballotiing for the Militia commences, otherwise he will be liable to serve. It is probable that the legislature made this amendment to prevent the following abuses. Some very improper perfons had obtained licences a« Teachers oi the Gospel, who were not approved by any congregation of religious people whatever, and have then claimed exemption from parochial, civil and military offices ; and some very respectable men engaged in business, who have devoted their Sab- baths to the service of God, by preaching the everlasting Gospel to their neighbours who lived con- tiguous to them, have very innocently thought that their being licensed as Teachers of religion, have ireed them from the obligation of serving the above offices; but a little reflection on the preamble to the Act of Toleration, would give these good men to see that the spirit and design of it was to re- lieve the non-conformist Ministers Ironi the penal- ties ot the conventical laws, who were wholly de- voted to the service of the sanctuary, although they did not conform to the established church. From the letter and spirit of the Act of Tolera- tion, the Methodist Itinerant Preachers, being wholly employed in preaching the gospel, are ex- empted Irom serving the offices in question; but the Methodist Local Preachers being m.en who very laudably and industriously follow their respective se- cular callings during the whole week, and only em- ploy the Lord's-day in preaching the Gospel, are not exempted from the offices in question. X PREFACE. The first Methodist Society, Mr. Wesley tells us he formed himself in London, in the year 1739, From that year, to the last Conference in 1802, is exactly sixty three years. At the former of these periods there were but ten persons united together; at the last, which was held in August 1802, there were two hundred and twenty two thousand three hundred and twenty seven members in the several Societies. The general account of this people is the subject of this history. Owing to the blessing of the Lord and the zeal of the Methodists they have thus increased. I hope they will still continue to be zealous in attending to the great duty of private prayer, the ministry of the word, prayer and class-meetings, love-feasts and sacraments. Also to reprove sin in a christian tem- per wherever and by whomsoever they see it com- mitted ; to be particularly careful to recommend and spread the books belonging to the connexion, for even in this advanced stage of the work of God among them, if they should grow slack and indilTe- rent in these particulars they would diminish faster than they may imagine. It is only by a constant attention to our first principles and practices that vv-e can expect to retain the grace already received, and be honoured of God as we have hitherto been, in spreading the savour o^ the Redeemers A'^;?/^ among our fellow l;rethren ot mankind. May the Lord abundantly bless us, by redeeming us from all iniquity, and making us a peculiar peo. pie zealous of good works 1 May we never forget the end of our calhng, but labour night and day that we may be found of God in peace, without spot and blameless! V/ILLIAM MYLES. London^ January 25, 1 803 . CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. The Hiftory from the Year 1729, to the first Con- ference in 1744. - - - Pagi 1 CHAPTER H. From the Conference in 1744, to the Conference held in Bristol in the year 1748. - 22 CHAPTER HI. From the Conference in 1748, to that in London in 1763 61 CHAPTER IV. From the Conference in 1763, to that in Manches- ter in 1765. - ... 77 CHAPTER V. ^ From the Conference in 1765, to that in London in 1770. 96 CHAPTER VL From the Conference in 1770, to that in Leeds in 1784. 126 CHAPTER Vn. From the Conference in 1784, to Mr. Wesley's Death in 179^ - - - - j.58 xii CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. From Mr. Wesley's Death in 1791, to the Confe- rence in Bristol in 1794. - Page 189 CHAPTER IX. From the Conference in 1794, to that in Bristol in J798. .... 223 CHAPTER X. From the Conference in 1798, to that in Bristol in 1802. - - - . 246 CHAPTER XI. The Names of all the Itinerant Preachers. 293 CHAPTER Xn. An Account of Kingswood School, with the Names of all the Masters. - - 311 CHAPTER XIII. An Account of the Chapels in the Methodist Con- nexion. ... 323 CHAPTER XIV. The Conclusion, with the Index 340 CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY, &c. &:c. CHAPTER TUB FIRST. From the year 1729, to the Jirst ConftrnxQc in 1744. jL HE Rev. John Wesle)', (the father, wnitx God, of the Methodists,) second w>xv of the Re\^ Samuel Wesley, Rector of Ep worth in Lincoln* shire, was born June 17, old style, 1703. In the year 1720, He entered a student ia Christ's Church College, Oxford, and soon after took his degree of Bachelor of Arts. Sept. 19, 1725, He was ordained a Deacon, by Dr. Potter, at that time Bishop of Oxford. Shortly after he preached his first sermon, at Somh-Leigh, within two miles of Witney in Ox« fordshire. March 17, 1726, He was elected Fellow of Lin- coln College, Oxford. Nov. 7, 1726, He was chosen Greek Lecturer, and Moderator of the public disputations in th« Classics. Feb. 14, 1727, He took his degree of Master o£ Arts. Sept. 22, 1728, He was by the same Bishop or- dained Priest, B 2 A Chronological History. [^729- Of the Name of Methodist as applied to Mr. Wesley, and his followers, the following account is given. Mr. John Wesley, and by his advice and example, his brother Charles, had when at Oxford, become deeply serious. They received the sacra- ment weekly, and prevailed on two or three young men to do the same. These gentlemen occasionally met together, for the purpose of assisting and en- couraging each other, m their studies and religious duties ; they also regulated their employments by certain rules. This regularity procured them the distinguishing epithet of Methodists. This title was given in the first instance to Mr. Charles Wesley, bv a Fellow of Mcrton College, in allusion to an an- tient College ol Physicians at Rome, who began to flourish about the tmie of Nero, and continued se- veral ages ; they were remarkable for putting their patients under regimen, and were therefore termed Methodists. This is the most acciuate account; for when Mr. Wesley speaks of this appellation, he mentions it only in very general terms, without attempting to state at what period of tlie Society it was first given. *' The exact regularity of their lives, as well as studies, says he, occasioned a young gentleman of Christ's Church to say. There is a new set of Methodists sprung ifp." " The name, he observes,, was new and quaint, so it took imme- diately, and the Methodists were known all over the University." It appears from the above account, the young gentleuian of Christ's Church, took the name from the Fellow of Merlon College. And Mr. Wesley in his Journal noticed what he said, at a time when the name was pretty general. One thing is certain, the name was first given at Oxford in the year 1729. Thus the Society began and continued, till Mr. John Wesley went to Epworth 10 assist his father as his curate. In his absence, June 16, 1729, Mr. Charles Wesley, and one or two more agam began to meet to assist each other. In Nov. 1729, when sy2g.'] OJ the People called Methodists. '" 3 Mr, John Wesley returned from Ep worth, the whole management of the Society devolved upon him, as he liad before incited them to religion. It consisted oF the following persons: Mr John Wes- ley, Fellow of Lincoln College, Mr. Charles Wes- ley, Student of Christ's Church, Mr. Richard Morgan, Comijnoner of Christ's Church, and Mr. Kirkman, of Mertnn College. The next year, two or three of Mr^ John Wesley's pupils desired the liberty of meeting with them ; and afterwards one ot Mr. Charles Wesley's pupils. In 1732, Mr. Ben- jamin Ingham, of Queen's College, and Mr. Broughton, of Exete-r, were added to their number. In April, in the same year, Mr. Clayton, of Brazen- Nose College with two or three ot his pupils were ;idded. It v^ as by his advice that they began to ob- serve the fasts of theantient church, every Wednes- day and Friday. About the same time, Mr. James Hervey, pupil to Mr. John Wesley; and in the year 17^5, Mr. George Whitefield of Pembroke College joined them. At that time they were fourteen or fifteen in number, all Collegians, of one heart and mind, and must be considered as the first Meiho- dists. They formed rules for the regulation of their /zW, their studies, reading.the scriptures, and sefj^ examination. They also visited the sick, and the prisoners ; and received the Lord's-supper every week. Our Lord's Parables of the leaven hid in three measures of meal, and of the grain of mustard. seed, Matt. xiii. 31 — 34, are herein strik- ingly illustrated, tor from these very small begin- jiings, what a great increase has been given ! The following is a specimen of the manner in which they read the scriptures. It is taken out of a manuscript book, in Mr. Wesley's own hand writ- ing. The manuscript remained in the possession of Mr. Delamoue, Mr. Wesley's companion in his Mission to America. It is now in the possession of mv hicnd Mr. Josiah Hill, from whom 1 received B2 4^ J Chronological Hhtory [1729* k. It contains, i. The Lectio Grammatica, 2. Ana- htica, 3. Exegetica, of each chapter in the fouf Gospels, except the two first of St. Matthew, and the Jast eight of St. John. THE TZNTII CHAPTER Of ST. MATTHE\>»\ Lectio Gra?7i?naiica. 4. *0 la-xocpiui-noi;, The Iscarlote, i. e. Of Keriotb* C), him xTrir^yiaBsf Have not, Possess not. II. A^i©> Disposed, to embrace the Gospel. 18. Ej,- fjiCtpT-jpiov avroif. For a testimony to thein* 22. Ovros. He shall be saved. 23. TfiXtcrryTf rar. For make what haste you will r-:u<; uv sxGriy To destroy Jerusalem. 23, 1 lao-i; fxaXXoy, This cannot refer to the quantity, contempt and persecution, but merely to the certainty of its coming. 32. Of/^XoIricrej cvatTw. Heb. 3,5 • Aiy^uixt, To separate. Jnalytica. Our Lord's directions to his twelve Disciples, now commissioned by him to preach, arc contained in this chapter ; which consists of four general parts. I. Instructions whom to preach to: in ver. ist to the 7th. n. Of the matter and manner of their preaching, in the 7th to the 16th. III. A prediction of the usage they were to ex- pect, and rules for their behaviour under it, in the J 6th to the 24lh. IV, A recommendation of patience upon several considerations, as 1. Their Master having received the same treatment, in the 24th to the 26ih. 2. The future vindication of their innocence; being likewise a strong encouragement to preach boldly, in the 26th to the 28th. 3. The impotence of their enemies, in the 28th. 4. The particular Providence of God 1729-] Of the Fivpls called Mdhodist's, ^ over them, in the •29th to the 32d. ^. The future owning or denial of them by Christ, according as they own or deny Him before men, m the 32d to the 34th. 6. The absolute necessity that discord and opposition from nearest relations should follow their preaching, in the 34th to the 40th. 7. The ;great reward of those who received or assisted them. Exegetica, 9. Take not any thing v/ith you but what is ab- solutely necessary. 1. Lest it should retard you. 2. Because my Providence and your ministry will be your sufficient support. .13, If it be not worthy -don't think your labour lost, for the blessing you wish them will return-, upon yourselves. .14. Shake off the dust, q. d. I've done my part,. uiterly disdain any farther converse with them. 37. Yet beware of men; for think not either your prudence or innocence will secure you from suffering. 26. Fear them not; let them slander you as they please: your innocence will appear hereatter, and tberetore preach with all boldness. 28, 29. And as he is thus able to punish your apos- tacy, so will be be careful to defend you in- your obedience.. 31. Fear not therefore, if he has such care over the most inconsiderable creatiires, how much more of you, if you confess him befure men, not only in ihis life, but in the other likewise. 33. To which you \w\\\ be strongly tempted ; for think nut that the immediate effect of my com- ing will be general peace, but division and discord. 37. Therefore he that loveth, &c. 39. He therefore, that loveth liis life by comply- ing: He that saveth his iife by denying me— » S3 6 ^ Chronological History [.^7^9* He shall lose it eternally. He that loses his life by confessing me, shall find it eternally. 40. And as you shall be thus rewarded, so in their proportion shall they who receive you. 41. He that receives a Christian minister as such, shall partake of his reward, and he that re* ceives an ordinary Christian — Nay, he that shews the smallest kindness to the weakest Christian," &c. . Mr. Wesley gives the following account of the rise of Methodism. " In 1729, my brother and I reading the Bible, saw inward and outward holi- ness therein: followed after it, and incited others so to do. In 1737, we saw this holiness comes by iaith, and that men are justified before they are sanctified. But still holiness was our point, inward and outward holiness.'' In the beginning of the year 1735, he for the first time preached extempore, in All-hallow's Church, Lombard-street, London. He went with a view of hearing Dr. Heylin, but he not coming, the Church- wardens requested Mr. Wesley to preach. He complied, though he had no notes. This is now universally practised by ail the Methodist Preachers, and also by many Ministers of the Established Church, especially those who arc considered as Gospel Ministers : but at that time, and for several years after, it was looked upon as a very uncommon and wonderful thing in these kingdoms. Oct. 14, 1735, Mr. Wesley set out as a Mis- s-ionary, for Georgia in America. On his passage, and in America, he became acquainted with the Moravians, by whose instrumentality he saw the way of the Lord more perfectly, viz. *^' That Ho- liness comes by Faith,*' In April J 736, at his own house in Savannali, he met between twenty and thirty persons, whom he instructed personally and weekly in the things belonging to their peace. This he used to consider, as the second rise of Methodism. 1737-] Of the People called Methodists, 7 Not finding any open door for the prosecution of the grand design, which induced him to visit America, namely, the conversion ot the Indians, he and his companions, Mr. Ingham and Mr. Dela- motte, considered in what manner they might be most useful to the little Flock at Savannah. And they agreed, 1. To advise the more serious among them to form themselves into a sort of little society, and meet once or twice a week, in order toim- prove, instruct, and exhort one another. 2. To select out of these, a smaller number, for a more intimate union with each other, which might be forwarded by him and his friends, conversing singly with each, and altogether at his house. And this accordingly they determined to do every Sunday in the akernoon. Here we see the first rudiments of Classes and Bands, ^vhich have had no small influence in promoting the success of the Metho- dists, beyond any other denomination of Chris- tians, not immediately favoured by the civil power. In the beginrling oi August 1737, he joined with the Germans in one of their Love- feasts. This I believe was the first time he ever saw a Love-feast. He speaks thus of it : '* It was begun and ended with thanksgiving and prayer, and celebrated in so decent and solemn a manner, as a Christian of the Apostolic age would have allowed to be worthy of Christ." He aherwards introduced Love-feasts into the ceconomy of Methodism. At first they were for the Bands only, i. e, small companies of true believers. Afterwards the whole Society were permitted to partake with them. They are coir- ducted in the following manner. The meeting be- gins with singing and prayer, after which the Stew- ards distribute cake and water. A collection is then made tor the poor; afterwards liberty is given to all present to relate their religious exper;- nee, which is generally made a blessing to all. The meeting continues nearly two hours, and is concluded with prayer. ^ A Chronological History L173B. Feb. 1, 1738, Mr. Wesley returned to England. On March the 27th following, he visited the Castle,, 2. c. the prison at Oxford, and prayed extempore with a man condemned to die. After prayer the man rose up and said, " I am now ready to die." Before this time Mr^ Wesley had always used a form of prayer. May 1, 1738, He, and some Moravian brethren,, formed themselves into a religious Society which met at Fetter-lane, in London^ This he calls in his Ecclesiastical History, vol, iv. page 175, the third period of Methodism. The rules which were agreed on were, 1. That they would meet together once a week, 10 confess- their faults one to another, and to pray one lor an- other that they might be healed. 2. That the per- sons so meeting should be divided into several Bands, or little companies, none of them consisting of fewer than five, or more than ten persons. 3 That every one in order should speak as freely, plainly, and concisely as he could, the real state of his heart, with liis several temptations and ileliver- ances, since the last time of meeting* 4. Tliat all the Bands, should have a Coirfei-ence at eight, every. Wednesday evening, begun and ended wifh singing and , prayer. 5.. That any who desired to be ad* mitted into this society should be asked, What are- your reasons for desiring this? Will you be en- tirely open, using no kind of reserve? Have you any objection to any of our orders? (which were then read.) 6. That when any member was pro- posed, every one present should speak clearly and freely whatever objection he had to him. 7. That those against whom no reasonable objection appear- ed, should be, in order for their trial, formed intO' one, or more distinct bands, and some persi n agreed on to assist ihem. 8. Thai after two months trial, if no objection then appeared, they should be ad- mitted in'o the Society. 9. That every fourth Sa- turday should be observed, as a da)' of general 1738.] Of the people called Methodists, 9 Intercession. 10. That, on the Sunday seven- night following, should be a general Love-feast, from seven till ten in the evening. 11. That no particular member should be allowed to act in any thing, contrary to any order of the Society; and that if any persons after being thrice admonished, did not conform thereto, they should not be any longer esteemed as members. June 13, 1738, He set out for Hernhuth in Ger- many, in order to visit the Moravian brethren in that place, and returned Sept. 16, in the same year. During this journey he conversed freely with them. Some pans of their doctrine and discipline he ap- proved, as Justification by Faith; and the putting the people into bands, according to their different degrees of attainment in the divine life. Other parts he disapproved, which after some time, he signified to Count Zinzendorf, in a long letter, which liiay be seen in vol. i. of his Journals. In this year, he, for the first time, received as- sistance in the ministerial office, from a Lay- preacher. An account of him as published by ivlr. Wesley is curious. — ** Joseph Humphrys, the £rst Lay-preacher that assisted me in England in 1738. He was perfected in love, and so continued lor at least twelve months. Afterwards he turned Calvinist, joined Mr. Whitefield, and published an invective against me and my brother in the news- paper. In a while he renounced Mr. Whitefield, and was ordained a Presbyterian minister. At Ja&t he received Episcopal ordination. He then scoffed at inward religion, and when reminded of his own experience, replied, *' That was one of the foolish things I wrote in the time of my madness." Dec. 25, 1738. While he was connected with the Society at Fetter-lane, the rules of the Band Societies were drawn up, with the following title. *' Orders of a religious Society, met together, in obedience to that command of God by St. James, chap. v. 16. ** Confess your faults one to ana- lo A Chrctiological History [i^jS' tber, arrd pray one for another that yc may be healed." By the Bands were raeant little eom- panies, not less than five nor more than ten, who met together for ihe above purpose: married men by theiDselves, married women by themselves ; single men by themselves, and single women by themselves^ When he v/ithdrew from the Moravian Society, he ke^X up the discinction of bands in his Societies. The following are the rules. *' Quesi.ions to be proposed to those who desire to be admitted into the Bands. " 1. l}o you enjoy the knowledge of Salvation by the remission of sins ? And have you the peace of God in your conscience? 2. Have you the love of God shed abroad in your heart? 3. Pfave you- the Spirit of God bearing witness with your spuit, tr.at you area child of God? 4. Has no sin, inward or Qutw.ard, dominion over you? 5. l^o you desire to be told of all your faults, and that plainly ? 6. I>0 you .desire that each of us should tell you whatever we think, or fear, or hear, concerning you ? 7. Do you desire, that in doing this, we should come as close as possible; that we should seanch your heart to the bottom? 8. Do you desire, that each of us- should tell you from time to time, whatsoever is in: his mind concerning you ? 9. Is it your desire and design, to be on this and all other occasions, en- tirely open, so as to speak every thing that is in your heart, without exception, without disguise,. and withf. out reserve ? ** Our design is, *' 1. To meet once a week at the least, 2. To^ come punctually at the hour appointed, without some extraordinary rcar>on. 3. To begin exactly at the hour, with singing or prayer. 4. To speak each of us in order, freely and plainly, the true state of our souls, with the faults we have com- mitted in thought, word, or deed, and the tempta- tions we have been exercised with since our last meeting. 5. To end each meeting with prayer^ i 739-1 Of the Peopje calUd Methodists, \i suited to the state of each present. 6. To desire some person among us to ipeak his own experi- ence first ; and then to ask the rest in order, as many, and as searching questions as may be, con- cerning their state, sins, and temptations. Such as, 1. Have you been guilty of any known, im since our last meeting? 2. What tempt'ations have you met with? 3. How were you deJivered? 4. What have you thought, said, or done, of which you doubt V/hether it be a sin or not?" April 2, 1739, Mr. Wesley being denied the use of the churches in Bristol, preached for the first time in the open air, on an eminence in the suburbs of that city. His text was Isa. Ixi. 1 — 3. He observes, " Is it possibl-e any one should' be ignorant, that it is fulfilled in. every true Minister ot Christ?'^ The last place he preached at in the open air, was at Wmchelsea, in the Autumn of the year 1790. In the same year, (1739,) he was denied the use of the churches in London also, because he preached salvation (that is pardon and holiness) by faith^ although thousands crouded to hear himi So he stood up in Moorfields, and other public places, to preach the gospel to the poor. This may be cdnsidered as the beginning of his Itinerancy, The first Methodist Preaching-House, was built this year in Bristol. Concerning it, Mr. Wesley says, ♦* On Saturday the 12th of May, 1739, the first stone was laid with the voice of praise and thanksgiving." He settled it on eleven Feoffees, but being convinced by a letter from Mr. White- field that as these men had the power of appointing the Preachers, they could turn even him out, it' what he said or did, should not be pleasing to them ; he immediately called them all together, cancelled the writings, and took the whole management re- specting the building into his own hands, be.lieving as he had said, " that the earth was the Lord's, and the fullness thereof, "" and in his name he set out ii A Chronological History [^739' nothing doubting. After some time and mature de- liberation, he got the form of a trust-deed drawn up by three eminent Counsel, for the settlement of ali tlic Preaching-Houses; which, with some little additions, continues still to be universally used among us. We see that from the beginning he thought the only possible way for the work of God to con- tinue as it had begun, was by his having the ap- pointment of the Preachers in all the Chapels under bis care. in June 1739, ^^^ ^^^^ attempt was made towards erecting a school at Kingswood. Mr. Wesley's account of it, is, " In June the foundation was laid. The ground made choice of was, in the middle of the wood, between the London and the Bath roads, about three measured miles from Bristol. Here a large room was begun for the school, having four small rooms at either end, for the school-masters, (and perhaps, if it should please God, some poor children,) to lodge in." At the end of the Chapel there is now a school where the colliers children are taught. In 1741, the school was erected. It was then Mr. Wesley's design to have a religious school for the benefit of the Methodist children in general, and for many years several sent their children to be educated there. In 1748, it was enlarged and opened in a solemn manner. Oct. 15, i73^> Upon a pressing invitation he set out for Wales. The churches there also were shut against him, so he preached to a willing people in private houses, and in the open air. 7"his was the beginning of Methodism in Wales. It has not in- creased in this country, as it has done in some parts of England, notwithstanding many of the Welch love the Gospel. If the first Preachmg- House was buili in Bristol, the first which was opened was in London. On Sunday, Nov, 11, 1739, he preached in a house iii 1 739-] Of the People called Methodists, 13 Moorfields, which was called the Foundry, it hav- ing been formerly the King's Foundry for cannon. In this year, the first Hymn Book was published, under the following title, ** Hymns and Sacred Poems, by Messrs. John and Charles Wesley." The second was in the year 1742. Since that time there have been Hymns published for all the Festivals — F'asts — Watch-nights — and Intercessions. Also for Families — The Sacrament — Preparation for Death — and for Funerals For Children — and Public Worship. In the year 1780, Mr. Wesley compiled a large Hymn Book out of all these, which is now univer- sally used. It is a complete and regular body of divinity; and the Poetry is exquisitely beautiful; The rise of the Societies is thus related by Mr, Wesley. *' In the latter end of the year 1739, eight or ten persons came to me in London, who Sippeared to be deeply convinced of sin, and ear- nestly groaning for redemption. They desired, as did two or three more the next day, that I would spend some time with them in prayer, and advise them how to flee from the wrath to come, which they saw continually hanging over their heads. That they might have more time for this great work, I appointed a day when they might all come toge* ther, which from thenceforward they did every ■week, viz. on Thursday in the evening. To these, and as many more as desired to join with them, (for their number increased daily) I gave that advice which I judged most useful for them, and we always con- cluded the meeting with prayer suited to their se- veral necessities." This was the rise of the Me- thodist Society, first in London, then in other/ places. Such a Society is no other than, '* A com- pany of persons, having the form and seeking the power of godliness: united in order to pray toge- ther, to receive the word of exhortation, and^to watch over one another in love, that they may help each other to work out their Salvation." It appears 14 A Chronological History [i7.4^« from this account that he did not consider this as a division from the established church, but simply ^ a religious Society. It was not till May i, 1743, 'that he and his brother Charles drew up Rules for the united Societies. This period must be considered as the fourth in Methodism. The first at Oxford in 1729. The second in America in 1736. The third in London in 1738. And now this in 1739. The Society then formed was properly the first, or Mother Society. The exact month does not appear when the first Lay- Preachers assisted Mr. Wesley, as Itinerants, ilis account is in the large minutes, after mention- ing the time when he formed the first Society, viz. fhe latter end of the year 1739. " After a time a young man named Thomas Maxfield, came and de- sired to help me as a son in the Gospel. Soon after came a second, Thomas Richards., then a »iird, Thomas WestalL Thes^e severally desired to serve me as sons^ and to labour when and where I should direct." It is probable this was in the beginning of the year 1740. Since that time there have been some hundreds, nay thousands, if we include Local Preachers, who have been employed in this great work. ** The Lord gave the word, and great was the company of the Preachers," Fsa. Ixviii. 11. \vl July 23, 1740. He finally separated from the Moravians, and met his own little Society at the Foundry. He had not the whole management of 4;hat Moravian Society which met in Fetter-lane, and can only be considered in the light of an active member. Peter Boehler, and a Mr. Molther, who occasioned the dispute on account of which he se- -parated from them, were the ruling members. They diflfered about the nature of faith, and the way to at- tain it. Mr. M^/Mfr taught, i. That there were no degrees in faith. 2. That the way to attain it was to be stilly that is not to attend the ordinances of God. Whereas Mr. Wesley asserted that there '74^0 Of the People called Methodists, \5 were degrees in faith, and that the way to attain it was, by constantly attending on all the ordinances of God. The 8th of August, in this year, head- dressed his open and candid letter to the Moravian Ghurch. It is in the first volume of his Journals, and is well worthy of perusal. This was the first separation that took place m the Methodist Society, or rather, it was the separa- tion of the Methodists from the Moravians. He speaks of it thus : ** About twenty-five of our bre- thren God hath given us already, all of whom think and speak the same thing; seven or eight and forty likewise of the fifty women that were in the Band, desire to cast in their lot with us."^ In the latter end of the year 1740, on account of a dispute which had then arisen, Mr. Wesley printed a sermon against the Calvinistic notion of Predestination, and sent a copy of it to Commissary Gordon at Charlestown, where Mr, Whitefield then was. Mr. Whitefield having a little before em- braced that doctrine, wrote a reply and published it in America. When he came to England in 174T, he republished this reply in London ; at the same time he wrote a letter to Mr. Charles Wesley on the subject of the controversy. Mr Charles Wesley had published some Hymns on Universal Redemp- tion. The points in dispute were, 1. Unconditional election. 2. Irresistible grace. 3. Final perse- verance. As the parties remained firm in their se- veral opinions, a separation took place between them, so tar as to have different places of worship and to form different Societies ; and some warm expressions dropped from them towards each other. This was the second division in the Society, and gave rise to two Societies ot Methodists, the one called Calvinists, the other Arminians: and they still differ upon the points on which their leaders differed at the first. Mr. Wesley greatly regretted this separation from Mr. Whitefield, and strove to prevent it; but though C2 »"6 A Chronological Historv [i74*' he did not succeed, their inutual affection returned. They agreed to dilTcr, and frequently preached in each others chapels. Dec. 31, 1742. On this day, Sir John Ganson called upon Mr. Wesley in London, and informed, him, " Sir you have no need to suffer these riotous mobs to mole^st you, as they have done long. I and all the other Ixliddlcsex magistrates have orders from above, to do you justice, whenever you apply to iis."^ Two or three weeks after, tliey did apply. Justice was done, though not with rigour. And. irom that time they had peace in London. This, .shewed an excellent spirit in the Government. Tliere is good authority to say, that his late Ma- jesty George the Second, on representation made to him of the persecution suflcrcd by the Societies, at this time, declared, that, " No man in his domi- nions should be persecuted on the account of reli- gion, while he sat on the throne." A declaration, that reflected much honour on the King. In 1742, the Societies having greatly increased,: were divided into ClasseSy each class consisting of twelve persons or more, who were committed to the care of one person stiled the Leader. Mr. Wesley: thus records the occasion of this.- — r- Feb. 15, 1742, He observes, '* many were met together at Bristol to consult concerning a proper, method of paying the public debt contracted byi building, and it was agreed. I. 7 hat every mem- ber of the Society that was able should contribute one penny a week. 2. That the whole Society should be divided into little companies or classes, about twelve in each class, 3. That one person in each should receive the contribution of the rest, and bring it in to the Stewards weekly. Thus be-, gan, says he, that excellent institution, merely upon. a temporal account, from which we reaped so many spiritual blessings, that we soon fixed the same rule in all our Societies," April 9, 1742, The first watch-night was held *742-] Of the People calUd Methodists. 17 in London. The service at these times begins at half past eioht o'clock, and continues till midnight. The custom was begun at Kingswood by the colliers there, who, before their conversion, used to spend every Saturday night at the ale-house. After they were taught better, they spent that night in prayer. Mr. Wesley hearing of it, ordered it first to be once a month, at the full of the moon, then once a quar- ter, and recomrnended it to all his Societies. His account of it is, " I was informed, that several persons in Kingswoody frequently met together, at the school, and ^when they could spare the timej spent the greater part of the night, in prayer an^l praise and thanksgiving. Some advised me io put an end to this : but upon weighing the thing thoroughly, and comparing it with the practice ot the antient Christians, I could see no cause to for- bid it. Raiher, 1 believed, it might be made of more general use. So 1 sent them word, *' I de- signed to watch with them, on the Friday nearest the full of the moon, that we might have light thi- ther and back again." I gave public notice of this, the Sunday before, and withal, that I intended to preach, desiring they, and they only, would meet me there, who could do it without prejudice to their business or families. On Friday abundance of people came. I began preaching between eight and nine, and we continued till a little beyond the noon of night, singing, praying, and praising God." In this year commenced also in London, the visitation of the Classes, once a quarter, by the Preachers^ which gives them an opportunity of con- versing tour times every year with the people, con- cerning the state of their souls ; as also of ascer- taining who continue to be real members, by giving to each Person a Ticket; with a text of Scripture on it, as a mark of their approbation. This is now universally practised, and the Ticket is the same in every place. Oa the Band Tickets the letter B. is C3 iB J Chronological History [1743* marked. The increase oF the Societies, together with the probable supposition that improper per- sons would endeavour to come among them, led to this prudential measure. May 26, 1742, Mr. Wesley visited Birstall, in, the Wcst-riding of the county of York, where he. met with a Lay-Preacher, Mr. John Nelson, who was instrumental in turning many of his neighbours from darkness to light. Alter some time Mr. Nelson, who heartily joined Mr. Wesley in his Work, published a journal of his travels and Chris- tian experience, which has been rendered a bles- sing to thousands ; and is still in circulation among the Methodists. From that time Methodism has taken a deep root in the county of York. In the year 1743, May i, The rules of the So- ciety were first published under the following title, *' The Nature, Design, and General Rules of the United Societies in Londpn, Bristol, and Newcastle upon Tyne, &c." After reciting the rise of the Societies, as rehted in the thirteenth and sixteenth pages, he thus proceeds. *' It is the business of a Leader, . •• I. To see each person in his Class once a week at the least: in order to enquire how their souls prosper. To advise, reprove, comfort, or exhort, as occasion may require ; to receive what they are willing to give for the support of the Gospel. ** 2. To meet the Minister and the Stewards of the Soc'^iy every week, in order to inform the Mi- nister of any that are sick, or of any that are disor- derly and will not be reproved; to pay the Stewards what they have received of their several Classes in the week preceding. " There is one only condition previously re- quired of those who desire admission into these Societies, a desire to Jlee from the zvrath to come ; to be saved from their sins: but, wherever this is really fixed in the soul, it will be shewn by its irnits* It is therefore expected of all whg continue therein, 1743-3 Of the PeopiU called Methodists, t,^ that they should continue to evidence their desire of salvation, *• First, By doing no harm, by avoiding evil in every kind ; especially that which is most generally practised* Such as, The taking the name ot God in vain. The profaning the day of the Lord, either by doing ordinary work thereon, or buying and sell- ing. Drunkenness, buying or selling spirituous liquors ; or drmking them unless in cases of ex- treme necessity. Fighting, quarrelling, brawling; brother going to law with brother ; returning evil for evil, or railing for railing. The using many words in buying or selling. The buying or selling uncustomed goods. The giving or taking things on usury '- 2. e* unlawful interest. Uncharitable or unprofitable conversation ; particularly, speaking evil of Magistrates, or of Mmisters. Doing to others as we would not they should do unto us; Doing what we know is not tor the Glory of God : as, the putting on of gold' or costly apparel. The taking such diversions as cannot be used ni the name (»f the Lord Jesus, The singing those songs, or reading those books, which do not tend to the knowledge or love of God. Softness and needless selt-indulgence. Laying up treasure upon earth. Borrowing without a probability of paying: or taking up goods without a probability of paying for them. *' It is expected of all who continue in these So- cieties, that they should continue to evidence their desire of Salvation, " Secondly, By doing good, by being in every kind merciful alter their power, as they have op- poituuity of doing good of every possible sort, and as far as is possible to ail men. To their bodies, ot the ability which God giveth, bv giving food to the hungry, by cloatlung the naked, by visitn g or helping them tiiat are sick or iri prison. To iheir souls, by instructing, reproving, or exhor ing all "we have any iniercourse with ; trampling under foot «0 A Chrono logical His to ry [ * 7 4 3 • that enthusiastic doctrine of devils, rhat we are not to do good, unless our hearts be Iree to ii. By do- ing good especially to them that art of the hunse- hold of faitb, or groaning so to be : en-pioying them preferably to others, buying one of another, help- ing each other in business: and so nnich the more, because the world will love its own, and them only. *' By all possible diligence and frugality, that the Gospel be not blarred. By running with patience the race that is set before them, denying themselves and taking up their cross daily ; submitting to bear the reproach of Christ ; to be as the filth and off- scou-ring of the world : and looking that men should say ail manner of evil of them falsely for the Lord's sake. •' It is expected of all who desire to continue in these Societies, that they should continue to evi- dence their desire of Salvation, •* Thirdly, By attending on all the ordinances of God : such are, The public worship of God : The ministry of the word, either read or expounded. The supper of the Lord ; family and private prayer ;^ searching the scriptures; and fasting or abstinence. ** These are the general rules of our Societies :■ all which we are taught of God to observe, even in his written word, the only rule, and the sufficient rule both of our faith and practice. And all these we know his spirit writes on every truly awakened heart. If there be any among us who observe them not, who habitually^ break any of them, let it be made known unto them wlio watch over that soul, as they that must give an account. We will ad- monish him of the error of his ways; we will bear with him for a season. But then if he repent not, he hath no moie place among us. We have delivered our own souls. JOHN WESLEY. CHARLES W LSLEY.'* '743*1 Of the People called Methodists* 21 These rules went through two and twenty edi- tions before Mr. Wesley died, and are still greatly approved by the people. Aug 26, 1743, Mr. Wesley set out for Cornwall. His brother and two of the Preachers had been there some time before. In this county Methodism has had a great increase, and it still flourishes. The Cornish people received the word with all readi- ness of mind, and with joy in the Holy Ghost. In the latter end of this year, 1743, Mr. Wesley found it necessary to appoint some ot his Society to act as visitors of the sick. He says, " It was not long before the Stewards found a great difficulty, with regard to the sick. Some were ready to perish before they knew of their illness. And when they did know, it was not in their power, (being person-s generally employed in trade) to visit them so often as they desired. When I was apprized of this, I laid the case at large before the whole Society-; shewed how impossible it was for the Stewards to attend all that were sick in all parts of the town; desired the Leaders of the Classes would more care- fully enquire, and more constantly inform them who were sick ; and asked '* Who among you is^ willing, as well as able, to supply this lack of service?" . . The next morning, many willingly offered them- selves. I chose isix and forty of them, whom I. judged to be of the most tender, loving spirit : di- vided the town into twenty-three parts, and desired two of them to visit the sick in each division. It is the business of a visitor of the sick, 1. To see every sick person within his district thrice a week. 2. To enquire into the state of their souls, and advise them as occasion may require. 3. To enquire into their disorders, and procure ad-, vice for them. 4. To relieve them if they are in want. ^. To do any thing for them, which he (or she) can do, 6» To bring in his account weekly to the Steward." Mr, Wesley says " Upon reflec- 2* A Chronological History [1744. tion, I saw, how exactly in this also, we had copie^i after the primitive church. What were the aniient Deacons ? What was Phehe the Deaeonness, but such a visitor of the sick ? I did not think it needful to give them any parti- cular rules, besides those that follow: 1. Be plain and open in dealing with souls.- 2. Be mild, tender, patient. 3. Be cleanly in ail you do for the sick. 4. Be not nice." CHAPTER THE SECOND. From ihe fir St Conference in 1744, to the Conf^renc^ held in Bristol in the year 1748. June 25, 1744, The first Conference was held m London. Mr. Wesley invited the persons who at- tended, and also presided among them. There were six Clergymen and four travelling Preachers present. The names of the Clergymen were, John Wesley, Charles Wesley, John Hodges, Rector of Wenvo, Henry Piers, Vicar of Bexley, Samuel Taylor, Vicar of Quinton, and John Meriton. The names of the pieachers were, Thomas Maxfield, John Downs, Thomas Richards and John Bennett. From this time the Conference met every year under Mr, Wesley's direction, at London, Bristol, or Leeds, but he did not till the year 1765, annually publish the minutes. He gave the name of Conference not to what was said,, but to the persons assembled. The advantages of thi« meeting arc obvious, 1. It brings the Preach^ ers into a closer union with each other. 2. It makes them more deeply sensible of ihe necessity of acting in concert and haimony togeti er. 3 It is a means of quickening their zeal. 4. It terminates any dispute *7i4*] OJ the people called Methodists* 2$ that may arise in the body during the year, as tlie 'Preachers agree to submit. to, its decisions; And, ^. 'by changing the Preachers from one circuit to ano- ther, it proves a blessing to the people, giving them the benefit of the gifts and abilities of the Preachers in general, while it gratifies an innocent curiosity^ The subjects of their deliberations were proposed ia the form of questions, which were amply discussed, and, with the answers, written down, and afterwards printed under the title of, *' Minutes of several con- versation's between the "Reverend Mr. Wesley and others:" but now commonly called, TheMmutes of the Conference. The following is Mr. Wesley's Introduction to the first Conference. *' It is desired that all things be. considered as in tT*ie immediate presence of God, That we meet with a single eye, and as little childrerL, who have every thing to learn. That every point which is proposed, may be examined to the founda- tion. That every person may speak freely wliatev.er is in his heart. And that every question which may arise, should be thoroughly debated and settled. Q. Need we be fearful oi doing this ? What are we afraid of ? Of overturning our first principles? A. If they arre false, the sooner they are overturned the better. If they are true, they will bear the strictest examination. Let us all pray for a willing- ness to receive light, to know of every doctrine, whether it be of God. (?• How may the time of this Conference be made more eminently « time of watching unto prayer ? A. I. While we are conversing let us have an espe- cial care to set God always before us. 2. In the in- termediate hours, let us visit none but the sick, and ^end all the time that remains in retirement. 3, Let us therein give ourselves to prayer for one ano- ther, -and for a blessing upon this our labour. Q. How far does jeach of us agree to submit to the judgment of the majority? — ■//. In speculative things, each can only submit so far as his judgment i4 A Chronological History [^744. shall be convinced. In every practical point, each will submit so far as he can without wounding his conscience. 0. Can a Christian submit any farther than this, to any man, or number of men upon earth? — A. It is undeniably certain he cannot; either to jBzj^^/', Convocation, or General Council. And this is that grand principle of private judgment on which all the reformers proceeded, " Every man must judge for himself; because every man must give an account of himself to God," It is impossible to read this with- out admiring it ; let it never be forgotten that these principles formed the basis of the Methodist Confe- rence. After the design of the meeting had been thus proposed ; they began to consider, i. What to teach ? 2. How to teach? 3. What to do. That is, how to regulate their doctrine, discipline, and practice? The first question refers to doctrines, the second to discipline, the third to their whole ccconomy, in- cluding their Itinerancy and the government of the Societies. Three points were fully considered at this time, 1. The Doctrine of Justification. 2. That of Sanc- tification. 3. Their Connexion with the established church. 1. JUSTIFICATION. 0. What is it to be justified ? — A. To be pardon- ed, and received into God's favour, into such a state that if we continue therein, we shall be finally saved. 0. Is faith the condition of Justification ? A, Yes ; for every one who belie veth not is con- demned ; and every one who believes is justified. Q, But must not Repentance, and works meet for Repentance, go before this Faith? — A. Without d6ubt. If by Repentance you mean conviction of sin; and by works meet tor repentance, obeying God as tar as we can, forgiving our brother, leaving 1744-] Of the People called Methodists. '25 off from evil, doing good and using the ordinances according to the power we have received. Q, What is iaith ? — J. Faith in general is, a di- vine, supernatural Eknchos (DcmonstrationJ ol" things not seen ; z. e, of Past, Future, or Spiritual things : It is a spiritual sight of God and the things of God. First, a sinner is convinced by the Holy Ghost, " Christ loved me and gave himself for me." — This is the faith by which he is justified or pardoned, the moment he receives it. Immediately the same spirit bears witness, " Thou art pardoned. Thou hast redemption in his blood." — And this is saving faith, whereby the love of God is shed abroad n his heart. g. Have all Christians this faith ? May not a man be justified and not know it ? — A. That all true Christians have such a faith as implies an assu- rance of God's love, appears from Rom* viii. 15. Eph. iv, 32. 2 Cot. xiii. 5. Heh. viii. 10. \ John iv. 10. — V, 19. And that no man can be justi- fied and not know it, appears farther from thenatme. of the thing. For faith alter repentance is case after pain: Rest after toil : Light after darkness. It ap- pears also from the immediate^ as well as distant fruits thereof. ig. But may not a man go to heaven ^viLhGut it ? A. It does not appear from Holy Writ that a man who hears the Gospel can: (Mark xvi. 16.) what- ever a heathen man may do, Rom ii. 14. 0. What are the immediate fruits of justifyincJ* faith? — A. Peace, Joy, Love,Power over ail outward sin, and power to keep down inward sin. 0. Does any one believe, who has not the witness in himself, or any longer than he sees, loves, and obeys God ? — J. We apprehend not ; seeing God being the very essence of faith : love and obedience the inseparable properties of it. g. What sins are consistent with justifying faith ? A, No wilful sin, If a belieyer wilfully sjns, h? ©6 A Chronological Histo-Ty, [i744* casts away his faith. Neither is it possible he should hdive justifying faith again, without previously re- pe7iting. m 0. Must every believer come into a state of dark- ness, doubt or fear? Will he do so, unless by igno- rance or unfaithfulness ? Does God otherwise with- draw himself? — A- It is certain a believer need never again come into .condemnation. It seems, he need not come into a state of darkness, doubt or fear : And that ordinarily at least he will not, unless by ignorance or unfaithfulness. Yet it is true, that the first joy does seldom last long : that it is com- monly followed by doubts and fears; and that God frequently permits great heaviness, betore any large manifestation of himself. Q. Are works necessary to the continuance of Caith ?^-y^. With.out donbjt ; for a man may forfeit the free gift of God either by sins of omission or commission. 0. Can faith be lost, but for want of works ? j^. It cannot but through disobedience. 0. How is faith 7na(:U perfect by works ? — A- The more we exert our faith, the more it is increased* To him that hath shall be given. 0. St. Paul says, Abraha?n was not justified by works. St. James says, He Wds, justified by works. Do they not contradict each other? — A. No. i. Be- cause they do not speak of the same justification. St. Pauls speaks of that justification which was when Abraham was seventy- five years old, above twenty- five years before Isaac was born. St. James oi that justification which was when he offered up Isaac on the altar. 2. Because they do not speak of the same works. St. Paul speaking of works that precede faith: St. James of works that spring from it. g. In what sense is Adam's sin imputed to all mankind?— y^. In Adam all die, i. e, i. Our bodies then became mortal. 2. Our souls died, i. e. were disunited from God. And hence 3. We are all born with a sinful devilish nature: By reason 3.744 Of the People called Methodists, if whereof, 4. We are children oi" wrath, liable to death eternal. Rom. v. 18. Eph, ii. 3. 2, In what sense is the Righteousness of Christ impiited to all mankind, or to Believers ? — A. We do not find it expressly affirmed in Scripture, that God imputes the Righteousness of Christ to any. Although we do find, xhzx. faith is imputed to us for righteousness. That text, *' As by one Man's diso- bedience all men were made sinners, so by the obe- dience of one, all were made righteous," we con- ceive means, by the merits of Christ, all men are cleared from the guilt of Adam's actual sin. We conceive farther, that through the obedience and death of Christ, i. The bodies of all men be- come immortal after the resurrection. 2. Their souls receive a capacity of spiritual life. 3. An actual spark or seed thereof. 4. All believers become chil- dren of grace, reconciled to God, and are made par- takers of the Divine nature, 0^. Have we not then unawares leaned too muck towards Calvinism ? — A. We are afraid we have. 2* Have we not also leaned towards Antinorai- anism? — A, We are afraid we have. g. What is Antinomianism? — A. The doctrine which makes void the law through faith. g. What are the main pillars thereof? — A. 1. That Christ abolished the moral law. 2 That there- fore Christians are not obliged to observe it. 3. That one branch of Christian liberty, is liberty from obey- ing the commandments of God. 4. That it is bond- age to do a thing, because it is commanded, or forbear it because it is forbidden. 5. That a believer is not obliged to use the ordinances of God or to do good works. 6. That a Preacher ought not to exhort to good works : Not unbelievers, because it is hurtful; not believers, because it is needless. g. What was the occasion of St. Paul's writing his epistle to the Galatians P — A, The coming of certain men amongst the Galatians, who taught. Except ye be circumcised and keep the law ^ Moses ye cannot be saved. a^ ^Chronological History, t^74'i' ^ 0, What is his main design therein ? — A, To prove, I. That no man can be justified or saved by the works of" the Law, either Moral or Ritual. 2, That every believer is justified bv faith in Ckrist without the works of the law. 2« "What does he mean b\- the works of the lazv ? Gal. ii. 16 — A. All works which do not spring from faith in Christ. Q, What by being under the law? GaL iii. 2g. — y^. Under the Mosaic dispensation. g. What law has Christ abolished?—.^ The Ritual law of Moses. 0. What is meant by libci-ty ? Cral, v. 1. — A. Liberty, i. From the law. 2. From sin. THE SECOND POINT WHICH WAS CONSIHERED \VAS1II£ DOCTRINE Oi SANCTIFJCATION. 0. What is it to be sanctified? — A. To be re- aewed in the image of God in righteousness and true holiness. g. Is faith the condition ; or the instrument of sanctification ? — A. It is both the condition and the instrument of it. Wiien we begin to believe, then sanctification begins. And as faith increases, lioli- iiess increases, till we are created anew. 2' What is implied in hcmga perfect Christian ? A. The loving the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our mind, and soul and strengh. Deut.. vi. 5. XXX. 6. Ezek. xxxvi 2,5. — 29. g. Does this imply, that all inward sin is taken away ? — A. Without doubt : or how could he be said to be s^vtdfrom all his unclea?inesses, v. 29. Q. Can we know one who is thus saved ? Vv'hat is a reasonable proof ol" it ? — A. We cannot with- out the miraculous discernment of spirits, be in- fallibly certain of those who are thus saved. But we apprehend, these would be the best proofs which the nature of the thing admits. 1. If we had sufficent evidince gf theii unblameable behaviour^ 1744-1 Of the People called Methadiits, 29 at least from the time of their justification. 2. If they gave a distinct account of the time and man- ner wherein they were saved from sin, and of thq circumsiances thereof, with such sound speech a? could not be reproved. And, 3. If upon a strict enquiry from time to time, for two or three year fol- lowing, it appeared that all their tempers, words, and actions, were holy and unreproveable. g. How should we treat those who think they have attained this ? — J. Exhort them to forget the things that are behind, and to watch and pray always, that God may search the ground of their hearts. THE THIRD POINT RESPECTED THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH. g. What is the Church of England ? — J. Ac- coi-ding to the twentieth article, the visible Church of England is, the Congregation of English Believ^ ers, in which the pure word of God is preached, and the Sacraments duly administered. (But the word Church is sometimes taken in a looser sense, for a congregation prqfessiiig to believe, so it is taken in the twenty-sixth article, and in the first, second, and tJiird chapters of the Revelation.) . g. What is a Member of the Church of England ? — A. A Believer hearing the pure word of God' preached, and partaking of the Sacraments duly ad- inin'stered in that Church. g. What is it to be zealous for the Church? — A. To be earnestly desirous of its welfare and in- crease : of its welfare, by the confirmation of its present members, in faith, hearing, and communi- cating : and of its increase by the addition ot new members. g. How are we to defend the doctrine of the Church ? — A. Both by our preaching and living. g. How should we behave at a false or railing sermon? — J, If it only contain personal reflec- D q 30 A Chronologieal History [i744« tions, we may quietly suflFer it. If it blaspheme the Work and Spirit of God, it may be better to go out of the church. In either case, if opportu- nity serve, it would be well to write to the Mi- nister. g. How far is it our duty to obey the Bishops ? — A. In all things indifferent : and on this ground of obeying them, we should observe the canons, so far as we can with a safe conscience^ Q, Do we separate from the Church? — A. We conceive not: we hold communion therewith, for conscience sake, by constantly attending both the word preached, and the sacraments administered therein. Q. What then do they mean who say, " you se- parate from the Church." — A. We cannot certamly tell. Perhaps they have no determinate meanings unless by the Church they mean themselves, i. e, that pait of the clergy who accuse us of preaching false doctrine. And it is sure we do herein sepa- rate from the??t, by maintaining that v^hich they deny. Q. But do you not weaken the Church? — A^ Do not they who ask this, by the Church mean themselves^ — J. We do not purposely weaken any man's hands, but accidentally we may thus far: they who come to know the truth by us, will esteem such as deny it, less than they did before. But the Church in the proper sense, the congregation of English Believers^ we do not weaken at all. g. Do you not entail a schism on the Church I^ 2. €. Is it not probable, that your hearers after your death, -will be scattered into all sects and parties ? Or, that they will form themselves into a distinct sect? — J. 1. V/e are persuaded that the body of" our hearers will even alter our death remain in the. church, unless they be thrust out. 2. We believe HOtwiihstanding, either that they will be thrust out» or that they will leaven the whole Church. 3. We- do, and will do, all we can, to prevent those con- 1744-1 ^J ^^^ People called Methodists* ^1 sequences which are supposed likely to happen after Gur death. 4. But we cannot with a good con« science neglect the present opportunity oF saving^ souls while we live, lor iear ot consequences which may possibly or probably happen after we are dead. From these minutes we learn the following par- ticulars. i. That Mr. Wesley considered the Me- thodist Societies to be a part ot the Church of Eng- land, (as fully answering the above definition, Ques- tion the second, page 29) though also embracing- all those who fear God and work righteousness^ and are willing to conform to the rules. 2. That by keeping to the Church at large, he meant, attend- ing the service and sacrament. The following minute was made relative to prac- tice. *' Be serious : let your motto be, Holiness io the Lord. Avoid all lightness as you would avoid hell fire, and trifling as you would cursing and swearing. Touch no woman: be as loving as yoit will, but the custom of the country is nothing to us." On Friday August 2'4, 1744,. ^^^- Wesley preached for the last time at Oxford^ before the University. He had preached to them twice be- fore, since the time he began to declare the truth in the fields and highways. These sermons are printed in the first volume of his works, and are well worth a serious perusal. " I am now," says he, " clear of the blood of these men. I have fully delivered my own soul. And I am well pleased that it should be the very day, on which, in the last century, near two thousand burning and shining lights weie put out at one stroke. Yet what a wide difference is there between their case and mine! They v;ere turned out of house and home, and all that they had : whereas 1 am only hindered from preaching, without any other loss; and that in a kind of honourable manner; it being deter- mined, that when my next turn to preach comes. 22 j^ Chronological History [^745* they will pay another person *to preach for me." And so they did twice or thrice; even to the time that he resigned his fellowship. Dec. 2^, 1744, Mr. Wesley drew up the fol- lowing directions for the Band Societies, and re- commended them with the Band rules. " You are supposed to have the " faith that over- Gometh the world," to you therefore it is not griev- ous, I. Carefully to abstain from doing evil: in particular, 1. Neither to buy nor sell on the Lord's day. 2. To taste no spirituous liquors, unless pre-, scribed by a physician, 3. To be at a word both in buying and selling. ^. Not to mention the fault of any one behind his back, and to stop those short that do. 5. To wear no needless ornaments, such as rings, ear-rings, necklaces, laces, or ruffles. 6. To use no needless self-indulgence, .such as taking snufF or tobacco, unless prescribed by a physician. *' II. Zealously to maintain good warks: in par- ticular, 1. To give alms of such things as you pos-, sess, according to your power. 2. To reprove all that sin in your sight, and that in love, and meek- ness ol wisdom. 3. To be patterns ot diligence and frugality, of self-denial, and taking up the cross daily. ** III. Constantly to attend on all the ordinances of God : in particular, 1. To be at public worship, and at the Lord's table every week, if possible ; and at every public meeting of the Bands. 2. To use private prayer every day : and family prayer, if you are the Head of a ^amily. 3. To read the scriptures,, and meditate therein, at every vacant hour, and, 4. To use fasting or abstinence; as often as your health will permit" About this time (1745,) Mr. Wesley instituted the Select Society, or Band. The persons to be ad- mitted Mac this Band, were, 1. Persons who were earnestly athirst for the full image of God. 2. Those who continually walked in the light of God, having fellowship with the father, and with his ^on JesuS: 1745-3 Of thi People called Methodius, 53 • Christ. He says, *' I saw It might be useful to give some advice to all those, who thus continue in the light of God's countenance, which the rest of their brethren did not want, and probably could not receive. So I desired a small number of such as appeared to be in this state, to spend an hour with me every Monday morning. My design was, not only to direct them how to press after perfec- tion ; to exercise their every grace, and improve every talent they had received, and to incite them to love one another more, and to watch more care- fully over each other ; but also to have a select company, to whom I might unbosom myself on all occasions, without reserve ; and whom I could propose to all their brethren as a pattern of love, of holiness, and of all good works. They had no need of being incumbered with many rules, having the best rule of all in their hearts. No peculiar directions were therefore given to them; excepting only these three, i. Let ncK thing spoken in this Society, be spoken again, (Hereby we had the more full confidence in each other.) 