'" ^' \ Z'ri \ ^ «3 Q- .^ ns ^ ^ 0) (T3 i ^ Lc ' 1 r^ ^ Q- i ♦fe ^^ ^ ^ o 1 ^ 5 "^^ 'fc 0) ■ <=> g c ^ O bi) t ,25 E-i < 1 J t^ I "q3 3 i 1 : 12; E 1 :, b 1 <-» M f<3 ':2. ^ "^ 1 *S ^ CO :& ^ 1 ■^ ^ ,j c^ ^ ^ "^ S CD "c CU qI si T O \ MrWlLLI AM TRENT, V ^tehant in P H I L A D E L p H I a". SIR, S your fingular Huma- nity and Good- Will to all Men do juftly re- commend you to the Efteem and Love of all; fo the Inftances thereof, that you have applied to me particu- larly^ do particularly require of me my moft thankful Acknowledgment. And as fuch, I defire you to accept of this New and Small Ejfay^ for the more e& fedual Promoting of Catechetical In- ftf udtion; and to vouchfafe it your Pa- tronage, DEDICATION. ttonage. For as it is defign'd iij part for the life of our poor Countr men^ who are difperfed up and down it your vaft and fpacious Regions ; fo yoir ho- noured and worthy Name prdxed ,r hereunto, may recommend it much to their Acceptance and For I know not any Gentleman, the Country round about you , tlat i^ either better known, or more bebved than yourfelf : And particularly by him, who in reality is, very / Ufe. i S I Rj ii T^ur m^fl ohliged^ tno(^ humble^ a^jd mofi PHILO-DELPHUS. THE PREFACE 5 the Knowledge of true Religion is neceffary to Marias Salvation , fo one excellent Means and Hib for the Acqmring of this KncxV" ledge^ is to learn and keep in Me- mory forne Methodical and flwrt Catechifmj or ^yftem of Divini- ty, And it it generally achnoW' ledged^ that this our Catechifin is fuch ^ Mr. Bax- ter fays of it , that ^tis more truly methodical than moft other Catechifms that pretend to grea- ter Accuratenefs. And Bijlwp Beveridge hath af- firmed^ that no other doth, or can exceed this : It being fo plain and jJjort^ that even Children may foon learn it ^ and wtthal fo full and copious^ in the Senfe and DoBriues of it , that the ahlefl Divines can never wholly comprehend it : Like a River that hath Fords , wherein Lambs may rvade • and Profundities or Depths^ wherein Elephants may fwim. This THE PREFACE. ms our excellent jloort Catechifm hath been thr fruitful Subject of many profitable Exf options \ and for ^cHcrht I fee ^ it is flill capable of more-^ there being Fai- lings in oood Books ^ as well as in good Men: And I mufl frofefs^ that of all our explicatory tCatechifms^ for the Vfe of Children and Families , / know not any that J have feen without feme notable Defeci-. As to in- fiance in fome ParticularSy the nature of faving Bap- tifm is either grofsly miftahn^ or not fufficiently ex- plained in them. The like may be faid alfo con- cerning the Lord^s Supper. The DoBnne of original Sin is almofi wholly pretermitted : And the Attri- butes of God , whereby his Nature is defcribed^ are feldom or never mentioned in their right Order, And 1 hope that in thefe^ and other material Points^ this following Expoftian may be a Supplement to others. I have'^ followed the Reapers ,^ and gathered up feme things that others have let flip- But that which is rnoji peculiar to this following Iffay^ is the Method and Manner of it. For^ firfl I have here divided ^a^id methodized this our Cate- chifm by. Chapters And 'Setltons^ under their feveral Heads and Titles,^ And then my Manner of explain- ino them^ is both fcfitive and Catechetical : I. c. both ir/^ continued and interlocutory Difcourfes, In the for- mer of which is pmved the Compofire of its Materials^ AS when a Watch is put together , and we fee the Syflcm efit : And in the latter^ the Materials or fubjtd; AUt- ters of its Compofure ^ as when a Watch is took to pieces ^ arid we fee them fever ally by themfelvcs^ In thefe Catechetical or Interlocutory Vifcourfcs^. I have comprized my Inftrulfion chiefly m the Interroga- tive Pf/rt or Oueftions : And the Anfvers to thofe Oue- fiions are made only by Tes or No ^ with appofite Proofs trom Scripture^ implied 1-2 thcfc Anfvers, Arid the Ca- ^ ' ' '' tcchill: THE PREFACE. techifl may repeat them froferly, whenever the Learner cannot^ And go on with his Catechiz,ing without a Baulk or Interruption, And the Dialogues ^are all corkclnded with fome pra^ical Application, I» this plain Method^ and niter this familiar Manner^ this Excellent ufeful and difficult H^ork cf Catechiz^ir?^ may be managed with great Facility both in Schools and in Families, And it highly concerns thofe that have the Government and Charge of either , to promote and pra- Ehice it in their refpeEiive Provinces, Be that provides only things mceffary for the Body , but negleEls the im- mortal SohIs of thofe of his Ho life or Family^ is certainly a mofi unfaithful^ injurious and cruel Hottjholder, And he is not worthy of the Name of a Qhriftian School- Mailer , who mSketh it not his chief Bufinefs, to teach his Scholars the Knowledge of lefus Chrift and Everlafting Life. ERRA' ERRATA. J^ E j4 D E R^ Thou art here defired to excufe and reEhify fuch Mif^oimings and other Errors as have efcafed in the Margin^ and in the Body of this Book, In the Margin, Pag. 22. for fpecial Subje£l , read (fpccial Subje£ls). P. 58. at 1. 15. blot out (he). P. 67. about 1. 5. add ( our Obligations to the Baptifroal Duties). P. 268. at lin. 4. add (in fpecial). P. 248. at 1. 29. add (the firft Petition]. P. 25a at ]. T. add (The fecond Petition). P. 256. at 1. 14. add (The fifth Petition). From p. 159. to 236. read over the page for Faith, Obedience. From p. 236. to 263. read over the page, for Faith, Prayer. From p. 263. to 2S7. over the page for Faith (Sacraments). P. 275. about lin. 2. add (Baptifm what). In the Body of the Booh Pag. 7T . 1. 10. for Proparenti read Proprietors. P. 1 58. 1. 5. for Nations read Manfions. P. 170. 1. 7. fupply (v^. Yes). P. 175. 1. 5. foi then read (thou). Lin. 8. for is, read (feeth). P. 181. 1. 28. for his, read (tliis). P. 184. 1. 17. dele by. P. 191. 1 22. for, it is, read (at). P.195. ill. read (from the Morning of ,. A (05 m) KEY t O t H E Church - Catechifm t The Church -Catechifm Methodized^ ^nd E!)Cplained. O intimate the Dcfign and I^fe of this Treatife, it is entitled, An Instruction, to be learned of evety one^ before he be brought to be conjirined by the Bffiop, i. c. an Inftru£tion in the Baptifmal Covenant; that fuch as in their Infancy were engaged therein by others 5 might afterwards approve of, and confirm it in their own Pcrfons, in a fcrious A anrd 4 The Analyfis To go on with this Divifion^ The Firfl Branch thereof is concerning the Chrifiian Covenant ; fee Cha^. I. in the following Expofition. And this ex- patiates and fpreads itfelf to the Shewing of Five Particulars, viz.. \\. The Baptifmal Name, \ N. or M. See St&. i . 2. The Baptifmal Be* nefitt^ 3. The Baptifmal Duties er Conditions of thofe Be- nefits, 4. Our Obligations to ferform thofe Duties, 5. Some Means and Helps whereby you may per- form them \ efpecially thefe trvo^ viz. Thankfulnefs and Wr^yer. To be a Member of Chrift', a Child of God ^ and an Inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven. Sea 2. To renounce the Devil and aU his Works ^ to believeall the Articles of the Chriftian Faith ^ and to keep God's Holy Will and Commandments, &c. Sea. 5. Thou art verily bound to believe and do, as they ( thy Sureties) have pro- rais'd for thee {in thy Baptifm.) Sed. 4. And I heartily thank our Heavenly Father, for that he hath called me in- to this State of Salvation, through Jefus Chrift our Saviour. And I pray un- to God to give me his Grace, that I may conti- nue in the fame unto my ^ Life's End. Seft. 5. II. Th« of the Church-Catechlfm. 5 II. The Second Branch of our Divifion is concern- ing the Chrifiian Faith ^ fee Chap. %. And the Parti- culars herein contaiaed are Creed, Hereof, the 12 Articles of the 1. TheFirflis cdncernwg\ I believe in God the God ^ particularly the F-«- ( Father Almighty, Maker tijer^ and the Work ofCrea- j of Heaven and Earth. tion. ^ j Sea. I. 2. The Second concern- \ Andi/i J^^us Chrilt his ingChrifij his-Perfon^ Na- I only Son our Lord. tares and Offices, \ ' "Seel. 2 3. The Third 'concerning i Who was conceited by his ^Incarnation and Nati- I the Holy Ghoft, boril of *uity, : 1 the y irgin ^/ir)/. 4. The Fourth concerning his Sufferings , Death and Burial^ as alfo his departure into the invifible World^ or Adss. "Sea. 5; Suffered under Tontins Pilat^ was crucified, dead, and buried; he defcen- ded into Hell- Sea. 4. 5. The Fifth concerning t The third Day He the Refurre^tior^ of his £m \ rofe again fioni the dy, \ Dead. Sed. 5. his tion IHe afcended into Heaven,and fitteth at the jr^j^^nj.un «..^ ^^Hu^- , Right Hand of God the J Father Almighty. S. d. 7. The Seventh concern- j From thence he fhall itig his Coming to judge the \ come to judge the Qliick World. and the Dead. A 3 %.The 6 TkAnalyJis 8. The- Eighth is QQncerrt' j ifjg God the Holy Ghofi^ his I believc in the Holy J)mmty and Office. . ■ \ Ghoft. Sed. 8. p. The Ninth is concern' \ ing theFeaple or Church of \ ' The Holy Catholick Ood^ and one fpeci^l Fri'vi' \ Church, the Communioa lege of th^ found Mimhen j of Saiots. of it. J ^d. 9, ' 10. The Tenth of ano- \ The Forgivenefs of ther Rrivilege. | Sins. Seft". jg,.,. T I. The Eleventh of an- j vthsr» I 12. The Twelfth of an- other^ even their future and /;;^/Happinefs. The Refurredioii jof the Body, ^ Sea:.iiv The Life Everlafling. ■ Sed.iz. All thefe Articles Have refpect to the Three Per- fons in the Undivided Deity. And fo they are all J educed to thefe Three Heads in general, vItl^ 1 . Of Qod the Fatherland the Work of Credit ion, 2. Of Ged the Son^ and the Work of Redemption. 3. Of God the Holy Ghofi , and the Work of SanSiifi^ cation. III. The Third Branch of our Diviilon is concern- ing Obedience, Chap, 3. And this contains in it the Ten Commandments of the Law* Hereof, ^, The Fir ft is concerning y Thou (halt have no the right OhjeEi of our Wor- { Other Gods but nie. fhip^ Yi2» the only True God* \j Sed. i . ' • " ,; '. 2. Th^ 2. 71?^ Second c oncer ninir the Means or Matter of God's WorJJnp. of the ChuYch-Catechlfm. J Thou (halt not make to thyfelf any Gravea Image, nor the Likenefs ; of any thing that is la I Heaven above, &c. S. 2. 3. The Third concern'wg j Thou (halt not take the the right Manner of his I Name of the Lord thy God Worjhtp. 1 in vain -, for the Lord , &c. Sea. 3, Remember that thou keep Holy the Sabbath Day ^ Six Days fhalc thou labour and do all 'that thou haft to do, &c. S.4. 4. Use Fourth concern- ivg the Special Time of his IVorfhtp. Thefe firft Four Commandments, which are called the firft Table, are a Holy Inftitution of our Duty to- wards God. And the Sum therejof is what is meant in the Firft Commandment, viz,. To love him with all our Hearty with all our Soul^ with all our Strength ^ and with all our Mind, This, as our Saviour tells us, is the Pirft and great Commandment. And fo as a Gapr tain it leads on the Van. But to proceed : 5. The Fifth is concern- j Honour thy Father and ingthe Duties of Relations. thy Mother, that thy 1 Days, &c. Sed. 5. 6. The Sixth is of Hu' manity. 7. The Seventh ofCha- fiity. $.Thc Eighth cfjufiice, Thou fhalt do no Mur- der. Sed.d. Thou fhalt not com- mit Adultery. • Sedt. 7. Thoa fhalt not fteal. Sea. 8. A 4 9' Ths I The Analyfis p. 7%f Ninth of Fer4' | Thou fhalt not bear cityo J Falfe \yitnefs, &c. Sea. 9. 10. Tloe Tenth concern^ tug a right j^jfeBion to- wards our Neighbour, Thou (halt not covet thy Nei-ghbour's Houfe j thou (halt not, &c. Se£l. 10. Thefe Six laft Commandments, which are called the Second Table, are a Pvighteous Inllitution of our Duty towards our Neighbour, And the Sun) thereof is what is meant in the laft Commandment, viz.. T& hve-him as ovrfelves. This, as our Saviour tells us, is the Second great Commandment ^ and fo as a Lieutenant it brings up the Rear. iV. The Fourth Branch of our Divifion is that which conperneth Prayer, Chap, ^. And here you are pre-injlrucled in the Reafons and Grounds of Prayer, the Ufe of it, and fomc neceflary Properties, or Qiialifications of it, namely, Conftancy and Di- Jigencp. Thefe are the fubjea Matters of that preparatory Inftruction, (Saying, Afy goodChild^ know this ^ that thou art not able ofthyfilfto do thefe things^ &c.) And then you are called upon to fay the Lord's Prayer as follow eth. Our Father^ which art in Heaven^ &c. This moft admirable Form of Prayer is called the Lord's Prayer^ becaufe it was pompofed by our Blef. fed Lord himfelf, to be a Pattern of Prayer •, accord- ing to which, and alfoa Form of Prayer, by, or with •which, we ought to pray. And 'tis reducible to Four Parts, z;/^. I. l^e Mdrefs or Pre T Qur Father, which ar^ face, [in Heaven. Sed. ic cf the ChuYch'Catechifm. I 2. Some Petitions that more immediately relate to Cod. 3. Some Vetitiofjs that more immediately refpeB purfelves. 4. The Conclujton pr Reafons of thefe Feti- tiofis. Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. < Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven. Sed.2. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Tref- pafles,as we forgive them that trefpafs againft us. And lead us not fnto Teinptation, &c* Seft. ^. For thine is the King- dom, and the Power, and Ithe Glory, for ever and ey,^r, Amen. Sed. 4. And to teach you what it is tharyoudefire in this Prayer , \t is briefly explained ta you in this Part of OUT Catechifm. :^^^^ '^'^ J v.. The Fifth Branch thereof is concerning the Chrrllian Sacrament,^^/;^:. Baptifm and the Lord's Sup^ fery fee Chap. 5. And the Matters contained there^ in are all the following Particulars, viz,* /.£* 1. The Numher "-cf'^e Evangelical Sacrdmenth 2. Their Necejfity, Thi Two only,t/>^.. Baptifni and the Lord's Supper. ! They are generally ne- / ceflary to Salvation. An 3. 'J he common Nk- y An outward vifible ture and the ejfmial Farts \ Sign of an inward Spiri- thereof^ viz. ::' '■ \ tualGrace* The them. Thi The Analyjis Author of 5. Their Ends and V- /«■ ^vj (J. The Oi^tward Part 9r S'gn of B apt if m in par- ucular. •*7» The Inward Tart tr Spiritual Grace of Bap- tifm» I Given unto us, .ordain- ed by Chrifl himfelf. To be a Means where- by we receive the fame (viz,. Spiritual and in- ward Grace ) and alfo a Pledge to aiTare us there- of. Water, wherein the Perfon is baptized, in the Name of the Father^ and of the 5o», and of the Holy Ghoft. A Death unto Sin and a !New Birth unto Righ- teoufnefs*, for being by Nature born in Sin, and Children of Wrath, w^ are hereby maide Chil- dren of Grace. Repentance, whereby they forfake Sin ^ and 8. The QMalfications \ Faith, whereby they fted- offuch 04 are to be hap- J faftly believe the Promi* tiz^U* fes of God made to them J in that Sacrament. 9. A Vindication of the Baptism of young Children, Altho' by reafon of their tender Age they cannot perform them {i.e, I Faith and Repentance) [yet they promife them both by their Sureties,which Promife when theyeouie to Age, themfelves are bound to perform. \o,Tht of the jOhurch' Catechifm, II to. The Special End of the Lor^s Supper in parti- cular, IT. The Outward? art ^ ^ Sign of the Lord's Supper. TlTe continual Remem- branee of the Sacrifice of the Death oiChrifl^and of the Benefits that we re- ceive thereby. Bread and Wine which the Lord hath command' ed to be received. 12. The Inward Part^ or thing fignified in , thif Sa^ crament* The Body and Blood of Chrifty which ar« verily andrindeed taken and re- ceived by the Faithful ia the Lord's Supper. The Strengthning and 13. The Benefits that we I refrefhing of our Souls by receive by this Ordinance* I the Body and Blood of [ Chrifl- , as our Bodies are j by the Bread and Wine. To examine themfelves whether they repent them truly of their for- I mer Sins, ftedfaftly pur- pofing to lead a new Life, have a lively Faith ia God's Mercy through Chrifi , with a thankful ! Remembrance of his 1 Death, and be in Charitf I with all Men. All thefe Points of Doclrine concerning the Chri-. Ilian Sacraments, are diftindly contained and taughc you in this Part of your Catechifra. But as fome of thefe Particulars are common to both the Sacraments, fome proper to one, others to the other of them , they are all reducible to thefe Three Heads, viz- :. I Con 14. Jnd hftly y The Qualificatians of fuch as eome to the Lor£s Supper " 1 7 The Analyjis I.. Concerning the two Sacraments in general. See Seft. i . ' W.Xoncerning Baftifm^ Sed. 2, III' Concerning the tord's Supper^ ' SeQ:. 3. Thefe are the Points and Principles that the Cate- chlfm conlills of, and into which ic is refolvible. It immediately refolvesitfelf intoFive fpecial Parts,and'' each of thefe into feveral lefs Particulars : The Firfb into Five, The Second into Twelve. The Third into Tew. The Fourth into Four. The Fifth into Fourteen^ or more compendloufly into TW^. And fo the Catechifm prelents itfelf in the Similitude of a Tree. The whole Catechifm is as the whole Tree. The five firft Parts areas fo many Matter- Limbs ^ and the Particulars of thofe Parts are as fo many Smaller Branches, And they are here iirft exhibited in their Dependencies and proper Places, in order to a fuller and rnethodical Explication of them, in the following Manner. But to apply this more familiarly to the Capacities of the Young and Ignorant, 1 (hall propound it Catechetic^lly , by way ol Queftion and ^nfber* The Que fi ions and Anfwers* Q. What are the Principles or chief Parts of this Catechifm f Themvijj- A. They are thofe five that have been ';4«'''*' fpecified in the Analyfis, -z/Zz,. The feveral Explications of Set tht A- I . The Chripian Covenant. ^^^'' 2. The Chriftian Faith^ 6cc. Q. In what Place of your C4techifm have you thefe chief Parts thereof f A. The firft is contained in the four Preliminary Queftions, The of the Church-Catechlfm. I 3 The fecond in the Creed, with the Breviat of it. The third in the Decalogue or Moral Law expounded. The Fourth in the Lord's Prayer, with the Explanation of it, and the Premonition before it. . The Fifth in the Clofe or Gonclufion of this Treatife. Q. To go on with our Btvlfion^ Firfi^What ^^jflT^f dire the chief Particulars of the firfl Part there* TititBrLek, fif^ viz.* that which concerns the Covenant / A* They are Explanations, of I . The Chrijiian Name. i. The Chrifiian Benefits^ 6tC. 2. Q. To proceed with the Second Branch ^ J^ilJ^lf' the Explication of the Chrijiian Faith ; What 7he Second are the chief Particulars or Members of this ^''•*«*^' Branch ? A. They are the Twelve Articles of the Creed. Hereof A The Firfl: Ar- ticle is , / Relieve in God the Father Al- mighty , Maker of Heaven and Earth* And this is concern- ing God, particularly the Father and the Work of Creation. Stf^ the A- nalyjis. Q. What ^ the Firfl Article r And Tphat is this concern- Q. HIj^ 14 ' The Anajyjis Ci What is the Se- f u4. ThiC Second i§^ cond^ the Third^ &C. jind in Jefus Chrifi ^ And what are they his only Son our Lord* each concerning t And this is concern- ing Chrifi^ his Perfon, Natures and OfEces. And fo of the rcfl, according to the A- nalyiis. ^h^rfi 3* ^* To proceed with the Third Branchy dte Third vIz. that which concerns Obedience j What are ^''"^' the [fecial Heads hereof ? A' They are the Ten Commandments of the Law. Q: Hereof^ firfl with reffel} to God^ What is prefcrihed to ns in the Four firft Command^ ments f A' They prefcribe to us, 1. The firft the Objea:, | 2. The fecond the Means | of Religious or Matter, . Worjhip. a.The third the Manner, I 4. The fourth the fpeeial | ' Time, Q. And fecondty with reflect to Man'j What do the ^ix lafi prefcribe ? A. The fifth prefcribes unto us the Du- ties of Relations. * The (ixth Humanity. The feventh Chaftity- The eighth Juftice* The ninth Veracity* The tenth A right Affeaion,or inward Love to our Neighbour. Q, How of the Chmh-Catechifm. I5 Q. Hon> are ail the fe divided .^ And what ifj general do they teach you ? A\^ general they are divided into two Tables, and they teach me thefe t^o things, viz.' 1. My Duty to wards God,the Su- preme and only Good, to love him as fuch, with aU my Hearty with all my Soul , with all my Strength^ and with all my Mind* 2. My Duty towards my Neigh- bour, one of the fame Nature with me, and being equally a«- miable, to love him as myfelf. 4. Q. To proceed with the Fourth Branch'^ J^u^s'^f the Explication ofChriftian Prayer \ What does the Found the Premonition concerning thisSubjeth teach you? ^'■**^' A. It teacheth me, , 1. The Reafons and Grounds of all Prayer, viz.. Man's Infufficiency, and God's Al- fufficiency. 2. The Ufe of it , viz.. to get Help from God. 3. Some Properties or Qualifications of it. It muft be diligent and conftant. Q. And what are the Contents of the hor^y Prayer that followeth? A. They are, 1. A Preface, or Add refsfdCii^/. 2. Some Petitions that more im- mediately relate to God. 3. Some Petitions that more im- mediately refped ourfelves. 4. TheConclufionor Reafoasof thefe Petitions. SQi i^ The Amlyjis Utetdrti' 5. Q. 'the Lafl Branch of our Livifton i^aJ 'be^^Fif^ ^^* Explipation of the Sacraments. And how Srattebi is this Part divided ? A. It is diftinguifhed into 14 Particulars. Q: ,How many ofthefe Particulars do per* tain to both the Sacfaments ? A, The Five Firft, concerning, i. Their Number. 2. TheirNeceflity. 3. Their Nature 'and Effential Parts. 4. Thelf Author. 5. Their Ends and Ufes. Q. WhM are thofe Particulars that relate id Baftifm in Special ? A* The Four next, viz^. 6. The outward Part or vifibh Sign iaBaptifm. 7. The inward Part or Spiritual Grace thereof. 8. The Qualifications required for this Sacrament. p. A Vindication of the Baptifm of young Children. Q. What are thofe Particulars that are cott' tetning the Lord's Supper f A* They are the Five Laft, 1//^. 10. The fpecial End for which it was ordained, ir. The outward Part or Sign of the Lord's Supper. 12. The inward Part or Thing lignified therein. 15. Th^ of the ChurchXatechifm. 17 13. The Benefits that Believers receive thereby. 14. The Qiialifications of fuch as partake thereof. Q. What are the general tieads , io which all thefefaid Particulars may be compendioujly reduced^ ji. They are thefe Three, vit. 1. Concerning the Two Sacra-^ ments in general. 2. Concerning Baptifmi 3. Concerning the Lord's Sup^ per. » T H i 1 8 A general Explanation THE EXPLAN AT I O N O F T H E C AT E C H I S M, HAving exhibited the Analyfis or general Scheme of this Catechifm , I come now to add thereto the Explanation of it. And here I fhall proceed 1. More generally, and 2. More particularly, in tlie following Manner. 1. I fhall briefly open the Senfe of the whole Cate- €hifm in one continued Difcourfe , and Ihew you the Tenour of it ^ that fo you may have at once an entire View thereof; For yon will not know it right- ly , if you know it but independently, and by bro- ken Parts. 2. I fhall proceed, to a fuller Explication of the feveral Parts thereof, and fhall confider them more diHindly. In order whereunto, 1 begin with a brief Defcription and Explication of the Whole, as fol- loweth. A Jhort and general Explication of the Catechifm. A Catechifm is an Inftrudion in the Principles of Religion,by way of Qia#ion and Aufwer. This is the common of the whole CatechiftfU f ^ common Nature of Catechetical Books in general. But leveral forts of Catecliifms have their feveral pro- per Natures, wherein they differ from one another And fo you fhould underftand what is the proper Nature of this Catechifm in particular. To defcribe it to y6u,by the Matter and Method of it, 'tis a Fami-' liar InftruEhion in the Baptifmal or Chriftian Cove- nant •, efpecially in the Chriftian Faith, Obedience^ and Prayer; and in the two ChrifdanSacraments^i^*"^:* Baptifm and the Lord's Supper. To ieview and evince to you this Defcription of our CAtechifm^^x^^ I fay, it is a Familiar Inftrudioa in the Baptifmal or Chriftian Covenant. This is the Scope and Subltance of the. four Preliminary Quefti- ons -.Whereof this eafiiy anfwer'd Queftion (What U your Name?) is propofed in the firil place, for an In- trodudion to the reft. And in fitly ferves to mind you of the Faith that you profelFed, and of xhe Vow- that you made at Baptifm,when this Name was given you : And then the three following Qiiellions, with their refpedive Anfwers, are a Breviac, or ihort Ac- count of the whole Baptifmal Covenant. For they fhew us the mutual Promifes betwixt God and Man, which in that Covenant they fign and feal to one ano- ther: That, whereas before Baptifm, and in our Na- tural Eftate, we were all Aliens froiii the Common- Wealth of 7/?^e/,Children of Wrath,and Heirs of Per- dition ; God hath promifed in this Covenant, to be propitious and gracious to us ^ and that we, who are baptized, and believe in Jefm Chrift ^ (hall be living Members of him, in his' Body, which is the Churchy and fo be Children of God, through him^ and Heirs of Heaven. And Man on his part promifeth, to give up himfelf to God, even the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft ^ as his Father and Felicity , his Saviour and hisSandifier; and that, renouncing the World, the Fiefhjand the Devil, he will believe God^sWord^ and B 2 keep 30 A general Explanation keep his Commandments. This we promifed in our Baptifm,by thofe that brought us to that Sacrament. And we are bound to believe and do what they then promifed for us. For the Matters of thofe Promifes are all holy, j u ft and good , and naturally necefli- ry to our Salvation and Happinefs. But thus to believe, and do, is above our Strength and Power. For of ourfelves we can do nothing. And therefore we are directed to the Grace of God for Help, and to Prayer and other Means, whereby we may obtain it : That, as we have been called into a State of Salvation, by Jefus Chrift, we may conti- nue in the fame unto our Lives End. Thus in thefe few Qiieftions, and the Anfwers an- nexed to them, we have a plain and fhort Account of the whole Baptifmal Covenant, both Promifes and Conditions. But whereas this Covenant doth ob- jectively^ contain in it 1. Credenda^ or things True as fuch, to bebeliev'd and known by us. 2. Blligenda^ or things Good as fuch, to be.lov'd aiid choien by us. 3. Aginda^ or things Praftical, as fuch, to be done or pradifed by us. Therefore, all thefe things are more particularly, and fully opened in the Pro- cefs of this our Catechifm. The things of the Firft fort in the Apoftles Creed, explicated. The things of the Second fort in the Lord's Pray- er explained. And the things of the Third fort m the Moral Law expounded. And fo thefe three Summaries are all an Abftraft of Chriftianity. For they fhew us the whole Duty and Happinefs of Man, which is the Scope and Sum ■ - "■■ " ■ of of the whole Catechifm. 2 1 of it. For,whereas in Man's Nature, there are three efTential Faculties, m7i, the Intellea, Will, and the Executive or Aftive Power ^ 'tis the whole Concern of Man to exercife thefe aright , and 'tis the Ufe of the Chriftian Dodrine, to dired him to this Exer- cife. The whole Chriftian Dodrine is the general and perfed Rule, whereby they are all directed to their general End or Happinefs. And our three faid Summaries are their contraded and fpecial Rules, whereby they are each direded to their feveral refpe- dive Ends ; the Intelled, by the Creed, to Faith or Divine Knowledge \ the Will, by the Lord's Prayer, to Divine Love or Holinefs •, and the Vital or Adive Power, by the Commandments, to true Obedience 5 which are their feveral Perfedions. And forafmuch as this our Catechifm does dired them to thefc Ends, by fhewing us what we rauft bdieve, will, and pra- dife, and alfo in what Order ^ therefore it is an In- ftrudion, as in the whole Baptifmal Covenant , fo efpecially in thofe things that we muft know, love, and pradife ^ or, which is all one materially, in the ^Chriftian Faith, Obedience,and Prayer. Laftly, it is an Inftrudion in the two Chriftian Sacraments, viz.. Baptifm and the Lord's Supper. Having taught you the Gofpel-Covenant betwixt God and Man, it at laft inftruds you alfo in thofe Divine Rites or Cere- monies, by which this Covenant is vifibly made and ratified. And they are I. Baptifm, for our Admiffion into it, and • z. The Lord's Supper , for our Continuance therein. Both thefe in general, and each of thefe in fpecial, are here briefly declared to us in the Clofe of this our Catechifm ', of which I have now given you a ge- neral and fhort Account. And to make it more clear, 1 fhall propofe it more familiarly, in a Cateche- tical Form or Manner. B 3 Th$ sa A general Explanation The Quefiions and Anfwers. frhataCa- Q. What is the common Nature of a Cat g^ Sr'" ch^fmingemraU A, It is an Inirruction m the Principles of Religion, by way of Queftion and Anfwer. WhatthUis Q; What ii the proper Nature of thu Cat e^ in^Partic^- r/;//-/?^ in Particular f A. It is an Inftrudion in the Baptifmal or Chriftian Covenant, efpecially in the Chri- ftian Faith, &c> Q. Does the Catechifm inftruEh you then ■" A' Yes. For it Ihews us both the Promifes %\:^''^^ I, More generally in and Conditions of it ^ *^' * the whole^ Baptlfman in the four firfl: Qpe- Covenant? \ ftions, and their re- \^fpedive Anfwers. r A. Yes. For it fiiews 1US, I. In the Creed- things True, as fuch. 4i^mf,rem' -.. ^kxu, . .y^...^..^ , 2. In the Lord's '[a ^"^' ^^ ^^^^ o^^^^ ^i/^^-i Prayer, things Good, ^' ' tials ofltf I as fuch. 3. In the ten Com- mandments , things i^Pradical, as fuch. Thefe the Q^ ^^^ ^^^^fi ^^^^^ f^^^^ ^f Matters^ thm iJhjeas of propounded in thefe Summaries^ the fpecial and cur FacuU ^^^^ ohjeBs of Man's three Ejfential Faculties^ viz. the Inteile^^ Willj and the Executive or Active Power ^ A' Yes. For, I. Things True are the Objefts of our ■ Intelleft. ^ " ^^ of the whole Catechifm. ^3 2. Things Good are the Objeds of the Will. ■"" '^ ' 3. Things PradicalaretKife Objeds of our Adive Power. Q* And what ar 9 our final AEls with rtffeEh The Aas to thofe OhjeBs f Are they not thefe three in ge^ aiom*^^of mralj viz. Faith^ Love^ and Obedience f ^ them. A. Yes. For 1. Faith or Divine Knowledge is the Perfeftion of Man's Intellex^:. 2. Love or Hoiinefs is the Ferfedion of Mans Will. 3. Obedience or right Praftice is the Per- feftion of his Adive.Power, Q. And do the Svmmartes afire faid direEh ^ . ^ I r T, r ,1 ■ :> J J Their Sum- you to thoje FerfeUtons f maryRuks^ to direH A. Yes. TheObjeas and right Order of 'p^/Z^S our Faith, Love, and Pradice, are here pre- fcribed to us, in order to thefe Ends -, eyen to know, love, and praftife them, as we ought. The Objeds tell us what the Ads Ihoald be. Q. But more particularly^ Does not the Creed direB the Intelle^ to a right Belief or Know ledge f^ A, Yes. For it fhews us the main Objeds and rightOrder of oarBelief,even to believe 1. In God the Father, as the Creator of all things. 2. In God the Son, as the Redeeaier of all Men. 3. In God the Holy Ghofl:, as the Sandi- fier or Regenerator of the Eled. B 4 Q^Boes 94r A general Explanation Q. Does not the LorcTs Prayer dire^ the Will to Divine Love or Holinefs ^ A. Yes. For it (hews us the right Objeds and Order of our Defires, even to defire and feek 1. God's Glory,as the fupremeand chief- eft Good, and • 2. The Good of Men , in a fabordinate and lower Order. Q. And does the Law direB our Life to a true and obedient TraUice ^ A. Yes. For it fhews us our Pradical or Moral Duties in their Order, 1. In Ads of Piety, that more immediate- ly relate to God \ 2. In AdsofHonefty, that moreimme? diately relate to Men. Q. What is the lafl thing which the CatC' chifm inftruEhs you in ? A. ItistheDodrineofthetwoChriftian Sacraments, viz.. Baptifm and the Lord's Supper, Q. What is the Conclufion or total Sum of thejfe Tremijfes ^ The Sum of A- They all conclude in this Defcription ^cLmII of our Catechifm ^ viz., that 'tis an Inftru- dion in the Baptifmal or Chriftian Cove- nant ^ efpecially in the Chriftian Faith, O- bedience, and Prayer ; and in the two Chri- ftian Sacraments , Baptifm and the Lord's Supper. Cate^ Catechifm, of the whole Catechifm. 35 C^techifi. Thus I have now fliewn you the uz-^/.v*-. Scope and Tenour of this excellent Ca- ''O"- techifm^ and how admirably it conduceth to your Perfedion and Happinefs ; even the right Ordering of our three EfTential Facul- ties, the Underftanding, Will, and the Ex- ecputive or Adive Power. For here we have a Summary or Special Rule for each j as be- fore was obferved to you. The Creed, to fhew us what, and in what Order we muft believe : The Lord's Prayer , to fhew us what, and in what Order we muft defirej And the Decalogue, to fhew us what, and in what Order we muft do, or ad. And if ypu order yourfelves aright according to thefe Rules,in the Belief,Love, and Pradtice, of what you have here taught you, you will attain hereby the Ends that you are made for, even the glorifying and enjoying God, both h^re and hereafter. A ^ 6 The Chrijiian Covenant A Fuller and more Particular EXPLICATION O F T H IS CATECHISM. HAving already fet before you the Analyfis of this Catechifm , toge- ther with a fhort Defcription and Explication of the Whole in general : I proceed, as I propofed, to the feveral Parts thereof, to confider them more particular- ly, as they follow in their Order. CHAP. I. Of the Baptijmal or Chrijiian Covenant. Catechifi. A Covenant is a mutual Contraft be- -LJL twixt two or more Parties, in behalf of one another. This is the common Na- ture of a Covenant in general. And there are two fuch Covenants, which the Scrip- ture tells us of, that God hath gracioufly made with Man at divers Times ^ vit. the Covenant o f Works ^dini the Covenant of Grace. '~" The Explained* 3 7 The Covenant of Works is that firfl: and old Covenant, which GOV made with A- dam, the firft Man, in the time of his Inno- cency *, and the Tenour of it was, that if Man finned, he Ihould furely die •, i. e. Tem- porally and Eternally. Bat on the contra- ry, if he perfeaiy obeyed God, in all that he commanded him, particularly in that In- ftance of not eating the forbidden Frmt, up- on this Condition he fhould never fee Death, but live in Happinefs for ever. And forafmuch as God created him in his own Divine Image , he was able to perform that his covenanted Duty. But notwithftand- ing, through the Temptation of Satan, who in the Body of a Serpent firft feduced Evcy and through her, him, he took and eat of that Fruit which God had pofitively for- bidden him. And fo, by that one Man, in that one Ad of his. Sin entred into the World, and Death by Sin; and fo Death paired upon all Men, for that all have fin- ned. He and we in him , in whom we all were, fell from God and Happinefs into a ; State of Sin and Mifery. And if God had proceeded with us according to this firft Co- venant, none of the Sons of Men could ever have feen Salvation. For none could have fulfilled that pure and perfed Righteouf- nefs, which the Covenant of Works requi- red, as theCondition of Life and Happinefs. But God in the midft of Judgment did remember Mercy ;, and though he fentenced his guilty Creature to a Temporal Death of Body, faying, Duft thou art, and to Duft thou fhalt return ; yet he did not confign him over to cverlafting Death and Mifery •, ^ - - - bui: 38 The Chri(lian Cavenant but promifed him a Saviour, faying, the Seed of the Woman (hall bruife the Ser- pent's Head. And this Promife which God made unto the Fathers,viz. Adam^Noah^ Abraham^ &c> he hath fince fulfilled unto us their Chil- dren, For when the Fulnefs of Time was come, God fent forth his Son, made of a Woman, made under the Law, to redeem thofe that were under the Law, /. e. Adam himfelf, and all his Natural Race or OfF- fpring. For having all finned in him, and fo tranfgrefTed the Law of Works, they - were under the Curfe and Condemnation of it, as it is written , Curfed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the Book of the Law to do them. Gal. iii. I O. But Chrift hath redeemed us from the Curfe of the Law, being made a Curfe for us : As it is written, Curfed is every one that hangeth on a Tree. He voluntarily fuffered for us this accurfed and fhameful Death,thac we might efcape the Curfe of everlafling Death and Mifcry. He humbled himfelf, and became obedient to Death , even the Death of the Crofs. Now^Chrift who fuffer'd this, was the Eternal Son of God, of the fame Nature and Subftance with the Father. God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, the Brightnefs of his Father's Glory,and the ex- prefs Image of his Perfon. And as fuch he was above the Poffibility of either Death or Sufferings. Wherefore, that he might fuf- fer and fatisfy for our Sins, he alfumed our Nature, and fo united it to his Godhead, as tp become, not two, but one Perfon. One indeed, Expl d. 1() ainei indeed, not by Converfion of the Godhead into Man, but by taking of the Manhood in- to God. One altogether, not by Confufioa of Sabftance, but by Unity of Perfon. For as the reafonable Soul and Flefh is one Man, fo God and Man is one Ghrift. And being fuch aaone^ 'viz., God*Man,whathedidand fuffered for us according to his Manhood, was of infinite Worth and Value, according to his Godhead ^ not only fatisfadory, but redundantly meritorious,fulfilling the Firft, and founding the Second Covenant ^ th^E when no Man living cou'd be juftified by the former, through the Weaknefs of his Flefh, he might obtainSalvation by the new or lat- ter Covenant. For therein God hath pro- mifed , for the Sake of Jefus Chrifl, that whofoever believeth in him, or is a true Chriftian, fhall be faved. This is that Covenant which you folemn* ly enter'd into at your Baptifm ; and the Catechifm inftruds you in five things con- cerning it, as was obferved in the Analyfis. But before we proceed to thefe , let us firft review, and clear up this Preledion. The 2ueftms and Anfwersl Q. What is a Cbvenant • Is it not a Con* \a cwc tralh betxoi:^ two or more Farties^ in behalf of nunt^ivhatf one another - A» Yes. G'ffw.xxvi. 28, 29. tfaac and j^hi-^ meUch made a Covenant together, that the one (bou'd do no Hurt unto the other. 3o / The Chriftian Covenant Q; Wa^ there ever any Covenant betwixt Cod and Man i A. Yes. For we read of thofe that like Adam tranfgrelTed the Covenant, Hof.^x. 7. Margin. Q. Jf Cod did engage himfelf in any Covc' nam with Man , Wa^ not this on God's part a great and wonderful Condefcenfion f A. Yes. For he hambleth him to behold the things that are in Heaven and Earth* PJ/iLcxnl6, Q: Doth not the Scripture tell us of two [eve ' ral Covenants that God hath made with Man at divers Times ^ viz. the Covenant of Works ^ and the Covenant of Grace ^ Tu>o feverai ^* ^^^' ^'^^'Viii.?' If thc firfl Covcnant covenlZ7 bad teen faultlefs, then fhould no Place be hetv^ixtGod foueht for the Second* €nd M411. ° Q. Was not the firft Covenant made with A- dam, the firfl- Man^ whilft he was in Paradife^ in the Time of his Irimcency f A. Yes. For then and there it was that Wori[s. Knowledge of Good and Evilj thou flialt not eat ofif^ for in the Bay thou eatefi thereof ^ thou jhaltfurely die. G^n/il i-f* Catechifl. The Dodrine of the firft Co-^ venant which God made tvith Man, is part- ly exprefled, and partly implied or inti- mated in thefe Words. For tho' the Word Covenant be not here exprefly mentioned, yet here we jnay-obferve th^ very thing it^ ftlf* Explained^ 3 1 felf. For here God and Man do mutually confcnt together , about Man's Condition. And that is, that Man fhould live or die, ac- cording as he obeyed or difobeyed God. Death was exprefly threatned upon Man's Difobedience •, which implied that he Ihould not die, if he continued in his Integrity, but that he fliould ftill live , and be happy for ever. And the Apoftle hath plainly told us, ''that the Man that doth them," #.e. the Work's of the Law, fhall live in them. GaL iii. 1 2. Now, when Life or Happinefs in rewar- ding of Man's Obedience, and Death or Mi- fery for the punilhing of Man's Tranfgref- fion, were thus confented to, and propofed on God's part, it was certainly Man's Duty to confent to this Propofal. And being in- nocent and holy then, it is certain he did confent. And thus the Dodrine of the firft Cove- nant betwixt God and Man, which is com- monly caHed the Covenant of Works, is evi- dently built and grounded upon this Text of Scripture. But concerning this Covenant. Q. Did it not require as the Condition cf The conii^ Life and fJappimfs.a perfonaL perfeB^ and per* *'c» cfthy petual Obedience ifus? ' '^ ' ^ c-.v...n.. >4. Yes. For it curfed every one that continued not in all things that were re- quired of him. Gal. iii. 10. Q. Was Man then able to perform fuch Obc" dience .? A, Yes. For he was then in a State of Righteoufnefs, as God at firft created him. £ff/.vii* 29, Q. Did 9 4 The Chrifiian Covenant Q. Did Man ferform to Cod this his covC' named Duty ^ Bro\en hy A» No. For hc took and eat of the Fruit ^**' which God had pofitively forbidden him. CetiXix. 17. Q. How was Man induced thus to trefpafs dgainfi God f Was it not brought about by the fubtil Device of Satan / lAnd frow. ji. Yes. For drawing our firft Parents firft to doubt of God's Command , faying. Hath God faid, ye Ihall not eat ? Gen, iii. i. he proceeds to promife them, that they fiiould not furely die, but ihould be as Gods, knowing Good and Evil. v. 4, 5. Q. Did the Devil prevail in this Device of his i A. Yes. For the Woman took of the Fruit , and did eat , and gave alfo to her Husband with her, and he did eat, CenXii, 6. Q; Did this Sin of our firjl Parents affeEl us their Offfpring ? A, Yes. For by the Offence of one Judg- ment came upon all Men to Condemnation; Rom* v. 18. Q. How and In what Way did Adam's Sin affeEb us? ji. It did afFeft US, . 1 . In a natural Way, as defcended from him. 2. In a legal Way , as reprefentcd by him. Q. How did it affeEh K£ naturally ? Were w^ femmllyin hisLMs? Explained. 3 g J. Yes. For ^dam called his Wife's Name Eve^ becaiife ihe was the Mother (by him) of all Living, Ge^j.illio. And from them God hath made of one Blood, all Na- tions of Men on the Earth, ^^.xvii. 1 5. Q. ^nd does it not hence foHow^ that as we came from them^ we are corrupt and finful Crea^ tures^ fuch as they in their Nature were? A, Yes. For, that which is born of the Flefh is Flefh. John iii. 6. And ^oh xiv, 4. Who can bring a clean thing out of an un- clean ? Not one. Q; How did it affeU us legally f Was Adam a puhlick Per [on f A, Yes, For he was the Figure of him that was to come. Rom. v. 14. Q: And when the Covenant was made with Adam^ were his Toflerity included in him ? A. Yes. For God always eftablilh'd his Covenant with Men,and with their Seed af- ter them. See Gen. ix. 9. Q. What WM the Fruit and Confequence of UefaiEf- this Fall of our firfi Parents ? Did it net bring jeers there- Mankind into an Ejlate of Sin and Mifery ? ^^' A' Yes. Rom. v. 1 2. By one Man Sin en- ter'd into the World, and Death by Sin, and To Death palTed upon all Men , for that all have finned. Q. Wherein con/ifis the Sinfulnefs of that j-^^ sinfuU Eft ate whereinto Man fell ^ nefs off^li A. It confifts in the Guilt of Adam's firft ^'»a^^"- Sin, the Want of Original Righteoufiiefs^ C -^nd 54- The Chrijiian Covenant and the Corruption of his whole Nature^ which commonly is called Original Sin, to- gether with all actual Tranrgreffions, which proceed from it, Q: More particularly and dlfiinEily^ does not . this Sinfulnefs of Marias natural Eft ate confift^ r A, Yes. Rom.v, ip. 1. In the Guilt of^ By one Man's Difobe- Adam's firft Sin ? J dkncQ many were Lmade Sinners. 