IhB j WJJ i (^ m 1 Q Bfitijiag Schools, ^jtoins, AttS Uluoical (I'ciiitirafioi: STEM OF MUSICAL NOTATION -A VARIETY OF EXERCISES AND GLEES FOR SINGING SCHOOLS. * III. -AN EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF HYMN TIJN1 IV.-A L ORTMENT OF SENTENCES, ANTHi FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 1 illj J if •ijii ',' 'ill, Mill;. • '"'•I'l ! * ! ' 1 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/praisezOOwild W 11 % } ill jjftl OF PB^fr 7 A COLLECTION OF MUSIC FOE Siagiag ^rlionls, (l^liniro, anS $ftusical tBnntinifiaac ; ffSISTIHG o K I.-A SYSTEM OF MUSICAL NOTATION. II.-A VARIETY OF EXERCISES AND GLEES FOR SINGING SCHOOLS. III. -AN EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF HYMN TUNES. IV.-A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SENTENCES, ANTHEMS AND CHANTS. SOLOX WILDER and FREDEMC S. DAVENPORT. N E W V R K : PUBLISHED JSY MASON BROTHERS, Boston: MAS029 A HAMLIN. Phela] : J. I J. LIPI'IXCOIT & CO. Cix.-ixnau : SARGENT, WILSON A IIIXKI.i:. Cuicago: HOOT A CAD 1 !". 1? R E I 1 A. G E . Pinging School Department.— -The definitions in this department are designed to be clear and distinct, and sufficiently full for all the uses of Singing Schools. The practical exercises are easy, and we hope, adapted t i the purpose for which they are intended. In these times, when peace a rain blesses our land, the choral, " Let all men praise the Lord," from the " Slynm of Praise," by Mendelssohn, must find a ready response in every In tr t. IIvmn-Tune Department. — Much time and labor has been spent in the ration of this part of the work, with the hope of presenting choirs and rs generally with good, singable music, avoiding lightness and frivol- i; v mi the one hand, and harmonies too hard and intricate on the other. A careful selection of those old favorite tunes which are almost as indis- pensable for singing schools as for choirs, is included. The hymns have I en chosen for their emotional nature, and the music has been written or •id with reference to giving expression to the same. Unusual oppor- tunities have been afforded us for making selections from foreign as well as American sources, which we have largely availed ourselves of. The lovers of the music of Ch. Zepner will fir.d a number of compositions by him never before published. Anthem Department. — The music here will be found to be almost entirely new. Attention is called to the large variety of pieces suitable for opening church worship, also to the closing choruses by Neukomm and Novello respectively, which are now for the first time published from the original MS., kindly furnished by Dr. L. Mason. To him and the many others who have assisted us by word and deed, we would here render our most grateful acknowledgments. We hope the work will prove of interest to others, as it has to us. SOLON "WILDER, FREDERIC S. DAVENPORT. New York, August, 1S66. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by MASON BROTHERS, In the Clerk's Office of the United States District Court, for the Southern District of New York. EtxomorTPKD i:y Smith & MoDouOAL, 82 A. H Lf.fku/.n Stbhet, N. Y. Phintkd kt John F. Trow, 50 GltKE.NE Stkkkt. N. V. SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. MUSICAL NOTATION C II A l'T BE I. INTRODUCTION". $ 1. All persons arc capable of realizing oertaiii distinctions of I (mnaeal sounds). The following art die iir.-t that present themselves; viz : !-t. LoHG or BHOBTi 2d. High or Low. :'"1 Lolj) or Soft. $-2. Hence every tone has three essential properties, or conditions of existence; viz : 1st. Length. 2d. Pitch. •M. Force. $ 3. Ad there are three distinctions, and three essential properti it seems proper to divide rudiments of music into three correspond- ing departments; viz: 1st. Rhythy '2d. Mf.lodics Lid. Dynamics ('.'I .* l'T Kit II. lMlYTHMk'S. $ 4. The relative length of tones is 1 bed l>y characters, called Notes; thus, Quarter N..te. I Sixteenth ' ' ' % Roto. Half Note. Tin: RELATIVE vai.il: of NOTES ILLUSTRATED. One whole note, is equal to two halves, r or four quu: | r or eight eighths, or BLxt.-i'i) sixteenths. r r r r t t : : t SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT § 5i Characters indicating corresponding length of silence are called Bests; thus, Whole Rett. Half Best Quarter Rest Eighth Best. Sixteenth East. N. B. — Xotos or rests do not represent any absolute length. § 6. A Dot • adds one half to the length represented by a note or rest ; thus, a G * equals a P, and a p * equals p Y , and so on. § 7. The figure 3, placed over notes, reduces the length represented by three equal notes to that of two of the same kind. Groups of notes thus marked are called Triplets CHAPTER III. RHYTHMICS. § 8. The relative length of tones is estimated by a division of time into equal portions, called Measures. $ 9. Measures are represented to the eye by spaces separated from each other by perpendicular lines, called Bars; thus, Bar. Bar. Bar. Bar. Bar. Measure. Measure. Measure. Measure. § 10. There are four kinds of measures in common use. § 1 1 . A measure having two parts, is called Double Measure. EXAMPLE. Double Measure, accented on the first part. if r i r r 2 4 r r i r r § 1 2. A measure having three parts, is called Triple Measure. EXAMPLE. Triple Measure, accented on the first part. r r r i i? r r I r r r i r r r § 13. A measure having four parts, is called Quadruple Measure. EXAMPLE. Quadruple Measure, accented on the first and third parts. f rrrr i irrrr i %zzzz § 14. A measure having six parts, is called Sextuple Measure. EXAMPLE. Sextuple Measure, accented on the first and fourth parts. r r r r r r 6 8 IT 1 1 1 : § 15. The kind of time is indicated at the beginning of a piece of music in the form of a fraction; thus ~ signifies double time, and that Q two half notes or their equal fill a measure ; and ** signifies that three half notes or their equal fill a measure. § 1G. The practical way of keeping time is by beats of the hand, which is left for the teacher to explain. § 1 7. The practice of beating time and counting alood is earnestly recommended. In classes the practice of beating and counting, omitting a part of the beats, is advised ; thus, in double time, counting the first and remaining silent on the second part. In quadruple time, the ladies may beat and count the first and third, while the gentlemen beat and count the second and fourth parts, and vice versa. SINGING SCHOOL D i: PA R T M K NT. 5 * IS. The Am of. piece of music, and in this work the end of a lino J 23 . The pc.tR* of the letter, „,,,„ . *tf ta ,, t ,,. rm :, , aoter caUed ■ c:/./, of which two are in common in poetry, is indicated by a Double Bar. Thus, E II A FT Ell IV. MFJ.ODICS. \ lf>. A IKKXn of eight tones, ascending or descending in a particular order, is called the " 8caU. n The names used to designate these tones arc, 0M, Tiro, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight. The s\ llahles, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do, arc used to designate their relative pitch. The letters C, D, E, F, G, A, H, C, arc used to indicate their absolute pitch. t&O. The scale is indicated by a character called a Staf, consisting of five liucs and four spaces, each line and space being calleda Degree. Un.-n. 5 4 3 2 . i — EXAMTLi:. Sptcti. Z T— » -+— 2- Ml- When more than nine degrees are required, added lines above or below arc used. Thus, EXAMPLE. thufl, fr- ; and the V el. f, thus, § 24. The G clef determine* <; to be upon the second line, and I clef determines F to be upon the fourth line. For example : ^= h 25. Tli,' arrangement cf the letters upon the -t:.H" i. ... foil §E^ .. » i-O— $26. By ocmmoD oonsent the scale i.- represented >,; n thi follows, beginning at C, and is called the Nauu*. 1 3 8 4 0*78 Pitch. C D K F Q \ BO Syl. Do R« .Mi la Q US..! Pa Mi Ba !>•■ ^u.^Urilri:!^:;^' ,0 ****** "-"i. ,it ». * • I In the 8Cale g»™n above there are two kinds of intervals, greater and C) STNGING S C II L DEPART MEN T . .-nailer, called Steps and Half -steps ; thus, the intervals between three and four, and seven and eight, arc Half-steps, all the others are Steps. The intervals between the letters occur as follows : between E and F, and B and C, are Half-steps, and all the others are Steps. CHAPTER V MELODIC8.— CHROMATIC SCALE. ^ -2&. Between those tones of the scale differing in pitch by the inter- val of a step, an intermediate tone may be produced ; thus, intermediate tones may occur between one and two, two and three, four and five, five and six, and six and seven; but not between three and four, and seven and eight, because the intervals between these tones are half-steps. § '20. These intermediate tones are named from either of the tones be- tween which they occur; as between one and two may be .either JSharp (Sue or Flu! Two. § 30. The absolute pitch is called C Sharp (JC), or D Flat (t>D). §31. The influence of a flat or sharp extends through the measure in which it occurs; and also through succeeding measures, until a note occurs upon some other degree of the staff. § 32, The influence of a flat or sharp is terminated by a character called Natural or Restorer (5). § 33. A scale composed of the eight scale-tones, and the five inter- mediate tones, given above, is called the Chromatic Scale. The Chromatic Scale represented. — Ascending Scale, ^^^E^B*? -»- zszn: Nanus. One, »JJP Two, **%* TJwee, Pour, ^g Five, . *JJJP Six, «j£P Seven. Eight. Filch. C SO' D si')'' E F jp' (} m' A IA 1 B C. Byl. Do Di* lie Ri* Mi Fa Fi* Sol Si* La Li* Si Do. * In pronouncing give i the sound of e in me Descending Scale. fE^E^^: K I* A F; T M E N T Huron Scale — Second Form. [Sarmo i Mi ^,,r.E — Sec - _ i --- s _ n & ^ : S G 7 8 B c n E I' : \ I . . Bi Do Re Mi Fa Si La 876848 3 1. L fO P B I> B V La si Pa Mi Re Do si La, In this scale, ascending and descending, the intervals arc alike : Ilalf- b* tween two and three, five and six, and seven and eight. Steps be- tween one and two, three and four, and four and live. The interval be- tween six and seven is a step and a half-step. C II A l'T I! 11 VII. HELODIC&— TRANSPOSITION OF THE SCALE. $ !»?. Tm: scale is said to lie transposed when any other pitch t! is taken as One. l>ut, in taking any other pitch than C, the order of inter* -, given in Chapter IV., most be preserved. ELLD6TBJLTION OX SCALE COMMENCING i P0 GAB C 1) E F •;. 12 3 4 •") t; : 8. A- it now stands it is wrong, because the interval between six and I is a half-step, and it should be a step. Made right by using the ZF in the place of F. So the scale of (! is made op of the following ton G A 1$ C D E tfE G. $ 38. Instead of writing a sharp beside every F in a piece of music, it is pn' upon the li tter F, immediately after the clef, and is used as a sig- nature to indicate the !. N. R — By key ii meant the relationship of tonea when any latter ia tnkcn as One. Thus, by Key of C w ineuLt tho relationship of tones with C a* a bam $ 39. In tr le to any othi r h it. r the -une principle.* must : in the f iregoing. li.. aothore donot deem it oeoewairy to write out any more tnui-; the prinoiplea already !-t.in-.l in Ohaptara IV. and VII. arc. the pupil • it with greater advantage to bin OH A PT E B V II 1 DVN. Under this head i, or Power. Tho following are the more common forms of expression : § 40. A tone of medium force is called Mezzo, mark. r m. y. 11. A to] ■ Bofter than M«ZZO, is called Piano, marked J'ia <rt*, is called Crescendo; marked thus -<^; y 47. A tone beginni . and diminishing gradual! o, is called Diminuendo; marked thus ;r=— $ 4S. A onion of the tv. i la I produces the Swell; marked thus $40. A. rery sudden I >.■> or Stall is called tl and is marked thus < or o. $ .">(). A tone produced rery suddenly and foroil diaa- iuished, is call "1 an /.' 5 indo; marked thus >, or bj sf or fz. 8 CHAPTER IX. DYNAMICS. § 51. When successive tones are sung in a connected and flowing style, they are said to be Legato. The legato is marked thus *""■**. N. B. — The same character, called a Tie, is used to show how many tones are to be sung to one syllable. § 52. When tones are produced in a short and detached manner, they they are said to be Staccato, marked thus ? ? t r . $ 53. A medium between legato and staccato is called Half-staccato, and is marked thus, ..... $ 54. When a tone is prolonged beyond the time indicated by the note, such prolongation is called a Pause, and the character representing it is called a Pause or Hold, and is marked thus, /^. SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. § 55. When a passage is intended to be sung twice, it is indicated bj the following character, called a Repeat. § 56. When a piece of music is to be closed by repeating the first part, it is indicated by Da Capo or D. C, in which case the end is designated by the word Fine. § 57. "When a passage of music is designed to be performed at pleasure as regards time, it is marked Ad lib. § 58. When a passage of music is to be hurried as regards time, it is marked Accelerando. § 59. When a passage of music is to be performed gradually slower and slower as regards time, it is marked Eitard or Pit. MAJOR A. N D MINOK SCALES. t Scale oi represented. V 1 \A rj> II Cn rv i l C Do 2 D Re 3 E Mi 4 F Fa 5 G Sol 6 A La 7 B Si 1*2 8. C. Do. -es- /ioV rj rJ. rj <-/ r~> ■f*- Scale of G represented. fj « S^ — f-> V r 1 G Do 2 A Re is Mi 4 C Fa 5 D tin] 6 E La 7 Ft Si 8. G. Do. ^ II ' kl> _ . — . . — u Scale of B represented. A. Z. - rj ( > r^ rj « l 1) Do 2 B EU :t PI Mi » l'a 5 \ S..1 8 B 7 1 : 8. D. Da J=2. (* ~ — <3> — r-J L J — « i 4r ... . : N G I N G S ( "I L DEPAB T M E N T Eektive Minor of D represented. Scale of A - % repres « -- "■-J A ~ r~j r? ' 1 A Do 2 II Re 3 d Mi 4 D Pa 5 r. Bol 6 PI La 7 01 si B. A. P«>. lmS-%. 5 n > — - r^ n_ Q r-j ^ Scale of E - .. - represented. y " r jr tt «--# /T ~ - _ rz rj ^j 1 E Do 1 FJ Re 3 Gl Mi 4 A Fa 5 I! Sol 6 CI La 7 Df S> 8. F. Do. m w- ;,g c-' o - « <£> ■Z. o fr Scale of F represented. — ^, — 'Z — ^ fO . — Sl n ■■r_j l P Do -G> 2 (J Re 3 A Mi I Bfa Fa 5 G D La 7 B Si 8. P. Do. — — — ^ > c^ -G> - rj KJ - 1 B La Si 8 1) Do S 5= i B K- I PI Mi I Q Fa -z a ^ _ \: Bi 3&z Eelative Minor of F represented r* 8. I!. La. 9 Eelative Minor of A represented. Z- m s — 3-?— — ^ n f ^z . l FS La o- — 2 01 Si cz/ 3 A Do 4 B Ba 5 c: Mi D Fa 7 1 Si 8. La. £ 3 - S s»- 'V ■ w — e*> — c — ■ rj 9 Eelative Minor of E represented. vj^-'^S — s> — ~z ■» CJ La 1 Dl Si -^ — 3 E Do PI Be 5 1 Mi G 7 W Si 8. La. (Wetyt — e *J ^r-^h-TD — _ _> / ^ = -=- -^-n ' T ZZ Y m V .» f--> • "Z 1 D La -• B Si 3 P Do i Q B< 6 A Mi 1 • Pa rj u .. II 10 SINGING SCHOOL Scale of B b represented. / /i " Vf \ v <-^ > /CJ \) "C2" 1 Bb Do 2 C Re 3 D Mi 4 Hz Fa 5 F Sol 6 La A Si 8. Bb. Do. m '""-J *L T\ 7~ . (S> ra i 5 "*^ — — & Scale of Eb represented. Zl7 K rj r^i — s> ■ n o — S> 1 Eb Do 2 F Re 3 a m 4 Ab Fa 5 Bb Sol 6 C La 7 D Si 8. Eb. Do. tf»V h l"y 7 (TJ Wr>_L r-j ,i • 7. £S — s> — cj Scale of Ab represented. 22: 122: <^ l Ab Do lib Re 3 C Mi 4 Db Fa 5 Eb Sol 6 F La 1221 22: -^- Scale of Db represented. 7 G Si 22: Ab. Do. -0tH -= n /Lb hi rj fir ? 7 rj A \) V rj & r Db Do 2 Eb Re P Mi 4 Gb Fa 5 Ab Sol Bb La 1 C Si -- 8. Db. Do. _£2_ /»V"h 1 ... ^ (E^-.-b—o — '-J ^?r>-5 : — — DE-PABTMENT. Relative Minor of B b represented. 22: r?^: 1 G La 2 A Si 3 Bb Do 4 C Re 5 D Mi Eb Fa 7 Ft Si ~rz>- :z2: "S2" ^ Relative Minor of E b represented. Relative Minor of Ab represented. Relative Minor of Db represented. G. La. 22: u nr~ ' — n h U h'-— rj TrV v rj 0=-* \-\) m ^— -- 1 C La 2 D Si 3 Eb Do 4 F Re 5 G Mi 6 Ab Fa 7 B Si 8. C. La. ik v l r^> AS- 7- ! v r^> ■^-'b h (TJ 1 v f) 1 P.b u — —ft" — S> n i^l b iv rj rtv 2 rj v '; \\rD 'w 'b u^ — r^> -yvn A.nvPi fry * h M^ v > y r^> 1 Bb La -e>- C Si C3 3 Db Do 4 Eb Re 6 F Mi , — ^> — C Gb Fa 7 A Si 8. Bb. • La. ^4-^- rj — & — i-L S I N G I NO SCHOOL l> E P A R T M K N T. n PRACTICAL EXERCISES. No. 1. The Scale in Whole and Half Notes— Double Time. 4 c 55 U=3: gz~g?: ^=^ =2r=£ s - - J=E f^— P- H=t zi—rt- s za S 3 ■c?— c- Ko Ro Mi Mi Fa Fa Sol Sol La La Si si Do, Do Do Si 8i U s 2 I : No. 2. The Scale in Half and Quarter Notes — Double Time. -^T^r ■f=^ I h t=fc 1 — r 1=T- *=m- * - No. 3. The Scale in Quarter and Eighth Notes — Double Time. s. s > s m m m I h K ^ > ar-aT-ar ■r-r-r s * h h «-*? * \ \ s > MTafJt N * > > o » m If thewi^e who has not tried hiaToioe, Let himnow make tbeefl UwOlTejoice; For.lfyou* \.ml. You must labor in ear. .rrulc No. 4. The Scale in Quarter Notes — Quadruple Time. tA: ^ t=t- ■j- j r-j- 3=£ . A — I — E -* * * - * * * PF=I= • * • -p— r— »- t — i — i — r « • ^-ll No. .5. The Scale in Half and Quarter Notes — Quadruple Time. ^ n: rx. liill 3=t d -- Float » - ly o'er liill and o'er rale, Como the No. 6. The Scale in Quarter Notes — Triple Time. us en - dww - <>r To ring Tri And «'.I1, '•" 12 ^ !=:^=£: SINGING SCHOOIi DEPARTMENT ■f- , c? m No. 7. The Scale in Half and Quarter Notes— Triple Time. TZ=W- : p~r ?z=p: fcf: :l f :^2=p: ^=P: 1 — r -^— »i- • i i . . . • Now is come the hour of sing - ing, Joy and pleas-ure to us bring- ing; Let us sor - row far off fling-mg, Join the cho-rus that's now ring - ing. No. 8. The Scale in Quarter and Eighth Notes. :X— K— P Jtzjc &—&i—&>- ? r ns ~~i~ i=i=»: 1*=*=1: P»i=S: zjz :»*: - at ■r-r-r — g= tr— ir- tz=tc Gcn-tly now the day is go - ing, While the sun his rays are throw-ing On the olouds, which sailing o'er us, Shade the land-scape now he - fore us. No. 9. Round in Four Parts. 2r- + ~^T^: :?=J- -^r q=F :3=2= rJ=J~- isfc fcp i r =2 — J— J =mT- ■■J—J=lJ~^. T ■?=?- -^ Now w^'ll try a sim - pie round, Tak - ing care to get each sound ; Count-ing time, thus, one, two, three, four, Thus we'll sing it o'er and o'er. No. 10. Song in Two Parts. I #=P3 --TZ-- ■&T- --W=-^ J=Z- BE3 Hap - py are we all to - night, Sing - ing is our dear do - light ; Come, and join onr mer - ry throng, And we'll help you learn this soug zfz ,_"£: — _ — m Sfc :*= 4=ct -P2= X=- ^ r z i ■ -0—0- f~ -0.—0Z-- — q. 0. Wzzfz Do Do Re Mi Do Do Si Sol Do Do Re Mi Do Do Si Sol Do Do Re Mi Fa Mi Re Do Si Sol La Si Do Re Do ^~=3z=SEa]=* I£T~ 1 +MZZ+Z*: ^iM&^^gs --J=0=2=i *=»= I r rrr r 3= See the evenine shadows now While the world so gently goes When the night domes o'er the plain, OreepuigrouoJ yon niUBtab's brow, To its hours of calm repose; Then well nieetltfsBigagani S I X G I X G SCHOOL I) B P A II T M E X T No. 12. Exercise in Four Parts. 13 I ikUUI I *> \rJ rJQ EI II ■ ^ #-* ^_ f^ ma r No. 13. Tune in Quarter Notes, W P ' I f^^ If l^F- ' 0. i I . ii 1 I =t±=tt J— I I 1 I I ±3±=t rw~ Tho turf shall be my fragrant shrine, My temple, Lord: that arch of thine ; My censer's hreath, tlie m ountain airs, And ul< I m ± 77TjiTffi£^g i if : ; ' . » ^m I 1- • I ' jL S d . 000 I 0000 iin * 0) 0) ^m -M SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT No. 14. Same Succession of Tones as in the preceding Exercise. )-4r& — * W= 91 ~&—(2L -&- G G~\~G — *~G I£=I22 G~ -G—%-G W *-P- -&—& m RF -G- -0--+ 9 -G- 1 EB33 ■G- -G- -0 -&-&■-&■ -G- -G- ^ -#■_+■*. -0-0- rJ rJ - G — "— £3- JLJ * *' &—& I My choir shall be the moonlight waves, When murmuring homeward to their caves ; Or, when the stillness of the sea, E*en more than music, breathes of thee v lt?z+ ^_ s L s£ £ ?=F?z *- ^ I -g- -&—*-g d * m d g—g-±-& * eJ ' * -d~d-0- -JZZL roma 0-m =?=: 7?~ m -d-d-d- Y&- -g- FWif^-gja No. 15. Same Succession of Tones as before. £ ?g— jE £2=p»: ■s> * s£ O — 0- G—%-0 G — 0- G- ££ & I G- & m JSL G I ^ s 3 I 2 j -^r^-* ■*■ -g- -0 -g- -0- -&• -A -G- G—0- G—*—*- g- t==T Thy heaven, on which 'tis bliss to look, Shall be my pure and shin - ing book ; Wliere I shall read, in -words of flame, The glo-ries of thy wondrous name. 3H£ W4 1 T m. v£+ 52 G- G O t^irf^yp^ 3*4"^— FAG-jg-_ sm SSiS 2±3t 2^t* G—0- 09- P~Yf i 2^=i s±=* G- i*=S ^=7- i S I N" G 1 X <■ B U 11 L D E 1 J A B 1 M E N T No. 16. Same Succession of Tones as before. , 15 :* ^™ -B<-C* I gg ^TO^g ^i ! ■rr 1 o « Z5T Jl There's nothing bright, a-bove, be-low, From flow*ro that blooto, to stars that glow, Bat in iu light, my *oulcausee Some feature of thy De - i - ■j ,„ 1 gra&rgg^s^^ P^fH-r Ff^ ^ ^ m m e ^ m.^f. \ gfefefeg -d~ S r J r J ' 22 ms: ^ -> ^ ^ If ■2 No, 17. Same Succession of Tones as before. 1 -.<•=> S £>' ^S # -S T> O I * ^ ♦ ^ I I I I LLL-4-j • -o- -*• -»■ -e- -a- -<&- I -«■ t»- -y 1- F=t J. 4 v &-^+ e # & . S t=r o I thing dark, In-low, a-bove, But in its gloom I trace thy bra; Andmeak-ly wail that mo ill tarn nil bright a - gain. 3 m . ° mk^^=m=^m &-^+ « * o ^m -&—vt ~. w •>3 ^F =tF=F 3 ^ is: I' ^-E^ Q ^ i 16 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT No. 18. THIS WORLD. 1. This world is not bo bad a ■world, As some would like to make ' it, And, whether good or whether bad, Depends on how we take it; ffi i s Iffi^ — 0- 4 0J -0 — * * ' & 9^-0 ' » J> -0 0- #*=NM l 2. This world is quite a clev - er world, In rain or pleas- ant weath - er, If peo - pie would but learn to live In bar - mo - ny to - geth - er ; n 5g=gS g^f g S ^m -0 — 0- 0- 33?* ^=s= 3. Then were this world a pleas- ant world, And pleas- ant folks were in it ; The day would pass most pleas- ant - ly To those who thus be - gin it : 75~ • VW- ^ -^-y-hr = f z= f = i : f i -0-S-0- m -d—f m I -0 — 0- ~ w~~?~~v i ¥=¥=*=&*■ P=P- £ y~r > ~T"P S= 0- -& For if we scold and fret all day, From dew - y morn till e - ven, This world will ne'er af - ford to man A fore - taste here of heav - en. gig 3 m & -0 0- :*.&Z"±J* Nor seek to burst the kind- ly bond, By love and peace ce - ment - ed, And learn that best of les - sons yet, To al - ways be con - tent - ed. ~9 *—*—f—w E >r ^0eS^&^^M And all the name-less griev-anc - es Brought on by bor-rowed fcrou - bles, Would prove, as ccr-tain-ly they are, A mass of emp-ty bub - bits. m^ a —0- I H«— *- mmi -3t=]*L 0- I t— i — ' — h- r—r m B I N fl I N G SCHOOL D I P A R T M I N T . No. 19. THE MERRY HEART. 17 Word* »'\ M - .'. ^1 IMZ*- f=W=t rr r\ *— *- •i v-^ 1. Tis well U> liuvo a m.-r - ry heart. lbiw- ev - cr short wo stay; There's \vm - dom iu a nier - ry heat t, What-e'er the world mav aay. ! I gjuajjuuJJ^B ^^ rr- fv '*=z m\ a * . 3 2. There's benu-ty in the mcr - ry heart, A DMT - al beau-ty, too; It shows the heart's an ban - e«t heart. That 's paid eaeh man his due: r ^rT I g i r f i r 1 ^ P I J; * ** * ^» - r r 1 f s *=£ 3. The sun may abroad it - self in clouds, Tho tempest's wrath be - gin; It finds a spark to cheer the dark- ISil =t m ss Its sun - li^'ht is with - in. 1 r~w m -*-^ m , :£=* ' £ # * ' : I- II 1*1 iil - os - o - phy may lift its baud, And find out many a flaw, Hut give me the phil - os - o - phcr That's hap - py with a straw. laughs tli.> m. >•>( may tru - ly boast Ho '» got the wealth of earth. » — w ' 0-M m^Tfzzm \r~ r w * IM± -*-»- T-P-— A I g * # # I 18 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT No, 20. BOUNDING AWAY. tr- 'j L U b L. 0-S-d— — — j I p— p ipz^: P p.. W-V U l* P ItWE £B 3t fmmre^ 22: l i^pp §^ : ^T r rP " ttt JLl^l 0—0—0- Bounding away with our friends to the mount - ain, Stop we a moment to drink at the fount - ain; Then with new vigor we'll hasten a - way. 9=]^^ :& 0-0-0-0- m *=P=r«- W* p j J J J J g ^ -^— *- jlg^^ ^^E SB Ei£-h-M*-fr-fr-fr I lOOT ^ :p=p^ I £ atiziiat I 0000 E^SS y: F v=^4^=v=v=^ Sing-ing, and laughing, and mak-ing all gay Mer - ri - ly, mer -ri - ly, mer - ri - ly, mer - ri - ly, mer - ri - ly bound -ing a - way, ^ 5=5 ^ hh^ ypj— m—m- _jl_#_ ac «5»- I m r r r r~r~ £=g ste^f & • ? fc=fcfcfc=k=fc=U es-r-* -v-v- kz^zit =r^ ritard. ^- \, 1 1 1 1 1 ^^ £-Y ' \ ' |_k-£^TJT£T » g #=»: ffl: c c c c i r^i^s^ tE=JC SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT No. 21, Sharp Ono and Sharp Four. 19 Colli blows tin nu>d without, Swift flies the snow about; But we'll uot care for wiud or suov,K'>r here, iu social song.Tho hours will glide along. And leave a blessing as thev go. §i I Ul-:"'' &-\& l I i ^ #» ?a» m- m 4 j 1 <^ *# g? ■# ^ 1^ k^r.r 3LT»:^7.#- tT*=*=*: r^-i^i-ii m^ c J^ No. 22. Various Chromatic Intervals. SP ^Jl tl J J I *^ jTij^jj^ g a^^i ;ii Siul and lono - ly all the day, B»«T( eotta our wea - rv wav; But bo - f>ro us lights ap - p.ar. Sli..w-ing tint our friends are near ±1 ^PfF-frHU^ ^^ t^jm^f-Aru -g

■ a ,. _ , h 2 J 5: 5S mi tho per - funifil gala;... Wiii!.' e-oboec tweet, The strains ro-peat To tlic ihepberda in the vale. II n n T | r- >; ££FFTOJ^>- -* J JUT^H^ - ^^M^ II A 1 " Al i i - -* dH*d _j» z^3n(_i fHH* s s s \U -r • 1 «M M M :l r • 1 ■{• 1 1 T jguMzzMzm: iSii I. a la la la. La la In la, I .". lit la la, 1 i la la la. La la ':i la, La la la la. ' ^z ntL * s i \* ^H3fc k ) ?r-9 g'g -f- g # # # # r^=* • • • "• II No. 24. THE SILVER STREAM.-Song with Vocal Accompaniment. sum. Worm at W. L>. 1:. m Tenor. $£&&3^ft*rt^txizM\r gf£ i r=mTr-gff i r? i ■ Soprano. ^ Alio W: * • * S * * i: i.. Til riv - or, will tli. hi i - \> hereto - day I Swiftly go - the o-cean far a - .; H V * ' * ^ * S S V H r* n t=tL WZW- * 9 m *-~w -g* — *--*- a t * * k=j£*. , ^£ ^ 22 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. -?-+- £ f5 zEE y. 3?: ££ £ ee* *s K+- on, flow on, thou sil - ver stream, A - long thy winding way ; Thy waters in the sun-light gleam, And sparkle, spar - kle all the day. Thy on, sing on, thou hap - py stream, No sor - row canst thou know ; Thus flowing on, thou e'er dost seem The type of joy, of joy be - low. For, & w. fch: »S «E M*: P &—0-+ — & e # * ■ir T$ 0-0—0 0- • * -0-0 ^-*S—+ . Accomp. pianissimo e stac. ff m a d-d-*: 5^ EE 5S h^ M* F>H=*- 0- -0-0-0 -0- -0.-0-0 ^ ^T# -g^- -0-0--0- -0 Peaceful riv - er, peaceful riv - er, Wilt thou ev - er, n wilt thou ev - er, vvy i Peaceful riv - er, -0 -0 -0- -0- "Wilt thou ev- er " -0-0 ^-0 Be the same as «S s= -0 — — 0- h M | : £S 0. + -0-O- here to-day ? W^ 1 d-d-d—d -0-0- VX > \ F — =m* iz^zi; itit ^ Sgg 4*- I ^£e£ -P^ g 4* P zz: •V— b-t- £=^ v banks are covered o'er with flowers Of ev - ery kind and hue; And mov - ing on, at ra - pid pace, Are all our pleasures here ; But ma oth ny are the hap - py hours Pve passed with them and you. ers come to take their place, And fill our hearts with cheer. ritard. 0T0 & -0 -0 -0- ^p. ^ -& -& ^ ^f.^.^ M* ^P -*~0 — *i i 0- *^9 -0-0-0 Swift" ■ go - ing, Swiftly Ev-cr flow - in;:. Ev-er flow- ing, Swiftly go - ing, -&■ -0 -0 -0 Ev-er flow - ins To the o - ceau, far a - way. H 9 : ~7T -0-0 3^ i^iP^i^i^^ Se| SINGING SCHOOL I) B I» A R T M E N T. ¥) tfo. 25. EARLY FRIENDS. U MM in W. 1). K. Hl\ Morn. A Elinor, 6 1 -*1Z1 1 r i- c * *^> \^zz^=M=d — J- |ffiQ^j^-F-P-#- ]. Y« • inn ■■'[ '...'. . ,1 f'i-ii ! ,.f . iir - lv years, Oh, say! wherearo ye gonof I call your names a - mid my team, But still I am a s ^ Xi J J J I j. Jf^mjf^Fg pf \ ■0- Si- e* o •J. How nm - ny friends have i»ono before, To 1 ■ cr Me^tf.. And otb - ers lis - ger on the shore And soon will be at c a ^ ^r^ ^ 1 is For ye are float - iti^ far mid near Up - on life's troubled wuw; And soma, who were to i. • \| witb - in their m Though lost t> earth, (hey now are known A - n ■ 9 • Vf ' "'' »-ro«ndQod'a throw — OK may I meet them i t- & 9 fS — ZML <* £S J3=?L S -r— L d> * ^1^4 24 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. No. 26. THE CEICKET. M *3t \-0- . eg — |- -eg — pg— g=j — ^4 J.J" eg — i^ z= F == F =: ^ =: r* * ~?g =f i_^> > 1. Lit - tie in - mate, full of mirth, Chirp-ing on the kitch-en hearth, Where-so - e'er be thine a - bode, Al - ways har - bin - ger of good. I S5= I I ^^ ■*■ it -&■ ■&■ -0- -0- ■& ' ■0 r ~° V=*^&=F5-. "S? ■0- -&■ -0 — 0- a=cj 3r^F 2 =t 1 JfF €S- -1—0—+ s \ * '- -eg- -*—*- t -* — *— • J I J ■ ' [— t- f= f=* 2. Neither night nor dawn of day Puts a pe - riod to thy play; Sing, then, and ex - tend thy span Far be-yond the date of SS 221 £=£: -0 9 9 zz: I: # g P J * ?v g I p ^n — * — — es 3t=t ^ £ -fi»- Pay me for thy warm re -treat With a song more soft and sweet; In re - turn thou shalt re - ceive Such a song as I can give. pg»^ i ' s — & S: fE ftf=f=?= & E?m^^^ ■^*=t£=e=£=* I * f—* V E *=^ Wretched man.wbose years are spent In re - pin-ing dis - eon - tent, Lives not. ag - ed though he be, Half a span, compared with thee. h*T r r i r^ ^ ^~ r ~* := ^ : pf^^ m -0 0- -0 < -7="- 1 g-=g W^W- 5> SINGING S II o L D i; p I B T M B N T. - No. 27. I'VE BEEN ROAMING.* w, m in- k. JAOKBOB. 25 ^^m^^g^^m 1IVt ' " ™»*« ** the valley ffL.ro the ripolin, wa,.T plavs ; Thro' the meadow where the dewdn.ps Sparkle in the sunset rL; Where the rose and li - K 8. Where the storm - ki::g bn o. There en - dur - ing pleas • uro -,vl :.IVe«,enro 1 uuin,„Vrt UIll Jliu „ Who.-, the winds do tie, ,..] v Mow. Where the earth^ro^d Z whi^eZX^Tcoror.al of .now; La, la, la, ,.,!*, la, la. la, la. la, la, la, "h 1 , — c-. I ^m i-i* > u u f a=ii5^*±=± Whieh, at sum-mer's qui - et evening, Soft - ly murmurs "mid tl, ^feEB^rgr La, la. la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la lb the king, who reign-eth o'er them Till old wn - # - naeaa ra la, la, la. i A i a , )a , la , ln> lfl| lft> ,„ , , , a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ And, at length, when life i, ^^ Ia. And, at length, whan life is o-T«r, There may yon and I be I • The flnt part msj bo inn; ly Sopranos u * M g. the other parts slirtnr La. 26 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT No. 28. OVER THE SNOW. o 0-g* | 0-0 —0- -^W^zrz ^^fg m ? is -& . i » 0- ^ -O- * Mer-ri - ly, mer-ri - ly, o-ver the snow, Careful - ly, careful-ly, onward we go, Cbeer-i - ly, cheer-i-ly, raise we our song, Happi-ly, hap-pi-ly, glide we a-lon». ^ ^^ ^NJ=^ f s z F=&HF#=F ^r: c -s>- pif^ 9909 1^ -^-4 htititpot i 9 9' 9 9 \9 jKZp s?^g~gzy~y * * * 0-0—0- I No. 29. MAY MORNING. ■\YOKD8 BY W. D. E. g ^pgtr^ ^Bgtnr^p g ^Bgn^S ^^^i * 1. Far a - way in the east is break-ing, The day we've been longing to see; So a - rise, and your sleep for - 6ak-ing, And join in our in - no-cent glee. 3E=ft=S «i -4— P ^-M^-^ i * X iKzh: I 0^w^^S d 4 -0—-e? ~at- 9 S S — ts — z*VH-gbg ± 2. 'Tis a beau - ti - ful clear May morning, All na-tureis hap-py and gay, So we'll haste, and ourselves a - dorn-ing With flow'rs in the woods far a - way. i^^ ^^ ^^ggi a^ ^^ ^ Rto^^ ^ -jr -* s S = s. "•"-:: zm '>. Tli >u Imst taught me, silent ri H^/ ^kE JJ |f ^37wj •r, Ifanj ■ ^ ; ™;i^^. s ^ r> II 28 SINGING SCHOOL DEFAitTMENT. % No. 32. HUNTING SONG. CON SP1KITO. Fkom MENDEL9SOIIN. #fe- fii -*-=-*- gE^ ^^^ -gi— * — g- y # M z=fc =^ A - way to the chase ! A - way to the chase ! A - way, a - way, a - P P. P y m f Bg id dfi: *= h-3^=M=h S£ -*-?- l _hU -0— — V- fe A - way to the chase ! A - way to the chase ! Our hearts with joy are bounding. -*-t*0 &MM^m. SEfefe^ rY ia f=£g5£g £ Pfe 8 J ?-^- A - way to the chase I A - way to the chase ! A - way, a - way, a fe£=fe m v y V *=*£ m §^^^^^^ss^^^ T • T ->- - way. Tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la T l ». » i £=£ ^ -y-r- j=^m ■ s m- ¥bh=^ £ ^^g-e fcfc± A - way, a - way to the chase 1 A - way, a - way to the chase, to the chase, to the chase! Tra la t t^t— -£ W ■ ■ 0—0—J—0- -7—*- ±t j y y : £-£ iHHi. - way . Tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la. A- g |^^^^^^^^^^^ *-?-$ — y- *^— *- ^H NPft h h : S I N G I N G SCHOOL DEPAltTM I] X T * • m / 20 .... «« .1 i ■ n i ... — ^ — ' — * way to th.-cluuo! A- way to the chase! Our hearts with joy ■rebound - - mg S Hil-li - o!. / 1', IN la la, tra la la, tra la la, tra la la. tra la la, tra la la, tra la la. i§Eg^^ & rtp=Jfc^ -' '^ > | Hilli - ol. way to th« chase! A - way U> the chase 1 Our hearts with joy are bound V U V ] f *-£ £ Hilli- o!. • m^^^^^^^M^ in- Hil-li - 61. w ar w 0' %=*=* a » >'; 3? Hfl-11 P - - ^^ a - way, a - wav, a - w»y, a - wa\ A - way, a w — r ■ j y r way n - way, a - way, a - way, a - wayV a - way, a . ^^P^^ *=}=£ »:ii. a - way. fi^^PPfe^tt f-o - Crt. ^^^^•'/I. • ! If a - way, a ■ u ay, a - u ^^^^^^^^^m 30 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. No. 33. MUSICAL DIALOGUE. jp TEACHER. m ^^ ^ F=^ £=» ^ 22 f&— f" 5$ » 5 Did you ev-er? 1 Try to sing ? "*-*- H* J Ev-er try ? Sing a song ? Well then, first, you must learn to m -9—S F=* --— #- ^ ^ <£?- ^^g fe^^ 3 S5 1 S Ev-er what ? ^ =3E ££* S ^^fy «— «- Yes, yes, Pf^S Try -what? Sins what? Oh, no, we never tried to sing. _# i ^ y gE ?= f¥ feE? ^=F ¥=^ * -v We S>- 5 jg^jrfffi£g ^ -« — #- ^t^ = g ^£ # &- •&- S * the scale, Taking care to get the sounds all right ; thus, Do, do, re, steady I mi, steady ! fa, 6teady ! For, if you don't take better Ms ^ m ^* PEEEE ^-^=p $=* *— * £ -*-v <-f VT £q* i :fcJsrMS ,Z iii* We will all do as ) - ou say. 3=J=j=^ -ms *^ Now we all are ready : Do, Ido, do, re, Ire, T. re, mi, mi, nu, fa, fa, fa, sol, sol, Sol, :.fgEgEg££fS i^ Efe S^ ^ * SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT •'!1 ** Gone are our childhood days Down Time's long river ; Gone are the friends -we loved — Yes, gone for - ev - er ! Aud will they e'er re-turn ? .Never 1 No ! Never ! 3 =t I ■&- j£jBL m ?z^z m i^gisp 0^ G -¥ - 4 Ti fe^ ?cp; -£3- ^IB^ rf XBTV^frg ^3=« ^_^j-JIZZ=* No. 35. DKEAMS OF YOUTH. JEREMIAH MEREILL. mmmz m ipi m i -p— * ■&- i -* — u — U 1— -£?- w £ fczfc £=£ £— ?= 1. Memories of those hap-py days, Come to me, I love you well : Come, and let us sing your praise ; Would that ye could ev - er dwell. I ;K^ St ^ I ^-S 1 =t [5 1 s £Sk^ *=z zst -*—*■ S * * .*_l g I; 2. Then, how free from care was 1 1 Then, how in - no - cent the joy ! Peace was e^ - er hov-eriag nigh, Care was but an i - die toy. 1^^ Me ^^^s i 0-0- 0- z —0- &E$&Ei$EZ aEat ^— k- =t 3. Would that I haduev-er known, What life's stcrn-er les - sons tell; Dreams of youth for ev - er flown — Hap - py dreams of youth — Fare-well. t5=^4 ^rr^ ^=^ = ^f ^ rrT^ = ^ E ^ ^ I E ^ * W ■si- -s»- SINGING SCHOOL 1) K P A K T M E N T 33 No. 36. TO THE HAY-FIELD. Worn iit \v. D i: & — i- ^ffflf H^^-l^f # # « *\*^ L l. To the bay -field we arc d boya are mowing, Thi utc a mcr-ry play. 01 jp^^i^lj^mrf^ 5 ! - s * fes ^^^ ^ • jj J i r '- r; - ic-; g^ffcrF^ ^*i=* B #• # ^> •2. In the bay • field there are pleasures, Suohaa make ni all foal gay ;. . Happy hearts, good health, tha tieamrea That we find a-mong Uie hay. Game, tbea ° : M £gd fzp £ | JP r^T t ?-> m 9 m ^3^-^uM^ M Pv* fr.-h- ly smells the do - ver. Flagrant ai the breath of May; Ami just lis- ten t<> that plo-Yer, Singing as she flies a - way, as she flies a - way, n '. ^E^s=^5te^^-j ijj j \ ^^uitmj^ . II feigns ^^j^^^ M If ■* " 7 f\ * t^ — -> and 'mid the elo - ver Lei the mer - ry day; And at night, when daj \* <> - rer, J I . i * ■ :» to onr hornet a- way, 1 way, a-way. 34 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. No. 37. SUNSHINE EVERYWHEEE. Words uy 'W. T>. R. m ■0 — 0- fcfc Jk =t -Jt. -—& a -m-~ A -j — J :« 9— *— *—+ £ ~^m 5E3Etr :pzz: 1 I^Sl -. £=K — I 1 H 1- =5= ">r 3 |s=S 5 I V * * -0 — *- :*zat 122 3 i i=3t* l^= There's sun-shine on the mountain, There's sun - shine on the hill, There's sun-shine in the fountain, And in the laughiug rill ; ^^ gz g^ igfeE ^^p r 22 *— a S ^^F ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^f=^^ ^ tt ^ ^ %Z-[-Tf =f= &* ■0 — m- h m 9 I I ■^ *- ^ !» 0- w £ 22 ^ ^ #3 £=£ 3 =*=> — r — ^*- j=hz£ =t atza: I 3E£ -0-3B-0—0 -JZt :.& . '-0^^ There's sun-shine in the wild-wood, There's sun - shine in the grove. There's sun-shine in our childhood, And in the friends we love. ^^ E^^p^^^Ei^ipp^Ei^^HS gfe \^m — p pfFp F^3Fri ^E ^^^ ^^^i fc=£ SING-1 N Q SOHOO 1. D i: P A B T U ENT tfn. 38. A FAREWELL. Tout i.. rENNTS 'N. 35 ^Eg^E^E fe^Z-ip^g H 1. Flow down, cold streamlet, to these*, Tiiy tribute ware de - liv ; >y theeiny steps shall l>e For ev - cr and for ev - t-r. " ; « jy^rej j JTT^i j. rtg^j^jzm *-* ♦ ♦ . * I ' ; = * ^ fe^L^r^n^ i^Hi H^M^^ gg ^^ -* m * jj. ^ \ ''•■ - \vills.tr.-am..!i U I ■ . A i!,...;-:mJ moons will quiv-er, But not by thee my I be For and for er m&^ * * ^m , emir zr^m 3G SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. No. 39. OLD FRIENDS TOGETHER. u Woeds by CIIAS. SWAIN. W. R. *>!' ^ gj3 3 ^jS f ^=^ m *=*. 3 p=p^=^ ^=*= ? izst ! 4- ft* 1. Ob, time is sweet, when ro - ses meet With spring's sweet breath around them ; And sweet the cost, when hearts are lost, If those we love have found them ! "s J* " ■ i ^ ^ ' tf — * «— ^ .^U-l_^_ — * « — # — — ' # * ^ZL^ZIMZZ^J *K 2. Those days of old, when youth was bold, And time stole wings to speed it; And youth ne'er knew how fast time flew — Or know-ing, did not heed it! Hf- ft acatf: £ p ^^BS ^I =p ^=i- pgl 3. The /em long known that years have shown, With hearts that friendship blesses : A hand to cheer — perchance a tear — To soothe a friend's dis - tress -es: — p p m , i — — i — — ■ 1 1 ; 1 — — \~P P P-r-p-r-T* m a =f ?2=p: Szz*=zi=z I: **F~ -*~ M * s: 0—&~~~pz~pz £ f^=r* **- -j-j* -# ** # P *: ^Jpf^^N ft i=*»zfclr* HI ^=^ s»- m And sweet the mind that still can find A star in dark-est weath- er I But nought can be so sweet to see, As old friends met to - geth-er! £ 1 I #- §-# # # * ^ — ?i nLzM—^-tzat * •"*- t* Z. To the chain - her of her dwell - lng, Where mj love in slum - ber Let; Thro'the tree in 1 w -0 -0 -0 oca t.ll • mg, m # # S S V 3^ :l *—* s *3EB • • ■&■ 8. And the woo- big night-wind bean them Far a - way o'er dis - tint plain. And the d gjjjgppgggi in_' bur one li.a"-!. them, H. are end ' : ! * $=£=£ U-U-U- a. * V it ~s s fr— fi-^K I^^H rS==S rV h b d d * d ts *£ stout vi - gila keej), doth eon - htunt vi - ^ils keep, tHj.i \\ - pie !>■ . p ^ ^ , r^ h ^ IH -*-y gold -fi>- en bid - ders rise, d 'S As on gold - en lad - ders ri-.-, :\. Hears and tweet • ly dreamt a - gahtj OH i.'"!'l - en 1ml U 1 iw« t - ly dreams a - gain. ; 3^3^^ II ' ; a 22 i- •>=/ sweet 1. Con - slant vi •I. As on lad Iv dreams a - gain, Sweet - ly- dreams u'ili keep, Con-staiit vi riae, As on lad a - ram, Sn • el • lv dreams • gaiu. 3S? =*="* ^ ^ ^ p — u » : *—* » * V V U U V • ^ w • -V — It ^ 1. God doth. At. '■ 3$ SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT No. 41. THE WAYSIDE WELL. £=£=*: g^S=3=^^ FINE J -3- *=£ 1 *=*zzj£ 9= H#J 1. Oh, the pret - ty way-side well, Wreathed a -bout with ros - es, When be-guiled with sooth -ing spell, Wea - ry foot re - pos - es : -;::•,> ■*■ -&■ -0 * . m r -0-0 2. Treads the drov - er on thy sward, Comes the laborer to thee, Free as gen - tie - man or lord, From his steed to woo thee; g _4£ l. FINE SS ro~-^"c ^ — « — — : =S lizzi ^zzzf^z: 1st — g:=a<: £ : =^= -*> — *- ^=iE « m 3. Fair the greet -ing face as-eeuds, Like a Na - iad daugh - ter, When the peas - ant las - sie bends, To the trembling wa - ter ; Hh gEp^^ ^^E^ =Jj HSi I )S— K K fr ^zzpEzzp: ^— ^: v— V- *=^=^ ,-a-<- ft. E *=£ szze fc-M^± ^ — ^— W ~~^ Li D. C. First Verse each time. wmmm^s - ^ With a wel-come fresh and green Wave thy bor-der grass - es, By the dust - y traveler 6een, Sigh-iug as he pass - es. *=£ l^=fv s^is^Q 9 -m d a#— =s *=B mm I -0 0-± -0 *~ '*■ ¥-"¥—* *g rhou from pareh-ing lip dost earn, Many a murmured bless - ing, And en - joy - est in thy turn, Iu - no - cent ca - ress - es, ^ \ i=jt m ; K . -0 0- P » -f—d- f=t£5E$E&$3 *=tt=z :« _ « I * m Jk. leans up - on her pail, Glanc-ing o'er the mead - ow, Sweet shall fall the whispered tale, Soft the dou-ble shad - ow. * ~9 JZ J—R^^ zZfl^^Z i-^ \t £— £=££ ¥—¥■ mi^^m S I N G I N G 9 c H <> o L 1> E |' A R 'I M E N T No. 42. THE FALLING SNOW. 39 ^L^LjT l T j" J* d\T^^^^-^ =^^^^ * • 1 l. Bi - lent-ly down, grace-ful-ly down, - vor the for -eat, and o- vcr Che town, fy>b-ing the earth in a pure whit. • £*~s — wh^g. ^» — * — s V • J- * — •+•+■* — a*- 1 * + • » ■ — —J *^- * • '-'■ Gen- try it (alia, qui- el - ly Ula, Cov-er-ing liuts ami oor • er • mg halls; Build-in^ it* mi- nia - tare • ! walls, i if N 1 i h" t v . ■ — : k— K: ^TVjri PPH m * # » tfe^M^^^ • P Id and fro* en and Weak, Fly -*ing a*- bout in a ■ - rv f Twirling a - round tho •i. Sweeping ■ - way, melt-ing a - way, aba sun, with its gold - - en rny, [n - to the ar • - I • play, • ^ s ^ rf^^^ D^N^^ ^^^^^m h > * f 0- -; l ; s - m r. ^mm^m 4? 3 W k ff- Waft - ing to and fro, to ami fro. h!I«. -4* L Dane - frol - iek - i:; ; snow ! Down to the tbJIi the vio - lata m ^ p^£ -^ — i- # * ii rip - pliug ei : - ing, hi liu,' a - w • Fiekle and fl.-- 1 Frail ami bead - ti - fill MOW I U-Jit^-LJ=±=*4= ;\ - : > ■ r^=: : I 40 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT fc* No. 43. THE LOOSING OF THE SILVEE CHORD. Words by MISS U. F. GOULD. - m=222g=m f f "9~~SL aj3 5 3 ^^|g^ ^ ^Eppzf ~^=^- s . * I ** 1. Weep not o'er ray sink - ing clay, While the sil - vor chord gives way ; Start not, when the fleet-ing breath Leaves it in the arms of death: I i Hzfea^ g 2l£ft H S 1= gat i i 'r i " & m — I — i n ^ ' * ' 1 2 — i i ^ 1 1 ** 2. Pluck the last un - fold - ing rose On my fondling tree that grows ; Lay it on this peace-ful breast, When ye bear my form to rest : -V- *— * . ^ 3. Swift the fli"ht of time will be, Ere ye all may fol - low me, Where the pass to life is made Through the vale of chill and shade. tig 3¥re ill ir-w~w y \j SspiiliESppi I at*=*: 3tZI2_ fc* ^iS|^^^ £*pgi Bs i g^gj^feg B at* tnut „.- ^f= ** For the spir - it's sweet release Must this heart-pulse faint and cease; Soft-winged an - gels hov'ring nigh, Wait the loos-ing sil - vef tie. I X— M ■-- MFJt *==?§ 1§1^^S s atzfc ■ w — #- -a* — i — 1 +^ * — *^# +^*?* iM Love-ly em-blem of the joy Earth may give, and death de - stroy; Fair - er flowers im-mor- tal bloom In the fields bc-yond the tomb. I^^ISig^l^fg^^^pSSl Pur - er, stronger, u t the goal, Are the ties of soul to soul; R #= p *—*zMzz*z p=£ f*=^ Where the blissful opening skies Take me as the mor • tal dies. i^^^i^^P^P S I N U I N (i B C 11 O O L D B I* A II T M K N T 11 No. 44. MUSIC. Work uv " Mi" >i:i :." * ^^ff^R^gm^J^^ *^s ;-; 1. Wli.u tlir<>' 1.1*.' uti bl.ot wo rove, Los- iug all that made life dear, Should some notes wc used to love In days of boy - hood I ear — *m s s s V S / / m s s -p — i *3 d d * -> J J - * H ^ h * h atziM 9 9 9 9 •J. I. ike the gtl« that rfgfai a - long Beds of o ri - «nt - al flowers, la the grateful breath of song That once was heard in liap-pier hour*. "^tf o k K h> ~ m \9*£-m 9 \ m _ i I i i k w - w w h — i i rin f f^&^&p^ tfewfmf^ttt +-*—+ o — k > 8. Mil - sie, oh, bow fniut, how weak, Language fados be -fore thy spell! Why should feeling ev - er speak When thou canst breathe her »oul so well! 3^* ■ # h h h r> F~K~E I # a # # s s s Ml ^ - P s>- u ^ -^ r - r U 'I V 9 9 9 9~W ZMZJT. mm & ' ■V— + ' f * Oh, how welcome breathes the strain ! Wakening tho'ts that long have slept ; Kindling former smiles a - gain In fad-ed eyea that long have we; l. ?. & P§ =*=& to*n If *=£ I IS V ^=^ > *> > *su- snj 9 ^ JVT r \ J h h h h ^^ 9-99 9 9 -> 9 9 9 9 & V VJ Filled with balm, tliegale si^hs on, Though the flowers have sunk in death; So, when pleasure's train is goue [to ni.-morv lives in M line's 1 ^N '.'/> : 9_—9ZMl tTw-t^P^ 5 &=eee£ < , -VI -II Friendship's balmy words may feign. Love's arc ev'n more false tlion they ; Oh! 'tis on • ly Mu-aie'l f'.r. i-i Oan awsctlj s... :!:e and it I.