='R47I2 38H9 #• r// a:» 5:i SXi 03. .^i:. 03.'S2' PRIXCKTON, N. -J. w c» :v --VT X o >r o !•- SAMUEL AGNEAV, OF P 11 I LA DKI-PHI A, PA. Book, SCO THE HURRICANE i A THEOSOPHICAL AND WESTERN ECLOGUE. TO WHICH IS SUBJOINED, A SOLITARY EFFUSIOJV I N A SUMMER'S EVENING. c^ BY WILLIAM GILBERT. Odi profanum vulgus et arceo. Favete Unguis : Carmina non prlus Audita, Musamm Sacerdos ViRGINIBUS PUERISQUE Cauto. HoR. Lib. III. Od. 1. PRINTED AND SOLD FOR THE AUTHOR, BY R. EDWARDS SOLD ALSO BY MARTIN AND BAIN, AND B. CROSBY, LONDON ; EDDOWES, SALOP ; AND HAZARD AND BARRATT, BATH, 1796. PREFACE. HE following Poem requires some previous elu- cidation, as it comprehends a scope of design far be- yond vulgar research. The history of it's progress is, at present, of little importance. Here it is, A whole: arrived at maturity; and wishes not to recolleft the blandish- ments, nor retrace the imperfeftions, of childhood. It gives, and is grounded on, a Theosophical view of the relation between America and Europe ; but concatenated, because necessary for illustration, with the two old Quarters of the Globe* Of each of all these the charafleristics are enlarged upon in the Notes: But some general resolution of the fa6l, that Countries have chafaderistics^ h the necessity, which causes this Preface. A 3 iv PREFACE. I KNOW it to be a faB, that the elaboration of my own mind assigned to Africa, Asia and Eu- rope, the precise charafters which were respectively attributed to them by the Antients, and have been since by Swedenborg; though each, used his own language; which is a proof, that each was original, and aftually travelled the road himself and saw ob- jefts in his own light. For these I refer to my Notes. Suffice it to say here, that the machinery of my Eclogue thus proceeds on this Doftrine ; namely. First, That all Countries have a specific Mind, or determinable principle. This charafter may be traced with as much satisfa6lion in the vegetable as in the animal produftions. Thus, Strength with its at- tributes, viz. Asperity, &c. is the chara6ler or mind of England. Her leading produftions are the Oak, Peppermint, Sloes, Crabs, sour Cherries. All elegance, all polish, is superinduced ; and primarily from France, ©f which they are Natives. Secondly, That a Country is subdued, when it's 7mnd ox life, it's /^nV?c^ according to Daniel, or it's PREFACE. V ■jenius according to the modern Easterns, or it's priti' ciple according to Europeans, is either supprest, de- stroyed or chemically combined with that of a foreign country in a form, that leaves the foreign property predominant ; and not till then. And this cannot en- sue but upon Suicide,, upon a previous abandon- ment on the part of a nation, of its own principle. For when the Creator made everything very good, he also made it tenable, on the one hand ; and ont the other complete ; consequently without the necessity ,^. without the desire, of encroaching, and also without the capability, ' except under the penalty of surrendering with its own complete roundness, its own tenability. Thus I arrive at a primary Lav\r of Nature, that every ONE MUST FALL INTO THE PIT THAT HE DIQS: EOii OTHERS 5 either before or after success, or with* out success. . ' ,, Thirdly, That in the European subjugation of America, the American Mind or Life only suffered under a powerful affusion of the European; and, that as the solution proceeds it acquires a stron- ger and stronger tinfture of the Subjetl, till at length that, which was first subdued, assumes an absolute, in- VI >KEFACE. expugnable predominancy, and a final — inasmuch as the contest is between the two last parts of the world, and there is no prospeclive umpire to refer to ; but it must be decided by the possession of first princi- ples, or the highest Mind in the Hierarchy of Minds ; and the European possession of mind having previously arrived at perfeftion from her long intercourse with AFRICA and Asia, and not being able to rescue her from the present grasp and predominancy of American Mind, the question is now settled for ever, and Europe yields to the Influence, Mind and Power of AMERICA, linked in essential principle with AFRICA and Asia, for ever. Besides Europe had full success in her encroachments ; she succeeded in throwing America into the pit, and of course, it MUST be her own turn to go in, now: She depopu- lated America, and now AMERICA MUST depopu^ late her. This survival of American principle, I re- present by asserting the survival of her spirit s, under the name of the Children of the Sun, according to the Yncas ; or The Sons of Virgin Light ; while their bodies, or their appearance in the world sank to ocean; PREFACE. Vll that is, were destroyed by Europe, who had the power of the ocean and corresponds thereto. The Resur- reftlon of their Bodies is the Reappearance in the world of persons enlivened by their Life or Spirit, a6luated by their principles. What these principles are, will be fully seen in the Notes at the End. I HAVE said enough to explain my Machinery, and enable the Reader to keep me company as he reads ; though I by no means suppose, that this Pre- face is more than a flash of lightning in a dark night. However, the System yields a strong, steady light with me; and I would be liberal of it to my Rea- per, if he will permit me. <'^^BX advertisement. X*E%-, •«»te80O0(?!5O«0O009O0l FRIEND is the occasion of this Advertisement ; who, having printed some hnes of this Poem in a Miscellany that could not fail to introduce it respeftably, in the best sense of the word, has thereby acquired a right to have his feelings at- tended to, m things that may affeft the credit of the Poem. He once passed to me a very strong opinion against the Metre of some verses. What is Metre ? It is the focus of Union between the Sense and the Sound ; in the best English Poets, at least : It is a contrivance to throw the accent, not wfiere a common reader or speaker would throw it . but where an IMPASSIONED ORATOR Or JUDICIOUS ACTOR WOuld throw it. One instance of disapproved accent in The Hur- ricane I suppose will be given in these three lines; -Hear I not some Female shriek, now faintly sighing on the Wings of Night? Straightly appeared a gleam of White before us. The action here is Dramatic. And a person who supposes himself speaking in the situation there described, and running on with volubility, or capable of constantly finishing his periods, supposes an impossible combination of irregular hesita- tion of step, -with regulated volubility of tongue. I have ended the line, and thrown the pause before the leading words. In other instances, where I have not the same reason, I have an equipollent. If, after all, the ear is fastidiously offended with a short syl- lable at the end of a line, or with dividing by a line two words, which are joined in construction, let it feed upon my Motto, attack Horace, and let me eo free — -Carmina non prius Audita- Wkh innumerable other instances in Latin and English. THE HURRICAJVE. CANTO r. 1^ EAR where with Tropic heats bright Cancer glows, And sun beams glitter with perennial force, Girt with the azure wave an Island lies, Called by the Spaniards ANTIENT * Its breadth is Measured by the eye ; which, still unsatisfied. Strikes far beyond the reach of land, Northward When turned. Its utmost length doubles it's breadth. Islands, faint seen among the adjacent seas, Bearing their various headlands in the wave, A social and romantic scene disclose : * Antigua T the Latin q, is changed by the Spaniards to s B 10 They give the wing for amplest thought to range- On all the mighty wonders of the world ! Scenes undiscovered, uncreate to man, E'er distant Europe's energetic arm Ploughed up the vasty ocean to their base; And still-, with art miraculous, dete6ls Their sunny ports through many a pathless league,. Ah ! here, Columbus, with the din of war^ Broke the mild concords of the Mermaid's ((A)) shell ;. Who, mild, at evening, in the glassy wave, Joined with the Genii of the neighbour shores, To sing of Love as spotless as the sky, And as their ocean clear ; bounteous as airs Wafting full fragrance from the thornless grove Complicate of sweets, diffusing transport ; And the realm of Love, and Health extatic, Spread, unjealous, round. Then the glowing son5> Of this mature and