2. In the Want ofQ A, Yes. Rom^ iii. i o. Original RiihteoufcThctQ is none Right- r' ^. Yes. For the whole I Head is lick, and the whole Heart is faint. of the whole Nature j Jfa. i. 5. And Zyi li. 5. ofMan^called Ori-S Behold, I was fiiapen in gind Sin ? Iniquity, and in Sin did my Mother conceive r A, Yes. For out of I the Heart proceed evil Thoughts, Murders,A-. ttjat proceea jromj dulteries,Fornications, this Corruption ? \ Thefts, falfe Witnefs, Blafphemies. Thefe are the Things which defile ta Man. Mat» xv. 19,20. Q. Tou fee the Sinfulnefs ; Now what is the l^'fdu? ^^'M ^f ^^^^'' M'^^. £M^ h ^^^^^^ ^ M*n, Does not this confifty \ 1- h Ezplairted. 3§ r ^. Yes. Gen, iii. 8. j jidam and his Wife hid i. in the Forfsiture [ themfelves from the or Lofs of that J Prefence of the Lord, Communion which i amongft the Trees ManhadwithGod?\ of the Garden. And I V. 24. fo he drove out .^the Man. r A,Yt%.Rom.li%. For the Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven, againft all Ungodlinefs tn being fallen un- and Un r igh teoufn efs of der the Wrath andA Men. And GaU iii. 10. Curfe of God { Curfed is every one that continueth not in all things that are writtert in theBook of the Law, \x.o do them. « ^.Yes.For Man is bora to Trouble. >i?. v. 7, And(7e«. iii. ip. Dufl: thou art , and to Dull thou Ihalt return. fyf.Yes.^/r.xxv.4i.Thca i ihall he fay unto them 4. in being liable to \ on the Left Hand, De- the Pains of Hell-^ part from me, ye Gur- for ever i fed , into everlafting Fire, prepared for the l^Devil and his Angels. Q. Now that Man is ihm fallen into this St Me of Sin and Mtfery^ is there any Salvation for him by this Coy^nrnt or JLaT0 oj Works ? C i ^. No.' 3. In being liable to Mifery and Deaths in this Worlds 36 The Chriftian Covenant A, Mo. For by the Deeds of the Law fhall no Flelh be jnftified. Kom, iii. 20. 2 Vh Kew Q: Is there any other Covenant which God CovcnKut, hath made with Man for h.'s Salvation and Re- covery^ A. Yes. God fo loved tie World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that who- foever believeth in him fhouid not perifh, but have everlafting Life, "^john iii. 16. Q. Wai not this New Covenant, whereof we are now fpeaking^ procured avd obtained for vs by the Means of / efm Chrifl ^ A. Yes. For he gave himfelf a R^nfoni for all. I Tim> ii. 6, TheCcndi- Q; -^^ Faith the Condition of MauS Salvation t'lon of it, on yy this Covenant ^ Man's fart, ^ , A* Yes. For by Grace ye are laved, through Faith. £p/^.iii. 8. Q. But mvjl not this Faith be a praBical and working Faith f A. Yes. For without Works Faith is dead. Jam. ii. 20. Q. Is this Covenant univerfal for all that will confent u?Jto it ? A, Yes. Rev.xyXxAi. Whofoever will,let him take of the Water of Lite freely. Q. /f Baptifm the Way and Means^ by which UeTn^Zf Believers and their Seed are admitted into the our ^imif Covenant f fiomntoit, ^ Yes. AEh.W.^^, 39. Repent and be baptized every one of you, for the Remif- fion Explained. 37 fion of Sins, and ye fhall receive tFie Gift of the Holy Ghoft. For the Promife is unto yon, and your Children. Axi^ Markx\'iA6, Chrift comniandcd his Apofllcs to go and teach all Narious, or make them his cove- nanted Difciplcs, by Baptizing them. Q. What are the chief Ohfervables in this TartoftheCatechjfm^ concerning the Chrifiian Covenant* A. They are thofe five that have been l^^ecified upon thii Divifion, viz.. 1. The Chrifiian Is! i me. 2. The Chriltian Privileges, &c. Catechifi. See here the Condefcenfion ^^^/,-,,,. and Love of God towards Man, in thofe his ^io". Covenants with him ^ cfpecially in this Kevv Covenant \ wherein the Pardon of our Sins, and the Salvation of our Souls is fo freely oiFered to us. For God was in Chrift re- conciling the World unto himfeif, not im- puting their Trefpafils unco them. And to his Servants,the Stewardsand Difpenfers of his Myfteries, he hath committed the Word of Reconciliation. Now therefore (faith S. ?aul) we are Ambafladours for Chrift, as though God did befeech you by us, wc pray you in Chrift's (lead, be ye reconciled un- to God. For he hath made him to be Sin for us, who knew no Sin, that we might be made the Righteournefs of God in him. cj Sea. g8 The Chrifiian Covenant Se£t. I. Cf the Baptifmal Name, Q. What is your Name <» J. N. or M. Q. Who gave you this Name f A, My God-Fathers, and God-Mothers, in my Baptifm. Catechlfi, It feemed good to the Compi- lers of this our Catechifm, to begin it where we begin our Chriftianity, namely at our Baptifm. And this firft and familiar Que- ftion, viz.- (What is your Name?) is intro- ductory to this SubjeCl. For, whereas there are two Names that we are known and cal- led by, viz.. One as we are Men, which is called the Sur-name, as being derived from, and fignifying our Stock or Family, the other, as we are Chriftians •, it is evident- ly this latter that the Queftion is meant of. For, this is that Name which was given you at your Baptifm \ and fo is called the Chri- Hian Name. Becaufe by that Sacrament, and under that Name, ye were vilibly ad- mitted into the Chriftian Church and Cove- nant. And ^o your feveral Proper Names are Tokens to you of your Profcfiion, that you are not Jews, or Heathens, or Mahome- tans, but Chriftians. And whenever you read or write them, or hear or mention them, they fhould put you in Mind thereof. This is the general Ufe that we ftiould make of our Chriftian Names , even to re- mem* ^^ Explained. 39 member that we are Cliriftians by our Cal- ling and Profeflion, and to behave oiirfelves as fuch in our Lives and Converfations. Having named the Name of Chrift, we are the more obliged to depart from all Iniqui- ty. I Tim. ii. I p. And whereas fome Chriftian Names do denote fome efpecial Excellencies, as Theo- philusy one that loves God ^ Timotheus^ one that honours God *, Eufebins^ a devout Wor- fhipper of him •, they fhonld quicken us to thofe Vertiies that are llgnified by thefc Names. And fuch as are Memorials of fome exemplary and worthy Perfons, they fnould ferve to flir us up to an Imitation of their Vertues. The particular Time or Seafon when the Chriftian Names were given yoa^ was the Time of your Baptifm. Becaufe by that Sa- crament ye were folemnly admitted into the vifible Church or Covenant. And this is according to the Pradice of the Ancient Church , both Jews and Chriftians. For, for this Caiife, the former bad the Name gi- ven them at Circumcifion, as the latter at their Baptifm. The Perfons which then named you, were your Proxies or Legal Perfons,by whom yee covenanted with God in Baptifm. And for this Caufc they are called God-Fathers, and God-Mothers. And they are alfo called Su- reties, becaufe they vouched for you, that you fhould be Chriftianly and Vertuoufly brought up. And it is their Duty atterwards, to fee that this be done. And becaufe it is an ancient, charitable and pious Cuftom, for fuch as are baptized, G 4 to 40 The Chrifiian Covenant to have fnch Siipervifors, therefore this Cu- floai is flil] continued in our Church •, that fo, if the Parents die before they be brought up, be ignorant and" cannot, or negligent and will not teach them , their Sureties in thofc Cafes may be their Moiiitors and In- itruclors. And if this were well done, it wonld be of happy Confequence both to Church and State, by this Means, theKing- dom would foon be filled with honell and ufeful Men, the Church with pious Chri- ftians, and Heaven with holy Souls. Tbe 2i^efiions and Anfwers. Qj What is the firf^ Particular that the Cate- chift inftrucls you in^ with refpect t0 the Chri" ftian Co venant ? A. My Chriilian Name. Q. H^ive you any other Name^ he/ides your Chrifiian Name f The sur- A, Yes. One which I have by Nature, h't^Tll^* which is called my Sur-Name, i.e. my Sire's aim^ors. q^ i^ ^^i^^^h ^:imQ '^ and thereby is fignified the Stock or Family that I am of. Q. Af7d what does your Chrifiian or Baftif- mal Name ftgnify f ThechrifiUn ^' It ferves to fignify not only ray pro- Name.rvhat per Pcrfon, but alio the Religion that I ubetci^ens. ^^^^ ProfelTion of, and that I am not a Jew, or Heathen, or Mahometan, but Chriftian. A chrifiUft, Q. What is a Chrifiian ? A. He is a Follower and Difciplc of Je- fus Explained. 41 fusChrin:. j^^^xI 26. The Difciples were called Chriftians. Q. j4re you then a Difciple and Follower of Jefn^ Chrifl ? A' By my Baptifm I am engaged fo to be. And I dare not deay ordifown piy Lord and Saviour. For he hath faid. He that denicth nie before Men, him will I deny before my Father which is in Heaven. Mat. x. 33. Qj If you frofefs to he a Chriftian-, or D f:U pie of Jejhs Chfifl^ are you not bound by your Frofejfion to live up to your Religion f A. Yes. I T/w. ii. 19- Let every one thar nameth the Name of Chrift , depart from Iniquity. Q; Tou faid that your Name was given you at your - Baft ifm? Why foj Are voe received by this Rite into the Chriflian Church and Co" venant P A» Yes. Forto this End it was ordained ^^ ^^^^ by Chrift, faying. Go and teach all Nati- jiu/mme, ens; or, as the Word may be tranflated, ^^j ^t^^* Difciple all Nations, baptizing them. Mat. ""' ^""i''^""" xxviii. 19. Q; Had the Jews in like manner their Names s given them at Circumcifion ? A. Yes. The Baptift at his Circumcilioii was called John. Luk. i. 67,, And our Sa- viour at his was named Je/kr. Luk. ii- 21. Q. Is th's Sacrament of Baftifm which is tifed in the Chrift van Church ^^ correfpondent to Circumcifion which was vfed in the Jewijh Church ? / mean^ are they both the fame in the Vfe and Purport of them / A. ijS The Chrifiian Covenant A. Yes. CoL\\. Ti, 12. In whom alfo ye are circumcifed with theCircumcillon made without Hands, in putting off the Body of the Sins of the Fiefh, by the Circumcifion of Chrifl , buried with him in Baptifm. V'ho are Q; Tou [aid youT God-Fathers and God- Mo meant bj Cjd.Futbe; rr,ea»t by fljgy^ ^^^^ you youT Name irj Bapttfm \ Who anA God- are God-Fathers and God' Mothers^ Mothers. ^^ ji^ey ^j-e ^i^Qfg perfons by whom we were prefented to God in our Baptifm. Q. And why are they ajjlgned to give your Name in Baptifm ? Aiay others hefides the Pa- rents give the Child his proper Name f A. Yes. Ohed was fo called by the Wo- men his Mother's Neighbours that were with her at her Travail. Ruth iv. 1 7. ii^jy the Q; And are not God-Fathers and God'Mo' chnfiUn fljers the fittefi for this Office ? si^^cn hy A, Yes. They feem to be fo, becaufe the them, Chriftian Name is a Memorial of that Bap- tifm, of which God-Fathers and God-Mo- thers are both the Means and Witneffes. Q. What is the proper Vfe of God-Fathers and God' Mothers .? Is it not to ajfifl , or fupply the JDefeB of Parents^ if either they die^ or neglt^ to infiruEh their Children ? A. Yes, that fo thefe Children may be Chi iftianly brought up. Q; But feeing that thofe Perfons who promlfe fvch things^ do fsldom perform their undertaken Work and Office ^ are there any weighty Reafons why the Church does ftill continue it i A^ continued in the churchy Explained. 4g A. Yes. It is an ancient, a pious, and a ^^. ,^,^;^ charitable Ufc or Cuftom. c/ them is. ' Q. /f z> Baptifm. 3. Complete J i. There Explained. 45 T. There is a Baptifm which is only ex- ternal, -z;/::. The vifible ceremonial Wafhing, that is performed by Man. This is what was meant by S-John Baptift^ laying, I in- deed baptize you with Water, Alat. 3. 11. And by the Figure Synecdoche^ it is put for whole Biptifm. This imperfecl Baptifm, or rather outward Part thereof, is the initia- ting Sign and Seal of the Covenant of Grace, to confirm the Promifes that God bath made unto his People. For by this Ordi- nance they are not only fealed to us,but alfo vifibly reprefented by what is evident to our Senfes. Bat as the Promifes are condi- tional, fo alfo is this Sacrament. In this Senfe, therefore, /. e. Conditionally and Sa* cramentally,they who are baptized are made Members of Chrift by Baptifm, Children of God, and Heirs of Heaven : /'. e. By this Means, they are afllired of thefe Privileges, they perfoi ming the Conditions required of them. Now Baptifm, in this Senfe, is a Sign and Seal of the Chriftian Covenant, but not the Covenant itfelf. And fo it is not that faving Baptifm , that the Catechifm here meaneth. We are not Children of God^ Members of Chrift, and Heirs of Heaven,by being only baptized with Water. Simpn 'Magus bad this vifible and outward Baptifm, And yet he remained then in the very Gall of Bittcrnefs, and Bond of Iniquity. Alh^ viii. 23- 2. By Baptifm is fometimes meant in Scripture, the internal Part thereof; name- ly, that Grace of God, and Duty of Mao^ that is iignified and reprefented by the via- ble and outward Signs. T his S. Vettr fpeaks of 4-6 The Chrifiian Covenant of in Contradiftinftion to Water- Baptifm ; faying, Baptifm faveth us, not the putting away of the Filch of the Flefh, but the An- fwer of a good Confcience towards God. And they who have this Inward Baptifm, ^iz.. the Purity of the inward Man, though through want of Opportunity, or involun- tary Iguoranee, they have not the outward Sign or Minifterial Walhing, yet in the Sight of God, to whom all Hearts be open, they have a Right and Title to eternal Life, or Happinefs. For he that believeth in the Son of God, hath everlafting Life. But in foro Ecchftt-i in the Eye or Judgment of the Church, they have neither the Name, nor outward Privileges of Believers. For, not to appear, and not to be, is all one in the Judgment or Sight of Men. 3. Chriftian Baptifm, in the full and pro- per Senfe thereof, is an Ordinance of God, that confilteth of both thefe. For as in Man's Nature there are two elfential Parts, n)i7L, a vifible Body, and an invifible Soul, fo Baptifm hath two Parts, in anfwer to both thefe : vit^* A vifible or outward Sign, which anfwers to the Body, and a Spiritual or in- ward Grace, which anfwers to the Soul. And both thefe conjoined are complete or perfed Baptifm. Now Baptifm in this Senfe is the Cove- nant of GraceinChrift, betwixt God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, and a peni- tent believing Sinner, or the infant of fuch, being wafhed with Water, in the Name of the Sacred Trinity, according to Chrift's Appointment, for the Solemnizing thereof. In this full and proper Senfe it is fpoken of Explained. 4.7 by Chrill, Mark xvi. 16. He that believeth, and is baptized^ fhall be faved. And thus we nnift underftand it in this Part of our Catechifm, Now they who are thus baptized, or have covenanted with God by Baptifm, are pri- vileged thereby to be Members of Chrift, Children of God, and Heirs of Heaven. I. By this their Baptifm, they are Mem- bers of Chrift myftical, i, e. of Chrift and his Church. For Chrift and his Church, which are all true Believers^ are all in Union v^ith one another, as the Head and Mem- bers of our Bodies. Chrift by his Holy Spi- rit firft unites himfelf to them, whereby he dwelleth in them, and they are all one Spi- rit : And then they by a lively Faith do unite and clofe with him,whereby this their Union is more confirmed and ftrengthened. And forafmuch as fuch Faith does ope- rate or work by Love, they are thereby alfo united with one another. Now by vertue of this Union that Belie- vers have with Chrift, they are all enlighte- ned and enlivened by him. And as our natu- ral Members have Life and Senfe from the Head , fo all that are true Believers have Grace and Help from Chrift. That Ful- nefs of Grace and Hclinefs that is originally in him, is derived down to them according to their Meafure. For he is the Head over all things unto his Church. And from thence the whole Body, by Joints and Bands having Nourilhment miniftred and knit together, increafeth with the Increafe of God. Col, i'u 19. Now this . being fpoken of the People or Church of God, even fuch as have made s Co* 4 8 The Chriflian Covenant a Covenant with him by Baptifm , it evi- deotly imports, that by this facred Ordi- nance, ercry true Believer is made a Mem- ber of Chrift. 2. From hence it follows, that every fiich Believer is alfo a Child of God. For if any Man be in Chrift, he is'a new Creature. God doth fend forth the Spirit of his Son into his Heart,vvhereby he cries, Abba Father. And by this (Spirit of God and Chrift) he is re- generated and born again , not of Blood, nor of the Will of the Flefti , nor of the Willof Man, but of God. ^ohn'i. 13. And accordingly God accepts him, and refpedls him as his Child. For as many as received him, it.e. Jefus Chrift) to them gave he Power , that they ftiould become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on his Name. Jo^^i.ii. And being made the Sons of God by Adoption and Grace, 3. It hence farther follows, that they al- fo are Inheritors of the Kingdom of Heaven. Forif.Children,thenHeirs,yea Heirs of God, and Joint-Heirs with Chrift. Rom,^\\\. 17. And this Inheritance belonging to them, is fuch,as anfwers to their Relation, even an Inheritance incorruptible, undeftled, and that fadeth not away, referved in Heaven for them. And then that gracious Promife will be eminently fulfilled to them, 2 C<7r.vi. \6. I will dwell in them,and walk in them, and I will be their God , and they fhall be my People. And here confider what a Being this mod Glorious God is , who in Heaven will be the Portion and Inheritanceof all Believers. He in his JSaCure is univerfal Goodiefs. All Explained. 49 All the fcatter'd Excellencies that are in all the whole Creation^ the Beauty of Flowers, the Fragrancy of Spices, the Light, Heat, and Influence of the Sun, Moon and Scars ^ the Rcafon,Grace and Glory of Men, Saints and Angels,are all but little Rays and Ema- nations of his Perfedions, and are eminent- ly contained in him. Wherefore the Heirs of Heaven, in enjoying God there, will en- joy all things in him, in their Orient Per- fe(flions. And accordingly it is faid, they fhall inherit all things, I^ev. xx. 7. Qui ha- bet Deum habentem omnia^ hahet omnia- In having him, in whom are all thing$,it is nc- ceflarily imply'd, that they have ail things in him. And when the perifhing and poor Creatures,with all their Comforts,fail them, fuch as Father or Mother, or Wife or Chil- dren,or Houfes or Lands, c^r. they fhall en- joy them all in God,in an eminent and tran- fcendent Manner, and He will be all in all to them for ever. The 2ueJlions and Arifwers. Q. Is there any great Benefit to be obtained B^pf^fm f*^ by Chriftian Bapttfm ? "''^ ^^• A. Yes. Baptifm faveth us. i Pet. iii. 21. Q. What is that Baptifm which is faid to fave us / Is it the outward Sign or Ceremony y called External Baptifm ? A. No. Tho' Baptifm faveth us, it is not ^'ot Exter- the putting away of the Filth of the Flefli "'*^' that do's fo. " Q. What then do you underjtand by the Bap- D t^fm 50 The Chrijitan Covenant But Inter- ^^f^ ^^^^ faveth vs f Is it not the Inward Bap' »«/. tlfm^ wiZ' the Wajhing of Regeneration f A. Yes. According to his Mercy he U^' vedns, by the Wafhing of Regeneration, and Renewing of the Holy Ghoft. T/>.iii.5. Q_. Is this theny which you call Internal Bap" tifmy the moft necejfary and print ipal i A, Yes. For as it was truly faid of the Jews and Circiimciiion, ^^w.ii. 28,29. He is not a Jew which is one outwardly, neither is thatCircumcifion which is outward in the . Flefh ^ but he is a Jew which is one inward- ly, and Circumcifion is that of the Heart, ia the Spirit, and not in the Letter, whofe Praife is not of Men, but of God : The like may be faid alfo concerning Chriftians and their Baptifm. Q. Is it not then umtcejfary to receive the External Baptifm ? retcuttcAti ^' ^° ^^ ^° ^^^^- ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ Chrifl's B^ftifm IS Ordinance. And we muft obferve and do ntcci,try, whatfoever he hath commanded us. Mat. xxviii. ip, 20. Q: What then is the Advantage or Benefit of cutward Baptifm ? Is it not the fame to us^ now -under the New Teftament^ as outward Circum' cifion was to the Jews of old f A, Yes. For as they by Circumcifion were admitted into the Church' and Cove- nant , fo are we now by Baptifm. And as their Outward Circumcifion en- titled them to outward Privileges ; for to them pertained the Adoption, and the Glo- ry, Explained. 5 1 ry, and the Covenants, and the giving of the Law , and the Service of God , and thePromifes. Mom.ix. 4. So by Baptifm we have Right and Freedom to the Ordi- nances and Means of Grace in the Houfe of God, his Church ; and are at kail: in the trueWay for our Converfion and Salvation. u4Si:, ii. 47. The Lord added to the Church fuch as fhould be faved. Q. Tou have heard that Chriftlan Baptifm is both External and Internal. Are thefe two diftinB Kinds^ or only fsueral Parts of Bafttfm ? A. Eph.iv. 5. There is one Lord, one saptifm Faith, one Baptifm. But as the Body and ^"' ""'' Soul of Man are not two but one Perfon, ib the outward and inward Baptifm, both by Water and the Spirit, are noc proper- ly two Sorts, but only two Parts of Bap- tifm, confiding of both thefe together^ and is that which i§ here meant in this Part of our Catechifm- Qj What are the Benefits which we receive by this Baptifm ? A. In general it entitles us to all the The Benefits BlelHngs of the New Covenant, efpecially to ^/ ^^t/H/m. thefe three, namely, to be made thereby, i. A MemberofChrilt. 2. A Child of God, 3. An Inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven. Q. Can you prove from Scripture that a Be' ,. Member- Uever is made^ by Baptifm^ fl^^f «"''■' r A. Yes. For by one '^'''^ 1. A Member of \ Spirit we are all bapti- CUrifh? \7eA inffi one Rodv Chrifi ^ j zed into one Body, D 1 ^ 2* A 5 2 The Chrtjiian Covenant r j4. Yes. GalXill6,i'7. \ We are all the Chil- l dren of God by Faith - A r>i ij .rr^.j^ ; inChrifl Jcfus. For as a. Mop' 2. ACmld of God' <^ _„ ^r** . „^ ^-^„^ ^ -^ j many of you as have been baptized into Chrift , have put on LChrift. r Ji, Yes. For if Chil- dren then Heirs/ yea Heirs of God , and Joint - Heirs with ^.HeirjJjtp 3. j^n Inheritor of Chrifl:,i?(7.viii. 17. And to Heaven. fhe Kingdom of ^ Chrift hath faid, Fear Heaven^ not, little Flock, it is yt)ur Father's good Pleafure to give you the Kingdom. Lvhe Lxii. 32. \Affiicx' Catechifi. And now,what is the Ufe that '""• we fhould make of thefe Pre mifTes? Why, ha- ving thefe Promifes, we fhould cleanfe our- felves from all Filthinefs both of Flelh and Spirit, perfecting Hoiinefs in the Fear of God. And this we fhould do, if we did thoroughly believe them. For our AfFe- ftions and Adions are all anfwerable to our Belief. If Grace butdifcover to us what is our true Good and Happinefs, we fhould earneflly purfue the fame by even a natural NecefTitation. Let us pray therefore, that God would increafe our Faith ^ that be- lieving what he hath promifed, and doing what he commandeth, we may be meet to receive the Forgivenefs of our Sins , and \ : Inhe** Explained. 53 Inheritance among thera that are fanfti- fied by Faith that is in Chrift. S^di.^.OftheBaptifmal Duties. ' Q. What did your God-Fathers and God* Mothers then for you • A. They did promife and vow three things in my Name. Firft, that 1 fhoiild re- nounce the Devil and all his Works, the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World, and all the Sinful Lulls of the Flefh. Se- condly, that I fhould believe all the Arti- cles of the Chriftian Faith. Thirdly, that I fhould keep God's holy Will and Command- ments, and walk in the fame all the Days of my Life. Catechift. As there are three great Bene- fits to be obtained by Chriftian Baptifm^'y/z.f 1. A Memberfhip or Union with Chrilt. 2. Adoption. 3. Heir (hip to Heaven: Soon the other hand, there are three great Duties to be performed by all Chriftians, for the obtain- ing of thefe Benefits. And they are 1. Abrenunciation. 2. Faith. 3. Obedience. I. The firft great Duty that our Baptifm requireth of us, is the Abrenunciation of all thofe evil things that aref contrary to our Profeflion •, particularly the World , the Flefh, and the Devil. By the Devil is meant in Scripture all the fallen and loft Angels, efpecially the Chief D 3 of 54 The Chriflian Covenant of them, called Beelzebub^ and the Prince of the Devils, under whom as their Head, they are all combined together, to feduce and ruin as many of us as they can. And becaufe he was the firft that ever committedSin,hath ever lince perfifted in the Trade & Practice of it,and makes it his con- ftant Bufinefs to promote it amongft Men, therefore a^l Sins in general are called the DeviPs Works -^ but efpecially Spiritual Sins^ fuch as Pride, Rebellion, Apoftacy, Hatred, Malice, Murder, Lying, Slandering, Back- biting, Hypocrify, and allUncharitablenefs. And if we name the Name of Chrifl:, or would be his Difciples, we mult renounce this Enemy, and thefe Works of his, fo as inwardly to abhorr them, and deteft them in our Hearts, and adually to calb them off in our Lives and Converfations. For there is no Agreement betwixt Light and Dark- iiefs, betwixt Chrift and Belial. The fecond Ghoflly Enemy to be re- nounced by us, is the prefent evil World, with all its Pomps and Vanities-, i.e, both Worldly Men, and alfo Worldly Things, called the Lufts of theFlefh, the Lufts of the Eyes, and the pride of Life, i.e. the Pleafures , Riches and Honours of this World ^ which . by drawing away our Hearts from the things that are above, are effedively the great Enemies and Hindran- ces of our Salvation : And therefore fo far to be renounced by us*. The third Ghoftly Enemy that we mufb renounce and fight againft, is the Flefh,with its Sinful Lufts. And what thefe are, the Apo- Explained. 55 Apoftle tells us, faying, Gal. v. ip, 20. Kow the Lufts of the Flefli are manifefl:, which are thefe; Adultery, Fornication,Un- cleaniners, Lafcivioufnefs, Idolatry, Witch- craft, Hatred, Variance, Emulation,Wratb, Strife, Sedition, Herefies, Envyings, Mur- dcrs,Drunkennefs, Revelling,and fuch like ^ called the Lufts oftheFlefh, becaufe they proceed originally from our bodily or car- nal Senfes, whereby the Soul is captivated with the Love of Worldly Things. Thefe are the Ghoftly Enemies, that we muft renounce and fight againftin our Chri- ftian Warfare. And the Renouncing of all thefe, is the firft of thofe Duties which you promifed in your Baptifm. 2. The Second is Faith, i. e. an hearty Affent to the whole Chriftian Dodrine, efpecially to the great Articles, or neceffary Points thereof, contained in the Apoftles Creed. 3. The Third is Obedience, wUich is the Fruit and Effeft of Faith. For we naturally will and ad according to our Belief And accordingly, in the Scripture-Language, a Believer and a Righteous Perfon are the fame. He that believes aright concerning Good and Evil, will effeduaily choofe the one,and refufe the other. And did we believe and know that the Things which God en^ joineth us, are fo good and beneficial as in- deed they are, we fhould naturally and ne- cefFarily, but yet moft freely love and pra- dife them. Obedience to God's Command- ments do's as naturally proceed from Faith, as the Fruit from its Tree, or the Stream from its Fountain. D 4 The 56 The Chriftian Covenant The £fieJiions and Anfwersl Q: What are the Duties requiretd of you in your Baptifmal Covenant ? The Bapttf- ^.In general they are thefe three, namely, md Duties. I. Repentance, or the Renouncing of what is evil. 2. Faith. 3. Obedience. jLhrenun- Q: ^^ ^^^ fi^fi of thofe Buties^ the RenouH' eiAtion, c'lng of what is evil ^ we are to take notice of both the Obje5ls and j4^ thereof. And firfi what are the Objects of ity or the things that you tnufi renounce f A. In general they are thefe three- name* Theohjeifs ly , I. Thc Dcvil with all his Works. 2^ thereof. ^j^^ \j^0Y\d with all Its Pooips and Vani- ties. 3. The Flefh with all its Sinful Lufts. Thefe are our Ghoftly Enemies , that we inuft renounce and fight againft. The Devil. ^ What do you mean by the firfi of thetn^ thg Deviiy What he is: ^* ^ ^^^^ thereby all thofe fallen and ' loft Angels,efpecially the Chieftain of them, who being created in a glorious Eftate in Heaven, were caft out thence for their Re- bellion againft God, and are now moft mi- ferable and accurfed Spirits, and malicious Enemies againft God and Man. ^ Sfirtt. Q: ^^^ ^^^^ particularly and difiinBly^ Is the Devil a Spirit , 1. C. 4 Subfiance that is incorporeal .<* A. Yes. Mar\\x*i6. TheSpirit (that is s the Devil) cried and rent him fore. Explained. 57 Q. Is he an vnclean Spirit ? A. Yes. For fo he is ftyled in Scripture, ^^^^^^^^ the unclean Spirit. Mat. yi\\. a^'^. His Sin hath defiled his Mature with a fpiritual Fil- thinefs. Q. Is he a malicious and xvicked Spirit ? Mjiidous A* Yes. And fo he is called the wicked '*" one. I John V- 1 8. Q. Is he a fallen and lofi Angel ? ^ ^^^^ A. Yes. Jvde vi. TheAngels which kept -^"^ ^f not their firft Eftatc. ^ ^"^'^' Q. Are there then many Devils f A, Yes. So many had PoflefTiba of one poor Man, that they called themfelves Le- gion. Lvke viii. 30. Q; Is there one that is the Prince and Chief* tain of all the reft f A. Yes. Beelz.ehub^ the Prince of the De- vils. Mat* xii. 24. Q. Is he with all his Company an Enemy 4- .^ ^ J , '^ ^ ^ «.<« Enemy gamftGod? f.Cod. A. Yes. J^et;. xii. 7. y^/VW/ and his An- gels fought , and the Dragoa fought and his Angels. Q. Is he an Enemy againfi Man f A, Yes. I Vet, V. 8. Your Adverfary the -4«^-'^^'*»* Devil. And Mat, xiii. 28. An Enemy hath done this. Q^ Is he our dangerous Enemy f Our dange- A. Yes. Ifheconquef'dManinhisInno. T^^' cency, what may he do now ? 58 The Chrifiian Covenant Q. But wherein is he fo dangerous ? Is ha suk,;i. I . Subtil ? 5 ^; Yes. He is called the I old Serpent. Rev. xx. 2. /.„./„/. 2. Powerful? -i /-Yes. Heistheftrong ^ -^ ^ Man armed. Mat. xii. 29. • ^ -^. Yes. Like a roaring rrw/. 3- Malicious jLion, he goeth about, feek- ^W crwc// ping whom he may devour. ( I Pet. V. 8. n/iUnt, 4. Figilant and^ A, Yes. He watches whilfl watchful f i,wefleep. Mat, xiiu 2.<^, ii> t*/?j »,!;^ Q; Was the Devil the firfi Creature that jirfi thAt gygy> committed Sm ? JtnneA. A, YcsV The Devil finned from the Be- ginning, i "John iii. 7. h he the Q, Did he temft our firfi Parents^ and fe» Temfter to ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^-^ ^ oin, A, Yes. As we read, Gen-vX- Qj Doe^ he fiill continue to tempt Men to Sin .? ■ A. Yes. And fo he is called the Tempter. Mat. iv. 3. • Qj Now hecaufe the Devil is the firfi that committed Sin, doth fiill commit it himfelf^and tempts others thereunto^ are not all Sins therefore called the Devil's Works f is'ms are his A. Ycs. I "john V. 8. The Son of God was ^"'V. manifefted , that he might deftroy the Works of the Devil. Q: But Explained. 59 Q. But mare particvlarly , Is not Pride the p^yti^uUr- Devil's Work i (j Pride. yi. Yes. Hefaid in his Heart, I will ex- alt my Throne above the Stars of God. jF/^/. xiv. 13. Q. Is not Murder the Devil's Work f Mmicr. A' Yes. "John viii. 44. He was a Murde- rer from the Begianing. Q, Is not Lying the Devil's Work ? ^f'"^' ji. Yes. For he is a Lyar, and the Father of it. lb. Q. Is Treachery his Work ^ Treachery, A. Yes. Jo^^vi. 70,71. Havenotlcho- fen you twelve , and one of you is a Devil? He fpake of Judas Ifcariot^ the Son of 5»- mony for he it was that (hould betray him. Q: And what is it to feel to Conjurors^ Wit- i^itchcrafrj ches and Wizards^ and to make Vfe of Charms for any Relief or Help ? Are not thefe things^ think y OTA y diabolical and wicked TraElices f A. Yes. And they who do fuch things, are an Abomination unto the Lord. Devt- xviii. 12. Q^ What is your fecond Ghoflly Enemy ? Thefeconi A. The World with its Pomps and Va- ifnJJcX nities. Q. What mean you by the Worlds' Do you not mean thereby^ I. The Alen of this World, i.e. Worldly and wicked Men ? A» Yes. I John V. 19. The whole World lieth in Wickedncfs, 2. The 6o The Chrifiian Covenant 2, The things of thii Worlds . ji. Yes. For, all that is in the World, is the Luft of the Flefh, the Lufl: of the Eye, and the Pride of Life. I John ii. 1 6. And thefe fpccious but empty Objeds arc its Pomps and Vanities. Q. Now that thefe Worldly things mufi he all renounced by m^ it is necejfarily fuppofed that they are fome way evil. Are they fo in their ewn Nature ? A. No. ForGodfawevery thing that he had made, and behold it was very good. Gen A. SI- Q; // there then a lawful Vfe of all thefe Worldly things f A Yes. I Cor. vil 31. We muft ufe the World, as not abufing it. Qj But more particularly^ is there a lawful and h on eft: Vfe^ 1. Of Worldly Riches? A. Yes. Prov, iii-. 9. Honour the Lord with thy Subftance. 2. Of Worldly Pleafures? A. Yes. For to every thing there is a Seafon, and a Time to every Pur* pofe under the Sun. — A Time to weep, and a Time to laugh ; a Time to mourn, and a Time to dance. Eccl. iii. 3, 4. 3. Of Worldly Honours ? A- Yes. PW4 begin with the jirfi ofthefe^ vIz. the Will and Command of God^ Is it certain that he requires all thefe things at your Hands ? X Yes. As will appear by the Parti- culars. Q. Therefore to proceed particularly \ The '^f OhltQ^ fiyft Part or Branch of the Baptifmal Vow or JPromife^ was Repentance or the Renunciation of what is evil j And is this required of you f A' Yes. Ifal i. 16. Walh ye^ make you clean, put away the Evil of your Doings from before mine Eyes, ceafe to do EviK Q; But more particularly and difiinBly^ Does God require you to renounce r A.YQS.Jam.iV*j. Re- fill the Devil. Ephef v. I. The Devil and J u. And have noPel- all his Works f i lowfhip with the iin- 1 fruitful Works of I^Darknefs. E t 2. Tht tion. 68 The Chrifiian Covenant 2. The World with L ^' ^es. ijohnll H^ •*, p. . J rr ^ Love not the World, .tsFmfsandra<^^^, the things of the ''''''' ' [World. ^ r ^. Yes. I Per. ii. 11- Dearly Beloved, I be- feech you, as Strangers and Pilgrims, abftain 3. The Flejh with its j fromflefhlyLuflsjWhich Sinfrl Lt*fts / "^^ war againft the SoiiL Rom.xiih 1 4. And make not Provifion for the Flefh to fulfil the Lulls i^thcreof. Q; The fecond thing you promi fed was^ to he* lieve all the Articles of the Chrifiian Faith* And is this required of you / A^ Yes. Afar'k\\\.i6, He that belicveth and is baptized , Ihall be favcd^ but he that belicveth not, fhall be damned. iTim.i.i^* Hold fall: the Form of found Words, which thou haft heard of me in Faith and Love, which is in Chrift Jefas. Q. Lafily you fay^ that you fromifed to hep God's holy Will and Commandment s^and to walk in the fame (\, e. continue in Obedience to them) blithe Days of your Life* And is this required of you ? A. Yes. Rom» xii. 2. That ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and per- fed Will of God. Ephef ii. 10. For we are hisWorkmaiilhip,created in Chrift Jefus un- to Explained. 69 to good Works, which God hath before or- dained that we (hould walk in them. Q. Now feeing that God commands you all the fe [aid Duties^ is not this a fufficient Reafon^ why we jhould ohjerve and pra^i/e them ^ A. Yes. Lfz/.xix. 37. Ye fhall obferve ray Statutes^and do them, I am the Lord. Q. We fee then^ that our faid Baptifmal Du' ^i ohlig, ties are necejfary to he ohferved^ in regard to the ^to». Will of God. Are they alfo neceffary in refpeB; to our own Inter e^ i A> Yes. The things to be renounced are fuch as naturally would make us miferable ^ and Faith and Obedience are as natural to our Happinefs. Q. Bo^s not Nature then oblige vs to do aU thefe faid Duties^ in order to our Happinefs f A, Yes. For all Men naturally do defire their own Welfare. Vf iv, 6. There be ma- ny that fay. Who will fhew us any Good ? Q; V/hat is that Good of Man^ wherein / his Welfare does confft ? Is it any worldly Creature .? A* Ko. For all is Vanity, and Vexation ofSpirtt. Eccl. i. ^14. Q. But to infiance in fome T articular s^ do'^s it not confifi^ E 3 ' i./;i ^g The Chrijiian Covenant r j4. No. Luh xii. 1 5* I A Man's Life confifleth 1. /» Worldly Jli-<^ not in the Abundance ches i ] of the things that he Lpoflefleth. r j4. No. Gd. V. 25. 2. In Applaufe and<{ Let us not be defirous Honours' (^ofvain Glory. r y^. No. 'EccL ii. 2. I 3. //? 5/>5r^i ^;;^ J faid of Laughter , it is Pleafures F r mad , and of Mirth, ^_what doth it ? ♦ r A. No. For what is a 4. In all thefe to- I Man profited, if he £ether ^ '^, gain the whole World, I and lofe his own Soul ? \.Mat. xvi. 25. Q,. What then is the Felicity ^ or true Happi' nefsofManf Is it the Enjoyment of God- s Fa- lour i A. Yes. For in his Favour is Life. P/. XXX. 5. And Tf.lxxiu 3. His loving Kind- nefs is better than Life itfelf. Q. And muft Faith and Obedience fit vsfor this Happinefs? A> Yes. For without Faith it is impofli- ble to pleafe God, or come unto hii?. Heh. xi. 5. And without Obedience or good Works , Faith is dead and unprofiitable. ^am^ ii. 2g. Qrrhm Explained. ^ fh Qz Thus upon two Accounts you are obliged'^ you fee^ to your faid Baptifmal Duties. They are ^^ohHz^- commanded ofG.od^ and are neceffary in their mn» own Nature. But farther^ Did you not alfa prormfe them in your Baptifm f X Yes. For the Promifes thereof were then made in my Name. Q: By whom did you promife them <* A Primarily and principally, by my Pa- rents (or Propare^^ And Secondly, but more exprefly b^prfons appointed by them, called God- Fathers, and God-Mo- ' thers, and fometimes Proparents, who in covenanting for me, were both their Depu- ties, and their AfTiftants. Q: What did they do foryou^ or undertake in thefe Capacities f A. As my Parents Deputies, they pro- mifed in my Name, /. e, I by them promifed my Covenant'Part and Duty. And in the other Capacity, namely as they were Affi- ftahts, they undertook by their Place and Office to fee me Chriftianly brought up. Q. Tou fuppofe that Parents^ and other Da^ meftick Owners , may Covenant with God for thofe that belong vnto them* Canyou prove this from Scripture ? A. Yes§Gen.xvil 9-^12. And God faid unto Abraham , Thou ilhalt keep my Cove- nant thereforc,thou and thySeed after thee, in their Generations. This is my Covenant which ye ihall keep between mq and you, aad thySeed after thee : Every Male-Child ^ £ 4 among The Chrifltan Covenant among you fhall be circumcifed. And ye Jhall circumcife the Flefh of your Fore- skin, and it fhall be a Token of the Co- venant between me and you. And he that is eight Days old , fhall be circum- cifed among you^ every Man -Child in your Generations, he that is born in the Houfe, or bought with Money of any Stran- ger which is not of thy Seed. Q. It is plain from this and other Tlaces of Holy Scripture J that ^mmits may covenant both 'for themfehesy and f^^j^ Bvt in covenanting for theirs y can they fubflitute fame other Terfons^ to reprefent them as their Deputies^ and fpeak and prcmife what they do ? A. Yes. In fome Cafes a Parent cannot covenant for his Child in publick Baptifm, but by deputing fome other to reprefent him in that Affair. As when the Parent is fick, or imprifoned, <^c. And none can de- ny the Validity of fuch an A/of»»» •»*: Do you expeEh to do this by your own Strength DrnfeT^'^ and Power ? A, No. For we are not fufficientofour- ^ot hy felves to do any thing as of ourfelves. 2 Cor. ""sLrtl Q. Bo you purpo[e and hope to do it hy the -But hy Gods Affiflance and Grace of God -* ^fffiance, A. Yes. For he hath faid , My Grace is fuiEcient for thee. 2 Cor* xii. 9. Q; But to perform the promised Duty , What n2t4Ji be done by yourfelf on your Tarp? Muft you heartily refolve upon it /* v4. Yes. Pfcxix. ic6. I have fworn, and Means to be will perform it, that I will keep thy righ* «/>^b'**^> teous Judgments. Q' Mujl this Refolutionbe made upon good r. KefoU*^ Grounds? • ^'''"« A* Yes. Or elfe if will fpon vani/h like the Morning Dewo ClWhat 7 6 The Chrijiian Covenant Q. What are the Grounds or Reafons for founding fuch a Refolution ? A' They are thefe three in g^eneral, viz.* 1. The Command of God. 2. Our own Intereft. 3. Our Vow or Promife. Upon all thefe Accounts we fliould ftedfaftly refolve upon our whole Chriftiaa Duty. Q. h it not ^ great Mercy that you are caU led to he a Chriftian ? A' Yes. For hereby I am tranflated out of the Kingdom of Darknefs, into the King- dom of God's dear Son. O/.i. 13. Q. Js not this a jufl Matter and Caufe of ThanJifulnefs to God ? -/^. Ye^. o/.i. 12. Giving Thanks unto the Father, who hath made us meet to be Partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light. ?, 7^4„L Q: And is net this ThanJifulnefs a Means of fulnejs, ' farther Grace and Mercy ? A* Yes. For to every one that hath , (being thankful for it) more jfhall be given, and he fhaH have Abundance, Mat. xxv. 29. • Q. And is not Vrayer alfo another fpecial Means of Grace ? c. Tra cr. '^' ^^^' ^^^ Chrlft hath faid, Ask, and it ^* ^ ' fhall be given you j Seek, and ye fhall find ; Knock, and it fhall be opened unto you. Luk. xi. 9. Ue Kelp Q. What Help may roe expeEl from God by Ztdslf f^'^'^i ^^ '^ ^H' ^^^»^ •*' ^0'^ ^^ riot afford us^ I. His £ Explained. 77 1. His prevent wg Grace ? A, Yes. ttfc.viii. 10. He writes his Law in our Hearts. 2. His affiflmg Grace .? A. Yes. It is he that giveth Stiength and Power unto his Pec- pie. Pf. Ixviii. vlt. 3. His perfeBing and completing Grace ? A. Yes. i>fr.v. 10. The God of all Grace, perfedi, ftrengthen, fettle, ftab- lilh you. Catechifi. Seeing then that Salvation is ^fpnca- freely ofFer'd us upon theGofpcl-Terms^z'i;^. '"«• Repentance, Faith, and Evangelical or New Obedience, with fufEcient Means and Helps, whereby we may perform them, let us heartily blefs God for thefe inellimable Bleffings. 