m^mmMf^"'^.^ ^ o Itheological seminary,! I Princeton, N. J^ | I) f'"- I I) BooU, if sec 3^fb!^.En<^n.^n. K .T. Cl^We' -"^K^VUSfe^g.^^- 1 -f Ic^rs Ch 1 ; — --; ' In +heEnd'li^"h Co !Cl r" i\herv^^'=>- Kherv\ea Cha. IIIL ACCORDING TU >. JWLAllxicw. faluation. but it isynough to be borne of Chriftian parents, andfuch like erroneous t)olJtions wclknowen among the Caluinifts. „iT,^j ,^ F/oore ) This floore is his Church militant here in earth , Wherein are botli goc id bad (here Unified by corne andchalFe) til the feparationbemadein theday otmdgemenf.cciurarie to the doahne of the Heretikes , that hold.the Church to confift onely of the good. ,« Opened.) To fignifiethat heauen Was fhut in the old law, t.lChrift by hisPaflionor^ ned it, and^fo by his Afcenfion Was thefirft that entered into it: conuane to thedoCtr.ne ol the Heretikes. 5ef H«ir.9, «. and jf, ^0 «,^ nil. mn 28 1918 ^^^^^^m\ ^^4 m ^^J^Zj ^®l Chnfl\oiriginto thedefcrt topnparc him felf before his V^anifefiation , outrcomet. •beuils tentations. a 'Beginning tn Gdtlee , m the Prophet (hd hefboutd : i S he caileth foure 'DifcipUs: and^Vith hi} f reaching andmiracles draW eth vntQ hm mnumerautt foloWers. _^ HEN M E s V s >ras led 'e of the Spirit J^'^^fS^^ into the " defert , to be tempted of the Dc- in Lent. uil. i And when he had " fafted fourtie daies and fourtie nightes , afterward he was hungrie. tAnd the tempter appro- ched &c fayd to him , Ifthou be the fonne ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ of God , commaund that thefe ftoncs be 4 made bread, t "Who anfwered &raid. It is written. No? mtrf4(/ alone doth man liue,hntm tuery yfford that procedeth from the mouth of God. 5 t Then the Dcuiltooke him vp into the holy citie, and fet 6 him vpon the pinnacle of the Tcple,fand fayd to him, Ifthou bethefonne ofGod, caft thy felf downe, for" it is written. Th4t he yrrilgmr his ^ngels charge ofthee^c'm their hands fhd they hold thee yp, y lefl perhaps thoit h^ioc}\e they foote ^gaynfi 4 Jione. ].{ e S V S fayd tO him againe ,lt is written , Thou fbalt not tempt the Lord thy God. 8 -fAgaine the Deuil tooke him vp into a very high mountains: and he f hewed him al the Kingdoms of the world, and the 9 gloric of them , t and fayd to him , Al thefe vvil I giue thee, if 10 falling dovvnc thou wilt adore me. t Then 1 e s v s fayth to him, Auanr Satan: for it is written , The lord thy God fh4t thou I II adore, ^'^ him onely f halt thou fern e- f Then the Dcuil left him : and behold Angels camc,and miniftrcd 10 him. 4 12 ■[ And *vvhen Iesvs had heard thatlohnvvasdelinercd THE third n vp , he retyred into Galilee : f and Icauincr the citie Nazareth, P^^^_ *^/ ^^^, came & dwelt in Capharnaum a fearovvne, in the borders or q\^^\^^ ^^_^ 14 Zabulon & Nephthali, t that it might be fulhlled which was mfelling 15 fayd by Efay the Prophet. iLandofZabulvn&U>tdofSephihali,the him felf by 16 ViTiiy of the fea beyond lord.m of Galilee , oftheGeritUs : ] the people ih^t fate in preaching, darknelfe, bath feen great light: and to them, that fate in a coumrey of the fhadow and that in 17 of death , light Urtfentoihem, tFroni that time Iesvs began to Galilee. B preach lOi THE GOSPEL Cha. nil. / preach , and to fay, '"^ Doe penance, for the Kingdom ofhea- uen is at hand. TheGofp/ vpo jAnd Iesvs ''^ Walking by the (ea ofGaIilee,(avv tvvo i8 s^ Andrew-es jjrefhren, Simon who is called Peter,& Andrew his brother, ' adding a nette into theiea (for they were fif hers) t& he fayth 19 a tp^Vtcm, Come ye afte^pi|^nd 1, vvil make you to be fifhers -..ofm^n. t But they inco1|tmentIeauioe the nettes, folowedio hjm.''t And going forward from thencc,hcfaw* other two zi f^ \%i)^\\'^&v^ -> lamesof Zebedee & lohn his brother in a fhippe ■'" with Zebedee their father, repayring their ncttes : and he cal- led them, t And they furthwith left their nettes & father and ^2. folowed him. .j •j-And Iesvs went round about all Galilee, teaching in 23 their Synagogs,& preaching the Gofpcl of the Kingdomrand "healing euery maladie and euery infirmitie in the people. •[And the bruiteofhim went into al Syriajandtheyprefented^"!" to him al that were il at cafe, diuerfly taken with difeafes and ' torments, andfuchas were poflcft, and lunatikes, and fickc of the palfey,and he cured them: tAnd much people folowed 25 him from Galilee and Dccapoiis, and Hierufalem , and from beyond lordan. A N N O T Chap. T I ON S 1 1 1 1. Ltt. s, I. Mar. I, Luc. J, 10. /. 'De/ert.l As lohn the Baptift, fo ouxSauioiir by going into the defcrt and there liuing in T Itti. sontfiinpl^oon euen among brute beafts , and fubiedl to the aflaults of die Diucl for our finnes, geueth a warrant and example to fuch holy men ashaue liuedinVcUdcmelTefor penance and contemplation, called Eremites. i.FaJtcdfourttedaies.] Elias an^i Moyfes (faith S. Hierom) by the faft of 40 dales Were filled The Lent-faft. W'th the familiaritie of God , and our Lord him fclfin the Wilderneire faflcd as many , to leaue vnto vs the folemne dales of fall, (that is, Lent. ) Hiero. in c. js Efn. S. Augufliae alfo hath the very like Wcrdes ep. 119. And generally al the ancient fathers that by occafion or ofpurpofe ipeakeof the Lent-faft, make it not onelyan imitation of our Sauioursfaft.butalfo an Apofto- licall tradition , and ofnecelTitie to be kept . Contemrenot Lent (faith S. Ignatius) for it contehcth j^na. ep. /. the itmtation of our LorcUs conucrfation. AndS. Ambrofe faith plainely, that it Wiis not ordained by ._4mbr. de men, hut confecrated by God,: nor indented by any earthly cogitation, hut commaunded by the heauenly GUm^rar . S^aiejtie. Andagaine, that it isfinns not to faftal the Lent. S. Hieroms Wordesalfo bemoft y^^^^j^^ plaine : We (faithhc) /umafc.li. r.cUlmag.^ed.m*. Luc 17 , Mr. JO. X«f. 14, 34- Firji Chap. V. , , he bromlfeth reWardes , 13 and helayeth before the d earth pafTe, one iote or one tittle fhal notpafle of the Lavv:tilal be fulfilled, f He 2.0 therfore that fhal "^ breake "one of thefeleaft commaunde- menres , & fhal fo teach men : fhal be called the leaft in the Kingdom of heaucn. But he that fhal doe and teach:he fhal be called great in the Kingdom ofheaacn. :\ t For I tel you, 2.1 that vnles " your iuftice abound more then thac of the Scribes and Pharifees,you fhal not enter into the Kingdom of heauc. tYou haue heard that It was fayd to them of old. "^Thouzi fhalc not kil.and whofo killeth, { hal be in danger of iudgc- ment. t But I fay to you, that whofocuerisangrie with his 2.5 brother, fhal be in danger of iudgment. And whofoeuer fhal fay to his brother , Raca : fhal be in danger of a coun- cel. And whofoeuer fhal fay,Thoufoole:rhal be guilty of the " hel of fyre. \ If therefore thou offer thy " gift at the altar,and^4 there thou remember that thy brother hath ought agaynfl: the: tlcaue there thy ofFeiing before the altar, and goefirfl ^ 5 to be reconciled to thy brother : and then coming thou fhalc offer thy gift. ^ \'^ Be at agreement with thy aduerfarie be- ^^ rimes whiles thou arc in the way with him : left perhaps the aducrfarie deliucr thee to the iudge,and the iudge deliuer thee tothc.officer, and thou bccaftinto '' prifon. f Amen I fay to 17 thee, thou (hair not goe^out from thence til thou repay the laft firthing. t You banc heard that it was fayd to them of old, * Thou 2-8 fhalt noccommirre aJuoutrie. t But I fay to you, that who- 2.9 foeuer fhal feea woman to luft after her, hath already com- mitted aduoutrie with her in his hart. tAnd ifthy right cic30 fcandilize thcc,pluckc it ont,&: caft it from rhee. for it is expe- dient for thee thac one of thy limmesperifh, rather then thy wholcbody becaft into hel. | And ifthy right hand (canda- 3^ lize thee, cut it of, and caft it from thee : for it is expcdicncfor thee that one of ihy limmes perifh, rather then that thy whole body goe into hel. t It was fayd alfo , * whofoeuer fhal dimifte his wife, let 5 1 him A. V. Mr.4,ij ">i5- Cha. 54 ACCORDING TO S. MATTHIVK. 15 him giue her a bil of diuorcement. f But I fay to you, vvho- focuer Thai dimifTc his wife , " excepting the caufc offornica- tion , maketh her to committe aduoutrie : Arid he that f hal marie her that is dimiffed, "commitccth aduoutrie. t Agaync you haue heard that it v vas fayd to them of old, "^ Thou (lialt not committe pcrmrie: but thou fhalt perforrnc 55 thy othes to our Lord, t But I fay to you " not to fvvcarc at al: neither by heauen , becaufeitisthcthroneof God: t neither by the earth, bccaufc it is the footc-ftole of his feete: neither 2(j by Hjerufalcjbecaufe it is the citie of tiie great King. tNeither fhalt thou fvveare by thy head , bccaufe thou canil not make yj one heare white or blacke. fLetyour talkebe, yea, yea: no, no:and that which is ouer & aboue thefe,is of euii. 38 tYou haue heard that it was fayd, * An eye for an eyc,and 39 a tooth for a tooth. tBut Ifay to you"not torefift cuil: but if one ftrike thee on thy right checke, turnetohimalfo the 40 other: \ and to him that vvil contend with thee in iudgment, 41 andtakeawaythy cote,lctgoethy clokcalfo vntohim. tand vvhofoeuer vvil force thee one mile , goe with him other 4^tvvayne. t He that afkethofthce, giue to him: and'^ to him that would borow of thee,turne not away. ^5 tYou haue heard thatit was fayd, *Thou fhalt louethy 44 neighbour, and '' hate thine enemie. fBut Ifay toyou, loue y ouuenemies , doc good to them that hate you : and pray for 4J them that perfecutc and abufe you : tthat you may be the children of your father which is in heauen, who maketh his funne to rife vpon good & bad, and rayneth vpon iuft& 4- ofer. c.if. Whereby We fee faluation , iuftice,andiuftihcatiorf, not tocome ofonlyfayth, or imputation ofChriftesiuftice. 23. Heloffjrc] Here is a playne diflerence oflinacs, fome mortal that bring toHel, fome Iclfe, and Iclle punif hed, called venial. 3*. Gift at the ttlta.r.'] Beware of coming to the holy altar or any Sacrament out of charitie. But be firli reconciled to thy brother , and much more to the Catholike Churche, which is the whole brotherhod of Chriftian men, Heb. i},t. 33\ Excepting the cau/e of fornication. 1 This exception is onely to f heW , that for this one caufe amanmay put away his wife for euer: but not that he may marrie another: asit is moftplaine in S. Marke and S. Luke , who leaue out this exception , faying : * "^hofoeuer dimilfeth his wifeand ^r. 10,11. marieth an other, committeth aJuoutrie. See the Annot. Luc. 19, 9. But if both parties be in one and L,H.i6y u. the fame fault, then can neither of them not fo much as diuorce or put away the other. . 3i. Committeth aduontrie.'] The knot of Mariage is a thing pi fo great a Sacrament, that not by reparation it felf of the parties it can be loofed , being not lawful neither for the one part nor the othetjto m.uie agayne vpon diuorce. .-^«^. de bo. Coniug. c. 7. sj-'T^tto f'^eare.} The Anabapcifts 6ere not folowing the Churches iudgement.but the bare letter (as other Heretikes in other cafes) hold tliat there is no othe lawful , no not before a iudge, whereas Chrift fpeaketh agaynft rafhe andvfual fwearing in common t.ilke , when there is no ciufe. sg.'K.otto HefiftetuLl Here alfothe Anabaptiftsgatheroftheletter, that it is not lawful to- ffoe to law for out right, as Luther alio vpon this place held , that Chriflians might not refill the Turke, Whereas by tliis, as by that Which foloWech , patience only is hgnilied and a Wil to fuffcr more, rather then to reuenge . Fbr'i;either did Chrift nor S. Paule folow the letter by turning theothercheeke. /o. u. o4ff. a/, . Chap. VI. In ihii fctond chapter ofhu Sermon , he ControWleth thePhari/ees iujllce [that is, their almes, prayer, nnd fafiing) for the fcope and intention therof, which Was vxineglorie. 19 Their end alfe W(M to be riche,but ours muff not befo much <*> in nccejfaries. A K E good heede that you doe not your " iuftice before men, to be feen of them : otheiwifc reward you f hall not haue with your father which is in heauen. '*Th£ firft f Therfo re when thou' ^doeft an almcs-deede, found not workc of atrorapet before thee, as the hypocrites doe in the Synago- gues and in the ftrectes , that they may be honoured of men: Allien I fay to you, they haue receiued their reward. tBuc when thou doefl: an.almes- dcede , let not thy left hand know what thy right hand docth: t that thy almes- dcede may be in rcaetc,and thy father which feethm fecrete,vvirrepay the. 4 And iul'Uce, . ChA. VI. ACCORDING TO S. MATTHEW. I5 J •)• And when ye" pray,you Thai not beas the "hypocrites, -^Ths se^ that loueto ftand&pray in the Synagbgs and corners of the condvirorkc ftreetes,fhat they may be fcen of men: Amen 1 fay to yon,they ^^ lu^'ce. ^ haue receiued their reward. -fBut thou when thou fhalt pray, enter into thy chamber, & hauing (hut the doore,pray to rhy Either in fecrcte: and thy father which fecth in (ecrete, wil 7 repay thee, f And when you are praying, fpeake not much, as the heathen. For they thinke that in their "much-fpeaking 8 they may be heard, t Be not you therefore like to them , for your father knoweth what is needefulforyou, before you afke him. 9 t Thus therefore fhal you pray. *Ovr fMHEKwhichArtinhed' ■^q^^^^^'" 1 0 uen,fanBiJicd be thy tiame.\Let thy Kingdom tome. Thy w il be do»e,M in beanen, 11 inettrih atjb.-\ Omeysto day our " fujierfiibfianti^l bread. -\^ndforgmeys but '"In S. Luke, II '^ deties, Asv/e olfoforgme ouv detters. j^nd" leade yimtmtoteritation. But ^^ ^*"" '?t ^ Miner ys from euii. jimen. t For "if you wil^forgiue men their dii,eW wine.) By this new Wine, he doth playnly here llgnifie fafting and the ftraiter kind of Iife:by the old bottels,them that can not aWay therewith. jg.TWeiueyeres.) This Woman a Gentil had her difeafe tWelue yercs,andfhe Goucrners daughter aleWe (which is here rayfed to life) Was tWelue yeresold, Luc.s. M.irke then the allegoric hereof in the leWes and Gentils. As tbit Woman fel ficke When the Wenche was borne, fotne Gentils Went their owne Wayesinto idolatrie. When the lewesin Abraham beleeued. Agayne, as Clirift hereWentto rayfe the Wenche, andbytheway the Woman was firft healed, and then the Wenche reuiued: fo Chrift came to the IeWes,but die Genuls beleeued firft and Were (aued.and in the end the leWes fhal beleeue alfo. Hiero. in M^at. ti. Totuheonly.) Not only Chriftes Wordes, but his g.armeiit and touche thereof or any thing to him belonging , might doe and did miracles , force preceding from his holy perfon to them. Relikes and Yea this woman returning home *fetvp an Imageof Chrift, for memorie of this benefite, and -^"A^- •'- images. [ij^ hemme of the fame Image did alio miracles. This image lulian the Apoftata threWe downe, J /• '*• and fet vp his oWne in fteede therof , which Was immediatly deftroyed by fyre from heauen. But "'J^' the im.age of Chrift broken in pceces by the heathen.the Chriftians afterward gathering thepeeces togcthcr,placeditinthe Churche: where it was(a$ Sozomenus Writeth) vnto his time. //. / c. 20. tS. ©a External Sacri- fice. F.ifting. ChA. X. ACCORDING TO S. M A T T H B ^'. 1^ z/.-DoyottbeteetHthat r catt.] We fee here that to the corporal healing of thefe men he reqiii- reth onely this faith , that he is able. Which faith is not fufficient to iiillifie them. HoW then doe the Heretikes by this and the like places pleade for their onely iulli tying faith ? See the ^nnot. iMdr. s>3i- 3S. Tray therfore.) Therfore doth the Churche pray and fafl in the Imber dayes , When holy Orders are geuen,that is,when Workemen are prepared to be feat into the haruell. Sec ^El.is.i. Chap. X. Meriueth to the Tvvelue the power ef miracles, andfo fendet'r.- them to the lofi fheepe of the levves, / with infiruElions accordingly : to and by occajion of the fending, foretflltth of the perfecutions after hu •Afcenfior- ^ armijig them and al other againfl the fame, 4-0 andalfo exhorting the petpte to harbour huferuants in fitch times of perfecution. N D hauing called his tvvelue Difciples toge- ther, ''^hc gaue them "power ouer vncleane (pirites, that they fhould caft them out, and f hould cure al maner ofdifeafe,and al maner of _^^^^ infirmitie. 2 t And the names of the tvvelue Apoftles be there:the"firft, Simon who is called Peter , and Andrew his brother, 3 tlamcs of Zebcdcc,and lohn his brother,Philip and Barthle- raevVjThomas and Matthew the publican, and lames of Al- 4 phaEuSj^ Thaddxus,! Simon Gananjeus jand ludas Ucariote, who alfo betrayed him. 5 t Thefe tvvelue did Iesvs fend : commaunding them, faying, into the way of the" Gentiles goe ye not, and into J^'^J commif^- 6 the cities of the Samaritans enter ye not : tbut goe rather fion to preach 7 to the fheepe that are peril hed ofthehoufe of Ifrael. t And °h"^time behi<^ going preache,faying, That the kingdom of heaue is at hand. '^^^ v" § t Cure the ficke, raife the dead , cleanfe the lepers , caft out tiles. 9 diuels : gratis youhauereceiued, gratis giue ye. t Do not 10 "poffefTG gold, nor filuer, nor money inyour purfes: 1 not a f ktippe for the way, neither two coates, neither f hoes , nci - 11 ther rodde.forthcvvoikemanis vvorthie ofhis meate.t And into whatfoeuer citie or to wne you f hal enter,inquire who li in it is vvorthie:and there tarie til you goeforth.t And when ye enter into the houfejfalute it, faying,"Peace be to this hou- 13 fe.t And if fo be that houfe be worthie,your peace fhal come vpon it. but if itbe not vvorthie: your peace fhal returne to i4you. t And who foeuer fhal not receiue you, nor heare your wordes: going forth out of the houfe or the citie " f hake of 15 the dufl from your feete. t Amen 1 fay to you, it fhal be'more tolerable for the land of the Sodomites and Gomorrheans in the day of iudgement,then for that citie. D Behold come :Gen-. 'l6 * THEGOSl'EL ChA. TfaeGofpeivpo f Bchold I fendyou as fheepc in themiddcsofvvolues. i6 moration ot s. Bcyctheiforc •■ vvifeasferpents,andfimpleasdooues.tAnd 17 Paui,iun.jo. takeheedeofmen. Forihey vvil deliueryou vp in Counccis, J'wifedomand and in their fynagogs they vvil fcourgeyou . t And to Prefi- i8 frnipiicitieboth ^ and "to Kings fhal you be leddefor my fake^, in tefti- DC neccUaric in O / J * preachers. Bif- monie to them and the Gentiles, t But when they fhal dc- 19 bops an p«- ii^gj. y^^ yp ^ ^ ^^■^^ j^Q thought hovv Ot what to fpeake: for "itlhal be giuen you in that houre what to fpeake. tForic 10 is not you rhat fpeake,but the fpirit of your father that fpea- kethinyou. t*The brother alfo (hal deliuer vp the bro- ii ther to dcath,and the father thefonnc:and the children fhal nfevpagaynft the parents , and fhal vvoike their death, t and you fhal be odious 10 al men for my name, but he that 2.1 fhal perfeuere vnto the endjhe fhal be faued. -i TheGofpelvpo f And when they fhal perfecute you in this citic, flee into 2.5 day. MaljV.'^ ^n Other. Amen 1 fay to you, you fhal not finil h al the cities of Ifrael , til the (onnc of man come. t *The Difcipleisnotabouethc maifter, nor thcferuant^4 aboue his lord, t It fuffifeth the difciple that he be as his raai- 2.5 flcr-.and the fciuat as his lord. If they haue called the goodma of the houfe Beelzebub, "hovv much more them of his houf- hold? tTherforefearcyenoiihem. For nothing is hid, that i^ fhal not be reuealed:and fecrcte , that f hal not be knovven. t That which I fpeake to you in the datke, fpeake ye in the 27 light: and that which you heare in the eare, preache ye vpon "A goodly CO- the houfe toppcs.t And '' feare ye not them that kil the body, 18 ftians^and^ca- ^"^ ^^^ ""^ ^^^^ ^o ^'^ ^^^ ^°"^ " ^"^ father fcarc him that can thoiikcs and al defltoy both foul and body into hel. H fhe° peTfecudS "1" ^^^ "o^ tvvo fpatovves fold for a farthing : and not oncij? otTurke.ofHc- of them fhal fall vpon the ground without your father? 30 wickedmea. t^utyour Very heares of thc head atc al numbered, t Feare 31 not therfore: better are you then many fparowcs. t*Euery 32 one therfore that fhal "confelfe me before men , I alfo vvil confefle hira before my flither which is in heauen. t But he 33 that fhaldenieme before men, 1 alfo vvildenie him before TlieCofpelvpo niy father which is in heauen. t Do not ye thinke '''that 1 34 thM i/«oc a came to fend peace into the earth: 1 came " not to fend peace, BiThop. but the fvvord. t For 1 came to feparare'*^ managaynfl his 35 father, and the daughter og.';ynfl; her mother, and the daugh- ter in law agaynfl her mother in law. t And a mans cne- ^6 mieSjtheycfhisovvnehoufhold t He that loueth father or 37 mother X. C H A. X. A C C O R D I N G T O S. M A T T H E VT. l/ mother "more then me, is not worthy of me : and he that louethfonneor daughter aboiie me, is not worthy of me. 38 t Andhethattakethnothis erode, and folovveth mc, is not 39 worthy of me. t He that hath found his hfcjfhallofe it: and he that hath loft his life for me, f hal finde it. Luc.io, i ^Q t * He that receiueth you,rccciueth me: and he that rccei- 41 ueth me, receiueth him that fent me. t He that receiueth a t Prophet" in the name of a Prophet , f hal receiue the reward I ofa Prophet . and he that receiueth a "iuft man in the name '■'The reward 1 r • n ri » • I ^ r ■ n + a J ''"^ harboiiriiie I 41 or a luft man , 1 hal receiuc the reward ota mit man. T And &; helping any * *vvhofoeuer fhal siue drinke to one of thefe litle ones a bieiredmftpcr. r t 1 i-i ri-r-i t ^°'^ luitering cuppeotcold water, only m the name ota dilciple, amen 1 for his iuftice (ay to youjhe fhal not lofe his reward. 4*1 16. 41. and conlciencc. AN NOTATIONS Chap. x. Annot. no- Ht Tefi. ISS6. Unit. a. 2 2 i. S. Leo S. Chryf. Socrat. li. We haue piped to you , and you haue not daunced : we hauc lamented , and 18 you haue not mourned, t For* lohn came neither "eating 15) nor drinking: and they fay* He hath a diuel. t The Sonne of man cameeatingand drinking, and they fay , Behold a man that is a glotton and a vvincdrinker,a frcnde of Publicans and llnners. And vvifedom is iuftified of her children. f Then* began he to vpbraide the cities, wherein were done the moft of his miracles, for that they had not done pe- nance, t Wo be to thee Corozain , wo be to thee Beth faidar forifin Tyre &Sidon had been wrought the miracles that haue been wrought iiiyou,they had done" penance in hearc- 21 cloth and alhes long agoe. f But ncuertheleile , 1 lay to you , it fhal be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the 23 day of iudgement, then for you. tAnd thou Capharnaum, f hah thou be exalted vp to heauen? thou fhalt come downc eucn vnto hel . for if in Sodom had been wrought the mira- cles that haue been wrought in thee, perhaps it had remained 2- 4 vnto this day.f But norvvithftanding I fay to you, that it fhal be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day ofiudge- mentjthen for thee. 25 tAt that time Iesvs anfvvered and faid. "'"I confelTe xhe Gofpel to thee O Father lordof heaucn and earth, becaufc thou haft vp5s.Mauhi^ hid thefe things from the wife and prudent,and haft reuealed vponVprands i6 the toMitle ones, t Yea Father:for{o hath it welpleafed thee, f^^ 9^°^' ^' xj fAl things are deliuered me of my Father. And no man Martyrs. knovveth the Sonne but the Father: neither doth any know the Father, but the Sonne, and to whom it fhal pleafethe 28 Sonne to reucale. t Come ye to meal that labour , and arc la burdencd,andl vvilrcfrefhyou. jTake vp my yoke vpon you, and learneofme, becaufel ammeeke, andhumbk of JO hart:andyou fhal findc reft to your foules. tFor my''yokc is fvveetc, and my burden light. ^ , ," { 1 ' D "J Annot- 50 THE GOSPEL ANNOTATIONS Chap, x i. Cha. XII. Brcixuticallife. Elk,', Penance, Mi)«W**. }. ^rt thou he.'\ lohn liim fclf doubted not, for he baptized him and gaue great tefliraonie of him before: U.i. But becaufehis difcipleskneWe him not, noreftsemcd of him lb much as of lohn their owne Mailler, thcrforedid he fend themvmo Chriit, that by occahonof Chrilles anf>)/cr he might the better inlhuiSt them what he Was , and fo make them ChriAes difciples, pr«- ferring them to a better M.iiftcr. 7. What wciityou. out.'] High commendation of lohns holineffe.as Wei for his fafting.rough attire, folitary hfe, and conllancie, as for the dignitie of his funftion. 7.lntothedejlrt.] The taythfid people inal agesreforted ofdeuotion into wildernes to fee jnen offpecial andraro holynes , Prophets, Eremites, Anchorites &c. tohaue theirpra^ers or ghoftl/ counfel. See S. Hieroni de vita Hilarionis, i-f. Eli.t4.) As Elias I oal be the melTenger of Chriftcs later coming , fo Was lohn his meiren- gerand Prascurforat his former coming: a;id therforeis he called Elias, becaufe of his like olfice and like fpirit. Luc. r. Grego. ho. 7. in Eua.nr. X 8. Eating and drinkin7.'\ The Wicked quarrellers of the World mifconllfe eafely a! theaftes and life of good men. If they be great falters and auftere Jiuers , they are blafphemed and counted hypocrites:if they conuerfe with other men in ordinary maner,thcn they be counted ditrolute. z I. Penance in fackcjoth.] By this fackcloth and af hes added here and in other places , Wee fe<* euidently that Penance is not only Icauing of former fianes , and chaunge or atnendenient of life pall, no nor bare forowfulnes or recounting of our otfenfes already commicted,but requireth pu- nif hement and chailifemet of our perfons by thcic and fuch other meanes as the Scriptures do els where fetfortli. and therfore concerning the Wordealfo , it is rather to be called Penance, as in our tran(lation:then (as the Aduerfaries ot purpofe auoyding the word; Repentance or Amende- rding to the very vliial fignification of the * Greeke Word in the mofl ment of life: and that accord ancient Ecclefiallical Greeke Writers: who i'oi Panitrntes (which in tSiePrimitiue Churche did pu- blike penance) fiy,*fjiV^:Tavjia i'vV.!, tti^iis,:^(en that are doing oenance. Aniconceimr.gthzt * 'Dlo„yr part of penance which is Cofeirion.thc Ecclefiaftical hiftorie callech it by the fame Greeke word, Eccl. hier. and the penitents commingto confelfion, -rjvf ^u/lai'ajMjla?. Soz.om.li. ? c. iS.Socrat.ii.s c. 19. c.s.tnini- 2s.Litleones.) Thefclitle ones doe notfignifie here only the vnlearned, as though Coblers do. and weaucrsandwemenand girles had this reuelation, and therfore do vndcrftandal Scriptures and are able to expound them:but here are fignified the humble , whether they be learned or vn- lameA: a.s Whenhe (ayih yVnlesyou become itt title ones, you fhal notenterintothe /\i'igdomofheanen. n^^^ ^f ^^ And fo alfo tire grcatclt Dodlors (who as they Were moft learned , fo molt humbled them felues to the iudgemcntofthe Catholikc Churche) are thrfe litle ones : and Herctikes , who although vnlearned, yet vaunt their knowledge and theirfpirit of vnderftanding aboueal ancient fathers and the whole Churchc,can not be of thefe litle and humble ones. The comtnaun- so.Tokefweete.l What is this light burden and fweetc yoke, buthis commaundements, of dementi pelfi- which 5. lohn fayth i. Ep. /. /f«(;o»>?«. -f-'And 17 if 1 inBeclzebubcaft out deuils: your children in whom do they caft out? Therfore they fhal be your iudges. t But if I in 2.8 theSpiritofGoddocaft out deuils, then is the kingdom of God come vpon you. tOr hovvcan a man enter into the 29 houfe of the ftrong,and rifle his veflel, vnles he firft binde the ftrong?and then he wil rifle his houfe. 1 He that is " not with 30 me, is agaynft me:and he that" gathereth not with me , fcat- tereth. t Therfore I fay to you , euery linne and blafphemie 31 f hal be forgiuen men , but "the blafphemie of the Spirit fhal not be forgiuen. tAnd whofoeuer fhal fpeake a 51 word agaynft the Sonne of man , it fhal be forgiuen him: but he that (hal fpeake againft the Holy Ghoft, it fhal not be forgiuen him neither in this world, nor "in the world to come, t Either "-make the tree good,and his fruite 33 good:or make the tree euil,and his fruite euil. for of the fruite the tree is knowe.'fVou vipers broodeSjho wean you Cpcoke 34 good things, whereas you are euil J for of the abound.mce of the hart the moadi fpeakerh. I A good man out ofagaod jj rrcafure bringcth forth good things : and an euil man out of an euil treafucc bringcth forth euil things. tBut I fay vnto 35 you, thateuery"idicvvord that men fh.d fpeake, they fhal render an account for it in the day of iudgement. jFor of thy 37 wordes thou fhak be iuilified,and of thy wordes thou (halt be condemned. tThen anfwered him ccrtaine nf the Scribes and Pha- 38 rifees, faying, Maifter , we would fee a figne from thee. twhoanfvvcred,and faid to them, 39 The wicked and aduouterous generation fecketh a figne : and aiigne Thai not be giuen ir, but the figne of lonas the Prophet, t For as* lonas was in the whales belly three 40 dayes and three nightes: fo fhal the Sonne of man be in the hart of the earth three dayes and three nightes. tThe men 41 of Niniuee fhal rife in the iudgcmet with this generati5 , and fhal condemne it:becaufe*they did penance at the preaching of lonas. And behold more then lonas here, t The * Queefie4 1 of the South fhal rife in the iudgement with this generation, and fhal condemne it : becaufe fhe came fromtheendesof ihe earth to heare the wifedom of Salomo, and behold more then XU I Xftf. II, 24. ChA. XII. ACCORDING TO S. MATTHEW. 35 45 then Salomon here, t And* when an vncleane fpirit fhal goe out of a man, he vvalketh through dry places, fccking 44 reft, and findeth not. tThen he faith, I vvil returne into my houfe vvhencel came out. And cominghe findeth it va- 45 cant, fvvept with befoms, and trimmed. tThen gocth he, and taketh with him feuen other fpirites more wicked then him felf, and they enter in and dvvel there : and * the laft of that man be made worfe then the firft. So fhal it be alfo to this wicked generation. ,^ t As he was yet fpeaking to the multitudes, "^behold his TheGofpei^pS mother and his brethren ftoode without , feeking to fpeake Luen Brethren .-, to him. tAnd one faid vnto him , Behold ihy mother and *«:c.iuiijio. .3 thy brethren ftandwithour,feekingthee.tBut heanfvvering him that told him, faid , " who is my mother , and who are A a my brethren?! And ftretching forth his hand vpon his Difci- ,Q pies, he faid. Behold my mother and my brethren, t For whofoeucr fhal doe the vvil of my father, that is in heauen: he is my brother, and fifter, and mother. ^ ANNOTATIONS Chap, x ii. z.Pet.z, 20. M4r. 3, 51- Inc. 8. 20. 2*. In ^eelziliub.'] The like blafphemie agaynfl theHoly Ghoftis, to attribute the miracles done by Saindls either dead or aliue.to the Diuel. 3o.'K,ofWith me.'] They that are indifFerent to alreh'gions, commonly and fitly called Neu- ters , ioyning them fekies to neither part.let them marke thefe Wordes Vel,and they fhal fee.that Chrift accoumpted al them to be agaynft him and his Chm:ch,that are notplainely and flatly V/ich him and it. 30. Gathereth not Xi^ith me.'] He fpcaketh not only of his o\i7ne perfon , but ofal to whom he hath committed the gouernement of his Church, andfpecially ofthe cheefePailoursiucceding Ep. St. Peter in the gouernement of the whole. As S. Hierom Writing to Damafus Pope of Rome , ap- plieth thefe words vnto him, faying of .al Herecikes , He that gathereth not With thee,fca,ttereth : that If to fay. He that is not With Chrijl, u with ■.Antichrifi. }i. The blajphemie ofthe Sj?irit.] Hemeaneth not that there is any finnefo great, Which God Wil not forgiue, or whereof a man may not repet in this life,as fome Hcretikes at tin's day affirme: but that fome heinous linnes (as namely this blafphemie of the leWes againit the euident Workes ef the Holy Ghoft , andlikewife Archeheretikeswho Wilfully refill the knowe trudi and Workes of the Holy Ghollin Gods Church) are hardly forgeuen , and leldom hauefuch men grace to repent. Otherwife among al the Imnes agaynfl the Holy Gholl (which are commonly reckened fixe) one only fhal neuerbe forgiuen, that is, dying without repentance wilfully , called Final impenitence. Which finne he committeth that dieth with contempt ofthe Saci.iment of Penance, oblHnatly refufing abiblution , by the Churches miniflerie : as S. Augiiftine plainely declareth in thefe Worder. Whofoeuer he be that beleueth not tnans fnnes to be remitted in Gods Church , and therfore dejpifeth thehcuntifulnes ofGcd info mighty aWorke , if he in that obfiinatminde continue til his Hues end, he u guilty of fmne againjl the Holy Ghoft, in Which Holy Gholt Chrift reinitteth finnes. "Enchir. Ss. Ep. so in fine. 31. Sonne of man. ] The leWes in their Wordes finned againft die fonne of man , when they reprehended thofe things which he did as a man, towitte, calling him therfore , a glutton, a great drinker of Wine , afrecnd of the Publicans, and taking olfenie becaufe he kept company with finners , brake the Sabboth , and fiich like : and this finne might more eafely be forgiuen tliem, becaufe they iudged of him as they would haue done of any other man : but they finned •fc- and Neuters in reli- gion. Final impeni- tence, Remillion of finnes in the Church, 34 THE GOSPEL Cha. XIII. and blafphemed againft the Holy Ghoft ( called here the finger of God V7hereby he Yeroueht mi- raclet) V/hen of malice they attributed theeuident Workes of Godin calling out diucls , to the diuel him felf: and this Cu«e f hal not be remitted, becaufe it f hal hardly be reraitted.as Wc fee by the plague of their pofteririe vntil this dav. ii.?«Lor »« ^/;ffWorW w »«*.■] S-Auguiline and other Holy Dolors gather herevpon, that fome Pureatoric. fumes may be remitted in the next life.and confequently prooue Purgatoric thereby, 2)« Cinit.'Dei li.zi c.tl. 'D.Gregor, 'JiiidJi,.f c.)f. 36. Idle Vf-erfi.] If of euery idle Word V7e mud make accoumpt before God in iudgemcnt.ani yet f hal not for euery fuch word be damned euerlaftingly : then there rauft needcf be fome tem- poral puiiifhment in the next life. 4-B.Whe « fjjj mofW,] The dutiful affciftion toward our parents and kinsfolfce is not blamed, Al H G s al '^"^ the inordinate loue of them to the hinderance ofourferuice and duty toward God. Vpoa J "^ 5 * this place fome old Heretikes denied Chrift to hauc any mother, ^ug. li. de Fid. f^Symb. c. f. leage icriptu- j^ejthcr euer Was there any herefiefo abfurd.bu: it would feemc to haue Scripture for it. Chap. XIII. speaking in ptirahUi (4« the Scriptun foretold of him, tmdiumeete woifar therefro- bate levver.) he fhevveth bj the parable of the Sower , that in the labours of hit church , three pArtes offoure do perifhe through the fault of the hearers. 2* and yet, by the parable of good fuck and eockU { at alfo of the T'i^tte ) that hu ftruanti fiiidfi not for althat, neuer while the vvorldUfteth, maieany Schijkitor Separa- tion. ! I ^nd by parables of the title mufiardjeede and leatien , that notwithjiandinr the three parts perij hing, and ouerfoxnjing of cockles , yet that fourth part of the rood feede f hal fpreade OHtr al the world. ** ^nd withal, what atrtafurt,and fearleitu. }$ ^fteral which, yet hu owne countriewU not honour hint. HE faracday I E svs goingourof the I houfcjfateby the Tea fide, t And* great z multitudes were gathered together vnto him , in fo much that he went vp into a boate & fate: and al the multitude ftoodc in the fhorc , land he fpakc to them j many things in parables, faying, Behold the lower went forth to fovv. t And whiles he a fov vethjfome fell by the way fide , and the foales of the aire did come and eate it. t Otherfomc alfo fell vponrockiepla- c ces, where they had not much earthrand they i hot vp incon- tinent,becaufc they had not dcepenes ofcarth, t and after the 6 fiinne was vp,they parched:and becaufe they had not roote, they withered. tAnd other fell among thornes: and the 7 thornes grewe^nd choked them, t And otherfome fell vpon 8 good ground rand they yeldedfruire, the "one an hundred- fold, the other threefcorc , and an other thirtie. tHe that 9 hath earcs to hearc,let him heare. tAnd hisDifcipl^s catfie andfaid to him. why fjjeakeft 10 thou to thorn in parables? tWho an(vvcred and (aid vnto 11 them , Becaufe "to you it is giuen to know the myfieries of the kingdom of heaucn: but to thcraitisnot giucn. tFor ii he H If GhA. XIII. ACCORDING TO S. MATTHEW. 35 he that hath, to him Thai be giuen,anci he i hal abound:but he that hath not,from him fhal be taken away that alfo which ij he hath, t Therfore in parables I fpeake to them : bccaufc feeing they fee not, and" hearing tneyheare nof,neither do " when goJi they vnuei ftand : t and the prophecie of Efay is fulfilled in ^°^^ '' ?«=»- thera, which faith, yjnbheari»gfhaljoiihe4re,Andyoit fbaltiotynder-pre\y haue " Jlitnd: andfeciiJg fhal yon fee, Attdyotijhdmtjee. -\ for the hart of this people U earcs to heare, ■vy^xedprolTe and vvkh their earei they haue beanily heard, aud their e^es'' they ^^^^ ^^"^ ''": I ,1 ^ -7 n I , I I ji > I tes to obeyiand baue/hitt: left at any ttme they mayjee y*fitb thetr eies^am beat e w ith ihetr eares, ^hey hearine do ttnd ynderfland vy ith then- hart and be coniterted , and I may heale ihem. not heare , 1(3 t Biublclled are your eyes becaule they doe fee, and your ^^^'^^''l^^^^^y 17 eares becaule they doe neare. troramen 1 (ay loyou , that body.andobcy * many Prophets and iufl men haucdelircd tofee the things "^'''^ ''^"^^"^ 1 - , r 1 ■ II 1 O' ther nartes. that you (ee , and hauc not teen them : and to heare the-^'^x- de lUna i8 things that you hearc,and haue not heard them, t Heare y ou^'^-'^'*''*'** therfore the parable of the fovver. I? t Euery one that hcarech the word of the kingdom and vnderftandeth not , there cometh the vvuked one , and cat- chcih away that which was fovvcn in his hart: this is he io that was fb wen by the way fide. | And he that was fovven vpon rockic places : this is he that heareth the word , and in- II cotinent receiueth it with ioy, f yet hath he not roote in him felf, but isforatime: and when there fallcth tribulation and iz pcrfecution forthc word, heis by and by fcandalized. tAnd he that was fovven among thornes , thisishe that heareth the word, and the carefulnes of this world and the deceit^ fulnes of riches choketh vp the word, and he becometh 23 fruiiles. t But he that was lowen vpon good ground : this is he that heareth the v vord,and vnderftandeth, and bringeth fruirc,and yeldcth (ome an hundred- fold, and an other three- fcore, and an other thirtie. 24 t An other parable he propofcd to them, faying. The "T^'^°^P^J^vp6 kingdom of heauen is refcmblcd to a man thatfowed good after the Epi- Zj feedc in his field, i But when men were a fleepe, his enemy P'*^^^- came and ouerfowcd cockle among the wheate , and went 16 his way. t And when the blade was fhot vp , and had zj brought forth fruite, then appeared alfo the cockle, t And the feruants of the goodman of the houfe comming faid to him, Sir, didft thou not fovv good Ccedc in thy field? z8 whence then hath it cockle? t And he faid to them. The ene- my man hath done this. And the feruants faid to him, Wilt ic^ thou we goe and gather it vpl tAnd he faid,No:"left perhaps E ij ga- M.tr. 4, 50. 18. PA 77, 2. 3^ THE GOSPEL C II A. X I I I. gathering vp the cockle , you may rootc vp ihe vvhcite alfo together with it. tSufter both to grow vntil the har- 50 ueft, and in the time of harueft I vvil fay to thereaocrs, Ga- ther vp fitft the covkle , and binde it into bundeis to burne, butthe vvheate gather ye into my baine. ^ t TheGofpel vpo f An Other parable he propoied vnto them, fa/ing , * The j^ i Sra ^h^'^ri- kingdom of heauen is like to a muftard fcede, vvhithaman' phanie. tooke and fovved in his field, t Which is the "leaft furely of 31 al feedes : but when it is gro wen , it is gieater then al herbes,. and is made a tree , fo that the foules of the aire come , and dwel in thebranches thereof ■[ An other parable he fpake 33 to them, The kingdom of heauen is like to leaucn, which a woman tooke and hid in three meafures of meale, vntil the whole was leaucned. -{•Althefe things I es vs fpakeinparablestothemultiru- 24 des,aud without parables he did not fpeaketo them: tihatjr it rnighc be fulfilled which was fpoken by the Prophet faying, Iwil openmy mouth m parables,! wil yttcr things hidden from the foundation of the vrorld. >-i tThen hauing dimifiTed the multitudes, he came into35 thehoufe,andhis Difciples came vnto him, faying. Expound vs the parable of the cockle of the field, t Who made anfwer 37 and fiid to them, He that foweth the good leede,is the Sonne ofman. t And the field , is the world. And the good feede: 38 thefe are the childre of the kingdom. And the cockle: are the children of the wicked one. t And the cnemie that fovved 39 " Not God them, is'" thedeuil. But theharuefl;,is theendeofthe world. Diud i^thc^au- ^^^ ^^'^ reapers, are the Angels, t Euen as cockle therfore is 40 shorofaileuil. gathered Vp, and burnt with fire: fo Ihal ir bein theende-of thevvorld. i The Sonne ofman (hal fend his Angels, and 41 they fhal gather out of his kingdom al fcandals, and them that vvorkeiniquitie: tan d f hal caft them into the furnace of 42- fire , There fhal be weeping and gnaf hing of teeth, t Then 43 fhal theiuflfhineas thefunne, in the kingdom of their fa- ther. Hethathatheares tohearc, let himheare. _, _ ^ , - t The kingdom of heauen is like a treafure hidden in a 44 The Gofpel 'or _ , o . ^ i i • i i i i /- • i Virgins &: other field. vvich a man haumg round, did hide it,and for loy therc- h^iy^omctu ofgoeth, and fclleth al that he hath, and byeth that field. tAgaine the kingdom ofheaucn is like to a marchant man, 45 fceking good pearlcs. t And hauing found one precious 46 pearle , he went his way, and fold al that he had , and bought ChA. XIII. ACCORPING TO S. MATTHEVT. 37 bought it. 47 t Againc the kingdom of heauen is hkc to a nettc caft in- to the fea , and gathering together of al kind of fif hes. 48 t ^I'hichjVvhen it was filled, drawing it forth, and fitting by the fhore, they chofeout the'" good intovelTels, but the '"^ 49 bad they did caft out. tSofhal it be in the confummation and of the world. The Angels fhal goe forth , and fhal feparate ^^*"'^^- 50 the euil from among the iuft, tand fhal caft them into the furnace of firc.there fhal be weeping and gnaf hing of teeth. 51 ■ t Haue ye vnderftoodc al thefe things? 1 hey fay to him,Yea. 51 tHe faid vntothem,Therforc euery Scribe inflrudcd in the kingdom of heauen , is like to a man that is an houf holder , which bringeth forth out of his ircafure new things and old. 4 53 1 And it came to pafTe: when I e s v s had ended thefe pa- 54 rableSjhepafled from thence, f And* coming into his pvvne countrie, he taught them in their fynagogues, fo that they marucled, andfaidjHow came this fellow by this wifedom 55 and vertues? t Is not this the "carpenters fonne?Is not his mother called M A r i e, and his brethrenjames and lofcph, j6 and Simon and lude: fand his fifters", are they not al with 57 vs?Whence therefore hath heal thefe things? tAnd they were fcandalized in him. But Iesvs faidto them. There is not a Prophet without honour but in his owne countrie , and in 58 hisownchoufe. iAnd he wrought not many miracles there - becaufe oftheir incredulity. Mr. 6,1, Luc. 4, 1^. H^re a!fo ate fied good bad in the ANNOTATIONS C H A p. X I I 1. t. One an huHdred.'] This difference of frultesis the difference ofmeritcs in this life, and DiffVrence of leWardcsfortheminthe next life, according to the diuerfities offlares, orotherdifFerenctts. of meritcs and ftates, as that the hundred fold agreeth to virgins profefled,threefcore fold to religious widoVes, reWardes. thirtiefold to the maried. ^AugM. de S. Virginit. c.*+ & ftq. Which truth the old Heretike louinian denied (as ours doe at this day) affirming that there is no difference of merites or rewardcs, Hiero. It. z adu. louia. ^mbrof ep. Si. .Aug. hxr. 8j. ;/. Toyouisgiuen.'] To tlie Apoftles and fuch as haue the guiding and teaching of others, deeper knoVledgc of Gods Word and niyflcriesisgiuen , then to the common people. Asalfo to Chriffians generally, that \rhich Was net giuen to the obftina'te lewes. //. They haue [hut.) In faying that they fhut their oWne eies , Which S. Paul alfo repeateth ^4^.28 : heteacheth vstheuuevndcrftandingofalotherplaces, whereitmightfeemeby thebarc God is HOT the Wordes that God is the very author and Worker of this induration , andbUndnes, and of other author of euil. Irtn. afudCinnts: * Which Was an old condemned blafphemie, and is now thcHerelie of* Cauiin;whereas Eujlb. li.s our Sauiour here teacheth vs, that they fhut their oWne eies,and are the caufe oftheir owne finnc t. 19. and damnation , God not doing, but permitting it, and fuflericg them co fall further becaufe of Calu. It. 1 their former Ijnnes, as S. Paul declareth of tlic reprobate Gentiles, Ro. t. , Infiit.c*. if. O'uerfoWei.) Fiifl by Chrift and his Apoftles Was planted the trutli, ahd falfhod came afterward , and was oueifowen by the enemy the Diuei, and not by Chrift, who is not the E ilj *"^''°^ 38 THE GOSPEL Cha. XIIII. author of: euil. Tertul. defrtfcript. X9. Leji you fluckevp a.lfo.'] The goodmuft tolewtethe euil, W-hen it is fo ftrongthaticcsn not be redrefled Without danger and difturbance of the whole Church, and committe the matter to Gods iudgement in the later day. OrherWife where il men (be they HeretiKes or other male- faftors) m.iy be punifhed or ruppreflld without difturbance and hazard of" the good , they maj? and ought by publike autlionty either Spiritual or temporal to be chailil'ed or executed. 30. Suffer both to gro\>/.'\ The good and bad (Wee fee here) axe mingled together in the Good and euil Chur'-i e. Which makech againil certaine Heretikes and ScliiGnatikes, u;hich feuered them felucs in the Church, ot'old from thr reil oFthe whole World , vndet pretence that them I'^lues only were pure.and al others bothPrieftj and people finners : and againll fome Heretikesoltiiis time alio, which fay that euil men are not of",or in the Churche. 3i. Theleaffofalfeedes.'] The Chiuch of Chriilhada fmal beginning , but afterward became ihc moll glorious and knoWen common-Welth in earth : the greateft powers and the moft wife of the world putting them felues into the fame. //. Carpenters fonne-l Herevpon lulian the Apoftata and his flatterer Libanius tooke their fcofFeagiinft ourSauiour,faying (at his going againll the Perfuins) to the Chriftians, what doeth the Carpenters fonnenoW? and threatening that after hisreturne the Carpenters Ibnnefhould not be able to faue them from his furie . Wherevnto a godly man anfwered by the Spirit ot Pro- phecie He whom lulian calUth the Carpenters fonrie,u ntukjng a Wooiden cojfnfor him againfi hu death. And in dcede not long after there came newes that in that bataile he dyed milcrabl,-. Sozji. li. 6c. z. Theodo. It. 3 c. is. The very like fcoffevfe Heretikes that call the body of Chrilt in the B. Sacr-iment, bakers bjead. Itfeemeth in deede to the fenfesto befo, as Clniftieemedto be lofcphs n.arural fonne.but faith telleth vs the contrarie as Wei in the one as in the odier. Chap. XI 11 1. Mearinf the vnworthy decollation of lohn 'Baptijihy Herode , u he betakcth him to hh vfualfolitarines in the dejert,and there feedeth jooo vvithfueloaues. z j ^nd then after the night [pent in the mountdne in prayer, he vvalketh vt>on the Jia (Jtg- nifying the wide world) zS yea and Peter alfo: vvherevpen they adore him tu thefonneofGod. 3 J %4mi with the very teuehe of hu garments hemm* he healtth innitmerable. T that time * Herod the Terrach heard i the fame of 1 e s v s : t and laid co his fer- i uants , This is lohn the Baptift : he is rifen from the dead, and therfore vcrtues vvoikc in him. tFor Herod apprehended lohn 5 and bound him, and put him into pnfon becaufeotHerodiaSjhis ^brothers' wife. tFor lohn laid vn- 4 to him. It is not lawful for thee to hauc her. t And willing j to put him to death, he feared the people : becaufe they cftee- med him as a Prophet, t But on Herods birth- day,the daugh 6 ter ofHerodias dannced before them: and plealcd Herod, twherevpon he promifcd with an othc,to giue her whatfoe- 7 uer f he would alke of him. tBut fhe being inftruded be- 8 fore of her mother faith , Giue me here in a difh the head of ifrafh'Mh*e. lohn the Baptift. t And the king was ftrokcn fad : yet be- 9 EdlTidfilkd' ^^"^^ °^ ^'^ ** °^^^ ^"^ ^^^ ^^^"^ ^^^*- ^^^^ with him at table, becaufe an vn- he commaundcd it to begiuen. t And he fenr, and beheaded 10 hi^Znoik lohn in the prifon. t And his head was brought in a difh: 11 and ^ A VJ'ickcd M7^.) when not only Chrift, but by his power Peter alfo Walketh vpon the waters, itiseuidentthat he can difpofeofhisowne body aboue nature and contrary 10 the natural con- ditions thereof, as to goe through a do-ore. /o.2o.to bein thecompalleofalitlebread. Epiphan. in xAnchomto. 29. Walked."] Peter (faith S. Bernard) W.alking vpon the Waters, as Chrift did, declared hira felfthe only Vicar of Chrift, whicli fhould be ruler not ouer one people, but oueral. For many Waters, are many peoples, "Bernard, li. z de confid. c. s. See the place.how he deductth from Peter tlie like authoritie and iurifdidiion to his fucceiroiThc Bifhop ot Rome. Chap. Cha. XV. according to Chap. S. M ATTHE\r. XV. 41 5 The Vharifet! ofHkrufalem camming fofarre to earfe him , he cbargeth with a tradition contrarieto God's commaundement. 10 ^fid to the people he yeldeth the renjon of thatvz'hiththejreproued:isa>idagaiuetohi!'DiJciples,fhevvingthegro'nndof the PharifaicaliJVitl hing ( to vvitte, that meutes otherwife defile the foule ) to be frlfe. 21 then he goethajide to hide him felf among the GentiL: where, in a woman hefindethfuchfatth.thai he isfaine , left the Genlilsfhould before the time extort the whole bread , a* fhe had a crumme , to relume to the Icvves. 3+ where ( al contra- rie to thoje Phanees ) the common people feeh vi endcrfully vtito him. and he after he hath cured their difeafed/eedeth *ooo of them with feuen loaues. HEN came to him from Hierufalem TheGofpelvpo Scribes and Pharifees/fayingjtWhy doihy venfdaythe 3. Dilciples rranfgrelle the rraduion ot rhe Auncienres? For they ^-^^ h not their hads when ihey eate bread. tBut he anfvvering laid ro them: why do you alfo tranfgrcfle the comaundement of Godfor yourcra- duion?For Goa laid, t Hononi father and mother, and, Hethitjhalcurfe ftther or mothcr,djt>iglct bm dyc.iBui yoii fay,Whofocuer f hal fay to father or mother, The gift vvhatfoeuer procedeth from me, fhalprofire the: tand ihal not honour his father or his mo- ther: and you haue made huftrate the comaundement of God foryourovvne tradition, t Hypocrites , vvel hath Efay Pro- phccied of you, faying, t rhis people honoureth me yritb their" Itppes: but then hart Is farrefrom me. i J)d m yatne do thej yyorfhippe me , teacbmg doHrittes and " commaiindements of men. t A nd hauing called together the multitudes vnto him,he II faidtoihem,Heareye and vnderftand. t" Not that which entrethinto ihemouth, defilethaman : but that which pro- cedeth out of the mouth, ih?t defileth a man. t Then came his Dirciples,and faid to him,Dofcft thou know that the Pha- rifces,vvhen they heard this vvord,vvere fcandalized ? t But he anfvvering fayd: All planting which my heauenly father hath not planted, fhal be rooted vp. t Let them alone: blinde they arcguides of the blinde . And if the blinde be guide to the blinde, bothfall into the ditch, t And Peter anfvvering fayd to him,Expound vs, this parable, t But he fay d , Are you alfo as yet without vnderftanding? 1 Do you not vnder- ftand, thatal that entreth into the mouch, goeih into the 18 belly, and IS caft forth into the priuy? tBut the things that proceedeoutof the mouth , come forth from the hart, and 19 thofe things" defile a man. t Fo^' from the hart come forth euil cogitations, murders , aduoutries, fornications, thefts, 20 falfe tclhmoniesjblafphemies. fThefe are the things that de- F file 10 12 14 16 17 Leiit. 42. THBGOSPEL ChA file a man. but to cate vvitk vnv varhen hands , doeth not de- file a man. •? TiwGofpelvps f And Iesvs went forth from thence and retired into 21 IZ'^wLkl'ia t^e quarters of Tyre and Sidon . t And bchoM * a woman ti of Chanaan came forth out of thofc coaftes , and crying out, fayd to him , Haue mcrcie vpon me , O lord the Sonne of Dauid:my daughter is fore vexedofaDeuil.lWhoanfwered 2.3 her not a word. And his Difciples came and befought him fayingjDimilTe her; becaufe f he crieth out after vs: f And he ^4 anfvvering (aid; 1 was not fent but to thef heepe that arc loft of the houfeoi Ifracl. t But fhe came and adored him, ^5 faying, Lord, help me. iwho anfvvering, faid: Itisnotgood 2.^ to take the bread of the Children , and to caft it to the dog- ges. fBut fhcfaid, Ycalordrforthe whelpesalfoeateofthe 27 crummes that fal from the table of their maifters. t Then 18 Iesvs anfvvering Gid to her, O woman, •• great is thy faith: be it done to [hee as thou wilt: and her daughter was made hole from that houre. *l t And when iesvs was pafTed from thence, he came 19 befide the fea of Galilee : and alcending into the mountainc, fate there, t And there came to him great multitudes, hauing 30 with them dummc perfons, blinde, lame, feeble, and many others: and they cait them downeat hisfeete, and he cured XV. • • It Were a flraunge cafe that Chrift fhould com- mend in this Woman a folc faith withou: jood V/orkes , 5iat is tofay, a ilead faith fucb as could not Worke by loue, rtimTs^doub- ^^^'""' tfothat the multitudes maruelcd feeing the dumme 31 ted not to call fpeake,the lame walke,the blinde feerand they magnified the SdffianrbutGodoflfrael. t And* Iesvs called together his Difciples, jz ofDiueis. ^«j. and faid: I pirie the multitude: becaule three dayes now they de Fid. (^ Op. c. . *., ,1 1 J J rr ,0, continue with rac, and naue not what to eate: and dimillc themfafting 1 vvil not , left they fainte in the way. tAnd 33 the difciples fay vnto him : whence then may we gettefo many loaues in thedcfertas to filfo great a multitude ? f And 34 1 E s v s fayd to them, How many loaues haue you^but they againe that the {a)^d,Seuen,& a few litle fifhes . t And he commaundcd the 55 people muft multitude to fit dovvne vpon the ground, t And taking the y6 ownc caruers, feuen loaues & the fifhes, andgeuing thankes, he brake, & srcrlmems or^ g''*"^ ^^ ^'^ difciplcs , and " the difciples gaue to the people, other fpiii- I And they did aleate,and had their fill. Andthat which was 37 SmLTadyTf ^^^^ ""^^^^ fragments they tooke vp,feuen baf kets ful. i And 3« chrift , or at there werc that did cate,fourethoufand men, befide children theirownehad, _ i « i i • i • /t' i L i • j 1 ■, ^ but of their fpi- & Yvomeu. I And h.uimg dimdlcd the multitude , he went 39 ritual gouer- yp into a boate.and came into the coaftes of Mafrcdan. n ANNO- ChA. XVI. ACCORDING TO S. MATTHIV. 43 ANNOTATIONS C H A p. « V. t. With their llppes.'\ This is to be vnderflood properly of fuch as hauc euer God in rheir mouth, the word otour Lord, the Scriptures, the Gofpel , but in their hart and al their life be in deede Godles. It may be applied alfo to fuch as fay their prayers Without attention or elcuation ofmindtoGod, wh:ther he vnderftand the prayers or no , that faith them. Formany apoore Chriftian man thatvndcrftandeth not the Wordes he fpeaketh , hath his hart neerer heauen more /. C»r 14 f""oranddeuotion, more edification to him fcJf,morcprofite in fpirit (as the Apoltle fpeaketh) ■ andlcircdiftradions, then not only alHeretikes Which haue no true feeling offuch things, but then maiay learned Catholikes. And therfcre it is not to be vnderftood of praying in vnknoWen tonges , as Heretikes fometime expound it, farrewide from the circunftance of the place and Chriftes intention, fpeaking of the hypocritical leWes. 9. Comrnaundantntsofmen.'] Such only are hers called traditions, dodrines, orcommaunde- ments of men, wliich be either repugnant to Gods laWes.as this of defrauding their parents vnder pretenfe of religion : or which at the left be friuolous , vnprofitable , and impertinent to pietie or true worf hipe,as that other fort of lb often Waf hing hands and veflels Without regard of inward The difFcrence puritie of han and mind. Let no man thcrforc be abufed With the Protellancs perutrfe application betwene the of this pkce againft the holy lawes , canons , and precepts of the Church and our fpiritual Gouer- lewif h rradi- nours , concerning faftes , teftiuities , and other rules of difciplinc and due order in life and in the tions here re- feruice ofGod. For fuch artnot repugnant but confonant to Gods word and al pietie, andour prehended, and 3, Thef 2, ^°'''^ " ""^''>' honoured, Worf hiped, and lerucd both by the making and alfo by the obfcruing of the Churches IS- ' ^^'^^- * S.Paul gaue commaundements both by his epiilles and by Word of mouth, cueniniuch Apoftolical tra- /. Cor.ii. '"^""■^ Wherein Chrift had prefcribed nothing at al , and he chargeth the faithful to obferue the dicions, "■^ff. ;/ ^''"^'- * ^^^ Apoftles and Priefts at Hierulalem made laWes , and the Chriftians Were boimd to * Ak/.So-'. ^^^y i^^m. a The keeping of Sunday in fteede of the Sabboth is the tradition of the Apoftles, and de tepifi' ^'^^ ^^^ Heretikes deny the due obferuation therof to be an acceptable Worf hipe of God? i They See i.'cor P''sfcribed the Fcftes of Falter, and whitfontideand other Solemnities of Chrift and his Sainfts, 16 2 ' ■^hichtheProteftantsthemfeluesobferue. fThcyappointedtheLentandlmbcrfaftesandother b Epiph. *^ *'^' '■° chaftife the concupifcence of man . as to ferue and pleafe God thereby , as is plaine in the har ?s ' f^^^'ng of* Anna.Tobie , ludith , Efther , Who ferued and pleafed God thereby. Therforc neither iHiero.ep. ^^^^^ "^"^ °^^^^ ^"'^'■' Apoftolike Ordinances , nor any precepti of the holy Church or of our ^^ ^ lawful Paftors are implied in thefe Pharifaical traditions here reprehended , nor to be compted or S^arceL ""^-^ ^^^ doftrines and commaundements of men , becaufc they are not made by mere humane eot.S^ont. Po^"' but by Chriftes Warrant and authoritic , and by fuch as he hath placed to rule his Church, *Lut 2 37 o^^hom he faith, * He that hcarethyou,hearcth meihe that dejpifcthycujej}ifeth me. Theyaremade Teh 12 ^y ^^^ ^°'y Ghoft,ioyning With our Paftors in the regiment of the faithful, they are made by our Judith c'. I M"fher the Church,which wholbeuer obeicth not. * We are Warned to take him as an Heathen. ^a^ ^ ' But on the other fide,al laWes,dodrines,feruice and iniundlions of Herctikes.how foeuer prcten- l-ut.,0 , 6 '^^'^ '■^ ^^ conlbnant to the Scriptures, be commaundements of men: becaufe both the things by *S>id iv c«- ^he Sonne ofman is? tBut"ihey faid , Some lohn the Baptift, H thedra, Petri l T H E G O S 1> E L ChA. XVI. PETER. 1 1. Thou urt Peter.} Chrfl:(in chefiill oflohn v. 4 i) foretold and a^poi'.ited chat this man then named Simon, fhould afterward be called Ceph.u, or Pc; A«,that is to hy, 3. Hyexpr."iringtliefAine,y;i?/iV«f(asS Cyn\wmsth)For tii.u vfon'hhn.ts -jyon a n-in' r I /• rotke h:i Church j'houLi be buiLlel Wherevnto S. Hilarie agreing faith, O happieftuud^chnof:he ^"'„ ' * church in the !>n;!ofi}igof:hy new name. ^c. And yet Chrift here doth notfo much call him b/ the '•' '^ "*" name Peter or R.ocke , as he doth affirnie him to be a rocke : fignif/ing by that Metaphore , both '!li^' • that he was defigaedfor the foundation and ground V/orke of his hoafe, which i? the Church: /"*''/.'* andalfo that he fhould be of inuincible force, firmitie, durablenes, and flabilitie, to full.une al the "" *** Windes, wanes, and ftonnes that mightfall orbeateagainll the fame. And the Aduerfariei obli- ging againft this , that Chrift only is the Rocke or foundation , Wrangle againfk the very exprefTe Scriptures and Chriltes owne Wordes.geuing both the name and the tiling to this ApolHe. And the fimplcmay learneby S. Bafils Wordes, how the cafe Ihndeth. Though (faith he) Peter be a rocke, Tiaftl.li.dt yet he u not a. rocke tu Chrift u. For Chrijl u the true vnmoueable rocke ofhimfelf, Peter is vnmiueable pxmt. by Chriji the rocke. For lefui doth communicate and impart hu di^nitiei , not voydinr himfelfofthem, but holding them to himfilf, beJfoWeth them atfo vpon others. Heu thelifht,andfet,x Ten are the tifht : heu 1 m/ f r thePriefi,andyetht^makethPriefli:hei(therocke,andhem!idearocke. xLu' ' is. ^nd vpon thii rocke-l Vpon that Which he faid Peter was , Wil he build his Church : and ,« '' "' therfore by moll euident fequele he foundeth his Church vpon Peter. And the Aduerfaries V/rang- Thou art Ce- lingagainfl this, do againll their oWne confcience and knowledge : fpccially feing they know ^/;. Origea, Ho. sin Exo. S.C/prian, 'Devnit.Ee. S. Hibrie, Can. 16 in mat. S. Ainbrofe,.??r..^7.tf8./;. 6 fer.+g.fer. inc. 9. Lucx.S. Hierom, Li. 1 in louin.rf;' in e. lEfa.^ in e. 16 Hter. S.Epiphanius,/» ^ichor. S. Chry- '/. 16. iS, foftom, Ho.sf in^\Caf. S.Cyril, Li.zc.ii. com. in lo. S.Leo, Ep.! 9. S.GKZ,oi\ey Li. 4- ep. 31 ind. ij. i9deSan- * and others: cuery one of them faying exprcfly that the Church was founded .indbuilded vpon t- Pctcr.For though fometimes they fay the Church to be builded on Peters faith, yet they meancnot «»/. in lol> (as our Aduerfaries do vnlearnedly take them) that it fhould be builded vpon faith cither feparated e. 30. fiomthe man, or in any other man : but vpon faith as in him who here confeffed that faith. *Theodor IS. Rocke.'] The Aduerfaries hearing alfo the Fathers fometimes fay , that Peter had thefe pro- ;^- ^ ^^^ * Kiifes and prerogatiues , as bearing theperfon ofal theAportlcs or of the whole Church, deny f^^^^ ^ abfurdly that him felfinperfon had thefeprcrogatiues. AsthoughPeterhadbeen theprodor only ■^' ' of the Church or of the Apoftles , confelfing the faith and receiuing thefe things in other merLs '^ names. Where the holy Doctors meane only, that thefe prerogatiues were not geuento him for his OWne vfe but for tiie good of the whole Church , and to be imparted to euery vocation accor- ding to the rneafure of their callings : and that thefe great priuileges geuen to Peter fhould not Hlere. eb. decay or die with his perfon , but be perpetual in the Church in his fucceifors. Therfore S. Hierom 7^ fg^ j, lo Damafus taketh this Rocke not to be Peters perfon only , but his fuccefTors and his Chaire. / (faithhe) foloWinrno cheefe or principal but ChrijF,ioynemyfdf to the communion of Peters chaire, vpon pr^j ^^^^ that rocke I knoW the Churdi W.m buitt. And of that fame Apoftolike Chaire S. Auguft. faith, ^^^' ^^ That /ame lithe KockeWhich the proud^gates of Hel do not ouercome. And S. Leo, Our Lord, ^ould the ^^^'^^ ^ Sacrament ormyfterie of thu giftjo topertainevnto theofficeofalthe apoftles , thathe placed it principally i^^^g'y in bleffed S. Peter the cheefe ofal the ^pojiles , that from him 'ujrom a certaine head he might poure out his * * ' viftes, Mit -Were through theWhole body:that he might vnderfiand him felf to bt an aliene from the diuint tayjierit that fhould prefume to reuoltfrom thefoliditie orjiedfajtnet ofPettr. tl.'Build Cha.XVI. accorping to s. matthevt. 47 it.'Bttildmy church.'^ The Church orhoufe ofChiift Vf as only promifcd here to be buildcd TponhJm(V/hichWasfulfilled. /o.ii.n. ) the foundation Ilone and other pillers or matter being yet in preparing, and Chrill him felf being not only the fupercminsnt foundation but alfo the founder of the lame: which it an other more excellent qualitie then Was in Peter, for Which he calleth it mj C^KrcA: meaning fpeciaily the Church of the ncW Teftament. U'hich Was not per- h(X[y formed and finif hed.and dillindled from the Synagogue til Whitfunday.though Chrift giue Peter and the reft their commifsions aftuaJly before his Alcenfion. /*. Gates ofhel. ] Becaufe the Church is refembled to a houfc or a cide.the aducrfaric powers •Ifo be likened to a contrarie houfe or toWne.the gates wherof, that is to fay , the fortitude or im- pugnations fhalneucr prcuaile againfi: the citie of Chrift. Andfoby thiiproniis We are allured that no herefies nor other Wicked attempts can preuaileagainft the Church buildedvpon Peter, Tpd. eottt. v^iiifij the Fathers call Peters fee and the Romane Church. Count (faith S. Augulline; thePrieJfs fart. ^0- J'rcm the very See of rcter.uiid in thutoriier of fathers ecnftder who to whom hath fucceded. that f^ne is **"■ " therockevvhich theproudgatciofHel donot ouerccme . AnA'in in othtt^\a.ct, that Ktt '%/hich hath Wji. (l/tainedthetcbpeof authentic, Heretikes in vainebarkinground about it. ered.c.17. 19. To thee."] la fkying. to thee wil /jf«f, it isplainc that as he gaue the keies to him, lb he C)*. epijf'. builded the Church vpon him. So faith S. Cyprian, To Peter frji ofal. vfcn irvhcm our Lord built the J). church, and from whom he itijiituted and j hewed the beginning ofitiitie , did hegetu this power , that Grer.U.'*, that fhculd be loofed in the heauens.zvlftch he had loofed in earth. Wherby appeareth the vaine cauilof tf.tt. ind. our Aduerfaries, Which fay the Church Was built vpon Peters Confclsioil only,c6mon to him and It. the reft, and not vpon his perfon , more then vpon the reft. 1 9. The keies.) Thatis, Theauthoritie orChaire of doiSrine.knowredge, iudgementanddif- cretion betWene true and falfedodrine:the height of gouernement, the power of making laWes, Tke dignities of of calling Councels , of the principal voice in them , of confirming them , of making Canons ancl the keies, bolefom decrees, of abrogating the contrarie , of ordaining Bif hopes and Paftors or depofing and fulpending them,finally the power to difpenfe the goods of the Church both fpiritual and tem- poral. Which fignification of preeminent power and authoritie by the word keies the Scripture ex- .-4f»c. I. preflcth in many places : namely fpeaking of Chrift, / haut the keies of death and Hel, that k , the rule. Eja.ti^ti And agAine,! wilgeue the key of the hiufeofDauidvi^on hufhoulder. Moreouerit fignifieth thatnien can not come into heauen but by him, the keies lignifiing alfo authoritie to open and f hut , as it is faid .^pocs . oi Chtii\,^ho hath the key ofDauidMfhutttthandnomanopeneth. By Which Wordes Ve gather that Peters authoritie is maruclous, to Whom the keies, thatis, thcpoWer to openand f hut heaucn,is geucn. And iherlore by the name of keies is geuen that fupereminent power which is called in comparifon of the power graunted to other Apoftles, Bif hops aud Paftors , flenitudt fotefiatis, fulnes of power. "Semard.lib.t. decovfiderat. c. S. ip.'V/hatfoeuer thou fhalhind.) KlkmAoi dLifcx^Wnani. punifhment of offenders , either fpi- ritual ( which dircdiy is here meant ) or corporal lo farre as it tendeth to the execution ot the fpi- ritual charge,is comprifedvndcr the Word, bind. Of which fort be Excommunications, Anathe- matilines.Sufpenfions, degradations, and other ccnfures and ^cn.^lties or penances cnioyned either In the SacramcntofContefsionor in the exterior Courtesot the Church. for punifhment bocli of other crimes, arid fpecially of herelie and rebellion againft the Church and the cheefe paftors thcrof. 19. Loofe. ) To loofe,isas thecaufeand the ofFinders cafe requireth, toloofethem of any the former bandes , and to reftore them to the Churches Sacraments and Communion of the faithful and execution of their fundion, to pardon alio either al or part of the penances enioyned, or what debtesfo euerman oWeth to God or the Church for the fatisfadion of his linnes for- geuen. Which kind of releafuig or Icofnig is called /«^((/|«)ff : finally this W/;/ef/cf« Uugujl. lib.j.eaB,*.s.i.de FreeVill. aH. cum Falic. Manich . Chap. 4^' THE GOSPEL Chap. XVII. Cha. XVII. The Tr. AN s- P I G V RATION ofour Lord, ce- lebrated in the Church the 6. of Aug. The Gofpel of thef.ildfeaft,& ofthe I.Sunday in Lent: and on theSacerday be- fore. •As he promt fed , hegtueth them ajiglit oftheglor'ie , vnto which Suffering d-th bring: 9 and. ii.rn a^aine doth inculcate his Vajiion. i * ^ dcuit alfo he cajieth cut \^hich hii 'Dijciplei could not for their incrcdulitie and lacl^e of praying and fajirrg. zi being yet in Galilee , he reuealeth more about hn Pa/Uon. z ■^ and the tribute that the ColieUon exa^ledfor al , he payethfor htmfelfand Peter: declaringyet With- al hu freedom both by Word and miracle. ^1 N D after fix dayes 1 e s v s takcth vnto i him Peter and lames and John his bro- ?.'^|ther,and bringeth them into ahigh moun- '^'^ tainc apart: lAnd he was "tranlfigiued i before them. And his face did fhinc as the funne : & his garments became white asfnow. tAnd behold there "appeared 3 tothemMoyfes andEHas talliing vvith him. f^nd Peter 4 anfwering^faid to 1 1 s v s, Lord,it is good for vs to be here: if thou Wiltjlet vs make here three tabernacles , one for thee, and oncforMoyfes, and onefor Elias. t And as he was yet 5 fpcaking, behold a bright cloude ouerfhado\ ved rhem.And loe a voice out ofthe cloudc,Giying.This is my welbeloued fonne, in whom lam wel pleafed : heareyehim. tAnd the 6 difciples hearing it , fel vpon their face, and were fore afraid. t And I E s V s came and touched them : and he faid to them, 7 Arife,qndfearenot. t And they lifting vp their eyes, favv no 8 body, but only I E sv s- tAnd as they descended from the 5 "mount, I E s v s commaunded them,faying,Tel the villon to no body , til the Sonne of man berifenfrom the dead. 4 tAnd his Difciples afked him, faying, \vhat fiy theScri- 10 bes then , that* Elias muft come hi ft? tBut he anlwcring, ii faid to them,' Elias in deede fhal come , and reltore al things, t Andl fay ro you, that Elias is already come,and they did not 12, know him, but wrought on him whaifocuer they would. So alfo the Sonne of man fhal fuffer of them. tThcn the 13 Difciples vnderftoode, that of lohn thcBaptift hehadfpo- ken to them. t And * when he was come vnto the multitude , there 14 came to him a man falling dovvne vpon his knees before him, tfayingjLordhauemercie vpon my fonne, for he is 15 lunatike, and fore vexedcfor he fallcth often into the fire,and often into thevvater. t andl offered him ro thy Difciples: \6 and they could not cure him. 1 1 £ s v s anfvvered and faid, 17 O faithles and perueife generation,hovv long fhal I be vvith you ChA. XVII. ACCORDING TO S. MATTHEW. 45) you? How long fhalUliffer you? bring him hi[her to mc. 18 t And 1 Esvs rebuked him,and the deuilvvent out of him, i^ and the ladde was cured from that houre. tThen came the Dilciplesto I ESVS fecretely,andfaid, "why could not we 20 cafthimout? IIesvs faid to them, becauie of- your incre- dulity, for, amen I fay fo you,ifyouhaue"faithas amuftard feede, you fhal fay to this mountaine , Remoue from hence thithei:and it fhal remoue,and nothing fhal be impofsible to 21 you.lButthiskindeisnotcaft out but by"prayerandfafl;ing. t And * when they conuerfed in Galilee , I e s v s Gid to 2.2 them. The Sonne of man is to be betraiedinto ilie hands of men: t and they fhal kil him, and the third day he fhal nfc 25 againc. And they were ftroken fadde exccdingly. 24 t And when they were come to Capharnaum , there came they that receiued the didrachmes, vnto Peter, and faid 25 to him,Your maifter doth he not pay the •• didrachmes? t He faith, Yes. And when he was entered into the houfe, I e s v s preuented him, faying, What is thy opinion Simon? The kings of the earth of whom recciuc they tribute or cenfe? 2.6 of their children, or of flrangcrsf t And he faid,Of ftrangcrs. 27 Iesvs faid to him, Then the "children are free. -J* But that wemay notfcandalizethcm,goethy waies to the fea,and caftahooke : and that fifh which ihal firftcome vp, take: and when thou haft opened his mouth, thou fhalt find a ••ftater: takethat,andgiucic them for"me and thee. ANNOTATIONS Chap. x v i i. " Thefe di- drachmes Were peeces of mo- ney which they payed for tri- bute. '• This ftater Was a double didrachme, and therfore Vfas payed for tWe. a. Transfgwed.'] Markein this Transfiguration many maruelous points, as, that he made not •nlyhis owne body.which then Was mortal , butalfo the bodies ofMoyfes and Elias, the one dead , the other to die, for the time as it Were immortal : thereby to reprefent the Hate and <^lorie of his body and his Saindis in heauen.By Which maruelous transfiguring of his body, you may the leffemaruel that he canexhibitc his body vnder the forme of bread and wine or othcrewife ashelifl. 3 . .^ippeitred ^Xfoyfes.l By this that Moyfesperfonally appeared and Was prefent With Chrift it is plaine that the Sainds departed may in perlbn be prcfeiu at the affaires of the lining. ^untfi!de turapromo-rt. c.i). 16. Foreuenas Angels els where.fo here the Sainfts alfo ferued our Sauiour: and therfore as Angels both in the old Teftament and the new, Were prefent ofceii at the affaires of mcn,fo may Sainds. 9. S^oiint.'] This mount (commonly efteemcdand named of the ancient fathers Thabor) xPet.i.H. S. Peter calleth the holy :M'ount becaufe of this Wonderful vifion.like as in the old Telkment wiiere God appeared to ^oyfes in the bulh and els where toothers, he calleth theplace of fuchAppa- £xo. s, s. ritions, iioh ground. W herby it is euident that by fuch Apparitions.places are lanft:fied and thcre- vpon groweth a religion and deuotioninthe faithful toward fuch places, andnainely to this Mount Thabor (caUedinS. Hierom ItabiriumEp.n.) there Was great Pilgrimage in the Primitiue Church , as vnto al thofe places which our Sauiour had fanftifled with his prefence and miracles Chriflcanexhi- bite his body vndcrWhatfoj- me he lift. Sainds after their death dea- le With and for the liiung. Holy places. Deuotion and Pilgrimage to the fame. 50 TH» GOSPEL Cha. XVIII. ^al,^ The holy land, and therfore to the Yfliole land ofpromis.for that caufe called the holy land. See S. Hiero.in Epita^. PdnU. ^ep.n.&iSad S^arcellam . II. Eliitsfhal come.'\ He diftinguifheth here plainly betW<:ne Elias in perfoir.who is yet to come Ellas, , before tlie iudgcment : and betv/ene Elias in name, to \5/it , lohn the Baptifl, who is come already inthefpirit andvertue of Elias. So that it is not lohn Baptift only nor principally of V/hom Mala- t* chie prophecieth (as our Aduerfaries fay) but Elias alfo him felf in perfon. if.W^hycouldnotWe.] No mariiel if the Exorcifts of the Catholiite Church Which haue'poWer Tiue miracles ^^ ^^ Qy^ diuels,) et doe it not alwaies when they wil.and many times With much a doe : Wheras onely in the the ApolHcshauingreceiued thispower *beforeouervncleanefpirites,yetherccanotcaftihc out. JVf^ to. Cath. Church, jj^. ^ jTq^. hxrecilces.chey can neuer doc it,nor any other true miracle, to confirme their falfe laith. JO. Faith iU mujlard feed.) This is the Catholike faith, by Which only al miracles arc Wrought: yet not of euery one that hath the CathoUke faith, but of fuch as haue a great and forcible faith and Withal the gift of miracles. Thefe are able as here \yeckc byChrilles Warrant not only to doc other Wonderful miracles here fignified by this one, but .alfo this very fame, that is, to moue '• f^""'- '/• mountaines indeede, as S. Paul alXbprefuppofeth, and S. Hierom affirmeth , and Eccleliailical l^'co. in GregoriusThau hiilories namely tellcth of Gregorius Neocslarienlis, that he moued a mountaine to make roome ''^'"f ^m matur'^us. for the foundation of a Church , called therfore and for other his wonderiui miracles, Thauma- '<*"<»"*- " ' turgus. And yet faithlefleHeretikes laugh at al fuch things audbeleue them not. Niceph.U. Prayer and Fa- zt. Prayer audfafiing.) The force of falling and praying: whereby a!fo ^^7e may fee that the ^' ''•''• £^j„„ holy Churche in Exorcifmes doetli according to the Scriptures , when f hee vfeth belide the name Greg.tiijf, "' of I E s V s , many prayers and much falling to driue out Deuils. becaufe thefe alfo are here requi- "^ '^'^- Gre red belide faith. i*""'/- zi.The children ffet.) Though Chrift to auoid fcandal , payed tribute.yet in deede he f heWeth that both him lelf ought to be free from fuch payments (as being the kings fonne,af\!t'el by his eter- nal birth of God the Father,as temporal of Dauid) and alfo his Apollles,.as being of his familie,and . .. in them their fucceirors the whole Clergie.who are called in Scripture the lotte and portion of our rne pnuuCpC ^^^^ which exemption and priuilege beinggrounded vpontlie verylaW of nature itfelf.and ^'f h rT^"°"* therfore pradifed euen among the Heathen (Gen. *2, i 7. ) good Chriftian Princes haue confirmed Ot the Clergie. ^^^ ratified by tlieirlaWes in the honour of Clirill , whole miniflers they are.an das it Were the kings fonnes. as S. Hierom declareth pLiynly in thefe wordes , We for hu honour p*y not tributes.ani M the iOngs fonnes, are fieefiom fuch payments. Hiero. vpon this place. i 7. :?/Ce and thee.'] A great myfterie in that he p.aytd not only for him felf, but for PeterbearinJ Feters prxemi- the Perfon of the Churchc,and in whom as the ciiecfe,the rell were conteyned. ^ug. q. ex.no. Tejt. aence. q.Ts.to.*. The Gofpcl on Michelmas day Septemb. 19. And vpon his Apparition Maij 8. '• '■ Humility, in- nocende , fim- plicity , comcn- dcd to vs in the ftite and perfon ofachildc. Chap. XVIII. To hii 'Difciples hepreacheth againfi ambition the mothtr ofSchifme : 7 foretelling both the author vvhofoeuer he be , and alfo bts folovvers , of their VJo to C07n-e. 10 atid fhevving on the contrary fide.hovv precious Ch rifiian fettles are to their .Angels , to the Sonne of man , and to hu Father, tj chaiging vs therfore to forgiue our bre- thren , when alfo vve haue iufi caufe againjt tliem,beit neuer fo often, and to Ixbow their faluatioH by al mcanes pofsible, T that houre the Difciples came ro Iesvs, faying. " who, thiukeft thou , is the greater in the kingdom of heauen ? tAndlESVS calling vnto him a litlc childe, fct him ia the middes o£ them, tand faid, Amen I fay to you ,vnles you be conueitcd, and be- come aslitlechildren,you fhal nocenter intothekingdom of heauen. fWhofoeuer therfore fhal humble him kU as this -litle childe,hc is the greater in the kingdom of hcaue. tAnd he that fhal receiuc one fuch litle childe in my name, recci- ueih me. lAnd *he that fhal fcandalize one of thefe litle ones Luc. 9, 4d. Mi: 9, 41. Lit. IJ,2. Cha. XVIII. lO Luc. 10, I lO. 13 ACCORDING TO S. MATTHEW. ^j ones that beleeue in mc,it is expedient for him thata milftone be hanged about his necke, and that he be drowned in the depth of the Tea. 7 tVvo be to the world for fcandals. for it is neceflary that fcandals do come : but neueithelclTe wo to that man 8 by whom the fcandall commeth^ j And '*' if thy " hand, or thy foote fcaiidalize thee : cut it of, and caft it from thee. It is good for thee to goe in to life maimed or lame, rather then hauing two hands or two feete to be caft cj into cuetlafting fire, t And if thine eye fcandalize thee, pluckehim out, and caft him from thee: It is good for thee hauingonecye to enter into life, rather then hauing two eyes to be caft into the hel of fire, f See that you defpife not oneofthefe litle ones: for I fay to, you ihat" their Angels, in hcauen alwaies do fee the face of my father which is inhea- uen, tFor *the Sonne of man is come to faue that which was perif hed. t * How thinke you ? ifa man haue an hun- dred fheepe,and oneofthemfhil goe aftray: doth he not leaue ninctie nine in the mountaines, and gocih to feeke that which is ftraied^t And if it chaunce that he finde it; amen I fay to youjthat hereioyceth more fore that,then for the ni- netie nine that went not aftray. t Euea fo it is not the wil of your faiher,vvhich is in heauen,that one perifh of thefe litic ones. tBut if thy brother f hal offend againft thee, goe,and re- ^ue'S^l^t bukchim betwene thee and hmi alone. If hefhalhearethee, weekeinLem, 16 thou fhalteainethy brother.! Andif he wilnotheareihee, '"That is(ass. • L L I r J L • L 1 r Chrylodo here loync vvithtneebehdes,oneortvvo: that m the mouth of expoimdethk) 17 *two or three witnelles euery word may ftand. t Andif/^^' ^^', P": 1 ., , , ».ii^i 1 lates andcheefe he wil not heare ihcm,*» tel the Church. j:n^ai. c. if, ip. A. XIX. AceORDINGTOS. MATTHEW. 55 Naiiuitie an Ar.gel forhis cuflodieand Patronage againft theV^'ickcd before the faccof God. Hiero.'vpon this place. And the thing is ib plaine.thatCaluin dare not deny it, and ) er he Wil needcs doubt of it, Itb. I. Injt. c. i+.feEt. 7. 17. "Tsiot heare the church. ] Not only Heretikes.butany other obftinatc offender that Wil not be Judged nor ruled by the Church, may be excommunicati. d, and lb made as an Heathen or Pu- blican Was to the leWes, by the difcipline of the lame, calb'ng him out of the fdov/lhip of Catho- likes. VX'hich E.xcomm unication is a greater piinif hement then if he Were executed by fw ord , fire, and Wild bealtes. .y^ug.cont.xyidu.Ug.li.i.c. 17. Andagaine he faith , Man is more fharplyand pitelully bound by the Churches Keics, then With any yron or adamantine manicles or fetters in the World. ^4uguft. ibidem. n. /-/cathe-ii-l Heretikes therfotebecaufe they Wil not heare the Church, be no better nor no otberWife to beelteemedof Catholikes, then heathen men and Publicans Were eftcemcd among the leWes. 18. Tcufl allinde.'\ As before he gauc this poWer of binding and looilngouer the whole, firft of al and principally to Peter, vpon \^ horn he builded his Church : lb here not only to Peter, and in him to his fuccellbrs, but alio to the other Apolfles, and in them to their fuccellors , euery one in their charge. Hieron. lib. i. c. 1*. aduerf. louin. ard Epiff. ad Heliod. Cyprian, de Vnit.Eccl.nu. 3. is. Shallooje.] Our Lord geucth no lelle right and authoritie to the Churche toloofe,tben to binde, as S. Ambtol'e Writeth againll the Nou.itians , who confefled that thePricftshad power to binde,but not to loofe. JO. inthemiddesofthem.) NotalafTembliesmay chalenge theprefence of Chrift, but only fuchas be gathered together in the vnity of the Church, and therforeno conuenticlfs ofHereti- kesdircclly gathering againlf the Churche,are Warranted by this place. Cfpr.de iniit.Ecclef. tm. 7. s. 21. Seunttietirr.ei fetteti.) There mull be no end of forgeuing them that be penitent, either in the Sacrament by ablblution , or one man an other their otFenTcs. Protedlion of Angels. Difobediciicc to the Church. Excommunica- tion. Power to bia- deandloofc. Catholike AC- femblies. Chap. XIX. He anfiri'ereth the tnnptingPharifees , that the tafe ofttman with ha wife fhalbe (m inthefrft irjiitutionit wm) utterly ivdijjcluble , though for one caufe he 'may be diuorced. 1 0 .And therevpon tohu "Difciples he highly cemmendeth Single life for hea- utn. 13 He wil haue children come vnto him. 16 Hejhevvethvvhatutobedone to enter into life euerlajiing : 2 0 What alfo ,for a rich man to be perfc^ : 2 7 ^s alii what pajlingrevvard they fhalhaue which foUoirj that his counfei tfpcrfc^ian : 2 9 yea though is be laut infome onepeece. I' N-D ir came to pafTe, when I e s vs had ended thefe vvordes , he departed from Galilee, &c came into the coaftes of levvrie beyond lorda, tand preat multitudes folovved hmi : and he ,,-,_ i cured them there. t And there came to him the Pharifees tempting him, and faying, Isit lawful foraman 10 dimiffe hi.s wife, foreueiy 4 caufe? t who anfvveringjHiid to them,Haue ye nor read, that he which did" make'from the beginning, made them male ajidfemalf 5 And he faid. -{Tor this eaufe , man j h.il leaue father and, moihei\and j iMlciexue 6 tohu yyife : and they tyyofhalbe m oneflcjh.tThciforiC now they are not two, but one flefh. That therfore which God hath 7 ioyned together, let "not man feparate. -{ t They fiy to him, why then *did Moyfes commaund togiue a bil ofdiuorcc, 8 and to dimilfc herJ IHe laith to ihem, Becaufe Moyfes for the hardnes of your hart permitted you to dimifTcyour vvjues: G iij bur The fourtW part of this Gofpcl , Choifts com- ming into I uric to - ward his Pafliou. The Golpel for Manage . And for S. Ag.itha Febr. y. 54 THEGOSPEL ChA. XIX. but from the beginning it was not fo.t And I fay to you, that 5) * "Whofoeuer Thai dimilFe his wife, " but for fornication, and fhalmaryan other, doth committe aduoutrie: and he that fhal maryherthatisdimifled, committcth aduoutrie. t His 10 difciplesfiy vntohim, Ifthecafeofaman with his wife be fo, it is not expedient fomary. t Who faidtothem,"Notal 11 •■ \iciiv(Ti, •' take this word, butthey to whom itisgiuen. i For there 11 capiuiu. ^j.g emiuchcs which were borne fo fro their mothers wom- be : and there arc eunuches which Were made by men : and there are eunuches , which haue " gelded them felues for the kingdom of heauen." He that can take, let him take, -j I Ihen '^ Were litle children prefented to him, that he 15 fhould "impofe hands vpon them & pray. And the difciples rebuked them. |But Iesvs faid to them. Suffer the hilei4 children,andftay them not from comming'vnto me: for the kingdom of heauen is for fuch, t And When he had impofed ^5 hands vponthcm,he departed from thence. I And* behold one came and faid to him , Good Maifter, 1^ what good fhal 1 doe that I may haue life cuerlafling? t who faid to him , What af kefl: thou me of good ? One is ^7 5-ifeenot(faith good,God.But •• ifthou vvilt enter into lifc,kcepe the coiQ- why "chriil maundements . -[He faith to him. Which? And Iesvs faid, t8 fheuld fay. If ThoHfbdt not murder, Thou j halt not committe Aduonty'te ,jhoit j halt not jieale, thou wik haue Thou j halt not heAte fdjeyyitnes , ^Honour thy father and thy mother^ ^Thom^ kee^ethecom-P^^lt /oitethj ncighboitrMthjfelf. t The yong man laith to him,zo mauHdements : Althefehauc I kept ftom my youth: what is yet wanting jf without ob- ^r-i I'-^/z^ri ii r n feruing of the, vntome?T 1 E svs laid to him, Ir thou wilt be pertectjgoe, zi oL°might^be ^el the things that thou haft, &giueto thepoore, and thou faued. ^«5. de f halt hauc treafuic iu heauen: and come, "folow me. t Andzz f .&op.c.i}. vvhentheyong man had heard this word, he went away fad : for he had many polFeffions. t And Iesvs faid to his 13 difciples, jAmen Ifay to you, that a rich man fhalhardely enter into the kingdom of heauen. t And againe I fay to you, 1 4 it is eafier for a camel to pafle through the eye of a nedle, •• then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heauen. t And when they had heard this, the difciples marueled very 2.5 truftingin their much,fay ing,"Who then can be faued ? t And Iesvs behol- i<3 xicies.Mjo.z*. jjjj^g^ faid 10 them . With men this is impolllble: but vvirh God" al things are poflible. 1 Then Peter anfwering, faid to ij TheGofpeivpo him, Beliold we haue"Ieft al things, & haue folo wed thee: of s. Paul lan. " vvhat therfote fhal w.e haue ? t And Iesvs faid to them, 18 Amen •• S. Marke ex- poundtth it thus, rlche men C HA. XIX. ACCORDING TO S.MATTHEW. 55 Amen I fay to you,ihat you which haue folovved me,in the ij. Andinavo- regencration,when the Sonne of man f hal fitte in the feate of sTperer and his niaieftie, you "alfofhal fitte vpontvveluefeatesjiud^ing ^^f > ^"'^ ^°'' ^9 the rvvelue tribes of Ifrael. t And cuery one that hathleft "^ houfc^or brethren, or fiflers, or father, or mother, or •• wife, Jii^eTdm fhl or chiidren,or hmdes for my names fake:f hal receiue an hun- Apoiiics Imog orher things 30 dred fold , and f hal polfclfe life euerlafting. H t And * many T^J'tLir wiues f hal be firft,that are laft; and laft , that are firft. aifo to foiow CbiiO:. Hia-o.ti. Mf' 10, 51. Lu. 13, JO. ^ . .. , ^...........,..., * ' i.aaMerj. loutn. ANNOTA TIONS Chap. x i x. e.'KjOt man fefurnte.'] Thisinfeparability becwixt man and Wife rifeth ofthat.thatWedlocke is a Sacrament, ^/^ug. It. 2 . de fee. origine c. s*. to. 7. "Denupt. (^concupif. li.t.c. 10. 9. "But for fornication. ) Foraduoutrieonemay dimifl'eanother, S\Cat.s. But neither party vf-,r;3^,. -A can marry asaine for any caule dtirine life. ^u^. It. ii.de adult, coniu?. c.zt. zi.i+. forthe\x/hich i- ° i ,,^ 1 L- I R ■• ■ T- 1 • 1 u '^ ui f r> "^ lu • ru „•, I ■ amorce vnlaW- vnlavt'hil aa ot marrymg agayne, Fabiola that noble matrone 01 Rome albeit 1 nee V/as the mno- f < . Tfj-f^ cent part.did publike penance, as S.Hierom Writethinherhigh commendation therefore. And in bh Fab '0 ^-^^'1"' /^. 7.ic is plaine that f hee which is With an other man.her hufband-yet liuing,f hal be called I ' an aduoiitcrefu; : contrary to the dodlrine ofour Aduerfaiies. ii.'Nynatealie.) Whofoeuer haue not this gift geuen them, it is either for that they Wil not haue it , or for that they fulfil not that which they wil : and they that haue this gift or attav ne to this Word , haue it of God and their oWne free Wil. xAug. li. degrat. ^ lib. arbit. e. +. So that it is Orlr, c'.iidcnt no man is excluded from this gift, but ( as Origen here laith ) it is geuen to al that af ke for traH. 7. it : concrarie to our Aduerfaries that fay it is impofllble , and that for excufe of breaking their in ^at. vowcs. Wickedly lay, they haue not the gift. 12. Gelded thetn fely.es.) The) geld them felues for the kingdom of heauen Which voWchafti VoW ofchalli- ty. ^ug. devirvinitatec. z*. Which proueththofe kind of vowes to be both lawful, and alfo tie. more meritorious, and more fare to obtaiue life euerlafting , then the ftate of Wedlocke. contrarie to our Adu. in al relpeftes. {.f-. He that can.) It is not faid of the Precepts , keepe them Who can , fortheybe nccelFarie Counfcls not %Aur. fer. vnderpaine of damnation to be kept : but of Counfels only ( as of virginity, abitaining from Hef h Precepts. f.de temp. ^^^ Winc,and of geuing al a mans goods away to the poore ) it is faid, He that can attaine to it, let him doe it : which is counfel only, not a commaundemeut. Contrary to our Adu. that fay , there are no Counfels , bui only precepts. ij.Impofe.) They knew the valour of Chriftes bleiTrng , and therforc brought their children Bifhops and to him : as good Chriftian people haue at al times brought their children to Bifhops to haue their Religious mens bleiling. See Annotationbefore C/m/j. ;o, /i. And ofReligious mens blelling fee Ruffin. U.z.c.s. blel^n:^g. hifiS. Hieromin Epitaph. Panlxc. j.&invit. Hilarioms.Theodoret.m hijforia fanFtoru Patrum nnm.8 . 21. If thou Wilt beperfeH-.} Loe,he maketh a plaine difference betWene keeping the commaun- Thg ReHcious dements,which is necclTiry for euery man : and being perfect, which he counfeleth only to them fj^cg ^f pczfc- that Wil. And this is the ftate of greate perfedion which Religious men doe profeire,according to Clioa Chriftes counfel here, leaning al things and folowing him. 21. FoloW me.] Thus to foloW Chrift is to be Without Wife and care of children, to lacke pro- priety, and to liue in common, and this hath great reward in heauen aboue other ftates of life: Which , S. Augurtine faith, the Apoftlcs folowed , and him felf , and that he exhorted others to ic as much as lay in him. ^ug. ep. Sg. infirie,^ inpf. los Cone s- pofimed, 26. .Al things pojfible.] This of the camel through a nedels eye,beingpoftlbIe to God.although he neither hath done it , nor by like wil doe it: maketh againftihe blafphemous infidelity ofour Aduerfaries that lay, God can do no more then he hath done or Wil doe. We fee alfo that God can bring a camel through a nedels eye, and dierfore his body through a doore , and out of the fepuU chre f hur, and out of his mother a virgin , and generally aboue natiure and contrary to nature do Vf ith his body as be hft. 27. Z.«/f '1,'.) This perfedion of leauingal things the ApoftlesvoWed..^«f.//.(7.(iffC;«.7>a' <;..»;. voWof pouer- 2~. What f hal We haue. ) Theyleaueal things in refpeft of reward, and Chrift doeth Wei ^.j^j^^ refpca of allow it in them by hisanfwer. reward 2 i.Teit alfifhatjitte. ) Note that not only Chrift, Who is the principal and proper iudge of the •^'*S- "* lining and the dead,bur v/irh him the Apoftles and al perfed Saints f hal iudge: and yet that doeth pf.121. nothing derogate to his prerogatiue, by Whom andvnder Whom they hold this and al other dignities in this life and ttie next. Cl-TAP. 5^ THE GOSPEL Chap. XX. Cha. XX. The Gorpcl vpon the Sun- day of Septua- jjefnie. 5: The leWes are noted for enuying the vo- cation of the Gentiles , and their reward equal with the feluet. The Gofpel in a votiuc Mafle of ibeholy CroITe Tofhtvv how through Goominifer. /p. breifly, this calling at diucrfehouresfignifiecl) the calling of the lew es from time to time in the firftages of the World, andofrheGcatils in the later age thereof It fignifieth alfo that God calleth coutries to the faith.fomc foner.fomc bter:andparticiilax men to be his feruants, fome yongcr,rome elder.of diuerfe ages. 9. TcTzj.] The peny promifed to al , Was life euerlalling , Which is common to al that fhal be faaed ; butin the fame life there be degrees of glorie, as * betwixt ftarre and ftarre in the element. ^■iug, li.^ vir^init. 0.26. 16. Few cleH-.'] Thofe are eled which defpifcd not their caller, but foloWed and beleued him: for men beleue not but of their owne free will. ^"^. li. 1 ad Simplic cj. t. 13. To whom it « frej^ared.] The kingdom of beauen is prepared for them that are Worthy of it and deferuc it by their Wei doing, as in holy Scripture it is very often , That God \(/il repay euery man according to huWorkes. and, Comeje ble[fed , fojfejfe the kingdom prepared for you. Why \ becauje l\i/iu hungrie, andyaugaue mt meate : thirflie , andyougaite me drinke : ^c. Therforc doeth Chiift fa;^ here, Ittsnot tninetogiue. becaufe he is iulland wilnot giueit to euery man Without refpedi of their deferts : yea nor alike to euery one , but diuerfly according to greater or lefler merits as here S. Chryfo. maketh it plaine, when our Sauiour telleth them, that although rhey fuffer martyrdom f'orhisfake, yet he hath not to giue them the two cheefe places. SeeS. Hiero. Vpontbu place, and Li. 2 adu.huin. c. is- This alfo is a leffon for them that haue to beilow Eccldiaftical beneficed , that they haue no carnal refped to kinred ficc. but to the Worthines of the perfons. 2S. ^i thefonne of man.'] Chrift him felf as he Was the Sonne of nian,Was their and our Sape- riour.and " Lord ind Mailler.notwithrtanding his humiUty :and therfore it is pride and haultiiieire Which is forbidden,and not Superiority or Lordf hip, as fome Heretikes Would haue it. /. Ctr. If. ^. 1.6. Chryf. ht, 66inVvCt. !*.'}> 13. The FifTH part , of" the Holy wceke oFhis Pafli5 in Hifciufa- lem. The Gofpel on Palme Sunday before the be- oedi^o of the Palmes. PALME Sy MD AY. Chap. XXI. 'Being no\i^ come to the place of hit Pafiion, heentrreth \Pith humility and triumph together: ii SheXfethhuZjcaleforthehoufeof GodioynedWtthgreat naruels. IS ^nd to the linUrs he boldly defendeth the accUmatiom of the ehildrert. iS He turfeth alfo that fruitUi leafietree: is auoucheth bu poWir by the Witnes af lohn: zt and foreteUeth hu in tWo parables their reprobation (with the Gen- tils vocation) fir their Wicked deferts , *i and tonjequentty their irreparable dtunnation that fhal enfue therof. N D when they drew nigh to Hierufa- i Iem,and were come to Betn-phagee vnto Mount-oUuct , then Iesvs fent two dilciples, t faying to them, Goeyeinto ^ the towne that is againft you, andim- mediatly "you fhal findean afTe tied and a cok with hcr-.Ioofe them & bring them to mc: tand if any man fhal fay ought vnto you,fayye,that 5 our Lord hath neede of them: and forthwith hewil hf themgoe. t And this was done thatit might be fultillev^|:. which was fpoken by the Prophet, (^iy \jn^^\s ay ye to thedAugh- . ter of Sion , Behold thy h^ng commeth to thee , meeke , &fntin^ rpon an ajfe and dcoltthefoleofher tbMn y fed to the yoke, f And the dilciplcs going, ^- 15 tAndthecheefeprieftes&Scribesfeeingthemaruelousthmgs^^^^yf;,^ that he did , and the children crying in the temple & faymg, i6Hofuto thcJomeofDMid: they had indignatio,tand faid to him, HeareftthouwhatthcfefayJ And Iesvs faid to them Very wel. haueyou neuerread , tU o.t of the " mo, t And Iesvs anfwering faid to them , Amen 1 lay de verb. cdo. to you, * if you f hal haue faith, and ftagger not not only that ^7;;^ ^^ ofthe t^gtree fhal you doe , but and it you fhal fay to this mountaine , Take vp and throw thy felf into the lea, it fhal 1 1 be done, t And al things whatfoeuer you fhal af ke in prayer "beleeuing,youfhalreceiue. ^3 t And when he was come into the temple, there came to him as he was teaching , the cheefe Priefts and auncients of the peoplc,faying,*''In what power doeft thou thefe things? Z4andvvhohathgiucntheethispower?t Iesvs anfwering faid to them , 1 alfo wil afke you one word : which ifyou fhal tell me, lalfo vviltel you in what power I doe thefe IS things. tThe Baptifme of lohn whence was it? from heauen, or from men > But they thought within them felues, faying, z6 t If we fhal fay from heaucn,he wil lay to vs, why then did you not beleeiie him } but if we fhal fay from men : we fcare Z7 the multitude, for al.hold lohn as a Prophet.iAnd anfwering / H ij to n U L 1 U^^ TMEGOSPEL L-HA. to Iesvs they faid. We know nor. Healfofaid to them. Neither do I tel you in what power I doethefethings. t But what IS your opinion > A certaine man had two 28 fonnes:andcommingto"thefirft,heniid,Sonne,goe vvorke to day in my vineyard, t Andheanfvvering, faid, Iwilnor. 29 But afterward moued with repentance he went. 1" And 30 comming to the other, he faid hkc wife. Andheanfvvering, faid, I goe Lord, and he went not. t Which of the two did 31 the fathers vvih They fay to him,Thefirft. Iesvs faith to them, Ame I fay to youjthat the Publicans and whoores goe before you into the kingdom of God.tFor lohn came to you 52. in the way of iuftice : and you did not beleeue him. but the pubUcansand vvhoores did beleeue him : but you feeing ir, neither haue ye had repentance afterward, to beleeue him. The Gorpel t An Other parable heare yc: A man there was an houf- 35 Snd' w^eeke bolder vvho * planted a vineyard , and made a hedge round inLem. about it, and digged in it a ptefTe, aud builded atovvtc , and let it out to hufbandmen : and went forth into a ftrangc countrie. fAnd when the time of fruites drcvve nigh,he (ent 34 his feruants to the hufbandmen, to receiuethe fruites thereof t And the hufbandmen apprehending his fcjuants, onethcy 55 beat,an other they killed,and an other they ftoned. tAgaine ^6 hefent othet feruants moe then the former : and they did tothemlikcwife. t And laftofal hefent to them his fonne, 37 faying,They vvil reuerencc my fonne. t But the hufbandmen 38 fecingthe fonne , faid within them felucs , This is the heire, come,let vs kiJ him,and we 1 hal haue his inheritauncc.i And 39 apprehending him they cafl him forth out of the vineyard, and killed him. t when thcrfoire the lord ofthe vineyard f hal 40 come , what vvil he doe to thofc hufbandmen ? t They fay 41 to him , The naughtie men he vvil bring to naught : and his vineyardhe vvil let out to other hufbandmen, that flial ten- . der him the fruite in their feafons. tlEsvs faith to them, Haue you neuer read in the Scrip- 41 tures , jhc flone yffh'uh thebuildp-s reieBed,thefimels made into the head of the comer i Byoicr lord W/W this done .^^nd it ii maruelout in ottr eyes. tTherforc I fay to you, that the kingdom of God f hal be 43 taken away from you, and f hal be giuen to a nation yclding the fruites thereof t And* he that fallcthvpon this flone,f hal 44 be broken : and on whom it fallcth , it f hal al to bruife him. fAnd when the cheefe Pr iefles and Phaiifeeshad heard his 45 parables, they kncvvc that he fp.ike of them, t And feeking 4 5 to XXI. Mr.\i,i Lit. zo, Pf. 117, £/:8,i4 ChA. XXr. ACCORDING TO S.MATTHEW. eth„ »-e f h.l ob.aine or „o:bi„ on Gods pan *e "^ for his autho Z L " fh.?^ i I \^^]"u ^^\^^' "^^''^ ^' infmuateth of lohns teftknonie there Vas a/eSar^nd^foSl'n.'i'r I' '^ /^"P^^ ''^'}' dentils , becaufe Gentility NVas before Unified by ffieoS^^^^^^ andthertorethe lexveshcre asthelater, arc Chap. XXII. Teth;, oneothrrp^ralU heforefhfX^eththe mojldefcruei reprcbcttion cfthceMhh ar-d l'erJic^t,nsUWei,a„dthegraticH! vocation of the Gentils ,n tharpUcc. ,/rhcn hed^fe^teth thcfrareofthe Phatifes a,id Herodt.zm Mut p^im tribute to C^j<»r is HeanfWereth alfo the ,nHC7,t,on of the Sadducees a^,zh,ft rte Refurre^ Stan: S^avdaqueJUonth^thePharijecsufke to pofe him ■.tumi^j.ar.dU^g them a^mne . becaufe they imagined that chnji fhoM be no moretht^ aiJ: *6 "■najohcfutteiiiaitijtbuJjSeaestofileree. H iij .^.AND Holy >vccke. TheGofpelvpo the 19 Sunday after Pentecolh :* Not only good men be V/ithin the chiiich.butalfo euil me. againft the Heretikes of thefe dales. THE GOSPEL ChA. XXII. N D I E s vs anfvvering, fpakeagaine in para- i bles to them,niying : f The kingdom ot heauen z is likened to a man being a king,vvhich made a " mariage to his fonne. 1 And he fent his'Teiuants 3 to call them that were inuited to the mariage: and they would not come, t Againehe fent other feruants, 4 faying, Tel them that vvereinuitcd. Behold 1 haue prepared my dinner : my beeues apd failings are killed, ^ndal things are ready : come ye to thernariage. t But they neglededtand 5 went their vvaies , " one to his farme, and an other to his merchandife : land the reft laid hands vpon his feruants, and ^ fpitefullyintreating them, murdered them. jBut when the 7 king had heard of u , he was wroth, and fending his hoftes, deftroiedthofe murderers, and burnt their citie. t Then he 8 faith to his feruants , The mariage in deede is ready : but they that were inuited, were not worthie. jGoe ye therfore into 9 the high wayes: and vvhofoeueryou fhalrinde, call to the mariage. t And his feruants going forth into the waves, ga- 10 thered together al that they Ibund , •• bad and good : and the iTiariage was filled with gheftes. t And the king went in to 11 fee the gheftes : and he fa vv there'a man not attired in a wed- ding garment, t And he faith to him, Frende, howcamcft iz thou in hither not hauing a wedding garment ? But he was diimme. tThen the king laid to the waiters, Binde his hands 15 and fecte, and caft him into the vtter darkenes : there fhal be weeping & gnafhing of teeth. tFor many be called, but 14 few eled:.4 t * Then the Pharifecs departing, confultcdamongthem i^ felues for to entrappe him in his talkc. tAnd they (end to him 16 their difciples with the Herodians, faying, Maifter, we know that thou arc a true fpeaker , and teacheft the way of God in truth , neither careft thou for any man. for thou doeft notrefpe(5t theperfon of men : ttelvs therfore what is thy 17 opinion, is it lawful to giue tribute to C^far, or not.'' 1 But 18 i 1 Es vs knowing theirnaughtines,faid. What do you tempt me Hypocrites? t Shew me the tribute coine. And rhey 19 ofFrcd him a penie. tAnd 1 e s v s faith to them,Whofe is this to image and fuperfcription ? tThey fay to him , Caefars. Then zi helaithto them. Render therfore the things that are Carfars, to Csefar: and the things that are Gods, 10 God. tAndhea- 21 ring it they marucled,and leaning him went their vvaies. t*Thacday there cameto him the Sadducees, thatfay 13 there 6. Den. 25:, S- ChA. XXII. ACCORDING TO S.MATTHEW. 6^ HoLY Z4 there is no refurredion : and afked him , t Hiying, Maifter, ^'^^^^^• M oy fes fa i d , If^ man die not bauingd cb/lde,tlhit bU brotber wane hU vi/tfe^ 2.C and raije yp Jeede to bis brotber. t And there Were vviih VS fcuen brethren : and the fiift hatting rnaricd a wife , died : and not i6 hauingiffuejlcfthis wife to his brother, t In hke manerihe zj fecond and the third cuen to the feuenth. f And laft ofal the z8 woman died alfo. fin the refurre<5tion therfore vvhofe wife 29 of the feuen fhal f he be J for they al had her. t And 1 es vs anfwering,faid to them,You do erre,not knowing the Scrip- 30 tures, northe power of God. t For in the refurredion nei- ther fhal they marie nor be marled : but arc " as the A ngels of 31 Godinheaucn.t And concerning the refurrc(51:i5 ofthedcad, hauc you not read that with vvasfpoken of God f^yingto 32. you , -\ 1 am the God of Abraham ^ and the Ood of Ifaac,and the God of 35 i^fo^/ HeisnotGod"ofthe dead , but of the huing. t And the muhitudes hearing it, marueled at his dodrinc. 34 t * But the Pharifccs hearing that he had put the Sadducecs TheGofpcl vpf 35 to filence, came together: tand one of them a do<5tor of *^ '^ suai^j 36 law afked ofhim,temptinghim,tMaift:cr,vvhich is the great ^'^"'^^ * 37 commaundcmentinthelaw.'f Ies vs faid tohim,r/jo«/Wf lone the lord thy Godftomthy wholehart ,and yffiththy whole joul, and yurith 38 thy rffholeminde. t This is the greateft and thefirft commaunde- ^cf ment. t And the fecond is like to this. Thou f halt lone thy neigh- 40 bourasthyfelf t "Onthefetwo commaundements dependtth the whole Law and the Prophets. 41 \ And* the Pharifees being aflembled,! e s v s afked them 4 z t faying , what is your opinion of Chrilt ? Whofe fonne is he? 43 Theyiay tohim, Dauids. t He faith to them, How then 44 doth Dauidin fpiritcalhim 'Lo^d^^a.yin^^XrheLwdfaidtomylordy 4 c futeon my right band, yntil I -put thine enemies we footefloleef thy feete-]\z ^6 Dauid therfore call him Lord, ho w is he his fonne ? t And no man could anfwerhima word; neither durft any man from that day af ke him any more. HL ANNOTATIONS Chap, x x i i. 1. S^turinge.") Then diH God the Father make this manage, when by the myftcrie of the Incar- ■ation he ioyned to bis fonne our Lord,the holy Church for his fpoufe. Greg. horn. it. 3. Seruaxti.) Tne firll fcruants here fent to inuite , V/ ere the Prophets : the fecond, Were the ApofUes : and aX that afterward conucited counuies , or that hauc and doe reconcile men to the /. One to hu furme.) Suchasrefufe to be reconciled toChriftes Church , alleage often vaine ^gj azainft rc- inpediments aad worldly excufes.whicii at tlie day of iudgemcnt wiinot ferue them, coiicUiation, H O L Y ^4 TTIE GOSPEL Cha. XXIII. wccicc. The church co- liUetli of good and bad. Neither mud temporal Prin- ces exadl , nor their Subicds giucvnto diem, EcclefialHcaliu- tiidid^ion. The Saints hea- ic our prayers. Religious fingle lite, Angelical. Not onclj^ faith. TheGofpelvpo Tuel'day the le- tond V/ecke in lent. it.^m.vinotattyred.] It prolitech not much to be Within the Churchand tobeaCatholike, except a man be of good life, for fach an one f hal be damned, becaiife V/iih faith he hath noc good M/orkcs: a: is euident by the example of this man, who Was Within, and at, die feafl as the reft, bat lacked the garment of chant:eand goodworlces. And by this man are reprefenceial the bad that are c illf d. .uid therfors they alfo are in the Church , as cliis man was at the feafl : but bccaufe he was cdled , and yet none of the e!c6l ,-it is euident that the Church dotti not confill of the ektl only.contiarie to our Adiierfaries. 2 1. rciC^/.t/-.)T>;mporal ducies and payments exailed by WorllFy Princes muft be payed, fo that God be not defrauded of his more foueraine dutie. And therfore Princes haue to take heede,hoW they exaft : and others , how they geue to Ca:far, tliat is, to their Prince, the things that are deWe to God, that is, to his Ecclefiaftical miniflers. Wherevpon S. Athanaiius reciteih thefe goodly Wordei out of an epiiHe of the ancient and famous Cofellbr Holius Coriliibeniis to Coltmtius the Ariau Emperour:Ceafe I befeche thce,and remember that thou art mortal. feare the day of iudgement.in- termcdle not with Ecclefiaftical matters, neither dot thou commaund vsin thii kinde, but rather learne them of vs. to tiiee God hath comntitted the Empire , to vs he hath comitted the things that belong to the Church: and as he that with malicious eies carpeth thine Empire,gainefayeth the cr- «linance of God : fo doe thou alfo bes,vare,lefl in drawing vnto tliee Eccleliaftical matters, thou be made guilty of a great crime. It is Written , Geue yc the things that are Caeiars , to Carfar : and th« things that are Gods,to God. Therfore neither is it lawful for vsin earth to hold the Empire, neither hall thou(0 Eniperour)poWeroucrincenfeandfacred things. ^than.Ep.ad Solit.-uita. agentts . And S.Aoibrofe to Valentiniau the Emperour(who by the il couiifel of his mother luflinaan Arian.re- cjuired ofS. Ambrofeto haue one Church in Millan deputed to the ArianHerecikes)faith: we pay that which is Ca;lars,to Ca;far:and that which is Gods, to God. Tribute is Ca;Iars,it is not denied: the Church is Gods , it may not verely be yelded to Csfar : becaufe the Temple of God can not be Cslars right. Vi'hich no man can deny but it is fpol For a good Em- perour is within the Church, notaboue the Church. xAmbr. Itb.f. Epifi. Orat. de 'Bajil. trai. so. .Ai Angels. ) As Chrill proueth here , that in heauen they neither marry norare married, becaufe there t hey f hal be as Angels:by the very fame reafon,is proued , that Saints may heare our prayers and helpe vs,be they neere or farre of, becaufe the Angels do fo, and in euery moment arc prefent where they liil, and neede not to beneere vs, \v hen they heare or helpe vs. 3».^s^n^els. ) Noc to marry nor be married, is to be like to Angels : therfore is the ftate of Religious men and women and Priefls,for not marrying, Worthely called of the Fathers, an Ange- lical life. Cyp. lib.z.de difiipl. & hab.Virg.Jubfntm. i.'..Of the dead.) S. Hicrom by this place difproueth the Heretike Vigilantius,andin him thefe of our time, which to dipiinif h the honour of Sain£ls,can them of purpoie, dead men. *o. On thefe fWo.) Hereby it is euident that al dependeth not vpon faith only,but much more vpon charitie (thoufli faith be the firft) which is the loue of God and of our neighbour, which is thefumtne oFal the law and the Prophetes: becaufe he that hath this double charitie exprelTed here by thefe two principal commawndem€ts,fultilleth and accomplif heth al that is coramaundcd in the Law and the Prophetes. Chap. XXI 1L The Saibes and Pharifees after al this ,contmu:»gJfil ineorrlgihle , although he\fit haue t,he doilrine of their Chaire obeied, yet againfi their Workes {and namely their , -ambition) he openly inueigheth, crying to them eight 'Woesfor their eightfold hy- focrife and blindnes : 3* andfo concluding \/ith the mofi Worthy reprobation of that Perfecuting generation and their mother-citie lerujalem \i'ith her Temple. HEN Iesvs fpake to the multitudes and to his i diri:iples,ilayjng,Vpon''thechaireofMoyreshauc 2 t Al things 3 firtcn the Scribes and the Pharifees therfore "vvhatfocuer theyfhal Hiyto you, ob ferue ycand doeyc-.but according to their vvorkes doeye nor, for they fay and doe not. t For* they bindc heauy bur- dens & importable ; and puc them vpon mens f houlders : but 4 Lite, n, 4id our Lord lefw Chrijtfor the Fharilies , any wrong to thee t.fi, Chaire vvhcKein they fate !' 'Did he not commend thatchaire of!Mayjes, and preferuing the honour of the The dignitieof chaire,rei>rou€them? Forhe faith -.Theyfittevfonthe Chaire of ^oyfes , that iivhich they fay , doe ye. the See of Ro- Thei'e thingi if wu did vvcl conjider , y 014 would not for the men whom )vu defame, blajphemethe See nie , notWith- -^ .. ^pojiolike, vvhervvithyou doe not communicate. Andagiine he fMtl): 'T^eitherforthePharij'ees (to ft;inning fome p '.. ,. ' whom you compare vsTfot of vvijdom but of malice) did our Lord commaUnd the Chaire of .T-f oj/f.< Jo ^U" Bifnops be forlaken,in vohich chaire I'erely he figured huovvne. fcr he warneth the people to' doe that which tuereor. they jay , and not to doe that which they doe, and that the hoUneJfe of the Chairt be in no cafeforfaken , nor the unity of the flocl-jdeuidedfor the naughty Fajlours. 6. Loue the Jirjt places.) He condemneih not deW places of Supcriorit/ geuen or taken of men according to their degrees , but ambitious feeking for the fame, and f heir prowdehart and wicked intention , vx/hich he faW V/ithin them, and therfore might boldly reprehend them. s. One ti your maifhr.) In the Catholike Church there is one Maifter, Chrilt our Lord , and Many maifters vnder him one Vicar , Wit,h Whom al Catholike Dodors and teachers arc one^ becaule they teach ^'^^ many Arch- al one^iiag. butin Arch-ncretikes itisnotfo, where euery one of them is a diuerfe maifter, heretikes. and teach eth contrarie to the other, and Wil be called Rabbi and Maifter, eucry one of their o wne Difciples : Arius a Rabbi among the Arians , Luther among the Lutherans , and among the Caluinirts Caluin. 10. M'aifiers.) Wiclefe and the like Heretikes of this time doe herevpon condemne de- Doftors Maf- greesofSchole and titles of Dodors and Maillers : where they might as Wei reproueS. Paul for ^^^j ^ ^^^ ^ --^^ i.Tim. 2. CA\\\ngWimie\i TjoFtor and ^Maifler of the Gentiles: and fOr faying * that there fhou'.d be alwayes tual'fathers. t.Tim. I, 2)oif?ori in the Church, and whereas they bring the other Words folowing,agdinft Religious men * Eph. *. who are called fathers: as Welmightthey by this place take aWay the name of carnal fathers, i.Cor.*,!/ and blame ^. Paule lor calling him felf the only fpiritual father ofthe Corinthians, but in deede nothing is here forbidden but the contentious diuifion and partiality of fuch as make them felues Ringleaders ot'Schifmes and Sedes, as Donatus , Arius , Liitherj Caluin . 13. Scribes andPharifecs'] In al thetc reprehenfionsit is much to be'noted ,that our5auiour for jhe honour of the honour of Priefthodneuerreprehendeth Priefts by that name. Cypr.ep.i;. Whereas our Here- Priefthod. tikes vfe this name of purpofe in reproche and delpite. I*. Praying long prayers. ) They are not reprehended here for the things them felucs,which for ^|^^ inrent'on the mod part are goodjas, long prayer,makingProfelytcs,garnirhing theProphetes fepulchres,&c. but for their Wicked purpofe and intention, as before is faid of falling, prayers, almes, :Mat. 6. I J. 'Double more.) The, that teach that it is ynough to haue only faith, doe make fuch Chri- Not only faith, ftians,as the leWes did Prolelytcs.children of Hel far more then before, ^uguji. lib. defde & opcr. tap. 26. ig. SanSHfeth.) Note that donaries and gifts beftowedvpon Churches and altars, be fanfti- fiedby dedication to God, and by touching the altar and other holy things : as now Ipecially the veirds ofthe facrifice and Sacrament of Chrifles body and bloud , by touching the fame , and the altar itfelf wherevpon it is confecrated.W hereof TheophylaifteWritcth thus vpon this place: In the J n-c^^ '^ Theophyl. old law Chrijtpermittetb not the gift to be greater then the altar , but withvs, the altar is fancfified by "ri"!faed by A(at ti. the z'ft : for the hofies by the diuine trace are turned into oar Lords hody , and therfore is the altar alfofanc- °,^^ Lords body uffdbyihem. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ therevpon. 21. "By him thatdWelleth therein.) By this We fee that fwearing by creatures.as by the Gofpel,by SaindlSjis al referred to the honour of God, whofc Gofpel it is,Whofe Saintis they are. is.^ppearetomen.) Chriftmight boldly reprehend them fo often aud fo vehemently for hypocrifie, becaufe he knew their harts and intentions: but we that can not fee Within men , may not prefums to call mens external good doings, hypocrifie : but iudgeof men as We fee and know. i9-Garnifh.') Chrift bkmeth not the leWes for adorning the fepulchres of the Prophetes, but entwyteth them of their malice toward him , and of that Which by his diuine kjiowledge he forefaw.that they Would accomplif h the wickednes of their fathers in f heding his bloud, as their fathers did the bloud of the Prophetes. Hilar. I ii Cha. xxnii. Holy ay ofiudgement to our great coin- fort in thofe miferies vnder ^ntichriji. 3 s ^sfor the moment , to vs it perteineth not to know it, 3 7 but rather euery man to zrvatch, that we be not unprouided ■vvhen he commeth to ech tne particularly by death. N D I E s V s being gone out of the temple, i went. And his dilciples came to fhevv him the buildings of the lepie. t And he anfvve- i ringfaid to the. Do you fee althefe things? Amen 1 fay to you, there fhal" not be left here a ftone vponaflone that fhal not be delhoied. TheGofpeifor t And vvhcn hc vvas fitting vpoH Mount-oHuet, the dif- 5 fnlt otvf! ciples came to htm fecrctly, fayiiig : Tel vs , vvhen fhal thefc re. and for ma- things be J and vvhat fh J be "the figneofthy comming,and nyMarcyrs. pf j^,. confummation of the world ? t And 1 e s v s anTVvc 4 TVE SDAY ring, fajd to them. Beware that no man" feduce you : t for 5 "'^^^' many fh.il come in my name faying , " 1 am Chrift : and they fhalleducemany. tForyoulhai heareofvvarres, &bruites 6 of vvarres. Sec that ye be not troubled, for thele thmgs muft bedone: burthecndisnot yet tfor nation fhal rife agaiuft 7 nation, and kingdom againft kingdom: and there fhal be peftilences, and famines, and earth-quakes in places,! and 8 althefe things are the beginnings offorovves. it Then*lhal 9 they deliuer you into tribulation, and fhal kilyou : and you fhal be odious to al nations for my names fake, t And then 10 many fhal be fcandalized : and they fhal deliuer vp one an :: There vrcre other ; and they fhal hate one an other, t And many •• falfe- 11 i-'^./n" ^1°"^^^ prophets fhal rife : and fhal feduce many, t And becaufe 11 as among you "iniquittel hal aboundithe cnaririe otinany 1 nal vvaxe cold. fySg Mlftm, t But he that fhal perfeuereto thcend, he fhal befaued.-jij which fhal t And ihisGofpcl ofthe kingdom"fhal be preached m thei4 9" "peSidon" vvhole vvorld, for a teftimonie to al nations, and then fhal t.Pet.2. come the confummation. TheGofpelvp5 t Therfore vvhen you fhal fee ' the dbomindtionofdefolation,!^ ^= ^*ft Sunday which was fpoken of by Daniel the Prophet, ftandingin the holy place (he that rcadeth, let him vnderftand) tihen 16 they that are in levvric, let them flee to the mountaines: t and he that is on the houfc-toppc, let him not come dovvne 17 to 17. 17- ChA. XXIIII. ACCORDING TO S. MATTHEW. 69 to cake any thing out of his houfe: i and he that is in the field, let him not goe backe to take his coate. t And wo to the that are with chiide, and that giue fucke in thofc dayes.t But pray that your flight be not in the winter or on the Sabboth.t For there fhal be then great tribulation , fuchas hath not been from the beginning of the world vntil now, neither fhal be. tAnd vnles thofc daies had been fhortened, no flefh fhouldbefaued :bucfor theelcdt the daies "fhal be fhorte- ned. tThcn if any man fhal fay vnto you, Loe •• here is zo 21 It H OL weeke. ^5 24 Whofoeuer draWeth Chrift ^5 ^9 Chiift, or there: do not beleeuehim. tFor there fhal rife or his church falfe-Chriftes and fal(e- Prophets, and fhal f hew " great fi- ^u^^^SSl gnes and wonders, fo that the cled alfo (if it be poflible)may lowfhip of 4 be induced ipto errour. -fLoe I haue foretold you. I If therfore fteneT* to'^na 26 they fhal fay vnto you, Behold he is in the de(ert:goeyenot corner, townt; 27 out:behold"in the dofets, beleeueit not. t For as lightening keue himnoL ' Cometh out of the eaft, and appearetheuen into the weft, fo •^'*^- ''* *""'• fhal alfo the aduent ofthe fonne of man bc.twherefocuer the body is, thither fhal the egles alio be gathered together. t And "immcdiatly after the tribulation of thofe dayes * the fonne fhal be darkened, andthemoonc fhal not giuc her lighr,and the ftarres fhal fal from heauen,and the poWers of heauenfhalbemoued-.tand then (halappeare** thefigne '•TbisCgneof ^ , . . • , , A I I I r L '°* Sonne of or the Sonne or man inneauen : and then Ihalal tribes or the man,isthehoi7 earth bewaile :and they fhal fee the Sonne of man comming fhefhliTv^'et in thecloudes of heauen with much power and maicftie. retoche icwcj tAnd he fhal fend his Angels with a trumpet, and a great fion/cAn/ »"» voycerand they fhal eather together his eletl from the fourc ^'^'- '"'• ^r. it J C U C \ n. ru U J fhalbenolcffc wmdes, rrom the ruiihelt partes or heauen cucn to theendts confufion to thereof, t And of ihefigtree learne a parable: when now Herctikes that the bough thereof is tender, and the leaues come forth, you the fignc there- know that fommer is nigh, f So you alfo, when youihal°^' fee thefe things, knovv ye that it is nigh euen at thedoores. t Amen I fay to you, that this generation fhal not pallc, til al thele things be done, t Heauen and earth fhal palle , but my wordes (hal notpaife. ^ tButofthatday and hourc no body knoweth, neither t.he Angels of heauen, bur the Faiher alone, t Andas*in the dayes of Noe, fo fhal alfo the comming of the Sonne of man be. t For as ihey wctc in the dvsyes bclore the floud, eating and drinking,marying and gming to mariage, euen vnto that day in which Noe entred into the arke, t and knewe not til I iij the 31 3^ 35 34 35 3^ 37 39 1 1. rhrf. 5.1. HOLY 70 THEGOSPEL Ch A. XXIII I. ^'^^ * the floudcame,and rooke them al: foallo ihalthe cSmingof the Sonne ot man be. tXhen two fhal beinthe fieldtonei hal 40 be taken, and one (hal be left, t two women grinding in 41 the mill: one fhal betaken, and one fhal be htt. t Watch 42. therfore becaiile you know not what houre your Lord vvil TheGofpel for come, t But this kno vv ye^that'^ ifthe good man of the houfe 43 is a Biihop. did knovvvvhat houre the theefe would come, he would Andtors. cie- furelv watch , and would fiot futfct his hou(e to be broken ment martyr, . t-i /- , , /- , , r i L Nouemb. 23. vp. t Therrore be you alio ready , becauleatvvhat noure 44 you know not,the Sonne of man vvil come. t\yho,thinkeftthou,is a faithful and wife kruantjwhom 4j his lord hath appointed ouer his familic , to gme them meate infeafon? tBlcfled is that fcruant , whom when his lord ^6 : " G6meth,hefhalfindcfo doing. tAmenI fay toyou,that ouer.47 al his goods fhal he appoint him. 4 tBut if that naughtie 48 . feruant fhal fay in his hart, My lord is long a comining-.f and 49 fhal bcginne to ftnke his felow-feruants , and cateth , and drinketh with drunkards : -fthe lord of that fevuant fhal 50 come in a day that he hopeth not , and an houre that he knowethnot, land fhal deuidchim, and appoint his por- |i tion with the hypocrites : there fhal be weeping and gna- fhing ofreeth. ANNOTATIONS Chap. X X 1 1 1 1. The neuei t.'H^tUfc.'] This was fulfilled 40 yeres after Chriftes Afcenfion by Vefpafian the Empe- TOurand his (bnne Titus. Eufeb.U. 3.C.6 & feq. ex lofepho. Vpon which Wordes, There fhal not be ^^ Chmchcilefi &c, which threaten the deftruftion of theIewesTemp!(;:andthofe\vordes, VponthuR^cke ^. '^^^ ifaile IwilbuHd my Church, Which promife the building of the Catholike Church otal nations: S. Chry- ^, ^^^ • foftoms making a long comparilbn of thefe two prophecies of Chrilt , faith thus : Thou feeft m ^^^^■»J' both , his great and vr/oeakable power , in that that he incrcafed and built vp them that wor- J f hipped him , and thofe that (tumbled at him.be abafed , deilroyed . and plucked them vp by the J . j rooce, Doeft thou fee how whatfoeuer he hath built , no man fhal deftroy : and whatloeuer ht r r J • hath deftroyed.no man fhal build? He builded the Church.andno man fhal be able to deftroy it: he deftroyed the Temple, and no manisable to build it, and that info long time. For they haue endeuoured both to dellroy that , and could not : and they haue attempted 10 build vp this , and they could not doe that neither. & c. i.Thefigne.-] Our Maifter knowing that it Was not profitable nor feemly tor them to kno\Sir thefe fecretes gaue therfi by way of Prophecie, warning of diuerfe miferies, fignes, and tokens.that f hould taU , lome further of, and fome neerer the later day : by Which the faithful might alwayes prepare them lelucs , but neuer be certaine of the houre , day , moneth , not yere , When u f hould Heretikes fedu- * ' ^. JedJe.{ The firft and principal Warning , needful forthe faithful from Chriftes Afcenfion ce vnder faire to the very end of the world , is, that they be not deceaued by Heretikes , which vnder the utles ot titles. true teachers and the name ofChriftandhisGofpel.Wilfeduce many. /. / Am Chriji.-] Not only fuch as haue named them felues Chrift , as Simon , Menandcr , and fuch like : but al Arch-heretikes be Chriftes to their folowcrs , Luther ro the Lutherans , Calum to the Caluinifts: becaufe chcy beleeue them,rathcr then Chrift fpcaking in his Church. _ ' 12. Imqutty ChA. XXV. ACCORDING TO S. MATTHEW. 7I HoLY 12. Iniquity aboutnL'] When Herefie and falfe teachers reignc in the V/orld, namely toward the weekc. later da/, wicked life aboundeth.and charity decayeth. y^it Gofpel n-.Sha.lbeprsAched.'] The Golpelhath been preached oflateyeres, and now is,by holy Rcli- ^ow preached gious men of diners Orders , in fundry great Countries which iieuer heard the Golpel before.as it is (^ Infidels thought. if.^Abominiitionofdefolittion.'] This abomination of defolation foretold, Was firft partly fill- _, , filled in diuerfe proplianations of the Temple of Hierufalem, when thefacrifice andferuicc of . ^ fj'^"}** God was taken away, but fpecially it fhal be fulfilled by Antichrift and his Precurfors, when they ^l*'" ""ola- fhal abolifhe the holy Mafle.which is the Sacrifice ofChriftes body and bloud,and the only foue- ^^'^V jy) ■ raine Worfhip dewe to God in his Church : asS. Hyppolytus writethin thefewordes : The '^^''^'""'"S Churches fhal lament With great lamentation , becautetnere fhal neither oblation be made, nor ? .V^ r u incenfe , nor Worf I facrifice of the fhip grateful to God. But the facred houfes of Churches fhal be like to cottages, w /r f \ - and the precious body and bloud of Chrilt fhal not be extant (openly in Churches ) inthofe , ^.n ^i u""' dayes, the Liturgie (or Malfe) fhal be extinguifhed , the Pfalmodie fhal ceafe , the reciting of the *■ ..^^ Scriptures fhal not be heard. Hippol. de ^titichrifto. By Which it isplaine that the Heretikesof ^^"^'"^'^•• ihele daies be the Ipecial fore-runners of Ancichrilf. ii.Shalbefhortened.'] The reigne of Antichrift fhal be fhorr, thatis, threeyeresandahalfe. AntJchriil. 'Dan. 7. ^poc. 11. Therfore thfHeretikes arc blalphemous and ridiculous,thatfay,Chrilles Vicar is Antichrift.whohath fittenthtfe 1500 ycrcs. 2*. Great Jt^nes."] Thefe llgnesand miracles fhal be to the outward appearance only , for S. J, TirjCa.PauIecallethtliem* lying fignes, to leduce them only that fhalperifh Wherby We fee that if Here- tikes could worke feyned and forged miraclcs,yet We ought not to beleeue thcni,much lell'e when they can not Co much as feeme to doe an) . 26. In clofets.'\ Chrift hauing made the Churches authority bright andclere to the whole The fccrete co- World , Warneth tiie faithful to take hcede ofHeretikes and Schilmatikes , which haue their con- uenticles of He- uenticles afide in cercainc odde places and obfcure corners , alluring curious perfonsvnto them, recikes. places.i ' •^^» '> "• yeres I Feare of the IcWes. And Catholikes doe the fame at this day in our countrie , not drawing religion j[j^g of oerfecu- into corners from the fociety of the Catholike Church, but pradlifing fecretely the £ime faith, that ,:„., in al Chtiilendom f hineth and appeareth moft glorioufly. ig.lmmediatLy.'] If the later day fhal immediatlyfoloW the perfecution of Antichrift.which ■ u -n. is to endure but three yercs and a halfe.as is aforetaid: then is it mere blafphemie to fay,Gods Vicar Anticnnlt. in Antichrift,and that(by their owne limitation)thefe thouiand yeres almoft. Chap. XXV. Continuing his Sermon , he hringeth tWo parables , often Virgins , and of Talents, to fheW ho\i' it J halbe in "Domefday KVith the Faithful that prepare, andthat pre- pare not tiiemfelues. 31 Then alfo '■without parables he J heWeth thatfuch Faith- ful oi doe Workei of -mercy , fhal haue for them life euerlajling : andfuch lU doe not, euerlafitng damnation. 3 "^ H E N Thai the kingdom of heaucn The Gofpeifor §1.*^)/ belike to ten" virgins: which taking '^oiy virgins. ^^jVw^ theii"lauipes went torth to meete the ^jfrnj"* biiciegromcandthe bride. fAnd hue V*'^^^^^* of them were foolith,and fiuc wife. _^^^^' t but the hue fooiif^ , hauing taken ;<-^^^^^ their lampes, did not take" oilc with ^--^^^-^them: thut the wife did take oile in 5 their vcflels with the lampes. t And the bridegromctarying 6 long, they flumbered all and flept. | And at midmgl t tiierc Was a clamour made,Bchold the bridegrome comiueih , gqe Holy 7^ thegospel Cha. XXV. wecke. yg forth to meete him. fThen arofe al chofc virgins: and 7 they trimmed their lampes . t And the foolifh laid to the 8 -If webcnot vvife, Giue vsof-'youroilc: becaufe our lampes are going God^ aiidhlue oo^- ^ The vvifc anfvvercd, faying , Left peraduenture there 9 nor our owne fuffife not for vs and you , eoc rather to them that lehand bie not be hoipen tor yout Iclues. t And willies ttiey went to Die , the bride- 10 by other mens gromewas coiTierand they that were ready,cntrcd with him day of iudge- to the matiage, and the gate was fhut. t But Lift of al come 11 *"""• alfotheoihcrvirgms, faying -.Lord, Lord, open to vs. tButii he anfwering faid, Amen Hay to you, Iknow you nor. j Watch yetherfore, becaufe you know not the day nor the 13 houre. Hi TheGofpelfor t Fot * cuen asaman going into a ftrange countrie,cal- 14 aCofcflbr that \q^ \^[^ feruants, and deliuered them his goods, t And to n one he gaucnue talents, and to an other two, and to an other one, to euery one according to his propre facultie : and immediarly hetookehisiourney. tAnd be that had recei- kj ued the fiue talents, went his way, and occupied with the fame, and gained other fine, t Likewise alfo he that had re- 17 ceiued the twOjgained other two. tButhe that had recei- jg ued theonc, going his way digged into the earth, and hid his lords money, t But after much time the lord of thofefer- 10 uants commeth, and made a count with them, tAnd there 2.0 came he that had receiued the fiue talents, and offred other fiue talents, faying, Lord fine talents thou didftdeliuer me, '■ Free Will behold •• I haue gained other fiue befides. t His lord (aid it ce'lfothmcntc vntohim: Wcl fare thee good and faithful feruanr , becaufe thou haft been faithful ouer a few things , I wil place thee oucr many things:enter into the ioy of thy lord, t And there 22 came alfohe that had receiued the two talents , and laid. Lord two talents thoudidft dcliuer me : behold I haue gai- ned other two. t His lord (aid tohim,Wel fare thee good and ^i faithful fcruant : becaufe thou haft been faithful ouer a few things, I wil place thee ouer many things, enter into the ioy ofthy lord. ,4 1 And he alio that had receiued the one talent, 24 came forih,and faid. Lord, Iknow that thou art a hard man, .. . ... thou reapeft where thou didft not fow: and eathereft where •• A tembfc « ii- r-i» iii example for al thOu ftravvedft HOt : land being afraid I went , and hid z^ cmjlo" fhe ve- ^^7 ^^^^^^ '" the eatth; bchold loe here thou huft that which ry ka(t gift of thine is. tAnd his lord anfwering, faid to him : ''Naughtie i6 God,tohisgio- ^^j floughtful Icruant, ihoudidft know that 1 leape where 1 fow ChA. XXV. ACCORDING TO S.MATTHEW. 