Occidental Sun, 11 (Not less than Memmon, ((b)] v*^hom Aurora bore To Eastern mornings ; and whose grateful harp Spontaneous echoed to the rising day) To bolder measures Jed the exalting strain ; And, fired with all the radiance of their sire, Poured elemental music from their strings — Till Hell's dread, discords from dark Europe broke : Then the Mermaid to her deeps shot rapid : Trembling she lay — but safe ; and long concealed From haunts of war. ((C)) Soon many and many A son of earth plunged after her, and she gave A coral sepulchre and tears of heart ; While armied spirits formed, in Fire and f!,an.h And Air and Seas a phalanx of avengers ; Who far from Europe and it's bodied forms, [(d)) Survived Immortal, Vengeful and Creative. Expelled, these Sons of Virgin Light retired Or to refulgent air or terrene depths. In subterranean vaults where ocean roars p-)) B 2 12 Terror and dread to European hearts, They hold consult with Genii of the deep. With placid Mermaids, (who preserve the keys Of coral tombs ; till from their safeguard called. To repossess once more their hallowed seats, Forgotten bodies startle the dull world And take their own from myriads aghast) With all the good and great of all the world — The many. murdered Innocence of Ind Or East or West — and their Avengers great — However named — in sweet alliance leagued, Whose fount is GoD, whose end and stream is bliss, These peaceful murmurs and these pure consults Of ncaring Bliss, speak thunder to the North. They give prognostic to the fear-worn ears Of list'ning usurpers of their fertile clime. In sounds unscanned, of pondered Hurricanes ; When they remount on air triumphant, joined 13 With dread auxiliars riding on the wave, And shew their greatness — over pale Europe's Miniatures of winds ! Reigning superior To their viftors mean, as in fost'ring Peace So in black War's rude crash ; as in melody, Just in great discords, throughout all the maze Of involute, transversive harmony, Till they repoise the scale in tonal Peace ; Vi£lors on Europe, witherers of her might ! For their's are Nature's powers ; Elemental strength Springs in their nerves, to artificial or Cold Europe's man unknown ; and at the Fount Divine they drink pursuant of the stream : They hence are keenly sentient of all truth : Familiar, hence, is bold Emprize ; easy, Hence, Atchievement, that to Europe's upward Navigation is impractical and mad.((F'5 14 Deep in these Caverns, or in Air sublime A long abode they held ; but never slept : Secure— that Europe dreamed not, or dreaming. Dared not search for Life in principles of Life, The ethereal sense and fire's elastic beam.* They rallied, time by time, Their scattered bands. With ANTIENT concords on their still-tuned harps; Which, momently, the favoured ear might catch. At silent dawning in the Zenith Air ; And feel the high seraphic rapture trill. As the SM^eet sounds evolved a maze ©f song — • A song replete with all that Egypt knew. Or close EleuSIS taught her pious youth. ((^)) Here too I sat with them enwrapt, though open; [(Hj) Till now the concert hastens to a close. And all OUR War is out ! Bold and more quick The COUNTERVAILING DiscordsNOW We sound * i£thercum Senium atque auvai simplicis Ignem. ^nsld vi. 7<}7. 15 And ply the terrible Antlstrophe, ((I)] With fearful Justice and closed Harmony Full on Europe, who ghastly sinks to Hell ! The Genius of the West is High, and rides Swiftly on the bold and regulated Pinion of the Atlantic Wind. His race is won. His burning wheels run on the rolling floods ! He has not other climes to visit. New To the world in Afric*s ((K)) Morning ; and in Asia's Noon but juft refle6ling rays Feeble and broken on European snows — He challenged no return who made no gift. But now though Europe his descending beams Have all diffused their lustre ; and at length, fresh and resplendent in the Western sky, He sums up all his Justice and his Strength ; Kindles his orient and meridian blaze Clear as in Asia, as in Afric bold ; 16 Displays as lucid purple on his throne, And summons all the Honors of the World. No lingering twilight in the proud-robed WEST Shews indecision in the Paths of Day ! But each must grasp the single hour of Light, Or lose for ever, and in darkness die. It is not till receding to the point, Whence, from the lofty Zenith's blazy height, Again he darts, with generous force intense. His arrows vertical ; as with quickened march, He hastens to relume the Southern World, — That his indignant and protected Sons Sweep on the Isles commissioned Hurricanes. Now e'er description bid the tempest pour. Retire We to the bower of Love and feel The blaze of Beauty. 'Tis the hour of Noon : Tokens have caused an awful expeftation : 17 The Calm; diamond-bright, pellucid, ether ; The cavern murmuring to the troubled wave — Give note unerring of the big Event. And who will join me in this safe Recess ? Come Love's and Nature's offspring pure, whoe'e: Or whence thou art ! For thou art mine, I know : Come Fancy's sweetest Child ! For I am thine Through the contrasted changes of my Life I Swift let me lead thee tender, and fearful. Or of the wild blast, or the madman's touch, Assiduous for that calm and full Recess, To Indian Groves of aromatic breath. To spicy Thickets and to ample flowers Redolent of every various sweet that glows Beneath the beams of Heaven's Eternal Sun 1 Thence, in the house, careless of every blast, Fixt on the Rock whose Quarry gave its Walls, C 18 And whose Foundations are the centra! Earth, We'll smile contempt on'' every fear around. Before the Tempest darken on the Isle, We'll view the little Archipelago, That raise their pleasant banks and slope their beach Around their parent Isle. Green Island, first. Excels in verdure, and to listlessness And summer pleasure spreads the cocoa shade. Pelican Island on the North-East lies; Whose shelving shore, or here presents the cool, Sequestered spot for bathing; or covered o'er With beauteous shells of every gaudy tinge, invites the mind, that springs to Nature's charms, Or loves to class what she diffusely throws. These, with Long Island, and that Isle whose name The Guana, found in multitudes, imparts; 19 Successive open to the glad eager eye Of manner, naw lightly concluding A long Voyage with Bliss, and down the Northern coast. Rocky, but pleasant, as his business calls. With steady breeze and unreefed topsails, sailing. But far more extacied with all the s^ene Is that gay Girl, or this impetuous Youth, Who, long estranged from early blisses sweet And all the transports of their infant years. In search of Learning radiant, or the dance, Greet joyous now, the pleasant Isle, that holds Their Friends, their Parents, and (if virtue warm The feeling bosoms of their race and them) The orphaned train, whose daily sweat has won ^he Pride and Pleasure which exalts them now ; But whom Diviner Justice goon will teach, That the same hand which .sowed, shall reap the field ; And that, which reaps, uninjured, shall enjoy. C 2, 20 Around Us here, while all was tempered Peace, Pleasing although illusive and unjust ; The balmy trade-wind breathed refreshing airs, And blew salubrious to the toil-worn slave. The Eastern shore receives the welcome gale; And leads to caverns, or the brow ot rocks, To gravel banks with glittering shell-fish strewed. To deep. green mangrove, or the shadowing branch Of lofty cedar droping blossoms white, That tremble as they fall and meet the wave Progressive to their root. Here, oft, at even, When lengthening shadows to the calmy wave Sliot dubious twilight and alluring gloom, 1 sat contemplative ; and viewed the breeze Chequer the water with far-streaming light, That glistened «5 with gems : I sat and thought Ambition was a folly; glory, madness; And all the hopes attending various man 21 Were robbers of his rest : I thought, that Love Was all the sum indulgent Heaven e'er made To constitute his bliss, I thought so and was blest. For four long days a calm through nature reigned; A calm as dead as ever struck the deep ; As ever marked the silent air with awe. Or stilled the leaf high trembling, on the bough. The fifth at eve to my accustomed haunt. Along the shadow of a Cocoa Grove, Down to the beach I strolled. The setting sun Was dyed with crimson ; and the full-orbed moon, That palely rose above