'Tis a peculiar Love wherewith he hath loved us, in vouchfafing us thefe Privileges. He hath not dealt fo with all Nations •, As for the Heathens they have not known him -, Praife ye the Lord. And being that earneft Prayer is one fpe- cial Means of Grace, let us diligently feek it of him in the Ufe of this holy Ordinance, that by his Grace preventing us^ he would incline our Will, by his Grace affifting us, he would give us Strength and Power, and by his perfecting completing Grace, bring this Power into Ad; and fupply us with Help continually, accordihg to our Needs, till we arrive at the Perfection attainable in this Life, CHAP. 78 The Chnfiian Faith CHAP. IL Of the Chrijiian Faith. Catechifi. Rehearre the Articles of thy Belief. jinf I believe la God* *- Q. WhM do^fi thou chiefiy learn in theft Articles of thy Belief ? A. Firft I learn to believe in God the Father, who hath made me and all the ^World. Secondly, in God the Son, who hath re- deemed me and all Mankind. Thirdly, in God the Holy Ghoft , whd fanSifieth me, and all the cled People of God. Catechifi, Tlie fecond fpecial Part that our Catechifm confifts of,is an Inftrudion in the Chriftian Faith. And this is what you hare in that Summary ofChriftianDoiflrine, which for the Matter and Senfe thereof, is called the Apoftlc's Creed. The firft ExprefRon of it (I believe) (Ig- nifies the Ad of Faith, or that Faith by which we do believe ^ which is to truft God^ and what he hath revealed. And the fol- lowing Exprefllons declare the Objeds of our Faith, both Perfonal and DoclrinaL God the Father,Son, and Holy Ghoft, are the primary, perfonal, and proper Objeds of our Faith* For in all Belief, whether Divine Explained. 79 Divine or Human, we firfl trufl: the Perfon, and then we believe the thing. And fo the things which we believe.,npon the Teftimo- ny or Word of God, are the fecondary and dodrinal Objeds of our Belief. Thefe different forts of Objects , which our Creed propofeth to us , muil be'dilFe- rently believed by us, according to theirNa- tures ; either only incelleclually, by the AC" fent of theUnderftanding, or alfo with oar Wills, in an afFedionate and active Manner. The Perfonal Objedls , or three Divine Perfons, Father, Son,and Holy Ghoft, muft he believed by us with Hope,Lovcand Con- fidence, as being abfolutely fit and worthy tobelov'd and confided in. And to de- note thefe Affedions, or Ads of Faith to* wards God, it is emphatically cxprelTed by believing in him. We are faid to believe (in God) the Father -, and (in) Jefus Chriltj and (inj the Holy Ghoft. To believe in this Sacred Trinity as the only true God, is in Confidence of his Per- fections to rely upon his Word or Tcftinio- ny *, taking all things for fuch as he repre- fents them to us j efpecially his Blefled Self, to be a God all-fufficieut, Bell: in himfclf^ and alfo Bell to us. And to believe in each Perfon,as they arc feverally related to us, the Father as our Creator , the Son as our Redeemer, and the Holy Ghoft as our Sanckifier, is to covenaat with each particularly according to thefe Relations, accepting of thofe Mercies wiiich they each offer to us, and performing thoie Duties which we owe unto each particularly. 8o The Chriflian Faith Thus as God the Father is our Creator,' and through Chrift reconciled, and gracious to us, by Faith we believe this, and give up ourfelves to him, with Fear, Love and Obe- dience, as Creatures to their Maker. As God the Son is our Redeemer and Mediator, even our High-Prieft and Pro- phet,and King, by Faith we believe this,and give up ourfelves to him, to be reconciled to God, by his Blood, and be faved by him, as his Redeemed ones. As God the Holy Ghoft is our Sandifier and Regenerator, by Faith we believe this, and give up ourfelves to him, to be perfecl:- ly renewed and fandified by him. Both the Nature of God, andhisPerfo- nal Relations to us, even the Relation of God the Father as our Creator *, of God the Son as our Redeemer , and of God the Holy Ghoft as our Sandifier and Regenera- tor, do require us to believe in them thus conjundly and feverally. And thefe, as I faid, are the Primary and Perfonal Objeds of our Faith. But the Do(?trinal Objects of it, being Things, not Perfons , do require no more of us than an intelledual Aflent unto them; yet fuch as afFedts theWill,and raifeth fuita- ble Affedions. Thus the Threatnings pro- duce Fear , the Promifes Hopes , and the Commandments Obedience, in fuch as tho- roughly believe them. Thefe Objeds of our Faith, both Perfo- nal and Dodrinal, i. e. the three Divine Perfons, whom we muft believe in j and the principal Points of Doftrine, that we mult affent unto , they are fummarily propoun- ded Explained. 8 f ded to us in this Gonfe (Hon thereof, confi- fting of 1 1 Pdfts or Articles , as they are commonly diftinguifhed. The firfi: whereof is concerning God the Father, the firft Perfon, and the Work of Creation. And by this you are taught to believe in him as your Maker. The fix next following are concerning God the Son , and the Work of Redemp- tion. And all thefe teach us to believe la him as our Saviour. The five lalt are concerning God the HolyGhofti by which we are taught to believe in him as our Sandifier. And in fum, they all teach us to worfhip one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity ^ neither confounding the Perfons, nor di- viding the Subftance. For there is one Ferfon of the Father, another of the Son^ and another of the Holy Ghoffc ; who are diftinguiihed from one another^ not in their Being, nor in their -outward Operations ^ but in the Manner of their Being, and in their Manner of ading outwardly. The Perfon of the Father, or his Subfi- ftencc in the Godhead, is of himfelfalone, and not derived from any othe'r. And ac- cordingly his W^orks and A ^^^^ fy that Confeflion of the Chriftian Faith, confeHf^m of which is called the Apoftles Creed. ^^''fl- f^^^/ ^ is c Ailed thf Q: Why fof Is it what they preach'^ d and a!e J ^ taught ? A* Yes 2 As to the Matter or 'Stvi'it of it. Q; Hoxx> does this appear ? Did Chrift com* mand and commijfton his Apoftles^ to difciple^ or make all Nations his Difciples j by baptizing them ? F 2 A. Yes. The Chrifiian Faith u4. Yes. Mat.xxv'ul 19. Go ye therefore and teach all Nations, baptizing them in theName ofthe F^f^er, and of the Son ^ and of the Holy Ghofl^ (or into the Name, i. e. in- to the Belief) of thofe three Divine Per- fons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft. Q. ^tjd was it not mcejfary^ that they who were thus baptized , flwvld be firjl taught the Meaning of the fe few Words ^ (I Believe in the Father^ Son^ and Holy Ghojl f) A' Yes. For otherwife their Baptifm would not make them true Chriilians. Q: And dots it not hence folloWy that when the Apojtles baptiz,ed Adult Perfons , in the Name ef the Father^ Son^ and Holy Ghofiy they taught them this Do^rine that is contained in the Creed ? A. Yes. For the Creed is nothing elfe but an Explication of thefe Words. WhAt it is ^ What do you mean by the firfi Expreffion to beiUve. of ity (I believe ) ? A. By this I mean, that I triift God, and believe his Word, Theoh-eSfs Q-* ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ primary and proper Ob- §f our Belief, jcB of our Faith <' A' Yes. For I muft firfl confide in him as one that cannot and will not fail me, before I can be furc of what he aj[firms or teftifies. And then in confequence of trufting God, upon the Account of his Perfedions, being So wife that he cannot be deceived, and fo good that he will ftot deceive others, I mull: necef- Explained. 85 jieccfTirily believe the things that are af- ferted by him. And fo thefe, as was ob- fervcd, are the fccondary and dodrinal Ob- jeifls of our Faith. Q. Does the Creed inftruB you then comer' nlng both thefe Sorts ofOhjeEis ? A. Yes. For it not only (hews us whom we mult believe in, even God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft^ but alfo what we mull: believe concerning them. Qj How many Articles do'^s the Creed confiji v^eDiv'tfion of f of the Creed A. Twelve. '-:f/;- Q. And how many Branches are they redu- '^''"' ^^*** ced to f ^ _ ;„ ' c rrt: m A. To three only • as. being all concer- ning, either i. God the Father, and his Work of Creation : Or 2. God the Son, and his Work of Redemption. Or 3. God the Holy Ghoft, and his Work of Sandification. Q. What Article of the Creed do^s belong to the firfl Branch ? A. Only the firfl Article. And by this I Lw/!«i learn to believe in God the Father, who theWor\of made me and all the World. ^''"''""^ Q: What Articles of the Creed do belong to its fecond Branch f 2.Goi//.. A' The fix next. And by thefe I learn to Sf^n.anAthe believe in God the Son, who hath redeemed Tr^llT me, and all Mankind. Q: What Articles of the Creed do belong to the third Branch of it f F 3 ^.The S6; The Chrijiian Faith ^^^ J' The fivelaft. And by thefe I learn '.yGhoft, to believe in God the Holy Ghoft, who faa- the ' difies me, and all the People of God. \vfSan' * ^<7M to jvorfhip one God in Trinity^ and Trinity in Vnity^ as neither divided in their Subftance^ nor confufed in their Per fans ? A. Yes. For there is one Perfon of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Ghoft. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghoft is God. And yet they are not three Gods, but one God. The three Qi What do you obftrve of thofe three great ^reat Wor^s Works of God^ vlz. the Works of Creation^ Re- they diffe7 demptlon^ and SanSiification i Is not thefirft of from one thefe moYe extenfive than the fecond , and the ''*'''"''' fecond than the third ? A* Yes. Creation extends to all things, Redemption to all Men, and Sandification but to the Church. And thus, aswasob- ferved, as they gradually afcend in Excel- lency, fo they narrow in their Afcent. Q: Are not thefe Works of God common to the whole Trinity ' A. Yes. They all create, redeem, and fandify. Being one in Nature , they all do the fame thing, and all ad infeparably ; but the Difference is in the Manner of their ading. UppiUif- Catechift. And now examine yourfelves, non. whether you are in the Faith, or (which is all one) whether the Faith be in you. Do you Explained. 87 you practically believe indeed in each Di- vine P€iTon,Father,Son, and HolyGhoft,as they are feverally related to us, by their pe* culiar Works and Offices ? In the Father as our Creatorywith Fear,Love and Obedience. In the Son as our Redeemer, with Hope and Confidence in his Merits ^ and in the Holy Ghofl as our Sandifier, or Regenerator, by being led and guided by him , and by tru- fting to his Affiftance. If we would believe arightto the faving of our Souls, we muft not only afTent unto the Truth of God's Word,butalfo live according to it. And to each Divine Perfon we muft pay that Duty, which his proper Work and Office doth pe- culiarly call for from us. Sea. I. Of the firji Article of the Creed : And therein of God and his Attributes^ particularly the Father and his Work of Creation. " I believe in God the Father Almighty, " Maker of Heaven and Earth, Catechift. In this firft Article you are taught to believe and own that there is a God ', and that he is fuch as he hath revea- led himfelf to be, an eternal Spirit, infinite in his Being and in all Perfedions, particu- larly in his Power,Wifdom, and Goodncfs : And confequently moft true, juft, and mer- ciful to his Creatures. And it neceflarily follows, that being ab- fojutely perfeft, he is one, and only one in F 4 ^ia- 88 The Chriftian Faith Nature or EOence : It being itnpofliblc that there flionld be more than one Infinite. For if one hath all Perfedions, another cannot have them too. But as natural Reafon tells us, that there is necefTarily but one God, fo the Scriptures doaflureus, that in this one God there are three diflind Perfons, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, who are all but one Eflence in three Manners of fubfifting. This Myftery of our Religion is fhadowed out in part by the Example of the Sun the Beams and the Light. Firft, the Sun be- getteth his own Beams, and from thence proceedeth Light. And tho' they differ from one another in their Order and Rela- tion, yet they are not three Suns, but all one Sun. Again, this Sacred Trinity is reprefented ])y fome Divines to be as it were, Deus inteU UftHS^ & dilecius a feipfo^ i,e. God as un- derftood and beloved by himfelf. The Fa- ther is as it were Dem imelUgens^ God un- derflanding ^ the Son, the exprefs Image of the Father, is as it were Dem imelleEhns^ God underftood: The Holy Spirit, flowing and breathed as it were from the Father by the Son, is as it vjcre Deus dUeElus ^ God be- loved. The firfl in Order of thefe three Divine Perfons, who is of himfelf alone, and not of any other, is the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, by an eternal and ineffable Commu- nication of his Eflence. The Father of all Believers by Regeneration and Adoption, and of afl Men by Creation and Providence. And Explained. S9 And tbo' the whole three Perfons, having all but one Eflence, do cqnally concur toge- ther in all their outward Adions, as to de- cree , create, redeem , and fandify , yet Works of Power, as Creation and Provi- dence,are more particularly attributed, and as it were appropriated unto the Father. And fo we are here taught, that of his Al- • mighty Power, he did create all thinf.s. in the Beginning,oat of nothing, by his Ftat/)r Word-fpeaking, to his own Glory: And that he do's ftill luftain and govern all things. The 2i^eftions and Arifwers. Q. What do you mean by this awfvl Wordj nr^^t ts God ? ^"''^'^ h A. A Being that is the Gaufe of all other go"^.'' Beings. Q. HoTQ may it he known that there is fuch a Being ^ A. By his Works. The invifible things '^''^^^^ of God from the Creation of the World are '" ^ ''" clearly feen, being underllood by the things that are made , (even his eternal Power and Godhead.) Rom- i. 20- Q; But tell me more fully what a Being what QrA God is? A- He is a Spirit^infinite in his Being,and in all Perfedions, particularly in his Power, Wifdom, and Goodnefs, and confequently molt true, juH, and merciful to his Crea- tures. ' . Q. But 90 The Chrtfiian Faith Q. But to proceed more particularly^ firft^ Is God a Spirit ? u Spirit. A' Yes. God is a Spirit , and the Father of Spirits. John iv. 24. Heb. xii. 9. inftnite in Q^ Js he an infinite Spirit ? his DuYA- ... tion. A. Yes. I Ki. viii. 27. The Heaven, and Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him. Q. Wherein^ or in what refpeB is he infinite .<* Ij he infinite in his Duration ? A. Yes. .?/. xc. 2. From Everlafting to Everiafting, thou art God. Q. Is he infinite in his Ejfence ? ^niinhif ji. Yes. Exod,\\u 14. God laid, I am Me'^ivm. ^^3t I am. I am hath fent me unto you. He is Being itfeif : Univerfal Being. Particular' Q. More particularly^ Is he infinite in Tower f ly in Povpejr. A. Yes. Mat. xix. 26. With God all things are poflible. Wifdom Qs ^^ ^^ infinite in Wifdom ? A' Yes. Vfi cxlvii. 5. His Underftanding is infinite. Q^ Is he infin te in Goodnefs ? Jind Good... A. Yes. For God is Love, i John iv. 8. "^Z^- And there is none good fave one, that is God. Mat' xix. 17. Q. Are not thefe ejfential Attributes or Per^ feUions of God ^ the fame with his ^ufiice^truth^ Mercy^ Scc. ? A, Yes. They are the fame, named vari- oufly,from their various Effedsand Refpeds to theC^f ^'^^ ' Q; Explained. 9 1 Q. T^ertfore to fpeak of thefe , as aUing outwardly towards his Creatures^ is be_ mofi Juft and Righteous ? A. Yes. The Lord is righteous in all his ^q/j Ki^h- Ways. P/cxlv. 17. teous, Q. /; he true and faithful - mdTrueo A. The Truth of the Lord endureth for ever. P/]cxvii. 2. And Heb.si. 18. It is impofTible for God to lye. Q. Js he merciful and gracious ^ moJI Mer- A> Yes. Exod. xxxvii. 7. The Lord, the "^''^* Lord God, merciful and gracious. Q; Are there more Gods than one ? A- No. For though there be that are ^"jy^""*'" called Gods,— yet to os there is but one *^'*''' God. I Cor. viii. 5, 6. Q. Is there more than one Perfon or Suhfi" Tet more in fience in the Godhead .? ^^^ '^^^- A' Yes. For God faid, Let us make Man. Gen. i. 26, Q. Are there three Divine Perfons^ diflinci Even three in their Subfifiences ^ ^\fii»^ J'er- A, Yes. For there be three that bear Re- cord in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghoft. 1 John v. 7. Qi How are the three Perfons dijiinguijlied from one another f A^ They are diflinguilhed, „^^ ,; I. By their internal Properties or Re- are Mfiin^ lations. f f hetr Operat'ons ^ Do's the Father aEh outward- tt'vi %'l'' h ^'^'^ himfelfalone^ the Son from the Father^ ■■.iu^7u. and the Holy Ghofi from both? A. Yes. Explained. 95 J. Yes. For all their outward Operations are according to their inward Manner of fubfiiUng* Q. Thefe three Divine Perfons^ Fatheri Sew, ^I^^ ^^^ and Holy Ghofi • is every one of them by himfeif Pcfm &/ truly God ^ wf'^"'* ji. Yes. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghoft is God: For we are all baptized in their feveral Names di* Itinaiy. Q. But to clear this more particvlarly^ 1. Is the Father God? A. Yes. For there is one God, the Father of all. E^h. iv. 6. 2. Js the Son God? A- Yes. lJoh'f2Y» 2o, This is the true God, and eternal Life. 3. Is the Holy Ghoft God ? A. Yes. AU.k. 3, 4. Said Veter to Ananias^ Why hath i>atan filled thy Heart to lye to the HolyGhofl? Thoa hafi: not lyed unto Man, but unto God, Q: If thefe Divine Terfons^ Father^ Son ^ and Holy Ghofty he J every one by himf^lf-y truly God, a e they then three Gods ? A. Ko. Bat thefe three are one. i John ret V. 7. Q. Did this one Cod create the Heaven and ^^^'- the Earth ? A. Yes. Atl.x^iiui^, He made the World, and the things that are therein. Q. Did he make them out of nothing ^ A, Yes. Heh. x\. 3. The things which are VjyOF.iT^. fctn^ were not made of things which do ap- pear. Q. D:d n-.T bus t.he (J4. ^^^ Chrifiian Faith Q: Did he make all things good f A. Yes. God faw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good. Gtn> i. 31. Q. To what End or Turfofe did God create aH the Worlds irefnver. -^- He made all things for himfelf. Prov. xvi. 4. For of him, and by him, and to him are all things. Rom. xi. 35. Q. Does he freferve all things by his Divine Providence ? Und Cover. J* Neh. ix- 6, Thou preferveft them all. nor 0/ tbe World. Q, ^^^ ^ffg^ ijg alfo govern and order all things? A* Yes. P/cix. ip. His Kingdom ruled over all. ^^txcx. Catechifi. Now in confequence of this rw». Belief, we ought to humble ourfelves before the Majefty of this infinitely glorious Beings our Almighty Creator, and mofl bounteous Benefadtor, in whom we live, move,and are. We fhould fear his Power, admire his Wif- dom, rejoice in his Love and Goodnefs, de- pend upon his Care and Providence , and yield an univerfal and chearful Obedience to him, as our Maker, and fo our Owner, ©ur Ruler, and our End. Sea Explained. 95 Sefl. 0. Of the Second Article: And therein concerning the Perfon of our Redeemer^ his Natures and Offices. " And in Jefus Chrift, his only Son our « Lord. Catechifi, As it is ncceflary to our Sal- vation , that we ihould believe in God the Father ; fo it is alfo neceflary that we be- lieve in God the Son , as he himfelf hath taught ns, Johfjxiv. i. And that we might believe on him , he is defcribed in this Ar- ticle, 1. By his Name Jefus. 2. By his Name Chrift. 3. By his Relation to the Father, his Son. 4. By his Relation to us, our Lord. 1. He is called Jefus , which fignifieth a Saviour. And the Reafon of this his Name was given by a holy Angel, faying, he fhaU be called Jefus ^. for he (hall favehis People from their Sins. Mat. i. 21. 2. He is called Chrift, which lignilieth Anointed; becaufe he was ibt apart, and anointed by the Holy Ghoft, to the three faving Offices of a Prophet,Prieli,aiid King* which in a fpiritual manner he perforraeth for his People. As a Prophet, he inftruds them by ids Spirit, Word, and Minifters. As 96 The Chrifttan Faith As a Prieft, he gave himfelf to be a Sacri- fice for their Sins; and alfo he intercedeth for them and blefleth them. And as a King , he governs them by his Spirit, Laws, and Officers, proteds them here, and will reward them hereafter. 3. He is here defcribed by his Relation to God the Father, as being his Son*, not by Creation, as we and all Men are •, nor by Adoption or Grace only , as aifo all Belie- vers be-, but by a fpiritual, eternal, and in- conceivable Generation, whereby he recei- ved bis Divine Nature from him *, and is his proper true and only Son. Hence 4. He is oar Lord. As God he is the Ma- ker and Preferver of all things. And fo he is Lord of all, by an original independent Right. As God-Man, our Redeemer and Mediator, he hath Dominion over us, by an acquired Right and Title ^ having bought us with a Price, even his own moft precious Blood. And having humbled himfelf, and become obedient to Death, even the Death of the Crofs ^ God hath highly exalted him for his Obedience and Humiliation, and hath given him all Power both in Heaven and Earth. To this we may add alfo our Baptifmal Vow and Promife, wherein we foiemnly engaged ourfelves,to have him for our Lord and Governor, and to obey him as fuch in all that he commandcth us. And fo by Right of Creation, Prefervation, and l^edcmption, by Donation or Grant from_ God, and by our voluntary Confentand Co- venant , upon all thefe Accounts, Jefus is our Lord. Explained. 97 The ^leftions and Anfwers, Q Is there any Necefftty to believe in "Isfus F«'^^ '« ^^^'fi •' ccffJry. A. Yes. "John xiv. i. Ye believe in God, believe alfo in me. Q. Is not fome Knowledge of Chrift necejfary K^tovoUd^e to this Belief f 'f ^^^'^fi * -^ 7iece\J4.fy to A, Y'es. Rom.x. 14. How fhall they be- thisUxth. lieve in him, ot whom they have not heard? Q. How is he defcrihed and made known in ^«^^ t^^^t he this Article ? 7"^-^ \ . l{nonin, he ts A. He is delcribed, defcnhedhy 1. By his N^me, Jefus. Ach.ra^crs, 2. By his Name, Chrift. 3. By his Relation to God the Father, J his Son. 4. By his Relation to us, our Lord. Q; Firfi for his Name Jefus ^ was not this i, His Name his proper Name by which he was known on ^^f»i» Earth ? A. Yes. Johnlx.ii. A Man that is called Jefus. Q. What doth this Name fignify ? A. It iignifieth a Saviour; as the blefled Ji'*Ll^''^ Angel interpreted it. Mat. i.21. Thou fhalt '^"'^''' call his Name Jefm^ for he Ihall fave his Peo- ple from their Sins. Q. And was our Lord indeed fuch as his Name importeth ? A. Yes. He is the Saviour of all Men, cfpecially of them that believe, i T/w. iv.io. G Q, U 9^ The Chrifiian Faith 0/ Is he our only Saviour ? A. Yes. There is no other Name under • Heaven given amongfl Men , whereby we muft be faved. AU. iv. 1 2. s.Hi^ mmt Q: What doth the Word (Chrift) fignify ? Is A. Yes. "John I, 41. The Mefllas, which is, being interpreted, the Chriil, or the Anointed, as 'tis in the Margin. Q. Why was he called Chrift ^or the Anointed ? Was he indeed Anointed ? A. Yes. AB, iv. 27. Thy holy Child Je- fus, whom thou haft anointed. Q; With what was he anointed ? t A. With theHolyGhoIland with Power. A6i. X. 3S. Q: To what Office was he anointed f A. To the three OiEces, of a Prophet, Prieft, and King. Q. Was Chrifl a Prophet then ^ Prophet. ^' ^^^' -^^^^-xvii*' ^S- A Prophet fhall ' ' the Lord your God raife up unto you (faith Mofes) like unto me.* Q. How does he perform this Office of a Vro" phet i Does he inftruB and teach his People / A* Yes, And fo he is faid to be made un- to them Wifdom. i Cor, i. 30. Q.In'^ Explained. 99f Q: Indeed our Biejfed Saviour did perfonaiiy ifjfirufi h.'S Followers , whilfl he was on Earth; But how does he teach his Church nf)w being in Heaven ? Doth he not do this now^ I. By his Spirit? A^ Yes. John xiv. 2d'" The Comforter which istheHolyGhoft, whom the Father will fend in my Name, he fliall teach you ail things. 1. By his Word? ^. Yes. iFetA,i%. Tlie Word of the Lord endureth for ever, And this is the Word , which by the Gofpei is preached unto yoa. 3. By his Minifiry ? A, Yes. Mat, xxviii, 19-i 20. Go ye therefore and ceach all Nations, — teaching them to obferve all things whatfoever I have command- ed you^ and,lo I am with yoa always, even unto the End of the World. Q: is Chrifl a Priefl ? tnep A. Yes. Heb. v. 6, Thou art a Priefl for ever, after the Order of Melchiz,edecL Q: What hath he done^or doth for ns^ as our Triefi f Hath he made Atonement for us <* A* Yes. Rom.v. 11.* We joy in God, through our Lord Jefus Chrift, by whom we have now received the Atonement. Q; By what Oblation or Sacrifice hath hi made this Atonement f A. Heb, ix. 1 5. Now once hath he ap- pear'd in the End of theWorid, to put away Sin by the Sacrifice of himfelf, :ioo The Chrifiian Faith Q. Does he yet aB for m as our Triefi in Heaven .4. Yes. I Pef.i. i8,rp. For ye were not redee- med with corruptible things as Silver and Gold, bat with the pre- cious Blood of Chrift. A. Yes. A^.nl 15. He is the Prince of Life. Col, i. 17. By him all things confift. r A' Yes. All Power is [given him both in 4. Hath God appoim- \ Heaven and Earth. ed htm to he the^ ^^^. xxviii. 19. and Lord of all the j j Cor.XY. 27. God hath World f I put all things under Lbis Feet. r A, Yes. For as many I of us as were baptized 5. And is he alfoj in his Name, were fo- ovr Lord by CoveS lemnly devoted to his vant f j Service in our Baptifm. \^Rom* vi. 3, 4. 10 3. Does he alff con- tinue^arid, uphold us in our Beincrs? Catechtjl. Now all this (hould teach us to appHea^ love and rejoice in Chrifh as our great Me- *'o". diator, and All-fufficientilaviour, who is at once our Prophet, our Prieft, and our King, and to receive him as fuch , with fuch Re- turns of Duty, as his Offices relating to us> dp require at our Hands : Even to hear and G 4 believe 1 04. The Chnfttan Faith believe bis Word, as he is our Prophet*, to rely upon his Merits, as he is our Prieft- and to obey his^holy Laws, as our Lord and Prince. And" being, as we have feen, he is fo the Son of God, as to be Co-eflential, and Ce-equal with him, we muft therefore ho- nour him, as we honour the Father, and a- fcribe all Honour, Blefling, Glory and Pow- er to him that fits upon the Throne, and to the Lamb for ever and ever. Seft. ^. Of the third Article], and therein of the Incarnation and Na- tivity of our Saviour. ^' Who was conceived by the HolyGhofl, *' born of the Virgin Mary. Caetchift. The Eternal, Erer-blefTed, and Ever-glorious Son of God, who before all Worlds was perfed God, in the Fulnefs of Time became per fed Man alfo, having the ISJature of God, and the Nature of Man, though entirely diftindl, yet infcparably united in himij and was not two Perfons, but only one Perfon. As God he was Eter- nal, Immortal, Invifible^ of the fame Na- ture and Subftance with the Father. As Man he began in time, was mortal, yifi- ble, &c, and in all things was made like unto us. Sin o^ly excepted, having the whole Human Nature without the leaft De- filement of it. He was holy,-harmlefs, un- defiled,and feperate from Sinners, from the Beginning of his Humanity. For he was not Explained. 1 05 not conceiv'd and born after the Manner of other Men, but in a Miraculous and Super- natural Manner; being without Father as touching his Manhood , as well as without Mother, as touching his Godhead.* His Bo- dy was form'd and faOiioned by the Power of the Holy Ghoft, in and of the Body of a pure and holy Virgin, one of the Seed of Jibrahamy of the Tribe of Jw^^^, and of the Family or Houfe of David , as had been prophelied concerning him*, and accor- ding to the Time of Life, he was born of her. At his Birth, as the Devils trembled, and their Oracles were put to Silence, fo the Holy Angels rejoiced , and fang Praifes to God. The Queflio7is and /infwersl Q,. How did Chrifi-i being the Son of God y be^ come Man ? A. Chrift the Son of God became Man,by taking to himfelf a Human Soul and Body ; being conceived by the Power of the Holy Ghoft, in and of the Body of the Virgin Ma,- ryj and was born of her. Q; Afore particularly and diftinEily , Hiftd thrift <>«- Chrifi a Being before his Incarnation? lit inc7- A. Yes. For he faid , before Abraham "**''"»' \ was, I am. ^ohn viii. 68. Q_. Had he a Being before the World ? A^ Yes. The fame was in the Beginning with God. ^ohn i. 2. Q; Did he come into the World ? A, Yes. lo6 The Chrifiian Faith A, Yes. John XVI. 28. He came forth from the Father, and came into the World, Q_. Did he come in the appointed Time ? A> Y*5. 6*4/. iv. 4. When the Fulnefs of Time was come , God fent forth his Son. Which is now about 1718 Years ago. Q. Did he come in his glorious Majefty P A. No. But was found in Fafhion as a Man. Phtl. ii. 8. The incar- Qi ^f^ ^^ offume OUT NutuYe^ and become nation of perfeB Man ? Cbrifl * A. Yes. The Word was made Flefii, and dwelt amongfl: us. John I 14. Qi Had he a real Human Body^ of Flejh^ Bloody and Bones ^ as we have f A. Yes. Luke xiv. 39. Behold my Hands and my Feet, handle me, and fee me, for a Spirit hath not Flefh and Bones, as ye fee me have. Q; And did he take to himfelf a rational-, Human SouU A. Yes. For he faid, my Soul is exceed- ing forrowful. //^f. xxviii. 38. (X Was it a voluntary Aci in Chrift to he- come Man ' A. Yes. Heh. ii. 15. He took on him the Seed of Abraham. The Keep f- Q: Was it nece/fary that our Redeemer Jhoiild fty thereof, l;g I^qpIj Qq(1 ^fj^ j[^^n i A, Yes. Erplatned. • 107 j4. Yes. For as be could not have fatisfied unlefs he had been God, fo he could not have fuffered, unlefs he had been Man. Q: j4nd do, yon heUez'e ^ that the LordJefhS Chrifi^ the Redeemer of lofi Ma>7^ is fnch a wonderful Terfon ? u4. Ye?. For unto us a Child is born, unto ws a Son is given, — and his Name fhal] be called Wonderful, Counfellor, the mighty God, the everlailing Father, the Prince of Peace. Jfix- 6. Q. // he then both God and A4an in two dl" ftintl Natures ? j4. Yes. For he is both the Root and Off- {pring of DiJzW. /?^t. xxii. i5. h\\^ A-Ut, xxii. He is Davidh Son> and David's Lord too. Q. j^re his two dijiinH Natures united in one Terfon ^ J. Yes. For to us there is but one Lord Jefus Chrift, by v;hom are all things, and we by him. i Cor, viii. d. Q. And will he always fo continue /* -/^. Yes. Jefus Chrift , the fame Yefler- day, to Day, and for ever. Heb, xiii. 8. Q. Now that Chrifl the eternal Word flwuld thus become both Cod and Man^ is 72ot thii a great Myfiery ? A, Yes. Without Controverfy, great is the Myltcry of Godlinefs, God mamfeil: in thcFIefli? 1 T/w. iii. 16. lo8 . The Chrijiian Faith Q. Was Chrifi conceived in the orditiAry n>ay of Nature ? ji. No. For he was without Father, as touching his Manhood. Heb.vil 'O 3- The Birth 0-' ^^^ '^^ ^^^^ ^/ ^ Woman F ofcbrifl. ^ Yes. God fent forth his Son made of a Woman. 6'^/.iv.4. Q. When^ rohere^ and of whom was Chrifi horn ? Was he horn at a Time when the Mejftah -was exfeRed^ and when the Scepter was departed from Judah ? A. Yes. For Herod a Foreigner was then King of the Jev/s. Mat>\\* i. Contrary to the Law of God, which faid unto them. One from among thy Brethren , thou flialt fct King over thee \ thou mayeft not fet a Stran- ger over thee , which is not thy Brother. JP^;/^xdi. 15. And Redemption was then expe^ed by Believers in Ifrael. JL;/^^ii. 38. Q; Was he horn among the JewSy and in the Town of Bethlehem ? A, Yes. For of them, as concerning the Flefli, Chrifi came, Rom. ix. 5. And Lnkeii, 15. To you is born this Day, in the City of David, a Saviour* Qj. And was he horn of the Virgin Mary, one of the Seed 0/ Abraham, of the Stock <>/ Ifrael, oftheTrtbeofjndah^ andofDciYli'sHoufe or Family i A- Yes. As appears hy Mat. [. 18, 23. and in all thefe Particulars, the Prophecies of the Scripture were fuifiHed concerning him. " Q; Being Explained. 1 09 Q. Pei?!^ asyoH have heard-^ that the Body of our Bltfftd Lordy was conceived and fermed of the Fltjh and Suhfiance of a firgin^ was 7ict this broffght to pafs by the Power of the Holy Ghoft t j4. Yes. As the Angel told Mary, Luke i» 3<;. The Holy Ghoft (hall come upon thee, and the Power of the Highell Ihall over- fhadow thee. Q; Was Chrijl born without Sin ? Ji. Yes. Neb. IV. 15. We have not ^n from'sm^ High'Prieft, which cannot be touched with our Infirmities, but was in all Points tempted like as we are, yet without Sin. Q^ Was it requifte it fhould be /. / A. Yes. Heb. vii. 25. Such an High -Pried became us, who is holy, harmlefs, undefilcd, and feparate from Sinners. Q. And that he fhoidd be fo ^ was it mceffary Tin- ^^cctJ^ that his Conception pioidd be ejfeilcd by the Holy '.v w.x.36.7o/7.xii.2 7,29. Q. Vnder. whom did Chrift fuffer f Or, who Was the Roman Governor of Judea at that Time .? A^ Pomim Pilate^ under Tiberim the Em- peror. Q, Whfit :plained. iif Q. M^hat Place in ]ndc2L was it^ wherein our Blejfed Lord zras crucified^ Was it not on Mount Calvary volthont the Gate o/Jerufalctn? j4. Yes. For the Bodies of thofe Beads whofe Blood was brought into the Sanduary by the High-Prieil for Sin, are burnt with- out the Camp. Wherefore Jefus alfo that he might fandify the People, fuflered with- out the Gate. Heb. xiii. 11,12. Q: How was the dead Body of our Lord dif- j- he Bur id pofed ojl Was it not buried as other dead Bodies of chnfl, are ? A. Yes. John xix. 4. In the Place where Chrift was crucified there was.a Garden, and in the Garden there was a Sepulchre, where- in never Man lay, there laid they Jefus. Q. How was his Soul difpofed of^ when it wai feparated from his Body ^ Bid it not go imme- diately into the State of Separation^ i. e. into the unfeen Regions ^ and common Receptacles ofSpi" rits f A. Yesi Tf ii. 27. Thou fhalt not leave h^v vefceUt my Soul in Hell, neither (halt thou fuller thy into ndu ^ Holy one to fee Corruption. Catechift, Chrifl's Body and Soul were each difpofed of into the leveral Places re- fpedively appointed for them. But neither of them to continue long there. The Body not to be detained in the Grave, the Soul not to be kept in Ades^ but both to meet and reunite before the Body (hould corrupt or putrrfy. ,,.'/,• , And to make fome praftical life of this Af- tick.' H 1 Se© Ii6 The Chrifiian Faith oiffiun^ ^^^ wc ^^i"^ 2s in a Glals the evil Na- uon. turcofSin. All the Shame, Pain, and Sorrow, which befell our Lord on Earth, were the Fruits and Puniihmcnts of bur Sins, laid upon him. And what a dcfperate Dif- cafe was that which required ib ftrange a Retnedy ! The Sufferi«:gs and Death of Chrift for the Expiation of our Sins , was more than the Deftrudion of ten thoufand Worlds. Yet without this Satisfaction there was no Remiflion of them. He was wounded for our Tranfgreflions , he was bruifed for our Iniquities, and the Chaflifement of our Peace was fo heavy upon him, as that it for- ced from him that moft vehement Vocifera* fioa, My God, my God, why haft thou for- faken rac ? And if thefe things were done in the green Tree, what will be done in the dry ? If the blefTed Son of God, who had no Sin in* him, was yet chaftized fo feverely, when he ftood in the Place of Sinners, where ihall the Ungodly and Sinner appear ? Oh let us look on him whom we have pierced with our Sins, and fo mourn for them now, in the Fellow- Ibip of hisSnfferings,as that they may not be charged upon us to our final Condemnation ! Se6l. 5. Of the fifth Article. And therein concerning the RefurreBion of our Saviour. '' The third Day he rofe again from the « Dead. Catechifl, Our Lord Jefm Chrifi^ who fuf-* fer'd fucb Pains and Sorrows, aqd even died fof Explained. 1 1 7 for our Sins, according to the Scriptures,was alfo raifed again for our JuftificaLion, being loofed from the Pains of Deat^ , becaufe it » was impolTible he fhould be holflen of it. For though he was crucified through Weak- nefs, yet he liveth by the Power of God. As Man he died y as God he raifed himfelf, re- uniting the fame Body that was laid in the Grave, to the fame Soul that was departed from it. And this he did the third Day from his Death ; as was of old fore/hewn of him. So that his Soul was not left in Hell i neither did his Body fee Corruption. And the firft Day of the Week being the Day of his Refurreftion, it is therefore con- fecrated to be the Day of the Chriftian Sab- bath,and is commonly called the Lord's-Day. A^ this great Article of the Refurredion of Chrift is the Prop and Pillar of the whole Chriftian Dodtrine, and moft neceffary to be believed, fo the fame is afcertainM to us, by moft infallible Proofs and Teftimonies. For he was feen of Ceph^s^ then of the twelve, af- ter that he was feen of above 500 Brethren at once. After that he was feen ofjames^ then of all the Apoftles, who alfo cat and drank with him. .Yea Thomas who had faid, that elfe be would not believe on him, was called to fee the Print of his Nails, and put his Hand into his pierced Side^ upon which he confeiTed him to be his Cord and his God- Moreover, the Manner of it did fignalize it and confirm it to us. For at the fame Time .there was a great Earthquake *, An Angel appears in great Glory at Chrift's Sepulchre, his Countenance was like Lightning, and his Raiment white as Snow. And" for Fear of H 3 him, iiS ^htt tf Re- furretlicn The Truth of ChrijVs 'Refurrg- iflOti. By rvhut Tower he rojff. The Chriflian Faith him, the Keepers became like dead Men, whilft he whom they kept, became alive, Alfo the Graves were opened, and many Bo- dies of i^ints which flept arofe, and came out of theirGraves after hisRerurredion,and went into the holy City, and appeared unio many. The £iieJlions and Anfwers, Q; What is a Refnrre[llcn f A. Reviviiication of that which was dead. Q: DiA then our Blejfcd Saviour who died^ revive again f A, Yes. He both rofe and revived. Rom. xiv. 9. Q. Wa.s the Body that he rofe rvith^ the fame that was dead and crucified? • A' Yes. Z/^^^ xxfv. 34. Behold my Hands and my Feet, that it is 1 myfelf. Q. Haze we fnjficiem Proof and Tcftimony of our Saviottr's -Refurreclion f A. Yes. A^.x* 3. He (hewed himfelf a- live by many infallible Proofs. .He was feen at many Times, by many credible Perfons, efpccially his Apoflles. And once he was ittxi by above 500 Brethren at once, i Cor. XV. 5, 6. Q. Wai he raifed by his own Power f %A, Yes. He was raifed as Man, by himfelf as God. John X. 17, 18. i lay down my Life, that I might take it again. No Man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myfelf-, Ihavc Explained. "9 I have Power to lay it down, and I have Power to take it again. Q. Did he rife the third Day^ VIZ- from that W'^^^«' whereon he died ? ji. Yes. I Coy. xv. 4. He rofe again the third Day, according to the Scriptures. Q. Was that theflrfi Day in the Week f J. Yes. Mat. xxviii. 1. At the End of the Sabbath as it began to dawn towards the firft Day. Q. And for this Reafor?^ was not the firft Day afterwards called the Lord's-^Day ? J. Yes. Rev. I io» I was in the Spirit on the Lords-Day. Q. What was the Defign or End of our Sa- w^yherofii viour'^s RefurreUion i Was it not 1. To fulfil the Scripture ? J. Yes. For Da- vid foretold it of him, P/xvi.io. Thou (halt not fuffer thy Holy one to fee Cor- ruption. , . i 2. To finifl) the Work of our Redemption? j4. Yes. For as he was delivered for our OfFences, fo he was raifed again for our Juftification. Rom.'vr.2%' . . . |. ro demonftrate the Truth of his Divmty ? A. Yes. For thereby he was declared to . - be the Son of God with Power. ^0^3.1.4. 4. To eftahUjhthe Truth of the Chrifttan Da- cirine ? A. Yes- For if Chrift be not raifed, your Faith is vain, i Cor. xv. 17. But this confirms whatfoevcr he laid or did, H 4 S- ^' Y%0 The Chrijiian Faith 5. 7*0 affiire us of our own RefurreBiorj f A. Yes. Rom.vm.w, He that raifed^ug Chrift from the Dead, fhall alfo quickiea your n^ortal Bodies. Catechift. This confirms our Faith about / ' '^'' the Perfon of Chrift, that as by his Death he kppear'd to be truly Man, fo in raifing up himfelf by his own Power, he proved him- felf to be truly God alfo: For the Raifing of 9 dead Body is what^one but God can do. And this alfo affures us of our own Refur- reftidn. The fame Divine Power which was lufFiCient to raife up Chrift, will be fufficient alfo to raife up all the Dead, wherefoever they arejor howfocver they (hall be changed. And the Scriptures do affure us, that they fhall all l)e raifed up ^ both the Juft and Un- iuft : Thefe by the Power of Chrift as their Judge i the other by the Influence of his Spi- rit as their Head. For if the Spirit of him tliat raifed up Jefus from the Dead, dwell in them, he which raifed up Chrift from the Bead, fhall alfo quicken their mortal Bodies |)y his Spirit that dwelleth in them. And on ?uch the fecond Death fhall have no Power. Sea.6. Of the Jixth Article. And therein concerning the Afcenjion of our Saviour. *' He afcended into Heaven, and fittcth at " the Right Hand of God the Father Al- '! mightyc Explained. ?^^ Catechifl. Our Lord Jefus Chrift, having ftaved upon the Earth for the Space ot 40 Days, after his Refurreaion, did then afcend vifibly into the higheft Heavens-, where in our Nature,and as our Head, he is exalted by God the Father to fit at his own Right Hand, far above all Principality and Power, and Might and Dominion, ?ncl every Name that is named, not onJy in this World, bu alfo m ILt which is to come. And having all Power Pivcn him both in Heaven and m tf t" he TOt only rules as the Governor of all the World, but alfo as a merciful and a com- pafnonateHigh-Prieft,he continually maketh •Interceffion for his People. The ^ejiions and Anfwers. CL Wh,t became ofourSavmr after hjs Re^ ^ fojr fnrre^ion ? Did he ft ay upon the Earth for the j^^^„,,,. Space of ^O Days r ^ %^ ;f A. Yes. J^' i. 3- He fliewcd himfelf alivp after his Paffion, by many infallible Proofs, being feen of them 40 Days. Q. What did he in thofe Days f * ji. He fpoke to them ©f the things par- taining to the Kingdom of God. J^* i. 3- Q. More pATticularly , did he not empower theni^ 1. To preach and make Difci^lcs ? A, Yes. ' ^/ir.xxviii. 15). Go ye therefore, and teach all Nations, baptizing them- 2. And in his Name to remit and retain ^:ns ? ^ A. Yes. Jdhnxx.iS' Whofe foe^ver Sins ■■ ^': ye 11 a The Chrifitan Faith ye remit, they are remitted unto them. And whofefoever Sins ye retain, they are retained, »tiw4/V«- Q- ^'^^i became of our hlejfcd Lord at the M* End ofthofe 4O Days ? Did he afcend up into Heaven f A Yes. UikeWvf. 51. He was parted from them, and carried op into Heaven. tnfiffund Q: ^^^' f^'' Afcenfwn ofdri(t prefiiured in the OldTefiament ? A' Yes. And that i. by the profperous State of Ifaac. 2. By Jofefhh Advancement from Prifon. 3- By EnocW% and £//4j'sTranf- lation. 4. By the Entrance of the High- Priefl, once a Year, into the Holy of Holies, Heb. ix. 7. UmoU, Q, j4„d WAS itprophefied of in Words by any Trofhet of the Old Te^dment ? A Yes. P/lxviii. 18. Thou haft afcended on High , thou halt led Captivity Captive ; Thou haft received Gifts for Men. Q. After what Manner did our lord afcend into Heaven f was it not bodily^ and vifibly f A. Yes. AEi. 1 9. While they beheld him, he was taken up , and a Cloud received him out of their Sight. Q. Was it alfo glorioufly and triumphantly ? A, Yes. Eph> iv. 8. When he afcended up on High, he led Captivity Captive, and gave Gifts unto Men. Q. What were the Ends of this miracnloHS ne Bnds Remove of Chrifi ? Was it not^ thereof, J ^ X, To ' Explained. lO^ g. To fulfill the Scripture r A YeS. Lkle xxiv. 25,16. O Fools, and flow of Heart to believe all that the Prophets have fpo- ken, Ought not Chrifl to have fuffered thefe things, and to have entred into his Glory ? 