- ■ tr:i\ r^t^ m^^ M s s s r^ j^f^^ ^^^^ ^ w^ 42 S I N a I N G- SCHOOL DEPARTMENT No. 45. THE SCHOOL-HOUSE BROOK. VToBSe by Mp.6. W. TV. tit 1. Be - side the red school-bouse just o - ver the hill, A clear brook is flow - ing a bright, sil-ver rill, Fast the years have been passing since ^^^^?^^pi ■±=at ^ ^^^Bg *JLr 2. A - lone now I wan - der its green banks a - long, And list for the voie - es once joined in ray song; Some sing with the an - gels, some g "• tf- ae=j: *•*- i 0*~. I 1 , tizi: =tE=fc eSSI 3. Oh, stay thv loud murmurs, blight streamlet, a-while, And chant a low re-quiem, my heart to be-guile, O'er the friends of mv child-hood that W=X*— *_*=«=«=£!: B^g^^EJEg-^dEg w=w £=£ f-J ±jat ret V=^ ^ — * — a- ;=£ V^V- K=y &£ » •? _g- zm * t §H ^ •** j^gzr-FiH-f-^E ?E^EE I b-4 w— w- tt 3tZ^ ^ 7 M— V- **. hap - py and free, I played on its banks, full of child - ish glee. But the school-house brook flows its on - ward way, As it just 3^S £^3EE jij^EUrf' rfi i — i — h h i j i — -% =£. £ * tf — •- •till sing on earth ; Our cir - ele is brok - en, and hushed is our mirth. But the school-house brook flows its on - ward way, As it w g == f=E ^g = ^Ig^^ a *=» :£ m P1=S atzza: a S^S once hap- py throng ; Stay, stay thee one mo-raent, then has -ten a -long. But the school-house brook flows its ou - ward way, As it fV=]S 1 g ^ HI 3*=^ -« — #■ -0 — o- -*--*- F 1= BIMOING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. • !••; tfn-37 s* ^f^^ g 7E=^ ^ gg^ ^^.tt "/ ,li,l |n the days of fta mar- mun to me soem cv - er to say: The friends thai I loved att» do ^ S « 4 S s V jtzzzi: ^ N v fc£ ,., 1 in the days "f mar - mors to, me seem er to saj : !l u * s ** ^SPS L^ i p ll ± -# — #■ diil iii the (Inv* o| imir - murs to mo seem er to say: The friends 1 -^ Pfe^^ -* #- *=£ £=£= * ^ M-v * II No. 46. REMEMBRANCE. FBOa Tin ■ Bam cub." -^ ^m^^ m m^^ **** mm ^^ ^ ^P ff: -4-i — H — ! H — •■ £= ^ ^ > 4 1. There are tones thai will Inunt us for ever. Par sway by the mountain and sea ; There are 1 tola which will livo with us ever. Till memo-r v s I I II > - I s ^ ^ si s . * * I * P s ^ s *Z*Z ^ a 0*+-+—>~0- m * * * *- J * • m • S l # * 4> rw—m • <• <- - * 2. There are hopes that our s o rro w s may lighten, While dreary and dark is the day; An].. I likesnnligl - ^m^^--m^v jjlu 3. There are names Uiat ire cherish, tho y rt=k:> ! r s s 44 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. No. 47. ONE BY 0NE.-(May be used as an 8s & 7s.) Thi"-: Words by W. D. R. ^e i Jv-a^-|zjg: 1 F^ -# — #- -« — #- «r -&. u m & ° I 72 * (P-^hP r- rrr^r^r^^fipf^^^ ^^ i i. Mi-s in_' tome-thins from the day - life, Miss - ing -with the eye and ear, Soft - ly creep wewhere the ling -'ring Look and lrord shall eeemmoi \\^M± J *u& m s l i* * rJ - 72— r s£=3k. f#. ■»-*►■ "* \Z'w -&- •J Bo the lit - tlo clock is tick - ing, Couot-ing in its form-al way, Like seme faith - ful clerk f till keep - ing At hi? post on ho- li-day. I-J« jJ P^rt^ ^ ^^^fe ^ 7 " I iis=5i •5- • IS- 3. So, the mir - ror - pol - i UOQ, Faitli-ful to Uie fin) ^-j^-^rj^^ g^ Er-fr J | J- «M^ 1t <2> # ^ # # « ?^=R P — g Qui - ct room, but not de - sort - ed, Al • most feel wc presence there :" Wait-in- " is the watchword writrten On oneh ta - ble, ho..k. on 1 chnir. I m ! if wm v &<*-<*=} e) m ™ * \id d f f> & -0- -t»- -0- -&- -0-tSt- w " **- " -0--&- -0- -&-•-<*>- •-&-•-?. So the ploy-ful breeze co - ijuct - ing, With the mus-lins at the sash, So the sun-shine, call-in- eoax-mg, Wltl 'earn and flash. b^H ^^t ll j j-j-i^-J4h! -t- 3: i f * - e± r, *-> & 0" \ ^ L rs a <•> Kneel we in the hop- py si - leuco For a moment* then oar smile Make* the welcome warmer, rich -er, Kro wc go to wait — the 1 :, ! ! ? & -> -> -&—0~ U2~r Cs I < g fS -0 1 c # ^ r J ■ rJ - r* r* w 4G SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT No. 49. MUSIC OF NATURE. P Sfe I : ^F=^ Tr^T. ~ * • jr ^e|e^^^S^=P ^_^- W— *- 1. Therms mu - sic in the midnight breeze, There's mu- sic in the mora; The day-beam and the gen - tie eve, Sweet sounds have ev - er borne; The fe^? Pui^ SSS3 ^e -f*— fr N h =pzq= P A -*—*- 2. The winds that sweep the moun - tain top, Their joy - ous ech - oes bear; Young zeph - yrs on the streamlet play, And make sweet mu -sic there; With *£ , ^- ^^^^ ^ m^^=H^ ^$ £ fc 3. The heart, too, hath its thrill - ing chords, A con - se-crat-ed fount, From which in - spir - ing mel -o - dies To heaven in glad -ness mount ; Why H_h h ^S |iE=£^ £3=f==£=P=£ t^u^- i^zjizz*: m^- :£=£ i^^ it=t % *: I ^ S=^f at* 5 £ S 5 i*— V- val - ley hath its wel - come notes, The grove its tune - ful throng, And o - cean's might-y cav - ems teem With na - ture's end - less Bong. -S~K ^=^ s s rust -ling sound the for - est leaves Bend to the pass - ing breeze; And pleas -ant is the bu - sy hum Of flow - er - seek - ing bees. ^Hsl o s £SE£ * £ -g-f— r £=£ a: P na - ture's mu - sic — but that man May join the my - riad throng Of all her glo - rious works in one liar - mo - nious burst of song. JEEEEEEEEfciE ^S^^i K 33 !*=£ I P I N a 1 N G B (' II U I, I) K 1' A B T M E \ 1'. No. 50. S.II.O INVITATION TO F m=P ,0RA. •17 w. Wom Hi w ii r. 4-4, :■ ' 3SJC 'II y*=& ** s J* t= 1. 'I'lif B] VI. i Th.- I I MIK. In* roiiif bat I i I !>!• - with in, l.:i-t«. • mill ■whore. Mile. . . ii rt tlie tl tbe Bl less grace, . . . a - guin. . . . With wfaicb.... to deck our May Will drink with joy thv gun Will turn ("wards tin-.-. ... th. ir Miiil The mount - ain, val - - ley, and . . .lay I ••n-ers f. ny beam j. . ing hot ;. . . the plain :.. . * P=»= * * • " I i^^ * a m 'W~W ^=ST- ■*—* 3» r » r m- m ' l. 'I'll.- ••!■• e.btrt where the II iverB,The spring has oome,butwberetlwflowere 1 With which to dook our May-da] ■ Kay The rio-lets bid be- jtide thestreaa,TheTio-letshid ho nidn thn ntrosrn. Will drink with joj thj nnn ny hnsm. With jnj ihj sun -ny hnim. 6uu-ny m is^m -I r- 3. 1! with art-leas grace, The roe -es, too, with art-less grace, Will torn towards thee their sinflingtSiee.'Fwardst en, Fl ra, haste, to in, Then, I-'lo-ru, haste, to drees a-gain The Mountain, tsJ » ley, and the ] rml-lejand tbe plain, a:.. ■ w=m ' ; . m—m-m—m i — r -M " »-* " - !M.*_l: «" . o e> m m • ' * ' :■ ■ » jmBzmi -. > 1 And • li The tl is and on. ral go 1 li.w fair, all,.. the mor - dess . . with - in.. . . . with h i;> - r.'W, on, . -* > ' - S.-II and the ]>y mirth.., tin' An 1 lud - Will - With i 1 .1. u It, gen - - th. ir slum ■we'll crown. . . . will I tly ring in..., our Mav • a - gain, their the i ^rzat ' - " * ^=ez s s -r—', ' ;!■> - ral p.>d-.!> ign,Corae,flo a I li - lies fair with- in the delta, An I li - ral god me, and r.i_-n, !.. - fair with-in the delis, And hid - den flowers will bloom again, '1 i will bloom a • gain. Will soft- ly, t'en - tly ring their bells, Will gen-tly ring th. ir ■ - S I 1 | I 5 $lf: f The flo Aiu! ..ii - rets all, with hap - ny mirth, I thtr in.T- row, on t!i ' I I on ■ ill. with hap - p] the mor - row, on th with hap - ny mirth, e gt i Will 1 . ilnmben in • artb. With il > * ^^m. > » o o m ' tfznttrt J J J- ■e—f -r— r- Jb^ y i J tz M m. 1 — r- I ,o SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. No. 61. SOFTLY NOW THE LIGHT OF DAY. m ^^mm § *=*z isL i^ -d— w ~a — r SE^EgEg -&- -- -*— * -** ~s? 1 3 Soft - ly now the li^ht of day Fades up - on my sight a - way; Free from care, from la- bor free, Lord, I would commune with thee. 1 ■ ' 4 S W- i m -*—*- -&- - f * • J - 1 J ■•• J J =^ : ^ — *— g - *=r ^— J gJ ^ p F5 arrrrtf # — *- ^zzi ^TTffpf d d + ^EE^Ek j*=3± pp^E|^^|gE^^E^Eg^ ^ pfpN ^ ^^t ritard. a tempo. Pi i5 p-p# #< fc =t =1= -*-- ^pb fz±=A~d = udi -&—d_zzzz ^ Soon for me the light of day Shall for ev - er pass a - way; Then, from sin and sor - row free, Take us, Lord, to dwell with thee. »" -d —d—* —* ! S^^: ■=t /ts /Cs :*— :i: :sz: =r= :&=:* :*=*: ^ Pf^ -^ — p- -# — 0- ritard. a tempo. -zr\iA-i —F * f—f- -0 — m- ^ I | /TV /TV 8 IN SING 8CH0 J. I> I I' A B T M B N T : 40 No. 52. FAINTLY FLOW. ei J o. ri S( iv.u. l. Paint- ly flow, thou fall-ing rw - er, Like a dream that diet a - way; To the o-oean glid • ing er • or, Keep thy calm, un-auffl.l way: H " • • «*> -^ -s> * s s "at — * —at- < -t Jttffn^^ : ■ s -s « # — * * at- .1 ■j Boa e a bloom, and then they with-ar; Oheeka are bright, than fluisnnd die; Shades of Light are- wafted hith-er, Than, liko via- i..u*, hur- r_v by: m &3££2J U-H^\rtt?+m 5*— S K h K s * I ^~aT-^ ^ * • * m nr ±=fc 5S r. ?. • S s s 11 g^^ ^ -r^ ^^ i '- ' g^ i r • t^ gE^ ^E -<•» s»- # Time, with each a li-lenl mo - tion. Fleeta a - long, onwingsof air, To e- tor - ni - tv's 'lark o - conn. Bur y in g all its treasures there * — s~ *. ^tb=s±Hi ■ / J / 1 J ^^^ =*=£:=: v v SrV-fV # - * ^~at If ! ^^^^^ baicxm^^x£ c c J ' 'r • '* *3e£e£ £=£££* , itzkzit Quiek as elouda at evening drir-en O'er the :na - ny - colored west* Yrars are bearing us t<> hast - aa, Hobs of hap-pi-neaa and rest. 50 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. No. 53 " COME TO ME IN CHERRY-TIME," Words by O. P. MORRIS. 3^ m ^^ftt^fe^Ei wm -» — 0- % -&- JR^F 1 F=V f » m - £=£ 1. Come to me in cher-ry -time, And, as twi - light clos - es, We will Lave a mer-ry time Here a-mong the ros - es. -Q-rl H^s 1 =£=£ 1 *-fe m tS=fE £ -*—&- -$ -*—+ w\ id — *-*-+— - 9 a m ^E^^^m ^=^=n ^^ m i ^=9- 9 ££ ±=3t 2. When tlie stars with quiet ray.. All the hill - tops brighten, Cherry ripe we'll sing and play Where the cher - rics ri - pen. £=£ s # — *- -* — #• # — # — o ±^ M* *z|: ? -* — *- :M Tit* "Milll rii ^mm i ^m i £^=ppi? • ±m. " 1. We'rt gathered bare in day* gone by Our pas - tor'* face to groet, Love in all hearts, joy in each eye, Kind words and friendship b-. I ^^m L 1 ;.|. # # •V — at — art^ # # « ** # « * *. •j. Ouca more we sock our pee - tor's home To hail the new-born year, If o'er Che past some ofouds are thrown, We hall these brighter skie3; With grateful 1" nil hands, and words of i There gather round our pis - tor's I 1, sua - ny me - mo - rlt i . I ^=g g s ZEZzzmzuZi * * ^ 4. The mountains gird our val - ley round, The riv - or glides be - low. S.> may God's guardian care abound, So let bis bounties flow. S 'I P PS e» — — m — p--e» V > I ; -0 — a* t=n *> . Our pastor's home, our pastor's home, Our Long-loved pastor's home eon -tie of the Book is here, Our loog-loTed pas - tor's bom «. > itE#E #H-gfB^ I J I .Kl-J^4| - II m Our pastor's home, our pastor's home. Our l"ii_r-lovorn fear, Here at our pas-tor's hens mauv a thoui'ht of jov that olifigS A - round our pas tor's If I gBE^^j * a? e \ * • - :- *\ ^ * I # Our hap - py home, our hap -py home, Our ehil lhood's hap - py homo; The cen - tre of tlie world i-i hero, God bless our hap • py horn.-. WWSTfttW^- — r -> . -0 — 0- f-r-p-if \r-r^m .\\ 52 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. No. 55. CRADLE SONG. .■\V0KDS FROM THE GERMAN. K^ ^— ^-t^— t— V— V— W- 0-0 £=£=£ -*-^ 0--0~ v— £-V-&-k— l*- P^z-: y— ^-k- -y-y-v- 1. Evening is balm -y aud cool in the west, Lull-ing the gold-en bright meadows to rest, Twinkle like sil - ver stars in the skies, ^& zEE ^h «— * — # — *- &T-9- I _ J-« «__«! £f ^ ^ £i ^ ^_ B^E^^^ 0^-0^-0—0—0 S=|t -* *" +r~*~. 2. Now all the flow-ers are gone to re - pose, All the sweet incense cups peaceful -ly close, Blossoms rocked lightly on evening's mild breeze, 3. Sleep till the flow-ers are opening once more, Sleep till the lark in the morning shall soar, Sleep till the gold - en bells heavenly chime, 25ffl w- '•'Y'- ^m w^=m i=?c ^ms £ee| P ^ ; ^""V l * l * ■0—0-0- m-r-m\ -^ v— y- *— L ^ ^i^ =t=f c s ** I ** 0-T0- s^azizi *i_^. # . *, iz^ ^f: «s>-. Greeting the two little slumber-ing eyes. fc Sweetly sleep, Sweetly sleep, Thy watch the good an - gels in par - a - dise keep. s THirnff^gptP^ . "m ^^=^PS*^ IP Y~ i— F--0-, — 0-. 0. '# . # . * . '# . » . *. ' ^. ^ i: Drowsi-ly, drcami-ly, swinging the trees. Sweet - ly. .. . sleep,.. Sweet - ly 6leep, Ac. £* ^m w^r s *t|*» E Festively welcome the morn-ing's prime, Sweet -ly.... sleep, *-^-*i Sweet - ly sleep, . . Thy watch the good an - gels iu pa - ra - dise keep. S 1 N G I N Q S C II O L 1) E 1' A 11 T M K N T No. 56. MORNING. Wo«™ »T C1IAS. BWALN. ^zgzg^ 5^ pi ^xi xlCTtt rTTT f- l; £=*= I. O'er the bond • ing rush - M, O'er th<- war - ing corn, Where the f.unt - ain push - e* Speed the wings <•( m%: j^^ ^mt s S ^ ^ iszzjs *t — wr **=*=*=&* I 2. Flow -rets witli -out mini - ber, Aa thy foot - steps pass, Lift their beads from slum - b.r Out the d.w - y grace. **t g c f[r^=r^ ^rJi-^H^ -m i ^r ^? ' 8. From the wild ta-e's hum - min_', Prom the cho - rnl throng, Know we thou art eoni - ing. Bring -log life and •>.'/l P^^^S t¥ * y — »-+*> \ w w H h •¥■ — K E : ':> ' J-4J L P=5=£=£ £ # # v — k — * — ^ Like a bird in fleet - ness. Sin.,' - ing on her way, ■J > Fold me in thy nreel An - gal li fc -ht "f da] ' *> > M n ^ i ^ — « — m -p=* ii * — * * « - Down the low - ly mend - ow, s =R-^ ^^^ Up the ris - ing S ground, £=* Wares of li_-ht mid shad - ow i B_jl_Clpl ? I' m — «y-^-<» - . nch oth - er round. h h h m\i & * '_J Oh I thou gold - en mora - ing, Bright est boon of earth, Mead and mount a - d.cu - i ed 1-.- thy birth! W^^m^m m^^^: :^m,. a 1 1 ^a^n *4 SINGING SCHOOL DEPART M E N T No. 57. DOWN BY THE EIVEE-SIDE. Words by GEO. P. MORRIS. w. il^Ilfe^Il 1 -& £ -& — * ' 1. Down by the riv - er- side 1 stray, As twilight shadows close, And the soft mu-sic of the spray Lulls na- ture to re - pose; eJ ■ ■ w& =t fc*: *: e^^^^I fiS^pp^iS t^=±t=f: -T-: ¥= -— - 2. Down by the riv - er- side I own A treasure worth the sea, In one, to all the world unknown, Who's all the world to me ; Idfc =P=P=E ^^iffi ^=£— p: =1=1= £=£ l£ [^^ Etz [L_^J zi=k _ l ^j S5 ^ ^BgE^^^i^i ^— 0- ££& 5=p= «z ?2= -# — HH -&~ a"X7>r?7'7gH- p ; ^nv^r^f fi^ ft=r^=^^^ goon, in her ear-lj bloom and glow, She is to be my bride, -€3- Wherethe sweel wa-ter-li - lies grow, Down by tbe riv - .... thv ^ t ruin, Wild-lj glad, S , U.JJJ l r i D^-C-C- XU j :£=£ I # # & - - fc± ••> frlf-^g-M-e-N ; II ^p^-^e o 99^ ^ V — K And I h.-ar tin ir sounding call, As they hent the rock - y wall. l.v - m ni'>r.', Et - er more, Ev • cr more. W— £=£ -H— K 1^/L If ^ .y SE5 « « 55t=± <-> Or the wnvis. in whis - p.rs tweet, Oome and mur - mux at my feel and llow, Sal nnd slow. me - lo - (linus rh . the church-hell''' db-fanl chime,.. Faint and kwi.-I. Faint and tweet, Faint and £ ^^ -f— N # 9 ¥ a I! C 9 O s> •> And a joy Hint's half a pain. Start- to be - ing iu my 1 rain i£^3 ^ ' , W^ 1 - U-fi 56 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. No. 59. THE HUNTINGS MOKN. Words by CHAS. SWAIN. *S 0- I ^^^^^^^^^^^vrrv 1 ^^^ s 1. Up! up! it is the bunt - ing mora, The woodland rings with mirth; The flowers in dew and light are born, And mer - ry wakes the earth. :*=*: i -N: m : I &=r: The deer are trooping down the glen To drink the waters clear, To drink the waters clear; Up! up again my greenwood men ! To-day we hunt the deer. ^ ^ M^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^s ^ clear Whilst echo, hid from human ken, Awakes each hollow near, A-wakes each hollow near — With "up again, my greenwood men," To-day we hunt the deer. b i9-^m-0- v* lll^^^El^l^ ms ±±* tt=& Can tars say when, from ocean's den, Such jovial strains they hear, Such jovial strains they hear, As "up a-gain, my greenwood men," To-day we hunt the deer. M ^^ zimM 0-M-0 * ~ * ■ v ~-W=W^ 0—0-0 £ j»__*_ *EQ£ I s I x <; l N <; s c II I- l> K l* \ i; T M R N T U ^ff tP p^^ - ' t^ ^r^ir^rj gi Tally Tally hoi tal-lv hoi t illy ho! tally ho I To - day wehuut tho deer. Tally bol tal-ly bol tally hoi tal-ly ho! To - day wo hunt Um t — . t- Mir - /T> - . i I h-firn n k ^i , ~i~:- , b bl I — — ^ I i N >^1 — I i=* Tally ho! tally hoi tally ho ! tally ho ! To - 'lay we hunt tho .!.•,••. #_*_#__ r0 \ Tally ho! tal-ly ho ! tally ho! tally ho ! T> - day we hunt the Tally ho I tally hoi tally ho I tally bo I To - day we hunt the deer. -^S 10 ' * Tallv hoi tal-ly bo I tal-lv bo 1 tal-ly L" ! To -day we hunt the deer. 0-0 ' No. 60. SERENADE. !i. WoiiM »T II W I.<>N(.1I I *< W.O. Tenor 9 ^Ff ' * » '=' ^ 1. Stars J. Ilooa 3. Wiud •4. Dreams of of of of the tho the Dm sum-mer - night ! HMHf - iii_'ht! sum-mcr - night ! sum-mer - DJgM ! Far in you azure deeps, Far down yon western steeps. When yon - der woodbine creeps, Tell her, her lover keep* 1 Ii'lr. hiilc your gold - en light 1 She Siuk. fink in sil • ver li_'ht '. Bkt Fold, fold thy pin -ions light! Sbo Watch, while in Blum - bers light Sho 1M\M> KOHTK ■>sA M ■ m =t =} -t — -» • ♦ • -»• • ^T 3 <^o> 58 fe* SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT CHORUS. Tenor. a m* m w^ as t=t=fc z£z± i t* 1. Stars of the sum-nier night, Alto. Far in yon a - zure s 1 p -0-0-0"-!, w --O . - -0 0- sleeps, my la - dy sleeps, sleeps . 2 Moon of the sum - mer iu>ht ! Far down yon -west - eru i^TFf^ ^ Soprano.pp ^^m^^Siff^^^_ H= fe^ ^#=r . *£&E$ 3. Wind of the sum-mer night ! 4. Dreams of the sum-mer night ! Where yon - der wood-bine Tell "her, her lbv - er Mf deeps, Hide, hide your gold - en light. my la - dy sleeps, She sleeps, my la - dy sleeps, my la - dy sleeps. I s 31 -T-4M- =?=# !*=*=« S -f-^-^r- Eteeps, K* S M ' I 1 * -0- -0 Sink, sink in sil - ver light. She sleeps, my la - dy sleeps, my la - dy sleeps, jS 1 . iff ?— K 3= £ E a -»— ^- ^^ J— 7—7— T -=- 00.4. my la - dy sleeps. 0-0- * r^Sv 1 ^ creeps, keeps -JTHWl Fold, fold thy pin - ions light. Shesleeps.my la - dy sleeps, my la - dy sleeps, Watch, -while in slum - hers light. my la - dy sleeps, she sleeps, my la t±ut. -wm~j 1^- 7 7 t -y_y # ^^iE&E^fei my hi - dy sleeps, dy sleeps, my la - dy sleeps. s 9 I N i JiP ^^d^ ^ -.4+£^ jgEB 2. Pu - tiont - ly eti - dur - ing cv - <■-,■ Lei ihy ,-|.ir - it be Bound, by links that can -not pov - or, To hu - man - i - ty. ■ ! ': ^&WW^^^ ^ 3=3 &=l =f i ~ I # # * t=*= V %, 1 . i - b-.r ! wait ! tli->' mid - night shad-owi Gath -ex roaad thee bar*, And the storm a - l»>v.- tin-.- lowering Fills thy h.-.-irt with •>>*f -0 — — — m. — — m I- HHi 0- lt=* ^0 £ I .,'.i * .O in .: . ! ; II a*- -£3 azzc F ^^ ^ — W f=t r. Fear not, shrink not, though the bur-den Hoar-y t.. tine prove; ll" I -hall till thy month -with glad-nose, And thy heart with * - tor per-iahed Ere A t.i-k was done; I not loet the fleet -ing mo-menta, Life 1ms bat -moute, Life lias but ' • ^uwa^£ 0mm a±= ^'-r ^m # V II AValt in hope, tin- mara-mg dawn-eth, Whrn tlm night it gone; I a peaee-ful r. -t ■ -waits thee Whrn thy work u •>.;. :*=*: ^ ^L^^^ ad dUlfLf-IL^ fer^f^T^"- \l 60 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. No. 62. FAKE THEE WELL. Woeds bt G. P. MORHIS. && fs=* HI m h h . l=£=fr ^ ^=(5 a izi ~d d d ?m -*—+■ -d—*-°- ■M=9Z ■*—*- s>- 1. Fare thee -well, but not for ev - er, Still we hope to meet a - gain ; Fate de - crees that we must sev - er — May our hope be not in vain. feSE I I 1 i 3 3 4 h ^ -H — ^— l # 1- =*=£ V ' '" J k£ » >*—*-* s- ^^^ i^^^ ^^^g^SE Ms * — g — r ~* "a — M J^^HS 2. Like the shad-ows on the di - al, Lin-gers still our part-ing lay; Ev - ery true heart knows the tri - al Of this sad. un - welcome day. gff£HH3=H^^ 5 m £=& ±±m&E£^m ^ azzi '& fc£ s «ZDE I Eg^£ 15=* ■*ZjtzZjtL =S=fc F= ?-^w g g=fl Oth-er skies will bend a - bove thee, Oth-er scenes will claim their view; But re - mem-ber those who love thee, Far a - way, butev-er true. frt= 3 -s ^ p^l Si FX & " •*■ -m- ■»*•■* "^ — I 1 M W 1 1- ^=^ . 0-r — -U— -r-f-Ffr =t :aL £& ^£^^^ ^^a All the world is now 6e - fore thee, For thou art to roam at will; But with -in the land that bore thee True hearts e'er will love thee still. m^^£& i^i^gliill W=*=*=W- i£o£ttr- zz is *=*: SINGING SCHOOL D B I' A B T M E N T 61 No. 63. " IN MEMORIAM.' ^- 2 J \ JM ^ ^t^1^ ^=^^^ e? > & I # » # g-y- ^ * •1 2z£ gt-w-hzl- 1. An - <>th - it lit - tie form n-sleep, And a lit- tie spir - it Rone; An - oth - or lit- tie voice is hushed, And a lit- tie an - gel Lorn. ^ -iU^w^^W ^ ^i^g g^p ±cfc rJ * rJ \ * * lal 2. A pair of lit - tie bfl - l>y shoes, And ft look of gold - en hair, The toy our lit- tie dar-ling loved, And the dress she used to '. m * && ^s •>t -- i v * die e ^ * -> Bi U * o * O G" *> | # £> « ^ # ea # ^ * c b 3. The birds will sit on the branch a-l>ovo, And sing a re- qui - em To the beautiful lit- tie sleeping form, That BSed t> Aw- to them. ¥mn ^r^^ s . s * t=x -> # -> m o i *? # ^ # c # o # '. TSUMZZEZJ. fg I* * I T r»- IS <^ B O 9 U ^ # -!> # ^ £ If ' #^-^ *-v- ' I ** Two lit - th' feet are on the way To the home be-yond tho skies; And our hearts arc like the void that comes When a strain of mu - tic 1 — M-M*- 2e«3e|i ■*- 7 &--*>-<* ill ■ r^ - w I i i mi j ■ r s ^ # ^ :# »-c II The lit - tie grave in the sha-dy nook, Whore the flowers love to grow; Au 1 these are all of the lit - tie hope That eame three year? t> - go. M l J«i« l iilP . ==M==^=*Pr ^-4— ^-4^ m *mT -W. m I I I =T=T , ^ . # o i: . o> m "' w £2 SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. No, 64 -CHORAL. "Let all men praise the Lord." 8 u, ANOANTB CON JKITO. Sopranos. '5^*^=^ p3^EEj?=p :C=£=S=SE -&—h P=f 5=* /T\ ~g & 3 ^ P -^ ~- :*ZZ3: F=B «* Ann. by MENDELSSOHN. -I 1 K— I ^t 11 ^ ?- I r i 1. Let all men praise the Lord, In wor - ship low - ly bend - ins, On his most ho - ly word, Re - deemed from woe de - Alto. >T\ I rt\ i -**- t 5 i S3 -&- raac -* — #- -- W=^ m 1^ 3 +~dr w\ 3 *—* T )\ *z£—+—F * /Ts f=f = W ^ s ^^ 5t /^ ^ :^J Cj ■* — i* 1 - -<*S< e? m pend - ing. He gra • cious is, and just; From child-hood us doth lead; On him we place our trust, And hope in time of need. *\ a • • S cres. ^ — r-^ 0—M -f^—^—B- $E*m*z&BEg& m &± ;=£3-S3 P ^^^^^ f^f^ ^ msm heav - en: Praise to the might- y God, With powerful arm and strong, He chang-eth night to day — Praise him with grate- ful song gg ^Sgi^ ^ ■fi» eS *= & 3tl=! *E&t PHE THE PRAISE OF Z I O N LAUDAMUS. L. M. w. TENOR. ttSZ^Zl . v^o *> li li | i l[ f-rfff^HHt ? «_•; 1. Willi nue con- sent, let all tbc earth To God their cheerful voi-ces raise; Glad homage pay. with nw - ful mirth, Ami nng !«■ - (lore Lim songs of praise, ALTO. '"3 ~^JU ^^ J^-lJlg-glL-^ fczi&l^U «3 •_'. Oh, <'ii -t.r y« hit t«-m • ]>!,• irrtt •■, Theoee to bh eonrte devoutly preae: And still your grateful hymns re - peat, And still his name with prai^s ' SOPRANO. sme-lj good, His mer-ej is br er-ex sura; His troth, which always firm- ly stood, T«« end • leas u - gas *1»»11 eu - dure. BASE.-<«>. , *> 1 -> O- <^' ° ^ sa 64 MENVIJLLE. L. M. Arranged from MENDELSSOHN, Sym. No. 3, by Dr. L. MASON. 1. O thou that hear'st when sinners cry, Tho' all my crimes before thee lie, Be-hold me not with an - gry look, But blot their mem'ry from thy book. E¥ _^ si s i i m ** G-0- 12. &—* 2. Create my nature pure with - in, And form my soul a-verse to sin ; Let thy good Spir-it ne'er de - part, Nor hide thy presence from my heart. 3S ^ 73L s- -&~ 3.1 can- not live without thy light, Cast out and banished from thy sight ; Thy ho - ly joys, my God, re - store, And guard me that I fall no mor.e. ps^imi m^ T S> 3QE W -S — +- TZ=X* Z2 — - I «=i: SI- S' — *■ m ^zi <&=*■ I BOYD. L. M. A. D. JAY. I ? us sT^ 2 gt 5 " gg | P * ? I ^ p T^-g *?\ I ^z ^Zjs: g gg ?a 22 £2H3Zj2Z ?= :z£ •si- PP 3St $ a: m H_4 1. With one consent, let all the earth To God their cheerful voic- es raise ; Glad homage pay, with aw-ful mirth, And sing be - fore him songs of praise. 2. Oh, en-ter ye his temple gate, Thence to his courts de - vout - ly press; And still your grateful hymns re-peat, And still his name with prais-es bless ggi g g gg iiiipiipipiii ?2 lUpI 3E« zz: & i$ct±i S> |-S> 3. For he's the Lord, supremely good, His mcr-cy is for - ev - er sure; His truth, which always firmly stood, To end- less a - ges shall en -dure. pf^^pf^f-zFrnx^^g^ff z± MORTON. L. M. C1I. '/, wr^nr- c ** v^ ** Aw*,, awake, each dugg* sou,, A ™ ke , „„,, «- „, „,- ft, ra , ^ ,, mv the shlldce of ^ j^ ^ T ^ V h ^sps — _ -X . l so1 ' 1 ^""^""^ T? *WI\«dH«rfci*V_, hWMrfM^ Ere,... , of lifc „ Z! ^^^^^S^^^e^^ ^:: 4-D ^ ^ o LACY. L. M. C M. WYMAN. '. 1. Writ, », «.,,!. thy M,,t.., 1 will I Turn,,.,,,,,,,, p^ion* .1, b. .till | X,., W . m„™,.ri» s lb* . - ri« : ^1^f^ ■^ ^ Z, S BYS iir,- just, hia otiuns^Js wi»o. iPi m i- »•>*<**■** r,*™^,, ,^* ; A,„u„„.h i .,„;„ P .„ re „v la „ w „, fc^iJ^r^g ■ •■ a ^. ^Plpl Zisooq » o- o o «=} o des> *d itt£±&rf±$&-~&: 2. Slain to re-deem us by his blood, To cleanse from ev - ery s5a - ful stain, And make ns kings and priests to God — "Worthy the Lamb, for he was slain ! P* .T 22=^ 1 -&- Z3L ^ 0-0-& &\-Zt 22 32 -- ■S- 22~ ifzzJzit^. > # 'gj; ■«- -o- 3. To him who suf - fered on the tree, Our souls, at his soul's price, to gain, Blessing, and praise, and glory be : * "Worthy the Lamb, for he was slain ! PATRIUS. L. M. * 67 g faswEigs ^ii^l^^N^ ^igg |, dome, wi i i -\ boqIs, with tin di tressed, Oome, and sooept the prom-ised rest; Hm SsY-ioort gm - efoas sal] <> - bsy. An I cut your g! *b- way. f"4" ifl ** ^PhJ^=^^--fJ : ^ l s S EH 3E£F 4*EF £ -*•' - - -0- ~-+T \^ edwithgoilt, — a painful load, — Oh, oome and bow be- fore your * • ARMOR. L. M. O. R- BARROWS. 1 , * . g US "11 r, ->. • e, Gh- <=>. 1 up, my s. ml : shake off thy faan, And gird - ar-moron; Erifapgp Itaroh toth e gatea of andlea* joy, ^ groat CV I -I" If =P ^It* I- -S- •A. Stand up, my »- P 0-0- £?- m 3. Lord ! let thy love shine forth and raise My captive powers from sin and death, And fill my heart and life with praise, And tune my last ex - pir - ing breath. " f i i> 1 I>* 1 I ■ m » i- g? #1 r^m r-H r-i— : -1 1 ■ H— HJ mmm w~w m €3 — 0- m +? ■&—»- <2 a g -&- 00 P=i=f^f T*-d X^ NORWAY. L. M. m ■p4]^lU ^ ^^TT ^ ¥ & -?£=?: 7S~ 'W 13- &>- ■as- s 1. My soul be - fore thee prostrate lies ; To thee, her Source, my spir - it flies : My wants I mourn, my chains I see, — Oh, let thy presence set me free ! S*ffi§ I 3 S^§ s>- 9 0~L Q * ' o *z + J SA\d L z? I d \& S 2. Un - done and lost, for aid I cry ; In thy death, Saviour, let me die ; Griev'd with thy grief, pained with thy pain, Ne'er let me live for self a - gain. 3. In life's short day let me yet more Of thine en - livening love implore ; My mind must deep-er sink in thee, My foot stand firm, from wandering free. 93 ^tzMz\^zzMzi =$& €3- E TZ-'Jt- &- mm & m G>—0- BZ » WOODSTOCK. L. M. ^^^m 1 A\vak» my soul, mul with the »un S O &—e? r> i *> Thv-dai-lv .<*;,,. du-ty run; Bhafa ...T dull sl,„l, »nd joy - f,,l rk. To f» 7 »>»« ki i"' A '" 1 *■"• refreBhed ,n " w,,il " ' wi-ri. High pratamto th* e-ter - nal Ei Ora^LoTd.wheDlfromdoathiludlwiifce, I ioA» lift ^^^^^^^S & . *> ^ E *> *^JE " ^ ^ B ENERGY. L. M. rw Awaku, our sou W^ m^^^^^l +0\G>~ And j»ut a J^urso'uif^y.our f«r.! Let rytr^nblJDgthrfll ■*« «• M»^ p I^. * r . J!f .„,. our f„„ , L., o„,v *-£« >* r- : A-*. I W *- S _J-I-»*£»- ^^^^§^s *»c ttt* 22: fm^f^f^ m^^m 70 ENSTEIN. L. M. W ^= P— P — I- — i — — — — *= I :■ * zz: W=ML S £ ~^t WZJKZJL -&—0- o- 1 — *- -0—0- fS- 1. Fa - ther of light ! we sing thy name, Who kiudlest up the lamp of day; Wide as he spreads his gold-en flame, His beams thy power and love dis-play. fc5 H I it 32: -;>'- a o a a &- i i «5- tf-^h -O- -O- ■<&- Iff! ff^ f \^T4^ ^^ 7SL #-*—* I i -* — #- F -o- lt=±Ut -0 — ? 2. Fount-ain of good ! from thee pro- ceed The eo-pious drops of ge-nial rain, Which, o'er the hill and thro' the mead, Re - vive the grass and swell the grain. !g>B£ m s>- &- m ± =p=pc i isz ^ d d ^ 22ZtS^ -*—*-*- 22; 32: ^ -Z2. FOREST HILL. L. M. w. 1. Dear is the spot where Christians sleep, And sweet the strains their spirits pour ; Oh, why should we in anguish weep? — They are not lost, but gone be - fore. T * m ^ '-0^0-^-r^-r ' -0- ■*• Vp 2. Sc - cure from every mor-tal care, By sin and sorrow vexed no more, E-ter-nal hap-pi - ness they share Who are not lost, but gone be - fore. 3. To Zi-on's peaceful courts a - bove In faith tri-umphant may we soar, Em-brae -ing, in the arms of love, The friends not lost, but gone be - fore, -0^-0- Ft 4=*q=rt i^g a -*-* E 0^-0^ p===fpzpi fr^g rf^f^ m GREENWOOD. L. M. ...^i--»" - g^ra jCJt* Hb *■■■■■ ■IwinillHiilW iMl, Wl,.nh--ly souls re - tire to rest; 1 low mildly beams the clos-ing eye! How gently hcavrttlfex-|iir-in,j bre-aet! ^^^^^^P :s^£l& $ 2. So fades a sum-mcr atond a - way; So ,,„r day; - wave a- 8. Triumphant i-niil.s the vi " •■ i>. w!,,.r. nOuinl where iortn vie -tor's brow, Fanned by some ^uam.an M-geTe w in- . O WOT . WU< . ^^^ s j3 reTTI3lfC P s^-B KIMBALL. L. M, O K BAIUJO ip«^ I. Sweet is the work, my God. my King, Tb DTMae tl,y name, give fartMrtaing; To,l,.wtbv love by nm| Kgh* And talk ol .11 thy truth at r. a ef— » the dav of sa-ered rest; •est; Ho mortal ^P ■ o Da-vid s h»r,, ..f S ^^_ . . . ■ i . .i i • i it i .... i 4=^ * * I J[ 72 CALAMINT. L. M. fe^ o ^zz: ■55> £? f^zf^z^f^ 2 -^^ — » He ■&-G> ■& £3--fi3 — «>■ H ^Z?±®:z?f^ (S*- ^— -B-3- 1. Praise waits in Zi - on, Lord, for thee J Thy saints a - dore thy ho - ly name ; Thy creatures bend th'o - be - dient knee, And humbly thy pro - tection claim. 4 zszt SDL2ZT £ 1 =£ isi" z?~s^~ -»- &-&&-&-&- gg, fi g ^±ZZ±ZZZ» C3 &? =3 "(27 3=^ 2t2 22 3= O- &-rl-- G>\ s &-&)—&■ ra-es ^i^uSs ^-gg-p- 1 ^■■^ ^-gi S>v-S-S 2. Still may thy chil - dren in., tliy word Their common trust an 1 ref - uge see ; Oh, bind us to each oth - er, Lord, By one great tie — the love of thee. -O- ^ S? ^S c2 PC ZZ 3 zzw-TI s»- P ■<3 1 \&-(3-& & ZZ &>- WmA&.l IRVING. L. M. 1. Now to the Lord a no - ble snng : A - wake, my soul! a - wake, my tongue! Ilosanna to th'e-ter - nal Name, And all his boundless love proclaim ! tzzH =t s- *- -s> J pzz^lzzzzfez^i^j z:| o*-^-^ 2. See where it shines in Je - sus' face, The brightest im - age of his grace: God, in the per - son of his Son, Has all his mightiest works outdone. .fii. ^ frn tnr-ffi : T ;z4^f -<&-&-& t£ ■&—»■ It l^s j^^ fejg jg^j :;. (!]■;.«!- 'iisa sweefc a charming theme; My thoughts re - joiee at Je - sus' name; Ye angels, dwell up - on the sound ; Ye heavens, reflect it to the ground 1 Sz^zzzizz^ ^^^^^^ VINTNER. L. M. 7:; fe Sill 1 o # — *»- 1. Thine earthly Siil>l>at}i.-. Lord, »v love, — But there's .1 nobler rest a-bove: To that our longing souls a^piro, \\ itli cheerful hep* at) ■_'. N\> more fatigue, no more dia-treaa, Nor sin nor death shall reach the place; No groans eliall mingle with the eonga Which wur-blo from im - mor - tal V -^ * • ■■ ' ■ ' ■ — ■ ' ' ■ ■ Mm ii 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 ,1,, - 1 ■ I \ a » i *71 Pi i ■ 8. No rude alarma of rag - ing foea; No earee to break th* long re-poM; No midnight abade, no clouded sun; But Ba - cred, high, e - t«r - nal BUFFORD. L. M 1. Ajrake, my soul ! lift up thine eyes; See where thy fo thee 1 i ie, In Ion;; army, in numerous boat ; Awake, mj sou!, or thou art lest ! Awake, mj soul, or thou .1 fm^wvA^ -■ s «. P ^Cp S ^ K^^^ P 2. Thou trond'st upon enchanted ground ; Perils nnd snares beset th. e round ; Beware of all ; guard every part ; Bnl most, th ■• trnitor in thy heart. Hut lie • "r in thy 1 i* •*. ^^ : :n':-*\0g^0u w 3. Come then, my s<>ul ! now learn to wield Th* Weight of thine immortal shield ; Put on the armor, froinal»oVe, Of heavenly truth, and hcavcnlv l"\e, ( >f heavenly truth, i r r7rir fflia^J *s>- t ■es- m &—+ n. &—* i 1. Let one loud song of praise a- rise To God, whose goodness ceaseless flows, Who dwells enthroned above the skies, And life and breath on all bestows. ISSHi P%3 2. Great Source of life, our souls confess The va - rious rich-es of thy grace ; Crowned with thy mercy, we rejoice, And in thy praise ex - alt our voice. gg » | g? m ^X~V \ BAKER. L. M. Co < ^-t^g<£=& E fWW^ b=* c-. ^ I /2__a & # £^# jgj3jgj ^F^ 1. Thee we n - doro, c - tar - mil Lord ! We pHUM thy Dame with one accord ; Thy saints, who here thy goodness see. Thro' all tlie world d > WonUjp '. \ m i n 3 «& IE ^ c- * ' ~* t g^-g- L o ' cJ -r-* 1 ^;-* » -•> -G>- #*^_ <=> 2. To thee a - land ull mi -gels ory, The heavens mid all the powers on high: Thee ho-ly, ho- ly, ho - ly King, 1 1 <;••'! of hosts, they ev- er sing. I^ffe ^^^^ i^y^-Jir f r-ii 22: ^ o ■^ 8. Th' a-postlcs join the glorious throng , The prophets swell Ih 1 immortal song; The martyrs' no - ble ar - my raise E - ter-rml uthi °~ 4 f* f r l ^fh h ^W^^ ?2=2Z EMPIRE. L. M. 5. J| J |^ir J \^^-j^3 ^^^^z\ ~. i ^EjjjEgn 5. 1. Jesus shall reign where'er tho sun Docs liis suc-ecs-sive journeys run ; BUs kingdom streteh from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wh;. tit &JXJrTra£ i == 1 c ^ ^ ^ *, / g * e^ # e ^ ' g^ 'J. People and realms of cr -ery tongue Dwell on his lore with - m in-fant Toi-eee shall proel i fiS rTM^J l Jrff^lrrrW J ^ jyt ind where'er he reigns ; The prisoner leaps to loose his chains ; The weary find a • Ur-md i m .f T--hKH*'-u-n - .. m m - . j ; 76 TWILIGHT. L. M. I | ^-J> ^ ■&- =£=*= ffl^ m ts—m ffifc 1. Soft-ly the shade of evening fulls, Sprinkling the earth with dew-y tears, While nature s voice to slumber calls, And silence reigns within tlieBpheres. te ^ s *H±==3e=B^ := B3e z 3 : 2y~^-*z>— «r -«5> * ■# «■ ra? <9 «— LSI -# «> tee 3 I ^^^^S « — I » I <5 r * # «■ ! t= -- 1. Thine earth - ly Safe - laths, Lord, we love, — But there's a no - bier rest a - lx>vc: To that r> /jLjJJ-^fj ji si^^|:L— ;.:lt^[ .. N'o more fa - Ugne, do more.... dia - tress, Nor ain nor death ahal] reach the ] ^^mm^mm% 1= \~\*** **\<* m * ** '■' Bo rode..., u - (anna Vj^ J 3kt=at ^ B 3Z m i m 78 SABBATH. (Concluded.) M 22 -£> -9—»- * h 3t=* I souls a - spire, With cheer - ful hope and strong de - sire. ^^ *^ /S? with the songs Which war - ble from im - mor - tal tongues. »^WlgP cloud - ed sun ; But sa - ered, high, e - ter - nal noon. m m -o — -*- *£ P at BERNE. L. M. From BEETHOVEN * #- ^a 1. The flow - ery spring, at God's command, Perfumes the :f: **=* 3grl^B5 sl^3 2. His hand in au - tumn rich - ly pours, Through all her :|; m s=* 5 s^^ 41 i*t 3 3. The changing sea - sons, months, and days De - mand sue §H ** ■9 0- £ F m i ^ ^a#aB B I :' !: s +t p? *-*- F -?-» V * air, and paints the land: The sum - mer rays with vig - or shine, To raise the corn, and cheer the vine. :j? '.f »-*«- £ =t ■*— #■ ■*-? — *- I coasts, re - dun - dant stores ; And win - tors, soft - ened by his care, No more the face of hor - ror wear. at=f w$ -J±£ ft ^ - ccs - sive songs of praise ; And be the cheer - ful horn - age paid, With morn- ing light, and eve - ning shade. PS m ^ I _ ...J I — U-: ^Z3t=b[ n CARRIE. L. M. 6 lines. si as Efe Hf r 1 ^ J B^ -j * I s> I # *g — *- c ^ 1. 'I'll.- Lord my paa - tine shall pre - pan', Ami feed mo with a shop-herd's care; lib pres - ence shall my want* sup - ply, Ami •J. Winn in Mm sul - try glebe I faint; Or on the thirst • y mountain pant, To fer - tile vales, and dew - y meads. My *-*JL * • 3E « i » E^ ^ I, Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloom -y hor - rors o - ver - spread, ily stead - fust heart shall fear no ill, For && I I g 2ZZZI t " ^ ^ jilg a r> ZL * & * rJ """I- O Lord, art with me still: Thy fii.-nd-ly rod shull i;iv«- me aid, Ami guide BU t'ur -u^h th<- .i . . 1 - ful sliade. m m c* ~G>- i; <5»- pSi^^ zzzl y ^ S so M& m IS ± ^ -a— -*>- BELLEVILLE. L. M h # 1. A - wake, my soul, and with the sua Thy dai - ly stage of du - ty run; Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise To pay thy morn-in°- sac-n - fiee. 2. A- wake, lift up thy - self, my heart, And with the an -gels bear thy part, Who all night long un-wea-ried sing High praises to th' e - ter-nal Kiuc. gi^-a M r i . h» ! 9 I .T7 . I fl P^ T , 9 ^Tl l l 1 h ^ r ^~ IE 1 2 & §1121^^111 *3E 3. Lord, I my vows to thee re - new, Scat-ter my sins like morn-ing dew; Guard my first springs of tho't and will, And with thyself my spir-it fill. ^M 2 ^|J ' I P t+& ^ j^^r I STANWOOD. L. M. w. 5 m B^^ ^j I 3ti^: itf #-> iz^zs^ -&■ 1. Stand up, my soul ! shake off thy fears, And gird the gos - pel ar-mor on; March to the gates of endless joy, Where Jesus, thy great Captain's gone. A ~m J - UiJ - LiJ ii I J__J_ JUJ-lzj 22: zatzi: &-T-0 - 2. Hell and thy 6ins re - sist thy course; But hell and sin are vauquish'd foes : Thy Je - sus nailed them to the cross, And sung the triumph when he rose. p^E^^E^ ^^E P ^^g 3. There shall T wear a slur-iycrown, Aud tri-umph in al-rnight-y grace, While all the ar - mies of the skies Join in niv glorious Leader's praise. VINELAND. L. M. D n] 1. Oh, come, loud aDth< I u.l tluuikato our al-mighty King I For wo our y : aiac. \ U JM j JJ * m &; m * s c kw ^ *> ff^ W & 8, Oh, Kt us t.> hiaeourtsre - pair, And bow with a - do -ra-tion there t Down on our k -Tout-lj all E fall. m i ™ * i 3E3 ,'*l o o. I' <• CJ . m O O rC f^ W^^H ii mf-r£ K DEANE. L. M. # 1. Our] 11 we bleat thy name, The sarin- thy j>ow'r, thy grace the same; The toll thyloy-ing care O-i si- -0 -0 ^ \f -0 9 -0- S>- Si- -0 -0 ° *J *^ -&~ •+■ ■* fc^7 & J 1 j ji ^ \Z _y S>- +■ -0 " ' • ™ V ^_ ^_ =.. ; a, • mid ten thousand sns i by thy guard-ian hand; Amlsco.'whcn \ H a t=± EEiS J I & \o 9 a c z, » <• I ^ „* ^ #* C |gr-» JHgJ- sTtgj S* S> g> (O "O 1 as on; Thus for we make thy mer - oy known ; And, wh t land. New mere mand •53 ^j '.9~9. V-V 1-5 S» * C- ^ o a* ^ ^ C re # ^ > ^ ^ S II S2 AYBOL. L. M. 1. Thus far the Lord has led me on; Thus far his power prolongs my days ; And every evening shall make known Some fresh me-mo- rial of his grace. =5 3Z3I -^s- ^-■-o — pi t5?- ^ ^ w^&—ir^9 &-*- e — \ "T^ fe -<5* ^rt^v^ «-"-£? — tf x S< *i 2. Much of my time has run to waste, And I, perhaps, am near my home ; But he forgives my fol - lies past, And gives me strength for days to come. fir* 4 — P ?=E «- ?2=^ at *t^3 ^3E1^ ^s: * 2± 3. I lay my bod - y down to sleep; Peace is the pil - low for my head; While well-ap-point-ed an - gels keep Their watchful stations round my bed. Sfe PtfLsJ JT&—&. £3- 72~W- JS~W- ~t s= P- £3- strje SET* £ P3 SHERMAN. L. M. G. S. CHENEY. ■^*3 ps-\-m ** m &E 3»=s: -c- atzi 52 O-0-+ 23 ^^ ?5^-# Z5 r 1 . Oh, that my heart was right with thee, And loved thee with a perfect love ; Oh, that my Lord would dwell in nic, And nev - er from his scat re - move. tJt~ . h n .— r , n , -. T « fete© sm g G>—»- es 4 &—*-4 &—*- G- &- \*\ej s ■ d j -at- mm £ ^ ^^ m ^f^ ^f^ ^ 2. Oh, let my prayer acceptance find, And bring thy mighty blessing down ; Eye-sight impart, for I am blind, And seal me thbe a - dopt- ed son. m 5 1 -opt I g grg^F^ * I ~W1¥~1F r&—&- -& — m- 721 I r g 0\ -&—1+ -gr m BATH. L. M. Double. * 83 , JU DK.(HJlA.\'i!(). w fa_H - A h S fr> tm» m'M M m m m zmmm ^ 1. Tlii' lit.". ■ rd; In ev - cry star thy wisdom shines; But .when our eyes behold thy word, We read Ury name in fa m ^^i ^r^YJm m^^^rn ^^ . s=s=s «. « i, moon, and stars convoy thy praise Round the whole earth, and never stand ; So when thy truth began its race. It tonehed and glanced on every land I '"- ^^m^^^^^t^ ^ ^s^mm ^ ^^ mm :.. Qreal Sun of Righteousness, a- rise I Bl u the dark world with heavenly li_;!it: Thy gospel makei the timple wise, Thy laws aro pore ' j > ^ M s s s •j. Tlii- r.>tl- iii : and day, thy power confess ; But the blest volume • by just - ice an 1 thy grnce. Jfr J(T f j ffi- y ^ | |— h h n | -fr -fe 1 7 I f* I i s i s K"br~k 4 H h i h fc h N 1*5 ^ s s if * s Sfe * . # # « l. Hor shall thy spreading g" Till thro' the world thy truth hath ran ; Till Christ hath all flu lest That ;hc sun. : ^:ir^ rj ^ / | J-W i J:jj^ ^ T». Thy noblest Wooden heTC WO view In souls renewed, and tins forgiven; I my gnid< EVANDALE. L. M. * ^^ 7^~J- •*3»S ^Ff *t 1. Re - turn, my soul, un-to thy rest, From vain pursuits and maddening cares, From lonely woes that wring thy breast, — The world's alluring, fa-tal snares. i^i^SP •s»- -&- ■&■ (^ t?7 22 £* **v^.-*- 2. Re - turn un - to thy rest, my soul, From all the wanderings of thy thought, — From sickness unto death made whole, Safe through a thousand perils brought. 3. God is thy Rest; — with heart inclined To keep his word, that word believe: Christ is thy Rest ; with lowly mind, His light and eas-y yoke re-ceive. fcfc mm ea 0- fig fZZZ£. ££ & =j & — »■ s i * i g^ arrs? © — « HALL. L. M. W. D. R. 1. God calling yet! — shall I not hear ? Earth's pleasures shall I still hold dear ? Shall life's swift passing years all fly, And still my soul in slumbers lie? a gjj"^--*-^ 1= s g> gg -Lgg-.-^ tf <» ■ C)-^-^-^-^ * Z22 « ■ gj . ■ ^ -^ m*-* x e) > 4 w j^^e-ts gj ■ g? 2. God calling yet! — shall I not rise ? Can I his loving voice de - spise, And basely his kind care re-pay ? lie calls me still : can I de - lay! ^J-^E^E^E^^ ^4^ ^B I a P-T3l^ 22 G—r-0-O—€h £e 3. God calling yet! — I cannot stay ; My heart I yield wittout de - lay: Vain world, farewell ! from thee I part ; The voice of God hath reached my heart ! I ^-L— :S^4 L, ^ 1 ,_J L^ £3 — s- «-r|^ p£ :f ■ gg ' lr0 &—& I LOWE. L. M. ^^^^ @gM^=^ ^^^^^i^^^ I It Ln,l l„IL-.,l„M:,.l,l,i. r.fc., ,;.,., BU, I, „,„„„.„„.. Me . sl,.,M„-„.k„||, tl .. „ hM , mll . ^f i^g-nTTTl i ll 1 1 1 1 i H=TTTTrTTr^ Bi *|3 l. from all thai dwell be-low tb ... . Let the Ore -a- tort pniae a ^ I *z:«: * ' m I -> -, J ry laud, bj aj 2. B-ter-nalare thy merei«; Lord; E- ter-naltnril, attend- thy word: 1 ^H§ ^, MASARDIS. L. M. ajA|yi*-#- -I -\ I- I _ M -i - -r- -==[-— — — i r C m :• 1. WMi.llm T p.. ( „ oftortiu.Jto^u,, I'll |.,i-,,,ll, . tar „-„„„: A„, t !.,I,.ll! =/:•■( m ■&—• — *— * 0031011 whentrouUeer : Heheard .and subdued ' ~*>y^7. •/ $& *^=k£=*F i ^^ 1 1 i ii i i i i i ' ■ i i , m-g thy truth Lord, Pll d N t all tl.v work, nnd nnm,-, M„w S., ,„„- ^ J J r \ f J ■ lz££ c » --*» « ^rTSj ii H M S(5 MARGATE. L. M. Double. '4m S s=£ -0—0-0 S> *- fe -£-*- :?# ^ V-tpH^- T| ^P53^ 4« 6 1. The spacious fir - mamcut on high, With all the blue e - tlie-real sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their great o - rig - in - al .pro - claim. <■ £ Hfe 3. Soon as the eve - niug shades pre-vail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly to the listening earth Repeats the sto - ry of her birth; 4- 0- m — - — tf-tf 1 g u «> # ^ rTTT h -^T # ^ -0—0 Sife ^P 5. What tho', in sol - emn si-lence, all Move round this dark ter-res-trial ball ? What tho' nor real voice nor sound A-mid their ra - diant orbs be found ? M «-/ r EH ^^bH ^^aa^EHf qr^^ ^^ -m VL ^^^iS 2. Th'unwcaried sun, from day to day, Does his Ore - a - tor's pow'r display, And publish - cs to ev-eryland The work of an Almighty hand 1 "feEga^ ^f^F^^jigg^ P ^^^E^iE^ g^^^^^ 4. "While all the stars that round her burn, And all the plan- its in their turn, Confirm the tid - ings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. 6. fa reason's ear tb rail re - joice, Andut-ter forth a glorious voice ; For-ev - er sing -ing, as they shine, "The hand that made us is Di - vine." FAIRSTAR. L. M. -7 l. Thus (hrthel on; Ttaa hr his pow'r prolongs my days; And rial of fail I r- g- 1 J J J J I rJ = W : > ^ • o a * ^ r, t> I C' # i o ^> ■j. I lay my bod-y down to **!«■«■ i • ; Pease ii toe pillow for my bead; While veil-appointed an - gels keep Their watchful stations round i ! > ;' ^ o i * \- r> ry 1 o * 8. Thna,wnen the night of death shall oome, My fleeh shall rest beneath the ground, And wait thy voice to rouse my tomb, With •>, i '- o* phip -^ P P • P Vi*J II M r> 1 c o ♦ * r> ^ CONTRITION. L. M. g fetfir r i r Jipr-fffriHgfiHH f^fT^ I * • p p p ~ Ml > > > l * z£j=f * * » r 1. Show pit - y, Lordl Lord for -give; Let a ; reh - el lire; Are not thy a *in-ner trust in I ' : ! | s * y > > s s s -*-f» M hj j fl J I J-l *• d S ^d^z=J±Jz \-r-J-J^ i=i * * * \ pAZp p p \ d *EME3±e, ■ I S it, but ne'er sur - i>;i~-* Thepow'randglo-ry of thj ■ id I thy na- tore hath no Umuil, So Vt tin pardoning lo^ HHH '"' • -fa-'- I And *> g I j ■ f WSUlLbS m 1,: ? i f l U 53kr&-V ' # ^ &p Xjl ^ * " »-■ II S3 CORRY. L. M. H. A. S. 1 ^W f3- IF^^pT&ttZL szl 22 - -> «_ffl_ o I o ffippg o ^ -> O I & " C S> tFE hJ-^i^f? -I'll <)(J ULM. L. M. 6 lines. ffi m ZSLUi.-L^l -a—w-zw^ ?t=2z=* 32: 1. Loosed from my God, and far re - moved, Long have I wandered to and fro; O'er earth in end - less cir - cles roved, m g)^ 4 J I 3 J I £ m i^u-j^ SZTjO. -& ' ' +-\-G> S - — jj- •&- & 32 2. Self-iah pur- suits, and na - ture's maze, » The things of sense, for thee I leave: Put forth thy hand, thy hand of grace; m 3— i|J|^}3E|= si WZZJE- \ §£*4 wzzma 5=*= -& s v 0--&- 3 3. En - dow me with my Sa - viour's peace, Con - firm and keep my long - ing heart ; In thee may all my -wanderings cease ; m -<&- -0 m- -&- gS £ *-|-«- &- 1 z±±at ^L j>2=ijgi &* -es- 1. I A m V ^* — 9- ffi -P ?s: v- 12. Nor found where - on to rest be - low : But now, my God, to thee I fly, For, oh ! es - trauged from thee, I die. 3 m :1: I 9 7±. ^m \^ -0—a- -&>- •49- -&>■ In - to the ark of love re - ceive ; Take my poor, flut - tering soul to rest, And still it, Fa - ther, on thy breast. £ ^m 1 MZZ9 3=3?: W=.ZZ2Z VZZ& -0 — *#--fi? ty=±=t 32 '^¥=f=^¥ ^ From thee may 1 more de-part: Nev - er a - gain from thee re -move, Loved with an ev - er - last - ing love 1 mm ^w=w isp -£2- -es- JSt I rriYr if fWh^ RHE1MS. L. M. ~o in the ski. s, The sight liis fain Lnd wings h prime. ' H & # # "t-'N a^ Efe ^ 1^ «E« I <5 £2 !^' ' o ^> 1 CI& ^> a m ^ 3. u TIs there, he says," "I am todweD With Jeans in the realms of day; Then shall I bill my cares fare -well, And be will wipe mj I I- o of^ <^ ^- fg r r ^ -=> -> ^ ?fwW\ I '••} ^;^ C, LANZON. L. M. 1. Now to the Lord a no-blesonir: Awake, my soul 1 awake, my tongue I B in-na bo th'e-ter-i all his bound- less lor* proclaim 1 See where jt shines in ' The brightest im-ageof his grace: Go.l. ia the per-son <>f hi< S.>n, Has all his i , '3 & i"il -It 92 SANCTUS. L. M. r Tfta ?ss -0—-0. &<£ Z2 "■tf p #*F 1. How rich the blessings, my God, Which teach this grateful heart to glow ; How kindly poured, nnd free bestowed, The riv-ers of thy mer-ey flow! fcji — T— — t— —7— — i— — m — n n- ^It-i — en a r— — t sbti— 1 ■ — — nm — r*h — I — r**i F=^r r~9~0- & a Ltf g t =£ ■# - ^^ a *z^ gjg^^^^^g 'y ^^^P 2. How calmly rolls the sea of life! Sc - cure iu thine im - mor-tal trust, The soul has hushed her secret strife, Nor long- er shud-ders at the dust. mt -» — »- * — &- ~. 'W~W- & ^a m — 0- 0—4- 1 #■ DUNNING. L. M. iifcfc £^EE^ ||| S" F ^=j ^ -^±^ -^±^- ^±=^ ^^^ ^^z ' f^^^ 1. How sweetly flowed the gospel sound From lips of gen - tle-ness and grace, When listening thousands gathered round, And joy and rev'rence filled the place ! mm 3g%et#l : ii fcfete Ei i d ^ ^jJjt^ ^ ^gBBT^g || * v c o-+ ■l. 'Hun-, th< de wings we eoar, And eenae and sin molest no more, And heaven comca dowu our souls togrcet, And gloi-v crowns the an r - .•■. - scat! j^ - ^ 4 « ga^u^ 4g ^ r^x j j j i jLU^ fe o j * o II o- c •>v'< :(. oli! let my hand for- get her skill, Uy tongue be si -lent, oold, and still, Tlii v, If I for • get 1 ^— P 1— i 1 _ ■ i ■ i 1 1 ml.^ ,< T P >'V I S Z3- i I ^ It d- (s—m-es—0--^- 94 ANNIE. L. M. w. ^-F ^lrT^T r /l^t ^ tzt=tt ■&- -0 — 0-0—9 — — 0- -&■ ■&- I 1. Blest liour! when mortal man re - tires To hold communion with his God, To send to heav'n bis warm de-sires, And lis - ten to the sa-credword. tm I ■&-*-&- *nrijr* 6 & & J± * 0- * O o ' & . 221 2. Blest hour ! when earthly cares re - sign Their em-pire o'er his an-sious breast, While all around the calm di - vine Proclaims the ho - ly day of rest. £%- gEEfE ^^ -0—0—0 — 0- Si s I t 0. 0- 3. Blest hour I when God bimself draws nigh, "Wellpleas'd his people's voice to hear, To hush the pen - i - ten - tial sigh, And wipe a-way the mourner's tear. ^$E g^Eg ^Nai^pa S -o- -• — 1» S o- 0^-0-0 -0—0- -& Y&- -0-0 0- flr 4 - P -•-»- -0-0 *^= ¥ 4- 3t HOMEWELL. L. M. # £:=> raiffffrf l 1. As when the wea - ry traveler gains Tbe height of some o'er-look- iug hill, llis heart re-vivee, if o'er the plains lie sees his home, tho' dis •■ taut still,- p^pg^^JB^^fcka^Bg^ ip 2. M'hilc he 6ur-veys the much-lov'd spot, He slights the spnee that lies between; His past fatigues are now for- got, Be - cause his journey's cud is seen. W. ins^^iss h 3. Tlms.wh'en the Christian pil-griravicw . Hy faith, his man-sion in the skies, Tho sight his fainting strength re-new:', And wings his speed to reach the prize. iSf & 0- 1 m £3—0 -)S -1— 1 IT - H K2 ^fH ^ H^ GUEST. L. M. HH 9c sSPpli^ei. 3=*i *^sV ^ * nu 1 i_ -* ...... " w ^— .-^^u-^^^ ^ 0k-felw „,.^ k ZSS. FW riirow wide the doo yM. i-.ik^i, ^.wid., i...„ ,,„„,,„„ milul . AnJ1)e „," m MS? ATREM. L. M. * ^ UFBtherl^ored in worlds .-bow Thy glorious name be haUowed^iil tw7 i «- Hallo, edst.ll. Thyk.ngdom come wtfhpowY ai.d love, Andean! ,,;.;„ & * 1 ^* hrethssiuswhiehis S2S, And.a.ws ff gum ill tl,y kin,! <2 i ran jj:u utke. E mxuM " "Ji!r_r! , ., "•*"•. -*-' r i ^ .tttil: o ^ It 96 CARROLL. L. M. Froiii the German by J$S £ ^SH 3 m i??^p : *f *$? -&—m a •<©- -- :Ekt& ■s- a* «-« -?_iy_ >^- x i 1. Come, O my soul! in 6a - cred lays, Attempt thy great Cre - a - tor's praise: But, oh, -what tongue can speak his fame ! What mortal verse can reach the theuia ! 3 *-£Mv=£ :zfc£ ■if=^ (C ^B3 2±=* zstdbi jK g*~* ^&- a 1 d a &- a s BE _> -0- -0- -0- -^>- 2. Ef.thron'd a - mid the ia-diant spheres, He glo-ry, like a gar-ment, wears ; To form a robe of light di-vine, Ten thousand suns a - round him shine. i^e «*, itftt £ ■es- ^ W--*i sp^S ?~rg C5 Z3£ SB C3- f>i *?=r* ^ 3. In all our Mak - er's grand do - signs, Almighty power, with wis-dom, shines ; His works, thro' all this wondrous frame, Declare the glo - ry of his name. ;tv aa^-f ■p- 0^-ft0 4f tkz£ ± jg-w ^HSI ■«3 — * ^ ^^gp « — x=C ARVILLE. L. M. 1. When I eur-veythe wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glo- ry died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. V i£# £=:2 & *—& 3 S*~ "Z7 j J J if -"—tf" — — — 0— L S*— (S--^ -B^-^-»|- izi£±2=t «

