#aith,1f)opcSove t tb^^ ^rcc ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ AND ^JvjETI^GAL l ?gALMS Thomas Mac Kellar 11 - . /I 4 ■- f S* FROM THE LIBRARY OF *t Sfi, -^^ REV ' LOU,S FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. £ BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO — ** v t, THE LIBRARY OF > | PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ■ *QlL* - by* - ^ •.■■•'- ^ b#^ - «1* **?** *^ ;* ! - ' - • N ^n.J -i~ ^ tt < ^ '^ iLl' -^ hi 1 >-V ' . s;*. z-jfc? «\' - ft *-:• < — *- K ci (3 * ** 4» l/3 •JMfSK. AV: ' c *fc& 4 13 j^ - i * ^w* >. fe" ^^3^ / vr < - ■>: i < -IT- ^ >T - ,. v ^ - n ftfoe* ^ - a . ^^ y ^*\ ir ') ■ uii»k ™ "• ^Mp ife V " lO ° • Tnn (fay 1*7 Wfr Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/metricalpOOmack TKte f. GUTEKUNST CO. PRINT. faitfyt JE)°P e > Bot>e, tfyzt ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ HYMNS AND METRICAL PSALMS 7, Thomas MacKellar, PH. D. ~f* *f* 4* PHILADELPHIA : PORTER & COATES. 1893. Copyrighted by Thomas MacKellar. THIRD EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. ELECTROTYPEO BY THE MACKELLAR, SMITHS A JORDAN CO. PHILADELPHIA. PRINTED BY H. B. ASHMEAD. - 3 igR and mighty Qod and Saviour ! 0n the eartft tfiy wiff 6e done : affoWed 6e tfiy name forever, ofy J-affier, J£o[y Son, itofy Spirit 1 Mord (feRovak J ^fory 6e to ^fyftee alone. Third Edition. n^HE new Hymns in this edition are Nos. XXVIII, XL. and LXXXVII. to CII, and the additional Psalms are the ioth } 86th, g2d y gjd, and iooth. Some alterations have been made in the earlier- written pieces. T. McK. Germantown, Pa. January, /Sqj. First Edition. (^OME of the Hymns in this volume were written before a busy life had passed its noontide; others, when the rays of the westering sun were falling slantwise. Every piece that may be deemed worthy is freely at the service of the church. April, 1883. First Lines. PAGE After the darkness of the night 40 Again I take with hopeful heart 52 A gladsome heart is mine this day 207 Alone with God to-day 34 A prisoner of the Lord 102 A refuge and a fortress 239 Art thou in thy spirit lowly 78 As children dwelling in their home 112 At Jesus' feet I take my place 124 At the door of mercy sighing 60 Bear the burden of the present 88 Before the silver cord be loosed 178 Be not anxious for the morrow 30 Be not disquieted, my soul ! 22 Be still, my soul ! be still 188 Blessed be thy name forever 58 Book of grace and book of glory ! 156 Bow down thine ear to me, O Lord ! . . . . 244 Builder of thy holy church 194 Build up, O Lord, a rampart-wall 171 Cast thy burden on the Lord 132 Christ is risen ! O the wonder ! 139 Cold the bed and hard the pillow 183 Day is breaking in the sky 16 Day is waning into shadow 180 Day of wrath ! the day that endeth 198 9 io FIRST LINES. TAGE Do the blest in Paradise 218 Draw nigh to the Holy 66 Drifting on a lawless ocean 209 Elijah stood upon the mount 92 Evermore Jehovah reigneth ! 250 Far away the Saviour saw me 46 Father! all is of thy giving 185 Father ! in my life's young morning 150 Give ear unto my words, O Lord ! 229 Give me a foothold on the rock 126 Give me to know thy will, O God 44 Glory be to God on high ! 138 Glory to God in the highest! 13 God has said it, — and his promise 82 Ho, all ye lands ! right joyfully 253 How prone my hasty feet to stray 216 I did not ask the reason why 205 I give myself to God 120 I. have no hiding-place 38 I know not when the Lord will call 160 I lift my longing eyes 254 I long for God, the living God 58 In tearless anguish once I lay 74 In the hidden ways of life 114 In the midnight and the storm 116 In the vineyard of our Father 146 In vain the ways of Providence 54 I thank the Lord my Maker 152 It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord 24" FIRST LINES. ii PAGE I will extol thee every day 256 I would I were content to be 20 Jehovah reigns! Let earth rejoice 251 Jesus ! when my soul is parting 62 Let all the people sing a psalm 96 Lord of night as of the day ! 204 Lord, take and lead me as a child 50 My righteous God ! O hear my call 227 My song of songs shall be 220 My soul cries out to God 48 My soul is resting in God's peace 64 My soul ! why sit forsaken 166 Nearer to thy heart of love 164 No tears for those whose feet have pass'd . . 202 No tongue of man has ever told 108 O Father, for thy love ! 174 O gracious Father ! send us showers 72 O land of day, eternal day 136 O Lord, our Lord ! in all the earth 231 O the agonizing prayer 130 O the blessedness of leaning 24 O the darkness, O the sorrow 176 Only in silence wait on God 242 Over the earth a stillness comes 94 Rest and peace for Jesus' sake ! 12S Sitting in the twilight musing 190 Some day the word will come to me .... 104 Sometimes, in quiet revery 134 Strength of our fathers in the day 192 12 FIRST LINES. PAGE The billows round me rise and roll 70 The blessing of the Sabbath-day 106 The bright, the Morning-Star! 196 The darkness of the night came down .... 80 The day is wearing fast away 76 The day of wrath, that certain day 142 The dusty paths of earth defile 118 The heavens declare the glory 236 The morning of the centuries 42 The morning stars were singing 148 The pathway to the mercy-seat 122 The sea before, the foe behind 162 There is a land immortal 84 There is light on my path 158 Though darkness turn the skies to night. . . 26 'Tis but a looking unto Christ 168 'Tis the Master standing yonder 222 'Tis well that thou, my God, shouldst be . . 86 Unseen by them, a glorious host 90 Upon the pillow of thy love 18 Was Jesus tempted like as we 36 Watchers call'd to work for Jesus 32 What though the way be storm-begirt .... 28 When he waketh, when he sleepeth 100 Where could I go but unto thee no While some may run an easy pace 56 Who bids the wind to blow? 154 Who is he, my soul! that standeth 213 Who shall reign if not the Christ? 212 Who the love of God can measure ? 225 Why standest thou far off, O Lord? 233 With a cruse of alabaster 68 Hymns. 8,5. 3 multitude of tijt ^abmlg fjost praising 4loo\ ana gaging, (Slorn to ®oo in tijc ijt^fijest. — Luke ii. 13, 14. I. /^L,ORY to God in the highest! The day of all days Awakens our praise, — The thrice -blessed morn When Jesus was born, — The name that the church glorifieth Glory to God! Glory to God! Glory to God in the highest! 11. Glory to God in the highest ! Let heaven resound To its uttermost bound With anthems of praise Both now and always, 14 HYMNS. While seraph to seraph replieth, Glory to God! Glory to God! Glory to God in the highest! in. Glory to God in the highest! Let earth, with its hills, Its valleys and rills, Re-echo his praise Both now and always, While mountain to mountain-top crieth, Glory to God ! Glory to God! Glory to God in the highest ! IV. Glory to God in the highest ! His goodwill and peace To men will not cease: The church lifts her voice While angels rejoice, And her song with the seraphim's vieth Glory to God! Glory to God ! Glory to God in the highest! HYMNS. 15 v. Glory to God in the highest! The bountiful Lord, — The Father, the Word, The Spirit, — whose praise Both now and always On the wings of infinity flieth : Glory to God! Glory to God! Glory to God in the highest ! 1881 1 6 HYMNS. II 7's. £ lain me Tiofon anfc slept; £ afoaketi; for tf)e ILorfc sustained me. Ps. iii. 5. I. H\AY is breaking in the sky; ^ Restful night has pass'd away: Now I lift my early cry, Lead thy servant, Lord, to-day. II. Jesus, Master! forth I go, Taking up my 'custom'd task: Teach me what I need to know, — Give me what I ought to ask. in. I see not the way before, But I go at thy command, Entering gladly duty's door, Led by thy directing hand. HYMNS. 17 IV. Take away my sin and guilt, Make me whiter than the snow: Be my will just what Thou wilt, Asking not, Why is it so? v. May my soul, impell'd by love, Do whate'er thy Spirit saith, That my life this day may prove, Through thy grace, the power of faith. VI. Glory to Thee evermore! Glory in the uttermost ! Heaven and earth thy name adore, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 1881. 1 8 HYMNS. Ill CM. £ca, tijou sfjalt lie tJoton, anti tf)g slrrp sfjall be sforct.— Prov. iii. 24. I. T T PON the pillow of Thy love My weary head I lay, Assured that watchers from above Will round about me stay. 11. The weaned child, subdued and still, Sleeps on its mother's breast; So I, submissive to thy will, Lean on thy strength for rest. in. The sighs, and tears, and agony That marr'd the hours of day, Subside as tempests on the sea In silence die away. HYMNS. 19 IV. The restful peace of answer'd prayer Is in my chasten'd heart: My fears, my sorrows, and my care At thy command depart. v. O Lord, my God, my strength, my hope, In thee I find repose: Vouchsafe my grateful eyes shall ope As softly as they close. 1881. V p "< ct O. ■ ^\<^ j ' '. k & t! ■s 2* 2o HYMNS. IV CM. Tfir Irian of man is not in ijimsclf: it is not in man tfjat toalkctt to tiirrrt tjis steps. — Jer. x. 23. I. T WOULD I were content to be Just as my Lord shall will, So I with cheerful constancy His purpose may fulfil. 11. O may I be content to lay My hourly griefs and cares Upon His arm that every day His children's burden bears: in. Nor proudly strive to carry part And leave to Him the rest, As if but half my weary heart Need lean on Jesus' breast. HYMNS. 21 IV. Though I should ask the Lord to show Some greater things to do, May I be ever quick to go On humble errands too: v. To run in haste, or waiting stand, Content to go or stay, While watching for his guiding hand To point the fitting way. VI. Whatever work the day shall bring, May I set Thee before, And give to Thee, O Christ, my King, The glory evermore. iS8i. 22 HYMNS. V C. M. £t sf)all romr to pass, tijat at rbrning time it sijall tt ligi)t. Zech. xiv. 7. I. 13E not disquieted, my soul! The Lord of grace and power In loving-kindness doth control Thy goings every hour. 11. When sorrows fall, he wraps the heart The closer in his love: If here he takes away a part, He'll give thee all above. in. Why tremble when thy God shall lay A shadow on thy path? Not e'en the dark, distressful day Portends a night of wrath. HYMNS. 23 IV. The heavy clouds that, dark and dun, Thine upward pathway hide, Shall blaze with glory when the sun Goes down at eventide. v. The Morning-Star betimes will rise, And thou thy tent shalt fold, And step with rapturous surprise Within the gates of gold. 1:-: . I - 24 HYMNS. VI 8, 7, 4 . Cast tfjg burtint upon tijc ILorti, ano fje sijall sustain tfjrc. — Ps.lv. 22. I. /^\ THE blessedness of leaning ^^^ On a strength beyond thine own O the fulness of the meaning ! O the sweetness of the tone ! Cast thy burden On thy loving Lord alone. 11. Often weary, yet contending, — Beaten down, again to rise, — On his help alone depending, Looking up with trustful eyes, — Cast thy burden On the arm that built the skies. in. Take his easy yoke upon thee, Lowlv be like him in heart: HYMNS. Child, it was his love that won thee, Will he bid thee now depart With thy burden, When thy soul is full of smart? IV. Long ago the word was written, Word to generations blest, — Hear it, children sorely smitten, Hear it, ye of troubled breast, — Cast thy burden On the Lord, who giveth rest. 1881. HYMNS. VII CM. B6f)m mn spirit tons obcrfofjrlmcti rjoitfjin me, trjcn trjou knetocst mp pat!).— Ps. cxlii. 3. I. T^HOUGH darkness turn the skies to night, Though sorrows fill the air, Nor moon nor stars my pathway light, Yet thou art with me there. 11. I cannot see thee, but I know A stronger arm than mine Upholds me in the time of woe, — Jesus! that arm is thine. in. Though words may fail when I would pray, And mute I lift my hands, Thou hearest what I cannot say, And Gabriel near me stands. HYMNS. 27 IV. A just God and a Saviour, thou Art full of love and grace : Before thy majesty I bow With glad and trustful face. v. Thy sovereign grace gives sweet relief, Dispelling faithless gloom, And the dark chamber of my grief Becomes a sunny room. 1-1 28 HYMNS. VIII CM. I toill be tottf) tt)ff : E frill not fail trjrr, nor forsake trjee. Josh. i. 5. I. "\ 1 7HAT though the way be storm-begirt, If Jesus lead thee on ! Thou shalt not suffer loss or hurt, Nor walk the path alone. 11. Must thou do battle on the way? The arm of God is thine : Does he unprop thine earthly stay? Upon that arm recline. in. Has he not pledged his word to save? Will he himself deny? Will he not hold thee fast who gave His Son for thee to die? HYMNS. 2 g IV. The Father chasteneth whom he will, And some he wills to spare ; But not the less he loveth still The souls that meekly bear. v. O Lord, my timorous heart control; Forgive my doubt and sin : Open the windows of my soul And let thy sunlight in. 1881. 3o HYMNS. IX 8, 7. 3Sff)oIti tfje birtis of tfje rjfabrn, tfjat tijrg sofo not, ncitfjcr 00 ttjrg reap, nor gather into oarns ; ano jiour ijeabcnlg jFatijrr fcctictf) ttjrm. 