EVISED MANUAL BX 8958 .C47 A45 1910 Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbytery of Manual of the Presbytery of Chester o^f ifc^ <\ <\* , ,. / « / kL^-i^—^ */j^^^ ^S-J-I^JC^U- -firr- ^ yf-^-*^(^ °-f- -&£>-^ £ktr/fP/fto MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER Revised and Supplemental to the Manual of 1904 ISSUED SEPTEMBER. 1910 D0WNINGT0WN PUBLISHING COMPANY POWNINGTOWN, PA. Committee on the Revision of the Manual of 1904, appointed by action of Presbytery at its meeting held, April 14. 1903. Rev. John B Rendall, J). I)., Stated Clerk, Chairman. Rev. Lewis W. Mudge, I). D., the Moderator. Rev. William Tentox Krlse, Permanent Clerk. Committee on the Revision of the Manual of 1910, appointed by action of Presbytery at its meeting held, June 14, 1910. Rev. William Texton Kruse, Stated Clerk, Chairman. Rev. William M. Woodfin, the Moderator. Rev. James R. Kerr, Permanent Clerk. PREFATOPvY NOTE. This revision is supplemental to the Manual of 1904. All the completed historical data of the Presbytery contained in that Manual is here pre-supposed rather than reproduced. This aims only to he a working Manual. It is based on the conviction that a supplemental revision, as oft as need requires, bringing the information up to date and involving a minimum of expense, will serve the practical uses of the memhers of the Presbytery more than would an ever enlarging Manual in hulk, issued at longer intervals and involving larger expense. Instead, this contemplates a series of supplemental revis- ions with such frequency as will keep it practically up to date for the needs of the Presbvtery. THE COMMITTEE. Officers of tl>£ jp r **M*H?* REV. WM, M. W00DF1N, Moderator, Swarthmore. REV. WILLIAM TENTON KRL'SE, Stated Clerk, Elwyn. REV. JAMES R. KERR, Permanent Clerk, Darby. REV. THOMAS R. McDOWELL, Treasurer, Elkview. General Information SUPPLEMENTAL TO THE MANUAL OF 1904 GROWTH OF THE PRESBYTERY. Since the Manual of 1904 seven new churches have been organized, as follows : Parkesburg First 1906 Sharon Hill 1908 Radnor of Wayne . . 1906 Holmes 1909 Anderson 1906 Llanerch 1909 Calvary Highland Park 1908 The Penningtonville Church of Atglen having become an independent charge, supporting its own pastor, Chris- tiana Church reverted in 1905 to the roll of its own Pres- bytery of Westminster. Summaries of the reports sent to the General Assem- bly in 1 87 1, just after Presbytery was organized, and in 1904, when the previous manual was prepared, and in 1 9 10, when this revision of the manual was ordered, are herewith given and will show the growth of the Presby- tery . 1871. 1904. 1910. Ministers on the Roll 35 8 7 , 9 1 Churches on the Roll 3 1 54 6° .Members added on Examination 392 508 562 Members added on Certificate 175 v 316 457 Total membership 4 2 ?6 10470 12865 Adults Baptized 167 189 219 Infants Baptized 196 205 202 Sabbath-School Membership . .5331 10679 11398 6 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. CONTRIBUTIONS. l8/I. 1904. I9IO. I Iome Missions $3,914 $10,679 $ 1 5<7°3 Foreign Missions 1.564 10.308 14458 Education 2,002 941 1.245 Publication & S. S. Work 398 1,624 2,127 Church Erection 408 736 970 Ministerial Relief 956 970 1,419 Freedmen 436 1.639 1,468 Sustentation i?3i6 * Avid for Colleges 767 890 C General Assembly 336 1,013 1,212 Congregational 35.831 122,113 io 3,938 Miscellaneous 3. TI 3 I 4.3° 2 I0 ./45 'Temperance L9 1 / ] >ible Society 632 Total $48,958 $166,408 $216,724 * Sustentation has been merged since 1907 with Home Missions in the statistical reports to the General As- sembly. MODERATORS ELECTED. Since the revision of the manual in 1904 Moderators have been elected as follows : Rev. George E. Gillespie, Sept. 27. 1904. " Alford Kelley, April 11, 1905. Samuel T. Linton, Sept. 19, 1905. " Philip H. Mowry, D. D., April 10, 1906. Elder J. H. Jefferis, Sept. 36, 1906. Rev. Edmund W. FitzSimon. April 9, 1907. " Chas. R. Williamson, Ph. D., Sept. 2^, 1907. " Abraham L. Latham, Ph. D., April 14, 1908. " Martin L. Ross, D. D., Sept. 29, 1908. " Geo. L. VanAlen, April 13, 1909. " Frank C. Putnam, Sept. 28, 1909. " William M. Woodfin, April 12, 1910. MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 7 STATED MEETINGS HELD. Since the manual of 1904 Stated Meetings have been held as follows: Jan., 1905 Lansdowne. April, 1905 Chester, 5th Church. June, 1905 Clifton Heights. Sept., 1905 Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia. Jan.. 1906 Media. April, 1906 West Chester, 1st Church. June. 1906 Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia. Sept., 1906 Phcenixville. Jan., 1907 Witherspoon Building. Philadelphia. April, 1907 East Whiteland, Frazer. Sept., 1907 Paoli, 1st Church. June, 1907 Grea t Valley. Jan., 1908 Penningtonville, Atglen. April, 1908 Parkesburg, 1st Church. June,' 1908 Upper Octorara. Sept. 1938 Radnor. Wayne. Jan., 1909 . . .' Chester, 3d Church. April, 1909 01ivet ' Moore - June, 1909 Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia. Sept., 1909 Marple. Jan., 1910 Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia. April, 1910 Glenolden. Tune, 1910 Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia. Sept., 1910 Great Valley. II 8 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. COMMISSIONERS ELECTED TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Since the Manual of 1904 Commissioners to the Gen- eral Assembly have been elected as follows : 1905 — Winona 3 Ind Ministers Alford Kelley, William Boyd, W. W. McKinney, D. D., Ruling Elders J. H. Converse, LL. D., Bryn Mawr. George Thompson, .... Darbv Borough. Henry B. Black, Chester Third. 1906 — Dcs Moines, la Ministers C. R. Williamson, Ph. D., Henrv E. Jackson. W. R. Laird, Ph. D., Ruling Elders J. H. Jeffries, St. John's, Devon. John D. McHenry, . . . Fairview. Leon H. Watters^ Media. 1907 — Columbus, O Ministers " Edmund W. FitzSimon, Jacob Weidman, D. D., Wm. H. Johnson, Ph. D., Ruling Elders Charles L. Huston,. . . . Coatesvillc. J. L. Twaddell, St. John's, Devon. John Griffin, Chester First. 1908 — Kansas City, Mo... Ministers James R. Kerr, George E. Gillespie, Samuel T. Linton, Ruling Elders William Dowlin, Westminster. James A. Long, Coatesville. John Detwiler, Malvern. MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 1909 — Denver, Col Ministers Robert L. Stewart, D. D., Henrv N. Faulconer, Martin L. Ross, D. D., Ervrit, S. Boice, M. D., Ruling Elders Samuel W. Scott, .... Upper Octorara. J. W. Anderson, Nottingham. Henry T. Wilson, .... Great Valley . Arthur T. Parke, West Chester First. 19 10 — Atlantic City, N. J. Ministers A. L. Latham, Ph. D., I. N. Rendall. D. D., R. Howard Taylor, George Johnson, Ruling Elders George K. Cross, Glenolden. Charles Howson, Radnor of Wayne. John H. Dingee, Great Valley. John F. T. Lewis, Marple. DELEGATES ELECTED TO SYNOD Since the Manual of 1904 Delegates to the Synod have been elected as follows: 1904 — Oxford Ministers Thomas J. Aiken, Herbert W. Bieber, William Boyd, George B. Carr, D. D., Dean N. Dobson, E. W. FitzSimon, Ruling Elders Walter L. Wright, Ashmun. George M. Chandler, . . Avon dale. John F. Vanleer, Bethany, Chester. Alexander Andrews, . . Chambers Mem'l. William H. Nelson, . . . Chester First. Charles Wilson, Bryn Mawr. 10 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. x 9°5 — Greensburg Ministers Francis J. Collier, D. D., George E. Gillespie, Wm. W. Herberton, D. D., Win. Rankin Huston, James R. Kerr, Robert L. Stewart, D. D., Ruling Elders Henry A. Malm, Darby Borough. f. Frank Black, Chester ThircE J. E. Foulke .Chester Fifth. A. P. Tutton, Doe Run. Eber Garrett Downingtown. William H. Ridgway,. . Coatesviile. 1906 — Lancaster Ministers Henry E. Jackson, George Johnson, Samuel W. Tohnson, Thomas R. McDowell, William MacFarland, Win. Rankin Huston, Ruling Elders Reese L. Given Honeybrook. Edwin R. Morrison, . . Faggs Manor. George Fleming Fairview. William P. Moore, ...Forks, Brandy wine. Charles W. Waldrbli, . .East Whiteland. Henry R. Wilson, Great Valley. 1907 — Philadelphia Ministers William Teuton Kruse, W. R. Laird, Ph. D., Abraham L. Latham, Ph. D., S. Harper Leeper, Robert M. Patterson, D. D., Hector A. McLean, MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 11 Ruling Elders I )ayid McClure Dilworthtown. T. Honard Wright, . . . Lansdowne. [ohn Detwiler Malvern. John G. Tho as. M. D., Marpjc. Paul McKnight Media. Charles S. Welles, . . . . Middletown. !