s ki '■-f >K_* ^7f/7 :UW£'cJap' 'lU FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D, BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY % Sect! . ^CdY^ V. i A//' i A , //'/l>/i ////J /y/'Z/^t^ @ THE I Pfa/m- Singer's Jen m OR, Ufeful COMPANION T O T H E Ringing '^(alins* # ^ T O T H E @ ^ BEING, ANEW ® i EXPOSITION i ^ ON % f All the One Hundred and Fifty: h m With Poetical PRECEPTS to every Pfalm. % 1^ The whole are faithfully explained from Sacred Htjhry^ from g^ ^ ^f«^ vi 24. — ' P>/. xcj. — ^ Ffal. xcviii. — ' Ffal. xxxvii.— "> P/a/. xxvii. — " P>/. xxxvi.— ® Ffal. ciii.— P Ffal. xliii.— /. cxxxi.— ^ P/al. xli. /'roo;. xi.'— * /^/. cxii.— " Pfal. cxix,—^ P/2?/.cxix. 't PfaL xxxvii. 7.— y /ya/. xix. g. — == P/z/. xxxix. and xc. — ^ P/al. 1.— *» P/al. xvi.*-— '^ P/al. xi. — *^ Vide my Poetical Meditations on the Four lajl Things : And Eccluj, vii. ver. uh.-— P/al. v. 5. vi, 5.— P/^/. xi. 6.— xiii. 15. — Matt. xxv. 35.— £ff/«/. xxxiii. 21. £rf/tf;. xxxvii. 15. 16. Fifteentbly. 75? all Lovers of Pfalmody. ix FifteenthlyK If we do but vv^ell confider the Beautiful Style of the Psalms, (whether in Profe, or in V^rfeJ they cannot but have a great Influence over Us, efpecially if we apply them to a right life -, and not prophane them ; but perform them with David's Heart. (But, alas! Holy David's Spirit is almoft loft, in this Drunken, Ungrate- ful, degenerate Age !) — What can be more charming, to a GoJly Mind^ than the Variety of the Style of the pro- phetical Pe?i-Men of thofe Sacred Songs ! even from the Majeffich^ Szibiime^ Magnificent ^Triumphant ^ and Exultory, down to ihe moft Mournful^ Condoling^ Co?7Wiiferating^ Pa-- thetical^ and Expofiulatory I all regularly, and wifely adapted to their refpedive SubjeBs; in which confifts the very Soul oi Divine Poetry : And he that has the true Key oiThem^ may, with great Eafe, unlock sH oih^T Secrets in the holy Scriptures : Which is the very SiibjeB of this fmall Tre a- T 1 8 E . For, Behold I I have not laboured for Myfelf onlj^ but for all fucb as would feek Knowledge ; and Sing with TJnderfianding " : In compiling of which, I have confulted ^ the befc Writers, on this Subjed, both Ancienty and Mr- dern\ which, I hope, will make the Work the more approved. [I (hall not in this Book infert any Thing touching the Ground- Work of Musi ck, By Reafon I have treated very largely on that Head in ^ feveral other former Treat ises, which I publiihed intirely on that Subje£f, and for the Ufc of Churches : In whitfh Prefaces I have {hewed the Beauty and Excellency ^Church-Musick, and of the feveral Abufes thereof, Gfc. G?c.] « Ecclus. xxiv. 39. 1 Cor. xiv. 15. ^ St. Gregory y St. j^vgufiiney St. Bajil, St. Athanaftusy St. Amhrofe, Venerable Bede^ Vlutarchus, Beza^ Githyy TremelJiusy Ainpworth, Mayer., Patrick, OfternAjaU, Chamherlayv, height and Others, tOO tedious to mention. — s My New Mujical Grammar, 3d Edit, and Royal Me" 1.0DY, zd Edit. And my Proverbs of So/o7non, iaFeyL% «fid fet to Mujid, &c. Read Ea/us. xxxiv. 7. 8. Thei X r& PREFACE: The Reader is herein defired to take Notice, that, in tKe primitive Ages, the Pfalms were generally fung in Profe^ to Tunes called Chants^ viz. the Gregorian- Chant, the Am^ broJian-Chafity &c. fo called from the Authors virho firfl: Gompofed them 5 in which State Pfalmody continued, for many Centuries, before any of them were put into Rhym- ing Verfe^ or Metre, In the Reign of King Edward the Sixth, 1 552, one Mr* Thomas Stern hold, Groom of his Majefty*s Privy Cham- ber, compofed thirty- feven of the Psalms of David into Englijh Verfe, as an Example for others to do the reft, for the Eafe and Ufe of Churches, &c. and greatly encou- raged Mr. John Hopkins, and others, to compleat the reft ; which were done in a little Time after, and Printed with thtjirjl Letters of their Names over the Pfalms ', which Letters are ftill continued, and whofe Pfalms are called the Old Verfion : But that Verfton has undergone great Amend- ments, fmce their firft Publication, and ftill want more ''. Their 137th Pfalm begins thus : m^txi m toe fate in ^Sab^lon, t^e Eil3er0 rouna al;}out: 3nD in JScmemtsrance of ^ion? titje Cearg; for mitl burU out. w, w. About the fame Time the old Latin Hymns were turned into Metre, fuch as Te Deum, Veni Creator, &c. and printed before the Pfalms \ alfo feveral New Hymns were added after the Pfalms, fuch as the Lamentation of a Sinner, ^c. and bound up with Sternhold\ Verfion 3 to be ufed in ptihlick Service, and in private Families ; even from the Beginning of the RefQrmation of the Church of Englajid, to its EflablifJment, under Queen Elizabeth ; which are ftill continued : But, I cannot learn that any of ^ Vide the Hill, oi Oxford Writers, ^xAStemholiT^ Pfalms. the To all Lovers of Pfalmody. xi the Reformed Churches^ abroad, take fo much Liberty, in this Point as we do in England, I HAVE now in my Library an old Quarto Treatife^ containing fifty P/j/w^, in very odd Pi?^/ry, and old Spellings put into Englip Verfe by one Robert Taylour ; and was printed in 1 6 1 5. They are fet to Mufck in Five Parts, to the Fioky Lutey or Orph-arion, in old mufical Charadlers^ very unintelligible. His 137th Pfalm begins thus : By B^^^/ Streams, exil'd from Contri deer, As doun we fate, a fad difmaied Crue- Ah, Sions Wrongs to penlive Mynds appear, Siom, whom now ourEys no more fliould vieu. — R,T, About the Year 1682, Dr. Patrick, Bifliop of Ely ^ compofed 'oo of the Psalms of David into Ferfe, for the Ufe of the Qjarter-Houfe in London 3 whofe 8th Pfalm begins thus : O Lord, our Governor, on Earth Thy Name is excellent : Thy Glory is exalted far Above the Firmament. — J- P* In 1696, Nicholas Brady, D. D. and Nahum Tate, Efq; and Poet'Laureat to his Majefty King William the Thirds compofed a New Verfwn of the Psalms, which were printed for the Ufe of Churches-, and called the New Verfion : Whofe 137th Pfalms begins thus : When we our weary Limbs to reft. Sat down by proud Euphrates' Stream^ We wept, with doleful Thoughts oppreft. And Sion was our mournful Theam. — N. B. These Verfes I have copied only to fhcw what Im- provement is now made in Poetry ' : Not having Room ' Vide StfrnholcPi, Patrick'i, Tafi%^ and Wtttts'i Pfalms, {sTc. ' to xii 7X^ P R E F A C E : to infert a Verfe from ever y Author I have feen, who have compofed Vei'fiom on the Book of Pfabns, or Hymns ^ from other Scriptures '', &c. many of whofe Works 1 have often perufed with great Pleafure, as well as Profit. The Refult of near forty Years Fra5ltce^ and Study ^ at moft vacant HourSj hath given Birth to this fmall Trea- tise, (as my former Books will teftify, from the Sale of many Thoufands :) In compiling of which I have con- fulted all Authors I could meet with, on this Subje6l \ having, by an Itinerant Life ^ had the greateft Opportuni- ties in reading the Beft Authors ; which many well-dif- pofed Gentlemen have favoured me with, from their fe- veral Libraries. A Work of this Kind has been long wanting, to re- ftore Psalmody to its wonted Efteem -y and prevent it from being fhamefully prophaned. To this Exposi- tion I have added loo Pc^//V^/ Precepts, as precious Motives to a godly Life ; being very Ufful for Schools^ and Injlru^ive to Touth. I have alfo added, a (hort Descr ip- TiON of PirfonSy of Places ^ and of 'Things mentioned in the OA/and New Tejlament, and of CHRIST, Poetically : With a general Calendar, for the adapting of Pfalms to Divine- Service, concordant to the Collect, Epiftle, and Gofpel of the Day, and Chuxch-Services ; and to all other Conditions and Vicijjitudes of Human Life. With a New Set of Tunes, to feveral Psalms, both Old and New Verjions, in Three and Pour mufical Parts, in Score : With feleft Hymns 3 and Doxolog i es ; and a general Key, or Index to the whole Book of Pfalms -, for the Ufe of all Chriftian Families, &c. &c. [o5=* In the following Tre at ise, the Reader is therein to take Notice, That, (as the Book of Pfalms has under- ^ Sir Philip Sydney^ ^"^i'^g Navies I, Sands ^ j^infivorth^ Barton y f^'iilbourn^ Ro' herts, Bifhop Hall^ Lord Bacon, lay lour, Mafon, Herbert, Vincent y Boyfe, Stennet, Mroi.vn, Pope, Addifon, &c. &c, — Read Ecclus. xxxviii. 24. 25. — xxxix. I. 2. 3. 5. S. 9. 10. II. Alfo Egclia, xxxiv. 9, 10. 11, 12. 14. gone I'd all Lovers of Pfalmody. xiil gone many T^raiijlations^ and Verfwns^ (as I before hinted) which has tranfpofed or altered many of the Verfes, to other Numbers, 6cc.) The Figures in this Book refer to the Verfes of the Original Psalms, as they are commonly now printed in Prose: So that it will be no great Difficulty to find any particular Matter therein pointed at ; in any Tranjla* tion^ Paraphrafe, or Verfon whatfoever ; though the Num^ hers of the Verjes ftiould vary in the Pfalms in Metre ^ from thofe Pfalms in Profe '.] Finally, I heartily recommend this Work, (asmy lajl Legacy) to all Perfons in general, but more particularly to my Pupils, for their farther Improvement in Psal- mody , whereby every One may truly know the real Mat* tcr that is fung ; that, that moft glorious and lajling Part of Divine 'JVorpip may not be fhamefully prophaned ; but be done Reverently, and in Good Order ; with my bell Wijhes to their Endeavours : Hoping it may be as generally Vfeful, as it is intended ; and may GOD alone have all the Glory, May all Our pious Performances reach even to the very Heavens, where lieth a fure Reward for the Righteous, at tjgf^LaJi Day, from G O D the Father, and from His Son JESUS CHRIST.— Which that We may all enjoy, G O D of His infinite Mercy grant : To whom all Might, Majefly, Power, Honour, Glory, Dominion, and Praife^ be given, now, and for evermore. — Amen. — Amen. i I am Gentlemen, Tour moft AfFedionate, Harmonious, and From the Ancient 1 tt ; / r. Uni'verftty of Siam- 1 Humole ScrvaDt, ford, May the 29th, ( .^^ _ , ^ , a.d (759. J William Tansur, Senior. * See the old Bihle-VhXms ; the Pointed Pfalms in the Common Prayer, for ^hanting ; and StemholeCs, and Brady i Pfalms in Verfe, Sec, ■'■■■' A New A New KEY to the Principal Paflfages con- tained in the Book ^Psalms: "Temporal^ Spiritual^ and Prophetical, For all Chrijlian Fa7?iilies. By William Tans'ur, Senior. ^ N. B. That as Holy David's Battles were chiefly to UJher in^ ftnd Defend the CHURCH, and Gospel of C Hie /^T to ro/^;^; That %«/ Prophetical Princ£, and Soldier of CHRIST here, in Figure, re- preienteth them ^(7/Z^ ; So that, in EfFed, David, CHRIST, and his C H U i<. C H, are (in moll Cafes) meant as but One, though of Three feveral Denominations. Vrofi'Tfalms . Profe ■ Verfes, I.— np H E Blejfednefs of the Godly foretold ^ % X The endlefs M'tfery of the Wicked — — - 5 II. — C //i^ 75 T's vain Confpirators defeated ^- — I King's, and i^«/^rMo obey C//i^ 75 r — 10 III.—- David's Enemies increafcd — — — i C 77 -K 7 5 T' fieeping by Deaths and rifing again — 5 Salvation only from C HR 1ST — — 8 IV. — Juft Men's Prayers heard, and they delivered — I V. — Sacrifice to GOD accepted — — — 7 VL — Prayer for Sins in general — — — I Succefs of Prayer^ cometh by Patience — — 8 VII. — Confidence in G O D preferveth from Evil — ^Jt GOD's Jrrm againft the Wicked — — ^K VIII. — GOD's Providence and Liberality — — i CHRIST'S Glonficztion by Children — — 2 CHRIST over all Things, and how — ^—5 IX.—Praife to GOD for Viaories __ -^ i Spiritual Enemies fubdued by C HR IST's Death — i J X.— GOD's Help is defired by the Godly — — I C77-R 75 T's Enemies deftroyed — — 14. The Fatherlefs and Poor defended — — 16 XL — Godly Men's Conftancy difplayed — — I G O D's Judgments on the XVicked — — 7 G O D's eternal Love to the Righteous — ■ — 8 XIL — Decay of Chriflian Piety lamented — — — i GOD's Word recommended to preferve all — 7 XIII G O D helpeth the Juft in all Aiflidions — — 1 G O D's Mercy rejoiceth and bringeth Salvation — 5 XIV.— Gofpel Scoffers^ and Atheijls defcribed — — i Salvation to Ifraely and all the Faithful — — 11 XV. Righteous 'A New Key to the Book ofPfalms. ProfePfalms. ^ , Profe-Fer/es. XV.< — Righteous Men are Citizens of Heaven — .^^ i Slanderers^ Extortioners^ and Ufurers^ condenined 3 XVI.— David's Prayer, by Faith — _ i GOD'S Goodnefs to the Faithful — — 6 C HRlSl's Refurreaion foretold — — 9 XVII. — A Prayer againft wicked Perfons — — I Fleeing to GOD for Succour — — 5 XVIII.— Calling on G O D is a fure Safeguard — — I Righteous are defended by GO D's Pflw^r — 16 GOD givtih ViSfory io dtkvidKis Church — 34 A Thankfgiving for ViSiory -^ — 49 XIX.— GOD'S Power fhewed to all the World by His Works i G O D's Laws^ Precepts.^ and Fear^ excelleth all Things 7 All Men have Faults^ none perfect — — iz XX.— Pr^^-^r J heard of People, Churchy King, otCH.RIST 9 XXI. — A Song of ViSiory, when Church Enemies are defeated i XXII.— C HRISr perfonated on the Crofs — — i Praying the Night before his PaJJion — ^^2 No Man fo much defpifed as He — — 6 Scribes , Priejls, and Pharifees,. as Bulls or Dogs — 12 C //i^ 75 r's Hands and Feet pierced — — ly Of his RefurreQion foretold — — — 21 His Body eaten, as in the Sacrament ^ and Alms given 26 He fhall he ferved ^nd honoured throughout all Generations 27 XXIIT— On the holy Sacrament of the LORD JESUS — I XXIV. — Converfton of the Gentiles foretold — —I ^^^ Juft Men {hall enjoy Heaven — — 3 C HRI ST*s Afcenfion into Heaven foretold — 7 XXV. — A Prayer for Forgivenejs of Sins, and Deliverance I XXVI. — Innocency avowed, and Rewarded — -« I Other Men's Sins not to hinder Us from Gcdlinefs — 5 XXVII^PGO D is our only Shield to deflroy the Wicked — i XXVIII.— A Prayer for GO D's Defence againft Enemies — I A Song of Praife for Deliverance — — 7 XXIX.— Great Men to Praife GOD — — i Thunder y he. to caufe Men to fear, and know GOD 3 All Men to fmg, Glory be to the Father, &c. in the CJiurch 8 XXX. — A Dedicat Ion- 5^/7^ for C^«r<:Z>^x, sinciHoufes New, GOD's Mercies, &c. — — — I Good Men fhould take no Sufferings 111, and Why 12 XXXI..^-Confidence in G O D, and Meditation, our only Safeguard i Vanity to truft in Wordly Things — — 7 GO D's Goodnefs is laid up for them ihzt fear him 21 XXXII. — None Blejfed without Redemption — — , I Inftru6tionstotheiv«r of GOD ^- — n XXXIII. Righ- A New Key to the Book of Pfalms. Profe- Pfalms . Profe- Ver/es. XXXIII. — Righteous Men to Rejoice, and ftng to G O D with Injlru- ments — — — — \ G O D's Mercy always delivereth the Righteous — 1 8 XXXIV.—A Song of Praife for Dehverance -- — i The Angeh aflift the Righteous in Battle — y XXXV.— GOD Mti\A% the luji Man's Caufe, and deftroys the Wicked -^ — _ _ I XXXVI.— Wicked Works, fliew a Wicked Heart — 4 GO D's Mercy is above all Things to the Righteous 7 XXXVII. — None to fret at wicked Men's Profperity — i A little to the Rrghtewsy is better than much to the Wicked — — — >«, ,6 The Righteous are never forfaken, nor hurt by Charity 28 Upright Men have Peace, but the Wicked cut off 38 XXXVIII,— A Prayer for Sins in general — — i XXXIX. — Jffil^ions muft be borne with Patience —^ 1 Our laji End neceffary to be thought of — ^ 5 Faith, and Senfes, Always ought to be prayed for 1 1 XL. — GOD's Goodnefs in converting the Gentiles — 2 C HRIST is the New Song, and our only Salvation 3 XLI.— C HRlSr, and His Faithful, here called Poor — i David's or C H RiST's Ene;iries not taken into Glory 8 XLII. — A good Heart defireth to Wcr'lnp GOD — I G O D' s Judgment Sy 2LS/Fjief -pipes, hrezk out unzw2i{eS 9 Yet, the Righteous are faved by Faith — 15 XLIII.— The LO RD's Talkie is our only Place of Comfort 4 XLIV. — GO D's former A'lercics alv.rays to be remembered <,»,^ GOD knoweth the Secrets of all Hearts — 2r GOD our only Succour and Redeemer — 26 XLV.— Of 5(7/«9w^«'s, and CHRIST'S Kingdom — 2 XLVI. — A Thankfgiving Song for Deliverance — — 1 Cf/i^/5r, and His %>/V foretold — m^ 4. Of the univerfal Peace that CHR /5 T fhould bmig 9 XLVII.— All are to be Joyful in CHRIST, chofen for us 4 CHRIST'S Afcenfton fi^xixQ^ — — 5 '^p/mg vvith Zeal, and Vnderjianding — 6 XLVIII. — The City of Jerufalem praifed, where GOD is worfhipped i XLIX.—Riches cannot Re4es7n the Wicked, but CHRIST I L. — A Prophecy of the Gofpel going from Sion — I CHRIST'S coming to Judgment foretold — 3 The Jews called Saints^ for being in Covenant with GOD 5 LI. — A general Prayer for Forgivenefs of Sins — i How the Soul, or GO D's Grace cometh to Children 5 GOD loves not outward Sacrifices-, but of the Heart J 6 Lll. -^Tyrants ^nd Lyars are deftroyed, and Godly preferved i 3 LIII.r-Gofpel A New Key to the Book of Pfalms. Profe^Pfalms. ProfeTerp. LIIL— Gofpel Scoffers, and Jtheijis defcribed — — I Salvation to //^■^e'/ prayed for — — — 6 LI v. — Sinners are punifhed, as Stravgers to GOD — — 3 Praife given to G O D for Deliverance — r — 6 LV.— By familiar Deceivers, C HR I ST znd Judas foretold 3 Prayer three Times a Day heard — . — ^ — 18 Men lofe half i\\Q.\r Days by their Wickednefs — 25 LVl. — David's Confidence /^z^r^//? the Continuance of CHRIST and His Church — — — — — 4 LVII. — David's Faith (heweth the Converfton of the Gentiles 7. GOD praifed for Mercy and Deliverance — 8 LVIII. — Malicious Men are like Adders^ in Words and Deeds — 4 CHRIST'S Enemies are del^royed ; and Faithfid preferVed 9 LIX. — David's Enemies as Dogs ; figured to CHRIST'S 6 LX. — David rejoicing in his Kingdom, cheareth the Faithful 6 LXI.-— David's Succefs fheweth the ContinuaKce of CHRIST^ Kingdom — — — — ~ — — 6 LXir. — Patience and Meditation bring Salvation ■— — 5 LXIII. — A Ihankjgi'ving for Deliverance in general -^, _— ^ LXIV. — A Prayer againft falfe Enemies — — — 2 Wicked Men's Deftru(Stion rejoices the Righteous — 8 LX V.--G O D to be Praifed in the Church — — — r G O D's Bleffnig on the Faithful, over all the World 4 Water and Corn, the Gofpel of C HR 1ST — -- 9 f^hecp, the i^3//^/i// in C ///?/*!> T; to rejoice — 14. LXVI. — The Rejoicing of the Gentiles foretold — ._ i Martyrs Sufferings foretold, to Convert the People — 11 GOD heareth the Prayers of the Righteous — 18 LX Vir.—The Church's Prayer ; or, all are Bleffed in CHRIST i LXVlU.---CHRIST'sRefurre^ion(oTao\d — — — i 0( Gofyd Preachers, &c. — — — — 1 1 jjj#rhe Sufferings znd Deliverance of the Church — 13 The Rejoicings of C HR IS T's Birth foretold -, and Apoftles, &c. — — — — — — 25 LXIX.— David perfonateth CHRIST'S Paff.on, by his own Com> plaints — — — — — — r None to fear Death for Righteoufnefs Sake — 17 The Faithful are delivered from the Wicked — ■ 36 ^, LXX. — Wicked Men deftroyed ; h\xx,Godly ictk Comfort — r ' LXXI.-— David's Faith, fhews CHRIS T's Refurreclion -^ i David's Prayer in his old Jge — — — S His Song of Praife and Thankfg'iving — — 20 LXXII. — David's laft Charge, and Prayer for his Son Solomnit i Praying in ih^^AinQoi CHRIST — — 8 ..David's laft Biffing; jnsaning alfo CHRIST'S King- dom MP — — — 17 B LXXIIL^Wicked u4 New Key to the Book of Pfalms. Profe-Pfalms. Profe-Verfes. LXXfll. — Wicked Men's Profperlty not to move our Faith — 2 Wicked Men are to be defpifed at the Day of Judgment 20 Godly JVorJhlp is preferable to all Things — — 25 LXXIV. — Deftrudion of the Temple foretold — — I A Prayer for the Faithful in general — — 20 LXX v.— -C HR IST's coming to Judgment foretold — 2 Wickednefs and Pride bring Deflru^i&n — 8 • ' LXXVI. — GOD known, and IVorJhipped in the Tabernacle 1 LXXVII. — A Godly Meditation on GO D's Mercy and JVorks 12 LXXVIII.—G O D's Wonders in Egypt reminded, &c. — I Enemies fubdued to the Gofpel — — 65 Temple h\x\\t \ and David ruted — — — 69 IXXlX.^Ifrael's Complaints to GOD ; with Faith — 4 LXXX.— The Church's Prayer to GO D, in Diftrefs — 14 LXXXf. — A Fejlival-Song ', T/r^^/'s Deliverance hinted — 5 LXXXIL — Judges exhorted to do Jujiice — — — 3 LXXXIII. — Ifrael prays for Deliverance at Home or Abroad — 2 Prayer againft turning: GOD's Houfe to prophane Ufes 12 LXXXIV.—A Longing for GOD's Publick JVorfiip — — 2 Godly Company preferable to Worldly Men's — 10 LXXXV. — A Rememberance of G O D's Mercy to Ifrael — I Righteoufnefs and Peace are infeparable — — lo LXXXVI.— A Prayer for Deliverance — — — I A Thankfgiving for Mercy — — — 12 LXXXVII. — Reftoration of the afHi<3:ed Church promifed — 2 The Birth o^ CHRIST ; and ChriJiians foretold 4 LXXXVIIL— To Pray to G O D in our Jffliaions — ^ I No Prayers, nor Praifes in the Grave — II LXXXIX.— G O D's Mercy and Poiver ; or, CHRIS Ts Kingdom foretold — — — — — 6 XC— The Brevity of Man's Life ; and Prayer for Mercy and Comfort — — — — ^ *— 10 XCL— G O D our only Shelter, in all Dangers — — i G O D's Angels guard the Faithful; CHRlST's Temp- tation foretold — — — — II XCII.— Pfalm for the Sahbath-Day, of Joy and Meditation i XCllL^CHR IS T's Reigning on Earth foretold — 2 XCIV.— /^(?«^^^«r^ only belongeth to GOD — — . i GOD knoweth the Hearts of all Men — 1 1 XCV.— An Exhortation to Praife GOD — — i XQVL— CHRIST'S Firji, and Second Coming foretold 10 XCVII.— Repetition of the former. GOD preferves His 5<2/«/x 10 XCVIII.— All Things to Praifi GOD ; with Faith in CHRIST 6 XCiX.— Concerning CHRIS T's Coming, &c. — - I C.-— All to Praife GOD, for being made New, by CHRIST i CU-^DAViD'sRukoiGovirnmnt^tQbQOuis — 2 Qll-^Prayer A NiTw Key to the Book of Pfalms. ProfcPfcilms. Frofe-Verfei. CW.— Prayer of the Faithful^ in Captivity — — I GOD's JVord^ and People endure for ever — 25 cm. — Prayer to GOD for Pardon^ and Deliverance, — i He pitieth fuch asyi'^r Him — — — 13 Jngehy and Men, io PraifeGOV> — .^20 €lV.~-GOD is Praifed for His Works, and Creation — i Angels created, left out in Geriefts — — — 4 Glory to G O D for ever. Sic. — — — ' 3 ^ C v.— G O D is Praifed by Jfrael, for paft Mercies — r CVI, — GOD'sGooinds fnagnijied, concerning Jfraei — X CVII — All the Redeemed to Praife G O D for Mercy — 2 CVIII. — GOD is Praifed (or His Promifc, and Deliverance I ClX.-^CHRlSr, and Judas foretold, by David's own Ufage i ex.— CHRIST'S Power, and Kingdom foretold — i C HRISf's Sufferings foretold by Drinking — 7 CXI. — Thankfgiving to GOD, for Mercy to His Church — r Redemption to His People by fearing Him — 8 CXI I. — G O D's Providence on the Merciful and Charitable r CXIJI.— G O D to be Praifed for His Humility and Mercy — 6 CXIV. — GOD's Mercy, and Wonders in ^^^'Z*^ — — r CXV. — GOD only to have all Praife and Glory — — i Idols, not accepted of GOD — — — 4 The Blejfednefs of fuch as fear GOD — — 13 CXVI. — GOD's Af^r^;' magnified — — — I Sacramental Sacrifice muft be ofFered to GOD — i<; CX VII.— All Ge7jtiles to Praife GOD; eternal Life by CHRIST i CXVIII.-^GOD to be Praifed for His Mercy by ail Men -- i C HRIST the only Gate to Heaven — — 20 The Fea/ of C HR IS T's Nativity foretold — 24 CXIX— Precious Motives to a Godly Life, &c. &c. Sec. — All CXX. — Lyars hated of GOD, to their own Deftru6lion — 2 CXXI — G O D preferves the Righteous at all Times — 3 CXXII.—AIl to rejoice \n CHRIS T's Church — — i CXXIII. — A Prayer of the Faithful^ forlDeliverance — I CXXIV.— GOD the only Defender of the Jujl, from the Wicked i CXMjj^. — Confidence in GOD never fails the Righteous — I CXXVl.'—IfraeFs joyful Deliverance repeated — — I CXX VII. — G O D the Pr^T^m/y, and %%^^^ri of all — — 2 Spiritual 6V^//^//-^f/'s Moan for the Decay of Chriftian Piety — i Babylon's Deftrudlion foretold — — — 7 CXXXVIII.— All Nations to Praife G O D in His Church — 2 CXXXIX,— GOD'S Eye is over all, at all Times, and in all Places 2 G O D's Mercy, Counfel, and IVifdom endlefs — 17 CXL. — A Prayer againft cruel Backbiting Enemies — I CXLI. — To be watchful of our JVords in Prayer^ with Patience 3 CXLIL— A Prayer when in Diftrefs — — _ i CXLIII. — A Prayer for Remijfton of Sins ; and GOD' ^Guidance 7 CXLIV. — A Thankfgiving Song for Fi^iories obtained — I CXLV.— GOD is Praifed for His Jufiice, Mercy, Works, and Providence — — — — — 3 CXLVI.—G O D to be Praifed for fundry Mercies and Benefits 1 CXLVII. — G O D to be Praifed, for many great Caufes — I CXLVllh^Angels, and all Creatures to Praife GOD for the Gofpel 2 CXLIX.— All People, High or low, to Rejoice in CHRISTs Kingdom — — — — — 3 CL. — All Injiruments, and Breathing Things to Praife GOD, &c. HALLELUJAH. Amen, f A NEW ANEW EXPOSITION O N T H E One Hundred and Fifty Psalms. By WILLIAM TANS'UR, Senior. ~^ On PSALM L THIS Psalm is fet in the Manner of a Preface to all the reft -, and, in order to exhort all Men to Study ^ and Meditate on Divine and Heavenly IVifdom •, according to the Ho- ly Scriptures : Shewing, ' That all fuch are truly BleJJed as take Delight therein. — And, on the contrary, '^ that allprophai^ and wicked Contemners thereof, and of GOD, Ihall furely be mi- ferabie in the End. ( — Vide Deut. vi. -^.—Jer. xvii. 8. — Jojh. i. 8. and Prci;. vj. 22. — ) Herein are precious Moti'ves to a Holy Life^ (hewing the different Fate of the Righteous and the IVicked, in this World, and in that which is to come ; from whence we may infer, that when once a Wicked Mati has given himfelf up to E'vil Counfel, Bad Company, Concupifcence, and the like ; (which are the very firil Steps to Ruin) he fo far forgets himfelf in his Sins, that he falls under G OD'i Anger, and Contempt -, and is then faid to fit in the Seat of the Scornful* — On the contrary, all Goody Holy, and Devout Men, that fear G O D's Holy Name, de- light in His Word; and do His blefled M^ill, fo far as they are able; are (as it were) moiftened with his Grace for ever : So that their Works Ihall furely tend to their own SahaHon at the laji Day. — And though the Wicked may feem to flourifh, and profper for a while, in this World j yet the LORD will fo drive them down, that they fhall not be able to fland, at the LaJl Day, in Company of the Righteous : But, they ihall furely tremble, when they feel G O DV Wrath, and fiery Judgment : For it is He alone, that knoweth the Secrets of all Hearts, and will jjtfing every Work into Judgment , whether it be Good or E'vil. -^ Matt, 3cvi. 27. ^ l!he Precept. iThus^ they are Bleft, that never go aftray^ "i By falfe Advice^ hut ferve GOD Night and Bay : / For^ GOD approves the iVays the Righteous tread^ j But^ finful Paths to fure Deftrudion lead. J J^. B. 7 hat fame Commentator? /ly, this Pfalm nvasfrfi compofed hy Efdras ; i>:ho is faid to be the Man that frjl colleSied the Plalms together into one Book ; But 'whether he ivas, or not, it is not njery material, B 3 , On 2 The Pfalm-Singer'j Jewel : Or, On PSALM II. 10.47. T N this Py^/w?,' the Pr^^/6^/, Holy David, rejoiceth,with X a ftrong Faith^ that GOD will continue his Kingdom for ever and ever, though his Enemies confpire, rage, and mur- mur ever fo much againfl it. He alfo '° exhorteth all Kings and Rulers^ humbly to fubmit under G O D's Yoke, by Rea- fon, all Refiftance is vain againfl: the IVill and Power of the ALMIGHTY. * { — Vide 2 Sam. viii. — ASIs iv, Ver. 25. — Pron}. i. 26. — Rom. vii. 23. — Matt, xviii. — Hof. xiu. 2. — Luke xvii. 27.—) Herein is figured tbe Kingdom of our LOR D and Sa^nour, JESUS CHRIST; which neither the Confpiracy of the Gefrfu'cs, the Murmuring of the 'Jenvs, nor the Power of Kifjgs could prevail againft. And though the Wicked fhould fay. We ivill cajf of the Yoke o/G OD, and of CHRIST, yet the L O R D declares. That in refilling CHRIST, they fight againft Him. Holy David alfo fhews, Ver. 7, b'V. That his Vocation to i\\e Kingdom, is of GOD : This being the firii Time he appeared to be ele^ed of GOD; and is applied to CHRIST on His firft Coming, and Manifeftatlon to the World, whether Je^, or GentHe, kc. He alfo exhorteth all Ru/ers to repent in Time, as well as others ; and to hcmag" the LORD of Life : Left, when the Wicked fliall fay, Veace and Rejl, and are in the Middle of their wicked Purpofes, a fudden Deftruftion fails upon them, to their eternal Ruin. Of this, the Righteous are no way in Fear of, by Reafon, the BlsJJing of G O D is herein promifed to all fuch as truft in Him. ( — See A£i5 xiii. 23, %^.—Heh. i. 5. — Re'v. ii. 27. — i The/, v. 3.—) 'The Precept. '^purn not at CHRIST' {as JewsJ to be undone^ But, love the LORD, md honour CHRIST, His Son All, High and Low, on JESUS muft depend^ For, different Faith will Jure in Ruin End. N. B. Holy David probably wrote this P/alm on his being refufed to build the Temple, and driven to War with other Nations ; that Solomon flight rule in Peace: Being transferred to CHRIST, of v/hom both He,' and Solo- mon were Types. * On PSALM IIL 1023. ry^ HIS was a Pfalm of Holy David, when he fled frorri J^ his Son Ahfalom ; and being driven from his King- dom^ ' was greatly tormented in his Mind for hi$ Sins againft GOD : 4 And A New Expofition on the Book ^PfalmSj CSc. 3 ^ And calling earneftly on GOD, grew much more the bolder through His gracious Promifes againft the Railing, and Terrors of his Enemies ; nay, even ol' Death itfelf, which he then feemingly faw before his Eyes, ifjc. Laflly, 7 he greatly re- joiced for the good Succefs that GOD gave him, and all the Church, * (—See 2 Sam. xv. i^.-^PfaL iv. 5.—) Here we have a perfeft Fieiv of the great Security of G O D's Djvine Pro- ieBiov^ to fuch as faithfully confide in Him. Herein is alfo (hewed by our Holy Author^ that in all his Troubles, his Faith was firm and unmoveable ; and had always an earneft Recourfe to G O D, and confided in His Promifes ; and trying the fame. Experience the more increatfed his Faith^ &c. — From which we may learn. That be our Troubles, in this World, ever fo many, or our Dangers ever fo great, if we but faithfully Trufi in G O D. He will affuredly afford us Means of Deliverance, and eternal Salvation in the End. ( — See PfaL xxvii. 3. — Jfa. xliii. 1 1 — Uof. xiii. 3. — "Matt. xxi. 7. — ) ■^ The Word, Selah^ (after the fecond and laft Verfes of this Pfalniy in the old ^ranjlatioti,) fignifies, fometimesy^r e^ver^ or Ameriy or to lift up the Voice with ^ louder Tone, that we alfo confider the Sentence of great Importance ; as more to be obferved, h'c. Selah, is an Hehreiu Word, and is ufed feventy-thrce Times in the old Pfalms, and twice in the Book oi Habakkuk, The Precept. f Grieve not^ though Sinners Godly Men defpife^ Nor fearful he^ though 'Thoufands on you rife : Rely on CHRIST^ let nothing you difmay^ Such Hope will fave you at the Judgment-Day, I N. B. This Pfalm was written on Ahfalotni Rebellion, and Da'vi4& Fright, l^c, fee the Scriptures above quoted. * On PSALM IV. THIS was a Pfalm of Holy David, when Saul perfecuted him ; wherein he firfl: ' called upon GOD for Audience: And truiling molt afTuredly in His Promife, he boldly "" re- proveth his Enemies, who ^ confidently refifted his Dominion, Laflly, He f greatly preferring the Favour of GOD before all worldly Treafures, ^ lieth down in Peace, truiling t;hat GOD is his only Safeguard in the greatefl of Dangers. ( — Vide Pfalm 1. 14. — i Chron. xv. 21. — Eph. iv. 26. — Lvke ii. 32. — ) Here Holy Davi d heartily begs that GOD would hear his Petition ; and, exv horting his Enemies, fhews, that Man's Happinefs intirely depends o^ GOD's •3,,,^ B 4 Mercy 4 'The Pfalm-SingerV Jewel : Or, Meriy and Fn'vour, &c. — This P/a/m he directed, or infcribed. To the chief Mufi- cian that excelleth on the Neginoth ; (an Injirument of eight Strings, to beat on as a Dulcimer ;} i.e. To the Onjerjeer^ or Beji Player^ it beir,g then cuftomary with them to direSi who, amcngft his Covipany of Stngers, and Players, (hould havp the Charge to begin, and carry on each PJalm, and with what Kind of Infiru- tneyits ; and fometimes the Tune was called by the fame Name as the Injlrutnenty l^c. Herein David alfo Ihews, That G OI) is the only Ju(^:e of every Caufe, and the fole Defender of both Body and Soul, at all Events : and though -worldly njofe Men crave only for the Riches of this Life, yet G O D's Bleffing, and Panjour, is preferable to all : For if worldly Men's Enrerprifes pleafe thtm ever fo well, yet GOD alone is able to brin^ them all to nought, and to be of none EfFeft ; whilft they who have Felicity in GOD's Favour are fecure from all Dangers, l^c. thereby fignifying, that he could dwell more joyfully alone^ than if many were about him ; becaufe the LORD was always with him, and direfied all his Goings. I'he Precept. iWhen in Dijlrefs to GOT) addrefs thy Pray'r, And He thy right ecus Caufe will fur ely hear : From cruel Foes he'^ll be thy only Guard, And give thee Heav'n, at laft^ for thy Reward. _ ( — ^icPfahn 1. Ver. 15, 16, 17. — ) m&^^^^^m^^s}& On PSALM V. THIS was a Pfalm of Holy David, when the Cruelty of his Enemies grievoufly opprefTed him ; and fearing greater Dangers might then come, he ^ earnejily prayeth to GOD for Succour ; fhewing how greatly necefiary and requi- fite it is that GOD fhould punifh them for their Malice. — Afterwards, being aflured of profperous Succefs^ he ^ greatl7 feeleth Comfort from GOD; concluding "- that when GOD fhould deliver him, others alfo fhould be Partakers of the fame Mercies^ Bkjfings^ and the like. ( — 3ee Pfal, cxxx. Ver, 6.^1fai. xllv. 25. — ) This our Holy Ai-thor infcribed To him that excelleth on the Nebiloth, (a Wind Jnflrument fo called,) that he, whoever he was, fhould be the chief Majler^ and Manager q( both Singers, and Infruments, in order to perform it. Jfai. V. 1 2. Hence we ipay learn, wi h what Ardency he frayed^ and with what Patience he waited till He was heard , and that GOD will furely punifh the Wicked, and never forget the Righteous who /<•/;«/ noty and ftedfaftiy truft in Him. — He alfo fliews, that in the greateft of all his Temptations, his ;7Vv/? was alone in GOD, who brought all ihe vile Defigns of t!»e Wicked to no Effed ; and that G O D's fatcur and 'Lcve to him, confirmed the Faith of others : From which we may 3 jnfer^ A New Expofition on the Book g/'Pfalms, &c. 5 infer, that they who patiently, and faithfully iruji in G O D, ihall furely be fafc from all Dangers. (—See Pfal. xli. Fer. 2.— Rom. iil. Ver. 13.—) ne Precept. flVhen wicked Mm thee wrongfully cpprefs^ 1 0;; G O D rely, for Help, in all Biftrefs : \ Their vile De/tgns upon themfelves fhall fall^ X Almighty AID fhall keep thee out of all. J N. B. This Pfa!m was probably wrote on SauPs promifing Merah ; and giving Michalio be a Snare to him. See i Sa7n. xviii. 17, ^c. On PSALM VL THIS was one of the Penitential Pfahns of David, when he, by his grievous Sins, had forely provoked G O D's Wrath and Anger againft him. And feeling GOD's Hand forely upon him, and conceiving the Horrors of everlafting Death, he ' greatly defireth Pardon and Forgivenefs. — Then greatly bewailing, that if G O D took him away in his In- dignation and Wrath, he fhould inevitably lack that Occafion to Praife Him as he had always ufed to do whilft he was amongft Men. — Then ^ fuddenly feeling GOD's Mercy and loving Kindnefs to him again, he very fharply rebuketh his Enemies that had rejoiced at his Sorrow and Afflidion. ( — See^^r. X. Ver. 24. — Pfal. xxvi. i. — xxx. 10. — ) This PfalmDa'viilinknhtd To hitn that excelleth upon the Neginoth, (an Injlrument fo called,) upon the Eighth Tune ; which was, doubtlefs, a very mournful Piece of Mujickt and well adapted to exprefs the Paffion and Senfe of fo grave a Subjed : Wherein he (hews, that though his Sins had deferved utter Deftruftion, yet he trufted that GOD would in Mercy pity his Frailty ; by Reafon his Repentance was unfeigned, his Tears had watered his Couch, and his Confcience was touched to the Quick, for Fear of G O D's Judgment ; his Strength was abated, and he forely lamented that he could not Praife G O D in ihe Congregation as he had wont to do. — Laflly, GOD fendeth him Comfort in the Midit of his Sorrows and Afflidiions, (hewing, that by Fai^h^ and unfeigned Repentance, v/e may boldly triumph over our Enemies ; and that when the Wicked rejoice, and hope the B-'ghteons will perifh, GOD fuddenly delivers them, and deftroys the Wicked in their Stead. Oh ! that we could but Repent as Holy David did ! But alas, the old Proverb is Itill too true, that is, " Many can Sm nxjithVihyiYii but fenv can Repent ^vith him.'" (^-See Pfal. cxv. 17. — cxviii. 17. — xxxviii. i8. — Mat. vii. 23. and xxv. 4.— Luki xiii, 27.-- ) The \.A 6 The Pfalm- Singer V Jewel : Or, The Precept. iHave Mercy, LORD, for cruel Foes opprefs^ 1 My Sins forgive, and help me in Diftrefs : \ Reftore my Soul, that I with chearful ^^oict^ T May Fraife Thy Name^ and evermore rejoice, J N. B. This Pfalm was written on the fame Occajlon as Pfalm xxxii. and xxxv. which fee. 'Ss' -^Sr -tSr t«r tSt -^ "Sb' -^ •rfr liEr '*r -^ tSr rSp- -^ 'tj^ '^ t«r tSr 'rfi' -^r -tSir -!>Sr -^ "^ -^ -t»r -^ -3^ 0;2 PSALM VIL OLY David being very falfly accufed by Cujh^ (who was one of SauC% Kinfmen,) he ' greatly calleth upon GOD to be his Defender; unto whom he '> commendeth his Innocency. — And then fhewing ^ that his Confcience no ways accufed him of any Evil towards Saul •, he "^ next thought it was to GOD's Glory^ to award Sentence againft the Wicked, — Then '^ entering into a deep Confideration of G OD's Mer- eiesy and Promifes, he boldly derideth the vain Enterprifes of his Enemies ; threatening, *^ that, that Mifchief lliould fall on their own Heads, which they malicioufly had purpofed for Others. (^^See I Saw. xvi. 7. — P/al. xviii. 19, — i Chron. xxviii. g — Pfal. cxxxix. i.— Jir, xi. 19, 20. and xvii. \o. and xx. 12. — Hab. iii. i.) T]\h Shigaion, or Pfalm of Delight, {or Tune fo called,) ofDAVfD, which, he fung to the LO R D, concerning the falfe Accufation of Cujh, the Son of Je- pjirii, tbe Beniatnite, lliews how greatly he trufted, and called on G O D to de- liver him from the Hands of cruel Sauly who was then fo bitter againll him.— And as he was intirely innocent of what Cvjh had charged him with, to conlirni the fgme, he did not only wifh that Death might fall on him, if he was guilty, but that his ] I trujl^ His Mcvcy'sfure, His Promife is moft juft : From cruel Men, that caufekfs would devour^ Save me, my GO T>, with Thy great Arm a?id Power. N. B. The Cujh that is herein mentioned was probably Saul himfelf, and alfo thofe his Woids. See i Sam. xx. 30, 31. — xxii. 7, 8. On PSALM VIIL IN this Pjalm Holy David ' greatly meditates on the excel- lent Liberality of Almighty GOD, by his fatherly Provi- dence towards Men •, whom he hath fo beautifully made, and -to be as ^ an earthly Governor over all other ^Creatures, &c. For which, he doth not only give to G O D his greateft Thanks, but 9 is klfo aftoniflied with the Admiration of the fame : As counting nothing able to compafs fuch great and manifold Works, Mercies, &:c. (—See Mat, xxi. 16.