the dusky arch, Was deeply burred. Settled, encreasing, black, With jagged clouds, voluminous and deep, Scudded along the Northern verge of ocean. And a long labouring swell hove the large Billow lifeless on the shore, while adverse clouds In dark battalia swiftly met in air. 22r Just where the horizon bends to meet the wave. Within the farthest reach of human ken, A Sail appeared. The mild ray far beaming From the Western Sun glanced on her canvas, And beheld it spread ^^)) before the rising breeze. The rising breeze far from the Northward moved, Ruffling along, and blackened as it came. The affrighted plover from its blast retired; The lizard nestled in the watchman's hut, And heavy, awful, gloom poured deepening on. Soon reigning darkness o'er Creation drev; The deep-black curtain of involving night : The tempest thickened ; and the dark wind howled Encreasing horrors and sublimer blasts Heavy the deep-hung atmosphere along. Retired as soon as straws around me felt The wind, I, hence, enjoyed in silent peace The rending gale. But, ever and anon. Some crash of trees or noise of swift destruftiojK 23 Met my car. Soon the expefted signals of Distress roll through the heavy storm ; the wind Almost suppressed the deep-mouthed sound it bore^ Reiterate at rapid intervals, The guns were heard, and oftimes joined the thunder. The firing ceased. The aggravated storm rode Wide and unrivalled through the midnight air. All else was silence. 24 CANTO II. Jr RESH from the roaring of the darksome wind, Peace for a ?no?nent, draw thy mantle round, [(m)} Hushing disordered Nature ; while rapid Humanity and Love disperse their beams, To light the houseless exile to my home, Before the Hurricane confirm his waste. Brothers in Vengeance ! For one moment's pause I yield you Nature till the golden morn, And claim from none, to stay your shivering hand ! While yei o'er all the solemn stillness reigned, Instant relief, in all direftions sent, The nearest wanderers found, and safely housed. 25 The moral viftims whom the gale destroyed, And her preserved with life to Bliss I sing — If not with jnetral pomp on harp sublime, Yet to the youthful heart and virgin's ear. 'TwAS where the sound of guns had marked a wreck, My own selefted path I took, in search Of objefls breathing from the Eastern storm. Wild and tremendous was the nightly sky ; The clouds involved in vast confusion, deep And ripening still for a£lion, ascended Swiftly from the South and West. Exhausted To the East they thinned, and nearly oped there The lowering sky ; where, dimly seen, one star Glimmered on night's dull brow, and then was hid. Pale twilight from the shrouded moon discovered Shattered Nature ; and, as we neared the dreadful Sounding ocean, large torches held aloft D 26 Gleamed fearful on the loud tempestuous waste. Ocean, why in darkness hid, sounds so deep Your midnight roar ? Clouds, enclosing warring Winds, why so solemn flit ye o'er? Tell me All your mighty ravage ! Hear I not some Female shriek now faintly sighing on the Wings of night ? Straightly appeared a gleam of White before us. Advancing quickly foiward, We saw, on near approach, the tattered sail Of a ship driven by billows over shelves Of rocks, high up the creek, and lodged on shore. Around, no form of life was seen. 'Twas ravage* No hand remained. The Tempest was her pilot, And the mighty arm, that winged the ruin. Hung o'er the side, female attire we found In shreds ; it's owner sought in vain, was lost. Within with speed through every hold we search* And cabin. The first were empty. The last Repaid my zeal ; for here I found, softly 27 Reclining on a leeward couch a form Divine, Waked by the noise and lights, her eyes, As on I came, returned the beams of mine. With hurried speed she said ElMira. Where is my mother? And the captain? How glad I am, that they Direfted you to me ! 'TwAS no direftion But our own. Come quick thou mildly-beaming Angel-form with me — ^The moments stay not — And I'll lead thee into peace and safety. D 2 IB Elmira* Where is my mother gone? And arc we yet In England ? No : with truest Friends you are. I PLACED Her in an idle hammaque near, Which, held by Negroes, bore her gently on. And as we went, I aimed, with tenderest talk To cheer the droopy maid ; who, not reluftant Seemed, to solace: for to Sea unused, young And innocent, she knew not the dangers She had passed ; but hearing English spoke, and Dreaming nought of strangers, having sunk to sleep Among accustomed friends, supposed herself Still known. Simply eloquent, she told me, 39 How they disturbed her with their noise on board ; How, being still at length, she hugged her couch, Rocked by the winds and seas to dead repose, Till thence awoke by me. So infant spirits, Who wing their animating flight of Death In pleasing slumbers from their mother's arms, Alight unknowing on celestial ground: Then press with firmy step the flowery path, Nor dream of serpents they have never known; Embrace with smiles their first angelic Friend, And ope the little treasure of their hearts : Thus sweet Elmira told her gentle tale. And lit each generous ardour in my breast. At home arrived and entering at the East-* For now all entrance from the West was barred- She looked and asked-=- 30 Elmira. Where is my mother's room? Or where is she ? I want to sleep again : For you removed me when but half awake » What is this country ? A country tis, where — Daughters and mothers seldom live together. Elmira. Why not ? They cannot* Young with young, and old With old together dwell, where you are now. 31 Your mother fully welcomed just is gone Where you can never follow. The dist;ance Is but small ; yet bad the road, and water Lies between you. She begs you here to rest. Till, with a few days use, you like the place. You will command whatever you may see, And all this house is your's. All varied pleasure Shall attend the varied day. The morning Breeze luxuriant shall be your's in this saloon. Or in the Orange and Acacia shade ; Where flower or fruit alike regale your taste. For you shall noon pour tranquil splendour wide. Not unaired, nor void of rich aroma; For shrubs that love to drink his ray and live. Will skreen it from EliMIRA. The purple Sorrel-NeQar high, or milk of Cocoa Nut You then shall drain ; and in its sportive shade Hearken, the breeze race on it's rising stem. ^yenlner shall bear us to the Thicket Shade ; 32 Or else, at large, we'll catch the rambling air; And when we see the peaceful breast of ocean Just rippled over with the wildring breeze. We'll then descend the beach; and, pleased, inhale The freshest breath of genial air that blows ; Or snufF the showers colleQing in the East To cool the atmosphere and green the earth, Elmira. But, will my mother never come? I long To tell her of those pleasant things. Better Enjoy them first and know them true yourself. Then, sweet companions of your sex and age Will join your walk and mix their joys with your*s ,- 33 With equal transport catch the lively glow From Nature's face, and beam it in their eyes ; While with extatic smiles you hail the scene, And eager tell, what various pleasures swell. El MIR A, Will none else be with us? I. I WHEN you please, Will join my sweet Elmira and her Friends, Elmira. I SHALL always please. 