V FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY is, aog EXPORT BOOKSELLERS 32, GAY STREET. b I. THE ORDER FOR MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER : &c. THE ORDER FOR MORNING AND EVENING PRAY: AND LITANY, TOGETHER WITH THE peaJter anfc proper psalms, THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, jSotnteD as tfcep are to tie gain or sung sn CfmrcJjeis. EDITED E^ RICHARD REDHEAD. London : METZLER & CO., GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET, W. T. MASTERS AND CO., NEW BOND STREET. THE CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK. The Calendar. Tables and Rules for the Feasts and Fasts through the whole Year. The Order for Morning Prayer. The Order for Evening Prayer. The Creed of Saint Athanasius. The Litany. Prayers and Thanksgivings upon several Occasions. TJie Psalter. Proper Psalms on Certain Days. THE CALENDAR. JANUARY. A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c Circumcision. Epiphany. Lucian, P. & M. Hilary, Bp. Prisca, V. & M. Fabian, Bp. Agnes, V. & M. Vincent, Mart. Conversion of S. [Paul. FEBRUARY. MARCH. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c Fast. Purif. of V. M. Blasi'us, Bp. Agatha, V. & M. Valentine, Bp. Fast. 9. Matthias, Ap. 24 25 26 27 , 2S 29 3o 31 I d 2 e 3 f 4 g 5 A 6 b 7 c 8 d 9 e 10 f 11 g 12 A 13 b 14 c 15 d 16 e 17 f 18 g 19 A 20 b 21 c 22 d 23 e 24 f David, Abp. Chad, Bp. Perpetua, Mar. Gregory, M. B. Edward, King of [West Sax. Benedict, Abb. Fast. Annitnc.ofV.M. THE CALENDAR. APRIL. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A Richard, Bp. S. Ambrose, Bp. Alphege, Abp. S. George, M. S. Mark, E. MAY. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d S. Philip de S. [James, Ap. Invent, of Cross. TUNE. S. John, Port. [Lat. Dunstan, Abp. Augustine, Abp. Yen. Bede, Pres. 1 2 M 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I 12 «3 : 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f Nicomede, M. Boniface, Bd. S. Barnabas, Ap. S. Alban, Mart. Tr. of Kg. Edw, Fast. S. John Baptist. Fast. S. Peter, Ap. THE CALENDAR. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 H *5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JULY. g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b Visit, of V.Mary Trans, of S. [Martin. Swithun, Bp. Margaret, V. [&M. S. Mary Magd. Fast, S. James, Ap. S. Anne. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i AUGUST. c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e Lammas Day. Transfiguration. Name of Jesus. S. Lawrence. Fast. S. Bartholomew. S.Augustine, Bp. S. John Baptist [beheaded. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SEPTEMBER. f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g Giles Abbot. Enurchus, Bp. Nat. of V. Mary. Holy Cross Day. Lambert, Bp. Fast. S. Mattheiv, Ap. S. Cyprian, Abp. S. Michael A. S. Jerome. THE CALENDAR. OCTOBER. NOVEMBER. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 [8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 A Remigius, Bp. b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f S A b c d e f S A b c Faith, V. & M. S. Denys, Bp. Trans. K. Edw. Etheldreda, V. S. Luke, Evan. Crispin, Mart. Fast. S. Simon & S. [Jude. I 2 -» 4 5 6 7 8 9 io ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Fast. 11 d e f S A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e i All Saints Day. Leonard, Conf. S. Martin, Bp. Britius, Bp. Machutus, Bp. Hugh, Bp. DECEMBER. Edmund, Kg. Cecilia, V. & M. S. Clement, Bp. Catharine, V. [& M. Fast. S. Andrew, Ap. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io ii 12 13 H 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A Nicolas, Bp. Conception of [Virgin Mary. Lucy, V. M. O Sapientia. Fast. S. T/iomas, Ap. Fast. Christmas Day. S. Stephen, M. S. John, Evan. Innocents" Day. Silvester, Bp. A TABLE OF ALL THE FEASTS That are to be observed in the Church of England throughout the Year. All Sundays in the Year. The Days of THE Feasts of rThe Circumcision cf our Lord JESUS CHRIST. The Epiphany. — The Conversion of Saint Paul. The Purification of the Blessed Virgin. Saint Matthias the Apostle. The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. Saint Mark the Evangelist. Saint Philip and Saint James the Apostles. The Ascension of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. Saint Barnabas. — The Nativity of Saint John Baptist. Saint Peter the Apostle. — Saint James the Apostle. Saint Bartholomew the Apostle. Saint Matthew the Apostle- Saint Michael and all Angels. Saint Luke the Evangelist. Saint Simon and Saint Jude the Apostles. All Saints. — Saint Andrew the Apostle. Saint Thomas the Apostle. The Nativity of our Lord. Saint Stephen the Martyr. Saint John the Evangelist. w The Holy Innocents. Monday and Tuesday in Easter Week. Monday and Tuesday in Whit sun Week. A TABLE OF THE VIGILS, FASTS, AND DAYS OF ABSTINENCE, To be observed in the Year. The Evens or Vigils before 'The Nativity of our Lord. The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. Easter- Day. Ascension- Day. Pentecost. Saint Matthias. , Saint John Baptist. Saint Peter. Saint James. Saint Bartholomew . Saint Matthew. Saint Simon and Saint Jude. Saint Andrew. Saint Thomas. LAD Saints. Note, That if any of these Feast-Days fall upon a Monday, then the Vigil or Fast-Day shall be kept upon the Saturday, and not upon the Sunday next before it. DAYS OF FASTING, OR ABSTINENCE. I. The Forty Days of Lent. II. The Ember Days at the Four Seasons, being the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday after 1. The First Sunday in Lent. 2. The Feast of Pentecost. 3. September 14. 4. December 13. III. The Three Rogation Days, being the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, before Holy Thursday, or the Ascension of our LORD. IV. All the Fridays in the Year, except CHRISTMAS-DAY. IF THE ORDER FOR MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER, Daily to be said and used throughout the Year, THE Morning and Evening Prayer shall be used in the accustomed Place of the Church, Chapel, or Chancel ; except it shall be otherwise determined by the Ordinary of the Place. And the Chancels shall remain as they have done in times past. And here is to be noted, that such Ornaments of the Church, and of the Ministers thereof, at all Times of their Ministration, shall be retained, and be in use, as were in this Church of England, by the Authority of Parliament, in the Second Year of the Reign of King Edward the Sixth. THE ORDER FOR MORNING PRAYER, Daily throughout the Year. At the beginning of Morning Prayer the Minister shall read with a loud voice some one, or more of these Sentences of the Scriptures that follow. And then he shall say that which is written after the said Sentences. W n i . ! . .1. 1 .. , . n-^t HEN the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive. Ezek. xviii. 27. I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Psal. li. 3. Hide Thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Psal. li. 9. The Sacrifices of GOD are a broken spirit : a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise. Psal. li. 17. Rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God : for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth Him of the evil. Joel ii. 13. To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against Him : neither have we . .. „ ..„ . ^ _ . MORNING PRAYER. c/beyed the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in His laws which He set before us. Dan. ix. 9, 10. Lord, correct me, but with judgement ; not in Thine anger, lest Thou bring me to nothing. Jer. x. 24 ; Psal. vi. 1. Repent ye ; for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. St. Matt. iii. 2. 1 will arise, and go to my Father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against Heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. St. Luke xv. 18, 19. Enter not into judgement with Thy servant, O Lord ; for in Thy sight shall no man living be justified. Psal. cxliii. 2. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us ; but, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 St. John i. 8, 9. D * EARLY beloved brethren, the Scripture moveth us in sundry places to acknowledge and confess our mani- fold sins and wickedness ; and that we should not dissemble nor cloke them before the face of Almighty God our heavenly Father ; but confess them with an humble, lowly, penitent, and obedient heart ; to the end that we may ob- tain forgiveness of the same, by His infinite goodness and mercy. And although we ought at all times humbly to ac- knowledge our sins before God ; yet ought we most chiefly so to do, when we assemble and meet together to render thanks for the great benefits that we have received at His hands, to set forth His most worthy praise, to hear His most holy word, and to ask those things which are requisite and necessary, as well for the body as the soul. Wherefore I pray and beseech you, as many as are here present, to accompany me with a pure t^zj — *-t *=ii=fc=» heart, and humble voice, unto 111 the throne of the heavenly grace, saying after me MORNING PRAYER. IT A general Confession to be said of the whole Congregation after the Minister, all kneeling. A i-jE-a-HJ - * j ♦ +-■— ^H=i=»-t-B — i ~Ti~T LmTgHTY and most merciful Father; We have erred, and strayed from Thy ways like lost sheep. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended against Thy holy laws. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done ; And we have done those things which we ought not to have done ; And there is no health in us. But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable offenders. Spare Thou them, O God, which confess their faults. Restore Thou them that are penitent; According to Thy promises declared unto mankind in CHRIST JESU our LORD. And grant, O most merciful Father, for His sake ; That ^ n u -j we may hereafter live a godly, righteous, and sober life, To the glory of Thy holy Name. Amen. ^1 The Absolution, or Remission of sins, to be pronounced by the Priest alone, standing ; the people still kneeling. ilLMIGHTY God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who desireth not the death of a sinner, but rather that he may turn from his wickedness, and live ; and hath given power, and commandment, to His Ministers, to de- clare and pronounce to His people, being penitent, the absolu- tion and remission of their sins : He pardoneth and absolveth all them that truly repent, and unfeignedly believe His holy Gospel. Wherefore let us beseech Him to grant us true repentance, and His Holy Spirit, that those things may please Him, which we do at this present : and that the rest of our life hereafter may be pure, and holy ; so that at the last we may come to His eternal joy ; through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. The people shall answer here, and at the end of all other prayers, Amen. MORNING PRAYER. IT Then the Minister shall kneel, and say the Lord's Prayer with an audible voice ; the People also kneeling, and repeating it with him, both here, and wheresoever else it is used in Divine Service. O ■^ :iz^=j >"T~a : 1 ■ +"+T UR Father, Which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in Earth, As it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that tres- pass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil ; For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, For ever and ever. Amen. IT Then likewise he shall say, ^ : ^ t-r— ; 1 - — i ■ — r O Lord, open Thou our lips Answer. Priest. !fa: T =^=fq =g= F J O God, make speed to save us. Answer. G MORNING PRAYER. IT Here all standing up, the Priest shall say, P 1 1 1 1 1 — i S LORY be to the Father, and to the __■ i ♦ ♦ ■ HX3F- Son : and to the Holy Ghost ; Answer. $ As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be 3c: world i^ ^ with out end. P men. Priest -> — »- ■. i ♦ i Praise ye the Lord. Answer. i ^ W -,* — p»- i be prais - ed 1^ The Lord's Name acr m &=t 32 MORNING PRAYER. i ist Tone. £i&g*2: 5 i a eJ d fl "f^" f^ I jjj J.J- m-r-rr T II. fg-t ?2 ^T-p— 7 - y Jra? 7V7«^. MORNING PRAYER. H Then shall be said or sung this Psalm following : except on Easter Day, upon which another Anthem is appointed ; and on the Nineteenth day of every Month it is not to be read here, but in the ordinary course of the Psalms. VENITE EXULTEMUS DOMIXO. O PSALM XCV. COME, let us singlun-to ihe^Lord : let us heartily An exhortation . . . . i /-i i • to praise God for rejoice in the Strength of | our sal-7/^-tion. His greatness, Let us come before His presence | with thanks-giv-ing : V^c/tZss, and shew ourselves | glad in Him with Psalms. For the LORD is a \great God : and a great | King above all gods. In His hand are all the corners | of the earth : and the strength of the hills is | His also. The sea is His, and] He made it : and His hands pre-| par-ed ihe^dry land. O come, let us worship, and \fall down : and kneel before the | Lord our Ma-ker. For He is the | Lord our God : and we are the people of Hrs pasture, and the | sheep of His hand. To-day if ye will hear His voice, harden I not your hearts : and not to , * . , . . 7 . - \ •■••, tempt Him. as m the provocation, and as in the day of temptation j in the Wil-der-ness ; When your | Fa-thers tempt-ed~Me : proved | Me, and saw My works. Forty years long was I grieved with this gene- 1 ra-tion, mdTsaid : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they | have not known My ways. Unto whom I |sware in^My wrath : that they should not| en-ter into My rest. GLO- j) RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE~6tf #^=T" d j i i 1 £ -r 1 1 __L a/ ... I i | ■} -&• - fruits of them that slept. J. A J. \ _ t^y — u ^ — — r 1 *** ^— p—3=± For since by man came death : *o j ^ o ®-r-r^ — = — r^— t ,c? ^ s? — i — r — i — 1 — ^— l 1 f p L I -^ 3 3 m — sz f -to by man came also the resur -rec - tion of the dead. / s -«> fe 2=n fc^ ■*£■ i T=Z ^=z=d=3t ^=5): ^ "» — s>" Fi Forasin Adam all die:{ rT ?^ T SO h ^l \ a11 be made a " live - iSi* f r z> J b ^U -g- Christ shall ^=^: 1 ' i J*L 22. 4^-^ 1 -m — - rft" i-j — ^— — ^ — — U — 1— — g — — « — f- #^^ = — P (■ (• — rs=k Glo - ry be to the Father, and to the Son: P*t* — - — r -H- "*- -^- r ^ fJC - ~l— . 1 — 1 MORNING PRAYER. gL ^ W :^ :^- B«s^ m and to the A Ho i LY Ghost ; P nPr* i 1 r X t * — Aip — ■_ « S if ^~ As ^ — t. L 1 it was in the beginning, is now, and ever ^-h r^* i-n >^n ^ E p 1 _j_ i r«//. z^: i 5? ^ ?z world with 221 SSZ shall I i be M" ^§ out end. J. A men. g ^= "ST IT Then shall follow the Psalms in order as they are appointed. And at the end of every Psalm throughout the Year, and likewise at the end of Benedicite, Benedict its, Magnificat ', and Nunc dimittis, shall be repeated, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the HOLY Ghost ; Answer. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen. IT Then shall be read distinctly with an audible voice the First Lesson, taken out of the Old Testament, as is appointed in the Calendar (except there be proper Lessons assigned for that day:) He that readeth so standing and turning himself as he may best be heard of all such as are present. And after that, shall be said or sung, in English, the Hymn called Te Deum Laudamus, daily throughout the Year. IT Note, That before every- Lesson the Minister shall say, Here beginneth such a Chapter, or Verse of such a Chapter, of such a Book : And after every Lesson, Here endeth the First, or the Second Lesson. MORNING PRAYER. TE DEUM LAUDAMUS. PP 8th Tone. T S £ ?z +i — — h c^ *a* /fcdkr T T 7"E || praise Thee, O | God : we acknowledge Thee to | be y$EA VV the-L0RD. All the earth doth worship | Thee : the Father ever- [last- ing. To Thee all angels cry a- 1 loud : the Heavens, and all the Powers I there - in. I slow. I2£ flg no m T rubi^and he " } Se " ra ' P hin : continuall y do C *V -A ■ • J a -& ist Sop. 2nd Sop. Tenor. Bass. pi Lento e pia. 1st Tone. 1ZL ~& ^ S> p g^ ^~ I I Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly: gg y | t «S»S>- 53& g rj ^/ MORNING PRAYER. I 5=^: ?*? s LORD God of Sa - ba-oth ; Heaven and Earth are I I El g < ^ -i — i — r -* — cr fes=^ 3^ 3E S* full of the Ma - jes - ty : of Thy Glo - ry ^ — s m ' ^ I I help Thy ser-vants : I I i whom Thou hast redeemed ^: fc£ 3= ^ 5 ^T ^ 1 with Thy pre-cious blood. Make them to be numbered I I I - & - ^ ^g— ^' ^nn MORNING PRAYER. $ 3 "J c g g > . I ^ *= 1 — r 1 — r p -*— ?= p gg ^ — P gs> I I ^2ET Govern them : and lift them up for ev - er. m •^=z± ^ ^ — = ■&z=m sz: Allegro. Voices in Unison with Trebles. I -g) =- -^1 gt ;^=^ T^ 5^ p r - ^' / Day by day m^E* i we ni - fy Thee. P ^tc77t'. /-s -g) ^ ^ ^=s ■^ 1 And we worship Thy Name: ever world with-out end. I # ist Sop. 2nd Sop. Tenor. Bass. I MORNING PRAYER. Lento e pi a. I2T: -Gh -&- ~& $s>- Vouch-safe, O Lord : to keep us this m ^ * m :^: day without sin. O LORD, have mer-cy upon us m -F—rr - r ^— f>- 1 f 1 1" m ws ~ZZ ^ _ gzg I I ffW -zzzr I I 1 have mercy up-on us. | ^y mercy | % htenu P on us: ! I I J - — •«- * b^ g= 7T^ 1 — r 3= i — r A J J J 1 1 -J — 1— j — ^ f*- f i 1 M as our trust is in Thee. ^_ |. I J J & & ^ OLoRD^inThee «s> 1 have I trusted : 1 ! [■* & f <=> L_ , , L. p rail. ■zzr. ^^S T ver ! — - =^= -1 — be m let I I me ne *a: con - found - ed. 3g ^^ II. p MORNING PRAYER. TE DEUM LAUDAMUS. . . ,| jRoman Chant. m g gg- - * \ & ^ &\<~, *^ g z>~ gg i P f f f «=- fi • —^ — . 1 — i i ^ -&- i — r w E praise | Thee, O God : we ac- 1 know-ledge Thee to be the^LORD. All the earth doth | wor-ship Thee : The|FA-THER e-ver- last-ing. To Thee all Angels I cry a-loud : the | Heavens, and all the Powers therein. To Thee Cherubin, and) Se-ra-phin : con- 1 ti-nual-ly do cry, HOLY,|HO-LY, HO-LY : LORD | GOD OF S A-B A- tfl ; Heaven and Earth are | full of the^Ma-jesty : of| . . . Thy Glo-ry. The glorious company | of the~A-pos-tles : praise \. . . . Thee. The goodly fellowship | of the Pro-phets : praise | . . . . Thee. The noble | ar-my^of Mar-tyrs : praise\. . . . Thee. The Holy Church throughout | all the world : doth| • ac- knowledge Thee; Thel-Ftf-THER : of | • an infi-nite Ma-jesty ; Thine honour- 1 a-ble, true : and|— ^ zc: I I 1 &- MORNING PRAYER. ist Sop. 2nd Sop. Tenor. Bass. / ^ f - Largo. j 1 — ! Ho - U- & i 1 — «s> Ho 1 - iy, i — *. Ho - S3 ly: V \^ I z*l 1- s» — ! — ^ L $ ■^_^J . J _ "gsT i i Lord God of Sa - ba-oth ; Heaven and Earth are full m*— ^=s i i i Z2I f=d — **■ I _ .^— — w ^_ of the Ma - jes - ty i l I i of Thy Glo - ry. A J ^ . _ i P -£^=# z^ 321 l DEC. ^ tempo. & s z^: -^ — n - W^ The glorious company of the A-pos-tles : praise Thee. 4 m 4=£ g? ^ s §*=^=F* p g ^ f g 3 m 3fc I I J. I ?± ^ PIPS I MORNING PRAYER. Can. The goodlv fellowship of the Prophets : praise Thee. i 3=^ -sfer- o Ife P Dec. p The no - ble ar - my of Martyrs : praise Thee. 1 1 !^_: . "J ^ V s a & m ?r s » &- . . Can. rail. » The 1 thSShout U all h the \ WOTld : d0th acknowled § e Thee ' fill -^ =i =*■ «to-«fersp OCT -p— p-p^r P^gg ^- J J ! -^ S> ^ d^ • * -£? ^—^ The Father : of an in - fi -nite Ma - jes - ty ; .^=Z=ML ^ ^ 3 £5> O 1 1 MORNING PRAYER. P Can. I I2=t Thine honourable, true : and on - ly SON ; $ "«r-r r -. — r** & &i 2=2: ~Z=ZL $ Dec. rrrr i 9 —^ 1 Al - so the Ho - ly Ghost : the Com - fort-er. i 5t ■4 J- 1 1st 9 sr I I I I g gEEgg w-rf^-f— f^ ^ ^ S '^ p^ 1 — r p Full. a tempo. -F ^ 1 r Thou art the King of Glo - ry : O Christ. p ■ s rJ gi : 24 f^& 31 ri f^t ss: P ra//. s ^ — e, 9 ^ Thou art the everlasting SON : of the Fa - THER. $ § =e£^ 1 A %m -Q£T 1*^1 g * g ) MORNING PRAYER. DEC. Andante. When Thou tookest upon Thee to de - li - ver man $ i — — i — ^ — » ^£—° — ^ g A,__ ^ / '-T T »t :zz fe^n Thou didst not ab - hor the Vir - grin's womb. i 22=^=^: g* 2? |^ Can. — s? & When Thou hadst overcome the sharp-ness of death : i * V i 3*= g = F ^— ^ : Thou didst open the Kingdom I u b . ,j _ of Heaven to I P= ^ — %— ^ i 3^ Fa - L come : fa i = V S^~ 1 1- — f- — 1 ! f 2 — — F— p 4 L ^=^= 3^ 22: ^ r -^ ^= to be our Judge, j ^^Thee^ 1 help Thy servants *s (d — A M %~t^-^ - f=p 122: f= " h =| #= ^ 1 tS> — 1 -&- w horn Thou hast redeemed with Thy pre- 1 — s>- cious blood. \^ r=. £= « 1" MORNING PRAYER. i m ^ & s 1 Make them to be numbered with Thy Saints *? = p zz ^ i . i__r -^ last - ing. I in glory ever m m --& ^ 22: m m ^ & O Lord, save Thy peo 1 J 1 SE pie : -&*s>- #=~ ^3 ^ — J- ¥f= l» * 1 — -r Ht and bless Thine he ^ — - ri - 1 tage. — ^_ — e — — 1 — — 1 — ^ — — B- z± £ Go - vern them : and lift them up for e ver. m g &=*& r^ 1 MORNING PRAYER. j* a tempo. ft? ^- ?2- ^ P- ^1 Day by day : we mag - ni - fy Thee ; i tS' >-r S 22: » ^2: ^ ^ 4 P 221 i And we wor ship Thy Name : Z2: 122: r* g ?z 22: i £b i rail. -Z2T- £ P ver world with - out 5* end. -jS»=- *=r g ^L • J- jsa. ZZ P ist Sop. 2nd Sop. Tenor. Bass. i Lento. i II! Vouch — S= safe, O Lord MORNING PRAYER. $ to keep us this day with - out sin. ^ m " -J 1- w O Lord, have mer - cy up - on us < ill 7? ^ ?, ag*^ g f * tP= — |h £fei «s> have mercy up ^s on — — us. — T — *- ^ it p ^ — 1 1 our trust i 1 is ri — ^ in . — ^- G^ — » S?<^ Thee. . . — -= ^— 1 \*i N^ " =1= — z. e* — 1 — i — m— i 1 "^^ J pi MORNING PRAYER. $ C2 /=* ,«a_ S 3221 / o Lord, in Thee have I trust - ed ^ ! A i r U P ?z -$ o f^ P S S I let I i i me ne I ! ver be p=& — p sT^r^-aD- con - found - ed. izt £ 22: P "ST TE DEUM LAUDAMUS. IV. Org. Priest. ^ t We praise Thee, O God : FULL. Allegro. ( Ambrosian Melody. wm 2 5=a j^ we ac - know-ledsre Thee to be the Lord. m -A A s. ^ ^ s ?= r I s 1 aL ; P=i : fc t— r I p -£2- MORNING PRAYER. P Dec. zz All the earth doth wor - ship Thee : the I * --SZt j A -J- A A ZT- ?Z W =sz ^'- Can. $ Father e - ver - last - ing. To i hee all An-gels g=^= ; == ■p^r *2 3^ ^ J. ' g . J-J- -^ — p- i — r ^=^ 1 r i i p 1 • g ^~ cry aloud : the Heavens, and all the Powers therein. m j i i i r 1 P ^^e; ^=-te -^ ,^ t r Dec. :r:: io Thee Che ru bin, and Se ra - m ■t^ J. J. A A MORNING PRAYER. P £ rail. a phin : con - tin - u - al - ly do cry, EEiE m 1± 2=£ z2: * =£2: FULL. Lento epia. P i S 22: 1=: g? HO-LY, HO-LY, HO - LY: LORD GOD OF SA-BA-OTH ; I m ^ 22: Lento e pia. tpr 122=3: sz zr a 7^-gg- ^ ?=£ ad s fc 4— P 2 i a ^ 22: 2=t Heaven and Earth are full of the Ma - jes p TY /7\ S -21 221 - ^ — — m- ^==« I DEC. slower. ^ 5=^- Z* 9~ WL When Thoutookest up - on Thee to de - li - ver man : 4- I =^fc± S -& — r Thou didst not ab - hor the Mr - grin's womb. & — f \ I i -&" I i MORNING PRATER. m Can. m When Thou hadst o - ver-come the m i i i 3 r r ?$■ A r ^ l A m w -- z^: I 5t 1 1 4=4 i^ 2=fc rj * Z3tL sharp-ness of death : Thou didst o - pen the p ^ z2 S r - r s^ ^-t-te— hr^ g ?2= -*=- i j^ ^st— — J .-J ^ T=*=£= King-dom of Heaven to all be - liev - ers. i i===t _ gJ S~ W£^22 tp- --5 1 ?H' 4=2: Can. Bt z=e: T =^ - J ^-1 2i=^: -^— gt ^=^=2: her - it- age. Govern them : and lift them up for e - ver. /7\ MORNING PRAYER. i Full. / a tempt I ! l=U- 1 i w^-- s ^ — ^— pz^ =s — ^ — ^=t Day by day : we mag - ni - fy Thee. And we wor - ship i ps -5» =* «*- Full. / « £.v/<^>. , ^-^ £2 s=?= -== U r r J I f^7» gfc gg I ^ DEC. Lento e pia 1 ¥ ==t -^ — ^ Thv Name: e - ver world without end. Vouchsafe. O i -?=>- *j— ; j - I J~^^ ^ Lento e pia. I I ^ ^s: frs? i ~|^= ^ , o -z :^r: ?z I I §^ , <^ .1 B ^ =g= — ^ =1 Lord : to keep us this day with - out sin. I &-\-&—7r '. ', ^ J- J P-3 ^ 1 *-^- ti»r: — ^r-^ ^^ g Can. 1 r m w=^- - &- & : -^— gt 'J 'J- :=£=^l. OLORD,havemer-cy up- on us : have mer-cy up- i l_ i ^ sfr-K^ ^ rJ- -=g=zzon ^ i I I ^i m 22; r p L7 1 MORNING PRAYER. DEC. S -z> v on us. O LORD, let Thy mer - cy p ^2: es ^ , ^ ^_g ZE J 1- 3d: a i 4 !- a= s s at=S=: 3: zz: P light-en up -on us: as our trust is in Thee. a= 3 1 r 1=X M—ei- 22=5=2: rwr P^~ g 3=t * J2l 22 $m ±=t — ■ — - p Full. g 32: 32: 3SCZ1 O Lord, in Thee have I trust - ed : i P^S 3£ Z2: l= j 32: r r P i^=^=^: z^ W let me ne - ver be con - found ed. £ i s 4=t j H — -ta- ip p r ^ *=t H 32: •P fr^ ^ 3=* P MORNING PRAYER. H Or this Canticle. BENEDICITE, OMNIA OPERA. i ist Tone. mm gU L ^ , , } - ^=P ^1 ^ ^CpL ^e zzz. ^V~r\ v. i i 1st Tone. g^ili III I SE?E ^=?z: VI. Tonus Regius. ^ ' | I I I ' I i I ^ BE — ^-^ — 1 1-^- ±221 ^2: ^r-=n: ^PF ~P ~z> ZZ Si MORNING PRAYER. IF Then shall be read in like manner the Second Lesson, taken out of the New Testament. And after that, the Hymn following ; except when that shall happen to be read in the Chapter for the Day, or for the Gospel on St. John Baptist's Day. BENEDICTUS. ST. LUKE i. 68. B LESS-ED 1| be the Lord | God of Is-rael : for He hath Zacharias pro* visited, and re- 1 deem-ed His^-ple ; $££* of And hath || raised up a mighty sal-|va-tion for us : in the house of His | ser-vant Da-vid ; As He || spake by the mouth of His|ho-ly Pro-phets : which have been | since the world be-gan ; That we || should be saved | from our en-emies : and from the hands of | all that hate us ; To per- 1| form the mercy promised to our | fore-fa.-th.ev5 : and to remember His[ho-ly Co-ve-nant ; To per- 1| form the oath which he sware to our fore- | fa-ther A-braham : that | He would give us ; That |j we being delivered out of the | hand of^our en-emies : might | serve Him wiih^out fear ; In || holiness and righteousness be-\fore Him : all the| days of our life. And thou, || child, shalt be called the Prophet | of the and of his sen, High-est : for Thou shalt go before the face of the | Lord to preTpare His ways ; To give || knowledge of salvation | unto His peo-ple : for the re- 1 mis-sion of their sins, Through the || tender mercy | of our God : whereby the Day-spring from on | high hath visit-ed us ; To give || light to them that sit in darkness, and in the] sha-dow ofT death : and to guide our feet | in-to the^way of peace. Glo-H ry be to the Father, | and to tylyTSoh : and| to the ho-ly ghost ; as it || was in the beginning, is now, and | ev-er shall be: world with- i out end. ^4 -men. MORNING PRAYER. BENEDICTUS. VII. f* i ST. LUKE i. 68. \=T- 2nd Tone. ^== =sfc Wf 22: F A. A W&L A m 2^ K2=» 22: T= ^~r" ^ Zacharias prophecieth of Christ. and o/his son, John. B LESS-ED || be the LoRD|GODof Is-ra-el : for He hath visited and re-|deem-ed His^peo-ple ; And hath || raised up a mighty sal-|va-tion for us : in the house of His|ser-vant Da-vid ; As He || spake by the mouth of His|ho-ly Pro-phets : which have been | since the world be^gan ; That we || should be saved | from our en-e-mies : and from the hands of | all that hate us ; To per- 1| form the mercy promised to our \fore-fa-t\\zrs : and to remember His|ho-ly Co-venant ; To per- || form the oath which He sware to our fore- 1 fa-ther A-bra-ham : that | He would give us ; That we || being delivered out of the | hand of^our en-e-mies : might | serve him with^out fear ; In || holiness and righteous- 1 ness he-fore Him : all the| days of our life. And thou, || child, shalt be called the Prophet | of the Jfig/i-est : for Thou shalt go before the face of the Lord | to pre-pare His ways ; To give || knowledge of salvation | un-to^H is pco-plc : for the re- 1 mis-sion of their sins, Through the || tender |mer-cy of our GOD : whereby the Day-spring from on | high hath visit-ed us ; To give || light to them that sit in darkness and | in the sha-dow of~death : and to guide our feet | in-to the^way of peace. Glo-||ry be to the I Fa-ther, and to the^Son : and) to the Ho-ly Ghost ; as it || was in the beginning, is now, and j ev-er Shall BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. MORNING PRAYER. BENEDICTUS. VIII. ST. LUKE i. 6$. 4- P P=^ TT j — TCJ-J--P 1— t ^+d =£: H S=sz /£& Tone. **■ =- -i i i - jg-a ) ^ s. ^E s ea — p.^. c i^ i 'I — , „ — I i B > rS 7 ^UJ 2^ i-=^ 22=^=P ^=g ^=2= 1 I ffl B LESS-ED |j be the Lord | God of Is-r3*ef : for He hath Zackarias visited and re- 1 deem-ed His">^-ple ; firophecUth of And hath || raised up a mighty sal- 1 va-t\ox\ for us : in the house of His|ser-vant Da-vid ; As He j| spake by the mouth of His|// - tion. w MORNING PRAYER. Priest. -fr-*— f- 3=S=f=F 5 O LORD, save the Queen. $ ^BE*: i i -o- *-' And mercifully hear us when we call up - on Thee. m ^ ^ • Ji :=_ Priest, =* P -♦ — ■♦- 3 Endue Thy Ministers with righteousness. Answer. =M 1 §2 m Wr~ -tS> 11- And make Thy chosen people joy - ful. Priest. Lord, save Thy people. Answer. p ?m And bless Thine in - her m -jZZL £2 it - ance. *E=3E MORNING PRAYER. Priest. Give peace in our time. O LORD. Answer. $ m Because there is none other that fighteth for us, but only Thou, O God. m -SL c^ sa s: : _ Priest. fe ■ ■ ^i^* J l_ L 3 r O God, make clean our hearts within us, Answer. P -J2J ■ ^ m And take not Thy HOLY SPIRIT a from us. H Then shall follow three Collects ; The first of the Day, which shall be the same that is appointed at the Communion ; The second for Peace ; The third for Grace to live well. And the two last Collects shall never alter, but daily be said at Morning Prayer throughout all the year, as followeth ; all kneeling. MORNING PRAYER. ^F The second Collect, for Peace. O F i~ i ■ l B=P ¥~r ■ ♦-^- b i ■ i =«=T GOD, Who art the Author of peace and Lover of concord, in knowledge of Whom standeth our eternal life, Whose service is perfect freedom ; Defend us Thy humble servants in all assaults of our enemies ; that we, surely trusting in Thy defence, may not fear the power of any adversaries, through the might of Jesus Christ our Lord. Ame?i. IF The third Collect, for Grace. LORD, our Heavenly Father, Almighty and everlasting God, Who hast safely brought us to the beginning of this day ; Defend us in the same with Thy mighty power ; and grant that this day we fall into no sin, neither run into any kind of danger ; but that all our doings may be ordered by Thy governance, to do always that is righteous in Th; sight ; through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen. IF In Quires and Places where they sing, here followeth the Anthem. IT Then these five Prayers following are to be read here, except when the Litany is read ; and then only the two last are to be read, as they are there placed. O IF A Prayer for the Queen's Majesty. ^ i f ■ -I — i — "O^i— I— ■ — ♦ I ■— F LORD, our Heavenly Father, high and mighty, King of kings, Lord of lords, the only Ruler princes, Who dost from Thy throne behold all the dwellei upon earth ; Most heartily we beseech Thee with Thy favour to behold our most gracious Sovereign Lady, Queen VIC- TORIA j and so replenish her with the grace of Thy HOLY Spirit, that she may alway incline to Thy will, and walk in Thy way : Endue her plenteously with heavenly gifts ; grant her in health and wealth long to live ; strengthen her MORNING PRAYER. that she may vanquish and overcome all her enemies ; and finally, after this life, she may attain everlasting joy and felicity ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A *~ A Prayer for the Royal Family. i ♦ i ■ i ■ i ■ ~rm ^ LMIGHTY God, the Fountain of all goodness, we humbly beseech Thee to bless Albert Edward Prince of Wales, the Princess of Wales, and all the Royal Family : Endue them with Thy Holy Spirit ; enrich them with Thy heavenly grace ; prosper them with all happiness ; and bring them to Thine everlasting kingdom ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. IT A Prayer for the Clergy and People. A ^ ■ ■— ♦ i ♦ r ♦ ♦ ■ ♦! ■ !■ ! ♦ ■ LMIGHTY and everlasting God, Who alone workest great marvels ; Send down upon our Bishops, and Curates, and all Congregations committed to their charge, the healthful Spirit of Thy grace ; and that they may truly ! please Thee, pour upon them the continual dew of Thy i blessing. Grant this, O LORD, for the honour of our Advocate and Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. % A Prayer of Saint Chrysostom. A ■£-■ — ■ — » ■ ■ \~~m 1 ■ — E LMIGHTY GOD, Who hast given us grace at this time with one accord to make our common supplica- tions unto Thee ; and dost promise, that when two or three are gathered together in Thy Name Thou wilt grant their requests : Fulfil now, O LORD, the desires and petitions of Thy sen-ants, as may be most expedient for them ; granting us in this world knowledge of Thy truth, and in the world to come life everlasting. Amen. MORNING PRAYER. 2 Cor. xiii. r "^ S W B ' 6 1 99 1 ■ ! ■ H5 1 11 lain u r l 1 ■ ■- X HE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of Gcd, and the fellowship of the Holy "K ■ 1 ■ ! i J •!■!••■!■ B f 1 ' I | .. — Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen. Here endeth the Order of Morning Prayer throughout the Year. m THE ORDER FOR EVENING PRAYER, Daily throughout the Year. IF At the beginning of Evening Prayer the Minister shall read with a loud voice some one, or more of these Sentences of the Scriptures that follow. And then he shall say that which is written after the said Sentences. W HEN the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive. Ezek. xviii. 27. I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Psal. li. 3. Hide Thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Psal. li. 9. The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit : a broken and a contrite heart, O GOD, Thou wilt not despise. Psal. li. 17. Rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God : for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth Him of the evil. Joel ii. 13. To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against Him : neither have we e EVENING PRAYER. obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in His laws which He set before us. Dan. ix. 9, 10. LORD, correct me, but with judgement ; not in Thine anger, lest Thou bring me to nothing. Jer. x. 24 ; Psal. vi. 1. Repent ye ; for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. St. Matt. iii. 2. 1 will arise, and go to my Father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against Heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. St. Lukexv. 18, 19. Enter not into judgement with Thy servant, O LORD ; for in Thy sight shall no man living be justified. Psal. cxliii. 2. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us ; but, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 St. John i. 8, 9. ft ■ ♦ i ♦ ■ ♦ 1 ■ ■! ♦ !■ ■ 1 ■ » i- 1 J EARLY beloved brethren, the Scripture moveth us in sundry places to acknowledge and confess our mani- fold sins and wickedness ; and that we should not dissemble nor cloke them before the face of Almighty God our heavenly Father ; but confess them with an humble, lowly, penitent, and obedient heart ; to the end that we may ob- tain forgiveness of the same, by His infinite goodness and mercy. And although we ought at all times humbly to ac- knowledge our sins before God ; yet ought we most chiefly so to do, when we assemble and meet together to render thanks for the great benefits that we have received at His hands, to set forth His most worthy praise, to hear His most holy word, and to ask those things which are requisite and necessary, as well for the body as the soul. Wherefore I pray and beseech you, as many as are here present, to accompany me with a pure ^ u 1 i - II " heart, and humble voice, unto -F ■— ' Hi the throne of the heavenly grace, saying after me EVENING PRAYER. HA general Confession to be said of the whole Congregation after the Minister, all kneeling. A £-■— ■ _ ♦ 1 ♦ 1 "-!- ■ i_ »= rz°zzz: g — rt zt LMIGHTY and most merciful Father; We have erred, and strayed from Thy ways like lost sheep. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended against Thy holy laws. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done ; And we have done those things which we ought not to have done ; And there is no health in us. But Thou, O LORD, have mercy upon us, miserable offenders. Spare Thou them, O God, which confess their faults. Restore Thou them that are penitent ; According to Thy promises declared unto mankind in Christ Jesu our Lord. And grant, O most merciful Father, for His sake ; That we may hereafter live a godly, righteous, r^" and sober life, To the glory of Thy holy Name. Amen. IF The Absolution, or Remission of sins, to be pronounced by the Priest alone, standing ; the people still kneeling. A i ^»=»— * -4-1— l-a- 4 LMIGHTY God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who desireth not the death of a sinner, but rather that he may turn from his wickedness, and live ; and hath given power, and commandment, to His Ministers, to de- clare and pronounce to His people, being penitent, the absolu- tion and remission of their sins : He pardoneth and absolveth all them that truly repent, and unfeignedly believe His holy Gospel. Wherefore let us beseech Him to grant us true repentance, and His Holy Spirit, that those things may please Him, which we do at this present : and that the rest of our life hereafter may be pure, and holy ; so that at the last we may come to His eternal joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. € 2 EVENING PRAYER. 1T Then the Minister shall kneel, and say the Lord's Prayer ; the People also kneeling, and repeating it with him. O tfc 11 Z^ZZ^L ♦ 1 B *ZjEip UR Father, Which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in Earth, As it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that tres- pass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil ; For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, For ever and ever. Amen. IT Then likewise he shall say, ■-* a h: 3=n: ^- O Lord, open Thou our lips. Answer. i -^—^ And our mouth shall shew forth Thy praise. m ist i Priest. E5 5 O God, make speed to save us. Answer. m i i H i (=» f y Y "=" O Lord, make haste to help us. WEEB 2e: -A m r EVENING PRAYER. H Here all standing up, the Priest shall say, G sm: 2=C*=P1=* ±B LORY be to the Father, and to the SON : and to the HOLY GHOST ; Answer. p s As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be ^ -rvr p =eT- world men. m with out end. Priest. 5=r e Praise ye the Lord. Answer. P : ^ T r—r be prais - ed f The Lord's Name . O. £2 -J CS?- r Z2: EVENING PRAYER. I. «■ - & - 5th Tone. I £=£== F 1 '- 1 ^ r ^ s: A ^T-2S5- - — — I ^ J I — - ^*= = rj [P- -I L 7^ Tone. 5e «^= ^ J ^J;.^ . - g > ^ r ^ : ^ ' I » «?: 3= ^2: -s? — s»- 1 — r III. 1 J 1- Tonus Regius. 1 J Tip b ! J ^ ■ j -1 a^s F ?z S 1 1 m U^L ■j-^- 1 1 %=&! T* ^~ '■y-f-^ i — r i IV. *3~ T $mmi 3rd Tone. & W" rsb==±^ w? =2 ^=F gg -«? s> *r 1 1. ^ gflzz PP^ 2Z V. i ^Sl 5=F 7M 7>«*. ZZ 9 -^-f^s- r^i 1 — rup g > » g? - f * I I ^ ^ ^=^: 3^^ 1 — r VI. p 4 1 Jr ; 1 1 ' MY soul || doth\mag-m-fy theToRD : and my spirit hath The Song oj the rejoiced in | GOD my .Sa-viour. %£* Vir * in For He || hath r^-gard-ed : the lowliness of | His hand- mazd-en. For || be- \ hold from hence-forth : all generations shall | call me bless-ed. For He || that is mighty hath | mag-m-fi-ed^me : and|ho-ly is His Name. And His mer- ||cy is on\ them that fear Him : throughout all I ge-ne-ra-tions. He hath shew-\\ ed | strength with His arm : He hath scattered the proud in the imagi- j na-tion ofTtheir hearts. He hath put || down the | migh-ty from their^seat : and hath exalted the | hum-ble and meek. He hath y?//-|! ed the|/^;/-gry with good things : and the rich He hathU^w/ emp-ty~a~way. He re-//^/«-|| bering His mercy hath holpen His\ ser-vant Is-rael : as He promised to our forefathers, Abraham and his I seed for rr'-er. Glo- II ry be to the|/Vz-ther, and to the^Son : AND I TO THE HO-LY~GHOST • AS IT was II IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | ev-er SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4 -MEN. EVENING PRAYER. MAGNIFICAT. IX. ST. LUKE i. 46. 1st Tone. W W^m ^Sismf^m |8ffi m§^^ £&i r*> !1 t= — ^ ^ = js. i *=t t I ' ' I I -g? (g o «/' So J%.°f the TV /T Y soul || doth I ;«^-niTfy the Z#n/ : and my spirit hath M Mary. XT x rejoiced in I Gtftf wy ba-viour. i^r || He I hath re-gard-td : the lowliness of I His hand- maid-en. For || • be- ] hold from hence-forth. : all generations shall | call me bless-ed. For\\ He that is mighty hath | ;;^^-^/-fi-ed^me : and| ho-\y is His Name. And His || mercy is on | them that fear Him : throughout all |^-^^-ra-tions. He hath || shewed | strength with His ar?n : He hath scattered the proud in the imagi- 1 na-tion of their hearts. He hath || put down the mighty \fro7ii their seat : and hath ex- 1 alted the hum-ble zxidCmeek. He hath || filled the | hun-gry with good things : and the rich He I hath sent emp-ty aTway. He re- 1| membering His mercy hath holpen His | ser-vant Is-rael : as He promised to our forefathers, Abraham I and his seed for ev-er. Glo-||«ry be to the Father, \and to the Son : and| to the Ho-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, KKT)\ev-er shall BE : world with- | out end. A-men. H Or else this Psalm ; except it be on the Nineteenth Day of the Month, when it is read in the ordinary Course of the Psalms. CANTATE DOMINO. See PSALM XCVIII. EVENING PRAYER. IT Then a Lesson of the New Testament, as it is appointed. And after that, Nunc dimittis (or the Song of Simeon) in English, as followeth. I. NUNC DIMITTIS. ST. LUKE ii. 29. 5th Tone. ==^>-' '-g-g : T-|P ^=^t^g^-a=- 1 H^ =g: SE5?Eg II. fcS- P Jr^/ TtfWf. ^ ~ i-^- 1 1 I ^= ^-7 ;- ^-^-^- -Z=. & S Try m *=&£**■ ' I I u J 33 P "g~^ -^ g ,^- mm 23SL m ji ^ -£2_ £ _fe- ?z Fur-ther- 1| more, it is necessary to ever-lasting sal- 1 7/^-tion : that he also believe rightly the Incarnation of our Lord| Je-sus~Christ. For the right Faith is, that we believe | and con-fess : that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is | God and" Man ; God, of the Substance of the Father, begotten be- 1 fore the worlds : and Man, of the Substance of His Mother, born | in the^world ; Perfect God, and | per-fect Man : of a reasonable soul and human flesh sub- 1 sist-ing ; Equal to the Father, as | touching His God-head : and inferior to the Father, as touching His | Man-hood. AT MORNING PRAYER. Who although He be|GOD and Man : yet He is not two, but | one Christ ; One ; not by conversion of the Godhead | in-to flesh : but by taking of the Manhood |in-to~GOD ; One altogether ; not by con- 1 fusion of Sub-stance : but by unity of | Per-son. For as the reasonable soul and flesh \s\one man : so God and Man is | one Christ ; Who suffered for | our sal-va-tion : descended into hell, rose again the third day | from the^dead. He ascended into Heaven, He sitteth on the right hand of the Father, | God Al-migh-ty : from whence He shall come to judge the quick | and the^dead. At Whose coming all men shall rise again I with their bo-dies : and shall give account for their | own works. And they that have done good shall go into life | ev-er-last- ing : and they that have done evil into ever-|last-ing~fire. 8th Tone. j> g — ! 5 || — Sj ! J I I ST f ' ' -< " 1 ! m I J3> ^ SS This is the Catholick | Faith : which except a man believe faithfully, he cannot be|sa-ved. Glo-||rybe to the Father, and to the | Son : and TO THEJHO-LY^GHOST; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVERJ SHALL BE : WORLD WITHOUT END. A-MEN. THE LITANY. T Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be sung or said after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and at other times when it shall be commanded by the Ordinary. £ T=^ ■ ♦ O God the Father, of heaven : have mercy ±^±-" a upon us miserable sinners. P -zzr O God the Father, of heaven : have mercy upon lis w* i*— =^- j 1 9=-^- J i - t — £— 1 & 1 mis er ■ ■ a ble sin - ners. I Afc* — ^— -- I *— i I s? i rz> ^>- i 1 — r- f^ — 1 ^ - O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, three Persons and one | God : have mercy upon us | mise-ra-ble sinners. P O holy, blessed, and glorious ) Trinity, three Persons and one \ God m :S THE LITANY. !*=& 1ST r have mercy upon us mis - er - a - ble sin- ners. 1 l J i i P r Remember not, Lord, our offences, nor the offences of our forefathers ; neither take Thou vengeance of our sins spare us, good Lord, spare Thy people, whom Thou hast -*£-«- redeemed with Thy most precious blood, and be not angry with us for ever. i ± W — s> Lord. Z2. £?