SSyEFEKlNa, FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY IHSIO (V "r .^ SONGS IN SUFFERING. HP Select e& tbjj t\)t WV< W. O. PUIUFOI^B £♦ ETC. K LORD Oft: WiLiLjflffi Hums &t Hompinwr 23,^0LLES S.T.C/VE^DISK Sai/^RE. ^0H OF PRINTS SONGS IN SUP %cc/n/.i sehV^ 8£ OR, THE VOICE OF TRUST AND PRAISE IN SICKNESS AND Si WRt HV. SELECTED .BY/ THE V / REV. W. O. PURTON, B. A. AUTHOR OF " TRUST IN TRIAL," ETC. LONDON: WI LLIAM II INI AN D COM PAN V. 23, HOLLES STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 iicti. (fliiirlcs iollanb, M.% AND THE PARISHIONERS OF PETWORTH, THIS COLLECTION OF SACRED SONGS I s A F F E CT I O N A T ELY INS C R 1 B E 1 > j]OR the use of the "Afflicted and Dis- tressed," there are already several good collections of Hymns and Verses. The volume now in the reader's hands is composed of Lyrics, and of those hymns or poems which may not improperly be termed " Songs." Purposely excluding the familiar hymns of Newton, Watts, Cowper, C. Elliott, etc., as well as the "Verses" of other Authors, — I have selected those compositions of the best Poets of our own day, which seemed most likely to afford comfort to the sick and sorrowful. The key-note of these Songs is supplied in the words of the title page, — The Voice of Trust a?id Praise. In the following pages will be found hymns which suggest thoughts of peace to the timid and perplexed, to those who cry in affliction, " Lord ! I believe ; help Thou mine unbelief." But my aim X PREFACE. has been to supply words of confidence and quiet joy, — the voice of trust (as of Paul and Silas), which can sing praises unto God even " at mid- night." Wherever there is trust, there will also be praise. He who can truly say with the Psalmist, " The Lord thinketh upon trie" who really believes that the course of his life is ordered by Almighty and Eter- nal Love, is sure to bless God for His gift of "Songs in the night." The lyre of thanksgiving may be tuned with trembling fingers. Oftentimes the song may be faint and low. But the more the sufferer is schooled by the grace of a Suffering Saviour, the clearer and deeper becomes the music of his praise. And so being taught the mercies of affliction, the believer ceases to cry for patience ; prayer takes the power and beauty of thanksgiving, the song which most of all glorifies God. May you and I, dear reader, thus be blessed by the discipline of ;i the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort." If we have an assured belief, we shall be able, in time of trial, to say with some measure of the saintly Herbert's joy, — My God, my God, My musicke shall finde Thee. PREFACE. XI I desire to express my grateful acknowledgments to the Authors and Publishers who have courteously allowed me to make use of copyright poems. My applications were acceded to with great kindness ; and I return sincere thanks. The following are the works (of English Authors) from which I have made extracts : — " Parish Musings " (Messrs. Rivington), and " Spi- ritual Songs " (J. W. Parker), by the Rev. Dr. Mon- sell : " Hymns of Faith and Hope," first and second series (Messrs. Nisbet and Co.), by the Rev. Dr. Bonar : " Hymns from the Land of Luther" (W. P. Kennedy, Edinburgh) : " The Voice of Christian Life in Song," — a deeply interesting book on " Hymns and Hymn-Writers " (Messrs. Nisbet) : " Thoughtful Hours," by H. L. L., Author (in part) of " Hymns from the Land of Luther" (Messrs. T. Nelson and Sons) : " The Dove on the Cross " (Messrs. Nisbet) : " Hymns and Meditations," by A. L. W. (London : A. W. Bennett) : " Hymns for the Household of Faith, and Lays of the Better Land " (W. Macintosh, Paternoster Row) : "Le- gends and Lyrics," by A. A. Proctor (Bell and Daldy) : " Hymns and Thoughts in Verse," by E. A. W., — a " Lyra" of very pleasing strains (Messrs. Xll PREFACE. W. Hunt and Co., Holies Street) : "The Brook in the Way," and " Whispers in the Psalms," by Mrs. Shipton (Messrs Morgan and Chase, 38, Ludgate Hill) : " Songs in the Night," by the Rev. C. T. Astley (A. W. Bennett). With grateful thanks I acknowledge the permis- sion to make use of some of the hymns of Mrs. Alexander. To the courtesy of Mr. Yapp, the Publisher, I am indebted for two poems from "Wild Thyme gathered on the mountains of Israel." I am requested to state that a certain sum has been paid for the use of two