34 Safely lodged at home, And ail secured against the wind stern rising, I pressed refreshment on my travelled guest, Who well enjoyed the delicate repast Oi viands flavoured new and cooling drinks. Full easily she believed herself brought By design to this so happy spot : and sure She deemed aright — It was her God's design : Only she thought from God and not from man. Think still, sweet maid, the same ! No reasoner Shall e'er disturb thy God's domain in thee! Still from the same pure fountain thou shalt drink! Still, in the Light Divine shalt thou see light* Meanwhile the Tempest turned has rouzed his rage, And blows on Europe unrelenting fury : The rain, in spreading sheets, comes whelming down And forms a flood. Nor man, nor beast, nor house Unfounded on a rock, sustained the assault 85 Of winds and rain : The lightnings flamed, and roared The thunder in tremendous vollies deep : Now all the soul of Hurricane was poured, Infuriate raging with the waste of sea. Through earth or ocean God's own hand uprearcd Quickly destroyed all the destruQible : Well sheltered on the West, we felt it less, But heard it more. The hard rain loud battering The shingled roof surprized my lovely guest ; Who doubted if she were not still afloat : But soon assured and soon resigned to Peace, For her's was bliss innate and incorrupt, And eager on her novel hopes of life, She softly sank to beatific sleep. With rising morn th^ wind subsides: The clouds Fly lighter and to higher air sublime, E 2 36 Discharged of all their weight. The Eastern breeze Resumed is balmy; and Creation lives. The Wreck we next examine : There, nor man, Nor boat is found : A mile to leeward shews The wreck of both : A Female washed on shore Proclaims Elmira's mother. But from her The tragic fa£l is hid. She broods no tempest Who conceals no guilt. No mean lust of gain Propelled Elmira; nor guilt-infefted hopes Taught her the fear of ill, or yet, to fly To man for safety, which Deity would not .Grant, jior her own breast could claim. The Sailors hoped- To fetch the quiet creek in boats ; and haste Could not await ELMIRA; nor would fear 37 Surcharge their yawl; nor their trust in human Aids permit to take a poor helpless hand : — Yet, alone, would Innocence have saved them ! The female age matured and wise, her child's Guardian, hung for life on men ! While she prayed That they would save her daughter's life and lier*s, A sweeping billow bore her to the deep. Shortly awake, El mir a joined me soon, Treading with cheerful step and unrestrained The stately portico. 'Twas all enchantment To her soul. The sun burst brilliant forth and Welcomed her : All the Isle, the conquered oceaUj Lay before her : Smaller Isles attraft her : Unknown Diversities of Landscape strike : The distant Hills cite curiosity ; Her God is in her heart in Love and Bliss; And through the Isle and air she lives.** SOLITARY EFFUSION SUMMER'S EVENING. SOLITARY EFFUSION. nV«"'"//. ««««#» A*'""/l, HAVING SPENT A VERY FINE DAV IN THE HOUSE, IN THE MIDST OF A VERY FINE COUNTRY, FROM WANT OF COMPANY TO ENJOY IT WITH ME', I WROTE THESE LINES AT FIVE IN THE AFTERNOON ON THE TWENTIETH OF JULY LAST. HAT is the cloudless sky to me ? Nature's Devellopt radiance and her thousand charms ? No heart joins mine : no kindred step with me Winds the lone dingle, or pursues the track Slow opening through the mazy thicket's shade; None rests with me upon the verdant slope, And runs his eye enraptured o'er the glade, F 42 Oil to the distant sleeping stream, that walks With slow and measured lapse, his round of ages In the circling mead ; saw the woad-painted Briton ; beheld, or bore, his sharp-scythed chariot ; Was oft dasht by the fierce arm that ruled it ; Yielded indignant to the new Roman ; Echoed with languid joy and presage sad The desperate shouts of fainting Freedom, As they rang from loud C aer-Caradoc* amain, And with their last rude crash shook every dale, Rouzed each cot in vain ; and has lived to hear That song again from centuries of Death, On Mason's lyre revived. Hark ! Here are groves That hold, or held, some Druid. Dark mantling Round they throw impenetrable shade ; and hide, * The hill, whore Caractac us made his last stand, and visible from many pans of the County of Salop, where this was written. 43 And have for ever hid, aye unprofaned By Pvoman, or by Savage conqueror's step. Some Temple sacred by the Mystic Sage. Here, loo, are haunts of Love, as well as grand And rudest Wisdom's darkest, drear domains. Groves were sacred once to Love : once were heard. Low murm.uring through the many-turtled shades Of Peace, respondent sighs, or livehest notes Of placid and accordant Love, that mixed Airs with the Zephyr, whispers with the sacred grove. Loner husht to sullen silence; Groves no more Echo to human Loves ; the Loves rcnnen, Or antient minstrels sung, of Dryad oV Of Naiad, or perchance of human Maid From cottage or from palace ; or of Gods, From halls of light descending to the plain. Unconscious of a change ; nor so immixt, F 2 44 Can learned retrospeftion trace distinft, The^ Nymph, the Goddess or terrestrial Maid. Lonely their solitary haunts I view: And welcome solitude where they are not: Where such are not companions of the walk ! Tell me, ye Gentle and ye Graceful, tell- Tell me, ye Chaste, yet not averse from Love — Tell me, ye Great, who guarded all these Fair, And make the lofty Groves of Love, that tower In Zenith Air, terrific to the vain ; As all within was mild, serene and pure— Tell me, wh© most have ravaged your retreats j Who worst your secret delicacies wound, And boldest all your hidden depths profane ? Which age is vile, the Gothic, or Refined ? 45 *'Th AT, which the Heart lays waste!" I hear exclahned In choral harmony of Fair and Great. " Ah! What avails to us, pure Nature's Spirits! ** The managed body and the managed tongue, " Which chaunts no concord to soft Nature's notes? " The managed foot, that dreads our shady brakes, ** And shuns our holiest, wildest, deepest walks ? ** We give no music to the high-trained ear : " Our concert loved is NATURE'S voice Divine, *' And GOD's and LOVE's ; One unison, tliat sounds '* Through every branch, and trembles in each leaf. ^' Here oft, when man awakes not, hear we sweet ^* The voice of GOD conversing in the Calm, *' And preaching of his inmost works Himself; *' Till all the Seraph glow in all his fires, '' And melts the high Society in one '' Enraptured Diapason's holy sound. 46 " T\v AS not the Warrior's gleam, that thinned our shades " And harshly grated human Discords there : *' He passed unheeded when the storm was o'er, " And left no measured ravage : Not the man " Of boisterous Nature was our foe ; that man " Was Nature still, and her behests obeyed. " The Man of Art, is NATUR.E's foe and man's " And God's. His desolating axe wastes ail, " That speaks a GOD Creator of the Land; ** And marks it for his own. The ground not thita *' Yields an impartial feast to man, to fowl, " And all the Family of GOD ; but trained '• To furnish famine, mocks at GOD and all. " No shades are holy, nor are rural scenes. '' The Man of Art proscribes all Nature; marks " For dread the embowring thicket formed tor Love *' And Love's delights of Peace ; and w^ise in this "■ Career of Ruin, he ; for LOVE itself •• Is the fir^t dread— LOVE the first great terror 47 '' Of the Man of Art — commivtual Foe! " And yet is LOVE the Universal Friend : ** And, (hear the choir of NATURE, MAN and GOD!} " The Man of Art, the Universal Foe! *' He dreads hirnself- — hates LOVE he can't subdue — ■ " His GOD arraigns— all NATURE desolates ! ** But hence, let NATURE rise and reign in Man i ** And him destroy who has destroyed the Earth ; '' While GOD inspires, and LOVE unites the World T' I HAIL the blest alternative! Content To live dissociate of the Man of Art And his dissociate earth, usurpt and curst ! Shortly his ruin whelms ; the Dam is broke ] The Founts of Fire are broken up, as erst Of the Great Deep, and FIRE now streams along. Innocuous round my Rest! See! It comes! And claims the SPRINGS of NATURE for it's own \ JVOTES, NOTES. CANTO I. NOTE ((A)) Broke the mild concords of tht Mermaid's shell, (LyOLUMBUS asserts his having seen Mermaids about the time he first made land, whg sank, at his approach. The existence of the Mermaid is now cer- tain ; as one was exhibited a long while in Oxford- Street, which I saw two years ago nearly, together with a young one taken in her arms. The length of the mother may have been four feet, and that of the child nine or ten inches. From the loins up- ward appeared to have been covered with flesh ; and G 2 52 thence dowms^ard, with scales. They were dried, having been caught five years before on the coasts of Italy or of Sicily. The hands were webbed ; and the fingers terminated sharp, like a monkey's. The owner says, he refused One Hundred Guineas for them, from the British Museum. Why not Mermem and Mermaids as vrell as Ourang-Outangs ? Why not Sea men and maids (im- perfeQ animals though they are) as well as Sea lions, calves and horses ? NOTE ((b)) Not less than Memnon whoin Aurora bore To Eastern mornings HIS statue near Thebes in Egypt, emitted musical sounds, when impinged on by the first rays of the sun, at rising ; and did not lose this faculty when half demolisht. Some ingenious strictures on it may be found in Dr. Darzoin's