2,. To fend down the Gift of the Holy Ghoft ? A» Yes. 'John xvi. 7. If I go not away, the Comforter will not come \ but if I depart, 1 will fend him unto you. 3. And to prepare for us a hlejfed Place with himfelf in Heaven? A. Yes. JolmxiV.l, 1 go to prepare a Place for you. Q. What is the Exaltation of our Saviour now in Heaven ? J. He is fet on the Right Hand of the Throne of the Majefly in the Heavens. Htb. viii. I. , Q. What do you imderfland by the Right Hand T^'^ K'^'-" efGod? Hath God a Right Hand tn a f refer "Zf"^^' Senfe like Men ' A, No. For God is a Spirit. John'vf* 24. And a Spirit hath not Fkfh and Bones, (nor confcquently the Parts thereof ) as a Body hath. LPike xxiv. 39- Qj This Expre0on then (at the Right Hand . of God ) being taken figuratively^ not in a litC" ral or prcper Senfe^ do^s it not here (ignify^ 1, The Power of our Bleffed Saviour now in his State oj Exaltation? A. Yes- L^^f xxii. 69. Hereafter ihall the Son of Man fit on the Right Hand of the Power of God. 2. H%s Dignity? A. Yes. /f^^^.i. 3, 4. He fat dovvn on the Right Hand of the Ma- jefty on High. 3. H^s 1 34 The Chrifitan Faith 3. His Dominion ? A- Yes. v^(^Lii. 34^ 35. The Lord faid unto mv Lord , Sit thou on my Right Hand, until I make thy Foes thy Footftool. W^tchi^ Q: ^^At ddth Chrifi do now for hs at the ddih /^/ «i Eight Hand of God ? Do*s he intercede there for ****'*' us^ as onr Advocate and Mediator ^ yrefenting his Death and Sufferings , for our Acceptance With the Father f A. Yes. Heh. ix. 24. Chrill is cntred into Heaven itfelf, now to appear in the Prefence of God for us% Q. Have we any other Advocate or Mediator he fides Chrifi? A' No. For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and Men, the Man Chrift Jefus. i Tim. ii. 5 . Catechljl, Seeing then , that we have a ttV^*^ great High-Prieft, that is pafTed into the Heavens, jefus the Son of God, let us hold fall our ProfelTion *, not doubting but that he verily came from God, being we are alTured that he is gone to God- And feeing he is exalted to luch a glorious and happy State, let us endeavour fo to follow him in the Regeneration, that where he is, there we ■ may be alfo. For here indeed we have no abiding Place, but feek one to come. We are au but Sojourners and Pilgrims upon Earth, as all our Fathers were. And there- fore our Converfation or Citizenfhip Ihould be in Heaven •, from' whence alfo we look for the Lord Jefus- He being there at the Right Hand of God , we ought to be there with him Explained. t^S him in our AfTeSions and Meditations^ For where our trueTreafure is, ehere our Hearts Ihould be alfo. S^di. 7. Of the feventh Article: And therein concerning Chrifi^s Coming to judge the World. ** From thence he (ball come to judge the " Quick and the Dead. Catechifl. Our Lord Jefus Chrift, both God and Man, who in his Human Nature died for us Sinners, rofe again, and afcended into Heaven, where 'he alfo now is, in the higheft Dignity and Power, will continue there, till theTimcof thcReftitutionofalt things. And then he will come again ia Power and great Glory, to judge all the World. All that are then alive, being firft changed, and all that died before, being ran fed from the Dead, and brought to his juft Tribunal, muft give an Account to him ^ of their Thoughts, Words and Works. And then they who believed and were baptized fhall be faved ^ and they who believed not, (hall be damned. 1^36 £tieftions and Anfwers^ Q. Dcth Chrift fiill continut at the Right ^^^^ ^^^ Hdnd of God ? tinues ftiU A- Yes. The Heavens mufl: receive him, till theTimeoftheReftitution oFaUthings^ 106 The Chrijiiah Faith Will come ^ ■ ^^'^^ ^^ ^°^^ again from thence^ 1. e. from ftomtbencf. HeU^n ^ » ^. Yes. M.l II. The fame Jefus which IS taken up from you into Heaven, fhall fo come m like manner, as ye have feen him go into Heaven. Q. Js it certain he will come dgain ? j4. Yes. For he hath faid, furely, I come quickly. Q. Hath he told hs the Time when - j4. No. Mark xiii. 33. Take Heed, watch and pray \ for ye know not when the Time is. But in general, we are told that it will be at the laft Day. Johnyl 39. Q. Hath he given us any Signs or Warnings of his Coming ? si nsofhis ^' ^^^' ^^^ ^^ ^^^ Fig-Tree, when it put- rS«J. ''^ teth forth his Leaves, fhews that the Summer is nigh 5 fo when thofe Signs, which he hath told us, come to pafs, we may know that it is near, even at the Doors. Mat, xxiv. 33. Q; But to inft-ance in fome ? articular s ^ hath he not foretold us, that before his Coming, there will he ^ . I. Falfe Chrifts? I e. falfe Kinas^falfe Triefls, I;*' '^'^ md falfe Prophets / ^. Yes. For this Word (Chrifi) is comprehenfive of all thefe. And our Lard hath told us, that many fhall come in my Name, faying^ I am Chrilt, and fhall deceive many- ^^^' xxiv. s» ?. Wars Explained. *^7 2. Wars and great TroublA in the World and Church r J' Yes. And ye fliall hear of Wars and Rumours of Wars. ib> v> 6. a. ji (Treat Degeneracy and Corrnption of Mens Manners? A^ Yes. For as it was in the Days of l^oe and Lor, even fo fhall it be in the Day when the Son of Man is re- vealed. Lu,h xvii. ^6 - 30. 4. And Signs in Heaven f A, Yes. 1 tie Sun (hall be darkened, and the Moon (hall not give her Light, and the Stars jhall fall from Heaven, and the Powers of the Heavens (hall be ftiaken. Q. What will he the Manner ofChrift's Co- muamif ming again from Heaven f Will not this be done f^'' 1. Ftfibly and publickh t A> Yes. Rev. i- > Behold he comes /m the Clouds^ and every Eye (hall fee him- 2. With Power and Glory f A* Yes» Mat. xxiv. 30. He Ihall come in the Clouds of Heaven, with Power and great Glory* 3. With great Attendance f A* Yes. Mat. XXV. 3 1 . He (hall come in his Glory, and all the Holy Angels with him. Qi What is the Depgn or End of Chrifl's Co^ m Eh:^ ming again from Heaven? Is it to judge the '^''"^^ World ? A, Yes. For he is appointed to be the Judge of both the Quick and Dead. Aci.x.^^i^ Q, Whom mean you by the Qjticl f J. Them which (hall be alive , and re-* main at Chrilt's Coming, i Thff. iv. 1.5. ^ Whom me An yon by the Dead? A, Thcrrf 128 The Chrtftian Faith A. Them that 1)eing dead, (hall be rai fed to Life again. John v. 28. Q. /f not every Man judged when he deputy ts this frefent World ? J, . , A. Yes in part. When the Dufb fhall re- Judgment, tum to the Earth as it was, tlie Spirit fhall return unto God who gave it. Ecd. xii. 7. General Q. Will there he befides this^ a general andfi" JudgmenK ndjptdgment? A, Yes. For God hath appointed a Day, wherein he will judge the World in Righ- teoufnefs. Jcl, xwil 31. Q: f^ow do's it appear that there will he fuck a Judgment ? Is not this certain^ Thecerum. \* From Reufon? A. Yes- For fhall not the «b'*/^>- Judge of all the World do Right ? Gen- xviii. 25. 2. FromConfcience ? A. Yes. Rom. 11, 15. Their Confcience alfo bearing Wit- nefs, and their Thoughts in the mean while accufing or elfe excufing one ano- ther. 3. From Scripture ? A- Yes. Rom,x\^, 10. We ftiall all Itand before the Judgment SeatofChrift. Q. What are the things we mufi he judged for ^ m^i b7' A. They are the things that are done in' t^d&tdfor, the Body, whether they be good or bad. ^Cor^\, 10. Q. But more particpilarly ^ mufi webe/ndged rherjf uFor Explained. 1I9 1. t^or our irjward TLo lights? Jl, Yes. foVjiot.^jjff^ God will make manifeft the Counfels of the Heart, i Cor, iv. 5. a. For OHT Words <* j4, YeS. Mat, xii. 3^. ^ords, of every idle Word that Men fhall fpeak, they fhall give an A'ccount there- of at the Day of Judgment. 3 For our Worh ? j4. Yes. For God will tAifions, bring every Work into judgment. Eccl. xii. 4. Q; What will be the Sentence that Cbri/l will pafs upon the Wicked ^ A. He will fay unto them. Depart from I^II^l"'^'^' rile ye Curfcd, into cverlafting Fire, prepa- the mc\ed, red for the Devil and his Angels. Mat, XXV. 41. Q; What will he the Sentence that he will pafs npon the Righteous f A, He will fay unto them 5 ComeyeBlef- "^^ •^^foit*- fed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom pre- ^R-^i^tt. pared for you from the Foundation of the World. Mat, XXV. 31. Catechift* Let US remember then, and con- ^r?^'''*- lider in our Hearts, that as our Lord Jefus ''"''' Ghrill came once into the World to fave us, and hath left us a Law, for us to live and walk by, fo he will come again, and judge us by that Law. His firft Coming was with Humility and Meeknefs, his Second fhall be with Majefty and Terror, revealing himfelf from Heaven with his mighty Angels, in fla- ming Fire, taking Vengeance on them that know not God , and obey not his Gofpel. And fo terrible will he be in his Coming to judge the World, that the Heavens fliall pafs I away Ijb The Chrifiian Faith . away with a great Noife , and the Elements ftall melt with fervent Heat, the Earth alfo and the Works that arc therein, fhall be burnt up. Seeing then that all thefe things fhall be diflblved, what manner of Perfons ought we to be , in all holy Converfation and Godli- nefs ! Our Loins ihould be girt , and our Light burning, and we like thofe that look and wait for their Lord's Coming, that at that great Day, we may be found of him in Peace, without Spot and blamelefs. Se£t.8. Of the eighth Article^ concern- ing the Holy Ghoft , his Perfon and Offices. J* I believe in the Holy Ghofi:. • Catechifi. As we muft believe in God the Father, who made all the World, and in God the Son, who hath redemed all Men, fo we muft believe alfo in God the Holy Ghoft, who fanftifieth the Eled or Chofen People of God ^ L e. we muft: believe what the ho- ly Scripture tells us, concerning both the Ferfon and Works of the Holy Ghoft, fo as to truft to him, and to what he doth. Firft we muft believe of the Perfon of the Holy Ghoft, that he is truly God, the third Perfon in the Trinity , One in Eflence with the Father and the Son , and proceeding from them both. Secondly concerning the Works of the Ho- ly Ghoftj we muft believe in general, that it 18^ Explained. ij^ 13 his great Work and Office to be the Agent and Advocate of JefusChrif?: on Earthy to aft in his Stead, to plead his Caufe, and to co9i- municatc his Grace and Comforts to his Peo- ple. More particularly we mud believe, that under the Old Teflament, he revealed the Mind of God to Mofes and the Prophets, and caufed the fame to be written for our Learn- ing. And the Apoftles and Evangelifts un- der the New Teftament were inipired and enabled by the fame Holy Spirit , to preach and publifh the Doctrine of our Salvation, and to tellify the fame by uncontrolled Mi« racles ; fiich as are recorded to us in the Hi- ftory of their Afts. And when the Chri- Itian Faith or Doftrine was fully ell:abli(h*d by them, and they were no longer necefiary^ they then ceafed in the Church. But the ordinary and moft neceffary Work of the Holy Gholl, is the Work of Sanftification. And this he flill performeth for the Salvation of his People. He enlight- ens their Minds and Underftandings by his Word , opens , foftens , and renews their Hearts, makes them fpiritual and heavenly-^ quickens their Deadnefies , warms their Affeftions, and purifies them, fubdues their PalTions , helps their Infirmities, in Prayer particularly,enables them to refift and over- come Temptations , and to do their Duty thcarfuUy, and to perfevere unto the End, And therefore it is necefiary that we believe in the Holy Ghoft, and give up ourfelves to him, as our Guide , Sanctifier and Comfor- t^fr,' to work iq and for us, fhefe his great I a " and 155 71)e Chrifijan Faith and blefled Works : That as we were crea- ted by God the Father, and have been re- deemed by God the Son , fo we may be alfo fandified by God the Holy Ghoft, which is the great perfedtive End of our Creation aiwi Redemption; and by which alone it is that thefe can be Bleflings to us, or Advantages in the End. The 2iieJiions and Anfwevs. Q. Do^s it evidefitly appear from Scrifturc that there is a Holy Chofi ^ Tne Exi- A, Yes. For by Chrift's Command, we arc HorGhcT ^^ baptized in the Name of the Holy Ghofl, "•^ '^' as well as in the Name of the Father, and of the Son. Mat, xxviii. 19, Q. What mean y OH by tht Holy Ghofi ? Is he the Spirit of Cod ? Who, OT f nh^t he is. A, Ycs- J oh xxxiii. 4. The Spirit of God made me, and the Breath of the Almighty hath given me Life. Q. But more fartickUrly and difliftBly^ is he not the Spirit SA, Yes. Mat. X. 20. It is not ye that fpeak, but the Spirit of my Father that fpeaketh in you. r A. Yes. Gal iv. 6, God 2. 0/ 6*0^ /ib^ «^ hath Tent forth the Spirit Son t < of his Son into your Hearts. Q. 'Do''s he proceed in hit Shbjiftence from hth the Father and the Squ ^ A.Y^t^ Explained. 155 A Yes: S. Joh?i XV. 25. When the Cora- ^ |Ml forter is come, whom T will fend unto you ' ^^^ from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth which proceedeth from the Father, he fhail ^' teftify of me. Q. Js he properly a Verfon^ i. e. an intellecluat and individual Snh fiance ? A, Yes. For elfe he could not fanf^ify us»' as he is faid to do. ^om. xv. ^6. Nor could wc grieve or offend him, as we are required not to do. Eph. iv, 30. Q. Is he d Perfon that is difiinH: from both the Father and the Son ? A* Yes. For he proceedeth from the one, and is fent by the other. John xv. 16. Q. Is he a Divine Perfon^ having the fame Nature with the Father and the Son .<* A, Yes. For thefc three, arc one. i John V. 7. The Scripture faith of him, that he fearcheth all things, yea the deep things of God. I Cor, ii. lo. And he is exprefly called God.C/7. iii, 16. Q. Why is he called a Spirit ? Isthisfpoken of ^/hy caiui his Nature f a. spirit, A, No. For fo the Father is a Spirit, and the Son a Spirit. John iv. 24. Q: Or is it fpoken of his Perfon ? A. Yes. For his perfonal Property, or proper Manner of fubfifting, is to proceed or fpire forth, from both the Father and the Son •, and fo, in the Pfdms^ he is called the Breath of God. /yixxxiii.t^. 1 3 Q^Why 334, The Chrifiian 'Faith V '^ '^•^' note his Office ^ which is to fanBify hii Church and People f A, Yes. I Coy, vi. 11. But ye are wafhed, but ye are farK^ified ^ but ye are juftified in the Name of the Lord Jefus, and by the Spi- rit of our God. Q. To this End^^VL. the SanElifying of God*s Eleti J did he not work or operate in an extraor- dinary Manner in the Beginning of the Gofpel ? fJl^^'jK' A Yes. For he gave to the Church then, ^ firfl:, Apoftles, fecondly, Prophets, thirdly. Teachers ( or Evangelifts,) and endowed them with extraordinary, and miraculous Gifts and -Powers, for the Work of the Mi- niftry, for the Perfeding of the Saints , for the Edifying of the Body of Chrift. £p^.ivai i. Q. And did he not infpire the Minds of holy Men of oid^ to write the Holy Scriptures for our SanEiification i -/^. Yes. iT/w. iii. i5. All Scripture is given by Infpiration of God , and is profita- ble for Do&rine, for Reproof , for Corre- dion, for lnfl:rU(iion in Righteoufnefs. And 2 Pet, \. 2. Holy Men of God fpake as they were moved by the Holy Ghoft. Q. Thefe extraordinary Gifts and Offices of the Holy Ghop-^ being now not neceffary^ are not continued in the Church, But does he not ftill Qrdimrj, Continue his ordinary Operations^ whereby hefiill fanEiifies his Churchy and chofen ones ? A. Yes. For Chrift loved the Church,and gave himfelf for it, that he might fanftify and Explained. 135 •and clcanfe it by the Waihlng of Water by the Word. Eph. v. i$, 16. And Tifjis iii. 5. According to his Mercy he favcd us, by the Wafhing of Regeneration, and Renewing of the Holy Ghoft. Q. In this Worli of SanBification^ wrought by ^« ^h^t 'HolyGhof ' ' ' ' ^ur..u.r.^-_ Enlighten Vnderftandi the Holy Ghoft ^ does he not herein^ ^L^'^^^ r- f , ; C ^- Yes. He is the Spirit ':.^f '4^''^/ , Trtumph^nt 1 . IVho are the Church Triumphant ? A- They are all thofe that have finifhed their Warfare here , even the Spirits of juitMen, madeperfed^. Heb. xil 2^. 2. IVho are the Church Militant /* A, They are all thofe that are yet fighting . againft their Ghoflly Enemies. Q; The Militant Church on Earthy is either '{^'f^^'^'^ .^,, . . f., , ' Militant. vtfible^ 9r invtfible. either vifi. 1. Who ^re the Chnrch Invifihkr A, They ^IX^""'' are 1 40 The Chrijiian Faith are only thofe that are fincerc and true Believers ; they being, as fuch, not vifible to Human Eyes. 2.. Who are they that are called the Vifihle Church f A. They are all thofe that make Profeffion of the Chriftian Faith, in any credible Manner , whether in Tr«th or not : Such outward ProfefFors being vi- able to our Eyes. Q: This Vifihle Church ofChrift^ confifling of true and falfe Profeffors^ to what is it compared in Scripture ? A* It is compared to a Floor of Wheat and Chaffy ^^r.iii. 12. To a Field of Wheat and Tares- Mat, xiii. 25. And to a Net call into the Sea, wherein are all forts of Fiih, both good and bad. ver* 47. Q; If the Church thus c$rtfifis both of falfe and true Profejfors^ how then is it fiyled holy f Are my* all Chriflians fo 1 . In their Vocation f A. Yes. For God hath not called us unto Uncleannefs, but unto Holinefs. i Thef jv^ 7. 2. In their Profejfion and holy Covenant with Godi A- Yes. They arc an holy Na- tion. I Pet' ii. 9. 3. And are they holy ^ with a real and inherent Holinefs who are the genuine and true Mem' hers of Chrifi's Cat hob ck Church ? A' Yes. For Chrift loved the Church,and gave himfelf for it ^ that he might fan- dify and cleanfe it, with the Wafhing of Water by the Word, that he might prc- fent it to hirafelf a glorious Church, not having Explai ned. 14.1 having Spot or Wrinkle , or any fuch thing, but that it fhould be holy, and without Blemifh. £p^. v. 15, 16, 27. 4. jind are they holy^ by the Holinefs ofChrift-^ their Head f A- Yes. For of God he is made unto them, Wifdom and Righte- oufnefs, and SaiK^ification and Redem- • ption. I Cor. i. 30. Q. Is the Church ofChrifi^ Catholicity or Vtii* c^tholich, verfal in its Extent ^ A^ Yes. The ApofUes had Commandment to preach to all Nations. And in every Na- tion, he that feareth God, and worketh Righteournefs is accepted with him.^(^.x-35- Q: Will the Church contimit fo long as the va^etn^-. World endureth f A. Yes. i^^f.xvi. 18. The Gates of Hell ftall never prevail againft it. Q. What are the fpecial Privileges that fer^ . . > tain t0 the Chriftian Church ^ "nlll^^^ A. They are thefe four. i. The Com- munion of Saints. 2. The Forgivcnefs of Sins. 3. The Refurredion of the Body, 4. And the Life everlafting. Q,. What mean yoH by the frfl of thefe ^ the Communion of Saints / A. That common Union, which through the tm^ Jefus Chrift, they have with God, and with *»"/"°« "^ one another. ^"'"'^^ Q. Have the Saints Communion theff^ ^. , ^ , I. With God himfelf? Particularly with the thl^ti^^ Fat her y Son J and Holy G ho fl^ A.Yqs* iCer. Son, ani vi. 16. I willdweU in them, and walk ^'^^^^^^' with 143 with Un- ^els an.i Saints in Heaven, With me mnother on J^nrth, fnternal. dnd vthere- in. The Chrifiian Faith with them, and I will be their God , and they (hall be my People, i Cor.xm. 14. The Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrifl, and the Love of God, and the Communion of the Holy Ghofl, be with you all. 2. With the Holy A'ftgcls^ and Souls of Men in Heaven? A, Yes. Heb, xll 22,25. Ye arc come unto Mount Sion, and unto the City of the living God, the Heavenly Je- rufalem ) to an innumerable Company of Angels J and to the Spirits of j«ft Men made perfed. 3. With one mother^ whilfi they stre militant here en Earth? A- Yes. ijohni.y. If ye walk in the Light, ye have Fellowihip one with another. Q. Is not this CorJimunion both External and internal ? A, Yes. They have both inward Com- munion and Fellowihip amongft themfelvcs v and outward Communion alfo with all Pro- feflbrs of Chriflianity. Q. Wherein have they Internal Communion with one another ? Do they not enjoy thiSj I. In having the fame Divine Grace? A4 YeSo John I. \6. Of his ( i. e. Ghrift's Fulnefs) have all we reccived,and Grace for Grace. They are all animated by the fame Holy Spirit ^ and have all one Faith, one Hope, &c. f/j^. V. ■ 2; In Partaking of the fame mofi- bleffed Privi^ leges? A. Yes. For to them the true Ifraelites^ in a peculiar Manner, pertaineth the Adoption, and the Glory, and the Co- venants, and the Giving of the Law > and the Explained. 1 43 the Service of God, and the Promifes^ Fom. ix. 4* Q. Wherewj or in what refieHs ^ have they ^^^^^^^j^' External ComrnHnion alfo with all Troftjfors of Chrifliamty.^ ji* In all fucb good things, as thefe Pro* feflbrs enjoy, or do, vi^» in ail the outward Privileges, and outward Duties of Religion* They all agree in the fame Profeffion of Chriftianity, hear the fame Word , join in the fame Prayers, and partake of the fame Sacraments , tho* not in the fame Manner* Catechift. And now according to this Ar* tide, we fliould blefs Almight]|God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, for gathering to him* felf fach a Church and chofen People, who are all incorporated into one entire Body^ and are all holy in fome Meafure, though not in full Mcafure here, and will hereafter be perfedly fo in Heaven. And feeing that the true Saints, and found Members of his Chyrch , have Gommunioti with God himfelf, and alfo with oneanother^, let us labour to be fuch as arc Partakers ot this Blcfiednefs, eved found Believers, fm- cere and unfeigned Chriftians^fuch as are ho* ly and peaceful, both in their Hearts and Converfation. For without Holinefs we can* not poflibly enjoy God^ nor have Commu^ nion with one another, without Peacefolneff and Charity. Sedt. 10. Of th tenth Ankle, f! The Forgivenefs of Sins* 44- The Chriftian Faith Catechifl, The People or Church of God, though fandified in part here, are yet guilty of Sin, both Original and Adual. The for- mer they are born with, and bring into the World with them *, the latter they commit whilft they live therein. And by the Law of God, in the Stridnefs and Rigour of it, as it required a perfonal and perfed Obe- dience of us, they dcferve eternal Death, for both thefe forts of Sins. And then how fliould they efcape, or be acquitted from this Punifhment ? Would God deny himfelf, even his Holinefs and Juflicc \ or abrogate his own Law, that the Guilty might be free from Suffering ? No, God in his Nature is fo holy and juib, as that he cannot behold Sin, ordifraifs it with Impunity. And the Rightcoufnefs of his Law is an everlafting Righteoufnefs. As long as God is God, the fupreme Truth andGoodnefs, and Man is Man, an Intelledual and Free Agent, it can- not but be our Duty to believe, hope and confide in him *, and to love him fuperla- tively above all other 0*\)jeds, with all the Heart, with all the Soul, with all the Strength, and with all the Mind. And when by failing hereof, we had deferved eternal Punilhnient, how, and by what way, was it poflible we fhould efcape it ? In this Cafe, though the Law could not be abro- gated, yet the Rigour thereof was fo far re- laxed to us, as to admit of a Surety, or Spon- for on our behalf, and for want of our own Rightcoufnefs, to accept of his, as offer'd in-* ftcad thereof, for our Juftification. But where (hould fuch a Surety, with fuch a Right- Ejcplained. I45 Kighteo^fnefs be found ? If all the Angels of Heavcrf would have fatisfied God for us, they muft neceflarily have perifhed, and failed ia the Attempt. And that this fhould be efFe- ded by one of the Sacred Trinity, was utter-* ly unconceivable to any finite llnderftanding; it being impoflible that God fhould die or fufier. Yet this was made poflible, and ef- fectually brought to pafs , by the VVifdom and Love of God, in the Inearnatioa of his Son^ who being in one Perfon, both God and Man, he obeyed as Man, and as God he fatisfied by his Obedience for us. This Obedience of Chrift as it fulfilled the firft Covenant, fo it hath alfo merited and founded the Second for us; that who- foever believeth in him, iliould not perifli^ but have Everlafting Life. And by Reafon hereof, there is no Gondemnation to them that are in Chrift Jefus:^ but they are jufti- fied as righteous, both by the Law and Gof^ pel. They are juftified by the Law, through the Righteoufnefs of Jefus Chrift: Add fhey are juftified by'the Gofpel^ through their Faith in him. Juftification implies Accufa-* tion. And here are two diftind Charges or Accufations to be fuppofed •, the one that we are Sinncrs,fach as have broken the Law^ the other that we are Unbelievers , fuch as have reieded the Gofpel. Accordingly we muft plead diftindly , and anfwerably to thefe Indidments. To the firft we muft plead, not our Faith, but Chrift's Righteouf- nefs; it being this, not that, which muff: ju* ftify us by the Law ; To the other we muft plead our Faith, which fnuft juftify us by the K Got 146 The Chrifiian Faith Gofpel. And being juftified by thefe Means both by the Law and Gofpel, or freed a c fit- fa from the Crime ailedg'd againft us, fo as that it ceafetheither adually to oblige us to, or in the Eye of the Law, to make us worthy of Puniftiment, we Ihall confequently be free from it^ which is our Pardon or Forgive- nefs.And fo properly fpeaking thisForgive- ncfs of our Sins, is the Confequent and Ef- fed of our J unification. And here we muft obferve, that that Faith which juftifieth us, or is the Gofpel- Condition of Juftificatioa and Forgivenefs, is fuch, as is always accom- panyed with Repentance, and new Obe- dience. So that none have any Ground to hope for this Forgivenefs , but fuch as have in themfelves thefe Conditions thereof. And the Feeling thefe in us, is an infallible Evi- dence that our Sins are forgiven us. The Qiiefibns and Anfwers. What Sin Q; Js Sin the Breach of God^s Law ? A. Yes* I "^ohn iii. 4. Sin is the Tranf- grefiionoftheLaw. Q; Ate the People of God guilty of any Sin ? A. Yes. All are guilty thereof. We are all guilty before God. Rom. iii. 19. Q. Are they guilty ofSi??fd Natures ? CfinniU ^' ^^^' ^f' ^^' ^' ^^^^^^? ^ w^^ Ihapen in " ' Iniquity, and ia Sin did my Mother conceive me. Q. Are they guilty of aUnd Sins^ A. Yes^ Explained. 1 4. 7 yi. Yes. For there is not a Righteous Man ^^rf^^i^ that doth good, and fiiineth not. £a/.vii. 20. Q. IVhdt is the jiifi Reward or Pamjhmeftt ^^^^j^a^^ elue to' Sin .? 0/ Sin, ^. The Wages of Sin is Death, i.e, tem- poral and ete'rnal Mifery. Rom- vi. 23. Q; Do you believe then^ that the People of God themfehes do deferve for their Sins tofuf" fer Eternal Jl^ifery f A' Yes. For the Law faith ^ Curfed is every one that continueth .not in all things that are written in the Book of the Law, to do them. GaL'iiu lo. Qj And do they lie under this Curfe and Con^ demnation f A. No* There is no Condemnation to them that are in Ghrift Jefus. Rorn, viii. !• Q. T>oth God forgive them their Sim ^ A, Yes. For he faith, I will be merciful to their Unrighteoufnefs, and their Sins and Iniquities will I remember no more. H^h. viii. 12. Qj What do yon me»n by the Forgivenef of ^^^^\^^^^j-^ Sin f Is it vot a Difcharae from the Funijhmenr of sin , due unto it ^ '^ _ ^''^'''' A. Yes. Rom^ iv. 8. Blelled is the Mah to whom the Lord imputeth no Sin. Q, Do' J only God forgive Sins ? A- Yes. LukeY. 21. Who can forgive Sins but God alone? K 2 Q,Vfors 148 The Chrifiiari Faith Q_. Vpon whofe Jccoum^ or for whofe fah does ^^Lt'z God forgive them f Is it for Chrifs Sake f caufe. ^. Yes. Eph. i. 7. In whom we have Re- demption through his Blood, the Forgivenefs of Sins. Hoiv t*f Q. How^ and in what way^ are we pardoned ^Zugh^'"' ^^^^^l^ ^^'^'fi^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^diator betwixt God cbrill. and Man ? A. Yes. For there is one God, and one Mediator betwixt God and Men, the Mail Ghrift Jefus. i T/w. ii. 5^. Qj Is he fuch a Mediator as is alfo a Re^ deemer f j4. Yes. Fie gave himfelf a Ranfom for all. Ibid* V, 6, Q. Js he fuch a Redeemer as is alf§ a Priefh for US ? A, Yes. F5e is a Mediator for the Redemp- tion of TranfgrelTions. //f^.ix. 15. i*e. for the Expiation of them, by the Offering up himfelf to God as our Prieft. Q. Was he all this for Hs ds our Surety and Suhfiitme / A- Yes. Heh, vii. 11, Fie was made a Surety of a better Teftament. • ^Q. Did he as onr Snrety fulfill the Law for hs f A^ Yes. Mat. V. 1 5. I am not come to dc- ftroy the Law, but to fulfill it. And C/j.iii.i 5. Thus it becometh us, to fulfill all Righteouf- nefg. Q. Is the Right aonfnefs of Ghrift imputed to aU Believers ? A, Y^%» Explained. 14.9 \A. Yesi t Cor, \, 30. He of God is made 43nto us Wifdom and Righteoufnefs Q.. Are we juftified by his Right eoufmfs ac wUtjujlU cordinz to the Law ? fiethhythe A. Yes. Rom.^>\%' For ^s by the Offence of one. Judgment came upon all Men to Con- demnation •, eren fo by the Righteoufnefs of one, the free Gift came upon all Men, unto Juftification of Life. Q^ Are we jnflified by Faith according to th^ Go/pels' Q. Yes. For 'tis faid. Believe in the Lord ^^'^f h Jefus, and thou fhalt be faved. Aa, xvi. 3 1. '^'^'ff'^- Q. What is the true 'Nature of this Faith that jitflifieth us f Is it to be fo ferfuaded that Jefiu is the Chrifi, i. e. the great Prophet^ Priefi, and King of God'' i People ^as thankfully to accept of him and receive him as fnch ? A» Yes. John vi. 69. We believe and are ^^fjt^fti- fure, that thou art that Chrift, the Son of C;;V ?*'>/■' the living God. And Ch, i. 1 2. As many as received him, to them gave he Power to be- come the Sons of God, even to them that be- lieve on his Name. Q. Is this Faith operative^ and produBive of if it is ope- good Works ? r-znvf ani A, Yes. For Faith worketji by Love. GaU ^'"''^''^' v. 5. And James'\\, 17. Without Works Faith is dead. ' Q; Is Forgivenefs of Sins the Efe^ ofjuflifi^ cation f A, Yes. For being juftified by Faith, we have Peace with God^ through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Rom. v. i. K 3 Q. 150 The Chrijiian Faith Q. What Time doth God allow us for the Oh- 'foro[r'7or' ^^^^^^g of OUT Parcloft f Is it limited to this Life i eivcn.fs. ^ Yes. Eccl.h. 11. Whatfoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy Might -, for there is noWork , nor Device,nor Know- ledge, nor Wifdom in the Grave, whither thou gpeft. Uppiicl' Catechifi. And now how thankful fhpuld tm, we be to God for this ineftimable Privilege, the Remiflion of Sins 1 And how gladly fhould we comply with the Conditions and Terms thereof j it being the greatell Blef- fednefs that we are capable of. Pf xxxii. i. Blefled is he whofe Tranfgrefrion is forgi- yen, and whoCe Sin is covered. BlefTed is th€ Man to whom the Lord imputeth not Iniquity. With this our Saviour comforted the poor Palfy- Man, faying, Son, be of good Chear, thy Sins are forgiven thee. And this would alfo comfort us in whatfoever State we are. For they who receive the Forgive- nefs of their Sins, fhall have alfo an Inheri- tance among them that are fanflified : And fo arc happy in part at prefent in the lively Hope theVeof^ and will be perfeftly fo hereafter in the full Fruition of it. Seft. II. Ofthe Eleventh Article, " The Refurreftion of the Dead*. Cdtechift* The Salvation of God's People which is begun in this Life, will not be fully perfeded, untill the Day of Judgment. For even the Bodies of good Men mull return to their Explained. 151 their DUil again, and fuffcr, in fonie Degree, the general Funifhraent of Man's firll Tranf- greflion. But as it is appointed for all Men once to die, fo it is determin'd that they (hall all be rais'd again, never any more to return to their Dud:. The Number of God's Eled- being once completed, the World that now is fhall have its End or Period. Chrill will defcend from Heaven with the Voice of the • Arch-Angel, and with the Trump of God. And then all that are in their Graves, fhall hear his Voice, and come forth ; wherefo- ever they are, or howfoever they fhill be changed. The Sea (hall give up the Dead which were in it ^ and Death and Hell (liall deliver up the Dead which were in them. And then every Body fhall have its own pro- per Soul j and every Soul its own proper Body ^ being all the fame for Subltance, as before their Separation, though changed ia theirCondition ^ the Bodies of wickedMen to a State of Wo and Mifery, and the Bodies of good Men to a State of Happinefs and Glory* For of thofe the Scripture tells us,that tho' they are fown in Corruption, they (hall be raifed in Incorruption j tho' fown in Weak- ncfs, (hall be raifed in Power *, tho' fown in Difhonour, (hall be raifed in Glory; tho* fo7/n natural Bodies, they fhall be raifed fpi- ritual Bodies : .^nd they (hall (hine as the Sun for ever in the Kingdom of their Father. / T*he £ueJliom and Anfweru Qj Miifi good Men die , althm^h their Sins he Jgr ail/en them f K4 ^»Ycs: ! 5 ^ The Chriftian Faith A. Yc?.. It is appointed for all Men once to die. Heh. ix. 27. ' . pcaththe Q: ^i this temporal Death of JBo^y aTunlpi^ Tunip^ment men t for Mar^s Tranfgrejfion ? . li„, '"' A. Yes. 6'fw. iii.19. Duft thou art, and to Dull thou (halt return. Q: Is there Any Releafe from this Punipjtnent of Deaths pur Keieafe A- Ycs- J Cor, xv- ^6- Thc hft EncHiy from iu (hat fhall bedellroyed is Death. Q: 5W/ the f elf -fame Body be raifed to Life again f A- Yes. Joh xix. 25- Though after my Skin Worms deftroy this Body, yet in my Flelh fhall I fee God. .^; « r Qi I^ this Revivification xchat is meant in this The ^efur* - . » , reSfion Article ? ''''*'' ' A- Yes. Chrift faith, I am the Refurre- dCioxi and the Life. He that believeth oa me, though he were dead, yet fhall he live. 'fo^fUe, , Q. Do yen believe th^t this is pjfible ? A. Yes. For with God all things are pof- lible. Mat,yiiX' 26, Q. Js it probable from the Courfe of Nature f •^.^j, , , A, Yes. For we may fee therein , that things do revive by Dying, and are prelerv tf by Perilhing. i Cor. xv. 35. That which . thou fowelt, is not quickened, except it die. Q. And is it certain from the Word of God? t^mui. A, Yes. For Chrijl hath plainly tqld us, that Explained. 1 55" ttiat all that are in their Graves (hall hear his Voice, and come forth. ]olm v. 28, 29. And S. Pad faith, that if .there be no Refurrc- fition, then is Chrifl: not rifen. i Cor. xv. 1 3. Q; By whomfljall the Dead be raifednp ? The^utbor, ji. God (hall raife us up by Jefus Chrift. 2 Cor. iv. 14. Q. h there any appointed Time ^ when this Pmllbef A. Yes. For he hath appointed a Day, ^^ Tmu wherein he will judge the World in Righ- teoufnefs. AEl* xv^i- 31. Q: Is that Jlay \n9wn to mt A. No. Of that Day and Hour knoweth ^''^'''''"' no Man. Q. What doth the Scripture tell m oftheMm^ T)eMa,mi\ mr of the Refurretlion f "^ *'• A. S. Pafil tells us , t|iat the Lord fhall defcend from Heaven, with the Voice of the 'Arch- Angel, and with the Trump of God, land the Dead in Chrift fhall rife firft. i Thejl jv. 1 5. And the Living (hall be changed and made immortal.' i Cor.xv- 51. Q. Shall there be a vafi Difference betwixt the Righteous and the Wicked at the RefHrre* Bicn^ A, Yes. For fome (hall awake to everlaft- ing Life 5 and fome to Shame and ^verlafting Contempt. Van, xii. 2. Catechifi, Let us firmly and fledfaftly be- ^ppHc*- iieve this greav Article, t{iat there lha)l be *''^' cer- 15^ The Chrifiian Faith certainly a Refurrcdion of the Dead , and that every one of us,at the End of theWorld, (hall rife again with his own proper Body- A 'ad being thus perfuaded, let us admire and adore this great Grace of God, in refto- /ing Man to Life, and Immortality by Jefus Cbrifl. Let us adore the Congruity of the Divine Jiiftice, in rewarding or punilhing the Body and Soul together, that were joined together , in doing Good or Evil. And let us labour fo to live, in this prefent State on Earth, as that at laft we may be Partakers of a happy Refurredtion. .• Se6t. 10. Of the twelfth Artkh ,'' The Life everlafting. Catechifi. Although at the lad Day when Chrilb (hail judge the World, the Refurre- dion will be general, both of the Juft, and llniufl ^ yet vail ^ill be the Difference be- twixt thefe two forts of Perfons, in the Con- fequence thereof. For being all prefented before the Judgment- Seat of Chrift, and im- partially tryed by him for«their Lives and Adions, he will folemnly adjudge them all to their everlafting States and Flaces.accord- ing to their Works : The Righteous to a perfed Happinefs both of Body and Soul in Heaven ; and the Wicked on the contrary, '^ to a perfed Mifery in Hell. And then ac- cording to thefe Sentences, thus refpedtively belonging to them,the Wicked (hall go away into everlafting Punifhment, €ven to the Worm that never dieth, and the Fire that is not Explained. 155 HOt quenched : But the .Righteous fnto Life eternal, ^e. they fhall afcend with Chiifl; into his high and holy Place, even that Heavenly Jenifalem, the City of the living God, there with all the Company of Angels and Saint5 innumerable, to fee, admire, adore, and en- joy God, in the Perfedtion of joy and Hap- pinefs, and that for ever and ever.v All thefe Things contain'd and taught ia this Summary , are indeed no other, thaa what we find in the Holy Scriptures, with much more befides, and are jufcly accounted the Sum and Kernel of them. And being revealed to us by God himfelf from Heaven, confirm'd and attefted alfo-by many vifible Signs and Miracles, with the powerful Ef- feds thereof on thofe that thoroughly be- lieve the fame, their Converfion and Salva- tion, we muft inwardly aflent unto them with our Hearts before God, and confefs and • own them openly with our Mouths before Men, as his great and faving Truths, to his Praife and Glory. And in Token hereof, we fay Amen. This is fo. i The Qjiejiions and 'Anfwers. Q; Is there another Life hereafter^ of either Eewards or Punijlirncms ? KAmher J\. Yes. For we muft all appear before f^jf/^''' the Judgment Seat of Chrift, that every one may receive the things done in his Body, ac- cording to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. 2 Cor. v. i o. Q. Shall the Wicked he condemned in that ae» ntral Judgment ^ J. Yes. 1 5^ The Chrifiian Faith Thesuuof ^ ^' Yes. P/: i. ^, The Ungodly (hall no^ the Wicked, ftandin the Judgment. Q: What will be the Semence that Chrift will then pafs upon them ? ji' He will fay unto them, Depart from mc,yeCurfed,intoeverlafl:ing Fire, prepared for the Devil, and his AQgels. Q. Miifi they then depart from the Prefence of God for ever <* ji. Yes. They (hall be punifhed with ever- lafling Peftrudion, from the Prefence of God. z Thef i. 9. Q. Will hp difmifs them with any Ble(fmg ? A. No. Th? Word will be, Depart ye Curfed. Q. Bnt whither mnfl they depart f A^ The Wicked fhall be turned into Hell. ffalm\%. 17. Q. Is Hell a Place of Torment f A» Yes. There the Worm dieth not, and there the Fire is not quenched. Mar\ ix. 44. Q; T>oth the Sin of Men ^eferve all this Wrath and Piinijhment F A. Yes. For the Wages of Sin is Death. Ilor/3. iv. 21. Q. Doth the Right eonfnefs of good Men de-^ ferve eternal Life f A. No. But this is the Gift of God, tVoug^> J^fijs Chrift our Lord. tb. Q. Bq Explained. 1 57 Q; Do ydH believe thert, that after the Refiir- ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ k-eBion^ the Righteous Jhall live for ever iH a the Ri^h* TUce and State of Happwefs ? '^°«^- J, Yes. Chrift will fay unto them : Come ye Blelled Children of my Father, inherit the . Kingdotn prepared for you, from the Foun- dation of the World. A^at. xxv. 34. Q. Shall they then be put inte the Pojfejfion if that Kingdom i J. Yes. iThelf. iv. 17. They (hall be caught up to meet the Lord in the Air ^ fo that they (hall ever be with the Lord. Q.- What Happinefs pall they then enjoy f Shad they be perfeiilyfree from Evil f A> Yes. They Ihall reft from their La- bours. Rtv^ xiv. 1 3. Q. Bm more particularly \ Shall they for ever he there free 1. From all Sin f A, Yes. They (hall be as the Angels of Heaven. Mat. xxii. 30. 2. From all Sufferings f A. Yes. God (hall wipe away all Tears from their Eyes- Rev. xxi. 4. 3. From Mortality f A- Yes. There (hall be no more Death, ib. Q. thns the People of God jhall be freed from MlEviL But what felicitating good Things fhali they poffefs and enjoy in Heaven f Shall they have all Good there ? A. Yes, Rev/ih"). They (hall inherit all things- 158 The Chriflian Faith Qj But more particularly^,^!! they enj:y there ^ I A mofi bUjfed Place to abide and dwell in ? A. Yes. John xiv. 2. Saith Cbriil to his Difciples^ln my Father's Houfe are many Nations, I go to prepare a Place for you. • 2 The hie ffed Company ofChrifi^ Angds and Saints ? A. Yes. As we read, Hih. xii. 3 Godhimfelf? A^ Y^s. He will be their God, and they Ihall be his Sons. Rev, xxi. 7. Q. Shall vpe he fatisfied, and f/dly refi in the Enjoyment of God there .<* A, Yes. Vf. xvii. 1 5. I will behold thy Face in Righteoufnefs ^ 1 fhali be fatisfied when I awake with thy Likenefs. Q. Will this Hapfinefs he everlajting ? A, Yes. Pf.xvi. ii. In thy Prefence is Fulnefs of Joy, at thy Right Hand there are Pleafures for evermore. tAppiicx' Catechifl. You have here fet before you non. the final Ellates or Ends of all Mankind, everlafling Life, or everlafting Damnation. And one of thefe two muft be your Lot for ever. There is no middle State betwixt thefe two Extremes, as fome pretend there is* Rev. XX. 13. Whofoever was not found written in the Book of Life, was caft into the Lake of Fire. And as he who believeth, / and is baptized Ihall be faved, fo he that be- lieveth not, fliall be damned. This our-prefent Life is as the Seed-Time to Eternity *, and as we fow here, fo we ihall reap hereafter. He that foweth to the l^lefh, fhaU Explained. 1 59 fhall of the Flefh reap Corruption : But be that foweth to the Spirit, fhall of the^pirit reap Life everlafting. Everlafting Life or Happinefs is not only the Reward, but alfo the Fruit, and natural Effed of Holinefs; as eternal Death and Mifery is of reigning Sin and Wickednefs. If therefore you would be happy, you fee the Way and Means tHere- to. You muft cleanfe yourfekes from all Filthinefs both of Flelh and Spirit, perfeding Holinefs in the Fear of God. And having your Fruit unto Holinefs, you will have in the End everlafting Life. CHAP. II L Of Chrifiian Obedience. Q. ToH faid that your God' Fathers and God- Mothers did fromife for yott that yonjhoidd keep God'^s Commandments, Ted me how many there be? ji. Ten. Q; Which he they f A* The fame which God fpake in the ^oth Chapter of £a;(?^«^, faying, I am the Lord th/ God, which brought thee out of the Land of e^^jp?, out of the Houfe of Bondage. Catechifi, The third fpecial Part which . the Catechifm confifts of, is that which is contained in the Moral Law expounded, viz., aa laftrudioa in Obedience. God is the Supreme 1 60 The thrijiian Faith Supreme King, and Governor of all thd WoriJi to whom all things do bow and o- bey. And Man's Obedience to him is his Conformity to his Law. As the Nature of* Sin is the Tranfgreflion of God's Law, fo the Nature of Obedience is Conformity thereunto. And that it may be fuch, as Gocf will accept of, it muft be per fed and entire, according to this fhort Rule, viz. T the whole Law ? A, Yes. Tf. cxix. tf. Then fhall I not be afhamed , when I have Refped unto all thy Command-^ ments. 