~~ I Spare US, good m Tz. From all evil and mischief ; from sin, from the crafts and assaults of the devil ; from Thy wrath, and from everlast- 1 ing dam-nation, i Good Lord, W^ de -J. i liv i I er US. f2 THE LITANY. From all blindness of heart ; from pride, vain-glory, and hypocrisy ; from envy, hatred, and malice, and j all un- charitableness, Good Lord, deliver us. From fornication, and all other deadly sin ; and from all the deceits of the world, the flesh, | and the devil, Good Lord, deliver us. From lightning and tempest ; from plague, pestilence, and famine ; from battle and murder, and from | sud-den death, Good Lord, deliver us. From all sedition, privy conspiracy, and rebellion ; from all false doctrine, heresy, and schism ; from hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy Word | and Com-mandment, Good Lord, deliver us. By the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation ; by Thy holy Nativity and Circumcision; by Thy Baptism, Fasting, | and Temp-tation, Good Lord, deliver us. By Thine Agony and bloody Sweat ; by Thy Cross and Passion ; by Thy precious Death and Burial ; by Thy glorious Resurrection and Ascension ; and by the coming ofthe|Ho-LY Ghost, Good Lord, deliver us. In all time of our tribulation ; in all time of our wealth ; in the hour of death, and in the | day of judgement, Good Lord, deliver us. We sinners do beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord God ; and that it may please Thee to rule and govern Thy holy Church universal I in the~right way ; THE LITANY. $ m We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. P 1 That it may please Thee to keep and strengthen in the true worshipping of Thee, in righteousness and holiness of life, Thy Servant VICTORIA, our most gracious | Queen and Governour ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to rule her heart in Thy faith, fear, and love, and that she may evermore have affiance in Thee, and ever seek Thy | honour and glory ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to be her defender and keeper, giving her the victory over | all her enemies ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good LORD. That it may please Thee to bless and preserve Albert Edward Prince of Wales, the Princess of Wales, and all the | Roy-al Family ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to illuminate all Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, with true knowledge and understanding of Thy Word ; and that both by their preaching and living they may set it forth, and shew | it ac-cordingly ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to endue the Lords of the Council, and all the Nobility, with grace, wisdom, and | un- der-standing ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good LORD. THE LITANY. That it may please Thee to bless and keep the Magistrates, giving them grace to execute justice, and to | main-tain truth ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to bless and keep | all Thy people ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to give to all nations unity, | peace, and concord ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to give us an heart to love and dread Thee, and diligently to live after | Thy com-mand- ments ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to give to all Thy people increase of grace to hear meekly Thy Word, and to receive it with pure affection, and to bring forth the fruits | of the SPIRIT ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to bring into the way of truth all such as have erred, and | are de-ceived ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good LORD. That it may please Thee to strengthen such as do stand ; and to comfort and help the weak-hearted ; and to raise up them that fall ; and finally to beat down Satan | under our feet ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to succour, help, and comfort, all that are in danger, necessity, and | tri-bu-lation ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to preserve all that travel by land or by water, all women labouring of child, all sick persons, and young children ; and to shew Thy pity upon all | prisoners and captives ; THE LITANY. I w We beseech Thee to hear its. good Lord. i 5RF m 3=z 1 & ~ That it may please Thee to defend, and provide for, the fatherless children, and widows, and all that are desolate | and op-pressed ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to have mercy | up-on all men ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good LORD. That it may please Thee to forgive our enemies, per- secutors, and slanderers, and to | turn their hearts ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to give and preserve to our use the kindly fruits of the earth, so as in due time we | may en-joy^ them ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please Thee to give us true repentance, to forgive us all our sins, negligences, and ignorances ; and to endue us with the grace of Thy Holy Spirit to amend our lives according to Thy | ho-ly Word ; We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. 5£«t T^J=S £=■=£ Son of God : we beseech Thee to hear us. T^ - = — i . - ~. .. — r 1 H- Son — & — " — ■ & ^^ — & G> ~ L 2? &£ * I of God : we beseech Thee — f£ — H- I hear us. w — : 1 & -¥- "- O Lamb of God : that takest away the sins of the world ; $ * # Have T mer I cy tip - 071 m a ^^F- US. ^ yjFin O Christ, hear us. i ^^ <9 Christ, ^#r 7AT. m ^r- ±M LORD, have mercy upon us. THE LITANY. i 9 PE i i i LORD, have mer 1 I J gj : * gu - €V «^ - I 2^ 5I3C Christ, have mercy upon us. I i Christ, /zaw w*r - cy i i up - on I I -9 S>- ZAT. £^ ■$=$ 3ZK. Lord, have mercy upon us. I S* 75T — - LORD, have nier ^y m A i i up - on I I "27" US. F zz IF Then shall the Priest, and the People v/ith him, say the Lord's Prayer. £S=F V^^/ UR FATHER, Which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in THE LITANY. >arth, As it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. \nd forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that tres- pass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil. Amen. Priest. +£-* !■ ♦ I m-L-m- O Lord, deal not with us after our sins. Answer. n I Neither reward us after our i - ni I B qui - ties. .E. Let us pray. O ^t^ GOD, merciful Father, that despisest not the sighing of a contrite heart, nor the desire of such as be sorrowful ; Mercifully assist our prayers that we make before Thee in all our troubles and adversities, whensoever they oppress us ; and graciously hear us, that those evils, which the craft and subtilty of the devil or man worketh against us, be brought to nought ; and by the providence of Thy goodness they may be dispersed ; that we Thy servants, being hurt by no persecutions, may Tfc-m — I, ^~M~|t ~ evermore give thanks unto Thee in 1 _ J^_ \ III Thy holy Church ; through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. THE LITANY. $ 1 to- O Lord, arise, help us, and [ AT , , deliver us for Thy \ JVam * s sake - m m s GOD, we have heard with our ears, and our fathers have declared unto us, i fc ♦-— 1 the noble works that Thou didst j in their days, and in the old time before them. P Lord, arise, help us, and deliver I * us for Thine \ on " our. m * Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and 5 ■* — f— ♦- to the Holy Ghost ; Answer. p As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be 3H2I THE LITANY. $ i i m world with - out end. I l A - men. z^: i *£-* ■ ♦ ■ ♦ ■ 1 ■ 1 =1 I-J— * From our enemies defend us, O Christ. i w «: m Graciously look upon our of - flic - (ions. .2 -3 m ! >■ ♦♦♦ ! ♦ ■ I ♦ ■ ♦ ^3 Pitifully behold the sorrows of our hearts. I Mercifully forgive the sins of Thy peo - pie. W- £ 4=*-J- Favourably with mercy hear our prayers. m w O Son of David, have mercy up - on us. m THE LITANY. * I ♦ | ■ o- f-M ■ 1 ♦ "! ■ 1 ■ !- Both now and ever vouchsafe to hear us, O Christ, m t& Gra oTli!sT^ US ' graciously hear us, O Lord Christ. m S Priest. O Lord, let Thy mercy be shewed upon us. Answer. i As we do put our trust in Thee. i i m Let us pray W rt* ■m-m- ♦ ♦ ♦ E humbly beseech Thee, O Father, mercifully to look upon our infirmities ; and for the glory of Thy Name turn from us all those evils that we most righteously have deserved ; and grant, that in all our troubles we may put our whole trust and confidence in Thy mercy, and evermore serve Thee in holiness and pureness of living, to Thy honour and glory ; through our only Mediator and Advocate, JESUS Christ our Lord. Amen. THE LITANY. IF A Prayer of Saint Chrysostom. A LMIGHTY God, Who hast given us grace at this time with one accord to make our common supplica- tions unto Thee ; and dost promise, that when two or three are gathered together in Thy Name Thou wilt grant their requests : Fulfil now, O LORD, the desires and petitions of Thy, servants, as may be most- expedient for them ; granting us in this world knowledge of Thy truth, and in the world to come life everlasting. Amen. x^ 2 Cor. xiii. ii i I ■ ■ !— I. I .I JL HE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Bj ■! ♦ ! ■!■! ■;■ » ■ 1 ♦ ! love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy S 4^- Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen. Here endeth the Litany. * PRAYERS AND THANKSGIVINGS, UPON SEVERAL OCCASIONS, To be used before the two final Prayers of the Litany, or of Morning and Evening Prayer. PRAYERS. IT For Rain. O * GOD, heavenly Father, Who by Thy Son Jesus Christ hast promised to all them that seek Thy kingdom, and the righteousness thereof, all things necessary to their bodily sustenance ; Send us, we beseech Thee, in this our necessity, such moderate rain and showers, that we may receive the fruits of the earth to our comfort, and to Thy honour ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 11 For fair Weather. O ALMIGHTY Lord God, Who for the sin of mai didst once drown all the world, except eig] persons, and afterward of Thy great mercy didst promis never to destroy it so again ; We humbly beseech Thee, th; although we for our iniquities have worthily deserved plague of rain and waters, yet upon our true repentance Thoi wilt send us such weather, as that we may receive the fruits of the earth in due season ; and learn both by Thy punisl ment to amend our lives, and for Thy clemency to give The praise and glory ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. A7ne) PRAYERS. IT In the time of Dearth and Famine. OGOD, heavenly Father, Whose gift it is, that the rain doth fall, the earth is fruitful, beasts increase, and fishes do multiply ; Behold, we beseech Thee, the afflictions of Thy people ; and grant that the scarcity and dearth, which we do now most justly suffer for our iniquity, may through Thy goodness be mercifully turned into cheapness and plenty ; for the love of JESUS Christ our Lord, to Whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory, now and for ever. Amen. IT Or this. OGOD, merciful Father, Who, in the time of Elisha the prophet, didst suddenly in Samaria turn great scarcity and dearth into plenty and cheapness ; Have mercy upon us, that we, who are now for our sins punished with like adversity, may likewise find a seasonable relief : Increase the fruits of the earth by Thy heavenly benediction ; and grant that we, receiving Thy bountiful liberality, may use the same to Thy glory, the relief of those that are needy, and our own comfort ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. A?nen. IF In the time of War and Tumults. O ALMIGHTY God, King of all kings, and Governour of all things, Whose power no creature is able to resist, to Whom it belongeth justly to punish sinners, and to be merciful to them that truly repent ; Save and deliver us, we humbly beseech Thee, from the hands of our enemies ; abate their pride, assuage their malice, and confound their devices ; that we, being armed with Thy defence, may be preserved evermore from all perils, to glorify Thee, Who art the only Giver of all victory : through the merits of Thy only SON, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. PRAYERS. % In the time of any common Plague or Sickness. O ALMIGHTY God, Who in Thy wrath didst send a plague upon Thine own people in the wilderness, for their obstinate rebellion against Moses and Aaron ; and also, in the time of king David, didst slay with the plague of Pestilence threescore and ten thousand, and yet remembering Thy mercy didst save the rest ; Have pity upon us miserable sinners, who now are visited with great sickness and mor- tality ; that like as Thou didst then accept of an atonement, and didst command the destroying Angel to cease from punishing, so it may now please Thee to withdraw from us this plague and grievous sickness ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. % In the Ember Weeks, to be said every day, for those that are to be admitted into Holy Orders. ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, Who hast purchased to Thyself an universal Church, by the precious blood of Thy dear Son ; Mercifully look upon the same, and at this time so guide and govern the minds of Thy servants the Bishops and Pastors of Thy flock, that they may lay hands suddenly on no man, but faithfully and wisely make choice of fit persons to serve in the sacred Ministry of Thy Church. And to those which shall be ordained to any holy function give Thy grace and heavenly benediction ; that both by their life and doctrine they may set forth Thy glory, and set forward the salvation of all men ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 1T Or this. ALMIGHTY God, the Giver of all good gifts, Who of Thy divine providence hast appointed divers Orders in Thy Church ; Give Thy grace, we humbly beseech Thee, PRAYERS. to all those who are to be called to any office and adminis- tration in the same ; and so replenish them with the truth of Thy doctrine, and endue them with innocency of life, that they may faithfully serve before Thee, to the glory of Thy great Name, and the benefit of Thy holy Church ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. IF A Prayer that may be said after any of the former. OGOD, Whose nature and property is ever to have mercy and to forgive, receive our humble petitions ; and though we be tied and bound with the chain of our sins, yet let the pitifulness of Thy great mercy loose us ; for the honour of Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Advocate. Amen. IF A Prayer for the High Court of Parliament, to be read during their Session. MOST gracious God, we humbly beseech Thee, as for this Kingdom in general, so especially for the High Court of Parliament, under our most religious and gracious Queen at this time assembled : That Thou wouldst be pleased to direct and prosper all their consultations to the advancement of Thy glory, the good of Thy Church, the safety, honour, and welfare of our Sovereign, and her Do- minions ; that all things may be so ordered and settled by their endeavours, upon the best and surest foundations, that peace and happiness, truth and justice, religion and piety, may be established among us for all generations. These and all other necessaries for them, for us, and Thy whole Church, we humbly beg in the Name and Mediation of JESUS Christ our most blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen. PRAYERS. 1F A Collect or Prayer for all Conditions of men, to be used at such times when the Litany is not appointed to be said. OGOD, the Creator and Preserver of all mankind, we humbly beseech Thee for all sorts and conditions of men ; that Thou wouldest be pleased to make Thy ways known unto them, Thy saving health unto all nations. More especially, we pray for the good estate of the Catholick Church ; that it may be so guided and governed by Thy good Spirit, that all who profess and call themselves Chris- tians may be led into the way of truth, and hold the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life. Finally, we commend to Thy fatherly goodness all those, who are any ways afflicted, or distressed in mind, body, or estate ; ^especially those for whom * This t0 be our prayers are desired] that it may please s f ld . when any «— r ■ ■ « i i desire the Pray- Thee to comfort and relieve them accord- ers of the Con- ing to their several necessities, giving them £ re £ atlon - patience under their sufferings, and a happy issue out of all their afflictions. And this we beg for Jesus Christ His sake. Amen. A THANKSGIVINGS. ^f A General Thanksgiving. ^ -i-F . | ■ | ■=♦= | » | ■ I LM1GHTY God, Father of all mercies, we Thine unworthy servants do give Thee most humble and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness and loving-kindness to us, and to all men ; ^particularly to those • This to be wno d es i re now to offer up their praises a?id said when any m ■* that have been thanksgivings for Thy late mercies vouchsafed to^-etum prai e se re unio them.] We bless Thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life ; but above all, for Thine inestimable love in the redemp- tion of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And, we beseech Thee, give us that due sense of all Thy mercies, that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful, and that we show forth Thy praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives ; by giving up ourselves to Thy service, and by walking before Thee in holiness and righteousness all our days ; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. IT For Rain. OGOD our heavenly Father, Who by Thy gracious providence dost cause the former and the latter rain to descend upon the earth, that it may bring forth fruit for the use of man ; We give Thee humble thanks that it hath pleased Thee, in our great necessity, to send us at the last a joyful rain upon Thine inheritance, and to refresh it when it was dry, to the great comfort of us Thy unworthy servants, and to the glory of Thy holy Name ; through Thy mercies in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. THANKSGIVINGS. IT For fair Weather. OLORD GOD, Who hast justly humbled us by Thy late plague of immoderate rain and waters, and in Thy mercy hast relieved and comforted our souls by this seasonable and blessed change of weather ; We praise and glorify Thy holy Name for this Thy mercy, and will always declare Thy loving-kindness from generation to generation ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. IF For Plenty. OMOST merciful Father, Who of Thy gracious good- ness hast heard the devout prayers of Thy Church, and turned our dearth and scarcity into cheapness and plenty ; We give Thee humble thanks for this Thy special bounty ; beseeching Thee to continue Thy loving-kindness unto us, that our land may yield us her fruits of increase, to Thy glory and our comfort ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. IT For Peace and Deliverance from our Enemies. O ALMIGHTY God, Who art a strong tower of defence unto Thy servants against the face of their enemies ; We yield Thee praise and thanksgiving for our deliverance from those great and apparent dangers wherewith we were compassed : We acknowledge it Thy goodness that we were not delivered over as a prey unto them ; beseeching Thee still to continue such Thy mercies towards us, that all the world may know that Thou art our SAVIOUR and mighty Deliverer ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. A7nen. IT For restoring Publick Peace at Home. O ETERNAL God, our heavenly Father, Who alone makest men to be of one mind in a house, and stillest the outrage of a violent and unruly people ; We bless Thy holy Name, that it hath pleased Thee to appease the seditious THANKSGIVINGS. tumults which have been lately raised up amongst us ; most humbly beseeching Thee to grant to all of us grace, that we may henceforth obediently walk in Thy holy command- ments ; and, leading a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, may continually offer unto Thee our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving for these Thy mercies towards us ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. IT For Deliverance from the Plague, or other common Sickness. OLORD GOD, Who hast wounded us for our sins, and consumed us for our transgressions, by Thy late heavy and dreadful visitation ; and now, in the midst of judgement remembering mercy, hast redeemed our souls from the jaws of death ; We offer unto Thy fatherly goodness ourselves, our souls and bodies which Thou hast delivered, to be a living sacrifice unto Thee, always praising and magnifying Thy mercies in the midst of Thy Church ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. f Or this. WE humbly acknowledge before Thee, O most merciful Father, that all the punishments which are threatened in Thy law might justly have fallen upon us, by reason of our manifold transgressions and hardness of heart : Yet feeling it hath pleased Thee of Thy tender mercy, upon our weak and unworthy humiliation, to assuage the conta- gious sickness wherewith we lately have been sore afflicted, and to restore the voice of joy and health into our dwellings ; We offer unto Thy Divine Majesty the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, lauding and magnifying Thy glorious Name for such Thy preservation and providence over us ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. THE PSALTER. THE PSALMS OF DAVID THE FIRST DA Y. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM I. Beatus vir, qui 11011 abut, drV. $ 1st Tone. -MEEESE^ g=?i=g=^=i; m j _^ ^— ^ B LESS-ED || is the man that hath not walked in the The happiness o/ counsel of the ungodly, nor stood in the | way of sin- the godly. ners : and hath not sat in the | seat of xheTscorn-iul. 2 But his delight is in the | law of the~ Lord : and in His law will he exercise him- \self day and night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the | wa.-ter-side : that will bring forth his fruit m\dne sea-son. 4 His leaf also I shall not with-er : and look, whatsoever he doeth, | it shall flros-per. 5 As for the ungodly, it is not [so with them : but they The unhappiness are like the chaff, which the wind scattereth away from the] of the ungodly. face of the earth. 6 Therefore the ungodly shall not be able to | stand in the^judge-ment : neither the sinners in the congregation | of the iight-e,ous. 7 But the Lord knoweth the | way of the^right-eous : and the way of the un- 1 god-ly shalF^-rish. Glo-||ry be to the Father, | and to the^Soh : and| TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-MEX. B Day I. MORNING PRAYER. $ PSALM II. Qiiare fremiierunt gentes ? £ 3rd Tone. ^=^ ZZ3L :=5fc m r v~r~T-r The Kingdom T T 7HY do || the heathen so furiously | rage to-ge-ther : and of Christ. Y V why do the people i- |ma-gine 2^ vain thing ? 2 The kings of the earth stand up, and the rulers take | coun-sel to^ge-ther : against the Lord, and against | His A-noint-ed. 3 Let us break their | bonds a-sund-er : and cast a- 1 way their cords from^us. 4 He that dwelleth in heaven shall | laugh them X.oT scorn : the Lord shall have them | in de-rz'-sion. 5 Then shall He speak unto them | in His wrath : and vex them in His | sore dis-//^-sure. 6 Yet have 1 1 set My King : upon My holy | hill of Si-on. 7 I will preach the law, whereof the Lord hd,ih\said un-to^Me : Thou art My Son, this day have 1 1 be-got-ten Thee. 8 Desire of Me, and I shall give Thee the heathen fori Thine in-her-itance : and the utmost parts of the earth for j Thy pos-^j-sion. 9 Thou shalt bruise them with a|rod of i-ron : and break them in pieces like a | pot-ter's vessel. Kings are ex- *o Be wise now therefore, | O ye kings : be learned, ye that horted to accept are|judg-es of the earth. it. 1 1 Serve the | Lord in fear : and rejoice unto | Him with r^-verence. 12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and so ye perish | from the right way : if His wrath be kindled, (yea, but a little,) blessed are all they that | put their trust in Him. MORNING PRAYER. Day. I. Glo-|Jry be to the Father, | and to tkyT'Soh ; and| TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-MEN. Hi PSALM III. D amine, quid midtiplicati? jth Tone. ¥=%=W ^s=^ -■&—;-, & m. r i ^ ^_g - K ^ i i & i f^" £=^ ^2: L ORD,||how are they increased that | trou-ble ///£' : many 77^ security of are they that | rise z.-gainst me. Gw/v protection. 2 Many one there be that | say of^my soul : There is no | help for^him in his God. 3 But Thou, O Lord, art | my De-fend-er : Thou art my Worship, and the Lifter | up of my head. 4 I did call upon the Lord | with my voice : and He heard me I out of^His ho-ly hill. 5 I laid me down and slept, and | rose up 2.^ gain : for the | Lord sus-tain-ed me. 6 I will not be afraid for ten thousands | of the peo-ple : that have set themselves a- 1 gainst me round a-bout. 7 Up, Lord, and help me, | O my God : for Thou smitest all mine enemies upon the cheek-bone ; Thou hast broken the teeth I of the^un-^W-ly. 8 Salvation belongeth|un-to thzTLord; and Thy blessing is up- 1 on Thy flco-ple. GLO-H RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^Son I AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-MEN. B 2 Day I. MORNING PRAYER. i i± PSALM IV. Cum invocarem. £ 3rd Tone. =^=* ^^^ 1 1 ^ l^g^g^E^ I J ^ ^z: ?= ^2: H David prayeth for audience. He reprove th and exhortethhisene- have mercy upon me, and I heark-en un-to' viies. Man' s hap- piness is in God's 2 O ye sons of men, how long will ye blas-jpheme Mine EAR me || when I call, O | God of^my right-eousness : Thou hast set me at liberty when I was in trouble ; 'my prayer. favour. and have such pleasure in vanity, and | seek af-ter^ hon- 1 our leas-mg ? 3 Know this also, that the Lord hath chosen to Himself the j man that^is god-ly : when I call upon the Lord, | He will hear me. 4 Stand in I awe, and sin not : commune with your own heart, and in your | cham-ber, and be still. 5 Offer the sacrifice of | right-eous-^j\y : and put your | trust in the Lord. 6 There be | ma-ny thaX^say : Who will | shew us a-ny good ? 7 Lord, I lift Thou up : the light of Thy | count-enance up^on us. 8 Thou hast put gladness | in my heart : since the time that their corn, and wine, and | oil, in-creas-ed. 9 I will lay me down in peace, and | take my rest : for it is Thou, Lord, only, that makest me | dwell in safe-ty. Glo-H ry be to the Father, | and to thyTSoh : and| TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A -MEN. MORNING PRAYER. DAY I. PSALM V. Verba mea atiribus. isi To7lt. PONDER || my words, |0 Lord: consider my I ///tf-ak-ta- David prayeth, f - and professeth UOn - his study in 2 O hearken Thou unto the voice of my calling, my | King, p ™urrtk ^ot {he and^my God : for unto | Thee \vill~I make my prayer. wicked. 3 My voice shalt Thou hear be- 1 times, O Lord : early in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, | and will look up. 4 For Thou art the God that hast no | plea-sure in^wick- edness : neither shall any | e-vil dwell with Thee. 5 Such as be foolish shall not | stand in^Thy sight : for Thou hatest all | them that work van-ity. 6 Thou shalt destroy them that | speak leas-ing : the Lord will abhor both the blood-thirsty | and de-ceit-ful man. 7 But as for me, I will come into Thine house, even upon the multitude | of Thy mer-cy : and in Thy fear will I worship | toward Thy ho-ly tem-ple. 8 Lead me, O Lord, in Thy righteousness, be- 1 cause oP D*r id professing mine en-emies : make Thy way | plain be-fore my face. l e ) s h {jjjf£ '(£?% 9 For there is no faithfulness | in his mouth : their inward | g J^. oy H ^ l, e) ^ parts are ve-ry wick-edness. mies, and to pre* i ii i i n -i serve the godly. io Their throat is an|o-pen se-pulchre : they|nat-ter with their tongue. ii Destroy Thou them, O God ; let them perish through their own i- 1 mag-i-na-tions : cast them out in the multitude of their ungodliness ; for they have re-|^/-led a-gainst Thee. 12 And let all them that put their trust in | Thee re-joicr : they shall ever be giving of thanks, because Thou defendest them ; they that love Thy Name shall beL/Vy-ful in Thee; 1 3 For Thou, Lord, wilt give Thy blessing | un-to the~right- eous : and with Thy favourable kindness wilt Thou de- 1 fend him as^vith a shield. Day I. EVENING PRAYER. m ~r-^sL i l i ^=^: ^=ff ^=^= 1 2? c=* ^j- Glo-H ry be to the Fatherland to the^Soh : and) to the ho-ly ghost AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. ^4 -MEN. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM VI. Dominc, ne in furore. $ =£ ?F*?Fg &=£ Tone Irregular. -&L I I I m Aj. i r § pj. ^5 gg_ <3C3" g ?z David's com- plaint in his sickness. ^ ?Z ^ ^U =P=^ M OH LORD, rebuke me | not in^Thine in-dig-na-tion : nei- ther chasten me in | Thy dis-plea-sure. 2 Have mercy upon me, O | Lord, for I am weak : O Lord, heal me, for my | bones are vex-ed. 3 My soul | al-so is^sore troub-led : but, Lord, how long wilt | Thou pun-ish^me ? 4 Turn Thee, O Lord, | and de-li-ver my^soul : O save me for Thy | mer-cy's sake. 5 For in | death no man re-mem-bereth^Thee : and who will give Thee thanks | in the pit t 6 I am weary of my groaning ; every | night wash I my bed : and water my couch | with my tears. 7 My beauty is | gone for ve-ry trou-ble : and worn away because of | all mine en-emies. jth Tone. ■3, ^ m 'zzi b; ^ m m *k A f -g- oo ^ ^^ £i,{f% he tr J : 8 A-|| way from me, all ye that work|van-itv : for the Lord umpheth over his . , , " , 7 , , . 9 r _ J . ' enemies. hath heard the voice of my weep-ing. EVENING PRAYER. Day I. 9 The Lord hath heard my pe- 1 ti-tion : the Lord will re- 1 ceive my prayer. 10 All mine enemies shall be confounded, and sore | vex- ed : they shall be turned back, and put to | shame sud-denly. Glo-H RY be to the Father, and to the | Son : and| TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER | SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4-MEN. PSALM VII. Domine, Dens metis. P. Tonus Reghis. -Z21 2ES & f s ■m m 737 m #-gg i^- A h\ l ii £ -&-&>- I I ^r Oil LORD my God, in Thee have 1 1 put my trust : save David firayetk me from all them that persecute me, | and de-liv-er %?£'*£ ££ me ; mies, professing , i m i« ii . . ^ . hisinnocency. 2 Lest he devour my soul, like a lion, and [ tear it m piec- es : while | there is none to help. 3 O Lord my God, if I have done|a-ny suc\i^thing : or if there be any | wick-edness in my hands ; 4 If I have rewarded evil unto him that dealt | friend-ly with me : yea, I have delivered him that without any cause) is mine en-e-my : 5 Then let mine enemy persecute my | soul, and take me : yea, let him tread my life down upon the earth, and lay mine| ho-nour in the dust. 6 Stand up, O Lord, in Thy wrath, and lift up Thyself, By faith he seeth because of the indignation I of mine en-emies - arise up me in the judgement that | Thou hast com7;;/^;^-ed. 7 And so shall the congregation of the people | come a-bout Thee : for their sakes therefore lift | up Thy-self a-gain. 8 The Lord shall judge the people ; give sentence with | me, O Lord : according to my righteousness, and accordiriL;- to the innocency | that is in me. - his defence, 10 r the destruction of his enemies. Day I. EVENING PRAYER. i 5=^ ■^s=^ 2: ^=^ £=F 22=^== 9 O let the wickedness of the ungodly | come to an^end: hul\guide Thou the just. 10 For the | right-eous God : trieth the | ve-ry hearts and reins. 11 My help I com-eth oi^God : Who preserveth them | that are true of heart. 12 God is a righteous Judge, | strong, and pa-tient : and God is pro- 1 vo-ked ev-ery day. 13 If a man will not turn, He will fwhet His sword-. He hath bent His bow, and| made it rea-dy. 14 He hath prepared for him the instru- 1 ments of death : He ordaineth His arrows against the | per-se-a^-tors. 15 Behold, he travaileth | with mis-chief: he hath con- ceived sorrow, and brought | forth un-god-li-ness. 16 He hath graven and digged | up a pit : and is fallen himself into the destruction that he | made for J in | all the world : Thou that hast set Thy glory a- 1 bove magnified by His •works, the hea-vens. MORNING PRAYER. DAY II. 2 Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklings hast Thou ordained strength, be- 1 cause of^Thine en-emies : that Thou mightest still the enemy, | and the a-ven-ger. 3 For I will consider Thy heavens, even the | works of^Thy fin-gers : the moon and the stars, which | Thou hast or- dain-ed. 4 What is man, that Thou art | mind-ful of him : and the and by His fa* son of man, that Thou | visit-est him f io man < 5 Thou madest him lower | than the an-gels : to crown him with | glory and wor-ship. 6 Thou makest him to have dominion of the | works of^Thy hands: and Thou hast put all things in subjection | under his feet j 7 All | sheep and ox-en : yea, and the | beasts of the f eld y 8 The fowls of the air, and the fishes | of the sea : and what- soever walketh through the j paths of the seas. 9 O | Lord our Gov-ernour : how excellent is Thy Name in | all the world! Glo-!| ry be to the Father, I and to the^Son : and| TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4-MEN. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM IX. Confitcbor tibi. m 3rd Tone. Srisr F^i 1 za: o w* m ! 1 I I rr~ * '■^&- m '~7Zr "t T -i — 1 1 I WILL !| give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, | with my whole David praiscth heart : I will speak of I all Thy mar-vellous works. /** ****** J wg of judge* 2 I will be glad I and rc-joice in^Thee : yea, my songs will mcnt - I make of Thy N | Thou most High-zst. 1 Day II. MORNING PRAYER. ftf ^— gJ ^ ^=t 3 While mine enemies are | driv-en &w£ : they shall fall and perish | at Thy/r^-sence. 4 For Thou hast maintained my | right and my^cause: Thou art set in the | throne that judg-est right. 5 Thou hast rebuked the heathen, and de- 1 stroy-ed the^ ungod-ly : Thou hast put out their name for | ev-er and^Vz/-er. 6 O thou enemy, destructions are come to a per- 1 pet-ual end : even as the cities which Thou hast destroyed ; their memorial is|pe-rish-ed with them. 7 But the Lord shall en- 1 dure for ev-er: He hath also prepared His | seat ior jiidge-mzvX. 8 For He shall judge the | world in right-eousness : an< minister true judgement | unto the jzto-ple. 9 The Lord also will be a defence | for the op^pres-sed even a refuge in due | time of trou-h\e. io And they that know Thy Name will j put their trust in^ Thee : for Thou, Lord, hast never failed | them that seek Thee. He btciteth 1 1 O praise the Lord Which | dwell-eth in^Si-on : shew the °H l f rs rt t rais * people I of His do-mzs. Hzm.Heprayeth r r ' ° that he may have I2 For, when He maketh inquisition for blood, j He cause to praise re _ mem _bereth~them : and forgetteth not the com- \plaint of the poor. 13 Have mercy upon me, O Lord; consider the trouble which I suffer of | them that hate me : Thou that liftest me up I from the gates of death. 14 That I may shew all Thy praises within the ports of the I daugh-ter of^Si-on : I will rejoice in | Thy sal-z/#-tion. 1 5 The heathen are sunk down in the | pit that^they made : in the same net which they hid privily, is their \foot tak-en. 16 The Lord is known to|ex-ecute judge-ment : the ungodly is trapped in the | work ofhis^own hands. 17 The wicked shall be turned |in-to hell : and all the people I that tor-get God. 18 For the poor shall not alway [be for-got-ten : the patient abiding of the meek shall not | pe-rish for^z^er. MORNING PRAYER. Day II. 19 Up, Lord, and let not man have the|up-per hand: let the heathen be|judg-ed in Thy sight. 20 Put them in | fear, O Lord : that the heathen may know them- 1 selves to be but men. Glo-H ry be to the Father, I and to tke^Sou : and; TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EY-ER SHALL BE; WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-UEN. fi PSALM X. Vt quid, Domine? 2nd Tone. m P= P ^r— k*gU - f ^= m « ^=^ ±t -j^-- ^ WHY J! standest Thou so far off, O | Lord : and hidest David com. Thy face in the needful time of | trou-ble. {^tT/Lra^ff 2 The ungodly for his own lust doth persecute the | poor : the ■«*«* let them be taken in the crafty wiliness that they have i- 1 mag-in-ed. 3 For the ungodly hath made boast of his own heart's de- 1 sire : and speaketh good of the covetous, whom God ab- J /iorr-eth. 4 The ungodly is so proud, that he careth|not for^God : neither is God in | all his thoughts. 5 His ways are alway | griev-ous : Thy judgements are far above out of his sight, and therefore defieth he all his | en-e-mies. 6 For he hath said in his heart, Tush, I shall never be cast| down : there shall no harm happen | un-to me. 7 His mouth is full of cursing, deceit, and | fraud : under his tongue is ungodliness and | van-i-ty. 8 He sitteth lurking in the thievish corners of the | streets ; and privily in his lurking dens doth he murder the innocent : his eyes are set a- 1 gainst the poor. Day II. MORNING PRAYER. m ^-^-^-^ zz 9 For he lieth waiting secretly, even as a lion lurketh he in his | den : that he may | ra-vish the^poor. 10 He doth ravish the | poor : when he getteth him | into his net. ii He falleth down, and humbleth him- 1 self : that the con- gregation of the poor may fall into the hands of his | ^yz/- tains. 12 He hath said in his heart, Tush, God hath for-|got-ten : He hideth away His face, and He will never \see it. » j " . . 3rd Tone. I i 1 1 3^ H x= S s£ ^: ^^ tp- ug- I I I I &* jh &- *sL I -%4-g'-^ 1 r- » --m- t=± He jrayeth for n A- II rise, O Lord God, and lift I up Thine hand : for- \get remedy. He pro- "£*_ H /«wM A& ««^- not the poor. 14 Wherefore should the wicked bias- \pheme God: while he doth say in his heart, Tush, Thou God|carest not /or it. 1 5 Surely | Thou hast seen it : for Thou beholdest un- 1 god- li-ness and wrong. 16 That Thou mayest take the matter] into Thine hand: the poor committeth himself unto Thee ; for Thou art the Helper | of the /riend-less. 17 Break Thou the power of the ungodly | and ma-li-cious : take away his ungodliness, and | Thou shalt /nd none. 18 The Lord is King for | ev-er and^ev-er : and the heathen are | pe-rished out of the^land. 19 Lord, Thou hast heard the de- 1 sire of xheTfioor : Thou preparest their heart, and Thine ear | heark-eneth there-to ; 20 To help the fatherless and poor | unto their right : that" the man of the earth be no more ex- 1 alt-ed a!^ gainst them. Glo-H ry be to the Father, | and to the^Son : and| to the ho-ly ghost j as it || was in the beginning, is now, and | ev-er shall be : world with- | out end. ^-men. m MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XI. In Domijio eonfido. 4*k Tone. -^>— — -- - — & — -^ — &- ■ Y ^ — " v "I I —I f^ | • " I I J. J J. Jn -"J J^J J , , 1 l^-^— ^- i i«S ! U . i «^-H 1 r IN the^Lord put | I my trust : how sav ye then to my David encom* soul, that she should flee like a | bird un-to the~hill ? 75 k „ kimsel /I? 7 i (~roa against his 2 For lo, the ungodly bend their bow, and make ready enemies - their arrows with- 1 in the qui-ver : that they may privily shoot at | them which^are true of heart. 3 For the foundations | will be cast down : and | what hath the'^right-eous done ? 4 The Lord is in His|ho-lv tem-ple : the Lord's [seat is~in The providence hea-xzn. ™£ J usticc °- f 5 His eyes con-|si-der the^poor : andHis eye-lids [try the chil-dren of^men. 6 The Lord al- 1 low-eth the~right-eous : but the ungodly, and him, that delighteth in wickedness | doth His soul ab-hor. 7 Upon the ungodly He shall rain snares, fire and brim- stone, | storm and tem-pest : this shall be their |^ ^ i I ^ ^ J t=fl ?Z ?Z "Sr ZtoV, destitute T T ELP || me,^Lord, for there is not one | god-ly^man / PZ- %LZ"fwith l 5 Now for II the comfortless troubles' sake of the|need-y : God's judgments and because of the deep sighing | of the poor, °andconfideiicein 6 I will up, saith the | Lord : and will help every one from God's tried pro- him that swelleth against him, and will set | him at rest. wises. 7 The words of the Lord are | pure words : even as the silver, which from the earth is tried, and purified seven times) in the fire. 8 Thou shalt keep them, O | Lord : Thou shalt preserve him for this generation for | ev-er. 9 The ungodly walk on | ev-ery^side : when they are exalted, the children of men are | put to reTbuke, EVENING PRAYER, Day II. Glo-H ry be to the Father, and to the | Son: and to the | ho-ly ghost ; as it j| was in the beginning, is now, and ever | shall be: world without i end. a-men. i *£ PSALM XIII. Usque quo, Domine ? ■ J i i 3rd Tone. m m §^ ^z =52= ^g^-es ^ I I T? &' J. r- p ?= HOW i| long wilt Thou forget me, O | Lord, for ev-er : how David complain* long wilt Thou hide Thy | face from me ? t,/ f He%Hh 2 How long shall I seek counsel in my soul, and be ^o^ ac / r 1 r-^i ^ s g-77— ^r^tn^ 1 I 72. ^^-- ■*=£■ m 5 But my || trust is in Thy |mer-cy : and my heart is joyful Hc boasteth 0/ in ( Thy sal-va-tion. divme mcrc >'> 6 I will sing of the Lord, because He hath dealt so lovingly | with me : yea, I will praise the Name of the | Lord most High-est. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE| SON: AND | TO THE HO-LY~GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER| SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-MEN. Day II. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XIV. Dixit insipiens. 1st Tone. Daviddescribeth tJie comtption of a natural man. He convinceth tlie wicked by r/ie light of their conscience. He gloiieth in the salvation of God. T HE I! fool hath I said in^his heart : Therein no God. 2 They are corrupt, and become abominable | in their do-ings : there is none that doeth [good, no not one. 3 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the | chil-dren oilmen : to see if there were any that would understand, and | seek af-ter God. 4 But they are all gone out of the way, they are altogether become a- 1 bom-i-na-ble : there is none that doeth \good, no not one. 5 Their throat is an open sepulchre, with their tongues f have they de~ceiv-ed : the poison of | asps is un-der^their lips. 6 Their mouth is full of|curs-ing and~bit-terness : their feet are | swift to shed blood. 7 Destruction and unhappiness is in their ways, and the way of peace | have they not^known : there is no fear of | God be-fore their eyes. 8 Have they no knowledge, that they are all such | work-ers of^mis-chief : eating up my people as it were bread, and | call not up'Ton the Lord f 9 There were they brought in great fear, even | where no fear was : for God is in the gener-|a-tion of the right-eous. ro As for you, ye have made a mock at the counsel [of the poor : because he putteth his|/r/^/ in the Lord. it Who shall give salvation unto Israel out of Sion ? When the Lord turneth the captivity | of His peo-ple : then shall Jacob rejoice, and| Is-rael shall be glad. GLO- II RYBE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON: AND| TO THE Ho-LY Ghost J AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, ISNOW, ANX)JeV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- | OUT END. ^4-MEN. MORNING PRAYER. Day III. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XV. D:>min.\ quis habitabit ? 2nd Tom wmm. m ^ LORD, | who shall dwell in Thy taber- 1 na-cle : or who David dc: shall rest upon Thy | ho-ly hill ? a citizen cfZion. 2 Even he, that leadeth an uncorrupt | life : and doeth the thing which is right, and speaketh the | truth from his^heart. 3 He that hath used no deceit in his tongue, nor done \\\\ to his|neigh-bour : and hath not slandered his\neigk- bour. 4 He that setteth not by himself, but is lowly in his own| sves : and maketh much of them that [fear the Lord. 5 He that sweareth unto his neighbour, and disappointeth him J not : though it were to his own | /iz'ud-ra.nce. 6 He that hath not given his money upon|u-sury : nor :aken reward against the j in-no-cent. 7 Whoso doeth these | things : shall | ne-ver fall GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE|SON : AND ro the|Ho-ly Ghost. As IT WAS IX the beginning, is now, and ever I shall 8E: WORLD WITHOUT! END. A-MEN. PSALM XVI. Conso-cci me % Domin:. 4—4- yth Tone. =!t=^ — r^- ^=5g^g^=^=^ -^i S z_ g ,'_|| ; *^=g: §3 /===zs: JOJ -JL7 - '. in dis- trust >RE- .RYE! me, O God : for in Thee have 1 1 put nr i turn. trust. Day III. MORNING PRAYER. — gt— ^— ^=tt=^ f=^ — ^>- zz ^ - O my soul, thou hast said | un-to the^Z^r^ : Thou art my God, my goods are | no-thing un-to^Thee. 3 All my delight is upon the saints, that are | in the earth : and upon such as ex- 1 eel in vir-tue. 4 But they that run after a- 1 no-ther god : shall | have great o-ou-ble. 5 Their drink-offerings of blood | will I^not of-fer : neither make mention of their names with- 1 in my lips. 6 The Lord Himself is the portion of mine inheritance,! and of^my cicp : Thou | shalt main-tain my^lot. 7 The lot is fallen unto me|in affair ground : yea, I have a | good-ly he-ritage. 8 I will thank the Lord for | giv-ing^me warn-ing : my reins also chasten me | in the^night-sea-son. 9 I have set God|al-ways be^fore me : for He is on my right hand, therefore 1 1 shall not fall. io Wherefore my heart was glad, and my | glo-ry re^joic-ed: my flesh also shall | rest in hope. 1 1 For why ? Thou shalt not leave my | soul in hell neither shalt Thou suffer Thy Holy One to | see cor-rup-tion. 12 Thou shalt shew me the path of life ; in Thy presence is the|ful-ness ai^joy : and at Thy right hand there is plea- sure for | ev-er-7/iore. Glo- I! rybejo the Father, | and to the^Son : and) TO THE HO-LY"GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : world without I end. h-men. PSALM XVII. Exaudi, Dominc. Tonus Regius. SilS i i i i ^^ \ i i I3D m ss^l David, in conji- ' 'I deuce o/ his in- T T EAR the || right, O Lord, consider] my cam-plaint : and tegriiy t craveth I I d-fence of Cod * £" against his ene- ed lips hearken unto my prayer, that goeth not | out of feign- MORNING PRAYER. DAY III. 2 Let my sentence come | forth from^Thy pre-sence : and let Thine eyes look upon the | thing that is~- Domine. 