< 08 — Beaver Ministers George A. Marr, John B. Rendall, D. D., "Philip H. Mowrv, D. D., Lewis W. Mndge, D. D.. William A. Pattern, D. D., Isaac N. Rendall, D. D., Rulinsr Elders Obadiali B. Curtis New London. John K. Thompson, . . Nottingham. William K. Snyder, . . . Oxford Second. Lightner H. Greene Oxford First. Daniel P. Connor, Olivet Of Moore. Edward B. Linn, PaolL £909 — York Ministers John B. Rendall, D. D., Martin L. Ross, D. D., Thomas M. Thomas, George B. Carr, D. D., Jacob Weidman, D. D.. Chas. R. Williamson, Ph. D., Ruling Elders William S. Hastings, . . Penningtonville. George Herzel Phcenixville. Charles S. Righter Ridley Park. J. H. JefTeris St. John's, Devon. John I. Smith, Swarthmore. James Aiken, M. D.,. . . Trinity. Berwyn. "5 £ g 1 £ 4> £tc e- 1 o 3D X 0> ^= 03 comp mn in mclicatt "O iS 1 es ?^ H CQ «~ J ^ 904, ic firs agge K OS W CO Ul 5|-:| oo fo . o O N . ft ftCO . « o & . s« in • ^ tn • o 5 ' rt & - ° .oo » - oo" five « ° "> ~ £, 'j y w _ ai n ty y :oo" « • ° .5. £00 ft « c ft ft - CO ft r > c o -c o , m r^ o o . O C On on . 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MEETINGS. 1. There shall be six regular meetings of the Pres- bytery annually; four stated and two adjourned meet- ings, as follows : Presbytery shall meet on the second Tuesday of April, and shall adjourn to meet at Lincoln University on the Thursday after the third Tues- day of April. Presbytery shall meet on the last Tuesday of September, and shall adjourn to meet at Lincoln University on the second Thursday of No- vember. Tnere shall be one-day Stated Meetings on the second Tuesday of June and on the last Tuesday of January. It shall be understood that no business, other than that cted with the Committee on Education or with the reception examination and installation, dissolution and dismission of candidates, licentiates, and ministers, shall be transacted at the adjourned meetings at Lincoln Uni- versity, except such matters as may be placed on the docket for that meeting at the stated meetings of April and September. 2. Special or Pro re nata meetings may be called, as provided for in the Form of Government, Chapter X., Section 10. The notification for such meeting shall be MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 19 S€nt out by the Stated Clerk to ail the ministers and ses- sions of vacant churches; and the party, or parties, at whose instance the meeting- is called shall pay to the Stated Clerk the sum of five dollars before the notifica- tion is sent out. Sessions of churches at which the stated meetings are held may arrange for popular services in the evening at their pleasure. The stated meetings of April and September shall be opened with a sermon. Sessions will be expected to arrange the business of their churches in accordance with this schedule of meet- ings and to avoid, except in extraordinary cases, the calling of special meetings of the Presbytery. II. OFFICERS. The officers of Presbytery shall be a Moderator, Stated Clerk, Permanent Clerk, Temporary Clerk, and Treas- urer. (i) TERMS OF OFFICERS. The Moderator shall be chosen at the April and Sep- tember Stated Meetings, and shall serve for six months. The Temporary Clerk shall be chosen, on the nomination of the Permanent Clerk, at each Stated Meeting. The Stated Clerk, the Permanent Clerk, and the Treasurer shall be elected every five years, at the September Stated Meeting. (2) DUTIES OF OFFICERS. t. It shall be the duty of the Moderator to exercise all the functions of the presiding officer of a deliberative body, as specified in Chap. XIX of the Form of Govern- ment. 2. It shall be the duty of the Stated Clerk: (a) To give, at least, two weeks' notice of all the regular meet- ings of the Presbytery through the religious press; (b) 20 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. to prepare and furnish to the Moderator a docket of all the business to come before the Presbytery; (c) to fur- nish for the use of the Presbytery the Digest of the Gen- eral Assembly and the Minutes of the last Assembly and Synod; (d) to keep the roll of the Standing- Committees of the Presbytery, and to report to each Stated Meeting the vacancies therein; (e) to supply the church Sessions with blanks for the Narrative and the Statistical Report to the General x\ssembly, at least one month before the April Stated Meeting; (/) to prepare and send to the General Assembly the annual Statistical Report and such other papers as may be ordered by the Presbytery; (g) to receive the reports required by the Synod from the various Committees and forward the same to that body ; ( h ) to engross the minutes of the Presbytery in the form of a permanent record; (i) to publish such proceedings of the various meeting's as may be of general interest ; (/) to act as the custodian of the records and papers of the Presbytery; (k) to be its official correspondent, un- less otherwise ordered; and (/) to notify the members of Presbytery of the duties assigned to them. 3. The duty of the Permanent Clerk shall be: (a) To make a fair and accurate record of the transactions of the Presbytery at each meeting, and to deliver the same, carefully arranged and engrossed, to the Stated Clerk at the close of the meeting; (b) to file all papers that have been presented to the body, in the order in which they have been read, and properly labeled; and (c) to keep them in convenient form for reference until de- livered to the Stated Clerk. 4. The duty of the Temporary Clerk shall be to as- sist the Permanent Clerk, by whom he shall be nominated. 5. The duty of the Treasurer shall be: (a) To re- ceive all Presbyterial funds; (b) to disburse the same, on the order of the Stated Clerk as directed bv the Pres- MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 21 bytery or by the Standing Rules; and (c) to present to Presbytery a report of his receipts and disbursements at its September Stated Meeting. III. ASSESSMENTS. The Treasurer and the Stated and Permanent Clerks shall be a Permanent Committee on Assessments, whose duty it shall be: (a) to report to Presbytery, at its Sep- tember Stated Meeting, an estimate of the amount needed to meet the expenses of the Presbytery, including the as- sessments of the General Assembly and of the Synod, and the necessary railroad expenses of the Commissioners of the Presbytery to the Synod; and (b) to assess the same upon the churches in proportion to their member- ships. IV. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. The first half hour of the opening session and of each morning session of the Stated Meetings of the Presbytery shall be spent in devotional exercises, and each session shall be opened and closed with prayer. V. GENERAL RULES. The General Rules for Judicatories, as appended to the Constitution by the General Assembly, are adopted by this Presbytery. VI. PERMANENT COMMITTEES. A Permanent Committee is one which has a continued duty concerning a permanent subject, and continues dur- ing the pleasure of the Presbytery. i. The Presbytery shall appoint Permanent Commit- tees on the causes represented by the Boards and Com- mittees of the General Assembly and of the Synod, also of other interests of the Church, whose duty it shall be : 22 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. (a) to keep themselves fully informed as to the condition and operations of the special cause entrusted to them ; and (b) to give such information and suggest such plans of effort as may secure the active co-operation of all our ministers and churches in the furtherance of these ob- jects. 2. All communications from the Boards and Com- mittees of the General Assembly and of the Synod, and all applications to them, shall be referred to the appro- priate Committee. All correspondence between the Pres- bytery and the said Boards or Committees shall be car- ried on by the Permanent Committee on said Board or Committee, through its Chairman or Clerk. 3. The Permanent Committees shall consist of five ministers and three ruling elders, except the Committees on Examination, which shall consist of three ministers each. The Committee on Synodical Home Missions shall consist of eleven ministers and five ruling elders, and a quorum of this committee for the transaction of busi- ness shall be the same as a quorum of the Presbytery. The Committee on Foreign Missions and the Evange- listic Committee shall each consist of nine ministers and fiye ruling elders; and the Committee on the Presbyterian Brotherhood shall consist of five ruling elders. 