3. Toy the whole Lift ^ A, Yes. ^e^-ii. lo. Be thou faithful unto Death, and I will give thee a Crown of Life. V>e Kulc Q; ^^ the Law of God the Rule of our Ohe* thereof, dience ? A, Yes. Gat vi. i5. As many as walk ac-? cording to this Rule, Peace be on them, and on the ifrael of God. Qo\'sCom- Q. Are mt the Lam of God diftinguifhed muniments ititO tWO SoYtS ^ cf 2 Sorts, ^ ^^g^ Namely into the Pofitive, and Moral Laws. t.PoJithe. Q, What do you underfiand by the Tofttivi Laws of God ? Such as have no other Reafon than his mcer Good-Will and Pleafure f A. Yes. He doth not enjoin thefe, b^- caufe they are good ^ but they are therefore good, beeaufe he hath enjoined them. i»Mo'fd, Q; Are n9tthe Moral Lawsfueh as aregdod in their own Nature f A, Yes. The Commandment is holyjufl, and good. Rom*^\\,ii* Q. Is not the whole Adoral Law contained in ten Commandments ? A, Yes. The Law was given, by Adofes, "John i. 1 7. And Ea;. xxxiv.28. He wrote up- on the Tables the Words of the Covenants, the ten Commandments. Explained. 165 Q. Jre thefe Commandmertts in Force now fj,,f, ^.r- UtJder the New Teftament ? : ; ^ , ^\\ , .^ ptual. A. Yes. For Chrift faith lliat he came not to deftroy the Law aud the Prophets, but to fulfil, ^^f. V. 17- Q. Do thefe extend to all our ASiions \ both inward^ and outward ? A' Yes. For the Law of the Lord is per- rerf^s^. fe(a. if, xix. 7. Q: Are all the Duties of Religion compre* hended in thefe Commandments .? A. Yes. For in thefe are comprehended, both the Love of God and Man; And on , thefe depend all the Law and the Prophets. / yJ/^NXxii. 37,38, 39> 40- Q. What ar^ the Grounds and Reafonsfor our orouttdsof Qhedience to God's Commandments ? Are they ^ ^f **" not contained in the Vreface thereunto^ f^yi^gj I am the Lord thy Gody which brought thee out of the Land of z/£gyjty out of the Honfe of Bondage ? A' yes. For this teacheth us , that be- caufe God is the Lord, and our God, and Redeemer, therefore we are bound to keep his Commandments. Q: But more particularly and diftinBly^ Are tiot the Reafons of our Obedience^ 1 . The Sovereignty and Dominion of God over us ? A, Yes. For this he alledgeth, fay- ing, I am the Lord. 2. His Ifiterefi in ^, and Relation to usp^ A' Yes. For he faith, I am thy God. L 3 3'I^fs l66 The Chrifitan Faith 3. His Goodnefs to vs in our Redemption and Salvation? ^. Yes. For this is eminent- ly meant and typified, by what is here expreffed, the Deliverance of the /y?-^e. lites out of their Bondage in ^Egypt. And' being ranfomed with a Price, even the precious Blood of Chrift , Reafon it is that we fhould glorify our Redeemer, with our Bodies and Souls,which are his. Jiniici^ Catechlfi. Remember then that God is *''"• oar Lord, our Owner and Benefactor : That his Title to rule and govern us, is unque- ftionable and plenary ^ and that he only is able and fit for it. Labour therefore to bring your Souls and Bodies, into the moft abfoluteSubjedion ohim ^ and to make it your Delight and ifmefs to do his Will. For blefled are the People that are in fuch af Cafe, yea, blefl^d are the People who have the Lord for their God. SeiS. I. Of the fir ft Commandment*^ and therein of inward Worjhij^^ and the right Ob je&: of it. Catechift, The firfl; Commandment is the Fountain of all the refl:, and virtually con- tains them all. The Drift and Scope thereof, is to j(andify the Lord God in our Hearts, and to glorify and honour him, by all fuch Ads of inward Worfhip, as are fui- table to his Perfedions ^ efpecially by a ho- ly and fuperlative Love of him, y^hkh is the Sum Explained. 167 Slim of Chriflianity. For all thofe other Duties which are elfewhere required of us, are but Adts of the Love of God in various Inllaiices and Relations. And they natu- rally proceed from it, as from their Root or* Fountain. Here in this Commandment, fome thing that we muft not do, is exprelly forbidden : And fome thing that we muit do, is impli- citly required of us. I. It forbids us to have more than one God, as the Heathen Nations had ^ or to have any other than the God of Ifrael for our God. And hereby we are forbiddea that Inward andHeart-Idolatry of giving to any Creature that Faith^^jear and Love, or any other AfFedions thtic'arc due to God only. But on the other hand , 2. It is here required, that we choofe and acknowledge him to be God, and our God ; that we believe and truft in him , fear and reverence him ; and that we love him with all the Heart; with all the Soul, with all the Strength, and with all the Mind : That we offer up the Sacrifice of Prayer and Praife unto him ^ and that we prefent our whole felves. Soul, Body, and Spirit, to be a living Sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto him, whicfci is our reafonable Service. The ^leftions and Anfweru Q. What is the general Sin thaHs forbidden what is for- in this Commandment? bidden here. A^ In this Comraandment, which is the uin^em^ Sum of all the reft, we are in general for- ^^i* L 4 bid- 1.68 The Chnfiian faith bidden all Undutifulnefs towards God^efpe-' cially ia our inward Map. CL For the Explication of this general Jhem Ufb.it are the fpecial ,Sws^ that are cor/ipriz,ed arid forbid therein f A. They are i. Ignorance. 2. Atheifm, 3. Polytheifm, 4. Invocauon upon Saints or Angels. 5. Sorcery, 6. Prophanenefs, 7. Inward or Heart-Idolatry. Q. Here then ; are you forbidden in this Commani-^.ment , J. Ignorance of God f A. Yes. 5^er. iv. 22, iVly People is foolifh, they have not known me. 2. Athdifm-i in denying that there is a Cod t ^. Yes. P/xiv. I. The Fool hath laid in his Heart, there is no God. 3. Pol)theifm ^ in affirming many Gods? A. Yes» P/xliv. 20. It we have forgot- ten the Name of our God, or have lifted up our Hands to any ftrange God, (hall ^ not God find it out ? '4. Worfiipping of Saints or Angels f A. Ycs. Jf Ixiii. 16. Doubtlefs thou art our Fa- ther, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and JfraeL acknowledgeth ns not. And ii. 18. Let no Man beguile you of your Reward in a voluntary Humility and Worfliipping of Angels. 5. All Sorcery or Recourfe to evil Spirits? A, Yes. 2 ^". i. 3- Is it becaufe there is not a God in Ifrael^ that thou goeft to enquire of BeeliLtbub the God oiJE.hron^ (^.Trovhancncfsyin negUBin? or ccntemningGod? " • ■ • " ^.Yes. Explained. 169 A^ Yes. ?f. X. 4. The Wicked, through the Pride of his Countenance, will not feek after God. AndT/V. i. i<5. They profefs that they know God , but ia Works they deny him. 7. Inward or He art- Idolatry in giving to any Creature thofe Jffeclions that we ovpe to God? A' Yes. Ez.eh xiv. 4. Thefe Men have fct up their Idols in their Hearts. Q. Here^ who are they that are guilty ofthii Sin ? Are they not^ 1. All thofe that make their Appetites their Mafter^r A. Yes. They who do fo, their God is their Belly. ThiL iii. 19- 2. All thofe who love their Riches or Wealth inordinately^ A^ Yes. For Covetouf- nefs is Idolatry. CoL\\i,%^ 3. And they alfo who love any other Creature^ whether Husband^ Wife^ Friends^ or even their ownfelves^ more than God ? A' Yes» Mat.x.^i-,^"^' He that loveth Father, or Mother more than me, (faith Chrift) is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his Crofs and foUoweth after me, is notworthy of me. 4. And they alfo who trvft to any Creature ? ' A, Yes. Jer. xvii. 5, Curfed is every one who truiteth to Man. Q. What is the general Duty that is required wh^t is ,n this Commandment f TiT^nlt A' In general it is here required that we r^u glorify the true God, as God, and our God, with all the Capacitits and Powers that he hath given us. 1 70 The Chrifiian Faith Q. But more efpeciallyy are you not here re* 1 . To know the true God^his J^ature^ Will^ and j^ttributes ? A. Yes. 2 C'bron. xxviii. 9. And thou Solomon^ my Son, know thou the God of thy Fathers. 2. To acknowledge God? Deut. XXvL 17. Thou haft avouched the Lord, this Day to be thy God. 3. To glorify and worjlnp God ? A. Yes. Mat* iv. \o* Thou ihait worfhip the Lord thy God. AndPylxx. 2. Give unto the Lord the Glory due unto his Name. Q: But wherein^ or in what Acis muft we glorify and worjhip God F Mufi we not do this^ 1. In our Minds by a due Ef^imation of him f A> Yes. /yilxxi. 19. O God, who is like unto thee ? 2. In our Wills or Hearty by choofing and clea^ ving to him^ as our Soveraign and chiefefi Good? A. Yes. //:xxvi. 18. TheDefire of our Souls is to thy Name. 3. In our PraElice^ as the EffeB of the Mind and Will? A. Yes. Mtckwl^. Walk humbly with thy God. And Rom- xii. i. I befeech you, Brethren, by the Mercies of God, that ye prefent your Bodies, a living Sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reafonable Service. Thf Keafon Qj Does not God take fpecial Notice how we •f this com- ygp fi^^ Commandment ? A, Yes. For he looketh on the Heart, I Sam. xvi. 7. And fo it Is here required in the Exercife of inward Worlhip, before all other Duties, in the following Command-. meats. Cati- Explained. 171 Catechifi. Now if God be our God, let tis fhew it by our Behaviour. Let our in- ward AfFedions, and outward Deportment towards him, be fuch as is fuitable to his Hature and Perfeftions^ particularly let us adore him according to his Excellency; .confide and truft in him, according to his All-Sufficiency \ revere his Wifdom, fear his Power, rejoice in his Goodnefs, fnbmit to his Authority, in his Commands and Provi- dences, and live to him as our ultimate End. Sedt. a , Of the fecond Commandment ; * and therein of the right Means ^ and , Matter of God's Worjhip. " Thou (halt not make to tbyfelf any " graven Image, &c. Catechifi. This fecond Commandment, and all the reft which follow after, are but feverai Branches and Explications of the firft. For as the Scope and Sum of that, is the fupreme Love of God, fo the general Drift of there,is to aduate and (hew it forth, in things relating to him*, either more im- mediately as in this fii-ft Table, or more me- diately as ia the fecond. And the due Ob- fervation of God's inftitu ted and outward Worfhip, required in this Precept, is one fpecial Inftance and Effed of this Love. Here in this Commandment, I. You are forbidden all falfe external Worfhip^ particularly, and Synecdochical- ly, that principal Kind thereof, of worfhip- ping I?l The Chrifitan Faith piag God, in, or by any Reprefentationi Imaj^e or Likenefs of him : Who being irf his Nature iunnite and invifible, cannot be rcprefented by what is vifible and finite. And he hath laid, that he will not give his Fraife to Graven Images. jf/Ixlii. 8. We are jiot lamuch as to bow down ourfelves unto them, or fhew any outward Sign that we inwardly revere and worQiip them. 2. It is here required that we worfhip the true God according to his own Prefcription^ i, e. in fuch a Way, and in the Ufe of fuch Means, as he himfelf hath inftituted and ap- poiiited for his Worfhip ^ particularly his holy Word, Prayer, and Sacraments: That we come to thefe his Ordinances with fuit- able Preparation, attend upon him in them vnxh. inward Reverence and Devotion, and that our Bodies be engaged alfo in the out- ward Afts of his Worfhip \ as to bow our Jieads or Knees , or fall down before him. For as the Nature of Man confifts of Soul and Body, fo it is but meet that we fhould worfiiip him with both. And all this be- caufe he is our Sovereign Lord, and Owner^ and hath a holvjealoufy or Zeal for his own Worfliip i punifhing ldQlaters,and their Po- ilerity, as thofe that hate him, and fhewing Mercy to his true Worfhippers,as thofe that love him? to many Generations. The £iieftions and Anfwers. \r, 4? >s htri Q: What is the getjeral Sin th^t is forbiddfit yxib-Mtn^ fjj t^is Commandment f J, All fuch outward Worfhip as is not h^r^id. ^,3^^anted by the Word of God, with the pccdioiis and Means thereofc Q, Explained. ^75 (J. But to inftance in fome Tayticulari^ '-^^ jft^^ii^:^ ^9U not here forb:dden^ inr-, 1. Muter*id Idolatry^ in mahng any Jma^ (>f ^^^^ Idol to he worjhifped? A. Yes. Devt, ^umry.. xxvii. 1 5. Curfed is every one that ma- keth any graven Image. 2. Formal Idolatry, in worjhipptng or howifig J^*^^^ down to any Image fo made f A- Yes. Fbr ''•^' we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto Gold, or Silver, or Stone graven by Art, or Man's Device. Aci\ xvii. 28. 3. Religions invocation UpoH the Crtaturesf A' Yes. Rev.yiv^, 10. And I fell at his Feet to worfhip him \ and he faid iinto me, See thou do it not. 4. Superftition? A. Yes. Mat.ys.tc^. la vain do they worfliip m.e, teaching for Dodrines the Commandments of Man, 5. A Contetppt or NegleEt of God's Worfi)i^f A. Yes. Ezjeh xxii. 8. Thou haft d^- fpifed my holy Things* Q. What is the oeneral Duty which Gad re- J^^^i^ :;; . hulreth in this Commandment ? rfi/^'''' A. It is to worlhip God according to his own Prefcription. Q. But mor^ particularly , in this geHerd ^^4^-*w**- Duty, are you not required-, I. Solemnly to worjliip God ^ A, Yes. ^/TN ^^^^^ iv. 24. Thou (halt worlhip the Lord ' thy God. 1, To worfijip hlfn both with Sou! dfid B^dy f A. Yes. I Or.vi. 20. Glorify God iiC your Body^ and in, your Spiric w'hidi treGodV 1 74. The Chrifiian Faith 3. And to do this by his own appointed Means f A, Yes. Deut, xii. 32. Whatfoever I command, obferve to do it. .Thou (hah not add thereto, nor diminifh from it. Q. What are the ordinary Means of God'' s WoY^jip <* Are they not 1. The Reading and Searching the Holy Scrip* turesf A. Yes. John v, ^9. Search the Scriptures J for in them ye think yc have eternal Life: They are they which teflify of me. And aAsxv. 21. Mofes is read in the Synagogues every Sab- bath-Day. 2. The Preaching and Hearing of the Word ? A. Yes. iTtm.iv.i, Preach the Word ^ be inftant in Seafon, out of Seafon, re- prove, rebuke, exhort, with all Long- fufFering and Dodrine. Jfiv-s* Hear, and your Soul (hall live. 3. The Admimjirin(r^ and Receiving the Holy Sacraments f A. Yes. Chrifl command- ed his Difciples that they fhould go and teach all Nations, baptizing them. And of the Supper he faid, Do (receive j this, in remembrance of me. 4. Prayer J or Invocation upon God f A* Yes, Phil. iv. (5. Be careful for nothing, but by Prayer and Supplication withThankf- giving , let your Requefts be made known unto God. •Q: With whom mufi xoe pray f Mufl we not do this, I. Publickly in the Church- Affemblies f A Yes. Luke i.io. And the whole Mul- titude of People were praying. 2. Pri^ Explained. 1 75 2. Privately in Families ? A. YeS. Jer. X'. 25. Pour out thy Fury upon the Fami- lies that have not called on thy ISIame. 3. Secretly ly our [elves ? A. Yes. Aiat. vi.<:^. But then when thou prayeft, enter into thy Clofet, and when thou haft fhut the Door, pray to thy Father which is in fecret,and thy Father which is in fecret, fhall reward thee openly. Q. What are the Grounds or Reafons for our The Sanifi^ Keeping of this Commandment f Are they not^ ^« «/ *^' 1 . The Sovereignty and Dominion of God over vs? ^. Yes. For he is the Lord. Pf xcv. 5. O come, let us worfhip, and fall down, and kneel before the Lord our Maker. 2. His Interefi in vs^ and Relation to us ? A^ Yes. For he is our God. Pf xlv. 11. He is thy Lord, and worfhip thou him. 3. His holy Jealoufy^ or Zeal for his own Wor' Jhip ? A. Yes. Exod.%%yi\\. 14. Thou ihalt worfhip no other God, for the Lord whofe Kame is jealous, is a jealous God. Catechlfi. And now according to this oipfir^- ■ Commandment, let us fee that the Worfhip *'"*• which we offer up to God , be fuch as is agreeable to his holy Will and Kature, /. c. that it be a fpiritual, and withal a decent Worfhip. Our Hearts muft be firft look'd to, and then our Words and Bodies muft be look'd to alfo. For as evil Words and A- ftions dodifhonourGod, and the unfeemly diforderly Performance of his Service is in- jurious to his holy Ordinances \ fo our meet Words and Geftures do adorn it in the Eyes 1 7^ The Chrifiian Faith Eyes of Men, to the Glorifying of God, and the fidifying of ourfeJves, and others. Seft. 3 . Of the third Commandment. And therein concerning the right Manner ofGod^s IFor/hip. " Thou fhalt not take the Name of the *' Lord thy God in vain *, for the Lord will *^ not hold him guiltlefs that taketh his ^^ Name in vain. Catechift. As the Pirft Commandment fliews us whom we ought to worfhip, viz^o the only true God *, And the Second, that we ought to worihip him only in his owa Ordinances, when we celebrate his folemn Service i So the Third direds us alfo in the Manner of his holy Worfhip, when we oc- cafionally perform the fame , in our fecular or civil Calling : That we ufe not his holy Name, (efpecially in Swearing by Him) nor other his holy things, but in an awful and holy Manner. And the Term or Word (Name) as it is ufed in this Commandment, importeth thus much. For it not only fig- nifieth his ordinary or fpecial Names, as God, I Am, Jehovah, and the like: Bun alfo all thofe things that more immediately relate unto him, or make him known unto us: As his Titles, Attributes, Words, Or- dinances and Works. And fo the Meaning of the Precept is, that conlidering the Dif- ference betwixt thofe and common things, we fl)ould ufe them accordingly, with a fuit- abk kzpiatntd. 177 tdble Refped to God ^ and not in a vain or common Manner. Here then in this Commandment, 1. You are forbidden all irreverent, of prophane Mentioning of the Names, Titles, Attributes, Ordinances, Word and Works of God : All rafh and unlawful Vows ^ AU^ unnecefTaty and vain Swearing ^ All Blafphe-* my or evil Speaking coneerning God and Religion i all direful Imprecations of either ourfelves or others •-, and all Abufe of facred things to any vicious Ends or llfes, as in Ma- gical Divinations, Spells, Sorceries, and the like. But that which is chiefly meant and forbidden in this Commandment, is Perjury^ or Swearing falfly by the Name of God | when Men call him to witnefs that, which ^ they know or believe is falfe. 2. You are here required to think and fpeak reverently of God's Name and Attri- butes*, to ufe his holy Ordinances with a fuitable Refped and Reverence •, to be re- ligious and faithful to him in all our Vows and Promifes, and to glorify his holy Name by living fnitably to our ProfefTion. To enforce the Obfervation of this Divine Commandment , 'God doth threaten the TranfgrefTors of it , that he will not hold them guiltlefs-, z. e, he will furely punifli them for their Impiety and Prophancnefs- The £uefiiom and AnfwerK Q. Is it enough that iPe fetk God in his cwn fheMattnef_ Af fainted Ordinances <* wfn%! A, No. Ye ask, and receive not, becaufe yeaskamifs. Jo^ iv. 3- 178 The Chrifiian Faith Q: Hovo , or in what Manner mufi God hi 'fopight in his Ordinances i Muft we not do this^ I* In Truth and Vprightnefs ? A* Yes. Vf, li. K. Thou defireft Truth in the inward Parts. ±, With IPcar and Reverence f A, Yes. Vf.\\, 1 3. Serve the Lord with Fear, and re- joice with Trembling. 3. With Care and Diligence ^ A* Yes. Heh, xi. 6. God is the Rewarder of them that diligently feek him. Q- Art we taught in thii Commandment t9 tvorjhip God in this Manner f A, Yes. For, otherwife in worfliipping him, we fhould take his Name in vain. i^ti the Q. What do you underftand by the Name of w^mf of ^^j i^ fi^^ Commandment ^ Is it not to he taken largely for all and every things whereby he is pie a^ fed to make himfelf known unto tis ? A, Yes. For thereby God is known , as Men ate known by their Names. Q, Bnt Jhew me by what^ particularly^ God doth make himfelf known. Both he not do this^ J, By his fpecial Names^ as God^ Lord^ ^c. A' Yes. Beut* vi. 4. The Lord our God is one Lord. Exod, vi. 3. I appeared to Abraham by the Name of God Almighty^ but by the Name yehovah was I not known. %. ^ his Titles ? A. Yes. He is the Lord of Hofts ., The Holy one of Ifrael : As he h ftykd in the Old Teftament, And 2 Cor. i, |. He is called the Father of our Lord Explained. 179 Lord Jefus Chrift, the Father of Mercies^ and the God of all Comfort. • 3. By his Attributes ^ T roper tie s^ or Ferf eel ions ^ whereby he diftingmjheth him felf from his Creatures^ fuch as infinite Power^ Wifdom^ Holinefsy and the like / A. Yes. rf, cxlvii. Great is our Lord, and great is his Power : His Underftanding is infinite* 4. By his Ordinances ^ the Word^ Trayer^ and Sacraments^ A, Yes. /yrixxvii.13. Thy Way, O Lord, is in the Sandtuary. And Tf cxxxviii. 2. Thou haft magnified thy Word above all thy Name. 5. By his Works of Creation and Vrovidence^ JPfal, xix. I. The Heavens declare the Glory of God, and the Firmament ihew- eth his Handy- Work. P/ix- 19. The Lord is known by the Judgment which he executeth. Q: What is here forbidden with refpeB to all Y^^f ^^ ^1 r ^1 ' o ' "^'^^ forbid'^ thefe things? . ^,„/ A* In general we are here forbidden the ingenerau irreverent life thereof, either in Thought, Word, or Aftion. Q; Bht more farticdarly and difiinBly^ in fartiat^^ Firji-^ Tell me^ what is here- forbidden^ with re- '^^ ' ffeci to the Nantes^ Titles^ and Attributes of Cod f Are yon not here -prohibited-^ as Fro^ fhanations or Abnfes of them, I. To think flight ly, or irreverently of them? A. Yes. MaL i. 6. If I then be a Father, where is mine Honour ? If I be a Mailer, where is my Fear, faith the Lord of Hofts unto you that defpife my Name. Ml i^TV 1 86 The Cbrifiian Faith "1, To mention them in an irreverent and care^ lefs Manner^ as when People in their com- mon talk fay^ O God , O Lotd , God ' knows, the Lord knows, without any fe- rioHsXhoHght or Senfe of God in their Hearts ? A* Yes. Beut, xxviii. 58. Thou Ihalt fear this glorious and fearful Name, the Lord thy God. 3. To praife God for any evil EfeB or Wichd^ nefs*^ or to blefs the Author of it '^ as when Saul hlefs'*d the ZiphiitlS for difcovering David to him^ i Sam. xxiii. 21. A* Yes. For he is not a God that hath Pleafnre in Wickednefs. 4. To abufe his Name to any malicious Impre" cation f A. Ye?. Lev, xxW. if. The Jfraelitifh Woman s Son blafphemcd the Lord, and curfed- 5. Or to Charms r A. Ye?. -^^7. xiX.I3-t5. Then certain of the vagabound Jews, Exorcifts, took upon them to call over them which had evil Spirits, the Name of the Lord Jefm^ faying, We adjure you by 7f/^, whoiii Taul preacheth. 6. To hlafpheme^ or fpeak evil againfl God? A- Yes. Lev.xnCU' 16. He that blaf- phemeth the 'Name of the Lord , (hall furely be put to Death. 7. To frvear rafhly^ and unfjccejfarily in Con- verfation? A- Yes- John'ii. 12, Above all things, my Brethren, fwear not. 8. To fwear falfly? A. Yes. Mat. y. 33. Thou fhalt not forfwear thyfelf. Q. Is not this Sin ofT'erjury^ a Crime of the highefi NatHr€ f Explained. 1 8 1 ;>^. Yes. It invocates the God of Truth to • witnefstothe Lyes of Men, which is the highefl: Affront to his Divine and Holy Ma- jefty; (hewing as if he was fuch an one as themfelves. And they who are guilty of this audacious Sin, are reckoned among Par- ricides, and other Monfters in nature. I Tim. i. 9, 10. Q. Do the^ Judgments of God come on Nn- tions for this Sin f ^. Yes. By reafon of Swearing, the Land mourns. J^r. xxiii. lo. Q,. Jnd are not they highly criminal andgmU ty before God^ that any way draw or drive Men thereunto i A. Yes. Mat. xviii. 7. Wo unto the World , becaufc of Offences : For it mufc peeds be,that Offences come ; but wo to that |Vlan by whom the Offence cometh. Q. Thus the holy Nayne of God is often tahn in vain^ in relation to his fpecial Names ^ his Ti^ ties J and his Attributes. Jnd fo all the faid ^- ftances are forbidden in this Commandment. Secondly^ And as touching his holy Word and Ordinances^ are you not here forbidden I. Tofpeakjefiingly or /lightly of God's Word <* ^. Yes. 3^fr.xxiii.33, 3(^. And whea. his People or Prophet (hall ask thee, lay- ing, What is the Burden of the Lord? Thou fhalt f^y , What Burden ? 1 will even forfake you, faith the Lord, and the Burden of the Lord fhall ye mentiqn no more, for ye have perverted the Words of thq living God. M 3 2,re l8a The Chfifiian Faith ' 2' To mifapply itj or pervert it to VDrong Vfes ; AS when the Thr earnings againfi the Wicked are applied to the Righteous ^ or the Promifes tmto the Righteous are applied to the Wicked? A. Yes. Ez.eh iii. 22. With Lyes ye have made the Heart of the Righteous fad, whom I have not made fad , and ftreng- thened the Hands of the Wicked, that he fhould not return from his wicked Way, by promiling him Life. 3. And to worpip God in an irreverent and he ar tie fs Manner ? A. Yes. £z,ey^.xxxiii. 31. With their Mouth they fhevv much Love, but their Heart goeth after their Covetoufnefs. Q. Thirdly ^hy the Name ofGod^ is alfojtgni" fied his Works. And in this refpeEi^ are yon not here forbidden^ 1 . To difregard or forget the Works of God ? A- Yes. They regard not in their Minds the Works of the Lord, nor the Opera- tions of his Hands. 2. To ahnfe his Creatures to any Intemperance ^ and Wantonnefs' A. Yes. ^^w. xiii. 13. Let us walk honeflly as in the Day-time, not in Rioting and Drunkennefs, not in Chambering and Wantonnefs — 3. To ^^ unthankful for God^s Mercies in Trof" ferity? A. Yes. Hofxiiu6. They were filled , and their Hearts were exalted, therefore they have forgotten me. 4 . To be impatient and incorrigible in Adver- fity i A. Yes. yfr.v.3. Thou haft ftricken them^ but they have not grieved \ thou haft confumed them, but they have re- fufcd Explained. i8g fufed to receive Corrediion. They have made their Faces harder than a Rock ; th«y have refufed to return. Q; ^fid are you not here forbidden to dljho" mnr God^ by living contrary to yottr Profeffion ? j^. Yes. Rom.ih 23. Thou that makcft thy Boaft of the Law, through breaking the Law, difhonoureft thou God ? Q: Shall they who break this Comtnandmentl efiape God^s righteous Judgment / A. No. Beut. xxviii. 58, 59. If thou wile not obferve, to do all the Words of the Law, that thou mayft fear this glorious and fear- ful Name, the Lord thy God, then the Lord will make thy Plagues wonderful- Q. To come to the jijfirmative Part of this wUt is Commandment. What Duty doth this require ? ^'"''.^ /'"* ' -^ ■' quired , ji. It requires that wc fhould reverence the Name of God; or acknowledge and ho- nour him, in all thofe things, whereby he is pleafed to be made known unto us. In generttlf Q. But more particularly^ are you not hert inpanicu- required Ur ^ i»'To glorify and honour God in his Names ^ Titles^ and Attributes^ or to make mention of them in a reverent and holy Manner f A, Yes. Rev.y^Y, 3,4. Lord God Al- mighty, thou King of Saints, who (hall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy Name? 2. To ufe his Ordinances with a fuitable Re* ^ ffetl and Revtr^ms I A, Yes* £fcl' v. j. M 4 Keep 1 84 The Chriftian Faith Keep thy Foot when thou ^oeft into the Houfeof God,and be more ready to hear than to give the Sacrifice of Fools. 3. To AchowleJge God in his Wtrh^ and Tro^ vidence in the World ? A. Yes. y<9^-xxxvi. 24. Remember that thou magnify his Wori, which Men behold. 4. And mufi we honour him^ by liv'tvi fnitahly to our Frojeffion ? A- Yes. Mat, v. 1 5. Let your Light fo fhine before Men, that others feeing your good Works,may glo- rify your Father which is in Heaven. lion Upfiitx* Catechifl. And now what Shame ^hd Sor- row do's juftly belong unto lis, for' tlie Breach of this Commandment by ourfelvcs and others? The holy Name of God,which is cal- led upon by us, is difhonoured and polluted by us in our Lives and Converfations ; yei even in our folemn Meetings. When Men appear before God, and worfhip him in fuch a Manner, as if he loved not Righteoufnefs, and hated not Iniquity, or as if he were an Idol thatfeeth not what is offer'd him, what do they elfe but turn his Glory into Shame, and affront his Holy Majelly by fuch unwor- thy Sacrifices? But efpecially is his Name dif- honoured and taken in vain amongft us, not only by a Prevalency of hideous Oaths and Curfings, (and that ib publickly, and in the Face of the Sun, as if open Defiance had been proclaimed againft Heaven) but alfo by fo- lemn Perjuries, or falfe Oaths of very many ^I fay Hot of molt) Perfons in fome Cafes ^ as it is more than probable- Our Land is likie ^0 nayourn , and even npw already mourns ' fo|? Explained. . 185 for thcfe Tranfgrefllons of. this Command- ment: So that with deep Repentance and Humiliatioii for them, we (hould earneftly pray to God, as our Church directs us , fay* ing, Lord have Mercy upon us, and incline our Hearts to keep this Law. Se£t. 4. Of the fourth Commandment: And therein of the fpecial Time for God's Worjhip. C( " Remember that thou keep holy the Sab- bath- Pay — Catechifi. The Purpofe of God in thb fourth Commandment, is'tofpecify thefpe- cial Time of his own appointed Worjfhip, efpecially his publick Worlhip. And as this Commandment is the Clofe of the firlb Ta- ble, fo it fummarily contains in it the whole Worfhip of God, whilft it commands a cer- tain Day for all the Exercifcs thereof. . And becaufe of the great Importance of our obferving this Commandment, and our Eackwardnefs fo to do, it is prefaced and ulher'd in with this hortatory Word, A/r- mento'^ Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath- Day. And it is alfo obferved con- cerning this Commandment, that it is fenced and enforced with more large Expreflions, and more Reafons annexed to it, than any other of the Commandments; and that it is delivered, both Affirmatively, and Nega- tively. t, Affir- . The Chrifiian Faith I. Affirmatively we are here commanded, with thofe under our Charge, to fanclify and keep holy fuch Time to God, as h£ hath con- fecrated and fet apart for his own immediate Service ; exprefly one whole Day in feven^ to be a Sabbath to him: Which is partly ^ Pofitive, and partly a Moral Duty. That we fhould worlhip and fcrve God, In a publick and folemn Manner, and that a Time be ftated for it, is of Natural and Mo- 3ral Right. But the Quantity and precife Meafure of oilr Time for this Purpofe, whe- ther a whole Day, or only fome Parts of it \ or whether a fixth, a feventh, an eighth, or a isinth Day, is of pofitive Inftitution : And God hathhere determin'd it to be the feventh Day ^ that as in fix Days he made Heaven gnd Earth, and refted the feventh Day, fo according to his Example, having laboured fix Days, we fiiould then leave off, and reft on the next that follows them, whether it be juft the feventh from the Creation, or not: It being the certain Meafure, and Proportion of our Time, not the Order or Courfe of Days, that is prefcribed in this Command- ment. And yet it is certain, that in regard to this Proportion, the Sabbath Day at firit was the feventh from the World's Beginning, by the Courfe of Nature. For when in fix Days God created the whole World, and re-^ fted the feventh Day, this Proportion of the feventh Part muft be the following feventh Day. And fo on fucceflively. By which Rule^ the Ilraelites muft have obfervcd juft this feventh Day in order, till their t^gyp^- pan Slavery. But then, for the Space of 400 Years Explained. 187 Years together , they were every Day em- ployed in continual and hard Labour. So that during that Time, it was utterly abo- lifhed among them, and they feem'd to have almoft loft the very Remembrance of it. But when it pleafed Almighty God t6 put ati End to this their Slavery, and bring them forth out oi xVi. 4. The Lord faid unto Mo- F^iiofMM- y^j^ behold, I will rain Bread from Heaveii *** for you. f^er* 25. Six Days ye (hall gather it, but on the fevcnth Day, which is the Sabbath, in it there fhall be none. • 3. From Q: ^nd can you prove from Scripture^ that the' cbrijl's Re- Sabbath is now reckoned from the RefurreBion of ptrrt ion, ^^^ Saviour •, and that the frft Day of the IVeek^ being the feventh Day from thence^ is to be ob^ ferved by us^as the Day of our Chrifiian Sabbath? tAni the A, Yes. For We find it aduaHy fet apart fi'i^tHfe f^r religious Ends and Ufes. Afl. xx.7. Up- tsThyoIy on the firft Day of the Week, when the Dif- ^ourchri- ciplcs came together to break Bread, Pad to. preached unto them. And i Cor, xvi. 2. On the firft Day of the Week, let every one of you lay by him in Store, as God hath prof- pered him,that there be no Gatherings when I come. Q, But farther^ when the hundred andfeven- ty Difciples^ fpohn of Ad. i. 1 5. met together^ difhinUly from the Jervs^ this Day^ being the Day 0f Pentecefty did not God mofi eminently hUf$ and own them in fo 'doing ? A> Yes. For then the Holy Spirit was poured out upon them. A^. ii. i, Q,And Q_ And do's 77ot the pptlmij} feem to fpeak '^f this Day as ohy Sabbath^ when he fore f aw ^nd prof hefted of the RefHrre^ion of Chrifl ? A. Yes. Pf cxviii. 14. This is the Day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoicC and be glad in it. Q: And in the Nero Teftament^ is it not caU led the Lord's Day ? A. Yes. Rev. i. 10. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day. Q; And do's it not alfo follovo by vertHe of the fomth Cominandmenty that the Jewifh Sabbath being abrogated and done avoay^ the firfl^ Day of the Week mufl be our Sabbath- Da^ ofCourfe ^ A, Yes. For if ^ny other Day had been fixed upon, it muft necefTarily have inter- vened betwixt the fix Days of Labour, which is contrary to the Senfe and Meaning of the fourth Commandment. Q: All thisfliews that the Sabbath is now chan^ gedfrom the feventh to the firfl D^y, Bnt.what are the Grounds and Reafons of this Change ? Are they not thefe two <* viz. 1 . T^hat on this Day^ Chrifl finijhed onr Re^ demotion by his RefurreBion from the Dead^ and fo re fled from this his Work i A' Yes- For he rofe the third Day j and this for our Juftification. i Cor, xv. 4. And Rom. iv. 25. 2. That our Redemption is a greater Work^ and more to be remembred^ than that of the Crea* tion^. A, Yes. For it coft Chrift more to redeem us, than to make us. And bet- ter it had been that we had never been N cresi- ] 9^ The Chrijiian Faith created, than that being created, and fal- len from our firft Eftatc, we had not alfo been redeemed. Q. Bnt if the Sahhath he thus changed frovi thefeventh to the firfi Day^ is not this an Jrgit- mtnt again fi the Mord Nature of it ? A. No. For the Change is made, not in the Moral, but the Ceremonial Part of it \ Not in the Subftance of it, the Reftlng one Day in feven, but only in the Obfervation of fuch a certain Day particularly. ihe Mora- ^ ^^^ ^^^ Sabbath to be continued under the lity and Gofpcl Difpenfation ^ as a Moral -Duty^ and df IfthT'S f^^t^^^^^ Obligation ? I'ttb, A* Yes. For Chrift faid , pray that your Flight be not on the Sabbath-Day. Mat, xxiv. 40. Q: And for the fuller Confirmation ofitj let me hear if yon canprove^ 1 . That it was prefcribed to Adam, whilft yet in Faradife^ before any Ceremony of the Law was ? A. Cen. ii. 3. God blefled the fe- venth Day and fandified it. It came in with the firft, and muft go out with the laft Man. 2. That it was reckoned for one of the tinWords or Commandments of the Moral Law \ was written as the other were in two Tables of Stone J to fignify the Continuance and Perpe** tuity cfthis Commandment ; and that it Was alfo written immediately by the Hand of God F A. Deut. iv. 13. And he declared unto you his Covenant, which he commanded you to perform , even ten Command- mtnts^ Explained. If^ iTients, and he wrote them upon two Ta- bles of Stone. 3. That it was extended both to the Jews arid ■ Gentiles f , A» Exod. XX, 10. Not only the Jew tiimfelf was to keep this Gooi- mandment , but alfo the Stranger that was within his Gates. 4. That there is ft ill the fame Need of Sabbaths^ as there ever was f A. ETLeh xx. 12. I gave them my Sabbaths, thatthey might know that I am the Lord. Q. Seeing then the Sabbath isflill net e far y to he obferved by HS^piew me how ^ and in what Man^ ner yon mnft objerve and keep it^ y ji. In general we rauft keep it holy, and p»^^»»«^^^ be mindful of it. '"'^"'^''^ Q^ Bftt to defcend to fofne ffecial Duties \ Are Duties /^. They are I. Parents and Children. 1, Magiftrates and Subjeds. 3. Mafters and Servants. 4. Minifters and their People. 5. Husbands and Wives. 6. Such as excell others, in any good Gifts, or Age-, and fuch as are excelled by them. Q; The fir fi Sort of ?er forts that are related as Inequals^ are Parents and Children, And both thife have their pecHliar Duties, And firfi for the Duties of Children towards their Parents^ are not Children here required 1 . To fear and reverence them ? A, YeS. Lev, xix. 3. Ye fhall fear every Man his Mother, and his Father. 2. To obey them? A^ Yes. £/?^.vi. i. Chil- dren obey your Parents in the Lord. 3. To hearken to their Injirufl ion? A. Yes. Tf ci. 8. Hear the Inftrudion of thy Fa- ther , and forfake not the Law of thy Mother. 4. Tofuhmit to their 'Rebukes and CorreUions .«* A. Yes. Heb, xii- 9. The Fathers of our Flefh corrected us, and we gave them Reverence. 5. And to requite them , and to be a Comfort to them ^ A* Yes. 1 Tim, v. 4. Let tiieni fliew Piety at Home , and requite their Pa- Explfitned. aoi Parents* Rath iv. i ^. He (hall be unto thee a Reftoier of thy Life, and aNou- rifher of thy old Age. Q: In all thcfe Jnfiances^it is the Dnty ofChiU dren^ to honour their Parents ^ and now on the f^rlntsl ether hand^ what are the Duties of Parents to their Children ? Are not Parents here recjuired 1 . To he tender over them^ and careful of them in their Infancy? A, Yes. 7/1 xlix. 1 4. Can a Woman forget her fucking Child, that fhe fhould not have Gompaflion on the Son of her Womb ? 2. To bring them up in the Knowledge andFe^r of God) A. Yes. Ephefvl 4. And ye Fathers, provoke not your Children to Wrath,but bring them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord. 3. To cor r ell them and keep them in SahjeElion f A. Yes.. Pro-y. xix. 18. Chailen thy Spa while there is Hope, and let not thy Soul fpare for his Crying. Proi/. xxix. 15. The Rod and Reproof give Wifdom,but a Child left to himfelf, bringeth his Mo- ther to Shame. 4. To provide fqr them / A. Yes. l Tim,V' ■' 8. If any provide not for his own, and efpecially for thofe of his own Houfe, he has denied the Faith, and is worfe than an Infidel. 5. T(? pray for them f A, Yes. Joh i. 4. Job fent and fandified them •, rofe up early in the Morning, and offered Burnt-Offe- rings according to the Number of them. €^ To fet them a good Example ? A, Yes. Pf ci.2. I will walk in my Houfe with a per- fect Heart, Q; Whai 102 The arijiian Faith Q. What are the mutual Duties of Magi-r ftrates^andSnbjeils ? And fir fl^ what are thofe Moral Duties that SuhjeEls owe to their Civil Magiftratgs <* Are not Subjects here required^ Duties of I* To honour and reverence them \ A. Yes. Suh\,i^s, I Pff.ii.17. Pear God, honour the King. f I fear my God^ honour my lawful King, And meddle not with thofe that Changes hrin^ and for the Sake of that. And if thefe fhould interfere, or feem to crofs each other, and the Qiieftion Oiould be, which of thefe (hould be preferr'd, the latter mull be rejedted, and even abhorred in this Competition. We itiull not do Evil, whereby God is dilho* noured, that Good may come of it, to our- felves or others- To diftinguifh here be- twixt private and publick Good,and to plead that this latter can legitimate an unrighteous Fad, is but vain Philofophy, or rather Blaf- phemy itfelf. For it is in effed to fay, that though the one is not, yet the other is a grea- ter Good, and more regardablc than God's Honour. And that though he be Major fm^ galiiy more than fingle Members, yet Minor tmiverfu^ lefs than the whole Society. But there is no Difference betwixt the publick and private Good, in comparifon to God's Glory. /jCxl.17. All Nations before him are as nothing , and they are counted to him as iefs than Vanity and Nothings And if a Na- tion or any People (hould be reduced to this Streight, that either they mull fave them- felves by fome unrighteous Means, or perifh in their Integrity, they mufl chufe rather t6 honour God in their Ruin , than dilhonour him in their Safety. And yet it is moft cer- tain, that fuch Faithfulriefs to God would prove, in the End, to be their true and only Safeguard. Prov, xi. 6- The Righteoufnefs of the Upright (hall deliver them : ButTranf- grelFcrs fhall be taken in their own Naughti- nefs. And to this agreeth that Paradox of our Blefled Soviour, He that findethhis Life, Explained. ■ ..'^\ ^^5 Ihall lofe it ; and he that lofeth his Life fof my fake, fhall find it. Afat. x. 39- Q. The third Sort efPerfons related as afor*ie* faid^ i. e. as Superiors and Inferiours^ are Ma- fters and Servants. And fir fl tphat are the Da- ties of Servants towards their Mafier ^ Ae they not required 1. To honour their Maflers ? J, Yes. Mai. ^^l''jf i. 6' A Servant honoureth his Mailer. ! Tim. vi. 1 . Let as many Servants as are under the Yoke, count their own Ma- ilers worthy of all Honour. 2i To obey andferve thern ? A. Yes. £f^* vi. 5. Servants, be obedient to them that are your Mailers according to the Flefli. 3. To do it willingly^ and in Obedi-ence tmto ChriflP A. Yes. £/?!?. vi. 5, 7s Not with Eye-Service, as Men-pleafcrs, but as the Servants of Chrill, doing the Will of - God from the Heart, with good Will doing Service as to the Lord^and not to Men. 4. Tb Ipe faithful to them in things ccmmitted to their Trufl? A- Yes. Tit,\u 10. Not purloining, but (hewing all Fidelity. 5. And to bear -patiently their Rebukes ? ^. Yes. Tiff. ii. 9. Not anfw^ring again, i Pet. ii. 1 8. Servants, be fubjed to your Ma- ilers, with all Fear \ not only to the good and gentle, but alfo to the froward. Q: On the other hand^ Novo what 4re the D4- U'es ofAfaflers towards their Servants <* Are they iioi ne quired i*To feed them in Health ? A.Yqs, Prov.KXvn- ^"^'^^ 4. Yes. Lithe x^\6> He that heareth you, heareth me, and he that dc- fpifeth you defpifeth me. 3. To comrrtHtjicate to them of their Temporals^ A, Yes. GaL vi.5. Let him that is taught in the Word communicate to him that teachcth in all good things. 4. To fray for them f A» Yes. Rorii. XV. 3* Now I bcfeech you, Brethren, for the Lord Jefus Chrift's fake , and for the Love of the Spirit, that ye ftrive toge- ther with me in your Prayers to God for me. iTheJfv. 