2nd Tone. David praise th God for His manifold and marvellous bless- ings. I WILL |i love Thee, O Lord, my strength ; the Lord is my stony rock, and | my de-fence : my Saviour, my God, and my might, in Whom I will trust, my buckler, the horn also of my salvation, | and my r^-fuge. 2 I will call upon the Lord, Which is worthy | to be prais-ed : so shall I be safe I from mine en-e-mies. 3 The sorrows of\death com-passed^me : and the over- flowings of ungodliness | made me airraid. 4 The pains of hell | came a-bout me : the snares of death | o-vex-took me. 5 In my trouble I will call up- 1 on the Lord : and complain | un-to my God. 6 So shall He hear my voice out of His | ho-ly tem-ple : and my complaint shall come before Him, it shall enter even| in- to His ears. 8th Tone. 7 The || earth trembled and j quak-ed : the very foundations also of the hills shook, and were removed, be- 1 cause He was~ wroth. 8 There went a smoke out in His|pre-sence : and a con- suming fire out of His mouth, so that coals were | kind-led at it EVENING PRAYER. Day III, 9 He bowed the heavens also, and came | down : and it was dark|un-der His feet. 10 He rode upon the cherubims, and did [fly : He came flying upon the \ wings of the^wind. 11 He made darkness His secret | place : His pavilion round about Him with dark water, and thick] clouds to co-ver^Him. 12 At the brightness of His presence His clouds re- 1 mov- ed : hail- 1 stones, and coals of^fire. 13 The Lord also thundered out of heaven, and the Highest gave His|thun-der : hail- 1 stones, and coals of^firc. 14 He sent out His arrows, and | scat-tered^them : He cast forth lightnings, | and de-stroy-ed^them. 1 5 The springs of waters were seen, and the foundations of the round world were discovered, at Thy chiding, O | Lord : at the blasting of the breath of | Thy dis-plea-sure. 16 He shall send down from on high to [fetch me : and shall take me out of|ma-ny wa-ters. 17 He shall deliver me from my strongest enemy, and from them which | hate me : for they are too | migh-ty for me. 18 They prevented me in the day of my|trou-ble: but the Lord was | my up-hold-er. 19 He brought me forth also into a place ofjli-berty : He brought me forth, even because He had a|fa-vour un-to~me. (i ^=s m 1st Tone. my ?** ^ 1^—%^ m --^=^ d z2 "f=Tr^ :£=: 20 The |i Lord shall reward me after my |right-eous deal- Cod's dealings ing : according to the cleanness of my hands shall He' 1 ''^'^"' recom- \pcnse me. 21 Because I have kept the j ways of the"* Loni: and have not forsaken my God, as the | wick-ed doth. 22 For I have an eye un-to|all His laws : and will not cast out His commandments \from me. Day III. EVENING PRAYER. p= ^^ ^=22: 23 I was also uncor-|rupt be-fore Him: and eschewed mine own | wick-ed-ness. 24 Therefore shall the Lord reward me after my |right-eous deal-ing : and according unto the cleanness of my hands in His I ^y^-sight. 25 With the holy Thou|shalt be ho-ly : and with a perfect man Thou shalt be | fier-fect. 26 With the clean Thou | shalt be clean : and with the fro- ward Thou shalt learn j fro-ward-ness. 27 For Thou shalt save the people that are | in ad-ver-sity : and shalt bring down the high looks | of the proud. 28 Thou also shalt I light my can-die : the Lord my God shall make my darkness | to be light. 29 For in Thee I shall discomfit an | host of men : and with the help of my God I shall leap | over the wall. 30 The way of God is an | un-de-fi-led^way : the word of the Lord also is tried in the fire ; He is the defender of all them that put their | trust in Him. 1 1st Tone. ^=1 ,. m S <=>-&■ *LJ- mz I I J -ZZL i ^r=f=f --F The blessing 3 1 For || who is God, I but the Lord : or who hath any^ David hath re- strength, ex-cept our God ? 32 It is God, that girdeth me with | strength of war : and maketh my | way fter-feoX. 23 He maketh my | feet like harts' feet : and | set-teth^me up on high. 34 He teacheth mine | hands to fight : and mine arms shall break | even a bow of steel. 35 Thou hast given me the defence of | Thy sal-va-tion : Thy right hand also shall hold me up, and Thy loving correction shall | make me great. EVENING PRAYER. DAY III. 36 Thou shalt make room enough under me | for to go : that my I foot-steps shall not slide. yj I will follow upon mine enemies, and | o-ver-take them : neither will I turn again till 1 1 have de?stroy-ed them. 38 I will smite them, that they shall not be!a-ble to~ stand : but \fall under my feet. 39 Thou hast girded me with strength | un-to the^bat-tle : Thou shalt throw down mine | en-emies un-der me. 40 Thou hast made mine enemies also to turn their | backs up-on me : and I shall destroy | them that hate me. 41 They shall cry, but there shall be | none to help them : yea, even unto the Lord shall they cry, but He | shall not hear them. 42 I will beat them as small as the dust be- 1 fore the wind : I will cast them out as the \c/ay in the streets. 43 Thou shalt deliver me from the strivings | of the peo-ple : and Thou shalt make me the | head of the /5^-then. 44 A people whom 1 1 have not known : shall | . . serve me. 45 As soon as they hear of me, they | shall o-bey me : but the strange children shall dis- 1 sem-ble with me. 46 The strange I chil-dren shaWT* fail : and be afraid | out of '"their prisons. 47 The Lord liveth, and blessed be my \ strong Help-er : HepraUetk Cod and praised be the God of |my sal-cation. /or Hh *"*&* 48 Even the God that seeth that 1 1 be a-veng-ed : and subdueth the | peo-ple un-to me. 49 It is He that delivereth me from my cruel enemies, and setteth me up above mine|ad-ver-sa-ries : Thou shalt rid me| from the wick-ed man. 50 For this cause will I give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, Ia-|mong the Gen-tiles : and sing|prais-es unto Thy Name. 51 Great prosperity giveth He|un-to^His King : and sheweth loving-kindness unto David His Anointed, and unto his I seed for ev-er-more. Glo-|| ry ee to the Father,! and t0 tbjeTSvm : and| to the ho-ly ghost ; as it ii was in the beginning, is now, and j ev-er shall be : world with- i out end. -4 -men. Day IV. MORNING PRAYER. I 3=* MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XIX. Colli enarr ant. 1 \ 3rd Tone. g^g=^ ~?^ =>=g!=z: g= a L«L, g f^T 5 ^ 22ZZ I I J=b=^ ^Z ^=?2= ■1 — r 22: s 7% that the Lord hel P eth His Anointed, and will hear him from His|ho-ly hea-ven : even with the whole- some strength of | His right hand. 7 Some put their trust in chariots, and | some in hor-ses but we will remember the Name of the | Lord our God. 8 They are brought | down, and fal-len : but we are risen, and | stand up-right. 9 Save, Lord, and hear us, O | King of hea-ven : when we j call up-on Thee. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TUYr Son : AND [ TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. A thanksgiving for victory. PSALM XXI. Dominc, in virtute tua. i fct 8th Tone. 9 ^ -- §g= f i t ,, s F THE || King shall rejoice in Thy strength, 0|Lord : ex- ceeding glad shall he be of Thy sal- 1 va-tion. 2 Thou hast given him his heart's de- 1 sire : and hast not denied him the re- 1 quest oPhis^lips. 3 For Thou shalt prevent him with the blessings of | good- ness : and shalt set a crown of pure gold up | on his^head. 4 He asked life of Thee, and Thougavest him a | long life : even for ever and | ev-er. 5 His honour is great in Thy sal- 1 va-tion : glory and great worship shalt Thou lay up- 1 on him. 6 For Thou shalt give him everlasting fe- 1 li-city : and make him glad with the joy of Thy |coun-tenance. EVENING PRAYER. Day IV. 7 And why? because the King putteth his trust in the | Lord : and in the mercy of the most Highest he shall not mis- 1 car-ry. 3rd Tone. X 8 All Thine || enemies shall | feel Thy hand : Thy hand shall find out I them that hate Thee. right Confidence of further success. 9 Thou shalt make them like a fiery oven in | time of~Thy wrath : the Lord shall destroy them in His displeasure, and the I fire shall zorC^sume them. 10 Their fruit shalt Thou root | out of theT earth : and their seed from a- 1 mong; the children of men. 1 1 For they intended | mis-chief against Thee : and imagined such a device as they are not|a-ble to per-form. 1 2 Therefore shalt Thou | put them \oT flight : and the strings of Thy bow shalt Thou make ready a- 1 gainst the face of them. 13 Be Thou exalted, Lord, in Thine \own strength : so will we I sing, and praise Thy power. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^ Son : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-METs. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XXII. Deus, Deus mens. 3rd Tone. M 1 ' f Y || God, my God, look upon me ; why hast [ Thou for- David cornel sa-ken~me : and art so far from my health, and from it dis- t le words of|my complaint ? couragement. Day IV. EVENING PRAYER. i * r - ^=^- 3t e! 2 O my God, I cry in the day-time, but Thou | hear-est not : and in the night-season also 1 1 take no rest. 3 And Thou con- 1 tin-uest ho-ly : O Thou | Wor-ship of "Is- rael. 4 Our fathers | ho-ped in^ Thee : they trusted in Thee, and Thou | didst de-li-ver^them. 5 They called upon Thee, j and were hol-pen : they put their trust in Thee, and were | not con-found-ed. 6 But as for me, I am a | worm, and"no man : a very scorn of men, and the outcast | of the peo-ple. 7 All they that see me | laugh me to^ scorn : they shoot out their lips, and shake their | heads, say-ing, 8 He trusted in God, that | He would de^liv-er^him : let Him deliver him, if | He will have him. Hefirayethin g But Thou art He that took me out of my|mo-ther's great distress. womo . Thou wast my hope, when I hanged yet upon my | mo-ther's breasts. io I have been left unto Thee ever since 1 1 was born i Thou art my God even from my|mo-thers womb. 1 1 O go not from me, for trouble is | hard at hand : and there is | none to help me. 12 Many oxen are | come a-bout me : fat bulls of Basan close me in on | ev-ery side. 13 They gape upon me | with their months', as it were a ramping and a | roar-ing li-on. 14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are | out of joint-, my heart also in the midst of my body is even|//>&? melt-ing^wax. 15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue | cleav-eth to my^gums : and Thou shalt bring me into the j dust of death. 16 For many dogs are | come a-bout me : and the council of the wicked layeth | siege a-gainst me. 17 They pierced my hands and my feet ; I may tell | all my bones : they stand staring and|look-ing up"on me. 18 They part mylgar-ments a^mong them : and cast lots up- 1 on my ves-ture. EVENING PRAYER. DAY IV. 19 But be not Thou far from | me. O Lord : Thou art my succour, j haste Thee to^help me. 20 Deliver my soul | from the sword : my darling from the power I of the dog. 21 Save me I from the li-on's^mouth : Thou hast heard me also from among the horns | of the u-nicorns. jt/i Tone. 22 I will j| declare Thy Name unto my \ breth-ren : in the He^raisethGod. midst of the congre-|ga-tion will I praise Thee. 23 O praise the Lord, ye that | fear Him : magnify Him, all ye of the seed of Jacob, and fear Him, jail ye seed of Is-rael. 24 For He hath not despised, nor abhorred, the low estate of the I poor : He hath not hid His face from him, but when he called I un-to Him He heard him. 25 My praise is of Thee in the great congre-|ga-tion : my vows will I perform in the | sight of them that fear Him. 26 The poor shall eat, and be | sa-tisfied : they that seek after the Lord shall praise Him; your | heart shall live for ev-er. 27 All the ends of the world shall remember themselves, and be turned unto the | Lord : and all the kindreds of the nations shall | worship be-fore Him. 28 For the kingdom is the | Lord's : and He isthe|Gov- ernour a^mong the peo-ple. 29 All such as be fat upon j earth : have|^/-en, and wor- shipped. 30 All they that go down into the du c shall kneel be- 1 fore Him : and no man hath|quick-ened h.\?Toiu?i soul. 31 My seed shall] serve Him : they shall be counted unto the Lord | for a ge-ne-ra-tion. 32 They shall come, and the heavens shall declare His[ right-eousness : unto a people that shall be|&?/v/, whom the Lord hath^made. Day IV. EVENING PRAYER. 'tz-r^^r^^r^-^^ 1 3E3? i GLO- I! RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE | SON : AN] TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVE] SHALL BE- WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^i-MEN. PSALM XXIII. Do minus regit me. f— i — \ Jth Tone. f-^- — » — i — t — f^r -=& l 2^ *2r T^ ! I i I jzL jgL jzL jzL 1 i i 1— i gp r r* ii «-^ sz: 1 32 — Sfc 1 :g=^: David's tenji- dence in God's grace. ^HE || Lord is|///y Shep-herd therefore can 1 1 lack no-thing. 2 He shall feed me in a.\green pas-ture : and lead me forth beside the|wa-ters of^com-fort. 3 He shall con- 1 vert my soul : and bring me forth in the paths of righteousness, | for His Name's sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will | fear no e-vil : for Thou art with me ; Thy rod and Thy| ^/^com-fort^me. 5 Thou shalt prepare a table before me against | them that trou-ble^me : Thou hast anointed my head with oil, and my | cup shall heTfull. 6 But Thy loving-kindness and mercy shall follow me all the | days of~my life : and I will dwell in the house of the j Lord for ev-er. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^Son : AND| TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND j EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. MORNING PRAYER. Day V. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XXIV. Domini est terra. THE I] earth is the Lord's, and all that | there-in is : the God's lordship in compass of the world, and | they that dwell there-in. ^uhen^tf IT** 2 For He hath founded it up-|on the seas : and prepared | spiritual kin^ it up-on the floods. 3 Who shall ascend into the | hill of \hzTLord : or who shall rise up | in His ho-ly place ? 4 Even he that hath clean | hands, and a~pure heart : and that hath not lift up his mind unto vanity, nor sworn to de- 1 ceive his m^/i-bouv. 5 He shall receive the blessing | from the Lord : and right- eousness from the God of | his sal-z/tf-tion. 6 This is the generation of | them that seek Him : even of them that seek thy | face, O y^-cob. , , , __ , 5th Tone. «P^ &~& SZ!±Z2t±2S 5=^ : ^T- -~-Ls< 4=£ EE^EH t^-j£-g: d I wsE^m zz - r z-f— r^g- 7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye An exhortation fever- 1 last-ing doors : and the King of|glo-ry ^aXTcome in. i Him - 8 Who is the | King of glo-ry : it is the Lord strong and mighty, even the | Lord migh-ty in^bat-tle. 9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye €ver-|last-ing doors : and the King of|glo-ry shallow//*/ in, io Who is the | King of glo-ry : even the Lord of hosts, | He is the^King of glo-ry. GLO- || RV BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^Son \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND j EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ,4 -MEN. Day V. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XXV. Ad / He C pray etk } for vJ I have | put my trust in Thee : O let me not be con- remissionofsins, founded, neither let mine enemies I tri-umph o-ver me. and for help in affliction. 2 For all they that hope in Thee shall \not be a-sham-ed : but such as transgress without a cause shall be | put tcPcori- yw-sion. 3 Shew | me Thy ways, O Lord : and | teach me Thy paths, 4 Lead me | forth in^Thy truth, and learn me : for Thou art the God of my salvation ; in Thee hath been my [hope all the^day long. 5 Call to remembrance, O | Lord, Thy ten-der mer-cies : and Thy loving-kindnesses, which | have been ev-er of^old. 6 O remember not the sins and of- 1 fen-ces of my youth : but according to Thy mercy think Thou upon me, O | Lord, for^Thy ^w^-ness. 7 Gracious and | right-eous is the Lord : therefore will He teach | sin-ners in the way. 8 Them that are | meek shalPHe guide in judge-ment : and such as are gentle, | them shalPHe learn His way. 9 All the paths of the | Lord are mer-cy and^ truth : unto such as keep His covenant, and His|tes-ti-;;^-nies. io For Thy | Nam e y s sake, O Lord : be merciful unto my| sin, for it is great. 1 1 What man is | he, that fear-eth XheTLord : him shall He teach in the | way that He shall choose. 12 His | soul shall dwell dXease: and his seed | shall in-he-rit the"Tand. 13 The secret of the Lord is a- 1 mong them that fear Him : and He will shew | them His co-ve-nant. 14 Mine eyes are ever | look-ing un-to th.oT Lord : for He shall pluck my \feet out of the^net. MORNING PRAYER, DAY V. 1 5 Turn Thee unto me, | and have mer-cy up?on me : for I am desolate, | and in mis-e-ry 1 6 The sorrows of my | heart are en-larg-ed : O bring Thou me | out of^my trozt-bles. 17 Look upon my ad- 1 ver-si-ty and mi-sery : and for- 1 give me all my sin. 18 Consider mine enemies, \hou ma-ny they^'are : and they bear a tyrannous | hate ^-gaiiist me. 19 O keep mx\sottl, and de-li-ver~me : let me not be con- founded, for I have | put my trust in Thee. 20 Let perfectness and righteous | deal-ing wait up-on me : for my \ hope hath been in Thee. 21 Deliver I Is-rael, O God : out of | all his froit-bles. GLO- I] RY BE TO THE | FA-THER, AND TO THE* Son \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS | NOW, AND EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4-MEN. PSALM XXVI. Judica me, Domine. ( 3rd Tone. P ^z — — ^^ — ^zs zzi — ^y I ..... . Ill, I J I J I 111 3rzt |J & -^ -^ g> ^ „ rg ^ -^ rt • J , BE Thou || mv^Judge, O Lord, for I have walked | in-no- £««** «w* ^cent-ly : my trust hath been also in the Lord, | there-fore %£t ShalPl not fall. integrity' 2 Examine me, 0|Lord, and prove me : try out my \ reins and my heart. 3 For Thy loving-kindness is ever be- 1 fore mine eyes : and I will I walk in Thy truth. 4 I have not dwelt with | vain per-sons : neither will I have fellowship I with the deTV*#-ful. 5 I have hated the congregation | of the wick-ed : and will not sit a-|mong the^un-£w/-ly. 6 I will wash my hands in innocency, | Lord : and so will I I go to^Thinc a/-tar ; Day V. EVENING PRAYER. i fe* t=^L T=t =2=^=^ '-^~ 7 That I may shew the | voice of"thanks-giv-ing : and tell of J all Thy vvon-drous works. 8 Lord, I have loved the habitation | of Thy house ; and the place where Thine | ho-nour dwe//-eih. 9 O shut not up my soul | with the sin-ners : nor my life with the | friood-t/iirs-ty ; io In whose | hands is wick-edness : and their right (hand is full of gifts. ii But as for me, I will walk|in-no-cent-ly : O deliver me, and be | mer-ciful un-to me. 12 My foot | stand-eth right : I will praise the Lord in the| con-gre-^-tions. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE* So 11 : AND J TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-E] SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4 -MEN. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XXVII. Dominus illiuninatio. Se §e*# is: r imm Jth Time, A. Ft ■22=3-- m m* zz: -&- ^2_ 2=21 m David sustain- p I "HE || Lord is my light, and my salvation ; whom then eth his faith by J_ sh u j. f tl Lord is th strength f my life ; of the power of (jod, . . . . . . j .... ° J by his love to the whom then | shall I be a-fraid ? 2 When the wicked, even mine enemies, and my foes, came upon me to eat up my | flesh : they | stum-bled and fell. 3 Though an host of men were laid against me, yet shall not my heart be a- 1 fraid : and though there rose up war against me, yet will I |put my trust in Him. 4 One thing have I desired of the Lord, which I will re-| quire : even that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the fair beauty of the Lord, and to | vi-sit His^vw-ple. EVENING PRAYER. DAY V. 5 For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His taber- j na-cle : yea, in the secret place of His dwelling shall He hide me, and set me up-jon a rock of stone. 6 And now shall He lift up mine | head : above mine enemies | round a-bout me. 7 Therefore will I oner in His dwelling an oblation with great | glad-ness : I will sing, and speak jprai-ses un-to the" Lord. 7tk Tone. ~j£* h ~ , _ -j ! p 1 i —it- ] r-^r ^ 1 ^ r-3 ■ • ^ ! 1 -^^Vm — -^ — ff — ft). I fn — ^r-T J. J. 1 i | i r~^ — • r 3 — P — ^ ^ — l ^ n- ^ -^^^ U » ^ : L. , s ; o J*^ r ^ tp ° H 1 1 U j j j £^-0- 8 Hear-ken || unto my voice, O Lord, when I cry | un-to byjn&ir* Thee : have mercy upon | me, and hear me. 9 My heart hath talked of Thee, Seek | ye My face : Thy face, | Lord, will I seek. io O hide not Thou Thy | face from me : nor cast Thy servant away | in <\.\s-plea-s\\rz. ii Thou hast | been my suc-cour : leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of|my sal-^rt-tion. 1 2 When my father and my | mo-ther for^sake me : the Lord j ta-keth me up. 13 Teach me Thy | way, O Lord : and lead me in the right way, be- 1 cause of~mine en-e-mies. 14 Deliver me not over into the will of mine|ad-ver-sa-ries : for there are false witnesses risen up against me, and | such as speak wrong. 15 I should utter- 1 ly have faint-ed : but that I believe verily to see the goodness of the Lord in the | land of the" liv-mg. 16 O tarry thou the \ Lord's lei-sure : be strong, and He shall comfort thine heart ; and put thou thy | trust in the Lord. Geo- II rv be to the Father, | and to the~.5V?« : and | to the Ho-ey Ghost : as it |j was in the beginning, is now, and | ev-er shall be : world with-|out end. a-siy.s. Day V. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XXVIII. Ad te 9 Domine. 3rd Tone. his enemies. David prayeth T T N-TO || Thee will I cry, O | Lord my strength : think no inst U scorn of me; lest, if Thou make as 'though Thou hearest not, I become like them that go down | in-to the^pit. 2 Hear the voice of my humble petitions when I cry|un-to Thee : when I hold up my hands towards the mercy-seat of Thy | ho-ly tem-ple. 3 O pluck me not away, neither destroy me with the ungodly and | wick-ed do-ers : which speak friendly to their neighbours, but imagine | mis-chief in their^hearts. 4 Reward them according | to their deeds : and according to the wickedness of their | own in-ven-tions. 5 Recompense them after the | work of^their hands : pay them that they | have de-serv-ed. 6 For they regard not in their mind the works of the Lord, nor the operation | of His hands : therefore shall He break them down, | and not build them^up. j* s , 8th Tone. 5= i 4-U-^- ^P=^ ^ ~-T ^ St i^n ^=ff: S± 5^ m m Hebiesseth God. j Prai-sed || be the I Lord : for He hath heard the voice of m Pit f0 " my|hum-ble pe^ti-tions. 8 The Lord is my strength, and my shield ; my heart hath trusted in Him, and I am|help-ed : therefore my heart danceth for joy, and in my song | will I praise Him. 9 The Lord is my | strength : and He is the wholesome defence of | His A-noint-ed. io O save Thy people, and give Thy blessing unto Thine in- 1 he-ritance : feed them, and set them | up for ev-er. EVENING PRAYER. DAY V. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE | SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER | SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM XXIX. Afferte Domino. i j//z 7V?7z~C2 -£?- -=&d£. I I A m mm ^==z ^=x ~Z2~- Hepraiseth God 2 1 O how || plentiful is Thy goodness, which Thou hast laid ior His goodness. up for | them that fear T h ee : and that Thou hast prepared for them that put their trust in Thee, even be- 1 fore the sons of men ! 22 Thou shalt hide them privily by Thine own presence from the pro-|vo-king of^all men : Thou shalt keep them secretly in Thy tabernacle | from the strife of tongues. EVENING PRAYER. DAY VI. 23 Thanks I be to ihe^Lord: for He hath shewed me marvellous great kindness in a j strong ct-ty. 24 And when I made | haste, I said : I am cast out of the | sight of Thi?ie eyes. 25 Nevertheless, Thou heardest the | voice of~ my prayer \ when I j cri-ed un-to Thee. 26 O love the Lord, all | ye His saints : for the Lord pre- served them that are faithful, and plenteously rewardeth the | proud do-er. 27 Be strong, and He shall es-|tab-lish~your heart : all ye that put your|/rz/iv' in the Lord. GLO- jj RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TUE^Son : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT |i WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | £V-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. ^-MEN. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XXXII. Beati, quorum. ftg= . . —4 3rd Tone. ¥ ^± ^^tH^tV ' ^=^^ 11 11 j&. 1 1 pg *^ ^F^-_-^ 11 n^ ^ BLESSED |i is he whose unrighteousness | is for-gi-ven : Blessedness con* and whose I sin is co-vered. sistetkm rtmu- 1 szon of sins. 2 Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord im-|pu-tcth~no Confession o/sins sin : and in whose spirit | there is wo guile. . ease to the conscience. 3 For while 1 1 held my tongue : my bones consumed away [, rin> , through my | dai-ly com^plain-ing. 4 For Thy hand is heavy upon me | day and night : and my moisture is like the | drought in sum-mer. 5 I will acknowledge my sin | un-to Thee : and mine unrighteousness I have I~not hid. 6 I said, I will confess my sins | un-to the^ Lord : and so Thou forgavest the wickedness | of my sin. 7 For this shall every one that is godly make his prayer unto Thee, in a time when Thoujmayest he found : but in the great water-floods they shall not\come nigh him. Cod's f>>t ; joy. Day VI. EVENING PRAYER. P 8 Thou art a place to hide me in, Thou shalt pre- ] serve me frorrPtrou-ble : Thou shalt compass me about with | songs of^de-li-verance. 9 I will inform thee, and teach thee in the way where- 1 in thou shalt"^ : and I will guide thee | with mine eye. 10 Be ye not like to horse and mule, which have no|un- der-stand-ing : whose mouths must be held with bit and bridle, lest they | fall up-on thee. ii Great plagues remain | for the^un-god-ly : but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord, mercy embraceth him on | e-very side. 12 Be glad, O ye righteous, and re-|joice in thoTLord: and. be joyful, all ye that are | true of heart. Glo-|| ry be to the Father, | and to TUE^Son : and| TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND j EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-MEN. God is to be Praised for His goodness, for His Power, a.7idfor His pro- vidence. Confi- detice is to be placed in God. PSALM XXXIII. Exultate, justi $ Sjt 3rd Tom 3 a -H " 1 -^ ? r 3 *=T ^m \=S21 ^aux &± 1SL R 1 E- 1| JOICE in the Lord, O ye|right-eous : for it be- cometh well the just to be | thank-ivX. 2 Praise the Lord with] harp : sing praises unto Him with the lute, and instrument of | ten strings. 3 Sing unto the Lord a | new song : sing praises lustily unto Him with a good | eou-ra.ge. 4 For the word of the Lord is | true: and all His works are \fait/i-fu\. 5 He loveth righteousness and|judge-ment : the earth isj full of the goodness | of the Lord. 6 By the word of the Lord were the heavens | made : and] all the hosts of them by the | breath oPHis mouth. EVENING PRAYER. DAY VI. 7 He gathereth the waters of the sea together, as it were, upon an | heap : and layeth up the deep, as in a J trea-sure- house. 8 Let all the earth fear the | Lord : stand in awe of Him, all ye that dwell | in the world. 9 For He spake, and it was | done : He commanded, and it | stood fast. io The Lord bringeth the council of the heathen to | nought : and maketh the devices of the people to be of none effect, and casteth out the counsels of | priu-ces. 1 1 The counsel of the Lord shall endure for | ev-er : and the thoughts of His heart from generation to gene- 1 ra-tion. 12 Blessed are the people, whose God is the Lord Je-|ho- vah : and blessed are the folk, that He hath chosen to Him to be His in- 1 he-ri-tance. 13 The Lord looked down from heaven, and beheld all the children of | men : from the habitation of His dwelling He considereth all them that dwell ! on the earth. 14 He fashioneth all the | hearts of ~them : and under- standeth | all their works. 1 5 There is no king that can be saved by the multitude of an J host : neither is any mighty man delivered by | much strength. ^ hnrQf* iq rniinfpH hnt- n vain thir x „ 16 A horse is counted but a vain thing to save a | man : neither shall he deliver any man by his \great strength. 17 Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that] fear Him : and upon them that put their trust in flis\mer-cy ; 18 To deliver their soul from | death : and to feed them in the I time of dearth. 19 Our soul hath patiently tarried for the | Lord : for He is our help, | and our shield. 20 For our heart shall re-joice in | Him : because we have hoped in His|ho-ly Name. 21 Let Thy merciful kindness, O Lord, be up-|on us ; like as we do put our | trust in Thee. Glo-H ry be to the Father, and to the | Son : and TO THE j HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT II WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVERJ SHALL BE: WORLD WITHOUT I END. A-MEN. Day VI. EVENING PRAYER. P PSALM XXXIV. Benedicam Doniino. \ , . 7th Tone. P ihW* T3£ ^ T d -7!^- * I g> 1^- "^^-y- I ' -fcsr -- J r^ ^=d ^ ?=z=g: ^^ CSC 2^3 s *=t ^ David praiseth God, and ex- horteth others thereto by his experience. They are blessed that trust in God. He exhorteth to the fea r of God. The privileges of the righteous. I WILL || alway give thanks |un-to XheTLord : His praise shall ever be | in my mouth. 2 My soul shall make her | boast in the^Ztf-tion. it shall rejoice in they laid to my charge | to the great dis- 1 good io All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto Thee, Who deliverest the poor from him that is too | strong for him yea, the poor, and him that is in misery, from | him that spoil- eth him ? 1 1 False witnesses did | rise up : things that^I knew not. 1 2 They rewarded me | e-vil for' com-fort of my soul. 13 Nevertheless, when they were sick, I put on sackcloth, and humbled my | soul with fast-ing : and my prayer shall turn into mine | own do-som. 14 I behaved myself as though it had been my friend, 1 01 my bro-ther : I went heavily, as one that mourneth | for his nw-ther. 15 But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gatherec them- 1 selves to-ge-ther : yea, the very abjects came together against me unawares, making mouths at|me, and ceas-e<~ not. 16 With the flatterers were|bu-sy mock-ers : who gnashed up- 1 on me with their teeth. 17 Lord, how long wilt Thou | look upon this : O deliver nn soul from the calamities which they bring on me, and my darling | from the //-ons. MORNING PRAYEk. DAY VII. 1 8 So will I give Thee thanks in the great j con-gre-ga-tion : 1 will praise Thee a-|mong much/^-ple. $ 4 1 7 th Tone. AJi.^^.'s- d=^=^ r^-^r^—^--^ a .-^-4 ss— - I III . „,.. >i V- ^ - g g g g „- I J ^ ^ *S> «*- 19 O II let not them that are mine enemies triumph over| Thereby he in me un-god-ly : neither let them wink with their eves that citcih God hate me without a cause. agamst them - 20 And why ? their communing is | not for peace : but they imagine deceitful words against them that are | qui-et in the land. 21 They gaped upon me with their | mouths, and said'. Fie on thee, fie on thee, we | saw it with our eyes. 22 This Thou hast | seen, O Lord : hold not Thy tongue then, go not | far from me, O Lord. 23 Awake, and stand up to | judge my quar-rel : avenge Thou my cause, my | God, and my Lord. 24 Judge me, O Lord my God, according | to Thy right- eousness : and let them not | tri-umph o-ver me. 25 Let them not say in their hearts, There, there, | so would we^have it : neither let them say, | We have deTvour-ed him. 26 Let them be put to confusion and shame together, that e-|joice at^my trou-ble : let them be clothed with rebuke and dishonour, that boast them- 1 selves z-gai?ist me. 27 Let them be glad and rejoice, that favour my | right-eous deal-ing : yea, let them say alway, Blessed be the Lord, who hath pleasure in the prosperity | of His j^r-vant. 28 And as for my tongue, it shall be talking | of Thy right- eousness : and of Thy praise | all the day long. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE* Son \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- | OUT END. ^4 -MEN. Day VII. MORNING PRAYER. WE PSALM XXXVI. Dixit injustus. -n 1 1- ¥ S=Se£ 5E=^ ^i^=:^ES t=P 7M 7W. p BP ^ ?^Sz mt J-A ^2=tt -^_£=^ J_ :^: :^=S 77zi? grievous estate of the •wicked. The ex- cellency of God's mercy. David praycth for favour to God's children. MY heart || sheweth me the wickedness | of the^un-god-ly that there is no fear of | God be-fore his eyes. 2 For he flattereth himself in his\own sight : until his abominable | sin be found out. 3 The words of his mouth are unrighteous, and | full oFM( ceit : he hath left off to behave himself wisely, j and to do good. 4 He imagineth mischief upon his bed, and hath set himself in | no good way : neither doth he abhor any thing | that is e-\\v. 5 Thy mercy, O Lord, reacheth | un-to the^hea-vens : and Thy faithfulness | zm-to the clouds. 6 Thy righteousness standeth like the | strong moun-tains : Thy judgements are | like the great deep. 7 Thou, Lord, shalt save both man and beast ; How ex- cellent is Thy I mer-cy, O^God : and the children of men shall put their trust under the | sha-dow of Thy wings. 8 They shall be satisfied with the plenteousness | of Thy house : and Thou shalt give them drink of Thy pleasures as | out of the^ri-ver. and in Thy ight 9 For with Thee is the | well of life shall we see light. 10 O continue forth Thy loving-kindness unto | them that know Thee : and Thy righteousness unto | them that^are true of heart. 11 O let not the foot of pride | come a-gainst me : and let not the hand of the un- 1 god-ly cast me down. 1 2 There are they fallen, all that | work wick-edness : they are cast down, and shall | not be a-ble to^stand. Glo-H ry be to the Father, [and to the^Soh : and| to the ho-ly ghost ; as it ii was in the beginning, is now, and | ev-er shall be: world with- i out end. a-uen. EVENING PRAYER. Day VII. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XXXVII. Noli amulari. ^— ^r— g ^ g ~~ ^— g— ^? 1st Tone. m T^—p- P m FRET not ' ; thvself because | of the^un-godlv : neither be David persuade thou envious against the | e-vil do-ers. ' &££%£ 2 For they shah soon be cut down | like the grass : and be ^i^MetftZ ered even | as the green herb. godly and tfu 3 Put thou thy trust in the Lord, and be|do-ing good'. in the land, and verily | thou shalt be fed. 4 Delight thou (in the Lo?'d : and He shall give | thee thy heart's de-sire. 5 Commit thy way unto the Lord, and put thy | trust in Him : and He shall | bring it to pass. 6 He shall make Thy righteousness as | clear as \heTlight: and thy just dealing | as the noon-day. 7 Hold thee still in the Lord, and abide patiently up- 1 0/2 Him : but grieve not thyself at him, whose way doth pros- per, against the man that doeth after j e-vil coun-sels. 8 Leave off from wrath, and let | go dis-plea-sure : fret not thyself, else shalt thou be moved to\do e-vil. 9 Wicked doers shall be|root-ed out : and they that patiently abide the Lord, | those shall inhe-rit the^land. 10 Yet a little while, and the ungodly shall he\clean gone : thou shalt look after his place, and | he shall be a-way. 11 But the meek-spirited shall pos-|sess the earth : and shall be refreshed in the muiti-|tude of peace. 12 The ungodly seeketh counsel a- 1 gainst the just : and gnasheth up-|on him with his teeth. 13 The Lord shall | laugh him \oT scorn : for He hath seen that his j day is com-ing. 14 The ungodly have drawn out the sword, and have| bent their bow : to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as are of a right I con-vcr-sa-tion. Day Vll. EVENING PRAYER, i £=^ ^=i2- -^— i-^— ^ a: 15 Their sword shall go through their \ own heart : and their I bow shall be^bro-ken. 16 A small thing that the | right-eous hath : is better than great riches | of the^un-god-ly. 17 For the arms of the ungodly | shall be bro-ken : and the Lord up-|hold-eth the^right-eous. 18 The Lord knoweth the | days of the~god-ly : and their inheritance shall en- 1 dure for ev-er. 19 They shall not be confounded in the | pe-rilous time : and in the days of dearth | they shall have e-nough. 20 As for the ungodly, they shall perish ; and the enemies of the Lord shall consume as the | fat of lambs : yea, even as the smoke, shall | they con-sume a-way. 2 1 The ungodly borroweth, and payeth | not a-gain : but the righteous is merci-|ful, and li-be-ral. 22 Such as are blessed of God shall pos-fsess the land : and they that are cursed of Him | shall be root-ed out. 23 The Lord ordereth a | good man's go-ing : and maketh his way ac- 1 cep-table to Him-self. 24 Though he fall, he shall not be | cast a-way : for the Lord up-|hold-eth^him with His hand. 25 I have been young, and I now am old : and yet saw I never the righteous forsaken, nor his seed | beg-ging their bread. 26 The righteous is ever merci- 1 ful, and lend-eth : and his I seed is bles-sed. 27 Flee from evil, and do the | thing that^is good : and | dwell for ev-er-more. 28 For the Lord loveth the | thing that^is right : He for- saketh not His that be godly, but they are pre-|serv-ed for^ ev-er. 29 The unrighteous | shall be pun-ished : as for the seed of the ungodly, | it shall be^root-ed out. 30 The righteous shall in-|he-rit ihe^land: and dwell there- 1 in for ev-er. 31 The mouth of the righteous is exer- 1 cis-ed^in wis-dom : and his tongue will be | talk-ing of^judge-ment. MORNING PRAYER. DAY VIII. 32 The law of his God is] in his heart : and his|go-ings shall not slide. 23 The ungodly I seeth the right-eous : and seeketh oc-| :a-sion to^slay him. 34 The Lord will not leave him | in his hand : nor condemn [lim I when he is^judg-ed. 2>S Hope thou in the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall promote thee, that thou shalt pos- 1 sess the la?id : when he ungodly shall perish, | thou shalt see it. 36 I myself have seen the ungodly in \great pow-er : and Nourishing like a \greeu bay-tree. ^ yj I went by, and I lo, he w&s^gone : I sought him, but lis place could | no where be found. 38 Keep innocency, and take heed unto the | thing that^is iglit : for that shall bring a man \peace at the last. 39 As for the transgressors, they shall |pe-rish toge-ther : md the end of the ungodly is, they shall be rooted \out at he last. 40 But the salvation of the righteous cometh|of the Lord'. vVho is also their strength in the | time of trou-ble. 41 And the Lord shall stand | by them, and^save them: e shall deliver them from the ungodly, and shall save them, >ecause they | put their trust in Him. GLO- j| RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TYLyTSoh \ AND | o the Ho-ly Ghost ; AS IT II WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EY-ER JHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. i MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XXXVIII. Dominc, nc in furore. 2nd Tone. =t= -" ^ \ >, : J J ^ 1 1 ' l ! J I w? s ^^ m=m=m David uicveth PUT me |! not to rebuke, O Lord, in Thine |an-ger -.neither ^ to take com- 1 • 'T-i i j- I a j possum of his chasten me in rhv heavy dis-|//^7-sure. pitiful am. E 2 Day VIII. morning prayer. fc£ P t=^ zg=£Z. 2 I'or Thine arrows stick fast | in me : and Thy hand [ press-eth^me sore. 3 There is no health in my flesh, because of Thy dis- 1 plea- sure : neither is there any rest in my bones, by reason | of my sin. 4 For my wickednesses are gone over my | head : and are like a sore burden, too heavy for | me to bear. 5 My wounds stink, and are cor- 1 rupt : through my | fool- ish-ness. 6 I am brought into so great trouble and | mi-sery : that I go mourning | all the^day long. 7 For my loins are filled with a sore dis- 1 ease : and there in no whole part in my | bo-dy. 8 I am feeble, and sore | smit-ten : I have roared for the very disquietness | of my heart. 9 Lord, Thou knowest all my de- 1 sire : and my groaning is not | hid from Thee. io My heart panteth, my strength hath | fail-ed^me : and the sight of mine eyes is | gone from me. 1 1 My lovers and my neighbours did stand looking upon my|trou-ble : and my kinsmen stood &-\far off. 12 They also that sought after my life laid I snares for^me : and they that went about to do me evil talked of wickedness, and imagined deceit | all the^day long. 13 As for me, I was like a deaf man, and | heard not : and as one that is dumb, who doth not | o-pen^his mouth. 14 I became even as a man that|hear-eth^not : and in whose mouth are | no re-proofs. 1 5 For in Thee, O Lord, have I put my | trust : Thou shalt answer for me, O | Lord my God. 16 I have required that they, even mine enemies, should not triumph | o-ver^me : for when my foot slipped, they rejoiced greatly &-\gainst me. 17 And I, truly, am set in the | plague : and my heaviness is ever I in my sight. 18 For I will confess my|wick-edness : and be sorry | for my sin. MORNING PRAYER. DAY VIII. 19 But mine enemies live, and are|migh-ty : and they that hate me wrongfully are many in | num-ber. 20 They also that reward evil for good are a- 1 gainst me: because I follow the thing that \good is. 2 1 Forsake me not, O Lord my | God : be not Thou | far from me. 22 Haste Thee to | help me : O Lord God of my sal- 1 ^rt-tion. GLO J! RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE | SON ; AND TO THE I HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER| SHALL BE : WORLD WITHOUT ! END. A-MEN. i PSALM XXXIX. Duct, custodiam. 3rd Tone. ^£>- } — 1 £-; H — 1 — ■&*- —&r-?s « «■ pr - ^ ^. p, II I ' i I -*=^ K *E^£ zz i — r £2. ^=t^=^=^=^= ZZ i — r III SAID, I will take I heed to~my ways: that I of- 1 fend David's care of not in my tongue. ZSSg&J? 2 I will keep my mouth as it | were with a^bri-dle : while the ^ vi Jl/ gnd 1 s i • y-s. -i vanity of life, the un-|god-ly IS m my Sight. £fe reverence of 3 I held my tongue, and | spake no-thing : I kept silence, ment/^tS yea, even from good words ; but it was | pain and grief Player, are his t o ~ m e bridles of i„?f 1 - LU IIie " tie nee. 4 My heart was hot within me, and while I was thus musing the \firc kin-died : and at the last 1 1 spake with my tongue ; 5 Lord, let me know mine end, and the number | of my days : that I may be certified how | long I have to^live. 6 Behold, Thou hast made my days as it | were a span long : and mine age is even as nothing in respect of Thee ; and verily every man living is alto-|ge-ther van-ity. 7 For man walketh in a vain shadow, and disquieteth him- 1 self in rain : he heapeth up riches, and cannot tell | who shall ga-ther^them. 8 And now, Lord, | what is~my hope : truly my | hope is ev-en^in Thee. Day VIII. MORNING PRAYER. *J :^z: ^=zz: 22: 9 Deliver me from | all mine of ^fen-ces : and make me not a rebuke | unto the fool-ish. 10 I became dumb, and opened | not my mouth : for it| was Thy do-ing 11 Take Thy plague a-|way from me : I am even con- sumed by the | means of ~Thy hea-vy^hand. 12 When Thou with rebukes dost chasten man for sin, Thou makest his beauty to consume away, like as it were a moth I fret-ting a^gar-ment : every man therefore! is but van-ity. 13 Hear my prayer, O Lord, and with Thine ears con- sider my call-ing : hold not Thy | peace at my tears. 14 For I am a|strang-er with Thee : and a sojourner, as all my fa-thers^were. 1 5 O spare me a little, that I may re- 1 co-ver^my streiigth before I go hence, | and be no^more seen. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE $011 \ AND TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. EV-ER PSALM XL. Expectant cxpcctavi. The benefit of confidence in God. Obedience is the best sacri- fice. 1st Tone. I!! WAITED patiently I for the Lord: and He inclined unto me, and | heard my call-ing. 2 He brought me also out of the horrible pit, out of the j mire and clay : and set my feet upon the rock, and | or-der-ed my go-ings. 3 And He hath put a new | song in^my mouth \ even a thanks- 1 giv-ing un-to^our God. 4 Many shall | see it, TmdTfear : and shall put their \ trust in the Lord. MORNING PRAYER. DAY VIII. 5 Blessed is the man that hath set his | hope in the^ Lord : and turned not unto the proud, and to such asjgo a-bout with lies. 6 O Lord my God, great are the wondrous works which Thou hast done, like as be also Thy thoughts which | are tc us-ward : and yet there is no man that | or-dereth^them un-to Thee. 7 If I should declare them, a.nd\speah of them : they should be more than 1 1 am a-ble to express. 8 Sacrifice, and meat-offering, Thou | would-est not : but mine | ears hast Thoit o-pened. 9 Burnt-offerings, and sacrifice for sin, hast Thou [not re-qui-red : then said l,\Lo, I come. \o In the volume of the book it is written of me, that I should fulfil Thy will, | O my God : I am content to do it ; yea, Thy law is with-|*Vi my heart. 