— Jo/^vii. 17.— P>/. cxliv. '^--zSam. \l—\ Tim. vi. 9.— Eph/LZl.--) Herein the Holy Prophet y David, (hews, how greatly GOD's Gkry is marJ- fefted by His ^orks ; and alio ihews His wonderful Lcve to Men. (Which Pfalm he infcribed To him that excelleth upon the Gittith, or to him that bell per- formed on that Earp-XxVe, Injirument, &c.) And though the wicked Contemners^ of GOD, and his Works, endeavour all they can to eclipfe His Glory, and Praife ; yet, the very Babes are fufficient Wiineffes of ihe fame : His Glory being; evident enough by the ^^onderful Works of the hea'i LORD, let Thy Works teach me Thee to adore. And Live to Thee, and CHRIST for evermore. N. n: 8 The Pfalm-Singer'j Jewel : Or, N. B. This Pfalm is alfo a Confideration of the State of the Jirjl Adam, Gen. i. Z% or, of the fecond Adam by Redemption, Mat. xxviii. 18. and Phil: xxix. 10. Holy David's Conquefts being as 2i.Type of CH R JSf's, which was then to come j foretold in Him by the 6'/^r/r of Prophecy. On PSALM IX. 10 1 8. f I ^ HI SPy^/;;? Holy David diredledto him that could J[ befl perform on the Muth-lahben^ (an Injlriiment^ or Tune fo called) wherein he' greatly giveth 'Thanks to GOD for fun- dry Vi^ories^ as that over Goliah^ &c. and afiures himfelf of the like Succefs for the Future, from the very fame Jujiice : Shew- ing, '° from his great and manifold Experience^ how ready GOD was always to afTifl him in his greateft Troubles. He then being in Danger of new Enemies, '^ defireth GOD to' help him as He was wont ; that he might deftroy all the ma- licious Defigns of the Wicked. * (—Vide 2 Sam vi. 12 — 2 Sam. viii. — ) From this we mny infer, that G OD is not fully Praifed unlefs the whole Glory is given to Him alone. Likewife, however fo prevalent an Enemy may feem to be, for a little Time, yet GOD will afToredly defend thejuJIMans Caufe, in the Midft of Danger. And though the Wicked make a Derifion of GO D\s People, and daily drive to work the Deftruaion of CHR IST's Church, yet GOD will furely deliver them ; for He always confiders the Poor Mans Caufe, and His Mercy is over all His Saints, in CHRIST JESUS. And though he does not hallily renjenge the Wrongs done to the Righteous^ yet He will never fuffer the Wicked to go unpunlflied ; for He ha'- an Eye over all their wicked Deftgns^ and Enterprifes, though they think themfelves ever fo fly andy^- €ret\ and will bring every Work into Judgment, whether they be GooAftor Evil. ^^ (-^Vidc zSam. xxii. 1. — Pfal. xcii. 3. — ) The Precept. [Moft mighty LORD! Thy Judgments all arejiiji^ Thy Mercy's great, to fuch as in Thee truft : The jud Man's Cagfe Thou always doft defend \ Due Thanks, and Praife can never -^ to Thee, End. \ N. B. This Pfalm was penned after the Ark was feared in Sion ; and in Midft of thole FiSioriesi mentioned in the Scriptures y before quoted. * A ' On A New Expofitlon on the Book ^Pfalms, C^c. g On PSALM X. IN this Pfalm our Royal Author David ' greatly complains * of the Frauds Rapine^ and tyrannous Wrongs which worldly wife Men in their great Profperity, impofe on GOD's People : They "^ fetting apart all Godly Fear and Reverence ; do as they lift, without Controul ; and perfift in their own vain and care- lefs Security, till their own wicked Enterprifes come all to nought : For, GOD will never forlake His People, nor fuffer their Enemies to go unpunifhed. Therefore, '^ David earneft- ly calls upon G O D to fend them a fpeedy Remedy againft their defperate Evils ; and '^ greatly comforts himfelf with the Hope thereof j and of the Succefs of a fpeedy Beliverance^ &c. &c. (—Vide Pfal, ix.—} Hence we may learn, that although the Church, and GOD's People are oftcii held in Derifion by the wealthy Wicked, and are deemed as Poor, in the Goods of thi^ Life, yet GOD never failed to help them, in His own due Time : For which Reafon, whenfoever we fall under any Troubles and AiHidions, we muil always wait with Patience, till His good Time of Delivery. And although wjordly ivife Men boaft of their Profperity, Riches, and IVit, blafpheme their Maker, and think themfelves fecure in all Events ; becaufe they never had any Troubles ; they, being in great Po'tver and Authority, fcreen all their Villainies with Hypocrify ; devour the Poor^ and defpife both GOD and Man ; and fo run on, till Jujiice overtakes them, with utter Deftru£lion But, and to our great Comfort, the LORD helpeth the Juft, when the Help of Man faileth ; and their Faith, Hope, and Good Works^ will bring them Peace at the laji^ when 7ime Ihall be Eternity. (—Vide P/a/. xxix. II.-— J^oOT. XV. 33.—) The Precept. {Save me^ O L O R D, for Trouble is at Handy That I may all my haughty Foes withfi'and : Thou dofi relieve the Poor, and Fatherlefs, In Thee I trufi -, LORD help me in Diflj ' Handy 1 nd: / efs, r )ifirefs. J On PSALM XL THIS Pfalm ' flieweth Holy David's firm Confidence m GOD's Prote^ion-, although * the Wicked, by their Strength, and Subtlety, endeavour to perfuade him to the Con- trarv. to fhe Pfalm-Singer'i Jewel : Or, trary. He ^ alfo greatly rejoiceth in the Succour which G O O fent him, in his greateft Neceffity : And « truly Ihews the Juftice of G O D's judgments, both on the Righteous, and on the Wicked, ^c. * (^-Vide 1 Sam. xix. 2.— xx, 13. 41. — xx. i.«~xxiii. 24.— Pro'i;. xxvii. 8.—) Herein is (hewed how hardly the AfTauUs of Temptations are fuftained, and alfd what Anguif/: oi Mind David was in, when periecuted; for his wicked Com- f aniens, under Colour, and Pjetence of Friend fhip, ftrove to baffle his Gw^'f^iP^rff in G O D J by telling h".m he would be flain by Saul; and that G O D's Refi- dence was above taking Notice of him ; or that his Hopes of His Prcmifes and TroteBion were of none EfFeft, ^c. The Go^/y, in this World, are here compared 10 Birds, who are compelled to fly from Place to Place, to hide theinfelves from the Snares of the Fowler ; being deftitute of any certain Habitation. But, the £nd always declares itfelf, and fliews the Mercy and Providence of G O D over all His Works; for he never forfakes thofe that firmly Truft in Him, at all Events j nor lets the Wicked go unpunifhed, that defpife him : Like thofe of So- dom and Gomorrah, which drink the very Dregs of his Indignation, as a Reward for their Wickednefs. E%ck. xxiii. 34. I'he Precept. rL O R D, give us Grace our precious 'Time tofpend \ In all Thy Laws and Precepts to the End: I To live in Love, and hear a godly Mind, [That we, with Thee, in Heav'n may Glory find. N. B. It is very probable this PJahn was penned when Jonathan bad David fly, and hide himfelf ; when he was forced to fly from Najoth. See the Scriptures before quoted. * On PSALM XII. IN this Pfalm the Royal Prophet, David, ^ greatly lamenteth the miferable 'Eftate of the People ; and ihews the great Decay of good Order, and Chriftian Piety ; chiefly occafioned by Flattery : And defireth GOD would fpeedily fend them fuch Succour, as to work a Reformation. Then " comforting himfelf, and others, with the AfTurance of GOD's fpeedy Help ; he commendeth the conflant Verity that GOD always obferved in keeping His holy Promife, * {—Vide I Sam. xxii. — xxv.*-) We are taught, from this Pjhim, always to call upon GOD with a fure Con- fidence, if we would perfevere in our Def^res ; for He will always defend- the 'Truth, and will iTievv Mercy to ail fuch as are wrongfully oporefled. David 3 ' ' alfo A New Expofition of the Book ^f Pfalms, %c. 1 1 alfo (hews that Flatterers, at Court, often do more Harm with their Tonaues, than the many IVeapons ; by Reafon, they think they are able to perfuade Men to comply with whatfoever thty take in Hand ; be their Defigns ever {o pernicious to the People. But Jet all fuch ohjeyve, that G O D is always monjed with the Corn- plaints, and ^ighs of His People; and will, in His due Time, delin;er them from the Snares, and Dangers of the Wicked : Becaufe His Word is true, and His Promi/e is unchangeable. He will preferve the Poor from the wicked Genera- tion, who ttrive to fupprefs ihcG^dlyi and deftroy the Wicked : For the LOPvD knoweth the Seaets of all Hearts, and of every Scheme, and Difguife. i 'The Precept. From flattering Tongues^ LORD, do thou defend And keep me fafe ; 'tis hard to find one Friend : Thy Words are pure^ O LORD, thou canft deflroy The Double Hearty that would my Soul annoy. N. B. Probably this Pfalm was penned on the Notice of the Priejis that were flaln by D^^^'s Advancement ; and on Samiefs Death, iffc Sc& the Scriptures before cited. On PSALM XIIL HOLY David, in this Pfalmy being a little difpirited with fundry Affusions ^ ' fleeth to GOD; and expoftulaterh with Him about the Length of their Continuance ; and ^ begs earneflly of Him, for a fpeedy Deliverance. And being en* couraged through G O D's Promifes of Succefs ; he ^ puts his whole Confidence in Him ♦, and, at laft, fings of His Mercy^ and loving Kindnefs, in dealing fo favourably with him. ( — Vide Pfalm Ixxxix. i. 15. i6. 29. 32, 33.-^) From this we are inftrufled, that although our Jfiidions continue a long Time, yet we ought not to faint in our Faith ; but to truft in GOD, and to bear all patiently that he lays upon us, until it is His good Time to deli'ver us ; left the great Enemy overcome us, we die without Hope, and undergo the fecond Death. But, as the Mercy of G O D" is our eternal Sai againll: any one, lell his Blood cry out againtl us. Not to giirid the Poor, ncr take an Ad--vantage of their Nccc£:ty, in making them pay Extortion for what v.e lend, or fell them ; nor hinder your Neighbour's honeii Ad-jantage when Oppor- tunity offereth ; but, do by all Men as we vvould they Ihould do unto us, bo-h in Thought^ in Word, and in Ijced: for G O D will Jrv^/^v boch the Deceitfuly and the Ifffocrite; and the honefl sincere Man fhall find Peace at the laft. { — Vide I Chron. xxii. i. — ; Chron. iii. i. — 2 Sam. vi. 6. 9. — ] * l^he Precept. TBe to thy Neighbour jaft and innocent^ \ Free from all Guile, all Words thy FlearCs Inte7it\ |7V(? Envy hear., nor injur'* cus Tales regard., [ And thou in Heav'n, with CHRIST, Jloalt find Rt^2ivdi, N. B. This Pfalm was wrote in Oppofition to the xivth, and on fome Occafion alludin'^ to the prefent Tabernatling of the Ark of Sio7t ; and the future Place of it in Mcunt Moriah : Or pollib^y on the Breach made on Uz.z^h. * On PSALM XVI. T N this Michtam or Golden Pfalm of holy David, he ' ear- J^ neftly prays to G O D for Succour^ not for his IVorks., but for his Faith : And + Ihews his utter Abhorrence to all Kinds C or 14 Ti&^Pfalm-Singer'i Jewel: Or, of Idolatry. Then, ^ rejoicing in his own State, he ^ fliews hi« Faith in GOD, '° by CHK IST's Refurre^ion •, and wholly relies thereon as his greateit Feiidty and Comfort. ( — Vide Jclsiu 2^,—Heb. v. y.—Jsisxm. 34, 35, ^c. — P/al,xxiv. 4. — jfol? xiv. 13.—) This P/a/f.^f (amongft many others) was ivrote by holy David, intirely from the Power of Fai^h, and Spirit of Prophecy ; by Realbn, the Prophet, being ra- vifiied in Spirit, Iheweth from his Faii/j^ and contented State, what prgfent Truji he had then on G O D, and His Provu/es, in the future Coming of CHRIS T the MeJJiah ', by whofe Death and Rejurreclion, he (hould be made a Partaker of the Joys of Heaven, — This is the very Sum of the whole Dodrine of the Gofptl of CHRIST, and fhould be the perfedt Pattern and Ground-^vork of all our frefent Comfort, in this World, and all our future Hope of eternal Felicity in the next: For as the Prophecy of David is now made manifeil according to the P/o- ;;;z^' of G O D, by the Coming oi CHRIST-, we fhould, with an unfh-iken Hope, no^v truit on his fe con d Coming, to judge the whole World; a*id endeavour, by our Faith and good Works, to die from a!l Manner of Sin, and rife again to a neijj Life of Righteoufnefs, whi'e we are in this World ; fo that oar Faith may not only lay us down in Peace in our Graves, bat alfo raife us again at the /ajt Day of Judgment, to receive the joyful Sentence of Come ye Blessed ! in whofe Prefence there is Fulnefs of Joy, and at whofe Right-Hand there are Fleafu-res for evermore. Amen. Amen. J^he Precept. r L OR D, keep my Heart in good and pious Frame, \ "That I obey, and love thy mighty Name : j For well I know, my Saviour has in Store i^For me a Crown, in Heav'n, for evermore. On PSALM XVII. THIS Pfalm is a Prayer of David^ wherein he greatly complaineth of the cruel Pride, Arrogance, and caufelefs Wrongs of Saul, and other Enemies ; and ^ earneftly prays to GOD to judge his Innocency, ^ defend him, '^ revenge his Caufe, and deliver him : '^' whereby he was not afhamedto face the LORD in Righteoufnefs^ which was his greateft Felicity and Comfort. ( — Vide Jer. vii. 11. — i Sam. xxiii. 26. — ) * We are taught from this Pfaimy that whenfoever cruel Tyrants opprefs and perfecute either its, or our Religion of CHRIS T, that we fhoufd alway keep a fafe and good Co7tfcie?ice, void gf Offence botb to G O D and Man ; and, with A New ExpoHdoil o?i the Book of Pfalnis, (:Sc. j 5 a firm Hopey eameftly pray to G O D for Deliverance according to our In- r.ocency : For GOD will ailuie-:?]/ brin<»: down their Pude. ilop their Rac/e, •and confoun-'J their wicked lyfilj^as and AHeganony in the End. And thou'^li the Proud, (like rich l)ilomes for tfe Po-xver of G O D, in Order to flievv, that as the Wxked have many Ways to hurt^ GOD has, in like Manner, many Ways 10 htlp and Ja^ve : v.'hich none can receive unlefs they faithfully lo\t\ in His Glcry and Pt'titicn. He alfo ihewa the Wrath of G O D at^ainit His Enemies, aod how horr:b'e His fudgnjnfi will be on the Wicked, \^ Darkncfs, Ihindey, ligbtnifjg. Hail, Botlo7nlt)t Pits, C 2 &-«. i6 The Pfalm-Singer'i Jewel: Or, Scz. and, on the contrary, what Favour He has to the Fattbfuly in hearing their Complaints, and mercifully delivering them out of their Troubles, iSc, ^c, i5'c. ( — Vide 2 Sam. xxii. — Pfal. civ. — Rom. xv. 9. Tbe Precept. From cruel Foes^ Thou, LORD, haft fet me free. Great was "Thy Love and Favour unto me ! 0/ % Deliverance, LORD, Til ever fing. And daily love T'hee, my Q OY) and King 1 I N. E, This Pfahn was uttered after all his Enemies in Canaan were fubdued, and he in full franquillity ; and, from his Puipofe to build the Temple, u as driven to the Wars abroad, in all which he promiferh himftif Suuefs, and had it accordingly. See the Scriptures above or before quoted. * 0« P S A L M XIX. O L Y David, in this Pfalm, ' moveth the Faithful to H glorify G O D by the vifible and exquifite Workmanfhi-p, Proportion, and glorious Ornam.ents of Heaven, as the Sun, Mccn, and Stars : And then ^ calleth them to the Law, which G O D has fo familiarly revealed to his chofen People : Shew- ing, by its feveral Names, its Divine Nature, its gracious Effe£ls^ *° its Precioufnefs, and " its Profit ablenefs. Pie then '^ prays for Purification, and Prefervation from all Sin -, and '4 for G OD*s id,vouYdb\t Acceptance of his Duty, &c, [ — Vide Ro?n. x. id-. — Gal. iv. 21. — 2 Tim. iii. 16. — Exod, xx. 5. — ) 7 his glorious Pfahn, cr Morning "Meditation, teacheth us the whole Sum of all true Divinity, whereby we may know both GOD himfelf, and the Worjhip due to Him. fo as to attain everlafting Life. The Glory and Worjhip due to G OD is manifcfted by the V/orks of the lleu-vensy which is as 2iSchcol?r,aJler to ^vzry Nation of the V/orld, or as a Line of i^.rga Capital Letters, to ihew His Magnificence and G/orv; fo that none can pretend to be ignorant thereof, be they ever fo barbarous, when they behold the orderly Changes of Days, Nights, Sea!lns, 2nd Tears; and more efpeciaily of the glorious Sun, which =ivarmeih ^.hdjhineth over the whole Earth, and cometb fcrch in his Courfe, as a Briiie and Bridegrootn in great So'emnity, from the Veil of Darknefs, rejoicing the whole AJj'ernhly, both of Heaven and Earth. The Ho7:our and Wor/hip due to Him is here fet forth at Jargc by the Z/jov, whi-^h we ihould have fo printed'm our Hearts, as to teach us, that uue Wifdom is not in Words alone, but in Deeds alfo ; whereby we may have Forgivenefs of -Sins; which, \x\ David's Time was only fiiadowed by the Law j h\\\ nova, fince C H RIS T, it is expounded by the Go/pel^ and uttered to us mod fully, and manlfeftly, bo:h by CHRIST himfelf; and by the Writingt of His holy infpired A New Expofition C7i the Book c/'Pfalms, &c. ly mfplred ^po/iles : Which Belief, with Pradice, will bring us to Life everlaillng. Aiiien. Amen. The Precept. ! 51/??^ Sun, the yioon, and St2i\'^ do plainly fljcw T G O DV Handy-Works, to Mortals here below : I His Laws and Precepts y2? in Glory /bine ^ T To guide our Souls to lafting Joy, Divine. j ( — Vide ^o//j. i. lO. — A'Zj xvii. 27. — \ Cor.\. 21. — ) 0// PSALM XX. THIS Tjahn or Prayer of David was compofed for his People to join with him^ before he went to Battle againft the Ammonites •, viz. ' That GOD would pleafe to hear both him^ and his People^ and receive the Prayers they offered unto Him : 7 Declaring, that, (though the Heathen put all their Trufl in their Chariots^ Horfes^ and their King,) they trufl^ only in GOD, to give them a compleat Vi^ory : Whereby one Ihould fall^ and the other il^ould ft and. ( — Vide 2 Sam. x. 1. — i Khgf xix. 2. — ) From this Pfa/m we are taught that Ki^gs, Potentates, and Magijlrales^ fhould join with t?ie meaner People to call upon GOD, in Time of IVar^ and other Dangers ; to preferve every SuhjeSI, as well as themfclv^s : for the Hands cannot fay to theZ,^^j, I have no Need of ye. — We alfo may gather, froni this Pfalm^ four ^nv\c\\)2\ Points of Dc^irine, i. That, tf//^A?;£' Times, a Warfare is neceliary to a ConinionnveuUhy 'to a'lay Pride, and promote Gcdlinefs. 2. That there is a W'de Difftrence between ihe Confidence cf the Wicked, and of the Righteous \ fovoTxtfcHeth, and the oihtr j^andeth. 3. That all prudent Policies are eftabiifhed when G O D's Help is conruhed ; and not by mere Fortune. And 4. Thar as/ G O D is the Author, and Preferver of all good Policies^ in like Manner He will ailiil in al! La-v:s wherein His mighty Power is confulted ; and will preferve the Righteous in all Perils and Dangers, be their Enemies ever fo, feemingly, powerful. The Precept. iln Time cf War, truft in the LORD of Might, 'Tis He alone that does your Battle fight : Princes and Subjeds mufi for ^.■■ccefs^ be'''o e he \Vv;n^ into BaitU, he, in like Matmer, maue as grateful an Acknowledg- nieat, by giving TZ^/2«/^j for Vi-^lory at his Beturn. It fnews alio, that the En- terprizes, and befigns of the Wjcked, are cf none Efl'ed, when GOD Hands by the Righteous. Arid though the Wicked daily rtrive againft CHRIST, and the Faiih/ul, Wt fliouid bear all patiently, till GOD, in his good 1 ime, (hall think ht lo deHroy them ; wh His Prayers^ and -° even the very Agonies of Death, He then ^^ praifeth GOD for hearing him j and ^' foretelleth the glorious Enlargement of the CJmrch thereby, (— Vide il.'^tf//. xxvii. 43.— P/rtA xxxv. 17. xxv. 16.— -i^f^. ii. 13.—) This Pfahn holy David infcribed To hhn that exceUeth on Aijeleth-Shahar, (or a Tu7ie fo called :) And k>mII needs Le wrote purely from the Spirit of Prophecy, wherein we may plainly behold both how horrible it is to fall into the Hands of GOD our Judge ; and aifo how great l^x^Mercf is toward.^ His Church, &c. -Surely this precious yfalm ought to be wrote in Letters of Gold, and never out of our Hands, or Memories -, if we but confsder, that on fhis Battle of CHRIST, all our \^idory dependeth. It is here i'o painted to the Life, that we may, as It were, behold his Ahajing, his Uangir.g on the Cro/S, and hear his forrowful Sighs and Sohs in that Conflict with Satan, our Sins, and with Death ; as if He were flru2;2,ling with the very Bottom of Hell itieif. We alfo may fee, as it were, the very F:aory of His Rcfuyre^ion \ and that everlalbng C>/fzff, which he fhall exercife to the End of the World ; by whofe Amhaffadors he fl-iall gather His Church from every Nation, and preferve it from Age to Age. This you'll find inerpieted by the Four E-vangeliJls m their Hijlorv of His PaJJion; and by the Apall'e, in his Epillie to the Hebre^vs. Ali of which fee, read, mark, and learn. ^he Precept. r Our Fathers old, did en the LORD depend^ 1 j ISIot vain their Truft, for He did Succour fend ; ( ^er die, j i Let iM, L O R D, on JEB US no' I T^hat^ by Plis Blood, my Soul may never di 0?i PSALM XXIIL THIS is a Pfalm of Comfort. — David, theRoyal Prophet^ having often tried the manifold Mercies of G O D feveral Ways, in this Pfalm ' he, by Faitb, promifeth himfelf that GOD will not forfake Him all the Days of His Life : But that ^ He will continue His Gcodnsfs to him for ever. (—Vide lfat:\\. 11. — jer. xxiii. ^. — Ezek. xxxiv. 5. — Johi x, 11. — 1 Pet.W. 25. — ) Although this fweet and grateful Lefon of Humility , was wrote by the Royal Hand of David after he had fettled the Arh^ and was in full Tranquillity *, yet he was not puffed up like the Epicurea?:s^ who think all they have comes by For- tune, or by their own hdujlry, and fo turn all good Things into Fikhincfs : No, he attributed all he had, and enjoyed, to the Liherality of a good and merciful GOD. And though new a King, m Splendor, he thought it no Difgrace to own he had been a Shfifherd-, for which Reafon he probably ufed thefe two Si7ni- C 4 litudcs ^^o The Pfalm-Singer'j Jewel : Or, litudci in h''s Writing, 'vix. one, of a 6'>6^/'/-'^ri chat carefu 1/ provideth for his flock ; and the ether, for the Sheep that are fed and guarded by him : From the which, all i^/'/g-j are admoniihed to feed and guard the Peopie, and ufe Hofpitality and Lilerality amongft them. He aifo fneweth thac all Things, -of this Life, Coine to us from GOD, and are fanSlif.cd unto us by Hss holy Word ; for which Rtafon we fliould not intirely fee our Affedlions on the Things of this tranfuory Ufe, but fhould raife our Thoug',its on His everlalling and heavenly Veivg ; iince we have, (by our Hope, and good Works,} His molt gracious Fra- mi/j ot being Blejjcd both in this World, and in that whicfi is to come. * ( — Vide 2 6'^;?;. vii. i.—^ ^he Precept. Aftedfaft Heart need never dread or fear^ For why ? a loving Saviour'j always mar : CHRIST will fupport^ and be his great eft Friend. And fafely guide him to his Journefs End, \ N. B. This Tfalm was wrote after the Ark was fettled, when he was in full Tranquillity. * On PSA L M XXIV. 1017. TT^ROM this Pfalmo^ Day id ^"^t may learn, ' that as J/ GOD created all. He is even LORD over all, and ' gcverneih all, and preferveth all \ and ' that His gracious Good- nefs inoft appears to His cbofen People, that -^ are true Worjhippers of Him ; v/hom ^ He hath appointed for His eternal Glory in Heaven, as willingly as they would be Members of His Church on Earth. He then, by the Spirit of Prophecy, fpeaking of the Building of the Temple, defireth ^ that the Gates and IDoors thereof might be opened, that the Glory of G O D might enter in i according to the Prcmife in Pfalm cxxxii. ver. 14, ^c, * (—Vide 2 i'^w. vi. 9 — z Sam. vi. 12. 20.--) It is herein declared, that the true "Memhers of the Church are known unto G O D by their good Works \ for G O D knows the Hearts of all, at all Times, and in all Places. The Word 'lAount or Hill, herein means the Place whereon the Te?np!e was to be built : V/hich earthly Temple figures out to us the e'vcrlojl- ing Temple o^ G ODf His eternal and heavenly Ref.dence : Whereunto all His faiihful l^VorJljippers of the earthly Church fhall be taken after this Life ( and en- joy the full Fruiuon, and Prefcnce of GOD, and CHRIST, for evermore. Amen* Amen, The A New Expofftion on the Book of Pfalms, &c, 2 1 The Precept. !L O R D, let thy Precepts he my Rule and Guide ^ That I from Tbee^ and CHRIST may never In Mercy ^ LORD, count me among the Ble And guide my Souh to Thy eternal Reft. iide^ ■> JlideA N. B. This ?fahi\\2i^ written, probably, while ^^ Ark tarricl with Ohed-ErJom ; reipeaing cne Breach made on JJ'x.'zah ; and the Preparations for the re- moving the Ark to $ion. See the above Scriptures. * On PSALM XX\^. N this Pfalm of Prayer^ holy David being greatly grieved at the Malice of his Enemies^ and for his own Sins^ efpeci- aliy for thofe of his Toiith^ ' by his Hope in G O D, he '^ ear- neftly prays for His Safeguard, ^ Direct on, and '+ Remijfion of Sins ; and alfo for his own, and the Church*?, Deliverance out of all Afflidtions, l^c, ( — Vide /A/, xxvlii. 26. — Roiu.x. 9, 10, 11. — ) This excellent Pfalm is full of Afredions to G O D, and anfwers to three Pe^ titions contained in the LOR D's Prayer, i . 1 hat we may have a free Forgi've- nefs of our TrefpalTes, and Zim. 2. That the IVill of G O D may be done, by our being ^a/V^^ and go^-err,ed by Hib Holy Spirit. And 3. That we may be de- fendti^, and deli-z/ered from the E'vil, and Injuries of all our Enemies, is'c. This Pfal?/i being a very proper Form of Prayer, to he ufed by our whole Church-'m public i and for all godly Families, in private, lufc. * (—Vide 2 Sa7n. xviii. 1. 6. — ) The Precept. {Defend me, LOR D,-;« Thee I put my Trufi, Guide Thou my Soul, to do Thy Will mofi jnft : Confound my Foes, let none my Soul deftroy. Forgive my Sins, and I f to all never die. \ N. B. This Pfah?! was probably wrote jaft after his Sin with BatJ>//jeba -, when GOD vifited him for it with many liroubles of Heart, as well as with manyunjuft, and cruel Enemies, See ver. 11, 17, 18, 19, 21, As Pfal7n iii. I. was wrote on Ai:falo7n% Infurre(9.ion, this, the xxvth, was pro- bably compofed when he had difpatched his Army cat againll thofe Re- heli : As alfo was P/a/vi Ixxi. See the Scriptures above quoted. * On zz 'The Pfalm-Singer'i Jewel : Or^ On PSALM XXVI. AVID, being greatly opprelTed with many cruel Ene- mies, and Injuries, and finding but very little Help in the World ; ' appeals^ from his own Confcience^ unto GOD to judge his Caufe, according to his Innocency ; and prays for Deliverance : Defiring ^ to be again in Company with the Faithful^ in the Church of GOD; though Saul had banifhed him. He alfo " promifeth himfelf that GOD will preferve and keep him, for his Faitb^ Piety^ and Integrity^ that he *- might again worfljip and praife Him in the Congregation, as he was wont to do. ( — Vide 2 5tf»;. XX. 30, 31. — xii. 7, 8. — P/al. cxxx'ix. — ) From this Pfalm we are taught that GOD is the he^Judge in every Caufe, and lliat there is but very little Equity amongft Men. Aifo how hard a Thing it is in Cauri to retain true Religion, Uprightnefsoi Life, and godly Converfation j efpeci- aily when wicked Men reign, Flatterers rage, and open Violence is ufed by falfe Jccu/ationi: Or, when Perfons will frame their Wits only to ferve the Turns of the Wicked for every Purpofe, (even as the Polypus Fijhes change their Colour to be the fame as every Stone they flick to ;.) to their own private End?, though tbey deftroy the Co^nmoirwealth. But DatncPs Cafe was quite contrary to this, for though his State was no better in the Court of Saul, yet he perfevered in his Plan and Vocation ; and frequented all holy JJJemblies that were not pc?g always on ihcm. Thirdly y to be earntil in Prayer, with Faith and Patience, till GOD's good Time of Delinjerance : which are tne never-failing Spf-wgs to afford as Comfort in our greateft Troubles and hi- flidions. I^he P Ps. E C E P T. 7/" G O D affijis^ why fnoiild I fear to try A dangerous Combat, fince my Guardian'j nigh ? My heav'^nly PRINCE can Armies put to l* light And turn their Day into eternal Night, \ N. B. This Pfalm was probably wrote on Occsfion of SauPs Perfecution, after many Deliverances from him ; when David's Friends could yield him no Succour ; he being rather fain to get Sar-duary for them in Moab, and go again to Judea. Ic agreeing to the fame Time. See the Scriptures be- fore quo led. * On PSALM XXVIII. O Y A L David, in this Pfalm^ ' being in great Fear and Heavincfs of Heart, to fee how GOD was dijhonouredy ^ defires that his Petition may be heard ; and • that GOD would take him away from among them. He alfo '-■ prays that 24 The Pfalm-SInger'j Jewel : Or, that GOD will reward them according to their wicked Inven- tlms^ Malice^ and Deceitfulnefs \ and ^ praifeth GOD that He hath heard his Petitions : Shewing, that He is his only Safe- guard, at all Events ; and hath mercifully laved both him and his People j for whom he ^r^/^'j, as well as for himfelf, and ' joy fully Jin^s of G O D's Mercy and Loving-kindnefs. (—Vide Malachi\. 4.—) Herein holy Daviu behaves not only as a prhoate Man, Hut even as a King sf pointed by GOD; praying both for himfeif, and G O D'a People ; and un- tindoiibtedly by the Spirit of Prophecy, concerning fuch as would wilfuDy perfe- eote the Cxurch. He counted himfelF but as a dead Man till GOD had granted ieis tentloni ; and begged that GOD would not deftroy the Good with the Bad ; (meaB-ng hlr-ife'f and his SoUiters) being well ailured that GOD would pu i!h all the Enenii.vi of His Church -, and would /a've, feed, blej's and exalt him and kh People for ever. * ( — Vide 1 Sam.xxvf. 16. 22. — xxvi. 21. 25. — ) The Precept. I C Hear me, O LORD, when unto Thee / cry, J IFith the Ungodly do not me dejiroy : 'Thou art nry Shield, Tllfing of Thy Renown, Thy tender Love will me with Glory crown. N. B. This Pj'alm was wrote after David was anointed; on Occafion of Tome of boul^ DiflrellwS, deceitful 1 ears, and Promifes^ Sec. See the Scriptures above quoted. * On PSALM XXIX. IN this Pfalm, holy David, ' exhorteth all Kings, Poten- tates, and Rulers of the Earth, to be fubdued by the Power of G O D, from His ruling the ' Waters, Temp efts. Winds, Thunder, Lightning, and ^ increafing the Earth : Seeing that ^'^Wtgovernctb ail, and " hleffeth the People. That they fliall alfo fubmit to His great and mighty Name •, and * PraifeY]\TCi with all Honour, and Glory, as well as meaner People. ( — Vide 2 Sam. viii. — ) From this Vfalm all "Rulers are admonilhednot to be p/oud, nor pufFed up, al- though they are put into High. Places ; but, that there is a G O D more mighty than they. But alas ! the greateft Part that are in any Poiver too often think there i& no G O D, or at leafl take little or no Notice of His Divine Precepts or Proj/es 3 thinking fuch Things too mean for them to take Notice of. No, they wan( A New Expofition 07i the Book of Pralms, (3c, 25 want even themfelves to be honoured as Gods by all that are under them ; and dil- trefs the meaner People, that ihey may be the more fubfervient to their private Ends : They would have none thri've but themfelves, and very feldom encourage the hidujlriousy unlefs their own Inter eft is concerned ; and then they are accounted 'virtuous. — On the contrary, thofe that rule with Ju/Iire, love to fee the People thri'~je ', they /:?(7w;/r G O D, /ri?7Av/f His Glory, and fupprefs IndoleDce, aad Vice ; they tnirt in His Divine Providence, obey His iVill^ and receive all good Things from Him, wich Thankfgi'ving, Their Li'ves are as Patterns to the Peo- ple ; they love thrir Suhje^iy and their Suhje3s lo^ve ard honour (hem ; they live a'! in Peace and Umty in this World ; and have a perfedl Hope of the Jojs of cisAt which is to come. (—Vide P/al. cxxxiii.— ) "The P R E C E P T. {Thunder and Tempefts are at G OD'j Command^ At which the Heathens do affrighted ft and: Great Men of Might their Praiics ne'er JhoiiU ceaje^ To honour GOD, and CHRIS T, their lafiing Peace, N. B. Probably this Pfalm was compofed in the Mid ft of the IVars with foreiga Princes, as alio were Pfal. jcciii. xcvi. xcfii. On PSALM XXX. 1042. 'nr^ HIS Pfa'm was a Smg of David when he chanjed JL and dedicated his Houfe again to GOD, after it had been polluted with the filthy Inccft of his Son Abfalcm -, and when he was delivered from many dangerous Enemies: Where- in ^ he renders Thanks to GOD, and '^ exhorts others to do the like -, and to learn, by his Exampk^ that ^ G O D is always more merciful to Flis Children, than He is rigorous^ and fevere ia punifhing them. He alio fheweth ^ that the Fall from Prof- ferity^ to Adverfjy^ is often very fudden ; and ^ then returncth to Prayer^ prominng '"" to Praife GOD for ever. ( — Vide 2 Sam. vii. 2. 5 — Deut. xx. 5. — 2 Sam. XX. 3. — ) This Pfahn plainly lhew« to all Men the Duty of Gratitude^ that we /ho\^ld[ always rtrturn Thar.ks for ail Mcrdr.s we receive from the Hands of GOD; r.nd alfo flievv the like Mercy unto all orherB. That we (Ik u d never too much truft to our 6 ?xw State", but, when we /'?^«J. t^ke C<2/v, leilwc/ia/y: which is very ofxu faddenly, xvlu-n we are carelefs, and oft our Gtiard: for, when GOD leaver us to oiirfelves, we foon fiide, and fink under the Temptations of the Devil, Therefore, we (hould never rrufl intirely ^n our ot.'.";? foolifh Security, but comm.t. ourf-lyes whoiiy under the Carg of G O D"s Prote:lion ; knowing that He can both jhk di^uiity and raij? ,''>, whom foe vci he pkaf;::rh ; and that we can do no- * thing; 26 ^he Pfalm-Singer'i Jewel : Or, thing of ourfelves without His Help: For which Reafon we (hould alway make a ^r«/£//// Acknowledgment for what we receive, wiih the moll hearty Prmja and Ihankfgi^ing ; forafmuch as we know that our Labours will not be in vam in the LORD. (—Vide P/^/. xxiii,—P>/. XXX. 7, 5, 1 1 — P/^/. cxiv. 8.— .^^i. liv. 7, 8.— Z Cor, iv. 17. — z Chron, IRSiai, 24, 25. — J^rr. xxxi. 18. — 2 Gr. xv. 58. — ) ^he Precept. "GOD is my Guardian, Succour^ and Relief, My Aid fro77z Foes^ from Malice, Fain, and Grief : The LORD my greatefi Tiianks and ¥i'd\kJJoall have. For why ? — There's 7io Repentarlce in the Grave. N. B. This was wrote on .W/'s Perfecations after many Deliverances, when David's Friends could yield him no Succour; but was forceci to ge: Sancluary for them in Moab, and go again to Judea. 2 SaT7i. xxii. 3. 6. •tiJiT Tilf -Tilir xlir tXr tSr -tittf* 'tiftr t*r 'Sjir -sCr '^Ar liSr *ir tiSr tiSr -tSir -i^j^ -IKJr -^r 'ifr -^3^ 'dSJ- -Sfr tSlr -«ir "Jtr Tr tar On PSALM XXXL DAVID, in this Pfalm, being delivered from many great Dangers, ' returneth mod hearty Thanks to GOD> flievving ' what Truft he had in Him, even when Death was almofl before his Eyes ; and his Enemies ready to take him. He 5 then commits his Spirit to GOD, llievvs '^ how he was defpifed and railed on -, and begs of GOD '7 to confound his Enemies j and -^ that the Faithful would, by his Exarr^e, place both their Love, and Trud in G O D alone, v/ho Mth done fo great Things for him, by prelerving him out of their wicked Hands. * (—Vide 2 Savi. xvii. 27. 29. — xix. 37. ,. This Pjalm, (from the Time it was written,) fliews to us the L;ncertalnty of Court Places ; and the infallible Suac/s of fuch as truft in G O D. For, Davjd being a little before in great Povstr and Dignity^ and the fecond Man in the Kingdom to King Saul, was all on a fudden brought into extreme Mifery by tl>e Hatred of the Kwgi whofe Envy was fiirred up againfi: him b;/ a great Number of deceit fid '^TxjQn. Notwithftanding all this, David well confideied the inQn;e' able Temper of this WorU, altbough he was in great Profperify ; and was not entirely caft down when the Storm fell upon him ; for he trufied in the Promifes of GOD, which he had learned from Sa?miely and from his own upright Con- fcience ; whereby he found Deii^oerance. From this v/p may learn, r.oc lo tntjl in Man, but in G O D ; for though Man fail us, GOD will lland hy us ; Whofe Treafurei and Mercies are always laid up for his Childnn to guard them from all the AfTauhs of deceitful Frie^ds^ and open Eneaiie;. The A New Expofition of the Book ^/TfalmSj &c. ^hs Precept. LORD, ThoiCrt my Hope, no trouble e*er jhall move My Heart from '^Thee ; How boundlefs is Thy Love f LORD lake my Spirit, Thou canji it ever guards And give me Heav'n, at lafl:, for my Reward. 1 N. B. This probably was wrote after David's Reception at Mahanaim ; whidi being compared with that Hif.sry, will confirm theCor.jetiure of it. * 071 PSALM XXXIL OLY David, being, for his Sins^ grievoufly affiled with Sicknefs^ here ' counteth them blejfed^ to whom GOD doth not impute their 'Tranfgrejftons. After he '' had confelFecl his Sins, and obtained Pardon of G OD, he * exhorteth wicked Men to hve 2, godly Life \ and " righteous Men to rejoice in tins LORD with Hope, * (—Vide 2 ^am. xiii. — ?faL xxxv. 13. 16. zj.—xxxvili. — ] In this penitential Pfalm of Instruction, is contained the chief Pcmts tii our Chrijlian Faith, rurz. That to be jtijiifed by our Faith^ is CO have a free Remijjion of all our Sins ; and the Spirit of Regeneration is always annexed wirfa. the L»ift of Rigktecufneji ; which is rsceived by Faith ; and doth kindle in ?he Hearts, of theai that ^vq jujiift'd, an utter Loathing of Sin ; and an earnell Hops and ixu2 Obedience io GOD. The C(?7//r;V;^cv being thus pacjiied, doth enj- y a true and perpetual Lo-x'e, in all Storms that lliail arife againft us, ^c. The Fru^ phii alfo ihews that it is a difmal Thing to be between Hope and Defpair j for un- lefs a Sinner is fully reconciled to G O D, he is in perpetual TorTrient. The Means to find Mercy is by Repentance, with Faith ; and a good Confciev.ce, in the Ht^ Ghojl, is the Fruit of Faith j whereby we ejijoy Peace^ in Hopes of everlailiu^ Life. (—Vide Rem. iv. G.-^I/ai. !v. 6. — ) The Precept. f Ho'zv Blefs'd is he, whofe Sins are quite forgiv^tir? \ All blotted out^ and Fardon Jign'd in Heav'n ! J L O R D, touch r,iy Heart to weep fer ev^ry Sin^ lAnd, Then, by CHR 1 ST, I FLQav'aJhallfurcly mn. N. B. Probably this P/alm was wrote at the fame Time as the vith ; on Occa^ fion of Delivery from Sicknefs ; or, perhaps for the Grief of. Amnon^ and Ahfalor>:'^ Milcarriagct;, and the Reproachei raifed thereon. See the Soiptiu-ei oefore quoted. * On 28 !re^ Pfalm-Singer'i Jewel : Or^, On PSALM XXXIIL PRincely David, in this Pfalm^ ' exhorteth all the Righie- ous to Tratfe GOD, for "" the Faithfulnefs of His Pl^crd^ and the Works of His Creation •, and that all Nations dread, and Hand in Awe of Him for the Performance of His mighty Conn- felSy both for the 7^, and Unjuft. Shewing alfo, '"■ that they are hlelJed that truft in G O D ; His all- feeing Eye is over the. whole World, '^ and His Power is overall : And that He will preferve all fuch as love^ and place ihtiv Hope in Him, i^c, * Vide ^/. xxxiii.