- 2. For -bid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ my God: All the vain things that charm me most — I sac-ri-ficc them to his blood. is ^=*3± ■x IZi *I^I 2Z «— l~o ^ 0—tf - :?2Z^ 3. See, from his head, bis 1 feet, Sor - row and love flow mb-gled down I Did e'er such love and sor-row meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown? gjj ^^^^^g^^r^P^^ ■&-*■&— -0-0 -+-0- E &r rH^gl ■gs— s>- «»- I FLORENCE. L. M. ^ * ^ -> , a 97 a i ll 1. Whither, oh, wbith-er should I fly, But to i.iy l>\ - ing Father's! • owe within thine arms to lie, And gs to rest! •J. In u'.l my wu\s tliv hand I own, Thy rul-iilg proY - i - deuce I bee: me still my curse to run. Ana still di-rect iny patlis t.> fe - ** ^±n^ c lo * • is ' jjgjrg£f^-| ^ ^ «>p * * ^ SlI 3. I have no sic ill ; to shun; li'.it r 1. my wis-. loin nrt ; I ev-er in - to ru - in run; But th m & 19 9 1 1 ^^ 1 1 -> O ^ "I I 1 ^ d -M 1 i r* r. FLORA. L. M. p 2-V-^-£-v louls, with sin dis - tressed, Oome,snd ae-eept the promised rest; The BaTionr'Bgraoiovseall o - bvv, A- I isst your gloomy fears a • wsy. S^ '7 0^0 . « ^J # J 9 I^gz3ggi^:r j* «i J *> I * * m v s s s s ;l i s fc s fc-h r— -m\ — -m — m H 1 - 9 9 9 9 1 2. Oppress'd with guilt, — apaiuful load, — Ob, come and bow be-fore your God 1 Di - vine compassion, might-y love Will all the paia-ful load re - move. Sep i # .k gg ^ ^^~it M^r rv^= Q= •>.'i :; II. :• onndleas o-oeM flows, To cleanse your guilt and heal your woes; Par-don, and life, and end-less peace — How rich the trif* how free the grace! 9 mm _ _ ■ —a 1— m m | Q i »ai._ — V WTjr- *■ iVv^ nrwnTv ^r\ m±j-*—WZi r~r y— *- ' , f-nt * s i II V~?-V^r 9S MONSON. L. M. * bo* m 3* 1 M -*-<*- i *-?¥** s 5 ■»-#- ft isp^a » --w- r VM -t- 1. Ye Christian heralds 1 go, proclaim Salvation thro' Immanuel's name; To distant climes the tidings bear, And plant the rose of Sharon there, And plant the rose of Sharon there. dfc s^ ^g gBg^^g^s^sg^i^^^p 2. He'll shield you with a wall of fire, With holy zeal your heart inspire, Bid raging winds their fury cease, And calm the savage breast to peace, And calm, — # rs; t^^g ■cs- *^ PE3-P =t=t==t= t i &—0- S. -• * 3. That sa- cred stream, thine ho-ly word, Our grief allays, our fear controls; Sweet peace thy promis - es af - ford, Aud give new strength to faiutiug souls. M PI^S ^=F =£z* '^m f 221 ig ?*=p Z2t=* ^Bi ARNIM. L. M. 99 1. .Ictus! and shall it cv - a A mortal man a - shamed of thee f Ashamc 1 nf the, whom angels pr:. t/A ^4-jjjU jLj—juj ! , o r+^—^—v^T*-^ 2. Ashamed of Je-sus ! soon - er far Let evening Hash to own a Mnr: He ahqdfl the beams of light divine ( »r thi.- lic-ni.-ht-cd ?oul of mine. ^^M ^^=Tff f^ m^^ JnrrrM if * e 8. Ashamed of Je - sus ! that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend I No : wheu I hlusli, he this my shame, That I u<> ni"i c re - ran his name. Q U-Jf m \m . I * c* X . \ * ^ HARTLAND. L. M. 1. Praise to the Lord of boundleaa might, With on-cre-at - el glories bright, Ills preaeno irorlda-boTe, Th'unehanging source of li^ht a p ^f+rt-r-^rt-JUif- r r nrrri rfrfr r i J J m ^^^ b lie, mighty God, with rig-orahioe Oil this he-night - ed heart of ruine ; And let thj glo > ! As in the Sav - iour's faee ' -OL • * ^> ^ z*i± r\ i o ! <• # f2—&L -* * & P^P ^ IOC ^ i ^^=^f^^ ^^^^f- HARRINGTON. L. M. i-Hi (S 1^ ^=fe -g-fog* -o- i •S>— l-fi?- -fS- £ J. D. CONLEY, ■s>- =Jl 22: «- 1. Rise, crowned with light; great Salem, rise! Exalt thy head, aud lift thine eyes ; See a long race thy courts a- dorn, Of sons and daughters yet un- born. £ O 0, LJ ' e» -i i gsgs^§ -es 22 f9 22 £5 saszs 3 & 2. See nations at thy gates at - tend, Aud low- ly in thy tem-ple bend ; See crowds on ev- ery side a - rise: Ea - ger to mount a - bove the skies &^- 4d=jh ■&- &- ~&- ■&- -P=Sh-. ■&- p3[jzjz^^|p &- St 3. See heaven its portals wide dis-play, Aud pour on thee a flood of day! Thy day shall shine for ev - er bright, For God him -self shall be thy light. -0^-0 i sz 1 n- 1 1 — | _ | — r- ^ i ^ — i ^* — ■ &^-0i I S £P -&- SH-eS l^g^jpgp^ &£ 22 22 -s»- irs^=±^ g>~i -ss AURORA. L. M. J. EASTMAN. M ^* ys> m* <£?L wwn &>—&- & a &- & 1. Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love, — But there'3 a no - bier rest a - bove : To that our long - ing souls as - pire, With cheerful hope and stroDg de - sire. H 1" HE sail 4 Be I 0*-t3 K^U-J-*- J J l m ' * 0*— 3C g g | j -«g ■ # J fj #'g — "J-fS Sffi 2. In that blest kingdom we shall be From ev - ery mor-tal trouble free ; No sighs shall min - gle with the songs Re-sound-ing from im-mor -tal tongues. fca ■o- s zz: ^^ ^ 3 — 22: CS <5>- 3. No rude a - larms of rag - ing foes; No cares to break the long re-pose ; No midnight shade, no cloud- ed sun; But sa - cred, high, e - ter - ual nooul I ~&L &~P. 2 o I 1 r&- ea- m NELLIE. L. M. 1. Bow M.-t the saared tie tint binds, In union sweet, ao - cord- ing minds ! How swift the heavenly oourse they run, Wl $>', icli the sonl of each how dear I Wnat jealous can, whatno- ly (earl How doth the generous flame w% Refine from aartb and cl< V a ^ jiji^' i j^i ^g ^ ^^r^ ^ms s . , .\m-x ii 1 Their streaming teai r flow Por human guilt and hu - man woe; Their ardent prayers u-nit - ed rise, Lis ■ E la •>v'.«H •,'0 c a a 22 22 o <5 -a: s: ■ LH,!I GEORGIA. L. M. •:•:• m-iN\?:tiJW & f£ -- ■ j r\ s s ■- ; ■ * * w s a . 1. Sweet is the work, mv (tod, my King, To praise thy name, pre thanks, and iHi h 'lJ./.Frfr JT?IJ. J'JJ' B ^ f? ^j s n ^p! ^ /// * 5 ^^ ' * * S ' « ' . ■ -« ii # ' « • * S ' e g '# ■ # •« « ^ — JV-li^—J # a? a? # # a ll •J. Sweat is tin- day of 6n-cred rest: fto mortal cares shall seisemy breast: Oh, may my heart in tuna be foul • David's harp ol p^-M ^ ^ i j - J-gc i r> jyte E^j ig^.- i s • ii n. My heart ahall triumph b the Lord, And bless his works, and bless his word; Thyvrorl bow bright they shine I How dee] w^m^r mj^y^ ' x ^-m ^ *> * * 102 BERLIN. L. M. ' ^^^ ^fX^& ^ -^^f^ ^^^^f^^H -0-^-0- V I i i. Be-fore. Je - ho - vah's aw- ful throne, Ye na-tions bowwith sa-cred joy: Know that the Lord is God a- lone; He eaucre-ate, and he destroy. ¥&£ --? ^=A±L £ & ff—e — 0- &— M -0—0 d . -&■-&■ 9 2. His sovereign pow'r, without our aid, Made us of clay, and form'd us men; And when, like wand'ring sheep we stray'd, He brought us to his fold a -gain. ^n as -&- ).. hs 0-0- izza: mm & ^m a i ^1 £ E^^pa 3 £

o- £3 F 3E iz* &—Y-&- S 72- 22_ P s: 1. In vain my roving thoughts would find, A portion worthy of the mind; On earth the soul can nev-er rest, For earth can nev - er make me blest. (ES3 &s :3^-sJj3:»4^ZJ33^s-E=J^I i iS zz3t =s 3ZZZZ2I -1©*- -I0- &-*-0-0-G> — ^-SJ-L^ «— 25^ P^giiliP W—0—f gfflHipSEiii -O— "--C-Ltf 221 C2_ I 2. Can last-ing hap - pi - ness be found Where seasons roll their has - ty round? And days and hours with rapid flight Sweep cares and pleasures out of sight? ^ B J2ZZ2Z2± z*za! g pF^ r^g^S 44-4- ■ :«Z«Z22ZZ^ |^^|g^p^|ZZg UPHAM. L. M. 103 ^^^ ^ PATTEN. L. M feft^ mmm the light of Sabbath eve, And aoft the smibeams ling'ring there; For these blest hours the world I leai jj ^flJJDalJiD l jJD I ig a fflJaCTB ^^g^^ ^jf mod. of rest I the tran-qpj] soul Peels the sweet calm and melt \n! while these sacred mo-menta roll, Palthaaei ■ smfl-ing heaVna will our days of toil be lot tn i. A-. ": ■-• ! dl join the f, The •>,;- 00 |# # #| „- # :0 \ 104 ^ © W^ POPE. L. M. Double W. 1. An-oth-er six day's work is done ; An - oth - er Sab-bath is be - gun: Re-turn, my soul, un- to thy rest ; En- joy the day thy God hath blest. a ^^^n^^^s^^^m^i^g v .J ^5 m m =m 3. That heavenly calm within the breast 1 It is the pledge of that dear rest Which for the church of God re-mains, — The end of cares, the end of pains. ^m tz ife O—r I 2: m^S : I I fct s -0--Q- ft^ WW ^^^i 2. Ob, that our thoughts and thanks may rise, As grateful in- cense to the skies! And draw from heaven that calm re-pose .Which none but lie that feels it knows; Ssii 3S3 S *^**r 1*3* F I. In ho- ly du-tiee lei tin lay, In bo - It pleasures, pass a - way. How sweet a Sab-bath thus to spend, In hope <>t one that ne'er shall endl J> '^ r^f^r^^^^^r^^^^^ * r> % i-n > > 1 * pFS <• £EE *2- # 1 J ' j =±&±=l 2. Tlit-rc is a place where Jo - sus The ofl ^? S pf^ra— rtrii^ ^ jS -#- «2 C frl » ~>^V >;> gjEBiJg^ S o— - I! sure re - ti Ti» found l>o • ucath the mer - ey - scat. pm. :. ^ I HI ^ S :^1^^^^^^P •> DMM Jt ■ the blood - bought mer cy - &* • •- \^>- m & ^EEEi -> I 3. There is a MBM where spirits Mend, Whore friend holds fellowship with friend : Though sundered far, bj faith they ■ Around one common merry 1. There, then on eagle's iringl we soar, And B6DM and sin mol • ire* And heaven comes down our souls tO L'rcet, While glory crowns the mei Oh! Let my bend forget ber skill, My tongae be .-ilent. cold and still, This throbbing beart forget to beat, If I forget the iin I 06 CLAFL1N. L. M, L. O. EMERSON. 'M=g- w=£-m+ -I !- ■fLz^Z ^ ?= T2~- ±HS£ 3=2- 1. lie lives — the J 1*1 er - last m V r $** rr. r God, Who built the world, who spread the flood ; The heavens, with all their — I hd- :*^z m* *3^E # S Eat atS: ^gi 2. He guides our feet, he guards way; His morn - ing smiles a - dorn the day : He spreads the eve - niDg f- ^ ^ 22: ^: ?== X -rl- -^ ^ WELLMAN. L. M. L. O. EMEESON. m T) ^:=P=p: &^ :c^: hosts he made, 1 And the dark re - gions of the dead. %) ^- | j p^^ hjph -s?- -«r- - # ^> iv-.-r linn tliy ju.-t - ice stands. As mountains their fonnda- tiona keep : Wise are the won -ders of thy hands; Thy judgments are a might- v deep - i "h^l- I- ^^^fit J -^t^TjTj^PJJT^ I ies ^zfi^^i^z^ 3. Life, like a (bnn-tam, rich and free, Springs from the presence of my Lord; And in thy light our souls shall see The glories promised in thy •>- ; H &-0-0 o o; ! s # m m 5 -3 ^ ^> S^KO # # o p o ^> I S3 o ■V o EL'JI BARROWS. L. M. J. H. FOSTER. 1. Great God 1 to thee my evening song "With hum-ble grat- i - tude I raise: Oh, let tL\ tner-cy tone my tongue. And fill my heart with live - ly p ^^ gp^^g^ ^ ^tg^^ ^^^.LJt 1 My days, unclouded ns they pass, And rv ory ften-tly roll-ing hour, Are monuments i f Woadrons graoe, And vit • MSB to thv love mil i ' ^ ^ ^^w^^ ^mm^mm^rj ^p m :,. And yet this thoughtless, wretehed heart, Too oft re-gardless of thy love, Un - grateful, can from thee de-part, And, faod of tri - i - ly 108 ;:p=PR: 5=S «£ st THE OLD HUNDRED. JL. M . From Marot and Beza's Psalms. Geneva, 1543. 3=3t me con- sent, let all the j-J-J-J, j I £ r i i * TT r *=* •« — «- 4= & ^t r r.r r rr ^ With one con- sent, let all the earth To God their cheerful vui - ces raise ; Glad horn- age pay, with aw- ful mirth, And sing be - fore him songs of praise. , J A A J -A A A J A , , A i U j , J A -A A Jl sgpz r ^=n J_-£ j -J ^ 4^ AjLa ^^=i HAMBURG. L. M. r "Tv ■m P r P" Arr. from a Gregorian Chant, by Da. L. Mason. 3m w^g^^^m i^ 3== ^z&^'ZS' ^r- Thou great In - structor, lest 1 stray, Oh, teach my err - iug feet thy way 1 Thy truth, with ever fresh de - light, Shall guide my doubtful steps a - right 2~«: ?2= ^ m ==« = : =22=*= ?2=F=F ^= 22= : =£2=M=j*= :=^=EE =!sdEEE: I — -s 1 #- - I — i £E S.: -- r i r i MISSIONARY CHANT. L. M. $$ r*Ttt M i C. Zeoner. 5E5±g=Eg=EiESS3z: :S=^: 3^=^=s^: 3=s£Efc£=g=g: r 1 I *=■!: 3 2_J_w^ : •©-r i=^: g=st 1. Te Christian heralds ! go, proclaim Sal - vation thro' Im - manuel's name ; To distant climes the tidings bear, And plant the rose of Sharon there. :\ r g--^g-- ^ ^ -* .£2_ rzzn :& *2: H ^--& #: :c2i : r~r-g: WARD. L. M. I s - 1 — I — I- :S2ZZZD *- T»- -»- g-f-p - ^2. ^rjE Z2ZZZZ ^~ ^ f^^f^P^^^^^^P Ait. from a Scotch tune by Da. L. Mason. J — L ©=*: c? c - J f^Trr r There is a stream, whose gentle flow Supplies the ci - ty of our God; Life, love, and joy still gliding through, And wat'ring our di-vine a - bode. 1 = — h^~r=bs rA \4l^ ^~ ^4 ^j^ =m^= H== ^Pt^= ^T-^ = [ - fcr t=tt *+^ L J/" ' " '• "'' ' thcfollou nig well known tunes, may, /•■ h< i ■■ L r< forded as tin itanitardn in this ms.tt* DUKE STREET. L. M. J TlATT'-n. 109 i ^ r i t i o *n I "r r r r rr r « • • • ■ 'i - i iii i fr ~ri ~ i i r i i i ri ~ i • ' ' ^ 1. I'u - to tho Lord, un -to the Lord, Oh, sin^' a new aud joy - ful song! De-elare Lis glo - r_v, toil a - broad The woul rHa-f-i i r ' j ij i i^ Hi — r 3== I ==F^-ti-r-= t j » l| ' I' J. i i f^ * gf . r'- J i_t * ^ CsH UXBRIDGE. L. M. Da L. Maso*. PPPPPB ; irr, s:! : r. 4 U[ 1. \\ ho shall tho Lord's elect con- demn \ 'T is God who jus- ti • fies then souls ; And mer- cv, like a might - y stream. O'er all then tine ■!; \ •■ - lv rolls. - 5 m ■f U^ . ^ .. ^ .J ± g ^2^ - a r ' r ' r r" " ^ f* £h=C <^ STONEFIELD. L. M. STASirr. 1. <.;<>d of tlie mi, thine %w - fa] voice, Bidi ■ I the rolling we i I one eofl roieeof thy commaud, Can ?iuk them li-lest on the sand. " -° £2.-1-0 tJ ( Zi ,Z2_ "- ^-r^ p£ ^ -2 ? * rs P -"- •^ I ''!> 221 S ^ ca s F t=t - -, - ROCKINGHAM. L. M. From -J r 1. Praiv ci t'« him who lmilt the hiils ; Praia- ee t.> him tlie s'.rc.irn wh o fills ; g^^l^fe r^ff^rp :r=t=£ » -'. Prais- eg to him who lights each star That sparkles in the Lluo a - far. „_ 1 J i I I ■ . i > ' • , ' -~j ' J -si I J JjJ "- i • ' 1 I no HEBRON. L. It Dk. L. Mason. Far from my tnougnts, vain world, be gone . .Let my re - li - gious hours a-lonc : Fain would my eyes my Saviour see, A , J A A J J- A A J. , ^ A J j j , .i^jjj ^rr ■& EE ^ m ± 4M \ j J j I wait a vis - it, Lord, from thee. J A A ±?E^ S^= P f^=F f=^ f 3 ? t* FEDERAL STREET. L. M. t¥^± st J^b tJ J JlJUg J ^k£ J * l cJ H. K. Oliver. Tl—gi fc±zeH^ 5F 22 : 5* God in his tem - pie let us meet ; Low on our knees be - fore him bend ; Here hath he fixed his mer - cy - seat, Here, on his Sab-bath we at - tend. i^W ^fy-^ d^ y r r *m A^=- w p-p - ,±±^: -r •- WINDHAM. L. M. Daniel Read. ^ ^p^ffp ^fp^^^ ^ r rWh^^i lands walk to - gctl J — 0-r& =1 — J 1 A — n-€? — 0- Broad is the road that leads to death, And thousands walk to - gcth-er there ; But wisdom shows a nar-row path, "With here and there a trav - el - er. J- -J- ijjj j j±J.J- -J. ^m m. P= P T-^rr? r ROSEDALE. L. M. G. F. Root. 1843. ?Wj mmm && 1 ii-r.it God, to thee my evening song With hum-ble grnt - i - tude I raise J J J^-J-,rJ J,A J A ja ±d-^A f^F Oh, let thy mer- cv tune my tongue, And fill my heart with live - ly praise. J J J A J A J A J A J t jJ-J_ rJ JJ_ ' -*— 1 :» m 3s ■=** — : SACRIFICE. C. M. ij 1 II l. I". - t.r-n.il I'.i • tber, God of love, To thee ooi rnise; Thy all-sus- tain - ing pow'r we ji -ing tliy j> II &@ g + d TT*^ o ^ — cj & -&- -0- -0- -*»- -t5+- -&- -E7- St- sy *y & S. Thine, whol-ly thine, oh, let ui be.) Our sac - ri - fice re- ci-ive; Made and preserved ud saved bj ih. ■•, T.> thee ourst Ives we give. \i i ' ' i i i " . p^-tt * i * # o ^ -*» & — 0- o •>:-: 10, Ho - ly Ghost 1 the Sa - vioiir's love Bhed in our hearts a - broad; So shall we ev - er live and move, And be.withChriflt.ni + T2Z=Z * C r> 3 ^ W?* II 32— W~d r> -G»- a. -\ & m '" -> ■** d d Q 'S STILL WATERS. C. M. w. SI II Ff i r j j f i r ,* fHf+r^f o ^ t <5 0-G " 7T2L 1. See Israel's ^en - tie Sin pherd stand, With all - en - gag - ing charms; Hark 1 how he calls the ten - der lambs. Anil folds them in his arms! i jji ^ .i 7d— I O I* * < g j p gj I g J fr gT" -«? &--0- rt~\- ~0V & -Lfg ^ ' # — «* — e — I. "Per -mitt them to ap-proaeh." he eriea, "Hor Mora tbar ham - Lie buuj It was to bless such souls as these The Lord of an - gels came.' If ^m ii 9 V ^m • r* ^ • A z> I & fg - :;. We bring them. Lord, in thank-fal band*, And yi.-ldthemup to thee; Joy- fal thai wt • thin*, Thine l ppt-pfj^ p | " | , ^ ^ ^ g * q-qg -.11 112 JOSQUIN. C. M. :] From a Collection of Music, by C. P. BECKEE, Organist, Leipzig. l ^ ~ TTT~-fH - l >TT ~ = FFFf g - 1. When brighter suns and mild-er skies Pro -claim the ope - ning year, What various sounds of joy a - rise! What prospects bright ap - pearl ^ LgJI-J -J- sJ _gliJ-i t pi Z2: c? :#*=*±5=Btf s ^=3t is: 2. Earth and her thou - san^N < g ^ I : r 25 4= ■G>- -0 — 0- I f*=r*=^ 3. Thus, like the morn - ing, calm and clear, That saw the Sav - iour rise, The spring of heaven's e - ter - nal year Shall dawn on earth and skies. m^& S 22~ §n :g2^z^~g~j -«?- £=E ?a= ^^ 73-— 0—0—W -€3- mm • " Jojonin," Bald Lather, after having heard one of his masses, " Is master of his notes; they must do as he chooses ; other composers must do as their imt.es choose " lie lived In th« ftfteectb oeitarf. — mneyelop.x Hit /mitricana. ELSDALE. C. M. m 52 tf ^^^ 5 o ^ *-ffl I « -v e9 w. 113 IF it mo when I pray; I am for - cv - er thine; I thcc nil the day, N or would ] 3 .-! . , i 1- 5 II -G>-L0 O TsH*-* VJ ■«f~z3 — ^^ £ ir C' 4—-+ — ■-— H — •— I 1 1 " • -f9»- -0- -0- -&- -&■ -*&- •i. Anlul.il.' I t..-t my wea-ry heail, From cares and 1 free, Tie sweet oon-Ters - ing on my bed With my own heart ■ -. li j^^ ^G>-^ <• ^ £ ^ ^ •l K, rk is .1 »l ly faith ami hope re - lies I ;> - on thy grace a - lone. Y2-TW • { 2— P \* P mm IE m *?-\^*- 22 aV aT rV ^f^ £• ."> ^ o o DANTE. C. M. D. I- ! *--» J 'U ^ ^ ** # * F - 1. As pants the hart for cool - ing streams, When heat-ed in the chase, So l.in^s my soul, God, for thee, And thy re •grace. UU j IJ J3U J UB ^iJ l ^Jlj. l /JjU fTtrf^rat #2 —*- 2. For thee, my God, the liv-mg Qod, My thirst -y soul doth pine; Oh ! when shall I be - hold thy face, Thou Maj - ca - ty <1. m aa^ ^^ ^Vr fi-^f ffri f—w OT^a m m ~ tea*, whyoael down, my soul? Trust God; and he'll em - ploy His aid for thee, and clun^e these sighs To thankful -hymns of jay. g^ -0 — *- :-. r i Sb *-l-*^ -t ■ — r- i* is \m m I 114 ENGELHART. G. M. 1. Our Father, God, who art i u heaven, All hal - lowed be thy name 1 Thy king-dom come ; thy will be done, Iu earth and heaven the same! £ 3 3 Upg^ es- *>. *>—+ ■& — a- d s*\ & i:a «L-B-«- -& '■&■-&- ■& S- -0- m -Oh <* ia 2. Give us, thi3 day, our dai - ly bread; And, as we those for- give "Who sin a - gainst us, so may we For-giv - ing grace re - ceive. 3E ± S p§i ^P^^^d=J=S ■a- ■* — 0- -afr*- 32 a f - "^ - --wit _*s ' -\— i 3. In- to temp-ta - tion lead us not; From e - vil 6et us free; And thine the king-dom, thine the power And glo - .ry, cv - er be. ^S w ■& — P- dz±^ ffl^Si & <» O — *- gf^Bggg^ H^ WACHUSETT. C. M. w. & w w^ &- -&■ 32 -& & ~SE_ -&- l&L 22: -&- 2ZZ32 -Q—*-t3 2? 32 w 1. Tis by thy strength the mountains stand, God of e - ter - nal power ! The sea grows calm at thy coxn-maud, And tem - pests cease to roar. 5 g 32: 32: -&—*-&■ ^n=22 C2— <& -es^tf- -&—&- Z7 — ~~T -C3- ■&—&■ & g> -2SH« 2. Tliy morn-ing light and eve-ning shade Sue - ces - sive com-forts bring ; Thy plen-teous fruits make har- vest glad; Thy flowers a- dorn the spriug. 5 ^~Z ^T^ 32 -S3- 3 a 22Z32 ^ ?= -s> 22 G>- ■&- ahzat ■s»- s -s»- |S^ I o .O 22L -£3 4= ■s»- 3. Sea- sons and times, and moons and hours, Heaven, earth, and air are thine; When clouds dis - till in fruit - ful showers, The au - thor is di - vine! IS -o sfas: c?- 32: 22: I- 22Z32: «2-=?2: ilfejiil zSzJzst -s>- -as»- ^P T--S- £ 22 1 HAPPY HOME. C. M. tin ,'0 r* >. WZttMHtZjtl • ' ??* A 1 j r^FT~F fm ^^a C-^ * * »■ * < l. Happy the home, whan God i-> there, And love fills er • try br.ast; Where one their ii me their pra L one their heai -*s I ,. f . a. m . 0. + • -* 1 *--*^*- **' J^: J-7 * • V. ■J. Bap-py the home where Je-sus' name Is sweet to ev - cry ear; Where children ear-ly lisp his fame, Ami parents hold him ^^M iMi^^^^U^^M ^^^^^ ;;. Bap-py the home where prayer is heard, And praise is wont to rise; Where] the sa - <■: .t for the p^^^r#rxrp-^ h i rr -F^ ^^-^ # * ¥m?$ I <• p c » KATAHDIN. C. M. w l . WIZJSL 4=J=n=t4 1. Oh ! could our thoughts nml wi.»ht a fly A - bovc these gloomy shades, To th/ise bright worlds beyond the sky Which «.>rrow in - vades ! kid #i~H~- * " I ? =5\ .. A-d-?:\ ii ^ o * I a m r vy s -*>~^ •J. There joys un-seeu by mortal I Or rca - eon's feeble ray, In ev-er- bloom - ing prospect r Unconscious of de - cay. >S 1 -J J J | °h £* /t T^f[ I WZKZML * <2 ' » r * * To guide our upward aim; With one re- viv - Our languid hearts in • name. I P 'ff w -4— 4— I m t * _ i*- f^rrri" r 3 116 EBENE. G. M. w. &^^ ^^f^=^^ffffrfW \ (tr? ^ns-i-as Zg2ZJ£Z/^Z£l ^ -#-# s i 1. Whence those triumphant bursts of joy, Whose sound thro' heaven rings? They welcome Jesus to the throne, And crown him King of kings, And crown him, crown him, crown him King of kings. =t I I 3 %i±^rA^^s±^i 52 eS- -fia-f-fi? ►s?-o szs^ fi?7 35& 22: -fitf- :*^ p^fEpy: +i*£-r*Z\ f$=t O f? J f ^gg £?- •fiS- _C2_ ^Z -S> £2: ip3 2. Look up, ye saints, and while you gaze Forget all earth - - Iy things; Unite to sing the Saviour's praise, And crown him King of kings, And crown him, crown him, crown him King of kings. ^ m izLztU* \3tatmt -& &- ggzrg-y-y: 1 I: Q-0- -o-& &k±at*w. &- :sz 2Z 9^- £ «? fg ^ ?i ^ z£ ROCKLAND. C. M. &^-<3 ] gs 1 -S»- g? g?~ -sr -(S^ ^ — fig # # I fig —G>-fS> & #-*- -fi) fi?- -fS* 1. Uu-heard the dews a - round me fall, And heavenly in - fluence shed, And si-lent on this earth - ly ball Ce - lestial foot - steps tread. I ggW^^ W^^W 1 ^ -G # <| o rJ \ a '** lii^^l^g^ H ■ ^ ~p. — ~m~~S~^~£* — =— 1-E?. 122 o-B-fis — P-#- "g> - p— g?" 2. Oh, grant my 6oul an ear to hear Thy deep and si - lent voice, To bend in ho - ly fil - ial fear, And in thy love re - joice. Ll^ ErffT^ £EJE #^ B -fir — 0-0- -ZZL zz iszqpsr PE^HJ =F -rS>- JONES. C. M. Peculiar. D. II I*M^^S l. 'I'li.i. i- ..u li.'ur of peaceful rest, Tomonnungwand'reragiYen; Thareis a tear fori H I PPH^ -=v I , '-> a *-0 a & S s do S m ^ -p'^-p ^> '1. There is a home (or weary eonla, By sin and sorrow dm a. — Wnen toas'd on w^^numm =x^ ^ ^ o \- * -&*-*-& Nc^'-sr--" rs 3. There faith lifta op her cheerful < I righterpro i ;Andviei -ml - : v^ # v -& & •>,:* * ' » *» * w m^^? m ^ i i --• ^ ? o #«#«#* C* # "3 — h i^ggf S m « '■'■. Wh; why oast down, my tooll Trt I Qod; andltoH em -ploy Elia ni.l for tl mi £L± I D 9 ». PB -> ' ; : - * 3 . g ; if lis m -& — »- m <—&-- ASHLAND. C. M. No. 1. -&-- ^ &-& 'f-ft- &. S P -s?- 1. Plunged ia a gulf of dart de - spair, Wb •wretched sin - tiers lay, Without one cheerful beam nf hope, Or spark of glimmering day. #_ P^ Jl^J-jjjgl^c ff g, 1 ■ - g . a -&■ *"■ - :i I HbA -s» — *-* e^ -s>- j»: -s— « zi: -- -22- -SJ- -rJ-~d-& - -(5? — &■ ^ 122: r#: gg . *- -o— o- Z2 I ASHLAND. C. M. No. 2. f ^t Q g • * =F£=f= &—■»- -&■ & — e— : ^ ^ ^ at ■«?- ^ :zz ■fi?- - IP -fi* ip i *> ^ =F -It- c ::. Down from the shi a - bovc, With joy- ful bast I Bed, En- tered the grave in mor-tal fleah, ta-mong mm ., <2 £» — o- i I" fi! * H r o d d M -m- * * "i ASHLAND. C. M. No. 4. I fc ■l. Oh, for thia love let rooks and hills Their lasting silence break; And all hannonions human 1 i • he Saviour's pra it's praise* i jJg i t^J I J J « * IJ-gfeFi ir «« * j* *> o « 9 £ C «o & ir -> t. Oh, for this love let rooks and hills Iheir las tmgsQenoe break; And all harmoDionahnmant I ill harmonious hum.v moor's pra •1" (2L a*> r fFT irrr-g ^ «•« „ i^ Fl=ra *### Ibr this !•■•• : lit lis Tin ir hut An 1 a', Tho S ^3E ^ gp *r-iiLUi a ? sz ^ i- c •> 0 0* Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one, But all their joys are one. Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, * i FFR= HSif^H^lii^^^^ zfcz a Coine, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues.But all their joys are one, But all their joys are one. m ?sM *a=*B & & i ■G- 0~W gs t i f r rrii^rf JANYRIN. C. M. &- 1. I sing th' al-might- y power of God, That made the mountains rise, That spread the flow - ing seas a - broad, And built the lott - y skies. -ca- d- es- m & St -& — *- 2. I sing the wis - dom that ordained The sun to rule the day ; The moon shines full at his com-mand, And aU the stars o - bey. P ffl^iE^^ ^^jppB^Bippi^iBi M 3.1 sing the goodness of the Lord, That filled the earth with food; He formed the erea - tuxes with .his word, And then pronounced them good. c?—»- 7ZT- 1 j= & 0- s^T^ mmrf m RESTORATION. C. M. 121 m m 2 , PP <• e o o £2 O -O (Z, ^1 * ■c If l. Al - 1 1 1 : beal-ing power, Ho^i bow di ■ \. .■ '. 'II..; can to life and bliss rc-storo Si fjf^^^f^ S ;• s> — » o #— * ^ i> O 25 O 1 * » S g -;* 1 -2- ?^S -o — a- \ i II ^F r* \ *y o 3=tt= ^ ( g gr O ■_'. Thy pard'ning love, -■ free, so sweet, Dear Savi a - dore; Oh, keep me at thy sa- bid let l m ^ -*-*—& m^ W T ^ »- +—& ~~ & m% EMMA. C. M. w HOL TttTZ~& pS5^£ & ^^^& . ^JJUiil^^ P To thee be-fore the dawning light, '• - 4 • i • . * * # # # < » My ' i- I med - i-tnte thy name 1 And keep thy la- u r s s I II a. £=*: « > ^ ^ W ~ w • + -0-90 -ip-t s 0-00- rz. V S r'gftji r r £z=£^=£=„ g bbtj^fcfefebl^ • ¥ J * r ' e* 1 re the d»v 3 : irnr~zi My gru-cions fJod, I pray: I med - i-tate thy name by night, And keep thy la £^£ 1 I * \ • - W~P ^ i* Pi - ESE ^ « » • • V- 11 122 PEMBROKE, G. M. * Arranged from the " Tonus Peregrinua.' 1 : ^ fcrfJ-jh4-J±g=| X -0 — 0- s &—& P^ ^m # 1. Ob, for that ten-der-ness of heart Which bows be - fore the Lord I Own iag bow just and good thou art, And trembling at thy word. 2. Oh, fur those hum-Lie, con - trite tears Which from je - pent- auce flow! Oh, for that sense of guilt which fears The long - sus-pend - ed blow! -4^- f=£ e -»-— ¥ :g— *— ^ -&- -0 0- *— * -*— -d * * d j 3. Sav - iour, to me in pit - y give, For sin, the deep dis - tress — The pledge thou wilt at last re - ceive ; And bid me die in peace. a ^m I :sz: e> [_ '-W^-W — 0- 4— □□4 ?=: W=^ ' & -0 LAUDATE. C. M. D. 3 /^ a -lit -es- a I -&■ ■& — &■ & *= «- sz=3Z ^r 2 G>- -(*»- ■- -&- 22 -\»r 1. O God! our help in a - ges past, Our hope for years to come, Our shel - ter from the storm -y blast, And our e - ter - nal home. is £ I 5 i ^v s>- s C^ J ■&—*-&■ s?: "£? -s>- Q—G ?sh-g»- ■o- Iff ■bH-s •& — (S? 2. Be - fore the hills in or - der stood, Or earth re-ceived her frame, From ev - er - last - ing thou art God, -&-*-0 To end - less ■*—0 yours the *. P »- fNf^f 3 £2- f^* fZ S~ Z. ^ | ~~S ? t^ -s* o -&- ^ L?2L &£ I g/ -fi* (TV 22 <*S>- 3. A •m thou-sand a - ges in thy sight Are like an eve-ning gone — Short as' the watch that ends the Bight Be-- fore the ris - ing sun. pn £21 fi3-x Si 22 I 7S~SL -O- «- ^ 22 22 -&- !Z2 -e?- «- CROSBY. C. M. rj.-; . jt **=j e=4 o m^± -—*- T. 'lrrrir*lf^rlrr r UJ i r -ii 1. OurCod, our help in a - ges past. Our hope for \<:\rs to c Our shelter from •■' 1 our m s i i -ii 3P # « — **- ^ I i *-\-K> *[ & ' Ls^l # f^MOg <&-m . Under tho shad - ow of thy thron ■• - cure; Bof ■ urni a - lone, And cur A "3 X * J J ' g — #• ^^ ^ * * * prrJJHfwa^ -it 3. Before tha hQla in or - dor stood, Or earth received ber b Pro Ibon art God, i ^ i 9 9 ^m r> IB II <5< e* (^ MEDITATION. C. M. :* » -> «>, _f l r r r ir I ^ J i). fc N, m^^mm 1. Wh'nall thy mercies my Hod, Mv ii^ - iug soul surv.- . Tri with tb ^^Dpfap %^^^^i^ ^§ P^i 1 1 H .: I ed com - forte on my soul Tbj tend-er care bestowed, Be- fori ^^m ass j '-, # , y v i 3. When, i b, With li ' op •>^ri^' i g ~i^ ^^ * JHT -!- -L .h|.k * 5 124 CANTOR. C. M. Double. D. * SI ^ -9- =t iz± 9-J r 9 = +- F F \ a :E I 3EE^^ # 22ZZt3t±i 1. The bird let loose in East-era sides, Re- turn - ing fond - ly home, Ne'er stoops to earth her wing, nor flies Where i - dler warblers roam. #5= 1 I I it 5 3 # . * I :g g — a — * I • & 9 * 9 -*-*-|^T ^b- ac ^i g^a^^^ ^ff^SYp ^ 3. So grant me, Lord, from ev - ery snare Of sin - ful pas - sion free, A - loft, through faith's se - ren - er air, To hold my course to thee. \ -0 — 9 — — 0- f— 0— F— f=t&=k+ -t^ J M —f— -0 ■0 9—9- t& J JE ^— j jzJzzE j = ^SzJJ} : J J j-4- r -] =j= ^-j-kte J z== J^ I ^f B J - F0—4—0 \ 9 ^9 " I I ^» -0-90- -&- 2. But high she shoots thro' air and light, A- bove all low de - lay, Where nothing earth-ly bounds her flight, Nor shad -ow dims her way. = ^=^ =j iizj ^ 3 ^3^^ ^l^^^i^^g I iHW-i ■9- -&-. * ^9^e~ =tf £S ^^i^i^fes^i^^si^is^s^ 4. : 1 , ■■'• ■ I, no lure to soul, as home she springs; Thy sun - shine on her joy - ful way, Thy free-dom in her wiogs. IzE^zT^ lpElll iH^EpI ■es-r I SUNSET. C. M. •i will oatr fleet -ins; hours bo pa*t ; Ami U the sot - ting sun Bulks downward in the ra - t, Our part- i ; m ^-ttr f& m ^s^a ii *=* m - ■ ~~w — m ~m — ^w^-* — * # — ' * — -•"» w w * ' + *» ' * 2. Hay Be, from whom all bleba - inga.flow, Our sa - crcd rites st-tend, U -nit- in^' all in wis-dom'e ways, Till lif.-'t* t-hort j"ur-t ^■ ^ ^JiJM^ mr^rf^p ^ ^ i^^ Uf .ii -asji * :;. And u the rnp - id aanda ran dawn, Out rif - tue still bn-piwre, Till eaeh re- oeire the glo-riou? crown of i i'h 1 - i:r_r 5 - — ■ — S ' BRADFORD. C. M. T K WLLSON. i. llnw swci't uj)-on this 1ml - - loved day, The beat oi all the seven, To cast our earth-ly thoughts a - way, .'-ii think andhtar'a i ! 1 i ii -/ ^ V _• ^3gjfe 4=n gflj^yki- | srS=E 1 | n: « * ji *t«« »i;* »L »* '-'. H ' al - !"•■ to pray, Our sins to be f Willi til - ial >'« to aay. t*0 -ar-r p^i^g Qlni t g^E m j i c h,j i tptt s^i^ H 136 WATKINS. C. M. "W. ^ 1 . 1 4 (- g? — g" ry z3~S3~* zszEsz :=l ^zzat --_M-2ite& rsz mtfrMXZl Joy to the world ! the Lord is come ! Let earth receive her King ; Let every heart prepare him room, And heav'n and nature sing. ip^^^ ^ m p=^^ ggi it §eS »_ -o- :cv -&- ±& Vz£ Joy to the world, the Lord is come I Let earth re-ceive her King; Let cv - ery heart pro-pare him room, And heav'n, And heav'n and na - ture sing. ^"rcgir §131^^^|i^l *=*&] ma STAR G. M. o. it. liAitr.ow :s. \'l' nm^ o # S CTrr rh i n^ I"!" ^ ^ II ' — -2 2. But, li>! thi light Now ; ■ - bode; I l.ro'sinand sor - row's night. To guide us to oar SH I -■ m& ^^ I* 9 * »* ■<52 a ^ ^ o ^ i r> 3. Oh, let us tread the nar - row j>ath. While light and graee an given; Atul thus escape the oom- ing math, And reign 'with him in 1 * tj| i* g L , = Trirni g '•-' ^frff* TRANSPORT. C. M. ^3 5 3 * —rar- ^- J « igzqftjzigzz: s ffiz: jrzntz*zMzaL ^ \v; God, ris-ing soul riir - rays, Trans-port-ed with the view, I'm bet In woo-der, love, and praise! 3 ! Ul. II ? I 3 ±=£ # « a si i# • #;> * » & < g \ d . m * r, -v S ■j. On - I-: 'Mi-. Be - fore mj red from whom those i With bi |»s I ran, T' op to man. ;'f4fl§ipipil IIPP # * P II ^5 r5?. 128 REDEEMER. C. M. feigg fe a 1 £ #-i»- =t=3 I afczafc 22 S* +* attz : ~w : 0%& ^ ^— ^- s -g- "r^ PP 3. My Je - sua shall be still my theme, While on this earth I stay ; I'll sing my Je - sus' love - ly name, "When all things else de - cay. fffl pi I m ^ ¥t^ =ii g — g— 1-* g el it s — I g- C3-fr0- g — #1 I— ft-^TT-Ti 1"! i 1 — — h I — I 1 r — i PARKER. C. M. IRVING iUMEESON. r r-^* r-, — J£*$Z J 1_ - R 1 ~\-f- ■&—*- L g — #- O 1 »- g r» g P ^— f- B s? *~ -0 1 =)=tt nil * \ ^ tJ 4 **—& <« g 1 ■ r § 9 m II WV 4t g * 1 1 \ i ■ r * fy II *J -*S 1 1 1, My (!od, my Fa- ther, bliss - ful name ! Oh, may I call thee mine? May I with sweet as - sur - ance claim A por - tion so di-viuef ±3 j I I IP -•»f j g g S> w 0- g g -&- L' What-e'er thy prov - i - dence do - nios I calm- ly would re-sign; For thou art good and just and wise: Oh, bend my will to thine I -4; • 3H ■a '- o B^gplp B=^ *± Sees g—y g g •g — *- -s- 8. What-e'er thy sa - cred will or-daios, Oh, give me strength to bear! And let me know my Fa- ther reigns, And trust his ten - der care. £>->§ *Sf 122=*: Lg ^F=% -0 tf^ -0 — *- ps tf V -0- n 7g — W m STANTON. C. M. 129 M^^^m^m^^r.r^'-w 1. Awake, my soul '. stretch ererj nerve, And press with rigor on: A hsaYealj ra lemandstbyz :il A bright, immortal crown, A bright) imnmr Ud crown. IS 1-VLJJ - 5 ^ "5=£ S - — • 33 ■_•. A. aloud of nitimon on ■ mnnil TTnH thnn in lull sarrey: target the step ftjodoawardurgethyway, And onward urge thy way. :;. Tin Clod's all an- [-mating roioe, That calls thee from on hi^h.Tis his own hand presents the prize To thine snpiring eye, TotbJoeaa - j>ir ' FINLAND. C. M, ?. #^J J * E. -fff w^S\^ j v^&fn -Dir r l ^ 1 - i ^ #_ r> II 1. Ob, praise the I .^rd ! for he is Rood; In him we rest <>1> - tain: Hi.* mer • cy has through a - p I ':•■.■. r sludl re • main. D -— * l=..<* *»*•» O . * II 1 Let all the peo • pk of the Lord His praia - es ipread a - n.-. them 1 graee md km re - cord, Who hem sal- Taction found. '"-'X- : -:, hbiiM^A^^^t I m *w\\ & east in him re - joiee, trih - '• and Mnth lift up gg * \ | *£-¥ & a ffinr-r^Fk i ^3 £ ^ "I \& # t "II 130 mm Tgj— F-f ~V ^s^-l a BACON. ; C. M. w. ^T=P ?ggpzt j J2Z azs =^&: q= Tv s>- r jJ^ J+j^ Mi 1. Sweet was the time when first I felt The Saviour's pard - 'uing blood Applied to cleanse my soul from guilt, And bring me home to God. MSB i=2=i -0 -&■ '3 ISt ^ -&-&- -Gh j ^-^ ~0~W &-0- m 2. Soon as the morn the light re - vea'lcd. His prais-es timed my tongue; And, ■when tbe evening shade pre-vailed, His love was all my song xh ** . . j &—, — — — ~:cz IS^i 1 g~r~g -*-*- ^^^^^ 3. In prayer, my soul drew near the Lord, And saw his glo - ry shine; And when I read his ho-ly word, I called each prom - ise mine. S£ I \^m ZL- * £ 0—0—0 22ZZ22I m^r t-t^\^ ^ -&—-&- 1 *£ DALE. C. M. i^gs^^iii -0 — 0- i «£ 3t3t *—* --d—d ^i 0~-0 2 I iS t 1. Mere human power shall fast de - cay, And youth-ful vig - or oease ; But they who wait up - on the Lord In strength shall still in - crease. '£* g^ E^B ig Pi *^ *=£ ; :f- «zzas 0-^-j- 0- >-%-} 9. They with un -wea -lied feet will tread The path of life di • vine; With growing ar - dor on - ward move, With grow- ing brightness shine. W*-i j ^m gfag^g -£?- — ~W — m — -I ,:. pl^g^g^g^ * 3. On ea-gles' wings they mount, they soar — The wings of faith and love; Till, past the cloud -y re - giona here, They rise to heaven a - bove m^mm^ m I :» — W- 22: I MILLINOKET. C. M. r> a D. 131 f*jd^££d^f^ V • • II 1. Je - ins! tb« Toy thought of the* With gladneea 611a my I ■■ Bat dear - er far thy face to see, \:.l in thy pr< - -:- 2, Nor voice can *i";,', nor heart can frame, Nor can the memory find A ian tliy bli O Sav - iour of man- kind! "J I 'II 2*= :=f ^ fs-£W M 3. Hope of ey_- aty OOOtriU heart, Joy of all the meek! To those who full, how kind thou art, How good to > seek ! F¥ 3 j i t. jj^a ^ f ^ f ^f t f-i ^ a^^^^a^rnr • rrrnm ADVENT. C. M. 8, Be conns, the prieamr to lalaaM) In Sa- tan's bondage held; The gates of brass before him burst. The i - run fetters yield, Tho i - ron 1 ' 8. Our glad husnnuas, Prince of Peace, Thy weloonM. aball pro- claim. And h.-aveti' irehee ring With thy bol-v. J • :h thy bo • lov- cd name. ft 5 "2 r-^^frip-f^ *-& ■s^r* ^3 — '—0—0- z?~& -& *— Q x S & - m <£=&. it -&-&— \~G> g ^ ry^i 22: ^ : zs i Si ■G>—\S> ZZ2ZZZ2Z -e- 2. Blest Jesus ! let those tears of thine Sub - due each stubborn foe ; Come, fill my heart with love di- vine, And bid my sor - rows flow. ^ ^f Mi-r-^ ^ ^F^^^ m ±j± -& — P 1 731 -G & 131 I *ltf $&&$Em$E&=i&&E±m \ WINNER. C. M. * 14. 1. To thee, my Shepherd and my Lord, A grateful song I'll raise ; Oh, let the feeblest of thy flock At- tempt to speak thy praise ! m grn ^ *c I :£=£ 3 1 S3 i I *=M s. -&■ 0^-0 — 0—0 — ' ' *t 2. But how shall mortal tongue express A subject so di - viae? Do jus - tice to so vast a theme, Or praise a love like thine? I ^m 3. My life, my joy, my hope, I owe To thiDe a - maz - ing love ; Ten thousand thousand comforts here, And nobler bliss a - bove. EE gf^f^ I =rV I m • - *=2t epl 32: I JUSTIN. C. M. 133 ; m -*—*- ^^k^ ^^k~^& -X ll s^ * # » ¥—*- tib 1. till, belpus.Lordl — each hour of need Thy heavenly sue - cor 'give; Help us in thought and word and deed, Each h.'ur on *arth we live. 0H 3^ ^ ^ 4 — #■ g§ «*«, «*« % ;n . •1. oh. kelp M when our spir - its bleed, With contrite sa-gtueh Sore; And when our hearts are cold tod dead, Oh. kelp us, Lord, the : S S I' t^W , rr| J^^ = ; 1 r«=p: II r * «-. I# # ^> P=5c *— ar -> 8. Oh, help us, Je - bus! from on high; We know no help but thee; Oh, help us so to liw tad die, As thine in I. .-.uto be! mm^ ^^ # a & I *=t -ll LIME STREET. C. M. Z. 8 l'A : PS I a j j Jl^nr r ^ i g I T N^ .11 2? g ip ^ >5 -> f^^P? a c 1. Bow dread are thine e - ter - da] years, O st - er - last • fug Lordl Hv prostrate spir - Hi day and njgM In • oss-sant-r* a - d w%* ' gg — eV- J ^ gg gg ' gg -- F uT^H - II « gg « a» ' gg . # x o — g | ' gg ■ gg o rz» fy ^ t> -s» # * */ J. Yet I may lovo thee too, O Lord ! Al - might y as thou art. For thou hast stooped to ask of me fie love af BBJ j>oor heart ^t^f^ S=Jl=l^^^b^- U- II ^-gg- ^ ^ ^> 15 I <• • earthly fa -therloves like Am; Ho mother half m mild Bean and for-beana, ae thou bast done With ma, thy «in - ful child. 134 GHAMPNEY. C. M. Peculiar. D. :"J^ ?2zi: 3t S3 iS>- I iSh Z^l 3= I 1. There is an hour of peaceful rest, To mourning wanderers given; There is a tear for souls distressed, A balm for every wounded breast : 'Tis found above — in heaven. 2. There is a home for weary souls, By sin and sorrow driven, — When toss'd on life's tempestuous shoals,"Where storms arise, and ocean rolls, And all is drear — but heaven, 3. There faith lifts up her cheerful eye To brighter prospects given ; And views the tempest passing by, The evening shadows quickly fly, And all se-rene — in heaven. «^E 2Z== iszmL ■&- &-m- F=FT i m ^ ■&-. Z2J I ORLAND. C. M. CH. ZEUNEK. 