1 1 I have declared Thy righteousness in the great | con^ gre-ga-tion : lo, I will not refrain my lips, O Lord, and | that Thou know-est. 12 I have not hid Thy righteousness with- 1 in my heart : my talk hath been of Thy truth, and of | Thy W-va-tion. 1 3 I have not kept back Thy loving | mer-cy^and truth : from the \great con-gre-ga-tion. i\ Withdraw not Thou Thy mercy | from me, O^Lord : The sense of let Thy loving-kindness and Thy truth |rt/-way pre-serve me. f } ^a^. t ^) l lis 1 5 For innumerable troubles are come about me ; my sins P ra y cr - have taken such hold upon me that I am not able to | look tip : yea, they are more in number than the hairs of my head, and my \ heart hath fail-ed^me. 1 6 O Lord, let it be Thy pleasure to de-|li-ver me : make haste, O | Lord, to help me. 17 Let them be ashamed, and confounded together, that seek after my | soul to destroy it : let them be driven back- ward, and put to re-|buke, that wish me e-vil. 18 Let them be desolate, and re- 1 ward-ed^with shame: that say unto me, Fie upon thee, \fie up-on thee. 19 Let all those that seek Thee be joyful and | glad in Thee : and let such as love Thy salvation say alway, The I Lord be prais-ed. Day VIII. EVENING PRAYER. ^£E^E^ S3Ei 1^=^ 20 As for me, I am [ poor and nee-dy : but the Lord | car- eihfor me. 21 Thou art my helper | and re-deem-er : make no long tarrying, | my God. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^« : AND | to the Ho-ly^Ghost ; AS IT II WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I out end. A-MEN. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XLI. Be at us qui intelligit. 1st Tone. poor. David complaineth of his enemies' treachery. God's care of the "OLES-SED || is he that considereth the | poor and nee-dy : JD the Lord shall deliver him in the | time of trou-ble. 2 The Lord preserve him, and keep him alive, that he may be blessed up- 1 on earth : and deliver not Thou him into the I will of^his en-emies. 3 The Lord comfort him, when he lieth sick up- 1 on his bed : make Thou all his | bed in^his sick-ness. 4 I said, Lord, be merciful | un-to me : heal my soul, for I have I sin-ned a^gainst Thee. 5 Mine enemies speak | e-vil of me : When shall he die, and his | name pe-rish ? 6 And if he come to see me, he | speak-eth van-ity : and his heart conceiveth falsehood within himself, and when he cometh | forth he tell-eth it. 7 All mine enemies whisper to- 1 ge-ther a^gainst me : even against me do they i- 1 mag-ine this^e-vil. 8 Let the sentence of guiltiness pro-|ceed a-gainst him : and now that he lieth, |let~him rise up no more. EVENING PRAYER. DAY VIII. 9 Yea, even mine own familiar friend, | whom I trust-ed : who did also eat of my bread, hath | laid great wait for me. 10 But be Thou merciful unto | me, O Lord : raise Thou He ficeth to God me up again, and 1 1 shall re^ward them. for succour. ii By this I know Thou | fa-vourest me : that mine enemy doth not | tri-umph a^gainst me. 12 And when I am in my health, | Thou up-hold-est~me : and shalt set me before Thy | face for ev-er. 13 Blessed be the Lord | God of Is-rael : world with- 1 out end. A-men. GLO J! RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE"^ : AND [ TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT |i WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM XLII. Qucmadmodum. ± Tonus Regius. L IKE as !| the hart desireth the | wz-ter-drooks : so longeth David's zeal to my soullaf-ter Thee, O God. serve God in the J ' temple. He en- 2 My soul is athirst for God, yea, even for the | liv-ing God: courageth his when shall 1 come to appear be- [fore the pre-sence of^God? c'Jd. ° *** ** 3 My tears have been my meat | day and night : while they daily say unto me, | Where is now thy God ? 4 Now when I think thereupon, I pour out my | heart by^" ray-self : for I went with the multitude, and brought them forth I in-to the^house of God ; 5 In the voice of praise and | thanks-g\v-mg : among such as | keep ho-ly-day. 6 Why art thou so full of heaviness, | O my soul : and why art thou so disquiet- |ed with-z'// me ? 7 Put thy | trust in God : for I will yet give him thanks fok the | help of^His coun-te-nance. Day VIII. EVENING PRAYER. -^ — L^_^=^: ^e8 i 8 My God, my soul is|vex-ed with^in me : therefore will I remember Thee concerning the land of Jordan, and the little | hill of Her-mon. 9 One deep calleth another, because of the noise of the | wa.-ttr-pipes : all Thy waves and storms are \gone o-ver me. 10 The Lord hath granted His loving-kindness | in the day-time : and in the night-season did I sing of Him, and made my prayer unto the | God of my life. 1 1 I will say unto the God of my strength, Why hast | Thou for-got-ten^me : why go I thus heavily, while the enemy op- \pres-seth me ? 12 My bones are smitten asunder | as with aT sword : while mine enemies that trouble me | cast me in the teeth ; 13 Namely, while they say | dai-ly un-to^me : Where is[ now thy God ? 14 Why art thou so vexed, | O my soul : and why art thou so disquiet- 1 ed with-/;/ me ? 15 O put thy I trust in God : for I will yet thank Him, which is the help of my | count-enance, and my God. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TKETSoH I AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND [ EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEK. PSALM XLIII. Judica me, Dens. F ^ t=^ 3 Regius. X=T- I'll I ! I 'S*- -- IAJ. -—„ — f=i — &- -&.*> 1 wid t praying /""* IVE sentence with me, O God, and defend my cause e%e7nT™ d pro- ^* against the un-|god-ly peo-ple : O deliver me from David, praying to the imse't/iJo'seA'e the de- 1 ceit-ful and^wick-ed man. encoitrageth his 2 For Thou art the God of my strength, why hast Thou | w to trust in p Ut me f rom Thee : and why go I so heavily, while the enemy op- \press-eth me ? MORNING PRAYER. DAY IX. 3 O send out Thy light and Thy truth, that | they may lead me : and bring me unto Thy holy hill, and | to Thy dwell-mg. 4 And that I may go unto the altar of God, even unto the God of my | joy and giad-ness : and upon the harp will I give thanks unto | Thee, O God, my God. 5 Why art thou so heavy, | O my soul : and why art thou so disquiet- 1 ed with-/;? me ? 6 O put thy | trust in God : for I will yet give Him thanks, which is the help of my|count-enance, and my God. GLO- I RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^W : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EY-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. ^4-MEN. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XLIV. Dens, auribas. 2nd. Tone. WE have " heard with our ears, O God, our fathers The Church, in have | told us : what Thou hast done in their | time of ZlZjZJb, old ; 2 How Thou hast driven out the heathen with Thy hand, and planted them | in : how Thou hast destroyed the nations, and | cast them out. 3 For they gat not the land in possession through their own | sword : neither was it their own arm that | help-ed them ; 4 But Thy right hand, and Thine arm, and the light of Thy|count-enance : because Thou hadst a favour |un-to them. 5 Thou art my King, 0|God : send help unto|/ t ?-cob. Day IX. MORNING PRAYER. i £*- ~ =^ Et^5 6 Through Thee will we overthrow our | en-emies : and in Thy Name will we tread them under, that rise up a- \gainst us. 7 For I will not trust in my | bow : it is not my sword that shall | help me ; 8 But it is Thou that savest us from our|en-emies : and puttest them in confusion that ( hate us. 9 We make our boast of God all day | long : and will praise Thy Name for|^-er. yth Tone. tomfilainethof ™ But||now Thou art far off, and puttest | us to~con-fu- thdr present sion : and goest not I forth with^our ar-m\es. 1 1 Thou makest us to turn our backs up- 1 on our en-emies : so that they which j hate us spoil our goods. 12 Thou lettest us be eaten | up like sheep : and hast scattered us a- 1 mong the to-then. 13 Thou sellest Thy|peo-ple for* nought : and takest no| mo-ney/^r them. 14 Thou makest us to be rebuked | of our neigh-bours : to be laughed to scorn, and had in derision of them that are| round a-bout us. 15 Thou makest us to be a by-word a- 1 mong the hea- then : and that the people | shake their heads at us. 16 My confusion is | dai-ly beTfore me : and the shame of my I face hath co-vered me ; 17 For the voice of the slanderer | and blas-phe-mer : for the enemy | and a-^/z-ger. Professing her jg And though all this be come upon us, yet do we | not integrity, forget Thee . ROr behave ourselves frowardlyl'in Thy co-ve- nant. MORNING PRAYER. Day IX. 19 Our heart is not | turn-ed back : neither our steps gone| out of Thy way ; 20 No, not when Thou hast smitten us into the | place of dra-gons : and covered us with the | s/ia-dow of death. 21 If we have forgotten the Name of our God, and holden up our hands to any \ strange god: shall not God search it out ? for Ke knoweth the very |se-crets of the heart. 22 For Thy sake also are we killed j all the^day long : and are counted as sheep ap- 1 point-ed to be slain. 5th : i fc: "pr -G *^ J J 1 J J 23 Up, Lord, why I sleep-est^Thou : awake, and be not j SJiefe ent fronTus for ev-er. y ^/ or 24 Wherefore hidest Thou Thy | face : and forgettest our] mi-se-ry and trou-ble ? 25 For our soul is brought low, even unto the | dust: our belly I cleav-eth unto the gj'oiuid. 26 Arise, and j help us : and de- 1 li-ver^us for Thy mer-cy's^ sake. Glo- || ry be to the Father, and to the | Son ; and| to the Ho-ly Ghost; AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER| SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-mcn. PSALM XLV. Eruciavit car meittn. R avian CJuxnt. - Church hath r-s 2 Therefore will we not fear, though the earth be | mov-ed : God. and though the hills be carried into the | midst of~the sea. 3 Though the waters thereof rage and | swell : and though the mountains shake at the tempest | of the same. 4 The rivers of the flood thereof shall make glad the city of I God : the holy place of the tabernacle | of the^most High-est. 5 God is in the midst of her, therefore shall she not be re- 1 mov-ed : God shall help her, and | that right ear-ly. 6 The heathen make much ado, and the kingdoms arej mov-ed : but God hath shewed His voice, and the earth shall j melt 7i-zuay. 7 The Lord of hosts is | with us : the God of Jacob \s\our re-fuge. Day IX. EVENING PRAYER. * ^T~^~ l= wm mi loYetuu!^ 8 ° come hlther > an ^ behold the works of the | Lord : what destruction He hath | brought up-on the^earth. 9 He maketh wars to cease in all the | world : He breaketh the bow, and knappeth the spear in sunder, and burneth the I cha-riots in the^fire. 10 Be still then, and know that I am | God: I will be exalted among the heathen, and I will be ex-|alt-cd in the ""earth. n The Lord of hosts is | with us : the God of Jacob | is our re-fuge. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE ] SON : AND I TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT | J WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER j SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-MEN. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XLVII. nines gentes t plaudite. i Roman Chant. lE^^^E^ 1=:= -^ '-gJ =32: I i i ^^: &— - ^^^^^m^±^m & *^> «^_ ^=^^ - ^— r * nations are ^x CLAP || your hands together, | all ye peo-ple : O sing * ne nations are S x exhorted cheer- H J f ully to entertain V_y unto I God with the^voice of me-lodv exlior Christ domoJ 2 For the Lord is highland to^be fear-ed : He is the great | King upon all the earth. 3 He shall subdue the | peo-ple un-der^us : and the | na-tions un-der^our^*/. 4 He shall choose out an | he-ritage- for us : even the wor- ship of | Ja-cob whom He lov-ed. 5 God is gone up with a| mer-ry noise : and the | Lord with the^sound of^the trump. 6 O sing praises, sing praises | unto our God : O sing praises, sing | prai-ses un-to^our King. EVENING PRAYER. DAY IX. 7 For God is the King of | all the earth : sing ye [praises with un-der-stand-ing. 8 God reigneth | o-ver the^hea-then : God sitteth up- 1 on His ho-ly seat. 9 The princes of the people are joined unto the people of the ; God of A-braham : for God, Which is very high exalted, doth defend the earth, | as it~were with a shield. Glo- ry be to the Father, | and to the^Son : and | to the Ho-ly Ghost j AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- j OUT END. A-nien. PSALM XLVIII. Magnus Domimis. (P^I^ 8th Tom. -t£5 <5> —~^—^-^ = ^? I m ^ eL I I JE lz GREAT is ji the^Lord, and highly | to be prais-ed : in the The ornaments city of our God, even up- 1 on His ho-ly^hill. ^chZZhT ° f 2 The hill of Sion is a fair place, and the joy | of the^whole earth : upon the north-side lieth the city of the great King ; God is well known in her palaces | as assure re-fuge. 3 For lo, the | kings of the^earth : are gathered, and gone | by to-ge-ther. 4 They marvelled to | see such things : they were astonish- ed, and|sud-denly cast down. 5 Fear came there upon them, | and sor-row : as upon a woman | in her tra-vail. 6 Thou shalt break the | ships of the^sea : through | . the east-wind. 7 Like as we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city | of our God : God upholdeth the | same for ev-er. 8 We wait for Thy loving- |kind-ness, O^God : in the | midst of~Thy tem-ple. 9 O God, according to Thy Name, so is Thy praise unto the | world's end : Thy right hand is ! full of nght-eousness. Day IX. EVENING PRAYER. £*: ^=^=3- 2Z 10 Let the mount Sion rejoice, and the daughter of| Ju-dah be^glad : be- [ cause of~Thy judge-ments. 11 Walkabout Sion, and go | round a -bout her: and j tell the towers thereof. 12 Mark well her bulwarks, | set up^her hou-ses : that ye may tell | them that^come af-ter. 13 For this God is our God for|ev-er and~ev-er : He shall be our \gitide un-to^death. Glo-||ry be to the Father, | and to the^Son : and| TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT II WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM XLIX. Attdite hcec, omnes. t 3rd Tone. OH HEAR ye this, | all ye peo-ple : ponder it with your ears, all ye that | dwell in the world j 2 High and low, | rich and poor : one\with an-o-ther. An earnest per- suasion to build the faith of resurrection, not tin tuorldly ^Td^wiridiy 3 M y mouth shall I speak of wis-dom : and my heart shall prosperity is not muse of | ^/z-^fcr-stand-ing. to be admired. T .,- . .. . . " , . . . . 4 1 w T ill incline mine ear | to the pa-rable : and shew my dark | speech up-on the^harp. 5 Wherefore should I fear in the | days of wick-edness : and when the wickedness of my heels compasseth me\roicnd a-bout. 6 There be some that put their | trust in^their goods : and boast themselves in the multitude | of their rich-es. 7 But no man may de-|liv-er~his bro-ther : nor make agreement unto| God for him ; 8 For it cost more to re- 1 deem their souls : so that he must let that a- 1 lone for ev-er ; EVENING PRAYER. DAY IX, 9 Yea, though he | live long : and | see not the grave. 10 For he seeth that wise men also die, and|pe-rish to~geth-er : as well as the ignorant and foolish, and leave their |r/<://-es for o-ther. 1 1 And yet they think that their houses shall con- 1 ti-nue for^ev-er : and that their dwelling-places shall endure from one generation to another ; and call the lands |af-ter~their own navies. 12 Nevertheless, man will not a- 1 bide in ho-nour : seeing he may be compared unto the beasts that perish ; | this is the way of^them. 13 This I is their fool-ishness : and their posterity \praise their say-ing. 14 They lie in the hell like sheep, death gnaweth upon them, and the righteous shall have domination over them | in the morn-ing : their beauty shall consume in the sepulchre | out of their dwell-ing. 1 5 But God hath delivered my soul from the | place of hell: iox\He shall re-ceive me. 16 Be not thou afraid, though | one be^made rich : or if the glory of his \ house be in-creas-ed ; 17 For he shall carry nothing away with him | when he di-eth : neither | shall his pomp fol-low^him. 18 For while he lived, he counted himself an |hap-py man : and so long as thou doest well unto thyself, | men will speak good ofthee. 19 He shall follow the generation! of his fa-thers : and shall I ne-ver see light. 20 Man being in honour hath no|un-der-stand-ing : but is compared unto the | ^7^ that pe-rish. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^Son : AND| to the Ho-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND ] EY-ER SHALL BE ; WORLD WITH- 1 out end. A-MEN. Y 2 Day X. MORNING PRAYER. I MORNING PRAYER. PSALM L. Deus deorum. m 7th Tone. # $=&=&£ -p-p-^ : 5^ I I I sL ^ -£=L I ! I ^S ^ -£2— „_ -^_ r^ 22: 1 zz 1321 W^: God in ine Church. His order to gather saints. The majesty of h Jj 'HE || Lord, even the most mighty | God, hath spo-ken : A and called the world, from the rising up of the sun, unto the | go-ing down there-of. 2 Out of Sion hath I God ap-pear-ed : in|per-fect beau-ty. 3 Our God shall come, and shall | not keep si-lence : there shall go before Him a consuming fire, and a mighty tempest shall be stirred up | round z.-bout Him. 4 He shall call the heaven | from 3,-bove : and the earth, that He may | judge His/^-ple. 5 Gather My saints to- |geth-er un-to^Me : those that have made a covenant with | Me with sa-cri-flce. 6 And the heaven shall de-|clare His right-eousness : forj God is Judge Him-self. 1 7 th Tone. g? - l ! n —J ! =T ,-J— -I- i=SJ ^- H --^- ^^ 22=^: ei^di ■^r -± jffi. ?=c ^ T~ The pleasure of God is 71 ot in ceremonies, 7 Hear, || O My people, and|I will speak : I Myself will testify against thee, O Israel ; for I am God, |e-ven thy God. 8 I will not reprove thee because of thy sacrifices, or for thy burnt | off-er-ings : because they were not | al-way^be-fore Me. 9 I will take no bullock | out of ^thine house : nor he-goat | out of~ thy folds. 10 For all the beasts of the | forest are Mine : and so are the cattle up-|on a thou-sand~hills. MORNING PRAYER. DAY X. 1 1 I know all the fowls upon the | moun-tains : and the wild beasts of the field are | in My sight. 12 If I be hungry, I will | not tell thee : for the whole world is Mine, and | all that is therein. 13 Thinkest thou that I wi\l\eat bulls' flesh : and | drink the blood of "goats ? 14 Offer unto God thanks- \giv-mg : and pay thy vows unto the\Afost High-est. 1 5 And call upon Me in the time of j tfou-hle : so will I hear thee, and | thou shalt praise Me. 1 16 But || unto the ungodly \said God : Why dost thou but m sincerity preach My laws, and takest My|co-venant in thy mouth ; of obedience. 17 Whereas thou hatest to (be re-form-ed : and hast cast My I words he-hind thee ? 18 When thou sawest a thief, thou con- 1 sent-edst un-to"him : and hast been partaker | with the"a-dul-ter-ers. 19 Thou hast let thy | mouth speak wick-edness : and with thy tongue thou hast | set forth de-ceit. 20 Thou satest, and spakest a- 1 gainst thy ■ bro-ther : yea, and hast slandered thine \01un mo-ther's son. 21 These things hast thou done, and I held My tongue, and thou thoughtest wickedly, that I am even such a one | as thyself : but I will reprove thee, and set before thee the | things that thou hast done. 22 O consider this, ye that for- \gct God : lest I pluck you away, and there be | none to deli-ver you. 23 Whoso offereth Me thanks and praise, he|ho-noureth Me : and to him that ordereth his conversation right will I shew the sal-|va-tion of God. GlO- I! RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TUK^Son : ANDJ TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-ME8, DAY X, MORNING PRAYER. PSALM LI. Miserere me?, Deus. £ ^SE^ElElEEEgEats^g Tone Irregular. ; IT' i.. i ■ ! . i r ii j j j ! i & & & i i i gf r~ & — tr^^TF „ r *-& _„J 1 M^ pz m David prayeth T T AVE || mercy upon me, O God, | af-ter Thy great good- {Zs?Zt S reof/if -Ll ness : according to the multitude of Thy mercies do maketh a deep a- 1 way mine of ^fen-ces. C prayeth for sane- 2 Wash me | through-ly from my wick-edness : and | cleanse tification. me f rom m y s i n . 3 For 1 1 ac-know-ledge^my faults : and my sin is|ev-er before me. 4 Against Thee only have I sinned, and done this | e-vil in Thy sight : that Thou mightest be justified in Thy saying, and clear when | Thou art yV/<^ r -ed. 5 Behold, 1 1 was sha-pen^in wick-edness : and in sin hath my | mo-ther con^ceiv-ed me. 6 But lo, Thou requirest | truth in the^in-ward parts : and shalt make me to understand |wis-dom se-cret-ly. 7 Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, and | / shall be clean : Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be | whi-tex than snow. 8 Thou shalt make me | hear of joy and glad-ness : that the bones which Thou hast | bro-ken may re-joice. 9 Turn | . Thy face from^my sins : and put out | all my mis- deeds. io Make me a \ clean heart, O God : and renew a right | spi-rit with^Ya* me. 1 1 Cast me not a- 1 way from Thy pre-sence : and take not Thy Holy | Spi-rit from me. 12 O give me the comfort of | Thy help ti-gain : and stablish me with | Thy free 6^/-rit. God dclightcth \ 3 Then shall I teach Thv | ways un-to the^wick-ed : and &%'%%%&. sinners sha11 be con-lvert-ed un-to Thee. % P Chnrch f ° r I4 Deliver me Jrom blood-guiltiness, O God, Thou that| art the God of^rny health : and my tongue shall | sing of "^Thy right-eous-ness. MORNING PRAYER. DAY X. 15 Thou shalt | open my lips, O Lo?'d : and my | mouth shall shew Thy praise. 16 For Thou desirest no sacrifice, \else would I give it^Thee : but Thou delightest | not in^ burnt-off-er-ings. 17 The sacrifice of I God is a^troub-led spi-rit : a broken and contrite heart, O God, | shalt Thou not des-pise. 18 O be favourable and|gra-cious un-to Si-on : build Thou the I walls of Je~i u-sa-lem. 19 Then shalt Thou be pleased with the sacrifice of right- eousness, with the burnt- 1 off-erings and ob-la-tions : then shall they offer young bullocks up- 1 on Thine « /-tar. GLO- II RY BE TO THE I FA-THER, AND TO THE* Son : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS | NOW, AND EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- | OUT END. ^4-MEN. PSALM LII. Quid gloriaris ? 3rd Tone. BVi^nrn \\ 1 — r THY || boastest thou thyself, I thou ty-rant : thatlthoii* ?**£ "^TV 11 , . - . c J 7 ' J l ing the sfnteful- canst do mis-chief ; nesso/Doeg, 2 Whereas the | good-ness^of God : en- 1 dureth yet ^Stn^m. dai-ly ? The righteous shall rejoice at 3 Thv tongue imagineth | wick-ed-;/^^ : and with lies thou it David, upon cuttest I like^a sharp ra-zor. his confidence in 1 r God s v/ercy, 4 Thou hast loved unrighteousness | more than good-ness : g^th thanks. and to talk of lies | more than right-eousness. 5 Thou hast loved to speak all words that | may do hurt : O I thou false tongue. 6 Therefore shall God de- [ stroy thee for^ev-er : He shall take thee, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling, and root thee out of the I land^of the liv-ing. 7 The righteous also shall [see this, TmdTfear : and shall) laugh^him to scorn : Day X. EVENING PRAYER. i *& :zz: :^: S^ 8 Lo, this is the man that took not | God for^his strength : but trusted unto the multitude of his riches, and strengthened himself | in his wick-edness. 9 As for me, I am like a green olive-tree in the | house of God : my trust is in the tender mercy of God for | ever and ev-er. 10 I will always give thanks unto Thee for | that Thou hast^done : and I will hope in Thy Name, for Thy saints | like it well. Glo-||ry be to the Father, I and to nu^TSon • and| TO THE HO-LY^GHOST; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-MEN. P EVENING PRAYER. PSALM LIII. Dixit insipiens. 1st Tone. i^l f=3* :2t pz £S ^ A Y m David describeth the corriiption of a 7iatural man. He convinceth tJie wicked by the light of their own conscience. He glorieth in the salvation of God. THE || foolish body hath | said in^his heart : There is|no God. 2 Corrupt are they, and become abominable | in their wick-edness : there is none that | do-eth^good. 3 God looked down from heaven upon the | children of men : to see if there were any, that would understand, and seek |af-ter~ God. 4 But they are all gone out of the way, they are altogether become a- |bom-i-na-ble : there is also none that doeth good, | no not^one. 5 Are not they without understanding \S\2X\work wick- edness : eating up my people as if they would eat bread ? they have not called up- 1 on God. EVENING PRAYER. DAY X. 6 They were afraid where \no fear was : for God hath broken the bones of him that besieged thee ; thou hast put them to confusion, because God hath de- 1 spis-ed them. 7 Oh, that the salvation were given unto Israeli out of Si-on : Oh, that the Lord would deliver His people out of cap-|ti-vity ! 8 Then should |Ja-cob rejoice : and Israel should bej right glad. GLO- i| RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE"^ : AND TO THE|HO-LY~GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITHOUT END. | A-MEN. PSALM LIV. Dcus, in Nomine, & r 1 1st Tone. ^— & — ^ S>— n S> ! v — ! n- — *a — ^ — =d — *~-*-*-z — H- ^h-i =| 1 com- SAVE me,|| O God, | for Thy Name's sake : and avenge Dot me in I Thy strength. ' Paining of tiu 1 ■" ° Ziphims, pray- 2 Hear mv I prayer, O God : and hearken unto the I words etk/oruOtnUum, of my mouth. dfnceinGodi -^ , , help he promiseth 3 For strangers are nsen|up a-gainst me : and tyrants, sacrifice, which have not God before their eyes, seek | after my soul. 4 Behold, | God is~my help-er : the Lord is with them that up- 1 hold my soul. 5 He shall reward evil | un-to^minc en-emics : destroy Thou them | in Thy truth. 6 An offering of a free heart will I give Thee, and praise Thy | Name, O Lord : because it is so | com-forta-ble. 7 For He hath delivered me out of | all my trou-ble : and mine eye hath seen His desire upon mine|en-e-mies. GLO- {I RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TBtiTSotl : AND TO THE | HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITHOUT END. | -4 -MEN. Day X. EVENING PRAYER. David in his prayer com- plaineth of his fearful case. PSALM LV. Exaudi, Deus. m ist Tone. -I 1 — Vj i g)_- ^^ I A BE || merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me, for my David in prayer soui trusteth in | Thee : and under the shadow of Thy cZlpfairieth tf wings shall be my refuge, until this tyranny be | over-past. his dangerous 2 I will call unto the most high | God : even unto the God that shall perform the cause which 1 1 have in hand. 3 He shall send from | hea-ven : and save me from the reproof of him that would | eat me up. 4 God shall send forth His mercy and | truth : my soul is among | //-on s. 5 And I lie even among the children of men, that are set on | fire : whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their | tongue a^sharp sword. 6 Set up Thyself, O God, above the | hea-vens : and Thy glory above | all the earth. 7 They have laid a net for my feet, and pressed down my| soul : they have digged a pit before me, and are fallen into the midst of] it them-selves. -£s * , , : — -r-h-t mTme ' wm zr_ Z^I m Z r J_JL T & e<>' « : ^ ■ == -^ — «?■ 8 My heart is fixed, O God, my | heart is fix-ed : I will | sing, ancPgive praise, 9 Awake up, my glory ; awake, | lute and harp : I myself will a- 1 wake right ear-ly. io I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, a-|mong the peo-ple : and I will sing unto Thee a- 1 mong the na-tions. 1 1 For the greatness of Thy mercy reacheth | un-to the~ hea-vens : and Thy truth | un-to the^clouds. He encourageth /ii>;t self to praise God. Day XI. MORNING PRAYER. i f£ w ^-U^i— ^ is£ 12 Set up Thyself, O God, a-|bovethe hea-vens : and Thy glory a- 1 bove all the^earth. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON : AND] TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM LVIII. Si vere uiique. yth Tone. David refiroveth ivicked judges, describeth the nature of the •wicked, devote th them to God's judgements, tuhereat the righteous shall rejoice. A RE your || minds set upon righteousness, O ye | con-gre- l\ ga-tion : and do ye judge the thing that is right, | O ye sons of men ? 2 Yea, ye imagine mischief in your heart up-|on the earth : and your hands | deal with wick-ed-ness. 3 The ungodly are froward, even from their |mo-ther's womb : as soon as they are born, they go a- 1 stray, and speak lies. 4 They are venomous as the poison | of a ser-pent : even like the deaf adder that I stop-peth her ears ; 5 Which refuseth to hear the | voice of^the charm-er : charm he | ne-ver soTwiseAy. 6 Break their teeth, O God, in their mouths ; smite the jaw-bones of the|li-ons, O^Lord: let them fall away like water that runneth apace ; and when they shoot their arrows | let theirPbe root-ed out. 7 Let them consume away like a snail, and be like the untimely | fruit of a"v/G-ruan : and let | them not see the sun. 8 Or ever your pots be made | hot with thorns : so let indignation vex him, even as &\thi?ig that is raw. 9 The righteous shall rejoice when he | se-eth the^ven- EVENING PRAYER. DAY XI. geance : he shall wash his footsteps in the | blood of the^un- god-\y. 10 So that a man shall say, Verily there is a re- 1 ward for the^righ-teous : doubtless there is a God thatj/z/^-eth the earth. Glo||ry be to the Father, J and to the"\S^ : and| TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-UEJU. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM LIX. Eripe me de inimicis. P ist Tone. =^ fesE ^^ J=lgEg=feg =f-g^ i^a ■wrw A. A" DE- 1| LIVER me from mine enemies, | God : defend me Damdfrayeth from them that | rise up a-gainst me. /JLkU^L. 2 O deliver me from the | wick-ed do-ers : and save me ^aS^^HS?* from the | &lood-th\rs-ty me?i. l€lr crHC y ' 3 For lo, they lie waiting j for my soul : the mighty men are gathered against me, without any offence or | fault of me, O Lord. 4 They run and prepare themselves with- | out my fault : arise Thou therefore to | help me, and he-hold. 5 Stand up, O Lord God of hosts, Thou God of Israel, to visit | all the hea-then : and be not merciful unto them that of- 1 fend of mali-cious wicked-ness. 6 They go to and | fro in the~even-ing : they grin like a dog, and run a- | bout through the ci-ty. 7 Behold, they speak with their mouth, and swords are| in their lips : for | who doth hear ? 8 But Thou, O Lord, shalt have them | in de-ri-sion : and Thou shalt laugh all the | hea-then to scorn. 9 My strength will I ascribe \ un-to Thee : for Thou art the | God of my re-fuge. N.tJ. Tone changes for v. io. Day XL EVENING PRAYER. ist Tom HetrttsteiJt in IO Q oc i || sheweth me His | good-ness plen-teously : and %ainst then* * God shall let me see my desire up- | 071 mine en-emies. Hepraxseth God. J ^ gj ay ^^ no ^ ^ my j p e0 .p^ e f or g et ft : but scatter them abroad among the people, and put them down, O | Lord our de-fence. 12 For the sin of their mouth, and for the words of their lips, they shall be taken | in their pride : and why ? their preaching is of | cur-sing and lies. 1 3 Consume them in Thy wrath, consume them, that | they may pe-rish : and know that it is God that ruleth in Jacob, and unto the | ends of the world. 14 And in the evening | they will rectum : grin like a dog, and will | go a-bout the ci-ty. 1 5 They will run here and | there for meat : and grudge if they I be not sa-tis-fi-ed. 16 As for me, I will sing of Thy power, and will praise Thy mercy be- | times in the^morn-ing : for Thou hast been my defence and refuge in the | day of my trou-ble. 17 Unto Thee, O my strength, | will I sing: for Thou, O God, art my refuge, and my | mer-ci-ful God. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TKE^Sou \ AND | TO THE HO-LY Ghost J AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I out end. A-MEN. David, com- plaining to God ?f former judge- ments, now, tipon better hope, fray eth for de- liverance. PSALM LX. Dens, repidisti nos . ist Tone. I 221 F 22: wm i^8r^r& J &- T 551 -d <£?_ t^ T^-TSr I£2_ S 1 F- :^==z: OH GOD, Thou hast cast us out, and scattered | us a- broad : Thou hast also been displeased ; O turn Thee J EVENING PRAYER. Day XL 2 Thou hast moved the land, | and di-vi-ded^it : heal the sores thereof, | for it shak-eih. 3 Thou hast shewed Thy people I hea-vy things : Thou hast given us a | drink of dead-ly wine. 4 Thou hast given a token for | such as fear Thee : that they may triumph be- | cause of the truth. 5 Therefore were Thy be- 1 lov-ed deTli-vered : help me and hear me. with Thy right | hand P ==fc 3rd Tone. zn 3£ \F~f — /g — " > g l m^ s- za sz t ~ Tgr 6 God hath || spoken in His holiness, I will rejoice, and Comforting him- di-l vide Si-chem : and mete out thel val-ley of^^f-coth. self in God's 1 ' J promises, lie 7 Gilead is mine, and Ma-|nass-es is^mtne : Ephraim cravetk that help also is the strength of my head ; Judah is my | law-giv-tx ; trustT/h. 8 Moab is my wash-pot ; over Edom will I cast] out my shoe : Philistia, | be thou glad of me. 9 Who will lead me into the\strong ci-ty : who will bring me | in-to iT-dom ? io Hast not Thou cast us | out, O God : wilt not Thou, O God go | out with our hosts ? 1 1 O be Thou our | help in trou-ble : for | vain is the^help of man. 12 Through God will we|do great acts : for it is He that shall tread | down our en-e-mies. GLO-||RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO HYLYTSoh \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE^ WORLD WITH- | OUT END. ^4-MEN. Day XI. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM LXI. Exandi, Deus. 5th Tone. -^=!=^£ ^p^-^- i 1 1 u 1 . (S, — c ^ n 1 1 I ^1 David fleetk to T TEAR my || crying, | O God : give ear | un-to^my prayer, former experi- *■ -■■ 2 From the ends of the earth will 1 1 call upon 7^^ : S^" wh en my heart | is in hea-viness. fe'causTof His"' 3 ° set me U P u P on the rock that is I ni g n ~ er than~7 : for promises. " Thou hast been my hope, and a strong tower for me a- 1 gainst the en-emy. 4 I will dwell in Thy taber- 1 na-cle for^ev-er : and my trust shall be under the covering of | Thy wings. 5 For Thou, O Lord, hast | heard my desires : and hast given an heritage unto those that | fear Thy Name. 6 Thou shalt grant the king a | long life : that his years may endure throughout all | ge-ne-ra-tions. 7 He shall dwell before | God for ev-er : O prepare Thy loving mercy and faithfulness, that | they may pre^ serve him. 8 So will I alway sing praise | un-to^Thy Name : that I may daily per- 1 form my vows. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^Son : AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-MEN. MORNING PRAYER. DAY XII. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM LXII. XonneDeo? 6th Tone. M Y || soul truly waiteth | still upon God: for of Him| David, prof ess- com-eth my sal-va-tion. Z g GoTdt*™" 2 He verily is my strength and! my sal-va-tion : He is my C0Hra s cik his . _ / t i i n % J it ' enemies. In the defence, so that 1 1 shall not great-W fall, same confidence TT •■ -i! • • -l • r i • , ^. he encourageth 3 How long will ye imagine mischief a- \gainst ey-ery the godly x man : ye shall be slain all the sort of you ; yea, as a tottering trust is to be put wall shall ye be, and | like a bro-ken hedge. ' ^hin^Pawer 4 Their device is only how to put him out whom | God will a t f l Q^J rcybel01 ^ exalt : their delight is in lies ; they give good words with their mouth, but | curse with their heart. 5 Nevertheless, my soul, wait thou | still upon God: for my | hope is in Him. 6 He truly is my strength and | my sal-va-tion : He is my defence, | so that^I shall not fall. 7 In God is my | health, and~my glo-ry : the rock of my might, and in | God is my trust. 8 O put your trust in Him|al-way, ye^peo-ple : pour out your hearts before Him, for | God is our hope. 9 As for the children of men, they | are but van-ity : the children of men are deceitful upon the weights, they are altogether lighter than | Van-i-ty it-self. io O trust not in wrong and robbery, give not yourselves | un-to van-ity : if riches increase, | set not your^heart up-on them. 1 1 God spake once, and twice I have also | heard the same : that power be- 1 long-eth un-to God ; 12 And that Thou, | Lord, art mer-ciful : for Thou re- wardest every man ac- 1 cord-ing to his work. Glo- || RY be to the Father, | and to the^Son : and| TO THE HO-LY GHOST J AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD \YlTH-\out end. A-MEN. G 2 Day XII. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM LXIII. Deus, Deus metis. 3 ytk Tone. i ^f"^^ -I F^^ « — r ^g=^=d=^:=^=i^^^ ^ pi 122=0 <^ r_^-^^-r^-1 =^= ^ p* - 1 — :=^ 1 1 ^ F 3=z: Ztarifr «£rf ^ II GODJ Thou art my God : early I will I seek Thee. for God. His I I " " ' ' ' manner of bless- ^-^ 2 My soul thirsteth for Thee, my flesh also | long-eth ing God. af-ter^Thee : in a barren and dry land | where no wa-ter^is. 3 Thus have I looked for | Thee in ho-li^ness : that I might behold Thy ( power and glo-ry. 4 For Thy loving-kindness is better than the | life it-self : my | lips shall praise Thee. $ As long as I live will I magnify Thee on | this man-ner : and lift up my] hands in^Thy Na??ie. 6 My soul shall be satisfied, even as it were with | mar-row and^fat-ness : when my mouth praiseth Thee with | joy-ful lips. 7 Have I not remembered Thee | in my bed : and thought upon Thee when 1 1 was wak-ing ? 8 Because Thou hast | been my help-er : therefore under the shadow of Thy | wings will I reTjoice. 9 My soul | hang-eth upon Thee : Thy right hand) hath up-hold-en^me. His confidence of io These also that seek the I hurt of~my soul : they shall his enemies' de- crQ i un d er the earth Struction, and t> u I UUUCI L11( ~ eu? "*• his own safety. n Let them fall upon the I edge of the~jawtf .--that they may be a | por-tion for^fox-es. 12 But the King shall rejoice in God ; all they also that swear by Him shall | be com-mend-ed : for the mouth of them that speak | lies shall be"stop-ped. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE"\SV?/* : AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. MORNING PRAYER. Day XII. PSALM LXIV. Exandi, Deus. $ i 1st Tone. W^^E^EEB T zac -(Sh ^ r-r—r^-r j^—f*- rzz. ~ZZL for deliverance, complaining of his enemies. HEAR my || voice, O God, | in my pray-er : preserve my David prayeth life from fear of the | en-em y. 2 Hide me from the gathering together | of the fro-ward : and from the insurrection of wicked | do-ers ; 3 Who have whet their | tongue like bT ^ sword : and shoot out their arrows, even | bit-ter^words ; 4 That they may privily shoot at | him that^is per-fect : suddenly do they hit him, and | fear not. 5 They encourage them- 1 selves in mis-chief : and commune among themselves how they may lay snares, and say, that no man shall | see them. 6 They imagine wickedness, | a?id prac-tise^it : that they keep secret among themselves, every man in the deep of | his heart. , 8th Tone. M-=^=^ 3=£ :g — & &- s 122: ~^r m^ A j ^t 2=3 T=* -^m F ■ g ^ 7 But | God shall suddenly shoot at them with B\swift ar-row : that | they shall be^wound-ed. 8 Yea, their own tongues shall | make them fall : insomuch that whoso seeth them shall | laugh them to^scorn. 9 And all men that see it shall say, | This hath God done : for they shall perceive | that it~is His work. io The righteous shall rejoice in the Lord, and | put his trust in^Him : and all they that are true oi\ heart shall be glad. Glo-H ry be to the Father, | and to the^Son : and| to the ho-ly~ghost j as it || was in the beginning, is now, and | ev-er shall be: world with- i out end. a-men. He promiseth himself to see such an evident destruction of his enemies, as the righteous shall rejoice at it. Day XII. EVENING PRAYER. David praiseth God for His grace. The blessedness of God's chosc7i by reason of benefits. m EVENING PRAYER. PSALM LXV. Te decet hymnus. A- i^f 2=£ i — r 5^^ - — Lgl s <9 <<=S> ^ <± £2. m ^2Z 2Z 1 1 1 1 1 THOU, O || God, art | prais-ed in^Si-on : and unto Thee shall the vow be performed | in Je-ru-sa-lem. 2 Thou that | hear-est the~pray-er : unto | Thee shall all flesh come. 3 My misdeeds pre- 1 vail a-gainstme : O be Thou merciful | un-to oii7' sins. 4 Blessed is the man whom Thou choosest, and receivest| un-to Thee : he shall dwell in Thy court, and shall be satisfied with the pleasures of Thy house, even of Thy | ho-ly tem-p\e. 5 Thou shalt shew us wonderful things in Thy righteous- ness, O God of | our sal-va-tion : Thou that art the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of them that re- 1 main in the^ broad sea. 6 Who in His strength setteth|fast the moun-tains : and is | gird-ed about with power. 7 Who stilleth the raging | of the sea : and the noise of His waves, and the madness | of the ^?-ple. 8 They also that dwell in the uttermost parts of the earth shall be a- 1 fraid at^Thy to-kens : Thou that makest the out- goings of the morning and | eve-ning X.oT praise Thee. 9 Thou visitest the earth, and | bless-est it : Thou makest it | ve-ry p/en-teous. io The river of God is | full of wa-ter : Thou preparest their corn, for so Thou pro- 1 vi-dest for the earth. 1 1 Thou waterest her furrows, Thou sendest rain into the little | val-leys there? of : Thou makest it soft with the drops of rain and blessest the | in-crease of\t. 12 Thou crownest the] year with^Thy good-ness : and Thy | clouds dropyW-ness. 13 They shall drop upon the dwellings | of the wil-derness : and the little hills shall re-|joice on ev-ery side. EVENING PRAYER. DAY XIL 14 The folds shall be | full of sheep : the valleys also shall stand so thick with corn, that | they shall laugh and sing. GLO- I RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^Son : AND| TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM LXVI. Jubilate Deo. ^m^ jt/i Tone. EE£ 8 d .^T^ &&£TGB- I I l I wi m 7 3=& J~ *L =bg: -&- o 1 1 1 — — * — BE |j joyful in God, | all ye lands : sing praises unto the David exhortetk honour of His Name, make H\s\i>raise to be glo- to praise God, to _.- „_ observe His great rious - w/*r/k, to bless 2 Say unto God, O how wonderful art Thou | in Thy works : ™Zi£us benefits. through the greatness of Thy power shall Thine enemies be found I li-ars un-to Thee. 3 For all the world shall | wor-ship Thee : sing of | Thee, and praise Thy Na?ne. 4 O come hither, and behold the | works of God : how wonderful He is in His doing | toward the children of men. 5 He turned the sea into | dry land-, so that they went through the water on foot ; | there did we re-joice thereof. 6 He ruleth with His power for ever ; His eyes be- 1 hold the peo-ple : and such as will not believe shall not be | a-ble to ex-alt themselves. 7 O praise our | God, ye peo-ple : and make the voice of H\s\ ft raise to be heard; 8 Who holdeth our | soul in life : and suffered] | not our feet to slip. 9 For Thou, O God, hastlprov-ed us : Thou also hast tried us, | like as sil-ver^is tri-ed. 10 Thou broughtest us|in-to the'" snare : and laidest, trou-ble upon our loins. 1 1 Thou sufferedst men to ride | o-ver^our heads : we went through fire and water, and Thou broughtest us out|in-to^a wcal-thy pla N.I!. Tone changes for v. 12. Day XII. EVENING PRAYER. I 2=fc sr*"r tzat 7/A 7V«^. H ZZZL I A USE ^ t?= ^ 1 T inF ^- : ^2: Hevowethfor 12 I will || go into Thine house with | burnt-off-mngs : and himself religious w jjj pav Thee my vows, which I promised with my lips, and service to God. , r ^ .., _^__^i_ :__i i- __ r_ •_'-^ -li_ //> declareth God's special goodness to him- self. spake with my mouth, when 1 1 was in^trou-b\e. 13 I will offer unto Thee fat burnt-sacrifices, with the in- cense oi^rams : I will offer | bul-locks and goats. 14 come hither, and hearken, all | ye that^fear God: and I will tell you what He hath | done for my soul. 15 I called unto Him | with my mouth : and gave Him| prai-ses with my tongue. 16 If I incline unto wickedness | with mine heart : the| Lord wilPnot hear me. 17 But I God hath heard me : and considered the | voice of my prayer. 18 Praised be God who hath not cast | out my prayer : nor turned His|mer-cy/r MORNING PRAYER. DAY XIII. 3 Let the people | praise Thee, O God : yea, let j all the peo-ple praise Thee. 4 O let the nations re-|joice and^be glad : for Thou shalt judge the folk righteously, and govern the | na-tions up^on earth. 5 Let the people | praise Thee, O God : let | all the peo-ple praise Thee. 6 Then shall the earth bring | forth her in-crease : and God, even our own God, shall | give us His bless-ing. 7 God | shall bless us : and all the] ends of the^world shall fear Him. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER,] AND TO THE"^ : AND | TO THE HO-LY Ghost J AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I Old end. A-MEN. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM LXVIII. Exurgat Dens. 8th Tone. LET || God arise, and let His enemies be | scat-tered : let A prayer at the them also that hate Him I flee be-fore Him. removing of the 1 Ark. An ex- 2 Like as the smoke vanisheth, so shalt Thou drive them hortatieiito a- 1 way : and like as wax melteth at the fire, so let the ungodly Hhmcrcic" perish at the | pre-sence oi^God. 3 But let the righteous be glad and rejoice before | God : let them also be|mer-ry and^joy-ful. 4 O sing unto God, and sing praises unto His | Name : magnify Him that rideth upon the heavens, as it were upon an horse; praise Him in His Name JAH, and re-|joice be-fore Him. 5 He is a Father of the fatherless, and defendeth the cause of the|wi-dows : even God in His holy|ha-bi-ta-tion. Day XIII, MORNING PRAYER. z* ! i - $ 3z: 1 6 He is the God that maketh men to be of one mind in an house, and bringeth the prisoners out of cap- 1 ti-vity : but letteth the runagates con- 1 ti-nue in^scarce-ness. For His care of j o God, when Thou wentest forth before the|peo-ple : the Church, when Thou wentest | through the wil-derness. 