— ) T!he Precept. G O DV Eye is over ally thai do Him fear^ He loves the Juft, His Counferj always near Rejoice in G O D, Be d(Hh all Things imparl^ And ferve Him.^ daily ^ with a thankful Heart, N. B, Very probably this was compofed for a triomphant Song after Vi^.c/ies ; to lubdue, and admonifh the People to th© Fear of G O D. See the above Scriptures* * On PSALM XXXIV. IN th\%Pfcilmy holy David, ' magnifies G O D for his great Deliverance from Galh ; -and ^ fliews how G O D's Angels will defend the Right ems. tje alfo " exhorts others to the I Tear A New Expoiition on the Book ^Pfalms, (^c. 29 Fear of G O D ; '^ to fpeak no Evil : but '^ to do Good : for ^^ His Providence is over all the Righteous^ and ""' will deliver them out of all their Troubles. ( — y'lit Mark ii. 25, 26. — I Pet. iii. 10. — ) . This glorious Pfalinntvtr ought to be out of our Hands or Memories, for it$ illuilrious Language^ grave, and nuife Sentences. We are here taught, firji, that, whenfoever we receive any Favour at G O D's Hand, it is our Duty to return Thanks ; and confirm our Faith in G O D, againft all other Temptations. Secondly^ to exhort others to do the like ; that they may belie^ve with us, and truji in (jOD, and that fuch Pri^vileges appertain to all fuch as love GOD, and his Church. Thirdly, That we fhould always attribute the Dtll'verame of the Rigbteotis, and the iDt/r«^7/e« of the Wicked . to the Poiver and Will of GOD, and not to Man ; for the Wicked only trull in Man, and are Scoffers of G O D, and can fee on but one Side : But the Righteous difcern on both Sides, i. e. the Wcaknefs of one, and the invincible Po^iver of the Ocher ; fo that they never forget His Judg7nents to come, as well as His prefent Mercies. So Praije "the LORD "uiitb mc, and let us tnagrdfy His great and mighty Name together. ( — Vide I Sam. xxi. 10. 15. — ) 'The Precept. 'Though mayiy Troubles to the Juft befall., ' , at the laft., will rid them out of all : /.^^ L O R D, CHRIST is your Guard and King of His Mercy, and His Gloxyjing, I N. B. This Pfalm was wrote by David after he had efcaped from Achijh, by difguifing himfelf with Madnefs ; being forced thither by Saul. As PfaL Ivith was his Prayer, this xxxivth was his Song of Thankfgi/;;;, to T^r. 5, very livtlily defcribes ^SWs Self- Flattery, Falfe- nefs, and Cruelty. See the above So-iptures, * 'Jp : ^ -Jr '5' 'J? ^ # 'Jp I? ^J? 'J' o5? 'Jp 'J? ^% 4' *h i" ^% 'J? ^ ^^ i"* 'J' ^ciS* <$? 'S» '$' /, xi.— xlix. Ixxiii.— ) It is better to undergo the Ajjiiaioni of this Life, than the Torments of Edl in the next ; by Reafon, one irnot to be compared to the Other: Thofe of this Life are but for a ^ime, but thofe of the next, they are eternal Such as live in Profperity, and enjoy all the Things of this Life, think but very feldom of true Godlinefs ; they gnafh their Teeth againft the Righteous, and make good Men's Lives their Game and Ridicule. They defpife both GOD, His Church, and His People, and would, if it were in their Power, lay all wafte. They live in continual Security of their /r^ /£'/;/ Profperity, and think it will 1 aft for ever ; and, becaufe they fee others yxn^^tPon^erty and AffaSiiom, they think themfelves on the right Side, and defpife both the PQn.^er of G O D, and the Religion of His Peo- ple. But, alas ? GOD can, at any Time, bring down His Judgments ov^ them in a Moment, and diveft them of all their Pride 4nd Grafideur, whilft the hofie/i ^ndfincere Man, (that has undergone their Irfulis and Scorns,) refts on His Divine Pr(yi>idence. whereby he Oands unfliaken ; and at la!l lies down in Peace in bis Gravha;- vvc receive . And by aJding A New Expofition of the Book ^Pfalms^ &c, 43 adding to thefe Faith, and true Kepentancey will, by the Mercies of GOD, and theMnVjof His Son JESUS CHRIST, work out oin Salivation. When GOD gave His Laxv in Mount Sinai, He appeared very terrible, with Thunder, and Tem^ejlsy as aTeiiiraony that He will appear terrible at the Day oS. 'Judgment i to take an Account of the keeping i)f it. How will the Wicked then tremble that have rcviLed'^K^ Name, dtfpi/ed His Son, opprejjed }^\i Church, 2Lnd JIain His People ! How will the Hypocrite and Dijfemhler then appear before GOD, when their Mafks of Fa'Qiood ftall be ftripped off", and own the Jujlice of their Puniih- ment ! — How glorious then will the Righteous appear, who have knit themfelves to CHRIST, obeyed His Gc/pe/, and kept the FaitJj ! This will be then called true li Jdcm, and the world'y wife Man's, and the FIaii?>er\ Fooliflinefs. T*itn will the Conclufton of this Ffalm be fulfilled, viz. Whufo pf'ereth to me ?ra[fe and Thaiikfgi^oing, honoureth me ; and to him that ordtreth his Cvn-verfation aright, 1 nvtll J^:-£-vj the Sai-jation of GOD. — Which that we may all do, GOD grant, through the Merits of J E S U S C H R J S T. Amen. {■^Vidc Job xxxvi. I'^.—Mat.v. 3. 4. 8.—) The Precept. iL O R D, in my Sins, take not my Life awoy^ But^ me f re-pare for thy Tribunal-Day : Due Thanks ayid Praife /(? G O D will fur ely gain His heavenly Favour^ ever to remain. On PSALM LI. OUR princely, and moil penitent Author^ holy David^ being, rebuked, by the Prophet 'Nathan^ for his great Of- fence concerning Bathfbeha and Uriahs ^ acknowledges his Sins to G O D, and "^ makes a very deep and mournful Confejfion. He then ^ begs for Pardon^ and ^ Remijfion^ and for a new Heart ; and '"^ to be reftored again into G O D's Favour^ that 'Uiis Example might be a Means to convert all others to forfake Sin, and repent as he did. He then, promifing to be mindful of G O D's Graces for the future, and ''^ to give Him Glory with a moft contrite Heart ; fheweth '^ that GOD delighteth not *in outward Sacrifices for Sin, but in Sincerity of Heart. And, left GOD fhould punifh the whole Church for his Sake, he *^ prayeth for them ; defiring He would rather increafe His Grace^ and Favour to them. ( — Vide 2 5^7«. ii. 17.-2 ^^w. xii i. ic;. 16.— ) This is one of the moft principal penitential Pfalms of holy David, reJatinc; to Repentance, which r.ever ought to be out. of our Memories j by Reafon we can, 44 ^^^ Pfalm-SingerV Jewel : Or, car, too many of us, fin as he did, but none repent with him. My penitent Author here differs, in Duty, quite from the Great Men of our Age, who glory in their Sins, and think, that, as mean Men dare not mention them, it is out of GOD's Power to r^x;^«^^ them. No, he well knew, that though he was a King of great Fo^jjer^ he had the fame GOD, as poor Men ; and as willingly fubrnitted to Him, with a forrowful and contrite Heart, whereby he might re- ceive both Mercy and Forgi^oenefs. And finding the Holy Spirit colder in him, than it was wont to be at other Times, he defired GOD would rene^v it, by Faith and Repentance, whereby he might have Forgivenefs of his Sins, and become a new Man. Let us all endeavour to follow this good Example o^ Re petit ance, and prollrate ourfelves to the Throne of Grace, for all our pall Sins ; and refolve, with David, to lead a neiv Life ; whereby we may have Forgivenefs ; and ob- tain Adnrjjicn mto C H R IS T's ^ono\x^ Kingdom, where all our ^airi will be wiped away. — Rev.vn. 17. ( — Vide FfaL vi,-— which feems to have fome Connedion ) ^he Precept. i Touch me^ LORD, that I in Tears relent y^j David did^ and of my Sins repent : Guide Thou my Heart, according to Thy Will And let Thy Spirit my Soul with Comfort fii -elent | ■//. 3 On PSALM LIL HOLY David, in this Mafchil^ or Tfalm of Inflru^ion-i defcribeth ^ the arrogant Tyranny of his Adverfary T>oeg^ Saul's chief Shepherd ; whofe Flattery fo raifed the Fury of his wicked Mafier^ that he caufed Abimelech^ and eighty-five innocent Priefls to be (lain. He then ^ foretels his Deftrudion ; and encourages the Faithful to truft in GOD; who ^ fhould rejoice at his Downfall, and terrible End. He likewife 7 exhort- cth all to take Notice of his foolijh Confidence', and what his Riches^ Pride^ Flattery^ and Malice^ had brought him to : And as G O D would ^ preferve the Faithful for ever, he truftetli wholly in Him, and ^ fmgs Praifes x.o ¥i\s Name. (— Vide?/«/. xlix.— 58.— ) This Pfalm fets forth the very Nature of Antichriftians, who would overturn all the Lan^s o^ Chrijii unity, feduce the People to all Manner of Wickedneis, and place themielves to be adored as Gods, if it were in their Power. It alfo fhews how (iareful Princes, and others, ought to be in giving Credit to flattering, de- ceitful Villains ; that they do not wrongfully deftroyythe People of GOD ; efpe- daily the Pajlors of the Church ; by hearkening to their malicious Stories, &c. Let thefe Vt'icked Wretches Li^es^ and terrible Ends, be a Warning to all that are A New Expofition on the Book of Pfalms, &c, 45 irt Power i not to trull in their i?/V/^^j, but in GOD; lell the like )\t^.vy Judg- ments Tall on them : For luch abandoned Wretches have been the Caufe of lo many Majfacres amongft the Chriliians. From Fopery and Sla^very, Blood/hed and Kna'Very^ Libera nos Domine. I^he Precept. "They that refufe the L O RD for 'their Defence, place their Confidence : whofe Riches fade away^ in CHRIST will ne'er decay ? decay ? J N. B. This Plalm was written on Doeg\ going to Saul, to tell him that David was come to the Hcule of Abimelech, and probably PfaL Iviii. {—Vide I Sa?n. xxi. i. lo. — xxii. — i Kings xxi, — ) On PSALM LIII. THIS Mafchil^ or Pfalm of InftruBion^ holy David in- fcribed to him that excelleth on the Mahalath^ a Wind Injtrument^ the fame as Nehiloth ; or a Ttine fo called 5 wherein he » Iheweth (from his Thoughts on Atheifin) the crooked Nature ^ 5 Cruelty^ and PuniJJjfnent of wicked Men •, although they dread- ed nothing, nor was the Fear of G O D before their Eyes. He then ^ prayeth to G OD for the Deliverance of the Righteous, that they may rejoice, and Praife GOD for the fame. (—Vide /^/. xlv.— 72o/?;. iii. 10. — ) The P R 1 c E p T. Keep me^ O LORD, frcmfuch as do hlafpheme Thy mighty Power, and do defpife Thy Name Thy promised Aid, LORD, will me rejoice And^ to Thy Praife, exalt my ftnging Voice, ne "1 ' J N. B. This P/^/w being the very fame as Pfalm the xivth, excepting one Vtrfe^ I refer you to the 'Note thereon. On PSALM LIV. WE have here another Pfalm of lnflru5lion^ from holy David, infcribed to him that performed beft on the Neginoth. The Author bci??g b^rought into great Danger by E the 46 The Plahn-Singer'j Jewel: Or^ the ZipbimSy who difcovered to Saul where ^he was, ' begs of GOD to fave him, and'' to deftroy his Enemies -, promifing ^ Sacrifice and free Offerings for fo great a Deliverance -, ^ which then he obtained by the Mercy of GOD. ( — Vide I Sa//t. xJiiii. 19. — ) This is another Example of Mem Treachery, and G O D's Mercy; (hewing how the Righteous fall often into Perils and Dangers, although they are in G OD's Fa- not only of the Cruelty of Saul, but '" of the Falfhood of his familiar Acquaint- ance. He then '^ begging of G O D to deftroy them ; moft ardently promifeth himfelf '^ to ferve GOD; being '^ well af- fured that He will then have Pity on him, as v/ell as He hath had in Times paft -, " fetting forth the Mercy and Gf'ace of G O D, by his Faith, as if he had obtained his Requeft : And ^^5 fiiews how the Days of wicked and deceitful Men are fliortened. ( — Vide I Sam, xxiii. — 2 Sam. xv.—xv'i. — xvii. — xviii. — * 2 Kings vi. 16.— Pfal. xxxiv, 7. — ) My Authors Complaint in this /*/«//« is worthy to be obfervcd, by Reafon.it is an unparalleled Piece of Deceit and Villairy ; for what could be more cutting to any one, than to have one's o^n Scn^ and chief Counfellor, with many other fa- miliar Acqiiflintanfe,^ to contrive to take away on€\ Life wrongfully ! — This was hoijr- A New Expofitlon on the Book cf Pfalms, &c, 47 holy David's real Ccife ; for Ahitophel, that had been his chief Counfeiljr, his Bofom Friend, and knew the very Secretsoihu Mind, on all Occafioni=, had fo drawn away his Son Abfalom, (as well as many others of his 'friend:,,) that they hourly fought his Life : Therefore he had great Reafon to pour cut his Prayers unto GOD as he did, when his very Life lay at Sti.ke, had he fell into the Hands of.fuchdefperate and cruel Men ; whofe iniferable Ends proved his Pro- phecy, and flievved the Succefs of his Confidence ; and the Mercy of G O D to him teftified His Promifi in faving the Righteous, that His Glory might appear to all the World : Meanit.g * that the very Angels then fought, and v/ere with him. The Precept. {Though wicked Men do fir he to harm the Juft, Vai7i is their Hope^ in GOD they have no Triifl : But righteous Men^ that en the LORD depend^ Are fafe from Fces^ whiJft G ODV their ?mghty Friend. ) K. B. This Pfalm was probably made on tht Intelligence he had received cf his Enemies ; with the Plot that Hvjhai h'ad laid agairil Ahitcpler^ Co::nfel : the Wickednefs perpetrated in '7>rzi'/Wr;;/, alluding to Ahjalcm\ Confpi- racy ; foretelling the Event of himfelf, and them that: followed him over Jjrdan m the Rebellion. (* See the Scriptures above quoted,) On PSALM LVL OU R holy Author^ David, infcribes this Pfalm to the chief Mufician upon Jonathelem-rechokiyn^ or to him that could play befl on the Michtam-. and, (being brought htfo^t Achijh^ King oi Gath^) ' greatly complains of his Enemies -, and ^ ear- neftly makes his Supplicatiojis to G O D againil their Treachery and Violence. He then ' rejoicings and trufting in GOD, pro- mifeth '^ to perform the Vozvs he had taken upon him : i, e, never to forget his GOD. * ( — Vide I Sam.xxi. lo. 14. — i 5^ct. xxxi. 10. — zSam. xxl. I2«— ) We fee from this Pfalm, that David is ftill refolved to Praife GO D in His Chtifch, though he was juft then chaced away from it, into a flrange Country ; where he was as one dumb, amongft his Enemies ; who could content themfelves with nothin?? but his Life. But, as G O D has always Mercy in Store for the: Righteous, He never fails to deliver them out of the Hands of the Vv'icked, when they truft in Him. If we but confider the Dignity of the Perfon cf Davi d, and how he, (without any Fault,) was call into fuch a miferable Condition j it will Ihew us a fmgular Example of true Piety, Patience, Meehnefs^ Conf^.ancy, Truth, and Righteoufnpfs. 'Therefore, let us, (wirh him,) rejoice in GOO becaufe of {Iis//crrf'; who hath, (by the Merits o^ His Son JESUS CHRIST,) deli- vered cur Souls from Death, and our Feet from falling ; let us pay our Fcwi in the Ptefsnce of G O D, and fmg Praises to His Name for ^ver. (—Vide PfaL xxxiv. 3 -^} E 2 TU 4§ 7be Pfalm-SingerV Jewel : Oh ne Precept. 77/ glory in 'Thy mighty Word, GOD! And wili^ 'with Joy, declare 'ihy Name abroad : To Thee, O L O R D with thankful Voice rilftng. And daily Praife Thee^^ O my GOD and King ! N. B. Frobably this Pfahn was written at the fame Time as Pfalm the xxxivtll;, when David feipned \i\mit\l mad^ before Achtjh the Kivg^ to make his EfiUpe out of his Hands. See the Scriptures above quoted *. On PSALM LVII. TI-I I S Ffahn was infcribed to the chief Miifician upon. Al-tcjchith, or the bed Flayer on the Michtam^ or a Tune fo called. Holy David being in the Befart of Ziph, where the Inhabitants did betray him ; and at length in the Cave wich Saul, ' calleth upon GOD with a full Confidence, to have Mercy on him, and ^take his Caufe in Pland, according to His Promife : And ^ fliews His Glory both in Heaven, and on Earth againft his cruel Enemies. Then he llieweth ^ that his Heart was always in Frame to Praife G OD ^ promifeth " to perform it in the Heathen Lands ♦, fliewing, ''■ that as G O D's Mercy aboundeth above the Heavens, fo would he, '^ that IdisTruth fhould be known over all the Earth. * ( — Vide I Sam. xxiv. 4. 20. — ) From th's Pfalm we may infer, that all Things are under the Ponver and IVill of G OD, that His Promije is fure, and that He will afiuredly deliver His People,, tjia't His ISame may be gloriJisd\ and not fafrer the Wicked to overcome the Kighiccusy Urii H's Pc^ver be held in Contempt. We rjfo fee how ready holy David was to Praife GOD; and how he called his Heart, (meaning his Joy or Glory J and his Lute^ (meaning his fonguej aod Harp to Praife GOD; fhew- ing that he would not only Praife GOD with his Foice, but with his Heart alfo :^ Importing thereby that G O D's Mercies did not only appertain to tjje Jews, but to the Gentiles al(o. So let us Praife His Name, daily, among the People j and SING of His G/orj' among ali Nations. ( — Vide Pfal, cviii. 4. — ) The P IL E C E P T. f Under the Shadow of Thy mighty JVings j I fix my Hope, O L O R D, Thou King ^/Kings ! I Thy Mercy, LORD, above the. Stars afcend, ( To Praife Thy Name, my Songs- /v;// 7iever end, 3 ' N.B. This- A New Expofition on the Book of' Pfalms, £?r. 49 Ij^. B. This P/ahi is much to the Purpofe of the former, only this feems to be that Deli'verance, in the Care, and Aifurance of the KmgJcm to him at the very laft, AlJo the xciiid Pfalm is on this his Acquittance from Impu- tation of Trcafont and Afiurance of the Kingdom from ^aul\ own Mouth, t5c. * 0« P S A L M LVIII. OU R holy Author^ David, infcribes this Pfalm to the chief Mufician upon AUtafchith^ or to the beft Performer on the Michtam^ or a "Tune fo called \ wherein he • defcribeth the Malice of his own Enemies, as well as Bauf^ Flatterers ; ^ who both openly, as well as fecretly, fought after his Life, and ixiany others. He then ^ appeals to GOD for Judgment on the Wicked, fhewing '° that the Righteous fhall rejoice at their Punifhment ; and that their Deflrudion fhall be to the Ghi-y of t3 O D, wiiereby His Judgment is made manifeft. ( — V\^&Deut.\, 17. — Prc«z;. xxi. 15. — Ecclef.-m. 14. — ■) Here holy Davjd painteth all wicked and corrupt Judges, in their own pro- per Colours. For Saul having called all his Council of State together, (to put a better Face on his Hatred againil Uavid, who was abfent,) he fo procured his cwri wicked Ends, as to have him condejnned as a public Enemy, though he was innocent of all they laid againU him. From this it appears, that there are feldom any greater //////m/ committed, than thofe that opprefs under a falfe Cloak of La-jjy or pretended Religion j by Villains who -pretend to be over-much righteous, when they have not the Fear of G O D before their Eyes. My Author well knew the Nature of fuch svicked People ; and that what they had confpired fecretly^ they VvOuId not be aQiamed to execute publickly ; for v-hlch Reafon, he very juftly in the N-^wte of G O D, and as a Prophet, pionounceth Senttnce againfl them ; as allowed by G O D himlelf. He alfo herein ufeth fuch Similitudes as are agree- able to fuch ambitious, covetous, and deceitful Men ; whofe chief Purpofe is to fet themfelves aloft, and alfo their Children after them, by fuch-like wicked Pratuces; for which Reafon GOD cuts them off in their wicked Courfes, and their Pofterity, either by confuming them by a little at a Time, or by a fudden Rage, to the Joy of His People, and His own Glory. ( — Vide P/tf/. xxxvii. 38, 39.— xiix. 13. 1,9. — ) The Precept. Let Judges juftly hear the poor Man's Catife^ No Bribes receive^ nor deaf to righteous Laws : On partial Judges GOD will Vengeance take^ But righteous Ivxcn he nev^er will f erf ake. N. B. This Pfalm was written on that unjuft and cruel Sentence and Execution done by Sauly and his Attendants, in deftroying the City ol Nob and the Priep. (—Vide 1 Sam, xxii.— ) E 3 On 50 The Pfahn- Singer'^ Jewel : Gr, On PSALM LIX. THIS Pfahn holy David infciibed to him that excel- leth upon Al-tafchith^ or the befb Player on the Michtam \ wherein, ' being in great Danger of being flain, he prayeth earnellly to G OD toy^^r him from his Enemies Fury ^ be- caufe ^ he was intirely /;^;?/?6'^;2/5 defiring ^ GOD to deftroy all fuch evil and malicious Men. He then '^ fings of Mercy and Pozver^ in preferving him j and for delivering him fafe out of the Hands of his Enemies . (~YideP>/. xvi.~) This Pfalm has fome Coherence with the foregoing one, relating to his cruel Enemies ; he being now in Bal, iind his Houfe bel'et, (by the Command of Saul,) was that very Night to be murdered, had not his fFi/f^ Michaly let him out at the Window, down the Wail, to make his Efcaps out of their cruel Hands : From which we may infer, that a very v/eak Policy will difappoint and defeat the De-' figns of the Wicked, when GOD is on Cur Side. And though He often fuffers the Wicked to opprefs the Righteous for a Tiine» yet He never fails to pre few e them in the End ; and to bring Deilruftion on the Enemies of G O D's Church and People ; to manifeft His Truib and Glory : For which Reafon, we muft wait with Patience^ under all Manner of Wrongs, till GOD, in His good Time, fiiall think fit to deliver us. * ( — Vide \ Sam. xix.—Pfal. v.—) The Precept. !L O R D, iz'tthotit Caufe^ my Foes would me devour^ Save me., my GOD, nou art my Fort ayid 'Tower : Confound rny Foes, O L O R D, Fll fing io Thee^ For why ? Thou art a loving 'GOD ta me. N. B. The above 'Note, and Scriptures^ (hew on what Occafion this Pfahn was written ; if you have Recourfe to the faid Sacred H Jlory, as above quoted *. On PSALM LX. OL Y David being now made FJng over Jtidah, after ^ ^ many Vidories •, ' lhev;eth by evident Signs, that + GOD eletlcd him •, aflliring the People that '''' He would profper them, if they approve the fame : And earneilly prays unto G O D to firM what he hunfeif hath begun -, on which holy David wholly truited, and '' greatly triumpheth, &c, * { — Vide z Sam. via. — i Chron. xxiii. — ) This A New Expofition en tlx Book of Pfalms, ^c, 51 This Pfcdm was infcribed to the beft Players on the ChuJI:an-cuuih, &c. We sn^.y here learn, hy l\\\i Pfah.': of Pmyey, wlifch is wroie in the Name of the People^ that though the Church and G O D's Pcoj^le niay feem, at iome Tjines, to be utterly loft, (a? it came to pafs in the Time of the "Judges, and when >?««/ was flain j) yet G O D is always mindful of His Co^vmantzx^A Promtfe ; by raifing up the Banner of His holy IFord ihojg high at laft than before ; thereby ftirring up Men to more heroic Spirits. The Baif/e our Author had with the AJfyrianSy aad the King of Zobab, whom he overcame, and all the People that were then about him, (as he had before prophefied,) is fliewn by the Spirit of this Pjahi, wherein he fays, he fhould divide i>hechem, and meafure out Succoth', that Ma- noffeh {hould be his, and Ephraim, becaufe it was ^. Place (irongly peopled; Ju- dah fliould be his Law-giver, becaufe it was thcTril^e where his Kingdom ftould be eftablifhed ; Moah and Edom lhou} Son Ahfalom purfuing him ; was probably the Oc- cafion of this Addrefs to GOD; from which we may infer, that as there is al- ways a continual Battle betwixt the ^Vorld and the Saints of GOD, even fo is ihe Saints Hope nouriflied by the continual Rememberance of the Mercy and Pro^idi7ice ofGOD over them ; WhofePz-ow/'/^is never changeable in preferving them. Holy X).\viD here promifeth himielf theA7«^^ow,and everlaftingZ,//-?; which is promifed to the PJghteousy io like Manner ; it being referred here, by the Prophet, to the E 4 Kingdom 52 The Ffahn-Singer'i Jewel : Or, Kingdom cfCHRIST, Whofe Kingdom is not of this World ; ss h applied by the Jngei Gabriel, &c. This afFoic^h great Comfort to the People of CHRIS 7's Church, in their greatefl Miferies • knowing, that, if the World be ever io much againd ihem, CHRIST will be for them, and take them into His Kiugdom,V\'hoiQ Kir?gd3m ftandeth by Mercy and Truth. ( — Vide Jame^ iv. ^^-^P/al. Ixxxix. 1 1.— cxxx. 1 1.— 2 Sam. vn. — Luke i.'— ) T'he Precept. r Save me^ my GOD, when unto 'Thee I cry ; \ If T'hou fupport^ft^ my Aid is always nigh : J Thy Truth, and Mercy, LORD, to me extend-, IThat I may Praife T'^y Name, World without End, N. B. Probably this PJalm was wrote on his being far from Judah-, when on the Expedition againlt Hadadezer, for the extending his Empire to the urmoll Corifine on Euphrates-, as Vidi^promifed, and compleated to Solomon, * See the Scriptures above.' On PSALM LXII. 1048. T T OL Y David infcribes this Pf aim tohis chief Mu- J7J_ fician Jeduthun \ wherein he ' greatly profefleth his Confidence in GOD, and ^ foretells the Defiruuiion of his Ene- rnies. He then fhews ^ that G O D is his only Salvation \ and ^ encourageth the Godly to truflin Him \ and '° not in Riches^ Robbery^ nor Opprefjion ; and '^ that G O D is both merciful and powerful^ and will rezvard all Men according to their Works, . * ( — Vide I Chron. xvi, ^i.^Ecckf. vii. 8.—) They that keep this Pfalm in Memory, and confider well the holy Author's Meditation therein, have a flrong Defence apainll all Temp'cat'ons. David being cad from his Throne by the Confpiracy of his Son Ahfalom. and compelled to fly, with a very few Men, beyond Jcrda?? ; was, fiom his fudden Change, tempted either to prove nnla~^:fiil things or to fall into utter Defpo.ir. Under all this, httru/hd in G O D with Patience^ and conftantly waited His good Time to help hirn ; bear- ing all ou: with a lively and good Courage. From this Exa?nplc \vc may infer, that, whenfoeyer we undergo any grievous Temptation^ we fhouid never murmur againft GOD, but reft on H's Promife, and bear it patiently ; iox though David was himfelf a Kino, and chofen of QOD, yet he always called GOD his Strength, and trufted in Him : Whofe godly Petitions fnould add Strength to our Path, wherein we rnay be preferved from all cruel Er.emies ; knowing that CHRIST is both our Judge and San^iour. and will preferve the Righteous, and d,e(l:oy the Wicked. (-Vide I Thff. v.. i4.—i'yW. xxxvIiV 7.-2 Pet, 1.6.— ) ■ •* A New Expofition 07i the Book of Pfalms, £?r. ^i 'The P p. E c E p T. Let me^ O LORD, on Tby great Pow'r rely^ J Thou art my Saviour, Glory, and j In Truth, and Mercy, GOD doth ( And gives to all according to their Deeds row r rely^ 1 my Joy : / ' all exceed^ f seds. 3 _N. B. This Pfalm has fome Coherence with the foregoing Pfalm of Prayer. Sec the Scriptures before quoted *. On PSALM LXIIL DAVID, being in great Danger by Saiil^ in the Wilder- nefs of Judah^ Ziph^ or En-gedi, ' declareth his earned Defires to ferve GOD again in the Tabernacle -, fhewing ^ that His Mercy and Loving-kindnefs was more dear to him than even Life itfelf. He then '^ promifes to magnify GOD for His Mercy to him, Who 5 had filled his Soul with the Marrow of His Grace j and ^ had kept him fafe under the Shadow of His "Wings. Then ^ foretelling the Definition of his, and GOD's Enemies, fheweth " that he himielf, and all that v/ere true to him, fhould rejoice at the untimely Ends of their Enemies \ that G O D's Name might be glorified. * ( — Vide I ^atn. xxiii. xxv. — 2 Sam. xxlv.— ) This Pfalm (heweth that, when our AfUdlom are moil, dangerous, our Confancy and Faith ou2;ht to be ftrongeft ; and to call on G OD wiih more Fervency of Prater, Sec. David being here fuddenly caft down from his Power and Dignity, oppreiTed with Plunger, Thirji, and in Fear of his Life ; yet, his Thoughts of GOD afforded him Comfort, in the A'lidft of thefe Miferies. And though no- thirig grieved him fo much as his not having the Liberty to Prafe G O D in the Tabernacle; as he was wont ; and to hear his glorious Worfip of GOD defpifed by his Enemies, who fought his IjSq without any Offence \ yet we fee \\oyN fern^ent his Defire was to be with his Church : He always having the IFor/hip of GOD in his Mind ; and contemplating thereon both Day and Night. The Pvcmem- beranceof G O D, and His Mercies, afforded him more Pleafore th^n all the Dain- ties of the World ; by Reafon, he well knew GOD would deliver him, and his People ; and that Saul, and all his w'cked Adherents fliould come to un^mely l^nds ; and that all that owned him as Kvfig, and were true to him, (hould rejoic^ with him, in the Fa^:)^o$3 o«o::«oc^c^c$oc$o^^c^c§ooJ^oc^cgoc^(^c^c^ 0;2 P S A L M LXVL eO L Y David, in this Pfalrd, ' exhorteth all Men to Praife G O D for all former Deliverances^ and to behold and ?ne- ditate on His wonderous Works , alfo to Praife GOD for Flis Benefits to the Church., and ' ietteth forth His Power againfi its Enemies. Pie '° alfo fheweth hqw GOD hath delivered Ifrael out of Bondage, and fore Afiii(5tions ; and ^5 promifeth Sacri- fice. He then '^ fheweth what great Things GOD had done for him, and all Ifrael \ and " Praifeth G O D for the fame, ^c. * ( — Vide 1 Sam. xxiv.— j Chron. xxi. — ) This Pfatm, as wel! as many others, feems to be written for the continual Ufe PI the Church, and for pihcr private Gccafion?, in Oiit: to remind the People of \h TZv Pfalm-Singer'j Jewel : Or, of the wonderful Mercies of GOD, ia preferving I|is People, in pail Ages % a« well as to give Thanks for extry hourly Benefit we now receive, as Occafion (hall offer, whether in private, or in public. The Condition of the Church is alio here dei'crihed, flievving that it is intirely under G O D'a Providence, (as well as the other Part of the World,) and is fubjed to many Dangers ; yet, as G O D al- ways preserves the Faithful, it is their Duty to render Thanks and Prmfes to Him for ail His Benefits ; forafmuch as we know, thar, if we delight in Wicked- iiefs. He will not hear us ; but if we confefs His Name in Righteoufnef?, and Fraife Him with a thankful Heart, He will receive us into His Glory. A3nei2. (—Vide PfaL xxxiii. i, 2, 3, 4.—) ^he Precept. t Bear well in Mind what Cj O D for Jtoee hath donc^ 1 \ ToJ'ave thy Soul He gave His only SON! I \0 laud His Name^ and never ceafe to fing T ( Due Thanks and Praife toCHRlST^our Heav'?ily King. J N. B. As the Ixvth Pfalm was probably wrote on the Sacrifice in the Floor of Orna.n ; this Ixvith was probably wrote for the Ufe of the People, at the fame Time. See the Scriptures above quoted *. On PSALM LXVIl. THIS Pfalm of Prayer holy David infcribed to hi-m that performed bed on the Neginoth. Wherein he ' prayeth GOD to have Mercy on the whole Churchy give them His Favour, and to enlighten them v/ith His Countenance^ to the Enlargemenjt of His Kingdom ; whereby ^ His Grace might be known over all the World. He then ^ doubly ^ exhorts all People to Praife GOD, that ^ they may rejoice in the Juflice of His Judgment and Government •, and ^ that His Increafe may be on the Earth, as well as His Grace and ^ Blejfing i whereby all the Ends of che World fhould Praife Him. * ( — Vide I Sam. xxi. 24. — ) 4 Our holy Author here attributeth all Things to thp inhnite Mercy of G O D, h^\.\\Y{n jpiritual Blejjhtgs belonging to His Church i and the corporal BleJJingi al- fo ; which he deiireth G O D to continue unto us, as well as the former. He alfo herein foretelleth the Spreading of the Church, onder CUR IS7 ; and exhorreth all the Gcdiy to give thanks, and ceUhrate the Praifes of GOD, Ihis Pfalm of Prater ihould be generally ufed in the Ckm\h. "The A New Expofition on the Book of Pfalms, Qfc. 57: ^he Precept. Bkfs us^ L O R D, with Mtrcy^ Peace, and Love j That we Thy Laws may know, and well approve : May Eaj'th increafe, and Thy great Name adore. With Thanks, and joyful Praifes, evermore, N. B, This Tfalm was probably fet forth before the Ark in Sion.^ Sea the Scrip- ture above quoted *. On PSALM LXVIIL IN this ^ong^ or Tfalm of David, is » fhewed what Tower GOD has over His Enemies, and ^ that the Righteous ihall rejoice at their Deilru6lion, becaufe they are not only the Enemies of the Churchy but of their Salvation. He then * ex'-> horteth all People to Trai[e GOD, for his wonderful Mercies: And lliews "' that G O D's Favour peculiarly belongeth to the Churchy by His delivering them out of Egypt, He ^eweth aH<> '5 that the Church of G O D excelleth all other Things in the World, not only for its external Shew and Grandeur, but '^ for its inward Grace of GOD; becaufe GOD Elimfelf dwelleth there : And ^'' that His Tromifes^ Graces, and ViSlories do excel all the World. He then defcribeth the Order of the Singers^ and Injlruments, in the Temple, who daily fung Thanks and Traifes to GOD, for all Mercies and Vineries \ defiring ^'^ GOD to deflroy the Pride of the Mighty, who ornamented their Shoes with Gold, and Silver, only to fhine above other Men. He alfo '' foretelleth the Gentiles coming from foreign Lands to the true Knowledge and Worjhip f?/G O D ; jQiewing ">' that by His Thunders he will make Himfelf known over all the World, againft the Enemies of Elis Church, for our Salvation., ( — Vide 2 Sam, vili. — i Chron. xv.—Eph. iv. 8.—) Our holy Author, being about to carry the Ark of the Conjenant into the Tower of Sion, in great Solemnity, ccmpofed feveral Pfalms^ (by the hfpiration of GOD,i to inflame thtTPeople to Praife GOD. This Pfalm, amonglt others, was one, which is wrote very mojeftic and eloquent ; wherein he does not only point ta • the Matter in Hand, but myftically means CHRJ[ST, and the Kingdom of Heaven. An Ark was a C^-?/?, ornamented with Go/^/, Cherubim!^ &c. which. was the vlfible Teltimony and BeprelVntation of the Shecbinah, or Di'vinc Pre- fence of G O D, and His internal Mercy > Bleffings, ^c. and the myflical Gcd- headoi His Sen JES US CHRIS T, that (hould come to put on our Flefh, nnd Gie for us. Sion meaneth the Kingdom of Heaven; and the Ark brought into it meanc.h 58 T& PfalnvSinger'i Jewel: Or, meaneth C HRlST's Afcevfwn into Heaven. The manifold temporal BUJfingi that GOD continually poureth upon us, and l\it fpiritual and everlailing Gijts of CHRIST daWy beftovved upon His Church, by the mcft holy Minijiry and T'Fork oi the Go/pel, are here likcwlfe figured, and defcribed ; as appears mord fully in the ivth of Ephejiavsy and the Book oi HebreivSt by St. Paiily &c. &C. ! The Precept. ij^ G O D arife^ to take the Caufe in Handy *> His Foes JJj all fall ; none can His Might withfiand: \ But^ righteous Menfiall fing, with ch earful Voice^ X Of His great Mercy, and in Heart rejoice, J N. B. It is very probable this Pfalm was penned amidfl: thofe Atchien;cments in the foreigri IVars ; v/hen the Sprjls of the Nations were dedicated to th« Sertnce of the Tcfnple. 2 ^atn, viii. On PSALM LXIX. O L Y David infcribes this Vfalm to the befl Performer on the Shofhan'dim \ wherein he (perfonating CHRIST and all His Members) ' prayeth fervently to be delivered from his 7nalicicus and cruel Enemies ; and " their cruel Punifioments -, fhevving ^-' whereby fuch Traitors are accurfed. He then taketh Courage, in his great Jffli^ions^ and ^^ Praifeth GOD; which 3^ was m.ore efteemed than any other Sacrifice whatfoever •, which afforded him great outward Comfort^ under all Affli6lions. Pie then ?- exhorteth all Creatures to Praife GOD; and foretells the Kingdom of C H R IS T, the Building of Judah ; and where all the Faithful^ and their Sced^ fhall remain, for ever and ever. ( — Vide John'n. 17. — Romxv. 3. — Jchnxix. 28, 29. — A^s'i. 16. — Rem xi. g, — Mat. xxvii. 48 .--^Z«/'^ i. 20. — Rom. xv. 3 — ) Herein David's Zeal caufed him to lament ; either when he was cfured to be driven cut of the Court of Saul; or for his Son AhfaloirS Treachery againft him. However the Occafion was, it is evident that holy David wroce this Pfalm more {by the Spirit pf Profbecy) of C H R IS T to come, than the Matter jufl then in Hand ; polrting out Judas, and C H R 1 S T's cruel Enemies, by Example of H'S own ; which myilical Jnierpretafiorj appears more clear in the above quoted Scrip- tures, in the New 'Teflame/it. And as we know that all Memhers of the Body jnuft be conformed unto the Head\ fo muft we alfo conform to CUR IS T and His Gofpcl, a-^ lonjy as cnr Church (hall fojourn in this Woii-f, if we expert Happinefs with C H R 1ST in the next. T'he A New Expofition on the Book of Pfalms, &c. 59 "The Precept. Save me^ LORD, from Foes that would opprefs My guiklefs Hearty and plunge me in Bijlrefs :. For, well I know, all fuch as do rely On ^hee, and CHRIST!, their Souls jh all never die, N. B. The xxiid ai^d xlvth Pfalms feem to have feme Coherence with this , Ixixth, they all alluding to CHRIST^ andHisCWr/^, ^c. On PSALM LXX, THIS Pfalm holy David coinpofed to bring G O D's for- mer Deliverances to Rememberance -, wherein he ' ear- neitly prays to G OD to deHver him from his cruel Enemies •, and ^ that they may be confounded and brought to Shame for defpifing him, ^c. He then ^ fheweth that the Righteous fhall greatly rejoice ; and all thofe that feek the L O R D ihall furely be comforted. * Vide 7^2?/. iv. 13, i^. — '/v/^?/. xxvi. 36.—) We are taught from this Pfahn always to continue in Prayer, when under an\^ AfHidions ; and to bear all Things patiently till G O D, in His good Time, ihaJi help us : And that the more our Enemies rage againlt us, the nearer they are to Deilrudi'on ; and v/e to Dcli'verancc. Hence we fhould never mock others when they are in Mifery, left the like fall on our own Heads ; but, on the contrary a, we fhould hz ferry for their AfHidlions, whether in Mind, Bcdy or Efiate ; and do all we can to help them ; forafmuch as our Sanjionr has promifed, Bleffed are thst Merciful, for they fhall obtain Mercy^ which GOD grant to U3 all. (— Vide M^//. V. 4. 7, 8.—) The Precept r O L O R D le of CHRIST.