13c not therefore anitous for tfj£ morrobo : for tfje morrobo rotll be anxious for itself. — Matt. vi. 26, 34. I. 13 E not anxious for the morrow, Let the morrow have its cares: Soul, be not forecasting sorrow ; Grace is given to him who bears Crosses that he does not borrow : God controls the unawares. II. Neither sowing, neither reaping, Gathering not to store away, Birds are in the Father's keeping, — Cares he not when children pray? Why then, faithless, sighing, weeping, Doubt him for the coining day? f/yj/xs. 3* in. Lilies, toiling not nor spinning, Gleam in robes beyond compare : Never king from time's beginning Had such glorious dress to wear : Souls that cost his life in winning Christ will keep with loving care. I::l. V 2,2 HYMNS. X 8, 7, 4. Ulrssrti arc ttjosr srrfaants rurjom trjc ILoro rjorjrn fjc ronutfj srjall fino teatrrjtnp;.— Luke xii. 37. &3atcvj rjr, stano fast in trjc faittj, quit nou like men, be strong. 1 Cor. xvi. 13. I. A ^ATCHERS call'd to work for Jesus, To the glory of his name, In the field where'er he pleases Our glad services to claim, — Ever ready ! This our watchword and our aim. II. Watching for the revelation Of his glory and his grace, When the power of his salvation Shall subdue earth's rebel race, — Always watching, Always standing in our place. f/i'J/XS. o3 III. Watching for the coming morning, Resting in the Saviour's might, Even now we see its dawning, See the shafts of heavenly light Pierce the darkness That enwrapt the world in night. IV. Watching while our hands are doing ; Loitering not on conquer'd ground ; Looking forward, still pursuing, While the golden trumpets sound ; King eternal ! True to thee may we be found. v. Watching, hoping, toiling, praying, Till the victory is won, May we then hear Jesus saying, "Toilers, rest! your work is done!' As we enter Homes of rest beyond the sun. 34 HYMNS. XI S. M. £ome, inn people, enter tf)ou into ttjg eijambcrs, an"D stjut tt)B ooois about i\)iz. — Isa. xxvi. 20. I. ALONE with God to-day, ^^ My soul subdued and still, My thoughts ascend the upward way To Moses' lonely hill. 11. From Nebo's utmost height Mine eyes look longingly To the far distant land of light Beyond the glassy sea. in. I seem no stranger there, No traveller unknown: For in that heavenly land so fair, My Lord is on the throne. HYMNS. 35 IV. Among the company Who serve Him day and night, Dear ones who walk'd on earth with me Walk now in robes of white. v. Their work and waiting done, He call'd them of His grace; Their higher service is begun Before the Saviour's face. TI. I cannot know while here The joys of that sweet place Where bliss pervades the atmosphere As ether filleth space. VII. So I in gladness wait Before the Lord to-day, While catching glimpses through the gate Of glory far away. iSci. 36 HYMNS. XII CM. & fjigfj priest. . . trjat fjatb brrn in all points trmplctJ like as foe are, get toitfjout sin.— Heb. vi. 15. I. A \ 7AS Jesus tempted like as we, V V The Holy One of God ? Were paths of pain and poverty By him, our Master, trod? 11. In all his earth was there no place To lay his head upon, A King of more than royal race, Yea, God's eternal Son ? in. Did he, to save the world from sin, Go toiling all the day ? On Olivet, man's soul to win, Did he at midnight pray ? HYMNS. 37 IV. And did he in his sorest strait Receive the bitter cup, When on the hill beyond the gate His life he offer' d up? v. While thus the sinless Saviour fared, Can I, dare I repine, When sorrow, want, and death he shared To make salvation mine? VI. O child redeem' d by his own blood, Why yield to anxious care ? Thou canst not sink beneath the flood When Christ is walking there. ■ VII. Think not thv Saviour does not see When Satan casts a dart : No arrow ever wounded thee That did not pierce his heart. VIII. The great High Priest is touch' d by all Thy weaknesses and woes ; And he, when grievous sorrows fall, Sufficient grace bestows. 38 HYMNS. d~ ■ XIII S. M. © Horfo, mg strcnrjtfj, anto mg fortress, anti mg rrfuge in trjf tag of affliction.— Jer. xvi. 19. I. T HAVE no hiding-place, No refuge from the blast, But in the arms of Jesus' grace Around about me cast. 11. Though I see not His hand, I feel its loving power : And guardian angels near me stand In my distressful hour. in. I dare not look within, But heavenward turn my gaze ; And lest my grief become my sin, My tongue breaks out in praise. HYMNS. 39 IV. Though tears mine eyes bedim, He dries the tears I shed ; And in my soul I sing a hymn, Content and comforted. 18a . 4 o HYMNS. XIV 8, 7, p. #?fm tfiat turnrtf) tfjr srjaooto of oratl) into tt)c morning. Amos v. 8. AFTER the darkness of the night Light cometh in the morning ; After the winter and its blight Spring wakes in new adorning. ii. After the sowing of the seed The harvest greets the reaper ; After the day of loving deed Soft rest enfolds the sleeper. in. After the tempest's course is run A calm pervades the waters ; After the work of life is done God calls his sons and daughters. HYMNS. 4i IV. After the closing of the eye They wake with Christ in heaven ; After the final victory The crown of life is given. 1881. 42 HYMNS. XV CM. %>o miflfjtilg grffo tijc fooro" of tljr ILortJ anti prcbailco". — Acts xix. 20. I. 'THE morning of the centuries "*• Beheld a light arise, That in their heavenly ministries Ne'er fell on angels' eyes. XI. Through all the ancient days it seem'd A planet new-begun ; It grew in fulness till it beam'd A sun beyond the sun. in. When earth with clouds of sin was dark, It made an open way ; E'en where it glimmer'd as a spark, Some souls received the ray; HYMNS. 43 IV. And they became the sons of God Amid a scoffing race ; While bloody was the way they trod, His peace lit up their face. v. They seal'd their constancy with blood; And where the martyrs died A multitude arose and stood, And God was glorified. VI. That sun has never ceased to shine Upon the King's domain, Pouring from heaven a light divine To make its pathway plain. VII. Till centuries shall be no more, Its light shall not grow dim ; And Christ's redeem'd on heaven's shore Shall sing redemption's hymn. x38z. 44 HYMNS. XVI CM. (Prorr mo steps in tfjg foorti; ano let not ann iniquity ijabc nonunion ofarr mc. — Ps. cxix. 133. I. /^IVE me to know thy will, O God, ^-^ And may I see to-day A light from heaven upon my road To clearly point the way : 11. That I may know just what to do, And what to leave undone, And be unto thy service true From dawn to setting sun : in. That I may speak the timely word, And timely silence keep, — By passion's hasty words unstirr'd That cause the soul to weep: HYMNS. 45 IV. That I may hold my thoughts in check, And every wild desire That rises quick at pleasure's beck And flames into a fire : v. That I may kiss the needed rod, And patient bear the blow ; And say, 'Tis from the love of God; My Father wills it so. VI. Lord Jesus! from thy holy place The Spirit on me breathe : Open the mantle of thy grace And keep my soul beneath. r->- >. ■ j ■ 46 HYMNS. XVII 8, 7, 4. i3ut tolpilf \)t foas get afar off, fjis father safoo f)im, anU fcuas mobcto bjtti) compassion. — Luke xv. 20. I. TH^AR away the Saviour saw me, Lost and wandering in the wild: By his love he sought to draw me, — Me unworthy and defiled, — As a father Calls to him his erring child. 11. I saw not the hand that beckon'd, I heard not his gracious call, Till the joys on which I reckon'd, Worldly joys, had perish'd all ; Then his mercy Led me at his feet to fall. HYMNS. 47 in. Jesus broke the chains that bound me, And his freeman I became : Robes of grace he threw around me, Covering all my sin and shame : O how precious Is my great Deliverer's name ! IV. Over all and bless'd forever, God on his eternal throne, Who the bond of love can sever That unites to Christ his own? Lord Jehovah ! Glory be to Thee alone. 1882. 4 8 HYMNS. XVIII S. M. © mn (Soli, mg soul ts cast tioiim foitijtn inc.- Ps. xlii. 6. I. A /TY soul cries out to God, ^ Like children in the night, Who fear some evil is abroad Because they see no light. ii. There's darkness on the path, And pitfalls line the way, Till fear of coming trouble hath An overpowering sway. in. It may be faith is weak ; Perchance the heart is faint, And in unutter'd words would speak Its longing, hungering plaint. HYMNS. 49 IV. The duties left undone, The follies unforgiven, Rise up like clouds before the sun And vail the face of heaven. v. So, desolate and lone, The soul lifts up its cry To Christ upon his gracious throne Of majesty on high. VI. Lord, calm this restless mind, From murmuring set me free, And strength and comfort let me find In earnest work for Thee. 1882. W 5o HYMNS. XIX CM. £f)erefore for tfjg name's sake leati me, antj guioe me. Ps. xxxi. 3. I. TORD, take and lead me as a child ■^ That knows not how to go, Alike when day is calm and mild And night's wild tempests blow. 11. If grief and pain be mine to bear And sorrows bow my head, Let not my heart sink in despair As though my Lord were dead. in. When I am weary, on the breast Of Him who died for me, O let my laden spirit rest, From care and worry free. HYMNS. 51 IV. When joy shall fill 1113- earth and skies With a serenest calm, Then may my thoughts to Thee arise In one continual psalm. v. When some sad brother turns to me In sore and heavy grief, May I be quick in sympathy And quicker in relief. VI When some poor soul is sick of sin And seeks the way to God, O make me wise that soul to win To take the heavenward road. VII. Lord, in the dark and in the light Still keep me in thy way, A child whose hand is clasped tight In thine by night and day. 52 HYMNS. XX C. M. ^urn tfirrr si)all tlin fiantj Irati mr, antJ ti)n ritjljt ijanti shall l)oIti iur. Ps. cxxxix. 10. I. AGAIN I take with hopeful heart ^ My life's allotted task: To do it well the grace impart ; This, Lord, I humbly ask. ii. The day's perplexing mysteries I may not understand : Be it enough my Father sees And holds them in his hand. in. My duty for the day is plain,— To go where God shall call, Or, patient, hold the tangled skein While he unravels all. J/YMNS. 53 IV. I may not ask that no rough wind Upon my head shall blow, Yet I ma)' pray that I shall find Strength in the day of wo. It may be night, it may be day, A path I ne'er have gone, — Whate'er shall be thy time or way, My Father ! lead me on. 1S82. 54 HYMNS. XXI C. M. Canst tf)ou op. srardjincj fintr out (goto? ranst tf)ou fi'nti out tljc Slmiojljtg unto perfection.— Job xi. 7. I. TN vain the ways of Providence With anxious gaze we scan : To find out God by human sense It is not given to man. 11. Enough to know he cannot err When worlds his plans fulfil ; That not a blade of grass can stir But at its Maker's will. in. Enough to know that God is just, Yet with a father's heart ; Enough with loving faith to trust When earthly friends depart. HYMNS. 55 IV. Enough to know he gave his Son The sin and grief to bear When men like sheep astray had gone, And none to help was there. v. The Lord is just, the Lord is good: His ways we cannot trace : Yet he who as our ransom stood Is Lord of life and grace. illz. ^ t ^^d^mm®i^<~ I 56 HYMNS. XXII CM. (Take trjg part in suffering tjartjsrjtp, as a gooti soltiirr of Crjrist Jlcsus. — 2 Tim. ii. 3. I. T \ -THIIvE some may run an easy pace With self-reliant boast, The Lord e'er gives to those his grace Who seek and need it most. 11. Beneath a quiet smile may lie A sorrow of the soul That needs a daily victory To hold it in control. in. And they who bear the battle's brunt, And temperd weapons wield, Shall stand up grandly in the front And hold the conquer'd field. HYMNS. 57 IV. God's rank and file, in battle line And truth's divine array, Shall set their camp at day's decline Along the King's highway v. To that good land, by sense unknown, — That land whose name is Heaven, — Where Christ doth gather all his own, And crowns of life are given. 1881. ~&> 58 HYMNS. XXIII 8, 7, 4. (Pur ILortJ Jrsus Cfjrist . . . tfje blesscti ano onto potentate, tfjc liing of kings, antj ILortJ of lortjg; torjo onlg rjatrj immortalitg, ororllinfi in lifltjt unapproachable, forjom no man ijattj seen, nor ran gee : to rorjom oe fjonour ano pomer rternal. &nun. 1 Tim. vi. 14-16. I. T)IvESSED be thy name forever, I/)rd and Christ, eternal King ! While we live, our tongues shall never Fail thy glorious praise to sing, — While before Thee Thankful offerings we bring. IT. In the fulness of the ages Thou as man didst come to earth : Welcomed by the wisest sages, Israel saw not thy worth, — Yet what glory Heralded thy wondrous birth ! HYMNS. 59 in. Scorn'd by cruel men, they slew thee, Thou the Maker of them all! Though so few were they that knew thee, Blest were they whom thou didst call, — Like their Master, By the hand of man to fall. IV. Throned in thy eternal glory, Myriads worship at thy feet: May we bend with them before thee When our work shall be complete, — By thy Spirit Made for heavenly service meet. 1883. 