8 The earth shook, and the heavens dropped at the presence of | God : even as Sinai also was moved at the presence of God, Who is the | God of Is-rael. 9 Thou, O God, sentest a gracious rain upon Thine in-|her-itance : and refreshedst it | when it was^wea-ry. io Thy congregation shall dwell there- 1 in : for Thou, O God, hast of Thy goodness pre- 1 pa-red for the^poor. 1 1 The Lord gave the | word : great was the company | of the prea-chers. 12 Kings with their armies did flee, and were dis- 1 com- fited : and they of the household di- 1 vid-ed xheT spoil. 1 3 Though ye have lien among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a | dove : that is covered with silver wings, and her | fea-thers like gold. 14 When the Almighty scattered kings for | their sake : then were they as white as | snow in Sal-mon. 15 As the hill of Basan, so is | God's hill : even an high hill, as the I hill of Ba-san. 16 Why hop ye so, ye high hills? this is God's hill in the which it pleaseth him to | dwell : yea, the Lord will abide in | it for ev-er. 17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thou- sands of|an-gels : and the Lord is among them, as in the holy I place of Si-nai. 18 Thou art gone up on high, Thou hast led captivity captive, and received gifts for | men : yea, even for Thine enemies, that the Lord God might | dwell a-mong them. 19 Praised be the Lord | dai-ly : even the God Who helpeth us, and poureth His bene- 1 fits up-on us. 20 He is our God, even the God of Whom cometh saliva- tion : God is the Lord, by j Whom we escape death. MORNING PRAYER. DAY XIIL 21 God shall wound the head of His|en-emies : and the hairy scalp of such an one as goeth on | still in^his wick-ed- ness. 22 The Lord hath said, I will bring My people again, as I did from | Ba-san : Mine own will I bring again, as I did sometime from xhe\deep of the^sea. 23 That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thine | en-emies : and that the tongue of thy dogs may be|ra/ through the^same. 1 I ■ 5th Tone. m ^=^ ^^J: I 53 , I -«=._J I I I J J J I I I ^ - m j \ «^> ^ *r* * .» ■ . *z> r. — *5 o ^m ^ o w- rz 1 fg- 24 It is || well seen, O God, | how Thou go-est : how Thou, Far His great my God and King, | go-est in the sanc-tuary. works. 25 The singers go before, the minstrels | fol-low af-ter : in the midst are the damsels | play-ing with the tim-brels. 26 Give thanks, O Israel, unto God the Lord in the|con- gre-ga-tions . from the \groimd of the heart. 27 There is little Benjamin their ruler, and the princes of | Ju-dah their^coun-sel : the princes of Zabulon, and the | firm-ces of Neph-thali. 28 Thy God hath sent forth j strength for thee : stablish the thing, O I God, that Thou hast wrought in^us, 29 For Thy temple's sake | at Je-ru-salem : so shall | kings bring pre-sents un-to^Thee. 30 When the company of the spear-men, and multitude of the mighty are scattered abroad among the beasts of the people, so that they humbly bring |pie-ces of^sil-ver : and when He hath scattered the|peo-ple that de-light in"Var ; 31 Then shall the princes come | out of E-gypt : the Morians' land shall soon stretch | out her hands un-to^God. 32 Sing unto God, O ye kingdoms | of the earth : O sing| prai-ses un-to the^Lord ; 3^ Who sitteth in the heavens over all | from the^be-gin- ning : lo, he doth send out His voice, j yea, and that a migh-ty^voice. Day XIII. EVENING PRAYER. pn r^ r ., —S- ^=^ 34 Ascribe ye the power to God|o-ver Is-rael : His wor- ship and | strength is in the clouds. 35 O God, wonderful art Thou in Thy j ho-ly pla-ces : even the God of Israel ; He will give strength and power unto His|peo-ple ; bles-sed^be God. GLO- i| RY BE TO THE FATHERLAND TO THE^Son : AND | TO THE HO-LY Ghost j AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-men. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM LXIX. Salvum me fac. $ *JL W=i «t " J " ?ir I A 3rd Tone. S 5 SE I i « SC W Ff*T=T L A ~zz~- ^U - miesofhissoui. I Day XIV. MORNING PRAYER. I w *=22I -GJ- =f= S 2 Be Thou my strong hold, whereunto I may|al-way resort : Thou hast promised to help me, for Thou art my house of de- 1 fence, and my castle. 3 Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand | of the"^ un-god-ly : out of the hand of the un-| right-eous and cru-el^man. 4 For Thou, O Lord God, art the thing that | / long for : Thou art my hope, |e-ven from my youth. 5 Through Thee have 1 been holden up ever | since I was^ born : Thou art He that took me out of my mother's womb ; my praise shall be | tf/-ways of Thee. 6 I am become as it were a monster | un-to ma-ny : but my sure | trust is in Thee. 7 O let my mouth be filled | with Thy praise : that I may sing of Thy glory and honour | all the day long. 8 Cast me not away in the | time of age : forsake me not when my | strength fail-eth me. 9 For mine enemies speak against me, and they that lay wait for my soul take their counsel to- 1 ge-ther, say-ing : God hath forsaken him ; persecute him, and take him, for there is | none to de-liv-er^him. io Go not far from | me, O God : my God,\ haste Thee to help me. 1 1 Let them be confounded and perish that are a- 1 gainst my soul : let them be covered with shame and dishonour that I seek to do me e-vil. 8th Tone. V jSL ^=s p ? r= A & 32= He promiseth constancy. He prayeth for per- severance. He praise th God, and promiseth to do it cheerfully. 12 As for |j me, I will patiently abide |al- way : and will | praise Thee more and^more. 13 My mouth shall daily speak of Thy righteousness and sal- 1 va-tion : for 1 1 know no end thereof. MORNING PRAYER. DAY XIV, 14 T will go forth in the strength of the Lord | God : and will make mention of Thy | right-eousness on-ly. 15 Thou, O God, hast taught me from my youth up until | now : therefore will I tell of Thy | won-drous works. 16 Forsake me not, G God, in mine old age, when I am gray- 1 head-ed : until I have shewed Thy strength unto this generation, and Thy power to all them that are \yet for to^ come. 17 Thy righteousness, O God, is very | high : and great things are they that Thou hast done ; O God, who is | like un-to^Thee ? 18 O what great troubles and adversities hast Thou shewed me ! and yet didst Thou turn and re- 1 fresh me : yea, and broughtest me from the | deep of^the earth again. 19 Thou has brought metogreatiho-nour : and comforted | me on ev-ery^side. 20 Therefore will I praise Thee and Thy faithfulness, O God, playing upon an instrument of|mu-sick : unto Thee will I sing upon the harp, O Thou Holy | One of Is-rael. 21 My lips will be fain when I sing|un-to^Thee : and so will my soul whom | Thou hast de?liv-ered. 22 My tongue also shall talk of Thy righteousness all the| day long : for they are confounded and brought unto shame that seek to | do me e-vil. Glo-|;ry be to the Father, and to the | Son : and| TO THE HO-LY^GhOST ; AS IT II WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EV-ER | SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM LXXII. Dens, judicium th Tone. *E*^*$=3= 1 A 'A K David, praying for Solomon, p IVE the !| King Thy judgements, O | God : and Thy right- 1%%?%%% V_J eousnessjun-to the^King's son. ku 9 imtype,a$uL 2 Then shall He judge Thy people according unto | right : Christ's' king* and de- 1 fend the poor. {** , 1 * „ bUsseth God. Day XIV. morning prayer, w g^==^ 3 The mountains also shall bring | peace : and the little hills righteousness | un-to^the peo-ple. 4 He shall keep the simple folk by their | right : defend the children of the poor, and punish the | wrong do-er. 5 They shall fear Thee, as long as the sun and moon en- 1 dur-eth : from one generation | to a-no-ther. 6 He shall come down like the rain into a fleece of | wool : even as the drops that | wa-ter \hzT earth. 7 In His time shall the righteous | flou-rish : yea, and abundance of peace, so long as the | moon en-dur-eth. 8 His dominion shall be also from the one sea to the | o-ther : and from the flood |un-to the^world's end. 9 They that dwell in the wilderness shall kneel be- 1 fore Him : His enemies shall | lick the dust. io The kings of Tharsis and of the isles shall give| pre-sents : the kings of Arabia and Saba shall] firing gifts. 1 1 All kings shall fall down be- 1 fore Him : all nations shall | do Him ser-vice. 12 For He shall deliver the poor when he|cri-eth : the needy also, and him that | hath no help-er. 13 He shall be favourable to the simple andjnee-dy : and shall preserve the | souls of xheTpoor. 14 He shall deliver their souls from falsehood and | wrong ; and dear shall their blood be | in His sight. 15 He shall live, and unto Him shall be given of the gold of A-|ra-bia : prayer shall be made ever unto Him, and daily- shall I He be prais-ed. 16 There shall be an heap of corn in the earth, high upon the I hills : His fruit shall shake like Libanus, and shall be green in the city like grass up- 1 on the earth. 17 His Name shall endure for ever; His Name shall remain under the sun among the pos-|te-rities : which shall be blessed through Him ; and all the|hea-then shalPpraise Him. 18 Blessed be the Lord God, even the God of|Is-rael : Which only doeth | won-drous things; 19 And blessed be the Name of His Majesty for|ev-er : EVENING PRAYER. DAY XIV, and all the earth shall be filled with His Majesty. | A-men, A-men. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE | SON : AND TO THE HO-LY~GHOST ; AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVERJ SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. P EVENING PRAYER. PSALM LXXIII. Quam bonus Israeli 1 1 ist Tone. & - 9 )1. ~ r S ^ ~1 ' 1 I r TRU-LY |j God is loving |un-to Is-rael : even unto such The prophet, as | are of andean heart. prevailing in « 1 temptation, 2 Nevertheless, my feet werelal-most gone : my treadings sheweth the occa. ii.tt-it' 7 ' & J ° sion thereof, the had | Well-mgh Slipt. prosperity of the 3 And why ? I was grieved | at the wick-ed : I do also see ™ C *Z$ 'given the ungodly in | such pros-per-ity. thereby, dijfi- 4 For they are in no|pe-ril oi^ death : but are | lus-ty and~ strong. 5 They come in no misfortune like | o-ther folk : neither are they plagued | like o-ther~men. 6 And this is the cause that they are so | hold-en withP pride : and over- 1 whelmed with cru-elty. 7 Their eyes | swell with fat-ness : and they do | e-ven what they^lust. 8 They corrupt other, and speak of | wick-ed blas-phemy ; their talking is a- 1 gainst the Most High. 9 For they stretch forth their mouth |un-to the^hea-ven : and their tongue | go-eth through the^world. io Therefore fall the|peo-ple un-to~them : and thereout suck they no | small ad-van-tage. H~2 Day XIV. EVENING PRAYER. 22" ii Tush, say they, how should] God per-ceive it : is there knowledge | in the Most High? 12 Lo, these are the ungodly, these prosper in the world? and these have riches | in pos-ses-sion : and I said, Then have I cleansed my heart in vain, and washed mine hands in | in-no-cen-cy. 13 All the day long have 1 1 been pun-ished : and chastened | ev-ery morn-ing, The victory over it, knowledge of God 'spu rpose, in destroying of the wicked, and sustaining the righteous. 14 Yea, and I had almost said \ e-ven^as they : but lo, then I should have condemned the generation | of Thy chil-dren. 15 Then thought I to | un-der-stand this : but it was | too hard for me. 16 Until I went into the sanctuary | of God : then understood I the I end of these men ; 17 Namely, how Thou dost set them in|slip-pery pla-ces : and castest them down, | and de-stroy-est^them. 18 Oh, how suddenly | do they coxi^sume : perish, and| come to a^fear-ful^end ! 19 Yea, even like as a dream when | one a-wak-eth : so shalt Thou make their image to vanish | out of the^ci-ty. 20 Thus my | heart was griev-ed : and it went j e-ven through my^reins. 21 So foolish was 1 1, and ig-norant : even as it were a| beast be-fore Thee. yth Tone. s3E $ w « m T3r 1 1 I ^EgEgS^^^S 1 I 1 m ^^ ±Z=L ZZ 2Z m A. I ' r r 22 Neverihe-less, || I am | al-way by Thee : for Thou hast holden me | by my right hand. 23 Thou shalt guide me | with Thy coun-sel : and after that re- 1 ceive me with"^/0-ry. 24 Whom have I in | heaven but Thee : and there is none upon earth that I desire in com- 1 pa-ri-son of Thee. EVENING PRAYER. DAY XIV. 25 My flesh and my \ heart fai\-eih : but God is the strength of my heart, and my | por-tion for^zz-er. 26 For lo, they that for- 1 sake Thee shalPpe-rish : Thou hast destroyed all them that commit forni- 1 ca-tion 2.-gainst Thee. 27 But it is good for me to hold me fast by God, to put my trust in the | Lord God : and to speak of all Thy works in the gates of the | daugh-ter of"\SV-on. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE~,SV?/* : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. .4-MEN. PS^LM LXXIV. Ut quid, Dens? Irregular Tone. $ ^=5?=sE p=Jfcfcp£fc g ±^g g I ' — — . r OH GOD, wherefore art Thou|ab-sent from us soTiong : ThepropJutcom- why is Thy wrath so hot against the | sheep of" f hy $££!£%, fias-\.\lTZ ? sanctuary. He 2 O think up- 1 on Thy con-gre-ga-tion : whom Thou hast help him in con- purchased, |and re-deem-ed of^old. sideration of His pozcer, of His 3 Think upon the | tribe of Thine in-her-itance : and mount reproachful Sion, where- 1 in Thou hast dwelt. 3fiiJ?2rf ,/ 4 Lift up Thy feet, that Thou mayest utterly de- 1 siroy ev-ery HU ccz ****** en-emy : which hath done evil | in Thy sanc-tua-ry. 5 Thine adversaries roar in the | midst of~Thy con-gre-ga- tions : and set up their | ban-ners for /tf-kens. 6 He that hewed timber afore | out of \heT thick trees : was known to bring it | to an ex-cellent work. 7 But now they break down all the | car- ved work there-of: with I ax-es and ~/^//z-mers. 8 They have set fire up- 1 on Thy ho-ly pla-ces : and have defiled the dwelling-place of Thy Name, |e-ven un-to the~ ground. Day XIV. evening prayer. =^ J J J- $ ^=^ -*z=g — ^ ^ g^-sr 9 Yea, they said in their hearts, Let us make havock of //z^?;z al-to-geth-er : thus have they burnt up all the houses of God in the land. 10 We see not our tokens, there is not | one pro-phet more : no, not one is there among us, that under- 1 stand-eth a-ny more. 1 1 O God, how long shall the adversary | do this dis-hon-our : how long shall the enemy blaspheme Thy | Name, for ^-ver ? 12 Why with- 1 draw-est Thou Thy hand : why pluckest Thou not Thy right hand out of Thy bosom to con- j sume the en-e-my ? 1st Tone. m P-** i 1 I l I K Pi > — ' I I i i ' 1 1 r ft- — -i i J j A 4-gg ^— ^=zz. 13 For || God is my | King of old : the help that is done upon earth He|do-eth it Him-self. 14 Thou didst divide the sea | through Thy pow-er : Thou brakest the heads of the dragons | in the wa-ters. 1 5 Thou smotest the heads of Levia- 1 than in pie-ces : and gavest him to be meat for the people | in the wil-der-ness. 16 Thou broughtest out fountains and waters out of the| hard rocks : Thou driedest up|migh-ty wa-ters. 17 The day is Thine, and the | night is Thine : Thou hast prepared the | light and the sun. 18 Thou hast set all the borders] of the earth : Thou hast made | sum-mer and^win-ter. 19 Remember this, O Lord, how the enemy | hath re-bu- ked : and how the foolish people hath bias- 1 phem-ed Thy Name. 20 O deliver not the soul of Thy turtle-dove unto the multitude | of the en-emies : and forget not the congregation of the I poor for ev-er. 21 Look up- 1 on the co-venant : for all the earth is full of darkness, and cruel | ha-bi-ta-tions. MORNING PRAYER. DAY XV. 22 O let not the simple go a-|way a-sham-ed : but let the poor and needy g\\t\praise unto Thy Name. 23 Arise, O God, maintain Thine\ own cause : remember how the foolish man bias- 1 phem-eth Thee^dai-ly. 24 Forget not the | voice of ^Thine en-emies : the presump- tion of them that hate Thee increaseth|ev-er more and more. Glo- ry be to the Father, I and to the~ Son : and| TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM LXXV. Confitebimur tibi. m 3rd Tone. & i ^ m T-—i~L^. I I ^=&> • ^ --S-- 1 . . , , UN -TO Thee, O God, do | we give thanks : yea, unto The prophet Thee do I we give thanks. %?$£& to 2 Thv Name also lis so nisrh : and that do Thy I won-drous >*' l**??!*!?- 1 / /-k t ' ^ J ' He rebuketh the works de - clare. proud by COJlsi . 3 When I receive the | con-gre-ga-tion : I shall judge fZ^nfe^He ac- 1 cord-ing un-to^right. praiseth God, and promise th to 4 The earth is weak, and all the inhabit- jers there-0/" : I execute justice. bear up the | pil-lars of it. 5 I said unto the fools, | Deal not so^mad-ly : and to the ungodly, | Set not up your^horn. 6 Set not up your | horn on high : and speak not |with~a stiff neck. 7 For promotion cometh neither from the east, | nor from the^west : nor | yet^from the south. 8 And why? I God is the^ Judge : He putteth down one, and setteth|up a-no-ther. Day XV. MORNING PRAYER. i i£ 22: 3 22: : ^-^- 9 For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the | wine is ra/ : it is full mixed, and He poureth | out^of the same. 10 As for the I dregs ihere-of : all the ungodly of the earth shall I dr mk^them, and suck them^out. 1 1 But I will talk of the | God of Ja-cob : and | praise Him for ev-er. 1 2 All the horns of the ungodly also | will I break : and the horns of the righteous shall | be ex-alt-ed. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TWETSoH '. AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- j OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM LXXVI. !J=^ -&Z=> 22: tm Notus in Judcca. 5th Tone. ~ 1 =s- A A 22: :- ^= ^2: A declaration of God's majesty in the Church. An exhortation to serve Him reve- rently. T N || Jewry is God | known : His Name is | great in Is-rael. *■ 2 At Salem is His taber- 1 na-cle : and His|dweli-ingin^ Si-on. 3 There brake He the arrows of the | bow : the shield, the I sword, and the^bat-tle. 4 Thou art of more honour and | might : than the | hills of the^rob-bers. 5 The proud are robbed, they have slept their | sleep : and all the men whose hands were mighty have \found no-thing. 6 At Thy rebuke, O God of | Ja-cob : both the chariot and| horse are fal-len. 7 Thou, even Thou art to be | fear-ed : and who may stand in Thy sight when | Thou art an-gry ? 8 Thou didst cause Thy judgement to be heard from| hea-ven : the earth trembled, j and was still, 9 When God arose to|judge-ment : and to help all the| meek upon earth. MORNING PRAYER. Day XV. 10 The fierceness of man shall turn to Thy | praise : and the fierceness of them shalt [ Thou xt-frai?i. 1 1 Promise unto the Lord your God, and keep it, all ye that are round a- 1 bout Him : bring presents unto Him thatj ought to^be fear-ed. 12 He shall refrain the spirit of|prin-ces : and is wonder- ful among the | kings of the"' earth. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE| SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY~GHOST. AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER| SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. P PSALM LXXVII. Voce mea ad Dominum. ist Tone. & S^g ■=-1-^ m 4=t &=& A v l IS p~ S~|g.— OET rd-- a ° — -z B=t F ^ I WILL || cry unto God | with my voice : even unto God will T £?* § J? m jP I cry with my voice, and He shall | hear-ken un-to^me. fierce confat hi 2 In the time of my trouble 1 1 sought the Lord : my sore ^™'*<3#- ran, and ceased not in the night-season ; my soul re- 1 fu-sed com-fort. 3 When I am in heaviness, I will | think upon God : when my heart is vexed, 1 1 will com^p lain. 4 Thou holdest mine | eyes wak-ing : I am so feeble, that 1 1 can-not speak. 5 I have considered the | days of old : and the | years that~ are past. 6 I call to re- 1 membrance my song : and in the night I commune with mine own heart, and search | out my spi-rits. 7 Will the Lord absent Him- 1 self for ev-er : and will He be no | more in-treat-ed ? 8 Is His mercy clean | gone for ev-er : and is His promise come utterly to an end for | ev-er-more ? 9 Hath God forgotten | to be gra-cious : and will He shut up His loving-kindness | in dis-plea-sure ? N.B. Tone changes for v. io. Day XV. MORNING PRAYER. $ Stk Tone. « m w w& i i b=j? F -azr h^22I 4=z=P: -z^^: •P-^ The victory IO And 1 1| said, It is mine I own in-firm-ity : but I will ZnsideratSnof remember the years of the right | hand of theTmost High-est. fri'cioi?worTs d ll l wil1 remember the | works of XhoTLord : and call to mind Thy|won-ders oi^ old time. 12 I will think also of | all Thy works : and my talking shall | be of Thy do-ings. 13 Thy way, 0|God, is ho-ly : who is so | great a God as our God ? 14 Thou art the God that|do-eth won-ders : and hast declared Thy | power a-mong the peo-ple. 1 5 Thou hast mightily de- 1 livered Thy peo-ple : even the | sons of Ja-cob and^Jo-seph. 16 The waters saw Thee, O God, the waters saw Thee, and I were %.-fraid : the | depths al-so were troub-led. 17 The clouds poured out water, the | air thun-dered : and Thine | ar-rows went abroad. 18 The voice of Thy thunder was heard | round ^-botit : the lightnings shone upon the ground ; the earth was | moved, and shook with-~ ^ ' & >- m 5 He || made a covenant with Jacob, and gave [Israel a law : which He commanded our forefathers to teach their | chil-dren ; 6 That their posterity \might know it : and the children which were [ yet un-born ; 7 To the intent that | when they came^^ : they might shew their | chil-dren the^same ; 8 That they might put their I trust in God : and not to forget the works of God, but to keep His com- 1 mand-mtnts ; 9 And not to be as their forefathers, a faithless and stubborn | ge-ne-ra-tion : a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit cleaveth not stedfastly | un-to God ; io Like as the | chil-dren of^E-phraim : who being har- nessed, and carrying bows, turned themselves back in the day of | oat-tle. both to lear7i and to preach the laio of God. The story of God's wrath against the incredulous and disobedient. Day XV. evening prayer. I w $= ^+-e)^ ,= 22: :^ — i-^- 22: 1 1 They kept not the covenant | of God : and would not ) walk in^His law ; 12 But forgat what | He had done : and the wonderful works that He had shewed [for them. 13 Marvellous things did He in the sight of our forefathers, in the I land of E-gypt : even in the field ofjZ#-an. 14 He divided the sea, and let | them go through : He made the waters to | stand on an^heap. 15 In the day-time also He led them | with a cloud : and all the night through with a | light of fire. 16 He clave the hard rocks | in the wil-derness : and gave them drink thereof, as it had been out of ihe\great depth. 17 He brought waters out of the | sto-ny rock : so that it gushed out like the | r/-vers. 18 Yet for all this they sinned | more a-gainst Him : and provoked the most Highest in the | wil-der-ness. 19 They tempted God Jin their hearts : and required | meat for^their lust. 20 They spake against God|al-so, say-ing : Shall God prepare a table in the | wil-der-ness ? 21 He smote the stony rock indeed, that the water gushed out, and the streams | flowed with-al : but can He give bread also, or provide flesh for His |^ < Z? fZ? r j ±*^-:< r^ j 41 Ma-ny jj a time did they provoke Him | in the wil-der- ness : and grieved Him | in the de-sexl. 42 They turned back, and | tempt-ed God : and moved the Holy|One in Is-ra-el. Day XV. evening prayer. j fe=d^i^ U-JJ-^CT=3E w 43 They thought | not of^His hand : and of the day when He delivered them from the | hand of the^en-e-my ; 44 How He had wrought His miracles | in E-gypt : and His wonders in the | field of Zo-zxv. 45 He turned their waters |in-to blood : so that they might not | drink of the'V/'-vers. 46 He sent lice among them, and de- 1 vour-ed^them up : and I frogs to^de-stroy them. 47 He gave their fruit unto the | ca-ter-pil-lar : and their labour unto the \grass-hop-per. 48 He destroyed their] vines with hail-stones : and their | mul-berryTtrees with the frost. 49 He smote their cattle |al-so with^hail-stones : and their flocks with I hot thun-der-bolts. 50 He cast upon them the furiousness of His wrath, anger, dis- 1 plea-sure, and^trou-ble : and sent evil | an-gels TL-mong them. 5 1 He made a way to His indignation, and spared not their | soul from death : but gave their life over | to the pes-ti-lence ; 52 And smote all the | first-born in^E-gypt : the most principal and mightiest in the | dwel-lings of Ham. 53 But as for His own people, He led them | forth like sheep : and carried them in the | wil-derness like a flock. 54 He brought them out safely, that they | should not fear : and overwhelmed their | en-emies with the sea. 55 And brought them within the borders | of His sanc- tuary : even to His mountain which He purchased | with His right hand. 56 He cast out the heathen | al-so be . fore them : caused their land to be divided among them for an heritage, and made the tribes of Israel to | dwell in their tents. 57 So they tempted, and displeased the | Most High God : and kept not His|tes-ti-;/z S 3rd Tone. ~ I ^-gg , — a z A_A 1221 T"^ psalmist complaineth of tJte desolation of Jerusalem. He prayeth for de- liverance, a7id promiseth thank- fulness. Ol! GOD, the heathen are come into | Thine in-he-ritance : Thy holy temple have they defiled, and made Jeru- salem an I heap of stones. 2 The dead bodies of Thy servants have they given to be meat unto the | fowls of tYizTair : and the flesh of Thy saints unto the | beasts of the^land. 3 Their blood have they shed like water on every | side of JeTru-salem : and there was no man to | bu-ry them. 4 We are become an open | shame to^our en-emies : a very scorn and derision unto them that are round a- 1 bout us. 5 Lord, how long wilt | Thou be an-gry : shall Thy jealousy burn like fire for | ev-er ? 6 Pour out Thine indignation upon the heathen that | have not known Thee : and upon the kingdoms that have not called up- 1 on Thy Name. 7 For they have de-|vour-ed Ja-cob : and laid waste his[ dwell-ing-place. 8 O remember not our old sins, but have mercy upon us, and I that soon : for we are come to great | mi-se-ry. 9 Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory | of Thy Name : O deliver us, and be merciful unto our sins, for Thy | Name's sake. 10 Wherefore do the|hea-then say : Where is | now their God? 11 O let the vengeance of Thy servants' | blood that^is shed : be openly shewed upon the heathen | in our sight. MORNING PRAYER. DAY XVL 12 O let the sorrowful sighing of the prisoners | come be- fore Thee : according to the greatness of Thy power, pre- serve Thou those that are ap- 1 point-ed to^die. 13 And for the blasphemy wherewith our neighbours have bias- 1 phem-ed Thee : reward Thou them, O Lord, seven-fold into their I &?-som. 14 So we, that are Thy people, and sheep of Thy pasture, shall give Thee ] thanks for ev-er : and will alway be shewing forth Thy praise from generation to gene- 1 ra-tion. GLO- [I RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE" Son : AND TO THE J HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITHOUT I END. A-MEN. PSALM LX^X. Qui regis Israel. Irregular Tone. Wp=^- X f --^&^E^^^^. A_^ fg !l P-^ n ^-f^- 22 -G> w-T HEAR, || O Thou Shepherd of Israel, Thou that leadest| j^%£%* Jo-seph like a sheep : shew Thyself also, Thou that piaimth of the sittest up- 1 on the che-ru-bims. c*S3f ° fthg 2 Before Ephraim,|Ben-jamin, and Ma-nas-ses : stir up Thy strength, and | come, and help us. 3 Turn I us a-gain, O God \ shew the light of Thy coun- tenance, I and we shall be whole. 4 O I Lord God of hosts : how long wilt Thou be angry with Thy|peo-ple tha.t"pray-eth ? 5 Thou feedest them | with the bread of tears : and givest them plenteous- 1 ness of tears to drink. 6 Thou hast made us a very | strife un-to^our neigh-bours 2 and our enemies | laugh us to scorn. 7 Turn us a- 1 gain, thou God of hosts : shew the light of Thy countenance, and | we shall be whole. N.B. Tone changes for v. 8. Day XVI. MORNING PRAYER. i 3 Tonus Regius. 9J | I M 3=^5 :g^?-^^i I I I I m & U-l s 1 g — ^ God's former favours are turned ijito judgements. He Prayethfor de- liverance. 8 Thou i| hastTbrought a vine | out of E-gypt : Thou hast cast out the | hea-then, and^plant-ed it. 9 Thou | ma-dest room for^it : and when it had taken root it l/ill-ed the land. io The hills were covered with the|sha-dow of it : and the boughs thereof were like the | good-ly ce-dar-trees. 1 1 She stretched out her branches | un-to ihe^sea : and her boughs | un-to the"Vz-ver. 1 2 Why hast Thou then broken | down her hedge : that all they that go by \pluck off her grapes ? 13 The wild boar out of the wood doth | root it up : and the wild beasts of the | field de-vour it. 14 Turn Thee again, Thou God of hosts, look | down from hea-ven : behold, and | vi-sit this vine ; 15 And the place of the vineyard that Thy right | hand hath plant-ed : and the branch that Thou madest so | strong for Thyself. 16 It is burnt with fire, and|- F\ m ^=& =&£ -^-p- f^^-p-r 9 Hear, |] O my people, and I will assure thee, \0 Is-rael : God, exhorting if thou wilt I heark-en un-to^me, $w^ tf£ 10 There shall no strange god | be in thee : neither 'I^f/fL^^ shalt Thou | wor-ship a-ny o-ther^god. their Jwnkmrt. 11 I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the| land of E-gypt : open thy mouth wide, and|/^//^// fill it. 12 But My people I would not hear My"Voice 1 and Israel] would not 1 1- i £S> 2 Thou hast forgiven the of- 1 fence or Thy peo-ple : and| J^tiS'JSS^ co-vered all their^sins. ance thereof... 3 Thou hast taken away | all Thy dis?plea-sure : and turned Thyself from Thy wrathful |in-dig-na-tion. Day XVII. MORNING PRAYER. I £=^ ■g± z=z ^: 4 Turn us then, O | God our Sa-viour : and let Thine | an-ger cease from^us. 5 Wilt Thou be displeased | at us for^ev-er : and wilt Thou stretch out Thy wrath from one generation | to a-no-ther ? 6 Wilt Thou not turn a- 1 gain, and quick-en^us : that Thy people | may re-joice in^Thee ? 7 Shew us Thy|mer-cy,""0 Lord : and grant us | Thy sal-va-tion. He promiseth to wait thereon, out of confidence of God's goodness. 8 I will hearken what the Lord God will | say con-cern-ing^ me : for He shall speak peace unto His people, and to His saints, that they | turn not aTgain. 9 For His salvation is nigh | them that fear Him : that glory may | dwell in our land. io Mercy and truth are | met to-ge-ther : righteousness and peace have | kis-sed^each o-ther. 1 1 Truth shall flourish | out of ihoT earth : and righteousness hath looked I down from hea-ven. 12 Yea, the Lord shall shew | lov-ing-kind-ness : and our land shall | give her in-crease. 13 Righteousness shall | go be-fore Him direct His|go-ing in the^way. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE' TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; As it II SHALL BE and He shall s Soi: WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-MEN. AND EV-ER David strength- ened his prayer by the conscience of his religion, by the goodness and Power of God. He desire th the co?itinuance of farmer grace. Complaining of the proud he craveth some token of God's goodness. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM LXXXVI. m w ^1 I I 1 - *ra 1 1 <-^ Inclina, Domine. Irregulw 1 I . += Tone. I I A* I I ^^ m :^3Z ^ zz *=A -f= B OW || down Thine I ear, O Lord, and hear me poor, I and in mi-se-ry. for I am MORNING PRAYER. DAY XVII. 2 Preserve Thou my | soul, for I am ho-ly : my God, save Thy servant that|put-teth~his trust in Thee. 3 Be merciful | un-to me, O Lord : for I will call|dai-ly up^on Thee. 4 Comfort the | soul of Thy ser-vant : for unto Thee, O Lord, do 1 1 lift up my soul. $ For Thou, | Lord, art good and gra-cious : and of great mercy unto all them that ] call up-on Thee. 6 Give ear, \Lord, un-to^my pray-er : and ponder the | voice ofmy hum-ble desires. 7 In the time ofmy trouble 1 1 will call up-on Thee : for| Thou hear-est me. 8 Among the gods there is none | like un-to~Thee, O Lord : there is not one that can do as | Thou do-est. 9 All nations whom Thou hast made shall come and| wor-ship Thee, O Lord : and shall | glo-ri-fy Thy Name. io For Thou art great, and | do-est won-drous things : Thou | • art God a-lone. 1 1 Teach me Thy way, O Lord, and I will | walk in Thy truth : O knit my heart unto Thee, that 1 1 may fear Thy Name. 12 I will thank Thee, O Lord my | God, with all my heart : and will praise Thy | Name for e-ver-more. 13 For I great is^Thy mer-cy toward me : and Thou hast delivered my soul | from the ne-thermost hell. 14 O God, the I proud are ri-sen aTgainst me : and the congregations of naughty men have sought after my soul, and have not set | Thee be-fore their eyes. 15 But Thou, O Lord God, art | full oPcom-pas-sion and" mer-cy : long-suffering, plenteous in\good-ness and truth. 16 O turn Thee then unto me, | and have mer-cy upon me : give Thy strength unto Thy servant, and help the | son oP Thine hand-maid. 1 7 Shew some token upon me for good, that they who hate me may I see it, and^be a-sha-med : because Thou, Lord, hast holpen|me, and com-forted me. GLO- II RY BE TO THE | FA-THER, AND TO THE"^ \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS | NOW 7 , AND EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. //-MEN. Day XVII. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM LXXXVII. Fundamenta ejus. £=t --, I ^— £-- - & ^ 5?^tt Tonus Regius. =#: M=^'-d=^ m a 1 A ' 22: £21 :^ =^i P ?z: ^S TTER foun- 1 dations are upon the | ho-ly &7& : the Lord The nature a?id g c°hurch th The -^ loveth the gates of Sion more than all the | dwell-ings increase, honour, Ol jU-COD and comfort of the members thereof. 2 Very excellent things are | spo-ken oi^thee : thou | ci-ty of God. 3 I will think upon|Ra-hab and^Ba-bylon : with | them that know me. 4 Behold ye the|Phi-listines al-so : and they of Tyre, with the Morians ; lo, | there was he born. 5 And of Sion it shall be reported that He was | born in her : and the Most | High shall sta-blish her. 6 The Lord shall rehearse it when He writeth|up the peo-ple : that | He was bom there. 7 The singers also and trumpeters | shall He rehearse : All my fresh springs shall | be i?i thee. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TKE^Son : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4-MEN. A Prayer cofp- taining a griev- 07cs com -plaint. PSALM LXXXVIII. Domine Deus. 3rd Tone. OH LORD God of my salvation, I have cried day and| night be-fore Thee : O let my prayer enter into Thy presence, incline Thine ear unto my | call-mg. 2 For my soul is | full of trou-ble : and my life draweth nigh I un-to hell. MORNING PRAYER. DAY XVII. 3 I am counted as one of them that go down | in-to the^ pit : and I have been even as a man that | hath no strength. 4 Free among the dead, like unto them that are wounded, and lie | in the grave : who are out of remembrance, and are cut a- 1 way from Thy hand. 5 Thou hast laid me in the|low-est pit : in a place of darkness, and | in the deep. 6 Thine indignation lieth | hard up-on me : and Thou hast vexed me with | all Thy storms. 7 Thou hast put away mine acquaintance j far from me : and made me to be ab- 1 hor-red of them. 8 I am so | fast in pri-son : that I cannot \get forth. 9 My sight faileth for|ve-ry trou-ble : Lord, I have called daily upon Thee, I have stretched forth my hands |un-to Thee. io Dost Thou shew wonders a-|mong the dead : or shall the dead rise up again, and \praise Thee ? 1 1 Shall Thy loving-kindness be shewed | in the grave : or Thy faithfulness in de- 1 struc-tion ? 1 2 Shall Thy wondrous works be | known in ihe^dark : and Thy righteousness in the land where all things are for- \got- ten? 13 Unto Thee have I |cri-ed, O^Lord : and early shall my prayer come be- [fore Thee. 14 Lord, why abhorrest | Thou my soul : and hidest Thou Thy face [from me ? 15 I am in misery, and like unto him that is at the | point to die : even from my youth up Thy terrors have I suffered with a I troub-led mind. 16 Thy wrathful displeasure |go-eth ov-er^me : and the fear of Thee hath un- 1 done me. 17 They came round about me|dai-ly like^wa-ter : and compassed me together on | ev-ery side. 18 My lovers and friends hast Thou put &-\way from me : and hid mine acquaintance | out of^my sight. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^Son \ AND TO THE I HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITHOUT I END. A-MEN. Day XVII. EVENING PRAYER. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM LXXXIX. Misericordias Domini. i t& ^=^f- ^ ?2- Z2 221 ^2: t=F jnf Tone. I ie :22: I I P T ^r =|S: :z£ 7/fe psalmist praiseth God for His covenant, for His wonder- ful power, for the care of His Church. MY || song shall be alway of the loving-kindness | of the Lord : with my mouth will I ever be shewing Thy truth from one generation | to #-no-ther. 2 For I have said, Mercy shall be set | up for ev-er : Thy truth shalt Thou stablish | in the hea-vens. 3 I have made a covenant | with My cho-sen : I have sworn unto | Da-vid My ser-vant ; 4 Thy seed will 1 1 sta-blish for^ev-er : and set up thy throne from one generation | to <2-no-ther. 5 O Lord, the very heavens shall praise Thy | won-drous works : and Thy truth in the congregation \ of the saints. 6 For who is he a- 1 mong the clouds : that shall be com- 1 par-ed un-to^the Lord ? 7 And what is he a- j mong the gods : that shall be | like un- to^the Lord? 8 God is very greatly to be feared in the council | of the saints : and to be had in reverence of all them that are | round a-bout Him. 9 O Lord God of hosts, who is | like ym-XxTThee : Thy truth, most mighty Lord, | is on ev-ery"side. io Thou rulest the raging | of the sea : Thou stillest the waves there- 1 of when they aCrise. ii Thou hast subdued Egypt, | and de-stroy-ed^it : Thou hast scattered Thine enemies abroad | with Thy migh-ty^arm. 12 The heavens are Thine, the earth |al-so \sTThine : Thou hast laid the foundation of the round world, and | all that there-in^is. 1 3 Thou hast made the | north and XhoT south : Tabor and Hermon shall re-|joice in Thy Name. 14 Thou hast a|migh-ty arm : strong is Thy hand, and| high is Thy right hand. EVENING PRAYER. DAY XVII. 15 Righteousness and equity are the habitation | of Thy seat : mercy and truth shall | go be-fore Thy face. 16 Blessed is the people, O Lord, that can re-|joice in Thee : they shall walk in the | light of Thy coun-tenance. 1 7 Their delight shall be daily | in Thy Na?ne : and in Thy righteousness | shall they make their boast. 18 For Thou art the glory | of their strength : and in Thy loving-kindness Thou shalt | lift up our horns. 19 For the Lord is | our de-fence : the Holy One of | Is-rael is our King. 8th Tone. m ! i 1 1 ^ T J-^-^U ^ si— z . W£ -&- t=^ ^— r & ^ «-^ r~n~^ j 1 ! I I I *- JZZ=&L I ' i 20 Thou || spakest sometime in visions unto Thy | saints, f or His favour and saidst : I have laid help upon one that is mighty ; I have tfDavidf^ exalted one chosen | out of^the peo-ple. 21 I have found I Da-vid^My ser-vant : with My holy oil have 1 1 a-noint-ed^him. 22 My hand shall [hold him fast : and My | arm shall strength-en^him. 23 The enemy shall not be able to | do him vi-olence : the son of wickedness | shall not hurt him. 24 I will smite down his foes be- 1 fore his face : and plague | them that hate him. 25 My truth also and My mercy | shall be with him : and in My Name shall his | horn be ex?al-ted. 26 I will set his dominion also | in the sea : and his | right hand in the^floods. 27 He shall call Me, | Thou art^my Fa-ther : my God and my J strong sal-va-tion. 28 And I will make I him My first-born : higher than the] kings of xhzTearth. 29 My mercy will I keep for him for | ev-er-more : and My covenant shall | stand fast with^him. 30 His seed also will I make to en- 1 dure for ev-er : and his throne as the | days of hea-ven. Day XVII. EVENING PRAYER. i fcS: 7^1 3£ -^7— f ^ & ^ 31 But if his children for- 1 sake My law : and walk | not in^ My judge-ments ; 32 If they break My statutes, and keep not | My com-mand- ments : I will visit their offences with the rod, and their | sin with scourg-es. 33 Nevertheless, My loving-kindness will I not utterly] take from him : nor |suf-fer^My truth to^fail. 34 My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone I out of ^ My lips : I have sworn once by My holiness, that I will Xi.oi\fail Da-vid. 35 His seed shall en- 1 dure for ev-er : and his seat is like as the I sun be-fore Me. 36 He shall stand fast for evermore] as the moon : and as the faithful | wit-ness in^hea-ven. 1st Tone. ? F3=F &d= & rJ r « g = S I I m £=& J- 1 I *=ft ^=^1 £=^ ViT f°Z P tl a aT 37 But II Thou hast abhorred and forsaken I Thine A-noint- "wnts^he TJJos- ed > and art dis- 1 pleas-ed at him. etk, Lid ilexseth 3% Thou hast broken the covenant | of Thy ser-vant : and God. cast his I crown to the ground. 39 Thou hast overthrown | all his hedg-es : and broken | down his strong holds. 40 All they that go | by spoil him : and he is become a re-|proach to~his neigh-bours. 41 Thou hast set up the right | hand of^his en-emies : and made all his adver- 1 sa-ries to re-joice. 42 Thou hast taken away the | edge ofhis sword : and givest him not victory | in the bat-tie. 43 Thou hast put | out his glo-ry : and cast his | throne down to the^ground. 44 The days of his youth | hast Thou short-ened : and covered I him with disThon-our. MORNING PRAYER. Day XVIII. 45 Lord, how long wilt Thou hide Thy- 1 self, for ev-er : and shall Thy | wrath burn like fire ? 46 O remember how | short my time is : wherefore hast Thou made | all men for nought ? 47 What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death : and shall he deliver his soul | from the hand of hell ? 48 Lord, where are Thy old | lov-ing-kind-nesses : which Thou swarest unto | Da-vid in Thy truth ? 49 Remember, Lord, the rebuke that Thy | ser-vants have : and how I do bear in my bosom the rebukes of|ma-ny peo-ple ; 50 Wherewith Thine enemies have blasphemed Thee, and slandered the footsteps of | Thine A-noint-ed : Praised be the Lord for evermore. ] A-men, and A-men. GLO- II RYBE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE~,57?# \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. fc*: MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XC. Domi?ie, rcfagium. 2nd Tone. I T=X - g> : ^ r *=& I m ^s. rst P LORD, || Thou hast been our|re-fuge : from one genera- tion to a- 1 ;/- -!=&-- THE || Lord is King, and hath put on|glo-rious ap"?pa-rel : The majesty, the Lordhath put on His apparel, and |gird-ed HimTself ^Z/clissfi^ with strength. kingdom. 2 He hath made the round | world so sure : that it | can- not be^wtfz'-ed. 3 Ever since the world began hath Thy | seat been pre^ par-ed : Thou art from | ev-er-^Z-ing. 4 The floods are risen, O Lord, the floods have | lift up their^voice : the floods | lift up their waves. 5 The waves of the sea are mighty, and | rage hor-ribly : but yet the Lord, Who dwelleth on | high, is mijrh-iitr. K 2 Day XVIII. EVENING PRAYER. i ^2=^: ---£-■=> 6 Thy testimonies, O Lord, are|ve-ry sure : holiness becometh Thine | house for ev-tr. GLO- J! RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^Son : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4 -MEN. PSALM XCIV. Dens idtionnm. 1st Tone. SS^^^ 22: Z2 I i ^~F^ P m LA hrf 3 -^- i r^-rp-r ffi T&-&- ^=m~ i — r 3= The prophet ca llingforjus tice, comfilainet of tyranny and impiety. He teacheth God's providence. OH LORD God, to Whom | ven-geance be^long-eth : Thou God, to Whom vengeance be- 1 long-eth shew Thyself. 2 Arise, Thou | Judge of th^T world : and reward the proud | af-ter their de-serv-ing. 3 Lord, how long | shall the^un-god-ly : how long | shall the^ un-god-ly tri-umph ? 4 How long shall all wicked doers speak | so dis-dain-fully : and | make such proud boast-ing ? 5 They smite down Thylpeo-ple^O Lord : and | trou-ble Thine he-ritage. 6 They murder the widow | and the stran-ger : and put the | fa-ther-less to death. 7 And yet they say, Tush, the | Lord shalPnot see : neither shall the God oi\Ja-zo\> re-gard it. 8 Take heed, ye unwise a- 1 mong the peo-ple : O ye fools, | when will ye^un-dev-stand f 9 He that planted the ear, | shall He^not hear : or He that made the eye, | shall He not see t io Or He that | nur-tureth the^hea-then : it is He that teacheth man knowledge, | shall not He pun-ish ? 1 1 The Lord knoweth the | thoughts of man : that | they are but vain. N.B. Tone changes for v. 12. EVENING PRAYER. DAY XVIII. 1st Tone. 12 Bles-sed ]| is the man whom Thou chastenest, | Lord: Heshewetkthe and teachest him | in Thy law; ^T °Ld 13 That Thou mayest give him patience in | time oPad- *hfe^affl£udT °* ver-sity : until the pit be digged up | for the~un-god-ly. 14 For the Lord will not | fail His peo-ple : neither will He forsakej His in-he-ritance ; 15 Until righteousness turn again | un-to judge-ment : all such as are true in | heart shall fol-low^it. 16 Who will rise up with me a- 1 gainst the wick-ed : or who will take my part against the | e-vil-do-ers ? 17 If the Lord I had not help-ed^me : it had not failed but my soul had been \ put to si-lence. 