3z£? o- 2E pS ZSL i 7SL m ?2=^ mimm 22 ^ 2Z 2Z- -s>- o to 1. Let chil - dren hear the might -y deeds, Which God per-formed of old, — Which in our young-er years we saw, And which our fa - thers told. fr* IP t & 1 < rf l < y *Jts±ils^ lc^~22 I S 22 1 ^§ I -^ — L ' *-"-■-& < g # i W - liizHEzztz fat IZ=S ^i ririrj siH-s4^- F^R^— fs- \^fgy- 22; i ^S ^s -fi?- -e^- J21 m I 3 AUBURN. C. M. L O EMERSON 135 - JS P pa I * c ~p~ g r ±=t II I 1. [ ring th* ill - might - y power of God, That made the mount- a\u-> ris.-, i i the fl >w .: ^fed £* m - seas a - br»ad, ' •. 2 ES «* e» r > s < p . -■ r •:- s 55 i 2. I sin;' the 3 doni that or - dained The suu to role the day; Tha mooo shines full at his com - maud, =t >\"1 zsH ea ^ i> * Anil built tli.- -inH And all lcift - v ridee. i i r ; the stars o bey. & - -r-r- i i i - § - BERREAN. C. M. L O- EMERSON • ^r * ::• » « - 1. Thou art the Way: to thee ■ • lone Prom un and art ; Thou on lr canst in - ^±± <^ CODA. / - • i — I — r * • ** ***** ; * Fa - tlur seek, Must seek him, Lend, by thee, Mu9t seek him. Lord, by thee. Hal - le - lu - jaK I i-zm^£ ^u&i£$4 nt :f -l— I* ■trust the mind. i i And pu - ri - fv the heart) And pu - ri - fv the heart, Hal- le - la Hal ' • * -a fit J-- -J a -1 le - lu - jah ! Thou art the Way '. I ■ZT3 o ::/. : :':-Ih . Truth I jXr CV~J^ & • 13G KINEO. C. M HfH ^f^^^S 1. Great God! the na - tioos of the earth Are by ere - a - tion thine; And in.... thy works, by all be - held, Thy power and glo - ry shine. ^ &>■*- m ^ &>- & -£2 fS: 122: 2. But. Lord, thy great - er love hath sent Thy g03 - pel to mankind, Un - vail - ing what rich stores of grace Are treas-ured in thy mind. 5 i f=f? ^f# ^ijg w I p ^ -JSC- ■J^t^.7s. £ ^ -&• Z2Zfez> f^± ■s»- 3! SJ zz -<»5 s 3. Oh, when shall these glad ti - dings spread The spa - cious earth a -round, Till ev - ery tribe and ev - ery soul Shall hear the joy - ful sound? Stis &—. * -& — &■ ISZZ2Z & Yts» ili^i <5 22 sotsz ^s?- -o — (S - — s» -«- I ■o-- -s> — &■ g zy « I STILLWELL. C. M. D. -fr-,-fV i=i^^s^a sa^ -«- ^^ 2=* I. Oh, for that ten - der - ness of heart Which bows be - fore the Lord I Own - ing how just and good thou art, And trembling at thy word. Steffi <*V j^ J XJ^ S ^5 » g — a* ~~# i 5=i = J= : #J-4-J— Jj IgT i f 2. Oh, for those hum - ble, con - trite tears Which from re - pent-ance flow ! Oh, for that sense of guilt which fears The long-sus - pend - ed blow ! m 3 w =&=r3 -0 — 0- (9 1722 I *=+ zjj ^^ : E a e=± P*\ a 3. Sav-iour, to me in pit - y give, For sin, the deep dis - tress — The pledge thou wilt at last ro-eeive; And bid mo die in peace, t - ^^^mm ^ — *- G=ts=4> i \~ m m SYMPATHY. C. M. D. 137 I ft& r U- JJ r> i r-^fnr7 r ~JP^ E i ^B = d4^^g <• - c If I, hear the Toioe of my oompiaint; Ac - cept my aa-orat prayer j To thee a-lone, my God, my King w nl I fur help re - pair. i i It Q— U-l— fc . I » u *> 1, Q «> 1* — * ^ «i Id-r-d-fBi-ir^- tSh-. — m ■' MM M>r O CJ m S i^-^^r^i^ , ^ II 0—w- 0-~0-& £ ' V -- J • G '.!. Thou, in the mom, my roioe shall hear; An 1 with the dawning day, To th le-vont- ly I'll l->ok up, To de-Tout-ly pray F^F ^ P rtr^ ^ i^to o 1 o ^> g Is y# GROVER. C. M. w. : } f^nm^^ ^^^m ^iY^ r i +Jffi ii i - °* * # 2, 8. E • tar - ui • ly, with all in thy riew; To thi big old »p-p *< On -' Q m * o # * ff^f^ ps^p &=*■ n I a* a* II ' 138 BRIERY. C. M. w. I as s fT~rJ £ -& {3 - P mrF 1 ^^ 251 fi ft '75 75 3 <£»- -&- —•£- at zzz: 22: 1. There is a land, a hap-py land, Where tears are wiped a - way From ev - ery eye by God's own hand, And night is turned to day. gd-hH^KMd^ g ^ \& >=^= -&- 2. There is a home, a hap-py home, Where way-worn travelers rest; Where toil and Ian - guor nev-er come, And ev - ery moum-er's blest. 1 l& ■ &•> r z -w — »- 7* —& St s — »-s» r*-?*=±* W — jl- *t -s> -t- 3. There is a crown, a dazzling crown, Bedecked with jew - els fair; And priests and kings of high re-nown That crown of glo - ry wear. WSl ~3--G> —\+—f—G) S> * — 9 — - & - -9—m^& & ^m ■&—*-& & I 72 « — a lo !> ???^S i VERANTA. C. M. h . 1 1 ■ l 1 l -K O. R. BARROWS. m m^m a ^-r-W —d a • a 1. A - las I and did my Saviour bleed? And did my Sovereign die? Would he de - vote that sa - cred head For such a worm as 1? ^^^^^^^^s ±*z =rV -+-*- w m 2. Was it for crimes that I had done, He groaned up - on the tree? A - maz - ing pi- ty 1 grace un - known 1 And love be-yond de - greet mm ^m m .4 ■ ■ a gi^Si^^^ £ 5 I 3. Well might the sun in darkness bide, And shut bis glo - lies in, When God, the migh-ty Mak- er, died For man the creature's sin. h 1 ■ ■ 1 I h- 1 1 ■ -. ■ 1 - -^-r-o-^ r-y g ^ r J^-^jS^i ^^S^^ f=g=ffli!l E m SUNRISE. C. M. 130 tA 1 O - •J. Xight uu • t<> uight his name re - peate, The day r*-news the sound, Wide u ue hearen on which he sits, To turn the sea - sons r m II I I . - I e g ■ I II E? # * # # ^ ^ * # 3: ^ 3. 'Tis lio sup - ports my mor-tal frame; My tongu* shall speak his praise . My sins would rouse his wrath to flame, Aud yet his wrath d ■TN I rj ■ m p. I ^m o . ■H •- *=*'• ^ VASSALBORO. C. M. m^f^^^^hn ir? r iMfi^ ,- f'fe- S. W. TIK A\ 1 9 ^ /)"^ £ 1 I \ r, 1 •Nl ^ # ^ # ^ I # ^ # c- 140 PRINCETON. C. M. w £2- m &- ?=22=E2Z *r=F£ -&- zzz 32 fJ B ^ §?^ 1. To thee, my Shep - herd and my Lord, , A grate-ful song I'll raise; Oh," let the fee - blest of thy flock At -tempt to speak thy praise! %=et &=±ZZ2=& 7g — ng 3£Z* s? sz -# e — ■-— o S=eB 2. But how shall mor - tal tongue express A sub- ject so di - vine ? Do jus- tiee to so vast a theme, Or praise a love like thiue ? W^ 1 £ *= -&>- I ** s>- I =t I^=22_ :sz ffit=fcZ5> ^ 2ZI 2E -o — &- SL 3. My life, my joy, my hope, I owe To thine a - maz - ing love ; Ten thousand thous-and com-forts here, And no-bler bliss a - bove. S3 # — fS — &■ H^p=3§=|^§^™S^ -iS- I ISZ AGNUS. C. M, D. W. BAETLETT. PP^ 52 &—fS G- 13 -«- 22Z3E 1. Thou dear Re- deem -cr, dy - ing Lamb, I love to hear of thee; No ran - sic's like thy charm-ing name, Nor half so sweet can be. ' n UliS sm^Pfe!! ra *J & — 25 ~\zz±leL_G)_. : &-& G-r^-e -&- : ~t&—£±A:&l_z)_ <^- &#= & c £27- gs s>- 22: a ££ 2. Oh, may I ev - er hear thy voice In mer - cy to me speak; Tn thee, my Priest, will I re - joice, Anl tliv sal - va - tiou seek. 1 UK; r- 3. My .To- ens *hall lie still my theme, While on this earth I stay; I'll sing my Je - sus' love - ly name, When all things else de - cay. (0--O- UzES -£»- r&- -(9- ■&- m iSh -&- ■zL m ■Sh :sz: -a- £ : & ^ssg DRAKE. C. M. Double * 1-11 ^ fejtdr^a^^B - ii^i^ ® - 1. I'll bleaa the Lord, I'll blew the Lord, In nil bisirondroni ways; My soul hi* shall re -eord, M ; jj i j.jj jlh ::- I J L +-r d \ d . d d d \ d d d d id d \ d — m : d d 3. oh, mag • ni - rj tbe Lord ■with me I Hii power, hia £iM>d-ness, prove; How Meal hk away fob, taate ai ■' bow kind his BHxiOcrs d * • & m i j i j r, !i*'*i° r>. With nn - gel-hoeta encamped a -round, To guard them from their ft) What peace wl uid, Who in hu name re- K, 4 i » I g ^= £r nr r^ -y — w fcJH-4 — £=F ^ ^35E p~w~r m &tf W^E&^K cH ' ^-r r jjuh 2. From dawn to era, with heart, with voice, His good-no*s I'll pro-clair Till all that hear me eliall re-joice In his re-deem-ing name. t2.\ > I, I I £ # jt- ^j j i j J j-u l i J h -0> -0- -0- -eV- nui'I mv wants sup -plied * 1 + ' +M=LjJ A. Re - set with darkness, press',! with can*. To liirn, in grief. I cried; IIi-> put • ey Hat-ened to my prayer*. Hi* hand my wants sup-plied. ;V- -H~ — ♦— . r-i— — »r-T- ■ l ^ i rfC ^tf-J^^ ^ gg f^ ^JqL err I J I J } -H$m 6. Oh, mag - ni - fy Uie Lord with me 1 Hu might, hia mer-eiea, pi !!•■•■ •• and see How Taet,how kind Us S& • - \ ^ aftf^MM ^ a csam ^^ ^11 142 PERTH. C. M. Double. ££#^ a f=j^ ? 3 wz:~j£ i * — ?- iip^s 1. With songs and hon - ors sound-ing loud, Ad -dress the Lord on bigh; O - ver the beav'ns he spreads his cloud, And wa - ters vail the sky. HH ffla a ^j==g j=a ^ «==* z&—*—s: 0-^-0 * * 9 S 3. His stead - y eoun - sels change the face Of the de - clin - ing year; He bids the sun cut short bis race, And win - fry days ap - pear. £ ^ jp^H^^d ^fg * H ft: -r*--M- &s £=a£ ^±at 6. He sends his word, and melts the snow, The fields no long - cr mourn ; He calls the warm - er gales to blow, And bids the spring re - turn. i r EfiEgE£ £ ■\ 7 \ -* — it 1 7- ^^m *^=f* ^^Sig I - w-f- . & i£o£ 2. He sends his show'rs of bless - ing down To cheer the plains be - low; He makes the grass the mountains crown, And corn in val - leys grow. Hi * — r-r- ^frhflgtt 4. His hoar- y frost, his flee - cy snow, Dc-scend and clothe tho ground; The liq - i id streams forbear to flow, In i - cy fet - ters bound. (:>- -■ E ^f -p M ^ ^ ffl^^ o 6. The cliang-ing wind, the fly- ing cloud, O - bey his might - y word; With songs and hon- ors sound - ing loud, Praise ye the sov - ereign Lordl # » m ^P^^^^^^P^^ £=* S -0—\-0 d. 143 puu-r ftTrm \. V. bnmhle sonls that I Lord, Chase b11 your foam a - way ; And bow, irith pleasure, down to aea Tho place Where Jcaus lay. m • m' \ * 9 * d ■ l..w tli, Lord of life ni brought — Such mm - dera low en do— Thus cold in .loath that bosom lay. Which throbbed and bead •* ^ j=?J = Fr^g o ^ B. Th.Ti rai*.- war eyes end Case war songe, Tho Sav - war liwe a - gain! Hat all the betta and bai h The ConqoYor eoald dc - tain. ^d ^qjucr r J JUjE E frgEp J JL || trtrt'j J J JCT ^ ^ I! LINWOOD. C. M. tf fffr^ ^ ^ - i - k- • '•'•1 1f v SI If l Te hear how kind- ly he in - rites— Y< bleat: "All ye that la - bor, eoma to A.nd l->.L>L5L S # ^> I! ■l. Fa-tbarl to aaah that mar -oy ^aut Wluoh forth through him did flow; .v ■ ■ ire; a new And bej I '■■ ^S o «> — a* S ^P: m o « r-P 3 pi * 144 TRUMAN. C. M. 1. Hail, sacred truth ! whose piercing rays Dispel the shades of night, Diffusing o'er the mental world The healing beams of light, The healing beams of light. ks ^ ^^g^Bg^g^^pg^^P^gp 2. Thy word, Lord, with friend - ly aid, Restores our wandering feet ; Converts the sorrows of the mind To joys di - vinely sweet, To joys di-vine-ly sweet. few: lS^S-919, ^EgS g gpm F^i U4» :*z*: M 3. Oh. send thy light and tr uth n - broad, In all their radiant blaze, And bid th'admiring world adore The glories of thy grace, The glories of thy grace. 9 fi j£ . ^ r — _ , — *^ — fi .*> •» ■4-+-* fc=t -&- ROSELAND. C. M. J P. M. ®=4 Z2Z1Z -&- ^E^Ef^^ ~3ZL 22=ztj* v^rxv ^^m ^ 1. Oh, could I find, from day to day, A nearness to my God! Then should my hours glide sweet a- way, While lean-ing on bis word. i r=r . i i i i — i , T r — n — — , u Ji SI & ^^^m^^^^a m^^^^^ 2^ & ^? 2. Lord, I de-sire with thee to live A - new from day to day ; In joys the world can nev- er give. Nor ev - cr take a - way. ffffy m -&- s? 1 221 221 221 m £=r& Pf-. •^^zggmms 3. Blest Je- bus ! come and rule my heart, And make me whol - ly thine, That I may nev - cr more de- part, Nor grieve thy love di - vine. & . » -<5> \ -& — l-S* III* Z2I~& Sii^sii^liiliSli EMERSON. C. M. 1 L5 | J^^ ^^^ i ^f^^ ^ 1 Lord, I ap-proach the mer - I! 1. Mv Ooil, how wond.-r-ful thou art, Tliy maj - ca - ty how bright ! How glo - ri - ous thy n.-r-ry - ... In depths of burn - ing :. My God, how wonder- ful thou art. Thou rv - or -lasting Fri.nl' On thee I Any mj tasting heart, Till faith i:i vis - ion end. -a '— «v a o ££ ^ P ? r n *> H 146 CHESUNCOOK. C. M. > is 3E* s>- i 9 m s r ?2= =1 (S3 & "> HI •S>- £~ S 1. As pants the hart for cool -ing streams, "When heat- ed in the chase; So longs my soul, O God, for thee, And thy re- fresh - ing grace. 3 111111=11 I 4— as-f^d — J-bd — g- b5 — ^-fe i±^: «_Lffi I !2ZZV~T<& irrizr 2. For thee, my God, the liv - ing God, My thirst - y soul doth pine ; Oh 1 when shall I bo - hold thy face, Thou maj - es - ty di - vine ? S>- £ 22: 3 ^ 22: -*- £3- ^=^ -49- £21 i : ^^=3^ PS :!. V.'hy rest - less, why cast down, my soul? Trust God; and he'll em - ploy His aid for thee, and change these sighs To thauk-ful hymns of joy. x? 1 2ZI ^^* •o- ie saar £ i ■ — s*- 1 -* -& x S * S^-ST 2. 'lis not that murmuring thoughts arise, And dread a Fa - ther's will; 'Tis not that meek sub - mis-sion flies, And would not suf - fer still: P ^^ E 3f i ^J -^N J g ^ I ■;/:; -Gi- EE3E ?2ZZ22: \ f~ rpf -*&-. t> :s> -o- 3. It :• that heaven-born faith siir-veys The path that lends to light, And longs her ca - gle plumes to raise, And loseher-self iu sight. -fS- -0—0 1SL 3E=|: 3£J® m^s^^^^w^^S: CAVARE. C. M. 1 IT m 1=S ip^pi ^i"^^^^ ^ 1. Thou dear Re-decm-"-. dy - kg LmA, I bra to hear of thee; No .nu- sics like thy charming namo, Nor half bo sweet car ^rf^ 11 S. My Je-sus shall l.o ..ill my theme, While on this earth I /«y; 111 sing my Jo ■ bus' lovely name, Whca »U thiag e else dc ■ cay. gS Jl g -f-f L n J . S V t * * -& — * ^^i^^^S^i^^S^ GOODWIN. C. M. V. From " Harp of Judah" By j ■ ^H-4J^5^ ^i^^^ s _> :"-'-K It 1. See Lela gca-t'le Shcp-herd stan.l With all - ea - gag- in, oharma J Hark, how he call, the ten - d«r b. : 1 Mds them ia hie am*. ^^^ * # SP^B f—l—M , - & ■ ':■ .lit fern to approach," he «> to sco'ratheir bnm-bb name; Fortww I , bi( » moh .oub « the*., rKWlT f T- o^' ■ i< i i 'I , nu iji' j i i i n 1 n i n 1 1 ii' 'i' 'i hi 1 1 in "r ii ,,!,,,! ,„ thank- ful han,K And ybld them «p to ,'.,..■: Joy-ful thll -,-Tl, 148 SPENCER. C. M. # £±=&U4^ I M-Hhrr rig 0—0 — 0- S=f=£ 1. Oh, speed tbee. Christian ! oq thy way, And to thine ar - mor cling; With gird - ed loins the call o -. bey Which grace and mer - cy bring. n^^^^^^^^^^^m 3. Oh, faint not, Christian ! for thy sighs Are heard be -fore the throne; The race must come be - fore the prize, The cross be - fore the crown. -^ 1 .— , i (-*-, > , , « «-^ _— ^»- B LMj \ * \r ^ a §^^h h jB_ p=p= ^ — I — ^ 0- ^ FRIBOURG. C. M. D. fea as ^^ 3 1 =Ffc ?v I ~&=0 P^^ S»- ^9- -.15 -«*-* ^ES^ -dS>- 1. Je - sus, in thy transport - ing name What bliss-ful glo - ries rise 1 Je-sus — the an - gels' sweetest theme! The won-der of the skies. PHH H y^agf & — * -fS E -0 zs£ 0-L-&- G>—0 z? — W 2. Well might the skies with won -dor view A love so strange as thine I No thought of an - gels ev - er knew Com-pas-sion so di -vine! 53^ i m ts- -j-| — -|~— *4 | \ \^ 0H-& -i-f-p +- I m^^ -G €3 y i-g— g- * 1 -'>•*" =pt^p ^ p 0- 1 £L~4?-^ I- +- gpjg ft ^-«w ^- GREDO. C. M. ||i.^lJ.l | J. | J-| jj d. 149 1 1. Lord, I be-Ueve;thj poVr I own, Thy word I ■would o - hwr; I ootn-ibrt-leH ami lot.- m thy troth . I SH ' ;» *'» *•-*? ,. i L I * - * *. *.:< +** L . * 0. ' + ' ' ' # ; ' . *0 . x ^. ;> . '*' g . -- L<5> . •_> Lord, I be -lieye; but gloom-; • - dim my tight; I look to i prayVsand ^feg^rrl r^g ^l ^ ^^ ^ g^^g ^-vL.,.l 3. Lord, I be-liive; but oft, I know. My faitli ■ told end weak: My w. :ik - ncsa gtrenjrthi-n, and be - stow The c ui - ii - deDM I gftflrr M^ I FW IrXFK ^T* SS! nx QUAIN. C. M. I PPH ^ 1. Mv (!od, hoy wonder - ful thou art, Thy maj - ea - ty how bi ' 11 >w glorious i^ thy i. hum - i: • la Mn h i I h^ ^ • :> ^^ K-- K . » •* 3* 1 mt^m ^ if « I* . * 1 « -* -t«.» Y.t I may love thco too, O Lord, Al-might-y as thou art; For tho:; Tlie love of mv poor heart earthly fa ■ ther I half so •>,1 >\K ^m en — #- n # # *nm-;\- : ;\^m^;i mm 150 HOWLAND. C. M. m ^^E^dJg^^ag^EgEgEg^g^^^ 1. To whom, my Sav - iour, sball I If I dc - part from thee, My guide thio' all this vale of woe, And more than all to me. ^=rV 33 ~$ — ^s ~~£l. sa -&-&Z £ =£=£ S I tf 2. Lord, I have felt thy dy - ing love Breathe gent - ly thro' my heart, To whis - per hope of joys a - bove, And can we ev - cr part ? ^A^^^ ^~^tztF ^ -£?- HB535* 1 m * • o p «— «— « — & — «— « w-+-* ■¥—¥- CRONSTADT. C. M. ^r P ^ ^P^^ i lfc£ lint 5g ^SfflJJS SHE J. S. BROOKS. ^H ^ ^^^\ ^m^\^=\ 1. Be thou, O God, by night, by day, My guide, my guard from sin ; My life, my trust, my light di - vine, To keep me pure from sin. ^HPI^iiiiiHlliSp <5> 0- 2. So may my soul up - on the wings Of faith, un - wea - ried rise, Till at the gate of heav'n it sings, 'Midst light from par - a - dise. TSL m & m ?V— * &>- -GEZfL g> — a m h: -fs~—w m WIEMAR. C. M. 151 : ;, ':'1>' f^TJL^Af E^ m -rn r rETtt s?^ m l. When brighter rana end mild-er akiea Pro-elahnthe ope-ninj yew, Whal various eoondi of joy »-i ,.ros - pe<- 7 mMm$^^^0 ^^§l^ mm irth ni. 1 her tJi.. i-:i'i I v ae - aa give. Their thousand notes of p y live, To I r off-t: * !*, ffif^f 3. Thus, like tho morn-ing, calm end clear, That saw the S:iv - iour ! yar Shall .' >■? W^T rrf^r^ * 1 -• I- « * Ji AMfc*q* ±E* <5 *T ^h; a MARIE. C. M. Miss a SPOFFOKD ■* s v." * ':» • # •5. * c # L V" Dl j-^L- H s=s Pi 2. A h.-art re-signed, sub- inis - si\ throne ; Where on - ly Cb 3. Oh for a bw - ly, oon-tril Be-liev- Ifeft true, end clean; M Iher life nor im him that d v. %'A ' ' r& e>- ^^ S^ s * -S> 9- PI O # -5 O w \f^Zi Treble and Tenor may he inverted. fc BENEDICTUS. C. M. ^j^^wmj^ ^ ^ m^M^ ^^^ i pE^a 1. Je - sus ! the ver-y thought of thee With glad- ness fills my breast; But dear-er far thy face to see, And in thy pres-ence rest. ?5P5 PS j^PU4^ ^ p3^BKft ass Nor voice can sing, nor heart *~a~ ^ — *. ** can frame. Nor can the memory find A sweeter sound than thy blest name, O Sav- iour of man - kind 1 j_ nQjJIl S§ r*-r> m SEft ^^y c =^ ? j^z^e* eras ^5 3. Hope of ev-ery con -trite heart, Joy of all the meek 1 To those who fall, how kind thou art, How good to those who seek! g g^p^pill 9W 3 ; -!»- F^F ^=e y^-T # - n SHIELD. C. M. O. H. BARROWS. 1. See Is - rael's gen - tie Shep-herd stand With all - en - gag - ing charms ; Hark, how he calls the ten - der lambs, And folds them in his arms! 9p ^r?--* -^rt-* ttJt &- i ^jajlj- gigiip^ ■> 2. "Per nut them to approach," be cries, " Nor scorn their hum- blc name; For 'twas to bless such souls as these, The Lord of an- gels came." teBfaJ=J±i y- 1 1 1 1 , i i 4-TH E ^-t dri^r -d ^T feifc^ dadbdnfcE Mg = l £ mm M &® 1 m V- \ m-^0 9 & ifflif, , ij^^^^^^z 3. We bring them Lord, in thank-ful bands, And yield them up to thee; Joy - ful that we our -selves are thine,— Thine let our off -spring be. . pis sfcnt stafc ?Z~-*7- i HALLE. C. M. ix 153 >■> • H • 1. I love to steal, a - while, a - way From er • eiy etunb'rins; ttn, And spend the hours of set-ting day In hnm- We, grateful prmjor. s~~i»T7^ s S ipp *—M — i-m Ji J m— P "5 , J — M — -H r :*=» *' V * * W*-*—+- ? * 2. I love, in sol - i - tilde to slu-d The pen - i -t.si * o ^» i » y i Jr r = — g — 1 - 1 V 1 * I w 1 : * E:L # :* m-",\->'A.\\ 154 CHAUNCEY STREET. C. M |StS^ Jl r) ■ J Jg~W — ?2Z-0~W- ^- m 1 i * * ?±=Z± -*>:_ -&2_ -V--*- FT zi- -C5^ .«. ^ 1. O all ye lands, re - joiee in Godl Sing prais - es to bis name; Let all the earth, with one ac-eord, His •wondrous acts pro-claim ; s %$w 3 -, S I ~a~ "32: Si Z233 f ± f f^ S Soprano and Tenor may he inverted. SHARON. C. M. 13. Mt^^F^ ^ li ^jgBffl ::t P -\ o - zazg^jTC =!=* m ist ^^M 1. By cool Si - lo - am's sha - dy rill How fair the lil - y grows! How sweet the breath, be - neath the hill, Of Sha - ron's dew - y rose! teeE t ?-*- '■J-* 6* ■MCg. paths i &— * -&■ ^^ 2. Lo! such the child, whose ear - ly feet The paths of peace have trod, Whose se - cret heart, with influence sweet, Is up - ward drawn to God. I» L rt I l 1 l I l I ) ■ T l ll I l .l^ T 1 ,1 1 1 J— Ll—l lZZLl^-^-Lg.— ^-L l-i-TX :istel 3. By cool Si- lo - am's sha - dy rill The lil - y must de-cay; The rose that blooms be-neath the hill Must short -ly fade a ■ way £2 *-t& * mr = ft & — 9- s & — *- -. Hfe m^ "- « ,*?* ^V: "'l* 1 s 1^ THORNBURN. C. M. en. zeu l :, i ^sH O C \ ■&LXML.SL ^m , [-,, („„i a,l-.l viul pMlm, Who won-drona things hath done; Whoseown right hand, and ho- ly arm, The. • ry rJ. d S ->" g^^#^ -U 2. He, to the Cn-til, n, md, Hath maoe hit mer-oy known; And, to the world's re - m»- id, His jut-ioe ahaU be S -^ O ^ £ »> J=t 3. The pom-ised S,iv - iour meetly came, And mans ft.ll ran - Bom paid ; A.- gain h, ia own to claim, In aw - fa] pornj^ w SPARTAS. C. M. SALEM WILDER. < : I Hewn toy <■-"■• Bat ■>_-■»«. led I die I I not built a throne of grace, To hew when em -i ^ c ..m r, r. \ ^ *> 2. Ae on some lone - ly onjld-ing^ top The epw-row tella her moan, Fwfromthe tents of joy and hope, 1 til andg a-1 ®g V ipppk.u.W 'V P * | * o » . ttbonfor er - er art the atme, my E - ter-nal Godl - a - broad. g^-f^FW^ff^W-i O s i £ e P 9 1\[ 156 LOCKE. C. M. M. L. LA WHENCE. 2*: 2fcBrti: I ^ -gf—*- E iztzttS I 12ZZ3SZ ~& g" ' 12^ ^ a £ E '121 1. When musing sor -row weeps the past, And mourns the pres- ent pain, 'Tis sweet to think of peace at last, And feel that death is gain. *& *> J - 3 1 * iS tf s>- -&—GTY-& 2. 'Tis not that murmuring thoughts a - rise, And dread a Fa - ther's will ; 'Tis not tbat meek sub - mis - sion flies, And would not suf - fer still : a m rL s lZL ^=zz I -*— w ■b£ -j£z±± JOl ~Zt *-*- -&- 32. 8. It is that heaven-born faith sur - veys The path that leads to light, And longs her ea - gle plumes to raise, And lose her - self in sight. SM P rP^TT^^f^ ** t=P£W=FF=*f? tt is — w T2ZZML HUDSON. C. M. CH. ZEUKER. m u E mm i f -G3- ^ ±Jt m^ 1. How sweet, how heavenly is the sight, When those who love the Lord In one an - oth - er's peace de - light, SOLO. And so ful - fill his word! TUTTI. 2. When each can feel his brother's eigh, And with him bear a part 1 When sor - row flows from eye to eye, SOLO. And joy from heart to heart I TtTTTI. , V C?T I 3 W Leu, free from en - vv, scorn, and pride, Our wish-es all a - bove, Each can his broth-er's fail - ings hide, And show a brotn-er's love! m te£±3 -&--- FW ^=F -cs- 1 1^ =t I I tf && f BUCKMINSTER. C. M. C. M. WYMAN. L57 ^ # c c e c ^ •fi—f-l- -. ^ Tl 1 Thou nrt ray jxt - tion, () myQod; §oon as I know thy way, Myh< bey thy word, and suffers no # #- 3 -**- ~C~ HSi j^^? 02 ^> »-♦» <*-*> f ^r - ' obooeetbe path el beavenlj truth, And glory in my choice; Not all the rich- es of the car-' iakc rao so ro - j "C - If ^ZzPt JZ>_BL. m \^m^^£ & vT..f# I * < fzr If 8. The tes - 1 i - moa- ws offfcygraoa I set Ivj - bra mine eyes; Thenco I do- rivo my dai - ly strength. And there my com- : •>^H S If+^^fff^ t I **rrr * r o m -&- Cs ^ ?fl 2- ^- FLETCHER. C. M. M- D. F. ^E <^ 1. How sweet, hov is thcsLjht, When those win hn In one an-other's p! * *-*- £^:fa^ a. "When each can feel hie - '.->,. \o.l with him bear a part! When sor- row flows from i a, And joy from heart to heart! 8. When rn, and pride, Our « i h - es all a -! thera mil- . ■ i^^ ^^=E JE ^^j ^ ^ ^^^4 =r: e = ^g 108 •~P Allesr*'.. . 1. Ther. ~P— gr^: t :tf: JASPER. G. M. Double Dim. BljO Dim. *2=*_-=e2: ^= ft=^=ffr^ -^= 2± in a. ci - ty fair and bright. That eye hath nev - er seen, Where ev - er dwell-eth pure de -light, And heavenly peace se - rene i c± T- -rzi—v J—rJ^S^Ti ■- a -F- tefcat i 4. Nor sun by day nor moon by night This heaven-ly ci - ty needs ; -1- "But t3— %*■ g t^£ atS: j=£ glo - ry sheds a crys - tal light That nev - er wanes nor fades.- 3 Ci- ~-M=^Z *= St ?2- :p -p- g -i — i — as- t-2— :fc- £ :j2: ?=2= 4= atp: S 6. A - mong the ma - ny man-sions there, Oh! is there one for me Dear Lord, an hum - ble place prepare, That I may dwell with thee. ^ m r - -Wzi^z *=t rz. t=e-- n -W- T^- ■.*. :^=C=^=£: r ~-^z :t: 22: --I— Arranged from Gregorian Tons V. -4- I ILEA. C. M. r 1. The Lord 'I. His wo i J 1 p. r .' . r ^- r i ' f c -P- °t " f r r r t r ^^ f r * t- p :r wise, will stay =Fit -» »- the Lord is just, The Lord is good and true; And they who in his prom-ise trust Will find ii benr them through their sink -ing hearts, Their feet shall nev - er slide: ThV hcav'ns dissolve and earth de - parts; In God they safe a - hide. j f f j , A . A J J j . J i i i i j . i AA iA j . j I" s§E qs ST. ANNS. C. M. D.-. \V M . Ceofx 1 ;,', I !)' g ' r 1 rr? r r i^ tt f r ' FT r 'r rrT^ -^r^ r r r r r r Li . | i ....I, ill-. i ' ' all tlio chang-ing icene* of life, In trou - Lie and in joy, 1l,o pnus-ca >>• -1 ^ r ( .i r r i f , r ' p -ii p ' r ^ r^? r r r rr r-r Toon art tho way: to that a- lone IV ■ v.h wa I ho who would tl ' k him, Lord, by - r 1 A , ^ j j r *tj i/iy ^rvi iv,^ : — i — ! tl- r^j ■ 160 £2 eft ^B 3=t r3— &~ 3=Sc rnr I ORTONVILLE. C. M. Dk. Thos. Hastings. We'll sing the power of him 'who died Ilis pco - pie to re - deem ; He is our Saviour, true and tried, And he shall be our theme, And he shall be our theme. fej^Lto: u STEPHENS. C. M. i W. Jones, ± fa^ 1 j J — I h | | J- iJ I J Jl^d i l i r^^— r^ ^t=t To our Al - might - y Ma - her, God, r rfr cr New hon - ors be ad- dressed; Ilis great sal - va - tion shines a - broad, And makes the na - tions blest. ^^ DOWNS. C. M. Dr. L. Mason. dt ^U=^fa! ^bfe =U E^ r~r p PTfP " pt t i' r ^^i 5 ^ r r-p l 5 r r P V ^r P r hor ot good 1 to thee we turn : Thine ev - er - wake - ful eye A - lone can all our wants dis - cern — Thy hand a - lone sup !P5=-S ^= u Au - thor oi good 1 to thee we turn J j J .i. i J A : 32z ^^td^ £ m cz Thine ev - er - wake - ful eye S^rfM ^ ?T3~ | # * w=* Thy hand a - lone sup d-J A ' A j -^ L^-^L ply. -r -7-^- l^=F=F u£- i BALERMA. C. M. Ife^g J i -i j iJy ^ St Lo 1 what, a g}o - rious sight np- pears To our be - liev - ing eyes! The earth and seas arc passed a -way, And Hie old roll - »ng r r r r^r^r^r-r^ m t±±& +*-j- fT A J J I J i I ! I-J- J i i I i I ! I I • COW PER. C. M. wz3 — p_L fountain filled with b 4UH TJ1J.J.J JW-J-s)- Da. I . ' J (')] 1. There id a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from LmmaftmFa veiua • And sinners plunged beneath that fl >o 1, LoM nil th-ir guilty stains, Lom all ah .tain* & 1 L| 1* — 1 1 M 1 1 ^ m4&£*jM 1 — r ~- s> rfT 3 ^ 2 23 C. M. 1 — ^-r EYAN. From "Tun HALLEi.rj.Aii." P ,'i' S^=S ^ i 4- 1 4- * .O 1. In mcr - cy, Lord, re - inpm- bcr me, Through all the hours of night; And grant to mc most gra-cious - ly TV safeguard of I im W-rJ— '-rJ td J^J-^l^J > * ■4 .J j j , i w .H V W -=^ =* ^ i s ' *=tp p= t i"=f a: r - p^ DENFIELD. C. M. ■V-2 ^ri=£ 5^fe± . Arr. from C. G. G laser, by Da. L. Masos. a ^ d ''* • s * -- -i # ;^ rn-r r~r r~r -r i i i i 1. Lord, may our svm - ra - thiz-ing breasts Thy geuerous pleas - uro know. Kind • ly to share in oth- era' jovs. And weep f-r oth • an' ■ J J -J J -j^ j j JJJJ ^ J ^ - J «* JJJ- i S^ :--! s ^ i 1 i g E:g ,v-:i s -- F^ fczfc •~" ^t r^T r ^2: r P NAOMI. C. M. Da. I Masox. 1. Pa of " v '; bliae Thy cov- c reign will dr Ac - c [»l c 1 at thy throne of grace, Let this pa u tirnnae: . J ^- ^W. J. ^ ^P^ > N * N ** # * .J_-L 3t=t 1 ■ t_ m-J 162 HUME. S. M. -& — <*- 122 St. ^^m^^mm ^r^^^ m -& e i==t 1. How heav - y is the night That hangs up our eyes, Till Christ, with his re - viv - ing light, Up - on our souls a - rise 1 -S £5 I 3 22 3 -Sf *- 27 y g?~g: -S" — #- i? — o- -o- 1. The Lord my Shep- herd is; I shall be well sup - plied: Since he is mine, and I am his, What can I want be - side? I 1 S ^S 32 — G»— l - fiS-i # T7- -«- J. H- leads me to the place Where heavenly pas - ture grows; Where liv-ing wa - ters gen-tly pass, And full sal - va - tion flows. fe^Eg i g il I 1 1 t i 3 *-^-* i -*s>- alz^ s» — - dzzjg^Dt. F s- --* f — r-=* > o ^^^^ P TTTT k i H -• Ills hut - cy and his love Are bound - less as his name; And all e - tor - ni - ty shall prove, llis truth re - mains the same S K S™ .- -T- m m T~ ^jW'VrF^ EZ N ^j^^^ ^^f^f * ♦ '$=& -II QUITO. S. M. ?g < g~ ^ 1. A - rise, ye saints, a • rue! The Lord our Leader is; The foe be -fore his ban - ncr flies, For vie HI to - ry his. = . eh I E # # zL JkJ-^t^ -: \ "J J J I J J -l-J-H 2. Lend OB, kl -mighty Lord, I-cnd on to vie -to- ry! En - coum rod by the bright W - ward, With JOJ .'I \\<.il fbl • low ^^ '■* fir+r r r r i H^ ^ *> I! i pj I r r r r i r R^frT^ & Well fol-low thee, our (Juide, Our Saviour tod our Cog; We'll sup - plied . e - tor - u.-d ^- 164 ABBIE. S. M. w. w^ m— 5E£ ±r?SEB3 ■ ** v- ^RFH^ • — * — 0- — — 0- e« * 1. Come to the laud of peace; From shadows come a - way; There all the sounds of weep-ing cease, And storms uo more have swav. s ^m -0^0-. =s ^^Eb fe *=£ « J.tf 1 . 9 -0 l —J—d £ h-fv ^ I ** ■^ . ^'— ** e«>.0^ wt-*-. 2. Fear hath no dwell - ing here ; But pure re - pose and love Breathe thro' the bright, ce - les - tial air The spir - it of the dove. ^ ^fig ^^te^E^a^iste^ ^Bi 3. Come to the bright and blest, Gathered from ev - ery laud ; For here thy soul shall find its rest, A - mid the shin - ing band. g%^ 9 • e-T- »^ i p z^zVzV ? * * ■ P JP^ ££££Z^ |^ "8 * * * ±ihl 3EI m gL MHy *I=at DUREN. S. M. 9E 1 s*< it p iff* * «=f e «S — # -&- ■&—&■ -&- ~J2. i: 1. The Lord my Shep-herd is: T shall be well sup -plied: Since he is mine, and I am his, What can I want be - 6ide? ;rq=q^:=f= : s I ■y -b^ -e?- zqzzq: » g,--«-^ _«_^. J -. (e _ tf S3^H; • 9 o-^-*J- -- iOf^* 2. H' me to the place Where heavenly pas-ture grows; Where liv - ing wa-ters ffen-tiy pass, And full sal - va - tion flows. &mm i^ggrae^pn 73 0~ & I w&m & -es- V -£?- S o. If 0';' I go a - stray,- He doth my soul re- claim; And guides me, his own right way, For his most ho - ly name. S» ^g^^^^^^^l^^^^sg ££ I SOPH \ NO SOLO tl MUNICH. S. M. D. from " Iinrp of Judah." -< ( • ft £* ^immgrn ^gr r i r H fe gfP^ ffi^^ B 1. Ob, ceuso, my wandering soul, On rest - less v. im; All this -\vi.l.> world, to ei - ther pole, lias Dgt for thee i 2. Be - hold the ark of Ood ! Be- hold the o - pen door ! Oh, haste to gain that dear a - bode, And roam, taj soul, uo te te s^ - pyrnr nfr nr i^f-w-M k & — * LYNNE. S. M. ■:•:• ' w wwr^wT Ttmz^ ?, w mem C/ ' 1. My soul! bo on thy guard; Tin thousand foes a - i iso ; The ein arc pressing hard To draw tlieo from the »ki<«. ! II m ^ ^ ^xn=^ m ^ \ * m E3 5> : 2. Oli, watoh, and fight, and' pray I Tlio bat- tie ne'er giro o'er; Re - now it bold - ly day, And belp di- hhl" w - think tho vie - fry won, Nor once at ease (it down; Thy ar-duoos work will ii t Till thoa ob • __- _l , L 1 1 -- ^e-k-P-f-F^ 1 -' r T r J Jf^t^^FTr^ -. 1^1' a 166 3rt HE tf==t :£=>>: W 3 HART. S. M. u> I 1 Ll Mri K~f> * d d d — ^ :i f. ,itK — - g / :>2 5Z3I- 1 1. Thy name, Almighty Lord, Shall sound through distaut lauds; Great is thy grace, aud sure thy word; Thy truth for - cv - er stands. ?f^i dJI§1 ^2^jt^ =B •f 8 | | |_ ; m z&—& & -ts *^ €J ^}j-s=1^1zz)=r e? > f^ 22: 1 «3- :T2? 3± 22: =P 2?>: E^=ii 'J. Far be thine hon - or spread, And long thy praise en - dure, Till morning light and evening shade SlujH be exchanged no ■ more. HI^SSe! -cs- i l^ZUSL (Z>\ I -& dr.tr. \ au G ^&- Q- f:E jg pE»f ^Eg^ *^T BEAMES. S. M. * L67 mrmm m 1 ]:. Iiol I, the morning ion B< pnshn ';l"ri.m< nj\ Hi- baaon too' all the artioM run, And life and light convey; His h.ams thru' all the nations rutuAnd life and light eonroj. jr*-^r V>. Butwb i" ■'■ <■ 'in. , It sjii 'eadadiTiner li^ht , Ii . I their tomb * .1 sinners from their tombs, A y. Thy law- arc just nn. 1 pure, Thy truth without -*! — * a I # g>~|-# I s 1. How trcu - tic God's, eomaundsl How Uin 1 1!.- i ■ cepta arc! Ooi * the Lord, And tra a-stant car*. = : ; 1 9 & ■ * 2. Be- ncath his wat.-h - ful ajt li i sc - cure - ly dw.ll; That hand which I .am all na - tore U dl guard hi '"'-■\- t * I'U -i. * I * " * ^ i r >> & d -rl—\-B--irl — w E I r 1- ". Wl ionakwd wn your area* ry mini' baata to And ■• i - • * I g*— ifft^ J S3 * =fc=f sfeS -« — •» i ._H*u S -L I 168 SARGENT. S. M. CH. ZEUNEH. 1|^§^^ -y^ ■& - g- 32: -o- r 1. Come, wc 'who love the Lord, And let your joys be known; Join in a song -with sweet ae - cord, And thus sur - round the throne. ^ /2I P £?=^: ■zt I *J I ^£=2 s i II £5 1 =t" •&— « G-J-G— *- S- 1 © G-*~G fi? &->-G *t 2. Let those ** S» G~*-G *5- G — *■ *^ re - fuse to sing That nev - er knew our God ; But fav - orites of the heaveu-ly . King May speak their joys a - broad 'm. & »f m 1SL zz: 1 ££jm I 2 _s: -g- P ■wh+ ^Z. & m ■0--G- ■&- 32 -G- ■&.. 8. The men of grace have found Glo - ry be - gun be - low; r G S> T ^3 G~ ^ ^ -p sx^- f- 7 ?- ~T ? ^ 1 ■ I Ce - les - till fruit on earth - ly ground From faith and hope may grow. -^T^pV — I 1 1 r-r— b -rfi? 3^ G G- I £Z -G- SI ABBOTSFORD. S. M. ^I gB^ES D. ^^A\^^^z=^^^^= \ -*-. w G—f-G- 2SZZ2^ ■& — G- m G-^Z- s> -^ G-. < 1. When shall thy love con-strain, And force mo to thy breast? When shall my soul re - turn a - gain To God, her on - ly rest? CT -^-G— G— G- 1 G- S J L G— M -G HI 1 G G^—zz "-g^ I 13 G—; ^i»" ^ G ±-jz&j&\ -G- T£L in G m G S^ ^=S ~Z2L lp^ \&L f± ■G- 3P 22 P 2. Here at thy feet I fall; I long to be made free-; I fain would now o - bey the oall, And give up all for thoe. G ^— -*-#-5H 1 — =t 22" r^ -G- I -G G m a 32 I -G 2ZZ132T JS.. <^Z ]3 7 -G — G- -G \~G- G—G-- GASGONY. S. M. 169 ^ | J | J J E^ ^_ p =|jgg 1 The swift do - clin - ing day, How (aal the mo- mcnts flv ; While eTenlng'a broad and gloomy shade Gains on tlio west - dm FLINT. S. M. 1. A oharge to keep I have, A God to glo - ri - tf; A nev-er dy - mg soul to save, And fit it for the tky ; w . <5> gy ' • q — ^- L -o -- r> s> ■ ith jeal - oufl care, As in I And lerv -an; A i ^ I r i r r r" r i ^i .> * * r» rg f" I f l JJ - . 170 SERENE. S. M. I ANDANTE. DOLCE. '^W ■O- e=t* l S3- Z± i^r*: -.v ~J£- '££- (S3- lS J. E. GOULD. By permi.i»hn. ^- Second Ending. * ■(S3- ips >5? 1. Se - rene I lay me down Be-neath his guardian care ; I slept, and I a-woke, and found My kind pre - serv - er near. ^^s§Egi^^ipi & BZ mm it IBtZM *£ Ct't'S. mm ?v «> T -*-s> i n wmm ipiSpppliSgp -rf I 2. Thus does thine arm sup-port This weak de-fence- less frame ; But whence these fa v-ors Lord, to me, All worth - less as I am? §sfa 1 ^4-S" — *T(S3 »\<3 ^ fe ff-ffl^i^fgg — \&) (S3 » - 1S3- 3 (S3- ^^ rf*- REFLECTION. S. M. S P&l "W. From "Harp of Judah.' By permission. n IJ^=I =F^= P^^ *%£ fe=> -* jh 4 »* #- ^ 1. And must this bod - y die ? This mor - tal frame de - cay ? And must these ac - tive limbs of mine Lie moldcriog in the clay ? £tg s I :-\- ' * 0'^Zj, — #■ -« — 0- & — » ^ =t I* 2. God, my Re- deem- er, lives, And ev - er from the skies Looks down and watches all my dust, Till he shall bid it rise. ?ns •fc-:£sra- ^ -*— *H ppI ^ v -*^-»l e ± -_& 8. Ar- rayed in glo-rious grace, Shall these vile bod - les shine, And cv - ery shape, and ev - ery face Look heavenly and di - vine NEWTONVILLE. S. M. Double. !^ : i^-.. v [-;! : t- I glq- l flr C r l L. O. KMEHSON. 1 < 1 -[ '. i I w ><; v £&:LJ.-V •-'';.■,, 3 * i - ;"). In spite of all my foes, Tlugi with blessings •• - \>.' ' ' • * - ulu my ^^ ^M&^ T^^ TM.llTJJ^t^^U =L£=££=£zl ~ 1 o ^ II >\ I, y I eg -t 3 — f- •- vm^ •5 * -* £=*U V -. 11. ■ leads.... in^ to the placo Where heaven - ly ]>as -ture grows ; Whet-' liv i'i \ lad full sal-va-v ^g^^i^a :# im 55 *==fc=S I 1 "*« /fe A. While ho af- fords hsi aul, I • - U"t yield to fear ; Though I should watt t'edarkaha Shepherd's with ae +-^-* **-tfn ' i/ j^fjjL^r i^- ^ crgriricrcr ric^rf s ^< ...ii fhe bean - U<'4 of thy love Bhall orowa.... m- rill 1 *= \ \: *—* EL \: 9 yi 172 BONDEE. S, M. D. ^3 ^ Szez: & 9 r Zk T""?' UC fS- 22: 22:=^ SF ±tt t 22_ I 1. Far from these scenes of night Un - bound- ed glo - ries rise, And realms of in - fin - ite de - light, Un- known to mor - tal eyes. S3 § 3 3 fiE 25t ^ — an hgzzaingz :^: •^ - s g? j -s> #- US' — # HALSEY, S. M. CH. ZEDNEB. M i -«-+-#- - -S>- -e- 3. The gods, the heathen boasts, Nor hear — nor sec — nor move; Je - lio - Yah is the Lord of hosts, Who spread the heavens a - bove m ^ ^^m=^ ^m^m^ ?* i CAROLUS. S. M II' shall nor cheeks '><• dry? I of pen - i - Ua-tial grief Burst forth from er - cry t H 3 t=t d g ) rJ ■+M—H& *Z* 'C & ' * s 2. The Boo I in teara 11 ■■ ring an- [Tela Be thou as- 1 >..ul! He id,. <1 those tears for §^ -h I! E 2 ^ P * -Ts r* ^> «» * « — ^ & 1 * :i. lit- wept that we might weep; K.ich sin de-mands a tear; In hearena-lerae no sin is bond, And weeping is not there, r» if ^f#f^ ! S -e*—o- <* 'U..L -G — 0- i. -& — 0- <5 # -> • mrrtf-ruw 174 DENNETT. S. M. «* a ^l^^^^pl S= ct ttt ^ 1. Come, kingdom of our God, Sweet reign of light and love 1 Shed peace, and hope, and joy a-broad, And wis - dom from a - bove. ± tern M ^§ B N. JJ at ±fcj£ 5 fcq ^ * ■ * — «- I ar-^ -*-V -*-^ ^^^m^^ m^m^^^^^m^^^mkM 2. Come, kingdom of our Godl And make the broad earth thine; Stretch o'er her lands and isles the rod That flowers with grace di- vine ^m ^r = ^F^m^r^^ m :£ %m ^a SILSBY. S. M. w. ^ IP M b^3 jf ^^j ^ p^f^- ^=ft *&&=£ -Q~ -<£?- -& 1. Rest for the toil - ing hand, Rest for the anx - ious brow, Rest for the wea - ry, way-worn feet, Rest from all la - bor dow ;- % ^f=a= ^ -S> "-fi9 atzizat -•■-5^ S7 ^? ^ -O- L-fi?- 2. Rest for the fev - ered brain, Rest for the throbbing eye ; Through these pareh'd lips of thine no more Shall pass the moan or si h. Bfe£ z^-ZZ:S: i Ifi3=22 -o- -»- 3 « ■ g ) ^^^l^S "ii shiill the trump of God Give out the wel - come sound, That shakes thy si - lent chamber-walls, And breaks the turf-sealed ground is g? gj — m i -fiS S>- Uilody in T*nor. ' tor may l« . . HEIMWEH. S. M. ^v ». 175 -S»-f«»— pn^ f^^^ ^ m^ m ^ ~^ & r Wff s -W% 1. Ob, wlicro shall rest bo found — Rest for the wca - ry soul I Tw ere vain tho o- eean depths to sound, Or pierce to ii - t!.. r LS . -: PUS I 3 I a J i JJ* s^~l v \ z J & l e i ry el 'aro ' w -a» 2. Tho world can nev - er giro The bliss for which wo Ugh: Tis not tho whole pi life to live, Nor all of death to 3. Be - yond this vale of tears There is a life a - bove, Un - measured by the flight of years; And all Out !i: '■■ ■ lore Fgj33 is ZJ- ry V lJ j C Ll£i?L-m $ '.' ~i ry ry — es a—rs o "y ROWLAND. S. M. 1. While my Re- deemcrs near, My shepherd and my guide, I bid fare- well to anx - ions f. ar ; Mv wflota are all s: *J\ ■yA \ .ui\.\ m 3 if .*. zt ) 2 rJ * d r> Z7> ~rJ — o>- r> a. -& — ■ — «=*■*• — m^ ^-sr 2. To i v - er fra - grant meads, Where rich a • buu • dunce grows, His gracious hand in - dul - g< D< leads, And guards my sw« < •. r.' - pose. > *= ^^ n_ ^ ' O I ^K V r ^> ; I o , -> 11 fr^-a ry ry * m .". Dew Shepherd, if I stray, My wand'rinjj Em I r< To thy Cur pastures guide my way, And let nv- €9-0 ^ 32=1 rS -<5> — &> O O I q * # O <•> "> o •- r- «& 176 CANBY. S. M. CH. ZEUNER. pffi P ^ ^^^jJ ^gP^ ^^^^B -4r& -& — *-^ : 1. Have mer - cy, Lord, on me, As thou wert ev - er kiud; Let me, op-pressed with loads of guilt, Thy wont - ed par - don find. s I i I ^-^-^J 3^ &A*=± &-AH3- -G> 72IL - g? g> s & *5 » *■# ?¥ 2. A - gainst thee, Lord, a - lone, And on - ly in thy sight, Have I transgress'd ; and, though condemned, Must own thy judg-ments right. ipiiPi MM m i ■&- m^m ^ &- #* ■Gt- P -&- 3. Blot oi4 my ciy - ing sins, Nor mo in an - ger view ; Cre - ate in me a heart that's clean, An up - right mind re - new. ^Sl 7^Y3~ fg-w qpz iH t m -s>- ^ pap: :st±s2 ^ -&>- zLL^ L cz -o- WOODARD. S. M. * 1. How glo - rious is the hour When first our souls a - wake, And thro' the Spir - it's quick'ning power Of the new life par - take. S¥ Hip ^* ^BE^^p i -0— >-0 ^f~' + ' W>W *- JL -^" i Sf^ 53^ £? *-*- rsT: E^^TO li ^^ 2. With rich - er beau-ty glows The world, be -fore so fair; Her ho - ly light re-lig-ion throws, Re-flcct-ed ev - ery - where. I h » « n ^ *> »- BEMIS. S. M. C M. WYMAN. 177 ippppppppgiiippgni gf^z ^^P^ ^A L. Oome, Ho - ly BJrfr - it, come! Lot thy bright beams i • rise: Dis - pel the sor - row from our minds, T'ir dark-ness f I 5 'i s=fe i^ I =*=* «? . -&—J0 9 ■ 2. Con - vince ua of our sin; Then lead to Je - sua' blood, And to our wondering vit-v re - veal The so - cret love of God. , * II >■> pif-g-C-lE * ' g i 3. Re - vire our droop - ing faith, Our doubts and fears re - move, And kin - die in our breasts the flams f E ¥%=^^mt^-}cz *=* Of n, + II 4: " = # = i» * I # a # * +— * M T +& * .". L^rd, when my days aro past, And I from time re - ni"-. may I in thy bo - som rest, Tlie bo - som of thy •>.;!' i^S^^N- a i —I'! 17S WARDWELL. S. M. Double. D. IF^ :l: ^^3 ^s m* m w n ■*-#- £ g=i7-T-rT W-U-U- #-# 5^ i=* P — u-k-v Come, sound his praise a - broad, S=S: I i£ And hymns of glory sing : v-y- -#—^ PigS Je - hovah is the sovereign God, The u- ni -ver- sal King. *: I sing : Je - ho-vah is the sovereign God, *-¥■ 1. Come, sound his praise a broad, And hymns of glo - ry The u - ni - ver - sal King. b £ m "s^m '¥=* t* w ^ m Come, sound his praise a - broad, And hymns of glory sing : Je - hovah is the sovereign God, The u- ni -ver- sal King. ^I^e^ r p i r U^ g^a^ l ^^ gp^zkJzfczi^H K-W-*- WFf £ ,t 1; f> h h t * ^§ :2 £ -o- •a*~* * * 01 — — * He gave the seas their bound ; The watery worlds are all his own, And all the solid ground. 7. I SB h=S=S F^FT3r& m =f m 0~* — *~ P m 1 jh -£?- -fi»- -o- *3* 2. He tormcatne deeps un - known; He gave the seas their bound; The watery worlds are all his own, And all the sol - id ground. ^g ^8gB^^M^fe^^fe^^te ^^^ k fe BJ II The watery worlds arc all his own, And all the solid ground. ^d^M§ ELDEN. S. M. H. J. * L70 ^ffl ^ ^ ^#zh» fgffi^^ I f^m ^ ll 1. S>1 • diara of Christ I a - rise, And put your av - mor on, — Strong m^he strength which G^ sup-plies Through hia e - tar • aai Bon, — '■' < I d=d-J- l JIJ J Jjj ^ .H ••, ^ >< « — a»- -* — +- :#— «t: '> I 1. Strong in Uie Lord of hosts, And in ma mighty powajr: Wii- ■ in ; Jo- sus trusts, Is m ■- or - or. ,: &i '\l- m m A * & <9 m — w # p ' Wit! S. Stand, then, in his great might. With nil his strength vu - dued ; But take, to arm you for the fight) The pan- o- p'y >•( Sod; 3S3 ^S -<9- I -a»-* II ' 7 I «. ^m stint >\n stu.ti. NUT-BUSH. S. M. w. 1 A - wake, and sing the song Of Mo - scs and the I.nn.!.' Wake, ev - cry heart, and ev - ery tongue. To SaYIourt name I >vj- r-kll A-A I ^ <* * <* a f^m tr^-A a? - Gi ng, til! we feel our hearts As - eonl - in; with our to - . • tffl the love of sin de - part*, Anl graeo in - ppires our « -mj^^^^ s^^At. , p OO ahall we hoar him nay, " \ .• hli -i-l ehil- •Iron. eom< ! S ..n will h* call ■ bama ft - way T> "ur ■ ■? 7 ~r & ^ I Co wtm * c_ # * o « i « i * -i — *- ^ o « l-f.1t ISO HARTWELL. S. M. iisnii^i 22 32 £ -s»- 3 2? I I 1. Oh, where shall rest be found — Rest for the wea - ry soul? 'Twere vain the o - cean's depths to sound, Or pierce to ei - ther pole. jm^ra 1 SH~ -J 1 I 1 -fi? * -Jr*^*- L -2^ -J ^r-^-J: ^ ^ Jr» .^r _^_ .*: -JS3- -^ — # -^ — *r 2. The world can nev - er give The bliss for which we sigh : 'Tis not the whole of life to live, Nor all of death to die & J 1 m 55 m I m g-f-g- -^; 32: • d I rJ ~ Wr V3 8. Be - yond this vale of tears There is a life a - bove, Un - me'as-ured by the flight of years ; And all that life is love. m m^^f^^kH^-^m an* -& — 0- USS^S BAYONNE, S. M. g^ «==S 1 it I I £ I -&- U S d ~9 JZt. -&—* d 1. Thy name, Al - might- y Lord, Shall sound through dis-tant lands: Great is thy grace, and sure thy word; Thy truth for - cv - er stands. feass *=*= sil ^m m HHHl =t - #-i —r— — ■ riS- is^t^ ^ 2 =* : p^ pf= ^gji HOOPER. S. M. SOPKANO SOLO. -A W. From " H irp of Judah.'* 1 < 1 Bj pt rim- ■ lo J. ^»# S ^^ffir^'l- I 1. And is. ... there. Lord, a rest, r'<>r wru - ry souls de-signed, Where not a care shall stir the breast, Or kt - r 2. Is there a bliss - ful homo, Where kin- Irv 1 mindl shall And live fw 1 love. nor ev - cr rosm From that H-KM re - r •>,'>:' ^^ m . 