75 HOLY Z7 Ifovvnot, & gather where I ftravved not: tthououghtcft ^cekc. therfore to haue committed my money to the bankers, and comming I might haue receiue4 mine ovvne"vviih vfiirie. 2.8 t Take ye away therfore the talent from him,and giuc it him 15) that hath ten talents.lFor to * euery one that hath fhal be gi- uen,and he fhal abound:but from him that hath not,that alfo which "he feerneth to haue, fhal be taken away from him. 30 t And the vnprofitable feruant caft ye out into the vttet dark- ncfle. There fhal be weeping and gnaf hing of teeth. 31 t And when the fonn^tot man fhal come in his maieftie, xheGofpelvpo andaltheAnecls with him, then fhal he (itte vpon thefeatc mimday the - /• 1 . • n- , II ■ /-111 L J u ^'^ Weeks of 32. ot his maieftie: fand al nations Ihal be gathered together um. before him,and he fhal " fcparate them one from an other , as 33 the paftor feparateth the fheepe from the goates : -[and fhal fet the fheepe at his right hand , but the goates at his left. 34 jThen fhal the king fay to them that fhal be at his right hand , Comeye blelled of my father , poflelfe you the king- dom •• prepared for you from the foundation ofthe world. -"Thlskingas j./*t1i t II ^ T then is prepared 35 t tor 1 was an hungred , and you gaue me to eate : 1 was a f^, thofeoneiy 3CJ thirft,andyougaucmeto drinke. tl vvas a ftranger, and you that do good tookc me in : naked,andyou couered me : fitke,and you vifi- chrift aifo^fig- 57 ted me. 1 vvas in prifon.andyou came to me. tThen fhal the nifietheisyhe- ■ n r 1 • V • T I 1 I • I r L 1 "^^1 laying that ic mftanlvvcrhim,(aying-.LordjVvheadid welcetheeanhun- isnocinhispo- j8 sred , and fed thee : a thirft, and gaue thee drinke? "tand ^'^ L°.,§'"V^ Jo' ri n 1 11 otherWUe. Set when did we fee thee a ftranger, andtooke theein? oz na- the a»not. c, a; 3P ked , and couered thee? t or when did we fee thee iicke ot "' 40 inprifon:andcametothee? j And the king anfw€ring,f hall fay to them , Amen I fay to you,as long as you did it to one 41 ofthefemyleaft brethren, youdiditto me. t Then he fh.ii fay to them alfo that fhal be at his left hand , " Get ye away from mc you curfed into fire euerlafting, which vvas prepa- 4Z red for the Dcuil and his angels, tforl vvas an hungred, and you " gaue me not to eate: 1 vvas a thirft , and you gaue rae 43 notto drinke.tl Wasaftranger,andyoutookemenotin:na'• ked,andyoucoucred mc not: ficke,andin prifon,andyou 44 didnotviliteme. tThen they alfo fhallanfvver him, laying, Lord,vvhen did we fee thee an hungred,or a thirft,or a ftran- ger, or naked, or fickc, or in prifon : anddidnotminifter to 45 thee? t Then he fhal anfvver them , ^ying , Amen 1 fay to y ou,as long as you did it nor to one of thefe lefler,iicither did 46 you it tome. tAnd thefe fhal goc into punifhmenc euer- iafting:but the iuft, into life euerlafting. ^ K ANNOT- HOLY 74 •weekc- . THE GOSPEL Cha. XXVI. Good Workes neceiraric. Right intetion. We muft vfc Gods gifts. Good and bad in the Church. Heauen is the reVi/ard of good Workes , and Hel of the contrarie. The PaiTi on ac- cording to S. Matthew in thefetW'o Cha- pters , is the Gofpelat MalFe vpon Palme Sunday. TENEB RE Vf'cnefday. ANNOTATIONS Chap, x x v. /. Vir^ixs.] Thefe virgins fine Wife, and fine foolif h.fignilie that in the Church militant there be good and bad : v/hich bad fhal be fhut out at the later day, although theyhauclampes (that it faith) as the other, bccaufe their lampes arc out.that is,their faith is dead Without charity and good Workes to lighten them Gre^. ho. 12. I. Lamfes.] Thefe lampes lighted, be good Workes, namely o f mercy, and the laudable con- uerfation which fliineth before men. %Aug.ep.iio,c.!!. 3. Oyle.) Thisoyle is the right inWard intention diredlingout Workes to Gods gIorie,and not to thepraifeofourfeluesin theiightofmen. ■^Augeb. 110, c.33. Z7. With vfurie ) Vfurie is here taken for the lawful gaine that a man getteth by Wei employing his goods. When Godgeueth vsany talent or talents, helookethforvl'urie, thatis, forlpiritual increafe of tlie fame by our dihgence and induftrie. i 9. That which hefeeyneth to haue."] He is faid to haue Gods gifts,that vfeth them, and to fuch an one God wil increafe his gittes. He that vfeth them not , feemeth to haue, rather then hath them, and from him God wil withdniw that wlrich before he gauc. 32. Separate.) Lo here is the feparation , forin the Church militant they liued^oth together. As for Heretikes , tbey Went out of the Church before, and feparated them Iclues, and therfore arc not to be feparated here.as being iudged already. s*. Conieye, *i getyeaWay.) It is no incongruity that God fhould fay, Goeinto euerlafting fire, to them that by their free wil haue repelled his mercie : and to the other , Come ye bleiled of my fa:hcr,takc the kingdom prepared for them, that by their free Wil haue receiued taith , and con- felfed thiir hnnes and done penance, ^ug, ti. 2 a£t. cum Fel. CKtanich. c. s. jf.Tougaueme.) Hereby We fee how much almes-deedes apd al Workes of mercy preuailc loWatdes life euerlafting, and to blot out former finnes. 'Aug. in Vf.*9. ^i. Gauc me not.) He chargcth them not here that they beleeued not.but that they did not good Woikes. For fuch did beleeuc , but they cared not for good Workes, as though by dead faith they might haue come to heauen. 'Aug. defd. (^ op. e. ij. & ad 'DuUit. q. 3. to. *. Chap, x x v i. To the CoMiceloftht Je'WesJudM by eccafion of Marie SKagdalens ointmet.doth fell him for title. 1 7 'After the Pafchal lan^e,i 6 hegiueih them that bread oflife{promifed lo.e,) in « myfiical Sacrifice or Separation ofhu 'Body and 'B'.oud. n .And that night he u after hu prayer 4-1 taken of the leWes men, ludm being their captaine: and forfakenofthe other eleuen for feare : si isfalfely accujed , and impioufly condtmned of the leWes Councel , 6 7 and fhamtfuUy abufed of them : 69 and thrift denied of Peter : 'Al, euen m the Scriptures and him/elf had often foretold ND itcameto pa(re,vvhcn 1 E sv shad i ended al thefe vvordes, he faid to hisDif- ciples, i You know that after two 2. dayesfhalbe Pafche, and the Sonne of man fhal be deliuercd to be crucified. k%;^jtThen were gathered together the 5 =^!{ rhf.pfe Prieftesand auncients ofthe peo- ple into the court ofthe high pricfl:,vvho was called Cai- phas : t and they confulted how they might by fome wile 4 apprehend I e s v s,andkilhim. f But they (aid,Not on the ^ fefliuai day, left perhaps there might beatumukatrjongthe people. tAnd Lit. 21,1 ChA. XXVI. ACCORDING TO S. MATTHEW. 75 HOLY 6 t Aocl*vvhenlEsvs was iiiBethania in the houfe of "«^ccke. 7 Simon che Leper, t there came to him a woman hauing an alabafter-boxe of pretious ointment, and powred it out 8 vpon his head as he fate at the table, t And the Difciples 9 feeing it,had indignation faying, Whereto is "this waft ?1for this might haue been fold for much, and giucn to the poorc. 10 t And lEsvs knowing it, faid to them: Why do you mo- left this woman? for The hath wrought a "good worke 11 vpon me. t For the poorcyou haue alwayes with you: but II me "you haue not alwayes. t For f he in po wring this oint- f "a^rthL die 13 mentvpon my body : hath done it to burie me. t Amen I good vorkcs fay to you , wherefoeuer this Gofpel f hal be preached in the °o be'^ecoJed whole vvorld,thatalfo which fhehath done, •• fhal be re- andfet forth to , ' _, .rr-i C U T- 1 tncir honour in 14 ported tor a memorieofher.t*Then went one ot the I vvel- the church af- ue, which was called ludas ifcarioth, to the cheefc Prieftes, '41,;|;tf^'S''* 15 I and faid to them. What wil you glue me, and 1 wil deliuer their hoi> daies him vnioyou? But they appointed vnto him thirtiepeeces J^tk>ns!"''"'°* i^ of filuer. t And from thenceforth he fought oppoitunitie to betray him. 17 t And*ihefirftday ofthe Azymes the Difciples came to mavndt I E s V s, faying, where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to '^^'^'^^Y- 18 eatethePafchcJ t But 1 e svs faid, Goe ye into the citie toa certaine man :-and fay to him, The Maifter faith , My time is athand,withtheedo ImakethePafche withmy Difciples. 19 t And the Difciples did as 1 e s v s appointed them , and they 20 prepared the Pafche. "tBut when it wascuen, hefatedowne ii with his "twelue Difciples. t And while they were eating, be faid: Amen 1 faytoyou,thatonc ofyou fhal betray me. 21 tAndthey being very fid, began euery one to fay. Is it Z3 ILord? tButheanfvveringfaid,*Hethatdippeth his hand 14 with me in the difh,he fhal betray me. 1 The Sonne of man in decde goethas it is written of him : but wo be to that man,by whom the Sonne of man fhal be betrayed. It were 25 good for him, if that man had not been borne. tAndludas that betrayed him, anfwering faid, Is it 1 Rabbi? He faith to him,Thou haft faid. i6 -f And* whiles they were at fupper, I e s v s " tooke bread, and" blefred,and brake:and he gaue to his Difciples , and faid, ^7 Take ye,andeate: "This is" my body. tAndtaking the chalice, "he gaue thankes : and gaue to them, faying: ::secthema«. i8 Drinke*' veal of this, t For this is" my blovd o r gemnoteocar. K ij the HOLY wccke. THVRSDAY night. The NocTVB.- H e pf Mattins in tlie Churches Seruice, anf«'e- reth to this right patt of our Sauiours Paifion. andfo confequently the other Ca- nonical houres to tlic reft. 1^ THE GOSPEL ChA. XXVI. THE NEW Testament, which shal be SHED FOR. MANYVNTO REMISSION OF SIN- NES. tAndl fay toyoa, Ivvil not diinke from henceforth 19 ofthis'fruiteofthe vine, vntil that day when I fhal drinkc it with you new in the kingdom of my father, t And an 30 hymnc being faid, they went forth vnto Mount-oliuet. tThen 1 es vsfaith to them, Alyou fhal be fcandalized 31 in me,in this night. For it is written, i rvilfinkc the Paflor , and the fhee^e of the flock^ J hd bcdijperfed. t But after I fhal be rifen 31 againc, 1 wil goe before you into Galilee, t And Peter an- 55 fweringjfaid to him, Although al ( hal be Icandalized in thee, I wil neuer be fcandalized. 1 1 e s v s faid to him,Amcn I fay 34 to thee, that in this night before the cocke crow , thou fhalt deniemethrifc. t^Petcr faith to him,Yea though Hhoulddie 55 with thee, 1 wil not denie thee. Likewife alio faid al the Difciples. t Then I e s v s commeth with them into a village called ^6 Gethfcm.ani: andhe faid to His Difciples, Sitte you here til 1 goe yonder,andpray. t And taking to him Peter and the two 37 fonnes of Zebcdee, he began to waxe forowful and to be fad tThen he futh to them : My foul is forowful euen 38 vnto death :ftay here, and watch with me. tAnd being 39 gone forward a litle,he fel vpon his face,praying,and fiying. My Father, if it be pofsible,let this chalice palfe trom me. ne- nerthele(Ic''notasl wil, but asthou. tAnd he commeth to 40 his Di(ciples,and findeth them flceping,and he faith to Peter, Euen fo^CouU you not vvatch one houre with me? f'Watch 41 ye, and pray that ye enter not into tentation . The fpirit in decde is prompt, but the flefh vveake. t Againethcfecond 41 time he vvcnt,and prayed , faying. My Father , if this chalice may not paffe, but I muft drinke it,thy wil be done. tAnd he 45 commeth againe, and findeth them flecping: for their eyes were become heauy. tAnd leaning them, he went againe: 44 and he prayed the third time , faying the felf fam® word, t Then he commeth to his Difciples , and (aith to them, 45 Sicepeyenowand take reft; behold the houre approchcth, and the Sonne of man fhal be betrayed into the hands of fin- ners. tRife, let vs goe: behold he approchcth that fhal be- 46 tray me. • t* As he yet fpake,behold ludas one of the T vvclue came, 4 7 and with him a great multitude with fwordes and clubbes, fent from the cheefe Pricftes and the auncicnts of the people. tAnd ChA, XXVI. ACCORDING TOS. MATTHEVT, 77 I 48 t And he that betrayed him, gaue them a figne,faying,Whom- 49 foeuer 1 Thai kiire,tnat is he , hold him. -^ And forthwith co- ming to 1 E s V s , he (aid , Hailc Rabbi . And he killed him. t And 1 E s V s faid to him , Fteend , whereto arc thou come? Then they drewe neere,and laid hands on I e s v s , and held him. tAnd behold one of them that were with Iesvs, ftretching forth his hand, drewe out his fv vord: and ftriking the feniant of the high Pricft, cut of his eare. t Then Iesvs faith to him, Returne thy fword into his place: for al that take the fword, fhal perifh with the fword. tThinkeft thou that 1 cannot al ke my Father : and he wil giue me prefently more then twelue legions of Angels? t How then fhal the fcnptures be fulfilled,that fo it mud be done.^ f In that hou4;e Iesvs faid to the multitudes ; You arc come out as it were to a theefe with fwordes and clubbes to apprchcd me: I (ate daily with you teaching in the temple:and you laid no hands on me. fAnd al this was done,that the fcriptures of the Pro- phets might be fulfilled. Thethe difciples al leauinghim,flcd. t But they taking hold of I £ s v s , led him to Caiphas the high Priell, where the Scribes and auncients were affcm- bled, t And Peter folovved himafarreof, euen to the court ofthc high Prieft.And going in he fate with theferuants,that he might fee the end. t And the cheefe Pricftes and the whole Councel fought falfe vvitnes againft I e s v s,that they might 60 put him to death : t and they found not, whereas many falfe witncffeshad comein. Andlaft of al there came two falfe witnelTes: f and they faid , * This man faid , 1 am able to dc- ftroy thetempleofGod,and after three day es to reedific it. t AndthehighPriellrifing vp, faid to him : Anfwercft thou nothing to the things which thefe do tcflifie againft thee? t But Iesvs held his peace. And the high Prieft faid to him : I adiurctheeby the liu/ngGod, that thou tel vs if thou be Chrift the fonneof God. t Iesvs faith to him, Thou had faid. neuerthelcs 1 fay to you , hereafter you fhal fee * the Sonne of man fitting on the right hand of the power of God, and comming in thccloudesof heauen. tThen the high Prieft rent his garments , faying , He hath blafphe- mcd, whatncede we witnefles any further? behold, now you hauc heard the blafphemie , fhow thinke you? But 67 they anfwering faid. He is guilty of death. tThen did they fpit on his face , and buffeted him , and other fmote his K iij face Holy \rccltc 50 51 55 54 55 5^ 57 58 59 61 61 <^5 66 T' O L Y yj* THE GOSPEL C HA. XXVI. wccke- face Yvichthepalmesoftheir hands, tfayingjProphecievnro 68 ' vs O Chrift; who is hethac ftiookethce? tBuc Peter fate without in the court : and there came to 6^ himone"wenche,faying:Thou alfowall with I E s vs the GaHlcan. t But he denied before them all, faying, I wot not 70 what thou fayeft. t Andashe wentout ofthcgate,another 71 wenchc law him, and fhe faith to them that were there. And this felowalfo was with I e s v s the Nazarite. t And 71 againc he denied with an othe , That I know not the man. t And after a litle they came that iloodeby, and faid to Peter, 73 Surely thou alfoart of them: for euen thy fpeache doth be- wray thee. tThen he began "to curfe and to fwcare that 74 jj^^L^Jj'^/j'^^ ^ckncwenot the man. And incontinent thecockecrewe. anfwer in the t And Peter rcmembtcd ihc word oF I e s v s which he had 75 c^urcKs er- ^^- j^ Before the cockc crow, thou f halt deny me thrife. And goingforth, "he wept bitterly. ANNOTATIONS Chap, x x v i. Coftvpo Char- dies, altars, 6c c. Releefc of the poore. Cbiift alwaies with vs in the B. Sacrament. A Wonderful myllerie in the ihftitution of the B. Sacra- ment. The holy Eu- charift is both a Sacrifice and a Sacianaent. *. TliU VfrtT?.] Coft lieftowed vpon Chriftcs body then aliue.being to the fame not neceffarjr, feemed to the difciples loft andfruitles: fothe likebcflowed vpon the fame body in the Sacra- ment, vpon altars , or Churches , feemetn to the llmple loft , or lefte meritorious , then if the fame Were bcftoWed vpon the poore. io.Goo(i\'/orke.'\ Coft beftowed for religion, dcuotion, and fignification , is a meritorious Worke , and often more meritorious then to geue to the poore , though both be very good, and in ^^y^^ fomc cafe the poore are to be preferred: yea * in certaine cafes of necclfity , the Church Wil breake^. ^ ^^ the very cofecrated vellels and ieWels of bluer and gold,aud beftow them in Workes of mercy. But * We may remember very wel, and our fathers knew it much better, that the poore Were then beft'^' rcleeued.when moft Was beftowed vpon the Church. ii.Hauenot.) Wc haue him not in vifible maneras he conuerfed on the earth with his difciplcs, needing releefe like other poore men:but we haue him after an other fort in the B. Sacrament, and yet haue him truly and really the fclffamc body. Therfore he faith, they fhould not haue him, becaufetheyfhould not fo haue him,but after an other maner. as When he faid Luc. t+ as though he Were not then with them, W'^en 1 WniWithjiou. zcTWelue.) Itmultneedes beagteatmyfteriethatheWasto Workein theinftitution ofthe new Sacrifice by the maruelous tranfmutatio of bread and wine into his body and bloud. W hcreas he admitted none(al though many prefent in the citie)but the twclue Apoftles,vvhich Were already taught to beleue it Without conrradi(aion lo. 6 , and Were to haue the adxniniftration and confe- cration thereof by the Otdet of Priefthod,Which alfo Was there geuen the to that purpofe.Whereas at the eating of the Pafchal lambe al the familie Was Wont to be prefejit. 36.Heiookebread.) Here at once is inilituted , for the continuance of the external office of Chriftes eternal Priefthod according to the order of Melchifedec, both a Sacrifice and a Sacrament, though the Scriptures geue neither of thefc names to this adion : andourAduerfiries without al leafonor religion acceptinafort theone, andvtterly deny the other. ASactifice, in that it is or- deinedto contineW the memory of Chriftes death and oblation vpon the Croffe, andtheappli- cation of the general vertuc thereof to our particular necelVities, by cofecratingthe feueral elemcts, not into Chriftes Whole petfon as it was borne of the virgin or now is in heauen , but the bread into his body apart , as betrayed, broken, and geuen for vs ; the wine into his bloud apart, as f hed out of his body forremillioii of finnes and dedication of the new Tcftament.which be conditions of his perfon as he Was in facrifice ^d oblation. In which myftical and vnfpeakable maner , he Would haue the Church to offer and facrifice him daily , and he in myfterie and Sacrament dyetb, thougb Of. ChA. XXVI. ACCORDIKG TO S. MATTHE>5!r. 79 though no\X' not only in heauen.but alf a in the Sacramet, he be in deede f>er Ca»(oniitantiam (as the Church callech it, that is.bi-fequeleofal his partes to ech other) whole,aliue,andimmortal. Which oLt^f point becaufeour Aduerfaries vndcrftand not, not kroWing the Serif tures nor the po\/er of God, *' ' they blafpheme , and abufe the people to their damnation. It is alfo a Sacrament , in that it is or- *'' deined to be receiued into out bodies and to feedc the fame tp refurredion and immortality , and to geue grace and faluation to our foules , if we wotthely receiue it. 26. 'Blejfed ) Our Aduerfaries for the two wordes that are in Grccke and Latin, bencdixit, and, . , |,]g(T]njr of rratlMegit, he blejfed, be gauethankei, vfe only the later.ofpurpofc to fignifie that Chriftblefled not ^j^^.^ refefrcd nor confecrated the bread and the Wine, andfo by that blciring Wrought any efFeavpon them ^^ the creature* but gaue thankcs only to his father, as we doeifa faying grace. But the truth is that the Word ^^^^ vt^orkinz «?. rfiAoftV , fignifieth properly to blclTe, and is referred to the thing thatii blcffLd, as Luc. 9 ^^gjfg^imhe. of the fifhes, <{i,-K'iyH(J:i airli . benedixit eu , be blejfed them . and thereby Wrought in them that wonderful multipUcation. So the blelTmgofGod is alwayes efFedual : and therforc here alfo he blcfled the bread , and by that blellhig.With the Wordes folowing, made it his body, confccration. ^mbrof li. de h,6 qui initi. myft. c. 9. ^t^g- 'f- !9 id Paulwum. NoW Whereas taking the cuppe it is did, hegnue than l^s. Wefay thatitisalone witli bleiling , andthat hebleffed the cuppe, as before /. Ctr.i*. the brcad:as it is e'uident by thefe wordes of ^. Paul , Calix aii benedidmtii , the cuppe which We blcfle: and cherfore he callech it , Calkcm. beneiiclionts , the cuppe of bleiring.vfmg the fame Greeke word that is fpoken of the bread. But Why is it then faid here, he gaue thankes > becaufe We tranf- late the wordes faithfully as in the Greeke and the Latin, and becaule the lenfe is alone, as We are taught by S. Paul before alleaged , and by the fathers , which cal this geuing of thankes ouer the , ^, Cuppe or ouer the bread,thebleilingtherof.S.Iuftin.i?j/n.2.^/>o/.P<«ww»£Ki:/;flr;/!^;y4Z«m:S.Ircnee T^c ^yTiji' tSV* li.*. est. Panemi>tquogratuaaafunt.S.Cy^iiin,ieca:n.do. C^lix folenni be^iediclione facrat»>. that is, }(,Xft7lfSiyl*. The bread blcffed by geuing thankes -upon it , The cuppe confecrated byfolemne blepng. t6. Thu IS. ) The bread and the Wine be turned into the body and bloud ofChriji by the fame omnipf Tranflubftaa- tent power by which the World W.u made, and the Wordw.tf incarnate in theWomhe eft he virgin, tiation. •Damafc. li. *c.i*. Cyfr. de Caen. T)omini. .Amh. li. de my (I init. c. 9. Geu. Thi ifdemacHonn in Jin formes of bread and wine. iS. 'Bloud of the neWTefiament.) As the old TeftamentWas dedicated With bloudm thefe Wordes, Thu is the bloud of theTefiament &c. Heb. 9. fo here is the inftitution ot the ne\\/ Tsfta- , ment in Chriacs bloud , by thefe wordes , Thu « the bloud of the new Tejlament (^c. Which is here iH-.tMifUViV. myfticaliy f hed , and not only afterward vpon the CrolFeifor the Greeke is the prefeut tenfe in al xTiw^tv^'C. the Euangelilles.and S. Pauhand likewife fpeaking of the body , Cor. ;;. it is in the Greeke the pre- JitJl'i,u%Hi, fent tenfe, and Luc. 22. and in the Latin here. And the Heretikcs themfelues fo put it in theix tranflations. 39.Fruite of the vine.) S. Luke putteth thefe Wordes before he cometo the confecration. Whereby it feemerh that he fpeaketb of the Wine of the Pafchal lambe, and therforc nameth it, the ■^ ""^ eicrnents fruite of [he vine, but if he fpeake of the Wine which Was now his bloud, he nameth it notWithfta- ^. 5" '\\'^Ah^^'j ding Wine,as S. Paule namttli the other bread,for three caufcs:firft becaufe it Was fo beforc:as Eiie "^^^}^. iscalledAdamsbone,and,^aro«iro(iiif«oiirf^f/w>jWf/«i:Whercasthey WerenotnoWroddes.but ^^'- ^'"^* Exo. y. ferpents. And, H^w/c^i/fc.? Waffcmrne^wfo W;«f: whereas it wasnoW Wineand not Water: and Jt. "». ' fuch like, fecondly, becaufe it keepeth the formes of bread and wine , and things are called as thejr appeare:as when Raphael is called a y ong man Tob. y. and, Three meti appeared to Abraham Gen. i3. Whereas they Were three Angels, thirdly.becaufe Chriil in this Sacrament is very true and principal bread and Wine, feeding and refref hing vs in body and foule to euerlaiting life._ 3 9.'KjOtM iwil.) Aperfeift e.xampleof obedience and fubmirting our felfand our Willcs to Gods Will and ordinance in al aducrfity: and that We f hould defire nothmg temporal, but vndcr the condition of his holy plealurc and appointment. «« »yat. *'• Watch andpr.ty.) Hereof came Vigils and Noaurncs, that is , Watching and praying in the Vigils and No- 'Do .nii. night, commonly vfed in the Primitiue Church of al Chriftians,as is plaine by S. Cyprian and ^ S. fturnes. ,f,' ' Hicrom : but afterward and vntil this day,Ipecially of Religious pcifons. *iidu.Vi 69. Wench.\ S. Grcgorie declaring the difference of the Apolllcs before the rcceiuing of the -pj^g ycrtuc of filant ep. Holy Ghoftand after , fiith thus : tuenthu very Pajlor of the Church him felf, atwhofcmojifacred the holy Ghoft. f,, bodjWefitte, hoW WeakeheWaf ,lheWenchecan tell you : but hoWjironghcWm after , huanfWerto the high Priejf declareth, .A3-. s,i9- We muft obey God rather then men. Greg. ho. 20 io 'Euang. 7*.Tocurfe.) A goodly example and Warning tomans infirmity , and to take beedeofpre- Mansinfirmitie fumption, and to hang only vpon God in tentations. 7/. Wept bitterly.) S. Ambrofe hi his Hymne that the Church vfeth at Laudes, fpeaking of this, Peters teares faith , Hocipfa Petra ecclefta canente , culpamdiluit.whcn the Codec creWe, the Rocke of the Church and repcnconce. him iclfwafhed away his fault. S.i^uguJi.iRetrtUt.s.zi, Chap, xxv i i. H[o L Y 80 vreeke. — THE GOSPEL Cha. XXVII. Chap. XXVII. The cheefe of the levves accufe him to PiUttthe Gentil ( his hctrayer, and the !udge, and the Indies KVife,tifiifjing in the meane time tnanifodly hu i>inocencie:)z 0 and per- fuaie the common people alfo not only to freferre the murderer Tlarahbus , but alfo to erie, C R v c I F I g E : ( ^l, to the reprobation of their whole ntuion , atid nothingbutfulfitling the Scriptures.) n xyifter many illufiom, st he u cru- cified by the Gentils. }S "which the I eirues feeing, do triumph Hi if they had now theviEhorie. */ Hut euen then by many wonderful vzvrkcs he decUreth hu might,to their confujion s 7 Finally being huried.they to make alfure ,fet foHl- diars to keepe hu fepulcher. N D when morning was come, al the cheefe i Prieftesandaunciencs of the people confulted together againft I e s v s , that ihey might put him to death, t And they brought him bound ^ iand deliuered him to Ponce Pilate the Prefi- •' Tfiis Corba- na VKas a place about the Tem- ple , which re- •eiued the peo- ples gifts or of- ferings . See Mar. II, V. 41. HORA TERTIA in the Churches Seaiicc, dent. t Then ludas that betrayed him, feeing that he was con- 3 demned, " repenting him , returned the thirtie filucr peeces to the cheefe Prieftes and auncients, tfaying, 1 hauc finned,be- 4 trayingiuftbloud. But they faid, what is that to vs ? looke thou to it. t And cafting dovvne the filuer peeces in the tem- 5 ple,he departed:and went and"hanged him felf with an hal- ter, t And the cheefe Prieftes hauing taken the filuer peeces, 6 raid,It is not lawful to caft them into the •• C6rbana:becaufe it IS the price of bloud. t And after they had confulted toge- 7 ther, they bought with them the potters field , to be a bury- ing place for ftrangers. t For this caufe that field was called S H/uHdamx, that i» , the field of bloud , euen to this prefent day. tThen was fulfilled that which was fpoken by leremie the 9 Prophet, laying , ^ndthey took^ the thirtie peeces of filuer , the price of the priced, whom they did price ofthe children of Ifrael: f and they gAtte thim into lO the potters field, m our Lord did appoint to me. t And I E s V s ftoode before the Prefidcnt , and the Prefi- dent afked him, faying, Art thou the King of rhelewes? I E s V s faith to him. Thou fayeft. \ And when he was ac- cufed ofthc cheefe Prieftes and auncients , he anfwered no- thing, t Then Pilate faith to him , Doeft thou not heare ij how many teftimonies they alleage againft thee? t Andhe anfwered him not to any word :fothat the Prefidcnt did maruel cxcedingly. -[And vpon thefolcmne day thePrefident had accufto- jc mcd to relcafc vnto the people one prifonec whom they Tvould II II 14 Ch A. XXVII. ACCORDING T O 5. M A T T H 1 >)^. tt HoiY 1^ would. tAnd he had then a notorious prifoncr,that was cal- ■*'^^^''*' 17 ledBarabbas. t They therforc being gathered together, Pi- late faid : Whom vvil you that I relcafc to you , Barabbas , or 18 I E s V s that is called Chrift? t For he knevve that for enuie 19 they had dcliuered him. t And as he was fitting in place of iudgment,his wife fent vnto him,raying:Haue thou nothing to doc with that iuft man. forlhaue fuffred many things 20 this day in my fleepe for him. tBut the cheefe Piicftes and auncientsperfuadedthe people, that they fhould afke Ba- li rabbas,and makel ES vsaway. t And tnePrefidentanfwc- ringXaid to them : Whether vvil you of the two to be rclea- iz fed vnto you?But they faid, Barabbas. t Pilate faith to them, what f hal I doe then with I e s v s that is called Chrift?They 25 fay al,Let him be crucified, t The Prcfident faid to them,Why what euil hath he done? But they cried the more, faying , Let 24 him be crucified, t And Pilate feeing that he nothing pre- uailed , but rather tumult was toward : taking water he vvaf hed his hands before the people,faying,l ara"innoccnt of 25 the bloud of thisiuflman-.lookeyoutoit. tAndthe whole people anfweringjfaidjHis bloudbc vpon vs, and vpon our 16 children, t Then he releafed to them Barabbas, andhauing fcourged I e s v s , deliuered him vnto rhemforto be cruci- fied. ly t Then the Prefidents fouldiars taking I e $ ts into the i8 Palace,gathcrcd together vnto him the whole band: t*and 15 flrippinghim,putafcarletcloke abouthim, t and platting a crovvne of thornes , put it vpon his head , and a reede in his right hand.Andbowingthe knee before him, they mocked 50 him, faying, Haile King of the levves. t And fpitting vpon 31 him, they tooke the reede, and fmote his head. tAnd after they had mocked him,they tooke ofthc clokc from him, and put on him his ovyne garments, and led him away to cruci- 32 fiehim. I And in going they found a man of Cyrene, named 33 Simon : him they forced to take vp his crofle. tAnd they came into the place that is called Golgotha, vvhichis,the"tJ*chii^h« 34 place of Caluarie. t And they gaue him wine to drinkemin- swuice. gled with gall. And when he had taflcd , he would not drinke. 35 tAnd after they had crucified him, they deuided his gar- ments , cafting lottes : that it might be fulfilled which was fpoken by the Prophet, faying : rhe^ daiided my garments among L them THE GOSPEL Cha. XXVII. HOLY 8i them: Andyponmyyefiurethej did cajllones. t And they fate andvvat- J^j ched him. t And they put ouer his head his caufe vvrittcn, 57 This is Iesvs the king of the iewes. tThcn were crucified with him two theeucs : one on the 58 right hand, and one on the left, t And they that pafTed by, 39 blafphemcd him, wagging their heades, t and faying, Vah, 40 thou that deftroyeft the temple of God,and in three daies do- c^reedifieit: faucthine owne fclf: "ifthou bethefonneof God, come downe from the Crolfe. tinlikcmaneralfo the 41 cheefe Prieftes With the Scribes and auncients mocking,faid: t He faued other: him felf he can nor faue : if he be the King'4 1 of Ifrael,let him now come downe from the Crofle, and we wil belecue him. t * He trufted in God: let him now deliuer 45 hmi if he will :for he faid,That lam the fonne of God. t And the felffame thing the thceues alfo that were crucified 44 with him , reproched him withal. tAnd from thefixt houre, there was darkenefTe made 45 vpon the whole earthjvntil the ninthe houre. f And about 46 the ninthe houre I E svs cried with a mighty voice, faying, Eliy Eh , Umma-fabaFihanif that is , MjyGod, 7ny God ^'^ yyhy hafl thou forfak^n mef t And certainc that l]:oodc there and heard , faid, 47 He calleth Elias. tAnd incontinent one of them running, 48 tooke a fponge,&filled it with vinegre:and put it on a reede, and gaue him to drinke. t And other faid , Let be , let vs (cq 49 whether Elias come to deliuer him. t And Iesvs. againe 50 ^^°J'^'^jJ'°^/^^ crying with a mighty voice,ycldedvp the gholl. tAnd be 51 hold the vele of the temple was rent in two peeces,from the toppe eucn to the botome. and the earth did quake , and the rockes were rent , t and the graues were opened : and 51 many bodies ofthc fainds that had flept, rofc. t And they ^5 going foith out ofthc graues after his refurre6tion,came into the holy citie: and appeared to many. tAnd the Centurion 54 and they that were with him watching I e s v s, hauing feen the earth-quake and the things that were done , were fore afraid , faying , Indeede this was the fonne of God. t And there were there many women afarreof, which ^ hadfolovvedl ES vsfromGaHlec , miniftringvnto him: t among whom was Marie Magdalene, and Marie the mo- ^6 ther of lames and lofeph, and the mother ofthc fonnes of Zebedee. f And when it was euening,there came a ccrtaine ^7 rich Seruicc. HORA VEiPE- RARVM , or, F.ucnfong. Cha. XXVI I. ACCORDING TO S.MATTHEW. 83 HoLY rich man of Arimathxa,named Iofeph,vvho alfo him felfwas ^^^kc. 58 difciplecolisvs. tHe went to Pilate, and afked the body of 1 E s V s. Then Pilate commaundcd that the body f hould 59 be deliuered. t And lofeph taking the body," wrapt it in^,°,VoK?«T 60 cleanefindon, t and laid it in his ovvne nevve monument, or, compiia. * which he had hewed out inarocke. And he rolled a great ftonetothe doore of the monument, and went his way. 61 t And there Was there Marie Magdalene,and the other Marie, fitting oueragainft the fepulchre. 61 t And the next day,which is after the ParafcGue,the cheefe ^^ JJ,J°^^ 6i Prieftes and the Pharifees came together to Pilate, t faying, sabbamm Oa, Sir, we hauercmembred , that that feducerfaid yet liuing, "^ ^4 After three dayes I wil rife againe- tCommaund iherfore the fepulchre to be kept vntil the third day : left perhaps his Difciplcs come , and fteale him , and fay to the people , He is rifenfiom the dead : and thelaft erfour flul be worfethen ^5 thefirft. tP»latefaidtothem,Youhaueagard:goc, gardit 66 as you know, t And they departing , made the kpukhrc fure ; feaUng vp the ftone, with watchmen. ANNOTATI ONS Chap, x x vii- J. Repcnth7 him.-] Note hoW fpcdily the plague of God falleth after fuine and fpecially men muft note whft torment of conldence , and defperation often foloWech the f heading ofmno- ""^ / l^unf him rein If he bad rightiv repented, notwithftanding his horrible treafon .he might haue ^bteyted mercy : but by hanging him felfhetookeaWay almeanes ot mercy and faluation, becaufe he died finally imptnitent. l 1 t ..^ • " j,^ u 2^. Innocmt ofhJbhU] Tl,ough Pilate was much more mnocent then the e^X'es,and Would haue been free from the murder of our Sauiour.teeking al the meanes that he could(Without oiFen- ding the people and the Emperours laWes) to dimille him : Yet he is damned ior being the mim- fter of the peoples wicked w\l againft his owne confcience. euen as al Officers be.and Ipecially the ludges and Juries which execute lawei of temporal Princes againil Cathohxe men : for al 1 nch be guilty of innocent bloud , and be nothing exculed by that they execute other mens Will according fo the lawes, which be vniuft. For they f hould rather fuffcr death them felues, then put an mno- cent man to death. . , . . ■ 1 » c *o. iftboubfth.Scnnt.-] Maruel not, when thou hearell our 5au.our in the B Sacrament mocked at, orfeeft bimabufedofwickedmen , that heftraight reueng^th n^tluch blalphemies: or that he f heweth not him felf there vifibly and to the fenfcs,Vhen taitnles Hcrenkes W.l fay Let me fee him,taft him.&c. for he fuiFered here the like on the Crofle,when he might at his Will haue come downe With as much eafe as be role when he wJs dead. r^,. , . *i. Why h^ft thou forf^krn men B^Ware here of thedetfllaole blafphemie of Calumand_tbe ,,, ..r Caliunifh, Who thinking not the bodily death of Chrill fufhcient. Lay, that he was alfo here lo for- cll'l L Ciken and abandoned ofhis Father, that he fulUined in loule and conlcence the very feares and St; iT. torments of the damned. And to take aWay the Article of hi.defcen/.ngmtoHel aferh.s death. '"•f"-''-' (Which waswith triumph and notinpaine, ) they fay that h,s delc6nd.ngWisnotn.ngels , but '*• that hisfoule lufFeredthe verypaines ofH.l vp.on the Croip. Whereas in deede by thefewordes out o -the Pfahne, our Sauiour wil lignihe no more but that his pa.nes being noxv fo long on the CrofTe andready to die^ Were very great, and therfore according t6 the .nhrnhuyofhis humane c •/!_/ u I « • , ,K»'mrflpnwhenheWas butcoV/ard his Pdliionjhelauhhe lucure.foivcxyangvuIhCasbeioiemtheg'""^"^"'^""''*'^ , .. ,.., L 1) ^^ Horrour of confcience, Defperation, Tbey that exe- cute lawes a- gainll their c6- fcience,axe^like to Pilate. Cbrift derided in the B. Sacrv meot , euen as vpo die CrolTc. Caluins blaf- phemie. HOLY wcckc. Reuerent of our L, CoifotAs, 84 THE GOSPEL ChA, XXVIII. was forfakcn for tVP-o caafes , firft bccaufc it was the wil of God not to deUucr him, but that he f hould die : fecondly , bccaufe his diume nature did fo repreffe it fdf for the time that he felt no comfort thereof at al.but was left to die in extreme paines as a mere man. ' Andfo in the vliolc Church itiso-bYerued by * S.Siluefters conftituUon7thl7thc"co%S\i^h'erel '" vpon our Lordes body heth on the altar, muft be pure and plaiiielinnen. tt.t.Ct^ Ch A P. XXVIII. Ne rijith againi the third day, and { the blind mofl ohjliniue UWes by trihery Wtrtinr t» thetr oWtie reprobation) henpfeAreth t»hu 'DifcibUi in Galilee {^both htforfhH PaPion he foretold them 3f4/. i6,and noW after hu J^furre^itn .firji the\An(el thai atfo htm felf appointed by the Women) it andfendcth thtm tt d "iUtionT h build hu Church *»non^ ehe Gentili. ' The Gofpel for the nighc Mafle of Ciirirtes Rc- furrcd.on , which is now vied to be faid on Eafter eue in the morning. 1 ASTER day. N D in the eucning ofthc Sabboth which i davvncth on the (izi\ of the Sabboth, came MarieMagdalcncand the other Marie "to fee the fepuichre. t And behold there was 1 made a great earthquake. For an Angel of ourLord defccdcd from heauen: and com- ming , rolled backc the ftone, and (ate vpon it: t and his 3 countenance was as lightening: and his garment as fnovv. t And for feare ofhim, the watchmen were frighted,and be- 4 came as dead, t And the Angel anfwering faid to the vvo- 5 men, Feare not you. fori know that you fceke Ihsvs that was crucified, the is not here : for he isrifen, *ashe faid. 6 come, and fee the place where our Lord was Liid. t And 7 going quickly,tel ye his Difciples that he is rifen: and behold he goeth before you into Galilee, there you fhal fee him. loe 1 haue fortold you. t And they went forth quickly out ofthc monument 8 with feare and great ioy, running to tel his Difciples. t And 9 beholdlEsvs metre them, faying, Alhailc. But they came neercandtookeholdof hisfectc,and adored him. tThcn 10 I E s V s faid to them, Feare not.goe,rel my brethren that they goe into GaHlec,there they fhal fee me. tWho vvhenthcy were departed, behold certainc of the 11 watchmen came into the citie, android thecheefePricftes al things that had been done, t And being adembled toge- 11 ther with the auncients , taking counfel, they gaue a greate fumme of money to the fouldiars,t faying, Say you. That his 15 Difciples came by night , and ftole him away when we were a flecpc. t And if the Prcfident fhal hcare of this, v ve 14 wil KT, Mr I. I. lo. to, I. Mt. it. ^9, Ch A. XXVIII. ACCORDING TO S. MATTHE NT. 8y HOLY 15 vvilperfuadchira, and make you (ccurc. t But they taking ^<=^*c* the money, did as they were taught. And this word was bruited abrode among the Ievves,eucn vnto this day. i^ t Andthccleuen Difciples went into Gahlec,vnto thcThcGrtfpelTpi 17 mount where Iisvs had appointed them, t And Seeing ^g^^"*^*"** 18 him they adored,but(ome doubted, t And Iesvs comming neere fpake vnto them , faying . Al power is giuen to me in V'^r^X^^^} i* 1 *^^ I • 1 4.W • *°L r f ° . the fcaft of the 19 heauen and in earth, T gomg tnertorc teach ye al nations : B. Xrinitie. Baptizing them in the name of the fa- ther AND OF the SONNE and OF THE HOLY 2-0 SHOST, t teaching them to obferucal things whatfocuer I haue commaunded you, and behold lam with you "al daiesjcucn to the confummation of the world. ^ ANNOTATIONS Chap, xxviu. i.Te fe€th* Sefulcher.'] The deuoutVomen came to vifite our Siuioursfepulcher.and for their in Ep. '^dcuotionfirftdcferuedtoknoWtheRefurreftion, andtofechimrifen. The honour of the which wff L Scpulcher and the Pilgrimage thcrevnto in the Primitiuc Church , S. Hierom dcclareth in thclc Eujtech. )iyo,jfj ^ lijg ItWesJimttime honoured StmHa SoMltorttm , becMfe there \Cere the Cherubs, and »tlMMr(tl. thePropitUtorie,*Hdthe^TkeoftheTtJiament, SHtinna, Karons rtdde, iind the golden altar. 'Dothnot '*• '• the Sepulcher of our Lordjeemt vnto thee more honorable ? Which at often m We enter into ,fo often dee \ft fee our Sauiour lie in thejtndon t andjiaying there a \/hile , We fee the uingel arainejitte at hufeete, and *t hu head the napkin Wrapped together. Theglorie ofwhofe Sepulcher , We knoW WreachiH^penMnce,andliui>t^htmfilfAccoydiH^tj/, ^Olpc - or habtiz^th the people to prepare them t» Chriji , 7 telling therti, that it h not hts, but the prcparj- Chrifts 'Baptifme, in which they f hat receiue the Holy Ghoji. 9 I 'S.^y i there jf ^ jq chnfts umanifejiedfromheauen: 12 andbyand by he alfo goeth into the vyitdernefe. tXianifcfta- i* "Beginning in Galilee, 16 after that he hath called feure liifdples, 21 he freachcth frjt in Capharnaum , confirmtnghu doBrinevvith benefcid Sidracles, tion. to therreat admiration ofal: st thenalfo {but frjl retiring into the VviUemti) in at the rejl of Galilee , with like miracles. HE beginning of the Gofpcl of I £svs Christ the fonne of God. t As it is vv^ritten in ^ Efav the Prophct',(BfW^ tfend mine jingel before thy face, yrho J'bal prepare thy yy tiy before t\iee^\ji yoice of one crying in the defert,l'rep.ire ye the yy Ay of our Lord , w^A^ freight hn pathes. t * lohn V vas in the defert baptizing , and preaching the baptifme of penance "'vnto remiision of fin- ^-rohmbaptif- 5 nes. tAnd there went forth to himalthccountrieoflevvrie, K^^dT'of and al they of Hierufalem : and were baptized of him in the rcmiiHo of fm- 6 riuer oflordan, "confefsing" their finncs. tAnd lohn vvas "adue' t'oSi- " clothed with camels heare , and a girdle of a f kinnc about *^" sacrameflt 7 hisloincsrandhedideatelocuftesand wiidhonie. t Andhe nL^^ere in" preached, faying , There commeth a flroneer then I after me: '^"^^^" ^= 7.- Lri'iri-n T 1 /-. micted. ^Aug.li, vvnole latchet ot his Ihoes 1 am not vvorthic ftouping / part of rhis Gof- pel : of Chrifts ma- nifeftation. •• He doth not preach belcefc 88 T tt E G O S P E t fert. t And he was in the dcfert fourtie daies, and founit: nightes : and was tempted of Satan, and he was with beaftes,andthc Angels miniftred to him. t And * after that lohn was deUuered vp , I i s v s came into Galilee, preaching the Gofpel of the kingdom of God, tand faying,That the time is fulfilled,and the kingdom k of God is at hand: •• be pcnitent,and beleeue the Gofpel. t * And pafsing by the fea of Galilee , he faw Simon and 16 Cha. r. '^ I ; H or faith only, Andrcvv his brother,cafting nettes into the fea(for they vvc- but alfo. penance re fifhers ) f and I e s v s faid to them , Come after me , and 17 1 wil make you to become fifhers of men . t And imme- 18 diatly leaning their nettes, they folo wed him. t And being ic) gone thence a litlc further , he faw lames of Zebedee , and lohn his brother , and them repairing rheir nettes in the fhippe : tand forthwith he called them. And leauing their 20 father Zebedcc in the fhippe with his hired men , they fo- lo wed him. t And* they enterinto Capharnaum, and he forthwith n ypon the Sabboths going into theSynagoguc , taught them. tAnd they were allonied athis dodrine. for he was tea- 22 ching them as hauing power, and not as the Scribes. tAnd 23 *therc was in their Synagogue a man in an vnclcane fpirit: and he cried out, t ^ying, what to vs and to thee Its v s of 24 Nazareth? art thou come to deftroyvs ? Iknovv whotKou art,theSaind;ofGod. tAndlEsvs threatened him,faying, 25 Holdthy peace,andgoe outofthcman. tAnd the vncleane 26 fpirit tearing him , and crying our with a great voice , went out ofhim. tAnd they raarueled al, in fo much that they que- 27 ftionedamongthemfelues,{aying, what thing is this ? what is this new doctrine ? for with power he commaundeth the vncleane fpiritsalfo, and they obey him . t And the bruite 28 of him went forth incontinent into althc countrie of Ga- lilee. t And imraediaily* going forth our of the Synagogue, ip ihey came into the houfe of Simon and Andrew, with lar mes and lohn. tAnd Simons wiues mother lay in a fit of 30 a feuer: and forthwith they tel him of her, t And comming 31 neere he lifted her vp taking her by the hand : and incotinent the ague left her, and f he miniftred vnto them. tAnd when 31 it was eucning after funne fet, they brought to him al that were il at cafe and that had dcuils. t And al the citie was 33 gathered Afrf^4, 12. Luc. 4, 14. Mat. 4, 18. M/tt. 4, i.«.4,ji Iwf.4, 3i- M4t. 8, 14. Luc. 4^ 4Z. ChA. I. ACCORPING TO S. MARKI, 89 54 gathered together at the doore. i And he cured many that were vexed with diucrfe difcafes : and he caft out many de- uils , and he fufFred not them to fpeake that they knew him. 35 t And rifing very early , and gomg forth he went into ^6 "a defer t place: and there he prayed, t And Simon fought 57 after him, and they that were with him. t And when they had found him, they faid to him. That al feeke for thee. 38 t And he faith to them , Let vs goe into the next tovvnes and cities, that 1 may preach there alfo : for to thispurpofe am I come. 39 t And he was preaching in their Synagogs, and in al Ga- ^o lilec:andcaftingoutdeuils. t Anda* Jepcr commeth to aim befceching him : and kneeling dovvne faith to him , If thou 41 wiltjthou canft make me cleane. t And I e s v s hauing com- pafsion on him, ftretched forth his hand: and touching him, 4^ he faith vnto him, I vvil, be thou made cleane. -f And when hehadfpoken, immcdiatly the leprofie departed from him, 43 and he was made cleane. t And he threatened him, and 44 forthwith caft him forth, t and he faith to him, See thou tel no body: but goe, fhew thy felf •• to the hieh prieft.and ■' ^^'^ saaJour ofterforthy cleanung thethmgs that * Moyles commaun- heakd the leper 45 dedjfor a teftimonie to them, t But he being gone forth, be- ^^ ^^^^^0"*' gan to publifh , and to blafe abrode the word : fo that now power, would he could not openly goe into the citie , but was abrode in "rderbiu foit defert places, and they came tosether vnto him fromah'^'^pajtietotbe ndes. ANNOTATIONS Chap. I. S.Confefmg their Jinnes.'] A certaine confcllion of finnes there Was euen in that penance which ConfellSoM., lohn preached, and which Was made before men Were baptized. Whereby it iscleere thatlohn made a preparation to the Sacrament of Penance which afterward Was iniUtiued by Chnfl, as Vel as he did by baptizing prepare the Way to Chiiib baptifme. f. Theirfimies.] He doth nor lay that they confeired them felvies to be linners , Which may be «lone by a general confclfion: but that they confelled their linncs, which is a particular confellion. 6. Clothed.'] The' Holy GhoJl thought it Worthy of fpeciall reporting howftraitly this Pro- phete hued, and how he abftained from delicate meates and apparel. Seei^tat. c.j, » s.With Water.'] lohn With Water only,Chrift With the Holy Ghoft.not only, as the Heretikes hold, that fay Water is notneceflary, but With Water and the Holy Gholl, as it isplaine lo. 3. vtdes a man be borne againe of Water and the Holy GhoJ},hefhal not enter into the kingdom oflieaucn. 9. "Mabtixjedoflohti.] The humility of Chrill not difdaining his feruants baptifine. V( hich is an example for al faithful not to difdaine Chrifls Sacraments of any Prieftbe heneuei fohmple, being by the Catholikc Church lawfully called, ^ttg. U. / debapt. e. 9. 10. The Spirit.'] ExpreH'e mention of the B. Trinitie. the Father Ipeaketh fromheauen , the Particular con' fellion, lohns example of penance. Baptifme in Water. TlieB. Trinitie, 5)0 TKEGO^PEL ChA. Holy Ghoft appeaicth in the likeneffe of a doue , the Sonne alfo is recommended vmo vs. tAynhrof. li. i de Sacram. c. /. . ./J. 1 i2.X>efert.'] Chiift doing penance by long fafting , folitarineffe , and conuerfingVith Wilde r" ° beaftes, gaue example and in(tru£tion to the Church for Lent fiift , and to holy Ercmitej of retiring Or penance. , /, , .,.,-ij /r j " theui ielues to the Wildernelleand prayer. 3j. Tiefert place.'] Chrift vfed very often to retire into folitary places.no doubt for our example, to teach vs chat fuch places are belt for prayer and contemplation, and that We f houlrl often retire II. )fpe Solitaric con- templation. out felues from Worldly matters to folitary meditation ot heauenly things. Chap. II. tAgtUnJl the Scribes and Pharifees he defendeth firfi hu power to remittefinnei in earth, IS and htf eating with ftnners (a4 bein^ the Phyficion of feiUei , fignifed in thofe hu miracutout cures vpon bodies ) : iS then aifo he defendeth hu "DifcipUs, not hauing as yet any faftts by himprefiribed vnto them , and plucking eares of corne vpon the Sabboth : jignifying withal that he wil change their errrmo- N D againe hecntred into Capharnaum i after fome daies , and ic was heard that he was in the houfc, land many came i together, fo that there was no place no not at the doore, and he fpaketo them the word. \ And they came to him brin- 3 gingonefickeofthe palfey, who was caried of foure. t And when they could not offer him vnto 4 him for the multitude, they" vncouered the roofe where he was : and opening it they did let downe the couche where- in the ficke of the palfey lay . t Andwhcn I Esvs had feen 5 moucd tobe" '• their faith,hefaitn to the" ficke of the palfey , Sonne, "thy merciful to fin- fmncsaic forgiuen thee, t And there were cerraine of the 6 mens ^th and Sctibes fitting there and thinking in their hartes , twhy doih 7 ddires.and not he fpcake fo? he blafphemeth.*\vho can forgiuc finnes but only by the par- i i i i i o ties ownemea- only God? t Which by and by I E s V s knovvjngin his fpi- 8 ncsalryay. rir,thatthey fo thought within them felues, faith lo them, ^X'hy thinke you thefe tilings in yourharres ? fwhetheris 5? cafier,to fay to the ficke ofthepali'cy. Thy finnes are forgi- uen thee : or to fay , A rife , take vp thy couche , and walkc? tBut that you may know that "the Sonneofman hath 10 power "in earth to forgiuefinnes( he faith to the ficlce of the palfey) 1 1 fay to thee, Arife, take vp thy couche, and goe in- 11 tothyhoufe. | And forthwith he aro(o:and taking vp his li couche, went his way in the fight of al , fo that al marueled, and glorified God,faymg, That we neucr faw the like. t And he went forth againe to thefearandalthc multi- 13 tude came to him , and he taught them , t And when he 1 4 pafTed Mt. 9,9- i8 ChA. II. according to S. MARKE. <)i paflcd by, ^hefavv Icui ofAlphsus fitting at the cuftome place: andhefaithtohim, Folovvme. Andrifing vp hefo- 15 lowed him. f And it came to pafle, as he fate at meate in his houfe, many Publicans and finnersdid fitdovvne together with 1 E s V s and his Difciplcs . for they were many , who i(i alfo folo wed him. t And the Scribes and the Pharifecs Teeing that he did eate with Publicans and Sinners , faid to his Di{- ciples, why doth your Maifter eate and drinke with Publi- 17 cans and finners? t Ie s v s hearing this/aiih to them, The whole haue not neede of a Phyficion , but they that are il at eafe. for I came notto call the iuft, but finners. t And* the difciples of lohn and the Pharifees did vfe to faft: and they come, and fay to him , Why do the difciples of lohn and of the Pharifecs (aH: but thy difciples do not 19 faft? t And I e s v s faid to them,why,can the children of the mariagefaft, as long as the bridegromeis with them J So . long time as they haue the bridcgrome with them, they can io not faft. tBuc thedaies wil come when the bridegrome fhal be taken away from them •. and then they f hal •• faft in '■ He foretel- 2. 1 thofc daies . t No body fowcth a pecce of raw cloth to an l-hlVb"vftd'"f old garment: otherwifc he takethaway the new peecing his church, no il from the old, and there is made a greater rent. tAndnobo- ot/ia\vo"^?n dyputtethnew wine into old bottels: othervvife the wine ^he rime of burfteth the bottels, and the wine wil be fhed, and the M.^sle^J^J, bottels wil beloft . but new winemuft be put into new '•'■^• bottels. 15 t And * it came to paffe againe when he walked through the corne on the Sabboths , and his Difciples began to goe 14 forward andtoplucke the eares. t And the Pharifees laid to him , Behold , why do they on the Sabboths that which 2-5 isnotlawfuh f And he faid to them , Did you neuer read what Dauiddid, vvhehhewas''innecefsitie, andhim felf 2.6 vvasanhungredandthey that were with him ? thow'^^he entred into the houfe of God vnder Abiathar the high Prieft, and did eate the loaues of Propofition , vvhichit was not lawful toeate*but^or the Priefts, and did giuevnrothem 2-7 which were with him? t And he faid to them. The Sab- _^ both was made for man, and not man for the Sabboth. ofthtkvTma" ^S tTherfore the fonne of man is -'Lord of the Sabboth abrogate or dir- pcnfe whi and Where tor m(1 cjufe itfepmeih good to him. alfo. M ij ANNOT. 9i THE GOSPEL Cha. III. The Sacramets to be called for ill ficknes. Ma hath go\5/er to «eniit ilnncs. Chrift remit - teth finnes by the] Priefts mi- nifteric. ANNOTATIONS Chap. II 4. ,Viicouered.) Such diligence ought to be vfed to bring finners to Chrift in his Sacraments , as V^s vfed to procure this man and others, by Chrift, the health of their bodies. >. Sickeofthe palfey.) Such as tliis man Was in body by diilolution ofliis limmes.fuch alfo Was he in fouleby thenoilbmc defiresof the World occupyinjhis hart, and Withdrawing him from al "ood worices. ^ttg. de Pajior. c.6 to. 9. ° }. Thy finnes.) Hereby itappeareth that Chrift healed this fickc man firft in his foule , before he tooke away his bodily infirmity : which may be an inftrudion for al men in bodily difeafe, firft to call for the Sacraments , which be medicines of the foule. As hereby alio may be gathered that many difeafes come for rmne,and therfore can not be healed til the finnes be remitted. 10. The Sonne of man.) As Chrift proucth vnto them.that him felf as man.and not as God only, hath power to remitte finnes , by that in a] their fightes he Was able to doe miracles and make the fickman fodenly arife : lo the Apoftles baaing power grauntcd them to doe miracles , though they be not God, may in likemaner haue authority from God to remitte finnes , not as God, but as, Gods minifters. , , ,. r , , . r ■ l to. Inearth.) This poWerthat the Sonne otman hath to remitte hnnes m earth , Wasneuer taken from him , but d^reth ftiU in his Sacraments , and minilters.by whom he remitteth finnes in the Church,and not in heauen only.For concerning finne,there is one court of confcience in earth, and an other in heauen; and theiudgement in heauen foloweth and approueth this on earth: as is plaine by the wordes of our Sauiour to Peter firft , and then to al the Apoftles , Whatfoeutryou rhal bind vpon earth,/ hal be bound in heauen: Whatfi)eMryoufhid Loofe vpon earth, fhal be loo/id in hea- uen: Wherevpon S.Hierora faith,TW Priejfs hauing the keies of the ^ngdom ofheauenjudgeaftcrafert before the day ofiudgement. And S. Chryfoft. li. 5 de Sacerd. paul. poft princip. more at large. zj.In necefiity.) In necelTity many things be done Without finne,which els might not be done: and fo * the very chaUces and confecrated iewels and veflels ot the Church in cafes of nccelTity are by lawful authority turned to profane vfes : wliich otherwile to alienate to a mans priuatc com- moditieisfactilege. ^t.ig,rp, CMt.tS.iS. »d Heliod, ef.r. ^mb. li.x cf.t.tt. Chap. III. The blind Vharifees feeking his death for doing good vpon the Sabboths, he mtekely goeth out of the way: where the people thatflocke vnto him.and his S^tirades , are in- numerable. IS Yea to his Twelue alfo { hauing neede of mce workmen) he geuetb power to worke Miracles. 2 0 Hefo occupieth him felf for foules, that his kinnethinkehimmadde. 2Z The Scribes of fiterufalem come fo farre, and yet haue nothing but abfurdly to blafpeme his cafiing out ofDiuelsyto their oWne damnation. 31 That the lewes fhould not { after their mancr) thinly it ynoughjhat heis of their bleud,he telletlt that fuch rather are deere to him,askeepo Gods commaundements. N D he entred againe into the Synagogue, i and there Was a man there that had a withe- red hand, t And they watched him whether 2. he would cure on the Sabboths : that they ^ might accufe him. t And he faith to the man 5 that had the withered hand, Rife vp into the middes. tAnd 4 he faith to them , Isit lawful on the Sabboths todoewel or il? to fane a foule , or to deftroy? but they heldtheir peace. tAnd looking round about vponthem with anger, berng 5 forowful for the blindenes of their hatt, he faith to the man. Stretch forth thy hand.And he ftretched it forth:and his hand was reftorcd vnto him. And Lu.6,6, Cha. hi. ACCORDING TO S. MARKE. 5>3 8 12. 15 t And the Pharifees going forth , immediatly made a con- fultation with the Hcrodiansagainfl him how they might deftroy him. t But I e s v s with his Difciples retired to the fca: and a great multitude from Galilee and levvrie folovved him, t and from Hierufalem,and from Idumaea, and beyond lordaii. And they about Tyre and Sidon , a gt eat multitude, 9 hearing the things which he did , came to him. t And he fpake to his Difciples that a boate might attend on him be- 10 caufeofthe multitude, left they fhould throng him. t for he healed many, fo that there preafed in vpon him for •• to *;Theonlytou- h1• 111 xAii 1 r • • chiiig of Chrifts him,asmanyas nadhurtes. t And the vncieanelpiri- hoiyperfon, or tes, when they law him, fel dovvnc vntohim : and they ^fx P" °^^^ , r ■ //rr-i ir r^iAil 1 clothes , or cryed laying, t Thou art the ionneor God. And he vehe- whatfoeuer bc- mently charged them that they fhould not difdofe him. d°a\'i[°aj'di' t And*alcending intoamountaine, he called vnto him feaies. 14 whom he would himfelf: and they came to him. t And he made that "tvvelue fhould be with him , and that he 15 might fend them to preach. -fAndhegauethem power to 16 cure infirmities , and to caft out diuels. t And he gaue to 17 Simon thename" Peter, "t and lames of Zebedee, and lohn the brother of lames : and he called their names, Boanerges, 18 which is, /k/oM«« o///;//«^fr. t and Andrew and Philippe, and Barclemevv and Matthew , and Thomas and lames of Alphasus, andThaddaeus and Simon Canansus, tandludas Ifcariote,whoalfo betrayed him. tAnd they cometoa houfe: and the multitude refortcth together againe,fo that they could not fo much as eate bread, ii I And when his had heard of it , they went forth to lay hands on him. for they faid. That he was become !• mad. " see here Ac 2-2. tAnd theScribes which were come dovvne from Hieru- vori% fi^ies, falem,faid,* That he hath Beelzebub: andthatinthe prince ^^^0^^^'"''^*= 25 of deuils he cafteth out deuils. t And after he had called them gion , madncs : toeethetjhe faid to them in parables. How can Satan caft out ""'^ therforc n t 1 -r i/i ■ t 1 1 -11 ■ n ■ ,r ir 1 coiinc tnem 24 Satan? f Andita kmgdom be deuided againft it •lelr , that maddc, that arc 25 kingdom can not ftand. t And if a houfe be deuided againft ^'^'?"' '=\^"^ •ririir n % \ r r caufe and ror z6 itleir,t:hat houlecan not ftand. t AndifSatanbe rifen againft the cathoHk-c him felf , he is deuided , and can not ftand,but hath an end. ^^^^JzciLtT 27 tNo body can rifle the vellel of the ftrong, being entred in- the more mad. to his houfe, vnles he firft, bindc the ftrong , and then f ha! he 28 rifle his houfe. t Amen I fay to you, that al finnes fhal be forgiuea the fonnesofmen, and the blafphemics wherewith . - M iij they 19 20 94 T H E G O S 1» E L C H A. 1 1 I. theyfhal blafpheme. tBuchethat fhal blafpheme again ft z 9 the Holy Ghoft,he hath not forgiuenefic for euer,but fhal be gitiky of an "eternal finne, -fBccaufe theyfaid, He hath an 30 vncleane fpirir. I And* there come his mother and brethren: and ftaa-31 ding without they fent vnto him calling hira , tand the 31 mulritude fate about him: and they fay to him. Behold thv mother and thy brethren without feeke thee, t And anfvve- 35 ring them, he faid,"whois my mother and my brethren? tAnd looking about vpon them which fate round about 34 him, he Gith, Behold my mother and my brethren, j For 35 vvhofoeuerfhal doethe vvil of God, he is my brother and my lifter and mother. Mt. li, 4tf. N N O T A Chap. T I O I II. N S Sermons, Serui- ce.and praier of Heretikes. The nuiTiberof Twclue, myfti- Peters preemi- nence, Diffenfion of Heretikes. Venial finnes forgiuen after death. Spiritual kinred andbulincspre- ferrcd before cainal and worldly. The B. Virgin ^'ithout finne. 1-3. Thou art the Sonne.) The confelTion of the truth is not grateful to God, preceding frotA cucry perfon. The diuel acknowledging our Sauiour to be the fonne of God, Was bidden hold his peace : Peters confelfion of the fame Was highly allowed and rewarded, ^ug. traft. lo in ep. loan. Ser. so. Si. deverh. .yipojtoli. Therfore neither Heretikes fcrmons niulf be heard.no not though they preach tlie truth . So is it of their prayer and feruice , which being neuer fo good in it felf , is not acceptable to God our of their mouthes, yea it is no better then the howling of Wolues. Hkro. in 7 Ofe$. ' i+.TWelue.) This number of tWelue Apoflles is myflical and of great importance (asappea- ^St. », reth *■ by thechooling ofMathias intoludas place to make vp againe this number) prefigured in the n Patriarkcs , Gen.*9. the it Princes of the children of Ifrae! , '2^um. 1. the li founraines foundinElim, Exod.is. the 11 pretiousftonesin the Rational of Aaron, Exod.ig. the iz ^pies fent by Moyfcs,7^I,«»», //. then ftones taken out of Jordan whereof the Altar was made, loftt. *. the II lours of Propofirion, Lettit.i-f-. &c. ^nJHm,ini\Ct.c. 10. Andthefeare the 12. foundations of heaucnly Hierufalcm. ^poc, u. 1 6. Peter.) Peter in numbering the Tweluc is alwaies the firft,and his name is fo giuen him for fignification of his calling to be the * Rocke or Foundation of the Church vnder Chriibas here alfo the name Boanerges is giuen toother tVfoApoftles for fignification, and fo names els where in the old Teftament and in the r.cW. **• Kingilom a^ainjl kin^dem.) As this is true in al Kingdoms and Common- Weales Where Ciuil diifenfionreignethj fo is ft fpecially verified in herefics and Heretikes, which haue alWaies diuifions among them feluesas the plague of God, for diuiding them felues and others from the Church. i:?. Eternal finne.) That which is here called eternal, is (as S. Matthew exprefleth it) that Which fhal neither be remittedin this]ife,norin the life to come. Where We learne by S.Marke.that there are alfo finnes not eternal; and by S.Matthew, that they are fuch, as fhal be forgiuen either here, or in the life to come. S3. Who IS my »iof/;?r) Neither is it here faid,that he had no mother.as fome vpon thefe Wordes falfly gather : nor ingratitude to our parents is taught vs by this anlvfer : but We be hereby admo- nifhed to preferre thcfpiritual mother of the Faithful, which is the Church Catholike, and our brethren in her, and their fpiritual good, aboue our carnal parents orkinne. For lb our Maifter being occupied here about heanenly things, accounted al them his mother and brethren,which did the will of his Father, in which numberour Lady his mother Was alfo included , for f he didhis fathers will. ^w. ep. si. Yeaand aboue al otliers , becaufe f he had fo much grace giuen her that f he neuer finnecTnot fo much as venially in al her Ufe. w4«j. de not. &grat c ss. ^t. /ff. Greg. //. f ep.3. Chap. IIII. Cha. IlII. ACCORDING TO S. MARKE 95 Cha. nil. Tht parakles (in •which hefpeei^tth to the lewes, hecaufe they were reprtbate) heex- foundethto his 'Difciptes,f hewing that in hiiftvvtnr, three parti cffourefhal ' ptrif h, through the fault ef the hearers, tt andthat his feruants muji confejfe th.% faith, 2* andvfe their gifts {(ontrarj to thofejiony and thorny hearers.) z6 and that hit Church ( notvvithjianding the loojing of thofe three partes of thefeede) fhalbe brought by his prouidence to the harueji, that u, to the end of the World: s 0 growing ouer al in time , though tn the beginning it be m the litle mujfard fcede, ss and though fuch tempejfs of perjecution in the fea, of thii world doe rife againji it. I N D againe he began to teach at the fea fide: and a great multitude was gathered toge- ther vnto him , fo that he went vp into a boate,and fate in the fea,and al the multitude 'aboutihefea was vpon the land: t and he >taught them in parables many things, and 3 faidtotheminhisdodlrine, tHeareye: 4 Bcholdjihefovver went forth to fow. t And whiles he fovveth, fome fel by the way fide, and the foules of the aire 5 came, and did eare it. t And othcrfome fel vpon rocky places where it had not much earth: and it fhot vp immediatly, be- 6 caufeithadnotdecpnesofearth: t and when the funne was rifen,it parched , and becaufe it had not roote , it withered. 7 i And (ome fel among thornes;and the thornes grcwe vpjand 8 choked it, and it yelded not fruite. t And fome fel vpon good ground: and it yelded fruite that grewe vp and increafed, and it brought forth, one thirtie,one fixtie,and one an hundred. 9 + And hcGid , Hethat hath eares to heare,ler him heare. 10 t And when he was alone, the Tvvelue that were with 11 him,afked him the parable, t And he faid to them. To you it is giuen to know the my fterie ofthe kingdom ofGod : but to •• them that are without,al things are done in parables: '■■ sach as be 12. t that * feeing they may fee , and not fee : and hearing they °V^ ?^ , ^^^ „ may heare, and not vnderltand: ieltat anytime they Ihould they heare and ij be conuerted and their finncs be forgiuen them. tAnd he '"'^/'f"^'^ ^® r • 1 1 1 111 1 niuch.dieycan- laitn tothcm,Doyounot know this parable? and now Ihal not vndeiiiand, H, you know al parables}tHethatfovveth:foweththe word. ^^''•'" ^ ^*-'- ^5 t And they by the way fide , are thefe: where the word is fowen, and when they fhalhaue heard, immediatly cora- meth Satan , and taketh away the word that was fowen in i<^ their hartcs. ' t And thy hjcevvife that are fowen vpon the rockyplaces,arcthefc: who when they heare the word, 17 immediatly with ioyreceiue it : land they haue not roote in ve. ^& THE GOSPEL ChA. 1 1 1 1. in them felues , but are temporal: afterward when tribula- tion is rifen and perfecution for the word, forthwith they are fcandalized. f And other there be that are fovven among i8 thornes: thefeare they that heare the word , tand the cares \c^ of the world and the deceitfulnes ofriches,and concupifccn- j ces about otherthings entring in choke the vvord, and it is madefruiteles. t And thefeare they that were fovven vpon io the good ground, which heare the vvord and rcceiue it, and yeld fruite one thirtie,one lixtie,and one an hundred. t And he fiid to them , * Commeth a candel to be put ii n'ofw tlchhi! *' vnder a buf hel , or vnder a bed ? and not to be put vpon doarineincor- the candlcftickc? t For there is nothing hid, which fhal not 21 mucker, asHe- ^^ made manifcft : neither was any thing made (ecret, but recikes doe, but that It fhal comc to light, t If any man haue eares to heare, 2.5 to liehten the i i ^ i ^ Whole world let him heare. therewith. tAud he faid to them, See what you heare. *Invvhat 24 meafure you mete, it fhal be meafured to you againc, and more fhal begiuen^toyou'.fForhethat hath,to him fhal be 2.5 giuen: and he that hath nof,that alfo which he hath, fhal band fay to him, Maifler, doth it not pertainc to thee that we perifh? 39 t Andrifingvp he threatened thewinde, andfaid to the fca. Peace, beftil . And the winde ceafed : and there was made a 40 great calme. j And hefaidto them , Why are you feareful ? neither yet haue you faith? And they feared with great feare: and they faid one to an other, who is this ( thinkeft ihoii) that both winde and fea obey him? ANNOTATIONS Chap. II 1 1. ti.Lcfl they fhouldhe contierted.']Thtk fpeachesl^ere and els where.we mull: not fo vnderftand as though he fpake in parables of purpole and to this end, that the hearers might not vnderftad, left they fhould be conuerted : which Were as much to fay as that he Would not haue them vnder- ftand.norbe conuerted: but We muftlearne the true fenfe of this very place in S. Matthew and in the Ades.where our Sauiour and S. Paul Ipcake thus, They haue heard hetmiiy.and hnuefhut their eUs, lejl perhaps thej may fee, and vnderjiand, and be conuerted, and I heale them . Whereby it is eiiident, that thefpeaking in parables Was not thecaufe (for many befidethe Apoftles heard andvnder- ftood) but them felues Would not hcare, and vnderftand,and be conuerted: and fo Were the caufc ' of their owne wilful and obftinate infidelity. And therfore alfo he fpake in parables, becaiffe they \i/eie not Worthy to vnderftand.as the other to.whom he expounded them. 2 7. ^ndjleepe.'i The Church , and Chrifls doftrine , (fleepe We , Wake We) increafeth by the great prouidence of God. only the preachers mull fow.and plant,andwater,and*God Wil giue the incrcafe , nourif hing the feede in mens harts. And therfore We may not giue ouer.or be impatient and felicitous, if We haue not alwaies goodfucceire : biu doing our duty, commit the reft to God. • • 3!. ^^Cujfardfeed.] If the Church and Truth bad more and more decaiedand been obfcured after the Apoflles timevnto ours, as the Heretikeshold : then had it been great in the beginning, and fmal^afterwaid : where this Parable faith contrary , that it Was a muftard feed firft, and after- Ward a great tree, vide Chryf.to. j contra Gentilei in vita S. 'BabyU Mart. 32. The birdes.l Of al fectes or dodrinejChrifts religion at the beginning Was the fmalleft.and moft contemptible : but the fucceffe thereof farre paffed al mans dodrine : in fo much that after- ward al the Wifelt and greateft of the World made tlicir refidence and reft therein. God is not au- thor of finne, but mans owne will. The Church vilibly inrrea- fing. Chriftian reU- gion Wonder- fully (preading. Chap. V, T« the Gerafens (tatdin them to almen) ChriJimanifeftethhoXi/ the'Diuetofhiiinaltce Would vfe them, if he Would permit te : 1 7 andyet they lit^ not their Sauiours frefence. 21 •A Woman Gentil,that began herjicknejfe when the leWes daughter began her life (fgnifying tyibrahams time ) he curcth by the Way as he Wat tomming to heale the leWes : ^nd euen then the leWes do die , but yet them aljb he Wit reuiue, aiherethe leWes daughter. N AND ''••It is not with out myfterie that the diuels defircd , and Chrlft fufFered them to enter into the fv/ine, fignifying that filthy huers be meete dwelling places for di- uels. ^u^.trail. (inef.Je. THEGOSPEL ChA. ND they came beyond the ftrakeofthe i Tea into the countrie of the Gerafcns. t And as he went out of the boate, irame- 2. diatly there mette him out of the fcpul- chresaman in an vncieane fpirit, "t that 5 had hisdvveUingin the fepulchres. and neither with chaines " could any man now bindehim: t for being often bound with fetters and 4 chaines,he had burft the chaines,and broken the fetters . and no body could tame him. tand he was alwaies day and 5 night in the fepulchres and in the mountaines,crying and cut- ting him felf with ftones. tAnd feeing 1 e s v s afarre of,hc 6 ranne and adored him: tand crying with a great voice, faid, 7 what to me and thee I e s v s the fonne of God moft high? ladiurethee by God that thou torment me not- t For he 8 faid vnto him,Goe out of the man thou vncieane Ipirit, 1 And 9 hcafkedhLm, What is thy najpie? And he faith to him. My name is Legion : becaufe we are many. 1 And he bcfought 10 him muchjthat he would not expel him out of the countrie. tAnd there was there about the mountaine a great heard of 11 fwine,fecding. tAnd thcfpirits befoughthim,fflying,Send ii vs'Mnto the fwine, that we may enter into them. tAnd 13 1 E s V s immediatly graunted vnto them . And the vncieane fpirits going out, entrcd into the fvvinc : and the heard with great violence was caried headlong into the fea , about two thoufand,and were ftifled in thefea. f And they that fed H them, fled, and caried newes into the citie and into the fields. And they went forth to fee what was done: tand they 15 come to I E s V s , and they fee him that was vexed of the deuil , fitting,clothed,and wel in his vvittes : and they were afraid, t And they that had feenit,told them, in what maner 16 he had been dealt withal that had the diuchand ofthc (Vine, t And I hey began to defire him, that he would depart from 17 their coaftes. tAnd when he went vp into the boate, he 18 that had been vexed of the diuel, began to befceche him thathcmightbe with him, tandheadmitted himnot, but 15) faith to him,Goeinto thy houfe to thine, and tel them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had mcr- cievponthec. tAnd he went his way, and began to pu- 2.0 blifh in Decapolis how great things I esy s had done to him:andal marueled. tAnd C h'A. V. A C C O R D I K € T O S. M A R K E. 5^5? t* And when I e s v s had pafTed in boate againc ouer the ftraite,a great multitude afltrabled together vnto him, and he was about thefea. t And there commeth one of the Arch- -^[^^"1^^^"^;^ fynagOgs,named lairus : and feeing him , he falleth dovvne at ofaSynigogue. his fcete, t and befought him much,faying , That my daugh- ter is at the point of death, come, impofe thy hands vpon her, that f he may be fafe and Hue. t And he went with him , and a great mukitudc folovved him,and they thronged him. t And a woman which was in an iflue ot bioud tvveluc yeres, tand had fufFred riiany things of many Phyficions, and had beftovvedal that (he had , neither was any thing the better,but was rather Worfe: t when f he had heard of Ies vs, fhe came in the preafTe behind him, and touched his garment, t for fhe faid , That " if I f hal touche but his gar- ment , 1 fhal be fafe . t And forth vvith the fountaine of her bloud was dried : and fhe felt in her body that fhe was hea" ledofihemaladie. tAnd in*^j|ediatiy Iesvs knowing in him felf " the vcrtue that had proceeded from him, turning to the multitude, faid, Who hath touched my garments ? 1 And his Difciples faid to him. Thou feed the multitude thronging thee,and fay eft thou, who hath touched me? tAnd he loo- ked about to fee her that had done this. | But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what Vvas done in her: came and fel dovvne before him, and told him al the truth, 34 t And he faid to her. Daughter, thy faith hath made thee fafe, goe in peace,and be whole ofthy maladie. "from 35 •[ Ashe vvas yet fpeaking, they come ''to 'the Archfyna^ gogue,faying. That thy daughter is dead: why doeft thou ^6 trouble the Maifter any further ? t But Iesvs hauing heard the word that vvas fpoken, faith to the Archfynagogue, 37 Feare not:" only bcleeuc. tAnd he admitted not any man to folo vv him, but Peter and lames and lohn the brother of la- 38 mes. t And they come to the Archfynagogs houfe,and he 3t) feeth a tumult, and folke weeping and wailing much. tAnd going in, he faith to them: Why make you this a doe and 40 vvcepe? thcvvencheisnotdead,but ''fleepeih. t And they jj^^j^^^*^^^^"^* derided him. But he hauing put forth al, taketh the father and eafiiy raife a the mother of the vvenche, and them that were vvith him, t'elndSetnc 41 and they goein vvhereihe vvenche vvas lying. tAnd hoi- '^« " •'"t » dingthe wenches hand, he faith to her, TaluhAcumi, which butnVepe^!^«^! 41 isbeinginterpreted/wfwfifjf (Ifaytothce) arife. tand forth- ^'■^trb.'Do.str. N i) vvith 14 2.6 z8 31 53 lOO THE frOSPEL ChA. VI. with the \reche rofe vp,and vralked.and The was tweluc ycrcs old: andth^y were aftonied with great aftonifhrnend And 45 he commaunded them earncftly that no body fhould know it : and he bad that fome thing ( hould be giuen her to eate. A NN OTATIONS C H A p. V. t.CoM bind him.] We fee here that madmen which haue extraordinary ftrength , aremany times pofleffed ofihediuel lasthereisalfoadeafeaadadumme diuel, and vndeanc (pints, which W&tkc thefeeffeftsiniiien, pollelling their bodies. Al which things inhdels and carnal men to- lowingoni) nature audreafon,atcribureto natural caul'es: and the ieflctaith a man hath, the lefle he belecuetii that the diuei Worketh fuch things. 2^.1/ if hid touch.] So the good Cacholike faith.lf I'mighc biit touche one of his Apoftles.yea one of his Apoftles napkins. >ea but the fhade of one ofhis Sainfts, I fhould bd better forit. ^cl.s. and 19, SeeS. Chryf. tg.fcont.Gent.inprindpio.invit.'BabyU. Yea S. Ball! laith , He that toucheth the bone of a martyr, receiuethin fome degree holincffe of the grace or vettue that is therein. .... 30. Vcrfuc,] Vertue to heale this Womanj maladie, proceeded from Chrift, though f he tou- ched but his coate: f) when the Saindls by their Relikes or garments do miracles, the grace and force thsrco: couuneth from out Sauiour.tliey being but the mcanes or inftruments of theTame. 3 S. Only bdceue.'] U is our commonfpeache.When We require one thing fpecially.though other things alfobe as net eilarie , and more neceil'^^ As the Phy ijciou ro his paiignt , Only haue a^ood L^n; When he mull alfokeepc adiet, andfflce potions, things more reqiiifite. So Chrift in this great Infidelit/ of the lewes, required only that they Would beleeue he was able to doe fuch a cure flich a miracle, and then he did it: ocherwife itfolowcth in the next Chapter, He could aot do miracLi there becaufe of their incr,:dulit;. Againc , for this faith he gaue them here and in al like pla- ces health of body , which ihey defireii. audtherfore heiaith not, Thy faitli hath iullified thee: but hath made tnefafe or whou-. Agunethis was the fathers faith , Which could not iuftifie the daughter. Whereby it is mod euidem, tiatthisScripture, and the like, are fofifhely .ibufedofthc Heretikes to prouc that only faith itiftihcth. 4.,.Wenchearife.\CMx\^s miracles.befides that they be Wonders and Wales to f hew his power, ■D Vi A \ ijealf^^fignilicatiue: as thefe which he corporally raifed from death, put vs in mfnde ot his rai- By three dcaa , ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^.^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ Scripture maketh fpecial mention only of three ra^Jed by our Sa- are lignihea ^^.^^^^ of Which three, this wench is one,withui the houfe:aa other, the wido wcs lonne in Naim, three kmd ot ^^^^ caricd out toward the graue.-the third.Lazarus hauing been in the graue foure daies.and ther- iinners. ^^^^ ftinking.Which ^inaiCiiy of dead bodies.fignihe diuerfity of dead foules.fome more defperate then other,lome paft'al mans bopc.and yet by the grace of Chrift to be reuiued audjreclaimed. Profaneandna- tural men. The touche of Relikes. Saipriire fond- ly applied to proue onely hutii. 'BafU. I ff-"i- ■V.s. ^uf. At verb. 1)«. fer.4-*. Chap. VI. In hu aWne countrey CfFnifyi"S '''' reprobate leM/es) he it conttntnei, maunded them that they f hould make al fit dovvne,by com- panies vpon the greene gralfe. I And they fate downe in 40 rankcs by hundreds and fifties, t And when he had taken 41 the fiuc loaues,and the two fifhes: looking vp vnto heauen, he ChA. VI. ACCORDING TO S. MARK E. I0| he bleflcd, and brake thcloaues , and gauc to his Difciples to 41 fct before them rand the two fifhes he deuided to al. tAnd 45 al did eatc , and had their fill, t And they tooke vp the lea- uings, tvvelae fui bafkets of fragments : and of the fifhcs. 44 tAnd they that did eate, were fiuc thoufand men. tAnd 45 immediatly he compelled his Difciples to goc vp into the boate , that they might goe before him beyond the ftraitc to Bethfaida: whiles him (elf did dimifle the people. A^ tAnd* when he had dimilled them, he went into the -., >, ^ . ^ • J.AJI- 1 LI TfaeGofpcIon 47 mountainetopray. tAnd when it was late, the boate was saterday after 48 in the middes of the fea,and him felf alone on the land, t And A^'»^«ocf«'»r- feeingthem labouring in rovving(for the winde was againft them ) and about the fourth watch of the night he commeth to them walking vpon the fea:and he would hauepafled by 49 thcm.t But they feeing him walking vpon the (ea, thought it 50 vvas a ghoftjand cried out. t For alfaw him, and were trou- bled. And immediatly he talked with them,and faid to them, 51 Haue confidence, it is I, feare ye not. tAnd he wentvp to them into the fhippe , and the winde ccafed: and they were 52. farre more aftonied within them fclues: t for they vnder- ftoode not concerning the loaues : for their hart was blin- ded. rt t And * when they had padcd ouer , they came into the c^ landof Genezarcth, andfettothefhore. tAnd when they were gone out of the boate, incontinent they knew him: ee t and running through that whole countrie , they began to carie about in couches thofe that were il at eafc, where they c6 heard he was. tAnd whitherfoeuer he cntrcd into townes or into villages or cities, they laid the ficke in the ftreates, and befoughc him that they might touchebut thehemmeof his garment : and as many as touched him , were made whole. "^ A N N O T A Chap. T I O N S VL t. The carpenter.) As bis countric-folkes feeing him not only to be a poore man, butalfo knowing (as they thought) his whole parentage to be but vulgar, not reaching to bis Godhead and diuinc generation , did take offence or fcandalofhimtfo doe the Heretikes take like offence at hisperfon in the B. Sacrament, faying, why, this is not God : for it is bread made of corne by fuch a baker, of the faraemoulde thatfuch alofe is:not marking that it Was no: made Chriit by bakiag.but by Confecration, and die vertuc of Chrifts worde»» s, The^ 104 THE GOSPEL Cha. vir. J. They Were fMrtcUllzji.'] This fcandal rofe partly of enuy of his equals by birth,who reputing Chrjf. A»J themfeluesasgoodashe, tooke fkornecobecaught ofhim. Wherevpon Chrifirlaith, ^Prophet *?,j«Mr» u not without honour but in his oWne countrU : lignifying 'as it is plain; in Luke) the malice and enuy /,«. 4, zu of the lewes his countriemen in refuHaghim (/o. /.) and that the Gentils Would more efleeme ofhim. /. fie could not.] It is faid that he could not Worke miracles there.not meaning that he Was not able , but that on their part there Wanted apt difpofition to receiiie theui . And therfore he Would not of cogruity worke there,vvhere their incredulity was fo great, that it would not haue profited them. And for this caufe'he faifh*els Where to them that Wilfee and enioy his miracles, 0»(7 beleetie. Mare. /» g.2ijOttWo coates-l He forbiddeth fuperfluites,and to careful prouifion of bodily things, When jtf. they are about Gods feruice in gaining foules . And for the contrariety that feemeth here and in S. Mt. i» MaicheW , vnderlland that there he forbiddeth them to carte rod or ftarfe to defend them felues, here he permitteth a walking rod or flaffe to leane and flay vponx-here he forbiddeth f hoes to co- uer al the foote,fuch as We vveare:here he permitteth fanaals.that is fuch as had foles only, which the poore commonly ware in levvry, and now fome religious men. See S. Auguftins opinion li.2 c. i 0 de eonfimfu Euang. to. *. 13. If^ithoHel In the Wordes of the commiiTion oile is not mentioned , andyct itiscerraine by this their vfmg of oile, that either Chrift did then appoint themtovfeit, or they might take it vp of them felues, by vettue of the general commiirion, 11. With Oile). By this it is cleere that not only the Apoflles or other may haue power to Worke miracles, by their only Word and inuocation of Chrifts name.but alfo by application of creatures: which crcitures alfo haue a miraculous medicinal vertue to heale difeafes. '•' Til ey that fay Well or teache and preache Well , or haue Chrifl; and his Word in their mouth, and !iue naughtily , be touched in this yUce. Chap. VII. The mafters of Hierufitlem camming fo farre to earpe him 6 hechargethwith traditiom, partly friuolous, 9 partly alfo contrarie to Gods eommaundements . i* .And to the people hejeldeth the reafon of that which they carped, 17 and againe to his dijci- pies, f hewing the ground of the leWifh Wafhing {to Witte, that meates other- Wife defile thefoule ) to befalfe. 2* "But by and oy among the Gentils , in a vvo- Ttian hefndeth wonderful faiih, vpon her therfore he bejiovveth the crumme that fheafkcd, 31 returning (becaufe thetimeofthe Gentils i/vm not yet eome) to the I ewes with the loafe. 32 Where he j heweth hu compaffion towardts mankind fo deaf e and dumme, 36 and of the people is highly ma- sniped, N D there affemblc together vnto him the i Pharifees and certaine of the Scribes, comming from Hierufalem. tAnd when they had feen i certaine of his difciples eatebread vvith"com- ^^^^_g,g__.___, mon hands, that is, not vvafhed, they bla- medthem. t For the Pharifees and al the Icvves, vnlesiheyj often vvafh their hands, eatenot , holding the tradition of the Auncicnts : tand from the market,vnles they be vval hcd, 4 they eate not : and many other things there be that were de- liuercd vnto them to obferiie, thewafhings ofcuppes and crufeSjand ofbrafen vellcls & beddes.t And the Pharifees and 5 Scribes afkedhim, Why do not thy difciples walke accor- ding to the tradition of the Auncients, but they eate bread with common hands ? i" But he anfwering, faid to them, 6 Wcl did Efay Prophecie of you hypocrites , as it is written. This people honoureth me '•• vir it h their l/f pes, bid their h'trt n ftrre from me. \ ami inyaine doe thej \fforjhip me ^ teaching doctrines "precepts of men. j tFoi 15. Exo.io, Leu.io, 5. TO II 15 16 17 ChA. VII. ACCORDING TO S. MARKE lOf 8 t For leauing the commaundement of God, you hold the tra- ditions of men, the vvafhings of crufes and cuppes : & many 5- other things you doe like to chefe.t And he faid to the,\Vel do you ftuftrate the precept of God, that you may obferue your ov\neuadinon.-\FoiMoyfcsia.idy¥{o»oiirthjfather&thj mother- Q-nd^He th4t fbal curfe father or mother , dyinglethimdye. t But youlav. I fa man fay to father or mothsr, Corban(yvhich is a gift) v vhat- 11 foeuer proccedeth from me, (hal profit thee: t and further 15 you fuiter him not to doe ought for his father or mother,tde- feating the word ot God for your ovvnc tradition which you haue giuen forth.and many other things of this fort you doe. t And calling againe the multitude vnro him , he faid to them,Heare me al you,and vnderftand. t " Nothing is with- out a man entring into him, that can defile him. but the things that proceede from a man thofe are they that make a man •• comon. -f If any man haue eares to heare,let him heare. '" See the firft t And when he wasentrcd mto the houfe from the multi- Zchap«r7^ 18 tude,hisDirciples afked him the parable, t And he faith to them. So are you alfo vnfkilfuh Vnderftand you not that euery thing from wichout,entring into a man, can not mal^e 19 him common : tbccaufe it entreth not into his hart , but goeth into the belly, andiscaftout into the priuy, purging io al the meates? tButhe faid that the things which come 21 forth from a man, they make a man common, t For from withirt out of the hart of men proceede euil cogitations , ad- uouteries,fornications,murders, t theftes, auarices, wicked- neflfe , guile , impudicities , an euil eye, blafphemic, pride, fo- lifhnes. t Al thefeeuils proceede from within, and make a man common. t And*riling from thence he went into the coaftcs of Tyre andSidon:andentringintoahoufe, he would that no man f hould knovv,and he could not be hid. t For a woman ira- mediatly as fhe heard of him , whofe daughter had an vn- 16 cleanefpirit,entredin,andfcldowneat hisfeete. | For the woman was a Gentile, a Syrophaenician borne. And fhe befoughthim that he would caft forth the diuel out of her 27 daughter, t Who faid to her. Suffer firfl: the children to be filled, for it is not good to take the childrens bread , and caft 28 it to the doggcs. t But fhe anfwered , and faid to him , Yea lord . for the whelpes alfo eate vndcr the table of the crum- O mc5 11 ^ ^4 M And si- don-f he came ' lOG THE GOSPEL ChA. VII. mes of the children, t And he faid to her. For this faying goe i^ thy vvay,thcdeuil is gone out of thy daughter, t And when 30 f he was departed into her houfe , f he found chc maid lying vpon the bed,and the dcuil gone out. ThcGofpelvpS t And againc going out ofihc coaftcs ^ ofTytc, hc cattic 51 S^rPanecoX ^Y Sidon' to the fca of GaHlee through the middes of the coaftes ofDccapohs. t And they bring to him one dcafe and 51 dumme:and they befought him that he would impofe his hand vpon him. t And taking him from the multitude apart, 33 he put his fingers into his cares: and" fpitting, touched his tongue.t and looking vp vnto hcauen,he groned,and faid to 34 \\m\y' Efh^heth4x'^v\\\Qh.'\z, Be thou opened, t And immediaily his 35 eares were opened, and the ftring of his tongue wasloofcd, and he fpake right, t And he commaunded them not to tel 56 anybody. But how much he commaunded them, fo much the more a great deale did they publif hit, t and fo much the 37 more did they wonder,(aying, Hehath done al things wci: he hath made both the deafe to heare, and the dumme to fpeake. "1 ANNOTATl ON S Chap. VII. Commaunde- ments of men. Traditions. Dutie to paries. Abftinece from certainc mcates. Chrifts fpittle Vorketh miia des. I. Common."] Common and vnclcane is al one. For the lev/es Were commaunded by the LaW to eate cettaine kindes of mcates only , and not al inditFerently : and becaufe thcfe Were feparated from other itieatcs , and as it were fandified to their vfe , they called the other common and pro- fane : and becaufe the Law calleth thofe clcane and thcfe vncleane , thereof It is, that vnclcane and common is al one. as in this Chapter often , and .^ff. i». 7. Precepts of men.'] Mens ordinances which be repugnant to Gods commaundemcnts, be here condemned : as al obferuations not edifying nor profitable to the fulfilling ot Gods commaunde- mcnts , be vaine .ind fuperfluous : as many obfemations of the Pharifees Were then , and the like traditions of Heretikes be now. for howfoeucr they bragge of Scriptures, al their maner of admi- niftration andminifterie is their oWne tradition and inucntion Without al Scripture and Warrant of Gods Word. But the traditions of the Apoftlcs and Ancients.and al the precepts of holy Church We are commaunded tokeepc, as thingsnotprefcribedby man, butby thcHoly Ghoft. .-4iuel alfo he cajteth out , Which his 'Dtfiif.'lss {rfonWhom tbcrforethe feruerfe Scribes triumphed in his abjence) could not , for lacke of fajlin^and praying. 30 ^eing jet in Galilee, he reuealeth mere sU>out his Pajsion. ss .And {becaitje in thi Way to Caphamaumthey contended for the Trim tcie {hetrackcth them that humility u the Way to Primacie before God : jS bidding ti.em alfo^ not to prohibit fuch Of benot againfi them : nor to giue fcandal Iq any oneofthe faithful, and on the other fide, the faithful to aaoid them by Whom they may be fcandalizjed andfaU , be they ntuer fo neere vnto them. o 1^ AND •• See the An- notations vpon the 17 of S, Matthew. no THEGOSPEL ChA ND hefaid to them, Amert I fay to yoi>, i that there be fome ofthem that ftand here, which fhal not taft of death, vntil they fee thekingdomof God comming in power. t •*• And after fix dales I e s v s takeih Peter z and lames and lohn : and brmgcch them alone into a high mountaine apart, and was transfigured be- fore them, i And his garments were made ghftering and 3 white excedingly as inovv, the hke whereofa fuller cannot make white vpon the earth, f And there appeared to them 4 :• The law and •• Elias with Moyfcs : and they were talking with 1 e s vs. the Prophf" t And Peter anfwerin2,faid to I Esvs, Rabbi, itis good for 5 joyne With 1111 1 1 r \ chrift and his vs to be hetc : and let vs make threetabernacles, one for thee, m^e^^fiVn/fied ^^^ °"^ ^^^ Moyfes , and one for Elias. t For he knew not ^ by Moyfcs, the vvhat hcfaid: for they were frighted with feare: land there 7 ether by Elias. i j ri i • i i By whofe ap- vvas a cloude ouerinadovvingthem, and a voice came out paritions here of the cloude, faving. This is my Sonne motl d'etere : heare ye Ve alfo Icarne 'jo j j that fometime him. tAnd immcdiatiy looking about, they (aw no man 8 there may be ^j^y j^q^.^ b^j. J ^ 5 y 5 Qj^Jy yyjjf^ j|-jgj.j-j^ t And aS theV defcC- O perfonal enter- ^ .J jji ilu courfe betwixt ded from thc mountaine, he commaunded them that they 5;;J';'"f£^Jfhould not tel any man vvhat things they had fccn : but not ordinarily, vvhcn the Sonne of man fhal be rifen againe from thc dead. tAnd they kept in the word with them felues: queftioning lo together vvhat that fhould be, whenhefb/tl be rifm from the dead- t And they afked him, faying. What fay the Pharilecs then n and the Scribes, that* Elias mull come firft ? t^hoanfwc- i^ ring faid to them, Elias when he commeth firft , fhal reftore al things : and^ how' it is written of the Sonne of man, that he fhal faffer many things and be contemned • t But 1 fay to 13 you that "Elias alfo is come ( and they haue done to him vvhatfoeuer they would) as it is written of him. t And * coming to his Di(ciples,hc faw a great multitude H aboutthem, andthc Scribes queftioning with them. fAnd 15 forthwith al the people feeing 1 e s v s, vvas aftonied, and much afraid:and running to him, faluted him. i And he afked i^ The Gofpel them, what do you queftion of among you? tAnd one of ^7 vp6 wcnefday the multitude anfweting, faid, Maifter,! haue brought my weckV^ sep-fo""etothee,hauingadummcfpirit, twho, vvherelocucr J^ tembcr. he taketh him , dalheth him, andhefometh, andgnafheih with the teeth, and withereth : and 1 fpake to thy Difciples to caft him out,and they could not. t who anfvvering them, ip faid. 21 12. i6 i7 ChA. IX. ACCORDING TO S. M A R K E. IH faid, O incredulous generation, how long f hall be with you ? how long fhal I fufFer you J bring him vntome. 20 t And they brought him. And when he had fcen him,imme- diatly the fpirit troubled him: and being thro wen vponthe ground,he tumbled foming. t And he ai ked his father,Ho vv long time is it iince this hath chaunced vnto him?But he (aid, From his infancic: t and often times hath he caft him into fireandinto waters, to deftroy him. but if thou canfl any 13 thing,heIpevs,hauingcompafsionon vs. tAndlefus faid to him, Ifthoucanft belceue,al things are pofsible to him that i4 bcleeueth. t Andincontinentthe father of the boy crying out, with teares (aid,! dobcIeeucLordrhelpemyincreduli- 25 ty. t And when I e s v s faw the people running together, hethreatened thevncleanc fpirit, faying to him, Deafe and dumme fpirit, I commaunde thee, goe out of him, and enter not any moreinto him. t And crying out , and greatly tea- ring him, he went out of him,and he became as dead, to that many faid , That he is dead, t But I e s v s holding his hand, 28 lifted him vp:and he rofe. t And when he was entred into the houfe, his Difciples fecretely afked him , Why could not 29 we caft him out? t And he faid to them , This kinde can goe out by nothing,but •• by prayer and fafting. ►{ t And * departing thence they pafled by Galilee , neither would hethat any man fhould know, t And he taught his Difciples, and faid to them, That the Sonne of man Thai be betrayed into the hands of men, and they fhal kil him, and being killed the third day he fhal rife againc. tBut they knew not the word: and they were afraid to afke him. t And *" they came to Capharnaum. Vvho, when he vvas in the houfc,arked them. What did you treate of in the wayf 34 t But they held their peace.for in the way they had difputed among them feiues, which of them fhould be the greater. 35 tAndfitting downe, hecalled the Twelue, and laiih to them. If any man wil be firft,he fhal be laft of al, and the mi- 3(> nifter ofal. t And taking a childe, he fet him in the middes of them. Vvhom when he had embraced, he faid to them, 37 t Vvhofoeuer I hal receiue one of fuch children in my name , receiueth me. and whofoeuer fhal receiue me , receiueth not me, but him that fent me. 58 t* lohnanfwered him,faying, Maifter we faw one ca- fting out deuils " in thy name, who folov veth not vs,and we prohir Aft. 17, iz. Lh. j,ii Mt. i8,i Lh. 9, 4 vverhalafke,thoudoeitrovs. | But he faid 10 them., What 37 vvil you that 1 doe to you? -f Andthey faid , Graunt to vs, that V ve may fit,one on thy right hand, and the other on thy 38 left handjin thy glorie.tAnd I e s v s faid to them,You vvotte not what you af ke. can you drinke the cuppc that 1 drinke: or be baptized with the baptifme vvhervvith 1 am baptized? 35) t But they (aid to him,Vve can. And I e s v s faid to them,The cuppein deede which I drinke, you fhal drinke : and with the baptifme vvhervvith 1 am baptized, fhal you be hapti- 40 zed: t but to fit on my right hand or on my left, is not mine 41 to giue vnto you , but to whom it is prepared, t And the ten hearing , began to be difpleafed at lames and lohn. 42 t And 1e svscalimg them, faith to them, '•^ You know that they which feemeto rulcouer the gentiles, oueriulethem: 43 and their Princes haue power ouer them, t But it is not fo in you. but whofoeucr vvil be greater , fhal be your minifter: 44 1 and whofoeuer vvil be firlt among you ,fhal be the fer- 45 uant ofal. t For the Sonne of man alio is not cotrie to be miniftrcd vnro,buttominifter,andtogiuehis life a redemp- ptionfor many. 4r'his n ;.; ,.„.. wleinics fro his IJJ you Mt. zi, zj. 2,. Holy 118 the gospel Cha. XII. wcckc. yQ^ y Y ,1 1-jQj forgiuc, neither vvil your father that is in hea- hart. Whereby r • r j - • 1 itiseuidentthat ucH , torgiuc you yoiir Iinnes. t And they conie againe to 27 more is requi- Hierufalcm. flitb.' "^'^ ''" ^ And * when he walked in the temple, there come to him the cheefePdeftes and the Scribes and the Auncients, "land 28 they fay to him. In what power doefl: thou thefe thingsJand who hath giuen thee this power, that thou fhouldell doe thefe thingsJ t And I £ s v s anfvvering faid to them , I al(o 29 | vvilarkeyouonevvord,andanfweryou me:andlvvil tel I youin what power I doe thefe things. 1Thc baptifme of 30 | lohn was it from hcauen, or from men ? anfvver mc. | But 31 they thought with them felues, faying, If we fay. From hea- \ uen:hc vvil fay, Vvhy then did you not beleeue himJ t If we 52 j fay. From men,thcy feared the people, foral accounted lohn | that he was m decde a Prophet, t And they anfvvering fay ,' to 1 Esvs, Vve know not. And Iesvs anfvvering faith ' I to them. Neither do 1 tel you in what power I doc thefe I things. A N N O T A Chap. T I O N S X I. Profaning of Gods Church. ,g.Veftl through the tempU.I Hecould not abide to fee the Temple of God profaned, no nor fuffred thofe things to be done in it , Mf hich otherVCife VkP'ere not vnlawful but honed , if they had, been done in deWe place. HoM/much leffecan he abide theprofaning of Churches noWitlv, Heretical feruice and preaching of herciie and blafphemicJ n.'Denneofthceues.-] If the Temple V/as then a denne of theeues, becaufe of profane and fecu- lar merchandife : how much more now, when the houfe appointed for the Holy Sacrifice and Ur crament of the Bodie of Chrift.is made a denne for the Minillers of Caluins bread? * ' This man , is cod the Father, This vineyard, is (as Efay faith 5, 1.) the houfe of Ifrael. The feruants fent , are Moyfes and the Prophets , \/b6 the leWcs did diuerfely afflja and pcr- Cecut^ Chap. XII. Htforettlletb to the leWes in d farahU their reprebation mojf Worthy , and the vocation of the Church afthe Gentils in their place , lo him [elf being the headjione thereof. 13 HedefeateththefnareofthePharifeesand Herodians , ahoutpayinr trihuteto Cufar: iS anfWercth alfathi inuention of the Sadducees againft the /{efurre- iiion: IS dfothtoppofitionofaScribe. if ^ndfo hauingputal thebu/lefeltes tofilence. he turneth andpofeth them on the ether fide, beeauje they imagined Chriji fhould be no more but a man. j8 "Bidding the people to beWare of the Scribei, being ambitious and hypocrites. *i He commendeth thepoore Widow for htr tw» mites, ahoueal. N D he began to fpcake to them in para- i bles, •• A man planted a vineyard and made a hedge about it , and digged a trough, andbuiltatovvrc, and let it out to hufbandmen : and went forth into 3 ftrange countrie. t And he fent to the 2 hufbandmen in feafon a feruantjto recciuG of Ef. S, T. Mt. zij,. 5. Cha. XII. ACCORDING TO S. MARKS. ilc, lO II 12 H i8 zo ZI HOLY weckc,- of the hufbandmen, of the fruite of the vineyard, t Vvho ap- prehending him,bette him:and fent him away cmptie. t And againe he {ent to them an other feruant; and him they vvoun- •' Hissonneis ded in the head,and vfed him reprochefuUy. tAnd againe he sauiour^ wTs fent an other, and him they killed : and many other, beating ^^^ i/^« f"!- 1 I ii- 1 rr-\ r I • o cihed out of cerramc , and kilhng others. tTherrorc hauing yet one the cuie of ic~ ••' fonne moil: deere : him alfo he fent vnto them laft faying, J^eri^cahiitg '^ That they will reuerencc my fonne. t But the hufbandmcn him out of the faid one to an other, This is the heier : come , let vs kill him : r.^^^he'iewei and the inheritance fhal be ours. tAnd apprehending him, and their gui- theykilled him,and caft him forth out ofthe vineyard. twhat the v'ineyard™ therforevvilthclordof the vineyard doc? ''He vvil corae^^f^^.J^^ro'- and deftroy the hufbandmen : and vvil giue the vineyard to vineyard giuea others, t Neither hauc you read this fcripture,T/;f •" /?o»/• natuj-e. For here the fame Law faith, that in fome cafe, the brothernot only might,but then Was bound to marry his brothers wife. 2*. 'K^ot knowing the Scriptures.) Who Would hauc thought that by this place of .Scripture ^^^ trutnes alJeaged by Chrift , the Rcfjrrctlion \^'txt proued ? and yet We fee that Chrift doth hereby deduce '?^°""'» ^^^.^l Many truthes ir, and chargeth thcfc great Dodors and Maillers (which arrogated to them felues the knowledge '"'P^ure.Wnica of Scriptures) that it is their ignorance , that they knew not fo to deduce it. No maruel then if tiie ""^"'^^ '■^^ Holy Dodiors and Catholike Church make the like dedudions fometime and proofes , \i/)iieie the ^°^' Heretike doth not or Wilrtorfee fo much, therfore no doubt,bccaufe he knoWeth not the Scriptu- res, whereof he boafteth fo much.nor the fcnfe of the Holy Ghoft in them. For example, when of that place. It fhid not be forgiuen in tbit world nor in the zivorld to comt, ancient fathers deduce, that there are finnes remitted after this life in Purgatorie. Sec .:^a^ h, st. x4.Thefo'WtrofGod.) Euen fo doc Heretikes erre tWo Waies : becaufe they knoW not the ,_, '., . Scriptures , Whidi they interprete contrarie to the fenfe of the whole Church and of al the ancient "^'^''^^s igno- fathers; and-becauTc they know nottlve power of God, that as he is able to raile the felte fame ''^"^^."'^ Wita- bodies againe, fo he can make his body prefent in many places : but being altogether faithlelFe and °"' ^ * notbeleeuinghis power, they difpute ofal fuchmacters only by reafonanJ their owne imagi- oations. Chap. XIII. To his 'Difeiptes (hyoetafton of Hierur»ltm andtheTemples AcfiruEHori) heforttelUth, S what things fhalbe before the co>ifHmmation of the world , iujjicciiilly the churches fid preaching vtito alntitions. n- Then, what fh alb e in the very (onfummation,to vvit,^ntichrijl with hit pajling great perfeoution andfedu- iHon,butforajhorttimt. 2* theniuconttnent the day of Judgement, iS to our great comfort in thofemiferies vttder ^ntichrijl . 32 ^sfor the moment, tovs it pei-teineth not to k^ow it. 13 but rather euery man to watch, that we be not vnj/rouided when ht commeth to e»h one particularly by death. CL. And HOLY wcckc. See the Anno- tations vpon S. Matthew c. 14. Tv ES D AY night. Great warres toward the la- ter end. Mnch perrecu- tio of the faith- ful and Catho- like men in the later aid. Great trcacheric and many falfe brethren at tlie fame time. Conftancie and pcrfeucracene- ccllariein time ofperliecution. Ill THE GOSPEL ChA. XIII. N D when he went out of the temple, one of i his Difciples (aith to him, Maiiler, behold >*'hat mancrotftones, and what kindc of buildings, t Anid I £ s vs anfvvering, (aid to him, Scell 2. thoti al thefe great buildings? There fhal not be Icfca rtone vponaftone, that fhal not oe deftroied. t And vvnenhcfateinMount-ohuet againtl the temple, 5 Peter and lames and lohn and Andrew afked him apart, "1 Tel vs," when fhal thefe things be? and what fhal be the 4 figne when al thefe things Ihal begin to be confum- mate ? tAndlEsvs anfvvering began to (ay to them , See, 5 that no man feducc you. T for many ( hal come in my name 6 faying that "1 am he:and they fhal feduce many, t And when 7 you fhal heare of warres and bruites of vvaires, feare not. forthefethingsmuft be, buttheend is not yet. t For nation 8 fhal rife againd nation and kingdom againlt kingdom, and there (hal be earthquakes in places, and famines.Thc(e things are the beginning of forovves tl3ut looke to your (elucs. $> For they Thai deliueryou vp in Councels,and inSynagogs ( hal you be beatcn,anci you fhal (land befoie Prefidcntk and Kings for my fake, for a refUmonie vnto them, t And into alio nationsfirft the Gofpel mud be preached, t And when they Ji f hal leade you and deliueryou, be not careful before hand what you fhal fpeake : but that which fhal be giuen you in that houre,that fpeake ye. For it is nor you chat fpeake, but the holy Ghoft. t And brother fhal deliuet brother 12 vnto death , and the father his (onne : and the children ( hal arife again ft the parents, and (halvvoikc their death, t And 13 you (hal be odious toalmen for my name. But he that fhal endure vnto the end, he fhal be faued. I And when you fhal fee" the Abomhution of defoUtlon , ftan- j < ding where it ought not(he that readeth,tet him vnderftand) then thev thatare in levvrie, let them f^ee vnto the mountai- nes : t and he that is on the houle-tcppc , let him not goc j^ dovvne into the houfe, nor enter in to take any thing out of hishoufe: land he that fhal be in the field, let him not re- 1^ turne backc to take his garment, t And wo to them that are 17 Withchilde and that giuc fucke in thofe daies. tBut pray 18 that the things chaunce not in the winter. tFortho(e daies ,^ fhal be fuch tribulations as were not from the beginning of the creation that God created vntil now, neither fhal be. ChA. XIIL ACCORDING TO S. MARK E. 113 H O L Y 10 be. tAndvnles the Lord had fhortened the dales, no flefh wceke. f hould be failed : but for the eled which he hath cleded , he 11 hath 'J fhortened the dales, t And then ifany man f hal fay =' Amichrifts ii vnto you,Loe,here is Chnft:loc,thcre: do not beleeue. t For SeVrewmi there Thai rife vp falfe-Chrilh and fallc- Prophets , and rhey ^haifc -Dan.?. fhalfhevv"fignesandvvonders,torcducc(ifit bepofsible) '^^'"'"' 23 the eled alfo. tYou therfore take heede: behold I haue fore- told you al things. 24 t But in thofedaies after that tribulation ''the funne fhal be 25 darkened, and the moone thai not glue her light, t and the ftarresof heauen fhal be falling dovvnc, and the powers 16 thatareinheauen,fhalbemoued. t^nd then they fhal fee the^Sonneof man comming in life doudes, with much 27 power and glorie. t And then fhal he fend his Angels, and I hal gather together his eledt from the fourc windcs , from the vttcrmoft part of the earth to the vitermoft part of hea- 2-8 uen. t And of the iigcree learne yea parable. Vvhen now -'JNot ax though the bough thcreofis tender, andiheleauescome forth, you |;'J?^f3'2H^ iJJ know that fomraeris very nigh, tfo you alfo vvhen you redkes A^noit? fhal fee thefe things come to palfe, know ye that it is very li;t^i;^/^*4- 30 nigh,at thedoorcs. tAmenl fay to you, that this genciation not for co teach 3^ fhal not palfe, vntii al thefe things be done.' tHeauen and bdng^no t «^e. earth fhal palfe, but my wordes ihal not paffe. ^I'ent. ^mbr.de 3- t But ofthat day or houre no man knovveth, neither the-'^ 35 Angels m heauen,nor the •• Sonne, but the Father, t Take ThcGofpdfor hcede, watch,and pray, for you know not when the time f^ ^"gifhop"^^^ 34 is. tEuen asaman who beinggoncintoaftrangecountrie. And on the An- lefthis houfe: and gaue his feruants authoritie '*'ouer cch Jhe"!Sdonof 35 vvorke,andcommaundcd the porter to watch, t Vvatch aBifnop. yetherfore(foryou know not when the lord of the houfe commeth:at euen,orat midnight , or atthe cocke crowing, 3<^ or in the morning) t left comming vpon a foden, he finde 37 youfleeping. tAnd that which I fay to you, Ifay toal, Vvarch. HI ANNOTATIONS Chap. XIIL *.When fhal thefe tiling, he?^ The miferies which did fall before thedeftrudion of cheTem-" pie and citieof Hieriifolem , were arefemblance of the extreme calamitie that HuU betall before Arch heretikej the later day at the time of Ar.tichrift.-WherevponChrift fpeaketh indiffercndy ot both. be FJfc-Chriftj 6.1am he.-] As beinre rii? dcftrudion of Hierufalem , diucrfe Seducers arnfe, and called them a„a Falfe-Pio felues Chriftes, promifiug the people dtliutrance from the learcs and dangers they \rere in of pi,(.ts. v^^^lj forraine HOLY Axreekc. 114 THE GOSPEL Cha. XIIII. forraiflc fouldiats : To f hal there come many towards the end of che World, and make them felues Chrjftes and Authors ot'Sedes , and f hal gahie many Difciples : as in plaine Wordes foloweth in tkis.chaptcr V. 11- There [ hal rife vp Falfe-Chrijfs and Fttlji-l'rophets i^c. „ , I*. The xkomintition ofdefolation.'] No herelie doth fo properly and purpofely tend to this ^^°- ["^ I Ji ' Caluiaifme ten- mination ofdefolation * which by Antichrift f hal be atchieued.as this Caluiiiifme : which zaketh ^-'^i^^ a"" deth to the abo- away With other Sacraments and external Worfhip of God,the very facrifice of Chriltes Body and n n J minarion of Je- bloud. Which being taken away (as S. Cyprian faith) no religion can remaine. ^2^' ' folaiion. j^. j/i^««(t«^ Wo«(^n.] Fjife-Chriftes and Falle-Prophets be leducers , who 'n the later day by thepower ofthe diuel f hal fceme to worke Wonders, and yetracn muft not beleeue them. ' '*' Much lelTe thefe, which for their falfe faith can not f heW fo much as one falfe miracle. Th B Passiok according to S. Marke in thefc two chapters, is the Golpel at Malfe vpon Tucfday in the HolyWecke. TEN EBRE Vcnefday. •• Ve haue not Chrirt here nee- iling our almes, as vt/hen heco- nerfed vpon the earth. See Mki. **, II, Chap. XI III. ludM by occafton of^arie ^agdalens ointment , dothfel him to the Ccuncel of the levves 12 ^fter the Pafchal iambe hegiueth them the bread of life { I0. 6.) intt myjiical fncrifice or feparation of his bodie and bloud. 2 7 and that night , u after hu prayer, *} taken W^hee levves >nen , lud^ts being their Captatne: u forfa- keti of the other eleuen for feare: si ufdjly accufed.and impioujly condemned of the levves Councel, 6f and fhamefnUy abujed of them: 66 and thrife de- nied of Peter. 'Al euen tu the Scriptures andhimjelf had often foretold. ND the Pafchevvas and the Azymes i after two dales : and the cheefe Priefts and the Scribes fought how they might by fome vVilclay hands on him , andkil him. T Foi th y Qid, Nocon the feftiual z day, left there might be a tumult of the people. t And* when he wasat Bethania in thehoufeofSimon 3 the Leper,and fare ar meaie, there came a woman hauing an alabafter boxe of ointment, of prctious fpike-narde: and breaking the alabafter-boxe , fhe powrcdit out vpon his head. -[But there were certaine that had indignation within 4 them felues, and faid, Vvhercto is "this waft ofthe ointment made? i For this ointment might haue been fold for more 5 then three hundred pence , and giuen to the poore. And they murmured againft her. tBut Iesvs faid,"Let her alone, d why doyoumolefther?fhe hath wrought a good worke vpon me. t for the poore you haue alwaies with you: and 7 when you wil,you may doethem goodrbut •• me you haue not alwaies. tThat which fhe had, fhe hath done: fhe 8 hath preucnted to anoint my body to the burial, t Amen I 9 fay to you, Vvherefoeuer this Golpel fhal be preached in the whole world , that alio which fhe hath done , fhal be told for a memorie of her. I And*Iudas Ifcariote one oftheTvvelue went his way 10 to the cheefe Priefts , for to betray him to thera. t Yvho hea- 11 ring 12 Cha. XIIII. according to 8. marke. izy HOLY ring it, were glad : and they promifed him that they vrould glue him money. And he fought how he might betray him eonueniently. tAnd*thcfirftdayofthe Azymes when they facrificed ^ThuTf'hich here are MY BLOVD OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, THAT faid that tbeyal IC SHAL BE SHED FOR MANY, t Amen 1 fay to you, did drinke.And 1 T 1 Jl r ^ r • ,. r i . ' . lo icis nogenc- that now I wil notdrinke otthetrutte ••otthe vme vntil rai comaunde- that day when I fhaldrinkt it new in theHngdom of God. V}"''^'°^^"'^'^- •'- j-r-ii /-'' ■• SeeAnnot.in i6 tAnd an hymne being laid, they went forth into Mount- Mat.c is, 19. oliuet. THVRSDAY 2.7 tAndlESVs faith to them. You fhal al be fcandalized "'^'^'' in me in this night: for it is written , lyrilfirHi^the Paflor^mdthe 28 fheepe JhAlbedifperJed. t But after that I fhal be rifcn againc, 29 1 wil goe before you into Galilee, t And Peter faid to him, 30 Although al fhal be fcandalized : yet notl. tAnd I Esvs faithtohim. Amen 1 fay to thee, that thou this day in this night> before ihfc CO eke crow twife, fhaltthrife deny me. Q_iij But HOLY weckc. Il6 THE GOiPEL ChA. X -j- Buthefpake more vehemently. Although I fhould die 31 togethei with thee,l vvil not denie thee. And in like maner alfo laid they al. t And they come into afarme-place called Gethfemani. 31 And he faith to his DifcipleSjSit you here, vntil 1 pray, i And he taketh Peter and lames and lohn with him : and-he 33 began tofeare andtobe heauy. jAndhefaith tothem,My 34 foul is forowful euen vnto death : ftay here, and watch. -[And when he was gone forward a litle, he fcl flat vpon 3^ the ground:and he prayed that if it might be,the houre might palFefrom him: iand he find, Abba, Father, al things are pof- ^6 fible to thee , tranfferre this chalice from me. but not that which 1 wil, but that which thou. 1 Andhecommeth, and 37 findeth them fleeping.And he faith to Peter, Simon, fleepeft thou? couldft thou not watch one houre? t Vvatchye, and 38 pray that you enter not into tentation. Thcfpirit indcede is promptjbut the flef h infirme. t And going away againe , he 39 prayed, faying the felffame word, t And returning, againe 40 he found them a fleepe { for their eies were heauy ) and they wift not what they fhould anfwcr him. "t And he com- 41 meth the third time, and faith to them, Sle.epe ye now, and takereft,itfuffifeth, the houre is come: behold the Sonne of man fhal be betraied into the hands of finners. tArifc,lctvs 4X goe. behold, he that f hal betray me, is at hand. t And ''■ as he was yet fpeaking, commeth ludas Ifcariotc 43 oneof theTweluc, and with, him a great multitude with fwordesand clubbes, from the cheefe Pricftes and the Scri- bes and the Auncients. "t And the betrayer of him had giuen 44 them a figne , faying , Vvhomfoeuer I f hal kilfe , it is he , lay hold on him, and leade him warily. tAnd when he was 45 come, immediatly going to him, he faith. Rabbi , and he kif- fed him. t But they laid hands vpon him: and held him. tAnd 4(9 one certaine man of the ftaders about,dravving out a fword, 47 fmote the feruant of the cheefe prieft,and cut of his eare.tAnd 48 1 E s vs anfwcringjfaid to them. As to a theefeareyou come out with fvvordes and clubbes to apprehend me? 1 1 was 49 daily with you in the temple teaching, and you did not lay hands on me. Butjtlut the Scriptures may be fulfilled. tThen 50 his difciples leaning him,alfled.tAnd a certaine yong man fo- 51 Icorcd him clothed with findon vpo the bare:&; they tooke him. t But he calling ofthefindon,fled from them naked. 52. •[And nil. Ch A. XIII I. ACCORDING TO $. MARK E, I27 HOLY j5 t And they brought 1 e s v s to the checfc Priefl : and al ^"'cckc the Pricfts and the Scribes and the Auncienis afTcmbled to- J4 gcrhcr. t And Peterfolovvedhimafarre ofeuenin vnto the courcof the high Prieft: and he fate with the fciuants at the ^^ fire, and warmed him felf. t AndthecheefePriefts and al the councel fought teftimonie againll I e s v s , that they might eS put him to death,neithcr found they, j T ot many f pake falfc Witnesagainfthimrand the tcftimonies were not couenicnt. ^y tAnd certaine riling vp,bare falfe witnes againft him, faying, j8 t That we heard him fay , * I vvil diflblue this temple made with hand , and in three dales vvil I build an other not made ^^ with hand, t And their teftimonie was not conuenient. 60 tAnd the high Prieft fifing vp into the middeSjafked I £ s vs, faying, Anfvvereft thou nothing to thcfc things that are ob- 61 ieded to thee ohhefc? tBut he held his peace and anfwc- red nothing. Agame the high Prieft afked him, and faid to 61 him, Artthou Chrift the fonne of the blelled God > 1 And I E s V s faith to him, I am. And you f hal fee the * Sonne of man fitting on the right hand ofpovver, and comming with ., 6^ thccloudesof heauen. t And the high Prieft renting his gar- fee that they*' 64 mcntSjfaith, Vvhat neede we wirnefl^cs any further? t You ^^" worthily haue heard blafphemie. how thinke you? Vvho al ••con- 7oil°ken,iccor- 6< demncd him to be guilty of death. tAnd certaine bcsan to «*.'"§ ^o our sa- r ■ -L- J L-r 111° , uioursprediftio Ipit vpon nim, and to couer his face , and to beate him with by rhe parable bufFets,and to fay vnto him, Prophecie: and theferuantsgaue [^^j' ^^KV"". , , , •' * , o k^nigdom of God himbloVVeS. fhal be uk^fiom. 66 tAnd when Peter was in the court beneath, there com- •^'"'^''* 67 meih one of the •• woman-feruants of the high Prieft. fAnd •' He fearetJi when The had fcen Peter warming him felf, beholding him RometheSj 6'8 fhefaith. And thou waft with I E svs of Nazareth. tBut of the world, he denied, faying. Neither know I , neither wot I vvhat iVorcaiphas thou faieft. And he went forth before the court : and the yas afraid of ^ 1 J.A1- ir-1-i r ^"^ "'S'' Prie- 69 cockecrewe. tAnd agame a wench leeing him,Degantolay ftes wench. z:e» 70 to the ftanders about. That this fellow is of them. tBut he ''" ■^""•^''^•*^ denied againc. And after awhile againe they that ftoode by, faid to Peter, Verily thou art of them: for thou art alfo aGa^ 71 lilacan. t But he" began to curfe and to fweare,That I know 71 not this man whom you fpeakeof t And immediatly the cockecrcw againe. And Peter rcmembrcd the word that I £ s v s had faid vnto him , Before the cocke crow tvvife, thou f halt ihrife deny me. And he began to vvcepe. ANNOT. HOLY wecke. Coftrcligioufl/ beltowcd vpon Chrill and his Cliiuch. The real prefen- cc by Confecra- tion. Very bloudvn- dcr the forme ofwine. Faith neceffarie in the B. Sacra- ihsnt.. Peteri^ ii8 THE GOSPEL Cha. XV. N N O T Chap. A T I O N XII 1 1. ^.Thif\Cafi.1 Religious offices done to Chrift forfignification, d'euotion, or honour fake, both then in his life, and now in the Holy Sacrament, be of fume (vnder pretence of better be- flowing fuch things vpon the poore) condemned vniuftly. . 6. Let her alone.] Chriit anfwercth for the deuout woman, and for defence of her faft , as We muft anfwcr againll the ignorant and il men ,, when they blame good men for giuing their goods to the Church. 22. 'Bread.'] Thit U bread before the SacramentalWordes , but the Confecration once done , of bread is made thefiefh ofChrifi. Ambrol". li. 4 c. 4 de Sacramentis. 2}.Chalice.'\ Wine andwater is put into the Chalice, but is made bloud by Confecration of the heauenly Word : though to auoidthe lothfomnelle which Would be in the fight ofbloud, tliou receiueft that which hath the lii""S t And Zacharie was troubledjfecing him: andfearefci vpon the Priefts fun- him. t But the Angel faid to him,Feare not Zacharie,foi thy f^i^'^IV^;,!^^^^^^ praicr is heard : and thy wife Elizabeth fhal beare thee a ^^^^y neither 14 lonne , and thou fhalt cal his name lohn : t and thou f halt hfs^Lings. ^ haue"ioy and exultation , and many fhal reioycein his flitti- 15 uitie. tfor he fhal be great before our Lord: ''and wine " This abfti-. and ficcr he fhal not drinke:and he fhal be repienif hed with and prcfaibed 16 the Holy Ghofteuen from his mothers vvorabe. t and he ^l ^he^Angei, riiii r/*! f bevveth that it fhal '*^conuert many of the children of Ifrael to the Lord their is a worthy 17 God . t and he fhal goe before him * in the fpirit and vertuc ad^oVrdigioS of Elias : that he may conuert the harres of the fathers vnto '" s. lohn, uit the children,and the incredulous to the vvifedomof thciuft, 2^h^,^ 18 to prepare vnto the Lord a perfe<5t people. ^^ t And Zacharie faid to the Angel, Vvherebyf hall know this? for lam old: ic) and my wife is wel ftrikcn in her dales, t And the Angel anfwcringfaid to him, I am Gabriel that aflift before God: andamfentto fpeaketothee, andto euangelize thefe things 20 to thee, t And behold, ''thoufhalc bedumme, and fhalt == zacharie pu- not be able to fpeake vntil the day wherein thefe things ||'^'j^'i',^^4^°^^ fhal be done : for-becaufe thou haft not beleeued my wor- des, which fhal be fulfilled in their time, t And the people was expecfting Zacharie : and they marueled that he made •tariancein the temple, f And comming forth he could not fpeake to them , and they knew that he had fecn a vifion in the temple. And he made fignes to them , and remained dumme. t And it came to paile, after the daies of his office 14 were expired," he departed into his houfe. f And after thefe daies Elizabeth his wife concciued:and hid her (elf fiuc mo- b The Gofpd neths , faying , t for thus hath our Lord done to me in the vpo the Annun- daies wherein he had reipect to take away my reprocne La.dy.aunh zu amonemen. ' Andonthcwc- u 1 r 1 1 « 1 t 1 r -ncfday ot Im- t^'And inrhenxt moncth, the Angel Gabriel was fent of ber weeke II zz ^3 the Angcb word. ■5 i6 ij God into a citie of Galilee, called Nazareth , f* to a virgin ^v^otiueMaS defpoufcd to a man vvhofe name was Iofcph,ofthe houfe of of our Lady m Dauid : andthe virginsnamc wasM A R I E. tAndtheAn- i8 31 II- 1 • "r • 1 1 ^ T r (If "^''^ beginninjj gel being entred in,laid vnto her, H a i l e fulofgrtue, our Lord of the a v e isyviththechU^eiiartthouAmoiigyyomcn. fVvho hauing heard, WaS JjJg^^'J'^^^.^" I' troubled at his Gying, and thought what maner of faluta- tion this f hould be. t And the Angel faid to her , Feare not M A R I E, for thou hafl found grace with God. t * Behold thou Sec Ij(J THE GOSPEL ChA. I, thou rhalt conceiue in thy vvombe, and fhah beare a fonne: and thou fhalt call his name 1 e s v s. t hefhal begrear, and 31 fhalbe called thefonne ofthc mod High,and our Lord God fhal giuehimthefcate of Dauidhis father: t * and he (hal 35 reignc in the houfeof lacob for eucr, and of his kingdom :• she doubted there fhalbcno end. t And Marie (aid to the Angel, •• 54 notofthething Hovv Thai this be done?" becaufe 1 know not man? t And 35 eLquS'of^e the Angel anfvvering, faid to her,The Holy Ghoft fhal come meanM. vpon thee, and the power ofthe moft High fhal ouerfha- dovv thee. And therfore alfo that which of thee (hal be borne Holy, fhal be called the fonne of God. t And behold "Elifabeth thy cofin, (he alfo hath eoncciued a fonne in her •• '^^ i^isvery |j . and this moneth, is the fixtto her thatis called bar- momem when t) /- i ri i i • n~i ^ • i ^ i Che B. Virgin rcn : t bccaule there 1 hal not be impolhble with God any fheVnceiued' VVOtd. t And M A R I E faid, " BeholD the handmaid of ottr Lord, him perfeti be it done to me According to thy xrord. ^ And the Angel departed God and per. r } fed man. "O^^ ^^^^' . , r i i i TheGofpeivpo |And Marie tUmg vp m thofe daics, Went vnto the hil the vifitatio of j-Qunj-fie vvithfpeede, into acitie ofluda. t andfheentred And vpon" the into thc hoiife of Zachatie , andfaluted Elifabeth. t And it J>^^« friday in ^.^j^g jq vaf^e: as Elifabeth heard the falutation of M a r i e , the •» infmt did leape in her vvombe. and Elifabeth was rc- tiftte'in^yJfn plcnifhed with the Holy Ghofl: t and fhe cried out with a his mothers loude VOice, and faid. Blessed art tbondmongyyomen,attdl?leJfedis Z^'^^lA^.lA^l'r thefrulte ofthyryombeA And whence is this to me,that the 'mo- knowiedged thct of my Lotd doth come to rac? t For behold as the voice auSrl^i^rhls o^thy falutation founded in mine cares, the infant in ray mecher. vvombe did leape for ioy. t AndblefTedisfhethat beleeued, becaufe thofe things fhal beaccomplifhed that were fpoke to her by our Lord, t And M a r i e faid,. Mag KincAT A/ T SOVLE doth mdgnife our Lord. at Euenfong. .|. j-^^j^ mjfpirit hath reiojced in God my Sdttioitr. ►^ \BecauJehe hitth regarded the hitmilitie of hii h,indmaid: for behold frtm '-HauethePro henceforth " Agencrutiom'^ fhulcall mehle\fed. leftants had al- \ Becaufe he that is mightie hath done great things to me , and holy ii his name. waies genera- -j- ^»^ ^;V merciefrom generation vnto generations , to them that feare him. tions to Kilhl 1^^ haihf hewed mitht in his arme : he hath difperlcd the proude in the con- ihis prophe- ■ 'r / • / . ^ ^ t\t)luox.hcyceitoftheirhart. , ,, , ,, call herblcH'ed, , -[ He hathdepofedthe mightie fromti^eirfeate , andhaib exalted the humble. that dcrog.itc -j- j-jj^ biintrie he hath filled yvith pood thinps ■ and the ricbe he hath fent ftomh™«/'''^'9 ^"'P^'^- . . ■ bkirin"s,aiid al "t He hath receiited Ifra^l his thtlde , being mindefid of his mercie, hf r honour ? -}■ j[s hefpake to our fathers , to jlbrdiam and his fcedefov eucr. t And 3^ 37 38 39 40 41 41 43 44 45 45 47 48 4i> Si \ Cha. I. 5^ ACCORDING TO S. LVKE. I37 t And Marie raried with her about three moncihs: and The returned into her houfc. cy 1 And Elilabeths ful time vv.is come to be dcliuered: and I'l'5''r^^-''''°f -^ ri 1 r II 11 • r' II 1- I the Nanuitieof j8 i he bare a fonne. t And her neighbours and kinuoJKe heard s. lohn Baptift that our Lord did magnifie his niercie with hcr,and they did MfatSmerdiy^ jcj congratulate her. 1 And it came to palTe : dn the eight day they came to circuncife thechildc , and they called him by Co his fathers name, Zacharie. t And his mother anfvvering, 6i faidjNotfojbuthef halbe called lohn. tAnd they faid to her , That there is none in thy kinred that is called by this Cx name, t And they made figncs to his father,vvhat he would Gi, haue him called. tAnd dcmaunding a writing table , he wrote, faying,"* lohn is his name. And they al marueled. 6^4 1 And forthwith his mouth was opened,andhistonge, and 65 hefpakebleilingGod. tAnd fcare came vpon al their neigh- bours:and al thefe things were bruited ouer al the hil-coun- (>(> trie of lewrie: t and all that had heard, laid them vp in their hart,faying,Whar an onc,trovv ye,fhal this childe be?For the (>-j hand of our Lord was with him. tAnd Zacharie his father was replcnifhed with the Holy Ghoft : and he prophecied, faying, 68 t^i, ESSE-DBE ovu LORD God oflfracUbecauft: he h^ih yifitedand ^j Maudes." yyroHght the redemption of hit people : *i 6$ -f^Andh^th eretled the home offaluation to ys , in the houfe ofVdftid hii fernant. 70 '\ jis hefpah^e by the mouth ofhU holy Prophets , thdt are from the beginning. 71 "t Saluationfrom our enemies , and from the hand ofal that hate ys : 72 \to yVorke mercie yrtth ourftthers : and to remember his holy teflament^ ji t * r^-'^ otheyyhiih he fyyare to jibraham our father , t ^hat he yy ould ginf / 7 ^toys. That yy tthoHt fear c heingdeliuered from the hand of our enemies , yy^emay fernehim. 7 J '\ln holines and " itijiice before him,al our dales. 76 t •^f'-d thou childe, J halt be called the Prophet of the Highejl : for * thou f halt goe before the face of our Lord to prepare hisyyaies. 77 1 Togiueknoyyledgeof faluationtohispeople ,yntoremlJ?lonof their Jlnnes, ••Markcthathe - o i rhrouph the boyycls of the mercie of our God, in yyhtch " the ^Orient ,fiom Y^^ ^ volunta- 7° I . , , (^ /- » ■' •' ■' xie Eremite, and on high, bath yiptedys, chofe to be fo- 70 -\To lUiminate them that ft In darl\enes , and in the fhadovy of death : t$ di- litarie from a reit our feete into the yy ay of peace. childe , til he go t And the childe grew,and was ftrengthened in rpirit,and Z^\^c^lo^u. vvas-'inihedcferts vntiltheday ofhismanifeftatioto Ifracl. info muchthat antiquiciecoun- _ teJhimthefirft Eremite, fiiero. in vit. Pauli. S ANNOT. 