18 But when I said, My | foot hath slipt : Thy mercy, O Lord, | held me up. 19 In the multitude of the sorrows that I|had in~my heart : Thy comforts have re- 1 fresh-ed^my soul. 20 Wilt Thou have any thing to do with the | stool of wick-edness : which imagineth | mis-chief as a~law. 21 They gather them together against the] soul of^the right-eous : and condemn the | in-nocent blood. 22 But the I Lord is^my re-fuge : and my God is the | strength of^my con-fidence. 23 He shall recompense them their wickedness, and destroy them in their \0w71 ma-lice : yea, the Lord our | God shall de^stroy them. Glo- II ry be to the Father, I and to the* Son : and J TO THE HO-LY~GHOST ; AS IT Ij WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. Day XIX. MORNING PRAYER. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XCV. Venite, exultenius Domino. m SiJi Tone. 3=F t£=^ ^=^ '-- i S -'j — PP _j^ — ,=L I I A_ i ==t ?=: OH COME, let us sing|un-to the^Lord : let us heartil; rejoice in the strength of | our sal-va-tion. An exhortation to praise God for His great - goodness? * 2 Let us come before His presence j with thanks-giv-ing : and shew ourselves | glad in Him with^psalms. 3 For the Lord is z\great God : and a great | King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners | of the earth : and the strength of the hills is | His al-so. 5 The sea is His, and|i/ 7Vz^ majesty of God's kingdom. The Church re- joiceth at God's judgements upon idolaters. THE |j Lord is King, the earth may be | glad there-of : yea, the multitude of the isles | may be glad there^of. 2 Clouds and darkness are | round a-bout Him : righteous- ness and judgement are the habitation | of His seat. 3 There shall go a | fire be-fore Him : and burn up His ene- 1 mies on ev-ery^side. 4 His lightnings gave shine jun-to the^world : the earth | saw it, and was aTfraid. 5 The hills melted like wax at the presence | of the Lord : at the presence of the | Lord of the whole earth. 6 The heavens have declared | His right-eousness : and all the people have | seen His glo-ry. 7 Confounded be all they that worship carved images, and that delight in | vain gods : worship Him, | allye gods. 8 Sion heard of it, | and re-joic-ed : and the daughters of Judah were glad, because of Thy |judge-ments, O Lord. 9 For Thou, Lord, art higher than all that are | in the earth : Thou art exalted | far above all gods. An exhortation to godliness and gladness. io O ye that love the Lord, see that ye hate the | thing which is"Vvil : the Lord preserveth the souls of His saints ; He shall deliver them from the hand | of the un-god-ly. ii There is sprung up a | light for the~right-eous : and joyful gladness for such as | are true-heart-ed. 12 Rejoice in the | Lord, ye right-eous : and give thanks for a remembrance | of His ho-liness. GLO II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-MEN. EVENING PRAYER. DAY XIX. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XCVIII. Cantata Domino. , jth Tone. ^= „ -J H i =^= OH SING unto the I Lord a new song : fori He hath^done The psalmist ex. ' mar-vellous things. %%%£%& 2 With His own right hand, and with Hislho-ly arm \fJl he - cr r t T es v^iTTi ^TT--.ri • J to praise God. hath He|got-ten Him-seif the vic-tory. 3 The Lord declared | His sal-va-tion : His righteousness hath He openly shewed in the | sight of the hea-then. 4 He hath remembered His mercy and truth toward the | house of Is-rael : and all the ends of the world have seen the sal-|va-tion of our God. 5 Shew yourselves joyful unto the Lord, | all ye lands : sing, re-|joice, and give thanks. 6 Praise the Lord up- 1 on the harp : sing to the | harp with a^psalm of^thanks-giv-ing. 7 With trumpets jal-so, and^ shawms : O shew yourselves joyful be- 1 fore the Lord the King. 8 Let the sea make a noise, and | all that there-in^is : the round | world, and they that dwell therein. 9 Let the floods clap their hands, and let the hills be joyful together be- 1 fore the Lard : forHeis|cometo judge the earth. io With righteousness shall He j judge the world : and the | peo-ple with e-quity. GLO- I RY BE TO THE FATHER | AND TO THE^Son : AND j TO THE HO-LY Ghost J AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I 0ft/ END. A-men. Day XIX. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XCIX. Dominns re&iavit. 8th Tone. in Zion, e.xhort- e.th all, by the example of fore fathers, to Ivor- ship God at His holy hill. The prophet, r jj \HE |j Lord is King, be the people never | so im-pa-tient : Tinglom^fG^d ^ He sittetn between the cherubims, be the earth never] so un-^///-et. 2 The Lord is | great in Si-on : and high a- 1 bove all peo-ple. 3 They shall give thanks |un-to^Thy Name : which is great, wonder- 1 ful, and /io-ly. 4 The King's power loveth judgement ; Thou hast pre- [ par-ed e-quity : Thou hast executed judgement and righteous- 1 ness in ja-cob. 5 O magnify the | Lord our God : and fall down before His footstool, for | Lie is /io-\y. 6 Moses and Aaron among His priests, and Samuel among such as call up-|on His Name : these called upon the | Lord, and^ He heard them. 7 He spake unto them out of the|clou-dy pil-lar : for they kept His testimonies, and the | law that^He^vz?^ them. 8 Thou heardest them, O | Lord our God : Thou forgavest them, O God, and punishedst their | own in-z^z-tions. 9 O magnify the Lord our God, and worship Him upon His|ho-ly hill : for the Lord our| God is ho-\y. GEO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND [ EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEK. EVENING PRAYER. Day XIX. PSALM C. Jubilate Deo. 8th Tone. OBE || joyful in the Lord, | all ye lands : serve the Lord An exhortation with gladness, and come before His|pre-sence with ?T ^£!^Si^!%r SOng. His grea tn ess, 2 Be ye sure that the Lord [He is God : it is He that hath power' ' made us, and not we ourselves ; we are His people, and the | sheep of^His pas-ture. 3 O go your way into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His | courts with praise : be thankful unto Him, and speak | good of His Name. 4 For the Lord is gracious, His mercy is | ev-er-last-ing : and His truth endureth from generation to | ge-ne-ra-tion. GLO- I! RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST J AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM CI. Misericordiam ct judicium. 6th Tone. -p 1 — — +- s= v r C? —7-5 I I =1=^: I I I I -<5> S>- 7^-f^: ^~g" HI MY || song shall be of | mer-cy^and judge-ment : unto David maketk * Thee, 0\Lord, will I sing. vow and jrofes- si on of godiincss. 2 O let me have | un-der-stand-ing : in | " the way of god- liness. 3 When wilt Tho\i\come un-to^me : I will walk in my| house with a^per-fect heart. 4 I will take no wicked thing in hand ; I hate the | sins of^ un-faith-fulness : there shall | no such cleave un-to^me. 5 Afroward heart shall de-| /tor/ from me : I will not | know a wick-ed per-son. Day XX. morning prayer. P s I a'=? g ^ — TZr-'.—ZL ^2: 6 Whoso privily | slan-dereth his^neigh-bour : him\will I destroy. 7 Whoso hath also a proud look and | high sto-mach : 1 1 will not suf-fer^him. 8 Mine eyes look upon such as are faithful | in the land : that I they may dwell with me. 9 Whoso leadeth a | god-ly life : he shall | be my ser-vant. 10 There shall no deceitful person | dwell in~my house : he that telleth lies shall not | tar-ry in my sight. 1 1 I shall soon destroy all the ungodly that are | in the land : that I may root out all wicked doers from the | ci-ty of the Lord. GLO II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^Son '. AND | to the Holy Ghost j AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I out end. A-MEN. P MORNING PRAYER. PSALM CII. Domine, exaudi. , 1 1 1 — yth Tone. -L^L-gL-^L-^ : ^z^as-p--^ & c *—- i 1 «^r— 1 H — i < • *> I 1 * -£2_ Z^r -»^. . <^~>. ** 1 I 1 1 • I ' ay i r r* p Q r- =r^- 12 Rut Thou, O Lord, shalt en- 1 dure for ev-er : and Hetaketkcom- Thy remembrance throughout all gene- 1 777-tions. nity and mercy 13 Thou shalt arise, and have mercy up-\on Si-on : for it £^xfeso/God is time that Thou have mercy upon her, yea, the | time is are to be re- come. corded. 14 And why ? Thy servants think up-|on her stones : and it pitieth them to see her | in the dust. 1 5 The heathen shall fear Thy | Name, O Lord : and all the kings of the earth Thy! Ma-jes-ty ; 16 When the Lord shall | build up Si-on : and when His glory I shall ap-pear ; 17 When He turneth Him unto the prayer of \ht\poor des-titute : and despiseth not] their de-sire. 18 This shall be written for | those that^come af-ter : and the people which shall be born shall | praise the Lord. 19 For He hath looked down from His | sanc-tu-a-ry : out of the heaven did the Lord be- 1 hold the earth ; 20 That He might hear the mournings of such as are | in cap-ti-vity : and deliver the children appointed I un-to death ; 2 1 They that may declare the Name of the | Lord in Si-on : and His worship at Je-|ru-sa-lem ; Day XX. *?. m ¥ t—^r ^ MORNING PRAYER. 1 I , t 221 IS O - 22 When the people are | ga-thered toCge-ther : and the kingdoms also, to | serve the Lord. ■ I 6th Tote, f i i ■<3- ^Z^=&&=g^ j=L JSL m *£ t=l ?z=S 7— P - TT2 : ^-i ^ r^" 1 — " t=t ? = ?~rr ^zczzsz 1 27- U //~&- ^=^ ^=^5 m 1 — r An exhortation IT) RAISE || the Lord, | O my soul : and all that is with- 1 in U HuZ% d , f0r 1 me praise His ho-ly~Name. 2 Praise the Lord,|0 my soul : and for- 1 get not all His he-nefits ; MORNING PRAYER. DAY XX. 3 Who forgiveth | all thy sin : and healeth ! ri— g- i — r i r i -. »- 13 But with-|| in a while they for- 1 gat His works', and would I not a-bide His coun-sel. 14 But lust came upon them | in the wil-derness : and they tempted | God in the de-sert. 15 And He gave them | their de-sire : and sent leanness withal I in-to their soul. 16 They angered Moses also | in the tents : and Aaron the | saint of the Lord. 17 So the earth opened, and | swallowed up Da-than : and covered the congre- 1 ga-tion of A-bi-ram. 18 And the fire was kindled | in their com-pany : the flame burnt I up the un-god-ly. 19 They made a | calf in Ho-reb : and worshipped the | 7?iol-te?i i-mage. 20 Thus they | turn-ed^their glo-ry : into the similitude of a I calf that eat-eth hay. 21 And they forgat| God their Sa-viour : who had done soj great things in E-gypt. 22 Wondrous works in the | land of Ham : and fearful) things by the Red Sea. 23 So He said, He would have destroyed them, had not Moses His chosen stood be- 1 fore Him in the^gap : to turn away His wrathful indignation, | lest He should de-stroy them. 24 Yea, they thought | scorn oPthat plea-sant^land : and gave no|cre-dence un-to^His word; 25 But I mur-mured in their^tents : and hearkened not unto the I voice of the Lo7'd. Day XXI. evening prayer. m 26 Then lift He up His | hand a-gainst them : to over- 1 throw them in the wil-derness ; 27 To cast out their seed a- 1 mong the na-tions : and to | scat-ter^them in the lands. 28 They joined themselves unto | Ba-al-pe-or : and ate the | of-ferings of the dead. 29 Thus they provoked Him to anger with their | own in- ventions : and the | plague was great a-mong them. 30 Then stood upjPhi-nees and~pray-ed : and | so the blague ceas-ed. 31 And that was counted unto | him for right-eousness : among all posterities for | ev-er-more. 32 They angered Him also at the | waters of strife : so that He punished I Mo-ses for^ their sakesj 33 Because they pro- 1 vok-ed^his spi-rit : so that he spake unad- 1 vi-sedly with his lips. 34 Neither destroyed | they the hea-then : as ihe\Lora com-mand-ed^them ; 35 But were mingled a- 1 mong the hea-then : and|learn-ed their works. 36 Insomuch that they worshipped their idols, which turned to their | own de-cay : yea, they offered their sons and their | daugh-ters un-to de-vils ; 37 And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons | and of^their daugh-ters : whom they offered unto the idols of Canaan ; and the | land was deTfiled with blood. 38 Thus were they stained with their [own works : and went a whoring with their | own z>z-ven-tions. 39 Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled a- 1 gainst His peo-ple : insomuch that He abhorred His | own z>z-he-ritance. 40 And He gave them over into the | hand of the^hea-then : and they that hated | them were lords o-ver^them. 41 Their ene-|mies op-press-ed^them : and | had them in sub-jec-tion. 42 Many a time iid | He de-liv-er^them : but they MORNING PRAYER. Day XXII. rebelled against Him with their own inventions, and were brought down | in their wick-edness. 43 Nevertheless, when He saw | their ad-ver-sity : He| heard their com-fllaint. 44 He thought upon His covenant, and pitied them, according unto the multitude | of His mer-cies : yea, He made all those that led them away | cafi-tive to pi-ty^them. 45 Deliver us, O Lord our God, and gather us from He condudt th a-|mongthehea-then : that we may give thanks unto Thy ^ a k z f e rayer a,ld holy Name, and make our | boast of Thy praise. 46 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting, and I world withTout end : and let all the people \say, A-men. GLO- I! RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^ Son \ AND | TO THE Ho-ly Ghost; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND ; EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-metl. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM CVIL Con fite mini Domino. aft - 1 „- 1 5th Tone. . ^ -^ ■ H- |-T= A. A z^. 1 — — p p - - *** — — a. — ^ — 2 __ — .. N^ ■ J ^ 14 ^— ■ -*■ — ! « "- o GIVE 1 thanks unto the Lord, for He is|gra-cious : The psalmist and His mercy en-ldur-eth for^ev-er. exhortcth tjte J ' redeemed, 171 2 Let them give thanks whom the Lord hath re- 1 deem-ed : praising God, to and delivered from the | hand of the^en-e-my. %YI 7 providence] 3 And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and cver traveliers > from the | west : from the | north, and from the south. 4 They went astray in the wilderness out of the | way : and found no|ci-ty toT dwell in ; 5 Hungry and|thirs-ty : their soul | faint-ed in them. 6 So they cried unto the Lord in their |trou-ble : and He delivered I them from their dis-tress. Day XXII. MORNING PRAYER. i%=^ -i-^=i ^ a ¥ Z2: 3 7 He led them forth by the | right way : that they might go to the | ci-ty where they dwelt. 8 O that men would therefore praise the Lord for His| good-ness : and declare the wonders that He doethjfor the chil-dren of^men ! 9 For He satisfieth the empty | soul : and filleth the hungry | soul with good-ness. over captives, vvsr sick men t io Such as sit in darkness, and in the shadow of | death : being fast bound in | mi-sery and^z-ron ; ii Because they rebelled against the words of the| Lord : and lightly regarded the counsel | of the^Most Higk-est ; 12 He also brought down their heart through | hea-viness : they fell down, and there was I none to help them. 13 So when they cried unto the Lord in their | trou-ble : He delivered them | out of their dis-tress. 14 For He brought them out of darkness, and out of the shadow of I death : and brake their | bonds in sun-der. 15 O that men would therefore praise the Lord for His| good-ness : and declare the wonders that He doeth | for the chil-dren of^men ! 16 For He hath broken the gates of | brass : and smitten the bars of|i-ron in^sim-der. 8th Tone. $ 3 T 7= V A 1 l ^ F ~~g 32=* 5=z: A S A -£ZL m for their of- 1 fence : and 17 Fool-ish I men are plagued be- 1 cause of^their wick-ed-ness. 18 Their soul abhorred all manner of [meat : and they were even | hard at death's door. 19 So when they cried unto the Lord in their | trou-ble : He delivered them | out of their dis-tress. 20 He sent His word, and|heal-ed' saved from I their dc-stntc-tion. them : and they were MORNING PRAYER. DAY XXII. 21 O that men would therefore praise the Lord for His| good-ness : and declare the wonders that He doeth|for the chil-dren of^men ! 22 That they would offer unto Him the sacrifice of thanks- 1 giv-ing : and tell out His | works with glad-ness ! 23 They that go down to the sea in | ships : and occupy over seamen, their business \n\great -z^-ters ; 24 These men see the works of the | Lord : and His | won- ders in the deep. 25 For at His word the stormy wind a-|ris-eth : which lifteth I up the waves there-of. ♦26 They are carried up to the heaven, and down again to the I deep : their soul melteth away be- 1 cause of the^ trou-h\e. 27 They reel to and fro, and stagger like a | drunken^man : and are | at their wifs end. 28 So when they cry unto the Lord in their | trou-ble : He delivereth them | out of their dis-tress. 29 For He maketh the storm to | cease : so that the | waves there-of are stilL 30 Then are they glad, because they are at | rest : and so He bringeth them unto the haven | where they would he* 31 O that men would therefore praise the Lord for His| good-ness : and declare the wonders that He doethjfor the chil-dren of^men ! 32 That they would exalt Him also in the congregation of the|peo-ple : and praise Him in the | seat of the^Z-ders ! t I 1st Tone. 1 n ' S^\y i 1 r— ! 1 r 33 Who ||turneth the floods | into a wil-derness : andjdri-eth and m divers up the wa-terTsprings. variety 0/ u/e. 34 A fruitful land I maketh He bar-ren : for the wickedness of I them that dwell there-/;/. 35 Again, He maketh the wilderness a|stand-ing wa-ter : and water-springs | of a dry ground. Day XXII. EVENING PRAYER. i 6=S 8^ 22_^)_^ 36 And there Hejsetteth the hun-gry : that they may build them a | ci-ty to" dwell in; 37 That they may sow their land, and \plant vine-yards : to j yield them fruits of in-crease. 38 He blesseth them, so that they multi- 1 ply ex-ceed-ingly : and suffereth not their | cat-tie to de-crease. 39 And again, when they are minished, and | brought low : through oppression, through any \plague or trou-ble ; 40 Though He suffer them to be evil intreated | through ty-rants : and let them wander out of the\ way in the wil-derness ; 41 Yet helpeth He the poor | out of mi-sery : and maketh liim households | like a flock of sheep. 42 The righteous will consider this, | and xe-joice : and the mouth of all | wick-edness shall be stop-ped. 43 Whoso is wise will | ponder these things : and they shall understand the loving- 1 kind-ness of the Lord. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TYi^T Son \ AND | TO THE HO-LY Ghost J AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-men. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM CVIII. Paratum cor mcum, Pigs 5th Tone. S^» m m^k rcrri 1 1 1 1 ~— t S l ^M^TPF gr 11 David encoii ageth himself praise God. r - f^\ || God, my heart is ready, my | heart is rea-dy : I will sing v_y and give praise with the best | mem-ber that I have. 2 Awake, thou | lute, and harp : I myself will a- 1 wake ? ight ear-ly. EVENING PRAYER. DAY XXII. 3 I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, a-|mong the peo-ple : I will sing praises unto | Thee a-mong the na-tions. 4 For Thy mercy is greater | than the hea-vens : and Thy truth | reach-eth un-to the" - ^ clouds. 5 Set up Thyself, O God, a- 1 bove the hea-vens : and Thy glory a- 1 bove all the earth. 2nd Tone. A b } i ' l ; 5=! J ^ =^=f f- "f> 1 \\. G> r— -T2 -&- WE£ m 22Z I , — i r 6 That Thy || beloved | may be de-livered : let Thv right He prayeth for hand save them, and | hear Thou me. ^foUtn^His 7 God hath spoken | in His ho-liness : I will rejoice therefore, *™rfj£ H ?* and divide Sichem, and mete out the valley oi\Suc-coth.. ^od's^ip. " 8 Gilead is mine, and Ma- 1 nas-ses is^mine : Ephraim also is the | strength of "my head. 9 Judah is my law-giver, Moab|is my wash-pot : over Edom will I cast out my shoe ; upon Philistia will 1 1 /r/'-umph. io Who will lead me into \he\ strong ci-ty : and who will bring me into | is-dom ? 1 1 Hast not Thou forsaken | us, O God : and wilt not Thou, O God, go | forth with"our hosts ? 12 O help us a- 1 gainst the en-emy : for vain is the | help of man. 13 Through God we shall | do great acts : and it is He that shall tread down our | en-e-mies. GLO-||RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON : AND TO THE I HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITHOUT I END. A-MEN. Day XXII. EVENING PRAYER. David, complain- ing of his slander- ous enemies. PSALM CIX. Dcuslaudum. i *£ « ^ j?r l i -< g ' I i J^ fl rS> 1|- IWILL || give thanks unto the Lord with my | whole heart : The psalmist by secretly among the faithful, and in the | con-gre-£tt-tion. **? ^ampu in- J ° i & cS citeth otfiers to 2 The works of the Lord are | great : sought out of all them praise God for that have | plea-sure there-'m. g^aLus works. 3 His work is worthy to be praised, and had in|hon-our : ^reedeth tru?° d and His righteousness en-|dur-eth for^Vi/-er. wisdom. 4 The merciful and gracious Lord hath so done His marvellous | works : that they ought to be [had in re^mem- brance. 5 He hath given meat unto them that | fear Him : He shall ever be mindful] of His co-ve-nant. 6 He hath shewed His people the power of His | works : that He may give them the heritage | of the /tea-then. 7 The works of His hands are verity and | judge-ment : all His com-|mand-ments are true. 8 They stand fast for ever and | ev-er : and are done in | truth and e-qui-ty. 9 He sent redemption unto His | peo-ple : He hath com- manded His covenant for ever; holy and |rev-erend is His Name. io The fear of the Lord is the beginning of|wis-dom : a good understanding have all they that do thereafter ; the praise of it en-|dur-eth for^tT'-er. M Day XXIII. MORNING PRAYER. m ± w - ~ \ ^ i: 32: GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE|SON : AND TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. ^4-MEN. $ PSALM CXII. Beaiusvir. 1st Tone. s=t= f i ?££ F ^ --&--£*£>- I J- J J m fr-f^- g: l=z=^- 22: £ 5£^ ?Z Godliness hath the promises of this life, and of the life to come. The prosperity of the godly shall be an eyesore to the wicked. -1 — |— — 1 — — i — — — — n — i — ■ — ' — m — =? BLES-SED || is the man that | fear-eth \heTLord : he hath great de-| light in His com-mand-ments. 2 His seed shall be mighty wp~\on earth : the generation of the | faith-ful shall be bles-sed. 3 Riches and plenteousness shall | be in^his house : and his righteousness en-\dur-tih for ev-er. 4 Unto the godly there ariseth up | light in the^dark-ness : He is merciful, | fov-ing, and right-eous. 5 A good man is merciful, | and lend-eth : and will guide his | words with dis-cre-tion. 6 For he shall | ne-ver be^mo-ved : and the righteous shall be had in | ev-er-last-ing re^mem-brance. 7 He will not be afraid of any|e-vil tid-ings : for his heart standeth fast, and be- 1 liev-eth in the Lord. 8 His heart is established, and | will not shrink : until he see his desire up-\on his en-emies. 9 He hath dispersed abroad, and given] to the poor : and his righteousness remaineth for ever ; his horn shall be ex- 1 a/t-ed with hon-our. 10 The ungodly shall see it, and | it shall grieve him : he shall gnash with his teeth, and consume away ; the desire of the un- \god-\y shall pe-rish. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FA-THER,| AND TO THE^Son '. AND | TO THE HO-LY Ghost ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I out end. A-MEN. 1 ft* EVENING PRAYER. DAY XXIII. PSALM CXIII. Landate, pucri. 3rd Tcuc. ^E3 ►?-r - **P^ S ^. s=^ SE^EpEE '•BrS^=A m PRAISE |i the Lord, I ye ser-vants : praise the\Name of An exhortation thp T '' A UJ to /raise God for tne L,ora. Hh exce u encyi 2 Blessed be the | Name of the~Ztf;7/ : from this time | forth f" Hh ***** for ev-er-more. 3 The Lord's | Name is prais-ed : from the rising up of the sun unto the going | dowji of the same. 4 The Lord is high a-|bove all hea-then : and His glory a- 1 bove the Ziea-vens. 5 Who is like unto the Lord our God, that hath His | dwel-ling so* high : and yet humbleth Himself to behold the things that | are in heaven and earth ? 6 He taketh up the simple | out of xht^dust : and lifteth the \poor out of the^mire ; 7 That He may set him | with the prin-ces : even with the princes | of His fleo-p\e. 8 He maketh the barren woman \o\keep house : and to be a joyful | mo-ther of c/ii/-dren. GLO- i| RY BE TO THE FATHER, j AND TO THE"^;/ : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. y2-MEN. I I EVENING PRAYER. PSALM CXIV. /// cxitu Israel. Irr- ^=^t 2 Judah| was His sanc-tu-a-ry : and Israeli His do-;;//;/ -ion. 3 The sea | .raw that, andyzW : Jor-|dan was driv-en back. 4 The | moun-tains skip-ped^like rams : and the little | hills like yoimg sheep. 5 What aileth thee, O thou | sea, that thou fled-dest : and thou Jordan, that | thou wast driv-en back ? 6 Ye mountains, | that ye skip-ped^like rams : and ye little | hills, like young" sheep ? 7 Tremble, thou earth, at the | pre-sence of the Lord : at the presence of the | God of Ja-cofo. 8 Who turned the hard rock|in-to^a stand-ing wa-ter : and the flint-stone | in-to^a spring-ing well. Glo-H ry be to the | Fa-ther, and to tylyPSoii : and I to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As IT || was in the beginning, is I now, and ev-er SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4 -MEN. PSALM CXV. Non nobis, Doviine. i 5th Tone. =3 s is^i m ~&> ; A A Fi ^^ P J-^-J-^ ^: Because God is TV T OT || unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thv Name aZi y idohare S ' ^ 2 ive the | praise : for Thy loving mercy, | and for^Thy vanity, truth's sake. 2 Wherefore shall the heathen | say : Where | • is now their God? 3 As for our God, He is in|hea-ven : He hath done whatso- 1 ev-er plea-sed Him. 4 Their idols are silver and | gold : even the | work of men's hands. 5 They have mouths, and | speak not : eyes have | they, and see not. 6 They have ears, and | hear not : noses have | they, and smell not. EVENING PRAYER. Day XXIII. 7 They have hands, and handle not ; feet have they, and | walk not : neither | speak they through their throat. 8 They that make them are like | un-to^them : and so are all such as | put their trust in them. ist Tone. i r=t W=f$ ip== jg^-gb^ ■Z2- \ I m -^ ■< Sf -rt W^ 5*3= T 9 But thou, || house of Israel, trust | thou in XheTLord : He he exhorteth u is their | suc-cour and de-fence. G$ den " ** io Ye house of Aaron, put your [trust in theTLord : He is their helper | and de-fend-er. ii Ye that fear the Lord, put your | trust in the* Lord : He is their helper | and de-fend-er. 1 2 The Lord hath been mindful of us, and | He shall bless us : even He shall bless the house of Israel, He shall bless the | house of Aa-ron. 13 He shall bless them that | fear the Lord: both\small and great. 14 The Lord shall increase you [more and more : you | and your chil-dren. 1 5 Ye are the blessed | of the Lord : who | made heaven and earth. 5th Tone. X 16 All the || whole heavens are the | Lord's : the earth hath God is to be He given I to the chil-dren ofmen. blessed for Hit ° ■ b blessings. 17 The dead praise not Thee, O | Lord : neither all they that go I down in-tcwz-lence. 18 But we will praise the | Lord : from this time forth for ever- 1 more. Praise the Lord. Glo-||ry be to thi; Father, and to the | Son : and| to the ho-ly ghost ; as it || was in the beginning, is now, and ever | shall be: world with- i out end. y^-men. Day XXIV. MORNING PRAYER. f)$t MORNING PRAYER. PSALM CXVI. Dilexi, quoniam. 2nd Tone. K ^ &3 ?z •m 1 — &- 2^ r The psalmist t AM || well | pleas-ed : that the Lord hath heard the I voice God for his 2 That He hath inclined His earlun-to^me : therefore will deliverance. T n TT . M ~tv I call upon Him as | long as I live. 3 The snares of death compassed me round a- 1 bout : and the pains of hell gat | hold upon me. 4 I shall find trouble and heaviness, and I will call upon the Name of the | Lord : O Lord, I beseech Thee, de- 1 liv-er^ my soul. 5 Gracious is the Lord, and | right-eous : yea, our God is| mer-ci-ful. 6 The Lord preserveth the | sim-ple : I was in misery, and He|help-ed me. 7 Turn again then unto thy rest, O my | soul : for the Lord hath re- 1 ward-ed thee. 8 And why ? Thou hast delivered my soul from | death : mine eyes from tears, and my feet from \fall-mg. 9 I will walk before the | Lord : in the land of the [ //77-ing. io I believed, and therefore will I speak ; but I was sore| troub-led : I said in my haste, All men are | /z-ars. ist Tone. f^ ^H-H^ iPi^pg m &&. A 32 :g: flfefg= 1 He studieth to be n What re- 1| ward shall I give|un-to the^ Lord : for all thankful. the benefits that He hath I done un-to^me ? MORNING PRAYER. Day XXIV. 12 I will receive the | cup of^sal-va-tion : and call upon the j Name of^the Lord. 13 I will pay my vows now in the presence of | all His peo-ple : right dear in the sight of the Lord is the | death oF His saints. 14 Behold, O Lord, how that 1 1 am^Thy serv-ant : I am Thy servant, and the son of Thine handmaid ; Thou hast broken my \ bonds in sun-der. 15 I will offer to Thee the sacrifice o{\thanks-g\v-'mg : and will call upon the | Name of the^ Lord. 16 I will pay my vows unto the Lord, in the sight of | all His peo-ple : in the courts of the Lord's house, even in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. | Praise the Lord. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TKK^Son : AND \ TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM CXVIL Laudate Domimtm. $ £*- m m^ iS>— ^2: - — est- 8th Tone. ^^ 33 I I I -g- g| I I ?z zz 3^ :=t=^: -^ mm o PRAISE the Lord, | all ye hea-then : praise Him, | all An exhortation ve na-tions to praise God/or ye 11a uuiib. Hts mercy and 2 For His merciful kindness is ever more and I more trttth > to-wards us : and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. | Praise the Lord. GLO- I! RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY~GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND I EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-MEN. Day XXIV. morning prayer. PSALM CXVIII. Confitemini Domino. i i£2=^ -^-^ ! P g ; -rs ==?2. S SS 6/>4 Tone, '? 3E J- ^ V^^ - J- I ^ J J- J- - 1 K— H-J5- — tS> tS> . ■ £-^ ^-^ =J=?=£ zr: --M^rf-^ SJA ^ zp- &■ -&- \(m )\ r ^ |i — 1 - ODO |! well|un-to^Thy ser-vant : that I may | live, and keep Thy word. 18 Open I Thou mine eyes : that I may see the wondrous | things of Thy law. 19 I am a stranger up-|w/z me. 20 My soul breaketh out for the very |fer-vent desire : that it hath alway lun-to^Thy/7/^v-ments. 21 Thou hast re-|buk-ed the^protta 7 : and cursed are they that do err from | Thy com-;;/^;/^?-ments. 22 O turn from me | shame and rebuke : for I have kept Thy I tes-ti-ww-nies. Day XXIV. evening prayer. is t-ysr -^—^— ^ j=^ 23 Princes also did sit and | speak a-gainst me : but Thy servant is occupied | in Thy sta-tutzs. 24 For Thy testimonies are | my de-light : and | my coun- sellors. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TKE^Son : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, | AND EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. ^-MEN. Adhcesit pavimento. M Y || soul cleaveth | to the dust : O quicken Thou me, 1VA ac- 1 cord-ing to Thy word. 26 I have acknowledged my ways, and | Thou heard-est^ me : O | teach me Thy^/^-tutes. 27 Make me to understand the way of | Thy com-mand- ments : and so shall I \ talk of~Thy won-drous works. 28 My soul melteth away for | ve-ry hea-viness : comfort Thou me ac- 1 cord-ing un-to^Thy word. 29 Take from me the | way of ly-ing : and cause Thou me to make | much of Thy law. 30 I have chosen the | way of truth : and Thy judgements have 1 1 laid he-fore me. 31 I have stuck unto Thy | tes-ti-mo-nies :0 Lord, con- 1 found me not. 32 I will run the way of | Thy com-mand-ments : when Thou hast set my | heart at li-ber-ty. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE"\SV?« : AND [ TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4-MEN. i MORNING PRAYER. DAY XXV. MORNING PRAYER. Legem pone. i 6ih Tone. -^ h-^ S<- ■ -- -S> -=-*- -«>- =— _ -=-*- S>- <5>- s— TEACH me," O Lord, the | way of^Thy sta-tutes : and I shall keep it | un-to xhzTend. 34 Give me understanding, and I shall keep Thy laiv : yea, I shall keep it | with my whole heart. 35 Make me to go in the path of | Thy com-mand-ments : for there- 1 in is my de^sire. 36 Incline my heart unto Thy |tes-ti-mo-nies : and not to | co-vetous-/^i\s". yj O turn away mine eyes, lest they be-\hoid van-ity : and quicken Thou me | in Thy way. 38 O stablish Thy word in | Thy ser-vant : that 1 1 may fear Thee. 39 Take away the rebuke that| I am a?fraid of : for Thy| judge-ments axeTgood. 40 Behold, my delight is in | Thy com-mand-ments : O quicken me|in Thy right-eousness. GLO- |i RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^ Son '. AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST [ AS IT :! WAS IX THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-MEN. Et vcniat super me. / |}g { , , 3rd Tone ± 1 1 — r ff- ,,|fe ±fc^^ =^l LET Thy || loving mercy come also unto | me, O Lord: even Thy salvation, ac-|cord-ing un-to^Thy word. Day XXV MORNING PRAYER. *£ t T -G> ^ 3= :^s 42 So shall I make answer unto | my blas-phe-mers : for my I trust is in Thy word. 43 O take not the word of Thy truth utterly | out of~my mouth : for my hope is | in TYiy judge-rs\&\\.<=>. 44 So shall I alway|keep Thy law : yea, for|ev-er and^ ^i/-er. 45 And I will I walk at li-berty : for 1 1 seek Thy com'? mand- ments. 46 I will speak of Thy testimonies also, even hz-\fore kings : and will | not be a.^s/iam-ed. 47 And my delight shall be in | Thy com-mand-ments : which 1 1 have lov-ed. 48 My hands also will I lift up unto Thy commandments, which 1 1 have lov-ed : and my study shall | be in^Thy sta-tutes. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TKE^Son : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. Memor esto servi tut. yth Tone. OH THINK upon Thy servant, as con- 1 cern-ing~Thy word : wherein Thou hast caused me to | put my trust. 50 The same is my comfort | in my trou-ble : for Thy | word hath quick-ened^me. 51 The proud have had me exceedingly | in de-ri-sion : yet have I not shrinked | from Thy law. 52 For I remembered Thine everlasting judgements, 1 Lord : and re- 1 ceiv-ed com-fort. 53 I am horri-|bly afraid : for the ungodly that for- 1 sake Thy law. MORNING PRAYER. DAY XXV. 54 Thy statutes have | been my songs : in the | house ofmy pil-grimage. 55 I have thought upon Thy Name, O Lord, j in the~night- sea-son : and have | kept Thy lav*. 56 This 1 I had : because I kept | Thy com-mand-ments. GLO- [I RY EE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TYLYr Soil \ AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EY-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. Poi'tio mea, D online. Pfe jth Tone. ^=P^= 1 i 1 r f- ~. ^ . A Mfe^ ^=^: •P t: THOU art |i my portion, \0 Lord: I have promised to | keep Thy law. 58 I made my humble petition in Thy presence | with my whole heart : O be merciful unto me, ac- 1 cord-ing to^Thy word. 59 I called mine own | ways to re^mem-brance : and turned my feet unto Thy | tes-ti-mo-nies. 60 I made haste, and prolonged] not the time : to | keep Thy comTmand-ments. 61 The congregations of the ungodly have|rob-bed me : but I have not for-|got-ten~Thy law. 62 At midnight I will rise to give] thanks un-to^77/^ : because of Thy | right-eous judge-ments. 63 I am a companion of all | them that fear Thee : and | keep Thy com^mand-ments. 64 The earth, O Lord, is | full oPThy mer-cy : O! teach me^Thy sta-tutes. GLO- !| RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TKE^Son : AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EY-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. Day XXV. evening prayer. Bonitatcm fccisti. 3rd To7ie _«=?EflE Eld! I ' ' I LJJJ «S*3*?±=* ir^^=^==?z -G>^ e =£2: ■^ I _^,- n _ _ =I ^ =::l OH LORD, Thou hast dealt graciously | with Thy ser-vant : according | un-to^Thy word. 66 O learn me true under- 1 stand-ing and^know-ledge : for I have believed | Thy com-mand-ments. 67 Before I was troubled, 1 1 went wrong- : but now have 1 1 kept Thy word. 68 Thou art | good and gra-cious : O | teach me^Thy sta-tutes. 69 The proud have imagined a | lie a-gainst me : but I will keep Thy commandments | with my whole heart. 70 Their heart is as j fat as brawn : but my delight hath | been in^Thy law. 71 It is good for me that I have | been in trou-ble : that I may | learn Thy sta-tutes. 72 The law of Thy mouth is|dear-er un-to^me : than thousands of | gold and sil-ver. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TUeTSoH : AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-MEN. EVENING PRAYER. Manns tucc fecerunt mc. J- 7th Tone. a = H-sH^^ ft =p4=s^^=g=g J ej. .=." ~JS." "ja -22- J=! 3S — 1 — r THY || hands have made me and | fa-shioned me :0 give me understanding, that I may | learn Thy comCmand- ments. EVENING PRAYER. Day XXV. 74 They that fear Thee will be glad | when they see me : because I have put my | trust in Thy word. 75 I know, O Lord, that Thy|judge-ments^are right : and that Thou of very faithfulness hast caused j me to^be troub-led. 76 O let Thy merciful kindness | be my com-fort : according to Thy word | un-to^Thy ser-vant. 77 O let Thy loving mercies come unto me ; that 1 1 may live : for Thy | law is my de^light. 78 Let the proud be confounded, for they go wickedly a- 1 bout to destroy me : but I will be occupied in | Thy com-mand-ments. 79 Let such as fear Thee, and have known Thy | tes-ti-mo- nies : be|turn-ed un-to^me. So O let my heart be | sound in^Thy sta-tutes : that I be | not a-sham-ed. GLO- II RY..BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^Son : AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-MEN. Defecit anima mea. i **- = 3rd Tone. & £ * ■ -& £S^ ^=^ ¥ & W£ !=z- ^ 1 , r • ' ?= ^ MY || soul hath longed for | Thy sal-va-tion : and I have a good hope be- 1 cause of^Thy word. 82 Mine eyes long | sore for~Thy word : saying, O when wilt Thou j com-fort me ? 83 For I am become like a bottle j in the smoke : yet do I not forget Thy | .rto-tutes. 84 How many are the | days of^Thy ser-vant : when wilt Thou be avenged of them that | per-secute me ? 85 The proud have digged | pits for vie : which are not| af-ter^Thy law. 86 All Thy com-|mand-ments~are true : they persecute me falsely ; O be | Thou my help. N Day XXV. evening prayer. P --^=p^ - I "= ^ ^ - 7 87 They had almost made an end of me up-\on earth : but I forsook not Thy com- 1 wand-merits. 88 O quicken me after Thy | lov-ing-kind-ness : and so shall I keep the testimonies of | Thy mouth. GLO- [I RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TYLYTSoh : AND TO THE I HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITHOUT I END. A-MEN. In ceternum, Domine. 1 , Jt/i Tone. f~\ || LORD, I Thy word : endureth for|ev-er~in hea-ven. ^^ 90 Thy truth also remaineth from one generation | to a-no-ther : Thou hast laid the foundation of the earth, and | it a-bi-deth. 91 They continue this day according to | Thine or-dinance : for I all things serve Thee. 92 If my delight had not | been in~Thy law : I should have perished | in my trou-ble. 93 I will never forget | Thy com-mand-ments : for with them I Thou hast quick-ened~me. 94 I am Thine, | O save me : for I have sought | Thy com- mand-ments. 95 The ungodly laid wait for me|to de-stroy me : but I will consider Thy | tes-ti-mo-nies. 96 I see that all things | come to 2^ end : but Thy com- mandment is ex- 1 ceed-ing broad. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TKE^Son \ AND [ TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. MORNING PRAYER. Day XXVI. Quomodo dilexi ! Tent* -t^, ^m ■- -+ZL t. ^m IORD,jjwhat love have Ijun-to~Thy law : all the day _^ long is my study | in it. 98 Thou through Thy commandments hast made me wiser I than mine en-emies : for they are ever | with me. 99 I have more understanding [than my teach-ers : for Thy testimonies are my | stu-dy. 100 I am wiser I than the a-ged : because I keep Thy com-| mand-ments. 101 I have refrained my feet from every |e-vil way : that I may I keep Thy~word. 102 I have not I shrunk from^Thy judge-ments : for Thou | teach-est~me. 103 O how sweet are Thy words j un-to^my throat : yea, sweeter than honey |un-to~my~mouth. 104 Through Thy commandments I get | un-der-stand-ing : therefore I hate allfe-viPways. Glo-, ry be to the Father, I and to the^Son : and TO THE I HO-LY~GHOST ; AS IT li WAS IX THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND ] EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITHOUT END. I A-MEN. MORNING PRAYER. Luccrna pedibus meis. I m Tone. mm W'tl"'*L ^— & & -^ z V T~T1 r — m — I ! 1 I I I Y 1 — •- 1 r THY || word is a lantern j un-to^my teet : and flight un-to^my paths. N 2 Day XXVI. MORNING PRAYER. $ ^=^ =£=t=^ =*=«t m ^Zl 106 I have sworn, and am | sted-fastly pur-posed : to keep Thy | right-eous judge-ments. 107 I am troubled a- 1 bove mea-sure : quicken me, O Lord, ac- 1 cord-ing to Thy word. 108 Let the free-will offerings of my mouth | please Thee. O^Lord : and | teach me^Thy/^^?-ments. 109 My soul is alway|inmy hand : yet do I|not for-get Thy law. no The ungodly have laid a| snare for me : but yet I swerved not from | Thy com-mand-ments. 1 1 1 Thy testimonies have I claimed as mine heritage \for ev-er : and why? they are the very | joy of my heart. 112 I have applied my heart to fulfil Thy | sta-tutes al-way : e-ven unto the end. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4-MEN. Iniquos odio habui. 1st Tone. « fc ^^ 3^ g f w I 1 I FT -ZB2. &, w r^-p - fT^- p- T^F- 22: ^ i — X I HATE them that imagine | e-vil things : but Thy \ law do I love. 114 Thou art my de-| fence and shield : and my | trust is in Thy word. 115 Away from me,|j/ When Thy word | go-eth forth : it giveth light and understanding j un-to the^sim-ple. 131 I opened my mouth, and | drew in my" * breath : for my delight was in | Thy com-^tf^-ments. 132 O look Thou upon me, and be merciful | un-to vie : as Thou usest to do unto | those that love Thy Name. 133 Order my | steps in^Thy word : and so shall no wickedness have do-|min-ion o-ver me. 134 O deliver me from the wrongful | deal-ings of^ men : and so shall I keep | Thy com-mand-ments. 135 Shew the light of Thy countenance up-|on Thy ser-vant : and | teach me^Thy sta-tutes. 136 Mine eyes gush I out with wa-ter : because men | keep not Thy law. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TKE^Son \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4 -MEN. Justus es, Domine. Ife& 4~=^ ^ yth Tone. 2Z±=2L W^e^ ^=^ A. -& m 2=: r rz ! A i- -T3ET ssfc-^: zz ^ RIGHT-EOUS || art I Thou, O Lord : and true \s\Thy judge-ment. 138 The testimonies that | Thou hast comTmand-ed : are exceeding | right-eous andTtrue. EVENING PRAYER. DAY XXVI. 139 My zeal hath even con- 1 sum-ed me : because mine enemies have for- 1 got-tenThy words. 140 Thy word is tried | to the ut-termost : and Thy|ser-vant lov-etrTMt. 141 I am small, and of|no re-pu?ta-tion : yet do I not for- 1 get Thy comTmand-ments. 142 Thy righteousness is an ever- 1 last-ing right-eousness : and Thy | law is the" ^ truth. 143 Trouble and heaviness have taken | hold up-on me : yet is my delight in | Thy com-mand-ments. 144 The righteousness of Thy testimonies is | ev-er-last-ing : O grant me understanding, and 1 1 shall live. GLO J! RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TYLYr Son : AND | TO THE HO-LYXHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-MEN. EVENING PRAYER. Clatnavi in toto corde meo. 1st Tone. -rz « - 1 1 I P ^ 1^=221 Ifl^l J^S - H THEY that || put their trust in the Lord shall be even as the\ mount Si-on : which may not be removed, but standeth | fast for ev-tr. 2 The hills stand about Je-|ru-sa-/^/^ : even so standeth the Lord round about His people, from this time [forth for ev-er-more. 3 For the rod of the ungodly cometh not into the | lot of the^right-eous : lest the righteous put their hand|un-to wick-ed-ness. 4 Do I well, O Lord : unto those that are | good and true of heart. 5 As for such as turn back unto their | own wick-edness : the Lord shall lead them forth with the evil-doers ; but peace shall I be upon Is-ra-el. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TKETSoh \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. ^4-MEN. fc* EVENING PRAYER. PSALM CXXVI. In convertendo. 1 8th Tone. 1 s=? ? r r mm mm m & ; 4^- 1 HEN the || Lord turned again the captivity of | Si-on then were we like unto | them that dream. 2 Then was our mouth filled with|laugh-ter : and our tongue with Joy. w EVENING PRAYER. DAY XXVII. 3 Then said they among the | hea-then : The Lord hath done | great things for them. 4 Yea, the Lord hath done great things for us al- 1 rea-dy : where- 1 of we rejoice. 5 Turn our captivity, O | Lord : as the | ri-vers in the~ south. 6 They that sow in | tears : shall | reap in joy. 7 He that now goeth on his way weeping, and beareth forth good | seed : shall doubtless come again with joy, and bring his | sheaves with him. GLO- ,.RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE | SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY~GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER | SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM CXXVII. Xisi Dominus. $ yth Tone. mm ^=^=^ ^ ^=g: m*=^ j -g- jdT ^T^^js. g- A. -j^ ^ ^ EX- jj CEPT the Lord | build the house : their labour is but | lost that build it. 2 Except the Lord | keep the ci-ty : the watchman | wa-keth but in vain. 3 It is but lost labour that ye haste to rise up early, and so late take rest, and eat the | bread of care-fulness : for so He giveth| His be-lov^d sleep. 