— So Blejfed be the glorious Name of His Majeflyfor ever, and let all the Earth be filled nvith His Majejiji Amen. Amen Here ends holy David's Prayer. "The Precept. LORD fave the King, and him preferve in Peace, To rule with Juftice j 'and our Land increafe : And give us Grace, that we may freely own The wonder ous Works that Thou for us haft done* \ N. B. * Vice the Scriptures above, which have Refped both lo Solomon, an CHR1ST& Kingdom. End of the Second BOOK. On PSALM LXXIII. THIS is a Pfalm of Asaph, who was one of the chief ^z«^^rj * of holy David \ which Prophet herein teach- eth (by ^ his getting Vidlory of a great Temptation^) that ^ nei- ther the Profperity of the Wicked, nor '* the Jffii^ions of the Godly., ever ought to difcourage the People from the V/orfhip of GOD; but that it ought rather to move them more to con- Jider G O D's Providence-^ and to reverence His Judgments., be- caufe '9 the Wicked vanifli away •, and "-"^ the Godly enter into everlafting Life : And, in Hopes thereof, he ^^ refigneth himfelf into GOD Almighty's Hands. ( — Vide P/al. xxxvii. 37, 38, 39, 40, — ) The Author y being here almoft between Hopes and Defpair, paufeth a while,— and at laft confiders, that GOD, for his Promlfe fake, would afluredly continue His Fa — Jer. \']l,—-I/ai. Ixiv.-^ Pan. ix.— ) ThQ A New Expofition on the Book ^/'Pfalms, &c. 67 The Author herein (heweth what Extremities GOD often fufFereth His Church and People to fall under, only to prove their Faith and Conilancy ; before- He puts forth His Hand to deliver them ; for herein their very Friends durft not bury the Dead, for Fear of their Enemies. And, although they were of the Seed oi Ahrahaniy many of them were quite degenerate, and their greatell Enemies ; and laughed at their Religion. And, though, in Refped to G O D, they were juftly puniihed for their Sins; yet, in Confideration of their Caufey they were unjuftiy murdered. But, what could they look for elfe but Ruiny and even Death iifelf, when they w|re Capti'ves among fuch cruel Enemies ? Seeing then we have now nothing to truft to, but the Ponver and Mercy of GOD, and the Merits of His Son, JESUS CHRIST', how ought we to remain in Faith and good Works; and to daily Prai/e His great and holy Name for all the Mercies and Bevefas we receive at His Hands, in whom we hope for eternal Salvation, (— Vi^e I/ai. xliii. 1 1. 21. — ) md Grace, "J Tbe Precept. r L O R D, give to me ny faving Health and Grace, \ Pardon my Faults, and all my Sins deface i I'henjhall I Praife Thy great and mighty Name, l^And teach all Nations to perform the fame. N. B. Though on the Head of this Pfalm Afaph is called the Author y yet it was more probably wrote by either Daniely 'jeremiaby or Zachariah ; after Jc- rvfalein^ Devaluations and the Captivity of Babylon nearly expired ; as Ifaiah prophetically prayed and complained of, above 150 Years before thofe Things came to pafs. * Pfal. Ixxiv. was on the fame Occafion. — See Dan. ix. On PSALM LXXX. OH^maiah, the Author of this Pfalm of Prayer^ diredls it to the chief Performer on Shofhannim-ednth^ or to Afaph ; wherein he ^ imploreth G O D's Attention, and then "^ prays for Him to help the 5 Miferies, Sufferings, ^ and Reproaches of His Church and People ; defiring Him ^ to confider their firfl State, when 9 His Favour fhined towards them •, and ''' expoftulates with His Severity towards them. He then '''• begs of G O D to re- turn, and vifit His Church, and '^ to re-eflablifh it, and finifh what He firfl begun ; whereby His People might for ever call on His Na?ne, and h^faved. ( — Vide 1 Kings xiv. — 2 Chron. xii. — ) This Pfalm was made as a Prayer for the ten Tribes, to call upon GOD for Mercy; and to move their Hearts to «zuo>>^z/» GOD rightly in the Place ap- pointed; whereby ail the Tribes and People might Jbe joined together again, ft F 4 alfo 68 T'he Pfalm-SingerV Jewel : Or^ alfo fhews that Repentance only cometh of GOD; and that none can call on G O D, ,unlefs they are regenerate, by the holy Spirit, and raifed from Death to Life by the Merits of J ESUS CHRIS f : Whereby we obtain Forgi'verfefi of our Sins, and everlalling Life. "The P R E C E P T> "0 LORD, IVbcfe Seat z/ in the Heavens above, Send down ^hy Beams of Mercy, and Thy Love Dlre^c our Hearts^ we on ^hy Aid rely ; Shew us Thy Face, and ive JJoall never die. 1 N. B. This Pfalm was probably compofed after holy David's mighty Con- quers, and the Temple built; and yet abiding^ for fome great Calamity fuftained; which was the Inn^aficn and Pill '^vi.ing by Shijhak : It being a Praye-,' for the Church hy Shemaiah -, v.ho prophefied its Funijhment and Mitigation. * See the Scriptures above quoted. On PSALM LXXXL THIS is faid to be a Pfalm of Moses, direded to the beft Performer on tiie Gittith^ (an Inftrument brought from Gath •,) which P^/^//;2Containeth, ' An Exhortationxo Praife GOD folemnly, with Hearty ^ Voice^ and ? Inftrument , for all His gracious Benefits, and Divine Providences. GOD Himfelf is here ^ faid to call unto the People, to ferve Him only as the true GOD -, ""naming His Wonders wrought in Egypt ; and that their Luiis '^^ and Ferverfenefs, which they gave themfelves wholly up to, and their Enemies, had deprived them of the Bleffings of Canaan. ( — * Vide Exod. xiv. i7. — xix. 20. — xxxii.-— .V;<«3. xlv. — ) This Rfalm feems to be appointed for folemn Fcafis and AJjemhlies of the Peo- ple, to Praife GOD, ad remember His Works. G O D is herein faid to fpeak in Perfon to the People, becaufe He is their only Guide -, and that they are never able to give Him iufficient Thanks for their Deliverance from their corporal Bon- dage ; and much Icfs We, for His fpiritual Dclinjerance from Satan s Tyranny, and our Sins ; by the Merits of His So n JESUS CHRIST. He alfo hereia condemneth all fafe Aifemhiics that are not attentive to hear His Word, and keep it ; and obey not His Call in the Holy Scriptures ; nor yet return Thanks for the Benefti He fo freely bellows otj them. Hence let us be always mindful , of K"? Word, and obey His Commands in the Holy Scriptures ; that our Names be not blotted out of the Book of Life; whereby we may, after this Life, pnjpy lhe/i 'S^ &h -^^0 ;^^ €fh ^Qb S% ;i!^ ^i^*- cS2d cS?o ^!?j ^^ci c^!^ cdl^J ^!2j3 %g> ^1^ cg^ o^^ «^^ ^^ ^§> 1^133 c^i^ <^^<^SJ «Si? 0/2 PSALM LXXXIL HOLY David diredled this Pfalm to Afaph^ wherein he fheweth ' That G O D is always prefent amongft Judges^ MagiftrateSy and Minifters of the Law ; and ■" threateneth their Partiality : And exhorteth them all to judge righteoufly, and not unjujily •, but to deliver the Poor and Fatherlefs ^from the Hands of the Wicked ; defiring G O D to undertake the Mat- ter and execute Juftice Himfelf, when the Law is perverted. * ( — Vide I Safn. xxiv. — Pfal. Iviii. — ) We may infer from this Pfalmj that every Man canju^ge, though he notju^g- eth, i. e. every one can judge of a Matter, but not judge rightly to do Jufjice ; by Reafon it too often happens, that Thie-ves and Murderers meet with Favour in Judgment, when the Fatherlefs and poor]\x^ Man's Caufe is not heard ; efpeciall/ where Bribery perverteth Judgment. This is too often the Cafe, \s\iQnfalfeWit' nejfes are concerned ; who will not only fell Men's Blood for Gain, but their own Souls into the Bargain : And that the Poor, for Want of Money, are little re- garded, be their Caufe ever fo right — But, alas ! noTitles nor Honours can fcreen fuch Wiclcednefs from the all-feeing Eye of G O D, nor fave them from the Al- mighty's juft Judgment at the laft Day ; for they mull render an Account of their Works as well as meaner Men. Then happy will they be that havejudgd rigb- teoujly, and fujered ivrony fully : For Vengeance is the LORD's, and He will furely repay it ; and reward ail Men according to their Works. (— Vide P/fl/. xciv. i. 15. 21. 23.—) The Precept. iLet earthly Judges make not righteous Laws A %rickfor Gain, /^/Juftice rule the Caufe Protect the Poor, for G O DV impartial Eye Surveys all Hearts, and will all Actions try :i N. B. This yo The Pfalm-Singer'i Jewel : Or^ N. B. This Pfahn feems to be David's peaceful Appeal, or Conc'ufion, on the^ Occafion of Saul\ unrighteous Judgment, and cruel Execution of the Priells * ; as was alfo Pfal. Iviii. See the Scriptures above quoted ^V . '>il'» MV f^/^ rviji'^ r.JV* r,JV» r\ii^ rvSJ^ r^&n NSV* *^Sii/> r^V On PSALM LXXXIII. Ehaziel dire6i:ed this Pfalm to Afaph^ wherein (in the Name' 7 of the People oi Ifrael) he ' earneftly prayeth unto GOD to deliver them from ^ the haughty, ^ crafty, cruel, and gene- ral Combination of their Enemies, both ^ at Home, and ^ afar off ^ who imagined nothing but their Deftrudion. They '^ then defire that fuch wicked People might be ilricken with the Storms and "^ Tempefts of G O D's accullomed Wrath \ whereby they '^ may know the Power and Glory of GOD. * (—Vide 2 Chron. xx. i. 14. — Ju^g. vii. 21. — iv. 15.— vii. 25. — vlii. 21. — ) This P/alm was compofed as a Form of Prayer againft the Dangers of the Church in the Days of Jehojkaphat ; Ihewing that the Wicked are G O D's Ene- mies, who fhall furely be cut cfr ; and that the Righteous are His chofen People, whom He hioleth in feciet, in His holy Tabernacle, to preferve them from all Dangers. The Wickednefs of the Amjnonites, and the Moahitcs, is alfo here de- fcribed ; who provoked other Nations to fight againd t\\tlfraelites, although they were their Brethren. Hence we may fee, that all who are confirmed to G O D, and truit in Him, are never utterly deftrnyed ; and, where His true Church is, there He abideth alfo, Whofe Glory is made manifeft by deitroyingthe Wicked, and His Mercy never fails to deliver the Juft. ( — Vide Dan. ix. g. — ) "The Precept. r When GOD does ftrike the Wicked with His Rod^ \ Feeling His Stripes, they own that He is GOD: j So purge me^ LORD, from ev'ry fecret Sin^ l^That I^ through CHRIS 'T, may Jure Salvation win, N. B. The Matter of this Pfalm is fo agreeable to JebcJI^aphath Prayer in the Scripture above quoted *, that there can be no Difpute of Jehaziel being the Author. On PSALM LXXXIV. 1023. T T O L Y David direded this Pfalm to the beil Per- 17^ former on the Gittith^ for the Sons of Korah ; wherein he ' greatly fhews what ardent JDffire he has to come 3 again A New Expofition on the Book ^Plalms, &c, 71 again into the Public Worfinp of G O D in the Tahernadet to join in His Praifes, with the holy ylJferMy of the Saints. He then -^ fhevvs the BIe[Jednefs of thofe that are in the Worjhip of GOD, and the Happinefs they enjoy in Praifing Him ; and '' greatly praifeth the Courage of the People, that pafs through the V/ildernefs, to aiTemble themfelves in Sion : Shewing there- by, '°that the JVorJJoip and Praifes of GOD, in the Church, are more valuable than all elfe the World affords ; and " that GOD's Grace is a fure Shield and Defence to the Godly ; and that '^ He will furely blefs all fuch as truft in Him. * ( — Vide 2 Sam. xix. — P/al. xlii. — Pfal. cxxv. — ) Our holy j^uthorhQ.XQ\T\ ftiews that the Church is the only Place for the Worjhip and Praifes of GOD ; and although he was chaced from it by cruel Saul, and his own Son Ahfalofn, yet his Heart was always with them. He then, having no fet- tled Place, thought the very Birds were better than he, in fuch Cafes,' yet he trufted in nothing but GOD, by whofe Mercy and Poaver he learned to rule his Life. He llie-veth alfo that though G O D's People pafs through the Fal/ey of Baca, or a Wiidernefs only of Mulberry -TreeSy and are forced to make themfelves Welh for Water, ordigF/Vi, yet G O D will never fail them : Which 5z/«////«<^f plainly Ihevvs, that nothing will hinder G O D's People from His Churchy if they take Delight in His Worlhip ; and that they will undergo any Hardfhip for CHRISVs Sake ; in Hopes that He will imreafe IWsBleJJings more and more towards them; which is preferable to all the Enjoyments of worldly Men. The P R E C E P T< r He'^s furely blefs'd that doth in G OT> delight., \ Reforts to Church, and ferves Him Day and Ni^ I For why ? thel.OKT> will fure His Flock , ' ' ( And give them Joys that never pall have End, Night: / defend^ \ y N. B. This Pfalm was probably wrote when the xliid was, when David was about returning to Jerufalemy after his quelling Ahfalom\ Infurredion. See the Scriptures above quoted *. On PSALM LXXXV. THE Author^ holy David, compcfed this Pfalm for the Sons of Korah ; wherein he ' calls to Rememberance the mighty Deliverance of the Ifraelites\ and acknowledges GOD's fingular Mercy, in reftoring them after the Captivity ; whereby the Work of His Grace was completed. I'hey then ^ com- plain of their long Afflidion •, and ^ beg of GOD to fhew them 72 ^e Pfalm-Singer'j Jewel : Or, them Mercy ; and ^ rejoice in the Hope of His Promife j with " AfTu ranee thereof. * { — Vide Ezra iv. — Nehem. iv. 6. — ) Herein is (hewed that GO D's free Mercy was the Caufe of their Deliverance ; not only in withdrawing His Scourge, but in forgiiing their Sins alfo ; and that He lb touched their Hearts as to make them cojifefs them, and own His Gcodnefs. From this we may infer, that our Salvation cometh only of G O D's Mercys and that He will fend Profperity to His Churchy when He has fufRciently correfted them : And that His Punilhments are inflided on the Faithfuly only to deter them tVcra the like Offences for the future. This Deliverance is alfo a Figure of CHRISTY Kingdom, wherein fliall be perfe6l Felicity. And that although the Faithful are punifhed here for a Time, to try their Conftancy in CHRIST, \ et if they remain unfhaken in their Faith, and in good Works, they fhaU furely enjoy His Peace in the Evd: For iheJujUce of GOD Ihallfiourifli in every Place, and His Mercy (hall Ihine on all that tru/ in Him. .(—Vide 2 Cor. i. 3.—) 7'be Precept. CG OD to His People hath been wonder ous kind, J Redeemed Souls fiould bear His Love in Mind : J Think, my Soul, on C H RI ST, and Him adore^ (,/;; Hallelujahs, now, and evermore. \ N. B. This Pfalm feems to be written after the Capti'vityy under feme frefih Op- pofitions made againft' their Worjhip, and Safety in their own Land; which might, probably, be the Endeavours againft rebuilding the Temple ^ which lailed above thirty Years. See the Scriptures above quoted *. On PSALM LXXXVL DAVID, in this Pfalm of Prayer being forely afHicled and forfaken, ' prayeth to G O D for Audience, and ^ for Mercy \ and ' rehearfing the Miferies, and Mercies he had re- ceived, he " prays to G O D for DireBion, v^^hereby he might hot\i fear, znd glorify His Name. He then "^ forely complains of his /jr(?2^^ Adverfaries •, and '^ prays to GOD to have Mercy on Him, and '' deliver Him out of their cruel Hands •, where- by they might be afhamed of their Cruelty, and he himfelf be comforted. * ( — Vide I Sam. xvii, xviii, xix. x/i, xxij, i^fc — ) Our holy Author, be5ng cruelly perfecuted by Saul, leaveth this Pfalm of Prayer to the Church, as an Example how to fcek Redrefs againit their cruel Enemies ; ihevving that he was not at any Enmity with his Adverfaries, but that he rather pitied \ A New Expofition o?i the Book ^Pfalms, &c. 73 pitied them ; though they were not only cruel againft him, but againft GOD alfo. This was a fure '1 oken that he believed that GOD would fureJy deliver him ; becaufe he well knew His Mercy and former Goodnels to His own People ; even to all fuch &s prayed i:\ the Name of CHRIST^ and believed He (hould come to be their Judge^ King^ and Sanjiour. From hence we are taught always tojoia ourfelves unto C HRJSfy and to believe in Him; and, though cruel Ty- rants torment and vex us, let us truft that He will deliver us out of their defpe- rate Hands; forafmuch as we know, by Him, that there there is a certain Re^vard for the Righteous, when CH RIST lliall come to judge the Earth. (—Vide P/«/. Iviii. ii.— Ma/, v. 12. ~) ! The Precept. Hear me^ LORD, in "Tbee I put my ^rtijl ; Ojoin my Heart to 'Thee^ O G O D moft Jujt I Tbou^ LORD, art kind^ and all Thy Gifts are fret And art a loving Saviour unto me. N. B. We may gather from hence, that many Perfons now-a days are as cruel to the Righteous as Saul and his Adherents, v/ho fought the Life of holy David ; elfe oar Church would not be in fuch a Siate of Jeopardy as it now is. See the Scriptures before quoted *. 0;2 PS ALM LXXXVIL N this Pfalm^ our holy Author, David, (in the Name of the Holy Ghoft^) promifeth ' that the Church fhall be efta- bhlhed for G O D's Public Worfhip on ' Mount-Moriah^ in Je- rufalem^ after the Captivity of Babylon ; although ^ it feemed to be as then in Mifery ; and that there fhould be nothing more comfortable to them, than ^ to be counted the M^»2^^rj thereof ; wherein ^ they fhould Praife GOD with both Voices and In- ilruments. * ( — Vide 2 Sam, xxiv. 18 — 2 Chron. xxl. — xxii. to xxix. — ) ^Herein are (hewed the great Fruits of Patience j for, although the glorious State of the Temple of G O D did not juft then'appear, yet, on their waiting on GOD with Patience, He foon accomplifhed His ?romife : For He iixed it on the Hills, very convenient for Egypt, and other Countries ; in order that they might come to the Knowledge of GOD. From this we may infer, that all that are regene^ rate, and born again unto CHRIST^ (hall, by Faith, and Good Works, furely be fived : And although tfiey come from all Quarters of the World, into C H R 1 S T's Church, they Ihall furely be called as Citizens ; not only as Mem- hers of His earthly Church, but be Partakers of the Kingdom of Heaven, where the Prai/es of G O D have no End. The 74 "The Pfalm-SIngerV Jewel : Or^ Tloe Precept. "GOD loves the Church, and^oth therein abide y' Adores it more than any Place hefide : "The Joys of Heav'n do here in Plenty fpring^ From Inflruments, and fuch as Prairesy?;^^. N. B. The former Part of this Pfalm very poffibly alludeth to the Place where GOD had appointed His Temple to be built: And had revealed unto David its Splendor and perpetual Coniinuame. Seethe Scriptures before cited *. On PSALM LXXXVIII. THIS is a Mafchil or infrructive Pfahn oi Prayer compofed by Heman, and diredted to the befb Performer on the Mahalath-Leannoth^ (the Name of an ancient Wind Injirument or Tu7te',) for the Sons of Kor ah. Herein lie ' earneftly prayeth to G O D to hear him, being "^ grievoufly afflidted with Sicknefs^ ^ Perfecution^ and ^ Adverftty, He then ^° expoflulates with GOD concerning the Dead \ '^ calleth on GOD by his Faith ; andflriveth againftDefpair : Shewing'^ how his Lovers, Friends, and Acquaintance forfook him in the Midft of his Troubles. * ( — Vide I Chron. ii. 4. — i Kings iv. 31. — Pfal. v. 3. — ) This ?fcih7i is a worthy Example for us to follow, when under any JfHSiicns ; ^ire£ting us, ak-ays 10 pray to G O D earneftly, if we ^x'^t^ Remedy and Sal- ivation. And although we are thrown down by Afii8ions, and are counted as Dead^ by Reafon we are not able to be any ways profitable to the Li'ving, in this World ; yet, if we put our whole Trufi and Confidence in GOD, He is able to reftore u?, when all oar Friends^ m this World, have given us over and for- laken us. This ialfo fliews, that it is our only Time to call on G O D to Ja^je liS, while we are in this World ; by Reafon there is nothing to be done after Death, by us, towards our Salvation, neither in the Grave, nor yet at the Day of Judgment : "There being iieither Knon.vledge, nor Wifdom, nor Device in the Gra've, nvhither thou goefi : No ! nothing but G O D's Mercy will then do us any Good towards the Kingdom of Heaven. {— Vide£a/f/ ix. io.-~P>/. vi. 5.—) "l^he Precept. iGive Ear^ L ORD, to my Complaint and Cry \ Thou art my Hope, in "Thee I truft : For why P I The Dead Thy Wonders can no Ways difplay ; (lord, teach me Thee to lovQ^-and to obey. N. B. That A New Expofition on the Book ^/'Pfalms, &c, 75 N. B. That PfaJm was compofed by Hejnan, the Ezrahitei he being the Head of the Family of 7.arat ; and, with Ethariy were very famous for Wif- dom, in the Days of David and Solomon. See the Scriptures above quoted*. Leannoth figniiies the Vocal ?art^ to anfwer the Inftrument. On PSALM LXXXIX. N this Mafchil^ or Pfalm of Infini5ficn^ Ethan^ the Prophet, ' greatly Praifeth G O D for the certain Truth of Flis Co- venant with David -, for His great "" Af^r(y, ^ 'Truths ^ Hclinefs., " Power^ ^-^ Juftice^ and general Providence over him, and the Faithful. He then '5 fhews the Bkjfednefs of all thofe that rejoice and Praife GOD, and truft wholly in Him -, efpecially ^^unto David, His Chofen 'and Jminted -, and ^^ to his 6' and that '^ He will hear and deliver them out of all Troubles> that they m^-^ glorify His Name for their eternal Salvation* (-— Videi^c/zi. xvi. 20. — ) Hence we may obferve, that if we truji in G O D, and fervently pray to Him, He will keep us from ail the Temptations of Satan ; and will have a faithful Care over us iu all Kinds of Danger : He having appointed certain Jngels to be as Mi- nifiers of His Divine ?ro/ ev'^ry Time IVhen ye lie ^c-k;;/, /ved on us. (^-Vide Luke \. 46. — i. 68. — ii. 29.—) The Precept. Let ev'ry Sound 7tow Praife the LjOKTi of Mighty Who all -ic;/// judge v:ith Equity and Right : As C H R I ST is now our new and lafting Song, Think., O my Soul I— what 'He for thee hath don N. B. Although this Pfalm ftems to be wrote by holy David, in Praife for many /'^^^tr/Vj obtained. Heathens fubdued to GOD's La'zv, and his Kingdom, iffc. yet it mull be referred to the Kingdom of CHRIST; wh;c-h he then n<^ured by his own Lfe and Tranfailicns. See t^i&Scrip-^^ r.ires before cUed ^. On dightq ne. J A New Expofition on the Book of Pfalms, &c, 83 On P S A L Pd XCIX. WE have here fet forth by the Prophet^ ' a wonderful Commendation of the Power, Equily, and -Excellency of the Kingdom of G O D, by CHRIST, over both the Jews and the Gentiles -, exhorting ^ all to Praife and fear Him. He flieweth alio ^ that all Nations fhall worjhip GOD, and fall down before Him for all His Mercies and Benefits ; and ^ for deftroying all the wicked Inventions of the Enemies againft His Church and People. * (—Vide Nunih. xiv. — 2 Sa7n. vili. — ) This Pfalm fliewelh, that, whenfcever GOD delivers His Church and Peo- ple, all the Enemies thereof Ihall tremble ; and that though the Wicked rage againft GOD, yet the Godly fliall Praife His mighty Name, and declare His Power. It alfo fheweth, that as Mofes, Aarouy and Samuel were put in Office to tray to G O D for the People, fo long as they remained in the Priefihood^ as ap- pointed by G O D Himfelf ; even fo friculd the People now believe, that GOD will hear them in like Manner as Pie had done thofe holy Men, in Times of old; Acd that all fuch as now defire to be heard, muft follow the fame Faith in CHRIST JESUS ; which they foretold by the Po^jer of G O D, and the ^;^/W/ of Prophecy, Seeing now that we have but one Mediator, CHRIST JES-USf let us wholly rely on Him, and Plis Ga/pel, for our Salivation-, and daily confider what great Things the LORD haih done for us, and our Pofte- rity ': Unto Whom be all Glory and Praife for ever and ever. (—Vide Timothy ii. i. — Mat. xxvii. 39. — ) The Precept. 'On Cherubims GOD reigneth over all. At His great Pov,^er all earthly Princes fall: He Juflice loves, and doth the Juft defend ; To His great Name he Praifes without End. N. B. * Though this Pfalm feems to be wrote by David, on his ViSIorles ob- tained, 5ff. yet it muft be referred to. the Kingdom of CHRIST, of which he then foretold, as well as his own Succefs. On PSALM C. THIS Pfalm contains ' a godly Exhortation for all Peopb,. to Praife GOD chearfully, ^ for His Greatnefs, ^ for H0 Mercy, and for His Truth, v/hich will endure to all Generations. G 4 *(~Vid8 84 ^he Pfalm-Singer'i Jewel : Or, * ( — Vide I Sam. xvii, xviii, xix, xx, xxi, iffc. — ) Though this Pfalm fs very JJ^ort^ yet it is very excellent ; and was written to be ufed as a Song of Troife and Tkatikfgi'ving in general, in the Congregation : Whereby we may Pra;fe GOD for aU His Mercies. Herein is alfo figured the fpiritua] Regeneration, whereby we are called His Sheep and People-, and tiiatGOD is to bs ivor^yipped ov\y by that Means which He hath appointed in His Gofpel, by His Son JESUS CHRIST. Therefore, we mufl never be nveary in well-doing, nor in Pmifing His holy Name for all the Benefits we receive of Him \ feeing His Mercies towards us, and our Pofierity, have no End. ( — Vide P^/. Ixviii. ?6. 32. — Epk.w. 24. — ) ne Precept. 1^0 Pralfe the L O R D /^/ all the lift'ning Earth 'Their Voices raife^ and fmg with awful Mirth : He all hath niade^ and over all doth reign^ His Truth and Mercy ever Jloall remain. \ N. B. This feems to be wrote by holy David, and ufed as a triumphant Seng, ftfur any Vidory, &c. Read the Chapters Qi Safnuel^ before cited *. €^€^€^€*€^#€*€^€^€*€«€^€*€*€^€^ €*#€*€^^^^ 0/2 PSALM CI. Rincely David, in this Pfalm^ ' Praifeth G O D for Jd- vancement •, and * promileth to walk in perfonal Integrity .^ in his own Honfe •, and that ^ no evil Perfon fhall ever abide with him -, neither the Slanderer^ ^ nor the Proud. He fheweth alfo ^ that he will encourage all fuch as are Good ; and that they only fliould ferve him : And that ^ both the Lyar, and the Flat- terer^ &c. (liould not only be put out of his Houfe, butlhould be punilhed as the Wicked of the Land, and be cut off. * (—Vide 2 Sam. ii. i. q. — Exod xxiil. 25. — Jojh. vij. 8.— I Chran. xxviii. 9. — JoJh.xxW. 15. — Ads xv'x. — z SaTft. x\y. 18. — ) This Pfalm is a worthy Pattern to be obfcrved in all Famities, even from the Throne to the Cottage. Holy David being juil entered on his Kingdotn in He- hro^, and confidering on the Faults of hi? PredecefTor King Saul, relolves to liwe in the Fear of GOD; and bind himfelf. and his Pofierity, as it were, in a fo- Itmn Vow to G O D to live njirtucujly -, that his princely Life might not on'y be a. worthy Example for aU hib SuhjeBs, but for all Princes, Gonjernors, and Mofiers pf Families. He lirft (liewetb, that the Office of a King, is to rule with Mercy and 'Judgment, whceby he might be more /^xWthan feared ; and quell all the Defiffns of the V/icked by the Lawcs of G O D. And, as Princes are compelled, of Neceflity, to have many others to aflift in their Counfels, Sec. he here refolves pot to receive any Man of an ei'il Confidence ; but that he will punifti all fialfe Ac'.ufers even with Death itfelf ; which are the general Po'fon of all Mankind : Nor will he fnfFer any proud, ambitious Man in hi? Prefence. He alfo vows to ufe no Manner of Counfil but what proceeds froiji honeil, upright Men : That he wiU A New Expofition on the Book of Pfalms, ^c, 85 will be zfenjere Judge to the Wicked ; and a merciful Defender of the Godly: whereby both his Kingdom might not only fiouiilb, but that the Church of CHRIST m-ght be defended, and enlarged. So let us all follow hi^ noble jf*-- £^^npIey and fay, with Jofiua, 1 and my Houfe ^liillferve the LORD. ^he Precept. iLet me of Mercy, LORD, and Judgment///^, And daily Praife "Tte, O my GOD and King ! And let my Hou fe/yV^ho{Q Mercies, and C H R I S T's Merits, we have fure Hopes of Salvation ; if we live according to His Gofpe.', and abide in Faith and good Works. And fmce, by the Promife, and Po^^er of GOD, our Church has the Conqueft, and fettled under CHRIST, let us never fail from the Faith, un- to which we are called ; but daily ifer up our Prayers, Praifes^ and Thankf- givings to Him that fits on the Ttirone io( ever. The 86 The Pfalm-Singer'i Jewel : Or, . ^he Precept. f L O R D, hear my Pray'r, and guide me in 'Thy Truth,' J And not^ in Sin, defiroy me in my Youth : j And^ as ^hy Mercy doth for ever dure^ I Let me, ajid mine, abide for ever fur e, N. B- The Author of this Pfalm is not juftly known, but it hints o[ Sion in her JRuhbijh, and Refloration approaching, when the Captivity were unlooling. Some imagine ic to be wrote by Daniel^ by Reafon it agrees to the Time of his Prayer. See the Scriptures before cited *. 0;/ PSALM cm. IN this Pfalm, holy David ' greatly Praifeth G O D * for the Pardon of his Sins, "^ Deliverances^ and ^ great Bounty to him ; and ^ to his Forefathers, He alfo '* fhews what Pity GOD hath on His Children^ by Reafon of their Frailty ; and '7 that His Loving-kindnefs will endure for ever, on the Pojle- rity of the Righteous. Pie then '° calleth on the very Angels to Praife GOD, as well as all others, that are the Works of the LORD; '"' and to all Places and 'Dominions to join with him, in that glorious Part of Divine Worfljip, ( — Vide Pfal. cxiviii. 2. 14. — Eph. iv. 24. — } This glorious Pfalm of Praife was written by holy David, as a Thankfgi-ving to G O D for Reco-very and Redemption ; the Conjenant of Grace y and for all other Mercies and Benefits \ and in Commemoration of the Gofpel of CHRIST; con- cluding with a moft mag'iificent Defcription of His Divine Majefy. It alio (hews that he counted himfelf but as dead, before he had RemiJJwn of his Sins ; and that he was miraculoufly reilored by the Mercy and Grace of G O D. And fmce Man. in Affli^ion, haih nothing in him to move G O D to Mercy, only Prayer and Cmfeffion, how much ought we to humble ourfelves unto GOD, and beg Pardon for our Sins ? Since we know He is faithful at.d jujl toforgi^oe us our Si??s, a/id, by His Promife, He will cleanje us from all Unrighteou/nefs. On the which we fhould fo fill our Thoughts, as to give GOD all the Glory. {—Yi^Qjohni. 8.— ii. i. — xx, 13. — i Tim.'i. 15. — Mat. xxvi. 28. — ) The Precept. By me, LOR D, Thy Name floall he ador'd. For Thou., in Mercy, hafi my Life refior^d : To Praiie Thy Name, LORD, let me he inclined. Nor let Thy Gifts e'er Jlip out of my Mind. N. B. As to the s^\y Time this Pfalm was written, it is very uncerxa'n. Oh A New Exporn'iou on the Book cf Pfalms, &€. 87 I Ofi PSALM CIV. THIS GXcdhiitPfalm is an Exhortation to PrrJfe GOD for His glorious PForks of the Creation: viz. ^ of the firjt Bayy for the Heavens, Light, and Darknefs. ^ Of Xht fecond Day\ for the Firmament. ^ Of the /i?/>^ Z)^j, for the Waters, Earth, and Fruits. ^"^ Of the fourth 'Day\ for the Sun, Moon, and Stars. '^^ Of the fifth Bay^ for Fillies, Beafts, and creeping Things innumerable. Au^^ftxthly^ ^7 for His general Providence^ and Care over them all, and His con- ;tinual Decrements 5° and Renovations. Our yf/^//^^r then ^°/;5!^j Glory to GOD, and admires His Works, and calls GOD alfo to glory in them ; and ^^ promifeth perpetual Praifes, and begs that his Words may be acceptable unto GOD; and that all Sinners may be confumed by the Wrath of G O D ; and exhorteth all People to Praife the LORD. ( — Vide Gen, i. ii. — Pfal. xxxiii. 6. — cxxxvi. — Heh. i. 7. — Eph, iv. 24,—) This t^Iorious P^/»^ is as a Mirrour or Looking-gIaf% whereby we may fee, at one View, the manifold Works of G O D, by the whole Creation ; of which He is Governor of all, 2>xidi feedeth all ; and that the '^try Avgels in Heaven are ; obedient to all. We may fee alfo, that there is no Place in this World, (be it ' ever fo barren) but fome Signs of His Blejfmgs appear ; either by the Sun^ Moon, \ Cloiidiy StarSy Winds^ Foivlsy Trsesy Earth, Herbsy FruitSy StoneSy Beajis, Fijhes, and creeping Things innumerable ; GOD having placed Man over them all, and made all for His Service, whilft he is in this World. GOD hath alfo divi- ded the Day from Night, fo as to number DaySy I'UghtSy Months, and Years ; Summer and Winter y Heat and Cold : For all which Biel/ingSy let us daily render I 7hankfginjings and Praifes ; and more particularly for His eternal Salvation con- ferred upon us by the Merits cf His Son JESUS, whom He fent into the j World to die for our Sins j and !jy Whom \v e have eternal Life. So let us always i fill our Thoughts with thefe Things, and give G O D ths Glory. 'The Precept. ! Great GOD! the Alpha of both Heaven a?id Earth ! And the Omega ! of all that had Birth : Thou fee deft all! — let me Thy Works adore ; And fing Thy Praife, Here, and for Evermore,, N B. Though the T/W, and Author of this Pfahn i? not juflly known ; yzi it was moll probably wrote by David. On 88 The Pfalm^Singer'i Jewel : Or, On PSALM CV. Hallelujah. f I "1 HIS Pfahn is ' an Exhortation to Praife and wcrjhip the _|^ LORD, and leek Him by "Thankfgiving^ 'preachings 'ftng- ing His Praifes^ Conference^ rejoicings ^ believing^ prayings and by Meditation : Being ^ for His keeping His Covenant^ and " Mercy tvith our Forefathers in Canaan j and '^ their defcending into Egypt ; and their Abode there : And *"' the Plagues infli6ted on Egypt for their DeHverance. Alfo ^^ G OD's mighty Protections and +^ Provifion for them in the Wildernefs ^ and ^^ His bring- ing them into Canaan ^^ for that very fame End, i. e. to obferve His Statutes^ "^^ keep His Laws, and Praife His Name for the mighty Things He had done for them. (-VideGVw.xii. 17, — xx. 3. — Exod.vn. 20. — viii. 6. — xii. 29. — i Chrcn. xvi.*-) The ancienty^fr^rf'f/r/?*?.';)', contained in this Py^A/A is a worthy Lejfon always to be remembered ; wherein we have various Examples both of G O D's Mercy ^ and the'7r«//7 of His Pronnfe to the Fairhful ; whereby v/e may confirm cur /Vz/V/^, and re!\ upon the fame Foundation : We being now, by C H Rl S T, more bound to celebrate G O D's Alercies and Benefts than tbey were. And although the Ifraeliies were exempted fiom the common Condemnation of the World, and were elcfied to be G OD's peculiar People, our Author here willech them to ihew themfeives mindful of GO D\ Mercies, by '-Jhankfgi'vi7igs -, Whofe Mercies had wrought their mighty Deliverance ; His Power being thereby declared as lively as if He had fpoke it then by His own Mouth. The Promife which GOD made firft to Abraham was, that He fnould be His GOD, and alfo the GOD of all His Beed after Him, throughout all Generations ; and (hewed that they fhould Kot erjoy the Land of Canaan by any other Means, but by His Promife He had made to their Forefathers, cio whom He had (hewed Himfelf more plainly ; who were to fet forth His Word and Promife. We fee alfo, that the very Princes of the Land were obedient to y^'y/^/'-^'s Commandment, and learned Wifdom of Him : And that the very Animal Plagues arm themfeives againft Man, when G O D is his Enemy ; from which Plagues all G O D's Children were exempted, by His Mercy and Divine Proisideuce over them. Thus were the Egyptians dellro)ed, 7'A\'\ His chofen People pr-jferved ; that they, and thdr Pojierity^ might call upon GOD, and ^^vorjhtp and Iraife Him in this World : Whereby we may know, that G O D is always mindful to /T^y^r-z'/? His Church, and will furely keep His Promife throughout all Generations ; to prejer^ve the Righteous, and dcilroy the Wicked. ^he Precept. !As GOT) ^ in Egypt, did great Wonders fhozv^ 'That tbey His SvAtutts Jhould obferve and know : So raife us^ LORD, that we^ with Heart and Voice ^ Extol 'Thy Name, and evennore rejoice, N. B. Akhcui I A New Expofition on the Book of Pfalms, &c, 89 N. B. Although it appears, by the before-mentioned Tranfaftlons from Abrcf ham to their liiheriiing of Ca^anr/y (and no farther,) that this P/aim was wrote by Jojhua, in the End of his Life ; by Reafon it agrees with the Care he (hewed for the fame Thing, in his xxiiid and xxivth Chapters; as his Predeceflbr f^'^ fes left a Memorial like them, in Dcut. xxxii. — Yec it appears more evident, from i Chron.xvit that David was the ^/w^^^or, and indited it for Afaph, to be fung as a Memorial when the Ark was carried into the City, ^c. On PSALM CVL TH E Pfalmift here ' exhorteth all to Praife GOD: '^im- plores His Mercy : ^ Commemorating it, '' and the Peo- ple's Provocations in Egypt ; and in the Wildernefs ; ^+ and in the Land of Canaan^ at their firfl Enterance ; and *' under the Judges : Praying ''^ that the like Favours and Mercies m,ay be fhewed to them now; by gathering them from among the Hea- then, that they might Praife the Name of the LORD for ever and ever. * ( — Vide iiAr(7^. xiv. 27. — Nu?nh.%xv. 12. — xx. 13. — P/al. xcv. 8. — i Sam,. vii. 7, ^.—P/al. cxxvi. — Ndcm. ix. The People here mentioned, being difperfed under Antlochus^ magnify the Goodnefs of G O D among the Juft and Penitent; and defiie to be brought again into the Land^ by G O D's merciful Promife and Vifitation. Yet, after the marvellous Works GOD had v^Tought in E^ypt for their Deliverance, their In- gratitude av-ain appear?, as is herein mentioned; and the wonderful Mercy of GOD, in faving them. They then praying to G O D to be gathered together, to Praije and ivorjhip Him, He then granteth their Requeft, for the T^ruth of His Promife ; that His Name might be glorious in all the World. This Ffulm evidently fnews the Patience and Goodnefs of a merciful GOD, unto His People; VVhofe holy Example v/e ought to follow, one tp wards another, both in public and in private.; rather than, for every little Offence, to tear one another in Pieces. It (hews alfo, that we mull now refortn our Lives by the Gofpel of CHRIST, if ever we mean to be faved ; He having gathered His Churchy which was dif- perfed, for the very fame End. So BleJJ'ed be the Name of the GOT) of Ifraei, Jor ever and eijer -., and let all the People Praife Hijn, and fay Amen. Amen. 'The Precept. fave us^ LOR D, by Thy moft mighty Pow'r^ From cruel Foes, that imiilci our Souls devour : And, wken Thou conift to fet Thy People free, Jn Thy great Mercy, LORD, remember me, N. B. This Pfahn feems to be wrote by Samuel, in fome Time of the Difperfion and Dread : Ic extending beyond the Time of the Judges, as is hinted in the 43d and 47th Verfes. See in Samuel as before cited *. End of the Fourth BOOK, On 1 90 The Pfairn-Singer*i Jewel : Or^ On PSALM CVII. OU R prophetical Author^ in this Pfalm^ ' kindly exhorteth all fuch as are redeemed^ and the Faithful^ earneilly to Praife GOD-, efpecially ^ fuch as the ^rihe of Ifrael ; alfo for His Providence ^ over travellers^ '° Prifoners fet at Liberty ; ^'^ftck Perfons recovered ; and ^^ M^m^rj faved in Tempefts. He fhews alfo ^' hov/ the Impenitent are punifhed ; and ^"^ the Righteous hlejfed, and '^■'' rejoice at it : And that ^^ wife Men will always meditate on the Mercy and Loving-kindnefs of the L O R D. ( — W6t Amos \i\\. — Luke'w. i6. — Ifai.xW. i8. — Luke i. 7. — ) This glorious P/ah;i (from former Examples, as well as from thofe more pre- fent,) ihews the wonderful Mercy and Pro-vidence of GOD over Marikind, both by Land 2lv,^ Sea: in Order to teach us never to defpair of G O D's Mercies, in our greateft Dangers and AfAidions. Here is one glorious Fer/e four Times re- peated by the Author, after feveral Mercki that GOD had Ihswn to His People ; which he defires always to be remembered and performed; faying, Oh I that Mien 'vuouid therefore Praife the LORD for His Gocdnefs ; and declare the Wonders that Be doih for the Children cf Men /—The great Benefits of G O D's Mercy, in part Ages, ought never to be out of our Memories ; and, for V^^Lo^ve hebeareth to His Church, we ought daily to magnify His Name, in all Places and Affem- hlies ; knowing that He is as able to ^defray, as He is willing lofa^je ; and doth, by His Pro-vidence, exalt u?