2. Every member agrees to submit to his Minister in all indifferent things. 3. Every mem- ber will bring once a week, all he can spare toward a common stock. Every one here has an equal liberty of speaking, there being none greater or less than another, I could say freely to these, when they were met to- gether, *♦ Ye may all prophesy one by one" (taking that word in its lowest sense) " that all may learn, and all may be comforted." And I often found the advantage of such a free conversation, and that " in the multitude of counsellors, there is safety." And who ever was inciined so to do, I likewise- encouraged, to pour out his soul to God, And here especially we have found, that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous m.an availeth much." The utility of these meetings appears from the fol- lowing considerations,. St. John divides tlie follow. f4^ jti' chronological History [i7'45i ers of God into three classes, i John 2. 12. St. Paul exhoiis Ministtis to give every one his portion of meat in due season . And there were some things- which our Lord did not make known to his disi- ciples till after his Ascension, when they were pre- pared for them by tlie descent of the Holy Ghost. These meetings give the preachers an opportunity of speaking of the deep things of God, and of ex- horting the members to press after the full image of God. They also form a bulwark to the doctrine of Christian perfection. It is a pity that so few of the people embrace this privilege, and that every^ Preacher does not warmly espouse such profitable meetingji In tne year 1745, the Rev. William Grirashaw,. Vicar of the Parish of Haworth,- in Yorkshire, be- came closely united with th^ Methodists. He was a mast indefatigable man in his labours, and so con- tinued, till on the 7th of April 1763, his happy^ spirit went to rest, in the fifty-fifth year of his age... His last words were, *' Here goes an unprofitable; servant." He actsd for several years as Mr.. Wesley 's?- assistant, in the Haworth circuit. There is a short; account of him in Mr. Wesley's Life, by Dr. Coke and Mr. Moore, in Mr. Wesley's Journals, and in. the Arminian Mag. for Jan. 1795. Aug, I, 1745, The second Conference was held in Bristol. The assembly was composed of the Messrs. Wesleys, and John Hodges, who were clergymen ; and Thomas Richards, Samuel Lar- wood, Thomas Meyrick, James Wheatley, Richard Moss, John Slocorabc, and Herbert Jenkins, Travel- ling Preachers. THE TWO POINTS CONSIDERED WERE, I., THE DOCTRINE OF JU STIF ICATIOM J 2. SANCTI- FTCATION. g. How comes what is written on the subject ®f Justification to be so intricate and obscure ? Is ■*745'] ^/ ^^'■^ People called Methodists'. 35 this obscurity from the nature of the thing itself? 'Or from the fault or weakness of those who have generally treated of it? — A, We apprehend this ob- scurity does not arise from the nature of the sub- ject: But, perhaps, partly trom hence, that the devil peculiarly labours to perplex a subject of such im- portance: and partly from the extreme warmth of most writers who have treated of it. g. We affirm faith in Christ is the sole condi- tion of Justificarion. But does not repentance go before that faith ? and supposing there be opportu- nity for them, fruits or works meet ior repentance ? — A. Without doubt they do. g. How then can wc deny them .to be conditions of Justification ? Is not this a mere strife of words ? But is it worth while to continue a dispute on the term condition ? — A. It seems not, though it has tbeen grievously abased. But so the abuse cease, •let the use remain. 0. Shall we read over together Mr. Baxter's Aphorisms concerning Justification? — A^ By all means : And it was desired, that each person would consult the scriptures cited therein, and make what •objections might occur. 0. Is an assurance of God's pardoning love ab- solutely nece^sa^y to our being in his favour? Or ^raay there possibly be some exempt cases? — A» W"e dare not positively say, There arc not. g. Is such an assurance absolutely necessary to inward and outward holiness? — A. To inward, we apprehend it is: to outward holiness, we incline to think it is not. Q. Is it indispensably necessary to final salvation? Suppose in a Papist, or a Ojnaker? Or in general among those who never heard it preached ? — A. Love hopcth all thintrs. We know not how far any of these may fall under the case of invincible igno- rance. g. But what can we say of one of our own ^O" •ciety, who dies wiiiiout it, as I. W. at London ?— 36 A Chronological History Ci74S« J. It may possibly be an exempt case, (if the fact was really so) but we determine nothing. We leave his soul in the hands oF him that made it. 0. Does a man believe any longer than he sees a reconciled God ? — A. We conceive not. But we allow there may be infinite degrees in seeing God : Even as many as there are between him who sees the sun, when it shines on his eye-lids closed, and him who stands with his eyes wide open, in the full Waze of its beams. 0. Does a man believe any longer than he loves God? — A. In nowise. For neither circumcision nor uncircumcision Avails, without faith working by love. jg. Have we duly considered the case of Corni- lius? Was not he in the favour of God, zuhen his prayers and alms came up for a memorial before QoiU i. e. before he believed in Christ? — A. It does seem that he was in some degree. But we speak not of those who have not heard the Gospel. O, But were those works of his splendid sins? (as some of the Fathers termed the good works of the heathen.) — A No; nor were they done zvithout the grace of Christ. (). How then can we maintain, that all works done before we have a sense of the pardoning love of God, are sin? And, as such, an abomination to him ? — A. The works of him who has heard the Gospel, and does not believe, are not done as God hath willed and commanded them to be done. And yet we know not how to say, that they are an abo- mination to the Lord in him who feareth God, and from that principle, does the best he can. 0. Seeing there is so much difficulty in this sub- ject^ can we deal too tenderly with them that op- pose us ? — A. We cannot ; unless we were to give up any part of the truth of God. 0. Is a believer constrained to obey God ? — A^hx first he often is. The love of Christ con* 1745] OJtht People called. Methodists, %y straineth him. After this, he may obey, or he may not ; no constraint being laid upon him. 0. Can faith be lost, but through disobedience ? — A, It cannot. A believer first inwardly disobe}s, inclines to sin with his heart : then his intercourse with God is cut ofF, i. e. his faith is lost. Atter this he may fall into outward sin, being now weak, and like another man. 0. How can such a one recover Faith ? — A, By repenting and doing the fiist works, Rev. ii. 5. Q. Whence is it that so great a majority of those who believe fall more or less into doubt or fear ? — u^. Chiefly from their own ignorance or unfaith- fulness : often from their not watching unto prayer; perhaps sometimes from some defect or want of the power of God in the preaching they bear. Q, Is there not a defect in us ? Do we preach as we did at first ? Have we not changed our doc- trines? — ^. 1. At first we preached almost wholly to unbelievers. To those therefore we spake al- most continually of remission of sins through the death of Christ, and the nature of faith in his blood. And so we do still, among those who need to be taught the first elements of the Gospel of Christ, 2. But those in whom the foundation is already laid, we exhort to go on to perfection : Which we did not see so clearly at first; although we occasionally spoke of it from the beginning. 3. Yet we now preach, and that continually, faith in Christ, as the Prophet, Priest and King, at least, as clearly, as strongly, and as fully, as we did six years ago. Q, Do we not discourage visions and dreams too much? As if we condemned them toio genere? — A» We do not intend to do this. We neither discourage nor encourage them. We learn from Acts ii. 19, to expect something of this kind in the last days^ And we cannot deny that saving faith is often given in dreams and visions of the night : which Jaith we account neither better nor worse^ than if it came by »ny other jneans, E 3t' A Chronological History [^745. 0^. Do not some of our assistants preach too much of the wrath, and too little of the love of God? — A. We fear they have leaned too much to that extreme; and hence some of their hearers may have lost the joy of faith. 0. Need we ever preach the terrors of the Lord to those who know they are accepted of him ? — A, No; it is folly so to do: for love is to them the strongest of all motives. 0. Do we ordinarily represent a justified state so great and happy as it is ? — /i. Perhaps not. A be- liever walking in the light is inexpressibly great and hapj)y. g. Should we not have a care of depreciating justification, in order to exalt the state of full sanc- tification? — A. Undoubtedly we should beware of this: for one may insensibly slide into it. g. How shall we effectually avoid it ? — A. When we are going to speak of entire sanccification, let us first describe the blessings of a justified state, as strongly as possible. <2. Does not the truth of the Gospel lie very near both to Calvinism and Antinomianism ? — A. Indeed it does: as it were within a hair's breadth. So that it is altogether foolish and sinful, because we do not quite agree either with one or the other, to run from them as far as we can. g. Wherein may we come to the very edge of Calvinism ? — A. i. In ascribing all good to the free grace of God. 2. In denying ail natural free will, and all power antecedent to grace; and, 3. In ex- cluding all merit from man; even for what he does by the grace of God. jg. Wherein may we come to the edge of Antino^ miamsra f — A i. In exalting the merits and love of Christ. 2. In rejoicing evermore. j2. Does faith supersede (set aside the necessity of) holiness or good works ? — A^ In no wise. So far from it that it implies both, as a cause does its cfl^cts. *74j-] OJ the People called Methodists, 39 SECONDLY, THE DOCTRINE OF S ANCTIFICATION WAS CONSIDERED. 2- When does inward sanctification begin? — A. In ihe moment we are justified. The seed of every virtue is then sown in the soul. From that time the believer gradually dies to sin, and grows in grace. Yet sin remains in him; yea, the seed of all sin, till he is sanctified throughout in spirit, soul and body. g. What will become of a Heathen, a Papist, a Church of England Man, if he dies without being thus sanctified ? — A. He cannot see the Lord. But none who seeks it sincerely shall or can die without it. Though possibly he may not attain it, till the very article of death. g. Is it ordinarily given till a little before death ? — A. It is not, to those that expect it no sooner, nor consequently ask for it, at least, not in faith. g. But ought we to expect it sooner ? — A. Why not : For although we grant, 1. That the generality oi believers, whom we have hitherto known, were not sanctified till near death. 2. That few of those to whom St. Paul wrote his epistles were so at the time he wrote. 3. Nor he himself at the time of writ- ing his former epistles. Yet this does not prove that we may not be sanctified to-day. g. But would not one who was thus sanctified be incapable of worldly busmess ? — A. He would be far more capable ot it than ever, as going through all without distraction. g. Would he be capable of marriage ? — A. Why should he not. g. Should we not beware of bearing hard on those wh(3 think they have attained ? — A. We should.- And the ratner, because if they are faithful to the grace they have received, they are in no danger o£ perishing at last. No, not even if they remain iti luminous faithy (as some term it) for many month* 40 A Chronological History L^74^' or years, perhaps till within a little time of their spi- rits returniner to God ? g. In what manner should we preach entire sanctification? — J. Scarce at all to those who are not pressing forward. To those who are, always by way of promise : always drawing rather than driving. 0. How should we wait for the fulfilling of this promise? — A. In universal obedience, in keeping all the commandments, in denying ourselves, and taking up our cross daily. These are the general means which God hath ordained for our receiving bis sanctifying grace. The particular are^ pvciyer, searching the scriptures, communicating and fast- ing. May 13, 1746. The third Conference was held in Bristol. Beside the Mess. Wesleys, and John Hodges, and Samuel Taylor, who were clergymen, the following Preachers were present, Jonathan Reeves, Thomas Maxfield, Thomas Westall and Thomas Willes. . The conversation at this time was of a general na- ture, yet well calculated to explain and elucidate tlie great doctrines of the gospel. . 0' Can an unbeliever (whatever he be in other respects) challenge any thing of God's justice? — ^. Absolutely nothing but hell. And this is a point which we cannot too much insist on. . 0, Do we empty men of their own righteousness, as we did at first ? Do we sufficiently labour, when they begin to be convinced of sin, to take away all they lean upon ? Should we not then endeavour with all our might to overturn their false founda- tions? — j^. This was at first one of our principal points. And it ought to be so still. P'or till all other foundations are overturned they cannot build upon (Christ. g.. Did we not then purposely throw them into c^onvictions ? Into. strong sorrow and fear? Nay, did we not strive to make thern inconsolable ? Re- 1745-] Of the People calUd Methodists. 41 fusing to be comforted. — A. We did. And so we should do still. For the stronger the conviction, the speedier is the deliverance. And none so soon receive the peace ol God, as those who steadily refuse ail other comfort. g. Let us consider a particular case. Was you, Jonathan Reeves, before you received the peace of God, convinced, that notwithstanding all you did, or could do, you was in a state of damnation ? y. R. I was convinced of it, as fully as that I am now alive. g. Are you sure that conviction was from God ? J, R. I can have no doubt but it was. g. What do you mean by a state of damnation ? y. R. A state, wherein if a man dies, he perisheth for ever. g. How did this conviction end "^ J. R. 1 had first a strong hope that God would deliver me ; and this brought a degree of peace. But I had not that solid peace of God, till Christ was revealed in me, g. But is not such a trust in the love of God, though it be as yet without a distinct sight of God, as reconciled to me through Christ Jesus, a low de- gree of justifying faith? — A. It is an earnest of it. But this abides for a short time only : nor is this the proper Christian faith. g. By what faith were the Apostles clean, before- Christ died ? — A. By such a taith as this ; by a Jewish faith. For the Holy Ghost was not then given. g. Of whom then do we understand those words (Isa. 1. 10.) *' Who is there among you that fear- eth the Lord? That obeyeththe voice of his servant, that walketh in darkness and hath no light?" — A* Of^a believer under the Jewish dispensation: one in whose heart God hath not yet shined, to give him the light of the glorious love of God, in the face of Jesus Christ. 0. Who is a Jew inwardly ?— ^, A servant of ^3 491 J Chronological History [1746* God. One who sincerely obeys him out of fear. Whereas a Christian (inwardly) is a child of God ; one who sincerely obeys him out of love. Q, But was not you, Jonathan Reeves, sincere before Christ was revealed in you ? J, R. It seems to me that I was in some measure. g. What is sincerity ? — A» A willingness io know and do the whole wiH of God. The lowest €pecies thereof seems to be faithfulness in that which is little. Q. Has God any regard to man's sincerity ? — y/. So far, that no man in any state can possibly please God without it ; neither indeed in any moment wherein he is not sincere. Q. But can it be conceived that God has any re- gard to the sincerity of an unbeliever ? — yi. Yes, so much, that if he persevere therein, God will in- fallibly give him faith. Q, What regard may we conceive him to have, to the sincerity of a believer ? — yf. So much, that in every sincere believer he fulfils all the great and precious promises. - C' Whom do you term a sincere believer? — A, One that walks in the light, as God is in the light, \ John i. 7. (2- Is sincerity the same with a single eye? — y/. Not altogether. The latter refers to our intention ; the former to our will or desires. g. Is it not all in all ? — A. All will follow per- severing sincerity. God gives every thing with it ; nothing without it. g. Are not then sincerity and faith equivalent terms ? — A. By no means. It is at least as nearly related to works as it is to faith. For example, Who is sincere before he believes? He that then does all he can; he that, according to the power he has received, brings forth fruits meet Jor repentance. Who is sincere alter he believes ? He tliat, from a sense of God's love, is zealous of all good works, g. Is not sincerity wliat St, Paul terais a willing 1746.] OJ the People called Methodists, 43' mind? 2 Cor. viii. 12. — A. Yes: If that word be taken in a general sense. For it is a constant dis- position to use all the grace given. g. But do we not then set sincerity on a level with faith . — A. No. For we allow a man may be sincere, and not be justified, as he may be penitent, ind not be justified, (not as yet ;) but he cannot have faith, and not be justified. The very moment he believes he is justified. g. But do we not give up faith, and put sincerity- in Its place, as the the condition of our acceptance with God ? — A. We believe it is one condition of our acceptance, as repentance likewise is. And we believe it is a condition of our continuing in a state of acceptance. Yet we-da not put it in the place of faith. It is by faith the merits of Christ are applied to my soul: But if I am not sincere^ they are not applied. g. Is not this, that going about to establish our twn righteousness, whereof St. Paul speaks ? Ro7n, X. 3. — yj. St. Paul there manifestly speaks of un- believers, who sought to be accepted for the sake of their own righteousness. We do not seek to be ac- cepted for the sake of our own sincerity; but through the merits of Christ alone. Indeed, so long as any man believes, he cannot go about (in St. .-Paul's sense) to establish his own righteousness? 0. Bat do you consider, that we are under the co- venant of grace ; and that the covenant of works is now abolished ? — J. All mankind were under the covenant of grace, from the very hour that the ori- ginal promise was made. If by the covenant of works you mean, that of unsinning obedience made with Adam before the fall, No man but Ada?n was ever under that covenant: for it was abolished be- fore Cain was born. Yet it is not so abolished, but that it will stand, in a measure, even to the end of the world, i, e. if we du this, we shall live ; if not, we shall die eternally. If we do vv^ell, we shall live with God in glory ; if evil, we shall die the se- 44 ji'Chranohgical History [^i'/,^6. cond death. For every man shall be judged in that day, and rewarded according to his zt'orks. ig.. Wliat means. lhen//i? hi?n that believeth^ his faith is counted for righteousness 1 — A, That God forgives him that is unrighteous as soon as he be- lieves; accepting his laith instead of perfect righte- ousness. But then observe, . universal righteousness follows, though it did not precede faith. g. BiU is faith thus counted to us for righteous- «€ji-, at whatsoever timevve believe ? — A. Y^s. In whatsoever moment we believe, all our past sins va- nish away. They are as though they had never been, an:! we staruj clear in the sight o\ God. Q^. Are not the assurance of faith ^ the inspiration cf the Holy Ghosts and the revelation of Christ in us^ terms nearly of the same import?— ^2^ Put yourselves in the place ol eveiy poor man, and deal with him as you would God should deal with you." The business of these Stewards is, '^ 1. To manage the temporal things of the Society. 2. To receive the subscriptions and contributions.. 3. To expend what is needful from time to time. 4. To send relief to the poor. 5. To keep an exact account of all receipts and expences. 6. To inform the Minister if any of the Rules of the Society are not punctually observed. 7. To tell the Assistants, in love, if they think any thing amiss either in their doctrine or life." *' The Rules of the, Stewards are, i. Be frugal. Save every thing that can be saved honestly. ^. Spend no more than you receive. Contract no debts. 3. Have no long, accounts. Pay every thing: within the week. 4. Expect no thanks from man." *747-] Of the People called Methodists. ^f The Stewards in London were many in number at that time. They visited the sick, and relieved the poor. All the Class-money, amounting to seve- ral hundred pounds in the year, was then^ and for many years after, given to the poor, through their hands.' They had much business to do^ and these R'lles were therefore the more needful. But they are excellent for any religious meeting. June 16, 1747, The fourth Conference was held in London. The following persons were present with Messrs. John and Charles Wesley. Charles Manning, Vicar of Hayes ; Richard Thomas Bate- man, Rector of St. Bartholomew's the Great;. H^nry Piers, Vicar of Bexley ; Howell Harris, and Thomas Hardwick. The two last were Lay- Preachers. THE TWO POINTS THEY CONSIDERED WERE, 1. THE DOCTRINE OF THE ASSURA.NCE OF FAITH; AND, 2. OF ENTIRE SANCTIFICATION. I. OF THE ASSURANCE OF FAITH. 0^. Is justifying Faith, a divine assurance, that Christ loved me and gave himself for me ? — A' We believe it is. (?. What is the iud^ment of most of the serious dissenters concerning this? — n. They generally al- low, That many believers have such an assurance ; and, that it is to be desired and prayed for by all. But then they affirm, that this is the highest species, or degree of faith : thdt it is not the common pri- vilege of believers. Consequently, they deny that this is justifying faith, or necessarily implied therein. l2- And are there not strong reasons for their opi- nion ? For insunce, it the true believers of old had not this assurance, then it is not necessarily implied in justifying faith: bat the true believers of old had not tins assurance? — A, David and many more of 48 A Chronological History [^747* the believers of old, undeniably had this assurance. But even if the Jews had it nor, it would not fol- low, that this is not implied in Christian faith. Q. Bui do you not know, that the apostles them- selves had it not, till after the day of Penticost? — A. The apostles themselves had not the proper •Christain faith, till after the day of Penticost. Q, But were not those Christian believers, in the proper sense, to whom St. John wrote his first epistle? Yet to these he says, Chap. v. 13. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God^ That ye may know that yc have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. — A. This does not prove, that they did not know they had eternal life, any more than that they did not believe. His plain meaning is, '• I have written unto you, that you may be the more established in the faith," therefore it does not follow from hence, that they had not this assur- ance; but only, that there are degrees therein. Medicus non est qui non medetur: I gB . A Chronological History [1748' am afraid, if we use propriety of speech, he is no physician who works no cure. " 12. *' O, but he has taken his degree of doctor of physic, and therefore has authority." Authority to do what ? " Wb.y, to heal all the sick that will- employ him." But (to wave the case of those who will not employ him : and would you have evciT their lives thrown away ?) he does not heal those that do employ him. He that was sick before, is sick still; or else he is gone hence, and is no more seen. Therefore his authority it not w'orth a rush j for it serves not the end for which it was given. *' 13. And surely he has no authority to kill them, by hindering another from saving their lives ! " 1 4. I f he either attempts or desires to hinder him, if he condemns or dislikes him for it, it is plain to all thinking men, he regards his own fees, more than the lives of his patients. *' II. Now to apply. Seeing life everlasting and holiness, or health of soul, are things of so great importance, it is highly expedient, that ministers, being physicians of the soul, should have all advan^ tages of education and learning. *' 2. That full trial should be made of them, in all respects, and that by the most competent judges, before they enter on the public exercise of their ot- fice, the saving souls from death. *' 3. That alter such trial, they be authorized to exercise that office, by those who are impowered to convey that authority: (I believe bishops are imj)Owered to do this, and have been so, from the apostolic age.) *• 4. And that tho^e whose souls they save, ought in the mean time to provide them what is needtul for the body. ** 5. But suppose a gentleman bred at the univer- sity in Dublin^ with all the advantages of educa- tion ; after he has undergone the usual trials, and been regularly autliorized to save souls from death: *• 6. Suppose, I say, this minister settles at-^- for «74^-] OJ the People called Methodists, ^9 some years, and yet saves no soni at all ; saves no sinners irom their sins; but after he has preached all this time to five or six hundred persons, cannot shew, tliat he has converted one from the error of his ways. Many of his parishioners dying as they lived, and the rest remaining jnst as they were be- fore lie came, *' 7. Will you condemn a man, -who having com- passion on dying souls, and some knowledge of the Gospel of Christ, without any temporal reward, saves many from their sins, whom the Minister could not save. " 8. At least did not: nor ever was likely to do it, for he did not go to them, and they would not come to him. " 9. Will you condemn such a preacher, because he has not learning ? Or has not had an university education ? What then ? He saves those sinners from their sins, whom the man of learning and edu- cation cannot save. ** 10. Will you object, " But he is no Minister, nor has any authority to save souls ? 1 must beg leave to dissent from you in this. I think, he is a true, evangelical Minister, diakonos^ servant of Christ and his Church, who dtos diakonos, so Mi- nisters, as to save souls from death, to reclaim sin- ners from their sins ; and that every Christian, if he is able to do it, has authority to save a dying soul. But if you only mean, he has no authoriiy to take tythes, I grant it. He takes none. As he has freely received, so he freely gives. " 11. But to carry the matter a little farther, I am afraid, ft will hold on the other hand, with regard to the soul as well as the body, Medicus nan est qui nan medetur. 1 am afraid, reasonable men will be much inclined to think, he that saves no souls is no Mm;ster of Christ. "12. *' O, but he is ordained, and therefore has authority." Authority to do what ? To save all tiie souls that will put themselves under his care. True; '©9 A Chronological History [i74^' but (to wave the case ot them that will not. And would you desire that even those should perish?) he does not, in tact, save thcra that are under his care. Therefore, what end does his authority serve ? He that was a drunkard, is a drunkard still. The same is true of the sabbath- breaker, the thief, the common swearer. This is the best of the case : for many have died in their iniquity, and their blood will God require at the watchman's hand. " 13. For surely he has no authority to murder souls : either by his neglect, by his smaooth if not false doctrine, or by hindering another from pluck- ing thern out of the fire, and bringing them to life everlasting. " 14. It he either attempts or desires to hinder him, if he condemns or is displeased with him for it, how great reason is there to fear, that he regards his own profit, more than the salvation ot soiils ? I am, Rev. Sir. Your affectionate brother, JOHN WESLEY." In this defence of Lay Preachers, three things are observable. 1. The Preacher should be wise in spiritual things. 2. His usefulness in turning sin- ners from the error ot their ways should be ap. parent. 3. If such persons give themselves wholly to the v/ork, and need support, they have a right to claim it, from those to whom they minister. Those who answer the above description are undoubtedly authorized by God to preach the Gospel, and will be certainly received by God's people. But if they do not answer it, they have no authority from God, nor should they have any from man, to preach in Christ's name. *7'i^'J Of the People caHed Methodiits. 6t CHAPTER THE THIRD. From the Conference in 1748, to that in London in 1763. June 22, 1748, The fifth Conference was held in Bristol. Seventeen Preachers were present, among whom was Mr. Philip Gibbs, late Baptist Minister of Plymouth, who at that time was sta- tioned on one of our Circuits. From this time till the Conference in 1763, the minutes were not pub- lished. It does not appear from the fournals^ that there was a set time fixed for holding a Confer- ence every year during this period ; though in some years there were two Conferences, Mr. Wes- ley, it seems, directed the Preachers where they should labour, by letter, and conferred with those whom he could collect in his journeys ; by which means the circuits were supplied with Preachers, and the rules of the Society enforced. At this time Kingswood School was opened, near Bristol, for the education of the Preachers children. There had been one erected there before for the children of the Colliers, For many years several of the Methodists sent their children to be educated there. It is now used wholly for the education of the Travelling Preachers children. Mr. Wesley thus speaks of it ; " Friday, June 24, 1748, being the day, we had appointed for opening the School at Kingswood, I preached on — *' Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it," Prov, xxii. 6. My brother and I then administered the Lord's-supper to many who came G 62 A Chronological History [174 from far. We then agreed on the general rules of the School, which we published soon after." From this time a public collection has been made through all the Societies once in every year, for Kingswood School. In order to encourage the peo- ple to contribute to its support, Mr. Wesley in the year 1756, asked the Conterence, *' What can be done to make the Methodists more sensible of the excellency ot" Kingswood School ?" The answer agreed upon is published in the ac- count of the School at the end ol this volume. The people were well pleased with it, for since that time they have liberally supported it. 1749. This year Mr. Wesley began to compile the Christian Library, and compleated it in hfty .volumes duodecimo. He published it under the following title, " A Christian Library : consisting of Extracts from, and Abridgments ol, the choicest pieces of Practical Divinity ; which have been pub- lished in the English Tongue." It is a very use- ful work, but the expence was too great for a poor people, therefore it is not much known among the Methodists. Mr. Wesley remarked concerning it in the year 1752, " It cost me two hundred pounds: perhaps the next generation may know its worth." August 20, 1749. The sixth Conference was held at London. In the latter end of this year, Mr. Hopper com- menced an Itinerant Preacher. In the former year, {1748) while he lived at Hindley-Hill, in Allen- dale, in the North of England, his labours were very useful. He formed Societies at Westallen, Aiesden, Ninthead, and Waredale. He tells us in his '* Me- moirs," Arminian Mag. vol. iv. page 30, " There was then no provision made tor Preachers, or iPreachers wives : nor any funds amongst the Me- thodists. He that had a staff might take it, go with- out it, or stay at home," il he did not chuse to trust God in this way. The Societies at that time pro- i/^o.] Of the People called Methodists. 6-^ vided the preachers with those things which were necessary without any fixed allowance. 1750. In February ot this year, the great perse- cution began in Cork. The mob was headed by Nicholas Butler^ a ballad -singer^ and committed great outrages. Butler was secretly encouraged by some of the Magistrates, for the grand jury in the spring following, " presented Charles Wesley, Tho- mas Williams, Robert Swindels, Jonathan Reeves, Samuel Larwood, Joseph Cownley, John Haughton, James Wheatley, Charles Skelton. William Tucker, and Daniel Sullivan, as persons of ill fame, vaga- bonds, and common disturbers of his Majesty's peace; and praying that they might be transported! These were all Preachers, except the last, v/ho was a respectable citizen. His crime was, that he re- ceived the Preachers into his house. Mr. Wesley observed ironically, *' This memorable presentment is worthy to be preserved in the annals of Ireland, to all succeeding generations," These good men were all liberated in the most honourable manner, at the following Assizes ; and the Preachers have ever since been treated with peculiar respect in the city of Cork. March 8, 1750, The seventh Conference was held in Bristol. Mr. Wesley only says concerning it, ''• I dcsned all ihe Preachers that were in Bristol, to meet me at four in the afternoon; and so every day while I was in town." In the month of July, in this year, Thomas. Walsh began to preach at Shronill, within fifteen, miles of the city ot Limerick, m Ireland: being ad- vised to it by Mr. Wesley. He was one of the most useful and laborious ol' the Methodist Preach- ers, durmg the short time he lived, which was only about eight years alter he began to travel. He died tlie 8tn day of April, 1759, in the twenty-eighth year of his age, greatly lamented by all that knew him. His life was afterwards published by Mr,- G 2 '^4 -^ Chronological History [ * 7,5 1 • James Morgan, and is greatly evSteeined by the people. The following is Mr. Wesley's character oi Thomas Walsh. •* That blessed man sometimes preached in Irish, mostly in English. ; anii where- ever he preached, whether in English or Irish, the word was sharper than a iwo-edged sword. So that 1 do not remember ever to have know^i any Preach- er, who, in so few years as he remained upon earth, was an instrument of converting so many sinners from the error of their ways." ** By vio- lent straining of his voice, he contracted a true,, pulmonary consumption, which carried him ofF. O what a man, to be snatched away in the strength of his years! Surely thy judgments are a great deep r He was so thoroughly acquainted with the Bible, diat it he was questioned concerning any Hebrew word in the Old, or any Greek word in the New Testament, he would tell, after a little pause, not only how often the one or the other occurred in the Bible, but also what it meant in every place. Such a master of Biblic knowledge I never knew be- fore, and never expect to see again." Aug. 25, Mr. John Jane, one of the Preachers, died at Epworth in Lincolnshire. His last words were, ** I find the love of God in Christ Jesus.'* All his clothes, linen, and woollen ; stockings, hat and wig, were not sufficient to answer his funeral cxpences, which amounted to one pound seventeen shillings and three pence. All the money he had was, one shilling and four pence. Upon this Mr. Wesley observes, *• It was enough for any un- married Preacher of the Gospel to leave to his exe- cutors.'* March 11, 1751, The eighth Conference began in Bristol. Mr. Wesley remarks on this occasion, ♦» Many of our Preachers came from various parts= ^75^-1 0/ ike People called Methodists. 65 My spirit was much bowed down among them, fearing some of them were perverted from the sim- plicity of the Gospel. But I was revived at the sight of John Haime, John Nelson, and those who came with them in the evening ; knowing they held the truth as it is in Jesus, and did not hold it in unrighteousness." He was however pleasingly dis- appointed, as those were also who had suggested these fears to him. *' Monday, says he, our Con- ference began, and the more we conversed, the more brotherly love increased. The same spirit we found on Tuesday and Wednesday, I expected to have heard many objections to our first doctrines. But none appeared to have any: we seemed to be all of one mind as well as one heart." Mr. Wes- ley from this time was not so ready to believe such reports. This will appear in the sequel of this History. In April of this year, Mr. Wesley visited Scot- land, accompanied by Mr. Christopher Hopper, This was the beginning of Methodism in Scotland, He observes, *' We met with greater success than we expected." It has not prospered much in that country. One great design in sending Preachers thither is, to make a stand against the overflowing of Arianism and Socianism in that kingdom. A second Conference was held this year. Mr; Wesley speaks thus of it. 1751. Wednesday May 15th. ♦' We had a little Conference at Leeds with about thirty Preachers. I particularly enquired concerning their grace, and fruit ; and found reason to doubt of one only." This was the first meeting of the kind held in that town. On the 35th of June, James Wheailey^ one of the Preachers, who had grievously sinned, was ex- pelled from the Connexion : this was the first in- stance of that kind. Mr. Wesley and his brother expelled him by giving him the following note, dated on this day, and which they afterwards fcund it necessary to make public. 66 A Chronological History [ ^ 75 ^ ► *' Because you have wrought folly in Israel, grieved the Holy Spirit of God, betrayed your own soul into temptation and sin, and the souls of many others, whom you ought, even at the peril of your own life, to have guarded against all sin ; because you have given occasion to the enemies of God, whenever they shall know these things, to blaspheme the ways and truth of God. — We can in no wise receive you as a fellow-labourer, till we see clear proofs of your real and deep repentance. Of this you have given us no proof yet. You have not so much as named one single person, in all England or Ireland, with whom you have behaved ill, except those we knew before. " The least and lowest proof of such repentance which we can receive is this. That till our next Conference, (which we hope will be in October) you abstain both from Preaching and practising Physic. If you do not, we are clear; we cannot answer for the consequence. JOHN WESLEY. CHARLES WESLEY." In this same year, the disputes began in the con- nexion respecting our union with the Church of England. They seem to have been owing to the following causes: — i. Many dissenters had been converted to God by the preaching of the Metho- dists. They joined the Society, and some of them were made Leaders^ and also became Preachers* These, though men of real piety, retained some- thing of their old prejudices against National Church establishments. 2. Some who were originally Church-people, changed their sentiments, on ac- count of the illiberal treatment they met with from some of the Clergy of the established church, and filso from the want of piety among the people. 3. Some of the Preachers also were rather intempe- late in their zeal in poipting out the crimes o£ v/ic-ked ministers. The disputes arising from these j*^2.] Of the l^eople called Methodists, &y things caused uneasiness to the Societies while Mr. Wesley lived, but it greatly increased in the first four years after his death : and hence a niore liberal plan became absolutely necessary. December 26, Mr. John Bennet, who had joined Mr. Wesley in the year 1743, and had been very useful in Derbyshire, Cheshire, and Lancashire, at length separated. He made the breach, on this day, in Bolton-la-moors. He called Mr. Wesley a Pope, and charged him with preaching Popery ! and aiso with denying the perseverance of the saints, and teaching sinless perfection ! The first two charges were totally false. The two latter misrepresented. Mr. Wesley taught that a believer might, though he need not, lall from grace: he never used the term sinless perfection; but he exhorted be- lievers to love God with all their heart, which he termed Christian perfection. Mr. Bennet's words made a noise for a few years, and disturbed the Societies where he v;as most popular. Then the storm blew over ; the Lord supported Mr. Wesley, and the Methodists recovered more than they had lost. October 16, 17^2, the ninth Conference was held in Bristol. At this time it was agreed that the Preachers should receive a stipend of twelve pounds per annum, in order to provide themselves with ne- cessaries. Before this period the Stewards of each Society supplied the Preachers with what they wanted, so that they received no money except what was voluntary from Individuals, and a little from the Stewards to pay their travelling expences. The consequence was, some popular Preachers had abundance, while others were comparatively desti- tute. By this regulation the evil was remedied. But it was some years before this rule was univer- sally adopted. In the year 1762 there was no such allowance m the York Circuit. In the year 1764, in the Norwich Circuit the practice was to divide 63 A Chronological History [ j ^5 1 , the Love- feast money among the Preachers, which M'as very lutle indeed. And in the year 1765, a deputation trom the York Cnxuit attended at Man- chester in order to plead against the large sum of twelve pounds a year; but they were over-ruled, and it was finally and universally established. At the Conference in 1800, it was increased again, as appears by the following minute; *• We recom- mend it to every Quarterly Meeting, where it is not done, to raise the Preachers stipend to four pounds a quarter." May 22, 17,53, The tenth Conference began in Leeds. Mr. Wesley's account of it is, " Most of our Preachers met, and we conversed freely toge- ther, morning and afternoon, to the end of the week;, when our Conference ended with the same blessing as it began. God giving us all to be not only of one heart, but of one judgment." May 22, 1754, The eleventh Conference began in London. Mr. Wesley says of it, *' The spirit of peace and love was in the midst of us. Before we parted, we all willingly signed an agreement, not to act independently of each other; so that the breach lately made, has only united us more closely together than ever." The breach alluded to was, Samuel Larwood, Jonathan Reeves, John Whit- worth, Charles Skelton, and John Edwards left the Itinerant plan, and got independant congregations for themselves in different parts of England. They were eminent men in the connexion at this time, and probably would not have ceased to travel if there had been a provision for their wives and children. This was the first time that the Preachers con- firmed their love to each other by signing their names to their resolutions. This measure has been often recurred to since that time, and it has been produc- tive of the happiest effects. "^^75^0 Of the People called Methodists, 69 May 6, 1755, The twelfth Conference began in Leeds. *' The point, says Mr. Wesley, on which we desired all the preachers to speak their minds at large was, whether we ought to separate from the Church? Whatever was advanced on the one side or the other was seriously and calmly considered : and on the third day we were all fully agreed in that general conclusion, ** That whether it was lawjul or not, it was no ways expedient,'" In the month of August, in this year, the re- newing of the Covenant, which is now generally practised in all the larger Societies, on the last night of the old, or the first Sunday of the new year, was begun by Mr. Wesley in London. After reciting the tenor of the Covenant, in the words of that bless- ed man, Richard AlUn^ the people stand up, or lift up their right hand in token of assent. It is gene- rally a very solemn season, and productive of bless- ed effects. Mr. Wesleys says, ** Wednesday, August 6. I mentioned to the congregation another means of in- creasing serious religion, which had been frequent- ly practised by our forefathers, and attended with eminent blessing ; nam.ely, the joining in a cove- nant to serve God, with all our soul. I explained this for several mornings following ; and on Friday, many of us kept a fast unto the Lord, beseeching him to give us wisdom and strength, to promise un- to the Lord our God and keep it." The fast pre- ceding this mean of grace, and the Sacrament fol- lowing it, made it altogether a very solemn season. As God is ever the same, delighting in the happiness of his creatures, whenever they approach him in this manner he will bless them. August 26, 1756. The thirteenth Conference was held in Bristol. Mr. Wesley's account of it is, " About fifty of us being met, the rules of the Soci- ety were read over, and carefully considered one by one. But we did not find any that coold be spaiccL 7^ ^ Chronological Ih story 1^767' So we all agreed, to abide by them all and to recom- mend them with our might. *' We then largely considered the necessity of keeping in tlie Church, and using the Clergy with tenderness. And there was no dissenting voice* God gave us all to be of one mind, and of one judg- ment. " The rules of the Bands were read and consider- ed, one by one : which after some verbal alterations,, we all agreed to observe and enforce. *• The rules of Kingswood school were also read and considered, one by one. And we were all con- vinced they were agreeable to scripture and reason. In consequence oi which, it was agreed, i. That a short account of the design and present state of the school be read by every Assistant in every Society. 2. That a subscription for it be begun in every place, and (if need be) a collection made every year. '* My brother and I closed the Conference by a solemn declaration of our purpose, never to sepa- rate from the Church. And all our brethren con- curred therein." The good produced by thus leading the Preachers to consider their first prmciples, made Mr. Wesley often do the same while he lived. It is probable this was the time that Mr, Wesley wrote and published his twelve reasons against sepa- rating from the Church of England ; for in the year 1758, we find Mr. Charles Wtsley adding his testi- mony to them ; only with regard to the /irsl rea- son, He believed it neither lawful nor expedient for kim to separate from it.' This declaration is now added to the tract itself. The following is Mr. Wesley's account of Mr.. Fletcher's joining him as a fellow labourer. *' March 13th, 1757, finding myself weak at Snows-fields, I pruyed that God, if he saw good, would send me help at the chapel. He did so. As soon as 1 had done prtaching, Mr. Fletcher came, who had just then been ordamed Priest, iind hastened to the Cha» 1758.] OJ the People called Methodists, 71 pel, on purpose to assist me, as he supposed me to be alone. How wonderful are tne ways of God ! •When my bodily strengtli failed, and no clergyman in England was able arid willing to assist me, he sent me help from the mountains of Switzerland ! And a help-meet for me in every respect ! Where could I have found such another I" 1757. Mr. Wesley observes, that on May 21, in this year, *' being at Keigkly, in Yorkshire, I had a little Conference with our Preachers;" but this did xiot prevent the regular Meeting. Accordingly we find, that on August 4, the fourteenth Conference began m London. Mr. Wesley's account of it is, " From the first hour to the last, there was no jarring string, but all was harmony and love!" In the month ot August, in this year, Mr. Alex- ander Mather was received as a Travelling Preach- er. In his Memoirs, published in the Jrm, Mag, vol. iii. page 149, " He says. It was agreed that I should travel, and that my wde should have the fix- ed allowance of four shillings per week, paid her by the Stewards of the London Society, Mess. Brott's and Hobbins. This was the beginning of the set- tlement for Preacher's Wives, which (with the addi- tion of forty shillings a year) continues to this day." Mr. Mather was the first married Preacher taken into the connexion, and his wife was the first provided for by a Hxt sum of money paid her by the Metho- dists. He died at York, August, 22, 1800, after having travelled forty three years. He had been from the first day until his death, a very laborious and useful Preacher. Before the time of his admis- sion the preachers wives and families were very bad- ly provided for : sometimes the Stewards attended to their wants, and at other times overlooked them. At all times their provision was precarious, August 10, 1758, The fifteenth Conference was held in Bristol Mr. Wesley says of it, "It began and ended in perfect harmony." ^^ A chronological History [1760, x\ugust 8, 1759, The sixteenth Conference be- gan in London. Mr. Wesley observes concerning it, ** Our time was almost entirely employed in ex- amining whether the spirit and lives of our Preach- ers were suitable to their profession ? Great was the unanimity and love that reigned among us. And if there were any who hoped or feared the contrary, they were happily disappointed." From this time the Moral, Religious, and Ministe- rial characters of the Preachers have been strictly ex- amined at the Conference in every year .The pu* nishments inflicted on an offending brother are, a. A rebuke from the President before the whole Con- ference. 2. The being put back on trial. 3 .Suspen- sion for a year, 4, Expulsion from the body .These punishments are inflicted according to the nature of the ofifence. August 29, 1760, The seventeetb Conference was held in Bristol. Mr. Wesley had been detained in Ireland by contrary winds. When he got to Bris- tol he observes, " I spent the two following days with the Preachers, who had been waiting for me all the week; and their love and unanimity was such as soon made me forget all my labour." This circum- stance clearly shews there could be no Methodist Conference while Mr. Wesley lived unless he were present, or had appointed the person who held it. In this year a great revival of religion took place among the Metliodists. Many persons, men and women, professed to be cleansed from all unrighte- ousness and made perfect in love, in a moment; of- ten while hearing the word, but more frequently while at prayer, or while others were praying for them. Mr. Wesley thus speaks of it, ** Here be- gan that glorious work of sanctification, which had been nearly at a stand for twenty years. From time to time it spread, first through various parts of York- shire, afterwards in London, then through most parts of England, next to Dublin, Limerick, and 1761.] Of the People called Melhodists, 73 throngli all the south and west of Ireland. And wherever the work of sanctification increased, the whole work ot" God increased in all its branches. Many were convinced of sin, many justified, and many backsliders healed." It continued to increase for some years. When" satan could not hinder ^ he strove to disgrace it; for a spirit of Enthusiasm got into the London Society, and especially among those who were most zealous in this work. It manifest- ed itself, 1. In trusting to their own feelings and impressions, more tiian to the word of God. 2. In using irreverent and improper expressions in prayer. 3. In pretending to the Gift of the discernment of Spirits, and Prophesying, i. i. 1. Fix the end of each conversation before you begin. 2. Watch and pray during the time. 3. Spend two or three minutes every hour in earnest prayer. 4. Rarely spend above an hour at a time in conversing with any one. g. How shall we be assured that no Preacher will ever disappoint a congregation? — A^ By asking e- very one, 1. Do you see the great sin and fatal con- sequences of it? 2. Will you break a limb rather than wilfully break your word therein? 3. If you do, can you blame us, for not employing you any more ? ^ 0. Might not the children in every place be formed into a little Society ? — J, 1 . Let the Preach-.- ers try by meeting them together and giving them suitable exhortations. 2. By explaining to them in an easy familiar manner the Instructions tor chil- _ dren, and the Tokens for children. g. Would it not be well for every Preacher to visit the sick? — A. No time could be employed more profitably, either for them or us : and when we do so, we should examine them carefully as to the state they are in ; and then instruct, reprove, or ex- hort accordingly. 0. How may we make the Leaders of the Clas- ses^more useful ?—y^. i. Let each of them be dili- gently examined concerning his method of meeting a Class. 2. Let the Leaders converse with all the Preachers, as frequently and as freely as possible. 1 7 63 . ] Of the People called Meth odists. 8 7 3. Let each Leader caicFulIy enquire how every soul in his class prospers? Not only how each per- son observes the outward rulers, but how he grows in the knowledge and love oF God. 4. Let the Leaders frequently meet each others Classes. g. How can we further assist those under our care ? — A. 1. By examining the Society very close- ly at the general meeting of the Classes. 2. By exa- mining those who are in Band, as to their inward state, and their observance of the rules. 3. By meeting the married men and married women apart : the single men and single women apart. 4. By examining and instructing them at their own houses, at times set apart for that purpose. g. How shall we prevent improper persons from insinuating themselves into the Society ?-—/i. 1. Give tickets to none till they are recommended by a Leader, with whom they have met thne months on trial. 2. Give notes to none but those who are re- commended by a Leader, with wliom they have met three or four times. 3, Make them shew their Tickets when coming into the Society. 4. Admit strangers with caution, and but seldom to the meet- ing of the Society. 2- What can be done in order to a closer union of our helpers? — ^. i. Let them be deeply con- vinced of the want there is of it at present, and the absolute necessity of it. 2. Let them pray for an earnest desire of union. 3. Let them speak free- ly to each other. 4. When they meet let them ne- ver part without prayer. 5. Let them beware how they despise each oihers gilts. 6. Let them never speak slightingly of each other in any kind. 7. Let them defend one another's character in every thing to the utmost of their power, and, 8. Let them labour in honour each to prefer the other before himself. g. How shall we avoid popularity? We mean sucti esteem or love from the people, as is not for tiie glory of God. — J. i. Earnestly pray for a I 2 8^ A Chronological History [17^^ piercing sense of the danger, and the sinfulness of It. 2. Take care how you ingratiate yourself with any people by slackness of discipline. 3. Or by any method which another Preacher cannot follow 4. Warn the people among whom you are most of esteeming or loving you too much. 5. Converse sparingly with those who are particularly fond of you. 6. Use all the means of grace whether institut- ed or prudential. The instituted are, i. Prayer, private, family, public: consisting of Deprecation, Petition, Inter- cession, Thanksgiving. 2. Searching the Scrip- tures, by reading, hearing and meditating on them. 3. Receiving the Lord's supper at every opportu- nity. 4. Fasting and abstinence at least one day in tvery week. 5. Christian Conference. The prudential are those which are agreeable to the rules of Christian Prudence, and maybe used as private Christians, as Methodists, as Preachers, ■or Assistants. i. As private Christians. What particular rules have you for avoiding evil ? doing ■good ? growing in grace ? What arts of holy living ? and improving time? 2. As Methodists. Do you keep the" rules of the Society, and of the Bands? TJie morning and evening hour of retirement ? i, e, six in the morning, and five o'clock in the after- noon. 3. As Preachers. Do you preach morning and evening ? Do you meet every Society weekly ? Also the Leaders, and Bands if any? 4. As Assist- ants. Do you attend to the twelve rules of an Assist- ant? Particularly those which relate to the other Preachers, the Bands, and the books? Mr. Wesley observes, " These means m.ay be used without fruit. But there are some means which cannot ; namely, watching, denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and exercise of the presence of God." A set of men acting on these principles, and lay- ing themselves out in this manner, could not fail of being useful. For the Redeemer hath said, " To him that hath shall be given, (z, e. to him that im- iy^S'l Of the People called Methodists, 89 proveth what he hath, more shall be given,} and he shall have abundance.'' This is the first time we read of the Preachers having any thing to do with the books. In every circuit now the Snperintendant manages the book concerns, by which means the body is increased and edified. The rules Mr. Wesley then gave the Preachers respecting the books, areas follows: " j. Let every Preacher recommend to every Society, and that frequently and earnestly, the reading the books we have published, preferable to any other. And when any new book is sent to any place, let him speak of it in the public congregation. 2. Let each of you do like Williain Pennington : Carry books with you through every round. Exert yourselves in this. Be not ashamed. Be not weary. Leave no stone unturned." And at the Conference in 1792, when it was found necessary to reprint the minutes, which for- bid the Preachers to tollow trades, or be engaged in business, it was added. *' N. B. Selling our own books is an exception." At the Conference in 1801, it was added, *' N. B. We hope that the members of our Socie- ties, and our other friends, will not purchase any of our books which are not printed for our book- room, and disposed of by our Preachers, when it is considered that the profits of our books are wholly applied to the carrymg on of the work of God; and we desire the Superintendants to caution all our friends on this head." At this Conference also the account was drawn up of the design and state of Kingswood School, to be read by every Assistant at Midsummer, when making the collection for it. The Deed of Trust also, for the settlement of the Preaching houses, which Mr. Wesley got drawn up by three eminent Counsel, was published and recommended to the Societies. - 13 90 A Chronological History [1763. The yearly subscription also was earnestly recom- mended to all the Societies* It had been made in a few of them before this time, but now an account of its necessity was published. It was made in the Classes : and every one was exhorted to conlribute something, in order to defray the expences occa- sioned, 1. By building preaching houses. 2. By sending out Preachers who were able and willing to travel, but who could not provide themselves with necessaries, 3. To support the Preachers while la- bouring in the poor circuits in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. 4. To enable them to take the benefit of the Law when persecuted by wicked and unreasonable men. — The expences of building are now taken off this Collection, and yet it falls short every year of defraying the necessary expences, even with the addition of all the profits of the books. For the first time, the number of the circuits were ^aken this year. There were then thirty. one circuits {XI the three kingdoms. In England Twenty. T. London, 11. Whitehaven,, 2. Sussex- 12. Lincolnshire. 3. Norwich* 33. Sheffield. 4. Bedford. 14. Leeds. 5. Wiltshire, 15. Birstall, . 6. Bristol. 16. Ha worth. 7. Devonshire; 17. York. 8. Coinuall. 18. Yarm. <). StafTordshise. 19. The Dales. 0. Chester, 20. Newcastle. In Scotland Two, In Wales Two. 1. Edinburgh. 1. Pembrokeshire. 2. Aberdeen, 2, Brecknockshire. 1763-] Of the People called Methodists. 9* In Ireland Seven. I. Dublin. 5 Castlebar. 2. Water ford. 6. Athlone. 3- Cork. 7- The North 4- Limerick. In all Thirty One. Some of the Preachers at this time appeared to be almost worn out, and unable to travel ; and hav- ing nothing to subsist on, it led them to institute what they called, The Preachers Fund. It is thus noted. (2- How may provision be made for old worn-out Preachers ? — J, As to their employment, they may be supernumerary Preachers, in those circuits wherein there is most need. As to their subsist- ance, 1., Let every Travelling Preacher contribute ten shillings yearly at the Conference. 2. Let this be lodged in the hands of three Stewards, approved of by the majority of the Preachers. 3. Out of this, let what is needful be allowed yearly. 1. For the old and sickly Preachers, and their families, (if they have any.) 2. For the widows and children of those that are dead. Two things are observable in this institution. 1. The Travelling Preachers onl / contributed then to the relief of their worn out Brethren. 2. None were to be relieved but those who were in need. The Brethren in general now help to support this great Charity. Several other particulars were considered at this Conference, and recommended to the brethren, which in this History I think it right to mention, though seemingly of small importance. The fol- lowing directions were given to the Preachers, re- spectmg the methody manner^ and subject of their preaching: — L The method. They were, i.To invite. 2. To C)2 A Chronological History , [^7^3* convince. 3. To offer Christ. 4. To build up: and to do this in some measure in every sermon. II. The manner, i. To begin and end precisely at the time. 2. To suit their subject to their audi- ence, and to choose the plainest texts they could. 3. To be serious, weighty, and solemn in their whole deportment before the congregation ; and to tell each other if they observed a deviation from these rules. III. The subject. — 1. To preach Christ in all his offices, and to declare his Law as well as his Gos- pel to believers and unbelievers. 2. To insist upon practical religion in general ; and upon relative du-^ ties in particular. 3. To preach against Sabbath- breaking, dram-drinking, evil-speaking, unprofit- able conversation, lightness, gaiety, or expensive- ness oi apparel, and contracting debts without suf- ficient care to discharge them. In a word, to preach against all kinds of vice, and to call the people to general repentance, in order to prevent a general visitation. For national sins call aloud for national judgments. This last advice led to the following minute. g. Should we talk of persecution before it comes ? — A. To talk or think before of any parti- cular persecution, only weakens our hands. And how long the general persecution may be deferred God only knows. — From this it appears the Con- ference at this time expected a general persecution. Blessed be God it is yet delayed! The Preachers were earnestly exhorted to attend to, and recommend to others, the five o'clock hour in the afternoon for prayer, for themselves and the work of God. Many have conscientiously at- tended to it. It appears from these minutes, as well as from the rules, that Mr. Wesley wished to see the Methodists a plain people as to dress. He did not wish to have them singular as the Quakers, but plain, agreeably to the Scriptures. He now advised the Preachers 1764.] Of the Pf,ople called Methodists, 93 not to give Band Tickets to any who dressed in the fashion, not even to married women, who sometimes pleaded, that they dressed in the tashion to please their husbands. Mr. Wesley's care of the Preachers extended to the smallest things, even to advise what t'hey should take after preaching, namely, *' lemonade, candied orange-peel, or a little sort warm ale." But he observes, " egg and wine, and all spirituous liquors, at that time especially, are deadly poison ; so are late suppers." His care for the married Preachers is manifest in the following minute. g. How may the married Preachers be provided forp — yf. I. Let the Assistant enquire at the quar- terly meeting, what each Preacher's wife will want for the ensuing quarter. 2. Let this be supplied first of all, out of the common stock. 