i in A rvA e
No. 42 North Ninth Street.
Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by
in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for
the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
This Book of Hymns for Sunday-schools originated
in the acknowledged want of such a volume in the
Lutheran Church. Its immediate occasion was the
generous donation of one hundred dollars by Rev. F.
W. Geissenheiner, and F. W. Geissenheiner, Esq., of
the city of New York, for such a publication by the
Lutheran Board. To accomplish the object in an
orderly manner, the subject was referred to the Gene-
ral Synod at Pittsburg in May, 1859, when it was re-
solved by that body:
" That we regard a good Sunday-school Hymn Book
for the Lutheran Church as necessary, and hereby
authorize the Board of Publication to prepare and issue
such a work at an early period ; also, that the Hymn
Book Committee be directed to enter into contract with
the Board of Publication for its publication under the
auspices of the General Synod, and that a reasonable
premium for every copy sold be allowed to the Synod."
— Minutes, p. 36.
With this authority, and under these arrangements,
the Board now issues this volume. It is the product
of patient labor and critical revision. The compilers
have aimed to select the best hymns within their reach
« — hymns poetical in sentiment and form, fervent and
devotional in spirit, and pure and scriptural in doc-
trine. Whilst due regard has been had to the cardi-
nal design of the compilation as a Hymn Book for Sun-
day-schools, a few hynins not so strictly adapted to the
wants of children have been retained to render the
book useful, in case of necessity, in other than Sunday-
school meetings.
An Appendix, embracing Hymns for Infants, has
been added (and will also be published separately) to
supply a want in the nurseries of families, as well as
in the infant departments of our schools.
The claims of this book are —
1. That it is the only Sunday-school Hymn Book
officially issued by the Lutheran Church of this country.
2. That it is Evangelical and Lutheran in tone and
adaptation, and fully competent to fill the place for
which it is designed.
3. That it embraces the finest productions in the
department of Sunday-school Hymnology.
4. That it has been edited and issued with becoming
care and scrutiny.
5. That it is convenient in form, varied in contents,
cheap in price, and worthy of the favorable regard of
the Church, and
6. That its circulation will conform to the order
and wish of the Church, expressed by its highest Coun-
cil, and, at the same time, furnish a revenue to the
treasury of the General Synod.
With these claims it is given to the public, accom-
panied by the prayer of the Board, that it may be use-
ful in the training of the lambs of Christ's flock for his
service on earth and his fold in heaven.
Publication Rooms,
42 N. Ninth street. Philadelphia.
HI. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL— Scholars 25 — 33
« " " Teachers 34— 39
" M " Anniversaries 40 — 66
IV. OF GOD — The Father 57— 63
•'- « The Son, or Christ 64—76
» " The Holy Ghost 77— 83
V. THE SOUL 84— 85
XL THE MEANS OF GRACE — Prayer 139 — 145
" " " The Bible 146 — 151
" « " Public Worship 152 — 157
■ " ■ Baptism 158 — 161
" ■ ■ The Lord's Supper. 162 — 164
1* (V)
XIII. CHURCH FESTIVALS — Christmas 175 — 183
" " New Year 184 — 190
" " Good Friday 191 — 195
« " Easter 196 — 200
" " Ascension and Whitsuntide. 201 — 205
u « The Reformation 20C — 209
XIV. PARTICULAR OCCASIONS — The Seasons.... 210 — 210
" " Morning and Evening... 217 — 222
■ " Sickness and Afflictions. 223 — 228
XV.»LIFE AND DEATH 229 — 239
XVII. ETERNITY 244 — 256
XIX. DOXOL0GIES 266 — 269
XX. INDEXES 271 — 286
]_ Praise to God. L. M.
FROM all that dwell below the skies,
Let the Creator's praise arise ;
Let the Redeemer's name be sung,
Through every land, by every tongue.
Eternal are thy mercies, Lord,
Eternal truth attends thy word :
Thy name shall sound from shore to shore,
Till suns shall rise and set no more.
In every land begin the song:
To every land the strains belong:
In cheerful sounds all voices raise,
And fill the world with loudest praise.
2 Imploring a Blessing. C. M.
HERE, Lord, before thy mercy-seat
In Christ's prevailing name,
Behold a band of children meet,
A Father's love to claim.
2 Our foolish hearts, alas! are slow
To understand thy way ;
teach us, Lord, thy will to know,
And help us to obey.
3 Kind are the friends who bring us here
To learn thy holy word ;
But vain is all their toil and care,
Without thy blessing, Lord.
4 Fulfil their hopes ; thy grace display
In every youthful mind ;
And while they guide us in thy way,
Let them a blessing find.
| Opening Prayer. S. M.
NOW we 've assembled here,
To read, to learn, and pray ;
Shed on us, mighty God, thy fear
To keep us through the day.
2 Be vanity afar,
And every evil thought ;
let us think how blest we are,
In being rightly taught.
8 Nbf let us Ughtiy hold
The blessing! that is given ;
To leafn that lore that can't be told,
Which angelfl sing in heaven.
4 Impress upon our hearts.
Great Spirit, all we read;
And when all other stay departs,
This uill be sweet indeed.
4 Lord, teach us how to Pray. S. M.
LORD, teach us how to pray,
And give us hearts to ask ;
Or all we think, or do, or say,
Will be a tiresome task.
2 Thv Holy Spirit send.
Our bosomi to inspire;
Then shall our praise to thee ascend,
With pure and warm desire.
3 Jesus, our great High Priest,
Present our prayers above;
And spread abroad o'er all thou seest,
The mantle of thy love.
4 Teach us to find onr bliss
In earnest, fervent prayer ;
For where we pray our Saviour is,
And bliss is only there.
5 Confession of God's Mercies. 7s.
CHILDREN, join your God to bless,
Gratefully his care confess ;
Of his bounties you have shared,
He your lives has kindly spared.
2 Spared, again in school to meet ;
Spared, to bow at Jesus' feet;
Spared, to see this holy day:
With your teachers sing and pray.
3 Now you meet to read the word,
Word of Christ your King and Lord;
Lord, who died that you might live —
Then to him your service give.
Q Claiming the Promise. S. M.
TESUS, we look to thee,
♦J Thy promised presence claim ;
Thou in the midst of us shalt be,
Assembled in thy name:
2 Thy name salvation is,
Which here we come to prove :
Thy name is life, and health, and peace,
And 'everlasting love.
3 Not in the name of pride
Or selfishness we meet;
From nature's paths we turn aside,
And worldly thoughts forget.
We meet the grace to take.
Which thou hast freely given ;
We meet on earth for thy dear sake,
That we may meet in neaven.
Confession. S. M.
ONCE more we meet to pray,
Once more our guilt confess ;
Turn not, Lord, thine ear away
From creatures in distress.
2 Our sins to heav'n ascend,
And there for vengeance cry;
God, behold the sinner's Friend,
Who intercedes on high.
3 Though we are vile indeed,
And well deserve thy curse,
The merits of thy Son we plead,
Who lived and died for us.
4 Now let thy bosom yearn,
As it hath done before ;
Return to us, God, return,
And ne'er forsake us more.
8 Assembling in School. L. M.
NOW we are met to read and pray,
And hear what our kind teachers say;
Let every child attentive be
To Him who every child can see.
2 He dwells in heaven ; but he is here :
He lives on high ; but he is near :
He knows our thoughts and wishes too,
And knows what we're about to do.
3 The careless soul, the roving mind,
Will not divine instruction find ;
The serious and the thoughtful youth
Will learn the ways of God and truth.
4 Then let us all be wise and learn
How from the ways of sin to turn ;
How we may fear and love the Lord,
And understand his holy word.
Q Supplication. L. M.
ASSEMBLED in our school once more,
Lord, thy blessing we implore ;
We meet to read, and sing, and pray;
Be with us then through this thy day.
2 Our fervent prayer to thee ascends,
For parents, teachers, foes, and friends ;
And when we in thy house appear,
Help us to worship in thy fear.
3 When we on earth shall meet no more,
May we above to glory soar ;
And praise thee in more lofty strains,
Where one eternal Sabbath reigns.
]_0 Suffer us to come. 7s.
LORD, before thy throne we stand,
Once again thy children see ;
Smile upon this youthful band,
Suffer us to come to thee.
2 Whither else should children go
Weak and impotent as we ?
Thou hast all things to bestow:
Suffer us to come to thee.
3 While we here have life and breath,
This our constant prayer should be,
This our latest sigh in death : —
Suffer us to come to thee.
A Blessing on the Word. C. M.
kNCE more we come before our God ;
Once more his blessing ask:
may not duty seem a load,
Nor worship prove a task.
2 Father, thy quick'ning Spirit send
From heaven, in Jesus' name,
And bid our waiting minds attend,
And put our souls in frame.
3 May we receive the word we hear,
Each in an honest heart ;
And keep the precious treasure there,
And never with it part.
4 To seek thee, all our hearts dispose ;
To each thy blessings suit;
And let the seed thy servant sows,
Produce abundant fruit.
12 Glory to God. 6s, 4s.
GLORY to God on high!
Let heaven and earth reply,
"Praise ye his name!"
Angels, his love adore,
Who all our sorrows bore
Saints, sing for evermore,
"Worthy the Lamb!"
2 Join, all the ransomed race,
Our Lord and God to bless,
Praise ye his name.
In him we will rejoice,
Making a cheerful noise,
Shouting with heart and voice,
"Worthy the Lamb!"
3 Soon must we change our place
Yet- will we never cease
Praising his name ;
Still will we tribute bring ;
Hail him our gracious King ; .
And, through all ages, sing,
"Worthy "the Lamb!"
13 Christ (he Shepherd. C. ML
QEE the kind Shepherd, Jesus, stands,
i) With all engaging charms :
Hark, how he calls the tender lambs
And foldfl them in his arms.
2 Permit them to approach, he cries,
Nor scorn their humble name;
For 'twas to bless such souls as these,
The Lord of angels came. I
3 He'll lead us to the heavenly streams
Where living waters flow;
And guide us to the fruitful fields
Where trees of knowledge grow.
4 Tip' feeblest lamb amid the flock
Shall be its Shepherd's care:
While folded in the Saviour's arms
We're safe froir ever? ^nare.
14 J 01 J S °f God's House. S. M.
H< >W charming is the place
Where my Redeemer, God,
I ii v. ils the beauties of his face,
And sheds his love abroad I
'2 Not the fair palaces,
To which the great resort,
Are once to be compared -with this,
Where Jesns holds his court.
3 Here, on the mercy-seat,
With radiant glory crowned,
Our joyful eyes behold him sit,
And smile on all around.
4 Give me, Lord, a place
Within thy blest abode,
Among the children of thy grace,
The servants of my God.
]_5 In School again. L. M.
OLORD, to whom our life we owe.
From whom our daily blessings flow;
To thee again we come to raise
Our voices and our hearts in praise.
2 Again, upon thy day, we here
Within the Sabbath-school appear ;
And, that thy mercies we may share,
Our hearts and voices raise in pray'r.
3 As ever here thy will we trace,
And learn the news of gospel grace ;
Help us with thanks to lift above
Our voices and our hearts in love.
Jg 1'raisc to Jesus. L. M. 6 lines.
TXYITED by a Saviour's love.
1 We meet to praise his sacred name;
The church below, the Church above,
Unite his glory to proclaim.
And children's voices join to swell
The chorus to Immanuel.
2 Do any ask why children sing,
And why approach thy heavenly seat?
It is that we, Lord, may bring
And lay our tribute at thy feet;
Since thou for children too wast slain,
And wilt not deem their praises vain.
3 Lord, with thy love each bosom fill,
And bid each heart aspire to thee;
Make us desire to do thy will,
From sin and folly set us free.
Did Jesus die that we might live?
To Jesus then our souls we give.
17 The Lord's Day. S. M.
TELCOME, sweet day of rest,
That saw the Lord arise;
"Welcome to this reviving breast,
And these rejoicing eyes!
2 Jesus himself comes near,
To bless his saints to-day;
Here we may sit his word to hear,
And love, and praise, and pray.
3 One day within the place
Where my dear Lord hath been,
Is sweeter than a thousand days
Of pleasure and of sin.
4 My willing soul would stay
In such a frame as this,
And sit and sing herself away
To everlasting bliss.
1Q Sabbath Morning.
THE rosy light is dawning,
Upon the mountain's brow ;
It is the Sabbath morning,
! come and pay thy vow.
Lift up thy voice to heaven
In sacred praise and prayer,
While unto thee is given
The light of life to share.
2 The landscape, lately shrouded,
By evening's paler ray,
Smiles beauteous and unclouded,
Before the eye of day:
So let our souls, benighted
Too long in folly's shade,
By thy kind smiles be lighted
To joys that never fade.
9 The Sabbath Profitable. C. M.
[ ORD of the Sabbath, I rejoice
J J Thine holy day to see ;
May I, assisted by thy grace,
Begin this week with thee.
2 I come this day to hear thy word,
To sing, to pray, and praise ;
To learn of thee, my gracious Lord,
Religion's pleasant ways.
3 may the Holy Spirit bless
These sacred means of grace,
That I may learn thy righteousness,
And seek in youth thy face.
20 The Da V °f ResL L. M.
THIS is the day the Lord hath blest,
The day to us in mercy given ;
The holy Sabbath of his rest,
The pledge and type of rest in heaven.
2 Lord, in thy praises vre would join ;
To thee devote this sacred day ;
Our earthly cares and thoughts resign ;
Look up to heav'n, and learn the way.
3 May we by every Sabbath grow
In grace, humility, and love ;
And thus thy holy rest below
Shall fit us for thy rest above.
21 God's Day. L. M.
THIS day belongs to God alone,
This day he chooses for his own ;
And we must neither work nor play,
Because it is God's holy day.
2 'Tis well to have one day in seven.
That we may learn the way to heaven ;
Then let us spend it as we should,
In serving God and being good.
3 We ought, to-day, to learn and seek
What we may think of all the week,
And be the better every day,
For what we hear our teachers say.
4 And every Sabbath should be passed
As if we knew it were our last:
What would the dying sinner give
To have one Sabbath more to live.
22 Bow Sweet is the Sabbath. lis.
HOW sweet is the Sabbath, the morning of
rest ;
The day of the week which I surely love best ;
The morning my Saviour arose from the tomb,
And took from the grave all its terror and gloom.
2 let me be thoughtful and prayerful to-day,
And not spend a minute in trifling or play ;
Remembering these seasons were graciously
To teach me to seek, and prepare me for heaven.
3 In the house of my God, in his presence and fear,
When I worship to-day, may it all be sincere ;
In the school when I learn, may I do it with care,
And be grateful to those who watch over me there.
23 Sunday Morning. C. M.
LORD, in the morning thou shalt hear
My voice ascending high ;
To thee will I direct my prayer,
To thee lift up mine eye.
22 the lord's day.
2 Thou art a God before whose sight
The wicked shall not stand ;
Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight,
Nor dwell at thy right hand.
3 But to thy house will I resort,
To taste thy mercies there ;
I will frequent thy holy court,
And worship in thy fear.
4 Oh, may thy Spirit guide my feet
In ways of righteousness ;
Make every path of duty straight,
And plain before my face.
24 Sabbath Morning. 7s.
SAFELY through another week
God has brought us on our way ;
Let us now a blessing seek.
Waiting in his courts to-day:
Day of all the week the best ;
Emblem of eternal rest !
2 While we seek supplies of grace,
Through the dear Redeemer's name,
Show thy reconciling face —
Take away our sins and shame :
From our worldly cares set free,
May we rest this day in thee.
Here we're come, thy name to praise;
Let us feel thy presence near ;
May thy glory meet our eyes,
While we in thy house appear:
Here afford us, Lord, a taste
Of our everlasting feast.
May the gospel's joyful sound
Conquer sinners, comfort saints ;
Make the fruits of grace abound,
Bring relief for all complaints:
Thus let all our Sabbaths prove,
Till we join the church above.
25 The Sabbath. L. M.
OUR Sabbaths come so welcome on,
We wish them to remain awhile,
But soon, alas ! their joys are gone,
And scarce " bequeath a parting smile."
2 Full many are the hours of grief,
Allotted to the sons of men,
Our Sabbaths bring a short relief
Yet leave us but to mourn again.
3 Ye peaceful days ! and thou blest sun
Why roll ye in such haste away?
Ye happy hours ! why flow ye on
So fast toward eternity?
24 the lord's day.
4 0! if ye bring an endless day,
Speed fast along, nor never cease:
"We'll gladly feel your joys decay,
In perfect and enduring bliss.
26 Blessedness of the Sabbath. 7s.
LET the Sabbath-day be blest,
Day of joy and day of rest ;
Songs of praise ascend on high,
Hallelujahs fill the sky.
2 Let the Sabbath-day be blest,
Day of joy and day of rest ;
Humble prayer to God ascend,
God our Father and our Friend.
3 Let the Sabbath-day be blest,
Day of joy and day of rest ;
Gladly hear his holy Word,
Gladlj- learn the -way to God.
27 Sabbath Eve. 7s.
SOFTLY f\ides the twilight ray
Of the holy Sabbath-day ;
Gently as life's setting sun,
When the Christian's course is run.
2 Night her solemn mantle spreads
O'er the earth as daylight lades ;
All things tell of calm repose
At the holy Sabbath's close.
3 Peace ii 00 the world abroad,
'Tis the holy peace of God;
Symbol of the peace -within,
When the spirit rests from sin.
4 Still the Spirit lingers near.
Where the evening worshipper
Seeks communion with the skies,
Pressing onward to the prize.
5 Saviour, may our Sabbaths be
I>ays of peace and joy in thee,
Till in heaven our souls repose,
Where the Sabbath ne'er shall close !
28 Reasons for loving the Sunday-schoul. Cft
T LOVE the Sunday-school — the place
1 My youthful feet have trod,
Where I have heard of wisdom's ways,
That lead to peace and God.
2 I love the Sunday-school — 'tis there
The praise of &od we sing, —
"Tia there we bow the knee ih prayer
To God, our heavenly King,
3 I love the Sunday-school — where we
The Holy Bible read,—
"Which tells of Christ, who came to be
A Saviour in our need.
4 0, that when life's few cares are past.
Our teachers we may meet
Upon the heavenly plains, and cast
Our crowns at Jesus' feet.
29 The same. L. M.
TLOVE to join the joyful play,
To sport beside the shady pool,
To watch my kite soar far away,
But more I love the Sunday-school.
2 For there I meet my teacher's smile,
And read and learn the holy book ;
And oh, my heart doth feel the while,
That God is pleas'd on us to look.
3 And when we bend the knee in pray'r,
And hymns to our Redeemer raise,
It seems to me that God is there,
To hear us pray and sing his praise.
4 While others slight this holy day,
And shun the Gospel's joyful sound,
Oh, may I cleave to Wisdom's way,
And ever in my class be found.
30 A Heavenly Place. S. M.
LOVE the Sabbath-school,
Where happy children meet ;
Where rich and poor alike may come,
And sit at Jesus' feet.
2 I love the Sabbath-school,
Where children learn to pray,
And hear about the world to come,
And Jesus Christ, the Way.
3 I love the Sabbath-school ;
It is a heav'nly place 1
For there the youthful heart may learn
To seek the Saviour's face.
4 I love the Sabbath-school,
And Him who bought for me
This sweet, this precious means of grace,
And gives the blessing free !
31 Admitted to School. CM.'
\ DMITTED where thy truths are taught
l\ While pious hearts adore ;
Father in heaven ! my spirit ought
Thy blessing to implore.
2 Instruct my ignorance, I pray;
My wayward passions tame ;
From every folly guard my way,
From every sin reclaim.
3 Teach me thy precepts to fulfil,
To trust in Him who
ut if the things by nature taught
Poor i ii 11 -~ i« • nVr tli
How high should rise our rapture. 1 thought,
Wlm learn the \\"ft I
55 The Anniversary. C. M.
J<>K1>. f I'icet
I On 1 - •
I ■ before thy merc y j e st )
. and to pray.
'J Many, rinee last we gathered I
Save passed away like flow
Perhaps before another year.
Their dwelling may 1 on !
•"' '
< >n him for mercy reel ;
loung children, in his mortal days,
II folded to his 1 i
4 3 ildren, at his Father's side,
He still with pity \ iev
pleading thai lie died,
ur sinful hearts
5 Lord to thine "pen arm- we fly,
• y there ;
Theji shall v. i r to die,
If thou our hearts prepare.
56 Sunday-school Celebration. 7s, 6s.
WE meet again in gladness,
And thankful voices raise ;
To God, our heavenly Father,
We'll tune our grateful praise:
'Twas his kind hand that kept us
Through all his changing year ;
His love it is that brings us
Again to worship here.
2 We'll thank him for the Sabbath,
This day of holy rest ;
And for the blessed Bible,
The book that we love best —
For Sabbath-schools and teachers,
To us so kindly given,
To guide us in the pathway
That leads to joys in heaven.
3 We'll thank him for our country,
The land our fathers trod —
For liberty of conscience,
And right to worship God.
Lord, our heavenly Father,
Accept the praise we bring,
And tune our hearts and voices
Thy glorious name to sing.
4 Soon may thy gracious scepter
Extend to every land,
And all as willing subjects
Submit to thy command.
Send forth the gospel tidings,
And hasten on the day
When every isle and nation
Shall own Messiah's sway.
5*7 Anniversary Hymn. 8s, 7s, 4s.
LORD, we thank thee, thou hast spoken
By the word of grace again ;
Every heart and bosom open,
That the seed may there remain;
Grant in mercy
That it be not sown in vain.
2 Thanks we give for thy protection
O'er our path another year ;
Still we pray for thy direction
While we walk as pilgrims here ;
Safe our journey,
Only safe while thou art near.
3 And when death shall hover o'er us,
When we come to Jordan's tide,
Thou, who passedst through before us,
Be our Guardian and our Guide ;
Still protect us
Till we land on Canaan's side.
4 Angels, in the realms of glory,
Hymn thy love to fallen man ;
There we too would swell the story
Of thv mercy's wondrous plan,
And would praise thee —
Praise thee more than angels can.
58 Sunday-school Dedication. L. M.
IN fervent prayer, with holy praise,
This building now we consecrate ;
. To train the young, from early days,
To know Thy will, their sins to hate.
2 To teach them how and where to find
The grace that saves from Satan's reign ;
To love their God with heart and mind,
And from forbidden ways refrain.
3 To read and learn a Saviour's grace,
Who on the cross himself he gave
For them, — and all the fallen race, —
Jesus, the mighty Lord, to save.
4 May all the children who attend
Within these walls, thy children be ;
And with their teachers ever spend,
With thee, a blest eternity.
59 Opening of a Sabbath-school Room. 8s.
WITH grateful delight we survey
The work of this building complete ;
We bless thee, dear Saviour, this day,
We here are permitted to meet.
2 But what will this structure avail,
Unless thy kind presence is here?
Our work will most certainly fail;
No fruit unto God will appear.
3 But sweet are thy promises, Lord —
On these let us ever depend ;
They teach, where thy name we repord,
Thy presence and grace will attend.
QQ Sunday-school Celebration. L. M.
GREAT God, accept our songs of praise
Which we would to thy honor raise,
Bless our attempts to spread abroad
The knowledge of our Saviour, God.
2 Next to our God, our thanks are due
To those who love and pity show,
In kindly pointing out the road
That leads to Christ, the way to God.
3 We claim no merit of our own:
Great God, the work is thine alone !
Thou didst at first our hearts incline
To carry on this great design.
4 Now we are taught to read and pray,
To hear God's word, to keep his day ;
Lord, here accept the thanks we bring —
Our infant tongues thy praise would sing.
5 D
o With those dear children we'll unite :
Their songs inspire us with delight:
Lord, while on earth we sing thy love,
May angels join the notes above.
6 Great God, our benefactors bless,
And crown thy work with great success ;
may we meet around thy throne,
To sing thy praise in strains unknown.
61 Opening of a Sunday-School Room. 7s.
HALLOWD be this humble spot,
Like the place of Jacob's bed :
God was there — he knew it not
Till heaven open'd o'er his head.
2 Not in visions of the night,
God of Jacob ! on our way,
But in noon of gospel light
Here thy power and grace display.
3 Oft on embassies of love
Be descending angels sent,
And, returning, spread above
Joy o'er sinners that repent.
4 Here the children's angels see
Little ones to Jesus brought,
In thy nurture train'd for thee,
By thine admonition taught.
5 While thy ministers declare
All the counsel of thy will,
Lord, thy people's hearts prepare
Every precept to fulfil.
6 Here, -when all that live are dead,
And successors fill their place,
Age by age may souls be led,
In this house, to seek thy face.
62 Independence- Day. C. M.
WITH joy we meet,
"With smiles we greet,
Our schoolmates bright and gay;
Be dry each tear
Of sorrow here —
'Tis Independence-Day.
2 'Tis freedom's sound
That rings around,
And brightens every ray:
Our banner floats,
With trumpet notes,
On Independence-Day.
3 "While thunder breaks,
And music wakes
Its patriotic lay,
At temple-gate
Our feet shall wait
On Independence-Day.
4 who from home
Would fail to come
And join the children's lay,
When praise we bring
To God our King,
On Independence-Day?
5 For liberty,
Great God, to thee
Our grateful thanks we pay:
For thanks, we know,
To thee we owe,
On Independence-Day.
g3 National Praise. 8s, 7s.
UP to thee, almighty Father,
Ancient of eternal days,
Throned in uncreated glory,
Hear us while our songs we raise.
2 Praise, for thy unceasing bounty,
Poured with an indulgent hand :
Praise, for blessings still increasing,
Crowning freedom's favored land.
3 While a nation's heart is leaping,
Mighty in its gushing joy,
May the song of adoration
All its grateful powers employ.
4 Thine, Lord, shall he the kingdom.;
Thine the power and glory be ;
Thine through endless ages rolling,
Thine throughout eternity.