138 THE GOSPEL Cha. I. Sacred Writets and holy Coii- ccls. The fecond booke of the Maclubecs. True iuflifi ca- tion by obl'er- uing the com- niaundements. Corrupt tranC lation ofHere- tikes. The continecie ofpiielts. Often faying of the Aye M A B. I E. Corrupt rranf- lation of Here- tikes. aXKKfiWits. Our B. Lady vowed virgi- aiu'e. Beza in Annot. no. ANNOTATIONS Chap. I. /, Hauifi^ diligently Ktteined. ] Hereby vvc fee that , though the Holy Ghoft ruled the penne of holy writers that tiicy might not ene, yet did they vfe humane meanes to fearch outand find the truth oFthe things they Wrote of Euenfo doe Coiincels, and the Prelldent of them, Gods vicar, dilculle and examine al caufes by humane meanes.the allillance of the Holy Ghoft concurring and diredingtiiem intoaltruth.accordiiig to Chriflespromife to. i6, 13 : as in the very firft Councel of the Apol ties them felues at Hierufalem is raanifeft ^il.if, 7 and 2 s. Againe here we haue a familiar preface oi the Author as to his frende.or to euery godly Reader(rignified by Theophilus)c6cerning the caufc and purpol'e and maner of his writing, and yet the very lame is confelFed Scripture , with the whole booke folowing. Maruel not then if the Author of the fecond booke of the Machabees * vfe the like humane fpeaches both at the beginning and in the later end , neither do thou therfore * ^'"''•*» reie£t the booke forno Scripture.as our Heretikes doc:or not thinkehim a facred writer. "^ '^' 6. luft before God.'\ Againft the Heretikes of this time , here it is euident that holy men be iuft, not only by the cllimation of men, but in deede and before God. 6. Jnalthecomniaundemcnts.'] Three things to benoted direftly againft the Heretikes of our time, firll, that good men doe kecpe al Gods commaundcments :. which (they fay) are impollible to be kept. Againe, that men beiuftified not by only imputation of Chriflesiuftice, nor by faith alone, but by walking in the commaundements. Againe , that the keeping and doing of the com- niaundementi is properly our iultiii cation. £. lujiijica.'iorts.l This Word is fo vfual in the Scriptures (namely in the Pfal. ns) to fignifie the commaundements of God , becaufe the keeping of them is iuftification , and the Greeke is alwaies fo fully correfpodeiu to the fame, that the Heretikes in this place(otherWife pretending to efteemc much of the Greeke) blufh not to fay , that they auoid this Word of purpofeagainft the iuftifica tion of the Papilf s. And therfore one vfeth Tullies Word forfooth, in Latin conjiituta :and his fcho lersin their Englifh Bibles f\y, Ordinances. I *.loyland exultation.) This Was fulfilled,not only When he Was borne,butnoWalfo through ''j-'efi',]"g the whole Church for euer.in ioyful celebiating of his Natiuitie. 2). He departed.) In the old Law (faith S. Hierom) they that offered hoflesfor the people, Were not only not in their houfes, but Were purified for the time, being feparated from their Wiues , and they dranke neither wine nor any ftrong drinke , which are Wont to prouoke concu- pifcence. Much more the Prielfs of the new Law that mull alwaies offer facrifices , muft alwaies be free from matrimonie. Li. 1 c.19. adu. louin. and ep. so c. 3- See S. Ambrofe in 1 Tim. 3. And therfore if there were any religion in Caluins Communion, they Would at the lead giue as much reuerenceinthis point, as they in the old Law did to their facrifices, andto theloauesoFpropo- lition. / Ke^.ii. IS. Haileftd of grace.) Holy Church andal true Chriftian men doe much and often vfe thcfc Wordes brought fioinheauen by the Archangel , as Wei to the honour of Chrift and our B. Ladie, ajzlfo tor that they Were the Wordes of the firft glad tidings of Chtifls Incarnation and our Saluation by the fame, and be the very abridgement and fumme of the whole Gofpel. In lo much Litttrf. S. that the Greeke Church vfed it daily in the Mafle. lacobi p^ 2S.Ful of grace.) Note the excellent prerogatiues of our B. Lady, and abhorrethofe Heretikes chrjf. which make her no better then other vulgar Women,and therfore to take from her fulnes of grace, they fay here , Hailc freely beloued, contrarie to al fignifications of the Greeke Word,Which is at the ^ '^'''*"- left, indued Withgrace, as S. Pai;l vfeth it Ephef i. by S. Chryfofloms interpretation : orrather, "'•^•'^''P- ful of grace, as both * Greeke and Latin fathers haue alwaies here vnderftood it, and theLatines . ^P'''"^ alio read it,namcly S. Ambrofe thus, Wei u fhe only called ful of grace.who only obteinedthegrace, (""j*"' iivliich no other ■Lvoman dejerued , to be replcnifhedXv'ith the author of grace. Andif they did as Wei ''*^' •"• know the nature of thefe kind of Greeke Wordes , as they Would feeme very fkilful, they might '^"'i-';'^'"- eafily obferue that they fignifie fulnes, as When them felues tranllate the hkc Word (/-«c. ;tf, 20) "■ '" ' ful of fores. Beza,x//«royJ<^.^ • Luc. It. t. 3*. I know not man.) Thefe Wordes declare (faith S. Augulline) that fhe had now voWed '"'' 'P' virginitie to God. ForotherWife neither Would fhe fay, //oW fhal thu be done? not hiue added, '*°'"f-'^p' becaufe 1 /yjoW not men. Yea if fhe hadfaid only tiie htft Wordes, HoW fhal thu be done > itiseui- W* **• dent that fhe Would not haueafkcd fuchaqucition, how avvoman fhould bearealonncpro- mifed her,if f he had married meaning to haue carnal copulation, c* de virgin. As if he f hould Uy, If fhe might haue knovven a man and fo haue had a childe , fhe would ncuer haue af ked, How fhal this be done? but becaufe that ordinarie way was excluded by her vow of virginitie, ther- fore fhe afketh , How ? And in afking, How ? fhe plainly declareth th.u fhe miglitnot haue a diilde by knowing man, becaufe of her vow. See S, Grego. N) Ifene defanita Chrijti TOitiuitate. t6. Elifa,beth ChA. II. ACCD IN G T 6 S. L V K E. I^fj 3t. Elifabeth thy Cojin.) By this that Elifabeth and our Lady Were cofins , the one of the tribe Chrift came of of Leui , the other of luda, is gathered that Chriil came of both tribes, luda and Leui, ofthe both tribrs lu- kingsand the priefts.-himfelfboth a king anna prieft.and the Anointed (to wit) by grace fpiri- da and Leui. tually , as they were with oiJe materially and corporally, ^ugujf. 2 de Confenf. Euang. c. i. *j.3/f,//iax, that is, doing diuine of religion, worfhip vnto God, as by praier, fo alfoby fafting. fo that faftingis >«')/Jti«, thatis,anaft of religion whereby We doe Worfhip God, as Wedoeby praier, andnotvfedonly lofubdewoux flefh,much lefle (as Heretikes Would hauc it) as a matter of poilicie. Dutiful obe- «', Subieil to them.) Al children may learnc hereby, that great ought to be their fubicftion and dience to pa- obedience to their Parents, when Chrifthimfelf,beiiigGod,Would be fubieft to his parents being lents. but his creatures. The se- cond part: The prepa- ration that was made to the mani- fclktion of Christ. Chap. III. Iohn,to prepare al to Chrijl ( m t.fay had propheeied of him ) haptizjeth them to penance, 7 injinuating their reprobatien,andtheGentiU vocation, to teaching alfo and exhorting echfort to doe their dutic. is That him felfu not Chrijl, he fheWeth by the difference of their tvvo baptifines: ii and faith that Chri(i wit alfo judge hii baptiz.ed. 19 Johns imprifonment. 21 Chriji beiyig him lelfalfo taptizjed of John, hath tcjlimonie from heauen, ti as he whofe generation re- dttceth vs againt to God,. And ChA. III. ACCORDING TO S. LVKE. I43 N D in the fiftenthyerc of the empire of Tibe- Sbe??am7-^ rius CafarjPontius Pilate being Gouernour of day inAffc,thatIacob Wasthenatural fathcrofIofeph,\\/hichas (S. Matthew * faith) begat him: and Heh\yas his legal father according to the Law, as S. LukeligniHeth. Eujib. a. I Ec. Hift. c. 7 Hiero. in c. i SVCat, v4kjj. /;'. t c.z.s de conf Eua: g. Veuter. 8,3. 10, io. ffffS. VJal.so, II. 3 4 5 6 10 Chap. IIII. ■ G'.irij} goifig into the 'Dspit to l>refare him felf before his manifefiation, ouereommeth the tentationsoflhe 'Diuel. i* then bcgiuntnggloriouflyiu Galilee, 16 he fheW- eth to them of 'KyXZAreth hu commij^ion out of Ejay the Prophet, 23 infi- nuating by occnf.on the levves his eountriemens reprobation, ji In Capharnaiim his do^rine IS admired, 3} Jpeciatiy for his miraele in the Synagogue. 3 S. from vvijich, going to Peters houfe , he fhcvveth there much moreptvzer. *i Then retiring into thevvildernejfe , hepreacheth afterward to the other cities 6f Ga Ulee. N D I E s V s ful of the Holy Ghoft,retiir- ned from lordan , and was driuen in the fpiritinto the deferr^t •• fouitie daies, and •,' J'^eChuches X. jruji.ii.-i 13" 0^4° 'l^es was tempted of the deuil. And he did ( called Let) c6- eate nothing in thofe daies : and when P^"^ of this, sc )'-L^^^>^''^r^Yi'^-"=\ Xi-=^- 1 til IS an Apoftoli- '^IwS^^^-^^l^^^ ^^y ^^^'"^ ended, he was an hungred. cai Tradition. t^^^^^tAndtheDeuilfiidtohim,Ifthoubethe2;^;//';fj fonneofGod , (ay to this (lone that it be made bread, t And ^i":ep.adM-ai^ I E s V s made anfwer vnto him , It is written , Thtt not in bread "^X Virfi^s'u alonefhdmmliHe,hi!tinenerjyyordofGod. t And the Deuil brought * <^'' ^dragef. him into an high mountaine, and f hewed him al the king- doms of the whole world in a moment of time: land he faidtohim,To thee vvil Igiuethis whole power, and the glorie of themrfor to me they are deliuered , and to whom I :s see the An- vvil, 1 doeginc them, t Thou therfore if thou wilt adore "°^- Jns. Mat- before me, they fhalal be thine, f And I e s vs anfwering '^•4."- /aid to himjt is written, - rhoulbnlt adore the Lord thy God ,andhim V. ^^^^l °j"^^ till x«ii 1 1L- • /t- ri """ *^" allea- only/hjit then <:jertie. t And lie brought hmi into Hieruialem, ge Scripture and fet him vponthe pinnacle of the temple : and he faid to ,'So"'marud'\'haJ him, Ifthou be thefonne ofGod, caft thy felf from hence Heretikes do ro do vvnevvard . t For •• it is written,that ue hath giuen his Angels anuch. ^^^"*" T charge I4<> THE GOSPEL ChA. 1 1 1 1. c}7arge ofthee, that theyfrefertte thee: tandthat mtheir h^vduhey fhal ii be are thee yf , lej} perhaps thou k^ocj^e thy footeagahtji a. jione. t And \i Iesvs anfwering faid to him,lt is faid, rhonjhdt not tempt the Lord thy God. t And althetentarion being cnded,theDeuil"depar- 15 The third ted from him vntil a time. parf.ofChri- -^ • ^j^ j I g s V s returned in the force of the fpirit into Ga- 14 ftesmam e - j.j ^^^ the fame went forth through the whole countrie by preachis; ^^ him. I And he taught m their fynagogs, and was mag- 15 and mira-^ nifiedofal. cles,fpcaal- f* And he came to Nazareth where he was brought vp : i<^ ly in Gall- ^j^jj^ggj^j.^^^ ::^^^Qj.^jj^gjQ|^J5j.y^Qj^ Qj^^hgg^l^l^Qjhjj^y .four sauiour into the fynagogue : and he rofe vp to reade. t And the 17 yfed CO preach bookc of Efav the Prophet was deUuercd vnto him. And as g"ogue"' ^"^^ he vnfolded the booke, he found the place where it was written, \jhe spirit of the Lordyponme,foryyhichhe anointed me, toeuan- 18 Feli7< ynto the poore he fent me, to beale the contrite of hart, ■\ to preach to the cap- 19 tines remifiion\and fight to the hlinde,to dimijfe the bruifed ynto remtfsio.to preach the acceptable jere of the Lord , and the day of retribution. tAnd when iO hehadfoldedthe booke, he rcndred it to the minifter, and fatedowne. Andtheeiesofalin the fynagogue were bent s^Hehada vpon him. t And he began to fay vnto them : That this day II marueious gra- is fulfilled this fctipture in your eares. t Andalgaueteftimo- ii traoraiiude mouic to him : and they •♦ marueled in the v vordes of grace fof" in mo- jj^^j proceded from his mouth,and they faid , Is not this lo- Ss hearers, fcphsfounc? tAnd he faid to them, Certes you vvil fay to 23 ^. r. r t raethisfimilitude, phyficionxuretheyfelf: as great things as vve The Gofpel ■ r< \, j IT u • l vpon Muiiday haue heard done in Capnarnaum,aoe alio herein thycoun- oftcnJ^"^^ trie. tAnd he (aid,Amen I fay toyou^that no Prophet is ac- 24 cepted in his o wnc countrie. t In truth I fay to y ou , * there 25 were many widowes inthedaiesof Eliasin Ifrael ,.vvhen theheauen was fhut three yeres and fix moncths , when there was a great famine made in the whole earth: tand to ^.6 none of them was Elias fent, but into Sarepta of Sidon , to a widow woman. t^Andtherewcremany lepers in Ifrael 27 vnder Elifarus the Prophet : and none of them was made cleane but Naama the Syrian.tAnd al in the fynagogue were 28 filled with anger,heariugthefe things. tAnd they rofe,and 25? cafthimoutofthccitie: and they brought him to the edge of the hiljwhcrevpon their citie was built , that they might throw him downe headlong, t But he" pafling through the 30 middcsofthem,vventhis way. H[ ■ t*And ChA. nil. ACCORDING T OS. LVKE. I47 31 t^And he went dovvneintoCapharnaumaciticorGa- 31 lilee-.andtherehctaughtthemontheSabbcths. tAndihey were aftonied at his dodlrine : becaufe his talke was in 22 power. 1 A'nd inthefynagoguethere wasaman hauingan 3 4 vncleane Diuel, and he cried out with a loud voi ce, t faying, Let be, what to vs and thee 1 e s v s of Nazareth J art thou ^ come to deftroy vs?I know thee who thou arr, the SAificr of 35 cod.-tAnd I s s V s rebuked him,faying, Hold thy peace,& goe out of him. And when the Deuilhad throvven him into the 3^ middes,he went out of him,andhurted him nothing. tAnd there came feare vpon al, and they talked together one with an other,faying, Vvhat word is this , that in power and ver- tue he commaundeth the vncleane fpirits , and they goe out? 37 t And the fame of him was publifhed into euery place of the countrie. 38 t AndlE s vsri(ingV-poutofthefynagogue,entredinto The Gofpei Simons houfe . * And" Simons wiues mother was hoiden ,'n Ae^^'vvSe ?o withaereatfeucr: andthey befought him for her. tAnd'^fLent. w ■'^ D , , •' , ,'^, r 1 • I r L vpon Saturday Handing ouer her, he commaunded the reuer, andit Jehner. h, vvhicfon- 40 And incontinent rifing,f he miniftred to them, t And when ^^"^^• the funne was dovvne,althathaddifeafcd of fundrie mala^ dies, brought them to him. But he impofing hands vpon 41 euery one,curcd them, t And DeuiJs went out from many, crying and faying,That thou art the fonne of God. And re- buking them he fufFred them not to fpeake , that they knew 41 hevvasChrift. t And when it was day,going forth he went into a dcferc place : and the multitudes fought him , and came euen vnto 43 bim:and they held him that he f hould not depart from them. i To whom he faid , That to other cities alfo muft I cuange- 44 lize the kingdom ofGod: becaufe therforel was fent. tAnd he was preaching in the fynagogs of Galilee. 4 ANNOTATIONS Chap. nil. ,3,'DepiirteivntlUtime.) No maruelifthe diuel be often oralvvaies bufic vvith Chiftian men, The aiuels ten- feeing artcriiewasplainelyouercomebyChrift.yctdidhenotgmehimoueraltogether, but for tations. a time. :iesat one i,.'DancinCcibh:irnMm.) God maketh choife of perfons and places Where he Workcth mi- Miracle racks or doeth benefites,though he might doe the lame els whereif it liked his Wifedom. So doth pi^ce and not at he in doing miracles bySaiuas, not in al places, nor towards alperlons, but as it pleafeth him. an other. ^Ug.tf. 137,. jo.TaJiin^ 148 THB GOSPEL Cha. V. Chrifts bo(^y canteined in place aboue nature. The Apoftles left their vviues. J., Pefl>lc out of Peters f hip, 4 htfhevvethin a miraeuUus taking of fifhes.hawhevvd make himthcfifherof men. u He cureth a leper by tou- ching htm.andfendeth him to the Priefi in vvitnejfe that he u not agamft Moy- fes. ,f The people floc^ngvnto him, he retircth into the irvilderneff'e. n To thePharifees in a jolemne ajfembly heproueth by a miracle his power to remit jtnues in earth, z 7 He defendcth hu eating vvithfinners , vpo the vnkinde and the euil, t Be ye therfore merciful as alfo j],g cofpei 37 your father is merciful. tludgcnot,& you ihal not be iudged. vpon che firfl candemne nor,&you fhal not be c5demned.forgiue,and you Pemecoft. 38 fhal be forgiuen.tGiue,and there (hal bcgiuen toyou. good mcafure & prefTcddowneand fhaken togfthcr and running oaer fhal they giue into your bolome. For with tTie fame mcafure that you do meate,it fhal be meafured to you againe. 39 t Andhefiid to them a (imilitude alfo: Can the bllnde 4 o leade the blinde? doc not both fil into the ditch? t The difci- ple is not aboue his maifter: but euery one fhal be perfed , if 41 hebeas his maifter. t And why feelt thou the mote in thy | brothers eie : but the bearac that is in thine owne eie thou 4^ confidercftnot? tOr how canft thou fay to thy brother, Brother,let mccaftoutthe mote out ofr.hinc eie: thy fclfnoc feeing the bcamein thine owne eie? Hypocrite, caft firftthe beame out of thine owneeie:and then ihalt thou feeclcrely to take forth the mote out of thy brothers eie. 4 45 t For there is no good tree that yeldeih euil fruires : nor 4 4 euil tree,thatyeldech goodfiuite. tFor euery tree is knowen byhisfruite. For neither doe they gather figges ofthornes: 45 neither ofabufh doethey gntherthegrape. t The good man ofthe good treafure othis hart bringeth forth good : and the •• He butiJeth euil man ofthe il treafure bringeth forth euil. for ofthe aboii- [hVhath"both dance ofthe hart the mouth (peaketh, fa'th and good 4 (J t And why cal you me. Lord, Lord : and doe not the ^eth on fand, 47 things which I fay? t Euery one that commeth to me, and that rrufieth to heareth my words, and docth them : I wil fhewyouro dingorknow- 48 whom he is like, t He is like to a man ••buildinc^a houfc, |5^§^ of rbe , . t> ' fcnpnirc , and that digged decpc, and laid the foundation vpon a rocke. doth not woe- And when an inundation rofc, the riuer bettc againfl that Jwd"ingiy,^ *^" V houfc 154 THEGOSPEt ChA. V I, houfe , and it could not mouc it: for it was founded vpon a rocke. tButhethat heareth, anddoethnot: isliketo a man 49 building his h'oufe vpon the earth without a foundation: againrt the which the riuer did beate: and incontinent it fell, and the ruine ofthat houfe was great. ANNOTATIONS Chap. VI. Heretikcs vn- 3 . 'K^ither this haue you rexd ? ] The Scribes and pharifecs boaftcd mod of their know- derftid not the ledge of the Scriptures: but our Sauiour often fhevveth their great ignor tizcdofhim. t And our Lord faid , Vvherevnto then fhftl fei^andViifcac: I liken the men of this generation , and vvherevnto are they ^" ™"<^'^ '^o^* like? tThey are like to children fitting in the maiket- place, noiccoumptof and fpcakme one to an other.and laying, Vvehauc piped to the sactaments *^, II 11 of the Church, you,and you naue not daunced: vvehauc iamented, and you defpife Gods 5 haue not wept, t For lohn the Baptifl: came * neither eating a!nilci''"lu-" 4 bread nor drinking vvine:and you ray,He hath a deuil. t The ching their fai- fonne of man came eating and drinking : and you fay>Behold 0^'°" 'damr^- amanthatisa gurmander andadrinker ofvvine,afrendeof "on- 5 Publicans and finncrs. t And wifedomisiuftified ofal her children. t Andoneof the Pharifecsdefiredhira to earevvithhim. TheGofpeivp6 And being entred into the houfc of the Pharifec , he fate diiens^day iX dovp'ne to meate.t And behold a woman that was in the citie, ^^- ^nd vpon a finner,as f he knew that he wasfct dov vnc in the Pharifces pJiion wecke. houfe,fhe brought an alabafter boxc of ointment : fand ftan- Andvpoimber ding behind befide his feetc , f he began to •• water his feetc with teares, & wiped them with the heares of her head,and " ^ perfcftpa- kilTed his feetc,&: anointed them ^3P'ith the ointmet. t And the nance^ in"^t[iii pharifec that had bid him, feeineit, fpake within him felf, !^°T"> V*"? r ■ -rU- CU r> L 111 * fought otChnft faying. This man It he were a Prophet, would know certes with ope ceares who and what maner of vvomafhcis which toucheth him, &: other ihangc 40 that fheis a finner.tAnd Usvs anfwcring faid to jiim,Simon, fadion and de- 41 I haue fomewhat to fay vnro thcc.but he faid,Maiftcr,fay.1 A f,ono" hcrS ccrtaine crcditour had two debtersione did owe fiue hudred ""- ^2. pencc,and the other fiftie.t They hauing not wherewith to pay , he forgnuc both. Vvhethcr therfore doth loue him 43 morc?tSimon anfvveringfaid,! fuppofethat he to whom he forgaue more. But he faid to him , Thou haft iudged rightly. 44 i And turning to the woman , he faid vnto Simon , Doeft thou fee this woman? I entred "into thy houfe, water to my feetc thou didfl not giue: but f he with teares hath watered 45 myfeetc,and with her heares hath wiped them, t Kiffe thou gaueft me not : but f he fincc I came in , hath not ccafed 4^ to kific my fcctc, t Vvich oile thou didft not anoint my 47 head: but f he with ointment hath anointed my feete. t For '(^5'^'°^''^ the which Ifay to thee. Many finncs arc forgiuenher,bc- ?"«iue ) b»it caufefhehath -'* loued much. Butto whonilefreisforgiucn, obSctb^^? 48 hclouethlcflc. t And he faid to her » Thy finncs are forgi- j^'^'onofCa- V iij ucn IS8 THE GOSPEL fay within themfelues, ••Vvhois this that alfo forgiueth hnnes;' t And he faid to che woman, "Thy faith hath made 50 t'AsthcPhari- ucn chec. j Aud they that fate togethet at the table [ees did al waies ' ' - • '" ■' . . _ - . . , . t . ^ carpe ChriR; for rcmiirio of lln- Mcsin eanh , fo the Hcretikes reprehend bis Church that rc- mitccth Ilnncs by liis autliori- lie. Cha. VIII. began to 49 the fafe,goein peace. -I A N N O T A Chap. T I O N VII. Building of Churches , Mo ' naileries, Scc Exteriour fi- gnes of more then common deuocion. luftificationat- trihiucd not to £uth OQclv. ijnuiltaSyna^o^ue.) As ai that time to found a Synagogue,vvas acceptable to God, and procu- red the praiers of the faithful people for vvh ofe vfe it was made : (o now much more in the new Teflameiit.to build a Church, Mona£leric,ColIege,or any like vvorke forthc honour and ieruice of God, is grateful to him and procurcth the praiers of the good people for vvhofc vfe fuch things be founded. •f^ Into thy houfe. ] An exceding approbation of the extraordinary work es and fignes of ex- ternal deuotion , which feeme to carnal men ( though othervvifc faithful )to be often fuperfluous or not acceptable. This Simon was perhaps of a good vvil , and therfore ( as diners others did els where ) inuited Chrifl t^l^boufe, not of curiofitie or captioufnes , as fome other did:but ofafFc- iiio,.is it may feeme by (^ri(B familiar talke with him.Not withflanding his duties towardes him were but ordmary. but tntiinointing, wal hing, kiirmg, wiping of his feete in fuch fort as the wo- man did , were further fignes of more then vulgar loue : fuch as is in dcuout men or women that goe on pilgrimage and kiffe dcuoutly the holy memories of Chriftandliis Sainfts . Vvhichisno more but an exteriour exprelTmg of their afFe£lion, and that they louemuch.as euery vulgar chriftian man doth not. ss Thy faith.'] The remillion of her finnes being attributed before rocharitir.isnowalfofaid tocomeofnerfaith.Vvherebyyou may know that it commonly procedethofboth, and of hope alfo, though but one named.Becaufe when there be diuers caufcs concurring to one effed,thc fcrip- tures commonly name but one, and thai efpecially which is mofl proper to the purpofe and time , not excluding the other . And therfore his working miracles vpon any perfon, is attributed to the faith of them on whom or at whofe defirc they be done. Becaufe he wrought his miracles to in- duce al men to belceue in him, and therfore fpecially required faith at their hands , and namely be- fore other things , whether they did beleeue that he was able to doe that which they af ked at his bands : without which it had ben rather a mockrie and tentation of him, then a true defue of be- nehte at his hands. Chap. VIII. Coitir outr al Galilee\v'ith hutraine, 4 heprtacheth iothe leWei in parahln hrcaufe of their reprobation : 9 OHttohu'DijcipUsmanifeJily.becaufehe'Wilnotforthe leVffs incredulity haue hu commingf-t^rtite : ; 9 Jiinifying alfo that W? ere hu kinne^thourh ^Vt be Gtntils)and not hii carnal brethren the ie\i/ri. 22 To whom alfo (Jignifed by the Gerafens) after the tempeft in hufletpe (that is , in ht4 death) and iaulme in his refureelHon,he commethibut they preferring their temporals before his prefence, he leaueth them araine. *i LikeWife comming to cure the leWes {who Xl'ere borne when the Gentils fickened, about Abrahams time) he u preutntcd With the faith tftht GentiCs, Mid then the leWes die. but them alfo in the end he Wil rejiore. ND it came to pafle afterward,and he made i his journey by cities and tovvnes prea- ching and euangchzing the kingdom of God : and the Twelue with him, tand ^ fomc women that had been cured of wic- ked fpirits and infirmities,'*' Marie which is called Magdalene, outofvvhora feuen deuils were gone forth. Mr. i(f„ 9. Cha. VIII. ACCORDING TO S. LVKE. ^59 5 4 5 9 lO II u ^ 14 i6 17 i8 19 lO 21 forth, t and loanc the wife of Chufa Hcrods procurator, and Sufan, and ^ many others that " did minifter vnto him of their fubftancc. t And * when a very great multitude aifemblcdjand hafte- The Gofpd vpS nedout ofthccities vntohim, hefaidby afimilitude. fThe sex4efc>c.^ fewer went forth to fow his feedc. and whiles he fo weth, fome fcl by the way fide , and was troden vpon , and the foules of the aire did eate it. t And other fome fel vpon the rocke: and being f hot vp , it withered, becaufe it had not moifture. f And otherfome fel among thorncs, and the thor- nes growing vp withal, choked it. t And other fome fcl vpo good ground : and being f hoc vp , yelded fruitean hundred fold Saying thcfe things he cried,He that hath eares to heare,, let him hearc. t And his difciples af ked him what this parable was.t To whom he faid , To you it is giuen to know the myfterie of the kingdo of God, but to the reft in parables, •• that '^ feeing they may not fee, and hearing may not vnderftand. t And the parable is this : The fcede , is the word of God. t And they bcfides the way: are ihofe that heare, then thedeuil cometh, and taketh the word out of their hart, left bcleeuing they be faucd. f For they vpon the rocke : fuch as when they heare, with ioyrecciuc the word: andthefehaue norootes: be- caufe •♦for a time they bclecue, andintime oftentation they Hereukcs th« reuolt. + And that which fel into thorncs, are they thathaue f^V' f'*'^'^ °"" L 1 1 . I • - 1 1 1 ■ I 1 "^"i c*n "Of DC heard , and gomg their vvaies , arc choked vvjth cares and loft.and chac he riches and pleafures of this life , and render not fruitd. t And r^J^'^^ ^°^\ that vpon good ground : are they which m a good and very ncuerhad. good hart, hearing the word, doereteineit, andyeldfruite in patience. H t And no man lighting a candel doth couer it with a vefiTel, orputir vnderabcd: but fetteth it vp6acadelfticke,tharthey that enter in, may fee thelight. t For there'is not any thing fe- cretc.,that f hal not be made raanifcft:nor hid,that fhal not be knoNX'en,&come abrode.tSee therfore how you hearc.For he that hrith,to htm fhal begiuen:and whofoeucrhathnor,thac alfo which he thinketh he hath,fhai be taken avvav fro him. tAnd*his mother and brethren came vnto hmi: and they "could not come at him for the multitude, t Audit was told Inm, Thy mother and " thy brethren ftand without, defirous i,"jpeak to fee thee. 1 '^" ho anfwering faid to them. My •• mother and mother my •• See the An- notationjypon S. Matthew, c. Againfl the He did not hcrj difdsirjful- K^O THE GOSPEL ChA. VIII. kime?ifto''L "^y i5r^thren,are they that heare the wot J ofGoJ and doc it. preferred be- ] ''^ And it Came to pallc 011:1 idv : and he went vp ituo 11 gnition^HiUr]^^^'^^'^^^^^^'^^^ di(cipies, and he f.udtothem , Lee vsftrike jwijofa/. ouerthelake. And they launched forth, t And when they 23 were iailing , he flept : and there fel a ftorme of windc into thelake,ana they *^ were tiilcd , and were in danger. 1 And 14 • '■ Sec the An- '• they Came ami raifed him, faying, Maifter, we petifh. But notations vpon he riling, rebuked the winde and the tcmpeft of water: and i4, ircealed,and there was made a cah-nc.t And he laid to them, 2^ VvhereisyourfaJth?\vhofearing,marueiled one to an other, faying, Vvho is this (trow ye) that he commaundeth both the windesandthefea, and they obey him ? r*And ihevi^ failed to the counrric of the Gerafcns which is ouer againil Galilee. t And when he was come forth to the land , there mette 27 him a certainemanthathad a.deuil nov^ a very long time, and he did weare no clothes, neither did he tarieinhoufe, but in the monumets. fAnd as he faw I e s v s, he fel do wne 28 before him: and crying out vvith a great voice, he faid, Vvhatisto meandthee Iesvs fonneolGod moft high? I be- fecch thee doe not torment mc. tFor he commaunded the vn- ip cleane fpirit to.goe forth out of the man. For many times he caught him, and he was bound vvith chaines, and kept with fetters : and breaking the bondes was driuen of the de- uil into the dcferts. tAnd Iesvs alked him faying, Vvhat 5^ is thy name? But he faid. Legion, becaufe many deuils were cntred into him. t And they befought him that he would 3^ notcommaund ihemto goeinto the depth, t And there was 32- there a heard of many fvvine feeding on the mountaine: and they defired him , that he would permit them to enter into them. And he permitted them- t The deuils therfore went 35 forth out of the man , andentred into the fvvine :and the heard with violence went headlong into the lake, and was ftifled. t which when the fwnicheards faw done, they fled: 34 and told into the citie and into the to wnes.t And they went 35 fonh 10 lee that which was done:and they came to 1 e s v s, and found the man, outof who the deuils were gone forth, fitting at his feete, clothed, and vvelin his vvittes, and they wctCifraid.t And they alfo that had (een, told them how he 3<^ had been made ^X'hoIe from the legion, t A nd al the multitude 57 Qf the councrie of the Gci:afcns belought him, to depart from them; C HA. VIII. ACCORDING TO S. LVKE. I^I them : for they were taken with great feare . And he going 38 vpinto the boate,returned.t Arid the man out of whom the deuilswere departed, defiicdhim that he might be with 39 him. ButlESVS dimifTedhirH, faying, t Rcturnc into thy houfe,andtel how great things God hath done to thee. And he went through the whole citie , preaching how great things Iisvs haddoneto him. 40 tAnditcametopafle: when I e s vs was returned, the 41 multitude receiued him. and al were expeding him. jAnd * behold there came a man whofenamc waslairus, and he was Prince ofthe Synagogue:and he fel at the ftete of Iesvs, 4 i defiring him that he would enter into his houfc, -f becaufe he had an only daughter almoft; twelueyeres old , and f he was a dying. And it chaunced, whiles he vvent,hc was thronged of the multitudes. 43 t And there was •• a certaine woman in a fluxc of bloud !:Seethe Anno- from twelue Veres paft, which had beftowed al her fubllace "^'°"'XP°"^- 44 vpon Phyhcions, neither could the be cured otany : Tine 15. came behind him, and touched thehemmc of his garment : 45 andforthwiih the fluxe of her bloud ftinted, t And Iesvs faid , Vvho isitthat touched me? Andal denying, •• Peter "itisaneaidet faid , and they that were yvith him , Maifter, the muhitudes gft'iue^^hacpt throng and prcile thee, and doeft thou fay , Vvho touched ter only is na- 4^ me? t And Iesvs faid. Some bodie hath touched me. for 5,ecf^°jf'°h^ 47 Iknovv that there is vertue proceded from me. t And the company.iv«r. woman feeing, that f he was not hid, came trembhng, and 'i'^'.,,,t.'s^^r. fel downe before his feete : and for what caufe f he had tou- '*' T'iCtr-'s,$. ched him,( he f hewed before al the people : and how forth- 48 with fhe was made whole, t But he faid to her, Daughter, thy faith hath made the (afe, goe thy way in peace. 49 tAs he was yet fpeaking,therec5meth one to the Prince ofthe fynagogue , fiying to him , That thy daughter is deaJ, , f. ' ' , refufe his do, iioid , 1 haue gmen you power to treade vpon ierpents , and aiine.ec thciis, fcorpions,and vpon al the power of the enemie,and nothing fhal hurt you. t But yet reioyce not in this , that the fpirits arc fubied vnto you: but reioyce in this, that your names arc written in heauen. 4 tin that very houre he reioyced in fpirit , and (aid , I con- feffe to thee O Father,Lord ofheauen and earth, becaafe thou haft hid thefe things from the wife and prudent , and haft re- ucaled them "to litle ones. Yea Father , for fo haihit vvel pleafedthee. t Al things are deliuered to me of my father. And nomanknovveth who the Sonne is, but the Father: and who the Father is, but the Sonne, and to whom the Sonne vvil reueale. tAnd turning to his Difciples, he faid, 24 BlelTcd are the eies that fee the things that you fee. J For I TheGofpdvp» fay to you , that many Prophets and Kings defired to fee the ^^/ '2. sand:^ tnmgs that you lee, and law them not: and to heare the things • »s. Augiiniii faith that the ApoftIc(/. Cor. J.) according to this place did fuperero J.ite , that is, did mo- re then he nee- ded or was bound to doe, when he might hauc required al duties for preaching the Gofpel , but VCould not. /».& behold al things are cleanevnto you. t But wo to you Pharifees , becaufe you tithe mintc and 41 rewe andeuery herbe : and pafleouer iudgement and the chatitieofGod. but thefe things you ought to haue done, and not to omit thofe. tVvo to you Pharifees, becaufe 43 you louethcfiift chaiiesin thefynagogs , and falutations in the market- place, t Vvo to you , becaufe you are as monu- 44 ments that appeare not , and men walking ouer , are not ware . tAnd one ofthc Lawyers anfwering faith to him,Maifter, 45 in faying thefe things , thou fpeakeft to our reprochealfo. tBut he faid, "Vvoto you Lawyers alfo: becaufe you lode ^6 men with burdens "which they can nor bcare,and your felues 'r''=*^°iP^^^°'^ touch not the packes with one of your fineers- tWo to you 47 many Martyrs. ,..,.,, ,f - r i li U j C V that •• build the raonumets or the Prophets:andyourrathers J-Notthebuil- did kil them. t Surcly you doe teftifiethatyouconfentto the 48 /hMs* rnonu-°' workes ofyout fathers : becaufe they indeede didkil them, T^"" A *^h"" ^^^ y°" t)uild their fepulchrcs.tFor this caufc the wifedo al- 49 their imi'ration fo ofGod faid,l vvil (end to them Prophets and Apofl:les,and Ehaf t'ew^'^the o^ t^cm thcy wil kil and perfecute. f that the bloud of al the 50 Prophets, ^m- Prophets that was fhed from the making of the world, may be required ofthis generation, t* from the bloud of Abel 51 vnto the* bloud of Zacharie that was flaine betwene the altarandthetemple.Yea I fay to you, it fhal be required of this generation. -I t Vvo to you Lawyers, becaufe you haue ji taken away the key of knowledge: your felues haue not entred, and thofc that did enter you haue prohibited, t And 55 i when he faid thefe things to them, the Pharifees and the Lawyers began vehemently to vrge him, "and to ftoppe his mouth about many things, Hying in waite for him,& feeking 54 to catch fomcthing of his mouth,that thcy might accufe him. A N N O T Lnf. Cha. XII. ACCORDING TO S. LVKE. 175 A N N O T A Chap. T I O N S X I. ^edavpcn n.'Slejfedisthevvombe.) Letvs.ilfo (faith Venerable Bede) lift vp our voice with the Catho- Our B. Lady. thii place, ''ke Church, o f which this woman was a figure.let vs lift vp oiur hartes among the pcople.and lay to our Sauiour, BklTed be the wombe that bare thee, and the pappes which thou didflfucke. for blefled in deede is the mother which bare the King that ruleth heauen and earth for euer. ip.T/7«y/gwfo/'/o«/M.)OfalmiracIes,hisRefurredion,after he had been according to his body, ^, r- inthegraue, accordingto his foulc, in H el three dales, was the greateft, and moll conuinceth the T "gne of incredulous lewes : and therfore a greater or more euidenttlien that, he faith he wil notgiue ^°"*^' them. Eccfd, 3, *i. Giuealmes.) The great force of almes is here and in diuers places of holy write fignified. xhc force of 3}. In one place, they extinguif h llnnc:in an other.they redeeme linnes: in an other,they deliuer from almes 2)(»w.^,2* death:in another, tothemgiuen oromitted, our iudgement to heauen or hel is attributed :and Tti>.*,tt,heie theymakf cleancand fatisfie for thelewes former offenfes.for (asS. Augulhnefaithc. 70 //. f. Enchiridij) almes deedes profile not a nun thathathawilltocontinewinliisfinnes, but they are ^f ? rcfuhH-£. See boc'.y, whatyou 1 hal doe on. T The life is more then the 2.3 XII. I Mt. 10, Cflll Annor, .^.onh. nieatc , and the body is more then the lairaent. tConiider ^4 Mattb.c. J, 15. , r 1 ?• ■ 1 1 L L • I the raucns,for they fovv nor,ncuher doc tricy rcapc , wnicii neither haue ilorchoufe nor barne , and God feedeth them. How much more are you of greater price then they .? t And -5 which ofyou by carirg can addc to his fl,.ture one cabite? t if then you be not able to doe fo much as the leail: thing, ^^ for the reft why are you careful ? 1 Conflder the lilies how 2-7 they Mt. zo. ChA. XII. AGCORPINGTOS. LVKE. ij ^ they grow : they labour nor, neither doc they fpinne. But Ifay to ycu. Neither Salomon in al his glorie was araied 28 as one of thefe. t And if the grafle that to day is in the field, and to morovv is caft into the ouen , God fo clotheth : hov v 2CJ muchmoreyouOyeoflitlefaithi t AndyoUjdocnotfecke bTheGofpdfor what you fhaleate,or what you fhal drinke : and '^ be not ^ Pauiinusiun. 30 lifted vp on high, t For al thefe things the nations of the cVfdrorthTtis world doefeeke. but your father knovveth that you haue "°* ^ Biihop. , 31 neede of thefe things, t But feekefirft the kingdom of God, ^j^J'^^J^^J^JffJ ! 31 and al thefe things fhal be giuen you bcfides. t ^ Feare not isM in ccp^ari- I ••litle flocke,forit hath plcafedyour father to eiuc you a 5J'"°^aJ^here- I 1 r^ I 1 ^ J 1^ T < I probate : but in I 33 kingdom, t Sel the things that you pollelie . and giuc almcs. 'cieifvcry great, } * Make to you pur(cs that vvcare not, treafure that vvaftcth of [h^grSSe I notjinheaucn: whither the thecfe approcheth not, neither ^hat grew of 34 doth the mothe corrupt. ] For" where your treafure is, there tardfeciMtaj. 35 vvil your hart be alfo. 4 1^Let your •• loyncs be girded, bTh^cofpeifor z6 and candles burning m yourhandes, land you like to men ^ Cofeiibrthat n- i-iiiLrii r 1 • isnotaBifhoto. expectmg their lord,wnen he llialreturnerrora the manage: = = Togirdc our that when he doth come and knockc, forthwith they may |*'"^^^' " *? 57 open vnto him. t Blctied arc thole leruants, whom when and cotinencie. I the Lord commeth, he fhal finde watching. Amen I fiy to <^''*'<5'"' •*"•"• you, that he vvil gird him felf, and make them fit downc, 38 and pafiing vvil minifter vnto them, t And if he come in / the fccond watch, and if in the third watch he come , and fo I 35 findcjblefled are thofe feruants. t^And this knowye, that I if the houf holder did know what houre the theefe would I come , hevvould watch verely , and would not fufter his 40 houfe to be broken vp. tBeyoualfo ready : for at what houre you thinkenotjthe Sonne of man wil come. *i 41 t And Peterfaid to him. Lord, doeft thou fpeake this pa- 42 rable to vs , or Iikewife to ah | And our Lord faid , Vvho ( thinkeftthou) is a faithful ftevvardand wife , whom the lord appointeth ouer his familie , to giue them in fcafon 43 their meafure of yvheate? tBleffed is that fei'uant, whom 4 4 when the lord commeth, he fhalfinde fo doing, t Verely I fay to you,that ouer al things which hepoficileth, he fhal 45 appointhim. tButifthat feruantfayinhis halt, My lord is longacomminp-: and fhal begin to (Irike the feiuants and 4^ handmaides,andeate anddrinke,and he drunke r ft the lord ofthatferuantfhalcomeinaday thathe hop.ih rtot',and at an houre that he knovveth not , and fhal deaidehim , and fhal •• He meaneth the naughcie peace that is bf- tvvene vvorlrl- lings tic (inners, the agreement that is in infide- lity, in Hercfie, or in any other vvickednes. he came to breake this peace. See Annot. Mattb. c. 10,34. '• See Annot. Mt. J, ij. 17(J THE GOSPEL Ch A Thai appoint his portion with the infidels. And that fer 47 iiant that knew the vvil of his lord, and prepared not him felf , and did not according ro his vvil: Thai be beaten with manyftripes. t But hcthat knew not,and did things wor- 48 thieofftripcs: Thai be beaten with few. Andeaery one to whom much was giuen, much ( hal be required of him: and to whomchey committed much, more vvilthey dcmaund oHiim. 1 1 came to caft fireon the earth: and vvhatvvil I, but 49 that it bekindlcd?tBut I haueto be baptized witha bapofmc: 50 and how am 1 ftraitcned vntilitbedifpatched > t'''Thiiikc5i you that 1 came to giae •• peace on the earth ? No, I tel you, but reparation, t For there fhal be from this time , fiucin one 52. houfcdeuided : three againfttvvo, and two againft: three. t There fhal bcdcuided, the father againft thefonne,and the J5 fonne againft his father, the mother againft the daughter,and thedaughter againft the mother, the mother inlaw againft her daughter inlaw, and the daughter inlaw againlt her mother m law. t*And he faid alfo to the multitudes, When you fee a 54 cloude rifingfrom the weft , by and by you fay, A fhoure commcth, and fo it commeth to paflc : t and when the fouth 55 vvinde blowing, you fay. That there vvil be heate : audit commcth to palle.t Hypocrites,thefacc of theheauen and of j^ the earth you haue fkilto difccrne: but this time how doe younotdifcerne? t And why ofyour felues alfo iudgeyoury not that which is iuft ? t * And •• when thou goeft with thy r g aduerfaric to the Prince , in the way endeuour to be deliue- rcd from him:lcft perhaps he draw thee to the iudge, and the iudge deliuer thee to the cxadour , and the exadour caft thee into prifon.tl fay to thec,thou f halt notgoe out thence,vntil 59 thou pay the very laft mite. XII. ANNOTATIONS Chap. XXL Open confelfio of our faith. t.EueryoHtthateonfefeth.1 ACathoIike man is bound to confeflehis faith,bcing called to accoumpt or examined by leXK', Heathen, or Heretike, concerning the fame. Neither is it ynough to kcepc Chrift in his hart , but he muft alfo acknowledge him in his Wordes and deedes. And to deny Chrift, or any article of the Catholike faith.for f hame or feare of any Worldly creature,hath no leffe punifhment , then to be denied , refufed , and forfaken by Chrift at the houre of his death before alhis Angels : Which is another maner of prefencc and Confiftoric, then any Court or Seflion that pica canbe called to fotthcir faith,iii this world. /i.Sfi Ch'a. XIII. ACCORDING TO S. L V K E. 177 ti. 'Benotcttreful.'] Thar the poorevnlejrned Catholike fhould notbe difcouraged, ormake The holy ChuU his sxcufe that he is a iimple man , not able to anfvver cunning Heretikes, nor to glue a rcafon of tgachcth cuerv hisbeleefe, and thcrf ore muftlutier or fay any thing rather then come before them : ourMaifter vnlearned Ca- giueth them comfort.promifmg that the Holy Ghoft Thai euer put into their hartcs at the time of tholike to "iuc their appearance, that which fnal befufEcient for the piirpofe. not that cuery one which is con- futficiet teafon utnted beforethe Aduerfarics of faith , fliould alvvaies be endued with extraordinary know- of his faith ledge to dilpiite and confute , as the Apoftles and others in the primitiue Church were : but that God wil euer giue to the liinple that trufleth in him , futficient courage and wordes to conrefl'e his bt-leefe. For lUcli an one called before the Commilfion;rSj faith ynough and defendeth him fdf fufficiently, when iie anlVvereth that he is a Catholike man, &C that he WjI liue and die in that faith which the Catholike Church throughout al Chrillian countries hath and doth teach, and that this Church can glue them a reafon of al the things vvhich they demaund of him. &c. I*. Who hath appointed? ] Chrifl: refufcd to medle in this temporal matter^ partly becaufe the demaund preceded of couetoiifnv's and il intention , partly to gius an example to Clergie men, The dealing of that they fhould not be vvithdtavven by fecular affaires andcontrouerfies from their principal Clergie men in fundJion ofpra)ing, preaching, and fpiritual regiment : but not vvholy to forbid them al actions worldly aiFai- pertaining to worldly bufines, fpecially where and when the honour of God, theincreafe ofreli- res. //I vna c. gion.the peace of the people, and the fpiritual benefitc of the parties doe require. In which calcs '*• S. Auguftin (as Poiridonius writeth) vvas occupied often whole dales in ending worldly contro- Li. de op. uerhes,and lb he writeth of him felf alfo.not doubting but to haue reward thertore in heauen. i^toriMh. 2/,/^ffcf /o Gai^L'X' « — ■ — -» ■ ' — — — — — — — notheare.>«hc. reby free Will is ANNOTATIONS plainly proued. Chap. XIII i.rhefeGaliUans ) It is Gods merciethat heftraight punifheth notal offenders,but feme <.„_.„ ,„Yh»J few for a warning to all : as that for Schifme he ftriketh notal fuch as hau.- forlaken the Church ^°^^ P""" "^<^ "j-Jt' and the lawful Pneft^, as he did Core and his complices : that for Ipoile of Churches he reucngeth '°' example, 'not al.ashedidHeliodorus: andalthat vow and reuoke their gifts to Go_d , as Ananias and Sap- phira. Some few therfore for their iuftdeferts. be fo handled tor example, to piouokeal others guilty of the fame crimes to doe penance. Which if they doe not in this life.they fhal all alTuredlj* perifh in the next World. Optattu II. 1 cont. Parmo'. j'tibfinem. is. Thii inH^hier.) We may fee that many difeafes which feeme natural , doeprocede of the Difeafej not Diue) h^ Godi permilliou.euher tor finnc,or for probation: and both thof; kindes Chriftfpcciaily na^uj.^ cured , for that no natural medicines could cure them , and Ipccially becaufe he came to d^folue the Workes ot Satan both in body and fool. 2*. 'By thencirrovv,) Our Lordisnot canffarie tohim felf in that heanfvvereth,thegate to be ftraite.aiid few to be faued, whereas els v^Sffe he faid.that many f hould come from the Eaft and Vveft &c. and icy with Abraliam in the kingdom ofheaucn. Miit.S.n. For though they be few in Z ij «*^^^ SvCach Penaiicf. Schirme. 180 THE GOSPEL Cha. XIIII. rcfpeift of the wicked of al fortes.yet they be many in them felues and in the focietie of Angels.thc vvheate cornes are fcarfe (een at the tliref hing , when they are medied With the chaffe : but when the il are renioiicd,tlie whole barne of heaucn ( hal be hlled. So Jaith S. »Aug. Ser. jz de verb. "Do. 2^. shal yiei^. ;Many vvould be faued and looke to be faued.but can not,becaufe they wil not take paines to enter in at lb ftraiteapail.igc , that is to fay, to fall much, pray often, doe great pe- • nance lor their fmncs . Hue in holy Cfiurches diiciphne , abftaine trom thepleafures of this World, and fufFer perfccution and lolT'e of their goods and liues for chnftes lake. 26. Late before thee.) It is not ynough to fcede with Chrift in his Sacraments, ortohearehls word in the Church.to cbalege heauen thi treby,vnleirc \ ve liue in vnitie of the Catholike Church. So S. AugulHnc applicth this againft tlic Donatives, that had the very fame feruice and SacramentsCenf. lit. which the Cacholike Church had , but yet fiuered them felues from other Chriftian countries by Petti. U. t Schifme. r. t. //. TheGofpelvpo the itfSuday af- ter Pentecolt. C H A P. XIIII. Jfjoccajionof dlfiw^WitbaPhaiifee, 2 after that hehath Ufaine confounded them for maligning him for hu miraculous good doing on the Sabhoth , 7 he teacheth them humtlitie , fcingtheir ambition, izandin their'Workes to feeke retribution not efmen in this 'Worlde, but of God in the World to come : 1 6 foretelling alfo that the leWeifur their 'Worldly excufes J hal not tafi of the Supper, but we Gentils ■in their place, is Tea that fo far mufi men be from al Wortdlines , that thej mufi earnejlly bethinke them before they enter into his Church , and be ready to forfoe all: 3* f^eciallj confidcrin^thej/muji be the fait of others aljo. N D it came topaffevvhen I es vs cntred in- 1 tothe houfe ofa ccrtaine Prince of the Phari- fees vpon the Sabboth to cate bread , and they watched him. t And behold there was a cer- z taine man before him tnat "had the dropfic. t And 1 E s V s anfvvering , fpake to the Lawyers and Phari- ^ feeSjfayingjIs it Lawful to cure on the Sabboth? t But they 4 held their peace, but he taking him,hcaled him , and fent him away, t Andanlweringthem hefaid, Vvhich of you fhal ^ hauean alTeoran oxe fallen into a pit : and wil not inconti- nent draw him out on the Sabboth dayJ t And they could 6 not anfwer him to thefe things. t And he fpake to them alio that were inuited a parable, 7 marking how they chofe the firft feats at the table-, faying to them, t when thou art inqited toamariage,fi[ not downein 8 the fii ft place, left perhaps a more honorable then thou be inuited of him: t and he that bade thee and him, come and 9 fay to theCjGiue this man place : and then thou begin vyuh fhameto take the laft place, t But when thou art bidden, lo goe,(it downe in the loweft place: that when he th.it inui- ted thee,cornmeth, he may fay to thee, Frende , (it vp higher: then fhalt thou haueglorie before them that fit actable with thee, t bccaufe euery one that cxaltcrh him felf , fhal be 11 humbled: and he ih.it humbleth him fclf,f hal be exalted. 4 And Ch A. XIII I. ACCORDING TO S.LVKl. I^I IX t And he faid to him alfo that had inuited hi'm,Vvhen thou makcft a dipner or a fupper, call not thy fiendcs,nor thy brethre, noi knifmen , nor ihy neighbours that are riche: Icll perhaps they alfo inuitcthce againe, and recompenfe be made 13 to thee, t But when thoumakeftafeaft,cal thepoore,feeble, 14 lame,andblinde, f and thou (halt be biclfed , becau(e they haue not to recopenfe thee : for •♦recompenfe 1 hal be made :: Reward for 15 thee in the refurredion of the iuft. t Vvhen one of them that charicabic dec- ftteatthetable with him, had heard thefe things, hefiidto they' may "^ be him, Blelfcd is he that fhal cate bread in the kingdom of '^""^^ ^°' '^^' ,' ° Ward, againft God. ourAducrlaries. i<^ t But he faid to him, A certaine man made a great fupper, xheCof elv ' 17 and called many. 1 And he fcnt his feruanf at the houre the t Sunday of fupper to fay to the inuited. That they fhould come, be- ^^'^"^^'^^"°^' 18 caulc now althings are ready, t And they began al at once to make exciife.The firll faid to him,*' 1 haue bought a farme, -^ ^^j!'*^' j"*^*' and I muft necdes goe forth and fee it,I pray thee hold roc ex- luptuoufr.cs.arc 19 cufed. t And an other faid, 1 haue bought hue yoke of oxen, the things that , 111 r 1 1 ip^'^i^")' hinder 20 and I goe to proue them,l pray thee, hold me exculed. 1 And menfromGod, an other faid, I hauemarieda wife.and therfore I can not 21 come, t And the fcruant returning told the(e things 10 his lord. Then the mailler of the houfe being angrie, faid to his feruant , Goe forth quickly into the ftreates and lanes of the cirie,and the poore and feeble and blinde and lame bring in 22 hither, t And the fcruant faid, Lord, it is done as thou didft 23 commaunde, and yet there is place, t And the lord fiid to theferuant , Goe foith into thewaies and hedges: and" com- 2 4 pel them to enter , that my houfe may be filled, t But I fiy to you , that none of thofe men that were called, fhal tafi: my fupper. ■{ < ^ ^5 t And grcatmulcitudes went with him : and turning, he xheGofpel for 2(J f;.id to ihcm, t * If any man come to meand hateth not his ^Martyr thatis •• Liihcrand mother, andvvifeand children , and brethren for s. Bafil and fifteis,yca and his ovvnelifc bcfidcs : he can not be my ',""■'*■ 27 di/ciple. t And he thut doth not bcare his crollc and conic Co decre vnto 28 after n-.e:cannot be my difciple.|For,vvhich of you minding "« . vvhich we , ., , •• I , -^ , ' , ,0 muft not hate to build a toure, doth not hrft lit downe and rccken the or forfak-e, it it chargrs th;,t are necclfarie, whether he h.uie to finilhir: '^■"'l^'' ^^ and O ' . Ill tnat relpedl ^9 1 left ,aftci that he hath laid the foundation , and is not able «hat it hi.idc- 30 to finif h it,al that fee it,bcgin to mo.kc him, t frying, Th..t cjl^ ' ^^"^j, 31 this man began to buiM, and he could not fimih it? t Or church ,& our f-r ■■ ■ 1 Saluatioii. Z 11) vvnat l8i THEGOSPEL ChA. what king about to goc to make vvarrc againftan other king, doth not fiift fit dovvne and thinke vvhethet he be able with ten thoufands to meete him that with tvventie thouGnds commcch againll him ? "tOtherwife whiles he 32- is yet fane of, fending alegacic he afketh thofe things that :-He that is a bejone to peacc. tSo thertorceuery one of you that doth 35 light ChnftuB .p ^ til rT /I U I jt man.muftmake not '• I'enouiuic al that lie policlieth , cannot be my dil- his account th.ir • 1 , ifhebspuctoit ^T'^' ^ . (as he often f * Salt is good.But if the fait leefc his vertue,vvhereyvith 34 ol^eSio"" Hial it be feafoned? t It is profitable neuher for the ground, 35 hemuftrenou- nor foT the dunghil, but it (hal be caft forth. He that hath ce al that euer , i v • l he hath , rather cates to heare,ict mm neare. -j thenfoilakctlie CatholiJie fiith. • ' - ' '"'— ■ XV. Mar. 5, 50. A N N O T A T I O N S Chap. XHII. Frec-vvii It. Compel them.) The vehement perfuafion that God vfeth both externally by force of his word and piiracles,and internally by his grace, to bring vs vnto liim.is calk-i compelling: not that he forceth any to corrie to himagainft their oWne Willes , but that he ran alter and moilifie an hard hart , and make him willing that before would not. S. Auguftine a'lfo refcrreth this compel- ling to the penal la\fes which Cathohke Princes do iuftlyvfe againll Heretikes and Srhifn;atikes, may pi'ouin'' that they who are by their former profelllo in Baptifmc lubied to the Catholike Church, swts and are°departed from the fame after Series, may andought to becompellfd i.no the vritieand be copelled to focietie of the vniuerfal Church againe. and therfore in this fenfe. by the two former panes of the Catholike the parable, thelcveslirlt, andfecondly theGentils, thatneucibeleeued before in Chril^, were £^jjj _ inuitcd by faire fweete meaues onely:but by the third, fuch arc inuited as the C buich of God hath powetouer.becaufe they promifed in baptifmc, and therfore are to bereuoked notontly by gentle mcanes,but by iuft punif hmcnt alfo. Heretikes by penal ep.apaU' lopojlprin cip. ir *f' 104. & it. I cont. ep. Gaiident, r.if. The Gcfpel vpo the 3 Sunday af- ter Pcntecolt. '•'• This man, is Our Sauiour Chrift : whofe care 8c trauailc in fearching Sc reducing Im- ners to rspen- tacc, al fpiritual men fpecially f hould foloW. Chap. XV. ®y OccafiOK of the Pharlfees murmuring tit him for receluhig penitent fi:it!ers,hej'he'V^eth ■Whatioyfhalhein heautnfor theconuerfon ofoncjinner, ii andfortheymger fonne,\i'hich ii the Genlils : zs the elder {to Wit ti)5'hom onely they fee and knov/ our atfaires,as ihe other. 23. The fatted calfe. ) This feaftingand feftiuitie (laith S.Auguftine /;'. 2, qu. Euang. c 3j to. *.) The B.Sacramet ^^ now celebrated through out the whole world the Church being dilated an d Ipred: for, that and Sacrifice of ^^^^^ ''^ ^^* body and bloud of our Lord is both offered to the Father , and alfo feedeth the whole theAltar houfe. And as the calfe fignifieth the B. Sacrament of the body and bloud of Chrift, fo the firft; ftole may fignifie our innocencie rcftored in baptifmc,and the reft, other graces and giftes giuen vs in the other Sacraments, Chap. XVI. Hi tt/uheth the rich* tc procure heauen with th eir riches. ;* ,^nd being therfore derided of the eouetoM Pharifees (yvhofavv temporal rithes promifed in the tetter of the Law) he fhevvetb that now u come the preaching of the Iqngdom of God, heWbeit the Law for at that in no iotefhal befruffrat, 1 9 foretelling them al- Jc, that the louetous levves j hal be denied of their father ^Abraham, when poort LlXjUtHs (thepeniten t Gentil) fhal reji in bii bofome^ AND ChA. XVI. ACCORPINGTOS. LVKE. iSj N D he faid alfo to his Difciples, There was a "^^s^ljlt cartaine riche man that had a '^ bailife: & he was tei Pemecoa. il reported of vnto him , as he that had wafled I his goods, t And he called him, and faid to d him, Vvhatheare I this ofthee.'' render account ofthy <^ bailifhip : for now thou canftnomore be bailife. 3 t And the bailife fiid within him felf, Vvhat fhal I doe, be- caufe mylordtaketh away from me the bailifhip ? digge I 4 am notable,to beggel am afhamed. t 1 know what Iwil doe , that when 1 1 hal be rcmoued from the bailifhip , they 5 may recciuc me into their houfes. t Therforc calling toge- ther euery one of his lords detters, he faid to the firft , Hov v '6 much doeft thou owe my lord? t But he faith , An hundred pipes of oilc. And he faid to him , Take thybil : and fie 7 downe , quickly write fifcie. t After that he faid to an other , Bur thou , how much doefi: thou owe } Vvho faid , An hundreth quarters of wheat. He faid to him , Ttike 8 thybil, and write eightie. t And "the lord praifed the bailife ofiniquitie,becaufehehaddon£vvifely : forthe children of this world, are wifec then the children of light in their gc- 9 neration. t And 1 fay to you, Make vnto^you frendes ofthe •• mammon ofiniquitie: that when you failc," they may re- '•Mimon(faith 10 ceiue you into the eternal tabernacles. 4 t He that is faithful ^;j^'[g3°"^j^^^^ in theleft,isfaithfijlin the greater alfo: andhethatis vniuft syriake tongue 11 in litle, is vniuft in the greater alfo. ilfthen you haue not ['|g"'^"'^ "' been faithful in the vniuft mammon : with that which is the ^^rnmonofini- 12. true who may credit you ? t And ifyou haue not been faith- fheyareo^^ti ful in other mens : that which is yours , vvho wil giue you? gomn orUbe- 13 t * No /eruant can feme tvvomaillcrs, for either he fhal hate cafion ofeuif^ the one, and loue the other r or cleaue to one , and contemnc ^^ ^\}}^\ l"!^ , ' ^ * worldly ecfalfe the other. You can not lerue God and mammon. & noc the true 14 t And the Pharifees which were'couetous,heard al thefe Jieaueiynches. 15 rhingstandthcy derided him. t 'And he faid to them, You are they that iuftifieyourfelues before men, but god knowcth your harteSjbecaufe that which is high to mcn,isabomina- 16 tion before God. t'^ The law and the prophets, vnto lohn. from that time the kingdom of God is euangclized,and euery 17 one doth force toward it. t* Andiciseafier forheauen and 18 earth to pa(re,then one tittle of the law to fall. 1* Euery one that dimifteth his wife, "and maricthan other, committeth aduoutrie : and he that maricth herrfhat is dimilfed from her Aa hulband pane rrom nenceto you , may lous.'&af^g'ie not,ncithf-r goc irom thence hither, t •^•nd he faid, Then , fa- ^7 of painesin the tiigr, I bck'cche thcc that thou vvoaideft (end him vnto my fathers houfe, for 1 haue Eue bfetl'sren', T for to tellifievnto 2-8 :: Abraha had them," left they alfo comc into ihis place ofcorments- "t And ^9 tWirgsia^earth Abraham faid to him, •• They hauc Moyfes and the Pro- whicijvrcrenot phctszlct them heatc them, t But he faid, No,fathcr Abraham, 50 that they had but if fome man f hal goc from the dead to them, rhey vvil Po^heTboo*^ doe penance, i Andhefaidtobim, Ifthey hearc notMoy- 31 kes which hefesandtheProphetSjneitherifone fhal rile againe from the neuer aw. ^«- j ^ jj ^^ey bcleeuc. *^ ^ufl. de cum fro '^''" •> J ^ 1^6 THE GOSPEL C H A. XVI. hufband, comm/ttethaduoutrie. TheGoijeivpo t Thcrc vvas a ccrtainc tiche man,& he vvas clothed vvith 19 Thuridayjn^the p^j-pig ^nd filkc'.and hc fared euery day magnihcally. f And 20 there was a certaine begger called Lazarus, that lay at his gate,ful of fores: t deliring to bcfiUedofthc crommes, that 11 fel from the riche mans table, but the doggesalfo came, and licked his fores, t And it came to paffe that the begger dicd,zi and was caried"ofthe Angels into" Abrahams bofome. And :: Lazarus in the tiche man alfo died : and he was buried in hel. t And lif- 15 Abrahams ho- ting vp his eiss,v vhcn he was in torments, hefavv Abraham but both in hei^ afure of, -''and Lazarus in his bofome: T and he crying faid, 24 and not in the pother Abraham, haue mcrcic on me,and fend Lazarus that he kingdom of , . c\ ■ c • C i heauen before may dippcthe tippe oi hishngcrinto vvater,torto coolemy f''"^ !faT tongue, becaufe I am tormented in this flame, t And Abra- 2.5 ^ritifed.)Tl\is nans deceiuing his maifler is not pra'Ted, nor we vvanated by his fad togaine vniufUy for to hauw wherewith togiueahiies: biiflus prudence, in that heprouidcd fo Good vVorkcs. fubllancially for him felfe whileft his maifters goods wer^- in h'": iundcs, is commended, not for a. verrue , but for a world/y pollicie: and propofed as an cxampl-.' of the careful prouifiwn that rich men (who are Gods lle\)i/ards inearth) fhouldmakc fort'v-ir fouJfs, againilthey beput oitt of their baihfhip and be called to accouwt , vvhich U the- dav of rhcii de?th : .uid for a condemnation of faithful mens folly and negligence, that 'jLingafluxedthc) f.ho.1 nut of their offices, and well knowing they might gaine ialuation by their luonty.li.juc fo litlc tcj.itd thereof. Q.They may receiue. ) A great comfort to al great aLnei-men.and a wonderful forc<; and vcrtue Tol. t i, 9. Almes merito - '9 ^'^'^^ » vvhithbefide themeritcof the woike o( mcrdc, vvhich (as in other places of Scripture OrCnt.ti, ''jious. is' faid) purgcth linne and gaincth iieaucn , pocureth alfo not oiieiy the piaiers of their beadfmen in earth C HA. XVII. ACCO RDIN G TO S. L VK E. 187 in earth, but rheir patronage in heauen alfo. Whereby alfo the praiers of Sain&s for die liuing, and The Sainftsjd© jiamel/ for them to v/hom they were beholding in their life , are proued. Vea and that they be in pray for vs. i'ach faiiour With God , that they may and doe receiue their frendes which were once.their bene- failors , into their manlions in heauen,nolefl'e then the farmers whom the il llcwardpleafured, might receiue their freendinto their earthly houfcs. Which alio inlinu.iteth to vs.thatalmes be- ftowedfpedally vpon holymen, who by their meritcsand praiers arc great in Gods grace , may much more helpevs then our charitable decdes done vpon vulgar men in neceiridc, though that be of exccdinggreat meritcalfo. Seeal this in rhefe Doftors Folovving. Hic'.o.qu. 6. ad^lgaf, te.j. •Ambrof. in Luc. ^iigtili.fer. is cleVerb,1>o.e i. Gre^or.moral. li.n c.i*. ^ugH.li. zq.Ettaag. qi*. it. Cbr)f. ho. 33 adpo. ^-/itiosh. to. /. is. ^ndmarrieth.) ThegoodofMariage through out al nations and mtn, is in ilTuf and fide- >, . f litic ofchidhumbleWithal,knoWing that W* are bound to Cod,and not he to vi.^^ The nine leWes are zmgrateful after that he hath cured their leprojie : but the one Samaritane {the one Catholike Church ofthe Gentili) far other- Wife. 20 Therharifeesafking,whenconteththisk^ngdotnofGod{of\i/hofeappio- ehing they had noW heard fo much) he teacheth that God mufl reigne Within vn 22 and Warntth-ui after huPafiioniieuertogoe outcfhu Catholike Chunh for any neW fecrete coming of Chrifl that Heretikesfhal pretend, but onelj to expell hiifecond coming in glorie, 26 preparing eur felitesvnto it,bccaufe it J hal come vpon many va- prouided, si JJ'ecialiy througfi the ptr feat tion of %4ntuhrift a litle before it. Aa ij AND •' Not of mere neceiritie, for thcnicWeicno Faille: but pi~a;- luppolin;.; the great Wicked- nrsof: 188 T H E G O S P E L C H A. X V I I. f^^^g^^^^^l N D he faid to his Difciples, It is-'iirpof- i |p?§^f4'^j>^Ulblcthat fcandale fhould not come: but ll*|,V^^Mi^^,|yfl wo to him by whom they come, t It is 2. Ifc'^^^T^Sl more prohrabie for him , ifa mil Hone be eth,vvo tohhn * jfthy biothct (iP re againft thce, rebuke him : and if he doc ?onil!""" ' '"^ penance, forgiuchim. t And it heliune iigainft thecrfeuen 4 limes ina day , and fcucn times in a day be conueited vnto thcejfayingjit repenrcth me^forgiuehim. t And the Apoftlts faid to our Lord, Increafe faith in vs. 5 t And our lord faid, ''If you had faith like to a muilard feede, 6 you might fay to this mulberie tree,be thou rooted vp,and be tranfplanted into the Tea: and it would obey you. t And 7 which of you hauinga feruant plowing or keeping cattle, that wilfiy to him returning out ofthe field, Paife quickly, fitdowne: t and faith not to him, Make ready fupper,and 8 The fourth girci thy felf,and feruc me whiics 1 eate and drinke,and after- part of this Yvard thou fh,Jt eate and drinkc? t Doth he giuc that fcr- 9 o pc , le ^^_^j,[ jj-j-jrl^es , fordoi-nethe things wl^ich he commaunded coming or ' ,, » i,- i n 1 1 1 Chnft into him? j 1 trovv not. 50 you alio , When you ihal haue done 10 Icwrie , to- al things that are commauhded you,fiy , V ve ai «_ " vnprofita- \pardes his blefcruants: wc haue done th.'-t which we opghrto doe. Pailion. t And it canie topaife, af he went vnto H'.crufalcm, he 11 t?e'fs"iu4Tt? ^^^^"-^ through the middes of Samaria and Galilee, -f And ii ttrPenttcoft. vvhcn he cnticd inco a certainc townc , there metre him ten men that were lepers, who flioode a farre of: t '^-'i'^ i^ty lif- 13 ted vp their voice/aying, I e s v s maifler,haue tncrcic on vs. 1 Vvhom as he favv,he (aid, Goc, *fhevv your fclues"to the 14 Priefts.And it came to p,i(re,"as they went, they were made ^ cleane. tAnd one of them as he favv that he was made i^ clcane: went backe vviih a loud voice magnifying God, tandhefel on his fiice before his fecre, gluing {h;,nkes : and iG this was aSamaritane. t And I t s v s aufweringfiid,Vvcre 17 not ten made cleane? and where are the nincr* f I here was 18 -And yet We not found that returned , and gauc glotic to God , but this te here it vvas ftranect . + And he faid to him , Arifc , "oe thy vvaies : 10 not only f,uth, , ^r-. irLUL Jl r C ^ but aifo his D'caule •• thy taith hathmade tnceiatc. 4 thankfdncs 8c | ^j^j being a( kcdof the Pharifecs, Vvhen commeth the zo rcturnigtogiiie . ri r r gioric to God. kingdom of God? he anfvvered them and faid, T he kingdom of God 4-' Mt 13, M.it.-i'. 20. I-f«. 14, 1. ChA. XVII. ACCORDING TO S. LVKE. ^^^ :'.v.).l,' xh.y ofGod commeth not vvirh obfau.ition: t neither fhal they ark.^an„ iooke fay, Loeheie , orloechete. forloe •• theki;^gdomofGod]Si,i!'„°5'„p."^. . 1 - pe aii'l si' fie. Within you. , lo, th,n kmg t And he faid to his Difciples , The daies vvil coxr.c when &; Mcii.as vas vou f hal dcfire to fee one day ofthe Sonne ofman : and you j;;;;;;^^!5;;;;Ji- i'hal not fee. t * And they vvil fay to you , Loc here and loewi^jdo il- vv,ih- there. :: Goe nor, neithet doe ye tolovv after, t For eucn as ;;;;^'/;^^^^^^^^^^^^ the hphrening that iighteneth from vnder heaucn , vnto nioouennm'. i5 thofe paites that are vnder heauen , fhineth : To ^^halthe ^^^^^^^^,,j^ i6 Sonne ofman be in his day. t But firft he muft fuffcr rtmeout ott'he many things and be reiedcd of this generation . t And as s^/^^'^VjJJ, Cen. If, X6'. il X2. i4 it came to psfTe in the* daies of Noe, foihal it be alio in bcare them 17 the daies of the Sonne ofman. t They did cateand drinke, P;;^^';^^J:^;|^J; thev did marie vviues and were giuen to mariage eiicn vntil doarine bd^g / 11 J U £! J open in al the thedaythat Noe cntred into the arke : and the tioud^ came, ^^,1^ 5^^^^- iS anddcftroyed themal. t Likevvife as it came to pafTe in then^^ ^/.;*,«. * daies of Lot: They did eate and drinke, bought and fould, i? planted, and buildcd: t and in the day that Lot went out from Sodoi-ne,irrainedfireandbrimftone from heauen, and 30 "dcftroyed them all : t according to thefe things it Ihal be in the day that the Sonne ofman fhal be reuealed. tin that houre he that fhal be in the houfe-toppe,and his veflTel in the hcufe,lcthitnnotgoe dovvnetotakethem vp ta,nd he that is in the field , in like maner let him not returne ba'.ke. 1 Be mjiidcfulof* Lots wife. tVvhofoeuer feckech to faue his life, fhal lofcif.andvvhofoeuer doth lofe the fame , fhal 34 quicken ir. tHaytoyou,in that night there fhalbe tvvoin one bed : the one fhal be taken , and the other fhal be left^ 35 t two v,vomen fhal be grinding together : the one ( hal be t.kcn, arid the other fhal be left: two in the field : the one 3<» fhal be taken, and the other fhal be left, t They anfvvenng 57 Gytohim,Vvhere Lord? "t Vvho faid to them, Vvhtiefoe- uer the body fhal be, thither vvil the eagles alfo.b^e gathered together, ..:■;; iirtt -n / ' ' ' ^ r.'->j U. 51 53 i:! t.i\. ANNOTATIONS Chap. XVII. ,0 VubroftahUleruants.) Ifour Sauiourhad foidthjic the keeping of Gods comaundemenrs pjo^ ^^ ^^g h:idbenevnproficdble and HOtaiiaiLble to our Wues, then might the Proteftintshnuetruely ar- ynprofitAble & gued thcrcb/ that our workes deftriie not heaiK n or any reward at Gods hanf) :biit fc he Cnd not, p, ofitablt fer- but that om feiuice is to God vnprofitable, Vf ho calleth for it as duety, and not as a thing needcful ^ants, i "''^^ Aa iij °'^ 15)9 THE GOSPEL ChA. XVIII. or profitable to himfelf. And though here our Maiitjr teach vs fo humbly to conceiueofoar ovvtic doings toward him , yet him felf els vvher calleth not his icruants VJiproStable when they iW/.i/, n haue done their labour.but Ipeaketh thus ■, Good and faithful feruant. becaufe thou vvn/? faithful in « litU, ! vvil place thee ouer much : azterintotbeioyoftby Lord. Yeaof fuchasferuehimin thegrace of , the new Telhiment , he aBirmeth that he \f il not now name-themfemants butjrendts , yea and take " "' '*' them for his owne children, and as his frcndesand fonnes he counteth ofvs and our workes to- wards heauen, though we in humilitie and truth mufi: confeffe alwaies that we be to him vnpro- fitablc feruants. Yea and S. Paul faith plainly, that by cleaufing our felucs from finful workes, Wc fhal be profitable vellels to our lord. J Tiwof. 2,27. eonfelEon to i*.TothepneJis.) This leprofie hgnifieth finne, which though God may and can heale with- Ihe Priert '*'" ^">' ™^"^ meaiies , yet he doth it not ordinarily but by the Piieils minillerie : therforc let no man defpife Gods ordinance nor fay that it is ynough to coufelTc to God though he neuer cornea: the prieft. /;'. de vifit. infrm.apud ^ujujl. i-f. ^s they vvent.) A man may fometimcs be fo contrite and penitent, that his finne is forgi- . wen before he come to the Prieft, but then alfo he mull notwithftanding goc to the Pricll, as thelc ^- "^ lepers did : fpecially Whereas We are neuer fure how contrite We are, and becaufe there is no true €ontrition,but with defire alfo of the Sacrament in time and place. HAP. XVIII. '•'Vw fhould !>ray alwaies by aith, hope, and charitie, andby Xl^orking the thinges that be acceptable to God : though fpecial times of vocal praiers in the Canonical houres bealTig- nedforthe ftut- ring of vs vp to God through eternal fignes •fileuotioo. ThcGofpclvpi the 10 Sunday after Pcntccoft. Th$ Chnril} is taught to etmmit the rcuengeef herferftcutiotis t* God , and to pray incef- fantly,forhe no doubt {though in the perfecution of ^ntichriji fevv vvil f* thinke) wil at length come. 9 Wcmufl alfo pray with humility, becaufe we knew not "with the Pharifee if We be iujl, but vvt kjiovv with the Pubticane thatwebefinntrs. if He wil haue children to be brought to him, andaltt b* as children. tS What u to he done to get life euerlajiing. n What alfo, t» get perfection, iS mid what reward they f hal haue that leavie al ,yea or any fart , for hu fakje. 31 he foreteiieth of bif Pajlion mcji particularly, sj and entr'i tig Into lericho, cureth one blinde man. N D he fpake alfo a parable to them that it i behoueth ' ' alwaies to pray,& not to be weary, tfaying,Therc was a certaine iudge in a certaine i citie,vvhich feared not God , and of man made I no accourapt. t And there was a cercaine vvi- 3 dow inthatcitic:andfhecametohim,faying,Reuengemeof mine aduerfarie. t And he would not of a long rime, but 4 afterward he faid within him felf, Although I fe?rc not God,nor make accoumpt of man: t yet becaufe this widow 5 is importune vpon me, I wil reuengchcr,leftat: theiaft fhe come and defame me. t And our Lord faid , Heare what the 6 iudge ofiniquitie faycth. t And wil not God reuengc his 7 eledlthat crieto him day and night: and wil he haue pa- tience in them ? 1 1 fay to you that he wil quickly reuenge 8 them. But yet the Sonne of man comraing,"fhal he finde trow you,faith in the earth? tAnd he (aid alfo to certaine that trufted in them (elues 9 as iuft,and defpifcd others , this parable: t Two men vvent 10 vp into the Temple to pray : the one a Pharifee , and the other a Publicane. tThe Pharifee ftanding, praicd thus with 11 him li 13 ChA. XVIII. ACCORDING TO S. L V K E. I91 him Coif: God, 1 eiuc thee thankes that I am not as the reft of - Totakepriic men,cxtorcioncrs, VHUift,aduoutercrs , as alio this i-'uDlicane. thing, or an^ t - I faft tvvifc in a vvcekc : I giue tithes of al that I pofTefle. s°°j'^^;>|;^e . j^^ t And the Pubhcanc (landing a farrc of would not fo much theu^orkes^hc as hft vp his eics toward heauen: but he-knocked his breaft, ^"^^^J ^^ ^'^'V 14 faying, God be merciful tomcafinner. 11 fay to you, this :: ^o doc the man went downe into his houfeiuftificd more then he: priefts and pco- becaufc euery one that exaltethhim felf, fhal ba humbled: Akar^ Locke and he that humbleth him felf,fhal be exalted. ^ ^'ll^'uf ','^ t * And they brought vnto him inrants alio, that he might bie pubUcane, touchcihem.Vvhich thing when the Difciples faw, they ^'"VT?"'" rebuked them, t But I s s v s calling them together,laid,5ut- e them, Be- The Grip.-; vpo hold we goevpto Hierufalem , and al things fiiarfec con- JJur^^J^e^e"!^ fummat t^Z THEGOSPEL ChA. XV fummatc which were written by the Prophets of the fonnc of man. t For he Thai bedeliucredto the Gentiles, and fhal be ^i inocked,andrcourgcd,and fpit vpon: t andafterthey haue 35 fcourged him, they wilkii him, and the third day he fhal rifeagaine. t And they vnderftoode none of theie things, 34 and this word was hid from them, and they vnderftoode not the things that were faid. t And it came to pafle,vvhen he drew nigh to lericho , a 35 certaine blinde man fats by the way, begging, t And when 36 he heard the multitude paffing by, he af ked what this fhould be. t And they told him that 1 e s v s of Nazareth palfed by. 37 t And he cried faying, Iesvs fonne ofDauid, hauemcr- 38 cie vpon me. t And they that went before, rebuked him, 39 that he fhould hold his peace. But he cried much more, Sonne of Dauid haue mercie vpon me. t And 1 e s vs ftan- 40 dingjCommaunded him to be brought vnto him. And when he was come neerc, he afked him, i" faying, Vvhat wilt 41 thou that I doe to thee? but he faid, Lord, that I may fee. tAnd Iesvs faid to him, Do thou fee, thy faith hath made 42. thee whole. tAnd forthwith he favv,and folo wed him,ma, 43 gnifying God. And al the people as they faw it, gauepraife to God. 4 III. l^ie Church crreth not in A N N O T Chap. A T I O N S XVIII. S.Shal heJindefaithr)The Luciferians and Donatills vfed this place to excufe their fall from the • Church, as our Aduerfaries now doe,faying that it was decaied in faith,vvhen they forfooke it.To whom weanfWer asS. Hieromands. Auguftin anfwered them, that Chrift faith not that there fii"'.c»nfri fhould be no faith leaft in earth : but by this maner o f fpeache infinuatetb ,'thar at the later day in ^«"/.f.tf. ' the great perfecution of Antichrift faich fhould be more rare, and the faithful among fomany ^"i- «* wicked notfo notorious : fpecially that perfedl faith containing deuotion, truft, andafteftion vntt.Ec.f. tovard God, Which our Maifterfo praifed in certaine vpon v/hom he Wrought miracles, and by '/' & »«' force whereof mountaines might be naoued , which is rate euen when the Church floiifheth "vsrh. 'Da. mod.. ^"'^'^' Chap. XIX. in lerieho heloiveth in the houfi ofZaehauta Publicane, and aga'mji the murmurhig leWes openeth the reafons opm fo doing. 1 1 He fhevveth,that the loft day fhould not beyet , ;/ tindwhat then tn the iudgemcnt he "uvil dot both to vs of hts Church iifjvel good Ai bad, *i andaifotothcrcfrobate levvei. 19 "Being now come to the place ofhu Pafion , he enlrtth (ziifeping and foretelling the deJiruBion of blinde HicrHfalem ) with triumph as their Chrijt *; He fheweth his xjalefoy the houfeofGod,andteacheththcr(in entry day. 41 The rulers Would defiroy him,iiitforfeare of the people. AND Cha. XIX. ACCORDING TO S. L V K E. I5J3 ^^^^ ND entringin, he walked through led- Thceoi^civj* cho. t And behold a man named Za- ofa church, chxus : and this was a Prince of the Publi- cans, and hcriche. t And helought to fee Iesvs what he was, andhe could not for the multitude , becaufe he was litlc of fta- 4 ture, t And running before, he" went vp into a fycomore tree that he might lee him : becaufe he was to pafleby it. 5 t And when he was come to the place , Iesvs looking vp,faw him,andfaidto him, Zach£EUS,comc dovvneinhaft: zachxus. 6 becaufe this day I muft abide in thy houfe. f And he in haft 7 came downc, and rccciued him rcioycing. t And when al faw itjthcy raurmured,faying that he turned in,to a man that 8 wasafinner. t But Zachxus ftanding , faidto ourLord, Behold the halfe of my goods,Lord,l giue tothe poore:and if I haue defrauded any man of any thing , " I rcftore fourefold. t Iesvs faidto him. That this day faluation is made to this houfe: becaufe that healfo isthefonne of Abraham. t*For the Sonne of man is come tofcekcand to faue that which was loft. ^ t They hearing thefe things,hc added and fpake a parable, for that he was nigh to Hierufalem,and becaufe they thought that forthwith the kingdom of God fhould be manifefted. li t He faid thcrfore , * A certaine noble man went into a farrc xhe Gofpelfor u countrieto taketo bimfelfakinedom,andtorcturne. tAnd aconfcfforthat ,1. 1 . r 1 I 1 ir- I isnotaBifhop, calling hjs ten leruants,he gauc them ten poundcs, and laid to and namely for 14 them, Occupictil Icome. t And his citizens hated him : and f; ^^"^'^ ^^' they lent u iegacie after nim , laying , Vve wil not iiaue this Auguft.ij. 15 manreigneouervs. f And it came to paffe after he returned, t-.^arkehcrca- hauing receiuedhis kingdom: and he commaundedhis fer- gaimi the adii«»- nants to be called, to whom he gaue the money : that he j^^^^jsof^jh^^g might know how much euery ma had gained by occupying, two good fer- 16 t And the firftcame,faying,Lord, thy pound hath gotten ten & vnxqual' ac- 17 poundcs. I And he faid to him, Vvel fare theegood fernant, '^?'^'^'"S "^'^ '.^c becaufe thou haft been faithful in a litle , thou fhalt haue equai.cy of their 18 powerouer*' ten cities. tAnd the fecond came,fiyin2,Loi'd, s^"" • '^^^^"' r ^ '.'£>'' their merites. 15) thy pound hath made hue poundes. t Andhe laid to him, and yet one rc- 10 And be thou ouer fiuc cities, t And an other came, faying, "y"/^^/!^^ ^^' Lordjloe here thy pound, wliich I haue had laid vp in a nap- as wd as the 11 kin. t lor 1 tearcd ibce, h;:caii(te thou art an auftere man;thou heauen Vriife' takeft vp th.u thou diJ.il :)ot(ci downe,and thou reapcft <^"i^ft'ng- 13 b that 9 10 II Holy 194 wecke. THE GOSPEL ' C H A'. XIX. that which thou didft not fovv. | He faith to him. By thine 22 Seeannotacios Hieiufalcm. PALME SVN. D A y. ovvne mouth I iudge thee, naughtie feruant. Thou didft knovv.ihat I am an auftere man , taking vp that I fet not dovvne,and reaping that which Ifovved not: t and why 23 didft thou not giuc my money to the banke , and I comming Macth. 17,29, might certes with vfurie haue exacted it? t And he faid 1024 ^ ' ^ them that ftoode by, Take the pound away from him , and giue it to him that hath the ten poimdes. t And they faid to 25 him,Lord,he hath ten poundes. t But I fay to you , that ^026 euery one that hath f hal be giuen : and from him that hath not, that alfo which he hath f hal be taken from him. 4 The fifth ^ ^^^ ^^ ^°^ thofe mine enemies that would not haue me 27 part of the teigue ouet them, bring them hither: and kil them before Gofpcl, Of nie. the Holy t And hauing faid thefe ihings,he Went before afcending 28 u'ce^eothjs [o Hierufalem. t And it came to palTc ''^ when he was come 20 raihon m . . r. i i ' i r. l i n . njgh to Betnpnage and Btthania vnto the mount called Ohuetjhefcnt two of hisDilciples, tf'iying,Goe into the 30 towne which is oueragainft, into the which as you enter, you fhalfinde the colt of a^n alfc tied, on which no man cuer hath fitten-.loofe him, and bringhim. j Andifany manarke3i yoUjVvhy loofeyou him: You 1 hal fay thus to him ,becaufe our Lord needeth his leruice. t And they that were fent, 32 went their waies , and found as he faid to them, the colt flanding.tAnd when they looled the coJr,the owners there- 35 of faid to them , Vvhy loofeyou the colt? t But they faid, 34 becaufe our Lord hath neede of him. t And they brought 35 him to 1 E s V s. And cafting their garments vpon the colt, they fet 1 e s v s therevpon. t And as he went , they fprcd 36 their garments vnderneath in the way. t And vvhen he ap- 37 proched now to the defcent of mount- Oliuer , al the multi- tudes of ^ them that defcendcd', began with ioy to praife God with a loude \oke , for al the miracles that they hadfeen, t faying, Bk fled is he that commeth king in the?^ name of our Lord,peace in heauen, and glorie on high, t And 39 certaine Pharifees of the multitudes faid to hira, Maifter , re- buke thy difciples. t To whom he faid,I fay to you , That if 40 thefe hold their peace,the ftones fhal crie. t And as he drew 41 ncere,fecing ihe citie,he wept vpon it, faying, t Becaufe if 42. thou alfbhadfi:^novven,and that in this thy day, the things thatpcrtaineto thy peace: but uow they arc hid from thine cies ChA. XIX. ACCORDINGTOS. LVKE. 195 43 eies. f For •• thedaics ihal comevpon thee rand thy ene- mies fhal compafle thee with atrcnche , and indofe thee 44 about, and ftrairen thee on euery fide,t and beate thee flat to theground,andthy children that are in thee, and they fhal notlcaueintheeaftone vponaftone : becaufethou haft not knovventhetimeofthy vifitation. 45 t * And entring into the temple , he began to caft out the 4^ fellers therein and the biers, t faying to them, It is written, jhiit my honfe is thehonfe ofpraler. Butyouhaue made it a lienne oftheeites. 47 tAnd he was teaching daily in the temple. And the cheefe Pricfts and theScribcs andthcPtmces ofthepeoplefought 48todcftroyhim: t and they found not what to doe to him. For al the people vvas fufpenfe, hearing him. ANNOTATIONS Chap. XIX "Mt.ii, iz, Mr. II, If. MvNDAy £/.f i : ■*/ bidding alto beware of the Scribes (^mtthon of the lewes fchifme from him) being ambitious and hypo- critei. Bb i AND Holy vireeke. .TVESDAY. •• See Annot, Mat. c ii, J 3. THE GOSPEL ChA. N D it came to pafle ; in one of the daics i when he was teaching the people in the temple and euangelizing , the cheefe Pricfts and the Scribes vvith theauncients aflembled , I and fpakc faying to him, 1 ••Tel vSjin what power doeft thou thefe ^things? or, who is hethat hath giuen the this power? t And I e s v s anfvvering , faid to them, } I alfo wil afkeyou one word. Anfwerme, 1 Thebaptifme 4 oflohn was it from hcaue,or of raen?tBut they thought with- 5 in them felues, Gying, Thar if we fiy. From hcauen : he wil fay,Vvhy then did you not beleeue him ? t But if vvcfay,Of (> men: the whole people wil ftone vs : for they are certaine that lohn is a Prophet, t And they anfwcred that they 7 knew not whence it was. t And I e s v s {aid to them, 8 Neither doe I tel you in what power I doe thcfc things. i And he began to fay to the people this parable,* A cer- 9 -Seethe mar- tainc •• Huu planted a vineyard , & let it outtohufbandmen: i?f'x/iir.T* and he was from home a lone time, t And in time he fent 10 tothehulbandmcn a fcruant , thatthey fhould giuc him of the fruit of the vineyard. Vvho beating him, fent him away emptie, t And againc he fenr an other feruant. But they bea- 11 ting him alfo andreprochfully abufinghim, fent him away emptie. t Andagainehe fent the third: who wounding iz him alfo , caft him out. t And the lord of the vineyard faid, 13 Vvhat f hall doe? I wil (end my beloued fonne : perhaps when they fhal fee him, they wil reuerencehim. tVvhom 14 when the hufbandmen favv , they thought within them {elues,faying,This is the heire , let vs kil him, that the heritage may be ours, t And calling him forth out of the vineyard, i^ they killed him. Vvhat thcrforc wil the Lord of the vineyard doetothem?t He vvilcome, and wildeftroy thefe hufband- 16 men , and wil giue the vineyard to others. Vvhich they hearing,(aid tohim,God forbid, t But he beholding them 17 did, Vvhat is this then that is written , Thefioneyyhicbthebitilders reircied,thef/tme is become into the head of the corner } f Euery one that 1 8 fallethvpon this ftone, fhal be quafhed : and vpon whom it fhal fall, it fhal breakehim to pouder. t And the cheefe 19 Priefts and Scribes fought to lay handes vpon him that hourc: andthey feared the people, for they knew that he fpake this iimilitudc to them. •t*And Cha. lit. IZ, If. Mr. 20 21 XX. ACCORDING TO S. LVKI. 1^7 HotT "t * And >3ratching,they fcnt fpics which f hould fcinc them ▼"ke. fcluesiuftrthatthcy might take him in histalke, and dcliucr him totheprincipaltie and power of the Praifident. t And they afked him,faying,Maifter,vve know that thou fpcakcft and tcacheft rightly : and thou doeft not accept perfon, but 22 teachefl the way of God in truth. I Is it lawful for vs to 23 giue tribute to Cacfar, or no? t But confidering their guile, 2 4heraidtothem,Vvhy tempt you me? t Shew me a penic. Vvhofc image haih it and infcription ? They anfwering faid^ 25 Csefars. t ' And he faid to them, Render iherfore the things that are Ciefars,*' to Csfar : and the things that are Gods , to 25 God. t And they could not reprehend his word before the ^uft be "done people: and marueiling at his anfwer, they held their peace. f° Princes, that 27 t * And there came ccrtaine of the Sadducecs, which de- co'dbe^mne- 28 nie that there is a refurrc6tion,and they afked him, t faying, s'*'^'='^-^"^"" \t -n xM r •• i.ir ii*^ ,0' not. MaLC.ii, Mailter,Moyicsgauevsm writing, *lta mans brother die 15. hauing a vvifc,and he hauc no children , that his brother take 29 her to wifc,andraifevp feede to his brother, t There were thcrfore feuen brethren : and the firft tooke a wife , and died 30 without children, t And the next tooke her, and he died 31 without children, t And the third tooke her. In like maner 32 alfoal the feuen,and they left no feed, and died. tLaftofal 33 the woman died alfo. t In the refurredliontherforc, vvhofc vvifefhalfhc be ofthem?fithens the feuen had her to wife. 34 t And Iiisvs faid to them , The children of this world 35 marrie, and arc giuen in niariage: t but they that'Thal be •• The greekc ••counted worthie of that world and the refurredion from ''' iix\«.ti>iSiv- 56 thedcad, neither marrie, nor take wiues, f neither can they ^'['^'"g"^",!},^ dieanvmorc, for they arc "equal to Angels: and they are the "r'^f)- ''-"»' «« fonnesofGod, feeing they are the fonnes of therefurreai5. 7:%-^Thyk 37 t But that the dead rifeagaine, Moyfes alfo fhewed,beficle §"" of God, the bufh,as he Calleth the Lord, The Cod ofj.hrttham,a»dtheOod oftn deedeXor! 38 jfaMydndtheGodofUcob. t For God is not ofthe dead , but of the y'"*:- »' ahb 35) liuing.foralliueto him. lAnd ccrtaine ofthe Scribes anfvvc-p"er^verft^T 40 ring , faid to him, Maifler, thou haft faid wel. t And further ^^-Thcp.s. they durft not afkc him any thing. 41 t But he faid to them, * How fay they that Chrift is the 42 fonneofDauid ? tand Dauid him fcif faith in the bookc of 43 pfaimcs, TheLordpidtomj lord,Sit(m my right h^nd, ■\till put thifte cue- 44 mics, thi footejlooU ofthyfntef t Dauid then callethhim Lord : and how is he his fonnc? B iij tAnd Holy weckc. 198 THE GOPSEL ChA. XXI. jAnd althe people hearing him, he faid to his Difciples, 45 t* Beware of the Scribes,thac v vil vvalke in robes , and louc ^6 falurations in the market-place, and the fiift chaires in the fy- nagogs , and the cheefe roomes in fcaftes. t which de- 47 uoure vvido V ves houfes : fcining long praier . Thefe fhal re- ceiuc greater damnation. Mt. 15, 6^ Mr. 11, 38. ANNOTATIONS C H A P. X X. 3 f.Shal be counted vvorthie.)This truth and fpeach that good men be worthy of heauen, is ac- To be worthie cording to the Scriptures , and fignificth that mans vvorkes done by Chrifts grace do condignely of heaue, or to or vvotthely deferiie eternal ioy. as Sap.3. God proued them, andfound them worthy ofhimfelf. and delerue fic me- M^t.io.Hethat loueth his father more thcnme,is notworthy of me. 3xi^Co\oi.i,Tha,tyoumiiy vvalke rue It, worthy ofGod.ani mol\ plainly A^OC.}. They fhal vvalke with me in whire.becaufe they are war- thy. as of Cbrift ( c.i )Thou artvvorthy 0 Lord to receiue glorici^c.AnA that, to be counted vvorthie, KolxfttoSlu/ai. andtobevvotthic,isherealone,itispIaine,by theGreekeTVord,vvhichS.Paulvfethfo,asthead- _. . Ilprr^rip*; ovvnA P ntrlil h Tpfrompnrc rJr\ fpfVilip rfiA'tt^rr fhiic T-TpKrf to OfUnTinin^urtiinv^vhu^irU- Kit therfore forget them felues, and are ignorant in the Scriptures, andknorr not the force nor the valure of the grace of God, which doth, not onely make our labours graceful to God, but V/orthie of the rewardwhich he bath prouided for fucli as loue hira. See the Annot. 2 Thejf. r, /. Tliediffnitic of ^*- El^^l to Angels.) Sainftsofourkinde,i»ovrintheirfoule$,andafterthdrrelijrte£lionia Sainiist body and Ibuletogether.fhal be in al things equal to Angels :and for degree of bliffc.many Sain&.t of greater merite fhal be aboue diuers Angels; as S. lohn Baptift.die Apoftles, and others.and our B. Lady aboue al the orders «fhoIy fpiritsin dignitieand blilTe. andnoraaruel, ouriutuicby ehrifl being fo highly exalted aboue al Angels. Chap. XXI. He eommenieth the poore tKi'tdoW for her two mites, aboue al. s Hauingfaid that the Temple fhal be quite deflroied, 7 heforetelietb jirfl many things that fhal goe before, 1 e then afirne alfo when it u neere , after which fhal come the dejiru- Bion itfelfin meji horrible maner,without hope ofrefiitHtion,vntil al T^ations efthe Gen tils he gathered ikto his Church in the very end of the world. 2/ ^nd then what Jignes fhal tomeof the loft day , terrible to the vvorld, 2S but com^ ferttthle to Vi ofhu Gkureh, 3^ fo that we be alvvaies watchful, N D beholding, he favv them that did caflr i their giftes into the treafurie , riche pcrfons. t And he favv alfo a certaine poorc widow 2. cafting tv TO bralfe mites, t Andhe faidjVcre- 5 § ly I fay to you, that this poore widow hath caft more then al. t For al rhefc of their aboundance haue 4 caft into the giftes of God : but fhe " of her pcnurie , hath caft in alherliuing thatfhehad. t And certaine faying of the temple that it was adorned ^ with My. iz, Cha XXI. 6 ACCORDING 11 20 II 11 ^3 TO S. LVKE. icjf> with goodly ftones and donaries,hcfaid, t Thefe rhings Holy wceke. which you lee,* the dales vvii come wherein •• there Th'aJ fiS^^'o'^^eres not be left aftone vpon a ftone that fhal not be deftroied. after the death t And they af ked him,faying,Maiftei-,When fhal thefe things ofAu^litVal be : and what fhal be the ilgnc when they fhal begin to ^^"^ ^^""^ '""-" come to paffeJ t Vvho faid,Sce you be not fednced.for •• ma- vhere^'f',, thJ ny vvil come in my name, fayine that I am he : and the time ^%'"n'anr ■'l J iiU C rL ,KAi'i burnr it : froni isathand, goe not tnertore ariertnem. f"^ And when you the fidt buii- fhal hearc ofwarres and feditions,be not terrified: thefe 5*^^"° '!?"^°^''>' things muftfiril: come topalTe, but the end is not yet by and r", from there- by, t Then he (aid to them, Nation fhal rife kgAin'il-na- ofSc^^^yiTs". tion , and, kingdom againft kingdom, t And there fhal be ^39 yeres. /a/^/r' great earth- quakes in places,and pcftilences and famines, and clp.'i^'"^' ''' ' terrours from heauen, and there fhal be great figncs. t But :: Many faifc- beforeal thefe things they vvil ••lay their hands vpon you: pi^opi^ecs & He- , r J 1 ■ • • r 1 - J^ctikes. See An. and perlecute you deiiuermg you into lynagogs and pri- Mt.z4. Mr. 15. fons, drawing you to kings and prefidents for my name, b The cofpei 15 t and it fhal happen vnto you for teftimonie. t Lay vp (°^^^™^"i' ^■"- 14 thisthetfore in your hartes,not to premeditate how you fhal :•• Great perfe- 15 anfvver. t For 1 vvil giuc you mouth and wifedom, which ["t''J"fCatho- al your aduerfaries Ihal not be able to refift andgaineGy. 16 t And you fhal be deliuered vp of your parents and bre- thren,and kinfemen Sc fiendes : and they vvil put to death of 17 you. t And you fhal be odious to al men for my name : 18 tandaheareofyourhead fhalnotperifh. tin your patience 15? you fhal polfeire your foules. ^ t And when you Ihal fee Hierufalem compalTed about ^vith an armie: then know that the defolation thereof is at hand, t then they that are in levvrie, let them flee to the mountaincs:and they in the middes thereof, let them depart: and they in the countries, let them not enter into it. t for thefe are the daies of vengeance, that al things may be ful- filled that are written, t But wo to them that arc with childe and that giuefucke in thofe daies. for there fhal be great af- 14 flidion vpon the land, and Wrath on this people, t And they fhal fall by the edge of the fvvord: and fhal be led cap- tiueinto al nations, and Hierufalem ihal be trodcn of the Gentiles: til the times of nations be fulfilled. 25 -[* And there fhal befignes in thefunneand thcmoone TheGorpeivpS and the flarres : and vpon earth diftrefTe of nations, for the Aduent. 16 confufion ofthe foundof fea and vvaues, t men withe- Holy ■wcekc. lOO THE GOSPEL ^ C H A. X X I. ring" for fearc and expedition, what fhal come vpon the whole world, for the powers of hcaue flial be moued:1and 27 then they fhal fee theSonnc ofman comming in a cloudc with great povvcf andmaieftie. t But when thefe things zS begin to come to palfc, looke vp and lift vp your heades: becaufe your redemption is at hand. \ Andhefpaketo them 215? a fimilitude. Sec the figtrce and al trees : t Vvhen they now 30 budde forth fruitc out of them felucs,y°ou know that fum- merisnigh. \ So you alfo vvhen you fhal fcethcfe things 31 come to pafle , know that the kingdom of God is niu;h. t Amen 1 fay to you, thatthis generation fhal norpafTe, til al 32. be done, t Hcauen and earth fhal paflc:but my vvordcs fhal jf notpalle. 4 t And lookc wel to your felues , left perhaps your hartcs 3 4 be oucrcharged with furfetting and drunkenelfc and cares of this life: and that day come vpon you fodenly. f For as a 35 oreKmkage%s ^oatc fhal it comc vpoH al tliat fit vpon the face of al the s.GrcgorieNa- earth. \ Vvatch thcrforc,. praying atal times, thatyou may 3<> {oodiy'chin'j^* bc'accountcd worthie to efcape al thefe things that ate to this doth the come.and toftand before the Sonne ofman. mount Carmel iaiii-i i--i ii i ofEiias teach, tAndthc daics hc was teaching in the temple: but the 37 lohns defer:, & nishtes goin? fotth , heabodcin the •• mount that is called that mount vn- p °.^iii t-i • in towhichiEsvj Oliuct. -t And al the people in the morning went vnto him 38 ^ITqSJf- in the temple to heare him. lone vciVi him ' — — — i»,r, fAuptntHt, ANNQTATIONS Chap. XXI. 4, ofhtrfeMHrie. ) To offer orgiuc almes of oar fupcrfluitcs, is notfo accfptabfc nor merite- fious , as to beftow fome of that Which is of our nccefl'arie prouifion, and Which We may baidly fpare from oiu felues : for , that procedcth of greater zealc , vvil , and intention , Which be moic lefpciiied of God then the fubftance of the gift. Chap. XXII. fc«iutt» their fhiftes. S9 xAndthat night,(ifHr his praier\y'ith fvueatingofhloud, *theu taken of thi lewes men,Iuda! being their captaineiyetj hewing them both by mi- racle and word,that they coulddoe nothing vr.to hi??i but by hu owne pcrmijiicn. )* Then in the checfePrieJles houfehe'js thrife denied of Peter , 6; fhamefuUj abufedoj hu keepers, 66 and in the morning impioufly condenified of their Counccl, for confejViTig him [elf ta be the Stnne of God. AND See An- not.c.xoj Cha. XXII. ACCORDING TO S. L V K E. 20I N D the feftiual .day of the Azymes ap- H O L Y weekc proched, which is called Pafche: t and according to s. chccheefe Priefts and the Scribes fought Luke in thefc how they might kil him : but they feared the cofpei n the people, t And Satan entred into lu- MaffevponTe- r. r .. . _ . ,-nebre V/enei- 21. Mr. 14, xo. 10.15^18 das that was furnamed Ifcaiiote, one of day. _^theTvvelue. t And He went, and talked teneb r e witlilheicheefe Priefts and the Magiftjijtes, howhemighc ^^"^ *^* f betray him to them, j And they were glad , and bargained 6 togiuehim money, t Andhepromifed. And he fought op- porrunitie to betray him apart trom the multitudes. 7 t * And the day of the Azymes came , wherein it was ne- 8 cefifarie that the Pakhcfhould be killed, t And he fent Pe- ter and Iohn,faying,Goe and prepare vs the Pafche , that we ^ xii^^ya^ c) may eate. 1 But th Behold, as you enter into the citie,therefhal meete you ajman caryinga pitcher of water: folovv him into the houie into which he entreth, t and you fhal fay to the good manof the hou(e, The Maiftec iaithtothee,Vvhcre isiheinne Yvherel may eate the Pafche vvithmy Difciples? t Andhewil fhew you a great refec- torie adorned: and there prepare, t And they going, found as he faid to them, and prepared the Pafche. t And when the houre was come, he fate dovvnc,and i^ the tvvelue Apoftles with him. t And he faid to them, "Vvithdefirel hauedcfired to eate this Pafche with yoube- 16 forclfuffer. t For I fay to you, that from this time I vvil 17 noteateit, til it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. t And "taking the chalice he gaue thankes,and fiid,Takc and deuide 18 amongyou, t for I fay to you, That I vvil not drinke of the • Seneration of the vine , til the kingdom of God doc II 12 H ^9 10 21 Z2, come. t* And taking bread, he gaue ihankes,and brake rand gaueto them, faying, "Th I s is my body " v v h i c h -TheCreekcis IS GIVEN POR Yov. " Doc this " for a commemoration ^^^^ thcfl'^^ll of me. T In like maner the chalice alfo, afi:er he had fupped, very bioud in ,• .. r— II , chechalice.lhed la} ing, "This IS THE CHALICE THENEVVTES- forvs.that Beza TAMENT IN MY BLOVD, " WHICH SHAL BE f^'^h itis a cor- ruption in the SHED FOR YOV. gre.ke. See the t * But yet behold , the hand of him thatbetraieth me , is ^""°/^^j/i'°" with me on the table, t And the Sonne of man m deede Cc goeih HoLYlOl ' THE GOSPEL ' ChA. XXII. weckc. goethaccordingtothat vvhichisdetcimined:butyet WO to that man by whom he fhal be betrayed, t And they began 13 to queftion among them felues , which of them it f hould be that Chould doe this. f^ And there tel alfoacotention betwenethem, which 24 of them Teemed to be greater, t And he faid to them, The 15 kingesof the Gentiles ouerrule them : and they that haue power vpon them, a^ called beneficial, t But you not fo: 16 but he that is the greater among you , let him become as the yonger:&he that is the lcader,as the waiter.|For which is grea- 27 ter,he that fitteth at the table,or he that miniftreth ? is not he that futeth?buil am inthc middes ofyou,as he that miniftreth; j&you are they that haue remained with me in my tetations. 28 tAnd I difpofc to you, as my father difpofed to me, a kingdo: 25? t that you may eate & drinke vpon my table in my kingdom, 50 " .Straight afcer & may fit •• vpon throncs,iudging the tvvelue tribes of ifrael. the to'merio- ^ And out Lord faid," Sittion , Simon , bchold Satan hath 31 admonition, he required to haue you lor to lire as wheate : t Bvt I 32 Semahhadia- HAVE p R A I E D FOR T H t E , that ihyfaith faile uot: ue bene parta- and thou once conuericd , coniirme thy brethren, t Vvho 33 orhiTmiferics f^id to him,Lord,vvith thee! am readieto goe both into pri- inrhislife.gtea- fon and vnto dcath. ■\ And he faid, *^ 1 (ay to thee, Peter, the 34 inXauen^ihcn cocke Thai not ctovv to day , til thou denie thrife that thou any Potentate knoweft mc. + And he faid ro ihcm , Vvhen 1 fent you 3? can haue m this . . , ^ in- i /-i i- i 11 vorld.&ther- * vvithout putic and 1 Krippe and lhoes,didyou lacke any ne?de n^tr ^^'"g-^^"'^ ^^cy faid, Nothing. tHe faid therfore vnto them, ^6 carefnlofdigni- But now he that hath apur(e,lethim take it, like wife alio a neorsuprcma- f Grippe : and he that hath not,let him felhiscoatc, andbiea fword. i For I fay to you, that yet this that is written^ muft 37 'be fulfilled in me, j:ndyyiththeyvifkedvvasherqmted. For thofe things that are concerning mc, haue an end. 1 But they faid, 38 Lord,Loe two fwordeshere. But he faid to them. It is ynough. t* And going forth he went according to his cu- 39 ftome into mount-Oliuct. And his Difciples alfo folowed "• THVRSDAY ^'^n. t And when he was come to the place, he faid to 40 night. them,Pray,left ye enter into tentation. t And he was pul- 41 led away from them a ftones caft : and kneeling he praied, t fayi ng,Father,if thou wilt, transferre this chcilicefromme. 42 But yet not my vvil,but thine be done, t And there appeared 43 to him an Angel from heauen, ftrengtheninghim.And being in an agonie,he praied thelongcr. t And his fweat became 44 as ChA. XXII. ACCORDING TO S. LVKl. 2O3 H O L Y 45 as droppcsofbloudcriklingdovvncvpon the earth, t And wcckc. when he vvasiifcn vp from praier, and was come to his ^6 Difciples, he found them fleeping for penfifenes . tAndhc faid to them, Vvhy (leepe you ? arifc, pray, left you enter into tentation. 47 t As he was yet fpeaking,behold a multitudc:and he that was called Iudas,one of the T welue,wcnt before them,and 48 approched to I e s v s, for to kiffe him. t And I e s v s faid - to him,Iudas with a kille docft thou betray the fonne ofman? 49 t And they that were about him, feeing what would be, 50 faid to him , Lord , Shal we ftrike with the fword? t And oneofthem fmoretheferuant orthe high Prieft : and cut of 51 hisrighceare. t But 1 e svs anfwering^Gid, Suffer ye thus farre. And when he had touched his eare, he healed him. 52 tAnd Iesvs faidtothera that were come vnto him, the cheefe Prielhjandmagiitratcs ofthctcmple, andauncients. As it were to a theefeare you come forth wuh fwordes and 55 clubbes ? t Vvhenl was daily vviihyouiiithe temple, you did not lay handes vpon mc , but this in your iioui e , and the ( power otdarkenelfe. I 54 t And apprehending him, they Icdhim to the high Priefts 55 houfe: but Peter folovvcd a farre of t Anda firebeingkin- j died in the middes of the court, & they fitting about it, Peter ^6 vvas in the middes of them, t Vvhom when a certaine vvenche faw fitting at the light, and had beheld him, fhe 57 faid. This fellow alfo was with him. t But he denied him, 58 faying, Vvoman, I know him not. t And after a while an other man feeing him,faid. And thou art of them .But Peter 59 faid,0 mani amnot. t Andafter thefpaceas it wereofone houre, a certaine other man affirmed, faying, Verely this 60 fellowalfo was with him. for hcisalfo aGalilasan. tAnd Peter faid,Man 1 know not what thou fayeft . And inconti- 61 nent as he was yet fpeaking, the cockc crew, t And pur Lord turning looked on Peter. And Peter remcmbred the word of our Lord, as he had faid , That before the cocke 61 crow, thou f halt thrifedenie me. tAnd Peter going forth a doores , wept bitterly, (jj t And the men that held him , mocked hira,beating him. ^4 t And they did blindefold him, and fmotc his face . And they afked him faying, Prophecie, who is it that fmote thee? ^5 t And blafpheming many other things they faid againft him. Cc ij • tAnd Holy "weekc. 204 THE GOSPEL ChA. XXII. t And. when it was day,thcre afTcmblcd the auncients of 66 the people and cheefePriefts and Scribes, and they brought him into their councel/aying, t If thou be Chrift; tel vs. And 6-/ he faid to them, If I tel you,you v vil not beleeuc me: t ifalfo 68 lafkejyouvvilnotanfwerme, nor dimific me. t But from 69 henceforth the Sonne -of man fhal be fitting on the right hand of the power of God. t And they al faid, Art thou 70 then the fonne of God ? Vvho faid , You (ay that I am. t But they faid, Vvhat neede we teftimonie any further? For 71 our felueshaue heard of his owne mouth. ■The-oUPafchal ccafcth atu-l a ANNOTATIONS Chap. XXII. r/. \rith deftre 1 hnue deftrid.l This great defire he had to eate this Pafchal lambe , Was not for irfelf, which he had celebiated man) yeres before ; butbecaufe he meant immediatly after the 'ifW 's iafl't t' Pafchalof the La WvasfacriiicedSc eaten, to inftitutc the othei new Pafchal in the oblation and '„ J ' " eatingofhisownebody, by which the old Pafchal fhould end and be fulfilled, and in Which the eld Teftament and Law ceafmg , the Kingdom of God (which is the Hate of the new Teflamcnc and of his Church) fhculd bcgin.For, the very pafTage from the old Law to the ncW Was in this one fupper. ( 7. Taking ihs cha'ic<:.} This chalice according to the very euidence of the text it felf alfo,:s no t the fccond part of the Holy Sacrament, but that lolemne ciippe of wine which belonged as a liba- nient to the ofFctingand eating of the Pafchal lambe. Which being a figure fpecially of the holy r..'^'i^_!''f-^." ?/ Chalice, was tbcr? drunken by our Sauiour , and giuen to the Apoftles aUo, With declaration that it fhould be the Jalt cuppc of the LaW,not to be drunken any more.ti! it fhould be drunken neW in the kingdom of v^c i , that is to fay , in the celebration of the B. Sacrament ofhisbloud of the new Teftamenc. Andty thisplace it fecmcth very like that the Wordes in S. Matthew, iwilnef n.^ drin!:^ cfthe fiuiteof thevine drc. Were pertaining to this cuppe of the old Law , and not to the " '* Holy Sacrament , though they be there by repetition or recapitulation (poken after the holy Chalice. / 9. This u my body"] .Although fenfe tetthet it is bread ,yet It is the body, according to hit vvcrdes. let ^.p faith confirmethee, indgenot hyfenfe. aftcrthe wordes of our Lord letno doubt rife m thy minde. Cyril. myftag. 4. Oftheventieofflefh and blond there u left no place to doubt: by the brofcf ion ef our Lord him felf and by our faith it u fiej h and bloud in deede. Is not thu truth ? To them be it vnirue , Which deny Iesvs Christ to he true Cod. Hilarli. 8 de Trinit. chalices at Chri ftes laft fupper, The real fence. Chrift facrificed , his body and P'^'"« bloud in Sacra- ^^"^ t' . ..- mentathisfup- *'^*^ itwas thsnalfo inrhe Sacrament giuen and offered for vs. Whereby it is inuinceblyproued uic«» P " that his Body is prcfcnt as an hofl or Sacrifice : and that the making or ronfccrating thereof mufl; ' '■ ' need€s,be Sacrificing. And therfore the holy Fathers in this fenl'e call it a Sacrifice. T^Uffen. orat.t , .- -det^fiir.Leo fer,7 el S dx Pafs.Hejychius li.z in Leuit.c.s. Grigo.ho.sj in Euang.et'Dial.li,+,c.s9- Cyriilus The Sacrihce Ot j^i^rof.myfiag.i. 'DienyfEccLhier.c.s.lgnat.ep.s-adSmynt.Iu/linusdial.cumTryph.circ.rrrcd.lren.li.-f.c)! Cyril. xA- tnc Altar, et 3* .TenuLde cult.fem.et advxor. li.z. Cyfr. ep. ad^Cdcil.et dc Cxn.'Do. EuJcb.'Deinonfi.eu.ing.lt.i c. 10 Ux. ana- liitrjan.orat.i cont.lulianu.Chryfl.ho.i3 in z6 SHat.et li.6 de Sacerd. .Ambrof. li..f. de Sacram.c. 6.ct li. 1 them. 11, Office. 4S. fiiero.incp. ad Hedib.qz. etadEuagr. ep.izi to.s.^ugufl.in pfal.js conc.i.et alibi ftpe.Gr.tci omnes in 3 Hebr. et Frimajius. Cone. ^KJc. 1. can. /♦. Ephef. ad '2SLefeor. Corjiantinop.6 can. 32.. ^Kjcen.t aH-.S to. 3. Lateran. Ccnflant. Flor. Trid. The Apoftles 1 9. T)oe this) In zheCe vvordesthe holy Sacrament ofOrJer is inftituted, becaufe power and Orders inftitu - ^'^^^^ t° ^' faithful. For as the Pafchal lambe W.is firft facrificed.and then eaten : fo was his body: J and thus to doe he here giueth conimilRon aad authoritie to the Apoftles, and to al Priells which be Cha. XXIII. ACCORDING TO S. LVKE. 207 Holy Mr eckc. Chap. XXIII. The levves tutufe him to Pilate the Gentil: * Who feekjn^ earnejllj t« deliuer him,/j>ectdUj after that Herod fent him hacke, n theyntt onely preferre the murderer "Sa- rabbaf , but ttlfo erie , Crvcifige. iS In the way to Caluarie hefore- telletb the women that lamented vpon him , the horrible deJlruStion of their Hierufalem. tz vpon the crojfe he u betvvene two theeuei, is fcomedefthe levves, 36 ofthefouldiars, 39 andof oneof thethceues, *o but eucn there eonfejfed of the other theefe , ** and after his death {becauje oftherreat mini- fies concurring) al/o of the Centurion, ^t yeaand of the whole muUitude, S 0 and finally he u buried honorably. ND all the multitude of them rifing vp,led good fm- him to Pilate, t And they began to accufe ^^^' him, faying, Vvchaue found this man fubuer- ting our nation, & prohibiting to giue tributes to Cacfar, and faying that he is Chrift the king. 5 t And Pilate afked him, faying. Art thou the king of the 4 levves ? But he anfvveringfaid, Thou fayeft, t And Pilate faidto thecheefe Priefts and multitudes, Ifindc nocaufe in 5 this man.tBut they were more earneft,faying,He ftirreth the people teaching through out al levvrie, beginning from Ga- lilee cuen hither, t But Pilate hearing Galilee, afked if the 7 man were of Galilee, t And whenhe vnderftoodethathe was of Herods iurifdidtion ,he fent him backe to Herod, who was alfo him felf at Hierufalem in thofe daies. 8 t And Herod feeing I e s v s, was very glad , for he was defirous of a long time to fee him, for becaufe he heard many things of him:andhehoped tofeefome figne wrought by 9 him. t Andheafkedhim inmany wordes.But he anfvve- 10 red him nothing, t And there ftoode the cheefe Priefts and 11 the Scribes conftantly accufing him. j And Herod with his armie fet him at naught: and he mocked him, putting on him li a white garment,and fent him backe to Pilate, fAndHerod and Pilate were made frendes that day. for before they were enemies one to an other. 13 t And Pilate callingtogether the cheefe Priefts and raagi- 14 ftrates, and the people, Ifaid to them, Youhaueprefented vntomethis man,asauercingthe people, and behold I exa- mining him before you , hauc found no caufc in this man of 15 thofe things wherein you accufe him. t No, nor Herod neither.forl fent you tohim.nnd behold,nothing worthic 16 of death is done to him. 1 1 vvil chaftcn hira thetforc and di- mifte him. • tAnd > L Y 108 THE GOSPEL Ch A. XXI 11.] t Andheofneceffitiehadtoreleafc vnto them vpon the 17 j fei(l davjone. I But the whole muliitudc together cried out, 18 faying,Bifpatch him, and leleafe vs Barabbas. t who was icj foraccrcainefedition madeinthecicieand murder, cad into | prifon. t And Pilate againe fpake to them, dcfirous to reieafe zo I.ESVS. t But they cried agaiae,{aying,Crucitie,Grucifiehun. 11 t And he the third time faid to them, Vvhy , what euil hath 1 1 this man daneM finde no caufe of death in him. I vvil corredb him therfore and let him goe. "t But they were inftant with 23 loude voices requiring that he might be crucified. And their voices preuailed. t And Pilate adiudged their petition 14 to be done, t And he releafed vnto them him that for mur- 25 der and fcdition had been caft into prifon, whom they de- maunded:but I e s v s he deliuered to their plcafure. t And when they led him, they tookc one Simon of 16 Cyrene comming from the countric : and they laid the crolTe vpon him to carie after I e s v s. t And there folo wed 27 him a great multitude of people , and of women which bewailed and lamented him. t But Iesvs turning to i8 them , faid, Daughters of Hicrufalem , weepc not vpon me, but vvcepc vpon your felues,and vpon your children, t For 2.9 behold the daies fhalcome, wherein they vvil fay, BlelFcd are the barren , and the wombcs that haue not borne, and the pappes that haue not giuen fucke. i Then jhdthtj begin to fay 50 tothemofintdines ,Fdvponys:andtothehtlles yCoiier vs. | For it in the 3 1 greene wood they doe thefe things, in the drie what f hal be done ? t And there were led alfo other two malefadours with 32 him, to be executed, f And after they came to the place 33 which is called Caluarie , there they crucified him : and the theeues, one on the right hand, and the other on the left, t And Iesvs faid, Father, forgiue them , for they know 34 not what they doc. But they deuiding his garments,did caft lottes. t And the people ftoode^ expeding', and the princes 35 with them derided him , faying , Others'he hath faued , let himfauchimfelf, ifthisbeChrill:,the eledlofGod. t And 35 the (ouldiars alfo mocked him comming to him, and offering him vinegre, t faying. If thou be the king of the levvcs, 37 faue thy lelf. t And there was alfo a fuperfcription written 58 ouer him in Greekc,andLatine, and Hebrew letters; This IS ChA. XXIII. ACCORDING TO S. LVKl. 20^ 39 IS THE KING OF THE I E V V E s. f And onc ofthofc thceucs that were hangedjblafphemed him , faying. If thou 40 beChrift, fauethy feif, and vs. f But the other anfyvering, rebukedhim,faying,Neithcr doefl thou fearc God, where as 41 thou art in the fame damnation? -f And we in deedc iuftly, for wereceiue worthie of our doings : but this man hath 4Z donenoeuii. t Andhe faidto I e s vs, Lord, rcmemberme 43 when thou fhak come into thy kingdom . fAndlEsvs faidto him, Amen I fay to thee: this day thou fhalt be with me"in paradife. 44 t Andit wasalmoft the fixthoure: and there was made darkenefle vpon the whole earth vntil the ninihe houre. 4^ t Andthe*' funne wasdaikencd:andtheveileot the temple 4(j wasrentin themiddes. | And I e s v s crying with a loude voice, faid, Vather ,ino thy bandeslcommendmy f^irit. And faying thiSjhe gaue vp the ghoft. 47 t Andthe Centurion fceingthat which was done,glori- 48 fied God,faying,In decde this man vvas^iuft. fAndal the mul- titude of them that were prefent together at that fight, and fiw the things that were done , returned knocking their 49 brcafts.i And al his acquaintance ftoode a far of:and the wo- men that had folovved him from Galilce,feeingthefc things. ^o t* And behold a man named lofeph, which was a le- ^i natour, a good man and a iuft, t he had not confented to their counftil and doings, of Arimath^a a citie of lewrie, ji vvhoalfo him felf cxpeded the kingdom of God. t This j3 man came to Pilate , and afked the body of I e s v s. i And taking it do wne, wrapped it in findon,and laid him in a mo- nument hewed of ftone," wherein neuer yet any man had ^4 been laid. tAndit was theday of Parafceue,and the Sab- cc both drew neere.tAndthewomen that were come with him from GaliIee,folovving after," iaw the monument,and how ^p his body was laid, t And returning they prepared fpices and ointments : and on the Sabboth they refted according to the commaundement. Holy wcekc. •• This eclipfc Wasfeene and Wondiedatasa thing aboue na- ture.of Dionili- ut Areopagua at Thebes, whc he Was yet a Pa- gan. 1>iertyf.ep, a A Palycurp.et ef. ad ^poUophaitc. ANNOTATIONS C H A p. X X I II 3*.Vorgluethcm. ) A pcrfedlc example of charitie in our Saiiiour praying f(H his crucifiers , which the firft martyr S.Steuen did folovv, ^ff. 7 : ai:d the praicrs of both were heard : Chrifts praicr taking effedc in the Centurion and othtrs, Sieucns jn Paul. Dd 43, /» ZIO Tbe good thcefe. THE GOSPEL Cha. XXIIIL Pardon of due penance and fa- tistadion. Vifiring the Sc- pu.cher, or Sc- puIchrcJ. *si In Paradifi.) Thou maift nothercvpon diffcrre thy conuerfion or amendment.prefuming of grace at the lall houte ot thy life , net looke to haue faluation by faith and confeflion of Chrift without good Woikes , nor to goe fttaight to hcauen without fatisfadlion , penance , or puni£ h- meat for thy former finnes and hfe il fpent , nor chalenge fecuritie and certaine knowledge of thy laUiation. for this good theeues cafe is not common.but a rare example of mercie and pretogatiue. but for the firl!: point.lcatnc only not to defpaire , though thon hafl been il to the laft moment of thy life, for the lecond, that faith, hope, and chaiitie, repentancc.jind good vvil be fufficienc, and good vvorkcs not requircd.vvhere for want of time and opportunitie they cannot be had. for the third, that Chrill gaue to this happy man for his zelous confeflion oh him and reprehending his fellow , not only reniilTion of hii (innei, but alio by extraordinarie grace, a pardon of al penance and latisfadion due cither in this Ufe ot the next for the fame, euen as the holy Church by his ex- ample and commilfion giueth pardons alfo to fome of her zelous children, of al punif hmenr due for their ofFenfes , and fuch goe ftniight to heauen. laftly , that eucry one hath not a rcuelation of his faluarion as this man had, and therfore can not be fo lure as he Was. y3.WhereinneHer.)As'mthe\^on,heoiMAKi E none V/as conceiued before nor after him, f» in this monument none Vas laid before nor after hini:\vhich prcrogatiue(no doubt) Was of Gods piouidence, this lofeph no lellc abftainingatt'erward to be buried in it, then the other lofeph from copulation with the mother ot out Lord. S. ^ugujifne. fS.Sa'W thr ■movement. ) Thefegood women of great deuotion obferued the Sepulcher for the honour of the holy body. Vvherevpon the deuotion of faithlulfolke watching and vifiting on Good-Friday andEaftereue thelepukhermadein euery Church for memoric of our Lords burial, is( xceding good and godly , fpeciall; thcB. Sacrament for more Cgniiication lake being prefent in the fame Sepulcher. Chap. XXIIII. EASTER. SAY. '• That is.firft after the Sab- both, Which is (saithS. Hiero. ^.4 ad Hedib.) dies 'Dcminiea , our Lords day, wherein he a- rofc. for the V/ccke it deui- ded into the Sabboth, & the rt2,i,*.f.6 Of the Sabborh. & the Apo(Uc(/ Cor. is, i) comaun- dcd a collection ofmoney to be made on the f^rftof theiab- "Dtutut vvomen notjinding hit body in tht SepuUhtr , * %Angtli tel them that he « rijin Ufcordin^tthuovvneprediifitn: 9 jtt lhe»/ipofites wltaotielceueit. \z but Ktither t'eterfndsth hn body thert, is He vvalkcth ■vvithtvvo 'DijiipUs, dtclnring »l thu vnto them out of the Scriptures , andu knovz'en of them by kre*kj^ng of bread. 3 6 The fame day he aVpeareth to the Eleuen and ethers being together , ufelt of them , and eateth with them, finally teaching them out of the Scriptures nut onely ofhu Pafliort and Refurreition, * 7 but aljo ofhu Catholikt church, *9 he ^romljeth tut Holy Ghojt to conjirmt them, fo andjt ajcendeth into heauen, N D in the«'firft of chc Sabboth very early i they came to the monumcnc , carying the fpices which they had prepared, t And 2. they found the ftone roiled backe from the monument . t And gomg m , they 5 found not the body of our Lord I £ s v s. t And It came to pallc: as they were aftonicd in their mindc 4 at this, behold two men ftoode bcfide them in glifteringap- pareil. t And when they feared and caft: do wne their coun- j tenance toward the ground, they (aid vnto them , Vvhy fceke you the liuing with the dead ? t he is not here , but is 6 rifen. remember how he fpakc to you, when he yet was in Galilee , t faying, * That the Sonne of man muft be deliueted 7 into the handes of Gnners and be crucified, and the third day rife againe. t And they remembred his vvordes. t And going 8 backe ^ Mr. 16, 1 lo. zo,i. I«.5,ix ChA. XXIIII. ACCORDING TO S. L V K I. Zu backc from the monument,ihcy told al thefc things to thofc both, whereby 10 cleucn,andtoal the reft, t And it was Marie Magdalene, tte'k«p?ng^of and loane,and Marie of lames, and the reft that were with Sunday, & the 11 thcm,vvhich faid thefe things to the Apoftles. t And thefe oV da!es"by°"he vvordes feemcd before them as dotage , and they did not be- ?-^'^ "^^^^^ ^^^- I ^, *^ ^ both.tobeApo- ftolical. VfhJch 10.10,3. the ecuetnem. 12 n ller w eekc. t But * Peter rifing vp tanne to the monument : and ftou- s.sviucft.rafter ping dovvne he faw the hnnen clothes lying alone, and 3.4(eriam&V went away marueilinewith him felfat chat which was done. '^^'*"";- ^'»'*»' t* And beho]d,tvvoot them went the lame day into a towne which was the fpace of fixtie furlonges fiom Hie- TheGofpflvpa 14 rufalem, named Emmaus. f And chey talked betwixt ihcm Mundav in £a- ij felues of al thofe thingsthat had chaunced t And it came to pafte: while they talked and reafoned with [hem fclucs, i(J I Es vs alfo him fclf approching went with them, t but 17 theireies were held that they might not know him -f And he faid to them, Vvhat arc thefe coinmunications that you 18 conferre one with an other vvalking,and are favi? t And one vvhoTc name was Cleophas,anfvvcriiig, faid to him. Arc thou only aftrangerin Hierulalem , and haft norknovven 15) the thingsthat h.iuc been done in it, thefe daies? t To whom he faid, Vvhat things? And they faid , concerning Iesvs of Nazareth, who was a man a Prophet, mightie in woike io and worde before God and althc people, t And how our cheefe Piieftes and Princes deliucred him into condemna- 2.1 tion ot death, and crucified him. t but we hoped that it was he that f hould redeeme ifraehand now beiidcs al this,to day 22 is thethird day fince thefe things were done, t But cettaine women alfo of ours, made vs afraid : who before it was 2.3 light, wei^e at the monument, t and not finding his body, came,fay ing that they faw a vifion alfo of Angels , who Giy ^4 that he isaliue. t And certainc men of ours went to the monuraent:and they found it fo as the women faid , but him ^5 they found not. t And he faid to them, Ofolifh, and flow of hart to beleeue, in al things which the Prophets hane ^<^ fpoken. t Ought not Chrift to hauc fuffred thefe things, ^7 and fo to enter into his glonef* t AndbeginningfromMoy- fcs and al theProphets , he did interpret to them inal tnc ^•8 fcriptures the things that were concerning him. 1 And j they drew nigh ro the towne whither they went : ij^O andhemadefcmblaunceio goefurthet. t And they forced r Dd ij him The Gofpel vpo Tuefdiy in Ea. fter veeke. :« As he fbal be Anathema (faith S. Aug.) which preach - tth that Chrift jieithcr fufFered nor lofe againe, becaufe v^e le- arnc by the Gof- pel , That it bs- houed Chrifi to fitffer mii to rife Mgttine the third day : fo he f l^al alfo be Anathe- ma, Vv hofoeuer preacheth the Church to be cIs where the in the comunion ofalnacios: be- caufe b/ the felf latnc Gofpel We learne in the Wordes next fo- loWing, ttndpe- naee to bepreacii- fd in his numt ^ rcmijiii of finnes :hrourh out al ■iiioHs, sAu^Ji, \SCENSION DAY. Ill THE GOSPEL ChA. XX him, faying , Taric with vS , becaufe it is toward night, and the day is now farre fpent. And he went in with them, t And it came to paiTejVvhiles he fate at the table with them, 30 he'tpoke bread, and blefifed and brake,and did reach to them. I And their eies were opened, and they knew him: and he Ji vanifhcd out oftheir fight, t Andthcy faidoneto thcother, 32. Vvas hot our hart burnmg in vs, whiles he fpake in the way, and opened vntovs thefcriptures ? \ Andrifingvpthefame 35 houre they went backe into Hieru(alem: and they found the elcuen gathered together, and thofc that were with them, t faying. That our Lord is rifenindeede,and hath appeared J4 to Simon, t And they told the things that were donein the 35 vvay : and how they knew him in the breaking of bread. "I t* And whiles they fpeakethefc things, Iesvs floode 3<5 in the middes of ihem,and he faith to them , Peace be to you: it is I. feare not. t But they being troubled and frighted, 57 imagined that they fiwafpirit. t And hefaid tb thtm, Vvhy 38 areyou troubled, and cogitations arife intoyour harts? tSee 39 my hanies, and fectc, that it is I my felf. handle, and fee: for a fpirit hath not flefh and bones,asyou fee meto haue. t And 40 when he had faid this, he f he wed them his handes and feete. t But they yet not beleeuing and marueiling forioy, hcfaid, 41 Haueyou here any thing to be eaten ? t But they oft'icd him 42. apeeccof fi(h broiled,:md ahoniecombe. t And when he 43 had eaten before them,f.iking the remaines he gaue to them. tAndhefaid to them, Tfhefe are the vvordes which 1 44 fpake to you,vvhen I was yet with you, that al things muft needes be fulfilled, which are vvriti:en in the law of Moyfes, and the Prophets, and the Pfalmes, of me. t Then he opened 45 their vndcrftanding, that they might vnderftand the Scrip- tures, t and he faid to them , That fo it is written , and fo it 4 i-lmhyponthebreafiof Iv-sw s: and that yyhich Peter durfinot &c. ii, 10. ■* ^ afke , * be dejireth him to ajke : and after the refurretiion, yyhen Mane Magdalot had reported that our Lord yy as rifen againe,both of them rannc to the Sepulchre^ b but he came thither fir jl : and yyhen they yyere in the f hip, and u lo 10 d fjhed m the Uke ofGene^reth , I e s v s flood on the fhore , neither did the jipofileskfioyy yyhom they fayy : c onely the yirgin kjtoyyeth the Virgin , and do. 11, 7. faith to Peter , It is our Lord. This lohn yyas both an jlpoflle , and Euan- gelt fl: , and Prophet : an yipofile , becaufe he yyrote to the Churches as a Maifier: an Eitangelifl,becauje he compiled a booke of the Gofpel^yyhich{except Mattheyff) none other of the tyytitie ^poflles did : a Prophet , for he fayy in the ile Patmos^ where he -was banij bed by Domitian the Emperourfor the tefiimonie of our Lordy the jipocdypfe, i onteining in fin ite myfteries of things to come. Tertiillian aljo re- porteth,that at B^ome bethg cafl into a barrel of bote boiling ode .he came forth more pure andfrej her or Uuelterjhen he yyent in. Tea and his Gofpel tt J elf much dif- ferethf om the t ejl. Mattheyy beginneth to yyrite 4S of a man : Matk^ ofthepro- pbecieofMaiadneand Efay . LukeofthePrieflbod ofZacharie: tbeptjl bath the fateofaman, becattjeofibegenealogie : thefecondthefaceofal}on,for tbeyotceof one crying in the defert : the third We face of a calfe, becaufe of the Prieftbod . But lohn M an Eagle peth to the things on high , & mmntetb to the Father him felf yi)/>?g : In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God , and God was the V V o Rf . Thiufar S. Uerome. Vpon tbtfCofpel there are thefamouf commentaries of S- ^Hgufiine called Tradatusm Euang. loan. to. ^. and tyyelitfbool^es of S.Cyrils commentaries. THE 1I(> THE HOLY GOSPEL OF lESVS CHRIST ACCOR- DING TO lOHN. The I. parte: The actes of Chrift be- fore his ma- nifcftacion , whiles lohn Baptifl was yet bapti- zing. The Gofpel at '^IJp'"-'^-^ the third MafL- W^^ vpo Chriftmas ^af~y{ii day. And euery ^^^^-^ day at the end ^P^^til CHAP. I. The preface of the ZunngeViJl , ctmmending Chrijl ( Ai being God the Sonne incarnate) totheGentili , andfetting out the btindnes of the lewes in not receiuing hi;n. I } Then, the tejlimonies of lohn TSaftiJt.firJi to the folrmne legacie of the levves: Z9 fecond.ly,when hefavv / E s v s come to him: sf thirdly, to his ovvne T)if- ciples alfo,putting them ouerfrom himfelfto / E s v s. "Vvho madt it flainer to them that he is Chrijf, * o and fo began he alfo t« haue 'Difciptes. N THE beginning "Was the Word, i and the W,o rd was "with C^od , and "God was the Wo R D. t This was in z the beginning with God. t Al things 3 were made " by him : and without him was made ^nothing. That which was made', t in him washfejandihelifewas 4 the light of men: ■\ andthehght fhincthin darkeneflcjand 5 thedarkenefTedidnot comprehend if. t ThTre Was a man 6 fent from God , whofe name was lohn. t This man came 7 forteftimonie: togiueteftimonie of the hght, that al might beleeue through him. t He was not the light, but ro glue 8 teftimonie of the light- t It was the truelight,whichligh- 9 tcneth euery man that commeth into this wod^. t He was 10 in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. t He came into his owne, and his n ovvne receiued him not. I But as many asreceiiledhim, "he li gfiue them power to be made the Tonnes of God , to thofe that beleeue in his name, t Vvho, not of bloud , nor of the 15 wil of flefh,norofthevvilof man,butof God are borne. tTVER.BVM-{-AND "the VVORD WAS MADE FLESH, 14 tvu°bst!^' and dwelt in vs (and we faw theglorie of him, glorieasit were of the only- begotten of the Father ) ful of grace and veritic. ChA. I. ACCORDING TO S. I O H N. I17 I 15 veurie.»9 t lohngiucth teftimonie of him, and crieth faying. This was he of whom I (pake , He that fhal come after me, ; 16 'Msmade before me: becaufe he was before me. t And of ''He isprefer- 17 hjs fulncs alvve haue receiued,and grace for grace, t For „' th " rcd& made of ore dignicie i '9 10 21 ^5 ^5 the hivv was giuen by Moy fes , grace and veritie was made ^"^ cxceiiendc by 1 E s V s Chiift. t God "no man hath feeu at any time: the h/was before only-bcgotren Sonne which isin the bofomc of the father, "^f&ai things, , / I ? I J eternal God. he hath declared. t And this is lohns teft;imonie,whcn thelevves fcnrfrom ThcCofpelvps HierufaJem Priefts and Leuites to him, that they fhould afke iJVduemt^ him,Vvho art thou? t And he confclFed , and did not denie: and he confelfed , That 1 am Ijoc Christ, t And they af ked him , Vvhat then ? Art thou * Elias ? And hcfaid , I am '■ By like the not. Art thou •• * the Prophet? And he anfvvercd, No. t They ly^llSl'i faid therefore vnto him,Vvho art thou, that we may giuean "^t thepiaceia anfwer to them that fcnt vs? vvhat fiieft thou of thy felf? ofThTiSniS i He f;^4^f|^ 'W theyoycfofonecryt>tginihcdefeit,mak^ jlraight the yyay of therfore they o.wior^.'^Efaiethe Prophet faid. t And they that were fent, thc!L%Tt^e wereo^iePharifees. t And they afked him, and faid to Propi'^t there him, Vvhy then doeft thou baptize,if thou be not Chrift, nor ^ico cl° ' 40. 16 Ehas, nor the Prophet? tlohn anfwerea them, faying, *•• 1 ..„ , . , L •• * L . U U U n. JU -J J r --Hedothofte baptize in water : but there natn Itood in iheraiddes ot you here fignifie the 2,7 whom you know not. t The fame is he th.at fhal come after o^^hit^br"? me, that is made before me: whofe l^tchct of hisfhoel am me&of chri. x2 notworthieto vnloofe.tThefe things were done in BethaniapJ/fony^ifJ^ beyond lordarijwiicrclohn was baptizing. *-! ih.SeeAnnot. 