Botannic Garden, among his many other valua- 53 ble notes. The mechanism, which produced this singu- lar, but well avouched, efFeft, is not my business : What I shall argue from it will be equally conclusive, if the mechanism be a fable. The Celestial Philosophy of the Idea is that — Light and Sound ARE CORELATES. Creation pro^ ceeded in darkness, while it proceeded in silence. At length GOD spake — Let there ^^ Light! And there was Light — ipso f ado, GOD does not speak dark- LY : and here our common phraseology, as I shall mor& fully remark presently, betrays a consciousness of this co-relation. But to go on with Scripture : T/2«rf, that is, on the principles and with the views of Science, that belong to a Heathen Philosopher ; and tell me what you see. Chaos: do you not? Look up abstraBedly to the origin of man, wilh the same eye, not enlightened by Divine Revelation : What do you see ? Chaos. Then two things equal to one and the same thing, are equal to one another, Ln[ short, every Religion but the PRESENT, has begun in Egypt ; and every Religion but the PRE- SENT has been speculative. MEN are now summoned by a Divine Afflatus, to contend For the GOOD OF ENJOYMENT and ^vill no longer trust it to futu- rity, or be content with speculation, that talks about it and about it. Hence the present originates in Abyssinia. The French are embarked and are near landing on this spot of practical, sensual, or corporeal Good. It is historically true, that on the confines o\ Abyssinia, namely at SexNN aar, was the only kingdom in the World, wliich allowed the king to be regularly tried and put to death ; that is, it was the only country, that, finding a principle of political life and ad.ion to be dtstruBive to happiness, instead of beneficial, abandoa- K 2 76 ed and destroyed it. How could they venture on this ? Because they lived in a superior Principle; and, of course FELT and knew their whole political struBure to be subordinate. With the English, it is paramount ; for, though they posses a loose belief of a state superior in stability, they feel they have no hold of it ; and so pradically depend on nothing but Wealth and Policy ; and deem him, forsooth, an enemy to mankind, who shg'.kes these ! It is also true, that as the king of France was sending an ambassador to the emperor of Abyssinia, whence a queen came to hear the wisdom of Solomon and where his Progeny by her still reign, that Embassa- dor, with all his suite were cat to pieces before the door of the kings palace-,'^ owing to certain Friars, who, through jealousy, represented (though, most probably, with justice) the embassador to be ?. spy and secret Enemy. In a future Note, I shall state some specific reasons for my Egotism in this Poem; but I must round this liead with something like Anticipation. I am the only Being in the World, who go through every inch and every league of the French Revolution j which, in- * Sec Poncct and Bruce 77 deetl, is no wonder, as I had embarked, without sail or oar, in the Revolution to practical Good, Public and Pri- vate, as an individual, before they started. / also have strong symptoms of a neighbourhood to Abyssinia. I have such a strong predileftion for Africa, as, when a youth, to have wished, in crossing the Atlantic without a Mediterranean Pass, to be taken by a Corsair and carried in; and while I was in the latitudes, I looked out impatiently for every sail, in hopes of finding an African Cruizer. There is certainly a Nation of Gibberti, who inhabit East and South of Abyssinia, and have had a Dynasty on its Throne. As the Abyssinians never leave their country (and I strenuously maintain, that a total aversion from travelling can only consist with being at the ulti- ??iateoi Enjoyment and the Primary of Being) the Gib- berti have been ever their Merchants and their Embas- sadors* to Europe. The inference designed may seem almost an infantine speculation to the European, who knows of no relations but what are guaranteed by a par- son and clerk, and archived in a register, according to statute ; and therefore I have published enough ; but witk * If these be not meant in Isaiah xviii. i, 2, who are ? And if the hard, rough, toiling, xaASTTOV, country, (See my laft Note) to which they are Tent, be not Europe, what region is it ? 78 the aid of two or three other Correspondences, I can infallibly prove my Relation yr^/« Spirit, because in Spirit^ akhough naturally, it may be thought, improbable. I SHALL produce another proof, that Egypt was the first debut of Mankind ; which will have weight with Students of Correspondences, The yikst Gates of the New Jerusalem are East and North. Now the place to which man is brought back, corresponds in principle, for GOD never alters his plan, to the place whence he sat out; and supposing Egypt to have been the first route taken by Man, its gates or channels of external communication, are East and North. So the first gates from the Country of Creation and Re-creation are East and North. By Eleusis I mean the Philosophy of the Springs of Nature. Egypt was an original spot : Eleusis only a representative : Therefore the one gave knowledge, while the other was only a vehicle of Instruc- tion. See farther Note K. The Eleusinian Mysteries were celebrated in honor of Ceres, and were proceeded on in darkness according with the operations of the Goddess ; whom the 79 Mystery consisted in tracing, step by step : not, however, in the wearisome details and arbitrary jargon of jejune botany, but in the disclosure of the whole parallel be- tween human and vegetable produ61ion. They, scriptu- rally, considered Man as formed to identity from the dust of the Ground, like Plants; as a Tree planted by the Hands of JEHOVAH ; and his catastrophe, spe- cific and generic, as the gathering in of the harvest. This accordance between Scripture and Ele- USis will not appear susprizing, when we recolleft, what I have urged already, that Egypt supplied both m.arkets ; and, if we attend to the transaftions of Jo- seph's administration in Egypt, we shall add, that it supplied the whole of the market to trie Gentiles, and for a long time to Israel : for there being a universal famine from which the abode of Israel was not exemp- ted, the granaries of Egypt supplied all the world with present food, and the seed of future. Here, observe,^ri/, that the wheat being culti- vated by the labour, and stored by the providence of Man, represents Man as co-operating, in an external sphere with GOD in an internal, for his own and bre- 80 thren's salvation ; which produces this Definition ol Egypt in a good sense, viz. Sciences, a7id Practice thereon foundal, tributary to L,iYZ'. Secondly ; Man was indebted for the providence, which he exercised, to the immediate Inspiration of GOD in a Dream ; which was so much attended to by the king, that he brought a man out of jail to expound it. Here recurs, in the first instance, what I have already observed, a most ardent co-operation of Man ; but besides, we are to note, that, in certain stages of fleshly grossncss, GOD can communicate with the Spirit, when the body gives him no admission : In these stages, there is no open Vision; as was the case in Israel before Samuel rose ; but the body is laid asleep, before the Spirit can converse with GOD, If Religion, if Life, consist in a communication with GOD. this remark furnishes an accurate criterion to judge of the general state of Religion at all times, in all nations, and in any individual. Low indeed, is that state, where few see Visions, few dream Dreams, few interpret them, and few are fools enough (for such is the preponderance against DEITY IN ENGLAND— Hear O Earth ! And Give Ear, O Hea- vei:s !J to seek an Interpretation, when THE LORD 81 hath spoken — or to give Glory to the LORD their GOD, before he cause darkness, by the silence of His Word, and before their feet stumble on the dar^; MOUNTAINS ! ! For ye are on MOUNTAINS ! and know it not ! He that spoke Light, can be silent intoDARKNESS. Thirdly; The Interpreter of the Divine Word, the Refleftor of the Divine Light on Egypt, was one Man, and not a Gentile, but an Israelite : that is, lived not in the light of the World, but in the darkness ; separate from his brethren of Israel, and locked up from public communication in Egypt; the first, because he received the Word of GOD; the second, because he <2(?