60 HYMNS. tyf* XXIV 8,7. Come unto mc, all gc tfjat labour anti arc fjcabg Iaticn, antJ £ toill giuc gou rest. — Matt. xi. 28. I. AT the door of mercy sighing With the burden of my sin, Day and night my soul is crying, "Open, Lord, and let me in." Waiting mid the darkness dreary, Stretching out my hands to Thee, In the refuge for the weary Is there not a place for me ? 11. I have sought to earn thy favour, Caring not for toil or cost ; Yet I find not him my Saviour, Him who came to seek the lost. Blessed Master ! in thy pity Teach me what I ought to do, So that in the holy city I may gain an entrance too. HYMNS. 6 1 in. Hark ! what sounds mine ear receiveth, Sweet as songs of seraphim ! "He that in the Lord believeth Life eternal hath in Him. At the outer door why staying ? Nothing, soul ! hast thou to pay : Christ in love to thee is saying, Weary child, come in to-day." IV. I knew not of Jesus' kindness ! I knew not of Jesus' grace ! the blackness of the blindness That could not behold his face ! 1 saw not the door was open, Xor my Lord invite me in : Grace is mine beyond my hoping, Mercy mightier than my sin. 1871. 62 HYMNS. XXV 8, 7, 4. JTrar not; £ am i\)t first antJ t\)t last. . . . £ am tf)e <2lpfja ant: trjf iPmega, trje beginning antJ ttje cno. £ toill gibe unto rjim tfjat is atijirst of tijf fountain of ttjc ujatcr of life frcclg.. Rev. i. 17. xxi. 6. I. JESUS ! when my soul is parting From this body frail and weak, And the deathly dew is starting Down this pale and wasted cheek,- Thine, my Saviour, Be the name I last shall speak. 11. Jesus ! when my memory wanders Far from loved ones at my side, And in fitful dreaming ponders Who are they that near me glide,— Last, my Saviour, Let my thoughts on thee abide. HYMNS. 63 in. When the morn in all its glory Charms no more mine ear nor eye, And the shadows closing o'er me Warn me of the time to die, — Last, my Saviour, Let me see thee standing by. IV. When my feet shall pass the river, And upon the farther shore I shall walk, redeem'd for ever, Ne'er to sin — to die no more, — First, Lord Jesus ! Let me see thee, and adore. 1848. «®$m^ ■ . • 64 HYMNS. XXVI CM. 2Tf)f peace of ®oti, fofji'rt) passctf) all unocrstanotnij.— Phil. iv. 7 I. TV /T Y soul is resting in God's peace, Without a care or fear: The tumults of my bosom cease, For Christ my Lord is here. 11. The Spirit poureth from on high A sanctifying tide ; And, bathing in its stream of joy, My soul is satisfied. in. He driveth curious doubts away, He giveth childlike faith ; And so I take the yea or nay Just as my Saviour saith. HYMNS. 6* IV. I have not other wish to be Than what my Lord ordains ; So what He knoweth best for me, That be my richest gains. v. A spirit meek and quieted Is better than a crown ; How rich the blessing on the head That Jesus sendeth down ! VI. Here in his banquet-house I bide, His banner o'er me love, And wait the coming eventide Of perfect peace above. 1S70 66 HYMNS. XXVII 6, 5. Qrato nigi) to (Goto, ano \)c foill orafo nicjf) to gou.— James iv. 8. I. "pvRAW nigh to the Holy, Bend low at His throne ; There, penitent, lowly, Thy sinfulness own : There, there, if thou yearnest For pardon and rest, There, fervent and earnest, Prefer thy request. 11. Confess thy backsliding, Thy weakness and fears ; In Jesus confiding, There pour out thy tears. Think not He will scorn thee, Though wretched thy case; His hands will adorn thee With garments of grace. HYMNS. 67 in. More precious than treasure, More vast than the sea, His love has no measure Nor limit to thee. His easy yoke wearing, His pleasure abide ; In all thy cross-bearing, He'll walk bv thy side. IV. Fear not the wild clangour That Satan may raise, So God's righteous anger But pass from thy ways. Whom Christ has forgiven Goes safely along, Till in the high heaven He sings the new song. v. Then kneel to the Holy, Bend low at His throne ; There, penitent lowly, Thy sinfulness own : There, soul ! if thou yearnest For pardon and rest, There, fervent and earnest, Prefer thy request. 6* 68 HYMNS. XXVIII 8, 7. £rje broupjrjt an alabaster rruse of ointment. — Luke vii. 37. I. ^\ \ 7TTH a cruse of alabaster, Full of spikenard rich and sweet, Stands she weeping near the Master, While her tears bedew his feet. 11. Her soft hair, a silken towel, Wipes away the vagrant tears, — Tears her eager heart's avowal Of a love that hath no fears. in. " Knows he not she is a sinner?" Inly speaks the Pharisee Who had bidden Christ to dinner When he dwelt in Bethany. IV. Lost on her the sneer that hisses Serpent-like within its den : She with spikenard, tears, and kisses, Laves the weary feet again. HYMNS. 69 v. She a sinner, he the Saviour ! Meet it is that she should come : Who hath greater need of favour Than a soul that has no home? VI. Known to Christ her whole condition, At its best and at its worst, — She who bends in meek contrition, She who is of man accurst. VII. O the mercy of the Master ! O the pity of our Lord ! E'en the cruse of alabaster Is with grace and pardon stored ! VIII. As the glorious bow in heaven Cheers the earth when tempests cease So his words: "Thou art forgiven! Faith hath saved thee: go in peace!' 1892. 7o HYMNS. XXIX CM. OTrjat time E am afrattr, £ iuill trust in trjee— Ps. lvi. 3. I. 'T^HE billows round me rise and roll, The storms of worldly care Beat heavily upon my soul, And shroud me in despair : Forsaken, comfortless, betray'd, \Yith none to succour me, — Father ! what time I am afraid, Then will I trust in Thee ! 11. As feeble as the bruised reed, Infirm to will or do ; Oft working out the ungrateful deed ' Twere better to eschew ; How were the sinking soul dismay 'd But for this refuge-plea, — Father, what time I am afraid. Then will I trust in Thee ! HYMNS. 71 in. When hope is faint, and faith is weak, And fears the bosom fill, And I a strong assurance seek * That thou art gracious still ; I rest upon thy promise -word, To thine own truth I flee : Father, what time I am afraid, Then will I trust in Thee ! IV. When saintly paleness marks my face, And dimness fills mine eye, And, hoping only in thy grace, I bow my head to die ; If, entering in the vale of shade. Nor sun nor star I see, Father, what time I am afraid, Then will I trust in Thee ! 1853- 72 HYMNS. XXX CM. !fc?r pragrti again ; artti tfjc fjrafcrn cjabc rain, anti trjr rartij brought forrrj fjcr fruit.— James v. 18. I. r\ GRACIOUS Father! send us showers, The gentle showers of rain, To cheer the corn, the grass, the flowers, On mountain-side and plain. ii. Command the pregnant clouds . to rise And vail the fiery sun, While from the fountains of the skies The streams of blessing run. in. O gracious Father ! send us showers ; The cattle mutely stand Amid the scorch'd and wither'd bowers; Have mercy on our land ! HYMNS. 73 IV. The spider's web is on the mead, The worm consumes the leaf; And all thy works before Thee plead The silent plea of grief. v. O gracious Father ! send us showers ; Regard our earnest cries ; But meek submission still be ours While our petitions rise. VI. To Thee each living thing looks up ; Thou mad'st — thou'lt not destroy : The overflow of mercy's cup Shall wake creation's joy. 1852. 5-fj > '< ---=- ^ 74 HYMNS. XXXI L,. M. JFor so \)z gtoftf) \)is udouco sUrp. — Ps. cxxvii. 2. I. TN tearless anguish once I lay, And every tender string of life Was rudely smitten by disease, And nature quiver'd in the strife. 11. To God I look'd for help the while The lingering moments seem'd to creep, These words of grace broke on my mind, " He giveth his beloved sleep." in. A gentle peace, like evening winds In summer from the ocean's breast, Moved o'er my sighing, sinking soul, And soothed my murmurings all to rest ; HYMXS. 75 IV. And through that weary night of pain, When it were manliness to weep, My soul was comforted by this, "He giveth his beloved sleep." . v. When prison'd long, my soul would fain Leap through her fragile walls and flee, But on the unmeasured life beyond She, halting, gazes tremblingly; VI. Then may I simply trust in Him Whose arms his feeblest follower keep, And close mine eyes, and say, in death, He giveth his beloved sleep!" 1842. << 76 I/V.UNS. XXXII CM. ©r rbrr ttje silbrr rortj be loosrtJ, or ifie goltirn bofol be broken. Eccl. xii. 6. I. T^HE day is wearing fast away, The night is coming on, To end the earthly pilgrimage Begun at being's dawn. ii. The voice of earthly friends no more Within my soul can reach ; Another world hath round me grown, Earth hath another speech. in. Now fain am I to go when He Who sent me here shall call : I wait his gentle breath to cause The ancient tree to fall. HYMNS. 77 IV. I long to lay my burden down, And in earth's bosom rest As calmly as an infant sleeps Upon its mother's breast. v. Welcome, approaching shades of even, By idling triflers shunn'd ! I see the immortal life of heaven, And Christ, my God, beyond ! iSao. 78 HYMNS. XXXIII 8, 7, 4. i3rtrr boas grtcbefc bcrause \)t sail! unto ijint tfje tfjt'ro time, ILobrst tt)ou me? 3no i)c saiti unto i)tm, ILoro, tf)ou knoforst all tijincjs; tfjou knotocst tfjat E lobe ttjcc. — John xxi. 17. I. A RT thou in thy spirit lowly, ^*- Like the Man of Nazareth? Art thou seeking to be wholly Join'd to him, come life, come death? Lov'st thou Jesus More than thine own vital breath? 11, Is thy bosom full of sorrow? Is a cloud upon thy way? Why the worldling's burden borrow ? Child of grace and promise, say ! Lov'st thou Jesus? Joy should be thy guest to-day. HYMNS. 79 in. Hath God made all men to praise thee? Or art thou to fame unknown ? Only seek that he should raise thee Up to an immortal throne. IvOv'st thou Jesus? He'll provide for all his own. IV. Care not thou how low thy station, If thy God hath chosen thee Heir of glory and salvation Now and evermore to be ! Lov'st thou Jesus? Life is thine eternally. 1870. /s> •8©rtie«° (TV 8o I/YMNS. XXXIV c.M. Z\)tn \)t arose, anti rrbukrti tfjr fotnos antJ tfjc sra; anti trjrrc foas a grfat calm. — Matt. viii. 26. I. HTHE darkness of the night came down And on my soul it lay, As if my righteous Maker's frown Were gathering round my way. II. As lonely as if I alone In all the earth were left, — As helpless as an infant-one Of mother's care bereft, — in. How swift and sure had been my doom Had Christ forgotten me ! A voice arose amid the gloom, u Thy Saviour loveth thee!" HYMNS. 8 1 IV. Immediately there was a calm, A calm without, within ; For Jesus wrote upon my palm Full pardon of my sin. v. The inward tempests rage no more, The spirit's sorrows cease, When Jesus stands upon the shore, And gently whispers, "Peace!" 1846. 82 HYMNS. XXXV 8, 7, 4. E sijall gtbc ti;rc tf)c flatten for tfjine inheritance, ana tfjc uttermost parts of tf)e eartf) for tijs possession. — Ps. ii. 8. I. /^OD has said it, — and his promise ^^ Stands as firmly as his throne, — Earth shall be a sure possession Granted to his Son alone ; And the heathen Jesus' gracious reign shall own. 11. Where a soul in guilt is lying, There his gospel shall be sent; Life and grace for wretches dying, Balm for bosoms sad and rent : News of mercy, All shall hear the call, Repent! HYMNS. 83 in. Thou the Lord of all creation, Every living soul is thine : May the grace of thy salvation On the lands of darkness shine : Holy Spirit! To thyself the world incline. IV. Words of precious promise, spoken In thy faithfulness and love, Never, never can be broken While thou reignest King above : Let thy mercies Thy abounding goodness prove. 1841. Q 8 4 HYMNS. XXXVI 7, 6. gra, trjougrj 1: foalk trjrougrj tfjr ballcn of ti)c sfjatiouj of ocatij, £ toill fear no cbtl : for trjou art tottf) mc ; ttjg rotj anti ti)a staff trjcij comfort mc. — Ps. xxiii. 4. I. HPHERE is a land immortal, A The beautiful of lands ; Beside its ancient portal A silent sentry stands : He only can undo it, And open wide the door ; And mortals who pass through it Are mortal nevermore. 11. That glorious land is Heaven, And Death the sentry grim : The Lord thereof has given The opening keys to him ; And ransom'd spirits, sighing And sorrowful for sin, Pass through the gate in dying, And freely enter in. HYMNS. 85 in. Though dark and drear the passage That leads unto the gate, Yet grace attends the message To souls that watch and wait ; And at the time appointed A messenger comes down, And guides the Lord's anointed From cross to glory's crown. IV. Their sighs are lost in singing; They're blessed in their tears : Their journey heavenward winging, They leave on earth their fears. Death like an angel seeming, "We welcome thee!" they cry: Their eyes with rapture gleaming, 'Tis life for them to die. 1845. o • 9 (3 I (D 86 HYMNS. XXXVII L. M. It is Glofc forjtrfj foorkctfj in gou botrj to foill anti to foork, for rjis gooti pleasure. — Phil. ii. 13. I. ,r T*IS well that thou, my God, shouldst be The master of my destiny ; For were my lot placed in my hand, Where should my sure salvation stand? 