29 t The next day lohn fiw 1 e s v s coming to him, and he The cofpei on faith, Bf/Wi/ the lamhe of God, behold him that tak^eth ayyaji tbe'jmne\^'^^ oftaue of 30 of the.yyorld. t This is he of whom 1 faid, Afcer me there, "^^^^'^ *"'^' commetha man,vvhichis made before me: becaufe he vva& 31 before me. f And 1 knew him not , but that he may be ma-, 31' nifeflcd In lfrael,therefore came I baptizing in water. 1And lohn gaue reftimonie,fiyir»g. That I (aw "the Spirit defcen- ding as a doue fiom heauen, and he remained vppn him. 33 t And I knew him nof.but he that fent me to baptize in wa- ter,he fiidto me. He vpo whom thou fhaltfeethc Spirit de- fcendingand remaining vppn him, he it is that baptizethin 34 the holy Ghoft. t And l.(avv : and I gnue teftimonie that thisisihe (onne ofGod. ^ 35 tThenext dny ;^g7iinc lohn floode, and tviifo of his dif^ TheGofpelvpS 16 ciplcs. t And bchbldin^l £ s V s yvaikingjhe faith. Behold " *"^ £e '. the THE. GOSPEL ^ds. ii8 the lambc o^God. t And the two Difciplcs heard him 57 fpeaking,and they folo wed Iesvs. tAnd Iesvs turning, 38 andfeemg them tblo wing him, faith to ihcm, Vvhat fceke you? Vvho faid to aim , Rabbi (which is called by interpre- tation, Maifter) where dvvellcft thou? i He faith to them, 39 Come and fee.They came,andravv vs-here he? abode and they taricd with him that day : and it was aboutthe tenth houre. t And Andrew the brother ofSimon Peter was one of the 40 two that had heard of Iohn,andfoIovved him. tHcfindcih 41 firft his brother Simon, and faith to him, Vve haue found -MeiriasinHe- •• M E s s I A s , which is being interpreted, Christ. cS." E?§iifh t And he brought him to I e s v s. And 1 e s v s " looking 4 ^ Anointed, to vpon him , Gid , Thou ait Simon the fonne of lona: thou fpirkualoiieof^ halt be called '•' cqLts, which is interpreted, Petry. t On 43 grare abouehis []-,£ morow he V vould goe foi th into Galilee , and he findeih ::'^ccph"shis> Philippe. And Iesvs faith to him , Folow me. f And Phi- 44 mke,5<:Peterin jippe was of Bcthlui'i , the ciric of Andrew and Peter. Gr eke, in En;;- 1 ni ■]• C ' L v; 1 i i /' • i « tt- i lifh.Rorke. See ' 1 Hilippc hfiattn N ithjciacl, and l.uth to Him , Him whom 45 *tat.i6,i». ivloyii'S in the f;w , and the Prophets wrote of: we haue found i E sv s the (onnc of lofcph, of N.izarcrh. t AndNa- 4^ thanaclfiid to him, From Nazareth can there be any good? T^^^o'P^'-nU-'hilippe futh tohim,Comeandfce. t Ifcsvs f:vv Nucha- 47 the il/.y Aa- f'-icl comming to him , ynd he (aiih of hihi , Behold an Ifrne- lite in very dtede, in. vvhom there is no guile, t Nathanatl 48 (aith to him , How knoweft thou me ? I k s v s anfwered and faid to him, Before that Philippe did c.ii chce, when thou w d^ vndti' che hgiree,l law thee. iNaihanacl anlwered him, 49 and faith, Rabbi, thou art the fonne of God, thou art the king ©f ifraei. t I es vs anfweied, and faid to bim,Eecaufc I faid 50 vnto thee, i law rhce vndcr the hgrree, thou beleeueft: grea- ter then thefe things f hale thou fee. t And he faith to him, 51 Amen Amen I fay to you. You fhal fee the heauen opened, andthe* Angels of God afcending and dcfccnding, vpon the Sonne of man. ,.j ANNOTATIONS C H A p. I. How God the i.W^theWord,'] The fecond Perfon in Trinide Which is thenatiir.-'.!, oncly.aiid ct^raai '^onnc Sonne is called of God the Father, is called the Wo r.d: notastl;c holy Script urei orlpeachci ofthe Pro; iiets the VYoi^D. ^""^ Apoiljcs (written andfpoken byGods commaundement :or tiicvtroingol hisdiuinewii towaids man) be called his vord.but in a more diuiac,caiincin,and inelfahle l"ort,to cxprefle vm» vs Cha. I. ChA. I. ACCORPINGTOS. lOHN. II9 vs in a forr.by a terme agrc ible to our capacitic, that the Sonne of God fo is.and fo from euerlafting is borne of God the Father, as our piime concept (Vhicli is ourinternal and mental Wbrd) is and ilHieth out of our intelligence & minde. This VV o R d then.Sonnc, orfecondPerfonin theholy Triniiie, vcasand had his being thtn already, vhca other creatures (ofvi/hatfortfoeuer) had but their beginning, and°therforf can not be a creature, as man, ' Herct.'kes before the Writing of this -j-j^^ Platoni- Aiigujt.de Gofpcl ihought.and as the Arrians after taught. And this firft fentence of the Gofpel not onely the j^^j Ciu. 'Dei faithful, but the Platonikes did foadrr.ir* ( asS. AuguftineWriteih) that they Vifhed it to be ii.ta, e.ip. Written in gold. ;. With God. ) Bccaufe a man might fay, If the VV o r d were before any thing vras created , , where or how could he be? the Euangeliftpreuenting that carnal concept, faith fitll, that he was VV o R p with God, vvhofe being dependcth not vpon time, place, Ipace, or any- other cteatures , al which '"j^f^"? ^^jw- weremade by him. fecondlv,he piueth vs to vnderrtaiid,that the Word hath his proper fub- ^. i^^.^ ' " filknceorpcrfonjlItiediftinaefr6GodtheFAther,vvherbyS.ibelliusthe old Heretikc is refuted. ""^' mperlon, thiidly,heic is infinuatcd the order ofthefe two perfons, one towardes the other, to wit, that ^" ^ ' the Sonne is With and of the Father, and not the Father of the Sonne. Fourthly, you may confute ' * Catu.injl. here the blafphemie of Ca!uin,holding the fecond Perfon to be God,not as of God the F.uher, but * /;'. / c. IS. as of him felt. And yet ftich are the bookes that out youth now read commonly in England , and Je^. ZS& that by commaundement. tj , i.GodvvitstheWord.] Left any man vpon the premiflss, Which fct forth the relation and , diftindion of the fecond Peifcn from the firft , might thinkc that the Father onely Were God, the ^ Xt° "^ * Euangelilf exprefly teacheth, the Word to be God, forthough the Wordesfceme to lie other- "ucGodbyna^ W ife (becaule We haue of purpofe fo owed the elegancie which the Euangelill him lelf obfcrued ^^''^• in placing them fo, and therfore they i'landfo both in Greckc and Latin) ytiin deede thcconltru- ' ''•^- ^' clionisthus, The Word vvMGod, and (asin his hidEpiftle ihe lame Apolflc Writeth) trr.e '° ' Gc^:lell any might fay (as the Ariansdid) that he Was God in deede, but not truel) and nati'ially, but by common adoption or caliing.as good men in tlic Churcli Lccalled the fonnes of God. What -j-ij;. Proteftants Wonderful Wrangling and tergiuenation the Arians \'fcd to ?uoid the euidence of tin's p;ace,Ve fee jj-^ jjj.. ,;j inS. h\.\^\xi\'n\e li.3 de1>o^.Chrifi.c. i.euenluchas theProtcflantsdo.toauoidthsLke Wordes, vvia^Iin" Arias T/^if «w> to<(), concerning the B. Sacrament. o o • j.'Bjhim.'] AgAine,by this he li^nifieththceternitie, diuinitie, omnipotencie, andequalitie jhf VV o r n of the Wo RD or Sonne, with God the Father, becaufe by him al things Wrrccieited, altiiings j,o( j creature hefaithjboth vifible of this wotld:andinuihble, as Angels and alfpiriiual creatures. Whcrcvponit (j^j. (jj. rrea- is euidunt alTo , that hi!n fclf is no creature , being tiie cri.-aror of al : neither is finne of his creation, jqj. ^ being a aefede of a thing.rather then a thing it felf.and tlierfore neither of nor by him. It. Hegauethemfotjver.'] Free wil to receiue or acknowledge Ghrill, 6c power giuen to men, Frec-vvil if they Wil.to be made byChriil the fonnes of God: butnotforced or draWen therevntoby an/ neceilitie. h t,i 1, i*.TheVvordmAdeflefh.'\ This is the high and diuine teflimonie of Chrifis incarnation and """^"'c icnee- thathevouchfaucd to become man. for the acknowledging of which inexplicable bentfite and ,2 ^^ ?~ giuinghumble thankes for the fame, al Chriftian people in the World by tradition of the Fathers '^P^'J^ ^^P''"^^ proftratethemfeluesorknecledowne , when they hcareit fungorfaidat theholy MafTe, cither in °' ^"''"" "^^^■" this Gofpehorin the Crede liy thtfeWordes, Et homo factvs est. nation. ;». T^Lo man hath /un.'] Neuer man in this mortalitie faW God in the very f hape and natural ^ forme of the diuine eir:nce,but men fee him onely in the f hape of vifiblc creatures,in or by which ^^ mortal it pleafeth him to f hcw him ftlf vnto many diuerfly in this W orld : but neuer in fuch fort as when ™^'^ God. he fhevved himlclf inthe perfon of the ioiine^ of God, being made trucly man and conucrfing With men. 12. The Sfirit.'] Hereis an euident teftimonie of the third Perfon in Trinitie, Which is the Holy The B. Trinitie, Ghofl:fo that in this one Chapter We linde cxpteily againft al Heretikes,IeWes, bc Pagans,(et furth the truth of the Churciies dodrine concerning the Whole Trinitie. *3. Looking vpon him. "] This beholding ot Simon, infinuateth Chrifts deftgnement and prefer- P^ter by his ring of him tobe thechcef; Apoftle , the RocfceofiheChurch,and his Vicar, and tberforc vpoii '?^*' name de- Cefhas. that Diuineprouidenceand intention he accordingly changethhisaame, calling him for Simon, ^^g"^^ to be Petrus. C>;iW, which is a Syriake Word, as much to fay as, Rocke or Stone. And S. Paul commonly calleth ^'^^ Rocke of Li. 2 c. II ^^"^ ^Y this name Cephas , wherea-, other both Greekes and Latines call him aJtogetherby the the Chnich, in Jean. GreekeWord, Peter, Which fignihcth the felt fame thing, whereof S. Cyril faith, that our Saiiiour by foretelling that hisnarae f hould noniure novvbeiiinon, hut Peter , did by the word itfelf aptly lignifie , th.at on him, as on a rocke and ftone moft_firme,he would buiid his Church, Ee ij Chap. II. TheGofpelvpo the 1 Sunday af- ter the Epipha- nie. 2ZO THE GOSPIL ChA. IT. C H A P. II. Ut the requejt ef his mother he vvorketh hisfirft miracle , turning Water into wine »t * maria^e in Galilee.althou^h the ttntt of hii mMifeftationbt. not yet come. II The* in HierufaUm at Pajche.being but one,andyet obfcure, he throWeth out of the Temple mojt miraculoujly althe marthantis. zt ^nd beingyet of the blind levvei afked afignejieftgnijiethfo long before, that theyfhould kill him , hut he zn/il rife againe the third day . 23 Zfvhich alfo prefently they would doe , but that he k}iovving their falfei hartes ( thou-gh many beleeueia him) wil not ta~ rie among them. ND the third day there was a mariage i made in Cana of GaUlee: and the mother of Iesvs was there, t And."lEsvsi alfo was called , and his Difciplcs to the mariage. t And the wine failing,thc mo- 3 ther of 1 ES vs faith to him, "They haue , no wine, t And Iesvs faith to her, 4 Vvhat is to me and thee woman ? my houre comtncth not yet. t His mother faith to themjnifters, " Vvhatfoeuer 5 he f hal fay to yoUjdoe ye.Mnd there were fct there fixe w^- 6 tcr-pottcs of ftone,according to the purificatio of the Icwes, holding euery one two or three meafures. 1 I e s v s faith 7 tothem,Fil the water-pottes vvith water. And they filled them vp to the toppe, f And Iesvs faith to them , Draw 8 novv,and carie to the cheefe ftevvard.And they caricd i: wa^eVttnSt And after the cheefe ftcvvard rafted the -• water made 9 iowine,nedethvvine,andknevv not whence it vvaSjbur the miniftersknew doibt'tvv*" that had drawncthe water : the cheefe ftcward calleth the chrifi changed btidcgrome , t and faith to him , Euery man firft fctreth the 10 bread into ais j .1 • . 1 t i body. good Wine : and when they haue vvei drunke, then that which is woife. But thou haft kept the good wine vntil now. t Thisbtginning ofmiraclesdid Iesvs in Cana ofii Gahlee:andhemdnifcftedhisglorie,andhis Difciplcs belee- ued in him. 4 t After this he went dovvne to Capharncium him felfn and his mother,and his brethren , and his difciplcs : and there TiieGofpelvpothey remained not many daies. t And the Pafche of the 13 fJunh*^rv«ke^^^^"''^*^ ^^ hand , and I i s v s went vp to Hicrufalem : efLcnt. land he found in the temple them that fold oxen and 14 fheepe and doues,and the batikcrs fitting, t And vvhcnJie k had made as it were a whippeof litlecoardcs, he"caftthem al out of the temple, the fheepe alfo and the oxen, and the money of the bankers he powred out,and the tables he oucr- threvv. f And to them chat fold doues, he faid, Takeaway i^ ihcfe 10. Mt. z }»w mens fecreies , / 9 preferring the levves religion before the Samaritanes , but Duri{the Chrijiian Catholike religion ) before them both , 2J- andvtteringv>ita her ihatheii Ckrijh 2.S which hj her teftimo- )tie and his preaching very many Samaritanes do bcleeue: he in the meane titme fore telling his •Difciples,ef the harueji he wilfend themin to. ♦/ The GaliUans alfo reeeiue him, where againe he vvorketh his fecorid miracle. HEN Iesvs therfore vtiderftoode that the Pharifees heard that Iesvs maketh mo Difciples, andbaptizeth, theIohn,|{ hovvbeit •• I es vs did not baptizc,but his Di{ciples)t he left levvriejand went againe into Gahlee. t andhehad ofnecefsitie to paflc tl^rough Samaria, t He commerh therfore into a citie of Sa- maria which is called Sichar: * befide themaner that lacob gauetolofephhis fonne. t And there was there the foun- taine of lacob. Iesvs therfore wearied of his.iourney, fa:e fo vpon the fountainc. It was about the fixt houre. t There commeth •• a woman of Samaria to draw wa- ter, Iesvs faith to her , Giue me to drinke. i For his Dif- ciples were gone into the citicjto bic mcates. t Therfore that Samaritane woman faiih to him, How doeft thou being a Ievve,alke of rne to drinke,vvhich am a Samaritane v voma? For the levves •« do not communicate with the Samaritanes. 1 1 E s V s anfwered, and faid to her, If thou didft know the giftof God, and vvho he is that faith vnto thee, Giue me to drinke:thou perhaps wouldeft haue afkedof him, and he II would haue giucn thee ^ liuing water, t The woman faith to him,Sir,neither haft thou wherein to draw, and the iz vvel is deeper whence haft thou the liuing water? t^^tthou greater then our father lacob, who gaue vsthe vvel, andhnii 13 lelf dranke ©f ir,and his children , and his cattel/ f I e s v s an- fwered , and fiid to her, Euery one that drinketh ofthis wa- ter, fhal ihirft againe : but he that f hal drinke of the water 14 that! vvil giue him, (hal not thirft for euer , t but the water that I wil giue him, fhal become in him a fountaine of wa- ij ter fpringlngvp vnto life euerkfting. t The woman faith tohitn,Lord giue me this water, ihar I raay not ihirft, nor come hitherto draw. 16 ■ t I E s V s faith to her,Goc, call thy hufband , and come 17 hitlier. t The woman anfvv-ercd and {aid, 1 haue no huf- Ff band • ' He did not baptize ordina- rily, yet that he baptized his A- pofties, S.Aug, thinketh it very probable , ef. The Gofpel vp6 Friday in the ; Weeke in Lent. •• This Woma« is a figure of the Church, not yet iuftified , but now to be iufti- fied. ^ug. traSK I S in loan . • •■ There Were many other cau- fcs Why the faithful leWes could not abide the Samaritans, but their precife abftaining from their companie & couerfation, was their Schif- matical Temple and seruice in moilt Garizim. c He fpeaketh of his baptizing in the Holy Ghoft. Seelo.c 7>39. Il6 THE GOSPEL ChA. IIH, band. Iesvs faith to her, Thou haft faid vvel, that I haue no hufband. t For thou haft had fiue hufbands : and he i8 whom thou now haft, is not thy hufband. this thou haft faid truely. t The woman faith to him,Lord,I pcrceiucthatthouart 19 a Prophet, t "Our fathers adored in this mountainc, and you 20 (ay, * that at Hierufalem is the place where men muft adore, t I E s V s' faith to her, Vvoman belceue nie, that the houre zi f hal come,vvhen you fhal neither in this mountainc , nor in Hierufalem adore the Father, t* You adore that you know 12. not'.vve adore that we know , for faluation is of the levves. t But the houre commeth , and now it is , when the true 23 adorers Thai adore the Father" in fpint and veritie. forthe Fa- ther alfo feeketh fuch, to adore him. t God is afpirit, and 24 they that adore him , muft adore in fpirit and veritie . t The 25 vvoman faith to him , I knov v that M e s s i a s commeth , (which is called Christ) : iherfore when he commeth , he wil f hew vs al things, t 1 e s v s faith to her, 1 am he,that z6 fpeake with thee . t And incontinent his Difciples came:and they marueiled 27 that he talked with a vvoman. No man for al that faid, Vvhat feekcft thoujor why talkeft thou with her ? t The vvoman therfore left her water-pc-rand fhe went zS into the citie , and faith to thofc men , t Come, and fee a man 29^ that hath told meal things whatfocuerl haue done. Is not he Christ? t They went forth therfore out of the citic, 30 and came to him . i In themeanetime the Difciples defired him, faying, 31 Rabbi eate. t But he faid to them , 1 hauemcate to eate 32 which you know not. t The Dilciples therfore faid one to 53 an othcr,Haih any man brought him tor to eatei IIesvs faith 34 to them, My meate is to doe the wil of him that fcnt me , to perfit his v vorke. t Doe nor you fiy that yet there are foure 35 moneths , and harueft commeth ? Behold 1 (ay to y^u, lift vp your eies, and fee the countries , that thty are white already to harueft. t And he that reapeth, recciueth hire, ^6 andgdthereth fruire vnto lifeeuerlafting : that both he that fo Wcth, and he that reapeth, may reioyce Together, t For 37 in this isthcfiyingtrue -.that it is one man that foweth ,and it is an other that reapeth. t I haue fcnt you to reapethat 38 which you laboured not : others haue laboured, and you haue Cha. I III 59 40 - 41 4^ 4? 44 ^f^4,T^ 45 4^ 47 48 49 SO 51 5^ 55 54 ACCOROING TO S. lOHN. 2I7 hauc entredinto their labours. t Andofchatcitie many beleeued in him of the Sama- ritans/orthe word ofihe-* woman giuingteftimonie,that he told meal things whatfoeucr 1 haue done, t Thecfore when the Samaritans were come to him , they defired him that he would xarie there. A nd he taried there two daies. t And many moe beleeued for his owne word, t And they faid to the woman. That now not for thy faying doc we beleeue:forour felues haue heard, and docknowih^ this is the Sauiour of the world in dcede. ^ t And atter the two daies he departed thence: and went into Galilee, t For 1 u s v s him lelf gaue teftmionie that a Prophet hath not honour in his owne countrie. t Thcrfore *when he was come into Galilee, the Galilaeans receiued him, whereas they had fecn al things that he had done ac Hierufalem in the feftiual day : for them felues alfo came to thefeftiualday. t He came againe thcrfore into Cana of Galilee, * Vvhere he made water vvine.And there was a ccrtaine lord vvhofe fonnewas (kkeat Capharnaum . t He hauing heard that 1 E s V s came from levvrie into Galilee , went to him , and defired him that he would come dovvne & healehisfonnc. for he began to die. t Ifisvs iherforc faid to him, Vn- lelle you Ice fignes and wonders, you bcleeue not. t The lord faith to him. Lord , come dovvne before th.it my fonne die. t 1 Esvsfaithto him, Goe,thy fonne liueth. The man beleeued the word rh.it I e s v s faid to him, and v^ent. tAnd as he wjs now going do wne , his feruants metre him : and they brought vvord,fiying. That his fonne lined. 1 Heafked therfore of them the houre , wherein he vvas amended. And they faid to him,Th.u yefterday at the feuenrh houre the feuer left him. t The father thcrfore knew that it vvas in the fame houre wherein 1 1 s v s faid to him. Thy fonne liueth. and him felfbeleeued and his whole houfc. ^ t This againe the * fecond fignc did 1 t s v s,vvhen he vvas come from levvrie into Gililee. •*• Thii Vfoma myftically belg the ChurcJi.ic is here fignified, thac they which at the nrft be- leeue becaufe the Church tea- chcch (o , after- Ward be hiuch confirmed, fin- ding it in the Scripture alfo , and by other ia- llnii^lions . TheGolpelvpS the io Sunday after Pentecoft. i) N N O T A T T O N S C H A p. II II, to. Our Father, ahrcd.] By adoration is meant doing of facrifice.for other offices of Religion Jjie ^f^ff^' might be done in any place. The Samaiitancs to detend their adornig in Ganzim , pre ' _ VfrL^/V tended their worfhiping thereto bemoic ancient then the leWcsin Hierulalcm, lefernngic to '" ^ '^ ^"X 2-^8 T H E G OS P E L C H A. I I I I lacob : Whereas in dcedc th« Pairiaich adoring there before the Temple was appointed or the Law eiuen. made nothino' forrhpii- <;rhi(m« • w/n.vu i ■ ' , , ^, rr /'"^" , or rne Law giuen, made nothing; forrheir Schilm. : 'which was begone b7ManaTlh a Su^Pdeft ,r,. obtaineSuperioritie, in Schifme; which he could ' "^ * The nue Tem- ple preuaileth. The true Tem- ple is proued by continual fuccellion. Chriftian ado- ratio through- out al natiosin cucry place, in fpirit & veritie: that is , in the Sacraments and feruice of the newla'J/.fulof fpirit & grace : in the veritie of things before prefigured, fpe- dally the true facrifice of Chrifls body and bloud. onely to hold his vnlavvful Wift thereby, and to obtaine Superioritie, in Schifme; whTch he coald '""I"'- ' not doe u, Je vn t.e o h.s brethren : long after the Temple of Hierufalem. from which dereuo *""^- "' was made. Thertorc Chnft giueth fentence for the lewes and the Temple of HicrufrilmTl- '■ '• that they had a good ground thereof.but the Samaritanes none at al ^ "^ "'""iilem.artir.nmg Iolepbii:5al('orecordetlihovv the. Samaritanes demaunded of Alexander the Great thelike prmileges and imniu.nt.es as he had graunted to the high Pried and Temple of Hierufalen', pret n dmg thcu Temple to be as great and as worthy , and them felues to be levves as the other ard to vvorih.p the lame God. but their Schifmatical hypocrifie was eafely fpied and d^mii ed vviS ; r.t r nothmg An other time the lewes and Samaritanes (as the fame writer teftiheth) madea.rea ^^ ftutre in Alexandria about the truth and anriquitie of the Schifmatical temple and feruic-in r.rf "■ *''"^' z>m and the other true Temple of Salomon: in fo mucli that the matter was put to arbitrVmenr bl' '' '' rtolom.TUS the kings cornmaundement , onely to trie W'hecher of the t\/o Vas firft And ,he Schilmat.kes ( as tlicrcultome IS) ;,../«/,„;« canmake their Church or feruiceas oldas they I fi- referrmg it to the Patnarches, as our Schifnr,tikes do now to Chrift and the Apoftles But i^hen the trial Was made,onery they of Hierufalem did inuincibly proue by continual fucceTlnnTh Priefts, andbytheiuft note ofthe' time when theSdnf^^Likes Jen^rSJ^^them^ha" ei« vas the lawful, and the other the falfe temple and falfc adoration, and lo it was iud^;d an " Samaritanes put to hlence. Afterward the faidSchifmatikes ( which is lightly theenfofaTschh' rnes) reuoltcd qu.tetrom the leWes religion and dedicated theirtemf lein Gai dmto upte; ?cS:dBacchus "''" and his bread and wineislike atlength to'eome to the'acrS 13. In Sf,ntMdveri!h.)Om Sauioiir foretelleth her that the end 5c ceafin- of their facriHce «r adoration in bod, the Temples Ihouldfhordy be, and euen then vvasb.gon^etoSri d 1^ ftruainghermthreeth,ngsconcerningthatpoint.fiti^ thatthetrucSacnif efhoald be icd"no more to that one Dace or naf on. birr r,,.-,ff„p..,^^v. r;.,„ ,i.„..iji.. .. ci.juaii oc tiea no moretothatoneplaceornation,battnattrueadoration"i7;;uMb;;h:;:u^;ut^ ue. Secondly,that the groir- .nd carnal adoration by chc-H f h and •"'• '' M f, nfK >P T°f '^''^'-■, ■— B'-^'— »n.uaao.at-onl,vcaeflJhand bloud of beafles and other external terrene creatures,not haulng in then, grace , ipint a id /""e f hould be takenavvay.& an other facrifice fucceede.which f nould be in ir fclf n uiS le ' c c ft a? diume fulofhfe, Spirit, and grace, an .i thirdly , that this adoration and facrifiefhouldbeh; vemieitfelf vvhereofaltheformeracrificesandhofteswerebutfhadowe^n/^^^^^^^^^^ callctli that here ipint and {ruth, which in the Srii Chapter is called arac^ ,,-, i Tr, rl, /i t , • r confiftmg of rief h and bloud could not be capable tlurcof ) but that it is fpirit and life in i' S bemg the f^d h of the V v o i. d of God. And if a man enlarg. the word of Adorario vS tere as^^u.d.lign,fiethproperlytheworfhip of God by facrifice) ^ Law theyal hkeWile be fpirit and grace, the Holy Gkoft working inuifibly and interna 1™ our foules by eu.ry one of them.Whcrevpo our Baptifme.is Water & the Holy Gho/l:ou PenaEce the word of ablolutiot, and xh. Hoy Ghoft : our Confirmatio, oile & the Holy Ghoft by i "poll' non of handes : finally . al the adoration of the Catholike Churchjs properly fpiricuaVtWi ccrtaine external creatures for our natures , ftate and neceffitie , be ioyned thereviuo Take heede therfore thou gather not of Chrifls Wordes , that Chriftian men f hould haue no 4 of ex ernal ^o'^ieL^Sti^htsetil'r "°"^'^^^^"^^^^^"^"' Sacraments,praiers. Chu'hXani , The r part: The actbs of Chnfl: in lewric (ha- uing already begonne his rolcmncMa- nilcftation 111 Galilee Mt.4,11 )che Tccond Paf- chc of his preaching. C H A P. V. Curing ^*"'' 4(> is thataccufethyoUjMoyfes, in whom you trult t For if you did beleeue Moyfestyou would perhaps beleeue me 47 alfo, for of me he hath written, t And if you doe not be- leeue his writings: how vvil you beleeue my vvoidcs ? ANNOTATIONS Chap. V, t.x/ipond.) This is as great a Wonder and \yorke as was in the old Law, yet neuer recorded in i Vertue of mi- the Scripture before : the conditions and circunftances of the fame mucii to be diftindly Weighed racles eiiten to againft the Mifcrcants of this time for many caufes. Firft, that God without der< gation to his creatures, honoiir.yca to the great cOmendation of it,doch giue vertiie of miracles and cure to water or other creatures. Secondly,that he giueth fuch vertues to thele creatures fpecialiy which be by vie and 2 The fame giue occupying in ficred fundionior other"'.*, ife, asit Were fanftiliedrfor this pond was it Wherein the Specially to lan- rp_ _r,i ,.i-.„. n J r,^_i » u_.L_.,T _L_.^ ,__j '^■■■"'"'■n.to (gifted crcacu- the res. ya I cviiiiuiciiurti«-'ii *Ji Lilt i«ii-iiin->.o \ji Hit j-rt w Liiti t i.'ii titii.iif w 1 1 1 u t i i ill u 1 c I ij ay W e acK rt o wl c 026 '■' ""^ '■ fuch workes of God miraculouily done in or about the Sacrifice or Sacraments of the new Tefta- mcnt, which faithleffe men wholyreieft andcondemne for fables, becaufe they know not the . ./• i j c ■ I .... iT/- J T-i ■ ji u L- • • - I 4 Miracles done Scriptures nor the power ot God Thirdly.that this operation was suienai oni' time more then _. uo u fAij-iu 1- ,iu- I f n. rr, ri. at On time morc an othcr,&: rather on great teltaial daies then other vulgar times(tor this was the feaft of Pafcheor . - , of Pentecoft; as daies more fanftified , and when the people madegreatcr concourfe : Which ,- • ii -^ "' fheweth that we fhouid not wonder to fee great miracles done at the Memories and feafles , r , ^. ' c\i u r a- ■ ■ 1 u J ■ I- ui 1 1. ter loiemnities. ot Martyrs or other great Feltiuities, more then at otherpiaces and times Fourthly.that the Angels or fomefpccial Sainclsare Prefidentsor Patronesofl'uch places of miracle, and Workers 4- /^"S^" ^iid alio vnder God ot the elictSs that there extraordinarily be done. Wliich ought to make Chriftians' '^^'""cs patro- lefl'e doubt, that the fotceofdiuers waters in the world is luftK attributed by our forefathers and J"^^ ^ workers good llories to the prayers and prefence of Sainifts , which protane incredulous men refeire ondy '" P'^ccs ot mi- to nature , vntruely pretending that God is more glorified by the workes o mature , which be of ^'^'^'^s. his ordinarie prouidence , then by the graces of Miracle giuen to his Saintti or Angels by his extra- . • t ordinarie prouidencc. Fifthly , that miracles be not wrought on men by their taith oiicly and ^ Miracles in as Wei by their prefence in fpirit as in body,orvpon the parties delire or deuotiononely, according '^'^''t^'^'n - places, to the Heretikes pretext that God is a like prelent by his power and grace to eucry man and place: °^ Wrought vpo and therforethat menneede notto go from theirowne lioufcsor countries to f.ekeholines or the that corpo- heakh at the places of Chrifts or his Saincls birth, death, memories: for none couU haue benetite ''.•*''>' ^'''^^ ^"C of this Water but he that could touch it, and be in it corporally , and at that lull time when the ^■'■'^^ ^^^ S.Aii- Water Was in motion by the Angel. Ycafixtly.Weniay coniidcr thatinllich calesto make the gultine ep. 137. matter moremaruelous, rare, and mote earnelitly to be fought tor, and to ligniheto vsthatGod 5 Alrcafonigin - 1» hath al fuch extraordinary operations in his oWne wil and commaundemcnt , without al rules of t -icfe matters tiifri.con, ourreafons and queiiioning thereon, nonccould be healed butthat perlonwbo firll could get mull yeld to Lucifer, c, into the pond after the Angel cami and llirred the fame. Seueiuhly.ihat thele graces of corpo- Gods pleafure. : to.2. ral cures giuento thiswater, " prefigure the like force of the Aacrament of liaptuinc for the cure _ jj^jj Wateris offoules, thougliWe needc not leeke the correfpondence thereof to tne figure in euery point, afii^ureof Bap- Lallly, Chriil by his power of c.vccllencie and prerogatiiie could and did heale this poore man tjfn°e. that i Chrift extrar ordinarily hea- Jcth and CiLieth- V'.'ithoiit crea- tures. Sinne rhe catifc of licknes and infirmities. Neither Icvves nor Heretikcs finde thetriirh, becauie tliey ll'arche not the Scriptures dec- pely , but read fupcrlicially. 13i THE GOSPEL C H A. V I. thatcoijd gee no body to help him into the water, becaull: he earneftfy and Ion? dcfircd the re medie by God appointcd.buc was excluded by necellu.c: as our Lord faueth al fuch as die V^ithout BaptUine.it they m their oWne pcrlons earncftly intended, dciired.and fought for the fine - ,.,_. Smmno m.re.) We may gather hereby that this mans longinfirmitie Was for punifhment of his linnes , and that men often atrribure their hcknes to other natural def-fts and f.-eke for r- medies of the world in vai.ic , when the Inme for which u Was font . remaineth.'or is not repeutc J of: and therfore that m al ■nfirmities men 1 hould firft turne to God & goe to their GhoHly father and then rail for the wordlyPhificions afterward. / i^uii-i, 3^ / recaiuHot.) Our Maimer meanech chat mans teftimonie is not neceiTme to him nor that rhc truth of his Daumtie dcpendeth on Worldly witnelfes or mens commendations : thouah to " fuch tchmomesbc agreableand neceilarie. and fo for ourinftruaionhe vouchfaued to take the reftimonies ot lohn the BaptilJ and Moy fes and the Prophets : and departing out of this World to fend forth al his Apoftles and m them al Bif hops and Lawful Paftors, to be his WitnclFes from Hierufalem to the ends of the World. I'-ju* S9. Scarchethe Sa-:>«r...) He reprehendeth the leWes , that reading dally the Scriptures and acknowledgmgthatm them they fhould fiadclife and laluation. they yedoo4d ot^^^ pcrficually that they could not hnde therem him to be Chri s T thsir Kmg, Lord.life.and Sauiour. For the fpeaal ma.flers & Scribes of the levvesthen.Were like vnto our i^erctikes n^vv . who b; cu^r talking and turning and 1 huffling the Scriptures , but are of al men molt ignorant in rhc dcepe knovvledge-tbereof. And therfore our Maifter refcrreth them not to the reading onely or learnir^ them Without booke-, orhamng the fencences thereof gloriouOy painted or written in thier Tem- ple houfes, or coates .• but to the deepe fearche of the meaning and m> fleries of the Scriptures, which are not foeahly to be feenm the letter. j" i-iuiti, The 3. part. His actes inGalil^c,& in Icwric, about the third Pafche- and after. Chap. V I. mmngy-jithfueloMesfcdfiuahoupirrd ,6 (Vvilkiygalfofl;, nhht aftnvpcn tht Jea.)2z on the niorovvtne people there vpon refirting -ontohim ,27 he prea- chethvutethemofihe'Sreadwhichhevvilgiue: tellm.them that he u come from heauer,,and therfore Me togiuefuch bread .u ca quieten the WorW,.«r,. /;« ovvnefUfh : and that alhu EUafhalbeUeue^s muc%.6c M^nynotwithpi^n- iing do murmHr at thu doarine.je^and become apoJiataes,thou, he tel themthzt theyfhal fee by hu ^feenjion into heauen, that he u defended from heauen. bnt She Twilue fiickevnto him . beleeuing that he u God omnipotent , a, he Gtid ^mong Yvhom dfo {that no man be fcandaliz^d ) he fi.nifieth that h ' fore- knovve>hvvh,eh wU l>eicm€ a traitor : a^ among the forefaid.which vvo^Id become afojtattus. •" TheGofpelvpo MidJent Suday. J r ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^Z^ I E s V s went beyond i the lea of Galilee , which is of Tiberias; t and a great multitude folowed him , be'- i caufe they favv the fignes which he did vpon thofe that were ficke. -f I e s v s ihcr- 2 u r .,,. i°i^T^"f^Pi"to the mountaine,and there he fate with his Difciplcs. t And the Paichc was at hand, 4 thefdWdayofthelevves. tVvhen I e s vs therfore had c hftedvp hiseies,andfawthara very great multitude com- methtohim, he faith to Phih'ppe, Vvhencefhal we bie bread:thatthefemayeate? t And this he faid, tempting him. 6 for him felf knew what he would doei- t Philippe anfwe- 7 red him. Two hundred pcnie worth of bread is not fuffi- cient for them, that euery man may take a litle peece. t One 8 of his Difciplcs, Andrew the brother of Simon Peter, faith to I J. Mur, GhA VI. ACCORDING TO S. I O H N. i;^ 9 to him, i There is a boy here that hath fiue barley loaues , &: 10 two fifhes: but what are thefc among fo many? IIesvs therfore faith. Make the men to fit downe. And there was muchgralTein the place . The men therfore fate downe, in n number about fiue thoufand. t 1 e s vs therfore tooke the loaues: and when he had giuen thankes , he diftiibuted to them that fare, in iikcmaneralfo ofthe fifhes as much as they 11 would, -f And after they were filled, he faid to his Diki- plcs. Gather the fragments that are remaining, left they be 13 loft, t They gathered therfore, and filled twelue balkets with fragments of the fiue barley loaues,which remained to 14 themthat had eaten, t Thofe men therfore when they had fcen what a fignc Iesvs bad done,faid, That this is the 15 Prophet in decde that is to come into the world. I Iesvs therfore when he knew that they would come to take him, and make him king, * he fled againc into the mountaine him felf alone. ^ 16 t And when euen was come,his Difciples went downe 17 tothcfea. t And when they were gone vp into the fhippc, they came beyond the fea into Capharnaum.and now it was 18 darke, and Iesvs was not come vnto them t And the fea 15; arofe, byreafon of a great vvindc that blew, t Vvhen they had rowed therfore about fiue and twentie or thirtic furlonges, they fee Iesvs walking vponthe fea, and to 20 draw nigh to the fhippe , and they feared. I But he faith to ' ii them,Itis I,fearenot. t They would therfore haue taken hmi into the fhippe rand forthwith the fhippe was at the land to which they went. ii t The next day , the multitude that ftoodc beyond the fea, faw that there was no other boare there but one , and that Iesvs had not entred into the boate with his Difciples, ij but that his Difciples only were departed : f but other boa- tes came in fro Tiberias bcfide the place where they had eate 2.4 the bread, our Lord •' giuing thankes t Vvhen therfore the •• Thefc woi- multitude faw that 1 e s v s was not there, nor his Difciples, f"pjj'f £"h^ they went vp into the bo ues,& came to Capharnaii fcekmg g'uing thankes t$ I E s V s. t And whe ihcy had found him beyond the fea,thcy rS^^^of 26 faid to him, Rabbi, whecameft thou hither? 1 e s v sanfvve- the bread ard di 1 ^ 1 A I / /- 1 Working the them, and faid. Amen , amen 1 i.iy to you , you leeke me multiplication not becaufcyou haucfecnc fignes , but becaufc you did eate thereof. 2.7 of the loaues,and w&ie filled, t " Vvorke nor the meatc that G g pcnfheth 234 THEGOSPEL C H A. VI. perifhcth, but that cndureth vnto life cucrlafting, which the Sonne of man vvil giueyou. For him the Father, God, hath figned. t Theyfaidtherfore vnto him ,Vvhat fhai we 28 doc that we may worke the wotkes of God ? t I e s v s ic) anfvvered,andfaid to them. This is the worke of God, that you beleeue in him whom he hath fenr. t They faid ther- 50 fore to him ,Vvhat figne thcrfore doelt thou , that wc may fee,and may belccue thee? wlsat workeftthou? t Our * fathers did cate Manna in the deferr,as it is writ- 31 ten, BreA fromheduen he gatte thcmtocate. f I E S V S therforc faid 32 to them, •• Amen, amen 1 fay to you,Moyfesgaue you not the prttfeTebme ^^^^'^ ^^om heauen,but my Father giueth you "the true bread word,^m*«.&: fromheaucn. t For thcbreadof Godit is that defcendeth 33 "^VJAnnot! fi-'oi'nheaucn, and giueth life to the world, t They faid thcr- 54 See Exo. iSj 4. 14. Pf' 77, 14. o.t.vtr[.34. fore vnto him. Lord, giuevs alwaies this bread, f And 55 I E s V s faid to them , 1 am the bread of life , he that commeth to me , f hal not hunger : and he that belecueth in me , f hal neuerthirft. t But 1 faid to you that both you haue feen me 3<> The Gofei in ^"'^ ^^^ belecue not. t AI that the Father giueth mc, fhai 37 the Afiiueifarie come to me : and him that commeth 10 mel vvil not call: otthedead. ([^^^^^ -f^ Becaufe 1 defcended from heaucn , not to doe mine 3^ owne vvil,butthc wilofhimthatfentme. t Forthisis the 39 vvil of him thatfent me, the Father: that al that hchathgiae me I leefe not thereof, but raifeitin the laftday. t And this 4^ is the vvil of my fither that fent me: that euery one that fecth the Sonne, and belecueth in him, hauelife euerlafting, and, I vvil raife him in the lafl. day. ^ t The levves therfore murmured at him , becaufc he had 4 ^ (aid, lam the bread which defcended from heauen : \ and 42- they faid , Is not this I e s v s the fonne of lofeph , whofe father and mother we know ? How then faith he. That I defcended from heauen ? t I e s v s therfore anfwered and 43 faid to them, Murmure not one to an other : t no man can 44 ThcGofpclvpo come to mc , vnles the Father that fent me , " draw him : and dayinvThitfon- 1 'wil raifehim vp in the laft day. t It is written in the Pro- 45 vvccke. phets, jndalJhlbedoableofGod Euety One that hath heard of theFather, and hath learned, commeth tome, t Notthat4<» any man hath feen the Father, but he which is of God : this I hath fecn the Father, i Amen, amen 1 fay to you, he that be- 47 | leeueth in me , hath life euerlafting . 1 1 am the bread of life. 48 t Your fathers did eate" Manna in the defert: and they died. 49 tThis Cha 26. Mr. 14, XI. Lh. li, Iff.l.Cor. H, 24. . VI. ACCORDING TO S. I O H N. i; ^"o* of the grape: no doubt becaufetiie fame body and bloud were in Holy Sacrament to be eaten and "' "*' drunken. In vvhiciifpeaches, either of Chrifti perfon generally, or peculiarly ofthelameasin the * "' B. SzQticnent,thc true breadli not taken proprely and fpecially for thatfubftance which is ofcorne, Whatfignifieth,' and called v\ith V5 bread : but generally fortood or meate, and therforc it hath ioyned with it The true bread, lightly a terme (ignif. ing a more excellent fort of fuflcnance:as,the true bread.the bread of heauen. the bread of life , Siipcrfubftantial bread, in Which fort the holy Sacrament which is Chrifts body, /,«. »^,j », The B. Sacra- '^ ^"^^ here, ani in S. Luke and S. Paul alfo, often called bread, euen after confecration: ^^,t ^j ment "called not oncly for that it Was made of hread.butbeeaufe it is bread more truely, and by more excellent to, 7. breacf property and calling,thcn that whicfi ordinarily is named bread. , Cor, 10 4-*. TJra.vv hirri] The father draweth vs and teacheth vt to come to his Sonne,and to belceue * 9. iM anna. And. died.] The Heretikes holding the fathers of the old Teflament to haue eaten ^^^ ' j^ ofthe fame meate, and to haue had as good Sacraments as we, be here refuted : Chnft putting a -, '/, j^ The manifold plaine difference in the very fubftauce thereof, andin tlie graces and efFcdls much more at large. , , ' ^' preeminecet of Manna was onely a figure ofthe B. Sacrament, thougha very excellent figure thereof for many the B. Sacramet canfes. It came in a fort fiom heauen, our Sacrament more :)it was made by God miraculoufly.our aboucManaa, Sacrament more : it was to be eaten for the time of their peregrination , our Sacrament more : it was to euery^nan what he liked befl , our Sacrament more : a litle thereof ferued and fufficed as vvel as much , our Sacrament more : it was referued for fuch daiej as it could not be gathered, and our Sacramet much more: it was kept for a memorial in the arke ofthe TeiT:amcnt,our Sacrament much more; the difcontented and incredulous murmured and gainfaidit, at our Sacrament much more : it fuflained their bodies in the dcfert.our Sacrament both body and foule much more. SI How can thu man .''] It eame not to their minde thfit nothing vvm impojtible to God , that vvlc' tn the B. Sacra- kedlyfaid. How can thu man giite vs hi4 flefh? hut we may make great profite of their Jinne, keteeuiur the xnentfHoWyisx ^yficriei, and taking a. Ujfon, netier to fay or once thinke , How? forit u » lewifhwordand worthy IcWlf h Word. <«' punifhment. fo faith S. Cyril, li. * c. n m lo. Neuertheles if one al ked onely for defire to learne in humiiit ', as our Lady did touching her hauiiig a childe in her virginitie , then he muft take the Angels anlwer to her, Tliat it is ofthe Holy Ghoft. lb faith S. Damafcene ti. 4-. f.i*. SS- vnles you eate.) Chrijl comtnding the Sacrament of the faithful intto vs,/aid. Except youente ^e. , . you can yiitt haue life in you. So the life faith of lift ,thdto him that thinketh the life to be a Her , this meate re real pre- fhal bedeath^i;' not Hfetohirn. An^iil\.Ser.i deverb.^p.c. i. AndS.Lcothui, "Hecauftour Lord Jnith, ^ ^ . • Except you eatc & c. let vsfo communicate that vjcnothingdoubtof thetruthofChrijies body undbleud: ■ ■' for that H receiued with mouth, which u beleeued in hart': and they anfvver ^men in i/atne, that difpute r *gainji that which they recetue. jt.^nddrinke.) This the Proteflants alleage for tbeneceflitieof recciuingin bothkindes: Receiuing in bucinrefpeclofthemfclues ( who lightly hold al this chapter to penaine nothing to the Sacra- both kindes mental lecciuing, but to fpiritual fecdinjon Chrill by faith onely ) it can make nothing for one not necefTatie. kinde or other. Ai\ J in rcfpedi of vs Catholikcs, who bcleeuc Chrifls whole pcrfon both humani- tie and Diuin:tie, both flcf h and blond to be in cither forme , and to be wholy receiued no lelTc in the hrft, then in the fecond or in both, this place commaundcth nothing tor both the kindes. The Sacram n ^'' ^'"^P"'-^ not haue life.) Though the Catholikcs teach thefe Wordes to be fpokcn of theSa- I j„j..:y- „ c^ramcnt, yet they meanc not (nomorethcn our Sauiourlicredoth) to exclude al from faluation, ( I rftj b d that rcceiue Dot a6iuallv and Sacramentally vnder one or both kindes. For then children that die n')talWaie lifter they be b.iptizcdand ncuer receiued Sacramentally , f hould pcrifh : which to hold , Were C'd'arie to- f f '*'^'^'''"' Neither did S. Auguftinemeane, applying', thefe Wordes to infants alfo, that they could • j^., uation. ' "°'''^^^"C^*'"houtieceiu;ng(acramcataIiy , .-unot onely the Hcretikcs,butErafmus did vnlear ^Iriff^o nedly ChA. VI. ACCORDING TO S. I0HN. I57 nedly miftake him : but his fenfeisthatthey \5?'erc by the right of their Baptifmcioynecl to Chiiftj The true mea- body Myftical , and thereby fpiritually partakers of the other Sacrament alfo of Chrifls body and nine; of S. Au- bloud. Asa! Catholikc men that be in prik)n,ioyningVith the Church of God in hart and dcfnc guftins vvordes to receiue and be partakers With the Church of this Sacrament , and thofc fpeciatly that dcuoutly touching ui- hcare MafTc and adore in prefcnce the body and bloud of Chrif}, ioyning in hart \with the Pi icft, al fants rcceiiiing thcfe receiue life and fruitc of the Sacrament , though at euery time they receiue not facramentaOy of the B. Sacra- Cee.Trid. in one or both kindes. Andahhough in the Primitiuc Church theholyiyacrament in thefccond mcnt. Sef.ii C.4. kind Were often giueneuen to infants to fandifie them, yet(as the holy Councel hathdecbredjit Was neuerminiftred vntothem Withopinion that they could not be faucd without it. andther- fore theHeretikes do vnirueiy charge the Church and the Fathers with that errour. _ .1 .. f*. / zniil raife him. ) ^s thtSiinneliueth bj the Father , euenfodovve line by hisflefh, faith S. yrt . '•* j^jijjjg^ li.$,deTriit. And S. Cyril igiine thus. Though bj nature of our fief hin/e be corruptihie,ye( by —, -3.^ '*''^' ftrtieioatiort oflife vvearereformedtothe^rofertieof life. Forvotonelyourfoideivvere tobeliftedvpby u %*^ ^ ' x the holy Ghoji to life euerlajting, but this rude grojfe terrcftrial body ofeun u to be reduced to imrnortalitie, } ^ ,'. *''''*"^'* TtrtpJ. de h totuhing,t(tJiing, and eating thi4 agreablefood ofChriffes body, ^nd when Chrijl faith, I wil raife him , T r'"^ °' refur. cdr. vp, he meaneththat thu body "vvbich he eatelh, fhal raije him. Ourflefh (feith TcrtuUian} eateth the body ^ ^ iouic. Ku. 7. and bloud of Chrijt, that thefoule may alfo be fatted, therfore they J hal both haue one reward at the He fur- rtB-ioH. AndS.Ircmus, How do they ajfrme that our bodies be not citpable of life euerlaJHnf, which it *' ''*' Hourifhed by the body and bloud of our Lord ? Either let them change their apinion , or els ceaje to offer the 'K^ylf.in $- Eueharifi. S. Gregorie Ny (Tene alfo faith,Tfc(»^ liudy body entering into our bedy.changeth it and mak^th r*t.cateth, it like and immortal. magna. //.^Wf<»re;n(/ef^.) Manni, Wasnot thetruemeatc.-northcWateroftherocke, thedrinkein "^^ . ^*"** decde: for they did but driue away death or famine for a time and for this lite, "Sut the holy "Body of '"^"t '"^ 'he true Chrijl u the true food nourifhing to life euerUfUng, and his bloud the true drinhe that driueth death away "**""* "^ v va- vttertj , for they benot thebody and bloud of a mere man , but of him that being ieynedtt life u'made life: '^rot thcrocKC. and therfore are we the body and members ofChriJi, becaufe by this benediiHon of the myfitrie we receiue thefonneofGodhimfelf. Sofaith S.CyriIli.4 c. j6 inlo. Coc.Trid. s>. He that eateth thu bread.) By this place theholy Councel proueth that for thegrace and The Tvholc Sef.il C.I. cffedt of the Sacrament , Which is the life of thefoule, there is no difference Whether a man receiue grace and cffcft both kindes or one. became our Sauiour who before attributed life to the eating and drinking of thereof in one his body and bloud, doth here alloalfiimf- the fame effe£l, which is life euerlauing, to comcof kinde.andther- eating onely vnder one forme. Therfore the Heretikes be feditious calumniators that would make f^re the people the people belceuc , the Catholike Church and Pricfts to haue defrauded them of the grace and be - not defrauded, ncfitc otone of the kindejin the Sacrament. Nay, it is they that haue defrauded the World, by Receiulg in one taking away both the real fubftance of Chrift , and the grace from one kinde and both kindes, and or bo th kindes from al other Sacraments. The Church doth oncIy (by the Wifedom of Gods Spirit and by inftru. fdifFeret accor- ftion of Cbrid and his Apoftles.according to time and place, for Gods moft honour, the reuerence ding te the ho- of the Sacrament, and ihe peoples moft profite thereby) difpofe of the maner and order, how the \y Churches ap- Ep. lit c. Prieft, how the people fhal receiue, and al other paiticularpointcs,W^/;/V/;/;«>wye// (faith S. Augu- pointment. 6 ad lanu- ftine) did not ta^e order for, that he might comit that to the ^poJiles,by whom he vvm to difhofe hu Chur- arium. ehes affaires, thoughboth heand the Apoftles and the Fathers of theprimitiueChurchleftvsexam- ^"'horitie of Lu,.i.t. If pie ofreceiuing vnder one kind. Chrift'itr Ewmaiii, The Apoftles ^li.i, ♦*. The primitiue Church ^"'P^i"'^* 3ud ingiuing tlicbloud onely to children , Cj/r./i.^/fk/)/?!, mk.^/o. inreleruingmolt commonly the ^^ Priniitiue body onely, Tertul.li.i advxo.nu.*. Cypr. li.de lapjis , »u. 10. in houleling the ficke therewith, Church tor rc« Eu/eb. Ee. hijt. li. 6 a 6. in the holy Eremites alfo thatrecciued and rcferued it commonly and f^'",'"^ "* °"* not the bloud , in the Wildernes , "Safil. ep. ad C/tfariam Patritiam. and in diuers other cafes which '""*^^' Were to long to rehearfe. Whereby the Church being Warranted and in the ruling of fuch things fully taught by Gods 'T'^'^ caufcj of fpirit , as Wei* for the reprouing of certaine herefies.that Chrill God and man v^'as not whole and ^^ Churches al in euery part of the Sacrament, asfpecially forthat the Chriftian people being now enlarged, P^!"^'^'^^.^"^'^'' and the communicants often fo many at once, that neither fo much wins could be coniicniently "^" cocerning confccrated, nor without manifold accidents of f heading orabuling bereceiued (whereof the *'nf ^'"''C. Protcltants haue no regard , becaufe it is but common wine which the> occupie , but the Church knowing it to be Chriflsownc bloud, muft haue al dreadful regard )therfore I iay fhe hath decreed and for lomc hundreth yeres put in vfe , that the Prieft laying Malic , f hould alwaies bo.'h confe- The Pricfls that crate and alfo receiue both kindes, becaufe he muft cxpreftc liucly fhe Pailion of Chrift, .and the le- fay Maffe, muft paration of his bloud from his body in the fame, and for to imitate the whole adion and inftitu- receiue both Lu,it,J9. tiunaswelinfacrificingasrcceiuing, astowhompioperlyitwasfiid, Tiothn, for that was fpo- kindes. ' • "' ken onely to fuch as haue power thereby to offer and confecrate. But the Lay men.and the Clergic alfo when they do not execute or lav Malle them felues, f hould receiue in onekinde.beingthere- by no lefle partakers of Chrifts whole perfon and grace,thcn if they receiued both. For(as .J.Paul I Cor.it, fiitb) Hethateateththehoftes.upartakeruftht altar. i-icxhateiteih,fmhht:(orihoii^hihetevvere ts» drink-ofFcrngs or libamentsioyned lightly to euery facriiice, yet it was ynough to eateoneJyof one kinde, for 10 be partaker of the wkoie. Gg ii) it. If 158 THE GOSPEL C H A. VI. 6 :. rf yju fha! fee.) Oiir Sauiour'feemeth to infinuate.that fiichas bcicenenot his Wordes tou- Chrift indmu- thing cht lioly Satrainent,.ind rhinke it impoifible for hisn to giue his Body to be eaten in fo many tech that faith- places at once, being yet in earth , fhould be much morefcandalized and tempted after they faW ksmclhil not orkncW liim to be iiccn ied into heaucn. Vvhich isproued truein the (Japharnaitcs ot'this time, bcleeu^ his pre- wliofe principal realbn ag.iinfl Chriits prefeiice in tlie Sacrament is , that In.' is afcended into hea- fiuce in the B. uen:yca. wlioare lb bold as to expound this fame fcntencc for them felncs thus, It ii not this- Sacrament, be- body orllel'h which 1 Vi/il giue you, for that I Wil carie wirhme to heauen. Whereby iF they meant caufe he is afcc- onely that tiie condition and qualities of his body in heauen fhould be other then in theSacra- ded. ment,it U'ere tolerable: for S.Auguftine fpeaketh fometime in that fenfe. but to deny the fubftauce ofthebody to be the famc.chat is Wicked. 61. The fief h jirofitcth nothing.) If this fpcach Were fpoken iw the fcnfc of the Sacramentaries, it would takeaway Chrills Incarnation, maniiod, and death, no lelfe tiicn his corporal prefence ia the Sacrament, forifhis flcfh Were not proHtable, al thefc things Were vaine. Tnertove Christ ciinieth not his oWne flefh to be profitable, but that their grolVe and carnal concc.uing oHiis Wordes,of his flef h,and of the maner of eating the fame. Was vnprofitable Which is plaine by the fentence folowing, 'where he Warntth them , that his Wordes be Ipirit and life , of high M;. iKcal The Capharna- '^leaning.and not vulgarly and grofly to be taken, as they tooke them. And it is the vfe of the Scrip- ites eroff- vn- "^"''^ ^° call mans natural fenfe , reafon, and carnal refilfing or not reaching fjpcrnatural truthes, derflandino of ^^^'' orbloud.is, Ficfh a»d blettd rmealednot this to thee ^c Ji-Cai. 1 6. Chrifls flcfh to ^^^'^ catnalitie then of theirs , flood in two points fpecially : fird.that they imagined that he be ciuen or ea- ^'^^''^ '^'" '^"" ^'^^'^> •^^'^ '^"'^ ^ magel his fief h into partes, 6c fo g^ue it them vav or roll to be eaten ten And how ^"■"^"g t'^^"''' Which could not be meant, faith S. Augulline : forthathad comeined an heinous fi^„fufi.df Irs A'Cti ' doth *"^' barbarous fafte,and therfore they might and fhould liaue bene alRucd , that he Would com- q)o^[c(,r_ piofitaud not "^'""'^ "° '"S'^ thing:but feme other fweete fenfe to be of his h.ird,m^ lt;cal,oi figurat^ue tt'ordes, y,\ j c[ 13. ' niodr' and to be fulfilled in a Sacrament,m/ftcrie,and a maruelousdiuinefort.otherWife then they could " " comprehend. Secondly , they did erre touching his fief h, in that tliey tooke it to be the flcfh of a (~hrifls fl'f h ei- "^^""^ man, and of a dead man alfo.vhen it fhould come to be caren:of which kind of flef h Chrill uethlifebe'cau- ^-""^ Pfonoficeth , that it profircth notWng . Wlierevpon S. Cyril faith, Thubody unot of Peter or i^;^ ^^^^ fe it is the flcfh ^"'•'""'''''J'"'''*'''"^. ^"'"/^^^"Y'' I £ ^ v s V/hois the life it felf: and therfore thu'Body giueth life , the ^^ /^_ uf God & raai '^"■)' /"'"'' of the Diuii^itie dwelling in it. And the holy Counccl of tphefus in the i; Anathematifme expounded alfo by tiie faid S. Cyril: The EHchariji u not the body of tiny common perfon (^for the fief h of acoinmonmnn couldnot rjHicken) but tf the W OKT) it/elf. 'Bux.the Heretikel>Lcftoriu4 diffblueth the Zfertue of thu ^Cyjferie, holding ynans fief h onely tobein the Euchariji. Thus there. And J. Ignatius cited igntttiM of Thcodorete.and many other Fathers haue the like. Whereby Wc may fee that it commeth of the apud The- Diuinitie and Spirit (without which Chr'fts flcfh can not be) that this .S'acrament giueth life. odor, dial, luJaj the'chee- e-t^.ThntbeUeuenot.) It is lackecf faith, you feee here, that caufcth men to fpuxne agiinfttbis j, fe of them that l^'g^* truth of the Sacrament : as ilfo it may be learned here , that it is the great and merciful gift of bcleeue not the God that Catholike men do againfl their fenfcs and carnal reafons,beleeue and fubmit them fclues teal prefence. to the humble acknowledging of this Myfterie rlaffly, that it may Wcl * by Chriftsinfinuationof « ^ Iudas,be gathered, that he fpecially fpurned againfl our Maifters fpeachcs of the holy Sacrament. •'' J, •!, K t <«, I^«»rWif.) It can be no maruel to vs now that fo many reuolt from the Church, by of- ' , ," fenfe orfcandal vniitflly taken at Chrills body and bloudin the Sacrament : feeing many of his i- , ' Difciples that dvv his wonderful life , doiSrinc, and miracles, forfooke Chrift him felf, ypon the J , ,' . ■'^j fpeach &promcs of thefameSacramet.forthemyfterieofitisfo fupetnaturaland diuinein itfelf, d vJ' ^ • ^^h and Withal fo low Scbafe for our fakes,by the fheW of the formes oFthcfc terrene elements vnder T vc' K»l ■ ? which it is , and We cateit: thai the vnfaithful and infirme do foflumble at Chrift in the ^acra- , . ' ^^^]^ ment.as thelewesand Gentils did at Chrift iniiis humanitie. For ,lhe caufes ofcontradidlions of , ,, " ' . thelncarnationandXranflubftanticn bchke. And it may be verily deemed.thatwhofoeucr now h * rh'^''''" ^f '"^" "°* bclteuc the Sacrament to be Chrift , becaufe it is vndcr the formes of bread and wine, and ° ^ "^ is eaten and drunken , Vt'ould not then banc beleued that Chrift had bene God , becaufe he was in " ' ■ fhape of man, and crucified. To conclude, it Was not a figure nor a myfterie of bare bread The difciples re- and Wine , nor any Metaphorical or Allegorical fpeach, that could make fuch a troupe of his Difci- jnoltig at Chrifts pies reuolt at once. When he faid he was a doore.a vine, a Way, a Pallor.and fuch like(vnto which \fordes, proue kinde offpeaches the Proteftants ridiculounyrcfemble the wordes of the holy Sacrament) who ■that he fjjake Wa.s fonijid tomiftakehim, or to forfike him for the fame ; For the Apoftles at the leaft would not mecaphori- haue plucked them by the fteeues, and fiid, Goenot away my maifters, he ipeaketh parables, cally.as at other The caufe therfore Was their incredulitie , and the height of tlae Myft.'rie , for that they neither times. knew the meaneshow it might be preicnt, nor Would beleeue that he was able to giue his fl^fh , to be eaten in waoy places. And euen fuch is the vnbeleefe of the Hcretiici about this matter at this day. /v ludas of al '. es.Petei-anfin'ered.) Peter anfwereth for the TWelue, not knowing that ludas in hart Was vnbelccuinghe- already naught, and belcued not Chrifts former wordes touching tlic B. Sacrament, but Was to jctikes, lb Peter reu<5lt afterward aswcl astheother. * Wherein Peter bcar;th tiiepeifon ofthe Church and al * C^pr.ff, heareth theper- Caiholike men, that fox no difficulty of his Word, nor for any reuolt (beicneuer fogcneral) cf ;;. nu.}, ■ ■ , Schifma- Cha VII. ACCORDING TO S. lOHN. 139 TrttQ. t Schifmatikes, Hcrctikes, 'or Apoftataes, cither forthis Sacrament or any other Article, Wileucr fon of al belee forlake Chrill. And When company draWeth vstoreHolt, let vs fay thus: Lord, whither or to uingCacholike No.thouhaft the Wordesoflifc.and Wc belccue B. Sacramcar. Jo. *r* *' thee,and thy Church Wil not nor can not beguile vs. Thonhajl (faiths, hugn^'ine) lifeaterUfi'mx hnang. -^ ^^^ mtmjtration of thy Imdy and blond . and a Ijtle after ,'IhoH ttrt life euerUJiin^ it/ilf,and thougituft not in thy flefh and bloud hut that which thyfelfart. 9 lO II 15 Chap. VII. Tki leWts (of Hierufakm) feeling hi( death, he Walketh in Galilee : \fhert heftgmjieth to hu brefhren, that not in thisfeafi Scenopegia , but in an other {to 'Wit, Vafeht folavving) the levves fbould k^l him -.that is, not when they westid, hut when he wit. 1 0 Info much that at thufeaft he teacheth openly in the Temple, and eonutrteth many , 14- both in the middle day 37 and the lafi day thereof , without any hurt , though alfo tht Hulersfend to apprehend him. FTE R thcfe things I e s v s walked ^ into Tucfday'in Pat Galilee', for he would not vvaike" into lew- ^'O'^^'eekc. rie'rbecaufe the lewes fought to kil him. t And :: scmopigix the feftiual day of the lewcs, * •• Scenopegia, f^'"-" ^kLuki ^1 was at hand.tAnd his brethre faid to him,Pafrc )i}\fr'lhtnl- from hence, and goc into Iewric:that thy Difciplcs alfo may <;/'', which the fee thy woikcs which thou diOt'i}i. t For no man doeth any Jhr;"a?b.for thing in fccrete,andfeekethhimfelfto be in publike, If thou ^'sht daiesto- doethefe things, manifeft ihyfelftothe world, t For nei- fommaund^-' thcr did his brethren beleeue in him . 1 1 e s v s therfore faith '"'^"^ • f'°'^ ^ h. . . . I .... memorie that em. My timeisnotyetcome: butyourtimeis alwaies their fathers readie. t The world can not hate you. but me it hateth: be- *^t^fea';5 fo°it^ caufe I giueteftimonic of it,that the workes thereof are euil. tie yeresin ta- t Goe you vp to this feftiual day : M goe not vp' to this fefli- t^nTe^and^'not ual day : becaufemy time isnot yet accompHThed . inhoufcs,com- t When he had faid thefe things, him felf taried in Ga- AEgypt."V/ lilee. t Butafter his brethren weregone vp , thenhe alfo Leuit.zi,}*, went vp to the fcftiual day , not openly , but ns it were in fecrete. t The Icvves therfore fought him in the feftiual n day ,and faid, Vvhereishe? t And there was much mur- muring in the multitude of him. For certaine faid, That he is good. And others faid , No , but he (educcth the multi- tudes. t Yet no man fpake openly of him for feareofthe lewes. r\ t And vvhco the fcftiuitie was now halfe done , I e s v s Tuefdry^ilX H 15 went vp into the tepr^,pAdtau^l}t.; t .And the lewcs mar- 4 >*'"ke of ueileJ. :: The way to come to know the truth, is to liue vvel, :: It is fpoken of Antichiill fpecially, and it is true in al He- tctikes. ^Hgujf. traB. 2 9- in £" uang. lo. :: No niaruel, when thele fpeake thus to Chrift himlblf, ifHcretikescali his vicai Anci- chrift. TheGofpelvpo "Mfiday in Paf- iGon vvecke. 2.40 THE GOSPEL ChA, ueilecl i faying. How doth this man know Ictters,vvhercas he hach not learned? t 1 e s v sanfwcrcd them,and faid,My i(j dodrincis not mine, but his that fcnc me. t iFany man 17 •J wil doe the vvil of him,hc f hal vnderftand ofthe dodnne whether it be of God , or I fpeake of my fclK t •• He that iS fiiieaketh of him feif, fcckethhis owne glorie, But he that feeketh the glorie ot him that fent him , he is true , and iniu- fticeinhim there is not. t DidnoiMoyfcsgiueyou thclavv, 19 and none of you doeth the law J t * Vvhy feekeyou to kil io mc-?T he multitude anfvvcred, and faid, '* Thouhafla deuil, who feeketh to kil thee? t I e s vs anfwered,andfaid to ii them. One worke Ihauedonc: and you docal marueil. f Therforc '^ Moylesgaue you circuncifion : nor that it is 2,2. ofMoyfcSjbut * of the fathers, and in the Sabboth you cir- cuncifc a man. Ufa man receiuc circuncifion in the Sabboth, 2-3 ihatthelawofMoyfes be not broken: areyou angrieat mc becaufel haue healed a man wholy in the Sabboth? f ludge 2:4 not according to the face, but iudge iuft iudgement . t Ccrtainc therforc of HieruTalerp faid. Is not this he ^5 whom they fecke to kil? t And bchoId,hefpeaketh openly, i(> and they fay nothing to him. Haue the Princes kno wen in dccde that this is Ch r i s TjtBuc this man we know vvhece 27 he is. But when Christ c5mcth,no man knovveth whence he is. t I E sv stherfore cried in the temple teaching , and i8 faying, Both me you doe know, and whence lam you khovv.And of my felf I am not comc,but he is true that fent me, whom you know not. | Iknow him,becaufc lam of 29 him, and he fent mc. t They fought therforc to apprehend 30 him : and no man laide handes vpon him , becaufe his hourc was notyet come, t But ofthe multitude many beleeued 31 in him , ^ and faid, Christ when he cometh,f hal he doc more fignes then thefc which this man doeth? t The Pha- 31 rifees heard the multitude murmuring thefe things touching him rand the'' Princes' and Pharifees lent minift«rs to appre- hend him. t Iesvs therforefaid to them, Yet a litle time 33 lam vvithyourand I goeto him that fcntmc. t* Youfecke34 me, and fhal not finde : and where I am, you can nor come, t The levvestherforefiid among them fclucSjVvhither wil 35 this man goe, that we fhal not finde him ? Vvil he goe into the difperfion ofthe Getiles,and reach the Gentiles? t Vvhar }6 is this faying that he hath faid. You f hal feekc me, and fhal not VII. , Cha. VII. according to s. iohn. 241 notfinde : And where I am, you can not come. t Andin thelaft,rhc * great day of the fcftiuitie Iesvs ftoode, and cried, faying, Ifany man thirft , let him come to me,and drinke. t Hethat beleeuech inme, asthe fcripture fiilh. Out of hii[>ellyfh,il floyy liners of ItHtngyyAter. t (And this he faid* ofthe Spirit that they fhouldrecciue which bcleeued :: Thij rvas in him. 4 •• for as yet the Spirit was not giuen;becaufe Iesvs fuifiHe*^ on wasnotyetgloriHed.) Ja^Ar- t Of that multitude iherfore, when they had heard thefe "^^'^ aivvaies 1 rL-^ /~ ._ r • f "f-i^ • • ,1 -n 1.1 11 1 by impofition 37 38 35? 40 4i 45 wordes ofhis,fomefaid,This is the Prophet in deede.tothers of hands in the faid. This is Christ. But ccrtaine faid, Vvhy , doth ^^"^'"*="^*'f_ Christ come from Gahlce? t Doth not the* fcripture fay, vifibiyinthepri that ofthe feede of Dauid, and from Bethlehem the townc ™yue church, 1 T>v ■ 1 /-> I 1 1 z' 1 andinuiubly to where Dauid vvas,C h r i s t doth come? t Thcrforc there the end of the 44 arofediffenfion in the multitude for him. t And certaine ©f ^°'^*^' them would hauc appreheded him : but no man laid handes 45 vpon him. t The minifters therfore came to the checfc priefts and the Pharifces. And they faid to them, Vvhy haue 4<> you not brought him i* t The minifters anfvvered, Neuer 47 did there man fofpeake, as this man. t The Pharifees ther- 48^ fore anfvvered them, Vvhy, areyou alfo feduced? t Hath 49 any ofthe Princes belceucd in him,or ofthe Pharifees? I but " chrift hath 50 this multitude that knoweth not the lavv,are accurfed. tNi- ^?'"^ ^°°'^ codemus faid to them, "'hc^that came to him by night, who amogthe vyic- was one of them, t Doth outlaw iudgc a man,vnles it firft cmiyfeSfm 51 53 heare him, and know what he doeth? t They anfvvered, ^"'^ ^y vvift and faid to him,Vvhy,art thou alfo a Galil?an?Search,and fee tht' "xecTon that from Galilee a Prophet rifeth not. tAndeueryman re- o^vniuft lawes turned to his houfc. Sfptopt^s Nicodcm' and ______.______^______________,^ , Gamaliel. Chap. VIII. ^^dne intht Temblt {ahfoluingan aducutrejfe afitr hu merciful nutner , unAytt withal declaring agtiinfi his enemies that he u not afAuoitrtr of finite, no more then May fa ) n heteachtth openly, and is not feral that apprehended, tellinr them both of hii Godhead, ii and of their reprobation , zs of hu exaltation al- fi by their Crucifying of him. 31 exhorting the heleeuers to perfeuere : 33 and j hewing them thatfeeke his death, that they are neither free ,39 nor ef .^bra- ham , ♦/ nor of God, ** bntofthe'Dtuel . */ hut that himfelfeis tfGod, ji and greater and auncienter then Abraham, jg For the which they toe about teftont him , but in vaint . Hh AND TheGofpelvp5 Saturday the 3 Weckc of Lent. • ' We can not coniieniently reprehend or codemne other mens faults , if our felues be guilty of the fa- me or other greater. Cyril in J». See xAnnot. i^t. r, t. '• S. Auguftine by this example of our Maifter proueth that Cleigie men fpecially fhould be giuen much to mcrcic : aiid that they ought ofte, as the cau- fe and time re- quire, to get par do of [be fecu- lar Magiftrates for offenders that be penicet. £^ I*. b The Gofpel vpon Saturday the 4 veekcin Lent. - ' 2-42. THE GOSPEL GmA. VIM. ^ND Iesvs went into the Mount-oli- i uct: t and early in the morning againe z he came into the temple , and the people came to him, and fitting he taught them. t And the Scribes and Pharifccs bring a 5 woman taken in aduoutrierand they did fct her in the middes , t and faid to him, 4 Mailtcr, this woman waseuen now taken in aduoutrie. t And * in the law Moyfes commaunded vs to ftonefuch. 5 what faicft thou therfore? tAnd this they faid tempting him: 6 that they might accufehim. But Iesvs bowing him fclf dovvne,vvithhisfingervvroteinthe earth, t Vvhenthey 7 therfore continued afking him: he lifted vp him felf,and faid to them, •• He that is without finne ofyou, let himfirft throw the ftone at her. t And againe bowing him felf, he 8 wrote in the earth, t And they hearing, went out one by 9 onc,beginningatthcfeniours:and Iesvs alone remained, and the vvoman (landing in the middes. tAnd I esvs lifting 10 vphim,felf, faid to her, Vvoman, where are they that accu- fed thee fhath no man condemned ihee? t Vvho faid. No 11 man, Lord. And 1 esvs faid, •• Neither vvil Icondemne thee. Goe, and now finne no more. ^ t ''Againe therfore I e s vsfpaketo them,(aying, I am the 12 light of the world, he that folovveth me, walketh not in darkene(re:but f hal haue the light of life.Uhe Pharjfees ther- 15 fore faid to him, Thou giueft teftimonie of thy felf: thy tcfti- monie is not true. 1 1 e s v s anfwered , and faid to them*, 14 Although 1 doegiue teftimonie of my felf, my teftimonie is true : becaufe I know whence I camc,6c whither I goe:but you know not whcce I come,or whither 1 goe.tYouiud<^e 15 according to the flcfh : 1 doenot iudgeany man. t Andifii'oikes aifo 1 1 It I ir>^jl--ij make men the the truth to you , which I haue heard or God. this did not chiidre'ofAbra- 41 Abraham, t You doe the vvorkcsofyour father. They faid ^am according ~ t r r • • lames alio therfore to him , Vve were not borne or rornication . vvc fpeaketh of a- 42 haueone father, God. t Iesvs therfore faid to them, If k",';^ '^°" Hh ij God '• S. Auguftinc comparcrh He- ret ikes in th.cix fpiiituilmnrder by driuig Chri- ftian men out of the Church, to the Diuel that dtoue our parents out of ParaJife. Cont. lit. Pttil. It. t, en. TheGofpelvpo Passion Sunday. '• He denieth BOt that he is a Samaritane, becaufe he is our keeper or protcdtor.asthc Wordfignifieth, and becaufe he is in deede that merciful Sama- ritane in the parable of the wounded man Luc.io,33.»^«^. trtUl. *1 in loan. 144 "T « £ GOSPEL *. CrfA. VIII God were your fiirner: vercly you would louc mc. for from God I proceded, and came : for I came not of my felf, but he fcnt me:t Vvhy doc you not know my fpeach?Becaufeyou 41 can nothcaremy word, t You are ofyour father the Diuel, a± and the dcdres ofyour father yoj wit doe. he was a •• man- killer from the beginning, and he ftoodenotm the veritie: becaufe veritie is not in him. when he fpeaketha lie , he fpeaketh of his o wne,becaufe he is a lyer,and the father there- of, t But becaufe I fay the veritie , you beleeue me not. 45 t Vvhich of you"fhalarguemc of finne? Ifl fay the veritie: 4^ vvhy doe you not beleeue me? t He that is of God, heareth 47 the wordes of God.Therfore you heare not,bccaufc you are not of God. t Thelcwcstherforc anfwered, and faid to 48 him, Doe not we fay vvel that thou art a Samaritane,and haft adiuih t I Es vsanfvvered,*'Ihaucnodeuil:but 1 doc ho- 49 nour my Father,and you hauedif honoured mc. |but Ifceke 5° not mine owne glorie. there is that fceketh and iudgeth. t Amen, amen 1 fay to you, if any mankeepemy word, he 51 fhal not fee death forcuer. tThe Icvvesthcrforefaid,Novv 51 vvehaueknovven that thou haft a dcuil. Abraham is dead, and the Prophets: and thou faieft , If any mankeepemy word, he fhal not taft death for euer. t Vvhy, art thou 53 greater then our father Abraham, who is dead ? and the Pro- phets arc dead. Vvhomdoeft thou make thy felf? \ IESVS54 anfwered, If I doeglorific my felf, my gloiie is nothing, it is my father that glorifieth mc,vvhom you fay that he is your God. I And vou hauenotknowen him,butIknovv him. 55 And if I fhal fay that I know him not : I fhal be like to you, alyer.But Idocknovvhim,anddoekecpchis word. \ hhia.- ^6 ham your father rcioyced that he might fee my day : and he faw, and was glad, t The levves therforc faid to him,Thou 57 haftnotyctfiftieyercs,andhaft thou fcen Abraham?! I esvs 58 fdid to them, A men, amen I fay to you, before that Abraham was made, I am. t They tooke ftoncs therforc to caft at him. $9 but I E s V s hid him felf, and went out of the temple. 4 ANNOTATIONS Chap. VIII. why x^men , j^.^men, tmen.'] VThtit ii it{fiuth S.^ugujlinevpon thii plact)whtn our Lordf/uth, Amen.amenf mnen , is not f/, ti„th much comen/iand vr^e the thing that hefo vttereth,doubling it. It h », ctrtaine tthe ofhu, if a man trinllate J. mayfofity.for Amc in Hthruefi^nifieth verum.a truth. Tct u it not tranJlated.whcrtM it might haue been /i«d!,verum,veru dies vobn.hut neither the * Greeke interpreter durft doe it,nor the Latin.the Hebrue Wordu f^uf}^ *See the prefa- ^^,/, remxincd jiil,that fb it might be the more efteemed. Trafl. *i in lenn.'Xy whieh irjordei and the /i^# , .\ ' cc, 5c Aanot.in ♦ recorded in other places of thu newTeJlament, the Reader may fee great reafon.whj w* alfo ftty,Kraen,'^f^^''' ^p»ed.i.i t, * . amen, and durjl not tran/late it mdfmh tike wtrdet intt utr En^ifh tengite, CHAP,; ChA. IX. ACCORDING TO S. lOHN. ■45 Chap. IX. • To fheW that iy hit "Baftifme ( being the Sacrament of iUuminatUu *r faith ) hexrvii take away the blindties of the world, hegiueth withjtrange ceremonies fight f »ne borne hlinde. S "By which injonderful miracle ( the attejlation of thefartii himfelfand ofhu parents concurring )firft the neighbours, then alfo the Pharifeet them filues arefiainely confounded. Tetfo objiinate they are, that becaufc it 'Was the Sabboth vi'hen he wrought it , they inferre that he u not of God : yea and throw futtf their Synagogue the pitrtie for confeJUnghim is "But our Lord receituth him : 39 andforetelleth by thit occafien , the excecationof the lez^xtt {heeaufe of their -uvilful objiinaeie) and iliuminatioH oftbeGentils who con- fe^e their ovvne blindnet. 9 10 II II ^ 14 16 N D I E s V s pafling by, favv a man blindc "^^^^^fp^^^ from his natiuitic : t and his difciplcs thc4Vcckcof afkcd him, Rabbi,vvho hath finned , this ^*"^ man,or his parents, that he fhould be bor- :: Though m«- neblinde? t I es vsanfvvcred,:.- Neither ^^n'tT'^Z, hath this man finned, nor his parents: but yetnotai.fomc that the vvorkes of God may be manifefted in him. t I muft bacTon^ alidfo- vvorkethc vvorkesof him that Tent me, whiles it is day. me fem that _, . , I .. 1 1 -I- A 1 God by the cure The night commerh," when no man can vvorke. T As long thereof may be as I am in the world,! am the hght of the vvorld.t Vvhen he ^I^The'dmc af had faid thcfe things, he fpit on the ground, and"raade clay of working, and the fpettlc,and fpred the clay vpo his eies, t and faid to him, "^"'"111 : "ft« Goe, *^ wafh in the poole of Siloe, which is interpreted, death we can Sent. He went therforc, and vvaf hed ; and he came feeing, re'^by^^our dee" t Therfore the neighbours, and they which had feen «)« . but muft him before,ihat he was a begger,faid,ls not this he that fate, good o7'ii'"a*c- and begeed ? Others faid, Thar this is he. t But others , No, ^"If^'^g ^o 'he r 1 1 111 t /- • 1 rr-i T 1 ■ rr-L r ■ 1 djtterencc oi not io,but he is like him. But helaid,That 1 am he, TThcy laid workeshere. therfore to him.,Hovv were thine eies opened? t Heanfwe- cxhiswasafi- red,That man that is called I e s v s,made clay •. and anointed n"e7to whkh'ai mine eics,and faid to me,Goe to the pooleof Siloc,and wafh. ^f" ^Xb.*" And I went, and vvaf hed, and fa w. I And they faid to him, dncsarefentfor Vvhereishe?He faith,! know not. t They brin^ him that h«ith & r.jht. had been blinde,to thePharifecs.l And it was the Sabboth de saa-arrtetitM, when I E s V s made the clay,and opened his eies. t Againe therfore the Pharifees afked him, how he faw. But he faid to them. He put clay vpo mine cics,& I vvaf hed: and ! fee. t Ccrraine therforc of the Pharifees faid,This man is not of God,that keepcth not the Sabboth. But others faid, Hovvcanamanthatisafinnerdoethcfefignes? And there Hh iij was zo ZI 1^6 THB GOSPEL CsA. TX. was a fchifmc among them, f They fay thcrforc to the 17 blinde againe , Thou , what faieft thou of him that opened >' thine eies J And he faid. That he is a Prophet, t The lewes 18 thcrfore did not beleeuc ofhim,that he had been blinde and faw : vntil they called the parents of him that faw, -f and i<> afked them, faying, Is this your fonne , whom you fay that he was borne blinde?hovv then doethhejnowfec ? 1 His parents anfwcred them ,and faid, Vve know that this is our fonne, and that he was borne blinde : t but how he now feethjvve know not,or who hathopened his eies,v ve know not,afkehimfelf: heisofage,let himfelf fpcakc of him felf. t Thefe things his parents faid , bccaufe they fea- zz red the lewes. for the lewes had now confpired , that if any ma f hould c6fe(le him to be C H R I s T,he f hould be"put out of the Synagogue, t Therfore did his parents fay,That he is Z3 " So fay the of age, afke him felf. t They therfore againe called the man Z4 Heretikes >^he ^^ j^^j been blinde , and faid to him , -'ciue gloric to God. they derogat fro » . \l jj U C Tj miracles done wc Know that tiiis man IS almnet. T He therrore laid to zj Shtir^^RdlkeJ; them, Whether he be a finner,l know nof.one thing 1 know, phatifaicaiiy that whetcas 1 was blinde, novv 1 fee. t They faid therfore 16 olorIeot"God! to him,Vvhat did he to thee? how did he open thine eiesJtHe zy As though it anfwered them, 1 haue novv told you, and you haue heard: v/ere not Gods , ., , . • « i ir i l- i-r • giorie, whe his why vvil you heare it againe? vvil you alio become his dilci- sainftsdoit by J ^j t Thev teuilcd him therforc,&: (aid,Be thou his difci'ple: z8 his power and f / . r ■ \ rx t r ± i i i , r vettue :yeahis butwe are the dilciples ot Moyles.tWe Know that to Moyles z^ greater gio"e, ^ j j- j fpe^kc '. but this man we know not whence he is. that doeth lucn . *■ f r i i things byhisfer \ The man anlvvtited and laid to them , For in this it is mar- 30 me" neft tw^s ueilous that you know not whence he is, and he hath ope- belonging to f,ed miuc eics. t and we know that finners God doth 110131 fhadow Jff.r. hcare.butifa man beafcruerof God,and doe the vvil of him, & Pauies nap- j^ jjjj ^e hearcth. t From the beginning of the world it hath 3 z not been heard that any man hath opened the eies of one borne blinde. t Vnles this man were of God, he could not 35 doe any thing, t They anfvvered , and faid to him , Thou 34 vvaftwholy borne in finnes, and doeft thou teach vs?And they did call him forth. t I E s v s heard that they caft him forth : and when he 35 had found hira,he faid to him,Doefl; thou beleeuc in the fon- ne of God? t He anfwered, and faid ,Vvho is he Lord, chat 3(J I may beleeuein him? i And I e s vsfaid to him. Both thou 37 haft fcen him: and he that talkcth with thee,he it is. t But he 38 faid. ChA. IX. ACCORDING TO S.IOHN. l^J faid, I belecucLord. And falling dovvnc he adored him. Hf 39 t And I E svs faid to him, For iudgement came 1 into this Yvorld : •• that they that fee n6t,may fee : and they that fee, 40 may become blinde. t And certaine of the Pharifees that were with him., heard: and the); faid to him, Vvhy ,arc we 41 alfo bUnde ? t 1 b s v s faid to them , Ifyou were bhnde,you f hould not haue (innc. but now you fay,That vve fee. Your finncremaincth. r:BythisVrefce that this miracle Vas not oncly inaruclous and beneficialto the blindc, butaJTo fignificatiue of taking aWa/ Ipiritual bli ni- ce ffe. ANNOTATIONS • C H A i». IX. e. Made clay.'] Chrifl that could haue cured this man by his onelyVfil orVord, yctvfed •eftainc creatures as bis inllruments in Working, and diuers circunftances and ceremonies , clay, Water, anoynting, Wafhing, &c. NomaruclthenthathcandhisChurch vfcfuch diuerfitiesof Sacraments and ceremonies external in curing our foules. 12. Put out of the Sjnagopie.)The HeTcukesvntiuely uindatehcxeiSiCv. ii.)EiccemmuHuate: to make the fimple conccaue the Churches Excomunication to be no otlier,orno better, or no mote rightly vfcd againft them, then this cafting out of the Synagogue of fuch as confefled our Sauiour. They might as Wei haue tranflated for Synagogue, Church : forthe Old Teftamenr, theneW:for Law, grace : for flelh, fpirit : for Moy fes , Chrill. For no leffe difference is there betWene, carting out ot the Synagogue, and, Excommunication. Bclides that , nor euery one which was not of the lewes Synagogue, Was therfore out of the communion of the Faithful, many true beleeucrs being in other partes of the World not fubied to the [eWes Synagogue.LaW, nor Sacraments. And ther- fore it Was not al one to be out of the Synagogue,and to be excommunicated, as now,whofoeuer is out of the Churches communion, either by his oWne Wil, or forhis iull deferts thrufl out ofit by the fpiritual Magiftrate , he is quite abandoned out of al the focietieof Sainfts inhcauenand earth,fo long as he lb continueth. As for the caufe of thrufting this poorc man and fuch other out of the Synagogue, and excom- municating HeretiJces, there is as great oddes as betwixt heauen and hcl : he being vied fo forfo- lowing Chrift and his Church , thefe for forfaking Chrifl and his Church. Some more agref mcnt there is betWene that corrupt fentence of the leWcs againft tlie foloWcrs of Chrifl, and the preten- ded excommunication executed againft Catholike men by our Heretikes.although in truth there it no great refemblance. For,the leWcs th ough they abufed their power fometim£s,yet had they au- thorin'c in deed by Gods laW fo to punil h contemners of their LaW, fic therfore it Was feared and refpcftedeuencf good men. But the excommunication vied by heretikes againft Catholikes or any offenders, is not to bereipeited at a! , being no more but a ridiculous vfurpaiion of the Chur- ches right and faf hion of the lame, for, out of their Synagogues al faithful men ought to l^ee , • and not taricto be thruft out : according to the Warning giuen againft Core and Dathan. "Sejefepara- Cum. If. ted from their tabernacles, lejiyeubexnjrapj'edin their finnes. Exteriral cere- monies. Heretical trif- lation. Cafting out of the Synagogue. The Churches Excomunicatio. See in the ^n- not. Mat. iS,ir, The Heretifccs ridiculous Ex- communicatio, HAP. X. HtctntittHtth hit talketo the Thxrifets , rhevvingthat they and al other thxtXi'itnot enter in by him , are VoLues : and that they which heire them,are not the true fheefie. ti "But that him felfu the ^ood Pafior , and ihtrfoic to fauc thefheepe from thefe Wa/««, he "K'ilyeld hu life , Which othervvife no might of theirs could take from him : foreteliitig alfo hit /{efur recti on , and vocation of the Centili. ti t^gitine OH other time, he telleth thefe leWes openly , that they are not of bu fhtepe, and that no might of theirs fhal take from him hu true fheepe, becaufe he tt God, euen 44 hu Father 11 God. ji Which b) hit miracles and by Scripture he fheWeth to be no blafphemie : and they in vaine feekjug to flcne and to appre- hend him, 4 0 hegoetn out tt the pUte Where hhn "Baptifi had giuen open Witnei efhim. Amen, Tlic Gofpel vpo Tuefday in WhitfonMceekc. •'• Thethecfe.is the Heretikc fpcciiUy.&any otlier that vn- lawfully breaks in vpo the f h€e- petokiltfc de- ftroy them by falfe doiflnne and othcrwifc. ••■ Thac is the fafhion of IcV/rie & other countries, ligni- fying that the fhepheard or Paflor miifl teach the fhee- pe.and not they him. The Gofpel vpo the r Sunday after Eafter.and for S. Thomas of Canterburie, 'Dccemb. if. .•:Chriftes death V/asfo neceffa- lie for the floc- kc, that when he might haue cfcapeJ , he vo- luntarily offe- red him felf to death for his flocke. c He meaneth the Church ef the Geiitils. THE GOSPEL C H A._^X. Men, amen I fay to you, he that entreth i not by the doore into the folde of the f heepe, but dimeth vp an other way: he is •• a theefe and a robber, t But he that i entreth by the doore,is the Paftor of the fheepe. t To this ma the porter opcneth: 3 &: the ( heepe heare his voice : and he cal- leth his ovvne fheepe by name,and leadeth them forth. tAnd 4 when he hath let forth his ownc f heepe,he •• gocch before them: and the fheepe folowhim, becaufethcy know his voice. "^Butaftranger thcyfolovv not, but flee from him: f becaufethcy know not the voice of ftrangers. t This pro- 6 uerbe I e s v s faid to ihem. But they knew not what he fp Ae to them. t I E s V s therfore faid to them againe,Aracn,amen I (ay to 7 yoUjthat I am the doore ofthe fheepe. tAnd how many fo- 8 euer haue come, arc theeues and robbers : but the fheepe heard them not. t lam thedoorc.Bymeifany enter,hefhal 5) be faued:and he f hal goc in and f hal goe out , and f hal fmdc paftures.t The theefe comraeth not but to ftealeand kiland 10 deftroy. I came that they may haue life , and may haue more aboundantly. K t I am the good Paftor. * The "good Pa- 11 ftor giueth his life for his fheepe. tBut the hireling and he li that isnot the Paftor, whofeowne the fheepe arc not,fecth the vvoulfe comming,and leaueth the f heepe,and flecth:and the vvoulferauencth, and difperfeth the fheepe. t And the 13 hireling "flcethbecaufe he is a hireling: and he hath no care of the fheepe. t I am the good Paftor : and I know mi- 14 nc, and mine know me, t As the Father knoweth me, and 15 1 know the Father: and •• lyeld my life for my fheepc.l And ^^ ' other fheepe I haue that are not of this folde: them alfo I rauft bring,and they f hal hearc my voice,and there f hal be made* one folde and one Paftor. -i t Therfore the Father 17 loueth me : bccaufe I yeld my life, that I may take it againe. \ No man takcth it away from me : but * I yeld it of my felf. 18 and I. haue power to yeld it:and Ihaue power to take it againe.This commaundement I recciued of my father. t A diftenfion rofe againe among the levves forthefe 19 vvordes. t And many of them faid. He hath a deuil and is zo mad: why heare you hira? t Othcrsfaid, Thefearenot the 11 vvordes of one that hath a deuil. can a deuil open the cies of 24P Ch a. X. ACCORDING T O S. I O H N. of blinde men? t* And "the Dedication was in Hierufalem : and it was i5 winter, t And I e s v s walked in the temple, in Salomons '^^^^^^/^"^^^^ 24 porche. t The levvcstherfore compared him round about, PalSonweeke. and faid to him,Hovv long doefl: thou hold our Ibule in fuf- 25 pefe? if thoube Ch RisTjtelvs openly. II E svsanfWered them, 1 fpeake to you:and you bcleeue not. the wotkes that I doe in the name of my Father, they giuc tcftimonie of me. 16 tbutyoudoenotbelecue,becaufeyouarenotofmyfheepe. 27 t My fhcepeheareniy voicerandl know them, and they 28 folo vv me. -f And I giue them life euerlafting : and they f hal not pcrifh for euer , and no man fhal plucke them out of my 25) hand, t My father, "that which he hath giuenmc,is greater Anothcrrea- then al: and no man can plucke them out of the hand of mv <^,'ns'f.-^^/'»^ 30 tatner. 1 1 and the Father are ^ one. giHmnK,&,. 31 t The lewes tooke vp ftones , to ftone him . -f I e s v s 32 anfweredthcm. Many good vvorkes I haue f he wed you from my father, for which of thofc vvorkes doe you ftone 53 me ? 1 The levves anfvvercd him , For a good worke wc ftone the not, but for blafphcmie, and becaufe thou being a 34 man , makeft thy felf God . t 1 e s v s anfwcred them , Is it 35 not written in your lavv,that lf4d,yonaregoddes ^ t If he called them goddes , to whom the word of God was made , and 3J hu dettih^ /* He thereupon geeth *g»rne out of the wa,y, N D there was acertainefickc man, Lazarus i of Bethania, of the tovvne of Marie and Mar- tha her lifter, ( t And Marie was The * that i anointed our Lord with oinremct,and wiped his feete with her hearc : vvhofe brother La- zarus was ficke.) \ His fillers therfore fencto him laying, 5 Lord, behold, he whom thou louell , is licke. t And I e s v s 4 hearing,faid to them , This ficknellc is not to death , but for the glorie of God; that the fonnc of G od may be glorified by it. t And I E s V s loued Martha , and her lifter Marie , and j Lazarus, t As he heard therforc that he was licke, then he ^ taried in the fame place two daiesit then after this he faith to 7 his Difciples, Let vs goe into levvrie againe. t The Difciples 8 lay to him, Rabbi, now the Icvve« fought to ftone thee:and goeft ChA. XI. ^ ACCORDING TO S. I O H H. l^i 9 goeftcKou thither againe J t Iesvs anfvvcred , Are there lO II II V V iLii mill. t Iesvs therfore came , and found him novvhauin^ :nfouredaiesin the graue. ( t And Cethania was nigh not rvvelue houres of the day ? Ifa man vvalke in the day, he ftumbleth not:becaufchefeeth the hght of this world: t but if he walke in the night,he ftambieth,becaufe the h'ght is not inhiro. t Thefe things hefaid : and after this he faith to them, Lazarus ourfrende fleepeth : but I goe that I may raife him from flcepe . t His Difciples rherfore fiid , Lord , i( he 15 fleepe,he f hal be fafe. t but 1 e s v s fpake of his death:& they 14 thought that he fpake '^ of the fleeping ofileepe.t Then ther- 15 forel Es vsfaidto them plaineIy,Lazarus is dead : |andl am glad for your fake, that you may beleeue, becaufe I was not ic» there, but let vs goctohim. t Thomas therfore , who is called Didymus,faid to his condifciples, Lctvsalfo goe, to " die with him. U 18 bcentouredaiesin the graue. ( i5> to Hicrufalem about fiftenefurlonges.) t Andmanyofthe lewes were come to Martha and Marie, to comfort them 2.0 concerning theire brother, f Martha therfore when fhc heard that I e svs was come, went to mcetehim:but Marie ii fatathome. t Martha therforefaid to I es v s, Lord if thou xheGofpclina 2-2. hadft been here, my^brothcr had not died, f but now alfo J^^J^^^"^ 'J' Iknow that what things focuer thou fhalt afke of God, day of the bu- i3 God wilgiue thee. 1 1 e s v s faith to her, Thy brother f hal [1^'^°' *^'P. ^1^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ children of God that were difperfcd. t From that day therfore they dcuifed to kil him. t Iesvs55 therfore 54 C HA. XII. ACC O kDING TO S. lOHN. Ijj therFore walked no more openly among thelevvcs , but he went into the countrie befide the defert vnto a citiethat is called Hphrem,and there he abode with his Difciples. *i. J J t And thcPafcheofthelcwes was athand: and many of the countrie went vp to Hierufaiem before the Pafchc to 5^ fandifiethemfclucs. f They fought lEsvstherfore: and they communed one with an other, {landing in the temple, Vvhat thinkeyou , in that he is not come to thefcftiual day? And the chcefc Priefts & Pharifces had giuen comaundemet, thatifanymanfhould know vvhere he was , he fhould tcljthat they might apprehend him. ANNOTATIONS C »AP> ; XI. jt.'Be'm^thehighPrleJi.l Maruel not that Chrift prcfcmeth his truth in the Chiuch w Wei bjr Ti,e pHuilere the vnworrhy as the Worthy Prelates thereof: the giftes of the Holy Ghofl folowing their Order of the ofSce & and office, as We fee here in Caiphaj, and not their merites or peifon. And if this man being many order . thouck Wai*s Wicked, and in part an vfurper.and the LiW and Pxiefthod being to decline and to giue place jn a 'wickei toChrifts new ordinance, had yet ibmcafliftance of God forvtterince of truth Which him fclf perfori, meant not, nor IcneWnoi: how much more may wc be aiTured, thaiChiift Wil not Icaiie Peters Lu.it, t}. Seate,*whofe fairh he promifed fhould neuerfaile.though the perfohs which occupie the fame. Were as ilas the blafphemous and malitious mouches of HtretiJces do affirmc ? Aff. 16, 6. Mar. PALME SVNDAY eue. Chap. XII. Tke Rulers ied'ingai if he hU him felf, t he cometh to 'BethanU. 3 Where by ocfafian »flud.M the theefe murmuring at Marie O^agdalem cojily deuotlon ,' heforttet- ieth his death, n Frim thencc,though they did now intend to kil Lszjirut ttijo, heridetb openly into Hierufaiem , the people (becaufe he had raifed Lazjirus ) confejsing With their acclamations that heuChrift. 20 Where cenaine Gauils ■ defiringto fee him , u he foretelleth the conuerfion of the whole world from the "Diuel to himjo he now injiant, as the effeii of hu death vpon the Crojfe. z 8 The Father alfo anfweringfrom heaueu to hu prayer made to that purpofe , ; 7 yet' after al this, the 1 ewes continew incredulous tif Efay propheciedofthem: 4-1 though many beleeued, but were afhamedto confejfehim. *♦ Wherevfon he fheweth that it is glorious hifore God, andfaluatien to themfelues, to beleeue ;'» him, and confeffe him : and damnable, to defpifc him. The 4 part. The 4P3r-' che, &holy wecke of his Paflion in. Hierufaiem.. ? P E S V S therfore Gxc daies before the Paf- xheGofpelvpS che came to Bcthania , where Lazarus [^""'^•*>''°"°' was , that had been dead , whom I E s V s ^ raifed. t And they made him a fupper" of'*^'^ ^•*- 1 jx^L-Aii T "rr*-^ mans extraor- tnere : and Martna miniltred, but Lazarus dinarie offices was one of them that fate at the table S^t'""a«e"ptt with him, t •• Marie therfore tooke a Wetheywereto poTvnd of ointeraent of right fpikenard , pretious , and^L^ jl^'/,'',! li iij anointed ^ 1 Holy wcekc. PALME S V » D AT. 154 I.' '^^ THEGOSPBt ChA. XII. anointed thefeetc of I e s v s,and wiped his fectc with her heare : and the houfe vyas filled of the odour of the ointmet. t One theifore of his difciples, ludas Ifcaiiote , he that was 4 to betray him,faid, t " Vvhy was not this ointment fold for 5 offices*of"bai- three- hundred pence, and giuen to the poore > t And he 6 niingaridanoinf^i(ichis^notbecaufe he cared for the poore: but becaufc he bodies of the vvas" a thccfe , and hauing thepurfe, caried the things that fakhfaiarehcre vvcrc put in. t I E s V s thcrforc faid, Let her alone thatfhe 7 alio allowed. ,t rii r».ii may keepe It tor the day or my •• burial, t For the poore you 8 ln^°moruU6^- ^'^"^ alvvaies with you: but •• meyouf hal nochaueal- didon, to recci- vvaies. t A great multitude therfore ofthe lewes knew 9 or fucriik?ot^ that he was there : and they came, not for 1 e s v s only , but fices for fiippiy jh^t they might feeLazarus,v vhom he raifed from the dead. 4 o^my ic e 1 ^ But the checfe Ptiefts dcuifed fot to kil Lazarus alfo : t be- 10 TheGofpelvpo caufe manv fot him of thctcwes vvcntawaY,and belceued 11 Saturday in . "^ •' Pallioa Wcekc. m 1 E S V S. t Andon thcmorowa great multitudethat was come 12 to-thefeftiualday, when they had heard that 1 es v s com- meih to Hierufalcm : t they tooke the * boughcs of palmcs , 13 and went forth to meete him,and cried, Hofatwa, blejfedfshe tlut commethinthetidmeofour Lord, thektngoflfi'tel. t And 1 E S vsioud 14 a yong afle, and fate vpon it,as it is written , t Teare not daughter 15 of Sion -.behold, thyh^ngcommcthfitt'wgyponmajj'cs colt, t ThciethingS l6 his difciples did not knoyv at the firil : but when Iesvs was glorified, then they reraembred that thefc things had been written of liim, and thefe things they did to him.t The 17 multitude therfore gaue teftimonie, which was with him vvhe he called Lazarus out ofthe graue,and raifed himfrom •'We may fee the dead, f Fot cheuforc a!fo the multitude came to meete i§ there is a great [^^-^ bccaufc fhcv heard that he had done this figne. f The 19 citicrecc Where • - O "^ a man pray or Pharifccs thetfoce faid among them ielucs,Doe you fee that o'^idie^'churTh vvc pteuaiie nothing? behold, the whole world is gone & holy places: after him. tiildfocam/of ^ And there were certaine Gentiles ofthcm that •• came 20 deiiotion a pit- vp to adote in the feftiual day. t Thefe theifore came to Phi- ii Tempkin\]ie- lippcvvho was of Bethfaida of Galilee, and dcfired him, Tufiiem. favinsi.Sii'jWeare defiroustofce Iesvs. t Philippe commeth, ii b The Gofpel ■','^,11*1 a • a j o n1 -1 U t for s. Ignatius and tclkth Andrew. Agamc Andrew & Philippe told Iesvs. fff-i-. /. And for I But I ES vs anfvvered them,faYine, The hourc is come, i? a martvr that is ' 1 „ r /-1 1 1 1 r 1 i \ ■, r no Bifhop, as that the Soune ci man 1 hal be glorihcd. t Amen, amen 1 lay 14 K^^etid ^i^ ^° y°"» vnles x.\\c graine ofvyheate falling into the groundj die: Ch ro. 3,14. 4,'2.L« 8, /o. 17. A. X'll. ACC O RDI N G TO S. lOHN. Ij^ Hotr I '^ie:it felf remaineih alone, biitif if die, itbringeth much """ctke. I ij fruire. t Hctharlouethhislifcjfhallofeit: andlie thatha- teth hislife in this world , dothkeepeitto life cueilafting. 16 t ifany man miniftertonic,lethimfolovv mel and where lamjthereaUorhalmyminifterbe. Ifany man minifter to 17 me, my father Vvil honour hira. ^ t Novvmy foule istroii- •blcd. Arfd what f hall fay ? Fathe'r , faue me from this houre. i8 But thcrfore came I into ihishoufe. t Faphc?f, e;lorific thy name.A voice iberfore came from heauen, Both I haue glo- 2.^ fifie Coiieaions of hc I hould giuc lome thing to the poore. j Hethertoreha- ^o wLdiwasvied "'"S recciucd themorfel, incontment went forth. Andit both in his vvas night. deirs: beftov- "^ V vhen he therfore vvas gone forth, I e s v s Paid, Now ^ j ed vpon the the Sonne of man is glorified, and God is glorified in him. t If 2 1 poore. ^^j j^^ glorified in him, God alfo wil glorifie him in him felf,and incotinent wil he glorifie him. 1 Litle childrcn,yct a ,2 li tie while I am with you . You fhal feeka me,& * as 1 faid to the lewes , Vvhither I goe,you can not comc:io you alfo I fay now.t *A"nevv comaundemec I giue to you,That you ^4 loue one an other: aslhaue loued you, that you alfo louc one an other, t In this al men fhal know that }ou are my 3^ difciples, if you hauelouc one to an other, t Simon Peter ^(J faith to him , Lord , whither gocfi: thou ? 1 e s v s anfwered, vvhither 1 goe,thou canftnotnowfolow mc,but hereafter thou f halt folow. t Peter faith to him, Vvhy can not I fo- 37 low theenow ? * I vvilyeldmy life for thee, t lEsvsan-38 Mt. i^, fvvered him, Thy lii^ewiltthouyeld for me? Amen, amen 1 ?^' ^''' fay to thee, the cockefhalnot crow, vniil thou denieme rl'^!*, thrnc. 53. I<'-7,J4. I le. J, ^3. ANNOTATIONS Chap. XIII. Puritie requi- /• '3f^<»» to vvafh.) This lotion Was not onely of curtefy.ruch as the leWes vfed toward their fed to che re- ghdls , nor onely for example of humilitie: but formyfterie and fignification of rhe great puritie ceiuing of the that is requited before V/e come to receiue the holy Sacrament , Vhich Itraight after this Wal'hing B. Sacrament. ^^^ to beinftitutcd and giuen to the Apoflles. ^mbr, li.s de Sacra, c. i 'Bernard, decana 'Domini Serm. f. Venial finnes ro.To vvafh hisjeete.) The foulnes of the fecte.Whenal the reft is cleane.fignifieth the earthly taken away by affcftions and relikes of Former finncs rcmittcd:Whic!iareto be cleanfed by deiioutadtcsof clu- facrcd ceremo- ricie 6c humilitie, as i". .>i?»/7royf //. / deSacr.c.r. and S.^ti^uftineef. los, (^traH: f6 in lo.donoic. nies. And becaule this Was onely a ceremonie, &C yet had fuch force.both no\V and afterward vfed of the Apoflles, that it purged fmaller offcnfcs and filthincs of the t'oulc.as S. ^mbrcfe and S. "Bernard gathcr.it may not feeme ftrange that holy Water and luch ceremonies may remit venial unties. x.4mhr. ^ Ticrn. hai 1+Joiia.lfo ought.) Our M.ii/ler neuer fpakc plainer,nor fcemcdto commaund more prccifely, "'""*• cither, of Baptifme or the Eucharillorany ochei Sacrament : andyetby the Churches iudgcment dixedeii Ch A. XIII I. ACCORDING TO S.IOHN. I55J H O L Y dircfted by the Holy Ghoft , Wc know this to be no Sacrament nor neceffarie ceremonic , and the wecke. other to be. And why do they beleeue the Church in this, and do not credit hcrafHrining the xhe Church chalice not to be necelFarie for the communicants ? defineth which s*.^nevvcomnMuncUmmt.) Thecommaundement ofmutual loue Was giuenbefore, but are Sacraments manifoldly mifconftrucd,and abridged by the IcWcs to freends oncly, to this life onely.for carthJv ^nd Which not relpedis oiiely : but Chrift reneWethit and cnlargech it after the forme of his oWnelouc toward ^ q vs.and giueth grace to fuihl it. Chap. X II II. They being fxd ^bicaufe he [aid that he mujtgos from them , hecomforteth them many Waiei , tu , putting them in hope ttfolovv him V7ito the fame place , fo that they kfepe hit commaundements . where he telleth them , that himfelfu the way thi- ther according to bis Humanitie , and alfo the end according to hi4 'Diuitiitiey no lejfe then hu Father , becaufe heis confuhjfantial. // promifing alfo to fend linto them (that is, to hu Church) the Holy Ghofi tobcaftcr hu departure "With them for euer. 2 S ^nd faying that it is his promotion ( according to his Humanitie) to goe to the Father,for^\i'hoJe obediece this hu death fhatbe,^ not for any guilt of his e'i/ne, ET not your hart be troubled. You be- leeue in God, beleeue in me alfo. t In my fathers houfe there be '' many, manfions. If not, I would haue told you , Bccaufe I goe to prepare you a place, t And if I goe, and prepare you a place : I come againe and vvil take you to my felf , that where I am, you alio may be. t And whither Igoe you know,and the way you know. f 1 Thomas faith to him, Lord, we know not whither thou (3 goeft : and how can we know the way? t I e s v s faith to him, I am the way,and the veritie,and the life .no man com- 7 mcth to the Father, but by me. t If you had knovven me, my father alfo certes youhadknowen:and from hence forth you ^ f hal know'him, and you haue feen him. 8 t Philippe faith to him,LorJl hew vs the Father,and it fuf- 9 ficethvs. t Iesvs faith to hicn, So longtime I am with you: & haue you notknowemef Philippe,hethat feethme, feeth 10 the Father alfo. How faielt thou, Shew vs the father? jDoeft thou not beleeue that I am in the Father, 6c the Father in me? The wordes that 1 fpeaketo you,ofmy felf I fpeakenot.But 11 my father that abideth in me-,he doeth the vvorkcs. t Beleeue you not, that I am in the Father and the Father in me?Other- 12 wife for theworkes them felues beleeue. t Amen, amen I fay to you, he that beleeueth in me, the workes that I doe,he i^ alfo f hal doe, and "greater then thefefhal he doc, t becaufe Igoe to the Father, and whatfoeuer you fhal afke in my K k. ij name, TheGofpel vp6 SS. Philip and lacobs day S^faij. t. : : Thefe man- fiosfignifie dif- ferences of glo- rie in heaucn. Hiero. li. z.adu. louin. J Holy wcckc. The Gofpcl in a votiue Miilc for theele£lion of [he Pope, S/C vpon Whitfiin cue. :: Itis thenpof- fible both to loue Chrift.and to keepe his c6- luaundements. c Paradele by intcrpreracion is cither a com- forter , or an aduocate : and therfore to traf- late it by any one of them only , is ^haps to abridge the ftnfe of this place. TheGofpel vpo Whitfunday . AndinaVotiue MalFe of tfae holy Ghoft. I •'• See the An- not. vpo thcK Chag. fC. II 2. » ' 'b ^"''^'i infirmities : but alfo by the Relikes and monuments of Saintts , namely of S. BabyJa^ , of Jceue the mira- -^tf.i,,s whom he there treatcth: thereby inferring that Chrift is God , Who could and did performcthefe cles of Sainfts 19.12. Wonderful wordes.by the very alhcs ofhisferuants. rh£J>roteftantscIeanecontraric,aspatroncs & of their reJi- of the Pagans infidelitie , as though our Sauiour had promilcd thefe be the like miraculous Workes kcs, Whe Chrfrt in vaine,either not meaning or not able to fulfil the , io do they difcredite al the approued hiftories hiin felf forecel- lal ■ See xAn in vame,euner not meaning or not aoie to lujnj tfie , lo do they diicreclite aJ the approued hiltones him felf forect of the Church concerning miracles Viought by Sain and you fhal fee me : becaufe I goe to the Father. t Some therforeofhisdifciples faid one to an other, Vvliat 17 is this that he faith to vs ; A litle while, and you fhal not feeme-. andagainealitlc while, and you fhal fee me, and, becaufe I goe to the Father? t They fiid thcrfore , Vvhatis 18 this that hclaith, A litle while? we know not what he fpeaketh. t And I e s v s knew, that they would a( ke him; 19 and he faid to them. Of this you doe qneftion among your felues, becaufelfaidtoyou, A litle while, and you fhal not fee mc:and againe a litle while, and you i hal fee me, t Amen, 20 amen after Eafter. ZI ChA. XVI. ACCORDING TO S.IOHN. l6^ HoLY amen I fay to you,that you f hal vvcepe,and lament , but the wceke- world fhal reioycc : and you f hal be made forovvful , but ^^^ HmyK. your forovvf hal be turned into ioy. t A woman when f he trauaileth, hath foro w, becaufe her houre is come : but when The hath broughtforththechilde, now fheremem- brcthnottheanguifhforioy, that a man is borne into the zi world, t Andyoutherfore,novvin deedeyouhaueforow, but I wil fee you againe , and your hart (hal rcioyce : and 23 your ioy no man Thai rake from you. .-j t And in that day meyoufhalnotafkeany thing.Amen,amcnIfaytoyou, if rhcGofpeivpo vou af ke the Father any thing ••' in my name , he wil giuc it the j Sunday ^ .„ ., / n J U- ■ after Eafler. 2.4 you.TVnril now you naue not al ked any tnmg m my name. re Afkeandyoufhalreceiue: that your ioy may beful.iThcfc ••vpon this the J , . . ■' 1,1 rv T-L I Chinch coclu- thmgs in prouerbes I naue ipoken to you. i ne noure com- dethaiherprau mcth when in prouerbes I wil no more fpeake to you , but "'» f<"- '^'■'r'jn I • I r t V. 1 T -in T 1 I Vi I ^ominum no- 16 plaineiy or the Father 1 willriewyou.tln that day you 1 hal /m, menchofe af ke in my name: and I fay not to you,that I wil af ke the Fa- nude to"aS$. 27 therforyou. i For the Father him felfloueth you, becaufe you haue loued me, andhaue beleeued that I came forth 28 from God. t 1 came forth from the Father, and cameinto the world : againe I leaue the world, and I goc to the Father. 29 t Hisdifciples {ay to him, Behold now thou fpeakeft 30 plaineiy, and faiefl: no prouerbe. t now we know that thou kno weft al things , and thou needeft not that any man afkethee. in this we beleeue that thou cameft forth from God. ^ i I E svs anfwered them, Now do you beleeue? t* Behold the houre commeth, and it is now come, that you fhal be fcattered euery man into his owne , and me you 1 hal leaue alone: and I am notalone, becaufe the Father is j5 with me. t Thefethingsl haue fpokentoyou, that in me you may haue peace. In the world you fhal haue diftrefle: but haue confidence,. I haue ouercome the world. 31 52- ANNOTATION Chap. XVI. n. Tetmany things. ) This place conuineeth that the Apoftlesandtbe faithful be taught many things, Which Chrift. omitted to teach them for their Veaknes: and thatit Vasthtproui- chrifl: left mr- dence of God thatChrill inprefence fhould not teach and order althiags, that We might be no ^y thjn^r^ to be lelfe afllired of the things thai the Church teachetb by the Holy Ghoft,then of the things that him taught by the Church. 1,1 ts.The ielfdcliueted. H o t y weeke. 166 THE GOSPEL C HA. XVII. iiThe Spirit of truth.) Eucrnote that the Holy Ghoft in that he Is promifed to the Church, is , . exiled the Spirit ot truth. Which Holy Spirit for many other caufes is giuen to diucrs priuate men The Spirit pi and to al good men , to fandification : but to teach al truth and prefcrue in truth and from error, *"" he is promifed and performed onely to the Church and the cheefe Gouerner and general irv I r 1 1 J T "L ... him felt.is to f». fandified m truth, t Andnot for them only doe 1 pray, but ^^jg^^ him felf, for the alio that by their word fhalbeleeue in me:tthat they \y dedicating 1 1-. 1 \ • 1 T ■ U L U "'S "°v body almay beone,asthou(Faihei) m me,and 1 m tnee,tnattney and bioud to alfo in vs may be one : that the world may belecue that thou ^'^^ Father.boch J \ \ \ i\ ■ I vpon trie t-roi- 22 haitfentme. t And tjiegiorie that thon halt gmen me, naue fe, anainth* 1 giuen to them : that'thcy may be one, as wc alfo are one. ^'°^y saciamet. 25 \ linthem,andthouinme: that they may beconfuramatc in one : ^ and the world may know that thouhaft fcnt me, 24 and haft louedthem, as me alfo thou haft loued. t Father, whom thou haft giuen me , 1 wil, that where I am, they al- fo may be with me : that they maye fee my glorie which thou haft giuen me, becaufe thou haft loued mc before the 25 creation ofthe world. \ luft Father, the world hath not knowen thee, but 1 hauc knowen thee : and thefe hauc z6 knowcujthat thou didft fend me. t And I haue notified thy name to them, and wil notifie it : that the loue wherwith thou haft loued me may be in them, and I in them. A N N O T Chap, A T I O N S XVII. 3 . Life ettertajling.) Both the life of glorie in heaiien , and ofgrace here in the Church , confi- ^^^^ know fteth in the Icnowledge of God: that.in perfed vifion:this,in faith Working by charitie.for, knov- j^^ of God Icdg'e ofGod v/ithom keeping his commaundementSjis not true knov/ledge, chat is to fay, it is ° an vnprofitable knowledge, i lo.z. n.\Sannijiethem.\ Chriftprayeth that the Apoftles, their fucceffors,&al that fhal be of their The Church beleefe , may be fanttificd in truth, which is as much to fay.as to defire that the Church may cuer can not erre. haue the Spiiit of truth , andbc im from errour. Which praier of Chrill had not beenheard, if the Church might erre. 20. "Sut for them.) He exprefletb (andit isa greatcomfort) thathe praieth not onely for the The Canon o/ Apoftles ,but for the whole Church after them , that is, for al beleeuers. And al this profound and the Maffe. diuine praier is refembled in the holy Canon ofthe Malle before the confecration , as here it Was made before his vifible Sacriiice on the croire. LI ii. Chap. Holy i6^ wccke. THE GOSPEL Chap. XVIII. Cha. XVIII. THVR-SDAY night. The Passion according to S. /ohn in chefe two Chapters, is the Gofpel at Made vpon Good Friday. So the Pas- sion is read in holy Weeke foure times , according to the foure Euan- geliftcs , as S. AugufliHe ap- pointed alfoin his Church at Hiffo. Ser. i^*. de temfore. tcinrgone to the place that liidM the Traitor did know , * he affereth hlmfelf to the band ofhii enemies, fhn'Veth his 'Diuint might in ouerthroxrjingthem at with a.vvord,ani infauinghu ^yijiojlles from them alfo with a word: to rebu' keth Peter that "JVtuld defend him fr>m them: iz and fo being apprehended , a brought bound to ^nnai and Catphiu , where he u ftriken by a feruant , and thrife denied of Peter. i8 ^gaineinthemoriiivghe is by tlnm brought to Pitate. 19 Who demaunding their accufation, where.is they would opprejfe him with their authoritie , n and examiningthe point of hti kingdom, pronounceth him innocent :yet they one rather to haue a theeues life fatted. HEN Iesvs had fdid thefe rhings , he went i forth with his difcjples^beyond the Torrent- Cc- dron, where was a garden, into the which he ._ entredandhis Difciples. t And I u das alfo, that i bctraied him ,knew the place : becaufe Iesvs had often re- forted thuher together with his Difciples. t* ludas theifore 3 hauingreceiued the band of men, and of the cheefePriefts and the Pharifces,minifl:crs5Commeth thither withlanternes and torches and weapons, t Iesvs, thcrfore knowing al 4 things that f hould come vpon him, went forrh , and faid to them,Vvhom feeke ye? t they anfwercd hinT, lES-vsof5 Nazareth. I e s v s faith to them, I am h^. And ludas alfo that betraicd him, ftoodc with them. ■\ As fonetherforeashe 6" faid to them , 1 am he : they went backward , and fel to the ground, t Againe therfore he afked them , Vvhom feeke ye ? 7 And they faid , 1 1 s v s of Nazareth, t Iesvs enfvvered, I 8 haue told you, that I am he. if therfore you feeke me, let thefe goe their waics. t That the word might be fulfilled 9 which he fiid,* That of them vvhom thou haft giucnme,! hauenotloft any. t Simon Peter therforehauinga fvvord, 10 drevveitout: and fmore the feruant of the high prieft : 5c cut of his right eare. And the name of the feruant was Malchus. t Iesvs therfore faid to Peter , Put vp thy fvvord into the 11 fcabbard. The chalice which my father hath giuen me , fhal not Idrinkeit? t The band therfore and the Tribune & the 12. minifters ofthe levves apprehended I e s v s,and bound hiro: •j- and they brought him to Annas firft, for he was father in 15 lavvto CaiphaSjwho was the high prieft ofthat yere.l Andi4 ^ Caiphas was he that had giuen the counfel to thelcwes. That it is expedient that one man die for the people. t * And Simon Peter folowcd I Esvs,andan other dif- 15 ciple.And that Difciple was knovven to the high prieft, and went Ma. IS, 5^. Mr. 14. Lu. it, 59. Mf. 16, 47. Mr. L/ft 4S- 47. 10.17,12- lo. II, 49. Mr. i/»•, Lh. j.1, ChA. XVIII. ACCORDING TO S. I O H N. 169 16 went in with I e s v s into the court of the high prieft. t but H o L V "weeke. 18 19 io 21 11 Peter ftoodc at the doorc without. The other diiciple ther- fore that was knov ven to the high Prieft , went forth , and 17 fpakc to the portrefle, and brought in Peter, t The wench therforc that was portrcfte , faith to Peter,Art not thou aifo of this mans difciples? He faith to her , •• I am not. t And the '' ^^ " *' o"*^ feruants and minifters ftoode at a fire of coles, becaufe it was ny chrift , andj cold, and warmed them felues . And with them was Peter ^^^} H^lf^'^' ir n 1- J ■ U- r}C ciple of Chrift, alfo ftanding,and warminghimlelt. ^r a cathoiikc, t The hich prieft therforcafkcd I e s v s of his difciples, ^ ^ chniHan D * , r ' man , when he and of his doctrine, t I e s v s anlwered him, I haue openly isdemaundcd. fpoke to the world:! haue alwaies taught in the fynagogue, ^"E^ffpetep and in the temple whither al the lewes refort together: ^"e denisch and in fecretel haue fpoken nothing, t Vvhy aileft thou inf him fe me?afke them that haue heard What I haue fpoken vnto ''^ ^'^ ^^"plc' them : behold they know what things Ihauefaid. t Vvhen he had faid thefc things, one of the minifters ftadingby,gauc I ES vsablovv,faying, Anfwercft thou the high prieft fo? 23 t I E s vsanfweredhim, Iflhauefpokenil, giucteftimonic of euil : but ff wel, why ftrikeft thou me? t And Annas fenthim bound to Caiphas the high prieft. i Ar)d Simon Peter was ftanding, and warming him felf. They faid therfore to him, Art not thou alfo of hi? difciples? He denied and faid : I am not. t One of the feruants of the high prieft faith to him, his cofinwhofe care Peter did cut 27 of. Did not I fee thee in the garden with him? t Againe ther- fore Peter denied: and forthwith the cocke ere we. ' 28 ■\ * They therfore bring I e s v s from Caiphas into the Palace. Audit was morning: and they wentnotin into the Palace, that they might not be contaminated, but that they 29 might eatc the Pafche. j Pilate therfore went fort-h to them vvithout,and faid, Vvhat accufation bring you againftthis man J t They anfwered and faid to him , If he were not a malefadour, we would not haue deliuered him vp to thee, t Pilate therfore faid to them. Take him you, and according to your law iudge him. The lewes therfore faid to hirh,lt is not lawful for vs to kil any man.t *That the word of Iesvs might be fulfilled which he faid, fignifying what death he fhquld die. t * Pilate therfore vvent into the Palace agciine, and cal- led I E s.Y s, and faid to him, Art thou the king ok' the Icwes? 1-1 iij tiEsvs ^4 16 GOOD IKU D A 7. 30 31 33 HOLYlyO THEGOSPEL C HA. XIX. weckc. I Ies vs anfvvercd, Saieft thou this of thy felf, or haue 54 others told it thee of meJtl'ilatcanfweredjVvhy, ami a lewe? 35 " l^J^^^u^n •• Thy nation, and the cheefe pricfts haue dcUuercd thee vp coH.that Chrift '■J iirLt , f, , i»»i-^. Who Was to dy to mc*. vvhat halt tnou done? T I es vsanivvered,My king- 36 wetsc'^ihe'^GT- ^^"^ ^^ not of this world, if my kingdo were of this world, tiles, fbouUbe my minifters verily would ftriue that I fhould not be deli- one.and put^o ueted to the lev ves. but now my kingdom is not from hece. deith by the f PiJate 'therfoie faid to him. Art thou a king then ? 1 t s v s 37 *'*'"' anfweredjThoufiieft, that 1 am aking. For this was 1 bor- ne, and for this came I into the world : that I fhould giue teftimonie to the truth. Euery one that is ofthe truth, heareth my voice, t' Pilate faith to him, Vvhat is truth? 38 And when he had faid this, he went forth againe to the Iewes,and faith to them, I findeno caufc in him. t* But 39 you haueacuftomcthat I fhould rcleafe one to you in the l?afche : vvil you thcrfore that I releafe vnto you the king of thelcvves? f They altherfore cried againe,faymg,Not him 40 but Barabbas. And Barabbas v vasa theefe. Chap. XIX. Thelevvesarenetfittlfjtedvvithhis/courgingandlrrijion, t Pilate hettring them fny thdthemadehimjelf the Sonne of God, u more afraid, iz Tet, they vrging him with hu loialty toward Ctifar, andfirofefUng that themfelues vvil no king but Cafar,heyeldeth vnto.them. 1 1 xAndfo Chrifi carying hu ovvne Croffe,u crucified hetvvene two theeues ,'i 9 Pilate writing ttoioritujly theonely caufe of his death to be^for that he ii their king or Chrijt. 23 Hugarmertti befo vfed,euen m the Scrip' turei foretold. 2} He hath [pedal care of his mother to the end. 2I Hefignifieth al thatvvA4 written efhif PaJiion,to be fulfilled, andfoyeldeth vp hughoji, 31 Then hy the Itvves meanes aljo other Scriptures aiout hu leggei and fde, are fulfilled. it tAndfinallj , hen honorably buried, HEN thcrfore Pilate tooke I e s v s,and i fcourgcdhim. t And the fouldiars plat- x ting a c'roV^he of thornes , put it vpon his head : and they put about him a purple garment, t Andthey came tohim , and 3 faid, Haile kingof thclewes, andthey (^auehim blovves. t Pilate went forth 4 againe,and faith to them. Behold I bring him forth vnto you, that you mayknovvthatliinde no caufe in him. ■\ 1esvs5 therforc went forth carying the crovvne orthornes, andthe purple veftiment.Andhc faith to them,Loe the man.t Vvhcn 6 the clie.cfe priefts therfore and the minifters had feenhim, they Mt. Z7, If. Mr. i3>l7' Mt. 27, 17. Mr. ij,i?'*- f • The holy Glioft vifibly and to al llich purpol'cs as a! cerward at Whitllmtide , but for the grace of the Sacrament of "oTeJi.q. is here putpofc- 0'ders,as .i. Auguftiue laith, and tliat none make doubtof the Prieftsrigluinremiilionof lin- isCot.ep. ly criuen to the "".'-'nS^'*'^ ^^°'y ^'''-''- " F"ff o^} S'"^"'^'^'^'"^^ '^oct''i^^'i'^''^'^"*'' '"-b cal'eifany be)C£c6ten- ^ffm^t- \DC)fi:les tore- tious, he mull deny the Hob Ghofi: to be God, and not to haue power to rcmittc fiunes. li u >wt "■ ^>'- "• init iinnes. ahfurd i,laitll S. Cyrilj th.ttthey for^iuefinnes , which haue the Holy uhoJL For when they remittecr Cyril.li.ii. reteiTie,the Holy GhoJij;e/>iiitelh cr reteineth in them , and that they doe two wtii{i,f.rfiin Tlflprijrr.e, ami c, si t.s ie. ti^J! ill- fenti!ice._ As S. Ambrofe alfo^/i. i e.i i;^«/>««(Vc»/m) refcl'ing theNoivatians (a Scdot'old He- rctikts Which pretending Godsglorie asourneW Seftaiiesdo, denied that Pritlls could remitce hnnisin the Sacrament of Penance) af keth, why it I'hould be more dif honour to God, or more impoifible orinconuenicnt tor men . to foigiuo fiuncs by Penance then by Baptkme , feing it is the; , .Holy Ghoft that doeiliit,by the Pticltsoffke and minillerie in both. 2S. Whofejimie,.) PoVvftrto offer Saciihce.wt.ich is thepiincipal fun(£lionanda;afte cognition and knowledge of al our linnes.and the neccllarie circuii. *Hiera. in llancesand ' dift"er;ncci of the lame, Which can not othcrwil'e be had of thcin being mortal men, i6 SiCat. T. then Cha. XX. ACCORDING TO S. lOHN. 177 SiCat.it, tnunion hool^e. Z.i. s di Sacerd. ,' L /:™»1r r,nrpre and diftird>-e YTtcrance to tlicm of cvir finnfs , vvith bumblf coiuiite as Hcitcikcs "l^^' '^ ' & ^ . . • „.^iUny Inch Chriiiian man prttcEO oj looketo Lane b,s (n.ncs tLty cannot be uued. ^^'•'^^'■^"•''"^"y .X,,,,rrhis Sacran-.cnt • f v. hich Was the old Here lie of thcNotuuians^ . .|^«^.-^;^ of ,hu S*cr«- ^-- -^ 2""tScihLnS i" "£^SL/eoAo,.^4^..yi:,^^ -eat. ' 'Dcn.ctn- I'i ' '" f" take n«l old of it. Ihal pcnlh Wuhom al dot.br. becaule they conte.vne Gods cou - 1>1 a'-'^ ' ,- ll r. v^hVn bv the abknce ot God. Piielts , miu depart t. h lite , <^ut nou u^cmrau, aut . ^;;;^;h U -"^r'^^S^^W Baptiln.e. .r/#L«.^, a^not abu.)uedby tl^Sacumc^t UgMu. tnat IS "; ; "" ^ . bccatile they 1 hal be excluded troni eteinalhfe, and dejl, ucho,,/,- ot penance aiidKCona™ pie , Wl en the r Put f. ve c t?a m e 7 . o/p,-,«^.? And therloie S.Cjpnai. ;.,.^.'V, boy /;«/ '--J'^7;;'^: ,; '"i^:;^ 7/, a f & r,ch as Pr.eus fhaUnlVer for at the later day vcy ouen ^namely ep. 54) ^^Uc.nn ^^^hf 5' '''^^^1" ^,,,3 1,^^ without this rec.nciliacitjn aud ■ ■ r ,„t^.,i-;no irrnnrichintr to denouncms God) threaten vpon nnners.ana 10 wc gteat P°^^f ''"^ p Foiih ii- r6ev /fcar L-^e/ on tke earth, and conKcrfi in U,to tLem « ccnnnifimignun ^ 0,ry oltomc .^''''/j^'f '';;£>'' „*7'',;,,^ ,,,, .,„,,,„ h^nctiJfov^er which G.dvvo^HnoUo p,iefts poV^er ^r./. > Pn«r«p, «V.n. Andaithisco\.ccrneauhePrieftshig..authormecoablo!uclodi.revpc,ncon- terning conlelhon alio to be n.ade vnto them , the ancient Fat^icrs Ipeakc n. th.s loit . Cypuau I lJu nu. n. They (Qith he) thru haue great..- faith a.dfe.r.of Uod,tho.^h they dtd net faUt.fer^cu- , . tion . i becanje they rUd onely thtnkc it Vi tkcr mtnde , t.Hi very cog,tatton they c.pnfcifctoGcds l:rf^J<>- rovvfuth and pUtnch. Of ennn their confcience , vtterwganddtjtb..rg,ngt,,e httrdenc} their mtnde , and ^.^^^^^■. reettnjr holefor^e mcdldrte for tLr I'vc^dcs though b^t,md ««^/,.ie..-And afftlc after, let euery one p^.^j^^_ (myLthrn) 1 befeecheyou. confcffc kufinne, vMles he i>yet ai,fce,whdes U co>,J>fit.n may^ be adnnttcd, , - Or^en /,. z in Lmk. callah it a great part ot penance , When a fnan^i^at haned , a.nd > « opeue h hu Lncs to oui.Lords Pr.ert. See alio rcrta!.iUet..un.5.H,.ro. mco hcckfiali^. SMin,_R^l_^ in,* qu4i z'9 \t'hd compare hnners that rcfuleto confellc, to tnem thathaiieroniedifeatem theii lec/ete D.^rtcs . and arc al hamed to: f heW it to the Phylu-ion or Surgeon . that ni:§ln cureit. Where they uiuft needes ineane lecicte confelfion to be made to them ci.at n.ay ablolue And S Leo cp. 80 nioftphunely (as before S. Cyril) exprefly nameth Priclh. > hat corifef-.m y> fup,ent secrete or auri- ^j-jJ>um^dcfiritol;od;t'.e.lo the Trtcjl aljo. Andugiine, Iti^pfaent.Ut tr.egudttnesofmcr,, ^^,_^^ ^^^f-^^, conUicrue. bevaered to the Pnejhonely by the fccrecu of .o.fef ten Sllmomt in i6UAt. l.uch that ^-^„_ Prielb loofc or bindc , audita peccatorum varietatc , hauing heard the v/trutte andd^^crence> ofjwnet. ',; vitA S.PauUnus Writeth of S. Ambrole, that a> ofe» .u any cmfejkd hhpmies vnroumfor 10 reettue fe„anee, 'D ^Lr. he fa vveptf>rcomfajiion^hat thereby he caujed the fenUertt ,0 Wcepc^fi.U^ adaeth.noreouer that th.s ulfeTr^ holy Doiior vvas lo fecrccc in this cafe , that no man kncW the Imn:. confeiled but God and h.m ' "^ ^ ■ Llh' AndS. AiigulHne ho. 49 ^e 50 homilijs to. 10. t.tith tnus. 'Docpcnar.ce fuehoi ud^nemthe ,,,, , Church, let mman iky. I doe it fccretiy, I doe.t to Cod. :,-; vaiuetlic^, vv.tsujaid, Whatfoeuer you fhal lool- in earth , fhal be looll-d hi hcauen. Sec S. Ambrofe defcemtcntia through out S.Cyprian de Laffis, thepaoke.iV --'..-a dr/«.> /"*'"'• in S. Augulune. beUde alanticiuitie which is ful otthcic fpcachcscdacetningabiolution.andcdnfeirion. - ^, r~iiAn '■ .. ° Mm. u) CHAP. Confellion t» Holy zyS ■weekc. THE GOSPEL Chap. XXI. Cha. XXI. The Gofpel on Wenfeday in Eafter Wceke.. • • Sec In S. Au- guflinttra^.t22 At lo. the great myflerie hereof concerning the C H V R. c H, and in S. Gre- goric horn, j* in Euel thy felf, and didft vvalke where thou vvouldcft. but ^P° ^^'?^"^''« when thou ( halt be old,thou f halt ftretch forth thy handes, in chriftmai*'^ and" an other fhal girde thee, and leade thee whithcrthou '^'"'^^"' *^- 15 wilt not. t And this he faid , Signifying by what death he fhould glorifie God. H ^And when he had faid io this , he faith to him , Folow me. t Peter turning, favv that difciple whom I e s v s loued, folovving, * who alfo leaned atthefupper vponhisbreaft,and faid, Lord who <^op'« and fcr- II is he that fhal betray thee? t Him thciforc when Peter had "xunt in" uti- 21 feen,hefaich to 1 es vs. Lord , and this man vvhat?t I es v s nc other readc, faith to him , *^ So 1 vvil hauc him to'rcmaine til I come, what iffi7vvit&c"' ij to thee? folow thou ine. t This faying thcrfore went •" How few abrodc among the brethren,that that difciple dieth not. And |en"oV"jSj I E s V s did not fay to him , he dieth not : but , So 1 vvil ^aes & dearie hj..,- Uir.. ... r,.«.-,.-„« ril T ^««,- ,r„U.,.«.V,x.- i + TU:.:. in coparifon of c SoTcadethS. Ambrofc in Pf. *f. & fer. le in Pf. III. S. AHg. trtilt. It* in 1 1, Scmoft ancient lauc him to remaine til I come, what to thee ? t This is that which he that difciple which giueih teftimonie of thefe things , and did and fpake; hath written thefe things : and we know that his teftimo- mikes wihiee- nie is true. ^ ^(\ hauc ai ia t But thereare'^'many •• other things alfo vvhichi es vs ding not' the did : which if thev were written in particular, neither the Apoftiesowne iiriTL-'i II iri p reaching, or rc- worlditlclr Ithinkc were able to conteine thofe bookcs port of any that fhould be written. S'ei'didTr faid.ifitbe not ' " vvritten. ^4 -5 A N N O T C H A r. A T TON S XXI. 17. Fw(/ien the reft, icisplaiae by rh it he is al'ked Whether he lous our Lord more then the other miiK-nce ofPc- Apolhes do: \V.iere,for equal charge no difference otlouc had bene required. To Peter ( faith S. Cypr. d* ter, yet tr) vp- Cyprian) our Lord after hu l{elurre?>ton faii , Feede my fheepe , and biiiUedbu Church vpon him alone, vnit, Ee. hold their Arch a.iidto hl-ube gi'uth thechnrgeoffeed'mj^hu fheefe. For although after hu RefHrreclionhegatiehtsfo'Juer bif hops , do a- alike to al, faying, ^s my Father fen t me, fo I fendici, take the l-loly GhoJi,ifyou remitte to any their fimies, uouch &C ptoue the) j hat be remitted &c. Yet to mamfefi vnitie, he co/iituted one Chaire.c^fo difpofed by hu aitthoritie that it ag.i.nll the ynitie j hould haiis oiig'me of one. The reji of the ,ApoJHes were that Peter vvM,in equal fellivvf hip of ho- ' . • , PurUaiies. nourandpovifer, but the beginning cometli of vnitie: the Prim.iciciscinen to Peter,that the Church cfChriJf m.iy befheWcd to be one,^ one ChaircS-Qhtyiodome alfo fiith thus:lj^/;j did our Ilordjhede hu biondJ ^'- ^ /*' Peters fucccf- tritely to redeems thoje fhecpe, the cure of which he committed both to Peter and alio to his Succejors . And ^•''''"'^• flors fuccede hi a litle after, Chrijf would haue Peter indued with fuch authoritie,and to be far ahoue al hu other ^pojilei: in vniuerfal au- f)r hefaiih : Peter , dojt thou lone me more then at thefe do ? Wkerevpon our CMaiJler might haue inferred. If ihoricie. thoti loue me Peter, vje much fafiing,fleepe on the hardfioure, watch much, be pat rone to the o:'pre^ed,faeher to the orphans, and hufband to the widowei: but omittingal thefe things, he faith, Feed my fhecpe. For, al the forejaid vertues certei may be done eafily ofmanyfubieils , not onely men but 'women : but when it com- meth to the gouernement of the Church and committing the charge offo many foules , al womtn kind mujt needes whoh oiue place to the burden and grextnes thereof and a great number of -men alfo. So Writeth he. 5 . Gregorie And bccaufe the Proteftants would make the vnlearned thinke.that S. Gregoric deemed the though he mif-r Popes Supremacie to be wholy vnlaWfuLini Anticliriftian, for that hecondeaineth lohn of Con- liked tne tide of ftantinoph for vfiuping the name orvmuerfal Bif hop , refembling hisinfolence therein to the Vniuerfai "Bi- pridj of Antichriil : note Wei the Wordes oi [his holy father in the very fame place and EpilHe a- Aioyj.yetivmolt gainft tne B- of Con:tan'inop!e, by which you fhal eafily fee that to deny him to be viiiucrfal plaihe both in liifhop, is not to deny I'eceror thePopeto behead ofthe Church , orfiipreme Coufrner of the ""!?*• "• his Writings &: fime , as our Aduerlaries fr.mdulently pretend. // « plaine to al 9iien , fiit.i iie , that euer >cad the *' 'f' ''*• doings fjr the Gofpel , that by our Lordes mouth the charge of the whole Church w.u commmitted to S. Peter Popes Supre- Prince if the ^Apoftla. forto hiniitvjasfaid, Feedmy fheipe: for hiTnwMtheprayer made that hit faith m.icie . as al fo f hould notfaile ; to him v vere the keies ofheauengiuen and lutharitie to bindeand loofe : to him the cure of S. Leo the great, (lie Church andprinapa'ity w-is deliuered : and yet hew.is not called the vniuerfal ^Apofilc. Thu title in deed i.v a offered for the honour of S. Peter Prince of the Apofiles, to the Pope of R^me by the holy Councet of ChaUedsn: but none of that See did euer vfe it or confent to takeic.Tnus much S. Gregorie.' Who though he both pra£ldcd iurifdiiSio through out al Chr'ftcnJom, as other of chat See n.uic euer donc,and alfo acknowledged the Principality and Soueraintie to bein Pttcrand his Succeil'ors: yet Would Seeli.'.ef. he not lor iull caufes vfe that title fubicdt to vanitie &: mifconfliuvilo. Rut both hc&althe Popes 7--'J. H-* fince haue rather called them felu'.-s, Seruoi feniorum 'Dei, the Seru.inrs of Gixls feruants. Though '?• > 7. ■*/, the Word, ■vniucrJal'Bil'hop, in that fenfe Wherein the holy Coime.d of Chalcedon offcredit to tne ''•* *'/'• 9X J. . See of Rome , Was true and Lawful. For that Councel would iwt h luc gum any Antichriltian or "> ' ep.6s. The title ovni- ^,|^|^,f|. jitlg toanyman. Onelv in the B. ofConltantiuopleand other, which in no ft nfe had any uerl.il Isil nop jj^j^j. ^^ if ^ and v/bo vfurpedit inavcry falfe and tyrannical meaning, it Was info L'nt,vniuft ,and Tetiilei., outyiu ^^^(:(-iij.i{];i.,n_ Seeal;o the Epiflles of S. Leo the Great concerning his piad.fe of vniuerlaliurildi- iiernard. ucrlal urildi- ^j^^j, ^j^^^^,^;, hercfufed the citleofvniuerfal Bifhop.AndS Bern.ird^th.it '.cu m.ty betterperceiue l,,2.,c.s. tt:on alvJ/aies ^,^_^^ ^j^^ general charge of Chrlfts f heepe Was not ontly giuen to Peters perfon, but alfo to his fuc- dg dfider,. acrnoWlcitged ^.^jj-j^j ^i,,. poptsot Rome, as S. Cory foftom alfo betorc alle.igcd doth teftiiK-) Writeth thus to ani.. practifeJ. £^js,^,j^;i,s_ T nou art he to whom the keies of heauen are deliuered,6c to wiiom the f lucpe are c6 , niitttd. there be other Porters of heau6,(k other Pallors of flockes:but thou hall: if.he;ited in more glorious &: diffcret fort. For the) hiueeuery one their particular flocke, but to tlieeal vni,ucrially,as Th? Pope IS pjj^ f^^-,j-jjp to onema.are credited : being not onely the Pallor ot the fhccpe , b;it the onj Pallor of Paltor or al ^^ ^^^ Paftyrs them felues, but thou wilt afke me how 1 proue that?cuen \>y om Lordes word. for Pallors. ^^ W. hom of al , I fay not onely Rif hops, but Apoftles.Were the f heepe fo abfoluttly and Without limitation comitted ? if thou loue me Peter, feede my f heepe. He faith not, the people of thfs kingdom or that citie„but,»J)' fhecpe,\l, nhom a! dilHr.dlion. So S. Bernard. And larcvnfo may be added that ■an U*n tbefccon.d,./«if. isiugreekea word thjt lignditth With.al togouerne andriile.asP/.'z. C\tich.s. ' S^ai.i .yjfppc J. and fhcrfore it is fpoken of Dauid alfo and other temporal Goucrner.s (asihe He- ^ bres\/ word anfwctii:g th'erevnto) in the " Scriptures very often.aiid the Grctkciu profane ^^' Vritcrs .alio. „ ••;•,. a. x^n other C'lal ^irdthee'] He Prophecieth of Petets Martyrdom, and of the kinde of death sgzji in Peter crucified, which he fhoiildluft'Lr.thatv.