-, and doth make us know ourfelves by humbling us with Afflidions. And fince our Faith is enlightened by His holy Spirit^ and by x\\t Gofel oi His Son JESUS, let us always rejoice in the jufice of His Word, againft the Wicked; and Yli^ Truth, mddtnd\'[\gtii.Q Righteous ; and, that His Mercy endurcth f r c-ver. The Precept. !G O D feedeth all^ hy His moft pwr'ful Handy Afidfroews His Mercy both to Sea a7id Land : Let all confefs with Thanks, and freely own The wond'rous Works that G OD for us hath done. N. B. From the Style of this Pfalm, it feems to be wrote by holy David ; though no particular Perfon is mentioned. H On PSALM CVIIL O L Y David, in this Pfalm, ' greatly encourageth him- felf to Praife GOD with Heart, Voice^ and " Inftrument^ for A ISIew Expofulon en the Book of Pfalms, &c, gi for + many pad Deliverances : And^ promireth hinfifelf the like Vi^ories over all his remaining Enemies for the future. * (—Vide 2 Sam. viii. and x.^P/al. xliv.— Ivii— -Ix. — ) This Pfahz is taken OJt of the Iviith, and the Ixth, whereinDAViD firmTy de- dares thac, as his Tongue is his Glory, his Heart Ihall go along wich it, without any Hypocrify, to Prai/e the LORD; afTaring himfdf of the Prcmlfs of GOD concerning of his Kingdovi : Shewing, that he iliciild divide Sbechzm, and mea- fure Cuccoth ; th.^t ManaJJ'eth and Ephraim (hould be his, bccaufe it was ftroncrfy peopled; Judah be his Lawgiver, becaufe it was the Trihe where his Kinodoni fhould be eftablifhed ; monb and Edom iliould be in Suhje^Tiion to lim ; and that PalejUve Ihould feem to be glad of him, though he well" knew they flattered and dillenibled him. Let us always noiv t^ke Kotucy that thefe Aakns are rather to be applied to i\\e fpintual E?iemies of C H R IS Ts> Ch:ird\ than to Armies th:^c fight v/ith outward Weripons : And that it is GOD alore that defends z/.-, zvA our Churchy from all Enemies. See the ExpofitiGni on the PJalmi before-mentioned. The Precept. ijjefend ;;?^, L O R D, vnth Thy great Pow'r and Mighty When cruel Foes do feek with ?ne t fight : Let allfing Praife /^ G O D, with Joy and Mirth^ Whoje Pow'r and MercyV over all the Earth, N. B. This Pfalni was probably wrote on the fameCaufe? as^ the xlivth, the Iviifh and the cxlivth, all of which fee; and the viiith and xth Chapters of Sa- 7niiel as before cited *. 1 :^ ^ '^ •*! "^ '^ '^'^ "^ '^ '^ '^ "^'^ "^^ t*" '^ "^ 'tss^ '^ "^^ "tw^ "^ -^ "^ '^ -^ "*& '!^ "^^ On PSALM CIX. IN this Pfalm holy David (under the Name of Judas) ' com- plaineth to GOD of ^ the Falihood, '^ Treachery, and 5 Ingratitude of his cruel Adverfary ; and ^ exprefTes his great Diflike and Hatred againfl him, '^ and his Pofterity. And ^i begging to G O D for Liberation to himfelf, he promifeth 3° to Pra^e G O D in the Church, ^^ for his mighty Deliverances. -Vide 2 Sam. xv, 31. — ASis'i. 20. — Pfal. Hi. — Mat. xxiii. 23. — John vii. 49.-) This terrible Pfalm of David, pointeth to the wicked A6iions and Counfels of Ahitophel, with his Son Abfalom ; who, for no Caufe, fought to take away his Life ; even as Judas betrayed CHRIST \ of which this was a true Figure^ fet forth by David, by the Spirit of Prophecy. This Pfalm muft beufed with great Care and Judgment, left we draw in the Spirit of Vengeance, and falfe Zea! : for David had no Spite againft him or Saul, in any Cafe whatfoever, elfe he might have ^a'^wrf/V himfelf on them, by feveral Opportunities which GOD gave him. No, he prayed all thefe Judgments to fall on his Enemies, for no other End, but that 92 The Pfalm-SingerV Jewel : Cr^ that GOD tnight have the Glory, and his Church be kept in Safety ; and to deftroy the Antichrjjiiansy and Enemies of the Gofpel ; which Imprecations we find i.i other Pfalms, as well as in this ; agreeable to the Writings of St. Paul^ and many others. But our Cafe is now quite diiferent from that of David, fince Chrijii- anitj is more fpread amongft us ; for what he then did, and faid, was to enlarge the Church o{ GOD and CHRIST, that the Scriptures might be fulfilled; and GOD have the Glory. So let us not mifapply fuch P/aims to our own ma- licious Ends, left we bring on our own Heads thoie Things we pray for to others: Thefe being only written to ftiew G O D's Judgments on the Perfecutors of His Churchy and the Lo've he bears to thofe that efpoufe it. ( — Vide GaL v. 12. — 2 Tim. iv. 14. — Acis viii. 20. — i John v. 16. — ) ^he Precept. Confound^ LORD, with great Rebuke and Blame j' All fuch as hate 77ie^ and defpife Thy Name : Shield me^ LORD, from Men of Pride a?td Spite, And let Thy Praifes be my Soul's Delight. N. B. Some think this Pfalm points to Doeg and Sauly as well as to Ahitophel. On PSALM ex. N this Pfahn^ holy David ' prophefieth of the Poix.'er and evcrlafling Kingdom of CHRIST-, and ^ alfo of His Priefihood : And " thas He Ihall put an End to the Priefihood of Leviy and be made Vi^lor over all His Enemies. ( — Vide M/7/. xxli, 42. — Heb.\. m.— i Cor. xv, 24. — Heb.x. 13.— vii. 26. — Ifai.u. 3, — Luke xxm. 42. — John iii. 2. — Jfts iii. 21. — i Cor. xv. 28. — Vafi. ii. 24. — ) This fliort, though precious Pfalm, feems to be an Epitome of the promifed Go/jet cS C FI R I ST: ' Sh-\K'\v.gy/rJ^, the Divinity of C H R J S T ; fccondly. His Humanity, and everlafting Poicer in the Kingdom of Heaven ; third'y, his Bat- tles and Fi^.ories againfl His Enemies, vifible and invifible; fourthly, what Time His Kivgdom begun ; and by the Thief hanging on the Crofs, and whereuntoP?- late did lubfcribe it in three feveral Languages ; and, fifthly, a plain Defcription of the true Church, &c. All which was, doubtlefs, CHRIST Himfelf ; Who is now made to us IFifdom, Jufiice, SanSiificationy and Redemptmi. All thefe Things, both the Church itfelf, and the excellent Gifts wherewith it is adorned, is as the Dew falling down from the Womb of the Morning; ftxthly. He is a Prieft after the Order of Mekhizedeck, which cannot be accomphfhed in any other King, only m CHRIST-, nor no Poiver ftiall be able to refill Him: Who (hall triumph much more glorious, when He Ihall come to judge the whole World, in Righteci- fiefs and I'ruth. The before-mentioned Scriptures will fet this in a clearer Light. A New Expofition on the Book of Pfalms, CSc. 93 ^he Precept. By Melchi'j Order, CHRIST'S our Prieft/^r ever. Our great Salvation, Who will fail us never : As Men, ^;/ii Angels, do His Jufcice own. So guide us, LOR D, to T'hy eternal Throne. \ N. B. When David {hewed the Continuance of his own Kingdom, he then fgurcd thereby the above Kingdom of CHR IS T : Of which this Pfalm is a Song of Triumph. The four following are on the fame Score. On PSALM CXI. (Hallelujah.) H Erein holy David pofitively declareth ' that he will Praife GOD both with his Foiee and Heart, ^ for the fingular I'Forks of His Grace towards His Church : And that ^ he will keep His IVorks always in Remennberance. He fheweth alfo 7 that the Works of GOD are Truth and Juflice -, and that He hath performed His Promife ^ in redeeming His People : And '° that to fear G O D is the Beginning of Wifdom ; and all that love Him, will be mindful of His Covenant, and Praise Him for His Mercies, for ever and ever. ( — Vide Pro^K xxx. 8. — xxxl. 15. — Pfal. cxxxv'i. — ) Th's Pfa/m hath fome Connfedion with the former, touching the wonderful Mercies of GOD in reyi and merciful in helping him, when he was deftitute of either Help or Counjel. He alfo Hiews how flrong his Faith was, that GOD would preferve him ; knowing Man's Help to be only Flattery, without His Dimne Pioteftion. We may here alfo obfervc, how grate- ful David was, in returning "Thanh for his great 'Deliverance ; by his promifmg to make a folemn Banquet, according to Laiv and Cuftcm in thofe Days, and drmk z.Cup m Sign of Thank/gh-jing : It being as a Figure of the Bleffed Cup of our LOR D JESUS, in His holy Sacrament. And, fmce GOD alone has the Power of both Li/e and Death, and can either de/Iroy qx fanje, let us always make it our conftant Rule to return T:hanh for all the Mercies and Benefits wp re. ceive at His Hands ; and' be as ready to acknowledge His Fa^jours, and Praife His Narne, as He is willing to prejern;e us : Let us always be mindful of the /r^roVt ^"^^ and not negled that great and important Duty which CdRISTh^s commanded us, i. e. to recei^'e his hle^ed Cup of Salivation, and call upon the hame of the L O R D to ftrengthen our Faith in CHRIST JESUS- whereby we may have free Forgi-venefs oi our Sins, and die in a«;vVy with all * Men. -^ i The Precept. ilVhen unto GOD Iprafd, in Pain and Grief, 7 He heard 7ny PrayV, and eas'd me with Relief' I To GOD ril offer humble Thanks and Praife, f Receive the Cup, and call on Him always, J N. B. See the Places and Scriptures before cited. "I^ ^ 3 On 9? ^he Pfalm-SingerV Jewel : Or^ On PSALM CXVII. (Hallelujah.) I__JOLY David, in this PfaVm^ ' chearfully exhorteth all ~\ Nations to Pratfz G O D, ^ for His loving Kindnefs^ His Mercy ^ and His I'nith^ &c. ♦ (— Vide ^i7;w. XV. II. — Johni, 17. — ) This fhort, though excellent Pfalm, exhorteth all People in general to Prai/e GOD, becaufe He \\2ii\\ f.nijhed His Prcm^fe, of giving everlaftmg Life to aii by His Son JESUS; and in giving His Grace and Truth, by Whom He is to be '^vcrjhif.ped ; whereby we may know that the Kingdom c.i CHRIST h fr.iritual: This being the Sum oi the Go/pel, as expounded by St. Paul, and ^t. Job:. See the Scriptures btfore cit^d *. (—Vide P/aL c— ) The Precept. !Let ev^ry isation Pralfe G O D's mighty Name; Declare His Pov/er, and e::alt His Fame ; Great is His Love ! — His Mtv cits, ever fur e^ And Truth to endlefs AgQS Jhall endure. N. B; Akho' we have no pmicuhr Juthor mentioned In the ancient Tif/e of this Pfahn^ yet, from ics Siyle^ it is conjedured to be wrote by holy David, for public Vfe, in the Ccngregatims ; as a Song of Prai/e and Thank/giiung in general unto G O D, for His fatherly Grace, Care, and Protetlion. 0/2 PSALM CXVIIL (Hallelujah.) IN this 'PJalm^ King David ' exhorteth all the Faithful to Traife and confefs GOD, becaufe His Mercy endureth for ever. He fheweth alfo " that it is better to truft in GOD than in Princes^ '^ by his own Experience '^ and Faith : And '^ that his 'Deliverance fhould be His Song, for His mighty Salvation, Then '^ foretelling of CHRISTs Kingdom, "■■ he fheweth His mighty Power j and '^ Praifeth GOD, that His Mercy endureth for ever. * { — Vide 2 Sam, xxi.,i6.— I/ai. xxvHu \6.—Maft. xxi. 42. — ASIs iv. 11.— Rom.h, 33,-1 Pet, vi. -] ,^F,u:7:h . vi. 23.— I«/^^i. 78!— -i ThcJ. v.—) Pavip, A New Expofition on the Book of Pfalms, &c, 99 David, being made King, here impu'^eth ail to G O D's Mercy towards His afflicted Church; and does not only thank and Praife GOD for it himfelf, but exhor:s all the Faithful to do the like. And though Saul was his greateli Enemy, from whom he was preferved. he doth not impute his Deliverance unto himfelf, but only unto the Mercy and Pcnver of G O D ; for which he promifeth Prai/e and Thankfginjing ; and willeth that the Doors of the Tabernacle might be opened unto all ; whereby they may join with him in Praifes^ for deliverincr both him and the Church. And, though Saul and the chief Powers had refufed David to be King, yet G O D prefer-jed him above them all, fet him on the Throne, and delivered His Church ivom all its cruel Enemies. David being here the very Figure of C HRISTy unto all the Faithful, they are all joyful in him, and pray for his Profperity ; becaufe GOD, by him and his, hath r^//'t?/fi Darknefs unto Lighty and hath brought Sahatian to all Mankind. So let us all Praife the LORD for the Truth of Hi^ Pronvfe, and fay, Blejfed is Fie that cometh in the Name of thehOKD. ( — Vide I Pet. ii. 7. — Eph. ii. 20. — Hsh. xiii. 16. — ) I'he Precept. CHRIS T's my Defence, a7id Song ; to Him Vllflee^' And is became a Saviour unto me : My Son^Jhall Praife Him^ and His Name confefs.^ For He's the Gate of Joy and Right eoufnefs, N. B. This feems to be penned for « triumphant Song, for ViSories obtained, and his perfonal Deliverances, probably from Ijhhibenob, See. and of his /ifV- n}ancement to the Kingdom. All of which muR be referred to CHP^IST^ of whom David was a true Figure. See tiie Scriptures before cited *. On PSALM CXIX. THIS mofl glorious and golden Pfalm of holy David con- tains a genera] Exhortation to all the People of GOD, in order to frame their Lives and ABions according to His Laws, and Divine Precepts, and not to their own frail Opinions; in which he ' fetteth forth the Blejfednefs of thofe that live obe- dient to His Or To keep Thy Laws, and Statutes moft divine : \ Thy Paths are pure ! Thy Precepts jure will lead i" To heavenly Joys, which never^ never, fade, J N. B. That Herlackuiden, and Greenham wrote two large Volumes intirely on this Pfalmy very tirefome to read ; the laft of which was printed in 1605, in ;i fmall Folio. r On PSALM CXX. (Ascension i. — I called, — ) Cifo T T O L Y David, having prayed unto GOD to be 1058. JTX delivered from his cruel Enemies, obtaineth his Pelire -, and herein ^ complaineth of their flattering, lying, and deceitful Tongyes, and ^ declares his Judgment on them : And 5 greatly lamenteth his long Exile, on Account of their Cru- elty, ^c. * ( — Vide 2 Sam. xxvii. 6, 7. — Ezra vii. — P/al. cxxvi. — Gen. x, 2. — 2 Chron, XX. 19. — I Chron. xvii. 17. — ^/. vi. — 2 Cor. v. i. — Luke xvi. — Pfal. cxl. — Pro'v.xxv. 18. — Ezek.v. 16.—) This /y«//7z chiefly pointeth to King Saul's Flatterers againfl David, fuch as Doegy Ahitophely &c, who drove David out of Judea, and made him livelong in Exile in Ziklag : From Vvhich we may fee, that good Men are very often drove away from their own native Country, by the Cruelty of the Wicked ; and that they have too often fuch wicked Mefechitss and Kedarites amongft their own Rela- tionsy as holy David herein fpeaks of, z, e. the greateft of Enemies : Some of the Ifraelites, as herein pointed at, having iiot only degenerated from their firft godly pathersy but turned envious againft their own Brethren, and againft all i\itfaith- /«/ People of GOD, ts'r. We may eafily infer from this Pfalm, that we never ought to be call down when we fufter Afflidions for Righteoufnefs fake ; but rather ought to rejoice ; though, at the fame Time, it is very hard to be ufed ill for our Well-doing : For- afmuch as nve kno'w that our Labours ivill net be in ^vain in the LORD; and that il the Slanders, Lyes, and maiicigus Cruelties will, like Iharp Arrotj^s, Firey Sec, *'" lurn ii!>2 The Pfalm-SingerV Jewel: Or, turn again on our Enemies, and not on us ; if we fiithfally rely on G O D for Succfiur, when the Help of Man faileth : Who hath always promHed never to farfake the Righteous ; but tii?.t He will afTuredly deitroy ali the Enemies of CHRlST&Uo^iQ, Gojfely cLtid Church, I The Precept. VThieves^ Fire, andSzvord, wound not with fo much Wrong, \As a falfe Witnefs, and a lying Tongue : I L O R D, give me Patience, when fiuh Foes opprefs^ IJnd 'venge my Qz.\xk, in Truth and Right eoufnefs. i:^ The Reader is here to take Notice, that there are 15 Pfalms, (from the cxixth /^ the cxxxvth) called Pfaims of Afcenfion, Gradual Pfalms, Songs of Degrees, or Songs of Remember ance, ««^/ Gratitude ; ^i.'jhich ^ere Jung by Ezra, arJ his Company, on the fc^oeral Stages in their Journey out of Babylon : (And not on the i 5 Steps or Stairs of the Temple, as fame do imagine.) Thefe 1 5 Pfalms, I fay, ^vere ■particularly confecrated to comme- moraie the Return of the Ifraelites, as they cane on their Way, in feveral Companies ; ivhich Pfalms are J aid then to he put together y in a little Book ly themfel'vesy by Ezra, in order to declar-e and perpetuate the Benefits and ntjcnderful Mercies of GOD to His chofen People': (Each Pfalm having its Beginning as a V\i\q, as above,) feme coming from Babylon under Zo- robabel, fame wnder Ezra, and f me corning under Nehemiah, (s'f.— See the Scriptures before cited *. 0/2 P S A L M CXXI. (Ascension 2. — / will lift up, ) THIS Pfahn ' fhews the wonderful Safety of all fuch as only truft in G O D ; Who v/ill always be watchful ^ both Day and Night to preferve them, and His Church ^ if they fol- low but this Example of holy David. ( — Vide I Sam. xxvi. 19. — Dan. vi. — Ezra vii.— /^/. xcl, — Holy David herein iheweth, that the higheft Things in this World afford but little Help to Man ; and that we muft lock over them all, into the very Heavens, if we would have G O D to be our Safeguard. And as his continual Providence is, at all Times, over the Faithful^ He will not fuftcr either Heat or Cold, or whatever the Wicked Ihall contrive, to difcommode or deftroy His Church and People. Here, x.\iQlfraelites, being on their journey from Egypt, looked towards Judea, and faw the City overthrown, greaUy comforting themfelves, that GOD, by His Mercy, had defended them from the parching Sun in the Day-time with a Cloud 'j and with the Light of a Pillar of Fire in the Night ; as they travelled on their Journey Seeing now, that all thefe Wonders are only Figures of the fpiritual Help, whereby the Son of GOD doth marvelloufly preferve and defend His Church, travelling through this World : Let us wholly rely on His Gcfpel Ordinances as our A ISIew Expofition on the Book of Pfalms, &c. 103 our ^«/^ and Pattern, whilft we are in this Life; whereby we may raife our Thoughts above the Vanities of thia World, even into the very Heavens, from whence all our Help cometh ; and wherein we hope to be raifed after this pain- ful Life is ended ; by the Merits of JESUS CHRIST, to Whom we feek i'or Succour, and eternal Salivation. ( — Vide Exoci. xiii. — I/ai. iv. /[.—Gen. xxxi. 40. — Deut. xxviii. 6. 2, — 2 Chron.\. 10. — zSa7n.\\\. 25. — Jjfs i, 21. — ix. 28. — ) Tbe Precept. ("GOD zvill /i?^ juft Man fafely guard and keep^ 1 J By Nighty or Bay -, awake, or when afleep : / J /;/ all his Bufinefs, going in., or out., 1* l_G O D, ^J ^ Fence, will compafs him about. J ' N. B. This Pfalm is conje£lured to be wrote by David, though we have no par- ticular Perfon mentioned. mmmmmmmm^^mmm^^^^m^ 0?2 PSALM CXXII. (Ascension 3. — / was glad,) HOLY David, in the Name of the Faithful^ ' greatly rejoiceth that GOD hath accomplidied His Promife., and hath 5 placed His Jrk in Sion, for public fVor/hip, and ? civil Juftice : Wherefore he giveth Thanks, and prayeth ^ for the Church's Peace, ^ and Pro/per ity ; and for all the Members thereof, * ( — Vide I Chron. xxlx. g. — 2 Satn. vi. 12. 20. — ) Our holy Author here greatly rejoiceth that GOD hath appointed a Place where- in His Jrk^ or Dh'ine Prefence, fhould abide, v^hich was before removed from ot.e Place to another. He alio meaneth, by the artificial Workmanlhip and beautiful Joining of the Building, the Concord and Lo^'e that was amongft the Citizens, or ^{ribes that fhould come there to the IForJhip of G O D ; Whole Houfe was there placed as a Throne of Jnjilce ; and fliould have Profperity both within and with- out, by the Fa, I On ] no 7he Pfalm-SingerV Jewel: Or, ^g* ^t? t^S* ^S= ^^S' 'iJS' ^g^ ^iS* =SiS- ^b-^ ^iit^ ^S* ^S' ^i? ^S' ^e' "^^£? '^S' ^S"^S"^i?' ^S^ ^S^ ^S' ^ 0/2 PSALM CXXXII. (AscENSio:^ 13. — LORD, remember David,) 1004. T J OL Y David, in this Pfalmy fetteth fortli ' what Jri gJ^eat Troubles and Afflidtions he underwent, and what pious Zeal he had for building the 'Temple^ and ^ reding the Ark therein. He ^ then defires G O D to eftabhfh his Churchy " according to His Promife \ which being obtained ^^ on Condition, he '^ jefteth fully thereon ; and '« exhort etb all the Faithful to do the like, for their eternal Salvation : And'* that all the Enemies of C H RIST's Church fhall come to Shame ^ but His Crown and Kingdom fhall for ever flourifli. * ( — Vide I citron, xv. — 2 Chro7z. vi. 16. 41, 42. — vii. — i Kings ix. 1. 10.— Dent. xii. 5. — i Sam. iv. 11. — 'Nu7nh. x. 35. — /^^Z. Ixxviii, 68. — Nehem. xii. — ) This precious Vfalm ought always to be z^^inour Churchy that our Faith may- be confirmed in the LORD J E SUS ; of whofe Per/on David was a true Figufs. We may alfo obferve, that this is the true Church ; and is ejiahlijhed by G O D's own Appointment, for the Faithful; from Generation to Generation. And as Salivation cannot be attained by any other Means, but by our Faith in the Gofpd of CHRIST, how careful ought we to be in obeying His Word, and receiving His SacraTnents, and to reft ourfelves wholly on His Merits to fave us : Whofe Throne is everlalling, and Whofe Fcatvr is infinite, from G O D the Father, The Precept. LORD, let Thy Priefts be doath'd with Righteoufnefs, all Thy People Thee with Praifes blefs : keep Thy Laws, LORD, all our Hearts incline 1ST is our Reft, and laftin^ Joy, divine. fnefs,! N. B, The 8th, 9th, and loth Verfes of this Pfalm were ufed by Solomon, at the Clofe of his Prayer, at the Dedication of the Te7nple ; and agree well with the Acceptance of it, as tellified from Heaven ; with the LOR D's Anfvoer, in a Vifion to Solomon : For which Occafion it was compofed by David. Though fome think it was made by Solomon himfelf. See the Scriptures before cited *. On PSALM CXXXIII. (Ascension 14. — Behold how good ! ) AFTER the Civil IFars of eight Years were all ended, and the Tribes all were come together to anoint David their King, A New Expolition on the Book ^Pfalms, &c. 1 1 1 King, he then let forth this Pfalm^ * to e>:hort all to Friendjhip and Unity ^ and to be as Brethren : Shewing, not only ^ the Pre- cioulhefs of Unity in this World, but ^ alfo the everlailing BlelTednefs of it in the World to come. * (—Vide 2 Sam. v. — \ Chron. tX. — ExocI. xxx 23.— xxvIII. — ?fal. xlli. 6 — I Cor. xin.^J(/hn xiv. 21. — Matt. xvii. — ) , In this Pfalfn are figured the feveral Graces that proceed from C H R IS T, the FTead of the Church: i. By Ointment, that He v» as cho/en and anoi}itfd o{ GOi) to fave the World : And 2. by Herynon and Sion, it ir.eaneth the Plfintifulnefs that was in the Country about Jerufakm, where Concord abidetb. From which we may infer, that if we live in Feace, one with^another, in this World, we ftiall be fure of Peace in the next : But, there is no Peace with the Wicked, neither ia this World, nor in that which is to come. So lee Peace abide always within our Walls, and P lent.coufnefi in our Palaces. (— Vide /y«/. cxxii. j.-^-Jfai.ix. 6. — Matt. v. g.—'Eph*\v. 3.—) ■ 'The Precept. CHgzv good and pie af ant., LORD, // is to fee \ Brethren to live in Peace and Unity ! i Affift us, LOR D, to us Thy Bleffings gi \jThat we in Concord r,iay for ever live. fee 1 ive, r N. B. See the Scriptures before cited *. On PSALM CXXXIV. (Ascension 15, ^nd h^.— Behold I Blefs ye tbeLORD,) THIS being the lajl Pfalm of Afcenfion, holy David here- in ' exhorteth all the Godly to behold the Tempk which GOD hath now placed for His divine IForJIoip. Alfo to watch and keep all Things therein in good Order ; and ^ that they con- il:antly render Prayers., Praifes, and Thankfgivings unto GOD for His wonderful Mercies and Benefits ^ and ^ for hlejfuig and eftabliiliing \Y\% Church amongfl us. * ( — Vide I Chron. xvi. ^. — 2 Chron. vii;. 14. — Eph. vi. iS. — Pfal. xxv. i. — ) This Pfalm flieweth the Charge that was iirft given to the Len:ites and Priefs, rot only to guard 2.n6 keep the Temple, but a'fo to bellow their Time, Day and Night, "n Praifes, Prayers, and 1 han^fgifings unto G O O, for the Sah>ation oi the Peop'e ; fmce He had 10 bellowed His fatherly Lo^^e on them to elb.blilh His Church, whereby they might be Caved. Seeing now, that ail thefe Thing? were only Shadows of C H R I S T, and His Kingdom, and that tha Promife of G O D is now fulfilled by the Coming of the Meffah, whiv'h He hath fcnc {or our Re- I 2 dsmpthn : 112' 7he Pfalm-Singefi Jewel: Or^ demption : Let us now, in His Church, render all the Praifes and Thankfgt/. cxlv. 18, 19, 20.—) '•I ^ed.J The Precept/ r Set Thou a Watch before my Lips, O LORD, \ That linay not prophane Thy holy Word : "S And let me, L O R D, /^ in Thy Paths proceed, \ Ne^er to offend, in Thought, in Word, nor Deed. N. 5. This feems to be wrote when David and his 6co Men were in the Wil- dernefs of Maon, when Saui\\2.d near encompaffed him, by the Treachery oi the Ziphites, who were retrained by the News of the Phil'fiities Inva- fion ; but good Jonathan had before confederated with him, and approved him. See the Scriptures before cited *. On PSALM CXLIL DAVID, being in great Fear and DiJIrefs, ' crieth fervent- ly unto G O D ^ to help him out of his great Dangers : Whereby ^ he might Praife His Name,' and the Righteous be with HiiTi as ufual, ^c. * ( — Vide I Sam, nxWi. zg.-r-xxiv. — ) This ^Jafch'il^ or Pfalm of Prayer, fhews the great Effe6l of Patience un- der any SaiFgrin2s and Confinemjent i and that we Ihould never murmur apair^ll GOD, 1 Ii8 The Pfalm-SIngefi Jewel: Or^ GOD, ifl our greateft Extremities, when all our Friends have forfaken us ; but rely wholly on G O D for Help, when all other Means fail ; and wait for a joyful Delin)erance from His Hands ; Who is able to deftroy our Enemies, and give us a Cro zva of Glory. {—Yide Matt. v. ^.^VfeiL xxxvii. ult. — ) 27'^ Precept. r L O R D, ^hou^rt my Portion, and my Jure Defence; J In Thee I place my Truil and Confidence : j To Thee I cry^ O help me in Dijlrefs^ I And fiay fuch Foes, as would my Soul opprefs. N. B. This was probably holy David's Prayer and Meditation, when he was inclofed on every Side by cruel Saul, in the Ca^je or Sirong-holds of En- gedi. See the Scriptures before cired *. On PSALM CXLIII. I 'N this penitential Pfalm^ holy David ' earneflly prayeth to GOD for the Remijfion of < his Sins; and "" acknowledges the Juftice of his Punifhments. He then - beggeth of GOD fpeedily to help him; ^ deliver him from his Enemies ; '° teach him in the Way of Righteoufnefs^ and '" deilroy fuch as were his cruel Adverfaries. * ( — Vide I Sam. xxiv. — xxiii. 29. — ) This Pfalm of Meditation has Conneclion with the former, and on the fame Occafion: Shewing, that we fhould always remain faith/ul in G O D's Promtfes, in our greateil DiTcOiiitorts ; and that we ilioald always receive Kis AJJliBions as Mejfc'vgers to warn U3 to Repentance of our Sins. That we ihould, at ail Times, trult ourfelves to G O D's aivine Providence ; and fhelter ourfelves intireiy ur.der the V/inp.s of his Mercy ; VVhofe Spirit will frame our Hearts, by His Grace, to obey His ^Vord. For, as foon as ever we decline from Him, and He forfakes OS, we immediately fall into Error; and unkfs His Ai^rry reftores us again, by His Grace, and Gocdnefs, we mufl inevitably fall into Deflrudion both' Body and Soul. And, fmc^ His Grace and Promije are our only Sq/, guard, let us never fiuiiik. from our Duty towards Hisn, led He take His Hcly Spirit from us, and ^eave us comfort lefs ; nor be too daring in flighting and propbaning His divine Ordinances, lelt we bring His heavy "judgments down upon us : But let us pmy, ,3ivith David, that He ^mill guard us by His Holy Spirit, and lead us to the Lajid vf ■Rightcoujr.efs. Ver. 10. , The P p, E C E P T. Let me^ O L O R D, Thy loving Kindnefs hear^ Keep me from Foes, and in my Canfe appear : Teach me^ O LORD, tc do Thy hcav'nly Will, And guide my Spirit unto Thy holy Hill. K. E. This wa? probably penned by David when in the Cave 0^ En-gcdi, and purfued by Saul. See the Scriptures before cited *. On A New Expofition on the Book of Pfalms, &c. 119 On PSALM CXLIV. DAVID, in this Pfalm, with great Affe5lion^ ' blefTeth G O D for his Vi^ories^ and ^ his Humility to poor Men. He then ^ imploreth G O D's further Afliflance, 7 to dehver him from the Tumults of ftrange People that flattered him : 9 Promifmg chearfully to Praife GOD with Voice and Inflru- ments, for his great Deliverances : Wifhing '"^ the like Succefs, '^ and Increafe on all the Faithful, and their Poflerity. * ( — WdQ 2 Sam.vm. lo. — Pj'al. x\n\. — xxxiji. — xliv. — cviii. — I/ai.x\v. i, — ) Holy David herein iheweth, that it was GOD alone that gained him all his ViSiories, and not his own Policy ; and that it was GOD only that had raifed him from a poor Shepherd, to a valiant Warrior, and a ni'ghty Conqueror ; for V hich he had great Re^fon to Praife G O D for all His Favours towards him. He alfo defires G O D to continue His Btnefh towards His Pi-ople; (counting the Procreation of Children, and good Education, ainongft GOD's gracious Be- nefits ;) and even that none of His Bleffmgs be wanted, on any Occaiion what- foever, to all Generations, ^V. So BleJJed are the People that hope only in GOD, ■ysa, B/eJ/hd are they Whoje GOD is /-/^^ L O R D. . (•r-Vide P/^/. Ixxviii. 70, 71, 72. — ) ^he Precept. Blefs^d he the L.O R D, who gives me Strength to fight ^ Loud Songs of 'Triumph Jh all my Soul delight : With Peace and Plenty," LORD, Thy People blefs That we may glory in Ihy Right eoufnefs. ■\ N. B. This P/ahn was probably wrote with the cviiith, in the Midft of his fo- reign Expeditions againft his cruel Enemies. See the Scriptures before cited *. On PSALM CXLV. {IdAYin^s Praifes. Hallelujah.) N this excellent Pfalm holy David ' Praifeth^ ^ and hlejfeth G O D, 3 for His incomprehenfible Greatnefs^ 7 Goodnefs^ and Mercy •, and for His wonderful Works of the Creation in general. He fheweth alfo, '° that G OD is Praifed by all His 'IVorks j and '' that they fliew His Honour and mighty Power : '3 That 120 I'he PfilnvSinger'i Jewel: Or, *^ That His Kingdom is everlafting, and that all Creatures are fed by His Bou7ity, That '^ G O D alfo rejoiceth in alJ His IVorh ; ^9 fulfilleth juft Men's Defires, ^^ preferves them from Evil, and deftroys their Enemies. {^Vide Ffal, ciii. S.-Da». vii. i^.-Luh i. 33.-1 Jo/jn v. i^.^Exod. xxxiv. 6.—) This glorious P/ai'm is called David's Prai/es, as alfo may all the reft that follow ; by Reafon they continue the fame Collaudation or Praifwg of GOD; as the/r/? and laji Verjts of every Pfahn tenify.— To Praife GOD without fearing Hitn, \i\\kQ aJourJhg Bra/s, or tinklivgCymba! : Or, thztnvePrai/'e Him iviih our Mouths^ tut in our Hearts air irrc^jerently deny Him. To Praife GOD jt/fily^ let this PJalm be our conftant Rule and Pattern ; that is, ivif/j Heart and Voice J for all the Mercies and Benefits he has bellowed on us ; and that He alone niay have the Glory, to whom Glory is due. — All Thy Works hlefs Tbce, O LORD ! in-lVifdoni Thou tnadeji them all I fhcu openejl Thy Hand, and they are filled n^jith Good. The hO R D prefer'ves all thofe that Uue Him^ and dtfircys the Wicked. — My Mouth fioall daily fing the Praife of the hO^JD : And all Flejh Jhall blcfs tht ^ame of the L O R> D, far e've.r and^-vcr. (— VideTVV. i. 16.--P/W. civ. 17.—) 'The Precept. 50 L O R D, rU Praife Thy great and mighty Nann Talk of Thy Works, and celebrate Thy Fame : Thou fav'ft the Juft, that on Thy Aid depend-^ Thy Love and Mercy never hath an End, N. B. Probably this PfaUn was wrote on the ccmpleating of his Fiifories, and ex-fending his Empire over the Gentiles, as G O D had promifedi and the efiahifhing his Kingdom for ever. On PSALM CXLVL (David'j Praifes, Hallelujah.) IN this Pfalm David ' declareth his continual Zeal to Praife ^ dehorting ^ us not to trull in Pri?2ceSy no more than other Men i becaule all are mortal. He fhews alio ^ the eternal Hap- pinefs of thofe that truft only in G O D ; ^ Whofe IVord is trtie^^ and" Whofe Judgments arejuf', ^ Who loveth the Righteous, 'lielpeth tiie poor Strangers^ ^ relieveth the Fatherlefs and thie Widozv., and overthroweth the Wicked : And '° preferveth His Church for ever. Praife ye thel^O KT). ( — Vide Pfal. cxlv. — cxlvii.— cxiviii. — cxiix. — cl. Thi^ Pfalm has Conredlion with the former; and itirreth up all People to Fraif GOD, and confide wholly in. Him ; Who is able tofai'e us in all Dan- gers,! A New Expofitlon 07i the Book of Pfalms, &c. 121 gers, when the Help of Man faileth. And although He often vifiteth them with the /ijUUtioni of Hunger^ Imprifonmenty and fuch-Jike, yet His Lofve and fatherly Pity never faileth to aflift all fuch as lon}e and fear Him. Hafpy is he that hath ihe G O D of Jacob for his Help : And^hoje Hope is only in ihe LORD GOD. The Precept. r Praife GOD, my Soul^ His Name I will confefsy ^ \ Who helps the Stranger and the Fatherlefs : i The Help of Princes can no Life fufiain^ ( But^ G O D's great Mercy ever doth remain. N. B. St. Jerome imagineth this ?falm to be made aft ^r the People's Return from Babylon ; by Reafon it hinteth on Releafmg of Frifoners^ Preferving of Stravgersy Fatherlefs, and Wido^vs, &c. It alfo referreth to C H RISTs being delivered from the OppreiTions of Sin and Saian ; and His Church and Kingdom preferved, &c, ^c 'J? • "Jp ^ ♦;& "it 'i^ *i^ *ilp 'iiP •!? 'i^ 'i^ On PSALM CXLVII. (David's Praifes. Hallelujah.) HOLY David, in this Pfalm^ ' exhorteth all the People to Praife GOD " for His Care of the Church ; ^ for His Power ; ^ His Mercy \ ^ His Providence, and '"■ for His Blef/ings upon the Kingdom : Alfo '^ for His Power and Eleffmgs of His Meteors •, and '9 for His mighty Ordinances in His Churchy ^c.^Praifeye the LORD. ( — Vide P/fl/. cxlv. — cxlvi.— cxlviii. — cxlix. — cl. — civ. 13, 14.—) This Pfalm has Connexion with the former : Shewing, that, as G O D was the fole Founder of His Church amongft us, it is our Duty daily to Praife Him therein i feeing it is gathered together for the like Purpole, by His Pon.ver and infinite Lonje towards His People. Moreover, he hath not only left to us thac excellent Treafureof His Church, but hath alfo given us His only Son JESUS CHRIST, to be our Mediator and Redeemer ; by Whofe Gofpel we have eter- nal Sahjation : Who in His laft Appearance will judge both ihe Quick and the Dead, and render to every Man according to His I'P^orks in this Life. So Praife the LORD, for He is gracious ; atid His Mercy endureth for e^oer, (—Vide Pfal. QXXKvl—Matt. xvi.— G«/. iii. zS.— ) The Precept. iO Praife the L, OR D, // is a comely Thing, Who all Things made, and ri;i Salvation bring : Hefeedeth all, with Plenty, Love, and Peace, For which our Thanks and Praife fhould never ceafe. N. B. This Pfalm was probably wrote after the People's Return fiom Bohyhn , as was the former. 2 . ' ' . Or. \ 122 i'he Pfalm-Singer'i Jewel: Or, On PSALM CXLVIII. (David'j Praifes, Hallelujah.) DAVID, in this Pfalm^ earneftly calleth on all Things both celeftial and terreftrtal to Fraife GOD: viz, ^ the Angels ', 3 the Sun^ Moon,, and Stars^ the Heavens and Waters above them. Alio ^ Dragons and Depths ; ^ Fire^ Hail^ SnoWy Vapours,, Wind -^ ^Mountains,, Trees: '° Beafts, Cattle, creeping Things, and Fowls ; " Kings, Princes, Judges, and all People -, ^'- Toung Men, Maidens, Old Men, and Children. '^ Alfo to Praife G O D for His Church ; and for the Power he has given to His chofen People, that He hath joined unto Him.— Pr^i/^ ye the I. OR D. ( — Vide Pfal, cxiv. — cxl/i. — cxlvil. — cxlix. — cl. — Ifai. vi. 6. — ) This Pfalm hath Connexion with the former ; and fheweth, that, as all Things are but as Members of their refpedive Bodies, they fhould all join in G O D's Praife^ and ihew His Glory ; i. e, both in Beaten above, in the Earth below, and in the Waters. This Exhortation teacheth us the great Duty we owe to GOD ; and that the greater His Gifts are, the more we are in Duty bound to Praife Him ; and to ^ory in His Church ; which He hath placed amongft us, according to the Prcmife that He made unto Abraham, and His Seed for ever.— • So Praife the LORD, for He hath exalted the Horn of His People : Which is a Praife for all His Saints ; ei.en for the Children of Ifrael, a People that are near unto Him. Praife ye thehOKD. i The Precept. Let all Things Praise the ^r eat and mighty LORD, In Heav'n and Earth -, for at His mighty Word All Things were made ; all muft on Him rely. And, by His Power, muft all Things live or die. N. B. This Pfalm probably was penned after the Captivity of Babylon ; as was the former. On PSALM CXLIX. H (David'j Praifes. Hallelujah.) OLY David, in this Pfalm, ' earneftly exhorts the Saints of G O D to Praife tlim with their utmoft Power, by A New Expofition on the Book ^/'Pfalms, &c. 123 by Reafon "" they are preferred before any other Nation \ and 3 to join their Voices with Injlruments -, and ^ refl: themfelves in- tirely under His divine Providence, Heathen fetteth forth the Miniprs of CHRIST, and the Power of His Go/pel; and 7 that Judgment fhall be executed againfl the Enemies of the Church, Praifeye the LORD. ( — Vide P/2z/. cxlv. — cxlvi. — cxlvii,— cxlviii. — cl. — Heb.iv. ii, 12. 14. ) This Pfalm has Connedlion with the former j and beginneth as the xcvth, n./;?2 CXXXVil, Verfes 7, 8, 9 10. — Or the latter Part of Pfalm CIX, efr.— On the Contrary, when we go to the Hcufe of GOD, and approachthe Throne of Grace, we fliould lay afide all Malice and Rancour, and bear no Ill-will to our Neighbours, on any Account what- foever, ^c. Hence let it be the Pradice of Pariftj- Clerks >, for the future, to conform to the Laws of Chriflianity, in fetting out Psalms according to the foWo'^m^ Directions in this Calendar, which I have compiled for the very fame End ; that Hecithenifb Fajfions m?iy not in the leaft be flirred up amongil us. " ' • ~ N.B. J36 The Pfalm-Slnger^i New Calendar, ^c. N, B. That, though the following Beginnings are according to the Old Verfion of Pfalms^ the Words of the New Verfton of both Psalms and Verfes may be likewife applied in the - '-fame Manner, and anfwer the fame End^ with a very little Trouble, i^c. Firjl Sunday in Advent. Pfalm, Verfes, Beginnings. 50. 2d Met. 1,2, 3,4.^ — The God of Gods, the Lord, (^c. 18. 6, 7, 8, 9. — Upon the Harp unto Him fing. Gl. P. 51. 