^^ as became the Recipient of that Word; for had he had humility enough to put the WORD of GOD from him in compliment to his brethren, he might have had the honor to live among them : had he been an adul- terer he might have flourished in Egypt. But the instant GOD was acknowledged, Joseph presided. These Two Considerations enable us to add to the Definition of Egypt, furnisht by the first, that the said Knowledge and Practice were given by GOD, through the medium of one Man . L 82 Fourthly ; Though the Gentiles were supplied with this corn from Egypt, they considered it merely as a temporary supply ; carried it into their country, dressed it as many different ways as there were nations or palates ; and finally, the Seed degenerated and they even lorgot, in general, whence it came. The children of Israel went down into Egypt and settled ; earned their subsistence by the Merit of their Brother, through his Mercy and Forgiveness ; ate their Corn fresh from the granary, and it was a Statute to them to REMEMBER it throughout all their Generations : a proof that, it must have a£lcd on an Eternal Principle. All these things, even to this Extent, I do not doubt, were taught at El e us is. Hence they were justified in opening their Rites witli a Dismission of the profane. — Procul ! O procul este profani ! To any profane that was present, the consequence certainly zuas Death; for the Life of Man is the Death of Evil. Hence also I am not presumptuous in my Motto. We retire from the profane, and then we are authorized to drive \\\t profane from us : — and they then are ready- to go with all willingness to their own place ; and do go accordingly; for they have nothing in US, and WE nothing in them. I HAVE said above, that Egypt supplied the whole market of the Gentiles, and,yi??^ a long time that of Israel. — The reason of .this reserve I shall now give. The Israelites stand contradistinguisht from other na- tions, in their subsistence', for, at length, led by GOD, THEY wholly relinquished their Egyptian food ; and in- stead of it are fed with that of angels ; to instru6l them beyond the Science of Eleu sis and beyond Egypt, that man liveth not by Bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD, Hence, too, they were informed, that though Egypt was to mankind the Ne plus ultra ^/Science, it was not so of Exis- tence ; and they were reminded, that though Egypt regulated with the nicest accuracy the floods of the Nile, and knew when to expe61:, yet it could not command them; that it received no Showers fro7n Heave):, but was subordinate to a Country, which did, and where both springs^ and is replenlsht to a capacity of Inundation, the triple founted River, for so at length it is now ascertained to be, which irrigates its lands, and fertilizes its womb : a country, which is ex vi termini the Chaos of the Pagan, Egyptian-derived, Mythology ; is also the Metaphysical region o^ the Naturalist — but the Eden ol GOD and of the Man o^ GOD, L 2 34 NOTE ((h)) Here too I sat, with them enwrapt^ though open. ENWRAPT in the Principles, and ever forcing them into A6lion, though I wrought wpiolly alone, of equal Liberty, equal Justice and equal Honor, to all Mankind ; regulated alone by Individual desert. Thus aBing, I afted against all Europe till France joined me. *' Though open," is, though in, and aBing i?i, the Body or Europe, or on European Ground, The Principle of America is this Equi- librium, and agrees with the Sign attributed by Astrology to the West, namely. Libra or the Balance; where Saturn having, by the same Science, his Exaltation, or greatest public Strength, we must also refer Saturn ia Regna, or the Reign of Saturn, so much extolled; and which is thus, in other terms, the Reign of just E(^uality ; where the empty scales are alzvays even, and, of ih^ full, that consequently always preponderates, which ought to preponderate^. I have said this to clear Equality from the obloquy of the English, 85 It will be curious to one not accustomed to attend to the prevalence oi principles in human aftions, to ob- serve, how constantly the whole warfare of Europe and America have turned on Command and Equality ; from the Seditions and Rivalships against Columbus, the detraftions he suffered from Nobles in Spain, and the jealousy entertained of him at Court ; and similar events to subsequent Viceroys — through the System on which America was settled by every nation in Europe, of Slavery — up to the year 1776, when America de- clared Independence : and intermingled her genius with that of France ; whose capital, Paris, is assigned by Astrologers to the Sign Virgo, as is also Jerusa- lem. In 1775 and 1776, Saturn was in Libra. And thus too we sccVirgil's Line in Pollio, illustrated; Jam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturn ia Regna ; Returns the Virgin, and Saturnian Reign. Europe is t\\e. fountain oi Slavery ; America the Field of Freedom : The Fountain of it is GOD in Man, and Fire in Nature, 86 NOTE [{i)j And ply the terrible An tistrophe. THE antient Singers in the Temples of Greece, sang the Strophe from the East, and then turned and sang the Antistrophe from the West. Such is the usual process of a HuRPacANE; particularly that at Antigua in August 1772 : for, after blowing from North East, oy from Europe for some hours, it lulled for half an hour, and then returned with increast violence from South West. This is also frequently the case with seasons of Rain. When fully past to the West, they return with an increast load ; so that a Western Season is always a good one, and gladly welcomed. Harmony is an Equipoise of Discords. Europe by the first discords, destroyed, or rather, suspended Har- mony ; America strikes the second, equivalent; and restores it. In short, down to every ramification, Equi- libration will be found throughout the Western World, in nature and in Man. Those families, which 87 have been long settled there and had little intercourse with Europe, instead of severity to slaves, are most apt to make them companions ; and often ^ very often ^ carry indulgence to an excess, that would be deemed criminal in a parent ; while the English, Irish and Scotch, who go out as Overseers, are Devils to Negroes. NOTE ((K)] New To the World in Afric's Morning WHILE the Mysteries of Eleusis were sacred to Ceres, it is evident, they must have contem- plated Seeds and Earth ; or the Springs and Foun- tains of PLANTS. But that they did not turn '* their backs to bright reality ^''^ and study plants botanically, or without reference to their high analogy, is suffi- ciently known to the learned and too palpable to common sense, for me to waste one argument in supporting. * Coleridge. 88 Africa is Earth : See Robertson's History of America. The opening of Seeds in the Earth conse- quent on gradual insinuations of Water, is the Dawn and progressively the Morning of Being : This, then, I mean, by Afric's Morning : Because the Fountain of Human Being, as well as that of plants is concealed in the Earth ; and Afr ICA more especially Abyssinia, is charafteristically quoad other Continents, the Earth ; as not permeable by Wa- ter ; and, from many parts, scarcely accessible from want of that small supply of Water, which is necessary to human subsistence ; owing to the circwnvolutio^i of a Flaming Sun. This last circumstance brings me to my Scrip- tural Proofs. I am aware of all that is alleged in favour of Asia, for the she of Eden; as I have it from the first quarter — the most indefatigable Student of Asia^ who 89 has abilities, learning and opportunities, equal to the research, and whom I am happy to call, likewise, the generous, candid and communicative Friend. But FIRST PRINCIPLES are altogether against it from every point : whence the affirmative rests on Historical and Geographical details ; so, that the focus of all arguments in support of Asia^ is that Judea may be satisfaftorily mapt, concordant with the very summary sketch of Eden, given in Genesis : and a great deal of this my friend will allow to depend on very nice, though very ingenious, theories on Bdellium, the Onyx Stone, the Land of Havilah, &c. and I am sure, he will confess, that, like the parallax of a Star, they nearly elude De- monstration in the minute. Now, I