64 Freedom of the Bible. 7s, 6s.
ONCE more with hallowed feeling,
We join the blest employ,
Our nation's praises pealing
In songs of festive joy;
And back the loud hosanna
Shall roll from sea to sea,
Till mountain and savanna
Re-echo — "We are free!"
2 We love the Book which lighted
The glow of patriot-fires,
When Freedom was benighted,
In the bosoms of our sires.
They shed their blood to save us,
And gained our liberty ;
But the greatest boon they gave us —
The Bible was made free !
3 Our land is Virtue's dwelling,
Here Science builds her shrine,
And happy hearts are swelling
With joys almost divine;
And \re in emulation,
Here pledge ourselves to be
The guardians of the Nation —
"We'll keep the Bible free!
4 Then come, with hallowed feeling,
Join in the blest employ,
Our nation's praises pealing
In songs of festive joy,
Till back the loud hosanna
Shall roll from sea to sea,
From mountain and savanna, —
We'll keep the Bible free!
(55 National Hymn. 6s, 4s.
"Y country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing ;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrim's pride,
From ev'ry mountain side
Let freedom ring.
2 My native country, thee —
Land of the noble free —
Thy name I love ;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills ;
My heart with rapture thrills
Like that above.
3 Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom's song:
Let mortal tongues awake ;
Let all that breathe partake ;
Let rocks their silence break, —
The sound prolong.
4 Our fathers' God, to thee,
Author of liberty,
To thee we sing ;
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light;
Protect us by thy might,
Great God, our King.
(36 Fourth of July. 8s, 7s, 4.
GOD of every land and nation,
On this glorious jubilee,
Let the incense of oblation
From each heart arise to thee.
Save our country:
Long preserve her liberty.
2 Let thy richest blessings ever
Rest upon our happy land;
May no fierce contention sever
The confederated band ;
In sweet union
May we still unshaken stand.
3 May we all be safely guided,
Saviour, by thy gracious will ;
When life's storms shall have subsided,
And our tongues in death are still,
May we praise thee,
Where immortal glories thrill.
(37 Anniversary of Independence. 7s,
WE come with joy and gladness,
To breathe our songs of praise,
Nor let one note of sadness
Be mingled in our lays ;
For 'tis a hallow'd story,
This theme of freedom's birth ;
Our fathers' deeds of glory
Are echo'd round the earth.
2 The sound is waxing stronger,
And thrones and nations hear —
Proud man shall rule no longer,
For God the Lord is near ;
And he will crush oppression,
And raise the humble mind,
And give the earth's possession
Among the good and kind.
3 And then shall sink the mountains,
Where pride and power are crown'd,
And peace, like gentle fountains,
Shall shed its pureness round.
God ! we would adore thee,
And in thy shadow rest :
Our fathers bow'd before thee,
And trusted, and were blest.
68 There is a God. L. M.
WHEN I look up to yonder sky,
So pure, so bright, so wondrous high,
I think of One I cannot see,
But One who sees and cares for me.
2 His name is God ! he gave me birth ;
And every living thing on earth,
And every tree and plant that grows,
To the same hand its being owes.
3 'Tis he my daily food provides,
And all that I require besides ;
And when I close my slumbering eye
I sleep in peace, for he is nigh.
4 Then surely I should ever love
This gracious God who reigns above :
For very kind indeed is he,
To love a humble child like me.
A 1
6Q Perfections of God. L. M.
LL-POW'RFUL, self-existent God,
Who all creation dost sustain !
Thou -wast, and art, and art to come ;
And everlasting is thy reign.
2 Fix'd and eternal as thy days,
Each glorious attribute divine,
Through ages infinite, shall still
With undiminish'd lustre shine.
3 Fountain of being ! source of good !
Immutable dost thou remain ;
Nor can the shadow of a change
Obscure the glories of thy reign.
4 Earth may with all her pow'rs dissolve,
If such the great Creator's will:
But thou forever art the same,
" I am" is thy memorial still.
70 God's Wisdom in Creation. C. M.
THERE'S not a tint that paints the rose,
Or decks the lily fair,
Or streaks the humblest flower that grows,
But God has placed it there.
2 There's not of grass a single blade,
Or leaf of lowliest mien,
Where heavenly skill is not display'd,
And heavenly wisdom seen.
3 There's not a star whose twinkling light
Illumes the distant earth,
And cheers the solemn gloom of night,
But Heaven gave it birth.
4 There's not a place in heaven's vast round,
In ocean's deep, or air,
Where skill and wisdom are not found, —
For God is everywhere.
71 Praise to God. S. M.
A LMIGHTY Maker, God!
XX How wondrous is thy name !
Thy glories how diffused abroad,
Through the creation's frame!
2 Nature in every dress,
Her humble homage pays,
And finds a thousand ways t' express
Thine undissembled praise.
3 My soul would rise and sing
To her Creator too,
Fain would my tongue adore my King,
And pay the worship due.
4 Let joy and worship spend
The remnant of my days,
And to my God my soul ascend
In Sweet perfumes of praise.
72 Love of God. 7s.
SING, my soul, his wondrous love,
Who from yon bright world above,
Ever watchful o'er our race,
Still to man extends his grace.
2 Heaven and earth by him were made,
He by all must be obeyed;
What are we, that he should show
So much love to us below!
3 God, thus merciful and good,
Bought us with a Saviour's blood,
And, to make our safety sure,
Guides us by his Spirit pure.
4 Sing, my soul, adore his name,
Let his glory be thy theme ;
Praise him till he calls thee home,
Trust his love for all to come.
73 The all-seeing God. C. M.
ALMIGHTY God, thy piercing eye
Strikes through the shades of night,
And our most secret actions lie
All open to thy sight.
2 There's not a sin that we commit,
Nor wicked word we say,
But in thy dreadful book 'tis writ, .
Against the judgment-day.
3 And must the crimes that I have done
Be read and published there?
Be all exposed before the sun,
While men and angels hear?
4 Lord, at thy feet ashamed I lie ;
Upward I dare not look;
Pardon my sins before I die,
And blot them from thy book
74 Samuel. H. M.
TT7HEN little Samuel woke,
VV And heard his Maker's voice,
At every word He spoke,
How much did he rejoice !
Oh, blessed, happy child, to find
The God of heaven so near and kind.
2 If God would speak to me,
And say he was my friend,
How happy should I be !
Oh ! how would I attend !
The smallest sin I then should fear,
If God Almighty were so near.
3 And does he never speak?
Oh, yes ! for in his word
He bids me come and seek
The God -whom Samuel heard:
In almost every page I see,
The God of Samuel calls to me.
4 And I beneath his care
May safely rest my head;
I know that God is there,
To guard my humble bed ;
And every sin I well may fear,
Since God Almighty is so near.
75 Support in God. C. M.
OGOD, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home, —
2 Beneath the shadow of thy throne
Thy saints have dwelt secure;
Sufficient is thine arm alone,
And our defence is sure.
3 Before the hills in order stood,
Or earth receiv'd her frame,
From everlasting thou art God,
To endless years the same.
*76 @°d " Love. 7s.
EARTH, with her ten thousand flowers,
Air, with all its beams and showers,
All around, and all above,
Hath this record, "God is love."
2 Sounds among the Tales and hills,
In the woods, and by the rills,
All these songs, beneath, above,
Have one burthen, "God is love."
3 All the charities that start
From the fountains of the heart,
These are voices from above,
Sweetly whispering, " God is love."
4 Earth, with her ten thousand flowers,
Air, with all its beams and showers,
All are voices from above,
Loudly sounding, "God is love."
*77 Crown Him Lord of all. C. M.
ALL hail the power of Jesus' name !
Let angels prostrate fall ;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown him Lord of all.
2 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race,
Ye ransom'd from the fall,
Hail him who saves you by his grace,
And crown him Lord of all.
3 Let every kindred, every tribe,
On this terrestrial ball,
To him all majesty ascribe,
And crown him Lord of all.
4 that with yonder sacred throng
We at his feet may fall ;
We'll join the everlasting song,
And crown him Lord of all.
78 The Friend. 8s, 7s.
ONE there is above all others,
Well deserves the name of Friend;
His is love beyond a brother's,
Costly, free, and knows no end.
2 Which of all our friends, to save us,
Could or would have shed his blood?
But this Saviour died to have us
Reconciled, in him, to God.
3 When he lived on earth abased,
Friend of sinners was his name;
Now, above all glory raised,
He rejoices in the same.
4 for grace our hearts to soften !
Teach us, Lord, at length to love;
We, alas ! forget too often
What a friend we have above.
"79 Praise to the Redeemer. C. M.
OFOR a thousand tongues, to sing
My great Redeemer's praise;
The glories of my God and King,
The triumph of" his grace.
2 My gracious Master, and my God,
Assist me to proclaim, —
To spread, through all the earth abroad,
The honors of thy name.
3 Jesus ! — the name that calms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease;
'Tis music in the sinner's ears,
'Tis life, and health, and peace.
6* e
4 He breaks the power of reigning sin,
He sets the prisoner free ;
His blood can make the foulest clean;
His blood avail' d for me.
30 Christ the King of Saints. H. M.
TJEJOICE, the Lord is King;
±\j Your Lord and King adore ;
Children give thanks and sing,
And triumph evermore:
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice,
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice.
2 Jesus the Saviour reigns,
The God of truth and love ;
When he had purged our stains,
He took his seat above:
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice,
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice.
3 His kingdom cannot fail,
He rules o'er earth and heaven;
The keys of death and hell
Are to our Jesus given:
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice,
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice.
4 He sits at God's right hand,
Till all his foes submit,
And bow to his command,
And fall beneath his feet:
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice,
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice.
gl Christ our Refuge. 7s.
TESUS, lover of my soul,
J Let me to thy bosom fly ;
While the billows near me roll,
While the tempest still is high !
Hide me, my Saviour, hide,
Till the storm of life is past ;
Safe .into the haven guide,
receive my soul at last!
2 Other refuge have I none,
Lo! I, helpless, hang on thee:
Leave, oh ! leave me not alone,
Lest I basely shrink and flee !
Thou art all my trust and aid,
All my help from thee I bring ;
Cover my defenceless head
With the shadow of thy wing.
3 Plenteous grace with thee is found,
Grace to pardon all my sins ;
Let the healing streams abound,
Make and keep me pure within.
Thou of life the fountain art,
Freely let me take of thee ;
Reign, Lord, within my heart,
Reign to all eternity !
82 Christ's Love to the Young. C. M.
YT7HEN the Redeemer left his throne
VV And dwelt with men below;
It was his glorious work to bless,
And happiness bestow ■
2 The poor and wretched claimed his aid,
Nor sought relief in vain;
When parents owned his gracious help,
He blessed their infant train.
And now, though Jesus reigns above,
He makes the young his care ;
And helpless children still he owns,
And they his goodness share.
4 Now we are taught to read thy word
Which makes the foolish wise ;
may we know a Saviour's name,
And learn his worth to prize.
83 Christ our All. 8s, 7s.
LAMB of God, we fall before thee,
Humbly trusting in thy cross,
That alone be all our glory,
All things else we count are loss.
Thee we own a perfect Saviour
Only source of all that's good.
Ev'ry grace and ev'ry favor
Comes to us through Jesus' blood.
2 Jesus gives us true repentance,
By his Spirit sent from heav'n ;
Whispers this transporting sentence,
" Son, thy sins are all forgiv'n."
Faith he grants us to believe it,
Grateful hearts his love to prize:
Want we wisdom? he must give it;
Hearing ears, and seeing eyes.
3 Jesus gives us pure affections,
Wills to do what he requires;
Makes us follow his directions,
And what he commands, inspires.
All our prayers, and all our praises,
Rightly offcr'd in his name,
He that dictates them is Jesus ;
He that answers is the same.
Q4 The Saviour's excellence. 7s.
VER patient, gentle, meek,
Holy Saviour, was thy mind ;
Vainly in myself I seek
Likeness to my Lord to find;
Yet, that mind that was in thee,
May be, must be, found in me.
2 Though such griefs were thine to bear,
For each sufferer thou couldst feel;
Every mourner's burden share,
Every wounded spirit heal ;
Saviour, let thy grace in me
Form that mind which was in thee.
3 "When my pain is most intense,
Let thy cross my lesson prove ;
Let me hear thee e'en from thence,
Breathing words of peace and love;
Saviour, let thy grace in me
Form that mind which was in thee.
85 Christ the True Vine. L. M.
JESUS, thou true and living Vine,
Make me by faith a child of thine ;
That I a living branch may be,
Abiding always, Lord, in thee.
2 Now to niy soul thy life impart,
Come and abide within my heart;
May ample grace thy Spirit give,
That to thy glory I may live.
3 Beneath my heavenly Father's care
"Fruits of the Spirit" may I bear —
Humility, and faith, and love:
And so thy true disciple prove.
4 Saviour, a tender branch am I ;
Severed from thee my soul would die :
For life, for strength, I must entwine,
And cling around the living Vine.
5 To me eternal life supply ;
Then shall I never, never die —
But when transplanted by thy love
Bloom in thy Paradise above.
86 Christ the Rock. 7s.
T) OCK of ages cleft for me,
AAj Let me hide myself in thee :
Let the water and the blood,
From thy wounded side which flow'd,
Be of sin the perfect cure, —
Save me, Lord, and make me pure.
2 Nothing in nay hand I bring ;
Simply to thy cross I cling ;
Naked, come to thee for dress ;
Helpless, look to thee for grace ;
Foul, I to the fountain fly,
Wash me, Saviour, or I die !
3 While I draw this fleeting breath,
When my eyelids close in death,
When I soar to worlds unknown,
See thee on thy judgment-throne,
Rock of ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in thee.
37 Jesus lives. L. M.
I KNOW that my Redeemer lives —
What comfort this sweet sentence gives I
He lives, he lives, who once was dead ;
He lives, my everlasting Head !
2 He lives, to bless me with his love ;
He lives, to plead for me above ;
He lives, my hungry soul to feed ;
He lives, to help in time of need.
3 He lives, and grants me daily breath ;
He lives, and I shall conquer death ;
He lives, my mansion to prepare ;
He lives, to bring me safely there.
4 He lives — all glory to his name ;
He lives, my Saviour, still the same ;
Oh! the sweet joy this sentence gives, —
I know that my Redeemer lives.
88 Learniny to love. 7s.
^1 AA r IOUR ! teach ine, day by day,
Love's sweet lesson to obey;
Sweeter lesson cannot be,
Loving Him who first loved me.
2 With a child-like heart of love,
At thy bidding may I move ;
Prompt to serve and follow thee,
Loving Him who first loved me.
3 Teach me all my steps to trace,
Strong to follow in thy grace ;
Learning how to love from thee,
Loving Him who first loved me.
4 Love in loving finds employ —
In obedience all her joy:
Ever new that joy will be,
Loving Him who first loved me.
5 Thus may I rejoice to show
That I feel the love I owe;
Singing, till thy face I see,
Of His love who first loved me.
89 Christ the Fountain. C. M.
THERE is a fountain fill'd with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's veins;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
2 The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day;
And there may I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins away.
3 Dear dying Lamb ! thy precious blood
Shall never lose its power,
Till all the ransom'd Church of God
Are saved, to sin no more.
4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream
Thy flowing wounds supply,
Redeeming love has been my theme,
And shall be, till I die.
5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song,
I'll sing thy power to save,
When this poor lisping, stamm'ring tongue,
Lies silent in the grave.
90 The name of Jesus. C. M.
HOW sweet the name of Jesus sounds
In a believer's ear !
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear.
2 It makes the wounded spirit whole,
And calms the troubled breast ;
'Tis manna to the hungry soul,
And to the weary, rest.
3 By him my prayers acceptance gain,
Although with sin denied ;
Satan accuses me in vain,
And I am owned a child.
4 Jesus ! my Shepherd, Guardian, Friend,
My Prophet, Priest, and King,
My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End,
Accept the praise I bring.
Q]_ Praise to Christ. 8s, 7s.
HAIL, thou once despised Jesus !
Hail, thou Galilean King!
Thou didst suffer to release us,
Thou didst free salvation bring.
Hail, thou agonizing Saviour !
Bearer of our sin and shame ;
By thy merits we find favor,
Life is given through thy name.
2 Paschal Lamb ! by God appointed,
All our sins on thee were laid;
By almighty love anointed,
Thou hast full atonement made :
All thy people are forgiven
Through the virtue of thy blood,
Opened is the gate of heaven,
Peace is made 'twixt man and God.
3 Jesus, hail ! enthroned in glory,
There forever to abide ;
All the heavenly hosts adore thee
Seated at thy' Father's side ;
There for sinners thou art pleading,
There thou dost our place prepare,
Ever for us interceding
Till in glory we appear.
92 The Example of Christ. 8s, 7s.
TESUS CHRIST, my Lord and Saviour,
J Once became a child like me:
that in my whole behavior,
He my pattern still might be.
2 All my nature is unholy,
Pride and passion dwell within ;
But the Lord was meek and lowly,
And was never known to sin.
3 While I'm often vainly trying
Some new pleasure to possess
He was alwa}-s self-denying,
Patient in his worst distress.
4 Lord, assist a feeble creature ;
Guide me by thy word of truth ;
Condescend to be my teacher
Through my childhood and my youth.
93 The way, the truth, and the life. C. M.
THOU art the way; to thee alone
From sin and death we flee ;
And he who would the Father seek.
Must seek him, Lord, through thee.
2 Thou art the truth ; thy word alone
True wisdom can impart ;
Thou only canst instruct the mind,
And purify the heart.
3 Thou art the life; the rending tomb
Proclaims thy conq'ring arm ;
And those who put their trust in thee,
Nor death nor hell shall harm.
4 Thou art the way, the truth, the life,
Grant us to know that way,
That truth to keep, that life to win,
Which leads to endless day.
94 The Sun of Righteousness. L. M.
SUN of righteousness, arise,
With gentle beams on Zion shine ;
Dispel the darkness from our eyes,
Our souls awake to life divine.
2 On all around, let grace descend,
Like heavenly dew or copious showers ;
That we may call our God our Friend ;
That we may hail salvation ours.
95 Christ as a child. 7s, 6s.
THE author of salvation,
The Saviour meek and mild,
Once took a lowly station,
Became a little child.
In infancy a stranger,
How mean was his abode!
His cradle was a manger,
Himself the Son of Giod.
2 His earthly parents found him
Submissive day by day,
So meek to all around him,
So ready to obey.
No stain of sin or folly
Could ever cloud his brow;
His heart so pure and holy
With love would ever glow.
3 And when his foes assail' d him,
He sought but to forgive ;
When to the cross they nail'd him,
He died that they might live.
This bright example shows us
What duties to fulfil:
Oh, let it now arouse us
To learn and do his will !
QQ Jesus became a child. S. M.
JESUS appeared on earth,
Not as a prince or king;
He came a child of heavenly birth,
Good will and peace to bring.
2 The young received his love,
His blessing and his care,
And still, though now he reigns above,
His tenderest love they share.
3 May we this day begin
To love the ways of truth ;
To shun the slippery paths of sin,
And walk with God in youth
97 Influence of the Spirit. L. M.
CtOME, Holy Spirit, calm my mind,
And fit me to approach my God ;
Remove each vain, each worldly thought,
And lead me to my blest abode.
2 Hast thou imparted to my soul
A living spark of holy fire ?
kindle now the sacred flame,
Make me to burn with pure desire.
3 A brighter faith and hope impart,
And let me now my Saviour see ;
soothe and cheer my burdened heart,
And bid my spirit rest in thee.
98 Prayer for Sanctification. S. M.
C10ME, Holy Spirit, come,
J Let thy bright beams arise ;
Dispel the sorrow from our minds,
The darkness from our eyes.
2 Revive our drooping faith.
Our doubts and fears remove;
And kindle in our breasts the flame
Of never-dying love.
3 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart,
To sanctify the soul,
To pour fresh life in every part
And new-create the whole.
4 If thou, celestial Dove,
Thine influence dost withdraw,
What easy victims soon we fall,
To terror, sin, and law.
5 Dwell, therefore, in our hearts,
Our minds from bondage free ;
Then shall we know, and praise, and love,
The Father, Son, and Thee.
99 Prayer for the Spirit. L. M.
COME, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove,
With light and comfort from above,
Be thou our guardian, thou our guide,
O'er every thought and step preside.
2 The light of truth to us display,
And make us know and choose thy way ;
Plant holy fear in every heart,
That we from God may ne'er depart.
3 Lead us to holiness, the road
That we must take to dwell with God ;
Lead us to Christ, the living; way,
Nor let us from his precepts stray.
100 The Spirit's Influence. C. M.
COME, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove,
With all thy quickening powers ;
Kindle a flame of sacred love
In these cold hearts of ours.
2 See how we grovel here below,
Fond of these trifling toys ;
Our souls how heavily they go
To reach eternal joys.
3 Dear Lord ! and shall we always live
At this poor dying rate?
Our love so cold, so faint to thee,
And thine to us so great?
4 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove !
With all thy quickening powers ;
Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love,
And that shall kindle ours.
101 To ihe s P irit - L - M.
STAY, thou insulted Spirit, stay,
Though I have done thee such despite,
Nor cast the sinner quite away,
Nor take thine everlasting flight.
2 Though I have most unfaithful been,
Of all who e'er thy grace received;.
Ten thousand times thy goodness seen,
Ten thousand times thy goodness grieved.
3 Yet the chief of sinners spare,
In honor of my great High-Priest;
Nor in thy righteous anger swear
T' exclude me from thy people's rest.
102 The s P irit Evoked. C. M.
CELESTIAL Dove, come from above,
And guide me in thy ways :
My heart prepare for solemn prayer,
And tune my lips to praise.
2 Open mine eyes and make me wise,
My interest to discern:
From every sin, without, within,
Incline my heart to turn.
3 Fly to my aid when I'm afraid
Or plunged in deep distress :
My foes subdue, and bring me through
This howling wilderness.
103 The Spirit sent. S. M.
JESUS now reigns above,
And sends his Spirit down,
To show the wonders of his love,
And make his Gospel known.
2 may that Spirit teach,
And make my heart receive
Those truths which all his servants preach,
And all his saints believe.
3 Then shall I praise the Lord,
In a more cheerful strain,
That I was taught to read his word,
And have not learned in vain.
104 For the Spirit and help. 8s, 7s.
LET thy Spirit, Lord, descending.
Rest upon each youthful heart ;
May his grace our work attending,
Heavenly life and love impart !
2 Let thy presence go before us,
Through this wilderness of sin !
Spread thy sheltering pinions o'er us,
Light the lamp of truth within !
3 thou good and gracious Father,
"Write on us thy saving name !
thou gentle Shepherd, gather
With thine arm each little lamb!
4 Feed us in thy verdant meadows,
Lead us by thy quiet streams,
Till beyond the vale of shadows,
Heaven's unclouded glory beams!
105 Prayer for the Spirit. L. M.
CtOME, sacred Spirit, from above,
And fill the coldest heart with love ;
Soften to flesh the flinty stone,
And let thy God-like pow'r be known.
2 Speak thou, and from the haughtiest eyes
Shall floods of pious sorrow rise ;
While all their glowing souls are borne
To seek that grace which now they scorn.
3 let a holy flock await,
Numerous around thy temple gate ;
Each pressing on, with zeal, to be
A living sacrifice to thee.
4 In answer to our fervent cries,
may we see thy Church arise ;
Or, if that blessing seem too great,
Teach us to mourn its low estate.
106 Father, Son, and Spirit. L. M.
} RATHER of heav'n, whose love profound
A ransom for our souls has found,
Before thy throne we sinners bend ;
To us thy pard'ning love extend.
2 Almighty Son, incarnate "Word,
Our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord,
Before thy throne we sinners bend;
To us thy saving grace extend.
3 Eternal Spirit, by whose breath,
The soul is rais'd from sin and death,
Before thy throne we sinners bend ;
To us thy quick'ning pow'r extend.
4 Jehovah ! Father, Spirit, Son !
Eternal Godhead, Three in One !
Before thy throne we sinners bend ;
Grace, pardon, life, to us extend.
107 The Soul. C. M.
"TT^HAT is the thing of greatest price,
VV The whole creation round?
That which was lost in Paradise,
That which in Christ is found :
2 The soul of man — Jehovah's breath,
That keeps two worlds at strife ;
Hell moves beneath to work its death ;
Heaven stoops to give it life.
3 God, to redeem it, did not spare
His well-beloved Son ;
Jesus, to save it, deign'd to bear
The sins of all in one.
4 And is this treasure borne below,
In earthen vessels frail ?
Can none its utmost value know,
Till flesh and spirit fail?
5 Then let us gather round the cross,
That knowledge to obtain ;
Not by the soul's eternal loss,
But everlasting gain.
108 The Soul. C. M.
THOUGH I am young, I have a soul
The world can never buy;
And while eternal ages roll,
It will not, cannot die.
2 For it must soar to worlds on high,
Where happy spirits dwell,
Or, buried with the wicked, lie
Deep in the woes of hell.
3 The soul by numerous sins denied
Can never enter heaven,
Till God and it be reconciled,
And all its sins forgiven:
4 Till it be pure from all its stains,
In perfect righteousness ;
Cleans'd by the Saviour's dying pains,
Renew'd by sovereign grace.
5 Pardon it, cleanse it, God of grace !
And let it holy be ;
Array' d in thine own holiness,
And meet to dwell with thee.
109 Sin. C. M.
[IN is to break the holy law,
That law which God has given ;
We know that Adam, for his sin,
From Paradise was driven.
S 1
2 God's holy law forbids all sin,
Yet we have disobey'd,
By outward acts and thoughts within,
That law which God has made.
3 But if we now with sorrow pray
That we may be forgiv'n,
The Lord will take our sins away
And make us fit for heaven.
WO Corrupt nature from Adam. C. M.
BLESS'D with the joys of innocence,
Our father Adam stood,
Till he debas'd his soul with sense,
And ate th' unlawful food.
2 Now we arc born a sensual race,
To sinful joys inclin'd ;
Reason has lost its native place,
And flesh enslaves the mind.