4 Lo, children and the | fruit of the^ivomb : are an heritage and gift that | com-eth of the Lord. 5 Like as the arrows in the ] hand of the^gi-ant : even so are the \young chtl-dren. 6 Happy is the man that hath his|qui-ver full of~them : they shall not be ashamed when they speak with their | en-emies in the gate. GLO- I! RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^Son \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT |j WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MES. Day XXVII. evening prayer. PSALM CXXVIII. Beati omnes. 4 s. =t it Jth Tone. ?= m A i I F" m zz _^: Z± ?2=^: E 1 — ' — | — r BLES-SED || are all they that fear the | Lord : and walk in His ways. 2 For thou shalt eat the labours of thine | hands : O well is thee, and | hap-py shalt thou be. 3 Thy wife shall be as the fruitful | vine : upon the | walls of thine house. 4 Thy children like the olive- 1 branch-es : round a- 1 bout thy ta-ble. 5 Lo, thus shall the man be | bles-sed : that \fear-eth. the Lord. 6 The Lord from out of Sion shall so [bless thee : that thou shalt see Jerusalem in prosperity | all thy life long. 7 Yea, that thou shalt see thy children's | chil-dren : and | peace upon Is-ra-el. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE | SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER | SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4-MEN. PSALM CXXIX. Scepe expugnaverunt. ^pN^F m ^ r i LA 1 & f 3 ^ 6th Tone. 1^1 J T^f ~rn-> II $=3=\ 22: ZZZ- ^ Ftf 2 -^- MANY a || time have they fought against me from my[ youth up : may | Is-rael now say. 2 Yea, many a time have they vexed me from my \youth up : but they have not pre- 1 vail-ed against me. 3 The plowers plowed up- 1 on my back : and | made long fur-rows. EVENING PRAYER. DAY XXVII. 4 But the | right-eous Lord : hath hewn the snares of the un-|god-ly in^pie-ces. 5 Let them be confounded and|turn-ed back-ward : as many as have evil | will at Si-on. 6 Let them be even as the grass growing up-|on the house-tops : which withereth a- 1 fore it be^pluck-ecPup ; 7 Whereof the mower filleth | not his hand : neither he that bindeth up the | sheaves his bo-som. 8 So that they who go by say not so much as, The | Lord pros-per^you : we wish you good luck in the | Name of the^ Lord. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TUE^Son \ AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM CXXX. De profundis. 1 1 r— 1st Tone. 1 I 1 ^^-^=jEg ' i - ^ -H — O I * -■ — — ( 1— Tl t?z ^ — ' 1 OUT of I! the deep have I called unto | Thee, O Lord : Lord, | hear my voice. 2 O let Thine ears con- 1 si-der well : the | voice of my com-plaint. 3 If Thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is | done 2i-7?iiss : O Lord, | who may 2,-bide it ? 4 For there is|mer-cy with Thee : therefore shalt|Thou bey^r-ed. 5 I look for the Lord ; my soul doth | wait for Him : in His | word is my trust. 6 My soul fleeth | un-to ihe^Lord : before the morning watch, I say, be- 1 fore the morn-ing watch. 7 O Israel, trust in the Lord, for with the Lord | there is mer-cy : and with Him is | plen-teous re^demp-tion. 8 And He shall re-|^;« Is-rael : from | all his sins. O Day XXVIII. MORNING PRAYER. $ I ^=ft=^ ! I I -1^ — -—< 1 122: =2=^=22: GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A -MEN. PSALM CXXXI. Domitte, non est. P -^ ^=t s ist Tone. =1: zH: ^ "^ SE N zz L ORD, || I am not | high-minded : I have no | proud looks. 2 I do not exercise myself in | great matters : which are too | high for^me. 3 But I refrain my soul, and keep it low, like as a child that is weaned | from his mother : yea, my soul is even as a | wean-ed^child. 4 O Israel, | trust in the^Lord : from this time forth for[ ev-ermore. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON : AND TO THE | HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER | Shall BE : WORLD WITHOUT END. | A-MEN. MORNING PRAYER PSALM CXXXII. Memento, Domine. i i 3rd Tone. ■I 1 II ^ =.\Z ¥ 23 SZ A i i i^ ^ i ■ i ifezz gzg: qt 22: tzz T" 1 ^-^— i T ORD, [|- re-|mem-ber Da-vid : and | all his trou-h\e ; •■ — ' 2 How he sware|un-to the"* Lord : and vowed a vow unto the Almighty | God of y^-cob ; MORNING PRAYER. DAY XXVIII. 3 I will not come within the tabernacle | of mine house : nor | climb up in-to^my bed ; 4 I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep, nor mine | eye-lids \oT slum-ber : neither the temples of my head to | take a-ny rest ; 5 Until I find out a place for the temple | of the Lord : an habitation for the mighty | God of Ja-o.o\>. 6 Lo, we heard of the | same at Eph-rata : and | found it in the wood. 7 We will go into His|ta-ber-na-cle : and fall low on our knees be- 1 fore H is foot- stool. 8 Arise, O Lord, into Thy | rest-mg-filace : Thou, and the | ark of Thy strength. 9 Let Thy priests be clothed with | right-eous-«£j\r : and let Thy saints | sing with joy-ful-ness. io For Thy servant |D a- vid's sake : turn not away the presence of | Thine A-noint-ed. ii The Lord hath made a faithful | oath un-to^Da-vid : and He shall not| shrink from it ; 12 Of the | fruit of^thy bo-dy : shall 1 1 set up-on thy seat. 13 If thy children will keep My covenant, and My testimonies that 1 1 shall learn them : their children also shall sit upon thy | seat for ev-er-more. 14 For the Lord hath chosen Sion to be an habitation | for Hinw^" : He hath | long-edy^r her. 15 This shall be My | rest for ev-er : here will I dwell, for 1 1 have a^de-light there-in. 16 I will bless her|vic-tuals with^in-crease : and will satisfy her \poor with bread. 17 I will deck her | priests with health : and her saints shall re- \joice and sing. 18 There shall I make the horn of|Da-vid to~flou-rish : I have ordained a lantern for | Mine A-noint-ed. 19 As for his enemies, I shall | clothe them mth^shame : but upon himself shall his \ crown Jlou-rish. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE"\SV?;z : AND] TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- | OUT END. ^4 -MEN. O 2 The benefit of the communion of saints. tin exhortation to bless God. Day XXVIII. morning prayer. PSALM CXXXIII. Ecce, quam bonum ! JEgjP ^F F^iB ^ 5th Tone. m d: A \ f~^p s I ! J=A 32=^=^2: BE- 1| HOLD, how good and joyful a | thing it~is : brethren, to dwell to- 1 ge-ther in u-nity ! 2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down unto the j beard : even unto Aaron's beard, and went down to the | skirts of his clo-thing. 3 Like as the dew of | Her-mon : which fell up-|on the hill of Si-on. 4 For there the Lord promised His|bless-ing : and | life for ev-er-more. Glo-H ry be to the Father, and to the | Son : and| to the ho-ly ghost ; as it || was in the beginning, is now, and ever | shall be : world with- 1 out end. y2-men. PSALM CXXXIV. Ecce nunc. m ae? H^i^-^i Jth Tone. -i H AAA A. 1 m =g==n -(=- ^ 1=2L I ^ BE- 1| HOLD now, | praise the Lord : all ye servants | of the Lord; 2 Ye that by night stand in the | house of theTLord : even in the courts of the house of | our God. 3 Lift up your hands | in the sanc-tuary : and | praise the Lord. 4 The Lord that made | heaven and earth : give thee blessing out of | Si-on. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^Son : AND TO THE | HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITHOUT | END. A-MEN. p MORNING PRAYER. DAY XXVIII. PSALM CXXXV. Laudate Nomen. 3rd Tone. jru, j. one. V ■ ||]_ I J J ! _| I I I J I _ B II — - ^ ^ g r^ ^ g [ ^ JL ^ bgzg ^ g gy ^ ^M ^r"^ T* r^ ■^£ S* 2=£ 1 i i i • Oil PRAISE the Lord, laud ye the | Name of thzTLord : f^f^Xrf/ praise it, O ye | ser-vants of the Lord ; l&m^cf 9 fir 2 Ye that stand in the | house of the^ Lord : in the courts of H% P j™£ements, the | house of our God. 3 O praise the Lord, for the | Lord is gra-cious : O sing praises unto His Name, for | it is love-ly. 4 For why ? the Lord hath chosen Jacob | un-to^Him-j^ : and Israel for His | own pos-j^-sion. 5 For I know that the | Lord is great : and that our Lord | is a-bove all gods. 6 Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did He in heaven,) and in earth : and in the sea, and in | all deep //tf-ces. 7 He bringeth forth the clouds from the | ends of xhsT world: and sendeth forth lightnings with the rain, bringing the winds | out of^His /raz-sures. 8 He smote the | first-born of^E-gypt : both | • of man and beast. 9 He hath sent tokens and wonders into the midst of thee, O thousand of E-gypt : upon Pharaoh, and | all his ^r-vants. 10 He smote | di-vers na-tions : a.r\&\slew migh-ty kings ; ii Sehon king of the Amorites, and Og the | king of Ba-san : and all the |king-doms of~Ca-na-an ; 12 And gave their land to|be an he-ritage : even an heritage unto| Is-rael His^t^-ple. 13 Thy Name, O Lord, en-|dur-eth for^ev-er : so doth Thy memorial, O Lord, from one generation | to a-;^-ther. 14 For the Lord will a-|venge His peo-ple : and be gracious I un-to^His j^r-vants. 15 As for the images of the heathen, they are but|sil-ver~ The unity of and gold : the I work of metis hands. { f }^ *? e J x J hor ' ** ' tation to bless Hod. Day XXVIII. EVENING PRAYER. i £*= t=t =F=^ .^ L -zzz S= 16 They have | mouths, and speak not : eyes have they, j but they see not. 17 They have ears, and | yet they hear not : neither is there any | breath in their mouths. 18 They that make them 3XQ,\like un-to^them : and so are all they that | put their trust in them. 19 Praise the Lord, ye | house of Is-rael : praise the Lord, ye I house of Aa-ron. 20 Praise. the Lord, ye | house of Le-vi : ye that fear the | Lord, praise the Lord. 21 Praised be the Lord | out of Si-on : who dwelleth|at Je-ru-sa-lem. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TU^TSon : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-MEN. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM CXXXVI. Confitemini. $ d 3rd Tone. S i ^ 1 P W P £=£ St :gfc rJ A S = T=F "ST — I— 22: 4n exhortation ^v GIVE || thanks unto the Lord, for | He is gra-cious : and Gof/ot%%t \J His mercy en- 1 dur-eth former. lar mercies. 2 q g ive thanks unto the | God of all gods : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for">z/-er. 3 O thank the | Lord of all lords : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth iov^ev-zr. 4 Who only doeth\great won-ders : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for">z/-er. 5 Who by His excellent wisdom | made the hea-vens : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for^Vi/-er. EVENING PRAYER. DAY XXVIII. 6 Who laid out the earth a- 1 bove the wa-ters : for His mercy en- \ dur-eth ior^ev-er. 7 Who hath | made great lights : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for^V^-er ; 8 The sun to ] rule the day : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for^ ev-er ; 9 The moon and the stars to | gov-ern^the night : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth ior^ev-er. io Who smote Egypt | with their first-born : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for^?y-er ; ii And brought out Israeli from a-mong them : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth ior^ev-er ; 12 With a mighty hand, and | stretch-ed^out arm : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for ev-er. 13 Who divided the Red | Sea in two parts : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth ior^ev-er ; 14 And made Israel to go [through the midst of^it : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth ior^ev-tr. 15 But as for Pharaoh and his host, He overthrew them | in the Red Sea : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth ior^ev-tr. 16 Who led His people | through the wil-derness : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for^V^-er. 17 Who I smote great kings :'for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for^^-er ; 18 Yea, and slew | migh-ty kings : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for"Vz/-er ; 19 Sehon | king of the"\A-morites : for His mercy en-[ dur-eth for^ev-er ; 20 And Og the I king of Ba-san : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth iox^ev-zr ; 21 And gave away their land | for an he-ritage : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for"V^-er ; 22 Even for an heritage unto Israel \His ser-vant : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for"Vz/-er. 23 Who remembered us when we | were in trou-ble : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth ior^ev-er ; 24 And hath delivered us | from our en-emies : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for~ ev-er. Day XXVIII. EVENING PRAYER. I ^ i :z2: 22: 25 Who giveth food to | all flesh : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for^VTz-er. 26 O give thanks unto the | God of hea-ven : for His mercy en- 1 dur-eth for^V^-er. 27 O give thanks unto the | Lord of lords : for His mercy en- J dur-eth for"V^-er. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO IK^P Son '. AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. ^4-MEN. PSALM CXXXVII. Super flumina. Pff^- 1st Tone. & ^ m &EL \.A &>- ^tr-p— p- 2=^ -F—z r r ri J- 33EE 2=2: ~-^=^- The constancy of T) the Jews in cap- y\ tivity. Y the || waters of Babylon we sat | down and wept : when we re- 1 mem-bered thee, O Si-on. 2 As for our harps, we | hang-ed^them up : upon the | trees that are therein. 3 For they that led us away captive required of us then a song, and melody, in our | >to-viness : Sing us | one of the"" songs of Si-on. 4 How shall we sing the | Lords song : in | • a strange land? 5 If I forget thee, O Je-|ru-sa-lem : let my right | hand for-get her cun-ning. 6 If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the| roof of^my mouth : yea, if I prefer not Je- 1 ru-salem in my mirth. The prophet curseth Edom and Babel. 7 Remember the children of Edom, O Lord, in the day of Je-|ru-sa-lem : how they said, Down with it, down with it,| e-ven to the ground. 8 O daughter of Babylon, wasted with | //zz-sery : yea, happy shall he be that rewardeth thee, as | thou hast serv-ed us. EVENING PRAYER. DAY XXVIII. 9 Blessed shall he be that taketh thy | chil-drtn : and| throw-eth them a-gainst the^stones. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY Ghost ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER | shall BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A -men. PSALM CXXXVIII. ConfiteborHbL $ T 7-*~ ? Z-+-^ & Jth Tone. ■&zsr~ f - i i J 1~ I I I "Pl~p I , j ^ A A. I I WILL || give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, with my | whole David praiseth heart : even before the gods will I smg\praise un-to G f d duwrd?He Thee. prophcsieth that 2 I will worship toward Thy holy temple, and praise 1 ny earth shall Name, because of Thy loving-kindness and | truth : for Thou praise God. He hast magnified Thy Name, and Thy | Word, above all things. Confidence in 3 When I called upon Thee, Thou | heard-est^me : and God ' enduedst my | soul with much strength. 4 All the kings of the earth shall praise Thee, O | Lord : for they have heard the | words of Thy mouth. 5 Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the | Lord : that great is the|glo-ry of the Lord. 6 For though the Lord be high, yet hath He respect unto the|low-ly : as for the proud, He beholdeth | them a-_/^roff. 7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, yet shalt Thou re- 1 fresh me : Thou shalt stretch forth Thy hand upon the furiousnessofmine enemies, and Thy right | hand shall save me. 8 The Lord shall make good His loving-kindness [toward me : yea, Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever ; despise not then the | works of^Thine own hands. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE|SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT ll WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER] SHAUL jRE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4 -MEN. Day XXIX. MORNING PRAYER. David praise tk God for His all- seeing provi- dence, and for His infinite mercies. I £*: MORNING PSALM CXXXIX. ■1 1 r PRAYER. Domine, probasti. 3rd Tone. £s£ -£^ 122=^=22: K ', ', :&z^rn=g: r ~- ! -J F^ ^ -^T TZ- -&-F- m OH LORD, Thou hast searched me | out, and known me : Thou knowest my down-sitting, and mine up-rising ; Thou understandest my | thoughts long before. 2 Thou art about my path, and a- 1 bout my bed : and spiest | out all my ways. 3 For lo, there is not a | word in' my tongue : but Thou, O hind and ht^fore : and laid Lord, knowest it | al-to-ge-ther. 4 Thou hast fashioned me be- Thine | hand up-on me. 5 Such knowledge is too wonderful and | ex-cellent for me : I cannot at- 1 tain un-to^it. 6 Whither shall I go then | from Thy Spi-rit : or whither shall I go then | from Thy pre-sence ? 7 If I climb up into heaven, | Thou art there : if I go down to hell, Thou art | there al-so. 8 If I take the | wings of the^morn-ing : and remain in the uttermost | parts of the^sea ; 9 Even there also shall Thy j hand lead me : and Thy right | hand shall hold me. io If I say, Peradventure the darkness shall |co-ver vie : then shall my | night be turn-ed to-day. Yea, the darkness is no darkness with Thee, but the II s day the darkness and light to | Thee Thou hast covered me | in my night is as | clear as the' are both a-like. 1 2 For my | reins are Thine mo-ther's womb. 1 3 I will give thanks unto Thee, for I am fearfully and | won-der-ful-ly^made : marvellous are Thy works, and that my soul | know-eth right well. 14 My bones are not I hid from Thee : though I be made secretly, and fashioned be- 1 neath in the^earth. MORNING PRAYER. DAY XXIX. 1 5 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet | being im-per-fect : and in Thy book were all my | mem-bers writ-ten ; 1 6 Which day by | day were fash-ioned : when as | yet there was^none of them. 17 How dear are Thy counsels unto | me, O God : O how| great is the^sum of them ! 18 If I tell them, they are more in number | than the sa?id : when I wake up I am|pre-sent with Thee. 19 Wilt Thou not slay the | wick-ed,~0 God : depart from He defeth the me, ye I diood-thirs-ty men. wicked He ' pray eth for sin- 20 For they speak unrighteously a- \gai?ist Thee : and verity. Thine enemies [take Thy Name in vain. 21 Do not I hate them, O | Lord, that hate Thee : and am not I grieved with those that | rise up against Thee? 22 Yea, 1 1 hate them^right sore : even as though they were | mine en-emies. 23 Try me, O God, and seek the | ground ofmy heart : prove me, and ex- j a-mine my thoughts. 24 Look well if there be any way of|wick-edness in me : and lead me in the way | ev-er-last-ing. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THVTSon : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND j EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM CXL. Eripe me t Dom\ue. \ 1- yth Tone. ^^^^ ^JJ-Q j J gj - gj 1 r.. <^- , . DE- || LIVER me, O Lord, from the|e-vil man : and David prayetk preserve me | from the wick-ed man. %£s%?£d 2 Who imagine mischief | in their hearts : and stir up %%« JJ*/™*' strife I all the day long. «***, h* com- ~ u , . - - . , ... forteth himself 3 1 hey have sharpened their tongues | like a ser-pent : by confidence in adder's poison is | un-der their lips. God - Day XXIX. MORNING PRAYER. m a zz: m i ^fe 4 Keep me, O Lord, from the | hands of the^ungod-ly : preserve me from the wicked men, who are purposed to over- 1 throw my go-'mgs. 5 The proud have laid a snare for me, and spread a net a- 1 broad with cords : yea, and set | traps in my way. 6 I said unto the Lord, | Thou art my God : hear the voice of my | pray-ers, O Lord. 7 O Lord God, Thou | strength of^my health : Thou hast covered my head in the | day of dat-tle. 8 Let not the ungodly have his de- 1 sire, O Lord : let not his mischievous imagination prosper, | lest they be too proud. 9 Let the mischief of their own lips fall up- 1 on the head of^them : that | corn-pass me a-bout. io Let hot burning coals | fall up-on them : let them be cast into the fire, and into the pit, that they never | rise up a-gain. 1 1 A man full of words shall not prosper up- 1 on the earth : evil shall hunt the wicked person to | o-ver-throw him. 12 Sure I am that the Lord will a-|venge the poor : and maintain the | cause of the^ help-less. 13 The righteous also shall give thanks | un-to^Thy Name : and the just shall con- 1 ti-nue^in Thy sight. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THETSoH \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND ' SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4-MEN. EV-ER David prayeth that his suit may be acceptable, his conscience sin- cere, and hh life free from snares PSALM CXLI. WE W-Wf 3SS :s2=^: D omine, clamavi. X 3rd Tone. ^=t && « A ! I S^ r 7^-^- LORD, || I call upon Thee, haste Thee|un-to me : and consider my voice when I \cry un-to^Thee. EVENING PRAYER. DAY XXIX. 2 Let my prayer be set forth in Thy | sight as the^in-cense : and let the lifting up of my hands be an | ev-ening sa-crifice. 3 Set a watch, Lord, be- 1 fore my mouth : and keep the[ door of my lips. 4 O let not mine heart be inclined to any | e-vil thing : let me not be occupied in ungodly works with the men that work wickedness, lest I eat of such | things as please them. 5 Let the righteous rather | smite me friend-ly : and | • re- prove me. 6 But let not their precious balms | break my head : yea, I will pray yet a- 1 gainst their wick-edness. 7 Let their judges be overthrown in | sto-ny pla-ces : that they may hear my | words, for they are sweet. 8 Our bones lie scattered be- 1 fore the pit : like as when one breaketh and heweth | wood up-on the^earth. 9 But mine eyes look unto Thee, 0\Lord God : in Thee is my trust, O | cast not out my soul. io Keep me from the snare that they have | laid for me : and from the traps of the | wick-ed do-ers. ii Let the ungodly fall into their own | nets to-ge-ther : and let me | ev-er escape them. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE" 'Son \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST \ AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-MEN. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM CXLII. Voce mea ad Dominion. I Irregular Tone. ^^^^^=1 ^^T^r-X^ ^ L I I -gi- -- -&- £2- -gJ- ^ J ■<£»■ ^j ^5 i l H — |- p i r ^-wm- i i f^l — - III CRIED unto the | Lord with my voice : yea, even unto David skeweth the Lord did I make my | sup-pli-^-tion. '/rout/* a// his 2 I poured | out my com^plaints be-fore Him : and shewed c °» l f ort ™ a!i »i TT . , ' ' . . J * prayer nntouoa, Him of mv trou-h\e. Day XXIX. EVENING PRAYER. I w 5-7 7 T7 . i=£r- 22=^== 1 I : -^-sL 3 When my spirit was in heaviness | Thou knew-est^my path : in the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a | snare for me. 4 I looked | al-so up^on my right hand : and saw there was no man | that would know me. 5 I had no | place to flee un-to : and no man | car-ed for^;//y soul. 6 I cried unto | Thee, O Lord, and said : Thou art my hope, and my portion in the | land of xheTliv-mg. 7 Con-|si-der my com-plaint : for I a.m\&rought ve-ry low. 8 O deliver me | from my per-se-cu-tors : for they are too | stro7igfor me. 9 Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give] thanks un-toThy Name : which thing if Thou wilt grant me, then shall the righteous resort | un-to^my com-pa-ny. GLO- II RY BE TO THE | FA-THER, AND TO THE* Son : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS | NOW, AND EV-EF SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. ^4-MEN. David prayeth for favour in judgement. He complaineth of his g? iefs. He strengtheneth his faith by medita- tion and prayer. He prayethfor grace, for deli- verance, for sanctification, for destruction of his enemies. iM PSALM CXLIII. Domine, exaudi. 1 h_ ist Tone. WT-& H- ^=B a i i i i A J. _ m A f ^-^ 1 — ' — r HEAR my || prayer, O Lord, and consider] my de-sire : hearken unto me for Thy | truth and right-eousness' sake. 2 And enter not into judgement | with Thy ser-vant : for in Thy sight shall no man | li-ving be^jus-ti-fied. 3 For the enemy hath persecuted my soul ; he hath smitten my life | down to the*ground : he hath laid me in the darkness, as the men that have | been long dead. 4 Therefore is my spirit |vex-ed withTin me : and my heart with- 1 in me is^de-solate. MORNING PRAYER. DAY XXX. 5 Yet do I remember the time past ; I muse upon | all Thy works : yea, I exercise myself in the | works of Thy hands. 6 I stretch forth my | hands un-toThee : my soul gaspeth unto Thee | as a thirs-ty^land. 7 Hear me, O Lord, and that soon, for my spirit | wax-eth faint : hide not Thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go | dow7i in-to the^pit. 8 O let me hear Thy loving-kindness betimes in the morning, for in | Thee is^my trust : shew Thou me the way that I should walk in, for I lift up my | soul un-to Thee. 9 Deliver me, O Lord, | from mine en-emies : for I flee unto | Thee to hide me. io Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth Thee, for | Thou art^my God : let Thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the | land of right-eous-ness. ii Quicken me, O Lord, | for Thy Name's sake : and for Thy righteousness' sake bring my soul | out of trou-ble. 12 And of Thy goodness | slay mine en-emies : and destroy all them that vex my soul ; for | I am^Thy ser-vant. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TYLYr Son : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-MEN. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM CXLIV. Benedictus Dominus. ■, i I ^tsss^^^ m 8th Tone. ^^f^^^ ^SftT V &>&- ■■ j| ! r- ^ ^-^^ p^ -tT^ _ ^F 1 ^ David blesseth God for His ' ' ' mercy both to LES-SED || be the I Lord my strength : who teacheth my him and to man. , j " J, i /r 4. ^a Ui He prayeth that hands to war, and my |yfo-gers to tight ; God would 2 My hope and my fortress, my castle and deliverer, my j^^im/rim defender in | Whom I trust : Who subdueth my people | that is hisenemut. He un-der^me. promiseth to praise God. B Day XXX. morning prayer. *i *> ■■ *\ r=t U *L ^_ 3 Lord, what is man, that Thou hast such rt-\spect un-to" him : or the son of man, that Thou | so re-gar d-est^him ? 4 Man is like a | thing of nought : his time passeth away| like a sha-dow. 5 Bow Thy heavens, O Lord, | and come down : touch the mountains, | and they shall^smoke. 6 Cast forth Thy|light-ning, and^tear them : shoot out Thine arrows, | and con-sume them. 7 Send down Thine hand | from a-bove : deliver me, and take me out of the great waters, from the hand oi\ strange chil-dren ; 8 Whose mouth | talk-eth oPvan-ity : and their right hand is a right | hand of wick-edness. 9 I will sing a new song unto | Thee, O God : and sing praises unto Thee upon a | /£;z-string-edTute. io Thou hast given victory | un-to kings : and hast delivered David Thy servant from the | pe-ril of the^sword. 1 1 Save me, and deliver me from the | hand of "strange chil-dren : whose mouth talketh of vanity, and their right hand is a right | hand of"i-ni-quity. He prayeth/or 12 That our sons may grow up|as the"young plants : and ^/tke^n'dfm tnat our daughters may be as the polished corners | of the ing om. tem _p| e 13 That our garners may be full and plenteous with all | man-ner~of store : that our sheep may bring forth thousands and ten | thou-sands in^our streets. 14 That our oxen may be strong to labour, that there be| no de-cay : no leading into captivity, and no com- 1 plain-ing in^our streets. 15 Happy are the people that are in | such a case : yea, blessed are the people who have the | Lord for their God. Glo-H ry be to the Father, [and to the^Son : and| to the ho-ly~ghost ; as it || was in the beginning, is now, and | ev-er shall be : world with- i out end. a-men. MORNING PRAYER. DAY XXX. PSALM CXLV. Exaltabo te> Dens. Jth Tone. ^mm=mmmm T A F m^K i*-&- I WILL || magnify Thee, O God, my | King: and I will David praisetk praise Thy | Name for ev-er and~ev-er. %ife°MHi s 2 Everv day will I give thanks unto I Thee : and praise s°pdnessjor hu mi. I xt r j~ kingdom, for His Thy | Name for ev-er and ev-er. providence, for 3 Great is the Lord, and marvellous, worthy to be | mercy™"* prais-ed : there is no | end of His great-ness. 4 One generation shall praise Thy works unto a- 1 no-ther : and | • de-clare Thy pow-er. 5 As for me, I will be talking of Thy|wor-ship : Thy glory, Thy j praise, and won-drous works; 6 So that men shall speak of the might of Thy marvellous | acts : and I will also | tell of Thy great-ness. 7 The memorial of Thine abundant kindness shall be | shew-ed : and men shall | sing of Thy right-eousness. 8 The Lord is gracious, and | mer-ciful : long-suffering, | and of great good-ness. 9 The Lord is loving unto | ev-ery~man : and His mercy is|o-ver all His works. io All Thy works praise Thee, 0|Lord : and Thy | saints give thanks un-to^Thee. ii They shew the glory of Thy|king-dom : and | talk of Thy pow-er ; 12 That Thy power, Thy glory, and mightiness of Thy| king-dom : might be\known un-to men. 13 Thy kingdom is an everlasting | king-dom : and Thy dominion endureth | through-out all a-ges. 14 The Lord upholdeth all such as | fall : and lifteth up all| those that are down. 1 5 The eyes of all wait upon Thee, O | Lord : and Thou givest them their | meat in due sea-son. 16 Thou openest Thine | hand : and fillest all things |liv-ing with plen-teousness. Day XXX. MORNING PRAYER. i g ^ g)-j- *=^ 22" 17 The Lord is righteous in all His | ways : and|ho-ly irP all His works. 18 The Lord is nigh unto all them that call up-|on Him : yea, all such as I call up-on Him faith-fully. 19 He will fulfil the desire of them that | fear Him : He also will hear their | cry, and will help them. 20 The Lord preserveth all them that | love Him : but scattereth a- 1 broad all the^un-god-ly. 21 My mouth shall speak the praise of the | Lord : and let all flesh give thanks unto His holy | Name for ev-er and~ev-er. Glo- II ry be to the Father, and to the | Son : and| TO THE HO-LY Ghost J AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER | SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-meil. PSALM CXLVI. Lauda, anima mea. wm i 3rd Tone. 22: 122: ^^ S LA P -&- TZ- -£Z- The psalmist voweth perpetual praises to God. He exhorteth not to trust in man; God, for His power, jus- tice, mercy, and kingdom, is only worthy to be trusted. PRAISE || the Lord, O my soul ; while I live will 1 1 praise the Lord : yea, as long as I have any being, I will sing praises | un-to^my God. 2 O put not your trust in princes, nor in any | child of man : for there is no | help in them. 3 For when the breath of man goeth forth he shall turn a- 1 gain to^his earth : and then all his thoughts |^-rish. 4 Blessed is he that hath the God of Jacob | for his help : and whose hope is in the | Lord his God ; 5 Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that | there-in is : who keepeth His promise iox\ev-zx ; 6 Who helpeth them to right that | suf-fer wrong : who feedeth the | hun-gry. EVENING PRAYER. Day XXX. 7 The Lord looseth |men out of ~pri-son : the Lord giveth | sight to the^blind. 8 The Lord helpeth | them that^are fal-len : the Lord careth for the | right-tows. 9 The Lord careth for the strangers ; He defendeth the fatherless | and wi-dow : as for the way of the ungodly, He turneth it j up-side down. io The Lord thy God, O Sion, shall be King for | ev-er- niore : and throughout all gene- 1 ra-tions. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO TKE^Son : AND TO THE | HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITHOUT I END. A-MEN. 1 4i EVENING PRAYER. PSALM CXLVII. LandaU Dominion. mm 8th Tom. ^—y - G > ^ V r T^ P^ F^ ^^ 2± --m=£- -ZZL ^ i r Olj PRAISE the Lord, for it is a good thing to sing TJu prophet ex- praises | un-to~our God : yea, a joyful and pleasant fc??* 5^*** thing it | is to^be thank-ful. oftfackurtk?* 2 The Lord doth build up Je- jru-sa-lem : and gather //£ *m*em?£ together the | out-casts of^Is-rael. praise Him for t T ,iii i iii--n.-i i., His providence: 3 He healeth those that are|bro-ken in heart : and giveth to praise Him medicine to I heal their sick-ness. > r Hi * tk***g* ' upon the ktng- 4 He telleth the number I of the stars : and calleth them I all aom t fm His •, «Ss, i Power cK>er the by their names. mluors, and /or 5 Great is our Lord, and | great is~His pow-er : yea, and f^SaSS His|wis-dom is^in-finite. 6 The Lord setteth|up the meek : and bringeth the ungodly | down to the^ground. 7 O sing unto the | Lord with^thanks-giv-ing : sing praises upon the harp | un-to^our God; P 2 Day XXX. evening prayer. i 3: S 8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds, and prepareth | rain for the^earth : and maketh the grass to grow upon the mountains, and herb for the | use oimenj 9 Who giveth fodder I un-to the^cat-tle ; and feedeth the young ravens that | call up-on Him. 10 He hath no pleasure in the | strength of^an horse : neither delighteth He in|a-ny man's legs. 1 1 But the Lord's delight is in | them that fear Him : and put their I trust in^His mer-cy. 12 Praise the Lord, O Je-|ru-sa-lem : praise thy | God, O Si-on. 13 For He hath made fast the | bars oFThy gates : and hath blessed Thy | chil-dren within thee. 14 He maketh I peace in^thy bor-ders : and filleth thee with the I flour of wheat. 15 He sendeth forth His commandment | up-on earth : and His word runneth | ve-ry swift-ly. 16 He giveth I snow like wool : and scattereth the | hoar- frost like^ash-es. 17 He casteth forth His | ice like mor-sels : who is able to a- 1 bide His frost? 18 He sendeth out His | word, and melt-eth^them : He bloweth with His wind, | and the wa-ters^flow. 19 He sheweth His word | un-to Ja-cob : His statutes and ordinances I un-to Is-rael. 20 He hath not dealt so with | a-ny na-tion : neither have the heathen knowledge | of His laws. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY~GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-MEN. I EVENING PRAYER. DAY XXX. PSALM CXLVIII. Landate Dominum. 3rd Tone. ££ ^ ^" ^ b ll & l i T i i K ^=fi I I 22: b I I fc— 1 The word of His 7 The j| law of the Lord is an undefiled law, con- 1 vert-ing g prayethfor ld the^soul : the testimony of the Lord is sure, and giveth wis- . kiiigdom. King. MY || heart is inditing of a good j mat-ter : things which I have made | un-to the~ 2 My tongue is the | pen : of a | rea-dy wri-ter. 3 Thou art fairer than the children of | men : full of grace are Thy lips, because God hath blessed | Thee for ev-er. 4 Gird Thee with Thy sword upon Thy thigh, O Thou most|Migh-ty : according to Thy|wor-ship and renown. 5 Good luck have Thou with Thine | hon-our : ride on, be- cause of the word of truth, of meekness, and righteousness ; and Thy right hand shall teach Thee | ter-rible things. 6 Thy arrows are very sharp, and the people shall be sub- dued | un-to^Thee : even in the midst among Xhz\ Kings en-emies. 7 Thy seat, O God, endureth for | ev-er : the sceptre of Thy kingdom is z.\right scep-tre. 8 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated in- 1 i-quity : wherefore God, even Thy God, hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness a- 1 bove Thy fel-lows. 9 All Thy garments smell of myrrh, aloes, and|cas-sia : out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have | made Thee glad. io Kings' daughters were among Thy honourable | wo-men : upon Thy right hand did stand the queen in a vesture of gold, wrought about with I di-vers co-lours. II '.'.I ' ' ■ 3rd Tom. E^m 1,1, -4 4 J. ?P TS. A, F ■jt g » I v ^~ -zz. II Hearken, O || daughter, and consider, in-|cline thine The duty of the ear : forget also thine own people, | and thy fa-ther's house. ^Z^t's "hlteof CHRISTMAS-DAY. *S 9=^ ^EESEEg, J^X ^— ^^ L 12 So shall the King have pleasure | in thy beau-ty : for He is thy Lord God, and | wor-ship thou Him. 1 3 And the daughter of Tyre shall be there | with a gift : like as the rich also among the people shall make their sup- pli- 1 ca-tion he^fore Thee. 14 The King's daughter is all | glo-rious withCY/s : her clothing I is of wrought gold. 15 She shall be brought unto the King in|rai-ment of"* nee-dle-work : the virgins that be her fellows shall bear her company, and shall be | brought un-to Thee. 16 With joy and gladness shall | they be brought : and shall enter into the | King's fla-la.ce. 17 Instead of thy fathers! thou shalt^have chil-dren : whom thou mayest make | prin-ces vcC^all lands. 18 I will remember Thy Name from one generation | to a-no-ther : therefore shall the people give thanks unto Thee, | world wiih-oztt end. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THETSoh \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. ^4-MEN. PSALM LXXXV. Benedixisti, Domine. 1 *£ 3rd Tone. ^^ 2Z 22: I ' w& m r u j % 1 — r 22=?= ^= 7=n r^ -?zr-^L ^t= LORD, || Thou art become gracious | un-to^Thy land Thou hast turned away the captivi- 1 ty of Ja-cob. The psalmist, at of the expe- rience of former JoTthl , conthiu h 2 Thou hast for ? iven th e of- 1 fence of^Thy peo-ple : and| ance thereof co-vered all their sins. and 3 Thou hast taken away | all Thy dis - plea-sure turned Thyself from Thy wrathful | in-dig-na-tion. CHRISTMAS-DAY. 4 Turn us then, O | God our Sa-viour : and let Thine | an-ger ;ease from^us. 5 Wilt Thou be displeased | at us for^ev-er : and wilt Thou stretch out Thy wrath from one generation | to a-no-ther ? 6 Wilt Thou not turn a- 1 gain, and quick-en^us : that Thy people | may re-joice in^Thee ? 7 Shew us Thy |mer-cy,~0 Lord : and grant us | Thy sal- va-tion. 8 I will hearken what the Lord God will | sav con-cern-ing^ H* prjmiaeth u me : for He shall speak peace unto His people, and to His 5r2wSS53? saints, that they | tar// not a^gain. God's goodness. 9 For His salvation is | nigh them that^fear Him : that glory may | dwell in our land. io Mercy and truth are | met to-ge-ther : righteousness and peace have | kiss-ed^each o-ther. ii Truth shall flourish | out of tho^earth : and righteous- ness hath looked | down from hea-ven. 12 Yea, the Lord shall shew|lov-ing-kind-ness : and our land shall | give her in-crease. 13 Righteousness shall | go be-fore Him : and He shall direct His|go-ing in the^way. Glo-||ry be to the Father, | and to the^Soh ; and| to the ho-ly ghost ; As IT || WAS in the beginning, is NOW, and|ev-er SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-MEN. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM LXXXIX. Misericordias Domini. 3rd Tone. ffi — - d- & *> r ^ f^^ -t^- r *= <> W^^ ^ — ^^1 'III 1 ' . _-^_^^_^ ^ ^- ^ ^ t/Om — The psalmist I praiseth God f of A /f Y || song shall be alway of the loving-kindness | of the f or s ^Ts^lcndcr. 1\ 1 Lord-, with mv mouth will I ever be shewing Thy. truth from one generation | to a «-o-ther. HU CHRISTMAS-DAY. i *? 1- - s> -^-^- ^ I <- J ^-^-gt^ 5 2 For I have said, Mercy shall be set | up for ev-er : Thy truth shalt Thou stablish | in the hea-vens. 3 I have made a covenant j with My cho-sen : I have sworn unto | Da-vid My ser-vant ; 4 Thy seed will 1 1 sta-biish for^ev-er : and set up thy throne from one generation | to a-no-ther. 5 O Lord, the very heavens shall praise Thy | won-drous works : and Thy truth in the congregation \ of the saints. 6 For who is he a- j mong the clouds : that shall be com- 1 par-ed un-to^the Lord? 7 And what is he a- 1 mong the gods : that shall be | like un-to^the Lord t 8 God is very greatly to be feared in the council | of the saints : and to be had in reverence of all them that are I round #-bout Him. 9 O Lord God of hosts, who is | like mvs.-X.qT Thee : Thy truth, most mighty Lord, | is on ev-ery^side. io Thou rulest the raging | of the sea : Thou stillest the waves there- 1 of when they arise. 1 1 Thou hast subdued Egypt, | and de-stroy-ed^it : Thou hast scattered Thine enemies abroad | with Thy migh-ty^arm. 12 The heavens are Thine, the earth | al-so \sT Thine : Thou hast laid the foundation of the round world, and | all that there-in^is. 1 3 Thou hast made the | north and tinsT south : Tabor and Hermon shall re-|joice in Thy A r ame. 14 Thou hast a|migh-ty ar?n : strong is Thy hand, and| high is Thy right hand. 15 Righteousness and equity are the habitation | of Thy seat : mercy and truth shall | go be-fore Thy face. 16 Blessed is the people, O Lord, that can re- 1 joke in Thee : they shall walk in the | light of Thy coun-tenance. 1 7 Their delight shall be daily | in Thy Name : and in Thy righteousness | shall they make their boast. 18 For Thou art the glory | of their strength : and in Thy loving-kindness Thou shalt | lift up our horns. CHRISTMAS-DAY. 19 For the Lord is jour de-fence : the Holy One of"! Is-rael is our King. 1 , , yth Tone. i SE3S ^ II 1 ^_^- -^ — g- 3=^ 20 Thou ; spakest sometime in visions unto Thy | saints, for His favour and saidst : I have laid help upon one that is mighty ; I have ^/f) e a ^^ dom exalted one chosen | out of^the peo-ip\e. 21 I have found |Da-vid~My ser-vant : with My holy oil have 1 1 a-noint-ed him. 22 My hand shall | hold him fast : and My | arm shall strength-en him. 23 The enemy shall not be able to | do him vi-olence : the son of wickedness | shall not hart him. 24 I will smite down his foes be- 1 fore his face : and | plague them \\v2i\Thate him. 25 My truth also and My mercy | shall be with him : and in My Name shall his | horn be ex^a/t-ed. 26 I will set his dominion also | in the sea : and his 'right hand in the floods. 27 He shall call me, | Thou art~my Fa-ther : my God, and my j strong sal-w7-tion. 28 And I will I make him My~first-born : higher than the | kings of the earth. 29 My mercy will I keep for him for | ev-er-more : and My covenant shall stand \fast with him. 30 His seed also will I make to en- 1 dure for ev-er : and his throne as the | days of hea-ven. 31 But if his children for- 1 sake My law : and walk not | in MyyV/a^-ments ; 32 If they break My statutes, and keep not | My com- mand-ments : I will visit their offences with the rod, and their I sin with scour-ges. 33 Nevertheless, My loving-kindness will I not utterly! take from him : nor|suf-fer~My truth to fail. Q CHRISTMAS-DAY. i^ -p— -v $m =t 34 My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing -'.hat is gone | out of^My lips : I have sworn once by My holiness, that I will | not fail Ba-vid. 35 His seed shall en- 1 dure forev-er : and his seat is like as the | sun be-fore Me. 36 He shall stand fast for evermore | as the moon : and as the faithful I wit-ness in^/iea-ven. i^ Tone. i^ JL^g t^^ ig 1 I I kl m b P r* 11 t=s 7^-p- -tsn^ t — r- ^ 1 — r In^fZntJal 71 ' 37 But 'I Thou hast abnorred and forsaken | Thine A-noint- T/ents^C exp y os- ec * : and art dis " I pleas-ed at him. it a /lnd bl?s~etk 38 Thou hast broken the covenant | of Thy ser-vant : and God. cast his crown I to the ground. 39 Thou hast overthrown | all his hed-ges : and broken | down his strong-holds. 40 All they that go \by spoil him : and he is become a re-[ proach to^his neigh-bours. 41 Thou hast set up the right | hand of^his en-emies : and made all his adver- 1 sa-ries to rejoice. 42 Thou hast taken away the | edge of ^his sword : and givest him not victory | in the bat-tie. 43 Thou hast put | out his glo-ry : and cast his throne | down to the^ground. 44 The days of his youth | hast Thou short-ened : and covered him | with dis-hon-our. 45 Lord, how long wilt Thou hide Thy- 1 self, for ev-er : and shall Thy wrath | burn like f re ? 46 O remember how | short my time is : wherefore hast Thou made | all men for^ nought t 47 What man is he that liveth, and shall] not see death : and shall he deliver his soul I from the hand of^hell ? CHRISTMAS-DAY. 48 Lord, \vnere are Thy old|lov-ing-kind-nesses : which Thou swarest unto David | in Thy truth ? 49 Remember, Lord, the rebuke that Thy | ser-vants have : and how I do bear in my bosom the rebukes of | ma-ny people ; 50 Wherewith Thine enemies have blasphemed Thee, and slandered the footsteps of | Thine A-noint-ed : Praised 'be the Lord for evermore. | A-men, and^A-men. Glo- J ry be to the Father, I and to t'ayTSoh : and| TO THE HO-LY~GHOST ; AS IT II WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM CX. Dixit Domimts. jth Tone. THE || Lord said|un-to"my Lord : Sit Thou on My right The kingdom, hand, until I make Thine |en-e-mies Thy foot-stool. the priesthood, 7 ' J the conquest, and 2 The Lord shall send the rod of Thy power | out of Si-on : the passion of be Thou ruler, even in the | midst a-mong Thine en-emies. 3 In the day of Thy power shall the people offer Thee free-will offerings with an|ho-ly wor-ship : the dew of Thy birth is of the | womb of the morn-ing. 4 The Lord sware, and | will not repent : Thou art a Priest for ever after the|or-der of Mel-chi-sedech. 5 The Lord upon | Thy right hand : shall wound even kings in the | day of His wrath. 6 He shall judge among the heathen ; He shall fill the places I with the (lead bo-dies : and smite in sunder the heads | o-ver di-vers coun-tries. 