touch not the min- ute ; his research afts on nothing else ; and, on this very ground, I first admit, then explode the whole System. I ADMIT, that Judea, or wherever else he may fix, was Eden secundum subjeBam materiem^ or quoad the Children of Israel in a literal sense ; and this is no more than admitting Jerusalem to be Jerusalem. M 90 It will be conceded to me, that Scripture ever means by an Ark^ a place of temporary retreat from sur- rounding dangers ; preservative, on the like small scaky of 2iJ'ew or of one, till a period arrive of safe Enlargement, and Eternal Rest, or the Rest of the Redeemed. The Israelites in journeying to the Land of Pro- mise^ always kept their eyes on the Ark — aftually were always surrounded by enemies — and thus were taught to consider themselves as a seleft and guarded y«:y; who were to occupy a seleS and- guarded spot ; which was to continue surrounded by enemies; for the Ark, which represented this Land, was under precisely the same amenability to enemies, that they were, I say, the Ark represented the Land^ because, i. It was the Tabernacle or Residence of JEHOVAH their GOD; and 2. Be- cause by it they were guided in their journies, and to it they locked : They looked, of course, to, and were guided by, the Land to which they were bound ; and had the Ark been different, they would have had discordant principles of a6lion. But, more than this, the People also were the Arti and the Land, They werealwavs considered as one in the judgments and prosperity of tlie Land, whlcli was frlvcn t'hcm : But this LaJid ^nd this P^^/?/e together, artcrvvards, become the prey of numerous and various Enemies ; Therefore, neither were this People finally redeemed, nor was this Land the final Paradise, nor this *' Jerusalem the joy of the zukoie Earth," nor thci?- State eternal Rest ; but all were representative, as is echoed throuo-hout the New Testame*nt : the Rest w^s, then temporary and fallacious ; the City was the head of a District ; the Lewd was a model, and the People had finished the first st^q-c of Redem;ption ; and this, not under a hoodwink, but with an express Declaration,, that they were to expeO; " another Prophet.''' So attacht, hov/ever, v/ere they to the Figure, in length oi' time, that they forewent tlie Reality ; so m.ad, that ihey rejefted it : as, suppose a man to be so long in the habit of Bank Notes, that if, at some given aera, it should be thought advisable to call them in and pay cash, he should abso- lutely refuse the Gold and keep the Paper ; preferring the promise to its Performance.* , * I have adopted tins simile, merely to give the Ev^liih reader a ju:1 concepiion olthe importance of thesubjeft. M 2 92 The Prophet, who came to fulfil the Law, to mag- nify and make it honorable, necessarily abolished the mould wherein it had been cast. When the Palace was built and furnisht, the shed erefted for temporary shelter, was demolisht. And yet to this shed and the plot of ground in which it stood, are all those still looking, who have per- suaded themselves, that they believe on Him who laid these things waste. At least, they do not know him on whom they have believed. They believe, that the great, final, objeft of him, who builded the Palace, is to refit, and reinhabit the shed, which sheltered the workmen ! ! Melancholy I Melancholy to contemplate their little progress from the first Temple, who dream they are worshiping in the second ! Melancholy the prospeft they have exhibited to themselves ! This is the nation too wise for dreams ! Therefore, God hath sent you strong delusion to believe a lie : for I tell you, you have pleasure in unrighteousness. I AM NOT UNDERSTOOD. 'Tis Well. I UNDERSTAND MYSELF. It is better. 93 What is understood ? By England and Europe, I mean. The wise man, who glories in his wisdom ; the strong man, who glories in his might ; the rich man, who glories in his riches. It is said, there is some sense in these. But I know the things that make for my Peace : and nothing shall offend me. I AM NOT UNDERSTOOD. If a fox be out, and the hounds, however noisy in their course, run towards the kennel he has left, instead of following his steps, are they likely to see him ? Perhaps I have come down low enough to be seen in England, now. If you know not the voice of the Shepherd, you do that of the huntsman. Come then ! Let me turn you! Let .me lead you from a hunt, where, the slaves of incessant hesitation, and paralized to every steady effort, you are, the highest and wisest of you, the staring dupes of any Brothers who cries. Hark! To Jerusalem! Or, on the other band, on these flimsy claims, the still more flimsy casuists ; or the coolly mathematical, or presumptuously declamatory, rejefters of all, either good, bad or indifferent. Turn, I say, from this worse than wild-goose chace, because, 94 perchance, when you arrive at the demonstration of ulti- mate disappointment, the Sun may be set, the night come on, the clouds gather darkness, and you not be sheltered. Turn then with ME, Tundi forgeting the things that are behind, look on to those which are before, pressing forward toward the mark for the prize of your high- CALLIN G of GOD ! He that hath eyes to see, may see. Have done with the temporary state, the par- tial spot, and all preceding stages of your journey ! for you arc now brought, be assured, before the walls of Zion; and this very night must be given the Assault, which will either put you in possession of her walls, or tlirough you out for ever. You are come unto the strong hold of Zion, where neither lame nor blind can enter, and unto the City of the Living GOD, the heavenly Jerusalem ; and to an Innumerable Company of Angels, to the General Assembly and Church of the Last-horn as well as First-born, who arc written in Heaven, and to GOD the Judge of all, and to the Spirits of Just Men made perfect ; and to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant, and to the Blood of Sprinkling, which speak- eth better things than that of Abd did to the old Church ; which Abd was succeeded by Sheth. 95 What is become of Africa all this while ? Is not this is a fine, digressive, circumrotatory, flight ? No : It is dire6Hy progressive. The real Eden, the Celestial, must be a whole. It IS 7iot an JrL To be a Whole, it must, in the highest sense, be the Universe, wherein, consequently, every Planet must accord : In a smaller sense, it is a System ; in a third, it is a Planet or World ; in a fourth and last, it is the Center of a World. On e circle first, and then another spreads. In the smallest sense, Africa may be Eden, and the Garden Eastward, Abyssinia ; and in the next, where the whole World is Eden, the Garden Eastward is Africa ; equally poised on the Equator, and opening her Forts Jirst, to the narrow sea of Asia ; then to the broader Mediterranean, and lastly, to all the Ocean : And such undeniably has been the road of Light through the World. There must not bean iron tool heard in framing the Temple. The stones are brought ready poli^ht. 96 Each Planet must be pure, and each part of each. Be minimis non curat lex, is a maxim of English, but reverst in Divine, Law. All must be holy to the horse's bridles. An d little indeed is purity advanced in the Earth, while such a Continent as Africa is abandoned by Europe to efforts of alternate Slavery ; as are those of Mind and^^^jy; fori make no scruple to say, that AS THE STATE OF MiND IS, IN THE WoRLD, OR IN GIVEN PARTS OF THE WoRLD, SO IS THE STATE OF Africa in itself, and in its re- lations TO those parts respectively. The Sun is the Cherub with the flaming Sword, at the East, which turns every way to guard the way to the Tree OF Life — which the Eleusinians contemplate. Africa, and especially Abyssinia is, the un-' penetrated Country of the World. I SHALL say no more here : but refer to Moses's Song in Deuteronomy xxxii, where the curses on the Land of the People of GOD, in their most extensive sense, are those under which Africa groans ; and quote 97 from the last of it at verse 47, " Rejoice ye Nations WITH HIS People — for he will be gracious to his Land and to his People.'" Here are no specific, separate People named ; but they are all one fold, under one Shepherd. Thus the Glory of the second Temple, founded by a Gentile king, though brilliant by no strong displays of Divine Presence at its commencement — not prosecu- ted, as was Solomon's, by immediate Divine Communi- cations with its Founder — shall exceed that of the first, as it gradually concentrates every ray of Jew and Gentile. Its commencement was opposed — therefore not exalted ; it was founded on only secondary Inspiration illuminating to the natural eye of Cyrus the letter of a deceast Prophet — therefore its light was clouded ; it was founded on faith, not in sight — therefore proceeded with hesi- tation ; in the apparent strength of the natural man — therefore ordinary in appearance and events : As a Thief in the night, it stole on through alarms ; (Dan. ix. 25. last clause): But hence — the instant of its com- pletion, was the moment of commencing Triumph over every possible foe ; and thence contemplating Eternity.