3 While flesh, and sense, and passion reign,
Sin is the sweetest good ;
We fancy music in our chain,
And so forget the load.
4 Great God, renew our ruined frame,
Our broken pow'rs restore,
Inspire us with a heav'nly flame,
And flesh shall reign no more.
5 Eternal Spirit, write thy law
Upon our inward parts,
And let the second Adam draw
His image on our hearts.
Progress and Consequence of Sin. S. M.
OUR evil actions spring
From small and hidden seeds:
At first we think some wicked thing,
Then practise sinful deeds.
2 Wherever sin begins,
It tends to death and woe ;
And he who heeds not little sins
A sinner's doom shall know.
3 for a holy fear
Of every evil way,
That we may never venture near
The path that leads astray.
112 Examination. C. M.
COME, let us search our ways and see
Have they been just and right?
Is the great rule of equity
Our practice and delight?
2 What we would have our neighbor do,
Have we still done the same?
From others ne'er withheld the due,
"Which we from others claim?
3 Have we ne'er envied others' good,
Nor envied others' praise?
In no man's path malignant stood,
Nor used detraction's ways?
4 Have we not, deaf to his request,
Turn'd from another's wo?
The scorn, which wrings the suff'rer's breast,
Have we abhorr'd to show?
5 Then may we raise our modest pray'r
To God, the just and kind ;
May humbly cast on him our care,
And hope his grace to find.
113 The Deceitfulness of Sin. CM.
SIN has a thousand treacherous arts
To practise on the mind :
"With flattering looks she tempts our hearts,
But leaves a sting behind.
2 With names of virtue she deceives
The aged and the young ;
And while the heedless wretch believes
She makes his fetters strong.
3 She pleads for all the joys she brings,
And gives a fair pretence ;
But cheats the soul of heavenly things,
And chains it down to sense.
114 The Folly and Crime of Delay. C. M.
'TIS a folly and a crime
To put religion by !
For now is the accepted time ;
To-morrow we may die.
2 Our hearts grow harder every day,
And more depraved the mind —
The longer we neglect to pray,
The less we feel inclined.
3 Yet sinners trifle, young and old,
Until their dying day;
Then they would give a world of gold,
To have an hour to pray.
4 then, lest we should perish thus,
Let us no longer wait ;
For time will soon be past with us,
And death will fix our state.
115 Sins of the Lips. C. M. D.
0GOD, with meekness we confess
Our lips are not our own,
And in thy service should be used,
As they are thine alone:
For thou, Lord, our lips hast made,
And in the judgment-day,
How strict the reckoning thou wilt take
Of everything we say!
2 Yes, words of bitter, angry strife,
And foolish words and vain,
And false, and envious, and unclean,
And words that are profane, —
All, all are heard, Lord, by thee,
And if not now forgiven,
However idly utter'd here,
Will keep us out of heaven.
3 Lord, set a watch unto our lips,
And guard our tongues from sin ;
And, lest we ever should offend,
Create us pure within.
All our past words of sin forgive,
Which we to thee confess,
And help us that henceforward, Lord,
Our lips may not ^transgress.
116 Seeking God early. S. If.
Y son, know thou the Lord,
Thy fathers' Cod obey:
Seek his protecting care by night,
His guardian hand by day.
2 Call while he may be found,
And seek him while he's near;
Serve him with all thy heart and mind,
And worship him with fear.
3 If thou wilt seek his face,
His «ar will hear thy cry;
Then shalt thou find his mercy sure,
His grace forever nigh.
4 But if thou leave thy God,
Nfof choose the path to heaven,
Then shalt thou perish in thy sins,
And never be forgiven.
117 Youthful Piety. C. M.
REMEMBER thy Creator now,
In these thy youthful days ;
He will accept thine earliest vow,
And listen to thy praise.
2 Remember thy Creator now;
Seek him while he is near:
For evil days will come, when thou,
Shalt find no comfort here.
3 Remember thy Creator now —
His willing servant be ;
Then, when thy head in death shall bow,
He will remember thee.
4 Almighty God ! our hearts incline
Thy heavenly voice to hear ;
Let all our future days be thine,
Devoted to thy fear.
1X8 Children invited to Christ.
CHILDREN! listen to the Lord,
Now obey his gracious word ;
Seek his face with heart and mind ;
Early seek, and you shall find.
C 1
2 Sorrowful your sins confess;
Plead his saving righteousness ;
See the Saviour's bleeding side ; •
Come ! you will not be denied.
3 For his worship now prepare ;
Kneel to him in fervent prayer ;
Serve him with a perfect heart ;
Never from his ways depart.
119 Early seek God. C. M.
IF you will turn away from sin
In childhood's early day,
The Lord will make you pure within,
And take your guilt away.
2 He'll show you all his matchless love,
He'll make you heirs of light ;
And give you grace, that you may prove
Still faithful in his sight.
3 He'll lead you in the pleasant way
Of holiness and peace ;
And guide you thus to endless day,
Where sin and sorrow cease.
4 stay not in the road to death,
But to the Saviour come;
And, when you lose life's fleeting breath,
He'll send and take you home.
120 The Danger of Delay. L. M.
HASTEX, sinner, to be wise,
And stay not for the morrow's sun ;
The longer wisdom you despise,
The harder is she to be won.
2 hasten mercy to implore,
And stay not for the morrow's sun ;
For fear thy season should be o'er
Before this evening's course be run.
3 hasten, sinner, to return,
And stay not for the morrow's sun ;
For fear thy lamp should fail to burn
Before the needful work is done.
4 hasten, sinner, to be blest,
And stay not for the morrow's sun ;
For fear the curse should thee arrest
Before the morrow is begun.
121 Early Consecration. C. M.
IN the bright morn of life, when youth
With vital ardor glows,
And shines in all the fairest charms
That beauty can disclose,
2 Deep in thy soul, before its powers
Are yet by vice enslaved,
Be thy Creator's glorious name
And character engraved :
3 Ere yet the shades of sorrow cloud
The sunshine of thy days ;
And cares, and toils, in endless round,
Encompass all thy ways :
4 Ere yet thy heart the woes of age
With vain regret deplore,
And sadly muse on former joys
That now return no more.
5 True wisdom, early sought and gained,
In age will give thee rest ;
then, improve the morn of life, .
To make its evening blest !
122 The Wise Choice. C. M.
YE hearts with youthful vigor warm,
In smiling crowds draw near,
And turn from every mortal charm,
A Saviour's voice to hear.
2 He, Lord of all the worlds on high,
Stoops to converse with you ;
And lays his radiant glories by,
Your friendship to pursue.
3 " The soul that longs to see my face
Is sure my love to gain ;
And those that early seek my grace
Shall never seek in vain."
4 What object, Lord, my soul should move,
If once compared with thee?
What beauty should command my love,
Like what in Christ I see?
5 Away, ye false, delusive toys,
Yain tempters of the mind !
'Tis here I fix my lasting choice,
And here true bliss I find.
123 Jenu a Refuge. 7s.
|H ! ye children, stop and think ;
Turn away from ruin's brink;
Shun the wicked liar's path ;
Fly from scenes of strife and wrath ;
Read with prayer the holy Word;
Follow Jesus Christ the Lord.
2 Jesus is the Christian's rock ;
He will safely guide his flock ;
In his arms the lambs will bear :
Children, seek your refuge there ;
Of your Saviour stop and think ;
Fly to Him from ruin's brink !
124 Invitation to Christ. S. M.
COME, children, come to God;
Cast all your sins away;
Seek ye the Saviour's cleansing blood ;
Repent, believe, obey.
2 Say not ye cannot come ;
For Jesus bled and died,
That none who ask in humble faith
Should ever be denied.
3 Say not ye will not come,
When God vouchsafes to call ;
For fearful will their end be found
On whom his wrath shall fall.
4 Come, then, whoever will ;
Come while His call'd to-day;
Seek ye the Saviour's cleansing blood ;
Kepent, believe, obey.
125 The 9 reat Concern. C. M.
""RELIGION is the chief concern
AAj Of mortals here below;
May I its great importance learn,
Its sovereign virtue know.
2 Eeligion should our thoughts engage
Amidst our youthful bloom ;
'Twill fit us for declining age,
Or for an early tomb.
3 0, may my heart, by grace renewed,
Be my Redeemer's throne ;
And be my stubborn will subdued,
His government to own.
4 Let deep repentance, faith, and love,
Be joined with godly fear ;
And all my conversation prove
My heart to be sincere.
126 Come to Jesus. S. M.
COME to the mercy-seat —
Come to the place of prayer;
Come, little children, to His feet,
In whom we live and are !
9 G
2 Come to your God in prayer —
Come to your Saviour now —
While youthful skies are bright and fair,
And health is on your brow.
3 Come in the name of Him
Who all your sorrows bore —
Who ever lives to pardon sin,
And will be sought by prayer.
127 @ ive Me thy Heart. 7s.
HEAR ye not a voice from heaven,
To the listening spirit given?
" Children, come," it seems to say ;
"Give your hearts to me to-day/'
2 Sweet as is a mother's love,
Tender as the heavenly Dove ;
Thus it speaks a Saviour's charms,
Thus it wins us to his arms.
3 Lord, we will remember thee,
While from pains and sorrow free ;
While our day is in its dew,
And the cares of life are few.
4 While to thee, O Lord, we come
In our morning's early bloom,
Breathe on us thy grace divine,
Take our hearts and make them thine.
128 Come, ye Sinners. 8s, 7s, 4s.
COME, ye sinners, poor and needy,
Weak and wounded, sick and sore ;
Jesus ready stands to save you,
Full of pity, love and power ;
He is able,
He is willing, doubt no more.
2 Now, ye needy, come and welcome,
God's free bounty glorify ;
True belief, and true repentance,
Every grace that brings you nigh,
Without money
Come to Jesus Christ and buy.
Let not conscience make you linger,
Hasten ! at his footstool fall ;
If you tarry till you're better,
You will never come at all:
Not the righteous,
Sinners Jesus came to call.
4 Agonizing in the garden,
Lo ! your Saviour prostrate lies
On the bloody tree behold him!
Hear him cry before he dies,
" It is finished l"
Sinners, will not this suffice?
129 " Lord help my unbelief " CM.
THERE is a voice of sovereign grace
Sounds from the sacred word:
Ho ! ye despairing sinners, come,
And trust a faithful Lord.
2 My soul obeys the gracious call,
And runs to this relief:
I would believe thy promise, Lord,
help my unbelief!
3 To the bless'd fountain of thy blood,
Incarnate God, I fly:
Here let me wash my spotted soul
From crimes of deepest dye.
4 A guilty, weak, and helpless worm,
On thy kind arms I fall :
Be thou my strength and righteousness,
My Jesus and my all.
130 The Narrow Way. C M.
THERE is a path that leads to God —
All others go astray:
Narrow, but pleasant is the road,
And Christians love the way.
2 It leads straight through this world of sin,
And dangers must be pass'd ;
But those who boldly walk therein
Will come to heaven at last.
GOSPEL c.u.r, . 101
o "While the broad road where thousands go
Iiicx near, ami opens fair :
And many turn aside, I know.
To walk with sinners there.
4 But lest my feeble steps should slide,
Or wander from the way.
Lord, eondescend to be my guide,
That I may never stray.
131 Youth devoted to God. C. If.
HAPPY the child whose tender years
Receive instruction well ;
Who hates the sinner's path, and fears
The road that leads to hell.
2 'Twill save us from a thousand snares
To seek religion young ;
Grace will preserve our following years,
And make our virtue strong.
3 To thee, Almighty God, to thee
Our childhood we resign :
'Twill please us to look back and see
That our whole lives were thine.
4 Let the sweet work of prayer and praise
Employ our youngest breath;
Thus were prepared for length of days,
Or fit for early death.
132 The Gospel Trumpet H. M.
BLOW ye the trumpet, blow
The gladly solemn sound ;
Let all the nations know,
To earth's remotest bound:
The year of Jubilee is come ;
Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.
2 Exalt the Lamb of God,
The sin-atoning Lamb ;
Redemption by his blood
Through all the lands proclaim :
The year of Jubilee is come ;
Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.
3 Ye who have sold for nought
The heritage above,
Shall have it back unbought,
The gift of Jesus' love ;
The year of Jubilee is come ;
Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.
4 The gospel trumpet hear,
The news of pardoning grace ;
Ye happy souls draw near,
Behold your Saviour's face:
The year of Jubilee is come ;
Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.
]_33 Penitence. L. M.
SHOW pity, Lord! Lord, forgive!
Let a repenting sinner live :
Are not thy mercies large and free?
May not the contrite trust in thee?
2 With shame my numerous sins I trace
Against thy law, against thy grace ;
And, though my pray'r thou shouldst not hear,
My doom is just and thou art clear.
3 Yet save a penitent, Lord!
Whose hope, still hov'ring round thy word,
Seeks for some precious promise there,
Some sure support against despair.
4 wash my soul from ev'ry stain,
Nor let the guilt I mourn remain ;
Give me to hear thy pardoning voice,
And bid my bleeding heart rejoice.
134 Seek, and ye shall find. 8s, 7s, 4s.
LET us now, with hearts united,
Seek and praise our God above ;
Far too long we him have slighted:
But if now we seek his love,
We shall find him
And our souls he will approve.
2 If we seek him through the Saviour,
Pleading all he did below,
We shall surely find his favor,
And be saved from endless woe ;
And to heaven,
After death, our souls will go.
3 If we seek his Holy Spirit
In our young and early days,
He will grant, through Jesus' merit,
Kich supplies of heavenly grace ;
And will fit us
For eternal songs of praise.
135 -^ broken Heart I bring. L. M.
0THOU that hearest when sinners cry ;
Though all my crimes before thee lie ;
Behold them not with angry look,
But blot their memory from thy book.
2 Create my nature pure within,
And form my soul averse to sin ;
Let thy good Spirit ne'er depart,
Nor hide thy presence from my heart.
3 I cannot live without thy light,
Cast out and banish' d from thy sight;
Thy holy joys, God, restore,
And guard me that I sin no more.
4 A broken heart, my God, my King,
Is all the sacrifice I bring ;
The God of grace will ne'er despise
A broken heart for sacrifice.
136 The Heart given to God. 8s, 7s.
rpAKE my heart, Father, take it;
1 Make and keep it all thine own:
Let thy Spirit melt and break it ;
Turn to flesh this heart of stone.
Heavenly Father, deign to mould it
In obedience to thy will ;
And, as passing years unfold it,
Keep it meek and childlike still.
2 Father, make it pure and lowly,
Peaceful, kind, and far from strife,
Turning from the paths unholy
Of this vain and sinful life.
May the blood of Jesus heal it,
And its sins be all forgiven:
Holy Spirit, take and seal it;
Guide it in the path to heaven.
137 Sin Confessed. C. M.
LORD, I confess before thy face,
How wicked I have been ;
Look down from heaven, thy dwelling-place,
And pardon all my sin.
2 Forgive my temper, Lord, I pray :
My passions and my pride ;
The wicked words I dared to say,
And wicked thoughts beside.
3 For Jesus' sake, forgive my crime,
And change this stubborn heart ;
And grant me grace another time,
To act a better part.
138 Deploring Sin. S. M.
LORD! I vrould come to thee,
A sinner all denied ;
take the stain of guilt away,
And own me as thy child.
2 I cannot live in sin,
And feel a Saviour's love ;
Thy blood can make my spirit clean ;
write my name above!
139 For a new Heart. C. M.
0FOR a heart to praise my God,
A heart from sin set free ;
A heart that always feels thy blood,
So freely shed for me !
2 A heart resigned, submissive, meek,
My great Redeemer's throne, —
"Where only Christ is heard to speak,
Where Jesus reigns alone.
3 for a lowly, contrite heart,
Believing, true, and clean ;
Which neither life nor death can part
From him that dwells within.
4 A heart in every thought renewed,
And full of love divine ;
Perfect, and right, and pure, and good,
A copy, Lord, of thine.
140 Contrition's Sigh. S. M.
OTHOU, whose mercy hears
Contrition's humble sigh;
Whose hand, indulgent, wipes the tears
From sorrow's weeping eye, —
2 See, at thy throne of grace,
A wretched wand'rer mourn ;
Hast thou not bid me seek thy face ?
Hast thou not said, — Return ?
3 Shall guilty fears prevail
To drive me from thy feet?
Oh ! let not this last refuge fail, —
This only safe retreat.
4 Absent from thee, my Light,
"Without one cheering ray, —
Through dangers, fears, and gloomy night,
How desolate my way !
5 On this benighted heart,
With beams of mercy shine ;
And let thy voice again impart
A taste of joy divine.
14:1 Si n Confessed. 7s.
SOVEREIGN Ruler, Lord of all,
Prostrate at thy feet I fall:
Hear, hear my earnest cry :
Frown not, lest I faint and die.
2 Justly might thy fatal dart
Pierce this guilty, broken heart:
Justly might thy righteous breath
Doom me to eternal death.
3 Jesus, save my dying soul;
Make my broken spirit whole ;
Humbled in the dust I lie;
Saviour, leave me not to die.
142 God's blessing asked. C. M.
OTHAT the Lord would guide my way
To keep his statutes still;
that my God would grant me grace
To know and do his will.
2 Order my footsteps by thy word,
And make my heart sincere ;
Let sin have no dominion, Lord,
But keep my conscience clear.
3 Assist my soul, too apt to stray,
A stricter watch to keep;
And, should I e'er forget thy way.
Restore thy wand'ring sheep.
4 Make me to walk in thy commands
"r\< a delightful road ;
Nor let my head, nor heart, nor hands
Offend against my God.
143 Walking with God. C. M.
0FOR a closer walk with God,
A calm and heavenly frame:
A light to shine upon the road
That leads me to the Lamb.
2 Where is the blessedness I knew
When first I saw the Lord ?
Where is the soul-refreshing view
Of Jesus and his word?
3 What peaceful hours I once enjoyed
How sweet their memory still !
But they have left an aching void
The world can never fill.
4 Return, holy Dove, return,
Sweet messenger of rest ;
I hate the sins that made thee mourn,
And drove thee from my breast.
5 The dearest idol I have known,
Whate'er that idol be,
Help me to tear it from thy throne,
And worship only thee.
6 So shall my walk be close with God
Calm and serene my frame ;
So purer light shall mark the road
That leads me to the Lamb.
144 The hard Heart. C. M.
\TTHAT is there. Lord, a child can do
VV Who feels with guilt opprest ?
There's evil that I never knew
Before, within my h"<>-.-i.
2 My thoughts are vain, my heart is hard,
My temper apt to rise ;
And when I seem upon my guard,
It takes me by surprise.
3 And yet if I begin to pray,
And lift my feeble cry ;
Some thoughts of folly or of play
Prevent me when I try.
4 On many Sabbaths, though I've heard
Of Jesus and of heaven,
I've scarcely listened to thy word,
Or prayed to be forgiven.
5 look with pity in thine eye
Upon a heart so hard ;
Thou wilt not slight a feeble cry,
Or show it no regard.-
145 The Child's Petition. 8s, 7a.
LOVING Jesus, high and holy,
Gentle, pure, and undefiled,
Canst thou bend thine ear so lowly
As to hear a little child ?
Weak and sinful, I have wandered
Everywhere that Satan led ;
Now I turn to thee, my Saviour,
Shall I not be comforted?
Oh, forgive me ; Oh, forgive me !
Hear a helpless sinner cry;
Shepherd, in thy fold receive me,
Grant me mercy ere I die ;
And when Satan tries to tempt me,
To his arts I will not yield :
Christ, my strength, do thou defend me,
And protect me by thy shield.
146 . My peace 1 give unto you. 7s, 6s.
LA]\lB of God, for sinners slain,
To thee I humbly pray:
Heal me of my grief and pain,
take my sins away.
From this bondage, Lord, release ;
No longer let me be opprest:
Jesus, Master, seal my peace,
And take me to thy breast !
2 Wilt thou cast a sinner out,
Who humbly conies to thee !
No, my God, I cannot doubt:
Thy mercy is for me:
Let me then obtain the grace,
And be of paradise possessed :
Jesus, Master, seal my peace,
And take me to thy breast!
3 Worldly good I do not want,
Be that to others given ;
Only for thy love I pant,
My all in earth or heav'n ;
This the crown I fain would seize,
The good wherewith I would be blest
Jesus, Master, seal my peace,
And take me to thy breast.
4 This delight I fain would proYe,
And then resign my breath !
Join the happy few whose love
Was mightier than death !
Let it not my Lord displease,
That I would die to be thy guest !
Jesus, Master, seal my peace,
And take me to thy breast !
147 The Stubborn Heart. L. M.
OFOR a glance of heavenly day,
To take this stubborn heart away ;
And thaw, with beams of love divine,
This heart, this frozen heart of mine.
2 The rocks can rend ; the earth can quake
The seas can roar ; the mountains shake :
Of feeling, all things show some sign,
But this unfeeling heart of mine.
3 To hear the sorrows thou hast felt,
Lord, an adamant would melt:
But I can read each moving line,
And nothing moves this heart of mine.
4 Thy judgments too, which devils fear —
Amazing thought ! — unmoved I hear !
Goodness and wrath in vain combine
To stir this stupid heart of mine.
5 But power divine can do the deed ;
And, Lord, that power I greatly need :
Thy Spirit can from dross refine,
And melt and change this heart of mine.
148 I come io J esus ' 7s, 6s.
I LAY my sins on Jesus,
The spotless Lamb of God ;
He bears them all and frees us
From the accursed load.
10* h
2 I lay my wants on Jesus,
All fullness dwells in him;
He healeth my diseases,
He doth my soul redeem.
3 I lay my griefs on Jesus,
My burdens and my cares ;
He from them all releases,
He all my sorrows shares.
4 I long to be like Jesus,
Meek, loving, lowly, mild ;
I long to be like Jesus,
The Father's holy child.
5 I long to be with Jesus,
Amid the heavenly throng,
To sing with saints his praises,
And learn the angels' song.
149 Hymn to the Saviour. 8s, 7s.
HAIL ! my ever blessed Jesus,
Only thee I wish to sing ;
To my soul thy name is precious,
Thou my Prophet, Priest, and King.
what mercy flows from heaven !
what joy and happiness !
Love I much? I'm much forgiven;
I'm a miracle of grace.
Once with Adam's race in ruin,
Unconcerned in sin I lay ;
Swift destruction still pursuing,
Till my Saviour passed that way.
Witness, all ye hosts of heaven,
My Redeemer's tenderness ;
Love I much ? I'm much forgiven ;
I'm a miracle of grace.
Shout ye bright angelic choir,
Praise the Lamb enthroned above ;
Whilst, astonished, I admire
God's free grace and boundless love,
That blessed moment I received him
Filled my soul with joy and peace ;
Love I much ? I'm much forgiven ;
I'm a miracle of grace.
150 Praise for Redemption. C. M.
PLUNGED in a gulf of dark despair,
We wretched sinners lay,
Without one cheering beam of hope,
Or spark of glimmering day.
2 With pitying eyes the Prince of grace
Beheld our helpless grief;
He saw, and (0, amazing love!)
He ran to our relief.
3 Down from the shining seats above
With joyful haste he fled,
Entered the grave in mortal flesh,
And dwelt among the dead.
4 0, for this love, let rocks and hills
Their lasting silence break,
And all harmonious human tongues
The Saviour's praises speak.
151 Christ our Sacrifice. S. M.
"YTOT all the blood of beasts,
J_\| On Jewish altars slain,
Could give the guilty conscience peace,
Or wash away the stain.
2 But Christ the heavenly Lamb,
Takes all our sins away : .
A sacrifice of nobler name,
And richer blood than they.
3 My faith would lay her hand
On that dear head of thine,
While as a penitent I stand,
And there confess my sin.
4 My soul looks back to see
The burdens thou didst bear,
When hanging on the cursed tree,
And hopes her guilt was there.
152 Tribute to the Lamb. C. M.
C^OME, let us join our cheerful songs
J With angels round the throne ;
Ten thousand thousand are their tongues,
But all their joys are one.
2 "Worthy the Lamb that died/' they cry,
"To be exalted thus!"
. "Worthy the Lamb/' our lips reply,
" For he was slain for us."
3 Jesus is worthy to receive
Honor and power divine ;
And blessings more than we can give,
Be, Lord, for ever thine.
4 Let all that dwell above the sky,
And air, and earth, and seas,
Conspire to lift thy glories high,
And speak thine endless praise.
153 Christ died for me. C. M.
LORD, to thy mercy-seat I come,
And bow before thy throne ;
Here at thy footstool will I plead
The merits of thy Son.
2 Though crimes of deepest dye appear,
And justice bids thee slay;
Yet in thy mercy will I trust,
To wash my sins away.
3 My only hope is in that blood,
For me on Calvary shed;
My only plea is this, — for me,
For me my Saviour bled.
154 J ust as I am - i» M-
JUST as I am — without one plea,
But that thy blood was shed for me^
And that thou bid'st me come to thee —
Lamb of God, I come, I come !
2 Just as I am — and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot
Lamb of God, I come, I come !
3 Just as I am — though toss'd about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
With fears within and wars without —
Lamb of God, I come, I come !
4 Just as I am — thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve,
Because thy promise I believe —
Lamb of God, I come, I come !
5 Just as I am — thy love unknown
Has broken every barrier down :
Now to be thine, yea, thine alone,
Lamb of God, I come, I come !
155 Faith looking to Christ. 6s, 4s.
Y faith looks up to thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour Divine !
Now hear me while I pray :
Take all my guilt away:
let me from this day
Be wholly thine.
2 May thy rich grace impart
Strength to my fainting heart,
My zeal inspire:
As thou hast died for me,
may my love to thee,
Pure, warm, and changeless be —
A living nre.
3 While life's dark maze I tread,
And griefs around me spread,
Be thou my guide :
Bid darkness turn to day
Wipe sorrow's tears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From thee aside.