1764. In the beginning of this year, Mr. Er- skine re-published in Scotland, Mr. Hervey's Eleven Letters, and spread them with all his might. They prejudiced the Scotch against the Methodist doc- trine, and hindered the prosperity of the work, These letters did no harm in England. Mr. Wes- ley and Mr. Sellon wrote masterly answers to them. It was afterwards known, that a Mr. Cudworth, a violent Antinomian, had written the most virulent passages in these letters. April 19, 1764, Mr. Wesley wrote his famous Catholic circular letter to all the convened Clergy (that he knew) in Engiajid ; who preached, i. The doctrine of original sin. 2. Justification by faith. 3. Holiness of heart and life. He invited them to unite with him, and with each other, in order to spread holiness through the nation. (The letter may be seen in his Life by Dr. Coke and Mr. Moore, page 316.) Out of fifty or sixty persons which he wrote to, only three vouchsafed hnn an answer, one of whom was that blessed man of God, the Rev. Vincent Perronet, Vicar of Shoreham. (His Life is- 94 ^^ Chronological History [1764. published in ihe Arminisn Magazine, for Jan. 1799.) Mr. Wesley had as good an opportunity of knowing the converted Clergy, and was as capable of judging concerning them, as any man in England. Since that time their number has considerably increased. April 22, in this year, John Manners, one of the Preachers, died in York. He was singularly useful in the revival which began in the year 1760, and particularly in the year 1762, in the city of Dublin. He was clearly sensible to the last, as well as solidly happy in God, saying, *' The way is quite clear : my heart is at liberty." The following is the cha- racter Mr. Wesley gave of him. *' A plain man» of middling sense, and not eloquent, but rather rude in speech : one who had never before b^en re- markably useful, but seemed to be raised up for this single work. And as soon as it was done, he fell into a consumption, languished a while and died." August 16, 1764, The twenty- first Conference was held in Bristol, The minutes were not printed. Mr. Wesley observes concernnig it, " The great point I now laboured for was, a good understanding with all our brethren of the Clergy, who are hear- tily engaged in propagatmg Vital Religion." He had long laboured for this; but even those who loved and preached the Gospel, had not, in general, his enlarged and libei-al mind. Mr. Walker of Truro, who attended some of the first Conferences, had proposed, in the year 1757, that Mr. Wesley should give up the Societies which were under his care, to the exclusive superintendance of those Mi- nisters, in every place, who were pious, and who- also preached the Gospel ; and instanced a Mr. Vowler, a parish Minister, in Cornwall, to whom Mr. Wesley ouglit, as Mr. Walker observes, in justice, to resign the Societies in his parish. Mr- Wesley replied, (see the letter entire, in 2vlr. Wes- ley's Life, by Dr. Coke, and Mr. Moore, page 3,1a.) 1764.] Of the People calkd Methodists. 95 That Mr. VoNvler might be a gracioas person, and also preach the Gospel, yet there were sev^eral rea- sons why he should hesitate to give up the people to him. *' I do not know," he observes, " 1. That every one wlio preaches the Truth, has wisdom or experience to govern a Flock. 2. I do not kr.ow whether he would or could give that Flock ail the advantages for holiness which they now enjoy: and to leav^ them to hun betore I was assured of this, would he \\ii'\i\\Qi justice, nor mercy. 3. Unless they were also assured ()f tliis, they could not in con- science give themselves up to him : and I have neither right n;)r power to dispose of them contrary to their own conscience.- — I extend this to every Gospel Minister in England. Before I could with a clear conscience leave a Methodist Society to such a one, all these considerations must come in." But these just and liberal sentiments had not all that weight which they ought to iiave had with these good men. They retamed their former senti- ments; and Mr. Charles Wesley, who ceased be- ing an Itinerant in the year 1757, and had settled at~ Bristol, fully adopted their views. Mr. Wes- ley's circular letter now gave them some hope, that they might prevail, and twelve Clergymen accord- ingly attended this Conference. The proposal for- merly made by Mr. Walker was now renewed in form, and supported by Mr. Charles Wesley, who declared, that if he were a parish Minister, the Preachers should not preach in his parish / Mr. John Wesley, however, whose constant persever- ing mind nothing but Holy Scripture or right reason could move, remained firmly fixed in those senti- ments which he had expressed in his circular letter, and in that to Mr. Walker. The Preachers unani- mously agreed with him: and as these Clergymen would not unite with him except upon their own terms, he was obliged to abandon the idea altoge- ther. 96 A Chronological History [1765' CHAPTER THE FIFTH, Froin the Conference in 1765, to that in London m 1770. A UGUST 20tb, 1765. The twenty-second Con- ference was held in Manchester. This was the first Conference that was held there. It did not assemble there again till the year 1787. Frorri that time it has been lield there every fourth year in the follow- ing order. First in London, then in Leeds, then in Biistol, and then in Manchester. From this period the minutes of the Conference were t Society in America. *' In the year 1769, Richard Boardraan and Jo- seph Pillmoor came to New York ; they were the first regular Methodist Preachers on the Continent. In the year 1771, Francis Asbury and Richard Wright, of the same order, went over. In the year 1773* Thomas Rankin and George Shadford, also went over. In July 1773, the first Conterence was held in America, at Philadelphia. Mr. Rankin presided at it. There were about one thousand Members in the different Societies, six or seven of whom were Travelling Preachers. In May 1777, there were forty Preachers in the different Circuits, '7^9-] Of the People called Methodists. i2^ and seven thousand Members, besides many hun- dreds of Negroes, who were convinced of sin, and many of them happy in the love of God. From the year 1777, till alter the peace in 1783, there was no regular account from America." But the Preachers, with Mr. Asbury at their head, held their Annual Conferences regularly during the whole time of the war: and in the year 1795 they ptiblished in one volume all the minutes of their several conferences from the year 1773 to 1794 in- clusive. In it may be seen the growth and spread of infant Methodism to the manhood of twenty-two or tv/enty-three years in the United States of Ame- fica. Mr. Asbury was admitted upon trial as a Travel- ling Preacher, at the London Conference in 1767. He has been, and at present is, the most laborious and useful man ever sent by Mr. Wesley to Ameri- ca. He now {1802) presides as Bishop over all the Methodists in the United States. This honour has been conferred upon him because of his steadiness, zeal and usefulness. There are now three hundred and eighty Itinerant Preachers employed in the United States, and near eighty-seven thousand Members in the Societies, After the Societies began to increase, there was nothing Mr. Wesley had so much at heart as that the Preachers and people should remain united after his death. At this Conference he read the following paper. *• My Dear Brethren^ '* 1. It has long been ray desire, that all those Ministers of our Church, who believe and preach Salvation by Faith, might cordially agree among themselves, and not hinder but help one another. After occasionally pressing this in private conversa- tion, wherever I had opportunity, 1 wrote down my thoughts upon the head, and sent them to each in a letter. Out of fifty or sixty to whom I wrote, only Mo 124 j^ Chronological History [i7%« three vouchafed me an answer. So I gave this up- 1 can do no more. They are a rope of sand : and such they will continue, *• 2. But it is otherwise with the Travelling Preachers in our connexion. You are at present one body. You act in concert with each other, and by united councils. And now is the time to consider what can be done, in order to continue this union ? Indeed, as long as I live, there will be no great dii- iiculty : I am, under God, a centre of union to all our Travelling, as well as Local Preachers. They all know me and my communication. They all love me for my work's sake; and therefore, were it only out of regard to me, they will continue connected with each other. But by wliat means muy this con. iicxicn be preserved when God removes me from ■you ? *' 3. I take it for granted, it cannot be preserved by any means, between those who have not a single eye. Those i\ bo aim. at any thing but the glory of God and the salvation of men ; who desire, or seek any earthly thing, v/hether honour, profit, or ease, will not, cannot continue in the connexion, it will not answer their design. Some, perhaps, will pro- cure preferment in the Church. Others will turn Independants, and get separate congregations, like John Edwards and Charles Skelton. Lay your ac- counts for this, and be not surprized if some you do not suspect be of this number, " 4. But what method can be taken to preserve a firm union between those who chuse to remain together ? Perhaps you m.ight take some such steps as these : On notice of my death, let all the Preachers in England and Ireland repair to London within six •weeks. Let them seek God by solemn fasting and prayer. Let them draw up articles of agreement, to be signed by those who chuse to act in concert. Let those be dismissed who do not chuse it, in the most friendly manner possible. Let the remainder chuse by votes, a committee of three, five, or 1769-] Of the People called Methodists, 125 seven, each of whom is to be Moderator In his turn. Let the committee do what I do now. Pro- pose Preachers to be tried, admitted, or excluded. Fix the place of each Preacher tor the ensuing year, and the tim.e of the next Conierence. " 5. Can any thing be done now in order to lay a foundation for this future union? Would it not be well for any that are willing, to sign some articles of agreement before God calls me hence ? Suppose something like these, " We whose names are under-written, being, thoroughly convinced of the necessity of a close union between those whom God is pleased to use as instruments in this, glorious work, in order to pre- serve this union between ourselves, are resolved, God being our helper, '* I. To devote ourselves entirely to God, denying ourselves, taking up our cross daily, steadily aiming at one thing, to save our own souls, and ihem tiiat. hear us. *• II. To preach the old Methodist doctrines, and no other, contained in fche minutes of the Gonfe- pence. " III. To observe and enforce the whofe Metho- dist discipline, laid down in the mmures." Having lelt these propositwns with the Preacher;?, that they might consider rhem maturely, he brought them forward at the Conferences in 1773, 1774, and. 1775; at each of which, all the Preachers present signed them.. At the first of these Conferences there were forty-eight Preachers present. At the .second, twenty -five who were not at the former Conference ; and at the third, twenty-eight who were at neither of the former ones. These articles of union were signed in the whole by one hundred and one Preachers. From the Ivlinutes of this Conference it appears, that the married Preachers were, before this time, sent only to the Circuits which could maintain ^hem. This was productive of many inconvenient M3 1^6 J Chronological History [^//o. cles, as there were but very few Circuits which could do this. To remedy this evil, every Circuit was required to do a little towards paying the sti- pend of the Preacher's wives ; so that a married rreacher might be sent into any Circuit whether it could wholly provide for his family or not. CHAPTER THE SIXTH. From the Conference in 1770, to that in Leeds in 1784. August 7th, 1770, The twenty-seventh Con- ference was held in London. At this time the names oi" the Preacher's Wives that needed support were published, and the Circuits which were to pro- vide for them were also mentioned. There were then forty-three to be provided for by the Circuits in general. The children were to be supported by the Circuits on which their parents laboured. It was now agreed, that a Preacher should receive Twelve Pounds a year for his wite, and Four Pounds a year for each of his children, to be paid quarterly i the boys till they were eight years of iige, fit to go to Kingswood School ; the girls till they were fourteen, fit to go to business. The failure of some of the Menibers, who were men of business, occasioned the following Minute, 0. What shall we do to prevent scandal when any c^f our Members becomes a bankrupt? — A. In this (fase, let two of the principal Members of the' Society be deputed to examine his accounts, and if behave not kept fair accounts, or been concerned ^n that base practice, of raising money by coining 1770.] Of tilt People called Methodists. 127 Notes, (commonly called the bill trade,) let him be immediately expelled the Society. To raise a bulwark against Antinomianism, the following Propositions, respecting Doctrine, were now agreed to ; Take heed to your doctrine. We said, in 1744, *' We have leaned too much towards Calvinism," Wherein ? i. *' With regard to Mans Faithfulness, Our Lord himself taught us to use the expression. And we ought never to be ashamed of it. We ought steadily to assert, on his authority, that if a man is not faithful in the unrighteous mammon^ God will not give him the true riches. 2. With re- gard to working for life. This also our Lord has expressly commanded us. Labour, fErgazestheJ literally, work for the meat that endureth to ever- lasting life. And in fact every believer, till he comes to glory, woxk^for as well as from life. 3. We have received it as a maxim, ** That a man is to do nothing, m order to Justification :" nothir:g can be more talse. Whoever dtsires to find favour with God should cease from evil and learn to do well. So God himself teaches by the Prophet Isaiah. Whoever repents should do works meet for repen^ tance. And if this is not m order to find favour, what does he do them for ?'' Review the whole affair. 1. Who of us is now accepted of God ? He that now believes in Christ, with a loving and obedient heart. 2. But who among those that never heard of Christ ? Pie that feareth God and worketh righteousness, accordino- to the light he has. 3. Is this the same wi:h, "^ He that is sincere?" Nearly, if not quite. 4. Is not this " Salvation by works ?" Not by the merit ot works, but by works, as a condition. ^. What have we then been disputing about for these thirty years ? I am afraid, about words, (nam.ejy in some of the foregoing instances.; 6. As to mi^ni itself, of which we have been so dreadfully afraid, we are rewarded, according to our works, yea, be~ 128 A Chron o logic a I Bis to ry L^77^-^ causs of our works. How does this differ {vomfor the sake of our works? And how differs this trom secundum merita operuni. As our works deserve? Can you split this hair ? I doubt I cannot. 7. The grand objection to one of the preceding propositions, is drawn from matter of fact. God does in fact justify those, who by th.eir own confes- sion, neither feared God nor wrought righteousness. Is this an exception to the general rule ? It is a doubt whether God makes any exception at alL But how are we sure that the person in question never did fear God and work righteousness? His own saying so is not proof: for we know how all that are convinced of sm, undervalue themselves in every respect. 8. Does not talking, without proper caution, of a justified or sanctified j^^/^?, tend to mislead men ? Almost naturally leading them to trust in what was done in one moment? Whereas we are every mo- ment pleasing or displeasing to God, according to. our works. According to the whole of our inward tempers, and outward behaviour." When these Propositions were published, the Honourable and Rev. Walter Shirley, Chaplain ,to the Countess of Huntingdon, sent the following circular letter through the three kingdoms." ♦' Sir, Whereas Mr. Wesley's Conference is to be held' at Bristol, on Tuesday the 6th of August next, it is proposed by Lady Huntingdon, and many other Christian Friends (real Protestants) to have a meet- ing at Bristol, at the same time, of such principal Persons, both Clergy and Laity, who disapprove of tlie above Minutes ; and as the same are thought injurious to the very Fundamental Principles of Chris- tianity, it IS turther proposed, that they go in a body to the said Conference, and insist upon a formal Re- cantation of the said Minutes ; and in case of a re- fusal, that they sign and publish their Protest against> them. Your presence, Sir, on this occasion is par. ^77'^''] Of the People called Methodists, 129 ticularly requested: But if it should not suit your convenience to be there, it is desired that you will transmit your sentiments on the subject to such per- son as you think proper to produce them. It is sub- mitted to you, whether it would not be right in the opposition to be made to such a dreadful Heresy^ to recommend it to as many oF your Christian Friends, as well of the Dissenters, as of the esta- blished Church, as you can prevail on to be there, the cause being of so public a nature. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, WALTER SHIRLEY." " P. S. Your answer is desired, directed to the Countess of Huntingdon, or the Rev. Mr. Shirley, or John Lloyd, Esq. in Bath; or Mr. James Ire- land, Merchant, Bristol ; or to Thomas Powis, Esq. at Berwick, near Shrewsbury ; or to Richard Hill, Esq> at Hawkstone, near Whitchurch, Shropshire. Lodgings will be provided. Enquire at Mr, Ire- land'5, Bristol." This brought on a long controversy between the Calvinists and Arminians. In this dispute, the Reverend John Fletcher, one of the holier men of this age, was eminently conspicuous. With wisdom and zeal becoming an apostle, he vindicated the Minutes, and silenced his antagonists. What "he wrote upon that subject is contained in seven vo- lum.es duodecimo ; and is well worthy the perusal of all lovers of the Bible. This blessed man died Auirnst 14, 1785, in the fiTty-sixth year of his age. His life was afterwards published by Mr. Wesley, and also by Mr. Gilpen : both these Memoirs are very useful and instructive. Sunday, Nov. iB, Mr. Wesley being desired by Mr. WhitejieUV s Executors to preach his funeral sermon, he performed that labour of love on this day at the Tabernacle. That blessed man was found dead on his knees in his chamber on Sunday, Sept. 30, 1770, in Newbury, near Boston, in America, in the fiFty-fixth year of his age. The text Mr. 13.<* A Chronological History t^774* Wesley cliose was, Let me die the de.ath of the righ. (eous, and let my last end be like his, August the 6th, 1771, The twenty-eighth Confe- rence was held in Bristol. Mr. Wesley observes concerning it, " We had more Preachers than usual in consequence of" Mr. Shirley's circular letter. At ten on Thursday morning, he came with nine or ten of his friends. We conversed freely for about two hours. And I believe they were sa- tisfied, that we were not such dreadful Heretics as they imagined, but were tolerably sound m the faith!" 1772, In the beginning ofthis year, ^<7/2n5'??2z/^, on© ©f the Preachers, who laboured mostly in the North of Ireland,, died in the faith. He was a remarkably useful man. Many hundreds were converted by his instrumentality ; upwards of twenty o\ whom afterwards became Preachers.. August 4, 1772, The twenty-niuth Conference was held at Leeds. August 3, 1773, The thirtieth Conference, ia London. In this year, Mr. Wesley published his works in thirty-two volumes duodecimo. Some of these were extracts from other writers, which he had long- circulated among the people : others were wrote on the spur of the moment, and manifest the fertility q\ his mind ; and others were ccmposed in defence of the great doctrines of Christianity. They fornv a rich collection of the purest and most exalted di<- vinity. August 9, 1774, '^^"'^ thirty-Srst Conference was held in Bristol. Nothing new was done at these Conferences. The connexion enjoyed great internal peace though still warmly opposed by the Calvinists, on account of the minutes which were published in the year 1770. The Preachers were mueh united ; but the Socie- ties were in general burthened with debt, occasioned 4774*] Of the People called Methodists, 151 by their buildinj^ Preaching-houses. The chief part oi the time of these Conferences therefore was taken up in forming rules in order to extricate the people out of these difficulties. November 5, 1774, John Downs ^ who had been a Preachei' for many years, died in the Lord. On the day of his departure he said, ** I feel such a love to the people at West-street, (London) that I -could be content to die with them. I do not find jnyself very well ; but I must be with them this evening.'' He went thither, and began Preaching on, Co7?ie unto me ye that are zveary and heavy iaden. After speaking ten or twelve minutes, he «unk down, and spoke no more, till his spirit re- turned to God. Mr. Wesley gives him the follow- ing character. " I suppose he was, by nature, full us great a genius as Sir Isaac Newton. I will men- tion but two or three instances of it. When he was at school, learning Algebra, he came one day to his master, and said, '* Sir, I can prove this proposition a better way than it is proved in the book." His master thought it could not be ; but upon trial, acknowledged it to be so. Some time after, his father sent him to Newcastle with a clock which was to be mended. He observed the clock- maker's tools, and the manner how he took it in pieces, and put it together again. And when he came home, first made himself tools, and then made a clock, which went as true as any in the town. A third proof of it was this. Thirty years ago, while I was shaving, he was whirling the top of a stick. I asked, *' What are you doing?" He answered, " 1 am taking your face, which I intend to engrave on a copper-plate." Accordingly with- out any instruction, he first made himself tools, and then engraved the plate. The second picture which he engraved, was that which was prefixed to the Notes upon tb.c New Testament. I suppose such strength of genius has scarce been known ia Europe before. 132 A Chronological History {.^775* For several months past, he had far deeper com- munion with God than ever he had in his life: and for some days he had been frequently saying, '' I am so happy that I scarce know how to live. I enjoy such fellowship with God, as I thought could not be had on this side heaven." And having now fi- nished his course of fifty-two years, after a long conflict with pain, sickness, and poverty, he glo- riously rested from his labours, and entered into the joy of his Lord." 1775. In March of this year, Mr. John Crook, at that time a zealous Local Preacher, visited the Isle of Man, The Lord blessed his labours with uncommon success. He soon commenced an Itine- rant Preacher ; and has laboured in that Island at different times, between nine and ten years. August I, 1775, The thirty-second Conference was held in Leeds. Mr. Wesley observes concern, ing it : " Having received several letters, intimating that many of the Preachers were utterly unqualified for the work, having neither grace nor gifts suffi- cient for it, I determined to examine this weighty charge with all possible exactness. In order to this, I read those letters to the Conference ; and begged, that every one would freely propose and enforce whatever objection he had to any one. The objec- tions proposed were considered at large : in two or three difficult cases, Committees were appointed for that purpose. In consequence of this, we were all fully convinced, that the charge advanced, was without foundation : that God had really sent those labourers into his vineyard, and had qualified them for the work. And we were all more closely united together than we had been for many years." It was also asked, g. Are not many of the Classes too large? — A. Yes, Divide every one which con- tains above thirty members. It would be well if this rule was constantly attended to. After the Preachers had signed the articles of 1776.] Oftkt PcQplc called Methodists, l%% Union, already mentioned, they concluded with these words, '* We all deny that there is, or can be, any merit, properly speaking, in Man,'* August 6, 1776, The thirty-third Conference was held in London. Mr. Wesley was very strict in examining into the gifts, graces, and usefulness of the Preachers. The result was, one was excluded for insufficiency, and two for misbehaviour. ** And, says he, *' we were thoroughly satisfied, that all the rest had both grace and gitts for the work wherein they were engaged." At that time there were one hundred and fifty -five Travelling Preachers in Great Britain and Ireland. Mr. Wesley's, Fletcher's, and SelIon*s works were recommended to the Preachers as an antidote against the poisron of absolute Predestination ; in lorder that they might be enabled to guard the people against being drawn away by that doc- trine. August 13, 1776, Thomas Coke, L. L. D. joined Mr. Wesley. He thus speaks of this incident in his eighteenth Journal, page 23. " Being at Kingston, near Taunton, I found a Clergyman, Dr. Coke, late Gentleman-Commoner of Jesus College, in Oxford, who came twenty miles on purpose. I had much conversation with him, and a union then began, which I tvu-st shall never end.** ,His name did not appear on the Minutes till the year 1778. In that year he was appointed to labour in London. Since that time he lias been a very active useful man in the connexion. April 2, 1777, Mr Wesley laid the foundation- stone of the New Chapel in London, May 18, 1777, Mr. Wesley says in his journal. " I buried the body of Jose/ik Guilford, a holy man, and a useful Preacher. Surely never before did a man of so weak talents, do so much good ! He died as he lived, in the full triumph of faith, vehemently rejoicing in and praising God!'* *34 Jf Chronological History 0777, August 5, 1777, The thirty-fourth Conference Vas held in Bristol. Mr. Wesley observes concerning it, *' I now particularly enquired of every Assist- ant fas that report had been spread far and wide) Jlave you reason to believe from your own observa- tion, that the Methodists are a fallen people? Is there a decay or an increase in the work of God where you have been ? Are the Societies in general 'more dead or more alive to God than they were some years ago?" The almost universal answer was, •' If we must know them by their fruits, there is no decay in the work of God, among the people in ge- neral. The Societies are not dead to God : they are as much alive as they have been for many years. And we look on this report as a mere device of Sa^ tan, to make our hands hang down." ** But to come to a short issue. In most places, the Methodists are still a poor despised people, labour ing under reproach, and many inconveniencies : therefore, wherever the power of God is not, they de. crease. By this then you may form a sure judg- ment. Do the Methodists in general decrease in number ? Then they decrease in grace : they are a fallen, or at least a falling people. But they do not decrease in number ; they continually increase : therefore they are not a fallen people." •* The Conference concluded in much love. But there was one jarring string ; John Hilton told us, he must withdraw from our connexion, because he saw the Methodists were a fallen people." Mr. Wesley, for the first time, mentioned in the Minutes of this Conference, those persons who died in the work. g. What Preachers have died this year? — A. John Slocombcy at Clones, an old labourer, worn out in the service. John Harrison, near Lisbum, a pro- mising yoiuh, serious, modest, and much devoted to God. IVtUiam Lumley at Hexham, a blessed young man, a happy witness of the full liberty of the chil- dren of God. And }Villta?n Mindiiorp, near Dun* inr, an Israelite indeed, in whom was no guile. 1777-1 OJ the Feopk called Methodists* 1-35 The propriety of inserting these accounts appear* ed at once, so that the same has been done every, year from that time. Thus an honourable testirao* ny has been borne concerning those who have de- served it, and who have continued to labour in uni- on with their brethren till they finished their course; it has served also to excite the survivors to follow; them as they followed Christ. g. What is the Yearly subscription ? — A, No- thing. There is only one contribution this yeai:, namely, For the New Chapel in London. Great exertions were made by the Preachers for that Chapel ; but this was soon forgotten, and a law- suit commenced about it in little more than a year after Mr. Wesley's death 1 When the suit had cosX 1200I. the difference was amicably settled ! Before the agreement took place, the Lord Chancellor de^ termined the four following particulars, i. That th^ majority of the Trustees bound the minority in ^l things agreeable to the letter of the Trust-deed. 2, That the Trustees had a right to choose Stewards for themselves, in order to manage the concerns of the Trust. 3. That whatever money was subscribed by individuals and laid out on the Trust premises, was to be disposed of by the Trustees according to their Trust-deed. 4. That no Trustees could remove a Preacher from the Pulpit without proving him immoral in his life, or erroneous in his doctrine. At the Conference in the year 1796, when the above dispute was settled, it was asked, jg. How shall we avoid the being entangled- in Law ? — A, Let no district meetings, no Preacher, or number of Preachers, or people whatsoever, on any consideration, involve the Conference in a Law- suit, nor. have any demand on the Conference fc*- the expences, or any part of the expences of a Law- suit ; more especially concerning Chapefs or Preach- ing-houses, without the consent of the Conference previously obtained." Ixi the course af this Law-suit, when it was in the N 2 13^ A Chronological History 077^' Exchequer in equity, the Counsel for the Trus- tees urged the Couri to appoint a Receiver ot" the re- venues of the Trust Premises. The Lord Chief Baron said, ** The Trustees are in possession, and the Charity goes on.'* Viewing the Chapels vest- ed in the hands of Trustees in the light of a Chari- ty, has produced two good consequences, i. That it is no sin tomake collections for them on the Lord's day. 2. That if any Trustees were to embezzle the Revenues of the Chapels and refuse to shew their accounts, they can be made to shew them by an ap- peal to the Court of Chancery. January i, 1778, Mr. Wesley began to publish a periodical work, which he entitled *• The Armini- an Magazine ; consisting of Extracts and Original Treatises on Universal Redemption." He continu- ed this work while he lived. The Conference have done the same since his death. It is a very useful work, has been widely circulated, and has done much good. 1778. This summer Mr. Wesley held a Confe- rence at Dublin in Ireland. The Rev. Edward Smyth, (who some time before had been expelled from a church in the North of Ireland, for preach- ing the truth,) was now in connexion with the Methodists. He revived the controversy respecting the Church of England, and laboured with all his might, and with manifest uprightness of mind, to persuade Mr. Wesley and the brethren to separate from it. The debate ended by the Conference agreeing to the following propositions, which were afterwards adopted by the English Conference, and published in the Minutes. Q. Is it not our duty to separate from the Church, considering the wickedness both of the clergy and the people? — A> We conceive not. 1. Because both the priests and the people were full as wicked in the Jewish Church, and yet God never com- manded the holy Israelites to separate from them^ J778.] Of the People called Methodists* 1 37 2. Neither did our Lord command his disciples to separate from them, he rather commanded the con- trary. 3. Hence it is clear, that could not be the meaning of St. Paul's words, Coine out from among them, and be ye separated jg. Have we a right view of our work? — A. Perhaps not. It is not to take care of this or that Society, or to preach so many times : but to save as many souls as we can : to bring as many sinners as we can to repentance, and with all our power to build them up in that holiness, without which they cannot see the Lord. (g. Why do so many of our Preachers fall into nervous disorders ? — A. Because they do not suf- ficiently observe Dr. Cadogans rules. To avoid in- dolence and intemperance. They do indeed use exercise. But many of them do not use enough : not near so much as they did before they were Preacliers. And sometimes they sit still a whole day. This can never consist with health. They are not intemperate in the vulgar sense. They are neither drunkards nor gluttons. But they take more food than nature requires j particularly in the evening. 2- What advice would you give to those that are nervous ? — A. Advice is made for them that will take it. But who are they ? One in ten, or twenty ? Then 1 advise. 1. Touch no dram, tobacco, or snufF. 2. Eat very light, if any, supper. 3. Break- fast on nettle, or orange-peel tea. 4. Lie down before ten ; rise before five. 5. Everyday use as much exercise as you can bear: or, 6. Murder yourselt by inches." These rules are as necessary for the people as the Preachers. August 4, 1778, The thirty-fifth Conference was held in Leeds. The following minute is all that is either new or important. Q. Is it not adviseabie for us to visit all the jail$ N3 13^ A Chronological Histo ry [ i y ^g.,- we can? — A, By all means. There cannot be 3 greater charity." Sunday, Nov. 1, Mr. Wesley opened the new Chapel in London. August 3, 1779, The thirty-sixth Conference was held in London. Now, for the first time, ap- peared a general decrease, which made Mr. Wesley enquire, g. How can we account for the decrease in so many Circuits this year? — A. It may be owing, partly to want of preaching abroad, and of trying Tiew places : partly to prejudice against the King, and speaking evil of dignities, (at the time of the American war) but chiefly to the increase of worldly mindedness, and conformity to the world, g. How can we stop this evil-speaking? — A. Suffer none tl^iat speak evil of those in authority, or that prophesy evil to the nation, to preach with us. Let every Assistant take care of this. There was also a want of money to carry on the work. The collections fell short. This induced the Conference to adopt the following measures-, that it might not be so in future. Part of the yearly subscription had been hitherto set apart to pay off the debts of the Chapels; it was now agrecid that it should be so no more. The following re- gulations v^^ere adopted. " 1. Let every Circuit bear its own burden, and not lean upon the Con- ference. 2. Tell every one expressly, " We do not make a subscription for paying debts." 3. Let all the Assistants in Ireland do the same as those in England. From hence it appears, that the support of the Gospel depends on the piety of the people. This^ is universally true. The following Minutes also appear; g. Shall any Assistant take into the Society, any vwhom his predecessor has put out?— ^. Not without &yst consulting him.. 1781.] Of the People called Methodists. 13^ . What can be done to revive the work in Scot- land p — ^. 1. Preach abroad as much as possible. 2. Try every town and village, 3. Visit every member of every Society at home. Sunday, August 8, 1779, Mr- Wesley observes in his Journal, " This was the last night which I spent at the Foundry. What hath God wrought therein forty years!!" He now removed to the house built for him and the Preachers in the City Road. August 1, 1780, The thirty-seventh Conference began at Bristol. Mr. Wesley observes concerning it, " We have been always hitherto straitened for time. In future let nine or ten days be allowed for each Conference, that every thing relative to the carrying on of the work ot God may be maturely considered." At this time the large Minutes con- taining the whole of our discipline, were revised, and solemnly confirmed. June 7, 1781, Mr. Wesley being in the Isle of Man, says, '* I met our little body of Preachers. There were two and twenty in all." (Local Preach- ers.) So greatly had God blessed the word since Mr. Crook first visited them in the year 1775. August 7, 1781, The thirty-eighth Conference was held at Leeds. The followmg matters were considered. g. If Bankrupts ever are able, is it not their duty to pay their whole debt? — A, Doubtless it is. It they do not, they oughi not to continue in our Society. g. Ought we not to exhort all dying persons, to be then, at least, merciful after their power? — A. We ought ; without any regard to the reflections which will be cast upon us on that account. At this Conference, Mr. Wesley began to draw money out of the Preachers Fund, in order to support the wives of the Travelling Preachers, ■which could not be supported by the Circuits, it 140 A Ch ronological History [1781. was naw agreed to request the people to contribute to the Fund. Mr. Wesley drew up the following address to be presented to the people on the occa- sion. It had the desired effect, the people willingly contributed to the support of their old Preachers. *• To the Members and Friends of the Methodist Societies^ ** Friends and Brethren, ** As several of the Preachers in our connection, who have spent their time and strength in calling sinners to repentance, are now so superannuated that they can no longer keep a Circuit, and as others of them (who are gone to iheir reward) have left des- titute widows and children behind them: in oider to make some small provision for these^ it has been agreed on in Conference, that every Travelling Preacher shall, out of his little allowance, subscribe a guinea yearly. *' But as this sum is in no wise sufficient to an- swer the growing demands, several of our friends have offered their assistance, by subscribing some- thing yearly : and if others of you shall see good to- follow their laudable example, it will, no doubt, be pleasing to God, a comfort to his worn-out servants,, and a great encouragement 10 those who are stili la- bouring in our Lord's vineyard; and, of conse- quence, give great satisfaction to your affectionate brethren and servants in the Gospel, JOHN WESLEY. A. B. \ ^ C D f -Stewards. Rules respecting taking out marned Preachers to travel. It was observed, ** As we have neither money nor houses for any more wives, What can we do ? — A. We must admit no more married Preachers, unless in defect of single Preachers." At the Conference in 1798, it was asked, g. Why cannot more married Preaciers be taken out to travel, seeing we have many of unblemished 1782.] Of the People called Methodists. 141 characters in divers Circuits? — A, 1. Because our temporal circumstances are exceedingly straitened, so that we cannot provide for them. 2. We have, at present, a sufficiency oF single men to supply the Circuits." In the year 1800, it was asked, " g. Have not some Local Preachers been in- jured, by being encouraged to expect they should be called out to travel, without sufficient reason ? — • A. This has been the case in a few instances. And that it may not be the case any more, Let no Preacher, or number of Preachers, encourage any person to give up his business, and prepare to travel, without the authority of the Conference." It was also asked at this Conference in 1781, ** g. Can we erect a School for Preachers chil- dren in Yorkshire ? — A, Probably we may. Let our brethren think of a place, and a master, and send me word." This has been often talked of, but nothing has been done. The reasons are, i. Want of unanimity among the brethren respecting the measure. 2. Want of money to defray the ex- pence. In July 1782, Dr. Coke was delegated by Mr. Wesley to hold a Conference in Dublin. This has been continued annually at the' same place ever since, and Dr. Coke has for the most part presided at it. It has, under God, proved a great blessing to the Irish Methodists. At this time, (1782} there were only fifteen Circuits, thirty-four Travelling Preachers, and six thousand four hundred and seventy-two members in the Societies. At present (1802J there are more than double that number of Circuits, Preachers and members. August 6, 1782, The thirty-ninth Conference was held in London. At this time the Trustees of the Chapel at Birstali, in Yorkshire, manifested a want of confidence in Mr. Wesley, and the Con- ference. They desired liberty to chuse Preachers, lu connexion with the body ; but they were not 142 ^ Chronological History [1788. willing to subiTili to ?}.e appointment of the Con- ference. Tir, y vv^rc tiie more positive in this, as their Ch-ipel.wjb iu;t iCitlcd according to the Me- thodist plan. This was the fiist time that any thing o^ the kind appeared. (It was in tins pLiCc tl at John Ntlson began his labours. j The toliowng resolutions were adopted. 2* VV^hat can be done wi-h r< gard to the preaih- ing house at Birstall ? — A. If the Trustees still re- fuse to settle it on the Methodist plan, 1. Let a plain state of the case be drawn up. 2. Let a collection be made throughout all England, in order to pur- chase ground, and to build another preaching-house as near the present as may be. This difference, after a time, was amicably settled. The following mi- nutes also appear. g. Several members of our Societies who make conscience of Sabbath- breaking, have been much distressed; Barbers in particular. What can be done to relieve them? — A. i. Let no members of our Society have their hair dressed on a Sunday. 2. Let all our members that possibly can, employ those barbers. g. Is it well for our Preachers to powder their hair, or to wear artificial cui:ls? — A. To abstain from both is the more excellent way. g. Ought any person to be continued as a mem- ber of our Society in Ireland, who learns, or per- forms the military exercise as a volunteer, on the Lord's day? — J. No: certainly. Let him be ex- cluded. N . B. Meeting on the parade, in order to attend divine service, is not to be considered as an infnngement of this rule. Nor shall the above minute refer to any thing which it m?iy be neces-- sary for them to do, in case of an actual invasion, g. Ought any person to be excluded our Society, who, after proper admonition, will on the Lord's- day continue a spectator of the exercise of thQ VQ« lunteers ?— .^, Certainly they ought* 1782.] Of the People called Methodists, 143 It was recommended to every Assistant to remind every Society that our or-gina! rule was, 1. For every member to contribute one penny weekly, (unless in extreme povtity.) 2. And one shilling quarterly, at the renewing of the Tickets. 3. ' And to ask each member, Can you afford to observe our rule ? And receive what he is able to give. It was -then observed ; " The Scripture says, If anj man that is called a brother be a fornicator ^ or covet* ous, with such an one no not to eat. And put away from among yourselves that wicked person. This is an express command : and it is of unspeakable importance. These money-lovers are the pest of every Christian Society. They have been the main cause of destroying every revival ot religion. They will destroy us, it we do not put them awaj^. 2, But how shall we know them, without the miraculous discernment of Spirits? — A. i. By their own con- fession. Tell any one alone, v/ith all tenderness, *' I am to give an account of your soul to God. Enable me to do it with joy. I am afraid you are covetous. Answer me a few questions, in order to remove that fear." 2. By their fruits. For in- stance, a man not worth a shilling enters our So- ciety. Yet he freely gives a penny a week. Five years after, he is worth scores of pounds. He gives a penny a week still. I must think this man covet- ous, unless he assures me he bestows his charity some other way. For every one is covetous, whose beneficence does not increase in the same propor» tion as his substance." The following rules were agreed to. 0. Shall we insist on that rule," Sing no hymns ot y<»ur own composing ? — A. Undoubtedly: and let those who will not promise this, be ex- cluded at ihe next Conference." 0* It was agreed last year, that all the Preach- ers should join as one man to prevent people's talk- ing before and alter sermon. Has tuis been done ? — ^. Hardly at all. 144 A Chronological History [0^3' i2» But what can be done now,? — A. i. Let the Preacher desire every person to go silently away. 2. Let no Preacher speak one word in the preach- ing-house, 3. Let each Preacher do this over and over, till the point is gained.*' It was also ad- ded, " No person can be a Travelling Preacher, who cannot preach both morninj and evening, July 29, 1783, The fortieth Conference was held in Bristol. Mr. Wesley found it necessary at this time, to change the master of Kingswood School, on account of a total want of discipline. He ob- serves also, *' The children must never play; and a master must be always present with them." He "Would have them, instead of play, to learn husbandry, or some mechanic art. At this Conference it was also enquired, jg. What can be done to get all our preaching- houses settled on the Methodist plan? — A. Let Dr. Coke visit the Societies throughout England, as far as is necessary for the accomplishment of this de- sign; and let the respective Assistants give him all the support in their power. This work exposed the Doctor for a time to a great deal of reproach, and in many instances he failed of his object. Mr. Wesley •♦ acknowledged, that the needlessly multiplying of Preaching-houses was a great evil," but it does not appear that he or the Conference could prevent it. So they endeavoured to bear it as well as they could. February 14, 1784, Mr. Wesley consulted with the London Preachers respecting a proposal of send- ing Missionaries to the East Indies; and observes, ** After the matter had been fully considered, we were unanimous in our judgment — That we have no call thither yet, no invitation, no providential opening of any kind." Perhaps the time will shortly come. February 28, 1784, Mr. Wesley executed the Deed or Declaration, constituting one hun- ,^54-] OJ the Peoplt called Methodists. 145 died of the travelling Preachers, " The Conference of the People called Methodists." The design of this was to give a legal specification of that pinase *' The Conference of the People called Methodists." which is inserted in all the Deeds of the Chapels. By virtue of this Deed, the Conference claims the power of appointing Preachers to preach in those Chapels. It is as follows ; Jn Attested Copy of Mr. Wesley's Declaration and Establishment of the Conference of the People, called Methodists, enrolled in his Majesty's High Court of Chancery Co 3fl to IDfjOm these Presents shall come, John Wesley, late of Lincoln-College, Ox- ford, but now of the City-Road, London, Clerk, sendeth greeting: WHEREAS divers Buildings commoniv caMed Chapels, with a messuage and dwelling-house, or other appurtenances to each of the same belong-ng, situate in various parts of Great-Britain, have been given and conveyed from time to time by the said John Wesley to certain persons and their heirs in each of the said gifts and conveyances named ; which are enrolled in his Majesty's High Court o£ Chancery, upon the acknowledgment of the said John Wesley, (pursuant to the act of Parliament in that case made and provided) upon trust, that the Trus- tees in the said several deeds respectively named, and the survivors 01 them and their heirs and assigns, and the Trustees for the time being to be elected as in the said deeds is appointed, should permit and suffer the said John Wesley and such other person and persons as he should for that purpose from time to time nominate and appoint, at all times during his life, at his will and pleasure to have and enjoy the free use and benefit of the said premises, that he the said John Wesley and such person and persons as 14^ -^ Ch rono logical History [ 1 7^4 . he should nominate and appoint, might therein j)reach and expound God's holy word : And upon iurthcr trust that the said respective trustees and the survivors of them, and their heirs and assigns, and the trustees for the time being, should permit and suffer Charles Wesley, brother of the said John Wesley, and such other person and persons, as the said Charles Wesley should ior that purpose from time to time nominate and appoint, in like manner during his life — To have, use, and enjoy the said premises respectively for the like purposes as afore- said : and after the decease of the survivor of them the said John Wesley and (viiarles Wesley, then upon further trust, that the said respective Trustees and the survivors of them and their heirs a:id assigns, and the Trustees for the time being for ever, sliouid permit and suffer such person and persons and for such time and times as should be appointed at the yearly Conference of the People called Metho- dists in London, Bristol, or Leeds, and no others, to have and enjoy the said premises for the purposes aforesaid : And whereas divers persons have in like manner given or conveyed many Chapels, with inessuages and dwelling-houses or other appurte- nances to the same belonging, situate in various parts of Great Britain, and also in Ireland, to cer- tain trustees, in each of the said giits and convey- ances respectively named upon the like trusts, and for the same uses and purposes as aforesaid, (except only that in some of the said gifts and conveyances, no life estate or other interest is therein or thereby given and reserved to the said Charles Wesley), And whereas, for rendering effectual the trusts treated by the said several gifts or conveyances, and that no doubt or litigation may arise with respect unto the same, or the interpretation and true mean- ing thereof, it has been thought expedient by the said John Wesley, on behalf of himself as donor ot the several Chapels, with the messuages, dwel- ling-houses, or appurtenances before mentioned, as 1784'] OJ the People called Methodists, 147 of the donors oF the said other Chapels, with the messuages, dwelling-houses or appurtenances to the same belonging given or conveyed to the like uses and trusts, to explain the words yearly Conterence of the People called Methodists, contained in all the said trust deeds, and to declare what persons are members of the said Conference, and how the suc- cession and identity thereof is to be continued; Now therefore these presents witness^ that for ac- complishing the aforesaid purposes, the said John Wesley doth hereby declare, that the Conference of the People called Methodists, in London, Bristol, or Leeds, ever since there hath been any yearly Conference of the said People called Methodists in any of the said places, hath always heretofore con- sisted of the Preachers and Expounders of God's holy word, commonly called Methodist Preachers, in connection with, and under the care of the said John Wesley, whom he hath thought expedient year after year to summons to meet him, in one or other of the said places, of London, Bristol, ur Leeds, to advise with them for the promotion of tli« gospel of Christ, to appoint ihe said persons so summoned, and the other Preachers and Expounders of God's holy word, also in connection with, and under the care ol the said Jolin Wesley, not sum* iRoned to the said yearly Conference, to the use and enjoyment of the said Chapels and premises so given and conveyed upon trust for the said John Wesley, and such other person and persons as he should appoint during his life as aforesaid, and for the expulsion ot unworthy and admission of new persons under his care and into his connection to be Preachers and Expounders as aforesaid, and also of other persons upon trial for the like purposes ; the names oi all which persons so summoned by the said John Wesley, the persons appointed with the Ciiapcls and premises to which they were so ap- pointed, together with the duration ot such ap- pointments, and of those expelled or admitted into O a 14^ A Chrcnohgical History [17S4. connection or upon trial, with all oth^r matters transacted and clune at the said yearly Conference, have year by year been printed and published under the title of Minutes of Conference. And these pr t- sents further witness, and the said John Wesley doth hereby av( uch and further declare, that the several persons herein after named, to wit, the said John Wesley c.nJ Ciiarles Wesley,* of the city of London ; John Aiiefi*, Bristol; Charles Almore, York; John Booili, Colchester; Jeremiah Brettel, Lynn; Johri Barber, Northampton ; John Brcadbent,* Oxford ; John Brettel,* Gloucester ; Samuel Bards- ley, Macclesfield ; Joseph Bradford, Leicester ; Samuel Bradburn, Leeds; Isaac Brown, Birstall ; Joseph B:nson, Haliiax; George Button, Isle of Man; Thomas Briscot^', Yarm ; William Broothby*, Newcastle upon Tyne ; Andrew Blair*^, Corke >. George Brown, Clones; Thomas Barber, Charle? mont ; Thomas Coke, London; James Creighton, London; Thomas Cooper, Colchester; Joseph Cole, Oxford ; Jonathan Cousins, Gloucester j Thomas Carliil*, Grimsby; Thomas Corbitt*, Gainsborough ; Pvobert Costcrdine*, Colne, Wil- liam Collins*. Sunderland ; John Crook, Lisburne ; William Dufton*, Halifax; Thomas Dixon, New- castle upon Tyne; John Easton*, Colne; John Fenwick*, Burslem ; Henry Foster*, Belfast; William Green*, Bristol; John Goodwin, Chester, Parson Greenwood*, Liverpool ; James Hall*, Ply- mouth ; William Hoskins*, Cardiff; Joseph Har- per^, Grimsby ; Thomas Hanby*, Burslem ; Tho- mas Hanson*, Huddersfield ; Lancelot Harrison, Scarborough ; Robert Hopkins, York ; Christo- pher Hopper*, Newcastle upon Tyne; William Huiitei*, Berwick upon Tweed; Edward Jackson, Hull ; Daniel Jackson, Diiblin ; Joshua Keighle) *, Seven Oaks; John Leech, Brecon ;• Thomas Long- ley, Derby ; Robert Lindsay*, Sligo ; John Ma- son*, Salisbury ; John Moon*. Plymouth Dock ;- John Murlin*, Manchester ; William Myles, Not- 1784.] Of the People called Methodists, 149 tingharn ; Alexander Mather*, Brad forth ; Henry- Moore, Cork; Duncan M'Allum, Aberdeen; Jo- nathan Parkin, Lynn; Joseph Pescod, Bedforxi ; Wilham Percival, Manchester: John Pawson, York ; Christopher Peacock", Yarm ; John Pea- cock*, Barnard Castle ; Nc4icmiah Pi ice*, Athlone; Richard Rodda, Birminghatn; Thomas Rankin*, London; James Rogers, Macclesfield; Jeremiah Robertshaw*, Leicester ; James Ray*, Gainsbo- rough ; Robert Roberts*, Leeds ; Benjai»'in Rhodes, Keighiey ; Jasper Robinson*, Isle of Man; Tho- mas Riithertord, Dublin; George Story, Salisbury ; William Saunders*, Brecon ; William Simpson*, Sheffield ; Robert Scott*, Lincoln ; George Shad- ford*, Hull ; John Shaw*. Huddersfield ; Joseph Saunderson, Dundee; Thomas Tennant*, London; James Thom, St. Austle ; Joseph Taylor, Red- ruth; Thomas Taylor, Sheflfield ; William Thomp- son*, Leeds ; Barnabas Thomas*, Hull ; W^iliiam Thorn*, Whitby ; Zechariah Udall, Liverpool ; Thomas Vasey, Liverpool; John Valton*, Bristol; James Wood. Rochester ; Richard Whatcoat, Nor- wich ; Christopher Watkins*, Northampton ; Fran- cis Wrigley, St. Austle ; Duncan Wright*, Chester ^ William \Varrener, Dundee ; Richard Watkinson*, Limerick; Gentlemen, being Preachers and Expoun- ders ot God's holy word under the care and in connec- tion with the said John Wesley, have been, and now are, and do, on the day of the date hereof, constitute the Members of the said Conference, according to the true intent and meaning of the said several gifts and conveyances wherein the words Conference of the People called Methodists are mentioned and contained. And that the said several persons befcre-named, and, their Note. Ai the end of the names, are the places where those Preachers were stationed at the time the deed was made and inrolled. This mark * shews that those Preach- ers have died, or ceased to travel ; as none but Itinerant Preachers can be of the hundred who constitule the Con- ference, 03 15<5 A Chronological History [17S4J their successors for ever, to be chosen as herein after mentioned, are and s'nall for ever be construed, taken and be the conference of the People called Methodists. Nevertheless upon the teims and subject to the regu- lations herein-alter prescribed, that is to say, First, That the Members of the said Conference, and their successors for the time being for ever, shall assemble once in every year, at London, Bris- tol, or Leeds (except as after mentioned) for the purposes aforesaid; and the time and place of hold- ing every subsequent Conference shall be appointed at the preceding one, save that the next Conterence alter the date hereof, shall be holdcn at Leeds in Yorkshue, the last Tuesday in July next. Second, The act of the majority in nun^berof the Conference assembled as aforesaid, snail be had, taken, and be the act of the whole Conference to all intents, purprises, and constructions whatsoever. Third, That after the Conference shall be assem- bled as aforesaid, they shall first proceed to fill up all the vacancies occasioned by death or absence as after mentioned. Fourth^ No act of the Conference assembled as aforesaid, shall be had taken or be the Act of the Conference, until forty of the members thereof are assembled, unless reduced under that number by death since the prior Conference or absence as after mentioned ; nor until all the vacancies occasioned by death or absence shall be filled up by the election of new members of the Conference, so as to make up the number one hundred, unless there be not a a sufficient number of persons objects of such elec- tion: and during the assembly ot the Conference there shall always be forty members present at the doing of any act, save as aforesaid, or otherwise such act shall be void. Fifth, The duration of the yearly assembly of the Con'erence, shall not be less than five days, nor more than three weeks, and be concluded by the appointment o\ the Conference, if under twenty- pne days ; or otherwise the conclusion thereof shall 1784-] Of the People called MetJiodists, i^t follow of course at the end of the said twenty-one days; the whole of all which said time of the as- sembly of the Conference shall be had, taken, con- sidered, and be the yearly Conterence ot the PcojdIg called Methodists, and all acts ol the Conference during such yearly assembly thereof, shall be the acts of the Conference and none others. Sixth, Immediately after all the vacancies occa- sioned by death or absence are filled up by the elec- tion of new members as atoresaid, the Conference shall chuse a president and secretary of their assem- bly out of tliemselves, who shall continue such until the election of another president or secretary in the next, or other subsequent Conference; and the said President shall have the privilege and power of tvv^o members in all acts of the Conference during his presidency, and such other powers, pri- vileges and authorities, as the Conference shall from time to time see fit to entrust into his hands. Seventh, Any member of the Conference absent- ing hnnself from the yearly assembly thereof for two years successively without the consent or dis- pensation of the Conference, and be not present on the first day of the third yearly assembly thereof at the time and place appointed for the holding of the same, shall cease to be a member of the Conference from and after the said first day of the said third yearly assembly thereof io all intents and purposes, as though he was naturally dead. But the Confe- rence shall and may dispense \yith or consent to the absence of any member from any of the said yearly assemblies, for any cause which the Conference may see fit or necessary, and such member whose absence shall be so dispensed with, or consented to by the Conference, shall not by such absence cease to be a menjber thereof. Eighth, The Conference shall and may expel and put out from being a m.ember thereof, or from being in connection theiewith, or from being upon trial, any person member of the Conference, admitted into connection, or upon trial, for any cause which 1^2 J Chronological History [1784. the Conference may see fit or necessary ; and every nieinber ot tliC Conleience so expelled and pui our, shall cease 10 be a member theieuf to all in- tents and Durposes, as though he was naturally dead. And trie Conlerence numediaieiy after tiie expulsion of any mt-nibcr tliereuf as abnesaid, shall elect another person to be a member of the Conleience in the ^tead ui s'.;ch member so expelled. Nini^ Tiie Conference shall and may admit into connection with tiiem, or upon trial, any person or perst>ns whom they sliall approve, to be Preachers and Expoundeis of God's holy word, under the care land direction of the Conference, the name ol every such person or persons so adniitied into connection or upon trial as aforesaid, with the time and de- grees of the admission, being entered in the Jour- nals or Minutes of the Conference. Tenths No person shall be elected a member of the Conference who hath not been admitted in connec- tion with the Conference as a Preacher and Expoun- der of God's holy u'ord, as aforesaid, lor twelve months. £icvetithy The Conference shall not nor may no- minate or appoint any person to the use and enjoy- ment of, or to preach and expound God's holy word in, any of the chapels and premises so given or conveyed, or which may be given or con- veyed upon the trusts aforesaid, who is not either a member ot the Conference, or admitted into con- nection with the same, or upon trial as aforesaid ;. nor appoint any person for more than three years successively to the use and enjoyment of any chap- pels and premises already given, or to be given or conveyed upon the trusts aforesaid, except ordained jijiUisters ot the church of England. Tzvei/t/i, That the Conference shall and may ap- point the place of holding the yearly assembly there- of at any other city, town, or place than London, Bristol or Leeds, when it shall seem expedient so to do. Thirieenihf And for the convenience of the chap* 1784.] Of the People called Methodists, 1^3 pels and premises already or which, may hereafter be given or conveyed upon the trusts aforesaid, situate in Ireland or other parts out of the kingdom of Great Britain, the conference shall and may, when and as often as it shall seem expedient, but noc otherwise, appoint and delegate any member or mem- bers of the Conference with all or any of the powers, privileges, and advantages herein before contained or vested in the Conference; and all and every the acts, admissions, expulsions, and appointments whatsoever of such member or members of the con- ference so appointed and delegated as aforesaid, the same being put into writing, and signed by such de- legate or delegates, and entered in the Journals or Minutes of the Conference and subscribed as after- mentioned, shall be deemed, taken and be, the acts, admissions, expulsions, and appointments of the Conference, to all intents, constructions and pur- poses whatsoever, from the respective times, when the same shall be done by such delegate or delegates ; notwithstanding any thing herein contained to the contrary. Fourteenthy All resolutions and orders touching elections, admissions, expulsions, consents, dispen- sations, delegations, or appointments and acts what- soever of the Conference shall be entered and writ- ten in the Journals or Minutes of the Conference which shall be kept for that purpose, publickly read, and then subscribed by the President and Secretary thereof for the time being, during the time such Conference shall be assembled; and when so enter- ed and subscribed, shall be had, taken, received and be the Acts of the Conference, and such entry and subscription as aforesaid shall be had, taken, receiv- ed, and be evidence of all and every such acts of the said Conference.