-as, crucifying. Which " the Heretikcs tearing th.it it Wcreafteppe hum Utii. to proue he was martyred in Rome.dcny : whereas theFather.s and ancient Vritcis are-».pl.uiieiii this as that he was at P>.ome. Origen apud Eufeb. li. i c. i. Etijcb. li. 2 c. i*. Hiji: Ec. Tertul.de prxjmpt. ' nn. 14.. ^ug. ttaH-. uj i.i lean. Chryfoft.'Bedain hmiclocum. ,- • - ; ■■ • " " ' T HE at Rome THE SVMME,AND THE ORDER OF THE EVANGELICAL HISTORIE: gathered breifly out of al fourc,euen vnto Chrifts Afccnfion. * Mt. Mr Lu.lo. I 1, 5 H E preface mouing the Reader to recciue c "meining'^Se Chris T.beingthesetcrnal Vvo RDof God, infande of the life and the li^ht. Chrift and the The Angel tcUeth^Zacharic of the conception yS^bfcurelv'' of lohnBaptift.ChriftsPrecurfor: and Elizabeth conc^iucth him. The fame Angel doing his mcflage to the B. Virgin, C hr i s T is incarnate in her vombe. Our B. Ladie viiiteth Elizabeth : andIohnBaptiftisborne,and circuncifed. The Angel tellethlofeph that his wife is v vith childc by the Holy Ghoft. The gencalogie of Chrift. The birth of Chrift in Bethlchem.and his circuncifion. The Sages come from the Eaft, and adore Chrift. Chrift is prefented in the Temple : where Simeon and Anna prophccie of him. lofeph with the childe and his mother,fitcth into iEgypt:and rcturneth to Nazareth- Icfus being fought-of his parents, is found in the Temple among the Dodors. lohnthc Baptiftprcachcthand baptizcth, preparing al tort- ^^^ ? ?""■'' , ^1 -n 1 1 S.1 TL L • J f u- conteinin? the ccmc Chnft-.and among other, Chnft is baptized ot him. time of the pre- Chrift faftcth fourtic daies, and is tempted in tlie wildcrnefte. paratio toward lohn giucth tcftimonic of Chrift to the legates of the lewes, liismanifcfta^ to the people, and to his owne difciples- *"^"" Chrift worketh his firft miracle, turning water into wine atamariage. In the fcaft of Pafchc he cafteth out the biers and fellers in the the i.paschb, I Temple, infinuating to the lewcs his death andrefurreftio. HetcachcthNicodcra'usbynight: and baptizeth in lurie hy the miniftcricofhis difciples. whcrevpon a qucftion is mo- ued to lohn about their two baptifmes. N n lohn jwf. xHr. Lu. Uy J4 U 3 8 4 8. 9 9 7 7 7 9,' 7 CI II. i8i I chnBaptift isput into prifon for icprchendinff Herods in- celtuousaduoutric. After lohns emprifonmcnt. Chrift returning into Galilee by rh. , p,rt Samaria, talketh with the Samaritane woman. from the time Hehealethalordesfonncof ai> ague. that he began He prcacheth in Galilee, and vvaxcth very famous ^ ^"'^ *' " J^ Hecalleth foure difciples out of the boatc.and ihey folovv '^'^n^MiX """• preaching and He healeth one poflefTed of a diuel, in the Syna?ocruc m'"cle«. He cureth Simon Peters mother io la W.& many (icke oWons. He retuleth three that offer t^foWv him. ■ Heappeafcth the.tcmpeft on the fea. ^^.^ * He healeth two poffefled of diuels in the countrie of the TT Y*^ , ,"^' *"^ Pcrmittcth the diuels to enter mro fvyin- He healeth the ficke of the palfey , being let downc through the tiles. _^_,-^ " He callethMatthev^r from the cuftome houfe,and difputeth with [ohns difciples and the Phanfees of faftincr HcraifeththeArchifvnagogs daughter, and cureTh her that hadarluxc of bloud He healeth two blinde.and one pofTelTcd He healeth him on the Sabboth day that layatthe Probatica thb,.m.ch^ and had been dilcjfcd jS ycrc>. ■ He confurcth th,- l^hanfecs being ofTcnd.'d thaHiTs difciples bruilcdthcearcsof corncon the iabboth. Hetcfclleth the V\^^.x^oc being offended becaufc he cured the witheicdh.indon the jabbotli. Hechoofcththc II Apofllcs: nrd ra ;keth thatdiuinc fcrmon called Sermo Domtminmomejbc Scnnon of our Lord in the mount conteining the patcrnc of a Chriitian mans life. Hccurcthalepcr. He healeth the Centurions feruant. Hcraifcththcwidowesfonne at Naim. John fcndcth out ofpriJon his difciples vnto Chrift He torgmcth M.Maj^dalens (Jnncs.pref.rring her much before the I'hanfee that dclpifcd her. He healeth him that had a deafe and dumme dcuil.and rcfuteth the blalphcming Pharifces. He preferreth the obfcruers of Gods word before carnal mo- ther and brethren. The parable of the fowcr. The parables ofthe cockle, of the fccde growing when men licepc , of themultard fcede.and of the Icauen. The parables of the trcafurc hid in the field , ofthe pretious itonc,and ofthe nettc. Teaching in Nazareth.hc condemncrh it of increduHtic. He lendeth the twelue Apoftlcs to preachc. lohn is beheaded, and the fameof Icluscommethto Herods cares. He fecdcth 5000 men with fiueloaues. He ^t.Wr.Lti: lo. 15 16 »7 18 18 19 9 9 (O 9 17 9 10 n It 183 He vvalkethvponthe Tea, and fomakcth Peter alfo to doe. He rcaibacth of Manna, and of the true bread from heaucn. He reprchcndeth the Pharifces for cauilling at his difciplcs be- caufcthcy did cate with vnvvafhcdhandcs. He healcrh the daughter of the woman of Canaan. He curerh a man that was dcafc and dumme. Hcfecdcth 4000 vvithfeucn loaues. Heroicfteththe Pharifeesthat af ked a figne, and biddcth His difciplcs bcwareof their leauen. He healcth a blinde man in Bcthfaida. The tirij^ that he wil paffc out of this world .now drawing nigh^ne maketh Peter, for confcffing him to be Chrift , the Rodcevpon which he wil buil/d his Church , promilingto giuc him tbe keies of heaucn , and vvichal forecelleth , that hemuiT: fuft'er in Hicrufalem , and that almuft be ready to fuffer with him. The Tranfiiguration. He cafteth out the diucl which his difciplcs could not call out, commending vnto them failing and praier. Hepaieththe didrachmcs for him and Peter, after that Peter had found a Hater in the fif hes mouth. His difciplcs contending for Superioritie, he teacheth humi- litie. He threateneth the fcandalizers of litle ones- He teacheth vs to forgiuc our brother finning againft vs. Leauing Galilee he goeth into Iuric,and the Samaritancs wil not recciuehim. In that iourney he healeth the ten lepers. He teacheth m the Temple in the fcaft. of Sccnopegia , that is, of Tabernacles. He ablblueth the woman taken in adu'-utrie, teacheth in the Temple, and goeth out of their handcs that would hauc Honed him. He reflorcth light to him that was borne blinde. Hcreafoneth of the true Pallor and his fheepe. Hcfendcththc 70 difciples, and they rcturne. TKe parable of the Samaritane and the wounded man. Martha entertaincth lefus. He teacheth the maner and force of praier , and reprehendeth the prcpoflerous cleannefle of the Pharifces. He teacheth not to feare them that kil the body oncly, to cafl away the care of riches by the parable of him that thought his barnes to litle, and that the faithful feruant wil alwaics expeft the comming of his lord and maiftcr. He threateneth them, vnles they doc penance, f hewing Gods patience by the fruitles figtree that was fuffered to {land one ycre more. He healeth the crooked woman , teacheth the way tohcauen to be narrow. He healeth him that had a dropfic,on the Sabboth ; and tea- cheth them to renounce al things in comparifon of him. Mm i] TH£ 3 ?ASCH£. The 4 part, from the time that he began {S\'Cet.i6, 11) to foretel to his Dilcipies , that hemiifi: goe &C fufFerin Hieiu- falera. The s t"*>^, of his going in» to levvrie to- ward his Paf- fion. i8 i6 io lo 19 J9 16 H ,^2, 19 " I" r Jl zo II 10 11 11 ZO II lO It 11 15 21 1184 In the feaft of Dedication he gocth out of their handes that vvould hauc ftonedhim. The parables of the loft f heepc, of the grote , and of the pro- digal fonne. The parable of the vniuflbailife. Of the indiflblubilitie of matrimonie. The riche glutton and Lazarus. Vvo to fcandalizerS'The force of faith euen to the mouing of trees with a word. Of the Phanfee and the Publicanc that went to pray. He impofcth or laieth his handes vpon litle children, and cx- horteth a yong riche man to forfake a! and become perfeft. The parable of the vvorkemen hired into the vineyard. Hcraifcth Lazarus,andthe lewescol'ult hovv to deftroy him. He forctcllcih his death, and denieth the rcqueft of Zebedces two fonnes,af king the two cheefe places about him. He healeth a blinde man before his entring into lericho. Zachacus the Publicane entertaineth Chrift, The parable of the ten poundes deliueredto ten feruants. He healeth two blinde men as he goeth out of lericho. Atafupper in Bethania, Marie powrcd ointment vpon him. Riding vpon an aiTe he entreth glorioully into Hierufalcm. He healeth the lame and the blinde, and Gentiles deliretofee him. Hecurfeth the figtrce ,and cafteth the biers and fellers out of the Temple. To his enemies the Tewcs , he auoucheth his power by lohns Baptifme which was of God.andforetclleth their reproba- tion,vvith the Geiitils vocation in their place, by parables : as the parable of the two fonnes, the one promifing to doc, the other doing his fathers commaundement. The parable of the vineyard let out to huf bandmen that kil- led both the feruants and the fonnc fent to require fruitc. The parable of the king thatmadeamariagefor hisfonne,in- uiting gheftstothefcaft, and they vvould not come. He anfvvcreth their queftion of paying tribute to Cxrar,and the Sadducees queftion of the Rcfuircdion. He anfwcrcth the Pharifccs queftion , of the greateftcom- raaun dement. He putteth them to (Hence with this queftion concerning Christ, hovv he could be Dauids fonnc. He biddeth them doe as the Scribes teach.butnot as they doc. He extolleth and preferrcththe poore widovves offering. Heforetellethto fomeofhis Difciples,the dcltruftion of the Temple and of Hierufalem : and by that occafion , what things ihalbe before the confummation of the world , and Antichrift in the confummation,and then incontinent Do- mefday,warningvs to prepare our fclues againft his com- ming. By the parable of the ten Virgins, & the parable of the talents, he PALME funday. The 6 pare, contcining the holy Weeke of his PalHon in Hierufalem. TVESDAY nig lit. Ht.Mr,L(t. z6 14 i6 14 tx 16 »4 i8 16 185 he (hewcth ,hovv it (hal be at Domefday with the Pauhful that prepare, and that prepare not them fclucs : and vvithout parables , that they which doe not good vvorkes.fhal be damned. , ,. , r.^,-»»^T,T.» ludasbargaineth with the lewes to betray him.and two of TENEBRE his difciplcs prepare the Pafchal lambe. wenelday. At the fupper he vvafheth his Apoftles feete. M A V N D Y He inScth the Sacrifice of his body and bloud in the B. ^hurfd.y. Sacrament. , r, 1 1 u- /• Hcforetclleththatoneof theTweluefhal betray him (ap- pcafing their contention for the fuperioritie ) and that they fhalal deny him. His fcrmon after fupper. His prayer to his father. , ^, ., ., "/, ^"^^^^"^ iTheUie of his Pamonandburial,fromthurfdayatnight,til ^f^^^^-^- ' the next day at euentide. I He rifeth the third day, appcarcth firft to Mane Magdalene. Then to the other women. . Then to Peter, vcr. 34. then to the two difciplcs going into Emmaus.ver. i<>. . , 1 r u- r xc Thentothcdifciplcsgathcredtogethermalioufeat Hieruia- lem , when heentredthe doores being fhut,andgaue them povver to remit and reteinefinncs. ,,.,..,, Then, vponLow-Sunday.to the difcipleshkewife gathered LOVVSYN- toeethcr, and Thomas among them. ^>'- Then.atthefcaofTibcnas.toPeter & the rcR that were fifh- in^.wherche commitccth his fhecpe to Peter. ThenV the difciplcs vpon a mount in Galilee -. giuing them commiffionto preache and baptize through out the whole vvorld. - , r 1 \ t 1 Then in Bcthania, where he promifeth to fend the holy ASCENSION ' Ghoft(bidding them tarie in the mcane time inHierufalem) day. and fo blcfling them,Afccndcth into heauen. Nn iij The 4 P*fcbr, Al THVRSDAir night &■ FRIDAY. 8ASTER. CAtf. iS6 mM^^i^^ ■ Hicr.in Cat.i!. f*%THE ARGVMENT OF THE ACTES OF THE APOSTLES. H E Gofpel hu/wfg Jhevyed , hoyy the- teyres mofl mpioHJly reieSicdCbrifl (afaljb Moyjh dtid the Pro- l>hnsh^d foretold of them:) and therefore deferred to brreieUedthemfelnes aljo ofhim-.noyy foloyyeth this ^ool^fo/che AftcsoftheApoftlcs {'^yyrittenbji S. Luke income thefotmh yerc ofSicro, Jn. Vom. 61) andjhcyyeth, hoyy mt'yyithflandir.g their defer tes, Qhriflofhls merey{as the Prophets. dfo Lid foretold of ^^^>n) op^fdhimfelfeynto that ynyyonhy people, yeit After that they had Cruet fed hm,fenditig ynto them hif tyyelue J'pofies to motie themtopen.mee, mdfobj B apt if me to ma^ethem ofhtHhurch : ami yyhiles^l theTyvelite yy ere foocciipml about the levyes: hovyofaperfeciitirtg IfVT? he made an extraordmarie ^pnftle(ryho yya4 S. Paul) and to atioide thefcadal of the leyyes (to yyhom onely hm felfe Ukeyyife for the fime caufe had preached) fent him, andnot any ofhi4 Tw elite by and by ^ xirhowere hn knoyyen ^pofiles, ynto the OentUes,yyho neticr afore had heard ofChrtft,and yyere yyorfhip'pcrs of many Gods, to mouethemaljo (for, that Ukeyyife the Prophets had foretold) to faith and penance , andfo by Bamfme to make them ofhi-f Church : and hoyy the incre- dfdoHS leyyes ettery yyhere reffted the fame JPoflleandlm preachinf to th Gentiles, perfecutwg him andfeel^rig hii death, and netier ceafing ynttl he felinto Aa.i?,46.i«,6. the handesoftheGenttls : that fo [of not onely he eiieryyrhere , biitalfothe Pro- ul'u'it &^^ "^"''^ ''"'"' ''"^ ^^'*'^fi had foretold ) the Gofpel might be taken ayyay from Efa. ■ I. ' ^^^'"' ''^^gn'^n to the Gentllesieiien from Hieritjalem(yyhoje reprobation ' aljo by tuc. i3,3j. namehad been often foretold) theheadcitie of the lewes, yyhere it began,tranf- lated toJ{pme theheadcitie of the Gentiles, Mthiiyyilbe enidemby the partes of the bool\c ; yyhich may be thefejixe. Tirfl , hoyy Cbrifl yf fending in the fight ofhii Vifciples , promifed ynto them the Holyghfjftjortelling that of him the^fhottld receitie firength, andfo begin hu Chi'.nh in Hmufalem: andfrom thence dilate it into al that Cotmrie, that is in- to al liirie -.yea and into Samaria alfoyea into al nations of the Gent ties , be they neuerfofarof Youfhal rcceiue (faithhe) rhevcrtuc of the Holy j^hofi coming vpon you : and you fhal be witnefTcs vnto me in Hierufalcm, & inalluric,and Samaria, and eucn to the vtmofl: of the earth, Chap.u Secondly, the beginning of the Chimh in Hiertifalem, accordingly, chap. t. Thtrdly, the propagation of it confeqttentiy into al htrie , and alfotaSamarid. chap. 8. ^ * fourthly, the propagationofit to the Gentiles alfo. Chap. lo. Tjfthly.thc taking of it ayyayfrom the ohjlinate leyyes, and getting of it to the Oentilf^^ ■ ^?7 Gentiles, by the mimfterle ofS. PiIhI md S. Bxnubee. Chap, i j .- SixMj, oftAk^n^lt Avvayfrom Hkrufdcm itfdfe, thehedclcitieofthe levres, and fending it (44 it yyere ) to 'R^me theheadcitte tfthf Gentiles , and that,in their perfecutingof Paul fo far, *that he appealed to C^Jar and Jo deli/te- AtSt. xf. u, ring him after a fort rnto the Romanes: at they had * before dcUiiered to them alfo ^"'^ *'> '• Chrifi himfelfe. yvherettf S. Peters firfl coming thither, yvas ypon an other occafion, *s fhalhe j aid -inone . Of yyhich J{o>uanes and Gentiles thcrfore , the fame S. Paul being noyv come to ^ome(tbe Ufl Chap. oj ibejiBes^foretelleth the ohflinat levves * /> g 9 there, ftying: Etipiiaadicnt. Toityyilnotheare, but, they vvi\ have, that * fo the prediBion ofchrlflaboue rehearfed might he fulfilled : And cuen to the vtmoft o'iX.hcQixx.h.iindtheredoth S.Liike end the booke., not caringto telfo much Of the fulfUingof that yyhich our Lordhad foretold(^Acl.t7 ,i/f) to S.Paid, Thou mu!} appearc beKorc Csefar. becanfe his pitrpofc yyas no more but to Jheyy the ncyy Eicrufalem of the Chrifltans,yyhere Chrijl yvoiild place thcchc.fc feate ofhii Church , as alfo in deede the Pathers and al other Catholik^s haue in al *ges looked thither, yyhcn they yyere in any great douht : no lejfc then the leyycs to Hierufalem, ai they yyere appointed in the old Teflament. Veut. 17,8. ^ndfo this Booke doth f hew the true church , as plainely , as the Go/pel doth fheyy the true ChriJ},vntoalthat do not yy tlfuUjf hut their ovyne eies. to yvit, this to be the true Church, yyhi:h beginning yijibly at Hierufalem , yyas taj^en from the leyyes , and trMflated to the Genttls ( and n/tmely to l^otne ) continuing yifbly, and yifibly to continue hereafter alfo, Vntil thefulnes of the Gentiles R.om.ir,ir, fhalbc come in : that then alfo Allfrael may bcfjucd. and then is come theendoftheyyorld. porfodidchriflmofl plainely forctel ys: ThisGofpcl of Mat.i4,r4. the Kingdom fhalbc preached in the whole world, for a teftimonie to al Nations, and then fhal come the confummation. for the conuerfion of yvhichHations and accornpl/JbiiJg thefulnes of al Gentiles, theforcfaid Church - Catholtl\e , bemgmindftd ofher ofjice,^tohc Chriftes^xr!tnescucn tothe vt- moft oi the earth, doth at this prefent (m alyvaies) fend preachers to conuert and. make them alfo chrtflians -.yyhereas theproteflantsand'^ al other Her et ikes Tertul.dcpr?fc donothiii^^elibutfubuertfuch as before yyere Chr.ifltans. ^■iii this beingthe S um]ne andfcope of this Booke , thus to giueys hifloricaHy a. ifijl fight of the fulfilling of the Prophets O" Chrijies prcdiFlion about the Church: it is not to be marueilcd at,yyhy it telleth not ofS. Peters coming to Bomeuonfide- ring that his firjl coming thither,yya'S not, af S . Pa ides yyas^Jy the leyycs deli- nerte ofhim,\fforkingfo to their oyyne reprobatio^butypo another occafton,to yvit, to confound Simon M^gus.Euf. Hift. li.i.c. M.i^.Foryyho alfo feeth not,that it makethno mentionof his preachingto any Gentiles at al , thofe feyy oncly ^cl. 10 excepted, yyho yyere the firfl^and therefore (lefl the Genttles fhouldfeeme Icffe cared for of God,thenthelevyes^Peter being the Head of al, yyas eleBedof God, to incorporate theni into the church, 4i before he had donethe leyyes- God Act. 15,7. (faith hcy-imonoys chofejthatbymy mouth the Gentiles fhould hearc the word ofthe Gofpel ,andbelecuc. and S. lames thereypon:Simon hath told ho\v God Hrft vilitedto take ofthe Gentiles a people to his name. Aii. 15,14. Bfit othcryyife (ifay ) here is no mention of Peters preaching to any Gentiles : no norof the other eleitenjipoflles.Vyil any man tberfore infcrre, that neither Pe- ter,nor the other Eleuenpreachedto^ny'Hationorcitic ofthe Gentilaf Ho. the meaning of the Holy ghof yyas not toyyrlte althe ABesof d the Jpoflles, no nor the preaching of Peter andhis, to the Gentiles, butonely to the leyyes ; there-' by tofet oiti: ynto the yyorld y the great mercy of Chrifl toyyard thofe ynyyonhy leyyes R.om, t^, 19. Gal t,5. R.om.1,8. Mat.11,43- 18S levyts,t€ndconfeijHently their mojl yyorthy reprthdtion for cotemningfueh grace 4ind mercy. 4f Afo on the other fide tofheyy,hoyv reMilyHhe Gentiles in fo many TZtitions^yyere conuerted by one ^poftleonely, who ¥rom Hierufalem euen to lUyricum leplenifbcd the Gofpel of Chrift. .And this ^Artingofthe yyork^ fo made by S . Peter yyith the rep,doth S .Paidhimfelfe to!Hhe:Thit vvc vntothe Gentiles.and they vtito the Circuncirion.Heuerthelejfe before his coming to I{pme,not onely yyas the Church come to l{pme ( 4S u is euident .AH. the UJi ch40.)there pUted by S. Peter andothers(iis likeyyife by S.Peter it yyas plait- ted in thefrfl Gentils, before that 5 . Pdul began the taking of it ayyay from the multittidc of the leyyes^and the traajlating of it to the multitude of the Gentils) hut alfofo notable yyas the fame Church of I{pme,that S. Paul writing his EpiftU to the B^manes, before he came thither, faith: Your faith is rcno vvmed in the whole vvorld. andtherefore they yyith thereftofthc Gentiles, be that Hatton yyhereofChrijl told the leyyes,faying: The Kingdom of God fhal be taken away from you,& fhal be giuc to a Nation yelding the truites theieoL As before we noted the Gofpelsjasthey arereadboth at Mattin? and Malfe.through outtheyerCjin their conuenicnt time and pIace;fo the bookes folowing(as alfo the bookes of the oldTcftamcnt)are read in thefaidSeruice of the Church,forEpiflles andLeffons, in their time &placc,as hereafter £hal be noted in euery ofthem.5cf the ycry fame order and cuflome of the primititic church, in S. .Ambrofeep. 55. S. J-iigufline Serm.de rt-wfo/v 159, 140,141,144, S.Leo Ser.i & ^ de Quadyag.^Ser.ii CP" 19 de Vaf.Domini.S.Gregorieinhis ^o komilicsypon the Gofpels. THE tu. I, I. 45'. H> Jo. Z6. H' tu. ],U. lit. 14, 2,1. Mar. 16, 15. I//. THE ACTES OF THE APOSTLES. iSp The ChvrcW readetli rhis booke at Mat- tins from LoU' Siiday vnto the 3 Sunday after Eafter : eucn is in S. Aiigiiftincs time. Sec ferm. 83 oc pj deDi- uerOs. to. 10. 10 II Chap. I. The I. paru The cxpc- ftatio of the Chnji now ready to afcend,l>iddeth the ^poftles to expcSf the Holy Ghoft which he had , ^ i fromifed, foretelling where (ieing firejigthened by him ) they fhouldbeoin hu L)CtWCriC tliC church, and how far theyfheuld cary it. 9 ^ftcr hu .Afcenfton they are war- AiCenllO OI ned by two Angels to fet their mindes vpon hufecondcortitning. 1+ Inthedaict Ohrift and of their expeliation , // Peter beginneth to execute his vicarf hip, giidnginjiru- ^•^- fipcrin - ction and order, by vvhich Mathinsu ele^edtApolile in the place of lucUs. . *^ , ' ■' 1^ J ning of the HE* firfl; treatife I made of ••al things, ^j^^ ^ .^j^ ^^ O Theophilus, which 1 e s vs began MaifcvpouAi- to doe and to reache, f vntil the day «"^''°^ ^^^y- wherein" giuingcommaundement by •' Not alpanl- rhc holy Ghoft to the ApoftleS whom ^he*other Euan- he cho(e, he was alTumpted: t to who gcMswritedi- he (hewed alfo him felf aHue after his nonouch^d"y 'pallion in many arguments, forfourtie inm ) but al the ,. Uof irii- 1 r^ Piincipal and dajss appearing to tnem,& Ipeaking or the kmgdom ot God. moft neceiFarie t And eating with them, * he commaunded them , that they ^^'"§^*- fhould not depart from Hierufalem , but fhould expedl the »:iohnsBaptif- proraiflc of the Father.which you * haue heard ( faith he) bv megauenotthe 1 -r I 1 • J J . J • L •• I ' Holy Ghoft. my mouth :>t ror lohnm deede baptized with •• vvater,but *you fhal be •♦ baptized with the holy Ghoft after ihefe V.'^''^ aboim- r 1 • - i'"i going iiuo heaucn., "i to keepc toge- t Thcn they rctumcd to Hierufalem from the mount that 11 lning"o/chc Ho is Called Oliuct, vvhichis by Hierufalem, diftantaSabboths lyGhon:,by i» ioumey. t And when they were entredin, they went vp u to be further in- . ■' , , / ii..,-. „,i , ^ formed sc fur- mto an vpper cnamber,where abode •• Peter 6c lohn, lames nifhedtogaine and Andrew, Philippe and Thomas, Bartholomew and al natios to the , r t , \ c^ % > fame societie. Mathew , lames or Alpnxus and Simon Zelotes , and lude -The Hereti- o^^^^^cs. t Al thcfc vvcrc pcrfcuering vviih one minde in 14 kes.fomein the praicc with the •• vvomen and"MARi e the mother of S.S"J I Bsvs.andhis brethren. late. w<«j;. to t * In thofe daies"Pcter fifing vp inthcmiddes of the brc- 15 parties /moll thren, laid : (and the multitude of perfons together, was al- impudemiy , moft an hundred and twentie ) f You men , brethren, i(> c5fcience" that the * fcriprure muft be fulfilled which the holy Ghoftfpake hemeaneththc betote by the mouth of Dauid concerning ludas, who was Manes £;'iithcr \ ^ ^ . r \ i ii ji holy Women tile '^ captaiue or them that apprehended I e s v s : t who 17 chri/a'sTl^* ^^^^ numbredamong vsand obrcinedthc lotofthis mini- t.i*,i». Sec Be- ftetie. t And he in decde hath pofTefTed a* field of the reward 18 B^bkitypf"^'' o^J"iquitie, and being hanged he burft in the middes, andal a The Epiftie h's bowels gufhed out. t And it was made notorious to 19 vpos Maihias al the inhabitants of Hierufalem : fo that the fame field was «ay ftbr. t*. 1 1 j • i i /> i r i i n i called in their tonge,H-fffWm4,that is to fay,thc held of bloud. t For it is written in the booke of Pfalmes. Be their h.tbiutiomo m^de defer t ^ and be there none to dvyelin it. jindhii Bifbo^rike let an other uk^. t Therfore, ofthefe men that haue alfcmbled with vs, n al the time that our Lord Iesvs went in and went out among vs, t beginning from the baptifme of lohn vntil the n J'Nofmalmy- ^^V vvhercin he was alfumpted from vs, •• there muft one of fteric, that the thcfc bc madc a witnes with vs of his refurredion. nimibei" of the ... , . , , r i i it i tMceiuc ApoiK t And they appointed two, loieph , who was called 2,3 les muft necdes 34tfat)as, who was furnamed luflus : andMathias. t And^. be madc vp a- , ^ . , _, , , , , n i i r t "^ gaiiie. praying they laid, Thou Lord that knowclt the harts of al men,f hew ofthefe two, one, whom thou haft chofen, t to 2.^ take the place of this minifterie and Apoftlefhip , from the which ludas hath prcuaricated that he might goe ro his owne place, t And they gaue them "lottes , and the lot fclieipara. Writeth, ) al the Apoftles then difperfed into diuers nations motheum. ^° preache the Gofpel, Were miraculoufly brought together ( fauingS. Thomas who came the third day after ) to Hierufalem , to honour her diuine departure and liincral , as the faid S. Denyj Witneireth. Who faith that him felf, S, Timothee, and S. Hierotheus Were prefent : teftifying alfo of bis owne hearing, that both before here death and after for three daies, not onely the Apo- IHesand other holy men prefent, but the Angels alfo and Powers of heaut^ did fingmoft melo- dious Hymnes. They buried her facred body in Gethfemani. but for S. Thomas fake, who defired to fee and to reuerence it , they opened the fepulcher the third day , and finding it void of the holy body, butexcediugly fragrant, they returned, afTuredly deeming that her body Was aftumpred intohcauen. as the Church of God holdeth, being moft agreable to thefingular priuilegeof the ^'^^ mother of God , and therfore celebrateth moft folemnely the day of her Afliimption, And that is confonantnoconely to thefaid S, Denys, and S. Damafcene, but to holy Athanafius alfo, who auoucheth the fame , iSfrOT. t» £t«i««^. de'Deipara.. of which AlTumptiou of her body, S. Bernard alfo Wrote flue notable fermons extant in his Workes. Her As s vmp- »ow; Forthough they bcleeuc not that hex body is aftlimpted, yet they Wil not ( WetroW) dcnythat "^^^^'^^^^V fhe is dead, and her foule in glorie : neither can they afke fctiptures for that, no more then they <-.^.^%° otner require for the deathes of Peter, Paul, lohn, and other, which be not mentioned in Tcriptiires 6c ^'"^ *' yet are ftill celebrated by the Pioteftants. But concerning the B. Virgin Marie, they haue blot- ted out alfo both her Natiuitic, and her Conception : fo as it may beihoughtthe Diuelbearetha fpecial malice to this Wom.in Whofe feede brake his head. For as for the other two daies of her Purification &c Annunciation , they be not proper to our Lady, but the one to Chrifts Conception the other to his Prefentation, fo that fhe by thismeanesfhal liaueno feftiuitieataJ. Butcontrariwife , toconfiderhoWthcauncient Churchandfathersefttcmed, /pake, and How the Pri- Wroteofthis excellent veff;! ofgracc, may make vs deteftthefe mens impietie, that cannotabide mitiuc Church *£«.:,*». the praifes of her * whom al generations fhould call blefled,and that efteeme her honours a dero- & auncient fa- gatio to her fonne. Some of their fpeaches We wil fet doWne.that al men may fee, that We neither thers honoured ^^ praifeher, nor pray to her, more amply tfeen they did. S. Athanafius in the place alleaged , after our B. Lady, he had declared how al the Angelical fpiritsand euei-y order of them honoured and praifedher ' ■With the A V E, wherewith S. Gabriel faluted hex ; We alio, faith he, of al degrees vpon the earth 5. Athanafius Oo ij "toi ICfl THE ACTES ' C H A. I. pxtol chec V/ich loiide voice, faying, Aue gratia plena SiCc. Hailefut of grace , our Lord is with thee S. Ephrem. pray for v>o ^ia.ijhifft,xnd Li.dy, and Queene, and mother of God. Moftlioly and auncient Ephrem, alio in a fpecial oration made in praile of our Lady, faich thus in diuerle places thereof, Intemeratu 'Deifara 3cc. SKocherofoodvndeJiled, Qureneofal, the hojie of them that de/'paire , my lady mojt glo- rious, higher tbeji the heauenly j'pirii>% more honorable then the Cherubim , holier then the Seravhins , and without comparijon more glorious the thefupernal hojies, the hope of the fathers, cheglorie of the Prophcts,the praiiiofthe ^pojrles. And a I; tie after. Virgo ante partum , inpartu, ^ poji partum . by theeweare reconciled to Chrifi my God, thy fonne : thou art the helper ofjinners, theu the hauenfor them that are tojfed wichjlormes, thejoiaee of the world, the deliuerer tfthe emprifonid, the helpe of orphans, the redemption of captiues. And aficr'Oi^ard , Vouchfafe methy feruantto praifethee. Haile lady Makie ful of grace, haite Virgin moji blejed among women. And much more in that fenfe which Were to long to repeate. S. Cyril. S. Cyril hath the like Wonderful fpeachcs of her honour, horn. i. contra tl^ejiorium. I'raijeand glorie be to thee o holy TrinitieUo thee alfo be praife, holy mother of^od. for thou art thepretious pearle of the Vvorld,thou the candel of vnquencheable light, the crowne ofVir^iuitie,thefcepter of the Catholil^e faith. '£y thee the Trinitie u giorijied and adored in al the world: by thee Ijeauen reioyccth,-Angels aid -Anhangelt areglad,dtuels are put to fight, and man u called againe to heauen.and euery creature that wm he'd, with the errour ofldcls,is turned to the l^iowledge of the truth'.by thee Churches arefoiidcd tbrouzfj the World-.thee being their helper, the Gentiles come to penance, and much more Which We omit. Likewifc the Giccke TheGreckcLi- Liturgies or Mailes of S. lames , S. Bafil, and S. Chrylbftom , make moll honorable men- turgies of S. la- fion ot our B. Lady , praying vnto her , iaiuting her With the Angelical hymnc , ^ue :Maria , and mes S. Bafil, S. vling thefelpeaches, SHoft holy , zindejiled, blejfed aboucal, our Qneene , our Lady , the mother of God, Chryfoftom. Marie, a virgin for euer, thefacred arke ofChrifis Incarnation, broder then the heaiims that didji beare thy crcatour , holy mother , ofvnfj/eakablt light , we magnifie thee v uith ^Angelical hymnes. al things pajft vnderjtanding , al things are i^lorious in tkee o mother of God . by thee the myfierie before vn't^o wen to tht Angels , is made manijeji and reuealcdto them on the earth . thou art more honorable then the Cherubins, and moreglorious then the Seraphim, to thee , Of til of grace, al creatures, both men and ^Angels doe gratulate atidreioyce-.glorie beta thee, Which art afanffifed temple, a jj>iritualparadifc,the glorie of virgin s,ofvvhem Godtooke flefh and made thy wombeto be his throne. 6cc. S. Auguftinc. AiidS. AugufUne Serm.n deSan^listo.io : or(asfom:thinke)S. Fulgentius : Oblejfed Marie, Who can be able wcrtliily to praije or thanl^thee , receiue our praiers , obtaine vs our requefles .for thou art the * Jpccial hope of jlnt.enjby thee we hope for pardon of our Ji},ncs,(<;' ill thce,o mofi blej]ed,is the expe^ation * vnie* Sanfta Maria ofoitrrewardes. Andtncn foloWthele Wordes now vfcd in the Churches fcruice: San[la Maria /j^^ fuccurrc mife- fuccurre miferu, iuua pufiUanimes, refoueflebiles, orapro popnlo , intirueni pro clero, intercede pro deuoto fai- th , 6C c. mineofexu. Sentiant omnes tuum iuuamen, qtcicunqae eeUbrant tuxm commemorafionem. Pray thou conti- nually for the people ofGod,which didji defense to beare the redeemer of the world, Who liueth and reignech S. Damafcene. foreuir. S. Damafccne alfoyfr. dc dormitione Deiparae. Letvs criewith Gabriel, ^ue gratia plena, Hailefulofgtaee, Hadefea ofioy that cannot be emptied, hailethe * onely eafe of greefes ,haile holy virgin, * vnicuiu S. Irenaeus. by whomdiatb Witi expelled, and life bronghtin. SeeS Irensus li. 3 c. 35. andli. ^circamedium, If^am'n &C S. Auguiline de fide ^ Symbolo./ir de agone Chrijfiant. U here they declire how both ihe fcxes con- Aj Adam and cviric to our faluat!on, theman and the Woman, Chriitand our Lady, as Adam and Euc both were Euc foChritlSc thecaufe ofour fall, though Adam farmorc then his *'ife,aiidlo Cluilt farmore excellently and •uxLady. '" ""^ other forr then our L,idy:W ho (though liis mother) yet is but liis creature and handmaid, him fclf being truely both God and man. In al which places alleagcd tJc * many other like to thefe, if it SeeS.Grer pleafe the reader to fee and read , and make his o vfne cies -iVicAiclles , he I hal percciuc that there is "T^zJan. much more faid of her , and to her , then We haue here recited , and that the very fame or the like inji.Trag, fpeachcs and ternies were vfed then , that the Church vfethnow, in tiie honour and inuocatlon of Cnrillus The meaning the B. Virgin: to the confulion of al thofe that Wilfully Wil not vnderftand in What fenfe alfuth paciens. c u •.!„, ,Sj fpeachcs are applied vnto her. to wit, either becaufe of her praicr and iiuercellion for vs, whereby ottne itiesana /, . , '* r . „, u ;■ ■1. 1 ■, r ■. y - ' "■uen to ^ '^ ""^ hope , our reruge , our aduocate occ. or becaule 1 he brougtu forth the author of our K Lad redemption and faluation, Whereby fhc is theniotherofmercic, and grace, and life, and what- "' ' ^' foeuergoodnes We receiue by Chiiil. »«er beeinneth u. Peter rijing vp.) Peter in the meane time praftifed his Superioritic in the Copanie or Church, '•» DratUfe his P'^hlif hing an eledlion to be made of one to fupply ludas roomc. Which Peter did not vpon com- t lacie maundement of Chriil Written, but oy i'uggeilion of Gods .Spirit , and by vnderllanding the .Scrip- ^*" * tures of the old Tellament to that putpoie : the fcnfc whereof Chrill had opened to the Apoltlcs before hii departure , thougii in more tul mancr afterV/ard at the fending of the Holy Ghol't. And tlxisatte of Peter inptelcribingto the Apoftlesand the refl, this eleClion.and thematicr thereof, is ' fo euident for his Suprcmacicthat * the Aduerlaries conftffe here that he Was, ^ntifies, the checfc ^^* '/^ and Bifhop of this whole College and companie. ""■ ^'J^' 2i. Lottes] When the eueiic or fall of the lot is not expeded of D'uels . nor ofthe (larres.nor '^''■^''*-'*"' Caftirj of lr> of any force of fortune, but looked and ptaicd for to be direilled by God and his hoi/ Saiadb: then '^'^^' tci. may lottes be vfed lawfully And fomctimes to difccine betwixt tWo things mere indifferent, tiiev be neceiruie, as S. Auguftinc teacheth ep. ito ad fJonoratum. CHAP. 11'. Cha. it. OF THE APOSTLES. 293 Chap. II. The Holy Ghojicommingto the Faithful vf on vvhitfundtiy , / Irvvesin Hierufalem ofafK^tionsdovvender tohearethemfpeake al tongues. 14 ^ndPtterto the deriders declnretb, that it a not dnuil^eiives , but the Holy Ghojt which loel did frophecit of, which I E s v s ( ^hom they crucified ) being n«W rifen avaine *nd aiccnded (a-shefheWethaljo out of the Scriptures ) hath poWred out from heauen,cocludin^therfure that he is Christ, and they moj} horrible murderers. 1 7 V/hercat they being compunlle,andfubmittinz themfelues,he telieth them that they muji be baptizjed, and then they aljo j hal receiuethe fame Holy Ghoji , m heinzpromifed to al thebaptixxd, *i ^ndfo 3000 are baptized that very day. ■fi Whofe godly cxcrcifes are here reported , andalfo thetr lining in Jtate of perfection .The^poJHes 'Werkf many miracles , and God daily increafetb the number of the Church. 0^^^}^ ND when the daics of " Pentccoft were %^ accompli! hed , they were 9I together in f one place: t and fodenl)^ there was made a 1 found from hcauen,as of a vehcmec vvinde c6ming,&:it 611cd the whole houfe where 1 «^''4Ayg)ES3tt5<^i-> they were fitting, t And there appeared to thcrtJ parted tonges as it were *ot fire,and it fate vpon euc- 4 ryoneof them: t and they were "al replcnifhcd with the '^HoLY GHOST, and they began to fpeake with diucrfc tongcs,accordingas the Holy ghost gauc them to fpeake. c t And there were dwelling at Hietufale levves, deuouc ^ mcnofcucry nation that is vndcr heauen. t And when this voice was made, the multitude came together,and was afto- nieciinminde, becaufeeuery man heard them fpeake in his 7 owne tongue, i And they were al amafed, and marueied 8 faying, Arenot,lo, al thefe that fpeake, Galileans, t and how^ haue we heard' eche man our owne tongue wherein 9 we were borne? t Parthians ,and Medians,and'Elamites,and that inhabite Mefopotamia,levvrie,and Cappadocia,Pontus, 10 and Afia, t Phrygia , and Pamphilia , v£gypt and the partes of It Lybia that is about Cyrenee, and ftrangers of Rome,t levves alfo,and Profelytes, Crctenfians, and Arabians : Vve "■ haue heard' them fpeake in our owne tonics the great vvoikes 12 of God. "1 t And they were alaflonied, and marueied, faying 13 onetoan other,Vvhat meaneth this ? 1 But others deriding faid, That thcfc are fulot new wine, 14 t ^But •• Peter flanding with the Eleucn, lifted vphis voice, and fpake to them, Ye men, levves , and al you that dvvcl in Hierufalem, be this knowen to you, and with your 15 earcs receiue my vvordesAt For thefe are not drunke,as you O o iij fuppofe, The r part. The com- ming of the HolyGhofl and begin- ning of the Church in Hierufalem- TheEpiftlcvpS Whitfanday. a The leflbn be- fore ihe Epiftle on Imber We- nefday in Vf hit- fonWtcke. •• Peter the head of the reft and now/ new- ly replcnifhcd Withal know- ledge and forti- tude , maketh the firft .Ser- mon. ^9 4 T H E A C T E S C H A. fuppofe,vvhereasiristhethirdhoureof cheday : t But this i6 is it that was laid by the Prophet loel, t Md ttfhal be,mtheLjl ij ddies( faith our Lonl)ofmy Sfirk I yvil poyyre out vpon aljlcj hiandyonrjormcs And your daughters fh^ilprophrcie, mdyoiiryong men J hd fee yifions, ind your ^■uticientsfhM dre/imedreftmes. t AndvponmyjeriMntstruely, and vpon tny 18 handmaides yy'd I poyvre out in thofe daies,ofmy Spirit, and they f hat propheae: ■\ and I yyil gineyvonders intheheaHenaboiie,andlignesinthe earth beneath, 19 blond, and fre, and vapour offmok^. | Thefunnefhxi be turned into dark^nes, 20 xnd the moone into blond, before the great andmanifejl day of our Lord doth come. I ^ndit jhal be, eiiery one y yfjo foe iter calleth vponthe name of our Lord, 11 fhal be failed. 4 t Yemenof Ifrael heare thefevvordcs, I e s v s of Na- it zareih a man approLied of God among you, by miracles and ^ wonders andlignes which God did by him in themiddes ofyou,asyou know : t this fame,"by the determinate coun- 23 fel and prefcience of God being dchuered , you by the han- des of wicked men haue crucified and flaine. t whom 24 God hath raifed vp"ioofingthe forovves of hel, according as it was imp^^ble that he f hould be holden of it.t For Dauid 25 '■ who but an faith cenccrning him , t forefayy the Lord inmy fght ahyaies -. becanfe infidel ( faith S y^ ^^ ^^ ^y y-^j^^ y^^^ ^^^^ j be not mofted . t for this , my hart ha.th been i^ deny Chrift to gl'^ f^i^dmytonguehathreioyccd'.moreouer my fejh alfo fhal refiinhope . \Be' 17 haue defcended catifethoityy'tlt not leane'^ my foiil'- inhel^nor gtue thy Holy onetofee'' corritp* to Hel ? ep. 99. tton . "t jhoiihajl made k^oyy en 1 0 me the yy ate s of life; thot^jhalt make me 2.8 •-••As his Coy^fulofioyfulnesyyiththyface. 1 Yc men, brethren, let me boldly 25) nes hi Hd^Co fpeake to you of the Patriarch Dauid:that * he died,and wis neither did his butied : and hisfepulchte is with vs vntil this prefentday. corrupdohuhc t Vvhcueas therfore he was a Prophet , and knew that by 30 an Othe Cod hadfvyome to him thAt of the fruit e of his loynes there J hould fit ypon hiifeate: 1 forfeeinghefpake ofthe refurre6tion of Chrilt, 31 for neither was he left in hel, neither did his fief h fee, corrup- tion, t This Iesvs hath God raifed againe, whereof al 32 we are witncfTes. t Beingexaltedtherforeby the right hand of God , and 53 hauing receiued of his father the promilTe of the holy Ghoft, he hath powred out ^ this whom' you fee and heare . t For 34 Dauid afcended not into heauen : but he faith, o«r Lordhathfaid to my Lord, fit on my right hand, t vntil I mak^ thine encmtes the foot efioole of thy feete.t Therforclct althchoufeof I frael know mo fl certainly -^ that God hath made him both Lord, and C h R.i st, this I E s V s , whom you haue crucified. t And hearing thcfe things, they were compunde in harr, ^ and faid to Peter and to the reft of the Apoftles , V vhaf fhal ^ we II. ftUUC. Contrition. 32- ChA. II. OF THE APOSTLES. 195 38 vve'^*^ nance, and be euery one of you baptized in the name of iffe.buc penace Iesvs Christ 'for remilfion of your finnes: and you^^°^''^^^^^^^^'^ 30 fhal receiuethc^giftof the holy Ghoft. t For to you is the '"fuch asbeof promilfe , and to your children , and to al that are farre of, ?„ YhirSnaJ 40 vvhomfoeuer the Lord our Godlhal call, t Vvith very many afterward in other vvordes alfo did he teftifie, and exhorted them, faying, penan?e."S^4. 41 Saue your felues from this peruerfc generation, t They ihei- '^f'^-'^ "[>"■■'■"• fore that receiued his word, were baptized : and there were added in that day about ••three thousand foules. cind'^werecon* 42 t And they were perfeuering in the do6trine of the uerted at this - Apoftles, and in the communication of ^ the breaking of fi^^^^''^^^^^.^^^ 43 bread, a^d praiers. t Andfearecamevponcueryfouhmany to the other vi- - wonders alfo and fignes weredoneby the Apoiftlesin Hie- ^JiVhTrr' 44 rufalem, and there was great fearc in al. t Al they alfo that 45 beleeuedjWcrc together, *and had " al things comon. t Their B^sacSment! polTeirionsandfubllance they fold, and deuided them to al, ^hichtheApo! r 1 1 1 X r-\ I 1/' ..• • Itles daily mini- 46 accordmg as euery one nadncede. t Daily alio contmumg iired to the with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread fl-om J^^^'^!^"* « houfe to houfe, they tooke their raeate with loy and fim- kinde, seeeh*f, 47 plicitieofhart: t praifing God, and hauing grace withal*"' ^• the people. And our Lord " increafed them that fhouldbc faued, daily together. ANNOTATIONS Chap. II. r. The dales ofPentteoft.) As Chrifl: our Pafche , for correfpondcnce to the figure , Was offered L»,Z*,4f 'Bezjt !ce. zt.C.oofingtheforovves.) Chrift: Was notinpaines Inmfclf, bucloofcd other men of thofe do- lours of Hel, wherewith it Was iinpolFiblchimfelf f hould be touched. See * S.^^u^ujline. *Li.,2c.rs 2 7. My foul in Hel,) Where ai the Faithful , according to the Creede, euer liaue bekcued, that de Gen. ad Chrift according to his foul , went doWnc to Hel, to deliuer the Patriarches and al iuil men there tit. holdcn in bondage tilhis death , and the Apoftle here citing the Prophets Wordcs , mult euideinly expreireth the fame , diftinguifhing his foulein Hel, from his b'- 'In the graue: Yet i he Caluinifts to defend againft Gods exprcffe Wordes , the blafphemie crcneit Maifter , that Chrift iufFcred the paines of Hel , and that no where but vpon the CrolTe , and that otherwife he deilendsd not into Hel, moitfalfely and flatly here corrupt the text , by turning and Wrcflingboth the H.-breW and Greeke Wordes from their moft proper and vfualfignifications of, SouU, and Hel, hnouody, and graue: faying tOr, my foulein Hel, thm, my body , ' life , perfon , ye^ (as Bezain hisnew Tefiament *E;'^. "Bi- an. 15^(5) my carc/u in the graue. and this later they corrupt almolt through out the Bible for that Wf. ///^ purpofe.Butforrefelling ot both corruptions,!! f hal befujficientin thispiace:lirlt,ihat al Hebrues & Greekes, and al that vndcrftand thcfe tongev, know that the forefaid Hebrue 6c Grccke Wordes are as proper, peculiar, andvfual to fignifie , foul and Hel , as a/iiiza ind infemfj in Latin , yea as foul and Hel in Englif h do properly iigaihe the foule of man , and Hel that is oppolite to heaucn: and that they are as vnproprely vfed to lignifie body and graue.as to fay in Eng'.if h, foul for body, or Hel for graue. Secondly , it doth lo millike the Heretikes them felues, that e,aflaleo one of their fine Tranllatours refelleth it , and to make it the more fure, he for, in inferno, tranfl.U:th , in Oreo. thAt'is , in Hel. Thirdly, Bez.ahim felf partly recantethin his later edition, and confelleth that, Carets, Wasnofit Word for the body of Chrift, and therfore, //; If' 198 THEACTIS ChA. nil. t MoyfijS in deede faid, Thdt /t prophet fh^l the Lordyout Codraifeyp It to yo ft of yotir brethren, Mmyfelfihim you fhAheare according to al things -vyh^tfoenerhe fhd fpeakl to you. f ^nditfhal be , ettery Joule th^tt fhalnot 25 heare thatprofhet,fhalbe deflroied ottt of the people. \ And al the Prophets 24 from Samuel and afterward that haue fpoken , told of thefc dates, t You arc the children of the Prophets and of the If teftamenc which God made to qui; fathers , faying to Abra- ham, jindm thy feedefh^Ul the families of the earth be blefcd. t Toyoui(j firft Godraidngvp hisfonne, hath fent him blefling you: that euery one f hould conuert him felf from his naughtines. Cen.zi', 18.26^,4 ' ANNOTATIONS Chap. III. Saints doe mi- '• Thatvvhich I haue.} This po>57cr of Working miracles was in Peter.and Pccer properly did raclcs and the S'"^ ^^" °^*" ^" health, though he rcceiued that force and venue of God, and in &: by him cxecu- like but by the ^^'^ ^^^ ^^"^' ' Thcrtbre he faith , That which I haue , Igiue to tbeand the Heretikes are ridiculous power ofGod ^^'■'^ noteheie,a miracle done by Chriji by the handes of the .^pojf Us , to make thefimplc bclceuethat ' they had no more to doe then a dead infttumcntin the Workemans hand. ri. "By our power.] When the Apoftles remit finnes , or doe any other miracles, they doe it not by any humane, proper, or natural power in them ielues : but of fupernamral force giuen them from aboue.to proue that the taith of Chrift is true, and that he is God whom the lewes crucified, in whofe name and faith they Worke.and not in their oWne, Chap. 1 1 II. The Rulers of the levves oppefe them felues tutcLimprifon Peter and lohrt. * "But yet thou- fands of the people are conuerted : / and to the /{ulers alfo, Peter boldly auoucheth by theforfaid miracle, that I E s v s m Chri/i , telling thtm of their heinous fault out of the PJalmes,and that without him they can not befaued. 13 They though confounded with the miracle , yet precede in their objiinacie , forbidding them to Jpeake any more 0/ 1 E s v s , addingaljo threates. 21 Wherevpon the Church jieeth to praier,vvherein they comfort them felues with the omnipetencie of God, and preditlion of 'Dauid , and aj ke for the gift of boldnes and miracles againjl thofethreates.il And GodfheWeth miraculoiijly that he hath heard their praier. Si The vvhole churches vnitie and communitie of life, 36 OfBarnaboiby name. N D when they were fpeaking to the i peopIe,thePriel1:s and magiftrates of the temple and the Sadducees came vpon them, t being greeued that they taught i the peoplc,and f hewed in I e s v s the re- futrcdion from the dead: | and they laid 5 handes vpon them, and put them into we"erth?pro! ward,vntil the moro w , for it was now cuening. t And 4 ceding and in- ♦• many of them that had heard the word, beleeucd:and the chwcii'wiiwy "umber of the men was made fiuc thoufand. tAnd nil. OP THE APOSTLES. i '" • th.it yy AS reieHed of youthebmlden-.yyhtcb is made into the head of the corner. 12 t and there is not faluation in any other, for neither is there any other name vnder hcauen giuen to men , wherein we 13 muftbcfaued. t And feeing Peters conftancie and lohns, vnderftanding that they were men vnlcttered, and of the '^^^.''^P^''/e' I r . 1. II 1 1 1 LLJ coiiftancie.lear- vulgar lort,they marueled,and they knew them that they had ning and wif- 14. been with I e s v s : t feeine the rrian alfo that had been ^°^. ^'*^y. '|^' ' 1 1 1 r corrnn» of the cured, (landing with them, they could lay nothing to the Holy Ghoii-, i^ contrarie. t But they commaunded them to goeafide forth ^^^^'"S^^J'M^j^* 16 out of the councel : and they conferred together, ■\ faying, pie vniettered Vvhat fhal vvedoe tothefemen ? for a notorious figne in [^u" before?"" deedchath'beendoneby them, toal the inhabitants otHie- 17 rufalem : it is manifeft, and we can not denie it. t But that it be no further fpred abrode among the people, let vs threaten them , that they fpcake no more in this name to any man. 18 i" And calling them, they charged them that they Ihould .._, . .« 15) notfpeakeat al , norteache in thcname oflEsvs. t But cie and courage Peter and lohn anfwerine,faid to them, •• If it be iuft in the after their con- r \ r 1 1111 A. r hrtnation,being io nghtor God, to heare you rather then God, iudge yc. T for foveakebefo- wecan notbuc fpeakeihethings which vvehauefeen and MaglftrVc^ c"- 21 heard, i But they threatening, dimiffed them : not finding maund againft how they might punifh them, for the people , bccaufe all fay, forbad ca° glorificd that which had been done, in that which was thohke chnftia 22 chaunced- t For the man was more then fourtie yeres old or ferue God. in whom that dene of health had been wrought. this fame muft 4. « J I ■ .- rr I I \ ■ in , becheiranfWer, 23 T And being dmiilled they came to theirs, and i hewed though they be al that the cheefe priefls and Auncientshad faid to tlien^^ JdHe^^for fhel 24 t Vvhohauing heard it,wiih one accord lifted vp their voice labour, seec.s. pp i, to V.i9, \Oij :: Chriftcs death, as needc- ful for mans re- demption , Was of Gods deter- mination : but as of the majice of the leVfes, it Was not his a(S otherWifc then by permilllon. r: Note the ardent chiritie and c6tempt of Worldly thing? inthcfirftChri- Ilians: who did not oncly giiie great alines, but fold al their lands to bellow oil the Apoft'es and the reft that Weteinnccetli- tie , according to Chriftes coii- fel. ^t. If, $1. Note alfo the great hoiioiitfic credit giuen to theApoftles, in that the Chri- ftian men put xl the goods He poffellions they k»d,to their dif- poiltioiu i'f' 1,K THE A C T E S C H A. I 1 1 1. to Goc(,and raid,Lord,rhou that didfl; make heauen Sc earth, thefeajand al things that arc in them, t who in the holy 25 GhoCl: by the mouth of our father Dauid thyferuat haftfaid, j/yhytUdthe Gentiles r^ige, and the people meditate yaine thingrs : | the lyings i£ of the e,ctth.J}.tmi yp , andtheprmcesajfemble together Azdinjl our Lord, dnd ag^ilnjl bi^i CiiKXir^ ^ ¥ov there atfcmbled in deede in thiscitieiy agunftthy holychildel E s V s whom thou haft anointed, Herod,and Pontius Pi!ate,vviTh the Gentiles and the people of Uracl , t to doe what •• thy hand Sc thy counfel decreed i8 to be done. I And now Lord iookc vpon their threatenings, 25? and giue vnjo thy fcruants with al confidence to fpcake thy worde, t inthat, ih'at thou extend thy hand to cures and 30 fignes and wonders to be done by the name of thy holy fonnelEsvs. t And when they had praied,the place was 31 moued wherein they were gathered : and they were al re- plenished with the holy Ghoft, and they fpake the word of God with confidence. I And the multitude of belecuers had one hare and3i one foule : neither did any one fay that ought was his owne of thofc things which he poircfled , but al things were common vnto them, -f And with great power did 35 the Apoftlcs giue tcftimonie of the reiurreclion of 1 e s v s Christ our Lord : and great grace was in al them, t For 3 4 neither was there any one nccdie among them. For as manv as were owners of landes or houfcs, •• fold and brought the prices of ihofe things which they fold, t and laid it before 35 the feete of the Apoftles. And to cuery one was deuidcd according as euery one hade needc. t And loicph who 3^ was furnamed of the Apofties Barnabas ( which is by inter- pretation, the fonnc oi confolation) aLeuite, aCypriari borne,! whereas he had apecce of land, fold ir,and brought 3 7 the price, and laid it" before the feete of the Apofties. 44- Reuerencc to holyperfons. KilTiog tlietr Feete. ANNOTATIONS Chap. I III. i 7. Ticfore the feete.) He, as the reft , did not oncly giue his goo^s a5 in vulgar almes , but in al humble and reuerent maner as things dedicated to God , he laid them doWnc at the Apofties holy fcete,as S. Luke al Waies exptellcth.and giue them not into their handes.Thc Sunamitc fel downe and embraced Elilaras fccte . M.iny that afkcd bcnefites of Chrift ( as the Woman (Icke otthc bloudy Huxe) fel downc at his feete. and Marie killed his feete. Such are (ignes ofduereuerence done both to Chrift and to other facrcd perfons, either Prophetes, Apofties, Popet.or others rcprc- fentirvghisperfonin earth. Scein S. Hierom of Epiphanius Bifhop in Cypres, how the people of Hierufalem ofalfona flocked together vnto him , ojfenng their children (to take his blelfing) kjjling hit feete, plu{ler,bnx alf« their faith fo increajeth , tlint theyfeek^ in theftreatei to the vtrjfhado^ir of Peter, the toWnes alfi about bringiitg their dijiafed to Hierufalem. 17 TheRjileri againeopfofethemfclues, but invaine. 19 Foroutofprifendn ^ngel dttiuoretit them, bidding them preach openly to al: n and in their CounceX Peter u nothing afraid of their bigge KCfordes : i* Yea Gamaliel being one of them feiues cajleth » doubt among thiwjejl the matter be of God , and therfore impojsihle to be dijfolued, ■fa Finally, the 'yipojilcs being fcourged by them , count it an honour, apdceeft no day from preiicbing. 10 II 11 ^Tj^Tr-, V T a ccrtajne man named Ananias, i with Saphira his wife fold a peece of land, t and "defrauded of the pri- ' ce of the land , his wife being priiije I thereto: and bringing a certainepor- ; tion , laide it at the feerc of the Apo- j (lies, t And " Peter faid, Ananias, ^1 why hath Satan tempted thy hart, "^^ that thou fhouldefl: lie to the holy Gholt, anddefraudeof the price of the land ? t Remaining, did it not rcmaineto thee: and being fold, was it not "in thy povverf Vvhy haft thou put this thing in thy hart ? Thou haft not lied "to men, but to God. t v^ nd Ananias hearing thefc wordes, fcl do vvne,and gaue vp the ghoft. And there came great fcarc vpon al that heard it. t And yong men ri- fingvp, remoucd him,and bearing him forth buried him. t Audit vvasthefpaceas it were of three houres, and his vvifc,notknovving what was chaunced, came in. t And :; Herevpoa Peter anfwered her, Tel me woman , whether did you fcl ^^^^ grcatreui^ the land for fo much ; But f he faidjYea, for fo much, t And fearcofthcvui- Peter vnto her,Yvhyhaue you agreed together to tempt fo^jj*'j'he*"o. theSpiritof our Lord ? Behold, their feete that haue buried ly Apoftles. for thy hufband,atthedoore, and they fhal beare thee forth. ^"cS^'pIo t Forthwith (he fel before his feere,and gaue vp the ghoft. plehowtobc- And the yong men going in, found her dead : and caried to^'arVthe'ir" her forth, and buriedher by her hufband. t" And there fel ^'("hpps and preat •' fcare in the whole Church , and vpon al that heatd ;U r-.U;.,^c TheEpiftlevpe theic things. Imber Venel- t And by the handes of the Apoftles were manyngnes dayinwhkfon- J 11 1 !4jLi Wcekc, And andvvonders doneamongthc people. And they were al Nvuhiiuheoaa vvith one accord in Saloiiions porche. \ But of the reft uc&mavoiiue * r» • • of SS. Peter .in« V p ijj none p^ui. Pfterj 301 ^^ THE ACTES ChA. V. none durft ioyne them felues vnto them : but the people ma- •gnified them, t And the.muhitude of men and women 14 that beleeucd in our Lord, was more increafcd : t fothat 15 they did bringforth the fickeinto the ftrcatcs, and laid them fha- in beddesand couches, that when Peter came, "his fhadovv at the leaft might oucrfhadovv any of them, and they ail might be deliuered from their infirmities. •[ And there ranne 16 together vnto Hierufalem the multitude alfoof the cities adioyning, bringing fickc perfons and fuch as were vexed of vncleanefpirits: who were al cured, vj t And the high prieft rifing vp , and al that were with 17 him,which is the herefie of the Sadduces,vvere replcnif hed vvithzeale: t laidhands vpon the Apoftles, and put them 18 in the common prifon. t But an Angel of our Lord by night 19 An An'ci lei- Opening the gates of the prifon, & leading them forth , faid, deth them out f Goe : and (landing fpeake in the temple to the people alio the vvordes of this lif-e. jVvho hauing heard this, early in the 2.1 morning entred into the temple , and taught. And the high prieft comming, and they that were with him, called toge- ther the Councel & ahheauncients of the children of I hael: and they fent to the prifon that they might be brought, t But 2.1 when the minifters were come, and opening the prifon, found them not : returningthey told , i laying. The prifon -2-3 truely we found f hut with al diligence,and the keepers ftan- ding before the gates: but opening it, we found no man within, t And as foone as the MagiTttate of the temple and 24 the cheefe priefts heard thefe vvordes,they were in doubt of them,vvhat would befall, t And therecameacertaincman 25 and told them, That the men, loe, which you did put in pri- fon,are in the temple ftanding , and reaching the people. t Then went the Magiftrate with the minifters , and 16 brought them without force , for they feared the people left they fhould be ftoned. t And when they h^id brought 27 them , they fet them inthcCouncel. And the high prieft afkedthcm, t faying, *Commaunding we commaunded 28 you that you fhould not teach in this name: and behold you haue filled Hierufalem with yourdodrine , and you vvil bring vpon vs the bloud of this man. t But Peter anfwering 29 and the Apoftles, faid, God muft be obcied, rather then men. t TheGod of our Fathers hath raifed vp 1 E svs, whom 30 you did kii J hanging him vpon a tree, t This Prince and 51 Sauiour Cha. V. 33 ThatddS 54 3,6 37 38 39 . '^ OFTHEAPOSTLES. 3O5 Sauiour God hath exalted With his right hand, to glue re- ::T;„,,.,„d,he pentance to Ifiacl , and remifTi&n of finnes. t and we arecuiJemfucceffe ivitnelTes of the(e vvoudes^and the holy Ghoft,vvhom God °LJh an.ire- hath giuen to ^lihat obey him. t Vvhen they had heard ligion.prouc it ■""'• fo ' , 1 I 1 / 1 J .. 'o be of God : thefe thin?s, it cut them to the hart, and they confulccd to „„ ^i„i,„,, ^^ . .. 1 "^ the lewes, no KlltneJTl. . _ t -r r^l T J /^ perfecution of t But one in the Councel riling vp, a Pharilee named Ga- ,he Heathen maHel,a dodor of law honorable toalthe pcoplc.com- Pn-s.-en- maunded the men to be put forth a while, t and lie laid medical Aduer- to them. Ye men of Ifrael,takc hcede to your felues touching '^:^^^ thefemen what yon meane to doe. \ For before thcle daies a iiuers.puaiiig there rofeTheodas, faying he was fomcbody, to vvhom Jg'';^;;^^^^^^^^ ronfented a numbre of men about foure hundred , who many attempt. t,umtin.w*i a »»" J haue been ma- was flaine : and al that beleeued him , were dilpcrlcd , and ^, by ^^i^, brought to nothing, t After this fellow there rofe ludas Si riu- of Galilee in the daies of the Enrolling, and drew away the therA thehke, peopK. after hinj.and he perifhed : and as many as euer con- ;jJo ^thought fenrcdtohim,weredifperfed. t And now thertore Hay m. body : but to you, depart from thefe men and let them alone : for ,f this f^^^l^^'^ counfel or vvorke be of men,it vvil be diliolued : t bur if it partes a v>/hiie. be •• of God,you are not able to diflblue' them', left perhaps b';;',;i;;Xeth befoundtorcfiftGodalfo.And they confented to him. only inmaiedi- ftio &C infamie, crs 40 t And calling in the Apoftles, after they had (courged them, &,heirfchoi they charged them that they f hould not fpeake in the name ^^^^ 41 oflEsvs,anddimiiredthem. t And they went from thccath. man be fight of the councel reioycing, becaufe they were accoun-f'^*"')^''^ -J^hat i.t-L.vv^.. J ^ r \ ■ Tf J. A J thishertfiehol- z ted worthy to fufferreproche for the name ot Icsvs.t Anddeth vp for a cuery day they ceafed not in the temple and from houfe to '--;^ ^«y^« houfe to teach and euangelize Chrift 1 e s v s. ^th Uglr tS^ _^ thele.and Were better fuppor- ted by Princes and learning,6c yet had an end. N N O T A Chap T I V O l^f J r ^ c JJ^^n rhat Cfaith S Au-'ultine) he withdreV any part of that which he promifcd, ^uj.firf ,. 'D.fr^tud.d.) ^""l^^^l^^^^^^ 01 fraude. of factilege.becaufe he robbed God of that m afp^nd he Was gu.lty at once, both °fl.^^'f^^^^^^^^ of the whole g.ft.a peece. Let now thes,„i,„. Ar,M.crfis ^hich was his by P--« -;f-^„^;,' .-^^t^^^^^^ ,hat this fa'a.' was condemncd:be- '^"^""^Se. tom.,». Heretikes come andfay itwas ^^^'^ "& ^^ Who haue taught men not onely to to them tHuesal that other men gaue ^^^^ ^^,^^.^^ ^^^^ ^^.^ ^^^^^^ . ,. P,tcrPi,i.) S. Peter (as you '™ ^ „ j ^f ^he Whole Church againft which this ... tations of Ananus. and as head J^ Jl^ ^°^^ bothagainfthim.and Excotnun,«t.o xobberywascommittedexecuc dtl.sh auy^ente^^^^^^^ ^r:::^;s;;::^:rj^^^JhStS;co:^oraimiracuiousdca^^ 304 "fl^W^^^M'' ■ THE ACTES ChA. muuicationthatS. Piul gaue outagainft theinccrtuousand othejs , had the corporal vcration of Satan incidciu vnto it. ^. in thy power. ) If it Mfple.^ftdGod (l^tihS. Aiiguli'ini )to vvithdravv of the monfyvvhtch VoW of Chi-they hadvovvedto God, how is he angry when ehajiita is vowed and is not performed ? for to Juch miy ftitie &C the bre- bejKid that which S. Peter faid of the meuej: Thfvlrginitie rilnnining did it not rtmaine to thee, and before athe'thercof. thoii didji vow , wm it not in thine ovvnepo\/er (far, whofoeuer htiue voWedfuch things and haue not pcied them , let them not thinke to be con.itmned to corporal deaths, but to euerlafiingfire. ^ugujl. Ser. 1 • . de diuerfis. And S. Grcgork to the fame purpofe Vriccth thus , ^nanm had vowed )noney to God, vvhich afterward ouercomt with diuelifh perfuajionhe withdrew: but with vvhai death hevVM funifhed, thouknoweji. If then he were Worthy of that death , Who tool^e avvaythtmoneythathehad fiuen to God , confider what great peril in Gods iitdgement thou fhalt be worthy of, vvhich haflwich- drawen,not money,bnt thy felf from almighty God, to whom thou hadji vowed thy felfvnder trie habitt tr weeds of a Monke. ♦. "Hjot to men , but.) To take from the Church or from the Gouernours thereof, things dedi- cated to their vfe and the feruice of God, or to lie vnto Gods Minifters , is lb iud^ed of before God, as if the lie v/ere madc.and the fraude done to the HolyGhoft hiin felf, » ho is the Churches Picli. demand ProteiSor. ;/, His fhadow.) Specially they fought to Peter the cheefe of aJ, who not onely by touching, Peters f hadoVf as the other, but by his very fhadow cured al difeafes. where vpon S. AugulVine faith,If then the ScintercelTion. fhadow ofhis body could hclpe.hoW much more now the fulnes of power ?And if the a ccttaine litle wind of him palfingbydid profite themthat humbly afked , hoW much more the grace of him now beiHg permanent &: remaining? Ser. 19 de San^u , (peaking of the miracles done by th« Saindls now reigning in heauen. VI. Greg. If, r. •Ti>« elcaion of the 7 fixft Beacons. Chap. VI. fhp occapon of dmurmur in the Church ( vvhofe number novv is fogrttwen that it can not be numhred ) Seuen of them being ordered by the •^pofHes in the holy order of 'Deacons: I one of them, Steuen, Work^th great miracles : and is by Juch ,u he (onfoundedin difputation,falJety accufed in the Conncel , ofblaj^hemie againji $he Temple 4indritis thereof. N D in thofc daics the numbre of difciples in- j crcafing, there arofe a " murmuring of the Greekes againft the Hebrues, for that their vvidovves were delpifcd in the daily minifte- ric. "t And thcTvveluecalhng together the z multitude of the difdples,faid,It is not rcafon,that we leaue thcvvord of God,and feruc tables, t Confider therforcbre' 3 thrcn, "feuen men of you of good teftimonie , ful of the holy Ghoft and vvifcdom, whom we may appoint ouer thisbufines. t But wcwilbeinftantin praicrandthc mi- 4 nifterieof theword. t Andthefaying was liked before al 5 the multitude. And they chofeStcnen a man ful of faith and of the holy Ghoft,and Philippe, and Prochorus , and Nica- nor, andTimon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a '^ ftranger of Antioche.|Thefe they did fct in the prefence ofthc Apoftles: s and praying they impofed handes vpon them, t And the 7 word of God increafed, and the number of the difaplcs Yvas multiplied in Hierufalcmcxcedingly:a great multitude alfo ChA. VI. OFTHE APOSTLES. 305 alfo of the •• priefts obeied the faith. 8 t •* And Sttucn ful of grace and fortitude did great vvon- 9 ders 6c fignes among the people, t And there arofe certainc of that which is called the Synagogue of the Libertines, and of the Cyrenians,and of the Alexandrians, and of them that 10 were of Cilicia and Afia, difputing with Steuen : t and they could not refift the wifedom and the Spirit that fpake. 11 t Then they fuborned men, to fay they had heard him Ipeake iz wordcs of blafphemie againft Moyfes and God. t Tliey therforeftirred vp the people, and the Auncienrs, and the Scribes : and running together they tooke him, and brought 15 him into theCouncelj t and they fct falfe witneHes that fiid. This man ceafeth nor to fpeakc worde's againft the ho- H ly place and the Lav v. t for we hauc heard him fiy,that this fame 1 £ s v s of Nazareth f hal dcftroy this place , and f hal change the traditions, which Moyfes deliuered vnto vs. ij t And al that fare in thcCouncel beholding him , faw his face as it were •• the face of an Angel. ANNOTATIONS Chap. V L : : Now alfo the Priefts and they of greater knowledge 6c eflimation be- gan to beleeiic. b The Epiftle vpon S. Steiicnj day in Chtift- mas. ••Such is the face of alcon- ftant Scchecrc- fulj Martyrs, to their pcrlc- cutotsand iud- ges. Li. Eccl . Hier. c. 3 fart. 1. r. OnCurmurlng^ It commcth of humane infirmitie, that in eucry 5ocietie of men (be it neucr Murmur' V fo holy) there is fome caufc giuen or taken by the Weake , of murmur and difference , Which mufl cmulat cuerbeprouidedforanJ ftaied in the beuinning, left it grow to further fchifmc orfedition. And ^* to al fiich defeds, the more the Church increaleth in number and diuerfitie of men and Prouinccs, the more it h fubie£l. In al which things the fpirituat Magiftrates,by the Apoftlcs example and au- thoritie.muft take ordcr.as time and occaljon f hal tcquiie. 3.Scuenmen.'\ We may not thinke that thefeSeuen (here made Deacons) Wereonely chofen TheyDeaconl to fcruc profane tables or difpofe of the Churches mere temporalles, though by that occafion only they may feeme to fome now elf tted.no expreife mention being made of any other function. for diners circumflancesof this fame place giue euidcnce, and fo dothal antiquitic, that their Office flood not principally about profane things , but about the holy Altar . The perfons to be elefted, muft be ful of the Holy Ghoft and Wifedom, they muft after publike praier be ordered and confer crated by the Apoftles impofuion of hands, as Bif hops and Priefts Were afterward ordered, eb. ad Tim: Where S. Paul alfo rcquireth in a maner the fame conditions in them as in Bif hops. Al Which Would not haue beene prefcribed for any fecular fteWardfhip . Yea ftraight vpon their Ordering here (no doubt by commillion of the Apoftles, Which they had not before their cledlion) they preached, baptized.difputed.and as it may appcare by the Wordes fpoken of S. Steuen, that he Was ful of grace and fortitude, they recciucd great increase of grace by their Deaconf hip. '&\.\i S. Ignnivxi ej>. 2 adTrat. can belt V/itnes of their Officeand the Apoftles manerand mea- The office of ring in fuch things , who Writeth thus:/? behoueth alfo topleafeby almeanesthe ^Deacons, which are for Deacons theminijierieof 1e s\ s Christ. Fortheyarenotfermtenriofmeateanddrinke,butminiflersofthe church of God, For what are 'Deacons but imitatours orfolovvers of Chrfi.miuijiring to the 'Bif hep us Chriji to his Faiher,^ working vnto him a cleaneand immaculate "Workcjeuen as S. Steuen to S. lames ^c. S. Polycarpe hath the like in his epilile ad Philippenfes. And .J. Denys Writeth that their Office Was about the Altar, and putting the holy bread and chalice vpon the fame. S. Clement alfo {.Afoft.Confi.U. 2 c. £1. ) that theii Office among other things.is to aifift the Bifhops.and read the Goipelinthe Seruice°&c. S. Cyprian in diuers places (f/j-iS/.c?" «/>.*» ad Cornel.) caJieth Deacons the Churches and the Apoftles Minifters, and their Oliice, adminijirationem facrarn, an holy admi- uiftration. S. Hierom affirmeth, i« w^m^ 7 Miches, daiinepijto. Sj ad Euagriumtom. z, where Q-q he 30(j THE ACTES Cha VII. he checketh fome of them for preferring them felues before Priefts , and purtcth them in remembrance oftheir firll calling, that they beas thcLeuites Wersinrefpedi ofttie Pritfls ofthc old Law. finally by S. Ambrofe //. i Offic. c. *i and Prudencius in Hymno dc S. Laurent, fpciking of S. Laurence the Deacon , We may fee their Office Was moll holy. Sec ^.Auguftiiic alfo ot the digni- dc of Deacons ep.i*) *d Vderium.Conc. Cdrtha^. ■*. ctm. } 7.31.39, */. Chap. VII. Stetttn hein^ permitted to itnfwer, beginning At ^brafjam, fhevveth th*t God W/m 'With their futhen both in other places , and alfo long before the Temple, ^-i and that nfter it VVM built , itcouldnotbe ( m they grojly imagined ) a haufe for God to dWel in. SI then he inueigheth agamfi their JiifHcckednes,and teUcth them boldly of their traiterous niurderingof Chrijl, 04 their fathers had d«ne hu Prophets *fore him, S4- Whereat thij being wood, hefeeth heaHenopen,and I E s v $ therein hu liitdne Otfaiejiie. /7 Whereat they become more mad , Jo that they Jlone him to death ( SauUonfenting ) he commending hufoul to I E s v S , and humbly praying for them, N D the cheefc prieft faid, Are thefe things i fo? t VvhofaidjYe men, brethren and fa- i thcrs, heare. The God of gloric appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mcfopotamia , before that he abode in Charan, t and faid to him ^coe forth outofthj 3 eoitntrie, And out of thj k^nred, and come into 4 Und that i fhal J'hevythee. t Then went he forth out of the land of the Chaldccs,and 4 dwelt in Charan. And from thence,after his father was dead, hetranflated him into this land, wherein you doe now dwel. t And hcgaue him no inheritance in it, no not the ^ pafe of a foote : and he promifed to giue it him in polfcflion, and to his {cede after him, when as he had no childe. t And 6 God fpake to him, j^.« hU feede fhal bcafemmter in a frame cotintrie, and they fhAl fubdiie them to ferititiide, and fhal eiiil intreaie Wemfiure- hiindfedyeres; | and the nation yyhich they Jhal ferite,yyil t Judge , faid 7 Go d . and after thefe things theyf hd goe forth, and c fhal feme me in this place, t And he * gaue him the teilament of circumcifion , and S fohe* begat Ifaac, and circumcifed him the eight day: and *Ifaac, lacob:and*Iacob, thetwelue Patriarches. t And 5? the Patriarches through emulatio, "^ fold lofcph into yEgypt. and God was with him : i and deliuered him out of al his 10 tribulations, and he *^ gaue him gr«ice and wifedcm in the fight of Pharao tliekingof i£gypt , andhe appointed him Gouernour ouer i€gyptandoueral hishoufe. t And there 11 came famin vponal^gyptandChanaan, and grc.it tribu- lation : and our fathers found no viduals. t But when* la- I z cob[had heard that there was cornc in ^^gypt : he fent our fa- €ha €en. 45" Gfw.49. Ce».$o. ecu. 23. J«f. 24. JLxo,i,7. Bxo.z,i. ixo.iiU Exo. z, Exo.},i. VH. OF THE APOSTLES. 307 13 fathers firft : t andac the* fccod cimeloreph vvasknovven of his brethren, and his kinred was made knovven vnto 14 Pharao. t And lofeph fending, called thither lacob his fa- 15 ther and ai his kinred in feuentie fine foules. t And*Iacob 16 defcended into i£gypc:and* he died, and our fathers, t And they were •• tranflated into Sichem , and were* laid in the fepulchre that Abraham * bought for a price of filuer of the fonnes of Hemor rhefonnc of Sichem. 17 t And when the time drew nccre of the promifiTe which God had promifed to Abraham , the people * mcreafcd and 18 was multiplied in i£gypt, t vntil another king arofe in 19 y£gypt,that knew not loleph. t This fame circumuenting our ftocke ,afflided our fathers : that they (hould expofe 2.0 their children, to the end they might not bekeptaliue. j The fame time was* Moyfes borne, and he was acceptable to God, who was nourif hed three moncths in his fathers houfe ii t And when he was cxpofed, Pharaos daughter tooke hira ii vp, and nourif hed him for her ownefonne. t And Moyfes was inftruded in al the wifedom of the i£gyptians : and he ^3 wasmightieinhis wordesand vvorkes. t And* when he vvasfully of the age of fourtic yercs, it came to his minde 2-4 tovifitehis brethren the children of Ifrael. t And when he had fecn one fuffer wrong, he defended him *. and ftriking the Egyptian, he reuenged his quarel that fufteined the 15 wrong, t And he thought that his brethren did vnderftand that God by his hand would fauethem: but they vnder- 2-. Exo. 3z, I. ilV. ^mos. f, if. Exo. zjf 40. /o/.5,i4. Pfi>i,$ I.P.OM7 j:b. 17, Efa. €S, 20. ChA. VII. OFTHEAPOSTLES. JO*) cute J And they flevvc them that foretold of thccomming 53 of the luftone, of whom now t you haue been betraiers and murderers : whoreceiued the Law by the difpofition of Angels, and haue not kept it. 54 t And hearing thefc things they were cut in their hartcs, jy and they gnaf hed with their teeth at him. t But he being ^ ^j^^ ^^^. ful of the holy Ghoft,looking ftedfaftly vnto heauen ,c faw of ai Martyrs. the gloric of God, and I e s v s /landing on the right hand of ^6 God. t Andhefaid, Behold 1 feethehcauens opened, and ••> Eufebius e- cy the Sonne of man (landing on the ri^hc hand of God. t And i"[^«""* ^a"''. they crymg out withaioude vojce, (topped their eares,& forhis perfecu- 58 vvith oncaccord ranne violently vpon him. t And calling fah^ohKo"- him forth without the citie, they " itoned him : and the wit fhippeis hi* nelles laid of their garments *^ be(ide the fcetc of a yong man Teat'^dc futfra- 59 that was called Saul, t And they (loncd Steuen inuocatingj S"-'''"-^'^"/'''- 60 and faying : Lord I e s v s , receiue my fpirit. t And falling si supllU'^fit on his knees, he cried with a loude voice , faying : '' Lord, "« orajfer,EccUji* lay not this finnc vnto them. And when he had faid this, he Serm ide s. * fcl a flcepc . And Saul was confenting to his death. stcphano. ANNOTATIONS Chap. VIL $ J. Mely ground.) If that apparition of God him felf oran Angel, could make the place and The holy land, ground holy.and to be vfed ofMoyles with alilgnesofreucrenccandfeare: how much more the corporal birth, abode, and wonders of the 5onneofc;odinIeWrie,and hisperfonalprefenccin Holy places, the B. Sacrament , may make that countrie and al Chriftian Churches & altars holy FAnd it is the greatefl blindnes that can bc.to thinke it fuperflition to rcuerencc any things or places in refpeft of GodsprefenceorWonderousoperationinthefame. i'r(iw.f/!.)7.(«.2 7.o///j<^o/>/it«reuailinga^ainJf the Church, that bj it the ChwehgToVeth from HierufiilemiHtoAl levvrie and Snmarin, / The fecondofthe 'Deacons, Philij), *onuerteth with hu miracles thecitie it felfof Samaria,and baptiz^th them, euen Simon ^agtu alfo himfelf among the rejf, i ♦ "Sut the ^pojtles Peter and John are the Minijters togiue them the Holy Ghoji. is Which minijferie Sim»n SHa- gtwuvouLdbie of them. i6 The fame Philip being Jent of an ,Angel to agreat man tfAthiopia.Who came a Pilgrimage to Hierufalem,firjl catechizjeth him : i6 and then ( heprofejiing hu faith and during "Baptifme) doth alfo baptizjt him. N D the fame day there was made a great i pcrfecution in the Church, which was at Hierufalem , and al were difpeifed through the countries of lewrie and Sa- maria, fauing the Apoflles. t And"de-i uout men *=tooke order for Steuens fune- ral, and made great mourning vpon him. t But Saul* wafted the Church : entring in fromhoufe to 3 houfe, and drawing men and women, dcliuered them into prifon. t They iherfore that were difpeifed , palfed through, 4 •• euangehzing the word. t And Philippe dcfcending into the citie of Samaria, 5 preached Christ vnto them, t And the multitudes were 6 attent to thofe things which werefaidot Philippe, with one accord hearing,and feing the fignes that he did. t For 7 many of them that had vncleanc fpirits , crying with a loud voice,went out. And many ficke otthepallcy and lame were cured, t There was made iherfore great ioy in that ^ citie. *-! 1 Andacertaine man named Simon, who before 9 had been in that citie a Magician, feducing the nation of Sa- maria, faying him felt to be fome great one ; t vnto whom 1° al barkened from the leaft to the greateft,{aying,This man is the power of God, that is called great, t And they were ^^ attent vpon him, becaufe a long time he had bewitched them with his magical pradifes. t But when they had beleeucd ^^ Philippe euangehzing of the kmgdom of God, and of the nameoflESVS Christ, they were baptized, men and women, I Then Simon alfo him felf beleeucd : and being i? baptized,hecleaued to Philippe. Seingalfo fignes and very great miracles to be done, he was aftonied with admi- ration. tAnd Cha. VIJI. OF THE APOSTLES. 311 See hpo- H/*.y3.7. 14 t And when the Apoftles vvho were iti Hicrufalcm.had ^^fda^^'^P^ heard thac Samaria had receiued the word of Godithey "i'cni vhumwerk". 15 vnto them ■• Peter & lohn. \ Vvho when thev were come ^r "^u" u°,*'"^ • t r \ L 1 -1 i"*, «» «.vv»xi»., of the Holy praicd tor them , that they might receiuc the holy Ghoft. Ghoft. 16 t For he was not yet come vpon any of thera,but they were 'petrT fa!i?% \j only baptized in ihe name of our Lord I E 5 vs. t Then did '""""'"'"• ^'^''''/•* ^heyimpofecheu-handesvponthem^and they 'Vecciued the Cr-'IJuT' 18 holy Ghoft. "I t And when Simon had feen that by the ^^'^^™ ''^ ^'*' impoilrion of the hand of the Apoftles, the holy Ghoft 15) was giucn, he" offered them money, t laying, Giue me alfo thispower,that on whomfoeuer I impofcmy handes, he io may receiuc the holy Ghoft. f Bur Peter Gid to him , Thy money be with thee vnto perdition : becaufe thou haft thought that thegift of God is purchafed with money. 2.1 t Thou haft no part,nGr lotin this word. For thy hart is not 2z right before God. t " Doe penance rherfore from this thy vvickedncfTe: and pray to God, "if perhaps this cogitation 23 of thy hart may be remitted thee, t For 1 fee thou art in the 24 gallof bittcrnesand the obligation of iniquitie. t And Si- mon anfweringfaid," Pray youformetoourLord,thatno-b The Epiftie thing come vpon me of thefe things which you haue faid. ^pon 'Thurfday 25 t Andtheyindeedehauing teftified and fpokcn the word '"^'^"'^"^*'- of our Lord, returned to Hierufilem, and euangclized to ■" ^°^^ t''" many countries of the Samaritans. camefo'^HS 16 t^ And an Ancrelofour Lord fpake to Philippe, favin^- ^^lemtoadoie, A -r J J 1 c i 1 rr ' '*;"'&• that is, on Pi]- Arile, and goe toward the South, to the way that goeth ghmage. where Z7 dovvnefrom HieruGlem into Gaza :" this is deferr. t And I'^ ^^ ™^>' ■r U AJUUIJ Cr \- ■ , Jearne that itis riiinghe went.Andbchold,aman ot^Ethiopia, an eunuch, an acceptable of i^reat authoritie vnder Candace the Queenc of the y£thio- "^^^ of rehgion «3 , ,, ^ ^" — ^^I'liw to go from ho- pians, vvho was oueralher treaiures, was come to Hieru- '"^^o places of 28 falem - to adore : t and he was returning and fitting vpon KafS! 25, his chariot,and reading Efay the prophet, t And the Spirit ^= The scriptu- faid CO Philippe, Goe neere, and ioyncthy felf to this fame ''"^''^'"^'^""^ 50 chariot, tAnd Philippe running therevnro, heard him readina no't'^ be^vnd"" Efay the prophct,and he faid : Trowelt thou that thou vn- ^^°°!^ without , {, ^ , / , r , . 1 . 1 1 , n , /"■"■'-'" ^" an interpreter, 31 derftadeft thethings which thou readcft? t Vvho faid, /^nd as eafv as our - how can I,vnlelfc fomc man f hew me ? & he defired Phi- San"seTs' 32 lippethat he would come vp and fit with him. t And the "'"°'" £/>•<"< place of the fcripture which he did reade,was this:^,,/w '^'Zt'^t to [l.tugbter vyas he ted : artdas a Umbe before hit fbe.trer , yyithout yoke fo *■'•* ''^™> '"^^ '" 33 did he not open h'n mouth, t !» bftmUitie ht4 'nidgement yyas tAen ayyav ^^^ beginning ^ '^' of latin bibles. S..Steuensre- L'kes. That Peter Was fent, is no rea- Ibn againft his Pximacie^ The Sacrament of Confirmati- on,niiiiiftrcd by Bil'hops onely. vy 511 THEACTES C H A. VI I I. His generatmi yrho fhal decUre, for from the earth fhd h'n life he tah^nf t And the eunuch .infvvering PhiUp, faid,! befeeche thee, of 34 whom doth [he Prophet fpeake this? of him fclf, or of fome other? t AndjPhihp opening his mouth, and beginning 35 from this fcripture, euangehzed vnro him 1 e s v s. t And as 3(1 they went by the way, they came to a certaine water : and the eunuch faid, Lo water, 'who' doth let me to be bapti- zed J t And PhiUp faid, If thou beleeue with al thy hart, 37 thou maicft. And heanlvveringfaid, 1 bclceuc that 1 es vs Christ is the fonne of God. t And he commaunded38 the chariot to ftay : and both went do wnc into the water, PhiHp and theEunuch,and"he baptized him. t And when 35)^ they were come vp out of the water,thcSpirit of our Lord tooke away Phihp , and the eunuch fawhim no more. And he went on his 'way reioycing. t But Phihp was 40 found in Azotus, & paffing through,he euangehzed co al the cities, til he came to Cxfarea. -i 'hat ANNOTATIONS Chap. VIII. i. Deumt men."] As here great anix Epifcopos nu.i.to 1 Cone.) f hewing the diffe- rence betwixt it and Baptifme. S. Auguftine alfo, cont.Ut. Vetil. li.2,c.io-t. The Saerament of Chrifme in the l{indofvifible fenles ufatred and holy, euen as'Saptifmeitfelf. VveomitS. Cyri!,-n7/?. Cyprianum nu. t. telling the excellent effeds and graces ot this Sacrament, and why this kiude ot oile and balfme was taken ofthe old Law, &C vfed in the Sacraments ofthe new Tcftament. Vvhich thing the Heretikes can with lelTe caufe obieifl againft * "Scza in the Church, feeing they confeife * that Chriltand his Apoftles tooke the ceremonie of impoiition c^ff. c. 6. of hands in this and other Sacraments, from the lewes maner of confecrating their hoftes deputed V. 6. to facrii^ce. To conclude, neucr none denied or contemned this Sacrament of Confirmation and holy old herefies Chrifme , but knowen Heretikes. S. Cornelius that B. Martyr fo much praifcd of S.Cyprian ,ep. agaiuft coniir- ad Fabium apud Eufeb. li. 6 c. sj atfirmeth, that Nouatus fel to Herclie, for that he had not receiued rnation and tlicHoly Ghoftby the conllgnation of a Bif hop. Vvhomal the Nouatians didfolovv,neuervfing Chrifme, that koly Chrifme , as Theodoretc writeth , //. } Fabul. H,cr. And Optatus //. 2 cont Parm. writeth that it was the Ipecial barbarous facrilege of theDonatifts.to conculcate the holy oile. Butal this is nothing to the lauage diforder of Caluinifts in this point. * kemnlt. n. ^nd they receiued the Holy Gboji.'] The Proteftancs charge the Catholikes,* thatby approuing in exam . ^"'^ commending fo much the Sacrament of Confirmation , and by attributing to it fpecially the <;onc Tr/W. S''''^ ofthe Holy Gholl , they diniiuifh the force of Baptifme , chalenging alfo boldly the aucient de Ccn^r- f '^"^hcrs for the lame. As though any CathoHke or Dodor euer faid more theij the expreife wordes ■^ of Scripture here and els where plainely giuethem w.irrant for. If they diminifh the vertue of Baptifme, then did Cluift fo , appointing his Apoftles and al the Faithful euen after their Baptifme to expccle the Holy Ghoft & vertue from aboue. then did the Apoftles iniuiie to Baptifme,in that theyimpofed handsonthe baptized, and g-iue them the Holy Ghoft. And this is the Heretikes The effeftes of blindnesin this cafe, that they can not, or wil not fee that the Holy Ghoft is giuen in Baptifme to Baptifme and remillionoflinnes, life, and fandlification:&:in Confirmation, for force,ftrengrh,andcorrobora- Confirmation tion to fight againft al our fptritual eneniies,and to ftand conftantly in confellion of our faith, euen dilFer. to death, in times of pfrfecution either ofthe Heathen or of Hcretikes.with great increafe of grace. And let the good Reader note here our Aduerfaries great peruerfity and corruption of tlieplaine r, . j ^, .,- feiife of the Scriptures in this poinr:fome of them affirming the Holy Ghoft here to be no other but "^^ j''^ r l the gift of wifedom in the Apoftles and a few moc to the gouernement ofthe Church, 'when it is ^ " ^"^ \j\ iii\, iLXV V i*-i^i p.tkK \J I L*»v ij'^ijf vj4ivfiL,ai«(.vvJUA r^OLiAvvkii ^a.ij^k*iJk v^iLLiv iAu.ii.lo.t^U(.iv. J'.'lllC lily, I lid. L ^ il . whatfoeucr it w.as , it was but a miraculous thing , and dured no longer then the gift ofthe Ton- "' guesioyncd therevnto.-by vvhich cuahon they deny alfo the Sacrament of Extreme \'udion , and the force of Excommunication, becaufethe corporal punifhments vvhich were anne.xed often times in the Primitiue Church vmo it, ceafeth. and fo may they take away (as they meane to do) TraHat.i alChriffs faith or religion, becaufeit hath not thelike operation of miraclesas in ti)cb:ginnin". iaep. Jo. But S. Auguftine toucncth this point fully, hthere any man (liiith he) offo peraerfean hart,tod.eny the;c children on vvhom we now impofed hands , to bane receiued the Holy Ghojl, bccaufc they fjtake not with To7tgues ? & c. Laftly, fome of them make no more of Confirmation ortiic Apoltles fad?, but as of a dodtins , inftrudion , or .xhortation to conunevy i« the faith receiued. Vvherevpon 314 THE ACTES Cha. VIII. Bifkoping. Simonie. * Sie Cone. Tnd. they haue turned this holy Sacrament 'intoaCacechifiiie. *There are alio that put the baptized c5- * Cone . Stf. yean, i de ming to yeres of diIcreti6,to theiiovvne choile vvhethrr theyvvil cutincw Chtillias or no.To fuch Trid. fej>- Confrmat. diiielifh and diuers iauentioiis they f.tll, that will not obey Gods Churche nor the exprellb Scrip- 7 ea.n. 14. tures , vvliich tel vs ofpraier, ofinipolition ot hands, of the Holy Gholl,of grace and \crtuefrom de'S.tpt. aboue.andnot ofinfi:iu£Uon,vvh!c!imight.7ad maybe doncas vvel before Baptifme,5c by others, as by ApolHes and Bif hops , to vviiom only this Holy fundiou pcitaineth , in fo much that in our Countrie it is called Hifhophg. is. offered money.] This wicked forcerev Simon is noted by S. Irensus li. i c. 10. and others, to haue been the fiill H^TCtik.e,&: fuher of al Heretikes to com;, in the Church of God. He taught, only faith in him, vvithout good life and v»'0ikes , to bcynougli to faluation. hegaue thconl'stto purchife with his money a I'piritual liindion, that is to be made a Bif hop. for, to haue power to giue thc"Ho!y Gholf by impolition of hades, is to be a Bif hop:as to bye the power to remitte linnes or to confccrate Chrifls body , is to by l to be a Priell , or to bye Priefthod: and to bye the autho- ritie to minii^er Sacraments , to preach or to haue cure of foules , is to bye a benefice, and likewife in al other fpitiiual things , whereof either to make Eile or purchafe for money or money worth, is a great horrible linne called Simonie: and in furh as thinke it lawful (as here Simon iudged it) it is named Slmeniaca! Herefte, of this deteltable man who hill attemptedto bie a fpiritual fun- (Sion orolifice. 1). Gre^. apui loan. 'Dinc.invit. li.s, c. 3. 3. *. 1. zi. 'Doe penance.} S. Auguftine (ep. 108) vnderftanding this of the penance done in the Primi- tiue Church for heinous oftenfes, doth teach vsto tranflate this and the like places(2. Cor. 11,21. Apoc. 9, 11) asvvcdoe, and as it is in the vulgar Latin, and confcqucntl/ that the Greeke H-^XVoHi doth lignitie fo much. Yea when headdcth , that very good men i.\oi daily penance for venial linnes by falling, praier.and atmes,he vvairantcth this phrafe and tranfiation through out the new Teftamcnt,fpecially him telf alfo reading fo as it is in the vulgar Latin, and as we tranllatc. 22. If perhaps.} You may f.'c, great penance is here required forrcmillion of fume, 6c that mea muft Hand in fcare and dread left they be not worthy to be heard or to obteinc mercie. Vvhercby al men that bye or fel any fpiritual funftions, dignities. ofticcs,orliuings,may Ipecial'y be- warned that the fmne is exceding great. 24. Tray you for me.} As this Sorcerer bad more knowledge of the true religion then the Pro- Sim^rfi Magus teftants haue, who fee notfhat the Apoft'esaud Bif hops can giue the Holy Ghoft in this Sacra- more religious ment or other , which he plainelyperceiued and confell'ed, to furely he was more religious then then the Prote- chcy , tliat being fo f harply checked by the Apollle , yet blafphemed not as they do when they be Penance, Aants. Beza. The ceremo- nies of Sacra- ments done , though not mcntioued. blamed by the Gnuern?rs of the Chiuch, but dehred chc Apoftles to pray for him. n.Thuisdefert.} Intolerable boldnes of fome Protertants,hereaIfo(as in other p!aces)againft al copies biuh Greeke and Latin, to furmife corruption or fah hod of the text . faying it can not be (o : Vvhich is to accufe the holy Euangelift, and to blafpheme the Holy Ghoft him feif .^ce Beza , Annot.ns. who is often veiyfaucie with S. Luke. Tcfi.mS 3S.Hebaptiz,edhim.} ^X- hen the Heretikes of this time finde mention made in Scripture of any Sacrament niiniitred by the Apoftles or other in the Piimitiue Church, they imagine no more was done then there is exprefly told , nor fcarlly bcleeue fo much. As if impofidon of bands in the Sa- crament of Confirmation be onely exprell'cd , they thinke there was no chtifme nor other vvorke or word vied. So they thinke no motL" ceremonie was v fed in the baptizing of this noble man, tentsoncd,yet by order of tradition vve know were ta be dene. & Chap. IX. S(J«/ not content to perfecutefo cruelly in Hicrtifalem ,3 if in the way ta Dam^fcut told hj our Lord 1 E s v s of his vainealtetr.pt, andmiractdouflj conticrtei to be an ^ ^pojlle : and after great penance , rcjiorcd to hn fight by ^nani.ts , and baptized. 20 ^ndprefently hedealeth mightily againftthe levies , prouing I e s v s to be Chrijt, to their great admiration. 23 "Butfuch is their objUnacie, that they lay al 'Damafcui to k^il him, 26 From thence he goetb to Hicrufalem, and there ioyncth vviththeUpoJlles,andagaincbytheobjtinate I e-jveshu death u fought. 31 The Churth being noi'v grovveti ouer al levvrie , Catilee,and Samaria , J ctervifitcth al-.andinbifvifitation, 33 Jtealingalameman , }6 and raifing a dead woman, eonuirtcth very many. AND lO II O F T H E A P O S T L E S. 3I5 ^^^' N D Saul as yet breathing forth threatenings TheEpifiicvr:, ^ 4^^! ""^ fl^^S'^f^'^ ^S^inft the diCdpks of our Lord, "^^^^^^ WCk'^m came to the high prieft, t and afkcd letters of^s. '^mVK^R himvnto Damafcus to thefynagogs, that if ^MkyE^^S he had found any men and women of this way, he might bring them bound vnto Hierufalem. t And as he went on his iourney,it chaunced that he drew nigh to Damafcus : and * fodenly a light from heauen fhined round about him. t And falling on the ground, he heard a voice . faying CO him,-' Saul, Saul why perfecutell thou me? tVvho that conclude faid, Vvhoarc thou Lord ? Andhe, I ami es vs whom thou ^"^'^h^T doeft perfecute. it is hard for thee to kicke ngainft the pricke. cabcno where t And trembline and being aftonied he faid .Lord, what ^js tii the day II U J ,AJ T jU-A-r of ludgcmenr. Wilt tnou nauc me to doe ? f And our Lord to nim , Ariie, fhai hardly re- andgoe into the citie, and itfhal be told thee what thou Jj|,"Jy "j^^'^JJ mull doe. But the men that went in companie withhim, ^^'hereCHlMST flood amafed,hearing the voice, but feeing no man. t And ^peal^d'"herc Saul rofc vp from the ground, and his eies being opened ,he Jntheway.ami faw nothing.And they drawing him by the hades, brought woids to%^au{, i 9 him into Damafcus. 1 And he was three daics not fceing,and he did neither eate nor drinke. t And there vvasacertaine difcipleat Damafcus, named Ananias : and our Lord faid to him in a vifion , Ananias. But he faid,Loe,herc 1 am Lord. | And our Lord to him,Arife,& goc into the ftreate that is called Straight : and feeke in the houfe of ludaSjOne named Saul of Taifns.for behold he 12 prayeth. (t And he fivv a man named Ananias, comniir.g in and impofing handes vpon him forioreceiue his fghr.) 15 t But Ananias anfvvered,Lord, 1 haue heard by many of this man, how much euil he hath done to thy faindes in Hicru- 14 falcm: t and here he hath authoritic from the cheefe priefls 15 to bindeal that inuocate thy name, t And our Lord faid to him,Goe, fora vcllel of eledion is this man vnto me, to ca- rie my name before the Gentiles, andkinges, and thechil- i THBACTES ChA. - Paul alfo him vYcrefcaleSjand hereceiued fight, andrifing he was •• bap- withthedmine tized. t And vvhen he had taken meatc, he was ftreng> ip and heauenly jhencd. teTandinftm- And hc vvas With the difciples that were at Damafcus, 't^^'^ ' y" '*'^* for certaine dales, "t And incontinent entrins into the fvna- 20 lent to a man 11, 1 i-ir r J^ x to receiue the gogs , he preached 1 ES vs, that this is the lonneor God. toSyned w "•" ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ heard, were aftonied , and laid ,1s not this he 21 the Church, that cxpugncd in Hierulalem thofc that inuocated this name: ^hf iib^f°fn^^^ came hither to this purpofe that he might bringthem boundtothecheefcpriefts? T But Saul waxed mightie much 22 more,and confounded the levvesthat dwelt at Damafcus, affirming that this is C h r i s t. -1 t And when many daies 25 were palled, the lewcsconfultedthat they might kil him. t But their confpiracie came to Sauls knowledge. And *they 24 kept the gates aifo day and night, that they might kil him. t But the difciples tiiking him in the night, conueied him 2f away by the wall,lctting him downe in a baf kec. t And vvhen he VV.1S come into Hierufalem,heairaied to i^" ioyne him fell to the difciples, & al feared him, not bclceuing that hc vvas a difciple. t But Barnabas tooke him & brought ^7 him to the Apoftlcs,andtoldthemhovv inthe way he had feen our Lord, and that he fpakevnto him, and how in Da- mafcus he dealt confidently in the name of I e s v s. f And 2.8 he was with them going in and going out in Hicrufalem, and dealing confidently in the name of our Lord, t Hefpake 2.9 alfo to the Gentiles, and difputed with the Greekes:but they fought to kil him. t Vvhich when the brethren had know- 5^ en, they brought him dovvnc to Caefarea, and fent him away to Tarfus. TheChurchvi- t The •• C H V R c H truely ihrough al levvrie & Galilcc 31 ib/vviUniuch and Samaria had peace , &: was edified , walking in the feare comfortScma- of our Lord, and was replcnif hed with theconfolation of nifold increafe 1 1 1 >-,! n by perfe- the holy Gholt. t And it came to palTejthat Peter as he palTed through 32- al, came to the fain<5ts that dwelt at Lydda. t and he found 33 there a certaine man named /Eneas, lying in his bed from eightyeresbefore, who had the palfey. t And Peter fiid 54 to him,yEneas,our Lord IesvsChrist ""healc' theetarife, and make thy bed. And incontinent he arofe. t And al that 55 dwelt at Lydda and Sarona, £iw him : who conuctted to our Lord. tAnd IX. euen cuuon. GhA. X. OF THE APOSTLES. 317 3^ t And in loppe there Was a ccrraincdifciple named Ta- bitha,vvhich by interpretation is called Dorcas. This vvoma ==Beholdgood was ful of •• good vvorkes and almes-decdes which f he me°s-decdr/& 37 did. t Andit cametopaiTeinthofedaieSjthatrhevvas ficke theforcethe're- and died. Vvhom when ihey had wafhed, they laid her in uen tTthi'nm 38 an vpper chamber, t And whereas Lydda was nigh to ^'t=- Ioppe,the difcipies hearing thixZ Peter was in it, theyfent two men vnto him, dcfiring him , Be not loth to come fo 39 farreasto vs. t And Peter rifingvp came with them. And when he was come,they brought him into the vpper cham- ber : and al the widowes floodc about him weeping,*! and fhewinghim the coates and garments which Dorcas made 40them. t And al being puttorth, Peter fallingon his knees mcnmay dovs praied, and turning to the body he faid : Tabitha, arife. And g':=a^good euc 41 1 tie opened her eics: and leemg Peter, inelate vp.f Andgi- ture.Forifthey uing her his hand, he lifted her vp. And when he had called fe°p"J,^3i ^j[J. 4 1 the fainds and the widowes, he prefented her aliue. t And much more' it was made kno wen through out al loppe : and many be- ysto God^mer 42 Iceuedin our Lord, t And it came to palFe that he abode ma- ^^'^ ^"d to rc- ■^ J--T ' U c- leafe of punifli- ny dates in io[>pe,vvith one Diraon a tanner. ment in Pur- gatoric. The praiea of our Almes folke Scbeadf- Chap. X. 'Secaufe the lewes fo much Miorredtht GentlU, for thehetter warrant of their Chujlc XhC-4 part. nitig, an ^ngel appearetb to Coineliw thedeuout Italian. 9 and a vifionit T' « - ^ [hewed to Peter himfelf ( the cbeefe and Pajior of al) 1 9 and the Spirit fpea- . P " kethto him , 3* J)(VJ and m he is Catechizjng them about I E S V S , ** the pagation ot holy Choft commcth vifiblj vpon them : and therfore not fearing any longer the thc Church offenfe of the levves^hecommaundeth to baptize ihem. jq ^\^^ Gcn-» ____-«_______ ^^^* alfo. P^^^^^^p^l N D there was a certaine man in Casfa- ^»^^^3^:?^t5^|rea, named Cornelius, Centurion of that fe^y^^'^^fl vvhich is called the Italian band, t reii- ^l^^^\i5i;gious, 6v: fearing God withal his houfe, ^||^^:|^^ift|j" doing many almes -deedes to the pco- B'i!?^ v^'P^^* And alwaies praying to God, the y^~=;=i!law in a vifion manifeftly , about thc ninthe houre of the day, an Angel of God comming in vnto him,andf:iyingto him, Cornelius, t But he beholdinghim, taken with feare, faid, Vvho art thou Lord ? And be faid to him. Thy praiers and thy aimes-decdes are afcended into remembrance in thc light of God. -J; And now fend mca R r iij vnto 3lS T H E A C T E S . C H A. X. viuo loppe , and call hither one Simon that is fumamed Pe- ter, t he lodgcrh with one Simon a tanner, vvho(ehoure(j is by the Tea lidc . he vvil tel thee what thou nuift doc. t And 7 •when theAngel was departed that fpakc to him, he called two of his houfhold,and a fouldiar that feared our Lord , of them that were vnder him. t To whom when he had told S alljhefent them vnto loppe. t And the next day whiles they were going on their 9 iourney,and drawing nigh to the citie , Peter went vp into thchigherpartes, "topray about the fixt houre.t And beingio hungrie,he was defirous to take fomevvhar. And as they were preparing,there fel vpon him an cxcelle of mindert and 11 he favv the heauen opened, and acertainc veflcl defcending, as itvvere a great liiien f hecie with foure corners let do wne from heauen to the earth, t wherein were al foure- footed 12. bca(ics,and chat creepe on the earth , and foules of the aire, t And there came a voice to him , Anfe Peter : kil, and cate. 15 t But Peter Gid, God forbid ,Lord : fori did neucr eate any 14 '•• Here God common and vncleanc thing, t And •• a voice came to him 15 PcfeA'hif the ^§^^i"e ^he fecond time. That which God hath purified , doe time was come not thou cal common. t And this was done ihrife . andi<5 [o tK^mlie?. forthwith the veffcl was taken vp againe into heauen. f And 17 and tocouerfe whiles Peter doubted within him felf, what the vilion* their Ciiuacion^ fhould be that hc had fcen, behold the men that were fent no kfle then from Comelius, inquiring for Simons houfe, ftoodat the with rhc IcWes, 4. A I 1 1 1 I II 1 1 rt 1 r^ i With fill tieedo gatc. t And vvhcn thcy had Called, they al kcd, it Simon that j 8 toeateai mea- jjf^jrnamed Peter, were lodged there. ^ And as Peter vvasio tes Without re- , . , . ^ , .- i -^ • / i i i i • i ^ fpiae of the thinking ot the vilion, the Spirit laid to him , Behold three prr.himuon.of ^^^^ doc fcckc thee, t Arife iherfore, and get thee downe, in certiine, made -ii i i in the old Law. and goc with thcm,doubting nothing: fori hauefent them. t And Peter going downe to the men, faid, Behold, 1 am he 21 whom you (eeke : whatisthecaufe, for the which you are come ? t Vvho faid, Cornelius the Centurion, a iufi: man Scii that feareth God, and hauing teftimonie ofal the nation of jhe lewes, receiued an anfwer of an holy Angel to fend for theeintohis houfe,and to heare vvordes of thee, t Ther- 23 fore bringing them in, he lodged them. t And the day folovving he arofc and went with them: and certaine of the brethren of loppe accompanied him. t And on thcmorowheentredinto C^efarea.And Cornelius 24 expe6lcdthem,hauing called together his kinne,andfpeciai frendes. | , ChA. X. OF THE APOSTLES. ^jcf xe frendes. | And ic came to pafTe , Vvhen Pereu vv.is come in, Cornelius caitieto mcctehim,and falling at hisfecte"adored.. 16 t But Peter lifted him vp faying, Arife, my fclf alfo am a man. 27 t Andtaiking vvithhim,hevventin,and findeth manythac 18 vvercailembied, t and he faid to them. You know how abominable it is for a man that is ale we, to ioyne, or to ap- proche vnto aftranger: but God hath f hewed ro me, to call ig no man comon or vncleane. t For the which cau(e , making no doubt, I came vvhen 1 was fentfor. I demaund therfore, 50 for what caufe you haue fentfor me?t And Cornelius faid, Foarc dales (ince,vntil this houre,! vvas 'Spraying theninthe cAtchetimesf houre in my houfe, and behold •• a man ftoode before me coT i'^^ndezh^ 11 in white apparel , t and faid: Cornelius, thy praier is heard, Pl^" comfona- and thy annes-deedes are mmemorie m the light or God. ;; „ 32, tSend therfore to loppe, and call hither Simon chat is fur- apparitions ani named Peter: he lodgeth in the houfe of Simon a tanner by n'!.°"^ '° ^* 1/--1 iir r \ Peter , Corne- 33 tnelcalide. t Immediatly therrorel fentto thee: and thou I'^s.and others, haft done vvel in comming.No w therfore al we are prefent "irySSSft in thy fightjtoheareal things whatfoeuer are commaunded "^'^^ incredulity .L r 1 T J of our Here- thee of the Lord. tikes, that v^il 34 t And Peter openinjT his mouth, faid, In very deede I per bdeeue neither 1 ,^ , . C r J. I • vifion noi mi- 35 ceme that God is not an accepter or perions. tbut in euery rack, not cx- nation,he that feareih him, and *= worketh iuftice, is accepta- P'^fltd in scri- 3c? ble to him.iThe word did God (end to the children ofllrael, mg bdecue'^d of preachin^i peace! by I f. s v s C h r i s x f this is Lord of al.) ^*!^i'^''?" "^<^" I Tr 1 1 ■' 11 111 11 . , eue before they 57 t You know the wordthat hath been made through al were written. lewrie,for* bcginnins^ fro Galilee,aftcr the baptifme which c Not fuch a» 38 lohn preached, t Iesvs of Nazareth how God anointed bSchas^fea! him With the holy Ghoft and with power, who went '^^ God and through out doing good and healing al chat were opprelFed ^e°^accepublo 39 of the Deuil, becaule God was vvith him, t And we are to him. vvicneiTes of al things that he did in the countrie of the '' ^^"^ ^^'^^'^ , ITT- r I 1 1 1 1! 1 1 . . . vpoMundayin lewesand in Hieruialem, whom tney kuied hanging mm Eafterweeke. 40vponatree. jHimGod raifed vp the third day and" gauc 41 him to be made m.mifeft, t not to al the people, but to vs, who dideate and drinkc vvith him after he rofeagaine 42- from the dead, f And he commaunded vsto preach to the xhcEpift'cvpi people,and to teftiiiethatit ishethat ofGod vvas appointed Sunday in .4 45 iudge of the lining and of the dead, t To him al the pj-^.. '''' "^^'*^^"''<^' phetsgiueteftimbnie, thatal rcceiue remilTion offinnes by his name,v vhich beleeue in him. ^ -lAs jlO THE ACTES ChA. X. t As Peter was yec fpeaking thefe wordes, the holy 44 Ghoftfel vponal that heard the word, t And the faithful 43 of the Circumcifion that came with Peter,vvere-aftonicd,for that the grace of the holy Ghoft was poured out vpon the Gcntilesalfo. t For they heard them (peaking with tonges, 4 ^pers of God [piritually (ormyftically) determining longflnce , obferued fet times to pray : and afterward the thing became mani- fift, that it VVM for Sacsament (ormyftcrie) that the iuji fopraicd. For at the thirdhoure thehoiy Ghojl defcended vpon the ^Apojlles , fuljiUing the grace of our Lords promts, and at thefixt houre Veter going vp to the higher roome of the houfe , wa-s both by voice and ftgne from God injfrucled , that al "Kjat ions fhould be admitted to the grace of faluation , where.-u ofcleanfing the Gentiles he doubted before, and our Lord being erucifedat thefixt houre, at theninihe wafhed away ourfinnes with his bloud. 'But to vs ( decrly beto' ued) befidi thefeafons obferued of old , both the times and facraments of praying be increafed. for we rnufl pray in the morning early, that the Htfurre^ion of our Lord may be celtbritted by morning praie) -.a ofvld the holy Gl'oji dcjigned in the Pfalme, faying , In the morning early wil I Jland vp to thee, early in the morning in'ilt thou heare my voice. Toward the eucniug alfo when thefunne departeth , and the day endeib,we viiijf ofnecejiitiepray againe. S. Hierom alfo writing of Daniels pTS.ying three times in a d.ty , furh : Thersc.re tbrcetimes, "wherein vvc muft bo w our knees to God. The third, thefixt, and the uinthe houre the Lcclcfiitjlical tradi- tion doth vzjel vnderffand. SK'Coreouer at the third hourethe Holy Ghoft dejce»dcd%>pcn the xApoflles. at the J!xt , Peter vvetUvp ii.to a higher cha-nber to pray, at theninthe, " Peter and lohnvvent to the Temple. Againe writingto Eullodiiuin a virgin and Nonne ep. 12 c. 16. Though tiie lApoJile bid vs pray al- ttvaies , and to holy perfons their very fleepe ii prater : yet we muft haue dijlinct houres of prater , thut if perhaps we be otherwise occupied, the very time may admonifh vsofcurofi.-corduely.-Thetbirdftxt, niuthe houre , morning early , and the eucning , no man can be ignorant of. And to Dcmctrias ep. 8 c 8. that in the Pfalmes and praicr f he muft kecpe alwaies the third, ftxt, niiithe houre, euening.midnighr, mdmorning. He hath the like ep 7 c. j.And(ep. zy c. io.)he tellcth how Paula thehoiy Abbeile ' with 'ied.ln hUs locum. AB.S. -De Orat-. 1>om . nsi. •S. .An. 2. ^[t. 'O. Luc. i/. Pfal. }. "Dan. 6, -AH. K Cha, XI. OF THE APOSTLES. ?il with her religious J^onnes fang the V falter in erder, in the morning , atthe third, fixt,ni»thehoHre, tHening,midnight. hy midnight meaning the time of Nfattins ^therfore called "K^oflurnes agreably to S. Cyprian dc Orac. Do. num. 15) and by the morning, the hrft houre called Vrime-.il correfpon- dcnt to the times and houres ofChrills PalHon.asin S. Mntthew is noted c %6. ij.Byal which vve£ee,hovvagrcable thevfe of the Churches feruice is euen at this time to the Scriptures and pri-, mitiue Church : and how wicked the Putitan-CaluiHiftes be, that count alfuch order and fet feafons of praier, fupcrilition: and laftly, how infufScient and vnlifce the new pretended Church- i'eruice o f England is to the primitiue vfe, which hath no fuch houres of night or day.iauing a litle imitation of the oldMattins andEuenfong, andtliat inSchifme andHerelie, and therfoieiiot onely vnprofitable , but alfo damnable. 2f. adored.] S. Chryfoftom ^0.21 in >^^, thinketh Peter refufedthis adoration of humilitie only.bccaufe euery faUing downe to the ground for vvorf hip fake,is not Diuine vvorf hip or deW only to God, * the word of adoration and proftration beingcommonlyvfed in the Scriptures Adoration of toward men. But^. Hierom adu. Z'igil.c.i to. 2. rather thinketh that Corneliusby error of Gen- creatures. tility , and of Peters pcrfon , did go about to adore him with Diuine honour , and therfore was lifted vp by the Apolile.adding that he was but a man. ^0. Gauebim.'\ Chtiftdid not vtter his Refurredionand other myfteries toal at once, and immediatly to the vulgar: but to a few chofen men that fhould be the gouernours of thereft. inftrufting vs thereby to take our faith and aincceflarie things of faluatJon, at the hands of our Superiors. *7. "Bttptiz^d.vvhich hauereceitied.']Such may be the grace of God fomctimes toward men,and their chaiitie and contrition fo great, that they may haueremiirion,iuftification,andran(2:ification They that are before the external Sacrament otBaptifme, Confirmation, or Penance be receiued.as we fee in this iuftilied before, example, whereat Peters preaching they al receiue the Holy Gholl before any Sacrament, but in mull not omit the fame welcarne one necelfarie lejlbn , that fuch notvvithllanding mull needes receiue the Sa- the Sacraments. craments appouited by Chrift, which whofoeuercontemneth , canneuer be iuftified. xy^ug.fuper Leuit, q. S* to. *. Acl. 10, 9. Chap. XI. The Chrijiicm levves reprehend theforefaidfa^ofPeterin baptizJng theGentils 4- "But he ulleaging hnforefaid zivarrants , andfhevving plainly that itzrvM of God, 18 thej li^good Catholilia doyeld. 19 "By the forefaid perftctuion , the Church h yet further dilated, not only into al levvrie , Galilee , and Samaria , but alfo int» other Countries : fpecially in .Antiochia, Syria the increafe among the Greel^es , u notable , frfl by the forefaid difperfed , H then by 'Barnabas , thirdly by him tind Saul together : fo that there beginneth the name ofChrifiians : 27 with perfte vnity betvvene them and the Church that was before them at Hierufalem. N D the Apoftles and brethren that were in Ievvrie,heardthat the Gentiles alfo re- cciued the word of God. t And when Peter was come vp to Hierufalem, they that were of the Circumcifion reafoned _^^ 'againft him, faying, "f Vvhydidftthou en- ter Tn to men vncircumcifed,and didft eate with them? t But Peter began and declared to them the order,faying: t "^ I was in the citie of loppe praying,& I faw in an exceile of minde a vifion, a certaine veflcl defcending as it were a great f hcete with foure corners let downe from hcauen,and it came euen vnto me. t Into which I looking c6fidered,and faw fourc footed beaftes of the earth,and cattel,and fuch as creepe, and Sf foules jil THEACTES ChA. XI. foulesof theaire. t And 1 heard alfo a voice faying to me, 7 Arife Peter, kil and eare. i And 1 faid, Not lb Lord: for 8 common or vndeane thing ncuer entred into my mouth, t Anda voice anfvvered thcfecond timefiomhcauen:That 9 which God hath made cleane, doe not thou call common, t And this was done thrife : and al were taken vp againc 10 intoheauen. t And behold, three men immediatly were n come to the houfe wherein 1 vvas,fent to mc from Csefarea. t And the fpirit faid to me,that I fhould goe with them, 12. doubtmg nothing. And there came with me thefc fixe bre- thren alfo: and we went in to the mans houfe. t And he 13 told vs,ho w he had feen an Angel in his houlc,ftandmg and faying to him, Send to loppe, and cal hither Simon, that is furnamed Peter, -f who fhal fpeake to thee wordes where- 14 in thou fhalt be faued and al thy houfe. t And when I 15 had begonneto fpeake,theholy Ghoft fel vponthem,as vpo vs alfo in the beginning, t And 1 remembred the word of 1^ our Lord, according as he faid , lohn m deede b^pti'Ydyvith yy^ter, btU yon [htd be b^pt iii^ed yy ith the holy Ohoft. t if therfore God hath \j giuen them the fame gracc,as to vs alfo that beleeued in our :« Good chri- Lord Iesvs Christ: who was I that might prohibitc ftiansheareand Qodi t Hauing heard thefc thjugs, they •' held their peacc: 18 fu/h truUie^ as and glorified God,faying,God then to the Gentiles alfo hath themfromG"od S^"^" repentance vntolife. by their cheefc . t '^ And they ttuely that had been difperfed by thetribu- 15J ^^^'^^ ',''!' ^'' lation that was made vnder Steucn, walked throughout non.reuclation, i a i >--. • i r I • i orothcrv/iie. vnto PhcEnicc and Cypres & Anriochc, ipcakmg the word to none,but to the levves only. | But certaine of them were 20 men of Cypres and Cyrcne , who when they were entred into Antioche, fpaketo the Greekes, preaching our Lord TheE iftlevpo ^ E s v s; | And the hand of our Lord was with them: and 21 s. Barnabees a great number of beleeucrs was conucrted to our Lord. t And the report came to the eares of the Church that was zi at Hierufalem ,touching thefe things: and they fent * Barna- bas as farre as Anriochc. t Vvho when he was come, and 23 faw the grace of God, reioyced : and he exhorted al with ■ purpofe of hart to continew in our Lord : t becaufe he 24 was a good man, and ful of the holy Ghoft and faith. And a great" multitude was added to our Lord, t Andhewenr, 25 forth to * Tarfys , to fceke Saul : t whom when he had z6 foundjhe brought him to Antioche. And they coucrfed there in day Inn. i ChA. XI. OFTHE APOSTLES. 315 in the church a whole ycre : and they taught a great muhi- tude, (o that the difciples were at Antioche firft named j.^^ ^^^^ ^^ "Christians, christian?. 27 t And in thefcdaies there came Prophets from Hierufa- 28 1cm ro Antioche, t and one of chem rifing, named Agabus, did by the Spirit fignifie a great famine thatfhould be in the 19 vvhole world, which felvndcr Claudius, t And the difci- ples according as eche rnan had, purpofed euery one to fend, 30 for to ferue the brethren that dwelt in lewrie : t which alfo they did, fending to the auncients by the handes ofBarnabas and Saul. A N N O T A Chap, T I O N S XL i^ 0^!ovv thou that they belong not to the Church ofChriJi , but to the Synagogue of^ntichrijl-. Laftantius alfo (11 7 Diuin. inftit. c. 50) faith thus, U^^hen Phrygians, or TSLouatians.orValentinians, or Ovtarcioniies, or ^nthrojromorphites, or ^rrians, or any other be named, they ceafe to be Chrijiians, who Names,of Seda hauinzloltthenameofChriflJiauTdoneonthenames of men. Neither can our new SeiSaries difcharge riesand Hcreti- themlelues, for that they take not to themielues thefe names, but are forced 10 bearethemas kes. oiuen by their Aduerfaties.For.fo were the names of Arians and the reft of old.impofed by others, and not chofen commonly of them felues: Vvhichnotvvithftanding were callings that proued . them to be Heretikes. And as for the name of Proteftants, our men hold them vvel content there- Proteftants . with. But concerning the Heretikes turning of the argument againft the peculiar callings of our ReIigious,asDominicas,FrancifcanS;Iefuites.Thomifts,orfachlike,it is nothing,except they could !),•„»„ relieious proue that the orders & perfons fo named.Were of diucrs faithes Sc Sedes.or diiFercd in any ncc( f- ^^^^^^ ^^° ^^^ farie point of religion, or were notal of one Chiiftianname and Communion : anditisasridi- j^^ 3 j-^^-^gj culous as if it were obieded, that fome be Ciceronians, fome Plinians.fome good Auguftine men, fome Hieronymians.fome Oxford me,fome Cambrige iTien,8c (which is moft Iike)fome " Recha- bites fome * Nazareites. Neither doth their obieclion , that we be called Papiftes , hclpe or excufe rhejn in their new Papiftes,Catho' names, for.befides that itis bythem fcornfully inuented (asthename Homoufians was of the likes , and true Arians) this name is not of any one man B. of Rome or els where, knowen to be the author of Chriftians , at any fchifme or f; tl, as their callings be : but it is of a whole ftate and order of gouernours.and that one. of the cheefeGoucrnours.to whomwe aieboimd to ckaue in religion and to obey in al thirgs. Soto be a Papift ,isto be a Chriftiaaman, a childe of the Chuich, and Uibied to Chrifts Vicar. And therfore againft fuch impudent Seftaries as compare the faithful for folowing the Pope , to the diueriitie of Heretikes bearing the names of new Maifters , letvs euerhaue inreadincs this ^ 1 y-.- , faviiieofS. Hieromto PopeDamafus, Z/itaUs I knovvnet.'Metetii-n I refujc , I t^nownotPaulii-.w, '_, ' "= ^1"tn Jerem. ss- Oijum, 6. to.i.ep. td'Damaf. fay ''' WholoeutriatherethnotwiththeeScattereth-.thatiitafar), WhofieuerunotChriJts,is ^ntichrijfs. And , ^ , °-''k '4'*'-^ ao-aine //J V-.e chiift. 3^4 THE ACTES C H A. X I I JHRiTrTANf rh VrU "'"^ ^"'.^'"'^'l obfcrue that this name.Chriftian.giuen to al bel«uers and to ,he v^-hole • Church vva.' ipeaally taken to dulingmfh them from the Icvve* and Heathens which belceued ?n t,f '" . "r ?? '" ^f ",' "n""^ ^'"""'^ ^"'^ '"^'^^^^ knovven al Chiiftian men from Turkes and others that ho d "ot of Chnft at al. Fut when Herctikes began to rife from among the Chr" The name of "l^"^: whoprofelFed Chr.rtsname Sndfundry Articles of faith as true beleeuers doe%he name Cathol.kes. Sr,y'^! '? 7Tu°!l.''^ ^T.' '^'' H"«ikcs from true faithful men : andtherevpon the Apoftlcs by the holy Ghoft impofed this name CathoUkc vpon the Beleeuers which in al point' vvereobe/i.ent to the Churches dodrine. m.^ hereJJ.s vvcre njin (faich S. Pacianus e^ad S m ^Pfol'c'il people required th^>rJHr»an,e,vvhcrcby the incerruftpeofUm^^^ l,e diff^.uifhed Jc andfo C R F n o Vr ^^''\'f '^''''f ' % mj fur„/„„. Hulfriy BuTa:.linter:'i; (Vn , hauc taken the word out of the Crede/ putting C/;,v/?m« foii^ * In tl-c TfJtfZ V f J'f' 'r '^ ^"'■' V^L ^""^ '^' '^'""''^'^ ^^ doubtfulncs of al eiror.laying, mes of 'ff^rhejc trouble, ofmtrtde thoufeeme to thy felf fufficiemlj tojfed ^nd vexed,& wilt haue <.« end ofthcTe the Lu- proudedeuenvnto vs.andfhalproctdef-omhemetothepojhrttte. See the Annotation , Tim /c i; HAP. XII. ThcEpiftlevpo ^S. Peter and Panics day Aw. 39- ''As Peters per- fon was more notorious then others, tfcthcr- fore better gar- ded then other, for fearc he fhould efcapc: fo Gods proui- dence in prefcr- uing & deliuc- tinghiinforthe longer goucrn- niMit of his church, is very niarucloiis. Herod thefrflkingthutperfecMedthe Church , hnui„gtit HierufrUm {when 'Ba.rmhti and Sxut-vvere thc-e -vvtth the colUtion of the ^ntiochuws ) kjUed Umes the ^p»- Jt.e,3 and to pleafe the le-jves imprijoned Peter with the mmde to kjl him alfo but fnijtratebyan^ngelfentofGodatthe continual praiers of the Church made for htrcheefelaftor ,9 being puffed vp with fuch pride that at Cjtfarea he refufeth mtto^e honoured, u God: 23 t, mirticulouflj (trikert of God^ ^nrel . 2* Jjnd ih After theperfecucors death, the Churches preaching prc^reth excedingly, N D at the fame time Herod tlicking fee his i hadcsjtoafflidccertaine of the Church, t And 2. he killed lames the brother of lohn with the fvvord. t Andfeing thatitpleafedthelevvcs, 5 he added to apprehend Peter alfo. And it was t Vvhom vvhenhehadapprchen-4 ,.ri,.^ h; :: f^xire quaternios thedaiesof the Azymcs. . . „ ded he caft into prifon, dehuering him to ^.......^, ot (ouldiars to be kept, meaning after thePafche to brine him forth to the people, t AndPeterin decde was keptiii c prifon. But" praier was made of the Church without intcr- miflion ChA. XII. O F T H E A P O S T L I S. 5I5 6" miSionvntoGodforhim, t And when Herod would hauc brought him forth , the fame night Peter was flceping be- tvvenetvvofouldiars, bound with "two chaines ; and the -J keepers before the doore kept the prifon. t And behold an Angel of our Lord ftoodeinprefcncc : and light fhincd in < the houfe : and (Iriking Peters fide , heraifed him , faying, 8 Arifequickely. And the chaines fel from his handes. t And theAngelfaidto him,Gird thee,andputonthy fhoes. And he did fo. And he faid to him,Put thy garment about thee , &: 9 folowmc. t And going forth he folo wed him,'5c he knew not that it was true which was done by the Angel : but he thought that he faw avifion. t And paffing through the firfl: & the fecond v vatch,they came to the yron gate that lea- deth to the citie,vvhich of it (elf opened to them. And going out, they went forward one ftreate: and incontinent the y Angel departed from him. t And Peter returning to him fclf , faid : Now 1 know in very d^tzd.^ that our Lord hath :: ^ ;s muck fenthis An£eL^nddeliueredmeoutofHerodshand,& from fprthcpraiicof • I o • r 1 I r U 1 t'^efe good al the expeftation of the people ot the Icwes. ^ chriftians that t Andconfidering.hecameto the*' houfe of Marie the ^^^^^f"^"?'^ I® 1 r 1 »* 1 1 GodskruiceK mother of lohn, who was lurnamed MatKe,vvhere many praier was kept were gathered and praying, t And when he knocked at j;;^^;';;^^^'^ the doore of the gate, there came forth a wenche to fee , na- peifcaition, sc med Rhodc.t And as f he knevj/ Peters voice,for ioy f he ope- Sj'camc^w" nednot the gate, but running in f he told that Peter ftoode ther ftraight before the gate. \ But they faid to her,Thon art mad. But fhe S^ft'^fugc! aflSrmedthatit was fo. But they faid, It is"his Angel, t And ^snowChrHh- Peter cotinued knocking. And whe they had opened , they mu?h°to^ thck 17 faw him, & were aftonied. t And beckeningwith his hand c^mendatio.in to them,that they f hould hold their peacc,he told how our Hcrefie doth Lord had brought him out of prifon, and he faid , " Tel thefe ''^'sn^- things to lames & to the brethren. And going forth he went :.- Though God 18 ''into an other place, t And when day was come,there was j'*'^^" miracu- no litlcadoebetwencthe fouldiars, what was become of red hL, yet he Peter, t And Herod, when he had foushc him, and had not wouidnottept r , 1. • -r ■-' r X. ^ - -jit Godby taiying tound,making mquilitio or the keepers, comauded them to among his per- bc led avvay:&: going do wne fro lewrieinto Cacfarea,there co7di°"'ocb-t he abode, t Andhe was angrie with theTy tians and the Si- ftes comaundr- 10 II 19 20 donians.But they with one accord came to him, and pcrfua^ ding Blaftus that was cheefe of the kings chamber , they de- ,fired peace, for that their countries were nourifhed by him. ^ . Sf iij tAnd mem fled for a lime. •' Princes that fake delite in the flattery and praifes of the people.lb much that they forget them felues to be me, 8c togiue the honour to God , may be V/'arned by this example. 32(J THE ACTES C H A. XII. •f And vpon a day appointed, Herod being araied with 21 kitjgly attiie,rate in the iudgcmcnt reate,and made an oration to them, t And the people made acelamation,The voices of 12 a God, & not of a man. t And forthwith an Angel of our 23 Lord ••ftrookehim,becaufehehadnotgiuen the honour to God:and being conlumedof wormes,he gaue vp the gho(t. t But the word of our Lord increafed and multiplied, t And 24 Barnabas and Saul returned from Hierufalem,hauing accom- 2f I plifhed their * miniftericjtaking with them lohn that was j Af7. n, furnamed Marke. • I ^^' ANNOTATIONS Chap. X IL s.Praiervvoimade.l The Church praiedinceflantly for her cheefcPaftor.and Was heard of God : and al Chriflian people are warned thereb/ to pray for their Bif hopes andPaflors in prifoti. 6. Two chaines.'] Thefe chaines are famous for miracles, and were brought from Hierufalem to Rome by Eudoxia the Emperelfe ,vvifcto Theodolius the yongcr, where they were matched Sc placed with an other chaine that the fame Apoftic was tied v/i.th by Nero,Sc aXhiirch fouded therevpon , named Petri advincula., Vvhere they are feligioufly kept and reuerenced vncil this day, andthereisaFcaft in the whole Church for the fame.the iirllof Augull, which we call, Lammtn day. if.Hu^ngel] lfj)roj)er>Angeli (faith S. Chryfoftom) be deputed by our T^ord to fuc^ "^baiie only churge of their ovvne life , ( /isfs^fe\ \«=4^..,l j-^pg^and Manahen who was the foftcr- brother of Herod the Tetrarch,and Saul. t And *= as they were " miniftiing to our Lord, and fafting,the holy Ghoft faid -."Separate me Saul and Barnabas vnto the worke , whereto I haue taken them. J t Then they "fading and praymgjand" impofmg hands vp5 them, dimilTed them. 4 t And they being'Tentof the holy Ghoft, went to Sc- 5 Ieucia,and thence failed to Cypres, t And when they were cometoSalamina, they preached the word of God in the fynagogs of the levves. And they had lohn alfo in their mi- 6 niftctie. t And when they had walked through out the whole iland asfarre asPaphos, they found acertaincman that wasamagician,afalfe-prophete, a lew, whole name 7 was' Bar-icfu', t who was with the Procohful Sergius Paulus a wife man. He fehdjng for Barnabas &c Saul, 8 dcfired to heare the word of God. t But Eiymas the magician ( for fo is his name interpreted) refifted them,feeking to auert 9 the Proconful from the faiih. t But Saul, othcrwife Paul, 10 replcnifhed with the holy Ghoftjlookingvpon him, ifaid: O ful of al guile, and al deceit , fonne of the deuil, enemie of ■ aliuftice5thou ceafcft notto fubuert the right waies of our 11 Lord, t And now behold the hand ofour Lord vpon thee, and thou f halt be blind, not feing the funne vntil a time.And forthwith there fel dimnelTe and darkencfle vpon him , and goingabouthcfoughtfome body that would giue him his II hand, t Then the Pr6conful,vvhen he had feen that which vvasdone,beleeucd,maruelingatthe dodrine of our Lord. 13 t And when Pabl and they that were with him had failed from Paphos ,they came to Perge in Pamphylia. And lohn 14 departing from them, returned to Hierufalem, t But they palling through Perge, came to Antioche in Pilldia : and cn- . tringintothelynagogueohthe day of theSabboths , they 15 fatedowne.t And after the leffonofihe Law and the Pro- phctSjthe princes ofthe Synagogue fent to them,faying,Men brcthren,if there be among you any fermon of exhortation to the people ,fpeake. And 3^8 THEACTES Ch A. X t And Pauhifingvp, and with his hand bcckening for i6 {ilencc,faid,Ye men of Ifcacl.and you that feare God,harken: t TheGodof chepeopleof lfraelchofeourfathers,andcx- 17 alted the people when they were feiourners in the land of i£gypt, and in a mightie arme brought them out thereof, t and for the Ipace of fourtieyeres tolerated their maners in 18 thedefert. t And dcftroying feuen nations in the land ofi^ Chanaan, by lot he deuided their land among them , t as it zq were after foure hundred and fifcie veres:and after thefe things he gaue Iudges,vntil Samuel the prophet, "t And 21 thenceforth they dedred a king : and he gaue them * Saul the fonnc of Cis, a man of the tribe of Beniamin , fourtic yeres. t and remouinghim, hcraifed them vp '^Dauid to beking: zi to whom giuingteftimonie, he (^tid^lhaue found Damd thcjonne of lejj'e, d man according to my hart, yrho jhdl doe almy yy dies. t Of his feede God according to his * promifTe hath 23 broughtforth to lirael a Sauiour Iesvs, t lohn * prea- 24 chihg before the face of his comming, baptifme of penance to al the people of Ifrael. t And when lohn fulfilled his 25 courfe, hefaidj Vvhom doe * you thinke me to be? I am not he, bur behold there commeth after mc,whofe f hoes of his feete I am not worthie to vnloofe. TheEpiftlevpo f Men brethren, children of the ftocke of Abraham, & ^^ ftavveeke. ^' they among you that feareGod,toyouthe word of this fal- uation was lent, t For they that inhabited Hierufalem, and 17 the princes thereof, not knowing him, nor the voices of the prophets that are readeuery Sabboth,iudginghaue fulfilled them, t and finding no caufe of death in him,*defired of Pi- iS late,that they might kil him. t And when they had cofum- i^ mated al things that were writte of him, taking him downe from the tree, they put himin a monument, t But God 30 raifcdhim vpfrom the dead the third day: t who was 5^ *feen for many daies of them that came vp together with him from Galilee into Hierufilem , who vntil this prefent are his witneffes to the people, t And we preach vnto you 32. that promifle which was made to our fathers: t that God 33 hath fulfilled this fame 'to our children', raifing vp 1 e s v s,as in the fecond Pfdme alfo it is written : My fonne art thou, tkisday luue I begotten thee, "t And that he raifcd him vp from the dead, 34 not to returne now any moreinto corruption, thus he faid. That 1 yy'tl mie you the holy things of V Mid faithful, t Anci ther- 35 forq iir. / Cha. P/.iS,io jihdc.i^'j c the Cii- files yerchey did caft them forth out of their coaftes. t But they *fhaking thef/ovvne°>ec ofthedufi: of their feete againft them, came to Iconium. J7'' » vvhicii 52. t The difciples alfo were replenifhed with ioy and with vvidi Godspro- theholyGhoft- "''^'"^^• Th: Icwes Tt ANNOT. 3JO THEACTES ChA. XIII. ANNOTATION Chap. XIII. Tlie might hauc cranflaced, Saym^ CMajfe, for fo they dicl:and the Gieeke Fathers hereof had their name, <»'"<»'' Liturgie , vvliich Etafmus tranflateth iMajfe , faying , S>r(ifjk Chrjfojiomi. But we keepe our text.as the tranflators of the Scriptures f hould do moll religioully. , t. Separate me.'] Though Paul were taught by God him felf and fpecially defigned by Chiift (7^/_ ,, PaulofBarna as jqIjc jnApoftle,and here choliin by tht Holy Ghoft together vvith Barnabas, yet they were to be are confecratea ^^^^j^^^ conlecrated , and admitted by men. Vvhich vvholy condemneth al thefe new^ rebellious by men. diforderedfpirites, that chalcnge and vfurpe the office ofpreaching and other facrcdadionstrom heaueii.vvithout the Churches adrriilTioh. /. Fujiin^.'] Hereof the Church of God vfeth and prefcribeth publike fades at the foure fo- Imbet dales. leuc times of gluing holy Orders (vvhich are our /mi'eri^i«>)asaneceirariepreparatiue tofogreat aworke. asS. * Leo declareth by this place, naming it alfoan Apoflolical tradition. See. 5. Leo * Leoep.tr P . • Ser. fdeit'iunio 7 menjls , (<;' CalixMs ep.i. to. 1 Cone. Qonc. CfiXagvint.c,i+. a.to 3. And this fafting f. ,_ f^fTl^ '" was not fafting from finne, nor moral orChriftian tempsrance, as the Proteftantsridiculouily Epithd.iit. *^* *■ affirme.forfuch fafting they were bound euer to keepe: butit wasabftinencefora timefromal cow;»fni. meatesorfromfomecertainekindesofmeates, whith Was ioyned with praier and facrificc, and i^to ftr' 1 done (pccially at fuch feafons as the Chursh prefcribed , of al together (as in Lent, the Imber daies, et 4. deiein Friday.Saturday) and not when eucry man lift.as Aerius and fuch Heretikcs did hold.. S. ^Anguft, 7 fnenfit. hir, ss. Impofition of s. Impofing hands. "] Becaufeal bleftings and confecrations were done in the Apoftlei time by handes. the external cercmonieof impofitionofhands, diucrs Sacraments were named of the fame, fpc- Holv orders *^'*''y Confirmation,as is noted before , and holy Ordering or conlecrating Bifhops, Priefts , and ^ ' ' Deacons, and Subdcacons.as we (ee her: and els where. In which though there were many holjr wordes and ceremonies and a very lolemnc a(!iion : yet vvhatfoeuer is done in thofe Sacraments, is altogether called Impofttien of hands : as whacfoeuer was done in the whole diinne my ftcrie of the B. * Sacrament , is named JraUion of bread, for the Apoftles (as S. Denys Eccl. I'ier. c. 1 in fine *^£f.i^^f writeth) purpofely kept clofc in their open (peaches and writings vvhich might come to the hands or eares of Infidels.the iacred wordes and adions of the Sacraments. And S. Ambrofe faith, in I Tim.c.t, The impofttion of the hand ts myflical vvardes wherewith the eUSced u conformed andmade tipt to his funeHan , receiuing authoritie ( /;« conference hearing vvitnes ) that he rtMj be bold in our Lordts fieedtooff'erfacrificetoGod. AndS. liietom, The impofitionofhandu the Orderin^of Cleri^es , Which u f^'fO. in done by prater tfthe voice, andimpofititn of the hand. And this is in fome inferior orders alio, but Paul ''i' £/*• and Barnabas were ordered to a l)igher function then inferior Priefts, cuen to be Bil hops through out al Nations. Spiritual offi- ^, Sent of the Holy Ghoff.1 Vvhofoeuer bcfcht bythe Church, arefent ofthc Holy Ghoft, cers of our though ia fuch an extraordinarie fort it be not done. Vvhercby we fee how far the Officers of our foulcs. foulcs in the Church do palfe the temporal Magiftrates , who though they be of Gods ordinance, yet not of the Holy Ghofts fpccial calhng. Chap. XII 1 1. T^xt in tconium they preach , where many being contorted if both firtes , theobjii/iate lewes raifeperfecution. 