156 Coming to Christ. 7s.
JESUS bids me seek his face ;
Lord, I come to ask thy grace ;
Send thy Spirit from above,
Teach me to obey and love:
Unto thee I fain would go,
All I want thou canst bestow.
2 Thou wilt e'en a child receive ;
Thou wilt all my sins forgive :
dissolve this heart of stone,
Make me thine, and thine alone ;
Sin is present with me still,
Disobedient is my will.
3 Sinful thoughts too oft prevail,
Vain desires my heart assail ;
my Saviour, make me whole,
Form anew my inmost soul ;
Kindly guard me every day,
Be my everlasting stay.
157 2? oi as hamed of Jesus. L. M.
JESUS, and shall it ever be,
A mortal man ashamed of thee !
Ashamed of thee, whom angels praise, —
Whose glories shine through endless days.
2 Ashamed of Jesus ! — that dear Friend
On whom my hopes of heaven depend ;
No! — when I blush, be this my shame, —
That I no more revere his name.
3 Ashamed of Jesus ! — yes, I may,
When I've no guilt to wash away ;
No tear to wipe, no good to crave,
No fears to quell, no soul to save.
4 Till then — nor is my boasting vain —
Till then, I boast a Saviour slain:
And 0, may this my glory be, —
That Christ is not ashamed of me.
158 Let Children praise the Saviour. S. M.
TO praise the Saviour's name,
Let every child now try ;
While saints and angels do the same
In the bright world on high.
-AI-VAIluN mi;.,! ,,,, , , myr# jOj
2 His love in heaven is sung,
Hia nain,. is there adored ;
And obildren hero, bowever young,
May Learn to praise the Lord,
3 The wonders of that love
No earthly tongue can lell,
>\ hich brought the Saviour from above,
I" Bave our Bonis from hell.
1 '' '• m he wep< and bled,
^ And Buffered all hit pain ;
For u was numbered with the dead,
An. I rose t-. life again.
• r » And still for as he prays.
And makes our souls bis ■
He i fovea to hear our feeble praise,
And listens to our prayer.
159 The Joyful Sound. C. If.
S A ^' ATI ,° X: 0tl - Joyful sound!
> J >\ Jiat pleasure to our ears !
Asov'zeigp balm for every wound,
A cordial lor our I
2 Buried in sorrow and in sin,
At hell's dark door we lays
But we arise by grace divine,
lo sec a heavenly day.
3 Salvation ! let the echo fly
The spacious earth around,
While all the armies of the sky
Conspire to raise the sound.
4 Salvation ! thou bleeding Lamb !
To thee the praise belongs:
Salvation shall inspire our hearts,
And dwell upon our tongues.
160 Salvation in none other than Jesus. L. M.
IN vain would boasting reason find
The path to happiness and God;
Her weak directions leave the mind
Bewilder'd in a doubtful road.
2 Jesus, thy words alone impart
Eternal life ; on these I live ;
Diviner comforts cheer my heart
Than all the pow'rs of nature give.
3 Here let my constant feet abide ;
Thou art the true, the living way;
Let thy good Spirit be my guide
To the bright realms of endless day.
4 The various forms that men devise,
To shake my faith with treach'rous art,
I scorn as vanity and lies,
And bind thy gospel to my heart.
161 Praise to the Lamb. S. If.
AWAKE, and sing the song
Of Moses and the Lamb ;
Wake, every heart and every tongue
To praise the Saviour's name.
2 Sing of his dying love ;
Sing of his rising power ;
Sing how he intercedes above
For those whose sins he bore.
3 Sing on your heavenly way,
Ye ransomed sinners, sing;
Sing on, rejoicing every day
In Christ the exalted King.
4 Soon we shall hear him say,
"Ye blessed children, come;"
Soon will he call us hence away,
And take his wanderers home.
5 Soon shall our raptured tongue
His endless praise proclaim;
And sweeter voices tune the song
Of Moses and the Lamb.
162 Confession and Prayer. C. M
A SINNER, Lord, behold I stand,
In thought, and word, and deed
But Jesus sits at thy right hand,
For such to intercede.
2 From early infancy, I know,
A rebel I have been ;
And daily, as I older grow,
I fear I grow in sin.
3 But God can change this evil heart,
And give a holy mind,
And his own heavenly grace impart,
Which those who seek shall find.
4 To heav'n can reach the softest word,
A child's repenting prayer ;
For tears are seen, and sighs are heard,
And thoughts regarded there.
5 Then let me all my sins confess,
And pardoning grace implore :
That I may love my follies less,
And love my Saviour more.
163 F° r Sustaining Grace. L. M.
11 TY hope, my all, my Saviour thou ; ■
jLVx To thee, lo, now my soul I how ;
I feel the bliss thy wounds impart, —
I find thee, Saviour, in my heart.
2 Be thou my strength, — he thou my way;
Protect me through my life's short day :
In all my acts may wisdom guide,
And keep me, Saviour, near thy side.
3 In fierce temptation's darkest hour,
Save me from sin and Satan's power;
Tear every idol from thy throne,
And reign, my Saviour, reign alone.
164 Watchfulness ctnd Prayer. C. M.
ALAS ! what hourly dangers rise !
What snares beset my way !
To heaven let me lift my eyes,
And hourly watch and pray.
2 gracious God, in whom I live,
My feeble efforts aid ;
Help me to watch, and pray, and strive,
Though trembling and afraid.
3 Increase my faith, increase my hope,
When foes and fears prevail ;
And bear my fainting spirit up,
Or soon my strength will fail.
4 keep me in thy heavenly way.
And bid the tempter flee ;
And let me never, never stray
From happiness and thee.
165 Leave me not to stray. 7s.
WEAK and wandering though I be,
Lord, in love remember me;
Leave me not from thee to stray,
Keep me in the narrow way.
2 With my face to Zionward,
Ever following thee, my Lord ;
Let not pleasure, gain, or pride,
Tempt my youthful heart aside.
3 Keep me ever with thine eye,
Till I safely rest on high ;
There for ever thee adore,
Where I cannot leave thee more.
166 jresus ihe Shepherd. S. M.
TESUS my Shepherd is,
J 'Twas He that loved my soul,
'Twas He that washed me in his blood,
'Twas He that made me whole.
2 'Twas He that sought the lost,
That found the wandering sheep;
'Twas He that brought me to the fold,
; Tis He that still doth keep
3 * was a wandering sheep,
I would not be controlled ;
i tut now I love the Shepherd's voice,
I love, I love the fold !
4 I was a wayward child,
I once preferred to roam ;
But now I love my Father's voice,
I love, I love His home !
167 Religion insures happiness. 7s.
jrpiS religion that can give
J_ Sweetest pleasure while we live ;
'Tis religion must supply
Solid comfort when we die.
2 After death, its joys will be
Lasting as eternity !
Be the living God my friend,
Then my bliss shall never end.
168 Religion brings joy. 7s, 6s.
IT is not earthly pleasure,
That withers in a day ;
It is not mortal treasure,
That flieth soon away ;
It is not friends that leave us,
It is not sense nor sin,
That smile but to deceive us,
Can give us peace within.
2 But 'tis religion bringeth
Joy beyond earth's control;
Rich from the throne it springeth,
A fountain to the soul.
He that is meek and lowly,
The Saviour's face shall see ;
To none but to the holy,
Heaven's gates shall opened be.
3 Lord, be thy Spirit near us,
While we thy words are taught ;
And may these days that cheer us,
With future good be fraught;
May we, to heaven invited,
When youth and life are flown,
Teachers and taught united,
Assemble round the throne.
169 ® n reeover y from Sickness. C. M.
MY God, thy service well demands
The remnant of my days;
Why was this fleeting breath renewed,
But to renew thy praise?
2 Thine arms of everlasting love
Did this weak frame sustain,
When life was hovering o'er the grave,
And nature sunk with pain.
3 Calmly I bowed my fainting head
Upon thy faithful breast ;
Pleased to obey my Father's call
To his eternal rest.
christian i:\rFKir.\-d1
Her walls before. thee stand,
Dear as the apple of thine eye
And graven on thy hand.
3 If e'er to bless thy sons
My voice or hands deny:
These hands let useful skill forsake,
This voice in silence die.
4 If e'er my heart forget
Her welfare and her woe:
Let every joy this heart forsake,
And ever}- grief o'erflow.
5 For her my tears shall fall ;
For her my prayers ascend;
To her my cares and toils be given,'
lill toils and cares shall end.
6 Beyond my highest joy
I prize her heavenly ways,
Her sweet communion, solemn vows,
Her hymns of love and praise.
203 Worship of God delightful. L. M.
LORD, how delightful 'tis to see
A whole assembly worship thee ;
At once they sing, at once they pray,
I hey hear of heaven, and learn the way.
2 I have been there, and still would go,
; Tis like a little heaven below;
Not all my pleasures and my play
Shall tempt me to forget this day.
3 write upon my memory, Lord,
The text and doctrine of thy word :
That I may break thy laws no more,
But love thee better than before.
4 With thoughts of Christ and things divine
Fill up this foolish heart of mine ;
That hoping pardon through his blood,
I may lie down, and wake with God.
204:' Sanctuary Worship. 7s.
TO thy temple I repair,
Lord, I love to worship there ;
While thy glorious praise is sung,
Touch my lips, unloose my tongue.
2 While the prayers of saints ascend,
God of love, to mine attend ;
Hear me, for thy Spirit pleads ;
Hear, for Jesus intercedes.
3 While I hearken to thy law,
Fill my soul with humble awe;
May thy gospel bring to me
Life and immortality.
4 While thy ministers proclaim
I 1 .';!.-, and pardon in thy name,
Through their voice, by faith may I
Hear thee speaking from on high.
5 From thy house when I return,
May my heart within me burn ;
Ana at evening let me say,
" I have walked with God to-day."
205 Hol V Worship. I
JESUS, we love to meet,
On this thy holy day.
We worship round thy seat,
On this thy holy day.
Thou tender, heavenly Friend !
To thee our prayers ascend,
O'er our young spirits bend,
On this thy holy day.
2 We dare not trifle now.
On this thy holy day.
In silent awe we bow,
On jthis thy holy day.
Check every Avandering thought,
And let us all be taught,
To serve thee as we ought.
On this thy holy day.
•'; We listen to thy word,
On this thy holy day.
Bless all that we have heard,
On this thy holy day.
Go with us when we part,
And to each youthful heart,
Thy saving grace impart,
On this thy holy day.
206 From School to Church. C. M.
NOW, children, to God's house repair,
And with the holy throng
give your hearts to humble prayer,
And raise the cheerful song.
2 Praise God, whose mercies brought you here,
Whose goodness keeps you still,
Whose grace with joy your souls can cheer,
Whose power subdues your will.
3 Improve the strength you here have gain'd
To do his holy will :
Improve the knowledge here attain'd,
To love and serve him still.
207 Attending Public Worship. L. M.
WHEN to the house of God we go,
To hear his word and sing his love,
We ought to worship him below,
As saints and angels do above.
2 For God is present eveuywhere,
And watches all our thoughts and ways ;
He marks who humbly join in prayer,
And who sincerely sing his praise.
pi puc worship. 157
3 The triflers, too, his eye can Bee,
WIhi only seem to take a part:
They move the lip and bend the knee,
But do not seek him with their heart.
4 may we never trifle so,
Nor lose the days our God has given;
But learn, by Sabbaths here below,
To spend eternity in heaven.
208 Delights of Public Worship.
LORD of hosts, how lovely fair,
E'en on earth thy temples are ;
Here thy waiting people see
Much of heaven, and much of thee.
2 From thy gracious presence flows
Bliss that softens all our woes ;
While thy Spirit's holy fire
Warms our hearts with pure desire.
3 Here we supplicate thy throne,
Here thou mak'st thy glories known ;
Here we learn thy righteous ways,
Taste thy love and BiBg thy praise.
4 Thus with sacred songs of joy;
We our happy days employ;
Love, and long to love thee more,
Till from earth to heaven w»
209 Newness of life. C. M.
BAPTIZED into our Saviour's death,
Our souls to sin must die:
With Christ our Lord we live anew,
With Christ ascend on high.
There by his Father's side he sits,
Enthroned, divinely fair ;
Yet owns himself our brother still,
And our forerunner there.
210 Baptismal consecration. H. M.
BAPTIZED into thy name,
Mysterious One in Three,
Our souls and bodies claim
A sacrifice to thee :
We only live our faith to prove,
The faith which works by humble love.
2 that our light may shine,
And all our lives express
The character divine,
Of constant holiness !
Then, then receive us to adore
The Triune God for evermore.
211 Baptism of adults. C. M.
PROCLAIM, said Christ, my wondrous grace
To all the sons of men ;
He who believes and is baptiz'd
Salvation shall obtain.
2 Let plenteous grace descend on those
Who, hoping in his word,
This day have publicly declar'd,
That Jesus is their Lord.
3 "With cheerful feet may they go on,
And run the Christian race ;
And in the troubles of the way
Find all-sufficient grace.
4 And when the awful message comes
To call their souls away,
May they be found prepar'd to live
In realms of endless day.
212 "Forbid them not" H. M.
"T70RBID them not to come!"
Jj It is the Saviour's voice:
And. now in childhood's bloom,
We tremble and rejoice.
Subdue our hearts, Lord, to thee
Let every soul thy temple be.
2 " Forbid them not to come ! "
Ye tender parents hear:
The child in nature's gloom
Entreats your ardent prayer.
take us to thy mercy-seat,
And lay us down at Jesus' feet.
213 An Appeal from Baptism. 8s, 7s.
IN thy baptism God hath plighted
Thee his truth, eternal, sure ;
Hast thou this thy cov'nant slighted?
Still his promise' must endure.
2 'Tis an ever faithful sentence:
" Jesus sinners will receive."
Come again in true repentance ;
Turn again and thou shalt live.
3 To his heart how proudly yearning,
Calling, waiting, day by day :
Why then art thou not returning?
Come, nor longer from him stray.
214 8s » 7s > 4s -
Grateful acknowledgment of Baptism.
TMTHER, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Jj I'm baptized in thy dear name;
In the seed thou dost inherit,
With the people thou dost claim,
I am reckoned ;
And for me the Saviour came.
Thou receivest me, Father,
As a child and heir of thine ;
Jesus, thou who died'st, yea, rather
Ever lovest, thou art mine.
Thou, Spirit^
Art my guide, my light divine.
I have pledged, and would not falter,
Truth, obedience, love to thee ;
I have vows upon thine altar,
Ever thine alone to be:
And forever,
Sin and all its lusts to flee.
Gracious God, all thou hast spoken
In this cov'nant shall take place ;
But if I, alas ! have broken
These my vows, hide not thy face ;
And from falling,
0, restore me by thy grace !
Lord, to thee I now surrender,
All I have and all I am ;
Make my heart more true and tender,
In me glorify thy name.
Let obedience
To thy will be all my aim.
14* L
-215 Jesus the soul's (rue food. L.
JESUS is gone above the skies,
Where our weak senses reach him n<
And carnal objects meet our eyes,
To thrust our Saviour from our thougl
2 He knows what wand'ring hearts we ha
Apt to forget his lovely face;
And, to refresh our minds, he gave
These kind memorials of his grace.
3 Let sinful sweets be all forgot,
And earth grow less in our esteem ;
Christ and his love fill ev'ry thought,
And faith and hope be fix'd on him
5 While he is absent from our sight,
'Tis to prepare our souls a place ;
That we may dwell in heav'nly light,
And live for ever near his face.
216 Communion. S.
JESUS invites his saints
To meet around his board:
Here those he died to save may hoi
Communion with their Lord.
lord's supper. 163
2 For food he gives his flesh,
He bids us drink his blood ;
Amazing favor ! matchless grace
Of our descending God !
3 This holy bread and wine
Maintain our fainting breath,
By union with our living Lord,
And interest in his death.
4 Our heav'nly Father calls
Christ and his members one :
We are the children of his love,
And he the first-born Son.
5 We are but sev'ral parts
Of the same broken bread ;
One body, with its sev'ral limbs,
But Jesus is the head.
6 Let all our powers be joined
His glorious name to raise ;
Pleasure and love fill ev'ry mind,
And ev'ry voice be praise !
217 The gospel feast. L. M.
MY God ! and is thy table spread ?
And does thy cup with love o ; erflow ?
Thither be all thy children led,
And let them all its sweetness know.
2 let thy table honor'd be,
And furnished well with joyful guests ;
And may each soul salvation see,
That here its sacred pledges tastes.
3 Let crowds approach ; with hearts prepar'd
With warm desire, let all attend ;
Nor, when we leave our Father's board,
The pleasure or the profit end.
4 Revive thy dying churches, Lord !
And bid our drooping graces live ;
And more that energy afford,
A Saviour's death alone can give.
5 Nor let thy spreading gospel rest,
Till through the world thy truth has run,
Till with this bread all men be blest
Who see the light or feel the sun.
218 Christ's Kingdom. L. M.
JESUS shall reign where'er the sun
Does his successive journeys run;
His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,
Till moons shall wax and wane no more.
2 For him shall endless prayer be made,
And endless praises crown his head :
His name like sweet perfume shall rise
With every morning sacrifice.
3 People and realms of every tongue
Dwell on his love with grateful song,
And infant voices shall proclaim
Their early blessings on his name.
4 Let every creature rise and bring
Peculiar honors to our King ;
Angels descend with songs again,
And earth repeat the loud Amen.
219 Prayer for the Spread of the Gospel. 8s, 7s, 4s.
O'ER the gloomy hills of darkness,
Look, my soul, be still and gaze;
All the promises do travail
With a glorious day of grace ;
Blessed Jubilee,
Let thy glorious morning dawn.
2 Kingdoms wide, that sit in darkness,
Grant them, Lord, the glorious light,
And from eastern coast to western,
May the morning chase the night;
And redemption,
Freely purchased, win the day.
3 Fly abroad, thou mighty Gospel;
Win and conquer, never cease ;
Mav thy lasting, wide dominions
Multiply and still increase !
Sway thy sceptre,
Saviour, all the world around.
220 For ihe Spread of the Gospel. 7s.
HASTEN, Lord, the glorious time,
When beneath Messiah's sway,
Every nation, every clime,
Shall the gospel call obey.
2 Mightiest kings his power shall own,
Heathen tribes his name adore ;
Satan and his host o'erthrown,
Bound in chains, shall hurt no more.
3 Then shall war and tumults cease
Then be banished grief and pain ;
Righteousness, and joy, and peace,
Undisturbed shall ever reign.
4 Bless we, then, our gracious Lord,
Ever praise his glorious name ;
All his mighty acts record,
All his wondrous love proclaim.
221 Spread of the Gospel S. M.
GOD of sovereign grace,
We bow before thy throne ;
And plead for all the human race,
The merits of thy Son.
2 Spread through the earth, Lord,
The knowledge of thy ways :
And let all lands with joy record
The great Redeemer's praise.
222 The Laborers are few. S. M.
LORD of the harvest, hear
Thy needy servants cry:
Answer our faith's effectual prayer,
And all our wants supply.
2 On thee we humbly wait, —
Our wants are in thy view ;
The harvest, truly, Lord, is great,
The laborers are few.
3 Convert and send forth more
Into thy Church abroad.
And let them speak thy word of power,
As workers with their God.
4 let them spread thy name, —
Their mission fully prove ;
Thy universal grace proclaim, —
Thine all-redeeming love.
223 The heathen's call. 7s, 6s.
T7ROM Greenland's icy mountains,
_L From India's coral strand,
Where Afric's sunny fountains
Roll down their golden sand:
From many an ancient river,
From many a palmy plain,
They call us to deliver
Their land from error's chain.
2 What though the spicy breezes
Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle ;
Though every prospect pleases,
And only man is vile :
In vain with lavish kindness
The gifts of God are strewn ;
The heathen in his blindness
Bows down to wood and stone.
3 Shall we whose souls are lighted
With wisdom from on high,
Shall we to men benighted
The lamp of life deny ?
Salvation ! oh, salvation !
The joyful sound proclaim,
Till earth's remotest nation
Has learn'd Messiah's name.
Waft, waft, ye winds, his story,
And you, ye waters, roll,
Till, like a sea of glory,
It spreads from pole to pole ;
Till o'er our ransom'd nature
The Lamb for sinners slain,
Redeemer, King, Creator,
In bliss returns to rei^n.
224 Triumphs of the Gospel. 7s.
TXTATCHMAN I tell us of the night,
V V What its signs of promise are !
Trav'ller ! o'er yon mountain's height,
See the glory-beaming star !
Watchman! does its beauteous ray
Aught of hope or joy foretell?
Trav'ller ! yes, it brings the day,
Promis'd day of Israel.
2 Watchman ! tell us of the night :
Higher yet that star ascends !
Trav'ller ! blessedness and light,
Peace and truth its course portends !
Watchman! will its beams alone
Gild the spot that gave them birth?
Trav'ller ! ages are its own ;
See, it bursts o'er all the earth!
3 Watchman ! tell us of the night,
For the morning seems to dawn!
Traveler ! darkness takes its flight ;
Doubt and terror are withdrawn!
"Watchman ! let thy wandering cease
Hie thee to thy quiet home ;
Trav'ller, lo ! the Prince of peace,
Lo ! the Son of God is come !
225 Missionary Meeting. L. M.
JESUS ! in Christian love we meet
To bring an offering to thy feet ;
All in their hand some talent bear,
And lay it humbly, freely, there.
2 Yes, for thy gospel's cause, with joy
Our hands, our hearts, we would employ :
Oh, smile upon us from above,
That bless'd may be our work of love.
3 Then let us feel thy presence near,
While met in holy union here :
Our zeal, our love, do thou increase,
And let us reap the fruits of peace.
226 Spread of the Gospel. L. M.
SOVEREIGN of worlds ! display thy powei
Be this thy Zion's favor'd. hour;
Bid the bright Morning Star arise,
And point the nations to the skies.
2 Set up thy throne where Satan reigns —
On Afric's shore, on India's plains, .
On wilds and continents unknown ;
And make the nations all thine own.
3 Speak ! and the world shall hear thy voice ;
Speak ! and the desert shall rejoice :
Scatter the gloom of heathen night,
And bid all nations hail the light.
227 Prayer for the success of the Gospel. CM.
LORD, send thy word, and let it fly,
Arni'd with thy Spirit's pow'r ;
Ten thousand shall confess its sway,
And bless the saving hour.
2 Beneath the influence of thy grace,
The barren wastes shall rise,
"With sudden greens and fruits array'd,
A blooming paradise.
3 True holiness shall strike its root
In each regenerate heart ;
Shall in a growth divine arise,
And heav'nly fruits impart.
4 Peace, with her olives crown'd, shall stretch
Her wings from shore to shore ;
No trump shall rouse the rage of war,
Nor murd'rous cannon roar.
5 Lord, for those days we wait — those days
Are in thy word foretold ;
Fly swifter, sun and stars, and bring
This promis'd age of gold !
6 Amen, with joy divine, let earth's
Unnumbered myriads cry;
Amen, with joy divine, let heav'n's
Unnumbered choirs reply.
228 Universal Hallelujah. 7s, 6s.
"TT7HEN shall the voice of singing
VV Flow joyfully along?
When hill and valley, ringing
With one triumphant song,
Proclaim the contest- ended,
And him, who once was slain,
Again to earth descended,
In righteousness to reign?
2 Then from the craggy mountains,
The sacred shout shall fly,
And shady vales and fountains
Shall echo the reply:
High tower and lowly dwelling
Shall send the chorus round,
The hallelujah swelling
In one eternal sound.
229 The Salvation of Israel. 7s, 6s.
r\ THAT the Lord's salvation
\J Were out of Zion come,
To heal his ancient nation,
To lead his outcasts home !
How long the holy city
Shall heathen feet profane?
Return, Lord, in pity ;
Rebuild her walls again.
2 Let fall thy rod of terror ;
Thy saving grace impart;
Roll back the veil of error;
Release the fettered heart.
Let Israel, home returning,
Her lost Messiah see ;
Give oil of joy for mourning,
And bind thy church to thee.
230 The coming Reign of Christ. L. M.
A SCEND thy throne, almighty King!
A And spread thy glories all abroad ;
Let thine own arm salvation bring,
And be thou known the gracious God.
2 Let millions bow before thy seat, —
Let humble mourners seek thy face;
Bring daring rebels to thy feet,
Subdued by thy victorious grace.
3 Oh ! let the kingdoms of the world
Become the kingdoms of the Lord ;
Let saints and angels praise thy name, —
Be thou through heaven and earth adored.
231 '^ ie Great Command. 6s, 4s.
SOUND, sound the truth abroad!
Bear ye the -word of God
Through the wide world:
Tell what our Lord hath done:
Tell how the day was won,
And from his lofty throne
Satan is hurl'd.
2 Far over sea and land —
'Tis our Lord's own command —
Bear ye his name :
Bear it to ev'ry shore;
Regions unknown explore;
Enter at every door : —
Silence is shame.
3 Ye who, forsaking all
At your loved Master's call,
Comforts resign ;
Soon will the work be done ;
Soon will the prize be won :
Brighter than yonder sun
Then shall ye shine.
232 J °y & the World. C. M.
JOY to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare him room
And heaven and nature sing.
2 Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns !
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains,
Repeat the sounding joy.
3 No more let sin and sorrow grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground ;
He comes to make his blessings flow
Far as the curse is found.
233 The Angel's message to the Shepherds. C. M.
ON Judah's plains as shepherds sat,
Watching their flocks by night,
The angel of the Lord appear'd,
Clad in celestial light.
2 Awe-struck the vision they regard,
AppalPd with trembling fear ;
When thus a cherub-voice divine
Breath'd sweetly on their ear.
3 "Shepherds of Judah! cease your fears
And calm your troubled mind ;
Glad tidings of great joy I bring,
To you and all mankind.
4 "This day almighty love fulfils
Its great eternal word ;
This day is born in Bethlehem
A Saviour, Christ the Lord.
5 "There shall you find the heav'nly babe
In humblest weeds array'd ;
All meanly wrapp'd in swaddling clothes,
And in a manger laid."