1 II 3EZK y= # # # 'V-i -gJ J I g < * ZOE da* ZMlZJt 1=t=te c? WESLEY. S. M. i*t*¥ 22: ' * — # *» 1 * ixiErrnri -& ^ *zz« l> 3 f * I^ll 1. Sol - diera of Christ! a- rise, And gird your ar - nwr on, — Strong in the strength whioh God sup-plies, "Throng!! his s • tor- nal S '> I f •:- I 22 w—d—* ■e* — m — #— I- J * 1: Strong in the Lord of hosts, And in hi- alight -7 paver: Who in the t Je - ens trusts, Is mom tlian orro-quer %^F ^ trm zg =*=*» '! (I >> •>;.Vl 3. Stand, tbeu, in his great might, With nil his strength en- dned; But I ■ for the fight? The | & • *— r ■» s » 1 # — £ — m 1 ( g — w-fS — 1 m m r 0+- fez± ^S "I -g~~ j r ttf.r JUI r f-^-p-L- U 182 EIDDA. S. M. D. ^gg =t %E&mb&=£&i m szjza: g<— ft f ~&—&- ?2z±£ *. ^** gg g 1. Ob, where sliall rest be found — Rest for the wea - ry soul ? 'Twcre vaiu the o - cean depths to sound, Or pierce to ei - ther pole. fete: F=t s B P I *^ SZZ2=: neT • 7^—9- y- &- -S* fete 2. The world can neT - er give The bliss for which we sigh : 'Tis not the whole of life to live, Nor all of death to die. s S -<£" ZT P^ ?2=FP: -!■>£*- ?= |S ^ » l '0 mm 3. Be - yond this vale of tears There is a life a - bove, Un - measured by the flight of years ; And all that life is love. (SS— n t — ■ -i r r r— m r_ L- i v&- Bp#fg=B 1 W ■& — 90- s s* Z2I rJ d ZZ2. £ £= rj I ev \rx ■ s is. HULLAH. S. M. D. From *' Harp of Judah." By Permission. fete ^ sM^roff^r ^ffi^ m I s ^v *Z*i azis? — g~:sz £ 1. While my Re-deem - er's near, My shepherd and my guide, I bid fare -well to anx - ious fear: My wants are all.... Bap-plied. ** S?¥ -*&- m £ i2SSSg * s \» J -^> * m ^e — •" L fi? 1*- 2. To ev - er fragrant meads, Where rich a - bun-dance grows, His g ra_- cious hand in - dul - gent leads, And guards my sweet re - pose. ifete set* ilglili^^ JPE2 ^35 =t=« a B. Dmt Shepherd, if I stray, My wmid'ring feet re -store; To thy fair pns - tures guide my way, And let me rove no more. mm &± stzzat F=? zz ts — 0- im ^ i -es- -&■■ I HEDGE. S. M. 1 83 I. Gome to thu mom -in- prayer, Come, let in kneel and pray: trayer is the Chris -Gum pil - grim's staff. To walk with God all day. feS •vu 32. ~ar -._ mm& o e m -c ^ i z&u >•:» ^ <5 ^g ;^zzffit I ^ •:> r ::. II.' to (he low al Dotl Em- part, aid for his dwell -ing, and bfa ftrow sth the pure in heart. sw ^ r rrir i t i ^ ^ |p fjji.jir r' r J i f f' l 1 ' | r| r rU iH 184 LILLY GOVE. S. M. w. -&- gEg^^gj==j H ff ^ *=t -it- rt—rJ es—\ H I- -0 < g - -o- C3- I 1. If through un - ruf - fled seas, Toward heaven we oalm - ly sail, With grate-ful hearts, God, to thee We'll own the fos - tering gale. m- wnjt I 5^ ir*^^ I g g a> -^- -*-.■*■-&*- -ts*- e> ^ -> - # d -m-&- s*- ■?* - 19 - 2. But should the surg - es rise, And rest de - lay to come, Blest be the sor - row, kind the storm, Which drives us near - er home. K^^s^^ss^^y :?2 -&- -es- •S3 3. Soon shall our doubts and fears All yield to thy con-trol; Thy ten - der mer - cies shall il-lume The mid- night of the soul. -J-JEB= W -0—0~ § -es- 2g "7^ :£ i^ <5>— "-fi9- HIMMEL. S. M. D. £^ « — es — es -JZt fr~m—p ^ :e2 =P=^ f * r^- -O (S- -s>- I 1. Oh! bless the Lord, my soull His grace to thee pro- claim; And all that is -with - in me join To bless his ho - ly name. J£ £ *= . 4 1 W~JL JtZZJMZ ^tzszzwt I - -o- 2. Oh, bless the Lord, my soull His mer-cies bear in mind; For - get not all his ben - e - fits; The Lord to thee is kiud. -?V 7S1 -0—0- =t ^ I 22; ^ 22 L_£2 ' # # zz: ^ £21 ^-g> -s> — fr-es- IS2_ V- ". He will not nl - ways chide: He will with pa - tience wait; His wrath is cv - cr slow to rise, And rea-dy to gjkJ-ULU. -es- z£ I - n sawd With Lis own pro-etona blood. JL " JL -J. ^ ^. V -J ^ d ^ .-.' 3= >^- rH-^ - r^^ E pa ^ ■^ • - r * : ST. THOMAS. S. M. A. Williams. i j j I , J i J .:„ * % - * ^r^r^^? 1 ^ od, the on - ly wi.M', m A J_J_ ^ r^r^ Our Sa - viour and our I. Let all A A A A A = 7TT :::its bo - low the fkii-s Their hmn • ble praii i i^ »y J J w*-i J i ^^^M=i ; * s^ f=r T — f OLMUTZ. S. M. Arr. from ft Gregorian Chant, by D*. I- Mason. H 1 T ^ * ppp ,d rJ- pm J " g) ^ 5 T-r s r E r' i s > r r To praise our Shepherd's core, -3.J A |M 3 His wia-dofflj l"ve, n:icl might, Y % e.>ng» pro - pare, And bid the world u - nitc. u •c FEt^ - o ' - pa ^ o f ; «^»i STATE STREET. r I S. M. .' C. WoODKAX. J I J J J- . . - ■« P-f-^"^ f ^ f f r ^ r^^r ^r-r-r-p Z, r^r-r ' to 1 bind of I I •! t -don i - way ; «9- i r r -p- r r r • r tho stun. ' . . ;' ••. p-i j . ..-. .'.'.-■ i j j j ^. J- J J„ J.J * L:= ^-Hr-r-i^ rg' 186 -j — i- s_j_j -_3T n -^J-T -l 1- LABAN. S. M. Da. L. Mason-. r-rf -- ^t f St ^ 2— it 3fc ^=Ct frp -p =2= =p^ Z2l 1. My soul, be on thy guar J, Ten thousand foes a- rise; The hosts of sin are press- ing hard To draw thee from the skieo. A A A J J. A A A J. j ■ i i J. jJi A=^A -yd- 4=J^-Tf-A^=A=fA ^t -i^r-r ?= 32r ^K=H?I 'P ZE2Z r BADEA. * — m- 1=21 w S. M. Geeman. q=r^: i=£±=& ^ ZZtL f=i ?c - - ant 3 -*» — »- P £p:l^^ a j — i i , ^, 1 "— -^ r- !, will done! Rati fmni thy loved em - ploy 1 Tho bat-tie fought, the vie - try won, J^-hr U. Kn - fear thy Mm - m ". m ^=«=5 I - * - * = l.c; r s i 1 — t- ^ BOWMAN. C. M. (For Male Voices.) D. • • ■t— *-t ' * — l- ■ . . , > * * >> V-V-n Re - turn, () woml - Vit. DOW rc -turn, And seek thy Father's face ; ThoMDffW de - sires which in thee burn W. re kin- died bj Iiis grace. .-• .V : ."- ^* • » .. o J-^'f " r C. M. (For Male Voices.) V-V PEARSON. Hear what voi.e from Heaven pro -claims For all the pi-ousdead; Sweet is the sa-vor of their names, A ;> - ing bed. TIMHl. • * * r • • * FIELD. C. M. (Trio.) ZI&> ^ z*=Jz-*=f?z ■- 53: '-^— : 2. Hap - py the man whose hopes re-ly On Is - rael's God ; he made the sky, And earth, and seas.with all their train : His truth for - ev - er stands se - cure; F2^ ■^*=w=m- ~3^~- &—*=£=£=£--- :g=g=r-r GREENBUSH. L. P. M. =^t S: e pz :^ p ^2: ■t While life, or thought, or being last, Or im - mor - tal - i - ty cn-dures. He saves th'oppress'd, he feeds the poor, And none shall find his prom -ise vain. ■&- T ? fT > I£2I zi --^ ^?: ta ££ IS 3 ■m^f^'^ 1. l^et an tne eartn tneir voices raise, 10 sing tne choicest psalm or praise; 1 2. He fram'd the globe, he built the sky, He made the shining worlds on high, m 45|£ -*-r ^=^: 1 — 1- m: US I I I — I- 3=J=J=J-- Ifs m ^ =2=gfc Kfc::z2 r^- *EKS 1 — P- ^ :f^ P=P- ^ z2: ^ 1 q — ' — ' — h To sing and bless Je - ho - vah's name: His glo - ry let the heath -en know; His won-ders to the na - tions show, And all his sav-iug works pro-claim. ^=3=^= SaEi 2£ I I — — ^>- =<£?- -- -- ■&T- -P— P- -* —*—f>- JZt *=ez T=t. 2d: ^ ^ l I i i f ^ •P-P- «: 221 xd: J** 1 J s± Who sometimes am afraid to die, Be found at thy right hand \ fPNU^Hpl&i What if my name should be left out, When thou for them shalt call ! m ^ =r - ±t=x=±=t 2d: ■J=jp*=a£ \^~ ROLLISTON. c. P. M. w. 221 ■m ^r-^ tdt ■m ifS=:^ 221 ^ t 1. The fes - tal morn, my God, is come, That calls me 3=z 224^. :fe to thy sa - erf d dome, m ^ 2d= s g ^Edra -^ — & 1 - z*«fc 9 ia± ±5: i2: 2. With ho - ly joy I hail the day That warns my thirst- ing soul a - way m^: '£?: ^:£±P=t= = s ^ 2V £2. ^ £2. F= J§^ a I S3 r - .^r ^ 22: 22: rd^l: si 5* ct &^s ■G>- -&- --^ --&. ±L ?:22Z z£ 22: & &2: ii Tliy pres-ence to a - dore : My feet the sum - mons shall at - tend, With will - iug steps thy courts as- cend, And tread the haT- lowed floor, w at mms m-^-^ -^f^ fff^^ 2Z -■ 1 -SI I Pv 22C^: d &5fe^ iibii^ £2Z 2d: c£±:S: :^: ia To dwell a - mougst the blest! For, lo I my great Re -deem- cr's power Un - folds the ev - cr - last- ing door, And leads me to his rest I 221 22t ^ re ^ as £ 22: p ^sz & ^ ^ 22t ^ gf LEIRA- C. P. M. W. •»# Sf^r^f+f-f S j s i -e? 0- &- I ±it :.J ^z^m^m 1. Oh, could I speak tho match - less -worth, Oh, could I sound the glo - ries forth Which in mj iour shine ! ■•■> ■*-d — \—T-±r+—M-z2 ' m \m 5=pi . \^si& L &mm m si s s s -% "*- i *-*-■-#■ # * f '2. I'd sing tho pro - cious blood ho spilt, My ran - som from the dread - ful guilt Of sin and wrath.. di - vino. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r T 4 r ^-'g ffi I'd soar, and touch tho heavenly strings, And vie -with Gabriel, while he sin;.'-, In notes al- mn«t di - vine, In ii"t< * al - moat di N=l» fnT jf^ T7CTa g4X?CT3gE ^ ^ s *» iir 0*4 -0- x & Id sing his glorious righteousness, In which nU-j>er- feet, heavenly dfe aa My soul shall cv-cr shine, My soul shall ev - •r shine H^gf^^^t^^^^^a gp^i ^ i x\ft tf&m $ In loftiest songs of sweetest prnije, I would to ev - er - last - ing days Make all hk glories known. Make all his glo - P^r¥^ ^0-*- \^^ B^±^^£=U^^iT-^LJ^: II ji=fc 192 PETITION. C. P. M. 1. Thou •who hear'st the prayer of faith, Wilt thou not save a soul from death, That casta it - self on thee ? I have no ref-uge of my own, ^m ir^r r»& 2. Slain in the guilt - y sin - ner's stead, His spot - less righteousness I plead, And his a - vail-ing blood ; Thy mer - it, Lord, my robe shall be ; m £2= rfi n-te - ^-r c 4 d \ rJ 3= ■zt. f?= -*^-*—*-r - & --W=W=-¥t -^ r-^-M r !Zt- 3fc=$=J*=*=W5 * ^a>— * -*>—*- i 22: fcfcfpg St But fly to what my Lord hath done, And suffered once for me. ^FgE & 3=i =J=* Thy mer - it shall a - tone for me. And bring me near to God. g=g=g=g=g: - » l* *—t*—* 22: P=!*r Zj=gl ROCHE. S. P. M. i =i- fe + T J_J a St ?= :^=^i 1. How pleased and blest was 3z=g: »=* ^ To hear the peo - pie cry, i—i—B 22: 2. May peace at - tend thy gate, And joy with - in thee wait m jZZI iri rir -rs — :rg^ r—r - --^ 22: P St J=P: ^=p: ' 3=1= 2=2=S:=S= ■&- St ■■J=Jr- m st -jzt J tf^aJ flH j. ^-"-<» rt> <»5 J <5> O ■ O coramandr-.Th.- world K cm.lv stand*, Ami skies and blurs obey thy word : Thy throne was fixed on high Before the starry sky : Eternal is thy kingdom. H^^P 9 99 C c \ ^ 0*'* : 1 • • flooda and cations rage,And all thi ir pa ■ the iky : The tei row bhall bent their madness down : Thy throne forever stands i . MONTVILLE. S. P. M. iggf ^rFr^ rrtr^P rrirrrnr i^rrfi^ a 4^-^- *&-+-* s 19 9 9 1. How plaaaad and hleaaed was I To hear the people ory, 0ome,letus6ees lay I" Yes ritl acl rful seal We haste to Zion'a !.':'. Ai tr tows and honors pay «ii i A \ LL <0. 099 • 2. Zion.tbriee happy place. Adorned with wondrous grace. O #. S>~S< G< - Lfi51 ^f9 1 00*' O And walls of strength embrace thee round 1 In thee onr tribes appear To pray, and prni-e, and hear Tin- -.. g ^iedrfga m^Jw "-! -h U d tb\ gate, And joy within thee wait Ti I The man wl > r> I ^ f emsa&tim 194 TODD. H. M. i EpL-| |n 5 ez: pc=p: ?=c 22= '-<*—!*— jBZ 7=21 22= £±z£=£=i*: -t^~ b*— fr- ^ 2*: 1. Yes, the Re - deem - er rose ; The Sav-iour left the dead : Aud o'er our hell - ish foes High raised his conqu'riuff head • -J ^-1 1—4 * zsfc In wild dis- r 2. Lol the an - gel - ic bands In full as - sem - bly meet, To -wait his high com-mands, And wor - ship at liis feet; ibte ^ i s J— at ^ z£ -* * f - 22: £ -r—f—r- ■st tr-r-r-r- 22= N^ 1 I Joy - ful they Z=fc t± BE -*■ * * MARSHFIELD. H. M. may, The g3^£ «t =P=S 22: St guards a - round Fall to the ground, And sink a - way. $^%tpg§P§!U=i^^i^ r come. And I wing their way From realms of day To Je - bus' tomb. ^=J: fe 22= =2=$*: ^: 22: ri: 1. Lord of the worlds a - bove, IIow pleas-ant and how fair HSS — . ■ ^J l-r-4-n—)- ^mm^^^i 2. Oh, hap-py souls that pray Where God ap - points to hear m 43=£ -fr- =F =# ^=£: • p r ^ The dwellings of thy love, Thine earth - ly tern- pies are 1 To thine a - bode My heart as - pires, With warm de - si-es, To see my God. H=2=*- Oh, hap-py men that pay Their con - stant ser - vice there! They praise thee still; And hap - py they Who love the way To Zi - on's hill MESSER. H. M. i *5 c:\ b - .z. 3=: •^ ,» p p [ f^» j J j I J^ M w — r- in: • * o - licet songs of praise. Your j.>_v - ful bmn - ng.- <- - -'• • - 2± cz. . - '- - T (' .nil-, 11.--! tlir dnv 1 J nit Ood hath blest, Tin- tvp.- of ln:i\ — »- b£ o -o L o r- =^t -o> . :: ». Anil n.u hi pl.nd.* .>ur SUM s • boTSj, And reaps tin- fruit of all hid 1>>vc. US' -= n f3 B i= a "IT t; be iza WHITTAKER. H. M. i ~- : > 4 m m . * M * t=R=* -_ 1 Hark! hark! tlio n.'t. snfj,,v R..1) i.', rtli.' f plains, - J. Hark! hark! thi>*"Uiid draw- nL'h, Ibsjoyfn] m\ = 4 » ■ # gl^B^ -- (< :.= . Mr sV sr r J • !» .'. «^ ^ . * *=:£ » -v -- O And scrnplis find ■ o -1 * *# 1 a « ^ i^ ^lr rr J i j|J i JJJ r a » lo ! ■^ *# I -> i o # ## ^ I" If hand I What vonderehath he done I He formed the earth and seas, His power and grace Arestillt!. ° * Ami !>|>iv:i — m- PRAISE. H. M. ^&^K 1: -j=t m- ^ c- > &■ t i — "-I- A - wake our drow - 6y souls, *3^ -r± jtj : And break each sloth - ful band; !§s=E N^## EiSEDEg j ^y^ =s? izs: A - wake our drow - sy And break each sloth - ful band ; ?=Z p: u — r- :& i * ' ^>- T2 r - > - -f-z. &?. ' 5=i &=: tt Tin v. rode sof this day Our noblest songs de - mand 1 An - s\n I" i Eta: <" Q «S iious morn thy bliss :4 ful rays Bright ser - apha hail in songs of praise. m The wonders of this day Our - bl I ODgs de-mand ! Auspicious morn, Oiy blissful rays Bright seraphs hail in souga of praise, Bright seraphs hail iu songs of praise. I — ?zr?2jp: :fe mi --TZL ^ -&- m E2 P SE P- £>. -JCt ■&■ T 223 Au - spi cious moru, thy bliss ful rays MINDEN. H. M. 199 T- < P r J — -d— J J J - ~7) ^ < zJ — ^ ' -- -m—*- ^ -•' - t p t ± 1. bird of the worlds a - bore, 1I"W nlmiant ami how fair = ; 1 * *• = J J J -•» — *! — • Tin- dwelHnga of thy love, Thine earthly torn - pies are '. To thine a a p 1 i I 1 3 - =4a so ^> 3=*=+\ te^ ^=\f * ' m W "- : J "' E -*— jfc-ar. — ■*y- I ~_^" II III 2. Ob, luij> - ]>y souls that pray Where God ap - points to hear! Oh, liap - py men that pay Their constant ser - vice there! They praise tLee HiP ^ * - • - i — r . -r-r » * s s * * * E # » 1 r- — r bode My heart as - piiv«, With warm de - sires. To see my God. :J - Andhap-py they Who loTfl the way To Zi - oil's hill. i_ ■»— * * 3 i i It— 3—* ' SHEPARD. C. H. M. 1. When I can tru~t my all with God, In tri - al's fear-fui 2. Oh I to be brought to Je - bus' feet, Though s^r • rows fix me tii.r*. e : .v? ■ -I ^ ~W~W s s s ^ -£=^ ' * i s e ' g r * r r ^ - ;* • "- •---.* -*• — ^ ' "— *—*—* * . all resigned, beneath his rod, And bleu bJl irpwring power, A •- up • • mil di> • tress, — A fountain in the wild- er- nesa, S V S \ - is still a priv - i - lege ; and tweel TJm ■ :> • at- gj of prayer, Though sign* and tears iu language !>•• If CI 'i. .in 1 smile on I ^^TII-JbE-BPte q: T- I f ' * w—w— w * « * &=* s s 200 RESIGNATION. S. H. M. i 3-^-s J-J-^ :£=£: ?= 221 -f-> pg g ^2: ?=?=- 22: g-ft^- gi~~22~ ■jzt. ~-^r- 22: ^2= d — h — H 1. Friend aft - er friend de - parts : Who hath not lost a friend ? There is no u - nion here of hearts That finds not here an end -I- i£ 2t2: $et 1 a*"*L g=^ zs ^^gEiEB^: =BE^^iE^S^gEEE iii 1 2. Be - yond the flight of time, Be - yond this vale of death, There surely is some bless - ed clime Where life is not breath, — m ?=P2= :p— r~r -p— fg: --m- jz£ ■J=* :(^=r=r 2=t £ ■^ j& _<^L ■jzL p rr-jng- ^2z=p =g£ ■- : rJ » ' # - rJ cJ =^ i9- 221 Were this frail world our fi - nal rest Liv - ing or dy - ing, none were blest. jippil BTor life's af- fee - tions transient fire, 3^— •■ T :§=2^ ^ r Whose sparks fly up - ward to ex - pire. # :g=£=*: g: .^,1 r? e±. 1 1 22: _2^_^ =e^ -- 1. Friend aft -er friend de - parts: Who hath not lost a friend? %=&=> 2 s> — m— , gl= 2=J S=i£ ^=gT 2. Be - yond the flight of time, Be -yond this vale of death, MM m ^2=3r=p: «t 221 3 afcat S*=^t 22; ^= zr ^ ^ ^=^= tj2=i=fcr 22=Prpr &=f=^ H h =st «t :^ 22_*!_*L ^ St Zt There is no u - nion hero of hearts That finds not here an cud : Where this frail world our fi - nal rest, Liv - ing or dy - ing, none were blest. Thero surely is some bless - ed climo Where life ia not 'a breath,— Nor life's af - fee - tions transient fire, Whose sparks fly up - ward to ex - pire. :j=m=|=q: EEB ^ -rj —rj - -rjr 22: 1 zf^T: ■P— P- St=2 I 22 1 : 1- 22:— 22: ?&—*-*■ OAKLAND. 7s. 6 lines. T-P- • • w. 2Qj • • • x o -- s S S [f I oould but trust in thee; Trust thy wie- dom me to guide; 2. Trust tlice ou - lv as' the light i£ ? l i % Jju ii j ■\ > J=£=6: =*=* zm-Jt ^ v 4 : : - "^_«r- W — » — ■» — sf 1,1 ,! ' ' liour of night; Trust in sick - new, trust in health; Trust in pov \ s m m v s J J J- ss 22: * _s» iS r ^ 3t: Trust thy sav - ing loye md power; Trust thee ev-ery day aAd boor f > Jl i ■ — * m m=¥& frm m Trust in joy, and trust in grief; Trust thy promise for r.> > \ „ - GLADE 7s. 6 lines. J. EASTMAN « * ' > r s * s 3*=*: - * :*— z: 1. Saje-lj tnroughaa-oth-er v Qod has brought us oo our way; ^^r^^pi^^L^- II 8. While we pray for putfaing grae< rs name. -'> * 4 ig_ ^ m i » * r S V ■ ~ j»~1 tr»- ^=ft . * f == ^r ^ • - •- - * • aF J a d «* «*= U now a bless-ing seek, Wait-ing in his courts to - day ■ '- *=*: s •■ - • > * Show thy rcc - on - oil - tag 3F Day of all the weak th- Km- beam of e • tor - nal rest. .. Take a- way our sin and she i^rom our worldly os * B5 x r • r r-tL ir * v - l: > ^. m • T * :*=>: ^tM^^-j^s * .-- 202 LIZZIE. 7s. 6 lines. w. SOPRANO SOLO. f I S3r B •« — »- i 55 H^ -&- f5 £ -^ — M— ^ ' ^z=± 1. Rook of A - K es ' cle ft f° r me I Let me hide my - self in thee ! hot, the wa - ter °nv= mm ¥ II #•#• # # # # * # # # M- EVERETT. 7s. : l i Ld - struct - or, from thy ways, Who can t < - 1 1 how >'ft lie strays f Po the guilt that lies Wrapt with • in mj heart's d 7 I JJJJ l jJjJt I , I -# — # :S7 -0 — m- atzn # ■- - 9 p W ' 1 25) L, 1 1 iHPSfHP ,, ! ^pf^ ^rffct^ 1 1 itzuJ I .in «-r • ror fi • the words m ? i I » » *^ *> fFf^-frfp^-^f^ Jl ^rf r • r u ^m ^ Mm^m 1. Praise the Lord, his glories show, Saints with - in his courts bo - low, Angels round his throne a - bove, Al! that see and share his love. 2. Earth to heav'n, andheav'nto earth, Tell his won - ders, sing his worth; Age to age, and shore to shore, Praise him, praise him ev-er- morel #* ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^m ^W^ *=4^ jtZ* 3. Praise the Lor d, his mercies trace ; Praise his prov - i - dence and grace — All that he_ for man hath done, All he sends us thro' his Son. • 0' * ' — 0- mm^ PLEYEL. 7s. From PLEYEL. ri ^ J W- 3 rj S\rJ \\ 1 [J m$ ■& — m- & — IS 0- £ S 0- ar_ -: -- S ja—&~- fS ^ S»— l<*3> s o « £J ^ cz_;s^:' o o 1 1 ^> i- o - o a I 1. Joy - t'ul I day; Joy- fa] let tho sea - son be; l^t oa ring, for well wo may; Je-sus! wo will sing of i^^. I Z, & Cs ' - i <5 g , rJ \ rJ rJ \ fs \ rJ sLicJ cJ\rJ gj \fs \ rJ r J\g^ gj 1 ^ g i i p ■ ^ g > S Should thy peo-ple. si - lent be. Then the \-r - y stones would slog: What a debt w"e owe t.> the* Rap - tore thrills ■ trace All thy grace. &*n i^^fe^ys^^isi =1=1 ! ., IT" 1. Come, said Je - bus' sa - cred voice, Come, and make my paths your choice ; I will guide you to your home; Wea - rv wanderer, hith - er come ! 2. Tliou who, homeless and for- lorn, Loug hast borne the proud world's scoru, Long hast roamed the barren waste, Wea- ry wanderer, hith - er haste. sj =a g^g ^]=a^ 221 3 F=? Pi F ¥$?■ 1 *-0 3. Hith - er come ! for here is found Balm that flows for ev - ery wound ; Peace that ev - er shall en - dure, Rest e - ter - nal, sa - cred, sure. WI ^-^ -& 9 t g? — v » J («■ i ■£3- ^ 1H3B. «- f f^=* m F g?— y stztf SZZZI si 1= :— FRANKLIN. 7s. * S r^F~ dr 7 ~i ^T = ir"i'~if "rP^ r ^_ ^>: tS»-T -4-o F ?=£* ^ ?==#: ^> if 1. Cast thy bur - den on the Lord ; Lean thou on - ly on his word : Ev - er will he be thy stay, Though the heavens shall melt a- way. ^ IB assise st: rJ d I ?bH- *- J ^t5 2. Ev - er in the rag - ing storm, Thou shalt see his cheering form, Hear his pledge of coming aid: "It is I, be not a - fraid. ^^^^^^S^^SSS^IS 3. Cast thy bur - den at his feet; Lin-ger near the mer-cy-seat: He will lead thee by the baud Gen-tly to the bet - ter land. _Se (&—»- (g .. -f-fg ! fS» 0- m ■&—P m (£>—+ &—* S7 — V Z±=3t o-H c?-- h£=M MILTON. 7s. •x- 207 i@5 s s s s s s W ^tttt*^£mtt ^^£&^& 0-0- a 1 I..' i>, \u': Prai I, for he la kind: hi-< mercies shall en - do -or faith- ful, cr- tr sure. i ^^?TO^^pT: ^^ \ * s s s s i K ^r s ^^ II For 1. Ev • i r faith- ful, ev - cr sure. i II.-, with all*oommanding might, Filled the new made world with lighl *-< &mtf%f * *- *u t n^ain ifZ^xiJf^ =tf ii 8. All his oreatoroa he doth feed; Bis full hand supplies their need: . war-ble T^ SH1^1^1^^^+1'^ : f^^^ Hi- high maj #-r . . * If (S> GRACE. 7s. 1. Oraoaoua 8pi -litl Love di - vine ! Let thy light with- in me shine ; All my guilt- y fears re -move; Fill me with thy hi.iv.-i.ly love. .: ijj i jjijj i i ii ■'•> .* -- ^*™-jj ■ l g ) ' t S l %m 3=fi - -.: ,L II M ^w? s ^m . S " 2. Let me nev- < r from thee stray; Keep me iii the nar-row way; Fill my n-.nl with joy di-vine: B I tor - et ma m_ t=r & : m s a II 208 GERMAIN. 7s. D. ^Ef^^^j^B_P*^Lg &>- 22: 33 g g gg m^f — *-«^ r^ ^ •fig- P 22 I 1. They -who on the Lord re - ly, Safe - ly dwell, though dan-ger's nigh: Lo, his sheltering wings are spread O'er each faith-fill servant's head. I ** a f 3 ^E 3t ^ £2=dzsd^ 2±t=> 22: -gg- #* ¥* ggte-sH -gg— I gg gg -gg IE =e gT^ " -gg #* -gg- 22 ^3 <2T- gg- -gg- S^ ^ gg-gg f3 ^3 221 r^ gs - -ri-rt- ■gg — H-g^— eg- P at -eg- az I PS 2. When they wake, or when they sleep, An - gel guards their vig - ils keep ; Death, and dan - ger may be near, Faith and love have naught to fear. gg I gj " S^ ^ -fig- S -fig — i-figf s: -g it S -«g- g? 1 -fig 22 22 ■gg- 22: fig g« -eg- fig- PETERSON. 7s. * 1. Come, said Je - sus' sa - cred voice, Come, and make my paths your choice; I will guide you to your home; Wea-ry wau-derer, hith - er come 1 jsppppiiigsigp *2r-l ■&—* 22: V V sr *—* -&- &- I 2. Thou who, homeless and for- lorn, Lung hast borne the proud world's scorn, Long has roamed the bar- ren waste, Wea-.ry wan-dercr, hith - er haste, ? fit S ^-ir ! i TTJn^ ^^^F ^'rin'^ H-J+H-Fr^ f ^ 3fe 2 IppipSi^ 3. Ye who, tossed ou beds of pain, Seek for ease, but seek in vain; Ye, by fiercer an -^uUh torn, . To re-morse f>'. - guilt, who mourn. -&,— K— -t — r r «-— t- r— r— h B — r T ^> _ -rfig- illpliPiiiH^ -fig ffitf i^g^ggjg^ ^jl33^!l HEAVENLY REST. 7s. OOQ i P \p -f-gQ JJ J t^~J" g " I » * I- -I ^ # s g^lE 1. Soft- ly fades tlio twilight ray Of the ho - ly Sab-b«th day; Gen-tly us life's sot - tin.,' sun, When tin- Christian's course Is run. &l u , 1m Ju l , jg I \l j^l4y»4* ^^ >- ^ ^ * C5» i' is ou tho world a-broad , lis the ho - ly peace of God, — Sym-bol of the peace with -in, When the spir - it rests from sin. ^pi± M p^^^^^ ^-^A^f 3. Still tho Spir - it lin- gers near, Where the ere- ning WOT - ship - er Seeks comraun - iou with tlio skies, Press - ing on - ward to the pott, SSi r r y i r T i "- o : h ' K # q=^ IE ^ ^ ADDIE. 7s. ^rfrrW^ l .a | r ^ 1. Now tho shades of nipht arc pone, (fan 1 1 »«- BMnfoej ligM ia come , Lord, may wo bo thine to - day — Drive the shades of sin a - way. Winn our life of work is past, Oh, ro - ceive us, then at last; Xi^'ht and »iu will he no more, When v,e re a ch the heaven I_- SS I fri rrirr-trT- U-JiJiirr i^JUirr trrj.iJ. J. ifrii 210 INVITATION. 7s. O R. B ARROWS. w & — & &- S-E-S — *" I: & — &- & — 9- gSJ £>-& I acr^zzs: ^zzrl jpz* stzrTFEii -& - F 22ZJ 1. Come, said Jc - sus' sa - ered voice, Come, mid make my paths your choice ; I will guide you to your home ; Wea-ry wan - derer, hith - er come 2. Thou who, homeless and for - lorn, Long hast borne the proud world's scorn, Long hast roamed the bar-rcn waste, Wea - ry wan - derer, hith - er haste. % ^3®=mw & ^M$£ffi^ffiH^^ ffl5 I Hfc 3. Ilitli - er come ! for here is found Balm that flows for ev - ery wound ; Peace that ev - er shall en-dure, Eest e - ter - nal, sa - cred, sure. -C -i b ;t -r^5 — mi K&- ^Q]-p =4 p 7l f - fff ^pt x F^ ^ Sl ^jr f j i ^— p j^jpB LILLE. 7s. 1. Gbil-dren of the heavenly King, As ye jour-ney, swect-ly sing; Sing your Sav-iour's worth -y praise, Glo-rious in his works and ways. 34 2. Ye are traveling; home to God, In the way the fa - thers trod ; They are hap - py now — and ye Soon their hap - pi - ness shall see. -^ 3 ■&- ^Pig^ ^HCT^g ^ ., ^ esc s azli 3. Shout, ye lit - tie flock, ami blest; You on Je - sus' throne shall rest : There your seat is now pre -pared — There your king-dom and re - ward. -& fZJ ZZZ2SE MENTOR. 7s. D. 211 ^ m m?E& ii - p« ^ip I- ^. 1. K< - Lie help-leas, how shall 1 Learu to live ami ham to diol Who, O Goil, my guide shall be, Win, shall lead tbv chill to tbeel .'> *VIJJTJ I -rf-w- JZ ~* * ' *—*!-* — I rj XJ— wArw S^^ c^ 9 ^^iTTf?^ -*— r- o # # . Ii # — 0- c 2. Bless-ed I'u-tlicrl gra-cious Oqc ! Thou hast sent thy ho - ly Son: 11. ■ will givo the light I need, lie my trembling stops shall •>,'.• >':, ££ ' *-« ^ I • ^ # O y PORTER. 7s. C M. WVMAN. ^ * * :--! II JHZT22 #-F— ^ <2c £=*= 8 -U-g-g : fczfc* >* v— y- -v— u • 1. Je - sua, take me for thine own ; To thy ■nil! my spir - it frame; Thou shalt reign, and thou a - lone, O - ver all I liav.> and am. y ^ s I jjlj JJ Eaal fr=S=* \: I :. ■ fr -fr ; 000 ^ v^~+—v ^ e -m -9- T7-. 2. Mak • ing thus the Lord my choice, I bare nothing more to choose, But to list- en to thy voioe. And my will in thine !■■ %n j. j» j j j^rHHH/ J- r r i .Mr^- ^w^ir^rr ll P.. Then, what it - er may be- title, I ll id hap - p\ ' — Hav - ing all in liav - iag I -> A ;. .' J 1 1 J I J I^Fir^rtP^ j - ^r ^nTTFT^a ^f 212 m MERRILL. 7s. D. u^t^i^m^^m^p^^ ^^ m t=i 1. Hark, my soul ! it is the Lord; 'Tis thy Sav-iour; hear his word; Je - bus speaks, and speaks to thee ; " Say, poor sin - ner, loVst thou me S¥P s=s= HHl ggij Si Wl W» l -0 — 0- zazz*: & x a — ■ -* T&-. 2. " Mine is an un-changing love, High-er than the heights a - bove, Deep - er than the depths be - neath, Free and faith-tul, strong as death." K— K-R it* a? m. £ I -0 — 0- +—* -&- 3. Lord! it is my chief com - plaint That my love is cold and faint; Tet I love thee, and a - dore : Oh for grace to love thee more! w ^ r ^ f^^s^^^^ ^vr ut^ ^^ rV=£ I * -0 CURRIER. 7s. i^^^^S S. A. WAHD. *3 i 3t=± :s? ?±Z±=*=Z3t ah 1—* & 1. Now the shades of niglit are gone, Now the morn-ing light is come ; Lord, may we be thine to - day — Drive the shades of sin a - way. 9** r^ 3g §l3fi * %. -*—* -0-m 0- & 8 (S3— & 0- it^=igi- £■ a B^W *=%0 T P — 0^-r0 — ?£. m* SS e w tt t gmm m 2. "When our work of life is past, Oh, re - ceive us, then, at last; Night and sin will be no more, "When we reach the heavenly shore. -G ■ ■■ 1 1 1 — m~0 0— t0 r» — — |-<3J- l fTCT ^g g **rvrm F^ t= CALAIS. 7s 213 1 — i 1 1 — i r~ i —\ l When be -fore il.\ to rill'd with awe* and bo - ly fear, Teach us, O our God, to feel, All thy sa - ered pres - en<- •• : 1 m b^jfc O l — 4- o j «h rt^ hs L_J I J. I Jd * \%rJ J I f J^J^ g O — *»-»-<*> ^> V p^-J]r^fJW^^ ^r^_ ^ 3*' i ' *\-- ' W* 2. Oh, ro-ceivo the praise that dares Seek thy hi :ilt - ed throne; Bless our off- 'ring, hear our prayer, Jn - fin- itc and ho - ly One. mt & . gLZZ ' ^ I ' r* *» iHH ^ h W *W + 1 w & — TEMPLE GROVE. 7s. M. I,. LAWRENCE- w^¥=r=FWi fr. i r r rinn^e Fg?=^rfe ^ II ^> I 1. Go, yo iihs - sou - gers of God, Like the beams of morn - ing fiv; Take the won -der- work - ing r>«l, Wave the ban - ner - croea on >:- > I |,-. S l IB d- >« d ■ rJ I m ***■*: * . - o I * 'J. Where the loft - y min - a - ret Gleams a - long the moru-in.,' iJrii ware it till (he ores - cent set, Aud Uio rtar of J» . ooh ^ if \ ' M ^ff r j tB * • ^ *— •>- s=*=f 8. Go to many a fcrop - io i le In the bo-som of thi • n smilo, Andtb'i lfor-«r- er weep. '*&\ ^-^ ^^ T ^ p f-^E ^ 1 HH * • * I* 214 COMPANIONSHIP. 7s. * s?JJ|J.J^I^g^ S K h B e --M £=JS=K £ t&- HI I 22: ata its. 1. Sweet the time, ex- ceed-ing sweet ! When the saints to- geth- er meet, When the Saviour is the theme, When they join to sing of him. A PS g £> •fr-fr-K a '■ & &~ ■Bt- }^=£ -0- -W* 9 ~* :z£r=£ 3Z3t -«- ^L *^= -n>- -&• I 2. Sing we, then, e - ter - nal love, Such as did the Fa- ther move : He be - held the world un - done, Loved the world, and gave his Son. «*=£ B\E5 m ^^f ^ 0^^ffi i j£=mi £ *- . • m — a 3. Sweet the place, ex- ceed-ing 6weet ! Where the saints in glo- ry meet ; Where the Saviour's still the theme, Where they see and sing of him. sH m m — 0- m * ^ps & ^E£ -f^m- BENHAM. 7s. •* -I— rr, g> — &- & I £ -&- 0- & -0 — 0- — * £ s>- 1. Joy-ful be the hours to -day; Joy - ful let the 6ea-son be; Let us* sing, for well we may: Je-sus! we will sing of thee. .7 2. Should thy peo- pie si- lent be, Then the vcr - y stones would sing : What a debt we owe to thee, Thee, our Sav - iour, thee, our King! 4=5 PS f^ mf^^^^ m ^^^ ^m $m 3. Joy - ful are we now to own, Itap-ture thrills us as we trace All the deeds thy love hath done, All this rich - es of thy grace. =£E=^ I pp F^rpS »=pr ! 3g W I MINNIE. 7s. LM:-> S^ n -I *> »» & r gfTTrrnnr^ gi ? » i °. p z: S: 1. (irncioiw Spir • it ! L»v.- di - vm. ' I..i thy light with - in mc ihiae; All my guilt- y fears re - move, Fj 11 dm with thy Ik l-i II ! X- mm l *> » «? & i ^ & ^ ^ c c? ^ ^ C' o 1. Lord, we come be - fore thee bow, At thy i '.tim-bly bow; Oh, d<> - « ! r> I : i ' Sball we peek I '. in vain I tf '-'. Lord, OH thea our souls de- p< ixl. In com - piu*- si.m now' de-ssaad; Till OUT baarta with thy rich grace, '\\\i<- our line to J* |_ |» g | J J |* p c[^| II * % ^ « ^ ^ ^> "> ^ ^ 5 'J ^ ° ^ 5 * O -> < g I j ::. In thine own ap- point- ed way, Now «•■ «• ■■ k t I, we kifv. aot hoW to g I '*n ±ti£fi&^ i <&—& f=$^\ \ \ p i ^ <> Tf? ff 22 ^ '> 216 GOODRICH. 7s. D. Q. M. £ m I -0 — 0- . G> 1 2z: s?:::* -* . » urco of ev - ery joy, Let thy praise our tongues em • plov ±=z : -I ^^J^L-U-u^ i J" > .PLEYEL'S : [YMN. 7s. PlETKL. -I * rfT^rrrf P»T 1 1 t- — ^ J J ■—4» I - m m - 1. Cliil- dren of the heavenly King, wt " i M^ As ye jour- ney, eweet-ly sing ; J-J J. *.J j J. rff ^S d=-fc a ^=^M ^ w ~w u» r Sing your Saviour's wor - thy p rrr rertr. ! - works and way*- ^^ ' i r r i g F ; -- m & ^ f^ r ffi 2 i=Q 'mARTYN. 7s. S$1J — I — j. J.J. J .1,1 i i i 3 5 £ .'is S. B. Marso. 4^ £: £ ^ . ( Ma • ry to the Saviour's tomb Ilast-ed at tlio ear - ly dawn, ) J Spice plie lim't. and sweet perfume, But the Lord she loved had gone, j d. c. Treinblini:. while a crystal flood Issued from lur ween- ing 1 r For a- while, fIio lingering stood, Filled with sorrow and sur - pri.«c, D. 0. J J j JLJUj JJ J J- JL_J ti '- » ;- A^A * - - r- -> i — i- pzp i r F* ^c-b BENEVENTO. 7s. /Tru:. tfrJJJJl^rH S. U'lbbe. 4- ini^ijLi^u^^j^u, Li 1. "\\Uilo with ccomIco coum!,thc tun lUslcJ thro' the former r mora to i. below; i). s. W« a lit - U • long - er wan. Hut how llt-Hc, nono can kuow. 218 VIENNA 8s & 7s. From MOZART. ^^E^a ^ii^iE^^ ffi^^ p ^^i^ i • 1. Saviour, source of ev-ery bless- ing, Tune my heart to grate -ful lays; Streams of mer - cy, never ceasing, Call for ceaseless songs of praise. ^^^iig^i S n I w at 45--=t=K ag =5 J *=*z±ai ^ 5 .v 2. Teach me some me - lo - dious measure, Sung by raptured saints a - bove ; Fill my soul with sacred pleasure, While I sing re - deeming love. ^f^^^ m ^^f^ ^^^ ^ m^ ^ Sm 3. Thou didst seek me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God ; Thou, to save my soul from danger, Didst re - deem me with thy blood 9titr c U J l Jfia ^ ■>■ s m —i E k I J J' m +—& . *3t izat CUTLER. 8s & 7s. D. ^^ S *— M- — m— a — M •— £e& ^m m -0- : —0-0- -0—0- -&- 7- Ht^L :£=p: PE -¥-¥- — 1. On the dew - y breath of ev - en, Thousand o - dors mingling rise, Borne like in-cense up to heav - en, — Nature's eve - ning sac - ri - fice. ips I : ^=§=f> J— J J ^0—0— mZ J— J— Lg k J ' (J . ' £=§=£ : S=£ w rV=£ 5 *=*: 0-0- *00 ■ & ' . — ~ Sf . m m — m — m — w w w m — » m—. — m — -g — 9 — ■ & 2. Thou, whose favors with-out number All our days of gladness bless, Let- thine eye that knows no slumber, Guard our hours of helpless - ness /-V Ritard. ^S^i .0 — b- ; m ^^ -a — 0- J K-K m=5L F 5 fe-h- — \-0—0-0— £ ! ±z± ^£ -&— I 3. Then, though conscious we are sleeping In the out - er courts of deitfch; Safe beneath a Father's keep- in?, Calm we rest in per -feet faith. \^m^^^^ ^^^=u^^ m ^^ f^^ ^^^^^ $ r I & 7s. * 219 ~. A +tt3)tS3^^£2^Bk ' I^TI i E : injr, Tun I ^m% s m — - ■ , , e » -& w m - -w — 9 ^9 o •o, Sung by rap -I Fill my soul with sa • While I si- ; love. 43jjJ-j i J~f^ * i l S i ^ I^'Si-SlI 3. Thou (UJst seek mo when a stranger, Wandering from the bid of >ue. V «i k hi- =^br= -r. _ ■ fr-Ei 3. I would love thee ; look np -on ■ « ' f s s v # # 220 LANCASTER. 8s & 7s. ^ ^nrv^ i'- y ^ 4 I ^^^i f^^^^^ 4 ^^ gj g^^^ & s £ =s =t gg h g E <*. -# t? jy ^—*= -& 2. When the woes of life o'er-take me, Hopes de - ceive, and fears air- noy, Nev - er shall the cross for-sakeme; Lo! it glows with peace aud jov, ' ps^^f^m^^^^^f^f^^^f^ m 3. When the sun of bliss is beam-ing Light and love . up - on my way, From the cross the radiance streaming, Adds new lus - ter to the day. S i I m i ■0 — m- Ba f *=*: wojt m --w^ W — w~v & ^£ -9 — m- -g -0 V-* RUHE. 8s & 7s. m^m m o iC=52 M fSH ~CT-*H2l m^ f gy~~g "gy ■o- 1. Lo! the day of rest de-clin-eth, Gath-er fast the shades of night ; May the sun that ev - er shin-eth Fill our souls with heavenly light. *ta^ IP igSiBff ^ hs=^ ?2iz8izz~a. 0& J -G)-r— L &- S^St *^¥^^ P^ f^y g »-yfc i es- ^~~g I 22 Sh 2. While thine ear «f love ad-dress-ing, Thus our parting hymn we sing : Fa - ther, give thine eve-ning bless - ing, Fold us safe be-ueath thy wiug. ii£3 f» 9 S3 § ^5*: S ^+'. hot - cr ri-ns - ing. Call for songs of I i i '' w m • * *— gj-# - io - dtooa iii.-us-ure, Sang by flam -iiig tongues a - boTe; Oh tl. ■ tri-as - ure Of thy free, un-chang-ii, • =, : \mtfr r & ^^^^^l[ te^ * * 3. Je - bus sought mo wlion a stran-gcr, Wuiiderin.; from the fold of (iod ; Ho, to res - cue DM from dan - gcr, Iu - U-rposed his prsejoos ; • > g ffi^ \ ^=f^ \\ I d ■ d * 2ZZ ^m - ALNA. 8s & 7s. m si ^ r~~y I- It ■-M *=+ C h 1. Hark It/hat mean fboMuO-ly Toic - es, Bweet-lj sounding thro' the skios ? Lo! th'angel - ic host ft - joic - es ; I hal - le - lu-jah> ■j. 11. -ar them t.Il tin- wondrous ato - it, I to ■ p u^^r^ ^^^^ ^ ^prn ^ ^v"^ \\ m > j. •■ IVaoo ou earth, g(K>d-wi!I fi-oii. iii_' far as man is found: S ■ 1 — i ■ # -0 0- * . &. Tf^frrrF^ U 222 ELLA. 8s & 7s. D. ^* te # # pE f 1. Take my heart, O Fa -ther, take it 1 y^ 122 s vF S3 s * <* d. » Make and keep it all thine own ; Let thy Spir-it melt and break it — This proud heart of sin and stone IlilPlpite9 ±^±$l YaX^ I 'J*' f^B *-* - J^ ^=¥^B 2. Fa - ther, make it pure and low- ly, Fond of peace, and far from strife; Turn-ing from the paths un -ho - ly Of this vain and sin - ful life. 3^ t 4~3 1 m * *— g Fr*r f|-fg-T F : l 5 Ffl g^ES^: -m=5 * S"a_«?_«i: # ^jf^f * 3 y~y £F I 5 O" |j T* - ^ 1 -^— 3. Ev - er let thy grace sur-round it ; Strengthen it with power di - vine, Till thy cords of love have bound it : Make it to be whol - ly thine. P \ A. 9 » ^mi Hm -* — *■ # — 0- , -W I » ? HUMILITY. 8s & 7s. i5B ii: l££i£=M3 f > tf ^ o St gg I # «? — e- S^ is> — s* f«— ^_|=*=p 1. O'er the gloom - y hills of dark-ness . Look, my soul ! be still, — and gaze ; See the prom - is - es ad-vanc-ing To a glo-rious day of grace. n§ 3E 1. Jl r? J ig»-l fl^ «-■-& — S3 — tf - =t=t "g — g G>—es- 1 s» — &- t 2. Let the dark, be - nighted pa - gan, Let the rudo bar - ba - rian sec That di - vine and glo-rious con - quest, Once ob-tained on Cal-va - ry. -0 — ^- 5£ I =t p^=^ ?Z) &-^--ryl i.lo-ry be ..*t high! I M l | M g= ee g - i r- J -i*- i JJ gii S^^&""ivlf * s •>= r - tala,to a- btae him; Learn his oame, indta ~*^a^ , ■ £-*+ . « ; - ^m * Till iii ' -ing be-fore him. ' Glo-rv bo I + +- ♦ »» i rr p I V t ^ftd ^^F/JI 224 KENT. 8s & 7s. * to 3 -#— ^ ^fefeSE^^^^^^^ . ( With my substance I ■will hem - or My Re - deem - er and my Lord; " \ Were ten thousand worlds my man - or, All were noth - ing to his [omit] word. While the her - aids of sal - va - tion &W a X7J j »^ g^ -0- — ph -«* • -J- J- ■*• IS -si- 3 z£ 1 SE ^ aS s §x?j ' r Mr* =t - ** ^ i m Wt s^ee 221 I -O- c» 22 * j i r llis a - bound - ing grace pro - claim, Let his friends, of ev - cry sta - tion, Glad-ly join to spread his fame. «* PjPPi=i I s 3E -&- £ Z2I « — 0~ -0 ' g ? -# fe* fe^ ^ fgH I s 5=f==£ 7=: 1= Praise him, all ye hosts a - bove I Shout, with joy ful ac - cla - ma - tions, llis di • vine, vie - to - i ious love ! §S^ j=PM*r -&- ^3 &.:. m qe e> . . 'WZZfT- -jel I FAITH. 8s & 7s. w. 225 -€* " \ ■ r r i ,• to U :| - '"-. fore ■ 1. 11 - iog, 2 ' Peace I .ul there in ; ) . Peace, the fruit of conquer'dBin; J Peaee,thatB] , I i - er; Peace to worldly imndaunkn eace, me lruiu «i wui^un umu , j ....-.,. t .. HS'^^t;,: i • * £ ■ Umcwith- , and give /-n /O M . ■ ■ t — i — i i — ■ n — ■ r 1 1 f^-. RESURRECTION. 8s & 7s. (Peculiar.) ^ ^ 1 — V IS ' * o di - vin.-.that flows for- ev - cr Frtrai il*60»roe,theLorda-lo»e! _ fS ^ r ^^: All the joys of thj sal-va-tuto, All the joya that spring from l»ve! m ^)— d ~ - * 1 — r £ a r=t 1. Lo! theses! of death is breaking ; Those who »!. j.t it« sleep are wak-tog; (11 ill IIJ 1 Nil I II III, ' 'i re, no more at eve de-clin ithont acloudarcs! mz^-w^r ^ » » * • p^nr^^^ I port-als fair! Hark ! the harps of (fed are ring-tog, Hark 1 the seraph", hymn to ftfcg-tog Mu • aie on im - mor • Ul O'er the land of life and lore; TheretJ I life «r, il,-. - , into time we Mow-tog In that n - dimfoena i *d W • ■ » d_^ 226 VESPER. 8s, 7s & 7s. w. m i Fft^ ± m—J*J-J frt*=2 x=$=x ^ J J. =Bt OLE ^.^ ^3= :^: «= t3=Ut a^p> h ; ^— P- 1. Thro' the day thy love has spare J us, Now we lay us down to rest; Thro' the si - lent watch-es guard us, Let no foe our peace mo - lest : ^T^^p^ipp|l| 2. Pil-gi'ims here on earth, and strangers, Dwell-ing in the midst of foes, Us and ours pre - serve from dau-gers ; In thine arms may we re - pose ; BE F~Fh- = P> y =*= 3=£ 3=£ i* p —*:. -* — (■= ^ =£Z= s a — J J d -^=2 ^J=J — J— J PINE HILL. 8s, 7s & 7s. w . WOODWORTH. ^b—f— p-Vf—r- V -^ £ lft=s=bp: ft ^: i- Je - sus, thou our guardian be ; Sweet it is to trust in thee. piiippiipi^H And, wlien life's short day is past, Rest with thee in heaven at last. nr*r- tE ^E=P= g =£ -::r 5*? ££ i^ES ± ntzat ?*=i*=P :2 = L Hark ! ten thousand harps and voices Sound the note of praise a-bove: ^i|=^p£^S=fe^ 2. King of glo-ry, reign for-ev - or ! Thine an ev - cr - last - ing crown : £=Sft=S^ dz= ZJ &^ t=t r— y- t=t i ^ ftzzpzzh^ Pip St =£=£=£=£: V— *»—*»— >>- £=*: ^: Je - bus reigns and heav'n re-joio - es ; Je - sus reigns, the God of love: See, he sits on yon - der throne ; Je - sus rul.h the world a - lone. fS S * _| I ^3~- tfotfa- ing frojntby lore sballser - ei Those whom Shbu hast made thine own ; Hap py ob - ject of thy grace, Destined to be - nold thy face -*— — ™— —<-= rr r- , n— =-rr* ^~rf f b— r — r * y j> ft=ft c **?=** /S>- -■ S^S GREENVILLE. 8s & 7s. Don! ' ^lii'j^' l yi'«nJ 1 i 1 iW, |,1 i' | . | i J. J I'.OCUUIO m^t mor- tal caret did hopes ;.'. 1 nun de - ui I M our will ■ tag f....t- -ti i ■ art t p he&Ti a 01 ■ ] ■ . -.\ the fount of glo ry beam • ing, Light co • los • M.t - i", fro:. i a - bore pro- claim mm ana par - il>n E skies R= £^£ +-^ T J . J J 1 ) i l I ,1 .' . .I J J SICILY. 8s & 7s. I ■ Ujj H jjj Let us each, thv love pos - Bess -mg, Triumph in re ■ d< . Lord, di3 - miss at With thy blesa- iu^, Fill OUT hearti with joy aodpcMeH Let us eaeh, thy love pos - sesa • itu,'. Triumph in re deeming grace. J Oh re ■ fresh ua, Oh re - fresh ua, TrmTeling thro' this wil-der- bcm. AAA TJjV jJ^'J [lUitmm»m■ J- Jl ^ ^ i i^-Th ri J. J. J. J. JL J. ^ V * ' r r r r- f r n rr WILMOT. 8s & 7s. ^ T i-s r i r ififTi ' rr ** ty d U err T Arr. from Webeb, bt 1>.. 1 ' Lol the I'll .' h" rah hv ethl ||.', orj r.-ek. I ..••■.- • eth; All \« lands, ex • alt his fame. t - 228 LEON, 8s, 7s & 4s. i^ /S>-r- S3= ~p~&Z 3=ff=p: sj — ££ :p=£= Z2I :»— p: 22: :*=*:=*=: & ^: ± fc3p=T -- t- 1. Men of God, go take your sta - tions; Darkness reigns throughout the earth ; Go — pro - claim among the na - tions, Joy-ful news of heavenly birth ; A 1- |^ jg==5Eg=g £fe^=lj I :J=«t m H 1 1— -7H— 1 1- — I- ^: :^: ±fet=5t IdB SB3 :c2i 2. Of his gos - pel not a - sham - ed — 'Tis the power of God to save ; Go where Christ was nev - er nam - ed, Pub- lish free - dom to the slave : B2ZLJZ m: £=e Si — p*- Jt=JKt±3=i=-l afcat :g=r~f f 2 — ^—11 1* 1* ■m=e=e-- ti r- p22i; :e£ &±3*=£=e=3a=£2 1 I I Bear the tidings — Bear the tidings — Tid - ings of the Saviour's worth. A — 1 E§^ ^£ -a 1 — ^r^^ :zaz^p?J?E?g-?a. Bless - ed freedom ! — Bless - ed freedom ! — Freedom Zian's children have. !W^ -^ z2 e ^==3= 1 1 1- Z2I32Z ACTENA. 8s, 7s & 4s. 1. Guide me, O thou great Je - ho -vah, Pilgrim through this bar- ren land ; -t-**- - , "I J\ rW- U ^i-jj-T »3 ^** F=t ti±m^=* -*£i- SZ=S2I ■& 5&SS— C 2. O- pen thou the crystal fountain, Whence the healing streams do flow; ££%2 S£ p=F •p-p- £- ^= pC£=: 7?~T?~ &^= r -' r-> 2=£ =££=2: 3tZ± -rt —rt- =f==F ^t Lc'_ =s£ r^-*--; z=t :^=P- 5§£ 2=t -rt—rl- izt :^: :c2=z2 r=t I am weak, but thou art mighty ; Hold me with thy powerful hand : Bread of heaven 1 Bread of heaven ! Feed me till I want no more j SJ . a _«s. l^gE^tgEgra_^38ES EfisNi T s± ^t =st z=t H-4 z^p 2* t*1-t sfcsjsSr^t — sHT^— I r H Sfi: ^ «t si >J Set Strgt "fc£z= ^=^: Let the ft - ery, cloudy pil - Iar Lead me all my journey through : Strong De - liverer 1 Strong De - livcrerl Be thou still my strength and shield «=t ^= APPLETON. 8s, 7s & 4s. 229 fe~±+ «' r • m -K I I ^==J -*— J- 1 - 1 itr^: s ~ 3a7rr*z=*r=3ar -*— P- .*•- * - 1. S»t - iour, like a shepherd had us; Much wo m ire; In thy pleasant pastures feed us; For our use thv -4 1-^-1 h-r- £V,| 2. Thou hast promised to N - ceive OS, Poor and sin - fal though we bej Thou haatmer-oy to ro - lieve us, Graoe to cleanse, and power t • ^S *t=J T 6 a V » 3 m— -m- *=3 II fcfc .'.:. .»' J •> „ • Bless - ed Je - bus ! Bl< 1 Jo - ana I Thon haatbought,ua, thinawa are. Bless - eii Ja-aual Bless- ed Je-susI Let us ear - l\ turn to i ®5 'm r m m =p: « «, pa GILMAN. 8s, 7s & 4s. ft K m, K s K e^ -J-W-J-W - P J * » f» * » a* 1 ? 1 alms of gjo ■ rv. Wingyonr flight o'er all I pherda, in the field a - bid • in,', Watching o'er your floe'. \ S s s ^t=sc X- • > v ^-V v "V '. « > «L »-J >; ^£ X ' • =P -W-v * • » m = - , 5 P Y.. who aang on - a - tion'a sto - rv. N..w pp.. •olaim Ilea ' „ I; feU 3 S*ESI * — ^ 5?~ P^P ,U God « 230 CLIFTON. 8s, 7s & 4s. , -»fJ _l — i* —I — : 1 P=1=S =P— p= ?= afcP: TZ)- J z£~jmzrpz :^rz^=[^=t2; P=p= :£± it £ ^=T: -to— >- ^=tz= ±z :£=£=£=£=* »— tP»— t*~ p- 7^~r~ 1 look, ye saints ! the 6ight is glo - rious ; See the man of sor-rows now, -fc-r*- From the fight re-turned vie - to - rious ; — Ev - ery knee to him shall bow ■ %a=*=*^ 3a — i — *i — * -ah: — •> — "* zsfc 2. Crown the Saviour, an- pets crown him; Rich the trophies Je - sus brings: £ ^ ^ =fc=)s=qv — * — n-m- T- Sfc In the seat of power en - throne him, While the vault of heav-en rings : £e£e£ y=t- i=3~- *=A i*=m- zfrzz&i zd: Crown him — crown him! — Crowns be - come the vie - tor's brow. Hiiililiifeiig ■m~ \j^l Crown him — crown Lim ! — Crown the Sav - iour, King of kings! T p— r -^=r=- ■&■- t &± t- JUBILEE. ±2 8s, 7s & 4s. O. R. BARROWS. ifc^^ gzli^zg — r~r= :g= ^=g=^— £=flqg :£=p: 1= ^B=P= 1. O'er the gloom-y hills of dark-ness Look, my soul ! be still, — and gaze ; #^SE^=?=^i H 1- -I-- ^ : — tm— if £--=£^ ^=^Ei3 2. Let the dark be - night -ed pa - gun. Let the rude bar - ba - ri:m Bee T- ^v ^tzSE^E^^ :p=P= *=*=£ 1^-^=0 Sec the prom -is - cs ad-vanc-ing i - riou.8 day of ace: Blessed Ju-bi-lee! Blessed Ju-bi-lee! Let thy glo-rious morn - ing dawn. I .1 . u ^^m^^mmm^^^^^^^^^^mM That di-viue and glo -ri i con-qu t, Once ob-taiaed on Cal-va-ry: Let the gos - pel, Letthegos- pel Loud resound, from pole to ^=3=J 1 :tJ=tz=k=t£ £ ^: r— r -T SW GOULD. -8s, 7s & 4s. ch. zt.i .