4. No member of Presbytery shall be chairman of more than one Permanent Committee. 'Where one, al- ready Chairman of a Permanent Committee, succeeds to a similar position on another Permanent Committee by the resignation or removal of its incumbent, it shall be his privilege to choose which committee he will serve as Chairman. VII. DUTIES OF THE PERMANENT COM- MITTEES. I. Committee on Business. All Memorials, Ozcr- MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 23 tares. Complaints, and. other papers requiring the atten- tion of the Presbytery shall be first considered and re- ported by this Committee. This Committee shall ex- amine the Minutes of the General .Assembly and of the Synod and report all matters requiring the attention or action of the Presbytery ; and the Stated and Permanent Clerks shall be ex officio members of this Committee. 2. The Executive Commission shall consist of the Moderator, ex officio, who shall be the chairman, and the chairmen of the Permanent Committees on the Boards and Systematic Beneficence, and (a) its duties shall be to co-operate with the Executive Commissions of the Gen- eral Assembly and of the Synod to secure from all the churches of the Presbytery their fair share of contribu- tions for the work of all the Boards, and (b) shall re- port its acts at the September Stated Meeting. 3. The Committee on Synodical Home Missions, which shall include, Snstentation, Outlook, Vacant Churches and Supplies, shall have the supervision of the entire field of the Presbytery, in the general oversight of churches and the care of mission territory, the organi- zation of hew churches and of securing funds for the work of Snstentation. This Committee (a) shall have the care of all the vacant churches and of temporary supplies within the bounds of the Presbytery; (b) shall act as a medium of communication between unemployed ministers and vacant churches; (c) shall consider and report to Presbytery all applications from churches for aid from the Synod's Permanent Committee on Synodi- cal Home Missions, according to the rules govern- ing such applications; (d) shall have authority in the interim of Presbytery to apply for aid to the Committee on Synodical Home Missions for needy churches, and to grant leave to ministers, not members of this Presbytery, to labor within its bounds until the next regular meeting; 24 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. and (e) shall report all its acts to each Stated Meeting of the Presbytery. 4. The Committee on Home Missions shall have un- der their care, (a) the interests of the Board of Home Missions; (b) shall co-operate with the Board in giving all the churches information of the vast and growing field and arousing their interest; and (c) in securing liberal offerings every year to this cause. This Committee shall report at the Stated September Meeting. 5. The Committee on Foreign Missions shall give all diligence (a) to cultivate a missionary spirit among the people of our congregations by co-operating with the Board of Foreign Missions and the Missionary Societies within our own bounds in the spreading of missionary literature and information; and (b) to secure regular and adequate contributions from each of our churches This Committee shall report at the September Stated Meeting. 6. The Committee on Education shall (a) exercise a pastoral care over the candidates for the ministry un- der the care of the Presbytery; (b) hold correspondence with them; (c) receive reports of their standing and progress from their instructors and annually communi- cate the same to the Presbytery; (d) assign the written parts of trial to candidates for licensure or ordination ; and (e) in case of urgent necessity demanding action be- fore Presbytery meets in regular session, recommend candidates, already under the care of Presbytery, for aid to the Board. It shall be in order for this Committee to report at any Regular Meeting. 7. The Committee on Publication and Sabbath-School Work shall (a) gather information in regard to the plans, aims and work of that Board; (b) collect, as far as pos- sible, accurate and reliable statistics concerning the Sab- bath-School work within the bounds of the Presbytery; (r) encourage the establishment of Sabbath-Schools in destitute places; and (d) report the results of its labors to the June Stated Meeting. 8. The Committee on Church Erection shall (a) re- ceive all applications from congregations desiring aid from the Board of Church Erection; (b) carefully ex- amine into the same; (c) recommend to the Presbytery such amount as it may determine to be necessary; (d) give ail proper encouragement and aid to the erection of manses as well as church edifices, where they do not ex- ist ; and (e) report to Presbytery at its June Staled Meet- ing. 9. The Committee on Ministerial Relief shall (a) carefully consider all applications of aged and disabled ministers and their needy widows and children; (b) recommend to the Presbytery such amounts of money as, in its judgment, may be necessary; and (e) report to Presbytery at its June Stated Meeting. 10. The Committee on Frecdmen shall (a) gather and present to the Presbytery such fact^ as may be oi inter- est in regard to the colored people of the country, to- gether with their educational and religious necessities ; and (b) present the same to the Presbytery at its Sep- tember Stated Meeting. 11. The Committee on Aid for Colleges shall (a) examine the reports of the College Board; (b) make note of its progress and of the literary institutions under its fostering care; and (c) report the same, together with such facts in regard to the necessities, claims and en- couragements of this work as may be of interest, to Pres- bytery, at its January Stated Meeting. 12. The Committee on Systematic Beneficence shall (a) make an annual survey of the benevolence of the churches within our bounds; (b) prepare such a sum- mary of the contributions of the churches connected with 26 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. the Presbytery as shall enable it to see what is being done for the Boards of the Church; (c) suggest any means which, in their judgment, will increase the liberality of the churches ; and (d) report to Presbytery at its January Stated Meeting. 13. The Committee on Morals, Temperance and the Sabbath shall (a) keep an outlook upon and encourage all movements for the elevation of morals, the suppression of the liquor traffic, and the observance of the Sabbath ; and (b) shall report the condition and progress of the work with such recommendations as it may deem best to the Presbytery at its January Stated Meeting. 14. The Committee on Young People's Societies shall (a) have in charge the interests of the various organiza- tions of young people; and (b) report to Presbytery thereon at its April Stated Meeting. 15. The Jlistorical Committee shall procure a book and record therein such items of interest as the follow r - ing: (a) An account of church organizations and dis- solutions; (b) ordination, enrollment and installation of ministers, dissolution of pastoral relations and dismission of ministers to other bodies; (c) biographical sketches of such members as may die while members of this Pres- bytery ; (d) such other historical information as may be calculated, in their judgment or in that of the Pres- bytery, to throw light on the history of the Church in this locality; (e) a. compact history of Presbyterianism within our bounds for the current year, including re- vivals of religion, the origin and progress of literary in- stitutions, great moral and religious movements, re- movals by death from the ministry or eldership, and ('/") whatever else may be essential to a complete record. The report shall be presented to Presbytery, before be- ing entered in the book, at its January Stated Meeting. 16. The Evangelistic Committee shall (b) have the MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 27 care and direction of the Evangelistic activities of the Presbytery; and (b) shall seek in all ways to foster and serve this spirit among the churches. This Committee may report at any Stated Meeting. 