hymns from " Lyra Germanica," and one hymn from " Lyra Domes- tical' published by Messrs. Longman and Co. No extract has been made from the writings of any living English poet without the Author's per- mission. Of a few hymns I have not been able to discover the authorship. If in any instance I have through ignorance made use of any copyright work, I venture to hope that the courtesy of the Author or Publisher will hold me excused. Several extracts have been made from the works of American authors. Some of the most beautiful PREFACE. Xlll hymns of modern days come from the United States. Every one of us loves to hear that strain of hope — " Nearer, my God to Thee." And there are many writers like S. F. Adams, Whittier, and Sigourney, whose sacred lyrics need only to be known to be widely appreciated by English readers. Of two or three poems inserted in this collection, a part only has been given. I may add, that a few of these " Songs in Suffer- ing " have not been before published. W. O. PURTON. Blackpool, LancasJure, 1866. CONTENTS. "Songs in the Night." - From "Thoughtful Hours" I 11 Come unto Me" ..... 4 " Hope thou in God " - - - Monsell 5 Ever Near ..... Bonar 6 Thou Maintainest my Lot - - A. L. Waring 7 Loved with an Everlasting Love - - - Wesley 8 Trust and Peace - - - E. A. W. IO "The Redemption of the Purchased Possession " H.J. ii " The Love of Christ Constraineth Us " - Wesley 13 Sursum Corda ..... Bonar H Light in Darkness. From " Hymns from the Land of Luther " 15 " To be with Christ" C. Elliott 17 Rejoice for Evermore ..... 18 Nearer to Thee ! - - S. F. Adams 20 The Rest that Remaineth - - E. A. W. 22 Waiting. From " Hymns from the Land of Luther" 23 "Within the Veil" - - - Whytehead 25 Daily Prayer in Tribulation - - W. 0. Burton 28 " Accepted in the Beloved " - - - Wesley 29 1 ■ The Lord is my Light " - - A r ewman 30 1 ' The Man Christ Jesus " - - Mrs. Miles 31 CONTENTS. " I Will Fear no Evil" • - - A. Z. Waring 32 " The Sun of Righteousness " - C. F. Alexander 33 A Parting Wish. From " The Dove on the Cross" 36 Taught to be Content - - - Whittier 37 Thankfulness - - - - A. A. Procter 39 Take no Thought for the Morrow - - - 41 It is not Night when God is Near. From " Lyra Germanica " 42 " Peace ! be Still ! " - - Mousell 45 The Sympathy of Jesus - - - Wilberforce 46 Fatherly Chastisement - Ware 47 Meeting to Part Nevermore - - Bonar 48 Sanctified Afflictions - - - - - 49 She is not Dead - - - Tilton 5 1 The Will of God. An old Latin Hymn, translated by Fader 52 W r eep Not - - - - H. Z. L. 53 Sunshine. - Gerhardt, from "Lyra Germanica" 55 "Save, Lord" - - - - - - 59 Sweet Patience, come ! - - - - - 60 Resignation ... - Tappan 61 " Not Mine Own Will" - - - - 62 The Good Shepherd - - - Hugh Stowell 63 The Joys of Heaven. Thomas a Kempis, From "The Voice of Christian Life in Song" 65 Growth in Grace - - - Wesley 67 The Lord's Presence in the Sick Room - Mousell 69 " Looking unto Jesus " - - - Franz&n 70 My Soul is still in God. - From " Lyra Domestica " 72 Is it a long Way off? - - E. A. IV. 74 CONTENTS. XV11 " Out of the Depths" - Lead me Aright ! The Voice of Jesus Let me Rejoice " Lord Jesus, receive my Spirit " Lament of a Father. From "The Voice of Christian Life in Song" Weary in Pilgrimage "It is Well" - Joy Trust Sunday Morning Soon and for Ever My times are in Thy Hand The Peace of Prayer Jesu, Consolator The Friend. " Even so, Father ! Midnight Thoughts. Praise for all ! What pleases God. - U Gibbons 76 - 77 Bonar 78 Monsell 79 Baxter 80 in Song" 81 0. Purton 83 - 85 - S6 - 88 - H. J. 89 Monsell 92 L. Waring 94 - 97 C. F. Alexander From " Whispers in the Psalms " S. K Adams From "The Dove on the Cross " - Anna Shipton Ge7'hardt, From "Hymns for the Household of Faith" - W. O. Purton Refining "Thy Will be Done." - From "Jesus of Nazareth passeth by " In Sickness Ingratitude Confidence Perplexity The Guardian of Israel - II. '• Thoughtful Hours " Sigour?iey O. Purton Monsell Mo >n sell 99 101 102 103 105 107 108 no 112 113 ii5 116 118 XV111 CONTENTS. PAGE Murmurs - - - - A. A. Procter 120 My Pilgrimage - - - Sir Walter Raleigh 122 Affliction. From " The Voice of Christian Life in Song" 123 Going Home - - - - H. L. L. 124 One by One - - - - A. A. Procter 126 Pilgrim Song - Cotider 128 The Mercies of Affliction - - Monscll 1 29 "Be Still !" - - - - Astley 