% i a 23 I - • ^ ' r f r 73. -j - Klv abroad, tbou mighty Win aii.l ■ ■■% -it eeaael M.u !.!iy last-ii > - min - ioni Mul - ti - ply and still in - >• JS_j_ _a_-b__ ' - 5. ' I ; Si Hi^^^^i§ ^4 * iEEe&EE Jo s I'lv abroad, t li<>it might-y go* pel, Win uuToonquer -nev-er oeaul May thy Inst -in;, wi!. do - ruin - ions Mul -ti - ply and still in - c r - > P - £ - ±4: ^> ** * ^^ 2=: Sway thy seep -ter, Bwaythy aoep-ter, Sav • ionr, all Che world a - round 1- « m -tfi s •orld ^ ^ earn r n^i ^^ Sway thy leap -far, Sway thy seep -tor, Sav- iour. all the world a - round. W: ' ". S g^r n - CALVARY. 8s, 7s & 4s. &r. 9 *'': - ^^=g=g I. Hark I the Ttrioe of love and mer - oy Boandea-loodfi p.bq r> JJ J j ji - K J*^:p~~"*~^r LV 4;5 :_***_ J f .^ ey II * : » * ; » ^ 2. "It isfiui.-died!" — Oh, what pleasure Do theae chamaag words af- 4V>''5 0000 • > • • •^ *;. - ■v-v ford! Heavenly bleasings, without mesa - ore, Flow to u* from Chn-t the Lord: It \* fin - i-li. i ' ^^jc z ^cir-rw? v.% m m o » -m m r -v— *— * * - - - s * ' 232 * SPRING. 8s. w. ^ # ^u g ^ ipi^Mi |-I ^3p i£_p«hi) Jia ng f 221 P 1 :# at " ¥ C 1. To Je - sus, the crown of my hope, My soul is in baste to be gone ; Ob, bear me, ye che-ru-bim, up, And waft nie a - way to bis tbrone. m ■e-±& J » J & (** |1P l LSL: —0—i mm ^ 12 S3F #^r» & ' & 1 r— ' 1 1 V tfc* 2. My Sav - iour, wbom absent I lore; Whom, not having seen, I a - dore ; Whose name is ex - alt-ed a - bove All glo - ry, do - minion and power. s? £ UH^4 ^^ f-l f ^ ^ f^ M^^^^ ^^ i d — f ■■:# I? 3. Dis - solve thou these bands that detain My soul from her portion in thee, Ah ! strike off this a - damant chain, And make me e • ter- nal-ly free. mm 5C E f <^r £ 5 -0—0- I ^ SI « I R=£ «Q *- — B-* ■*-r-*- -0—0—0 cL 0~wi HALE. 8s. feS S3 ^ ; =r Hi I 4 *—*-+ ± -es ■Mi -a &- 0—0 -ZZr 1. My gracious Re-deem-er I love, His prais-es a - loud I'll pro-claim: And join with the armies a - bove, To shout his a - dor - a - ble name. fm 3 m * ^J*s l ^ ^b j fel z±±j£ X S — a —0- L 0— — 0-~ L — — W-+ ^ ' g ■—*-«- 0- 2. To gaze on his glo-ries di - vine Shall be my e - ter - nal em- ploy; To see them in - ces-sant - ly shine, My boundless, in - cf - fa - ble joy. fete i * -s>- £ *Zj*i U & gj 2 2 fi?- 3. He frec-ly redeemed, -with his blood, My soul from the eon-rjucs of hell, To live on the smiles of my God, And in his sweet presence to dwell. •>^ 2 ^gfe Hip W=-V=W- I >>! *za£ S—S—0 J2L ■F -*—Q -0 -P-P- LAUGHTON. 8s & 6s. w ->* .^ 4 m m m - m ^=±t * • W=j f ? - s> *" 1. Siiis? 1ml - le - lu-jah! praise tin- Ixird '. Bing with a cheer -fd] voice: El - alt our <;■■- I I I Ne'er coase to aing, thou ransomed host; To Fa-thar, Sou, and Ho- ly "Ghost; Till, in t lie realms of end - less light, lira p rais es sliall u lie hath redeemed ih hy bis blood, And made us kin;,'* and priest* to Cod: for us the uunbwaa slain, Praia* ye the Lord! A - men. r r r -r ?^£ -\ 1 I - J J J J »* — ^ ■ u ^ " ^ -* 6 : A IM m^tJ-j - ^C-^_^ m WALDO." 8s & 6s 3^ A. I). J. -1 i- -~ ^ t=T- ?=2=>=i ' & 1. Just as I inn, with -<>ut one plea, Hut thatth] ti shed for me, And that thou 1 *S t « 1 «;* i^ S=5 Sc 3= : :gj^^fi^^pp love on-known Hath • 1 m ^SESEE* a : gp- ^ - q o a m ~ -- ■0 m ^ W=W- -JZL. "234: STAMFORD. 8s & 4s. Peculiar. $ ~r=r ?= ■Z2=L\ZE2. m ■r=$mz=£zzei i-l I t S> — *■ -— fS- '■m-^-^- m~r~w - & ■r"-r-r- g=p=g: -i — i — i- 1. Hark! how the gospel trumpet sounds! Through all the earth the ech - o bounds 1 And Je- sus, by re - deeming blood, Is bringing sinners back to God, J) ^ "^ w 1 i W i ' ! i N-l 2. Hail, Je- sus! all vic-torious Lord! Be thou by all mankind a - dored ! For us didst thou the fight maintain, And o'er our foes the vict'ry gain, 3S: -p-r =fcc± iS>- -?=- 4=q^: zisfcst -rS>- And guides them safely by his word To end - less day. tr± ^= |z£ t^^t That we with thee might ev - er reign In end - less day. ^Z- 3t=m J*z=M ■- z£ m t=hsl QUIETUDE. 8s & 4. Peculiar. 1. Through the love of God our Saviour, All will be well : Free and changeless in his fav-or ; fe stt-I 1 *-£rd 1 n—i 1 nr— 1-n . wi I 1 1 * > P* ■ J-=^ 2. Though we pass through tribu-lation, All will be well: Ours is such a full sal - vation ; §S3-r-r-ll^53E ^g$ -fc**^ — M — V ^ skE -v-p-'-t --£=& :r=fL &---& &=& hj- -H 1 1 * E * h 1 ha— tr- -i K— 1* **=&£ t=J: :£=£=:£=£ :fc=fc 1 1- P= :£=£=£: ± 3 All, nil is well: Precious is the blood that healed us; Perfect is the grace that sealed us ; Strong the hand stretched out to shield us ; All must be well. ft. J .ri.'m b >■ 1 I P* rV ' ■ ■■ * ■ *■ i — i — *-*- ^«iSii^i^iSiiiiiplppiiiii^l^i* All, all is well: Happy, still in God con - fid - ing, Fruitful if in Christ a - bid - ing, So - ly, through the Spirit's guid-iog, All must be well =P=P= -zJr_ qffqff: J^zz^ 2« m =£=£?- -&ZT&1 --e^Om £■=*: -*»—>»- £=£=£=£= m ^ CALDWELL. 8s, 3s & 6s. '■ : j,,zjg^^^ ^ * o I ^ # ^ I* =£ c- t *> . ^> 1 i Kre I sleep, for ev- erj lav -or This day showed By nay G I do bless my Bay • roar. P^ ^fflE^D^inTjl ^H v I.- iw nit' not, l":t i'v - er love me; Lei thy p Be my ! Till I me. W^ff W ^Vr^fT^^^^ <* o ". Ami whene'er in death I slum- ber, Let me rise With the wise, .1 iu tleir nuin - ber. OA M o # <5>-a» O- * o a* 1 ^ # ^ I I g^ « ^ I 1 235 SiiEriirnn, whi. ling, Till.. Iu (hi N< w for shelter i^Y-iding. While !!:.• St ti.i of l,:< I ! • and day, Beasts of prey. Lurking, are devouring. 3. • Shephi _:race combining, p these lambs In thine arms, Ou I ing. Dr. T. Hasting*. LITTLE. 4s & 6s. > \=* 1 <* F « * | S — at J | fi)~ g^ ^ ^ f ^ 1. An-OSO - er year Batik toM its four- fold t:il" ; And still I'm hi . \ ;r :l \.;. r in tho vale >! K o ^^ -e^- — o ¥2 ^S :^3 ^ » ^ • =j: c If I I ■j. Ah! not ii few w t=z >1 * # af ^=f^J Are bid f i« >m view. With -in . ' ^ O a I'.. Why am 1 spared . • ar I v by bare I shared any men- ■ I ■ To him :.' ,'i Then aid my tongue, - ■ llelujah ! raise : . ■ all the praise. 236 s fesa ~s?! at y V zc£ SELDEN. 8s & 4 * 3g — #" ath* ^ I-J-+ ^ 1. My God, my Father, while I stray* Far from my home, on life's rough way, Oh, teach me from my heart to Bay, " Thy will be done !" s f* 0-1. -Q, 0-± G -M& ' ■ €3 — s ~ ■<>. 3 i -«5* a -&- -&■ -&- s b* *^ --* -# 2. If but my fainting heart be blest With thy sweet Spirit for its guest, My God, to thee I leave the rest: "Thy will be done!" mk lz ^T- J-^-z3 : g_gZg~gd_j:i| Z & fj£ Z2. TL -o- £e I 3. Then when on earth I breathe no more, The prayer oft mixed with tears before, I'll sing up 1S & on a hap- pier shore: "Thy will be done!" t- i^S ^2 — jT I <2: -is: 1 y~y I • - - ?2= _^1_«/ 4=1 GRANDON. 6,8,6,4. * -«- £ ^ » * T 4 bH-t- **=±R- o # -0 :#*: 1 #*: «s>- 2Z -3St m 1. Lo! 2. A on th' in-glo - rious shame-fid death he tree dies, The might-y Lord of glo - ry bangs ; For - sak - Up - lift - ed with transgres-sor's twain. A lamb en now for sac 18 - ri he, fice, And pierced with pangs. By sin - ners slain. s^ 7 &r 3. Full 4. Oh • J S 9 ■ • &~ =5 -Ot- is his cup of woe ; come, my soul, and gaze ■S>~ ■at— at In death his droop-ing head de - clmes'; On that great grief, that crown of thorn; ~S7 Tis In done ! deep O " he cries, and dread and now a - maze, .^zife His soul re - signs. There look and mourn. W- *-» 4* £ 3* —P~ ^m ££■ -& 1- :s?z -S3- I 5. For 6. To thee lie shed his thee the m blood ; Lord, Weep till with woe thine eye grow dim; Who washed in blood our sius a - way, To that ac - curs - ed wood Hast thou nailed him? Our bound-less grat - i - tude Its thanks would pay. Bi w jt mm wm~n 72~. FT'-tr^gfeg HAWTHORNE. 6s, 8s & 4s. vr. 237 ^ s ^ =st ^ S: -«» .** * * Jl'l ° l. The goodly fend I »a W peace ; A land of sa - cred lib-er-ty, milk and h , I M — i *■* r- > m ip" m~r-m e9 «tS * - , i . ^ i - ■ - ■ i -| | _ • 2. 11mm dwells tin- Lord, our King Triumphant o'er the world and sin, The Prince of IVace, On Zi - ou's sa - cred ! - Z X ° ^a •^ r ? ^=t ;-- n .- r^r-r 5 *-^ • : W^** g - ^ - ... "= - * ^ 4-4- *=i£ Q s *-^r^ *^* v. :° And nil ami wine a - !>• i of life for - eT - er grow With hut - o frJ < I j 1 I, rr- ! ■ I J* I U-l h I n I ■ T His kingdom atfll umin - tains, And glorious, with his atiDte in light, For - «v - er riijns. rs^ ac?3; 5 a •= ° ' j tj y c? ROULSTONE. 6s & 10s. 8J r,, -- l Hum wh irk world of ours, _ — 3 ^-TW- - ^ e °z* r i i i -£=z2i w^m ^^ -. i «L *-g - -\r *=st il J J ij. jj : and wear the form of frail mor-tal -i - tv, Thy Thyc th passed to thy hon* Jk_ ^_ . ■ , - . . i . I gj_ -J — *-! m i - - Be 1 •%- - .--! ..f {Jie Father! thou didst tread; And shall we in — . . . — , ,— . r, . — — • n— * « ^t n nS>- - '238 BLOOMFIELD. 6s & 5s. Iambic and Trochaic. • v— *>- =fc=N ■* * -J =P-^ >»—**►- £=£: 1s*— P- ^=p: p: 1. I close my heav-y eye, Sav-iour, ev - er near! I lift my soul on high, Thro' the dark- ness drear: Be thou my light I zj ^ -&- -*- '^- ii rj r. cry. 1 — Be -SES s 2. I feel thine arms a -round, Sav-iour, ev - er near! With thee if I am found, Nev-er can I fear, What-ev - er ills a bound, What- 1=1= 3 ^•iz*=»=p: 7=^- '-W=W- s± ?=c p^_|g. ^ |g_ £2: p — r ^: B@: £=tz= :£=£: «c ^=^: PAYSON. 6s & 7s. * o 5 fe>-y £=* 5. £4= £=p: «*: ^: thou my light, I cry, Saviour, ev - er dear ! - cv-er ills a - bound; — Saviour, ev - er dear! B5:=* J » U ' *m =S=S=S: ?=2= M* atafc ^t=it ?= =^EZ$K=^=P &:q =P=p: When we walk by faith no more, When the Lord we loved be-fore, — I la- — \—m ^W: *4=3fc SESEiaEEg 2. Will that not joy - ful be, When to meet us rise and come All our bur-ied treasures home, mm ■M=Mz ■m- r^-w r-r-r- i — -t — I— ?2= *-^m- r-r- 1 h r~r TZt. i ?=£ r-r- -r-w m: r= r~ r-f- --£=-£: f ■7Z)- =sfc St W 1 — I — I- -l — 1- As Brother-man we see; When he welcomes us a - bove, When we share his smile of love, Will that not joy- ful be? Will that not joy - ful be? i^^^^P^^^ =j: EikfafcEi z* *£=& =it=J: j_ l •» 1 gj E :g: §S d^ ^=J: * J ifeiM A glad-some compa - ny ! When our arms embrace S - gain Those we mourned so long in vain, Will that not joy-ful bo? Will that not joy - fu be? -£=£-=£i T2L tzzz pzzp: :T=£: ■3±. ^ :p=£: ^ 7-^' WREATH. 6s & 5s. Peculiar. '} d. 239 m - f- p r - S * •*-*- a£=*=e=>: ^^:^ *=3 I. When ahallwe meeta-gaml Meet ne'er to sev-erl Wben will peaee 'wreathe her ehoin Bound as fbi Our heart* will ne'er repo meach fefe I I I ■ ■ 1 I .1 I I ■ ■ . - M I I J I , ! I 1 ! , . H , . . . „ .-I I.J. h ^."i^S^rii^^p^^^^ ■f^*-<£=*& 9. Wheo shall love free-lj flow Pure aa life's riy-erl When shan sweet friendship glow Chs - er-erl V, - tial thrill, Where bliss each &- m m 'f-r-r^ -r^-j- ^ blast that blows, In tliis dark vnle of w,i. ;, Never — no, never 1 i^ kk^^m heart shall fill, An ! fea of part-ing chill Never — no, !)• m%? - I I p^ »zg=t±± gt \ >s_ * - # * b r? ra: **- o I I J— m *= WARREN. 6s & 5s. Trochaic m \V. ~w~w m m- «• : |— l—l — I ^ — p^ * * • 'm I I I I 1. Hark ! the sounds of glad -ness From a dis - tant shore ; I.. X 2. V, -< From ad m^ F^ i — i- ^ = * * ^ 3» * *^c 1111 t 5 ^^ I I - - * - sad - ness, Sor-row now no more; Tis the Lord hath done it. La his dny of power; BBa own arm bath won it. Praise hi- &&=$=£ neat, And daapond no more. Ta who monm with Zi • on, And her wel - fai Think of Ju-dah'sLi - on, r 2= ^ =z \ * - * * r; 3=X .^=&L EEfc ^ -1 1 - * .<= .o 3=F * - * « 1": il 240 EMERY. 6s & 4s. iprp^K fei^r £z£z£ m ?=2Si e*=t=t= -£2: :P=£= ^ f J * f ES f. g=^-*-r : r p j-rzffzPqt^S I I I I 1. Thou, -whose almighty -word Chaos and darkness heard, And took their flight, Hear us, we humbly pray, And where the gospel day Sheds not its glorious ray,' 1 Let there be light." -L r ^ r i r. . r . i r i ii ^ TT 2. Thou, who didst come to bring, On thy redeeming wing, Healing and sight, Health to the sick in mind, Sight to the in - ly blind, Oh, now to all mankind " Let there be light." WOODVALE. 6s & 4s. === *z^t3^. 4— • 3=3=3=3^3=3 ^= =3=3 «*t -l 1 I- sfczpzf ===== 3=3=3= :3=3=3: S3 ff E^^ 1. The God of harvest praise ; In loud thanksgiving raise Hand, heart, and voice ! The valleys laugh and sing ; Forests and mountains ring ; The plains theirtribute bring ; The streams [rejoice. tel S=3=^^=S=t3=*=i=^g=3S=Ss*- tr ^ s= :. E* St 3=3=5 ^t -«- -c*- 2. Yea, bless his holy name, And joyous thanks proclaim Through all the earth ; To glory in your lot Is comely ; but be not God's ben - c - fits forgot A- mid your mirth. & gte=pcr ^H - U ==t 4i 2=£ :*:=£: ?=z= =t strata*: |ttqa=t=l=tF=t=zf!: ■^^- ■-■i-il S*ff pqcf=' ^=1?: =P=«* 3=t 58 f^~r~r~ ^~^~ g §8 zi: rater 1 — I- MISSION, 6s & 4s. -i- -cfc h J« : 2=t=: :c2: *-\- & =3t Hi :d=£ -*-tr :£z^ £ a < I !•■ 1. Come, all ye saints of God, Wide through the earth abroad, Spread Jesus' fame: Tell what his love hath done ; Trust iu his name alone; Shout to his lofty throne, ''Worthy the Lamb!" * ■*, I i ,. I 1-J-u-.- :r^_^^r a rrrrrrrrx=±=rtrlrr^^ =3" i£r32 i^^sg^ii^ r? -&-*-*- s£3=~(Z3tt3S££m *=3=> '2. H< nee, gloomj doubts and fearBl Dry up your mournful tears ; "To Christ, ow gracious King, Strikt each melodious string; Join hom-1 and voice to sin;:. 1 Swell the glad theme : " Worthy the Lamb !" AMERICA. 6s & 4s. CXQUEU. 241 & rrrU-rrwr r^w e i i i -ill -^< - - i 1 My mnntry, 'ti« of IhiT, Bwtjat land of lib- rr-tv. Of tftoj I 'ing; Land, where, my futhiM diid ; Ijind > f the pili-rim's prl.ie; Prom «?*• iy mountain side Let fr>-<--dom rtag. i. My na-tl»o country I thee. Land of the B, Thy numo I love: I Iotc thy rocks and rLKs, Thy woods an i : 'J . In-art with rapture thrills. 1 a - bore m i i i i ^ ■ ^ i i i i ■ ' S. Let mu-sic swill the breeze. And ring from all tho trees Sweet freedom's song ; Let mortal tongues a-wako ; Let all thnt breatho partake ; Let rocks their si lence breafc, The sound pro long E •ll! * i M-ut-rn- w=w- '■ n I r'gf .1- - * ^-ffr ' >: I I I ITALIAN HYMN. 6s & 4s. GlAKDI.M. I 1. Come, thou almigbt-y King, Help us thy name to sing, Help us to praise 1 Father all glo-ri-ous, O'er nil vie- to- ri-ous, CaOM anil r< |gn over us, Ancient of Days. rmrr r rrr %. Jc-sus, our Lord, descend ; From all our foes &* - fend, Nor let us fall ; Let thine almighty aid Our sure defense be made, Our souls ou thee be tlay'd : Lord, hear our call. OLIVET. 6s & 4s. Dr. L Maso*. 4- -vji-i --■.•(*.[ • . W--&- 1. My fuith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Sa-viour di-vinc: Now hear me while I pray ; Tako all ray guilt away ; let me from this day Bt whol-ly thiue. I . I N . . . . ^— -« „ ■ k ^-1 r— h— I N- nmm p.-.rt. Strcn -h ;•> in fainting bearl Mv z ll v ' ' fire. - *kj : ^] | ii - -> j .. I 242 GLENWOOD, 6s & 4s. *=&= * m ^ GSS^E afetrt: =F --£=::£: ; --«^ 1. Praise ye Jehovah's name, Praise thro' his courts proclaim ; Rise and adore : High o'er the heavens above Sound his great acts of love, While his rich grace we prove, Vast as his N S [P?wer. **5t ! Tg? t P lise Sounds of triumj ^ m % w [[lower. Now let the trumpet raise Sounds of triumphant praise, Wide as his fame : There let the harp bo found ; Organs, with solemn sound, Roll your deep notes around, Filled with his [name. «£ JARYIS. 6s & 4s. w. Ea ratafc!?. -M V *^r_ -r~ W-'-£— *-m- W=m rfnatzat*: ^frt-r- t±£=e^ « -rzt—.z 1. My faith looks up to thee, Thovf Lamb of Calvary, Saviour Divine! Now hear me while I pray ; Take all my guilt away ; Oh, let me, from this day, Be wholly thine ! fl^^^^ ^J^^^^m^7U ^^^^^^_ 2. May thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, — My zeal inspire 1 As thou hast died for me, Oh, may my love to thee Pure, warm, and changeless be — A living fire I m* r^mi r-w^er- W^-W-W- £z= T=T ^ 3 =P=P= *h.a — i— * — i- -i — -*"• :t=t=t iztf; -*-*- *=^±r=r=:=j=^r -¥-t j^fz t=±st GORDON. 6s & 4s. Peculiar. ze-ezmti ^t » gpg gpErgr^ gipgg 7I — 1~ _ 1. Child of sin and sorrow, Filled with dismav.Wait not for to-morrow, Yield thee to-day : Heaven bids thee come, While yet there's room; Child of sin and sorrow, Hear and obey. 4^4-+4 r fe-~-J-l I I .J II.. I ■ I 1 J I . ■■ III. ■■ I I l ir oJJn I I - ' fpSi^^ 2. Child of sin and sorrow, Why wilt thou die ! Come.while thou canst borrow Help from on high : Grieve not that love, Which from above, Child of sin and sorrow, Would briug thee nigh r ^2 m&f&e mFr r u - mjrfi^ri i f rr g ■&=£. ±r± ■Z3TML ^ «t 73-T- jzzrtzt ADAMS. 6s & 4s. Peculiar. w. 243 .r-cr mj God, t' thee. X.ur-.T to thee: KVn tho" it be • ense That rais-«th me, Still all my soai,' shall l>c. Near- -*_l 4 l—4-r n— I 1 l-r-J- N -rr— \ !~J-J S •2. Tin)' like a wen-der-er, Day-light all gone, Dark-oeM be o - ver me, My rest a rione, Fat in my dream-, I'd be Near - er, n .: * • * e T-" f r * sz ■fcZ* C 1 — i — r GLENBURN. 6s & 4s. %S^E :#-?=? J V Near • it, 6 :±e^se^ my <:.>•], to tho 0) N". :i i- - it 1" thee. % I 5 m Nnir - or, my Q >d. to thee, Near- or to thee. e 1 — i*-r £ ! 1 «— - — 4 * -° r< r - - 1 — r- zj #-g-*- ±=t e il 1. Plead thou, oh, plead my cause ] Ilaeh sclf-ex-cua-int; pica My trembling s->ul withdraws, * -l ^ — U 2. Ah! plead net aught of mine Bo - f>rc thine al - tar tbronc — Frag-menta, when all is thine, £Y j , w-r—r - *=£ P . E3 a ^ --£=* m m z. ZJ f^EZ z. p ^==2: -r 1 r- to thco. When Jus - t:cc rears her throne, Ah I Who, Bare thee ft- lone, May stand, O spot-less One f rica'l t! : B] -4— Aiul flii s P^T^ t ^f^ -1- , d^Ed ^ .. J. : -*!—*- ^ s ** * * 1 ^ o * o f- -- Q* a** All, all thine own! Thou aeestwliat stains they hear. Oh, si: ir, each prayer, II. ah need of jiar-d..n there, Plead thoo niv eausol T- & 3~. & zj z* 244 BETHANY. 6s & 4s. Peculiar, dk. l. fl^o*. From"SAB.Hr M} .ATtJNBBooB.» I i ^ ? £ ife ^p: § S ^-^S ^L-«L Z± -* — S" .^. 22 £ g=:P J_g±:=^ 1. Near - er, my God, to thee. Near - er to thee: Ev'n though it be a cross That rais - eth me, Still all my song shall be, Near - er, my 2, Though like a. wan-der - er, Day - light all gone, Dark - ness be o - ver me, My rest a stone, Yet in my dreams, I'd be Near - er, mv fe^ ± ^J -J- J. ^ ^Ur D 3. There let the way ap - pear Steps up to heaven; All that thou send-est me In mer - cy given, An - gels to beck-on me Near - er, my ^S m pw-J a & |pj TZZ. m ?2= T-^- 4 W£ St «s»- ■^±m rJ <& ?-. I \ r f r r ' ^ T 3± Zt r ^ ^ 3^^ z=t God, to thee, Near - er, my God, to thee, God, to thee, Near - er, my God, to thee, p^H Near - er to thee. Near - er to thee. God, to thee, Near - er, my God, to thee. Near - er to thee. & ^ Z± 3 zs P^psf g? . g? I f OAK. 6s & 4s. Peculiar. d b . l. masox. ft S Ff^FTf 1, I'm but a stran-ger here, Heaven is my home; Earth is a 2. What tho' the tem - pest rage, Heaven is my home ; Short is my tr 3. There, at my Saviour's side, Heaven is my home ; bhall be mm 32: £ ^ m t» . M ^ 3 P^^ ^=*i Et ^ 5t r- p£^ t. dea - crt dicar, pil - grim-age, Heaven is my home. Heaven is my home. Dan - ger and sor - row stand Round me on ev - ery baud ; Heaven is my fa - thcr-laud, Heaven is my home. Time's cold and win - try blast Soon will be o - ver - past ; I 6hall reach homo at last, Heaven is my home. ^ m FT " ■ 1 ~S~ \ 'i. J — J v—TTFTsfr ¥=f ^j ^-^J = s UL^|J = j^4 4 = J = ^|J.^y glo - ri - tied, Heaven is my home. There are tho good and blest, Those I loved most and best, There too I soon shall rest; Heaven is my home ft»-r-c-|"-M^^ ~!zr ^ m ~c~,- r=f S eS^Ht^M: ^ -f SANFORD. 6s & 4s. Peculiar. 245 ! pa-i Fa - tber di - vine I Thou, only thon oust eee Th. ' ip ag - o - ny: Help me to lay to gfc £ #H^£ HSH&:I- In (hie dork hour ; Kind -ly each eor- row hoar. Hush ev-ery trou-bl ! I me itOl n -vere, Still own' fHi 2=^ .*. v s »• * f-WEw * g - * ■" * - - * •'- ^ X X < ." HOLMAN, 6s. m ^ asi r - 7=2' 3 ' * * "4 * P * o - » ^ * V * l r. (■' 1. Mv soul doth long In thee To dwell with - in my breaatj l*n -worth - v though I be Of to ili • vino a <■ -i im $ m=m ¥ 1 5 :; 5 2 ^= 3ml - rtrr^F^ F * s — t- ^— "' J J ^S ; ^ 2. Of bo di - vine a Guest Un-woith - y though I Tel hath my heart n> rest I'n - til it conic to c : ,v; M) p If f W. ' s ' i r £ cd • - J | g * BATES. 6s. B. C. CHASE. When will the morning oome, He bleaeeddav ■ • riee, WhenOod ahaJloaD me hornet To meet him in the i When will the moment comet ■A- kf**i~> % CB¥KUg iSSE i will the morning oome, The blessed d*v ben God shall ea meet him u : When will then ill the moo ^5£ : ~ * L' -f^-r r e. c k i i ST*-*- i ttrfc -- - • » » 24C SUBMISSION. 6s. w. 3 ir^ h^ r «t 22: T2T- 2± :*=£*: ^=3^: t£2: 3^ £ £ ^i T~* : -i h -) — — I — WX^L 1. Thy vay, not mine, Lord, How - ev - er dark it be! Lead me by thine own hand; Choose out the path for me. -&- zz ^ #^3 ^=^T& 2. I dare not choose my lot : would not, if I might ; Choose thou for . me, my God, S6 shall I walk a - right. 1 & :^i -f—r- «£=2=fc ^ £=& sfc=sfc ^ — J—J- 22 --3=3- 2=fc $£ LINDELL. 6s. Pt 3 £4=f J-Jr 22: ^^=g 2=S£ 22 :£=:£: Sfc =st 22: 22: ±=E I ^ Go up, go up, my heart! Dwell with thy God a - bove; A .- For here thou canst not i i=p- £ rest, -- Nor hare give out thy love. --sfc snn £#= ^3 : 2^3^33 :*=*: :i=zj: ^= ^: ^=J zr 22: For 'Go -*4 up, go up, my heart 1 Dwell with thy God a - bove ; :^: --m- here thou canst not Hp ■ m — rest. Nor here give out thy love. n» * m —0- ^ *= 22_ 1=2- & D^ 22^ FIDES. 6s. £#=22 ^ ^ ^2: ~* i* =2: ^: pr~i#~ 22 ^ £>: * i« 22 22: fct -&■ 1. Once more be - fore we part Bless the Re - deem - er's name; Let ev - ery tongue and heart Praise and a - dore the same. I- 2. Lord, in thy name we came. Tliv bless-inc still im - itart. We met in Je - bus' name, In Je - sus' name we 22: 2. Lord, in thy name we came, Thy bless -ing still im - part, We met in Je - sus' name Je - bus' name we part. M^fctr 22: > * 22: :(*=£: f* -r^- ac 22: 22: 22; -- MALTBY. 7s & 6s, w •JIT m =fc=\— i^^s^ M^M- o « * 'Z c -^ W W • = B =£=£ <» o I, Hroth-er, thou art gone to i. ■-•. Wo will not weo[> for thee; For thou art now l hen oft on earth li,. i>jiir - it loogi I to be fcS • =1= . s ^ m^^^=m 3^ a - -g-:-S^ -g- V y- 1 :^! ^r^r 'J Broth - or, tlmu art pone to rest, Thine is an earth-lv tomb; Hut Jo • sua summoned tin e a - way. '1 ii_v Suv - iuur bid thoo 00 mi s .- ■^=zm=m- 3 5*=p: r^-r-r- -r— p- — « * • ^ w ■> 4- I I rj 1 «M 1- - "J » rJ~ LYNDE. 6s & 10s. 1. Wilt thou iuU vis - it met The plant be - side mc feels thy gen - tie dew; Bach blade of grass I see. from thj deep earth it. qojekfeing uioU-turo drew ^^M -J * * J 2* SzS* -•bzs?Jfcg=f S 5 2. Wilt thou not vis - it me? Thy morn-ing emUa 00 DOO "With cheeriDg tone ; And ' v ■ itt hill and tree I ;' thee a gtee . gn^^r-f 5 " ■m=&i mu m m -p— r pn~p i B ■*» • in=£ ■r-*-* CONQUEST. 5s & 8s. 1. Hi -hoi. l how the I... rd Has girt on biaaword; Fromoonqaeettoflsnqimlprooeedal Bowhsp-py a- live h this daw s vondw I I j J I ■ ■ ■ I L_ ■ ^BB I:6 L III ~ word I..-' a!- forth, From south to tbi ■ ist and from wecti( ia heard: The reb-el I l;Thel 248 MONADNOCK. 7s & 6s. w. ?^ *> m . ma *jr r±. -r—r ^t 2i -* ^ • ff ^ ^" & ^=p: i * i » • tf £=£ i£=P= P= l4l ± g-| — I — h r ^=^ i — n ft& 1. Go, when the morning shin - eth, Go, when the noon is bright, Go, when the eve de - clin - eth, Go, in the hush of night ; PS^Pi^^l 3~ T !*=£ 'M M t r~ * ^=iJ= £=tg *; 2. Re - mein - ber all who love thee, All who are loved by thee ; ~3 -J- *> ~~ Pray, too, for those who hate thee, If a - ny such there be : |g — m—%- i * w 4=p: ^ ^ •p — r 42=£ * ^ ~ * — *- ■^-m=- 1 r *| P=F=t= :?5=* *=F — » — «-=— £— P- " ^P=Ps - * i*- — «- *=J= s£x a£z=*±a*=£Bt p— r- -r — r^~g~* — at ^— p- tr 4fd* Go, with pure mind and feel - ing, Put earthly thoughts a - way, And, in God's presence kneel - ing, Do thou in se - cret pray. i-* 1 £ fc — ' h it & i Hassg at=at -=2=3=g=g£ :*=* -« — « — L s— -»- -^- -&- . Then for thy -self, in meek-ness, A bless- ing humbly claim, And blend with each pe - ti - tion Thy great Re - deemer's name. *^ Wz ? m- m- P= !^^ 3=¥: ~j» ft T? m> * ^z m *> - ig=2. *=£ rl-r- $fe=* im SE=4: CJ. 0—WT- ~rz} rJ— 2: ELLIOT. 8s & 4s. £ 2=fc ^r- S£ 3^ ^=^: ■tat ^^E^ 1. My God ! is a - ny hour so sweet, From blush of morn to eve - ning 6tar, As that which calls me to thy feet — The hour of prayer? : >-<^ &=&&^ ^^^ 2. Bleat in the trail - quil hour of mora, And blest that hour of ssa* -$&>- ■f — ■ — ' — ^4 :4~ g* — *—*: :& -t =?== nt . M ~a 221 :c2i sol - emu eve, When, on the wings of prayer ap-borne, The world I leave ^=:^=: z±: e z&:—pr HOSANNA. 7s & 6s. Iambic. 249 ££=£=£ n=n * " n :& .- ! i i 1. Now bo tho goe - pd ban - iut In ev - cry land un - furled, An.l be the shoot, H> - san -I 1 1 r-r— , n— ^ ■a, Ro. - rah - oed through the w. rll ; » 4 J I I l 3 -«l— J-l/J -' II J I J J- J I I ' H^J-4-1 — I — J- J I J ! I I I I I I ,-^r 1 Tea thou shall reign for - ev - er, Je - sua, King >>f kings! Tliy lii;ht. thy Iota, thy f.iv - or, - Each ransomed cap-tiv w EEg «=C=C: f • - 1 r- — * 1 • * , m • Ze££ee£ a Till ev - try iale ami na - ti..n. Till ev - ;•■, Re • eeive the great sal - va - tii.n. And join the haj) - pj ' . m ■ • ^=m: 3&E§ e w>— — wr—9 — a * " p ar- lee for thoe are wait - ing. i ■ + w > — 9 The del - erti Learn thy praise, The hills anl v.-il - leja grast - ing; The eong re - epon-aire raite. The i- - : . - ^ P 1 1- DION. 8,3,3,6. * # 9 3=£ c 1, Ri*e, my soul 1 a - dore thy Mak - er, ^R^M the hi\:>, Withthem.be pax - tak • er. 1 z. . ^ 9 - „ : .- f _*? z g ) IJ I I I of cv - ery spir - it, In tl - Saviour's mer - it. a gz_ . * = » * » - E =. Thou, Lord, art our Protl h us stay bj day, r oar Don •l. 250 ARMAGH. 7s & 6s. Iambic. I '4 &Eg ■£=fi S |S>- I* I * ^=r=^ 5J3* J=^=j7 g^^^g; =t 7^- 1. When shall the voice of sing - ing Flow joy - ful - ly a - long ? 'j^g^j^feg ■tfe Wlien hill and val - ley, T=T 3t 2. Then from the crag - gy mount - ains The sa - cred shout shall fly r- With one tri - umph - ant song, za>=3 :«; 3: And sha - dy vales and fount - ains Shall ech - o the - PV: EC £ £2= ^ g — r r g ?=- e: £ r^-r ^^ :g=g: ^ :g=p= £21 ffP ^: Pro - claim the con - test end cd, And him -who once was slain, A - gain to earth de - scend - ed, In right - eous - ness to reign? 1— n V-r-A l-r— 1 Ml i ' *— — J £ m m. f=£ ?=c Iligh tower and low - ly dwell - ing Shall send the hymn a - round, All hal - le - lu - jah swell - ing P=g= fe ^£ In one e - ter - ual sound ! M Q?: 7=n ^ s£ ig=g_ g— g : COBDEN. 8s, 7s & 4'. * 3S 7) m -r—r- ^ -jfMjqj- ■Z±L i J gp| « ^ ? + praise thee Through a bright e - ter . j Keep us, Lord, oh, keep us cv - er ! Vain our hope, if left by thee ; ) ( We are thine ; oh, leave us nev - er, Till thy glo - rious face we 6ee ! \ Then to #H« 3 * *- , \ Pre - - ( Nev *&=3=9^ =!= 2± cious is thy - er take thy word of pres - ence prom- ise, from us, Pre - cious to thy poo - pie here; ) Je - sus, Sav - iour, still be near: j Lis =£21 1 3^i ^r- atzi: I ni - ty. -J 1- Jy W¥^^ May thy nanie our spir - its chocr. 1 ~-J=J *=£: iiS (S»- r- -s*- ARNOLD. 7s & 6s. Trochaic. d. 251 *4= — I p= F 4 * * ~ = * » ■•, ** ■ - - - . V 3^£ «=5£ * * -M—m — «l *=t w ^ l Time ii uiug-iug us a - To our o - tor - d&] home; I : ia bat a win 4 - " • : A JOOJ •■••mb: *3z :* S m ■ ^ 1 1 r V^f'Sli* ~* — f» — c2 r» •^» * — v* — *- - 2. Tiuit' is wing-Big us a - way To our c - ter ■ u.il home; Life is but a win - J— A j"iir - ney to 3 ^ ^ ^=ff: - * * • ?=*- 1 h fa^fe ^ * "*. S . * * » * rJ_ . ; J J I ^^ -r— y ± Toath nnd ng - or s-n.ri will flee, Bloom-ing L.\iu - tv loee its chnnns ; All that's mor - tal soon shall be -L- ng En - rl.isod in d arms. =**3EE3 "»• •<- ^S T~T~i~P^ E But tlio Chri-t-iaii shall an -Joy ll.alth aadboao-ty, s.'.m, a - hove, Fur ba-yond the world's al - 1<>\. — r ' ' :.- ■ON in J<' - 6U» Hi 3 i-JJ^-J-^-r ?^£ ' r<. =d — I — | -i — t « • m » J J J CONRAD. 7s & 5s. D. * 3" 4=51 3 ••! - . i* r p - =*=^t rr r t i i * -- ^ r . 4 r 1 1 h -r- 1. Wben our beadi an bowMwith woe, VTben oar hit - I o'er -flow, Wben w« moamtha loat, the dear, Ora-cious Sav-iour, 1 1 1- •\*w^m . A m A %=s ^r=9. : : Zs -I I I 3= ^3^3^ i -. '-■ Tl U OUT f • o - lilo tV-li but worn; Th-.u our mor - till I borne; Thou host ehed the hu - man t.:ir: $ -i J « LLfe|3 mz± ■'-! ' m m m m • - ^ G ra - cious Sav - iour, hear I m m i i n ^ mom 252 PARDON. 7s & 6s. Peculiar. & z£=*zrf St :«>: re? ^= ^==S t i* •# SHiH tr -^ * , ' — ^ _ ^ — : — ' — : ; — — ' — " — ^= ^ — ■ — "-i- 1. Drooping souls, no long - er mourn, Je - sua still is pre - cions ; If to him you now re - turn, Heaven -will be pro - pi - tious. * T 2 - * S- ■*£=X -g>— g^ P~ .s? :^-~=:s>^=22: q^=P :S=^: ~r^- 2. He has par - dons, full and free, Drooping souls to glad - den; Still he cries — "Couieun-to me, Wea - ry, hea - vy -. la - den." ±± 3tqt g— r — g: abt ^ i ^ I— :& -J— J- :P=P= l»~r7~ M: =t =Jt ^ :p=pc j*— #- 3^: j *-r—r- 3tl - p * =±: h ^_^ 1 — H if-h - - -■ ■ 1 1 — ■ - *-\ 1 — - t - Je - 6us now is pass - ing by, Call - ing wanderers near him ; Drooping souls, you need not die, Go to him and hear him. *— I 1 -ft- , I M j rj K 1— p Xf~z ~ . ... — r~ ^EtE^ S m- ?=- £i3: i — i- Though your sins like mountains high, Rise, and reach to heav Soon as you on him re - ly, All shall be for - giv - en. ^=X- -£ 3! -f-^f~P =2 ^E=P= £=£= A- 3tt -(S^ ^= — e± PERKINS. 7s & 4s. its "W. E S ?=rpz=p:=p.: 25 pz: ^=J=J: •s>- ^ -P— P : ffi:£=-!q?=« J -t*M- . ( When the vale of death ap - pears, Faint and cold this mor-tal clay — ) / Ki ad Fore-run - ner, soothe my fears, l.i jilt mc through the darksome way; ) Break the shadows, Ush - er tei : s : jfcte=^ nal day. st JZ21 :^5 , { Upward from thin dy- inir state, Bid my wait- ing soul as - pire ; ) "( - pen thou the cry.s- tal gate, To thy praise at -tune my lyre; J Then, tri - umphant, I will join ^^ the im - mor - tal _£2 ,_ choir. *£ r=^ &21 -m—m-m- "25 m g- rF=P = r=FF ^t MONROE. 8s & 4s. 253 jq=t= <*-frU Eu4 =t r r r il t=n /> ' ~ 9 9 9 • Z* » - *=*t W * [ r . * s 1. Hi t.-, ti:i\ K r, linsU' I tlio ii: n, Aiiilmanya shin- in, - hwtr is. C' ^ 9mm VIOLET. 8s & 4s. fc^t 5 * * S T=T 1. Our bleat Redeemer, ere hcbreathnl His bat farewell, A (Juiik, a C.eiifiirt.T bequeathed With us to !", v st- r J ^ j = ^ , » c -. si =-• - » * ar 6- is a oahn far Qhm who weep, A real for « I - pilgri ■- found; 1 . and ai sk -■l^i^^P^^.L,:! T=at =1 ^ a* rtorm that raoka the a r< - , •■ l • teat ' v 1 r— &—&- £2 J:# *l- - I 3=F -ss<— fil- ^ g^^B fcd 254 JUNIPER. 8s & 6s. Peculiar. A. D. J. IE £ 1 ^eEp=^BeF-t«4p-J p-p : =£= 7-^- Et 2=£ rr - ^^^ ■3=t=ati?z£=zM. & £2: J i- 1. Lo! thestormsof life are break-ing; Faith-less fears our hearts are shak - ing : For our sue - cor un - der - tak - ing, Lord and Sav - iour, help us! ^m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m 2. Lo! the world, from thee re - bell - ing, Round thy church in pride is swell-ing! With thy word their madness quell-ing, Lord and Sav - iour, help us! 1 mm (n f* P m pz si p=e 7*? W V A rrJ s\rJ d rj mjr -rl S\rJ alf KENDERWOOD. 8s, 7s & 6s. A. D. J. i -r-y- T=^ 3 = sa ss =?= £21 ^; 4=2= 3rS: ^-^-p- 3 ?=tt=2 Z=£ :*t*tP P=T: f P" 7 ? ?=?= r ^-^ c ( Watchman ! onward to your eta - tion ; Blow the trumpet long and loud : ) j Preach the gos-pel to the na - tions ; Speak to every gath ring crowd : ) See the day is break-ing, See the saints a-wak - ing, No 2:. 2=Sg=& more in sad - ness bowed. -J ISJ ■m-^-m-m B ~« ^=5t m sizip: ^ ■& ( Watchman ! onward to your sta - tion ; Blow the trumpet long and loud : ) \ Preach the gos-pel to the na - tions ; Speak to every gath'ring crowd : \ See the day is break-ing, See the saints a-wak - ing, No more in sad - ness bowed. & -^=£2- p— p=HE=^^ r - > m p-"-r f=F^ ^srp; m -J^ ~3 n r= -t=-4 atrff: st FATHERLAND. 5s & 8s. w. s^ ^nspgp ^•-i-P-Pip: «: -Ki — I- ^P ?= S* £2= P: :t ZZXp- ]. Jesus, still lead on, Till our rest be wou; And although the way be cheerless, We will follow, calm and fearless: Guide us by thy hand To our Fa - ther - land 1 it fci!=*psg? i £=* Sgll tstjt 3S 3^3 *±itff=e: f^fp Sp •14 2. If the way be drear, If the foe be near, Let not faithless fears o'ertake us, Let not faith and hope forsake us; For, thro' many a foe, To our home we go r z ggi^g^pp P=H? r ^m =£21 HELEN. 9s & 7s. w. 255 1. I know not tho way Iamgo-iug, But well do I know my Guide; "With a child-like trust I give my Laud To Um mighty Friend bj my tide. 1 J eJ-' I ^~*g 2. As when some help - less wanderer, A - lone in an unknown land, Tells the guide his destined place of rest, And leaves all else in hand. sm gBaqfi^^g^fe ^r rri-^^ yd^^ l :<= Efc ** ^ 0-4 m ^om d. d d irj HI mut. pfr I Tlio on - ly thing I say to him As he takes it is, "Hold it fust!" Suffer me not to low my way. And brii • a at last. '• I (\ ll 1 "nTI ! l. ! I l I . l l 1 I f II >-, +-^* hJ\rd ^ o J 'g J ' g ' J'Ji? 1 & 0-*~-G> — O ne, 'tis home we wish to reach,— !!<■ whp goklei us out ehooee the way ; If near - er hot;. s^ ptmaijjifcfcrirrrir rH^ p y-h g 1 ^ « 1 256 VERONA. 10s. »C PH^-fiio- tz^ ■ =^F :t=t z±i zatatatzci ^rpc^zp^png:?^ tcfcz ? 7^-;; Hail! happy day! Thou day of holy rest! What heav'nly peace and transport fills my breast, When Christ.the God of Grace,in love descends, And kindly holds communion -with his friends. ^attctat rs>-&: z£ -£- spinnim Hail! bappy day! Thou day of holy rest! What heav'nly peace and transport fills my breast.When Christ,the God of Grace,in love descends, And kindly holds communion with bis friends. ^^ ^=ff i=± r-r-* =£ T=t y-K- st L* ri^: r~r i — I- P :«£* :« ■k*»-V- :=]: :ct ^= -i»— f* ^ J^: NEWELL. 10s & 9s 1. Not in vain I pour'd my supplica-tion, Voiced in anguish that was nigh despair ; God — henceforth the Kock of my sal-va-tion — Hears in pit - y, and re-ceives my prayer. £fcfc sws^^wms=^^^ -&JMM> ^^^^ii^l^^ii iSr 2. On his name from 'midst the darkness calling, He my soul bath ransom'd from its fears ; By his strength my feet are sav'd from falling, And his love hath dried my flowing tears. St S^Z 1 S=£ m*t ^s^s » *=zat. m qg wen/cm Ikfet s H=^ wtatz a tziE: -r~r b^V- i — i- RADWAY. lis & 10s. 1. Come, ye disconsolate 1 where'er you languish, Come to the mercy -seat, fervently kneel: Here bringyour wounded hearts, here tell your anguish ; Earth has no sor - row that heaven can-not heal. §MW\n f i d i 3N j ii j jJffljti i i jjUfijff I W$ M » i 2. Joy of the des-o-late, Light of the straying, Hope of the pen-ltent ; fadeless and pure ;— Hero speaks the Comforter, tender - ly say-ing, Earth has no sor- row that heaven can -not euro. ^=PI f- -J°r-f-M- fe*E£ tz£ I. I' • ! ofthedrarehtK-nmphaot W >4*J PLUMMER. 8s & 7s. Peculiar. » 257 ^— - v ' ; ^^ra^^xsS^ -'. While i„ tf-flio-tkoa furnace, And ^S^^^i ^^^^ MM t.,, fi ,, ,,„,„,_ .^.^tl^ourd^And^rb^n., *«. t-f BigJw. W, lift our hand*, ex -ult - tog J n OSSAGON. 10s, 5s, 6s & 12s. J- FEN\ELL. • ci - pution ; And cry aloud, and give to God Th e praise of our salvation. Ii*^ 1 r. lma ,T III, I '• ( - om *, let us a - new Come, let us a - new «„r ;„. '. „ , . ' . " ^ ^ — L our journey pursue— Roll round with the year. And LT|*^ r &TOi1 ■ i »«-^3K5^ I F o' 1 ^' » ! |l|: ^r ^ y^yy ^^^g "••v-orMandstilltilltheMasNT.j..,,;,^; Hi , a " ,,;„..„ ble will let us gladly ful - fill. Andourtal h t fc | . *■ "■•■"uruiienM '«C8 to stay: Ihenr-rowa flown; the improve B 'I •aomil-leu-i-al year Bod, Z= f=R^=^=M=±Z ~tr ,, our v.ew, ai, . . , Mr. 258 CEREAL. 10s. Ife^ ■£iez£dE. i— f^ 13- IZfr m £z «: --WW- l — I- *ctz: ■^ :J=: 1- ■£i£-pz-w- V k * k rfc r=* 1. A - gain the day returns of bo - ly rest, Which, when he made the world, Jehovah blest ; Whefi, like his own, he bade our labors cease, And all be pi - e - ty, and all be peace. 4M* ssi S5 -K-^.-K^s te :*3 JljJilyfT ri 2. Let us devote this con-se - crated day To learn his will, and all we learn o- bey; So shall he hear, when fervently we raise Our choral harmony in hymns of praise- jz^gifeffg ^^j :« -$—- ^-gi* i *=^: «*-«»'■ PRINCEBURG. lis & 8s. J. S. BROOKS. ~r i=5t i2=Jt£: ^pcp: r=t=t gat* g± gfcfFF L Be joy - ful in God, all ye lands of the earth ; Oh, serve him with gladness aud fear : Ex - ult in his presence with music and mirth, With love and devotion draw near 2. The Lord he is God, and Je - ho - vah a - loue, Ore - a - tor and Ruler o'er all ; Aud we are his people, his scepter we own, — His sheep, and we follow his call. --mtt -r- r -ZZt^ZfL 1— t z2: ■&L '^ 22 VERNON, lis & 8s. Peculiar. £ •ai i> ■tfaz^: S + :itrt: z2 -i =t -^§ 0Zp3lj BfZp=!g§. i- bin ^Pff :t h^-^1^ 1. The Lord is creative hosts ofheav'n, adore him; Audye, whotread this earthly ball, In ho - lv songs rejoice aloud before hi m, A'id sh . it bis praise who made you all I ..„_iiJJ. i ,LliJ !. J ih ^- 4 3 -j = j I= l = j x j = pj rc3 ,^ J _ l _ l _u-jJ diddnriT-- '"^acrat^; -*<» ;e uioua ociore 111:11, cluusu p 11 1 UJj'JMJlfffrf c=ti chdd: 2. The L01 d it) great ! his majesty, how glorious! Resound his praise from Blwre to Sboi* ; O'er sin, and death, and hell, uow made victorious, He rules and reigns for ev - er-more. ^^^^pggt^ti^fe^.iig^pp^^S ■f^p- ^ •I — h 3P (To ti'ij t' ' "■ ' ■•'•) hymn, usr t',t untill MtM ) ISRAEL. lis & 10s. .i,i. Ilail to tin: brig] 7a - on's glad morn - in - t'> the lands that'll) dark- neae have lain ; Il.-i.l ! r - - r - - - " " '•I Hymn. Daugh-ter of 7a - on, a - wake from t!iy sad - oats, A - wake I for thy ' op-prem t ee no more; Bright o'er thy l.ilU dawoa the a i tn-r — r r ^ I f g =£ -» — »- ■s .s - ifcrrtc : ; J* _ g- -, * * * -* — *- BENTON. lis & 10s. sor - row and mourn /.i - oil in tri • mnph be - gioj her mild 5 „ day - star of glnd-ness; A - list ■! f>r the night of thy s«'r - row is o'er. -f — r-r- • • **-* m m m * s - i ^ CTjZjZj r i r J J -J^=i 1. Bright -est and best of the s^ns of 1 p^^^^S- : II ■.'. Cold on his era- die the dew-drops are shiu - . ; = r ' r r * * * . :- -O— H < Pawn on our dark-uess, and lend us thine aid; Star of the K;t-t. the ho ri - MO a- dorn - < ir in - fat ■: laid. P ^^ ^ ^^ S ^z^-r^^ * 3 J- V Low bee his head with the beaste of thi in -linn I. r r. olin ing, M:ik - « r. and Monarch, and S.iv iour of nil! ■ &&*=& d=d^=^ ! • 260 CHABTON. Us - i „„ t see Je - sus near nw I trein-ble no more when I r . , Tfi sua m y heart can -not fear; I wem 2. While look - ing to Je BU8, y . I know that his presence my MASONDA. Us. 8b in - eth so bright, That here, as in heav^ r^lwillbT For.^Whyareye troubled,"!, said nn - to . faint- The weak, and op - ' o. He.rais-eth the fall - en, be cheer - eth the CONWAY. 12s. ^^ >■ I 1. Tb.u., t gov, u, th. 6T.V.I but wo will „.., .,...,,',..„ „,„, n,„„ el , sot . ^,„ l mi ^.^ £ 263 6 Hi filial en - 2. TI ,.u»« go.. u, U.. e », al ,. „, , ong . „ „. ,,„,, „ r ^ llu f £ ^ fc ^ ^ ^ •, 3^PP f^m v 9 m V W pzqa ^^^=^e&ee££e^ I fat f^F^g ^^^1 | ^ *" * te Tl.e Bar - iour hath passed through it. por - tab "be - fore th 1 the lanp o IE £> is thy goida ■'.<» gloom. i^^^PH o -> But the wide a™ „f ,,„• oy « , a , : . . fiIil ^ v , ^ _ , ^ ; * -^ I! J^N ^ £> W=F- H -M | ^ Bat a... gl0 ;llt .,„ „,. nk 1 it *=p*= •or - » - phim'a «oog. inc=a^^ .,.lr- —l. . ,u . .1? u 262 UNITY. 12s. m 4 ■*—*--*■ *=£■ -&—&-& ^=W=& pfff^J ^ zi S— *— 0- I ipqp* t6» — *— *- £ 1. The voice of free grace cries," Escape to tbo mountain," For Adam's lost race Christ hath opened a fountain; For sin and un-cleanness, and ev - ery transgression, m 1 * JS?0^^S i ^ £=£ Nzh ■*— *- 2. Ye bouIs that are wounded, oh, flee to the Saviour: He calk you in mer-cy — 'tis in - fin - ite fav-or; Your sins are in - creasing ; es- cape to the mouutain; -0—0- m 32 ifete ^z*z » KzN W~9 '.'* m w^r^r 3. V.'LenZi-on we see, having gained the blest shore, With harps in our hands, we will praise him the more; We'll range the sweet plains on the banks of the river, -0-T0 0~ -*T %-^t^ S^ jg^ ^g^ g I His blood flows most freely in streams of salvation. Hal-le - lu- jab to the Lamb who has bought us a pardon ! We'll praise him again, when we pass over Jordan. His blood can remove them, it flows from the fountain. Hal-le - lu-jah to the Lamb who has bought us a pardon I We'll praise him again; when we pass over Jordan. l^PfS^S^g^lfe^lI^S^gpSS And sing of sal - ration for ev-er and ev- or ! Hal-le - lu : jah"to the Lamb who has bought us a pardon! We'll praise him again, when tto pass oyer Jordan. w r mffis^ m &m 3 ^* HYMN. " Deir comrade pilgrims of the cross.' S*= -\ — \- ^=& zi -32 Z2 J J ^_^ ^ • \=t * m % 1 Dear OOm - rnJi' pil-grima of the eroee, Although Uu way be drenn . Yet hint not. fail not. onward pre - n and wm rv L' Tho' low be - (.it. not o - \ . r ■ e< mil . Cast -»— er—^ ^ — M 1 — m ■ ■ - 1 g * 4 Our Lord la (iod; his prom-ise sure. His help shall fail us nev-er, And they who to the end en-du-e Shall reign With him for- ev-er! iSgrzr- ^ ~7 "J : r ^ d ■-a* -5> « fc§s Toil OB - wnT'l still Thru' era - ry ill, Con - fi - ding in the Sav-iour ; The jour - ney done. And glo - ry won, We'll sing his praise for- ev -er! T T 4 o lm 4 3 4 r 3: q 3 sU.J—3- X 1 I I S£=g er 3 * 4- o Toil on - ward still Thro' eve - ry ill. Con - fi - ding in the Sav-iour; The jour - ney done. And glo- ry won, We'll tire 1.6 pi ■ - er ! ts ;: j p -j 3=3= . 4 — p- - 3=TZ2 - c e : z 4=C c »" Toil on - ward still Thro' eve - ry ill. Con - fi - ding in the Sav-iour; The jour -.ney done, And glo- ry - er! &Z? .- -.-= .-= - &^E H=j: ? EE r^ 1 1 1 - Ill ^=S- ^CZZJZT- Q - » » -• Sion, wake, all praise accord." J l 1 1 Si • on, v. nko. '1 11 on lift thy I 1 "1 s- -A* ^V|;-,|| til [ir.ii-.- on beav'nl I » r I I 1 " 9 ? I k* P lo thy Saviour, end thy Lord, Fountain he, eh, the Mea • si-«l ie here. yeteep.Couut to seek h »ep, Willing ere - ry 1 I v ie -hare fal, now ii| - and byini v '.'s -si • ah. the U I ie here J' J.J »_J_J i^iJ..-. - ,.'.>' -, r , s Xd • - s »V; ..',!• ^64 "Words by Dr. BONAR. HYMN. "A little while." w. tei= pEti 3 £ 22: Ij^ g^f^^ja^: 1. Be - yond the smil - ing and the weep - ing, I shall be soon ; Be - yond the wak - ing and the sleep - ing, Be - yond the 3 -a- m i 2. Be - yond the blooming and the fad - ing, I shall be soon; 3. Be - yond the ris - ing and the set - ting, I shall bo soon ; Be - yond the shin - ing and the Be - yond the calm -ing and the shad - ing, Be fret - ting, Be S- yond the yond re ■ & i 4 =s£ i ■fSJ- -* — 0- JZ> W=^ ^ 221 ■&- I5Z -O- -N=r 4. Be - yond the part- ing and the meet - ing, I shall be soon ; Be - yond the fare - well and the greet - ing, Be - yond the PM =t m asm ^ -0 — & t=t is? — - -& -* ~rs~Y Gh ~ z ~72~\ JSL 22: g^i 22 sow-ing and the reap -ing, I shall be soon. Love, rest, and home, Sweet home, Sweet home, Lord, tar - ry not, but come. $M te ff ^^^ & i &- -0 — 0- -e&- Ed^l 22: -&- 1 ^^iFi I -i9- hop-ing and the dread -ing, I shall be soon. Love, rest, and home, Sweet home, Sweet home, Lord, tar - ry not, but come, mcmbering and for - get - ting, I shall be soon. Love, rest, and home, Sweet home, Sweet home, Lord, tar - ry not, but come. £ mm &>- m I £ ^ 221 £ 1221 IS? -G>- JZtL -&- -&- pul3-cs' fev-er beat -ing, I shall be soon. Love, rest, and home, Sweet home, Sweet home, Lord, tar - ry not, but come. 2* \t d a d S^^ -22L 122: ^=m fZ5~ nnm -£?- 1221 fe^ 3t I HYMN. "Saviour, breathe an evening blessing." 8s & 7s. Double. 265 1. Saviour. breathe ID evening blessing, Ero re - pose our spir- its seal: Sin and want we come c •■. ^^^sipi S§E 2. Tbongh the night be dark end dreary, Darkness onu-not bide from thee : Then art he, who, nev-« we*- ry, VfTatcheth where thy p ». g^^^ f ^^rrJrft-Jt r i - - 1 1 J ^^ flQ^ ^ f oljf j r p t* ^r^^^^^7g^fe^ =g^ ^M^a^^ g^^ Though de- e trno-tion walk a- round ns, Though the ar - row near us fly, ^^g^^ B i j ju juju j i\ u ^m^^ ^m ^pHff '>■>; » » -i lirlif II.. I* till-.. I • ! A ». 