17. The Committee on Brotherhood shall (a) have charge of and stimulate Christian work among men; (b) organize and encourage Brotherhoods in the churches where practicable ; and in all ways secure the training of the men of the churches in Christian service; and (c) shall report at the January Stated Meeting. 18. Narrative. This Committee shall consist of three ministers, each of whom shall serve for three years, the one holding senior membership in the committee to be the chairman for that year, one new member to be ap- pointed each year at the September Stated Meeting. Its duties shall be (a) to prepare for the April Stated Meet- ing a Narrative for the General Assembly based on the Narrative of the churches, as provided for in Rule XIV, Section 2, together with a general and comparative study of the spiritual conditions within the Presbytery; (b) this Committee may report to the September Stated Meet- ing such additional matter as it may deem necessary to make a complete Narrative to Synod; and (c) each re- tiring Chairman shall transfer to his successor all reports and records relating to the work of the Committee in order that comparisons may be made and conditions studied with care and thoroughness from year to year. 19. The Committee on Vacancies in the Permanent Committees, consisting of the Moderator, the Stated and the Permanent Clerks, shall nominate to the Presbytery, at each Stated Meeting, such members of the body as, in their judgment, are best qualified to fill any vacancies that may exist in any of the above-named Committees. VIIL STANDING COMMITTEES. Standing Committees are such as have a temporary 28 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. duty to a standing item of business. They are discharged by the action of Presbytery on their final report. The following shall be appointed as provided for by the Dockets : i. Arrangements and Devotional Exercises. — To consist of the Session of the church in which the Presbytery meets. This Committee shall make all need- fid arrangements for the entertainment of the members of the Presbytery, its hours of sessions, devotional ex- ercises and popular meetings, subject to the approval of the Presbytery. 2. Judicial. — To consist of three ministers and two ruling elders, to which shall be referred all papers of a judicial character. 3. Bills and Overtures. — To consist of three min- isters and two ruling elders, to whom shall be referred all overtures, memorials and references, other than judi- cial, sent to Presbytery. 4. Records of Sessions. — (1) Sessional records shall be examined by a Standing Committee of Presby- tery composed of six ministers and six ruling elders, with the assistance of more in each class in case of tem- porary need. (2) This Committee shall be appointed by the Moder- ator with consent of Presbytery, as follows : Two minis- ters annually at the September Stated Meeting to serve for three years, except that at the first appointment two shnll be appointed for one year, two for two years, and two for three years. Ruling elders shall be appointed at each Stated Meeting of Presbytery whereat sessional records are to be examined, to serve until their successors are appointed ; additional men shall be appointed pro tetn. at any meeting on request of the Standing Committee. (3) The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, in the latest edition ap- MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 29 proved by the General Assembly, shall be the Committee's standard for the examination of Sessional Records. (4) In addition to noting exceptions the Committee shall considerately seek to stimulate the practice by ses- sions of keeping a fair record of their proceedings cor- rectly recorded, comprehensive, accurate and neat. (j;) Before the close of the meeting at which Sessional Records are submitted the Committee shall report to Presbytery its findings in each case, and shall suitably inscribe upon every copy the action of Presbytery relat- ing thereto, in order that the Moderator may conveniently add his signature in attestation thereof. (6) The standing members may adopt regulations for the performance of the Committee's duties, subject to the approval of Presbytery. 5. Auditors. — To consist of three ruling elders, to be appointed at the September Stated Meeting, whose duty it shall be (a) to examine the Treasurer's report and vouchers and (b) make written report thereon to Pres- bytery. 6. Leave of Absence. — To consist of two ministers and one ruling elder. All communications in regard to the absence of members of the Presbytery shall be re- ferred to this Committee, who shall (a) make record thereof; (b) hear the case of all members who find it necessary to leave the body before its final adjournment and act thereon; and (c) make a full and written report at the close of the final session of the Presbytery. IX. COMMITTEES ON EXAMINATIONS. There shall be a Committee appointed for the ex- amination of candidates for the ministry, for licensure and ordination, on each of the following parts of trial ; 1. Experimental religion and motives for seeking the office of the ministry. 2. Languages. 30 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 3. Arts, sciences and philosophy. 4. Theology. 5. Church History. 6. Sacraments. 7. Church Government. 8. 'English Bible. '.-5' X. CANDIDATES AND THEIR EXAMINATIONS. 1. Candidates for the ministry, as well as licentiates under the care of the Presbytery, shall report annually, through the Giairman of the Permanent Committee on Education, to the Presbytery. 2. The written parts of trial assigned to candidates for the ministry, except the sermon, shall be referred to the joint Committees on Languages, and, Arts and Sciences for examination. Examinations in languages, arts, sciences and philosophy shall be conducted before the respective Committees on these branches, and the other examinations, unless otherwise ordered before the Presbytery. XI. COMMISSIONERS. 1. On the afternoon of the first day of the April Stated Meeting the Commissioners to the General As- sembly shall be elected. They shall report to the Pres- bytery, in person or in writing, at its June Stated Meet- ing. The alternate having received the highest number of votes shall be the alternate first in order to any principal who may be unable to fulfil his appointment. shall have been exhausted. Any principal and alternate 2. The delegates to the Synod shall be elected on the afternoon of the first day of the September Stated Meet- ing, and shall report to Presbytery, in person or in writ- ing, at its January Stated Meeting. The Presbytery shall pay the expenses of its Commissioners only to the extent of the lowest railroad fare to and from the place MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 31 of meeting, plus one dollar en route in case of additional expenses. 3. For the purpose of the election of delegates to Synod, an alphabetical roll of the Presbytery shall be prepared. The said roll shall consist of the names of ministers who are engaged in ministerial work within our own bounds and have been members of the Presbytery at least one year. The first six names or such ratio as shall at any time exist shall be principals, and the second six alternates, and so on down the roll until this roll shall have been exhausted. Any principal and alternate may at their convenience exchange turns ; and any alter- nate who shall take the place of a principal shall be re- garded as having filled his own term. When the roll is exhausted a new roll shall be made of Presbytery as it shall then consist. The same plan shall be followed for eider delegates, taking one elder from a church or from the two churches of a joint pastorate on the alphabetical roll of churches. Whenever the interests of the Presby- tery or considerations of courtesy shall make it desirable to send any special delegates, nothing in this plan shall militate against such special election. XII. CHURCH SESSIONS. 1. At the September Stated Meeting, each church Session shall present its records for review to the Com- mittee appointed by the Presbytery for the purpose. 2. Each church Session shall prepare the narrative of the state of religion within its bounds, on the blank sent out by the Stated Clerk, and forward the same to the Committee on Narrative, at least two weeks before the April Stated Meeting, and, when there is additional mat- ter to be added, two weeks before the September Stated Meeting of the Presbytery. 