234 Hymn for Advent. 7s.
/^OME, thou Saviour of our race,
Vj Choicest gift of heav'nly grace ;
thou blessed virgin's Son !
Be thy race on earth begun.
2 Not of mortal blood or birth,
He descends from heav'n to earth —
By the Holy Ghost conceiv'd,
Truly man, to be believ'd.
i Bon m^s. 177
3 Wondrous birth! wondrous child
Of the virgin undefil'd !
Though by all the world disowuM,
Still H DC in licax'ii cnthn>n\l.
4 Prom tin' Father Forth he came,
And returneth t<> the same ;
Captive leading death and hell —
High the aong of triumph swell.
5 Equal to tin' Father now,
Though to dust thou oner didst bow:
Boundless shall thy kingdom be —
When shall we its glories see?
6 Brightly doth thy manger shine;
Glorious is its light divine :
Let not sin o'ercloud this light;
Ever be our faith thus bright.
235 Advent of Christ. 78.
ARK I the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new-born King!
Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled 1"
2 Joyful, all ye nations, rise,
Join the triumph of the skies ;
With the angelic host proclaim,
i brisl is horn in Betnlehem."
3 Mild, he lays his glory by;
Born, that man no more may die :
Born, to raise the sons of earth:
Born, to give them second birth.
4 Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see ;
Lo! the incarnate Deity;
Pleased as man with men t' appear,
Jesus our Immanuel here.
5 Hail the heaven-born Prince of peace
Hail the Sun of righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings,
Ris'n with healing in his wings.
OQg Christmas Morning. " s »
THE glorious light is dawning,
And gilds the mountain's brow:
To Bethlehem this morning,
Rejoicing, let us go.
We'll sing the blissful story
The angels sang this morn—
How Christ, the King of glory,
Was in a stable born.
2 His diadem forsaking,
He laid his glory by;
Our nature on him taking,
That he might bleed and die.
From sin and death to free us,
On wings of love he came —
For this the blessed Jesus
A little child became.
I 1IK1M MA\ 17 I
While shepherds, bw adoring,
To bim give homage m ee t ,
Ami Eastern Magi pouring
Earth'i treasures at his feet ;
W V. doh Life's day Ui dawning,
Would oqi beat offerings bring,
And on this happy morning
Worahip the new-born Bong.
237 The advent of the Saviour. C. M.
HARK, the glad Bound, the Saviour oomea,
The Saviour promised long!
L.'t cv'rv heart prepare a throne,
2 On him the Spirit, largely ]>c>urM,
Exerts his sacred firej
Wisdom, and might, and seal, «in'l love,
His holy breast inspire.
:; He comes the pria'nera to releaf
In Satan's bondage held :
The brass before him burst,
The iron fetters yield.
4 I!-' oomea, frt>m thickest films <>f vice,
T i clear the mental ray ;
And on the eyes, oppressed with night,
To pour celestial day.
5 He comes, the broken heart to bind,
The bleeding soul to cure,
And with the treasures of his grace,
T' enrich the humble poor.
6 Our glad hosannas, Prince of peace !
Thy welcome shall proclaim ;
And heaven's eternal arches ring
With thy beloved name.
238 The Star of Bethlehem. L. M.
TTTHEN marshall'd on the nightly plain,
\V The glitt'ring hosts bestud the sky ;
One star alone, of all the train.
Can fix the sinner's wand'ring eye.
2 Hark! hark! to God the chorus breaks,
From ev'ry host, from ev'ry gem :
But one alone the Saviour speaks,
It is the Star of Bethlehem.
3 Once on the raging seas I rode,
The storm was loud, the night was dark,
The ocean yawn'd — and rudely blow'd
The wind that toss'd my found'ring bark.
4 Deep horror then my vitals froze,
Death-struck, I ceas'd the tide to stem;
When suddenly a star arose,
It was the Star of Bethlehem.
It was my guide, my light, my all,
And bade my dark forebodings cease ;
And through the storm and danger's thrall,
It led me to the port of peace.
Now safely moor'd — my perils o'er,
I'll sing, first in night's diadem,
For ever and for evermore,
The Star ! — the Star of Bethlehem !
239 The Babe of Bethlehem. 7s.
LET us chant the solemn lay —
Let us celebrate the day, —
Hail, with joy, th' auspicious morn
"When the Son of man was born.
2 Babe of Beth'lem, lowly laid !
Angels hover round thy bed,
Pausing o'er the tuneful lyre,
As they wonder and admire.
3 Hope of Israel ! welcome thou —
Every tribe to thee shall bow ;
Every tongue thy right proclaim ;
Every land adore thy name.
240 Praise to the Saviour. lis, 10s.
BRIGHTEST and best of the sons of the
morning !
Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid !
Star of the East, the horizon adorning,
Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid !
2 Cold on his cradle the dew-drops are shining,
Low lies his head with the beasts of the stall;
Angels adore him in slumber reclining,
Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour of all !
3 Say, shall we yield him, in costly devotion,
Odors of Edon and offerings divine !
Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean,
Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine !
4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation ;
Vainly with gifts would his favor secure:
Richer by far is the heart's adoration:
Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor!
5 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning!
Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid
Star of the East, the horizon adorning,
Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid !
241 The Birth of Christ. S. M.
YE saints, proclaim abroad
The honors of your king ;
To Jesus your incarnate God,
Your songs of praises sing.
2 Not angels round the throne
Of majesty above,
Are half so much oblig'd as we
To our Immanuel's love.
3 They never sunk so low,
They are not rais'd so high;
They never knew such depths of woe-,
Such heights of majesty.
4 The Saviour did not join
Their nature to his own;
For them he shed no blood divine,
Nor breath' d a single groan.
5 May we with angels vie
The Saviour to adore;
Our debts are greater far than theirs,
be our praises more !
242 The Babe in (he Manger. 8
HOW much better I'm attended
Than the Son of God could be,
When from heaven he descended,
And became a child like me.
2 Soft and easy was my cradle,
Coarse and hard my Saviour lay,
When his birth-place was a stable,
And his softest bed was hay.
3 Lo ! he slumbers in the manger,
Where the horned oxen fed,
Cold the air and full of danger.
Whistling by his blessed head.
4 See the kinder shepherds romid hint,
Telling wonders from the sky;
Where they sought him, there they found him
With his virgin mother by.
5 From the East, the wise men pressing,
In their arms rich jewels bring,
To receive the precious blessing
Of their long-expected King.
6 May we learn to know and fear him,
Love and serve him all our days,
Then go dwell for ever near him,
Seek his face and sing his praise.
243 Beginning of the Year. 7s.
SEE, another year is gone!
Quickly have the seasons pass'dl
This we enter now upon
Will to many prove the last.
2 Some we now no longer see,
Who their mortal race have run,
Seemed as fair for life as we,
When the former year begun.
3 Some — but who God only knows —
Who are here assembled now,
Ere the present year shall close,
To the stroke of death must bow.
4 Mercy hitherto has spared,
But have mercies been iniprov'd?
Let us ask, "Am I prepar'd,
Should I be this year remov'd ? "
244 ^ Tew Year Hymn. L. M.
"AY this a happy New Year be;
JjJL We would begin it. Lord, with thee
mercifully condescend
To be our Saviour, Shepherd, Friend.
2 Each day our youthful footsteps guide,
And keep us closely by thy side ;
Each night may we in safety rest
Within thy fold — upon thy breast.
3 Blest Saviour, we would bring to thee
A New Year's gift ; may it be
A heart renew'd by grace divine,
Which thou wilt take and own as thine.
4 And we would ask a gift from thee —
Thine own best blessing let it be ;
The Comforter, the Holy Dove,
To teach our hearts a Saviour's love.
5 And when our years on earth are told,
Then take us to thy heavenly fold ;
May this our happy portion be —
To spend eternity with thee.
245 A h y mn f or New Year ' L# M '
GREAT God ! we sing that mighty hand
By which supported still we stand ;
The op'ning year tiiv mercy shows —
Let mercy crown it till it close.
2 By day, at night, at home, abroad,
Still we are guarded by our God ;
By his incessant bounty fed,
By his unerring counsel led.
3 With grateful hearts the past we own ;
The future, all to us unknown, _
We to thy guardian care commit,
And, peaceful, leave before thy feet.
246 For a New Year ' C ' M '
SPARED to commence another year,
The past I now review:
How num'rous do my sins appear!
How great thy mercies, too!
2 I thank thee for thy tender care
Through all my infant days ;
And for each privilege I share,
That still thy love displays.
3 For Jesus' sake my sins forgive,
And strengthen me in grace ;
That to thy glory I may live,
And run the Christian race.
4 How long or short my course may be,
'Tis not for me to know ;
But may I yield my heart to thee,
And in thy favor grow.
A 1
247 FUght of Time. S. M.
NOTHER fleeting year
Has fled and pass'd away,
Since we were taught to worship here,
On this most holy day.
2 Years hurry quickly by,
And we are fading too ;
And soon the year when we shall die,
Will come upon our view.
3 If we are ready then,
For us it will be well ;
Remov'd from this low earth of paiu,
With God in heaven to dwell.
248 & ew Year's day. H. M.
rpHE Lord of earth and sky,
J_ The God of ages praise !
Who reigns enthroned on high,
Ancient of endless days;
Who lengthens out our trial here,
And spares us yet another year.
2 Barren and wither'd trees,
We cumber' d long the ground ;
No fruit of holiness
On our dead souls was found ;
Yet doth he us in mercy spare
Another, and another year.
3 When justice gave the word
To cut the fig-tree down,
The pity of our Lord
Cried, "Let it still alone:"
The Father mild inclines his ear,
And spares us yet another year.
4 Jesus, thy speaking blood
From God obtained the grace,
Who therefore hath bestow' d
On us a longer space :
Thou didst in our behalf appear,
And lo ! we see another year !
5 Then dig about our root.
Break up our fallow ground,
And let our gracious fruit
To thy great praise abound ;
let us all thy praise declare,
And fruit unto perfection bear.
249 Many have died. 7
"TTTHILE with ceaseless course the sun
VV Hasted through the former year,
Many souls their race have run,
Never more to meet us here ;
Fix'd in their eternal state,
They have done with all below ;
We a little longer wait,
But how little none can know.
As the winged arrow flies,
Speedily, the mark to find ;
As the lightning from the skies
Darts, and leaves no trace behind ;
Swiftly thus our fleeting days,
Bear us down life's rapid stream ;
Upward, Lord, our spirits raise,
All below is but a dream.
Thanks for mercies past receive,
Pardon of our sins renew ;
Teach us henceforth how to live,
With eternity in view.
Bless thy word to young and old,
Fill us with a Saviour's love ;
And when life's short tale is told,
May we dwell with thee above.
250 Shortness of Time. 7s.
QWIFT the moments fly away —
O First the hour and then the day,
Next the week, the month, the year,
Steal away, and disappear.
1 Time is ever on the wing,
While I speak, or think, or sing;
Whether working or at play,
Time is rolling fast away !
3 Think, my soul ! awake and see
What will soon become of thee !
Whither tending, canst thou tell, —
Up to heaven, or down to hell?
4 Jesus, I would humbly pray,
Guide and keep me in the way ;
Every gift and grace bestow ;
Wean my heart from things below.
251 Passing Time. C. M.
SWIFT as the winged arrow flies.
My time is hastening on:
Quick as the lightning from the skies
My wasting moments run.
2 Thanks, Lord, to thine unbounded grace,
That in my early youth
I have been taught to seek thy face,
And know the way of truth.
3 let thy Spirit lead me still
Along the happy road,
Conform me to thy holy will,
My Saviour and my God.
4 Another year of life is past,
My heart to thee incline ;
That if the next should be my last,
It may be wholly thine.
252 Good Friday. C. M.
WHEN Jesus hung upon the tree,
In agonies and blood,
He fix'd his languid eyes on me,
As near his cross I stood.
2 never till my latest breath
Can I forget that look ;
He seem'd to charge me with his death,
Though not a word he spoke.
3 A second look he gave and said,
"I freely all forgive;
This blood is for thy ransom paid ;
I die that thou mayst live."
4 With pleasing grief and mournful joy,
My spirit now is fill'd,
That I should such a life destroy,
Yet live by him I kill'd.
253 Love of Christ to men. S. M.
BEHOLD th' amazing sight,
The Saviour lifted high!
Behold the Son of God's delight
Expire in agony !
2 For whom, for whom, my heart,
Were all these sorrows borne?
Why did he feel that piercing smart,
And meet that various scorn?
3 For love of us lie bled,
And all in torture died ;
'Twas love that bow'd his fainting head,
And op'd his gushing side.
4 I see, and I adore,
In sympathy of love
I feel the strong attractive power
To lift my soul above.
5 In Thee our hearts unite,
Nor share thy griefs alone.
But from thy cross pursue their flignt
To thy triumphant throne.
254 „ .
Sorrow for the sufferings of the Saviour.
A LAS! and did my Saviour bleed,
A. And did my Sov'reign die?
Would he devote that sacred head
For such a worm as I?
2 Was it for crimes that I had done
He groan' d upon the tree?
Amazing pity! grace unknown!
And love beyond degree!
3 Well might the sun in darkness hide,
And shut his glories in.
When Christ the mighty Saviour died
For man the creature's sin !
4 Thus might I hide my blushing face,
While his dear cross appears ;
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness,
And melt my eyes to tears.
5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay
The debt of love I owe ;
Here, Lord, I give myself away,
'Tis all that I can do.
255 ' L. M.
Crucifixion to the world by the Cross.
TX7HEN I survey the wondrous cross
V V On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.
2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
Save in the death of Christ my God;
All the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to his blood.
3 See from his head, his hands, his feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down ;
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet?
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
17 n
4 Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small ;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.
256 Suffering Saviour. 7s, 6s
SACRED Head, how wounded,
With grief and shame weigh' d down!
How scornfully surrounded
With thorns— thine only crown !
sacred Head, what glory,
What bliss, till now, was thine I
Yet, though despis'd and gory,
I joy to call thee mine.
2 What language shall I borrow
To thank thee, dearest Friend,
For this thy dying sorrow,—
Thy pity without end !
Lord, make me thine for ever,
Nor let me faithless prove;
let me never, never
Abuse such dying love.
3 Forbid that I should leave thee ;
Jesus, leave not me;
By faith I would receive thee;
'Thy blood can make me free; <
When strength and comfort languish
And I must hence depart;
Release me then from anguish,
By thine own wounded heart.
257 Calvary. C. M.
THERE is a dear and hallowed spot
Oft present to my eye —
By saints it ne'er can be forgot —
That place is Calvary.
2 Oh, what a scene was there displayed
Of love and agony,
When our Redeemer bowed his head,
And died on Calvary !
3 When fainting under guilt's dread load,
Unto the cross I fly ;
And trust the merit of that blood
Which flowed at Calvary.
4 Whene'er I feel temptation's power,
On Jesus I'll rely ;
And, in the sharp conflicting hour,
Repair to Calvary.
258 Looking to Christ on the Cross. 7s,
"VT^HEN human hopes all wither,
V V And friends no aid supply ;
Then whither, Lord, ah ! whither
Can turn my straining eye ?
'Mid storms of grief still rougher,
'Midst darker, deadlier shade,
That cross where thou didst suffer,
On Calv'ry was displayed.
2 On that my gaze I fasten,
My refuge that I make ;
Though sorely thou mayst chasten,
Thou never canst forsake.
Thou on the cross didst languish,
Ere glory crowned thy head ;
And I, through death and anguish,
Must be to glory led.
259 Morning of the Resurrection. L. M.
HAIL! morning known among the blest —
Morning of hope, and joy, and love —
Of heavenly peace, and holy rest,
Pledge of the endless rest above !
2 Blest be the Father of our Lord,
Who, from the dead, hath brought his Soi
Hope to the lost was then restored,
And everlasting glory won.
3 Scarce morning twilight had begun
To chase the shades of night away,
When Christ arose, — unsetting Sun, —
The dawn of joy's eternal day.
4 Morcy looked down, with smiling eye,
When our Immanuel left the dead:
Faith marked his bright ascent on high,
And hope with gladness, raised her head.
Descend, Spirit of the Lord !
Thy fire to every bosom bring ;
Then shall our ardent hearts accord,
And teach our lips God's praise to sing.
A ]
260 Christ's Resurrection. 7
NGELS roll'd the rock away,
Death gave up its mighty prey ;
See, he rises from the tomb,
Glowing in immortal bloom.
2 'Tis the Saviour ! angels raise
Fame's eternal trump of praise ;
Let the world's remotest bound
Hear the joy-inspiring sound.
3 Heav'n unfolds her portals wide ;
Glorious Hero ! through them ride :
King of glory! mount the throne —
Thy great Father's and thine own.
4 Hosts of heav'n, seraphic choirs !
Tune and sweep your sounding lyres ;
Shout, earth, in rapt'rous songs,
With ten thousand thousand tongues.
261 "The Lord is risen indeed." S. M.
**rpHE Lord is risen indeed,"
X And are the tidings true?
Yes, we beheld the Saviour bleed,
And saw him living too.
2 " The Lord is risen indeed,"
Then Justice asks no more ;
Mercy and Truth are now agreed,
Who stood oppos'd before.
3 " The Lord is risen indeed,"
Then is his work performed ;
The captive surely now is freed,
And death, our foe, disarmed.
4 "The Lord is risen indeed,"
Attending angels, hear ;
Up to the courts of heav'n, with speed,
The joyful tidings bear.
5 Then take your golden lyres,
And strike each, cheerful cord,
Join all the bright celestial choirs
To sing; our risen Lord.
262 Christ victorious over death. 7s.
a pHRIST, the Lord, has ris'n to-day,"
\J Sons of men and angels say,
Raise your joys and triumphs high;
Sing, ye heav'ns, and earth reply.
2 Love's redeeming work is done ;
Fought the fight, the battle won :
Lo! our sun's eclipse is o'er,
Lo! he sets in blood no more.
3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal ;
Christ has burst the gates of hell.
Death in vain forbids his rise ;
Christ has open'd Paradise.
4 Lives again our glorious King :
Where, Death, is now thy sting ?
Once he died, our souls to save:
"Where thy victory, grave ?
5 Hail, the Lord of earth and heaven !
Praise to thee by both be given !
Thee we greet triumphant now;
Hail, the Resurrection, Thou.
263 Easter Sunday. C. M.
THIS is the day the Lord hath made;
He calls the hours his own :
Let heav'n rejoice, let earth be glad.
And praise surround the throne.
2 To-day arose our glorious Head,
And death's dread empire fell;
To-day, the saints his triumph spread,
And all its wonders tell.
3 Hosanna to the anointed King,
To David's holy Son;
Help us, Lord, descend and bring
Salvation from thv throne.
4 Blest is the Lord, who conies to men
With messages of grace ;
Who comes, in God his Father's name,
To save our sinful race.
5 Hosanna in the highest strains,
The Church on earth can raise ;
The highest heavens, in which he reigns,
Shall give him nobler praise.
264 Easter Morning. C. L. M.
HOAV" calm and beautiful the morn,
That gilds the sacred tomb,
Where Christ the crucified was borne,
And veiled in midnight gloom !
weep no more, the Saviour slain,
The Lord is ris'n, he lives again.
2 Ye mourning saints, dry every tear
For your departed Lord,
"Behold the place, he is not here!"
The tomb is all unbarr'd :
The gates of death were closed in vain,
The Lord is risen, he lives again.
3 Now cheerful to the house of prayer,
Your early footsteps bend ;
The Saviour will himself be there,
Your Advocate and Friend :
Once by the law, your hopes were slain,
But now in Christ, ye live again.
4 How tranquil now the rising day!
'Tis Jesus still appears,
A risen Lord, to chase away
Your unbelieving fears :
weep no more your comforts slain,
The Lord is risen, he lives again.
5 And when the shades of evening fall,
"When life's last hour draws nigh,
If Jesus shines upon the soul,
Plow blissful then to die !
Since he hath risen that once was slain,
Ye die in Christ to live again.
265 Ascension of Christ. 7s.
HAIL the day that sees him rise
Glorious to his native skies !
Christ, a while to mortals given,
Enters now the gates of heaven.
2 There the glorious triumph waits ;
Lift your heads, eternal gates !
Christ hath vanquished death and sin ;
Take the King of glory in.
3 See, the heaven its Lord receives I
Y^et he loves the earth he leaves:
Though returning to his throne,
'6x.\\\ he calls mankind his own.
4 Still for us he intercedes,
His prevailing death he pleads,
Near himself prepares our place,
Great Forerunner of our race.
5 What though parted from our sight,
Far above yon starry height;
Thither our affections rise,
Following him beyond the skies.
266 Christ's exaltation. C. M.
MAJESTIC sweetness sits enthron'd
Upon the Saviour's brow ;
His head with radiant glories crown'd,
His lips with grace o'erflow.
2 No mortal can with him compare
Among the sons of men ;
Fairer is he than all the fair
Who fill the heav'nly train.
3 He saw me plung'd in deep distress,
And flew to my relief:
For me he bore the shameful cross
And carried all my grief.
4 To him I owe my life and breath,
And all the joys I have ;
He makes me triumph over death,
And saves me from the grave.
To heav'n, the place of his abode,
He brings my weary feet,
Shows me the glories of my God
And makes my joys complete.
267 J°y at Chris's Ascension. C. M.
ARISE, ye children, and adore;
Exulting strike the chord:
Let all the earth from shore to shore,
Confess the Almighty Lord.
2 Glad shouts aloud, wide echoing round,
Th' ascending God proclaim,
Th' angelic choir respond the sound,
And shake creation's frame.
3 They sing of death and hell o'erthrown
In that triumphant hour ;
And God exalts his conqu'ring Son
To his right hand of power.
4 Oh, shout, ye people, and adore;
Exulting strike the chord ;
Lot all the earth from shore to shore,
Confess th' Almighty Lord !
268 Christ exalted. L. M.
"Vj"0"W let us raise our cheerful strains,
_L\ And join the blissful choir above;
There our exalted Saviour reigns,
And there they sing his wondrous love.
2 Jesus, who once upon the tree
In agonizing pains expir'd,
To save us rebels, — yes, 'tis he !
How bright, how lovely, how admir'd !
3 Jesus, who died that we might live,
Died in tne wretched traitor's place,
what returns can mortals give
For such immeasurable grace !
4 Were universal nature ours,
And art with all her boasted store ;
Nature and art, with all their pow'rs,
Would still confess the off'rer poor.
5 Yet, though for bounty so divine
We ne'er can equal honors raise,
Jesus, may all our hearts be thine,
And all our tongues proclaim thy praise.
269 Whitsunday. L. M.
(1 REAT was the day, the joy was great,
X When the belov'd disciples met;
While on their heads the Spirit came,
And sat like tongues of cloven flame.
2 What gifts, what miracles he gave !
And pow'r to give, and pow'r to save,
Fumish'd their tongues with wondrous words,
Instead of shields, and spears, and swords.
3 Nations, the learned and the rude,
Are by these heav'nly arras subdued ;
While Satan rages at his loss
And hates the doctrine of the cross.
4 Come the great day, the glorious hour,
When all shall feel thy saving pow'r,
And the whole race of man confess
The beauty of thy holiness.
270 For the Spirit. C. M.
OPIRIT of truth, on this thy day,
O To thee for help we cry,
To guide us through the weary -way
Of dark mortality.
2 We ask not, Lord, the cloven flame,
Or tongues of various tone ;
But long thy praises to proclaim,
With fervor in our own.
3 We mourn not that prophetic skill
Is found on earth no more :
Enough for us to trace thy will
In Scripture's sacred lore.
4 When tongues shall cease, and pow'r decay,
And knowledge empty prove,
Do thou thy trembling servants stay
With faith, and hope, and love.
271 Safety of the Church. S. M.
("1 RE AT is the Lord our God,
X And let his praise be great:
He makes the church his own abode,
His most delightful seat.
2 In Zion God is known,
A refuge in distress ;
How bright has his salvation shone
Through all her palaces !
3 Oft have our fathers told,
Our eyes have often seen,
How well our God secures the fold
Where his own sheep have been.
4 In every new distress •
We'll to his house repair;
We'll call to mind his wondrous grace,
And seek deliverance there.
272 0ur Fathers' Faith. L. M., 6 lines.
FAITH of our Fathers ! living still,
In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword ;
Oh how our hearts beat high with joy,
Whene'er we hear that glorious word ;
Faith of our Fathers ! Holy Faith !
We will be true to thee till death!
2 Our Fathers, chained in prisons dark,
Were still in heart and conscience free :
How sweet will be their children's fate,
If they, like them, shall die for thee !
Faith of our Fathers ! Holy Faith !
We will be true to thee till death !
3 Faith of our Fathers ! we will love
Both friend and foe in all our strife ;
And preach thee too, as love knows how,
By kindly words and virtuous life.
Faith of our Fathers ! Holy Faith !
"We will be true to thee till death 1
273 Prayer for Divine help. 8s, 7s, 4s.
SAVIOUR, visit thy plantation,
Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain ;
All will come to desolation,
Unless thou return again.
Lord, revive us ;
All our help must come from thee.
2 Surely, once thy garden flourished,
Ev'ry part look'd gay and green:
Then thy word our spirits nourish'd, —
Happy seasons we have seen !
Lord, etc.
3 But a drought has since succeeded,
And a sad decline we see ;
Lord, thy help is greatly needed, —
Help can only come from thee.
Lord, etc.
4 Some in whom we once delighted,
We shall meet no more below;
Some, alas! we fear are blighted,
Scarce a single leaf they show.
Lord, etc.
5 Dearest Saviour, hasten hither,
Thou canst make them bloom again !
0! permit them not to wither.
Let not all our hopes be vain.
Lord, etc.
6 Break the tempter's fatal power,
Turn the stony heart to flesh;
And begin from this good hour,
To revive thy work afresh.
Lord, etc.