^and of their said Delegates with- out the aid of any other proof ; and whatever shall not be so entered and subscribed as aforesaid, shall not be had, taken, received, or be the Act of the Conference : and the said President and Secretary 1^4 -^ Chronological History f^^^i* are hereby required and obliged to enter and sub- scribe as aforesaid every Act whatever of the Confe- rence. Lastly^ Whenever the said Conference shall be reduced under the number of forty members, and continue so reduced for three yearly assemblies thereof successively, or whenever the mem.bers thereof shall decline or neglect to meet together an- nually for the purposes atoresaid, during the space of three years, that then, and in either of the said events, the Conference of the people called Metho- dists shall be extinguished, and all the aforesaid powers, privileges, and advantages shall cease, and the said Chapels and premises, and all other Chapels- and premises, which now are, or hereafter may be settled, given or conveyed, upon the trusts afore- said, shall vest in the Trustees for the time being, of the said Chapels and premises respectively, and their successors for ever: upon trust that they^ P. or the major part of them, or the surviv- ors of them, and the major part of the Trustees of the said premises tor the time being, shall from time to time, and at all times for ever, permit such per- sons as shall be appointed at the yearly Conference of the people called Methodists, as established by a Deed -Poll of the said John Wesley under his hand and seal, bearing date the 28th day of February in the year J 784, and enrolled in his Majesty's High Court of Chancery, and no others, to have and to enjoy the said premises, for the purposes aforesaid. Provided always, that the said persons preach no other doctrine than is contained in Mr. Wesley's Notes upon the New Testament, and four volumes of Sermons: and upon further trust and confidence, that as often as any of these Trustees, or the Trustees for the time being, shall die, or cease to be a member of the Society commonly called Methodists, the rest of the said Trustees, or of the Trustees for the time being, as scon as conveniently may be, shall and may chuse another Trustee or Trustees, in order to keep up the number of — Trustees for ever. In witness whereof the said B. H. hath hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year above written." If the preaching -house is in debt, a clause may 1784.] Of tlu People called Methodists, 157 be inserted, empowering the Trustees to mortgage the premises. At the Conference in 1790, it was added, '* No house shall be undertaken, nor a stone laid, till the house is settled after the Methodist form, verbatim. N. B. No lawyer is to alter one line, neither need any be employed." The Deeds of the Preaching-houses must have, on the first skin of parchment, one twenty shillings stamp, and one ten shillings stamp, and no other. On the second skin of parchment, one twenty shil- lings stamp, and no other. On the third skm, (if wanting) to the sixteenth, the same. If it relate to a Preaching-house out of London, it must be acknowledged by the person or persons conveying the premises to Trustees, (after the exe- cution of it) before a Master Extraordinary in Chancery. N, B. Almost every eminent Attorney at Law in the country, is a Master Extraordinary in Chancery. It must be presented to the Enrollment Office, v/ithin six lunar months after its date, or it is of no value. A lunar month is twenty-eight days. The following words, or words t^.this purport, must be inserted on the margin of the Deed, by the Master in Chancery : ** y^. B. of the parish of ■ in the county of (and C D, &.c, if the pre- mises have been purchased in the names of two or more) did appear before me, this ■ day of .. in the year of , and did acknowledge that he did sign, seal and deliver this Indenture as his own Act and Deed ; and prays that the same may be en- rolled in his Majesty's High Court of Chancery. E. F. Master Extraordinary in Chancery.'* ijS A thronological History [1784. CHAPTER THE SEVENTH. From the Conference in 1784, to Mr. Wesley's Death in 1791. July 27, 1784, The forty-first Conference was held at Leeds. Messrs. John Hampson, sen. and John Hampson, jun. his son ; William Eells, and Joseph Pillmoor, with a few other Travelling Preachers, were greatly offended at the Deed Mr. Wesley had executed. Their names were not in- serted in it. They strove to make a party among the Preachers, but were disappointed. By Mr. Eletcher's friendly efforts, a partial reconciliation was effected between them and Mr. Wesley : but it was of short continuance. Soon after the Confer- ence, Mr. Hc..^3pson, senior, became an Indepen- dant Minister ; but being old and infirm, and the people poor among whom he laboured, he was as- sisted with 12/. a year out of the Preachers Fund •while he lived. The Conference took no notice of his death in their yearly Minutes. He died in the year 1795. Mr. Hampson, jun. procured ordina- tion in the Established Church, and got a living in Sunderland, in the north of England. Mr. Eells also left the connection, and some time after, joined Mr. Atlay at Dewsbury; and Mr. Pillmoor went to America, but not in connection with Mr. Wesley. At this Conference it was considered, Q. Ls not the time of trial for Preachers too si^ort ? — J. It is. For the time to come, let them be on trial four years. 0. Many of our brethren have been exceedingly kuit by frequenting feasts or wakes on Sundays. 1784O OJ the Feople called Methodists, 159 What do you advise in this case ? — A, Let none of our brethren make any feast or wake, neither go to any on Sunday, but bear a public testimony against them. g. Is the making candles for our own use, with- out paying duty for them, contrary to law ? — A, Cer- tainly it IS. It is a species of smuggling, not to be practised by any honest man. Mr. Nicholas Manners, one of the Travelling Preachers, had disturbed the connection in some measure, by preaching false doctrine. He denied original sin. His case was considered at this Con- ference, and the brethren came to the following conclusion : *' No Preacher who denies original sin, can preach among us : and we advise our bre- thren not to hear him." He was a good, mistaken man. After some time he went to America, and strove to spread his opinions there ; but he failed in his design. He then returned to England, and sunk -into obscurity. One of the Norman Isles, Jersey, appeared on the minutes at this time. In the countries we have hitherto considered, (the Isle of Man excepted) the English language has been universally spoken. But Divine Providence led Mr. Wesley, with the Preachers in connection with him, into an unexpect- ed line of usefulness. The islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney and Sark, are situated in St. Michael's Bay, near the coast of Normandy. They are the only remains of the Norman dominions annexed to Great Britain by William the Conqueror. The inhabitants in gene- ral, (those of the two principal towns excepted] speak only French. \n a regiment of soldiers, which was sent over to Jersey in the American war, there were a few seri- ous Christians who had heard the Gospel in one of the sea-port towns of England. These men finding no help for their souls in the Island, wrote to Mr, P 'J. i6o j^ Chronological History [^7^4, Wesley, entreating him to send them a Preacher* Mr. Brackenbury a gentleman of lortune in Lin-- colnshire, who had joined the Society, and soon af- terwards preached in connection with Mr. Wesley, was present when the letter was received, and offered his service, as he had some acquaintance with the french language. Mr. Wesley readily accepted the offer. Mr. Biackenbury set off for Jersey, rented a house in the town ol St. Helier, preached the Gospel through the Island, and was the means of turning many from their sins to God. In the year J786, Mr. Wesley sent Mr. Adam Clarke to the Island of Jersey. In the course of these events, a shopkeeper of the Island of Guern- sey, whose name was Arrive, visited Jersey, and under tiie preaching of Mr. Brackenbury was brought to repentance. He then invited Mr, Brackenbury to visit Guernsey : he went, and was universally well received. Dr. Coke, who about this time visited these islands, followed Mr. Brackenbury in Guern- sey, and formed ^he first Society in that Island. Afterwards Mr. Clarke, with much pain and diffi- culty, accompanied by many remarkable provi- dences, erected a very commodious Chapel m the town of St. Peter ^ in which a large congregation re- gu larly attended. Mr. De Queteville, a native of Jersey, was also very useful m the midst of great persecution m the Island of Guernsey, particularly m the country parts, where the French language alone is spoken. In rhe beginning of the year 1787, Mr. Clarke visited the Isle of Alderney. When he arrived, he knew not where to go : he had no acquaintance in the Island nor had any person invited him thither. Pof some tim.e he was perplexed in reasoning on his situation, till that word of the God of Missionaries powerfully impressed his mind, *' Into whatsoever house ye enter, first say, peace be to this house, — and in the same house remain, eating and drinkmg such things as they give" Luke 10. 5 — 7. 1^84-] Of the People called Methodists, x6i On this be took courage, and proceeded to the town, which is about a mile distant from the har- bour. Alter having walked some way into it, he took particular notice of a very poor cottage, into which he found a strong inclination to enter. He .did so, with a " Peace be to this house!'' and found in it an old man and woman, who, as soon as they understood his business, bade him, *' welcome to the best food they had, to. a little chamber where he might sleep, and, what was still more acceptable, to then- house to preach in " He now saw clearly the hand of Providence in his favour, and was much en- couraged. The Lord owned his labours while he staid QD the Island ; after this, the native Preachers, rais- ed up in Jersey and Guernsey, visited it, and by their means a Chapel has been erected, a large so- ciety formed, and many souls brought to an ac- quaintance with God. Smce that time, a society has been formed in .9flr4, and religion flourishes in them all. The Methodists had hitherto one form both of Worship and Discipline in every place ; but an ex- traordinary Providence, the Independance of Ame~ rica, confirmed by the peace of 1783, occasioned an extraordinary change in this respect. Durinlj the war, the Societies on that Continent were deprived of the Ordinances of God, Baptism, and the Lord's Supper, the Clergy of the Church of England hav- ing been generally silenced, or having fled to Engi land. From the time of the peace, the new Civil Government was universally acknowledged; but no Ecclesiastical authority of any kind was either exer- cised or claimed by any person or peisons whatsou ever. In this situation, the Societies desired Mr. Wesley's advice ; and, as he observes, *' his scruples being at an end, he conceived himself at perfect li- berty to exercise that right which he doubted not God had given him.'* He accordingly, soon after the Conference, or- dained Dx, Coke, and through hinv, Mr, Asburv. to Pa J 62 A Chronological History [^7^* be joint Superintend ants over the brethren in North America : as also with the assistance of Dr. Coke, and the Rev. Mr. Creighton, Richard V/hatcoat and Thomas Vasey, to act as Eiders among them. He likewise abridged the Liturgy of the Church of England, and advised all the Travelling Preachers to use it on the Lord's day, in all their congregations : and the Eiders to administer the Lord's Supper every Sabbath, according to the same ritual. As this circumstance forms a new Epoch in the history of Methodism, it is necessary to consider what Mr. Wesley says upon the subject, also the ef- iect it had upon the American brethren. In the- aoth Journal, page 71, he says, '* Wednesday Sep. 1, being now clear in my own mind, I took a step which I had long weighed, and appointed three of our brethren to go and serve the desolate sheep in America, which I verily believe will be much to the glory of God." In tiie Minutes of the Confe- rence for 1786, he says, •' Judging this (the state of the Societies in America after the peace) to be a case of real necessity, 1 took a step which for peaice and quietness I had refrained Irom taking for many years : I exercised that power, which I am fully per- suaded the Great Shepherd and Bishop of the Church h.as given me. 1 appointed three of our la- bourers to go and help the m by not only preaching the word of God, but likewise administering the Lord's Supper and baptizing their children, through- out that vast tract of land, a thousand miles long and some hundreds broad." The following Is the >etier he wrote to the Ameri- can brethren ci|n this subject. Bristol, Sep. lo, 1784, To Dr. Coke, Mr. Alsbury, and our Brethiea in North America, ** J. BY a very uncommon train of Providences* many oi the Provinces oi North-Amcrica are total 1784'] Of the People called Methodists* 163 \y disjoined from their Mother-Country, and erect- ed into Independent States. The English Govern- ment has no authority over them either Civil or Ecclesiastical, any more than over the States of HoU land* A civil authority is exercised over them, partly by the Congress, partly by the Provincial As- semblies. But no one either exercises or claims any Ecclesiastical Authority at all. In this pecu- Har situation some thousands of the inhabitants of these States desire my advice ; and in compliance with their desire, I have drawn up a little Sketch, *' 2. Lord Kin'g's account of the Primitive Church convinced me rrany years ago, That Bi- shops and Presbyters are the same order, and conse- quenily have the same right to ordain. For many years I have been importuned from time to time, to exercise this right, by ordaining part of our Travel- ling Preachers. But I have still refused, not only lor Peace' sake ; but because I was determined, as liale as possible to violate the established order of the national Church to which I belonged. •' 3. But the case is widely different between Eng- land and North-America. Here there are Bishop^ who have a legal Jurisdiction. In America there are none, neitherany Parish Ministers. So that forsome hundred miles together there is none either to bap- tize or to administer the Lord's Supper, Here there- fore my scruples are at an end : and I conceive my- self at fuH liberty, as I violate no order and invade no man's right, by appointing and sending Labour- ers into the Harvest. *• 4. I have accordingly appointed Dr. Coke and Mr. Francis Asbury to be joint Superintendants over our Brethren in North America : As also Ri- chard Whatcoat and Thomas Vasey, to act as Elders among them, by baptising and administer- ing the Lords Sapper. And I have prepared a Li- turgy little diH'eimg fi^m that of the Church of England (I think, the best constituted national Church in the world] which I advise all the Travel- 164 A Chrcnological History [1-)%^. ling-Preachers to use on the Lord's Day, in all the Congregations, reading the Litany only on Wednes- days End Fridays, and praying extempore on all other days. I also advise the Elders to administer the Supper of" the Lord on every Lord's Day. ** 5. If any one will point out a mote rational and scriptural way, of feeding and guiding those poor sheep in the wilderness, I will gladiy embrace it. At present I cannot see any better method than that I have taken. ** 6. It has indeed been proposed, to desire the English Bishops to ordain part ot our Preachers for America. But to this I object, i. I desired the Bi- shop of London, to ordairi only one ; but could not prevail : 2. If they consented, we know the slow-. ness of their proceedings ; but the matter admits of no delay. 3. If they would ordain them now^ they would likewise expect to govern them. And how grievously would this entangle us? 4. As our Ame- rican Breihren are now totally disentangled both from the State, and from the English Hierarchy, we dare not intangle them again, either with the one or the other. They are now at lull liberty, simply to follow the Scriptures and the Primitive Church. And we judge it best that tiiey should stand fast in that Li- berty, wherewith God has so strangely made them free. JOHN WESLEY. At the Conference held in Baltimore in America, in January 1785. The American brethren publish* ed to the world this letter and the effect it had on them. The effect is as follows, as published in their minutes. " Therefore, at this Conference we formed ourselves into an independent church: and lollow- ing the counsel of Mr. J( hn Wesley, who recom- mended the Episcopal mode of church government, \ve thought It best to become an Episcopal church, making theEpiscopal office elective, and the elected Supenntendant, or Bishop, amenable to the body of lySS'] Of the People called Methodists. 16^ Ministers and Preachers." At that time there were more than eighteen thousand members iu the Socie- ties in America, who willingly submitted to his ad- vice and authority. They aho observed, '* As the translators of our version of the Bible have used the English word Biskop instead of Siiperintendant, it has been thought by us, that it would appear more scriptural to adopt their term Bishop,'* Several persons, especially some who had left the work, seemed much displeased with Mr. Wesley on account of his thus acting as a Biskop, as they termed it. But those who regarded Hoiy Scripture, and the Episcopacy of the Primitive Church; and considered the extraordinary call which Mr. Wes- ley now had to the exercise of this authority, were perfectly satisfied that he acted in the order of God. The great increase of the Societies, and of true re- ligion among theto since that time, has abundantly confirmed this sentiment. That circumstance also, the Ordination being private, which gave scope to the ill-nature of these persons, had no weight with those unprejudiced persons, who considered, that the persons ordained were Itinerants, not appointed to any particular Church, and consequenily not needing that kind of sanction which may be need- ful for Ministers who are exclusively to superintend a particular flock. But there is nutiiing, however scriptural or reasonable, that may not be censured by bigotry or malevolence. March 24, 1785, Mr. Wesley observes in lus Journal, " 1 w^as now considering, how strangely the grain of mustard-seed, planted about fitty years ago, had grown up. It has spread through all Great Britain, and Ireland, the Isle oj If'tght, and the Isle of Man: then to America, through the whole continent, into Canada; the Leeiuard Islands, and Newjdundland, And the Societies, in all these parts, walk by one rule, knowing religion is holy tempers, and striving to worship God, not ia form only, but likewise in spirit and in truth,'' i66 A Chrono logical History [1785. May 9, 1785, On this day that venerable and holy man, the Rev. Mr. Perronet, Vicar of Shore- ham, entered into the joy of his Lord, in the ninety- second year of his age. Two days before his death, his grand-daughter, Miss Briggs, who attended him day and night, read to him the three last chapters of Isaiah. He then desired her to go into the garden, to take a little fresh air. Upon her return she found him in an extasy, with the tears running down his checks, from a deep and lively sense of the glorious things which she had just been reading to him; and which he believed would shortly be ful- filled in a still more glorious sense than heretofore. He continued unspeakably happy all that day. On Sunday his happiness seemed even to increase, till he retired to rest. Miss Briggs then went into the room to see if any thing was wanting ; and as she stood at the feet of tl)e bed, he smiled and said, "* God bless thee, my dear child, and all that be. longs to thee ! Yea, he will bless thee!" This he earnestly repeated till she left the room. When she went in the next morning, Lis happy spirit was returned to God ! This blessed man, (like those great and good men, Messrs. Grimshaw- and Fletcher,) being possessed ol the Love that envictk not^ hut rejoiceth in the Truth, continued steadily attached to Mr. Wesley, and to the Methodists, from the first day unto the last. He received the Preachers joyfully, fitted up a room in the parsonage-house for preaching,' and attended their ministry himself at every opportunity, ever- more praising God for what he heard. His house was one of the regular places of the Kent Circuit, (and so continued to the day of his death,) and all his family were members of the Society. Had all the Ministers of the Established Church, or even those of them who were convinced ot the truth preached by Mr. Wesley and his Assistants, be- haved in this truly Chrstian manner, Methodism, £0 called, i. e, the doctrine and practice of Evan- 1785O Of the People called Methodists, 167 gelical Haliness, would, according to Mr. Wesley's hope, have leavened the Church, and even the shadow of separation from it would have been pre- vented. The Sunday Schools. This excellent insti- tution was begun by Mr. Raikes of Gloucester, in the year 1784. His design was, 1. To prevent the children of the poor from spending the Sabbath in idleness, filth and mischief. 2. To instruct them in the first rudiments of" learning and the Christian religion. Mr. Wesley no sooner heard of it, than he approved of it. He published an account of it in the Arminian Mag. for Jan. 1785, and exhorted his Societies to imitate this laudable example. They took his advice. Labouring, hard-working men and women began to instruct their neighbour's children and to go with them to the house of God, on the Lord's day. The consequence was, many thousands of those who were as Wild Jss's Colts, now repay the Christain labour bestowed upon them by being use- ful members of Society, and not a few of them know and adorn the Gospel of God their Saviour. Annual charity sermons are preached where the schools are, and considerable sums of money raised for their support. There are at present about thirty thousand chil- dren instructed by tfie Methodists in Great Britain on the Lord's-day. In the year 1798, Mr. Joseph Mayer, of Stock- port, published an excellent defence of these schools: what he wrote in two large pamphlets is well worthy the perusal of all those who wish to encourage these institutions. The conductors of the Methodist Sunday Schools in London, have at this time (1802,) formed a Com- mittee for corresponding with persons in the country, engaged in the same work, with a view of extending and establishing schools on the plan of employing gra- i68 A Chronological History [i7^5» tuitous teachers only in the different parts of the king- dom. They have already distributed some hundreds of the proposed plans, and have received some very satisfactory and encouraging accounts of the success which is likely to attend their labours of love. For the present year, ( 1802) Thomas Pearson Esq. No. 25, Clement's-lane, is Treasurer of the Society; Mr. William Marsden, of Jame's Street, Old Street, is Secretary ; and Mr. Thomas Morris, City Road, is Secretary to the Committee of Correspondence. For a fuller account of the design of this Committee, see Methodist Magazine for the year j802, page 388 and 430. The Books of this Committee are open for the inspection of the public at the places above mentioned. July 26, 1785, The forty-second Conference was held in London. Mr. Wesley remarks con- cerning it, ** About seventy preachers were present, whom I had invited by name. One consequence of this was, that we had no contention or altercation at all, but every thing proposed was calmly consi- dered, and determined as we judged would be most for the glory of God." •* Having, (he continues) with a few sele^rt Friends, weighed the matter thoroughly, I yielded to their judgment, and set apart three of our well tried Preachers, Jokii Paws on, Thomas Hanby, and Joseph Taylor, to minister in Scotland. And I trust God will bless their ministrations, and shew that he has sent them." He also recommended to the Scotch Methodists, the use of the a- bridged Common Prayer, This latter they de- clined ; the former they were thankful for. The reasons he gave for this (in the Minutes of the Con- ference in 1786) are, i, That he never was connect- ed with the Church of Scotland. 2. The desire of doing more good. 3. The absolute necessity of the case, as the Scotch Ministers had repeatedly refused i7^c5-J ^S ^^^ Peopld called Methodists, 169 to give the Methodists the Sacrament, unless they would leave the Societies. The following rules v/ere considered and agreed to. g. Is it proper to sell any books on the Lord's day ? — A. By no means, Neither to talk of world- ly things, more than is strictly necessary. g. Is it lawful to employ a hair-dresser on a Sun- day 1—A. We are fully persuaded it is not. (7. Is it right to send our children to a dancing school ? — A, It is entirely wrong. Neither do we think it right for any that keep boarding-schools to admit a dancing master into their house. llie deed which Mr. Wesley got drawn up made so much uneasiness in the connection, that in order to quell it the following papers were signed ar.d published in the Minutes. London, July 30, 17S5. *' We whose names are undei written, do declare that Mr. Wesley was desired, at the last Bristol Con- ference, without a dissentient voice, to draw up a Deed which should give a legal specification of the phrase," ** The Conference of the People called Methodists : " and that the mode of doing it was en- tirely left to his judgment and direction. And we do also declare. That we do approve of the substance and design of the Deed which Mr. Wesley has accordingly executed and enrolled,'* London, July 30, 1765. *' We whose names are underwritten, but who were not piesent at the last Bristol Conference, do declare our approbation of the substance and desigix of the Deed which Mr. Wesley has lately executed and enrolled for the purpose of giving a legal speci- fication of the phrase " The Conference of the Peo- ple called Methodists." The former was signed by thirty nine preachers, G lyo J Chronological History C*?^?. the latter by thirty : the whole of the Preachers who were at the Conference. The American Minutes were published with those of the EngHsh Conlerence, and continued to be so, with a few exceptions, till the year 1790. It was then thought unnecessary to publish any thing more than the numbers in the Societies, which is still done e- very year. The British dominions in America, viz. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland, ap- peared for the first time on the Minutes of this year. Methodism had its rise in the following manner in these parts. In the year 1765, Mr, Lawrence Coughlan, at that time a Travelling Preacher, in connection with Mr. Wesley, was ordained by the Bishop of Lon- don, at the request of the Society for the Propaga- tion of Christian Knowledge, that he might be qua- lified for the office of a Missionary in the island of Newlonndland. He accordingly went there, and his labours >vere crowned with success in several parts of the Island. After seven years continuance there, he returned home through want of health. The people were then as sheep that had no shepherd. After a time the Lord raised up a few of the inhabi- tants, who had been Methodists in these kingdoms. They formed Societies, and exhorted the people to> walk according to the Methodist rules. To encou- rage them three Travelling Preachers were then sent thither, two from the United States^ and one from England. Newfoundland has continued on our mi- nutes since that time, unless perhaps when their ac- counts could not come time enough for insertion. In the year 1791, a favourable change took place in their behalf. Mr. William Black, (who was born in Huddersfield, in Yorkshire, in the year, 1760,) visited Nova Scotia. His labours were at- tended with great success. In the year 1792, he was appointed Superintendant of the whole work in 1786*] Of the People called Metkodistsi 171 British America ; which office he has held ever since. He has been instrumental in uniting the scattered members, restoring discipline, and by the united la- bours of himself and his brethren, the kingdom of God has been greatly enlarged in these parts. July 25, 1786, The forty-third Conference was held in Bristol. The question respecting our union with the Church was still agitated, and after much deliberation the following regulations were adopted. 0. In what cases do we allow ot service in Church hours? — ^. 1. When the Minister is a notoriously wicked man. 2. When he preaches Arian, or any equally pernicious doctrine. 3. When there are no Churches in the town sufficient to contain half the people. And, 4. When there is no Church at all witnin two or three miles. And we advise every one who preaches in the church hours to read the psalms and lessons with part of the church prayers ; because we apprehend this will endear the church service to our brethren, who probably would be prejudiced against it, if they heard none but extem- porary prayer. Mr. Wesley accordingly recom- mended to his Societies the abridged Common Prayer Book, under the following title, •* The Sunday Service of the Methodists." — He certainly approved of a Liturgy, or Form of Prayer, tor public wor- ship, as many enlightened men have done; but in many parts the people did not approve of it, even where they wished to be allowed service in the church hours. The cases mentioned above, in which the service might be allowed, are certainly weighty, and plainly shew, that Mr. Wesley was fully convinced, that some kind of separation might, in particular cases, be a duty. But he truly loved the Church itself, and from it he would not separate. The following is the Preface which he published to the Prayer Book. '• I believe there is no Liturgy in the world, either in ancient or modern language, i/^ J Chronological History [1786, -.vhich breathes more of a solid, scriptural, rational piety than the Common Prayer of the Church of lingiand. And though the main of it was compiled considerably more than two hundred years ago, yet :s the language of it not only pure, but strong and elegant in the highest degree. ; Little alteration is made in the following edition of it, except in the following instances : 1. Most of the holy-days (so called) are omitted, as at present tinswering no valuable end. 2. The service of the Lord's Day^ .the length of which has been often complained of, is considerably shortened. 3. Some sentences in the offices of Baptism, and for the Bu- rial of the Dead, are omitted. And, 4. Many i'salms left out, and many parts of the others, as being higlily improper for the mouths of a Christian Congregation. JOHN WESLEY." "Where the Methodists have service in Church- hours, it would be an advantage to the congregations if the Preachers would read the Liturgy, and study to read it well ; it would be one means of leading the people to " Hold fast the form of sound words," ■ Mr. Wesley gave the following advice to the Preachers at this time. — '* Never preach a Funeral^ Sermon but for an eminently holy person : nor then without consulting the Assistant. Preach none for hire. Beware of panegyric, particularly in London." He adds : ** I advise the Assistants, 1. To esta- blish morning preaching in all large towns, at least. 2. To exert themselves in restoring the Bands. 3. The Select Societies. I advise all the Preachers, 1. Al- ways to conclude the service in about an hour. 2. Never to scream. 3. Never lean upon, or beat the Bible. 4. Wherever you preach, meet the Society. 5. Never take part against the Assistant. 6. Have -. Love-Feasts in more places. 7. Exhort all to sing, and all to stand at singing, as well as to kneel at prayers. " At this Conference Mr. Wesley appointed Dr. t786.] OJ the People called Methodists. 173 Coke to visit the Societies in the British dominions in America. He also sent William Warrener, whom he appointed to labour as a Missionary in An- tigua, and IVilltam Hammett, and John ClarAe^,_to labour as Missionaries in Newfoundland. VVith these the Doctor sailed. By distress of weaiher they were prevented trom going to the place of their destination ; so they all landed on Christmas day 1786, on the Island of Antigua. Here they found a large Methodist Society walking in the fear of God, who welcomed them in the name of the Lord. The following particulars shew the rise of Metho- dism in this Island. Nathaniel Gilbert, Esq. Spea- ker of the House of Assembly in Antigua, who had heard the Gospel in England, wrote a letter ta Mr. Wesley, dated May 10, 1760, in which he in- i'ofmed him there was then the dawn of a Gospel day in that Island. Mr. Gilbert had begun to exhort the Islanders to turn to the Lord, and had considerable success. In 1779, Mr. John Baxter, a Local Preacher, went from the Royal Dock at Chatham to that Island. He watered the seed sown by Mr. Gilbf.Tt. He af- terwards resigned his office, which beheld under Go- vernment, in order to preach the Gospel to the poor slaves. Dr. Coke considered his being driven to the West- Indies as providential. He therefore left the two Missionaries intended for America, to labour in these islands with Mr. Baxter and Mr. Warrener, where there was the greatest prospect of doing good. These were the firft Missionaries from the English Confe- rence to the We5t-India Islands. Since that time the work has greatly increased in these islands. We now (1802 have Missionaries in Antigua, Do ni- nica, St. Vincent's, Barbadoes, Grenada, Si. Chris- topher's, Nevis and Moniserrait ; in l\:)rt id, Spa- nish Town and the other Virgin Islands; iii St. Bartfiolomew's, Jamaica, Providence and the oiher Bahama Islands ; and at Bermuda. There is a Q3 J 7 4- A Ch rono logical His to ry [1787 prospect of doing much good in all these plac-cs. So greatly has the Lord prospered his work in sixteen years! August 9, 1786, Mr. Wesley set out on his se- cond visit to Holland, and returned Sept. 6, His former visit was in the year 1783. He found there a truly pious people, to whom he preached several times, and rejoiced to find that true religion was essentially the same in every place. July 31, 1787, The forty- fourth Conference was held in Manchester. The following particulars were considered. 0. Are there any directions to be given concern- itig Preachers to whom we are strangers ? — ^. i. Let no person that is not in connection with uj preach in any of our Chapels, or Preaching-houses, without a note from Mr, Wesley or from the Assistant ot the Circuit from whence he comes, wliich mu^t be re- newed yearly. 2^. Let none of our friends who travel on business expect to be entertained at the Preachers houses. 0^. Are there any directions to be given concern- ing singing?—^. Let no Anthems be introduced into any of our Chapels, or Preaching-houses, for the time to come, because they cannot properly be ■ called Jt/z«^ worship. Nov. 3, 1787, Mr. Wesley observes in his last journal, (page 85,) *• 1 had a long conversation with Mr. Clulozo, (an attorney) on the execrable Act, called the Conventicle Act. After consultmg the Act of Toleration, with that of the tenth of Queen Anne, we were both clearly convinced, that it was the safest way to license all ouv Chapels, and all our Travelling Preachers; and that nojustice, or bench of justices, has any authority to refuse licensing either the Houses or the Preachers." He was not •willing that either should be licensed before this time, as he greatly wished to- continue his connec- tion v/ith the National Church, so far as the blessed i/Zj^l Of the People called Methodists. im5 work of saving souls from death in every place would permit. Mr. Wesley had hitherto ordained Ministers only for America and Scotland, but from this pe- riod, being assisted by the Rev. James Creighton, and the Rev. Peard Dickenson, Presbyters of fhe Church of England, he set apart for the sacred office, by the imposition of his hands and prayer, Messrs. Alexander Mather, Thomas Rankin, and Henry Moore, without sending them out of England ; strongly advising them at the same time, that acco/d« ing to his example they should continue united to the Established Church, so far as the blessed work in which they were engaged would permit. The for- mer of these brethren, Mr. Mather ^ he ordained a Bishop or Superintendant. It may be useful to subjoin here extracts from those Acts above mentioned, with others of a later date, relative to this subject. The Act of Toleration, made in the first year of King William and Queen Mary, which was declar- ed a public Act, by the 19th of King George the Third. By this, " It is enacted, that none of the penal Statutes made against Conventicles, or against pa- pists or popish recusants, (except the 2^th of Charles the second, concerning the qualifying for offices, and 30th of Charles the second, containing the de- claration against popery) shall extend to any person (jissenting from the Church of England." '* Any person dissenting from the Church of England^ who shall at the General Sessions of the Peace to be held for the county or place where such person shall live, take the oaths ot Allegiance and Supremacy, and subscribe the said Declaration against Popery, of which the Court shall keep a Re- gister : and no officer shall take any fee above 6d. fof registering the Same, and 6d. for a certihcate thereof^ signed by such Officer. * 90^' ^ C/5 r (7 « ^ logical His to ry [ 1 7 87 » - " Provided that the place of meeting be certifieA to the Bi hop of the Diocese, or to the Arch Dea- con ot the Archdeaconry, or to the Justices of the Peace at the General or Quarter Sessions. And the register or cleik of the peace shall register and re- cord the same, for which no greater tee shall be taken than 6d. And provided that during the time of meeting the doors shall not be locked, barred, or bolted." And by the statute made in the 10th of Queen Anne, any Preacher or Teacher, duly qualified, shall be allowed to officiate in any congregation, although the same be not in the county where he was so qualified, provided that the place of meeting hath been duly certified and registered ; and such Teacher or Preacher shall, if required, produce his certifi- cate of his having so qualified himself, under the hand of the elerk of the peace where he was quali- fied; and shall also, betore any justice of such county where he shall so officiate, make and sub- scribe such declaration and take such oaths as afore- said, if required. ** And every such Teacher and Preacher, having taken the oaths, and subscribed as aforesaid, shall from thenceforth be exempted from serving in the Militia of this kmgdom, and from serving on any Jury, or of being appointed to bear the office of church warden, overseer of the poor, or any other parochial or ward office, or other office in any hun* dred, city, town, parish, division, or wapingtake. ** And by the Aft made in the 19th ytar of George the Third, 1779, Dissenting Ministers were excused from signing ro a part ol the thirty-nine Ariicle.% wherx they were licensed." for until that time they h^d to subscribe the whole o< the Articles of the Established Church, except three and part of another. All that they now do, is, subscribe to the following De- claration. " I, A. B. do solemnly declare, in the presence of Almighty God, that 1 am a Christian and a Pro- 1787.] Of the Peopk called Methodists. 17" testant, and as such that 1 believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, as commonly re- ceived among Protestant Churches, do contain the revealed will of God, and that I do receive the same as the rule of my doctrine and practice." In order to get a place licensed, all that It re« quires is, that the place or building shall be certified^ i. e. that notice shall be given of the intention to perform divine service therein, either to the Bishop of the Diocese, or to the Archdeacon of the Arch- deaconry, or to the Justice of the Peace of. the Quarter Sessions for the county, city, or place in which it is situated, that it may be registered in the Court to which application is made. A proper and sufficient form for this purpose is as follows : •' We whose names are underwritten, [^any tuio cr three of the par ties concerned^ do hereby certify, that a certain building situate, in , is intended to be used for religious worship, under and by virtue of the statute of the first of King William and Queen Mary, entitled, An Act for exempting their Majesty's Protcstanc subjects dissenting from the Church of England from the penalties of certain laws." Signed A. B, CD. I have noted in order every step which Mr. Wes- ley took with respect to his union with the Church of England ; and from the whole it appears, that his settled judgment at length was. That by the great and continued encrease of the Societies, and the difference of opinion on that subject, among both Preachers and People, as well as from the be- haviour of many of the Clergy, it would be abso- lutely necessary that the ordinances should be admi- nistered to those who desired them ? — And that he therefore took these steps that there might, in this extension of privilege, be as near a conlormity to the Church of England as possible ? — Can it be de- If 8 A Chronological llisiory ["^7^7' nied that this is more agreeable to the whole of the work in which he had been so long engaged, than any other more contracted plan could be ? — And is it not cerram that the union of the body could not have been maintained in any other way? — This will be still more evident in the subsequent parts of this history. March 29, 1788, This day Mr. Charles Wesley fell asleep. His brother gave him the following character in the yearly Mmutes. 0, Who died this year? — A» Charles Wesley, who, after spending fourscore years with much sor- row and pain, quietly retired into Abraham's bosom. He had no disease, but after a gradual decay of some months, " The weary wheels of life stood still at kst.'* His least praise was his talent for poetry : although Dr. Watts did not scruple to say, That, " that single poem, Wrestling Jacoo, was worth all the verses he himself had written." The Hymns which were composed by him arethose which are chiefly used by the Methodists in their worship ; and they certainly breathe more of the spirit of genuine religion than any which are bor- rowed from other poets. The last verses he composed were these : " In age and feebleness extreme, " Who shall a helpless worm redeem ? '* Jesus I my only hope thou art, " Srength of my failing flesh and heart ; " Oh ! could I catch a smile from thee, " And drop into eternity 1" He could scarcely articulate when he dictated these to his wife. May 13, 1788, Mr. Wesley taking a reviev/ of the work in which he had spent his life, thus re- marks especially on its scriptural liberality. " There is no other Religious Society under heaven, which 1788.] OJ the People called MethodiHs. 17*9 requires nothing of men in order to their admission into it, but a desire to save their souls. Look all around you, you cannot be admitted into the Church or Society of the Presbyterians^ Baptists, Quakers, or any other, unless you hold the same opinions with them, and adhere to the same mode of worship. The Methodists alone do not insist on your holding this or that opinion, but they think and let think. Neither do they impose any particular mode of wor- ship, but you may continue to worship in your for- mer manner, be it what it may. Now I do not know any other religious society either ancient or modern, wherein such liberty of conscience is now allowed, or has been allowed since the age of the Apostles ! Here is our glorying, and a glorying pe- culiar to us ! What Society shares it with us ?" — Blessed be God we still enjoy this liberty ; and even with encrease! July 29, 1788, The forty-fifth Conference was lield in London. Mr. Wesley's account of it is, " One of the most important points considered at this Conference was. That respecting the Church. The sum of a long conversation was, 1. That in a course of fifty years, we had neither premeditatedly nor willingly varied from it in one article, either of doctrine or discipline. 2. That we were not yet conscious of varying from it in any_ point of doctrine, 3. That we have in a course of years, out of neces- sity, not choice, slowly and warily varied in some points of discipline by preaching in the fields, by ex- temporary prayer, by employing Lay-Preachers, by iorm.ing and regulating Societies^ and by holding yearly Conferences. But we did none of these things till we were convinced we could no longer omit them, but at the peril of our souls." It is evident from this account that with regard to discipline, Mr. Wesley followed the Scripture and the openings of Providence. What the Conference has done since i8o J Chronological History [1788, his death has been perfectly agreeable to the sam-e plan. The following new rule was made at this Con- ference. g. Many of our Preachers have been obliged to go tigm the house of one friend to another ior all their meals, to the great loss of their time and to the injury of the work of God. What can be done to prevent this evil in future ? — A. Let every Circuit pi-ovide a sufficient allowance for the Preachers, that they may in general eat their meals at their own lodgings. Mr. Wesley for the first time published the fol- lowing letter, addressed to his Societies from the Con- ference. *' To cur Societies in England and Ireland. " Fifty )ears ago, and ior several years following, all our Preachers were single men, when in process of time a few ot them married. Those with whom they laboured, maintained both them and their wives, there being then no settled allowance either for the one or the other. But above thirty years ago, it was found most convenient to fix a stated al- lowance fqi both, and this was found by the Circuits •where they were stationed ; tdl one year some of the Circuits complained of poverty. Dr. Coke and I supplied what was wanting. Thenext year the number of wives increasing, three or four of them were sup- plied out of the Contingent Fund. This was a bad precedent, for more and more wives were thrown upon this Fund, till it was likely to be swallowed up thereby. We could think of no way to prevent this, but to consider the state of our Societies in England and Ireland, and to beg the members of each cir- cuit to give us that assistance, which they can easily do without hurting their families. " Yv^ithin these fifty years, the substance of the Me- thodists is increased in proportion to their numbers. Therefore if you are not straitened in your own bowels, this v/ill be no grievance, but you will 1789-] OJ the People called Methodists. iSi cbearfully give food and raiment to those, who give i^p all their time and strength and labour to your service. London, Jug. 2, 1788. JOHN WESLEY." The same address was published in the Irish Mi- nutes the year following in the very same words, which shews Mr. Wesley did not confine himself to exactness as to the dates ; but states the facts. The first time alluded to was in the year 1740, just forty- eight years before ; the second was in the year 1752, just thirty. six years before. July 28, 1789, The forty-sixth Conference was held in Leeds. A very painful business came be- fore the brethren. A new Chapel had been built at Dewsbury in Yorkshire, as usual by subscription ; but those who were nominated Trustees, assumed the Proprietorship, and refused to settle it according to the Methodist plan. The consequence was, that after some fruitless negociation, another Chapel was built, and a collection was made, first in the Confe- rence, and then throughout England, to defray the expence. It is remarkable that only two instances of this kind occurred while Mr. Wesley lived. The former, namely Birstall, was soon settled ; this latter dispute never was ; and true religion received a wound in the contention which it has never recovered in that place. Mr. Wesley thus speaks of this occurrence in his Journal : '* About a hundred Preachers were present, and never was our Master more eminently present with us. Saturday, Aug. 1, We considered the case of Dewsbury. house, which the self-erected Trustees robbed us of. The point they contended for was this, " That they should have a right of rejecting any Preachers, which they should disap- prove." But this we saw would destroy Itinerancy,'. So they chose John Jtley, (Mr. Wesley's Book* R 1,82 ji Chronological History [1790* Steward) for a Preacher who adopted William Eells (see page 158,) for his Curate. Nothing remained but to build another Preaching-house, towards which we subscribed two hundred and six pounds on the spot." It was asserted concerning some of the Preach- ers, that they did not approve of settHng the Cha- pels on the Methodist plan ; therefore one hundred and fifte~en, being all that were present at the Con- ference, signed a paper, expressive of their entire approbation of that plan ; namely, That Mr . Wesley, and after him the Conference^ should have the entire nomination and appointment of the Preachers to the Chapels, it being impossible to continue the Itine- rant plan in any other way. It was asked, g. Are there any directions to be given to the Preachers ? — A. Yes. 1. Let the rules of the Society be read in every Society once a quar- ter, 2. Let no person into the Love- feast without a Society ticket, or a note from the Assistant. 3. Let every Watch-night continue till midnight. 4. Let the money collected at the Love- feasts be most con- scientiously given to the poor. 5. Let no Preacher go out to supper, or be from home after nine at night. 6. Let the Preachers children dress exactly according to the rules of the Bands. THE STRANGERS FRIEND SOCIETY. Of this Mr. Wesley speaks as follows. Bristol March 14, 1790. *' Sunday v/as a comfortable day. In the morning, I met the Straiigers Friend Society, instituted wholly for the relief, not of our Society, but for poor, sick, friendless Strangers. I do not know that I ever heard or read ot such an institution till within a few years ago. So this also is one of the fruits of Methodism." A Society of this kind had been formed in Lon- don in 1784. This in Bristol was instituted in Sep- tember 1780. James Chubb and Thomas Delve vvere the first Stewards. There is a remarkable ac- count of Mr, Delve in. the Arminian Mag. for lygo.'] Of the FeopU called Methodists, \^^ August 1794; and there was another instituted in Liverpool in the year 1787. The following are the rules which Mr. Wesley drew up and published lor the Strangers Friend Society in Bristol : they are the first that were drawn up and published tor these So- cieties. *' 1. Many have, been the charitable Institutions which have commenced in Eni^land in little more than half a century. One of these has been a new kind : I believe never heard of before. Four or five years ago, a few poor men in London, agreed to pay each a penny a week, in order to relieve Strangers who had no habitation — no cloaths — no food — no friends. They met once a week and assigned to each his share of the work for the ensuing week; to discover proper objects, 'who indeed were easily- found) and to relieve them according to their seve- ral necessities. And they took care of their souls as well as their bodiej:, instructing them in the principles of religion, of which till then they had little more knowledge than the beasts of the held. *' 2. A little Society of the same kind has lately been founded at Bristol. Being deteniHned to do them all the service 1 could, 1 appointed them to meet at six o'clock every Sunday morning at the new room, with the resident Preacher and two Stew- ards; who are to receive all contributions, and keep account of all disbursements. *' 3. At the weekly meeting, first the names are call- ed over, then each has his work assigned for the fol- lowing week. Next, enquiry is made whether each has fulfilled his appointment the preceding week. 4. Any member, who without a sufficient cause is ab- sent from this meeting, or does not fulfil his ap- pointment, pays two pence for the use of the poor. 5. If any of the members are sick, they shall be vi- sited twice a week. JOHN WESLEY." Bristol^ March j2, 1790. R 2 j84 ji Chronological History [1790 y; This Society has been of great use to the poor in ^the City of Bristol, and particularly so since James Ewer, Esq. and Thomas Stock, Esq. were appointed Treasurer and Secretary. In the year 1791, Mr. Adam Clarke instituted a Society of this kind in the City of Dublin. He published an account ot it, and recommended it to ^ 'the consideratien of all those who earnestly wish to ameliorate the condition of the poor. After this, they were universally adopted by all the large Socie- ties m Great Britain and Ireland. And as their de- sign is to relieve the destitute and afflicted of e- very nation and denomination, (except a Methodist) some charitable persons of all persuasions contribute freely to their support. Thousands have been res- cued from the extreme of human misery, and not a few brought to the knowledge of God, since they were first instituted. No doubt, the blessing of those v\:ho were ready to perish has, and shall come upon the conductors and supporters of this Charity. g. But should not a poor strange Methodist be relieved ? — A. I think iie should. July 27, 1790, The forty-seventh Conference was held in Bristol. This was the last at which Mr. Wesley was present. From the Minutes it appears he appointed nine Preachers as " a Committee for the. management of the West India affciirs," i. e. the Mis- sions ; and six Preachers to be a Building Commit- tee for Great Britain, and four for Ireland. It would appear by this that he wished to see the dif- ferent labours of the Conference divided into sepa- rate Committees, which would undoubtedly save a great deal of time, and give scope to the talents of many more of the Preachers than can be at present employed in the business that comes before them. The following rules were also agreed to, 1. No Preacher shall preach three times ^the same day to xh^same congregation. 2. No Preacher shall preach oftener than twice on a week day, or oftener than three times on the Lord's day. 3. No Preacher I790-] Of the People called Methodisis. 185 Shall in future leave the Conference be^" )re the con- clusion of it, without consent publicly obtained in the Conference 4. No A sistant shall take into the SocKt\ any whom his predecessor had put out, with- out first -onsulting him. 5. No Preacher shall re- turn home to his family after preaching in the even- ing, till after he has met the Society. The general Minutes from 1744 to 1789, were at that time published. .From them we learrf the man- ner in which the Preachers proceed to business at the Conference. It is thus detailed: , (7. What is the method wherein we usually pro- ceed in our Conferences ? — J. We enquire, I. What Preachers are admitted into full connec- tion this year? 2. Who rem.ain on trial ? 3. Who are admitted on trial ? 4. Who desist from travel- ling ? 5. Who have died this year ? 6. Are thtre any objections to any of the Preachers ? (they are then named one by one J 7. How are the Preachers stationed this year ? 8. W^hat numbers are in the So* cieties ? 9. What is the Kingswood collection ? 10. What boys are received this' year? 11. What girl^ are assisted ? 12. What is contributed for the year- ly expences ? 13. How was it expended? 14 What is contributed towards the fund for superan- nuated Preachers and Widows ? 1^. What demands are there upon it ? 16. How many Preachers wives are to be provided for ? 17. By what Societies ? i8» When and where may our next Conference begin i^ Since Mr. Wesley's death, when the Prfhom he has bequeathed his manuscripts and other valuable papers, will publish an authentic narrative as soon as it can be prepaied for the press." Mr. Hampson, Jun. had been a Tra- velling Preacher, and was educated at Kings- wood school. Through his father's influence he was received into the connection, and continued so for upwarfl^' of seven years. He then pro- cured ordination, and got a living in the Esta- blished Church. The report appeared in a short time t^ be well founded. Mr. Hampson in- tended to have published these Memoirs in Mr. Wesley's life time, as his preface sets forth. Two of these gentlemen, viz. lyw Goke and Mr. Moore, were absent from London, and fully engaged in the work as Itinerants. Dr. Whitehead resided in London, and at that time acted as a local Preacher, under the direction of Mr. Rogers, the Superintendant. This gentleman had also been a Travelling Preacher for some years. He after- wards studied physic, and joined the society of Quakers. About three years before Mr. Wesley's death, he again joined the Methodist Society, and was received by Mr. Wesley wiih his usual kind- ness. He was much esteemed by all the parties, and was therefore with the consent of all, appoint- ed to compile the " Narrative :" Mr. Wesley's pi^ pers, at the Doctor's earnest request, were also de- livered into his care by Mr. Rogers, with the con- sent of Dr. Coke and Mr. Moore, that he mio-ht select at his leisure what was needful for tne work ; the whole to be afterwards examined. — Dr. Whitehead proposed to Mr. Rogers, that he should have one hundred pounds for his trouble and loss of time ; which was fully agreed to; at a meet- ing of the Executors and the Printing Committee united; only they determined, at the request of Mr. Rogers, thdt the Doctor should have one hun- dred guineas, as being a handsomer sum. — I have S 2 19^ A Cli ronological His to ry [ 1 7 9 1 • been the more particular in these transactions, as I shall have to speak of some facts necessarily con- nected with them in the course of this history. - July 26, 1791, About a week after the above agreement, the forty-eighth Con lerence assembled at Manchester, according to the appointment of the former year. There were present upwards of two hundred Travelling Preachers from various parts of the three kingdoms. Every person present seemed deeply sensible of the impoitance of the occasion* Tor more than fifty years, Mr. Wesley had been, under God, the Father and" Head af the whole connection. And though far the greater part of tlic Societies had been formed by the labours of- the Preachers, -and inany of them Mr. \Ve?ley had never visited, yet having begun the work, and formed the rules by which the whole was govern- ed : having by unv/earied labour in travelling, preaching, and v/riting, for ' upwards of halt a tentiiry, given to ihe whole v/ork a consistency ancl order j^ which, under God, ensured its stability, he was" jiisily considered a centre of union both •to Preachers and People, and as having an apos- tolic and fatherly authority over tlie whole body, He still continued to visit the principal places every J^o ^ars, and to preside at the Conferences. ^ M^ William Thompson was chosen President, jt^And ]3i:. Coke Secretary. — The Preachers had con- versed together previously to the regular opening of the Conference, and were greatly strengthened and comforted by knov/ing each others mind, that they were determined to abide in the good way in "which they had been called, and to be followers of then- deceased father as he i.ad been of Christ : and the first business done when the Conference was ■ opened, was the passing a unanimous resolution to that effect. •^ The following Minute was then prepared for in- >-€eition. tygi.'] Of the People called Methodists. 197 ** It may be expected, that the Conference should make some observations on the death ot Mr, Wesley, but they find themselves utterly inadequate to express their ideas and feelings on this awiul and affecting event. •* Their souls do truly mourn for their great loss; and they trust they shall give the most substantial proofs of their veneration for the memory of their much esteemed father and friend, by endeavouring,, though with great humility and diffidence, to follow and imitate him in doctrine, discipline, and life." Mr. Bradford, who used to travel with Mr. Wes- ley, then delivered the following letter to the Presi- dent. TO THE METHODIST CONFERENCE. Chester, April y, J/Sc*' '* My Dear Brethren, " Some of oar Travelling Preachers have ex- pressed a fear, that alter my decease you would ex- clude them either from preaching m connexion with you, or from some other privileges which they now enjoy. I know no other way to prevent any such inconvenience, tlian to leave these my last words with you. •* I beseech you by the m^ercies of God, that you never avail yourselves of the Deed of Decla- ration, to assume any ■ superiority over yo'ur htt~ thrcn : but let all things ^o on among those Itinerants who chuse to remain together, exactly in the san>e manner as- when I was with you, so far as circum- stances will permit. " In particular I beseech you, if you ever loved me, and if you now love God and your brethren, to have no respect of persons in stationing the Preachers, in chusing children for King5,\vooi school, in disposing ol the yearly contribution, and the Preacher's fund, or any other public monrv. But do all things with a single eye, as I have done horn the beginning, Go on thus, doing all thing" ^-3 198 ^ Chronological History [1791. without prejudice or partiality, and God will be with you even to the end. JOHN WESLEY." The Conference immediately and unanimously resolved, that all the Preachers who were in full connection with them, should enjoy every privi-- lege that the members of the Conference enjoy, agreeably to the above written letter of their vene- rable deceased Father in the Gospel, and consistent with the Deed of Declaration. The thiee Ejgs.cutors of Mr. Wesley's Will hav- ing come from London in oider to confer with the Preachers respecting the books which Mr. Wesley had left, and the debt of one thousand six hundred pounds, with which they were encumbex^ed, the Conference entered upon that business. By the will, tlie Stock and Copy-right of those Tracts which Mr. Wesley had published in the latter part of his life, (his Works had been published more than fourteen years, and to them no copy-right could be attached) were left in trust to the three executors for the benefit of the fund already mentioned ; but by a very express clause which immediately followed, the Executors were to have nothing to do wi;h the Printing, which was put into the hands of a Com- mittee expressly named for that purpose. His Types, Presses, &c. were alfo left, not to the three Execu- tors, but to two Preachers, in trust for the u/e of the Conference. — By the I>eed which Mr. Wesiev had executed after the Will, the Stock and the Copy- right ot all the books and tracts which Mr. Wesley had published, or even might publish during the re- mainder of his life, were given to seven Trustees therein named, for the same purpose as that m.en- tioned in the Will ; wiih this difference, that whereas in the Will the profits were directed to be applied ta the carrying on the work of Gud by Itinerant Preach^ erSy (a very general description, and which would nive greut laiitude in the application] in the Deed it 1791.] OJ the People called Methodists, 199 was expressly declared, that the profits should be ap- plied to the above use, according to ike Deed of De^ claration refpecting the Conference, which Mr. Wes^ ley had filed in Chancery in the year 1 784. The seven Trustees were also ordered and empowered to pay afl such debts as he should owe at the time ot his death, and any legacies or annuities which he should be- queath by his Will. From all these particulars, the Preachers assembled had no doubt that the printing, the distribution of the books, and tiic appUcation of the profits, were defigned by Mr. Wesley, to be as heretofore, under the direction of t!ie Conference. The Preachers from these considerations being per- fectly satisfied of Mr. Wesley's defign refpecting his property ; and the feven Trustees ot the Deed having declared, that they were willing and desirous that every thing should go on as heretofore under the di- rection of the Conierence, they proceeded to con- sider what should be done res[)ecting the debt of one thousand six hundred pounds, to which the property was liable, and for which the Tjustees of the Deed, and the Executors of the Will were both refponsible; and they came unanimously to the following refolu- tion, viz. to borrow the one thousand six hundred pounds, and to pay the debt immediately, as being mofl for the honour of their deceafed Father ; and to do their utmoll in their several Circuits to dilpose of the Stock that this money might be repaid, and the surplus used according to the design o^ the Testator, in the support of the Gospel in tlie poor Circuits. They next considered how they should behave to- wards the three Executors of Mr. Wesley's Will. The Conference were sensible tliat they were very respectable men, and that they as well as the Trustees of the Deed, had a right to be saiibhed, that the pro- perty Mr. Wesley had left, and to vvMich they had administered, should be used according to the design yf the Testator. It was therefore propos-jd, that the three Executors sliould be incorporated with the Preachers in order that they might be present at the Con- 2O0 A Chronological History [^79-1 fercnc€3 when this money should be disposed of; and that they should be members of the Committee in London, for the regulation of the press, and the ex- amination of the accompts. This proposal was also agreed to, without a dissenting voice. The three Executors were then introduced; and the President informed them of the refoiutions which the Conference had passed respectmg them and the property to which they had administered, adding, ** We think this will be a sale and effectual way to fulfil the design of the Testator." The Executors replied, That in their opinion, their authority was to continue over the property, for tlie benefit of the Con- ference, as lonfT as they should live, and therefore they CQuld not comply, with the proposal. The President replied, that certainly their authority could only ex- tend to the property which Mr. Wesley died possessed of; that it could not extend to what might arise out of it by means of the Preachers, The Executors an- swered, that they would maturely consider what had been proposed, and then give an answer. The next morning the three gentlemen attended, and delivered the following, paper : *' Having maturely considered the situation in which we stand, as Executors to Mr. Wesley, and- Trustecs of his property, for the use of the Confe- rence, after payment of his debts and legacies, and being sworn in ihe Ecclesiastical Court faithfully to execute his Will, it is our opinion, that wc cannot legally or conscientiously divest ourselves of the trust reposed in us, or extend its administration beyond the designs of the Testator. We are fully sensible that the Conference have it in their power to render the property of small value ; but we trust- that they will not come to any resolution of that kind, as whatever - it may produce will be solely at their disposal, and vv'e wish to alTord them every assistance and support in our power tov/ard carrying on the work oi God agree-* ably to Mr. Wesley's design." When this paper was read, one of the Preachers 1791.] OJ the People called Methodists. 