1 . ... « A. .■■.!• V.*. - - ■ -._-_.. I • * . • •■ Should awiftdgathl this njght o'er- take ha, And our, one our t. BU ,hea _# • • e' ^^w^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^- i '^g '2m HYMN. " Fading, still fading." r> fe^ s wt -s > Gi — 0-0- IHl *3—0- £ ■ a & & ^3 1. Fading, still fad-ing, the last beam is shin-ing, Fa- ther in heav- en ! the day is de- cliu - ing ; Safe -ty and in - nocence flee not with light : We I £lF ■&- 9 0—0- -Q- # s S=i: ~*=*- -*-+ 3 & — 0-0- & — 0- 7N d rl — r 9 ^ -0 gg P PP ** 4r-& mi £ &- *+ i 1 ■&>- ^ 0-0- ^ w~w tf m fm F--&-*. W=K m&4 2. Fa- ther in heaven! on thee do we call, Thou, the Pro-tect - or and Sav- iour of all; Fee- ble and fainting, we trust in thy might ; In m^m^fi^ m ■& t ?*—*-+ c?_ ^^m oi'smi. w fcF mm fcJM^— a — Fl#- sz doubting and darkness, thy love be our light. Let ua sleep on thy breast while the night taper burns, Wake in thine arms when the morning re- turns. m^ *£ ^ ^TfF^ H ,'. fcr-? — (» — w — P — & , ■■ --C* "Fading, still lading." Concluded. ?=" o E^^Eg - gg M Fa - ther, have mer - •■ ft - tlior, have raer - cy I Fa - ther, have i oh, bear thou our pn aw ^y\ ■ri d d ^m ^ Wf 9 ?* >v\ rit. -- i> >0 & c o m & * - . » * ' - # * ^ ^ ii Fa - (bar, have mer - cy ! Fa - thar, have mor - cy ! Fa - ther, have met - eyl oh, hear thou our pn •>,'.. ZWP 221 ' >2 fS? 0- ^ -m — it £ ^ MOURRATO. SENTENCE. "Let the words of my mouth.' \v. ■»-v $= * • *--* — * • / *1 « g I l- the word! of my mouth ami the med - i - ta - tions of my heart be to • oept • a • ble in thy light O Lord my d J U' J'J'J'J' M.) I Ml' M f I IE£= E%=3 I t l. ... . .. 1_ . C ... _ t l.i ■ * N =3 n C b of my mmtfa and the med - i - ta-ti.,,,, „{ n, i ■ my * h h j h ft h d . d* * + # # > Mrp B-y 85 268 ■ w Let the words of my mouth." (Concluded.) SEE £ £=! S- £ =N=^ a s ■Vrz is?: -?—*>- IR=£ Strength and my Re- deem - er. Let the words, Let the words, . Let the words of my mouth and the ^ m 15=£ If— 0~ # * w • sr 5& £^ . 25 _ # • tf of my mouth, of my mouth, S Sf^ 3 ^=* -0-T-0- ■3Zt f=£^^^ rJ -d~r Strength and my Re - deem - er. of my mouth, of my mouth, Let the words of my mouth and the i -o- :fEf: ?2= * • * ^£ *=*: :*=3t E azz* c- fV=f> g I -m — 0- m IF w^wzm v n> i m ■W- + ES ♦f O- Q3£ 3H 35t med - i - ta - tions of my heart be ac - cept - a - bio in thy sight, Lord, my Strength and my Re - deem - er. A - men. I *=£ S^g S :& -& . *—* o- ■=** v^ *- -&- ^m^^^^^L 1*3 a:z^: =t zz: 22=Z=lt -S>- -»--0- tast mcd - i - ta - lions of my heart be ac - cept - a - hie in thy Bight, Lord, my Strength and my , Re - deem - er. A - men I izzdEEezzi; :y~~p~ Sg B=#=&^4f==fci^==aq=^ « H £=£=£ \!> w;u>. ^ r> SENTENCE. "The Lord is in his holy Temple.' The Lord ^T=F$T - r ? — w - 269 bu ho - ]y tern - pie, The Lord ' '- 3 ^ i * o Lord ^ -f * '" W" bo - ly tern - pie, The Lord is in hi- ho • pie. Let all the & * L-& 3 3^ ss*=* ^> J in bis ]■!•■. Let all rrtr~^ Ja P^P? > » JfpTTT^n^ g ^ ^ 8l - ^ * • '"" , ' i " 1 ' " * *• «» 1-P - - ■— be - fore .upkeep si - ,„hv be- ire him "•"l^r * J. * ^ ; <• ^^ "» # eT- & • # V O II IH g <2 MZtH M <_ Zjr # * — y U " tb k 7 " • 1 ' " " -11 the earth keep li - 1« ^ £SII $=z: 5^^§^ ^T- ■ • ' ' him. ■ II 270 p AOA«IO. lfe# 122 SENTENCE. "The Lord is in his holy Temple." ggL, g>*~ 5 5 -s> — — e- -o- Cs J^ ZI The Lord is in his ho ly tern pie, The Lord is in his ho - ly tern - pie, ■ Let all the earth k eep BE 2t ^ ^ ^ IB sr *—*- -&■ sH — s &- -& — s>- ~2? P i i s? g * ^=^ s±z=*: ^gd r'g rj r J \ c J *lzl!^ J- The Lord is in his ho - - ly tem - pie, The Lord is in Bis ho ly tem - pie, Let all the earth keep s ^i^ ^ ~s»- -e- ^ -s»- ^ # — — tf- -cs- g? . - & -X *S> S> 1? G> &L S. ' ' — ^ > • ■ — F— * 1 ^S <^ CV 122 ^P^ 7? & & 22ZZ2ZIZZSZ is: (i>. si - lence, Let all the earth keep si - lence be - fore hirn; keep si - lence, keep si - lence be - fore. him. = I t 5 ^^ ^ 10 27 '■d +■ ■+ \* * 27 27 27 27 2? 27 IT" ~2? ; 's I 3S abzs?zz^: -e>- ^Z=g=TZ27 — c^ — _^ -s? — ( V - _e2- ^g ' Of si - lence, Let all the earth keep si - lence be - fore him; keep si - lence, keep si - lence be - foro him. -» 2^ <5 ^i ^ -o- d al zt f=fr -o — o- 122 «5>- i SENTENCE. "Seek ye the Lord." > ; ' : J £^? # # # l^—f- od Seek y,. the Lord, while hi my be bond, and call up - on bin, while he il , uick-ed for - sake hi* way, u £ §55 Che tod, while he may be found, and call up - on him, while he ,\, near; Left the wiek-ed f„r - sake L way and the ^ *' CJ % -0 at- - m • m . 3^ ♦ * »- - ^§^^^^^^ V -0 — F- " ■» ^th Ire • mm. and re - tarn on ■ ... the I mer . ( ' ^ - EJ * # w * i 1 >^^pl^fe^lli^s&si ill a S • J 272 £ l Seek ye the Lord." (Concluded.) £ 3 *=H==£2=3 t~ rJ " ?^S^ -S>- ^eW bundant - ly par - don. Seek ye the Lord, seek ye the Lord; call up -on him, while he 3 -&- n i^i 4> 4 9 1 (^U-l <^ *— « *±^=* ■A -O-T ^ r ) T- :s£ m jg . I /S> ^ ^ ^-^ ^1 ^ - bundant - ly par - don. &B Seek ye the Lord, seek ye the Lord ; call up - on him, while he £ ^=^: 1 S -Sl- tS— Z^ exeeesze?. -Si- Seek. . ye the Lord, SENTENCE. " Ccg^ie unto me.' : \V. Prom "Harp of Judah. 1 By Permission. M SOPRANO sor.o. f li £ ^EJE^EJ^EEE^EE^^fW^ -&- £ ^=^ =»^ Come un - to me, I^~^ % fe all ye that la - bor; Come un - to me,, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke up- A =!=*: i ^^e - g d d i& t |^=£ -&> — * — »- £ -d-r-*- -1-+-K? zzi; E I ^ U i i-r4 ==i=t= ^ -t 3t±3^_^_L_^ 3= r**4- *=* ^^-f 1 ^ 3 ^ TrT un - to mr. all ye that la - bor; Come un - to :ne. ■ cd I will give you rest Take my yoke up S^e^ -S>— ; 3 -o- -o- - — •- 1 iit^ -- i^Tzfpt >-. "Come unto me." (Concluded.) 273 ."U and loaru of me, f,, r I for I am meek and low - ly of heart : . . . . and ye shall find mr-nr" -« *»- £ft^±^ -^ ^ # # r/v.v. &=t=t± &-i — r±-g «>ii y»u and learn t .f me. ^^-fp ^rz^j^J -«- S^^ =**=± f '"' * a '" ■»** «"><> low - h of heart;..,. and ye ahaUfiod s> m- *> & fep^±F— § ^*H= %. to ^ ^ yonr aouls: Fur my yobt u ea - sy, and my hur - ,!,„ j, fight, ^^^^^^1 ar v g "^ 1=pt my yoke is M - ay, and my l, U r - dea u light. ^m * '''~^$ ^^M -> , o m w " "" """" F " r "» f 4 " " »■•>'■ •'"> '".v . ,,.„ i. ,i.,„, „ 1V >,,„.. u ^7^1 ■* * ^^fi*$* s «J3 n^I^ppe i"v bar - den i.« ^ 0- rn^-r-f-- -'--'-' —d-nd gra - cious - ly hear us, hear . us, k 12 *wsap c± ^ «? *-jp~m-w L -ir-& -&^L & (Zl vzwzwz*. *jgjlg=glg=^ fore thee ; hear us, oh, gra - cious-ly hear us. May thy blessing rest up - on us, may thy blessing rest up on. . . . us. Heaven-ly \\ d A m dU i" r " thee; lx':tr us, oh. gra - cious-ly hoar u% May fchjt blegsmg jest iiji on r^E^?^? m •t> _ rj isii ISZ may thy blessing resl up - > u. . . ZMZ0Z (3 S9- Mosveii-ly l'l'Tt 22 m -& gy t .' Heavenly Father." (Concluded.) 275 ^ * 1- O ^. 2? ■**—&- & - i"': Fa-tl,,r, h,ar us; h.av.nly Fa - ther, hear ,«. hoar our prav,r. Iloav, „Iv Fa - ther, heaven- ly Fa - thor. era . piouJ . ly &&— g ' fl ^ a 2> 22 1 t^— ^ -> ■^ 3 «y jl^JIJJULjJj B -> V F*-ther, 1,,-ar . h.-avcnly Fa-thvr. 1,,-ar as, hear our prayer. He.V«d 7 Fa - ther, hcaT.-n- ly Fa - ther, gra - el. -1^^ iffl: :S?:rr<27 m -5- /> -"> ^g^ -.»-*- 22 is: B"» Dear • y m "'■ *•" na • | „„ Vlil , „,. ,,. .. <2» 22 oioui - lv hoar P^P 276 ANTHEM. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace." W. From - Harp of Judah.' By perminsion fc£ 3 tp — jb -&>- 3E3 c £_ .«: : ^=*z 12=?: SP? — ^— * Si- -0 — # • l a & — -&- -&■ ■+ •& m^m rf 3 ffi~Z ■& * -«s- -& — 0- e? -&- - ' 0- Thon wilt keep him in per - feet peace, Thou wilt keep him in per - feet peace, Thou wilt keep him in per - feet peace, whose 0~ ~P=P- £=£=£ s p3g ig y mind is stayed on thee. whose mind is stayed on thee, whose mind is stayed on --:> SiH V, ^=^ ^ m r~fn> — — 0- -& 0- fe j?^ 3 : m Thou wilt keep him in per - feet peace, whose mind is staved on a it ^ ^E^ T^ mind is stayed on thee. Thou wilt keep him in per- feet peace, whose mind is stayed on ihce, whose mind is stayed on Pj^^g^ ** *z=*- m 7Z\ ;zac I l^—f h h ft . 2Z whose mind is stayod en thee, $. ••/ "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace." {Continued.) fc- U h * I.ITTM. FASTER. •277 M±=He§e! __# ^/ ^^ & thee. *-«*- M Tliou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. Trust ye fa the Lord. ' V > >* C< Tliou wilt keep him in par '■-■ 3 -& — * o » feet peace, -whose mind is stayed on thee. ^> frost _\e in the Lord, S C thee. Tliou wilt keep him in per 1^^ ^=CT^ feet peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. Trust ye in the ye in the SJ \ m 1 - & * d d -d—* ff-c TSL w~w 5?: tz^± g SigJ^^ ^gg Uzfc »: £^B ev- er- last-ing strength ; for in the Lord Je - ho - vah is ev- or- last-ing strength, is ev- er- last-iug strength, is ev- ei- last-iug strength, is ev- er- last-ing strength. W s :fr3Ej=zlq=l=f- trM *^^ -A 7? #" -M-kd: m ritard. ' i£^S 000 V v i 1 5 z£: t I m^ jR=^ M^= ^-*~ d~ ffl I ev- er- last-iDg strength ; for in the Lord Je - ho -vah is ev-er- last-ing "strength, is ev- er- last-ing strength, is ev- er- last-ing strength, is ev- er- last-ing strength. ^^ W=l N &—£ m 0-0-0- -v-t* (» — P- -0-P-—0 t&l li^^il^at ANTHEM. "Calm on the list'ning ear of night." J. E. GOULD. By pertnitsion. MODERATO. ^ I r nor. Jf &-* P -f-¥^ S?— -ts- ^ -& A 25?: d±+ m Calm on the list - 'ning ear of night, Come heaven's mo - lo - dious strains, . Soprano. >^ >4 ~, q-^-^rg "Where vild Ju- de E^S f: ^-e :; ^ ^=z^=^=1 ! -jszzat- *? SE -«- a stretcli-es far, >^ > Her ^ fee Hi /Ts ^^ ^i^^fi ^ "^^ —fS*- -t&- -*■ "r -0- -&■ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 2SA h9- -<5>- ~K? ^fef 32: ^^ ; -s>- v -<5»- "S» SfeEgEE {■ Calm on the lisfning ear of night." (Concluded.; f^gf |- Tr nor. 279 ail rer - mail - tied plains. ^&0* l"^^p fc £=^n the blue depths of QaJ . i . lee, There I 5 i'~ ' s\ M ^— r I Soprano. p^,-^ * - ^V *=*: 3^s PP^ -g — ^— .- g^trf^R 0"er the bluedepUs of (;«1 - i . l cc . There Ha*r. - -tt~ ^n rr ts f» SOI.d aomes a ho - lier ealm S ^ And BnarrtawsW* in sol - emu praise, Her si - - lent groves of CHORUS. > l =j: -^F^—f ^^=? -4- ' -V- a *> * ^ c ^ if 7 ■ J .y < iioui v -. v > O comes a 1 10 . ]j er culm- ' \ . i m CH ""' And Mia- rmi waves, in sol snl-l. ' J & rt_^_A_ <* m & o . ill 7- s> — ^ V emn praiae, Hor »i . . lent B m% . * of i«]m ' IIIHM s. > t9 «- a-- ' •y-^J s . -Jl 280 ANTHEM. "Unto thee, O Lord." D. JIODERATO. : S; £? £ 3 5PE? jcz^: it 2 Sf=p£s ^ -s- -*— X Un - to thee, Lord, do I lift up my soul ; O my God, I trust in thee, let me not be a - shamed, J 5=F=5 3E - 4T * . * ■& — o- -Q -0- ^ J |^ * s = rTp'~7'~r -* 1* ^ S *£e£ -(S- £ * — /- -S>— Un - to thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul ; O my God, I trust in thee, let me not be a - shamed, m 9 • 9 ppzgrltTJW^TT =* — « — ^ a-tr^- £ s^: *g * * ^53 ' J J PS 3^V ^=#= :*z* aziig;) -^:z y * _* .9 » let me not be a - shamed, let me not, let me not be a - shamed. Lead- me iu thy truth, and teach me, 5 Hi jatHj^j ^ -o- # ' & -**- ^ ^ J '* — *— * ' a^ ^ ' i- 1 s ini 1 -h-^= L -=V ^ -SJ- ffi^^: ?5T W -# tf 22 -* *- let me not be a - Bhamed, let me not, let me not be a - shamed. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me, •J' S 'JS.. S^ -m — 0- ^^ * "Unto thee, O Lord." (Continued.) *=fc m m • -*- fei^ 281 ^ O * K— K- for tfaon art Uio God of my sal - va - ti»n ; on thee do I wait all the day. Lead w — * * ~&- m S ^^^^g^ig^^ in thy truth, an.l / * — V *=* s> — r » . ^ ^ > d^^W pp m £=KZ 5S fczjc =t=S te i " r i ' ' — i ^i — t — * — v ' ^ — * * ' gj Tor thou art the God of my sal -ra-tiou; on thee- do I wait all the day 3= f^ ±=j - ^^ p^^+p-p ^2: *=* o- Lead me in thv £ :*=* *P3 = t«aeh DM ; 1, .id ugrsgipp p^¥ & mm i ^ "* — w ^ 1,1 "'X '">••'• and teach me, for fbon art the „f „ IV -a! va . lion, on . ^ ^ PP 35*5^ ^=£ - ■ ■ n-do. -*—* — *- Ei £ truth; ^ is ^s 2= I 1 1 F -» P- lead mo in thy truth. for thou art the of ■ ,1 # S3 fcj <* ^# r * ;# # * for thou art the God. . wd-M± - A±m thee do I wait all the day. Re - mein-ber, O Lord, thy lov - ing kind - ness, which has ev - er been of old; re- y it j=p v^=z$3=3 -• — # -& — — & -€3- o 4 ■ s s S -^-el -&- ~e? P 3ZI £ 73' ^V £ -as- ^~ jBt -«?- ^ thee do I wait all tho day. Re - mem-ber, O Lord, thy lov - ing kind - ness, which has ev - er been of old^ re- :*vr~ — r^5 — _m ___!_#._. _._i_.i_. ~t~ : ~r— ~t~ — i i ■ , - 1 i i 5S^ ?a: £ 22: ^E g~;s ^ j& "<2? ^^ P^5 P i I £ **■ F ^ -&- S>- mem-ber, Lord, thy lov - ing kind - ness, which has ev - er been of old, which has ev - er been of old. ^:r; ^ '* ^EE^ INTROIT. "Oh, taste and see." "~ HIP 283 25 -, ^ ■• »M Oh taste and see that the Lord is good ; Oh, taste and see that the Lord is g .. ^ UaMtnu* . et h ! i # i^ & £> ^g EC ^ z ? aLlc-i M_j r> . # o V ^^^gPP >:-: 5' i* ^^3 •>v Oh. taste and see that the Lord is good; Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good, Bless- ed is the man that trust eJhT II VJeL & • s - -3 m j J i r i n *~r -.- ^ 2ot ^ o i. C' ^=*=s him ; bless- ed is the man that trust- eth in him, ^'irlr iff C' h! ■'! is tba man, is tbe nan Chat tn ■• *=* S -^-» *m---0$Jr3: .. * ^ ^ ^ C' 3*Z* ^ o . 5 © o : * ^ " « a ■' 1 >- tba man, is- the man 1 > ''""i Bw una thai traat-ato in him, bloaaod is ' V ~3FJC ' ' • * P j, sJ ■ T rn^y «> — •»- :_ the man. i. th man :; - — -> blesoed i* the man 284 "Oh, taste and see." (Concluded.) £ -^- 't # » S |^5> — - him. Oh, taste and sec, taste and see that the Lord, that the Lord is good. 5&=W -e&- -&- -o- S -&>- (g-^r -iS>- -s? p -e- <2 22 22: SENTENCE. "The Spirit and the Bride say, Come. ADAGIO. N5E W. m &- 1 -§_ zz: fg • gzzpzqg 2g * — * 22: -sj Z2ZZ22 -- - ^ ^ ffl 0- -& — —0- m Ob r\ 1 , how great, bow great is thy good - ness, which thou bast laid nj ► foi them. . that fear thee : Oh , bow great, how great is thy Q , b «> 1 i ■ i i i i5 ^ L '«> | T EiZjZ-4 « J i „ ( ■ J J * - f^ ■* r^ V\j7 41r C* » .Jit d tf 4 4 a '**--, :* * # * • #^ s g # *"T"r2 ? ^=P= I *£E$^ E Sf3» rrtrr Oli, bow great, bow great is thy good - ness, -which thou hast laid up for them., that fear thee: Oh, how great, how great is thy 3%ft=± Vi J. £ S3f S -* — -# ^ ^^ 9 rtr-rr-trrnpT ^ f^^pp good- ness, which thou hast laid up for them., that fear thee, which thou hast wrought for them that fear tbee, which thou hast S^2 -&>- --¥*$ ' & - -0 t VF=F=p 3*1 ^ -^ good- ness, which thou bast bud up for them., that fear thee, which thou hast wrought for them that fear thee, which thou hast ?A -<5» 0- ~¥=¥- ?^E -# — ^ i '.. * J -^ — r _ Oh, how great is thy goodness." (Continued.) f^TT flfP^ wrought for then, that fear the., be - for, the sons of men Thou dudl hide them in 3^ W- ¥—¥- m, in the so - cret ..f thv prea - ence, in the S^^^^lpp* ^^^^ E^^=j p i — p—9- ^> - wrought for them that fear thee, be fore the Bona of k=£ O '•■■■> -f& — *■ bz= o P-l — I — t-U k_^_ k_± gE Thon «halt hide them, in the 1 ^rTT? - oret of thy pres - eneo, from Ore ', pn.le of man; thou wilt keep them, thou wilt keep them, them se . eret-ly in a 3t ^^^^ te ^^^^^ '-2 • cret of thy pres - enee. from the pride of £=3 ,,u,u »flt keep them, keep them ^ feLkj^i ■•ret-ljr in a ne> H — ^ vil - ion from the strife of tongues, from the strife of tongues; thou wilt hide them, thou wilt hide.. them, in the se - cret of thy 5 d—A. rJ m * -*+ m ^ b+yg—S- * I d d d d srrnrrr 35E ^g-rfV^ E^^- rf = f r cnr r^g vil - ion from the strife of tongues, from the strife of tongues ; hide them, hide them in the se - cret of thy m =p=p=f - ^ -O &- -e> — o- -& — #- f> # Si^ thou wilt hide them, thou wilt hide them, i^ ^w-fr-r-^ tt 2 2 f 22ZZTPC F=E %=t=ZFt& (*=£ pres-ence, of thy pres-cnee, from the prido of men. Thou wilt keep him, thou wilt keep him, keep him se-cret-ly in a pa- ^ ^.j Jjn zi E^ ±&=zj£ -&- Si i± ^E^E^P feEigE^m^ 4 r -ff^^ ^ *-*-*■ ^e s^ r m presence, of thy pi -ence,fr«Iltha pride of men. Thou wilt keep him, th-m wilt k-ep him, keep him se-erct-ly in a pa =t BE ^=F- $ 19 — r =E SEEEE ^ e^ffl^^ "Oh, how great is thy goodness." (Concluded.) 2S9 - vil - ii>n from the strife, tlio strife of Ob, bow gnat, how great is thy good - ness, wLi.'li thou hast laid up f,.r . • i i h- ^= — \ — j — f-j-^ id* 4 ' <» * ' « * 9 W -m — -.- + — »- J> *~T*~ 3: ^ » m- c± * \* r^f=r- z -> | : , L A r- vil - ion from the strife, tlic strife "f tongaea Oh, how great, how graft is thy good - ne>.-», which thou hast laid u]> * fr> J J h h I I r O ^m 32=p: «< 0- « e» r> If >, e> t^ zpp^rr-^ i r r nr tin in ttrnt f< .-ir thee ; Oli, how gr. great is thy good-ness, how groat tfaj gOOsloes* ; how great!. I H •7 j^-i^,— LJ-^ g , d x * • fr<:it is thj good o!i, hsTW , II 4 * o ■&—m -c? Ob, how grMl li"\v irr,-;ii i* ttiy good-oeM, gr«at is thy g-xxl-new ; 0- BUSS tliat fear thee , -<» — Oh, how '4 f f f ^ * F=? : '-•II Oh, how gnat. grrnt i* thy good' 290 QUARTETTE. "Oh, that I had wings." D, ADAGIO SH ^! 5 S K=£ W V It - Jt=M '9 12? pp Oh ! that I had wings, had wings like a dove, that I might fly a - way, and be * at rest, that I might fly i¥ » m m -o- P? W -+—*- -trtr-tr ^ Z*=T 2Z -P— * i^ ^ i=s *= £ S^^^^^P^ way, and be at rest. Oh ! that I had wings, had wings like a dove, that I might fly a - way, and be at Sto && =£ fczK m 3^ S^i p- — W=~9=L^±J^ H2. -&- £ pE^^3§3 Soprano ad lib- -Q f mmm tot—tzui =t way, and be at rest, ~1 — % way and be at rest, tliat I might fly a - way, and be at ± ^ >• %t P' t± -» & k^Ek: I-T-.C3 w urn • By ptrmlsKion of O. Ditbon A Co., liy u-hom this Qiiurltlt* it pul/lished in theel/orm. "Oh, that I had wings." (Concluded.) "•' 0*1 thai I bad wingt, had wi ings liko u dovo, tlmt I migfat fjy and bo f J7 a - - wnv,. ^f- *- *■ ■*■ ♦ -fS at rast, and that I might flv a - waT. and b* at rest, « n I ba i >uid Li. at r«»t. .i^'J:i:ii and lie nt rmt. 292 ANTHEM. "Rejoice greatly, daughter of Zion." do ALLEGRO. S2p^ f =±= f+f= =n ^ t± ^ -o- -9- -&■ i Re - joicc, re - joice, re - joice, re - joice, re - joice, re - joiee re - joice, re - joice, for be ':^ 3 i „ J-rJ - -»-<*- s jg± 3t =Sf // -s^ _"> ^\ (^# =^ S3- £ # # *=f -s>- t= -^ — T , » ^z 9S Re - joice, zn re - joice, re - joiee, joice, re - joice, r« joice re - joice, re § joice, for be £ S frr >g g: ^E ^2==#= ffl^ -S>- hold thy King com-cth to thee. for be - hold, thy ^NP *?- g; — X rJ d -W 1 * I c V SZ z*zi^: ^-* ^ 22: s £ *^^ z=£ £=E hold thy King com - eth un 9^ JSt. ^ "gg y to thee. Re - joice. 5± great - ly, daugh- ter of Zi - on, for be - hold, thy +M m Rejoice greatly." (Continued.) i 293 & r !* • l»U thy •>,' ■^ ' \ {■> that, cm - etfa rT\m 1,0 » I S.T - i„ur. II.. h th< rigU -us Sa i - nor. nn«J m 294 "Rejoice greatly." (Continued.) I I I =t 3t=t ife he shall speak peace un - to the hea - - then, He is the right- eous Sav - iour, He is the right- eous Sav - iour ; and tJ J 1 * s s -&- 4* -¥— ¥- FTr-rf^ tf « — ! — 0- g^ g f g- -&- 3&^m itzzras ■P t : F=# : -- ■^-j-^ ptfT UU I t^f 0^ he Bhall speak peace uu - to the ■ hea -es 0- +=¥- IS£ then, He is the right -eous Sav - iour, He is the right- eous Sav- iour; and ~ — I WZZ — T € W~ » • \ s r ? -f- ^ ££ -— — — m~ -0 0- £ 22: pzapzp q a p T* -0 0— it £=£ ^E^^E^ he shall speak peace un - to the hea - - then, he shall speak peace un - to the hea - - then. Re - joice, re - joice, re- =¥=1= id .«?_ 0- pp ritard. ^ -zs» *~ 22 *£ .1 tempo jprimb: ff m Z-VVZl ~*~?~T& zs; -i g— — - -gg » — |g — — m ^^^^M J & L^t he shall speak peace un - to the hea - - then, ho shall speak peace un - to the hea - - then. Re - joice, re - joice, re- -Q- 3^5^ -G>- fE£i ■M—WZ-0Z -& — —0- -€S —0- -&- ^== : (< Rejoice greatly." (Concluded.) 295 ^=^^f~" ' fez I ?E re - j( re - joieo £^^^^^ great • 1\. O Daogh-ter of Zi - <.n; f..r be - h..U, tliv Kin- it be • hol•> joice, re - j re - joice., great - ly, Dnugh - ter of Zi - pz^nf-iH-^ g^ on; for be - bold, tby King, for be - hold, thy ^^? « # ^ d q^u' r r ^zzzrffi: izzzsJzzzizzi: -f» sj- £ King, for be - bold, thy King com - eth un - to the*, com-eth un - to thee, com-eth un - - to thee &=± -> Zs ^ O « £ ^ O II ritard. Ma c rlrrirr rli^ Hftff^ -> ^ ii Kin-. for be - bold, thy Kin- 00X0 -eth un £ '" tli"'. i-'iu-.tli uu - to Owe, com-otli un 4& r-fS to t EF *> ^ p=r=rff^ ^m . 296 SENTENCE. "Hear our prayer." D. From "Harp of Judab." By Permiseum. a ^=^TO^^p-4jf ^ £ 4 — s -&- ^I=±L Hear our prayer, Hear our prayer, O God, in - eline thine ear; Hear our prayer, Hear • our iS mm =*4> & * & -o- 3?^ iSi y C7VS. ^ng^ g~ rffr^ /? » -s»- ^ ■Sh Hear our prayer, Hear our prayer, God, in - eline thine ear; Hear our prayer, Hear. sgE Frr 22_^l ^=fC 221 7^ — «r i - -# — 0- -o- t( Hear our prayer." (Concluded.) Uu- to tie. Un- to us, I'n-t.i us. 7lf~ 7"F^ |g tr~jg — r •, 22: p^ (« » 7* VII \(.l(> £ ^ p^ c< 6) Cr Uear our prayer, Heir our prayer, o <;,.,!, b - olin« thine ear, God, la - dine tbi, - - O . - •: . -r\ /rv o * & . pnj«r, Hear out prayer, (;..,!, b - dine thine in - elbe «■: ! < = » . ■ g> . 2W gff^ ,-^ Fj ^> - S O * j2_ ^ O # ^ • A i 5z Fr=Fr^ K 298 as ANTHEM. "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord." ALLEGRO. ge ^tzz^z^; t=£ *% Make a joy - ful noise un - to the Lord, Make a joy - ful noise un - to the m ^ 4 — T-j ^ *-* -&- D— 1 -* u Make a joy - ful noise un - to the Lord,. ffP is: 'gr » • m Ss -o- £ szzzg £2- # ■ Make a joy - ful noise un - to the Lord, §Si £ -i Make a joy - ful Boise un - to the ^ W=W- Make a joy - ful noise un - to the Lord, -I* Z2I I»ZCII22 i 3 ^ py-^-*- fe -G- ±3* ^^ ^^ -S»- WM- ~JZL u Lord, un - to the Lord, all the earth, all the earth ; make a loud noise, and re - joice, and sing praise. ;t i^ i -s-^f zd * S rJ . m I k) rJ l ^g I a ±*-t^ & — L -<© -&- jfer^ -Si- all.... the earth, all.... the earth & EE^ £ i®— *^=F= E=E ?g p — * ■&-- -321 \ mm Lord, un - to the Lord, all. I the earth, all. the earth ; fc nake a loud noise, and re - joice, and sing praise. S> *■ I » -s>- 142: -s>- IS2.: "Make a joyful noise." (Continued.) t^ SOPIl\Mi -ciio. M'lH It \TO. 299 n & IE,. •*"* ■"» '"•■ -■"»•". -^.mw,,, hah,. ^Jr± ss^^g^^pg Mil'll \>(>. Oh, sing un-totlm Lord, Sing un- to the Lord, ^^^^^^ « ith the harp, ALTO BASS « Cs 'V -. r* r* h $rs v with the harp, with the Larp, ^ s.1 Oli, sing un-tothe Lord, Sing un- to the Lord, **^£ S s S with the harp, t« K-^ P — B-H ; :; with the harp, with tin voice of a rsalm. Lot fcha ««n .,.-,,• of a psalm. Let the son row, — ■ l ■ m <1 th.^ full- ness there -of; the world, and they that dwell there -in, The and the voice of a psalm. "*?& - j ., _^__^_^ SOPRANO m Win i i iii ii igp i^p ,»i-& &- -&- -j-i-e ~0 — 0- Let the floods clap their hands, V Let the floods clap their hands, . ^ & y .»"» m 5==3 ^ <£*=*: ^ o- ■s>- is: world and they that dwell therein. Let the floods clap their hands, clap their hands, Let the floods clap their hands, ^zk n—TK p =w s r s * * ^ g s* #■ - ^ ^ £ « T - -\ ^t~±L clap their hands, =t W— »+g.' * - i - ^ ^—¥=¥- ~&zzmzjk. ^^W u£Si -G» F -£?—. &. limndi Let the floods clap their hands, clap their hands, clap their hands. Make a joyful noise.'! (Continued..) r*r-=m g= I-.i thehflla be Joy - ful be - Wo 301 llu- Lord, w-'"-\ ■0S= •» ^ . &— -. — 0- L. t 3^3 .-. *=* ,,,c ,,iI,s l - j-y-ful bo -fore the Lord, Let the hills be V "Sw joy - ful b< - fore tlic ! «— : * Let •>v'= : t»- W"H b* fr-M be-fcro the Lord, I.., lhc uo, b. joy - M be - li at*: :.: Pore the ! Let I £ iS AXI)',\ I ; joy-Mbe-fcre the Lord, I,t the hill, be i„v.f„iK,.L .... r__, - . *> Poe he com-eth, be ea ^ r> -f,l bo-ton, the Lord, .,, ,;„.,,,;,,,... ,,- . W be . r ■ - 'H '" '' " :i-*th -<5> fi>- 302 "Make a joyful noise." (Concluded.) fe judge the earth, For lie com-eth to judge the earth; with righteousness.with righteousness shall he judge the world, with righteousness, with V?. 5*^ P 3 MS^-M » W ~a * *-r-T -&>■ ** § -& — &-*-& -s?- <5> ^-& J -*-+ w-m—r *h s- ^ M«=fs g^ e » \ ~gy -o- *— *- ^v-* J a/-a & — »- JGZfcBZaE -fiB judge the earth, For he com-eth to judge the earth ; with righteousness.with righteousness shall he judge the world, with righteousness, with §S*i £ j^i £2 3l - l fe=ffiFi ^ Bow down thine ear, O Lord, and hear ^ ^ f» « — Bow down thine car, O O ^ Bow down thiue ear, O Lord, and hear ^P ' ^ ^ Bow down thine ear, O Lord, and hear ^tzk ^:> ^^ "2?: Bow down thine ear, O Lord, and h.nr me, f or I mr^^t^P-^rr^r^ Lord, and hear ?^— z?»- l^^^H^^ am poor and needy, I am poor and need-v. Pre- serve mv ^^ s= ^^^S ;v 3^5? — r- si=B?h:3a Lord, and hear me, O Lord, and hear hear ^^ - ^JIJ J * J I J = & "'"• fl,r 1 am P°° r *"'» '" '''l-.v. I am poor an.l upe.lv. Pro - »erve ^ 'W~W me, rT tt- r j j | r !g|jjT^^ 304 " Bow down thine ear." (Continued.) J 1,1 &Z=K PL ¥^^ .cLJLjt m£ P r £ soul, Pre-serve my soul, Pre - serve ray soul, for I am ho-ly; O thou, my God, save thy ser - vant, who trust - eth ia thee. 3 m Mztzz—'S^ii 0$4 -B C-> I & zs£ i± rV " JE i (S?- (22— isa. ■es>- ^ p±^tp -£3 t — g f f -0— 0- soul, Pre-serve my soul, Pre - serve my soul, for I am ho - ly ; thou, my God, save thy ser - vant, who trust - eth in thee. Se B B- =t &>- II ZS2I ^ -<&- "g? ■#!-*-*-*■ ■b — b- b- b — 0- &r=Dt=Jt. B- I &-— #- 3 m l ^J^LL^ ■B B- 0S fE^L ^9—0 -B- B B- t^^m -J21 -B- V So will I praise thee, O God, and glo - ri - fy thy name, So will I praise thee, O God, and glo - ri - fy thy name. I m i f=r^=T -B- -B- *=*±*¥ -B- B f pvu 1710880. -^r t=±zjkz*±z± & —CLLJ2 z=ji. !> F^ CT^gg B— — S& -B- 1SL fi* I fS -B- ~B & f> m zsv £ So will I praise thee, God, and glo - ri - fy thy name, * .B V & ~ -B- So w T ill I praise thee, God, and gl( ■&■ — V0—0- ri - fy thy name. -B- ■££_ £ zsbzat B B- -B -B- -B m >• "Bow down thine ear." (Concluded.) :;<>r, g J J 5^ — s> * >> o- -> - ffi^f & So will I praise thee, Lord, So will I praise thee, Lord, and glo - ri - fy thy n.r « g d d ~ d d I rJ —rt &. Lord, will I praise thee, *■'; So will I praise thee, Lord, * " ?^m m w m •>,- So will I praise tin.-, a. Lord, and glo - ri - fy thy name, and :p=JE £ ts ^ i y m '" a *> So will I praiso thee, Lord, £ I lit tlmr. | IM time. MUiTimi. II inrf-j-J-? m ->• ^r So will I praise thee and gl>> - ri - fy thy name, ft r i r nr"^ glo - ri - fy thy name, name, and glo - ri - fy thy name. ^> MM > ' J J U J J JllJ " : t II 5 ^u^'-U & d d # # g . # o> RP SPP g If a: ^ » ^P ?^£ So will I praise thee, and glo - ri - fv thy Dame, w~nr +--& — ©- 22 glo - ri - fy thy name. g^m •^ ^ ^ name, nnd glo - ri - fy thy name ■& <©- V zzz: <5 o» 306 ALLEGRETTO. f3=f £ "How beautiful upon the mountains." D. 3czi ^ ^S si s £= £E t=* How beau-ti-ful, how beau-ti-ful, how beau-ti-ful up -on the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tid - ings, that m £=£ :=T ^=5t±5 # # ■ g? .*,= ^ grazioso. con amove. T^V PPP5 *=^ 5 P==S2 :pzz«: K— k » How beau-ti-ful, how beau-ti-ful, how beau-ti-ful up -on the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tid - ings, that *-!» n-r—0- g£fcZ£ £ i 53 53i £ ^ =F 4* * » # fl g r 1 £ ^ £ : * 2=t=£ :fc* pub- lish-eth peace, that pub-lish-eth peace, that pub - lish- eth peace, that bring- eth good tid - ings, good tid - ings of good. p How S 3 w^^^^m^mm -ti - ful, a # -es- *fe iiow =*■ How beautiful upon the mountains." (Continued.) .307 ? i^=fa4^ *=Z- :; -~ beau -ti- ful, ll..w beau - ti - ful, How beau ti - ful are the feat ^^^^^^^^^ 3~- of him that bringeth good ti.l - ings, tliat put. - liah-rfh pOMe, that ^ S ^ # ;■.? V— *L m briiu - ti-ful. How bran - ti - ful, 1 l„w beau - ti - ful are the " 1 feet of him that bringetll g 1 ti.l - iaga, that pub - lish-eth peMa, tl.a igg^g^^=gfe g ^ ?,= ^^^^^ M pul.- li.h-Ml, ,»l-„-ii ,i,„ , ,;.,,...,,, „,.„.,! „,:„ »„i„, „„ . ,.. zi . ,,„, „ ilt „.,„ a *— - h-^ # # # # Hiii on, Tin t;.,l reign # # sfcfc *> *> v o ^ • ■ ^^^Epssssy *—*—«- pub- ii,i 1 ...th Ml vn-tion, that pub li-V, .1, M ] . m - tion, thai -aith l=t=t=± - // *> f:--l 9=/« ""' • i" Zi • on, taitJh un • t.. Zi on, Thj -^^:'i: ..J '^g^gi^g # # # V- ">) '■ i ."i - eth. 308 "How beautiful upon the mountains." (Continued.) im -o- "&=+ =t y'TF"^^ : E *£ Thy God rpign - eth, Thy God reign - eth. How beau - ti -ful, How beau- ti- ful, How beau - ti -ful up - on tbe mountains, How /C\ 2 ^5 * -- ^t£E^ St. f±Sz±± e^eESe£ w^^m. *=* - = */// *-«-* £ i> S s^ ^ ^ ?2- £ 22 ?E£ -¥=*- t=z± Thy God reign - eth, Thy God reign - eth. How beau - ti - ful, How beau - ti - ful, How beau - ti - ful up - on the mountains, How •>!*£ GL »— w E m -Q- ' ?c ®- -£-# &£3 4 ^r -g» g ^E5 ^ 4? ^V f^^m p= p — r ** beau - ti - ful up - on the mountains, How beau - ti - ful up - on the mountains, are the feet of him that bring - eth good tid - ings, that %j r N W- m 23353 r Q v-*- # — # ' g> » ■ eJ f^ *£ 'J Ki iH^fi i> -F — 0- T~ Uli beau - ti - ful up - on the mountains, How beau - ti - ful up - on the mountains, are the feet of him that bring - eth good tid - ings, that gfetE£EEg gE£te3- = =^ £ "-*=** "How beautiful upon the mountains." (Concluded.) .'*()!» bringeth good tij - inga, that pub-lish-eth peace, that pub - lid,, ,h «il - va - tio„, that saith on, that MUtl) I hat saith to Zi on, Hint -a- 1 . ~* 1= d Mi en - oth. Thy Qod reign - ith un - to Zi O. C ^ -y-^ =t & II ^ 22 a * ^ . -> -^ eaith un - to Zi Sf^ ^^Ffrg on, Thv God, Tl.v fffil ^. ^> Thy God reigMth, ,•// -H 1 & / 2 i. ign ^ ^ to Zi •o. -12: l *> II Thj God & s ■ Thy God " * L If reign • eth. 310 * ALLEGRETTO. Fonr measures for prelude. ANTHEM. "Lord, have mercy," HAYDIt. Arranged for this work. -V SOLI. -&- - f m 2\ * ~* ■o-T- £ i Lord, bave mcr - cy up - on us, Lord, have mer-cy up - on us, up - on us, Lord, have mer - cy up - on us, SOLI. ^ ^z=^r^r=^ *~ ^ ^^—^ w r nrrr-Q f 4 * -g -^ 3t SOLI. ^»- 77^ * ! » ^> i < i f g # *; -- -*-- *- -— T- Lord, have mer - cy up - on us, Lord, have mer-cy up - on us, up - on us, Lord, have mer - cy up - on us, „ SOLI. t m^=t ^ r i f ~f r r . rrTr t _±_ £±=£ *=£==£ ^ m^- ^ ^ rt ■ — r mi T fc M^F^^ • • g- stzz^: ^3t 5 4 Lord, have * j=^^ j=^ mer-cy up - on us, O Lord, have mer - cy, have mer - cy, :*=*: ISfc -&■ JSt T * 2 -T-^ Lord, g I Inn e ~<*-—o- -— — &■ -^-= — 0- IjJrlJjji.J, rrf ii r - . mer-cy up - i u Lord, have mer-cy up - on us,. : -&— - s *V -*-*■ 2± *F* XLL, ^ nava m«r - «y " Lord, have mercy." (Continued.) :n\ * 1 1 1 1 1 . i r=r = nf'^ U L 2=st ^ jf^-^r O Ix>rd I have mer • By i ue. up on t:«, ' -•fto ^ i — r -22=* 58 ^^ - fct TITTI. / \^ f h ^- W M. x=t & _, < * . . . f ■ '» Jfe *— • — ' ■ " * wr y ' r r - i. -"' a-f- ^ Lord! hnv: iuei 6J M us, o> «'n f m m \fil £ ^ > ■«- -*-»- fep L_ ' -% ^^ *-. MK.I Lord, have mer • ey up - on us, fur oar trust is in. Lord, have ruer - cy up • on us. for our trust is in tlur, f>T our trust is Lord, have mer ey up - on us, fur our trust ia 312 3* "Lord, have mercy." (Continued.) S T=* ? -tS—r ZBt 2^1 fcf ~¥^g~- thee, our trust is in thee, is in thee, thee. Lord, have oaer - cy up - on . 5. ^F 1 3 g w thee, our trust, our trust is 75? in thee. Lord, have mer - cy up - - - on * ^m ^v 3 P £ £ ii thee, our trust... is.. in thee, our trust is in thee. Lord, have mer - cy up - on . =J52= ^ (jg-*- 221 1 p= ^r — r i9- 1^ t thee, our trust TUTTI. in thee, in thee, thee. i i £ # # -©- 25£ 2ZZZ3E #-^-^ * us, our trust is in thee, is in thee,. TUTTI. . is in thee, our trust is in thee. Lord, have mer - cy up on . . . us, -gJSZjg ^v IS -&- i -^ US, r J TUTTI. our trust, our trust * ^ iu thee. *-'^-+^-& *=& -£ZS2=p: p-^ r r -f :.«? r^Ef rz> us, our trust is in thee, is in thee, 2E^ f3- our trust is in thee. Lord, have mer - cy up H2=rv — I- on . . . us, ife FP f-rr--^ p=f -*-*- our trust. theo, ui . the*. is iu thee "Lord, have mercy." (Concluded.) 313 5 ROM. ;\ Tl'TTI. ^ ^ + O # II -*-*- m ^=^=^ a* * -«»— t- • * & *- Have mer - cy, have mer - ev, for one trust is in Una, is in. ' . tin a, in. . . . 4 fe^l , -*-*- * # 23==3^f^ » « «» — # r J * \ ~ SOLI. / TITTI. II 3 -^ — *: -*-=P ^ ^ • ^ la f r ' "^ST^ in in — f-g? * j g -S» Lord, Lave mer - cy up I sill i ■« ** for our trust is in thee, is in thee, is.. in. Z2I fr 3 ^hhrfi^-d-* It ^-^ f^E ^ ANOANTK CANTAMII.K. haTe mer - cy, "If with all your hearts." D. : ' *- « g , p=pr ~r i r c c p^- i rttrwi ^ If with all yourhearta ye tru - ly M < k m.-, yo shall ev - er sure - ly find mi-. <:ihh our God, • "iir t;o«L **ihtt-frr& a # « ^-H' «" # •' : : ■ V ^ '., HZI pi frTT> :• ^ ^ ' . G ^ " If with all your hearts ye tru - ly seek me, yc sliall 81 er sur- - ly fin 1 DM, Kiith our Ov' : ! > | O o ; * m f- qsE=m ^ ' ' ', £ f <^ ' # . # ^ 314 i^=g "If with all your hearts." (Continued.) — ^ > > -o- i?v=?E (S- £ £ ^ -S>- ^ Ye shall find me, re - lv find. we, saith our God. > > /rs -»-• -»- i> > SOLO. ^V 3C S - #- ^P ^J E^dEJ Ye shall ev - er sure - ly find me, sure - ly find. me, J\ _■> -"> •> saith > our God. Oh, that I knew where I might > /^ ^- "-^ S mm -73 & M"~^" i^ i^F 5 — V ^ # * ' ■ * r> i=t =W4ftf! — g: RP >-=*Wf ^ t== fore his pres-encc. If with nil your hearts ye tru - ly seek me, =rV=S=« ye shall ev - er sure • ly find me, saith our God, & ' & r :* O * I2Z I « 0- i & m---ta ■ -'> -ill BT •>,' ■ lv find mo. s:iith < -U II > ^ ra y * «» •»- - p£ £3*=* ■&- m^=c=- ^^ u When the 'worn spir - it wants re - pose, And sighs her God to seek, How sweet to hail the eve-ning's close That ends the mm v 3^ -& j ■r 7 -*-?-* -& $h P5 B^? fv=S & *2=* 4 \r J # — 0- ii—+z When the worn spir - it wants re - pose, And sighs her God to seek, How sweet to hail the eve-ning's close That ends the M -&- m Z'l l~l E^ *=ftF e -*—*- ■&- ^ £ 731 9-9 9 '4=fc :e=£ r- r^-f^ Mj -G- ry week, That ends the wear - y week. -'I 5 a ^ How 6weet to hail the :m~± 2 ear - ly dawn, How tJGg E^ #*=* -es- =/; "0* How sweet to hail the ear - ly dawn, How sweet to hail the ear - ly <*-- £ s *=£= N^^^^^s i*z=f: ^- ry week, That ends the wear - y week. How sweet to hail the ear - ly dawn, How sweet to hail the ear - ly Sfe =t ■/!\- £=* *=£ -es- -&■ fc — ^— ^ .a How sweet to hail the ear "When the worn spirit wants repose." (Continued ) M > 317 a, sweet to lmil ^ tE£ 111.- fefe n. mx - Iv dawn Tlmt o - pens to the eight, When first the re - viv - ins morn *i dawn ^^ h h h at — w That pens to the sight, h its * * s=s =P= (lawn That pens to ^^^^^^^^ I i ■ «~ (lit the sjght, Whenfirsl the soul - re - viv - ing =££ m..ni >!.. da ^ dawn, How sweet to hail the car - ly dawn That o - pen, to the sight, When first the soul ££5^E viv • injj morn Jt* rays. ^^^^|^ of light, Sheds forth its rays of light, Shed* forth its rays of light §^ ^ ^ ■s» *-*■-&- '.' da] ! thine boon too soon will IV: gfc g=fe^J ' - f^^? <• f^rtl.iuravs of Hght, Shed, forth to ray, of light, Bhed. forth to ray. of iHn r> -# *» daj ' thine 1 on | . » (10II w ;u 318 " When the worn spirit wants repose." (Continued.) £ ^=P«= ^ ^ NUMj ES ^ 22: ^£ t= Z5? *- ^ cease. 0> # Yet while they ger - tly roll, ' breath e, heaven-ly Spir - it source of peace, A Sab - bath to my soul. Sweet day ! thine '^ ^t ^L >• . (H) 1 1 V^ x^ ¥ • • s >> I 3 P^ 22==*: ^rf^ ES m m ts 0-^^-^ g> #■ s>- cease, Tet L while they gen - tly roll, Breathe, heaven-ly Spir - it, source of peace, A Sab - bath to my soul. Sweet day ! thine tf2|'Jt 'r — — , — — mm . .. — 1 1 1 ^% — ! 1 •9 '00 4 f s, 5 M Wi I W=^ * rJ . ±zzM S ? 4 & m hours too soon will cease, Yet, while they gen - tly roll, Breathe, heavenly Spir - it, source of peace, A Sab - bath to my soul. 5f ^ -*—*- -&■ ^KT+ <3 0- (3 & 0- -& 0- & S- **£ &> Jfff j_U I 0—0-O- 0-0- -& :*z^: ^ -**-* G *--*-^ hours too soon will cease, Yet, while they gen - tly roll, Breathe, heavenly Spir - it, source of peace, A Sab - bath to my soul. m jSL M -zL=m± gZ,J_|-jZ--Qj.pa- _pjp^ lJ -0—0- — :gy — r P m ' f * 11 When the worn spirit wants repose." (Concluded.) 310 *3-*— ,:< r— ? e^? ^ it=fc ; ?/ When will my ]'il grim - age done, The world's long w< • k be ; • • -* — - Tlia! E ; ;ith dawn whieh i.. -d* no ='? ; s— v K N — s ^ # ' eg ^ ^ £=S= ; *=£ ^=^i + — *» d . d m d \ k> \\ ban i ill in y |>il grim • age be done, The world's long week be o'er. Thai Sab ■ bath dawn which needa no hi U £=z=£AJ==£Ert-tt-fA # — * — *- ~BL <2 *s Xi J^r-JQ^^-f-* .i II ^> ; £££ m ♦ # k ¥ ■ W V — V — V- That Sab - bath dawn whi.h needs no sun, That day whieh hdea no morel Tluit day whieh fades mi i ^ ^ -ft fr fi ft ft— ft" d .* * d m d m - ^— K h h h I! f> * # m * *# ; : ; : g m-;± i ' ^ . > h h • * ll :f=* # # # * o 0% 5 * *■: »- That Sab - bath dawn which in-, (Is no sun, Tliat day whieh fadrs DO more I Tliat day whieh fair- no niorcf O -# 0- ft ¥ r^z=k — Vzt. ^=^L ^ s» ^> Ell 320 ANTHEM. "Oh, how lovely is Zion." Solo and Chorus. SOLO for Soprano voice. S3 fea Oh, bow love- lv, bow love- ly is Zi - od, CHORUS. ANDANTE". Zi - on. cit of our God 1 Joy ' and peace shall dwell in thee, thanks- WZ ^ * 1 4 & * im^jiizd * S f-AuL ^ -^-Xf- fXf- -ts- p cres. V lE&E ' — I — \-J -0- -m- -m- -0-* Jcf 5 ^m 5 ^^ -^-»-h» »5t p^r «• f w^ T3 ■&- ■*■ Oh, how love- ly, how love- ly is Zi - on, Zi - on, cit - y of our God ! Joy and peace shall dwell in thee, tbanks- 1ZL ~ 72 V d_d \ * * d i+r * & — 0- ■32—*. -es & — te SOLO. P 3 « S£^3 H^ ?°=* giv * ing, thanksgiv - ing and the voice of mel - o - dy. ME s m^mm v^^ *=£ Oh, how love - ly how love - ly is Zi w on, Zi - on, -* — *z *zz*zzr -*-0 X9 '- M ' ' N = ^ P ii^ii *e± giv - ing, thanksgiv - ing and the voice of mel - o - dy. trr*-*** e* -J— I Oh, how love - ly, how love - ly is Zi - on, Zi - on, ^^M f^f^fe JT#V *=2 ±zzj*zzj4: *—»± -& * 1 >> > "Oh, how lovely is Zion." (Continued.) 321 %&, ££3 SE .> ; ^^- "H — H ^ . ^' ^TC 5 ?.: ^3 ~ • # # * <* s f V cit - v of inir Qodl Joy an.l ill dwell in thee, thanks - gif- i"-,'. thank* - gif- ing mil the roiM "I" DM V K i I I i -e— V T+1— 1 1 ^=»^ ^ # * g^ a* rt-\*-X ^— f * * a ^ - V ** ^-^^^i^^ ± v^^^^YT^ cit - y of our (Joil! Joy and peaee shall dwell m thee, thanks -giv-ing, thanks -giv-ing and I of nu-1 - o - .• . ^ <= * . ^ - I T SE^* ^^ r^ w & # -s» — «* eT e T # m * a IS? te=^ ';. - * " Oli, bow love - ly, how love - ly is Zi - on, Zi - on, cit - y of our God! Oh, how fc* ',:• >;, " P=PC sf at * * * - ^^ rrrrrrLjtrt- ^^ ^^ pp =U I ! Oh, h.>w I v. • lv i« \ ) * > a _ J t Oli, how lnvi- - lv, how love • ly is Zi - on, Zi - on, cit Oh, how love - ly is •>■& s . s s a. m * . ii=* * a — r -0 — o- 322 a Oh, how lovely is Zion." (Continued.) fe* E^ zac Z2Z s * »: &- F -*»4 ¥—¥- iy Zi Oh, how love - - ly is Zi - on, cit - y of our God ! w s 3C=* L^ zm aj *_*_^=:*=p «£ ? ? ;__g-££££ip Zi • on, 1* Oh, how love - ly is Zi .- on, cms. S p~rr£ Oh, how lovely is Zi - on, ores. Zi - on, cit - y of our God ! c^ VI vs. ^~tL h h Zi - on, 3^^ 23 *— *— * * #. Si Oli, how love - ly is Zi - on, Oh, how lovely is Zi - on, Zi - on, cit - y of our God 1 a ^3^E g ~w w ss^i E^EEE ^ »~ Sf fr -m- s S s 32 -tS?- ca 3 /> Joy g^ and peace shall dwell thee, Joy and h h fr-J = 4 0* 4_j L F ■?=?- fE£ v—v—*- peace shall dwell in thee, Joy m «* Joy and pvace shall dwell in thee, Joy and and w —d — d d d — d — «-l— Sg- Joy and peace shall dwell in thee, P -fr-h-V *=*=*=> S 37" Joy and peace shall dwell in thee, Joy and peace shall dwell in m& * ft M 1 -O- ■?eS £^ -s>- £ *v J(TV and peaoe shall Iwell in thee, Joy aud peaoe shall dwell in thee, Joy and "Oh, how lovely is Zion." (Concluded.) 323 < ^ fit. ••- *» > > ^. ^ s ^> I £ C' shall dwell thee, Joy and peace. shall dwell in H—fr- j^j-t d^ h h s k > > II ** " * ^ E ■-. pe*M shall dwell iu tine, Joy and pence shall dwell in thee, Joy ami P> > > shall •lw.ll in PP. thee II •'- 8 H¥ff "> thee, r* j ; j Joy mid peace -hall dwell in thee, Joy and i > > > shall dwell in thee. •>,'. urn a^^E^=^ ^^TT - ? 9 -P- ^£ V-L-* peace shall dwell in thee, Joy and pence shall dwell in tl ANTHEM. "Oh, that men would praise the Lord." ■>l(>l>l It \TO. SH ° 1 ^ # # ^ 1 :»' r? * i» p * ^ # -*-L^- -I r- Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his won - dcr -ful works to the ehQ-drea of men; Oil, that men would ?* .v • - , *=M* ; . « — # in -p-g- d * 1 < g » **=* # # # ^ * Hf p l JJJl^ I I ffir^+W ^ # ' "' %m < * - o " o - <>li. tluit men vooldpmite the Lord for Meg hi. n, :m.l for hi* woo-der-fal worb to the chddren of Oh, tlutt men ■* 3 5 3 - ' } ! ^^ ^EEE^ EE ^==^ g— p 324 a Oh, that men would praise the Lord." (Continued,) n U-fr-fr-^ #=£= See ^ -&— ~ v 4 ^~g ? -& — 0- -$*- praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his won - der -fill works to the children of men ; Oh, that men would praise the Lord ^mnm - s? > * * 4- 3 mzde -4zx.jL.jl_ 4 4. •.44 - — 0ZTZZ. ^ v*. -s> — * ft SziSSSi j> # g ?~~g ^ "^ 5=5 ^=^ 3 ft -e — *- H— h v~g~V~ g 25_ £@p j££ praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his won - der -ful works to the children of men ; Oh, that men would praise the Lord g§ ^ S2I w -0 — 0- Tzr -?5—fr HE O (•- £2=^: eins: . * 0- & for his goodness, and for his won - der - ful works to the chil -dren of men ; Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his : 'i- =t*=fc St ^ 1_Q_ ■& 0- — — j — « — #—3^ — a — -o- #- — « — 0-4 ~& \~& k=l £=* S^^!^^ wzzwzrz(!z-—w=w: ^£ t=t= 5^ *E£i for liis goodness, and for his won- der - ful works to the ehil -dreu of men; Oh, that med would praise the Lord f>r Ins ~4 4 0-JE. m -G 0- -Mdst ^ Bdzzd^ fe^ -G> 0- 35 -©> 0—0- "Oh, that men -would praise the Lord." (Continued.) 325 MM'R \M» sol. ii. * r i ? f_£_g i r- rHr-frg-tr^ * ^^ ' =: ^1* ^ goodness, aii'l for his won - der - ful works to the chil - dren of man. Oh,., i i \oi: that men would praise .%- I '7 S * ^p * * ^y=™ r=f=f- r r r r * * ^-«r V * o £ Oh, that men would praise the Lord, SOPRANO, ~"\ £=£ • • • • • • Oh, tliat in. ■ S S V * SEE ! -f>- g-flf-.i-f^F goodness, and fir his won - dor - ful works to the chil - dren of men. u III oh, t bit men would praise the Lord, I! \s^ • men would prawe the gto-g-c-fl «* W ** 1 r g ^ r r i* ? f r 1 r j t s s s s s s *=£ ^ See 1=^ ££ >:. ' - ^ a : M P - I Lord, praise the Lord. for his good- ness, and for his won - der works to the ehii of DMO . fT~S S S S -K fTTirT •, 5EE3E5 s n h i. : . O m * r< V * rV f V, if=t Lord, Oh, that men would praise the Lord, t * * i 3 ( )B, that men would p» -£-h S S S f *> + i* T ^ .,,».» Oli. that men would praise the Lord, v s . s .'■r.l. I.-ir 0- Oh, that men would praise the Lord, •>,• >, Sz££JZ ^Eg oli. thai Lord, K h S s s ,: t. -0 1 praise- tie ' ' ' ' ' ' V V UTTE - 326 a "Oh, that men would praise the Lord." (Concluded.) ~&i k=tt± Oh, that men 'would praise the Lord for his good - ness, and for his won - der - ful works to the ehil - dren ot oien ; ^ &ff=f$r = Em=ttiE=m : i r^TfTBxLp-^ L --hs> Oh, that men would praise the Lord, praise the Lord, fe£ m *=* *=* i £=£ ^ t=t==%=4 & i wg 3=4=3 ^=3 a *=*: az3t 3ES §S Oh, that men would praise the Lord, praise the Lord for his good - ness, and for his won - dcr - ful works to the chil - dren of men _ h h s N ^h fSS- £ s>- F=± m m—M: ■&Z2L =a=¥- m ^ g£ &=& ?z ZZJBL Z2I I ^ V S3 Oh, that men would praise the Lord, would praise the Lord, would praise the Lord,would praise. the Lord. ^ s ^ ^S^^fe^^g SE 5=F r^ S»- Oli, that men would praise the Lord Oh, that men would praise the Lord s would praise the Lord, would praise the Lord, rit. Oh, that men would praise the Lord, Oh, that men would praise the Lord, would praise the Lord, would praise the Lord, §s wV^-t-t-^ =^ 7S£. ir p ee - -&- ^¥= _^ LSI 0- would praise the Lord. would praise the Lord. 221 I AI.I.FGKO 5^^ ANTHEM. "Oh, come, let us sing." -Z2 1 * P M P^ f f - ' ^=3C ^ * * ^ Oh, come, lot iw sing un • to At Lord, let u* heart -i - ly n> - joice in the strength of our sal -va-tim.. Let us come l>o • : ^ -, 1 — rt~i — r . . P=p: £ ^ « — #- / Let us come I*.