15. Brethren, pray for us. Catechift-. NoW Minifters, on the other rajiors t*i« hand, in Return for thofe Duties, are re- ^j- quired to be diligent and faithful in their Callings, to preach the Word, to be inftant in Seafon, and out of Seafon, to reprove, re- buke^ exhort, with all long Suffering and Dodrine : To watch over them with Care and Love, to pray for them, and to do thent all the Good they can both for their Souls and Bodies, as is better known unto thera^ than I am able to tell them. Q. The fifth Sort of Perjofts thM are related Duties if as aforefaid , are Unshands and Wives. And "''*"'^* fir ft for the Duties of Wives towards their Hnf- ipands^ are they not here required r . To love their Husbands ? A* YeS- They muft love their Husbands, love their Children. Tit. ii. 4. i. To re fpeEl and honour them f -^. YeS. £fh^ V.23. Let the Wife fee that flie revetencd ft€r Husband^ 3* TV ao8 The Chrijlkn Faith 3, To be [nhjeEt to them^ in things Uwful imeier Chrift f A. Yes. E^h. v. 22, 24. Wi- ves, fubmic yourfelves unto your Huf- bands, as unto the Lord. As the Church is fubjeft unto Chrift, fo let the Wives be to their ownHusbands,in every thing. 4. To he helpfnl to them ? A' Yes. Gen. ii. 8. And the Lord faid , it is not good for Men that he fhould be aloije, I will make him a Help meet for him- TOuues 0" Qj On the other hand^ what are the Duties of Husbands, Husbands towards their Wives^ are they not here required^ I . To love their Wives ? A. Yes. Eph. x* 25. Husbands, love yotir Wives. 2; To refpe^l and honour them ? A. YeS* I Vet. iii. 7. Giving Honour unto the Wife, as unto the weaker Veflel. 3. To rule them with Love and Gentlenefs ? A. Yes. Eph.v. 1^- For the Husband is the Head of the Wife, even as Chrift is the Head of the Church. Q. And is it not their mutual Duty^ 1 . To pray for one another i A. Yes. As Heirs together of the Grace of Life, that your grayers be not hindred. i Vet. iii.7. 2. To be mutually faithful to one another / A* Yes. Hof. iii. 3. Thou (lialt not be for another Man, fo will I alfo be for thee. 3. And to endeavour to promote the Salvation one of another ? y^. Yes. lOr.vii. 'i5. What knoweft thou, O Wife, whether thou Ihalt fave thy Husband ? Or, how knoweft thou, O Husband, whether thou Ihalt fave thy Wife ? Q,Lw/?- Exp. lained. 20^ (^ LAftly there are other Perfons who have jh^^^fy^^ FeUtion to one another^ as SHpefionrs^ and Infe^ inferiours rtQurs^ tn cither Ars^ Gifti^ or Graces. Should '^^^"^^^l not theft Inftrioiirs henour thefc that are above tert, them^ in any ofthefe l^efpe^s ? A. Yes. I Pet* V. 5. Likewife ye Younger fubmit yourfelves unto the Elder. And Rom. xiii. 7. Render therefore to all their Due, Tribute to whom Tribute is due, Cuftom to whom Cullom, Fear to whom Fear, Honour to whom Honour* Q* Afidjhohld not allfach Super tours in either A_ie , Gifts^ or Graces^ be courteous and help* fid to their rcfpeElive Inferiours ? A, Yes. I Tim. iv. t. Rebuke not an El- ^/^^^/>;^ der, but intreat him as a Father, and the {'olj^rJ""' younger Men as Brethren, i Pet, iv. 10. As their infe- every Man hath received the Gift, even fo '^°*"'^- minifter the fame, one to another, as good Stewards of the manifold Grace of God. Q. IVhat are the Duties of Equals towards f"''''//''*^ their Ee^tAls f Are they not required ^'*^ ^* 1 . To be benevolent .^ and Well affe^ed to one an-'' ether? A. Yes. Rom.yiix^iQ. Be kindly affedioned one to another, with bro- therly Love. 2. Aid to be humble and refpeBfd to one ano'^ ther? A. Yes, iPfr.v.5. Yea all of you be tubjed one to another , and be cloa* thcd with Humility. Q. What are the Sins forbidden inthis^Cont' Simfoibii^ mandment ? ^^^' ^ A- The Negled or Omiffion of thofc Da- ties that in our feveral Relations are here re- quired of us> and theVices contrary to them^ a I O The Chrifiian Faith Q. But more particularly or Jpecially^ Is it mi here forhidden^ 1 . For all Inferlours^ that are any way imder others^to witPj'hold from fuch Superionrs thut Refpe^ that is due imtb thern^ or to do injy ' thing that is contrary thereftnto? ji. Yes- For where Duties are commanded, the contrary Sins or Vices are forbidden. 2. For SuferiPitrs to behave t hem f elves rigidly to their reffeBive Inferieurs ? A. YeSa The Command of Superiours Duties, as arc aforefaid, doth imply a Prohibition of the contrary Sins and Vices. 3. For F(\uaU to he vexations to one another ? A. Yes. As pofitively they are required to be courteous, and to love as Brethren *, fo negatively, they are forbidden to be ' defirous of Vain-Glory ^ provoking one another, envying one another. GaU^. 26. ThcReafon Q. What Promt fe is here pro pofed to fnch as annexed to J^ggp fljis Commandment .? this Com- ' mcinimtm, A^ That it may be well with them, and that they may live long upon the Earth. Eph. vi. 3, Catechifii Render therefore to all their Dues, in their feveral Places , whether they be Equals, Superiours, or Inferiours. And as ye would that others ihouki do to you, if ye were in their Places, do ye even fo CO them. If this excellent Rule of Joftice were but well obferved by us, in Church, State, and Families, it might happily rcftore among us that Profperity, Peace and Con- cord, that our Breach of this Commandmenf: hath fo unhappily bereaved us of'^ Sea Explained. 3 1 1 Sed. 6. Ofthejixth Commandment. " Thou (halt do no Murder. Cuechifi. As the Life of Man on Earth is itiore than the things of Life , even Wife, Eftate,or Name *, fo this principal Concern^ his Life, is firft provided for in this ^ and then thofe AccelT^rics thereof, in the three following Commandments. Life is the Fou A dation of all our earthly Comforts. And it thefe are valuable, this is fo on their Ac- count. The Lofsof.this prefent Life here on Earth, is effedtuaHy the Lofs of all earth- ly Enjoyments. , But the Value and Worth of Life is chiefly in the life thereof, as it re- lates to another World. Our Eternity de- pends upon it. This fliort uncertain Life is the only Time we have, wherein to prepare ourfelves for the endlefs Life that follows it^ And as our Time is given us for this great important Work,fo every Man's Life fliould be preferved for this End, that he may finifh hisWork before his Courfe be finiihed : And this is the Will of God , and his Defign in this Commandment, Than (Imlt do no Murder^ i- e. Thou (halt not do any thing, either di- redly or indirei^ly, to the taking away thy own, or another's Life. And fo I. You are here forbidden not only thq direfl Murder of either yourfelves or others, but alfo all Degrees towards it, or Means conducing to it, fuch as Anger, Wrath, Ha- tred, Variance, Strife, Revenge , and what- focJVer is injurious cither to the Body or SoulofanyP«rfon. O % %.0n 9 1 1 The Chrifitah Faith 2. On the other hand, it is here required? of you , to endearouf the Prefervation oi your own and others Lives, by all fuch Mec*ns as are requifitc thereunto. You mufl be fo- ber, terliperate, meek, humble, peaceful, charitable, doing all the Good you can both to others and to yourfelves. The £ueJiions and Anfwers. Qi /f the Life of Man to he greatly accounted cf? A. Yes. For the Life is more than Meat,- and the Body than Raiment Mat. vi. 2$. Q. Is it the Scope of this Commandment to /ir* cure the Life of Man? A> Yes. That Men might not be like the Fifhes of the Sea (devouring one another.) Beh, i. 14. ilifhut u here Qi What is the general Sin that '^od ftrhid-^ forh'Men, ^gfjj ,'^ ffjis Commandment. tn e erai ^* ^^ ^^^^ forbids US not only the dircft' ''s^^^^'^ * Murder of either ourfelves or others, but al- fo whatfoever tendeth thereunto. Q. The Murder then that is fdr hidden us in this Commandment, is either Aclnal^ or Inter pre^- tative. And the ObjeBs thereof, or the Perfons fecured from it, are i . Ourfelves, 2. Our Neigh" boHr» And fir ft as this Commandment refpe^^ our ownfelves or FerfonSy doth it not here forbid as, in fteeiid, ^ ' -^^^ ^^^f' ^^^^^^y^r Violating our ovfn Lives? A, Yes. An:.xvl 28. S. Paul cried out with aloud Voice,fayins,Do thy felf no harm. 2, AH \. Explained. taij 2. MIntemperarjce in the Vfe of Meat and Drink? ^. Yes. Lttkexxls^- Take Heed to yourfelves, left your Hearts be overcharged with Surfeiting and Drun- kennefs, and fo thaj Day come upon you unawares. 3. jin inordinate and exceffive worldly Sorrow ? A. Yes. 2 Cor. vii. i o. The Sorrow of the World worketh Death. 4. Envy at another^ s Welfare? A. Yes- For a found Heart is the Life of the Flefh, but Envy is the Rottennefs to the Bones. Trov, xiv. 30. 5. Defperate Adventures f A, Yes. Mat, iv. 7. Thou (halt not tempt the Lord thy God. i. The NegleEl of what is neceffary to preferve Life^ as Food^ Phyjick^ moderate Exercife^ and the like f A. Yes. For not to pre- fefve Life, is interprctatively to de- ftroy it. Q. Secondly^ this Commandment hath ReffeEh to oHT pieighhoHrs Perfons ', And in this Refpef}^ Doth it not here forbid us 1. All Homicide y or violating another'* s Life ? '■ A* Yes. Gen.ix,iS. Who fo fheddeth Man's Blood, by Man (hall his Blood be (hed. 2. Can fiefs andrafh Anger .? A* Yes. Mati, V. 2 1 , Whofoevcr is angry with his Bro- ther without a Caufe, (hall be in Danger of the Judgment. 3. Hatred? A. Yes. i John lili^. Who- fo hateth his Brother, is a Murderer-, and ye know that no Murderer hath eternal Life. O 3 4. De- !3 1 ^ Tht Chrijiian Faith 4. D c [tire of Revenge ? A. Yes. Rom.\\\, 19. Dearly Beloved, avenee not yourfelves, but rather give Place yiUo Wrath •, for it is written , Vengeance is mine, i will repay it, faith the Lord.. 5. Trovohng Words} A» Yes. Prov.XV.l, A foft Anfwer turneth away Wrath, but grievous Words ftir up Strife. 6. Oppyejjlon of the Poor ^ and all Vnmerclful- vefs towards them f A' Yes. Exod* xxii- 21 , 21- Thou fljalt neither vex a Stran- ger,nor opprefs him : For ye were Stran- gers in the Land of Egypt. Ye (hall not affiift any Widow or Fatherlefs Child. 7. Fighting of D nets ? A- Yes. For thefe are wilful Attempts of Men to deftroy and murder one another : And are wor- thy of Death, by the Laws of God and Men. 3. Wars that are hegun^ arjd carried on with^ cut Neccffity ? A. Yes. Jam. iv. I • From whence come Wars and Fightings among you ? Come they not hence, even of your Lufts, that war in your Members ? Catechijl, When a righteous Peace hath been duly endeavoured for,and cannot other- wife be obtained, in this Cafe, War is necef- fary and lawful. * But unlawful Wars are * the greateft Caufe of the cruelefl Murders, * as Mr. ^^Arr^r writes. All that a Man kil- ' leth in an unlawful ar, he murdereth : ' And all that the Army killeth, he that fet- * teth them to work by Command or Coun- * fel, is guilty ofhimfelf. And therefore * how dreadful a thing is aa uorighteous "War? Explained. si 5 ^ War ? And how much have Men need to * look about them, and try every other law- * ful Way, and fuffer long, before they ven- * ture upon War ? It is the Skill and Gfory * of a Soldief, when he can kill more than ' other Men. He ftudieth it ^ he maketh it * the Matter of his great^ft Care and Valour, * and Endeavour : He goeth through very * great Difficulties to accomplifti it : This is * not like a fudden or involuntary Ad. ^ Thieves and Robbers kill fingle Perfons ^ * but Soldiers murder thoufands at a time : * And becaufe there is none at prefent to ' judge them for it, they wafh their Hands as ' if they were innocent , and ileep as quietly * as if the Avenger of Blood would never ' come. O what Devils are thofe Counfel- * lers and Incendiaries to Princes and States, ^ who ftir them up to unlawful Wars ! And how cruel are thofe Rulers to their own, and others Souls, who, when they may avoid them, will yet engage therein *, as if their Glory and Greatnefs were to kill and to de- ftroy. ' But, O what Man that careth for * his Soul, had not rather be tormented a ' thoufaod Years, than have the Blood- guil- * tinefs of a famous applauded j^kxander^ or ' C<&[ar^ or Tamerlane^ to anfwer for ! But to proceed to fome other Queftions. The £^efiio?is and Anfwers. Q. Is not Cruelty to dumb Beafts here forbid" den tr^ this Commandment /* A. Yes. For this naturally leads Men on to be cruel to one another. Vrov,x\h i o. A righ- O 4 teous 5 J 6 The Chrifiian Faith teous Man regards the Life of his Beafl, but the tender Mercies of the Wicked are cruel. Q. jind feeing that the Life of Man ichich ought to be freferved^ is not only torpor al^ or the Life of the Body^ hut alfo fpiritual^ or the Life of the SohI^ Is it not a Sin againfi this Command'* mem^ to he any way injurious to our own or other Souls ? A^ Yes. For the Soul of Man is more no- ble than the Body, and the Spiritual Life is more precious than the Corporal. \v%^t is Q. To come to the JJfrmative Fart of this mInLTf Commandment, What u the general Dnty that this requires of pt.s^ In general. ji. That wc cndcavour, by all lawful Means, to preferve our own Perfons, and the Perfon of our Neighbour. Q: Fir ft for our own Psrfons^ Are tve net here required fn fftcUl, I , Defence ef onrfelves^ where jnfily it may he made , again jl fuch as do ajfault us , and would take away our Lives, A, Yes. Luke xxii. 3d. He that hath no Sword, let him feU his Garment, and buy one. 2. The Nourifhing and Refrejhing of onr Bodies^ in a moderate and fob er Vfe of AUat^ Drink and Sleeps' A. Yes^ Eph.v* 29. For no Man ever yet bated his own Flefh, but nourifhcth it, and cheirifheth it. i Tim.v. 23. Drink no longer Water, but ufe a little Wine for thy Stomach fake , and thy often Infirmities. 3. Temperance in our Diet ? A, Yes. Frov* ~ XXV. i<5. Haft thou found Hony ? Eat fo fnuch as is fu^cient for thee. 4. Ex* Explained. i i J 4. Excrcife ind Labonr ? A. Yes. Eccl.V* 1 2. The Sleep of a labouring Man is fweet. 5. The Vfe of Phyfck for the Recovery of Health in Sicknefs / A. Yes. Mat ix. 1 1. They that arle whole need not a Phyfi- cian, but they that are fick. 6. Patience under Troubles ? A. Yes. J^w. V. 8. Be ye alfo patient, ftablifh your Hearts , for the Coming of the Lord drawcth nigh. 7. Chearfidnefs of Spirit f A- Yes. For a merry Heart doth good, like a Medicine*^ but a broken Spirit drieth the Bones. "^ 8. Mercy and Charity ? A. Yes. Col, \\\, 12. Put on therefore , as the Eled of God, Bowels of Mercy, Kindnefs 9. Meeknefs and Gemlenefs ? A, Yes. Tit, iii. 2. Shewing all Meeknefs towards all Men. I Pet. iii. 8, 9. Love as Brethren, be pitiful, be courteous \ not rendring Evil for Evil, nor Railing for Railing: But contrariwife Blefllng. Q. And are we not here reqmred to he charts table ta the Sonls ofMen^tfpeciaily our own Souls, and to do what we can^for the SAlvation of them ? A' Yes. PhiLM 12. Work out your own Salvation, with Fear and Trembling. CAtechiJ}, And now we fhould endeavour, -^f^AVi^ according to thefe Premifles, to have a due Regard and Charity for the Perfons of all Men, even their Souls, and their Bodies. Put on therefore, as the Eled of God, Holy and Beloved, Bowels of Mercy, Kindnefs, Hum- Wenefs of Mind, Long-fuffering, forbearing one Jwn,, TU Chriftian Faith one aiiother, and forgiving one another v n any Man have a Quarrel againfl: any, even as Chrift forgave you, fo alfo do ye. And above all things, put on Charity, which is the Bond of Perfednefsjand let the Peace of God Tule in your Hearts. Amen. Se(3:, 7, Of the feventh Command- ment : and therein of Chaflity, " Thou fiialt not commit Adultery. The Defigji'of this Commandment, is thq Prefervation of Chaftity, i.e. the Purity of Soul and Body, from the Pollution of flelhly Lufl?, whether in a married, or an unmar- ried State. And though only one Branch of the oppofite Sin or Vice , namely the Viola- tion of Conjugal or MarriageChaftity,be here iexprefly prohibited, yet in this one is figni- fied all the other Kinds thereof, by an ufual Synecdoche, And to begin with the Nega^ tive Part of this Commandment : 1. Negatively you are here forbidden, un- der this fpecial Name Adultery, all Manner bi" Unchaftity in Heart, Speech, and Beha- viour, together with all Incentives and Pro- vocations thereunto ^ as idlenefs, Intempe- rance, loofe and light Attire, wanton Con\- pany, and the like. 2. On the contrary, that which is here required is to preferve and maintain Chafti- ty in Heart, Speech and Behaviour. To which end, v»rc mull: be fober, and tempe- rate, diligent in our Bufinefs , watchful a- gainfl: Temptations, and ufe all fuch Means ^s are neceifary thereunto^ The Explained. 519 The Quejiiom and /Infwersl Q; What is the general Sin that Godforhid* ^hat is ^eth in thii Commandment .? 5''*" ^'''^"^'' den, A. It is Adultery, or all Unchaflity what- ingener^i. foever. Qj Bnt more par tjfHlarly ^ doth he not here ^"f^mVii- forbid -"^ '*'• 1 . AH unchafle Thoughts ^ Defires and Inclina- tions ? A. Yes. Af4^ V. 28. Wiiofoever looketh on a Woman to lull after her, hath committed Adultery with her al- .ready in his Heart. 2. AJl mchafie Speech f A, Yes. Eph. v. 4. Neither Filthinefs, nor foolifli' Talking, nor Jelling, which are not convenient. S* A/I mchafie Actions r A. Yes. Eph.^. 3. But Fornication and all llncleanenefs, let ' it not be once named among you. 4. Idlenefs and Clnttony^ lU they are Incite^ metjts to this Sin f A. Yes. For this was the Iniquity of Sodom, Pride, Fulnefs of Bread, and abundance of Idlenefs. Q: What is the general Ditty xthich God re^ ^^'^^at /..• -/<-- ^mreth in this Commandment ? ^. Yes. I Pet. Hi. 2. While they behold your chaflc Conver- fation, coupled with Fear. Ue*ixj to Q. And aye we not here rec^uired^ as Mean^ &S- to this Moral Buty^ mPA. \^ yigiia^ncie ^ or IFatchftdnefs over the Eyes^ and other Senfes ? A- Yes. ^t?^ xxxi. 1. I made a Covenant with mine Eyes, why then (hould I thinic upon a Maid ? %^ Temferance and Sobriety ? A. Yes. Eom. xiii.i 3. Not ir\ RiotiQg and Drunkeqnefs, not in Chambering and Wantonnefs- jj. Diligence in our lawful Calling ? At- YpS. i^ol Qothful in BuCaefs. Rom, xii. 11. 4, Madejfy in cur Apparel ? A- Yes. Wo- men muft adorn thcmfclvcs in mod^ft Apparel, with Shamefacednefs and So- briety. I Ttm- ii. 9. 5. Marriage by thofe that have not the Gift of Continency? A- Yes. I Cor. vii. 3. Ne- ver thelefs to avoid Fornication, let eve- ry Man have his own Wife, and every Wom^n have her own Husband. ^. Trayer ? A- Yes. i Cor. xii. 8. For thjs thing \ befought the Lord thrice that it might depart from me- Catechifi, And now let ps endeavour in the life of thefe Means and Helps, to cleanfc ourfelves from all Filthinefs both of Flefli and Spirit-, remembring thofe Words of S.PWto ak^'Theffalonians : This IS the Will of God, e- ven yourSan(fiification,that every one of you fnould know how to poflefs his Veflel in San- tiification 'and Honour •, not in the Luft of Expl I iu atne ConcUpifcence, even as the Gentiles which know not God. And let us earnfeftly pray to God, that he would Jnoft mercifully forgiV^^ us all the Breaches of this Precept, and molt gracioully preferve us from this Sin, and in- cline our Hearts to keep t^is Law, through Jefus Chrift: our Ldrd* Amen* Sed. 8. Ofihe eighth Omtnandmen^ and therein concerning Jtiftiee. Catechifi. To krtdw vVhat theft is^ Which is forbidden in this Commandment; and jtt- ftice, which is here required, you muft kn5# what Propriety is. It is that juft and la#« fui Power, or bottiiclion of a things Vvherc« by the Subjed thereof, or Perfon in whonl h is, may pofTefs it, ufe it, and difpofe of it^ as his own. This Dominion or Propriety, is either abfolute, or limited, God whbnlada the WorM, and all that therein is, hath da abfolutc Propriety or Dominion of all the Creatures.. The Earth is the Lord's, and the Fulnefs thereof; the World, and they that dwell therein: But the Earth hath he given unto^he Children of Men : And fo they under him, by his Donation, Gift, or Grants have a limited Propriety and Right of all fuch worldly Goods, as amougft themfelves they either juftly acquire, inherit, or hav^ given them* And 'tis the Scope of this Com- mandment, that no one fliould deprive and^ ther of fuch his >aft Rights and Properties. 5 3S The Chnfilan Faith 1. You ate here forbidden wbatfoevcr is injurious to your Neighbour's Eftate, or Wealth j that you by no means hinder, di- minifh, or abufe the fame, either by Force,or Fraud, or any way, contrary to either Juftice or Charity. 2. You are required to render to all theit Due, or whatfoever belongs to them, either by Juftice or Charity *, to live in fome law- ful Calling, with Diligence and Fnduftry, to be provident, and frugal in your way of H* ving ; to give Alms to the Poor, and as you have Opportunity, to do good to all Men, and to further their Eftate and Welfare, as you would your own. The Queliions and Anfwers. Q. Is God the ahfolme Owner and Proprietor of ail things ? A* Yes. For the Earth is the Lord's, and the Fulnefs thereof ^ the World, and they that dwell therein. Ff* xxiv. i. Q. Have Men^ under God , a Propriety of earthly things f A. Yes. The Earth hatU he jiven unta the Children of Men. Q.A»d is it not the Will ofGodyutnd hisDeJign in this Commandment^ that Men ^ odd peaceably enjoy their fever d Rights nnd Proprieties ? - A' Yes. For this is the plain Meaning and Scope that it aims at. V'rffJbd' ^ ^^^^ '^ ^^^ general Sin that Go4 forhid^_ jrejw I' ^^^^ ^^ ^^.^ Comwmdmm i ^.Theft^ Ex^l \amd. ^^1 A, .Theft, as it is taken largely, fot all the Kinds and Degrees thereof. rngthetiit^ Q. But more fariicularly , doth he not heYt forbid 1 . j41l privy Stelth^ cr Thefr^ properly fo caU led f A. Yes. Eph. iv. 28* Let him that Hole, fleal no more. 2. Robbery ? A. Yes. Lev. xix* i J,, Thbti fhalt not defraud thy Neighbour^ neU ther rob him. 3. Extortion^ or unjufl Gain ? A. Yes. Tfoih xxviii. 8. He that by Ufury and unjud Gain, increafcth his Subftance, he fhall gather it for him, that will pity the Poor. I Cor. v. 1 1. 4. Detention of mother"* s Right ? A, YeSi Pf xxxvii. II. The WicKed borrowethj and payeth not again. Jam, v. 4. Be^ hold, the Hire of the Labourers, which is by you kept back by Fraud, crieth^ ^^..Sacriieae ? A, Yqs- Rom. ll 11. ThOU that abhorrelt Idols, dolt thou commie Sacnilege ? 6. Fdfe Weights and Meafures ? A. Ye§i Frov. XX. to. Diverfe Weights, and di- verfe Meafures, both of them are alik^ Abomination to the Lord. 7. Subtile and deceitful Dealings y by fair and falfe Pretences ? A. Yes. Prov. XX. 14* It is naught, it is naught, faith the Buy- er^ but when he^oeth home, he prai- feth it. And Prov.HLxix. 5. A Man that flattereth liis Neighbour, fpreadeth t Ket for his Feet. - ^ ^.'Offreffmf A> Yeis. ?##:/.' 'j^ii I S. Hf 534 '^^^ Chrifiian Faith that opprefleth the Poor, to increafe his Riches, (hall furcly come to want. 9. Vncharitablenefsy in not relieving the Poorf ^.Yes. Whofohath this World's Good?, and feeth his Brother in want, and fhut- teth up his Bowels of CompafTion againft his Brother, how dwclleth the Love of God in him ? i John ii. 17. 1 0. Slothfulnefs^wherehy a Man robs himfelff A. Yes. For he that is flothful in his Work, is Brother to him that is a great Wafter. Proi/. xv. ip* 1 1 . Companylng with idle Ferfons ? A. Yes. For he that^lloweth after vain Perfons, (hall have Poverty enough. 1 2. Prodigal and luxurious Living f A. Yes. For the Drunkard, and Glutton, fhall come to Poverty. Prov. xxiii. 21. 13. Niggardlinefs^ whereby a Man robs him' [elf of the Comfort of what he hath ? A^ Yes. £cr/. vi. 2. If a Man hath not Pow- er to eat of it, it is Vanity and an evil Difeafe. 14. Covet oufnefs^ or the inordinah Care of Riches ? A* Yes. For the Love of Mo- ney is the Root of all Evil, i Tim, vi. i o. whxt is ^* What is the general Duty that is required here requi- in this Commandment f ^ingeneTMi, A. Honefty in all our Dealings ; or to do by all others as wc would be done by. Q. More particularly , are you not here re* ijuired fnparticu' I, To have fomt honejh Calling? A. Yes. ^- I Cor. vii, ^o. Let every Man abide in. Explained. 2^5 the fame Calling , wherein he is called of God. i. To he diligent and induftrious in it ? A* Yes. Vrov^ xxvii. 23. Be thou diligenc to know the State of thy Flocks. 3. To deal truly and honeftly therein? A. Yes. Pf. XV. r, 2. Lord, who (hall dwell in thy Tabernacle? Who fhall reft in thy holy Hill ? He that walketh up- rightly, and worketh Righteoufnefs. 4. To he alfo frugal and provident in the fame? A' Yes. John VI. 12. Gather up the Fragments that remain, that nothing be loft. 5. To avoid all unnecejfary Law-Suits f A. Yes. I Cor. vi. I— 9. Dare any of you, having a Matter againft another, go to Law, before the Unjuft, and not before the Saints? Andfoon. 6. To pay our Dehtsi A. Yes. Owe no Man any thing. 'J, To reflore what we haiie wrongfully with' he Id from others^' A. Yes. Lttkexlx. 8. Zac^ hem ftood up, and faid. If 1 have wron- ged any Man, I reftore him fourfold. 8. To relieve the Poorj according to our Ahi" lities f v4. Yes. Xet'. XXV. 35. If thy Brother be waxen poor, and fallen into Decay with thee, then thou ihalt relieve him. 9. To promote the Welfare^ and good Eflate of all Men ^ A. Yes. 6"^/. vi. 10. As we have therefore Opportunity, let us do good unto ^11 Men, efpecially un- to them who are of the Houfhold of Faith P I o. And 126 The Chrifiian Faith lO. ^itd mufl we he contented with our Eft ate and Condition r* A. Y.es. i Tinj. vi. 8. Having Food and Raiment , let us be therewith content. 'jip^iicx' Catechifl. Let your Converfation there- »wn. fore be without Covetoufnefs; and be con- tent with fuch things as ye have. For the Love of Money is the Root of all thofe Sins, that are committed againft the Welfare,and outward Eftate of Men. Cure but Cove- toufnefs, and the Love of wordly things, and then Theft, and all Injuftice will be killed in the Root. Therefore let us not love theWorld,nor the things of theWorid : Both the Scripture and Experience tell us, that they are all but Vanity. And we fiiould value them accordingly. Se£l:. 9. Of the ninth Commandment. And therein of Veracity. " Thou (halt, not bear falfe Witnefs " againft thy Neighbour. Catechift. As the Safety of Mens Honour, Life, Chaftity and Eftate, are gracioufly provided for, in the four foregoing Pre- cepts^ fo this is to fecure their Reputation and good Name. For I. In general ye are here forbidden to be any way injurious to the good Name of your Neighbour ^ efpecially when ye are called to give your Evidence before the Magi- ftrates. And here evil and falfe Surmizings, Explained. io^ ?.nd unreafonable Sufpicions : Unadvifed ra/hCenfuring and Condemning of others i ai] Lying and Slandering, Reviling and evil Sneaking, as alfo all Liftening to malicious and idle Tale-bearers, and other Sins of this nature, are in Equity to beunderftood, in this general Prohibition. » No one muft wrong another, by any of thefe Ways and Means § or difcredit him in the Eyes of Men, either falfly, or unnecef- farily. But the better, and more honourable any Perfon is, the more criminal it is to calum- niate and reproach him falfly •, efpccially if he be one, whofe Place and Relation to us doth entitle him to our Honour. Ye^ it wou'd be a Sin, to be even iilent at fuch Reproaches , and not vindicate him from them, when it is in our Power. For in the Senfe of God's Law, not to do what is rightg is todo what is evil And as all thefe things are fofbiddsn ia this Commandment, fo on the other hand^ , 2* Ye are enjoined to love and fpeak the Truth ; efpecially when you are cited to b€ a Witnefs in Courts of Judicature 5 and in your private Converfation, ye mull be willing to hear, judge and fpeak the belt of him^ difliking and difcouraging idle Tale-bearing, and Slandering^ and as ye have Opportunity^ ye muft vindicate and defend his Innocency , whenever you hear it injured, or afpers'd unjuftly ; efpecially:> if he be one, whom ye are otherwifs bound to honour, by any fpiritual, natural, or po- litical Relation to you : As your fpiritual P 2; ' Paftor^ aa8 . The Chrlftlan Faith Paftor, your natural Father, or your law- ful Prince ^ efpecially fuch an one, as God hath gifted and honoured in any diftinguifli- ing Manner ^ though worldly Men fhould never fo much di (honour him. For we muft not follow a multitude to do Evil ^ but niuffc follow after Charity. And Charity rejoi- ceth not in Iniquity, but rejoiceth in the Truth. The Queftions and Anjwers. Vx general Q: What is the general Sin that is forbidden Sift jcM'bU- i]^ flji^ Commandment ? ji. it IS the Injuring of any Perion m his Name, and Reputation. Q: Vnder this Head^ are you not hire for^ bidden^ T*isicuUr I' J^ll Perjuryy as it is a Wrong to Man ? ^^^f' ^. Yes. Prov.xix.'y. A ialfe Witnefs fhall not be unpunifhed. 2. The Defending and Maintaining an evil Caufe ? A. Yes. "Jer, ix. 3. They bend their Tongues like their Bow for Lyes. 3. Valfe and unjufi Sentences ^ and Cenfures of Good and Evil f A. Yes. Frov. xvii. 1 5. He that juftifieth the Wicked, and he that condemneth the Juft , , even they both are Abomination unto the Lord. Jf V. 23. Who juftify the Wicked for a Reward, and take away the Righteouf- nefs of the Righteous from him. 4. Silence in a good Caufe f , A, Yes. Jer. ix.3. They are nol valiant for the Truths. L^ Explained. ai^ 5- ^)"^^' ^^^ Speahvg falfly ? A. YeS. Col. iii. 9 Lye not one to another. (S» Slandering and Backbiting <* A. Yes. Trov, XV.3. Pf 1. 2o. Thou fatteft and fpakeft againft thy Brother, and haft llandered thy own Mother's Son. Tf. xv. 3. He that backbiteth not with his Tongue. 7. Scoffing and Deriding ethers ^ A. Yes. Gen, xxi. 6. And Sarah faw the Son of //^^/irtheiEgyptian, which Ihe had bora unto Abraham, mocking, ' 8. Evil Sufpicion ? A. Yes. For Charity thinketh no Evil, i Cor, xiii. 5. Q; May we be injurious to our own good Name <* A. No. Jo^xxvii. 5. God forbid that I fhould juftify you ^ till I die, I will not re- move my integrity from mc. Q. What is the general Duty that is required Thcgenerd i?j this Commaudment ^ ^^'O* A. To fpeak of all Perfons according to Truth and Charity. Q: And to name fome Special Duties^ which are contained in this general j Are you not here required^ 1 . To have a charitable Efieem of your Neiah- Tartkui bour ? A, Yes. Heb. vi. p. But Belov*ed, ^' we are perfuaded better things of you, and things that accompany Salvation. 2. To love , and rejoice in his good Name ? A, Yes. 2 ^ohn v. 4. 1 have no greater Joy,than to hear that my Children walk in the Truth. Pa 3. 7~o tties. 330 ^^^ Chrifiian Faith 3. To conceal and cever his Infirmities ^ A^ Yes. Pr u. 1 <5. 5. Heavenly- Mindednefs ? A. Yes. For they that are after the Fiefh do mind the things of the Flefh,but they that arc after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 'Rom* viii. 5. <. Vrayer ? A. Yes. It is S. James^ Pre- fcription. Is any Man afflided ? let him pray. Joh.v, 15. And S. Paul exhorts, faying. Be careful for nothing, but in every thing, by Prayer, and Supplica- tion, with Thankfgiving, let your Re- quefts be made known unto God. FhiL iv. 6, Catechifl, And now let us be^exhor ted to ^4pfi:.i-. this excellent charitable and contented ^^^'^^ Frame of Spirit^ which is no iefs our In- tereft, and our Happinefs, than our Duty, For by Means hereof, all other Mens Felici- ty and Comforts will be yours, as one excel- lently difcourfeth : ' Their Riches, their ' Health, their Honour, their Lordfhips^ 'yea, which is more, their Knowledge,Learn- * ing, and Grace, thefe in efFed would be 'partly to you as your own,(as theComforts ' of Wife,Ghildren, and your dearefl Friends '#re) did you love them as yourfelves. Why ' then do you complain, that you have no 'more Health, or Wealth, or H^>nour, or [ that others are preferred before you? Love * your ? 3 6 The Chriftian Faith ' your Neighbours as yourfelves^'and then * you will be comforted, in his Health, his * Wealth, his Preferment, and fay, thofe * have it, whom I love as rnyfelf, and there- * fore it is to me, as mine own. When you * fee your Neighbour's Houfes Paftures, * Corn and Cattle, Love will make them as ' pleafant to you, as if they were your own. *Why elfe do you rejoice in the Portionsand ' Eftate? of Children, as if they were your *own? O what a Mercy doth Godbeftow * on his Servants, in the Day that he fancli^ * fieth them with holy Love ! How much doth he give us in that one Grace 1 To 'conclude the whole Matter , Let us labour but to love God above all other Objedls, and our Neighbour as ourfelves. For this is the whole Duty, and whole Hap- pinefsofMan. CHAP. IV. OF Chrijlian Prayers. " My good Child, know this, that thou ^^ art not able to .do thefe things of thy *^ felf, ^' Catechifi.^'^B. E fourth Special Part in the y . 'Dmiionoi this owrCatechifm'i is an InftrudHon in Chriftian Prayer. And this is what you have in the Premonition concerning Prayer, and the Lord's- Prayer, explained. Explained. 537 Prayer in general is the Exprefling of Afting of our Deiires before another, to move, or fome way to procure him to grant them. True Chriltian Prayer is the Belie- ving and ferious Invocation upon God, in the Name of Jefus Chrift, for things agree- able to his Will. And for the Reafons, Ufe, and Qualifications of our Prayer, the C^te- chifm inftrufts you in them, in the Premo- nition aforefaid. L It inftruds you , concerning the Ufe of Prayer, that by means thereof, you dili- , gently wait on God, for his Grace and Help. As there is abundant Grace with him, to fupply all our Wants , fo Prayer is a fpecial Means, whereby we mull feek it of him. Ltike xl 9. Ask, and it (hall be given you t feek, and ye Ihall find : knock, and it Ihall be opened unto you. But it is not all Pray- er that is efFedual to this End. John iv. 3.- Ye ask, and receive not, becaufe ye ask a* mifs. Therefore that we may be heard whea we call on God by Prayer, and be fuccefsful with him, II. It aifo teacheth you the Qualifications of efFedual Prayer^ viz.. Conll;ancy,and Ear- neftnefs. 1. It mufl: be conflant, and not by Fitt^ only. And fo we are required to pray with- out Ceafing. i Thejf, v, 17. 2. It mufl: beearnefl:, with Attention and Faith in Chrift. And fo we are re- quired to be infl:ant in our Prayer. £ph. vi. 18. But becaufe of ourfelves we know not what to pray for, as we ought , therefore our Blefled Saviour, in CompalTion to otrf InSr- 338 The Chrifitan Faith Infirmities, hath compofed a Form of Prayer for our Dire^lion and Ufe \ (hewing us both the Objeds, and right Order of our Defires. And from him, the Author of it, it is called the Lord's Prayer. The Matter and Me- thod is wonderful. It confifts of four Parts. I . The Preface or Addrefs : {Our Father^ which Art In Heaven.) And herein we begia with fuch Acknowledgments to God, as are a fit Introdudion , and pre-requifite to^ Prayer. 2. Some Petitions that more immediately relate to God : Whereof the firft concer- Jieth God's Glory itfelf : (Hallowed be thy Name:) The other two, the things whereby God is glorified \ as when his Kingdom Cometh , and his Will is done : Beginning with the higheflr, and defcending gradually to the lower Ends, in the Order of Inten- tion. 3. Some Petitions that more immediately relate to Men, ourfelves and our Brethren ^ beginning with the loweft Means , even Bread , to fupport our Natures ^ and gra- dually afcending upwards, to higher Means and Mercies, even the Pardon of our Sins, and the Perfervation of our Perfons, pro- ceeding progreflivelly, in the Order of Exe- cution. 4. The Conclufion, for the Confirmation and Clofe thereof, (For thine is the Kingdom^, and the Power ^ and the Glory ^ for ever and ever. Amen, And fo, as one well obferveth, the Method of this moft excellent Form of Prayer, is circular; beginnifls with God, and Explained. S39 and ending in God. As it begins with fuch Acknowledgments as are pre-requiiite to Petition, fo it ends in thofe Praifes, or Do- xologies to God, wliich Petition and Grace beftowed, tend to. Such a circular Method is in all the Works of God. He is j4lpha and Owe^^, the Beginning and End of all* For of him, and through him, and to him are all things : and fuch alfo fhould be the Method of our Delires. The 2rieftions and Anfweru Q. What is the fourth Tart that this Gate- chifm confifts ofi A^ An Inftruclion concerning Chriflian Prayer. Q, What is Cbriftian Prayer ^ A. A Believing and ferious Calling upon f^^^'if^i^^ God, in the Name of Jefus Chrift, for things ^/^X ' agreeable to his Will. Q. But to be more particular y Is it a Calling vfon God i A, Yes. P/iv. T. Hear me, v;hen I call, O God of my'Righteoufnefs. Q. Is God the only Ohje^ to whom we mujt dii^eB our Prayers ? A* Yes. Ez,. xj^ii. 20. He that facrificeth unto any God, fave unto the Lord only, he? foall be utterly deftroyed. Catechifi. Pfayer is a fpiritual Sacrifice. And tojoffer iip this :5acrifice even to real Saiats eiucl Angehj as theP^piftsdo, is Su- a^O The Chrifiian Faith perftition and Idolatry : But how abomina- ble is it,when they worfhip and pray to falfe ones^fuch as he whom they call S^mfCeorge^ appears to be, who was an Arian Heretick, and a wicked and bloody Perfeciitor, bad in Kinde, and worfe in Mind, as the learned Mr. Ball^ and others have proved of him. So that the Worfhip which they pay to fiich Saints of theirs, who for ought they know are miferable Souls in Hell, is but too much like that of the ignorant Heathen Worfhip- pers, who facrificed to Devils, and not to God. Q. Why mufi our Trayers he made to God cnly ? Is it not hecaufe 1 . He only is the ObjeB of religious Wor- fijip r A* Yes. Mat. 'u.io. Thou fhalc worlhip the Lord thy God, and him only ihalt thou ferve. 2. He only is omnifcient and omnifrefent , fo as every where to fee ^ and hear his People., when they pray ? A. Yes. P/Ixxxiv.15. The Eyes of the Lord are upon the Righteous , and his Ears are open to their Cry. 3. He only is able to give the things for which we pray^ and fl and in need of^ A. Yes. P/cxlv. 18, 19. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him : He will fulfill the Defire of them that fear him ; He alfo will hear their Cry , and will fave them. Q. Muft we pray in Chrifl^s Name.^ i.e. in Hope that God will hear wj, and accept its ^ for bis fake ^ A* Yes. John xiv. 13. " ' ^ ^ " What Explained. "^^i Wbatfoever ye (hall ask the Father in my Nime, that I will do. Q_. j4»d mufl we pra^for things only that are agreeable to God's Will f ^. Yes i John V. 1 4. If we ask any thing accoiding to his Will, he heareth us. CL What are the Grounds of Prayer ? Are TheGrounJi ihey not ofTraycr: 1. Man^s Inahilit^^ or Infvfficiency to help himfelf? A. Yes. For we are not fuf- licient of onrfelves to think any thing, asof ourfelves. 2 C(7r. iii. 5. 2. The All'fujficiency of God for our Belief? A. Yes. For our Sufficiency is of God, Q. Is Trayer of any ufefor the Obtaining of f^'^^f ""^ Cod's Grace ? '^''^'^' A. Yes. Luietl^. Ask, and it fllali be given unto you. Q. HoTP mvft our Tracers he qualified^ thai ihey may he prevalent and ejfeEluali Mufi they be The Proper^ 1. ConfimtrA. Yes. JL«;^^xviii.' i ; Chrift p^l///"^ fpake a Parable unto them, to this end, that Men ought always to pray, and not to faint. 2. Diligent and earne^ ? A, Yes. fam, V. 16, The fervent efFedual Prayer of a righteous Man availeth much. Q, Bo we need to be direBed and tdught hoii? to pray ? A, Yes. For we know not what We fliould pray for as we ought. Rorh^ viii. 25. A, is the whole Word of God^ revealing his TbeRuW'of Will unto vs^ the general Rule and DireBor^ of ^^''>''' ^UT ffayen and defires ^ tfon 341 The Chrijiian Faith A, Yes. For all our Prayers muft be ac-i cording to his Will, i John v. 14. Q. jind is not the LortCs Prayer offpeciat Vfefor this Purpofe .? yi. Yes. For it was purpofely made by . Chrifl: for to teach us how to ptay. Q. Andfijould we not itfe this Prayer^ i . As a DireElory , to fray according to this Pattern? A, Yes. Mat.-^h^. After this Manner pray ye. t. As a Form of Prayer to he itfed in the farnH Words ? A, Yes. When ye pray, fay, Our Father, Lukexli. Upfiic^' Catechifi, As therefore we would defirc to obtain the Grace of Gody and whatfoevcr good things we ftand in need of, let us feek them in the Ufe of Prayer , as the great Means thereof J and that with Faith, Humi- lity, Fervency, and Perfeverance. To this end, wc Ihould every one be fenfible of his own Edate and Condition, his Sins, Mercies and Wants ^ that he may be duly affeded with them. Above all, we muft acquaint ourfelves with that God, to whom we pray, that it may not be faid of us, that we wor- fhip we know not what. He that cometh to God, muft believe that he is; and that he is the Rewarder of them that diligently feek him. Beb. xi, 6. He that calleth on the Name of the Lord, (hall be faved. But how fhall they call on him, on whom they have not believed ? And how fhall they be- lieve on him, of whom they have not heard f Unlefswe know God^ his AU-fufficiency, and Goodnefs, we cannot believe in him^ por pray unto him, as we ought. Etphmed, 2|| ^dt. I. Of the Addrefs or Preface. " Our Father, which art in Heaven, CAtechifi> The Parties who are to pray^' and they who are to be prayed for , are all who are capable of any Benefit by our Pray- ers ^ even ourfelves and others , as the firft Word (Onr) in this Addrefs imports- We muft all pray to God, both for ourfelves, and one another- As we mufl love our Neigh- bour, u f. all others, as ourfelves ; fo like- wife we mufl: pray for them according to what they are : For Sinners, as Sinners-, that they may repent and be converted : For Saints, as Saints 5 that they may increafe and abound in Goodnefs : And for all Men, as Men ^ that they may be good , and happy. And though we may pray fpecially, both for ourfelves, and certain others •, yet the Good of the whole Community, the Church, and all Mankind, mufl: be principally regarded by us, even in thefe fpecial Prayers, without any Partiality, or felfilh narrow Minds. The Perfon to whom we mufl: addrefs ourfelves in Prayer, is God our Father, evea our Maker, our Redeemer, and Regenerator ^ who is alfo defcribed to us, by his Excellen- cy (in Heaven:) His being our Father bc- fpeaks his Readinefs and Will to help us : And his being in Heaven, his All-fufficiency and Power. The Vaflnefs, Sublimity, and Glory of the Heavens, tell us, that he who dwelleth there, and rules over all the World, jnvij(t n^eds be abfolutely fit, and fufficient tcf ^44 -^^ Chrifiian Faith hear and help us. And hereby we are alfo' taught, how we ought to approach unto him. As he is our Father, in, and thorough Chrift, we may come with a Childlike Boldnefs, un- to his Throne of Grace, to obtain his Grace and Mercy, in our time of Need. But with- all, our Accefs mult be, with Fear, Reve- rence, and Humility, remembering that he is In Heaven, and wc on Earth. ^he £uefiions and Anfwers. Q. What is the freface to the Lor^s Trayer .<* Our utheu ji. Our Father which art in Heaven. Q. Who do yoH mderfiand by the Father^ in this Place ? j4. God himfclf. Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft; and when itfignifieth the firftPer- fon, it excludeth not, but iraplyeth the other two. Q. Is God our Father ? A, Yes. //^Ixiii. Id. Doubtlefs Thou art our Father. Q. Bnt how is he ohy Father <* Is he indeed the Father ■ 1. Of all Men ^ by Creation and Redemptions A* Yes. MaU ii. 20. Hath not one God created us ? Bent, xxxii. 