6 Then m thetownes of Lycaonia,vvhtre the Heathen firjlfeinf that Paul had healed one btme lame, are hardly peifuaded but they are Gods. IS but afterward, hytheinfiigaticnofthema'.itioudltwes.they'jione Paul, leaning him for dead. 1 0 ^y^ndjo hauing done their cireuite , they returne the fame way confirmtug the Chrifiiani , end making Pri'JIifor eucry Church. 21 ^nd being come home to ^Hti*thein Syria, they rcptrt »l te the Church there, ^ AND Cha. Xllll. I oftheAposties. 331 N D it came to pafTc at Iconium that they entted together into the fynagogue of the Ievves,and fo fpake, that a very great muhitude of levvesand of the Greekes didbeleeue. t But the levvcs that were .^incredulous, ftiired vp andincenfed the 2 hartesofthcGentiis to anger againft thel DrethTen. t A long time thcrfore they abode, dealing confidently in our Lord,vvho gaue teftimonie to the word of his grace, graunting llgnes and wonders to be done by theirhandes. t And the multitude of the citie was deuided: andcertaineof them in dcedc were vvith the lewcs , but certainewith the Apoftles. t And when the Gcntils and the lewes vvith their princes had made an affaultjto vfe them contumelioufly, and to ilone them, t vnderftan- dmgitjthey fled to the cities of Lyca6nia,Lyfl:ra and Derbc, and the whole countrie about, and there they were euan- gelizing. t And a certaine man at Ly ftra impotent of his feetc fate there, lame from his mothers vvombe, that neuer had wal- ked, t This fame heard Paulfpeaking.Vvho looking vpon him, and feeing that he had faith for to be faued , t he faid vvith a loud voice ,Stand vp right on thy feete. And he lea- ped & walked, t And the multitudes when they had feen what Paul had done, lifted vp their voice in the iycao- niantongue,faying,Gods made like to men, are dcfcended to vs. t And they called Bat nabas, lupiter : but Paul , Mer- curie,becaufehevvasthecheefefpeakcr. t The Priefl: alfo of ^ lupiter that was before the citie, bringing oxen & gar- lands before the gates, would vvith the people "facrifice. t Vvhich thing when the Apoftles Barnabas & Paul heard, rentingthcir coates, they leaped forth into the multitudes, crying i and faying,Ycmen,vvhy doe you thefethings?Vve alfo are mortal, men like vnto you, preaching to you for to conucrt from thefe vaine things,to the huing God that made the heauen,and the earth, and'the fea.and al things that are in 15 them: t who in the generations part fuftredalthe Gentils 16 to goe their ownewaies. t Howbeithe left not hin* felf :*' without teftimonie, being beneficial fcom heauen, giuing raines,and fruiteful feafonsjfilling our hartes vvith foode ^ 17 gladnes. t And fpeaking thefe things, they fcarfe appeafed Tt ij the 8 9 10 II 11 15 14 • • The Heathen might by the daily benefices of God hauc knovven him at the lead to hiiie beene their Creatour and only Lord, though ihemy- ftcrie of our Redemption were not ope- ned to them. i5> 20 21 t And when they had euangehzcd to that citie,and had L^th^a'J^^^S.h' "'^"^'^^'^y returned toLyftraand Iconium, and to ss. Paul scBir-Antioche: t confirming the hartesof thcdifcipleSjand ex- ^hoJ^Tufngj'^^^^S'^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^hcfaith.andthat by many tri- here authoritiebulations we mull enter into the kingdom of God t And 21 d«?: tS;: ^vhen ::thcy"had ordained to rhem "Pncfts in cucry Church, that there vras and had praied with fallings, they commended them to our focnwwli Lord in vvhom they belec^ f And palling through Pifi- 23 Bifhop, and dia,they came into Pamphylia, t and fpeakmr the word 24. Pnelts, thoueh r t j-n 'i t "^ ^ . ^ ^'■'^ j. ^^ the name in Che OJ^ ou^ Lord m Pctge, they Went dovvnc into Attahat t and 25 dfvvar oSn ^"^^'^ ^^^" ^^^>' ^^^^^"^ ^° Antioche, * whence they had been vfedindifFerea-deliuercd to the grace of God vntothe vvorkc which they ivvi'?faft!'n'^''^''^°'^P^'^^^^- ^ And when they were come, and had af- i<^ scprayingweKfcmbled the Church, they reported what great thino-s God S^^gSg' o'f^''^'^ done with thcm,&*that he had opened a doore of faith iioiy Order*, to the Gcntils. t And they abode no htletimc with the ^7 difciples. 55^ T H E A c T E s '. Cha. XIIII. the multitudes fromfacrificing to them, t But there came 18 in certaine lewes from Antioche and Ic6nium:and perfwa- dingthcmultitades,and^ftoningPaul,rheydiew him out of the citie,rhinking him to be dead, t But the difciples com- paflmg him round about,he riling vp, cntrcd into the citie, and the next day he went forth with Barnabas vnto Derbe. if. ^^,13.* Latru. Diili, ANNOTATIONS C H AP. XIIII. si.rheyyvouldfaerifce,) This loeis the diiiine vvorfhip , confiftingin exrcrnairacrifice and in acknovvledgmg the parties worfhipped to be gods : which *may be done to no man nor crca- ^u, li cure, and therfore the Apolllesrclule it withal poilibic diligence, and al the Angels and Sainds in ,o ^cL heauenrefule thatadoration byfacrifice. ThcCatholikc Church Ihifercth no Priert nor other fo '^\T/ to vvorfhip any Saind in heaijen or earth.She hath but one external Sacrifice, which ,s in the holv MafTe of Chnfts body and bloud : that fhe ofFereih to God alone , and uctherto Peter „or to P,ul (<^^^^hS.Auguame) though tbePncJi that f^crificetb,Jtamiethouertheirbodus,andofereihi„tharm -^"Z-l'-'' rici. But other kindes of honours and daetles. interior without alcomparifon (how &■ , » IX Had ordained.) The Heretikcs , to make the world belceuc that al Priefts ought to be ^;n „" ^ _ .^^°'"f ofthepeopk, and that they neede no other Ordering or Confecfation by X^i'^VM' Herefical rr,„ ^'^'\°P1' prciringthe profane vfe of the ' Greeke word more then7hrvcr5n7turarirenfll''-a^^ holy orders. word m Scripture hgniheth, Otderingby impolltionofhands, asisplaineby other wordes equi . ,, ualent,^<^. s, „ , Ttm. +. s. i Tim. ,. Yvherc the Ordering of Dcacons.Pricfts.and others is called "»"' '«^'5 lu.pofiuon of hands: not of the people, bucofchcApolHcs.AiidthistobethcEcclcCafticaJ vie t*' X«'- ch:a. XV. OF THE APOSTLES. 535 l/ien. in of the word, appearetb by S- Hierom faying (as is before allcaged) that Xffj^llV^iti: h the Ordtrin^ ft. Eft. -^f Clerk's or Clcrgie men by fraier of ■voice and impcfitiou oflmtid. J2.rnf/?i.) Eiienfo here alio, as before, fleing from the proper,apt,knovven,yvord & which -. , , ._^ is moil precifely corrcfpondent to the very Greckc in our tongue and al nations, they tranflate for . ^''^^^^^^ *\k Priejt, Elder, that is, for a calling of Orfice, a word of age : loratcrme of ait and bv confentofal J,'°".,, •'"S^'"*'^ the Church and Apoftolike authoritic and Fathers,appropriatcd to holy Order, a vulgar, coir.mon, ^'f ''o*- and profaneterme : Vvith aslitle grace as if they fhould tranflate Fontificem, abridgemaker, the ^fjtior of London, the Bigger of London. And thus you lee v^'ithin three wordes compafle they flee guilefully from the Latin to the Grceke , and againe guilefully from the Greeke to the vulgar Englifh. Such corruption ofScrfptures their hatred otPricllhod driucth them vnto. iftht-yhad tranflated it fo when the Scriptures were fiiftvvritten, (at which timt the word was but newly receiued into the fpecial and EcclcfiaiHcal fignification , and \-vhcn it was yet taken fometimes in common profane fort,as iTim.j. or there only where our aucient Latin verilonturneth Prabyter into ^mior.becaufc the word was not yet wholyand only appropriated to holy Ordcrs.asaiter- ward byvfc of many hundred ycres it was and is) their dealing might haue had fome colour of honefticandplaineile, which now can not be but ofplaine fall hod and corruption, and that of further purpole then the (imple can fee- Vvhich is to take away the office of Sacrificing and other fundions of Priells, proper in the new Teftamet to liich as the Apoftles often,and the porter; tie in maner altogether call Priefts, Preibjtcros. Vvhich word doth fo certainely imply the authoritie of facrificing , that it is by vfe made alfo the onely f.nglif h of Sacndos, the Aduerlaries them felues as vvel as we. fo ttanflating itin althe old and new Teftament : though they can not be ignorant ^^^'^trdoi^. be a that Frieji commeth on^resbjter,ind not ofStuerdos: and that antiquitie for no other caufe apphed Pneft , much the fignification ofPresbjrer to Sacerdos, but to f hew that Prefbyter is in the new Law,that vvhich more Prefhyttt^ Sacerdus was in the olJ ; the Apoftles abllaining from this ana other like old names at the firfl.and rathervfingthe wordes, Bifhops, Partors,and Pri^fls , becaufe they might be dirtinguifhcu Irorn the Goucrnours and facrificers of Aarons order, who as yet in the Apoitles time did their old fun- dions ftil in the Temple. And this to be true , and that to be a Prielt , is to be a man appointed to facrifice , the Hctetikes them felues calling S3u;erdos alvvaies a Prieft, mull necdes be driuen to con- fefTe. Although their folly is therein notorious, to apply willingly the word Priefl to Sucerdoi, and _ „ to take it from Presbjter whereof it is properly deriued.not only in Englifh, but in other languages ^ . J^^** both french and Italian. Vvhich is to take away the name that the ApolHes and fathers gaue to the p'rA' Pricfts of the Church,&: to giue it vvholy &onely to the order of Aaron, which neuer had it before j^''^''.'"'- our Prieflhod began. Neuer did there Hcrciikes ftand fo much rpon doubtful deriuations and ^ '•^"• defcant of wordes as thefe Procelf ants do, and yet neuer men behaued them felues more fondlv in the fame: as wholoeuer marketh the diltiniiion of their Elders, Minillers,Deacon$,and fuch like, f hal pcrceiue. Chap. V. (?/?/. f, 2. 'hem, rf,~ Seme of thefe levies ttlfi that i^^'cre Chriflians , do fall , and tire XHthors efthe Herefie of ludtiijng, 2 They referre the matter to Council : 7 Wherein after ^rextdijput*- tion, Peter Jlrik^tng thejiro^e , n and other confirming hu fcntence vvith miracles. It and vvith Scriptures: 12 the ^poJHes and Priejd do write and comaund in the name of the Holy Ghoji whatu 10 be done, jo x/ind the faithful thereby are firaightvvaies quieted in minde. si .After vvhich , Paiil and'BamabM th\nl(ing to goe againe their abouefaid eircuite together, are by occafton ofiMxrke parted , t» the grekter increafe of the Church. N D ceirainecommingdovvnefcom levvric, taught the brethren : That * vnles you be cir- cumcifcd accordingto the maner of Moyfes, you can not be faued. t No litlc fedition ther- fore being rifentoPaul and Barnabas againft: them, they"appointed that Paul and Barnabas fhould goc ypj^- ccrtaine others of ' the reft',to the Apoflles and '^pricfts vnto Hicrufalem,vpon this qucftion. Tt "J t They 334 THE ACTES Cha. XV. t They tKerfore being brought on their way by the 5 cAuciemsJ-rfre, Church,paired thiough Phoenicc andSamaria,reporting the scoften inthis conuerfion of the Gentiles: and they made great ioy to al chapter, are the *- J O J lame that Prie- the brethren. Hierrm ukefh t And whcn they were come to Hierufalcm^they were 4 itaiio iPet.s.&c receiued of the Church and of the Apoftlesand'^ Auncients, pLfthXing declaring vvhatfoeuer God had done with them, t And 5 aivvaies one, there arofe ccrtainc of the herefie of the Pharifees that be- Sf 3r'';» leeucd,faying,Thar they tiiufl: be circumcifed , commaunded / ad Tit. etiad alfo to kecpe the law of Moyfes. t And the" Apoftles and ^ ^''^*'' Auncients " alTembled to confider of this word. b i'eetheAn- j And wheu there was made a '' great difputation,'Peter 7 S'the'endt "^^"g ^P ^^'^^ ^° them,Men brethren, you know that*of old daies God among vs"chofe,that by my mouth the Gentiles fhouldhearethe word of theGofpel,and bcleeue. \ And 8 God which knoweth the hartes, gauc tcftiraonie,* giuing vnto them the holy Ghoft as wel as to vs, t and hath put no 9 :: By that faith difference bctwenc vs and them, •• by faith purifying their which worketh ■ -v t \ r l t- j ^ ,,^V^ to by ciiaride. for hartes. t Now thetforc why tempt you God,to put a y oKc i^ a dead faith can j.j^gj^g^j^g5Qfjj^gjjf,,jpfg5Yvhich neither our fathers not piinhe the t i , i i i r .. i t hartofmafl.see norwehaue been able to beare? t but by the grace ot our ^^ chap, 15,31. LordlEsvs Christ webelceuetobefaued, in likcma- nerasthey alfo. t And al the multitude held their peace : and they heard 12. Barnabas and Paul telling what great fignes and wonders God had done among the Gentries by them. t And after they held their peace, " lames anfwered, 13 faying. Men brethren, hearcme. t Simon harh told how 14 Godfirftvifited to take of the Gentiles a people to his na- me, t And to this accord the wordesofthe prophets, as it is 15 written : t jifter tbife things I yy'tl retiirne , and yyil re^dijic the tu- lo bertiacle ofDauid yvbith yyas fallen ,4nd the rimes thereof 1 yyil rced'ifie, ^rnifet it yp : f that the refidne of men may feel\e after the lord, and alna- \^ tions ypon yvhoin my name is inuocated,fiith the Lord tbtt doith thefe things. t To our Lord was his owne worke knowen horn the 18 beginning of the world, t For the which cnufe "iiudge, 19 that they vvhich of the Gentiles are conuerced to God, are not to bedifquicted, t but to write vnto ihem that they io refraine them felues from the contaminations of Idols , and ''fornicarion,andftrangledthings,and blond, t For Moyfes 2.1 of old times hath in euery citie them that preach him in the fvnaeo2S, where he is read cucvy Sabbotb. ^ ** ^ Then Cjr£t(76y- J^. 10, 20. jicl. 10, 4?- II. ChA. XV. O F T« 1 A P O S T L i s. 53^ 11 t Then it pleafed the Apoftles and Auncients with the whole Church, to chofe men out of them , & to fend to An- tiochc with Paul and Barnabas , ludas, who was furnamcd 2.3 Barfibas,&Silas,cheefemen among the brethren, f^writingcotherlat by their handes. P'« ^h M g inc0* and the The Apoftles and Auncicnts,the brethren, to the brethren w%ilg% Iheh- of the Gentiles that are at Ancioche and in Syria andCilicia, ^""^"f" '/"^ff , r, r 1 I 1 t • « contetnmr thele greetine. t Isecaule we haue neard that certaine goine thinfi. going thin^i, t6 ^9 30 31 35 34 35 36 57 5S 3^ 40 Forth from vs, haue troubled you with wordes, fubuerting your foules,to whom we gaue no commaunderaent : t Ic hath pleafed vs being gathered in one , to chofe out men and to fend them vnto you with our deereft Barnabas and Paul, t men that haue giuen their liucs for the name of our Lord I E s V s Ch r I s t : t Vvc haue fent therfore ludas & Silas , who them felues alfo wilin wordes report vnto you the fame things, t For it hath feemed good "to the holy Ghoft &c to vsjto lay no further burden vpon youthen thefe necelFaric things: t that you abfteine from the things immolated to Idols, and bloud, and that which is ftrangled, and fornica- tion, from the which things keeping your felues , you f hal doe well. Fareyewel. t They therfore being dimifTcd went do vvne to Antioche: and gathering the multitudcjdeliuered the epiftle. t Vvhich when they had read , they " reioyced vpon the confola- tion: t but ludas and Silas,themSeiues alfo being prophets, with many wordes comforted the brethren, and confirmed them, -f Andhauing fpent fome time there, they were with peace dimifled of the brethren vnto them that had fent them, t But it feemed good vnto Silas to remaine there: and ludas departed alone: t and Paul and Barnabas taried at Antioche, teaching and euangelizing with many :: Hereof o othersthe word of our Lord. Cathoiikc Bi- t And after certaine daies,Paul faid to Barnabas,Let vs re- t^eTSari? turneand •• vifitc our brethren in al cities wherein we*haue v^eofoftenvi- preached the word of our Lord, how ihcy doe. t And Bar- keT& cu'refS- nabas would haue taken with them lohn alfo that was fur- "?'"^'^ ^° ^^"'^ named Marke. t But Paul defired that he(as who * had de- firmS'ornfS parted from them out of Pamphylia,and had not eone with *^^"t^5.&re- tnem to the worke) might not bereceiued. t And there ""^ both of rofc a " diflention.fo that they departed one from an other , & *^'"^'^ ^ ^^'"^' that Barnabas in decde taking Marke failed to Cypres, t But Paul 33iJ THE ACTES C H A. X V. things^omain^ departed,being dcliaered of the brethren [ ciccl by Chriaes j-q jJ^^ graCC of God. I o? vviureirin t And he walked through Syria and Cilicia , confirming 41 the Scriptures ^[^g Churchcs*. "• commaunding them tokeepe the praecepts kes hold) but ot the Apoltlcs and the Auncicnts. vvhacfoeiier the Apoftles and . . _ , ____.___—, Rulers of th2 Cluucli com- .»,»»>~.^»~,^vT« maund.istobe ANNOTATIONS kept & obckd. C H A P. XV. See [hclc \Vor> sain- c 15 4. 5c i- '^ffcintei^ Vve Icarne by this example , what is to be done when any controuerfiearifcEli that in the' free- ''^ religion bervvene the teachers or other Chrillian people. Vve fee it is not ynough to contend ke left anvman ^y allegations of Scriptures or other proofesfcemingto make for either parr: for fo ot contentious cauil becaufc P-i" taking there fhould be no end.but the more writing, vvrefHing.ftriuing there vvere.eucry one a£i here the greeke ^°^^^^ ovvnefanfic, clokingit with the title of Gods word andScriptutc, the more Schifmes. iuch them not S^"^^"" anddiuifions would fall: aswc feefpecially iathereftlesHcrehesofourtime. Vvhofo fautors admitting no iudgc*. ftand to no trial of mortal men, to no tribunal of Pope, Counccl*. Bif hops , Synodes , but cche man to his o wne phantaftical fpirit, his ovvne fenfe ol Scriptures.and Tbe\raytoend hisovrne wilful obdurate rebellion againll Gods Church and his Superiors in the fame. But here diirenhon in re- ^^^ f" S- ''^"' ^"'^ Barnabas , men that were Apoflles and ful of the Spirit of God , and the other lioion is to c6- p.irtics,though aeueifo much partial to the ceremonies of their Law by tbeir foimer long vfe and mitittoaCou- education therein, yet not to flaad l^ifly to their owne opinion on either iide,biit to condefcend 4e]^ to referre the whole controuerlie and the determination thereof to the Apoftles , Priells or Aun- cientsof Hierufalem,thatis to iayVto commit the matter to be tried by the heads and Bifhopsand their determination in Councel. This is Gods holy and wife prouidence among other Judgements in his Church , to kecpe the Chrillian people in-truth and vnitie, and to condemne fedlei and falfc teachers and troublers of the Church. By which iudgemcnts and order, whofoeuer wilnot ot dare not be tried inal their dodlrine and doings, they fhew themfcluesto miftruft their ownc caufe, and to lice from the light, and ordinance of God. V'vithout which order of appealing al differences in faith and conftrudions of the Scriptures , the Church had bcenc more defedual and infufficicnt , then any Commonwealth or Socierie of men in thcvvorld; none ofwliichcuer Tvantcih good meanes to decide al difcoades and diircnfion anting among the fubieds &. citizens 0f the lame. t. ^pofiles and ^undents'] The Herefies of our Proteftants which vvould hiue almen to giue]voice,or to be prefent in CouBcels , and of others that would haue none but the holy or cle<^ to be admitted, ire refuted by this example.wherc we fee none but Apoflles & Priefts or Ailcients allcmbledto difputcof thematter, tiioughmany deuoutpeople werein thecitie thefan-.etime. Of what per- j^eithfrdij euer any othcrin the Auncient Councels of the Church uffcmble to d,cbate and define ("rt ^"'^ the mattcr.but fuch,tliou§h many other for other caufes be euerprcfent. Secular men or women, toiililtf wi. [j,g [heir gifts neuer fo great.can not be iudges in caiiies of faith and religion. z/awj thing , faith God ^^^^ he hard and doubtful , thou [halt come to the Priejis of the Leuiticalffocke , and thou f halt folovv their Jentence. Againc , The lippes of the Priejl fhal keepe knowledge , and the Law thmfhalt reqiiirj of hu ^(al. i, r, mouth. Agaioe, ^fkethtLaw efiht Priejl: Much more muitwe referre al to our Bif Hops and -^ig* ■ », Pallors.whom God hath placed in the regiment of the Church with much lai ger priuilc ge , then n- A sencral Coi'i- ^"cr he did the old Piicrts oucr the Synagogue, to whom it is faid, H e thxt dejj>ijetb yoH,dtj}tfeth me. Luf,io,it eel reprefentcch And it is to Hit noted that the Bif hops Co gathered in Coiincel.reprefcnt the whole Church , haue ihc whole the auihoritie of the whole Cbu,rch , and the Spirit of Cod to protcftthem froniciior, as the •CburcJi whole Church : SS. Paul and Barnabas come hither for the definition of the whole Church, j-^ , ^ ^^^ The fentenee of a flenarit or general Couneel (faith S. Augullinc) « ihe confent of the vz hole Church. ^ y^^ And foit multncedes be in the Church , becaufe the Magilhates, Senate, Coun.el or deputies of ^^" al common wcalthes, reprcfent the whole body:and lo haue it oiherwife (as the Churches Ribcls Tvjfb) were to',bringal tohelandhorrour, and thciafe!ue4*tobepirpctually,b> thefeditiousand , popular perfons.vpholden againft Law, rf afon, and religion, in their wickednes. The^rfl Coun- <. ^jfanlled.] A Councel was called to difcuffL- thematter. which Councel wsstlie mor« eel at Hicrufa- eafily gathered , becaofe the ChriiiLaa Bif hops and countrit s were not yet fo tnany , but that the l«m, principal Gouernours of the Church being not far difperfcd , and as many learned men as were n.eceflarie.might be in Hiemfalem.or eafily called tliitlier. And it was not a Prouinci.*l Councel o| ° ."iJfenJio7t ]Such occafions of difFercnces fall out eucn among the perfed men often, with- out any great offence. And this their departing fell out to the great increafeof Chriftians. And therfore it is very ridiculoufly applied to cxcufe the difagreing of thcHeretikes among them felues in the principal pointes of religion, namely the Sacranjent. levy Chap. XVI. Paul hauinj for hitpArt vifitedthe Churches of Syria , Cilicia, and^^Lycaonia , deliue- ring vnto them 'vvithal to keepethe 'Decrees of the Councel : 6 hegtnneth a new tourney , ouer Phrygia , Galatia, SMyJia : S Tea into Europe aifo he paffeth, iidmonifhed by a, vijion, ttnd cemmeth into Macedonia, ii and there he beginneth thi Church of the Philippians , working miracles, andfuffering ferfecution. N D he came to Derbe and Lyflra. And be- holdjthere was a ccrtaine difciple there na- med Timothee ,the fonne of ''a widow' :• Here a^ainc woman that belecued,of a father a Gentile. ^\^^y "l^^ o^der , _, , . Ill 1 • that the decrees t To this man the brethren that were in and articles of Lvftra and Iconium , gaue a good teftimo- fa"hapedvp- t t 1 1 r I • / » • on m the Coun- nie. t Him Paul would hauetogoe rorth with mm : and cei of lerufaie, taking him he circumcifed him becaufe of the lewes that cutTd'&'obfer- were in thofe places. Fortheyal knewthat his father was ued. whereby G-i * ^ we fee both the entile. ^ ^ great authoritie i And when they paflfed thro US' h the cities, they deli- ofcouncds, & , . 1 1 •• I ^W J I rthe dilipence ueredvnto them toKecpeth^»'decreest»at were decreed or that al Prelates the ApoftlesandAuncicnts which were at Hierufalem.tAnd °"S>^^ ^o ^ai'c the Churches were confirmed in faith, and did abound in c:ee.s&canons number daily. of the couceis **^ / „ .. , . , put in cxeuitio. Vu jj t And ♦ 34° THE ACTES ChA. XVI. ., ^j^.j j^ t And palling through Phrygia and the countrie of Ga- 6 had not the latia i, they were '*'* forbidden by the holy Ghofc to preach vmJt^hemSto'^- "^"^^ vvotdin Afia. t And when they vverc'come into Myfia, 7 gethet , but for they attempted to goe into Bithynia: and the Spirit of 1 e- trs'TeSkSVS permitted them not. Bedethinketk) f And vvhcn thcv had paiTed thfouffh Mvfia, they Went 8 God forefavY , , ^ t- i JT I L /u . they woaid downeto 1 roas : r anda vili on by night was 1 hewed to 9 not beiceue , 8c Pqq[ . There was a certaine man of Macedonia ftandins lb t hoiild hauc JLTI- U- Jr- a' \a a' • i been moregre- and beieeching him , and iaying,paHe into Macedonia , and uouiiy dam- hcipe VS. t And as fooneas he had {een the vifion/orth- 10 with we fought to goe into Maced6nia,being afTured that God had called vs to euagch'zc to them, t And failing from 11 . Troas, wecamewithaftraight courfctoSamothracia,and fuch a cu'ie the day folowing to Neapolis : t and from thence to Phi- 11 whercthemoft Ijppiv vhich is the fiift citic of the part of Macedonia,a •• co- mhabitants are » r ' . . f _ « , Grangers, ient Imta. And we wcte in this citK ccitaine daies,abidmg. t A nd 13 thuha fromo- ypQ„ j.]^g j^y ^f j.]^^ Sabboths, We Went forth without the ther great cities i j ' Scsutes.name- gate beude a riucr, where it feemedthat there was praier: 8c RomanTs.^'^^ iicting wcfpakc to the women that Were afTcmbled. f And 14 acettaine woman named Lydia, a feller of purple of the ci- tie of the Thyatirians,one that worfhippcd God, did heare: ' whofe hart our Lord opened to attend to thofc things which were faid of Paul, t And when (he was baptized, 15 andher houfe, fhetefought vs,faying: Ifyouhaue iudged me to be faithful to our Lord, enter in vnto my houfe,and, tarie. And {he conftraincd vs, t And it came to pafle as 16 vvevventtoprrder, a certaine wenchehauing a Pyt4i6nical fpirit, raettevs, that brought great gaine to her maifters by ue^"J^L%om- diuining. t This fame folowing Paul and vs, cried faying, 17 peiied by the -J Thefe men are the feruants of tfic high God,vvhich prcach leVpreibnce to vnto you the Way of faluation. t And this fhc did many iS fay truth or els daics. And Paul being forie, and turning, faid to the fpirit, I (as fuch do of- , 11-1° /* T J^ r > ten times) he comaund thee m the name or I e s vs Christ to goe out fpake truth from hcr.And he went out the famehoure, t But her mai- 19 novv.thatthey nr-IUi C \ ■ ■ U might die more Iters Iccing that the hope ot their game was gonc,apprehen- hc Ve'ttir *be- ^^"§ ^^^^ ''^"^ ^'^^^ > hrought them into -the market place guile them at to the Ptinces : fandprefentingthem tothemagiftrateSjthcy 2.0 faidjThefemen trdlbleour citie,being levvcs: t and they 2.1 preach a fafhion which it is not lawful for vs to receiue, nor doc, being Romanes, f And the people ranne againft iz them : and the magiftratcs tearing their co.ites>commaunded them other times. Cha. t.Cor.u. ^3 ^4 XVI. OF THE APOSTLES. 341 them to be beaten with roddes. t And when they had iaid'*^many ftripes vpon them,they did caft them into prifon, commaunding the Keeper that hefhould kccpe them dih- gently. t Vvho when he had recciued fuch commaun^ dement, caft them into the inner prifon, and made their feete ij faft in tile ftockes. t And at mid-night, Paul and Silas pray, ing, did praifc God. And they that were in prifon, heard 26 them, t Butiodcnly there was made a great earthqiiakc,fo that the foundations of the prifon were fhaken. Andforth- with a! the doores were opened : and the bands of al were 27 loofed. t And the keeper of the prifon waked out of his ileepe , and feeing the doores of the prifon opened, drawmg out his fword, would haue killed him felf, fuppofing that the prifoners had been fled, -f But Paul cried with a loud voice , flying , Doc thy felf no hatmc , for we are al here, t And calling for light,he went in, and tremblingfel downe to Paul and Silas at their feete : t and bringing them forth, hefaid, Maifters, what mufti doethat Imay befaued? f But •'it is no other they faid, '•' Beleeue in our Lord Iesvs: and thou f halt be fa- b^K^t^J^vthkh ued andthy houfe. f And chey preached the word of our worketh by Lord to him withal that were in his houfe. t And he ta- p''?'"!* ^''^• king them in the lamchourcor the night, "^ wafhed their woundes : and him felf was baptized and al his houfe in- L^That d^' 34 continent, t And when he had brought them into his "^""^ ^"vvard o wne houfe,he laid the table for them,and reioyccd with al foSl'llKl 55 hishoufc,bclceuingGod.tAnd wheday was come, the ma- "'"^^.gainc by 3(j giftratesfentthefcrgeants,faying,Letthofemen goe. t And tud"bentfi«r the keeper of the piifon told thcfe wordcs to Paul, That the raagiftrates haue fenc that you ("hould be let goe. now ther- 37 fore deparring,goe yc in peace.-jBut Paul faid to them : Being whipped openly, vnc6deraned,men that are Romanes,thcy haue caft vs into prifon:& now do they fend vs out fecrctly? 35 Not foj-but let them come,&: let vs out them felues. tAnd the fergeants reported thcfe wordes to the magiftrates. And they 59 were afraid hearingthat they were Romanes: t and com- ming they bcfought them, &c bringing them forth they deCi- 40 r«d them to depart out of the citie. t And going out of the prifon,they entred invntoLydia: and hauingfeen the bre- thren, they comforted them^and departed. 28 n 53 Vu iij AND 54i THB ACTIS Cha. XVII. '• Zelanies. This Chap. XVII. How in other ^ttrts , of:\Cacedoma he planted the Church . and namely At Thejfalonhe, S where the ohJlinnteJevvei are fomalicioui, that they furfue him aljo into «<■' ran. I* f rom whence being condu^edinto Greece , he freacheth at Athens l>oth t« the levvet and Gentiles, dijputing with the Philofiphers, 19 and in ^rtifagtu, perfuading them from their idols VHlt one God and Iesvs Christ raifed from the dead. ND when they had walked through i A mphipolis and Apollonia,thcy came to Thcllalonica, where there was afyna- gogueofthelewcs. t And Paul accor- 2 ^|j ding to his cuftome cntrcd in vnto them, '*^j & three Sabboths he difcourfed to them _____ yj out of the Scriptures, t declaring and 5 infinuating that it behoued C h r i s t to fufFer and to rife againc from the dead : and that this is Iesvs Christ, whom I preach to you. t And certaine of them belceued, 4 and were ioyned to Paul and Silas, and of the Gentiles that ^erued God a great multitude,and noble women not a few. is fh'rzeak of ^^"^'^^^ lewes '' enuying,&: taking vnto them of therafcal y Sf''"' ^^^ ^^"^^ certaine naughtie men,and making a tumult , ftirred the of K Sing citieiand befetting lafons houfe , fought to bring them forth slinft'catToil" ^"^° ^^^ people, t And not finding them, they drew lafon 6 ke Pricfts and ^nd ccrtainc brethren to the ptiuccs of thc citie,crying, That Te^tZ f °/ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^y ^^-^^ ftii^re vp the world, and are come hither, tne f,ood /ajons j.i-,/-ii ', ^ ' T whom lalon hath receuicd , andal thefc doc againft the 7 decrees of Ca£rar,faying that there is an other king, Iesvs. + Andthey raoucd the people, and the princes ofthecitieS hearing thefe things, t And taking a fatisfadion of lafon 9 andof thereftjtheydimificdthem. t But the brethren forth- 10 with by night fent away Paul and Silas vnto Beroea. Vvho when they were comd, entred into the fyna- gogue of the Iewes.t(And thefe were more noble then they n that are at Theflalonica, vvho receiued the word withal grcedines,daily"fearching the fcriptures,if thefe things were fo. t And many furely of them beleeued,and of honeft wo- 11 men GentiIes,andmennotafevv. ) t And when the lewes 13 inThelTalonica vnderftood,thatat Berceaalfo the word of God was preached by Paul,thcy came thither alfo,mouing and troubling the multitude, t And then immediatly the 14 brethren that rccfiuc thcjn. CaH. XVII. OF THE APOSTLES. 343 brethren fentavvay Paul,to goe vn to the fea: but Silas and 1^ Timothee remained there, t And they that condu<5lcd Paul, brought him as farre as Athens , and receiuing commaunde- ment of him to Silas and Timothcc,that they f hould come to him very rpeedily,they departed. 16 t And when Paul expelled them at Athens,hislpirit was 17 incenfcd within him, feeing the citie giuen to Idolatrie.1 He difputed therfore in the fynagogue with the lewes, & them thatfcrued God, and in the market-place, euery day with 18 them that were there, t And cettaine Philofophers of the Epicures and theStoikcs difputed with him, and certaine faid, Vvhat is it that this '^ word-fower would fay? But others, He fecmcth to be a preacher of new *^ gods, becaufe ip he preached to them I e s v s and the refurredion. t And ap- preheding him,thcy led himto Areopagus,faying,May wc 20 know what this new dodrine is that thou fpeakcft of? t for thoubringeftincertaincnew things to our earcs. Vvewil II know therfore vvhat thefe things may meane. (t And al the Athenians,and theftrangcrs feiourning there, emploied them felues to nothing els but either to fpeake , or to hcare 11 fome nevves.) t But Paul ftanding in the middes of Ateopa- Pl^P'^'? ^"'^ r ■ A *■ S. Dionyfius gUSjlaid: Areopagita. Ycmenof AthenSjinalthingsI perceiue you as it were o^ob.5. 23 fuperfiitious. t For paffingby and feemg your ^ Idols, I Sfht^^vV found an altar alfo wherevpon was written, ro the ynk^oyyen ^cil. ij8o)tra- God. That therfore which you vvorfhippe,notknowmgit, w'moftcor"- 24 the fame do I preach to you. t The God that made the world ^j^P^'y ^s^inft and al things that are in itjhe being Lord of heaaen & earth, the Greeke 25 dvvelleth •• not in '^temples made with hand, t neither is r^anj^'"^' he ferued with mens hands,needingany thing,vvhereashira vvkkediy , a- 16 felfgiueth life vntoal,andbreathing,andal things; t andhe f'luSt 1^^ ^^^' Y r 1-1-1 • 1 . • ^ 1 1 1 r r «euouon made oroneal maKiude,tomnaDite vpon the vvnoie race or of good chrif- ihc earth, alljgningfet times, and the limits of their habita- pagif*doil!!ie 27 tion, t for to feeke God, if happily they may feele or finde ^"'i %erftm6, 28'him,althoughhe be not farre from euery one of vs. t For in .^" euonons. him wcliueand moucand be,as certaine alfo of your owne conciaded in 2p poetes faid,for of his kinde Jfo yve dre. t Being therfore of Gods ^p'JJjJh^;^"^' kinde,vve may notfuppofe, "the Diuinitie to be like'vnto forhisneceiTiric gold or filuetjor ftone.the grauine of art and deuife of man, of ^ivveii/ng.or. 30 t And thetimes truely of this ignorance whereas Goddif- indigence, sco pifed , now he denounceth vnto men that al euery ao^v^as. '^' where Pyonyfias Kfopajica. 344 THE ACTES C HA. XVII. where doc penance, 1 for that he hath appointed a day 31 wherein he vvil iudge the >«rorld in equitie,by a man whom he hath appointed, giuing al men faith , ray fing him vp from the dead. t And when they had heard the refurredion of the dead, 3 1 certaine in dcede mocked, butccrtaine faid, Vvewilheare thee againe concerning this point. fSo Paul went forth out 35 of the middes of them, t But certaine men ioyning vnto him, 54 ■ didbeleeue : among whom was airo"Dionyfuis Areopa- gita , and a Woman named Daraaris , and others with them. ^ "The people jnay not iudge of the fenle of Scriptures. The comfort of Chiiitian men by hearing or reading the Scripturej. The Proteftats call deuotion, fuperliition. The Apoftle fpcaketh of the Heathens fu- pcrllition. The Catholike Church alloW- ctbno fupcilH- ANNOTATIONS Chap. XVII. ir.Searthing the Scriptures.) The Heretikes vfethis place to protiethat theheiiers mufltrie andiudge by the Scriptures, whether their teachers and preachers dodtriiie be true, and foreicdi that that they find not in the Scriptures, as though here the f hcepc were made iudges of their Pa- ftors, the people ofthcPriefts, andmenand vvomen ofal fortes, cuen of S. Paules doiltineitfelf; Which were the moll folif h diforder in the VTorld. And they did not thcrfore read the Scriptures oftheoIdTeflament (fornoneofthenew were yet extant commonly) to difpute with the Apo- flle.or to trie and iudge of his dodrine, or whether they fhould beleeue him oino:for they were bound to beleeue him and obey his word, whether he allcagcd Scripture or no, and vvhether they could r^de orvnderftand the Scriptures or no. but it was a great comfort and confirmation for thtlewes that had the Scriptures , tofinde euenas S. Paul faid, that Chiift was God, crucified, rifen.and afcended to heaucn:vvhich by his preaching and expounding they vnderftood.and ncucr before , though they read them , and heard them read euery Sabboth. As it is a great comfort to a Catholike man, to hearc the Scriptures declared &:alleagedmoftcuidcntly for the Churches truth againft Hcrctikes,in Sermons or otherwife. And it doth the Catholikes good &C much confirmech them, tovcW diligently the places alleaged by the Catholike prcacliers. Yet they muftnot be iudges for jl that, ouer their owne Paflors, whom Chiift commaundeth them to hearc and obey, and byTvhom they heare the true fenfe of Scriptures. iz.SuperJfitioM.y S. Paul callethnot themfuperftitious foradoring the true and only God with much deuotion or many ceremoniesorincomelyprefcribcd order, or for doing due rcue- rence to holy Sacjraments , to Sainds and their memories. Images, or Monuments : or for keeping the prefcribed lawes , dales, and faftes of the Church, or for fulfilling vovces made to God, or for blelllng with the figncof the Croffe, or for capping and kneeling at the name of I es v s, or for rcligioufly vfing creatures faniftified in the fame name , or any other Chriftian obfcruation,for which our new Maiftcrs codemne th« Catholike people of Superftitionrthcm fchies wholy voide of that vice by al wife mens iudgement , becaufe they hauc in maner taken away al religion , and arc become Epicureians and Athcifts; who are neucr troubled Tvith fuperflition, becaufe it is a vice confilb'nginexcellcofvrorfhip orreligion, whereof they are void, but the Apol>le cal'cth them fupeiflitious for worf hipping the Idols and goddes of the Heathen , and * for the feare that they * of rYO"*^ had, left they fhould Icaueout any God that was vnknowento them: for thus their Altar was /rt»"io.iha.iis,To {he ^ods o! Aria,Europe,and Lybia: to the vnknowenand ftrangeGod. Thisfuperftition (faith S. Auguftine) i'. wholy taken «-^"^- <^* away from the Church by Chrifts incarnation, and by the ApoiUes prcachnig,and by Martyrs holy (of. Euagi life and death. Neither doth the Catholike Cl>urch allow tliis or any other kinde offuperftitious /*. i e. tK obfeiuation, Only we muft take hcede that we beleeue not her Aducifaries definition of fuper- ltition,for they would imply therein al true religion. iP.The'Diuinitisto fct //;^.)Nothing can be madcby m.inshand ofwhat forme or fort foeuer, that is like to Gods elTence , or to the forme or f hape of his Godhead or Pfuinitie. therfore how- foeucr the Heathens did paint or graue their Idols , they wcrciiotliing like to God. And this alfo if impertincmiy allcag«d by Heretikes againft the Churches i« ges; VvhicUareaotmade, cither 19 Cha. XVIII. CF THE APOSTLES. 345 to be adored with godly honour, orto beany refemblanceof thcDiuinitieorany ofthethrcc perfons in Godhead, but only ofChiiftashe was in forme of man, who in that refped may be triiely exprcfled, as other men by their piirtraites ; and of the Holy Ghofl: , not as he is in hun Iclf, ^ butas heappearedin hry tongues orin the fimilimdeof adooue, orlUchlike. And fo to paint or HoW there graue any of the three perfons as they appeared vifibly and corporally , isnomorcinconucnient maybe Images orvnlawful, thenit wasvndecent for tlicm to appeare in fuch formes. And therfore topaintor or refembiaces Datt.7,2!. portraite the Fatheralfo being the firftperfon, ashehath fhewed himfelfin vifiontoany of the ofthethrc per- Gen.i's,!. I'rophetesoftheoldornevvTeftamcnt (namely to Daniel as an old man) or the three Angels re- fonsin Trinitie, Geti.}i,it Pre^'^nting the three Perfons to Abraham , or the one Angel that wrafthng with lacob bare our and of Angels.' Lords Perfon, nofiich thingis anywhere forbidden, biitisvcryagreabletothepeopletjnftru- Exo. i7,r *-^ion. In which fort the Angels were commonly pourtered (and namely the Cherubins ouer the ' Propiriatoric) as they be now in the Chin ch.notia their natural forme.but with corporal wingfs ^y«- *. 3. (as the Seraphins appeared to Elay the Prophete) to cxprelle their quahtie and office of being Gods Ajigels , that is , CMeffen^en : and God the Father with the world in his hand , to fignifie his creation and gouernement of the fame, and fuch like: Vvhereof the people being wclinflrnded may take much good, and no harmc in the world, being now through their faith in Chrill far -, .. from al fond imagination of the falfe gods of the Pagans. And therfore S. Grcgorie faith of the 'i •'■* Churches Images, That which fcripture or vvritm^ doth to the readers , the fame doth the picture to the {' '• fimple thatleoke therevpon. for in iteuen the ignorant fee what they ought to folow , in it they do read "'^"^^'on. that know no Utters. Vvherehe ca'lethit a matter ofantiquitic and very conuenient, that in holy places Images were painted to the peoples inftrudionjo they be taught that they may not be ado- red with diuine honour, and he in the fameplace f harply rebuketti Sereniis the Bifhop of Mat fi!ia,that of indifcrcte zelehe would take away Images, rather then teach the people how to vfethem, j#. 'DionyftH^ ^Areapagiu.) This is that famous Denys that firft conuerted France , and wrote thofe notable and diuine workes de Eccleftaflica air cdleJH hierarchia,de diuinu nomintbus, and others S. Dionyfius A- in which heconfirmeth andproucth plainely almoft al things that the Church now vfcth in the reopagita is al miniftrationof the holy Sacraments, and affirmeth that he learned them of the Apoftles, giuin^ for the Catho- alfo teilimonie for the Catholikc faith in mofi: things now controuerfcd , fo plainely, that our Adt likes uerfiries haue no f hift but to deny this Denys to haue been the author of them , feyning that they be an others of later age, Vvhich is an old flight of Heretikes,but moft proper to thefe of al others. V vho feeing al antiquuic againfl them.aic forced tQ be more bold or rather impudent then others iu that point. Images arc for the peoples ia> Chap. XVIII. fc4/ Cerlrth it* Achaia, he worketh with hit twnt hands , preachiug I E,s v $ te be Christ, vntothe levves vfon their Sabboths. 6 'But they being oljfinate and hlafpheming, he in plawe termes forfaketh them . andturneth to the Gentils, among vyhom according to a vifton that he had te embolden him, hepUnteth the Church in great numbers , ,t the ohjllnat levves in vainefoliciting the Procon' ful againfi him.it From thence at length departing he retnrnrth 1 9 by Ephefta ( vvherehe fromifetbth* levves to relume to them) it and ft to ^ntioch in Syria {from whence he began hhioumey uiH-.ij) 23 but not rejfing , by and by hegoeth againe te vifite the new Churches that he planted ^a. 1 6 in Galatia 0,ndFhrygia: n- Apollo in hu alffcnce mightily confounding the levves at Ephefui , 2 7 twd afterward at Corinth. FTER thefe thingSjdcparting from Athens, he came to Corinth, t and finding a certaine Ievv,named Aquila, bornein Pontus, who of late was come out of Italic, and Prifciila his Jli wife (becaufe Claudius hadcommaunded al levves to.depattfrom Rome,) he came to them, f And be- caufe he was of the fame craft, he remained with them, and Vvrought,(and they vveretentmakers by their craft.) t And Xx he 54«J TMB ACTES Cha. XVIII. he difputed in the fynagogue cuery Sabboth,interpo(ing the name of our Lord I e s v s, and he exhorted the Icvves and theGieekcs. t And when Silas and Timothee were come 5 from Macedonia, Paul was inftant in prcaching,teflify ing to the levves that Iesvs is Christ, t But they contradi- 6 d:ingandblafpheming,hc (hakinghisgarmets,faidto them, Your bloud vpon your ovvne head: 1 being cleane,from hence forth vvil goe to the Gentiles, t And departing ihcce, 7 he entred into the houfc of a certaine man, named Titus luf- tus,onethat feruedGodjVvhofehoufe vvasadioyningto the fynagogue. t And Cnfpus the prince of the Synagogue 8 beleeued our Lor^,vvith al his houle : and many of the Co- rinthians hearing beleeued, and were baptized, t And our 9 Lord faid in the night by a vifion to Paul, Doe not fearc , but fpeake,and hold not thy peace , t for-becaufe lam with 10 thee : and no man f hal fet vpon thee to hurt thee : for 1 haue much people in this citie. t And he fate thereayere &:fixe 11 moneths , teaching among them the word of God. ■\ But Gallic bemgProconful of Achaia, the Icvves with ^^ one accord rofe vp againft Paul, and brought him to the iud- cement feare, 1: faying, That this man coniraric to the Law ^5 perfuadeth men to vvorfhippeGod. t And Paul beginning ^4 to open his mouth, Gallio faid to thelevves,lf it were fome vniuft thing,or an heinous fade,0 you men levves,! f hould by rcafbn beareyou. t Butif they bequeftionsof word & 15 names, and of your law, your fclues lookevnto it: 1 vvii not be iudge of thefe things, t And he droue them from the ^<^ iudgement feate. t And al apprehedingSofthenes the prince 17 of the {)'nagogue,ftrooke him before the iudgement feate: and Gallio cared for none of thofc thmgs. t But Paul when he had ftaicd yet many daies,taking his jg leaue of the brethren, failedto Syria,(and with him Prilcilla and Aquila,) who had f^iornc his head in Ccnchris.for he had*avovv. t And he came vntoEphefus,and them he ip left therc.But him felf entring into the fynagogue , difputed with the levves. t And when they dcfired him, that he 10 would tarie a longer time, he confcnted not, t but taking n hisleaue,andfaying, 1 vvilreturnetoyou agajnc God wil- ling, he departed from Ephefus. t And going downc to n Cxfarea, he went vp,and faluted the Church , and came dovvne to Antioche. t And ChA. XIX. OF THE APOSTLES. 347 \ 2.5 t And hauing taried there a cercainetime, he departed, 1 walking in order through the countrie of Galatia and Phry- I gia, confirming al the difciplcs. 14 t AndacertainelevVjnamedA^oIlo, borne at Alexan- Apoii». dria, an eloquent manjCame to Ephefus,mighty in the fcrip- 1^ rures. t This man was taught the way of our Lord: and being feruent in fpirit he fpake,and taught diligently thofc things thatpertainetolE s vsjknovving onlythe baptifmc x6 of lohn. t This man therfore began to dealc confidently in the fynagoguc. Vvhom when Prifcilla and Aquila had heard, they tookc him vnto them,and expounded to him the 27 way of our Lord more diligently, t And whereas he was defirous to goe to A chaia,the brethren exhorting wrote to the difciples to receiue him. Vvho, when he was comc,pro- i8 fited them much that had beleeued. t For he with vehc mencic conuinccd the lewes openly, fhevving by the fcrip- tures, that Iesvs is Christ. Mt,i,u. Air. 1,2. Chap. XIX. How Pnul begun the church of Ephefui,JirJi in 12 that were hapt'izjd with lohtts haptijine, S then preaching three monethi in the Synagogue of the lewes , vntil for their ohJUnacie and bla/j>heming Jieforfooke them , dijputing afterward in a eertainefchoolefor twojeres Jpaceto themaruelous increaje of the Church , /ic eialiy through hu great miracles alfo , in healing difeafes with the toucheofhis cUthts,andexpellingditiels, 13 who yet contemned the Exorcifls of the lewes. iS How the Chriftians there confejfe their aRes,andhurne their vnlawful bookesi It andhow he foretold that after he had been at H ierufalem , hemufi feeI{ome. i} and what a great fedition was raifed againji himat Ephefw, by them that got their lining of working to the idolatrous Temple of 'Diana. i| ND it came to pafTe when Apollo was TheEpiftievps I at Corinth , that Y Paul hauing gone ^^"'"''"•'"^• through the higher partes came to Ephe- fus, and found ccrtaine difciples: t and he faid to them, Haue you receiued the holyGhoft,belceuing? But they faid to him , Nay , neither haue we heard Whe- ther there be a holy Ghoft. t But he faid,In what then were you baptized? Vvho faid, ^ In lohns baptifme. t And Paul c lohns baptif- faid : * lohn baptized the people with the baptifme of pe- *nenotfufficier. nance,faying: That they fhould beleeueinhim that was to come after him, that is to fay ,^in I e s v s. t Hearing thefe cchrifts baptif- things,they were baptized in the name of our Lord Ie s v s. '^^ aece/rarie. Xx ij t And 54$ THE ACT ES C H A. X I X. ::s.Paulminif-t And vvhcn Paul had *• impofed hands on them, the holy 6 txcd the Sacra- Qhoft camc VDon them , and they fpake with tongues , and ment of Cohr. i-j,ajiiu i i matio. j«*w^ prophecied. f Andall the men were about tvvelue. 7 f-*."- t Andcntringin to the fynagogue, he [pake confidently 8 for three moncths, difputing and exhorting of the kingdom of God. ^ t But when certame were mduratc, and be- 9 Iceued not,il-rpeaking the way of our Lord before the mul titude,departing from them, he feparated the difciplcs , daily difputing in the khole of one Tyrannus. t An this was done 10 for the fpace of two yeres,ro that al which dwelt in Ada, heard the word of our Lord,levves and Gentils. t And God wrought by the hand of Paul miracles not n common: t fo that there were alfo brought from his body n "napkins or handkecchcfs vpontheficke, and the difcafes departed from them, and the wicked fpirits went out. f And'-T3 certainc alfo of the ludaical exorcifts that went about,aflaied to inuocatc vpon them that had cuil fpirits, the name of our Lord I E s V s , faying , ladiure youby I esvs whom Paul preacheth. t And there were certaine fonnesof Sceua a 14 Iewe,cheefe prieft, feuen, that did this, t But the wicked ij fpiritanfwering,faidtothem,lESVs 1 know, and "Paul 1 know : but youjwhat are ye? t And the man in whom the 16 vvickedfpirit was,leaping vponthcm,and maftring' both', ^ them . , prcuailed againfl: them, fo that they fledoutof that houfc Dot only a ge- naked and wounded, t And this was made notorious to 17 g althe lewesand the Gentiles that dwelt at Ephefus: and neral confellio wherein al me fhewthefeiues featc fel vpon al them , and the name of our Lord I e s v s t^?'!!*'/:": vvas magnified, t And many of them that ners.as oiirPro- _ _ teitants do -.but con felling and declaring belecuedjcame their deedes. t And many of 10 cusry one con- ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ folowed " curious things , brought together fefTed his owne proper deedes their " bookcs , and burnt them before al: and counting the prices of them , they found the money to be fifcic thoufand The 6 part, pence, t So mightely increafed theword of Godand was lo a ?/''tl"e^ confirmed. Gofpe/fro ^ And when thefe things were cndedjPaul purpofed in Hierufalem the Spirit, when he had palTed through Macedonia and the head ci- Achaia,to goe to Hierufalem, faying. After I fhallhaue been tieottheic- jhcre,! muft fee •» Rome alfo. t And fending into Macedo- wes,andgi- ^j^ two of them that miniftred vntohim, Timotheeand Rome the Eraflus, him felf remained for a time in Afia. head citie of t And at that time there was made no litle trouble about 1^ the Gcutih.' • the ii 11 Tlic Proce- ChA. XIX. OF THE A r O S T L E S. 54^ ' I 24 the way of our Lord, t For one named Demetrius, a filuer- fmithjthac made filuer '^temples ot Diana,procurcd to the ar- 25 tificers no fmal gainc : t whom calling together and them f^}^ tranflate, that were the fame kinde of vvorkemen, hefaidjSirs, you bible an. 1^77: 16 know that our gaine is of this occupation: t and you fee, 1° "^.^K-'? and neare that this lame Paul by perlualionnatn auertcda that it touchetk great multitude not only of Ephefus, but alraoft of al Afia, S-'Sa^"" laying, That they are not gods which be made by handes. moft conuptijr, 27 t And not only vntovs is this part in danger to bereproued, lyinf^phiniyT but alfo the temple of great Diana fhal be reputed for no- ""'/'Kand that thing,yea & her maicftie Thai begm to be dellroicd , whom ^ ^° ** 28 al Alia & the world vvorfhippcth. t Hearing thefe things, they were replenifhed with anger, and cried out faying, 29 Great is Diana of the Ephefians. t And the whole citic ^ was filled with confufion,& they rannc violently with one accord into the theatrc,catchingGaius and Ariftarchus Ma- jo cedonianSjPaules companions, t And when Paul would haue entred in to the people,the difciples did not permit him. 31 t And cettaine alfo of the Princes of Afia that were his frendes,fent vnto him, defyring that he would not adueturc 32 him felf into the theatre : t and others cried an other thing.For thealTemblie vvasconfufe,& the more part knew 35 not for what caufc they were alTemblcd. t And ofthemul- titude they drew forth Alexander, the lewes thrufting him forward. But Alexander with his hand defiring filence, 34 would haue giuen the people fatisfacftion. t Vvhom as foone as they perceiued to be a lewe, there was made one voiceof al,almoftfor thefpace of two houres crying our, 35 Great is Diana of -the Ephefians. t And when the Scribe had appeafedthe multitudes,he faith,Ye men of Ephefus,for what man is there that knov veth not the citie of the Ephe- fians to be a worf hipper of great Diana, 3c "^ lupiters childe? c Here the He- 3 ^ J the text this 37 muft be quieted, and doe nothing rafhly. t For you haue word, wki>'s-'] The napkins that had touched ^. Paules body, wrought miracles, and it was Touching of ^^ fupcrllition to attribute that venue to them which God gaue to them in deedc : nor to lecke to R^elikes, & mira ^Qm-jj^hemfor health, was any difhonour to God.but it much proued Chriltes religioto be true, ^^ cles done by J^„ j him to be the only Gad, whole fouants, yea whole ieruants 'l^hades and napkins coald do the fame. The name, or prcfencc , or Reliques of fuch wonders, as S.Ciiryfoftome (to. $. c»ni. Gentiles, quod Chriftuifit 1>eiu,in vic/BcibyU.) f hewcth in awholc booketo thatpurpofe, againft the Pagans, prouing hereby andby the like veitue of other Sainds and their Relikes, that Chrid theii Lord and MaillerisGod. for it is alone concer- ning the bodies of Sain£ls,reliques,garmencs, ilaues,bookcs,or any thing that belonged to theni.al which may and haue done and yet doe(whcn it is neceflarie to our edification) the like wonders to Godsgrcat^honour: not only in their life time, but after tlieir death much more, for S. Paules napkins hadas great force when he was dead, as when he lined, and lb much more, as his grace and dignicie with God is greater then before. VvhichS. Chrylbftomin the place alleagedproueth at large by the f hrine of S. Babylas the Maityriand to thinke the contrarie.is the Herefie of Vigilan- tius.condemned fo long hnce as S. Hieroms time.and by him refuted aboundantly. i6.Paul I knavv.] Both the laid napkins taken from S. Paules body, and his name a!fo, were dreadful and able to expel diuels. Vvhereby we learnethat not only Chtillesname.whichis the principal,but his feruacs names alfo iuuocated vpon the pofreired,haue power ouec diuels ; which ^ • d &: holv'^^ maiuelous honour toSaincts, andnothing diminifheth the glorieof Chrift.but excedingly s ^ jncreafeth the fame, not only him felf, but his leruants alfo being able to do fuch things.and to bt -,•*»' ^"^"n^"^ ^^^ llronger then any Dhielin Hel.So wc read in * S. Hieromthat many did inuocatethc name of ." '''.' '. '' Uiuei. 5_j-jiijfionvponthepoireired, and the Diuels flraightdeparted.fo did the Diuel know* S. Babylas ^['""r'} _ and other Sainds,qucn after they were dead, when they could not fpeake for the prefence of their ''-7'' ^' Relikes , and when they were tormented and expelled by them :vvhercof al antiquitie is ful of te- ""' " ' llimonies. Eutour Herctikes Luther and Caluin and their Scholers attempting to call out Diuels, fped much hke as thefe good fellowes did. 1 9. Curiotu things.'] Curious and vnlawful fciences,as Vvitchcraft , Necromancic, and other Superfliiious, meanes ofdiuination by fouthfaying, figure-cafting, interpretation of dreames.orany way not heretical, and al allowed by God and his Church, muft much more be abhorred of old Chiiftians , when thefe fo hurtful bookes lately conuerted were fo zelous and diligent to leaue them. And by this example al that are newly muftbe made reconciledto the Church, are taught, the fjilt thing they do, to burne their heretical and naughtic away, bookes. 19. 'Bookes.'] A Chriftian man is bound to burne or deface al wicked bookes of wljat fort fo euer , fpecially Heretical bonkes. Vvhich though they infedl not him alvvaies that keepeth them. Decrees and pe- g^b^jj^g furthcomming, they may be noifom and pernicious to others that fhal haue them and nal laWcs a- j^^fj jhtm after his death, or othcrvvife. Therfore hath the Church taken order for condemning al gainft heretical (-^£.l^ bookes, and againft the reading ofthem, where danger may enfue: and the Chrillian £mpc- bookes. rours,Con{lantinus Magnus , Valcniinian , Theodofius.Martian , Iuftinian,made penal lawes for the burnin" or defacirg ofthem. Scz.om, li. i c. to. li. i c. jr. Cone. Chatc. aR. s. in fine, cap, u47npU, fh-in pnetotiM Cone. c. Impentrr. Cove. ConJiAntjnop. i, eenftf. s. cap. 'Debitam. & ^AEl. i c.ip. r. ^. tap. Rem. See Eufcbius /;'. s devita. Conftant. c. it. 62 .63. 6*. The danger of reading them, as it is roaniteft, fo it is fignified by Eufeb, /;'. 7 e. 6. S. Auguftine /;'. s de bnpt. c. i*. S. Greg. //'. s 'p. i*. Chap. xX- Hauinrvlfitedthe Churches cf Macedonia and^Jmia {lU hepur^ofed^H. 19 )and now about to j'aile jrom Corinth toward Hicrufalem , becaufc ofthelezrjts ijin? in waifefor him, he n coHjlrained to retume into ^tmedoina. 6 ^ndft atl'hiUppostak^ngboate, commeth to T rets , where vpon the Sunday , with a fermon, andamiracle,hegreatly confrmeth that Church. 13 Thence comming to S^Hetum , ; 7 hefendeth to Ephefuifor the Clergie of thofe partes : te whom he maketh aVaJioral rermon,co>nmittingvntotheir chargethe fiock^ begiineby him there, and now lil^ to befeen ofhi?» no more , (onjidtring the troubles that h reucUtion he looktih for at Hiexufakm. • . • AND ChA. XX. OFTHEAPOSTLES. jjl I ^^^^^m ND after that the tumult vvasceafcd, Paul caUing the difcijples, and exhorting them, tookc his Icauc, and fet forward togoc into Macedonia, t And when he had walked iji^-^y through thofe partes, & had exhorted them with much Ipeach, he came to Greece: t where when he hadfpent three moneths, the Icweslaid wait for him as he was about to faile into Syria: and he had counceltoreturnc 4 through Macedonia, t And there accompanied him Sofipa- * ter of Pyrrhus , ofBercea : and of ThcIfalonians,Ariftarchus, and Secundus ; and Caius of Derbe , and Timothee : and of 5 Afia,TychicusandTr6phimus. t Thefe going before,ftaicd 6 for vs at Troas : t but vVc failed after the daies of Azymcs from Phihppi, and came to them ynto Troas in fiue daics, where we abode feuendaies. 7 t AndinthefirftoftheSabboth when we were a{lem-^„e* Jj"ig"^ bled to •• breake bread, Paul difputed with them, being to ^'cad on the depart on the morovv, and he continued the fcrmpn vntil broken in the 8 midnight, t And there were a ereat number of lampes in ?^"^™"°f'^'l<^ U 1,1- U /-TLijj^Ii bodj of Chrill, ^ the vpper chamber where we were allembled. t And a and had both certaine yone man named Eutychus, fitting vpon the win- ''ff^oreSc after 1 11 myt\^n i'"*^ celebrating dow, whereas he was opprelied withheauy fleepe ( Paul ofthesacramet disputing long)driue by fleepe,fel from the third loft downe, peopr^°!!/« '!'*' 10 and was taken vp dead, t To whom when Paul was «« ^d cajHianu', gonedowne,helayvpon him: and embracing him he faid, '^mh.'^"^*^ 11 Benot troubledjforhis foule isin him. t And going vp and breaking bread and rafting, and hauing talked (ufficiently to II them vntil day light , fo he departed, t And they brought the lad aliue , and were not a litle comforted. 13 t But we going vp into the f hip, failed to Afton, from thence incining to receiue Paul, for fo hehad ordained,him 14 felf purpofing cc iourney by land, t And when he had found vs in Aifon, taking him with vs we came to Miryle- 15 ne. t And fai'ing thence, the d?.y folovving we came ouer flgainft Chios : and the other day we arriued at Samos : and 16 the day foiovving we came to Milctum. f for Paul had purpofedtc failc le.'.uirg Ephefiis, leftnny ftay fhould be made himin Afia. Forhc haftened , if it were pofljblefor him, CO kei s'e the day of" Pent ecofl ar FlicruGLni. c „t,,- '^ ^ "^^'"^ ^'^'I'^^'S ^''^"^ Miletum to Ephcfus , he called the \7hf'ffJl', CvTiLA ^^ '^Auncients of the Church, t Vvho being come to him, and ^i^e ma/gsnai ^ I affembled"""-^'"^' 35i THEACTES ChA afifembled together, he faid to thcra , You kno vv * from the firft day that Icntted intoAfia, in what mancc Ihauebeen with you al the time, t Teruing our Lord with al humiU- 19 tie and tcares , andtcntations that did chauncc to me by the conlpiracies of the Icvves: t How 1 haue vvithdravveii 10 nothing that was profitable, but that I preached it to you, & preSl^gcom- ^^"&^'^y°'^°P^"^y and from houfe to houfe, f teftifyingto ii men lech not levvcs and Gcutils •• pcuance tovvatd God and taithinour peimc^ICto LordlESvs C H Ri s T . f And uovv behold,being bouud 11 the people, by thc fpitic, I goe to Hierufalem : not knowing what things fhal befall me in it, 1 but that thc Holy Ghoft 13 through outal cities doth proteft to me, faying: that bands and tribulations abide mc at Hierufalem. i But I fcare none 24 of the fe things, neither doe I make mv life more pretious the my felf,fo that I rr^ay cofiimat my courfe & minifterie which I recciucd of our Lord 1 e s vs ,toteftifie the Gofpel of thc graceofGod. t And now behold 1 doc know, that you x^ i hal no more fee my face al you, through whom 1 haue paf- fed preaching thc kingdom of God.tVvhcfcfore I take you to i6 witnefle this prefent day that I am cleere from the bloud of al. t For 1 haue not fpared to declare vnto you al the counfclofa7 »: Bifhops oj God. t Take heedctoyourfeluesand to the whole flocke i8 Prieiisiforthen vvhcrcinthc '• Holy Ghoft hath placcd you bifhops, to rule werefometime theChutch of God which he hath purchafed with his ovvnc \[id indifFiiet- bloud.ll know that after my departure there vvd"raucnin2 29 ly ) gouernoiirs , . /- • i n i i i efme Church vvolucs cntcf m amongyou,noc iparmg the HocKCT and out 30 of Goi sc pia- ofyoijr ovvnc fclues f hal arifc men fpeakinc peruerfe things, ced in that TOO- / , ,- i ,- i A, o V- , i ^t mc 5c high fun- tourawaway dilciples atter themlclucs. 1 Forthe vvnicn 31 it' Ghoft.'' "°' caufe be vigilant, keeping in memorie that for three yeres night and day 1 ccifed not with teares to admonifh euery one of you. t And now I commend you to God and to 3^ thc vvoidof hisgracc,vvhoisabletoedifie,andto giue in- heritance in al the fandtificd. t No mans flluer and gold 35 or garment haue I coueted. t Yourfelucs know that for 34 fuch things as were needful forme and them that are with me, thefc hands haue miniflrcd. t I haue f hewed you al 55 thingSjthat fo labouring,you muft receiuc the weake,and re- member the word of our Lord 1 e s v s,becaufe hcfaid^" It is a more bleflcd thing to giue rather then to take. t And when he had (aid thefe things,falling on his knees ^6 he ptaied withal them, t And there was great weeping 57 made XX. C HA. XXI. O F T H E A P O S T L 1 S. 555 made of al, and falling vponthc necke of Paul , ihey kilTed 38 him, t beingforiemoft of al for the word which he had faid, that they f hould fee his face no morc.And they brought him going vnto the fhippc. ANNOTATIONS Chap. XX. if.PtHteco/f.l Though the Apoftlcs might defire to come to thelevvesFeftiuitics, bj^rcafon of the general concourrc of people to the fame , the better to deale for their faluation and to fpred theGolpel ofChrift, yet it is like that they now kept folcmly the Chriftian Pentccoftor vvhit- fontide.formcmorie of the Holy Ghoft.and that S.Paul went to that Feaft of the Chriilians rather then the othcrof the lewes. And Ven. Bcde faith here , The .^ifioJHemateth hafi ro keepethejifeeth d(ty, that u, of remipion dndof the Holy Ghofi. For, that the Chriftians already kept the eigr t day, that is, the Sunday or our Lordcs day, and had altered already the ordinarie Sabboth into the fame , it is plaiucby the Scriptures(/ Cor. 16,2. o^/joc. /,/o.)and by an tiquitie. /«///«. .5Wd»v. ^poloi.i ad^tiioK. Piuminfne. Andir is as like that they changed the lewes Palcheand Pcntecoftas that , Ipccudly *^u^. ep, when it is eiiident that * thefe Fefliuitics be kept by Apoftolike tradition, and approued by the vCe tile. I, of al auncient Churches and Councels. i9. /Queuing vvtlues.'] Thegouernours of the Church are foretold of the great danger that f hould fall to the people by wolues , that is to fay , by Herctikcs , whole cruelty toward the Ca- tholikes is noted by tiiis terme. They be knowe by the forfaking the vnitie of the Church vvhcie- of they were before , by going out and drawing many difciples after them , and by their peruerfe dodtrine. Such wolues came attervvard in deedein diucrsages, Arius.Macedonius, Neftorius Eu- tychcs, Luther, Caluin, great bloudfucking wolues ,and wallers of tne fiockeof Chrill. Sf.O^Core hUJfed togiue.] Among many other infinite goodly things and ipcaches which Chrift fpakeand be not written in the Golpels, this fcutence is one: which S. Paul heard offomcof the Apoftles daily conueifant with him, or els learned ofChrift him felf.orofthe Holy Ghoft. And it iignifieth , that whereas the world commonly counteth him happie that rcceiucth any benefite, at almes either temporal orfpiritual, yet in deedehe thatgiueth or beftovveth, is more happie, Vvhich if the world did vvel confider , men would giuc almcs fafler then they do , if it were but for their o wne benefite. Tht Chriftiaa Pcntccoft. Sunday. Rauening vvnl ues arc tnc H> retikcs of al, ages. Chrifts fpeaches not written In the Gofpcl. Great almef- mea We fled. Chap. XXI. r rem ffiXiU'tHmgoint en hit tourney , 4 he etin not he dijfttadtd neither at Tyre, t norat Cmfarea (in both vvhich fUcei the Holy Ghojl reueledhivv he f hould he handled in Hierufalem , ; • the Prophet xAgnhiu exprijly foretelling that the Uvvei ther* fhtuld deliuer him to the Gentils) ;/ hut to Hierufalem he eometh-.wherc being welcome to the Chrijfiani , and namely to lames the "Bifhof, and to the Priejh, while hegoeth about to futiijie the Chrijiian lewes there, vvho bad beeti mifin- formtd of him m if he had taught it to he vnla\i/fulfor the leWei to keepe OvCoyfes Law : n heu inuaded by the infdel levves.and ready to be murdered by thim, •vntil the I{omane fouldiars d« refcuehim. ND when it came to pafTe thatvve failed, being caned from rhem,vvith a ftraighc courfc vve came to Coos, and the day folovvincrto Rhodes, and from thence to Patara. t And when vve had found a fhip that palfed ouer to Phocnice-going vp into it we failed, t And when vve vverc in the fight ot Cypres , kauing it on the left hand, vve failed Y y into 554 T H E A C T E S Ch A. XXI. into Syria,and came to Tyre : for there the fhip was to diC- charge her lode, t And finding difciples, vvc taricd there fe- 4 uen dales : who faid to Paul by the Spirit,that he f hould not goe vp toHierufalem. t And the dales being expired, dc-5 parting we went forvvard,al bringing vs on the vvay,v vith their vviues and children, til we were out of the citic : and falling vpon our knees on the fhore, vvepraied. t And 6 when we had bid one an other farewel, we went vp in- to the fhip : and they returned vnto their owne. t But we 7 hauing ended the nauigation, from Tyre came dowHe to Ptolomais : and falutmg the brethren, vvc tariedoneday with them, t And thencxtday departing,vvecamcto C(j- 8 farea, Andentring into the houfc of* Philip the EuangclKi, who was oneot thefcuen,vvc taried wichhim. t And he p had •• foure daughters' virgins,that did prophecie. had a v/ife.but t A nd as we abode there for certaine daies,there came a 10 vfedheinot af- certaiuc prophet from lewrie.named Agabus. t He,vvhe he n terhiscalling.as r r i n l • Ji j t • i- L- it is noted els was comc to VS, tooKc Paulcs gitdje : and bmdmg his owne Hkrom"^^^^! handes & feere,he faid,Thus faith the holy Gholl : The man ijrtfomayitbe vvhofe girdle this i§,fo fhal thelewesbindein HieruTalem, beb^'DeaS!^ ^ ^^^^ dellucr him into the handes of the Gentiles, t Vvhich n when we had heard, vvc 8c they that were of the fame place, defircd him that he would not goe vp to Hierufalem. i Then 15 Paul anfv vered, and (aid, Vvhac doe you, weeping and atfli- £lingmy hart? fori am ready not only to be bound, but to die alfo in Hierufalcm forthe name of our Lord 1 e s v s. t And when we could not perfuadc him,weceafed,faying, 14 The vvil of our Lord be done. t And after thefe daies,being prepared, we went vp to 15 Hierufalem. t And there came alfo of the difciples from 16 Ca^farca with vs, bringing with them one lafon a Cy- prian ( with whom vvc f hould lodge ) an old difciple. t And when we were come to Hierufalem, the brethren 17 rccciucdvs gladly. 1 And the day folowingPaul went in 18 with vs to lames, and al the Aancients were alfcmblcd. t Vvhomwhen hehadfalutcd,he told particularly what 19 God had done among the Gentiles by his miniflerie. t But zo they hearing it, magnified God, and faid to him : Thou fecft (brother)ho w many thoufands there are among the levves that haue bcleeued:andalarezelatoursofthcLavv. t But zj they hauc heard of thee that thou docft teach thofe Icwcs that Cha 21 ij c In ci- ftra. Soitt the flaces folavving. XXI. OFTHEAPOSTLE8. 355 that are among the Gentiles, to depart fromMoyfes -.faying thatthey ought not to circumcife their children, nor vvalke according to the ciiftome. t Vvhatis it then? needes muft the multuude affcmble : for they vvil heare that thou art iz come, t Doe this theifore which vvetelthee. There are 24 vvithvs fouremen,thathaueavovve on them, t Taking thcfe vnto thee , fandific thy felf with them : and bcftovv on them, that they may * fhaue their heads: and al fhal know that the things which they heard of thee, arcfalf*: I 2c but that thy felfairovvalkeft"kcepingthe Law. t But con- I cerning them that belecue of the Gentils,'^vvehaue written, decrcemg that they fhould tcfraine them felues from the im- molated to ldols,a'nd bloud,and (uffocated,and fornication. x6 t Then Paul taking the men vnto him, the next day being purified with thcm'^entrcd into the temple,rhewing the ac- complifhrnentofthe * daies of the purification, vntil an oblation was offered for euery one of them. i? t But whiles the feuen daies were a finifhing , thofe lewes that were of Afia, when they had feen him in the temple,ftirred vp al the people , and laid handes vpon him , i8 f crying,Yemenof lfrael,help:thisis the man thatagainft the peopled the Law and this place teaching al men euery whercjhath alfo rooreouer brought in Gentiles into the tern- 15, ple,and hath violated this holy place. ( t For they had feen Tiophimus the Ephefian in the citie with him , whom they 30 fuppofed that Paul had brought into the temple.) t And the whole citie was in an vproare : and there was made a con- courfe of the people. And apprehending Paul , they drewe him forth of the temple: andimmcdiatly the doores were 31 fhur. i And as they fought to kil him. It was told the Tri- bune of the band, That al Hierufalem is in a confufion. 5i t Vvho forthwith taking vnto him fouldiars & Centurions, ranne do wnc to them. who, whe they had feen the Tribune 33 andthefouldiars,ceafedtoftrikePaul. t Then the Tribune comming neere apprehended him,and cornmaunded him to be bound With two chaines : and he demaunded vvho he 34 was,and what he h^d done, t And fome cried one thing, fome an other, in the multitude. And whereas he could not know the certaintie for the tumult, he commaunded him to beled^intothecaftel. t And vvhen he vyas come to the ftairesjit chaunced'that he was caried of the fouldiars becau(c Y y ij of the 35 55^ THE ACT IS ChA. XXII. of the violence of the people, t For the multitude of the ^6 people folovvcd,crying. Away with him. f And when 57 Paul began to be brought into the cartel , he faith to the Tri- bune, Is it lawful for me to fpeakc fome thing to thee? Vvho faid,CanftthoufpcakeGreeKe> t Art not thou the itgyp- 38 txan that before tnefe dales did raife a tumult , and didft lead forth into the defert foure thoufand men that were murde- rers? t And Paulfaidtohim,*Iamamantruely aleweof 39 jiB.n^ Tarfus , a citizen not of an obfcure citie of Cilicia.And I de- 3- fire thee,permit me to fpeake to the people, t And when he 40 had permitted him,Paul ftading on the ftaiers,beckened vrith his hand to the people.and great filence being madc,he fpakc vnto them in the Hebrew tongue , faying. ANNOTATIONS Chap. XXI. Vireias. ». t-'JiX'"^-] S. Luke notechfpecially that his daughters were Virgin$;meaning (no doubt)that they were cf the ftatc.profelHon.orpurpofe of perpetual virginitic, not only that they were yong maides vnmaricd: and that they were the rather forthat, endued with the gift of prophecic, as S. Hicrom faith /;'. / ndu. leuin.c. 2*. SeeOecum.ctf in hune locust. t*. Ktcfingthe Ltivu.'] Althe obfcruarions of thcLaw vve^e^o^'v in them felucsdead and Auoiding of ynprofitable , yet til further propagation of the Gofpel.they were not damnable to the keepers, fcidal in things j^Qjoffgnfme to God, but might be obfciued cuenofihc Chiiftianlcwts. and for fcaicoflcan- HOt vnuwtul. j^iiijing the wcake of that nation,nevvly conuerted or prone to rccciue the faith , the Apoftles by Gods fuggelHoxi did thinkeit good to obfcruc them as occaflon required. Chap. XXII. "Being licenfed by the Trtbunt to Jfitakf to the people , hefhn'veth thim thnt hewtu once M earnejl on that fide m they now he: 6 and ho'vv jlrame nia miritculout hticonuerfionvviu. n They heare him quietly, intd he began to make mention »f avifion that fent him avz/ay fiom them to the Ctntils, 12 Then they crieoHt vpon himfo, 3j that for their crying the Tribune eommahndith him to hejlemged, 2/ Which ytt by hu vvifedem he efcafeth, E N brethren and fathcrs,heare what i account 1 doe render now vnto you. t (And when they had heard i thathefpaketothemin the Hebrew tongue,they did the more kcepc filecc. t Andhe faiih,) *I amamanalewe, 3 borne atTarfus in Cilicia,but brought vp in this citie,at the feetc of Gamaliel inltru6ted accocdmg to the vcritieof thelaw of the fathers, an 55. Cha. XXII. 4 Uih 8,3 */f3. 9,1 ^ai- 7, OFTHHAPOSTIBS. 3,7 ' an cmulitour of the Law as alfo al you arc this day : f who *per(ccuted.this way vnto death, biirding & dchueiine into cuftodics men & vvome, fas the high Pricft doth eiue mete ftimon,e,anda thcauncients. t of whom *rcceiuinp let^ ters alfo to the brethren, I went to Damafcus , that I irinht bring them thence bound to Hierufalcm, to bcpunifhed 7 And It came to pafTc as 1 was going, and drawing nigh to Damafcus at midday,fodely from heauen there f hone round 8 about me much hght : f and falling on the ground, I heard a voice faymg to me, Saul, Saul , why perfecuteft thou me? 9 t And I anrvvercd,Vvho art thou Lord ? And he faid to me, ,Vf; .^7^°^Na2a^«h, vvhornthou perfecuteft. t And ••'ThcSa„ame'c they that were with me, faw the light in deede , but the a\^T''^^,' voice they heard not ofhim thatfpake vvithme/tTnd I r-h'A' laid, Vvhatl hall doe Lord? And our Lord faid tome Arife ^"!'"«^"«'^ a.d goe to Damafcus : and there it fhal be told ^he'e of a ^« ^o^'noc' things that thou muft doc t And whereas I did not fee for S^^'t^f the bnghtnefle of that hght,being led of my companions by f^-^<^)^^^'ol thenand. I came rr> nimorz-.to + Ar.A^X^A • ^ "nnes be forgi- T And one Ananias, a man uen before, or II 12 ^ the hand , I came to Damafcus. ^^^^rJ- 1 T 1 T ' ""'^ ""''■''•''iiJiai, a man uen before, o according to the Law haumg teftimonie ofal the lewes in- r'^r'"' ^r ^tT''^ ^^°T'"^'.°?''l"'^^''*"^^"g^X"^e,faidtome, ^^^^^ BrotherSauUookevp.Andlthefelf fame houre looked vd 'h^^'^.^''- onh.m t Buthefaid TheGod of our fathers hath prtr^ ;Slrb? daincdthee,tharthoufhouldeft know his wil and fee the ^""^2^"''^*= luft one and hcare a voice from his mouth: t bWc thou -^^^^^^^ halcbehiswitnestoalmen,of thofe things which rhnn ^"'"'"" si"c ^^i\^-"-^ heard, t Andnovv vvhattat^el thou;Rif^^vp ?- Zif .T'. ^^", '^'^^ '^^•'^y '^y ^""" inuocating h^s' vtt S^Se^ name, t Andir bcfel me returning into Hierufalem, and ^^°t. '""^ praying in the temple, that I was ,na traunce, t and faw ra-alte%t' him faymg vnto me,Make haft, and depart quickely out of "^"'""• Hierufalem: becaufetheyvvil not receiue thy teftimonie of -Notoniythe me. t And I faid,Lord they know that I did caft int» pri- ^'St^L fon and beate m euery fynagogue them that beleeued in thee. - ttTa"h^"; l:if?oo7eWW /°^/n" ^hy^^-""^^ vvas fhed, S£ ^L • u 1 M.u^^"'^^''"^^^^'^'^"'^^^^Pffhe garments of them ^^''^^ ^atho- ulcs a tarrc will fend thee. wWchthe Apo _ t And they heard him vntil this vvord.and they lifted vp ZZfS. their voicc,ray,ng,A way with fuch an onefioro theeaith- """' "">' '" H for K .snotmeetehcfhouldliue. t And when they cried »«" sSi 1 y uj our, H icr 17 18 ?.o 21 11 ^5 35^ THEACTEs Cha. XXIIL out , and chrevv of their garments,and cad duft into the aire, t the Tribune commaunded him to be caried into the caftcl, 14 and to be beaten with vvhippes , and thar he fhould be tor- mented : CO know for what caufe they did fo crie at him. 1" And when they had bound hira very (Iraight with thogs, 25 Paul faith to the Centurion ftandingby himilsit lawful ior you CO whippe a man that is a Romane and vncondcmnedf t Vvhich iheCentunonhearingjWent to the Tribune, and 16 told him, faying,Vvhat wilt thou doe ? for this man is a ci- tizen ol: Rome, t And the Tribune comming,faid to him , ij Tel me,art thou a Romane? Buthefiiid,Yea. f AndtheTri 28 bune anfwered, I obtained this citie with a great fumme. And Paulfaid, ButI wasalfobornetoit. t Imracdiatly ther- 25) fore they departed from him that were to torment him. The Tribune alio feared after he vnderftoodethat hewasacitize of Rome , and becaufe he had bound him. t But the next 30 day meaning to know more diligently for what caufe he was accufed of the Ic vves, he loo(ed him, and commaunded the'^Priefts to come together and al the Councel:6<: bringing forth Paul, he fet him among them. Chap. XXIII. ^f thefeofte in the tumult , fo itlfo the very cheefe of the levves in their Councel fhew themfelues ohJiinate,and wilful perftcuton of the truth in S. Pauls perfon.whoj'e behauiour tovvardes them u ful of confla,ncie,modeJ{ie, andvi^ifedom. ii (Chriji alfo by a. vijion encouraging him, and foretelling that he fhal to K^me. ) 12 Tea, they conjpire with *o men to kil him traiteroujly. li "But the matter being deleted, the Romane Tribune conueigheth himjirongly to Cafarea. :: He faid not this through perturbation of minde or of a pallion, but by Way ofprophe- cie, that this fi- guratiue high pricfthod. then tiimmed l.kc a vvbited. wall, XCzs to be dc- ftroicd, where- as now the true pricilhod of Chrift Was coc. Xcda 'm hnnsto. ^^^iND Paul looking vpon the Councel, i^^' faid. Men brethren , I with al good con- "" fcience haueconuerfed before God, vntil this prefent day. t And the high Pri.eft Ananias commaunded them that ftoode by him , to (mite him on the mouth. t Then Paul faid to him , •• God fhal (Inkethee, thou whited wall. And thou fitting iudgeft me according to the law, and contrarie to law doeft thou com- maund me tobefmitten? t And they that ftoode by, fiid, Doeft thou reuilc the high Prieftof God? t And Paul faid, " I knewe not, brethren, thatheis thehighPricft. For it is written '.ikfrincsofthyftoflithoHlbAltnotmif^Cike. t And Paul knowing 4 5 ^ I Exo. 1x8, it. Ch A. XXII I. OFTHEAPOStlES. ^^9 knowing that the one part was of Sadducees,and the other of Pharifees, •• hecricdoutin the Councel, Men brethren, " Such prudent *l ama Pharifce,the fonne of Pharifees : of the hope and re- ?^^°"' ('°"i r n- r \ \ I T • I » J. . . 1 f «»'" 'V, danger are lavr- iurrcctionor the dead am I ludged. t And when he had ^u^ vvhich s. (aid thcfc things, there rofc diffenfion betwene the Pharifees Sffp^faiiyS and Sadducees,and the multitude was diuidcd. t Fofthc ^^'A^P°'^'«)t''c S 10 II II 15 14 "Sadduceesfay* thereisno rcfuricdion.nor Angel,nor fpi- ftape-H^ oth«! 9 rit : but the Pharifees confeife both, f And there was made ^"^ '" ^'" "*" -Aj • rLni/" r ^ chine and prca- a great cric. And ccrtaineot tnePliarilees riling vp, ftroue ching&pitiecc faying , Vve finde no euilin this man.vvhatif a fpirithath ''f/'^ '^ the iim- r ^ \ ° \ • K ixAii 1 f"" y pbcinc of a Ipokentonim , oran Angel J T And when there was rifen «it.oue. great dilfenfio , the Tribune fearing left Paul f hould be torne inpeccesby them, comaunded the fouldiars togoe dovvnc, and to take him out of the middcs of them, and to bring him ;: into the caftel. t And the night folowingour Lord ftan- vhoSdnot ding by him,faid,Be conftant: for as thou haft teftified of me Ita'S ^h°^'' in Hierufalem,fo •• muft thou teftific at Rome alfo. fhouia goe to t And when day was come, certaine of the levvcs ga- a°Ti'^" ''''^ tnered them Iclucs together, & vowed them felues, fayincr, tcdnothumanc that they would neithcrcate nor drinke til they killed Paul, ftn?" im Sf t And they were morcthen fourtie men that had madethis f^^'" ^^ «"«- confpiracie : t whocameto thecheefepriefts and thcaun- wifc^^neUheJ" cients,andfaid. By execration we hauc vowed our felues, ^^''^ ^^ " ^^= that vve wilcatc noihing,til vve kill Paul, t Now therfore if?p"edcftina^ giue you knowledge to the Tribune with the CouccI,that "'.^"themdo he bring him forth to you, as if you meantto know fo me they ca not hurt more certaintie touching hi.m.But we,beforc he come neere, Swe^t? ^o" are ready for to kil him. t Vvhich when Paules fifters *« Rome, see fonnc had heard,oftheir lying in waire,he came and entred lijiigs" fo fa"t into the caftel and told Paul, t And Paul calling to him one ^^^ '*=^^' '^^}^^ of the Centurions,faid,Briug this yong man to the Tribune, *^ '^' ° °^'"2* for he hath Ibme thing totel him. t 'And he taking him, *^^" ''^^ ""5* brought him to the Tribune,and faid. The prifoncr Paul de- oVHeatherof! fired me to bring this yong man vnto thee, hauine fome ^,"" *°^^"'*i 1 . X. 1*-^ •« ii ri-.-i 1- ° their pi ifoners, thing to lay to thee, t And the Tribune taking him by the to faue them hand, went afidc with him apart, and afked him , Vvhat is and^imLile""* it that thou haft totel me? t And he faid, The levvcs hauc agreed to defire thee, that to morovv thou wilt bring forth Paul into the Counccl,as though they meant to inquire fome more certaintie touching him. t But doe not thou creditc them, for there lie in waice for him more then fourtie men of i($ i8 ip 20 II 560 THE ACTES Ch A. XXIII. of them, which hauc vowed neither to eate nor to drinke, til thcykil him : and they are now ready, expcding thy promiile. t The Tribune therfore dimided the yong man, 2 i commaunding thathefhouldfpeakc to no man that he had notihedthcfcthings vnto him. t Andcalhngtvvo Centu- 2.3 rionSjhe faid to them, Make ready two hundred fouldiars,to goeasfarreasCa^farea, and feuentic horfemen, andlaunces two hundred, from the third houreof the night: t and 14 prepare beafts.that fetting Paul on, they might bring him fafe toFehxthePrefidcnt ( t For he feared left peihaps the lewes 25 might take him away, and kil him, and him felf afterward fhould fuftaine reproche,as though he would haue taken money) f writing a letter conteining this much. i6 CUiidliu LyfiM to the mojl excellent Prejident Felix , greeting, f This ij man bemg apprehended of the Ievves,and ready to be-killed of them, 1 commingin with the band deliucred him, vn- derftandingthathcis aRomane : t and meaning to know z8 the caufe that they obic<5ted vnto him,I brought him downe into their Counccl. t Vvhom I foundto beaccufed conccr- t^ ning qucftions of their law.but hauing no crime vvorthie of death orofbandcs. t And when it was toldmeofembufh- 30 ments that they had prepared againft him , I fent him to thee, fignifying alfoto the accufers, to fpeake before thee. Farevvel. t Andthcfouldiarsaccordingasit was comma- 31 undcdthem, taking PauI,brought him by night to Antipa- tris. t Andthenextdayfendingaway the horfemen to goc 3 i with him , they returned to the caftel. ^ Vvho when they 33 were come to Caifarea, and had deliucred thcl«tterto the Prefident, they did fee Paul alfo before him. t And when 34 he had read , and had af ked of what prouince he was : and Vnderftanding that of Cilicia: t I vvil hearethe, fiid he, 3^ when thy accufers are come. Andhccommaundedhim to be kept in Herods palace. ANNOTATIONS Chap. XX III. .». ; knrw •##.] Our L«rW(raith S.Cyprian)>n tht Gofitl,when it Wtufaidta hijn,^nf^ereff thttt the tlie honour ftf ^'^^ Priefifo? tetthing that tht hontur ofPrieJihod mufi be kept, /aid noth'tgto the high Priefi,hHt only pur' ^yt""' *f' Phellho^ ^ t But Paul anfvvered, ( the Prefidcntltoaking a figne vnto 10 him for to fpeakc.) Knowing that of many ycres thou art iudge ouer this nation, I vvil with good courage anfwer for my felf. t For 11 thou maicft vnderftand that it is not abouctwelue daiesto me, fince I went vp to adore in Hierufalem. t and neither 12. in the temple did they findcmcdifputing withany man , or caufing concourfe of ihc multitude, neither in the fynagogs, norin thecitie: 1 neither can they prouc vnto thee the things 13 whereof they now accufe me. t But this I confclTe to thee, 14 that *= according to the •• fcde,vvhich they call herefle, I doe fo feruc*thc father my God', belccumg al things that arc written in the Law & theProphets : t haninghopein God, i? the vvhichthefc alfo them felucsexpedl:, that there fhal be a rerurred:i5 of iufl: and vniuft. t In this niv felfalfo doc ftudic 16 to haue acofcience without offcnfe toward God &: toward 17 men alwaics. t And after mmy ycres *I came to bcftow almes vpon my nation, & oblations, and vowes. t In the 18 which they foud me* purified in the teple: not with multi- tude nor with tumult, t But ceitaine lewes ofAfia, who 19 ought to be prcfent before rhec and ro accufe, ifthey had any thing againlt me; for let thefe men the fcluesfay,if they haue 20 found in meany iniquitie,forafmuch as I ftad in the Councel, zi t but ot this one voice only that I cried ftading among them. That* of the rcfurredtion of the dead am I iudgcd this d.ay of you. t And Felix ditfcrred them, knowing moft cerrainely of 1 1 this vVay, fiying,Vvhcn Lyfias the Tribune is come dovvne, 1 wilheareyou. t And he commaunded the Centurion to 13 kcepe him, and that he fhould haue reft , neither to prohibit any of his to miniftct vnto him. t And after fomedaies, Felix comining with Drufilla 24 his wife, which was a lewc, called Paul, and heard of him the faith that is in Chrift Iesvs. t And he difputing of 25 ••iuftice and chaftilie,and of the iudgementto comc,Fclix being •c itodec rlitf eJcY ' the God of my f^-. thcrs. ^1. II, z6. AH. 13, 6. fr ChA. XXV. OF THE APOSTLES. ^6y being tcrrifiedjanfvveredjForihistimcjgoc thy way : but in x6 time conucnient I vvil fend for thee, t hopingalfo vvichal, that money would be giuen him of Paul,for the which caufc iy alfo oftentimes fending for him, he fpake with him. t But when two yeres were ended , Felix had a fucccflour Portius Feftus. And FeUx being wilhng to f hew the lewes a plea- fure, left Paul in prifdn. Chap. XXV. xAfttTtvvoyercs emprijinment the I ewes csntincw their Jute a£iiinjl him ,folt citing the new Prefident Fejim, 6 firfl at Hierujklem.then at Cajarea : 9 vvhert through the lewes partialitie he u fame to ap^eale vnto the Eniberour: is and u in the meanetime brought forth bj Fejius {giuing him good teJrintonie,}totvvithJfattding the exclamations of the levves againji him ) vnto kjng t^egriffa and hu Queene 'Sent ice. E S T V S thcrfore when he was come into the prouince,after three daies went vp to Hierufalemfrom Cxfarea. t And the chectc pricfts,& principal men of the Icwcs went vnto him againft Paul : and [hey dcfired him, f requefting fauour againft him,tnathc would commaund him to be brought to Hierufalem, laying 4 waitefor to kil him in the way. t But Feftus anfwcred, that Paul is in Cx(arca : and that he would very fhortly goe 5 thither, t They therfore,faith he, that are of abilitie among you, going do wnc with mc, if there be any crime in the man,let them accufe him. ^ I And hauingtancdamong them not aboue eight or ten daieSjhe went downe to Caelarea^ and the next day he fate in the iudgement fcate : and he commaunded Paul to be 7 brought, t Vvho being brought, there ftooHe about him the Icwes that were come downe from Hierufalem, ob- iedting many and grcuous ^ caufes which they could not 8 prone, t Paul makinganfvver,That neither agamft the law of the levves, nor againft the temple, nor againft C^far haue 9 1 any thing offended, j But Feftus willing ro fhew the levves apleafure, anfwcringl'aul, faid,Vvih thou goe vpto Hierufalem,and there be iudgdJ of thefe things bctore me? 10 t And Paul faidjAt Caefars ludgemet feate doe, I ftnnd, where loughttobeiudgcd;thelevvesIhauenothurt,asihou very Zz ij wel t «5 If both. 1 » » Jiix viiW >^\/UllVWlj dill V 1 lh" death to Cacfar fhalt chou goc. /«.doub*c'-d t And when certaine daies were palTcd, king Agrippa £^ 13 to' c;iefor Bemice came do vvne CO CseGuea toialure Fcltus. t And as 14 une?aJcs! tliey tatiedthere a good many daies , Feftus fignified ro the 21 2Z ^3 Feftus commaundement Paul was brought, t And Feftus iaithjKing Agiippa , and al yc men that are prefent together with vs, you fee this man, concerning whom al the multi- tude of the Icvves called vpon me at Hierufalem , requefting and crying out that he ought not to Hue any longer, t Yet haue I found nothingthat he hath committed vvorthieof death. But forafrauch as he him felf appealed to Auguftus, I haue determined to fend him, t Of vvhom what to write forcertaintietomylord,lhauenot. For the which caufc I haue 5^4 THE ACTES ChA. XXV. V vel knowcft. t For if 1 haue hurt them,or done any thing 11 worthie of death, I refuse not to die. but if none of ihofe Paul '^^"^'"g^^^>^^^^^*'^oftheleaccufeme, no man can giue me to _ _ . faue them.*' 1 appealetoCzefar. t Then Feftus hauing conferred n vihip^aV^nd ^^^i" l^^.9^.""."^' anfwercd. Haft thou appealed to Cxfar? from death foug levvc not to fuccou Romane . _ , ^ and to appeaie king,of Paul/aving, A certaine per(on was left prifoner bv to Carlar the ^ , V ^ . c> -,,, t »,. ^ r j i' Prince of the i^ciix, j concernmg vvhom,vvnen I was at Hierufalemjthe 15 Romans not checfe ptiefts and the auncients of the lewes came vnto me, yet Chnllenea: j <-■ . i ^ , . _ ' how much delyrmg Condemnation againft him. f To vvhom I anfvve- 16 SS'foSeTf ^^^' ^^"'^'^ ^^ ^^ "°^ ^^^ Romanes cuftome to yeld vp any man chiiftian Prin- before that he which is accufed haue his accufers prefent Wsjor'^the ^^^ ^'^^^ r^^" f o "'^^^ his anfvver for to clecre him k\f punifh'ment of of the crimes. t Vvhen theytherfore were aftembled hi- 17 for"he"chm- ^^^"^ > vvithout any delaiejihe day folo wing, fitting in the ches defenfe a- iudgement fcat,l commaundcd the man to be brought, t Of 18 gainftthemJS. i i i r n \ i i i r Ziuguftineef.,0. vvnom,vvnen the acculers Itoode vp, they brought no caufe • • n^u- , vvhichl thought il of : t but certaine queftions of their 19 • • This vvhom f ^ . i ii -nl- ^ ^ r.. lie termeth by owne lupcrltition they had againft him,and of •• One Iesvs J°";;7_''^'';;,;deceafed,vvhom Paul affirmed to liue. t Doubting thei fore 20 now made al of this kinde ofqucftion, I faid, whether he .vvould goeto ?mp«rrrand Hierufalem,& there be iudged of thefe things, t But Paul ap- Pruices of the pealing to bckept vnto the knowledge of Auguftus, 1 com- him. aiid hath Hiaunded him to be kept, til 1 fend him to Csfar. 1" And A- giuenthe feate grippafaid to Fcftus , Mv fclf alfo vvould hcare the man. To Or the Cs^tsrs y-» tohispoorefer- rnoioWjfaid hc,thou i halt hearc him. uauts,Peter& ■[ And the next day vvhen Agrippa and Bernice were his fucceflbrs. , ^ i i i ^^ i • i i u r come with great pompe , and had entred into the hall or au- dience with the Tribunes and principal men of the citic, at i4 ^5 16 C HA. XXVI. O F THE APOST LES. ^(f^ haue brought him forth to you , and cfpecially to thee , king Agnppa,thatexaminationbcingmade, I may haue what to ^7 write, t Foritfeemcth to me withoutreafonjtofendapri- foner , & not to fignific ^ his caufes. « Tecs Kol' XV- Ticc;. ^ k'q<-Mi\i b in qui UfZ.8,3. '^ detuli pntenti- 10 Chap. XXVI. In thathonorable Audience bein^ permitted toj^eake, 2 tie decUreth to the k^nf what ht jirftvv*s , iz and how miraculoujly hevvat conuerted, 19 and that he hath preached fittcc, an he wm eommaunded from heauen,andas the Prophets had fore- told of Chrift. 2* Which Jirange tale Fejiui the Heathen Preftdent hearinr'faitb that he ii mad. is 'But he anjvvereth, and exhorteth t hem al to be Chriftians tu hen. 30 They finally fronounte that he might befetatljbertie, but only for hu appeals. VT Agrippafaidto Paul, Thou art permitted to fpeake for thy felf Then Paul ftrctching forth his hand,began to make his anfwer. t Touching al things whereof I amaccufedof the lewes, kineA- grippa, I account my felf happic for that I am to defend my felf this day before thee, j efpecially where- as thou knoweft al things that arc among the lewes , qu- ftoraesandqueftions: for the which caufe I befeeche thee, heare me patiently. | And my lifcwuely from my youth, which was from the beginning in my nation inHierufalem, al the lewes doeknow: t knowing me before .from the beginning (if they wil giue teilimonie) that according to the moft fure ^ fedc of our religion 1 Uued a Pharifee. t And now for the hope of the promifle that was made of God to our fathers, doe 1 ftandfubiedt to iudgement. I ''the which, our twelue tribes ^ feruing night and day, hope r,o come vnto.Of the which hope,oking,I amaccufedof the lewes. t Vvhat incredible thing is it iudged with you, if God raifc the dead ? t And my felt truely had thought that 1 ought to doeagainftthenameof I es v s ofNazarcthnaany contraric things, t Vvhichalfo l*did at Hicrufalem, and many of thefaindsdid I fhut vp inprifons , hauing receiued autho- ritieof thecheefepriefts; and when they were put to death, II "^ I brought the fcntence. t And through out al the fynagogs often times punif hing them , I copelled them to blalpheme: Z-z iij and ' Pcnace o ^66 THEACTES ChA. XXVI. and yet more mad againft them, I perfccuted them cucn vnto forainc cities. lAmong which things whiles* I wcnttoDa- 12 J.B.$,u mafcus with uuihoiitie and petmiflion oi the chtciepriclls, t at midday, m the way, I faw (o king ) from hcauen a light 13 to haae ihuicd round about me and them that were in companie with rae,aboue the brightnes of the funne.f And 14 when al wc wcrefillcn downeon the ground , I heard a voice (peaking to me in the Hebrew tongut::Saul,Saul,vvliy perfecutell thou me i It is hard for thee to kicke againft the prickc. t And 1 faid, Vyho art thou Lord? And our Lord 15 anfwercd , I am i e s v s whom thou doeft perie-cute. \ But i6 rife vp and (band vpon thy feete : for to this end haue 1 ap- peared to thecjthat I may ordainetheeamJnilter and wirnes of thole things which thou haftfeen, and of thole things wherein I wil appeareto thce,t dchueringtheeoutof the 17 peoples &: natios vnto the which now 1 fend thee, t to ope 18 their eiesjthat they may be conuerred from darkenes to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receiuc remiflion of finncs and lot among the fainds by the faith that is in me. t Vvherevpon, king Agrippa, I vvasnotin- 19 credulous to the heaucnly vifion: t but to them firll that arc 20 at Damafcus,and atHierufalcm, and vnto althe countrie of ften Icv.vrie,and to the Gentiles* did 1 preach that they Ihould inculcated, and Jqc '* penace,and tume to God, doing woikes vvorthie of .biktodiefamc. pcnancc. j Fot this caufe the Icvvts, when 1 was in the 2.1 temple,* apprehending me,attcpted meaning to kil me. 1 But 2.^ aided by the help of God , 1 ftand vntil this day ,te(lifying to fmall and to great Jaying nothing befidethofc things which the Prophets did fpeakefhould come to pa(rc,& Moyfes, tif 15 Ch r I s t were paflible,if the firft of the relurrcdion from the deadjhe were to f hew light to the people and to the Gentiles. t As be fpakethcfc things and made his anfwer, Feftus ^4 with a loud voice faid,Thou art mad, Paul : much learning turneth thee to madnefle. t And Paul faid, lam not mad, 2.5 moll excellent Pert us : but I fpeake v vordes of veritie and fo- brietie. i for the kingknovveth ofthefcrhings,to whom al- 2.^ fo 1 fpeake conftantly. for I thmke none of thcfe things to be vnknowen to him. For neither was any of rhefe things done in a corner, -flieleeueft thou the prophets,king Agrip- 2.7 pa ? 1 know that thou bekeueft. t And Agrippa iard to Paul: 2 8 Alitle 2.0. so. Ch A. XXVII. OF THE APOSTLES. 5^7 1^ A litle thou petfuadeft me to become sChr isti AN.tAnd Paul faid , I vviih of God,both in iitle,and in much,not on- ly thecjbut alfo al that hcarc this day,to become fuch as I am I 30 aJfo, except thefe bandcs. t And the king rofc vp,and the 51 Preiidcnt,andBernice, and they that fate by them, t And going a iide, they fpakc among themfelucs, faying. That this man hath done nothing vvorthie of death or bandes. 52 t And Agrippa faid to Feftus,This man might be releafed, if he had not appealed to Caefar, Chap. XXVII. What « ia,nger»M ndmgtitian he had towards I{omt : and that hj hit prediS^ion And conn/it the fhif> might hauebeenfaued. ^ndfor hu fake {*i God alftreiualed t0 him before )althe companie VVM preferMtd, bein£ 176 ftrfoni, N D after it was decreed that he i hould faile into Italie,and that Paul with othel prifoners f hould be deliuered to a Cen- turion named luliusjofthe band Augufta, t we going vp into a fhip of Adrume- tum, beginning to faile about the places of Afiajoofed from the land,Ariftarchus 3 the Macedonian of Theilalonica continuing with vs. t And theday folowingwecametoSidon, And lulius intreating Paul courteoufly, permitted him to goe to his frendes, and 4 to take care of him /elf. j And when we had loofed there, we failed vnder Cypres : becaufe the windes were cotrarie. 5 t And failing the fea of Cilicia and Pamphilia , we came to ^ ' Lyftra', whichisinLycia: t and there the Centurion fin- ding a fhip of Alexandria failing into Italic, remoued vsinto 7 if. t And whereas many daies we failed flowly, S*' were fcarfe come ouer againfl Gnidus, the winde hindering vs, 8 we failed neere Crete by Salmone: f and with much a doe failing by itjWe came into a cert^ine place that is called Good-hauens,nigh to the which was a citie Thalaffa. cf t And when much time was fpent, and whereas now fie Te^^ic'v^"es it was not fafc failing,becaufe the »• fafl now was palt, Paul ^^^ °f ^^^ ^^• 10 comforted them, t faying to ihcro,Yc men,l fee that the fai- ^ep!ebe"r7aftcr lingbeginneth to be wich hurt and much damage not only ^y'^'".'' '•"= "*' 11 of the lading and the fhip , but alfo of our Hues. \ But the pSou", 7vin- Centurion"''fP'°^'''"§- II i6 18 zo 21 12. ■5 2^ i7 56S THEACTES ChA. XXVIL Centurion beleeued the gouernour and m.iidec of the fhip, more then thofe things which were faid of Paul, t And whereas it was not a commodious hauea co winter in,very many taking counfel appointed to failc thence, if by any meanes they might comraing to Phoenicc , .winter there , a hauen of Crete looking toward the "^'Afrike and the Chore, t xAnd thefouthwinde blowing, they thinking that they had obteined their purpofe, when they had parted from Af- fon,failed along by Crete, t But riot long after,atempelluous winde that is called Euro-aquilo ,droueagainft; it. t And when the fhippe vvas caught and could not make way againft the winde, giuing vp the fhip to the windes , we were driuen. I And running vpon acertaine iland , that is called ^ Cauda , wc could fcarfe get the cock-boate. t Vvhich being taken vp , they vfcd helps , girding the Ihip, and fearing left they fhould fall into '^theSyrtc, letting do wne the velfel, fo were they caried. t And when we were mightily totFed with the tempeft, the next day they caft forth, t And the third day with their owne handes they thrcwe forth the tacklinges of the fhip. t And neither funne, not ftarres appearing for many daies, and no fmal ftorme being to ward,ai hope wasnow taken away of our fauing. t Andwhen there had been long fjfling,then Paul ftan- •■• Paul (faiths. ^i"g ^^ ^^^ middcs of thcm,faid,You fhould in decde, O ye Hierom)hadfo men,hauc heard mCjand not haue parted from Crete, & hauc rhe'Thip^giuc'n gained this hurt and lolle. t And now I exhort you t( him, that is fo of good chccrc. for there fhal be nololFeof any fouleamog uedtorbisCike: you, butof thefhip. t For " an Augcl of the God whofc I Tith^chr'ft '^ ^^ ' ^"^ *^ whom I fcruc, ftoode by me this night, t ^ying, fhaifae fhuthis Fcare not Paul, thou muft appearc before Csfir : and behold 'SkSnccTo God hath - giuen thee althat faile with thee, t For the fpeakeforthem which caufe be oi good cheerc ye men : for I beleeue God, Ifcdinisto'-thatit fhalfobe,asithathbecnfaidtome. t And we muft {2e\iHi€r*.adi*. comcvutoa ccrtaittc ila^pd. t But after thefourtenth night vif'i!. Vvhereby r i • • 4 j • 1 • 1 "hepiouetbth/t "^^vascomeon vs, as we were iaihng in Adria about mid- jfGoddomucb nighr, the fhipmcn deemed that there appeared fomecoun- of sainds in tricto them, t Vvho alfo (bunding,found twentic fadomcs: thijiife, much ^j^j being pattcd a litle from thence, they found fiftenefa- inicrceiTion &c domcs. T And fearingleft we fhould fall into rough pla- «a" *^^ ^**' CCS,, calling out of the fternefoiire ankers , they vvi(hed that ip ChA. XXVII. OF THE APOSTIES. ^^c) 30 that day were come, t But as the fhipmen fought to flee outof the fhip, hauingletdovvnethe cock-boate into the Tea , preteding as if they were about to caft out ankers out of 31 the fore part of the fhip, t Paul faid to the Centurion and to the fouldiars, " Vnles thefe tarie in the fhip,you can not be 32- faued. t Then the fouldiars cut of the ropes of the cock- boate: and fuffered it to fal away. 33 t And whenit beganto beiight,Paul defired all to take meate,faying,Thisdayis the fourtenth day that you cxped: 34 and remaine fafting,taking nothing, t For the which canfc I dejfire you to take meate tor your heahh fake : for there Thai 35 notan heareof theheadpcrifh ofany of you. t And when he had faid thefe things, taking bread, hegaue thankes to God in the fight of them al : and when he had broken it , he }6 began to eate. t And being al made of better cheere, they 37 alfotooke meate. t And we were in al in the fhip,fouIes 38 two hundred feuentie fixe, t And being filled with meate, 39 they lighted the fhip, carting the wheat mto the fea. | And when day was come, they knew ry)t the land: but they fpicd a certaine creeke that had a f hore, into the which they 40 minded, if they could,to caft a land the fhip. t And when they had taken vp the ankers, they committed them felucs to the fea, loofing withal the rudder bands: and hoifing vp the mainefaile according as the winde blewe, they went on 41 toward the fhorc. t And when we Were fallen into a place betwene tvvo fcas, they graueledthe fhip : and the fore-part truly fticking faft remained vnmoucable : but the 4 2 hinder part was broken by the violence of the fea. i And the counfel of the fouldiars was, that thcyfhould kil the 43 prifoncrs : left any fvvimmingout,mightrunneavvay. j But the Centurion willing to faue Paul, forbade it to be done : & hecommaunded them that could fwimme,to caft out them 44 felues fiift ,andefcape,and goe forth to land: -f and the reftjfome they caried on bordes,and fome vpon thofe things that were of the fhip. And fo it came to pa{fe,thatalihe foules cfcaped to land. ANNOTATIO N^S . Chap. XX VI I. A a a ^^ '^" 370 THE ACTES Cha. XXVIII. ti. oi» t^n^ei] S. Paul had many vifions.fpecially to affure him that he f hould to Rome and (Sodsprouidece (tand beFore Czfar, our Lord him felf before (ij, ii) appearingtohim, and here an Angel, for that to the See ofpy^p^fg^ vvhereby vvcplainely fee the fpecialprouidence of God toward that See, where his Rome. tyyo principal Apoftles were defigned to preach,plant the faith, liuc, die, be buried.and honoured tilthcworldesend. Gods ptedefti- tt.Vnlesthefetarie] Vvhen Godreuealeth to vsany thing.orafTurcth vs ofany euent to come, nation and ap- hedifchargethvs not thereby ofour requifiteendcuours and labours for atchciuing the fame, not pointrnent ta- executing ordinarily his dcfignements towards men otherwife then by their ovvne fiee vvil and keth not avi/ay atlions. S. Paul laid not here , Let vs do what we lift : worke we or fit vvc ftil , whether the mans free vvil mariners goe out or tarie within , wearealfuretobefaued, forfo Godhathreutaledtome.and and eadeuours. he cannot he, neither can it fall otherwife. butcontrariewife faith he, If thefe mariners leauc the f hip, you can not be faued. So £ay al true Catholike preachers to Chriftian people , Vvhat pro- uidence.predcftination, or forefight fo eucr God haue ot y our faluation, you are not thereby con- Itrained any way, you haue free vvil ftil,and can not be faucd (though you be ptedeftinatc) except you kccpe Gods commaun dements , repent you of your hnnes , belceue, liue and die vvei. And if it were reuealedto any ma.that he were oneof Godselede, 6c that hcfhoulJ knally die in grace , Cor.g tr and be faued.yet he were bound to worke his faluation with feareandtrembling,as'' S.Paul both pl)ilip,\ did, and taught , left he become reprobate : no lellc then the fame Apoftle here and his fellovves, ,^^ though they had their life promifed to them of God , yet were bouud to labour and vie al polllble diligence that they might not be drowned. Chap. XXVIII. 'yiftet their fhlpwrcickehamng wintered in the lland {now nAmedC\talta)vvhert many miracles were wrought by Paul , ihiy take J hip againe , and jo by Sicile they come to Futeoli in Italte , the Chnjiian Rortums eoruming cigteatvvayto meete him , to his great ioy. 16 Finally being come ta I{onu,in hu lodging he de- clareth to the le\vci his can fe, 23 and on a day apfointedptacbcth 1 e s v s vnto them. Z5 >And feeing their increduUtie , he fhruveth how it iri'as foretold by Efay: is but that the Gentils -i-xilnot beiucredulout. 30 'Tewhi,ni he there breaetieth two whole y era witloHt ^rohiiiiion. •« This iland (now Malta) is the feate of the knightes of the Rhodes, thein- habitats whet- of haue a fpc- cial dcuotion to S. Paul : to ■who both the chcefc Church ( being the Bi- fhops Seate )is dedicated , and the whole I- land ( as they count it) con- fecrated. Where the people fhcvv yet to ftragers,his pri- fon and other memories of his miracles. N D when we had efcapcd, ihen we knew i ihat the •• iland was called ' Mitylene'.But the a:— ^'—3 ■ f'T^ Baibarous (hewed vsiio fmal courtefie.t For, 2. r^S^K^fl' ^"'''^^'"S ^ ^'''^ ^^'^y r<^^^<-i ''C<^ vs aljbccaufc i^lSS^SI' of the imminent rainc and the colde. t And 3 when Paul had gathered together fonie number of ilickcs, and had laide them on the fire , a viper ilRiing out of the heate, inuaded his hand, t But as the Baibarous faw the 4 bead hanging on his hand, they faid one to an oihcr,Vndoub- tedly this man is a murderer, who being efcapcd out of the fea,"^ Vengeance doth not fuffcr him to liue. t And he in 5 dcedc^'-fhaking of the beaft into the fire, fuffred no harme. t But they fuppofed that he f hould be turned into a fwcl- 6 linCT,and that he would (odenly fall and die. But expeding long and feeing that there was no harme done on him, being changed they laid, that he was a God. t Andin thofe pla- 7 ces were lands of the prince of the ile,named Publius,vvho receiuing ^McUt C K i'th II Ch A. XXVIII. CF THE APOSTLES. 37I 8 receiuingvSjfor three daiesintrcaced vscourteoLifly. -f And icchaunced that the father of Pubhuslay vexed with feucis andthc bloudy flixe. Vnto whom Paulentred: and when he had praied, and impofed hands on him, he healed him. 9 f Vvhich beingdone,aIinche ilealfo that had infirmities, 10 came,and were cared: t who alio honoured vs wich ma- ny honours , and when we were fiihngaway , laded vs with necelfiries. t Andafcer three moneths, we failed in a fhip of Alex- andria , that had wintered intheiland,vvhofcfigne was the 12. Caftors. t And when we werecome to Syracufa, weta- 13 ried there three dales, t Thence compafling by the fhorc, we came to Rhegmm: and after one day the Southvvindc 14 blowing, we came the fecond day to Puteoli, t where finding brethren,we were dcGred to tarie with them fcuen 15 dales : and fowc came to Rome, t And from thence, when the brethren had heard, they came to meete vs vnto ^pij-forim, and the Three-tauerns.Vvhom when Paul hadfecn , giuing i^ thanks to Godjhe tooke courage, t And when we were cometoRome,Paul was permitted to remaine to him felf 17 vviihafouldiar chat kept him. t And after the third day he called together the cheefe of the levves. And when they were airembledjhc faid to them. Men brethren, I doing nothing againft the people, or thecuftomeof the fathers, was deliueredprifonerfrom Hic- 18 rufilem into the hands of the Romanes, t wbovvhenthcv had examined me, would hauereleafedme, for that there 19 was no caufe of death in me. t But the levves contradi(5ling ir,I was compelled to appealc vnto Csfar.not as hauing any 20 thing to accufe my nation, t For this caufe therfore I dehred to fee you and to fpeake to you. for,becaufeof the hope of Ifrael, am I compalled with this " chaine. zi t Bi-^t they faid tohim, Vvc neither receiued letters con- cerning thee from lewrie, neither did any of the brethren 22 that came hicher,repori or fpeake any euil of thee, t But we defire of thee to hcare what thou thinkeft : tor" concernin.f this '^ fttflcjitis knovve to vs that itisgaincfaid euery where. ' ^3 t And when they had appointed him a day, thev came to him vnto his lodging very many : to whom he expounded, tcftifyingthe kingdom ofGod,and vfingperfuafion to them A a a ij of 37i THE ACTES ChA. XXVIII. of Ie s vs out of the law of Moyfesand cheProphetSjfrom morning vncileuening.t And cercaine beleeuedthofe things 14 that were faid : but certaine bclccued not. t And whereas 25 they did not agree among them felues, they departed , Paul faying one word : Tiiat vvel did the holy Gholl fpeake by Efaie the prophet to our fathers, t faying, Goe to this people, and 16 ftiy to tbem,yyitb the eare yoa jhnlheare, md jhd not yriderjhim : ^nd Jieing yoii Jh,il Jie,4Hd fha.i nut peneine. t f"'' '^■'^ /■''^'■' of this people is ly yydxen e^fojje , and yyith their eaves huue they hej-nily he^rd, and their eics '' they haue J hut : lejl pahdps ihey yuA-y fee yrith their eies, and heave yyith ••Hercairo(rti ^j^^j^ e.ircs , and yndcrjlund yyith their hart, und he comiertcd, and ihcale piihic chat they them, t Be it kno Wen thcrfote to you,thac thisSaluation of i8 wouidnot lee. q^^ ^5 ^^^^ ^q the Gcntile$,and they vvil hcarc. uorhearc.saliac iz-iiri- 1 r their cxcecatio t And when he had (aid thcle things, the Icvves went i^ rcd^o'thadues °^^ f^om him, hailing much queftioning among them felues. ^ncctoGod. t Andhe tariedflil two ycres in his hired lodging: and he 30 ieeannou.io.u, re^eiucd al that Came into him, | preaching the kingdom of 31 God,and teaching the things that concerne our Lord 1 e s vs Christ with al confidence,vvithout prohibition. Eft ^,9. Mat. 15, 14. Mr. 4. "• /o.ii,4o ^. 11,8 ANNOTATIONS Chap. XXVIII. M.ilra hath S. Paules blelling and grace vutJ this day. Gods miracu- lous vettue in cercaine coun- tries and crea- tures , by his Sain6ls. S. Pauls chaines hvnouicd. / Shai^ngoftbebea.ft.'] Thcpromcs of Chrill {^Mitrc. i6) that venemous fcrpents fhould not hurt them ttiat be( ecus in him, is fulfilled notinalbeleuers, but in fuchas had thcgift otrriiracks, as .i'.Pai.d had. Vvhom here a viper by nature fo venemous that the people thought ue fhould haue died out of hand , did no whit annoy : he extinguif hing by the power of Chrift al the poifon of thebcall. Yea and (as the Chriftian people there til this day bclceue) by S. Paules praiers the Hand T/;ff. Fa- was dcliuercd for cuer from ai fuch venemous I'crpents , in fo much that children there play with xj:Utu de fcorpions euer fince tiiat time , and Pilgrimes daily caric with them peei.\.s of Itones out of tiie reiuf Si- place vvhece S. Paul abode , b/ which they atSrme that they healc them which in other coanuies tuludecad. adioyning are bitten of fcorpions , the medicmc therfore being called, S. Paules ^race. The Here- ; //". / c. i, tikes that know not thepovver of God, nor the miraculous venues giuento his baindis , marucl and blafpheme , vvhen they heare fuch things as be proper to ccrtaine countries , attributed I'omc- times to Gods miracles done by his Sainfts : as though that were notpoihble, or were not as much to Gods honour,andmore,chen things proccding only of natural caules. Such profane men vv ould not hau: attributed the hollomnes ot the waters ot lericho to Elilcus his vertue and mira- cles , amending them by calling fait into them, if the Scripture bad not exprefly tellificd the fame. ^ !{^^.z,r,t It is the part ot al faithlul men to letcrte luch things to God, vvhen any iuil occafion is giuen there- vnto, rather then to nature : though the incredulous docalwaies contrarie,tor teare ot lupeilfition &; dil honouring God. As though this el'cape of drowning.might better and nioie to Cods glotie, be referred to ctiauncc and the mariners indulhic, then to S. Paules praicrs and extraorUinaiie working. 20. chajtie. ] I vvculd vvifh now (faith S. Chryftome ) to be for a time in the place where theic chaines rcmaine , and to lee the fetters which Diuels fearc , and Angels re- utrciice. hornil. j ad pc^utum ^niiochtnum. Sec alio S. Gregorie lib. 3 epifv. yo-of the mi- laclesdoneby S, Paules chaines , and tiiat he fendeth to the £mptielle Conllantia lome duft thereof filed of, for a great Relike and holy gift. j2. C*ncerni»^ ToJEiiX EcctEsiA, cui totam doArinsm Apoftoli cum fuo fanguine profuderunt : vbi P f. t R v s Pafsioni Domini adarquatur^ vbi PavLvs loannis (Baptiflae) cxitucoronatur, Tcrtul.de Pr/cfcrifti NoN ita coelum fplendefcit , quando radios fol dcmittit, quemadmodunj KoMANORVM vRBs duas illas larapades vbiguc tcriarum effundcns/ Chrjf. in ep.I{p. hom.y^ in moral. Hie nemfe taut rtgntuit du» Prudent, in ApejSolorum piimipes: Hymno de Alirrvtcalor Gentium, S. Laurent. Alter cathcdram po/iident rrimam, recludtt creditiu Ji.temit* Saul by commillion perfecuteih. ^ff. 9. '^ In hisiourney to Damafcusheisconuerted. ihid. \ He goeth into Arabia and preacheth there. Calat.i, Paul returneth to Damafcus, where being in danger lie efcapcth. letdorvne in a bafket by the I wall. o^ff. 9. Thence he commeth toHierufalem to fee PcKi.Galxt. i. Vvhere being in danger of his life, the brethren conuey hini out of the citie to Csfarea.and thence to Tarlus. ^£i. 9. He preacheth in thepartes of Syria and Cilicia. Galat. 1. and at Antioche, vvhere the Chriftians were firll called by that name. ^n. n . He and Barnabas being leuercd from the reft of the Difciples by the appointmet of the holy Ghoft, and after falling and praier , by impolicion of handts confecratcd Apoflles and Bil hops, they comme to Cypres, where he conucrted the Proconl'ul. ^B. is. He preacheth in Lycaonia , and at Lyftia is almoft ftoned to death. He appointah PrieAs in euery Church, and returning by Pihdia.came againc to Antioche whence they firft departed. Aff.;#. At Antioclieand thereabout he remainetb {^cl. 1*) vntiltl:e controuerfie touching the obferua- tion ofMoyfcslavv. for refolution whereof he and Barnabas afcead to Hicrufalem. Vvhere they arc appointed to bring the determination of the Councel to Antioche. And from thence paffiig tiiiough Syria and Cilicia, tlicy teach the Chriftians to obferuethe decrees of the Apoitiesand Auncicnts. v^(7. ir. Doing the lame in the cities of Lycaonia and others adioming , by a vifion he is warned to palTc ouer the i'ca, .ind lo commeth into Macedonia, where heplanteth the GofpeL ^cT. itf. Hence fori; vard S.Lu l-epurj ueth S. Pauls ft orie , chapter by chapter, vntil hh apprehenfien in Hierufalem,and arriual at Home,in this order. He returneth from M:Kedonia by Theflalonica to Athens, vvhere he conuerteth many, namely S.DcnysArcopagita. Ai*?. IT. From Athcnshe commeth to Corinth, vvhere he remainetb 18 monetbs. Aff. u. andhauingvi- hted the Churclies of Alia Acf. 19) he commeth backe to Corinth Acl, 10. Vi'hencehe wri- ttth his epiftlc to the Romanes. R^. is. From Corinth he faiieth to Troas in Aha , where vpon a Sunday he raifed Eotychus from death, I preaching til midnight, from Troas he commeth to Miletum by fea, and there iendeih for I the Bifnops and Auncients of Ephcius,and exhorteth them. Alt. zo. Thence comming to Hicrufalemhe is taken, Aff. ii: and from the Tcibune Lyfias dcliucrcdto Felix the Gouernour.Arf.j^ : and by him left to Ftftus,Aff. if. he appealeth to Cslar Acl.zs: andfois Sent to Ro m e, Aft.i/ : wherehcarriucth. Aff. z*. At Rome he remaincth in free piifon two ycre, Alt.rs. and then is dciiuered, z Tim. 4.. Atter his deliuerie he preached in lundrie countries of the t veft,namely in Spainc.//Kro.»« Cataloro. F-piph. H • , reward. A«^.f/)- buc giuc crcditc to iniquitie,vvraih and indignation, t Tribu- p *''' lation and anguilh vpon euery foul of man that vvoikcth c That is, the euil, of the levve firft and of the '^ Greeke : t but glorie and 10 Gentile. honout and peacc to cuety onc that vvorketh good , tothe lew firft and to the Greeke. t for^thcreis noacccption of 11 peifons with God. t For whofoeutrhauclinned without iz the Law, vvhithout the Law Thai perifh: and whofoeuer hauc finned in the Law, by the Law f hal be iudgcd. t For 13 '^"not the hearers ofthc Law arc iuft with God: but the doers of the Law" fhal be iuftified. t For when the Gentiles 14 which haue not the Lavv,naturally doe thofe things that arc ofiheLaw; theGme not hauingthe Law, them fclues are alaw lothem felues : t who fhcwthe worke oftheLaw i^ written in their hartes, their confcience giuing reftimonie to them,and among them fekics mutually their thoughtes accu- fing, or alfo defending, t in the day when God fhal iudge i(> ::ifi5jfhan,p. thefecretes ofmen , according to my Gofpel, by Iesvs fuianddamna- C H R 1 S T. pleachcrf, t£- t But if thou bc furnamed a Iew,and refteft in the Law, 17 chers, or other and doeft gloric in God , t and knovveft his vvil , and 18 fifl "o°commic apptoucft the more profitable things, inftru6ted by the Law, the lame things ^ prefumeft that thy felf art a leader ofthc blinde, a light of ic) which they re- them that are in darkncs, ta teacher of the folifh, a maifterefzo prouein other. jnflantSjhauIng the formc of fcicucc & of vctitic in thc Law. c It is a threat "f Thou theufoue •• that teacheftan other, teacheftnot thy zi fmne tha? by felf: that pteachcft , men ought not to fteale, thou ftealeft : JiTthfufV'^our "t" thatfaieft menfhouldnot commit aduoutrie, thou com.- zz Lordes name mitteft aduoutcic *. that abhorrcft idols, thou doeft facrilege: fpXn of 'a- t that docft glorie in the Law jthou by preuarication ohhe 25 mogtheniifbe- L^yy ^Qgfj- difhonOUt God,( t Tov'^thenAmeofGodthoUlhyoittS 14 leucrs . &; many . . . \ 4. A- r • vmhdravven U.ifpbemed,imong^thc Oaitiles, aS It IS Writen. ) t LucUmClllOn in 25 'kI? itth^lir *-^^^^^ profiteth , if thou obfcrue the Law : but if thou be a '^^* "'"'^ preuaricatour E\. J 6, iO. Cha. II. TO TIJ^ ROMANES. 387 preuaricatour of theLavv, thy circumcifion is become ••' pre- " prepuce is the 16 puce, t Ifchcn theprepuce"kcepe theiufticcs ofthc Law ^°r'^'^'""e"ot 17 I nal not his prepuce be reputed foicu-cumcihon i t and fJial fherforc %ni- . not that which of nature is prepuce,fulfilling the Lav v,iudt'e ^"J* or L £" thee, that by the letter and circumcifion art a preuaricatour and condjt.o of 18 ofthcLavv? tFornothethatisinopenihevv,isaIevv,nor ct'cmBdi&.ihc that which is in open fhevv , in the flcfh, is circumcifion: ifvvesaud their 29 i but he that is in fccrete, is a lew: and the circumcifion of ^^^' the hart, "inspirit, not in the letter: whofe praife is not of men , but of God. Li.ilegrat & lih.arh ^ng. de Sp. & lit. *.ze. to. ;. ANNOTATIONS Chap. I L r.Thoii that iudgejt.) Such as by publikc authoritie eiiher fpiritual or temporal hauc to punifh offenders , be not forbidden to iudgcor condemneany for their oftenfes, though them lelucs be foaictimes guilty in their confcience of the fame or greater: yet may it be matter ofaggrauating llnnfs before God, when they vvii not repent of thole otFenfes thenifelues, for the which they . , . punifh others, but if they be open offenders them lelues, in the fame fort for which they " S'"8 other iudge other, they giue fcandal, and thereby aggrauaie their hnncs very much. Prcprelyhere he ™^''' forbiddeth to charge an other falfely or ttuely with thefe crimes whereof him fe[f is as farre guilty or more then theother.as the lewes fpecially did the GentiIs,to whom he fpeakcth here. *. ^of/?ffcoM««?e»»nf.'' ) This proueth that God oftercth his grace and mercie to many,and by -, long patience and futFerance expedeth their repetance,diiferring their punifhment of purpoie that ^.^ . "§ ^^^' tliey may amend, and that he is not delighted in theirpctdition, nor is the caule of their iinne: but "'"S '^ ^'^^ '"■J^ contrariewife that they harden their owne hartes,and of their owns free wil reieiS his grace and ^''P^^^'^"<^f. contemne his benignitie. 6 . According to hu vvorket .) Theugh the holy Apollles fpccial purpofebe in this Epiftle, to commeiid vnto the Gentiles that trufted fo much in their moral workes , the faith in Chrilt : yet left any man fhould thinke or gather vntruely of his wordes, that Chridian mens woikes were ^ not meritorious or the caufe ofSaluation , he exprelly writeth, that God giucth as wel euerlafting . yvoikes life and glorie to men, for and according to their good workes, as he giueth damnation for the ^^'^^^o^'^us. concraric workes. And how lb euer Hcretikes fondly Hec from the euidence of thefe places , yet S. Auguftine faith, Life euetlalling to be rendered for good workes according to thismanifeft ' Scripture, Godfhal render to eiierj man according to hu workts. I}. 'K,ot the hearers.) This lame fentence agreable alio to Chriftcs wordes {M/tt. 7, 2;) is the very ground of S. lames difputation , that not faith alone,but good workes alio doiuftifie. Tber- fore S. Paul (hovvfoeuer fomc peruerfly conllerhis wordes in other places) meaneth the fame that S. lames. Andhere * hefpeaketh not properly ofthefirltiuftification, whcnan Inhdeloi il ^"5 ' '"'^''^" man is made iuft , who had noacceptabic workes before to be iuftitied by (of which kind he Ipe- '^''"'^".vviihout cially meaneth in other places of this Epiftle) but he ipcakf th of the fecond iuftihcation or incrcale ^^o'"^" ■" the Ic- of forwier iulHce, which he that is in Gods grace, daily procedcth in, by doing al kind of good *-°"^» ^Y vvor- workes, which be iufticcs, and for doing of which, heisiurt in deede before God. and of this Jtinde doth S. lames namely treate. Vvhich is diredlly againft the Heretikes of this time , who not ^-^^ul fpeaketh only attribute nothing, to the workes done in finneand infidelitie, but elteemenorhlngatal ofal "/ fhehrft ipe- Chriftian mens workes toward iuflihcation and faluation , condemning them as vncleane, frnful, '■'''")' . S. lames hypocritical, Pharifaical -.which is dircdly againft theie & other Scripturc.and plaine blalphcming °f"''i^ fecond. of Ciirift and his grace , by whofe fpitit and cooperation we tioe them, I}- Shalbeiti/tijied.) Of al Other Articles deceitfully handled by Heretikes, they vfe moll guile in this of Iuftihcation : and fpecially by theequiuocation of certainc wordes, which is proper to Againft imp'u. al contentious wranglers, and namely in this word , lujfife. Which bccaufe they Hndc iomctime tatiue iufticc to figniiie the acquiting of a guilty njan of fome cringe whereof he is in deede guilty, 6c for whicii he ought to be condemned, (as by mans iudgement either of ignorance or of purpoie often a vi r/ maletador is deemed or declared and pronounced innocent) they falfly make it fo fignitie in this place and the like , wherefoeuer man is laid to be iuftitied of God for his workes or otherwife : as though it vyerc faid , that God iuftifieth man, that is \o fay , imf uieth to him the iuftice of Chrift, C c c ij thougfi 588 THE EPISTLE OF S. PAVL ChA. Ill, though hcbe notin deeJeiuft: orof faiiourreputethhimas iuft, when in deede he is wicked, impious, and rniuft. Vvhich isamoftbla(phemousdodhineagainft God.niaking- him either igno. rant who is iufl: , and fo to erre in his iudgemertt , or not good, that can loiic Jnd faue him whom he knowech to be euil . And a matuelous picicful blindnes it is in the Churches Aduerftries , that True inherent they f hould thinkeit moreto Godsglorie, andmorc to the commendation of Chrillesiaftice, iDlhcc rnore for j^pfjtes, and mcrcie, to call and count an il manfo continuing, for lull : then by his grace and cods glorie, oC i-nercii to makthim of an ilone, iuft indeede, andfo truely toiuftifiebim ■ or as the word doth for the com- [jgrg (Jgnitie , to efbeeme andapproue foriull in deedc.him that by hisgracekeepcthhislaw and inendatloa ot commaundements. For, that the keepers or doers of the comaiaundemcnts be iuit and fo reputed, Chrilts mcritcs. j^ j^ plaine by the correfpondence to the former vvordes, '2>Lttthe henmsarc iitji,y<*t thedters, Vvherevpon S. Auguftine deSp. ^•lit.c, li- to. 3. hath thefe vvordes, When it is faici,The doers ef the Law fhtdhe iiijlijied, what other thing isfaid,then , Tbciujt fhalbe iujiifediforthe doers of the Law verily are iiijt. 20. J^espetheiujfices.) If aGentil eithernovv finceChrift, by his grace and faith, or any other bsforeChrifl, notof diedocke of Abraham, thjough the Spirit of God kecpe the iultices of the Ttite iuftice Law, he is iufl no lelTe then ifhe had been outwardly circi.vnciied,and Thai condemne the circum- both in lew cifed Iev» not keeping the Law , without vvhich , his outward Sacrament can not feruc him , but and Gcntile, is fhal be much to his condemnation, that hauing the Lavvandpeculiar Sacraments of God, he did by keeping the notkccpe the Law, norinwaidly exercife that in his hart which the outward figne did import. Law. And althis is no morebut toinfinuate that true iufticeis not in faith only or knowledge of the Law , or in the nams either of lew or Chtiitian , but in doing good workes and keeping the Layv by Gods grace. 2g.ln fpirit,not letter.l The outward ceremonies. Sacraments, threatcs.and commaundements The letter, and q^q^^ in the Law, are called the /e«irr: the inward working ofGod in mens hart , and enduing the fpirit. j^j,^ with faitb.hope, and charitie, and with louc, liking, wil, and abilitie to keepe his commaun- Thc caraal, and (jgjnents by the gxaceand merites of Chrill, arecal'ed thc^m/. In vvhich fenfe, the carnallew fpiritual lewe. ^^^j ^ ^zyv according to the letter, and he was circumcifed after the leiter:but the true beleeuijig Gentil obferuing by Gods grace in hart and in Gods fight, chat which was meant by that carnal figne, is a lerv according to tli^fpiiit, andiuftified by God. Of the fpirit and letters. Auguftine i^' Jp- & made a f.imons vTorkc, very neceiTarie for the vnderftanding of this EpiiUe. '*'• (<>• /• Ch A P. III. •« God only by nature is true, al mere men by nature may lie, deceiue and be decciued : yet GOd by his gra- ce & fpirit may and doth pre- fcrue the Apo- ftles and princi- pal Gouciners of his people &: the Church and Cotuiccls in al truth . though they were and ..re mere men. Uegraunteth thut the Itvves didpajfe the Ffeathr/t Gextils,ln Qtds benefits , 9 but not in their ovvne vvorkes .conetuding, that he hath [hewed, both lev v and Gentil ttbejinneri: is aadtherfore {inferring) that there muji be fame 9t'»ir way to Saluitiou, indifferent to both , vvhich u to btleeue /'n I E s v s Christ, that for hisfak^ their finnes may be forgiuen them. HAT preeminence then hath the lew, or what i is the profit of circumcifion? j Much by al z meanes. Firfl: furely becaufe the vvordes of God _ vverecomitted to them. | for what if certainc 5 ofthemhauenot beleeued J Hath their incrcduhtie made the faith of God fruftratef' t God forbid, but * God is true : &: 4 ^ •• euery man a lycfjas it is written : rlMtihoit nukfl he 'mjlificdin tJ)yyyordes,4ud oneycome yrhen thoit 4rt iitdged. T But it OUr iniv^Ul- 5 tiecommendthe iulliceof God, what Thai we fay? IsGod vniuft that executeth wrath? ( I fpeake according to man ) I God forbid, othcrwife how fhal God iudgc this world? 6 t For if the vcritie of God hath abounded in my lie, vnto 7 hisglorie,vvhy amialfoyet iudgedas afinner, t and not 8 (as we are blafphemed , and as fome report vs to fay ) let vs doc P/. Uf, 11. _j p/:jo,5. ChA. III. TO THE ROMANES. }8^ doe euil, that there may come good? vvhofe damnation is iuft. ' 5) t Vvhatthen?Jo we excel them ? No, not Co. For vvc haue argued the levves and the Grcek:es,al to be vnder finne: '° t asitis written: rhdt'^ihereis »6t/(}tymaniiiji,\there is nottbatynder. ^^ Jiandcth , there is notthdt feek^th dfter God. f jilhdue declined , they le a man to be iujiifed by Itb.arb.t.y faith v^iilhout the vvorkes of the Law) did thinke that he faid, faith would jiifffe a man though he tiued Hand hadno goodwor^es. Which God forbid the vejfel of eleilinofhouldthinl^e: who in a certaint place Cat, l, after he had faid , * In Chrifi I £ s v s neither eireumafion nor prepuce auaileth any whit , hejiraight added, but faith which worketb by hue. Chap. Cha. IIH. TO THE ROMANES. 