11. Beset around with wily snares, And cumber'd with uncounted cares, What arm but thine alone can hold My soul within thy saving fold? in. The things of sense allure mine eyes, And sudden sins my soul surprise : Were I no more thy grace to share, Then naught were left me but despair. HYMNS. 87 IV. I know that I am safe with thee ; Then in thy hands my portion be : I cannot fear what may betide When on thyself my hopes abide. Let sinless ones on merit stand, I seek for mercy at thy hand : No other way of help I see, Thy grace in Christ must work for me. VI. A wretch were I to lean upon The works my erring hands have done I stand a suppliant, with the plea, Atoning blood was shed for me. VII. O let thy Spirit day by day Uphold me in the upward way: Enough for me that thou wilt keep The feeblest of thy chosen sheep. 1846. 88 HYMNS. XXXVIII 8, 7. ILrt not gour tytaxt be troublco : gc bcliroc in ®otr, bflifbf also in me. John xiv. 1. I. T3EAR the burden of the present, Let the morrow bear its own ; If the morning sky be pleasant, Why the coming night bemoan? 11. If the darken'd heavens lower, Wrap thy cloak around thy form ; Though the tempest rise in power, God is mightier than the storm. in. Steadfast faith and hope unshaken Animate the trusting breast ; Step by step the journey's taken Nearer to the land of rest J HYMNS. 89 IV. All unseen, the Master walketh By the toiling servant's side : Comfortable words he talketh, While his hands uphold and guide. v. Grief, nor pain, nor any sorrow Rends thy breast to him unknown ; He to-day and He to-morrow Grace sufficient gives his own. VI. Holy strivings nerve and strengthen, Long endurance wins the crown : When the evening shadows lengthen, Thou shalt lay the burden down. 1852. 9 o HYMNS. xxxix cm. <3 fjost compassrtj i\)z n'tg fcotf) faiti) fiorsrs antJ rijartots. 2 Kings vi. 15. I. T TNSEEN by them, a glorious host ^ About God's people stand: The heavenly watchers hold the post At his supreme command. 11. There is no child of God too high To need their constant care, And none too deep in poverty Their daily help to share. in. When loved ones go, and earth is lone, As if no friend were near, Then unseen angels from the throne Bring helpful words of cheer. HYMNS. 91 IV. The sun of hope breaks through our gloom, And wondering whence it came, We start, like Mary at the tomb When Jesus call'd her name. When morning dawns, the darkness flies: When showers at evening fall, A rainbow links the earth and skies: Our God is over all. 1882. s* 92 HYMNS. XL C. M. P. &rrtJ after tfjc fire, a still small botrc— i Kings xix. 12. I. T^LIJAH stood upon the mount: ^ Behold, the Lord pass'd by: A great strong wind the mountain rent, The shiver' d rocks did fly: Jehovah was not in the wind, — Behold, the Lord pass'd by. 11. After the wind an earthquake crash' d, As if the end were nigh : Not in the earthquake was the Lord Before the prophet's eye : Not in the earthquake nor the wind,— Behold, the Lord pass'd by. in. After the earthquake, flaming fire Encrimson'd earth and sky: HYMNS. 93 The wind that rent, the earthquake throe, The fire that flamed on high, In none of them Jehovah was, — Behold, the Lord pass'd by. IV. When earthquake, wind and fire had ceased, And there was not a sound, In tones of gentle stillness spake A still small voice profound : Elijah, in his mantle wrapt, Stood there on holy ground. v. Not in the roar, the crash, the flame, Around, beneath, above, The Lord in state majestic comes The heart of man to move : His Holy Spirit conquers by The still small voice of love. 1892. 94 HYMNS. XLI 8, 7, p. rt)f ILorb is flootr to all ; antr rjts tender metrics arc obcr all i)is ixiorks.— Ps. cxlv. 9. I. /^VVER the earth a stillness comes, ^-^ The eventide is falling: Lord, bless all dwellers in their homes Who on thy name are calling. 11. Thy blessing on the toiler rest ; The over- worn and weary ; The dying, and the comfortless To whom the earth is dreary. in. Thy blessing on the child to-night; Thy blessing on the hoary ; The maiden clad in beauty bright, The young man in his glory. HYMNS. 95 IV. Thy blessing on my fellow-race, Of every clime and nation : May they partake thy saving grace, O Giver of salvation. v. If any man have wrought me wrong, Still blessings be upon him : May I in love to him be strong, Till charity have won him. VI. Thy blessings on me, from of old, My God ! I cannot number : I wrap me in their ample fold, And sink in trustful slumber. 1853. (f^f 6 ^Qj 96 HYMNS. XLII L. M. {Take a psalm, anti bring fjttrjcr irjc timbrel, tfjc pleasant fjarp toitrj trjr pgalterg.— Ps. Ixxxi. 2. I. T ET all the people sing a psalm, -^ A stately psalm of solemn praise, While sitting in the holy calm, The calm befitting Sabbath days. 11. Come, chant the words King David sang When heavenly airs around him swept, And Zion's tents wi^h music rang, While holy day the singers kept. in. The King of glory on his throne, The Ancient of eternal days, The Lord Jehovah he alone, Immortal strains become his praise. HYMNS. 97 IV. Let all the tribes of Adam's race, With thankful voice and lifted palms, E'er magnify his truth and grace And laud him in the ancient psalms. [868. 98 HYMNS. XLIII CM. £f anri man tfjtrst, let inm come unto me, ano tortnk.— John vii. 37. I. T LONG for God, the living God; A I hunger for his grace : I long to see as I have seen My heavenly Saviour's face. n. The earth has not a home for me Where I would always stay : O let me take my pilgrim-staff And speed my upward way. in. I would not be afraid to live, Nor yet afraid to die ; Nor wish to end my working days, Or make them faster fly. HYMNS. 99 IV. But I would hide myself beneath Jehovah's sheltering wing, And wait till his appointed hour Shall life immortal bring. v. Lord, may I learn to work or wait, Just as thy word is given, — Not loitering idly at the gate That opens into heaven. i-jjj. ^/■'■KTJf ioo HYMNS. XLIV 8, 7. 03J)wn ti)f EortJ Iobrtf) t* rfjastnutf), anfc srourgftf) cbtrg son fotjom J)e rcfftbfti). — Heb. xii. 6. I. A 17 HEN he waketh, when he sleepeth, v When he toileth in the day, Him the Father safely keepeth Who makes Christ his only stay. 11. If he wanders, God will chasten Him with many stripes or few, Till his erring footsteps hasten To the mercy-seat anew. in. If he meekly beareth crosses, And his eyes yet look to heaven, God will turn to gain his losses, Yea, to him will much be given. HYMNS. ioi IV. Daily he will find a token That his Lord loves to the end : When the golden bowl is broken, Up to him shall he ascend. v. No more sin and no more sorrow, No more bitter tears to shed ; Heaven will have no sad to-morrow, But eternal day instead. [883. io2 HYMNS. XLV s. M. £fye ILortJ int'll strengthen fjtm upon tfje bctr of languishing* Ps. xli. 3. I. A PRISONER of the Lord, "^^ Awaiting his commands, My prison-house is amply stored With bounties from his hands. 11. He makes my pillow soft While prostrate, weak, and sore, And ministering angels oft Enter my chamber-door. in. Sweet love in every tone Is whisper'd round my bed : I know that none will give a stone Instead of strengthening bread. HYMNS. 103 IV. No fears my soul alarm ; My pains shall pass away: Christ puts his everlasting arm Beneath me all the day. v. How can I be cast down? Why wrap myself in gloom, And wear a care-begotten frown, When Christ is in the room? VI. God's strokes are not in wrath : The fruits that feed the soul Bestrew the strait and narrow path Unto the heavenly goal. 1882. - ! • 9* io4 HYMNS. XLVI L. M. .Secretly saging, Z\)c faster is \)txt, anto callctij ttjrc, — John xi. 28. I. COME day the word will come to me, ^ Arise ; the Master calls for thee. May I be ready then to go, Saying, Lord Jesus ! even so. 11. Will work I've purposed in my thought Be to my Master's pleasure wrought? And will more talents then be won, So that the Lord may say, Well done? in. Will tears be shed upon my bier By some I've help'd to comfort here? Will seed I've sown some fruitage bear Too late for me the joy to share? HYMNS. ios IV. Shall I on Jordan's farther side Find some redeem'd and glorified To whom I pointed out the road Leading to that divine abode ? v. I cannot answer Yea or Nay : This only, Master, can I say : If I've done aught to honour thee, It was thy grace that wrought through me. VI. O blessed Lord, in me abide When I pass over Jordan's tide, That I with my last trembling breath May glorify thy name in death. 1882. '■ io6 HYMNS. XLVII CM. ©n trjat cag, ttjc first tiarj of trje bictk, . . . Uesus came anrj stooto in tfje mt'tJst.— John xx. 19. I. T^HE blessing of the Sabbath-day Again our spirit cheers, And heaven seems not so far away That on our listening ears 11. Some sounds of music may not fall Struck on angelic lyres, Some anthems to the Lord, by all The high celestial choirs. in. Let our lips, too, break forth in praise To thee, O King of heaven, For this the chiefest of the days, The holiest of the seven. HYMNS. 107 IV. O Thou who on this day didst rise Omnipotent above, Reveal to our expectant eyes New glimpses of thy love. v. Come, Holy Comforter, and show Thy gracious sovereign power, That we may more like Jesus grow In this accepted hour. VI. As on the day of Pentecost, Visit thy church again, That earth may join the heavenly host In praising Thee. Amen. I:-2. io8 HYMNS. XLVIII CM. Crjinjgs mrjtdj rgr safo not, antJ car ijrarti not, ano toijirt) cntcrcfc not into trjr fjrart of man. — i Cor. ii. 9. I. ]\JO tongue of man has ever told ^ ^ God's everlasting love ; No heart has known the manifold Delights prepared above. 11. Nor eye has seen, nor ear has heard, Nor mind has yet explored, What things are token' d in his word For all that love the Lord. in. His children daily something learn While training in his schools : Yet dimly do their minds discern How gracious are his rules : HYMNS. 109 IV. Yet little can they apprehend What God has still in store ; For that which has no bound nor end They cannot reckon o'er. v. Glory to thee, eternal King! Invisible, yet known To loving souls who daily bring Faith's offering to thy throne. 1882. r no HYMNS. XLIX CM. JJrsus sato tf)frtforr unto tt)r tfcirlbc, &3oulti gc also go afoag? John vi. 67. I. WHERE could I go but unto thee, * O man of Nazareth ? Thy blood was shed on Calvary To give me life for death ! 11. To whom, my Lord, but unto thee, O Son of God most high, When angels bend with reverent knee Before thy majesty? III. Where can I go but unto thee, The only refuge-tower Impregnable, where I can flee In sore temptation's hour? HYMNS. 1 1 1 IV. To whom need I go but to thee? Thou art the utmost sum Of every soul's necessity; — And therefore, Lord, I come. v. O Lamb of God, who cam'st to take The sin of man away, Fast hold me for thy mercy's sake, And I shall never stray. 1882. lo ii2 HYMNS. L CM. JFor as oftrn as jic rat trjis trcati, anrj orinfc trjc rup, gc proclaim tfjc ILoro's tieatrj till fje come— i Cor. xi. 26. I. AS children dwelling in their home By right of grace divine, Unto thy table, Lord, we come To take of bread and wine. 11. The bread shows forth thy body slain, The wine thy blood out-pour'd : To take away our sin and stain Cost thy dear life, O Lord. in. O may the Holy Ghost descend With blessing from above, That grateful praise may now ascend For thine amazing love. HYMNS. 113 IV. Abide with us this holy day And fill us with thy peace, And while we gladly praise and pray, Lord, make our faith increase. v. Sit with us at the blessed feast, As in the day of old, Our high and sovereign Saviour-Priest, Thy glory to behold. 1882. • ^ ii4 HYMNS. LI 7's. Z-^zxz fcoas at tf)e tabic reclining in 3csus' bosom one of f)is tn'sciplcs, irif)om Uesus lofartJ.— John xiii. 23. I. TN the hidden ways of life God's beloved may be found, Shut in from the things of strife, Hedged with mercies all around. 11. Born of God they know not when, Single is the faith they hold, Prying not with curious ken Into what has not been told. in. Like the saint of Patmos isle, In them love has potent sway, Israelites who have no guile, Passing on their heavenward way: HYMNS. 115 IV. By the loving, kindly deed, By the strengthening word of cheer, By the helpful hand in need, Glorifying Jesus here. v. Pointing out the path to heaven, Winning souls is their reward: When the welcome-call is given, Dying, they wake in the Lord. 1882. v>r HYMNS. 165 IV. Nearer when the morn shall break, Nearer when the sun goes down, Let thy loving-kindness crown All the way my feet should take. v. Nearer in the crowded day, Nearer in the secret place, Let the sense of present grace In my peaceful bosom stay. VI. Nearer when my trembling hand Lifts the dreaded cross with fear, Though I shed the human tear When, bereft, I mutely stand. VII. Nearer, Jesus, to thy breast As my daily need is more, Till thou openest the door Leading to the heavenly rest. 1885. ;66 HYMNS. LXXVI 7, 6. "© mrj soul, faof)B art trjou rjtgqutrtrti baitijtn nu?"