201 observed, •• That he coald not think that it was Mr. Wesley's design, that they (the Executors) should have the management of the property in the exclusive way then claimed, as he had executed a Deed which had placed that authority in the hands of Seven Per- sons, members of the Conference." One of the Ex- ecutors immediately replied, '^ That they had taken advice respecting that Deed, and were informed that it was good for nothing ; and that any claim on that ground iooul4 he resisted.'' The President then in- formed the three gentlemen that the Preachers were determined to give up the whole property if the Exe- cutors persisted in their refusal of the union proposed to them by the Conference, as they were certain the Testator's design could in no other way be iulfilled; Upon this, further time for consideration was desired by the Executors, who the next morning delivered the following note : " To meet the wishes of the Conference we are willing wholly to give up our trust to them. (This the Conference did not " wish," as is plain from their proposals to the Executors,) after discharging the debts and legacies, provided we can do it legally. In order therefore conscientiously to divest ourfelves of the charge, v^e will without delay take the opinion o-f the King's Advocate, and one other eminent Doctor of Civil Law, whether it can be done: and if so, what will be the proper mode to be adopted. The cafe we are willing to submit to your own statement." This proposal was maturely considered by the Con- ference, who were fully satisfied that Mr. Wesley intended, as was clear even from the Will alone, that the printing, and the disposal of the books, should be. under the direction of the Conference ; and that the utmoft the Executors could reasonably demand was, to see that the profits were difpofed of according to the design of the Testator. This the union of the Executors with the Conference fully secured. . The exclusive management contended for, was in itself to- tally impracticable, and also plainly contrary io the •^^sign of the deceased: it app ear e-d also to the Preach- ao2 ji Chronological History [^791' eis, notwithstanding their conviction of the upright- ness of the three gentlemen, to be highly unreafona- ble. To seem therefore, while thus impressed, to consent to us being referred to legal opinion, whether they should submit to act in the way proposed, when they were determined not to submit, would be insin- cerity. For as it was a question that rested with themselves, they were determined to give up the le- gacy (which certainly any Legatees may do) rather than submit to a demand which they saw would de- stroy their unanimity, and impede their usefulness. Beside, the delay of a year, (before which period the Conference could not again assemble,) would be at- tended with great inconvenience. They therefore refolved to give up at once to the three Executors, all that the law could possibly give them ; thus avoid- ing, as most becoming their character, all further contention whether legal or otherwise. — The follow- ing answer was sent the same day to the three gen- tlemen. •* The Conference beg leave to return the follow- ing answer to the Executors of the late Rev. Mr. Wes- ley's Will, as containing their ultimate resolutions, in respect to the business between them and the Exe- cutors. I. They return the Executors their sincere thanks for the trouble which they have taken in coming down from London to Manchester on the business of their ofHce. IL They inform the Executors that they resign all their claim and right to the whole stock of books and pamphlets of which Mr. Wesley was possessed at the tnne of his death, into the hands of them, the Exe- cutors. in. They will purchase the above-mentioned stock of the Executors, (if the Executors please) at any, time between this and the fost of September nzy^U. paying to the Executors fuch a sum of money as will be sufficient to enable them to discharge every obli- gation which may then lie upon them on account oi Mr. Wesley's Wiil." i^pi*] OJ ttu PeopU called Mdhodiits. 203 Thus ended this painful bufiness for that time. It b not easy to arrive at any clear or certain conclu- sions concerning the motives which induced these good men to refuse the proposal of acting in union with the Preachers, and to insist upon an exclufive management. The opinion of their Lawyer, that the Deed was informal^ and therefore void^ no doubt in- duced them to suppose, that such a management be- longed to them of right. Yet it is hard to say how they could imagine this, when even the Will itself expressly excludes them from having any thing to do with printing, and gives the whole superintendance in that line to a Committee of Preachers expressly named, of which Committee the Executors were not even to be members. The Conference certainly of- fered them more than the Will gave them. Had they accepted the proposal, the accompts, and even the printing, not only of any of Mr. Wesley's books, but of all 7iezju hooks, (with which, as Executors of Mr. Wesley, they could, of right, 'have nothing to do,) together with the disposal of the profits, would all have been under their inspection. This union I am convinced would have been attended with the happiest effects. These gentlemen however thought otherwise; and certainly they were justifiable in fol- lowing their own judgment, as the Preachers were on their part, in chusing what appeared to them the most excellent way. The Conference proceeded to settle the business of priming for the ensuing year. They appointed a Cummittee to supermtend the accompts, to examine every thing which should be proposed to be printed at their press during the year; and also empowered this Conjniittee finally to settle with the three execu- tors at the expiration of the month given them to consider the proposal of the Conference. The executors then departed. Upon their re- turn to London, they consulted the Solicitor Ge^ neral, (now Lord Eldon,) and the King's Advocate, concerning Mr, Wesley's WiU^ and also the Dud, t04 J Chronological History [*795, and received for answer, That the Deed was Tes- tamentary ; and that it superseded the IV2II, in res- pect to the boolis^ copy-right, i^c. being made sub- sequent to the Will. The executors hereupon in- formed the seven Trustees of the Deed of the opini- on they had received. The Trustees immediately went to London, and took out letters of Administra- tion accordingly. The publishmg a Life of Mr. Wesley was then considered, and several objections were made to Dr. Whitehead as the Biographer, chiefly on ac- count of his known versatility, and the short time he had been in the connection since his last admis- sion. But Mr. Rogers entirely satisfied the bre- thren on these points, and the Doctor v.as authorised to compile the Life, and also appointed one of the Committee already mentioned, for examination and superintendance. • The Committee thus appointed consisted of the following persons : The Kev. Dr. Coke, the Rev. James Creighton, the Rev. Peard Dickinson, Mr. James Rogers, Mr. Richard Rodda, Mr. George Whitfield, and Dr. Whitehead. This business being settled, the Conference con- sidered the state of the connection at large. Con- siderable uneasiness had been manilested among the people from the time or Mr. Wesley's death, con- cerning the question which had often before been agitated : Some who were attached to what was called. The Old Plan, viz. a strict connection with the National Church, printed circular letters, strongly insisting on that plan being adopted. This, as might be easily foreseen, provoked replies from those who in several places wished to have the plan so extended, as to comprehend every scriptural privilege. Thus a dispute was revived, which con- tinued for four years, and was productive ot great uneasiness to the Pieachers. The letters above-mentioned occasioned the fol- lowing Minute. g. Is It necessayy to enter into any engagement i79*-J Of the Ptople called Methodists. 205 in respect to our future plan of CEConoray ? — J. We engage to follow strictly the plan which Mr. Wes. ley left us. — This answer was variously interpreted, according to the wishes 01 the two panics already mentioned. Hence the dispute became more warm. But the Conference could not be more explicit, as they saw it was impossible at that time to satisfy those who thus contended. Many fears having been expressed, that after Mr. Wesley's death the Preachers would cease to travel; to remove these, the following Minute was made. g. Are any directions necessary concerning sta- tioning of the Preachers l—^A. No Preacher shall be stationed for any Circuit above two years succes- sively, unless God has been pleased to use him as the instrument of a remarkable revival. The Conference being sorely pressed to provide for the families of the Preachers ; to avoid an un- due increase of this burthen the following Mmute was adopted. 2* Whereas we have been disappointed by mar- ried Preachers coming out to travel in expectation of being themselves able to maintain their wives independantly of the connection, who very soon became entirely dependant on it: how shall this be prevented in future? — A. Let no Preacher be re- ceived on this plan, unless he can bring in writing such an account of his income, signed by his Superintendant, as shall satisfy the Conference, 2. If any person shall propose to keep a Preacher's wife or children, he shall give a bond to the Con- ference for the sum he is to allow. To oppose a great and encreasing evil, the fol- lowing rule was made. g. Have we not made too great advances to- wards conformity to the world ? — /I. We fear we have. (7. How shall we prevent this?— ^.1. Those. T Sio6 J Chronological History [i79i» school-masters and school-mistresses who receive dancing-masters into their schools, andtliose parents who employ dancing-masters for their chiiiren, shall be no longer members ot our Societies, 2. Let every Superintendant read the '* Thoughts on Dressy" once a year, in alt his S(;cieties. France appeared on the Minjrtesof the Confer- ence this year! A change tliat was favouiable to re- ligious liberty, having taken place two years before in the government o\. that country, IVtlUam Maky, a native of the island of Guernsey, was sent into Normandy and Bntanny, to preach the Gospel to the inhabitants. He had considerable success, and his name appeared for France in the Minutes for 1792. But the war which broke out between this country and France in the beginning of 1793, and the revolutionary government, with the horrors that followed in that distracted nation, rendered his mission nearly abortive. Since the return of Peace, there is a prospect, blessed be God, that the Gospel in its life and power %vill find its way through France and Italy. At this Conference, the Honourable William Wilberforce, Member of Parliament for the County of York, sent a letter to the Conference accompanied with a present of one hundred and two volumes, of ** The Evidence that appeared before a Select Com- mittee of the House of Commons, relative to the Slave Trade." One for each Member of the Con- ference, two for the President, and two for the Se- cretary. In his letter he complimented them on their piety and zeal, and intreated them to use their influ- ence in getting petitions signed and presented to Par- liament, praying for the abolition of the above trade. The Conference sent him a polite answer, in which tiiey promised to comply with his request. From a prin- ciple of conscience they entered heartily into the work, and were instrumental in a m.easure of promoting ■v%rhat appeared the general sense oi the country a: 1791.] Of the people called Methodists. 2oy that time respecting the Slave Trade, namely, " That 7t ought to be abolished." To supply the want ot Mr. Wesley's Superin- tendance, local authorities were instituted. The Circuits were I'ormed into Districts. There were not less than three, nor more than eight Circuits in each District ; in ereneral there were five. England was divided into seventeen Districts, Ireland into five, Scotland into two, and Wales ibrmed one. The Districts have authority, 1. To try and sus^ p^nd Preachers who are found immoral, erroneous in doctrine, or deficient in abilities. 2. To decide concernmg the building of CL-apels. 3. To examine the demands from the Circuits respectmg the sup- port of the Preachers, and of their families. 4. To elect a Representative to attend and n>rm a Com- mittee four days before the meeting of the Confer- ence, in order to prepare a draft of the stations for the ensuing year. Three things the District Assenj* blies cannot do: 1. They cannot make any rule. 2. They cannot expel a Preacher. 3. They cannot station the Preachers. — An appeal to the Confer- ence is allowed in all cases. RULES RESPFCTING THE DISTRICTS. In this year (1791) it was agreed, j. The As- sistant of a Circuit shall have authority to summons the Preachers or his District who are in full connec- tion, on any critical case, which, according to the best of his judgment, merits such an jnterlerence. And the said Preachers, or as many of them as can attend, shall assemble at the place and time appoint- ed by the Assistant aforesaid, and shall form a Com- mittee tor the purpose of determining concerning the business on which they are called. They shall choose a chairman for the occasion, and their decision shall be final till tie meeting of the next Conference^ when the Cliairman of the Coinmittee shall lay the Minutes of their proceedings before the Conference, T 2 sso8 A tkrcnolcgical History {.^Jd^^^ Provided nevertheless, that nothing shall he done by any Committee contrary to the resolutions of the Con- ference. 2, " Let the District Committees settle the temporal accounts of their respective Districts annu- ally. 3. The Committee of every District in England and Scotland shall elect one of their body, to form a Committee to draw up a plan for the stationing of the Preachers in Great Britain ; which Committee shall meet at the place where the Conference is held, three days in the week preceding the Conference, (now it is four days ; they begin on the Wednesday.) in order to draw up the above mentioned plan. The Committee of every Disirict in Ireland shall send one of their body to meet the Delegate two days be~ fore the Irish Conference for the same purpose. in rlie year 1792, it was added, 1. The Chair« man, shall have authority to call a meeting of the Committee of his District on any application of the Preachers or people, which appears to him to re- quire it. But he must never individually interfere with any other Circuit but his own. 2. "Whenever the Chairman has received any complaint against a preacher either from the Preachers or Ahe people, he shall send an exact account of the complaint in writing to the person accused, with the name of the accuser, cr accusers, before he calls a meeting of the District Committee to examine into the charge. 3. If it ap- pear on just grounds to any Assistant, that the Chair- man of his District has been guilty of any crime or misdemeanor, or that he has neglected to call a meetmg of the District Committee when there were sufficient reasons for calling it, such Assistant shall have authority in that case to call a meeting of the District Committee, and to fix the time and place of meeting. The Committee thus assembled, shall have power, if they judge necessary, to try the Chairman, and, if found guilty, to suspend him from bemg a Travelling Preacher till the ensuing Conference, or to remove him from the office of an Assistant, or to depose him from the Chair, and to elect another in his place. 179 1'] 0/ the People called Methodists. 20 g In the year 1793, it was enquired, Q. Slial any alteration be made concerning the exercise of the office oF a Chairman of a District? — J. U any Preacher be accused of immorality, the Preacher ac- cused and his accuser shall respectively choose two Preachers of their District; and the Chairman of tlie District shall, with the four Preachers chosen as above, try the accused Preacher ; and they shall have authority, if he be found guilty, to suspend him till the ensuing Conference, ii they j'^'^ge it ex- pedient. 2. If there be any difference between the Preachers in a District, the respective parties shall choose two preachers ; and the Chairman of the Dis- trict with the four Preachers so chosen, shall be final Arbiters to determine the matters in dispute. In both c?ses the Chairman shall have a casting voice in case of an equality. In the year 1794, it was added, " All deficiences shall be minuted down, as far as possible, in the District Meetings." In the year i"97, it was added, *' 1. In order to render our Districts more effective, the President of the Conference shall have power, when applied to, to supply a Circuit whh Preachers, if any should die or dtsist trom travelling; and to sanction any change ot Preacher w'nch it may be necessary to make in the inteivals of tlie Conference; and to assist at any District Meeting, if applied to for that purpose by the Cl. airman of the District, or by a majority of the Sr.perintendants in such District. And he shall have a right, if written to by any who are concerned, to visit any Circuit, and to enquire into their affairs with respect to Metho- dism, and, in union with the Dij^trict Committee, redress any grievance. 2. The Cliairman of each District, in conjunction with his bretiiren of the Committee, shall be re. sponsible to the Conference for t'.ie execution of the laws, as far as his District is concerned. 210 j^ Chronological History C*79^' 3. That no Chairman may have cause to com- plain of the want of power; in cases which (accord- ing to his judgment) cannot be settled in the ordina. ry District Meeting, he shall have authority to sum- mon three of the nearest Superintendants to be in- corporated with the District Committee, who shall have equal authority to vote and settle every thing till the Conference. 4. The Conference recommends it to the Super- intendants of the Circuits, to invite, on all impor- tant occasions, the Chairman of their respective Dis- trict, to be present at their Quarterly Meetings. ^. The Chairman of every District shall be cho- sen by the ballot of the Conierence, after the names of all the Preachers of the District have been read to them by the Secretary." In the year 1798, it was added, •* In our yearly District Meeting, in the examination of characters, not only morality and religion^ in a general sense, should be kept in view; but a particular enquiry must be made, whether our Rules, as set forth in the large Minutes, are observed by each individual in every station.*' N. B. The Minutes of each Dis- trict shall be road in the Conference." In the year 1799, it was added, *• A Book shall "be kept by the Committee of each District, in which every thing resolved upon or transacted shall be minuted down, and every such book shall be handed down to the Chairman successively. 2. The Annual Meeting shall be held in future as soon as possible after the Midsummer Quarter Meeting." Ln attending to these rules an expence was incur- red which was not at first foreseen : So that in the year 1800, the following rules were added, *' 1. Let no Preacher, Steward, or Leader, on any ac- count, $end for our President or Secretary, without bearing his expcnces. 2. No bill for letters shall be brought to the Conference. Let every Superin- tendent 'inform his brethren, that they arc to pay for ail the letters ihcy write on public business." In the year iSoij it was added, ♦* 1. All ordina^ f792.] Of the People called Methodists, fin ry deficiencies, such as salaries for Pveaclier's, Wives, Children, Servants, House-ren', Coals and Candles, shall be paid at the District Meetings by the means of the yearly collection raised in each District respectively : and as far as is necessary, by extra collections and subscriptions raised through the District." " 2. That the Superintendant of evtry Circuit shall invite the General Steward ol his Circuit to be present at the Annual Meeting of the District Com- mittee, during the settling ofevery thing relating to the finances of" the District ; and every Circuit Steward shall accordingly have a right to be present, and to advise at the settlement oi' all the financial matters." The business being ended, the Conference broke up. Great was the comfort of the Preachers that such a foundation was laid for the peace and pros- perity of the Societies. The Lord, they saw, was better to them than their boding fears. His servants were of one heart and of one mind. The voice of thanksgiving asceufied up on high and they departed to their several Circuits blessing and praising God, July 31, 1792, The forty-ninth Conference be= gan In London. Mr. Alexander Mather was elect- ed President, and Dr. Coke Secretary. The Preachers had no sooner assembled than they were involved in a dispute which had occasioned great uneasinesss throughouf tiie connection in the preceding year. It has been already observed, that at the former Conference, upon the representation of Mr. Rogers, the Sperintendant ot the London Circuit, and the other Members of the Committee who were appointed by Mr. Wesley's Will to manage the printing, the appointment ot Dr. Whitehead to compile a Life of Mr. Wesley, was confinijed. The Docu^r had al- ready entered upon tlie work, and proposals had been punted by the Committee, and sent into the 212' A Chronological History ["1792. Circuits, that the Preachers might procure subscrip- tions. Dr. Whitehead, however, soon after the Conference, to the astonishment of all concerned, declared his intention oi publislnng-the Life as an In- dependant Man. He also declared that he would make s.uch use of the Manuscripts of Mr. Wesley, with which he had been intrusted, as he Azwzj-^//^should think proper ; and that he would not suffer them to be exa- mined, as Mr. Wesley had ordered m his Will, pre- viously to the pubhcation, unless the two other Trustees of these Manuscripts would enter into an engagement, that he should retain in his hands all those papers which he should judge to be necessary for the work. He insisted also that the copy-right of the book should belong to him ; and tliat if it should be published from the book-room, he would have half the clear profits. As the Doctor had engaged (see page 195,) to compilethe Life for the Book-room, (?. ^.for the charity to which Mr. Wesley had bequeathed all his literary Property,) the Committee expostulated with him on his unfaithfulness, and the extravagance of his new demands. Their expostulations were however in vain. They had acted with great simplicity towards the Doctor. Having a high opinion of his integrity and attachment to the cause iii which they were all engaged, they had given aii the necessary maferials into his hands, and so were compleatly in his power. He was fully sensible of this advantage, and perse- vered in those demands with which he knew the Committee could not comply. This strange con- duct occasioned great uneasiness, not only in the London Society, but throughout the whole con- nection. When this uneasiness was at a considerable height, the seven Trustees of Mr. Wesley's Testa- mentary Deed went to London to take out letters of Administration. Being informed of the dispute, they united their efforts to those of the Committee, to makepeace, and in order thereto, they determmed to 1792.] Of the 'People called Methodists. 213 sacrifice a considerable part of the income of the cliarity. Accordingly they consented to give Dr. Whitehead one halt of the clear profits of the book for two years, provided the Manuscript should be approved by the Committee appointed to superintend the printing. To the first of these proposals the Doc- tor agreed, but he absolutely refused to comply with the latter : and as nothing great or small could be printed without such approbation, (which the Doctor well knew,) the Trustees were obliged, at length, af- ter some fruitless expostulation, to leave the Doc- tor to his own way. A Life of Mr. Wesley had, however, been ad- vertised from the book-room, and the Connecuon eApected it. The Trustees therel'ore, in conjunctioii with the Committee, appointed the two other Trus- tees of Mr. Wesley's manuscripts, to compile a life according to that first intention. The work was accordingly undertaken and compleated without any profit or emolument whatsoever to the panics. The whole edition, consisting of ten thousand co- pies, was sold in a few weeks, and a second edition published when the Conference assembled. Doctor Whitehead was by this time not quite %o sanguine concerning the Memoirs v;hich he was writing, as when he rejected the proposals of the Committee. He addressed the Conference, and complained of the ill treatment which he said he had received. The Conference answered, that be- fore they could listen to any complaint from him, he muse consent to an examination of Mr, Wes- ley's papers, according to his Will, as he could not appear before them as an upriglit man, till he should do so. They declared, that if he would consent to this, they would gladly hear any thing which he had to say in his own defence, or any accusati&n which he should bring against any mem- bers of their body who had opposed him. This reply produced the proposals, which the Doctor has primed in the advertisement prefixed to . '21^ A Chronological Histo ry 1^79^* his Memoirs. They consist of three parts. In the first the Doctor proposes an examination of the manuscripts. In the second, that the Conference should take his Life of Mr. Wesley, (of which tliere was at that time 128 pages printed) off his hands, upon some CDnditions therein mentioned. And in the third, that he should be restored to his place as a Local Preacher. As the Conference could not suppose that Dr, Whitehead had any serious expectation that th^y would have any thing to do with the Life of their honoured Father which he was writing, and as his restoration as a Preacher must depend (as long as any upright discipline should remain) upon his faith* fully acting according to Mr. Wesley'? Will, as a Trustee ot his papers; the Conference in consider- ing the Doctor's proposals, in the first instance only attended to that particular. The following was the Doctor's final proposal upon this leading point. *' All the Manuscripts of Mr. Wesley shall be fairly and imJiartiaUy examined by Dr. Coke, Mr, Moore, and Dr, Whitehead. Such papers as they shall unanimously deem unfit for publication, shall be burned immediately. Out of the remainder^ Dr. Whitehead shall be at liberty to select such as he thinks necessary for his work ; and the remainder to be given into the hands of Dr. Coke and Mr. Moore." Such was tlie Doctor's proposal, even in this stage of the business! Alter many declarations that he was willing, and had oFten proposed to enter into an examination of Mr. Wesley's papers, at length it tuUy appeared what kind of examination be would consent to, viz. That his single nega- tive should preserve any paper from destruction ; and his single affirmative enable him to use any paper in such a way as he himself should think proper: And this the Doctor called a fair and im. partKil examination ! As there could be no hesitation among upright j792.] Oj the Feopk called Mdhodi.its. 215 men upon such a prppo^al as this, a reply was im- mediately sent, signed by the President and Secre- tary, pointing, out the injustice and total want of ingenuousness, as well as tlie unfaithfulness to the deceased, which was manifest in the proposal re- specting the examination of the manuscripts; and again declaring, in substance, that while he re- fused to fulfil his duty uprightly, as a Trustee of Mr. Wesley's papers, they could have nothing to do with hitn in any other character. To this the Conference received no answer. The Conference were thus obliged, as the Com- mittee had been before, to leave the Doctor to pur- sue his own way, contenting themselves with bear- ing their testimony against an evil which they could not prevent. The Will of Mr. Wesley was thus violated in a point which has been always considered by eminent men with peculiar solicitude, and con- cerning which they expect the Inost sacred fidelity from their surviving friends. In the Life of Mr. Wesley, written by Dr. Coke and Mr. Moore, no raeniion was made of this un- happy dispute, nor even a hint given of it. The writers were satisfied that it was known, though but very imperfectly, to the Methodist connection. But Dr. W^hitehead pursued the direct contrary course, and in the Memoirs which he published, concealing the facts which 1 have no^v stated, he re- presented those who contended with him as having persecuted him with the most malignant spirit^ and m the most illiberal manner ^ merely because he would write an iin partial Life of Mr, Wesley! In so plain a case however, it is quite sufficient to state the facts, as I have thought it my duty thus to do: the unprejudiced reader may draw his own con- clusions. In the year 1797, a reconciliation took place be- tween the Doctor and his London friends, chiefly through the mediation of Mr. Pawson. He is now 2i6 J chronological History [i^ol, imited to the Society, restored to his ofEce of Local Preacher, and very friendly with his brethren. The Conference proceeded. — It was enquired, g. What regulations shall be made concerning the office of the President of the Conference ? — j^. I. The same person is not to be re-chosen above once in eight years. 2. The President's power shall cease as soon as the Conference breaks up. This latter rule is contrary even to the letter of the Deed inrolled in Chancery, which says, " The Conference shall chuse a President, who shall con- tinue such until the election of another President in the next or other subsequent Conference." In the year 1793, it was added, ** That no person should vote by proxy at the election of a President." As there was great uneasiness in the nation, through seditious publications, the Conference unanimously adopted the following Minute. Q. What directions shall be given concerning our conduct to the civil government? — ^. i. None of us shall, either in wiiting or conversation, speak lightly or irreverently of the Government under ■which he lives. 2. We are to observe, that the ora- cles of God command us to be subject to the higher powers : and that honour to the king is there con- nected with the fear of God. The uneasiness respecting the ordinances increas- ed throughout the connection. Mr. Wesley having been used to administer the Lord's Supper to the Societies in his annual visits, the loss of this privi- lege vi^s an additional inducement to those who contended for the more liberal plan. Many peti- tions were presented on that side ; while several ad- dresses, from persons ot considerable weight, in- sisted that the privilege should not be granted. The Preachers also were divided in sentiment on the subject. But they loved each other; and they knew it was a question concerning which they might innocently differ, and that therefore even the bought of division or separation on account of it, 1792.] Of the People called Methodists. 217 sh()u!(] be abliorred. For some time they kncA' not what to do. They were sensible that eiiher to aliow. or refuse the privilege vrould greatly increase t!ie uneasiness, and perhaps cause a division. At- lengtli it was proposed to decide the question for that )'ear (for they did not dare to go turther) by lot. Tiiis they knew was allowed, and even re- commended in scripture in difficult cases. The lot decided that the Sacrament should not be adrai- nistcred in the Societies for that year. This was made known to the people in an address, wlierein, they were exhorted to live in peace, and to love one another, notwithstanding this difference of senti-- n>ent. This was the first instance of the Confe- rence addressing the people. Since that time it has been frequently done, and has been followed with, good effects. Some irregularities respecting Ordination havin^^r given offence in the preceding year, to prevent the like in future, the following Minute was adopted. g- What rules shall be made concerning Ordina- tion? — J. J. No Ordination shall take place in the Methodist connection without, the consent of the Conference previously obtained. 2. If any Brother shall break the above-mentioned rule, by ordaining or being ordained, without the consent of the Con- ference previously obtained, the Brother so breaking the rule, does thereby exclude himself. g. What direction is to be given concerning the children of the Preachers ? — J. No Preaclier is to receive any thing from the Circuits on account of his children, after they have arrived at the age of . seventeen. The year before it was agreed, that, •' The Preachers children that cannot be admitted' into the schcx)), and are allowed iil.per ann. for. their education, shall not receive the usual salary of 4/. cither from the Circuit, or Irom the yearly col- - lection. In the year 1796, it was added, '* If a Preacher " cannot give a satisfactory, reason why his son should . 2iS" J Chronolocrical lUstoi not go to the school, he sliall not be allowed the 12/. a year out of the Collection." While a Preacher's son is receiving the 12/. froiri the School, he is to receive nothing from the Cir= cuits or the Funds. The Rules of the Preacher's Fund (see p. 91,) were considered, enlarged, and materially altered. At its first institution, none were to have any claim upon it, but those who should need it. But now the Preachers .subscriptions were raised from half a guinea a year to a guinea, and the Preachers, ■when superannuated, were to have twenty shillings a year for every year they had travelled. Their wi- dows also were to have a yearly allowance according to the same rule, viz. the years which their hus- bands had been engaged in the work. Had the fund been supported entirely by the sub- scriptions of th.e Preachers, it is probable this change in the Rules would have been unnoticed. But many of the people contributed to it, with the sole view of rendering their worn-out Preachers comfortable in their old age. Many persons were therefore much grieved on account of these rules, and some who were enemies took much pains to in- crease the offence. After considerable uneasiness the Conference re- considered the rules in the year 1796, and added a clause, declaring that they would not see a Brother (or his widow) in distress, supposing that the years he had travelled did not entitle him to an adequate support from the fund, but that they would in that case shew him mercy. But still this did not give satisfaction. The right of such to what they should really need was unquestionable. Therefore at the Conference in 179B, a few of the Preachers from twelve to twenty years standing, formed an Institution called ** the Itinerant Methodist Preacherc Annuity." They chose Mr. Henry Moore President, Mr. Adam Clarke Secretary^ and Thomas Roberts, Esq. ^79^'j Of the People calkd Methodists, 21 q Treasurer ; and drew up rules for this new Fund which they got registered according to Act of Par- liament. This measure, though founded upon the most upright principles, gave offence to some of the senior brethren. At the Conterence in 1799 ^^^^ subject being fully considered, the new Fund was unanimously adopted by the Conference, and all the Preachers became members of it : what the brethren who first formed it, had done was consider- ed as a blessing to the body. The whole ended by coming to the following equitable conclusion. Q. Are there any regulations to be made in re- spect to the Preacher's fund ? — A. The subscriptions oi the Travelling Preachers shall in future be con- sidered as separate from the subscriptions of the people: and the subscriptions of the people shall be considered as farmin.i( a Fund of Chanty, which is to be applied only to the assistance of real objects of mercy among the Supernumerary and Super- annuated Preachers, and the Widows of Preachers : nevertheless, those who have hitherto received al- lowances from the fund, shall continue to receive them, notwithstanding this regulation as a retros- pective law would be unjust, l he subscriptions of the Preachers, being their own money, subscribed in general with great difficulty, out of their little pittance, shall be distributed among the Supernu- merary and Superannuated Preachers, and Widows, according to strict and impartial rules of justice. — * Rules were accordingly made for that purpose; and it was agreed, that the fund should be legalized ac- cording to Act of Parliament. This regulation seems to give universal satisfaction. A short time before the Conierence assembled this year, the Rev. John Richardson departed this lite. The following account was given of him in the Minutes. *' Like his great Master, he tvas a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. The uniformity of his life, the Ciirisuan simplicity of his manners, the U 2 220 ji Chronological History [^792' meekness of his spirit, and the unction which at- tended his Ministry For twenty- nine years in the * Lity ul' London, will be ever remembered by many hundreds, with gratitude, to the God oF all grace. After labouring under a severe asthma for-twenty-six years, he died in the fifty-eighth year oi his age. 'Ihe last words he uttered, just before he expired, were " God is always with me." He served Mr. Wesley as his Curate in London, on which account his name was not always mentioned in the Minutes of the Conference. He read the funeral service over Mr. Wesley, and was soon after buried ni the same grave with liim. }>lr. JViUia?7i Hammctty one of the Missionaries sent to the West Indies, having in the beginning of the year 1791, landed in America lor the reco- very of his health, he was cordially received by the Methodists in the United States ; but unhappily differing with his Colleagues, he made a schism and divided the .Society in Charkstown. He appealed to the English Conference, by sending them a print- ed account of the cause of the difference. The mat- ter was • now considered ; and it was dismissed by sending the following letter to Mr. Asbury and all the American Preachers, In which the English Brethren express the closest union with their Ame- rican Biethren. To Mr* Asbury, and all //k American Prtacin £RS. Very Dear Brethren, WE are desired by the English Conference to as- sure you of their cordial love towards you. They earnestly desire that the most cordial love may sub- sist without any interruption between you and them, and the most perfect union which the nature of things will admit of. lliey esteem union and concord among brethren as one of the greatest of blessings ; and therefore ([o most deeply disapprove of the schism which William Hanniiett has made in the city of Churles- 1792.] Of the People called Methodists. 221 toTun^ and do acknowledge no further connexion with him, who could so attempt to rend the body of Christ. Wishing you every possible blessing in Jesus Christ, botli in your own souls and in your labours, we remain, Your truly affectionate Brethren, Signed, in behalf of the Conference, Alex. Matpier, President. Thomas Coke, Secretary. London^ Aug. 15, 1792. This letter was printed and circulated at the una- nimous requestof the General Conference met in Baltimore in November 1792. This Conference having sat nearly three w^eeks, closed in the following manner. O. What shall we do more to promote the work of God ? — ^d. We do, at this solemn hour of the night (pad ten o'clock on the 15th of August) de- vote ourselves to the service of Almighty God, in a more unreserved and entire manner than ever we have hitherto done ; and are all determined to spend and be spent in his blessed work. And this our so- lemn dedication of ourselves to God, w-e do unani- mously signily by rising from our seats in the pre- sence ot the Lord ! July 29, 1793, The fiftieth conference met at Leeds. Mr. John Pawson was chosen President, and Dr. Coke Secretary. The agitation respecting the Ordinances was now so great that the Conference was obliged to come to a determiniation on the quellion. Alter a long dis- cussion it was decided, by a very large majority, that the Societies should have the privilege of the Lord's Supper where they unanimously desired it. — Unani- muy was requned, that, it possible, division might be prevented. To avoid ofience, it was at the same time resolved, 1. That no Gowns, Cassocks, Bands, U3 Q.12 A Chronological History [^793* or Surplices, should be worn by any of our Preach- ers. 2. That the Title of Reverend should not be used by them towards each other in future. 3. That the distinction between ordained and unordained Preachers should be dropped. This latter Rule, al- though certainly made with a good intention, yet ap- pears to be a violation of Order, and a departure from Mr. AVesley's Plan. The senior Brethren wishing to continue in the work as long as possible, the following rule was adopted. g. What directions shall he given concerning Su- perannuaied Preachers? — A. Every Preacher shall- be considered as a Supernumerary for four years after he has desisted Irom travelling, and shall after- wards be deemed Superannuated. The following Rules were agreed to : " 1. Every Preacher, before he is admitted into full connection shall draw out a sketch of his life and experience. 2. All Local Preachers shall meet in Class. No exception shall be made in respect to any who have been Travelling Preachers in iormer years, 3. No Preacher who has been suspended or expelled, shall on any account be employed as a Local Preacher^ without the authority of the Conference." And in the year 1796 it was enquired, *' g. What can be done to bring certain Local Preachers more fully to observe our disciplme? A, 1. Let no one be per- mitted to preach, who will not meet in Class, and who is not regularly planned by the jSuperintendant' of the Circuit where he resides. 2-. Let no Local Preacher be allowed to preach in any other Circuit without producing a recomnr.endation from the Su- perintenddut of the Circuit where he lives: nor sui- ter any invitation to be admitted as a plea, whether from men in office or not, without the previous know- ledge and full consent of the Superintendant of the place where anyone may ask him to preach. 3.. Let no Local Preacher keep Love-feails without the ap- poinimenl of the Superintendant, nor any way in-. 1794-] Of the People called Methodists. 223 terfere with bis business as mentioned in tbe large Minutes. We must caretully'atLcnd to our rules, that all things may be done decently and in order. This Conierence bore ample teilimony to the piety and usetulness ot Joseph Cownley, one of the old Preachers, who died in the /preceding year. His Life was afterwards written in a very pleasmg manner by Mr. John Guahier, and is published in the Armi- nian Magazine, for 1794. CHAPTER THE NINTH. Fro?n the Conference in 1794, to that in Briflol in i79«. July 28, 1794. The fihy-firfl Conference was held in Bristol. Mr. Thomas Hanby was elected President, and Dr. Coke Secretary. The- Societies in general had acquiesced in the determination of the last Conference. Many of them had availed themselves of the privilege allowed, while others continued to pursue, in peace, the way which they had hitherto walked in. But in some places considerable uneasiness still prevailed. A number of Trustees from some of the principal Cha- peis assembled at Bristol at the same time with the Preachers. They desired admission to the Confe- rence, and presented an Address, expressive of their sentiments, respecting their own situation and privi- leges, and also respecting the administration of the Ordinances. When they retired, the Conference took th.eir Address into consideration, and a negociation commenced, wlnch ended in an agreement, m which some of ti;e fcnuer Rules were confirmed, and the k>iiuwing added tg them. 2^4 A Chronological Risiary [1794* With regard to Trustees, The Trustees in con- junction with the Superintendant Preacher, [who shall have one vote only) shall choose tlieir own Stewards, who sliall receive and disburse all seat- rents, and such collections as shall be made for the purpose of paying interest for money, due upon the premises, or for reducing tlie principal, pro- vided also that his books shall be always open for the inspection of the Superintendant, and audited in his presence once every year, or oftener if required. Provided always, that when the necessities of the work of God require it, the Trustees shall allow- quarterly what may appear requisite for carrying on the work, so that it be not cramped. Provided, that if the seat-rents and collections fall short of wliat will be sufficient to discharge the rents, interest of money, and other necessary expences o[ the Chapels, the de- ficiency shall be made good out of som.e other re- venue of the Society. Provided also, that nothing in these Resolutions shall be construed to extend or alter any of the powers contained in the Trust IXeeds. That the Trustees may have the fullest assurance that the Conference love them, and have not the shadow of a desire to oppress them, any more than tp reject any proposals which they conceive calcu- feted to restore and preserve peace and harmony, the following articles are added. 1. No Trustee however accused, or defective in- conforming to the establishde rules, shall be removed from the Society, unless Ins crime, or breach of the Rules of the Society, be proved in the presence of the Trustees and Leaders. 2. If any Preacher be accused of immorality, .a meeting shall be called of all the Preachers, Tiusteeb^ . Stewards, and Leaders of \.\\*t Circuit, in which the accused Preacher labours: and if the charge be proved to the Sctisiaction of the majority of such meetirg, the Chairman oi the District, in which that Circuit is situated, shall leinove the convicted I794-] Of the PccpU called MethoJuls. 2'2^ Preaclier from the Circuit on the request o[" tlie majority of the meeting : nevertheless, an appeal an either side to the Conference, shall re-main-. By this agreement the authority of the Trustees, as such, was fully acknowledged ; and it satisfied those who did not wish to be considered as PropriC' tors. The Sacrament was at this Conference gran-ted to ninety three places in England, the names of which were printed in the Minutes. The Nation being still uneasy through political dis- cus, ions, the Conference unanimously adopted thy following caution. Q. Is it necessary to make any observations on tlie present important crisis of public affairs? — J. We most difectionately intreat ail our Brethren, in thti name of God, to honour the King, Let us dauy pray for our Rulers, and submit ourselves to every ordinance ofManJor thz Lord's sake. The year that followed this Conference was a time of great uneasiness. The trustees of that Chapel in Bristol, which has been already mentioned as the first which Mr. Westley built, (see p. ii,) were exceed- ingly averse to the Ordinances being allowed to the Societies. They had laboured in this cause a consi- der a'bl^. time, and seemed much dissatisfied that more liberal views should prevail. — The Conference hav- ing, at their faie-sdtiiijg, granted to ninety-three places, the privilege of having the ordinances of God in thiit way. which they desired, ccnvinced those Trustees, that their labour had hitherto been in vain, and they determined on a more decisive opposition ; and to risk all consequences ratiier than allow the liberty contended tor. An opportunity of fully declaring themselves no\^ offered. The Lord's Supper had been administered, during the Conference, at a Chapel in the suburbs, in which some of the Preachers had assisted. This \vas repeated on the day after the Confe- 226 A chronological Histcry [^794' rence broke up. One of the Preachers who thus as- sisted had been appointed for the Bristol Circuit, for the ensuing year; but two days alter his appoint* ment, he was served with an Attorneys leLter. sign- ed by the Tiustees of the old Clrapel, charging him at Jus peril not to trespass on their Prermses, as- signing no reason but that they had 7iot appointed hnn to preach therein^ and that no other persons had- any authority so to do. Thus the blow was struck, a«d a precedent formed, which if submitted to, wotild have subjected every Preacher in the connection, to a similar exclusion, in this summary way, by the se- parate authority of a few men, without a charge pre- ferred or trial of any kind ; and even contrary, as in this instance, to the judgment, aiid wisnes, both of the Society and Circiiit. But happily for the Unity of the Body, this deci* sive measure, met with a resistance as prompt, and as decisive. Almost the whole Society withdrew from the Chapel from which their Preacher was thus excluded; and without contendmg the question of right, they im^mediately proceeded to erect another Chapel. They also appealed to their Brethren at large, declaring, that the steps they had taken were not only to vindicate their own just rights, but also those of the whole Community. *' This act, fsaid theyj left us no room for hesitation. To remain in passive submission to those who could thus, confid- ing in their Xf^c/ Powers, place themselves beyond the reach of all Christian rules, and especially of those upon which our happy religious iellowship is founded, we are certain could not be tl^e will ot the Lord concerning us." The event fully justified this conclusion. Their^ opponents however had many Friends throughout the connection, and these spared no pains during the year, to defend what had been done, and to insure its success. As hostilities among the Mc-thodists have lone; 1794-] Of the People called Methodists. 227 ceased, and each party think better of each other than they did ; in order to render this History satis- factory to present and succeeding readers, I sliall mention the names ot the acting persons in this dis- pute. Mr. Henry Moore was the preacher wh-o received the Lawyer's letter. It was as iollows : Bristol, Aug. iith^ 1794. " Mr. Henry Moore, *' Wethe undersigned, Trustees for the Methodist Preaching-House called the New Room in the Horse- Fair, and also for Guinea-street Chapel, do give you this Notice, that you are not appointed bv us to preach or expound God's holy word in either ot those places, and that no other person or persons have or hath any legal right to muhe that appointment but only we the Trustees.: we therefore forbid and cau- tion you against 'attempting trespassing upon the above Trust Premises, as you will answer it at your peril. Henry Durbin, Danikl Lane, William Pine, William Gheen, Edward Stock, Thomas Roberts, Daniel Wait, Jun. Nath. Gutord." John Curtis, | Witness, James Huges, Attorney. Here we see Mr. Moore was expelled from these Chapels without a fault alledged against him. These Gentlemen pleaded in defence of their conduct. I. Mr. Wesley's observations on the Methodists leaving the church, together with quotations from some oi the Minutes ot the Conferences on that sub- ject. 2. Some Trustees of other Chapels encou- raged them to persist in their opposition to the intro- duction of the Lord's-Supper among the Methodists. 3. They were countenanced by some very respec- table preachers, particularly by Messrs. Joseph 2 28 u4 Chronological History [^795; Benson, Richard Rodda, Jeremiah BiCttcl!, and Thomas Vascy. Bui it is plain from the af^reement to th.e pacific plan wh.ich took place in twelve months afterwardvS, that the parties thong])t more scriptu- rally on the subjects in dispute : And to the honour of these Trustees, I am hcippy to say, that in Octo- ber 1 800 they made over tlie Chapel in Guinea-street to the Trustees ol the TS^cw Chapel, the laiter be- coming responsible for the debt that was on it : so that now the three Chapels in Bristol are all settled on the Methodist plan. July 27, 1795, The fifty- second Conference as- sembled at Manchester. Mr. Joseph Bradford was chosen President, and Dr. Coke Secretary. As the connection had been so greatly agitated, it was agreed that the first day should be spent in fast- ing and prayer, that God would shew us mercy, and grant wisdom from above to direct us how we might yet keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. We did not ask in vain. Several of the Trustees, and other persons, who had assembled from various parts on account of the dispute, joined wiih the Preachers in their addresses to the Throne of Grace, and partook with them of the Lord's Supper, which concluded the service of the day. The next morning the Conterence chose a Com-- mittee of nine Preachers, by ballot, to draw up a plan of Pacification, to be presented to the Brethren who diflfered from tliem on the subjects in question. Ihe Plan was's^on compleated, and having obtained the unanimous approbation of the Conference, it was presented to the n.eeting of Trustees, and with a few ad-dii.ions proposed by ihem, and acceded to by the Conterence, it was accepted by a large Majority. Being then fully confirmed by the Conference, this happy bond of union was made known tq the Socie- ties, prefaced by a suitable Address, and signed by the President and Secretary, Since ihat time the 179^.] Of the People called Methodists, 21^9 connection has enjoyed peace respecting the ordi- nances. THE PLAN OF PACIFICATION. I. Concerning Public WorJIiip. 1. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper shall not be administered in any Chapel, nor Baptism adminis- tered, nor the dead buried, nor service in Church hours, except the majority of the Trustees of that Chapel on the one hand, and the majority of the Stewards and Leaders belonging to that Chapel (as best qualified to give the sense of the people) on the other hand, allow of it. Nevertheless, in all c^ses the consent of the Conference shall be obtained, be- fore any of these things be introduced. — It was also added. That these majorities must testify in writing to the Conference, that they are persuaded no sepa- ration will be made thereby. 2. Where there is a Society but no Chapel, if the Society desire any or all of these things, the Stewards and Leaders of that Society must attend to the same rule. 3. Where the Lord's Supper has been already peaceably administered, the administration of it shall be continued in future. 4. Wherever the Lord's Supper shall be admi- nistered according to the face-mentioned regulations, it shall always be continued, -e^ccept the Conference order the contrary. 5. The Lord's Sapper shall be adVninistered by those only who are authorised by the Conference : and at such times and in such manner only, as the Conference shall appoint. 6. The administration of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, accordmg to the above regulations, is in- tended only for ihe members of our own Society. 7. We agree, that the Lord's Supper be admww. tered among us, on Sunday evenings only: except where the majority of the Stewardi aad Leaders dc- X 230 A Chronological History [^795' sire it in Church hours; or where it has already been administered in those hours. Nevertheless, it shall never be administered on those Sundays on which it is administered in the parochial Church. 8. The Lord's Supper shall be always adminis- tered in England according to the form of the Esta- blished Church: but the person who administers, sliall have full liberty to give out hymns, and to use exhortation and extemporary prayer. 9. Wherever Divine Service is performed in Eng- land on the Lord's day in Church hours, the officiat- ing Preacher shall read either the service of the Established Church, our venerable Father's Abridg- ment, or at least the Lessons appointed by the Ca- lendar. But we recommend either the iull service, or the abridgment. n. Concerning Discipline. 1. The appointment of Preachers shall remain solely with the Conference ; and no Trustee, or number of I'rustees shall expel or exclude from their Chapels, any Preacher so appointed. 2. Nevertheless, if the majority of the Trustees, or the majority oi the Stewards and Leaders of any Society, believe tliat any Preacher appointed for their Circuit, is immoral, erroneous in doctrine, de- ficient in abilities, or that he has broken any of the Rules above-mentioned, they shall have authority to summon the Preachers of the District ; and all the IVustees, Stewards, and Leaders of the Circuit, to meet in their Chapel on a day and hour appointed, (suflicient time being given.) The Chairman of the District sljall be the President of tlie assembly : and every Preacher, Trustee, Steward and Leader, shall have a single vote, the Chairman possessing also the casting voice. And if the majority of the meeting judge that the accused Preacher is immoral, errone- ous in doctrine, deficient in abilities, or has broken any of the Rules above-mentioned, he shall be con- i-ideicd as removed from that Circuit; and the Dis- x/p^O Of the People called Methodists. 231 trlct Committee shall, as soon as possible, appoint another Preacher, for that Circuit; instead ot the Preacher so removed; and shall determine among themselves how the removed Preacher shall be disposed of till the Conference, and shall have au- thority to suspend the said Preacher from all public duties till the Conference, if they judge proper. The District Committee shall also supply, as well as possible, the place of the removed Preacher, till another Preacher be appointed. And the Preacher thus appointed, and all other Preachers, shall be sub- ject to the above mode of trial. And if the District Committee do not appoint a Preacher for that Cir- cuit, instead of the removed Preacher, within a month after the aforesaid removal, or do not fill up the place of the removed Preacher, till another Preacher be appointed, the majority of the said Trustees, Stewards, and Leaders, being again regularly sum- moned, shall appoint a Preacher for the said Circuit, provided he be a member of the Methodist connection, till the ensuing Conference. 3. If any Preacher refuse to submit to the above mode of trial, in any of the cases mentioned above, he shall be considered as suspended till the Confe- rence. And if any Trustees expel from any Chapel a Preacher, by their own separate authority, the Preachers appointed for that Circuit, shall not preach in that Chapel tiil the ensuing Conference, or till a trial takes place according to the mode mentioned above. 4. If any Trustees expel or exclude a Preacher by their own separate authority, from any Chapel in any Circuit, the Chairman of the District shall sum- mon the members of the District Committee, the Trustees of that Circuit who have not offended, and the Stewards and Leaders of the Circuit. And the Members of such assembly shall examine into the evidence on both sides; and il" the majority of them determine, that the state of the Society in whicli the exclusion took, place, requires that a new Chapel X 2 2^2. A Chronologzcal History [i795- should be built previous to the meeting of the Confe- rence, every proper step shall be immediately taken for erecting such Chapel. And no step shall on any account be taken to erect a Chapel for suck purpose, before the meeting of the Conference, till such meeting be summoned, and such determination be made. ^. No Preacher shall be suspended, or removed frv)m his Circuit, by any District Committee, except he have the privilege of the trial before-mentioned. 6. The hundred Preachers mentioned in the en- rolled Deed, and their successors, are the only legal persons, who constitute the Conference: and we think the junior brethren have no reason to object to this proposition, as they are regularly elected ac- cording to seniority. 7. If a Travelling Preacher, Local Preacher, Steward or Leader, shall disturb the peace of the Society by speaking for or against the introduction of the Lord's Supper in our Societies, or concern- ing the old or new Plan, so called, he or they shall be subject to the tiial and penalties before- mentioned. 8. We all agree the pulpit shall not be a vehicle of abuse. 9. Nothing contained in these rules, shall be con- strued to violate the rights of the Trustees, as ex- pressed in their respective Deeds. It w^as agreed at this Conference, that no Preacher be required to administer the Sacrament against his own approbation : and should it be granted to any place, where the Preachers of the Circuit are all unwilling to administer it, the Superintendant shall in that case invite a neighbouring Preacher who is properly qualified to administer it. When we consider the union of the Methodist Societies with the Established Church, and yet that they are open to all those of every denoramation who fear God and keep his commandments, the ne- cessity of such a Plan will appear. For, if there 1795-1 Of the People called Methodists, 233 had been a general allowance of the ordinances every where, many of the Societies would have separated. If on the other hand, they were not allowed in any place, the same evil would have followed. .The Plan adopted at this time preserved the body toge- ther, and laid a foundation for lasting peace. After strongly recommending the sanctihcation of the Sabbath, and prohibiting the use of tobacco a- mong the Preachers, in any shape or way, unless in cases of absolute necessity, the Conference con- cluded with the following declaration. " In order that all the Preachers may be perfect- ly easy respecting our form of Government, it is acrreed, that no change shall be made m this, unless first proposed and agreed to in full Conterence." g. Wha: directions shall be given concerning those received upon trial, who have been inserted ia the reserved list, and have been called out in the course of the ensuing year? — A. If they shall have travelled nine months in the year ensuing, they shall be entitled to the privileges of those who have tra- velled the whole year ; but not otherwise. At the Conference in 1799, it was added, '* If they are called out in the course oi the year, they shall be considered at the following Conference as having travelled one year.'' It was now also agreed upon, " That all those wha have travelled four years, and are well recommend- ed by their respective Superintendants, f^hall be ad- mitted into full connection, though absent from the Conference, provided that sufficient reasons be given for their absence. Nevertheless, they shall pass through the usual examination at the next Con- ference, at which they shall be present." g. What directions shall be given concerning the appointment of Stewards? — A. As several in- conveniences have arisen respecting the change of Stewards, to remedy this, let it be observed, that the office of a Stcv/ard ceases at the end of the year: and every Assistant is required to change at leait 234- A Chronological History [1796. one Steward every year, so that no Steward may be in office above two years together, except in some extraordinary cases.'