131 Light "at Even-time" - - - Whittier 132 As Thou Wilt ! - - - - H. L. L. 134 " As thy Days, so shall thy Strength be " Sigourney 137 Ministering Angels - - - - - 138 " Yet will I Trust ! " - - W. H. Burleigh 140 Journeying Home - - A. L. Waring 141 Even-Song - - - - W. O. Purton 143 Dulcamara. From " Wild Thyme, Gathered on the Mountains of Israel" 144 The Consolation .... Bonar 146 Departing .... Monsell 148 The True Rest - - - - - - 149 Alternations - - From " W T ild Thyme " 151 The long Good-night - - - H. L. L. 153 The Dawn .... Anna SJiipton 155 Re-union ----//. L. L. 156 Trust in Trial .... Monsell 158 "O Lord, Thou Knowest." From "Thoughtful Hours" 161 Fellowship with the Departed - - Whittier 163 Love Unchanging - - - - - 165 CONTENTS. MX Heaven is my Home Heaven - Fold me Gently ! Gethsemane "My Soul Waiteth" Praise The Angel of Patience Bitter-sweet Providence. From "The Happy Issue out of all Parting Words - Longings A Lament Home ! Home ! With Jesus " The Master is come, On the Threshold .S'. Cross?naii (A.D. 1664). 166 W. B. Tappan 168 E. A. W. 169 Hetfians 170 171 H. Vanghan 173 Whittier 174 George Herbert 175 Gerhardt, Voice of Christian Life in Song" 176 Afflictions - W. O. Parton 180 H. W. 181 182 Peabody 183 Sigourney 184 - 185 B. M. 187 Bonar 191 and calleth for thee " INDEX TO THE FIRST LINES. PAGE Another hand is beckoning us - - - 163 Ah, my deare, angrie Lord - - - - 175 As those that watch for the day - - 171 And can it be that I should gain - - - 29 And can it be, ye dearest, best beloved - - 181 As oft, with worn and weary feet - - - 46 A stranger worn with sorrow - - -83 As the harp strings only render - - - 123 Beloved, it is well ! - - - 85 Be still, my soul ; — let nothing stir - - 10 Be still ! Whoe'er in God doth rest - ' - 131 Child, by God's sweet mercy given - - - 81 Cometh sunshine after rain - - - "55 Commit thy way to God -• - - - 176 Dear Lord, I worship Thee - - - 143 Father ! Who in the olive shade - - - 170 Father, I know that all my life - - - 94 Father ! Thy gentle chastisement - - - 47 Fold me gently ! gently, Saviour - - 169 Four little words, — no more - - - 108 Friends frown, or fall away - - - - 99 Give me my scallop-shell of quiet - - - 122 God of truth ! though Thy hand - - - 158 God doth not leave His own ! - - 165 Go up, go up, my heart - - - -14 INDEX. XXI PAGE Hark ! what songs of joyous greeting - - 185 Hast thou within a care so deep - - - 97 Heavenly Father ! to whose eye - - 128 He sendeth sun, He sendeth shower - - - 101 High the angel choirs are raising - - "65 Home ! home ! its glorious threshold - 184 Hope and fear, and joy, and sorrow - - 151 How weary and how worthless this life at times appears ! - - - 15 I close my heavy eye 6 I do not ask, O Lord, that life may be - 77 I heard the voice of Jesus say - - 78 I journey forth rejoicing - - - 153 I journey through a desert drear and wild - - 86 I weep, but not rebellious tears - - 49 I worship Thee, sweet Will of God - - 52 I'm returning, not departing - - - 191 I mourn no more my vanished years - - '37 In heavenly love abiding - - - 32 In secret love the Master .... 187 In the church's solemn shade - - 36 I never trusted to have lived - - - - 183 I only enter on the rest - - - 115 Is it a long way off? - - - 74 Is it the night with thee, my brother - - 1 Jesu, my strength, my hope - - - - 67 "Jesus' hour is not yet come " - - - 23 Jesus in Thy memory keep - - - - 70 Jesus is our Shepherd - - - 63 Jesus, Thy boundless love to me - - 13 Just as thou art, without one trace 4 King of comforts ! King of life! - - 173 Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom - 30 XX11 INDEX. PAGE Lord, a whole long day of pain - - 42 Let me be with Thee where Thou art - - 17 Long time of sorrow has been mine - - 1S0 Meet again ! Yes, we shall meet again - 156 My Father and my God - - - 129 My God, I thank Thee, who hast made - - 39 My Jesus, as Thou wilt ! - - - 134 My Saviour ! Sov'reign Lord and Friend ! - 28 My soul, go boldly forth - - - . - 80 My soul in God abideth still - - - 72 My times are in Thy hand - - - 88 My will would like a life of ease - - 62 Nearer, my God, to Thee - - - 20 No bird-song floated down the hill - - - 132 No shadows yonder ! 