GOD in CHRIST, a Wall of Fire round about the Church, and the Glory in the midft of her. BEING A SERMON, Preached at Milnathort before the AiTociate Prefbytery of Kirkcaldie ^. January 8. 1774. B FN N E T, 1 % THOMAS lUinifter of the Golpel t<- - he Aflbciate Congregation at Ceres. tu ZEPH. ill: l6, 17. In that day itjball be [aid to Jerufalem, Fear thou not: And to Zion, Let not thine hands be /lack. The Lord thy God in the midft of thee is 7rjghty ; he -will fave> he will rejoice over ibet with joy : He will reft in^/s love, he will joy over thee with ftnging, x EDINBURGH: Printed in the Year 1777. 6 ■e i*-£.J Zech. fi. 5. For I, faith the Lord, ivlll be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the mid/} of her. THE Prophet Zechariah, prophefied at the fame time with Haggai. They both began their public mini* ftrations much about eighteen years after the return of the Church from her captivity in Babylon ; when the build- ing of Jerufalem and the Temple, was both greatly re- tarded by its enemies, and neglected by its friends. The main fcope of the Prophet in this prophecy, is to excite and forward the Jews to the building up of Jerufalem ; and, being encouraged by gracious virions and revelations, refpecting the fuccefs and profperity of the work : He animated the hearts, and ftrengthened the hands of the builders, by laying before them the fame grounds of confolation, whereby he was comforted : And, under the good hand of God, the Work was carried for- ward, and that, over the belly of all oppofition made thereto, from whatever quarter it did arife. In the preceding chapter, the Prophet has two fpecial and comforting viiions : The one, of a man among the myrtle-trees, which were in the bottom, that is, of Chrift in his defpifed Church. The other, of four horns, (by which we are to underftand the enemies of the Church); and of as many carpenters, by whom thefe horns were to be cut off. In this chapter, he has another pleafant difcovery. He fees a man with a meafuring line in his hand, whereby he is given to know, that Jerufalem lhould be built ; and the Temple reared up. And, as the oppofition made to the work was to be managed both with open violence, and a load of the mod contemptuous reproach. In the words of the text, the Lord engages himfelf by pi omife, to defend them from both thefe kinds of perfe- cution : From open violence, by being a wall of fire about ( 4 ) about Jerufalem ; and from reproach, by being the glory in the midft of her. For " I, faith the Lord, will be " unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the u glory in the midft of her." Glorious things indeed, are here fpoken of the city of our God : And were faith in exercife, with what pleafure and delight, would we both fpeak and hear of them ? This prornife, is a moft enriching, and comforting legacy left to the Church ; the believing improvement of which, will not fail to afford her the fweetefl confolation in the very worft of times. In the words we may obferve, i. The Author of the prornife pointed out in the pronoun L /, faith the Lord ; /, who am Jerufalem's God in covenant, her Saviour and Redeemer ; the Mighty One of Jacob her King. 7, who am both able and ready, to do all for her, which her con- dition at any time, can poflibly call for at my hand. 2. We may obferve the objeft of the prornife, Jerufa- lem, that is the Church of God, the fpiritual Jerufalem, called Mount Zion, and the city of the living God, Heb, xii. 22. For, though the prornife fpeaks primarily and immediately concerning the fafety and glory of the earthly Jerufalem, in which did dwell the worldly fan&u- ary : It is intended, ultimately and chiefly, to let furth the fafety and glory of the heavenly Jerufalem, or the gofpel Church ; as is abundantly obvious from the fcope and defign of this whole prophefy. 3. We may obferve the prornife itfelf, confifting of two branches. The fir ft fetting forth, that prefervation which the Lord vouchlafes to his Church and people, from that kind of perfecution which is often carried on againft them with open violence and rage. " I, faith the Lord, will be unto " her a wall of fire round about Jerufalem :" As if the Lord had faid, tho' at prefent in a very defencelefs ftate, and as yet without a material wall ; fhe need not be afraid, for I will be unto her a wall, and that of the moft im- pregnable nature ; a wall of fire. A wall in which there ihall not be the fmalleft breach. It ihall be round about her : So that from whatfoever quarter the enemy may attempt to affault her, he Ihall not prevail againft her. In in this branch of the promife, there may be an allufion to the cuftom of travellers in the eaftern countries, who* when they pitched their tents, kindled fires round about them, to deter lions, or other wild beads, from falling upon them, or difturbing their repofe. Or to that afto- niihingly glorious fymbol of the divine prefence, the pillar of cloud and fire, which accompanied Ifrael from Egypt into the promifed land : And by which, they were not only led and directed in their feveral journies, but alfo protected from the fury of their raging adverfaries. To this the Prophet Ifaiah evidently refers, in a promife mod fimilar to this, chap. iv. 5. " And the Lord will l< create upon every dwelling-place of mount Zion, and €< upon her affemblies, a cloud and fmoke by day, and u the lhining of a flaming fire by night : For upon all " the glory ihall be a defence." The fecond branch of the promife, prefents us with the Church's defence from the fcourge of the tongue ; u And will be the glory in the midft of her." God has taken up his reft in fpiritual Jerufalem, he is known in her palaces for a refuge ; and from thence, he Ihines forth as her glory. He is often faid to be in the midft of the Church, Ifa. xii. 6. and to walk in the midft of the Church, Rev. i. 13. And when he faith, / will be the glory tn the midft of her, refpecT: may be had to the por- tion of the Ark in the congregation of Ifrael, while they journeyed unto the typical reft. It was fituate in the midft of the congregation ; and being eminently typical of our Lord Jefus Chrift, is therefore called the glory of Ifrael, 1 Sam. iv. 21. 