-- f>>re his %\ ^ffflf P=ac * * e ' S3 4 \ €» . «>-+-^ « » -<*»- Oh, como, let us sing un - to Dm Lord, let us heart-i - ly re • joice in the strength of our sal • va-liin. I.< t us come he-fore his ~y^- -f- -f>- .. ^ ■ " ^ £ & Let u» eoi rrrrir r - foro his presence, Let us come he - fore his a « & -&- -& DTH - ence with thanks - gir - in/, "*= J» * * ^ ^f-t^^ l^^ ^ * * *> m with thanks- giv - ing, and ■BOWOOI tolTM glad in liim wr ■ OOUM ba fore his presence. Let M,MMbl*fcnUl S V ^ r*^ ? g ' . — # * :sz -I 1 1 r- fore his presence with thanks - gir • ing, 328 "Oh, come, let us sing." (Continued.) i MAESTOSO. gg _g? y~y zm P=pC3ZZ=£Z ^ f^ ^ (S # — 0- -es- £ 75? & anzgs presence, Let us come be -fore his pres - ence with thanks - giv - ing, and show ourselves glad in him with psalms. For the Lord =t =*=* ^^ S & & ^— ^ ^ZZZ2 * m m t*—^ 221 S> (S- ?2= E • fQ p g I#_ * f |»-f £ Jg-g- Z2_ E presence, Let us come be -fore his pres - ence with thanks - giv - ing, and show ourselves glad in him with psalms. For the Lord is a -s> 0—0-fVfS * i 7 3 73— -run 73 — r — I T T i f 5 * 1 * — 0- % m 7 2~ 73 I 73 % 75 I ^ -*—0—9d 22 I ^ m 221 K&- *&■ -&- ^ -O 0- m^t w j2I & great God, and a great Kir e a - bove all gods : In his umdfl are al th< cor - ners of the earth, and the strength 0: " the \j . . 1 1 /f rtin 1 ' 1 J n f(M 73 M /B TZj fV «s ST. —73— -*-W- £ 1 s — -e G> - - — — — e 1 gj - f JiS * # XT' '■ & - >o- #--0- #= «9- ::| : " ¥=*■ -\\ 9 9 10 V ' V , i — r * < hills is his al - so. Lei us wor-ship the Lord in the bttm- ty of I *. v of C ^ JJi^JFJlJ J *' g ' JjlJ J-r-hJV i Fj zz ^ ■H p=t — y a — r s 2=5 • ? *<— £ t hills is his al -so. Let us wor-ship the Lord in the beau - t y of ho - Hneea, Let us wor-sbip 1 in the beau ■ ty of m F sm ■0-+ ♦ ♦ a zr: m. + _i . j i i . J ' __!_ I C< f ' T\- * ■ * * & ' II f & 0- 0- -M -*-:: €S»— -fs • a (O ^a^# # y=£ V 3 ! ^ =£~ :?=*: ho - li-ncss, Let us wor - ship the Lord m 'he beM t\ >l bo h-nesa. let the whole onrtli of ; ^ b v-v him; For be * -H — r :: : d d d ■ -ri — 0--+ # # C Cs Cs ■ -V 2* r, «= f 00.0 in/ -0 0. y s <• * • • \< St d '.- V-V- ho 1 -li r {> the Lord in the bean ty of bo - ]i-ne««, l< th stand ^ir rr i *r r nr ?-£ 0. ^k -> ?- o ■ c . :£=£ 330 "Oh, come, let us sing." (Continued.) ■> -&- um=$^a ■IS- tt S" 1 £ 22- V — *- ±=± com - eth, for he com - eth tt> judge the earth, and with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the peo - pie with his truth. m *=(i m =f5=K 5 1 ■m—* - ^-r 3 *r-H zz:aE=z -«- PP 5 *=f5 :^ : ^ h=h 72~ HE «? 1* *—*--*—* *E^ S> *— # £=* com - eth, for he com - eth to judge the earth, and with righteousness shall he judge ' the world, and the peo - pie with his truth. -* *— 0~ fe£^.-gg - -x ?=£*=* -& — : jg- E -f«— *- "Ob, come, let us sing." (Concluded.) 3 331 Hrrr^ ^^"^ = ■hvning, i« now, and ev - cr shall be, world with-out end, world without end, world with-out end, A d a, A - men; world with rJ —0 , -0—G>- <5» 0—0- O SIT*: s & ■ eg ^> <-> £ *=x (^ » ' — gs > e> ^ ^rV * HE £ <^ o ^ gin-uiug, is now, and ev - er shall be, World with-out end, world with-out end, world with-out end, A - men, A - men; "- V • * &F 1 y—* f» — *> - — V^-m & — &~ n II •^ 2» — •> > g - ^ - * ^> * # o er a,... world with-out end, world with-out end, A - men, A • world witlHmt cut!. A men. j | r • i II Jf B ^* • mM iM gpj aa I 1 U sn <^ ^> ■V « ' o " *7 t ■^ mf rs f I ' '■ i ' ^ is . II o * * -2? 1 ^ - 2> # world with -<>iit and, world with-OQl -0B- y^=m ga^ #* t— ><> ■ * -5 ^ _•*>## 1*1 «2 •»- world without end, world with-out end,. 332 SENTENCE. "Whom have I in heaven but thee." Dr. L. MASON, From a coll. of church anlhemt, pub. in London, Eng. -Jh% . — 1ST' ■H - " " " OB ■s - ■■ =r=w = sn r*2 m • a s a L S>— (S— - €^ Whom have I in 1 eaven but - 1— v\ 1 thee ? Whom have I in ] — f— leaven but O i o ' ^ mm — 1 K 1 — 1-- 1 u\\ ^ e\~ \ -d r\ M v\_U /•& 0^\ fZJ d • m m m & - p 32. =££ -jg-ig)- ?2I £Z^=* 3?: ^~g? 3= 321 22: -o- thee? And there is none, none up- on earth that I de - sire be - side., thee. My flesh and my heart fail - eth, My flesh and my heart \ -G- ttHLJB.. 221 3 Z5t22t -&- -zt 22 2Z rV 22: 22: =t 7^-*- 22Z±?i 22Z22 V l=*fee^d *= 22=*^f:: F 257 ^ 22 O 3 ^Z22I -~ 22- :s2: 22Z^I -I "t- S !-- G _--^tz:. £ *4^s£ §5 thee? Andthcreia up-on earth that I de - aire be -side., thee. M, flesh and my heart fail - eth, My flesh and my heart rr-Z — r £2 221 -&—»-*■ -o- #. # -g> -&—&■ £ ■&- 22_ s>- -Q- G £ £k * 22: 1 ^SLZ ^ " Whom have I in heaven but thee." (Concluded.) H — h ! i i r~H - y s 333 & * e J ■ 4 - — m~ c J & »- stz*=* < g . M ^ * * o -rr fail • ,-tli ; But Cfod h th< strength, tb :. Bui God is the strength, thi •. anr - ti * ^ S * a> 4 1 \ rJ - m \^ »±rJ rJ \ & »z:g I & • ^ • m m \ rJ mm . ^ fl^m ? &—&- :p=pc fe=* -> ' 22Z^t=^ ■c* « fnil - eth; Hut God it the atangth, the strength of mj heart, Bat God i- : : r - ti.>t>, my SpS -> ' < g ' » .O *_*. t=t: ->->'> * eg ' # -o — mm -> 2 ' I £> o r> # i -s » S s ^ . ^ II ZE^zea: «> zg * w a s v z, c & por-tioa for- <•%■ • er; Bal God is the strength, tl urt, and my por-tion, my por-tion lor - cv - or. («r . «* * II m I ~ nzz g) I o>^ imt c J • * 2Z=z*zatizzzzz«zM 3Z3t £• # ^ C & & -.u\ o » * - =r-t^f— !Mf II ^ t=* i i ' o » » ^ ■ ■■" for- i. ,rt, and my por-tion, my por-tion f'.- - er -> -> " o 3=^ Z=frlg?Z±g — t-J t a. Ul'H 334 SENTENCE. "Blessed are the pure in heart." ■*-*-*: -jOL ^ ^*=h= -* — * V eg- in* ^= s?. ^ Z2zzz: J. Bless-ed are the pure in heart, Bless-ed are the pure in heart, Bless-ed are the pure in heart, the pure in heart, '?£ L » «= -#—# # *~a^ :*j-*-*=fa -eg- ^ifzut^t *=*: 1 ?=r Bless-ed are the pure in heart, the pure in heart, the pure in heart * ffi P^q^ S ^ « i; £! £» & s ^=^ - ?-*-* rezi 221 Bless-ed j ire the pure in heart, Bless-od are the pure in heart, Bless-ed are the pure in heart, Bless-ec . are the pure in heart, tfVlt *1 -» • r r r J'-o- %} *• r 9 i t*n • s S "#o r Li 1 1 1 Y "n J r 1 .4 . jL j I m =££ -eg- m ~& cL_si -eg 22 — ez :s2 -eg- ^ 22 — 22 221 ■eg- 221 221 for they shall see, shall set God, for they shall see, shall see God, for they shall see God, -' 3 -&- Z2 -S3- -eg- ■23 for they shall see, shall see 5^ 2g gg H3r 22irr to 22_ God, they shall see, '= P <* -eg- & -eg — eg & 2Z -eg _ -eg- 22^: 22ZZ22. •>= 5 for they shall see, e g g for they shall see, shall see God, for they shall see. God, m '■PL -eg- £ ^?sq ^ ' 72 -eg- eg- -«g- m for tTiey shall are. God, •Blessed are the pure in heart." (Concluded.) 3= Bless - cd ore the pure in heart, Blom .A J__ ' UIeM ■ e(1 nr " <>>•' pure in heart, ^m ■—«*,». . „,„, „.-i- T^r^ for they ehall ^ in t=*E&. l: '-"•"Pure in ,„,„, ^^ ''•'••» '• rw/rfc ,/' j> ed are the pure in heart, f„ r thiy eLaJ1 JT J fig". "' ' -edareth B!~, - o,l are the pur, in he-ut, the pure fo h «irt. 83(5 SENTENCE. "Thou wilt show me." w. S W£ fcsEZZ^ & — * gg • S ? : =g ?g5^$ ^ 22: -7^ = d = &-T-&- -fig" £ 32: TZ-^—fl Thou wilt show me the path of life, Thou wilt show me the path of life; in thy pres - ence, fcfci* 3 3r# ^^^ ■&-.-&-+T •&-* "^ •+■ -&->l>- -&- 3 i 5 zzzzazzz 3 2? -4— fig— -s? — *- -*** Thou wilt show me the path of life,. - fi g . fig - fig ^ # * fi? . # =22: Thou wilt. show me the path of life ; . . . . thy pres - ence, P¥ J' fig— -fig— (2 • (Z~< Z23ZZ2 g3 ' fig — *- Z2I -fig fi g -- 22 g ^•^•^- • gJ 22: =|: «gH— g2— *iq f^E^ fi> -4^ in thy pros'- ence is full - ness of joy. . , H 22 fig EPE^ -fiV — *-- - . I tt=ti Thou wilt show me." (Concluded.) 337 m^^^^^^^m -o-^-^- full-ness of joy full - new of j„y ; ^g= at thy right hand there are pleasures forev - er more. at U.y right fcttd... arc fullne.«M of joy. fullness of joy ; mm s£ c 338 ALLEGKETTO 5^ HYMN. "Hark! what mean those holy voices?" £>. ■h-tH- i — a — *- S3 ^~d^ d ^ ^ b :s>. -d—d Hark I Hark! Hark ! what mean those ho - ly voic - es, Sweet - ly sound- ing through the- -#^V- i £ K — K 4 ^ ^ #P 3 i>i>p />/? /Sbtffo voce. £»3^ ^z= ^E? -T f" £ *=* Hark! Oboo. -*- -4- j Hark ! PgEf •It r -14 I r r Hark ! what mean those ho - ly voi^ - es. Sweet ly sound- ing through the ££tt4 ** -T — ¥- ^=g^ -©- rTFTB 5*=^ 4= £E £? o- -? ^— * — k Lo! th'an-gel - ic host re - joie - es, Lo! th'an-gel - ic host re - joic es, Heaven- ly hal - le - lu - jahs rise : W? w/" eras. #" />i> Rkies? Lo ! th' nn-crel - ic host re - ioie - es. Lol th'an-cel - ic host re - ioic - es. Heaven- ly hal - le - lu - iahs rise: Hear Lo ! th' an-gel - ic host re - joic cs, Lol th'an-gel - ic host re - joic - es, Heaven- ly hal- le - lu - jahs rise: Hear them _ _ -* : -* -f- ■+ ■# ■*... -^ ■*■ •+ h 5- — '— - fc=£ B "Hark! what mean those holy voices?" (Continued.) ^ k=S |SE&z-£E£ESE? 9 9 m =y * # W-V-ty Hr.ir them toll the wondrotu ft" - ry, Ht-ur then chant in ) j°y ; > „ „ I ,, 1 =157- ^ r=f = ^P=T- 339 Glo - ry in tlic [ y > ^f =*=* * + atz=i ^m a ry ■r-TT-br-H :. •V t=fl dhant ia hymns 5= I ¥—4 £^ ^=Mf t.n *>.:' * — w -t-m d ====7^5=i the \i*uii(lrous sto - rv, 1 1, ar them chant in hymns of joy • ilo - ry in high ^ w& f » V a 2E»3 JK — ^ ^ ' zt -s>- hcav - en, Reach - in^c far. as man is found ; Souls re - deemed, and f ff f f*f PS 2± g I22_ -o- J ,J -Si- "Hark! what mean those holy voices?" (Concluded.) ( H<> III t. Tenor. 341 ^ ?m :: -trs- "Chriat is born ! Alt*. the gr SzSJnqcv s p--»- r ' r - fr—W^T n * ■ fur - giv our gold - en harps shall ioond. ' thrift is born! th Soprano. / f"f--f"f-\ r r *? ******+***+* - #####? J J J 5 5 ♦ S -OhrirtkbomlthegwrtAJi - ™^™^^™ 1 ^ — ™ Daw. m *— ?-*-*- , s *-t-f»- ' I! *> ^=f ^ £^PP ^ ^ olnt - cd ; lleav'u and earth Lis prais- es sing ! Oh, re - ceivo whi>m God ap - point - cd, For your Proph - et, Pricat, and Kini; !" A' v; mrn^ ip n ^ * *> • „ C- oint - cd j Heaven and oarth his prais-es aing ' sm ff ^=*= * * T72. £ r C r i r J i r~B - * ' oint - • 1 , Heaven and earth liis prais-cs sing! Oh, ro - ceivo whom God tp pool - cd, Kor _T.>nr Prvph - et, rrio*t, and • g^ r t I tutm ^ - o .£-*- ^ -> r^ ^ SIF 342 HYMN. " Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed." 1 GEO. W. FOSTER. SOLO — Soprano and Tenor. *£9 4 -&- ffi -*- 22 te^a?^ ! dr^f- «fc 3t* ea fea 1. Our blest Re - deem - er, ere 2. He came, sweet in - fluence to SOLO— Alto. he breathed His tea - der, last fare -well, A Guide, a Com ini - part, A gra - cious, will - ing Guest, While he can find SffE^ m fort - er be-queathed one hum - ble heart 72L ■&=± i =fc :&zz3t : ■m i lis *£ 1 o +^t 3. And ev - cry vir - tue we pos - seas, And ev - ery tory won, Aud ev - ery thought of ho - li - nes3, •* s 3^5*3 3 m With us. Where - in, to dwell, With us. . . to rest, Where - in . . , to dwell, to rest. his a - lone, Are his a - lone. m Are his. ^ s W -%' * •*■ -4h ■*■ ■"h^r- -y- ■jVJIW- -(&■ 3 At a^f£nrr §sfc? >V ^ iid^^ Interlude. J iff-fer I ^m 22 1 Play four measures for a Prelude. First terse, Soprano Solo; second verse, Tenor Solo; third verse, AUo Solo. "Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed " rfnnrinHpH \ o,„ ^ r-rryn i text I Rte 3. Sph-it of pur - i- , y , :ilCTaee , OurwcJme* pit - , £=* ^S I IM . r^ — w + -& V S^^^U orbaarta thy .Iwolling-plaea, . . . -th - ler s^ ^ < horu« to ifr«n,l Vrric. » norm to tecaml Verse, ". And his that ran > tie «<««*»« i - 2?a. ."*■ . . ^^ — 2. And hia thai gen-ileToieeve hear, - . JJ . c- even. That checks each fa,. ■ n. II calms each f.ar, And ^.eaks W v>.. I. ^HHl "'• ' ,-..., ~&£ T3 pfll 344 SANCTUS. Arranged from L. BORDESE. m ADAGIO. 1 w !*- ^W- E E ^i Ho - ly, Ijo - ly, ho - ly, Loril, Lord God of Sa - ba - oth ; "N^ *- Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, m zz: P ±=r* !ZtL z£ *=±zz£ o — •- I2Z V P £ 1&- 3 ic£ f 122 ■3SZ Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, Lord, Lord God of Sa - ba - oth ; Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, i w 1±. & »~ -0 -a — * - -Sh 32 Lord. Lord Ood of Sa - ba - oth: Heav - en is f> > * -O— ■ I p—» full of thy fflo - ry, 5£ SANCTUS. (Concluded.; 345 full of thy glo san na tlio high -est! ^^^^^ ho " 'y. 1>» - ly, Lord, 3^ « ^-±\£- Lord God of Sa - U - „th- * Ho • -a: i ^ism .1 Ho - <=- t C- i ^f^ gl %=J=e4±i psp -p\ *L 1 ho ' fri bo - lv, Lo rd> m^m (i '"l of Ba - ba - oth; II, na! II- •>, g > » I * m & if ii m 346 DIET. ANTHEM. "I will extol thee." £ m ^mm =s= *^ ^ — i* i» — <* -* — 0- f- s -r-*-* i» — *— r P I will ex - tol thee, I will ex - tol thee, I -will ex - tol thee, my God, King ; and I will bless thee, will * a — 0- at=± 0- j=j T I J^^3=f 3=J=5 -?i — ar ±»t te i j p g * ^S^ ^^ ^^ ^^= - ^ Aj i: was in the bo - ginning, as it the Bo Oboet,aad to the Ho - !. . was in the be gui - a* it 348 "I will extol thee." (Concluded.) I ^333L ra£ -O- ^ «5>- 0—0- -tf— #— * V V in the be - gin is now, and ev - er shall be, is now, and ev - cr Bhall be, is now, and ev - er . d 0, t fr^ ^-^Oif- * t* ^ 00 — *-* fcf-^ 2 ? ^ -* — tf — -0-T—0 -0 0- was in the be - gin-ning, as it was in the be - gin - ning, was in the be - gin-ning, as it was in the be - gin - ning, is now, and ev - er shall be, is now, .and ev - er Bhall be, is now, and ev - er -0-0- .0 f f rU "#— ~0 ^—•—P- f^m world with- out end, SOLI. **» ^. ^S » g_» £ »> ^ # J:» 22 P=p: £ Z2I ^^ shall be, SOLI. world with- out end, A - men, world with- out end, A - men, A - men, A - men, A - men, £f is i hhh 0- sa= ttM P -»- tf ^— T lS>- world with- out end, SOI. I. TUTTI. ^ TUTTI. zz: m r :& +H-+ P ^ 221 S F • f 2ZI J^Z^i *-*-/ shall be, J "4, :;■ world with- out end, A - men, world with- out end, A world with- out end, •0-P-0-, -# 0- 7? — w & £ ^0- id 0C3-0 7= T ~W men, A - men, A - men, A - men, 2± jCT. 22: i SENTENCE. "Blessed are they that dwell in thy house." 349 ^-i^AS -&—* * * f ' i r i i=JC i arc they that dwell in thy house. Blessed are tluv that dwell in thy a . m s s : they will be still praising tin R3f s s S . " -> c '-* mzMzm 1 ' & • & +-m- . tli* y will 1 they will be still ::' * „ 000 - ]* »»* -!- «e Blessed are they that dwell iu thy house, Blessed are they that dwell in thy house; they will be still praising thee, they will be still praising thee, still •n - rj \ ? F -p. ■&—*- +—+- ' * F Pm * they will be still ' -?*■ -€S aT—r-O * :; o - li - & ■ ni ¥ V V V V. -: praising thee, still praising thee. They go from strength to strength ; every one of them in Zi - on ap- \ aretil be- fan.... Q A ; JL^^^^^ ■r::\ 1 ■£jL=*l m ci Cs a a * * * <* I-:'' •»—*»- p m :g=g gg gg g i r r r ir r ?p li ^ » * & - i & ^3 ^5L 350 ""PraiQ^ \ra tVl£k X r»rrT " Chevalier siqismund neukomm. JTl.ai.OC Jf CJ UJ.J.C l-iKJL \X. From an original AM. furnished for this work by Dr. L. Mi S^3E 1: ^m jb g: * — fc- :t: +t -ts- ¥ — V- ¥ — *- Praise ye the Lord, O ye servants of the Lord ; praise the name, praise the name, praise the name of the Lord. 9 -&- ^ :]*=$ ■*-r*-m -m- & s> praise the name, ■*-* i ■& #3 K-- Bless - ed be the Bl e>- t ^-*-- 3=T ^t £2 *—*- '4* -<5>- & ■fn r =£=J *=-£- >-v- 9:3 Praise ye the Lord, O ye servants of the Lord ; -rim ? . -.-- -» ■ praise the name, praise the name of the Lord. Bless - ed be the O-mrl*- 3=9E I 3=t ?' *=? fc=fc s £ £ praise the name, praise the name, 4*=rV 3* 3 ^ HS &=£ fff^ !&- -e- §3 joT'-^Fq P g » 3tz-M ^s>- - e . a -v — v- Bless - ed be the name of the Lord, from this time forth, and for - ev - er - more. From the ris - ing of the 6un un- to the m *=* 8^ ^=^ -a> — 0- -er- name of the Lord, of the Lord, *t --& -0- -o- gbftg 1- g -tf- -0-0-r-O- J ^=J?I £ tf §9p -e- P^S3 -a^-=- *~ *EEg&$EfE$&£z $$i$ name of the Lord, of the Lord, from this time furth, and for - ev er - more. From the ris - ing of the sun uu- to the ^- rirrn-g E^ £=+=£ -<5>- £ =* ^ -fi?- ^ 3SE y^-g- gixj g Hr- ^ lilens - ed be the name of the Lord. "Praise ye the Lord." (Continued.) ■te-*- 351 £o - inv' 'l'>wn of I the Lord'l name, Lord's unrae, the Lord's mime is to be pr:i. is to be ^ V ?*=f> praig - »d, is to be ±t=s &£=*=* . ;# .=* i- the Lord's name is to be S — u 5 — y y- M^^fefe^i t-g-trf -; s ; fetzfc p=e go - ing down of the same, tlio Lord's name, the Lord's name is to bo prais - ed, thi- Lord's name is to be prais - e l. h to be : m^z tt-Ztt the Lord's name, the Lord's nanio, Um Lord** name, the Lord's name is to be S S V £ ;;r ' v^^^fr: :t g IY ;~r^ g ¥-*-¥— *- prais - ed from this time forth aud for cr - cr - more, the Lord's name is to be prais - ed, is to be prais - ed, is to be iS ^=S } j . wri j ^g^ y ; j ;i j=^ =si=^ / g * ># w » •^ S3 : : «:-- fc=2=; prais • ed bran this time forth and for 8t - or - more, the Lord's name is to bo prais - ed, is to be prais - ed. t-i 1 •• i £5E£ * < f^^ # 9 i " •fr-fr-v- 2*: 4-4= -5 'f 352 '^ m-f-rf -&- ;c Praise ye the Lord." (Continued.) -& — ^ ^ S3 — e ?z= §S5 ^TP I prais-ed. Praise ye the Lord 1 praise ye the Lord I the Lord is high, is high a - bove all na - tions, and his PUP -& — * . . * s m -&>■ p f -0 prais-ed. P=^ = T : § : =g= ^ . . * I p^ M^-*- -S» ' ' &-^-ir ?5C ^-^ft 3=0: J " E ' E Praise ye the Lord I praise ye the Lord ! the Lord is high, is high a - bove all na - tions, and his gg^P 7 2 - qe: 22: ?g ^ ^H T S. £ r r r'^p 22: /^N -- 221 221 glo - ry, his glo - ry a - bove the heavens. Praise the Lord! praise the Lord! ye serv - ants of the • — &- f* * isL 3 /9S % G> &■ -72~ & & -Gi m O ye serv - ants of the Lord, O ye & W p ^ -Q- -&- ~Z2L 221 m 2 -&■ glo - ry, his glo - ry a - bove the heavens. Praise the Lord ! praise the Lord ! O yc serv - ants, O ye ^^ SJ- £ -o- 1221 N==M=p==f¥ S> *— * "S? Praise flis' Lord ! praise the Lord ! praisathe Lord O praise tho L^rl! praise the r> Load, o. scrv "Praise ye the Lord." (Concluded.) 353 ■ale ->f the I...nl, o ^pmp yo serv-ants of the I * ^E* (be name of the I. - i fr,»r, I'M ■errant* of the Lord, praiaeeflte nan,,- f ^^^ »S^« the L»rd. praise the „:„„,... g the sonants of Uie Lord, Lord ! praioe tlio I.ord ! I Lord! praise tie Lord! O ve servant* Jpr— -— ^ «_L praise the name, the name of theLor.l from p~y vc servants, O ^^^glgiS ev - er - more, fur ev er - ^S T. eenranta , f ft, j^ ^ lhe ^ J ~ ^S^ fnp or - more, ^^^11 354 ft Blessed be the Lord God of Israel." jZ^^tf'JRg&'Z'UEz SUBDUED, SLOW, AND SOLEMN it LOUD. i za jEzgi ig 3^ SfiT^ry rjrzz ^^ £ la 0—S— Ble93 - ed, bless - ed, bless - ed be the Lord 1 bless - ed be the Lord God of Is - - ra - el ; Bless - ed, bless - ed, g w±d ^ ■& — - -fS ■ ^ g-J | JJ j - ^fe^j^ 3? 21 P 3^Eg^ EZZ Bless - ed, bless - ed, bless - ed be the Lord ! bless - ed be the Lord God of Is - - ra - el ; BlesB - ed, bless - ed. m W 11 ^ ^ &- s 12. es i£ bat «— * « £ * \ + ^Ef^^^ EJ^ ^7T^ 22: ^ <= — ^ _> =¥= -0^-0 bless - ed be the Lord ! Bless- ed be the Lord God of Is - ra - el, from ev - er - last - ing and to ev - er - last - ing; ^ nr t ^ i & — 0- rV*^ > int — ■a* 3 HZ2 fczr^zzzJab zT^ fe^ 7\ ^^Etzi^zzczzt p^3 -*-#- m bless - ed be the Lord! Bless - ed be the Lord God of I» - ra - el, from ev - er - last - ing and to cv - er - la^t ^m L •_ L m L _ "0" f> ' ;>^H^ fe Ip k ^^^i^gp ^ izt " Blessed be the Lord God of Israel." (Continued.) 355 T~f-- -^r .$< SOLI. »rd God of Is - ra - cl, bom cv - er - lost - ing to ev - er • last - fog, from ev S &m *S$EE£S£ # JO. I' i- *{*..& XXK.* ±=m ft ^zptezgj p 3 ±& m i :- Bless - od be the Lord God of la , > ra - el, from ev - er - last - ing to ev - er • hut - ing, from ev - er •v ^ # :, O ' *> O. B? rM? *^f= S ( HOIILS Willi Visor, but not too fait. / P ^ ,' lad big ami to ev - cr • last - lag / SEEFg ^H -# — *L n Bin* • <•! I* 7>r *i# <* = r 1 C'\ "f !■ 'a - I from 'V hat • [>Mi M g£ • 356 ts Blessed be the Lord God of Israeli" (Continued.) 4: <* -F-iS- S=i (9 -SJ- ^ ^=^= > Lord God of Is - ra - el from ev - ei" - lnst-ing and to cv - er last - ing, and to ev - er - last s ^S-ae — -0—0- }&- \ l _- Bless - ed be the Lord God of Is - ra - el from ev - er - last -ing and to ev - er -f& 1 — i— ^*N ■ i — I **] :s£ P tz^t* ■■^m Ufeda ^E^E^Ef 9 M Bless - ed be the Lord God of & g ^H E F EE =i — -t-s* — ; ev - er - Inst ins; and to ev last k £ -#-*-» 3z: ^ Z2I 3t ^ -- '>- -f-0-^S 7* I? » £ &£ £ Is - ra - cl from cv - - er - last S ing, from ev 5a er - last ff P mm m. m_ 7N Bios* - od 1« tho I/jrd Ood of Is - ra - cl from *v - cr "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel." (Continued.) ,. , , eH^ Jj i j^ J -F ^ »- # - ■'• -*^5~^ -**- r u i i * ev - cr - Inst in^, ev - cr - last m mg, ev - er J J 1 1 -4 -J-fii i : J fm- O ■C In-t ing, ev - er, cv er - ln-t tag, ev - er - o :■* / 1 r r ' ing, ev - cr - l.n-t •>/ * . * * £ "*-»H* :r o — = - * m XT- £^f ¥ • 4 j-4 - " last -ing and to cv - er - last-ing, ev - er, ev - er - last ev - er - last g^J-j-gL : J JJ| g _— |^ =3i inir, from ev - or - last ing to ev- er - last • ing. . ?^±^^^m^m Ip , : from i f ing to ev - cr last ■ng. ID f, m is * « — * - 2 358 "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel." (Continued.) *=»^ iliiHI ^ P^ Bless - ed be the Lord God of Is - ra - el from ev - er, ev • er - last - iDg to ev - er, ev - er V V n 321 ^=^=e fct** ■tt~9 JS. a ==* '■> last mg, ev - er g last - ing, from ev - er - last ing to ev er, ev it J— I — W^-f— L ^ ^ P3 £ Bless - ed be the Lord God of Is - ra - el from ev er, ev - er is* -&- -&- -&- -&- -&>- last - ing to ev er, ev - er - last fS> » 221 it)g to cv er,. *== ^ P ^=* ^S mm last mg, ev - er - last iuf? to ov ==s=i=t=i 3* JZt==7JZ> :=J*5 *^— *: rrg » S Inst ing 1 ev er last iu;j to ev er - last ^ — — s> ^ e ■ » ~^ C PP£ -^ — ff 13 igp?EE|ig^^ ing, ev - er I ing, ev - er - last ing, to ev - er - last - ing, to ov - er, g^^^^ g^^^^ T = — =- =^===^== ■=- : : r i> — -gg I T I T I I I I lv- in£. h I I i ~t ± * :o " Blessed be the Lord God of Israel." (Concluded.) 35U . » -«- £ ^ ^ rr i r r ' r r c< ev - er tut in- to ev er - last in- last ing, from er - er ^ £ (# 3 :'-. w=* ^ ^ ta *==* f¥ « t" ev or - last S§^ » « * P=Fft=g ':' ing, from __ o- m er ln-t ing t<> ev - - cr - last ing, from ev - er m^ *- ^ t: Bless ■ • ti.^- last lug to ev - er lu-t 7STT~ - ing, and to ev er - last • \n ^ £ > " # : :^> - o ^ JI Lord God of It - ra • el from ev - er, ev - er - lust ing, and to *v - er - last - ing, i • - «r inf. 360 VENITE EXULTEMUS DOMINO. CHANTS. No. 2. Double. 1. Oh, come, let us sing uu- [ to the | Lord : | Let us heartily. rejoice iu the | strength of | our sal- | vation. 2. Let us come before his preaeace | with thanks- | giving, | And show ourselves | glad in | him with | psalms. 8. For the Lord is a | great — | God, [ And a great | King a- | bove all | gods. 4. In his hands are all the corners | of the | earth ; J . And the strength of the | hills is | his — | also. 6. The sea is his, | and he | made it ; J And his hands pre- | pared ' the | dry — | land. 6. Oh, come, let us worship | and fall | down, [ And kneel be- | fore the | Lord our | Maker. 7. For he is the | Lord our | God ; fl And we are the people of his pasture, and the | sheep — | of his | hand. 8. Oh, worship the Lord in the | beauty 'of | holiness ; J Let the whole earth | stand in | awe of | him. 9. For he cometh, for he cometh to | judge the | earth, | And with righteousness to judge the world, and the | people | with his | truth. GLORIA PATEI. 10. Glory be to the Father, | and ■ to the | Son, J And | to the | Holy | Ghost; 11. As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever - shall | be, | World without | end. — \ A | men. ?■> No. 1. k Single. J. BATTI8IIILL. > zz: m -G>- IZZI £ s tf-L os>- ~gr -&Si- 4 :S: ■m A ~&\—?2. ■&- r^ -& & I m^% t& \ -G SH 1221 -£5>- A -&■ i -5- mm ji. J5T g: 'JL 'OS^ -&&- Ql KJ _ — s> ~G~ r s I -G- I No, 8. Single. #=^ 6 IS §S* GG—f-G G—r&&~ SI 22 G~ -G- I * -^m rz> _ r? *3 ^TZZ ZZ21 I No. 9. Single if DUPUI3. g— rpy mE^^^m^ & JSL i\ CHANTS. (Continued.) 363 DEUS MISEREATUR. 1. God be merciful unto | at, and | bleea us; | And show U9 tbe light of his countenance, an.l bo | mcrci-'ful | unto | us. 3. That thy way may be | known gp'oo | earth: | Thy saving f health a- | numg all | nations. s. Lei the people praise | thee, () | God; | Yea, let I all th< I people | praise tin ■<-. 4. Oh, let the nations rejoice, | an.l be | glad; | For thou shall judge tin' folk righteously, and govern the | nations | upon | earth, 6. bet the people pTBlM ] thee, <) | (iod; | Yea, let I all the | people I praise thee. 6. Then shall the eartli brW | forth her | increase; | And (iod. even our own | God, shall | givo us 'his | blessing. 7. God shall | bless — I us, J And all the euds of the J world shall | fear — | hiin. GLORIA PATRL 8. Glorv Ik- to the Father, | and -to the | Son, | And "| to the | Holy | Ghost; 9. As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever shall | be, | World without | end. — | A | men. BENEDIC ANIMA MEA. 1. Pa. mse the Lord, | O my | soul ; | And all that is within me | praise his | holy | uame. 2. Praise the I, ird, | O my | soul ; | And for- I gl 1 i »> >t I all his | benefit* 3. Who forgiveth I all thy [ sin ; | And healeth | all — 1 thine in- I firmities. 4. Wbo saveth thy life | from de- | struetion, | And erowneth thee with | inereyand | loving- | kindness. 5. Oh, praise the Lord, yo angels of his, ye that ex- | eel in | strength; | Ve that fulfil his commandment, and hearken unto the | voice — | of his | Word. 8. Oh. praise the Lord, all | jt hii | hosts; | Ye servants of | his that | do his | pleasure. '. Oh, speak good of the Lord, all ye works offeis, in all places of | his do- | minion; Praise thou the | Lord, — | O niy | soul. GLORIA PATRL 8. Glorv be to the Father | .ml to the | Son, | Aud"| to the | II. dy | OhoCt: 9. As it was in (he beginning, is now, and | ever'shall | be, | World without | ond. — j A- — | men. No. 10. Double, * w % ■■ ~\ 2 '0 •>,' -Z2S2L ^ ?. f»-H5 2*S \ ? I T>-> I -> p^pP -> -> o i b&: gifePfl IgUl^rpP •>,' <5 *T- a —r^-—r a - #:* & o o No., 11. Single. il ** All ihr i..i. r< in unUon. -72- \ -"" ^ I * - 'A -O O- , = 5 No. 12. Single. s . "- 8 g IHHE 1 £ II G«i- CTgyCT il if il 364 CHANTS. (Continued.) No. 13 -GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. S. K. HOWAED. | t S 2=t (5* G>- -a- ISZI I s -e- fr— g - -«- -£3- ^m w^^*--* s i PT=f * I Globt be to | God on I high : | and on earth ^peact good | -will toward | men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for | thy great | glory ; | Lord God, Heavenly King, God the | Fa ther | Al- — | mighty. 3. O Lord, the only begotten Son, | Jesus | Christ ! Son* of the | Father, O Lord God, Lamb of God, | -S3- -&T s- -&- ^ _£2. -(S3- fe P &—T&&- ^ •1. Tbat takcst away the | sins'of the | world, | Hive mercy | upon | us. 5. Thou that takest away the | sins of the I world, || Have mercy | upon | ua. 6. Thou that takest away the | sins "of the | world, | Re- | ceive our'f prayer. 7. Thou that sitteet at the ri;jht hand of | God the | Father, | Have mercy | upon | us. * «a gHjg: a ^— ^ w-^ ty& I m -&- Sh & fS-T-O ^ W=^- -&- r I 8. For thou | only "art | holy, |] Thou | only | art the | Lord. 9. Thou only, O Christ, with the | Holy | Ghost, || Art most high in the glory of God the | Father. | A | men. No. H.-THE LORD'S PEAYEB. I PP -e>&- Oua Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name ; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven ; Give us this day our daily bread ; And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us ; -y-- &&- * ¥ ■&- # s- ^m And lead us not into temptation? But deliver us from evil ; For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ev-er. A m #=a ~s=r men. m CHANTS (Concluded.) 365 No. 15.-TE DEUM LMJDAMUS. mul bleas thina | heritage. • in. in. 1 lifl them ap for- J ( h',r. Day l>v day we magnify | il • Chor. Ainl we worship thj Nun..' ever, | world with- | out — J end. 8. Die Vouchsafe, o Lord, to keep di tin day witLout | sin. Oat ej upon us, have mersy u|>- | on ui. />■,-. () Lord, lit thy iiu-rey be upon us, as our trust ■ in | Hi 00 Chor. O Lord, in thee, have I trust* 1 ; let mc | never | bo con- | founded. 1. Decani (or Minitter) We praise thoe, o Qod; we acknowledge thee to be the I lord Lord Qantorit i^r Choir.) All the earth doth worship thee, the Father ever- | lasting. I'o thee all ! . a loud ; the Heavens, and all the powers mere- | in. Ckonu. To tine, Cherubim and Seraphim con- | tinual- | lv do | cry, 1 Chorus. Holy, Holy, Ho- | ly. Lord ( tod of | Sabaoth : 11 ivni and Earth are | full Of the | Majesty | of thy | Clory. :; Die. The glorious eompaoj of the A use | thee; ('■in'. Th.' goodly fellowship of tin' Prophets praise | thee; Mr. Tin' noble army of Martyrs prai-.- | 'Voir, The holy Church, throughout all the world, | doth ac- | knowledge | line, i /' ■•. The Father »f an infinite Majesty; thin.' adorable, true, and only | B OmU. also, the Holy fjhost, the | Comforter. Thou art the King of Glory, | Ch Chor, Thou art the everlasting | Son — | of the | Father. .•; /'-.-. When thou tookest upon t> to deliver | man. OmU. Thou di.Ut humble thyself to be born of a | Virgin. d thou had-t oi "f I death, cVior. Thou didst open the kingdom • f | Ueaveo to | all be- | uerers. •. Thou sittr-t at th.- i f tin- I Father. re that th me t.. 1 nr | Judge. Dec. We therefore pray thee, b dp thy lervante, whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious | blood. Chor. Miik.' Shom t" lis uumbercd with thy Saints, In | glory | ever- | la. ■ =,= No. 16.-MY GOD, MY FATHER. ^ ^^5^^^ 1 z, II -^' ' z 1 F \ *v 1 e »i::.n 1. My Sod, my Father, while I rtray Far from nay homo, on | lift way. Oh, teaeh me from my heart to say. "Thy | will, my | (Jod. be | d '1 Though dark my path and sad my lot. Let me be still, and | murmur | not. And bro at h e th.' prayer divinely taught, "Thy | will, my | Qod, be | done." 3. What though in loneh -'i For friend* beloved no | longer I nnjh ; Submissive still would 1 reply, "Thy | will, my | God, be | dm ■1. If thou shoiild-t call me •. -it | i.'.r was | mine. — ly yield thee wl "Thj | erill, \ % | Qod, be | I .1. Renew my will from day to day, Blend it with thine, and I take s- | way What.', r now maki 6, Thenwhi . With | tears be- | fore I'll . happier ihore "Thy | will, n ne," 366 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF TUNES. AuBOTSFOKD, 168 Abbie 164 Actena 228 Adams, 248 Addle 209 Advent 181 Agnus, 140 Alard 148 Alna 221 Alpbh, 166 America, 241 Annie, 94 A]<|.leton, 2J9 Armagh, 250 Armor ... 67 Arnim 99 Arnold, 251 Arville 96 Ashland US Ashland, 119 Atrcin 95 Auburn 185 Aurora, Iiiii Aybol, 62 li.VLON, 180 Badea, 186 Baker 75 Balerina, 160 Barrows, 107 Bath, 88 245 Bsyoune, I — - 1 ► Beames, 167 Belleville, 80 Bemis 177 en to, 217 lienhain, 214 Benedictus, 152 Benten, 259 Berlin 102 Bcrrean, 185 Borne ■ 78 Bethany, 244 Bloomfleld, £88 liondee 172 Bowman, 187 Boyd 84 Boylston 185 Bradford 125 Bradbury 182 Briery, 183 Buek minster, 157 Bafford 73 • ALAMINT 72 213 Caldwell, 285 Calvary 281 Canby, 176 Cantor, 124 Carohis, 173 Carroll 96 Carrie 79 t avare, A. 147 Cereal. 258 Claflin 106 Cbanncey Street, 154 Champney, 184 Char ton 260 < 'hesuncoek, 146 Clifton 230 i 250 I lompasaion 66 Companionship, 214 Contrition, 87 Conquest, 247 Conrad 251 Conway 261 Cowy, 8S Cowper 161 Crandon, 236 149 Cronstadt, 15u Crosby .... 128 Cun ler, 212 Cutler, 218 Dais 130 Dante 118 I Alston 193 Deanc SI Dedhan 159 Denfield 161 Dennett, 174 Dennis, 186 Devotion, 215 Dlbn 249 Downs, 160 Drake 141 Drummond, 187 Duke Street, 109 Dundee, 159 Dunning, 92 Duren, 104 Kuknk, 116 Kidda, 182 Elsdale, 113 Elden 179 Ella, 222 Elliot 248 Emery, 240 i on, 14."* Emma 121 Empire 75 Em rgj 69 EngeThort 114 Ensteln, 60 Evandale, 84 Evan, 161 Everett, 2CC K.ur.si.m S7 Faith 225 Farmington '107 Fatherland 254 Federal Street 110 Fides 246 Field, 187 Finland, 129 Fisher 140 Fletcher 157 Flint, 109 Flora 97 Florence, 97 Forest Hill, 70 Forester, 88 Fount, 221 Franklin,... 206 Freeman, 190 Fribourg, 14S Gascon y, 169 Germain, 208 Georgia, .' 101 Gilmai 229 Glade 2oi Gladness, 204 Glcnburn, 248 Glonwootl 242 Goodwin, 147 Goodrich 216 Gordon, 242 Gorton 186 Gould 281 Grace, 207 Gratitude, 197 GreenvlIU, 227 Greonw 1 71 Greenbush, 188 Grovcr, 137 Guest, 95 Hale, 232 Hall, 84 Halle, 153 Halscy 172 Hamburg, :. los Hanson 1S8 Happy Home, 115 Harrington lno Hartland,- 99 Hartwell, 180 Hartford, 189 Hart 166 Hawthorne 287 Heavenly Best, 209 II el, ion, 110 Hedge 183 Heiinwob 175 Hole 265 Homewall 94 Iliijiinel 184 dolman, ■ 245 Hooper 1S1 Hosanna 249 Howland, 150 Hudson, 156 llullah 182 Hume 162 Humility, 222 Ida, 205 llba, 158 Invitation, 210 Irving 72 Israel, 259 Italian Hymn, 241 Janvrin, 120 Jarvia 242 Jasper, 158 Jewett, 206 Jones 117 Josqcin, 112 Jubilee, 230 Juniper, 254 Justin, 188 Kataiidin, 115 Kenderwood, 254 Kent 224 Kimball, 71 Kindness, 173 Kineo 136 Laban, 186 Lancaster, 220 Lacy, 65 Lanzon, 91 Laudamus, 63 Laudato, 122 Laughton, 233 Leira, 191 Leon 228 Lille 210 Lily Cove 184 Lime Street, 188 Lindner, 219 Lindell, 246 Lincoln, 102 Linwood, 143 Little, 235 Lizzie, 202 Locke, 156 Lowe 85 Lynde,.. 247 Lynne, 165 Maltby, 247 Man ton, 76 Margate, 86 Marie, 151 Martyn 217 Marlow, 159 Marsurleld, 194 Masardis, 85 Masonda 2C0 Meditation, 123 Menville, 64 Merlin 196 Mentor 211 Mercy Seat, 93 Merrill 212 Mernet, 74 Messer, 195 Millinoket, 131 Milton, 207 Minden, 199 Minnie, 215 M ission, 240 Missionary Chant,... 108 Monadnoek, 248 Monroe, 253 Monson, 98 Montville, 193 Moore, 177 Mortland, 205 Morton, 65 Mount Vernon, 227 Munich, 165 Myrtle, 112 Naomi, 161 Nellie 101 Newell 256 Newtonville, 171 Noonday, 77 Norway, 68 Nuremberg, 217 Nutbush, 179 Oak, 244 Oakland, 201 Olivet 241 Olmutz, 185 Onge, 120 Orland, 184 Ortonville, 160 Otella, 223 Ossagon, 257 Pardon, 252 Parker, 128 Parma, 89 Patrius, 67 Patten 103 Payson, 233 Pearson 187 Pembroke, 122 Perkins, 252 Perth 142 Peterson, 208 Petition, 192 Pierpont 98 Pino Hill, 220 Pleyel 204 Pleyel's Hymn, 217 Plummer, 257 Pope, 104 Porter, 211 Praise, 198 Princeburg, 258 Princeton, 140 Purity, 188 Putney, 168 Quain, 149 Quietude, 234 Quito, 163 Kadway, 256 Redeemer, 128 Reflection 170 Reign, 198 Repose, 253 Rest, 89 Restoration, 121 Resignation, 200 Resurrection, 225 Rheims, 91 Roberts, 196 Rockingham, 109 Rockland 116 Roche, 192 Rolliston, 190 Rosedale 110 Roseland, 144 Roulstone, 237 Rowland, 175 Ruhe, 220 Sabbath, 77 Sacrifice, Ill Sadie, 219 Sanford, 245 Sanctus 92 Sargent, 168 Seldon, 286 Serene, 170 Sharon, 154 Shenley, 63 Shepard, 199 Sherman, 82 Shield, 152 Sicily, 227 Silsby, 174 Spartus, 155 Spencer, ,148 Spohr 117 Spring, 232 Stamford, 2-'i4 Stanton 129 Stanwood, 80 Star, 127 State Street, 185 Stephens 160 Stillwell 186 Still Waters Ill Stonefield 109 Stowell...... 105 Strong, 66 St. Anns,.. 159 St. Thomas, 1S5 Submission, 246 Sumner, 153 Sunrise 139 Sunset, 135 Sympathy, 187 Taesus 93 Temple Grove, 218 The Old Hundred 10S Thornburn, 155 Thurston, 216 Todd, 194 Topsfleld, 107 Tower, 74 Townsend, 162 Transport, 127 Truman, 1J4 Twilight, 70 Ulm, 90 Unity, 262 Uphain, 108 Uxbridge 109 Vale 203 Vassalboro, 189 Veranta, 188 Vernon, 258 Verona, 256 Vesper, 226 Vienna, 218 Vincent, 145 Vineland, 81 Vining, 200 Violet, «... 258 Vintner, 78 Wachusett, 114 Waldo, 288 Wardwell, 178 Ward, 108 Warren, 239 Waterville, 197 Watkins, 126 Wellmau 106 Wesley, 181 Whittaker, 195 Wiemar, 151 Wien, 126 Willow, 189 Wilmot, 227 Windham, 110 Winner 182 Woodland 176 Woodstock, ,, 69 Woodvalo, 240 Wreath,.,, 280 METRICAL INDEX. I. M. tjmla, Armor Anilm, Arvtllc, Atrem, Aurora, Aybol Baker Harrow. Belleville, :i, Berne, Bu'fford, t'alamlnt, Carroll, (lalliii 1 I'aaalon, Contrition, Ooiry, Duke Street, Dunning, Empire, Bnergy F.nstei'n.. , Kvandale Falrstar ral Street, Flora, Florence -. iiiii, ■■>r, rja, i wood, Hall .' Hamburg, Harrington Martian, I, :i Il"nu>well, Irvine, Kimball, ;; Lacy, Lanion Laudamus, Lincoln ... [[ D Monvt!!.-, . . M, rry "(..at, [\ Mernet, Bary Chant,. Mniiton,. . . . MptUW, ,.. .. 94 .. 99 . . ft .. 100 . . n .. 101 .. so .. in .. 7^ .. 61 .. 73 .. n .. 9S .. 00 . *7 .. 88 .. 81 lay Parma Patrius, Bl igbam de ith, ' i a, • v LI • 1.1 II . . .. ■ l Hundred,' Topaneld,.. W Twilight,...'."'.!!!' in Dzbrldga Vlneland Vintner, Ward ..".'.'; Wellman Windham Woodstock, L. M. Double. Bath Margate, . i-.i . 10 . M . 87 110 . 9T . n . 88 . lHl 71 95 84 1"> 100 99 110 N n 71 63 91 101 r< 04 M Carrie, Dmi,. L. M 6 lines. CM. Advent, Agnus, Alard, Ashland, N..v i A gj ' ' , " " 8 4 4;.. Annum.. .. otua,.... Berrfan lorn inan,. . 71 Bradford > Bradbury Briery Buckminstxr,. N CBauncey Str.it,. Cbampney. ir Credo Cronstadt, Dedham,.... Id ..! ■ !! Elsdnle ..." ■ n Emma Engelhart, Evan Pic II, Finland Fletcher ,.'.'„ irg i :n, ][' m Halle Happy Home Howland, :;;;;;; Janirin, '_ Jasper, \ "! Joaquin,. Justin Katahdin '.'.'.'.! Kineo LVeudaia Street ,.»d, ....'! Marlow M.'.lltatiun, . Mllllnoket, Myrtle Naomi Obm .. Ortaad,. . . Ortonville,...' Parker, • ......'.'.'.' .'." Pearson \\ Pembroke Princeton, IJnain. .....'. mer Restoration. ... 14T . . 154 . 141 ... 161 . . . 1 19 ... 15" ...180 ... 118 ... 159 ... 161 ... 160 ... 159 ... 116 ... 118 . 1 IS .. 181 .. 114 .. 101 .. 187 .. 129 . . in; . . 1ST .. n» .117 .. 187 .. 158 . 118 ,. 150 . 156 . US . ISO . 168 . 117 . US . 138 . 116 . rv. . US . in . 160 161 US 181 US 161 ISO lti 160 l'.N 187 ISS 140 149 198 in RoeUand, Koseland, Sacrifice, Sharon, .... Bhleld ...! npenoer,. . . Bpohr Blanton, ... na, B till well, Still Water* St. Ann's, Sumner, Sunrise, B onset, '.'.' Sympathy, Thornburn, Transport, Truman, Vassal bo ro Veranta, Vincent, Wachusett, Wlemar, . .. Wicn Winner 367 ■ I "rake. Perth,. C. M. Doable. D Hart, Helmwan Ill Miuie!, Hooper, Bulbil Hume Kindness, Laban, , Lynnc j Mtinlrh trewtonrUle (Double), Nutbush Olmutz Purity, Putney, ■ n B id .! Snnr.iit, Serene, Bllaby St, Thomas, Townseml I (Double),...' .., Woodland , ..' ] S. M. Abblo Abbotsford, Alpha, Badea. na Beanies, _ Bondee ■ n, .!!.' Carolua, Dennett .."_ Drummood, !! Duren, ... Eldda Fannin. Fiinu ,;; HaUey L. fircenbiiah, Hartford... Willow, ... P. M. e r, C. H. M 8. H. M. •ii 7a. IBenham Calais, inlonshlp,... r I' rotlon , •. lin, Germain,, , rleh , C, race nly Roat, . . Ida ' Invitation,. . . " I. 190 Lanoeeter, Vila (Dooble). '"!! ta ■ tloniPecu: • ISS Kuhe, Wilraot,. .. 219 - 8s 7i ft Ik Pine Hill, Vesper 8*4 7i. Peculiar, Plummer,.. ■lit «», 7i A 4j. . 200 Actona,.... . 208 ApP'eton,.. iry,... 3 . 210 'oMen . 807 Gllman 209 Gould. o, Jubilee, . 210 L "°" 2M BSS SSI MS . sss 281 •>v. SJJ C P. M. Freeman, I Petition, . Bolllaton,. 8. P. i ■ lie 191 192 190 10! ISS ISS El rioid, Ulndan i Praise, Kelgn 197 194 195 ISS :.■» md','..;:;!;; Oakland, (0 lines.) IVter5-.il. .....'. ■'» Hymn„ Porter Tetnplo tlmrt,'.!.' Thtrrston Vale, 8i & 7a. Alna.... Cutler, Klla,.... Ketit,!' -368 METEICAL INDEX, CONCLUDED. 69. & 5s. Bloomfleld 233 Warren 289 Wreath, (Peculiar,)... 239 6s. Bates, 245 Fides 246 Holman, 245 LindoJI 246 Submission, 246 6s & 7s. Payson, 28S 6,8,6,4. Crandon, 236 6,8,4.' Hawthorne, 237 6s & 10s. P.onlstone, 237 Lynda, 247 7s. & 4s. Perkins, 252 7s. & 5s. Conrad, 251 7s. & 6s. Armash, 250 Arnold, 251 llosanna, 249 Maltby 247 Monadnock, 248 Pardon (Peculiar), 252 8,3,3,6. Caldwell, 285 Dion, 249 8s & 4s. Elliot, 248 Monroe, 253 Repose, 253 Quietude,.... 234 Seldon, 286 Stamford 284 Violet, 253 8s St. 6s. Juniper, (Peculiar),.. . 254 Laughton 238 Waldo, 233 8s, 7s & 6s. Kenderwood, 254 8s, Hale, 282 Spring, 232 9s & 7s. Peculiar. Helen, 255 10s. Cereal 25S Verona, 256 10s & 9s. Newell 256 10s, 6s, 6s & 12s. Ossagon, 257 11,8. Princeburg, 25S Vernon, 258 11,10. Benton, 259 Israel 259 P.adway, 256 lit. ... 860 , 260 12s. ... 261 ... 262 HYMNS, SENTENCES, ANTHEIS, AND CHORUSES. A little while, Hymn, 864 Blessed are they who dwell in thy house, Sentence, 349 : m- the pure in heart " 834 be the Lord God of Israel Chorus, 354 Bow down thine ear Anthem, 803 Calm on the listening car of night, IT>/mn Anthem, 278 Come unto me Sentence, 272 Dear comrade pilgrims of the cross, Hymn, 263 Fading, still fading, " 266 Hark! what mean those holy voices? Uymn Anthem, 83<5 Hear our prayer Sentence, 296 Heavenly Father, " 274 Mow beautifol upon the mountains, Anthem, 3n6 If with all your hearts, Sentence, 818 1 will extol thee, Anthem, 846 Let th.- words of my mouth, Sentence, 267 Lord, have mercy, Anthem, 310 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord " 298 Oh, come, let us sing, " 327 oil. how great is thv goodness, " 286 Oh, how lovely isZion " 820 Oh taste and see, Sentence, 388 Oh, that I had wings, Quartette, 290 Oh, that men would praise the Lord, Anthem, 328 Onrhlesl Redeemer, Hymn Anlliem, 842 Praise ye the Lord, Cliorux, 350 I -really, Anthem, 202 " 844 r, breathe an evening blessing Hymn, 265 Beek i" the Lord, Sentence, 271 The Lord is In his holy temple, " 269 The LordU In his holy temple, " 270 nlrlt and the Bride say come , " 284 Thou wilt keep Urn In perfect peace Anthem, 276 Thou wilt show me the path of peace, Sentence, Unto thee, oh, Lord Anthem, When the worn spirit, Hymn Anthem] Whom have I in heaven but thee, Sentence, CHANTS. Benedic anima mea, Benedictns, Bonum estconfiteri, Cantate Domino, Pens Misereatur Gloria in Excelsis, Jubilate l)cf> My God, my Father, Te Deuin Laudamus, The Lord's Prayer, Vcnite, esultem.ua Domino,. Singing School Exercises. Absent Friends, A Farewell Bounding away, By the Sea,...! Gome lo mo in Cherry Time, Cradle Song, Down by the Riverside, Dreams of Youth Early Friends, Every Day hath Toil and Trouble,. Faintly flow, Fare thee well, 280 816 883 863 861 862 862 868 864 361 865 865 364 360 Gone 82 Hunting Song, 28 In Memoriam. 61 Invitation to Flora, 47 I've been roaming 25 Let all Men praise the Lord, 62 May Morning, 26 May, 27 Morning, 68 Music 41 Musical Dialogue, 80 Music of Nature, 46 Old Friends together, 86 One by one, 44 Over the Snow, ■ 26 Remembrance % . 48 Shepherds in the Vale, 20 Sleep on, Dearest, 87 Softly now the Light of Day, 48 Stars of the Summer Night, 57 Sunshine everywhere, 34 The Cuickot 24 The falling S now, 89 The Hunting Morn 56 The loosing of the Silver Chord, 40 The Merrv Hoart 17 The New'Year's Pastoral Visit, 51 The Elver 27 The Sehoolhouse Brook, 42 The Silver Stream, 21 The Wayside Well, 88 This World 16 To the Hayfleld *8 B E T II E E MODY. i ant: hor CHOOLS. ACADEMIES, 50 1 A ST. 50 ijj. . . 1 50 OK OF C RY and ] 50 j " The .... 1 50 1 50 a of nod I Church. 3 00 HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS. FOR MEN'S VOICES. THE YOUN'G MEN'S SINGING BOOK. By G. F. . Mason l 60 OOK. Br Dr. Maso* 1 60 GLEE BOOKl THE YOU TI1K : F. OOK. ■ B: Bradbury. . . . B I i FOR THE CABINET ORGAN. INBT ORGAN 3 60 COMPANION 76 AB1NET ORGAN. 3 10 MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS, The j are r. ny Address £p FREMONT ST., J