2d Met. 1,2,3,8. — Have Mercy on me. Lord, after. 118. 25, 26. — Thou art my God, 1 will confefs. G. P. Second Sunday in Advent. 89. — 15, 16, 17, 18.— BlefTed are they that know aright. 86. 11, 12, 13. — O teach me, Lord, Thy Way, and I. G. P. 96. 12, 13, 1 4. — The Heav'ns fhali joyfully begin. 117. I, 2, 3, 4. — O all ye Nations of the World. G. P. Third Sunday in Advent, 143. 1, 2, 65 10. — Ld. hear my Pray'r, and my Complaint. 80. — 8, 9, 10, 19. — O take us, Lord, unco Thy Grace. G:P. ? '9- — 3.^5 34i 35? 3^- — Inftruct me, Lord, in Thy right Way. 22. 26, 27, 28. — The Poor fliall eat, and be fuHic'd. G. P. Fourth Simday in Advent, iQO. ' All People that on Earth do dwell. 37. 3, 4, 5. — Truft thou therefore in God alone. G. P. iic. — : — 1, 2, 3, 4. — Thou Shepherd that doft Ifr'el keep. ^5* — 24, 25, 26, — Call all thy Care upon the Lord. G, P, ChriJlmaS'Day, 81. • I, 2, 3, 4. — Be light and glad, in God rejoice. ii8-»-i9, 21, 22, 15. — I will give Thanks to Thee, O Lord. G.P. ^5- ^B, 9, 10, I J. — ril hear Vv'hat God the Lord doth fay, 110. 2, 3, 4.— The Lord ihall cut of Sion fend. G. P. TX^ Pfalm-Singer'5 AV«z2; Calendar, G?r. 137 SL Stephen's Day^ the frji Martyr. ■ Pfalm. Verfes, Beginnings. 3 I . 5, 7, 14, 24. — Into Thy Hands, Lord, I commit. G, P. St, John the Evangelijl's Day. ip. 7, 8, 9, 10. — How perfect is the Law of God ! ^2.. — . .5, 6, 7. — I did therefore confefs my Faults, G. P, Innocents-Day. 10. 17, 18, 19. — Thou heareft, Ld. the Poor's Complaint. 8 — . 1, 2, 8. — OGod, our Lord, how wonderful, G.P^ Firjl Sunday after Chrijlmas-Day, 104. 1, 2, 3. — My Soul praife the Lord, fpeakgood,^^- 89. — 26, 27, 28, 30. — His Kingdom I will fet to be. G. P. c)}^. 1, 2, 3, 4. — O fmg ye now unto the Lord. ^7. 8, ^, 10. — For all the Idols of the World. G. P. Circumcijiony or New-Tear s-Day, ^5. 7, 8^ (^^ 10. — Thy Mercy is above all Things. 2 2. I, 2, II, — TheManisbleftwhofeWickedefs. G,P, Second Sunday after Chrtjlmas-Day, 6^^ — 29,21, 20, 34. — Thy God hath fcnt forth Strength for thee 2. ii, 12, 13. — See that ye ferve the Lord above. G. P. 125. — — I, 2, 3, 4. — Thofe that do place their Confidence. 62. 7, 6, 8. — My Glory and Salvation doth. G. P, Epiphany, or T^j^elftb Day ; being ChrifiS Manfejlation to the Gentiles. 68.—- 29, 21, 2O5 34. — Thy God hath fent forth Strength for thee. ^8^ , — 1^^ 20. — ^Thou hail received Gif:s for Men. G. P, FirJl Sunday after Epiphany. 143. — 9, 10, 4r, 12,—- Lord, unto Thee I life my Soul. 72. ^-(9, 20.^--PraifeyetheLordof Hoftsand fmg. G. P. J 13.-^ * . Ye Children which do ferve the Lord. •67, - . * I, 2> 3,— Have Mercy onus, Lord. Gloria Patri. Second 138 • "the Fhlm-Slngtv' s New Calendar , (ic. Second Sunday after 'Epiphany^ Pfalm. Verfes, Beginnings, 19. t, 2, 3, 4. — The Heavens and Firmament on high. 8^^ j^ 8^ 13.^ — O Lord, on us do Thou declare. G. F^ 102, — 23, 24, 25, 26. — The whole Foundations of the Earth. 37. . — 23i 31, 3. — The juft Man's Mouth, (^c, Glo. Pat. 7 bird Sunday after Epiphany, 32.— 6, 7, lOj lie — The humble Man fhall pray therefore. 107. -20, 21, 22, — Forthenhefentto themhis Word. G.P. 87.' iij 2:, 3.— That City fhall full well endure. 103.— — -iJ, 18, 19. — AridastheSpaceiswond'rousgreat.G.P. Fourth Sunday after Epiphany^ JOG. — '^ ^ -^^ — —-All People that on Earth do dwell. 5 If^hofe that do place their Confidence. ^^^' 1 Gloria Patri. 143. — 9, 10, II, 12. — Lord, unto Thee I lift my Soul. 132. Hi 13, 15. — The Lord himfclf hath Sionchofe. G,P. Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, 103. *■ — I, 2, 3, 4, — My Soul, give Laud unto the Lord. 7 <. 5, 6, 8, — Thou art the Stay whereon I reft. G, P. 147. 1, 2, 3, 4. — Praife ye the Lord, for it is good. 43. ^ C O Lord, fend out Thy Light and Truth. ■5> 4, 6. 1 - - ' - ^ ° Gloria Patri, Sixth Sunday after Epiphany. 6-j. I, 2, 3, 4. — Have Mercy on us. Lord. o V The Lord's Commands are righteotfl ,9. 8,9, 10. 1 Gkria Patri. 71. I, 2, 3, 15. — My God, my God, in all Diflrefs. 65. — 17, 18, 19, 20. — FulloftlcalltoMindGod'sGrace. G.P; Septuagefma Sunday ; cr, 'Third Sunday before Lent. Zl' 5> ^» 75 8. — For by the Word of God alone. 105. 4, 5, 7, 42.— Seek ye the Lord, and feck, i^c. G. P. 102. — 23, 24, 25, 26.— The whole Foundations of the Earth. ,30. 3, 4, 5.— OLordjOurGodjif Thoufurvey. G.A 2 Bexagefm^ The VMtn-Singtx's AV-zc; Calendar, &c. 139 Sexagefima Sunday , or Second Sunday before Lent^ ^6, — 10, II, 12, 13. — I glory in the Word of God. 5 Lord, lead me in Thy Righteoufnefs. 5* 7^9-^^^"[^ Gloria Patru 94. — If, 12, 13, 14 — The Lord doth know the Heart of Man. ^ I . i , 2, 4. — O Lord, I put my Truft in Thee. G, F. ^hiquagefima Sunday ^ or^ next Sunday before Lent. 1 12. — r, 2, 3. — The Man is blefl that God doth fear. 146. 7, 8, 9.— The Lord doth fend the Blind, i^cCP. ^y, — 23, 24, 26, 31. — The Ld.thejuft Man's Steps doth guide, J 33* — — — *— O what a happy Thing it is. Glo, Pat. JJJd-Wednefday ; or^ Firjl Day of Lent, 51. — 1 1, 12, 13, 14. — Cafl: me not. Lord, cut from thy Face. 130. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. — Lord, untoTheel make my Moan. G.P. Firjl Sunday in Lent, I J 9. 1^ 2, 3, ^^. — BlelTed are they that perfe(5l are. 91. — II, 12, 14, 15. — For why ? unto His Angels ail. G/(?. P^/, 25. .J, 2, 3, 4. — I lift my Heart to Thee. 61, o, 4, 5. — Upon the Rock of Thy great Pow'r. G.P. Second Sunday in Lent, ■ 32. I, 2, 6, II. — The Man is blefl whofe Wickednef?. 1^0. 6, 7, 8. — My Soul to God hath great Regard, G.P. ^9- — '5> ^^» ^7' ^^* — Blefled are they that know aright. 7. 10, II, 17. — I take my Help to come from God. G.P» Third Sunday in Lent. 5. — 7, 9, 10, II. — Lord, lead me in Thy Righteoufnefs. 5i.2dMet.7, 10, II. — WithHyirop,Lord,befprinkle me G.P. 107. — 1, 2, 21, 22. — Give Thanks unto the Lord our God. ^ S ^^^^ "^^' "^y God, from wicked Men. 71. 3, 4, 5, 0. I ^^^^.^ p^^^.^ Fourth Sunday in Lent, 125. I, 2, 3, 4. — Thofe that do place their Confidence. 79. 8, 9, 15. — Bear not in Mind our former Sins. G.P. 105. — 16, 17, 18, 23. — God call'd a Dearth upon the Land. 77 , 13, 14, 1 5, — Thy Works, O I .ord,are all upr ight.G, P. Fifth 140 ^k Pfalm-Singer'i New Galendarj &c. Fifth Sunday in Lent. Pfalms. Verfes. Beginnings. 51. 2d. Met. 1,2,3,4. — Have Mercy on me, Lord, after, l^o.- 3, 4, 5. — O Lord our God, if Thou furvey.G./^. 1 7, ^, 6, 7, 8.— Within Thy Paths which are moil pure. 25. 20, 21, 22. — Preferve and keep my Soul. Glo.PaL Sixth Sunday in Lent. 146. -I, 2, 3, 4. — My Soul, praife Thou the Lord always. 88. — II, 12, 13, 14. — Doflthou unto the Dead declare. G.P. 145. — 13, 14, 15, 16. — The Lord is juft in all his Ways. Q 5 O Earth, confefs Thy fov'reign Lord. 114. _7, ». I ^^^^.^ ^^^^.^ Gd?^^ Friday. 69. — 18,19,20,22,23,36. — O LordofHofls, to rr^e givcEaf. - CO Lord depart not now from me« a2.-ii, 14,18, i9,22.J Gloria PaM, Eajier Sunday. 1 5. 8^ ^, 10, II. — I fet the Lord flill in my Sight. 57. — 10, II, 12, 13.. — My Heart is fet to laud the Lord. G.P, 89. 5, 6, 7, 14. — TheHeav'ns do fliew with Joy and Mirth. 118. — 19, 20, 2 1, 22. — I will giveThankstoThee,0 God. G.P. Eajier Monday, 30. r, 2, 3, 4. — AULaud and Praife with Heart, £f?r.G»?. Eajier Tuefday. o \ The Lord is my Defence, and Strength, ,,8, 12, 13, 15. I Gloria Patri, Firjl Sunday after Eajier. 104. 1, 2, 3. — My Soul praife theLord,fpeak good, yr 2. II, 12, 13. — See that ye ferve the Lord above. G. P\ 145. 1, 2, 3, 4. — Thee will I laud, my God and King. 89. -.- — ^ — 3, 4j 6.-^ With mineEled, faith God, have I.G.P Tie PMni'Singer^s New CALENDAi^y &c. 141 Second Sunday after Ea/ler. Pfalm, Verfes, Beginnings, 81. 1^ 2, 3, 4. — Be light and glad, in God rejoice. C O Lord fend out Thy Light and Truth* ^^-3' 3» 4. 5- I cioria Patri, 103. — 10, II, 12, 17. — According to our Sin?, alfo. 1 18. 17, 185 26. — Set open unto me the Gates. Glo. Pati . Third Su?2day after Eajler, 119. — 9, 10, II, 12. — By what Means may a young Man beft. r When Thou for Sin doft Man rebuke, 39. 12, 13, 14- I Gloria Patri. 115. — 9, la, II, 12. — Such as be Fearers of the Lord. p V The Lord is my Defence and Strength, 118. 12, 13, 15. i ^/ . D . • ' ^' *^ i Gloria Patn. Fourth Sunday after Eajler, , 2, 3, 4. — To fing the Mercies of the Lord. 25. 12, 13, 14. — Whofo doth fear the Lord. Glo. Pat, 42 —I, 2, 1 1, 15. — Like as the Hart doih pant and bray. 96. 0, io, II. — Fall down and worfnip ye the Lord. G.P. Fifth Sunday after Eajler. 1 13. 'Ye Children which do ferve the Lord. 3^, 12, 13, 14. — WhoistheManth:atwouldlivelong.G.F. 68. 18, 19, 20. — Thou didft, O Lord, afcend on high. 68. 3, 4. — But righteous Men before theLord.G.P. Jfcenf on-Day, 81. 1, 2, 3, 4. — Be light and glad, in God rejoice. 1 8. o, 10.— The Lord defcended from above. G.P. 47' 5^ 6, 7, 8. — Our God afcended up on high. 24. ^, 10. — Ye Gates and everlalting Doors. G. P, Sunday after j^fcenf on-Day, 15.— —I, 2, 3, 4. — Within thy Tabernacle, Lord. 125. I, 2, 3, 4. — ThofethatdoplacetheirConfidence.G.P. 48. — 8, 9, ic, 13. — O Lord we wait, and do depend. 24... 3, 4, 5,— WhoistheMan,OLord,thatmay.G.P. L V/hit- 142 The Pfalm-Singer'j New Calendar, &c. Whit'Sunday. PfaJm. Verfes. Beginnings, ji^ c^^ 6, 7, 8.—0 would to God it might Thee pleafe. Vent Creator — 1 1, 12. — To us fuch Plenty of Thy Grace. G. P. 104. i^ 2, 3. — My Soul praife the Lord, fpeak good, ^^. 105. 1, 2, 3, 4. — Give Praifes unto God the Lord. GL P, Whit 'Monday. j^^, 1^ 2, 3, 4. — Thee will I laud, my God and King. Q C God o'er the Heathen reigns, and fits, 47..^ 7, b. j Gloria Patri. Whit 'T:uef day. 1^7. .1^ 2, 3, 4. — Praife ye the Lord for it is good. 1^2^ -8, 9, 10. — Let me Thy Loving- kindnefs in. G. P. Trinity Sunday, Si. 1^ 2, 3, 4. — Be light and glad, in God rejoice. ,, .^ ^ C Grant us, O Lord, through Thee, to VemCreator.-iz, 14. { kn^w. G. P. 33. J, 2, 3, 4. — Ye Righteous, in the Lord rejoice. 2.' 85 9, 10. — I have anointed him my King. CL P, Firji Sunday after Trinity, 18. 1, 2, 3, 4. — O God, my Strength, and Fortitude. VeniCreat, — 1,2, 3,4. — Come, Holy Ghoft, eternal God. G. P. 119. — '^^^ 34, 35, 36. — Inflrud: us. Lord, in the right Way. 24. 7, 8, 9. — The Angel of the Lord doth pitch. G. P. Second Sunday after Trinity, 92.— 5, 6, 7, 8. — O Lord, how glorious, and how great. 97. — 10,11, 12, 13. — For Thou, O Lord, art fet on high. G.P. 99.*- 1, 2, 3, 4. — The Lord doth reign, although at it. 21. 23, 24. — Ye Saints, love ye the Lord alway. G,P. Third Sunday after Trinity, 1 13.. ■ ■ — Ye Children which do ferve the Lord. 3 7. 4, ^^ 6, — In God fet all thy Heart's Delight. G. P. 55* 24, 25, 26. — Call all thy Care upon the Lord. 5^§. .. — Sj ^, 10. — Among the gods, O Lord is none. G.P. 3 Fourth fhe Pfalm-Singepj New Calendar, G^. 145 Fourth Sunday after Trinity^ Pfalm. Verfes, Beginnings, 103. 8, 9, 10, II.— The Lord is kind and merciful. 25. 8^ 9j 10. — God's Mercy is full fweet. Gloria Patri, 101. 1, 2, 3, 4. — I Mercy will and Judgment fing. 35. ^^ 5^ y^ — Thy Mercy, Lord, on me exprefs. G.P. i^//?i6 Sunday after Trinity, 1 19. — 165, 6, 7, & 8. — Great Peace and Reft all fuch fliall have. 34- 12, 13, 14. — WhoistheManthatwouldlivelong.G.P. 37^ — 37> 3^5 39-> 40- — Mark and behold the upright Man. Q 5" The greater Sort crave worldly Goods, ^* '^'^' ^' ^' 1 Gloria Patri, Sixth Sunday after Trinity, 32. 1, 2, 5, 1 1. — The, Man is bleft whofe Wickedness. r C The Lord, our God, moft gracious is. ^^' ' /'I Gloria Patri. 103. 1, 2, 3, 4. — My Soul give Laud unto the Lord. 86. 5, 6, 7. — Lord, Thou art good and bountiful. G.F. Seventh Sunday after Trinity, 100. All People that on Earth do dwell. ^ C Come let us bow, and praife the Lord, ^5* ^' ^' I Gloria Patri. 23. * • ' The Lord is only my Support. 105. 1, 2, 3, 4. — Give Praifes unto God the Lord. G/. /^. Eighth Sunday after Trinity. ^i^i—'Two laft Staves. — Stretch out Thy Hand, 1 Thee befeech^ 25.— — 20, 21, 22. — Preferve and keep my Soul. Glo. Pat* 12.5. 1, 2, 3, 4. — Thofc that do place their Confidence. 27. 15, 16. — 1 utterly ihould faint, but that. GL P. Ninth Sunday after Trinity, 19. 7, 8, 9, 10. — How perfect b the Law of God. 7s. 14, 15, 16. — PIeclavetheRGcksi'th'WiIde5ners.G.P. 34. 1, 2, 3, 4. — I will give Laud and Honour both. 2>6. XI, 12. — O teach m:, Lord, Thy Way, and I. G.P. L 2 Tenth J44 7fje?Mm-SmgQi:'s New Calendar, &c. Tenth Sunday after 'Trinity, Pfalm. Verfes. Beginnings, 6§. -T, 2, 3, 4. — Thy Praife alone, O Lord, doth reign. 5. -I, 2, 3, 6. — Incline thine Ear, O Lord, and let. G. P. 135. 1, 2, 3, 4. — O praife the Lord, praife ye His Name. 1 15, — 9, 10, II, 12. — Such ais be Fearers of the Lord. Gl.F, Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. 96.— I, 2, 3, 4. — Sing ye, with Praife, unto the Lord. 36. 7, 8, 9, 10. — Thy Mercy is above all Things. G/. P. ^7'"~~ — ^3 2, 3, 4.— Have Mercy on us, Lord. o C For why } within Thy Courts one Day. 84—11,12, 13,. 4. I G/.ni/'^m-. Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, 103. 8, 9, 10, 1 1. — The Lord is kind and merciful. 62. 7, S. — My Glory and Salvation doth. Glo.Pat. 106. 1, 2, 3, 4. — Praife ye the Lord, for it is good. ^6. — 10, II, 12, 13. — I glory in the Word of God. Gla, Pat. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, xoo. All People that on Earth do dwell. 2.— — II, 12, 13. — See that ye i^^rve the Lord above. G. P. 139. T, 2, 3, 4. — O Lord, thou haft me try'd and known. 80. — —I, 2, 3, 4. — ThouShepherdthatdoftifr'eikeep.G.P. Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, 1 19.-- 1 1 3, II 4, 1 15,1 16- All Thoughts that vain and wicked are. 146. 4, 5, 6, 7. — ^BlelTcd and happy are all they. Gl P. . \6.' — 8, 9, ic, If. — I fet the Lord ftili in my Sight. 128. — — ^ — BklTed arc Thou that ieareft God.^ G. P. Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, I 1, 2, 3, 4. — The Man is bleft that hath not lent. BS' 24, 25, 26. — Caft ail thy Care upon the Lord, G. P, 37. — 23,24, 25, 26. — The Lord thejuftMan'sStepsdothguide. 14^ 5, 6, 7, 8. — SinguntoGod5theLord,withPraire.G.P. Sixteenth $r/&^ Pfalm-SIngerV A>^ Calendar, Gff. 145 Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, Pfahn. Verfes, Beginnings, 103. I, 2, 3, 4. — My Soul give Laud unto the Lord. 27, 4, 5. — One Thing of God I do require. G. P. 28. 6, 7, 8, 9. — To render Thanks unto the Lord. 3^. ^^ 6, 7. — For by the Word of God alone. G,P, Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, 145. — 13, 14, 15, 16. — The Lord is juil in all his Ways. 107. 2O5 21, 22. — ForthenGodfenttothemhisWord.G.P. 77. — II, 12, \^^ 14 — I will regard and think upon. 149. 1, 2, 3, 4. — Sing ye unto the Lord our God. GLP. Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, 125. r, 2, 3, 4. — Thofe that do place their Confidence iio. r, 2, 3, 4. — The Lord did lay unto my Lord. G. P, 141. [, 2, 3, 4. — O Lord, upon Thee do I call. 34. 17, 18, 19. — The Lord is ever nigh to them. GLP, Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. 92. 1, 2, 3, 4. — It is a Thing both good and meet. 25. — ^^ 6, -. — Thy Mercies manifold. Gloria Patri, 34. 1, 2, 3, 4. — ! will give Laud and F^onour both. 119. 5, 6, 7, o. — O would toGod it mightTheepIeafe,G.P Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. 89. 1, 2, 3, 4. — To fmg thi^. Mercies of the Lord. 107. 46, 47, 4b'. — Save us, O Lord, who art our God. G. P. 95 ^i, 2, 3, 4. — O come let us lift up our Voice. 103. — 8, 9, io, II. — The Lord is kind and merciful. G. P. Twenty -fir ft Sunday after T^i^ity* 103. -I, 2, 3, 4,— My Soul give Laud unto the Lord. 3^. 8, 29, 3, — O let my Soul, my Heart, and Voice. G.P. II. — 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. — Our God, that in the Temple is, 30. 1, 2, 3, 4.— AllLaud& Praife, withHearjt,^(:.G.P. : L 3 Twenty-feeond <146 ^be Pfalm-Singer'j New Calendar-, &c. 'Twenty 'fecond Sunday after Trinity. Ffalms, Verfes, Beginnings. 73.— 23, 24, 25, 26. — Lord, what is there that I can wifli. 37.-— — 26, 27, 28. — He always gives moft Jib'rally. G. P. 100. — All People that on Earth do dwell. ^4.~5, 6, 7, 8. — O! they are blefied that may dwell. G.R Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity, 1. — ^-— I, 2, 3, 4. — The Man is bleft that hath not lent. go. ; — —I, 2, 4. — ThouShepherdthatdoftlfr'elkeep.G.P. 105. 40, 41 5 42.— God brought his PeopleforthwithMirth. 92.-— 12, 13, 14, 15.— TheRighteousflourifliiliali on high. G.P. Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity, 57. — 10, II, 12, 13. — -Awake, my Joy, av/ake, I fay. 116. 3, 4, 5. — Upon the Name of God the Lord. G.P^ 23. 2d Met. My Shepherd was the living Lord. 107.- — —23, 24, 25. — ThyFaithfulnefs, O God, topraife. G.P. Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity, 92.— — ■!, 2, 3, 4. — It is a Thing both good and meet. ^^. -8, 9, 10. — Tafte and confider well therefore. G. P. 29. 1, 2, 3, 4. — Give to the Lord, ye Potentates. 33. — II, i6> 18. — Blefled are they, to whom the Lord. G.P. (f^' Mark well, That if there fhould be more than 25 Sundays zhtx Trinity 'Sunday., ht^oxQ Advent -Sunday comes in again-, then you may ufe (uch Pfalms as are adapted to Rich Colle^s^ Epiftles^ and Go/pels as fhall be read, until the Service begins again at Advent : By reafon the whole Order of this Calendar is care- fully fuited to the Collet, Epiflle, and Go/pel for the Day, as near as the Matter will bear in Harmony one with another. St. Andrew, the Jpofile. 145. — 13, 14, 15, 16. — The Lord is juft in all his Ways. 94.— ii', 12, 13, 14. — The Lord doth know the Heart of. G.P. St. Thomas, the Apofile, 57.- — ^3, 4, 6, 23. — Traft thou therefore in God alone. 2 7. ■—-^■^----15, 16. — I utterly fhould faint, but that — G. P. "' '^ *'' " . ^ - .- . ^ Converfion. T^^ Pfalm-SingerV iVi^ii^ Calendar, &c. 147 Converjon of St, Paul, the Apofile. Pfalm. Verfes. Beginnings. 2^. , i — My Shepherd is the living Lord. 51. 2d. Met. 10,11,12. — OGod, create inmea Heart. GL P^ Purification of the Blejfed Virgin Mary. 118. 1, 2, 3, 4. — O give ye Thanks unto the Lord. G. P. St, Matthias, the Jpojile. 18. 29, 30, 34. — Unfpotted are the Ways of God. G,P, Annunciation of the Blejfed Virgin Mary. J.., 6, 7, 8. — I have anointed him my King. Glo.Pat, St. Mark, //6^ Evangeliji. 106. r, 2, 3, 4. — Praife ye the Lord, for it i§ good. 68. 18, 19, 20. — Thou didft,0 Lord, afcend on high. G.P. St. Philip and James, Apojiles, 103. -14, 15, 16. — The Lord that made us, knows,&'^.G.P. 5/. Barnabas, the Apofle. 9, 1, 2, 3, 4. — With Heart and Mouth unto the — G.P, St. John Baptift. 94; — I r, 12, 13, 14. — The Lord doth know the Heart of Man. 13 2»-— — 13, 14, 15. — With my Salvation I will cloath. G. P. St. Peter, the Apojile. J4^, 11^ 12, 16. — The Eyes of all, Lord, wait on Thee. 62. 7, 6,- 8.*— My Glory and Salvation doth. Glo.Pat. St. James, the Apojile. la r. ' 1 lift mine Eyes to Sion Hill. 2 7, 9, II, 1 5. — In Wrath turn not thy Face away. G. P* X, 4 ^/.Bartholomew, 148 The P{d\m-Smgcv's New Caleudap., &c, St. Bartholomew, the Jpojlle. ^ Pfalm. Verfes, Bcghznings. yy, — II, 12, 13, 14. — I will regard and think upon. 4. — '■ 7, 8, 9. — The greater Sort crave worldly. G. P. St. Matthew, the EvangeliJ}. 125. 1, 2, 3, 4. — Thofe that do place their Confidence. Z6. 1 1, 12, 13. — O teach me, Lord, Thy Way — GL F. St. Michael, ajid all Angels. / 31. — 19, 20, 21, 24. — How plentifuhThy Mercies be ! ^6.' 12, 13, 14. — The Heav'ns Ihall joyfully begin. G P. St. Luke, the Evangelijl. III. I, 2, 3. — With Heart I do accord. 107. 20, 2 15 22. — For then God fent to them His — G. P. St. Simon and Jude. 15.— -I, 2, 3, 4. — Within Thy Tabernacle, Lord, 139.. .3, /, 5. — NoWord is on myTongue,0 Lord. G.P. Jill Saints Day. 14^. — 8, 9, 10, 16.— Thy Saints do blefs Thee, Lord, and do. 3p. 14^ i^^ 16. — In Righteoufnefs and Equity. Glo.Pat. Preparation-PfalmsforSundzys, &c. beforetheH. Sacrament. 4. 5, 6. — Sin not, but (land in Awe therefore. G,P. 18 19 25 27 37 42 51 •29, 30. — Unfpotted are Thy Ways, O God, 7, 8, 9, 1 1. — How perfect is the Law of God. 12, 13, 14. — O Lord, what earthly Man doth. G.P. — — : — ,-^j 6j ^. — Thy Mercies manifold. ■4, 5. — One Thing of God I do require. 3, 4, 5. — Truft thou, therefore, in God alone. G.P. I, 2. — Like as the Hart doth pant and bray. 7? 8, 9. — With HylTop, Lord, befprinkie me.G.P. 10, ij, 12. — "O God, create in me a Heart. 103, Ti^ Pfalm-Singer'5 A/^i£; Calendar, &c, 149 Pfalm. Vcrfes. Bcgmw?g£. 103. 8, 9, 10. — The Lord is kind and merciful. G.P. ^ i^. 1, 2, 3, 4 — Blefled are they that perftdt are. 119. 5, 6, 7, 8. — O would to God, It might Thee pleafc. 119. — 33, 34, 35, 36. — Inftrudlme, Lord,intherJghtWay.G.P. *^' F [alms for Sacrament-Days, II, r 2, 13. — See that ye ferve the Lord above. G. P. •6, 7, 8. — My Hands I wafh, and doproceed. G P, 2 .26 36 9^ 116 116 7, 8, 9, 10. — Thy Mercy is above all Things. -3, 4. — O Lord fend out Thy Light and— G. P, 7, 8, 9. — i^fcribe unto the Lord therefore. G.P. 10, 1I5 12. — The whoIfomeCupoffavinglTealth. G.P 14, 15, 16. — Therefore I'll offer up to Fhee. G. P. Gunpowder Plot, Nov. 5, A. D. 1605. 18. 1, 2, 3, 4. — O God my Strength and Fortitude. ' 64. 5, 6, 7. — A wicked Work they have decreed. G.P. 125. 1, 2, 3, 4. — Thofe that do place their Confidence. 94. 2 1, 22, 23. — They did confuit againil the Life. G. P. Martyrdom of King Charles the Firjl^ Jan. 30, 1648. 94.— 1 9,20,2 1, 22, 23. — When with myfelf I mufed much. 79. — 9,10,1 1,12,15. — O God, that givTl all Health and. G.P. Rejloration of King Charles the Second, May 29, A.D. 1 660. 18. — 46, 47,48, 49. — For it is God that gave me Pow'r. 144. ' 8, 19. — A nc'V7 Song I wiii fing to Thee. G. P. 85. — i, 7, 12, i^. — Thou hail: been merciiai indeed. 18. — i ^^ 16, 17, 18. — A nd from above theLcrd fent down. G.P. On the King's Acceffion to the Throne. 21. 1, 2, 3, 4. — O Lord how joyful is the King. 72. 6, 7, 8. — Lord, make the King unto the J ufl:. G.P* 61, — 6, 7, 8.— "God will the King in Health— G/ 0« ^ welcome Rain, 65.-859, 10, 11,14. — Lord, when the Earth is chopt — G,P, On welcome fair Weather, 29. 3, 4, 10, u. — God's Voice doth rule the Waters. G,F, On FeaJl'Days or Wakes-, being the fiexf Sunday after fome Saint' sB ay, to which their Par ifd-Church was dedicated, &c. 81. 1, 2, 3, 4.— Be light and glad, in God rejoice. 84.-9, 10, II, 12.— OLordofHofts, tomegiveHeed.G.P. 26.-8, 9, II, 12.— O God, thy Houfe I love moft dear. j^o. —- Yield unto God the mighty Lord. G,?. On a public Faji, in Time of F/ar, Confpiracy, Rebellion^ &c. 118. h^^^x 8, 9.— -The Lord himfelf is on my Side. 20, B.—f^^V i(i II.— LordjleadmeinThyRighteoufnefs.G.r. The Pfalm-Singer'i New Calendar, Gfc. 151 Pfalms, ■ Ferfes, Begirmings, '20. 1, 2, 7, 8. — In Trouble and Adverfity. 03. — 1 6, 18, 19, 20. — But lo, the Eyes of God attend. G. P. Pjal?72S after a Wedding, J28. • BlelTed art thou that feared God. G.P, 57. — I, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7. — Have Mercy on us, Lord. Glo.Pat, J 2^, . . — O what a happy Thing it is. Glo. Pat, Pfalms adapted to the feveraJ Plcijjitudes of Human Life : As hinted in the Preface, ConfefTion of Sins. — Pfal. 6. 32. 38. 51. 102. 130. 143. Praying to God. —Pfal. 25. 54. 6y, 70. 72. 86. 143. Tempted with Evil.— Ffal. 22. 64. 6g, Life tedious.— Pfal. 42. 6^. 84. Sorrow and Trouble. — Pfal. 13. 31. ^A* SA- 5^* Eafe, ^c. reftored.— Pfal. 30. 34. 103. 104. God's Laws and Precepts, &c. — Pfal. 119. |*raife and Thankfgiving to God. — 30. 34. 103. 104. 105; 106. 107. 108. III. 113. 119. 144.* 145. 146. 147. 149. 15. The Seven Penitential Pfalms, 6. 32. 38. LI. 10. 130. 143. Mercies received. — Pfal. 8. 30. 103. 92. 138. 144. God's Word excellent. — 12. 19. 119. Wicked Men miferable. — i. 11. c^y. 119. Righteous Men blefled. — i. 15. 24. 32. 92. 112. 119. 128. Pfalms fling in the Fimer^l- Service, which is the lajl good Office^ and Period of all human Glory, — 13, 11,9, iCf. — Inftru6l us, Lord, to know and try. 90 90 39 102 103 40 3, 4, 5, 6. — Thou grindefl Man through Grief — 5, 6, 7, 8. — Lord, number out my Life and Days. ■2, J3, 14. — When Thou for Sin doft Man — GL P, — II, 12, 13, 14. — Lord, doft Thou to tlieDead declare. — 49, 48, 45, 53. — Lord, who is he that liveth, and. 9, 10, 19. — The Days wherein I pafs my Life. G.P. — 14, 15, 16, 17. — The Lord who made us, knows our — ■ — 1 , 2, 1 4, 1 5, 2 1 . — I waited long, and fought the Lord, &c. End of the Cal Eli DAK. A N ABSTRACT OF THE L I F E of Holy DAVID, Concordant to the Book of P S A L M S : SHEWING On what Occafion feveral Pfalms were compofed, &c. By William Tans'ur, Senior, Philo. Mufic and SECT. I. (y David's Birth. He is anointed King; and for play- ing before King Saul, is made Armour-Bearer, G?r. Ruth iv. 12. A.M. 2919. TT^AVID, whofe Name C-[gm?its Beloved^ the ^'^To ^f''-^''' I 1 tvui^ Prophet of CHRIST, and Kmg of ^°5 • ,M ^ Ifraely was not only a Man after G O D's own Heart, but was alfo one of the greateft Men for Virtue and Falour in all Antiquity. He defcended, in a dire6l Line, from Judah, the Son of Jacob ; and was the youngeft of the eight Son^oijejfe, and was born, and Jived, in a fmali City cal- led Bethlehem, of the Tribe of Judah, from the Generation of Pharez, as appears in Ruth iv. ver. 12 to 22, &c. When David was about Twenty-two Years of Age, '^ the . LORD ordered Samuel to anoint him King ; and " though he was only a Shepherd to his Father, he " was YQvy fair ar^d beautiful : This being about fix Years before The Life of Holy David, (3c. 153 before SamueFs Death-, who exhorted David to ftudy JufticCy that his Name might be famous to all Generations. Now '-the Spirit of G O D going from King Saul^ into David *, Saul was ^^ forely afflidted with an Hypochondriac Dif^ order, which greatly impaired his Senfes ; who, hearing of David's great Skill in Mufick^ '^ lends for him to play before him on his //^r/>. His Father J*?//"^, on this Requeft, ^° im- mediately fends David to Saul^ with a Prefent of Breads Wine, and a Kid^ which 'he kindly received : And made fuch Mufick with his Harp and Voice before him, that he *^ recovered him to his right Senfes as before. This grand Performance gained David fuch Applaufe, that the King took him ^' to be his Armour-bearer \ where he re- mained, greatly in his royal Favour, two or three Years, the* in many Troubles : But, having Leave, he '^ re- turned again to his Father, and followed his old Employment among the Flock$,'^(;. SECT. II. David carries Frefents to Saul \ and kills Goliath. I Sam. xvii. JESSE now^ '^ having three Sons in SauFs Gamp, fendeth '7 David to carry Cakes and Cheefes to his three Brothers : Where ^^ hearing of the forty Days Challenge of the Goliath of Cath^ he, ^' from Experience of G O D's Affifbance in killing a Lion and a Bear^ ^^ undertakes to fight the Giant himfelf : Though Saul greatly feared his Succefs ; and ^^ had promlfed any one his Daughter to Wife that would do the Jobb, and over- come him. * (Vide Hedio & Rnjims, Jof, /Intiq, Lib. 6. and P, Heylyn^ Hill, of Palefline.) N. B. That Flavius Jofephus &£■ Reader, f?Quld any Contro'usrfes happen herefrom, $cz. Sec. 154 ^^^ ^^f^ g/* Holy David: SmiU on feeing David's Courage, ^^ puts ofF KIs Armour/ and puts it on David 5 which 59 David puts off again, becaufe he had not proved it : Chufing -^^ no other Weapon than a Staffs a Slizg^ and five fmooth Stones j which he had put in his Shep- herd's Bag. No^w i^ Giant ^^ was a Man of War, and great Stature^ 7 whofe Height was fix Cubits and a Span •, having ^ Boots^ and 5 an Helmet of Brafs ; a Coat of Mail v/hich weighed 5000 Shekels, and ^ a 'Target of Brafs between his Shoulders; the 7 Head of his Spear weighed 600 Shekels of Iron, and its Staff was like a Weaver's Beam j and one, bearing a Shield^ marched before him. Both Armies being now ^ together in the Valley of Shocho^ David, (though but a Youth and a 5^ Stripling,) marched bold- ly in Prefence of all the People, ^'' in the Defence of G O D, to meet Goliath. Then '^= taking a Stone out of his Bag, he, with his Slings threw it into the Forehead of Goliath.^ and brought him to the Ground : Then ^^ {landing boldly on his Body, he cut oft his Head with his own Sword ; which he ^^ afterwards carried to Jerufalem -, but he put his Armour in his Tent. When the Philiftines ^' faw their Champion fall, they fled ^ and the ATmies of i/r^f/ 5- and Jiidah Ihouted, and fallowed them to the Gates of Gath j where many fell wounded, and they took their Tents, ^c. N, B. It is here to be obferved, that, 55 on 5^;?^/'$ afldng who David v/as ? That his Countenance was fo changed, by lying in the Fields, that none at Court did remember they ever had feen him before ; although he had beforetime been fo great a Favourite. David now 5 lliewing himfelf a Man of Courage and great ... Wifdom, y^;^^//^^;;, the Son of 6"^///, greatly loved ^^' ' him, as well as his Father •, by Reafon he did all Things to the Glory of GO D^ amongft the Heathens, as well as amongft the Ifraelites : So that Jonathan ^ made a Covenant with him, and ^ gave him his Garment^ his Sword^ his Bow^ and his Girdle y and David had great Power in the Houfe of Saul, and s was greatly beloved by him and all his Servants. N. B. That there 'vjere t^o Sorts of Shekels, one being Half an Ounce, ana the Qthfr but the Quarter of an Ounce. — ^are Which ? SECT, Concordant to the Book of Psalms, CSc. 155 SECT. III. Saul, being falfe to David, contrives, his Death by fever al Ways ; which David prudently avoided, i Sam. xviii, THIS SeSion fhews the wavering State of Court Favourites : For, ^ as David was returning from the Slaughter of Goliath and the Pbilifiines, behold, the Women came out of the Cities finging and dancings with 'Timbrels^ and Inftruments of Joy, by Courfe, faying, as they met Saul^ " Saul b^th *-'- Jlain his 1'houfands^ and David his Ten Thoufandsy &c.''' whicb ^ fo enraged Saul, that ever after that Day he bore David Ha- tred, and 9 daily contrived to take away his Life feveral Ways : For, the very next Day, he '° (falfely) relapfed into his old' Diforder, and fends for David again to play before him, as before •, when he '' twice threw h\s Javelin at him, to ilick hiin againft the Wall ; which Strokes David avoided, by being on his Guard : Which ill Succefs '* made Saul ever after afraid of iDavid, becaufe the LORD was on David's Side, and ''^ not vwith Saul, Saul kting this Scheme of none Effedl againft David, he »^ next makes him Captain over loco Men, in order to diiparch him that Way ; and '^ alfo promifed him his Daughter iVf^?"^^; in which he was not fo good as his Word, for he gave her ta Adriel: But his other Daughter M^Vi?^/ loving David, he gave her to him in Marriage, only to be a Sn:^re to him to take away this Lifeamongft the Fhiliftines (A) : But, for all this Deceit, David ^^ (lew 200 of them, and brought their Forefiins to Saul ihis Father-in-law, being ^^ all he defired of David for his ■Daughter Michal : For which Vidory Saul was more afraid of ihim, and Michal more lov'd him, SECT. IV. Jonathan makes a Covenant to tell David all his Father s Intentions. David getteth Goliath's S^ivord-, and adleth mad before King Achifh, Gff. i Sam. xix. .*^Onathan now ' finding his Father's Refolution for David's '•/ Life, * makes a Covenant with David always to let him (A) On this Deceit of Marriage, David penned VjaL v. knovy 156 The Life of Holy David : know his Father's Intention : And ''■ Michal alfo let him down the Wall when the Houfe was befet, ^ and laid an Image in Bed ; and "-^ faid that David was Tick, in order to lave his Life ^, „ ^c. So David fled to Ramah io Samuel^ and *^ told him what was done^ and they went and. dwelt together in Naioth : Which being told unto Saul^ he ^ fent MefTengers thrice after him' ; and " went alfo himfelf :• But David fled. David now being fled from Naioth^ ^^ great- ly complaineth to Jonathan \ and ^ great Feafl:ing being at SaiiT^ Houfe, Jo7iathan lets David know how all Matters went, both for and againft him, (though " to the Hazard of his own Life) by *° (hooting three Arrows near the Place where he lay in fe- cret, and ^^ by hearing what paflfed between him and a Boy. Then fending the Boy back, Jonathan ^^ fpoketo David, and kifl^ed him ; where they both wept together, confirming ^nheir Sincerity to each other, in a very moving afi^edionate Manner •, and '^^fo parted : Jonathan returning to the City of his Father, ^ . and ' Davi D fleeth to the City of ISloh^ to Ahimelech the Prieft ; of whom he {^ by framing many Shafn- £atz(/^j-, of being fent, by the King, on private Bufinefs) obtained not only hallowed Cakes ^ &c. but alfo GoliatFs Sword, t» guard him : But Boeg^ Saul's Herdfman, " being there at the fame Time, D/. vi d immediately flees from Ahimelech to Gath^ where ^ , .. being accufed, and afraid of King Achijh^ he 'V framed himfelf mad ; by which Hypocrify he got clear ofi\, and ' fled from thence to the Cave of Adullam *. S E C T. V. Seve?2 Tboiifiind and Two Tlundred Men join to David in Adullam. AVID now ^ being in a lonely Ca^ve^ all his Friends (as foon as they heard of it) as were in Debt, vexed, or troubled in Mind, gathered to him-, being about 400 able: ^ On watching the tjoufe to kill him, Pfal, lix. ^ Here was compofed Vfal. xi. and cxl. <= When abroad with Samuel^ Pfal. Ixxiii. * In this difconfolate Place he prayed, as PfaL Ivi, and praifeth GOD, as PfaL xxxiv. Men Concorda7it to the Book of Psalms, G?r. 157 Men : And David headed them as their 'Prince or Captain^. [It is alfo laid that many of SauW Men deferted, and joined to David, to the Number of near 68co ; all Men of great Valour, adlive, tall, and nimble ; flcilful in Bows and Arrows, auftere in Look, and could throw Stones right or left-handed, i^c. which David carefully received, and placed in Order under Captains^ in Bands t, &c. &c.] Then + David, taking Care of his Parents^ to flielter them from Saul's Fury, with the King of Moab •, he ^ leaves the Cave or Hold, by the Order of GW, the Prophet, and fled to the Fore ft of Hareth. Now SauU ^ on hearing of David's Succefs, called his Men together under a Tree, in Ramah -, and ^ greatly complained of their Infidelity towards him " \ on which 9 Boeg told him how Ahimelech the Prieft had relieved David, and gave him a Sword, i^c, on which Saul fends for him ; who, '^ then fpeak- ing favourably of David, ^^ Saul caufed eighty-five innocent Priefts to be flain in cold Blood •, even by wicked Doeg's Infti- gation ; putting all the City of Nol^y where the Priefts dwelt, to the Sword ; fparing neither Man, Woman, nor fucking Child; Ox, Afs, nor Sheep •, only "° yfZ'/^/y^^r, the Son of ^/:?i- tnelecb'^ who fled to David, and told him what Cruelty was done -, for which I^ews David *^ kept him with him in Safety. ij: Vide I Chron. xviii. 1 6. SECT. VL Davi-d faves the C/Vy ^Keilah, marches to the Wildernefs, where Jonathan comforts hm^ &c. 1 Sam. xxiii. DAVID now ' hearfng that the Philijiines were gone to fight againft the City of KeiM\ he "■ aflced Counfel of the L O R D twice what to do ; Who * ordered him to go and * Here he compofed Pfal. xxvii. — See z Sam, x.di. i, 2, 3, 4, witk 'ver. 6, 10. — 2 Sam. 'ver. 4^. •f- See I Chron. xii. i, 2, 22. '- On this Complaint of Saul, or on his ^on, I Sam. XX. 30, 3I. ///J thought David ^rote Pfal. vii. %^ 4, 7, 12. A'f) Pfalms xKvi. Ixiv. cxxxix. X Onhtarlngoftbii Flattery and Cruelty he tompfpd PfalijlS xii. lii. and xxxvi. M fave- IS^ The' Life of Holy David: •favc the City ; which he ^accordingly did, with great Slaugh- ter ; and brought away all their Cattle : Which ' S^ul hearing of, went with an Army, in great Hafle, thinking to deftroy David arid all the City '^^ David y now being informed of 6'^2^i'j mifchievous Intention, afked Counfel again of: the LORD, whether Saul would come or not ; or, v/hether the Lo?'-ds of the City would deliver him into Saul'2 Hand ; Who " told him they lb intended : On which David '^ marched off from the City, with about Soo Men, to the Wildernefs of Zipb : Which 6' being now i in the Holds of En-gedi, (a. City ___ in Judah, of a natural Defence, /o/h. xv. 62.) Saul > takes 3000 Men of Ifrael^ and went again in PTirfuit of him, on the Rocks, amono-ft the wild Goats-, and + coming among the f« On th cruel Judgment 0/ Saal, an J his Courtiers, to Jlay the innocent Prielts ef the LORD, and to dejfroy the City\ he compo/ed ^{z\. Iviii. ^ On this Eicape \T\s xvii. Hv. and Ixiv. * Or Crufe of Oil. ViJe Jcf. Aiit. and P. Hexly?i\ Hlft. of Paiejiitie, &p:. ^ Edit. p. 559. the Concordant to the Book of Psalms, (Sc. 161 the King hearing, he knew David's Voice, and called to him ; and "■' greatly owned his Folly, and Sin, in feeking after him ; efpeciaiiy '-' when David fliewed him his Spear^ as a Token of his Mercy towards him. Then Saul "" owned David to be his Son, and i?lej[t'dhim, and returned again to Gikah -, and David went on towards Grab, SECT. X. David obtains Ziklag yir his Refidence, and kills the ivickcd Canaanites, Gf^. i Sam. xxvii. A VID ' dill being in fome Fear of Saul ^ (and, in fome Meafure, of G O D's Prote6lion) thought it bell to go and hide hi mfelf amongft a Party of the Philiftines *, thinking, that, in fo doing, Sattl^ in all Probability, would then leave off from purfuing him any further, (as it fo prov'd ;) on which * he took 600 of his Men, with all \\\€\x HciijJjold^ and marched to y^r/^//? the King of G^///^ having with him his two IVives Ahinoam and Ahigail \ defiring ^ the King to give him and his fome Place of RefJcncs •, on which ° he gave him the City of Ziklag. David and his Men remained here about fixteen Months^, in which I'ime '■ they went and invaded the GeJJjurites^ the GczyiteSy and the Amakhies^ fparing 9 neither Man, Woman, nor Child to tell the Tale ; bringing away all their Sheep, Oxen, Affes, Camels, and Wearing Apparel, and returned again to \\\w^Achiftj : Thefe being the wicked Canacmites which GOD had appointed to be deftroyed. On tbiis Return, the King '°aflhis Aotiquiiies. Crown. i66 7he Life ^ Holy David: Crown and Bracelet, that were on his Arm, when he difparchcd him •, as a Teftimony of the Truth, in Hopes of a great Re- ward for his Trouble : On which David ^^ forely lamented, and the young Man'falfly wept, in Sympathy along with him : But, ^ although the young Man faid, that he dilpatched Saul by his own Order, David, ^ after feveral fevere Queftions, '^ ordered his Servants to flay him, for *^ being Regicide to the lord's Anointed. A juft Reivard for all fuch as forfakc their own native Country, and feek Wealth for Bloodfhed, as he ^ had done. Then David paid his lad Duties to the Dead, and '^ greatly lamented SauU and *^ Jonathan his whole Delight ; ordering '^ all the chief Women to mourn in Scarlet trimm.ed with Gold ; and to be decorated with the richefl Jewels. — See Chap, iii. 31, end Chap, xiii. 31. After this David ' (by Counfel of G O D, * by the High- Prieft) took his two Wives, Ahinoam and Abigail^ and 3 all his Men, with their Houlhold, and went to the City of Hebron ; and he was made King oijudah \ where ^a Party of the Men of Judah brought him Word, that a Party of Jahefh-'Gilead had flole Saul and his 6"^;^ away by Night, and buried them in the chief Place of that Province •, on which Da- vid 5 fent them great Thanks ; telling them ^ that, as he was now made King, nothing fhould be wanting in him to their Affiftance, i^c. And David '^ reigned in Hebron about feven Years, and fix Months'. S E C T. XV. Illi-bofheth 77mde King hy Abner ; Joab killeth 360 5/^ his Men 5 and Abner killeth Afahel. 