3. Each church Session shall promptly fill the various columns in the blank statistical report sent out by the Stated Clerk, and return the same to him, at least one week before the April Stated Meeting of the Presbytery. XIII. VACANT CHURCHES, i. Whenever a church becomes vacant it falls under the immediate care of the Committee on Synodical Home Missions, and so continues until brought regularly under the charge of an individual pastor; and the Committee shall proceed immediately to take such order in its be- half as its circumstances may require. 2. The appointment of a minister of the Presbytery as the Moderator of the Session of a vacant church shall in no case be omitted. Said Moderator may be nominated by the Session. 3. The Session of a vacant church may ask leave of the Presbytery to supply its own pulpit ; and when said leave is obtained it shall, unless renewed, expire at the next Stated Meeting. In the absence of such leave the Session shall, in general, apply for supplies for its pulpit to the Committee on Synodical Home Missions. 4. The Sessions of vacant churches may properly ap- ply for the aid of the Presbytery, through the Committee on Synodical Home Missions, in obtaining candidates for the pastorate, and they should by all means do it when the vacancy has been of long continuance. 5. No vacant church shall open its pulpit to a stranger as a candidate, and especially not to one not in our ecclesiastical connection, without consultation with the the Committee on Synodical Home Missions. 6. When a church has been long vacant, the Presby- tery shall visit it, by a Committee, for the purpose of inquiry concerning its welfare and prospects, and of mak- ing such suggestions and giving such counsel as the case may require. 7. If it become known to Presbytery that dan- gerous difficulties exist in any vacant church, which re- MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. |B quire its interposition, it shall appoint a commission, with the full power of the Presbytery, to adopt whatever measures may be required for the peace, purity and pros- perity of the church. XIV. AMENDMENTS. Any of these Standing Rules may be suspended, at aii}' meeting, by a two-thirds vote ; or may be amended or rescinded by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any Stated Meeting, provided that notice of such intended change has been given at a previous Stated Meeting. 34 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. The Dockets FOR THE JANUARY STATED MEETING. The following Order of Business shall be observed, as far as possible, during the sessions of the January Stated Meeting : i. Half-hour Devotional Exercises. Constituting Prayer. Calling of Roll. Election of Temporary Clerk. Report of Committee of Arrangements. Reading and Approval of Recorded Minutes. Report of Stated Clerk. Report of Business Committee. Appointment of Committees, if needed, on : (a) Bills and Overtures. (b) Judicial. 10. Reports of Permanent Committees on : (a) Synodical Home Missions. (b) Morals, Temperance and the Sabbath. (c) Systematic Beneficence. (d) Aid for Colleges. (e) Presbyterian Brotherhood. (/) Historical. it. Reports of Special Committees. 12. Report of Delegates to the Synod. 13. Select Next Place of Meeting. 14. Reading of Minutes. 15. Adjournment. FOR THE APRIL STATED MEETING. The following Order of Business shall be observed, as MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 35 sessions of the April Stated far as possible, during th Meeting: 10. ii. 12 U 1 6. Sermon. Constituting Prayer. Calling of the Roll. Election of Moderator and Temporary Clerk. Report of the Committee of Arrange rents. Reading and Approval of Recorded Minutes. Report of the Stated Clerk. Report of Business Committee. Appointment of Committees, if needed, on : (a) Bills and Overtures. (b) Judicial. (c) Leave of Absence, Election of Commissioners to the General Assembly. Reports of Permanent Committees on : (a) Synodical Home Missions. (b) Education. (c) Young People's Societies. (d) Narrative of Christian Life and Work. Reports of Special Committees. Report on Vacancies in Permanent Committees. Select Next Place of Meeting. Reading the Minutes. Adjournment. FOR THE JUNE STATED MEETING. The following Order of Business shall be observed, as far as possible, during the sessions of the June Stated Meeting: 1. Half-hour Devotional Exersises. 2. Constituting Prayer. 3. Calling of the Roll. 1 4. Election of Temporary Clerk. 86 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 5. Report of Committee of Arrangements. 6. Reading and Approval of Recorded Minutes. 7. Report of Stated Clerk. 8. Report of Business Committee. 9 Appointment of Committees, if needed, on : (a) Bills and Overtures. (b) Judicial. 10. Reports of Permanent Committees on : (a) Synodical Home Missions. (b) Publication and Sabbath School Work. (c) Ministerial Relief. (d) Church Erection. (e) American Bible Society. (/) Work Among Foreigners. 11. Reports of Special Committees. 12. Report of Commissioners to the General Assembly. 13. Select Next Place of Meeting, 14. Reading of Minutes. 15. Adjournment. FOR THE SEPTEMBER STATED MEETING. The following Order of Business shall be observed, as far as possible, during the sessions of the September Stated Meeting : 1. Sermon. 2. ^Constituting Prayer. 3. Calling of the Roll. 4. Election of Moderator and Temporary Clerk. 5. Report of the Committee of Arrangements. 6. Reading and Approval of Recorded Minutes. 7. Report of the Stated Clerk. 8. Report of the Business Committee. 9. Appointment of Committees, if needed, on : (a) Bills and Overtures. (b) Judicial. MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 37 (c) Records of Church Sessions. (d) Auditing Treasurer's Accounts. (c) Leave of Absence. 10. Report of the Treasurer. ii. Report of Committee on Assessments. 12. Reports of Permanent Committees on: (a) Synodical Home Missions. (/?) Home Missions. (c) Foreign Missions. (d) Education. (e) Freedmen. (/) Executive Commission. 13. Reports of Special Committees. 14. Report on Vacancies in Permanent Committees. 15. Select Next Place of Meeting. 16. Reading the Minutes. 17. Adjournment. 38 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. ALPHABETICAL ROLL FOR SYNODICAL DELEGATES. IQIO. A. MINISTERS. Ervrit S. Boice. William Boyd. George B. Carr. James Carter. Samuel Conn. Howard C. Cooper. P. J. Augustus Coxe. Llewellyn James Davies. A. Raymond Eckels. Henry N. Faulconer. Cleveland Frame. George E. Gillespie. John Graham. W. W. Heberton. George N. Hertzog. D. Wilson Hollinger. \Y. R. Huston. Robert C. Jenkins. George Johnson. Samuel W. Johnson. William H. Johnson. Robert J. Johnston. Egidius Kellmayer. James R. Kerr. Thomas Kerr. Harvey W. Koehler. William T. Kruse. W. R. Laird. A. L. Latham. S. Flarper Leeper. Samuel T. Linton. Frank Malven. George A. Marr. Henry G. Martin. Thomas R. McDowell. Wra. C McKnight Hector A. McLean Philip H. Mowry. Lewis W. Mudge. V. V. Nicholas. Robert M. Patterson. William A. Patton. Euclid Philips. Frank C. Putnam. Hugh W. Rendall. Humphrey J. Rendall. Isaac N. Rendall. John B. Rendall. Frank H. Ridgley. G. A. Johnston Ross. Arthur Richards Martin L. Ross. Felix B. Santilli. E. Ray Simons. Robert L. Stewart. R. Howard Taylor. Thomas M. Thomas. David Tully. George L. VanAlen. Eugene M. VanNote. Henry S. VanOsten. W. Potter VanTries. Edward Warren. Charles R. Williamson. David Winters. William M. Woodfin. B. CHURCHES. Anderson. Ashmun. Avondale. Bethany, of Chester. Bryn Mawr. Calvary, at Highland Park. MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER Chambers Memorial. Charlestown, Chester First. Chester Second. Chester Third. Chester Fifth. Chichester Memorial. Clifton Heights. Coatesville. Darby Borough. Dilworthtown. Doe Run. Downingtown Central. East Whiteland. Faggs Manor. Fairview. Forks of Brandywine. Glenolden First. Glen Riddle. Great Valley. Holmes. Honeybrook. Kennett Square. Lansdowne First. Leiper Memorial. Llanerch. Malvern First. Marple. Media. Middletown. New London. Nottingham. Olivet, of Moore. Oxford First. Oxford Second. Paoli First. Parkesburg First. Penningtonville. Phoenixville. Radnor, of Wayne. Ridley Park. Sharon Hill. St. John's, of Devon. Swarthmore. Toughkenamon. Trinity, of Berwyn. Unionville. Upper Cctorara. Wallingford. Wayne. West Chester First. West Chester Second. Westminster. West Grove. 