3fl Chap. IIII. 1 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12. ^3 H ^ i6 fein^heWMnota4thtnciT'H''ncijed,votonlyi- _ /t' vndrcumcifed Gentil may by bel^uing the Chriftian faith , come to lujtice , ** ^brxhamdid ui Jpecially cctifiderin^alft, that ^brtthtim-vvtu promtlid to he Father of the whole world , airdnotonlyefthelevves, tovvhomenelythe LavvWitt^iuen : ttndthai ,ntt to fulfil the fromife , but for an other caufe. VHAT Thai vvcfay then that" Abraham did finde, our father according to the flefh? 1 For if Abraham were iuftified"by vvorkcs: he hath glorie, but not with God. + For what faieth the Scripture? jhrdham belee/t-ed ..^^M^^-^^Mo^^. God, /t}id it yy4s reputed him to uijhce. t But tO him that vvorkethjthe reward is not ^ imputed according to grace,but according to dette. i But "to him that vvorketh not, yet beleeueth in him that iuftifieth the impious, his faith ■■■^ The wor^ is '^ reputed to iuftice according to the purpofe of the grace of^^"'lf^i^.°^^ God. t " As Dauid alfo termeth the bieflcdnes of a man , to jjj^.^^'^'^^* ""^J^^ whom God reputeth iuftice without workes , t Bieffed are though 'it were tbey, yyhofe tmatnties be forijuen, and vyhofe Jimief be n coitered. t Blepd ts reputed for iu- , I ^ jt I ■ . ^ J r . ,^ Itice, beinenot the m>m to yyhom our Lord bath not mputed jinnc. .^^ ^^ J^ .^ ^^^^^^ t This blclfcdnes then doth it abide in the circumcihon, but fignifiethj or in the prepuce alfo? For we fay that vnto Abraham faith ^ha^-'^^w^^^^ was '• reputed to iuftice. i How was it reputed?in circum- efteemedsc re- cifion,or in prepuce? Not in circumcifion,but in prepuce. ^,";'^'* '^;','kc^' t And*hcrcceiued ""thefigne of circumcifiop ," a feale of word muft the iuftice of faith that is in prepuce : that he might be the fa- "'f ^ext' go'^'s therofalthatbelecueby the prcpuce,i;hat vnto them alfo it before.&i c.r. may be reputed to iuftice : 1 and might be father of circum- ^h'crc!" cifion,nottothem only that are of ihecircumcifion, butto ^ ^^ ^^^^^^ them alfo that folow the ftep pes of the faiih that is in thcments of the prepuce o four father Abraham, t Fornot by the Law was "ew Lavv giuc theptomiflcto Abraham, or to his leedc,tnac he Inould be that grace and heire of the world : but by the ruftice of faith, f For if they ^-^ ^f^^^ that arc of the Law. be heires : faith is made voide , the pro- commended. milTe is abohfhcd. 't For the Law vvorketh wrath. For J^f^ ^^^/^ ^;,"^ where is no law , neither is there preuarication. i Ther- pgnc ormaikc fore of faith : that according to grace the promifte may be "' ''''= ^^'"^• firmetoalthefcrde,notto that only which is of the Law, buttothatalfo v.hichisof the faith of Abraham, who is the 35)i THE EPISTLE OF S. PAVL ;cha. nil. the father of vs al,( as ic is written: i Tor , 4 father of many nations 17 bane 1 appointed thee) before God yWyhom^ thou didtl bcleeue', who quickeneth the dead : and calleththofe things that are nor, as thofe things that are. t Vvho contrarie to hopebc- 18 leeued in hope : that he might be made the father of many nations, according to that which was * faid to him: So fhalthj/feedehe. as the ffcarres of heauen, and the fandofthe fea. -f And he was not weakened in faith : neither did he- 19 cofider his ovvne body now quite dead, whereas he was al- mofl; an hundred yercs old, and the dead matrice of Sara, tin 20 thepromille alfo of God he daggered not by diftruft : but wasftrengthenedinfaith, giuinggloric to God : tmoflful- ii ly knowing that whatfocuer he promifcd, he is able alfo to doe. t Therfore was it alfo reputed him to iuftice. iz t And it is not written only for him, that it was reputed 13 him to iuftice : t but alfo "for vs,.to whom itfhal be repu- 24 ted beleeuing in him , that raifed vplEsvs Christ our Lord from the dead, f vvho was deliucrcd vp for our fmnes, 25 and rofe againe for our iuftification. . Gen. 17, 4- * ' he be- leened. Gw.ifjJ AbrahamiVfar kes before faith, Iuftice before men.andiuftite before God, Nor vvorkes, but mere grace k caufe of our 'iiiik iuftifica*io. t-ldieucil tunP laiion. Vvliatis, Sinnet to wired or not ANNOTA TIONS Chat. II 1 1. t. ^Jhrtihtim-.'] The Apoftle difputing in this chapter.as before, againfl them that thought they might be iuftihed by their vvorkes done v\'ithout the grace of Chrifl and faith in him , propofeth Abraham for an example, and proue th that he had no iuftice nor elUmation of iuftice before cod by any vv»rkes done before he had faith, or that proceded not of faith and Gods grace. i.^j vvorkei.'] If Abraham did any ccmmtn»table vvorkes before he bcleeued Chrift.aj many Pliilofophers did, men might count him iuft'therforc, but in cods figlit (vvho acceptcth nothing without faith in him , or that procedcth not from his grace ) he f hoald ncuer haue had the efti- mation of a iiiftman. TherforeGodin the ScripturesreputinghimasaiuflmaB,giueth tliecauf* thpreof, faying, ^/ihraham helcemd Ged,and it irvM refuted to him for iujliet, ■t-.To him that irvorktth'] That is to fay , He that prefumeth of hij owne vvorkes as done of him felf without faith , Gods helpe.and grace: and faying, that grace or iullification were giucn to him for his vvorkes: liiisman dothchalengc hisiuftificatiouasdette, and not asof fauourand grace, /, To him that VMerkfth not ] Hf vvotketh not (in this place) that bath no vvorkes or alleagpth not hi? vvorkes done in his iiifidelitic as caiifc of his iuftificaiion,but faith in Chrift,and that proce- ding of mere grace. Vvherevpon S. Aiiguftine faith : !\nyw thou th.it faith found thavniiifi. .Andif faith^iuen le thee, maditht iuj}, it found thee a wick£jo>te iivhtmit might make iuff. Ifitfpuad thee ifvieked , and offuch an one made thet iujf , what vvorkes hadfl thou being then wicked ? '2^one cotddtjl tlioM hunt {nor canfi haue') before thou heleeuedft. feleeue thtn in him that lujlificth the impious , thai thy goodvvorkesmaf begoedworkfundeede. Auguft.in Pfal. 51. ^ i. .Ai Dauidtermeth.] The Proteftants for, c ta-nuth, tr.lnftate, defcribeth, for that they would ^ ^%yf) haue the ignorant beletiie, the whole nature & definition ofliiitificuiion to be nothing els but re- miftion ot fuinc; , and no grace or inherent iuftice giucn from God at al. Vvhen the ApolHe would fay nothing els, but that in the firft iuftificatio God hndcth no good warkes or nierites to reward, but only fmnes to forgiue vnto fiich as haue f.^ith in him. 7. Couered. s.not imputed.'] Vou may not gacJici(a3 theHeretikcs doc)ofthefc tennes,couere4, Ani,not imputtd, thattiie lianes ofmenbe ncuer iruely torgiucn , but hiddc* only, forthatdero- gatc3 lo. I, if, truly remitted. He is the Lanibc xh3.ttaketh away the finnes of the vroWd , t/;ar vvtifhtth,zni 2 Cer.«,ii. Iflottethout our finnes. theifore to cou?r them, or.not to impute them, is, not to charge vs with t^/>ef. ;, J. our finnes, becaufc by rcmiirion they be cleane taken away : otherwife it were but a teined for- giuenelFc. See S, ^u^ufiine inpfal. 31 enarrat. 2. II. ^feale.1 The Heretikes would proue hereby , that the Sacraments of the Church giue not graeeoriufticeof faith, but that they be notes, markes, and badges only of our remitlion of finnes had by faith before : becaufc Abraham was iuft before , and tooke this Sacrament for a feale thereof only. To which muft be anfvvered, that it folovveth not that itisfoinal, becaufeit "^^^ Sacramcjs was foin the Patriarch , who was iuft before, and was thcrfore as it were the founder of ^'■^ "°^ mere Circumcifion , or he in whom God would firft eftabLfh the fame: no more then it folovveth iri^''",but cau- that.becaufe the Holy Sacrament of the Altar remitted not finnes to Chrift nor iuftified him.there- ^" of iuftifica- fore it hath that cffed in none. Looke S. Auguftine dthaptifmo contra Itoiatijt^ U. *. e. j#. Vvhere '''^"' you f iial fee that (chough not in Abraham) yet in Ilaac his fonne,and fo confequently in the reft the Sacrament went before, and iullicc folowed. 1*. Forvs,to whom it fhal be refuted. ']^y this it is moft plaine againft our Aducrfarics that the faith which was reputed for iuftice to Abraham,vvas his beleefc of an Article reuealcd to him by God, thatis to fay, his aifent and credit giuen to Godsfpeaches : as in vs his pofteritie according to the Ipirit.it is here plainelyfaid, that iuftice fhal bereputed to vs by beleeuing the Articles of Chri- ^X vvhat faitli flcs deathand Rcfurredlion, andnot by any fond fpecial faith, ^^»«!f was not.tBut 14 death reigned from Adam" vnro Moyfes,euen on them alfo thatfmned not after the fimilitude of the preuarication of Adam,vvhoisafigareof himtocome. t But not as the of- 15 fcnce,fo alfo the gift.for if by the offence of one, many died; much more the grace of God and the gift, m the grace of one man 1e s v s Chrift, hath abounded vpon many, t And not as 16 by onc^ fmne'jfo alfo the gift.for iudgemec in deede is of one, ' finncr^ to condcmnatio:but grace is of many offences, to iuftificatio. t For if in the offecc of onc,death reigned by one: much more 17 t«Here wcmay they that receiue the aboundance of grace and of donation^ fee againft the (jf jyftjce fhal rcigne m life bv one,Itsvs Chrift.t Therfore as 18 Hereukes, that , J. ,- •. , .• r ir they vvluch,be by the olTence or one, vnto al men to condemnation: 10 alio ^°\'^.^ S^c^A^ul bv the iuftice of one, vnto al men to iuftification of life. and lultihecl oy J , i i . -~ t , • r i inm,bemade8c f Fotas bv the uifobedience ot onc man, many Were made 19 '°!lS'&n'S finners : fo aHo by the obedience of one,many »fhal be in uccuc, vt 11'-'*- y i'i/* -fi I by imputation made iuft.t But the Law entrcd in, that Iinne might abound. 20 bfbo^n^'^ofA- And vvherefmneabounded,grace did more abound, t that 21 dam, be vniuft ^g finuc reigned to death : fo alfo grace may reigne by iuftice i, &"nocby to life euerlafting,through 1 e s v s Chrift our Lord. imputation. ANNOTATIONS Chap. V. Againft the He- i. Let vs hme,) Vvhcther we read , Let vs haue pence , as diuerfc alfo of the Greeke Do Aors i)(j^ixit retikes fpecial (Chryfojt. Orig. Theodor. Oeeum. Theefhyl.) doc, or, We kauepeitee : it maketh notliing for the vaine J vjutK faith and fecu- fecuritie andTnf'allible certaintie which our Aduerfaries fay, cucry man ought to haue vpon his gx.ic, prefumcd iuftification by faith, that him felfis ifi Gods faucur, and fare to be faued : peace tozmards God .being here nothing els , but the fincerc reft , ttanquillitie and comfort of;minde and confcience , vpon the hope he hatb.that he is reconciled to God. Su;e it is that the Catholike faith, by which, and none other, men be iuftified, neither teacheth nor br^edeth any (uch fecuritie of faluaiion. And therfore they hauc made to them i'ciues an other faith which they call f'uiuciam, quite without the compain.' oftheCrccdeand Sciiptures. Iuftificatio aitii 2.,AcceJfe through faith.) Iuftification, impliLth al grace and vcrtues receiucd by Chriftcs meri- butcd much tes, but the entraacc and accdfe to this grace and happy ftate is by faith, becaufe faith is the ground and Cha. VI. TO THE ROMANES. and firft foundation to build on.and port to enter into the reft. Vvhich is the caufe that out iuQifi- thg lundation cation is attributed to faitli,name)y in this Epill:le,though faith it felf be of grace alfo. Probation hope.) This rcfelleth the errcur alfo ot the Protcllants.that would haue our hope Qi confoundeth. /. Chariiie is povvrtd.) Charitie alfo is giucn vs in out fiift iuftincation, and not only imputed charitie qualitie in v». ynto vs, but in deede inwardly powredinto ourhartesby the Holy Gholl, who with and in his giftes &■ grace is beftowed vpon vs. for this Charitie of God is not that vvhich is in God , but that vvhich he giueth vs , as S. Augullinc expoundeth it .- li. de Sp. ^ lit. c. ti. Vvho rcferreth this place alfo to the grace of God giuen in the Sacrament of Confirmation, tie bapi. cont.'Donat. li. i c. la, i-L.'B'jonemanfin-ne entred.) By this place fpecially the Church of God defendeth and proueth Cont.Tri. againftth'e old Herecikes the Pelagians , that denied children to haue any original linne, ortobe fejf.s dscr. baptized for the remiilion thereof : that in and by Adam al be conceiaed, bornc, and conftituted depec.ori^. (Inners.Which no lelTe maketh againrt: the Caluiuirts alfo.that afiirme.Chriiiia mens children to be Vy ^ . ™. holy from their mothers vvombe. And the fame reafon vvhich S. Auguftiae dcduceth(/i. i c. 8.9. °°^^,^ '" origi- depec. meritu.)o\ii of this text.to proue againd the laid Pelagians, that the ApolHe meaneth not of ''ime. the general imitation of Adaminaduallinnes, feruethagainll Erafmus and others , inclining ra- ther to that new expo fition, then to the Churches and fathers graue iudgement herein. Cone, Mile- uitanum c. 2. I*. -onto Meyfes.) Euen in the time of the Law of nature , when men knew notfinne, and therfcrc it could not by mans iudgement be imputed ; andin the time of Moyfes Law, when the commaundement taught them to know it, butgaue them no llrength norgracetoauoidit, iinucdidrcigni, and thcrevpon death and damnation, euen til Moyfes »Hi:/»y?«^, that is to fay, euen ^1 -n til the end of his Law. And that not in them onely vvhich adually finned , as Adam did , but in ^^' . °"'y ^^^ infants vvhich neuer did aftually offend, but onely were borne and conceiuedinlinne, that is to ^°""'"^d in * lay, hauing their natures defiled, dellitute ofiulHce, and aucrted from God in Adam, and by their """^'^"^ (as it defcent from him : Chrift onely excepted, being conceiued without mans feede, and his mother r j^ forhis honour and by his fpecialproccftion (as many godly deucut meniudge) preferucd from ^^dy, the fame. i 0. That finne might abound.) T'/;4;,herc hath not the fignification of caufalitie , as though the _. > j ,.ij Law were giuen for tliat caufe to make finne abound: but it noteth thefequele, bccaufe that fo- . ., ^?^ ' lowed thereof, and fo it came to paflTe , that by the prohibition of finne , finne increafed : by oc- !i°' ^sufc^mote cafion whereof.the force of Chrilles grace is more amply and aboundantlybeftovvcdLn the new '""^' .'nougti is thought) our Te/lameut. that vvere the fecjucle thereof. Chap. VI. Heexhortethvs, now after 'Baptijtnt, to line na more in finne, but tovvalke in rood Work^s : becaufe there we died to the one, and rofe againe to the other 14. { grace alfogitiing ys fujficient jirength ) 16 and vvere made free to theene,andjerua>its tathe other, if and (pccially becaufe of the jruite here, andtheend afterward, both of the one and of the 0 tk*r. b The EpiftJe ^Jt'^^HAT (hal we fay then J Shalvve continue in T'^^^^"''^>' Vf /r>"/^ r \ 1 ij.^,r..,„ after Pentccoit. linne that erace may abound? t God forbid. For ••„ .^r \_ , t r f n I ■•Remnlionof vvetnataredeadtolinne, novvlhal we yet iiue f^nne, new life, therein ? \ ^ Are you ignorant that al wc vvhich ^*",'^''X''.^''°"j I • 1 • /^i n 111 « i^^i and uiltihcatio, are baptized in Cnrilll E s YS, in his death we are baptized? ^fe giuen by t For ••we are buried together vvich him by Baprifme into cauft kVefem- death : that as Chrift is rifen from the dead by the glorie of '''"'^ '" ^s .-.nd the father, fo We alfo may waike in newnede of \i^\. f For afr'Ss 'dea7h if vvebebecomecomplaniedtothe fimihtude of his death, andrefurrei^io, *■ T-» J J ■■ ^""^ cngraffeth U ad ]J wc vs into him. 35)(J THB EPISTLE OF S. PAVL ChA. VI. vvcfhalbcairoof hisrefurrcftion. f Knowing this, that ^^^ her hufband : fo that fhe is not an aduouterelTe if fhe be tiefeparated. ^ D d d iij wi th •'• Being now baptileJ ami dead :o finne, & crgrafFcd in Chridsmyltical body , you are difchargcd of the Livv of Moyfc3,and arc free in Chrilh •' BjfBaptifme we haue not Chriftes iullice imputed to vs, but au inward nevvnell"- of fpirit giuen vs and rdiJcnt in vs. , •• Sinnebrcon- cupifcecewiiich wasalleepebe- fore.vvas wake- ned by prohibi- tion , the Law not being the caufe thereof, nor gluing occa lion therevnto, but occafion being taken by our corrupt na- ture to xclift that which Was commaunded. ThcEpiftle in a Votiue M-ilft: foi dnnes. 35)8 THE EPISTLE OF S. PAVL C H A. with an Other man. f Therfore my brethren •• you alfo are 4 made dead to the Law by the body of Chrift: chat you may be an other mans who is rifen againc from the dead,thac wc may frudtifieto God. i For when we were in the flefh, r thepallionsoHinneSjthat wereby cheLaw, didvvorke in our members , to frudifie vnto death, t but now wcare^J loofedtrora the law of death, wherein we were deteined: '^ in fo much we feme in •• ncvvnelfc of fpirir,and not in the oldnesof the letter. t Vvhatfhal wefay then? isthcLaw finne? God for- 7 bid.But finne I didnotknow, but by the Law. for concu- pifcece 1 knew notjVnlellethe law did Cxyi'Thott [halt mt court. t But •• occafion being taken, finne by the commaundement 8 wrought in me al cocupifcence.For without the Law finne was dead, i And 1 lined without the Law fometime. But 9 when the commaundement was come,finne reuiucd. t And 10 I was dead: and the commaundement, that was vnto life, the fame to me was found to Be vnto death, t For finne 11 taking occafion by the comm3undcmenr,fcduccd me,and by it killed me. t Therfore* the Law in deede is holy, and the 12, commaundement holy,and iufl:,and good. t That the which is good, to me was it made dcath.'God 13 forbid. but finnc,that it may appeare finne,by the good thing wrought me dearh:that finne might become finning aboue meafure by the comaundemet.t For we know that the La^y 14 is fpiritual,but I am carnal, fold vnder finne. t For'thatwhich 15 I worke, I vnderftand not. for" not that which I wil, the fame do I : but which I hate,thac I doe. t And if that which 16 I vvilnotjthcfamcIdoc.T cofent to the Lavv,thac it is good. t But now , not I worke it any more, but the finne chat 17 dwelleth inmc.t For 1 know that there dwelleth not in me, 18 that is to fiyjin my flefh, good. For to wil, is prefer with me, but to accomplifh that whichis good , I finde not. t For 15) * not the good which I vvil,that doe 1 : but the cuil " which 1 wil notjthat I doe. t And if that which I wil not , the 20 fame I doe : now not I worke it, but the finne that dwel- leth in me. t I finde therfore, the Law, tome hauing a wil 2.1 to doe good, that euil isprefent with me. t Fori amde-ii lighted with the law of God according to the inward man: t butl fee an other law in my members, repugning to the 13 law of my minde, and captiuingmc in the law of finne that is VM. C HA. VII. TO THE ROMANES. 55)9 14 is in my members, t Vnbappie man that lam, who fhal ij dehucr me from the body of this death ? t The grace of God by I E s V s Chrift our Lord. H T-herfore I my feJf " with the hv- minde*^feruethelavvof God.butwith theflcfh, the law ^^i» of finne. r A N N O T A Chap. T I O N S VII. C.f,l7. T. Thattfhalt noteouet.) It is not thehabitual coHcupifccnce or infirinitieof ournarurc or ^w'^*' conc«- fenfual Hefire orinclination to euil, couctingagainft thcfpirit, that is forbidden properly in this P'^'^ence forbid- precept: butthc confent of ourreafon andmiude vntoit.to obey and folovv the luites thereof, f^"', °°' *'*' that is a finne and prohibited. bitual. o.T/j4/t;i//;K/7 /T^i/or%.) ThisbeingvndcrftoodofS. Paiilhimfelforany otheriudperfon, , ". the fenfeis, that the flcfh andinferiour pan ftirreth vp diucrfe difordered motions andpailions or ^°^^" inuolua. perturbations againft the minde, and vpon fuch a fodcn fometimes inuadcth the fame, that before **^"^ motion* it attedeth.or reafon can gather it felf to deliberate, ma is in a fort(though vnvvittingiy) entangled. ^^^ "® "nn«. Vvhich as foone as it is perceiued .being of the iuft condemned,reicdcd,and rcfifted.neuer maketh him a finner. t}.'K,et thatvvhich Ivvil ) He meanetbnot.thathccan do no good that he vvilleth or defi- Concupircencc rcth.or that he is eiicr forced to do that vvhich his will agrcnh not vnto: but that by reafon of the taketh not forciblencffc of concupifcence.vvhereof he can not rid him felf during life, he can not accomplif h away free vviL al the defires of his fpirit and minde.according as he faith to the Galatians, The fief b coueteth ugainji the Jj'irit, and tliejfirit aga'niji the fief h, that not irvhatfieueryou 'uvill,you can do. i9.rtLolthegoodvibhh ivyiU.) So may the iuftalfo be forced by the rage of concupifcence rjj^^g jj voliin- or fenfual appetitc.to do or fuftcr many things in his inferiour part or external members.vvhich his ^^^j^ ^^^ othcr- ^^y^/j;.vvillconfemcth not vnto. And fo long it is fo farre from finne, that (as * S. Auguftine faith) he ^j^-g ^^ jj ^^ i/,.^J ncede neuer fay 10 Cod .for^iuevs eurfinrtes , for the fame. for. finne is voluntarie, and fo be not /:„„, thele paflions. ig.K^hich Ivvilnot.) It maketh not any thing againft free will that the ApoAle faith , that good men do or fulFer fometimes in their bodies, tuat vvhich the will agrecth not vntO: but it pro- ueth plainely free vvil.becaufe the proper adl thereof, that is , to will or liill, to confent or diflent, iseuer (as you may fee here) freein itfelf: though there may be internal or external force to Hay the mcmbc rs of a man, that they obey not in euery ad.that vvhich the will commaundeth or pre- fcribctb. And therfore that is neuer imputed to ma vvhich he doth in his external or internal facul- ties.when vvil concurreth not. Yea afterward (v, io) the Apoflle faith, 'Hjon ego optror, man doeth not that wliich is not done by his will: vvhich doth molt euidently proue free will. a/. V^ith the minde, with the fief h.) Nothing done by concupifcence (vvhich the Apoftleherc calleth finne) whcrevnto the fpirit, reafon, or minde of man conlenteth not , can make him guilty Concupifcence before God. Neither can the motions of the fief h in a iull man euer any whit deefilc the operatios defileth not a of his fpirit , as the Lutherans do hold : but make them often more meritorious,for the continual iuft mans adios combat that he hath with them, for it is plaine that the operations of the flcfh and of the fpirit do as the Lutheras not concurre together to make one ade, as they imagine :the Apoiile concluding cleane contrarie, fay. That in minde hefcructh the Law ofGod, in flelh thclavv oflinne, that is to fay, concupif- cence. Chap. VIII. That ntvv after 'Baftlfmevve are no more in ^ate of damnation , hecaufe by the grace vvhich we haue receiued,vve are able to fulfil tbe Law: vnles we do wil- fnlly giue the dctninion againe to concufijcence. 1 S Then {hecaufe oftheperfe- eutions that then were ) he comforttth and exhorttth them with many reafons, THERE 400 THE EPISTLE OF S. PAVL C H A. VIll. HERE is now thcrforeno damnation i to them that arc in Chrift 1 e s v s : that walkc not according to the fle(h. t Forthe i law of the fpiiit of life in Chiift 1 e s v s, hathdeHuered me from the law offinne and of death, t For that which was 3 impoflible to the Law, in that it was vveakened by theflclh: Godfendinghis, fonnc in the fimi- litude of the flef h of finne , euen of finne damned finne in ..^,. .„ the flefh, +that •• theiuftification ot thelawmieht bcful-4 • •This comun- »■ ^ ' *■ > 1 i n rL. i cethagiinitthe filled in vs, vvho vvalke not according to the flefh, but ac- SaSs" that cording to the fpirit. t For they that are according to the 5 the law. that is, flcf h,are affededto the things that are of the flefh, but they demets*^ may"be that ate accotding to the fpirit : are affeded to the things that kept.&that the ^j-q gf j^g fpjiic. t For the wifedom of the flefh , is death: 6 is?ufti«;& that but the wifedom of the fpiritjlifc and peace, t Becaufe the 7 inchriftianmen yvifedom ofthcflcf h.is'an enemie'to God:for to the law of that IS hflhlled ... ri-n-i i aii i o by chiiftsgiace God It IS not lubiect,neitner Can It be. 1 And they that arc 0 forcf of She in the flefh, can not pleafccod.tBut you are not in the flefh, 9 Law could ne- but in the fpirit,yet if the Spirit of God dwcl in you. But if »»exbclulflUed. ^^y ^^^ j^^^g j^Qj ^l^g 5pl^l^ Qf (thrift, the fame is not his. t But if Chrift be in you : the body in deedc is dead becaufe i o of finncjbut the fpirit liueth becaufe of iuftification. t And n if the Spirit of him that raifed vp I e s v s from the dead, dwcl in you;he that raifed vp 1 1 s v s Christ from the deadjfhal quicken alfo your mortal bodies, becaufe of his Spirit dwel- * line in you. t Therforebreihren,weare detters: not to the 12. TheEpiftlevpO & J u a tl _ t- T l the 8 Sunday flef h,to hue according to the flelh. -f Font you hue accor- 15 after pcmecoft. jjngto the flefh,you f hal die . but if by the fpirit,you mor- :: Hemeaneth tifiethedeedesof theflefh,youfhalliue. t For whofoeucr ^4 chiidlgofGod •• arcledde by the fpirit of God,they are the fonnes of God. be violently c6- -f for *you hauc not recdued the fpirit of feruitude againe in ^5 i^Kir wmes?but fearc:but*you hauereceiued the fpirit of adoption of fonnes, that they be wherein wc eric: Abba, ( father), t For" the Spirit him felf, ^^ mo^loitlda- giueth teflimonie to our fpirit,thatwe are the fonnes of cod. ^7 cedtodogood. -|- And if fonncSjheircs alfo : hcires truly of God, and coheires ^*%everh.''Do. of Chrift: -i "yet ifwc fuffer with him,that we may be alfo ■^"■•/' !• V/' dorified with him. verb. ^fcjt. ler. D .«ii rr rt_-- ii o ,3 c.u.ii. t For 1 thmke that the paflions of this time are not con- 1I5 tlc^?'?unda5 digne to the glorie to come that f hal be reuealed in vs. t For 15) afrerPentecoft, the expedation of the crcatutc, expc6lcth the reuelation of and for many * -.u_ MirtyiJ. '•"^ condign tilt ad gloritim 43 ChA. VIII. TO THE ROMANES. 4OI ;.o the Tonnes of God. t For the creature is made fubicdlto vanitie,noc v villing,but for him that made it fubied in hope: 21 t bccaufe the creature alfo it felf (hal be dcliucred from the feruitude of corruption, into the hbertie of the glorie of the Z2 children of God. t For we know that euery creature gro- 23 neth, andtrauaileth euentilnow. t And not only it, but we alfo our fclues hauing the firft fruites of the fpirit, we alfo grone within our felues , expedting the adoption of the 14 fonnesofGod, the redemption of our body. _j t For "by hope we arc faued. But hope that is feen,is not hope.for that 2^ which amanfeeth, wherforedothhehopeit ? t Butifwc hope for that which we fee nor : we exped by patience. 16 t And in likemaner alfo the Spirit helpeth our infirmitie. For,v vhat we fhoij^Id pray as we ought, we know not:buc the Spirit him felfrequefteth for vs with gronings vnfpea- 27 kcablc. t And he that fearcheth the hartes,knovveih what * the Spirit defireth : becaufe according to God he requefteth 28 for the faindes. j And we know that to them that loue God,aI things cooperate vnto good , to fuch as according to 29 purpofearc called to be faindes. j For whom he hath for- kno wen, he hath alfo prcdeftinated to be made conformable to the image of his fonne : that he might be the firft- borne in 30 many brethren, t And " whom he hath prcdeftinated: them alfo he hath called, and whom he hath called : them alfo he hath iuftified. and whom he hath iuftified: them alfo hath he 31 glorified, t What fhal wethen fay to thefe thmgs ? ifGod 32 beforvs, whoisagainiivs? t He that fpared not alfo his ov vne fonne, but for vsaldeliuered him: how hath he not 33 alfo with him giuenvsal things? t Who fhal accufeagainft 34 the elect ofGod.'' God that iuftifieth. f who is he that fhal condemne? ChriftlESVS that died, yea that is rifen alfo againe, who is on the right hand of God , who alfo maketh 3j intercelsion for vs. t Who then fhal feparate vsfrom the The Fpiftie fox charitieofChrift? tribulation ? ordiftreilc? or famine? or ^- ^g'^-itivis ^6 nakednes? or danger? or perfecution ? or the fword ? (tas it is written , ?"*' y^e are killed for thy f^ked thed.ty : yye are efieemedM 2j /hee[)eofjl.t!/ghter.) 1 But in al thcfe things we oacrcome bccaufe ,§ of him that hath loued vs. '^ tFor'-I am fure that neither death, I nor life, nor Angels, nor Principalities, nor Powcrs^neither ( 3P things prefent, northings to come, neither might , -f nor I height , nor depth , nor other creature, fhal b-; able to I E e e feparats 401 THE EPISTLE OF S. PAVL ChA. VIII. feparate vsfrom thecharitic of God which is in Chrift 1 ES vs our Lord, d ANNOTA TIONS Chap. VIII. t6. Thejpiritgiuetb tejlimon'ie.) This place niaketh not for the Hcretikcs fpecial faith,or their The teftimonie prefumptuous certainty that eucry one otthem ii in gr.ice : the tellimonie ot the Spirit being no- of the Spirit, thing els, but the iuvvard good motions , comtort. and contentment , which the children ot God do daily feele more and more in their haiies by leiuing him: by which they haue as it wcreaa attelUcion of bis faiiout towardes them , whereby the hope ol their iuftification and faliiation is much corroborated and Ilrengthcned. . . n 1- i7.retif they filler.) Chullcs paines or paiTions haug not fo fatisfied for al.thit Chriftian men rh^ir^f ■ fa- ^^ dilchargedot their paiticularliiflxiing or latisfying for cchemans ovvne part: neither be our />"" ^ d paf. painesnotning worth to the attainemeiit of heauen.becaufeChiill hath done ynough. but quite ^ '°" contrarie : he was by his pallion exalted to the glorie of hcauen ; therlore we by compalllon or lion , ye o p^j^^^ipg yy^h him m the hke patlions.f hal atcaine to be feliowes with him in his kingdom. ^ °^ ' ° ' is.Condignc.) Our Aduerlaries ground hereon, that the workes or liilicrances of this life be not meritorious or worthy of life euerlafling.whcre the Apoftle laith no luch thing, no more then Al fufFeung in he faith that ChriftsPallions be not meritorious of his glorie , which I thinkcihey dare not much this life is no- auouch in our Sauiuuisaftions. He exprelVeth onely, that the very afHidtions of their ovvne nature, thing in com- which we fuller with or for him.be but I hort.mometanie & ot no account in comparilon of the parifun of the recompcnle which we f hal haue in hcaueii. no more in deede were Chrilles paines of their ovvne heauenlyglorie: oatui>e,compared to his glorie. any whit comparable : yet they were meritorious or worthy of ^ and yet it is heaucn,6c fo be ours.And therfore to exf reile tnc liid c6pariion,here he faith, T/;t) arf »c/fo?;i;|5He »dgloriS, meritorious be * to the g.'or;e.He I'aiih not,ofthegloiic,3i the Heretikes falily ttallate: though the Scripture Ipeaketh n^es Ti'>id what to pray or .ij 'kc. Augutt.de anima &: eius orig li. 4,c. 9. &: ep. ill. c. 15. io.Whomhehathpr'edeJfi-nated.) Gods eternal forelight ,louc, purpole, prcdeihnation , and The dodtrine of fleilion oi his decre children , and in time their calling, iulHfying , glorifying by Chrill, as al othar predcftination , a^^s and intentions of his diuine vvil and prouidence towardes their faliiation , ought to be reue- Uo w to be re- renced of al men with dreadful luimilitie , and not to be fought out or diiputcd on with prtfump- tuouf Cha. IX. TO THE ROMANES. 405 fJLKi, '-"" fdt.nicrc ^. 9 ad A/- tuousboldnes and audacitie. for it is the gulfe that many proud perfons, both in this a.arb. 'Di corrept.;^ gratia, •yidarticulosfalio im"ofitoi.) defendeth,idttjhalbe,i?i ^6 with great pa- the pUceyyhere it was [aid to them,yoH are voj my jico^le-.thcre they j hal he tience,and con- ^41^^^],^ frnnesof the lining Cod. t And Efaic crieth for Urael,jr/f/; told, Vnles the Lord of Sabaoth had left ysfeede : y-of had been made like So- dom,aml tt? had bee ft lil\e a-f GoraorrhA. t Whatfhal we fay then ? That the Gentiles which pur- 50 fued not after iuftice,haue apprehended iufticc, but the iu- ftice that is of faith, t Butllr.iel in purfuing thelavvofiu- 3^ ftice, is not come vnto the law ofiuftice. t Vvhy (o? Be- 32-. they ftcavriL Gen. 18, 10. Oen. If, II. Oen. If, Mal.1,1, Exo. jj, 19. Ex». 9^ 16. ^ ttpted, fued Ofi,ii. Of.j,io Ej: 10, Z2. E/,i, ?. ChA. IX. TO THE ROMANES. 4CJ caufe not of faith, but as it were of vvorkes.foE*^ they haue thauSylT/^e E/8,14, I 53 ftombledattheftoneof ftombh'n^, t as it is written, £f/W^"ufe of their 2.8,16. I Iputin Sion d flone of flombling, 4)id aroc]\eof Jcandal: ^>idyvhofoeuer bclce- ^^^^^ cd'^i^^' ' ffeth in h»n,fbal not be confounded. ^ ANNOTATIONS Chap. IX. i.xAnathem*.'] ^nithem* , "by \(t of Scripture is either that vvhicl* by feparation fi-om profane vfe, and ty dedication to God,is ho]y,dfeadful,and not vulgarly to betou- ehcd:or contrarievvife,that which is rcicdcd,fcuercd,or abandoned from God, as curfed Anichei«8> and deteftcd , and therfore is to be auoided. And in this later fenfe (according as F. Paul taketh it i Cor. 1 6. If any louenotour Lord Iesvs Christ, be he ^nathemit,thnt is to fay, Away with him, Accurfed be he, Eeware you company not with him)thc Church and holy Councels vfe the word for a curfe and excommunication againft Heretikes 'and . other notorious offenders and blafphcmcrs. Now how the Apoftle, wifhing him fcif ^" j ^r^^"*^ to be Anathema from Chrifttofauehis Countriemens foules , did take this word, it is a S.PaiiJ v-vif heth very hard thing to determine. Somethinkc, hcdefiredonely to die for their faluation. '" beanatnc- Others , that being very loth to be kept from the fruition of Chrift, yet he could be con- "^^' tent to befoftill for tofaue their fouJes. Others , that he vvif hed whatmaledidionor reparation froJn Chrift foeuer that did not imply the disfauour ofGod towardshim, nor take away his loue toward God. This only is certainethatit is a point of ynfpeak- able charitic in the i^pcflles breafl,anda paterne toal liifhops and Pricfls , hew to loue Eko ti 31 *^^ ^^J"*'^ion of their flocke. As the like was vttercd byMoyfes vvhenhefaid ,Eitherfor- ' glutthispeafle,orblotmeoHtofthyhooke. e. 'T^otal of 1 frail.] Though the people ofthe levves were many waies honoured , and priuilegcd, and nan:ely by Chriftes taking flefh of them: yet the proniis of grace and "°°* pfOBiis faluation was neither oncly made to them, nor to al them that carnally came of tlicm or "°* made to their fathers : GodseIc" one therfore , being as il and as void of good as the other, muft hold of Gods eternal pur- a^d iuftice in ' pofe, mercic , and eledion , that he was preferred before his brother which was elder tjjc reprobate then him felf, and no worfe them him felf. And his brother Efau on the other /Ide hath no caufe to complaine,for that God neither did nor fuftered any thing to be done toNK'ards him,that his finne did not dcferue. for although God ele^l eternally & giue his firft grace without al merites , yet he doth not reprobate or hate any man but for finne,or the fore- fight thereof. , i-f. Is there iniquitlef] Vponthe former difcourfe that of two perfons equal, God calleth ThatGodisnot the one tomercie, and leaueth the other in his finne , one might inferre that God were vniuft.or an ac- vniuftand an accepter of perfons. To which the Apoftle anfvvereth, that God were not cepter of pcr- iuft nor indifferent indeede, foto vfe the matter where grace or faluation were due. As fons, is declared iftvvo men being Chriftened, both bclecuc vvel, & liuevvel: if God fhould giue hcauen by familiar ci- to the one , & fhould damne the other,thcn V/ere he vniuft,partial,& forgetful of his pro- ample*. mifTerbiitrcfpcding or taking two, Who both be worthy of damnation (as al are before they be firft called to mcrcie)thcn the matter ftandcth on mere mercie , and ofthe giuer j vvil and Jiberaliiiejin which cafe j.artiaiitic hath no pjacc. As for example. Eee iij ir.Tvv# 40(j THP EPISTLE OF S. PAVL S. Auguft'rncs example is of two dcbtcrs : the one forgiue all , and tlic other puc to pay ail , Uy tb« fame creditor. //. de predtji. ^ r Two malefailors being condemned bo^h for one crime , the Prince pardo- neth the one , and Jetteth the law pro- cedc on-the other. 2 Thtf thcefc that is pardoned,can not at- tribute his cfcape to his ov-vnedefcr- uings,burtothe Princes mercie. J The thecfethatisexecutedjcan notcha- lenge the Prince that he was nor par- doned alforbut mnfl acknowledge that he hath his deferuing. 4 The ftanders by, niuH: not fay,that he was executed bccaufe the Prince would not pardon him. for that was not the caure,buthijoirenfe. 5 If they afke further, vvhyihe Prince pardoned not both , or executed not bothrthc anfvver is , that as mercie is a goodly vertue , {o iuflicc is neccflaric andcoinmendable. 4 But if it be further demaunjed why lohn rather then Thomas was execu- ted : or Thomas rather then lohn par- doned: anfvver,that ( the parties being othefvvife equal ) it hangeth merely and vvh'jjy vpon the Princes wil and plcafure. Cha. IX. So likevvife, God fciii:^al mankind ani euc'-y 0!ic of the fame \n a general con. demnation, and miHc of lTr)ne,iii and by Adam , deliucreth romc,and not other- fo,r,e. Al th.u be dcliucredoutofthi: c6:noT damnation , be Jcliuered by grace and pardon,through the meanes and merits ofChtift. Such as be left in the common cafe of damnation, can not complaine, bccaufe they haue their deferuing for finnc. V ve may not fiy that fuch be damnc;', becaufeGodr!idnot pardon them, but becaufe rhey had /lane, andthe.-fore deferued it. That fome fhoul 1 be damned, and no:; al pardoned , and other fjme pardoned rather then al condemned, isagreablc to Gods iuftice & mercie : both which vertues in Gods prouidence towards vs are recommended. That Saul fhould be rather pardoned them Caiphas(r meano where two be equally euil and vndeferuing) that is oncly Gods holy wil and appointment, by which many an vnyvorthy man getteth pardon , but no good or iull: or innocent perfon is euer damned. Fredeftination and rcprobasio take not avvyy free wil, neither muft any maiv be retchleire Sc deLotoftbfi'vilUr.] If our eledion , calling, or firft comming to God, lay wholy or principally vpon onx owne wil or vvorkes:or ifour willing or endeuouring to be good, would ferue vvithoui, the hejpc and grace of God , as ihe Pelagians taught , "then our ele- ction were vvhoiy in ou.- felues , which the Apoftlc denieth. and then might I harao and other indurate perfons (whom God harh permitted to be obftmate , to fhcw his power and iuft ludgemcntvpon them) be conuerted when them felues lift , wi houc Gods helpc and afsiftanccrwhereas we fee ihe contrarie in al Auh obftinate otrenders, whoni God for punifhment of former linneSjVidtcih not with his grace, t hit by no threates,miracIes,nor pcrfiialion, they can be conuerted. Vvherevpon we may net with Heret'kes infcrre,that man hath not free wil, or that our will vvorkoth nothing in our conuer/ionor commingto God : but this oneiy , that our willing or woj king of any good to our faluation,commeth of Gods fpecial motion , grace , and afsiftance,and that it is the fecoadary caufe, not the principal!. / 7. To this purpofe haue I rttifed. ] H e doth not fay,\.hat he hatliof pitrpofe raifed or fc: him vpto/inne, or that he was the caufe of the fame in; harao,or that he intended his damna- tion directly or abfolutely , or any otherwjfebui in rei'pect of his demerits: Uura.her ! (as ■hi Apoftlc faith ftraighc after in this chapter of fuch hardened & obftinate oilcnders) that he wicii Jong p^tieijcc & toleration expected his conucriiou, and (as S. Ch.-yfottome ] inccrpretetb j ChA. X. TO T.HE ROMANES. 407 jntcrprct^th this rvorj, Excitaui) prcferued himaliiie to repelit, whom he foght iuftly EKt.fjif, haue concjenined before. In the 9 cf Exodus, whence tliis allegation is, we reade, Fo/kite, Jhnuefut or fet thee vp, a.s here, 1 haue raifedthec. that is to fay, I haue piirpofely aduanced thee to be Co great a king, and chofcn thee out to be a notorious example both of the obdu- rate obftinacie that is in fuch whom I haue for fo great finnes forfaken , and aJfo to f hevy to t hevvorld,that no obftinacie of neuer fo mightic ofienderscan relift me to doe any thing which fhal not fall tomy glorie. Vvhichis nomoretofay, but i hat God often for the punif hment cf Nations , and to fhevv his iuftice and glorie , giueth vvicked I'rinccs vnto them , andindueth them with povrerand al profperitie , and taking his grace from i hem vpon their dcferts , hardcneth their hartcs fo , as they wi;h:Tand and con:cmneGod, and afflicfl bis people, in whofe end and fall,eiiher temporal or eternal, at the length God vvil cuer be glorified. Neither would he cither raife orfuffer any fuch , or giuethem power andprofperitiein this life , vvherevpon heknovvcth theywil beworfc, but that he can vvorke al that to his honour and glorie. mary, thathc vfech not fuch rigorous iuftice on al that de^ferueit, that is his great grace and mcrcie. And that he exercifeih his iuftice Tpon fcimc ccrtainc perfons, rather then vpon other fome of equal defert$,that licth wholy vpon his vvil, in whofe iudgements there be many things fecrete, but nothing vniuft. 2o.Wh<>iirtthou'>.\ here the Apoftlcftaiethihe rafhnes and prefumption of fuchpoore vvormes, as take vpon them to queftion with God of their elcilion or reprobation:as cer- taine impious Heretikes ofour time haue done, fetting out bookes faffed vvithrngft; blaf- phemous and erroneous dodltine c6cernirig this high and hidden mylterie,and haue giuen occa/ion to .he ignorant vvhiih alwaies be curious , to ianglc,and pcrniciouily to erre in thefe things,that are impofsible 10 be vnderftood of any,or wel thought of,but of ihe obe- dient and humble. 2 1. The potter.} This example of the potand potter reacheth no further but to declare, that the creature may not reafonvvith God his maker, why he giueth not onefo great grace , as an other, or why hcpardoncth not one asvvel as an other: nomorc tht-nthe thamber pot may chalengethe Potter why he was not made a drinking pot,as wel as an Other. Andtherfore the Heretikes that extend this Similitude to proue that man haJi no free vvil no more then a pcece of clay , doe vntrueiy and deceitfully apply the example, fpecially whenvvemay fee exprefly in the bookeof Exodus, that Iharao notvvithfta'ding his indurate hart , had free vvil : where both it is faid ,' He would not dijmijfe the people : and , He indurated hu oVyne hxrt him/elf. Exo.c. 1,1 f. and ( in the Hebrue) v.ti.&c. 9.3 s. 1 l{«r. 6,6. And this Apoflile alfo vvritcth , that * a man may clemfe him J elf from the filthy , and 'f« become a vefiel of honour in the houfe of God. In what fenftj God raifcd vi^ Plurao 6cc» Heretical bo«« kes concerning piedeftinacioB. Tha example af the potand the potter. t Tim. 4 Chap. X. The Law WAS not (m the levves ignorant zjeaUfuppofei) for them to iujlifiethem felues by it ( confidering that t'-'ey could not fulfl it : ) but to bring them tt ChriJi,to kelcew in him, and fo for hu fake to be iujtifcdby the grace of God ; / accord.ingto JrCoyje< faying, and the ..Apoftlci preaching: n that fo the Gen- tili alfo ( according to the Prophets ) hearing and beleeuing might ceme to iuftice; the levvss in the meane time { though inexcufablj) remaining increduloui. R E T H R E N, the vvil of my hart furely and praier to God,is for them vnto I'aluation.' t For I giue them teftimonic that they haue zealc of God, but not according to knovv- ! ledge, t For, not knowing "rhe ill- ••: The i«w ' fticeof God, &feekinCT to eftablifh ''^•*^"'''f'"'^f'' 1 • , , ° , mjkea mi iult their ovvne, they haue not been ot pcrfed by it fubicd to the iuftice of God. t For ''^^^^ ^'"J" ^ri^ ... J 7- r T . ^1 -n • n • • ' ^ '-'*> vs to Chrill to •• the end ot the Law is Chrilt; vnto iuftice to euery one that be inftified b^ beleeucth.. ^"^- iieiier founded ihaTh ^"in r the Gofpcl. For Efay faith , Lo>d,yyho hath beleeued the he4rmgofysf mans free wil | faith then, IS by hearing : and hearing is by the word of 17 noaitdee^e. Chvift. I But I fay,hauc they not heard? And certes into J the 18 toobey ordiro- earth hitth the found, of them gone forth -.Andyntotheendesofthe yyboleyyorld Sie"."^ ^' t But 1 fay , hath not Ifrael kno wen ? Moyfes firfl: Gith , 19 I yy il bring yon to emuUtion in that yyhiih is not 4 nttion : in d fohjh nation, I yyil drtitejoii into anger, t But Efay is bold , and faith , lyvof zo found of them that did notfeeke me : openly I appeared to them " that afked not of me.\ But to 1 frael he faith, ^/ the day haite Ifpred my handes 19 a people 1 1 that beleeHttb not, and corttraditUtb me. ten. 18, Veii.io, II. ,408 THE EPISTLE OF S. P A V L C H A. X. ••Theiufticeof the Law of beleeucth. t forMoyfes wrote,'* that, thciufticc which is 5 BO furcher ofit of the LaVVytheman thathathdoneit,Jhalliue init. t But " theiuftice 6 felf, but to faue y vhich is of faith, faith thus, say not in thy hart, Vyho fhal afcendinto a man from the , ^^i -^i- /^L-nj ± t , ^ t , . temporal dcaih /•'f'<«f»-^ that IS to briUg Chnlt downc. T Oryyhodefcendeth mtoj and punifhmet d^g ^iepth ^ thai IS to Call Chrift againc from the dead, t But 8 the trafgreffors what faith the Sctipturc} Theyyord isnigh, inthymottth,andinthy ®f the fame. ji^^^^. this is the word of faith which we preach, f For if 9 thou confelTe with thy mouth our Lord 1 e s v s, and in thy hart beleeue rhatGod hath raifed him vp from the dead, thou 1^'SllZ^ fhaltbefaued. t For with the hart we beleeue vnto iulticc: 10 day. Nouemb. but with the mouth confeflion is made to faluation. '®' I For the Scripture faith: yyhofoener beleeaeth in him, fhal II not be confounded, t For there is no diftindionof the lew iz him&Snui" andtheGrcekc-.foroneis Lord ofal, riche toward al that in- cate him, is to ^ocate him. t Fo/" enery one'-' yrhofoe tier fhal iniiocate the name of our ^ iTToSfand''' Lordjhalbefatled. \ " How then fhal they inuocate in whom 14 fmcereatfeftio. they hauc not beleeucd ? Or how fhal they beleeue him fhaUoiStfe'ire vvhom they haue not heard? And how fhal they heare with- befaued&fhai ouc a preacher? t But how fhal they preach " vnles they ij be fent?as it is written: How beautiful are the feete of them that enange- U-^ peace^of them that euanielirxgoodthingd \ But aP'do not obeyi. at/ f^/- !em. V. j. And the ancient fathers did read in the Crede indiflerently , / beleendt the Cathelike Church, and, / beleeue the Caihatik^ Church. Conc.'2siice>t.apHd Epiphan.injine ^ncerat. Hiercn.tontr. Lucif. Cjril. ftierof. Cuthec. it is.vnlejfetheybe fent. ) This place of the Apoftle inuincibly condemncth al the prea • Preachers Dot diings , writings , ordinances , innouations and vfurpations of C hurch , pulpit , & vvhat- lawfully called foeucr our new Euangelifts haue intruded them felues and entered into by !he window : norfent. 1 beVving that they be euery one from the higheft to the lovTeft,fa]fe prophets, running and vfurpingjbcing neuer lawfully called. Vvhithis foeuident in the Heretikes of our daies that the Caluinifts confefle it in them felues, and fay that there is an exception to be made in them, becaufe they found theftate of.be Church interrupted. lo.Thataj'tednot.] That C hrift was found of rhofe that neuer afked after him, it pro- Thefirft iuftifl- ueth that the firft grace and our firftiuftification is without merites. That God called fo cation of mere continually and earneftly by his Prophets and by other his fignes and wonders , vpon the trace. J ewes, and they wi-.hftood it -free vvil is proued, and that God would haue men faucd, Frecwil and that they be the caufe of their owne damnation them felues. 10. Chap. XI. QZjtt al the Iruvts were refrobate^but fame eleSle : and they by grate obtained iuftice, the refl ( according to the Prophets ) being excecated. 1 1 x/4gainft whom notvvith- Jiandingthe Chrijlian Gen tils ( to whom bj that occajion Chriji is come ) mufi notinfult : but rather feare euery manhim felfto bfUkewije cut of the tree ( whith u the Catholike Church ) fj and l^o vv that vi/ben al the Gentils are brought-into the Church ,then ( about the end of the world ) fhal the multitude efthe levves alfo come in : a according to the dij^ojiiion of the wonderful vvifedom ofGtd, Say then : Hath God reicded his peo- ple? God forbid, for 1 alfo am an Ifraelitc^ ofthefcedeof Abraham, of the tribe of Bcn-iamin. t God hath not reic6ted his people which he foreknevve . Or know you not in Elias what the Scripture faith: how he rcqucfteth God againft ifrael? j Lord,theji luue flame tbj Prophctsjhej Imhc digged dovrne thine aharei : dni I m left 4io}te , AHdtbejfeeke my life, t But what faith the diuine Fff anfwer 4^0 '"HE EPISTLE OF S. PAVL C H A. XI. anfvver vnto hitri? f /^'««f left me fetiot" tboufand men, ihathaue not cr\x^lictuik^l^oyyedtbefrk^ecstocBaJ} ■\ So thciforc at this time alfo,thcre5 L4»,''to%he are remaines failed according to the eledion of grace, t And 6' tcxr.as.^a.f9, if by grace :"not now of vvoikes. othcivvife grace now is not grace. t Vvhat then? that which lfraclfought,the fame he hath 7 not obtained: but the cledion hath obtained: and the reft were bHnded. t as it is written ; " 0»d hdth ginen them the ffirit% • '* The ^^^" ofc(i:npiinclion:eies,th,(t they m^y not fee: ami e^ircs, that they may ntt beAre : yn- XZyt'-^ct''^f''?''f'''*^''y- ^ And Dauid faith: Be their t^bU m^de for u frure ^ jibly for eiier: and for ti trAppe 4}tdfor 4 Jc4iidal Aiidfor a reti-tbutiortyntothem. ] Betheireies lo but for a part, d^rkeued, that they m.- 59, lO. ChA. XI. TO THE ROMANES. 411 zf nature. Thai be graffed into their ovvne oliuc? tForlvvil not haueyou ignorant, brethren, of this myfteric( that you be not wife in your felues ) that blindnes in part hath chaun- ced inlfrael, vntil thefulnes of the Gentiles mightcnrer: z6 i and fo al Ifrael might be faued, as it is written : There fh.tl ^-, come out of Sion , he tlMtfb>ildf lifter, and fhiilauertimpietie from la.cob, ■\ ^nd tbii to them the tejldment from me -.v when 1 fhal haue taken avvay 28 their finnes. t "According to the Gofpclin deede enemies for you : but according to the eledion , moft dcere for the fa- 2p thers. t for without repentance arethe giftesand the vo- ^o cation of God. t for'asyoualfofometimedid not beleeue Godjbut now haue obteinedmercie becaufe of their incre- 31 dulitie ; t fothefe alfo now haue not beleeued, for your -2 merc4e,thatthey alfo may obteinemercic. t For God hath " cocluded al into incredulitie,that he may haue mercic on al. 33 t"0 depth of the riches of the vvifedom and of the know- TheEpifticvpo ledge of God: how incomprehenfibleare his iudgements, lay!'"^ ^"^' 34 and his waies vnfearcheable ? t for* who hath kno wen 3^ thcmindeofourLordJor who hath been his coufcler? j Or who hath fiiftgiuen tohim ,and retribution fhal be made 3(p him? t For ot him, and by him, and in him are al things : to himbeglorieforcuer.Amen. -i 13- ANNOTATIONS Chap. X [. *.Seuenthttttfand\ The Herctikes alleagc this place an J example very impertinently to prone that the Church may be vvholyfecrete, hid, or, vnknowen. forrhjugh the faithful vrerc forced to keepe clofe in that perfecution of Achab and leyabcl , which was oncly in the kingdom of the ten tribes,that is,of Ifaael ; jfet at the very fame time, in Hierufalcm andal the kingdom of luda , the external worfhip andprofefsion of faith vvas open to al Tir.n. the world, and vrclknowcn to Elias &thc fii'hfiil,fj many, "hat *ihc very fouldiars only vvere numbered abovie ten hundred thoiifand. le/iues that there is a great difference betwene the Chriftian Church and the I ewes , ours re/ting vponbctcer promi/Tes then theirs. And we vvil not put the Frotcftants toproucthat there were 7000 of their ZciX, when their new Elias Luther began:biu let them proue ihic here Were feue,or any one, cither then or in al ages before him, that was in al pointesof his belcefe. Heretikes ihcrc vvere before him, as louiniart, Vigilantius, Hehiidiiis, Vviclcffe&c. and wiihhijn^Zuin- gliuSjCaluin, &c. Vvhol-.elecucdas he did in fome things, but not inal. 6. 'KjOt now of worker.] Jf ialuation be attributed to good woikes done of nature without fai>h& Gods hclpc, the fame cannot be of grace, for fuihwcrkes exclude grace, fauour^and mer^ie: and ihalenge onely of dcttc,and not of gift, 'i hcrfore take heedc here of the Herctikes eypomion, ihatvntruely exclude Chriftian mens workes fromneccf- fiiy or meri'e of faiuation, vvhi( h are done wi h and by Gods grace, and thcrfore euidctiy tonlTAwi'.h the fame , and be ioyned wih Godsgrace ascaufes '^four faiuation. Our Aduerfaries are like ill" olecaries,cuer taking jK/Wpw^MOjCiihcr of ignorance, or of intent toteceiuevheiunplc. Godsanfwerto Elias of 7000, niaketh nothig for the Profe- ftants inuilible Church. What \X^orkes arenor.&wh.it are the caiife of faiuation. Fff ii i.Gid Gaiis not au- thor of finnc. Aparaphraftical explication of the text , con- cerning the lewcs and Gen- tils, their (lan- ding , falling, rifing againe. 4U THE EPISTLE OF 8. PAVL Cha. XII. How^ far to deale and to know, in the doilrineofprc- deftination. The Heretikes Writings of pre- dcftination. !. God h*th gluen,'] It cloth not fignifie his working or aflion , but his permifsion. Chryf.ho- 19 inef. Ro. And ?. Auguftinefaith , not by putting malice into them , but by not ^**g- Ep- imparting his grace vnto them, and that through their ovvne defcrts alvvaicj , and their '«;• ^d ovvnc wiilcs cuer properly Working the fame. Sec^nnet. S\Cutthat they might come into their roomes : declaring that the direft and proper caiife of their forfakingjvvas their incredulity , exhorting the Gen- tiles to beware of the fame, becanfe they may fall as wel as the other, and that God is a» like to execute iuftice againftthcmas againflthe J ewes , as he hath done in many nations falling to hcrelic. ts. ^ccordingto the Go(pel.'\ In refpctfl, or, as coacerning beleefe in Chrift andrc- ceiuing the Gofpel , they are Gods enemies : by occasion of which their incredulity , the Gentiles found racrcie : otherwife in refpe»fl of his fj^ecialeletfljon of that nation, and the promiflcs made to thePatriarches , the lewes are deere to himftill. for God neuerpro- niifcth tut he performeth,nor repeateth him felf of the priuileges giuen to that nation. so. For Of you.] As the Gentiles which before.belecued not, found mercie and came to faith , -when the lewes did fall:fothe Icvves not now bclceuing, when al theGentilt haue obtained mercie, f hal in the end ofthe world by God": difpofition obtainc grace and pardon as the Gentiles haue done. Si.Cencludid*!.] That foGod taking al Nations and al men in finne ( which they fell into, not by his drift or caulJng , but of their ovvne frcewil ) may of his mercie call and conucrt whom and invrhat order he vviil:and the parties haucnocaufc tobraggeoftheir dcferuings : but both countries and particular men may rcfcrre their eternal eleftion and their firft calling andconuerfion to Chrift , and to his mercie only : no workcs which they had before in their incredulity,dcferuing any fuch thing,though their vvorkes afterward preceding of fai.h and grace doemcritc heauen. 3!, 0 depth ] The Apoftie concludcth that no man ought to feirch further into Gods fecrcte and vnfearcheable counfels ofthe vocation ofthe Gentils, and reieifling the I ewes, otherwife then this , that al which bereiedcd, for their llnnes be iuftly rciedtcd : andal that be faued , by Gods great mercie and Chrifts grace be faued- And vvhafoeuer fceketh among the people to fpred contagion of curiofity by fecking furiher after things part mans & Angels rcache, they oijerreafhe Scoucrthrow them felues. 1 fthou wilt be faued, beleeue, obey the Church, fcare God and keepehis cqnmiaundements: that is thy part and cuery mans els. Thou maift not examine whether thou be predeftinate or reprobate, nor feck? to kiJJWthe waies of Gods fecrete iudgemcnt toward thy feif or other men. It is the common enemy of our foules , that in this vnhippy time hath opened blaffhemous ton^'ues , anddireifted theproudepennesofCaluin,Eeza , Verone, and fuchreprobares, to the difcufsingoffuch particulars, to the perdition ofmany a (Tmplc maii,aBd fpecially of yon;; Scholers in Vniuer/itics,which with Icfle ftudic may Icarne to be prowtl and cu- rious, then to be humble, wife, and obedient. SiKtum., The fecond part oi \^■\h Epiftlc, mo- ral. ThcEpiftle vp5 the I Sunday after the Epi- phanie, '•'• None mufl prefuaicto me- dic ftboue the racafure of Godsgift.orout ofthe compafTc of his Hate and vocation. Chap. XII. He etchtrttth them to mortif cation ofthe body, t to renotuttion ofthe minde, t t» kefi^g ofvnitiebyhumiiitie, 6 to the ri^ht zifin^ of their gifts and funffions , f to many other good. Anions ^ ij aiidJpecinlJy to lotting of tluir enemiei. BESECHyou therfore brethren by the i mercie of God,* that you exhibite your bo- dies "a liuinghoft, holy,pIeafingGad, your reafonableferuicc. t And be not conformed 2 f° ^^^^ vvorld:buc be reformed in the newnes ofyout minde, '^ that you mayproue what the good, and acceptable, andpcrfe<3; vvil of God is. t for 1 fay by the ^ grace that is giuen me, to al that are among you, •' not to be more Phil. 18. Efh. s, 4.3- II. Efh. I ^ 4>7- ' ; ChA. XII. to the ROMANES. 4I5 more wife then bchoueth to be wife , but to be wife vnto fobrietie , * to euery one as God hath dcuided the mcafure of _, , .^. r ■ 1 , ^ .11 I I 1 I TheEpillIcvpt faith, i; For as in one body we naue many members , but aJ the z Sunday the members haue not one adtion : t To vve being many,a^e^^^^^*^* ^P'- one body in Chrift,& cche one an others members. "4 t And - Prophccic is haaing giftes,3Ccording to the grace that is giuen vs, differet, \hJTcTiplm°/ cither •• prophecie " according to the rule oftanh , t or mini- vhich itaccor- fterie in miniftring,or he that teacheth in dodrine, t he that oSh.^'^irS ^xhortethin exhorting,he that giueth in fimphcitic,hc that ru- "'^ "."t againft Icthin carefulnes, he that fhcvveth mercie in cheercFulnes. o/w'hcL'i"fe f^Loue without fimulation. Hating cuil.cleauing to good. P'^fitabie to TLouing thccharitieofthc brothcrhodone toward an other. «$ s.Augufu'nc Vvith honour prcuenting one an other, t In carefulnes not ^^^"^'[J)^ ''• ^• ilouthful.In fpirit fcruent.Scruingour Lord. 1 Rcioycingin and//. ,. *,,'// hope. Patient in tribulation. Inftant inpraier. t Communi- ^"1'",^*^'=^^^* eating to the necethcics or trie iaindtes.rutiuing noipitalitic. '' '^. c»„fiji. ,. t BlefTe them that perfecute you : bleirc,and''cutfe not. t To [^T'r"'- reioyce With them that reioyce, to vvcepe vvitri them that vkcvherevmo vvcepe. t Being of one minde one toward another. Not l!iLL°'"™°". Ill I ^ r • TL II T« jfcopie IS rnucn minding high things,but coienting to the humble. ^ ^ Be not g'V^^ . who wife in vout ovvne conceite. t To no man rendiine cuil on'Zu^^I^.ul?. 10 II iz ^5 H 16 17 18 zo ZI on whom they foreuil. Prouiding good things not only before God , but "" "oc other alfo before al men. t If it may be,as much as is in you , ha- gc!ithcy"mry uing peace with al men. t Not reuenging your (elucs my f*^^ ^"^ ^^at k j°n.i • 1 ur--- "« great fault. deereftjbut guieplacc vnto.vvrath,tor itis written: f^nejige b The Epiftia to me : I yyd reward, futh our Lord, t but if thine cnemie hunger, after^^h' ^^E ^"^ gtue himmtittt : if he thiyjl,giue him dri»ke.fo;-,doingtljii,thoH J halt heape c$>i' phanie, les of fire yponhiihcM. t -Be not ouercofne of euil ,^ut ouer- come in good the euil. 4 N N O T A Chap. T I O N XII. ;. ^ Uu'mi kefi. ] Left men f hould thlnke by the former difcourfe of Goris eternal predefti- nation, thatno rcvrard Were to be had of good life and Vorkes, the Apoftlc now eaxneftjy rccommcndcthto them holincffe of life. the Apoftlesby the holy Ghoft, before they Were fundcred into diucrs Nations, fetdownc , among them fclues a certainc Rule and forms of faith and doiftrine, conreiningnot onely the ,^ Apoftolj. Articles of the Credc, but al other principles, gtoundes, and the Whole platforme of al the Chri- , rule or ana- ftianreligioa. Which RulcWis before any of the bookcs of the neV Tellament Were Vritten,& ^^S'^of faitb. Fff iij ''ef^°« 414 THE EPISTLE OFS.PAVL Cha. XIII. before the faith 'Wis preached amQiig the Gentiles : by which not onely fuery other inferiour teachers dodrinc Vas tried, but a( the Apoflles, and Euaiigdilles preaching, writing , interprttiiig (which is here called prophecying ) \>/cre of Gods Church approiied and admitted , ordiiproued and rcicftcd. This forme, by mouth and not by Scripture.eucry Apoftle dehuered to the countrie by thcni coiiuerted. For keeping ol this forme.the Apoftle before praifed the Romanes , and after- c. «, /,-. ward earneltly Warneth them by no mans platilible Ipeache to be drawen from the fame. This he c. i6. 17. commendeth to Timochee, calling it his 'Depojitum. For not holding this faft and lure.he blameth i, Tim. i, the Galatians, further alfo denouncing to him felf or an Angel that fhould Write, teach, or ex- 20. pound againll that Which they firft receiucd , Anathema, and comtaaunding alwaies to beware Gal. i, #. • f them that taught otherWlfe. Forfearcof milling this line of truth, him I'elfnotwithftanding Ca!. t, t. hcliadtheHoly Gholl, yet left he might haui: preached in vaine and loll his labour, heWent to conferre With Peterand therell. forthefait keepiiigof this Ruleof truih, the Apoftles held ^^ ,. ^ Councels, and their fuccelfors by their example. For t-hc holding of this F.ule, and bythemeafure ' ' "^ thereof.were al the holy Scriptures Written. for and by the fame, al the glorious dodors haue made their fermons, commentaries, and interpretations of Godsvvord: al writings and interpretatios no oiherwifcadmitted nor deemed to be of God, but as they be agreable co this Rule. And this is the lure Analogic and meafurc of faith , fctdownc and commended to vs euery piiiitafticarru'le' ^^'^'"^ for the Apoftles tradition : and nog thephantaftical rule or fi]uarc that eucry Sect rnaiftcr Or ' ratht r rules ptf tendetb to gather out of the Scriptures falfely vnderftood and Wrelted to his purpofe.by Which offaith many ^^^'^ iudgeoi doftor, Scripture, Church, andal. Arius had by that meancs a ruleof his owne, and diue'rs one Luther had his falfeWcightes, and Caluin his owne alio. According to which feueral meafurc of from an other '^"^'^y ^^^ • ''''f)' '^^I'S their expofitions of GodiWord: andin Lngland (as in other infected Countries) they kept of late anapifh imitation of this prophecying which S. Paul here and in other places fpeaketh of , and which Was an excrcife in theprimitiue Chiuch, mcafurcd not by euery mans peculiar Ipirit, but by the former Rule of faith firftfet doWne by the Apoftles. Ani therfore aJ this new phantaftical Prophecying Sc al other preaching in Caluin? fchoo.'e.isiuftly by this note of the Apollle condemned, for that it is not according to , but tpite againft the Rule of faith. The Heretikcs Chap. Xlll. Toyeld ehedience 4ndal other duties Vnto Potejfals : S to lout their neighbourvvhtch it the fulfilling of the Law : 1 r and JpeciaUy to ctnfider , that now being the time of grace , vvcmuji doe nothing that may not befctmeday light. E T " euery foul be fubied to higher powers, i for there is "no power but of God. And thofe thatarcjof God areordeined. t Ther- i fore he that refiftcth the povver,refifteth the ordinanceof God. And "they that re(iil:,pur- chafe to them felues damnatio. t for princes } are no feare to the good worke,but to the euil.But wilt thou notfcarcthe povver?Doe good: and thou i halt haue praife of the fame, -j- for he is gods minifter vnto thee for good. 4 Btitif thou doe cuil, feare. forhe^beareth not the fvvord without caufe.For he is Gods minifter:a reueger vnto wrath, to him that doeth cuil. j Therfore be fubied of neceditiejUot ^ only for vvrath,butaifo for confciencef^ke. t For therfore (J "you giue tribueres alfo. for they are the miniftcrs o^God, feruing vnto this puvpofe. t Render therfore to al men their 7 ■jheEpifticvpo devv : * to vvhom tribute , tribute .* to whom cuftom,cu- -lfter**the"£pu ftom: to >5'hoin feaie/cate: to who houour,honour. t Owe 8 ■ghanie. no r/>.j,i. I, Pa. 2, 13' IK C HA. XIII. TO THl ROMANES. 415 no man any thing:but,thatyou Joue one an other.For he that 9 loueth his neighbour , hath •• fulfilled the law. t For, TW fhalt not commit (idnoiitrk , Thonjlult twth^l, Thoufhdt not jit Ae , ThoufhAt mtk^refalfeyyitnes, Thouf halt not couet , ^lld it there bc any Other commaundement: it is comprifcd in this word, rhou-jhAt 10 hue thy neighbour as thy felf. t Thelouc ofthy neighbour,vvor- keth no euil. Loue therfore is the fulneiTc of the law. -i n t And that knowing the feafon , that it is now thehoure for vs to rife from fleepc. For now our faluation is necrer 12. then when we beiceued. t The night is pafTedjand the day is at hand. Lctvs therfore cafl of the vvorkcs of darknefTc, 13 and doe on the armour of light, t As in the day let vswalke honcftly : not in banketings and drunkennes,not in chambe- rings and impudicities, nor in contention and emulation: 14 t but doe ye on our Lord Iesvs Chrift, H[ and make not prouifion for the flefh in concupifcences. •"• Here rre le4 arne that the LiW inay be 8e is fuifillcd by loqeiu thislifc< againftthe Ad- ueifaiies faying it is impolTible to keepe the com maun de- ments. TheEpifllevpS the I Sundqi\' in Aducnt. ANNOTATIONS Chap. XIII. i.Eutr-) foul be full fcl.'] Eccaiife the Apolllcs preached libcrtic by Chrift froin tkeyote ■ of the Law and rcruinide of iimic , and gaiic al the faithful both example and commaunde- ment to obey God more then men , andvi'hil euer charged them cxprcfly to tcobedictit and fubicLt to their Prelates as to them Which had ci/rcof their foules andv^cre by the HoIyC-hoft placed ouer the Church of God : there Were iiiany inihofc daies ncWlycon- ucrtcd, that ihought them felues free from ai temporal Potcftat j , carnal Lordcs , and hu- mane creatures or powers : vhcrevpon the bondman tookehim felf to hcloofe froinhis feruitude, the fubied from his boucrainc, Wf re he Empcrour, King, Duke,or what other fecular Magiftrate fo euer •, fpecially the Princes ofihofc daies benig Heathens andpcr- fecutors ofihc Apoftlcs , and of Chriftes religion, for Which caufe a"nd for that the Apo- ftles were vntruely charged of their Aducrfarics , thatthcy withdrcvvemcn from order and obedience to Ciuil lavvc? and Ofricers ; S. Paul here (as .S. Peter do«ii i C hap.,2.) fleereih him felf, andcxprefly thargetheuery man to be fubied tohis temporal Prince and Superiour : Not cuery mantoal that be in Office or Superiority,but cuery one to him whom God h-Vihputin authoritie ouer him,by that he is his Maiftcr , Lord , king, orfuch ]ike:\ either to them in matters ofreligionorrcgiinetit of their foulcs( for moft part were PaganSjWhomthc Apoftle could not will men to obey in matters of fai'h ) buttoihemin fuch things oncly as conccrne ihc pulnikc peace & Policie , and what other caufcs fo euer ^B.^tJj, confift with Gods holy will and ordinance, for * againft God no poWer may be obcied. 3,19. _ , i.lsiopovverbutefGod.] S C hryfoftomc here noteth, that power, ru'e,& iuperioritic, Cbrjf. in j; Gods ordinance , but not efcfones all'rmces : bccaijfcmapy may vfurpc,wJiorcii;ne by ef>.I{o. ho. his pcrmifsiononely,andnot by his arpointmcntmor ai actl^rns that tuery one dcjc-.h^in and '*• by his fouerainc power , as lulians apoftallc and aftiiction of Ca:ho!ikcs, I hjiaos tyran- nical opprcfsion ofthe Ifraclitcs , Achabs pcrfecutionofthc Prophets , \cros executing of the Apcftles, Herods and PiJats condemning of Chrifl: al which things Godpermicced them, by the abtifeoftheirpoWer to accomplifh, but ihcy were out of ihe compafle ofhis •cauling and ordinance. f. They that Tcfifi.} Vvhofocuer rc/Tficth or obcicth not his lawful Superior in thofe caufes wherein he is fubiccl vntohim,W]ihft*«deth Gods appointment, & /innc.li cicadiy. and is worthy to be punifhed both in thisvvorid by his ::■ upcrior, and by God in the ncxtlifc. form temporal goutrnement and caufcs,thc Chrifliaiis were bound in confci- cnce to obey their Heathen Emperours: though on the other /jde,thcy Were bound vnder paine of damnation to obey their Apoftles and! relates , and noi to obey theit kings or impcrours Obedience t#\ teporal rulers, & in Wh« ca» its. In what ienf^ al power or fvi- perioritie is of God. In things law- fully cOuiaiin- dcd it is mortal linne not to obey our Sup* tiors. 41^ THE EPISTLE OF S. PAVL Cha. xiin. The Apoftle Empcrouf 3, in matters ofrc'.igion. VvhereLy it is rlecre that when vvetc comni.iundcd to obey our Superiors, it is meant jivvaies and on el y in fuch things as they may la'*' fully commaund,and inrcfpcft of fuch matters wherein they l.e our Superiors. ^.T.eareth not the f\i'ord.] That the j* poftle mcane, h here fpeci.illy of temporal povvcf;, wcmsy feehy thefvvord, tribute, &''external compuI/ion,vvhuh he here attrihuteUi to T , J f i them. And the Chriftian men then had no doubt whe' her they fhould obey their Spiri- fpeaketn of t - ^^^j powers, but now the difeafe is cleanc contrarie.for al is giuen to the fecular power, poral powers, ^^j nothing to the fjiritual , which exprefly is ordained by C hrift and the Holy Ghofl: and al 'he faihful -re commaunded to be ftbicifl therevnto,as to Chrifts ovvne word and vvill. 1 here were Ferctikes ci.UcA'BtgArdi, that tooke away al rule and Superioritie: Mereficsagaiiift -yheWicleffts would obey nor Prince nor I'relate, if he were once in deadly finnc. The lule and Supe- Protcftants of onr time (aj we may fee in al Countries where the fecular fvvord is rioritic. dravven againft their J eifles) care neither for the one nor for the other,thoi'gh they extol onely vhe fecular when itmakcth forthem. The Catholikes onely moft humbly obey The obedience i^oth, euen according to Gods ordinance, the one in temporal caufes, and the other inSpi- of Catholikes rJtuahin which order both ihefe States haue blefledly tlorif hed in al Chriflian countries both to Spiri- cuerlince Chriftcs time, and it is ihevery way toprefcrue both , as one day al the world tual and tempo- ^^,^1 confclTe with vs. pal Supeijois. t. Ton tiue tributes.] Though eucry man ought to be ready to ferue his temporal Prince with his goods, by tributes or what other lawful taxes and fubfidiej foeuer : yet they W'*'*- »» The Clergic ex- may exempt by priuileges v^ hom they thinkc good- As in al countries Chriftian : Priefts •^''•'- '"• •mpted from for the honour ofChrift.Vf'hofeMinifters they be,haue by ihegrauntes and auncicnt char- tributr. S. Auguftjnes conucrfion. ters of kings bene excepted and exempted. Notwithftanding ihey were ncuer vnrcady to ferue voluntarely their Souerainc, in al common caufes, with whatfoeucr they had. See ^nnot.inMat.n,26. ii.'K.ot in banketings.'] This was the very place which S. A ugufiinc,t hat glorious Do- (ftor, vyas by a voice from heauen direded vnto,athis firftjniraculous and happy conuer- iion,noton]y to the Catholike faiih, but alfo to perpetual continencie , by this voice com- Hiing from heauen, ToUeJege: ToUt,U^e. Takevp and read, take vp and read, ashimfclf telJeth//'.* CeH/«y:; — r-vr ANNOTA TIONS Chat. XIII'. xMatealthingi.'] Ey /rinilitude of worjc; (he fimplc .ircfoone dfceiucd.anc! Hcretikes make their vaunt age of any ; hirg to fcc^utc die vnlcarncd. 1 here were diucrs meates for- bidden ill the I.4YV o^Moylcs, and for fignificacionjmade and counted vncleane, whereof Ggg. the 4i8 THEEPISTLB OF S. PAVL ChA. XIIII. Tie Apoftles the revves imght noteatc at al, as pofkc, hare, conny,and fuch likc,both of f^fhes, foules, meaning about and be.ifh , aj^reat number. Chrift difcharged al them that became Chriftians , after his •eating or not Pafsion , of that obferuancc and aJ other ceremonies of the old Law : Notvvithftanding, eating certaine becaufe diners that were brought vp in the Law, had a religion and confciencc , fodenly meatcs. to forcfake their former maner, the Apoftle here admonifheth fuch as beftrongcr and betrer inftrudted in the cafe , to beare with the weaker fort , that being Chriftian$ could not .yet finde in their hartes to eatc and vfc the meates forbidden by God m the Law : as on the other fide he vvarneth the weake that would not eate , not to take offence or fcandal at them that did eatc without fcruple,any of the irregular or forbidden meates iiitheLavv, nor in any wife to iudge or condemnc the cater, but to commit that to God, and finally that The Heretikes neither nothcr fhould condemnc the other for eating or not eating. KovctheProte- fondly abufc ftants fondly apply al this to the faftes of the Church , and differences of meates in the this place a<'aift fanietas though the Church did forbid any meate vvholy neuer to be eaten or touched , or the faftes otthc made any creatures vncleane , or othervvifc prefcribed any abftinence , then for chaflifing Church.' of mens bodies and fcruice of God. It is agreat blindneflc thatthey canput nodifl^erence betwixt Chriftes faft of fourtiedaies, iVfier. *.Iohns abflaining from al delicate meates and drinkes ,iW^«/. i, ff .the widow Annes, Luc,t,tT. the Nazareitcs , 70«»». rf.the Reca- bites , /. mother and Sainfts , which concemeth onely the I ewes feftiui- ties and obferuationoftimes, whereof in the Epiftieto the Galatians c, 4. 10. The text ex- 6. Euny onein hutvvne ftnft.) The Apoftledoth not giue freedom, as the Churches plicated con- enemies would haue it , that euery man may doe or thinke what he lift, but in this matter ceming cucry of ludaical obfcruationof daiesand meates ,&that for a time onely ,til the Chriftian re- mans cofcience ligion fhould beperfedly efl.iblilbed.he Would haue no rcftraintemade,but that euery in ludaical one fhould be borne wiihal in his owne fcnfe : yet fo, that they fhould not condemnc meates and one an other , nor make neccfsitie of faluation in the obfcruation of the 1 udaical rites of irinkes. meates, daics,&c. 17. 'Hfit mtateand drinke.] 1 he fubftancc of religion or the kingdom of God ftandeth Not c«tinff "Of >" meate or drinke, and iberfore the better might they vfc indiflerencic and toleratioa but difobc- ' in that point for a time , for peace fake and to auoidfcandal. but if the preceptofMoyfcs dicncc dam- i-*vv had bound ftill as before,then(not for the meates fake,but for the difobediencc) it had liable. hecn damnable to haue eaten the vncleane meates. 11. Hah* it with ihy/ilf.] Thou that art perfcft , and belecucft or knovveft certainelf that ihou art free from the Law concerning meates and fcftiuities , yet to the trouble and hiiadcrance of the feeble that can not yet be brought fo far , be difcrete & vtter not thy felf out of feafon. J/. Htthm difitmeth.] I f the wcakc haue a confr ience , and fhould be di;iuen to eate To ioe againft the things which in his owne hart he thinketh he fhould not doe, he committcth deadly our confciencc, finne,b«caufc he doth againft his confcience,or againft his owne pretcnfcd knowledge. -,1 ^ , isiinne. ti.>AlihHun»toff»ith.] The proper fenfcoftbisfpcachis, that euery thingthataman *-»w»*'»» doeth againft his knowledge or confciencc, is alJnne, forfo by the circumftanceofthe **' '* f* Vvhac aaioni letter, faith mufthere betaken, though S. Anguftine fometimcs applicihitalfotoprouc '^' of infidels are that al the actions of infidels (meaning thofe workes which diredHy procede oftheir fnne and irhat ^^^^^ of faith) be flnnes. But in any wife take heede of the Heretikes commentarie, who a'easL hereby would proue that the infidel linneth in honouring his parents , fighting for his ' countrie tilling his ground, and in al other workes. And no maruel tkat they fo holAoi Lmktr, ii»fidels,vvhoiuainuinc * that Chriftian men alfo offend deadly in euery good dccdc. *?''»'l •jT^^ifffrv^ ':■]- >'' •'■/VT ioohirn'I.t.r! Ch AP» Cha. XV. TO THE ROMANES. 419 J? Chap. XV. H€ firoctdtlh t» makepttut htvvtne the ClfriJUmtt Gentils and lewei. 8 with thu rtfe- tutlon,that the liwes vieation k ofpromu in dtedtJ>Ht the Gentils atfi ofmerde, intd foretold by the Scriptures. 1* Then drawing to an ende , he excufeth him felf tt the Romanes for writing thtu imtt them, n hoping now at length to fee them,after that he hath been at Hierufalem, i 9 vvherevnto al/o he requc' Jieth their praiers. N D vvc that arc the ftr6gcr,muft fufteine the infirmities of the vveake, & not plcafe ourfelucs. t Let cuery oncof you plcafe his neighbour vntogood, to edification, t For,Chrift did not plcafe him felf, but as it is written, jhe reproches of them th^t reproched 4 thee/el ypon. me. t Foi'*vvhat things foeucr haue been Written, xheEpifticvpo to ourlearningtheyarc written -.that by the patience and j|;*'^'-j^^^^'J*y c confolation of the Scriptures, we may haue hope, t And = = Hemeancth the God of patience and of comfort giueyou to be of one tJ^''";^^^"^" minde one toward an other according to Iesvs Chrift: Teaamct.-mucb 6 I that of "^ one minde, with one mouth you may glorifie viruun inthf 7 God andthe Father of our Lord Ies vs Chrift. t For the JJ^^v Tcftamer. which cauferecciue one an other: as Chrift alfo hath rccei- ningandcom-" 8 ucdvou vntothehonourofGod. 1 For I fay Chrift Ies vs ^°'f-.. . ,. to haue been •• minifteror tnecircumcilion forineventic or gioncommen- p God to confirme the promiflcs of the fathers, t But the .^"^hjift jid ex- Gentils to honour God for hismercie,as it is written: Therfnre ccute his otficc I o vrillconfcjje to thee in the Gentils 0 Lofd, And yyil fng to thy nttme. t A nd ongj^lo^yards II againe he hn\?^eioyceye Cetils yytth hispeopk. -f And againe, Pr^ife the people of Alye Gentils o»r Lord : and magnifie him Aye peoples, f And againe Efaie jhatis.the It^Vf- failh^ThcrefhalbetberooteofJejfe-.MidbethdtfhalrireypteriiletheGentils, es. inhim the Gentils J halhope. t And the God of hope rcplcnifh you with a! ioy and peace in beleeuing : that you may abound in hope,and in the vcrtueof thcholy Ghoft. .^ t And I my felf alfo, my brethren, amaffured of you, that you alfo are ful of loue,rcplenifhed with al kno\i^ledge, fo that you are able to admonifh one an other, t But 1 haue written to you(brethren)more boldly in part,as it were put- ting you in remembrance : for the grace which is giuen me i(j of God, t to bctheminifterof Chrift 1 ESVsiniheGetils: fandtifying the Gofpcl of God, that the oblation of the Gentils may be made acceptable and fandified in the holy Ggg ij Ghoft 410 THE EPISTLE OF S. PAVL CjHA. XV. Ghoft. t 1 haue thcrfore gloric in Chrift I e s v s toward 17 God. t Fori date notfpeake any of thofe things which 18 Chrift wotkethnocby meforthc obedience of theGentils, byword and deedcs, t inrhevertue of (ignesand wodcrs, 19 in the venue of the holy Ghoft: fo that from Hicrufalem roundabout vnto lllyricum 1 haue replenifhcd the Gofpel of Chrift. t And I haue fo preached this GofpeljUot where 2.0 Chrift was named, left I fhould build vpon an other mans foundation : t but as it is written, Th<^y to yvhomn huthmtken ^-i pxeached ofhhfu, fhalfee : and they tJMt hdite not btttri, jbd ynderjlmd. t Forthe which caufealfo I washindred very much from 2.2. comming vnto you. t But now hauing no longer place in 2.5 chcfe countries, and hauing a defire to come vnto you thefe many yercs now palfed; t when 1 fhal. begin to take my 2.4 .^.jyalfii^jisr!'' ipurney into Spaine,! hope that as 1 paflcjlfhal fceyou, and '' ■ " ' be brought thither of you, if iirft in part 1 (hal haueenioyed you. t Now thcrfore 1 vvil goe vnto Kierufalem to mini- ^? ::Hemeaneih ftgr to the •• fainds. t For Macedonia and Achaia haue liked ^^ the holy per- ... , r • rv L fons that ha- vvcl to make lome Contribution vponthe poote lamcts that dieif''iod'fol are in Hicrufalem. t Foritharh pleafed them: and they are ^7 Chrift, were their dettcts. For if the Gentiles be made partakers of their Mdt'oSiro^ur fpiritual things : they ought alfo in carnal things to minifter Lord vyith al vnto t.hcm. t This thcrtorc vvhcn I f hal haue accoplil hcd, 2.8 s.'nie^^^^li'n/t and figncd them this fiuite , 1 vvil goc by you into Spaine. vigiUrtm>6 the -j- And 1 know that comming to you , I (hal come in a- 2.9 h/naingchVai- boundancc of the blcffing ot Chnft. f 1 befeccbcyouthcr- 3° met giuen to j^^g brethren by our Lord I e s v s Chait,and by the charitie facii.as do the /-,,. ?ni -.ii ■ r Heretikes alfo of the holy Ghoft, that you •• helpc me in your praiers tor ofourtime. mctoGod, \ thit 1 may be deliaered from the infidcis that 51 : : inthar the atc in Icvvtie, and the obhuion of my fcruice may become fo^bfpLS acceptable in Hicrufalem to the fainch,! that 1 may come to 5^ vvemaybemo- you in ioy by the vvil ofGod,that { may be rcfref hed with the flmc'^« \ you. t And thc God of peace be with you all.Amcn. 55 grcAt beaeHte. Chap. XV I. He (tmwundeth the bearer Phoebe ft the {{oniAnes, 3 »«d bttnfelfto muny there by n*m». 1 7 he decUreth the doiirine which the Romanei had learned , ta Le the foHth- fiane to know Seducers, ti hedoth vntothem thr c-mmcniationi tfalthe Churches undofcerttUtteperJerts by name: is emdcontltidith. AND Cha. XVI. TO' THE ROMANES. 4II N D 1 commend to you Phccbeour fifter. who is in the minifteric of the Church that is in Cenchris: t that you rcceiue her in our Lord as It is yvorthie for {ainds:andthat youaffift her in whatfoeuer bufines The f hal needeyou. for f he alfo hath aflifted many and my felf. 5 i- c SalutcPrifca and Aquila my helpers inChriftlESVS, faiLdon Sf fa 4 ( t who for my hfe haue laid downe their neckes : to who Y''°"^>'. » "^*n not 1 only giue thankes,but alfo al the Churches of the Gen- e him wkh 5 tiles) t and their" domeftical Church.Salute Epasnetus my fj'^J j^ ,^"2u. 6 bcloucd: who isthefirftfruite of Afia in Chrill. t S ulute te<\. chtyfmt. 7 Marie who hath laboured much about vs. t Salute An- r/fhi'aomefti- dronicusand' lulia' my cofins and fellow captiucs: who cai church wat are noble among the Apoftles , who alfo before me were in fuJ^^ehS-'* 8 Chrift. t Salute Ampliatus my beft beloued in our Lord, tiahoufhoici.or 5) t Salute Vrbanus our helper in Chrift 1 £ s v s , and Stachys nilnTmeeting' 10 mybcloued. t Salute Apelles*^approued in Chrift. Salute tog"hcr there 11 them that are of Ariftobolus houfe. t Salute Hcrodion my hoif«to Kc kinfman. Salute them that are of Narciflus houfc,that are in diuinc fcruice , , \ / r 111 ''"" ^"^ Apo- 12. ourLord. t Salute Trypn^na and Try phola: who labour ftiesprcathuig in our Lord. Salute Perfis the beloued , who hath much la- '"thoretiracs 13 bouredin our Lord, t Salute Rutus the eleet in our Lord 14 and his mother and mine, t Salute Afyncritus , Phlcgon, , -- n' L IT J u L U U i' . , TheProteftams HcrmaSjPatrobaSjHermcs : and the brethren that are with here reafo thus, 15 them. 1 Salute Philoloeus and lulia, Nereus,andhis fiftcr ^""'?"^'**"^ ,_, iii/-r,i -11 faluted , ther- and Oiympias : and al the lamcts that are with tnem. foiehcwasne- 16 t " Saluteone an otherina"holy 'kiffe. Al the churches of 7"^,JT'" Chriftfalutcyou. ution. 17 t And 1 defire you brethren, "to marke them that make diflenlions and fcandals contrarie to the dodrine which you oPtL' Apomc? 18 haue*^ learned, and auoid. them, t For fuchdoe not ferue fa"h xheodo-' Chrift out Lord," but their owne belly: and- by fweete "ucc.^°"'^'' fpeachesand benedictions feduce the hartes of innocents. =« The fpcciai 19 t For "your obedience is publif bed into eucry place. I re- yT!*^//'*^ ""^' k)ycetherroreinyou. But I would haue you to be wife in had to beguile, good,andfimpleineuil. t And the God of peace crufh Sa- r;vmc"vvord« tan vnder your feete quickely.The grace of our Lord I e s v s & g-iy fpeaches. /-^L -n. 1 ■ U which their Chrift be With you. ihecp« cote t Timothec my coadiutor faluteth you, and Lucius , and fee bcfoie 6eC- Iafon,andSosipatcr, my kinfmen. -j- I Tertius lalute you, i"riyin^heAti- that wrote the epiftlcjin our Lord, t Caiusminchoft, and notationsvpoa ^ ' ~ ' - S. Matthew. 20 ZI ^5 Ggg iij tbe ,.;, 4" THE EPISTLE OF S. I> A V L C H A. X V 1. the whole Churchcs,faluteth you.Eraftus the Cofferer of the citiefalutcthyou,andQuartus, a brother, t The grace of our 14 Lord I E s V s Chrift be with al you, Amen. t And to him that is able to confirme you according to ic. my Gofpel and preaching of I e s v s Chrift,according to the reuelation of the myfterie from eternal times keptfecretc, t which now is opened by the Scriptures of the prophets 16 according to the precept of the eternal God, to the obediece of faith knovven in al Gentiles, ■\ to God the only wife 17 through I Esvs Chrift, "to whom' be honour &glorie for cuerand euer. Amen. ANNOTATION $ Chap. XVL 14. Saluttont An ethtr. ] Neuer Sc&maifters made more fonle or hard fhifti to proueor defend /alfehod, then the Proteftants : but in two points,abouc S. Peter fpecially, they paflc eucnthcra' felucsinimpudencie. Thefirftis, that they hold he was not preferred before the other Apollles, which is againft al Scriptures moft eiiidently. The fecond is, that he was ntuer at Rome, which if •' againft al theEcclefiaftical hiftories, al the Fathers Grceke andLatinc, againft the very fenfe and That S. Peter light of the monuments of his Seatc,Sepulcher, dodtine, life, and death there. Greater euidenco Vas at Rome, certes there is thereof and more weighty teftimonie.then of Romulus, Numas, Cxi'iis, or CiceroJ being there : yet were he a very brutifh man that would deny this to the diicreditc of lb many writers and the whole world. Much more monftruous it is.to heare any/deny the other. Theo- dorete faith he was there, writingvpon this cliaptcr. Profperalfo carmine dein^ratii in principit. S.Leo de natali Petri. S. Auguftine to. 6 e. *. cont.ep. fund. Orofius U.tc.C. S. Chryfoftome /» ff-*i. ^. Epiphanius hdr.n. Pmdeauus in hymno 2. S. Laurentij,(ir hymno ii. Optnas li. i. contra i>onatiJriu. S. Amhiok li.j. ep.de 'Bafilicit tradendtf. S.Hietomc in Cutalo^o. La£lantius ti. *.c.ti, dt vera fapientia. EuCeb'mi hifi. Eccl.li.i,c. i},if. S. Athanalius defugafua., S.Cyprian, ep.fs.nu.f. Tertullian de prafcriptionibu! }iu. i*. and ii. ♦, contra iHarcionem nu. *. Origen inGenef.apui Eu/eb.li. },e.i. Irenaeus /».;,<. ». Hege{\pjpusl$.3,c. t de excid. Hierefitym. Caius and Papias the Apoftlci ownefcholeis, andDionylius the B. of Corinth, allcagcd by Eufcbius //'. 1, t.i* 1:^14. Ignatius ep. ad Homanos. xheholy Councel of Chalcedon, and many other atfirme it. yea Vetci ^'"'^^"' him fclf(according to the iudgcment of the aiicient Fathersjconfert'eth he was at Rome, calling.it M>"*S,t, S« the Anno- Babylon i.ep.t.^.Euftb.ti.i.t. 1*. hiR. Ee. Someof thefetel the time and caufe of his firft going tations I Ptt.c. thither: fome.hovv long he liued there :fome, the maner of his death there; fome, the place of his Sy t3, burial: andal.that he was the firft Bif hop there. How could fomany of fuch wiiedom and Ipirit, foneere che Apoftlestime deceiue orbedeceiued ? how could Caluinand his, after fifteiie hundred yeres know that which none of them couldTec ? Some greatatgument muft they ncedes haue to controule the credite of the whole world. The Proteftants This oftruth is here their argument , neitherhaue they a better in anyplace, to wit, If S. Peter great-argument, hadbcneat Rome, S. Paul would haue faluted him, as he did otherihere in the end of his letter that Peter VP'as tp the Romanes. Is not this a high point to dilproue al ant iquitie by ? Any man of difcrerion may UCueiatRome. ftraight fee,:hat S.Petet might be knovven vnto S.Paul to be out of the Citie.cithei for perfecuiion £►/«;, l . orbufincs, vvhen this epiftle was v/ritten, (for he V/cnt often out as S. Epiphaniusdcclarcth) & /y fo the omitting to falute him, can^iroue no more, but that then he was notinRome. butiipro- ueth not fo much neither, bccaufe the Apoftlc mighc for rclpetfi of his dignitie and other the Chur- ches affaires , Writevnto bim fpecialkircrs , and fo had «o caufe to laUite him in his common Epiftle. Or how know they that this Epiftle Was not fentinclofed to S, Peter, tobcdeliuered by his meanc s to the whole Church of the Romanes in ibme of.their allcnibliei .'' it is v ery like it v^^j recommended tofome one principal manor other that is not here njmed :and twenty Caufes there may bevnknowen to vs, why he faluted him not: but no caufe why our Aducrfariesvpoa fuch friuolous reafons f hould reprouc an approued trut b. For euen as Wcl might they fay that S. John Tvas neuer at fphcius , bccaufe S. Paulinhis Epiftle to the Ephefians doth not falutg him. And plaine it i$, that it ii the Romane feate and faith of Peter, yvhich they (as all Heicttkcs before thctn) THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PA V L TO THE CORINTHIANS. Chap. !. ^fterfaltttatioH, 4 htiuttig tickpovvUdged the graces of their Churche, i» he iehorteth 'ppjg ^ _-„. them fiom their Schifmatictil boajfing again/} one another in their haptizjers ^f. / .V. ' {tcUingthem that they muji hoaji onety in Chrift for their 'Haj'time) n andin ^i Schllmcs their preacheri , who had the vvifedom ofvvordes : tellingthcm that it ii the that VVerc preaching of the CroJfe,wbereby God fancth the world , tzudvvheian ofiely about their ChriJUansfhouldboaJi: i6feingGod*ffnrfofeci]ofethecontem^tMe,tiiatfo i ^p^^j^g-- o- him I'elfmifht banc the glerie. p OC •' * preachers* /**^.r«*s>s, /5gr A V L called to be an Apoftle of 1 £ s V s Chrift, by the vvil of God, and Softhencs a brother, t to the* Church of God thatisat Corinth,ro the fandified in Chnft I e s v s, called to be (ain£l:s, withal that inuocate 'thenameof our Lord Iesvs Chrift >^««^^'f^'^^^ in euery place of theirs and ours. 5 ' t Grace to you and peace trom God our father and our Lord I e s v s Chrift. 4 t I giuethankcstomy Godalvvaicsforyoufor thegrace J ofGbdthatisgiuenyouinChriftI ES vsjtthatinal things you be made riche in him,in al vtterance , and " in al knovv- 6 ledge, ( 1as thereftimonic of Chrift is confirmed in you,) 7 t To that nothing is wanting to you in any grace, expeding 8 the reuclation of our Lord Iesvs Chrift , t who aHo vvil Gonfirmc you vnto the end without crime,in the day of 9 ihecommingofourLordlEsvs Chrift. t Godisfaithfuli by vvhomyouare called into the focietie of his fonne I e- s vs Chiift out Lord. ID t And I befeecheyou brethren by the name of our Lord Iesvs Chrift,thatyoual fay one thing,and that there be no fchifmes amone you : but that you be perfed in one fenfe, & Hhh in «' The begin- ning of al Schifmcs is oucr much ad- miring & ad- dicting mens felucs to their oVTne particu- lar Maifters. The Epiftle for S.Agatha, Fekr. /. 416 THE FIRST EPISTLE OFS.PAYL C H A. I. in one knowledge, t For it is fignificd vnto me ( my bre- ii thren)ofyou,by then) that arc of Chloe,that there be con- tentions among you. t Andlmeancthisjforthateueryone II of you faith, ''*l certcs am Paules,& I Apol]os,but I Cephas, and I Chrifts. t Is Chrift deuided.^ Vvhy,vvas Paul crucified 15 foryouJorinthenameof Paul were you baptized? t Igiuei4 God thankeSjthat 1 baptized none of you,buc * Crifpus and Caius : T left any man fay that in my name you were bapti- 15 zed.tAnd 1 baptized alfo thchoufe of Stephanas. But 1 know 16 not if I haue baptized any other. t For Chrift fcnt me not to baptize, but to euangclize: 17 iiot in wifedom of fpeache,that the crolFe of Chrift be not made void. \ For the word of the erode, to them in deede 18 that perif h,is folif hnes : but to them that are faued, that is,to vSjit is the power of God. t Fovitisvwntten^iyyiUepojtbe 19 yylfedom of the yvife : A)d the prtidence of the prudent I yril reieile.\ yvhere if lo the yyjfe i yyhere U the Scribe ? yyheve is the difpiter of this yyorld} Hath not God made the wifedom ot this world folifh? t For ii becaufe in the wifedom of God the world did nor by y vife- dom know God: it pleafcd God by the folifhnes of the 'preaching to fauc them chat beleeue. t For both the lev ves ii alkc fignes, and the Gteckcs fceke wifedom: t but we 15 preach Chrift crucificd,to the Icwes ccrtes a fcandal , and to the GentileSjfolif hnes: t butto the called Ievves& Greekes, 14 Chrift the power of God and rhc wifedom of God. t For 1$ that which is the folifh of God, is wifcr then men : and that which isthe infirme of God,is ftronger then men.t For 2 6 fee your vocation brethren, that not many wife according to the flef h,not many mightic,not many noble: t but the fo- i7 lif h things of the world hath God chofen,that he may con- found the wife : and the vveake things of the world hath Godchofen, thathc may confound the ftrong: t and the 18 bafe things of the world and the contemptible hath God chofen,andthofc things which are not, that he might dc- ftroy thofe things which are ; t that no ft ef h may glorie in 1 9 his fight, t And of himyouareinChriftlEsvs,"vvho is 50 made vnto vs wifedom from God,& iuftice5& fan^tificatio, and redemption : t that as it is written t He tb4t doth glorie, 31 1 1'*"-?**! utAy glorie in our Lord, q ANNOT. Cha. II. TO THl CORINTHIANS. 4^7 ANNOTATIONS Chap. I. i /.InttlkpewUd^c.^ Otferue thatthc ApoftIrsneu«r wrote their letters but to fuch as were conuertedto Chriftes faith before, formen can not lightly learnc the Chriftian religion by reading Scriptures, but by hearing, and by the prefcnce of their teachers, which may inftruft them at large and particularly of eiiery Article,ai clerely & breefely by letters rhey could not doe . Keiiher doth now any man learne hi* faith firft, but by hearing ot his parents andMaiftcr$.for ifvve fhould when we come tbyeres ofdifcrc- tion , be fet to picke our faith out of the S cr iptui cs , there would be a madde vvorke and many faithes among vs. so. \rhoumadt.] He meanethnot, as our Aduerfariet captioufly take it, that wc haue no iuftice, /apience, nor fandtity of our owne, other then Chriftej imputed to vs : but the fenfc is, that he is made the author, giuer, and meritorious caufe of al thefe vcrtues in vs. for fothe Apoftle interj'retcthhim felfplainely in the 6 Chapter folowing, when he writeth thus , rouhe vvtfhed, j*ubi iuJiijUd ,yoiibe frnSifiedin thenamtofourLerd I isvs C H M s T and in tht Sfirit of our ded. Faith c5inet)i by hearing rather then reading. Chrift is madfl our iuftice,bc» caufe he is the author of the iuHice in rs< M, 18, J. Chap. II. That hnovvne pretching nmtng them, vvmin humble matter in the Jifht of nunn. i Hivvbeit it u mofi frofomtdwifedom (« they fhould and would perctiuey if they were n»te*rnal ) which u taught in the Church efChrif}, ND I(brethrcn)vvhenIcameto you, I came not inlofiintfle of fpeache or of vvifedom^prcaching to you the teftimo- nie of Chrift. t For 1 iudged not my felfto know any thing among you but i P7/^^^'MS^^>?? 1 E s V s Chrift,and him crucified, t And * I was vvjih you in innrmiiie,and fearc 4 and much trembling: t andmy fpcache and my preaching was nor in the ptrruafible wordes of humane wifcdom, 5 but in fhewing of fpint and power: -f that your faith might not be in the wifedom of men, but in the power of God. 6 But we fpeakevvifedom among the perfe<3:. t but the wifedom not of this world, neither of the princes of this 7 world, that come to n.-^ught: 1 but wefpcakcthc wifedora of God in a my ilcrie, which is hid, which God did predefti- 8 naiebcforcthe worlds, vnto our glorie: t vhich noncofthc princes of this wotld did know '. for if they had knowen, 5 ihcy would neuer haue crucified the Lord of glorie. t But l/.t 4 as iris Writteny That yyhich eiehath not feen.r.or eare h^th heard, neither *. hth it 4fc ended into the h.irt of wa,yyh^t thit'gs God hath i:te^ and for them that lo loHthim. t butto VS God hath reutalcd by his Spirit. For the I Hhh jj Spirit >4J?I THE FIRST EPISTLE OF S. PAVt Ch Spirit fcarchcth al things, yea the profoundities of God. t For what man knovveth the things ofa man, but "the fpi- n rit of a man that is in him? fo the things alfo that are of God no man knovveth, but the fpirit of God. ' t And vvehauercceiuednotthefpiiitof thisvvorld,but ii the fpirit that is of God:" that we may knovvthe things thatof Godaregiuento vs. i which alfo we fpcake not in 13 learned vvordes of humane vvifcdom: but in the doctrine of the Spirit,comparing fpiritual things to the fpiritual.t But 14 "thelenuialmanperceiuethnot thofc things that are of the fpiritof God. foritis foHfhnes to him,andhe cannot vn- derftand; becaufeheis fpiritually examined, t But the fpi- ritual man iudgeth al things : and him fclf is iudged of no man. t For * who hath knovven the fenfe of our Lord that may inftrude him? But we haue the fenfe of Chrift. A. II. 15 16 £A40, '3- ANNOTATIONS Chap. II, HoTv Angels »nd Sainfis & mortal men know our co- gitations. The Here- tikes allegatio for their vainc fccuritie, an- fvvcrcd. The fcnfual man. The fpiritual man. How the fpi- ritual man judgcthal, & is iudged of ■oae. ii.'ButtheJpmtofnuut.'] One man can not know an others cogitationsnaturally : but God giueth to Prophets and other, euen in this world oftentimes, by cxtraordmary grace to know mensfecrctes . As he didto S. Peter,to knovvihe fraude of Ananias ai;d Sap- phira:and to Elireus,his feruants bribery in his abfence, and whit was done in the king of Syria his chamber, and as he giueth toal * Angeis and Sainds (fo far as is conuenient to our necefsities and their heauenly glorie) to vndcrftand not oneJy our vocal praicrs , but our inward repentance and defircs. \i. Th/ti vvemay ktt»w.'] The Proteftants that chalenge a particular fpirit reuealing to cche one his owne predeftination , iuftificatjon , and falu.ition , would draw this text to thatpurpofe. Vvhich importeth nothing els (as is piaincby the ApoftJcs difcourfe) but that the holy Ghoft hath giuen to the Aportles, & by thsm to'ocher Chriftian men, to know Gods inciiable gifts bcftowcd vpon the beleeuers in this time ofgrace : that is, Chriftei Incarnation, Pafsion,prefence in the Sacramcnt,& the iucomprchcnfible loyes of hcauen, vvhich Pagans, lewes, and Herctikes deride. I*. Thefenjualman.] The fenfual man is he fpccially,that meafureth thefe heauenly myftcrics by natural reafon.humane prudence,extcrnal fenfe, and worldly aiTeiudgeth and condcinncth a] falfc I rophets and Herctj'kcs of" vvh.it fort fo euer, at length he aoncludcth with thefe notable wordes : The ff>iritHal fhai iudge tlfi ail that mukf ' * '/chijntes, which he cruel, not htaUng the loue ofGtd, and reJJ>eSHn^ theirtvine frituite,more then the vmtie The Church tfthe Church', man^te,deuide , and ( tu much m in them lieth) l^kfarfmaleaufis the great andglorioui hcdy is vnder no 0fChriJl, l^eakirtp peace, andfeeking battailt.He fhal iudgealfo them that be out of the truth , that it to fay, manj iudec- eutef the Churm : -which Church fhd be vnder no nuins iudgement. for to the Church areal things mcnt. knovven.ia which is perftH faith of the Father, and ofal the dij^infation ofCbriJi , andfrmt knowledge tfthe Holy Ghojl that teaeheth aU truth. 8 II iz Cha. hi. Ifthrf vvil not be carnal JUl.thej nmfl boaft in God only, ^ not in thar preachers, Which artbuthiftninijlers , 10 and neede to looke vvel how thej preach : it becauji not al preaching , though it btCatholike, u meritorioui : hut rather it buildeth matter to bepurgedbyjire,whenituvaineandvnfruitful {as atfo any other likevvorkes of other Catholikes.) marie if it be heretical , dejiroying the temple of God, then it vvorketh damnation, it The remedie u, to humble themfeluet and referre alto God. ND I,brcthren,couIdnocfpeaketoyouasto (piritual, but as to carnal. As it were to litle ones in Chrift,tIeaueYou ''milketo drinke, -TheChurck r 1 J ^ L • oncly hath not meate: tor you could not as yet. butnei- truth both in I thcrcan younovv vercly,foryet you are czi-^^r mWkttinA ,„ ", ,'. ^ \ .' , in her bread: 5 nal. t Forvvnercas there is amongyou emulation and con- that i$, whe- tention, areyounot carnal, and vvalke accordinstoman? J,^^^„ (^^ '"- ,-_ , •' riT •r.i o It* 1 ftrudlthe per- 4 T For when one iaith,! certes am Paules,& an other,! Apol- fed , or the losrare you not ^ men'? Vvhat is Apollo then? and what is '"^^^''ff'^^^^ •' _, * , , , are called car- 5 Paul? t The mmifters or him whom you hauebeleeued,& nal. .^«5. //.//. ^ to ^uery one as our Lord hathgiuen. t 1 planted, Apollo '■^•""'" ^'"'•^* watered : but God gaue the incrcafe. t Therfo re neither he chat planteth is any thing, nor he that vvatereth : but he that giueth the increafcjGod. t And he that planteth and he that vvatereth are one. And" euery one f hal receiue his o wne 9 reward according to his ovvne labour, t For we are Gods joyf^j^'^JJ^*" ^coadiuiors: you are Gods hufbandrie,you are Gods buil- of fpiritual 10 ding, t According to the grace that is giuen me, asa vvifcfhey°"e' not" vvorkemafter haue I laid the foundation : and an other buil- on^'y t'^^ in- deth therevpon. but let euery onelooke how he buildeth „i'i"ifters of thereon, t For other foundation nomancanlay,befidethat ^'^j;'^'''""^'- vvhich is laid: whtchis Chrift 1 1 s vs. t And if any man iutors in the build "vpon this foundation, cold, filuer, prctious ftones.r?'^^'^."^*^"'' vvood5hay,ftubble, t the vvorke of euery one 'Thai be ma- nifcft: for" the day of our Lord vvil declare, becaufe it f hal be rcuealedinfire: and the vvorke of euery one of what Hhh iij kindc 430 THE FIRST EnSTLE OF S. PAVl C H A. 1 1 1, kindeit/is, the fire fhal trie, t If atiy mans vvorke abide, 14 which he built thcrevpon : he fhalreceiue reward, t if 13 any mans vvorke burne, he fhal fuffcr derrimenc : but him felf fhalbe iaued:yGtfo"asby fire, t Know you not that i(j you arc the temple of God : and the Spirit of God dwclleth in youJ i But it any violate the temple of God, God vvil 17 deftroy him. For the temple of God is holy : which you are. t Let no man feducehimfelf: if any man feemeto be wife 18 among you in this world,lec him become a foole that he may be wife, t For the wifcdom of this world is folifhnes 15) with God. For it is Vyxnltn.lyyiUom^^etheyylje imheir fnhteltie. "t And A^^ine, Our LordJ\novyeth the cogitations of the yyife that thej/ be 2.0 yaine. t Let no man thcrfore glorie in men. For al things are ii yours: t whether it be Paul, or Apollo, or Cephas, or the ii world, oc life,or death, or things prefcnr, or things to come , for al arc yours: t and you are Chrifts,and Chrift is Gods. 13 ANNOTATIONS Chap. I IL #. Euffymtn fhdrete'iue according,"] Atnoft: plainetcxt forproofe thatmen by their labours, and by [hcdiucifities thereof, Thai be diuerfly rewarded in hcauen : andtherfore that by ibeii vvorke: proceding oKgrace,ihey do deferue or meritc heauen.and the more or klle ioy in the fame, GooJvvorkes for though the holy Scripture comonly vfcnot this word meritc.yetin places innumerable of the meritorious °''^ ^"-^ "^' ^ Tf ftament.the very true fenfe of merite is conteined.and fo often as the vvniA,mercts, and the re- ^"^''^^I'kcbevfed.they beeuervnderftojdascorrcfaiitiesorcorrefpondentvntoit. for if the ioy V vardei in °^ heaucn be retribution , repaiment, hire, wages for vvorkes (as in infinite places of holy Scrip- heaue aredlf- *"^^' ) then the vvorkes can be none otherbut the vahire.defert, price, worth, and merite of the f erent accor- f*"'^- ^^^ '" deede this word, reward, which in our £nglif h touge may fignific a voluntary or ding to the '''*""^'*^^'&if^> '^'''''"''tfovvtl cxprefle the natiwe of the* Latin word, or the Greeke, which are fame. rather the very ftipend that the hired vvoikeman or iourtiieman couenanteth to haue of him vvhofc vvorke he doth , and is a thing equally and iuftly anfvvering to the time and weight of hi$ traueis and vvorkes (in which fenfe the Scripture faith, 'Dignut tft optrttrm mercede fun. the worke- man is worthy of his hire) rather then a free gift, though, becaufc faithful men muft acknow- ledge that their merites be thegiftes and graces of^God, they rather vfe the word reward, then hire , ftipcnd , or repainjcnt. though in deede it be al one , as you may fee by diuers places of holy tvritc . as, * S^y fnerces ( revvard ) u with me to render to euery one * tucording to hu workts. And Onr Lord mjilrendervnta me according to my iufiice.Pfif, And the very word it /elf menie{eqmuAlt:nt mcQil Tetifiyoi.' '° theGrecke) isvfed thus, SHercie Jhal rrutke a pla*e to euery one * according to the merite of Wtrkei, Eccfci \6, 15. And If you doeyour iujfice beforemen ,you fhal not hauercWard in heauen, S\Cat.6, i. Vvhere you fee that the reward of hcauen is rccompenfe of iuftice. And the eualion of the Here- tikes is iriuolous and euidently falfe, as the former and likevvordes do conuiiice, for they fay heaucn is our Menei or reward, not hecaiifeisisduetoourworkcs, but to thepromesofGod: TTvhcrc the vvordcs beplaine, Recording to eueiy mMns ziirorkti or labours, vpon which vvorkes,and. for vvhichvvorkcsconditionally.thepromesofheauen was made. 11. "Upon thu foundation.'} The foundation is Chrifl, and faith in him working by eharitie. building of The vpper building may be cither pme and perfciS matter of gold, liluer,and prciious ftone,vvhich gold, orftub- (according totlic moftauthentical and probable cxpolitjon) begood vvoskesofcharitieaudal Si«» Chrillian iuflicc done by Gods grace: or els , vvood,h?.y,flubble, which lignifie the manifold ades of mans infitmitic and his venial finnes . Vvhich more or lefle mixed and medled with the better matter atoiclaid, require mare or IclFe punKhmet or purgarjou at the day of our death. At vvhich day berets i.Tim.i, ^poc. »a, 17. 0(M. I*, 17. i^. Cba. III. TO THE CORINTHIAKS. 451 day,ifbypenanc*or othermeanes in the Church,thcraid venial Hnnes be before hand clcanfed, tbcie f tial needc no purgiag at al.biit they f hal flraight rocelue the reward due to them. ij.ShalbemariiftJi.'] Vvhcther ourhfcaad Wotkcs bepureand needenocleanfing, novvin Oar vvorke« ihji world is hard to iudge: but the day of our Lord, which is at our death, wilmakeitpiiincin fhal bcniani- what termescuery mans life is towards God. for then Purgatoiie fire fhal reueale and proue it. fcftcd by firf. fof, whofoeucr hath any impure matter of venial (innes or fuch other dettcs.to Gods iuftice paia- bleandpurgible, mail into that fire, and after due paimentandcleanfing. be faued through the feme. Vvhcre the worices of thepcrlecSmcnandfuchas died vvithai'dectes paicd . cleanfed , or forgiuen , are quitted from the fire , and ncucr incurre damage, paine.or lofTc thereby. The placei of fathers expounding this for Purgatoric , be very many moft euident , which are citedinthe lift Annotation folovving. 13- The day of our Lordfh*l desUrt.'] That this purgation'rathcr fignificth the place of Gods iu- ftice after our death, then any afflidtion intliislife, the Apoftlcsprecilefpecifyiiig offircdcdareth, and of reuealing and notifying the difference of mens workes by the fame : which is no: done eui- dentlyeuer in ttiis hfe.-and namely the word , day of our Lord t which commonly andproperly fi- Vvhat ii fi- gnificth in Scripture and namely in this Apoftlc (i Cor.f.j. I Cor. 1,1!. Philip. i,i».t. 1 Thef. s,i. gnified hytthe • Thef.t, 1.) either the panicuiar, or the general iudgement; and therfore that the trial fpokenof) dny of our Lmii Cslu. iu is not properly not li tterally meant any atflii^ion or adueifitic of this life , as Caluin alfo cofeireth, hune /«- coyninga folifh new conftruftion of his ovvne. Vvhere you may note alfo in that mans Com- eum. mentarie.tbat this vvoti,dies 'Domini.vvza (a preiudicial againft him and al other cxpofitions of the trial to be made in this world, that he would gladly hauc(^omjni) out, reading thus, ^dayjhti e . t tome which fhal o[>en (jrc. Vvhere vnderftand , that if it were only 2>i« (as * in the Greekc) yet * *^*f thereby alfo the Scripture is wont to fignifie the fclf fame thing : as, j Tim. 1, it. »t. and 1. Tim. *,t. and Heb.ie,2s,Theday, as in this place, with the grcekeatcicleonly , which is al one with ©»w ilUt, or Tiies 'Domini. If. ^sbyfire.'] S. Auguftinevpon thcfcwordesof thePfalme 17. Lordrebukfmfttetinthint indign*tian , nor amend me in thy wrath. ¥ot it {h«^«c i-orue and this deede. t " 1 in deedeabfentin bo- wiUa?,^"'^"'^ dy.butprefent in fpirit.hauc already ludged, as prefent, him ought 7eiouf- r 1 ur J + • .1 r T I, ^1 ■/, lyto feeke the that naih io done, T in the name of our Lord I e s v s Chrifl:, oVend icrs pu- "you being gathered toeether and mvfpirir, "with the vcr- "'^^^"'ent by r 1 It ji-'^Ti // ^ cxcomunica- ruc or our Lord I e s v s | to dcliucr iuch an one to Satan tion. for the deftrudion of the fief h, that the fpiiit may befaued in the day of ourLord 1 e s vs Chrifl. t Your glorying is nor good. Know you not that a litle leauen corruptethihe whole pafle? t Purge the old leauen, that you may be a "^^^ Epiftle newpafte,asyouare azymes Forour Pafche, Chrifl, is im- day." ^^ ''' molated. t Therfore"lct vs fcafl,notin the old leauen, nor in the leauen of malice and wickednes, but in the azvmes of finceiicie and veritie. ^ ^ Either this t I wrotetoyouin'^an cpifrle. Not tokeepe companie vvordes'"\e-^ with fornicatours. 1 Imcane not the fornicatours oi'this J^J^^^; orfouvc lii world. c A notorious wilful corriip tion in the bi- ble t. 6i.hu.!. Ckryf.in tTim.i. ho, s,^mbrof.ini Tim 1. Hieto.ep ad Htliod.c.r. ■^Augujl. de cor. & gra. c.i,.) the teriibleftandgreatell punifhment in the world , yeafarp.ilhngal earthly paine and torment of this life, and being a very refcmblance of damnation, andibotccn called by the Fathers,nanuly by S. Aueuftinc. t to tahe mcate. \ It is not meant that we f hould feparatc our felucs corporally from al finners, or tbatweniight refufcto liuein ont Church or felowfliip ofSacraments with them, vvhich Yvas the errour and occifion ofthe Donatiftes great fchifme : nor that euery man is ftraighc after he hath committed .any deadly finnc, excoinmunicated,is fomc Lutherans hold : but that v\'e fhould 'AS.}. loeii cita- tts. ChA, VI. "to THE CORINTHIANS. 45^ fhould auoid them vr ben the Chitrch hath excommunicated them for fuch. though in iiiiadr,and ^^^ f Vf ommo- condemnation oftheir fauits,duery oneought to bealvvaies far from them. As for the Heathen "'cat^ onJy,& and Pagans , which be not viider the Churches difciphne.andat that time in external worldly a f- them , except faires dealt with Chrifhans and liucd amongelt them wiiether they would orno.the ApolHc did '" ccrtainc not foibid Chriftians their companie. cafes. ij. Thee^ilone.] He con cludah that though they can not, nor him felfneither.cutofthe Heathen that bepublike offenders, yet the ilperfon by him excommunicated being one oftheir oWne body, they may cut of.asis aforelaid, and auoid his company. Vpon which commaunde- ment of the Apoitle.we' fee that wcarcboundby Gods word to auoid al companie and conucr* iation with the excommunicate, except in cafes of necelfitie,and the ipiritual profite of theperfoii excommunicatied. 10 Chap. VI. He rtbukfth them for going to law before Judges that wtre not Chrijiiaiis , 9 telling tfiAt extorjion {a^ manji other offenfes li'k^vvife) u amortal Jirrne. n ^),4 vviib ditars reajoni be inueigheth againji- fornication , bidding alfoioflet al eccajion thereof, ARE any of you hauing a matter againft an other, to be iudged before thcvniuft, and not before the fainds? t Or know you not that *'thefain<51:sfhal fudge ofthc world? And " The faith- if the world f hal be ijidecd by you : are you ^ '"r^! ^"^ f . J r 1 I n 1 • b "J J^" • '"^'^ /'J" gnie fentencc 5 vnworchie toiudgcot the left things? t Know you not v^'^h God at that wef hal iudge Angels?hovv much more fecular things? fpeciaily fhe^' 4 t If therfore you haue fecular iudgemcnts: the contempti- ^P''^'*^^^"'^ 5 ble that are in the Church, fet them to iudgc. t 1 fpeake to 'chrift.^'s^' hat your (hame.So is there not among you any vvife man, that ^^uc forfakcn 6 can iudge bet wene his brother? t but brother with bro- fake!^ ^''"^' ther" contendeth in iudgement : and that before infidels} 7 t Now certes there is pbinely "a fault in youjthat you haue iudgemcnts amog you.Vvhy do you not rather take wrong? 8 why do you not rather fuflFer fraiide? t Butyourfcluesdoe 9 vvronganddcfraudc rand that to the brethren, t Know you not that the vniuft fhal not pofTefle the kingdom of God?Do not circ,Neitberfornicatours,not^ferucrs of Idols, c For this, the noraduouterers,northccffeminat, nor the liers with man^ E"g!ifhiubic kinde, t northeeucs, northc couetous,nordrunk.irds,nor tranfiatah,' 11 railers, noiextoriioners f hal poircde the kinadom of God ^^<%'" "/ j.AJLrl_- ^ ^v^>ji linages, t And thcle things certesyou Were : but you aiewafhed, butyou arcfandified, but you arc iudificdin the naraeof our Lord I £s vs Chrift , and in the Spirit of our'God. 12 t Al things are lawful forme, but al thmgsare not cxpcdient.Al things are lawful for me, but I wil be brought 13 vndcr thepowerof none, t Thcnieate to the belly , and 1 i i ij the •'Fornication is not oncly enemy to the fouJe , but Mt^afleth, wea ■ kcncth , cor- rupteth and derileih the body, more properly and dircdiy then any other lln- Rcsdoc 43(> THE FIRST EPISTLE OF S. PAVL ChA. VT. the belly to them eates : but Godvvil dcftroy both it and them : and the body not to fornication,but to out Lord , and out Lord to the body, t But God both hath raifed vp our 14 Lord, and vvil raife vp vs alfo by his power. ■\ Know you 15 not that your bodies arc the members ofChriftjTuking ther- fore the members of Chriftjfhal I make them the members of an harlot? God forbid, j Or know you not, that he 16 which cleaueth to an harlot,is made one body?for they Jbal be, faith hz^tyyo inonefefhABathe that cleaueth to our Lord,is one 17 fpirit. t Flee fornication. Euery finne whatfoeuer a man 18 doethjis without the body : but he that doth fornicate , fin- neth •• againft his ov vne body, t Orknow you not that 15? your members are the temple of the holy Ghoft which is in youjwhomyouhaue ofGod,andyouare not your owne? t Foryouarebought with a great price. Glorific and beare 20 Godinyour body. Gen. ij Going to law before hea- then or here- tical judges. Going to law not forbiddc : but to agree othcrvviic , better. ANNOTATIONS Chap. VL S. Ccnttndtth iniudgement. ] Tote giuenmuch tobrablingand litigioufnes for euery trifle, to fpend a pound rather then lolc apeny, the Apoftle much reprehendeth in Chri- ftiannien. For a Chriftianinantodravvan other to the iudgenientsfeates and courtesof Heathen Princes ( which then oncly reigned ) and not to lufFer their controuerfles and quarels to be taken vp among them fehies brotherly and peaceably , Was a grea: f.iult ; as, for one Catholike to draw an other for mere trifles, before fecnlar or heretical Ofhcers,is a very vnchriltian part. 7.^fau!t.'\ He forbade not al judgements ofcontroucrfies,butonelyfTgnified that it Was a fauit,and that it preceded of fonie iniuries done one to an other, and imperfedions, that they fomolefted one an other : and that it had been more agreablc to Chriftlanpcr- fcdionand charitie, rai^herto tolerate and fuffer a filial iniurie, then to draw his fcllovr toiudgementfeatcs. The 3. part. Of Mariage and. cotiti- uencic. Chap. VIL T hat m Virgtnitie is not commaundcd, btu counfeled as tbt bettir and more meritoriow then Manage, 39 as alfo vvicare not for it : but an^ if thou canft be made free,vfc it rather, t For he that in our Lord is iz called,bcing a bondman, is the ^^fraochifedofour Lord, like- wife he that is called, being free, is the bondman of Chrift. i You were bought with price, be not mad^ the •• bodmen ^3 of men. t Euery" brother' wherein he was called, in that 2-4 lei him abide before God. t And as concerning virgins, a commaundemcnt of our ^5 Lord 1 haue not; but"counfel 1 giue, as hauing obceined mercie of our Lord to be faithful, t Ithinke therfore that i6 this is good forthe prefentneceflitie,becaufe it is good for a man fo to be. j Art thou tied to a wife? fceke not to be ij loofed. Art thou loofefroma w/fe?fceke noia wife, t But zS if thou take a wife, •• thou haft not finned. And "if a virgin marie, f he hath not finned. neuerthelelTc" tribulation of the flefh fhal fach hauc.but I fparcyou. t This therfore I fay 2.9 brcihren,thctimeisfhort,irremaineth, that they alfo 'w'hich haue vviuesjbe'' as though they had not :t andihey that Jo vveepe, as though they wept nor : and they that reioycc , as though they rcioyced not: and they that bye,a5 though they poffcfied not: t ai^d they that vfe this world , as though they vfed it not. for the figure of this world palfetb away. 31 t But I would haue you to be without carefulnes.He thai is 5Z without a vvife,is " careful for ihc things that pertai ne to our Lord,how he may pleafe God. 1 Buthethatisvvitha wifjr, 35 is careful for the things that pertaine to the world , how he may pleafe his wife: and he is deuided. t And the woman 54 vnmatied & the virgin, thinkcth on the things that pertaine to our Lord : that f he may be holy both in body and in fpi- rit. -J Bur fhe that is maried,thinketh on the things that per- taine to theworldjhowfhemaypleafe^^hcrhufband. t And 35 this 1 fpeake to your profit : not to caft a fnarc vpon you, but to thatvvhichishoneft,& thatmay giueyou power wich- Guc impediment to attend vpon our Lord, t But if any 3 (j man thinkethathc feemeth dif honoured vpon his virgin, for that rheispart:age,and if it muft fo bejet him doe that he vvil.Hcfinncth notif fhemaiie. t For he that hath de- 37 tcrmincd in his hart being fciilcd, not hauing neceflitic , but hauing 34 C HA. VII. TO TUB C ORlKfTHlANS.'* 439 hauing power of his o vvne vvil,and hath fudged this in his 38 harc,to keepc his virgin, doethvvel. f Therfore both he that iovneth his virgin in matriraonie,doeth vvel : & he rhac loy- neth nor,doeih better, 39 f * A woman is bound to the law fo long time as her huf band liueth : but if her hufband fleepe, f he is at liberde: 40 let her marie to whom fhc vvil: only in our Lord, t But _, „ -r *^ more blefledf half he be, iff he fo remaine,accordingto my widovhod counfel.and I thinke that I alfo haue the Spirit of God. "r''' Y'^^^^' t then uic ftate of nutrimo- nie. ANNOTA TIONS CHAf. VII. •■ , 1. His tvvne vv'tfi-'] He faith not.as the Proteftants here pretend to #xcufe the vhfaYvfuI con- Tiic/ i- JunAion of Votaries, Leteutryettemnrj: but, Jet euciy one haue, keepe , or vie his o vvne wife to UUicv vvhotn he was mailed before his conuerllon. for the Apoflle aHfwereth here to the firft queihon of the Corinthians, which was not, whether it were lawful to mary.but whether they were not bound vpon their conuerfion, to abfleinc from the company of their wiucs married before in their infidcliiie , as fome did petfuade them that they ought to doc. Hurv. It. 1 eont. louin. e. *. Chryf. in huticlecHm ho. 19. ^ 5. Let the hufband render.^ Thefe wordes open the Apoftles intention and taike to be onely of liich as are already maried , and io iufttud them of the bond and obhgirion that is bet wcne the maiied couple for rendring of the deite of carnal copulation one to an other : declaring that the maried pcrfons haue yclded their bodies fo one to an oiher,that tlicy can not without mutual con- fen t.neither perpetually, nor for a time,defraude one the other. /. Giueyaur felfto praier.'\ This time,& the Herctikes doctrine, and high eftimatio of matrimo- nial ades, are far from the puritieof the Apoilolikeandpnmitiue Church , when theChriftians to make their praicrs and fallings more acceptable to God,ab/lained by mutual confent euen from their lawful wiues.our new Maifters net much abfteining(as it may be thought)from their wiucs for any fuch matter. And yet S. Auguftine faith, the Prelate fhould paiTc other in this cafe, and thinke that not to be lawful for hiro.tfiat may be borne in others , bi caufc he mufl: daily fupply Chjiftes roome, offer, baptize, and pray for the people. So faith he /*'. i.q.exvtto(juetefi. a. 12.7 in fine. See.y. Hiiro. IL \ c.19 "^tterf. ioiun.S..yiml>r.li. 1 O^^c. c.^'/^ But alas for the people, whofe mariea Paftors are in this point far worfe then the vidgar folke , neither teadiing continencie.nor giuing good example. *. "By indulgence , nat ctmmeHndement.] Left feme might mifconftre hij former wordes , as though hehadprecifely commaunded maried pcrfons not to abftaine perpetually from cjrnal copulation, or not to giue their content one to an other of coniinencie but for .< time oncl> : he dc- » clareth plainely that he gaue no rule or precept abfolutely therein, but that he fpake al the forefaid, condefcending to their infirmities onely, indnuatingtiiat coritinencie from carnal copulation is iTiuchbettM,and that him fcif kept it continually, ^u^.dtioneoniug.c.io. Enchirid.c. js. 7. ^proper gift, \ To fuch as may lawfully nary , or be already maried, God giueth not al- waies that more high and fpccul gift or grace of coniinencie , though euery one of them al that duely af ke and labour for it , might haue it ; but fuch are not bound to endeuour or feeke for it alwaie.'J.and tlierfore ran nor be commaunded to abftaine further then they like, but whenfocuer aman isbouud to abft.iine,cithcr by vow or any other necelfarie occalion (as if one of the parties be in prifon, vvarrc, banif hnienr, likncs, or abfent perpetually by lawful diuorce) the other muft needes inpainc of daM, nation abftaine, andean notexcufethe want of the giftof chaftitie. for * See S. * he is bound to afke it and to feeke for it of God by faftiiig,praying,.ind ch.iftiling his body ; and ^Hgujii- fo labouring ducly for it , God vvil giue the grace of chaftitie. So had S. Paul it, and fo had al the re It. I.e. holy men that euerliucdchaft. Thcrtorc detfft the dotlrine of the Proteftants in this point , that /p. 10. de vvhcnthey lift not fdft nor pray for it, fay they haue not the gift. And it were a great maruel why ^dult. fo few of the nevvScdtes or rather none now a daies haue that gift, but that vvc fee it is obtained Coniitg to. by thofe mcancs which our forefathers vfedjSi they vfe not at ali.To liue in mariage continently ff, without The Apoftle biddeth notal to marie , but to kcepe their ▼ vines before maried. Continence in maried folkcs for praier fake. Perpetual con- tinehcie, euen in maried fol- kcs , bctter then canal copulation. Who are bo^id to liue conti- nently : and thac G.^dgi- uc:h this gift real tliK .ifkc 440 THE FIRSTEPISTLE OF S. PAVL C H,'A, VIL vvichoiu the breach of coniugal fid.liiie, is a gift of God aUb, but men muft not breake their faith of vvedlockc for want of it , but muft know that God giucth that gift to fuch as humbly afke ic oihim.^ugHji.degrat. ^ lib.a,rbitrto c.*.'X>econtinent.c. I. g. Ifthej conieine nnt.] He nicaneth of fuch as be free: foe if they marry after they haue made 1 he Apoftle vo\Vorpro;nestoGodofchaftitie,theyarevvorthely damned, luch being bound to conte:ne,and pcrniittcth ma fo may contciae if they lift. ^ugn/f. debonoviduit. c. s. >. ^ dc adult. coning- U. i.e. if. i^ dsfde ad ria^e to them 'Fetrume. i.in fi»e.^mhrol\advirg.lapfa.m c. f. that be free, 9. "Betttr to marry .1 It is better' cb marry forthe faidperfons that be free, then to beouer- notto vowed throvvenand fall into fornication, for , to bumf , or, to be burnt , is not to be tempted onely perfons. (as the Proteftantstbinkc thatpicke quarelseafely to marry) butit fignifieth * toyeldtoconcu- rheodoret pifcence either in minde or external vvorl<£. Vvc fay alib.for fuch as be free, for concerning others ,•„ /^„„j lawfully nude Priefts , and fuch as othervvife haue made vo V of chaftitie , they can not m.ury at [(.^.fm^ aland tberfore there is no comparifon in them betwixt mariage and fornication or burning, for their matiage is but ptetenfed.and is the worft foit of continencie and fornication or burning. 11. To remainevnmarritd.'] Neither partiemay dimill'ethe otherand m.iryan other for any After diuorce caufe.for though they be feparated for fornication.yet neither may marry .i^Aine. ^iiguft. de adult. not to marie, coning, li.i e.s.g. and/;'.^ s./. i?. Sze .Annotat. Cfvtat.ig. An\S. Auguftine in his whole bookes. de adulter. coniHgiJ! to, 6. The Apoftles ii. I fay , not our Lord.'] By this we learne. that there were many matters ouer and aboue the precepts. things that Chrift taught or prefctibed.left to the Apoftles order and interpretation:vvherein ihcy mighr.as the cafe required, either commaund or counfel.and we bound to obey accordingly. If. SanFrifed.] Vvhen the inhdcl partie is faid to be cleane or fanaitied by the faithful, or the Hovvtheinfi- children of theic mariage to be cleane. we may not thinke that they be in grace or (lite of jalua- del,or infidels tion thereby , but onely that the mariage is * an occafion of fandification to the infidel parrie and Htero. li. i chi'lde, are fa- to the children foi S. AugvMnt{/i.} depec.mer.&remific. ii.) concludeth againft the Pelagians, r., adutrf. dified by the aswemay doeagainft theCaluinifts, holdingChrirti.inmenschildren to be holy from their mo- ;(,«,>r. Chriftian. thers wombeand notto needeBaptifme, that what other fanaiftcation focuetit beibatishtre meant,itcannotbeynough tofaluationwithou'-faith, Baptifme, 5cc. I p. "But the ohferuation.] Neither to be lew nor Gentil, bond or free, marled or fingle, nor the. faith it felf which is proper to Chriftian men, wilferue to faluation.vvithout good woikesaad keeping the commaundemcnts. S. Hierom aiit. /owiw..//. I (T. itf. The diflTerece u. Counfd Igiue.] A counfelis onething.acommaundement is an other.To doe that which of counfels & js counfeled.is not neceffarie.becaufe one mav be faued notwithftanding. but he that wil doe that precepts . which he is counfeled vnto . f hal haue a higher degree of glorie. He that fulfilleth not a comautv- dement, except he doe penance.can not efcape punif hment. ^ugufi. U. devirg. c. ij. & i*. A profeflcd ts. If a, virgin marrie.} He fpeaketh not of that virgin which hath dedicated her felf to God. virj>in may (for if any fuch mary, fhe fhal be damned for breaking her firft voV) but onely of yongmaides uot^narrie. ynmariedin thevvorld.«;Vro.. ^s though they had not.-] He cxhorteth that fuch as haue vviues , fhould not vvholy fie of m.arned beftovv them felues in the vaine rranfitorie pleafure and voluptuoufnes of their Hef h .but hue in /olke. fuch moderation. that their mariage hinder them as litle as may be,from fpiruual cogitatios Vvhich T heir perpc- is beft fulfilled of them that by mutual confent do vvholy conteine . v^ hcthcr they haue had chil- tu-al contincn- dtcn or nonc,contemning carnal iftbc for the io) cs of heauen. And thefe manages be more bleiled •icbeft. then any other,raithS. Auguftine flffi'cr. "Do. /Kwow/f/JiM/'.i^. -r i. la c a u 31. Carefulfor the things of our Lord.] The Proteftants might heie learne if they lift firftthat Vircrinitie vir2ini^ie is not ondy preferred before mariage.for that it i': a more quiet ftate of life in this World VTc(e?r<:d and bin for that it is more conuenientfortheferuiceof God. Secondly that virginitie hath a grateful why. ' puritie and fonditie both of body & foule.vvh.ch mariage hath not. Thirdly they may learne the Vvhv conti- caufe why the Church ofGodrequireth chaftitie in the clergie,:uid forbijaahnot onely tornnra- ■fflcncie is re tion > but al carnal copulation euen in lawful wedlocke: Which is not onely to the end that Gods quired m ihc Priefts be not diuidcd from him by the clo-;gcs of mariage, but alib that they be cleane and pure pitrgic. from the flef hly ades of copulation. Chap. Cha. VIII. TO TH-E CORINTHIANS. II II Chap. VIII. He r^uktth the tetirned who in pride of their knovvledgt did etite idolothyta , thttt it things offered to idels , zijin^ ( id Jo concludeth againe againjl eating of Idolothyta , becxufe it u alfo to commit idolatrie , iz and net onely togiue il example to the infrme. M I not free?Am I not an Apoftle?Haue I nor i fcen Chrift Iesvs our Lord ? Arc not yoii "my vvorkeinour Lord ? t And if to oihers i I benot an Apofl;Ie,bucyer to you lam. for _^^ __ _ you are the fcalc of my ApoftlcThip in our Ce^has^^'^hat Lord, t my defenfe to thcmthat examine me is this: t Hauc 3 is Peter) to ^Qt vve povvcr to eate and drinke? t Haue we not power 4 pofc^by thT toleadabout"a womanafifter,as alfothc reft of the Apo- 5 example of ftleg, and our Lordes brethren , and •• Cephas? t Or I only 6 thechccfcand ,„ 11 1 ^ ■ ^ .*. n -tr \ Prince of the and Barnabas haue not we power to doe tnis? T Vvno y Apoftics. 5. g^jgj-pi^jejhthefouldiarathis ovvne charges? Vvho plan- oTcJtril vp'on* teth a vine, andeatcthnot of thefruite thereof? Vvhofee- this place. ^j^^j^ ^ flocke, and eateth not of the miike of the flockc? :: In that coil- 1 Spcakc 1 thcfc things according to man ? Or doth not the 8 trie they did LawaUo fay thefe ihines? t For) it is written in the Law 9 tread ouc their -- f ■' ,,, ^ r i -i ii i corne with ot Moyles, Thoitf halt not moojiithe mouth of the oxc tlut • ' trcMeth out the o''^'" » /'.yy.^ forw^ . Vvhy,hath God care of oxen? t Or for vs ccrtes doth 10 out. hcfay it? For they are written for vs. becaufe he that earcth, ought Cha. ^5 IX. TO THE CORINTHIANS. 443 ougbt to care in hope : and he that rreacicth , in hope to re- II ceiucfruite. t If vvehauefovvcn vntoyoufpiritual thirers^ 11 is it a great matter ifvvereape your carnal things? t ifother be partakers of your power : why not we rather J Hovv- bcit we haue not vfccl,ihis power ; but we beare al things, left we fhould giue any offence to the Gofpei of Chrift. 12 T Know you not ^that they v: hich vvorkein the hoJy place, eate the things that are of the holy place:and they that ferue *^ the altar,participat with the altar? t So alfo our Lord ordai- c rhe Engiifu ned for them that preach the Gofpei, to Imeof theGofpcl. ^^^^^ '^^'J^ ) t But 1 haue vfcd none of thefe. Neither haue I written nevrchap^rt thefcthings, that they Hiould be fo done in me : foritis ^aiththrifefor good for me to die rather, then that any man fhould make moftVai7cJy& \6 myglorievoid. t For and"if 1 euaneclize, it isno elorie '^^"'■"r.'^u^' •^''/- (-r-i-i r ° againlt holy tome: tor neceliitic hetti vpon me: for woe is to me if 1 altars, which 17 cuangelize not. t Forif 1 doe this willingly, I haue re- eXt^X! ward: but ifagainft my vvil, a charge is committed tome, tionweredig- 18 t Vvhat is my reward then? That preaching the Gofpei, 1 |' gitd"' "* ycld the Gofpei without coft,that 1 abufe not my power in i^ theGolpcl. t For vvhereasl was free of al, I made my fclf 20 iheferuantof al: that I might gainc the moe. t And 1 be- camcto the Icwesasalew, thati mightgaine the levves. 2.1 t to them thatarcvndertheLaw, as though 1 were vnder theLavv(whereasmyfelf wasnot vnder the Law) that I mightgaine them that were vnder the Law. to them that were without the Law, as though I were without the Law ( whereas I was not without the law of God , but ,. was in the law of Chrift ) that 1 might gaine them that ^tionor^'Lu: 22 were without the Law. 1 To the wcake I became weake, ^^*io"' but by that I might gaine the >^eake.Toal men-I became al things] IhTlnll^hui ij that I might faueal. t And I doeal thmgs for the Gofpei, ^^ •'' ^<"''^^' "that 1 may be made partaker thereof. ^'*^' '^'^' 24 t Knowyounotthatthey ihatrunneinther2ce,ahiinc The Epiftie indccde,butone receiueth the price .^ "So runne that you JTy o'f'Lp'JuI 2^ mayobteine. f Andeuery one that ftriueth for the maiftrie,^sefec. rcfrainethhimfelf from althings:and they ccrte3,that ihey may recciuc a corruptible crovvne:but we an incorruptible. 2(j t I therforeforunne,notasit wereat an vnccrtainething: 27 fo I fight,nor as it were beating the aire: t but"l chaftife my body,and bring it into feruitude," left perhaps when 1 haue preached to others,my felf become reprobate. Kkk ij ANNOT. 444 ^^^ F I RST EPISTLE OF S. p'aVL ChA. IX ANNOTATIONS Chap. IX. TTie VTerp i. ^y vvirke.^ As he called him felf before Go«ls coadjutor , fo here he boldly alfo chalen- t kc- fi U "p g£th the Corinthians conuerfion to be his handy Worke in our Lord : nothing derogating thereby fp of Vorls "^" Chrift, as the Proteflants rudely charge the Fathers &: Catholikemen (vnierpretenfe of Gods honour honour) for vfing fuch phrafcs or t'peaches in the Apoftlcs fenfc.of the Sainds or Sacraments. He-e'ical trl f. ^Avvoman afifter.] The Heretikes perucrfely (as they do al other places for the aduantage viy 7- a flition ~ of their Scft) expound this of the Apoftles Wiues, and for, ^'I/o"Jl»n , tranflate , i^t///e, al belles „ •' ' founding wedding to them. .V-vhere the Apoftle meaneth plainely the deuout women that af ti r the maner of lewrie * did feruc the preacher of neceffarics , of which fort many folovvcd Chrift, ^^it. 27, and fuftainedhirtl and his of their fubftance. So dothS. Chryfoftome, Thcodorete, andalthe-f/« Gieekes^Oecu. in colleil fufier hunclo.)i!Lke k. So doth S.Auguftine Deap.iMoncich.c. *. and S. Hierom ii. I adu. louininnumc, 1*. bothe o/>. ^:Vfo;;. «. /, Doings vvcl in t}. That l may lefartaker.] A finguiar place to conuincethe Proteftants, that vvil not hauc refpeci of nien vvorkewel inrefped of reward at Gods hand: the Apollle confeifingcxprefly.thatal this reward. thai he doth either of duety or of Supererogation aboue ducty (as to preach ot freecofl , and to worke with his ovvne hands to get his ovvne mcate and his fellovves, and to abftaine from many lawful things) al is, the rather to attaine the reward of heaucn. R nnning for i-f.So ntnne.] If liich as runne for a price, to make them felues more fwift.and to winne the the game. game, abftainc from many meates and pleafures : what fhould not we doe or futFer to winne thecrownc ofglotie, propofcdand promifed to none but fuch as runne, traucl, andendeuour for it? 2 7.7 chuftife.'] The goale of euerlafting glorie is not promifed nor fet forth for onely-faith men. Penance me- for fuch tunne atrandon : but it is the price of them thatchaftife and llibdue their bodies and ritonous. flefhly dellresby falling, watching, voluntary pouertie, and other afHidions. Lord,hovv farreis the carnal dodrincof the SeiSaries and the maners of thefc dales from the Apollles fpirit. Vvhercin euen we that be Catholikes. though wedonotcondemne with the Proteftants thefe voluntarie affidions as fuperfluous(much lelle as fuperftitious or iniurious to Chrifts death,)but much comend them.yetvvevfe nothing the zealeand diligence ofourtirft Chrirtian aunceters herein, and therfore are like to be more fubied to Gods temporal chaflifmims.at the Ieaft_Jn the next life.then they were. 72. Left perhaps.] Here may vve lambcs tremble (faith a. holy father) when the ramme, the ^uj.apui S Paul Ii.id guide ofthefiocke.muftfo labour and punifh himfelf(befidesal his other mifcriesadioyncd to p«.£.9^fr, not the Fro the preaching of the Gofpel) left perhaps he miife the marke. A man might thinkeS. Paul fhould /„ /,„„£ tcftants fccul be as fure and as confident of Gods grace & faUiation as we poore wretched caitiues : but the He- locum. nf r 1*^ " retikes vnhappy fecuritie, prefumpjion, and faithlcs perfualion oftheirfaluationisniit_/ff/rj v4^»- tiou ^ ' Jiolomm bui fdes damoniorHm. not ihefaithofthe^poJiUs, hattbefaithofViuels. CUA. X. Sm the argument of t];e 9 Cha[(cr , wl'ifh crinprehettdeth the (Mtcnts of this alfo, FOPv Cha. X. TOTHECORTNTHlAN$. 445 O R 1 vvil not haue you ignorant bre- thren, that our fathers were al* vnde^ the cloude,& al * pafTcd through the Tea, t and al in Moyfes were baptized in the cloudeand inthefea: t and *al did care '' the fume fpiritual foode, f and al *driinke the fame fpirirual drinke (and they * drunkeof thefpiritual rockethat foiowed them, and the rocke was Chnft, ) t but in the morepart of them God vvasnot wel pleafed. -^ for they * vvere ouerthrowen in the defert. t And thcfe things The Fpiftie were done in a figure of vs, that we be not coueting euil ^'^^'J^y^'^^^J^j. - things, as* they alfocoueted. t Neither become ye Idola- icHtccoft. ters,as certaine of them : as is written : The people fate doyyne t9 me and drinke, and rofeyp to play, t Neither let vs fornicate, * as certaine of them did fornicate,and there fcl in one day three ^ 9 and tvventie thoufand. t Neither let vs tempt Chrifl: : as certaine of them tempted, and* perifhed by the ferpents. 10 t Neitherdoeyoumurmure : as* certaine of them murmu- 11 red, and perifhed by the deftroyer. ■\ And al thefe things chaunced to them in figure : but they are written to our cor- rcption, vpon vvhoro. the endes of the v.vorld are come. li "t Therforehethatthinketh himfelf tofl:and,let him take 13 hcede'*' left he fall, t ^Letnottentation apprehend' you, but table to a] °or humane.and God is faithful, who vvil not fuffer you to be ^^{(J'^^^l '* tempted abouexhat which you are able: but vvil make alfo them in hmm- with tentation *^ ilTue, that you may be able to fufteine. Hi ['*JJ^^^ ""y'sh^t 14 t Forthe which caufe, my deereftjflee from the feruing they fhai be: 15 of Idols, t 1 fpeake " as to wife men: your felues iudge j^Yne.%^vS \6 what I fay* t The chalice of benedidion" which we m.keth agaift do bieileus it not the comunicarion of the bloud of Chnft? '^-^Z^'lVlhl and the bread which vvebreake,isicnot" the participation protcftants. 17 of thebody of ourLord^ t For being many ,vveare"one 18 breadjone body,althat participate of one bread. 1 Behold Ifracl according to the flefhi" they that eate the hoftes, are 19 they not partakers of the altar? t Vvhat then? do 1 fay that that which is immolated to Idols, is any thing ? or that the 2.0 Idol is any thing? t But the things that the heathen do im- molate,to deuils they doimmolate,and notto God. And "I 2.1 vvil not haue you become fellowes of deuils. ,t "You can not drinke the chalice of our Lord,and the chalice of deuils: Kkk iij you Pf.^-i.u 44^ THE FIRST EPISTLE OFS.PAVL ChA. X. you can not be " partakers of the tabic of our Lorci,and of the table of deuils. t Or do vvc emulate our Lord>Vvhy,aie we ii ftronger then he? " Al things are lawful for me,butal things are not ex- pedient, t Al things are lawful for me,butalchings do not 23 edifie. t Lerno man feeke his owne, but another mans. 24 t Al that is fold in the f hambles,eate:af king no qucftion for 25 COnfcience. t The e^rth is our Lordes,and the fulnei thereof, t I £ any 16 inuiteyouof cheintidels,andyou vvilgoe: eateof al that is 27 let before you, afking no qucftion for confcience. t But if 28 ' any man fay,This is immolated to Idols : do not eate for his fake that f he wed it, and for confcience: f confcience I fay 25^ not thine but the others. For why is my libertic ludged of an other mans confcience? t If I participate with thankes: 30 why am I blafphemed for that which I giue thankes for? t Therfore vvhctheryou eate, ordrinke, or do any other 31 thing :doeal things vnto the glorie of God. t Be without 52 offenfe to thclewesand to theGentiles,andto the Church of God: t as I alfo inalthings doepleafe al men , not fee- 33 king that which is profitable to ray lelf,but which is to ma- ny :that they may be faucd. The old fi- gures of our Sacraments. Vve recciue greater bene-. ifites by our Sacraments the the I ewes did by theirs. The Apoftle and auncient fathers fpcake eouertly of the B. Sacra- iCcnt. The Apoftles feleflcd the Chalice, & fo confecratcd. ANNOTATIONS Chap. X. 3. The fame.} The red fea and the cloud ,'a figure of our Baptifme : the Manna from heauen and water miraculou fly dravvenout of the rocke, a tiguteofthcholy Sacrament ofChriftes bo- dy and bloud : our Sacraments containing the things and graces in truth,vvhich theirs only figni- fied. And it is an impudent forgerie of the Caluini(ls,ro write vpon this place, that the levvcs re- eeiued no leffe the truth and fubllance ofChrift and his benefites in their figures or Sacraments, 'then we do in ours: and that they and weal eate and drinkcofrhe fclffame meatc anddrinke: the ApofUe laying oneJy, that they among them fcluesdidalfeedcof one bread, 5c drinke of one rocke : which was a figure of Chrill,therein efpecially.that out of Chnflcs tide pearccd vpon the CrofTe, gufhed outbloud and water for the matter of our Sacraments. is.^stozniifimeie.] To caufe them to leaue the lacrificesand meatcsor drinkes offered to Idols, he puttcth them in minde of the onely true Sacrifice and meate and drinke of Chriiles body and bloud : of which and the facrifice of Idols alfo, they might not be in any caf&partakers. Vfing this te.!me, vt frudentibus loquor, in the fame fenfe (as it is thought) as the Fathers of the primitiue Church did giue a watch word of keeping fecrete from the Infidels and vnbaptized , the niyfterie of this diuiue Sacrifice, by thefe wordes, T^runtfideUs , norunt quiinitiati funt. ,AuguJt. inPf. 39. (^ii. Cone. I. J.& Pf.109. Ho. 4.1. e. *.in lib. jo horn. 0 rig. in Leuit. ho. p. Chryf.ho.27 in Gen. injine ho. it adpi.^ntioch. ho.f.ini Tim. S. Paul faith, I fpeakc to you boldly of this myfterieas to the wifer and better indrufted in the fame. i«. Which vve bUjfe.} That is to fay, the Chalice of Confecration which vve Apoftles and Priefts by Chriiles commilliondo confecrate, by which fpeach as vve! the Cakiinifts (thatvfeno confecration of the ciippcatal, blafphemoufly calling it magical rourmuiation, and peruerlely re- ferring the UenednSbion.to thankes gluing to God) as alfo the Lutherans be refuted , who artirme Chriftcs body and bloud to be made prefent by receiuing & in the receiuing onely. for the Apoftlc cxpr»fly referreth the benedidlion to the chalice.and not to God , making the holy bloud and the Gomaiunicating thereof the clfcS of the bcijediftioa, iS.The Cain, m huHC li(. Catix ctii henedtdi- TBIU. i'iVTiirtJ ChA, X. TOTHECORIKTMIANS. 447 16. Theliartidpathn of the hotly.'] The holy Sacrament and Sacrifice of Chrifts body and blou'I Our vniting to being rcccincd of vs, ioyneth viin foul and body and cngrafFeth viinto Chiifthimfelf, raakingvs Chrift by the partakers and as a peece of his body and bloud. For not by ioue or J^irit ortely (faith S. Chryloflom) £• Jacranicnv. but iniery detdewe arevnittd inbu fiefh, made one body with htm, members of hu flejl. andboenes, Chryf. ho. 45 inlo. fub finem. And S.Cyril, Sttch u the force of myjiical benediif ion that it maketh ChriJicorporaUy by communictttin^ofhu flefh todvvelinvs. Cyril, li. 10. inlo. c. 15. 17. One bread, ofiebody.^ As we be firfl made one rvith Chrift by eating kis body and drinking hisbloud.fofecondi;' are we conioyncd by this one bread which is his body, and cuppc which it " "vnion ^- his bloud , in the perftd vnicn and felowf hip of a! Catholikc mcn,in one Church which is his '"°"S °"'' 1^^- bodyMyftical. Vvhich name of Body myftical is fpecially attributed and appropriated to this one "^^ "Y ^^^ *^* «ommonTvealth and Societie of faithful men,byreafon that al the true perfons and truemcmbers ^'^^^''^'^cn'- of the fame, be marueloully knit together by Cbriftcs owne one body, and by the felf fame bloud in this diuine Sacrament. Sec S. ^aguft. li. 21, e. »f de ciu. 1>ei. Hilar, li. t de Trin. eirea med. is. They that eatethehoffes.} It is plaine alfo by theexample ofthe levvesin their Sacrifices, that he that eateth any ofthe hofl immolated, is partaker ofthe Sacriiice.and ioyned by otfice and •bligation to God.of whofe (acrifice he eateth. »«. Ivvihiotl.aueyou.^ I conclude then (faith the Apoftle) thus : that as the Chriftian which p IliCilUli: DILDC ilCVV i-dV V • «lliu