2 Sam. ii. ydB NER now, ^ (who had been SauVs, chief Captain) hear- ing that David was made King, l2.\itih IJh-boJheth^ the Son of SauU from Mahanaim to Gibeon^. and ^ made him King over eleven bribes of Ifrael^ in the 40th. Year of his Age ; where he reigned about two Years. Chap. v. 5. f '■ ' ' ' * On this Glimpfe ofGOT>'s Mercy he compofed Pfalm ci. being a Thani^fgiving, ^nd Refolutioa to lead a more godly Life than his Predece/fort Saul. Then '^Concordant to the Book of Fs ALMS y &c, 167 • Then Abner^ '^ Ijh-hoJIoeth's Servant, and '^ Joab, David's Servant, with eleven others on each Side, v^rent to nneet other Parties by the Fool of Gibeon •, and each Party fat by the Pool on the oppofite Sides : But, '"^ after fome Taunts given to Joab by Abncr^ they '^ all arofe to battle, Man for Man, Sword in Hand ; wherein Abner ""^ being defeated, flabbed Afahel under the fifth Kib to the Heart, on which he fell ; which "-^ Joab and AbiJIoai feeing, they purfued him and his Army, till the Sun went down, to the Top of an Hill before the City of Giah ; where, "^^ in the Night, Abner called out for Mercy, for taunting him ; on which Joab *^ blew a Trumpet, for his Men to flop from purfuing him. So Abner ^"^ and his Men walked all Night through the Wil- dernefs^ and over the River Jordan^ to their Tents in Maha- naim -, and Joab^ ^° and his Men, returned back to Hebron, When Joab ''^ had called his Men together, he wanted only Afahel^ ■^nd 19 others ; but Ab7ter ^^ wanted 360, who were flaiii in the Battle ^ which greatly confirmed David's Kingdom, And they buried Afahel in his Father's Sepulchre in Bethlehem. SECT. XVI. Abner rcvolteth to David ; Joab killeth him ; and David monrneth^ &c. 2 Sam. iii. NOW continued a V/ar between David zn^ IjId-boJIoeth for near tvv^o Years, in which David ' became more flrong, diVidi Ijh'bofieth wf^l^tv^ and difcouraged. Abner ^ Iv^v- ing now taken Rizpah^ one of Saur?> Concubines, Ifh-bclJoetB greatly reproved him for it-, which Abner refenting, he directly ^ fent Meilengers to David to covenant a Peace with him ; to re-^ volt IJJj-boJheth^ and to deliver him the whole Kingdom, &€, This David '"^complied with, on his bringing again Michal his Wife, whom Saul had before given to Thalti\ I. Sam, xviii. 25. On this David '^ fends to IJh-hoJIjeth for his Wife, on which he took her from Phalti^ who '^ fol- lowed her, forely weeping ; but, Abner fent him back again, and her to David \ and alio '■ perfuaded the Chiefs oi Ifrael to join with David. Then Abner ^ taking twenty of his bed: Men, went privately to fee David, where they were kindly fealled, and fent away I peacefully \ j68 The Life of Holy David : peacefully": But, Joab^ and other Servants ^' coming to Da- vid juft as they were gone, and hearing, by the Servants, how Mner had been there privately, he ^^ was very angry, thinkinp- *5 he might get in more Favour than he, he in a Rage ^^ (un- known to £)avid) fends for Abner back again ♦, when"-^ taking him afide pretending to whifper v/ith him, in a friendly Man- ner, he ftabbed him to the Heart, in Revenge of his Brother Jlfahel^ on which he died on the Spot •, as Chap. ii. 23. This private Af/^r^^r fcon coming to David's royal Ear, he greatly lamented, by Reafon, he well knew that he had no Ways contrived Ahner\ Death in fuch a fiy cruel Manner ^ v/il- }ing, '9 that the Blood of Ahner fnould be on Joah ^ viz. that his HGtife might nez'er he vjithcut Poverty^ the Sword, running Scres^ er Lamenejs : Commanding Jcab ^' and all People elfe to mourn for Abner 5 on which ^^ they all wept at his Funeral^ &c. and ^^ David himfelf followed his Corps to the Grave, in Hebron y ■weeping even till the Sun went dov/n, and eat not ; he being a wife and valiant Man. David alio '^ prayed that GOD would reward the Doer of that Evil according to his Wicked - nefs ; and compofcd an Epitaph in Rememberance of Abner ^ &c. (Apud. J of. Antiq^.) SECT. XVII. Ifli-bofheth killed y BaanaH and Rechab gibbeted -y and David proclaimed King over all Ifrael. 2 Sam. iv. KING IJh'bcJheth ' on hearing that Abner ^ his chief Cap- tain, and Kinfman was dead, he was greatly difcouraged ; and ^ having two Captains in the City of Beroneth^ called Baa- vah and Rechab^ they ^ came in Difguife to Ijh-bofoeth's Houfc HI' the Afternoon, as he lay on his Couch taking his Nap^ pre- tending ^ to his Servants, that they were Merchants., and came to buy Corn : And, he having no Guard then about him, they entered his Apartment, and ftabbed him to the Heart : Then, cutting off his Head, they travelled all Night through the Wil- dcrnefsy and carried it to David, in the City q{ Hebron, David "'on feeing the Head, greatly blamed them for their *° David, in Hopes of greater Mercies from GOD, here coni^ofed ?^^\m. Ixxv, Cruelty, Concordant to the Book of Psalms. 169 Cruelty, knowing they had done it only for the Sake of i?74 ^^^ L^fi ^f Holy David : Feace^ kindly accepts the rich Prefent that ^ci had fent him ; and agreeing to the Propcfals that his Son Joram had brought, difmiifed him with great Honour and Satisfadlion : And, be- ing ■^" a Lover or Honour and Jujlice^ ^-^ built Garrifons in Edom for Soldiers \ and, according to Promife, he '^ made Joah his General, yehcjhaphat his Recorder, '^ Zadok and Ahimdech (or Ahiathar) his Priefts, Seraiah his Secretary or Scribe, ^* Benaiah over the Cheretkiies and Pelethites^ his Body-Guards, and Da- vid's own ^'c/^j were his chief Rulers^ &c. SECT. XXII. David findeth Jonathan'^ Son Mephibofheth, rejlores his Lands^ and makes Ziba'i Sofjs bis Over/eers, &c. 2 Sam. ix. AVID having put all his Family into a regular Order, next ' enquires- after the Family of his Father SauU that, if his beloved Brother Jonathan had any of his Family left, he might make them fome grateful Amends for their Father's Love towards him ; as he formerly promifed. (i Sam. xx. 15.) Now, Witx a flrid Enquiry, Ziha ^ told David that Jona- than had a Son alive in the Houfe oi Machir, in Lo-dehar^ cal- led MephihofJoeih^ or Eliam^ the Father of Bathjheha ; and that *3 he was lame in his Feet, by a Misfortune at five Years old, by his Nurfe dropping him, in a Fright, as fhe run with him in her Arms, out of that bloody Battle, wherein his Father and Grandfather were flain, ^c. in order to fave his Life. (2 Sam. iv. 4.) See Se^. xvii. On thefe joyful Tidings^ David? diredly fends for M^^/^/- lojheth^ who ^ i^tW on his Face to reverence him •, but David, 7 bidding him arife, told him that he v/ould reflore him all the Lands he had took from his Grandfather Saul^ and that he and his Sons fliould for ever be his darling Guefis^ and eat with hint at his Table ; on v/hich ivhphibojheth returned Thanks, and ^ owned himfelf too mean to enjoy fuch princely Favours, &:c. David alfo '° made Ziha and his 15 Sons, and 20 Servants, Overfeers and Tillers oi MephihofhetU^ Land, which they kindly- received; and promifed carefully to perform. (See i Chr. xviii.) Ax\^ Mephihcftnlb ^-' eac at the King's Table, having one Son called MVi^. SEC T. Contordant to the Book of Psalms, &c. 175 SECT. XXIII. ^02bful?dues the Ammonites for itfi^ig David'j Mejfengers ill, &CQ, 2 Sam. x. A Little after, Nahaflj the King of the Ammonites died, and * Hanun reigned in his Stead, to whom Dav [ d fhewed great Kindnefs for his Father's Sake : But, ^ fending his Ser- vants to comfort him on his Father's Death, fome of the Chiefs^ contrary to all Reafon, perfuaded King Hanun % that David's Servants were only Spies^ and not Friends : On which, + in- llead of ufing them honourably, they Jloaved off half their Beards^ and cut off their Garments clofe to their Buttocks^ and fent them fliamefully away. David 5 hearing of this crUel Ufage^ fent other Meffengers to meet them, on their Return, to order them to flay at Jericho^ till their Beards were grown j which was accordingly done. The Ammonites^ now confcious of the Breach they had made with David, and fearing his Anger, immediately ^ fent 1000 Talents to the King of Surus^ and hired the Syrians oi the Houfe of Beth-rehoh^ and of Zoba 20,000 Foot, of the King of Maacab 1000, and of Ifro-tob 12,000 all under Arnis ; calling in all Allies they could make, to meet David. David ^ hearing of thefe Preparations for War, immediately ient Joah to meet them near the City of Rahhath ; and 9 as foon as he faw \}ci€\x Army^ he chofe all his befl Men, and fet them in Order for Battle againit the Syrians % and "^ put his other Men, under the Command of Abijhai^ his Brother, againil the Am- monites : Charging '* all to be valiant, and '' to help each other if Occafion required, refigning himfelf intirely to the Power and mil of G O D »\ The Enemy firft marched out of Rahhath with their Ami- Uary-^roops^ and drew up in the Field into tv/o Bodies ; and Joab drew up his in the fame Order to meet them : Who giv- ing them the firft On-fet, the ^^ Syrians fled before him *, which the Ammonites feeing, they fled alfo before Abijhai^ and went again all together into the City. Joab having thus drove them, he went again to Jerufalem, Hadarezer now, not content with this run-away Battle, fends to Chalama^ a King of Syrus beyond Euphrates^ to hire an Ar- my of 80,000 FQQt, and 10,000 Horfe , wliicb '7 David N 2 hearing 176 *rfo Life of Holy David : hearing of, immediately gathers a mighty Army, and paficd with them himfelf over the River Jordan^ and killed of them at Halem 40,000 Foot, and 70,000 Horfe ; taking 700 Chariots, and Hadarezerh chief General Sbohach. (See i Chron. xix. 18.) When this dreadful Drubbing was over '9 the People of Me- fopotamia fent AmbafTadors with great Prefents and AddrefTes to David for Peace, and delivering themfelves wholly £o him, he returned to Jerufalem in Peace and Safety "". SECT. XXIV. David debancheth Bathihebah, and her Hufhand Uriah ti^eacheroiifly fain, 2 Sam. xi. A BOUT a Year after this, David ' (according to Cuf- f~\ torn in the Spring-time) fends Joah once more to War zga^n^i iht Ammonites^ who then laid all the Country wade; A.M 2o6q. ^"^ driving the People into Rahhath^ the Metro- Esfore cir/y/ polis, laid Siege to it. Mean while David ,tar- ^"3 5- ried in Jerufalem. And though David was undoubtedly 2i juft and pious Man, and very ftrid in Ohedieyice to the L^i^of GOD, and his Coun- try, yet, alas I G O D fuiTered him to fall into Sin, for Exam- ple to others-, whofe Sin not only teaches us the Frailty of Flefh. and Blood, but alfo teacheth us a Leffon of unfeigned Repent^' ance. For, one Day, as David, was jufl: rifen from his Couch, in the Cool of the Evening, on the Terrace of his Houfe, * looking down he faw Bathjheha the Daughter of Eliam^ and Wife of Uriahs waffling herfelf : And ihe being a beautiful Wo- man of an exquifite Shape^ fo enamoured Davi o that he ^ fends for her to his Btd^ where fiie lay all that Night, and returned to her Home the next Morning. Soon afterwards, finding herfelf with Child, flie fent MeJJengers to let David know of it^ that he might fome Way confider how to conceal it \ for that file knew it would be Death to her, fhould it be known, according to the haws of her Country, did not Davi d prevent it : Her Hufhand Uriah then being JoaF^ Armour-bearer in the Camp. ^ On this fee Pfalms xliv. — Jx. — Ixi. — Ixii. — xciii. — xcvi. — xcvii. — xcviii. — xcix. — c. — cviii. — cxvii — cxviii. — cxlv. — cxlvi. — cxlvii.— cxlviii. — cl. — and rfuddfir/Lvera/Expoiiiionu On Concordant to the Book ^Psalms, £?<:. 177 On this News from Bathfioeha^ David ^ diredly fends for Uriah her Hulband, and, after aflcing him ^ many ^leJlmiS about the State of the Army, and how the Siege went on ac Rabbath^ he ^ (to fmother the Matter, and lay the Child to Uriahs) ordered him to go home to his IVife^ fending a Mefs of Meat after him : But Uriahs 9 by drinking w^ith the Guards^ negleded the King's Order^ and flept with them all Night at the Gate: Which '° David hearing of, he greatly reproved him for not paying the Benevolence due to his Wife, feeing he had been fo long from her ; Uriahs on this Reproof, '^ told the King, that he did not think it honourable to indulge him- felf in his Wife'j Arms^ while his General and Fellow- Soldiers * lay on the Ground^ in an Enemfs Country, David '^ then bids him, a fecond Time, to go to his Wife that Night; and return to the Camp next Day : But, he flay- ing again with the Guards whilft the King was at Supper, they fo ply*d him with Liquor, by Healths^ that he entirely forgot both his IVife^ and the King's Order. David, nov/ hearing of \Jriah\ fecond Neglc^i, was deter-" mined to punifh him privately ; and '^ accordingly fends for him the third Day in the Morning, and made him fo drunk that he lay on the Couch that Night : Mean v/hile David went and lay again with his Wife Bathfieba. On the Morrow, '^ David writes a Letter to Joab (which prov'd to be Uriah's Bead-zvarrant) and fent it by Uriahs that Joab fnould m.ake the firft Attack, and put him in tht Front of the Battle, with many other Ragamudins, to be (lain. Poor Uriahs knowing nothing ^f the Scheme^ nor that his Life was in Danger, chearfully undertakes the Foil that Joab had fixed him ^ by Reafon Joab promifed '^ to back him with his bed Men : But, alas ! tjriah v^^as deceived, for Joab had given his Men private Orders to retreat, and leave Uriah in the Lurch, according to the King's Order. Uriah then, vigoroufly and innocently leading the Front, was greatly preffed againft the Wall of the City by the Rcdr •, and the Ammonites, throwing open the Gates diredly on him, the Rear then retreated, and Ich poor Uriah '" to be cut in Pieces, with fome few others •, although he fought manfully, after he received many Wounds, and fell on his Face towards the Ene- my, and died like a A^tn of Honour j Vvhilil: others retreated, as Traitors^ cowardly, N 3 Thia J78 I'he Life of Holy David: This vile ASlicn being over, and Joab '^ fending Word what \ was done, the Meiienger did not forget letting David know that Uriah v/as killed, according '-^ to his former private Inftruc- tions. David, ^5 on hearing this News, without any feeming Dullnefs or Gloominefs of Conlcience, faid, The Fate of War falleth on one as well as another, therefore none fhculd think it hard when their Friends fall. Sec. bidding him tell Joal? to make his next Attack more fure, by a ftronger Force againft the City. Now '-^ Bathftoeha hearing alfo that her Hufband Uriah was llain, file forely v;ept, and kept in dole Mourning for feveral Days : But, that Sorrov; being foon over, David ^^ fent for her to his Houfe ; and to make her the fooner forget her Sor- row, he made her his IVife, and ilie bare him a Son •, but, it being unlawfully begotten, it greatly diipleafed the LORD. SECT. XXV. Nathan reprcvefb David ^/ Adultery ^72 J Murder ; "who forely repenteth : And taking the City Rabbath, flitting them to cruel Deaths^ &:c. OD thus fufFering David to fm, as willingly raifed him _ again by giving him an Heart of unfeigned Repentance^ and took him again into his Divine Favour, by ' fending Na- than the Prophet, to tell him his Error. Now, Nathan, be- ing a Prophet of great Wifdorn and Chearfulnefs, not willing to tellDwio of his £rr called to Hufloai, to have his Opinion of the Matter ^ who informed him " that Achttophers Counfel was not good, by Reafon ^ D s vi o's Army were all good Men, (though weary with travelling) and that D^vid feldom lodged in the Field, in the Night, with his Men; but that ^ he generally lodged in feme Cave -, and, his Men '" being ail lion-hearted, will no Ways fhrink from their Mafler till every one are cut off; fo that in following Achitophers Counfel he would be cer- tainly overthrown. Therefore my Counfel is, " that you gather all Ifrael you can, even from Ban to Beer-Jheba^ and go with them yourfelf into Battle, till '^ you find him ; then may you, by your large Number, not only flay him, but every Soul alfo. Hufjai's Counfel now being heard, it was ' ^ more approved than Achitcphelh^ and was immediately ordered to be obeyed with the greatefl Strictnefs. No fooner was this agreed on, but Za- dok and Ahiathar ''' fends their Sons, Ahimaaz and Jonathan^ to kt David know what was defigncd againft him ; but they were 3 . ^"^ Concordant to the Book o/' Psalms, Gfr. 183 1)0 fooner gone, but '^ a young Man (who faw them) went and told Ahfalom of their going j and he lent Soldiers after them, to bring them back. SECT. XXX. Achitophers Counfel fet at fiought by Hufliai ; on which he hanged himfelf. 2 Sam. xvii. NO W Ahimaaz and Jonathan^ knowing they were purfued, went '^ to a Houfe in Bahurim^ and, there being a JVell jn the Court, they both got therein, and '^ the Woman of the Houfe, to fave them, fliut down the Cover thereof, and fpread Chaffs Bran^ and threlhed Corn, ^c, over it, fo that no JVell appeared. Ahfalom'^ Soldiers *^ now coming to the Houfe to inquire af- ter Ahimaaz and Jonathan^ the Woman told them they were both jull gone over the Brook ^ on which the Soldiers returned again to Jerusalem , and Ahimaaz and Jonathan "" went to Da- vid, and let him knov/ v/hat Counfel Achitoph el \\2i^ given againft him, ^c, and how they were then purfuing him. Then David "and all his Men arofe in great Hade, and travelled ail Night, and got fafe over the River Jordan before Day-light, and went to Manahanim ^ \ and Ahjalom^ -^ and his Army, went over the River alfo (Amafa being his chief Captain^ in the Room oijoah \) and ^" pitched in the Land of Gilead. Mean While '' AchitopheU hearing that his Counfel was fet afide, by the Counfel of Htifbai^ he rode home on his Afs, and fettled ail his Affairs •, and, in a P^/, went and hanged himfelf. SECT. XXXI. Abfalom'i Army overthrown ; himfelf hanged in an Oak ; and killed by Joab. O W ShoU of Rahhathy Machir of Lo-dehar^ and Barzil- lai ^7 of Rogelimy hearing that David and his Hofi were N 'se 2 Sam. XV. 2^,^-'Here David comp/ed F^slm Iv. in 184 The Life ^ Holy David: in Mahanaim^ they ""^ brought rhtm-Beds^ Bafons^ earthen Vef^ felsy Wheats Barley^ Beans ^ Lentils^ and parched Corn ; alio -? Sheep ^ Kine^ Cheefe^ Butter^ and Honey ^ knowing them to be^ very weary, hungry, and thirfty in the Wildernefs \ " Then David 'drew up all his Hqfi together, which were ^ ^ ... 4O5OOO tail, beautiful, fighting Men, and fet over 2 ^am. . j-j^gj-j^ Captains of Thoufands, and of Hundreds y and divided his Army into three Parts, i. e. ^ one third under Joah^ another under Abijljai^ and the other under Ittai -, and fain would have headed tiiem himfelf, had his Men been wil- ling j they ^ telling him that his Life was worch ten Thoufand of theirs ; and that a good Governor ought not to be in the Field of Battle : So he, * by their Defire, fat in the Gate as they all palTed by him, giving them all his Bleffmg ; and, leaving all to the Management of his three OfHcers, he fat alone in the Gate, waiting for Tidings^ &c. '^ D vid's Army, now being all in regular Order for Battle, he called to his three Ccrnmand^rs^ defiringnhat they would ufe t\\tyDtmg Man Abfalom mildly, for his Sake, and not kill him, for that his Heart yearned for him, though he had wickedly took up Arms againfl him, ^c. This Charge was alfo heard by all the A^rmy, that all might fhew Mercy to Abfalom fhould he happen to fall into their Hands. No fooner was this Charge given, but ^ both Armies met by the Wood of Ephraim (which belonged to the People called Ephraimites \) where Divid's Army -' flew 20,000 of thofe of Abfalom ; many ^ taking to the Wood for Shelter from the Sword. Now Abfalcm ^ riding in the Wood, on a Mule, under an Oak^ behold the Oak caught hold on his tangled Hair, an4 took him off his Mule, and his ?vlule run away and left him ; which i>nViD's Soldiers feeing, '° they ran and told J^i^^, their Comm.ander ; and he " commanded the MeiTenger to kill him, telling him he would give him 100 Shekels^ and a Girdle^ which ^^ the Man refufed : On which Joab '-■ iluck three Darts into Abfalom as he hung in the Tree, although ' "■ Abifjai .3.nd ItlaJ reminded him of D-^vid's C/^^rg^, to fave the young Man, his Son : Then '' coming up ten of JoaFs Armour-bearers, they ilew Ahfalomy and '" call: his Body into a Pit in the IVcod^ and covered it with Stones, Hence did Juifice overtake him, for *^ hers, David <-f;/.'/>3/'fi/ Tfalai ^xxi. ^ Here he prjyed, as Pfalm xxv. rebelling Co?2corJaf7t fo the Book of FsAMLSy &c* 185 rebelling againft his Father. Then Joab '^ blew a Trumpet, to call his People from purfuing the Remainder oi Abfalom\ Army any farther •, for that he pitied their Frailty, in being fo delu- ded to War againil D-vid j fo what were left returned pri- vately to their own Homes. ~ S E C T. XXXII. David mou7^neth for h^^AhOM 'y comfort eih his Soldiers 'y . forgiveth Shimei, Ziba, and Mephiboilieth -, and bleffetb Brazillai; TH E Battle being over, Joah "■' fends CuJJyl to let David know what was done ; and, '' Ahlmaaz running after him, came up firfl: to Davit?, as he ""^ fat waiting for '^iidings in the Gate of Mahanaim, The Meiiengers then ^^' tellino; Davi d of their great Vi5lory^ and, after ibme Hefitations, that Abfalora was flain amongft the refi, he >^ went up ipto his Chmnber^ and grievoufiy wept, faying, Oh! my Son Abfalom, my Son^ my Son! -—Oh ! that I bad but died for thee ! my Son ! — When ' David's Grief was told unto Joab^ then ^ was all their Joys of Vidory turned into Mournings on 4 David hiding his Face from his Soldiers, and not appearing to rejoice with them as he ilfed to do : On which Joab 5 went to him, and much relie6led on him, telling him ^ that he was not his Soldiers' Friend, to weep at their Vi6lory, i^c, and 7 that, if he did not come out that Night into the City, and fpeak comfortably to his Army, they fliould all quit the Place, and leave him ; and that he would draw all the Army to War againft him ; on which ^ the King appeared in public, and '^ knit his Soul to them, and '^ they to him. Then making Amafa Captain before Joab^ Abfalom'^s Army came and joined unto David, to '^ condudl him fafe over the iRiver Jordan^ towards Bahurin\ Shimei, v/ith 1000 Men, came to meet him, where ^^ he forgave him for curfing him, though Abifhai would have perfuaded him to the contrary. Ziba alio, and '^ his 15 Sons, and 20 Servants *^ rowed a Boat over the River for the King. * On this he ivrote Pfalm Ixxvii. David 2 86 I'he Life of Holy David : David alfb ^-^ forgave ^oov Mephibo/hetb for not going with him, he being lame ; and aUb "•' Ziba for deceiving and flan- dering Mephibojheth ; and inftead of giving Mephibofloeth ail his Lands again, he '^ gave him but half of the Lands of Ziba,—^ See 1 Kings ii. 8, 9. — 2 Sam. xvi. 3. David alfo^' would have had virtuous Barzillai and his Fa- mily along with him to Jerufalem^ who had greatly afllfled him in Time of War, but he ^7 begged to be excufed on Account of his Old Age^ being So Years old •, on which hedifmiiTed him with his KifTes, and his Bleffing : But Barzillai let him. have his Son Chimham w^ith him, becaufe he ^^ greatly loved him, and defired to keep him for his Father's Sake. .ttr -rSr tsSr tSr 'tX-p "^ tSr -rair -^tr T*r tSKt "tfr '^Ar Tfr m, '*tsr tiEr TtXr -rSr tlir tiSr t^t tJRt tSt -titr -^Sr Tifsr 'ttr i5ij» SECT. XXXIIL Judah and Ifrael contend about David, and proclaim War againji him by Sheba'j Injiigation. He is again brought to Jerufalem, and cleajifeth his Houfe, Gibeon faved by throwing Sheba'i Head over the Wall-, and Amafa is killed by Joab. WHEN David ^° arrived at C^^/ with Chimham., and all the People of Jtidah^ and half the People of Ifrael., ^' the other Part of Ifrael was angry with them for conduding David thither without their whole Confent : But ^* the Men of 7^i^^ telling them David was v\t2iV a-kin to them, they were angry, claiming ^^ a greater Right to David than they ; and that they fhould have had the Flonour of bringing him thi- ther before them, &c. On which mighty Words arofe between them*. In the Heat of this Bifpnte * ftarted up one Sheba^ a. ^ wicked Man, and, founding a Trumpet, faid, We have no Right with David, nor any of the Sons o\ JeJJe. Then, proclaiming JVar againft DaVid, all Ifraet left him, and followed Sheba : But ^ the Men of Judah ftuck faft to David, and ^ took him to Jerufalem., where they efta- blifhed him on the Throne ; where were the ten Concubines he had left behind him to keep Houfe : But he put them out mv dtx Confinement x\\\ the Day of their Deaths, and lay no 'more ^ On thii be cotnpofsd Plalm xliii. with Concordant to the Book of Psalms, Cic. 1S7 with them, becaufe his Son Ahfdom had defiled them ?. (See Chap. xvi. 22.) David 4 then-fent Amafa^ his chief Captain, to call all the Men oijudah to join in Arms \ but ^ he not returning the third Day as Davi d expeded, he ^ fent Joah and Abifhai with 600 Men to feek him, led Sheba fhould do more Miichief than Ahfalom, When^they came to theCity oiGibeon they mtt Amafa^ and many Forces following him, coming to David ♦, on which ycabcovn- ing to meet him 9 in a feeming friendly Manner, whilft he took him by the Beard, pretending to kifs him, he ^° malicioully fheath'd his Sword in his Belly (as he before had fervedyfter,) fo that his Bowels fell out on the Ground ♦, for no other Caufe, but only that D.-iViD had put him in an higher Ojfice than him- felf. Then »> ordering his bloody Body to be taken out of the Road, and covered, he ^'^ and Ahijloai^ and the Army marched 2iiX.tx Sheba to the City oi Abel-maacha^ (where he was fliekered) and ^^ belieged it ; and would have deilroyed all the Inhabitants^, had not '^ a virtuous wife Woman^ of the old Fafliion, who had {tt^ the World, called to Joab from off the Walls, to prevent it ; whofe Importunities ^' caufed the Governors to cut off She-' ha*s Head, and to throw it over the Walls into JoaFs Camp, on receiving of which " Joab founded a Retreat, and they all returned back to Jerufalem to David, (and fo faved the City.) Where ""^ he was once more declared General over the Armies of IfraeL Benaiah v/as alfo Captain over the Cherethites and the Pelethites^ being 600 Guards ; *'* Adoram was made Treafurer ; Jehcjhaphat was made Recorder; ^^ Sheva was made Scribe; Zadok and Abiathar were made Priefls \ and ^^ Ira was the King's chief Favourite. SECT. XXXIV. SaulV Som hanged \ Mephiboflieth j^^^r^^^ and Davi0 prayings Jioppeth a cruel Famine, t^c, 2 Sam. xxi.^ NO T long after this, ' a fore three Years Famine happened in David's Country, which the People imputed to be occafioned by the Cruelty of King SauU in flaying fo many Peo- « On tbii ivas compo/ea Pfalm xxx. pie; 1 88 The Life cf Koly David : ,ple ; and that they having not revenged themfelves on l^sSo^iS:^'^ tor their Father's Deceit and Cruelty, was the very Caufe that GOD fuffered fuch dreadful Calamities to fall 6n them : Which they greatly complained of to David. David then, ^ willing to appeafe the Wrath of GOD, by His Counfel, ^ ordered the i^vQU. Sons of Saul to be taken up^ and delivered up to them, who '-^ hanged them on a Gibbet before the LORD: And '° Rizpah forely v/ept for her Son Armoni^ &c. But 7 David fpared her Son Mephibofbeth^ the Son of ^ Jonathan^ as he before had promifed. Then David '^ went to Jabejh^ and took the Aflies of thd Bones of Saul and Joiiathan^ and '^ the Bones of them that were hanged, and buried them all together in the Grave of Kijh, the Father of Saul: And then praying to GOD in Behalf of the People, He ^' again fent Rain on the Earth, and it yielded theni Corn Sind Fruit in great Abundance. (See i Sam. xxxi. 13.) SECT. XXXV. ' T^ree Phillfllne Battles agaijifi David ; wherein four Gi-r znisarefainbyAh\(h2L\^ Sebbichai, Elhana, ^;2t/ Jona- than : And of David*5 divi?2e Songs and mifcal Inftru- ments. SOON after this '5 the Philifiines made Vv'ar againft Ifraety when David went himfelf with his Army ^^\ The chief Champion of the PhiUfiines was Ijhbi-benob^ of the gigantic Race,- the Point of Vv^hofe Spear weighed 300 Shekels of Brafs, (or near 10 Pounds) befides tufned Chains croinng his Shoulders. This mighty Man, as his Army was fleeing before Ijrael^ turn- ing quick on David, as he ran after him, would have (lain him on the Spot with his Sv/ord, had not '^ Abijhai ilepped be* tween and Hew the Giant; for '^ David was very weary and faint with runnino; after him : On which David's Oifficers fware that he fhould never any more go into Battle, left they iliould lofe the Floivcr and Glory of the whole World. After this '^ there was another Battle with the Philiftines 2XGob\ when Sebbichai^ one of David's pick'd Soldiers "be- haved very valiantly, by (laying 6'^/v^, and others of the Race of the Giants, &c. Aifo another Battle in Qob^ where "^ El- hanab Concordant to the Book ij/' Psalms, Gft. 189 hanah flew another Giant, whofe Staff of his Spear was like a Weaver's Beam. Not long after this *" the Philijlines once more hazarded their Lives and Fortunes againft David in Gath^ where another mighty Giant appeared, having fix P'ingers on each Hand, and fix Toes on each Foot, and fix Cubits high. In this Battle ^' Jonathan, (the Nephew of David) behaved very valiant, for he not only " flew xht Giant, but gained fuch a Vidiory, as put an entire End to the War againfi; Ifrael. Thefe fDur Giants "are faid to be the Sons (or Brothers) of the great Goliath of Gath ; and that they arofe againft David, to revenge their Father's Death. *' (See i Sam. xvii. 4. i Chron. xx. 4, 5, 6, i^c.) Thefe Battles being- over, David ' returned Thanks to GOD for the feveral Vi5iories, in Token for the feveral Mercies and Benefits he^^had received at His Hands ^ A worthy Example for all Men to foUov/. He 5° alfo made m.any divine Songs^ Odes, Pfalms, or Hymns to the Praife of GOD; and alfo made many Inftruments, and taught the Levites hov/ to ufe them on Sabbath and Feaft-Days, in Divine Service. The Inftruments were of three Kinds, i. e. The Cinnare Kind, confifi:ed of ten Strings on each, and flruck with a Bozv, as a Fiol or Fiolin, The Nahal Kind, contained twelve Chords or Strings, pulled or flruck with the Thumbs and Fingers, or v/ith a PleSlrum made of a fplit §iiill, or thin Piece of Hern, in a melodious, concording Manner. 1l\\q. Cymhal /OW were made of folid Pieces of Brafis or Bell-metal, like Iron JFedges, and fufpended on Rows of Iron Pins by Holes drilled half through each Piece ; and fliruck with a fmali Rod of Brafs or Iron ia each Hand, as we do a Vriim or 'Dulcimer, &c. &c. (Vide Jofeph. Ant. ) SECT, XXXVI. OJ David'^ Thirty-fevcn Worthies, &c. 2 Sam. xxiii. DAVID now, (finifliing his Pfalws) " fet on high, (the Anointed of the G O D ^/ JaccI/, and the fxret Singer of ^ Jlere Ittaiy the Benjamite. /r^, the Ithrite. Benaiahy the Pirathonite. Gareh^ the Ithnte. Hiddaiy the Gafliite. Uriahs the Hittite. Abi-dhon^ the Arbathite. In all 37, as mentioned in 2 to;/, xxiii. and in i Chron. xl. xiic which fee. Hsre 1^-as {c?nlofed PfaU xxxvii. atid xl. S E C T« ^he Life of Holy David : 191 SECT. XXXVIL i)AViD number eth the People, and 7'epenteth of it \ and by : chifng three Days Plague, he appeafcth G O D'5 Wrath by Prayer ; and ereBeth an Altar for Divine Wor(h,ip : ^j^Ioen, p7'opofing to build a Temple, is ordered to leave that to his Son Solomon, which he accordingly did, leaving him the Plan and Materials, &c, 2 Sam. xxiv. DAVID now being very defirous to know how many Thou- fands of Men might be found able to bear Arms, amongft the People, (forgetting GOD's Command to Mofes, that there fiiOLild be paid for every Head two Shekels *) he ^ commanded Jcab to go and number them -, who ? would fain have perfuaded him to the contrary, but all to no Purpofe. On which "^ Joab took with him many principal bribes, and Scribes, and went round all the Country of the Hebrews ; and ^ in about ten Months returned to David at Jerufalem, with a Roll of all the People, (except of the Tribe of Benjamin and of Levi.) The Number of Ifraelites v/ere 800,000 Men ♦, and the 'iribe of Judah 500,000, in all 1,300,000 Men able to bear Arms -f . Thele Lifts were no fooner deUvered, but '° David began to be very forrowful, and greatly repented what he had done, befeeching G OD to appeafe his Wrath, and pardon his Offence : On which ''GOD, by His Angel, lent the Prophet Cad 10 David, giving him '^ the Choice of three Evils, to chufe which he Vv^ould fhould fall on the Land, viz, a feven Years Famine, a three Years JVar, or a three Days Plague, or Peftiknce : So David '^ chofe the latter, chufmg rather to fall under the Hands of GOD, than to lie under the Rage and Mercy oP worldly Enemies. So G O D '' fmote Ifrael the next Day wick a Peftilence that there died, in the three Days, 70,000 Men ; fome dropping fuddenly ; others fcorcbed up with Heat ; fome flruckMW*, and others languiihing for many Hours in Tor- tures, and great Agonies ; ending their Lives in a thoufand different Ways too tedious here to mention. (Vide Jcfeph. Ant.) David during this Time,'^proftrated himfelfon the Ground, * Or one Shilling. EKod. xxx. ia,—i\Vw^. i. 2. f Vide Heyljn on the Wprld, p. 549* " ' . O 2 v^'ith igz The Life of Holy David :. with Prayer's to GOD in Behalf of the People ; and looking towards Heaven, he beheld the Angel of G O D hovering his Wifigs over the 1 hrediing- floor of Ornan^ in Jeriifakm^ with a naked Sword in his Hand; on which David faid, that, as he was the Shepherd^ he defcrved to be punifhed, and not the Flock^ who had no Ways offended ; praying that he would punifli him, and his Pofterity^ and fave the People ''. Hereupon GOD's Angel '^ fent Gad again to David, commanding him ^' dired:ly to repair to the 'Tbrefiing' floor of Aramiah^ or Ornan^ and build there an Altar to offer Sacrifice to GOD \ that the Plague might ceafe from the People. As foon as this was told, ^^ David hailed to the Floor of Oman •, who '° feeing David coming, hafted to meet him, and humbled himfelf before him. Now Oman had been one of David's chief Friends, for which Reafon he did not fpoil him, when the Fortrefs of the Jehufites was taken, as before hinted. When David had told Oman that he was come to buy the I'hrejhing-f.odr^ to build thereon an Altar for G O D's Worjhip, he ^^ im.mediately would have given it him, But ^"^ David re- fufing, purchafed it for 50 Shekels of Silver, and eredled aa Altar thereon, and ^^ offered Sacrifices unto GOD, and the Plague ceafed : (it being the very Ground whereon Abraham had offered up the Ram mftead of his Son.) So the Angel put up his Sword into the Sheath, of whom David was fore afraid '. (Vide Jofeph. Jtiviflj Antiq.) David now feeing that GOD had heard his Prayer^ aud accepted his Sacrifice^ decreed that in this very Place he would build a Temple to GOD: But GOD, fending the Prophet Nathan tO tell him that it fhould be built by his Son Solomon^ who fhould fucceed him, he immediately commanded near 180,000 Men to prepare Materials oiWood^ Stone^ Irony Gold, Silver, Brafs, &c. to be ready for his Son to build it according to the Plan that he left him. To make a miOre ftricSt Enquiry concerning the Temple of So- lomonyVe3.d in the Firft Book of Chron. Chap. xxii. of David's Preparations, Ver. 5. — His Charge to his Son, Ver. 16: And to Princes, Ver. 19. — Chap, xxiii. Of the Number and Order of the Levites, Ver. 3.— Chap. xxiv. Of the Sons of Aaron, Ver. 19: The Kohathites, Ver. 26: And the Meraites, Ver. 26. — - . ■.'-- » ^ Hen 'was compojed Pral, cxxx. xiii. ^ ^ee Pfal Ixv. Ixvi. Ixvit. Chap. Co?2cordant to the Book i?/' Psalms, ^c, 193 Chap. XXV. Of the Singers, Ver. 11. — Chap. xxvi. Of the Tor- ters^ Ver. 19: And other Officers, Ver. 32. — Chap, xxvii. Of David's Martial Officers, and Houfhold, Ver. 34. — Chap, xxviii. David recommends the Vv^'ork to them, and his Son Solomon^ Ver. 10 : And gives them G O D*s Plan to work by, Ver. 19- — Chap. xxix. Then David and his Princes making further Frecivill Offerings towards it, Ver. 9 : He blcfleth GOD, Ver. 20 : And oifers Sacrifices, &c. Ver. 21 '". SECT. XXXVIIL David, deftitute of Warmth^ fakes a Virgin to lie with kirn, Adonijah defires to be King^ hut Solomon is cbofen^ and crowned J &;c. i Kings i. A^VID, now ' drawing near the ^^r^^ of his hife^ began to be deftitute of his wonted natural Warmth, on which ^ he defired that a young Virgin might attend him and lie at his Bofom : Hereupon ^ they fought through all the Coafts of IJrael^ and, after great Inquiry, found one named Abifhag^ a Shunamite^ of the 'Tribe of Iffachar : (JoJIo. xix. 17.) and -* fhe Jay with him only to cheriQi him ; for, probably through Im- potence, he knev/ her not, though fhe was young, fair, and beautiful. Now Adonijah (the Son of David by Haggiih^ and Brother- in-lav/ to Soloracn) ^ hearing that David's Dillblution was very near, he ^ by the Coimjel and Affiftance of Joab and Abiathm\ fet up many Chariots and Horfes, and 50 Men to run before him, in Order to iifur-p^ and take the Crown from Solomon: But ''^ the fame being told unto David by BathJJoeba " by the Order of Nathan^ the Prophet, Zadck, the Pried, and Be?iaiah^ he '^ was foon {tt afide, and ^^ Solomon proclaimed King, -^'^ with Mufick^ and great Acclamations of Joy, ^^ according to the Order of his Father David •, who "^^ gave him his BleJJing ac- cordingly ". Adonijah then ^^ humbling himfelf to his Brother Solomon y he " forgave him the Fault at that Time. ^ Here ivos pennd ?