4S Now I have found the ground wherein - - '8 Now would I seek with Christ to rise - - 89 O how soft that bed must be - - - 69 Oh, mourn not for me, for I weep no more - - 155 Oh, weary in the morning - - - 149 O love Divine ! afflicting, still - - 112 One by one the sands are flowing - - -126 Our beloved have departed - - - 1 24 Praise, my soul, the love that sought thee ! 103 Purer yet, and purer - - - - 1 82 Rejoice, though storms assail thee - - - 18 Rest, rest from anxious thought - - 22 She died, yet is not dead ! - - - 5 1 "Soon — and for ever ! " - - - 92 Source of my life's refreshing springs 7 Still will we trust, though earth seem dark and dreary 140 Sweet is the solace of Thy love - - - 141 Sweet patience, come ! 60 INDEX. XX111 PAGE Sweet sleep which doth so softly brood - - 102 Sweet place, sweet place alone ! 166 Take no thought for the morrow, its trials or dangers 41 Thee I adore throughout my days - - - 107 " The Day of Redemption." Oh ! welcome that day 1 1 The Lord in trouble hear thee - - "59 The sick man in his chamber - - '33 The storm has broken, and the heavy blast - 146 The way seems dark about me, overhead - - 116 There are ten at the feet of the Saviour - - 113 There is an hour of peaceful rest - - 168 They are evermore around us, though unseen to mor- tal sight - - - - - 138 This world I deem - - - - - 25 Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow - 161 Thou, who didst stoop below - - 31 To weary hearts, to mourning homes - - 174 To Thee, my God, whose Presence fills - - 76 Watcher, who watchest by the bed of pain - - no Weep not, — Jesus lives on high - - 53 What God decrees, child of His love - - 105 Whatever, Lord, Thou hast designed - - 61 When adverse winds and waves arise - - 137 WTien friend from friend is parting - - - 118 When wounded sore the stricken soul - - 98 Work in me, Lord, Thy wondrous will - - 79 Why, my soul, so sad and fearful - - 45 Why restless, why so weary 5 Why that sigh, my soul, at parting - - 148 Why wilt thou make bright music - - 120 Yes, every heart its sorrow knows - - 144 "SONGS IN THE NIGHT." ' In the night His song shall be with me." — Ps. xlii. 8. S it night with thee, my brother ? Is there darkness on thy soul ? Over the hopes and joys of earth Do the clouds of sorrow roll ? Is thy spirit faint within thee, Watching for morning light ? Come, then, let us sing together, A song of faith, in the night. Let us cheer the hours of darkness With a tale of sunshine past, Or thoughts of a glory yet to shine When the morning breaks at last ; Through our present toil and sorrow Let us look for joys to come, And sing in the exile stranger land Of the love and rest at home. b SONGS IN SUFFERING. In weariness, pain, and weakness, Have thy long years passed away ? Is thy free-born spirit imprisoned now In its shattered house of clay ? Come, sing of the joyful moment That will set the captive free ; Of the new, and strong, and deathless frame Which at length thine own shall be. Has many a hope deceived thee ? Has many a promise failed ? Has the enemy, with his fiery darts, Oft thy sinking soul assailed ? Think of the mighty Victor Who has braved for thee his power, — We may sing of the conquest Christ hath won, In our weakest and darkest hour. To the cold, dark place of silence Are thy best beloved ones gone ? In the ways so often together trod Must thou sadly walk alone ? Listen, and catch some echoes, Some notes of a heavenly strain ; We shall sing it soon in our Father's house, When the lost are found again. SONGS IN SUFFERING. Or is a yet deeper anguish Oppressing thy lonely heart ? Is it sadder far from living love Than from buried love to part ? Turn from earth's failing friendships To the sinner's changeless Friend, And sing of Him, who has loved us long, Who will love us "to the end." Yes, sing in the night, my brother, A soft and soothing song Of Him, whose faithfulness and love Will give to thee light ere long. Sing on, though but low and broken As yet may the accents rise, — At length they shall mingle, full and clear, In the anthem of the skies ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 'COME UNTO ME." " Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." — St. Matt. xi. 28. UST as thou art, without one trace Of love, or joy, or inward grace, Or meetness for the heavenly place, O guilty sinner, come ! Burden' d with guilt, wouldst thou be blest ? Trust not the world, it gives no rest ; Christ brings relief to hearts opprest : O weary sinner, come ! Come, leave thy burden at the Cross ; Count all thy gains but worthless dross ; His grace o'erpays all earthly loss : O needy sinner, come ! Come hither ! Bring thy boding fears, Thy aching heart, thy bursting tears ; 'Ti's Mercy's voice salutes thine ears : O trembling sinner, come ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. "HOPE THOU IN GOD." " Why art thou cast down, O my soul ? and why art thou so disquieted within me ? hope thou in God : for I shall yet praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God."