— Ps. xlii. u. I. 1\ /T Y soul ! why sit forsaken In sorrow's darken' d tent? Why should thy trust be shaken By griefs thy L,ord hath sent? II. It was the love he bore thee That led him to the cross : That love is ever o'er thee, To save thee, soul, from loss. in. Go, climb faith's sacred mountain, Unweighted by thy fears ; Arise above the fountain That feeds the stream of tears; HYMNS. 167 IV. And thou shalt see far over The mist that dims thine eyes, And then shalt thou discover The bow across the skies. v. It is not always raining; It is not always night: His grace shall shame thy plaining; Thy God is always right. VI. In lovingness he reigneth O'er all his family, And whatso he ordaineth Is ever best to be. VII. Then let thy night of sadness Bring in the grateful day, And thou shalt walk in gladness With Jesus by the way. 1885. 1 68 HYMNS. LXXVII CM. 11 ILook unto me, ano be gc sabfoV'— Isaiah xlv. 22. I. *T"^IS but a looking unto Christ In penitence and trust, And he bestows the grace unpriced That counts the sinner just. 11. 'Tis but a doing of his will, The work of faith in love, And he the passing days shall fill With blessings dream' d not of. in. 'Tis but the leaving in his hands The morrow with its cares, And peace within the bosom stands An angel unawares. HYMNS. 169 IV. 'Tis but a word of comfort said, A simple, kindly deed, — Yet 'tis a precious ointment shed Upon a soul in need. v. 'Tis but the bearing patiently The wrongful word, the sneer, And love shall turn the enmity Of hate's empoison' d spear. VI. 'Tis but a look of tenderness On weepers left behind That lingers evermore to bless The sad and lonely mind. VII. 'Tis but the closing of the eye, The ceasing of the breath, Then comes the hour of victory, The triumph over death. VIII. 'Tis but a lifting of the latch That fastens glory's door, jyo HYMNS. And wondrous sights the eye shall catch On heaven's resplendent floor. IX. 'Twas but an erring child of earth With mortal sandals shod : Lo ! now, of an immortal birth, He lives with Christ in God. 18S5. HYMNS. 171 LXXVIII. ... 8, 4. 44 |i?olti tijou mr up, antJ E si^ali be safe." — Ps. cxix. 117. I. T) UILD up, O Lord, a rampart-wall Along my way, That, journeying onward, I withal Go not astray. 11. Whene'er the road be rough and steep, And I, foot-sore, Over the rocks but slowly creep, Give strength the more. in. When noon shall pour upon my brow Its burning heat, Beside the shadowing rock guide Thou My faltering feet. 15 1 72 HYMNS. IV. While walking lonely in the dark, No hand in mine, Vouchsafe a star, a heavenly spark, On me to shine. v. When lost amid a tangled wild Of fear and doubt, Good Shepherd, seek the erring child And lead him out. VI. The fruit of earth's forbidden trees Let me not taste ; Nor lag, nor lie in bowers of ease, When I should haste. VII. If e'er I meet one overborne Or faint of heart, May I, instead of careless scorn, Good cheer impart. VIII. Let me not loiter on the edge Of any sin, Lest, dallying on the slippery ledge, My feet slide in. HYMNS. 173 IX. Yet, if unheedingly they slide, Thy grace I crave : Be thou my rescuer and guide; Lord Jesus, save ! x. When I come near, all worn and scarr'd, Thy mansions blest, Then, Saviour, let me find unbarr'd The gate of rest. XI. Among the multitudes that throng The holy place, Be mine to sing in loving song Thy sovereign grace. 1885. Is pJ i 7 4 HYMNS. LXXIX. . . . S. M. "Jfor trjg great mercies, © ILorti, fjrar."— Dan. ix. 18, 19. I. r\ FATHER, for thy love! ^^^ O Saviour, for thy grace ! O Comforter, as heaven above Be this thy dwelling-place. 11. O for the promised gift ! O for the gracious rain ! Let not thy church, O Lord, uplift Her hungering prayers in vain. in. O for the touch of power ! O for the tongues of flame ! O for the coming of the hour To glorify thy name. HYMNS. 175 IV. O for the tender heart ! O for the loving fear ! Blest Holy One, the gift impart Thy still, small voice to hear. v. Hasten the rising sun ! O drive away the night! Soon may thy sovereign will be done, Thy kingdom come in might. 1885. 1 => ' 1 76 // YMNS. . 7 ^ LXXX 8, 7. "get i)c bare tf)c sin of mans."— Isa. liii- 12. I. /^\ THE darkness, the sorrow, ^^ O the misery of sin ! When will dawn the promised morrow That shall bring deliverance in? 11. One there was ordain' d to languish, Guiltless, in Gethsemane : One there was who died in anguish, Innocent, on Calvary. in. Jesus was the burden-bearer, God's own Son the sacrifice, — Of the griefs of man the sharer, Of his soul the ransom-price. HYMNS. 177 IV. 'Tis the Christ, the ever-living, Ever-loving, ever-blest, By the Comforter still giving Pardon, holiness, and rest. v. Can the love so freely given, Can the blood so freely shed, Fail to draw the earth to heaven, — Fail to bring alive its dead? VI. Rise, O children of the Father ! Stand, ye brothers of the Son, In unyielding ranks together Till the crown of Christ be won VII. Till the lands of sin and sorrow. Darker than the ancient night, Shall behold the promised morrow Beam on them with saving light. 1—. 178 HYMNS. LXXXI 8, 9. M Caught up into }para'0tse."— 2 Cor. xii. 4. I. T3EF0RE the silver cord be loosed, Or e'er the golden bowl be broken, By Christ's redeem' d is heard and spoken A language ne'er by earthlings used. 11. While waiting for his call of grace, The links of life as yet unriven, A new-created sense is given That pierces the immeasured space. in. The spirit, newly clothed upon, Out-reaches to the gates eternal, And glimpses of the realms supernal Eclipse awhile the natural sun. HYMNS. 179 IV. So Stephen saw the Son of man At God's right hand enthroned in glory, And while with martyr-baptism gory His life on high with Christ began. v. And so, through time's on-speeding years, Some ripening saints, with favour gifted, Anear God's presence have been lifted While dwelling in these lower spheres. VI. Of old, the shepherds saw on high His angels in their bright apparel, And heard redemption's wondrous card, Alone, beneath the midnight sky. VII. If distant glories of the throne Transfigure now our earthly mansions, What powers, what insights, what expan- sions, When we shall know as we are known ! 18S6. i8o HYMNS. L/XXXII. . . . 8, 8. " £fjou mafust trjc outgoings of trjc morning anti rbrning to sing." Ps. lxv. 8. I. ~^\AY is waning into shadow; Darkness dims the hill and meadow, Till the stars light up the even As they climb the hills of heaven. ii. With its lantern earthward swinging, See the firefly heavenward winging ; While from crannied wall and thicket Comes the carol of the cricket. in. Peace, with hushing finger lifted, Cheers the heart by sorrow rifted, Pointing to the Comfort-Giver And the home beyond the river. HYMNS. . 181 IV. As an island ocean-bounded, Lord, thy love hath me surrounded, — Love in sunlight, love in showers, Bringing precious fruits and flowers. v. Thou hast given from thy treasure Bounties more than I can measure: Yea, my Father ! not a minute But has come with goodness in it. VI. Years there were that brought me crosses ; Times of pain and grief and losses ; Still they carried in their keeping Sowing-time and harvest-reaping. VII. As the span of life shall lengthen, Lord, my faith and patience strengthen : Daily to thee bring me nearer, Daily to me be thou dearer. VIII. After thine, O holy Saviour ! Pattern'd be my life's behaviour: Less of self in all my bearing, More for others daily caring. 1 82 . HYMNS. IX. When shall come the soul's undressing, May I fall asleep with blessing, And await thy call of waking When the heavenly day is breaking. x. Past all earthly joy and weeping, What a waking after sleeping, When the new-born eye beholdeth What thy grace, dear Lord, unfoldeth ! 1886. HYMNS. 183 LXXXIII 8, 7. Eo ttrm tfiat lobe (Goo all things foork totjrtfjer for 3000. Rom. viii. 28. I. /^*OLD the bed and hard the pillow, Yet the wanderer slept near heaven Wild the wind and high the billow, Yet the bark was homeward driven. 11. Bitter were the tears of sorrow, Yet the drops were turn'd to balm Darkly loom'd the dreaded morrow, Yet it broke in heavenly calm. in. Fiery darts above him flying, Yet beneath faith's shield he lay: Weary paths before him lying, Yet a brook was by the way. 16 1 84 HYMNS. IV. Heavy seem'd the cross unlifted, Yet 'twas light when taken up Empty was the rock unrifted, Yet a blessing fill'd the cup. v. Fierce the furnace sevenfold heated, Yet the Son of God was there : By the evil ill-entreated, Yet the Lord his sorrow bare. VI. Often worn and heavy-laden, Yet there came a perfect rest When the soul, his promise stay'd on, In the Lord was ever blest. 1887. S^2LS> HYMNS. 185 LXXXIV 8, 8, 8. Goo", faofjo gttifti) us rirfilg all ttiings to rniog. — 1 Tim. vi. 17. I. T7ATHER ! all is of thy giving : All of good from thee receiving, This the wherefore man is living : 11. This the blessedness of being, Led by thee, the One All-seeing, In the ways of thy decreeing. in. By the power of thy Spirit, Only in thy dear Son's merit, Daily grace do we inherit. IV. On our upward journey going In the strength of thy bestowing, Building up or overthrowing: 1 86 HYMNS. v. Overthrowing things of meanness, In their prime or budding greenness, Pride and passion and uncleanness: VI. Evil thought and evil speaking, Words with hate and envy reeking, Grasping greed and selfish seeking. VII. Building not of wood and stubble Things that perish like a bubble In the day of fiery trouble : VIII. But of gold and gems the rarest ; Stones the strongest and the fairest; Earnest deeds for which thou carest: IX. Precious gems of love undying; Patient, faithful, self-denying ; Sturdy stones that stand the trying. x. Not for honours transitory, Not for name in passing story, But to thy most sovereign glory. HYMNS. 187 XI. Nor of our own wisdom, Master! Else we work alone disaster: Lord! be thou our life's forecaster. XII. This thy children's joy in living, Kingly gifts from thee receiving, Love and service to thee giving. isss. 3*^5 16* 1 88 HYMNS. LXXXV S. M. ILrt fjim stt alonr, anto keep stlrnrr, bfrausf %t ijati) lattJ tt upon |tm. Lam. iii. 28. I. DE still, my soul ! be still, Nor hide thee in the cleft; But to thy Father's loving will Be thy deliverance left. 11. But little dost thou know, But little canst thou see Of the unfoldings of the plan That grasps eternity : in. That holds the child of days, That holds the angelic throng, And spans the countless worlds that move Their starry path along. HYMNS. 189 IV. Yet God will not forget The ransom' d of his grace: The gift of his beloved Son Doth every gift embrace. v. His mercy hovers round Thy pathway every hour: His loving-kindness is as vast As his almighty power. VI. Be quieted, my soul ! In sweet content abide : If night be long, the day will come, And thou 'It be satisfied. VII. My soul ! bless now the Lord, Thy hope, thy rock, thy King! Thy Father, Saviour, Comforter, E'en in the darkness sing. 18S9. i 9 o HYMNS. IvXXXVI 8, 7. 5 fcotll nuottate also upon all tijn toork, ano muse on tijg ootngs. Psalm lxxvii. 12. I. CITTING in the twilight musing On the days that come and go, Joys and sorrows, interfusing, Mingled in a sunset glow : All were of the Father's choosing, Gifts most fitting to bestow. 11. Often had the sun been shining : Yet e'en when the day was chill, Shower and sunshine, intertwining, Rainbows flung from vale to hill, And the soul, its self resigning, In the peace of God lay still. in. When, the Saviour's voice unheeding, In the depths the spirit lies, HYMNS. 191 We see not the ladder leading Upward to the holy skies, Till the Hand for us once bleeding Touch with sight our blinded eyes. IV. Evermore the Shepherd careth For the gather' d of his fold: ■ Still the wandering ones he beareth From the darkness and the cold: Still he healeth, still he spareth, As on earth he did of old. v. O what loving pity bideth In the bosom of our Lord ! He that in His truth confideth Finds the treasure in it stored, That for him His grace provideth An exceeding great reward. VI. Musing in the quiet chamber Of the soul at eventide, If we stir some ashy ember Of a fire that long had died, Penitent, may we remember Christ our Lord was crucified ! 1889. • 92 HYMNS LXXXVII L. M. Jfor trje ©llj ILocj College Celebration, near tfje 0esfjamtng, September 5, 1889. I. CTRENGTH of our fathers in the day A mighty work upon them lay, Which thou hast crown' d with holy fame, We bless and magnify thy name. n. A house for thee they builded well : Though humblest in all Israel, Yet thou didst sanctify as thine The prophets' school of lore divine. in. The seed of truth in faith was sown : Nurtured of thee, a tree hath grown Whose branches overspread the land, And thousands in its shadow stand. HYMNS. 