* It was also agred, 1. That the money collected in each Circuit for the Yearly Collection, for Kings- wood School, and the Preachers Fund, be entered in the General Steward's books of their respective Circuits. 2. That the first day of every Confer- ence be dedicated to fasting and prayer, for the blessing of God on our important work. And it is desired, that our Societies and Congregations may join us in the same solemn duties." At first when this was appointed, they only chose the President and Secretary, now, in order to redeem time, they proceed to business, but keep the day dedicated to God, Divine Service being at five in the morning, at eight, at twelve, and at seven in the evening. July 25, 1796, The fifty-third Conference was held in London. Mr. Thomas Taylor was chosen President, and Dr. Coke Secretary. The Plan of Pacification was proposed to the Irish Conference this year ; but they refused to adopt It, by saying in their printed Minutes, *' It was not expedient at present." This proves the Methodists can differ on some points, and yet re- main one Body, united by one Spirit — the Spirit of Divine Love. The Plan of Pacification had satisfied all the mo- derate people, who only desired scriptural and rational llbertv. But there was a party who were not satis- fied with this, but remained still contentious. A young man named Alexander Kilhcun, (who had been admitted upon trial as a Preacher, in the year 1785) became the champion of this party, and oc- casioned great uneasiness by various pamphlets which he published. He had not only unhappily imbibed the levelling doctrines which were common in that day, but had even strangely applied them to Religion, and the order of the Church of Christ. 1796.} Of the People called Metkodists. 235 He insisted that the people were held in gross bon- dage. That they ought to rise up and deliver them- selves, and assume that power which of right be- longed to them. — That the Preachers were merely their servants, and ought to be obedient to their will : and every thing contrary to this wild unscrip. tural theory, he termed Popery and Priestcraft ! He also traduced the character ot the Preachers in the vilest manner. The party whose cause he espoused supported and abetted him by every means in their power, so that the Societies in several places were rent in pieces in the dispute. When the Confer- ence assembled, he was unanimously expelled the connection. The Minutes of the Trial were pub- lished, and every Preacher signed his name to a paper, testifying his approbation of the sentence. (This was the only instance of that kind.) He afterwards used all his influence from the pulpits of the Dis- senters to which he had access, and also from the press, to bring the Preachers into disrepute, not only with the Methodists, but with the nation at large. But he failed of his object, and on December 20, 1798, while employed in his revolutionary schemes, he was called into eternity at Nottingham, after a few days illness occasioned by a bone sticking in his throat ! The following memorandum for the time of Con- ference was now published. It was drawn up by Mr Bradburn. 1. Be tender of the character of every brother; but keep at the utmost distance from countenancing sin. 2. Say nothing in the Con- ference but what is strictly necessary and to the point. 3. If accused by any one, remember re- crimination is no acquittance; therefore avoid it." 4. Beware of impatience of contradiction ; be firm, but be open to conviction. The cause is God's, and he needs not the hands of an Uzzah to support his ark. The being too tenacious of a point, because you brought it forward, is only feeding self. Be quite easy, if a majority decide against you. 5. Use 236 j4 Chronological History [^79^. no craft or guile to gain any point. Genuine sim- plicity win always support itself. But there is no need always to say all you know or think. 6. Be- ware of too much confidence in your own abilities ; and never despise an opponent. 7. Avoid all light- ness of Spirit, even what would be innocent any where else. — Thou God seest me! The following Rules were agreed to. i. From henceforward we recommend it to every Circuit to provide the horse or horses necessary for that Circuit. But if any Circuit choose rather for the Preachers to ride their own horses, we submit, on this condition, that no Preacher shall make any collection or subscription towards paying for horses ; but that all collections judged needful for this pur- pose, shall be made either by the Circuit-Stewards, ©r the Stewaids of the particular Societies. 2. Let no man, nor number of men, in our connection, on any account or occasion circulate letters, call meetings, do, or attempt to do any thing nezv, till it Ras been first appointed by the Conference. 3. No person shall be suffered on any pretence to partake of the Lord's Supper among us, unless he be a member of our Society, or receive a note of admission from the Assistant, which note must be renewed quarterly. And if any Leaders, Stewards, or Trustees refuse to be regulated by this rule, the Sacrament shall not be administered where this is the case. 4. As we desire to have every proper information on whatever concerns ourselves or our people, we will gladly receive intelligence not only from our Quarterly, and Leaders Meetings, but from any individual member of our Society; as well at the District-Meeting, as at the Conference; provided always the postage of letters containing such information, be paid by the persons that write or send them. N. B. The letters that concern the stations of the Preachers, should be sent so as to be at tlic place of Conference the w^eek before the time appointed for the meeting thereof. 1796.] OJ the People called Methodists, 237 In the year 1799, two rules were added. " i. Let no letter or petition be considered as official, unless it come from the regular Quarterly-Meeting, signed bv the majority of the brethren then present." This rule does not repeal the former, but explains the let- ters which are official. *' 2. Let a Committee be chosen by ballot, to consider all addresses and pub- lic letters, and to draw up answers to them." But at this Conference in 1796, the letters and addresses were read in full Conference, and a Com- mittee appointed to examine them, and make a re- port to the Conference. And this is the way that is always done, if the letter or address is of the least moment. Since the second edition of this work was pub- lished, the Life of Mr. Kilham was published by Mr. Grundel. At the close of it several letters are published which he received from some very re- spectable Preachers in the old connection. They prove, 1. That he was only the tool of a party. a. That he was not supported by those brethren at the time of his trial as they should have done. 3. That he was through the whole business a sincere, though a mistaken and troublesome man. RULES RESPECTING THE PREACHERS ATTEND- ANCE ON CONFERENCE. Mr. Wesley at first invited the Preachers by let- ter whom he wished to come to Conference. Af- terwards he gave a general permission to all fhe Travelling Preachers to attend if they pleased, la the year 1785 he restricted this, and would let none come but those whom he invited. His directions to the Preachers were, i. Let not all the Preachers from any Circuit come to Conference. 2. Let none of those who stay on the Circuits, leave them dur- ing Conference on any pretence, not even to go and see their relations. 3. Let those who attend set out as late, and return as soon as possible. 4. Let none attend but those whose Circuits provide for their ^S^ A Chronological History [i/Q^* travelling expences, the Preachers who labour in Scotland and Wales excepted. At the Conference in the year 1792, The sub- ject was considered. " (). What directions shall i)e given concerning the attendance of the Preachers at the Conference? — A. We all agree to confirm our former Rule, that no Preacher, except the As- sistant, and the Preachers to be admitted, and the Preachers against whom any complaint is to be lodged, shall come to the Conference, unless the Circuit in which he laboured bear his travelling expences." • In the year 1793, it was added, *• 1. The Cir- cuit, or themselves must bear the expence to and from the Conference. 1. Every Assistant shall be at liberty to attend the Conference or not : but in case of absence, he shall send all his papers which are necessary, by the representative of his District, 3. One Preacher only shall attend the Conference irom Ireland, and one from Scotland." At the Conference in 1794, it was added, ** The District Committees respectively are to fix upon the Preachers, who are to attend the Conference ; and the expences of their going to and returning from the Conference, shall be defrayed by their re- spective Circuits." In the year 1795, it was added, *• Only one Preacher shall attend the Conference from Scotland^ viz. one year "^n Assistant from this side of the Forth, and the next year one from the other side. 2. Only one shall attend from JVaUs^ except when the Conference is at Bristol, at which all the Assistants may attend. 3. Only two shall attend from Cornwall^ except when the Conference is at Bristol. 4. Only one shall attend from each District North of York, except when the Confer- ence is at Leeds or Manchester. 5. Only one shall attend from each District, South and South-east of London, except when the Conference is at London. 6. Only one shall attend from the Lincolnshire Dis- trict, when the Conference is at Bristol. 7. With T796.] Of the PiopU called Methodists, 235?. respect to the other Districts and Circuits, we con- nrm the rule recorded in the Minutes of the last year. The District Committees respectively shall trom year to year fix upon the Preachers, who are to attend the Conference; and the expences of their going to and returning from the Conference shall be defrayed by their respective Circuits. 8. la respect to those, who are to be admitted from time to time — those who shall be JVest of Bristol and, in IValeSy shall be admitted only at the Bristol Con- ference: those who shall hcSoutk and East of Lon- don and in the neighbourhood^ shall be admitted there; and those in the North, at Manchester and Leeds. 9. Nothing in the above resolutions shall. be construed to prevent those Preachers trom attend- ing the Conference, against whom there lies any accusation 01 complaint. 10. In order that all the Preachers may be perfectly easy respecting our form of governtnent, it is agreed that no change shall be made in this, unless first proposed and agreed to in full Conference." At this Conference in 1796, several of these rules were published again. It was also added, *' 1. Let no Circuit be kft without a Preacher during the Conference. And if any Preacher, or Preachers so left in a Circuit, shall, during the Conference, leave such Circuit, he or they sliall be suspended till the next Conference. 2. Whoever leaves the Conference before the business is all finished and the Journals signed, must not complain, whatever rnav be done afier their departure." Those rules were made to prevent too great a number of the Preachers from attending the Con- ference. This inconvenience was occasioned, i. By the Minute that was made at the first Conference af- ter Mr. Wesley's death, whicii granted to all the brethren in connection the same privileges as the Hundred, except where it should be found incon- sistent with the Deed of Declaration. 2. The un- settled state of the connection owing to the disputes S540 A Chronological History [.^797^ respecting the ordinances. These begat, 3. A want of confidence, between those who differed concern- ing these things. Though these evils no longer exist, and the greatest harmony reigns among the brethren, yet something remains to be done in order to fix the precise number of Preachers who shall at- tend the Conference, and by whom they shall be appointed to go. For until these two points are agreed on, it will be impossible to keep the Preach» ers from the Conference. July 3t, i797t The fifty-fourth Conference was held in Leeds. Dr. Coke was chosen President, and Mr. Samuel Bradburn Secretary. From the time of the preceding Conference, the connection was in a very uneasy state, through the incessant labours of the disaffected party already mentioned, to disturb the people, and make their minds evil affected towards the Preachers. Being irritated by the expulsion of their partizan, Mr. Kilham, and having no hope of being permitted to rule in the connection (through the old pretence of vindicating the rights of the people,) they laboured incessantly to bring about a division ; and they de- term.ined that it should be as considerable as calum- ny, and the popular cry of liberty y could make it. Among other things, they asserted in various publi- cations, that the Preachers were really divided in sentiment, and that a considerable number were of Mr. Kilham's judgment, only they wanted his cou- rage to declare it. Therefore when the brethren met, the first thing they did was to draw up, and sign the following declaration. " Whereas we the undersigned have on this and the preceding day, carefully revised the rules drawn up and left us by our late venerable Father m the Gospel, the Rev. Mr, Wesley, which were publish- ed by him in our large Minutes, to which we con- sented when we were admitted, and by which we were regulated during his life: and whereas we have collected together those Rules which we believe *797'] Of the People called Methodists. an to be essential to the existence of Methodism, as well as others to which we have no objection; we do now volunlarily and in good faith, sign our names, as approving of, and engaging to comply with the aforesaid collection of rules, or code of laws, God being our helper." — One hundred and forty-five of the brethren signed their names to this Declaration. This has been followed with the best effects. Two o»lv of the Travelling Preachers, who were present, William Thorn, and Stephen Eversfield,' refused to sign the Declaration, and separated from their brethren. A third, Alexander Cummin, sig- nified his dissent by letter. They joined Alexander Kilham, and made a schism under the name of '* The New Itinerancy." — It is an awful thing to disturb and divide communities of real Christians, (and especially those by whose instrumentality we have been brought to the knowledge of God,) upon points of doubtful disputation ! Had Mr. Wesley and bis helpers acted thus, their labours would not have been so owned of God, and their zeal would have proved a curse rather than a blessing to the world. — This great evil has however, in this case, been at- tended Vv'ith good consequences to the connection, as it has carried away some persons who had been very troublesome in the Societies for several years. The Conference being now convinced that a di- vision must take place, determined to remove every possible pretext from those who sought occasion against them ; and to make every sacrifice which tticy could make, consistently with that cause of God and Religion intrusted to their care. The fol- lowing letter will shew this determination in the clearest light. TO THE METHODIST SOCIETIES. Leeds, August ^^ 1797. " Dear Brethren, <* We think it our duty to inform you by the earliest opportunity, of the measures we have taken. z^t ^ Chronological History {^^797 • in order to satisfy those of our brethren, who have been made more or less uneasy by sundry publica- tions circulated through the Societies : and we trust, that on a serious consideration of the regulations we have agreed to at this Conference, you will see that the sacrifices in respect to authority, which we have made on the part of the whole body of Travelling Preachers, evidence our willingness to meet our brethren in every thing which is consistent with the existence of the Methodist Discipline, and our rea- diness to be their servants for Jesus's sake. ♦* In respect to finances, or money-matters. — We have determined, i. To publish annually a very mi- nute account of the disbursements or application of the yearly collection : And, 2. A full account of the affairs of Kingswood School. 3. That ail bills for the support of Travelling Preachers, and their fami. lies, in respect to deficiencies, house-rent, fire, can- dles, sickness, travelling expences, and all other matters of a temporal kind for their support, for which the Circuits cannot provide, shall first meet with the approbation of the Quarterly Meeting, and be signed by the general Steward of the Circuit, before they can be brought to the District Committee. " 11. In respect to all other temporal matters, it has been determmed, 1. That no Circuits shall be divided, till such division has been approved of by their respective Quarterly Meetings, and signed by the general Stewards, ** 2. That no other temporal matter sha'l be trans- acted by the District Committee, till the approbation of the respective Quarterly Meetings be first given, signed by the Circuit Stewards. '* III. In respect to the receiving and excluding private members ot the Society. '* 1. The Leaders Meeting shall have a right to declare any person, on trial, improper to be received into the Society : and after such declaration, the Superintendant shall not admit such person into the Society. ^797 '1 0/ ^^^^ People called Methodists. 243 " 2. No person shall be expelled from the Socie- ty for immorality, till such immorality be proved at a Leaders Meeting. V IV. In respect to the appointment and removal of Leaders, Stewards, and Local Preachers ; and concerning Meetings, ** 1. No person shall be appointed a Leader or Steward, or be removed from his office, but in con- junction with the Leaders Meeting : the nomination to be in the Superintendant, and the approbation or disapprobation in the Leaders Meeting. *' 2. The former rule concerning Local Preachers is confirmed, viz- That no person shall receive a plan as a Local Preacher, without the approbation of a Local Preachers Meeting. ** 3. In compliance with a request made by the Committee of persons from various parts, namely, That the Conference be requested to reconsider and revise those rules, which relate to the calling of Meetings, and appointing Local Preachers, made last year; we say, No Local Preacher shall be per- mitted to preach in any other Circuit than his own, without producing a recommendation from the Su- perintendant of the Circuit in which he lives ; nor suffer any invitation to be admitted as a plea, but from men in office, who act in conjunction with the Superintendant of that Circuit which he visits. The design of this rule is to prevent any, under the character of Local Preachers, from burdening the people, either by collecting money, or by living upon them ; and to prevent improper persons, who bear no part of the expence, from inviting Local Preachers thus to visit them. But it never was in- tended to reflect the least disrespect on any of our worthy brethren, the Local Preachers, who, consi- dered as a body, we greatly respect. And it should not be lost sight of, that several of the most respec- table Local Preachers in the kingdom, who were iri the Committee which met the Committee of Preach- ers appointed by the Conference, declared their high Y2 44 ^ Chrenotogical History \_^797' approbation of the rule, and desired that it might be strengthened as much as possible, as none could justly complain of it. " 4. As the Committee above-mentioned requests ed also that the Mmute of the last Conference concerning the callnig of Meetings to consider of the affairs of the Society or Connection, be explain- ed ; and as we are exceedingly desirous of preserving the peace and union of the whole body, we have agreed upon the following explanation, viz. ** I. As the Leaders Meeting is the prop?r meet- ing for the Society and tl.e Quarterly Meeting for the Circuit, we think that other formal meet- ings, in general, would be contrary to the Metho- dist oeconom.y, and very prejudicial in their conse- quences : But, •' 2. In order to be as tender as possible, consis- tently with what we believe to be essential to the welfare of our Societies, v.'e allow, that other for- mal meetings may be held, if they first receive the approbation ot the Superintendant, and tiie Leaders or Quarterly Meeting ; provided also, that the Su- perintendant, if he please, be present at every such meeting. ** V. In respect to all new rules, which shall be made by the Conference, it is determined, that if at anv tmie the Conference see it necessary to make any new rule for the Societies at large, and such rule should 'be objected to at the first Quarterly Meeting in any given Circuit ; ^nd if the major part of that meeting, in conjunction with the Preachers, be of opinion that the enforcing of such rule in that Circuit will be injurious to the prosperity of that Cucuit, it shall not be enforced iti opposition to the judgment of such Quarterly Meeting before the second Conference. But it the rule be confirm- ed by the second Conference, it shall be binding to the whole connection. Nevertheless, the Quarterly Meetings rejecting a new rule, shall not by publica- tions, public meetings, or otherwise, make that rule a cause of contention; but shall strive by every 1797«] ^1 ^^^^ People called Methodists, 245 means to preserve the peace of the connection. — Thus brethren, we have given up the greatest part of our executive government into your hands, as represented in your different public meetings. *' The Conterence has reserved to itself the ma- nagement ot its own Book Concerns. This is most reasonable; as the institution was established for the carrying on of the work of God under the direction of Mr. Wesley and the Conference; was continued, by the Deed or Codicil of Mr. Wesley's Will, lor the use of the Conference; as the whole burden of the management of the business lies upon the Con- ference and the servants they employ, and on the Superintendants of Circuits ; and also, as it is the only fund which can supply any deficiencies of the yearly collection, as the accounts published in our Mmutes for several years past clearly evidence, the yearly collection having not been nearly sufhcient for the wants of the Preachers and their families, and for the carrying on of the work of God m ge- neral.'* The admitting Delegates from the people into the District and Conference Meetings, was the popular cry of the contentious party at this time. The Conference came to the following resolutions res- pecting it. " As to Delegates, the Conference having ma- turely considered the subject, are thoroughly per- suaded, with many of our Societies, whose letters have been read in full Conference, that they can- not admit any but regular Travelling Preachers into their body, either into the Conference or District Meetings, and preserve the system o^ Methodism entire, particularly the Itinerant Pian, v.'hich they are determined to support. But let it be well ob- served, that it is fully and explicitly understood, that if there be any accusation against a Preacher, or any difficult affair to settle, not only the Circuit, or Town Steward, but any Leader, or even Member of the Society, shall be admitted as evidence to the Y3 24^ A Chronological History 1^79'^ District Meeting, provided the matter has been firs heard at a Quarterly Meeting." Since Mr. Wesley's death, the Conference has at times addressed circular letters to all the Societies. They have also received addresses from the Irish Conference, which they have Answered ; and from the American Conference, to which also they have replied. These . letters and addresses are signed in behalf of the respective Conferences by the Pre^ sident and Secretary ; are published annually in the Minutes, and contain a considerable degree of infor- mation and advice, which is very profitable to the people. After the division which took place at this time, a few Trustees of some Circuits opened the Chapels to the Preachers united with Mr. Kilham, and re- fused thoFe sent by the Conference. The Preachers at first seemed disposed to apply to equity, in behalf of the Societies thus injured. But upon further consideration, they submitted to the evil in the cases which then occurred, esteeming it better to build other chapels, than to encounter the trouble or ex- pence of a lawsuit. One thing however is clear, that those Trustees who have acted in this manner, are guilty of a very gross violation of the trust reposed in theme CHAPTER THE TENTH. From tht Confer tnct in 1798, to that in Bristol in 1802. July ^o, 179S, the fifty-fifth Conference v/as held in Bristol. Mr. Joseph Benson was chosen President, and Mr. Samuel Bradburn Secretary. 1798.] Of the PeopU called Mtlhodists. 247" RULES RESPECTING THE FOREIGM MISSION^S. In the year 1791, Doctor Coke was appointed by the Conference their Delegate to the West In- dies, and nine of the brethren were appointed a Committee for examining into the character of Mis- sionaries going to the Islands, also the accounts and letters relative to the Missions. In the year 1793, ^^^ Conference for the first time appointed a general collection through the whole connection to be made for their support. Doctor Coke had been unwearied in his endeavours to raise money for this end from their rise in the year 1786. The second general collection granted by the Conference was in the year 1796. Since then it has been granted regularly every year. In the year 1797, the District Committees were ordered to enquire at their several Districts whether any Preacher was willing to go to the West Indies ? And if there was, the Chairman was to inform Dr. Coke before the meeting of the Irish Conference. In the year 1798, it was desired they should en- quire whether any Local Preachers were wiliino- to go. The same enquiries are made annually. In the year 1799, it was agreed respecting the Missionaries, i. That any Missionary whose state cf health required it, according to the judgment of a Physician, should be at liberty to visit Bermuda or the Continent of America, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick, and continue there as long as expedient, or till he received further directions. 2. The Mis- sionaries in the West Indies shall not be consider- ed as under the regul.:tions of the connecuon in Ku- rope, in respect to marriage. (In Europe a man must travel four yeais as an Itinerant before he is al- lowed to marry) — But none of the Preachers who are not in full connection, are to marry, till they have consulted the Conieience or Dr. Coke : nor are any oi the Preachers, married or single, to return to Eu- rope, till they have previously consulted the Doctor, 84^ A Chronological History ^t?^'^ and received the approbation of the Conference or of Dr, Coke. 3. We in the fullest manner take those Missions under our own care, and we consider Dr. Coke as our Agent: and we desire him to draw up a state- ment of the work of God in the West Indies, with a short address to the people ; and to send print<5^ copies of it to all the Supeiintendants. In the year 1800, the tollowing Rules were a.* dopted. 1. The Superintendants in the West Indies shall be responsible to the English Conference, and to their Agent, the Rev. Dr. Coke. 2. The Super- intendants shall keep exact accounts of all monies received by them on account of the Missions, and cf ail disbursements of that money, and transmit those accounts annually to Dr. Coke, or, in his absence, to the London Superintendant, to be laid before the Conference. 3. That the collections and disburse- ments at large, shall be annually laid before the Conference, or before a Committee appointed by the Conference ; that they also shall be transcribed into the ledger, and published as the Conference shall appoint. 4. That a yearly collection, as in Europe, shall be made in ail the Islands where it is practicable, for the support of the work. 5. That no person shall, in future, be employed as a Missionary, who is not received upon trial by the Conference, according to our rules, or inserted in the list of re- serve. 6. That all our Rules of Discipline, respect- ing the admission and exclusion of members, hold- ing Love feasts, &c. be strictly enforced as in Europe : and that the authority of the Superinten- dant, in all these things, be the same in every place. y. Every Superintendant is to propose, as soon as possible, to the Quarterly Meeting, any Local Preacher who is qualified for, and willing to go on a foreign Mission, that he may be afterward propos- ed to the District Committee, and lastly to the Con- ference." In the year 1801, it wds added, " We observe, for the satisfaction of the Missionaries, that (except 1798.] Of the People called Methodists, 249 those who were married at the time they left Europe, and were then Local Pjeachers) they are entiiled to all the privileges of the Travellmg Preachers in Eu- rope-; and on their return in due time, agreeably to rule, shall be considered as Members of the Preaclu ers i-und according to the number of years they have travelled, on the payment of five guineas, and afterwards cornplyiug witti the rules of the Fund. We also appoint Dr. Coke Treasurer of the Mission Fund. In the year 1802, it was agreed, 1. That every West India Missionary, v;ho has been previously- received into full connection, shall be obliged to labour in that Archipelago, for four years. 2. That every Missionary who has previously travelled in Europe on trial, shall be obliged to travel in the West Indies for five years. 3. That every Mis- sionary who has not previously travelled at all ivi Europe, shall be obliged to travel in the West In- dies for six years. 4. The Missionaries are desired to send to Dr. Coke by the April Packet, a regular account of their receipts and disbursements for the preceding year. The Conterence insist upon it, that all the Missionaries shall in future comply with this Minute. A collection was made at this Conference by the Preachers, and one appointed to be made through the wliole connection, for the Societies at Notting- ham and Huddersfield, whose Chapels were wrest- ed from them by the unfaithful Trustees, who join- ed the schism under Mr. Kilham, to enable them to finish the new houses they had began to build. The Methodists in Ireland suffered considerably during the past year owing to the Rebellion which broke out in that kingdom. Part of the Address of the Irish Conference to the English Brethren thus describes their situation. — " To attempt a descrip- tion of our deplorable state, would be vain indeed. Suffice it to say, that loss of trade, breach of confi- dence, fear of assassination, towns burnt, countries laid 9.f^o A Ckrdnological History t^79^' waste, houses for miles without an inhabitant, and the air tainted with the stench of thousands of pu- trid carcases already cut off, form some outlines of the melancholy picture of our times. However, in the midst of (his national confusion, we, and our people in general, blessed be God, have been won- detuliy preserved ; though some of us were impri- soned for weeks by the Rebels ; exposed also to fire and sword in the heat of battle, and carried (sur- rounded by hundreds of pikes) into the enemy's camp and plundered of almost every valuable, yet we have not suffered the least injury in our per- sons! And moreover, God, even our own God, has brought us through all, to see and embrace each other in this favoured City, (Dublin.) that the Church would therefore, praise the Lord for his goodness^ and for the wonders he hath done for us the meanest of his Servants. The English Conference manifested a most Chris- tian and Brotherly spirit when this Address was read. They sympathized with their Brethren, and agreed that all their wants should be supplied before their own necessities were considered. It was also added, i. If a Preacher marries a widow who has children by her former husband,, such Preacher shall have no assistance either from the public funds, or from the Circuits in which he labours, for the children which his wife has had by her former husband. 3. In the exa- mination of the candidates, let each be required to answer any question the President may ask him, respecting the doctrines contained in the eight volumes of sermons, which Mr. Wesley left in his Will to the Preachers. Every Superintendant is to take care that the Preachers on trial have the eight volumes to read. And every one when received into full con- nection shall have the eight volumes given him as a present from the Book-room." July 29, 1799, The Fifty-sixth Conference be* '799'] Of ike People called Methodists, 25 1 gan at Manchester, Mr. Samuel Bradburn wa3 chosen President, and Dr. Cuke Secretary. Mr. Asbury, in his address to this Conference, stales the fol lowing particulars of the woik in the United States of America. He observes, " We have from one to two ihousand Tiaveliing and Lo- cal Preachers. They are daily rising and coming forward (with proper recommendations from their respective Societies) to receive ordination, and the regulations and ordinations of the seven yearly Con- ferences, form a weighty concern indeed." By a letter received from Gibraltar, (in Spain) the Conference were informed, that there were fifty persons in Society in that place. They walk ac- cording to the Methodist Rules, and earnestly desire that a Preacher may be sent to them. This the Con- ference have not yet been able to do; but as this Society is inserted in the Minutes, no doubt that help will be soon afforded them. Mr. Nebuchadnezzar Lee, who was formerly a Tra- velling Preacher in Ireland, also wrote to the Con- ference from Bengal in the East Indies, earnestly requesting that a Missionary might be sent thither. The Conference was obliged to postpone this also to a future day. Mr. Wiiham Thompson, Mr. Thomas Olivers, and Mr. John Murlin, three of the old Travelling Preachers, died this year. The Conference men- tioned them with much respect in the Minutes. Mr, Murlin began to labour, like many of his brethren, without purse or scrip. In a few years he became possessed of a considerable property by marriage : yet he continued to labour, as before, using his for- tune only ds a means of doing more good. An emi- nent instance of faithfulness I The American Mmutes bore. the most honour- able testimony to the piety and ust^fulness of Mr. John Dickins, a native of London, who had labour- ed in America many years; and wlio, as they ob- serve, after standing the shock of two seasons. £^2 J Chronological History [i799' (1703 and 1797,) of that dreadful complaint the Yellow Fevtr^ fell in the third awful visitation in 1798. A short extract of a letter written by hirn a little before bis death to Mr. Asbury, is highly ho- nourable to his memory. '* My much esteemed friend and brother ! I ut down to write as in the jaws of death. Whether Providence may permit me to see your face again in the flesh, I know not. But 1 hope through abundant Mercy» we shall meet in the presence of God. I am truly conscious, that I am an unpro- fitable, a very unprofitable servant; but 1 think my heart condemns me not, and theretoie I have con- fidence towards God. — Perhaps I might have left the city, (Philadelphia) as most of my friends and brethren have done, but when I thought of such a thinjT, my mind recurred to that Providence which has done so much for me, a poor v/orm; so that I •u'as afraid of indulging any distrust : so I commit- myself and family into the hands of God, for life or death." — He closed his Christian course on Sep-' tember 27, J 798, in the fifty-second year of his age, commendmg his soul to God, with uncom- mon joy, peace, and triumphant assurance of heavenly bliss. His brethren close a long account of his industry, uprightness, and faithfulness, with ob- serving, that in the cause of God, he never J eared norjlatteredman. This year the Irish Conference beholding the horrors which ignorance, and the most depraved superstition had occasioned in that kingdom, and feeling a lively concern tor the poor natives, who are subject to the church of Rome, set on foot a mission for their instruction and edification. Three Preachers who can preach both in English and Irish willingly offered themselves for this service. The English Conference encouraged this benevolent design, and the best effects are hoped from it. Mr. Wesley longed over the souls of that benighted people ; and their countryman, Mr. Thomas Walsh, ^799'] ^J ^^^^ Pt^opU called Methodists, 2J3 (see page 64,) fell a sacrifice chleny to his great exertions in their behalf. Love still hopeth all things ; and perhaps the time will soon come when they also shall worship God in spirit and in truth, and walk in love as he also has loved them. The names of the Irish Missionaries are James M'Quigg, Charles Graham, and Gideon Ousley. Dr. Coke procured protections for them from the Lord Lieutenant, Marquis Cornwallis, addressed to all the civil and nulitary officers in the kingdom. They have already met with considerable success, so that we are constrained to hope that the Lord will support it. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE ITINERANT METHODIST PRiiACHEKS ANNUITY. It is therefore resolved, 1. That this Institution be called, The^ Itinerant Methodist Preachers Annuity. 2. That every Preacher who is now, or shall be hereaher received into full connection with the Conference of the people called Methodists, may become a member ot this Society. 3, That as the Methodist Preachers, late in con- nection with the late Rev. John Wesley, have a property in books, in their Book -room. City Road^ London, which property is valued at, and is worth ii^ thousand pounds sterling ; and that said Preach- ers, agree to convey said property to this Society, to be applied to its use according to the rules and regulations of the same : and the Steward of said Book-room shall give a bond to the Treasurer of said Society, for the above sum of six thousand pounds sterling, bearing legal interest from the date of these presents, which interest is to be paid annually into the hands of said Treasurer, to be applied to the use of said Society, accordinor to its rules and regulations. 4, That every Preacher shall subscribe annual'/ 2^54 -^ Chronological History [^709' one guinea^ the n)oiiey to be paid at the Confe- rence. 5. That every member of this Society who is made a supernumerary or is superannuated by the Conierence, shall receive Irom this Instfttition the sum ot twenty-four guineas per ann. the payments to be made every six moiiths, and to commence from the time in which the said member was su- perannuated or made a supernumerclry. 6. That every Preacher who has travelled regu- larly tzuenty years, in connection with, and under the direction of the Conference of the people called Methodists, shall, on being superannuated, or de- clared supernumerary, be entitled to thirty guineas per annum, the payments to be made every six months, and to commence from the time in which the said member was superannuated or made a su- pernumerary. 7. That the widow of such member, under the regulations hereafter mentioned, shall receive the aforesaid sum of twenty four guineas^ or thirty guineas, to be paid as above specified, as long as said widow coniiniies unmarried ; but that her an- nuity on her marriage shall immediately cease: it being generally understood that the husband pro- vides for his wife. 8. That every Annuitant shall continue to sub- scribe one giiuiea annually, to the support of this fund. 9. That no member of this Institution shall be considered as a supernumerary or superannuated Preacher, but he who is declared such by the Me- thodist Conference, on account of some corporeal or mental infirmity. 10. That if a member of this Society above fifty- five years of age marry a woman under forty, she shall not at his decease be entitled to any support iVom this fund. 1 1 . That a member expelled from the Methodist connection by the Conference, or who shall of his -799- J Of the People called Methodisls. 2^5 pikvn accord withdraw from being an Itinerant Preacher, or from continuing to be a member ot this Society, shail be considered as excluded to all intents and purposes from receiving any benefit from this Institution ; and that such member shall forfeit ail the money he has paid into its funds. 12. That the widow of a Preacher who has been married to said Preacher after he had travelled twenty years^ shall not be entitled to the Annuity of thirty guineas, till she have paid down ten gui^ neas for the use of this Society, over and above what her said husband had paid before into said So- ciety's funds ; but that said widow may, and shall be permitted to pay said ten guineas by instalments of two or more guineas per annum, above her an- nual subscription. 13. They agree, that if any married Preacher die before he have travelled ten years, his w^idow shall not be entitled to the Annuity of twenty-four gui- neas, till she have paid ten guineas into the funds of said Society ; but that said widow sliall be per- mitted to pay said ten guineas by instalments, as in Lhe preceding case. 14. And whereas it has been usual for several of the members and friends of the Methodist So- cieties, late in connection with the late Rev. John Wesley, to subscribe certain monies annually, for the support of superannuated Preachers, and their widows, and whereas provision is made by the Act ot Parliament, entitled, (" An Act for the En- couragement aiid Relief of Friendly Societies,) tor the receiving such voluntary subscriptions, it is hereby agreed, that an account of such contri- butions shall be taken by the Steward of the So- ciety, and kept separate frpm the account of the subscriptions of the members of said Society : and for the better execution of the merciful designs of said contributions, it is hereby agreed, that a com- mittee of at least eleven persons, accorcjmg to section the 5th of the aforesaid Act, shall be chosen Z 2 2"^6 A chronological History [1799. •£>y ballot, at the annual meeting of said Society ; which Cammittee shall hear all claims on the aiore- said contribution, and shall determine on the sum to be allowed to each claimant, as a member of, or claimant on said Society, according to the pre- sent rules and regulations ; and if said claimant be dissatisfied with the sum allowed kim^ or her^ by raid Comniittcc, ke or she may appeal to the Society at large, at their next annual meeting,- whose judg- raent shall be final and decisive. 15. That a Treasurer be appointed who shall re- ceive and put out as soon as possible to legal interest, the monies belonging to this Institution, giving proper security for such monies to the So- ciety, and that Thomas Roberts, of Somerset- street, in the city of Bristol, Esq. be appointed the Treasurer. 16. That two Stewards be chosen annually, who shall be empowered to draw such monies out of the Treasurers hands, as may, on the rules and regu- lations of this fund, be claimed by any member of this Society. 17. That if in the judgment of a majority of the members of this Scciety, its funds should be found to have increased so as to admit of an in- crease of the Annuities, such addition shall be made to the Annuities, as, in the judgment of the majority of the members, the funds shall be decHD- ed capable of affording. 18. That if the Expenditure should at any time exceed the income, a majority of the members, at one of the annual Conierences of the people called Methodists, shall fix on a plan which shall cause the Income at least to equal the Expenditure, by increasing the annual subsriptions, or by lessen- ing the Annuities, or by both, — or, by any other method which the wisdom of the members may de- vise, so as still to preserve the Institution according to its original spirit and design. 39. Provided, that if this Society should be .so '799*1 Of the People called Methodists, 257 dinjinished as not to be able to support two Annui- tants, then the Society- shall be dissolved, and the remaining monies equally divided among the sur- viving members. 20- That every thing relative \g the management of this Society, shall be done by a majority of the members then present. 2 1 That any member neglecting to send his an- nual subscription at the time above-mentioned, shall be fined, for the first year two shillings and six- pence, for the second year, kaJf a guinea : the fines io be throvvii into the common stock : but if he neglect to send in his subscription for three years, he shall be excluded, and forfeit all the mo- nies he has paid into this fund; unless such peisoii may have been employed by the Conference in any of the foreign missions; the case oi' such a member to be determined by a majority of the members then present. 92. If a man who is superannuated or a supernu- merary, and who is a claimant on this fund, become again an efTective man, he shall cease to be an An- nuitant: but, if he become again a supernumerary, or be superannuated, he shall have the same clairn as heretofore, on the provisions and regulations already mentioned. 23. That the books of said Society shall be so kept that any member may have free access to them at ail times. 24. That all the accompts of said Society shall be publicly read over at, and approved by the An- nual Meeting of said Society. 23. That after the present year, (1799) every new member shall, on his admission, ^^y five gui- neas into the funds ot said Society. 26. That all difficulties and disputes relative to ■ inQ business of this Society, shall be referred to a Committee of eleven persons chosen by ballot from the members then present : and the judgment of the majority shall be finally decisive, provided the said Z3 k ig^ A Chronological History C^799. Judgment be not contrary to any thing in the exist- ing rules ot" this Society. 27. That these rules shall be registered according to the provisions made by an Act of Parliament tcr the legalization and support of charitable Institu- tions. Signed by order of the Society, Ma?ichesier, Henry Moore, Chairman. j^ifg. 8, 1799. Adam Clarke, Secretary. City of Bristol^ At the Court of GeneralQuarter arcd Coutity oj v Sessions of the Peace ofour Sove- tht same City, J reign Lord the King, held in and for the City of Bristol, and County of the same City, in the Guildhall of the said City, on Friday the seventeenth day of January, One Thousand Eight Hundred, before John Morgan, Esq. Mayor of the said City, Sir John Durbin, Knight, and John Noble, Esq. Aldermen of the same cit}% Justices assigned and so forth, At tliis Court the foregoing Rules, Orders and Regulations, were cxlubited to the said Justices at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace held as above-mentioned, who after due examJ nation thereof, (as far as tlie Act of Parliament in that behalf ex- tends) allowed and confirmed the same. Signed, at the above Sessions, by WORK ALL. Town-CUrk and Clerk of the Peace, THE PROPER FORM OT A DONATION TO THE SOCIETY, BY WILL. Item. I, A. B. do hereby give and bequeath the sum of , unto tlic Treasurer for the time being, of a voluntary Society, called the Itim neraui Methodist Preacher's Annuity, instituted by the Methodist Preachers, late in connection with the Rev. John Wesley, deceased, and registered according to the Act of Parliament, entitled, " An Act for the Encouragement and Relief of Friendly Societies," the same to be paid within months 1799'] OJ thd P&GpU called Methodists. 259 next after my decease, out of my personil estate, in trust, to be applied to the uses and purposes of said Society. THE PREACHERS FRIEND SOCIETY. This was instituted this year (1799) in London, by a few of the principal Members of tlie Society. It cannot be better recorded than by inserting its rules as drawn up by the good men who set it on foot, and wlio now conduct it. " I. A subscription shall be opened for the casual relief of Itinerant Methodist Preachers of Mr. Wes- ky's connection and their families, when in sickness or otherwise distressed. 2. A Committee shall be appointed, of SQvtn persons, resident in or near London, to transact the business of this Society. 3. Out of delicacy towards their Brethren, no Itinerant Preacher shall be a Member of this Committee. ^^. The Commiitee shall hold a monthly Meeting, whea cases shall be considered, and relief sent to the most necessitous. 5. The London Committee shall elect Country Members, in order to extend the usefulness of this Society, by increasing the subscription, and estabiishing a necessary correspondence m various parts ot the kingdom. —Country Members to be pre- sent at the Monthly Meetings when in- London. 6. The Committee shall publish an Annual Report 01 the proceedings of this Society, their accounts shall then be stated, and an outline be given of the cases relieved; but great delicacy shall be observed with respect to the names of those Preachers, who may have had assistance : these shall at all times be kept as private as can be consistent v;ith respect to the welfare of the Society." The Committee chosen, are, Mr. Joseph Bulmer, -^ Mr. Joseph Butterworth, . James Hamilton, M.D. | William Marriott, Esq. J. of London. Mr. Robert Middleton, Thomas Stock, Esq. Christopher Sundius, Esq; 26o ^ Chronologiccd History-. [i799» Country Members.. Mr. William Gleathing, Malton... Thomas Holy, Esq. Sheffield. Mr. Michael Longridge, Sunderland. William Smith, Esq. Newcastle. Mr. John W'^ard, jun. Durham. William Marriott, Esq. Hoxion Square, Treasurer. Joseph Butterworth, 43, Fleet Street^ Secretary, To whom all communications lor ths Society may be addressed. Eor a tY;lier account 01 the design and utility of this institution, consult the Methodist Magazine for Aug. 1801. and for July 1802* This was begun- without any solicitation from the Preachers, has been attended wuh the happiest effects already ; and is patronized by many of the wealthy Members of the Society throughout Great Britain. In the year 1801, 240/. was given to Preach- ers in distress from this Fund; though it is at present in an infant state. It is calculated to encourage the servants oi God to labour faithfully in his vineyard,. as it is an additional proof of God's greiit love to those who preach his Gospel without the prospect of fee or reward but what arises wholly from his pro- mise and providence. The Committee submitted the design and rules to the Conference. The effect it had on the Brethren: may be seen by the following letter. •• To the Committee of the Preacher's Friend Society : Dear Brethren, Manchester August, 12, 1799. Your plan for the establishment of a Preachers Friend Society has been read in Conference, and tlie Conference authorize us to return you their unani- mous thanks for your noble, generous, and disin^ terested design of relieving distressed Preachers in the way you have proposed. The Conference have also come to an unanimous vote, that your plan and resolutions shall b€ insert. T799-] Of the People called Melhodists, 261 f-d ill the Magazine, and recommended to our Bre- thren at large. With tlic utmost respect and affection we are, vei y dear Brethren, yours in the Lord. S. Bradburn, President. T. Coke, Secretary. A. Clark E, Secretary to the Preach- ers Annuity Society.'* RL'LES RESPECTING THE ACCOUNTS OF THE CONFERENCE BOOKS. The dispute between the Executors of Mr* Wesley's Will and the Conference has been already noticed, also tho. happy conclusion to which it was brought. In the year 1795, it v/as ordered, i. Every Preacher who has the care of books, shall remit all the money he can to Mr. WhitHeid be- fore or at Christmas. 2. All the interest which is due to the Preachers Fund, shall be paid out of the Book-room the next year. Six thousand pounds was borrowed from the Fund to support the con- nection; so that the interest which is annually paid from the Book-room is 300/. a year. In the year 1796, the Conterence appointed Mr. Mather and Mr. Pawson to superintend the exami- nation of the books in London, and to print a state- ment of the book account for the information of 'the Preachers. In the year 1797, the Conference declared its resolution to reserve to itself the management of its own book concerns, as being most agreeable to the design of the Institution, also to Mr. Wesley's Will; and as the profits are wholly expended by tl-pe Conference in supporting Itinerancy among the Methodist Preachers, It was also agreed, that every Superintendant should settle his accounts with, and pay the balance to Mr. Whitfield, at every Conference for the preceding year. In the year 1799, it was agreed, 1. That an annual account shall be presented to, and read in the Confe- rence, of the receipts and disbursements, and of the nGz A Chronological History [.^797't balance respecting the Book-room : and each Chair- man of the Districts respectively shall have a copy of the aforesaid account ; which shall be transcribed- by him, or some person employed by him, for each Superintendant in his District, and the Superinten- dants shall deliver a copy to each of their col- leagues who are in fiill connection. 2. An account of our stock of books in London, shall be taken, in as exact a manner, and as soon- as possible; but so as not to interrupt the regular business, 3. As soon as the stock is taken, a ware- liouse-book shall be provided, in which shall be en- tered all the stock in hand, and all the books which shall be printed from time to time, v;ith an exact' account of the number: And, on the other hand, an entry shall be made of all the books taken out for the wholesale and retail trade." It was also agreed, that Mr. Wesley's Sermons in nine volumes^ should be given to every Preacher in tuU connec- tion, who had not had them before. And the Preachers were desired to send to the Book Commit- tee, full accounts of the deaths-ot e^ninently pious persons.'" RULES RESPFXTING THE EXPENCF.S OF THE PREACHERS ATTENDANCE ON CONFERENCE. In the year T774, it was asked, " Q, Are not the Preachers who come to the Conference bur- densome to the Societies on the way? yl. Fre- quently. To prevent this, i. Let every Preacher pay for his horse's keeping. 2. Let each of those Socie- tiesfixonan inn where thehorseswill betaken careof." In the year 1781, it was asked, *' g. Wliat can be done to lessen the burden which lies on those Societies where the Conference is held? ji. Let every Preacher pay for his own hor.>c." In the year 1791, it was added, *' Let the Postacre of all letters sent to the Conference on public business, be paid by the Stewards ot the So- cieties from which ihey are sent. But the postage of the private letters sent to the Preachers during ^799- J Of the People called Methodists, 263 the sitting of the Conference, shall be paid by the Conference," 7. e. by the Society where the Con- ference is held. In the year 1799, it was added, «* AH letters, sent to I he Conference, or to the representative- meeting, are in future to be sent post-paid ; and the Preachers are desired to inform our friends of this particular; and that the Conference cannot afford to pay the postage of the immense quantity of letters, which are annually sent to them." In the year 1800, it was added, " Let every Super- intendant inform his brethren, that they are to pay for all the letters they write on public business. In the year 1802, it was added, "No letters sent to the Conference, or directed to any of the Preachers where the Conference is held, if the pos- tage be not previously paid, shall in future be at. tended to by the Conference." To guard against impostors it was added, •' Le the Certificate usually given, be printed, and let no person be received into any Society without one of these, .signed by one of the Travelling Preachers in the Circuit from whence he came. To promote the administration of the Lord's Supper, it was added, " A Supcrintendant, or r,ome other Travelling Preacher in full connection, who IS willing to administer the Lord's Supper,' shall be appomted for every Circuit, where it is rel gularly adramistered ; who shall administer that holy ordinance in all such places in his Circuit, as are allowed that privilege according to the rules of pacification. It was also added, " We are resolved never to station Preachers in Circuits for the third year, except in cases of very peculiar emergency. Tlie Mmute against anthems was republished. It is as follows : " Is not formality in singing creep- ing i.i, by singing those complex tunes a7id anthems which It IS scarcely poss ble to sing with devotion ? The repeating the s.ime words so often, and es- p. cialiy while another is repeating other words, (the 2 64 J Chronologic a I Histc ry [ 1 800. horrid abuse which runs through the modern church- music) as it shocks all common-sense, so it neces- sarily brings in dead formality, and has no religion in it. Besides, it is a flat contradiction to our Lord's command, use not vain rejtetitions'. For what is a vain repetition, if this is not? What end of devotion does it serve? Sing no anthems. The fifty- seventh Conference was held in Lon- don, July 28th, iSoo. Mr. James Wood was chosen President, and Mr. Samuel Bradburn, Se- cretary. The following Address was unanimously voted, and transmitted to his Majesty by the Presi- dent ; the ground of it was, the late wicked attempt made on the Life of our most excellent King. From the London Gazette, St. James's, August 8, 1800. The following Address having been transmitted to the Duke of Portland, his Majesty's Principal Secretriry of State for tlie Home Department, has been by his Grace pre«ented to the King; which Address his Majesty was pleased to receive very graciously. TO THE king's MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. The humble Address of the Ministers of the People called Methodists, assembled in Conference. May it please your Majesty, We, your Majesty's dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Preachers of the Gospel, late in connection with the Reverend John Wesley, deceased, being assembled in our fifty-seventh annual Conference, beg leave to approach your Majesty with that vene- ration which becomes all the servants of the King of Kings, to feel towards those whom He has ap- pointed in his adorable Providence to execute Righ- teousness and Judgment in the earth, and to express ourabhorrenceof the late atrocious attempt against the life of your Majesty, as also our thankfulness to Al- mighty God for his gracious protection so mani- festly extended towards your sacred Person. We humbly desire to express to your Majesty iSoo.] Of the Atopic called Methodists. 265 that we have in conjunction with the people under our care, upon several occasions, united with others of your Majesty's loyal subjects, in testify- ing our sincere respect for and attachment to your Majesty's person and government, and our detesta- tion of ail sedition and rebellion ; and we beg leave to repeat the same dutiful sentiments upon this oc- casion. We are determined to obey the sacred in- junctions of the God whom we serve, ** to pray for Kings and for all that are in authority ; to be subject to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake ; to obey Magistrates; to be ready for every good work ; and to lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. That Almighty God may preserve your Majesty from every known and secret enemy, and long con- tinue you as the Father of your People, and the Minister of God to us for good, is the ardent prayer of your Majesty's loyal and dutiful subjects. Signed, in behalf of the Conference, JAMES WOOD, President. New Chapd, City Road, London^ July 30, 1800. It was now proposed to appoint a Mission in North Wales. Mr, Owen Davis, and Mr. John Hughes were chosen for that purpose. They willingly complied with the wishes of their brethren, who recommended them to the Lord by solemn prayer. Their labours have been crowned with success. They converse with the people and exhort them in the Welch language to turn to the Lord. They are still labouring m the same country. The Conference was still pressed for the want of money in order to support the work. They in- treated the Societies in their yearly address to give them pecuniary aid, that they might be extricated out oi their distresses. This is now a serious burthen, and unless the Aa sSS J Chronological History [iSoo. Lord multiply the Societies, one of these two rules must be adopted : i. The people must increase their subscriptions, or 2, The Conierence must lessen the nuniber of the Preachers. It was thought necessary to publish the following directions. '* i. We fear there has sometimes been irregularity in some of the meetings. And we think that some of our heareiis are in danger of mistaking emotions of the affections for experimen* tal and practical godliness. To remedy or prevent, ^s far as possible, these -errors, let Mr. Wesley's Extract of Dr. Edward's pamphlet on Religious AfTections be printed, and circulated among our people. 2. Vv^e recommend to the Preachers and all our Societies Dr. Coke's Commentary. 3. Let none in our connection preach charity sermons, where theatrical sin gerrs 2^n6. bands oj mu^ SIC are introdiiced. And let the Stewards, Trus- tees, and Leaders, be informed that such a practice is offensive to the Conference, w^ho believe it has been hurtful to the minds of many pious people. 4. We strictly ordain, tliat the Lord's Supper be administered in England, according to the form of the Established Church, as expressed in the rules of pacification. 5. Let the Representative of every District write to his Brethren, (who remain in the Circuits) in- forming them where they are stationed, as soon as possible, that the stationary Committee may be ena- bled to please every one as far as possible. 6. In future, let the aged Preachers be provid- ed with Circuits before any of the others. And no ®ne shall be stationed in London, Bristol, Birming- ham, Manchester, or Liverpool, till he is received into full connection. 