40 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. PERMANENT COMMITTEES i. COMMITTEE ON BUSINESS. Rev. Lewis W. Mudge, D. D., Chairman. Rev. Charles R. Williamson, Ph. D. Rev. William Rankin Huston. Rev. William A. Patton. D. D. Rev. Wm. Teuton Kruse, ex officio. Rev. James R. Kerr, ex officio. Elder Charles S. Welles, Middle- town. Elder Alfred P. Reid, Westminster. Eider George K. Cross, Glenolden. 2. EVANGELISTIC COMMITTEE. Rev. W. R. Laird, Ph. D.. Chair- man. Rev. William Boyd. Rev. Lewis W. Mud?e, D. D. Rev. A. L. Latham, Ph. D. Rev. George E. Gillespie. Rev. Thomas R. McDowell. Rev. Charles R. Williamson, Ph. D. Rev. Samuel T. Linton. Rev. Harvey W. Koehler. Elder William H. Ridgway, Coates- vilie. Elder J. Chester Wilson, Clifton Heights. Elder John G. Mackay, Media. Elder J. H. JeEreris, St. John's, Devon. Elder Maxwell Ocheltree, Chester Third. 3. PRESBYTERIAN BROTHERHOOD. Elder J. H. Jefferis, Chairman. Eider Maxwell Ocheltree, Chester Third. Elder Granville L. Rettew, West- minster. Elder J. Hayes Turner. Faggs Manor. Elder Charles L. Huston. Coates- ville. 4. SYNODICAL HOME MISSIONS. Rev. Thomas R. McDowell, Chair- man. Rev. Philip H. Mowry, D. D. Rev. John B. Rendall, D. D. Rev. William A. Patton, D. D. Rev. W. R. Laird, Ph. D. Rev. Hector A. McLean. Rev. William Bovd. Rev. Charles R Williamson, Ph. D. Rev. George E. Gillespie. Rev. David Tully, D. D. Rev. Frank C. Putnam. Elder J. Frank Black, Chester Third. Elder Alfred P. Reid, Westminster. Elder Clifton Dowlin, M. D., Forks' Brandy wine. Elder Jacob Y. McConnell, Darby Borough. Elder Alfred E. Townsend. Oxford First. MAXl'AL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 41 5. HOME MISSIONS. Rev. Wm. IT. Johnson, Ph. 1'.. Chairman. Rev. i ewis W. .\iml:c, D. 1). Rev. Robert J. Johnston. Ph. D. Rev. Martin L. Ross. D. D. R - . Davia Winter. LL. 1). Elder J. L. Twaddel!, St. John's, of Devon. Elder John C. llinkson, Chester Third. Eider Tames Murray, Phcenixvi'le. 6. FOREIGN MISSIONS. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. 'Rev. Rev. Rev. Elder S. Harper Leeper a Chairman. William Teuton u George E. Gillespie. George "N. Hertzes. Thomas Kerr. Eugene M. VanNote. Abraham L. Latham. Ph. D. Vandeveer V. Nicholas. Euclid Philips. Charles S. Welles, Middle- town. Flder C. I. Leiper, Media. Elder Thompson McCIintock, Bryn Mawr. Elder T. Houard Wright, Lans- downe. Elder J. II. Jefferis. St. John's, of Devon. EDUCATION. Rev. Frank Malven. Chairman. Rev. Robert L. Stewart, D. D. Rev. A. Raymond Eckles. Rev. Wm. Hallock Johnson, Ph. D. Rev. James Carter. Eider J. Hayes Turner, Faggs Manor. Elder Samuel W. Lawrie. Oxford First. Elder Walter L. Wright, Jr., Ash- ffliin. PUBLICATION AND SABBATH SCHOOL WORK. Rev. Wm. Rankin Huston, Chair- man. Rev. William Teuton Kruse. Rev. Wm. W. Herberton, D. D. Rev. D. Wilson Hollinger. Rev. John Graham, D. D. Elder Samuel F. Irwin. \ ansdowne. Elder A. G. C. Smith. Media. Elder William H. Ridgwav. Coates- ville. Rev. A. L. Latham, Ph. man. Rev. David Tully, D. D. Rev. Hector A. McLean. Rev. S. Harper Leeper. Rev. James R. Kerr. CHURCH ERECTION. D., Chair- 42 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. Elder Tames A. McKnight, Ridley Park! E!der William B. Staulter Down- ingtown. Elder Frank Innis, Chester Second. MINISTERIAL RELIEF. ■Rev. Hector A. McLean, Chair- man. Rev. Samue! T. Linton. Rev. George L. Van Alen. Rev. A. Raymond Eckles. Rev. Arthur Richards. Elder Wm. A. Hofman, Darby Borough. Elder John H. Dingee, Great \ alley. Elder Robert Hutch-son, Malvern. FREEDMEX. Rev. I. N Rendal!, D. D., Chair- man. Rev. George Johnson. Rev. Samue! \Y. Johnson. Rev. Thomas M. Johnson. Rev. Humphrey J. Rendall. Elder T. E. Ramsev. Swarthmore. Elder J. Wiilison Watt, Oxford First. Elder William S. Gibb, Wayne. AID FOR COLLEGES. Rev. R. Howard Tavlor, Chairman. Rev. Hurh W. Rendall. Rev. T k'wellyn J. Davies. Rev. William C. 'McKr.ight. Rev. W. Potter Win Tries. Elder Harris A. Sproat, Dilworth- town. Elder Josiah Swank. Downingtown. Memorial. Elder H. H. Bitler, Chambers Me- morial. 13. SYSTEMATIC BENEFICENCE. Rev. William Boyd, Chairman. Rev. George Tohnson. Rev. Euclid Philips. Rev. Cleveland Frame. Rev. William C. McKnight. Elder Chari.es K. Welsh, Darby Borough. Elder Joel P. Conrad, New I ondon. Elder T. R. Maxwell, M. D., Parkesburg. 14. TEMPERANCE, PUBLIC MORALS, AND THE SABBATH. Rev. William M. Woodfin. Chair- man. Rev. Washington R. Laird, Ph. D. Rev. James R. Kerr. Rev. D. Wilson Hollineer. Rev. Ervrit S. Boice, M. D. MAXUALOF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. i{ Elder Henry ii. Blatchley, Wayne. : .. Ji o. ' G. Thomas, M !»., Warple Elder John II. Co!e, Kenni u Snuare. tS- Yi •■ PE< : ; E'S SOCIE1 tES. Rev. Wm. A. Patton D. J) . man. Rev. Chas. R. \\ Ph. J). Re . Samuel T. i i Rev E. Ray Sim Rev. Howard C. Cooper. Elder J. Y. McConnell, Darby Borouph. Elder Wm. C. Rusted. West Chester First. Elder Frank G. Sweeney. Chester First. t6. HISTORICAL Rev. Wm. Rankin Huston, Chair- man. Rev. George B. Carr, D. D. Rev. Willi am Teuton Kruse. Rev. Georce N. Hertzog. Rev. David Tully, D. D. Rev. William M. Woodfin. Elder George K. Cross^ GlenoVlen. Elder Wilmer W. McElree, West- minster. Elder Joseph A. Ball, Radnor. 7. AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY. Rev. Robt. L. Stewart, D, D., Chairman. Rev. A. L. Latham. Ph. D. Elder T. Chester Wilson, Clifton Heights. 1 8. AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY. Rev. Robert C. Jenkins, Chairman. Rev. Egidius Kellmoyer. E*der Samuel W. Scott. L T pper Octorara. io. NARRATIVE OF CHRISTIAN LIFE AND WORK. (Members serve for three years.) Rev. W. M Woodfin, Chairman, (iQIO-IQIl). Rev. A. L. Latham, Ph. D. 20. SESSIONAL RECORDS. (Members serve for three years.) Rev. Frank C. Putnam, Chairman. (iQTO-IOII ) Rev. E. Ray Simons Rev. Robert J. Johnson, Ph. D. 4'4 V* ANVAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER THE TRUSTEES OF PRESBYTERY. TERM EXPIRES I QI I. Rev. Lewis W. Mudge, D. L\ Elder Thomas G. Janvier. Elder Albert E. Townsend. TtSM EXPIRES I9I-'. Rev. William Boyd. I Mer John II. Dingee. Elder J. Frank Black. term expires 1913. Elder A. P. Reed, Chairman. Kev. 1. B. Kendall', D. D., Se fcev. Philip H. Mewry, D. D. COMMITTEES ON EXAMINATION I. EXPERIMENTAL reltgion. '. v David Tullv, D. D. Rev. Robert L. Stewart, D. D. Rev. James R. Kerr. ARTS, SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY. Rev. John B. Rendall, D. D. Rev. Chas. R. Williamson, Ph. D. Rev. Wm, Hallock Johnson, Ph. LX 3. LANGUAGES'. Rev. John B. Rendall, D. D. Rev. William Boyd. Rev. Frank Malven. 4. THEOLOGY. Rev, George John Rev. Philip H. Mowry, D. D. Rev. Lewis W. Mudge, D. D. 5. CHURCH HISTORY. Rev. David Winters, LL. D. Rev, Abraham L. Latham, Ph. DL Kiev. James Carter. 6. CHURCH GOVERNMENT. Rev. W. K. Laird, Ph. D-. Rev. William M. Woodfin. Rev. Geocge L. Van Alen. 7. THE SACRAMENTS. Rev. William Terrton Kruse. Rev. George Ef. Carr, D. IX, Rev. R. Howard Taylor. 8. THE ENGLISH BISLJE- Rev. David Tuliy, B. D. William Bovd. Rev. W. K. Laird, Ph. D. MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OE CHESTER. 45 1910. DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES, PASTORS, RULING ELDERS, AXD SABBATH SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS. 1906.— ANDERSON. j. E. Barth, S. S., 1906-1907. Henry S. Van Osten, Llanarch, S. S., 1908- Elder, Andrew H. Beschor,* Upper Darby. S. S. Supt. — T. Houard Wright, Lansdowne. 18S7.— ASHMUX. I. N. Randall, D. D., S. S., 1887-1907. J. B. Rendell, D. D., Lincoln University, S. S., 1907- Elder, Walter L. Wright, Jr. * Lincoln University. S. S. Supt.— Rev. I. N. Rendall, D. D., Lincoln Uni- versity. 1870.— AVONDALE] Henry C. Sperbeck, P., Dec. 17, 1901-Nov. 28, 1904. Thomas R. McDowell, Elkview, P., Mar. 7, 1906- Elders, George M. Chandler, Avondale. Oliver Baker,* Chatham. S. S. Supt.— George M. Chandler, Avondale. 1890.— BETHAJJY, CHESTER. Harry S. Bloch, P., Nov. 19, 1902-Sept. 25, 1906. IT. Preston McHenry, P., Feb. 28, 1907-Jan. 28, 1908. Egidius Kellmayer, Chester, P., Nov. 10, 1908- Elders, Anson A. Avery,* Chester. E. M. Armstrong, Chester. Robert J. Macklem, Chester. Samuel Hill, Chester. S. S. Supt. — Anson A. Avery, Chester. 4G MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. [873.