193 IV. Its fruits are knowledge, life, and light ; Knowledge of thee, so clear, so bright, That he whose soul with truth is rife Shall find in Christ eternal life. v. That tree, of verdure fresh and fair, While mountains stand shall fruitage bear, And in the garden of the Lord Perennial blessings shall afford. VI. Jehovah-jireh ! We adore The God whose love provided more Than they foreknew who sow'd in tears, And reap'd in joy in after years. VII. Glory to God ! our voices sing : Glory to God ! our praise we bring Glory to God ! let all men cry : Glory to God ! let heaven reply. 18S9. i 9 4 HYMNS. LXXXVIII 7's. 2Tf)f Comfortfr, tfje ^olg Spirit, infjorn tfjc jFatf)cr fcotll scnti in mg name, \)t sf)all tract) gou all tfjtngs. — John xiv. 26. I. THJILDER of thy holy church : Comforter of all thy saints : Guide of all that meekly search : Helper of the heart that faints : Holy Spirit ! Lord divine ! Gracious majesty is thine. 11. Dweller in the lowly heart Clothed in faith's simplicity, Unto us the grace impart Of thy loving flock to be. Holy Spirit ! day by day Guide and keep us in thy way. in. Christ the Lord went up on high : Yet in thee he bideth here, HYMNS. 195 Right-hand of Infinity, Till in judgment he appear: Holy Spirit ! glorify Thine eternal majesty. IV. Not by works that man can do Can the guilt of man be shriven : Thou alone ereatest new, Grace through thee alone is given : Holy Spirit ! give us light To discern the truth aright. v. Sanctifier of thy church ! Cast out what is not of Thee : Let no human touch besmirch Thine own temple's purity. Holy Spirit ! unto Thee — Xot to man — all glory be. VI. Arm of everlasting strength, Executing God's decrees! Victor over all at length, Thou wilt bring in perfect peace. Holy Spirit ! God of power ! Quickly come the glorious hour. 17 • 1S90. i 9 6 HYMNS. LXXXIX 6, 8. Cfir bright, tf)f jHorning:.Star.— Rev. xxii. 16. I. T^HE bright, the Morning-Star ! Forerunner of the day, The shadows flee afar Before its radiant way ; Dawn of an immortal morrow On a world redeem 'd from sorrow. ii. Its uncreated rays Of never-fading sheen — An endless day of days Without a night between — Swifter fly than angel-pinions Over measureless dominions. in. The Christ, the Morning-Star! How shadowy and how dim HYMNS. 197 The purest jewels are Mid light that beams from Him ! Brightness of the Father's glory ! Thine no radiance transitory. IV. O Christ, the Morning-Star, How beauteous art Thou ! Through heavenly gates ajar We catch some glimpses now : O the joy, the love, the wonder, When we pass the portals yonder! V. How T long eternity ! Yet not a foot will tire, No hand hang wearily, And not a joy expire : Eye undimm'd and soul unsated E'er will find new joys created. VI. O Morning-Star! the light That lighteth every man, Dispel the shades of night That fell when sin began. Shine on all, O Star supernal ! Dayspring of the life eternal. 1891. i 9 8 HYMNS XC DIES IRJE. A Rendering in the Original Metre of the Latin Hymn of Thomas of Celano. I. T^\AY of wrath ! the day that endeth Time, the world ablaze, impendeth So old prophecy portendeth. ii. What the trembling consternation When the Judge of all creation Comes for strict investigation ! in. Lo ! the startling trumpet, swelling, Through the graves its blast impelling, Man before the throne is knelling ! IV. Struck aghast both Death and Nature, When upcometh every creature To the dreaded judicature. HYMNS. 199 v. Bringing forth the Book indited, All the world's misdeeds recited Rightfully will be requited. VI. When the Judge his seat assume th, What is secret he illumeth ; None escaping whom he doometh. VII. Woe is me ! what exculpation ? Who can proffer mediation Since the just scarce find salvation? VIII. King of majesty astounding ! With thy grace thine own surrounding, Save me, Fount of love abounding ! IX. Holy Lord ! recall thy yearning E'en when I thy ways was spurning: Keep me on that day of burning ! x. Waiting, weary, me thou soughtest: On the cross my soul thou boughtest : Xot in vain be work thou wroughtest ! 17* 2oo HYMNS. XI. Judge avenging ! with contrition I entreat thy full remission Ere that day of inquisition ! XII. Wailing, as one self-accusing, Guilt my crimson 'd face suffusing, Spare me, L,ord ! of thy good choosing XIII. Maty was by thee forgiven, And by thee the thief was shriven : Let not hope from me be driven. XIV. Worthless all my prayers ascending, Yet, thy grace benign extending, Save me from the fires unending ! xv. With thy sheep infold me ever At thy right-hand, wandering never: From the goats my portion sever. XVI. When the wicked, self-confounded, Are by angry flames surrounded, Be my name with blessing sounded. HYMNS. 201 XVII. Prostrate, for thy mercy crying, Heart as if in ashes lying, Care for me when I am dying. On that tearful dav of terror, At the fiery resurrection Judging man for sinful error, God, grant this one thy protection ! O kind Jesus, Lord and Saviour, Give to them thy restful favour ! Amen. 1891. 202 HYMNS. XCI S,y. En mo JFatfjcr's fjousc arc manrj mansions. — John xiv. 2. I. l\JO tears for those whose feet have pass'd Within the golden portals, Away their dusty garments cast For robes of the immortals. 11. Out of the depths no more they cry, They sing upon the mountains ; No more in thirsty lands they sigh, They drink of living fountains. in. They look upon the face of One, Whom they had loved unseeing, Who loved them in the ages gone, Before they were in being. IV. No idling part is theirs to fill In that high realm of splendor : They go and come as God shall will And loving sen-ice render. HYMNS. 203 v. At his behest, to sun or star They speed on viewless pinions, To do his bidding near or far Throughout his wide dominions. VI. The trees of sinless knowledge grow In fields forever vernal : The streams of love anear them flow Unfathom'd and eternal. VII. No days will measure holy time, No Sabbath once in seven ; The bells of gladness always chime In every heart in heaven. VIII. No lassitude will numb the brain, No heart nor hand grow weary; No tear, no sigh, nor any pain, No night, no tempest dreary. IX. From mansions in that Paradise, With Jesus Christ forever, Would we our parted ones entice To earth again ? — No ! never ! 1891. 2o 4 HYMNS. XCII 7-8,8,7. Z.\)t liaD is tttnr, tf)r mgf)t also is tfjinc. — Ps. lxxiv. 16. I. TORD of night as of the day! ^~^ While the lingering twilight paleth And the evening-star prevaileth, Quietly I muse and pray. 11. Great thy goodness, Lord ! how wide ! For thy loving-kindness twineth Round each ray of light that shineth From the morn till eventide. in. When the night is going by Dewdrops gather without number, So in my unconscious slumber Countless blessings round me lie. IV. Spread thy sheltering wing to-night ; Let me sleep beneath its cover, While unseen the angels hover Near me till the morning light. 1S91. HYMNS. 205 XCIII L. M Come noli), anlJ let us rfason together, sattl) tfjc ILortJ : though nour sins be as scarlet, tfjcg shall be as turjtte as snoto. — Isa. i. 18, I. I DID not ask the reason why The Lord of life came here to die Until I found I needed one To do what Jesus Christ hath done. 11. A lonely traveller in the dark, The way unlighted by a spark, I stumbled onward with a dole Of sin and sorrow in my soul. in. The burden that within me lay I saw not how to put away, Till one unseen spake tenderly, 4 'Take up thy cross and follow me." 2o6 HYMNS. IV. I took the cross he bade me take, To bear it for his gracious sake : A willing power unknown before Each passing day possess' d me more. v. The hand that made me strong was such I scarcely felt its gentle touch : To do his will, it was no cross; To follow him, it was no loss. VI. That loving one who spake to me, The very God in Christ is he ! O that the world would ask him w T hy The Lord of life came here to die. 1892. -~>- HYMNS. 207 XCIV CM. Ccfjolo, tfjg liinrj comrtf) unto tf)ce.— Matt, xxi. 5. I. A GLADSOME heart is mine this day ; My thoughts within me sing ; A welcome guest has come to stay : 'Tis Jesus Christ, my King ! 11. My house — an humble place it is — May be with little stored, Yet it and all therein are his, For he is Christ, my Lord. in. He does not come, that Master mine, To tarry for a night, For shelter at the day's decline, To go at morning light. is 2o8 HYMNS. IV. Nor does he as a king come in, Although my King is he : He comes as one of brother-kin With brother's grace for me. v. He always gave me good for ill, And I ashamed could hide; Yet more than brother is he still, My Father, Saviour, Guide. VI. How mean my barely-furnish'd rooms For such a \ gracious guest! But at his touch a tent becomes A palace of the blest : VII. A palace on the border-line Betwixt the earth and skies, Where in its windows light doth shine Across from Paradise. VIII. O Christ, my King ! I cannot tell Why such a thing can be, That thou wilt deign with me to dwell, As one beloved of thee ! 1892. HYMNS. 209 xcv. : ... s, 7. 2Tfir fool fjatf) £5ato in fjts fjcart, STfjfrf is no <&oTj. — Ps. xiv. 1. I. T^RIFTING on a lawless ocean, Toss'd by random-roving gales, Not a helm to guide the motion, Not a hand to trim the sails: 11. All uncertain whence or whither, Not a reckoning ever made, Sweeping ever hither-thither, Not a course by compass laid in. Not a log the speed to measure, Not a lookout on the mast; Moving on at chance's pleasure, Yet to leeward trending fast: 2io HYMNS, IV. Not a rock or shoaling charted, None to cast the warning lead, Sunlight, starlight, both departed, Fog around and overhead : V. Not a cable nor an anchor, Ballast shifting as she sways. Sheathing eaten off by canker, Rotting ratlins, shrouds and stays VI. Hatches broken, timbers creaking, Pumps dismantled, lifeboat gone, Water through the seams a-leaking, Creeping upward on and on : VII. Not a master to direct her, Not a watch to walk her deck, Not a pilot to protect her, Not another craft at beck : VIII. What the fate of such a vessel Wandering over unknown deeps, When with storm she comes to wrestle, When on her a cyclone sweeps? HYMNS. 2 1 1 IX. What can help her as she drive th Through the breakers on the rock ? Who can rescue when she riveth Into fragments by the shock ? x. Such the man who, God denying, Launches out into the night, On himself alone relying ; Not on Him who guideth right; XI. Man who puffs at God, his Master, As if God in Christ were not: What for him but dread disaster? What but wreck his certain lot? 1892. ^H§*^ iS* 2i2 HYMNS. XCVI 7's. Crjrtst sfjall rrign for rbcr ant) cbcr.— Rev. xi. 15. I. TIT HO shall reign if not the Christ ? Who can wield his wand of power? Can the might of man suffice To uphold the spheres an hour? 11. Who but Christ can seek and save? Who but he our pardon win? Who but he can bridge the grave Heavenward from a world of sin ? in. Who but Christ, the only Way, Only Truth, and only Life, Out of darkness brings the day, Love and peace for woe and strife ? IV. Christ his kingship will maintain : Every knee to him shall bow ! Glorious will be his reign : Lord ! reveal thy glory now ! 1892. HYMNS. 213 XCVII 8, 5. 53rl)oltJ, E stanti at tije Door anti fenocfc.— Rev. iii. 20. I. "\ 1 TYLO is he, my soul ! that standeth At thine outer door ? What is it that he demandeth, Knocking evermore? 11. In the night and in the morning, And through all the day ; It may be a friendly warning, Else why should he stay ? in. Surely 'tis no jester, mocking With a false alarm : There is something in the knocking That forewarneth harm. 2i4 HYMNS. IV. 'Tis perchance a friend appealing, For he gently knocks : Not a robber, bent on stealing Spite of bar and locks. v. Hear his voice, " Lo ! I am waiting, Waiting long have been: Open wide the door and grating ; Let thy Master in ! VI, M From my locks the drops are falling, Drops of midnight dew : I am waiting, I am calling, Lingering soul! for you!" VII. Jesus Christ, the King, in waiting ! Christ, the Lord of all ! And I, fearful, hesitating To obey his call ! viii. Wondrous patience ! love stupendous ! Standing at thy door, O my soul ! thy loss tremendous If he knock no more. HYMNS. 215 IX. Lo ! the hinges, set and rusty, All my efforts mock; And these bolts, disused and dusty, How can I unlock? x. Help me, Lord ! I humbly pray thee For thy mercy's sake : Even- barrier that would stay thee Give me strength to break. 1892. — <^$y& — , 2i6 HYMNS. XCVIII CM. Ei)t ban of man is not (n fjt'msclf : it is not in man ttjat malfutf) to Xiixtct \)is steps.— Jer. x. 23. I. T TOW prone my hasty feet to stray Where fallen angels trod, To shape for mine own self a way And be myself my God. 11. How oft, Most High ! I went about As though I plann'd my lot; Thee, Sovereign Master ! leaving out As if thou ruledst not. in. When cloudlessly the sun came up, 'Twas at my beck it shone: When blessings brimm'd my daily cup, My hand the boon had won. HYMNS. 