4. Lafily, We may obferve the certainty of the pro- "mife, as to its accompliihment. " I, faith the Lord, will " be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the " glory in the midft of her." The Lord hath faid it, and therefore, let Jerufalem believe it for her comfort ; and her enemies to their confufion. God hath fpoken in his holinefs, let us take pleafure in it ; and firmly truft his faithful word : For he is not a man, that he ihould lie: Nor the fon of man, that he ihould repent. Doct. DocT. It is fufficient matter and ground of comfort to the Church in the very worft of times, that a God in Chrift, has engaged himfelf by promife, to be a wall of fire round about her, and the glory in the midft of her. u I, faith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round " about, and will be the glory in the midft of her." The doctrine being evident from the text, in difcourfmg from it, through grace, I ihall endeavour to obferve the following method. I. I would mention fome things implied in the promife contained in the text. II. Speak of the Lord as a wall of fire round about his Church and people. III. Enquire in what refpe&s he may be faid to be the glory in the midft of the Church. IV. Offer fome reafons, why the Lord has engaged himfelf by promife, to be a wall of fire round about the Church, and the glory in the midft of her. V. Apply. The firft thing, is to mention fome things implied in the promife. And, i/?, The promife implies that the Church hath many enemies. That ihe needs a wall, a wall round about her; and fuch a wall as the text informs us of, plainly demon* ftrates, that Ihe has her enemies round about her alfo. The Church is often fet upon by perfecution and open violence ; fhe is frequently infefted with hereticks and falfe teachers, 2 Pet. ii. 1. " But there were falfe prophets li alfo among the people, even as there ihall be falfe " teachers among yop, who ihall bring in privily damnable « herefies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and " bring upon themfelves fwift deftruction." Zion is oft in danger, even from the fons fhe has brought up. Hence, the Apoftle Paul tells the elders of the Church of Ephe- fus, that even of their ownfelves, men fhould arife fpeak- ing perverfe things, to draw away difciples after them, Acts xx. 30. And as we have heard from the Holy Ghoft, fpeaking in his word ; fo have we feen it, in the city of x our ( 7 ) our God. There have been from the beginning, and to the end there will be, fome to oppofe the purity of gofpel doctrine in the Church ; fome to oppofe her government and difcipline, and others to endeavour to caft the veil of fuperftition and will-worihip over the purity and fimplicity of her divinely inftituted acts of worlhip and homage. The Church and people of God, are an eye-fore to Satan and a prophane world ; and therefore they are continually plotting mifchief againft them. Hence is that exhortation, i Pet. v. 8. " Be fober, be vigilant, for your -adverfary u the devil, as a roring lion, walketh about feeking whom " he may devour." Our Lord warns his difciples, and in them all his followers, to the end, that what they have to expect from the «world, is tribulation, John xiii. 33. In the world ye" *Jh all have tribulation. 2. The promife implies, that the Church in herfelf con- fidered, is no equal match for her enemies. She, compa- ratively confidered, is but a fmall city, and her inhabitants few and weak. The Church is but a little flock. The iheep of Chrift's pafture are but as a few lambs in the mid ft of many ravening wolves. The Church and people of God have found caufe, in all ages, to adopt the language of Jehoihaphat, 2 Chron. xx. 12. " We have no might " againft this great company that cometh againft us ;" and, to join with the Pfalmift, fpeaking in the name of the Church, Pfal. cxxiv. 2, 3, 4. u If it had not been the " Lord who was on our fide, when men rofe up againft " us ; then they had fwallowed us up quick, when their " wrath was kindled againft us : Then the waters had ic overwhelmed us, the ftream had gone over our foul." 3. The promife implies, that however weak the Church is, in herfelf confidered, lhe has a fufficiency of ftrength in her glorious Head, to overmatch the power and policy of her moft potent and fubtile adverfaries, " I, faith the <( Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and 66 will be the glory in the midft of her." The Lord of Hofts is ever upon her fide, and the God of Jacob is her refuge, Pfal. xlvi. 7. However many and ftrong her ene- mies be, her King partes on before her, and Jehovah is on. fcer head 3 and all her enemies muft be found liars, Micah ( 8 ) Micah ii. 13. " The breaker is come up before them • €€ They have broken up, and have parted through the " gate, and are gone out by it; their King fhall pafs be- " fore them, and the Lord on the head of them," Deut. xxxiii. 29. " Happy art thou, O Ifrael : who is like unto t€ thee, O people faved by the Lord ; the fhield of thy