— BRYN MAWR. Wm. Hamilton Miller, D. D., P., Sept. 24, 1874-Mar. 10, 1907. G. A. Johnston Ross, Bryn Mawr, P., Oct. 19, 1909- Elders, W. L. Austin, Bryn Mawr. Alba B. Johnson, LL. D., Rosemont. Thompson McClintock, Haverfofd. William E. Steen, Bryn Mawr. B. K. Wilbur, M. D., Rosemont. Charles Wilson,* Box 224. Rosemont. S. S. Supt. — Charles Wilson, Rosemont. 1908.— CALVARY, HIGHLAND PARK. David Tully, D. D., Media. S. S., 1910- Elder, Theodore Wilson,* Llanerch. S. S. Supt. : — Theodore Wilson, Llanerch. 1889.— CHAMBERS MEMORIAL, RUTLEDGE. Wm. W. McKinney, D. D., LL. D., P., May 10, 1892- Sept. 25, 1905. George L. VanAlen, P., Rutledge, July 2, 1906- Elders, Henry II. Bitler,* Rutledge. xMexander Andrew, 1638 Market St., Philadel- phia. Tames IT. Eowen, Rutledge. Edward M. Boyd, Rutledge. William H. Gatchell, Rutledge. Benjamin C. Davis, Rutledge. S. S. Supt.— Henry H. Bitler, Rutledge. 1 770.— CHARLESTOWN. Vacant. 1852.— CHESTER, FIRST. Philip H. Mowry, D. D., Chester, P.. Dec. 12, 1872- Elders, John Griffin,* Chester. John Cochran, Chester. Wallace W. Gayley, Chester. Samuel C. Miller. William H. Nelson, Chester. Richard R. Spencer, Chester. Col. Frank G. Sweeney, Chester. S. S. Supt.— Samuel C. Miller, Chester. MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 47 r866.— CHESTER, SECOND. WiHiara MacFarJand, P., Oct. 8, 1903-May 31, 1909. Harvey W. Koehler, Chester, P., Oct. 26, 1909- Elders, Frank Innis,* Chester. Robert Ross, Chester. Caleb R. Wright, Chester. Walter Xethery, Chester. S. S. Supt.— Robert Ross, 725 W. 5th, Chester. I 8 7 2.— CHESTER, THIRD. Abraham L. Latham, Ph. D., Chester, P., Feb. 17, 1904- Elders, John C. Hinkson,* Chester. C. H. Hubbard, M. D., Chester. J. Frank Black. Chester. M. Ocheltree, Chester. H. C. Duff, Chester. John B. Black, Chester. Wm. M. Hawthorne, Chester. B. Hillyard Sweney, Chester. Wm. M. Maclntyre, Chester. John R. Sweeney, Chester. S. S. Supt.— M. Ocheltree, Chester. 1899.— CHESTER, FIFTH. Thomas M. Thomas, P., May 18, 1899-Oct. 12, 1908. Thomas M. Thomas, Chester, P., April 27, 1909- Elders, T. N. Collins,- Chester. Macy Duke, Chester. Ellison Clinton, Ridley Park. S. S. Supt.— T. N. Collins, 1814 W. 2d, Chester. 1886.— CHICHESTER MEMORIAL. Henry S. VanOsten, P.. June 15, 1897-Sept. 19, 1905. Robert C. Jenkins, Boothwyn, P., June 11, 1906- Elders, Clarence W. Pierce,* Hallyoke, Delaware. William H. Booth, Boothwyn. George P. Worrell, Hance. S. S. Supt.— Clarence W. Pierce, Hallyoke, Delaware. 48 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 1887.— CLIFTON HEIGHTS, FIRST. Wm. Rankin Huston, Clifton Heights, P., April, 1894- Elders, Henry T. Wallace, Lansdowne. J. Chester Wilson,* Aldan. S. S. Supt. — J. Chester Wilson, Aldan. 1833.— COATESVILLE. George E. Gillespie, Coatesville, P., Feb. 4.. 1902- Elders, Harry Garman,* Coatt^ville. Charles L. Huston, Coatesville. William H. Ridgway, Coatesville. John W. Doan, Coatesville. W. K. Harris, Coatesville. James A. Long, Coatesville. S. S. Supt. — William H. Ridgway, Coatesville. 55- Joshua L. Russell, D. D., P., Oct. 2. 1895-Nov. 24, 1906. James R. Kerr, Darby, P., June 4. 1907- Elders, William A. Hofman,* Norwood. George Thompson, Darby. Jacob Y. McConnell, Darby. Benjamin F. Magnin, Darby. Charles K. Welsh s Darby. Joseph J. Ellison, Darby. Joseph McGregor, Darby. Fred C. Derikhaus, Darby. Lewis G. Willis. 691 1 Paschall Ave., Pnila. S. S. Supt. — Jacob Y. McConnell, Darby. 1878.— DILWORTHTOWN. Martin L. Ross, D. D., West Chester, R. F. D., P.. May 13, 1902- Elders, Elarris E. Sproat,* Westtown. David McClure, West Chester, R. F. D. Miller, M. Boyd, Westtown. S. S. Supt. — Harris E. Sproat, Westtown. t 740.— DOE RUN. Jo-eph L. Polk, Ph. D., P., Nov. 16, 1904-^}- 29. 1905. MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 49 Thomas McKean Polk, P., Oct. 10, 1905-Aug. 29, 1909. Arthur Richards, Mortonviile, P.. Dec. 1, 19^,- Elders, W. J. Monhollend,* .Mortonviile. Robert T. Woodward, Mortonviile. Charles Dale, Mortonviile. George R. Bone, Thorndale. S. S. Supt. — Charles Dale, Mortonviile. i^Oi.— DOWNINGTOWN CENTRAL. Lewis M. Mudge, D. D., East Downingtow n. P., April 8, 1902- Elders, Isaac Y. Ash,* Downingtown. Eber Garrett, East Downingtown. William B. ShaufTer, East Downingtown. Josiah Swank, East Downingtown. Charles W. Robinson, Downingtown, R. E. D. S. S. Supt. — Joseph T. Miller, East Downingtown. 1839.— EAST WHITELAND, ERAZER. Ai ford Kelley, P., June 18, 1894-Nov. 7, 1905. John Wesley McCallum, P., May 22, 1906-Aug. 5, 1907. Howard C. Cooper, Frazer, P., May 15, 1908- Elders, J. P. McAllister,* Morstein. Charles W. Waldron, Glen Loch. W. T. K. Moses, Glen Loch. Martin L. Kochenderfer, Ickesburg. S. S. Supt. — Charles W. Waldron, Glen Loch. 1730.— FAGGS MANOR. Frank Malven,* Cochransville, P., Oct. 12, 1905- Elders, William P. Potts, Parkesburg. Robert A. Hamill, Cochransville. Charles B. Criswell, Cochransville. David H. Esbenshade, Cochransville. Edwin R. Morrison, Cochransville. J. Hayes Turner, Lincoln University. Frank Brown, Kelton. William J. McClellan, London Grove. S. S. Supt. — William P. Potts, Parkesburg. 1840.— FAIRVIEW. Dean N. Dobson, P., June 22, 1904-Sept. 30. 1907. 50 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. Eugene M. YanNote, Glen Moore, P., Feb. 14, 1908- Elders, William Miller,* Glen Moore. William Palsgrove, Glen Moore. George Fleming, Elverson. Ja ves Simpson. Lionville. S. S. Supt.— William Patterson, Glen Moore. 1733.— FORKS OF BRAXDYWINE. Hector A. McLean,* Glen Moore, R. F. D., P., Nov. 15, 1888- Elders, Frederick H. Irwin. Coatesville, R. F. D. 1. William D. Marshall, Lyndall. John Barr, Cupola. Joseph C. Ash, Coatesville, R. F D. 1. Samuel D. Curry, Downingtown, R. F. D. 1. Clifton Dowlin, M. D., Downingtown. S. S. Supt.— Joseph C. Ash., Coatesville, R. F. D. 1. 1840.— GLENOLDEN, FIRST. David Winters, LL. D., Glenolden, P., Feb. 14, 1905- Elders, George K. Cross,* Glenolden. Ja 1 es B. Reigner, Folcroft. Robert W. Cromie, Llanwellyn. Edward Ferguson. Norwood. George H. Kelly, Glenolden. S. S. Supt. — James B. Reigner, Folcroft. 1880.— GLEN RIDDLE. Vacant. Elder, Frederick Heydorn, Glen Riddle. 1 7 10.— GREAT VALLEY. Robert M. Patterson, D. D., LL. D., P., June 18, 1885- Supt. 25, 1906. E. Ray Simons, Malvern, R. F. D., P., July 23, 1907- Elders, C. S. Kurtz, M. D.,* Malvern. John A. Fetters, Malvern. Henry R. Wilson, New Centreville. J. H. Dingee, Paoli. S. S. Supt.— J. H. Dingee, Paoli. MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 51 [909.— HOLMES. Frank Innis, Chester, S. S., 1909- EMers, Frank Innis, Chester. Robert Ross, Chester. S. S. Supt.— Frank Innis, 923 Kerlin St.. Chester. [835.— HONEYBROOK. lames R. Kerr, P., Jan. 15, 1901-May 6, 1907. Robert ]. Johnson, Ph. D., Honeybrook, P., Dec. 23, 1907- Elders, Thomas G. Wright.* Coatesville. Jesse I. Dauman, Honeybrook. Rees L. Given. Honeybrook. Lewis R. Guiney, Coatesville. S. S. Supt— J. Hoover McClure, Honeybrook. 1862.— KENNETT SQUARE. Robert A. Hunter, P., Oct. 14. 1890-June 27, 1905. Robert C. Williamson, P., May 10, 1906-June 10. 1907. Vaixlerveer V. Nicholas, Kennett Square, P., Feb. 6. 1908- Elders, Abner E. Stiner,* Kennett Square. Richard Merrick. Mendenhall. Ira W. Bull, Kennett Square. Albert Lamborn, Kennett Square. William Lloyd Lang, Kennett Square. J. Howard Pyle, Kennett Square. James Walker, M. D., Mendenhall John H. Cole, Mendenhall. Charles B. Boice, Kennett Square. S. S. Supt.— William Lloyd Lang, Kennett Square. BETHANY CHAPEL; Mission of Kennett Square Church. S. S. Supt.— John S. Cole, Mendenhall. ^.—LANSDOWNE, FIRST. William Boyd, Lansdowne, P., May 18, 1892- Elders, Samuel F. Irwin,* Lansdowne. William B. Evans, Yeadon. Thomas G. Janvier, Lansdowne. Thoras Brown, Lansdowne. Andrew H. Dill, Lansdowne. S. S. Supt. — Hugh Dunlap, Lansdowne. 52 -MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 1820.— LEIPER MEMORIAL. George A. Marr, Swarthmore, S. S., 1902- Elders, John M. Gates. Swarthmore. \Y. L. Brown. Swarthmore. S. S. Supt. — Rev. George A. Marr, Swarth.rore. 1909.— LLANERCH. I lenry S. Van Osten, Llanerch, S. S., 190S- Elrler, William B. Dumwoody,* Llanerch. S. S. Supt. — William B. Dunwoody, Llanerch. 1893.— MALVERN, FIRST. Thomas J. Aiken, P., May 31, 1901-Dec. 31, 1907. Cleveland Frame, Malvern, P., May 8, 1908- Elders, John Detwiler,* Malvern. William J. Hamilton. Malvern. Robert Hutchr-on, Malvern; Alvah I. March, Malvern. S. S. Supt. — Malcolm C. Hutchison, Malvern. 