217 IV. When troubles came, my willing back I bent to take the load, And stubbornly I bore the pack Along my chosen road. v. How oft I nurtured infant cares Till the}- became full grown ; How oft usurp' d thine own affairs To manage as mine own. VI. O Lord ! my heart is slow to learn Faith's simple alphabet, And dimly does my mind discern The lessons thou dost set. VII. O ! take my wilful self from me, And give me, Lord ! instead, The mind that, trusting all to thee, Submissively is led. 1892. 2i8 HYMNS. XCIX 7's. Cttngs infjtct) fK^s sail) not, anti ears rjcarti not.— i Cor. ii. 9. I. T^\0 the blest in Paradise, Crown' d with the immortal birth, Sometimes bend their earnest eyes To the loved ones on the earth? 11. From the starry battlements Do they spy the land away, Where they dwelt in fragile tents, Habited in robes of clay? ill. Do they, by permissive grace, To their olden home repair, Take unseen their custom' d place In the seeming empty chair? HYMNS. 219 IV. Hidden from us, do they walk Noiselessly beside us here, And in silent whispers talk In the soul's receptive ear? v. As the fanning of a wing O'er a wan and fever' d brow, Do they from its gardens bring Eden's zephyrs even now? VI. Are they sent to drive afar Things of darkness in the night, While the bright, the Morning-Star Fills the soul with peace and light? VII. In the book of God are lines That no eye hath power to scan : At his pleasure, his designs He unfoldeth unto man. 1892. 19 22o HYMNS. C 6, 4. JTor \)c is ILorti of lorSs anfc I&tng of kings.— Rev. xvii. 14. I. A yTY song of songs shall be A hymn of praise to thee, O Christ my King ! Thy Father's gracious Son, Thy church's precious one, In whom its heaven is won, O Christ my King ! 11. How wondrous 'tis that God In thee this earth hath trod, O Christ my King ! Divine effulgence thou, His impress on thy brow, To him in thee I bow, O Christ my King! in. Thou Lord of grace divine, What lovingness is thine, O Christ my King ! HYMNS. 221 Thou foilest Satan's arts, Thou healest broken hearts, All good thy hand imparts, O Christ my King ! IV. In heaven I've none but thee: In earth be all to me, O Christ my King! Thy service my delight, So glorious and so bright, My joy shall have no night, O Christ my King ! v. Thy kingdom shall remain ; Ne'er shall thy glory wane, O Christ my King ! Old earth shall pass away, Its sovereigns turn to clay, Eternal is thy sway, O Christ my King ! 1892. 222 HYMNS. CI 8, 5. %ty satti mttfjtn fjerself, Ef £ mag fcut toucfj f)ts garment, 1: sfjall be totjole. — Matt. ix. 21. I. >HTIS the Master standing yonder 'Mid the pressing throng: Some look on his face in wonder, Others pass along. 11. He is teaching on the highways In the Holy Name, Healing sufferers in the byways, Palsied, blind, and lame. in. E'en the dead becomes the living On the road to Nain : Everywhere his hand is giving Help to souls in pain. HYMNS. 223 IV. How my heart to him is reaching ! More than man is he : Gracious lessons he is teaching; O how sweet to me ! v. O that I might kneel before him, With my feet unshod ! Trust him, love him, and adore him As my Lord and God. VI. Many years afflicted, needy, Spent is all my store : If I find not succour speedy Hope is mine no more. VII. Long so friendless, homeless, lonely, Nothing can I pay : I will touch his garment only, And will go my way. VIII. If I touch him, will he chide me? Will he help deny? In the crowd I'll seek to hide me: I must touch or die ! 19* 224 HYMNS. IX. Blessing from his garment floweth, Even from its hem ! All its love my heart bestoweth : Will he this contemn? x. He who giveth living water When the heart is riven, Healeth me, and saith : "My daughter! Go in peace, forgiven." 1892. HYMNS. 225 CII 8, 7. f^e is tfjc propitiation for our sins : anti not for ours onlrj, but also for trje tnfjalc foorlto. — 1 John ii. 2. I. \\ THO the love of God can measure? Who dare set to him a bound ? Countless is the sum of treasure In the heavenly coffers found. 11. Who would say, Thus far, no farther? Who would clip the wings of grace? Shall we not to all men rather Tell how wide is God's embrace? in. Shall we, lingering in Judea, To Samaria be dumb? Tell to none save in Berea Whosoever will may come? 226 HYMNS. IV. Are there some beyond his pity? Has his heart no room for more? Shall we round his holy city Build a wall without a door? v. Can we, in our fair apparel, Sit content in churches dim, Hearing sermon, prayer, and carol, And the world so far from him? VI. Is the Holy Spirit waiting Till the church forsaketh sin, — Dagons of its self-creating Casting down ere he come in? VII. With the harvest ripe for reaping, Shall the golden grain be lost? Is it fitting time for sleeping At the eve of Pentecost? VIII. L,o ! another century passes Shortly through the hundredth gate Must the world's ungather'd masses Wander till the hour too late? 1892. Psalms. FOURTH PSALM. L. M. A /T Y righteous God ! O hear my call : For thou, of old, didst not forbear Deliverance in my sore distress ; O pity me, and hear my prayer. Ye sons of man ! how long will ye Pervert my glory into shame, — Ye that love falsehood, seeking lies, To bring dishonour on my name? But know, Jehovah for himself Hath set his chosen ones apart ; And when I call on him, he hears The cry that rises from my heart. 227 228 PSALMS. O rage no more, and cease from sin : Communing with your heart, be still : Right sacrifices offer up, And trust ye in Jehovah's will. The many say, "O that we might The time of good and plenty see !' Lift thou, O Lord ! on us the light Of thine own presence graciously. Thou hast put gladness in my heart, More than they have from corn and wine In peace will I lie down and sleep, Thou, Lord, alone preservest thine. 1889. PSALMS. 229 FIFTH PSALM. Verses 1-3, 7, 8, it, 12. C. M. /^IYE ear unto my words, O Lord! And heed my yearning sigh : My King, my God ! O hear my voice, For unto thee I cry. And in the morning, thou, O Lord, Shalt hear my voice arise : At dawn will I set forth my prayer, And wait with watching eyes. Through thy great loving-kindness, in Thy house will I appear. And toward thy holy temple, Lord, Will worship in thy fear. Lord, guide me in thy righteousness, So foes may rage in vain ; And make thy way before my face Lie open as a plain. 2 3 o PSALMS. Let them be glad and shout for joy That refuge take in thee : Defend thou them that love thy name, And let them joyful be. Unto the righteous man, O Lord, Thy blessings e'er abound: With favour dost thou compass him As with a shield around. 1889. PSALMS. 231 EIGHTH PSALM. C. M. r\ LORD, our Lord ! in all the earth ^^^ Thy name how excellent ! O let thy glory be inscribed Above the firmament ! Out of the mouth of very babes And sucklings dost thou build A tower of strength by which the wrath Of vengeful foes is still' d. When I behold thy heavens, O Lord, Thy finger- work divine, — The moon and stars which thou hast set In their high place to shine, — What is a mortal man, that him Thou in thy mind shouldst bear? Or what a son of Adam's race, That thou for him shouldst care? 20 232 PSALMS. But little lower made than God, With fear and glory crown' d, Dominion hast thou given to him Over thy works around ; Under his feet the creatures placed, The flocks and herds, yea all ; And on the wild beasts of the field His fear is made to fall : The airy birds, the restless fish That through the waters sweep, And whatsoever glideth through The pathways of the deep. O Lord, our Lord ! in all the earth Thy w T ord of power didst frame, How excellent the glory is Of thine eternal name ! 1888. PSALMS. 233 TENTH PSALM. L. M. VITHY standest thou far off, O Lord? Why hide thy face in troublous days ? The oppressor hotly hunts thy poor, And snares the men of lowly ways. He praises yet despises God, What time his soul has won its greed : There is ?io God in all his thoughts : The wicked saith, He will not heed ! His ways are strong and prosperous : Thy judgments high above his sight ; As for his adversaries all, He puffs at them in scornful spite. He saith, / never shall be moved ; From age to age shall I be strong. Deceit and cursing fill his mouth, Mischief and wrong beneath his tongue. 234 PSALMS. He in the lurking-places hides : The innocent he slayeth there : He waits in secret for his prey, A lion crouching in his lair. He lurks until he catches them ; The lowly in his net he draws ; Ensnared, they faint, and hopeless fall A prey within his cruel jaws. He saith, Their God remember eth not ; For He his face hath covered o'er I — He saith it in his secret heart — He will 710 1 see forevermore. Arise, Jehovah ! Lift thou up Thy hand of wrath, Almighty God ! Forget not them that suffer wrong, The lowly ones on whom he trod. Why doth the oppressor dare contemn The righteous God ? Why hath he thought Within his heart that thou wilt not Avenge the anguish he hath w r rought? Yet thou hast seen ! And in thy hand The grief, the trouble, thou dost take : With thee the wretched leave th it, The orphan' d thou wilt not forsake. PSALMS. 235 Lord ! shatter thou the oppressor's arm ; And as for the malignant one, Search out, till, of his wickedness, Unrecompensed thou findest none. Jehovah evermore is King ! The heathen perish from his land ! Thou, Lord ! hast heard the lowly cry, And thou wilt hold them in thy hand. Thine ear will hear, thy hand defend, The helpless and the fatherless; And man, of dust, shall nevermore Contemn thee, and thy poor oppress. 1891. 2n , 236 PSALMS. NINETEENTH PSALM, 7, 6. THE heavens declare the glory Of their creator God ; The firmament revealeth His handiwork abroad. Day unto day outpoureth Its speech in silent praise, And night to night is breathing The knowledge of his ways. Though speech be uot, nor language, - Their voice none comprehend, — Through earth their power extendeth, Their words go to its end. A tent far in the heavens He setteth for the sun, And there his rest he taketh What time the day is done. PSALMS. 237 He like a bridegroom steppeth Forth from his resting-place, And boundeth like a warrior Again to run his race. From heaven's extreme he speedeth Its circuit to complete ; And there is nothing hidden From his resistless heat. Jehovah's law is perfect, The soul it rectifies; And true his testimony, The simple making wise. Right are Jehovah's precepts; They cause the heart to sing ; And clear is his commandment, The eyes enlightening. His fear-compelling glory Forever shall endure ; And righteous are his statutes, Their truthfulness is sure : Than gold more to be sought for, Fine gold that mines entomb, 238 PSALMS. And sweeter than the honey That droppeth from the comb. Thy servant is instructed By them, most gracious Lord, And in the keeping of them There is a great reward. So high thy law, so holy, Who, of himself, can learn, With all his inner searching, His errors to discern ? From faults unconscious clear me, And make me pure within ; Keep back thy servant also From all presumptuous sin. Let it not have dominion, Then blameless I shall be, And from the great transgression Thy grace shall hold me free. My Rock and my Redeemer ! Before thee be each word And each heart-whisper' d musing Acceptable, O Lord. 1887. PSALMS. 239 FORTY-SIXTH PSALM. 7, 6. A REFUGE and a fortress, Our God is on our side, A very present helper When trouble doth betide. Therefore, though earth be shaken, Our souls will never fear, Though in the heart of oceans The mountains disappear. What though the troubled waters In roaring foam shall break, And their tumultuous swelling Shall make the mountains quake : The Lord of hosts is with us, Our refuge and our strength, 2 4 o PSALMS. There is a heavenly river Whose streams shall never dry, That gladdeneth God's city, The place of the Most High. God in the midst of Zion Is evermore her stay ; Her he will help right early, E'en at the dawn of day. The nations roar'd, the kingdoms Were riven to their base, And when his voice he utter' d The earth did melt apace. The Lord of hosts is with as, Our refuge and our strength, Behold Jehovah's doings, What wonders he hath wrought, What awe-pervading silence On earth his hand hath brought. The wars among the nations His word compels to cease, And earth to all its borders He quieteth with peace. PSALMS. 241 The warrior's bow he shivers. The spear asunder rends ; The chariots he burnetii Amid the fire he sends. Be still ; and know, ye nations, That I am God alone, And I will be exalted O'er every land and throne. The Lord of hosts is with us, The God of Jacob is Our refuge a?id our fortress : Be glory alway his ! 1888. ^*£x* 242 PSALMS. SIXTY-SECOND PSALM. C. M. /^\NLY in silence wait on God: ^^^ My soul ! thy help is He ; My rock, salvation, and defence, Unshaken I shall be. How long will ye assail a man And hunt him as a prey, Till he become a tottering wall, A fence that giveth way? Their only thought to thrust him down, In lies is their delight : While blessing with the mouth, their heart Doth curse with hidden spite. Only in silence wait, my soul ! My hope in God alone, My rock, salvation, and high tower, I shall not be o'erthrown. PSALMS. 