(d\Axxxvi\, "^ lien he uttered ?i;i\m\xxn. Vide medio Si Rufinus, ^ndi Jo/eph. Jnt, O 3 SECT* 194 "^^"^ Life of Holy David: SECT. XXXIX. David*^ laf Charge to his Son Solomon, i Kings ii. A. M. 2989. "1"^ AVID5 now breathing out his bH Moments, Before ar;/ |^ j^ ^l^^ Prefence of his Son Solomon, gave him h\% laji Charge, as follows: " My Son Solomon, "' I am now going the Way that all have gone before me, and " to where all Flejh mujt follow me-, 7 charge /to he ftrong, '' and fhezv thyfelf a Man-, walk in the Ways of the LORD thy *' G O D, ^W te/) to Statutes, Commandments, Judgm.ents, *' ^;7^ Tefiimonies, according to the Law of ^o{t%, that GOD *' may confirm his Promife to thee and thy Pofterity on the *' Throne of Ifrael for ever, ^ake thou alfo great Heed of Joab, *' and remember how he took the Blood ^/ Abner and Amafa ^'^ cauflefs, and not in War : Let not his hoary Head go to the ** Grave in Peace. But floew great Kindnefs to the three Sons of *' Barzillai, and let them eat at thy 'Table, for they fhewed me *' Kindnefs when thy Brother Abfalom took up Arms againft me, *' Though I once forgave Shimei/^r curfing me, yet he is not guilt - '' lefs \ let not his Head lie down in Peace, but in Blood. Bo *' Jujiice to all Men, &c. "." According to this Charge, fo even did Solomon in all Things -, after his Father's Death, he orders Adonijah, Joab, and Shimei to be (lain by Benaiah, as in Ver. 24. 34. 46. expelling all his Father's Enemies, and che- rifhing his Friends. Chap. iv. David having thus exhorted his Son, and communicated all his Affairs to him, he peaceably gave up the Ghoji, being abouc 70 Years old ; having reigned King over Ifrael 40 Years -, i. e. ieven Years in Hebron^ and thirty-three in Jerufalem. S E C T. XL. Of David'^ Charafter, Riches hft^ Funeral, and Monument. THUS ended the Life of Holy David, a Man after G O D's own Heart, only in the Matter oiUriah (whofe Sin teacheth us Repentance) and in numbering the People. He was 2ijuf and wife Man, and adorned with ^U Virtue requifite for aKiNe, The Life of Holy David : 195 a King. He was valiant beyond Comparifon, a brave Prince, and an undaunted Soldier ; and exhorted his Soldiers to follow his E^cimpky in all Events. He was moderate^ juft, afid cour- teous 5 favourable to thofe afflidled ; and generous to thofe of Me- rit. He took Part of all Hardfliips with his Soldiers ; and un- derwent many Dangers for the Sake of C HRIST^ to cftablifli the Gospel, which was then to come. He was fuch a Pro- phet, Prince, Poet and Mufician, as never will be forgotten; whofe Writings, L^ws, and facred Songs none can behold with- out Sorrow or Tranfport -, and will not only endure to the laft Age^ but, if ftri6lly pradifed, will qualify us for the Kingdom of Heaven. In fine, he was a Man after G O D in moft Adions, and they that were againft him were againft GOD: He bare the true Figure of CHRIST in all Things (who fprang from his Loins) and foretold of his Life, Death, and Refurreulion, above 1000 Years before it came to pafs : By whom all may have eternal Life, i£c, i£c. i^c. It is laid that David left more Riches behind him, than all other Kings of any Nation whatfoever ; and that his Son ^S*^- lomon who^fucceeded him, buried him royally, with great Ri- ches and Solemnity in Jerufalern, in a magnificent Tomb ; oiit of which 3000 Talents, or 16,425,000!. if Gold ^ if Silver, 1,026,5001. was taken out by Hircanus, the High-Priefl, 300 Years after, to give to Antiochus, to deliver the Siege of that City; and that David's Monument might not be deilroyed *. 1 (hall conclude xhh faci'cd HiJlo7j v/ith the lafl: Beneditlicn of Holy David from Pfahn Ixxii, typically fpeaking of GOD himfelf, in the Name of his Son Solomon, aad of C H RI STh everlafting Kingdom : And Blejfed be the Name of His Majefly for ever ; and may all the Earth be filled zvitb His Glory. iVmen. Amen.. In fine let all from Sin and Malice fly. And learn ^/ David how to live and dli. (* Vide Hedio & Kufmus., and Jojeph, Ant, Lib. vii.) O 4 A NtW A Afe', and Sek5i N u m b e r of PSALMS, Meditational HYMNS, AND Spiritual SONGS, ^c. Set to MUSIC In Two-^ Three ^ and Four Mujical Parts, in Scores FOR THE U S E of Parish-Churches, Gf^. and other Occalions. By William Tans'ur, Senior, Pfalmodijl. [By Woy ^Supplement to his Royal Melody.) Praife Vif the LORD ^joitb Pfalms and Hymns, — With Voice and chearful Heart : For He^s the Gi-jer of all Things, — And doth all Things impart. Jlndy <^Lvhen opprejf. His Aid i?nplore,~'That He tnay Succour fend : Who hath for all His Saints in Store — Such Joys as ne'ver end, W. T, (Vide James i. 27. — v. 13. — Re^v. iv. 11.) ^ing to GOD^ Praifey ivith lofty HymnSy — His njooniTrous Works rehearfe : Make them the Theme of your Dfcourfe, — And SuhjeSi of your Verfe. ( PfaL cv. 2.) S O L I L O QJJ I E S. A Meditational Soliloquy, when going to join in Pfalmcdy. W. T, LORD! give me David's well-tun'd Heart, For Voice alone is vain : Then Ihall I rightly bear a Part, And not l^hy Word prophane. A Meditational Soliloq^jy, when leaving Pfalmody, W, ^, GREAT GOD! Who gav'ft to all Things Birth, lo Thee all Praije be giv'n : Let me adore Thy Name on Earthy And fmg Thy Piaife in Heav'n. ^ For y cur Ins fruct ions to the Art o/' Music, / refer you to my New Royal Melody i or to my New Mufical Grammar and Dictionary : Both of ixhich are correlily printed in Score in O^avo, ivitb a nenu Fron- tjfpiecc, 4?V. PSALM- PSALM-TUNES, HYMNS, ^c. J Precepts T'lme. PSALM I, &c. For I'wo Voices, W. T, ^^ I r:_J:d:iz:3_:q:}"--:^ «.„?:. — :; ::q_:riz:ij.ii-_j_^-«u_-fiL ^^pf:i~iz:?:l:fr:|f=fc?:bz::?z:E:!t:E::fr-f 'pHE Man is i/eji that ne-ver goes a-flray. By falfe Jd- t -'vice, nor flands in Sinners Way : Nor fits in— fed-ed by fuch .«_^„. fcorn-ful PnV^, Whom God condemns, and Pi — e— ty derides. Their Guilt (hall not the horrid Day endure. Nor yet approach th.\ ^Jjemblies of the Pure: For God approves the Ways the Righteous tread, :11: But fmful Paths to Curd »l)eliriidion lead. ;ll; ft 198 PSALMS md HYMNS. ^0 PSALM IV. For Three Voices. W. T. i3?Eirg| 6. QF-fer to God the Sa-cri-'fce — Of Righteoufnefs and ?r<7//9 : av: ^.•Zl-ZZl-Zi- liv*:2X _l - -e— j Q_a4 — -4 irp:|§|;4.:~|||tP:J£ip 6. /^F-fer to God the Sa-a-i—fice — Of Righteoufnefs and Pr^//^ ; P -~-A:n~ ■--t ai :d: p|:Dzg 1:=: itizzt :;;:§. IS— :§:d;t=e= ■—- l-fzez:- -e— ( -E -uz'xi-i--- ^i4-#---t- — -4— And look that in the liv-ing Lord — You put your Truft al-ways ^ P^t: -G— :DZf :d-^^ -e- gp=9: gzd P4F[ — \ e*- And look that in the liv-ing Lord — You put your Truft al-ways. |lz:i:j:zz& izzp :qzi p:|zzz l-e- asff ZQZIE eu The greai^^orf crave worldly Goods, — And T^/V^yj do embrace: But, LoRiJ-, grant us Thy Countenance^ — Thy Favour^ and Thy Grace, 8. For Thou thereby fhalt make my Heart— More joyful and more glad Than they who of their Corn and Wine— Fall great Increafe have had. 9- In Peace, theref&re, lie down will I,— And take my Reft and Sleep: For Thou, O Lord, doft only m« — Freferve and Lkly keep. An PSALMS md HYMNS. igy An HYMN for Christmas-Day. ( Luke II. fmn Verfe 8. to Verfe 14. )■ AS watchful Shepherds, in the Night, They by their Flocks did ftand : An Ancel came, in heav'nly Light, And Glory decked the Land. 2. Fear not, /aid He, glad Neivs I bring To finful Men forlorn : Lo, CHRIST the Lord, the promisM Kii*ft, This Day for you is born. 3- To David's City go with Speed, And there you'll furely find The Woman's antient promis'd Seed, The Saviour of Mankind* 4- Let this be unto ye a Signi Ye Him fhall find array'd In fvcathing Clothes, A Babe DiviNi ! And in a Manger laid. 5- Then next appear'd a Ihrning throng Of Angeis in Array; All joining in this heav'niy Sown, To ulher in tiie Day : " Glory fo God. t/i eternal King, •• And heanfnly Peace on Earth: *' Good- Will ta Men, n.vith Joy, tve bring, ** Ai the great Saviour's Birth." 7- Now, let all M^n, with Pleafure, join The fweet celeftial Choir : And this bright Scene of Love- di'vine. With thankful Hearts admire. UAL L E.LUJAH. 2O0 PSALMS and HYMNS. , To P S A L M • IX, New Verfton. In Four Tartu W. T. ■^ ^ ^ iiippiiilliiii t;H2E_=r:p:t:f:zr:pp{zz=;s':{--:{rr{:srpi:c[==pt~:n.. I. npO ce-le-brate Thy Prai/e^ O Lord, I will rr.y Heart prepare: H:t §=g::EEE:i:©::: r. nrO ce-Ie-brate Thy Praife, O Lord, I will my Heart prepare : :©:|[: ■--^eeeIj d: v^ ^ 1. 'pO ce-le-brate Thy Fr^?,''^, O Lord, I will my Heart prepare : i#3 A :==q:t— =: Di'i::. ^rt f M^ lif5l!:l -e- e 0- To all the lift'ning World Thy M'Hrks, And Wonders I'll de-clare. -iEp:|E5=F^-^ |::!Ei- — t — ii To all the Hft'ning World Thy Works, And Wonders V\\ de-clare. '-gft/?:t5=0z=rE:lzz3t=btp ^ ii-' {:^:i_ri_ f=P:::§zg:;:Qi :=rp- {{ To all the lift'ning World Thy Works, And Wonders Til de->clare. #3 — D> 2 The Thoughts of them ftiall to my Soul—Exalted Pleafure bring : Whihl to Thy Name, O Thou moft High !— Triumphant Pra'ife \ fing. 3 Thou mad'ft my haughty Foes to turn — Their Backs, in fhameful Flight : Struck with Thy Prefence, down they fell, — And perifti'd at Thy Sight. 4 Againft infulting Foes advanc'd, — Thou didft my Caufe maintain : . My Right afferting from Thy Throne, — Where Truth and Juftiu reign. •^-' — To Father, Son, &c. — An PSALMS and HYMNS. 201 Jn HYMN on the Excellency c/ Divine Wisdom, Prov. iii, iv, vi, vii, viii, ^r. By W. Tans'ur, 1 TTOw hhji is he that Wisdom finds, XX -A"^ Knowledge doth behold! Such MerchanHife is more efteem'd Than Pearh and precious Gold. I In her Right-Hand is Length of Days, Her Left doth Honour fvvay : Her Paths abound in Plenteaufnefst And Peace is all her Way. 3 She's like a Tree of Life, to gll That do on her depend : And ev'ry one that her retains, Elath lure a faithful Friend. A. By Wisdom God hath made the Earth, As mortal Men may fee : ^ With Understanding form'd the Hea'v'm, > His D^^-jelling-place to be. 5 By Kno'vjlcdge, he hath made the Sea, O vaft Creator's S>hillf Likevvife the Ckudi to bring forth Rain^ And on the Earth diiiil. 6 My Son, let Wisdom ne'er depart. On Judgment lay faft hold: They'll be as Grace unto thy Neck, And Life unto thy SouL 7 Then (halt thou walk in Paths moll fafe. And fear If fs take thy Sleep: Thy Feet from Stumbles Ihall be free, God will thee guard and keep. 8 Thou Ihalt not far, when God Ihall bring On wicked Men great Woe: Thy Cotifidtnce in God fhall keep Thee/?/"^ from ev'ry Foe. r) Wisdom will furely thee promote To Honour and Reno^vn : Embrace her, and (he'll be thy Aid, And thee with Glory croKvn. 10 For, Wisdom Rubies doth furpafs. And all that's Excellent: She dwells with Prudence, alfo doth All curious Things invent. II If after Knov/ledge thou wilt try. As if for fineft Gold: Likewife for Understaicding too. Thou both (halt then Behold. 1 2 My Son, thy Father s Couvfel take. Thy Mother s Lanv embrace : And bind moft firmly to thy Heart, All Ornaments of Grace, i 3 Keep firm thy Heart with Diligence^ From all bad Counfel fly : Walk in the Paths of Righteoufne/s, And thou ihalt nej^r die. f«> 202 PSALMS -fl»i HYMNS. To PSALM XI, New Verfton. In Four Paris. W. T. liiiiililiilili III S:tM l=ql|:= I. Clnce I have plac'd my Truji in God,— A Refuge always nigh: I. oTnce I have plac'd my Trvfi in God, — A Refuge always righ 3^ _«^ aaC =;;^ I. Clnce I have plac'd, my TruJl in God, — A Refuge always nigh: w^^ — t— . H- -trt-t ^_f _- _-a4^|_d:|£3:d:fe ~i- 1 4 J, — 1 J — I J — ._ I ^^.. rs^'-zu Why fhould I, like a tim'rous Bird, — To diftant Mountains fly ? |H=tt3z:5:I:p-r;|:pzp:|=pZ|}:P:|:Prpjrp=:9 ch: EgE ;=lz= FF -e- Why (hould I, like a tim'rous Bird, — To dif-tant Mountains fly ? ^ aiplitfe -^_+_o- tEZoi Why ihould I, like a tim'rous 5/r^, — To dif-tant Mountains 5 ^^ .4— :._ fly -Q i_l U-i U-C-IL ;-^ 6^- ditztiz 44 -d:;:{{ Behold, the Wicked bend their Bon^v, — And ready fix their Dart: Lurking in Amhufh to deftroy — The Man of uf right Heart. When once the firm Jffurance fails, — Which public faith imparts : 'Tis Time for Innocence to fly — From f«ch deceitful Arts. The Lord hath both a Temple here, — And righteous Throne above: Where HQfur've^s the Sons of Men, — And how their CouvfeU rtiove. A FU:. PSALMS and HYMNS. 203 A Funeral HYMN. W. T. John xi. 25. ^ j "^HE RefurreBion, and the Z//>, X I 'im. ^^Jth Christ, molt high : And whofoe'er beheves aright vi. 40, In Me, Ihall never die. 2. And, whofoe'er doth truly live And doth depend on %ie : m viil, 52, Shall never die. if he believe. Nor Jccond Death e'er fee, 3- I iinow that my Redeemer lives. And, at the fatter Day, > ix. 2.5. On 'Earth fhail ftaad, and Judgineni give, To whom All muit obey. 4- And though the Worms my Sh'n dsflroy, A Seei^ lliall ftill remain : ijobxu. 29. My F/e/^ fhall fee the Lord with Joy, And never die again. 5- And I, myfelf,— (Oh joyful Sight !) The very /a^/ie fhall be : And with thefe Eyes^ with Luftre bright. My dear Redeemer fee. 6. Death f nvmre is no^w thy deadly Shtig ? Christ (hall the Conquefi give:' ll^^di. xvl. II, His Saints in Heav'n (hall ewer Jivg, And with Him ever live. D o j( o L o G r. To Father, Son, and Holy Gho!>, The undi'vided Three ; The One, foie Giver of all Ljic^ Glory far enter Ir^ T^ 204 PSALMS and HYMNS. ^(7 PS ALM XVI, New Verfion. In Four Farts. W. T. ea 1 . pRoted me from my cru-el Foes.—kvidi fhleld me, Lo r d, from //«? w . ||p|Sp|3^PJ=Pjj|||E|§j:| I . pRote£l me from my cru~el Foes^ — xAnd fhleld me, Lord, from Har77i : igl^lllli crj-r|t-= -^ti==:f:^ — [-i-il-h-M-l — U 1-4 -—I — 1 1 1-4— I . pRote£l me from my cru~el Tea, — And Ihield me, Lord, from Harm i •3 ^gn^:_p:F_p:::_ i-p H b d::::= d=:-: :l:a €* ^g5:E:l*lrr5 .ri|i:i:::Q:::i:B.z- JJ- .^-4-i zEEd^e *^ :q; Be— caufe my ^ruji I ftill re— pofe — On T^hy Al-migh— ty Arm, CH-i-i---=^p-t_:z tE-o -p-u-.,-3- :[= n — ?;" .-t=!t-t =f^z:2:l:t_:^:i:§ Be— caufe my Trvfi I flill re--pofe — On ^hy Al-migh— ty Arm 9-n-;^ 4-1— 3 iiili;i Be— caufe my ^r/f/? I flill re— pofe — On l^hy Al~migh-ty Arm.. ^ Sg:F"== iiiiP n-U 2 My SouVall Ht/^ but Thine doth flight,— All Gods but Thee difown : Yet can no Deeds of mine requite — The Goodiiefs Thou haft fliown. 3 But thofe that llridlly ^virtuous are, — And love the Thing that's r',ght. To favour always, and prefer, — Shall be my chief Delight. DOXOLOGT. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, the undi'vided Three : The One, fole Giver vf all Life, Glory ^or t'ver be. I ' #M£- PSALMS and HYMNS. 205 A Meditational HYMN on Dea'th, HARK! from the %mb's a doleful Sound, My Ears, attend the Cry : •' Ye living Men, come view the Graun^p ** Where ye muft fhortly lie. ** Princes, this C/ay muft be your Beds, *• In Spight of all your Poiv^rs: " The Ta//, the fFi/e, and re^Srend Heads ** Muft lie as low as ours.'* Great God ! is this our certain Doom! And are we ftill fecure ? Still walking downwards to our ToTnh, And yet prepare no more? Grant us the Pow'rs of quickening Grace^ To fit our Souls to fly (Whene'er we drop our dying Flejh) To Thee, above the Sky. — Amen» A Funeral HYMN: From the o^^th PSAL,M, LORD, make me underftand mine £/?/, And Day's uncertain Dute: 'ihat 1 may fully apprehend The Frailty of my State, Our Days, alas ! are but a Span, Lord, when compar'd to Tliee '. The bed Eftate of ev'ry Man Is only Vanity. Prepare, O Lord, our SouL io: DeatPj, And to our Cry give Ear : For we are Pilgrims here on Earth, As all our Fathers were. O fpare us, Lord, our Tcrments Eafe, Our failing Faith reftore : Led Death, in Sin, Ibould on us feize. And We Ihall be m more. Tq Father, Son, &C. n 2o6 PSALMS and HYMNS. To VSKluM XX, New Verfion, In Four Parts. W. T. For Victory in Time of W ar, 6. QUR Hopes are fix'd, that now the Lord— Our Son;^ reign mi\ defend : 6. QUR Hopes are fix'd, that now the Lord — Our Sov^eign will defend i). QUR ^«?/'f/ are fix'd, that now the Lord—- Our Soaf' reign, will defend : p: ^ CX'rjf- ..1. az"::|:az:p:t:=zr:lz=zl{ pi "Z QZ2: re3|tE|~z:i:i°ziIl e LI v/: i IflSfcSrrfliirSnP From Ileav'n re--fift-lefs Jid af— ford,— And to his Frayrs at-tend. u:^: H I i:z:p: jzzizgi • °Edz zzB ' ?= ©zip IDilJI From Heav*n re— fift-lefs Aid af— ford, — And to his Frafrs at-tend. :|f rrum i:icav n re — lui-ieis /sia ar — loro, — /ina to nis fray rs a ^z:z:u:;;~ ^E£o^-^dA From Heav'n re-fift— lefs Aid af— ford,— And to his Prafrs at-tend. 7 Seme trufl in Steeds for War defign'J.—On Chariots fome rely : Againrt ihc.m all we'll iTall.tjp ^iind—The P^:^'*- of God moft high. 8 But from their Steeds iiwdCkirlots throv/n, — ochcld them thro' the Plain, Diforder't], broke, and trampled down,— Whllft our firm Troops remain. 9 ^aVi/aie us. Lord, and ftiil proceeds Qur riohtful Cnufe to blefs : Hear. King of^eav'n, in l^imes of Need,—- The Prafrs that we addrefs. /(DOXCICCY. or H.^IL£LUJAH.) An PSALMS and HYMNS. 207 An HYMN for E a s t e r - D a y. I. tCor. I. 7. QINCE Christ, our Paffh'ver^ Is flain 1^ A Sacrifice for all : Let all, with thankful Hearts, agree To keep the FtpmuL Not with the Leaven, as of 0\di^ Of Sin and Malice fed : Bur, with unfeignM Siticerity, And friuh''& unleaven'd Bread. 3- om. vi. 9. Christ being rais*d by PowV di'vina. And refcu'd from the Granje : Shall die no more. Death fhall on Him No more Domnion have. 4« Ver. 10. For that He dy'd, 'twas for our Sins He once vouchfaf 'd to die : But that He li'ves. He lives to God, For ail Etertiitp S- r. II. So count yourfelves a.<^ dead to Sirt, But gracicvjly rellor'd : And made, henceforth, alive to Gc'd, Through Jesus Christ our LoRa nOXQlOQT, G Holy, Holy,vH-oIy Lord, j^ll Things declare Thy Fame: Let all, in Trinity, accord^ T& praife Thy mighty Nam?, Pa to 2©8 PSALMS and HYMNS, r* P S A L M XXV. Compofed in Three Parts. W. T, i Si3 iiiFE^lpprjE—llri; jlrEg;JEi=E:}:i:||^ I. T Lift my Heart to Thee, — My God and Guide mod juft: u — ' :ir:ElS§- Eg;:;EES;E?E|t;::e; —if — I. J Lift my Heart to Thee, — My God and Guide moft juft -■■vJ^ O fuf— fer me to take no Shame,— For in Thee do I truft EE{pf:E=E: Di fl O fuf— fer me to take no Shame,— For in Thee do I truft. lU ^f 0- -e- Let not my Foes rejoice, — Nor make a Scorn of me : Nor let them e'er be overthrown — As put thair Truft in Thee. 3- Let Shame all them befal— ^s harm Men wrongfully : And Thy juft Pat^s, and Thy right ^^_>'/— Unto me. Lord, defcry. ^ 4- DIrea me in Thy fT^a/^,— And teach me, I Thee pray : For Thou'rt my Sa'v'our^ and my God,— On Thee I wait alway. PSALM PSALMS and HYMNS. l^g PSALM XXV, New Verfion. For a Public Fast in ^ime of W ar, I. TO God, in whom I truft, I lift my Hearf and Fotce : O ! let me not be put to Shame, Nor let my Foes rejoice. 2. Thofe who on Thee rely, Let no Difgrace attend ; Be that the fhameful Lot of fuch As wilfully offend. 3- To me Thy Truth impart. And lead me in Thy Way : For Thou art He that brings me Help, On Thee I wait alway. 4- Thy Merciesy and Thy Lo've, O Lord, recal to Mind: And them, O Lord, continue flill. As Thou art ever kind. 5- Confider, Lord, my Foes, How vaft their Numbers grow : What lawlefs Force and Rage they ufe, And boundlefs Hatred Onow, 6.. Protect, and fet my Soul From all their Malice free : Nor let them e'er be overcome. As put their Truft in Thee. D O XO LQ G r, To God, the Father, Son, Be Praife in Perfons Three : Ai in Beginning, njoaSy is no^Vy And Jh all for t'vtr be. PS 5-0 sio PSALMS and HYMNS. To PSALM LVII, New Verf.on. In Four Parts. W. T. ! £7^""^ II. fizz . 'THY Mercy y Lord, to me extend,- On Thy Protec-tion I depend : -=3xr]:_;j:|i-_:4_: d- D t — i\ Iv/-' m '^( ^ •■ -^ _p...Q— c a ^ — Fi— Q I. '"pHY /Kf^rfj, Lord, to me extend,- On Thy Protec-tion I depend: :~ {:szc^}::z"::lz!i-7i:szcinZT:!DT- fell; ^ip_u-iQ IDZlpZL =c/ ^-.-o .-die ipli ^. npHY iVifyry, LoRD, to me extend,-On Thy Protec-tion I depend : . . g::i3 rpjpQ::r{~z~r}r.3:pt~itp:la~s;tQ:se:}z,-p!;:zit~ oz'. i:iii;Nlte I tp thy Wtr'gs for Shelter ha(le,-Till this out-rageous Storm is pad. J ik~Hh ~\'^'D^ .~rn4 n q— i 3z Cff#-p--?iD_- z-pn:-: ::-=d «^- ?:zpiQi: I to thy IVifrgs for Shelter hafte,-Till this out rageous Storm is paft. -;::;Hl-q: e4' rit 'i -^f C^ — i-.| 1-4 --*- I to t|iy Wtpgs for Shelter hane,-Tili this out-ragecus 5/3r/« is paft. .• ^5:-izz-J-5Zp-izzz;.|:z: U -_|pr^-::t zzpztzz- 2 To Thy Tribunal, Lord, I fly,'--Thou fov'reign Judge, and God moH High : Who l-i'ot dtrs halt for me begun, — And wilt not leave thy Work undone, "5 From Heav'r protcB me with Thy Artn, — And {hame all thofe as feek my Harm : To my Relief Thy Mtrcy fend — And Truth, on which my Hopes depend. ^ Be thoo, O God, exaUed Kigh,— And, as Thy G/cry fills the Sky : bo lew it be on Eart.b difplay'd, — Till thou art here, as tlire. obey'd. • '' Jn HYMN ^ PSALMS ^W HYMNS. 211 An HYMN, from the 103d PSALM, On Recovery from Sickness. I. PiaJ.xxx. I. T\ /TY God, fince Thou haft rais'd me up, iVX Thee TJl extol, with thankful Voice : Who haft fecurM me from thofe Harms, That would have made my Foes rejoice. Ver, 2. With Troubles worn, and Pains oppreft, To Thee 1 cry'd, and Thou didft fave Thou didft fupport my finking Hopes, And Life didft refcue from the Grave. 3. Ver. 4. Wherefore rejoice, ye Saints of His, Proclaim the Praifes of the Lord : Let's call His Goodnefs all to Mind, And His Fidelity record. 4- Ver. 5. His Anger is but fhort. His Lov«, Which is our Life, doth longer flay Grief may continue for a Night, But Comfort rifes with the Day. 5- Ver. 11,12. My Glory "fhall proclaim God*s Praife, And what I vow'd, I now will give And ftrive that in my grateful Verfe, Thy Fame eternally may live. DOXOLOGT. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, • The bleft, and iindinjtded Three : The One, fple Giver of all Life, Glory, and Praife /^r ever he. P 4 "lo 212 PSALMS j;?./ HYMNS. fo PSALM LXIII. For Three Voices. W. T, ^ na iL ■-^ i-^ n\ CU'^t iLm 2 aU -^ 4-4 :==~ta EEBEEL: £•:§: 3E{ t::t:zr?: :d: aV: 4- T ORD, ai.Tiiy Mercies far furmount-This Life, and wretched Days : o_ti:lsz;:;J~:.! znt.'^im. rAO-z ®^*liiE- *F ^ ipiiiiipii 4. T ORD, as Thy Mercies far furmount-This Life, and wretched Days : *— * — r —- — c- v/= e- i :± :q ife — . -e f 'nz'Zi tj-j- i- ^ tt — t 1 — ~f H • My Heart, and ^^ir^, (hall give to Thee- Due Honour ^ Thanks^ and Praife. :QE^f» .rpt ^tB:!:lEi -^ — 1_ iQi':: My Hearty and ro/V^, fhall give to Thee - Due Honour y 7 hanks y and Praife 5- Ev*n whilft I live, I will not fail— To m-orjhip Thee alway : And in Thy ^ame will 1 lift up— My Hand's when I do pray. • ^ 6. My Soul is, as with Marronv, fill'd,-— Which is both fat and fweet: Therefore, my rdce {hall//?? fuch Songs— A^ are for Thee moft meet. f 7- When on mv Be^, I think on Thee, — And in the filent Night: And under Covert of Thy ^a7^^j— Rejoice with great Delight. Jtt PSALMS and HYMNS. 213 HYMN for Ciiristmas-Day. W. Tans'ur. ,akeii. 10. ITT HAT joyful News did Jngeis bring VV On this moft blefled Morn ? Glad TiJings of a NeiAj-born King, That Jesus Christ was bornt John iv. 20. Who did our Nature on Hhn take. And did Himfelf debafe. Col. I. 20. Our Peace with God alone to make. And fave all Human Race. Pfal. cxvlii. A mighty Work the Lord hath wrought. That we a Sav'our find, Rom. XI. II. To /d'ye our Souls; who now hath brought Salvation to Mankind. 1 Sam. ii. i. Now let us fngy love^ and admire! With Noies above the Sky : J.uke ii. 14. And join with Hea'v'n''s celeftial Cfjoir, *' Glory fo God on high T^ ^\r\g'd, When in the filent Woinh 1 lay. And hung upon tlie Brcoft. To all my weak Complaints and CrieSy Thy Mercy lert an Ear : Before my feeble Thoughts had learn'd To form themillves in Frafr. Un numbered Comfort s^ to my Soul, Thy tender Care beftow'd ; Before my « Infant Heart concelv'd From whom thofe Comforts flow'd. 6. When in the flipp'ry Paths of Youth With heedlefs Steps 1 ran, Thy Arm (unfeen) convey 'd me fafe Until 1 was a Man. Thro' hidden Dargers, Toi/s,^T\d Deaths, It gently ciciar'd the Way : And from the pleafmg Snares of Ficfy More to be fear'd than they. When worn with Sichffs, oft Thoa hall With Health renew'd my Face : And when ,in Sins, and Sorro'ws, funk Reviv'dfl my Soul with Grace. Thy bojnteous Hand with orId/y Blij Hath made my Cup run o'er : And, as a kind, and faithful. Friend^ Hath doubled all my Store. lo. Ten Thoufand Thoufand precious G^/j My daily Thanks employ : And, for the leatt, a thankful Heart Should tafte Thy Gifts, with Joy. II. Thro* ev'ry Period of my Life Thy Goodnefs I'll purfue ; And, after Death, in diftant Worlds, The glorious Theme renew. 12. When Nature fails, and Day and Night Divide Thy Works no more: My ever-grateful Heart, O Lord, Thy Mercy ftiall adore. 13. Thro' all Eternity to Thee A joyful SoiJG I'll raife: But, ah ! — Eternity's too fhort, 1 o utter all IfThy Praise. DOXOLOGY. Te Father, Son, andlioXy Ghoft, The undi'vided Three : The one, fole Gi^oer of all Life, Glory for I'ver he. to 2i6 PSALMS and HYMNS. r^ PSALM LXXXVI, New Verfion, ¥ov Three Voices. W.l |i:2 xP:: :;Qz&F:!=EN:rz=E ::!: ^ : oif t e5— ^i— f:|if— fP tU-ti-^-Ufj:: ^ I. T^O my Complaint y O Lord, my God, -Thy gracious Ear in-cline : ^i 'ir3^p:::§=ip:j:e=j:^j:D=:pf--l -H IHPot-e-n-f I. 'T'O my Complaint, O Lord, my GoD,-Thy gracious Ear in-cline \^ l^^^jiE: garg:!:-^-*- 3^:! :"":nr:t: •^/ en-! -e— 04-e — -^ e-{i EEpEE8zi!i!S# :az:5z -01 Hear me, dif-trefs'd, and de~fli--tute— Of all Re— lief but Thi ::qiz: me. ^a^*e I jr- ^- .z:p: :ezpf:g:{ z:t=r:: ^Q-ft-a. :qz:9z' :zz:pz: IDi Hear me, dif-trefs'd, and de^-fti-tute— Of all Re— lief bat Thine, :j_:i:e:3±a:|k^ H^z±}:gz:pz t ^ Nen^J Verfion* \ ^iESiizEHoi Do Thou, O God, preferve ^y Soul,--That does Thy lP-i ?a4 illl The Worlds Foundation flrongly laid, - And its vail Fubrick Hill fuftains. :n:d:l:§: ^'tt 2 How farely 'ftablifti'd is Thy T/jrone /—Which ftiall no Change of Period fee : For Thou, O Lord, and Thou alone, — Art God for ail Eternity. [high : 3 Tho' Floods, O Lord, lift up their Voice, — And lofs the troubled Wa'ves on Yet thou alone canft ilill their Noife, — And make the raging Sea comply. 4 Thy Promife, Lord, is ever fare. — And they that in Thy Hou/e would dwell. That happy Station to fecure, — V^uft all in HJinfj] excel. ^^Tb Father f Son, 6iC.-^ An PSALMS and HYMNS. 219 An HYMN, on CHRIST'S Command io His Difciples, (^c* Or^ His Gospel Minijlers* Divine CommifTion, (CHRIST.) GO forth, ye Heralds, in my Name* Sweetly the Gofp el-Trumpet found Ihe glorious Jubilee proclaim. Wherever human Race is found. Preach to a World of Sinners, blind. And (hew thera were their Danger lies : The Broken hearted careful bind, And wipe all Tean from weeping Eyes. 3- Be nvife as Serpents where you go. And harmlefs as the peaceful Do've : And let your whole Deportment ftiow I'hat ye 're commiffion''d from Above, 4- ' And, as ye freely have recei'V*d, Do ye to others freely give : Then Ihal! your Doctrine be believ'd. And, by ye, many Sinners live. • 5- (Ministers.) Dear Master ! nve^ll Thy Word obey. And be Thy Meffengers of Peace : Jt U^ /hall Devils flee anvay. And tremble, luhere ive fi>e'VJ Our Face, O, happy Servants of the LORD' Who thus their Master's IVill obey: Inimenfely great is the Rewaro That they'll enjoy another Day. Amen. 220 PSALMS fl«i HYMNS. To PSALM XCIX. In Four Ports. W. T. 1. npHE Lord doth reign. The Peo-ple rage full fore : zlfE|l33t3!Eg-g{E I. 'pHE Lord doth reign, al— the' at it —The Peo-ple rage full fore -■"..J ■'; F#4 iEEife: ,^ — EiiiE ZZJLZ'Z T ■vvC :q: =:g;:::?z:P:|: * ±z:\\ pt Q:±:§:f:: ::ep-f t — t — Qz:z: t — e-t-I '^ i-~ 'nr_4_- i_i_ J- H^ - - '^-^' II — ru — bims doth fit,-Tho' al-— — 1 the World does roar. ;ti— t— -t— cu fi. J Q e- doth fit,-Tho' al— :s. S- — p ^E^^^^M^0^ 4-H He on the Che-rn-bims doth fit,-Tho' al- |apz:arpjQ;|j — 1 the World does roar. s.s: w ^EEgEEp e-h-0t ■e-^- 1 the W^orld does roar. ' 1 4jr^ 4— -H ;--9; [. 1__ fuM 2 The Lord that doth in Sion dwell, — Is higl\ and wond'rous great Above all Gods He doth excel,— And jofty is His 6"^^^/, 3 Let all Men praife God's mighty N^e, — For it \% fearful imQ : And let all magnify the fame, — That holy is and pure 9 So praife our God, and Lord therefore, — Upon his holy Hill: For why ? our God, whom we adore, — He is moii holy Eill. JA PSALMS and HYMNS. 221 Jn HYMN for Eafler-Day. 3 Cor. XV. io. A^ HRIST from the Dead is rais^d^ and made \^ 1 he Firft-Frtiits of the Tornb : For, as by Man came Siny by Man Did RefurreSiion come. 2. For, as in Adam, all Mankind VeiTezi. Did Guilt and Death derive: So, by the Rightcoufnefs of CI^Rl^T Shall all be made Ali'vs, Cobf. lil. I. If then ye rlfen are with CHRIST^ Seek only how to get The Things that are Above, where CHRIST At GOD'S Right-Hand is let. •—To Father, So;:, &c.— An rfalm li. Plalm cxxv. Jude 20. Enh ii. c. HYMN /"^r Trinity-Sunday. W. Tans'Vr LORD, tune our Souls with one Accord, To froife Thy Name above: And fix our Faith in Thee,? O LORD, That nothing can it move. Increafe our Faith, we Thee dcfire. In Truth to worfhip Thee : O Holy Ghojl ! our Soals infpire Wicli Faith of Frinity. ~ O LORD, ccn-vert ench wand'rlng Soul, To Thy moil heav'nly Light : And let Thy Grace our Sins cpntroul. And guide our Paths aright. D O X O L p G y. Now, to the blefs'd eternal thr?e^ That h^.7ix Retord abgve : All higheft Fraife for ever be. All Okry, '1 hanks, and Xii'f. Q. ^ \?^^^>. 222 PSALMS and HYMNS. To PSALM cm, New Verfion. In Four Parts. W. T. ^ iirs-zl lihd li3'"d l"«"il 1 13 It — 1 j d I" j^iJld dHH— spiiifiiiitiiliJM^iiiilli 1 . "K/iV Soul, infpir'd with facred Love,-GoD's holy Name for ever Hefs : ^tt.:t!iz~i~r. 1. M^ ^°"^' infpir'd with facred Love,-GoD*s holy Name for ever blefs : n-A 3:1: *^IIm<: I. A/[Y Soul, infpir'd with ficred Lovc.-God's holy Name for ever ble/s : :tF P-iB- ^^^^^^^^ Of all His Farjcun mindful prove,-And ftill thy grateful Thanh exprefs. 1-S---E Of all His Favours mindful prove,- And ftill thy grateful Thanh ejprefs. =|g|plpiM!|!i§|iii!il pr^l:pz:_: it Of all His Favours mindful prove,- And flill thy grateful Thanh exprefs. ^« '3:J^ il pz©i|iTziii£*irz|_~iitiz.i ZZ-J_1 p ^ — pj t_tt t-pi-t pt f-u p-l 3- 2 'Tis He that all thy Sins forgives, — And after Sldnefs makes thee found ; From Danger He thy Life retrieves, — By Him with Grace and Mercy crown'd. 3 He with good Things my Mouth fupplies, — Thy Vigour, Eagle-Wke, renews : He, when the guiklefs SufFVer cries,— His Foes with juft Revenge purfues. 4 God made, of Old, his righteous Ways — To Mofes, and our Fathers, known : His i^'orh, to his eternal Praij'e.—^NttQ to the Sons oi JacoB (hown. PSALMS and HYMNS. 225 Jn HYMN, 071 CHRIST'S glorious Perfon, ^c. NO W to the L O R D a noble Song f Awake my 5-*hh— ^"- Fcr of thy La-lcur thou flialt eat, — Hap— py (hall be thy Days. tPXx -o For of thy La-bour thou (halt eat, — Hap-py fhall be thy Day?, ^ ±z£fzt=:E4:f zE 4 e;=^-3:I:piJ{:[i:l:d--^-f---==^4-e 2 Like fruitful Vina on thy Houfe-fide, — So doth thy Wife fpring out : Thy Children Hand like Olive-plants — Thy Table round about. 3 Thus thou art blefs'd that feareft God, — And he iliall let thee fee The promifed Jeru/alem, — And her Felicity. 4 Thou (halt thy Chiidrens Children fee, — To thy great Joy, increafe : Arid Iikg wife Grace on ^r^f/,-^Profperity and Peace, &c. Advice PSALMS and HYMNS. 229 s Advice to Youth : Or^ An HYMN from Ecclef, xii, By W. T. (1^0 the foregoing Tune.) KNOW well thy Maker in thy Tenth, And godly be inclin'd : And early feek God's Ways of 7ruth^ That thou may 'It Glory find. 2. Verfc 3. For, in Old- Age ^ each tott'ring Limb Will ftrive, alas! in vain: Vcrfea. Our Sun-bright Eyes will then wax dim. And Days be full of Pain. 3- Verfe4. We, refllefs, then fhall early rife. And tremble as .we go : Our Ears be deaf to ev'ry Noife, Verfe 6. And ^v'ly Pulfe beat low. 4- Verfe 5. Then will each Almond hoary Head Be flouriftiing and gay : Concitpifcence will then be fled. And Vigour fade away. 5- Death then ftrikes ev'ry Moiion dumb, Verfe 7. . And Bodies turn to Duft : Verfe J4. But Souls mull fare to Judgment come. The Wicked, and the Juit. 6. Then happy they ! who, in their Touth, Pfalm xxiv. 4. Did Godlineis regard : They furely, from the Gop of l^ruth^ Will have a juft Reward, 7- Pfalm cxlv. Hence, let God's great and facrcd Name Be ever on your longue: Pfalqiii. 12. And let Christ be (with equal Flame) The Clofe of ev'ry Song. A M E u; To 230 PSALMS ^;zi HYMNS. To PSALM CXXXIV, NewVerfion. InFour Parts. W.T. 1. gLefs GoD/:|re Servants that attend — Up-on His fo-lemn State iii:: lii »z& -H- ^_,i._Q,: =^=^3:^=^ rgzpt ^i v^ 1 6,-5 =:piz:: i-: i; :r:zt::i: mpzp: I. "DLefs God, ye Servants that attend — Up-on His fo-lemn State: •''il=E:-|:iSSll=i5r*ftii3?;il- I. gLefs God, ye Servants that at-tend — Up-on His folemn State: #-F= t=fEf| ■■-p.-\ ^ €* That in His Tem-ple Night by Night — With humble Rev'rence wai OH ^ That in His 7em-ple Night by Night — With humble Rev'rence wait That in His Tem-pU Night by Night — With humble Rev'rence wait. ^ i* ''"^ - ± » I >>_^ 2 Within His Houfe lift up your Hands, — And blefs His holy Name : From Sion biefs thy IjrUi, Lord, — Who Heav'n and Earth did ft frame. DOXOLOGT. To Father, Son, and Holy GhoS, the iindin)idcd Three : ^he One, fole Giver of all Life, Glory for tnjer be. GOD PSALMS and HYMNS. 231 GOD 6ur only Safeguard, by Sea and Land, A Medltaiional HYMN; hy W. TansVr, 1 T" O R D, for the Jufi^ Thca doft provide, I ^ How fure is their Defence t Eternal Wisdom is their Guide, And Help Omnipotence. 2 Though I in foreign Lands remote Should breathe in tainted Air : Through burning Climes, Thour't my Support, 2iy Love, and tender Care. 3 Thy Mercy fweet'ned ev'ry Soli, Made ev'ry Country pleafe : Thou on the fnowy Hills didft fmile. And fmooth'd*ft the rugged Seas. 4 Think, P rny Soul, devoutly think. How, with amazing Eyes,' When, on the Sea, jult at Life's Brink, What Horrors did arife. 5 Confufion in each Face appeared. And Fear in ev'ry Heart : When Waves on Waves fo lofty rear'd. As fhock'd the Pilot'^ Art. ^ Yet, from all Grief, Lord, Thy Defence^ And Mercy, fet me free : When, with an humble Confidence, My Soul took Hold on Thee. 7 For, though in dreadful Storms, with Fear, We hung on broken Wave ; I know, Thou waft not flow to hear. Nor impotent to fave. 8 The Storms were laid, the Winds did ceafe. Obedient to Thy Will : The Sea did from its Rage decreafe. And ev'ry Wanje lay ftill. 9 Through ev'ry Scene, while Life does laft. Thy Goodnefs I'll adore : And praife Thee for all Mercies paft. Thee love— and hope for more. 10 My Life (whilft here, in ev'ry State,) A Sacrifice fhall be : And Death (when Death (hall be my Fate) 3hall join my Soul to Thee. Amen, To -J- PSALMS and HYMNS. ^0 PSAi/M CXLVI, NewVerfion, \ti Four Farts. ,W.T.'' ^liiiiliilMiiiliiiiSI ■e-^: I. r\ Praife the Lord, and thou my Soul — For c—wcrhlefs His Name : :a=:f^:t "=P Ez=p: ::E:: :: ;zi|?EP-|iiS^?: : :?? I . Q Praife the Lo rd, and thou my Soul — For e-ver hhfs His Name : -Oj Hi Edli'in; 5Ei, w=. 1. /^ Praife the I ORD, and thou my Soul — For e— ver ^Z^ His Name : #3. -^ ^3.:b^ f.t::-i.?-:l[2:; -^-— pj---— I --Ippf-^ — i. ^. ei-Av^i ^ -0- llll=iiiiiliiliiili ills wondVous Love whilft Lift- fliall lall- My conilant Praifs fhall claim. His wond'rous Love whilft Life /hall lall — My conftant Frtf/y^ihall claim. I i f prazp ., ;:5q:|:„^4=:Q=:g:|:q^:e; K^-H-e- fi:|:fe:§pa: 1 i{-_ii J:l d-,!_ MlEt* §'td -e* His Vr'ond'rou s L o v e whil.ll Life fhall lafl — My con ftant Praife fhall claim tii§i?iiEiiliiiii|iii|lll^ 2 On Kiiigs, the greateft Sons of Men, — Let none for Aid rely : They cannot fave, in dang'roas Times, — Nor timely Help apply^ 3 Depriv-'d of Breath, to 'Dufi they turn, — And there negle^ed lie : And, all their Thoughts and vain Z)^,/?o?;i-— Together with them die. ^. Then happy he ! who jacch's God — For his Prote^cr takes : Who {till, with well-plac'd UopE^ the LoKD~His conftant Refuge makes. A Funeral PSALMS a?2d HYMNS. ^33 A Funeral H Y M N, 1 Joh. il. 10. /I S now our Brothn-y here deceas'd, _/V Jfs hailing to the Grave: Tit. ii. 13. We hope his Soul's among the Blefs\i ; Let fruitlefs, Sorrow wave. Phil. i. 21. Our Lofs is now his greateft Gain, Let no rude Hand annoy : Pi*alm ci%-. 29. Whofe Duji now fleeps, exempt from Pain, In Hopes of future Joy. 2 Cor. ill. 18. We at the great Tribunal- day Muft all together, meet : And there Our grateful Homage pay At Our kind Master's Feet. Rem. vl. 13. Then the great Judge, from His high Throne^ Bright Croivns of Gold will give Aarsxvii. 31. To fnch as have YWs Precepts known, And ftudy'd well to live. 2 Chion. XXX. Oh ! let Us then Our Souls prepare iS, 19. Por that uncertain Hour : Acls xxvi. iS. Left Death fiiould end cuf Pain and Care, In Sin, by Satati's Pow'r. ^rov.xiv. 1?. LORD, give Us Grace, Our Times to fpend. In Virtue's prudent Way ; That, when Our mortal Lives fhall end. No Guilt may Us difiuay. — A?mn. .f Funeral HYMN; by W. Tans*ub, Rev. xiv. 13. TT O W blefs'd are they, in CHRIS T who die f JTl What LIFE attends thdr Death ! " 2 Cor. XV. 20. I'hey ri/e, (fcarce fallen) and re'-ji^j-e With their lall dying Breath. IJJotxix. 26. And, tho' their Bodies, lodg'd in D;/. Do foul Corruption fee ; Col. i;-. 4. At the laji Day They'll rife, 2,% jufi, AvA-//nm t'Eternity. iCov, X,-. 55. Blefs'd Day !— Then they bud Sovgs fliall /^^ Of Mirth, triumphantly : •* O Death! Where is thy deadly Sting ? " O Gra. S / y 7^ ^-^^^-^-E*^^. X. '»>. 1^ \ // ::/ ^^ liHiM n .^ :-4N<.>#|^Ji4Su^>^v^,>4K.,