6* Is not he thy Father, that hath bought thee ? 2. Of all Believers^ by San^iifcation and Grace f A. Yes. 2 Cor, vi. 18. I will be a Father unto you, and ye fhall be my Sons and ; Daughtersyfaith the Lord Almighty. Q^Hath Explained. 545 Qi Math God a Fatherly Love^ and Pity to fuch as fear and love him ^ A, Yes. For, as a Father pitieth his Chil- dren, even fo is the Lord merciful unto them that fear him. P/^ciii. 13, Q: What do thefe Words (Our Father) here import ? Do they not import and teach us 1 . To whom > . -, ^ r- J -.1 L L we oH^ht to pray P 2. For ana wtth whom r J "V 5. u^nd how > ^' ^^^' Q: I • To whom mnfl we male our Trayers ? To n>hom we Mtifl- it not bis unto God only f A* Yes. For ^^^ ^''*-^* there is none which is our Father in Hea- ven, befides him. 2. Mnfi we pray for others^ as well as onrfdveSy For an.i and in Confent or Vnion with them ? A» Yes, *^*^ ^^^"^^^ For we are all Fellow- Members of one Body, or Society. Rom-xxh %. Andmuft pray for all Men- i Tim. ii. i . 3. HoWy and in what Manner ? Mafi- we not ^« «^«» do this ^'*""^^' 1. With an holy Confidence in God^s Fatherly ■Love and Mercy ? A, Yes. Heh» iv.» 1 6'. Let us therefore come boldly unto the Throne of Grace. 2. With humble Reverence? A, Yes. For God is in Heaven , and we on Earth. EccL V. 2. Q, What do you mean hy faying, Gpd is in ^^v;. an Heaven i Is he not every-where prefent^ even in in Heaven. Earth , and in all Places f A. Yes. Tf cxxxix. 7. Whither fhall I go from thy Spirit ? Or whither fliall I fly from thy Prefence ^ 0.3 dBht ^^,6 The Chrifiian Faith Qj But when it is faid^ that God is in Heaven,^ do's it not import^ t. That he is there in an eminent and glorious Manner i A^ Ycs- ?f*Q\\\. 19. He hath prepared his Throne in Heaven. a. That he thence hefiowsthe Gifts that we fray for? A. Yes. Jam* i. 17. Every good Gift , and every perfed Gift is from above, and comcth down from the Fa- ther of Lights. Catechifl. God who is infinite, and un- bounded in his EfTence, is excluded from no jPlace, nor included in any j but is effentially in all Places , and as much in one as in ano- ther. But.he is faid to be mofl: there, where his Prefcnce do's moll appear, by his molt fpecial Operations. And fo it is faid, that God dwelleth in him, who dwellcth in Love v and that he walketh with his Church and People. And in like Manner, he is faid emi- nently to be in Heaven , bccaufc there he fhews himfelf , by his mofl eminent Opera- tions, and whatfoever Good we have,, 'tis communicated to us from thence. UppKcat Let this then teach us to dired our Affe- tjon. ftions thither *, and not fet them on things below. Though God is hereon Earth, as well as he is in Heaven 9 yet he will not be unto us our Felicity, here on Earth, or be fo fully enjoyed here, as in Heaven he is en- joyed. Our Souls fhould afpirc therefore, in all our Prayers, towards Heaven, there to fee and enjoy him perfedly, in that Region of Blifs and Gloryo Sea.a.c Explained. 24.7 Sefl, 2. Of the three fir ft Petitions that more immediately relate to God. " Hallowed be thy Name. Thy King- *^ dom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, [[ as it is in Heaven. Catechifi. The Petitions contained in this Prayer, are equally divided, as it were into two Tables, like thofe of the ten Command- ments, concerning God and Man *, The one being for his Glory, the other for our owa Good. The Firit of thcfc Petitions is , {Hallowed be thy Name), And herein the Name of God denotes , not only the proper Notices or Appearances of God to Men, ia his Titles, Attributes, Ordinances, Words and Works, wjiereby he is pleafed to make himfelf known unto us, but alfoGod him- felf, as fo notified and made known. And to hallow his holy Name , is to glorify him as God, in all thofe things wherein he appea- reth to us : Whether they be thofe Signs that reprcfent him to our Minds, or our in- ward Conceptions of him received by thofe Signs. And fo here we pray, that both our- felves and others might have a right Efle«ni and Knowledge of his moft High and Holy Majefty, and might glorify him accordingly, in all our Thoughts, Words and Works. The Second Petition is , ( Thy Kingdom come.) The Kingdom of God, as it fpecially relates to Men , is either his Kingdom ot Grace here in this World, which he cxerci- - ^i - ^-^ '- Q 4. f^^** f ^S The Chrtflian Faith /eth by his Word and Spirit, m the Hearts ^and Confciences of his People : Or the King- jdom of Glory which is in Heaven. And accordingly in refped^ to thefe, we defire in this Peiition, that the Kingdom of Sin and Satan may be abolifhed and deftroyed ; that the' Gofpel might be propagated through- out all the World, that Chrifl: would fanfti- fy uSj and rule in us by his Grace here, and that we may reign with him, in his Glory hereafter. The Third Petition is , (Thy Will he don^ ,in Earthy as it is in Heaven^) By the Will of "God is meant both the Will of his Precept, or that which he requires *, and the Will of his Providence , or that which he do's unto p. And accordingly we here defire, with refped to this latter , that we may voluntas rily andperfedly fubmit^ourfelves unto him, in all the Difpenfations of hislProvidence to- wards us. And in refpecl to tfie former, ihat we may know and do his Command- 'iBents,and that with the like Humility, Zeal, Conflancy and Sincerity, as wherewith they ,^re perfprmed by the Angels and. Saints in lieaveq. The ^iiejims and Anfwersl Q; What is the fir fl of thofe Tetitions^ that more immediately relate to God ? j4. The firll Petition is, Hallowed be thy I\fame. ' " - Q. What mean y OH hy the Nam.s of God ^ po yen not moan thereby^ Explah \ lained. 3^9 1 . Godhimfelf? A, Yes. ff, xliv. 20. If I have forgotten the Name of our God. 2. Hs Titles^ Atributes^ Ord'inames^ Word and Works f J. Yea : As was fhewn ia the third Commandment. Q_. What is mefint by hallowing <* Do^s not thi^ fignify 1. The fet ting apart any thing for an holyVfe and Service? A- Yes. Exod, XX. !!• God blefled the feventh Day, and hal- lowed it. 2. ''(he Vfing of what is holy^ after an holy Manner ?^ A. Yes. Lev. yixn* 32. £ will be hallowed among the. Children of Ifrael, Q. What then do yon dejire or ask of God in this Petition ? A. Herein we pray, that God would en- able us, and others, to glorify and honour bim, and that he would difpofe all things to his own Glory. Q. Wherein^ or in what things muft we glorify and honour God f Mutfi we not do this " I , In our Thoughts , by having the highefi Thoughts and JEfteem of him in our Minds ? A. Yes. 1 Pet. iii. 1 5. Sandlify the Lord God in your Hearts. 2. Jn our Words ^ A. Yes. Thou flialt open my Lips, O Lord, and my Mouth fhall (bew forth thy Praife- Pf. li. 15. 3. In our Actions ? A* Yes. I Cor. x. 30. Whether ye eat or drink, or whatfoever ye do, do all to the Glory of God. 4. In our j^ims 9r Purpfes f A. Yes. That God in all things may be glorified. iPet.tr.M^ Q,Wha^ ^^O The Chrifiian Faith Q. What is the Second Petition f -^4. Thy Kingdom come. Q, What is me^fJt by God^s Kingdom f Do^s ti<>t this fmiify I. H^ Kingdom cf Grace here in this World? A> Yes. Liile xvii, 2u The Kingdom of God is within you. %, The Kivgdom of his Glory in the other World H A* Yes" I Cor, vi. 9. Know ye not that the Unrighteous (hall not inherit tli^ Kingdom of God ? Q. What th^n do yon defire or asl cf God in this petition ^ ji. We here defire that God would fend forth his Grace unto us, and all People, and fq rule in our Hearts here, by his Word ancj holy Spirit, that he may bring us at lafb un- to his Kingdom of Glory, Q^Biit to he more particular ^Do not we here pra^ I . That the Kingdom^ of Sin and Satan may he deftroyed^ A, Yes, /yTlxvlii. I. Let God arife, let his Enemies be fcattered, let them alfo that hate him flee before him. %* That the Kingdam of Grace may he ad-- vanced ? A. Yes. Pf li. 1 8. Do good in thy good Pleafure unto Sien^ buiW thou the Walls oijernfalem. 5. That onrfelves and others may he brought into a State of Grace^ and kept in it ? A- Yes. 2 Theff, iii. i . Pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may have free Courfe, gad be glorifiedt :t : ■ A-Tha^ Explained, 55 1 ij.. That the Kingdom of Glory may he haft en ed? ^. Yes. Rev. xxii. 20. Surely I come quickly : £ven fo come, Lord Jefus. Q. What is the third Petition r" ^'. ^^""^ A> Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven. Q. What doyoH under ft and hy the Will of Cod in this Petition f Do you not mean thereby 1 . 77?^ Will of God^s Precept^ or that which he commandeth us ? j4» Yes. Mat. vii- 2 1 • Not every one that faith unto me, Lord, Lord, (hall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven j but he that doth the Will of my Father which is in Heaven, 2. The Will of God"* s ?r evidence^ or that which he is pleafed to do with ^, or unto us ^ A* Rom, i. I o. If I might have a profperous Journey, by tHe Will of God,, to come unto you. i P^f. iii.17. It is better, if the Will of God be fo,that ye fufFcr for well- doing, than for evil-doing. Q. What then do yon reqneft of Cod in this Petition ? J. We here requefi: , that God by his Grace would make us able and willing to know, obey, and fubmit to his Will in all things, as the Angels do in Heaven. Q.Bnt more particnUrly^Do we not here defifc I. That we may renounce^ or deny our own Will? A. Yes. i^^r. xxvi. 37. .Not as I will, but as thou wilt. 4. To he contented with his Providential Willi ^. Yes. //fKxiii. 5. Be content with fuch things as ye have, t Sam^iii. 18. '-• Jt 255 The Chrljiian Faith It is the Lord , let him do what feemet/i him good. 3. That rve fulfill^ or do hu commanding^^ Will ? A, Yes. P/cxliii. 10. Teach me to do thy Will, for thou art my God. 4. That our Obedience and Siwmijfion to the Will oj God be fueh as is that of the Angels and Saints in Heaven. A* Yes. And that is readily, willingly, conftantly , and faithfully, \Afi^u^<^ Catechifi. Thus the three fir ft Petitions ^**'*' in this moft perfed Form of Prayer, arc only for thofe things that more diredly belong to God's Honour, Power: and Obedience, And in this Method or Order we muft d^- fire them^ firil: the Glory of God, as the chief End of Man, and then the Flourifhing of his Kingdom as the neareft Means to that End ; and then the Doing of his Will, as the iicxt in order unto this. And thefe we muft prefer before our own Good and Happinefs. Yea Societies as well as Perfons muft have a principal Refped to thefe-, and may not feek to fupport themfelves,or promote their own Good and Safety, by any other Means than what are referible hereunto. Even Tut- iy^ an Heathen Moralift, can tell us in his Book of O^^c^j, that nothing muft be done ifcr Profit, that is not juft and honeft ; and that things are not honeft, becaufe that they are profitable \ but they are therefore profitable, becaufe that they are honeft. Which might Priame fome great Profcflbrs, with their bloody and inhumane Doftrine, xb.at'the Foiverjs on Earth may juftly fup- : ' port Explained. 2 5 5 port tbemfelves, by all fuch Means as ar€ ncceflary to this End : As if Oppreflions, Im- prifonments,ConfifGations,and Banidiments ^ or fuch Compliances againft Confcitnce, aS are moft pernicious to Mens Souls, were ju- flifiable upon this Pretence. Caiapha^ gave Advice that one Man (hould die, that iht -^hole Nation might not periih. But by this inhuman Principle, the lefier half of a Kingdom, (hould be facrificed, to the grea- ter,that is, the more powerful, and predomi- nant Part thereof. But they who teach Men this, teach them to idolize themfelves ^ and inverting the Order that is prefcribed in thefe Petitions, to prefer themfelves, and their Intereft, before God and his Glory. Seft. 5, Of the three lafi Petitions that more immediately refpe& eur^ felves. " Give us this Day our daily Bread, and '' forgive us our Trefpafles, as we forgive *' them that trefpafs againft us. And lead " us not into Temptation, but deliver us " from Evil. Catechift, As the three firfl: Petitions are Concerning the End of Man *, fo the three laft which follow, are of the Means to that End. And here the firft of thefe begini with the loweft Means and Mercies , even Bread for our Bodies. Give ns this Day oar daily Breads In which Petition we ask fof »!} filch things, as God in his Wifdom knowi 3c^ The Chrifiian Faith rcquifite and fit for us, in this our prefent State on Earth *, fuch as Food , Raiment^ Health, Liberty, &c, Thefe are fo necefTa-* ry to OHr natural Lives and Beings, that we cannot be Men, and live comfortably with- out them. And therefore they are here mentioned, before our fpiritual good things, as what muft be firfl: had in order to our End. Thefe fuppofed, we next want Deli- verance from the Guilt which we have con- traded. For without this Deliverance, our natural good things would end in our Mife- ry i and to be Men, would be worfe to us, than to be Toads or Serpents. And there- fore as being Men ^ we pray for Bread to fupport our Bodies, fo being (rnful Men, both by Nature and Practice, and fuch as for our Sins have defervcd eternal Puniftxment, we are taught in this next Petition to ask Forgivenefs at God's Hands •, being ready to forgive others that have any way offended us. For if we forgive not others, we fiiall not be forgiven. But if from our Hear tsy and in Obedience to God's Command, we do forgive, and love thofe that trefpafled again ft 13S, it is certain that God doth, and will for- give and love us. But after this Forgivenefs, that we may obtain and enjoy our End, we ihall yet want Deliverance from all thofe Evils, that for the Time to come we fhall be ill Danger of. And therefore in the lafl: Place we are taught to pray for this alfo \ befeeching Almighty God, that of his mer- ciful and good Providence, he would not kad us into Temptation, but deliver us from %\\ Evil, u r. that it would pleafe him ta fave Explained. 555 FaVeSnd defend us in all Dangers, bodily ^nd ghoftly, and that he will keep ns front all Sin and Wickedneis, and from our ghoft* ly Enemy, and from everlafting Death* Thii ^neflions and AnfisDim Q. What is the fir fi of the three lafl Tetlttoniy 'fhffonyr^ or the fourth of the fix that are car.tairied in this Prayer f 4, Give ns this Day our daily Breads Q. Heris in this Petition^ do yon not nnder'^ Jland i. By Bread^ all Food for Suflendnce ? A, "^eSi Cen, xliii. 31. Jofe^h faid Unto them^ Set on Bread. i. By daily Bread^ that which is every £>^ 'fir^ ceffary for our SuhfffeTice and Comfort i ::A, Yes. Prov, xxx. S. Feed me with Food convenient for me. Q. IVhat then do you defire of€dd in thk Pt^ tition f ji- Herein we pray^ that God would gh' a a fufficient Portion of the good things of this Life, and his Blefling with them^ Q; But more particularly utid difiinB^^ 1 . DoWs pray herein^ that God would give ns A fufficient Portion of the good things t>f this Life ? A» Yes. Prov. xxx. 8, 9. Give me neither Poverty nor Riches : Feed me with Food convenient for me* 2. T/wr God would give m his BUffmg ^ith what we have f ^. Yes^ Pf xc i 7. Let the Beauty of the Lord dur God be upotf %and efcabliih the Work of our Hadds ^^6 The Chrifiian. Faith upon us, yea the Work of our Hands^^ eftabiifh thou it. Q. ShofiU we defire thefe Temf orals more than Sprit Hal good things ? A* No. Mat,^h 33. Seek ye firft the kingdom of God, and his Righteoufnefs. Q. Why then are thofe mentioned before OHt fpiritHal good things^ as the Forgivenefs of our SinSy And our Deliverance from Evil ? A, Becaufc thofe are the firft Neceffitiesr of our Nature. Our Subfiftence in this Life, and the Means thereof, are in Order, though not in Worth , before our fpiritual Weil- peing. Q. What is the fifth Petition ? A, And forgive us our TrefpafTes, as we forgive them that trefpafs againft us. Q. Are not Sins here meant by Trefpajfes ? A. Yes. For Sin is the Tranfgrefljon (of Trefpafs) of the Law. i John iii. 4. Qj And do you not mean by (Our Sin) J. Original Sm.^ A. Yes. P/. li. 5. Be- hold, I was fhapen in Iniquity, and hi Sin did my Mother conceive me. 2. Our a5lual Sins^ whether in Thought^ Word or Deed? A* Yes. Pf- xxv. 7. Remem- ber not the Sins of my Youth, nor my Tranfgreffions. Q. But doth not God require ofus^ as the Con- ditions of our Pardon^ I. Repentance from Sin? A. Ycs- Luie xiil 3. Except ye repent, ye ftall all likewife gerifc 2. Faith Explained. ^57 l^faith in theLord ChriftfA. YeS* John iii-ult He that believeth not, fhall not fee Life. 3. Charity in forgiv'tna others f A.^ Yes. For if ye forgive not Men their Trefpafles, neither will your Father forgive your TrefpafFes. Mat. vi. 15. Ci Is the Tar don of our Sins ^ from God^sfree Gift and Favonr^ notwithfl anding theft Condi^ tionsofthemf A' Yes. For thefe Very Conditions are the free Gifts of God. A^. xi. 18. Then hath God alfo to the Gentiles granted Re- pentance unto Life. Eph. ii. 8. By Grace ye are fayed through Faith \ and that not of yourfel ves, it is the Gift of God3 Q. What is the fixth Fetitipn ^ the fi^ih A' And lead us not into Temptation^ but deliver us from Evil. Q: What is meant by Temptation f A, Any Gceafion that may leaid us into Sin. Q: And are we not tempted thereunto I . EjfeBually by ourfelves^ and our own Hearts i A* Yes. Johhi. i4>'^$« But every Man is tempted when he is drawn away of his oWn Luft, and enticed. i. Formally^ by the Devil, who tempts us toitk an Intention to draw hs into Sin and Ruin f A. Yes. I Chron. xxi. i. And Satart flood op againft JTr^f /,and provoked Ba* vid to number JfraeL ^,HolilybyGodi A. Yes. iSam,ii\\Ai And again,ihe Anger of the Lord was kindled againfl: Ifn^^l ^ ^^i he moved David a- R gaiirfl SgS The Chripan Faith gainft them to fay , Go number Jfrael and Judah. Q. Saint James y^/r?7, that God temfteth m Marty i. e. [o as to ^erfiiade him^ or incline hint to what is evil. Ch. i. 1 5* How then can it he faid that a Man is tempted of Cod f Is tt not !• By withdrawing his Grace and Help from him? A, Yes. iC/?rf?». xxxii. 31. How- beit in the Bufinefs, of the Embafladors of the Prince of Babylon^ who fent unto him to enquire of the Wonder that was done in the Land, God left him t<5 try him, that he might know all that was in his Heart. %* By pertHitting Satan and wicked Men to tempt him? A* Yes. Mat* iv.i. Then was Jefus led of the Spirit into the Wilder- nefs to be tempted of the Devil. 5. By prefenting to him fnch Occafions in his Providence^ as he knows hd will turn to Sin afhis own free Wilt and Choice^ and not by Coc^s willing it^or' any pdfitiveDeCree of his ? A. Yes. As in the Fall o^ Adam, and in the Hardening of Fharaoh'*s Heart. Qj De we not then de fire' in this Part of this fixth Petition^ (lead hs not into Temptation) that God wodd keep HS from being tempted, by either any ofthefe^ or any other Ways and Means ? Q. Yes. Mat, xxvi. 41, Pray that yc en- ter not into Temptation. Wtj4X we Qz ^^at is the Evil that you prafto be deli- here pray vered from^ in the latter Part of this Petition ? '^'''^' Is it not 1 . 7 hat great eft: of all Evils, the Evil of Sin ? Qs Y^s. HabAQ. i. 13- Thou an of pu^. r«r Ezphihed. ^^ ter Eyes than to behol4 Evil, and C3nfl: not look on Iniquity. i The Evil of JpElion and tHniJhment f ' A. Yes. Jtr, xviii. 8. If that NatioQ turn from their Evil, 1 will repent of theu Evil that I thought to do unto theiti. : t 3. The evil WorUy with all the Blandijhmentii and Terrors of it f J, Ycs. ijohniu 15, 1 5. Love not the World, neither, the things that are in the World, &cc Mat. X. 28. Fear not theiti which kill the Body. J, / ! 4. The Devil t A. Yes. HeistheTemj^ ter to Sin. Mat. iv. 3. . _ ; 1 4. Damnation^ dr eternal Death and Mtjery f^ j4. Yes. Rom. vi. 23. The Wage$ ot Sin is Death. Q, Do we net then depre in this Tart of this whxt «.? ; ^ " TT, ' •' ■•' - here fraj Tetttton^ J ., for, I. That God mnldfirengthenw^ anduMd Hs when we are temfted ? A. Yes, Tf. \\. 1 1 ; Qpbold me with thy free Spirit.^ i. That if we fall^hewoHldgracioafiy rffhre HS^ and raife us Hp again ? A. YeS. n\ In ti. Reftore unto me the Joy of thy Sal- vation. , . 3. That he woMvan(fttifh^ and tread down Sa^ ■ tan under HS? ^. Yes. Rom.XVWlo. The God of Peace ftall brtiife Satan un- der yo\rr Feet fliortly. . 4, That he would wholly fanBify us^hy hs Grate and holy Spirit, and fully deliver us from all Evilf(fr ever f A, Yes- 1 thef^f. 22> And the very God «f Peace fatiaify yon;, wholly: And i ptay God, yotkt whole Sprrit, andSoui and Body beprefemd «6c> The Chnftian Faith blamelefs unto the Coming of our Lord Jefus Chrift. Catechift. Of the fix Petitions that arc ^X contained in this Prayer, we have only one for corporal, and five for fpiritual good things. And this teacheth us, that we mult principally eftcem, love and feek for thefc Spirituals, as belt in themfelVes, and molt defirable for us. Hence we are exhorted, not to labour for the Meat that periiheth, but for that which endureth to everlafting Life : To feek firft the Kingdom of God, and his Righteoufnefs^ and to fet our AfFedions up- on the things that are above, and not on things on the Earth. *^ Se(3:4. The Conchjion^ or Reajons of the foregoing Petitions. ** For thine is the Kingdom, and the Pow- *' cr, and the Glory > for ever and ever. ** Amen* Catechifi. By Kingdom fs here meant God's perfed Dominion and Sovereignty over all ; by which he aftually governs and difpofeth of all things. And this is the im- mediate Caufe of all the Bleffings we pray for. By Power is here meant that AU-fufficicn- cy of God, in his infinite Ability, Under- flanding and Goodnefs, whereby he can, and do's manage this his Government or King- dome /fed Explained^ a6l And by the Glory of God is meant, that moll high Efteem, Honour, Praife and Ad- miration, which rcfult and Jhine forth, from this his Kingdom and Power. Thefe Excellent and Divine Titles of Kingdom, Power and Glory, are here ap- propriated unto God alone, as is fignified by the Word (Thine) and all Creatures are ex- cluded from any Fellowihip with him there- in. For howfoever thefe Attributes of King- dom, Power and Glory, are communicated to fome Creatures, (namely Kings and Prin- ces, Dan.'il, 37.) as God's Inftrurtients, and Vice-gerents, yet God alone claimcth them originally of himfelf, and abfolutely without Reftraint, or Dependence on any other. And the Everlaftingnefs of thefe his Attri* butes is here acknowledged in this Word t for ever]. Now all thefe Attributes are here afcri- bed unto God, not only as due Acknowledg- ments of his fiipereminent Excellencies, but alfo as Arguments or Reafons for our Peti- tions. Becaufe his is the Kingdom, and Cio- vernment of all the World, he may there- fore difpofe of all things, and difpenfe them to us as he pleafes. Becaufe his is the Pow- cr,and nothing is too hard for him,he is able to do for us above all that we ask or think. And becaufe that the things which we delire in thefe Petitions, are fuch, as being granted us, will end in his Praife and Glory , they are therefore a fit Clofe and Confirmation to our Requefts. And in Teftimony of our Defires , that fo we would have it be , and pf our Faith, that fo it will be, we fay Jmen. $IS'^ The Chrifiian Faith ^uejiions and Anfwers. jf&f Con- ' iQ. What is the Conchifion or Clofe of this . ^ Trayer J >^. For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever. Amen. Qi Doth the Conclnfion contain in it any Af~ fitments or ReafonSy that we may offer Hf to Go4^ \foT the obtaining of our Recjttefs f lyp-ui- Yes« As this Word (For) doth inti- prate. And they are I, His Kingdom, whereby it is his Right, r.a. His Power, whereby he hath Ability, ; 3. His Glory, whereby it is his Intereft, to grant unto hisPeopk ail thofe things, that in thefe Petitions they arc taught to pray for. Q. Mufl we aclnowUdge and afcrihe to God hit Kingdom^ Vow er^ and Glory f A. Yes. Thine, O Lord, is the Great- nefs, and the Power, and the Glory, and the Vidpry, and the Majefly. i C^r(?w. xxix. 11. ^ .^ , Q; Doth not Amen fignify ., I, A fervent De fire y that God vooald grant us onr Reqnef^si >^. Yes. So be it, O Lord, Jer.\\. 5. a, A lively Hope and Beliefs that he will grant t^fw ? ^v Yes. ^tf-z/. i.7. Even fo. Amen. Q. // not this Wordy therefore^ a prober Con' clupon of our Prayers and Fraifes ? A. Yes. P/lxxii. 19. And blefled be his glorious Name for ever , and let the whole Earth be filled with his Glory, Amen, and Amen» > . Explained. ^6 J Catecbifi. This Doxology or Form of otppik*. Praife, containing the Reafons of our Peti- ""'^ tions, fhould dircd us to a right IntentioQ and Aim in all our Prayers, even the Glory of God, as the ultimate End thereof : This is the firft thing that we are taught to pray for, and that for which aU others muft be de- lired. John xiv. 13. Whatfoever ye (hall ask the Father in my Name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. This is the great End, which God deligneth in all his Works, and muft be ours therefore- For of him, and through him , and to him are all things : To whom be Glory for ever. Amen. CHAP. V. Of the Chrijiian Sacraments. Catechift. 'y H E fifth and laft Part that the 1 Patechifm confifts of, is an In- ilrudion in the Chriftian Sacraments, And this methodically fqcceeds in Order to the other foregoing Parts : Being all nothing elfe but an Explication of the Chriftian Co- venant •, the Firft of the whole in general, the Second of Faith particularly, the Third of Obedience, the Fourth of Prayer ^ And then this at laft concludes with an Explica- tion of the Chriftian Sacraments, viz., Bap-r tifm and the Lord's Supper j the two Seals of Ehe New Covenant. @6^ The Chriflian Faith The Miniftration of this Covenant under the Old Teftament, was by Promifes, Pro- phecies, Sacrifices,Gircumci(ion, and the Pa- fchal Lamb. Ail thefe Difpenfations were Prcnnnciative Signs of Chrift, thepromifed Mefllah, who was to come into the World- But when he was exhibited , they were all fulfilled, and ended in him ; as being the true Antitvpe,Scope and Subftance of them. And now inftead of the two Sacraments, Circum- (ciflon and the Pafchal Lamb , which were Signs of the New Covenant, under the Legal Difpenfation , Chrift hath inftituted two others, viz* Baptifm and the Lord's Supper. Thefe are called Sacraments : A Word which was us'd to fignify a certain Military Oath ^nd Covenant, amongft the ancient Rp- toans^ betwixt the Soldiers and their Gene- ral ^ whereby they mutually obliged them- felves to be true and faithful to one another : He in his Capacity, to govern and proted them ; and they in theirs, to obey, and fight for him. And being Baptifm and the Lord's Supper arc fuch federal kind of Adions, be- twixt God and true Believers, ( for therein he promifeth to be their God , and to blefs them i and they, to be his People^ and to fervc him ) therefore thefe facred Rites have been calkd by this Name. Here the Catechifm inllrufts us, in this laft Part thereof, I. In fomc Partfculars, that are commoa to both thefe Sacraments. J, In fome others, that relate particularly tpBaptifni. Explained. 365 3. In fomc others, that are more peculiar to the Lord's Supper. Se<3:. i . Of the two Sacraments in general. * Q. How many Sacraments hath Chrifl or-^ * dained in hts Chnrch ? * A» Two only, as generally neccflary to ' Salvation. ' Q; What meanefi thon by this Word SacrA* * ment ? ' A, I mean an outward and vifible Siga * of an inward and fpifitual Grace, given ' unto us, ordained by Chrill himfelf, as $ * Means whereby we receive the fame, and ' a Pledge to aflure us thereof. * Q.. Hovp many Tarts are thfre in a Sacrament ? ' J, Two : The ootward villble Sign, and * the inward fpiritual Grace.' Catechrp-, This Word Sacrament, in its general Acceptation , hath been ufed to fignify any religious or facred Myftery. And in this Senfe thereof, there are many facre4 Anions which may be called Sacraments^ fuch as Marriage, Confirmation, holy Or- ders, &c. But in its fpecial and ftrid Senfe, as it is taken in this Place, for the Signs and Seals of the Covenant of Grace in Chrift, there are only two S3craments,x'/iL. Baptifm, ^nd the Lord's Supper : One, the Sacrament of our new Birth, whereby we enter into the phriftian Church, and anfwers to Circum- icifion under the Old Teflament. The other, of 3i6 The Chrifiian Faith of our Nutrition, or Spiritual Growth in Grace; which is anfwerable to the Jewifh Paflbver. And generally fpeaking , or in the ordinary Courfe of things,whcre neither a Capacity, nor Opportunity is wanting for then), they are neceflary to Salvation, for all forts of Perfons. For they are facred Infti- tutions, delivered by Chrift himfelf •, and fo we ought to obferye and keep them, in Obe- dience to his Authority. And being ordi- pary Means of Grace, they are alfo neceflary for this End. But yet the Holy One of If- rati is not limited to thefe Means, as if his Grace and Salvation could not be had with- out them \ for they are not a Law to him, though they are to us. Nor muft we think that the EfFeifts of thefe holy Sacraments are v;rought like thofe of Charms, by the. bare outward life thereof, o^ere oferato^ how- foever they are received. Or that they ope- rate, like Phyfick, by any natural and inhe- rent VertuCf But they ar$ Moral Means and Indruments, or effedual Signs of Grace, to fuch as worthily receive them j having aa Aptitude in them, not only to fignify and leprefent the Grace of God , but alfo to communicate and exhibit the fame unto them, by the Power of the Holy Ghoft. And they who flight thefe Means of Grace, there- in defpife their own Mercies. And that the Sacraments are only two, snd thefe neceflary to Salvation, will yet farr iher appear to us, by confidering thofe Pro- perties by which a Sacrament is here de- fcribed. ?. In a Sacrament thqre is a vifible and Explained. 167 jo^ward Sign ; as Water in Baptlfm , and Bread and Wine in the Lord's Supper. And fo Confeflion , Abfolution , Penance , and Confirmation , are all calhier'd by this Pro- perty, out of the number of the Chriflian Sacraments. 2. An inward and fpiritual Grace, fignlfied by thofe Signs, as the New Birth in Baptifm, by the Element of Water, and the Body and Blood of Chrift, in the Lord's Supper, by the Bread and Wine. And thus Matrimony^ which is common to hfidels as well as Chri» ftians^ and by tbe Church of Rome is forbid- den to all her Priefts, is no Sacrament. 3. A Divine Inftitution-, it is to be given to US, and to be ordained by Chrift himfelf. As Baptifm and the Supper were. Mat. xxviij. 19. I Cor.x\. 13. And thus extreme Unftion , and Confirmation are no Sacra- ments. For though the former was fome lime ufed for the Recovery of lick Perfons, and the latter is ftill retained as an Apofto- Ileal Rite or Ceremony, yet neither of thefe Signs was ever ordained by Chrilt: himfelf, or recommended by him to us, tobeobfer- ved as his Ordinance. 4. It muft: be a Means whereby we re- ceive the fame Grace, and alfo a Pledge (or Token) to alTure us thereof. AJd doth it not hence follow^ I mean from ^*?^*^ ^^ the Parts^ Author^ and the Ends of a true Sacra^ «^i,, ment^ that there are only two Sacraments^ under the Gofpel Difpenfation^ Vlt, Baptifm^ and the LordHs Supper f And that the five which the Church of Rome hath added thereumo^v'VL, Cen^ firm at ion y Penance^ Extreme-VnEiion ^ Orders^ ^d Matrimony , are no true and proper Sacra- ments ? A, Yes. For, as you have fhew'd before, all thefe faid Properties belong only to the two former, and not to any of all the reft* Q. Are Baptifm and the Lord's Supper fuffi- ^m* S>^ dent to betoken to h$^ all that is netefjary to tht ^if»^.> Salvation of our Souls ^ even our Birth in Chrifi^ 00id the Neurifhmtnt of our New Life ? ^ A. Yes. For we are all baptized into one Body, and all drink into one Spirit, i Ccr, xii. £3. Q. Doth the Efficacy of the Sacraments de^ Ej^^-y^ fend only on Chrifi's Bteffing ? A- Yes. For it is the Spirit that quick- lieth. John vi. 53. Q. And are they effeSiual to thofe only tff4f by Faith receive them f A. Yes. xMarkxsv i5. He that b^lieveth tad is baptized, (hajl be faved^ 970 The Chrijiian Faith Not of ah- ^ ^^^ ^^ Sacraments of ahfolhte Necejpty folute ke- f^ our Salvation^ as Repentance and Faith are "^ fcfity. fQ i[j^^ „gj^g ^^^ y^ faved but hy the Means of thofe holy Ordinances / A* No. For Chrift faith , he that belic- veth and is baptized fliall be faved •, and he that belie veth not (but be doth not fay, he that is not baptized) fhall be damned. Mark xvi. Id. Q; May we then refufe and negleEi them ? Butordin*- A. No. But they are neccflary to be ob- rdy necef. fe^yed, both in point of Duty,as being com- ^^^' manded of God, and in point of fnterelt, as' being profitable to ourfelves. Q. Though the Sacraments ofthemfelves do not conferr the Grace of God^ they are moral and fit Means for God to conferr it by- And being thai in our Nature we are incorporated Spirits ^vr SohIs in Flejh^ and not pure and perfe^ Spirits 4s the. , holy Angels are^ and fo cannot perceive things ift their naked ^nd proper EJfence , Have we nQt need of Sacraments , or fnch vifiblc and corpa-m pal Things^ as may jljadow forth unto us things fpiritnal and invifible f A. Yes. For thus we fee them, as ia a' Glafs, darkly. 1 Cor. xiii- ^ni tmny Q. Bnt to confider more particularly the Vfe- fifajs uf.ful. J-f^i^gfs ofthefe holy Myfieriesy Do they not fervc- conveniently 1. To inform the Mind? A. Yes- For xvi them Jefus Chrift is evidently fet forth, crucified among lis. G^L iii. i. 2. To refrep) our Mejnories f A^ Ycs. Joflj"' iv. 7. And thefe Stones ihall be for r M^moiiai^ i\ TV Explained. ^^1 ^. TaflirufourJfeaiom? A. Yes. they Ihall look on him whom they have pier- ced. Zech. xii. 10. 4. jind to be a Mark and Badge of our Trofef- fion ? A. Yes. Gen. xvii- 1 1 . And it fhall be a Token of the Covenant be- twixt me and you. Catechifl:. See we here the Celfdefceflfidri and Love of God unto his People, in inftitti'^ ting for them fuch comfortable and ufefu! Ordinances •, that whereas it was impofliblc for God to lye, and his Promifes to them are all infallibly true and fure ; yet willing more abundantly to fatisfy and afTure us of theili, he hath fet his Seal thereto, and confirrU'd them by his Sacraments. And having ne6d of thefe Supports, let us thankfully receive- j and ufe them for our Relief and Comfort* And herein our Aim muft be, to fee and receive by Faith, (jV in a fpiritual and right Manner^ that which is chiefly meant, atid of-^ fer'd to us in the Sacraments , even Chrift himfelf, with all his precious Benefits. And to this End we muft be qualified to receive them. For other wife the outward Signs will not avail us any thing. For the Sacraments work, not o^ere operato^ but opere operant u^ according to the Difpolition of the Party that receiveth them. Sea. a. OfBapfifm. The ^ueftions andAnfwerso ^ Qj What is the outward %i[ibU Si^iJ^ 9r 5 F^rm in B^ptifm ? 3 7 1 The Chriftian Faith * A^ Water, wherein the Perfon is bapti- * zed, in the Name of the Father, and of the * Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. * QWhat is the intvard and ffiritHal Grace ^ * A. A Death unto Sin, and a New Birth * unto Righteoufnefs : For being by nature * born in Sin,and the Children of Wrath,we * are hereby made the Children of Grace. * Q: What is required of Perfons to be bapti' * zed / * A, Repentance, whereby they forfake * Sin 5 and Faith, whereby they ftedfaftly ' believe all the Promifes of God, made to * them in that Sacrament. * Q. Why then are Infants baptiz^ed^ when by * reafon of their tender Age they cannot perform * themf ^ A» Becaufe they promife them both by * their Sureties, which when they come to ' AgCjthcmfelves are bound to perform/ Cattchifi, The firft of the two Sacra- ments, the Signs and Seals of the New Cove- nant, whereby it is now adminiltred undei" the Gofpel Difpenfation, is Baptifm, ?. e. the Rite of our Admiffion into the vilible Church of Chr ift. A nd to defcribe it more fully. It is an Ordinance of Chrift, whereiii the Wafhing of Water by a lawful or ordai- ned Minifter, in the Name of the Father^ and of the Sony and of the HolyGhoft^ doth repre- fent and fignify our Ingrafting into Chrill, and theWafhyig of the Soul from Sin, by his Blood and Spirit Explained. 275 The two Eflential Parts that this Sacra- ment con fills of, are 1. The vifible and outward Sign, or Ele- ment of Water, wherein, or with which, the Pe'rfopi up»n whom this Sacrament is admini- ftred, is baptized or wafhed by a lawful or ordained Minifter, in the Name (i.e. by the Command and Authority , and in the Faith and Service of the Holy and Blefled Trinity, even) of the Father^ and of the Son^ and of the Boly Ghofi, 2. The thing fignified , or the inward Spiritual Grace, viz,* the Wafhing of Rege- neration, or Renewing of the Holy Ghofl:. For whereas by Nature we are born in Sin, and have naturally a ftrong Propenfion or Inclination to what is evil, whereby we are juftly liable to the Difpleafure and Wrath of God , who hateth all Iniquity wherefoever he beholdeth it, we who are admitted to his Covenant in this Sacrament, fhall certainly be made Partakers of all the Bleflings therein contained, even the Pardon of our Sins, the Love and Favour of God, his Sandifying and aflifting Grace, in our prefent State on Earth, and hereafter eternal Life and Happinefs in Heaven. But to qualify and fit Perfons for this Sacrament of Holy Baptifm, fo as to be Partakers of all itsbleffed Privileges, there muft be I. True Repentance, whereby we forfake Sin, even every thing we know to be contrary to God's Will^ be it never fo faihionable, profitable, or pleafing to us. Ani S 2. Faithj 074 ^^^ Chrifttan Faith 2. FaithjOr a firm Aflent unto God's Word, efpecially to all the Promifes that arc fignifted and feal'd in Baptifm , fo as thankfully to accept of them, upon the Terms thereof. ^ if it be here demanded why Infants are then baptized , when by reafon of their ten- der Age they cannot perform them, u e. Re- pentance and Faith , the Conditions of the New Covenant •, the Reafon is, hecaufe they promifc them both. Which is as much as we know for certain of thofe of riper years- We are notifure that they repent and do be- lieve indeed ^ or that they ever will do fo ; only we know that they do profefs and pro- xnife it. And this Children alfo do by their Sureties at their Baptifm *, Their Parents,or other Owners, confenting thereunto. And we have before fhewed, Ch. i. SeEh,^, that Promifes of this nature are both lawful and obligatory. And the Children, in whofe behalf, and in whofe Name they are made, arc bound, when at Age, to perform them as their own. In the mean while,their pre- fent Incapacity is no Bar to their Baptifm. » But as the Children of Jewifh Parents were circumcifed in their Infancy, (even at eight Days old) becaufe the Covenant did belong to them. Gen, xvii. 7 So the Children of Chriftian Parents fhould be baptized for the fame Reafon, vIza their Inter eft in the fame Covenant \ for the Promife belongs to them and to their Children. And confequently ^Baptifm , as the Sign and Segl thereof. Explained. ^75 The Quejliom and Anfwersl Q. ToH [aid there are Wo Sacraments that Chrift hath iriftituted in his Chnrch^ VIZ. Bap* tifm and the Lord's Suffer : What is Baftifm f jl. It is the Walhing of Water in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy GhoIl,for the Admiflion of fit Per- fons into the vifible Church of Chrift. Q: Ton/aid that in a Sacrament there are two ijfential Parts^ viz. the outward vifible Sign^ and the inward fpiritnal Grace j Is Wajhing with Wa^ Its outmyi ter the outward Sign in this Sacrament f '^"' A. Yes. John i- 31. I am come baptizing with Water. Q. But whereas fome deny the Necejfity of Water-Bapifm , was not this ordained and com^ manded by Chrift himfelf? A. Yes. He commanded his Apoftles to go into all Nations, to teach them, and to baptize them. Mat. xxviii. ip. Q. And did the Apoftles baptiz.e with Water i A. Yes. ASl. X. 47. Can any Man forbid Water, that thefe fhould not be baptized ? Q. May Baptifm be done by Sprinkling ? A. Yes. Ez.eh xxxvi. 25. Then will I fprinkle clean Water upon yoH, and ye fhall be glean. Heb. x. ;t2. Q. In what Form or in whofe Name muft it po,m 0/ be adminiftred? oidmini- A. In the Name of the Father, and of the ^''''''"' Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. Mat. xxviii. 19, /. e. in their Authority, and into their Faith and Service* S 2 Q,May ^^7^ The Chrifiian Faith ^ ^ r Q: "^^ ^^^^ ^^h Sacrament he admim fired (inn^tt. ^, j^Q. The Office of baptizing is com- mitted only to thofe that are appointed to preach the Word- Mat» xxviii. 19. its Vfe* Qj Is Baftifm the folemn Means ^ whereby we . are admitted into the Communion of the Chri- fiian Church ? A* Yes. AB. ii. 41. And they that glad- ly received His Word were baptized. 'Uni sisni' Q. And^doth not this alfo fignify fic^tion. ^ ^ j^g^^y ^^^^^ ^-^ ^ ^ Yes. Rom- vi. 4. We are buried with Chrift by Baptifm • into Death. 2. A fpiritual and NeW'Birth P A, Yes. For if any Man be in Chrift, he is a new Creature. 2 Cor. v. 1 7. irotfumd- Q: May you refl yourfelves fatisfied with only fnt ofitfeLf. your outward Baptifm ? A. No. But this mufl be accompanied with Repentance and Faith. f^ai'ificA' Q: /j Repentance then neceffary - ^;o„sfortt. j^ Yes. v^^.ii. 38. Repent and be bap- tized every one of you, in the Name of Je- fus Chrift, for the Remiffion of Sins. Q. And is Faith alfo neceffary ? A' Yes. AEi, viii. 37. If thou believeft with all thine Heart, thou mayft be bap- tized. Q. Js it warrantable for Miniflers to haptiTie adult Terfons^ upon a credible Brofeffion ofthefe neceffary Conditions ? A> Yes, Explained. 077 A. Yes. For upon this ground Saint Phi^ lip baptized e\ren Simon the Magician. -^^. viii. 13. Q; And do not Children that are baptized pro'» fefs cwd promife them by their Sureties f A. Yes. For the Profefllon and Promife of thofe Sureties is then made, not in their own Name, but in the Name or Perfon of thofe Children, and this with the Confent of their Parents, or other Guardians. Catechifi. Such Vicarious Promifes of Pa- rents for their Children, whether immedi- ately by themfelves, or mediately by others for them, are both lawful, and effedual. For Children in their Infancy are by nature their Parents Property , and as it were Parts of them : Having their very Flefh and Subftance, and therewith their Mifery and Sin from them. And their Nearnefs being fuch, the Will of the Parents is inftead of theChildrens Will, and is effedual to obtain for them the Mercies that God offers them, and to engage them to do the Duties that he requires ia his Covenant. Thus under the Old Tefta- ment^ Children were circumcized , by the Will and Ad of their Parents for them, and fo were Debtors to the Law of Mofes. And by thefameAuthority,Children are baptized alfonow under the New Tellament, and fo are Debtors to the Law of Chrift ^ even to renounce the Devil and all his Works,to be- lieve God's Word, and to keep his Com- mandments^ as theypromifed by their Sure- ties , or Reprefentatives at their Chriften- ijiig. And by vertue of thefe Promifes, they S 3 may^ a 78 The Chrlfiian Faith may, and ought to be baptized. And for the farther Proof hereof, let it be confidered 1 . That the New Ccvenant was one and the fame for Stthjlance^ under the Old and New Te- flam^nt. And had not Children an Jntereft in it^ under both thefe Vifpenfations f A. Yes. Gen» xvii. 7. I will eftablifh my Covenant be- tween me and thee, and thy Seed after thee. And GaL ill 14. That the Bleffing of y^^r^- ham might come on the Gentiles, through Je- fus Chrift. 