243 My glory and my help is God, My safeguard from all harm ; My refuge and my rock of strength Is his almighty arm. O put your trust in him ahvay, Ye people who are his : Pour out your heart before your God, For he our refuge is. Only a breath are men ; the sons Of nobly-born a lie ; For in the balance they go up, A breath of vanity. Trust not in wrong, nor vainly boast The crafty spoiler's art; And if your riches grow apace, On them set not your heart. One thing hath God himself declared, — Yea, two things have I heard, — That power belongeth unto God ! Yet grace is in this word ; For loving-kindness, Lord, is thine, While justice rules thy thought; Thou renderest to even- man As he his work hath wrought. 21 244 PSALMS. EIGHTY-SIXTH PSALM. C. M. DOW down thine ear to me, O Lord ! In mercy answer me : Distress' d and needy, keep my soul, As one beloved by thee. O thou, my God ! thy servant save That trusteth thee in all : Be gracious unto me, O Lord ! So all day long I call. Thy servant's soul make glad, O Lord! That thee I may extol ; For, O Jehovah ! unto thee Do I lift up my soul. How good and ready to forgive ! How plenteous in grace And loving-kindness unto all That seek, O Lord, thy face. PSALMS. 245 Give ear, Jehovah ! to my prayer That goeth forth to thee, And to my supplicating voice Attend thou graciously. My heart cries out to thee alone When days of sorrow lower, For thou wilt surely answer me In tribulation's hour. Yea, there is none like unto thee Among the gods, not one ! Like thine there are no works, O Lord ! The works thy hand hath done. All nations, Lord ! which thou hast made Shall come and worship thee, And they shall glorify thy name, So great exceedingly. For thou art great, and wondrous works Wrought by thy mighty hand Show thou alone art God, whose throne Eternally shall stand. Teach me thy way, and may thy truth My daily goings frame, And knit my heart to thee, O Lord, So I may fear thy name. 246 PSALMS. With my whole heart, O Lord my God, I give thee thanks and praise, And I will glorify thy name Through everlasting days. Thy loving-kindness is so great I cannot set its bound: My soul thou hast deliver'd from The depths beneath the ground. Against me, Lord ! the proud have risen, And men of violence, Who set not thee before their eyes, Have sought to drive me hence. But thou, Lord ! art the mighty God, Compassionate and kind, Long-suffering and full of truth, And gracious is thy mind. Turn thee to me, thy favour show, And make thy servant strong: The son of thy handmaiden save From men of guile and wrong. Show me a token, Lord, for good, That those w T ho hate may see And be ashamed, because thy hand Hath cheer' d and holpen me. 1891. PSALMS. 247 NINETY-SECOND PSALM. 5. 6 - TT is a good thing To give thanks to the Lord, To sing to thy praise In a tuneful accord : Thy love to show forth In the morning, Most High ! Thy faithfulness also As night goeth by : On the ten-stringed lute And the tremulent lyre, While rapturous musings The harp doth inspire. By thy doings, Jehovah ! Thou gladdenest me : By the work of thy hands I am joyful in Thee. 2T* 248 PSALMS. Thy doings how great ! And thy thoughts how profound ! The brutish know not, Nor can a fool sound. When the wicked spring up As the grass after rain, And the workers of evil Do prosper amain, 'Tis that, in due time, They shall wither and die: But thou, O Jehovah ! Art ever Most High. Thine enemies perish As things of unworth, And they that w r ork evil Are scatter' d on earth. My horn thou hast raised As the wild ox's horn: Fresh oil of anointing My head doth adorn. Mine eyes shall behold, And mine ear also hear, The wicked waylayers Dispersing in fear. PSALMS. 249 The righteous shall blossom Like a palm in its pride, And grow like the cedars On Lebanon's side: For they that be planted Where thou art adored Shall spring up and bloom In the courts of the Lord. In hoary old age They shall still ripen fruit; Fat and green they shall be, Full of sap from the root. For Jehovah is upright : My stronghold is He : Yea, righteous forever Jehovah will be ! 1890. 250 PSALMS. NINETY-THIRD PSALM. 8,7. T7 VERMORE Jehovah reigneth ! He is clothed with majesty : He the worlds of worlds sustaineth Bv the laws his will ordaineth : Girt about with strength is He ! Naught can shake his throne of glory, Stablish'd on infinity: Let the floods lift up their roaring, Billows over billows pouring, Glorious in his might is He ! Mightier is the Lord Jehovah Than the breakers of the sea : Let them shout with voice of thunder, Let them dash on rocks asunder, Lord omnipotent is He ! Steadfast are thy testimonies, Sure through all eternity : In them truth its fullness summeth : Holiness thy house becometh, Lord, forever ! Praise to Thee ! 1890. PSALMS. 2^1 NINETY-SEVENTH PSALM. L. M. JEHOVAH reigns ! Let earth rejoice ; And let the multitude of isles Be glad, and sing with tuneful voice, And nature's face be clad in smiles. Though clouds and darkness from afar Are round about his presence known, Yet righteousness and judgment are The habitation of his throne. A fire before him goes, and burns His enemies on even' side ; His lightnings flash ; and earth by turns Beholds and trembles in its pride. The hills before his presence melt, Like wax before the furious flame ; His presence by the earth is felt Who built her everlasting frame. 2 5 2 PSALMS. The heavens declare his righteousness, The people all his glory see ; While they who serve the images, And boast in them, confounded be. Then Zion heard, and she was glad ; The daughters of Judea sang Rejoicingly, and through the land The praises of thy judgments rang. For thou, O Lord ! above the earth Art high ; thou art exalted far Above the kings of mortal birth, Though lofty their aspirings are. Hate evil, ye that love the Lord, For he preserves the saintly soul ; And every danger he will ward, And save from wicked men's control. On righteous men shall light arise, Like morning breaking o'er the hills; And hope shall kindle in their eyes, While holy mirth their bosom fills Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord ! Give thanks before his presence now; In memory of his faithful word And holiness, give thanks, and bow. 1853- PSALMS. 253 ONE HUNDREDTH PSALM. C. M. TTO, all ye lands ! right joyfully Shout to the Lord your King : Serve him with gladness, and before His gracious presence sing. Know ye the Lord is God indeed : He made us: his we are, His people ; we the folded flock Within the shepherd's care. O go your way into his gates, And glad thanksgivings raise ; Enter into his courts with songs, The songs of joyful praise. Give thanks to him and bless his name, For always good is He ! His loving-kindness and his truth Endure eternally. 1S90. 254 PSALMS. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIRST PSALM. 6's. LIFT my longing eyes Up to the hills in vain: Whence shall my help arise In time of want and pain? My help is from the Lord Who gave all creatures birth, And by his forming word Created heaven and earth. No lurking enemy Thy foot shall turn astray, For he that keepeth thee Will slumber not for aye. Behold, he who in love Doth Israel ever keep, His watchfulness shall prove, And slumber not nor sleep. PSALMS. 255 Thy keeper is the Lord, Jehovah is thy shade On thy right hand : his word Thy sure defence is made. By day the fervid sun Thy head shall never smite, Nor shall the sickly moon Assail thee in the night. Preserving thee from harm, All evil he'll control; And his most gracious arm Shall e'er preserve thy soul. When thou dost outward go, His grace shall go before; In coming in also, Now and forevermore. 1871. 22 256 PSALMS. C^L ** /- ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- FIFTH PSALM. C. M. WILL extol thee every day, My God, O glorious King; And I will bless thy name for aye, Thy praise forever sing. Great is the Lord and wonderful, And greatly to be praised : His greatness is unsearchable, Beyond the heavens raised. One generation, praising thee, Shall testimony bear Unto the next, and wonderingly Thy mighty acts declare. The honour of thy majesty, Thy wonders I'll proclaim; Thine acts of terror men shall see And glorify thy name. PSALMS. 257 The memory of thy goodness they Shall utter far and wide ; Thy righteousness from day to day Shall sing on every side. The Lord is gracious; full of kind Compassion: he is slow To anger, and his holy mind Is great in mercy too. The Lord our God is good to all, For all are in his thought ; His tender mercies richly fall On all that he hath wrought. Thy works shall praise thee evermore, And thee thy saints shall bless ; Thy kingdom's glory and thy power To all the world confess; Thy mighty acts that all may know Among the sons of men, Thy kingdom's majesty to show To every creature's ken. An everlasting kingdom's thine, And thy dominion sure 258 PSALMS. Throughout all generations' time Shall everywhere endure. The Lord upholdeth all that fall, The bow'd with sorrow riven; While on thee wait the eyes of all, Their meat is duly given. Thou openest thy hand of grace, And thou dost satisfy The wants of all in every place Who for thy presence cry. The Lord is righteous in his ways, His works are holy all: He's nigh to those that love his praise, And on him truly call. The strong desire he will fulfil Of them that fear his name: He hears their cry, and he will still Save them from harm and shame. The Lord preserveth them from harm Who love him as their joy, But wicked men his wrathful arm Will utterly destroy. PSALMS. 259 My mouth shall joyfully proclaim His praise from day to day : Let all flesh bless his holy name Forever and for aye. 1871. r~> .05 ^-^ r V DOXOLOGIES. h. M. A LL praise to Thee, the Holy One, ^ The Holy Father, Holy Son, And Holy Spirit ! Thou alone Art King on the eternal throne. C. M. r\ HOLY, holy, holy Lord, ^ The Father and the Son And Holy Ghost ! Be thou adored While endless ages run. S. M. T) ESIDE Thee there is none : Eternal God and King, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Thy glorious praise we sing. 260 DOXOLOGIES. 261 7,6. THY love, Holy Father, Thy grace, O Holy Son, Thy peace, O Holy Spirit, Thy church abide upon : While she her voice upraises To thine eternal throne, And chants in endless praises Glory to God alone. 8,7. /^LORY be to God the Father: Vjr Halleluiah ! Glory be to God the Son, Halleluiah ! And to God the Holy Spirit, Halleluiah ! In eternal being one ! Halleluiah ! May his kingdom come in power; Halleluiah ! And his holy will be done : Halleluiah ! Halleluiah in the highest ! Halleluiah evermore ! 262 /)()X0/.0(,7/<:S. 7's. /^LORY to Thee evermore! ^^ Glory in the uttermost ! Heaven and earth thy name adore, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 8, 7, 4- /^LORY in the highest! glory! ^"^ Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: King eternal ! we adore thee, Singing with the heavenly host, Glory ! glory ! Glory be to God on high ! Siuii". *'■- ( ... — . fC*i N m .. .. ■ \ *■ - <7 ' ' ft. * - ^ . I f¥-'4 The Presbyterian, -*■ Home and Fireside. THE KING OF GLORY COMETH! BY THOMAS MACKELLAR. - 3 fr * \ v Sfcrf * -r" Awake, O North! arise, O South! Together lift the voice : Ye East and West ! with turjeful mouth Before the Lord rejoice! Lift up the golden gates ! The King y The King of glory comes! His sons and daughters from afir Come in a joyful throng, L'd heavenward by the Eastern star, And siog the angels' song. Lift up the golden gates / The King, The King of glory comes ! The holy church of God is clad In beautiful array, And waiting multitudes are glad To bail the glorious day. Lift up the golden gates ! The King, The King of glory comes ! b j.osbm Ifvnp P9u«i&« aq ua'q* T!" *P"«* *H ( >bj i.usi }Bqx » ' 3t P* °1 P* 3X * J ** p3Stl " '• in ° n mmpanaoD pidnjs aq} jsao paj/zad aqs ***P 3a0 'pa^SB aq „<[ A>f jo qimoj am si XqM <.iaqioH „ •aao m iqSnBO aq O} saaddeq cqM jqSiM &sapp n I aqj sb qonoi sb sXcfaa auo oa 'saumatuos 'qoiqM '8[ibj -lid 3AUBan3y }nq i iiftfoi pjaosjad op o> iCp^q paB .9in J .Q,T.sBM ii)9naD ieaif r sii 1 . - :i s HH M s c^f* ?:** *? ■r \ i. The Presbyterian, * * Home and Firside. ^ir AMONG THE MANY MANSIONS. BY THOMAS MACKELLAR. V ^ /V fir- «? **1 2^ -u \^r. >S $*¥ ^ *> *; : where is God my Maker, Who giveth songs at night? May I become partaken Of pardon, peace, and light. Among his many mansions Is there a place for me ? 1 seek, but do not find him ; I cry, He makes no sgn: O will He cast behind him A helpless soul like mine ? Among his many mansions Is there a place for me ? 'Twas of his wise decreeing, In his own chosen hour, He gave my soul its being, The breathing of his power. Among his many mansions Is there a place for me? % •* * .^ $i~ It Is He in far-off regions On his mijestic seat, mJtnSK .M^d >, „'9omaa ] raj.,, „ wnrfnjd,, (( ^ S3 ao H „ ,/wtoj,, p3pqEI wpod s.iajaj ai P ub 'panoi qj JS 3q; 3pBra Bdp M ( -»dpa»i8 jaoi ns , no A -jqSu an noA" 'aaja^ „ «.is oj jub* j.nop no/ jnq