7. Henceforward let no Preacher be declared Su- perannuated, or stationed as a Supernumerary, with- out the recommendation of the District Committee to which he b'!longs, unless, for particular reasons^ i-8oo.] Of tht People called Methodists, 267 the Conference, with his own consent, judge it pro- per. 8. No Chapel taken horn- m unjustly, shall ever be purchased by us. Let no Chapel be built on the Tontine plan, u e. where the persons concerned ia building them, design to make them their own pro- perty, and turn them to their own temporal advan- tage. The 20th of October in this year (1800), there was a general Conference of the American Preach- ers held in Baltimore in America. It is held every fourth year. Mr. Richard Whatcoat, the first Lay- preacher Mr. Wesley ordained, was by the voice of his brethren chosen Bishop of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, along with Dr. Coke, and Bishop Asbury. Mr* Whatcoat set but as a Travelii?ig Freacher in England in the year 1769, and travelled with an unblameable charaaer in England and Ire- land till the year 1784, when he was ordained by Mr. Wesley and sent to America. He manifested a sweet humble spirit while he laboured in Europe, was much respected by those who knew him, and was very useful in the Circuits where he was sta- tioned. It is. a pleasure to his Brethren in Europe to see by his late appointment that he has conducted himself in the same manner in America* Tliere is another Society instituted among the Methodists, which is of great importance, as it is cal- culated to improve and benefit the lowest class of eivil Society. It \v^as first instituted in London in the year 1772, and received Mr. Wesley's hearty approbation. The members of it were then called Work-house Preachers. In Bristol they are called Village Preachers. In Leeds, Prayer -Leaders ; and in Dublin, Poor-house Preachers. In London it is now called the friendly union. But their ob- ject in each place is the same, and their Rules near- ly so. In the year 1800, the nature and c -sign of this Society was approved, and the following Rules for A a 2 268 A Chronological History [1800^. its regulation and government, were sanctioned by- Mr. Joseph Benson, Superintendant of the London Circuit, in conjunction with Mr. James Wood and the rest of the Preachers appointed for London by the Conference held there this year» They are as. follows. RULES OF THE FRIENDLY UNION. Jesus Christ, in order to mortify human vanity^ "to convince the world tFiat Religion was a plains simple thing, and that a little common sense, accom- panied with an ardent love to God and Man, was sufficient to propagate it, without any aid derived; from the schools of human science, took twelve poor ijlitcrate men into his company, admitted them to aa ilitimacy with himself, and, after he had kept them awhile m tuition, sent them to preach the good tid- ings of salvation to their countrymen. He never paid any regard to the place where he delivered his sermons. He preached in the temple, in synagogues, publick walks, and private houses, on mountains, 3J1 barges and ships. His Missionaries imitated him ; and convenience for the time, wa.s consecration of the place. Wherever the Love of God is shed abroad in the Heart, it will, like the fountain from whence it flows, diffuse itself abroad. It being an active and benevo- lent principle, induces those who enjoy it to endea- vour to bring others 'to partake of the same blessing, and to do them good in every possible way. Influenc- ed by this sacred, living fire, and touched with a tender sympathy, two or three young men consulted how^ they might best lay themselves out, according ta their little ability, for the good of their fellow crea- tures. They soon turned their eyes towards the Sick and Poor in. Workhouses, prisons, hospitals, &c. as- persons the most abject and forlorn. At the same time, providence concurring, an open door was set before them in one or two Workhouses, which were visited once or twice a week, in rotation. Thev there expounded to the people some portion of God's sacred word, and generally began, and concluded xSoo.] Of the People called Methodists i 269 ivith Singing and Prayer. In the course of two or three years, more Workhouses being opened for their reception, and more young men offering them- selves to the work, some of whom seemed not to b@ called to act in the same line with their elder bre- thren, and yet wished to be useful in some way or other ; they formed themselves into a Society, for the better regulation and carrying on their benevo- lent design. They agreed that those whose talents were more confined, should visit the Sick, and en- quire first into the State of their minds, and thea give them instruction, advice, or encouragement, as to them might seem meet. Such was the origin, and such is the general design of our Friendly Union, which, through the blessing of God, has been pro- ductive of many happy effects. There have been some, through our poor endeavours, in various places, that have been deeply convinced of sin, and have heartily embraced the Faith of the Gospel. And we have likewise had very satisfactory evi- dence concerning others, that they have changed a state of misery and woe, for the Paradise of God.. OF THE TIME OF MEETING. T. A Meeting shall be held every Sunday Morning at the- New Chapel, City Road, at seven o'clock ; and every Monday Evening at eight. The Quarterly Meetings shall be held the first Monday alter every Quarter day. 2. Every Member liv- ing more than a mile from the place of Meeting, shall be entitled to a plan of his appointments. N. B. All the Preachers are to have plans. OF THE BUSINESS OF THE MEETINGS* On Sunday Mornings, to examine whether the appointments have been attended to the preceding Sunday: To read over the plan for the day; make the collection, and to endeavour to edify one ano- ther. On Monday Evenings, the first and third in every A a 3 aya A'CHronolcgical History [1803* month to hear trial Sermons, and Preachers in rota- tion. On the other Evenings to attend to any.busi^ ness relative to the work in which we are engaged.. On the Quarterly Meetings, to examine the cha- racter, abilities, and attendance, of each Member ;, to hear appeals ; to audit the accounts; to propose new places,, and choose the officers. I. In order to admission, the candidate must, have been a Member of the late Rev. John Wes- ley's Society,, twelve months ; a man of strict piety and irreproachable character ; having, a gift for Prayer and Exhortation- 2d. Having signified the name, and place of abode, of his Class Leader, he shall be asked the following Questions, with any other the Steward shall think proper to propose to - him. I. What are the motives, that induce you to- wish to belong to this Society.? 2. Will you en«- gage, if received into this Society, cordially to sub- mit to the discipline established among uSj and faithfully, and constantly to attend the places ap-- poinied you by [the Committee ? 3* The preceding questions being answered to the satisfaction of a iriajority of the persons present, the Steward shall,, in the ensuing week, enquire of. his Class Leader, the character,, and abilities, of the candidate ; and,, the Sunday following he shall communicate the in- formation he has received, to the members present,, (the Candidate withdrawing,) who shall judge of such information and act with respect to receiving him as they shall think proper. No person shall be admitted but by a majority of votes, taken by ballot. 4th. Every Candidate that is admitted shall be six months on trial,, before he be fully received; or have a vote on any occasion., ^th. the Secretary, shall .signify to the Society when any Candidate has. been six months on trial ; if he then approve of the work, and the Society approve of him, he shall be fully received, the Steward reading to hini the folr- -lowing address* i8oo.] Of the People called Methodists. c; i Dear Brother y It appears to the Members here present, as far as they can judge, that your intention and desire are as you say, to glorify God, and be helpi'ui to your fellow creatures. Upon these considerations we receive you into this Society. Permit me lovingly to exhort you to make it your daily study and pray- er, to be approved of Him in whose cause you are engaged. Do not suffer, on the one hand, those that reject the counsel of God against themselves, to discourage you, for such you will meet with; nor the dry, formal, quiet professor, on the other ; but turn your eye to your great example, who went about doing good, and patiently endured the con- tradiction of sinners against himself. I say, con- sider him, who thought it no dishonour to perform, with his own hands, the meanest offices, that he might testify his render regard for the souls of men. Thus it is written, " he took a towel and girded himself, and poured water into a bason, and washed his Disciples feet." Consider his agony and bloody sweat, his cross and passion, and all the pains and labour he underwent to save your soul from endless deaUi; and let these things be deeply impressed on your mind, &o as to raise in you suitable returns of gratitude, and a desire to pluck others as brands from the burning, that they may be partakers of the same salvation that God hath merciiully imparted to you. And though this may be sometimes irksome to flesh and blood, yet let the value of immortal souls, and the love you bear to the blessed Jesus, so influence your heart, that you may vigorously and cheerfully labour in so good a cause. And that you may not grow weary nor faint in your mind, reflect frequently on the satisfaction it will yield you in a dynig hour to consider that you were enabled to give this proof of your love to Christ and the souls of men. But on the other hand, think with yourself what will be the woeful consequence of your bury- ing your talent. Instead of your death-bed being 2^ 2 ACkron ological His to ry [ 1 8©o comfortable and happy, it will be attended with bit- ter reflections on your unfaithfulness to the grace of God, and a fearful expectation of sharing the dismal fate of that servant, who feared, or neglected to use the gift that God had bestowed upon him. But I hope, my brother, better things of you, and that you will so act in your little sphere, that God, in the judgment day, will admit you into glory, saying ** well done good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, enter ihou into the joy of thy Lord." 6. Every Member, thus fully received, shall be six months before he shall be pro- posed as a. Preacher^ and if he be approved, shail continue on trial six months more before he be fully, admitted as a. Preacher. OV THE DIFFERENT CLASSES OF THIS SOCIETY. 1. This Society shall consist of two classes,, viz. Preachers,, and Visitors. 2x1. If any brother among those wha visit, the sick, judge that he would be more extensively, useful as a Preacher, lie shall first answer the following questions, with clearness, and propriety, and the answers must be approved by a majority of the brethren present, betore he can be admitted to preach betore the Society. Qu.€Stion& to be answered by those who judge they are called to be Preachers. 1. What is your motive for offering yourself to become a Preacher? 2. What do you believe con- cerning the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? 3. What are your ideas of man in his original state? 4. What is man in his present state? 5. By what means came he into this state? 6. How can man recover the forfeited favour and image of God? 7. How extensive did God design his salvation to be ? 8. Is It possible that a soul, that has been a par- taker of the grace of God, should fall away and perish ?' i8oo.] Of the People called Methodists, 273 MEMBERS TO BE SUMMONED TO HEAR TRIAL SERMONS. When a person is to be proposed as a Preacher, notice shall be given of it two Sunday mornings pre- vious to his answering the preceding questions. If the brethren who are present when they are an- swered, admit the person to preach before the So- ciety, the time shall be fixed, and all the members summoned to attend, in order that he maybe approv- ed or disapproved by a majority, the appointing a Brother to preach the Gospel being considered one of the most important things the Society are en- gaged in. N. B. As the members are not to be summoned to hear the questions answered, the an- swering of them shall be deferred til! half past eight o'clock, in order that most of the Brethjen may be present, DUTIES OF THE PREACHERS. I. The gifts and graces of the personr admitted as a Preacher being approved, he is expected to make progress in the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, having his mind and heart exercised therein above believers in general. He must earnestly seek the illumination of God's Holy Spirit, and other ne- cessary gifts, by meditation, and prayer, and by every possible mean must prepare in private for mi- nistering the word in publick. 2. He must en- deavour to perform his duty faithfully, wisely, and in a spirit of love. In doctrine adhering strictly to ■what is commonly believed among us. And his te- nets, if necessary, must be submitted to the exami- nation of the Society, who shall judge of their con- sonance with the principles of the late Rev. John Wesley. DUTIES OF THE VISITORS. The visitors shall meet the Preachers at the diffe- rent places of appointment, assist in singing, and then proceed to every part of the workhouse that is S7,4 -^ C^ '^•o w logic a I His to ry [ 1 80 O, accessible, persuading, and exhorting such of the people as are able, to attentl the public preaching ;- the sick, the la!ue, and such as cannot attend, he must instruct^ and conclude with prayer. The time of continuance in each ward shall be propor^- tioned to the number and situation of the persons,, but must not exceed half an hour. OF THE OFFICERS OF Til I S- SOCIETY.^ 1. The officers of this Society shall consist oF a Steward, a Secretary, and a Committee, of nine. 2; The Steward shall be in ofHce a quarter of a year, the Secretary and Committee one year. g. Three persons shall be nominated for the offices of- Steward and Secretary, and the election shall be made by shew of hands. 4. Eighteen members^ shall be nominated for the Committee of nine, wha shall be chosen by each' member niarking the names- of the nine persons he wishes to compose it. THE DUTIES OF THE STEWARD^ He shall begin and end all our meetings with' prayer to God, for his blessing on our endeavours- to promote his glory; shall read the plan of the preceding Sabbath, in order to ascertain whether the members^ attended according to their respective- appointments^ particularly noting omissions, and using all proper means to induce each member to fulfil his duty.. He must read the plan for the day, carefully observing to supply siich places as may be vacant; must receive the weeldy subscriptions, and all other money collected for the purpose of carrying on the work; he must hold this intrust during his office, answering every lawftU demand, but must not suffer any money to be applied to any new purpose without the consent of a majority of the members who are present, on the evenings ap- pointed for business. It is his duty also to preside in all our meetings, put all motions, and endeavour to keep order during the discussion of any subj^ect ; ^"Soo.] OJ the Teople called Methodists, 27^ to nominate p'.usons for all offices.; to enquire oiF the Class Leaders respecting Candidates ; and to conduct all occasional business, such as appointing j)ersons to visit the sick members, and vvhatever -else may tend to the glory of God, and the prospc. rity of the cause in which we are engaged. THE DUTY OF THE SECRETARY, IS To keep a list of the members names and places '-of abode ; — to note the time- of their admission; and when any go from us, the reason of ilieir leav- ing us ; — to enter the names in the collection book, and make the collection every Sabbath day ; — to summon the members on particular occasions, and t£) keep a distinct account of all our proceedings by proper minutes; to keep the money ^sccount-a, and lay them before the Society every Quarterly Meet- ing,; and punctually to execute every othei' de- partment of the writing business. THE DUTY OF THE COMMITTEE, IS To execute all business referred to them by the Society, making their Reports with all convenient speed, *, OF LOVE FEASTS. With the permission of the Superintendant Preacher, and Stewards, we will hold four Love- Feasts in the year — viz. two at the New Chapel, and tv/o at Queen- street. GF THE REPROOF, SUSPENSION, AND EXCLUSION OF MEMBERS. 1. Any member that is not able to attend to his appointments, shall give the earliest notice possible to the Steward : No excuse shall be admitted, but that of sickness, necessary distance, or some urgent case, which shall appear satisfactory to the Society. 2. Should any member be found to neglect his ap-? poinLments ; or should omit taking his Society 27^ -^ Chronological History [iSoO* ticket, within one month after the quarterly visita- tion of the Classes, or be observed divulging the internal business of the Society, — he shall for the first instance receive Reproof; for the second, Sus- pension ; and for the third, Exclusion. OF ENLARGING THf. WORK. As the members of this Society are agreed to extend their labours as far as they can consistently with other duties, when any new place shall be procured by any individual, he shall signify the matter, with the circumstances thereof, to the So- ciety, for their consideration, and determination. OF THF> RE-ADMISSION OF MEMBERS. As from various causes several members liave been obliged for a time to quit the work we are en- gaged in, it is agreed, that when the cause is re- moved to the satisfaction of the Society, the old member shall be restored to his former station, and excused going through the forms proposed to Candidates. CONCLUDING ADDRESS. It is highly necessary, that each member should frequently consider the three great ends for which this Society was formed, i. That we may glorify God. 2. That we may be quickened and con- firmed ourselves in his grace, by the mutual help of each other. 3. That we may instruct, edify, and comfort the sick and needy. Let us cautiously avoid all disputings concerning things not essential to Salvation, and strike at once at the root of sin. Tell them to whom you speak, you are sinners born to die. By nature you are children of wrath and you must be born again, or ye cannot see the kingdom of God. You must put off the old man with his deeds, and put on the new man, the Lord Jesus Christ, or you will perish tor ever. Discountenance all such things as you know i8oi.] OJ the People called MdheJuts. 277 arc hurtful to the souls ot men ; such as plays, gaming, and drinking ot" spirituous liquors ; which only serve to waste precious time, and lull the im- mortal soul asleep, in order to drown it in endless perdition. May God Almighty give us his bles- sing, and life for evermore I Mr. William Palmer and Mr. John Hop wood, are at present very useful, active members in this So- ciety in London. The fifty-eighth Conference was held in Leeds, July 27, 1801. Mr. John Pawson was chosen President, (this was the second time he was chosen to that office) and Doctor Coke, Secretary. Mr, Pawson was no sooner elected, and took the chair, than a debate arose respecting a volume of sermons which he published, in which were some expres- sions reflecting on the Nobility of the land, and the Clergy of the Established Church, which were ta- ken notice of, and resented by the Antijacobin re- viewers, as also now by the Conference. The de- bate ended by the adoption of the following Minute. Q. What is the sense of the Conference on the unguarded expressions in Mr. Pawson's sermons, printed in London in 1799? A. The Conference does declare its utter disapprobation of the sense put upon those passages by certain anonymous wri- ters, and hold in the greatest abhorrence the senti- ments which that sense conveys : but they are at the sanie time persuaded, that their venerable friend Mr. Pawson did not intend to convey any such sense to the minds oi his readers. And Mr. Pawson himself does solemnly declare, as in the presence of God, that it never was his design that those passages should be so understood: that he only intended to shew how carefully the Lord hath giiarded the ministry, so that the people might not be deceived by false teachers. Mr. Pawson's peaceable turn of mind has been so fully manifested to the Conference Bb ^^79 A Chronological History [ } 80 1 . for thirty-nine years, that they are constr-iined to believe, that to wish any descripiion oF men to be persecuted, was and still is at an infinite distance from his thoughts. N. B. The edition referred to, has been quashed by Mr. Pawson, as far as possible^. The following Rules were agreed to. 1. If any Circuit petition the Conference for a Preacher, and their petition be granted, every extraordinary ex- pence incurred by the removal of such Preacher to his new Circuit, shall be borne by that Circuit. 2. No Preacher shall be stationed in any Cifcuit, ^vhcre he has laboured for one year, or for two or three years successively, till the expiration of seven years from the time he has left such Circuit. 3. We earnestly request our brethren never to send any petition to the Conference which will in any degree clash with our printed rules. Owin^ to tfie embarrassed state of the connection for the want of money to carry on the work, the following plans were adopted. 1. An address was sent to all the Societies, entreating them to raise a sum tantamount to 6d. a member to enable them to pay off their present debt. 2. Appointing each District to supply the ordinary expences of the Preachers and their families in the district where they laboured. First, by means of the yearly sub- scription made in the District, and expended at the Annual District Meeting, in the presence of the Stewards belonging to each Circuit in the District. Secondly, if the yearly subscription is deficient, by an extraordinary collection made in the District, in pi^oportion to the numbers in each Circuit in the District, in order to raise the sum wanted. The ordinary deficiencies are declared to be, salaries oi Preachers, wives, children, servants, house-rent, coals and candles. 3. By reiusing to send any help to Ireland, either from the English yearly sub- scription, or from the books sold in England. And for this end, an address was sent to the Irish bre- thren, informing them that dire necessity led to this iSoi.] OJ the People called' Methodists. 279 measure. 4. By exhorting the members of our So- cieties to buy our books, as the profits of them are expended in carrying on the work. 5. By appoint- ing the profits of the books, to be laid out in sup- plying ilie extraordinary wants of the Preachers m Great' Britain. Thc*e>^traordinaries are declared to be. I. Travelling expences^ 2. Afflictions in fami- lies. 3. Furniture for Preachers houses in poor Circuits, 4. Expences of supernumerary Preacheis. ,5. Helps to chapels, and 6. Helps to Preachers re- lations. RULES RESPECTING PRINTING. The first time any thing was published on this head, was when the' Rules lespecting DiscipHne were printed in London in the year 1763. Then it was said, " Let none print any thing ot his own, till it has been approved by the Conference." At the Conference in 1765, The following rule was agreed on, Q. Ougbt we to insist upon our rule, that no Preacher print any thing without )'our approbation [i.e. Mr. Wesley's) ? yf. Undoubtedly; And whoever does it for the time to come, cannot take it ill, if he is excluded from our connection. Let every one take this warning, and afterwards blame none but himself. At the Conference in 1781, it was asked, 0^ Have not our Preachers printed without my [i. e. Mr. Wesley's) consent and correction P A. Several of them have (not at all to the honour of the Me- thodists) both in verse and prose. This has, 1. Brought a great reproach. 2. Mticli hindered the spreading more profitable books. Therefore we all agree, 3. That no Preacher print or reprint any- thing for the time to come, till it is correctf^d by Mr. Wesley. And 4. That the profits thereof shall gu to the common stock. At the Conference in 1789, it was asked, (2* Bbo aSo A Chrenc'logical History [i8oi. Are there any directions to be given concerning the books? A. No books are to be published without . Mr. Wesley's sanction : and those vvljich are ap- proved of by him, shall be printed at his press in London, and sold by his book-keeper. The following are the Rules agreed on by the ' Conference since Mr. Wesley's death. At the Conference in 1792, it was asked, (9. What direc- tions are to be given concerninoj books ? A. No contracts shall be made by our Book Steward in respect to books with any authors or booksellers, or With any other person. At the Conference in 1793, it was asked, g. Who are the Book Committee for the ensuing, year ? A. All the Preachers stationed ^n London, who shall have united to tViem as corresponding' ■fj5cmbers. Messrs. Fawson, Benson, Bradburn, Clarke, Moore, and T. Taylor, N. B. I'he Com- mittee in London are to consult the corresponding members in respect to all publications of impor- tance, previously to their being committed to the press. At the Conference in i79'5, The following persons were added to this Conn-nitbee, Messrs. Bradford, Allen, Rodda, Gaultier, aad Martin- dale. At the Conference in 1796, it was- asked, g, Can any thing be done to stop the abuse of print- ing and publishing among us ? A. The liberty of the press being considered as our undoubted pri- vilege, the subject was fully examined, and alter some debates the Conference came to the following conclusions, namely, I. That, as the Preachers are eminently one body, nothing should be done by any individual, which would be prejudicial to the whole, or to any part thereof. Therefore no Preacher shall pub ^ lish any thing but what is given to the Conference, and printed m our own press. The Book-Commit- tee to determine what is proper to be printed. 2, i8ji.] Of the PeopU called Methodists, s8i That as a reward for his labour, whatever shall be approved oi by the Book-Committee, and printed, the author shall have a hundred out of every thou- sand of the boo^ks, whether great or small. And if published in the magazine, he shall have a rea- sonable allowance, the Conference being judges. 3. That any Preacher who has books on hand, may sell them ; but if another edition of any book be wanted, he shall give it to the Conference, as though it were a new manuscript. N. B. Several of the Preachers, whose writings have been highly approved of, agreed to the above regulations, merely to restrain improper persons from publishing : the peace and honour oi the connection outweigh- ing with them every other consideration. At the Conference in 1797, it was added, " The article made last year and published in the Minute?, relative to printing, shall stand in its full force, with this exception, should a manuscript be re- jected by the Book Committee, a Preacher may print it, provided he do not sell it at our Chapels, nor advertise it from our pulpits. The design oi this rule is to prevent any Preacher in our connec- tion from selling at the doors of our Chapels, or otherwise, or oifcring to sell any books, or pam- phlets among our people, but those which belong to the Conference, aiid come from our Book-room. N. B. If a Preacher be attacked by any of our enemies and hi*^ character misrepresented, his print- ing a reply in his own defence shall not be deemed a breach of this rule." At the Conference in i8or, The following per- sons were appointed to supply the Magazine with matter, along with the Committee already formed, and also to read, and to sanction or reject any ma- terials proposed to them by others : viz. Dr. Coke, Messrs. J. Wood, T. Wood, Rutherford, Brettal, J, Rogers, Rhodes, T. Roberts, Myles, Atmore, £ntwistle, Bartholomew and Sutcliffe. N. B. Ajiv Bb3 282 A Chronological History [i8or materials which are sent to the Editor, sanctioned by three of the above Preachers, and Committee, shall be published; but if the London Committee have not discretionaiy power allowed them in any given instances to make alterations, excisions, &c. the materials shall be published with the names of those who sanction it. At the Conference in 1802, the following ques- tion was asked, 2* -^^^ there any directions to be given concerning the sale of books ? J, There are, 1. The Preachers shall not engage as booksellers for any books, except those which regularly come through the Book-room. 2. No books published by Preachers for their own profit, shall be sent to Brother Whitfield, or sold by him. These are excellent rules and should be strictly attended to ; they are calculated to make the Preachers good writers, as now, if a Preacher pub- lishes any thing, otherwise than as these rules direct^ he must appeal to the nation at large; if what he publishes is read with profit by a religious public in general, it will no doubt benefit the Methodists in particular ; and if what he writes is approved by thic connection agreeably to these rules, there is every reason to believe it will be a blessing to the people. Whefreas if what is written is rejected by the bre~ thren, and slighted by the public, there is every rea- son to believe the publication was of no account. The following is the account of the spread of Methodism in America, which I received by means of my brother Mr. Zachary Myles, from the two Bishops, Messrs. Asbury and Whatcoat, in the Sum- mer of 1801. From St. Mary's in Georgia, on the South Line et Georgia, to Penobscot and Pleasant River in the Province of Maine, where Circuits are formed and Preachers travel, is a distance of sixteen or seven- teeji hundred miles: this takes in the Carolinas, iSoi.] Of the Feop-U called Methodists, 283 Virginia, Maryland, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, &c. chiefly on the sea coast. From Philadelphia to- the Natckes (which lies near the Spanish settlements) in the New Western Territory, through Kentucky, the Methodists have extended 1400 miles. There was a Circuit formed last year (1800) at the Natches ; the Preacher, Mr. Cibson, was eighteen days travelling through two Indian nations, the Chickasaws and Chopstaws, in order to get to the settlements of the white people. While travelling through the wilderness, he had to enquire his way of the savages, and to get his subsistence from them. Tliere are no Missionaries at present among those Indian nations. People ga from all parts of the States to these back settle- ments, because the land is good and cheap, and tiic Methodist Preachers follow them in order to admi- nister to them the Word of Life. Mr. Asbury has travelled to the utmost limits of these places in the course of his Ministry. In the year 1802, there was an Increase of 13860 members to the Societies in the United States. There was never such a large increase in any one year to our Societies in Europe. Blessed be God we can rejoice in their prosperity. At the same time, (1802) Seven Conferences were appointed to be held in the United States dur- ing the next year. The First at Cumberland in Te- nessee, Oct. 2, 1802. The Second at Camden, in South Carolina, Jan. i, 1803. The Third at Droomgooles, in Virginia, Alarch 4, 1803. The Fourth at Baltimore, April 1, 1803. The Fifth at Duck Creek, near Philadelphia, State of Delaware, May 1, 1803. The Sixth at Boston, in New Eng- laiid, the second Thursday in June 1803. And the Seventh at Ashgrove, near New York, July 1, 1803. 2S4 A Chronological Eistary [1802. The fifty-ninth Conference was held at Brillol, July the 26th, 1802. Mr. Joseph Taylor was chosen President, and Dr. Coke Secretary. The following is the State of the Connedion, Places. Circuits. Preachers. Members. England, « Irel.md, Scotland, Wales, . , Isle of Man, . Norman Isles Weft India Isles, British Dominions ^ in America, J United States of America .} Total. ^'5 3« 8 6 2 2 22 3 196 382 300 100 15 5 7 • 4 7 21 11 379 844 86259 26700 1092 1744- 2937 922 13172 2767 86734 222327 The State of the CollcBions at this Conference. d. 2i 3 4 o 3 o €. s. Extraol-dinary Colle6lion . . . . '^&6i 18 Yearly Colle61:ion 2337 Kingswood Collection , . . . ♦ 1744 13 Preachers Fund Colleftion — "1 - f; received from the People J * * '^'^ ^ Mission Colle8ion [not pnblifhed,) Received from the Profits of the Books ^ towards carrying on the Work m \ 1087 Great Britain. ) £ cpji^ 4 2 The Irish ColleBions are ?iot included. Two things are obfervable in this account : i . The money received from the profit of the Books is the leaft sum that has been received towards supporting the Work fince Mr. Wesley's death. 2. The Col- lections from the People are the greateil that ever were raised in any one yean No doubt it was through 1 8o2 .] Oj the people called Methodists. 2 85 forgetfulness that the Conference did not return the people thanks for this noble inllance oi their gene- rofjty and love; and I believe they v/ill do it next year. At the Conference in 1793, it was firft agreed, that the Sacrament fhould be adminiftered in Eng- land on certain conditions. In 1794 it was granted to ninety-three Societies, who complied with those conditions. In 179^, 1796, 1797, and 1798 the places and number were not publilhed ; for this- rea- son, the Conference was unwilling to grieve their friends who were againft the introdu^Hon of the Lord's Supper, by letting them see the numbers that petitioned for that ordmance. In the year 1799 it was granted to- forty-one places. In 1800, to for^ ty-three. In 1801 the places were omitted. In 1802 the privilege wa^ granted to forty-one Societies. The whole number of places mentioned in the Mi- nutes are two hundred and eighteen where the Sa- crament is administered by the Preachers ; but it is certainly adminiftered in many more, though not mentioned for the reason already given. At the Conference held in Dublin this year, (1802) which was the thirty-second held in that kingdom by the Methodifts, (fixteen by Mr. Wesley and six- teen by Dr. Coke,) there was a serious debate upon th« propriety of women preaching and exhorting in public congregations. The debate ended by adopt- ing the following rule : " It is the judgment of the Conference, that it is contiary both to Scripture and prudence that women fliou-ld preach, or fhould exhort in public ;. and wedire6l the Superintendants to refufe a Society Ticket to any woman in the Mc- thodifl connexion who preaches, or who exhorts in- any public congregation, imless (he entirely cease from so doing." The Englifli Conference has not adopted this rule.. In the Address from the British Conference this year (1802) to the Irifh Conference, there is the toU iS6 A Chronological History [1802. lowing paragraph cxprellive of tlicir union. *' We moft fincereiy widi to continue and Itrcngthcri every band of union, which exifls among, us. When the British Isles are united by a new and glorious coiPi- pact, it would indeed be a pity, ii the large body of Methodists in :hc United Kangdoii) should separate, because they are divided by a narrow channel. Wc trust that our union with you will be annually closer and closer, till our indis:soluble and eteinal union take place before the throne of God." And as a farther proof of their good will, they^^ forgave them the sum of 343/. 10 s. i\\d. which they owed them for books sent to Ireland; and also 39/. the balance of the Subsciiptions for the Preach- ers Fund, which was in their hands, and due to the Stewards of that Fund in England. Tliis debt they discliargcd out of the produce of the English Book Room. The following Complaints were presented to the Conterence, requesting that methods might be adopted to remove the evils complained of, and pre- vent a relapse into them again; viz. 1. That many of those, who ought to set a better example^ dress like the vain women of the world. 2. Some of their husbands set them the example. 3. Many of our people stand or sit at prayer, instead of kneel. 4, It is become too common a; custom to sit while singing the praises of God. 5, Too many of our people sit, while a Blessing: is asked, and Thanks returned, at meals. 6* Some are remiss in their attendance on the Preaching of God's holy Word. To those Complaints the Conference answers, — I.. We exhort our sisters to dress as becomcth those who profess to walk with Gyd ; and we direct their husbands to use all the.ijifli^nces of love and piety in this behalf. 2.. We ihsi)^ upon it, that the Preachers set the best example in dress and every thing. If the Preachers be not moderate in every thing, a torrent of luxury will irresistibly break ia iSo2.] Of the PeopUcatlcd Kldhodi-sts. 287 upon us, and destroy the work of Go-'. 3, We strongly recommend it tX) all our peopje to kneel at prayer : Ar^d "We desire that all our pews may, ns" far as possiblc'b'e's-p fdrrn^d 'a!i to acjnit of this in (he tasiest manner, arid we' request ^ihat the pev/^ a-nd ■pulpits be supplied with hassocks. 4. We beg that our ^eoplewil! keep close to the excellent rules drawn up by our venerable Father in the gospel Mr. Wesley, in respect to Singing. The celebrating of the praises of the Most High God is an important part of divine Worship, and a p, and the non-elect cannot be saved by him. 2. It is highly pleasing to flesh and blood; final perseverance in particular. In order to guard against it, 1. Let our preachers frequently and ex- plicitly preach the truth, though not in a controversial way, but in love and gentleness. 2. Very frequently both in public and private, advise our people, not to hear them. Answer all their objections, as occa- sion offers. But take care to do this, with all possi- ble sweetness both of look and of accent. 4. Be diligent to guard those who are newly convinced or converted against tiie predestination poison." This Conference was on many accounts tlie hap- piest one that the methodists had since Mr. Wesley's death. 1. Our worthy President, Mr. Jofeph Taylor^ as was expected, gave great attention to the duties of his Office, and manifested an amiable spirit through C 2 292 A Chronological History [1802. the whole time of Conference. 2. The greatest har- mony reigfied among the preachers : during tlie time of their fittings, there was no appearance of levity, anger or ill-will, but all their debates were carried on with seriousness, patience and love. 3. There was an increase in the Societies ; though not so great as to numbers this year, as in some former ones, yet it was very plain both preachers and people had in- creased in the life and power of God: they had in- creased in grace and in tlie knowJedge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 4. The people had given the strongest proof in their power, of their love to the preachers and the cause in which they were en- gaged, by contributing freely to the extraoidinary collection to which tb.ey were exhorted by the last Conference. So that there was as much money raised as extricated the Preachers out of all their dif- culties — What could never be said since Mr. Wes- ley's death before this time. 5. The congregations 21 Bristol in the mornings at five o'clock, and in the evenings at seven on the week days, were very large. But on the Sabbaths they were uncommonly large. The sermons were on the great truths of the Gospel, well chosen, delivered with great propriety, and attended with the power of God. Many persons received a sense of divine iavour during the Confe- rence. 6. Some of the Ordained Preachers assisted in administering the Lord's Supper to some hundreds of the people who partook of that holy ordinance on the Sabbaths during the Conference. And on the morning the Conference broke up, the Rev. Dr. Cohe, assisted by the Rev. Adam Averil, adminis- tered the Sacrament to the Preachers, after which several of them prayed, and parted with niany tears accompanied with the kiss of charity. All that were present acknowledged the power of God. 1739-] OJ the People called Methodists, 293 CHx\PTER THE ELEVENTH. A LI ST OF ALL THE ITINERANT METHODIST PREACHERS, Who have laboured in Connection with the LATE REV. JOHN WESLEY, AND WITH THE METHODIST CONFERENCE. THE years inserted before the names denote the pe- riod when those Preac})ers commenced Itinerants. Those marked thus jj before the Christian name, were Clergymen of the Established Church belore they united with the Methodists; and those marked thus § at the same place, were made Clergymen after their union with them. Those marked thus * died in the work. Tliose marked tiuis f "departed from it : some for the want of health, and some it is to be feared through a defect of zeal ; but it would be impossible in all cases to tell tiie real cause : Let it be observed, that this mark does not imply moral guilt. Those marked thus X were expelled. Those without a- mark are now labouring with their brethren as Itinerants, . or as Invalids, nearly worn out in the Lord's service. The date at the end of the names, shew the years when (hose Preachers died, or when they desisted from travel- ling, or were expelled. 1 have mentioned some very useful Local Preachers, because we are commanded to *' give honour to whom honour is du -,*' and they as a body have been, and are very numerous, and very useful m spreadmg tlie cause of Methodism. N. B. A few. Laymen assisted Mr. Weslev as Local Preachers beibre ItineraiiCy was established, C c :; 294 A Chronological History [^739- THE FIRST RACE OF METHODIST PREACHERS, FROM THE YEAR I739 '^^ ^7^5* 1739. In this year the Methodist Itinerancy began. jj John Wesley, Father of the work, having formed the first Society at Oxford in November 1729. He died * 1791. Il Charles Wesley, the first to whom the appella- tion of Methodist v-^as given at Oxford, in 1729, during his brother's absence in Lincolnshire. He died * 1788. II George Whitefield. The first of the Metho- dists that preached in the open air. He began that prac- tice in Bristol, Sunday March 2^, ^739' He separated from Mr. Wesley, but continued an itinerant Preacher while he lived, and was at the head of the Calvinist Me- thodists. He died in America * 1770. 1756 1763 1765 1742 1743 1743 1743 3745 174s 3747 1751 ^754 ^755 Wm. Allwcod t John Atlay f William Ashman B William Biggs f John Brown* (ft) [ohn Bennett t Thos. Beard* (^) Cornelius Bas- table * {[ Richard Tho- iT.a.s Balemanf Benj. Beanlandf Thomas Briscoe* Benj. Biggs t John Brandon t 1764 1788 «75i 17^9 1751 1744 ^777 /5 1752 1795 1762 1766 1759 1759 1759 1760 1762 1763 1764 1740 1741 1742 1746 1748 1748 17^2 1755 Dan. Bumsteadf 1775 Wm. Brvantf 1763 Rd. Blackwall * 1767 Isaac Brown Wm. Brammah* 1780 Rd. Boardman* 1783 Js. Brownfield f 1770 C John Ccnhick f 1 742 Alex. Coates * 1763 Wm. Crouch -f 1752 Jos. Cownley* 1793 Jonath. Catlow-j- 1764 Ts. Colbeck* (c)i770 \V illiam' Crabb| i 7 64 § Lawrence Cough- ianf. 1765 (fl) A Local Preacher in Newcastle. -(*) He died in consequence of ihc" ill treafment he received from mobs. (c) A Local Preacher in Keighly Circviit, 17.65-] Of tht People called Methodists. 295 ^756 1756 1760 1761 1761 1762 1763 1764 1764 1764 1742 1743 1744 1753 1756 1764 1765 •^747 1762 1762 1765 1748 1748 1750 ^75? 1757 I7S8 1 761 1742 John Catermolef 1771 Wm. Coward t 1759 Thos. Carlill* 1801 IjBenj. Colly* 1767 John. Cock- croft* {d) 1790 Robert Costerdine James Cloughf 1774 James Cottyf 1780 § Mosely Cheekf 1769 Rich. Coates* 1765 D Wm. Darney* 177*9 John Downs* 1774 Edw. Dunstanf 1753 Mark Davis f 1769 James Deaves -f 1768 John Dillon* 1771 Js. Dempster t 1775 E John Edwards f 1754 John Easton John Ellis t 1772 William Ellis f 1773 F Jolin Fisher f 1 762 William Fugill % 1768 Mich. Fen wick"^ 1797 Joim Fen wick * 1 7 S 7 llJohn Fletcher* 1785 John Furze* 1800 William Free- mantle f 1766 G li Charles Cas- per Greaves f 1747 744 Nich. Gilbert* 1763 74Sl|Wm.Grimshaw*i763 746 Paul Green- wood * 1767 748 Philip Gibbs t I 749 751 PhiHpGuier^(e)i778 756 Rob. Gillespyt 1764 7'j6 §Tho. Greavesti766 TS7 Js. Glazebrookf 1774 760 John Gibbs f 1766 761 Joseph Guilford* 1777 762 Parson Greenwood 11 740 Jc^nHalI*r/) 1798 740 § Joseph Hum- phrey sf 1 741 741 § John Haugh- lonf 1760 74^ Ts. Hardwick f 1 749 743 Wm., Holmes * 1747 744 ii John Hodges f r 750 745 JoJi" Haime * 1784 745 i^am. Hitchens* 1747 745 Thos. Hitchens*. 1747 745 Wm. Hitchens* 1758 745 Ebenezer H it- ch er.s * [g) 49 747 Chris. Hopper* 1802 747 Howel Harris f 1750 752 John Hampsonf 178J 752 Wm. Harris f 1769 753 John Haugh- ton, Jun. f 17^6 1754 Richard Hen- derson f (//) 1 77 1 (c-/) A Local Preacher in Rochdale. {e) A Local Preacher in the county of Limerick. He came with liis patents fr.jm ihe Palatinate in Germany, in the year 1707 5 being i>crsecutcd for being a Protebtant. (/) A Local Preacher in Bristol, {§) A Local Preacher in Cornv/all. (A) He was father to the learned John Hcnd.rson. This extra- ordinary man was born in fhc county of Limerick in the year 1757 He 296 A Chronological History [i739' 1754 JohiT Hacking i I754 Thos. Hanby * 1758 John Hosnier f 1760 Thomas Hanso] 1 76 1 JohnHcsIop t 1 76 1 Geo. Hudson * 1764 John Helton f son »743 1743 »745 1746 1747 i7';a ^754 »756 1761 J- James Jones f Heib. Jenkins f Joseph Jones f Samuel Jones f § Jo!m Jones f John Jane^ Thos Johnson * Peter Jaco * John ) oil n son Fr. Isherwood * K 1760 1797 1770 1768 1780 1777 ^749 1753 1760 1751 1767 I': 50 1798 1/7^1 1743 1747 1748 1754 1756 1760 1763 1765 1740 1740 1742 174a 1742 1743 1745 174« 1762 : 1748 1748 1749 L Sam. Larvvoodf Henry Lioyde * Thomas Lee * Richard Lucas* Matli. Lowes ^ §WilIiam Ley f Sam. Levick * Js. Longbottomt M §T.Maxfieldf(;l-)l763 \\ Charles Man- ning f 1754 John Maddern t 1756 Hen. Millard^^ /)i746 §Th.o. Merrick;}: 175.0 1754 1799 1787 1774 1795 1763 77^ 770 1749 Tit. Knight t (z) 1762 1750 1751 J 752 Jas. Kershaw f 1767U751 J 7 50 Thos. Kead * 1762 John Mcritonf § Rich. Mosst James Alorrisf Sam. Meggott* Thos. Mitchell* Jonathan Mas- kew t Jas. Morgan * John Morley t Jas. Massiott* ^747 1752 1764 1784 1759 177,2 1767 1758 He began his studies nt Kingswood School, nnd afterwards entered the University of Oxford, where he died in November rr88. Theie is a reniarUiible account of him in his funeraVscrn:i..)n, preached zwd published by the Rev. Mr. Aguttcr: also in the A^niinian Maga- zine for March 1793. He was kept seventeen days previous to m- terment : Two reasons were assigned io\ this, I. There was no sign of putrefaction except on his left hand. 2. The Collegians wished to dissect his brain. Three days after he was buried his father had his grave opened. His appearance was still the same, but no sign of life He was an only child, and his father never recovered the shock occasioned by his deatli He was brought from Oxford, and buried at Kingswood near Bristol (;) He was a Local Pieacher in the Halifax Circuit. (k^ The hrst Layman that set out as an Itin'.rant Methodist Preacher. (/) The first that died in the work. He died in Bristol of the sraall pox. He was n useful good man* lyGj.'] Of the People called Methodists:] 297 »753 1754 ^757 ^759 ^759 1760 i76i 1764 1765 1741 1757 1761 1746 1753- 1758 1760 1764 1742 '744 1744 1747 1751 1755 ^759 1759 1762 1764 1765 1740 17+8 John Murray f ^ 774 John Murlin * 1799 Alex. Mather* 1800 Nich. Mannersf 1784 John Manners* 1764 Thomas Mayer t 17^7 John Morgan* 1782 John Mason Wiiham Mine- thorpe * N John Nelson* James North*(w) 1799 Tnos. Newallf 1780 O James Oddief Thos. Ohvers* John Oldham* John Oliver J William Orpe f P § Wm. Prior t II Henry Piers f (I Vmceat Perro- net * John Pearcef Kd. Pearce* {n) Ch. Perronett* Ed. Perronett f John Pool * William Pen- 1777 1774 1771 1799 1769 1784 1768 1/53 1749 1785 1752 1798 1776 1760 iboi ! 742 § Jonathan Reeves f 1749 Jacob Rowel * 1757 VVm. Rodd * 1759 Robert Roberts^ I 760 George Roe f 1762 ijjn. Richardson* 1762 Jeremiah Robert- shavv ^ '1762 Tiios. Rankin f 1763 Martin Roddaf 176- James Ray f 1765 Thos. Rourke f S 1 741 Rob.Svvindels* 1 743 . Wm, Shephardf 1744 Jn. Slocombe 1767 1768 1744 1746 1747 1749 1754 Fran. Scott * [o) Wm. Shent f Ts. Sescombe * Chs. Skekun f Samson Stams- forth * (p) 1755 Js. Scholeiield J 1762 George Story 1762 John Shaw * 1765 Tnos. Simpson f 1765 Jas. Stepliens;]; 1742 David Taylor f 1743 Jn. Trem'^ataf 1743 David Trathamf 1744 II bam. Taylor * 1745 Silas Told * {q) 1 746 Joseph Tucker f 1746 Wm. Tucker f 1 749 John Turnerf \Vm. Roberts f 1760I 1750 Thos. Tobias^" Joim Pawson Peter Price f Joseph Pilmoorf 1705 R § Ts. Richards f 1759 {m) A Loc.ll Preacher near Leeds. («■) A Locil Preacher hi Wiltshire. (0) A Local Preacher in Wakeiield. (p3 a Local Preacher in London, (y) A Local Preacher in Londaa, rsnairKably Ubcful to coiid-jna- ncd male factors. 298 1757 William Thonip son * yf Chronological History [^739* 1744 Thomas Wiliest 1748 1799 1763 1 76 1 ^65 T758 Jas. Thwaite t 1758 § George Tiz- zard t I 761 1759 J<)'^'->ph Thompson Thomas Tavior Barnabas I'lio- mas t W Thos. Westall* § Thomas WiL- iiams X {r) Jas. Wheatle)' % Enoch William-s 174© 1741 1742 1742 1761 1794 I7S5 '754 744 1 744 Francis Walkerf 1 7 5 3 1745 Eleaz. Websterf 1751 1745 J'l- VVhitford f 1754 1745 Rd. Wiliiamsonf 175 1 1746 Edmund VViUsf 1750 1747 James Wild t 1760 1750 Thom.as Walsh ^ i-jc^t) 1760 Isaac Waldron * 1782 1763 William Whit- wel! t 1 767 1764. ]n. Whitehead f 1769 1765 Dime. Wright* 1791 1765 Kieh. Walsh t 1773 1705 Samuel Wood- cock t 1776 1765 Wm. Winby * 177* These names added together make 220. The wholo of these acted as public character? among the Methodists tkiring the first twenty-five years of" their Itinerancy. Some for a longer and others for a shorter period, some in a greater and others in a lesser sphere, i. ^\s the Cir- cuits (or Rounds as they were then called) were very ex- tensive, the Preachers were almost constantly travelling; and living in the friends houses. They were greatly be? loved by the people, who were witnesses of their piety, both in public and private. 2. As a body they were not very learned, their unremitting labours did not admit of much improvement, though in this respect some of tlieju however were possessed of considerable learning. In ge- neral, they \%ere men of sound experience, and mighty jn the Scriptures. Their beln;^ so oiten absent from tlieir families, together with their incessant labours, occa- sioned many of them to desist from travelling. (0 He liad been excluded August 2> 1744» >'i Bribrol; but was rc-arimittcd upon his repentance. Afierwaids he was ordaiued in- tiie C hutch.. 1766.] Of tht 'People called Methodists, 299 SECOND RACE OF METHODIST PREACHT-RS, FROM THK YEAR I766TO I79O. 1766 John Allen 1767 Francis Asburv 1776 Rt. Armstrong \ 1788 177^ John Acrutt} 1785 1773 jjjn. Abraham t 1783 1780 Joseph Algar 1781 Charles Atmore 1782 Gutavus ArmNtrong 1783 Joseph Armstrong 17^3 W.Achun^ou t 1786 i7N'6 John Aikins 1787 Francis Armstrong 1789 Jamei5 Anderson 1790 William Aver B 1766 Richard Burke* 1778 1766 Wni. Barker t 1780 1767 II Wm. Buckii-!g- ham t ' I 770 1768 Robert Bell f 1769 1768 Samuel Bardsley 1769 John Bredin 1769 Thos. Barnes f 1770 1770 Joseph Bradford 1 77 1 § VVm. Bavnes * 1777 1 77 1 Charles Boon* 1795 1 77 1 Joseph Benson 1771 John Bristol f 1777 r77(^ George Brown 1776 Wm.' Booth bv * iBot 1777 John Blades f 1779 1 77B Andrew Blair* 1793 177S Jonath. Brown 1778 Robert Blake t 1784. J 779 Georgf.' Button 1779 John Booth 1779 Tiiomas Barber 1780 Robert Bridgef i ;go I 78 I John Barber I 782 Jame?^ Bogie 1783 Samuel Botts 1782 Thos. Bartliolome\r 1783 Charles Bondf 1793 1783 Edw. Burbcck* 1788 1784 Robert Carr Bracken- bury 1784 William Butter- field i79> 1771 [ohn Brett:; 1796 1772 ]w. Broadbent * 1795 1774 Jeremiah Brettal 1774 James Barry * 1783 1774 Samuel Bradburn 1775 J"- Beanland* 1798 1775 Hugh Brown f 1777 1785 Charles Bland 1785 John Baxter I 78 5 James Byron 1785 'Wm. Blagborne 1786 George Baldwin 1786 John Barrett 1786 John Beaumont 1786 Samuel Bates 1786 Ts. Broadbentf ^799 1786 William Bramwell 1786 William Black 1787 David Barrowclough 1787 John Burnett * 1788 1787 John Black * 1790 1789 Wm. Brandon f 1791 1 790 John Braithwaitc 1790 John Boyle t 1802 1790 Josfj)h BurgvNK 300 179^ Tl:omas Brown I 790 William Brazier C A ChronGlogical History [1766. •^ 1772 1797 eti776 1767 Tbos. Cherry 1767 Wm. Col'iiis * 176S Jona'li. Crow 1770 § R. Caddock 1772 John Christian f 1777 1774 TLos. Corbeit ^" 1789 1775 John Crock 177^ §Jo!ni Cocksonf 1780 1776 Richard Cundy 1776 II ThiOmas Coke 1777 Wm. Church f 1779 Jas. Cliristie f 1780 John CrickctL ? 780 Joseph Cole 1780 Jonatiian Cussins 1774 Andrew Delr.pf 1779 1777 ^779 Peter Dean _,. Thomas Davis 1780 George Dicef 1790 1799 1787 TRomas Cooper jAdam Ciarke John Cowme- dovv "^ !ohn Crosby II James Creighton Jonathan Lrowther John C: lark t ^1^^ Kich. Cornifth '^ 1796 Timothy Crovvther - And. LoleiDan * 1786 Wm. Covvcn f J 787 Joseph Cross f 1800 Tlios. Crosf^eyt 178S Robert Crowther . William Cox 1790 Jt>hn Cross t D 1781 1782 i;83 1783 1784 1784 1784 1784 1784 1785 J 786 1787 1787 1789 i7r 1780 Simon Day 1784 (I Rich. DiiJonf 1785 John Dinnen John Dequeteville JohnDarragh \\ Peard Dicken- son * Ricnard Drewf Thomas Dunn* Th.omas Dobson Geo. Donavanf John Denton Owen Da^ ir> Wm. Dicuade + Elakely Dowling 1786 1787 17S5 1787 1787 1788 1788 1788 17S9 1789 1789 1789 90 1802 I 7^2 IS02 1794 ■97 I 790 John Dean 1796 1766 1768 1769 1772 1772 1773 Thcs. Dancer \ Jcini Duncan f Thomas Dixon Robert Dall Robert i.)avisf W^m. Dulton f 1767 1772 1783 1792 1790 1790 1769 1771 1796 1772 1780 1781 1783 1786 I 786 1787 ,78s 1790 V^ m. Denton * John Doncaster ^ E David Evans t 1783 Robert Empring- })c;m ■* 1 792 Thomas Eden t 1772 Wrhiam Eells f 1788 Edward Evans-j- 1782 Thomas Ellis f 179O' Samuel Ed- wards f 1788 James Evans Jonathan Edmonson Joseph Entwistle Thom.as Eliott * Richard Elliott F 1794 1769 Jos. Fothergill t 1770 John Fioydef 1775 Peter Ferguson t 1776 1774 John Francis f 1775 177* 782 ,] Of the People called Methodists 1780 1785 1786 1788 1790 1790 1790 1768 1768 1774 1776 1778 1780 1780 17B2 1784 1785 1785 1786 1786 1786 1786 1786 1786 1787 1788 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1766 1766 1766 1767 Henry Foster * 17S7 William Fish Francis Frazicr* 1789 John Furnace Thomas Fcarnley Wilham Ferguson Wiiliam Frank- lin f 1795 John Goodwin Joseph Gar nett* 177;^ George Gutlirieti778 James Gaffney^ 1779 William Gill t 1779 George Gibbon William Green f 1796 John Glascott f 1783 'Walter Griffeth John Gaultler Robert Gamble* 1 791 David Gordon* i8oo James Gore * 1790 John Grace Jolm Gilles % 1 798 Thomas Gill JVIichael Grif- feth t Samuel Gates Daniel Graham* i 794 Charles Graham Edward Gibbon John Graham Thos. Greavesf 1797 John Grant H 87 Lancelot Harrison Thomas Holi- day t 1 786 Ijjohn Harmer \ 1 772 Joseph Harper Dd 767 767 768 769 769 770 77^ 773 776 776 777 777 7/9 780 781 782 782 782 783 784 784 7S5 786 786 786 'I' 7S7 798 7^7 787 788 788 788 789 50X William Hun- ter * William Har- ry:t 1770 Robert Howard § James Hud- son f 1777 Jonathan Hern*; 1791 William Horner James Hind- marsh f 1783 Richard Hunt f 1774. James Hall % lycjS John Harrison^ 1777 Thos. Hoskins* 1778 § 5'^hn Harap- son, Jun. f 17S5 John Howe f 1789 Robert Hopkins Samuel Hodg- son * 1 795 Philip Hardcastle George Holder Wm. Hoskinsf 1789 William Holmes Thomas Kelher- ington f 1791 § Melville Home f 1787 Wm. Kammettf 179^ William Hunter, Jun, Geo.'-ge Highfield John Harper + 1799 William Heath John Holmes f 1789 George Hender- sorrf 1788 Robert Harrison Thomas Hewit* iSor Andrew Hamilton John Hicklin William Hamilton Andrew Hamil- ton, Jun. 3oi ^789 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1767 1777 1778 1780 1781 1781 I7«3 IV83 1783 1785 1787 1787 8787 1788 1789 1788 John Kenhaw 1788 Thomas Kelk A Chronological History Thomas Kuttoii John Hurley * 1801 James Hurley t 179- Robert Harri- son, Jun. Thomas Harrison William Hains worth [1766. Thomas Janes t 1771 Edward Jackson Daniel Jackson Andrew lnglis| 1793 James Jordan John Ingham * 17 86 Joseph Jerom. \ i 79S Matthias Joyce Robert Johnson §Thoma< Jones t 1790 Andrew Jeffriesti79o William Joug- Ilnf 1788 William John- son f 7794 WiHiam Jessop William Jenkins James Irwin K 1774 Arthur Ker- shaw f 1775 1780 Joshua Keigley^ 1788 :78a John Kerr 1783 John King 1783 Lawrence Kane 1784 Charles Kyte 1785 Alexander Kil- hamt ^79^* 1786 Stephen Kel- shalit 1787 1786 Duncan Kay 1 78 7 Thomas Kerr 72 WiiiiamLiniie;itL773 John Leach (I William Lei- cester * 1777 1774 Robert Lind^ayt 1788 1776 William Lum- ley* 1777 1778 John Liver- more* 1783 1780 Thomas Longley 17H3 Matthew Lum 1786 Theophilus l.essey 1787 Benjamin Leggatt 178^5 George Lowe 1788 James Lyons f 1792 1788 Nebuchadnez- zerLeef 1791 1789 Robert Lomas 1790 James Law ton f 1797 1 7 90 J ames Lyans, Jun. t 1796 1790 Isaac Lilly M 1766 1767 1769 1709 1770 1770 1770 1772 i'77s ^773 ^773 Alex. M 'Nab t John Magor f John M'Neesef Thomas Mott * George Mowat §John M'Aroyf Micliael M'Da^ niel * John M'Bur- ney * William Mar- tin * Joseph Moore f Michael Moore- housc t 1783 1770 1772 »773 1779 1775 1779 1786 1790 1774 ^774 ^774 1776 1777 1777 1778 ^779 1779 1780 1784 1784 1784 1786 1786 1786 1786 1787 1787 1787 1787 1788 1788 1788 1789 1789 1789 1790 1790 1770 1778 ,] Of the People called John Moon* iHoi William Mooref 1785 Peter Mill Duncan M'Allum John xMayley * 1788 Hugh Moore f William Myles William M'Cor nock * Henry Moore Samuel Mit- chell t John Millar * James M 'Donald James M'Cad- dinf 1786 John M'Ker 1790 1789 1799 1796 sey 1800 Abraham Mosely John Mann John M'Gearyf 1793 Samuel Moorhead James Mann John Mrilcomson Miciiael Mar- shall 179. William M'Cornock Alexander Moore James M'Mullin Michael Murphy Robert Miller James M'Quigg Robert M*Cay | 1790 Miles Martihdale Archibald Murdock John M'Vean f 1797 N Stephen Ni- cholls \ John Norris * 177. 1782 1778 1789 1790 1782 17S5 1766 1767 1768 3^3 1783 1769 1770 1771 1771 1772 1772 1773 '77S 1776 1781 1782 1784 [784 1785 .7H7 1787 1788 1789 1790 1766 1767 1782 1772 1785 Methodists, Robert Naylor* John NcUon Booth Newton O John Ogylvle Thomas Owen- Marmadute Pawson ^ (a) 1798 John Peacock Stephen Proc- tor f William Pitt f James Perfect % John Pritchard Nehemiah Pricef 1 790 W'm. P}ovves*(6) 1 797 John Price Thos, Payne * 1783 William Percival John Prlckard * 17S4. Joseph Fe>.cod Christopher Pea- cock ^ Jonathan Parkin 3enj. Pearce "* William Palmer John Phillips t Hugh Kugh * Gtorge Philipsf Richard Philipsj- 1 homas Patterscn John Pipe R Benjamin Rhodes Thomas Ryan f 1791 1786 C9S 1786 1789 1789 1789 («) A Local Preacher near Leeds {b) A Local Preacher near Leeds, Dd2 Ch icnological His to ry 296 n 769 Richard Rodda 1772 j olm Robe rts f 1788 1772 Thomas Ruthedbrd 2772 James Rogers J 7 73 George Ro- bert 1774 1773 Samuel Randalf 1784 17741 J^''P* Robinson* 179B 1774 Henry Robins f 1784 1775 § William Rootsti776 1780 fhomas Read- shawf 1 7 S3 1783 James Renwick 1785 John RamshawJ 1795 1785 James Ridel 1786 John Reynolds 1786 Thomas Roberts 1787 Richard Reece 1788 JohnRyle 1788 Tliomas Rogerson 3789 Thomas Ridgevvay 1790 Thomas Robin- sen * 1793 S. John Standring* 1771 John Smith* 1773 George Shadford Hugh Sanderson;*: 1 777 Richard Seedf 1796 George Snowden Sam.uel Smithf 1782 Edward Slaterf 1776 Hobert Swan William Severnti778 George Shorter* 1779 Edward Sweenyf 1775 Francis Smithf 1775 Joseph Sanderson James Skinner f 1782 IjEdward Smydif 1784 Isaac Shearing* 1778 William Sanders Alexander Suter [i766. 1766 3767 1768 1768 1768 1769 1769 1770 1770 1772 1773 1774 1774 ^775 5777 1777 1777 1779 1790 ^785 1788 William Simpson Thomas Shawf 179^ Robert Scottf Vince Sellorf John Smith Joseph Sutclifie Thomas L-mithf Thomas Seward*! 787 William Stephens John Stamp John San doe John Sanders John Stephens* 1789 John Stevenson Matthew Stewart Robert Smith Robert Smith* 1801 William Sanderson William Stephen- William Shelmerdlne William Sanders John Sanderson* 1802 Robert Smith Jun. 779 780 782 784 785 736 786 786 786 787 787 78S 788 788 78S 788 788 788 son 789 789 789 789 7«9 W^illiam Smith 790 790 790 790 790 George Skeritt George. Sykes John Simpson Samuel Steel Thomas Simeonite 1,770 1771 1774 1774 1,781 i;82 17S5 ■17S6 1786 17S6 Tho3. Tennant* i 793 Thomas Tattonf 1 778 Wm . Tunney f 1781 William Thomf 1797 Joseph Taylor Thomas Tattershall James Thorn U^'illiam Thorsby John Townsend fohn TregoLhaf 1 790 i^d. Thorsebyt 1787 1790^ 1787 1788 178H 1789 1790 1790 1775 1775 1785 1766 1767 176H 1768 1768 1769 1769 1769 1769 1769 I770 1770 1770 1770 I77I ] Of the People called Methodists, 30J Francis Truscott Charles Tuimycliff Henry Taylor f 1 798 JonathanThomp- son* 1790 Samuel Taylor Thomas Trethewey U John Underhillf 1777 V John Valton* 1794 Thomas Vasey Thomas Vernorf 1 79 1 W (a) Thos.Webb* l 796 John Wittam Christoplier Watkins Francis Wolfe t 1782 Thomas Wride Francis Wriglcy Richard Whatcoat Robt.Wi!kin.^on*i78i Samuel Well s-^- 1780 Wm. Wantaker* 1 794 George Wads- worth* 1797 James Watson Richard Wrightf 1777 RobertWilliams*i775 Joha Watson f 1785 772 111 111 774- 776 778 778 779 779 779 780 781 782 784 785 78> 786 787 787 787 788 788 788 7b8 789 789 790 John Watson, Jun. James Wood John Wiltshaw John Whitelyt 1779 Richard Watkin- son* 1793 Nati:anieIWard-t-i78 5 Thomas Warrick George Waane* 1781 John Walkerf 1782 William Warrener William Wc^t James Wray^ 1793 James Walkerf 1784 James Wilsonf 1787 George Whitfield Peter Walkerf 1788 James Wiiliamsf 1787 John W^oodrow John Westf i 790 Thomas Wood Jasper Wins- combe f 1 792 Mark Willes* Thos. Wymentf William Wilson Samuel Wood Thos. Werrill* Thos. White- head f Y ^795 1791 1792 1793 1779 7q Zechariah Yewdall These names added together make 470 ; some of them acted but a very short time in a public cha- racter among the Methodists. But compared with the former period of twenty live years, the increase of Preachers and consequendy of people \\ as very great ; especially when it is coiisidered, that I have not noticed those who were raised up iu the United Slates of America. Wlici-e (a) An ofEcer in the ai-mr, and a very useful Local Prfachcr, ge- neraliy known amoag the NUtho^isCs by vl.e nhaving left a good report behind him. After he left, until the year 1748, it does not appear that any person of note was appointed to the care of that School. The larger School was opened in the year 1748. It was designed for the children of the Methodists, and for the sons of the Itinerant Preachers. In the year 1794 it was wholly set apart for the education of the Preachers children. In the year 1768, Mr. Wesley published an ac- count oi the different branches of learning which were then taught at the School, with the rules which both Masters and Scliolars then attended to. They are as follows : 1. Our Design is, with God's assistance, to tram up children, in every branch of useful Learn- ing. 2. The School contains eight Classes : In the first Class the Children read Instructions for Children, and Lessons for Children ; and begin learning to write. In the second Class they read the Manners of the ancient Christians, go on in writing, learn the short 312 A Chronological History [1768. English Grammar, the short Latin Grammar, read Praelectiones Pueriles, translate them into English, and the instructions-for children into Latin, part of which the^' transcribe and repeat. In the third Chuss they read Dr. Cave's Primiti%'e Christianity; go on in writing; perfect themselves in the En^^lish and Latin Grammar; read Corderii Coloquia Selecta and Historiae Selectae; translate Historise Sfdectae into English, and lessons for chil- dren into Latin, part ot wliich they transcribe and repeat. In t]-ie fourth Class they read the Pilgrim's Pro- gress ; perfect themselves in v^riting ; learn DiK v^orth's ArJthmetick ; read Castellio's Kempis and Cornelius Nepos ; translate Castellio into English, and Manners of the ancient Christians into Latin; transcribe and repeat select portions of moral and sacred poems. In the liith Class they read the life of Mr. Hali- bnrton; perfect themselves in Arithmetick ; read Select Dialogues oi Erasmus, Phajdrus and Sallust ; translate Erasmus into English, and Primitive Chris- tianity into Latin ; transcribe and repeat select por- tions of moral and sacred poems. In the sixth Class they read the life of Mr. De Renty, and Kennett's Roman Antiquities ; they learn Randal's Geography; read Caesar, felect parts of Terence and Velleius Paterculus; trans- late Erasmus into English, and the Life of Mr. Ka. liburton into Latin ; transcribe and repeat felect portions of sacred hymns and poems. In the seventh Class they read Mr. Law's Chris- tian Perfection, and Abp. Potter's Greek Atiqui- ties ; they icavn Bengelii Introductio ad Chrono- logiam, with Marshal's Chronological Tables; read Tally's OfBces and Virgil's Eneid; translate Benge- lius into English, and Mr. Law into Latin ; learn {those Vvh.o have a turn tor it) to make verses, and the short Greek Grammar; read the Epistles of St. I76S.] Of the People called Methodists^ 313 Jolin ; transcribe and repeat select portions of Mil- ton. In the eighth Class they read Mr. Law's Serious Call, and Lewis's Hebrew Antiquities; they learn to make Thernes and to declaim ; learn Vossius's Rhetorick ; read Tully's Tusculan Questions, and Selecta ex Ovidio, Virgilio, Horatio, Juvenale, Persio, Martiale ; perfect themselves in the Greek Grammar; read the Gospels and six books ot Ho- mer's Iliad; translate Tally into English, and Mr. Law into Latin ; learn the short Hebrew Grammar, and read Genesis ; transcribe and repeat Selecta ex Virgilio, Horatio, Juvenale* 3. It is our particular desire, that all who arc educated here, may be brought up in the fear of God : and at the utmost distance as from vice in general, so in particular from idleness and effemina- cy. The children therefore of tender parents, have no business here ; for the rules will not be broken, in favour of any person whatsoever. Nor is any child received unless his parents agree, i. That he shall observe all the Rules of the House, and 2. That they will not take him from School, no, not a day, till they take him for good and all.