2. That by Chrift'^s Appointment, Baptifm is now adminifired in the place of Circumcifign^ And was not this applied to Infants^ under the Le» gal Difpenfation ? A. Yes. Lfv. xii. 3- And in the eighth Day, the Flefli of his Foreskin fhall be circumcifed. 3. That in whole Nations^ Children are itj» eluded as a- great Part thereof And is it not Chrifi^s Command that all Nations Jhokld be dif- cipled to him by Baptifm ? A. Yes. Go ye^ and difciple all Nations, baptizing them. Mat, xxviii. 19. u -piicx' Catechifi. We whom God hath honoured ml '^*' fo far of hi5 Grace and Favour, as to admit us by Baptifm into his Houfe and Fanaily, and therein hath promifcd to be our God, as we alfo to be his People, let us often reflecl; witb" Thankfulnefs on this moft: valuable Privi- lege. It being of ufe to us, throughout our whole Lives. In all our Fears and Doubts,* in all our Failings and Revolts, we may look to our Baptifm, and find Relief and Com- fort. For therein God aflures us , that if we believe In the Lord Jefus, we Ihall be fa- vs'd' Explained. 379 ved. But what then, fhall we contiaue in Sin, that Grace may abound? God forbid : How fhall we that are dead to Sin, live an7 longer therein ? Know ye not that fo many of us as v>^ere baptized into Jefus Chrift^ were baptized into his E>eath ? Our Bap- tjfm reprefenteth unto us our ProfefTion , which is to follow the Example of our Saviour Chrift, and to be made like unto him, that as he died and rofe again for us, fo fhould we who are baptized, die froni Sin, and rife again unto Righteoufnefs, con- tinually mortifying all our evil and corrupt Affedtions, and daily proceeding in all Ver-* tue and Godlinefs of living. Se6t. 3. Of the Lorcfs Supper. * Q. Why was the Sacrament of the Lor£s Sup^ per ordained ? ' ^. For the continual Remembrance of * the Sacrifice of the Death of Chrift, ancfc * of the Benefits that we receive thereby. ' Q. What ii the outward Part ei' Sign ofthi < horc£s Snppsr f ' J. Bread and VVine, which the Lord ^ hath commanded to be received. * Q^ What is the inward Fart or Thing ftg-^ * nified? * w^. The Body and Blood of Chrift, which ^ are verily and indeed taken, and received ^ by the Faithful in the Lord's Supper. * Q. What are the Benefits whereof we ^r^ \ Partakers thereby ? S4 ^:T{^ 28o The Chriftian Faith * J. The Strengthening and Refrelhing of ' our Souls,by the Body and Blood of Chrift, * as our Bodies are by the Bread and Wine. * Q. IVhat is required of them that come to * the Lord*s Supper ? ^ yl. To examine therafelves, whether they ' repent them truly of their former Sins^ ' ftedfaflly purpofing to lead a new Life \ * have a livelyFaith in God's Mercy,through ' Chrift, with a thankful Remembrance of [ his Death ^ and be in Charity with all Men. Catcchifl. The other of the two Sacra- ments that Chrift harth inflituted in his Church, is the Lord's Supper -, wherein by the outward Signs of Bread and Wine, gi- ven and received according to Chrift's Ap- pointment, his Body and Blood, /. e, his cru- cified Perfon, with all the Benefits of his Death and PafTion, are fignified, alTured, and exhibited to true Believers, for their fpiri- tual Nourilhment, and Growth in Grace. The Author, Inftitutor, arid efficient Caufe of this Sacrament, is Ghrif! himfelf, the Son of God our Saviour. The general End hereof is the continued Remembrance of the Sacrifice of the Death of Chrift, toge-^ ther with all thofe mighty Benefits, which have accrued to us thereby, even the Pardon- ' of Sins, Peace with God, Grace here, and Glory hereafter, which cerrainly we ought to have in a continual Remembrance. The outward vifible Part or Sign, is both the Bread and Wine. For our Lord Jefus Chrift hath commanded us tQ receive them' both. And Explained. l8l And the inward Part, or Thing, (ignified thereby, is the Body and Blocd otChrift^ as crucified and (hed for us •, with all the Be- nefits and Fruits thereof. The Bread bro* ken in this Srcramerit, is his crucified Body ^ and the Wine poured out, is his Blood fhed for us. That is, they are thefe things in their Signification and Effeds. For the Body and Blood of Chriil, under thefe Signs and Sym- bols , are verily and indeed taken and re- ceived by all the Faithful in this Sacrament* That the Body and Blood of Chrift,that is, his Perfon himfelf, is really and truly prefent in thisHolySaGrament,and are verily and in* deed taken by fuch as duly partake thereof, is acknowledged and agreed upon both by Troteftmts and Paflfts, But the Difference betwixt them is about the Manner of the Re- ception. Thefe fay that it is corporally, and with the Mouths of their Bodies j Thofe that it is fpiritually, and by an Ad of Faith, ac* cording to the Manner of his Prefence in the Elements. Chrift is faid to be prefent four Manner of ways: I. Divinely^ 38 God , and fo he is every* where prefent. Tf. cxxxix- 7. 1* Sfiritually^ and fo he is prefent in th^ Hearts of true Believers. £p^. iii. 17. 3. Sacratne.tally^ and fo he is prefent in the Sacrament j becaufe by this Mean§ he is pleafed to rcprefcnt and communi- cate himfelf unto us. 1 Cor, x. i6^\ 7. 4. Corprally , and fo he was prefent in the Days of his Fklh on Earth, a 8 a The Chrifiian Faith We believe then that Chrill is prefent in the Holy Eucharifl, both Divinely after a fpecial Manner , fpiritually in the Hearts of fuch as are meet Communicants, and alfo Relatively, Significantly, and Sacramentally in the holy Elements \ As when a Prince by his Ambaflador , Effigies and other Signals, fhall give himfelf in Marriage to one in a far Country, he is relatively, fignificantly and virtually prefent with them, for the effedtual Accompllfliment of this propofed Contrad j and fhe confenting thereunto , his Very Per- fon is given to her, and (he aftually receives him. But this fhe does, not by a prefent, lo- cal and fenfible PolTeffion of him, or Contad of his Body, but in the true Right and Re- lation of a Husband to her. In like Manner the Son of God, our Saviour, is effedually reprefented and given to triJe Believers, by his Ambafladors, his Minifters, under the Signs of Bread and Wine, in this Sacrament^ the Lord*s Supper. And hereby they are aflured of all the Bleffings of his Death and Paffion, to the prefent great Strengthening and Confolation of their Souls, like as their Bodies are refreftied by theBfe of Bread and Wine. And that thefe blefled Benefits may be effedually obtained by us, we mud be qua- lified and prepared for them, 1. Habit lully ^ by the Principles of Faith and Holinefs. 2. Aiiualiy ^ by fuch preparatory Exerci- fes, as the nature of this Sacrament calls for from us, whenever we approach ua- E.t plained. ^S^ to It \ particularly in the Afts of Peni- tence, Faith, Thankfulaefs and Charity. And therefore it is neceilary, when we come to this holy Ordinance, that wc examine ourfelves touching thefe Quali- fications : And that we not only have, but alfo actuate all thofe Graces, upon this great Occafion. The £iieJliom and Anfwers. Qi Was Chrift hlmfelf the Author ^nd Infll- The ^uthot iHtor of this Sacrament ? tl'enT A. Yes. I received of the Lord that which I alio delivered unto you. i Cjd to be in Charity with all Men ? A. Yes, I Johniv^ u. If God fo loved us, we ought alfo to love one another. Q; Is it not therefore neceffary ^ in order to thefe Ends^ that we examin and fear ch onrfelves^ hejore we come to this Holy Sacrament ? A. Yes. I Cor, xi. 28. But let a Man exa- mine himfclf, and To let him eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup. 'z;. 31. For if we would judge ourfelves , we fliould not be judged. A f fits it- 1 p,,,,. C^itechifr^ To receive the Holy Sacrament i?i7«?' '' of the Body .'?nd Blood of Chrift, is his plain, pofitive, ^LiX exprefs Command unto us \ yea his dying Command, and a gracious Pro- vifion for the Neeefiities of our Souls. And if we do it not, we difobey this his Com- mand, flight this his Love, and injurioufly deprive ourfelves of our fpiritual Food and Noiirifhmcnt. Or if we do receive it, but not in a due Manner , according to the Qua- lifications that are before mentioned, we fin no lefs by a prophane Abufe of it. To avoid both thefe Extremes, and the Dangers thereof,we mull: examine ourfelves, touching Explained. 287 all thofe things, that are neceflary to fit and qualify us for the Divine and Holy Ordi- nance *, that if we are prepared for it, as here we are taught to be, wc may eat of this Bread and drink of this Cup. Or if not, we may inftantly apply ourfelves fo to redify our Hearts and Lives, as that we may ferve God acceptably , in this and all our other Duties. DE^ DEVOTIONS For the Ufe of FAMILIE S. Thefe foUowing Forms of Prayer to he ufed in Families^ may he alfo ufed by one Perfon alone. And then for [ype~\ fay [/,] and for \ns'] fay [me']. A Frayer arid Traife for the Lord's-Day. Moft Glorious God, the Eternal Spi- rit, who haft all Perfedions in and -^s_^ of thyfelf , and art the Fountain of all the Goodnefs that is in all thy Creatures; the mod BlelTed for ever, and ever. Thou haft created Heaven, and the things that therein are *, the Earth, and the things that ) herein are •, and the Sea, and the things that are therein •, and thou preferveft them ail : The World is continued as it is this Day, by thy^ood Providence-, and we have Summer, and Winter, Seed-time, and Harveft at their Seafon. Thou crowneft the Year with thy Goodnefs, and thy Clouds drop Fulnefs up- on the Earth, and thou filleft our Hearts with Food and Gladnefs. There is none like unto Thee, O Lord, there is none that ,:an do as thou doft. All Thy Works are glorious, and thy Thoughts are very deep. Devotions for the Vfe of Faniilies. a 8 91 Thou art holy in all thy Ways, and righteous in dll thy Doings, and prefervefi Mercy dnd Truth (ot ever. The Grestnefs of thy Mercy reacheth untd the Heavens, and thy Truth unto the Clouds*, and thou art worthy to be celebrated with everlaftin^ Praifes. VVe praife Thee therefore , and magnify Thee, O Lord, whofe Name is excellent through- out all the Earth. For the invidble Th'ngs of Gbi from the Creation of the World are clearly kQtiy being underftood by the things that are made, evea thy Eternal Power and Godhead. The Heaveni declare thy Glory, O God , and the Firmament fheweth thy Handy Work. The Earth is full of thy rich Goodnefs. So is the great and wide Sea alfo, wherein are things innumerable. All thefe wait lipon Thee , and Thou giveft them their Meat in due Seafon. Thou openeft thy Hand, sad filkft all things living with Plenteoufnefs- We praife Thee therefore , in behalf of all thy Creatureis throughout the whole World. They were all crea- ted by thy Almighty Power, and are all m.aintained by thy moll bounteous Providence, and they a^U fpeak of Thee to thy Praife and Honour. Tboti diffufeft thy Mercies to them, in various Streams^" according to their feveral Natures and NeceffitiesV But, Lord^ what is Man, that thou art mind- ful of him, or the Son of Man, that thou vifitelt him ! For thou haft made him but little lower than the Angels, and haft crowned him with Glo- ry and Honour. Thou makeft him to have Db^' minion over the Works of thy Hands : Thou haft put all things onder his Feet-, O Lord, our Gover- nor, how excellentis thy Name in all the Earth. Ail thy Works praife thee, O Lord, and thy Snints iliall blefs thee. They fhall fpeak of the Glbf^f thy Kingdom , and talk of thy Power V That thy Powerj thy Glory, and the Mightinefs- " ' T of 290 Devotions for the Vfe of thy Kingdom might be known unto Men. Thy Kingdom is an everlafling Kingdom, and thy Do- minion endureth throughout all Ages. We all de- cay and perifhi yea the Heavens themfelves wax old as doth a Garment, and as a Veflure fhalt thou change them, and they fhall be changed, but thou art the fame, and thy Years (hall not fail. Thou arcour God, and we will praife thee ^ Thou art our God, and we will exalt thee. O Lord, we thank thee, for our Creation and Kind of Being, for our immortal Souls and the Ca- pacities thereof,and for thefe earthlyHoufes,thefe Tabernacles of our Bodies , which thou hall fb fearfully and wonderfully made. Thine Eyes did fee our Subftance yet being imperfect, and in thy Book were all our Members written, which Day hy Day were fafhioned,when as yet there was none of them. And though we were born in Sin, and brought forth in Iniquity,with a ftrong Propenlity and Inclination to what is evil,yet byThee have we been upholden ever fince we were born ^ Thou ar6 he that took us out of cur Mothers Womb, and haft preferv'd us alive on Earth, until this prefent Moment, whereas with many others, we might have been before now in everlafling Burnings. But thou haft not only fpared us in our Sins and Pro- vocations , and mercifully vvith^held from us the Evils that we have deferved, but Thou haft daily poured down thy Benefits upon us. We daily eat and drink of thy Provilions,\ve breathe in thy Air, trcid upon thyEai th^are cloathed with thy \A(ool, anJ with thyFlaX,and have all things necelTary for our Souls and Bodies: And in behalf of both, we thank Thee for all thy Mercies, temporal and fpi- ritual. Above all, we thank Thee for the Mercy of all Mercies, the Son of thy Love, thy only be- got teu Son, who came into the World to fave Sin- " V ' * ^ "" ^er§/ of Families. 291 ners. The Word was made Flefli , and dwelt aniongft us. Forafmuch as the Children are Par- takers of Flefh, and Blood, he alfo took part of the fame,that throiighDeath he might deftroy him who had the Power of Death, i.e. the Devil, and deliver them who through Fear of Death were all their Life-time fubjed unto Bondage. And now we who were fome time afar off, are made nigh unto thee by the Blood of Jefus. And in him thou art at merciful and reconciled God andFathcr,to all that return unto thee by Faith in him : Being jullified freely by thy Grace, through the Redemption that is in Jefus, whom thou haft fet forth to be a Pro- pitiation through Faith in his Blood, for the Re- mifllon of Sins that are paft. How excellent is thy loving Kindnefs , O God, unto the Children of Men ! Where Sin hath abounded, thy Grace hath more abounded i and thou haft fo contrived the Work of our Redemption , as to (hew thy Love to Sinners, and thy Hatred to Sin, in this won- derful Difpenfation of thy Wifdom and Love» Our Perfons are freely juftified, and' our Sins are fully punifhed ^ our Debts difcharged to us , and yet exaded to the utmoft. For Thou haft made him to be Sin for us, who knew no Sin, that we might be made the Righteoufnefs of thee our God in him. And being, O Lord, that we are thine, and not our own, (fprThou haft bought us with a Price, even the precious Blood of Chrift ) w^ would therefore here prefent and offer up our- felves, our Souls and our Bodies, to be alivingSa- crifice, holy, acceptable unto thee, which is our reafonable Service : That for the reft of our Time here on Earth, we may glorify and pleafe thce,ouy Creator and Redeemer, And Thou who trt the Father Of bur Lotd Jefus Chrift, and art able to 29^ Devotions for the Vfe do exceeding abundantly for as above all that w6 dre able to ask or think, according to the Powet that worketh in thy Saints , do thou fandify us throughly by thy Grace and Holy Spirit. And grant us according to the Riches of thy Grace, to be ftrengthened with Might by thy Spirit, in our inner Man •, that Chrift may dwell in our Hearts by Faith i that we being rooted and grounded iii Love, may be able to comprehend with all Saints, what is the Breadth and Length, and Depth and Height, and to know the Love of Chrift which pafleth Knowledge, that we may be filled with all the Fulnefs of God. And blefs our Opportunities and Means of Grace to this end, efpecially thofe of this Day, and grant that they may end in an everlafting Sabbath. And grant that thy Ways may be known upon Earth, thy faving Health among all Nations* and that this backfliding Nation may fo repent, and turn unto Thee , as to become a righteous, and fo a happy People. Remember thy gracious Servant, to whom we owe Subjedion. Defend him, O Lord, under thy Wings, preferve and che- rifh him under thy Feathers *, let thy Truth and Faithfulnefs be his Shield and Buckler. Blefs him mere arnd more, wnth thy Heavenly Gifts and Graces, and make him a Blefling to his and thy People. Let our Priefts be cloathed with Righ- teoufnefs^ Let Sinners be converted unto Thee • and let thy People be built up in Faith and Holi- iiefs unto Eternal Life. And all we offer up unto Thee, in the Name of thy dear Son , who hath taught m 10 pray, and fay, Our Fatkr^ which art ^A of Families, 29} A Morfjwg or Eve fihg Prayer in four Fart i^ I. Thankf giving^ OMoft Glorious God , infinite in thy Being, and in all Perfedionsj in thy Power, and moft Greats in thy Knowledge, and moft Wife ^ in thy Love and Goodnefs, and moft Holy and Happy. Of Thy Almighty Power thou did|t create all things^ Of thy unfearchable Wifdom thou haft redeemed all Men ; and of thy infinite Love and Goodnefs, thou do'ft fan<^ify thy Eled and chofen ones. When Thou in the Beginning didfl create all the World, thou madeft Man in the Image of thy jPerfedions, with an Intelled to know Thee , the univerfal Truth -^ a Will to love Thee, the univer- fal Good ; and Power to obey thee, the univerfal Lord. Yea Thou didft create him in thy Moral and Holy Image, with Spiritual Life, Light and jLove, v^bich was his Happinefs and Perfection. But Man continu'd not in that holy f ud happy State, wherein thou didft create him. And when by forfaking thee, the Rock of his Salvation, he fell from his Grace and Happinefs, into a State of Sin and Mifery, thou didft fend thy Son out of thy Bofora, to purchafe Salvation for us by his Bloody and to prepare us for that Salvation by his Grace, and by both to bring us to his Glory. And thou who haft not fpared thy own Son , but haft givea him up for us all. Thou alfo with him, and for his fake, do'ft give us all things neceflary for our Souls and Bodies. Thou feedeft us, and thou cloatheft US, thou preferveft us by Day, and watcheft over us by Night, and gracioufly offereft to us both J 3 the 994- Devotions for the Vfe the Bleffings of this Life, and alfo the Means and Hopes of a better Life hereafter. For thefe , and all other thy Mercies to us, what- foever, we defire with all that is within us, to blefs and praife thy moft holy Name-And grant that we may praife thee,not only with our Lips, but alfo ia pur Lives, by giving up ourfelves to thy Service, and by walking before thee, in Holinefs and Righteoufnefs, all the reft of our Days , through Jefus Chrift our Saviour, to whom, with thee, and the Holy Ghoft, be Honour and Glory, for ever and ever. j4msn. 2. Confifjion. OMoft Holy, Juft, and Gracious God, who loveft Righteoufnefs , and hateft Iniquity, art terrible in thy Juftice againft obftinate Offen- ders, but wonderful in thy Mercy to poor repent- ing Sinners, we humbly befeech thee to give us Repentance and RemilTion of our Sins. To this end, be Xho^i pleafed to convince us throughly of both our bin and Mifery •, that by our Natures we are Children of Wrath , conceived in Sin, and brought forth in Iniquity \ and that we have made ourfelves the more exceeding finfal, by adual Sins and Provocations of our Lives. Having lov'd, fought and ferv'd this corruptible World more than God, and our own Salvation. We have not done the Good which we ought to have done, nor ^fchewed the Evil which we ought not to have done, but have frequently and wilfully tranfgref- fed thy Commandfhents, both by Sins of Omiflion, and Sins of CommilTion, againft thee our God, our IvJeighbours and ourfelves. Both our inward Af- feftioas , and our outward Pradices have been : evii of Families. Q95 evil before thee, and that continually; O Lord, our own Hearts condemn us, and thou art greater than our Hearts, and knowell all things. Thou knoweft all our unknown Sins, with all the Aggra- vations of them, and what flight Temptations we have yielded to. And when we think on thefe things, we are horribly afraid of thy Wrath and Vengeance. But there is Mercy with thee, that thou may ft be feared and fought unto in Hope, and thy Mercy rejoiceth againft Judgment. Have Mercy on us therefore, according to thy Goodnefs, and according to the Multitude of thy tender Mercies blot out all our Iniquities. Wafh us throughly from our Wickednefs, and cleanfe us from our Sins. Wafh us in that Fountain which thon haft opened in Ifrael for Sin and for Un- cleannefs i, that though our Sins be as Scarlet, they may be white as Snow, though they be red like Crimfon, they may be as Wool. And, O thou, whofe Property is always to have Merqy, thoa who hateft nothing that thou haft made,* and do'ft forgive the Sins of all them that are penitent, cre- ate and make in us new and contrite Hearts, that we worthily iameatlog our Siss,and acknowledg- ing our Iniquities, may obtaia of thee, the God of all Mercy, perfed Remiilion and Forgivenefs, through Jefus Chrift oar Lord. Jlmen. J, Petit jo^ for Grace. OMoft Holy God, who haft taught us by thy Son, that except a Man be born again, he cannot fee thy Kingdom ; be pleafed to work in us this neceiTary Change and Renovation of our Na- tures. Enlighten our Minds , quicken our Con- fciences, fanclify our AfFedions, and reform our GQUverfationst And make us every way ii^h as ihtii^ ? 9^ Vevotions for the Vfe thou reqiiireft us to be, both in our innero and our outward Man. Caufe us to cfteem, love, and ho- nour thee, as God, with all our Soul and Mind and Strength •, to worfhip thee acceptably in Spirit and in Truths to hallow thy Holy Name , and thy Day *, and to live to thee as to our ultimate End. Enable us likwife to perform that Duty which we owe unto our Neighbours : And as v;e would iu Equity that Men ffiould do by us, enable and in- tline us even fo to do by them, in all the Concerns lOf their Souls and Bodies, their Dignity, Lives, Chaftity, Eftate and Name, and to love them as ourfelves. And teach us, O Lord, fo truly to love ourfelves, as to work out our Salvation with l?ear ^nd Trembling, to withftand the Temptations of the World, the Flefh and the Devil^the grea t Ene- mies of our Souls, To as not to follow them, or be led by them. O give us the Spirit of true Wifdom and Underftanding, that in this our Day, while it is called to day, we may know the things that belong unto our Peace. And help us to pray al- ways, and not to faint, to be vigilant and fober, to be meek, humble, holy, heavenly, refigned to thy Will, and zealous for thy Glory, and wife and innocent in all our Ways of Converfation : That we may be blamelefs and harmlefs, as the Chil- dren of God, without Rebuke, in the midit of a crooked and perverfe Generation, and thao others feeing our good Works, may glorify thee, our Heavenly Father: And grant, O Lord, that we may delight in well-doing , that the Duties of thy Service may be the Pleafure of our Lives, and that wc may go on with Chearfulnefs and Perfeverance to the end : That being faithful unto Death, we may at laft, by thy Mercy, obtain Eternal L^f5, through Jefus Ghrilt our Saviour. Ame^j- 4. If7tir^ of Families* 997 4. Intercefjion, O Almighty God, the Creator, Redeemer, and Prefei ver of all Men , we humbly befeech thee for the whole Race of them; that Unbelie- vers may be tranflated out of the Kingdom of Darknefs into the Kingdom of thy dear Son 5 and that all they who confefs thy holy Name, may have theirConverfation as do's become thyGofpel. Lord, (hew thy great Mercy to this degenerate and linful Nation, w hereunto we belong. Thou haft moved the Land, and divided it: Heal the Sores thereof, for it (haketh. And by a fpeedy and great Repentance for all our crying Sins, prevent that Deftrudion and Ruin which we deferve. Save and defend all Chriftian Kings, Princes and Governors, and efpecially thy Servant to whom we owe Subjection. Endue him with thy holy Spirit, enrich him with thy Heavenly Grace, pro- fper him with all Happinefs herein this World, and bring him to Glory and Immortality in the next. Blefs all Orders and Degrees of Men amongft nsjfiom theHigheft to theLoweO". And grant that true Piety and the Fear of thee onr God, Loyalty to onr Sovereign, and brotherly t.ovc and Kind- nefs may yet prevail amongft us. Have Pity oa all thofe that are in any Affliction : Be a Father to the Fatherlefs, and plead the Caufe of the.Widow •, comfort the Feeble-Minded , fupport the Weak, heal the Sick, relieve the Needy, defend the Op- prefled , and in thy good Time deliver thy Peo- ple out of all their Troubles. Shew thy Mercy and Loving-Kindnefs to our Relations, Friend*5 and Neighbours , to all that pray for us, or deiire our Prayers^ and give them all thiags neceffary iioth for their Souls and Bodies. Forgive all thofe tha? 398 Devotions for the Vfe that have done or wifh'd us Evil , and forgive ns all the Evil that we have done or wifh'd to others, and reconcile us all in Love, both to thyfelf and one another ^ through him, who hath reconciled all things unto thyfelf, our Advocate and Media- tor Jefus Chi ilV. jimsfi. In the Morffin^ add, O Almighty God, who hafl gracioufly preferv'd and kept us this Night paft, provide for, and proted us this Day by thy good Providence. And grant that this Day we fall into no Sin, neither Tiin into any kind of Danger, hut that all our Do- ings be ordered by thy Governance, to do always that is righteous in thy Sight, through Jefus Chrill euF Lord. In whofe bleiTed Name and Words, we conclude thefe our imperfect Prayers, faying, In tH Evemng addy O Almighty God, who haft commanded thy Loving-Kind nefs in the Day-time, vouchfafe ws, we befeech Thee, thy Protection this Night. Keep us outwardly in our Bodies, and alfo in- wardly in our Souls ^ preferve us from all Adver-^ iities that may happen to our Bodies, and from al3 evil Thoughts which may aiTiult and hurt our Souls, through Jefns Chriil our Saviour, in whofe blelTed JSIame and Words, we farther pray unto Thee, .as he .hath taught us, faying, Our iv*- of Families. 299 The foYegoing Form of Prayer may be fitly vfed at any Time of the Day^ omitting the two Co He Sis for the Morning and Evening, And thefe Collecis of our Church , and other fhort Prayers that follow^ may be added^ at Difcretion-, to the foregoing Peti^ tions^ or pfedfe^arately by themfelveSy as Occafion fhall require. A CoUeS or flwrt Prayer for the Help of God's Spirit. A Lmighty God, unto whom all Hearts be . open, all Defires known, and to whom no Secrets are hid , cleanfe the Thoughts of our Hearts by the Infpiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfeftly love thee, and worthily magnify thy hoJy Name, through Chrilt our Lord. Amen. For our Regeneration. A Lmighty God, who haft given us thy only be- gotten Son, to take our Nature upon him, and to be born of a pure Virgin*, grant that we being regenerate , and made thy Children by Ad- option and Grace, may daily be renewed by thy Holy Spirit, through our Lord Jefus Chrift, who iiveth and reigneth with Thee and the fame Spi- rit, ever one God, World without End. Amen. For a vert nous and godly Life. A Lmighty God, give us Grace,that we may call away the Works of Dai knefs, and put upon »s the Armour of Light , now in the Time of this ITiortai Life, ( in which thy Son Jefas Chrht came to g oa Devoflons for the Vfe to vifit us in great Humility) that at the lafl Day, when he ihall come again in his glorioas Majefty, to judge both the Qiiick and the Dead, we may riie to the Life immortal, through him, who liveth and reigneth with Thee ^qd the Holy Ghpft, riow and ever, ^me^j^ Or th'4' ALmighty God, who hall given unto us thine only Son , to be unto us both a Sacrifice for Sin, and alfo an Example of Godly Life, give us Grace, that \vq may always mofl; thankfully re- ceive that his ineftimable Benefit , and alfo daily endeavour ourfelves to follow the blefled Steps of his mo(t holy Life, thrpugh the fame JefasChrift pur Lord, uime?^. For K.novpledge and right Praciice, OLord, we befeech tbee mercifully tojeceive the Prayers of thy People, which call upon Thee, and grant that we may both perceive and know what things we ought to do, and alfo may have Grace and Povi^er faithfully to fulfil the f4m5, through Jefus Chrill: our Lord, jimen. For a right and firm Faith, ALmighty and Everlailing God, who haft gi- ven unto us thy Servants Grace, by the Con- feffion of a true Faith, to acknowledge the Glory pt the Eternal Trinity, and in the Power of the pivine Majefty, to worljiip the Unity :i we be- leech thee that thou would'ft keep us ftedfaft in this Faith, and evermore defend us from all Ad- vcrfities, wholiveftand reigacfl", oneGod, World v/iihoiu End, 4m^n. of families. go I For a pnrifyitfg Hope. OGod, whofe blelTed Son was manifefled, that he might deftroy the Works of ih^ Devil^ aiid make us the Sons of God, and the Heirs of eternal Life \ Grant us, we befeech Thee, that having this Hope, we may purify ourfelves, everi as he is pure-, that when he Ihall appear again with Power and great Glory, we may be madt like unto him , in his eternal and glorious King*- dom, where with Thee, O Father, and with thee," O Holy Ghofl:, he liveth and reigneth, ever one God, World without End. Amen, For Charity or holy Love. OLord, who hall taught lis that all our Doing§ without Charity are nothing worth*, SwA thy Holy Ghoft, and pour into our Hearts that moft excellent Gift of Charity , the very Bond of Peace, and of all Vertues, without which whofo^ fever liveth is counted dead before Thee : Grant this for thine only Son Jefus Chriil's fake. Amen. For the Increafe of thofe Graces , Faith^ Hope ^ and Charity. ALmighty and Everlafting God,^ive unto v.% the Increafe of Faith, Hope and Charity^ and that we may obtain that which thou doTc pro^ mife, make us to love that which thou do'f^ com* mand, through Jefus Chri'ft our Lord. Amm. For Heavenly Affe^tons. O Almighty God , who alone canft: or jf at^rr autr S^o* tijcc, :23:ctl)^cn auU ^iaerj^, iJ^aiUu anti i3piftref03 to all my Relations and Friends, and to all People , that we may worfhipThee, ferve Thee, and obey Thf^ of Private Per fins. 505 Thee as we ought to do. And I pray unto Thee, that thou wilt (end me all thing,$ that be needful both for my Soul and Body •, And that thou wilt be merciful unto me, and forgive me my Sins^ and that it will plcafe thde, to fave and defend me in all Dangers, Ghoftly and Bodily •, particularly in thofe of this Z^ay or NighQ wherein 1 commit myfelf unto thy Mercy and Protedion. Lord, blefs me and keep me ^ Lord, make thy Face to fhine upoa me, and be gracious unto me •, Lord, lift up thy Countenance upon me, and give me Peace , botti now and everntore, for the fake of Jefus, ray Sa- viour, in whofe o?vn blelTed Words, I fum up all my Wants. Onr Father, &Ci Jf your coming to the puhlick Prayers^ hi LORD, prepare my Heart, to fcek thy Face^ and hear and anfwer the Supplications of thy Servant. After the Service is ended^ fay^ LORD, pardon my Sins and Failings, in this thy Service and Worfliip. And grant that this thy Ordinance may be profitable to my Salva-* tion, through Jefus Chrift my Saviour. Amen. Grace before Meat, BLefs, O Lord, unto us, what of thy Mercy h here provided for us*, that it may have ftrength to nourilh us. And give us Grace, O Lord, that we may ferve thee here, and enjoy thee hereafter, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen* gc6 Sacred Hymns. A Grace after Meat, BLeffed be thy Name, O Lord, for the Refrclh- ment we have had by thy good Creatures at this Time , and for all thy other Mercies : Grant that in the life thereof, we may ferve Thee faith- fully, through Jefus Chrill our Lord. Amen. A Colledion of facred Hymns. The ftllowing Hymns hAving a Claufe of two SylUbles^ diftinguip^ed hy different Letters in every other Verfe^ may he fnng as the loo Pfalm, hy rehearjing thofe Syllables^ or to the common Tmn hy omitting them> And mfiy he nfed as there is occafan in either the /in" gtilar or flnral Number, A Hymn for the Lorm] Eternally. We'l live to him, wl:>o dy'd for us. And praife his lXt!^f} Name on High. Thou dy'dft indeed, but rofe again, And didft afcend Cto J^eabtn] on High^ That we poor Sinners, loft and dead. Might live C^jl^ %Wli Eternailfi Sacred Hymns. 507 Welcome and dear unto our Souls Be this mofl: Cblcfc^'n antil holy Day. O that we may a Sabbath keep With thee our God Cm ^^catien] for ay ! We come, we wait, we hear, we pray, Thy Ci^at50 antill Footfteps, Lord, we trace -, We joy to think this is the Way, To fee our Saviour's Cfflo^lou^U Face. Thefe are our Preparation Days, And when our Souls are \Jlx antil drefs'd, Thefe Sabbaths fhall deliver us f ^t laft] to our Eternal HRefl. A Morning Hymn, MY God was with me ail this Night, And gave me [Eeft ano] fweet Repofc, My God did watch even whilft I flept [3|n peace] or I had never rofe. How many groan'd and wifh'd for Sleep, Until the wifh'd for [Bjeafe oQ Day, Meafuring flow Hours with their quick Pains., Whilft I Cm (Safe] fecurely lay. What Terrors have I fcap'd this Night, Which Clifeelg] have on others fell j My Body might have flept its laft, My Canful] Soul, have wak'd in Hello Let this Day praife thee, O my God, And folet allmy Cfuture] Daysj And O let my Eternal Day Be Crpent in] thy Eternal Praifeo For the Evening, OW from the Altar of my Heart Let Incenfe flame [of tLfjanM] arifc, U 2 Affift go8 Sacred Hymns. Affill: me, Lord, to ofTer up My Evening [i^;aife antr] Sacrifice. Thou Lord haft been my Sun and Shield, My Rock, my ftrong CanlJ face] Defence , tor all mv Safety and my Peace I blefsthy [paCiOUg^] Providence. Forgive me for thy dear Son's fake What Ceier] I have done araifs, Mercy to fuch as contrite are CMlitl) tjee] my God, moft pleadng is. Then make me. Lord, this Contrite Heart, CClcan antiD unfpotted in thy Sight j. Renew a well-compofed Mind C3!nm£] and Spirit that is upright. A Hymn of Praife to God^ as Creator. JEhovah'^s Praifes let us fing With chearful Hearts and iii\>z\l^) Voice, And (Ijumblp) this our Offering bring. And with -due Fear ((nt)fm) rejoice. Tho we are vile, we tender it By the pure Hands of (3ef«55) Chrift, Who now at God's Right Hand doth fit, Our (gieat) and Heavenly High Prieftc Wonderful are thy Works, O Lord, in which (to SpanJ thou doft appear j They all preach to us, as thy Word, The unfeenGod to (lotcant!) fear. The Heavens above, the Earth below, (2Dailp) apparent to our Sight, To mortal Man do clearly fhew Thy (perfect) Knowledge, Love and Might. This Earth ftands by thy pow'rful Will, Its (a^alTp) Bulk thou doft fuftain, Wiihthy rjch Store thou doft it fill, xi Aad what thou mak'ft, Ctl)OU Doft) maintain. The Sacred Hymns. 36^ The various Plants, delightful Flowers, The YcomclpJ Verdure cloathe the Ground, WarmM by thy Sun, fed with thy Showers, • With pleafant Fruits the Earth abounds. On thefe more noble Creatures live The (tiitjere) Beafts, the fruitful Herds, They all receive, what thou dofl give, So do the (hcaut£OU0) finging Birds. Over all thefe thou placedft Man, III tby own (l)Ol^) Image form'd , To fcrvc thee as none of thefe can, With (fjigljer) Faculties adorn'd. The dreadful Waves, the Ocean deep. Thou (maD'ft ann) perfedly dolt know, There FiOi of afll forts thou doft keep. With (Eife anti) Food we know not how. Vaft unfeen Airs, llrong dreadful Winds, Thy flligljtnmg:^,) Thunders, Rain and Snow^ Conflrain even carelefs Sinners Minds, ' Of God (molt iMli) to (land in Awe. Farf 2. And if this Earth, fo low and fmal]. Do thus thy (toontijou^; Power ftievv ^ What fhould we fay, if we faw all. Which the bleft (glo^iou^) Angels know ^ When towards the Heavens we turn our Eyes, And on the (luciti) Regions look. We fee the (hining Stars and Skies, The (pltien) Letters of thy Book- How clear a Preacher is the Sun, In which God's (glp^ious) PowV doth fhine, The fpeedy Race the Glob's do run, ' Few would believe, (\xicre it) not feen. All Eyes at once behold its Light, Which (fcom ^ta'o'n) beyond Earth extend^ 5 to Sacred Hymns. ft's ftrange, if even an Angel's Sight This (fflo^tuu^) Globe can comprehend. Who knows how many Orbs there arc. Beyond (tSofe &tars() which Mortals fee ? A Svflctp to each fixed Star? — (® tijenj how great a God have we. How greatly ftiould this God be fear'd ? How joyfully ((|)0t{ltjSO be prais'd ? And how obediently be heard ? And Hearts iinlL^'oz) to him be rais'd? Who'd fet againft him finful Dud ? Or let (one Mfe) Temptation in? To pleafe a carnal Will and Lufl ? How bad (fioto maDj is wilful Sin? A Hymn of Pratfe for Redemption. GO D put at firfl in Mam's Power, Not [ftjccti] Nature but free Will', He could not change Neccflity, But he could choofe the i[(Bool! oO lil» God^ tho' moft Holy, did permit Man's Tryal, and his [^otiiou^] Fallj But Wifdom hath improved it, And l^^mf^'} glorified by all. Grace as the Sun before its Rife, Did firft fend forth fome [Btanis of] Light, Which more increafed by Degrees, Till the Sun rofe to n^uman] Sight. Q wondrous Myftery of Grace, That God [a^ S^anl in Flelh doth dwell. To fave a felt-deftroying Race From Sin, CtSemfeltje^] Satan, and Hell. 'Twas God himfelf that thus appear'd, Clit Ji Ufl&] tho' not to it confin'd. Yet there to do a Saviour's Work, r By L^onDjou.O Union afliga'd. Sacred Hymns. gll God walkM with Men 5 He heal'd t!ie Sick, C^S^Hamcl the Blind, He rais'd the Dead s innumerable Wonders wrought, CtlEtourantiiSl by Miracle He fed* To Sinners He Repentance preach'd, Call'd Man from worldly Vanity ; Faith, Hope, and Love he plainly taught, And [fleftlp] Luft to mortify. Not needlefs trifling Arts, or Rites •, But how fallen Man Cmap k] reftor'ds How fav'd from Sin and Mifery, In CenM^fisfl] Life may fee the Lord* Part 2. Divine Love is Man's Bleflednefs, Loft Love muft be [ bp EotJe] repaitM, Chrifl: came to draw Man's Love to God By Gods great [toontJ^ouisf] Love declared^ He lov'd his Enemies more than Life, SufFer'd [IRep^oacl)] dy'd on a Crofs, A Sacrifice to God for Sin, CIRttjiti'tiD and on the third Day rofe. He feal'd and fent the Law of Grace, [jDn CEartlj] He forty Days abode .^ Promis'd to fend the Holy Ghoft, [ianti tlieni afcended up to God. Heav'n is the Place of Bleflednefs, In Heav'n [it'^ mux} our Head muft fae^ There his great Glorious Kingdom is, [^nti l^zxt'] his Glory we muft fee. Head over all things to his Church C3n ^eat3'tt] he reigns at God's Right Kand^ Our great High-Pricft, Teacher, and King, UlXyt MloUD] all is at his Commaad^ Worlhip him^ all ye glorious Hofls, Fraife him, ye L^ol?] Angels all , 513 Sacred Hymns. Praife him, his Church throughout the Earth, His Foes before Him [UOton ii^oXV} fall. He intercedes from God to Man, Communicating CHite, 1lig:|)t J Love, He intercedes for Man with God^ Prefents our Cafe [to ^im3 above. By Him we have Accefs to God, Through him God's now our Ctiweft] Friend, To Him our Souls with quiet Truil {,%n%ilt{] at Death we do commend. Glory 4)e to the God of Love, For Ctljere ffrangel Miracles cff Grace, Who fent a Saviour from above, And (hews Cto 9^m} his pleafed Face. God's great Works muft be like himfelf. His Pow'r by this Cff^eat Sillocltil! we Icnow, Wifdora and Goodnefs equal it. And C^quall Wonders thefe muft (hew. Chrift is the Lord of Life and Death, He'i [tatfe anti] judge the World at laft 5, The Juft he'l take to joyful Blifs, The Wicked [^e] to Hell [toi'lO caft. Come glorious Lord, to thee we truft^ The Conqueror of [©^atj) anti] Hell, Receive our Souls, raife us from Dnft, In [ILot3e anti] Joy with thee to dwell. 4 Uymn of Praife for the Holy Ghoji and SanSification, AS Light and Heat flow from the Sun, To light, warm, (qulcfecnj frigid Earth v God fent his Son, and both the Spirit, To raife (tieaU ^oul^) by a new Birth. By Him our Lord was firft conceived , By Him were all his Wonders wrought, By Sacred Hymnsl 3 1 J By Him the World in Chrift belie v'd, By Him God's Word was writ and taught. His Word made, and his Word new makes, Hcgiveth (1&riOtoletijje,J Life and Senfe, Tho' by the Sapiential way. Yet by Love's (potent) Influence. If Miracles and Holinefs Had not thrift's Gofpel f futtlj) feal'd Chrift had not had a Church on Earth, Nor had been credibly reveal'd. 'As on the firft unformed Mafs, God's Spirit mov'd, gave Life and Forcfi^ So He firft form'd the facred Word, Then (bp it) thofe that are nfew born. The holy Gofpel is his Book, Written (ant» ptf ac|)'li; by Chnft's Comriiandlg^ Indited by the Holy Ghoft, As ftrue as) if with Chrift'* own HandJ O praife eternal boundlefs Love, Who fbines (on W^Xi) with vital Beams, Refreiheth dry and thirfty Souls, With the celeftial Hitiirig;) Streams. He gives us Light when we are dark. He quickens us when (toe ate) deadf And by unfeigned Faith and Love Unites us to our ( glo^foujsj ) Head. Vart 2. Lord, fet's know him by whoni we kriowy And know Chrift by thy (l)Ol^) Dove, And live to him-» f>^' w^^rrx ^^ \{^fQ^ Lov'* ' '^ N LovC' It'- 5 1 4- Sacred Hymns. Should we not magnify his Grace, And his high Praifes (fiml^) fing? Who teacheth us with joyful Hearts, To magnify our (S^catienlpj King. He intercedes 'tvvixt Chrift and us, The (IjolpJ Fire by him doth burn : He gives us the Defires and Groans, The ('3Elianfes antij Praife which we return. He preach d thy Word to us, within, And made it to us (^oVo't ant)) Life, He us'd it to deftroy our Sin, Gave us (our) Creed, and (our) Belief. His Teaching deeper went than Man's, ( '(El)? Cfllorti ) he wrote upon, the Heart, Our mad Refiftance overcame, A (Aj^lv) Nature's more than Art: He made thy Word fearching and fharp, Yet (fVocct anti) pleafant to our Tafte -, He made thy Service our Delight, Make it ( ^tt tfl^iz) fo to the lafc O Thou that art' this holy Fire, ^ Inflame our Souls for thy own Praife. I Thou who do'ft Love and Joy infpire, Keep (tttkin) Vigour from Decays. *• All Glory t-o the facired Three, One Everliving ( BUiTeti) God , As at the firft ftill may he be (3r) all ) belov'd, obey'd, ador'd- j^/Ticr^ a,V (el»- mmm ^m^^^^S^^^^^^ ^^^