7 He shall drink of the | brook in ihsTway : therefore shall He I lift up His head. GLO- 1| RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE* Son \ AND | TO THE HO-LY G 'host J AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- | OUT END. A-mc?l. Q 2 CHRISTMAS-DAY. PSALM CXXXII. Memento, Do??iine. I , , Tonus Regius. 3=F ^^^^PJ^jfep^^Eg^E ll| - I T I 1 I J J fZ-F—TT- ?Z rp rzr I T ORD, || . re-|mem-ber Da-vid : and | all his trou-\A.Q ; 2 How he sware | un-to the^ Lord : and vowed a vow unto the Almighty | God of Ja-cob ; 3 I will not come within the tabernacle j of mine house : nor | climb up in-to^my bed ; 4 I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep, nor mine | eye-lids to^slum-ber : neither the temples of my head to | take a-ny rest ; 5 Until I find out a place for the temple | of the Lord : an habitation for the mighty | God of y^-cob. 6 Lo, we heard of the | same at Eph-rata : and | found it in the wood. 7 We will go into His|ta-ber-na-cle : and fall low on our knees be- 1 fore His/^/-stool. 8 Arise, O Lord, into Thy | vest-mg-fllace : Thou, and the | ark of Thy strength. 9 Let Thy priests be | clothed with right-eousness : and let Thy saints | sing with joy-ful-ness. io For Thy servant | Da-vid's sake : turn not away the presence of | Thine A-noi'nt-td. 11 The Lord hath made a faithful | oath un-txPDa-vid : and He shall not\ skrink from it ; 12 Of the | fruit of" thy bo-dy : shall 1 1 set up-on thy seat. 13 If thy children will keep My covenant, and My testi- monies that 1 1 shall learn them : their children also shall sit upon thy | seat for ev-er-more. 14 For the Lord hath chosen Sion to be an habitation | for Himself : He hath | long-ed./^r her. 15 This shall be My | rest for ev-er : here will I dwell, for 1 1 have a~de-light there-in. CHRISTMAS-DAY. 16 I will bless herjvic-tuals with~in-crease : and will satisfy her [poor with bread. 17 I will deck her [priests with health : and her saints shall re- | joice a,7id sing. 18 There shall I make the horn of |Da-vid to~flou-rish : I have ordained a lantern for | Mine A-noint-ed. 19 As for his enemies, I shall | clothe them with* shame : but upon himself shall his | crozunjlou-rish. GLO- i| RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^Son : ANDJ TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. y4-MEN. ASH -WEDNESDAY. ASH-WEDNESDAY. David 's com plaint in his sickness. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM VI. Domine, ne in furore. i 5 22: -1 1 J 1- Irregular Tone. m w& m I I I -& -GOT ^^ Pi 22: fe± ^=w=m=s^ *=: = OH LORD, rebuke me not | in Thine in-dig-na-tion : neither chasten me in | Thy dis-plea-sure. 2 Have mercy upon me, O | Lord, for I am weak : O Lord, heal me, for my | bones are vex-ed. 3 My soul I al-so is^sore troub-led : but, Lord, how long wilt I Thou pun-ish^me ? 4 Turn Thee, O Lord, | and de-liver my soul : O save me for Thy | mer-cy's sake. 5 For in I death no man re-mem-bereth^Thee : and who will give Thee | thanks in \heTpit f 6 I am weary of my groaning ; | every night wash I my^ bed : and water my | couch with^my tears. 7 My beauty is | gone for ve-ry trou-ble : and worn away because of | all mine en-emies. 5th Tone. -hr P£= IZt&r r ^=g m *t 3=t H?E By faith he tri- umpheth over his ene7>iies. 8 A- 1| way from me, all ye that work | va-nity : for the Lord hath heard the | voice of^my weep-ing. ASH -WEDNESDAY. 9 The Lord hath heard my pe-jti-tion : the Lord will re-|ceive my prayer. 10 All mine enemies shall be confounded, and sore [vex- ed : they shall be turned back, and put to | shame sud-denly. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE| SON : AND I TO THE HO-LY~GHOST ; AS IT |j WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER | SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM XXXII. Beati, quorum. 3rd Tone. BLES-SED || is he whose unrighteousness! is for-giv-en : Blessedness con- and whose I sin is co-vered. " sutetkmmmu- 1 sion of sins. 2 Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth|«0 Confession of sins sin : and in whose spirit there | is no guile. foZ^nVf. *° 3 For while 1 1 held my tongue : my bones consumed away ^w£T" w * through my | dai-ly comTplain-ing. 4 For Thy hand is heavy upon me | day and night : and my moisture is like the | drought in sum-mer. 5 I will acknowledge my sin|un-to Thee : and mine un- righteousness! have I~not hid. 6 I said, I will confess my sin | un-to tht^Lord : and so Thou forgavest the wickedness | of my sin. 3rd Tone. 7 For jl this shall every one that is godly make his prayer unto Thee, in a time when Thou | mayest be found : but in the great water-floods they shall | not come nigh him. 8 Thou art a place to hide me in, Thou shalt pre- 1 serve ASH -WEDNESDAY. David moveth God to take com- passion of his pitiful case. m g£ ztz^bzza -zzz. -& * z ) S me from^trou-ble : Thou shalt compass me about with | songs of~de-liv-erance. 9 I will inform thee, and teach thee in the way wherein | thou shalt go : and I will | guide thee with Mine eye. 10 Be ye not like to horse and mule, which have no|un- der-stand-ing : whose mouths must be held with bit and bridle, lest they | fall up-on thee. ii Great plagues remain | for the^un-god-ly : but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord, mercy embraceth | him on ev-ery side. 12 Be glad, O ye righteous, and rejoice | in the Lord : and be joyful, all | ye that '"are true of heart. Glo- ||,ry be to the Father, | and to tylyTSoh : and| to the Ho-ly Ghost ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. y^-MEN. m PSALM XXXVIII. Dofnine, ne in furore. 1 2nd Tone. 3=^ ^=r^=^5 i £SEE==E r^ m i 35 £ --ZZZ A J ?z I i I PUT me || not to rebuke, O Lord, in Thine |an-ger : neither chasten me in Thy heavy dis- {pleasure. 2 For Thine arrows stick fast | in me : and Thy hand) pres-seth^me sore. 3 There is no health in my flesh, because of Thy dis- 1 plea-sure : neither is there any rest in my bones, by reason | of my sin. 4 For my wickednesses are gone over my | head : and are like a sore burden, too heavy for | me to bear. 5 My wounds stink, and are cor-|rupt : through my| fool-ish-ness. 6 I am brought into so great trouble and | mi -sery : that I go mourning | all the^day long. ASH -WEDNESDAY. 7 For my loins are filled with a sore dis- 1 ease : and there is no whole part in my | bo-dy. 8 I am feeble, and sore | smit-ten : I have roared for the very disquietness | of my heart. 9 Lord, Thou knowest all my de- 1 sire : and my groaning is not | hid from Thee. 10 My heart panteth, my strength hath | fail-ed^me : and the sight of mine eyes is | gone from me. 1 1 My lovers and my neighbours did stand looking upon my | trou-ble : and my kinsmen stood a- \far off. 12 They also that sought after my life laid snares | for me : and they that went about to do me evil talked of wickedness, and imagined deceit | all the^day long. 13 As for me, I was like a deaf man, and | heard not : and as one that is dumb, who doth not | o-penTiis mouth. 14 I became even as a man that | hear-eth^not : and in whose mouth are | no re-proofs. 1 5 For in Thee, O Lord, have I put my | trust : Thou shalt answer for me, O | Lord my God. 16 I have required that they, even mine enemies, should not triumph I o-ver^me : for when my foot slipped, they rejoiced greatly a- \gainst me. 17 And I, truly, am set in the | plague : and my heaviness is ever | in my sight. 18 For I will confess my|wick-edness : and be sorry | for my sin. 19 But mine enemies live, and are|migh-ty : and they that hate me wrongfully are many in | num-ber. 20 They also that reward evil for good are a- 1 gainst me : because I follow the thing ihat\good is. 21 Forsake me not, O Lord my | God : be not Thou | far from me. 22 Haste Thee to | help me : O Lord God of my sal- 1 na- tion. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE | SON : AND TO THE I HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER | SHALL BE : WORLD WITHOUT | END. A-MEN. ASH -WEDNESDAY. The prophet in his prayer maketh a griev- ■ous complaint. He taketh com- fort in the eter- nity and mercy of God. The ynercies of God are to be re- corded. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM CII. Domi?ie, exaudi. s= P& :ig: ■lU^. 1 rJ -£. 2£ r S m 7th Tone. &£-%-£2Z =& r ■$&- =^=^ j; 3=2: S H EAR my || prayer J Lord : and let my crying \come un-to Thee. 2 Hide not Thy face from me in the | time of ~my trou-ble : incline Thine ear unto me when I call; O hear me, and| that right soon. 3 For my days are consumed a- 1 way like s?noke : and my bones are burnt up as it | were ayfr^-brand. 4 My heart is smitten down, and withered | like grass : so that I for- 1 get to eat my bread. 5 For the | voice ofmy groan-ing : my bones will scarce | cleave to ?ny flesh. 6 I am become like a pelican | in the wil-derness : and like an owl that is | in the ak-sert. 7 I have watched, and am even as it | were a spar-row : that sitteth alone up- 1 on the House-top. 8 Mine enemies revile me | all the^day long : and they that are mad upon me are sworn to- 1 ge-ther Against me. 9 For I have eaten ashes | as it^were bread : and mingled my | drink with weep-mg ; io And that because of Thine indig-|na-tion and" s wrath : for Thou hast taken me | up, and cast me down. ii My days are | gone like a^sha-dow : and I am | with-ered like grass. g . 3rd Tone. p x- ^-l-^ ~ - JZL 33 „1 :^: m A I I I ! ?Z P £= 2^: 12 But, || Thou, O Lord, shalt en- 1 dure for ev-er : and Thy remembrance throughout all gene- 1 ra-tions. ASH -WEDNESDAY. 13 Thou shalt arise, and have mercy up-\on Si-on : for it is time that Thou have mercy upon her, yea, the | time is come. 14 And why ? Thy servants think up- 1 on her stones : and it pitieth them to see her | in the dust. 1 5 The heathen shall fear Thy | Name, O Lord : and all the kings of the earth Thy | Ma-jes-ty ; 16 When the Lord shall | build up Si-on : and when His glory I shall ap-pear ; 17 When He turneth Him unto the prayer of \ht\fioor des-titute : and despiseth not | their de-sire. 18 This shall be written for | those that^come af-ter : and the people which shall be born shall | praise the Lord. 19 For He hath looked down from His [ sanc-tu-a-ry : out of the heaven did the Lord be- 1 hold the earth ; 20 That He might hear the mournings of such as are| in cap-ti-vity : and deliver the children appointed | un-to death ; 21 That they may declare the Name of the | Lord in Si-on : and His worship at Je-|ru-sa-lem ; 22 When the people are | ga-thered to^ge-ther : and the kingdoms also, to | serve the Lord. Tonus Regius. m ■^=X=Z=Z §*=g=g*E3=£ 3 llpllpill I ' ! I I A ^ & S=S L -\\—>&- ~ZZL ^ u zzi 1 — r i i 23 He brought || down my | strength in~myjour-ney : and| H & •- =2=& Z2" s=: ^n shall be^chang-ed ; but Thou art the same, and Thy | years shall not fail. 28 The children of Thy servants | shall con-ti-nue : and their seed shall stand | fast in Thy sight. Glo-II ry be to the Father, I and to the"^^ : and| TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- | OUT END. ^4-MEN. PSALM CXXX. Deprofundis. iL^L^U-M 7th Tone. I a rJ gJL J J- J II tigs r^ ^ v^ — ^ — I 1 J d -**• d n J-J-J—J ^ t=^= OUT of the II deep have I called unto | Thee, O Lord'. Lord, I Atttzr #y voice. 2 O let Thine ears con-|si-der well : the] voice of my com-plaint. 3 If Thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is | done a- miss : O Lord, | who may a.-bide it ? 4 For there is | mer-cy^with 77^ : therefore shalt|Thou befear-ed. 5 I look for the Lord ; my soul doth | wait for Him : in His I word is my trust. 6 My soul fleeth|un-to ihe^Lord : before the morning watch, I say, be- 1 fore the morn-ing watch. 7 O Israel, trust in the Lord, for with the Lord | there is mer-cy : and with Him is|plen-teous re^demfi-tion. 8 And He shall re-\dtem Is-rael : from | all his sins. GLO- i| RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE"\SV?/J : AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT II WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4-MEN. ASH -WEDNESDAY. PSALM CXLIII. Domine, exaudi. ' /fib I I -^ J- ^ /.?/ zw. ^E jiii i. -^ 1 =. n S? S> -S'- -<^— J * HEAR my j| prayer, O Lord, and consider | my de-si're : Damd firayeik hearken unto me for Thy truth and , right-eousness'y^^^ ' lH He Sake. complaineth of » j • . . . r—, r . his griefs* He 2 Ana enter not into judgement! with Thy ser-vant : for in strengthenetkkU Thy sight shall no manlliv-ing be^ius-tined. f aitk h ntedita- J ° i o j t lon ana > prayer. 3 For the enemy hath persecuted my soul ; he hath smit- Heprayethfor ten my life | down 'to Xh^T ground : he hath laid me in the ^a/cTjor l ~ darkness, as the men that have | been long dead. sanctificatiou, rr^i • • i • for destruction 4 Therefore is my spirit |vex-ed within me : and my heart of his enemies. with-j in me is^de-solate. 5 Yet do I remember the time past ; I muse upon | all Thy works : yea, I exercise myself in the | works of "Thy hands. 6 I stretch forth my hands | un-to Thee : my soul gaspeth unto thee as a | thirs-ty land. 7 Hear me, O Lord, and that soon, for my spirit | wax-eth faifit : hide not Thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down | in-to ihe^flit. 8 O let me hear Thy loving-kindness betimes in the morn- ing, for in | Thee is~my trust : shew Thou me the way that I should walk in, for I lift up my |iw//un-to~Thee. 9 Deliver me, O Lord, [from mine en-emies : for I flee unto | Thee to hide me. io Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth Thee, for | Thou art~my God : let Thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the | land of right-eousness. ii Quicken me, O Lord, j for Thy Name's sake : and for Thy righteousness' sake bring my soul | out of trou-ble. 12 And of Thy goodness | slay mine en-emies : and destroy all them that vex my soul ; for j I am^Thy ser-vant. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE"^« : AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT ! WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-MEN. GOOD-FRIDAY. GOOD-FRIDAY. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XXII. Deus, Deus mcus. iigp> Irregular Tone. *^ , I | I I | u ^w ~azr m -u„ i i i i w p S=sH P I I David complain- etk in great dis- couragement. He prayeth in great distress. MY i| God, my God, look upon me ; | why hast Thou for- sa-ken^me : and art so far from my health, and from the words of|my corn-plaint f 2 O my God, I cry in the day-time, but | Thou hear-est not : and in the night-season also 1 1 take no rest, 3 And | Thou con-tin-uest ho-ly : O Thou worship | oj Is-rael. 4 Our|fa-thers ho-ped in"" 'Thee : they trusted in Thee, and Thou | didst de-li-ver them. 5 They called up- 1 on Thee, and were hol-pen : they put their trust in Thee, and were | not con-found-ed. 6 But as for me, I am a | worm, and no man : a very scorn of men, and the outcast | of the peo-ple. 7 All they that | see me laugh me X.oT scorn : they shoot out their lips, and shake their \ heads, say-ing, 8 He trusted in God, that \He would de-li-ver^him : let Him de-liver him, if j He will have him. 9 But Thou art He that took me [out of~my mo-ther's wojnb : Thou wast my hope, when I hanged yet upon my | mo-ther's breasts. io I have been left unto Thee ever \ since I was born : Thou art my God even from my | mo-ther's zaonib. GOOD - FRIDAY. 1 1 O go not from me, for | trou-ble is^hard at hand : and there is | none to help me. 12 Many | ox-en are^come a-bout me : fat bulls of Basan close me in on j ev-ery side. 13 They gape up-|on me with their mouths : as it were a ramping and a j roar-ing li-on. 14 I am poured out like water, and all my | bones are out of joint : my heart also in the midst of my body is even like | melt-ing wax. 1 5 My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue | cleav-eth to my gums : and Thou shalt bring me into the | dust of death. 16 For many I dogs are come a-bout me : and the council of the wicked layeth | siege a-gainst me. 17 They pierced my hands and my feet; I may|/*// all my bones : they stand staring andjlook-ing upon me. 18 They I part my gar-ments among them rand cast lots up- 1 on my ves-ture. 19 But be not Thou | far from me, O Lord : Thou art my succour, haste | Thee to help me. 20 Deliver my \soul from the sword : my darling from the power I of the dog. 21 Save me jfrom the li-on's mouth : Thou hast heard me also from among the horns | of the u-nicorns. . 5th Tone. I ¥ k&} ' ■"■ ! f 1 ^ g^g^^s: «* 1 — _, <^ ^-j g £ pj & & p> * ^ gir 1 1 1 I |H A. .d. 1 , -i J 1^ 1 w 22 I will || declare Thy Name unto my|breth-ren : in the He praise thGcd. midst of the congre-lga-tion will I praise Thee. 23 O praise the Lord, ye that | fear Him : magnify Him, all ye of the seed of Jacob, and fear Him,| all ye seed of Is-rael ; 24 For He hath not despised, nor abhorred, the low estate of the i poor : He hath not hid His face from him, but when he called I un-to Him He heard him. GOOD -FRIDAY $ y_^_U^ =^ z£ 25 My praise is of lhee in the great congre-|ga-tion : my vows will I perform in the | sight of them that fear Him. 26 The poor shall eat, and be | sa-tisfied : they that seek after the Lord shall praise Him; your | heart shall live for ev-er. 27 All the ends of the world shall remember themselves, and be turned unto the | Lord : and all the kindreds of the nations shall | wor-ship before Him. 28 For the kingdom is the | Load's : and He is the Gover-| nour a-mong the peo-ple. 29 All such as be fat upon | earth : have|^-en, and wor- shipped. 30 All they that go down into the dust shall kneel be- 1 fore Him : and no man hath | quick-ened Yiis^own soul. 31 My seed shall | serve Him : they shall be counted unto the I Lord for a^ge-ne-ra-tion. 32 They shall come, and the heavens shall declare His | right-eousness : unto a people that shall be born, | whom the Lord hath made. Glo-||.ry be to the Father, and to the | Son : and| TO THE HO-LY Ghost; As IT || was in the beginning, is now, and ever I SHALL BE: WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-mcil. The benefit of confidence in God. Obedience is the best sacri- fice. PSALM XL. Expectant expectavi. 1st Tone. Ill WAITED patiently I for the Lord : and He inclined un- to me, and | heard my call-ing. 2 He brought me also out of the horrible pit, out of the | mire and clay : and set my feet upon the rock, and | or-dered my go-ine^ GOOD -FRIDAY. 3 And He hath put a new (song in~my mouth : even a thanks- 1 giv-ing un-to^our God. 4 Many shall see it, a.nd~ fear \ and shall | put their trust in the^Lord. 5 Blessed is the man that hath set his [hope in the^Lord : and turned not unto the proud, and to such as|go a-bout with lies. 6 O Lord my God, great are the wondrous works which Thou hast done, like as be also Thy thoughts which j are to us-ward : and yet there is no man that ! or-dereth^them un-to Thee. 7 If I should declare them, 2es\d\ speak of them : they should be more than I am a-ble to ex-press. 8 Sacrifice, and meat-offering, Thoujwould-est not : but mine | ears hast Thou op-ened. 9 Burnt-offerings, and sacrifice for sin, hast Thou | not re- quired : then said l,\Lo, I come, 10 In the volume of the book it is written of me, that I should fulfil Thy will,|0 my God : I am content to do it ; yea, Thy law is with-!:/: my heart. 1 1 I have declared Thy righteousness in the great j con- gre-ga-tion : lo, I will not refrain my lips, O Lord, znd\ that Thou know-es:. 12 I have not hid Thy righteousness with- j in my heart : my talk hath been of Thy truth, and of | Thy ^zZ-va-tion. 13 I have not kept back Thy loving \ mer-cy^and truth : from \ht\great con-gre-ga-tion. 1st Tone. m E 1=1 1 11 14 With- draw not Thou Thy mercy from j me, O Lord : J let Thy loving-kindness and Thy truth alway pre- 1 serve me. • 1 5 For innumerable troubles are come about me ; my sins r have taken such hold upon me that I am not able to | look up : yea, they are more in number than the hairs of my head, and my heart hath | fail-ed^me. R GOOD -FRIDAY. $ Z2 f Zr 1 6 O Lord, let it be Thy pleasure to de-|li-ver me : make haste, O Lord, to | help me. 17 Let them be ashamed, and confounded together, that seek after my soul to de-\stroy it : let them be driven back- ward, and put to rebuke, that wish me|e-vil. 18 Let them be desolate, and re-|ward-ed~with shame : that say unto me, Fie upon thee, fie up- 1 on thee. 1 9 Let all those that seek Thee be joyful and | glad in Thee : and let such as love Thy salvation say alway, The Lord be | prais-ed. 20 As for me, I am poor and | need-y : but the Lord careth | for me. 21 Thou art my Helper and Re- \deem-er : make no long tarrying, j O my^God. GLO- i| RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON : AND TO THE I HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITHOUT END. I A-MEN. m PSALM LIV. Deus, in nomine. 1st Tone. m ■f=&^- 2S m -P-fi- r :=e: m 1 SAVE me, O God, | for Thy Name's sake : and avenge m me in | Thy strength. David, com- plaining of the Zipkijns, pray- if&SZSSt l Hear my I Player, O God : and hearken unto the | words dence in God's of ^my mOUth. hclphepromiseth _ ... , . sacrifice. 3 For strangers are risen | up a-gainst me : and tyrants, which have not God before their eyes, seek j after my soul. 4 Behold, I God is~my help-er : the Lord is with them that up- 1 hold my soul. 5 He shall reward evil | un-to^mine en-emies : destroy Thou them I in Thy truth. GOOD -FRIDAY. 6 An offering of a free heart will I give Thee, and praise Thy | Name, O Lord : because it is so ] com-forta-ble. 7 For He hath delivered me out of | all my trou-ble : and mine eye hath seen His desire upon mine|en-e-mies. glo- i ry ee to the father.jand to tylypson\ and to the|Ho-ly Ghost ; as it || was in the beginning, is now, and | ev-er shall be : world without end. i ^-mex. EVENING PRAYER. 3rd Tone. SAVE II me, | O God : for the waters are come in, I ev-en David complain- un-to-my soul. &f#fe 2 I stick fast in the deep mire, [where no ground is : I am SedevoteSkZi come into deep waters, so that the | floods run o-ver me. enemies to de- 3 I am weary of crying ; my ] throat is dry : my sight faileth me for waiting so | long up-on my God. 4 They that hate me without a cause are more than the | hairs of^my head : they that are mine enemies, and would destroy me | guilt-less, zxt^migh-Xy. 5 I paid them the things that 1 1 ne-ver took : God, Thou knowest my simpleness, and my | faults are^not hid from Thee. 6 Let not them that trust in Thee, O Lord God of hosts, be ashamed for \ my cause : let not those that seek Thee be confounded through me, O Lord | God of /r-rael. 7 And why ? for Thy sake have 1 1 suf-fered reproof : shame hath | co-vered my face. 8 I am become a stranger |un-to^my bre-thren : even an alien unto my | mo-ther s r/z//-dren. R 2 GOOD -FRIDAY. $j , J I I I | ^EE 9 For the zeal of Thine house hath | ev-en eat-en^me : and the rebukes of them that rebuked Thee are|fal-len up^en me. io I wept, and chastened my- 1 self with fast-ing : and that was | turn-ed to^my re-proof. ill put on | sack-cloth al-so : and they|jest-ed up^on me. 12 They that sit in the gate | speak a-gainst me : and the drunkards make | songs up- 3- '--- I 8 My || heart is fixed, O God, my heart is | fix-ed sing, and^give praise. I will He enconragetk EASTER-DAY. I s* -*&- 9 Awake up, my glory ; awake, lute and | harp : I myself will a- 1 wake right ear-ly. 10 I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, among the | peo-ple : and I will sing unto Thee a- 1 mong the na-tions. 11 For the greatness of Thy mercy reacheth unto the | hea-vens : and Thy | truth un-to^the^clouds. 12 Set up Thyself, O God, above the | hea-vens : and Thy glory a- \ dove all the^earth. GLO- !| RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE| SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER | SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM CXI. Confitebor tibi. $ ^6^ 5? = Stk Tone. 1.1,1 ffii i i l i i I "SET l PgjE £z f :&- 22: F 221 The psalmist by his example in- citeth others to praise God for His glorious and gracious works. The fear of God breedeth true •wisdom. I WILL || give thanks unto the Lord with my \ whole heart secretly among the faithful, and | in the con-gre-ga-tion. 2 The works of the | Lord are great : sought out of all them that have | plea-sure there-z>/. 3 His work is worthy to be praised, and | had in hon-our : and His righteousness en-|dur-eth/^r ev-er. 4 The merciful and gracious Lord hath so done His | mar- vellous works : that they ought to be | had in re-mem-brance. 5 He hath given meat unto | them that fear Him : He shall ever be | mind-ful of His co-venant. 6 He hath shewed His people the | power of^His works : that He may give them the | he-ritage of the hea-then. 7 The works of His hands are verity |< g^^ ^ w ! r^ r ji ' f ' ; P H ° ' & f* =3* r PRAISE || the Lord,|/^ ser-vants : O praise the | A r and %wt\thanks un-to the'" Lord. '* H j* k ™z dom 20 This is the | gate of \hsTLord : the righteous shall | en-ter is expresse . .^^ .^ 21 I will thank Thee, for | Thou hast heard me : and art be- 1 come my salTW-tion. 22 The same stone which the | buil-ders refus-ed : is be- come the head-stone | in the corn-ex. 23 This is ihe\ Lord's do-ing : and it is|mar-vellous in our eyes. 24 This is the day which the | Lord hath made : we will re-|joice and be^glad in it. 25 Help me I now, O Lord : O Lord, send us | now pros- pe-ri-ty. 26 Blessed be he that cometh in the | Name of the'" Lord : we have wished you good luck, ye that are of the | house of the Lord. 27 God is the Lord who hath | shewed us light : bind the sacrifice with cords, yea, even unto the | horns of the"W-tar. 28 Thou art my God, and 1 1 will thank Thee : Thou art my God, and 1 1 will praise Thee. EASTER-DAY. 29 O give thanks unto the Lord, for | He is gra-cious : and His mercy en-|dur-eth iox^ev-zx. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO IWETSoH \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^f-MEN. ASCENSION-DAY ASCENSION-DAY. MORNING PRAYER ix. PSALM VIII. Domine, Domimis nostcr. 6th Tone. OH LORD our Governour, how excellent is Thv Name ii to man God's glory is vmgmfiedbyHis yj ^ j aR ^ WQrld . Thou ^ ^^ ^ Thy glory a _ | boye //** hea-vens ! 2 Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklings hast Thou ordained strength, be- 1 cause of ""Thine en-emies : that Thou mightest still the enemy, | and the a-ven-ger. 3 For I will consider Thy heavens, even the | works of ^Thy fin-gers : the moon and the stars, which | Thou hast or- dain-ed. and by His hve 4 What is man, that Thou art|mind-ful of him : and the son of man, that Thou | visit-est him f 5 Thou madest him lower | than the an-gels : to crown him with I glory and wor-ship. 6 Thou makest him to have dominion of the | works of^ Thy hands : and Thou hast put all things in subjection | under his feet ; 7 All I sheep and ox-en : yea, and the | beasts of the field ; 8 The fowls of the air, and the fishes | of the sea : and whatsoever walketh through the | paths of the seas. 9 O I Lord our Gov-ernour : how excellent is Thy Name in | all the world! ASCENSION-DAY. Glo-||ry be to the Father, | and to the^Son : and' to the Holy^Gkost ; AS IT ! WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOV/, AND | EY-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- 1 OUT end. A-MEN. PSALM XV. Domine, quis habitabit ? # ist Tone. ££z=Z3 I | •fig- gd H L ORD, II who shall dwell in Thv I ta-ber-na-cle : or who David describeth shall rest up- 1 on Thy ho-ly hill ? 2 Even he, that leadeth an ] un-corrupt life : and doeth the thing which is right, and speaketh the | truth from his heart. 3 He that hath used no deceit in his tongue, nor done evil | to his neigh-bour : and hath not | slandered his neigh- bour. 4 He that setteth not by himself, but is lowly | in his own eyes : and maketh much of | them that fear the Lord. 5 He that sweareth unto his neighbour, and disap- 1 pointeth him not : though it were to his | own /////-drance. 6 He that hath not given his money up-\on u-sury : nor taken reward a- 1 gainst the in-no-cent. 7 Whoso | doeth these things : shall | ne-ver fall. GLO- |! RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE" Son \ AND | TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4-MEN. a citizen of Z ion. PSALM XXI. Dominc, in virtute tua. i tt 8th Tone. W=M=& ~ *> : ^ ZZ Z%=~=^i ^ T HE || King shall rejoice in Thv strength, 0|Lord : A ikank exceeding glad shall he be of Thv sal- 1 va-tion. /Jr ***»*- S ASCENSION-DAY. Confidence of further success. 2 2 Thou hast given him his heart's de-|sire : and hast not denied him the request of | his lips. 3 For Thou shalt prevent him wit'h the blessings of | good- ness : and shalt set a crown of pure gold up- 1 on his^head. 4 He asked life of Thee, and Thou gavest him a | long life : even for ever and | ev-er. 5 His honour is great in Thy sal-|va-tion : glory and great worship shalt Thou lay up- 1 on him. 6 For Thou shalt give him everlasting fe- 1 li-city : and make him glad with the joy of Thy | coun-tenance. 7 And why ? because the King putteth his trust in the | Lord : and in the mercy of the most Highest he shall not mis- 1 car-ry. 3rd Tone. piPiii 8 All Thine || enemies shall | feel Thy hand hand shall find out | them that hate Thee. 9 Thou shalt make them like a fiery oven in | time of ~Thy wrath : the Lord shall destroy them in His displeasure, and the j fire shall con^sume them. io Their fruit shalt Thou root | out of theT eart/i : and their seed from a-|mong the children of men. 11 For they intended | mis-chief against Thee : and imagined such a device as they are not | a-ble to perform. 12 Therefore shalt Thou | put them X.oT flight : and the strings of Thy bow shalt Thou make ready a- 1 gainst the face of ~them. 13 Be Thou exalted, Lord, in Thine \own stre7igth : so will we I sing, and praise Thy power. Glo-||ry be to the Fa-ther,| and to the^Soh : and| to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As IT || was in the beginning, is now, and I ev-er SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A -MEN. ASCENSION-DAY. EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XXIV. Domini est terra. -4-b Jrd 7 7V«£. Qa .. 7 ^ ^ sJ £? J ^:_ — /;-bour. 5 He shall receive the blessing] from the Lord : and righteousness from the God of | his sal-7'cz-tion. 6 This is the generation of] them that seek Him : even of them that seek Thy | face, O 7^-cob. 7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye ever- 1 last-ingVtwj : and the' King of j glo-ry shall come in. ' 8 Who is the ! King of glo-ry : it is the Lord strong and mighty, even the Lord | migh-ty in^foZ-tle. 9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye ever-|last-ingdfr0TJ : and the King of I glo-ry shall come in. io Who is the | King of glo-ry : even the Lord of hosts, He is the | King of glo-ry. Glo-;',ry be to the Father,] and to TmTSon ' and| TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND ! EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- j OUT END. -4-MEN. ASCENSION-DAY. PSALM XLVII. Omnes gentes, plaudite. i Roman Chant. fully to entertain the kingdom of Christ'. The nations are s~~\ \\ CLAP vour hands together, | all ye peo-ple : O sing ke Z',-„ \J unto j God with the^voice of me-lody. 2 For the Lord is high, | and to^be fear-ed : He is the great j King upon all the earth. 3 He shall subdue the | peo-ple un-der us : andthejna-tions under our feet. 4 He shall choose out an | he-ritagefor us : even the worship of | Ja-cob, whom He lov-ed. 5 God is gone up with a | mer-ry noise : and the | Lord with the^ sound of xheTtriunft. 6 O sing praises, sing praises | un-to^our God : O sing praises, sing j prais-es un-to^our King. 7 For God is the King of | all the earth : sing ye | prai-ses with^un-der-stand-ing. 8 God reigneth j o-ver the^hea-then : God sitteth up- | on His ho-ly seat. 9 The princes of the people are joined unto the people of the j God of A-braham : for God, Which is very high exalted, doth defend the earth, | as it^were with a shield. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE^SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY Ghost J AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-men. PSALM CVIII. Paratum cor meum. Jrd Ton> GOD, my heart is ready, my | heart is rea-dy : I will %lL h CoT l/t ° ^ " sing and give praise with the best | mem-ber that I have. David enccui o ASCENSION-DAY. 2 Awake, thou | lute, and harp : I myself will a- | wake right ear Ay, 3 I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, a- I mong the peo-ple : I will sing praises unto Thee a- | mong the //^-tions. 4 For Thy mercy is greater | than the hea-vens : and Thy truth | reach-eth unto the clouds. 5 Set up Thyself, O God, a- bove the hea-vens : and Thy glory a- j bove all the earth. 6 That Thy beloved may I be de-li-vered : let Thy right He prayeth/or hand I save trtem, and^hear Thou me. God's assistance according to Hts 7 God hath spoken | in His ho-liness : I will rejoice there- ^ r07 ^ l J e - ?** fore, and divide Sichem, and mete out the | val-ley of C Go!rshelp? Suc-coth. 8 Gilead is mine, and Ma- | nas-ses limine : Ephraim also is the | strength of my head. 9 Judah is my law-giver, Moab | is my wash -pot : over Edom will I cast out my shoe ; upon Philistia | will I tri-umph. io Who will lead me into the | strong ci-ty : and who will bring me | in-to i:-dom ? ii Hast not Thou forsaken us, | God : and wilt not Thou, O God, go | forth with our hosts ? 12 O help us a- | gainst the en-emy ; for | vain is the^help of man. 13 Through God we shall do | great acts : and it is He that shall tread | down our en-e-mies. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, j AND TO TUE^Son I AND j TO THE HO-LY GHOST ; AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING. IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. ^4 -MEN. WHITSUN-DAY. WHITSUN - DAY. MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XLVIII. Magnus Domimis. The ornaments and privileges of the Church. GREAT is || the Lord, and highly to be | prais-ed : in the city of our God, even upon His | ho-ly hill. 2 The hill of Sion is a fair place, and the joy of the | whole earth : upon the north-side lieth the city of the great King ; God is well known in her palaces as a | sure re-fuge. 3 For lo, the kings of the | earth : are gathered, and gone | by to-ge-ther. 4 They marvelled to see such | things : they were aston- ished, and | sud-denly cast down. 5 Fear came there upon them, and | sor-row : as upon a woman | in her tra-vail. 6 Thou shalt break the ships of the | sea : through the | east-wi?id. 7 Like as we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our | God : God upholdeth the I same for ev-er. God m the 8 We wait for Thy loving-kindness, O midst of^Thy tem-ple. 9 O God, according to Thy Name, so is Thy praise unto the world's | end : Thy right hand is | full of righ-teousness. io Let the mount Sion rejoice, and the daughter of Judah be | glad : be- 1 cause of "Thy judge-ments. WHITSUN-DAY. 1 1 Walk about Sion, and go round a- [ bout her : and tell the | towers there-0/ 12 Mark well her bulwarks, set up her | hou-ses : that ye may tell | them that^come af-ter. 13 For this God is our God for ever and j ev-er : He shall be our guide j un-to death. GLO- I RY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE | SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY^GHOST ; AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING. IS NOW, AND EVER | SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- i OUT END. A-MEN. PSALM LXVIII. Exurgat Dens. <» 8th Tone. W — -i=^ s t M 1 1 &> ^ eg — ; S> — n ^ & = *S? *S>- ^nn_^ LET I God arise, and let His enemies be j scat-tered : let A prayer at the them also that hate Him I flee be-fore Him. removing of the 1 Ark. An ex- 2 Like as the smoke vanisheth, so shalt Thou drive them hortation to a- I way : and like as wax melteth at the fire, so let the un- ^S^mertia godly perish at the j pre-sence oi^God. 3 But let the righteous be glad and rejoice before | God : let them also be j mer-ry ancPjoy-ful. 4 O sing unto God, and sing praises unto His | Name : magnify Him that rideth upon the heavens, as it were upon an horse ; praise Him in His Name JAH, and re- | joice be- fore Him. 5 He is a Father of the fatherless, and defendeth the cause of the I wi-dows : even God in His holy | ha-bi-ta-tion. 6 He is the God that maketh men to be of one mind in an house, and bringeth the prisoners out of cap- j ti-vity : but ih the runagates con- | ti-nue in^scarce-ness. 7 O God, when Thou wentest forth before the | peo-ple \ for His cart of when Thou wentest | through the wil-derness, *• c/lltrch - 8 The earth shook, and the heavens dropped at the pre- sence of i God : even as Sinai also was moved at the pre- sence of God, Who is the God of Is-rael. WHITSUN-DAY. 9 Thou, O God, sentest a gracious rain upon Thine in- 1 her-itance : and refreshedst it | when it was^wea-ry. 10 Thy congregation s:\alldwell there- | in : for Thou, O God, hast of Thy goodness pre- | par-ed for the^poor. 1 1 The Lord gave the | word : great was the company | of the prea-chers. 12 Kings with their armies did flee, and were dis- ( com- fited : and they of the household di- | vi-ded tht^sftoil. 13 Though ye have lien among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a | dove : that is covered with silver wings, and her I fea-thers like gold. 14 When the Almighty scattered kings for their | sake : then were they as white as | snow in Sal-mon. 15 As the hill of Basan, so is | God's hill : even an high hill, as the | hill of Ba-san. 16 Why hop ye so, ye high hills ? this is God's hill, in the which it pleaseth Him to | dwell : yea, the Lord will abide in I it for ev-er. 17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of I an-gels : and the Lord is among them, as in the holy| place of Si-nai. 18 Thou art gone up on high, Thou hast led captivity cap- tive, and received gifts for | men : yea, even for Thine enemies, that the Lord God might | dwell a-mong them. 19 Praised be the Lord | dai-ly : even the God who helpeth us, and poureth His bene- | fits up-on us. 20 He is our God, even the God of Whom cometh sal- | va- tkm : God is the Lord, by | Whom we escape death. 21 God shall wound the head of His | en-emies : and the hairy scalp of such a one as goeth on | still in^his wick-ed- ness. 22 The Lord hath said, I will bring My people again, as I did from | Ba-san : Mine own will I bring again, as I did sometime from the | deep of the^sea. 23 That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thine j en-emies : and that the tongue of thy dogs may be | red through the'" same. WHITSUN-DAY. . 5tk Tone. 14 It is ;! well seen, O God, | how Thou go-est : how Thou, l r ^>- His great my God and King, | go-est in the sanc-tuary. 25 The singers go before, the minstrels : fol-low af-ter : in the midst are the damsels | play-ing with the tim-brels. 26 Give thanks, O Israel, unto God the Lord in the | con- gre-ga-tions : from the | ground of the heart. 27 There is little Benjamin their ruler, and the princes of | Judah their coun-sel : the princes of Zabulon, and the] prm-ces of Neph-thali. 28 Thy God hath sent forth | strength for thee : stablish the thing, O God, that | Thou hast wrought in us, 29 For Thy temple's sake j at Je-ru-salem : so shall kings bring | pre-sents un-to Thee, 30 When the company of the spear-men, and multitude of the mighty are scattered abroad among the beasts of the people, so that they humbly bring | pie-ces^of sil-ver : and when He hath scattered the | peo-ple that de-light in^war ; 31 Then shall the princes ! come out of^E-gypt : the Morians' land shall soon stretch out her i hands un-to God. 32 Sing unto God, O ye kingdoms \ of the earth : O sing| prai-ses unto the Lord j 33 Who sitteth in the heavens over all | from the^be-gin- ning : lo, He doth send out His voice, yea, and that a mi ty~voice. 34 Ascribe ye the power to God | o-ver Is-rael : His wor- ship, and I strength is in the clouds. 35 O God, wonderful art Thou in Thy | ho-ly places : even the God of Israel ; He will give strength and power unto His people ; | bles-sed be God. GLO-|i RY BE TO THE FATHER, j AND TO TYOTSoH \ AND| to the Holy Ghost ; AS IT ' WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW. AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- OUT I ND. A-m works. WHITSUN-0AY. EVENING PRAYER. .LM CIV. Benedic. anima mea. Sih Tone. a meditation pj RAISE || the Lord, I my sotil : O Lord my God, Thou upon the migkty x-* art V) eC011ie exceeding glorious ; Thou art clothed with I pi wer t -*- . . . o o > l ma-jes-ty and hon-our. 2 Thou deckest Thyself with light as it | were with a~gar- ment : and spreadest out the j hea-vens like a cur-tain. 3 Who layeth the beams of His chambers | in the wa-ters : and maketh the clouds His chariot, and walketh upon the j wings of the wind, 4 He maketh His|an-gels spi-rits : and His|min-isters a^ fiam-ingy£>r. 5 He laid the foundations | of the earth : that it never should | move at a-ny time, 6 Thou coveredst it with the deep like as | with a gar-ment : the waters | stand in the hills. 7 At Thy re- 1 buke they^&v : at the voice of Thy | thun-der they^are ^rfraid, 8 They go up as high as the hills, and down to the j val-leys beneath : even unto the place which Thou hast ap- 1 point-ed for them. 9 Thou hast set them their bounds which they | shall not pass : neither turn a- 1 gain to co-ver^the earth. io He sendeth the springs |in-to the^ri-vers : which | run a-mong the hills. ii All beasts of the field [drink ihere-of : and the wild/ as-ses quench their thirst. 12 Beside them shall the fowls of the air have their | ha-bi-ta-tion : and | sing a-mong the branch-es. 13 He watereth the | hills from 2^ dove : the earth is filled with the I fruit of Thy works. WHITSUN-DAY. 14 He bringeth forth j grass for the^cat-tle : and green herb | for the ser-vice^'of menj 15 That He may bring food out of the earth, and wine that maketh glad the | heart of man : and oil to make him a cheerful countenance, and bread to | strength-en marts heart. 16 The trees of the Lord also are \ full of sap . even the cedars of | Li-banus whichPHe hath plant-ed ; 17 Wherein the birds | make their nests : and the fir-trees are a | dwell-ing for the stork, 1 3 The high hills are a refuge j for the^wild goats : and so are the stony rocks for the co-nies. 5th : &= S = S r-^-tr^ZM ^ ^ L ~ 4 'r^r-=^ ^sM .2^ s> - m 19 He ap- pointed the moon for \ cer-tain sea-sons . and andwmderftu the sun I knoweth his go-ing down. ' ggdemeff 20 Thou makest darkness that it | may be night : wherein all the I beasts of theTorest do move. 21 The lions roaring | af-ter~their prey : do | seek their meat from God. 22 The sun ariseth, and they get them a-| way to-ge-ther : and lay them | down in their dens. 23 Man goeth forth to his work, j and to^his la-bour : un-til the evening. 24 O Lord, how manifold are Thy works : in wisdom hast Thou made them all ; the earth is ! full afThy rich-es. 25 So is the great and ' wide sea al-so : wherein are things creeping innumerable, both | small and great beasts. 26 There go the ships, and there is | that Le-vi-athan : whom Thou hast made to take his j pas-time there-in. 27 These wait | all upon Thee : that Thou may-est give them meat in | due j-fa-son. 2S When Thou givest it them | they ga-ther^it : and when Thou openest Thy hand ' they are filled with good. WHITSUN-DAY. ** ^fc =t= 29 When Thou hidest Thy | face they^are trou-bled : when Thou takest away their breath they die, and are turned a- I gain to their dust. 30 When Thou lettest Thy breath go forth | they shall be* made : and Thou shalt renew the | face of the earth. 5th Tone. P i m ni^r^ ^E^E E^g ^=-^=^=±^=^ SS& r~^—!=zzift J 1 t^ I : Fp r- " , ^ -p-^=i: 31 The || glorious Majesty of the Lord shall en- | dure for ev-er : the Lord shall re- | joice in His works. 32 The earth shall tremble at the | look of Him : if He do but touch the | hills, they shall smoke. 33 I will sing unto the Lord as | long asT live. I will praise my God | while I have my be-ing. 34 And so shall my | words please Him : my | joy shall be in the*Lord. 35 As for sinners, they shall be consumed out of the earth, and the ungodly shall | come to a.n*end : praise thou the Lord, O my | soul, praise the Lord. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE* Son \ AND | TO THE HO-LY Ghost; AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-men. David praiseth God for His fame, for His goodness, for His kin 2; do m, for His providence, for His saving mercy. PSALM CXLV. Exaltabo tc, Dcus. -&—• ^^F ^ - M-^-^ -T TTTT" Roman Cha?it. -tst rr r^-^ ^ -m-=t j=£ -- - m 21 My mouth shall speak the | praise of the^Lord : and let all flesh give thanks unto His holy | Name for ev-er and"^ «v-er. GLO- II RY BE TO THE FATHER, | AND TO THE~SON : AND | TO THE HO-LY Ghost J AS IT || WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND | EV-ER SHALL BE : WORLD WITH- I OUT END. A-tnetl. * HENDERSON, RAIT, & SPALDING, PRINTERS, 3 & 5, MARYLEBONE LANE, LONDON, W. M