274 We wont give up the Bible. 7s, 6s, 8s,
"E wont give up the Bible,
God's holy book of truth,
The blessed staff of hoary age,
The guide of early youth :
The lamp that sheds a glorious light
On, else, a dreary road !
The voice that speaks the Saviour's love,
And leads us home to God.
2 We wont give up the Bible;
But could you force away
What is as our own life-blood dear,
We still with joy could say:
" The words which we have learn'd while young
We'll follow all our days,
For they're engraven on our hearts, ■
And ye cannot erase. ;;
We wont give up the Bible:
We'll shout it far and wide,
Until the echo shall be heard
Beyond the rolling tide !
Till all shall know that we, though young,
Withstand each treacherous art ;
And that from God's own sacred word
We'll never, never part !
275 Triumph of the Gospel. S. M.
0LORD, our God, arise,
The cause of truth maintain,
And wide o'er all the peopled world
Extend her blessed reign.
2 Thou Prince of life, arise,
Nor let thy glory cease ;
Far spread the conquests of thy grace,
And bless the earth with peace.
3 Holy Spirit, rise,
Expand thy heav'nly wing,
And o'er a dark and ruin'd world
Let light and order spring.
18* ' l *
4 all ye nations, rise,
To God the Saviour sing ;
From shore to shore, from earth to heav'n,
Let echoing anthems ring.
276 The Seasons ordered by God. L. M.
&KEAT God, at whose all-pow'rful call
At first arose this beauteous frame !
By thee the seasons change, and all
The changing seasons speak thy name.
2 Thy bounty bids the infant year,
From -winter storms recover'd, rise;
"When thousand grateful scenes appear,
Fresh op'ning to our wond'ring eyes.
3 how delightful 'tis to see
The earth in vernal beauty drest !
While in each herb, and flow'r, and tree,
Thy blooming glories shine confest !
4 Aloft, full beaming, reins the sun,
And light and genial heat conveys ;
And, while he leads the seasons on,
From thee derives his quick'ning rays.
5 Indulgent God ! from ev'ry part
Thy plenteous blessings largely flow ;
We see, we taste ; — let ev'ry heart
With grateful love and duty glow.
277 Spared to greet the Spring. S. M.
^ PARED to another Spring,
We raise our grateful songs ;
'Tis pleasant, Lord, thy praise to sing,
For praise to thee belongs.
S 1
2 The fields on every side,
The trees on every hill,
The glorious sun, the rolling tide,
Proclaim thy wondrous skill.
3 But trees, and fields, and skies,
Still praise a God unknown ;
For gratitude and love can rise
From living hearts alone.
4 While earth itself decays,
Our souls can never die :
Oh tune them, Lord, to hymn thy praise
In better songs on high.
278 -^ Morning in Spring. 8s.
HOW beauteous the morniug appears,
The woodlands their songs have begun,
The dew-drops, like penitent tears,
Are bright in the beams of the sun.
2 The landscape is verdant and gay,
The meadows in richness are clad,
The flocks and the herds are at play,
' The heart of the peasant is glad.
3 How gently the waterfall pours !
How softly the breezes arise !
How fragrant the beautiful flowers
Which Spring in her bounty supplies !
4 All nature is smiling in peace.
The goodness of God she displays,
As mercies around us increase.
Let's join in the anthems of praise.
279 Summer — a harvest hymn. CM.
TO praise the ever-bounteous Lord,
My soul, wake all thy pow'rs :
He calls, and at his voice come forth
The smiling harvest hours.
2 His cov'nant with the earth he keeps ;
My tongue, his goodness sing ;
Summer and winter know their time,
His harvest crowns fbe spring.
3 Well pleas'd, the toiling swains behold
The waving yellow crop:
With joy they bear the sheaves away
And sow again in hope.
4 Thus teach me, gracious God, to sow
The seeds of righteousness :
Smile on my soul, and with thy beams
The rip'ning harvest bless.
5 Then, in the last great harvest, I
Shall reap a glorious crop:
The harvest shall by far exceed
What I have sown in hope.
280 -4 harvest hymn. C. M.
TT'OUNTAIN of mercy, God of love,
_L How rich thy bounties are !
The rolling seasons, as they move,
Proclaim thy constant care.
2 When in the bosom of the earth
The sower hid the grain,
Thy goodness mark'd its secret birth
And sent the early rain.
3 The spring's sweet influence, Lord, was thine,
The plants in beauty grew:
Thou mad'st refulgent suns to shine,
And gav'st refreshing dew.
4 These various mercies from above
Matur'd the swelling grain ;
A kindly harvest crowns thy love,
And plenty fills the plain.
5 We own and bless thy gracious sway
Thy hand all nature hails:
Seed-time nor harvest, night nor day,
Summer nor winter, fails.
281 Autumn. 8s, 7s.
SEE the leaves around us falling,
Dry and withered to the ground ;
Thus to thoughtless mortals calling,
In a sad and solemn sound,
"Hear the lessons we are reading,
Mark the awful truth they tell,
Sons of Adam once in Eden,
Where, like us, he blighted fell.
2 "Youth, on length of days presuming,
Who the paths of pleasure tread,
View us, late in beauty blooming,
Numbered now among the dead.
What though yet no losses grieve you,
Gay with health and many a grace ?
Let not cloudless skies deceive you ;
Summer gives to autumn place.
3 "Cease presumptuous hopes to cherish,
Prize the seasons as they fly ;
Like the leaves you rise and flourish,
Like the leaves must droop and die.
But to those in Jesus planted,
By a true and living faith,
Shall unfading spring be granted,
And a triumph over death."
282 Winter. C. M.
STERN winter throws his icy chains,
Encircling nature round ;
How bleak, how comfortless the plains,
Late with gay verdure crowned !
2 The sun withdraws his vital beams,
And light and warmth depart ;
And drooping, lifeless nature seems
An emblem of my heart.
3 My heart, where mental winter reigns,
In night's dark mantle clad ;
Confined in cold, inactive chains —
How desolate and sad!
4 Return, blissful Sun, and bring
Thy soul-reviving ray;
This mental winter shall be spring,
This darkness cheerful day.
283 Winter. C. M.
SEE, how rude winter's icy hand
Has stripped the verdant ground!
But spring will soon his rage withstand,
And spread new beauties round.
2 My soul a sharper winter mourns,
And fruitless I remain ;
When will the gentle spring return,
The graces grow again?
3 Jesus, my glorious Sun, arise,
This frozen heart remove ;
hush these storms, and clear my skies,
And let me feel thy love.
284 Jesus seen in the Seasons. 7s.
~\T WINTER has^ a joy for me,
\ V While the Saviour's charms I read,
Lowly, meek, from blemish free,
In the snow-drop's pensive head.
2 Spring returns, and brings along
Life-invigorating suns :
Hark ! the turtle's plaintive song
Seems to speak his dying groans !
3 Summer has a thousand charms
All expressive of his worth ;
'Tis his sun that lights and warms
His the air that cools the earth.
4 What, has autumn left to say
Nothing of a Saviour's grace?
Yes. the beams of milder day
Tell me of his smiling face.
5 Light Bppean with early dawn,
W 1 1 i 1 * • the sun makes haste to rise;
hi* bleeding beauties dawn
On the blushes of the Bkies.
t\ Evening with ■ ■lent |
Slowly moving in the west,
Show* an emblem of his grace,
Points to an eternal rest.
285 C, M.
Morning prayer for Divine protection.
TO thee, h't my first offerings rise,
Whose sun creates my day;
Swift as the glad'ning inllucnce flies,
And spotless as bis ray.
i! This day thy faVring hand be nigh,
So on vouchsaf'd before !
Still may it load, protect, ripply,
And I that hand adore.
3 If bliss thy Providence impart,
For whioh, resign'd, I pray,
f mankind
• left this fleeting world l"-hind!
They* bat where? — ah, pause sb
i , tie bo a long eternity.
4 Sinner! eansl thoa forever dwell
In nil the fiery deeps of hell :
i- death nothing, thou, to thee,
I toath, and ■ dread eternit;
320 The 80ul cannot die. C ftf.
HHHK BUB that lights the world shall fade,
I The stars shall pan away;
I 1. a child immortal made,
Shall witness their decay.
I shall live when they an- dead,
brighi they shine ;
When t-arth and all it holds has fled,
rnity is mine.
nerer, never die,
While 'l him-. -If remains;
Bat I mast 1 i \ • • in heaven on high,
Or where deep daifaMai reigns.
; i heaven and hell ■•*<
To Chri-r. < ) lot me A
Mil be hard fnr ono sh
What mosl roRF.vER be?
321 The New Jerusalem. C. M.
JERUSALEM, my happy home,
J Name ever dear to me!
When shall my labors hare an end,
In joy, and peace, and thee?
2 When shall these eyes thy heaven-built walls
And pearly gates behold?
Thy bulwarks, with salvation strong,
And streets of shining gold?
3 when, thou city of my God,
Shall I thy courts ascend,
Where congregations ne'er break up,
And Sabbaths have no end?
4 There happier bowers than Eden's bloom
Nor sin nor sorrow know:
Blest seats, through rude and stormy scenes,
I onward press to you.
322 My Father's house. C. M. D.
THERE is a place of sacred rest,
Far, far beyond the skies,
Where beauty smiles eternally,
And pleasure never dies ; —
My Father's house, my heavenly home
Where "many mansions" stand,
Prepar'd, by hands divine, for all
Who seek the better land.
2 When toss'd upon the waves of life,
"With fear on every side, —
When fiercely howls the gathering storm,
And foams the angry tide, —
Beyond the storm, beyond the gloom,
Breaks forth the light of morn,
Bright beaming from my Father's house
To cheer the soul forlorn.
3 Yes, even at that fearful hour,
When death shall seize his prey,
And from the place that knows us now,
Shall hurry us away, —
The vision of that heavenly home
Shall cheer the parting soul,
And o'er it, mounting to the skies,
A tide of rapture roll.
4 In that pure home of tearless joy,
Earth's parted friends shall meet,
With smiles of love that never fade,
And blessedness complete :
There, there adieus are sounds unknown ;
Death frowns not on that scene,
But life, and glorious beauty, shine,
Untroubled and serene.
323 The Young in Heaven. C. M.
TT^HAT souls are those that venture near
VV The throne of God to see?
Ten thousand happ} 7 ones, who here
Were children such as we!
2 Their sins the Saviour wasli'd away —
He made them white and clean ;
They loved his Word, they loved his day,
They loved him though unseen.
3 Now under many a grassy mound
Their youthful bodies rest,
But safe their happy souls are found
Upon their Saviour's breast.
4 O may we travel, as they trod,
The path that leads to heaven,
And seek forgiveness from that God
"Who hath their sins forgiven.
5 Dear Saviour ! hear our humble cry,
And our young hearts renew;
Then raise our ransom'd souls on high,
That we may see thee too.
324 The heavenly Canaan. C. M.
THERE is a land of pure delight,
Where saints immortal reign ;
Infinite day excludes the night,
And pleasures banish pain.
2 There everlasting spring abides,
And never-withering flowers ;
Death, like a narrow sea divides
This heavenly land from ours.
3 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood
Stand dressed in living green;
So to the Jews old Canaan stood,
"While Jordan rolled between.
4 But timorous mortals start and shrink
To cross this narrow sea ;
And linger, trembling, on the brink,
And fear to launch away.
5 Oh, could we make our doubts remove,
Those gloomy doubts that rise,
And see the Canaan that we love
With unbeclouded eyes ; —
6 Could we but climb where Moses stood,
And view the landscape o'er,
Not Jordan's stream nor death's cold flood
Should fright us from the shore.
325 Death temporal and eternal. S. M.
WHERE shall rest be found,
Rest for the weary soul?
'Twere vain the ocean's depths to sound,
Or pierce to either pole.
2 The world can never give
The bliss for which we sigh:
'Tis not the whole of life to live,
Nor all of death to die.
3 Beyond this vale of tears
There is a life above,
Umneasur'd by the flight of years—
And all that life is love.
4 There is a death whose pang
Outlasts the fleeting breath:
what eternal horrors hang
Around the second death !
5 Lord God of truth and grace !
Teach us that death to shun: —
Lest we be driven from thy face,
And evermore undone.
6 Here would we end our quest —
Alone are found in thee
The life of perfect love — the rest
Of immortality.
326 The Land °f ResL c - p M -
THERE is an hour of peaceful rest,
To mourning wand'rers given;
There is a joy for souls distress'd,
A balm for every wounded breast, —
'Tis found above — in heaven.
2 There is a home for weary souls
By sin and sorrow driven,
When toss'd on life's tempestuous shoals,
Where storms arise and ocean rolls,
And all is drear but heaven.
3 There faith lifts up the tearless eye
To brighter prospects given ;
And views the tempest passing by,
The evening shadows quickly fly,
And all serene in heaven.
4 There fragrant flowers immortal bloom,
And joys supreme are given:
There rays divine disperse the gloom —
Beyond the confines of the tomb
Appears the dawn of heaven.
327 Heaven. C. M.
ON Jordan's stormy banks I stand
And cast a wishful eye
To Canaan's fair and happy land,
Where my possessions lie.
2 the transporting, rapturous scene
That rises to my sight !
Sweet fields, arrayed in living green,
And rivers of delight !
3 On all those wide-extended plains
Shines one eternal day ;
There God the Son forever reigns,
And scatters night away.
4 No chilling winds, nor poisonous breath
Can reach that healthful shore?
Sickness and sorrow, pain and death,
Are felt and feared no more.
5 When shall I reach that happy place,
And be for ever blest?
When shall I see my Father's face,
And in his bosom rest?
328 Children in Heaven. L. M.
HAPPY the children who are gone
To live with Jesus Christ in peace !
Who stand around his glorious throne,
Redeem'd by blood, and sav'd by grace.
2 The Saviour, whom they lov'd below,
Hath kindly wiped their tears away ;
No sin, no sorrow there they know,
But bask in one eternal day.
3 Now to their golden harps they sing,
While tens of thousands join the songs,
Hosanna to th' immortal King,
To whom immortal praise belong! !
4 Most gracious Lord ! may we be
All brought with them in bliss to join :
Thy sacred countenance to see,
And sing thy mercies all divine !
329 Joyful anticipation of Heaven. C. M
TX7HEN I can read my title clear,
\ V To mansions in the skies,
I bid farewell to every fear,
And wipe my weeping eyes.
2 Should earth against niy soul engage,
And hellish darts be hurled,
Then I can smile at Satan's rage, .
And face a frowning world.
3 Let cares like a wild deluge come,
And storms of sorrow fall :
May I but safely reach my home,
My God, my heaven, my all.
4 There shall I bathe my weary soul
In seas of heavenly rest,
And not a wave of trouble roll
Across my peaceful breast.
330 Hope of Heaven. 7s, 6s.
RISE, my soul, and stretch thy wings,
Thy better portion trace ;
Rise from transitory things
Toward heaven, thy native place ;
Sun, and moon, and stars decay,
Time shall soon this earth remove ;
Rise, my soul, and haste away
To seats prepared above.
2 Rivers to the ocean run,
Nor stay in all their course ;
Fire, ascending, seeks the sun,
Both speed them to their source ;
So the soul that's born of God
Pants to view his glorious face,
Upward tends to his abode,
To rest in his embrace.
3 Cease, ye pilgrims, cease to mouru
Press onward to the prize :
Soon our Saviour will return,
Triumphant in the skies.
Yet a season, and you know
Happy entrance will be given ;
All our sorrows left below,
And earth exchanged for heaven.
331 Reunion of the good in heaven. C. M.
BLEST hour, when virtuous friends shall
Their early sorrows o'er ;
And with celestial welcome greet,
On an immortal shore.
2 The parent finds his long-lost child ;
Brothers on brothers gaze :
The tear of resignation mild
Is chang'd to joy and praise.
3 Each tender tie, dissolv'd with pain,
With endless bliss is crown ; d:
All that was dead revives again,
All that was lost is found.
4 And while remembrance, ling'ring still,
Draws joy from sorrowing hours,
New prospects rise, new pleasures fill
The soul's expanding pow'rs.
5 Congenial minds, array 'd in light.
High thoughts shall interchange ;
Nor cease with ever-new delight,
On wings of love to range.
6 Their father marks the gen'rous flame,
And looks complacent down :
The smile, that owns their filial claim,
Is their immortal crown.
332 Heaven my Home. 6s, 4s.
T'M but a traveller here,
Heaven is my home,
Earth is a desert drear,
Heaven is my home ;
Danger and sorrow stand
Round me on every hand,
Heaven is my Fatherland,
Heaven is my home.
2 What though the tempest rage,
Heaven is my home,
Short is my pilgrimage,
Heaven is my home;
Time's cold and wintry blast,
Soon will be over-past,
I shall reach home at last,
Heaven is my home.
o There at ray Saviour's side,
Heaven is my home,
I shall be glorified,
Heaven is my home ;
There are the good and blest,
Those I love most and best,
There, too, I soon shall rest,
Heaven is my home.
333 That beautiful World. P. M.
~\T7E'RE going home, we've had visions bright,
VV Of that holy land, that world of light,
Where the long, dark night of time is past,
And the morn of eternity dawns at last.
Where the weary saint no more shall roam,
But dwell in a happy, peaceful home :
Where the brow with sparkling gems is crownedj
And the waves of bliss are flowing round.
0, that beautiful world ! 0, that beautiful world !
We're going home, we soon shall be
Where the sky is clear, and all are free ;
Where the victor's song floats o'er the plains.
And the seraph's anthems blend with its strains;
Where the sun rolls down its brilliant flood
And beams on a world that is fair and good ;
Where stars, once dimmed at nature's doom,
Will ever shine o'er the new earth bloom,
0, that beautiful world ! 0, that beautiful world 1
'Mid that ransomed throng, 'mid the sea of bliss,
'Mid the holy city's gorgeousness ;
'Mid the verdant plains, 'mid angels' cheer,
Mid the saints that round the throne appear ;
Where the conqueror's song as it sounds afar,
Is wafted on the ambrosial air ;
Through endless years we then shall prove,
The depth of a Saviour's matchless love,
0, that beautiful world ! 0, that beautiful world 1
334 Reflection on leaving School. C. M.
AND now another hour is past,
Of kind instruction given ;
And this, perhaps, may be the last
On this side hell or heaven.
^2 And is it so ? How dread the thought,
And yet indeed how true!
If I could feel it as I ought,
This day, what should I do?
3 surely prize it more and more,
And pray that God would give
A death of gain, if life be o'er,
And blessing, if I live.
22* r
335 Parting. L. M.
FATHER, once more let gratelul praise
And humble prayer to thee ascend ;
Thou Guide and Guardian of our "ways,
Our first, and last, and only Friend.
3 Since every day and hour that's gone
Has been with mercy richly crowned ;
Mercy, we know, shall still flow on,
For ever sure, as time rolls round.
3 Hear, then, the parting prayers we pour,
And bind our hearts in love alone ;
Though we may meet on earth no more,
May we at last surround thy throne.
336 Prayer at Parting. L. M.
DISMISS us with thy blessing, Lord,
Help us to feed upon thy word ;
All that has been amiss forgive,
And let thy truth within us live.
2 Though we are guilty, thou art good,
Wash all our works in Jesus' blood;
Give every fettered soul release
And bid us all depart in peace.
337 The everlasting Sabbath. 7s.
SOON will set the Sabbath sun
Soon the sacred day be gone
But a sweeter rest remains,
"Where the glorious Saviour reigns.
2 Pleasant is the Sabbath bell,
Seeming much of joy to tell ;
Kind our teachers are to-day,
In the school we love to stay.
3 But a music, sweeter far,
Breathes where angel-spirits are ;
Higher far than earthly strains,
Where the rest of God remains.
4 Shall we ever rise to dwell
Where immortal praises swell?
And can children ever go
Where eternal SabJoaths glow?
5 Yes : — that rest our own may be,
All the good shall Jesus see;
For the good a rest remains,
Where the glorious Saviour reigns.
338 Lord, dismiss us. L. M.
T71TERNAL Father, God of grace!
J Who dwellest in this holy place,
Hear us, hear us, while we pray,
And send us not unblest away !
2 Look on us now, and bless us here:
We fain would worship in thy fear:
be thy shadow round us spread,
be thy Spirit on us shed.
3 Not many years our feet have run,
Yet hast thou watch' d them every one:
May all our future years be bright
With beams of heavenly love and light.
4 In life, and when we come to die,
Be thou our guardian ever nigh ;
And may the pang that sets us free
Waft every spirit home to thee !
339 For a Blessing on the Seed sown. S. M.
I^ATHEK of mercies, hear :
On us look kindly down:
Our humble labors deign to cheer,
And with thy favor crown.
2 In youthful hearts the seed
Of sacred truth we sow:
Now, Lord, the blessing that we need
Freely do thou bestow.
3 Then, though the sower weep,
Ere long, with thankful voice,
Both he who sows and they who reap
Together shall rejoice.
4 Thou dost the seed prepare,
And make it spring when sown ;
And if a hundred-fold it bear,
The praise is all thine own.
340 Parting. S. M.
ONCE more, before we part,
We'll bless the Saviour's name:
Record his mercies, every heart ;
Sing, every tongue, the same.
2 May we receive his word,
And feed thereon and grow;
Go on to seek, and know the Lord,
And practice what we know.
341 Meet, to part no more. C. M.
HOW pleasant thus to dwell below,
In fellowship of love !
And though we part, 'tis bliss to know
The good shall meet above.
that will be joyful, joyful, joyful !
that will be joyful!
To meet to part no more, —
To meet to part no more,
On Canaan's happy shore,
And sing the everlasting song
With those who've gone before.
2 Yes, happy thought ! when we are free
From earthly grief and pain,
In heaven we shall each other see,
And never part again.
that will be joyful, etc.
3 The children who have loved the Lord
Shall hail their teachers there ;
And teachers gain the rich reward
Of all their toil and care.
that will be joyful, etc.
4 Then let us each, in strength divine,
Still walk in wisdom's ways ;
That we, with those we love, may join
In never-ending praise !
that will be joyful, etc.
342 8s > 7s > 4s -
For the Fullness of Peace and Joy.
LORD, dismiss us with thy blessing;
Fill our hearts with joy and peace ;
Let us each, thy love possessing,
Triumph in redeeming grace ;
refresh us,
Travelling through this wilderness.
2 Thanks we give, and adoration,
For thy gospel's joyful sound ;
May the fruits of thy salvation
In our hearts and lives abound;
May thy presence
With us evermore be found.
3 So, when'er the signal's given
Us from earth to call away,
Borne on angels' wings to heaven,
Glad the summons to obey,
May we ever
Reign with Christ in endless day.
343 Closing School. 8s, 7s, 4s
OW is done the time of teaching,
Ended is the hour we love;
Still the voice of friends "beseeching
Us to seek for joys above.
Precious Sabbaths !
Swiftly, oh ! they swiftly move.
Wake, then, every tender feeling!
Ere from school we go away ;
Saviour come, thy grace revealing,
Every troubled thought allay —
Make us holy,
On the sacred Sabbath-day.
Soon our Sabbaths will be ended,
All our Sabbath-schools be past:
Like the leaf, to earth descended,
Withered in the autumn blast;
Life is passing,
We must see the grave at last.
Then may heaven be beaming o'er us,
With its sunny glories bright,
And with millions saved before us,
May we join in worlds of light,
Praising Jesus,
Where the Sabbath knows no night
344 Closing Hymn. 8s, 7s.
HEAVENLY Father, grant thy blessing
On th' instructions of this day;
That our hearts thy fear possessing,
May from sin be turned away,
2 We have wandered ; 0, forgive us,
We have wished from truth to rove ;
Turn, turn us, and receive us,
And incline our hearts to love.
3 We have learned that Christ, the Saviour,
Lived to teach us what is good ;
Died to gain for us thy favor,
And redeem us by his blood.
4 For his sake, God, forgive us :
Guide us to that happy home,
Where the Saviour will receive us,
And where sin can never come.
345 Glory to God. 8s, 7s.
PRAISE to thee, thou great Creator!
Praise to thee from every tongue !
Join, my soul, with every creature,
Join the universal song.
2 For ten thousand blessings given,
For the hope of future joy,
Sound his praise through earth and heaven,
Sound Jehovah's praise on high!
346 Praise to Father, Son, and Spirit. . C. M.
GLORY to God the Father's name,
Who, from our sinful race,
Hath chosen myriads to proclaim
The honors of his grace.
2 Glory to God the Son be paid,
Who dwelt in humble clay,
And, to redeem us from the dead,
Gave his own life away.
3 Glory to God the Spirit give,
From whose almighty power
Our souls their heav'nly birth derive,
And bless the happy hour.
4 Glory to God, that reigns above,
The holy Three in One,
Who, by the wonders of his love,
Has made his nature known.
L. M.
PRAISE God, from whom all blessings flow,
Praise him, all creatures here below ;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
L. M.
TO God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit, Three in One,
Be honor, praise, and glory given,
By all on earth and all in heaven.
C. M.
IET God the Father, and the Son
J And Spirit be adored,
Where there are works to make him known,
Or saints to love the Lord.
C. M.
TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
The God whom we adore,
Be glory as it was, is now,
And shall be evermore.
YE angels round the throne,
And saints that dwell below,
Worship the Father, love the Son,
And bless the Spirit too.
8s, 7s.
"A/TAY the grace of Christ our Saviour,
jjlL And the Father's boundless love,
With the Holy Spirit's favor,
Rest upon us from above.
PRAISE the Father, earth and heaven,
Praise the Son, the Spirit praise ;
As it was and is be given,
Glory through eternal days.
7s, 6 lines.
FATHER, Son, and Holy Ghost,
One in Three, and Three in One,
As by the celestial host,
Let thy will on earth be done :
Praise by all to thee be given,
Glorious Lord of earth and heaven.
6s, 4s.
TO God — the Father, Son,
And Spirit — Three in One,
All praise be given ;
Crown him in every song ;
To him your hearts belong;
Let all his praise prolong —
On earth — in Heaven.