1834.— MARPLE. Caleb EI. Rodney, P., April 30, 1885-Jan. 31, 1905. Humphrey J. Rendall, Broouall, P., June 7, 1906- Elders, John G. Thomas, M. D.,* Newtown Square. W T illiam J. Xeal, Xewtown Square. James Ervin, Newtown Square, R. F. D. John F. T. Lewis., Broomall. 1866.— MEDIA. S. Harper Leeper, Media, P., April 20, 1904- Elders, Callendar I. Leiper/ !: Swarthmore. Robert M. Henderson, Media. Henry Riddle, Media. John G. Mackv, Media. A. G. C. Smith, Media. Paul McKnight, Media. S. S. Supt. — J. Claude Bedford, Media. YARNELL MEMORIAL CHAPEL; Mission of Media Church. S. S. Supt. — John G. Macky, Media. MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. §8 1720.— MIDDLETOWX. ELWYK. William Tenton Krusc, Elwyn, P., Dec. 12, 1889- Elders, William Barnett, Jr..* Mt. Alverno. Charles S. Welles, Elwyn. Aaron M. Hoskins, Media, R. F. D. J. Oscar Howarth, Media. John A. Yarnall, Media, R. F. D. August Hormann, Camp Ground. S. S. Supt.— J. Oscar Howarth, 316 North Orange, Media. 1728.— NEW LONDON. Herbert W. Bieber, P., June 29, 1902-June 26, 1906. A. Raymond Eckels, New London, P., May 24, 1907- Elders, John T. Dewitt,* New London. William D. Eves, New London. A. Pennel Thompson, New London. Joel P. Conrad, Kelton. Elkanah Huston, Lincoln L T niversity. Obadiah B. Curtis, Lincoln University. S. S. Supt.— Rev. A. Raymond Eckels, New London. 1811.— NOTTINGHAM. John M. Jenkins, P., May 20, 1896-Mar. 10, 1909. William C. McKnight, Nottingham. P., Feb. 17, 1910- Elders, J. Wilkinson Anderson,* Oxford. Jacob H. Kirk, Nottingham. J. H. Jerkes, Nottingham. James E. Brown, Nottingham. John K. Thompson, Nottingham. S. S. Supt. — L. C. Passmore, Nottingham. 1890.— OLIVET, MOORE. Ervrit S. Boice, M. D., Moore, P., May 13, 1902- Elders, Edwin A. Thorpe,* Moore. Robert Jamison, Moore. Daniel P. Conner, Moore. Archie T. Richards, Moore. S. S. Supt.— Archie T. Richards, Moore. I7 ~ 5 ._OXFORD, FIRST. Robert Watson, Ph. D., P., June 4, 1896-Jan. 31., 1905. 54 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. Robert Howard Taylor. Oxford, P., June 8, 1906- Elders. William H. Snyder,* Oxford. William T. Fulton, Oxford. David M. Taylor. Oxford. J. Willison Watt, Oxford. John A. Lindsay, Oxford. Sars uel W. Lawrie, Oxford. Lapsley Armstrong. Oxford. James H. McCommon, Oxford. M. E. Snodgrass, Oxford- Edward M. Vansant, Oxford. Samuel D. Hutchison. Oxford. Albert E. Townsend, ( )xford. S. S. Supt. — Albert E. Townsend, Oxford. 1874.— OXFORD, SECOND. Samuel W. Johnson, Oxford, P., June 30, 1897- Elders, Lightner H. Greene,* Oxford. James R. Jones, Oxford. L. H. Jones, Oxford. S. S. Supt. — James R. Butler, Oxford. 1899.— PAOLI. Thomas J. Aiken, P., May 31, 1901-June 6, 1905. Euclid Philips, P., April 24, 1906-Jan. 25, 1910. John Graham, D. D., Paoli, P., June 28, 1910- Elders, Edwin B. Linn,* Paoli. Robert F. Matthews, Paoli. Charles Elkinton, Paoli. S. S. Supt.— Walter J. Matthews, Paoli. 1906.— PARKESBURG, FIRST. D. Wilson Hollinger, Parkesburg, P., May 9, 1906- Elders, C. C. Owens, Parkesburg. J. R. Maxwell, M. D., Parkesburg. S. H. Jackson, Parkesburg. A. T. Heberling. Parkesburg. S. S. Supt. — A. T. Heberling, Parkesburg. 1851. — PENNINGTONYILLE, ATGLEX. Roland E. Crist, P., July 31, 1902- June 27, 1905. Harvey W. Koehler, P., Oct. 3, 1906-Oct. 25, 1909. Edward Warren, Atglen, P., June 23, 1910- MAX UAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 55 Elders, Jacob Heyberger,* Atglen. William S. Hastings, Atglen. S. S. Supt. — William S. Hastings, Atglen. 1846.=— PHCENIXVILLE, FIRST. George N. Hertzog, Phcenixville, P., Feb. 23, 1905- Elders, James Murray,* Phcenixville. William H. Yerger, Phcenixville. William P. Keeley. Phcenixville. John Dettre, Phcenixville. George Herzel, Phcenixville. Harvey M. Clymer, Phcenixville. S. S. Supt. — Harvey M. Clymer, 411 First Ave., Phcenix- ville. 1906.— RADNOR, WAYNE. Frank C. Putnam, Wayne, P., Mar. 10, 1908- Elders, W. Austin Obdyke,* Wayne. Charles Howson, Wayne. Charles H. Elowson, Wayne. Richard S. McKinley, Wayne. Andrew S. Long, Wayne. Albert F. Walter, Wayne. Elmer Burket, Wayne. Joseph A. Ball, Wayne. S. S. Supt. — Charles H. Howson, Wayne. 1875.— RIDLEY PARK. Samuel T. Linton, Ridley Park, P., July 25, 1901- Elders, Henry C. Keyes,* 408 Penn'a Bldg., Wilming- ton, Del. Jares A. McKnight, Ridley Park. Charles S. Righter, Ridley Park. S. S. Supt. — Charles S. Righter, Ridley Park. 1908.— SHARON HILL. David Tully, D. D., S. S., 1908-1909. Llewellyn James Davies, Sharon Hill, P., Feb. 9, 1910- Elders, James Mecaskie,* Collingdale. Saruel E. Griffiths, Sharon Hill. S. S. Supt. — Samuel E. Griffiths, Sharon Hill. 56 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 1903.— ST. JOHN'S, DEVON. Joel Swartz, D. D., P., April 30, 1903-June 25, 1907. Hugh W. Rendall, Devon, P., April 14, 1909- Elders, J. H. Jefferis,* Wayne. J. L. Twaddell, Devon. Henrv C. Wilt. Devon. S. S. Supt.— J. H. Jefferis, Wayne. 1 895.— S WARTHMORE. Henry E. Jackson, P., Sept. 24, 1S96- April 9, rep/. William M. Woodfin, Swarthmore, P., May 8, 1908- 1 Ciders, John I. Smith,* Swarthmore. Fred. M. Simons, Swarthmore. J. E. Ramsey, Swarthmore. William T. Ellis, Swarthmore. Eugene Underbill, M. D., Swarthmore. S. S. Supt. — Philip E. Howard, Swarthmore. 1888.— TOUGHKENAMON. James G. Young, P., Feb. 6, 1901-Sept. 27, 1904. Thomas R. McDowell, S. Si, 1906- 1909. Euclid Philips, Toughkenamon, P., Feb. 15, 1910- Elder, Thomas P. Minshall,* Toughkenamon. S. S. Supt. — Thomas P. Minshall, Toughkenamon. 1863.— TRINITY, BERWYN. Robert N. Powers, P., Dec. 10, 1901-April 14. 1908. W. Potter Van Tries, Berwyn, P., Nov. 2j, 1908- Elders, James Aiken, M. D.,* Berwyn. Prof. J. Alexander Clarke, Devon. Elijah W. Fees, Berwyn. A. Bowman Weaver, Berwyn. Joseph Williams, Berwyn. S. S. Supt. — Prof. J. Alexander Clarke, Devon. j 829.— UNION YILLE. James G. Young, P., Feb. 6, 1901-Sept. 27, 1904. Euclid Philips, Toughkenamon, P., Feb. 8, 1910- Elders, . S. S. Supt. — Robert G. Smith, Unionville. MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 57 1720.— UPPER OCTORARA. Thomas R. McDowell. P., May 22, 1889-April 30, 1905. Thomas Kerr, Parkesburg, P., Sept. 13, 1906- Elders, Daniel L. Taggart,* Parkesburg. Samuel W. Scott, Coatesville, R. F. D. 2. J. Albert Cowan, Parkesburg. Wm. H. Macneal, Parkesburg. J. B. Heyberger, Parkesburg. George Richmond, Guthrieville. S. S. Supt. — Daniel L. Taggart, Parkesburg. 1891.— WALLINGFORD. Edmund W. FitzSimon, P., Aug. 2, 1899-Dec. 31, 1908. Vacant. Elder, John C. Hershey, Wallingford. S. S. Supt. — Joseph G. Palmer, Wallingford. 1870.— WAYNE. William A. Patton, D. W* Wayne, P., April 3, 1890- Elders, John Henry, Wayne, R. F. D. I. William S. Green, Wayne. William Stuart Gibb, Wayne. John Blackwood, Wayne, R. F. D. 1. Henry G. Blatchley, Wayne. S. S. Supt.— Rev. William A. Patton, D. D., Wayne. GRACE CHAPEL; Mission of Wayne Church. S. S. Supt.— Charles H. Barritt, Wayne. 1834.— WEST CHESTER, FIRST. Washington R. Laird, Ph. D., West Chester, P., Nov. 17, 1892- Elders. William C. Husted,* West Chester. William K. Thorpe, M. D., West Chester. Herbert MacCornack, West Chester. Samuel D. Ramsey, West Chester. Arthur T. Parke, West Chester. S. S. Supt.— William C. Husted, West Chester. 58 MANUAL OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHESTER. 1887.— WEST CHESTER, SECOND. \Y. Edward Williams, P., Feb. 23, 1904-April 14, 1908. P. J. Augustus Coxe, West Chester, P.. Sept. 3, 1908- Elders, John A. Francis,* West Chester. Jesse Kelley, West Chester. Henry Robinson, West Chester. James Anderson, West Chester. S. S. Supt. — John A. Francis, West Chester. 1892.— WESTMINSTER, WEST CHESTER. Charles R. Williamson. Ph. D., West Chester, P., Oct. 7, 1901- Elders, Herman F. Wvers,* West Chester. Alfred P. Reid", West Chester. William Dowlin, West Chester. Wilmer W. Mcfclree, West Chester. Addison L. Jones, West Chester. Wallace P. Dick, West Chester. Harry T. Ferrell, W'est Chester. Granville L. Rettew, West Chester. S. S. Supt. — Herman F. Wyers, West Chester. 1886.— WEST GROVE. Henry C. Sperbeck, P., Dec. 17, 1901-Nov. 28, 1904. Henry G. Martin, P., May 3, 1905-Mar. 31, 1910. Vacant. Elders, Milton C. Pyle,* West Grove. E. Chester Reynolds, West Grove. John A. Wolf, West Grove. S. S. Supt. — Samuel S. Conrad, W T est Grove. Princeton Theological .Seminar Libraries 1 1012 01237 7828