^ 4. The gisneral Rules of the Houie are these : First, the children rise ^t four, winter and sum- mer, and spend the time till fiva in private: partly in reading, partly in singing, partly in self exami- nation or meditation, (if capable of it) and partly in prayer. They at first use a short form (which is varied continually) and then pray in their own Vv^ords. . Secondly, at fiv'e tliey all meet together. From six they work till breakfast. For as we have no play-days (the school being taught every day in the year but Sunday) so neither do we allow any time for play on any day. He that plays when he is a child, will play when he is a man. , On fair days they work, according to their strength in the garden ; on rainy days ia thehausc Ee 314 j^ Chronological History [1768. Some of them also learn music ; and some ot the larger will be employed in philosophical experi- ments. But particular care is taken that they never work alone, but always in the presence of a master. We have three Masters ; one for teaching read- ing, and two for the languages. Thirdly, the School begins at seven, in which languages are taught till nine, and thcrv writing, &c. till eleven. At eleven the children walk or work. At twelve they dine, and then work or sing until one. They diet nearly thus ; Breaktdst, miik-porriflge and water-gruel, by turns : Supper, bread and butter, or cheese, and milk by turns. — Dinner, Sunday, cold roast beef. — Monday, hash'd meat and apple dumplins. — Tues- day, boiled mutton. — Wednesday, vegetables and dumplins. — Thursday, boiled mutton or beef. — Friday, vegetables and dumplins ; and so in Lent. Saturday, bacon and greens, applc-dumplins. They drink water at meals, nothmg between meals. On Friday, if they chuse it, they fast 'till three in the afternoon. Experience shews, this is so far from impairing health, that it greatly con- duces to it. Fourthly, from one to four languages are taught, and then writing, &c, until five. At five begins the hour of private prayer. From six they walk or work until supper. A little before seven the public service begins. At eight they go to bed, the youngest first. Fifthly, they lodge all in one room, (now in two) in which a lamp burns all night. Every child lies by himself. A master lies at each end of the room. All their beds have matirasses on them, not feather-beds. Sixthly, on Sunday, at six they dress and breakfast ; at seven, learn hymns and poems ; at fiine attend the public service; at twelve dine and sing ; at two attend the public service, and at four are privately instiucted. 1768.] Of the People called Methodists, 315 5. Tlie method observed In the School is this : The First Class. — Morning at 7. read — 10. write until eleven. — Ait. at 1. read. — 4. write until five. The Second Class. — M. 7. read the Manners ut" the ancient Christians. — 8. Learn the English Giam- mar : when that is ended, the Latin Grammar. — 10. Learn to vvrite — A. 1. Learn to construe and parse Pra^Iectiones Pueriles. — 4. Translate into English and Latin alternately. The Third Class M.7. Read Primitive Christia- nity. — 8. Repeat English and Latin GramrRar alter- nately. — 9. Learn Corderius, and when that is ended, Historiae Selectie- — 10. Write. ---A. 1. Learn Corderius and Historiae Selectae. — 4. Translate. The Fourth Class.— M. 7. Read the Pjjgrim's Progress, — 8. Repeat the Grammar. — 9. Learn Casiellio's Kempis, and when that is ended, Corne- lius Nepos. — 10. Write and learn Arithmetick. — A. 1. Learn Kempis and Cornelius Nepos. — 4. Translate. The Fifth Class.— -M. 7. Read Mr. Haliburton's Lite. — 8. Repeat the Grammars. — 9. Learn Eras- mus, afterwards Phaedrus, then Sal lust. — jo. Learn Arithmetick. — A. i. Learn Erasmus, Phiedrus, Sallust. — 4. Translate. The Sixth Class. — M. 7. Read Mr. De Renty's Life. — 8. Repeat the Grammars. — 9. Leain Caesar, afterwards Terence then Velleius Patercuius. — 10. Learn Geography. — A. 1. Learn CiEsar, Te- rence, Paterculus. — 3. Read Roman Antiquities. 4. Translate. Tlie Seventh Class. — ^L 7. Read Mr. Law's Christian Perfection. — 8. M. W. F. Learn the Greek Grammar, and read tlie Greek Testament. Tu. Th. Sat. Learn Tully, alterwards Virgil. — 10. Learn Chronology — A. 1. Learn Latin and Greek alternately, as in the morning. — 3. Read Grecian Antiquities. — 4. Translate and make verses alter- nately. E e 2 3i6 J Chronological History [1768. The Eighth Class — M. 7. Read Mr. Law's Seri- ous Call.— 8. M. Th. Latin.—Tu. Frid. Greek.— "Wed. Sat. Hebrew ; and so at one in the after- noons. — 10. Learn Rlietorick. — A. 3. Read He- brew Antiquities.— 4. Mond. Thurs. translate.-— Tues. Frid. make verses. — Wed. make a theme. — Sat. write a declamation. All the other classes spend Saturday afternoon in Arithmetick, and in transcribing what they learn on Sunday, and repeat on Monday morning. The following method miay be observed, by thos^ who design to go through a course of academical learning. First Year. — Read Lowth's English Grammar, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and French Grammars, Cornelius Nepos, Sallust, Caesar, Tully's Offices, Terence, Phaedrus, ^neid, Dilworth, Randal, Bengel, Vossius, Aldrich and Wallis's Logick, Langbain's Ethics, Hutchinson on the Pasfi(;ns, Spanheim's Introduction on the Ecclesiastical His- tory, PufFendorff's Introduction to the History of Europe, Moral and Sacred Poems, Hebrew Penta- teuch, with the notes, Greek Testament, Matt. — Acts, with the notes, Xenophon's Cyrus, 1\q. mer's Iliad, Bjshop Pearson on the Creed, Ten Volumes of the Christian Library, Telemaque. Second Year. — Look over the Grammars, read Veil. Paterculus, Tusculan Questions, Excerpta, Vida3 Opera, Lusus Westmonasteriensis, Chrono- logical Tables, Euclid's Elements, Well's Tracts, Newton's Prlncipia, Moshem's Introduction to Church History, Usher's Annals, Burnet's Histo- ry of the Reformation, Spencer's Fairy Queen, Historical Books of the Hebrew Bible, Greek Testament ad finem ILv^h Avacao is-,. Homer's Odys- sey, Twelve Volumes of the Christian Library, Ramsay's Cyrus, Racine. Third Year. — Look over the Grammars, Livy, Suetonius, Tully de Finibus, Musas Anglicanje, Dr. Burton's Poemata, Lord Forbes's Tracts, 1768.] OJ the People called Methodists. 317 Abridgment of Hutchinson's Works, Survey of. the Wisdom of God in the Creation, Rollin's An- cient History, Hume's History of England, Neai's History of the Puritans, Milton's Poetical Works, Hebrew Bible, Job — Canticles, Gieek Testament, Plato's Dialogues, Greek Epigrams, Twelve Vo- lumes of the Christian Library, Pascal, Corneille. Fourth Year. — Look over the Giammars, Taci- tus, Grotii Historia Belgica. Tally de Natura Deorum, Pricdium Rusticum, Carmina Ouadrage- simalia, Philosophical Transactions abridged, Watts's Astronomy, Sec. Compendium MetaphysiccC, Watts's Ontology, Lock's Essay, Malebranche, Claren^ don's History, Neai's History of New England, Antonio Solis' History of Mexico, S'lakespear, Rest of the Hebrew Bible, Greek Testament, Ep-ictetus, Marcus Antoninus, Poetas Minores, end the Christian Library, La Faussite dc les Ver- tues Humaines, Ouesnell sur les Evangilcs. Whoever carefully goes through this course, will be a better scholar than nine in ten of tlie graduates at Oxford or Cambridge. This Seminary is the only one which is supported by the whole Methodist connection. An annual collection is made in every chapel throughout the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland- This has been not only sufficient for its support,, but also to allow a small sum annually to assist in. the education of the Preachers daughtens. The following is Mr. Wesley's address to the Methodist congregations in order to excite them to support the school. It was drawn up in the year 1756. g. '• What can be done to make the Metho- dists sensible of the excellency of Kingswood- School ? A. Let every Assistant read the follow- ing account of it yearly in every congregation. 1. The wisdom and love of God have now- thrust out a large number of labourers Into his har* vest : Men who desire nothing on earth but to pro- mote the glory of God,, by saving their own soul &• E e 3 3i8 A Chronological History [1768. and those that hear them. And those to whom they minister spiritual things, are willing to minister to them of their carnal things : so that they have food to eat, and raiment to put on, and are content therewith. 2. A competent provision is likewise made for the wives of married Preachers. These also lack nothing; having a weekly allowance over and above for their lutle children: So that neither they nor their husbands need to be careful about niriiiy things, but may wait upon the Lord without distraction. 3. Yet one considerable difficulty lies on those that have boys, when they grow too big to be under their mother's direction. Having no father to go- vern and instruct them, they are exposed to a thou- sand temptations. To remedy this, we have a school on purpose for tliem, wherein they have all the instruction they are capable of, together with all things necessary for the body. 4. In whatever view we look upon this, it is one of the noblest charities that can be conceived. How reasonable is the Institution? Is it hi that the children of those who leave wife, and ali that is dear, to save souls from death, should want what is needful either for soul or body ? Ought not we to supply what the parent cannot, because of his la- bours in the Gospel ? How excellent are the effects of this Institution ? The Preacher, eased of this weight, . can the more rhearfuliy ro on in his labour. And perhaps many of these children may hereafter fill up the place of those that shall rest from their labours. ^. But the expence of vsuch an undertaking is very large, so that we are ill able to defray j't. Ti e best means we could think of at our Confe- rence to supply the deficiency is, once a year to desire the assistance of all those in every place, who wish well to the work of God; who long te- ste sinners converted to God, and the kingdom of Christ set up in ail the earth. 1770.] Of the PtopU called Mithodisls. 319 6. All of you, who are thus minded, have an opportunity now of shewing your love to the Gos- pel. Now promote, as far as in you lies, one of the noblest charities in the \vorld. Now forward, as you are able, one of the most excellent designs that ever was set on foot in this kingdom. Do what you can to comfort the parents, ^\^ho give up their all for you, and to give their children cause to bless you. You will be no poorer for what you do on such an occasion. God is a good pay-mas- ter. And you know, in doing this, you lend unto the Lord : In due time He shall pay you again." It may not be unacceptable to insert here the names ct the Masters which have at different times presided over this Seminary, especially as some of tiiem, and of those educated there, were afterwards conspicuous for learning, piety and usefulness. The masters were appointed by Mr. Wesley during his life, and since his death by the Conference. Those marked thus * obtained ordination in the established Cliurch. FOR THE CLASSICS, From the year 1748, to the year 1760 *'a) Walter Sellon, *{//) John Jones, * James Roquet, John Parkinson, *Thomas Greaves, . - - from 1^60 to 1768 Peter Price, ^7^5 to 1768 Joseph Benson, . - - - 1766 to 1771 *IsaacTwicross, - - - - ^TJ^ *^o 1772 (a) This gentleman wrote several pieces in favour of rhc Mef-ho- dist Doctrine. His Answer to Eliihu Colny on God'* Sovereignty, his Arguments in tavour of General Ketlcmption, rogether with his Answer to Mr. Hervey's Eleven Letters, and the Church of EngUnd vindicated from the charge of holding the doctrine of abso- lute Predestination, prove him to have iteen an able Minister of the Kew Testament (h) He wrote the Latin Grammar which is taught at Kingswcod School. .3?o A Chr etiological History [i8oo. John Wootton, - - - - from 1771 101773 Thomas Simpson, A. M. - 1771 to 1783 Thomas M'Geary, A. M. 1783 to 1794 William Farrant, . - - - 1789 to 1791 John Clarke, A. M. - - ■ 1794 to 1795 William Moore Johnson, - 1794 to 1796 Andrew Mayer, - - - - 17 93 to 1801 Mr. Joseph Bradiorri acted as-\ Governor, with honom" to ( to 1 802 himself, and advantage to i ' ^"^ the school, -^ Mr. John Pritchard, Governor, 1802 William Horner, Classical Master, 1802 Thomas Fletcher, ditto, ditto 1 802 FOR ENGLISH, WRITING, AND ARITHMETICK. John Maddern -\ John Southcote, / j^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^g * Richard Moss, V ^^ ^1^^ j. ^^^^ * William Barnes, j ^ ^ William Spenser, J William Shanks, - - - from 1760 to 1765 James Hmdmarsli, ^ - - 1765^01773 Barnabas Albert, - - - - 1771^01773 * Cornelius Bayley, - - - 1773 t<> ^7^ FOR THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. Vincent De Boudiy - - - 17S0 to 1787 Robert De Joncourt, - - 17^7 '« ^7^ ENGLISH, &C. * Thomas Jones, - - - — 17^3 ^o 1.786 Richard Dodd, - - - - 17'^6 to 179Q William Winsbeare, - - 1786 to 1787 Samuel Green, - - - - i7«7 ^o 1788 William Carr, - - - - 17^9 to 1790 Willinm Collins, . - - - 179° ^o 179,5^ V/illiam Nind, - - - - ^793 ^o 1794. Tames Windsor, - - - - 1795101798 James M'Burney, - - - 179« t^ i^o^' William Horner, = - - 1800 to i8o^ William Stevens,. - - - ' 1802 2 8o2.] Of the People calkd Methodists. ;>?. i N "^l- >/- ri rn L<- 1 i-O ^ ^ j ,. ! ^ ■ ^ li-m - ^ ^ ■-^1 "^ ft r< - l-l - "\"\ 1 w • • : • . , ■ to r^ " ^ • U3 • bO . .. y ' • • .IZ ~ - ::: J ■ . • . . .- Q-H, , :^ r: -3 o p • . . ^ o ^ ^ SWOOD SCHO LS. d do • • 6 ..? 11^ c n < .E >- .5 ^ .= ^ .5 ^ s; ii ii c^ ^E . to 2 2 C<. « r) '^:; 1 O Q :: "^c^ i> «•; . .,j (?^ H ^ a. 5? • 1 1 1 1 > 1 ' ' 1 , M ^ fromoo 2 00 Cn ^ 1 00 1 c. X ON O loo o 00 O oo cv 00 ^ ^ ^ 1 tfj '"*"^ ^ ; ; ; u • • • • • ^ ' • _o ^ S w H 5 i1 4J : ; • . • ^ • E y -0 . tt ' • ■ • — • • ,ti M . 5 ? .S.5 ' . ; '. M tJ J. (J ii a s m " t.?-^ : i^ 2 i5 . ill t^^ a i.y P5 ^ 2 rt = H6.H ■J g 5 e' ^ £ if' 55 < s^ls^ 3'-^ 3'S ^ to ■- t^ i ^ r ■ h h r^ r-~ U c4 ^ fiom^ vo 1 - i "^ . o o h h 2» : \ t" s . . ;_ 5 1 E E r: P ^_^ <; S 6 o 6 E i k4 S 1 ■ p h E 5 S ■■i !^ ^ f o o :; "to 2 '^ li To C UJ C li Li: — jj J Classes. ^ ■vj ro i - ?. 12 -c 1-= If •Ava 'AV [>1J P^"^ 'AVaS"H ^ 1 AVGSaXGHAX 3^2 A Chronological History [1802. ! 1 AFTERNOON BUSINESS. w • fo - = .| w r^ '"^ from ^ 00 >H 00 « 00 FORENOON BUSINESS. Reading and Examination e e 6 .5 G < c «c tfi u i cj E.. >, in g 6 i PQ .2 • 2, i 9« 3 <« CO 1 J3 C 3* c *^ ^ w >~. 1 H -o 1 s C/i v> X > e' 5J c 'c G ri CJ v !fi ^ ^ 3 u, n u 3 c ^ •' UJ ^0 pu t; U cjC "^ tn •^ t: ■rt U <^ u .'- f- ^1 tJ "ZZ t- c i? H ^ c c _o c 1 V c -0 1. V) (.J 3 Of the People called Methodists, 323 CHAPTER THE THIRTEENTH. A List of the Preaching Houses in the Methodist Connection in the United Kingdom of Great Bri^ tain and Ireland^ taken in the year 1802. J\T the Conference in the year 1775, it was for the first time proposed, that no Preaching-houses should be built, unless two thirds of the money- were subscribed, and it agreed to by the Confe- rence. This was done in order to put a check, to building, as some houses had been erected impru- dently. It was therefore mentioned in the yearly minutes, the houses that were to be built and the places where they stood, until the year 1790 ; when Mr. Wesley referred all matters relative to building to a Committee appointed for that purpose. But, as there were many Preaching-houses built before that period, and many since; and some built during that period, which were never published in the minutes, it would be impossible to form a correct list from the yearly minutes. I have therefore in forming this list of the Preaching-houses, (the first which was ever taken, and now published a second time with great addi- tions) inserted the counties alphabetically, and have put down in each county, or shire, the Preaching- houses which are therem, with the year in which they were built, so far as I could learn it from the minutes, and other sources of information. By this means, a probable idea may be formed of the counties where Methodism has flourished most. I have put down no houses but those wliich are wholly appropriated to the worship of God ; many of them are but small, but others are large and very commodious. 324 A Chronologi~ 1 Bedford skire. Bedford, 1763 Bceson-cross, 1780 Biggies worth, 179^5 Duiisiable, 1789 Eaton Bray, 1795 Luton, 1778 Market Street, 1799 Tcmsiord, 1784 2 Berkshire, Bedwin, 1790 Chilton, 1791 Newbury, 1772 3 BuckinghamJJiire. Buckingham, 1789 High Wycombe, 1766 Siuckiey, 1800 Chesham, 1768 4 Cambridgeshire, Long Sutton, 1780 Wisbcach, 1781 ^ Chf shire. Akringham, 1786 Bui lock Smithy, 1785 Cliester, 1756 Congleton, 1765 Lrodsham, 1792 Knutstord, 1794 Kettleshulmc, 1796 Lima, 1781 Mottram, 1792 Macclesfield, 1764 Northwitch, 1775 -Norley, 178 1 'cat History Nantwitch, 1786 Neston, 1790 Stockport, 1766 Wimslow, 1798 6 Cornzvall. Alternon, 1795 Bollcngey, 178 1 Bodmin, 1778 Boscastic, iBoi Breage, 1789 Blissland, 1790 Burrien, 1789 Bassole, 1794 Betlishcba, 1790 Cuthbeit, 1786 Copperhoufe, 1780 Crowan, 1788 Charlestown, 1798 Camel ford, 178^ Cubert, 1791 Carnkie, 1797 Cannegy, 1794 Deverall, 1793 Flushing, 1797 Falmouth, 1778 Fowey, 1800 Gerrens, 1800 Gwennap, 1770 Goldfitheny, 1778 Germore, 1 798 Gurthian, 1792 Hale, 1784 Helstone, 1794 Indian Oueen, I789 Keneggy-downs, 1792 Key or Trethowell, 1794 Kfhelland, 1793 Kearley, 1770 Leskeard, 1776 Of the People called Methodists St. St. St. V-5 Looe, 1790 Lclant, [766 Leiant Cuuniry, 1792 Laddock, 1788 Losiwithell, lyc^o Little Collen, 1791 Launceston, 1764 Ludgeven, 1799 Mouse-hole, 1775 Mevagissey, 1770 Mill-Brook, 1789 Maraziorj, 1780 Maddron, 179^ Mullion, 1791 Mylor, 1792 Mawnan, 1796 Mount Hawke, 179^ Newlin, 1791 North Country, 1792 Penzance, 1778 Penryn, 1788 Perranwelj, 1781 Probus, 1786 Pendponds, 1779 Polperro, 1790 Padstow, 1792 Port-Ifaac, 1770 Port-Killos, 1780 Port-Livin, 1788 Perran, 1790 Redruth, 1760 Sticker, 1784 StJthians, 1786 Saint Rocii, 1790 St. Juft, 1743 St. Ives, 17. j3 St. Agnefs, 1780 St, Michaels Mount, 1790 St. Leven, 1789 St. Greet, 1794 St. St. St. St. St. Ausile, 1786 Stephens, 1780 Hilary, 1766 Columbe, 1798 Constantine, 1794 Keveran, 1793 Earth, 1796 Just, 1784 Sanders Lane, 1794, Truro, 1768 Tregear, 1789 Tregoney, 1790 Tuckingnnli, 1780 Tresillion, 1792 Tor-point, 1794 Trewellard, 1789 Trewednock, 1794 Troone, 1796 Trevane, 1794 Trissilion Bridge, 1794 Tregomena, lyi^^ Thughanway, 1794 Very an, 1791 Wall, 1789 Wheal rose, 1780 Zunnor, 1794 100 in Cornwall. 7 Cumberland, Alstone, 1766 Carlisle, 1777 Cockermouth, 1780 Gainblesby, 1778 Ninth-head, I788 White-haven, 1759 8 Derbyshire* Ashbourne, 1771 Buxton, 1791 Bilpar, 1782 Ft" 326 A Chronologic-al History Brad well, 1768 Breeden, 1790 Chesterfield, 1795 Chapel-le-frirb, 1780 Creitch, 1765 Derby, 1765 Duffield, 1777 Draycott, 1790 Elm, 1781 Grindletord Bridge, 1776 Hayfield, T786 Horseley, 1790 Ilkington, 1790 Mashani, 1796 Melbourn, 1789 Normanton, 1790 New-mill, 1770 Spoondon, 1797 Sewley, 1800 Tidswell, 1793 Ticknall, 1791 Tichall, 1796 Hatharfage, 1791 Woodbouse, 1797 9 Devonshire, Axminster, 1787 Bacldast Leigh, 1801 Buckingham, 1795 Barnstable, 1796 Collumpton, 1772 Exeter, 1779 Halburton, 1780 Kingsands, 179-0 Kinosion, 179O Milbrook, 1792 Plymouth, 1779 Plymouth Dock, 1784 Sidmouth, 1772 St. Mary Church,, 1800 Tavistock, 1775 Tiverton, 1767 10 Dorsetshire, Blanford, 1790 Fontmill, 1797 Gillingham, 1794 Lyme, 1791 Mel com be, 1778 Pool, 1780 Portland- Island, 1786 Shaftsbury, 1756 Weymouth, 1797 11 Durham Barnard Castle. I766 Bishop Auckland, 1792 Bolden, 1793 Burnop-field, 1701 Cotherstone, 1796 Chester-le-streer, 1787 Chartershaiigh, 1784 Colliery Dykes, 1792 Duiliam, 1770 Darlington, 1771 Gateshead-Fell, 1754 Greenside, 1786 Hartle-pool, 1787 Hilton- ferry, 1776 Lumley, 1784 Monk wear-mouth, J 766 Mount, 1777 Norton, 1781 Penshaw, 1778 Stockton, 17.69 Sunderland, 1759 South-Sheiids, 1770 Stanhope, 1784 Of the People call Teesdale, 1782 Weardale, 1763 Wolslngham, 17S6 Winlatoii, 1794 Whickham, 1792 12 Essex, Barking, 1788 Bradfield, 1788 Colchester, 1759 Grays, 1789 Harwich, 1788 Lay ton, 1790 Manning tree, 1791 Stratford, 1790 Taitingston, 1792 13 Gloccstershire In Bristol, 3Chapel%viz. 1 King Street, 1795 2 Guinea Street, 1779 3 Portland Street, 1792 Baptist Mills, [a] 1800 Beazley, 1784 Bath-Easton, 179I Cirencester, 1790 Dursiey, 1799 Glocester, 17S6 Kingswood, 1746 Liitieworth, 1790 Okeridge, 1788 Stroud, 1763 Tewksbury, 1768 Thornbury, 17 P9 Winchcombe, 1789 Wickwar, 1788 Winterbourne, 1780 Warmley, 1800 * It was near this Chapel that cpen air. 'ed Methodists. 327 14 Hampshire. Baugliurst, 179,5 Portsmouth, 1760 Portsea, 1780 Southhampton, 1798 Timsbury, 1774 Winchester, 178^5 vVhite-churcb, 1759 15 Hereford shire. Kington, 1802 Weston, near Penyard, 180a i'6 Hertfordskire, Barnett, 1774 Brickhiil, 1780 Baldock, 1792 Hinksworth, 1784 Stevenage, 1794 Hertford, 1768 17 Huntingdonshire, ' Huntingdon, 1777 St. lyes, 1784 St. Neot's, 1790 18 Kent, Bromley, 179O Brumpton, 1788 Canterbury, 1764 Chatham, 1770 Dover, 1776 Deptford, 1802 Dartford, 1790 Greenwich, 1796 Knock-holt, 1801 Otford, 1800 F f 2 Mr, Wesley first preached in the 328 j1 Chronolog Maidstone, 1788 Margate, 1785 St. Peter, 17S8 Sittingbourne, 1790 South-Borough, 1798 Sandwich, 1794 Seven Oaks, 1774 Sheernefs, 1781 l^inb ridge, 1780 Woolwich, 1796 Tlie Wild oF seven Oaks 1800 Tenterdenn, 1796 19 Laricaskirc^ Bakup, 1760 Bury, 1771. Bolton-la-moors, 1750 BLirnley, 1787 Blackburn, 1786 Barton, 1796 Bolton-Hall, 1794 Clitthero, 1795 Coin, 1776 Chorley, 1792 Davy-hulme, 1778 Darwen, 1794 Fails worth, 1789 Haslengdon, 1798 Lancaster, 1790 Lan^erhead-green, 1790 Leigh, 1790 Leaven shul me, 1796 Liverpool, 3 chapels 1 Pitt Street, 1766 2 Mount Pleasant, 1790 3 Leeds Street, 1800 teal History Manchester,3chapels,viz 1 Oldham Street, 1770 2 Salford, 17S7 3 Deans -gate, 1800 Mill-end, 1761 Middieton, '178^^ Oldham, 1775 Preston, 1787 Prescott, 1791 Todmerden, 1784 Rochdale, 1770 Paddiham, 1778 Warrington, 1778 Wigan, 1775 20 Leicestershire* - Ashby-de-la-Zoucb, Ansty, 1795 Barrow, 1791 Barwell, 1796 Castle. donnington, 177^ Diseworth, 1795 Desborough, 1800 Griffy^dam, 1776 Hinckly, 1780 Heather, 1792 Hathorn, 1791 Kegworth, 1794 Leicester, 1775 Loughborough, 1775 Long-claxton, 1793 Long-Whatton, 1797 Medbourne, 1802 Markfield, 1770 Mount- sorrel, 1780 Meecham, 1794 Of the People called Methodists, 22 Middle sex X 329 MeUon-Mowbray 1796 Sheepshcad, 1790 Swanington, 1795 Sileby, 1797 Syston, 1796 Wimeswould, 1798 WoodhoLise, 1793 Thurlston, 1794 Sutton, 1796 21 Lincolnshire, Bin brook, 1796 Conningsby, 1779 Crovvland, i8oi Kp worth, 1758 Ferry, 1790 Grimsby, 1768 Gainsborough, 1785 Gunnerby, 1790 Grantham, 1791 Barrow, 1780 Boston, 1792 Ilorncastle, 1769 Lincoln, 1793 Lowth, 1759 Langham-row, 1780 Mislerton, 1789 Markett-rasin, 1800 Middle-rasin, i8oo Newton, 1790 Nainby, 1799 Owston, 1790 Kirktovvn, 1798 Route, 1794 Scotter, 17^/9 1.776 17 3 1 Tcjiby, Spald .^ SitiinLor .800 Bow, 1770 Brentford, 1774 Chelsea, 1800 Kentish-Town, 1790 London chapels, 9, viz. 1 New Chapel, 1777 2 Great Queen Street, 1798 3 Spitalfields, 1750 4 Snowsfields, 1743 5 Lambeth- Marsh, 1790 6 Wapping, 1764 7 Chandler-Street, t8oi 8 Saffron Hill, 1792 9 Hoxton, 1794 Poplar, 1792 Tottenham, 1799 Twickenham, 1800 23 Monmouth, Chepstow, 1802 1791 1797 24 Norfolk, Briston, 1790 Diss, 1779 Fakenham, 1781 Heddenham, 1799 Lynn, 1775 Loddon, 1772 Norwich, 1770 North-Walsham, 1790 Southrepps, 1798 Thetiord, 1794 Thurlton, 1799 Walsingham, 1782 Pf3 Ecirlswood, Monmouth 330 Wells, X7S1 Yarmouth, 1792 Snetiisham, 1801 25 Northamptonshire. Brackley, 1790 Brainstone, 1786 Desboroiigh, 178^ Daventiy. 1 801 Higham Ferrars, 1783 Irchester, 1792 Kettering, 1798 Northampton,' 1775 Ranee, 1796 Raunds, 1789 "Whittlebury, 1 763 WiUingborpugh, 1794 Towce^ier, 1.776 26 Northumherland. Alnwick, 1786 Allendale, 1778 Byker, 1790 ^ Hartley, 1779 Hexham, 1790 Kinley, 1752 Newcastle upon Tyne, 1742 North Shields, 1759 St. Anthon's, 1789 Prudho, 1770 Piacey, 1771 27 Nottinghamshire. BluUvorth, 1789 Bullwel!, 1788 Bmgiiam, 1792 Britlgtord, 1794 A Chronological History Carlton, 1787 Calverton, 1790 Crop well, 1789 East-Leake, 1794 Epperton, 179^ Farnsfield, 1796 Goatham, 1790 Great-Leek, 1789 Ilkinson, 1794 Kirby, 1790 Long Eaton, 1796 Lenton, 1798 Mansfield, 1790 Nottingham, 1798 Masterton, ly^y Mattersey, 1798 Newark, 1780 Normanton, 1782 Oxton, 1790 Plungor, 1798 Ruddington, 1798 Radchff, J796 Retford, 1799 Stableford, 1798 Sutton Ashfield, 1796 Sutton Bunnington, '798 Topping, 1796 Walkeringharn, 1799 Wheatley, 1794 28 Oxfordshire, Banbury, J 784 Chipping-Norton, 1797 Deddington, 1790 Islip, 1788 Maison, 1789 Northleigh, 1792 O.xtord, 1770 Of the People called Methodists, Watlington, 1790 Witney, 1770 29 Rutlandshire. 30 Shropshire. Broseley, 1795 Coalbrook-Dale, 1792 Coa]pit-Bank, 179,5 33* Cleobry, 1790 Cllee-hill, 1794 Forest» 1795 Ludlow, 1798 Madeiey, 1780 MadeJey-wood, 1779 Mitcham, 1792 Shrewsbury, 1779 Wellington, 1794 Vv^hite Church, 1793 31 Somersetshire. Axbridge, 1784 Buckland, 1776 Bath, 1777 Banwell, 1793 Glutton, 1782 Coleiord, 1790 Corsley, 1786 Castle-Cary, 1790 Cheddar, 1800 Ditcheat, 1790 Frome, 1779 Presht'ord, 1782 Glastonberry, 1797 Keynsham, 1775 Kilmersdon, 1786 Lympshim, 1780 Midsummer Norton, Nailsea, 1793 Henton, 1790 Oak-hill, 1786 Pensford, 1765 Paulton, 1765 Radstoek, 1790 Midsummer-Norton, 1799. 1762 Nunney, 1786 ^794 Shepton Mallet, Sutton, 1782 Taunton, 1776 Pilton, 1794 Mark, 1796 Sanford, 1794 Wrington, 1782 Wrixham, 1790 West-Pannard, 1789 Wellington, 1785 Wedmore, 1800 Wells, 1792 32 Staffordshire. A Ire was, 1802 Burslem, 1768 Burton -upon Trent 1766 Bloxwich, 1780 Bilstone, J784 Biddle-moor, 1786 Chesterton, 1790 Darlaston, 1790 Flash, 1788 Hanley-green, 1783 Hollinsclough, 1799 Lane-end, 1781 Leek, 1785 Longnor, 1780 Newcastle-under Oldbury, 1800 me 332 Stoke, 1790 Rolleston, 1802 Stafford, 178^ Paper-mill, 1798 Tipton-green, 1750 Tunstead, 1788 Tarn worth, 1794 Wolverhampton, 1766 Wednesbury, 1760 Walsal, 1801 West-Biomwich, 1794 33 Sujfolk. Bury St. Edmonds, 1766 Bungay, 1802 Lowestoft, 1767 North Cove, 1786 Southwold, 1798 Lakenheath, ij^y Dorking, 1772 Godalmin, 1790 Mitcham, 1789 PeclLham, 1785 Rotherh.the, 177 1 Wandsworth, 1792 35 Sussex, Rye, 1770 Peas. marsh, r Winchelsea, 1789 36 Warwickshire. Birmingham 3 chapels, viz. 1 Cherry Street, 1764 % Coleshill Street 1792 3 Derete.nd Street 1796 ji Chronological History Coventry, 1790 Harbury, 1790 Tysoe, 1796 Q7 Westmorelatid, Appleby, ^772 Kendall, 1784 Kirkbythuer, 1790 38 Wiltshire, Anborn, 1785 Bedwin, 1787 Bradford, 1767 Broomham, 1790 Melksbam, 1784 Salisbtu-y, 17^9 SheJborne, 179Q Sccnd, 1791 Tmhcad, 1792 Trowbridge, 1786 Road, 1788 Wilton, 1780 39 Worcestershire^ Bewdley, 1785 Benworth, 1794 Dudley, 1764 Kidderminster, 1791 Sto'-irport, 1787 Worcester, 1772 40 Yorkshire^ Acomb, 1790 Armley, 1770 Appleton Roe Buck, 1798 Askhain Bryan, 1802 Of the People called Methodists, 333 Ac k worth, 1787 Acklem, 1780 Birstall, 1747 Bramley, 1785 Bramley, 1802 Barnsley, 1780 Beverley, 1781 Bradford, 1756 Bradford West, 1794 Bridlington Quay, 1795 Bridlington, 1770 Bradshaw, 1774 Bingley, 1770 Bell-busk, 1790 Bub-bith, 1794 Brumpton, 1794 Arkingath-dale, 1790 Addington, 1791 Chapel Town, 1791 Cudworth, 1798 Copmanthorpe, 1796 Clifford, 1796 Cawood, 1790 Cockpit houses, 1802 Crake, 1787 Dronfield, 1790 Dewsbury, I789 Delph, 1780 Driffield, 1787 Doncaster, 1770 Denholme, 1798 Denbeigh-dyke side 1799 Eccleshall, 1770 Easingwood, 1785 Esgarth, 1779 Farnley, 1798 Flamborough, I796 Ferrybridge, 1800 Frodingham, 1794 Great-land, 1779 Grcat-Horton, 1791 Hunslct, 1779 Holbeck, 1785 Horbury, 1766 Horseforth, 1798 Halifax, 1754 Hull, 1764 Hutton-Rudby, 1759 Hovvden, 1780 Hallem, 1790 Huddersfield, 1 798 Heptonstall, J766 Harrowgate, 1798 Haworth, 1770 Haxby, 1782 Holme, 1794 Haram, 1795 Hemsley-blackmoor, 1796. Hemswoith, 1794 Hornsey, 1792 Hornby, 1791 Keswick, 1796 Kippax, 1791^ Keighley, 1766 Kirkby-raoorside, 1794 Killinghall, 1794 Knaton, 1790 Kilham, 179^ In Leeds 2 chapels 1 St. Peters Street, 2 Albion Street, 1802 Long-Preston, 1784 Loft -house, 1790 Long-Scales, 1796 Maiton, 1774 Middlehaai, ly'&x Mirfield, 1779 VIZ. 757 354 A Chronological History Market Wiaghton, 1785 Morley, 1769 i^ialham, 1790 Knottingley, 1797 Nafferton, 1794 North-Allerton, 1789 Otley, 1770 Ossect, 1778 Osmotherly, 1760 Pontefract, 1787 Pudsey, 1774 Pickering, 1784 Patelcy-Bridge, 1787 Pockiington, 1771 Rothweil, 1766 Rotlierham, 1761 Robinhood's-bay, 1779 Rippon, 1774 Pannell, 3778 Seacroft, 1750 Skipton-in-Craven, 1791 Sherriff-Hutton, 1794 Scarborough, 1766 Settle, 1794 Snaith, 1772 Sourby, 1786 Stainland, 1758 Staincrofs, 1799 Selby, 178^ Stokesley, 1766 Shipley, 1799 Swainton, 1802 In Swaledaie 3 chapels ■ 1 Gunnerside, 1780 2 Lowravv, 1781 3 Reeth, 1782 In Sheffield 2 chapels. 1 Norfolk Sireet 1745 2 Garden Street, 1786 Thorner, I766 Tingley, 1780 Thirsk, 1^66 Tadcaster, 1774 I'ockwith, 1790 Toullerton, 1795 Tanfield, 1799 Thuristoil, 1798 Thorne, 1772 Ulleskell, 1780 Knaseborough^ ^79^ Wistowe, 1790 West-gate-hill, 1791 White! ey -wood, 1788 Woodhouse, 1787 Wortley, 1798 Weeton, 1795 Wakefield, 1774 Whitby, 1764 Wetherby, 1709 Witchfieid, 1794 Yeadon, 1770 Yarm, 1768 York, 1757 140 in Yorkshire. IN WALES. I Angle sea, 2 Brecknockshire, Hay, 1790 Brecon, 1771 3 Ca r 771 ar then shire* Carmarthen, 1776 Thornilly, 1796 4 Carnarvonshire^ 5 Cardiganshire. VJ the PeopU called Methodius. 2,2,5 6 Denbighshire, Denbeigh, 1801 Ruthin, i8o2 Wrexham, 1795 7 Flintshire. Fiint, 1802 Northorp, 1802 Hoiking, 1802 8 Glamorganshire, Bridgend, 1780 Cardiff, 1743 Cowbridge, 17 80 Merthyr-Tydville, 1790 Llanathy, 1790 Neath, 1787 Swansea, 1771 9 Montgomeryshire. Berview, 17^4 Llaneodloes, 1802 Llanver, 1802 Welch-poo), 1788 10 Merionethshire. 11 Pembrokeshire. Haverfordwest, 1770 Marless, 1790 Spittle, 1797 Pembroke, 1770 Roche, 1784 12 Radnorshire, Berzuick-upon-Tzveed . Berwick, 1774 IN SCOTLAND. 1 Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen, 1764 Inverriry, 1787 Old Meldrnm, 179O 2 Angusshire, Montrose 1790 3 Ayrshire, Ayr, 1792 4 Banffshire, Banff, 1792 Keith, 1796 5 Dumjrieshire, Dumfries, 1778 6 Edinburghshire, Dalkeith, 1784 Edinburgh, 1763 Leith, 1772 7 Elginshire. Elgin, 1786 8 Forfarshire, Arbroath, 1770 Brechin, ij'6:^ Dundee, 1769 9 Haddingtonshire, Dunbar, 1788 10 Invernes shire, Inverness, 1770 11 Lanarkshire, Glasgow, 1770 12 Roxburghshire, Melrose, 1790 Kelso, 1769 /// th: Isle of Man. Balla-ba.iu, 1/76 Balla-i^asoii, i777 336 A Chronological History Balla-Kaneen, 1778 Balla-Moor, 1790 Ballaugh, 1779 Bear-Garrow, 1780 Castle-Town, ijj'/ Douglas, 1782 Daw by, 1783 Greeby, 1784 Howe, 1785 Jurby, 1786 Kirk-Lonnan, 1788 Kirk-Concan, 1789 Kirk-Braddin, 1789 Xiik-Miclia!, 1790 Peeltown, 1784 Ramsey, 1779 Salby, 1785 In the Norman Isles. In Jersey i Su Hilier's, 1788 In Guernsey, St. Peter's port, 1789 In Alderney, Aldeiney, 1789 In the Isle of Wight, Godshill, 1790 Newport, 1780 Vv^ootenbridge, 1791 In the Isles of Scilly, St. Mary's, 1794 IN IRELAND. 1 Antriin County, Belfast, 1787 Ballymena, 1781 Ballycastle, 1790 Biackwatertown, 1792 Keady. 1796 Lisburne, 1774 Portaferry, 17^0 Portaclown, 1794 2 Armagh County, Armagh, 1790 Bluestone, 1792 Charleraount, 1772 Clanmaine, 1790 Derryanville, 1784 Lujgan, 1779 Mullyhead, 1792 Scotch Street, 1794 Tanderagee, 1774 3 Cavan County, Ballyhays, 1780 Bally-Connell, 1783 Belturbett, J782 Cavan, J 790 Coothill, 1788 4 Clare Coutity, KiUaloe, 1790 5 Cork County, Bandon, 1758 In Cork city, 3 chapels 1 Hammonds Marsh, 1752 2 Black-Pool, 1790 3 FrenchChnrch, 1794 Dunmanaway, 1790 Innishannon, 1792 Kinsale. 1789 Mallow, 1789 Newmill, 1791 Tallow, 1790 YoLighall, 1794 OJ the People ca 6 Carlow County. Carlovv, 1780 Hacketstown, 1802 Colliery, 1791 7 Donegal County. Bally-Shannon, 1787 Rath-Melton, 1798 Ballintra, 1790 8 Down County. Down Patrick. 1778 Newry, 1785 Warrens-point, 1780 9 Dublin County. Dublin City 5 chapels. 1 White- Friar Street, 2 Gravel-Walk, 1770 3 Mountjoy-Square, 1800 4 German Church, 5 Ranelagh, iBoi 10 Fermanagh County, Brookborough, 1786 Ballinamalard, 1787 Ennifkillen, 1780 Liibeliaw, 1781 Newton Butler, I790 Pettigo, 1795 Violet-hill, 1796 11 Galzuay County. Aughrim, 17S0 Ballinafloe, 1790 Tuam, 1794 12 Kerry County, Miltown, 1702 Ikd Metkodisis. 337 13 Kildare County. Monaflerevan, 1797 14 Kilkenny County, Calile-comer, 1790 Durrow, 1791 Kilkenny, 1772 PiiUtown, 1788 15 King's County\ Birr, 1768 Edenderry, 17^1 Phillip's Town, 1781 Shinrone, I790 Tullamore, 1760 16 Letri?n County. Manor-Hamilton, 1776 17 Limerick County* Adare, 1 801 Ballygarane, 1797 Court- Matrifc, 1758 Killyheen, 1798 Limerick, 1763 Pallas, 1760 18 Londonderry County, Ballinderry, 1781 Colerain, 1780 Londonderry, 1768 Newton-Lemivady, 1773 19 Longford County. Kenagh, 1779 KilleOice, 1788 Granard, 1790 Longford, 1774 Newton Forb"s, 179^ 20 Louth County* Drogheda, 1780 Dundalk, I790 Rochdale, 1798 Gg g^S A Chronolog 21 Mayo County, Caftlebar, 1760 Weft-port, 1791 22 Meath County. 23 Motiaghan County, Clones, 1775 Drumbulton, 17 80 Mona/;han, 1777 ]New Bllfs, 1790 Rock curry, 1794 24 Q^ueens County. Abbeyleix 1790 Ballyappahan, 1790 Colebully, 1793 Mountmellick, 1764 Mountrath, 1768 Maryborough, 1798 PorLarlington, 1760 2 5 Rofcom m n Co u n ty , Boyle, 1790 Strokes Town, 1794 26 Sligo County. Sligo, 1796 Riverstown, 1790 tj Tipperary County, Carrick-on-sure, 1780 Bavvnlea, 1790 ical History Clonmell, 1788 Cashcll, 1790 Roscrea, 1794 Tipperary, 1784 28 Tyrone County, Calidon, 1782 Cole Ifland, 1792 Dungannon, 1786 Moy, 1786 Newtown Stewart, 1788 Strabane, 1789 29 Water ford County, Tallow, 1791 Water lord, 1758 30 JVest??icatk County, Athlone, 1762 Kill-beggin, 1790 Mulliiigar, 1792 Moat, 1787 Terry] \s Pass, 1762 3 1 V/exfo rd Co u n ty, Enniscorthy, 1763 New Ross, 17^^ W ex lord, 1788 32 Wicklow County. Carnew, 1794 Wicklow, 1800 THE NUMBER OF CHAPELS, In Ireland - - 130 In Scotland - 2.0 In the Norman Isles 3 In England - - 73^ In Wales - - 26 In the Isle of Man 19 ^ In the Isle of Wight 3 I In the Isles oi Seilly 1 In Berwick upon Tweed i I Total ill the United Kingdom - - - - 940 Of the People calUd Methodists. 359 The Methodists have no one general rule lor building their Chapels. The following are ii:e tlirectiuns which Mr. Wesley gave on tins head. — 1. Build all Preaching-houses, where the ground wrll permit, in the octagon lorm. It is best for the voice, and on many accoup.ts more commodious than any other. 2. Let every octagon house be built after the model ot Yar?u ; every square house after the model of Bath or Scarborough, 3. Let the roof rise only one third of its breadth : this is the true proportion. 4. Have doors and windows enough: and let all the windows be sashes opening downward. 5. Let there be no Chinese paling, and no tub-pulpit, but a square projection with a long seat behind. 6. Let there be no pews and no backs to the seats, which should have aisles on each side, and be parted in tlie mid- dle by a rail running all along to divide the men from the women, just as at Baih. 7. Let all Preaching-houses be built plain and decent ; but not more expensive than is absolutely necessary. 8. Wherever a Preaching house is built, see that lodgings for the preachers be built also. Since Mr. Wesley's death the form oi building the chapels is generally as follovx-s. The proportion of the !ei)g:h 10 the breadth is as 21 to 18. The pulpit faces the front, with the communion table just belore it, or else belund it. They are galle- ryed all round except on the side v/here the pulpit stands, a:.d the galleries are constructed in an oval torm. They are pewed and let to families ; the places in each chapel which are free, are divided, one part lor the men and another pr'.rt for the wo- men, who always sit separate m those places. RULES FOR BUILDING CHAPELS, AND RAISING COLLECTIONS FOR DEFRAYING THE EXPENCES OF THEiM. At the Conference in 1786, it was asked, g. Is there any further direction to be given to secuje the G g 2 3p A Chronological History proper settlemem of our Preaching-houses ? A. Let no assistant make, or suffer to be made, in his res- pective Circuit, a collection for any Preaching- bouse, till every step be previously taken to secure it on. the Conference-plan, by a trust-deed, a bond, or sufficient articles of agreement. And, in 1788, it was added, Let no house be built on any consideration, till the ground be first settled on the Conterence-plan. In the large Minutes published in the year 1789. (g. 70. May any new Preaching-houses be built ? A' Not unless 1. They are proposed at the Confe- rence: No nor, 2. Unless two thirds of the ex- pence be subscribed. And if any collection be made for them, it must be made between the Conference and the beginning of February. At the Conference in r792, it was asked, " What directions are to be given concerning the raising of money in the Circuits for erecting and paying the debts of houses? A. 1. No collection shall be made in any Circuit for the above-mentioned pur- pose, without the consent of the Conference. 2. No collection shall be made by any other person than a travelling Preacher, And in 1795, it was added, No steps shall be taken towards the building of Preaching-houses without the consent of the Conference first obtain- ed. CHAPTER THE FOURTEENTH. The Conclusion. J. HE following is a Statement of the comparative increase of the Members of the Societies, and of the Itinerant Preachers and their families in Great Bri- tain and Ireland, from the year 1770 to the year 1800. Of the People called Methodists, 34 1 Years. Members. Preachers. Families. 1770 29,406 120 43 1780 43*830 171 •5? 1790 7i>5C8 291 98 i8co 109,961 4^7 216 In the year 1770, a Preacher was supported by two hundred and torty-five Members, and a family by six hundred and eighty-three. One-third oi the Preachers were married. In the year 1780, a Preacher was supported by two hundred and tortysix members, and a family by eight hundred i!nd forty-three, nearly OHe-third of the Preachers were married. In the year 1790, a Preacher was supported by two hundred and forty-five members, and a family by seven hundred and thirty. One third of the Preachers were married. In the year i8co, a Preacher was supported by two hundred and sixty-three members, and a fami- ly by live hundred and nine. Above one half of the Preachers were married. From this statement it appears, that the Preachers have not increased in a greater proportion than the people, as some who departed from the work have invidiously asserted. But the families certainly h;ive increased since the year 1790 in a greater proportion than formerly ; nor is it possible to pre- vent this without making unscriptural rules, ^j'he families are certainly at j)re.sent a great burden, and the people do not feel it as they oiighi to (^.o» Being zealous tor their several societies, and tor the conversion of their ungodly neighbours, they build Chapels, and solicit the Conference to grant them additional Preachers, without making provi- sion for the support of their families, which are thus thrown upon the Conference. If this be con- tinued it will be impossible to bear tfic expcnce. But we may hope it will not. Some Circuiis have made considerable exertions to bear their own bur- 312 ^ Chronological History den, and more will follow that good example, so that the fund, viz. The yearly subscnption, and the profits of the books, may be used according to their original design, to supply the wants of the poor Circuits, and the contingencies of the body at large. In this great work, which I have now traced irom its rise to the present time, the blessing and protec- tion of the Lord has been abundantly manifested. At the beginning the Preachers were often treated in the most brutal manner by lawless mobs; but a tolerant and upright government have always af- forded relief in these persecutions. Two instan- ces, (and two only) of legal persecution, one in the Island of St. Vincents in the West Indies, in the year 1793, the other in the island of Jer- sey in the year 1798, were soon suppressed. The Xing refused his assent to laws purposely made to deprive the societies of the blessing of religious li- berty. The throne of our King is thus establisned in righteousness, and it is more than ever the duty of the Methodists to pray, that no weapon formed against him may prosper. In the year i8ci, the Missionaries in the islands of Saint Christopher and Nevis, presented an ad- dress to Lord Lavington, on his re-appointment to the office of Captain General and Governor in chief in and over the Leeward Charibbee Islands, expressive of their satisfaction ai his appointment, and esteem for his person, together v/ith protes- sions of tlieir loyalty and' attachment to the King and Constituiion. Part of his Excellency's answer was as follows. •* 1 have it iu command from his Majesty, to allow throughout my government full liberty of con- science, and the free exercise of all such modes of religious worship as are not prohibited by law. My own private disposition is in perfect unison with the royal pleasure upon this subject ; and 1 am persuaded, that your quiet and peaceable enjoy- ment of this toleratiwi, and your prudent care that Of the People called Methodists, 343 government have, at no time, cause to take offence at your indiscreet exercise of it, will prove you dsserving of the protection which you solicit, and which is extended to you." At the beginning of this great work, the Preach- ers and people had but few rules to walk by, but they were powerfully influenced by a spirit of holiness^ and an earnest desire to promote it in all people. It is now our duty to pray, that our many excel- lent rules may increase, and not lessen this great vital principle. Itixerancy, or the Preachers changing their Circuits^ has been a chiet cause ot the increase and prosperity of the Societies. Its advantages were sa many, that perhaps too much was ascribed to it. But like all other things under the sun, it has its defects ; and these are clearly seen wherever there is a want of the real life of God. In that case it is thought not to promote an increase of useful and edifying knowledge in the Preachers ; a small stock, it is thought, will do for a Preacher, who has but a year or two to stay upon a Circuit, and perhaps may never be stationed there again. It is to be feared also, that it does not tend to promote that cordial love which ought to subsist between Pjeachers and People. As they expect to part in so short a time, they are too often comparatively easy about each other : and if they differ, as is sometimes the case, they comfort themselves with the thought that " The Conference will come," instead of endeavouring to heal the breach. The removals also are attended with a considerable ex- pence. It would betray a want of faiih and humi- lity to say, God could not carry on his work without Itinerancy. Yet he has so greatly blessed it, and it is so agreeable to holy scripture, and the practice of the first preachers of the gospel, that it certainly is the bounden duty of both preachers and people to maintain it. The Lord who givelh the increase^ can remove these apparent hindrances : 344 j^ Chronological History and certainly he will remove them in behalf of all those who walk humbly and closely with him. The ibllowing particular I would recommend to the consideration of the Conference, i. To direct the Superintendants to get an exact account of all the debts due upon each Chapel in the connection, and bring it to the Conference ; not merely for the sake of gratifying an innocent curiosity, but to shew the people at large the necessity of acting in a rational way respecting building Chapels in fu- ture : as it is, the Connection must support and pay the expence of all such buildings ; as also, to di- rect the Conlerence, in stationing wives and chil- dren upon the districts. For the want of knowing the real state of each district, some have more fa- milies to provide for than they can support, while others perliaps have not enough. It appears from the foregoing history that several of those who were closely united to the Methodists, some as Preachers, others as Teachers at Kings- wood school, have left them, and some have be- come honourable in this world. They have not only no communion with their old friends, but have even endeavoured to conceal the fact of their former union with them. Nay, they have done v/orse, they have shewed themselves quite averse to the Methodists. Now, such should know,, that the Methodists know their origin very well, and that they, under God, are indebted to these very peo- ple for all their greatness and emoluments. Besides it is no proof of the honour, gratitude or piety of those persons, but the reverse. This remark does not apply to all. There are those who have ceased to act in a public capacity among the Methodists, who retain all their love for their old friends, and constantly wish them good luck in the name of the Lord. As the connection is at present free from debt. (I do not mean the chapels, but the Conference,) while they act agreeably to their own rules they will keep so. The Treasurer of the mission fund keeps his OJ the People called Methodiits» 345 collection wholly for the support of the missions. This year the Treasurer of Kingswood school has done the same, so has the Treasurer of the fund for the superannuated preachera and widows. All the Conference has now to support the work in the poor Circuits in Great Britain is, the yearly sub- scription, and the profits of the books : while they multiply preachers only as these funds increase, they will always keep clear of debt. But if they should be under the necessity of enlarging the work in places where God may pour out his Spirit, 1 have no doubt but from the piety of the people and their love to the cause^ they would admit of another extraordinary collection ; but any one ac- quainted with human nature, know they should not be too frequent. It is impossible at present to form an ac- curate statement of the debts on the chapels. There are near a thousand in the united king- dom of Great Britain and Ireland. If upon an ave- rage we suppose each chapel to be in debt lool. the debts on the chapels must be one hundred thousand pounds ; but perhaps it is nearer the truth to suppose each chapel to be fifty pounds in debt, then the whole amoimt will be hfty thou- sand pounds. The reason for this statement is, there are many chapels quite free from debt, and it is a truth there are some chapels much more tlian one hundred pounds in debt. The interest of this money is generally paid by what arises from letting the seats. And it is very seldom the Methodists have been under the necessity of sel- ling a chapel for the want of a congregation to take the seats sufficient to pay the interest due on the chapel. There are one hundred and seventy-one Circuits in the United Kingdom ; one with another I sup- pose there are five local preachers on each Cir- cuit, who are generally 'employed every Sabbath in preaching the Gospel. The whole Humber of local preachers employed among the Methodists, according to this statement, must be eight hundred 34^ A Chronological History , and fifty-five ; but from my knowledge of tlie connection, I rather think theie are two thousand local preachers who labour in our Lord's vine- yard without fee or reward. So greatly lias the Lord poured out among the Methodists the spirit oF prophesy. Some of the clergy are jealous of the Metho- dists, and think if they are not checked by coersive methods, they will undermine the Church Establishment. But this appears to me a groundless jealousy for the following reasons, i. I have a tolerable acquaintance with the preachers and people, and I am sure their piety would pre* vent them from having any hand either directly or indirectly in any thing that would have the least tendency to disturb the quiet of the nation : Sa tar are they from any thmg of the kind, that their prayers are daily offered up for the happiness of King George, and the prosperity of his dominionsv 2. The destruction of the Established Church would be no advantage whatever to the preachers. It would not increase their influence among the people, nor their emoluments, nor their honour. They have had proof for the first five years after Mr. Wesley's death, what they were to expect from their people. The opposition which some made to the preachers administering the Lord's supper arose partly from their apprehensions that the preachers wanted by this means to lord it over them, and they were determined they should not. For as soon as their fears were removed, they came into the measure, and the practice is almost general in Great Britain. The Methodists esteem their preachers on ac- count of their piety, zeal and usefulness, and they have as good an opportunity of displaying these now, if not a great deal better, than if there was no Church Establishment. If ever the Church is overthrown in this king- dom, (which I sincerely trust will never be the case,) it will not be owmg to the increase of Me- Oj the People called Methodists. 347 ihodism, but to the increase of infidelity, and wickedness among the people ; and the serious and scnbible part oF the clergy should be so far from endeavouring to prejudice the people at large against the iMethodists, that they sliould rather encourage them, and consider them as their auxilaries, as it is evident their doctrine tends to lead the people, *' to honour all men, to icu'e the brotherhood, to fear God, and honour the Besides, all this is corroborated by matter of fact. What was it that destroyed the Established Churches in France, Holland and Geneva ? — It was not piety, but the want of it ; it was wickedness and infidelity. And as the same cause will again produce the same effect, my prayer is that God may preserve us from these evils, and give his blessing to every means calculated to pro- duce faith and love. I shall close this history with a short view of the Doctrines which the Methodists believe and teach. 1. They set out with professing to be Bible Chris- tians. They receive the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as the rule of their faith and practice. 2. They believe and teach the Doctrine of the Trinity in Unity, declaring that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God; and yet there are not three Gods, but one God. 3. They believe and teach, that all men aje by nature, sinful, guilty and helpless, and without the grace of Christ can dp nothing that is good. And they labour in all their discourses to make men sen^ sible o[ their fallen and lost estate. 4. They believe and teach, that the Son of God became a son of man, and died as an atonement for the sins of all mankind. The divinity of Christ, cind his atonement, they consider as essential truths of the gospel. 5. That Christ by the grace of God tasted death for every man, and that he is abk to save from all 348 A Chronological History sin in this life, those that come unto God througk him. 6. That we must be inspired by the Spirit of God, in order that we may be enhgbtened, quick- ened, coratorted, purified, and made meet for heaven. 7. Tliat it is through the exercise of repen- tance and faith a sinner comes to a saving experi- mental knowledge of God, and that Christ is exalted at the Father's right hand to give repen- tance and remission of sins^to att that call upon him. 8. That a believer should grow in grace, glori- fying God in that station in life in which the providence of God has placed him, and looking to be filled with all the fullness of God. 9. That a believer need never fall from grace, but that he assuredly will if he neglects to watch and pray. He will fall into sin, and thereby lose the favour and image of God. 10. That a believer should constantly live in the exercise of faith and prayer, and that all the means of grace are intended to feed these heaven- ly graces in their hearts, as well as to be instru- mental in turning sinners from the error of their ways. 11. That the souls of the faithful are present with the Lord after they are delivered from the burden of the il«sh ; and that Christ will come to judge the world in righteousness; that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust. 12. That the righteous shall inherit eternal life ; and the wicked be doomed to eternal misery, ( 349) INDEX. Pag, A BSTRACTS of Acts of Parliament 175 Admission, rules concerning ....:. 18,87 Address to the King « . » • 264 Advice respecting health . , , . 137 — — to the Assistants . . , . 143 — — for the Conference . . , 235 • to the Preachers .... 289 A present from Mr. Wilberforcxi . . . 206 Annuity, society ..... 253 Autliority, Mr. Wesley's . . . . 10 1 America, rise of Methodism in . 120,122,161,170 — late view of . . . 251,282 -' close union with . . . , 220 Arminian Magazine, first published . . 134 Antinomianism, definition of ... 27 remarks upon . . . . 38 ■ ' — propositions against . 127,291 Appointment of Preachers, in whom vested 182 Asbury, Francis, an account of . . . 125 Assistants (Superintendants) their office . 78 B Bands, rules of ■ . , . , a — directions for. Select Band . . 32 remarks concerning speaking in . , 92 Barbers, rules concerning . . . 142 Bankrupts, rules concerning . , . 126,139 Bonnet, John, division made by . . , 67 Books, first managed by tlie Preachers . . 89 - rules for selling .... 8q - remarks concerning . . . . 24^ Boardman Richard, sent to America . . .120 Bribery at Elections, rule concerning . . 1 1 r Building, directions for . . . , 5-q Hh 350 INJ^EX. Page. Calvinism, remarks upon . . . , 38 controversj respecting . . 128,129 Ciiapel, the first built 11 — the first opened .... 12 ■ — rules for building . . . 157,339 — — new (in London) the first stone laid 133 — contribution for . . . . 135 law suit concerning, advantage of 135 '— Birstal), dispute concerning . . 14,1 Dewsberry, the same . . . 181 ■ — rules for collecting for . . . 340 Circuits account of . . . 90,114,188,284 — division of, rule concerning . . 242 Classes, institution of .... . 16 " visitation of . ... . 17 • number to meet in them . . . 132 Collection, yearly institution, of . . 90,284 ■ — regulation concerning . • 138,234 Clergy, Mr. Wesley's circular letter to . . 93 . proposals from them to Mr, Wesley . 94 Conference, the first held . , . . 22 ' — the design of .... 22 -' ■ ■ ' time and method observed . 185 — ' ■' President of, rule concerning 216 ■' held in Ireland . . . 185,285 . — held in America . . 122,283 Conversation, advice concerning . . 86,97 Coates, Alexander, a short account of . . 99 Coke, Doctor, joins iVIr. Wesley . . .133 Covenant of grace and works ... 43 Covenant, entering into, first instituted . . 69 Covvnley, Joseph, short account of . , 223 D Dancing, rule concerning . . . 169,205 Darkness, must a believer fall into ... 26 Death of the Preachers first published . • I34 Delegates, question concerning . . . 245 Defence of Lay Preachers . . . • 5^ INDEX. :)3 Pasc Deed of Declciration . . . . . 145 — lor settling Preaching-houses . . .15^ testamentary, of" Mr. Wesley . , 203 Dickens, John, a short account ot . . .251 Directions respecting singmg . , . 289 Districts, formation of, rules for . . . 207 Downs, John, a short account of . . « 131 Drams, rule concerning .... ^8 Dress, observations on . .... 92. Dyiiig persons, advice concerning . . 13^ tast'Indies, mission to proposed, solicited 144,2^1 Established Lhurch, de^nition of - - - 2,9 — union of the Methodists with . . 31 the same subject « . 66,70,100,136 ■ — the same subject , 171,177,179,201 Erasmus, A Greek Bishop . , . , 75 Executors of Mr. Wesley, transactions with 19S Expulsion of members, rule <:oncerning . . 85 ■ of Preachers , . , . 430 ' of six Students from Oxford . . 116 Faith, the doctrine of . . . 2^,35,41,44 ■ the assurance of . . . . 35)47 justifying, the nature o{ - . . 54 Families of the Preachers, support of . 71,125,242 Fasts, rules concerning . . . . . 115 , advantages of ..... 75 Field-preaching, observations on ... 83 Fletcher, Rev. John, a short account of . I2g ■ — his assisting Mr. Wesley . . 70 France, mission to .... . 206 Frier.dly Union Society .... 267 Funeral sermons, rule concerning . . .172 ^und, the Preaci.ers, instituted . . 91,140,218 Hh2 353 INDEX. PutrC. Galations, epistle to, design of . . . 27 Gibraltar, Methodism in . . . . 231 Government, respect to, a sacred duty . 138,216,225 Grimshaw, Rev. William, a short account ol' 34 Guilford, Joseph, a short account of . . 133 H Hampson, John, Senior, short account of . 158 ■ , Junior ... . 195 Hervey, Rev. James, his eleven letters . . 93 1 fendcrson, }ohn, a short account of . . 295 Hopper, Ciiristopher, a short account of , . 62 Horses, rule concerning . . . . 236 Hymn Book, first published . . . . 13 ■■■-- — General . . . . .13 . ij Jane, John, a short account of ... 64 imputation of Adam's sin, and Christ's righteousness 26,2; Increase, comparative, of Preachers and members 341 Ireland first visited ..... 56 Justification, doctrine of ... 24,34,38 Isle of Man, account of Methodism in . 132 Isles of Jersey and Guernsey, tlie same . . 1 59 Itinerant Preachers^ the first . . . 15 Itinerancy, remarks upon .... 343 Information from the people desired . . 236 K Kllham, Alexander, a short account of . 234,237 'Schism made by . . • 240,241 King George the Second, a saying of his . 16 Kingswood School, first erected . . . 12- — solemnly opened . . .61 rules of ' . . . • 31* ■ — address concerning • • 3^7 _.— Masters names . . ■ • 3 ' 9 INDEX; yiS Pa ire. L Leaders, tiie duty of . . • . . 1 8 ,. rules of 86,243 Library, Chr stian, published ... 62 Lord's day, rules concerning . • • 169,233 Love feast, the first 7 rule coiu,erning . ... 96 Local Preachers, rules of ... 222,243 — — — Number of . • . 345 Lists of Preachers . . . • . 293 — — of Preaching-houses . . • .324 Letters, who to defray the expence of . • 263 M Manners, John, a short account of . . . 94 Nicholas, the same . . . 159 ^father, Alexinder, the same . . . 71 Murlin, John, the same . . . . 2j;i IVIarriage, danger concvrning ... 84 iMarried Preachers, rule concerning 140,247,290 iVJarks of covetouiness . . . . 143 Bleans of grace ... . .88 IVleihod used in receiving Preachers . 287,2^0 Meetings, rule concerning . . . 236 IVIerit, proper, doctrine ot" renounced . . 133 Methodism, rise and nature of . . . 3>6,8, 13 Methodist, name first given . . > 2 Society, first formed . . a Methodists, whether a fallen people . . 134 Missions, West India • . . 1 72 Rules of . . , 247 Iri^h . . . , 25^' . Welsh ^ . • , • . • 365 Moravians, Mr. Wesley's union with . . 8 _„. . separation from . . . 14 N Names of those who departed from the work first published 144 Nelson, John, a ^hort account of . . . 18 Newfoundland, risii of Methodism in . . 17^3 H h 3 !54 INDEX. Page. New rules, regulation concern'ng . . 244 Number of circuits, preachers, members 90,114,188,2.84 O Oaths, little, warning against ... 97 Office of a Christian Minister ... 8a Ordinances, dispute concerning . 211,216,225 rule respecting . . . 229 Ordination by Erasmus . . . 75 — for America . . 161,164 . for Scodand ' . . .168 for England . . . 175 ■ rule concerning . . 217 Pacification, plan of . . . 229 Partiality, remarks upon . . . 82 Perronet, Rev. Vincent, a sliort accouiit of 166 Persecution at Corke ... . 63 r — general by mobs . ' . 342 Legal not encouraged . . 312 Popularity, the danger of . , . 87 Prayer, extempore first used by Mr. Wesley 8 Preaching, extempore, first practised by him 6 '- ' method of, and rules of, 91,185,290 Treacher, Lay, the hrst ... 9 first Itinerant . . . 14 Preachers, how to judge of t'^.eir call . - 79 design of their being called . 83 • how to be receiveti . . , 80 . . — rules and duties of . . . 80,86 -their work . . . 137 ' ■ ■ ' — whether qualified for it . 132 should they foHow trades . . 117 ■ not in connection, rule concerning i 74 — — ■ on the list of reserve, rule concerning 233,288 — . Friend Society . . . 2^9 Predestination^ absolute, dispute concerning ^Sj^-qi Pfinung, rules concerning . . . 279 INDEX. 355 R Respect of persons, the clanger of . . S2 Rebellion in Ireland, address concerning 24Q Removal of Members, rule concerning 9^,97 Resoluuons first entered into by the Preachers 68 Revival of Religion . • . .72 — — — disgraced by enthusiasm . . 73 Revival at Kingsvvood school . . . 115 rules to promote . . . . 119 Richardson, Rev. John, a short account of . 219 Rules of the Society . . ." iS of the Bands . . . .9,3s of the Select Society . . 32 of the Strangers Friend Society . . 182 — — of Preachers Friend Society . . 259 of an Helper . . . 8r — ■ — of a Superintendant , . 78 — --of Kingsvvood school 311,321 General confirmed by the Preachers 240 for attending the Coriterence . . 237 for defraying the expences of ditto . . 262 concerning the^Book-room . . . 261 re-pectlng the Districts . . 207 respecting the Chairman of Districts 208 of itinerant Preachers Annuity . . . 253 Sacrament, by whom to be administered . . 232 Sanctifiration. doctrine of . . 28,39,50 Scotland first vi.^iied . . . 6^ advice respecting . . 139 Sel'on, Walter, a short account of . . . 319 Shirley, Rev. Walter, his circular letter . . 128 attends the Conference . . 130 Sincerity, doctrine of ... . .42 Singing, at Funerals,, the custom of . . 74 174,289 Smith, John, a short account of . • . 130 Smyth, Rev. Edward, the same . . . 137 Smuggling, rule concerning . • . . 115 Snuff, rule concerning . ... 98,233 356 INDEX. Page. Societle.5, rise of, rules for . . . 13,18 first united as one body . . 77 Stations ot' the Preachers, first publislied ... (^6 — — — rules concerning . . . 114,205 Stamps, advice concerning . . • . 157 Specimen of reading the Bible ... 3 Supernumerary Preachers, rule concerning 22a Stipend of the Preachers .... 67 ■ — ' of their wives and children , 7 1,2 1 7 Stewards their office and rules . . 45,133 Superannuated Preachers Fun^57 U V Union, rules to promote . . . 87,123 proposed in case of Mr. Wesley's death 123 — — — - with America . . . . 220 — — with Ireland . . . 286 View of the spread of Methodism . . : 165 View of the Methodists in i 766 . . . 104 View of the doctrine of the Methodists . . 347 Volunteers, rules respecting . . • 142 Visitors of the sick, first instituted . . 21 ' rules concerning • ibkl. W Wakes, rules respecting . , , 15B Walsh, Thomas, a short account of . . 63 INDEX. 357 V\^atcli-night, first Introdtic(;d . . • Oi Wesley, Rev. Charles, a member of the first Society 3 — — the first called a Methodist . 2,294 • ceases to be an Itinerant ... 95 ■ ■ his death and last hymn . . . 178 -— Rev. John, his birth and education . i • mission to America .... 6 visits Germany .... 9 ■ commences an Itinerant . . • 1 1 ■ visits Wales ... . li '■ preaciies the last time at Oxford . 3 i first visits Ireland .... 56 ■ — first vifits Scotland . . • 65 — — visits Holland , . . . 1 74 his death, and will . . . 189,190 ' his last advice to the Conference 197 his life by Dr. Cojce and Mr. Moore 213 Wheatley, James, his expulsion . . . 65 West-Indies, rise of Methodism in .... 173 Whitefield Rev. George, his union writh Mr. Wesley 3 »— — -^— his dissent from .... 16 — his Funeral Sermon by Mr. Wesley 129 Whitehead, Dr. a short account of . . 195 ■ appointed to compile a life of Mr. Wesley 195,204 ■ differs with the Printing Committee with the Conference — - unites again with the Society Widows, consequence of marrying them Whatcoat, Richard, a short account of Women, speaking in the Church, remarks upon forbid to do so by the Irish Conference Works, Mr. Wesley's, first published Messrs. Wesley's, Fletcher's and Sellou' mended Printed h^j Jaq'^es