C. L. M.
TO Father, Son, and Spirit bless'd,
Supreme o'er earth and heaven,
Eternal Three in One confess'd,
Be highest glory given.
As was through ages heretofore,
Is now, and shall be evermore.
8s, 7s, 4s.
&REAT Jehovah! we adore thee,
God the Father — God the Son —
God the Spirit — joined in glory,
On the same eternal throne ;
Endless praises
To Jehovah, Three in One.
7s, 6s.
TO Father, Son, and Spirit,
From earth let praise arise!
Ye angels, as ye hear it,
Prolong it through the skies.
H. M.
TO God the Father's throne,
Your highest honor raise ;
Glory to God, the Son, —
To God, the Spirit, praise:
With all our powers,
Eternal King !
Thy name we sing,
While faith adores.
/s, bs.
ALL ye who grace inherit,
The God of grace adore !
To Father, Son, and Spirit,
Give praise for evermore !
Of mercies here, the treasure
Demands our praise and love ;
And praise shall be our pleasure
Before his throne above.
FATHER Almighty, to thee be addressed,
With Christ and the Spirit, one God, ever
And glory and worship from earth, and from
As was, and is now, and shall ever be given.
The figures refer to the numbers of the Hymns.
Anniversaries, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57
Baptism, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214
" of Infants, 212
Believers, safety of, 177
Bible, 199
" attention to, 74, 200
" freedom of, 64
" love for, 274
" value of, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198
Blindness, 297
Calvary, 257
Christ, a child, 96
advent of, 224, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239,
241, 242
" ascension of, 215, 265, 267
" ashamed of, 157
" besought, 94, 133, 140, 141, 144, 145, 146, 155,
163, 273
" children invited to, 118, 124, 126, 127
( 271 )
Christ, coming to, 129, 134, 144, 145, 146, 148, 153, 154,
155, 156, 184
" compassion of, 150, 153
" cross of, 255, 25S
" exaltation of, 87, 132, 266, 268
" example of, 92
" excellency of, 84
" faith in, 155, 160, 174, 184, 185
" humiliation of, 95
" love for, 88, 139, 146, 166
" love of, 82, 158, 253
" loveliness of, 90, 266
" names of, 80, 85, 86, 89, 93, 238
" praise to, 16, 53, 77, 79, 80, 91, 132, 149, 152, 161,
228, 232, 240, 267
" reign of, 218, 230
" resurrection of, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264
" safety in, 83, 86, 123
" salvation through, 160, 318
" sufferings of, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257
" the Saviour, 81, 151
" the shepherd, 13, 36, 166
" the sinner's friend, 78, 128, 174
Christian Life, loveliness of, 130, 167, 176
Christmas, (see Christ, Advent of).
Church, delight in, 202
" safety of, 271
Confession, 7, 133, 137, 138, 140, 141, 144, 145, 147,
154, 162
Death, 301, 306, 308
" of a scholar, 310
" " a teacher, 309
" " saints, 305, 312
" " youth, 300, 302, 303, 304, 307
Dismission, 335, 336, 338, 340, 341, 342
Early Piety, 121, 125, 156
invitation to, 116, 117, 118, 119, 122, 127
" " loveliness of, 130, 131, 176, 178 -
Easter, 262, 263, 264 (see Christ, Resurrection of).
Eternity, 311, 319, 320
Evening, 288, 289, 290, 291
God, 68
" communion with, 143
" confidence in, 75, 134
" consecration to, 172, 173
" glory of, seen in his works, 54, 70, 71
" love of, 72, 76
" omnipresent, 191
" perfections of, 69
" praise to, 71
" sinners return to, 135, 136, 137, 138, 143
" wisdom and knowledge of, 70, 73
" youth devoted to, 131
Good Friday, (see Christ, Sufferings of).
Gospel, feast, 216, 217
spread of, 219, 220, 221, 222, 226, 227, 231
" triumphs of, 224, 275
Harvest, 279, 2S0
Heathen, duty to, 181
Heaven, anticipations of, 321, 322, 324, 327, 329, 330,
333, 341
home in, 321, 322, 332
joy of, 52, 324, 327, 331, 333, 337, 341
longed for, 321, 324, 327
rest in, 298, 322, 329
young in, 323, 328
Holy Spirit, grieving the, 101
" " prayer for, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 270
" u present, 103
3574 index or subjects.
Independence Day, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
Israel, prayer for, 229
Judgment, 315, 316
" of wicked child, 317
Life, brevity of, 247, 249, 250, 251, 299, 300, 306, 308
uncertainty of, 243, 301
Lord's Day, 19, 20, 21, 26
" delight in, 17, 22, 25
" " evening, 27, 337
" " morning, 18, 23, 24
Lord's Supper, 215, 216, 217
Man, natural depravity of, 110
Mkrcy, seat of, 183
Missions, 222, 223, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231
Morning, 278, 285, 2S6, 287
New Year, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249
Orphans, duty to, 180
M prayer for, 295
Penitence, 129, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 143,
144, 145, 147. 162
Praise, 12, 37, 60, 63, 71, 220, 227, 228, 245, 345, 346
" call to, 1, 5, 53
M for divine mercies, 72, 75
Prayer, 182, 183, 189, 288
" encouragement to, 184, 191
" for divine blessing, 2, 3, 4, 11, 140, 142, 145, 164,
165, 187, 188, 273, 339
" for divine guidance, 130, 143
" for a new heart, 139, 144, 147
" for faith, 185, 296
" sincere, 186, 190
Redemption, praise for. 150. 159
Religion', happiness of, 167, 168, 171, 176
value of, 170
Resignation, 296
Rest, 298, 322
Resurrection, 313
" longing for, 314
Saints, example of, 179
Salvation, 159, 160, 318
Seasons, 276, 284
" autumn, 281
« spring, 277, 278
'• summer, 279
* winter, 282, 283
Selp-Examination, 112
Sickness, devotion in, 294
" recovery from, 169, 293
11 teacher's, 292
Sin, 109
" deceit of, 113
" of the lips, 115
" progress of, 111
Sinners, admonished, 114, 134, 175
" invitation to, 119, 124, 128, 132, 213
" warnings to, 120, 308
Soul, immortal, 320 *
" the, 107, 108
Sunday-School, assembling in, 8, 9, 10, 16, 31, 51, 61
" " attention in, 32
« closing, 334, 339, 343, 344
" " dedication, 58. 59, 61
" " love for, 14, 28, 29, 30, 33, 36, 38, 40
" " prayer for a blessing on, 31, 34, 37, 39
" " privileges of, 35
Supplication, 9, 10, 133, 135, 136, 140, 141, 143, 144,
145, 146, 147, 162, 163
Teachers, blessedness of, 47
" object of, 48, 49
" prayer of, 41, 44, 45, 46
" responsibility of, 42, 43
Time, flight of, 250, 251, 306, 308
Trials, 164, 165
Trinity, invocation to, 106
Whitsuntide, 269
Worship, delight in, 14, 203, 205, 208
" meeting for, 6. 201, 204, 206, 207
A charge to keep I have imfN 42
Admitted where thy truths are taught 31
A dread and solemn hour 215
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed 254
Alas ! what hourly dangers rise 164
All hail the power of Jesus' name 77
All-powerful, self-existent God 69
Almighty Father, God of love 44
Almighty God, thy piercing eye 73
Almighty Maker, God! 71
And am I born to die 311
And now another hour is past 334
And will the Judge descend 316
Angels roll'd the rock away 260
Another fleeting year 247
Are nature's charms all hidden 297
Arise, ye children, and adore 267
Ascend thy throne, almighty King , 230
A sinner, Lord, behold I stand 162
Ask, and ye shall receive 185
Asleep in Jesus ! blessed sleep 305
Assembled in our school once more 9
As teachers of the young Ave meet 48
Awake and sing the song 161
Awake, awake, my sluggish soul 308
24 (277)
Baptized into our Saviour's death 209
Baptized into thy name 210
Behold th' amazing sight 253
Best of parents, hear me now 188
Blest hour, when virtuous friends shall meet 331
Blest is the man whose heart expands 47
Blest with the joys of innocence : 110
Blow ye the trumpet blow 132
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning 240
Celestial Dove, come from above 102
Children, join your God to bless 5
Children, listen to the Lord 118
Christ, the Lord, has risen to-day 262
Come, children, come to God 124
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly dove 99
Come, Holy Spirit, calm my mind 97
Come, Holy Spirit, come 98
Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove 100
Come, let us join our cheerful songs 152
Come, let us search our ways, and see 112
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare 1S4
Come, sacred Spirit, from above 105
Come, thou Saviour of our race 234
Come to the mercy-seat 126
Come, ye children, adore him 53
Come, ye sinners, poor and needy 128
Dear children, have you ever thought 32
Dismiss us with thy blessing, Lord 336
Do no sinful action 175
Earth, with her ten thousand flowers 76
Eternal Father, God of grace 338
Eternity is just at hand 319
Ever patient, gentle, meek 84
Faith of our fathers ! living still 272
Father, from thy throne above 35
Father of heaven, whose love profound 106
Father of mercies, hear .' 339
Father, once more let grateful praise 335
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost 172
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 214
Forbid them not to come 212
Fountain of mercy, God of love 280
From all that dwell below the skies 1
From every stormy wind that blows 183
From Greenland's icy mountains 223
Glory to God on high 12
Glory to God the Father's name 346
God of every land and nation 66
God of my life, look gently down 294
Great God, accept our songs of praise 60
Great God, at whose all-powerful call 276
Great God in heaven above 37
Great God, our feeble efforts own 45
Great God, we sing that mighty hand 245
Great is the Lord our God 271
Great was the day, the joy was great 269
Hail, morning known among the blest 259
Hail, my ever-blessed Jesus 149
Hail the day that sees him rise 265
Hail, thou once despised Jesus 91
Hallowed be this humble spot 61
Happy the children who are gone 328
Happy the child whose tender years 131
Hark, the glad sound, the Saviour comes 237
Hark, the herald angels sing 235
Hasten, Lord, the glorious time 220
Hasten, sinner, to be wise 120
Hear ye not a voice from heaven 127
Heavenly Father, grant thy blessing 344
Here, Lord, before thy mercy-seat 2
Holy Bible, book divine 194
How beauteous the morning appears 278
How calm and beautiful the morn 264
How charming is the place 14
How dreadful, Lord, will be the day 317
How much better I'm attended 242
How pleasant thus to dwell below 341
How precious is the book divine 195
How serious is the charge 43
How shall the young secure their hearts 199
How sweet is the Sabbath, the morning of rest 22
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds 90
If you will turn away from sin 119
I know that my Redeemer lives 87
I lay my sins on Jesus 148
I love the Sabbath-school 30
I love the Sunday-school, the place 28
I love the sons of grace 179
I love the Sunday-school 38
I love thy Zion, Lord 202
1 love to join the joyful play 29
I love to steal a while awaj T 288
I'm but a traveller here 332
I'm glad I ever saw the day 171
In fervent prayer, with holy praise 58
In sleep's serene oblivion laid 287
In the bright morn of life, when youth 121
In thy baptism God hath plighted 213
In vain would boasting reason find 160
Invited by a Saviour's love 16
I often say my prayers 190
I thank the Lord who lives on high 293
It is not earthly pleasure 168
Jerusalem, my happy home 321
Jesus, and shall it ever be 157
Jesus appeared on earth 96
Jesus bids me seek his face L»6
Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour 93
Jesus, in Christian love we meet 235
Jesus invites his saints 216
Jesus is gone above the skies 215
Jesus, lover of my soul 81
Jesus, my Saviour and my Lord 200
Jesus my Shepherd is 166
Jesus now reigns above 103
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun 218
Jesus, thou true and living vine 85
Jesus, we look to thee 6
Jesus, we love to meet. 205
Joy to the world, the Lord is come 232
Just as I am, without one plea 154
Lamb of God for sinners slain 146
Lamb of God, we fall before thee 83
Let the Sabbath-day be blest 26
Let thy Spirit, Lord, descending 104
Let us chant the solemn lay 2. 9 .9
Let us now, with henrts united 134
Life is a span, a fleeting hour 300
Lord, before thy throne we stand 10
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing 342
Lord, help us as we pray ]S7
Lord, how delightful 'tis to see 20 v <
Lord, I confess before thy face 1M7
Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear 23
Lord, in thy temple we appear 201
Lord, I would come to thee 138
Lord of hosts, how lovely fair 208
Lord of the harvest, hear... 222
Lord of the Sabbath, I rejoice 19
Lord, send thy word, and let it fly 227
Lord, teach us how to pray I
Lord, to thy mercy-seat I come 153
Lord, we are spared again to meet 55
Lord, we thank thee thou hast spoken 57
Lord, what is life? 'tis like a flower 299
Loving Jesus, high and holy 145
Majestic sweetness sits enthroned 266
May this happy New-year be 244
May we who teach the rising race 46
My Bible, 'tis a book divine 193
My country, 'tis of thee 65
My faith looks up to thee 155
My God, and is thy table spread 217
My God, my Father, whilst I stray 296
My God, thy service well demands 169
My hope, my all, my Saviour thou 163
My rest is in heaven, my rest 298
My son, know thou the Lord 116
No, I'll repine at death no more 314
Not all the blood of beasts 159
Now, children, to God's house repair 206
Now is done the time of teaching 343
Now let us raise our cheerful strains 26S
Now the shades of night are gone 286
Now we are met to read and pray 8
Now we've assembled here 3
O'er the gloomy hills of darkness 219
for a closer walk with God 143
for a glance of heavenly day 147
for a heart to praise my God 139
for a thousand tongues to sing 79
for the death of those 312
God of sovereign grace 221
God, our help in ages past 75
God, with meekness we confess 115
gracious Lord, whose mercies rise 295
Oh, 'tis a folly and a crime 114
Oh, we love to come to our Sabbath home 40
Oh. ye children, stop and think 123
Jesus, delight of my soul 173
Jesus, not for pride 49
Lord, another day has flown 289
Lord, on this our Sunday-school 39
Lord, our God, arise 275
Lord, to whom our life we owe 15
Omnipresent God, whose aid 290
Once more, before we part 340
Once more we come before our God 11
Once more we meet to pray 7
Once more with hallowed feeling 64
One there is above all others 78
On Jordan's stormy banks I stand 327
On Judah's plains, as shepherds sat 233
On many a foreign shore 1 SI
sacred Head, how wounded 256
Sun of Righteousness, arise 94
that the Lord's salvation 229
that the Lord would guide my way 142
thou, before whose gracious throne 292
thou that hear'st when sinners cry 1?>5
thou, whose mercy hears 140
'tis a lovely thing to see 178
Our evil actions spring Ill
Our Sabbaths come so welcome on 25
where shall rest be found 325
Plunged in a gulf of dark despair 150
Praise to thee, thou great Creator 345
Prayer is appointed to convey 189
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire 182
Proclaim, said Christ, my wondrous grace 211
Rejoice, the Lord is King SO
Religion is the chief concern 125
Remember tby Creator 117
Rich is the sacred song that swells 52
Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings 330
Rock of Ages, cleft for me 86
Safely through another week 24
Salvation, the joyful sound 159
Saviour, teach me day by day 88
Saviour, visit thy plantation 27.",
See, another year is gone 243
See, how rude winter's icy hand 283
See the kind Shepherd, Jesus, stands 13
See the leaves around us falling 2S1
Shall man, God of light and life 313
Show pity, Lord, Lord forgive 133
Sing, my soul, his wondrous love 72
► c in has a thousand treacherous arts 113
Sin is to break the holy law 109
Sister, thou wast mild and lovely 304
Softly fades the twilight ray 27
Soon will set the Sabbath sun :;::7
Sound, sound the truth abroad 231
Sovereign of worlds, display thy power 226
Sovereign Ruler, Lord of all ...'. 141
Spared to commence another year 246
Spared to another spring 277
Spirit of truth, on this thy day 270
Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay 101
Stern winter throws his icy chains 2s2
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing 174
Swift as the winged arrow flies 251
Swift the moments fly away 250
Take my heart, O Father, take it 136
Teacher Divine, we bow the knee 41
That awful hour will soon appear 306
The Author of salvation -,15
The Bible, the Bible! more precious than gold 1 ( JG
The day is past and gone ,...;. 291
The glorious light is dawning 236
The lilies of the field 301
The Lord attends when children pray 186
The Lord is risen indeed 261
The Lord of earth and sky 248
The man is ever blest 177
The pearl that worldlings covet 170
There is a dear and hallowed spot 257
There is a fountain filled with blood 89
There is a land of pure delight 324
There is an hour of peaceful rest 326
There is an hour when I must die. 307
There is a path that leads to God 130
There is a place of sacred rest 322
There is a voice of sovereign grace 129
There's not a tint that paints the rose 70
The rosy light is dawning 18
The sun that lights the world shall fade 320
The voice is hushed, the gentle voice 309
They who seek the throne of grace 191
This day belongs to God alone 21
This is a precious book indeed 197
This is the day the Lord hath blessed 20
This isthe day the Lord hath made 263
This is the field where hidden lies 198
Thou art our Shepherd, gracious Lord. 36
Thou art the way, to thee alone 93
Though I am young, I have a soul 108
Thrice happy souls, who, born of heaven 176
'Tis religion that can give 167
To praise the ever-bounteous Lord 279
To praise the Saviour's name 158
To thee, let my first offerings rise 285
To thee, O blessed Saviour 51
To thy temple I repair 204
Up to thee, Almighty Father 63
Watchman, tell us of the night 224
Weak and wandering though I be 165
We come with joy and gladness 67
We have met in peace together 50
Welcome, sweet day of rest 17
We'll not forget the Sunday-school 33
We meet again in gladness 56
We're going home, we've had 333
We seem to hear a voice of praise 54
We wont give up the Bible 274
What a mercy, what a treasure 192
What is there, Lord, a child can do 144
What is the thing of greatest price 107
What souls are those that venture near 323
When blooming youth is snatched .away 303
When human hopes all wither 258
When I can read my title clear 329
When I look up to yonder sky 68
When I survey the wondrous cross 255
When Jesus hung upon the tree 252
When little Samuel woke 74
When marshalled on the nightly plain 23S
When shall the voice of singing 228
When sickness, pain, and death 302
When the Redeemer left his throne 82
When thou shalt make thy jewels up 318
When to the house of God we go 207
When we together weekly meet 34
Where we oft have met in gladness 310
While with ceaseless course the sun 249,
Winter has a joy for me 284
With grateful delight we survey 59
With joy we meet.; 62
Ye children of a father's care 180
Ye hearts with youthful vigor warm 122
Ye saints, proclaim abroad 241
Opening Prayer. 8s, 7s.
LORD, a little band and lowly,
We are come to sing to thee:
Thou art great, and high, and holy:
Oh, how solemn we should be !
2 Fill our hearts with thoughts of Jesus,
And of heaven, where he is gone,
And let nothing ever please us
He would grieve to look upon.
3 For we know the Lord of glory
Always sees what children do,
God is writing now the story
Of our thoughts and actions too.
4 Let our sins be all forgiven ;
Make us fear whate'er is wrong
Lead us on our way to heaven,
There to sing a nobler song.
1* (5)
g The Sabbath. 7s.
pHILDREN, 'tis the Sabbath-day:
\J We must neither work nor play ;
'Tis the day which God has giv'n,
That we may prepare for Heav'n ;
Let us then his goodness praise,
For these blessed Sabbath-days!
2 On this holy Sabbath-day,
Here we come to sing and pray;
Here we learn God's holy word,
And we hear of Christ our Lord;
Let us then his goodness praise,
For these precious Sabbath-days!
3 When we've done with things below,
May we all to glory go ;
Join the songs of saints above,
Tell of Jesus' s dying love ;
There forever sing his praise
Through eternal Sabbath-days!
^ Infant Praise. 8s, 7f
HUMBLE praises, holy Jesus,
Infant voices raise to Thee ;
In thy arms, Lord, receive us,
Suffer us thy lambs to be.
Blessed Saviour ! thou hast bidden
Babes like us to come to thee;
Once by thy disciples chidden,
Thou didst bless such ones as we.
3 Thanks to thee, who freely gave us
Thy exalted Son, to die,
From eternal death to save us;
Glory be to God on high!
A Prayer to Jesus. 8s, 7s.
JESUS, tender Shepherd, hear us,
Bless thy little lambs to-day;
Through the Sabbath be thou near us,
Keep all sinful thoughts away.
2 All the week thy hand hath led us,
And we thank thee for thy care ;
Thou hast clothed, and warm'd, and fed us
Listen to our earnest prayer.
3 Let our sins be all forgiven,
Bless the friends we love so well;
Take us, when we die, to heaven,
Happy there with thee to dwell.
/J The Christian Birth. C. M.
I THANK the goodness and the grace
Which on my birth have smiled,
And made me, in these Christian days,
A highly-favored child.
2 I was not born, as thousands are,
Where Jesus is unknown,
And taught to pray a useless prayer
To blocks of wood or stone.
3 I was not born a little slave,
To labor in the sun,
And -wish that I were in my grave,
And all my labor done.
4 I was not born without a home,
Or in a broken shed ;
A 'wretched outcast, taught to roam,
And steal my daily bread.
5 My God ! I thank thee, who hast planned
A better lot for me ;
And placed me in this happy land,
"Where I may hear of thee.
Q Prayer for grace. 7s.
JESUS, let a little child
Humbly supplicate thy throne :
Speak to me in accents mild,
thou great and holy One !
Fill my youthful heart with grace,
Make it thy beloved abode ; ,
Show thy reconciling face,
my Father and my God !
3 May I early learn thy ways,
Early know thy power and love ;
Then devote to thee my days,
Till I am removed above.
7 On hearing the Word. S. M.
LORD, wilt thou deign to speak.
To little ones like me?
Thou wilt, for thou hast bid us come,
And hearken unto thee.
2 Then give the hearing ear,
And give the ready mind,
The childlike heart, to all thy will
Submissively inclined.
3 Thus we, like her of old,
Would wait upon thee, Lord;
Meekly at thy dear feet to sit,
And listen to thy word.
4 'Tis all a child can do
To love and to obey:
Speak, Lord, and we too will attend
To hear what thou wilt say.
§ Infant Chorus. 8s, 7s.
LET us sound the infant chorus
To our Father in the skies,
Who so kindly watches o'er us,
And our every want supplies.
2 By his care we nightly slumber,
Waking with the morning ray;
While his mercies, without number,
Still descend from day to day.
3 All our infant, smiling pleasures,
All our raiment and our food ;
All our precious little treasures,
Teach us that the Lord is good.
4 Thanks to God, who still supplies us
With kind friends and parents dear ;
Thanks to God, who ne'er denies us
Aught we need for comfort here.
5 To our Father high in heaven,
To the well-beloved Son,
To the Spirit, praise be given —
Glory to our God alone.
Q An Infant's Hymn. C. M.
I'M not too young to love the Lord,
Who does so much for me ;
My blessings come alone from God —
How thankful I should be!
2 I'm not too young a prayer to raise
To God who dwells on high ;
He'll listen to my song of praise,
And hear my feeble cry.
3 I'm not too young for Christ to save ;
He even died for me ;
Yes ! he his life for children gave,
And will their Saviour be.
4 I'm not too young to die and go
To Jesus Christ in heaven ;
But ere I reach that place I know
My sins must be forgiven.
5 Saviour, listen to my prayer,
And change this heart of mine ;
! take an infant to thy care,
And make me wholly thine.
A Child's Prayer. C. M.
LORD, teach a sinful child to pray,
And then accept my prayer;
For thou canst hear the words I say
For thou art everywhere.
2 A little sparrow cannot fall
Unnoticed, Lord, by thee ;
And though I am so young and small,
Thou dost take care of me.
Teach me to do the thing that's right,
And when I sin, forgive ;
And make it still my chief delight
To serve thee while I live
4 "Whatever trouble I am in,
To thee for help I'll call;
But keep me, more than all, from sin,
For that's the worst of all.
Christmas. 7s, 6a.
HOW precious is the story
Of our Redeemer's birth,
Who left the realms of glory
And came to dwell on earth!
He saw our sad condition,
Our guilt, and sin, and shame:
To save us from perdition
The blessed Jesus came.
2 He came to earth from heaven,
To weep, and bleed, and die,
That we might be forgiven,
And raised to God on high.
His kindness and compassion
To children then were shown;
The heir 8 of his salvation,
He claim' d them for his own.
3 Oh, may I love this Saviour,
So good, so kind, so mild!
And may I find his favor,
A young though sinful child !
And in his blissful heaven
May I at last appear,
With all my sins forgiven,
To know and praise him there !
]_ g Christ's Life. P. M.
CHRIST was born in Bethlehem,
And in a manger laid.
2 The Jews crucified him,
And nailed him to the tree.
htiIns for infants. 13
I l seph begged his body.
And laid it in the tomb.
4 l>uwn 0*106 an angel,
And rolled away the stone.
5 Christ rOBQ triumphant,
And conquered death and hell.
6 Shout, shout the vict'ry,
We're on our journey home.
J ^ Desire to be like Jesus. 7s, 6a.
T WANT to be like Jesus,
1 So lowly and so meek ;
For no one mark'd an angry word
That ever hoard him speak.
I want t<> be like Jesus,
So frequently in prayer ;
Alone upon the mountain-top,
He met his Father there.
I I want to be like Jesus:
I never, never find
That he, though persecuted, was
To any one unkind.
I want to be liko Jem,
Engaged in doing good.
So that of mo it may bo said,
" She hath done what she could/'
3 I want to be like Jesus,
So lowly and so meek;
For no one mark'd an angry word
That ever heard him speak.
Alas! I'm not like Jesus,
As any one may see:
gentle Saviour, send thy grace,
And make me like to thee.
1 A " Suffer Little Ones to come unto Me." P. M.
I THINK, when I read that sweet story of old,
When Jesus was here among men,
How he call'd little children, as lambs to his
fold, <
I should like to have been with him then.
2 I wish that his hands had been placed on my
That his arms had been thrown around me ;
That I might have seen his kind look when he
" Let the little ones come unto me."