* * Neither the Messiah's being cut off, nor the destruftion of Cyrus's Temple, at all invalidates this proposition ; for Death was triumpht over, and Captivity was led captive, before the destruftion of the mould. N 98 NOTE II)) And beheld it spread before the rising breeze. Lest this should be thought bad Seamanship by Sailors, and that rather the men on board should have clued up their sails and laid all snug ; I shall beg them to observe, that it is hardly likely, that the most cautious seaman would not venture a foresail, or even a close- reeft topsail at the beginning of a gale, however threatening ; especially, when being near land, he might hope to come to, before night-fall. CANTO II. NOTElyq Peace ! For a moment drazo thy mantle round. This introduces the half hour's Calm mentioned mNotcl^ under Antistrophe. 99 «*C«^^;: POSTSCRIPT. ^^Ite. jTjlFTER all, I well know, that the natural man dis- cerneth not the things of the SPIRIT o F GOD ; neither indeed can he, for they are spiritually discerned. A man looking to the West can never see the Sunrise. Therefore, instead of seeking for the origin of things in body, or philosophizing on form, pursue that, which FORMS body. Study no longer the produB, but the Producer. A person, who for ever contemplates body, which is motionless, is so habituated to see nothing move but as it is moved by a force superior to its weight, that he carries it as a law through all being, that A6lion and Reaftion are equal and contrary. This, the gy-eat Sir Isaac Newton, though not born in Ireland, called a Law of motion : I, though not born in England, call it a Law of NO motion. Sir Isaac wants a Nominative case to the verb moves. I v/ill give i\r2 100 him one, first from Virgily and then, from the Wisdom of Solomon. Principle ccelum ct terras, camposque liquentes Lucentemque globum lunae, Titaniaque astra S p I R I T u s intus alit Igneus est oUis vigor, et cccUstis ori^o Semi N I BUS — — - VirgiL lib. vi. I quote from memory; so have not the line. For thine incorruptible Spirit is in all things. Wisdom xii. i. And naturally — Central Fires, or Fire forming the Center of every Planet is enough to give it motion ; without suspending yourself over a bottomless abyss of second causes ; each of which is alike without motion ; as is yourfelf, excepting that common to Watci\, of gravi- tation ; senseless, whether itdescend to the root of a plant, or to the foot of a precipice ; but ever proceeding to the last with accelerated motion. 101 In writing these Notes, I have had to steer,. ;as the least enlightened may ohserve, between Scylia and Charybdis ; between saying -oo much and too little for perspicuity ; between an appearance oi acrimony and that of indecision ; between the appearance of extrava- gance to those, who are unaccustomed to consider the internal stru6lure of things, on the one liLad, and an un- faithful delineation of my own Sentiments and TRUTHS WHICH CONTEMPLATE EXISTENCE, on the Other. If I have sometimes preferred verging on the first, it was because the last would have been treachery and annihila- tion. I know, that nothing is done towards enlightening the WORLD at large, till the Esoteric overwhelms the Exoteric; and the Achromatic walks trivially. So much for the learned. But to old women, and to young men and maids, I say, that nothing is done, till the knowledge of the Lord cover the earth, as the waters cover the seas : And let him who gloneth, glory i?i this. Yet, do I not condemn the anticnt Philosophers for this discretion. They afted to the full extent of their sphere. I have too long been confined to distinftion, myself. But I have been in an incessant endeavour to level the barrier : while the public of England maintained 102 It, and assiduously repaired its breaches. At length, I have conquered ; at length I have burst the shell, and arrived at day, plumed and oiled against the shower. While the world itself was partially known and inhabited, the Theosopiiist was feign to content himself with a corner of seclusion : for the process, though finisht with him, was scarcely commenced on the whole ; and to have opened himself, W'ould have been to admit such impurities, as would have decomposed the first small result. This is no longer the case. The World is •before me ; from the World I have collected my ma- terials, from Continents, from Islands, from every Quar- ter : To the World, then, I give them; I must give them ; for each claims his own, and the derived progeny as eagerly converses the claim. To try to withhold them would be vain ; and it would be pusillanimous, thievish and tyrannical : and to exclude an individual from a free clioicc of receiving the fruit of my Elaboration, would be Murder. Therefore, I pour out and drain the phial -on the air and to the four winds of Heaven : and I do it most fearlesslv. It has been my business to embody spirit : to re- flect the Rising Sun by so strong a mirror from the West, 103 and that mirror not glass, but untarnishable Platlna, that the man of any wisdom may see it ; be convinced of its existence and turn candidly to the fountain of Light and of Life: ceasing, thus, forever, to think that it is superstition to Vv^orship to the East; for GOD- can be approacht only by ascending the stream of Being. And Philosophy can be so, only as far as it is Theoso- PHY ; as it looks down the stream, from the point of your nearest access to the Fountain. Then you see things proceeding as they a6i:aally originate ; and will comprehend the meaning of the Prophet, when he said to his GOD, In thy Light, zue shall see Light. However, all that is obscure here, I am ready at any hour, to explain to the meek. In the course of a lonesome pilgrimage through the World, which was unavoidable to one, who saw in a light different from all the World, and so much stronger that he could not possibly forego it 1 have been obli- ged to do every office for myself and others. I have taken in their turn, the high-ways and hedges, not to say the ditches and brambles, for I have never been BELOW THE MARK IN ANY UNDERTAKING; and then ascended to sweep cobwebs from gilded ceilings. I 104 have, often, dirtied myself, it is true ; but I did not make the dirt — I only appropriated it ; and this, not- withstanding I used exertions construftible into madness to prevent its colleflion ; for the zeal of the Temple had even eaten me up : Now I wash my hands clean, and DRESS. Where the dust lies, let it for ever lie ; for the house will NO more be swept. I am indifferent where it lies. It is not with ME. Barren Fig-Tree ! Let no man pluck fruit, from thee, any more, for ever ! *^* Instead of Acroamatic, I have used Achromatic, from a privative, and yj-j:y.aliKOc, colore imbutus — fignifying CLEAR Truth. I have thought it well to spell with a t the participles wherein d final is pronounced as t ; and any errata of this kind will be correftcd by the Reader. ERRATA, P. 11 1. 1 read Mem N ON. P. 66 1. 4 from the bottom, read sent it. P. 77. In the Note forx read ^ P. 80. Transpose the period and comma in the fifteenth and sixteenth lines after GOD- ADVERTISEMENT. '"UinW"'' ®»ee©* "wwifi^ Jtl^FING found these Notes sufficiently voluminous with only Theosophic Learnings and indeed, the Title promising no more, I have expunged several hints m Physics, which 1 had first inserted. These I shall shortly swell into a hulk worthy of separate publication, under the Title of THE LATF OF FIRE. Fakkwell ! WILLIAM GILBERT. i-