  • U C VTerebelongingandaflbciated to that ftate and to God to whom the Sacrifice was done: euenfo , ^ .°. vvhofoeuer eateth ofthe meates offered to Idols, he fheweth andptofell'tthhimfelfto be ofthe ^^ "•' locietii Communion and Societie of the fame Idols. *^^ ^'^^' zi- Toucan not drink^.] Vpon thepremilFes he warneth them plainely , that they muft either forfake the faciifice ;ind feliovvf hip ot the Idols and Idolaters, or els letul'e the Sacrifice of Chrifts body and bloud in the Church. Inal which dil'courfe wemay obferuc that out bread and chalice, ThcTacrificc our table and altar, the participation of ourhoft and oblation,becomparadorrcfembledpoint by of the altar is point, in al effcfts , conditions , and proprieties, to the altars, hoftcs, facrifices and immolations of pr cued, by the thelewesand Gen tils, Vvhich the Apoftle would not, nor could not hauc done in this Sacrament Apoftles com- of the Altar , rather then in other Sacraments or fcniiceofour religion, if it onely had not bene a parifon Vi.h Sacrifice and the proper worfhip of God among the Chriftians , as the other were among the jj^p facrifices lewesand Heathen. And fo dual the Fathers acknovvledge,calling it oneiy,&: continually almoll, gf [ewes and by fuch termes as they do no other Sacrament or ceremonie of Chriftes religion: T'Ijc Umbeof tJod Gcntils. taidvpon thetable: Cone. Nic. the vtiblouddy feruice of the Sacrif.ee , In Cone. Ephef. ep. ad Neftor, j^ jj proued t» Vig. 60^. theSacrifceoffacrifca: Dionyf. F.c. Hier. c.5. the /^uickniiit^ holy Jacrifce: the vnLlotiddy to^ \jq ^ f.icrifice andviclime: Cyril. Alex, in Co«c. Ephcl. Anath. 11. the propitiatorie laciihce both for tlie liuing q^j ofthe fa- and thedead.-Tertiii. decor. Milit. Chryf". ho. 41 in i Cor. Ho. j. ad Philip. Ho. 66 adpo.Antioch. ^hers. Cypr. ep. 66. He de cccn. Do. nu. i. Auguft. £nch. 109. Qu,a;ft. z. ad Dulcic. to. 4, Ser. 34. de verb. Apoft. the Sacrifice of our ^Mediator : thefacrifce of our f rice : the Sacrifice ofthe new Te/farr^ent: the facrificeoftJie church : Auguft. ii. <■>. c.ij. & li. 3 debapt. c.19. the one onely inconfumptibleviclime * Cypr, without vvl.ich there is no religion : Cyprian, de cofn. Do. nu. 1. Chryf. ho. 17 ad Hebr.* Thepure luffin. oblation , the new offering of the nevv Law : the -jital and impoUuted hofi : the honorable and dreadful Jreiix. Sacrifice: t'.eSao/fieofthankesgiuifigorEuchariJiical-.andtheSacrificeofMeldjifedec. Vvhich Mcichi- infra. fedee by his oblation in bread and vyine did properly and moft lingularly prefigurate this office o f Chriftes eternal Prieftiiod and facrificing him felf vnderthe formes of bread and wine: vvhich fhal contincw in the Church through out al Chtiftian Nations in fteed of al the ofFerings of * Maine, Aaions Priefthod, as the * Prophete Malachiedid foretel , as S. Cyprian , S. luftiae, S. Irenxus J 1,^ and others the moft auncient Doftors and Martyrs do teftifie. Cypr. ep. 63. nu, 1. lufiin. 'Dial, cum Trypho.pojimed Ira-ti. li. * c. 32. And S. Auguftine //'. n c.io deciu. "Dei. &'li. 1 cont. adu.leg. f^ froph. c. iS. (ir li. 3 de hapt. c. 19: S. Leo fer, s de Pafione: and Others do exprcfly iuouch that this one Sacrifice hath fuccededal other ,ind fulfilled al other diiFerences of facrifices, that it hath the force and vercue of al other , to be offered for alperfons and caufcsihat the others, fort he liuing , , . and the dead, for linnes and for thankesgiiiing, and for what other neceiriticlo euer of body or .? \w^-^^ *KAmbrof foule. * Vvhich holy afticn of Sacrifice they alfo call the Masse inpUiiie vvordes. ^ugufi.fer. <^3.''5*^ ^ .^i^i^' *p. 33. tji, fi. Con.Carthag.2 ,c,3.-f. e. S.t. iMileuit.o. II. Leoep. ss. ii c. 1. Grego. li. :.ep. g 93. ^ c.Thisis^.^^''''^ ' ' ~ the Apoftles and Fathers dodrine.God grauntthe Aducrfaiies may findmercie to fee fo euident ^ -^ A s s E. and inuincibleatruth. it. Partaken ofthe table.'] Though the faithful people bemany waies knowen to be Cods pe- The diftIn(ftio culiar, and be ioyned both to him Sc among them felues and alio feuered and diftinguifhcd from of Chiftiaa al Others thatpertaine not to,him , as wel lewesand Pagans , asHeretikesand Schifmatikes, by Cathol;kcs fro fundry other external llgnes of Sacraments, doctrine, and gouernement : yet the moft proper and the reft, is by fubftantial vnion cr difference confifteth in the Sacrifice and Altar : by vvhich God fo fpecially not eomunic.i . bindcth his Church vnto him , and him felfvnto his Church, that he acknovvledgethcone ro be ting viih tht'. kis 44^ '^^'^ FIRST EPISTLEOF S. PAVL. ChA. Xl. t! 'r flcriit- ^^^ ' ^^^^ '^ "°^ partaker of his one onely Tabic an^ Sacrifice in his Church : and acqiiit- ]l',„j ot fhp tethhim felfofa] Tuch as ioync in felovvfhip with any of the Heathen at their Idolatrie, (.'on:m union ruble. or'vvi'h the Icwes at their Sacrifices , or with Heretikes and Schifmatikes at their pro- phaneand detcftabic table. V vhichbecaufe itis the proper badge of their reparation from Thrift snd his Church, and an altar purpofcly created againft Chriftes Altar, Prieft. Thchcrc'-ikes liod, and Sacrifice, is in dcede a very facrifice, or ( as the Apoftle herefpeakech ) atable Conmunio is and cuppe of Diuels, that is to fay , wherein the Diuel is properly ferued , andChnftcs the very tabic ho'>0"»' (f'O Icfle then * by the altars of leroboam or any prophanefupcrftitious rite^s of and cup of £)iuels. i.wj. Gentilitie) defiled. And therfore al Catholikc men , if ihcy lo-ke to hiue felovvfhip Wi-hCh.-ift and his members in his body and bloud , muft deeme of it as of Idolatrie or facrilcgiousfuperflition , and abftaine from it and from al focietic of the fame, asgood Tobicdid from leroboams calues and the altars in Dan and Le hel : and as the good Toh.r. faithful did from the Excelfes,and from the temple and facrifices of Lamaria. Now inthc s.re^- Chrifiian times we haue no other Idols, but herclics,nor Idolothytes.but iheir falfefer- uiccsfhif:ed into our Churches infteede of Gods true and onely vvorChip. Cypr.de vnit Ec. nit.i.Hiero. iniiOfie. & s. ^mos. & im. Habac. ^ug.in pf, S o . v.io. 'DeCiu, 'Dei li. is.e.yi. it ^l things are lawful. ] Hitherto the Apoftles arguments and examples whereby he How by par- yy^uld auert them from the mcates offered to Idols, fcemc plainly to eodemne heirfaCt ticipatio with g, \ dololatrical, or as participant & accefibry to Idolatrie, & not onely as of fcadal giuen idolaters, ido- to the weake brchren : and fo no doubt it was in that ihey went into the very temple cf latrie is com- the Idols, and did with the reft that fcrued the Idols, cace and drinkeof the flefh and mitted- libaments'diredly offered to the Idol, yea and fcafted together in the fame bankets made to :he honour of thcfiimc Idols : which could not but defile them and entangle ihcni with Idolatrie: not for that the mcate itfelfvvas iuftly belonging to any other but to God, or could be defilcd,madenoilbmeor vnla\vfultobeeaien,bui tor and inrcfped ofthe abufc . of the fame and detcftablc dedicating of that to the diuel,vvhi.h belonged not to him , but to God alone. Ofwhichfacrilegious aLtthcy oughrnot to be partakers , as ncedcs thty muft entering andcating s/iththcm inihcir Iblcmniiies. to this end hath S.l'aul hi hcrto HoVfto auoid jj,;n'Jni{-hedthe Corinthians. Now he declare. h .hat otherwife in prophane feafts icis /-.._j-i .„ j^^yj-yi toeate wihout curious dcubtingor ai kiig vvht;her this or thai were oficrcd meates and in niarkettes to bye whatfoeuer is there fold , with mt fcrupie and withaut fcandal things indifle- rcat. taking knowledge whe her it be of the Idoiothytes or no: With ihis exception, firft, that ifone fhonld iiuiitc him to eatc , or bye this or that as facred and ofrered meates , th.it then he fhouldnot eaieit, left he fhould feerae to approue the ofienngof it toihe Idol, or to like it the better for the fame. iecondiy,vvhc the weake brother may take ohence by thefame. forthough it be lawful init fe.f.oeace any cf .hcfc mejtes without care of the I dol*: yet al lav/ful things be not in euei y time and place expedient to be done. The -f. part. Of" his Tra- ditions. clnthcgreeke, Traditions , Chap. XI. He commendeth thtm for keeftnghis Tradition! generally, i andtnparticttUrforthif, that a mnn prated andpropiiecitd bainjctiitd, a woman veiled , ] cbringeih many reafons. n .^hcut anoti:er,he repre' endeth tl e ric' e ihatat t e Cba- ritahlcfupp(rfuppedvnch*ritably, 13 ttllingthemthat they recalled ther- forevnvvotthely the 'B. Sacrament.and fhevvingtketn what ah heinous ftnne that i< feeing it it our Lordes body and the repiejeniatien of hts death 31U he by tradition had taught them. |E ye folovvers of me, as lalfo ofi Chrift. t And I praifeyou brethren, ^ chat in al things you be mindeful of me : and as 1 haue deliuered vnto you , you keepe" my "^ precepts. t And 1 vvilhaue you know, 5 that the head of eueiy nian,is Chrift: and the head of the woman , is the ^ man :andtheheadofChrift>isGod. t Eueiy €hA. XI. TO TH-E <:OR INTHIANS. 44c> 4 t Euery man praying or prophecying with his hcacJ coue- 5 red : difhonefteth his head, t But " euery woman praying or prophecying with her head not couercd : difhonefteth 6 her head : for it is al one as if The were made balde. t For if a woman be not coucred , let her be polled, but if it be a foulethingfor a woman to be polled or made balde : let her 7 coucr her head, t The man truely ought not to coucr his headjbecaufe he is the image and gloric of God, but the vvo- 8 -man is the gloric of the man. -f For the man is not of the 5> vVoman,but the woman of the man. f For '^^ the man was not created for the woman, but the woman for the man. 10 ( t Therforeought the woman to haue povvcr vpon hez 11 head for the Angels.) t Butyct neither the man withouc the woman: nor the woman without the manjin our Lord. 12. t For as the woman is of the man ,{o alfo the man by the 15 woman : bur al things of God. t Your felues iudge : doth 14 it become a woman not couercd to pray vnto God? t Nei- ther doth nature it fclfteache you, that a man in deede jf he 15 nourifhhishcarcjitisanignominieforhim : t butifavvo- man nourifh her hearcjit isaglorieforher, becaufe heare is 16 giuenher fora veile? t But if any man feeme to be conten- tious jWchauc no fuch"cuftomej nor the^ C h v r c h' of God. 17 t And this I coramaund : not praifing it that you come t8 together not to better,but to worfe. t Firft in dccde when Tbe EpiiJie you come together into the Church , I hcare that there, are Th"r«ry."'^^ 15? fchifmes among you , and in part 1 bcleeue it. t For "there muft be herefics' alfo : that they alfo which arc approued, io may be made manifcft among you. "t Vvhen you come ther- a The Epiflic fore together in one,is it not now to eate " our Lordes fup- vpon corpvs t? 111. r \ r ^ Chnftiday. i\ per. t foreueiy onetaketnhis ownclupper betoreto eatc. 21 A-ndonecertesisan hungred.andan other is drunke.t Vvhy, j^ll^'^'^f!!'^ , r ij-i- drifcin a] that haue you not houles to eate and drinkein ? or contemne he faith here ye the Church of God : and confound them that haue not; '^•l^']. !^^^L^a Vvhat f hal Ifay to you ? praifc I you in this ; I do not praifc vnworthy re- vnii ' J J r J r ceiuins(a5 5. yO"' 1 1 r Augiiftini alfo 23 t * For I receiued of out Lord that which alfo " I haue dc- noteth e^. us. liuered vnto you ,•• that our Lord 1 es vs"in the night that to^fet ^out the 2 4 he was betraied," tooke " bread 1 1 and giuing thankes brake, vvboie order J r -J iiT' ^ o IJ II of miniftratio, and laid: Take ye&cate,T H IS is my a.ODY which as the here! 5 HAL Bt DELIVERED POR YOV'/'thls doc yc for ^/>f^ ^'^ 'g."°- Lli th( ratly imagine. 5® THE FIRST EPISTLE OF S. PA'VL C H A. XI. he commemoration of me. t In like mancr alfo the chalice zj jifter he had fupped, faying, This chalice is the NEW TESTAMENT IN MY B 1 o V D. this doe ye, as often as you fhal ddnke, for the comemoration of me. t For i6 as often ds you fhal eate this bread , and drinke the chalice, "you fhal f hew the death of our Lord,vntil he come, t Ther- zy fore vvhofocuer fhal eate this bread, or drinke the chalice of our Lord vnvvorthily,helhal be"guilty of the body and of thebloudof our Lord, t But let a man proue^him felf: zS and fojiet him eate of that bread, and drinl^e of the chalice, t For he that eateth and drinkcth yn worthily : eateth and 2,9 drinkethiudgemcntrohim felf, "not difcerning thebody of ourLord, ^ t Therfore are there among^you many weake 30 and feble , and" many .fleepe* ft . ^Ut if yve did" iudge our 31 felues: vve^fhould not be iudged. t But whiles we are 31 fudged, of our Lord we are chaltifed : that v vith this world we be not damned. H t Therioremy brethren,vvhenyou 35 come together to eate," expcdt one an other, t Ifanyman34 beanhungred,lethimeatcat home rthatyou come not to- gether vntoiudgement. And the tell "I wil difpofe , when 1 come. ANNOTATIONS Chap. XI. 2,Myl>recepls.'] Our Paftorsand Prelatcshaueautlioritieto commamvd jand wearebound to obey. And the Gouerners of the Church may take order and prefcribe that vvhieh is comely in euery ilate.as time and place require, though the things be not of the fubftance of our religion. /. Euery vvonutn.] Vvbat gifts of Godfo euer women haUe,thoughfupernaturaI,asrome had in the Primitiue Church, yet they may not forget their womanly f hamefaitnes , but f hew them felues fubied and modcfl.and couer their heads wich a veile. 16. Cuffome.} If women or othcr,to defend their diforder Sc malipertncs, dispute or alleage tVp f"i rtome Scriptures and rcafons, or require caiifes ofthcirpreachersvvhy & by what authoritie they fhould fh rh r h be thus reitrained in things indifferent, make them no other anfvver but this, This is the cuftomc ^ od" a ' ofthe Church, this is our cuftome.Vvhich is a goodly rule to repreffe the faucinelFc of contentious J-^ ^ ^ - n ~|ianglers, which being out of almodeflie and reafon,,ncuer want vvordes and replies againft the iwer again a (;^hurch.Vvhich Church if it could then by ptefcription of twenty or thirty yeres.and by the autho- vvrangiers • ^.^^ of one or two of their firft preachers, lloppe the mouthcs of the feditious : what f hould not the cuftome of fiftcne hundred y eres, Sc the decrees of many hundred Paftors.gaine of reafonable, ' modeft.and humble men? Thst herc/Ics ig.Theremufibehercfiei'] Vvhen the Apoftlelaiih, Her^^wwK/? te: Hefhcwcth theeuent, fhal come,and and not that God hath diredly lb appointed it as necellarie. for, that they be, it commeth of mans vv Iierfore. malice and free wil : but th.-it they be conucrted to the manifefUtion of the good and conftant in faith be the Churclics vnitie , that is Gods fpecial workc of prouidence that vvorketh good of eiiil . And for that there f hould fallHercfies and Schilmes, fpecially concerning the Article and vfe of VI t 'mo *'^'^^ Sacrament of the Altar, whereof he now beginneth to treate, it may make vsmaruehhe V vliat co^i - j^^,^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ diflenfions, Herefies , and ^chifmes of the wicked and vveake in faith conccr- k^ ^^1 ^ "'"S thefamc. Such thingsthen wilbe, butwo to him by vvhomfcandals orSciScsdo come, /ks. ^"^~ l-ttVivfeHeretiket, faith S. AvgnlVmc, Tiont il/at tndloa^frffic thtirerrci:rs, but that by (itfcrtdinithe Cdtholikt ChA. XI. TOTHE CORINTHIANS. 45t Cmholik* do Urine agAinfi their decelces, wtmxy l/emore vvaichfn! and wary : becaufe it is ?noJt traely- t) vritten. There nutfl be htrefies that the triad and appr^ued mxy be manifejied or difcoueredfrom the holovu hartei amtng you. Let vs vfe thu benefite ofGodi prouideitce. for Heretikes be made offuch ,is would erre or be naught , thoUTh they were in the Church : but being out , theyprofite vs excedingly , 7igt by teaching the truth which they knownot, butbf Jiirringvp the cxrnal in the Church ta fecke truth , andtheJpiritnaL Catholikes', to cliere the truth, for there be innumerable hily approusd men in the Church , but they be not difcerned from other among vi , nor manifeji , fo long as we had rather fleepe in darknci of ignorance, then behold the light of truth, therfore m.tny are raijed out of their fleece by Heretikei to fee the day of God ,and art glad thereof. Augnd. c.S. dzvetitelig. lo.Our Lordci fupper.] ThcChriltiansat orabout the time of the Churches onely Sacrifice and their communicating therc-of, kept great feaftes: which continued long, for that the tehefc of the poore vponthe common charges of the richer fort, and the charitieand vnicie of al forces were AgapiE or fup- Coc.Gang. much preferued thereby, for which caufe they were called xnxTTXi, that is. Charities, of the P"so^'"2"»°» tan II auncientFathers.and were kept commonly in Church houfcs or porches adioyning.orin the body oftheChurch (whereof fee TercuHian ^^polog. c.i<). Clemens Alexand. S. luffine, S. Augurtine Conc.Loa- ^^^^^ fauji.ti.io c.20.) after thel Sacrihceand Communion was ended, as S. Chryfo!lom iio, zr, tUf. can. in J Cor, ''in initio iudgeth. Thofe fealles S. Paul here callcth Can** 'Dow;VHV.tf, becaulc they were i7. 1'. made in the Churches which then were called 'Domirtics, that Is, Our Lordes houfes. Thedifoder Vvhether the therfore kept among the Corinthians in thefeChurch-feaftes of Ch^ritie, the Apoflle feekethhere ApolHe meanc toreJrefTe, fromthe fouleabufesexprelFedhereiathetcxt.AndasS. Ambrofe ;« /?«?!f/oc«w, and u,, „^ , >. molt good authors now thmke, this which he calleth 2)o»>inerfon,& place which in Chriftesadion are notcd,neede not to be imitated. As.that the Sacramet ^'°^^ °^ '^e B, I'hould be minillred at night.to men onely,to onely twelue.afcer or at fupper,& fuch like:becaufc Sacrament. (sLsS.Cypiiinep.ej.nu.-'.dC S. Augufline «•/>. ns. c. 6. note) there were caufesofthofe accidents in . Chrift that are notnowto bealleaged for vs. Heinftituted thenthisholyaifl.-wedo not.hemade his Apoftles Priefls.that is to fay , gaue tliem commilfion to do and minilter the fame: we do not. At circunftaces he would /laue this the lall aft of his life be within the bounds of his Palfion : it is not fo with in our Sauiours vs. he would eateandmakeanend ofth^ Pafchal to accomplifh theoldLaw; that can no: be in zikion about our aifiion.therfore he mull needes doc it after fupper and at nighc.-we may not do fo. he excluded the B. Sacramet alvvomjn,a!thereltofhisDifciples,allaymen:wcinuiteal faithful, men & women. In many neeiii not be' circunftances then,neither we may imitate Chrilles firfl aaion,nor the Heretikes as yet do: though imitated, they feeme to enchne by abandoning other names fauing this (calling it Supper) to haue it at night , and after meate. though (as is before noted) they haue no iu(l caufe to call it fo vpon Chrills fatt, (9.u,z. feeing the Euangelifts do plainely f hew *thatthe Sacrament was inflituted after Supper, as the Apolile hira felf here recordeth of the later part in exprelTe fpeach. And moll men thinke, a long fermon and the waf hing ofthe Apoftles leete came betwenc , yea and that the fupper was c^niz finif hed , & grace faid. But in al thefe and fuch like things, the Catholike Church ojiely ,by Chrillei Spirit can tel, which things are imitabie, which not,in al his adions. is.Tooke.^ Chrifltooke bread into his hands, applying this ceremonie.aiflioii. and benedi- Lue, f,ia. ftion to it , and did bleffe the very element , vfed power and aftiue word vpon it,*as he did ouer the bread and fifhes which he multiplied : and lb doth the Church of God : and fo do not the xhc P fl- Proteftants, if they folo w their owne booke and doarine.but they let the bread & cuppe Hand a • *^'°'"""" loofe.and occupie Chrilles wordes by way of report and narration, applying them not at al to the cT^^^- "kT r matter propofed to be occupied: and therfore howfoeuerthe fimple people bede'uded by the f V K J reherfal ofthe fame wordes which Chrid vfed, yet coBfecratian, benediaion, or fanaification of "" | ■ ' bread and wine they profelTe they make none at al. At the firfl alteration of religion , there was ^^*°^ afigure ofthe CrplTe at this word, Heblefed-.mdM thcvvoide, Hetooke, there vvas agloffe er Lll ij nibrike 45i THE FIRSTEPISTLE OF S. PAVL ChA. X I, lubrike thit appointed the Minirter to imitate Chrifts aaion, and to take the bread into his handr afcervvatd that was refoimed and ChriilcsacUon abolif bed , and his bleflliig of bread turned tci thankes gi.uitiJ to God. > ... ti.'BreAd.] Chrift made the holy Sacrament of vnkauenedbread,and al the Latin They imitate Church imitatetii him in thc.fame, as a thing much more agrcablc tothe fignification both him not m in icfelf and in our liucs,then thelcaucn. Yet our Aduerfaries neither folovv Chrift, S. vnlcaucned Paul, nor the weft Church , in the fame : but rather purpofeJy make choife ofthaLkituI {3 read , and th;itisin it felf more vnfcemcly,and to the (irft inftitution leiTc agreable. In the other part mingling wa- ^f the Sacrament th.:>' contemne Chnft ind his Church much more impudently and dam- tcrWKhW^me. nably. For Chrift and al the Apoftles and al Catholikc Churches in the vrorlj hauc cuer mixed th?ir winc with i5rater,for great myftcr ie and /ignirication,fpeciany for that Water gufhcd together with bloudoutof our Lordes/Ide. This our Lord diA (faith S. Cypriaa Ep. 6 s ad Cecilium,ttM..t, 7.) tnd none rightljoffercih, that filozfueth not him therein. Thus Irenaeus (U. f. c, /.) luftine ( Apalo^. x. in fine.) andal the lath-n-s tcftifie ihc Primitiue Church did,and[ in this fort it i'J done in al the Masses ofthc Greckes, S. lames, S.Bafils ,;S. Chrifoftoms: and yet our Protcftants pretending to reduce al to Chrift , vvil not doc as he did , and al the Apoftles and Churches that euer were. Zf;Thuu.] Thefe^wordes being fct dovvne,not in the perfon of th« Euangeliftes or Apofties , but exprefled as in Chriftesovvne perfon, to be faidouer the bread , and the Ths vvdrdes jjj^j. ^y^j. jj,,. yvine , are the formes of the Sacrament and vvordes of confecration : neither of confecra- is it a Sacrament but (as S. Anguftine faith) when the vVordes comc,that is to fay, adiuc- tract So k tion,to,be,laicl jy. and Jprefently be applied tothe elements of the fame. Thcrfore the Proteftants /». oucr the bread neuer applying thcfe vvordes more then the whole narration of die infiitution , norreci- and vvi ne. the jj„g the whole (a<; is faid) othervvife then inhiftoncal nianer, (as if one would miniller vvhich the Baptifme & neucr apply the Vordes ofthe Sacramettothechilde.but oneJy readCiiriftes Proteftants do fpeachcs ofthe fame) make no Sacrament at al. And that thcfe proper wor^^cs be the oneJy **"£. forme ofthis Sacrament, and fo to be fpoken oucr or vponthe bread and Winc,S.Ambrofe plainly ajid prccifely writcth, recording how far the Euangclifts narratiuc wordes do goe, and where Chriftes owne peculiar myftical vvordes of confecration begin:and fo the reft of the fathers. .Amhro. It, ■(-.■deSacr. c, * .^ 4-. ». de ink. ^Cyjier, lujii. \/ip)la^, t. infini. Cybr. de Can. 1)0, nu. i. .». ^:'g. Ser. is. de verb. Do, fee. ^at. Tertul. li, *. eont. M'arc, Chrjf. he. i. in i, ad Tint, in fine. ^ ho. dcprodit. lud* to. s. Grego. "iLjff. in orat. Catfch. 1>jimaji. li, *. e. /*. j.f.^Mjbody.'] Vvhen the wordes of Confecration be by the laid jmpictjie of the Pro- T'he Protc- teftants ,t]ius remoued fromthe elements ; no maruei if Chriftes holy body and bloud be ftants haue ta- not there, or that it is now no more a Sacrament , but common bread and wine. So they ken .ivay the that vniuftly charge the Cath. Church with defrauding the people of one peecc ofthc B. Sacrament Sacramct ,liauein very deedeleft nopart norfpice of Sacrament,neither folowing Chrift, alto^'ether . ^^ they pretend, nor S. Paul, nor any Eaangelift, buttheiroWne dcteftable ScCte , hauing ^ -boldly defaced the whole inftitution,not in any accidental inditic-rcnt circunrtances , but ip the very fubftance and al.T he right name is gone, the due elements both gone , noblcf- Jingor confecration, or other adtion ouerthcm, thefoijncs be gone : and confequently the body andbloudjthe Sacrament andthe Sacrifice. The oowcr to z^.Thudee.] By thcfe wordes, authoritic and power isgiuenfothc .'Apofties, and by fecrate gi- ^'^'^ like, in the Sacrament of Orders , to al lawful Pricfts onciy. Komarucl then tha: ihe en to Prielts new heretical Miniftcrs being ]aynien,giue the people nothing but bare bread and vvine, onelv. profane, naked, and natural elements void of Sacrament and al grace. See the Annotation ' vpon S. Luke chap. 22, 19. If, Take And eate.^ This pcrtaineth to therecciuing ofthofe things vvhich by con- fecration are prel'cnt and facrifced before : as vvhen the people or Prielts in the old Lavy didcate thehoftes offered or part thereof, they were made partakers of tlie lacntice done ' ., toGod before. And this ts not the fubftance, or being, oriuaking of the Sacrament or Sa- Thc Sacramet ^rifce of Chriftes body and bloud : butit isthc vlcand application to the recciuer , of die confifteth "9^ things which were made and offered to God before. Thercis a difi'crcnce betwixt the in the recei- ji^.^ii,ng ofamcdecine or thefubftance and ingredienccofit ,'and the taking of it. Now ti'"g' thereceiuing being but a confequcnce or one of the endes why the Sacrament vvas made, & theiv.canc toapply it vnto vs :the Aduerfaries vnlearnediy mane ital andfome,ad thcr- Vvhythcpro- fore improperly name the whole Sacrament and miniftration thereof , by calling it the tcftants call it Communion. Vvhich name they giue alfo rather then any other , toniafce the ignoraiic the CommU" belceue that many nuift comnniaicatetogcther : as though it'were fo caiied for that it is nioa. common to many. Ly Which colluflon they take away the rcceiuingof the Prieft aionc, ( ommujiion, of the iickc alone, of refcruing the confecrated Holland tlie whole Sacrament. Againlt \ vh ch is a vvhichdeceite,knovvthat this part ofthc Masse is not called Comiiiun'O, for that niany i' a:-, of Am f hjuid coucurre together aiv^ics iu tiic c'surnal Sivcra^icut:but for ii*ai. vvc do commp-- ChA. XI. TO THE CORINTHIAN'S. 453 nicatc or ioyne invnitie and p*rfedl fclovvfhip of one tody, wiih al Chnrtian nien m^sse , VfJra* in the world, withal ( we fay ) th.it eate itthrough the whole Church , andnotwith it /Jo^nifieth. thcjn onely which rate with vs at onetime. And this fellovvfhip rifeth of that , that Yve be, euery time we rereiue either alone or with companie, partakers ofthat one body vvhich is receiued through outal the world.// ;sf- heparlak^n ofhujfefh (^ dtuinitit,^ by it dot co- de trthodr fg„,municitte and tirt vtiitedone vvilh an ether, oneljletvt take heedethat 'vvedenot fivlicifat with f"^' herttikts. And when the Apoftlcfaith , that al leoncbrcadandoncbodythat are parta- kers of one Bread, he meancth notof them onely rhat communicate at one time and place : butthatal be fo,thit communicate in vnitie through the Whole Church. The the name Communion is as ignorjlntly vfedoftheni,as the name of Supper. ts, Ttufhal/hevv.'\ Vpon this rrord the Herctikes fondly ground their filfcfuppo- Ction, that this Sacrament can not rightly beminifired or made without a fermon of the Hoyv Chrffts death of Chrift : and that this and other Sacraments in the Church, be not profitable, death is fhcw- when they be ininiftred in a ftrange language. As though the grace, force, operation, & ed by the B. attiuitie, together with the inftrudiion and reprefentation of the things which they IT- Sacrament it ^nilie, vverenotinthe very fubftance , matter, forme, vfe, and vvorke itfeJfof euery of felf, yvithout the SacraJnents : and as thoughpreachingwere not one way tofhew Chriftes Pafsion, fermon or and the Sacraments another way : namely this Sacrament, conteiningm the vcrykindcs othcrvvife. of the elements and the aiition, a mod liucly repr«fentation of Chrillcs death. As wifely might they fay thatneiiher Abelsfacriftcenorthe Pafchal lambc could /Ignifie Chrillcs death without a Sermon. 17. Guilty -of the body.] FirA herevpon markc wel,that il menrcceiue the body and The witkcj iJoudof Chnll, be tiicy infidels or li liuers.for in this cafe they could not be guilty of receiue the that vvhich they receiue not.!' econdly, that it could not be fo heinous an ofienfe for any body & bloud^. man to receiue a peccc of bread or acuppeofv-vir.e, though they were a true Sacrament. The real prc- Jor it is a deadly ijnnetorcceiiieaiiy Jacramct ui.h vviJ & intcntio tocotinevv in/Jnne, fence is pro- or Without repentance of former /jnives:but yet by the vnvvorthy reteiuing of no other ucd" by the Sacrament is man guilty of Chriftes body and bloud, but here , where the vn worthy (as heinous off'cTe S.Chryfoftom faith) doth vilany to Chriftes ovvne perfon , as the I ewes or Gentiles did, of vnvvorthy \hM cxMciUciiX. Chryf.ho. de non centetrui. Ec ^c.HQ^^a ^ f ad po.^ntioth. Vvhichinuin- receiuing. cibly proueth againft the Hcretikes that Chrift is really prefent. 2S. Let him prone.] A man muft examine his life diligently whether h« be in any mortal Confefsio be- /inne,andmuft confeflc him felfof euery oticnfe vvhich he knuvveth or fcareth to be dead- forercceiuinf iy , before he prefumcto come to the holy Sacrament. Por fo the Apoftles dodrine the B. Sacr*- here, with the continual cuftom of the Cath. Church and the Fathers example, btude him mcnt. to doe. Cyfr. de la[>f. nu.y. ^-ug. Ecd. dog. c / ?. i?. lijttdifetrningthebody.] That is, becaufe he putteth no difference nor diftindiion bctvvixt Adoration of this high meatc and others, and thetforeS. Auguftinefai^h ep. iiS.c.}. that it u be that the ^pojile the B. Sacr^^ Jkith fhal he damned , that doth not by fir^guUr veneration or adoration make a diff'erencebetvvenethU nicnt. meate and at others. Andagaine in Pfal. gs. l>i,t man eateth it before he adore it. AndS. Ambrofc //'. /, t.ii deSp.San. Weadoret\:eflefhofChrifiintheMyjhrir!. S. Chryfoftome '^o. i* »'m Cor. ll^tadore himon thealtar , m the Saga didin themanger. S. N.izianzjnc in Epitaph. Gcrgoriiit. V^tf fijfer c.iUed oh him vvhich is vvorfhipped upon the altar, rheodorete 'Dial, t Inconf. The d'yjiical tokens be adored. S.Denys,this Apoftles fcholer, made Ibleinne inuocation of the Sacrament after Confecration. Ecclefiajt. Hier, c. 3 part j inprincip. and before the receiuing, the whole Church of God crieth See the \^Qniz,*'DominenonJiimdjgnM, 1}em prop!tii. Greg. li. !, c. ry.Foriliis.is the halo wing ofCoipo- in die Cath. rals and Chalices, ^mbr. z Off. c. if. Ti^izjanz^. Oral, ad .Ariands. OptatMli.6 in initio, for this. Church, profane cables arc remoued and altars confecrated:^'/M^M,?..5?r rfe,' fOTp.ijj. for this, the very Pricfts them felues arc honorable.chaft.facred, Hiero.ep. 1 ad Heltodorum e. 7. Li 1 adu./ouin.c i9..Ambrof. in I T(7w.i. for this, the people is foih'iddcn to touch n i^vhb ccnioah3.nds.7^zjaf:z.orat. ad ^rianos ininitio. for this, great care and folicitude is taken that no par: ofeitherkinde fall tothe ground, Cyril. Hierof. myjitg. ; in fine. Orig. he. i) in c. ij Exod. for this, facred proiulion is made that if any horts orpaits of the Sacrament do remaine vnrcceiued , they betnoft rciigioully refeiued with al honourand diligence pollible. and for this, examination of confciences, confcilion, contincncie, f,ilS,e,f, 3; (as S.'Auguftine faith) receiuing It fafting. Thus do vve Catholikes and the Church ofGoddil- cernc tlicholy Body and bloud by S. Paulesiuie, not onely from your profane bread and wine _., p f. (vvhich notby .-my I'ecreteabufe ofyonrCuratsorCierkes, biicby thcveryorderofyouibooke, , ■ r ^l* thcMmiftcr, it an/ remaiiic after your Communion, may take home with him to his ovvne vfe ,/'^^^a*' * ' ^ ■ ' T I 1 •■• , Proteftancj. J-H Uj and 454 THE FIRST EPISTLB OF S. PAVL Cha. XII. Holy bread. Vnvvorthie »ccci*ing. Penance and f*tisfadtioa. an:.i tlietfore isno more holy by your ovvneimigemenc then the rellof hism:ates) but from al *'^.'<^. de otlier cither vulgar or fandifledmeaces, as* the Cacechumeus bread.ind our vliial holy bread. Ifal ptc. m:rit. this be plaineanJ true, and you haue nochirvg agreable to the Apoftles nor Chriltes inftitutioti, but //. z,e. li, al cleanecontraric : then im'icrtt vend. Chryf.ho.if in i6 Mat.) no Sacrament is rightly perfired:the Proteftants haue take ^u^tragt itaway. The ApofUes taught the church to keepe * a Memorie orinuocatio ofSainds in this s*inlo.<^ Sacrifice : the Caluinifts haue noncThe Apoftles decreed that in this Sacrifice there fhould be fpe- chryf. ho. cial praisrs for the deii,Chryf.6o. } in ep.*d Philip. .Ang.de cur. pro mort.c. i:they haue none. LikeWill- i, l,\ ^^^ that Water fhould be mixed with the Wine, and f ) forth. See ^nnot. in c ii, v. 23- 'Srea.i. Theiforc ifCakiin had made his new admiuiftritioa according to all the Apoflles Written Wor- des, yet not knowing how many things befide,the Apoftleliad to prefcribe inthefe Wordes, CAteracitm venero di/pontn» ( the reft I wil difpofe , When I come) he could not haue fitisfied any Wife man in his new chaunge. But now feeing they are fallen to fo palpable bUndnes , that their j doingisdiredly oppofitcto the very Scripturealfo, Which tiey pretend to folow onely, and haus € quite deftroied both the name , fubftaiice, andal good accidents of Ciitiltes principal Sacrament, 1 Ve trull al the World wil fee their folly and impudencie. The 6. part. As touching thcGiftesof the Holy Ghoft. TheEpiftle vpon the 19 Sunday after PcflCecoil. Chap. Xll. They nwfl nat ma,ke their diuffitie of Giftes an occajfon of Schijme , conjiderinr thatalareof one Hety Glujl.und for the profit of the one body of Chriji which is the Clisireh : ii Vuhich al;i could not be a body, without fuch vnrietie ofmemOers. 12 rher-nn neither they thit httne the inferiourgiftei , mnjlbe difcintentjeini^itu Godsdifiribution: nor they that haue the greater , contemne thtother,c'onftd^ringthey.%renole(femcejfarie: IS but al inal ioyne together, ZS andeuery one know hts ovvne plate > 5] Nd concerning fpiritual things,! vvil not i ^^1 haue you ignorar,brethren. t You know i '"ll that when you were heathen, you went |i to dummc Idols according as you were ledde.t Therfore I doe you to vnderfland 3 f that no mafpeakingin the Spirit of God, ^i faith anathema to 1 e s v s. And no man £'' ■t Andifal were one meraber,vvherevv«rc the body? t But 20 now there are many members in deede,yet one body. -f And theeie can not fay to the hand: I necde not thy helpc. or againethe head to thefeete. You are not neceflarieforme. 21 t But much more tliofe that feeme to be the more vveake 22 members of the body, are more necefTarie: 1 and fuch as vve thinke to be the bafer members of the body , vpon thena vve put more aboundant honour : and thofe that are our vn- honeft partes, hauc more aboundant honeftic. t And our honcft partes needc nothing: but God hath tempered the body,giuing to it that wanted, the more aboundant honour, 24' t that there might be no "fchifme in the body,but the mem- 2j bers together might be careful one for an other, t And if one member fuffer any thing,al the members fuffer with it. or ifonc member do glorie,aI the members reioyce withir. 1 And 14 15 17 18 ^9 ^5 ••S.Auguftific ef. i\i giueth the faitvc rca- fon , vvhy mi- racles & cures 1 e done at the lacmorie^ or bodies o-ffome Sainftj more thcnatothej-s: & by the fame Saindls in one place of their memories ra- ther then at ©ihcr places. 45<> THE FIRSTEPISTtE OFS. PAVL ChA. t And you are the body of Chrift , and members of mem- 2 6 bcr. t And^fome verily God hath fee in the Church ficfl; A-zy poftles,fecondly prophets, thirdly do(51:ors,next miracles,thc the graces of doing cures, helpes,gouernements, kindes of tongc&» t Arc al Apoftlcs? are al prophets? arc al dodots > iS t " arc al miracles ? haue al the grace of doing cures ? do al 29 fpeake with tonges?doal interpret? t But purfue the better 30 giftes. And yet 1 f hew you a more excellent way. Xlll. 4r A N N O T A G H A p. T I O N S XI L Zealous faith. »• F"''^ inthefam*,'] This faith is not an other in fubftance then the common faitli in Chrift, but is of an other accidental qualitieonely, thatis^ofmore feruor,deiK)ti6,zcalc, and confident truft, fpccially for doing of miracles. y ■ • ij.lftbefoote.] The Church is of exceding great diftindio of members, gjftes,orders, and offices: yet of great concord , concurrence, mutual communioa and participation inal aiftions of her members among them felues, and with Ch-ift the head of the Body. Schifmc. if.Schifmeinthe body.] As Charitie and vnitie of fpirir, is the proper bond and vveale oftbc common Body : fo is diuifion or Schifme , which is the interruption of peace and mutual Societie bet\ vene the partes of the fame , the fpecial plague of the Church , and as odious to God as rebellion to the temporal Soaeraine. The Ipiftle Vpon the ^un- iaj of Quin- quflgcfmc, fai- led Shroue- funday. •'• This pro- xieth that faith is nothing worth to fal- uatio without vvorkes , and tliat there may be true faith vvithoHt Cha- Xkie. Chap. XIII. / Thai About al tthtr Giftes thty fhouU fte\e After Charitie: lO ChA.. Xlll. TO THE CORINTHIAN^. 437 7 with the truth : t fii^erethal thingSjlDelceiiethal chir.gs/uo- 8 perhal things, bearethal things, t Chaiitieneuer falletJi av'vay : whether propheciesrh..ii be made voidc , or tonge^ fhalceafe, or knowledge Thai be deftrbied. t For in pare vveknovv ,andinpart vveprophecie. t But •• when that Thai come that isperfed, that fhalbe made voideihatisin 11 part, t Vvhen 1 vvasahtleonc, I fpakeas alitieone, lynde.r- ftoodasalitlc one,l thoughrasalitle one. But when I vvas made a man, I did away the things that bcloged to a Title otie. 12 :t Vve feenovv by aglalFe inadarkeforr : buttheh facero face. Now I know in part : but then I fhal know as alfo I 13 am knovven. t And now there rcraaine,faith,hope,charitie, "thefe chree.but the ••greater of thefc is chajitie. ANNOTATIONS Chat. XIII. ij:j,:o;t r ••Ey this tcvt ?. /iii.<;iiftiiie /;'. 22. Ciu.c. If proucth th.it the Saints in hciueH lime more pcrfofl knowledge cf our affaires licrc,thcn they had vvhcn they liued here. •• Charitle is of al the three the grcatcil. How then cloth ond'ljr faich, being .;•:- ferior to i. , fane & iuftifi . , and not Cha- ritie I 1,'KjOtChantie.} Vvithout Charitic, both toward eueryparticular pcrfon , and rharitie Tpecially toward thp common body of the Church , none of al the giftes and graces of God be profitable. S.'Dtliuermjbody.l "Bileeue ({zit)\S. Augudine) ajfttrcdly and hold for certaitte , that no * Heretike and Schi/matike that vniteth Jtothim fdfto the Catholike Church againe , haw great atmes fi FalTc M^f- euer hegiue , yea or fhedt hn blond fir Chrijies name , canpofiihly be failed. For , many Herelil^es by the tyrs. elokeof Chriftescaufe, decerning the fimple.fuffer much. "Butwhere true faith is not, there u no iiiJUce, btcaufe the]iuji tiiuth by faith. So it is alfo ofSchifmatikes, becau/i where eharitie is not,iuftice can there be none: which if they had, they would neuer plucke in peeces the body ofChriJlvvhichis theChurih. Auc. feu lulg. delid.ad Pet. c. 3 9. So faith S.Auguftine in diucrs places, not onely of Hcretikes that died direiftly for defenfe of their hercfie, as the Anabaptiftes andCaluinirts novv adaies do ( f oi- that is more damnable: ) butoffome Heretikes and Schifmatikes that may die among the Heathen or Turkes for defenfe of truth or fome Article of Chriftcs religion. >yittg. deverb. 'Dt.Jer.soc.z. ^inPf ]* coiic.z propefinem. Cypr.devnit. Ef.nit. g. 13. Thefe three,^ Thefe arc the three vertues Theological, eche one by nature and deft- -5-},^ ycrttie? Mition diilinift from an other, and faith is by nature the firfl, ^'^'^"'ay be and. oftcnis tfacoloe' al tefore , and vvithout Charitie:3nd truely remaineth indiuers aft^- they haue by deadly chant e is loH: Jinue loft Charitic. Beware thcrforeo'f the Heretikes opinion, whichis, thatbyeuery ]^y 2Tiortal ©lortaJfinne faith is loft 00 Icfle then eharitie. ,-"„„ .,„. linne , uol .^'"' fiith. Chap. X 1 1 1 L ^(^alnfi their vttine childipmes , that thought it agoodly matter to be able to Jpeal^e ( by miracle) Jtrange languages tn the Church, " preferring their languages before prophecying,that h, opening of CKfyflertes : he declareth t>^xt thu Gift of languages u inferior to the Gift of prophecie. itf G iuing order alfo how hottj giftes are to be vfid, to wit , the Prophet to fubmit him felfto other Prophets : and'the Speaker of languages not to publifh hu injpiration, vnlet there be an interpreter, 3* Prmded alvvaies, that vvirnen fj/eake not at al in the Church. Mmm FOLOVV '"Much like to fome fond Linguifts cf our time, who thinke them fdlues better, then a d6(ftor of Diuinitic that is not ^ ^LinguiA' • t Vvhat'isitthenJi vvilprayinchefpific,! vvilprayalfo 15 are meant al rude vnlcar- ned men , but /mpic Which in Ac vnderftanding : 1 v vil fing in the fpirit,! vvil fing alfo vvet-c y"vn- in tlic vndetftanding. + But if thou blefTc in the fpirit: he the ' Catechu- that fupplicth thc placc *^ of the vulgar how fhal he fay, ^''^"' '.'^^^i^^^ Amen, vpqn thy blefling ? becaufe heknovveth not what hofefpirituai thou faicft. t Forthou in dccdcgiucfl: thankcs wel : but the 16 17 God thankes, that 1 18 cxercifcs as other is not edified. T 1 ciue my did at thciiT ipeaKeWviththctongueor you ar.tButm the Church I wil 19 I'lciAires. - - - - - ... - ipeakefiuewordcs with my vnderftanding that I may in- THE FIRST EPISTLE OFS. PAVL ChA. XIIIL OLOVV Charitie ,earneftly purfue i fpiritual things : but " rather that you may prophecie. t Forhe that fpeaketh 1 vvithtongue,fpeakcth"notto men, but to God : for no man hcareth. But in fpi- rit he fpeaketh myftcrics. t For he that 3 propheciethjfpeaketh to men vnto edi- ^V-.-^^^- '•^laer/f^ hcation, and exhortation, and confola- tion. t Hethatfpeaketh withtongucs,edifiethhimfelf:but 4 he that prophecieth,edifieth the Church, f And 1 \rould haue 5 you al to fpeake with tongues,but rather to prophecie. For greater is he thatprophcc'ieth , then h© that fpeaketh with tongues: vnlefTe perhaps he interpret, that thc Church may take edification, t But now brethren "if I come to you fpea- 6 king with tongues : what fhal I profit you, vnleifc 1 fpeake to you either in reuelation , or in knovyledge,or in prophe- cic,or in dodrine; t Yet the things without life that giue a 7 foundjbeitpipcorharpe, vnlefie theygiue adiftindtion of foudcs,hovv fhal that be kno wen ^3P'hich is piped, or which is harped? t Foi^if the trumpet giue an vncertainc voice,vvho 8 fhal prepare him felf to battchtSo you alfo by a togue vnlefie 9 you vttcr manifeft fpeach,hG w fhal that be knowen that is iaidJ for you fhal be fpeakinginto thc aire, t There arc (for 10 cxamplejfomanykindesof tongues in this world, &: none is without voice, t If thenlknownot the vertueof the u voice,! fhal be to him to whom I fpeake,barbarous : and he that fpeaketh, barbarous to me. t So you alfo , becaufe you i^ be emulators of fpirites : feekcto abound vnto the edifying of the Church, t And therfore he that fpeaketh with the 15 tongue,"lcthimpray that he may interpret, t ForifIprayi4 <"Bythisworheciiri Tht ^'ft.of prophecying, that is, ofexpoantace "maketh This thenbcing theiXcope anddircft drift of the Apoftle, asismpftcleerebyhisyvholedif- n'^'hi ne a<^a)ft courfc,and by the record ofal antiquitie : let the godIy,graue,and difcrete Reader take a taft in this the fTuiJe in one point,ofthe Proteftants deceitful dealing, abufing the I'lmplicitie of tlie popular, by.perucrfc: tJjc iatiu to^e. application of Geds holy word , vpon fomc ftnal fiiMilitwde a»d etjuiuocacion of ccitaiiic tcnnes, •igainft Ofvvhst fpl. i'itual exercife the Apoftle fpeaketh- Thcdiforders in the fame. CkA. XIII I. TO THE CORINTHIANS. j^6^ fccrated and fandified in and by the Holy Gh oft that firft infpired them, and there Is a reuerencc and MaielHe in the Churches tongue dedicated in our Sauiours CrofTc, and gii'.eth more force and S^at 2*. valyre to them faid in the Churches obedience,then to others.The children cried* Hofatina to our ' Crcf.l'i. Sauiour, and were allowed, though they knew not what they faid. It is welnecre athoufand The feruice a!- j^_^fj^^/, yeres that *ourpeoplevvhich could nothing els but harbarum frendere, did (ing alleluia., andnot, waies in Latin ^'f Praifeye the Lord, and longer agoc fince the poore hufband men fang the lauie at the plough in through out oiherCountries. H/rre.ro. / f/'.j*. And 5«r/«»»«rrfa, andyQi7'ed/«y3», andthePfalmcsofDauid the weft fung in Latin in the Setuiteof thePrimiciuc Church, haue'thc auncientand fla: teftimonies of Church. S. Cyprian, S. Auguftine, S. Hier m and other Fathers. Gre^o. It. 7 e[>. 61. Cyj,r. exp orat. IJo.nu. n, ^ugitjt. c. 1} de dono perfeutr. & de bono vid. c. i^.and ep. nS. Hiero.prdfat. in PJhl. ad !>cf*xwJ;o.'fC^r£^ii(3//> of S, Auguftine. praSlifi andebferne through out thcwerld , to di/l>ittt thereof m ti}OMghiewtrtnHtBbcd«ne,umeJiinf*- Itnt madnejfe 3*. Let women hold their peace. ] There bCjOr vvere^ certain^ H'creti'lces In our Countrie (for fuch euer take the S criptures diucrfely for the aduantagc of time)that denied women Vvomen ma« to hold;i.-ivvfulIy any kingdom or temporal Souerainty: butthatis falfe and againft both haucany tem- 10 or gnic voice either deliberatiue or definitruein Councels'and publike A"flcrablies,con- funiiionV"' corning matters of Rcligi6,nor make Ec.clc/iaftical lavvcs concerning the rame,nor bindc, nor Ioofc,nor cxconnmicate.nor fufpcnd^or degrade.nor abfolue,nor minifter Sacramcts, other then Baptifmc in the cafe of mere nceefs.itic,vhcn neither Pricft nor otherman can bo haJinnichlefleprefcribcanythin^totheCIergie.hoVi/toniinifter them,orgiueanymarigh« to rule , preach, or execute any fpiritual-fundtion as vnder her and by her authoritie :no creature being able tojmpart that whereof it fclf is incapable both by nature and Scrip- ptures. This Rcgimcntiscxprefly giuento the Apoftles, Bif hopes , and Prelates ; they onely haue-iutl-oritietobindatidloofe, ,3f but the grace of God " with me. 't For whether I, or" reaion of the they,fo we preach,and fo you haue beleeued. fame grace . ^ ^^^ • - Q\^^-^^ i,g preached that he is rifen againe from.^^ the dead : how doe certaine among you fay , that there is no refurredionof thedcad? t And if there be no refurredrion ^5 of the dead, neither is Chrift rifen againe. t And if Chrift H «•• So may We be not rifcn againe,then vainc is our preaching, vaine alfo is Cath. faith^n ^^^"^ faith, t and we are found alfo '•'* falfe witneflcs of God : H al pointes be becaufe wc haue giuen tcftimonic againft God , that he hath ourS Apo- raifed vp Chrift,vvhom he hath not raifed vp,if the dead rife ftics were not againc. t For if the dead rife not againe , neither is i<^ fSratrour Chrift rifen againe. t And if Chrift be not rifen againe, 17 Countrie be- y^jug Isyour faith, fotyet youarein your iinncs. t Then 18 a"this'wh?ic^ they alfo that are a fleepe in Chrift,are perif hed. t If in this 19 thenareaiourijfgQngiyyyejjg hoping in Chrift , we are more mifcrable ioKfathcrs . . J f s ' then al men. t But ChA.' XV. TO THE CORINTHIANS^ 4^5 20 t But now Chrrft is rifen a^aine from the dead , the 21 *firftfruites of them that fleepe: t for'^^byaman death:and 22 by aman therefurredtionofthedead. t And as in Adam al 25 diejfoalfoinChriftal fhalberaadealiuc. t But"^ euery one in his ovvne order : the firft fruites Chrift,then they that are 24 of Chriftjthat belecued inhiscomming. i Then the ende, vvhenhefhalhaue deliuered the kingdom to God and the Father,vvhcn he f hal haue aboh( hed al principahtie and au- 25 thoriticand power, t And he muftreigne, ymtl hepural his 16 enemies ynder his feete. t And the encHiie death f hal be deftroied laft. For he hath fabdaedAlthtngs ynder his feete. And whereas he 27 faith, t jtlthirigsarefuhditedtohim -.Yndouhtedly y except him 28 that fubdued al things vnto him. t And when al things f hal be fubdued to him : then the Sonne alfo him felf fhal be fubied to him that fubdued al things vnto him, that God may bealinal. t Otherwife what fhal they do that arc baptized for the dead, if the dead rife not againe at ah t why alfo are they baptized forthem? why alfo are we in danger euery lioure? t I die daily by your glorie brethren,Yvhich I haue in Chrift I e s vs our Lord. + lf( according to man)I fought with beaftes at Ephefus,vvhat doth it profit me, if the dead rife not againeJ LetyseMe And dri)il\e, foy tamororv yye fhal die. t Be not feduced, 34 Eml communications conuptgoodmaneys. t Awakeye iuft , and unnc not. forforae haue not the knovvlcdge of God,llpcake to yourfhame. 35 1 But fome man faith, How doe the dead rife againe? and 3:to wit, about the ei^jtemhyere afterhii conHeyfton,& our Lordes faf- fton.becaufein the 11 ch After he mak^th mention 0/14 yeres, not only after hii Conuerfwn , at to the Galatians, but alfo after his rapte,yyhichfeemeth to haue bene when heyyasat Hiertifalem J.B. 9, i6.fotirejieres after his Comierfion{Gal, i, i8)/«4 trauncetr exceffe of minde, jis he calleth it, jiB. li,i7. It yyas yyritten at Troas {it is thought) and fent by Titus,ai Tve readechap.i. It is for the mojl part againfi thofefalfe jlpofiles yyhom in the firjl part of the £rft to the Corinthians jje noted , or rather fpared,bftt noyy is conjirainedto deale openly againfi them, ejr to defend both his oyyneperfon yyhiih they fought to bring into contempt,makingyyay thereby to the correption of the Corinthians, and yyith- all to mainte'me the exccllencie of the M'tnijierie and Minifies s of the neyy Tefla- ment.abone yyhich they did magnife the Minijlerie of the old Teflament: bearing them fellies yery high becaufethey yyere levyes. jigainfi thefe therefore S. Pauleauoucheth the preeminent povyer of his Mi- Uiflerie,by yyhich poyyet alfo he giueth a pardon to the imefluous fornicator yyhom he excommunicated in the lap Epijlle feeing noyy his penance, and aga'ine threateneth to come & excomunicate thofe that had gremujly jinned and remained impenitent. Tyvo chapters alfo he interpofeth of the coutrtbutions to the church of JiieruJalem,mentionedin his lafl, exhortingthemtodoe liberttlly^andalfoto haue dl in a readings againfi hii comming. ' THE tiot,\ov- THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE CORINTHIANS. Chap. I. l!j hii troubles In '^Jtaheeomforteththem.imci(jt^ainJi his ^daerfarui thefulfe at$~ files ef the lewes ) clleageth to them the tefiimcnie of his ovvne and alfo of their confcience, n anfvveiing them that obieited lightnes tiiain/i him, fir not committg to Corinth according to hiifromis, A V L an Apoftle of I e s v s Chrift by the vvilof God, and Timothee our brother: to the Church of God that is at Corinth,vvith al the fainds thatareinal Achaia. t Grace vnto you and peace from God our father, 'and from our Lord Iesvs Chrift. I ^^^-.=y^^^^5Zf^T + BlefTedbe the God and father of our Lord Iesvs Chrift , the fa- 4 therof mercies,andGodof al comfort, t who comfortcth ^^^^^ ys in al our tribulation : that we alfo may be able to comfort; tliem that are in all diftrcfte,*^ by the exhortation wherewith 5 we alfo are exhorted of God. f For as the "paflions of Chrift abound invs: fo alfo by Chrift doth our "comfort 6 abound. + And whether we be in tribulation , for you c exhortation and faluation : whether we be exhorted, for your exhortation and faluation,vvhich workcth the tolera- 7 tionof the fame paflions which we alfo doe fufFer: t and ourhopeisfirmeforyou:knovvingthatasyou are partakers of thepaflions,fo fhalyoubcof thcconfolation alfo. ^-j t Forwcwil nothaueyouignorant brethren : concer- ning our tribulation,vvhich happened in Afia,that we were preftedabouemeafureaboue our power, fo that it was te- dious vnto vseuen to Hue. t But we in oar fclues had the anfwcr of death,that vvc be pot trufting in our felues, but in Nnn iij God The Epiftltf ■ for a Martyr that is a Biy 470 THE SECOND EPISTLE OF S. PAVL ChA. I. God who raifeth vp the dead, t who hath deliuered and lo doth deliiier vs out of fo great dangers: in whom we hope that he wil yet alfo dcUucr vs, t you" helping withal in ii praierfor vs,that"byniany mens perfons, thankes for that gift which is in vs,maybe giuenby many in our behalfe. t For our glorieis this,theteftimonieofour confcience,that 12. in fimplicity and fincerity of God,and not in carnal vvifedo, but in the grace of God vvehaueconuerfed in this -world •. andmoreaboundantly towards you. t For vvc write no 15 other things to you,then that you haue read and know. And I hope that you fhll know vnto the ende : t as alfo you 14 haueknovvenvsinpart,that we are " your glorie, as you alfooursintheday of ourLord I Esvs Chrift. t Andini5 this confidence 1 would firft haue come to you, that you might haue a fecond grace : t andby you palfe into Mace-i^ donia,and againe from Macedonia come to you, and of you be brought-on my way into levvrie. t Vvhereas then I was thus minded , did I vfe lightenes ? 17 Or the things that I minde,do I mindeaccording to the flefh, that there be with me,ifj* and itisnot}^ But God is faithful, 18 becaufe our preaching which was to you , there is not in it, Utis, ^nA,itismt. 1 For the Sonne of God I esvs Chrift, 15? whobyvs was preached among you, by me and Syluanus and Timothee,vvas not,r/?v,and,^^/jof. but,inV, was in him. tForal thepromifesof GodthiTare, in him itir. therfore 20 alfo by him, Amen to God, vnto our glorie. t And he that zi confirmeth vs with you in Chrift , and that hath anointed vs,God: t who alfo" hath fealedvs, and giuen the pledge 22 of the Spirit in our hartes. "[ And 1 call God to witnefle vpon 25 my foul , that fparing you, I came not any more to Corinth , t "not becaufe weouerruleyour faith: but, vveare helpers 24 dfyourioy. for in the faith you ftand. ANNOTA TIONS Chat. I- «. ' T f*l^ioHs cfChriJf.} Al the affljaions of the faithful be called Chtiftes owHcpaffions , not AI our mu onely becaufe they be fulFered for him, but for that there is fo ftraite coniunaioti and communion ?.'""« ' «■ betvvixthim being the head, and euery of the liuingmembta of his body, vvhich IS the Church Chrift5 afrii- j^^j vvhatfocucris lutFwedby anyone ofthefame. iscountedasapeeceofhisovvnePairion As Ct.ons,forthe ji^^^^j^^y^j^^^C^g^^^ ^^4 vvorl^esbedonetoanyofthemorbyany ofthem, be accepted as conmnftion ^ . Cbiift him fclf. Vvbich thing if tb&Pio-teftants vvel vvfighcd, they would not tetwcne the ** " ^ mii-„rJ kvad&Jbodx. "'''"'* ChA. I."^ to the CORINTHIANS. 471 maruel that the Catholikc Church attributeth fuch force of merire and fatisfaaion to the vvorke ^^^^^^-^^'^ ^'^ of holy men. ■ m n- i ' J. The comfort abound.] VvorlJIy men that fee oaely the exterior miferies and affliaions that Vvorldlymcrt Catholikes do fuffer being pcrfecured by the Heathen or Heredlics , deeme them exccding mifera- fecic not the blc. butif they felt or could conceiuethe aboundance of confolation which Cbrideuer giiieth comfort of4f- accordingto the meafure of their afflitlions , they would neuer wonder at the voluntary tolera- Aided Catho- tion of vvhac torments fo euer for Chriftcs fake , but would wifh rather them felues to be in any likes, dungeon in England with the comfort tliat fuchhaue from God.then to liuc out of the Church in al the wealth of the world. iLTouhelpinji-'i pra!er.]S. Paulknew that the helpe of other mens praiers was nothing dcro- Interccfsio cf gatorie to the office of Chriltes mediation or intercellion for him , nor to the hope that he had in Saincts or holy God : and therfore he craueth the Corinthians aide herein as afupport and fuccours for him felt in nien for vs, no thefightofGod. With what reafon or Scripture then, can the Proteftants fay thatthe praiersof derogation to Sainitcs be iniurious to Chrift, or not to ft and with the confidence we haue in him ? As though it Chrift. were more dif honour to God that we fhould vfe the aide of Sainciesin heauen, then of hnners r,. ", inearth: or * that the intercelfion ofthcfeour fellowes beneath, were more auailable then the „.••<■ 'praiers ofthofe that be in the glorious fight of God aboue. V„]-VAe rin't ^ n.HynKthjmens.] He meaneth,thatas the praiers of many ioyned together for him, f ha! be ' ' ;4 flftc, xathetheard,thenofanyalone:fo their common thankes gluing to God for graunting their requelt. <-r >^ '^i- fhalbemore acceptableand glorious to God.then anyone mans thankes alone. Vvhich thing doth much commend the holy Churches pubhke praiets , proceiTions . ftationi , and pilgrimages, where fo many meete and vniformelyioyne their praiers and laudes together VBto God. !*.rourglori(.] The Apoftles, teachers , and preachers, that conuert countries or particular 7»<"'r gloric cerfons to Chriil, and the peoples or parties by them conuerted.fhal in the day of iudgement haue "i heauen that much mutual ioy and glorie of and for eche other , one giuing to the other great matter of merite conuert other. inthisUfe, andofrewardinthencxt. See 1 T^ejT^j.v.ip. 13. Itu.irunot.^As he difchargeth himfelf ofalotherleuitietouchinghis promisorpurpofe of The Prote- comming to them, fo much more of al inconftancie in preaching Chtiiles dodrine and faith, ftants incon- Vvherein, one day to atfirme, an other day to deny, to diflent from his fellowes or from him Cdf, ft.incie in chi- to change eueryyere orineucry epiftle the forme of his former teaching.to come daily with new ging_ their deuifes repugnant to his owne rules, werenot agreabletQ an Apoftle and true te.-icher of Chrift, Writings. traa- but proper to falfe prophets and Heretikes. Vvhereofwe haue notorious examples in theProte- fl.itions, fcfr- ftants : who being dcftitute of the fpirit of peace, concord, conftancie, vnitie, and veritie, as they nice bookcs, vatie from their owne writings vvhich theyretr;?^, reforme or deformc continually, fo both in & c. their preachings, Sc forme of Seruice , they are fo reftles, changeablc.and repugnant to them felues, that if they were not kept in awe with much a do.by temporal lavves or by the f hame and rebuke of the world , they would coine vs cuery yere or euery Parliament , new Communions , new faithes, and newChriftes.asyoufeeby the rt^ifoldendeuours ofthcPiirit.ins. And this to be the proper note of falfe Apoftles and Heretivfjjlee in S.Irenam It. i e, i«.and Tenul.de fnefcrift. S.'Buftt.ep.Sl. '*^ 12. Hath fettled.'] The learned Diuines proue by this place and by the like in the fourth to the Ef fc.if./o . Ephefians , that the Sacrament of Bapnfme doth not onely giuc grace , but imprinteth and Icaleth ^^^ indeleble the foule of the baptired,vvith a fpititual I'lgne.matke, badge.or token.vvhicii can ncuer be blotted ^^ .^rat^ter of out, neither by iinne , herefie, apoftafie.nor other waies. butremaineth for euer in man for the pantifme, C6- cognifance of his Chriftendom , and for diftinftion from others vvhich were neuer of Chriftes firmanojKolv fold, by vvhich alfoheisasicVereconlecrated and deputed to God, made capr.blc and partaker Qr^ers. of the rightes of the Church , anifubieil to her lavves and difcipline. See S. Hierom in *. Epbef. S. Ambrofe It. i de Sp. fanflo cap. 6 S. Cyril Hierofol. Catechefin at the end , and S. Diony fius Areopag. c. i. Eccl. Miemrch. The Which fathers exprcife that fpiritual iigneby diuevs agreable «ames,vvhich the Chu-ch and moft Diuines.after S. Auguftine , call the chara^er ot Baptilme. by ^ the truth and force of vvhich fpiritual note or marke of the foul , he fpccially conuinceth the Do- natirtes, that the faid Sacrament'though giuen and miniftrcd by Heretikes or Schifmatikes oi who els fo euer, can neuer be reiterated. See ep. S7.& H- 6 cont, Tianatljt. cap. r. & U. z cont. Parmeniamtm f. I}. As the like indeleble charafters giuen alfoby the Sacraments of Confirmation and Orders, do make thofe alfo irreiterable and neuer to be receiucd but once. Whereas al other Sacraments fauing thefe three, may be often receiucd of the felf lame perfoB. And that holy Orders can not be iterated , fee S. Auguftine li. i cont. Parmen. c. 13. It. de bono coning, c. z*. and S. Gtegorie //. t Regifi. " Ste Cone. ep. 32. The like of Conhnnation is decreed in the moft ancient Counsel rarracon-M/;. 4. Finally Tarrace. that this charader is giuen onely by thefe faid three Sacraments, and is the caufe that none of them to.z. Con- ca.n be in any man repeated or reiterated, feefhe decreesofjheCounceh Florentine and Trent- til. Vvhich yet is no new deuife of them.as the Heretikes falfely aftirme.but agieable(as you fee) both to the Scriptures and alfo to the auncient fathers and Councels. »*. '2ij)thecaufevve»Herntte,} Caluin-and his feditious Sectaries with othetlike which dcjj>iji domiiKon 472. THESEC ON D EPISTLEOF S. PAVL ChA. IL The Caluiiiiiies drmlnien, as S. luck defcribeth fiich.vvould by this place deliuer them felues from al yoke of fpiti- vvil be fubieft tualMagiltratcs and Rulers : namely that they be fubicdl to no man touching their faith, or for the to no tribunal examination and trial of thdr dodiiine, but to God and his word onely. Andno maruel thacthe in earth, tor trial maicfailors andrcbcUes ot'the Church would conic to no tribunal but Gods, that fo they may of tlieir religio. lemaine vnpunifhed at leafl during ibis life. for though the Scriptures plainely condemne their herelics.yet they could writhe them felues out by falfe glofes, conlhuftions, corruptions , and de- nials of the bookesto be Canonical, if there were no lavves or judicial fentencc of naen to rule and reprcllfc them. Tyrannical do- Notvvithflanding then tbcfe vvordesofS. Paul, whereby onely tyrannical , Infolent , and miniO is forbid pioui^ behauiour and mdifcreteiigor of Prelates or Apoftles towards their fiockes is noted,as alio in Prelates not '" ^hs hi ft of S. Petered/'./, (the Greeke vvordin thel'eplaces.and in the Coifed ^t.zo,i).Citr,io,-n.^^y^gi^^y^ f cclcfiallical lignifying lordly and infolent dominion:) yet he had and exercifed iuft ruk.precminence.and prc- Soueraintie for ^^<^'^ ouer them, not oncly for their lifc.butalfo and principally touching their faith. for he might i"-'^"'*^* fxamination of ^ '^''1 "" them to account for the fame.and excomunicated heretikes for forefaking their faith, fdith ormaners. ' ^'"'' *• >' '^ Cor.io,-t-.i3^ lo.t Tim. 1,20. Tit. i, n. Andal Chriftianmcii are bound to obey their lawful Prelates in matters of faiihanddodrinefpecially , and muft not vnder that ridiculous pre* tence of obeying Gods word onely (which is the fhifte ofal other Heretikes, as Anabaptiftes, Allans, and the like , as wel'as the Proteftants) dilboey Gods Church, Councels, and their ovvne Paftors and Bif hops , who by the Scriptures hauc the regiment of their foules , and may examine and punif h as wel lohn Caluin as Simon Magus, for falling from the Catholike faith, for though g.^^,^^.'. God alone be the Lord, authorandgiuerof faith, yet they are his * cooperatorsandcoadiutorsby '''^ rvhomthe faithful do belceue and bcpreferued in the true faith , and be defended from vvolucs, ' ' * which be Heretikes feeking to corrupt them in the fame. And this fame Apoftic*chalengeth to be i Cor.^.a* their father as he that begat and formed them by his preaching in Chrill. Chap. 11. Profemting thetmt cAufe which in the UJl chtt\)ter begttte of hit not camming, 6 kef>a>^ dontth now after fame fart of penance, him that for inceji he excommunicated in the lafi epifile., requiring them obediently to confent therevnto. 1 1 Then, ofhii going from Tro.u into iMacedonia, God euery vvbertgitiin^ him the triumph. I^g^^^g ND I haue determined with my felf i ^'^^lyJwr^^fti this fame thinsN; not to come to you a- I gainc in forovV^ t For if 1 make you fo- ^ rie : and who is it that can make me giad, • I but he that is made foric by me? t -And 3 this fame I wrote to y ou:that I may not, I vvhenlcome,haueforovvvponfoiovv, ofthe which I ought to rcioyce : trufting in you al, that my ioy is the ioy of you al. t For of much tribulation and an- 4 guif h of hart 1 wrote to you by many teares : not that you i'houldbc madeforic: but that you mayknovvvvhat cha- ritie 1 haue more aboundantly toward you. t And if any $ man hath made forovvful, not me hath he made forowful, butinpart,thatIburdennotalyou. t To him that is fuch a ^ one, "this rebuke fufficeth that is giuen of many: t fo that 7 cotrariewife you f hould rather pardon and comfort him,left perhaps fuch an one be fvvallowcdvp with ouer great fo- IQ.VV. t For thevvhichcaufe'lbcfeeche you that you con- 8 ChA. II. TO THE CORINTHIANS." 475 firmc chariric toward him. t For thcrfore alfo haue I wrirten that 1 may know the experiment ofyoii, whether inal thingsyou be" obedient, t And whom you haue pardoned ^ , • any thmg," 1 alfo.For,my relfalfo that.which ^ J pardoned,if ThoughKd I pardoned any thine, "for you" in the perfon of Chrift, gf^.^t Penance 1 that vvcbenot circumucnted ot Satan, tor weare not lete) yethecai- ignorant of his cogitations. ^"'^^'^*' f^'^°- li t And when I was come to Troasforthe Gofpcl of "J4; f^J^Jj. u Chnft.andadoore was opened ss\io me in our Lord, t 1 '"^ fmnc vvas ?..«. /-../-*i •./• 1 T" I greater tbenais 9 10 II 14 \6 17 had no reft in my fpirir , for that I found not Titus my bro- pcnaacc. ther,but biddmg them fare wel,I went forth into Macedo- nia, t Andthankesbeto.Godjwhoalvvaicstriumpheth vs inChriftl£svs,and manifefteththc odour of his know- ledge by vs in euery place, t For we arc the good odour of Chnftvnto God in them that are faucd,and in them that pe- rifh. t Tofomein deede the odour of death vnto death: buttootherstheodour of life vnto life.And to thefe things who is fo fufficient? T For we are not as very many, "adul- terating the word of Godjbur of (inceritie,andasof God, before God,in Chrift we fpeakc. t.Cor.i,s. 4^j1//«i'«. Oft.s.ct 4- uta-. x,tt i6. ANNOTATIONS Chap. II. "" g. This rehuke fuffctth. ] This Corintliian for inceft was excommunicated and put to penance 1,7 vhe Apoftle , as appearerh in the former Epiftle c. ■;. Andbereorder is giuen forhisabfolutionand pardoning. V vherein firfi-vvc hauc apla-inecxainpie andproofe of the jA.poftoiike power, ihere of binding, and here of loofing : there ofputtif hing, here of pardoning : ihere of retaining /Jnnc5,bcre of remifsion. Secondly we may hei eby proue that noc onely amendment , cca/Ing to /inne , or repentance in hart and before God alone, is alvvaies ynopgh to obtcine f j1 reconcilement, whereas we fee here hi« Reparation alfo fromthefairhful, an.! h^: Sacraments, and from al companie or dealing wuh other Chri- ftian men , befTdes o;h?r bodily a'ftliaion : al which called of the Apoftle before inttntut ccirms ,thtdeflr^mi,neftkefl,fh , and named here , Hebukf , or (as the * Grecke Word alfo importeth) niulcl-,penairic-,correa]on,chiftifm<:nt,Vere cnioyned himbythc Apoftles commauntlcmeni iji thefaccofthe Church, and by the offender patiently fufleined fo long. Thirdlywefeeiha.itliehin.hehandfs of the Apoftles, Bifhops, andfpiritual IMagift'-atcs, to meafu e the limc of futh penance or difcipline,not onely according to the Wei^h. of the often. ecomniicrcd,bu: alfo according to theweaknes of theperfons pnni- fhed, andoher rcfpedesofiime and place , as to their wifedomfhal be thought moft agreablcta.h? parties good , and the < hui'ches edification- Laftly by ihis whole hand- ling of h: offenders cafe, wcmiy refurethe vvitked hercfie of the Proteftants , that would make be j(Inip!cbclceue,nopunjfhment of a mans ovvne perfon forfinncs ^romit- ted , nor penance enioynedLy the Church, nor any paines temporal or fatufaaion tor our lift pait, to be nc.cflaie, but al fuch things to be fuperfluouf,bccaufc Ch ift hath fatisfied ynoughfar ail. V \hicii Epseurian doctrine is rcfelled,not onciy hereby , but alfo by the 1 rophccs, 1 t,hn .be Laptiftes, Chnftes, and the Apoftles preaching of j tnan.e and condigne Workes or truices of repentance , to euery man in his ownc perfon , and not la Chrises pcrfyoonely : and by the vvhoie Ufeaad mofiplaine fpeach.es aod pcniteiitia; The Apoftic excommunica- teth.enioyneth penance ; and afterward par duncth & ab- folueth. Pardon or re- mifsion of pe- nance enioj- ncd. Penance anxf fatisfadtion euidentiypro- ued againfttlie Proteftaats.. 474 '■^E SECOND EPISTLE OFS. PAVL C H A. I I. canons of the holy dodVors andCounceh prefcribing times ofpenance , commending pe- nance, enioyiiing penance, and continually vfing the word fatis fa(Sion in this ca{"C through X)Ut altlieir vvorkcs,as our Aduerfarics them feJucs can not liut confefTc. 1. 1 befecheyou. ] They which at the beginning did beare to much with the ofTeflder, Zeale againft and fcemed loth to hauc him excommunicated infoauftercmancr : yet through their obc- thc cxcommu- dicnce to the Apoftie became on the other lidefo rigorous, andfo farredctcftcdthenia- nicate. lefaAor after he was excommunicated, that the Apoftlc novvmeaning toabfolue him , vvis glad to iutreate and commaund them alfo to accept him to their companie and grace againe. The Apoftie f.Obidimt.'] Though in thclaft chapter he difchaiged himfelfof tyrannical domi- chalengeth nion ouer them , yet he chalengeth their obedience in al things as their 1 aftor and Sirpe- their obedicce rior , and confequently in this point cf receiuing to mercie the penitent Corinthian. to his Ecclefi- Vvhercby we fee, that as the poWer and authoritie of excommunicating, fo of abroluing aftical autho- alfo was in S. Paules perfon, though both were to be done in the face of the Church: els ritie. he would not haue conmiaundcd or required their obedience. 10. 1 alfo. ] The Herctikes andothers not vvel founded in the Scriptures and antiqul- tic , maruci at the Popes pardons , counting them either fruitles or vnlavvful or no elder The author!- then S. Gregoric. Eutindecde theauthoHtie,poWcr , and right of them is of Chriftes tie of Indul- ovvne word and commifsion,principal]ygiuen to Peter , and fo afterward to al the Apo- gences vvher- ftles , and in their perfons to al the chccfe Pallors cf the Church, when it was faid, vpo itis groii- \j^ttacfoeueryouloe[eiHMrth, fbalbeloofedinheauert. By which commifsion ihe holy Bifhops aCxt . rt dcd. ofolddid cutoflargepeeccs ofpenanceenioyned tooiiendcrs, andgaucpcace, grace, or ,i, indulgence,* tcforc they hadaccomplifhed themeafure oftheir appointed or defcrued Cypritt.eb. punifhmcnt. and that is to glue pardon. Andfo S.Paulhercdid tovvardes the Corin- 15. /^.,/.* thian, whom he aflbiled of niere grace and mercie, r.s the word dsnarc or (cndonnre doth ^^^^ ' ^gnific, when he might longer haue kept him in penance and temptrallafiiiction for his ^'^ offence. Vvherof though he had already before God inwardly rep^'ntcd, yet was he f^- -^^ iuftly holden vnderthis correction for forie fatisfadlionofhis fault paft,duringthe Apo- 7"""'^^'"'* Vvhat is a ltleSpleafure.Tc^^emit then the temporal punifhnient or chaftifmenc due to flnners after "»."«*'»'• pardon or in- t^e offence it fclf and the guilt therof be forgiucn of God , is an I ndulgcnce or pardon . dulgcnce. which the.priacipal Magiftrates of Gods Church by Chnftes vvarr.-int and the Apoftlcs example, hauceuer donc.beingno lefle authorifed to pardon then to punii'h , and by imi- tation of our Maifter (who forgaue 'the aduoutercflc and ciuers other offe;iders,not only j^ g ,^ their finncs, but alfo of.cn the temporal punif hments due for the fajne) are as much gtuea to mercie as to iuftice. /I'.ForjoM.] Theodorcte vponthis place faith that the Apoftie gaue this pardon to the Corinthian at the intercefsion of the blefled men Timo:heus and Titus. And we may Tndulgences readin fundricplaces,ofS. Cyprian namely , that Indulgences or rcniifsions were giucn cjpr.locts or pardons in in the primitiuc Church by the mediation of holy Ccufcflbr; or Martyrs, and bycomu- *''*"'• the primitiue uicating the fatisfnctorie vvorkes of one to anothcr,to which end they gaue their letters to Cimrfh. Bifhops in the behalfe of diuers thcirChriftia brethre,a thing moft agrcable to the mutual cntercourfe that is betwene the members of Chriftcj myftical body, and very anfvverable to Gods iuftice, * which by fupply of the one fort that aboundeth,ftandeth entire in ref- ^ Cor. t, ped ofthe other fort alfothatwanteth. In which kindcthe Apoftie con fefleth that him felf byhis fuffcringand tribulations, fupplieththe vvantcs of fuch pafsions as Chrift C«l,[,t-f» hath to luffer, not in his ovvne perfon, but in his body, which is his Church. Vvhcrevpon vve inferremoft aflurcdJy,that thcfatisfadtoric and penal vvorkes of holy Sainfles fuf- ': feredin this life, be communicable and applicable to the vfe of other faithful men their fellow-members in our Lord , and to be difpenfcd according to euery ones necefsitie and dcferuing, by them whom Chrift hath conftitutcd ouer his familie, and hath made the difpenfers of his treafures. , JO. In the perfon of Chrift.'\ For that many might of ignorance or pride reproue th« Al pirdon »nd p^ ^^j^e ^f Gods Church and her Officers , or deny the Apoftlcs authoritie to be fo great r^mifsion is ^^^^^ mensfoules as to punif hand pardon in this fort, S.Pawl doth purpofely and pre- in the vertue .^^jy^^lj|.jjpj^^j^j^^|. j^^ dothgiuc pardon as Chriftes Vicar, or as bearing his perfoiiia r-i •A'^"^'^ ° thiscalc:and thcrfore that nomanniay maruel ofhispovver herein, except he thinkcthae Cnrilt. Chriftes power,authoritie, andcommifsion is not fufficientto rcleafc temporal punif U- .„ . . ... mcntduc toiinncrs. And this to be theproper mcaningof thefc wordes, /» /l^f/ifryonii/Jy jf^^g-f*- Hcretical ti a- ^^^^^ ^ .jnd not as the Proteftants would haue it ( the bcitcr to auoid the former conclu- ^ ^^ lUtiOa« /ion ofthe Apoftles giuing indulgence) .'»/^ andTra- diiionvawrit- tea< ANNOTATIONS Chap. I I L j.ThelpijIktifClTiJf.l S. Paul and other holy vvriterK of Scriptures did fetdowne many thingcs in vvriTing,by penne, infce, and paper , al vvhich be ofthe Holy Gboft : bu6 the fpccial and proper bockeofChriftes tru hand Gofpel , is not the external writing in thofe dead creatures , but infthchartes ofthe faiihful , being the proper fubiede cf thefe truthes and graces preached in the new Teftameni,, and the habi:acleof the Holy Ghoft. In the vvhich booke of faithful mens hartes ^. i au^ vvroie diucrs thingcs not vttcred ia any Ef iftlc : as fundrie ofthe Apoftles vvroie the Chriftian religion in the hartes of their hearers oncly,and in other matenai bockes not at all. V\hereot S. Irenxuili.i.c. *. faith, What andif the K^fojilts alfohad left no Serif tures , oughtwe tiottofolovvthe order ef the trtuiitioHf vvhich they deliueridviito them to vvlomthey committed the Ct^urches ? t» the which ordiname many Hatiom of thofe harbaroM people that haue heleeued in Chrijl ^ doconfent, without letter or t»ke, hauing [iduationvvritttH in their hartes , and keeping diligently the tradii ton of the elders. And S. hicroni, { cutt, 1», iiierof c. 9, ndPtm.) In ths Cretde ofwrjaiih mi hope,vvhi(h being dtliHtred bj (r^itmf-cm ^ " " thii Cha. iiir. TO THB- CORINTHIANS. 477 he*f&aTfo, wherct/andTvhere.n fhe kccpeth faitKulIy a truth wmten in the h.rtcsSofetovvhomtheApoftlfsdidprfach, vvuhthc]>kcd. igcnceas fhek^^^^^ and prcfCTueih the o.her booke which is of holy Scriptures, f/om al corruption ot Here- *'*'"'bf<,«r')iL!"^This makethfirft againftthe Heretike, called Pelagians, that hold Gods frrace & cur niSr^u ■ alnsoTcogirationsfobecffreevvilonely, andnotof Go^ ?rlce 'econdly againft the Prlteftantcs,vvho on the contrarie /Ide referrc al to God,and muft cocurrc. fake iWay manl frcedoin and proper motion in h,. thoughtcs and doings : the Apoftle confeVsing our good cogitations to be our ovvne , but not as commmg ot our lelues , but f Tfc«/*///rAi//«i^ ] AstbeIetteroftheoIdLavvnottrueIyvnderi\ood,norrcfcrred The letter to Thrift eoiiTnuundingand not giuing grace andfpiritto fulfil that vvhich was com- kiDeih both IrWed dia bv occaflo kill the carnal lew ; To the letter of the new Teftainet not truely lew and He* Taken nor exrounded by the Spirit of Chria (which is onely inhis Church) k.llcth-he retike. Hercfkc : who alfo being carnal and void offpirit, gaineth nothing by the external pre- cepts or good leflbns of the Scriptures, but rather taketh hurt by the fame. SeeS.Augu- Ctiatta.io.&n.yo &toodittmpore.fii'li.dtSp.^lit.c.:.6.&ieq. -nt. j »).• - ^. oiMKchmor,^ ThepreemmenceofihenewTcftamentandcfJiepnefthodorMini- The precmi- fterie thercot before the old.is.that the nevv,byal her Sacraments and I riefts as minifters nonce of the immediate of grace and remifsion of/Innes, doch fo ex opcre oper^o giuc the fp.rit of life and new reftamet, Jhlritie into the hartes of the faithful , aj the old did giue the letter or exicrnal adl of S^acraments , ^*" \7T\^trelfPimcvcU ] As the Icvves reading the old Tcflament , ty reafo« of their t he heretikes l,lindnes( which God for thepunif hment of their increduhcieluSere.h toremaineas a more blmdeir, couervponthe.r eies and hartes) can not fee Chriftinthe Scriptures vvh.ch they da.ly not feing the heare read in .heir Synagogs , but f hai, when they belceue in him and haue the couer re- c hurch , then moLdVperce iu aVtobeVoftVl^^'n '1^<^ I'*:" ^o Tuen^ Hcretikeshau.ngC as ^Auguftinenoreth) a farre greater couer of blindnes and not Xeing ^ increduUt.e ouer cheir hartes in reined of the Ca.hol.ke C hurch vvhuh they m.pugne, Chrift. hen le ewes haue concerning C hrirt, can not fee , though they read or heare the S crip- u esrcad neuer fo much , the ^taruelous eu.dence of the Cachoake Ch^^^^^^^^ al pointes : bui when they t hal returne againe to the obedience of the lame Church ,. hey fbKde-.he Scriptures moft cleere for her and her doanne , andf hal wonder at their former blindnes.^^^^ Spirit and grace of God in the new Teftament difchargeth vs of True ChriftiJ thebonui-^ot h- lavvandiinne, but is not a warrant to vs of tiefhly licence , as S. Ubertie. ete vvSeth : nor difchargeth C hnft.ans of .heir obedience to order , law , and power ofMagiftrates fpirituai or temporal , as fomc Hcretikes ofthefc daies do feditioufly teack. Chap. IIU. That accordlnr tsfo rlorhus « mimjterie requirtth.he liueth tndpreiuhtthfinctrely. r the vvhich fleriehu^duerjkries can not count vame.confidtnng hu perjecu- tions becauleperfecution u to GedsgLorie,andto aur iitmiUtieandhope.andme- ricoriou, of mcre^je of ^rM in thu life, and of m»jl ^ImOM bodm *nd >«/« aftervvard. HE RF O RE hailing this miniftra- tion : according as we haue obteined mercie, vvctailenot, t but we re- nounce the fecrete things of difhone- ftie,not walking in craftines,nor"adul- terating the word of God, but in ma- nifeftationof the truth commending o«r felucs to cucry confcience of men Ooo iij before 478 THE SECOND EPISTLE OF S. PAVL ChA. IIII. before God. t And iF our Gofpel be alfo hidde, iu them 3 that peril hit is hidde, t in whom the God ot this world 4 hath blinded the mindes of the infidels,that the illumination of the Gofpel of the glorie of Chrirt who is the image of The Epiftic (3qJ rnioht notfhinetothem. tFor vvepreachenotourfel- t £ui.SiUi.2. uc£,but 1 E s V s Chtift our Lord : and vs,Yom' ieruants by Iesvs, t becaufeGodthatcoramaunded light to fhine (J of darkeneSjhe hath f hined in our hattes to the illumination of the knowledge of the glorie of God , in the face of Chrill Iesvs. t But we hauethis treafure in earthen 7 veflels, that the excellencie may be of the power ot God, and not of vs. t Inal things we fuffer tribulation, but are § not in diftrelTe ;*^vve want, butarenot dcftitute : t vvc 9 fuffer perfccution, but are not forfaken : vvc arc cart dovvnc, but we perifhnot : t alvvaics bearing about in our body to the mortification of I e s v 5,that the life alfo of 1 e sv s may bemanifeflcdinour bocHes. t For vve that liuc,arealvvaies h deliuered vnto death for 1 e s V s : that the life alfo of 1 1 s V s may be mamfcfted in our mortal flefh. t Death then vvor- 12. keth in vs, but life in you. t Andhauing the fame fpirit of 13 faith, as it is written j lbdeeued,ferthe yvlmhcafffc lhmefpo)t^y», VVC alfo beleeue,for the which caufe we fpeake alfo:t knowing 14 that he whichraifed vp Iesvs, vvilraife vp vsalfo vviiii I Esvsand fetvs vvithyou.'-I t Foral things are for you: 15 that the grace aboundirsg by many in giuing of thankes,may abound vnto the glorie of God. t For which caufe vve l<> faile nof.but although that our man which is vvichour,''cor- rupte: yet that which is within, is renewed from day to day. t For that our tribulation which prcfcntly is momen- 17 tanie & light," <= wotkcth aboue meafure excedingly an crer- Sbie I "7V, nal weight of glorie in vs,t we not cofidcring the things that 18 ioth fiifeiy are fcen.but that are not feen.For the things that be feen, are imtb, temporal : but thofe that be not leen,arc eternal. ANNOTATIONS Chap. I HI- Kereti'kei cor- ». ^Mteraihg.-] He giucth often warning of T-ilTc te^ichcrs ,.yhcCe fpechLin.^proref ^^^ ^^^. ruptcr^ of ftndie is fofjHJfie and adulrerate by deceitful court' unions , ;Titerpr-;i;ions , md apr ■! /^ ^ ^ ^/ Gods V/ord : cadons, ihc Word of God : hailing noother end buC t:) make therr a^nanragc of h?^' crio Ca-hoiike Do- tures, and toga Inf^ glorie and cftimation an-.ong tlu'/Inf-il indihvp]c,'\y ne'X^ I'.emCcd ex- aors , jTight po/idons. V vhercin the Proteftants do excel the auncfe.nt He>;e ike>- ,__nMn.e eucr mor*- Aaadiers liier- juipurdyhaoKiciingihe VYordofGodtlieatl*cydo. Qngencalluhruili iinpturon-.'n fureiln z ad- jjf, i^adullerei J^ontt Cha. V. TO THE CORINTHIANS. 479 (^ adulteros 1 tbectics and adulterers ofthe Scriptures. S. Qy\)rizn{dcviiU.Ec,nu.7.)cz\\cih them , corrupters of iheGofpeJ , fajfe interpreters, artificers and crafccfniaftcrs in cor- ^ rupfing thetruth. On the other /Tde, forfpeciaJ reuerenceand fincerivie of dealing in thofc r.iatters,ihe fathers and al Catholjke preachers or Expoficorj were of old called t.Ttm.i. accordingto Ji. Paules vvordestoTimothee, /?«fff /r<»ff«»/«T/frf'«;» 2)«', right handlers of the word of God. n.Work^th.'i The temporal and fhort tribulations which we patiently and willing- Tribulations lyfuflerfor Chrift , do winne vs cuerlafting joy andglorie. Anditis hereto benoted i"*''»'':orious againftthe Hcroiikes, that tribulations do vvorke or caufe thcfaidfa'uation, Which they °f glorie. ^ . deny to be giucn torluch chingcsj but for or by faith onely. S. Auguftinc makeihfuch Kg-, in j.jijujaticns for Chr-iftfo much the meritorious caufe of euerlafting life and reft, that he ^i't' ^'^''' faifli it is faiablc and bought thereby. And it is Written. Sap. lo , Gcd rtndreth or refaiith pefnetn. ^^ -^^^ ^^^ ^|,^ ^^^^ of their laiiurs. II n Chap. V. Th*t After death efthe body thefeule tnay to htaum x thtrfere j alth$ugh naturally we abhone death ,bygrnce hedcfireth it rather : 9 in conjidcrction of Chrijies iujl fiuUemott, liuinj^as inthefightofGodjyeaandoftheircoiifiiences, 11 Which he IpeAketh not to praijehimjilf, butbecaufeofbis .Aduerfarics -jvho did^iorie in carnal ri(beiiei : but be und the other .Afofiles regard nothing but their recon- ciliation vrto God by Chrijt, and to reconcile others alje , as bein^ hit legatetjor that fur ffi. O R we know tliat if our earthly houfc of this habitarion be diUblued, that vve haue a building of God , a houfe not made with hand,cternal in hcauen. t Forinthisalfodo vvegronc, defirous to be oucrclothed with our ha- bitation that is from heauen: t yet fo,if vve be found clothed, not naked, t For vve alfo that are in this .tabernacle, grone being burdened: because vve would not be fpoiled, but ouerclothed, that that 5 vvhichismortal,mightbefvvallovvedvpof life, t And he that maketh vs to this fame, is God , who hath giuen vs the 6 pledge of the Spirit, t Being bold therfore alvvaies, and knowing that while vve are in the body , vve arc pilgrimes 7 from GodjC t for vve vvalke by faitli and not by light) 8 t bur vve are bold,and hauc a good vvil to be pilgrimes ra- 9 ther from the body,& '•: to be prefcnt with our Lord, t And therfore vve endeuour,vvhethcr abfcnt or prefcnt , to pleafe 10 him. t For* vve muftal be manifeftcd before the iudgemet fcate of Chriftjthat euery one may receiue"thc proper things of the body,accordjng as he hath done, " either good or euil. t Knowing therfore the feare of our Lord vve vfc per- fu^fiontomenibuttoGodwearemanifeft. t And I hope alfo that in your cojnfcienccs vvearemanifcft. t Vve com- mend •• This place proueth that the Sainds de- parted novY fince Chrift, fleepenottil tiie day of iudgc- mcnr, and ;hat they be no« hoJdcn in any feucral place of reft fron* the fniicicn of God til the re- furredion of their bodies , but that ihcjF be prefent Yvi'.h God in their foiiics. That 4S0 THE SECOND EPISTLE OF S. PAVL ChA. V. mend nor ourfeluesagaine toyoujbutgiueyou occafion to glorie fox vs : chat you may hauc againft them that glorie in face, and not in hart, j for whether we excede in mindie,to ij God : or whether vvc be foberjto you. t For th? charitic 14 • of Chrift vrgeth vs : iudging this,that if one died for aljihen al were dead, t and Chrift died for al -.that they alfo which 15 Iiue,may notnowhucto them fclues, but tohim that died for them and rofeagaine. t Therforc we from henceforth 16 know no man according to the flcfh. And if we hauc knowen Chrift according to the flei h : but now we knoNF him no more. t if then any be in Chrift a new creature: the old are 17 pafiTcd, behold'*^ al things arc made new. t but al of God, 18 who hath reconciled vs to him felfby Chrift : and hath gi- uen " vs the minifterie of reconciliation. I For God in 19 decdc wasin Chrift reconciling the world to him felf, not imputing to them their finncs,and hath put in vs the word of reconciliation. ■[ For Chrift therfore we are lcgates,God 20 as it were exhorting by vs. Foi Chnft we befeeche you, be reconciled to God. t Him that knew no finne, for vs he 21 i*!. to made'^ finne : that we might be made "the iuftice of God fay, a facrifice . i . an 1 .in hofl for innilll finnc. See the lajfannot.ofthu ' •* — chapter. H,J. ANNOTA TIONS Chap. V- Theplief^ion f.gai'.iftpraiers ■for the dead. anfvvrred by S. Auguftine. riiOriQ'JS. ind dcnLeritori - O.US. Ch:ift niini- JU-rs of 0'.jr r»,The^rot>erthm^tofhubody,?i S\ Auguflinc (Enchirid.t. ir«.) obicfleth this fpeacfiof the: Ap'>ftlc,as in the perfon of fuch as deny the praieii , »lmes. and facrificc* of the huing to be auaiia- ble for the dead, andheanfvverethas folovvich. Thupmnifi (faith he) e/Godi Church in the com' mtr"i%cion of the dead , it Ttothingrepugnxnt to th» fentenct of thi ^poJHt , •where he (kith , thatweTha^ alfia?id before the ittdgement ftMe of Cbr^ , thut euery one may receiue according te /;« dejerti in the body, clt'Jirgood oreiul.For,inhii lifettnd beforedeath he defertud thi>,thteach::theirabfolution and remilTion of finnrs, as Chrirtcs ovi/ne pardon :their whole ojJice being, nothing c!s (as we fee by this paiTage) but the Vicart hip of Chtiil. xi.TheitiJiiieofGod.] Euenai (faith S. Augufline) whenwereade,Saluiit!onisour Lordet,it it ttii meatit tb»tJ»litiitio Wiiertby oMr Ltri KfttHed,i>HtVvhtrtt>ji they artfttittd wlit hefaHetb:C«Vvheit U (did^ ChA. VI. TO THE CORINTHIANS. 481 faid, Gods iajlice , th*t it nut to be vnderjfood wherewith God it iuj} , but that wherewith men are iu_^ Corls " on the firft receiue not the grace or God m vainc. Sunday of ( t For he faith, in time Mcepted haiic I hrarii ^ <^"'- thee land in the daj of falndtion haiie I hel^en thee. Behold, now is the time acceptable : be- hold noTV the day of faluarion.) t to no man giuing any offence , that our minifte-' 4 riebenot blamed : -f hut inal things let vsexhibite our feluesas theminiftcrsof Godjinmuch patience, inttibuia- 5 tions,in neceffitieSjin diftreffes, t in fl:ripes,in prifons , in fe- 6 ditionsjin labours, " in vvatchings,in fallings, t in chaftitie,in kno vvledge,in I5ganimitie, in fvveetenes,in the holy Ghofi:, 7 in charitie not feined, t in the word of truth, in the vertuc of God, bythearmour'of iuftice on theright hand, and on 8 theleft, t by honour and difhonour, by infamie and good fame : as feducers,and true : as they that are vnknov ven ,and 9 knowen: -j- as dying,and behold we line: as chaftened, & 10 not killed: t asforovvful,butalvvaies reioycing:asnecdie, . but enriching many;as»»hauing nothing, and polTefling al /in',!f!'r^",'^l"! things. *^ thereth here- 11 t Our mouth is open to you 6 Corinthians , our hart is AVoSts d^d II dilated, t You arenot ftraitened invs: but in your owne vpw pouer, 13 bowels you arc ftraitened. t But hauing the fame reward 14 (I fpeake as to my children) be you alfo dilated, t" Beare =•' it is noc not the yoke with infidels. For what participation haih iu- cSoJikfrto fticc withiniquitie ? or" what focieiie is there betweneh'ght marie with 15 anddarkenesJ t And what agreement with Chrift and Be- in^/dels!^,,^^ 16 liahor what part hath the faithful with the infidel ? t And Mitro-m.comj: what agreement hath the temple of God with Idols J For I'Sj/i^VfJ Ppp you 48i THE SECOND IPISTLB OF S. PAVL ChA. VII. you arc the temple of the liuingGod.as God faith, rim I yyll dyyel , <<»^ yvdlk^ in tbem^/ind yy il be then Cod : and they fhd he my people. t Foe the which caufe, Coeoutoftbemiddesofthe>n,4ndfep4/4teyonr 1/ /clues , faith our Lord, and touch nottheyndeane : Kndlyyilreceineyou. \ and I yvilheafathertoyou : andyou fbal.be my formesanddAUghters, faith i8 our Lord omnipotent. Leu. x6, II. Hier. ji, I. Gods Mini- ftcrs arc his coidiutors. Gods grace forccth no ma againft his vril. Voluntaric penance. Not to com- municate with Jieretikes Jn any ade of re- ligion. ANNOTATIONS Chap. VI. 1. Htlbiifg.l For that he declared before theMinifters of the nevvTeftament to be Chriftes deputies , and that when they preach or do any fundion , God as ic were fpcaketh or doech it by them.he boldly now laith, Helping therftrt: that i« to la/, ioyning or woikiug togeiher with God, ^.f^, ,. we do exhort. --i i.Graceinvalne.] The grace of God worketh not in managainft hiswill, nor forceth any /"**"'> thing without his acceptation and confent : andtherfore itiicih in mans will to fruftraceotto folow the motion of God, as this text plainely proueth. /. In W^titchinz'-] Vvhen in the middcs of many mifcries and perfecutions.the Apoftles yet of their owne accord added and required voluntarie vigils , fadings , and chafticie, we may wel per- ceiue thefe workcs to be wonderful grateful to God.aud fpecially needful in the Ciergie. I*. What ftdetie.] Generally here it forbidden conuerfation and dealing with al Infidels , and confequently with Heretikcs , but fpecially inpraiers, or meetings atrheir Schifmatical Seruice. preaching, or other diuiuc office whatfocuer. Vvhich che Apoftle here vtteteth in more patticular and different termcs, that Chriftian folkc may take the better hcede of it. Nofocietie (faith he) nor felowfhip.no participation noragreement. noconfent becwrne light anddarkncs, Chrill and Baal, che temple of God and the temple of idols: al Seruice, as pretended worf hip of God fet vp byHeretikes or Schifmatikes , beinj? nothing els but Seruice-.of Baal and plaineldolatrie, and their conuenticles nothing but confpirations againft Chrift. from fuch therfore fpecially we muft fcuet our fclues alwaies in hart and mind.and touching any a mans /inne which is called here, Sorow towardes God and for pcnance.otheiwifc called Conrrition, and is a y yorkcth fal» thing cxcedinglytequifite and much praifed, the ftuites whereof are thcfe that the Apofljerecke- uatio. * T#. a. »n neth, working laluation . Vvhich dodrinc is farrediflant from* Luthers, andCaluins, andfuch •ffirt. 4rt. vviciccd Libertines, that teach comritionto bcaltejctiiwanicancstomalcefinneKcitherhypo-' «. 4 Ltene elites, oj to {ut them in deljpaiic. lUtntiMt, Ppp jj CUA»A 4S4 THE SECOND BPISTLEOF S. PAVL ChA. VIII. " The princi- pal refpe(fte next after cod, is to be had of •urmaillers in religion , in al temporal and ^iritual due- titt. Tke Epiftle for S. Pauli- TheEpiQle vpon S. Lukes Chap. VIll. S7 the examfU of thepoore ^Cacedomans he exhorteth them to eeutriimte Ur^clj vmta the Church of HUrufaUm , r and bjpraijhi^of them, 9 and hy the example of Chnft . I* and, by their ovvne fj/iritual profile in hein^ partakers of that Churches mtriiei , iS and by commending the coUeilors that hej'endeth. N D we doc you to vnd€iftan& al caretulnes, moreouer alfo in your charitic toward vs, th^t in this grace alfo you may aboundie. t l^eakenotascommaunding : but 8 bythe carcfulnesof others,approuingaifo thegood difpo- fitionof yourcharicie. 1 For you know the grace of our 9 Lord I F. s V s Chrift,that for you he was made poore, whcr- as he was riche: that by his pouertie you might be riche. t Andinthispointlgiuecounfehfotthis is profitable for 10 youjvvhich hauc beg5nenotonly to doe,but alfo to be wil- iing,from the yere paft : t but now perfourme ye it alfo in it deede : that as your minde is prompt to be willingjfo it may bealfotoperfourme,of that which you haue. f For if the iz wil be prompt: it is accepted according to that which it hath,not according to that which it hath not. t Fotnotr3 that other fhould hauc eafe,and you tribulation: but by an cqualitie. t Let in this prefent time your "aboundance fup- 14 plie their vvant:that their aboundance alfo may fupplie your want, that there be an cqualitie, t asitis written:Hf fWib€ the more fraifed, 0 R concerning the minifterie that is done " toward the faindes, it is fuper- fluousfor me to write vnto you. t For 1 know your prompt minde:for the which I glorie ofyou to the Macedonians: That Aehaia alfo is ready from the yere paft,and your emulation hath prouokcd veiv ma- ny, t But! haue fent the brethren,that the thing vvhich vve giotieof you, be not midevoide in this bchalfc, that (as I P p p iij haue cThit li , mtha mttter *f tlmti. C'r.ryf.TbiOfhjl. The Epiftle fey- <• Lau- tcncCjAujj. lo ■•« TKc fruite ofslmcs is the cncicafe of grace inal iu ft ice and good workes to life cuerlafting : God gluing thcfe things for reward Sc recompenfe of charitable Workcs.vcbich thcrfore be called the feed or merito- rious caufe of thefe fpiritual Iruitcs. 35, II- ^%6 THBSECOND EPISTLE OF S. BAVL ChA. IX. haue (aid) you may be ready : t left when theMaccdonias 4 fhal come with nie,and finde you vnready,vvc (that we fay nor,ye)may bcalhamed*^inthisrubftance. t Thcrfore I 5 thought it neccftarie to defire the brethren that they would come to you, and prepare this blefling before promifed,to be ready fo,asa blefling/not as auarice. i And this 1 (ay , he (j that " fowcth fparingly/paringly alfo fhal reape: and he that foweth in blellings, of blcflings alfo fhal reape. i Eucry 7 one as he hath determined in his hart,not of fadnes or of ne- ccflitie. I foi Godloueth 4cheerefitlgtiier. t And God is able to 8 make al grace abound in you : that in al things alvvaies ha- 9 uingalfufficiencie, you may abound vnto al good vvorkes, "t as it is V \ liXlcn : He difiribiited Jje g4»e to the foore: ■'• his iitjlice re- mdweih for etier. \ And he that miniftrcih ^c&dQ to the fower, 10 wil giuc bread alfo for to eate; Sc vvil multipheyour fcede, and vvil augmet the increales of the fruitcs of your iuftice : -I 1 that being enriched inal things, you may abound vnto n al (implicitie,vvhich Worketh by vs thankes-giuingto God. t Becaufe the minifteric of this officc"doth not only fiipplie ii thofe things that the Sainds want, but aboundcth alio by many thankes-giuings in our Lord, t by the proofeof this 13 minifterie,glonfying God in the obedience of your confef- (lon vnto theGofpel of Chrift,and inthcfimplicitie of com- municating vnto them, and vnto al, t and in their praying 14 for you, being defirous of you becaufe of the excellet grace of God in you. t Thankes be to God for his vnfpeakc- 15 able gift. ANNOTATIONS Chap. IX. Frodter< lot i.TawttrdiheSainffs.'] By the Apoflles earncft and often calling vpon the Connth?anf'to Catholikepri- glue almesfor relieuingthe faithful in diftrefle, the Pallors of Gods Church may learnc, that it jfoner J . fpccially pertaineth to their office to be pioiSlers for holy men in prifon , pouertie, and al other ne- ceiritie, fpecially when their want commeth for confeltion of their faith. Chcereful gi- )■ 'N^t oi auarice.'] The couetous man that parteth with his peny painefully and with foroTr ^jng. as though he loft alimme of his body , is noted, and chceieful, ready, yoluntarie, and large contri- bution is commended. The greater 6.SovvethJj>»ringlj,'] Almex is compared tn fcede. fotas the feedcthrowen into the ground, almci , ;hc though it feme to be caft away, yet is not lolt , but is laid vp in certaine hope of great encrcalV: fo jrcatermerite that which men giuein almcs, thoughit feemeto becaftaway and to perifninrcfpcti ofche a»drCTfard. giuer, yet in deedcit ismoft fruitful, thebenffite thereof manifoldly returning to himagaine, Vvherevpon the Apoftles codufion is cleere, that according to the mealure of the almes or feeding (which is more oxlcfTe in refpt£l of the wil and abilitie of the giuer) the encrcafe and aboimdance ofh;trueft, that is, of grace and gloxie fhal enliie, SeeS. Auguitiae inPftd, *$ tiruimtd. & q. *. »d VnUitium. ChA. X. TO THE CORINTHIANS. 487 n. 'Doth nit ifielji fup fly ."] Vvhen almesaregiuen , fpecially toholy meii.nor oncly thegiucM ^'.nf., i-f.J,)-.^ obtainegreacbeaefitethercby.andthe vvaiitesofotliersbefupplied, but God ailo by therecciuers ^^ (-^ 1, j,^ . continual praiers and chankcs giuingtberforc, is excedingly honoured : lb chat charittebefto wed ^o,,,-. in this fort, is an a^e of Gods vvotfhip and of religion. Chap. X. ,Ag»inJl thefdfe .Apofilts , jrsunting the Infirtnitie of his pcrfon, Ic doth notvvithfian ■ 4ing ftt out the power ff hu 'ipojilffhip , n reprebtndmz them nlfo for e':4i- Itngitig to thtmfclues the fraift of other mem labouri, N D I Paul my felf befccche you by the raildcnes and modeftie of Cbrift.vvho in prefencein deedeam humble amog you, but abfentam bold on you. t But 1 be- feeche you, that being prefent 1 necde not be bold by that confidence vvhervvith I am thought to be bold againft fome: which thinke vs as though we vvalke according to the 3 flefh. t For walking in the flefh, vve vvarrc not accoi- 4 ding to the flefh. t For the" weapons of our warfare arc not carnal : but mightic to God vnto the dcflrudtion of mu- 5 nitionSjdeftroyingcounfels, t and al loftinefie extolling ic felf againft the knowledge of God,and bringing into capti- 6 uitiealvnderftanding vnto the obedience of Chrift , t and haumgin arcadinefl"c"to rcucngealdifobcdicce,when your 7 obedience fhal be fulfilled, t Sec the things that are accor- ding to appearance, if any manhauc affiance in him felf,thac he is Chrifts: let him thinke thisagaine with him felt , that 8 as he is Chrifts , fowcalfo. t For and if I fhould gloric fomev vhat more of our power, which our Lord hath giuen vs"vnto edification and not to your deftrudion : 1 f hal not cf be af hamed. t Bur that I may not be thought as it were to 10 tcrnfieyou bycpiftles ( t forhisepiftlesin deedc, fay they, are fore and vehement : but his bodily prefence wcake, and 11 his fpcachc contemptible) t let him this thinke that is fuch a one , that fuch as vve are in word by epiftlcs , abfcnt : Tuch 12 alfo vve are in deede, prefent, t For wedare not matcheor compare our fclues with certaine , that commend them felues: but vvemeafureourfelucs in ourfclues, and compare 13 our felues to our fclues. t But vve vvil not glorie aboue our mcafurc:but according to the meafure ofthc rulc,vvhich God hath raeafured to vs,a meafure to rcache cuen vnto you. ^ i For -^ 488 'the second epistle ops.pavl Cha.X. t For not,as though vvc reached not vnto you, dosvvc ex- 14 tend our fekies beyond.For vveare comeasfaricas to \ou in the Gofptl of Chiift. t not glorying abouc mcafure in 15 other mens labours : but hauing*^hope of your faith in- creaiing, to be magnified in you according to our rule aboii- dandy, t yea vnco thofe places that are beyond you,tocuan- 16 gelize^not in an other mans rule,to glorie in thofe thingsthat aie prepared before, t But he that gloiiethjet him glorie in ly our Lord, i Fornot he that comnicndeth him felf, the fame 18 j if''>"-9,i5 is approued:but whom God commendcth. ANNOTATIONS C K A p. X. Pn'iirtiiiig of *.Z>veai>ons.~\ He meaneth the ample fpiritual and Apo.lolical power giueii by Chrift for the Herctikes. punifhmem oi'fACe Apoftles, Heretikes, aiidrebelles to Gods Church, who are here noiedfpc- ciaily bypride andinfolence (vvhicjiis thepropermarkeotfuch fcliovves^ to extol 1 them fclues Their pride, aboue the meafiue of the fciencc of God .which coniilteth in humble obedience to the faith and- the preachers of the fame. 6. To reuenge. ] You may fee hereby, that the fpiriuial povver of Bif hops is not onely in prea- ching the Gofpel, and [o by pctfualion and exhortation onely (asfome Heretikes bold) toremicte The fpiritual power of Bi- fhops againft Heretikes. or retainelinnes , but th.« it hath auihoritie to puiiifh , iudge, and coudenine Heretikes and _ , . . other like rebelles: which povver * one ofthe principal rebelles of this time being conuincedUy ,*'***''#. the euidence of the place , atknovvleJgith to be grounded vponChriftcs word, Vvbatfeeueryou .""* * ^' b'mdi in earth , fhal bebotind i.i kc.iucn : iMat- is, is. applyingalfo the wordesfpoken to Hieremie r**"* (c. 1, 10.) Tiihotd I ajfpsinttheevMr u^ations and kingdoms, that thou plant, pluckevp, build ttnddejiroyt to conlirme and explicate the power Apollolike herealleaged by S. Paul. Mary they would Heretical C6- gladly draw this povver from the lawful luccelTors of the Apoftles, to them fclues, their minifters flftorics. 2nd confiftories, which are nothing els but the f hoppe» and Councels of fedition and al the con- fpiracies of this time.againll the lawful Princes of the world. ■ EcclciTaftictl i.Vntoedijicatir,u\ This great povver of the Churches cenfurcs, fpecially of Excommunica- cenfures ( na- tion, asit v/asgiuen forthe goodandfaluation of thepeople.foicmuftnot be vfedagainft the jnely Excom- innocent ; no nor yet vpon Heretikes or other otfenders, but where and when it may by likeUho J ynuiiication ) benefite either the panics, or the people, oi may be executed without the hurt or pertorbation of Whc& where the whole Church, as often times it cannot be,byreafon of the multitude of offenders. Vvhich »o be c-'iccu- eaufed the Apoftle hereto fignifie that he would not vfe his vttermoft authotitieagainft the falfe- j-p J '^ "' Apoftles which difturbed them , till them felues were in perfect obedience vnco him. left by pu- nifhingtheprincipal offenders, agreaterdilluibanceandrcuoitmightfallamon^thcpeople, if they were not before in perfect obedience. Chap. XI. He nnfoneth themattervvtth ihi Ceri!ithians,why they fheuldprtferre the falft ,Ap»- Jilti before him. i6 .yfndbeeaufe theygiue them leaue to bragge and commend them felues ,and to abufe themfo miferably, he trttfieth they "uvil alfogiue Jim the hearing : xi andfo he begimieth.andjirji f hewing himfclfin al ludaical rejpeUes (wherein onely /food al their boa/ling) tobem they are , headdeth if^furwtrdfreh 4 long reU tfkis fufferingiftr Chrift, at is ihcatnparnble^ VvouM Cha. TO THE CORINTHIANS. 489 Vould God you could beare Tome litle of •= The Apo- my folly : but do yeaUo fupport me: t for 1 ^l^.^'Z emulate you with the emulation of God. defpoufc the For I haue - defpoufed you to one man , to fheT'onuer prcfent you a chafte virgin vnto Chrift. tedjto chrifi, .»^-r.^«r.«««« t But 1 iPeareleftjas the ferpent feduced Euc chlS'^of by his fubteltie.fo your fcnfes may be corrupted, & fair'from ""f '^, ' ^^J^^ / ,- 1. . . 1 •^. . ^1 ■ r> XI- -r L 1 •• 1 vvhoJy viukfi- theiimplicitiethatismChnlt. t borit netnat •• commeth, kd and void preache an other Chrift who We haue not preachedjor you j°^^^JJ°"'' """^ receiue an other fpirit whom you hauc not receiued : or an ^'-Thcnotccf other Gofpcl which you haue not receiued:you might wel ^^.^^^JJ/Jj^'jYs*^,' fofFerit. t For 1 fuppofc that 1 haue done nothing IcflTe then without law- the great Apoftles. t For although "rude in fpeache,yet not feid?ng"^to'"' in knowledge. but in al things we are made manifcft to you. thmft and in- t Or did I commit a finnc,humblmg my fclf,that you might Jn''^\n"ojfer be exalted? becaufelcuagelized vnto you the Gofpel of God. '"^ns charge, gratis? t Ochcr churches 1 fpoiled,takingaftipend, for your minifterie. i And vvheni was vvithyou,and hadnecde, 1 was burdcnous to none : for that which I wanted, the brethren fupplied that came from Macedonia:& in al things 1 haue kept my felf without burden to you, andvvilkeepe. -- t Thetruthof Chriftisin me, that this glorying fhal not II be infringed toward me in the countries ot Achaia. j Vvhcr- 12, fore? becaufcl loue you not ? God doth know. 1 But that ""' a proper ,.,-, ,i«rt It 1 terme for He* V vhich I doc , I V vil alio aoe,tnat I may cut away the oc- retikes that cafion of them that defire occafion : that,in that which they ^^""^^o^'^Jj^" gloriejthey may be found euen like vs. t Forfuchfalfeapo-bitof truetea- ftlesare •• craftie workcrsjtrasfiguringthem feluesinro Apo-^j^^^jj^ ^ ^^^^'^ ftlesofChrift. t And no maruci: for Satan him felf tranf- allegation and figureth him felf into an Angcl of light, t It is no great ^f;j;;''\';-;';^ matter therforc if his minifters be trasfigured as the miniftcrs twrcs. k cade of iufticc:vvhofe ende fhal be according to their vvorkes. ajmoTiii'on^of t Againe 1 fay, ( let no man thinkc me to be fooJH hi o- the aimcient iherwifetakerneas foolilb, thati alfo may gloriea litle,) ""'^'"^'^ lO vvrucr Vm- 13 16 18 asit were in foohfhncSjin this fubftance of glorying, t Be- ,/°° r^j^f,!'* j caufe many glorie according to theflefh , 1 alfo vyil glo- «=«''"" "f "^ I 15) rie. "1 For you do gladly fufter the foolini: whereas your' ^Ti'cFpirue 20 felues are vvi(e. t Foryoufuffcr if aman bring you into "^P°"'^'^ ^^"'- feruitude,ifa man deuourc,if a mantake, ifa man becxtol- geime. 21 lcd,if a man ftrike you on thetace. t 1 fpeake according Q^q to t that which 1 fpeake, 1 fpeake not according to God, but i" h /- 1 /-. . 1 . <~ 1 n r 1 I T^ boo centim Lirinerrfis is jrolc'en 490 THB SECOND EPISTLE OT S.PAVl to dithonout , as though vvc had been vvcake in this part. Whctcin any man date (1 fpeake fohfb y ) 1 date alfo. | t ' Thevare Hebrevves-.andl. They ate IftaeUtes: and 1. ii They ate the fcede of Abraham: and I. t They ate the mm,- zj fos of Chrift : and I. ( I fpeake as one fcatfe wife) mote 1: in many moe labours.in pt.fons more aboundantly ,m ftt.pes abouemeafute.indeathes often, t OfthelcvvesHae times, 14 did? eceiue *fouttie. fauingone. V'^r^f ^ff^d * fWo" '^ * with toddcs , * once 1 was ftoned.thtife fuffred * f h'P- vvtacke, night and day haae 1 been in the depth of the lea, Tin ou nelg often, petijs of vvatets.petils of theeues.pe- z6 rils of my natiSn,perils of Gentiles.petils in the ciue , ^etils n the ^ildetnes,petils in the fea,petils among falfe btetnten t nUboutandmifetie,inmuch vvatchings. f .^-^/f ""^^7 th tft infaftinss often.in colde and nakednes, 1 befidethofe 18 . W..;.-..- h,but becaufe cueryman thatis ofthe Catholike faith , isnot alwaies of good life agreabletherevnto, 'K't that we nor the adtc* of our vvil fo fubied to vndcrftanding , that we can know certainely whether vvc ^^^ ^" grace. be good or euil. See S. Auguftinc /•. 7 dcftrfect.iuJiitU t, is. Li. dc Cer.etgmt- c, 13.& S. Thomas 1.1, q. IIS. art. 5. Qqq iij THE 494 ^THE ARGVMENT OF THE E P ISTLE OF S. PAVL TO THE GALATIANS. ^^P'mw^IO ■^^^^s ^9 ^p^^ ^H ?Sii^ ^S H^T" tins ^pifile ni/ty feeme to he thefirflthAt S. Paul yyrot( ^yyas decUred in the Argument of the Epljlle to the E^omanes, notyyithfiamitrtg thdt in tbeje- condclufter it is euidet to haitebeneyvritten i^yeres 4t the Uti(l after hii Cormerjion, itnd ( a^ it is [aid) front Ephefui.bctik^at thxttime of his being there, yyhiih ts mentioned Jich- 18. The occafon of it yy ere fiich V.dfe apofiles , ds vye readeof,^H,i$. Etqtiiditmdefiendentes, O'c And ccrtaine comming dovvne from Icvvi"ie,taughcriic brethren {thxtisthe Chriflim Gentiles at J.ntioche )that vnlcs you be circumcifcd according to the manner of Moyfes, you can not bcfaucd. Suchcommersalfoto the Ga- Utians(yyhom S. Paul had concerted ^ii.id, aihimfelf mentioneth Gal. i. and, 4. ) did fediice them,faying,thatalthe other ^pojiles toyvhomthey fhoiildrd- tber harkf;n,tben to Paul (yyho came tiny krieyy not from yybence ) didyfe Cir- citmcijion: yeaandthat Paulbimfelfyyben he came among them, durjldonone 6ther.jind to yyinne themmore eafdy,tbey didn»t lay on them the burden of the yyhole Layy,but of Circumcifion oidy. ytgainfl tbcfedeceiuers,S. Paul declareth,that he receiued his ^poftlefbip And learned the Gofpel that he preachetb,of Chriflhim felf after his B^e/mre^ion: /indthat the other Jfpofiles(.ilthough he learned nothingof them) received him into their fociette, and alloyyed yyelof his preaching to the Gentiles ^though them- felues being Jeyy es,and liuing among the leyy esjjad not yet left the ceremonies of the Layy : hoyybeit they did not put in them^ any hope ofiufiificatim, but in Chrijl Mone yyithout them. He declareth moreoHer,th.tt thefatd Palfeapoflles belyed him^ in faying that healfo preached Circumifion fbmetimes. jlgaine^ that they them- feluesinpreachingnoniorebut Circumcifion fiidttgainfl the nature cf Circumcifion, becaufeit ts aprofifsionto obfcrue the yyhole Lavy : finally , yyhat foe tier they pretended, that in deede they did it oncly to pleaje the Ieyyes,of yyhom otheryytfc tbcyfbouldbeperfecuted. So that in thts Epifh' be handleth the fame matter, yvhich inibe Epiflle to the Ti^manes : but here lefj'e exactly and more briejly,hecauf the Gulatians yyereye^ ry rude,and the B^manes contrariyyife, rcpleti omii fcientia ( Kom.i^ ) reple- milvcd with al knowledge. THE 5 4 5 6 7 % 9 lo II THE EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE G A L A T I A N S. Chap. I. c4(/lf I yet did pleafe men,I fhould not be the feruant of Chrift. t *= For 1 docyou to vnderftand,brcthrcn,the Gofpel that was '•' New Gof. pelleri that peruert, cor- rupt, or altc tJbc one onely true and firlt dcliuered Go- fpel,arc to be auoidcd . Se« S. Auguftine Cmt, Faujium c The Epinie vpon the Com- niciTioratioa of S. Paul,, lun.^o. 49^ THE EPISTLE OF S. PAVL Cha. I. was euangelized of me , that it is not according to man. t Forneithendidl receiueitof man,norleamcit:butby the li rcuelationof 1 E s V s Chrift, t For you haue heard ray couerfation fometime in ludaifme, 13 that aboue mcafure 1 pcrfecutcd the Church of God, and ex- pugnedit, 1 and profited in ludaifme aboue many of mine 14 equales in my nation,beingmorc aboundantly an emulator ot the traditions of my fathers, t But vvhenit pleafcdhim 15 that feparated me from my mothers vvombe , and called me by his grace,to reueale his fonne in me, t that 1 f hould euan- 16 gelize him among the Gentils, incontinent I condefccnded not toflefhand bloud, f neither came Ito Hierufalem to 17 the Apoflles my anteceflbrs: but I went into Arabia, and a- gainel returned to Damafcus. t Then, after three yeres I 18 i« s. lames came to Hierufalem "to fee Peter: and taried with him fiftene LorVe^^bro""^ daies. t But Other of the Apoftles favv I none:fauing lames 19 ther after the •• the brother ofour Lord, t And thcthings that I write to 2.0 ofthSes?by y^" • behold before God,that I lie not. ^ j After thar,l came n vvhich mere into the pattes of Syria and CiHcia. i And I was vnknowen 2.2 ciriedb"re?hrf-. by fight CO the churches of levvrie , that were in Chrift: for they were f but thcy had heard only , That he vvhich perfecuted vs 25 Tn^dce'/e , but fometime , doth now euangelize the faith vvhich fometime rather fifters he cxpugned: + andinme they elorificd God. 14 children. i o 1 j o Acl.^^U f.Taulfentto preachely or- dinarie impo- fitio of LaJes. Ko f hew of learning or yertue muft moiie vs ixom the faith. Preaching co- trarie to the faiih recci- fccdis forbid- den, not other f re^ichiflg. ANNOTATIONS Chap. I. I. liMthtriy mitn.'] Though he were not firft by mans eled^ion.oomination.oralTignemenr, but by Gods ovvne (pccial appointmet, chofen to be an Apoltle: yet by the like exprciTe ordinance- of God he tooke orders or impofition ot hands of men, as is plaine v4<,?. n. Let vs beware then of fuch falfe Apoflles, as now a daies intrude them fclues to the olficc of Minillerie and preaching, neither called ofGod, nor rightly ordered of men. 8. Or nn >An^tl.] Many worthie obfcniations are made in the fathers writings.of the earncft admonition ofthe Apoftle, and much may we gather of the text it felf. firfl, that the credit of any minor Angel for what learning, eloquence, fhew ofgraceorveituefoeuer, though he wrought miracles , Ihould not moue a Chriftian man from that truth vvhich he hath once receiued in the Catholike Church: of vvhich point Vincentius Lirinenfis excellently treateth. li. cont.profan. h^ref. 'Njouitates, Vvhcrebyvvc may fee tliatit is great pitie and fhame, thatfoniany folovv Luther and Caluin and fuch other Icude fcllowcs, into a new Gofpcl, vvhich are lb farre from Apoftles and Angels , that they arc not any vvhii comparable with the old Heiciikcs in gjttcs of learning or elo- qucnce.much leflTejn good life. Secondly S. Auguftinenoteth vpon the word , "Befide , that not al other reaching, or more preaching then the firft, is forbidden, butfuch as is contrarieand difagreing to the rule of faith, y*"- P* Tht KApyiltdid tiotfay, faith he, lf»ny man euangtiiTjt toyou more tbm you haue receiued, but , hcfidt "» ^***»' that you reetiued. fir if he/ hould fay that,he fhculd he preittdicial to him felf , whs coiieted to comt to tht Th^nltnitni ,th«U ht might fttffly thatvvhith vvm warning it their faith, liiovv he that fupplieth, ttddttb Cha. I. TO THE GALATIANS. 45>7 iieltics , ar- ?ueth falfc ciodrine. dddeth thai which vva4 lacking, taketh notavuty thafvvhich vvai, &e. By which we fee how {li- H0I0UII7 and calummoully the Heretikes charge the Church with addition to the Scriptures. Thirdly, as vvel by the word euxngelizAmus (we euangelize) as the word accepifiis (you haue The GofpeJ i? rcceiucd) we may note that the firil truth.againlT: which no fecond Gofpelling or dodlrine may be not one) v in admitted, isnot that onely which he wrote to the Galatians , or which is conteined either in his the Written or any other of the Apoftles or Euagelifles vvritings.but that which was by word of mouth alio word of fcrin- preached,taught,or deliuered them firft.before he wrote to them. Therfoie the Aducrlaries ofthe tiire hut 1 Church that meafute the Vord of God or GoCpel by the Scriptures onely, thiiiking them felues nor vnwr'itten tra toincurreS. Paulcscurle, except they teach diredlyagainfl: the written word, aie fouly beguiled, dition 0.IC6. As therein alfo they fhamhilly erre, when they ch.ugc the Catholikes With adding to the Goipel when theyteach any thing thatisnotin exprelleWordes Written by the ApolHcs or Euangeliftes. not marking that the Apoftle in this Chapter.and els where,commonly calleth his Jc his fellovvcs Whble preaching, the Gofpel, be it Written or vnwritten. Fourthly, by the lameWordes We fee condemned al after-preachings, later doiSliines , new ar fedes aiid authors of the fame : that onely being true , which Was firil by the Apo.lles and Apo- t • "'^^'"P''"- ftolike men as the lawful hultandmen of Chriltis (ild,fowed and planted in the Churchrand that r '."'? ''^ ©Uer- falfe, which was laterand asit wereouerfowen by theenemie. By which rule not onely Tercul- ,,°u'"^^^ "°' , lian ((iir/?r