3 Yet still to his footstool in prayer I may go,
And ask for a share in his love ;
And if I thus earnestly seek him below,
I shall see him and hear him above —
4 In that beautiful place he has gone to prepare,
For all who are wash'd and forgiven ;
And many dear children are gathering there,
"For of such is the kingdom of heaven."
J ft Jesus a Guide. 7s.
QHEPHEKD of tliy little flock,
O Lead u to the shadowing rock,
Where the richest pastures grow,
Where the living watery flow*
By thut pure and silent stream.
Shelter' d from tho scorching beam,
Shepherd, Saviour, Guardian, Guide,
Keep us ever near thy side !
J fi Gentle Jesus. 7s.
GFA'TLE Jesus, meek and mild,
Look upon a little child :
Pity my simplicity,
Suffer me to come to thee.
2 Fain I would t<> thee be brought:
Graeioua God, forbid it not:
In the kingdom of thy grace,
Give a little child a place.
3 supply my every want.
Feed the young and tender plant,
Day and night my keeper be,
Every moment watch round me.
^7 An Infant's Prayer. 7s.
TBSUS, Saviour, Son of God,
tj Who for me life's pathway trod,
Who for me became a child;
Make me humble, meek, and mild.
2 I thy little lamb would be ;
Jesus, I would follow thee:
Samuel was thy child of old ;
Take me, too, within thy fold.
3 Teach me how to pray to thee ;
Make me holy, heavenly:
Let me love what thou dost love
Let me live with thee above.
18 Child's Prayer. 7s.
JESUS, see a little child,
Humbly at thy footstool stay ;
Thou who art so meek and mild,
Stoop and teach me what to say.
2 Though thou art so great and high,
Thou dost view, with smiling face,
Little children when they cry,
" Saviour, guide us by thy grace."
3 Show me what I ought to be,
Make me every evil shun ;
Thee in all things may I see,
In thy holy footsteps run.
4 Jesus, all my sins forgive,
Make me lowly, pure in heart,
For thy glory may I live,
Then be with thee where thou art
10 Coming to Jesus. 7s.
SAVIOUR, may a little ohild
Through thy grace be reconciled,
Who can feel indeed within
Much of evil, much of sin?
2 Yes, thou saidst, and that's my plea,
"Suffer such to come to me;
Turn no little child away,
Heaven is filled with such as they."
3 Saviour ! to thine arms I fly,
Ere my childhood passes by;
In thy fear my years be past,
Whether first, or midst, or last.
(JO Who shall Sing if not the Children? 8s, 7s.
"TT7HO shall sing, if not the children ?
\ V Did not Jesus die for them?
May they not, with other jewels,
Sparkle in his diadem?
Why to them are voices given,
Bird-like voices, sweet and clear?
Why, unless the songs of heaven
They begin to practise here?
2 There's a choir of infant songsters,
White-robed, round the Saviour's throne ;
Angels cease, and, waiting, listen:
Oh, 'tis sweeter than their own!
2* b
Faith can hear the rapturous choir
When her ear is upward turn'd ;
Is it not the same, made higher,
Which upon the earth they learn'd?
3 Jesus, when on earth sojourning,
Loved them with a wondrous love ;
And will he, to heaven returning,
Faithless to his promise prove?
Oh, they cannot sing too early !
Parents, stand not in their way !
Birds sing while the day is breaking:
Tell me, then, why should not they?
^ J Come and sing. 7s.
COME and sing ! let us sing I
Let us all our voices raise ;
Like the merry birds in spring,
Singing songs of love and praise !
2 Let us sing ! the angels sing,
High above the cloudless sky,
There they see their heavenly King
In his holy majesty.
3 Let us sing ! the children sung,
When to Zion Jesus rode ;
And the stately temple rung
With hosannas to their Lord.
4 Let us sing! rejoice, rejoice!
Jesus listens while we sing !
Jesus loves an infant's voice,
And the praises children bring.
5 Let us sing our hymns below 1
Sing at morn, at noon, at even ;
Till through Jesus we shall go
Sweeter songs to sing in heaven.
J g Singing to Christ. C. M.
WE infants sing
To Christ our King,
A song of peace and love ;
The lisping praise,
"Which now we raise,
Is heard in heaven above.
'Twas babes like us
"Whom thou didst bless,
Dear Lord, and honored much ;
" Forbid them not,"
Were his kind words,
"My kingdom is of such."
Kind Saviour, still
On Zion's hill
Oh, bless our infant band!
And be thou near
When storms appear,
To shield us with thy hand.
The ocean crossed,
No wanderer lost,
May we the haven gain,
To join the throng,
And swell the song
Of cherubs' rapturous strain.
26* u
§3 Sabbath Bell. P. M.
PLEASANT is the Sabbath bell, '
In the light, in the light,
Seeming much of joy to tell,
In the light of God.
But a music sweeter far,
In the light, in the light,
Breathes where angel spirits are,
In the light of God.
Let us walk in the light,
Walk in the light,
Let us walk in the light,
In the light of God.
2 Shall we ever rise to dwell,
In the light, in the light,
Where immortal praises swell,
In the light of God !
And can children ever go,
In the light, in the light,
Where eternal Sabbaths glow
In the light of God?
Let us walk, etc,
3 Yes, that bliss our own may be,
In the light, in the light ;
All the good shall Jesus see
In the light of God.
And for them a rest remains
In the light, in the light,
Where the glorious Saviour reigns,
In the light of God.
Let us walk, etc.
9 A I'll away to the Sunday School. P. M.
~YT7HEN the morning light drives away the
VV night,
With the sun so bright and full,
And it draws its line near the hour of nine,
I'll away to the Sunday-school.
For 'tis there we all agree,
All with happy hearts and free,
And I love to early be
At the Sunday-school.
I'll away ! away ! I'll away ! away !
I'll away to Sunday-school.
2 On the frosty dawn of a winter's morn,
When the earth is wrapped in snow,
Or the summer breeze plays round the trees,
To the Sunday-school I go.
When the holy day has come,
And the Sunday-breakers roam,
I delight to leave my home,
For the Sunday-school.
I'll away, etc.
3 In the class I meet with the friends I greet,
At the time of morning prayer;
And our hearts we raise in a hymn of praise
For 'tis always pleasant there :
In the Book of holy truth,
Full of counsel and reproof,
We behold the guide of youth,
At the Sunday-school.
I'll away, etc.
4 May the dews of grace fill the hallow'd place,
And the sunshine never fail,
While each blooming rose which in memory
Shall a sweet perfume exhale:
When we mingle here no more,
But have met on Jordan's shore,
We will talk of moments o'er,
At the Sunday-school.
I'll away, etc.
25 Little Things. 6s, 5s.
LITTLE drops of water,
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean,
And the beauteous land.
2 And the little moments,
\ Humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages
Of eternity.
3 So our little errors
Lead the soul away,
From the path of virtue,
Oft in sin to stray.
4 Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Make our earth an Eden,
Like the heaven above.
Little seeds of mercy
Sown by youthful hands,
Grow to bless the nations
Far in distant lands.
Jjjg The Little Army. P.M.
ODO not be discouraged,
. For Jesus is your friend,
0, do not be discouraged,
For Jesus is your friend.
He will give you grace to conquer,
He will give you grace to conquer,
And keep you to the end.
I am glad I'm in this army,
Yes, I'm glad I'm in this army,
Yes, I'm glad I'm in this army,
And I'll battle for the school.
2 Fight on, ye little soldiers,
The battle you shall win,
Fight on, ye little soldiers,
The battle you shall win;
For the Saviour is your Captain,
For the Saviour is your Captain,
And he hath vanquished sin.
I am glad I'm in this army, etc.
3 And when the conflict's over,
Before him you shall stand ;
And when the conflict's over,
Before him you shall stand;
You shall sing his praise for ever,
You shall sing his praise for ever,
In Canaan's happy land.
I am glad I'm in this army, etc.
g7 Kind Words. 6s, 4s.
KIND words can never die,
Cherished and blest,
God knows how deep they lie,
Stored in the breast.
Like childhood's simple rhymes,
Said o'er a thousand times,
Age in all years and climes
Distant and near.
Kind words can never die,
Never die, never die,
Kind words can never die,
No, never die.
2 Childhood can never die —
Wrecks of the past,
Float o'er the memory,
Bright to the last.
Many a happy thing,
Many a daisy spring
Float o'er time's ceaseless wing,
Far, far away.
Childhood can never die,
Never die, never die,
Childhood can never die,
No, never die.
Sweet thoughts can never die,
Tho' like the flowers
Their brightest hues may fly,
In wintry hours.
But when the gentle dew
Gives them their charms anew,
With many an added hue,
They bloom again.
Sweet thoughts can never die,
Never die, never die,
Sweet thoughts can never die,
No, never die.
Our souls can never die.
Though in the tomb
We may all have to lie,
Wrapped in its gloom.
What tho' the flesh decay,
Souls pass in peace away,
Live thro' eternal day
With Christ above.
Our souls can never die,
Never die, never die,
Our souls can never die,
No, never die.
g8 Love. 8s, 7s.
LITTLE children, love each other,
Is the blessed Saviour's rule:
Every little one is brother
To his mates at infant-school.
2 We're all children of one Father,
The great God who reigns above:
Shall we quarrel ? No ; much rather
Would we be like him — all love.
g9 The Shepherd. C. ML
DEAR Shepherd, guard thy little flock
That humbly trust in thee;
Thou art the fortress and the rock,
To which we ever flee.
2 Enfold us in thy kind embrace,
And never let us roam
In sin's wild, dreary wilderness,
Where roaring lions come.
3 Shield us against the tempter's power,
When Satan's host assail,
And shelter in the trying hour,
When other helpers fail.
4 Make us like gentle, loving lambs,
Attentive, mild and still,
And make our little feet and hands
Delight to do thy will.
5 Lead us from youth to riper years,
From riper years to heaven :
And to our gracious Shepherd's name
The glory shall be given.
QQ Early seeking the Saviour. 8s, 7s, 4s.
SAVIOUR, like a shepherd lead us,
Much we need thy tenderest care ;
In thy pleasant pastures feed us,
For our use thy folds prepare ;
Blessed Jesus,
Thou hast bought us, thine we are.
We are thine, do thou befriend us,
Be the guardian of our way:
Keep thy flock, from sin defend us,
Seek us when we go astray :
Blessed Jesus !
Hear young children when they pray.
Thou hast promised t<» receive us,
Poor and sinful though we be ;
Thou hast mercy to relieve us,
Grace to cleanse, and power to free :
Blessed Jesus !
Let us early turn to thee.
Early let us seek thy favor,
Early let us du thy will !
Holy Lord, our only Saviour,
With thy grace our bosom fill :
Blessed Jesus !
Thou hast loved us ; love us still.
31 Joyfully. 10s.
JOYFULLY, joyfully, onward we move,
Bound to the land of bright spirits above.
Jesus, our Saviour, in mercy says come,
Joyfully, joyfully, haste to your home.
Soon will our pilgrimage end here below,
Soon to the presence of God we shall go :
Then, if to Jesus our hearts shall be given,
Joyfully, joyfully, rest we in heaven.
Teachers and scholars have pass'd on before ;
"Waiting, they watch us approaching the shore,
Singing, to cheer us, while passing along,
Joyfully, joyfully, haste to your home.
Sounds of sweet music there ravish the ear,
Harps of the blessed, your strains we shall hear.
Filling with harmony heaven's high dome :
Joyfully, joyfully, Jesus, we come.
3 Death, with its arrow may soon lay us low ;
Safe in our Saviour, we fear not the blow ;
Jesus hath broken the bars of the tomb,
Joyfully, joyfully, will we go home.
Bright will the morn of eternity dawn,
Death shall be conquer'd, his sceptre be gone,
Over the plains of sweet Canaan we'll roam,
Joyfully, joyfully, safely at home.
<}g I'm a Pilgrim. P. M.
J'M a pilgrim, and I'm :i stranger:
1 can tarry, I can tarry but a night;
Do not detain me, for I am going
To where the rivers are ever flowing.
I'm a pilgrim, etc.
I There the sunbeams are ever shining,
And I'm longing, and I'm longing for the sight;
Within a country unknown and dreary,
I have been wand'ring, forlorn and weary.
I'm a pilgrim, etc.
\ Of that country to which I'm going,
My Redeemer, my Redeemer is the light;
There no sorrow, nor any sighing,
Nor any sin there, nor any dying.
I'm a pilgrim, etc.
[ Father, mother, and sister, brother,
If you will not journey with me, I must go:
F«>r since your vain hope you still will cherish,
Should I too, linger, and with you perish?
I'm a pilgrim, etc.
33 We're Travelling Home. P. M.
WE'RE travelling home to heaven above —
To sing the Saviour's dying love —
Millions have reached this blest abode,
Anointed kings and priests to God;
And millions now are on the road —
Will you go? Will you go?
2 We're going to see the bleeding Lamb, —
In rapturous strains to praise his name, —
The crown of life we there shall wear,
The conqueror's palms our hands shall bear,
And all the joys of heaven we'll share, —
Will you go? Will you go?
We're going to join the heavenly choir,
To raise our voice and tune the lyre, —
The saints and angels gladly sing,
Hosanna to their God and King,
And make the heavenly arches ring, —
Will you go ? Will you go ?
4 weary, heavy laden, come, —
In the blest house there still is room, —
The Lord is waiting to receive,
If thou wilt on him now believe
We'll give thy troubled conscience ease, — •
Come believe, come believe.
The way to heaven is free for all, —
For Jews and Gentiles, great and small,—
Make up your mind, give God your heart,
With every sin and idol part,
And now for glory make a start, —
Come away, come away.
34 The Sabbath-school. L. M.
THE Sabbath-school's a place of prayer,
I love to meet my teachers there ;
They teach me there that every one
May find, in heaven, a happy home.
I love to go, I love to go,
I love to go to Sabbath-school;
I love to go, I love to go,
I love to go to Sabbath-school.
I In God's own book we're taught to read
How Christ for sinners groaned and bled,
That precious blood a ransom gave
For sinful man, his soul to save.
I love to go, I love to go,
I love to go to Sabbath-school.
\ In Sabbath-school we sing and pray,
And learn to love the Sabbath-day;
That, when on earth our Sabbaths end,
A glorious rest in heaven we'll spend.
I love to go, I love to go,
I love to go to Sabbath-school.
t And when our days on earth are o'er,
We'll meet in heaven to part no more ;
Our teachers kind we there shall greet,
And oh ! what joy 'twill be to meet
In heaven above, in heaven above,
In heaven above, to part no more.
35 The Child's Wish. 7s, 6a.
I WANT to be an angel,
And with the angels stand,
A crown upon my forehead,
A harp within my hand ;
There, right before my Saviour,
So glorious and so bright,
I'd wake the sweetest music,
And praise him day and night.
2 I never should be weary,
Nor ever shed a tear,
Nor ever know a sorrow,
Nor ever feel a fear ;
But blessed, pure, and holy,
Fd dwell in Jesus' sight,
And with ten thousand thousands,
Praise him both day and night.
3 I know I'm weak and sinful,
But Jesus will forgive ;
For many little children
Have gone to heaven to live.
Dear Saviour, when I languish,
And lay me down to die,
send a shining angel,
To bear me the sky.
4 Oh, there I'll be an angel,
And with the angels stand,
A crown upon my forehead,
A harp within my hand ;
And there, before my Saviour,
So glorious and so bright,
I'll join the heavenly music,
And praise him day and night.
3g Jesus and the Little Child. 7a
SAVIOUR, I am very weak ;
Wilt thou hear me when I speak?
Mly 1 come and tell thee all,
Though I am so young and small?
Fear not, my child, to come to me,
For I was once a child like thee ;
And though I reign in glory now,
I keep my love for babes below.
And wilt thou take my sinful heart
And make it pure in every part?
Help me to grow a loving child,
Like thee, obedient, meek, and mild?
I died, my child, to set you free
From sin and hell and misery;
And none of all the childlike train
Shall ever seek my face in vain,
5 Dear Saviour, be my constant guide,
Nor let me wander from thy side;
Oh, fit me for thy home on high,
And take me to thee when I die.
3 7 The Little Lambs. 7s.
VERY little ones are we,
how mild we all should be!
Never quarrel, never fight:
This would be a shocking sight,
And would break a happy rule
Of our much-loved infant-school.
2 Just like pretty little lambs
Softly skipping by their dams,
We'll be gentle all the day,
Love to learn as well as play;
And attend to every rule
Of our much-loved infant-school.
3 In the winter, when 'tis mild,
We may run, but not be wild ;
But in summer we must walk,
And improve the time by talk ;
Thus we may come nice and cool
To our much-loved infant-school.
38 The Covimandments. 8e.
ONE God I must worship supreme,
And ne'er before images bow;
I must not speak light of his name,
But pay to him every vow.
2 I'm bound to remember with care,
The Sabbath so hallow'd and pure;
To honor my parents so dear,
That life may the longer endure.
3 I never must kill, or consent
To what is impure or untrue ;
Nor steal, nor indulge discontent,
Or covet what is not my due.
4 Now help me, Father in heaven.
To keep these commandments with zeal,
In the strength that through Jesus is given
To those who their sinfulness feel.
39 The Golden Rule. CM.
TO do to others as I would
That they should do to me,
Will make me honest, kind, and good,
As children ought to be.
The Sunday-school, the Sunday-school,
Oh, 'tis the place I love ;
For there I learn the golden rule,
The rule of joys above,
2 I know I should not steal, nor use
The smallest thing I see,
Which I should never like to lose
If it belong'd to me.
The Sunday-school, etc.
3 And this plain rule forbids me quite
To strike an angry blow,
Because I should not think it right
If others served me so.
The Sunday-school, etc.
4 But any kindness they may need
I'll do, whate'er it be;
As I am very glad indeed
When they are kind to me.
The Sunday-school, etc.
4Q Goodness. 7s.
JESUS loves the little child
Who is lowly, meek, and mild,
Humble both in act and mind,
And to all around him kind.
2 You who would the Lord obey,
Angry words should never say,
But to others always do
As you'd have them do to you.
3 In your happy, pleasant home
Angry words should never come ;
To your parents ever show
All the grateful love you owe.
4 Let your sisters ever find
All your words and actions kind,
"While your friends and playmates own
Love to them your deeds have shown.
5 This will all be good and right,
And lovely in your Maker's sight, —
Fitting you to dwell above,
With the God whose name is Love.
A\ Angels. C. M.
(1 OD'S angels come from heaven on high,
X To keep me safe from harm,
To. guard my head from dangers nigh,
My bosom from alarm.
2 They keep a careful watch all night
Around my slumbering bed ;
They will not let an evil light
Upon my sleeping head.
3 They love to hear an infant pray,
And praise thy love divine ;
I cannot hear their songs, but they
Can hear and join in mine.
Pilgrim Band. P. M.
COME, little soldiers, join in our band,
March for the kingdom, our promis'd land :
Fearless of danger, onward we roam :
Jesus our leader is, soon we'll be home.
We're a little Pilgrim-band,
Guided by a Saviour's hand :
Soon we'll reach our Father-land,
No more to roam.
2 Hark to the voices, bidding us come!
Angels rejoicing, beckon us home:
No more shall sadness or sorrow oppress,
Come, little Pilgrim-band, there we shall rest.
We're a little Pilgrim-band, etc.
3 Soon we shall never know sorrow more,
But blest forever, God's love shall share ;
Soon we shall see him in his blest home,
Ever still praising him ages to come.
We're a little Pilgrim-band, etc.
^.^ I must die. 7s.
I AM young, but I must die,
In my grave I soon must lie;
Am I ready now to go,
If the will of God be so ?
2 Lord, prepare me for my end,
To my heart thy Spirit send,
Help me, Jesus, thee to love,
Take my soul to heaven above.
3 Then I shall with Jesus be,
Then I shall my Saviour see;
Never more to suffer pain,
Never more to sin again.
^ For the Death of an Infant. 6b.
GO to thy rest, my child,
Go to thy dreamless bed,
Gentle and undefiPd,
With blessings on thy head.
2 Fresh roses in thy hand,
Buds on thy pillow laid;
Haste from this fearful land,
Where flowers so quickly fade.
3 Before thy heart had learn'd
In waywardness to stray;
Before thy feet had turn'd
The dark and downward way;
4 Ere sin had seared the breast,
Or sorrow woke the tear;
Rise to thy home of rest,
In yon celestial sphere.
5 Because thy smile was fair,
Thy lip and eye so bright,
Because thy cradle-care
Was such a fond delight, —
6 Shall love, with weak embrace,
Thy heavenward wing detain?
No! — angel, seek thy place
Amid heaven's cherub-train.
45 The withered Rosebud. S. M.
THE flowers of the field.
That quickly fade away,
May well to us instruction yield,
Who die as soon as they.
2 That pretty rosebud see,
Decaying on the walk ;
A storm came sweeping o'er the tree,
And broke its feeble stalk.
3 Just like an early rose,
I've seen an infant bloom ;
But death, perhaps, before it blows,
Will lay it in the tomb.
4 Then let us think on death,
Though we are young and gay;
For God, who gave our life and breath,
Can take them soon away.
mwmn for infants. 41
5 To God, who loves them all,
Let children humbly cry ;
And then, whenever Death may cull,
They'll be prepared to die.
£Q The Happy Land. 6s, 4s.
THERE is a happy land,
Far. far away,
When saints in glory stand,
Bright, bright at day:
Oh, how they Bweetly sing! —
Worthy is the Saviour King,
Loud let his praises ring,
Praise, praise for aye !
2 Come to that happy land,
Come, come away :
Whv will ye doubting stand,
Why still delay?
Oh, we shall happy be,
When, from sin and sorrow free,
Lord, we shall live with thee,
Blest, blest for aye.
3 Bright in that happy land
Beams every eye ;
Kept by a Father's hand,
Love cannot die.
0, then, to glory run ;
Be a crown and kingdom won ;
And bright above the gut)
We reign for aye.
47 Heaven and Hell. S. M.
THERE is beyond the sky
A heaven of joy and love;
And holy children, when they die,
Go to that world above.
2 There is a dreadful hell,
And everlasting pains;
There sinners must with devils dwell,
In darkness, fire, and chains.
3 Can such a child as I
Escape this awful end?
And may I hope, whene'er I die,
I shall to heaven ascend?
4 Then will I read and pray,
While I have life and breath;
Lest I should be cut off to-day,
And sent t' eternal death.
J8 The joyful meeting. P. M.
HERE we suffer grief and pain,
Here we meet to part again ;
In heaven we part no more.
! that will be joyful, joyful, joyful
! that will be joyful,
To meet to part no more.
I All who love the Lord, below,
When they die, to heaven will go,
And reign with saints above.
0! that will be joyful, etc.
3 Little children will be there,
Who have sought the Lord by prayer,
For every Sunday-school.
! that will be joyful, etc.
4 Teachers too shall meet above,
And our pastors whom we love,
Shall meet to part no more.
! that will be joyful, etc.
5 Oh ! how happy we shall be,
For our Saviour we shall see,
Exalted on his throne.
01 that will be joyful, etc.
6 There we shall sing with joy,
And eternity employ,
In praising Christ the Lord.
! that will be joyful, etc.
^J.Q Children in Heaven. C. M.
AROUND the throne of God in heaven
Thousands of children stand, —
Children whose sins are all forgiven,
A holy, happy band, —
Singing, Glory, glory, glory be to God on
2 In flowing robes of spotless whit©
See every one array'd,
Dwelling in everlasting light
And joys that never fade.
Singing, etc.
3 What brought them to that world above,
That heaven so bright and fair,
Where all is peace, and joy, and love?-
How came those children there ?
Singing, etc.
4 Because the Saviour shed his blood
To wash away their sin ;
Bathed in that pure and precious flood,
Behold them white and clean!
Singing, etc.
5 On earth they sought the Saviour's grace..
On earth they loved his name ;
So now they see his blessed face
And stand before the Lamb.
Singing, etc.
/jQ Beautiful Land Above. S. M.
THERE is a land above,
All beautiful and bright,
And those who love and seek the Lord
Rise to that world of light.
There'll be no more sorrow there
There'll be no more sorrow there, —
In heaven above,
Where all is love ; —
There'll be no more sorrow there.
2 There sin is known no more,
Nor tears, nor want, nor care ;
There good and happy beings dwell,
And all are holy there.
There'll be no more, etc.
Around the throne of God in heaven hymn 49
Children, 'tis the Sabbath-day 2
Christ was born in Bethlehem 12
Come and sing ! let us sing 21
Come, little soldiers, join in our band 42
Dear Shepherd, guard thy little flock 29
Gentle Jesus, meek and mild 16
God's angels come from heaven 41
Go to thy rest, my child 44
Here wo suffer grief and pain 48
How precious is the story 11
Humble praises, holy Jesus 3
I am young, but I must die , 43
I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger 32
I'm not too young to love the Lord 9
I thank the goodness and the grace 5
I think, when I read that sweet story 14
I want to be an angel 35
I want to be like Jesus 13
Jesus, let a little child 6
Jesus loves a little child 40
Jesus, Saviour, Son of God 17
Jesus, see a little child 18
Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear us 4
Joyfully, joyfully, onward we move 31
Kind words can never die 27
Let us sound the infant chorus 8
Little children, love each other 28
Little drops of water 25
Lord, a little band and lowly 1
Lord, teach a sinful child to pray 10
Lord, wilt thou deign to speak 7
do not be discouraged 20
One God I must worship supreme 38
Pleasant is the Sabbath-bell 23
Saviour, I am very weak 30
Saviour, like a shepherd lead us 30
Saviour, may a little child 19
Shepherd of thy little flock 15
The flowers of the field 45
There is a happy land 46
There is a land above 50
There is beyond the sky 47
The Sabbath-school is a place of prayer 34
To do to others as I would 39
Very little ones are we 37
We infants sing 22
We're travelling home to heaven 33
When the morning light drives 24
Who shall sing, if not the children 20
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