— Ps. xlii. n. HY restless, why so weary, . My soul why so cast down ? Is all around so dreary, And hath the cross no crown ? Where is the God who found thee, Who once could make thee glad, Are not His arms around thee, Then wherefore art thou sad ? O trust the Lord who bought thee, O trust the sinner's Friend ! The wondrous love that sought thee Will keep thee to the end ! Will give a glorious morrow To this thy night of pain, And make thy dews of sorrow Like " shining after rain." SONGS IN SUFFERING. EVER NEAR. CLOSE my heavy eye, — Saviour, ever near ! I lift my soul on high Through the darkness drear. Be Thou my light, I cry, Saviour, ever dear ! I feel Thine arms around, Saviour, ever near ! With Thee let me be found, So shall I never fear, Whatever ills abound ; Saviour, ever dear ! Thine is the day and night, Saviour, ever near ; Thine is the dark and light ; Be thou my covert here ; O shield me with Thy might, Saviour, ever dear ! And when I come to die, Saviour, ever near, Receive my parting sigh ; And in the hour of fear, Be to my Spirit nigh, Saviour, ever dear ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. "THOU MAINTAINEST MY LOT." OURCE of my life's refreshing springs, Whose presence in my heart sustains me; Thy love appoints me pleasant things, Thy mercy orders all that pains me. If loving hearts were never lonely, If all they wish might always be, Accepting what they look for only, They might be glad, but not in Thee. Well may Thy own beloved, who see In all their lot their Father's pleasure, Bear loss of all they love, save Thee, Their living, everlasting treasure. Well may Thy happy children cease From restless wishes prone to sin, And, in Thy own exceeding peace, Yield to Thy daily discipline. We need as much the cross we bear, As air we breathe — as light we see ; It draws us to Thy side in prayer, It binds us to our strength in Thee. SONGS IN SUFFERING. LOVED WITH AN EVERLASTING LOVE. OW I have found the ground wherein Sure my soul's anchor may remain,— The wounds of Jesus, for my sin Before the world's foundation slain ; Whose mercy shall unshaken stay When heaven and earth are fled away. Father, Thine everlasting grace Our scanty thought surpasses far ; Thy heart still melts with tenderness ; Thine arms of love still open are, Returning sinners to receive, That mercy they may taste and live. O Love ! Thou bottomless abyss ! My sins are swallowed up in thee : Cover'd is my unrighteousness, Nor spot of guilt remains on me : While Jesus' blood, through earth and skies, Mercy, free boundless mercy, cries ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 9 With faith I plunge me in this sea ; Here is my hope, my joy, my rest ; Hither, when hell assails, I flee, I look into my Saviour's breast. Away, sad doubt, and anxious fear ! Mercy is all that's written there. Though waves and storms go o'er my head, Though strength and health and friends be gone, Though joys be withered all and dead, Though every comfort be withdrawn ; On this my steadfast soul relies, — Father ! Thy mercy never dies. Fix'd on this ground will I remain, Though my heart fail and flesh decay \ This anchor shall my soul sustain, When earth's foundations melt away : Mercy's full power I then shall prove, Loved with an everlasting love. 10 SONGS IN SUFFERING. TRUST AND PEACE. "Be still, and know that I am God." — Ps. xlvi. io. E still, my soul ; — let nothing stir Thee from the sweet repose Of those who to their God refer Their joys, their cares, their woes. Be quiet ; — why this anxious heed About thy tangled ways ? God knows them all ; 'tis He gives speed, And He allows delays. What though He let thee not perform Some good and loved design ? Thou wouldst not wish Him to conform His perfect will to thine ! My God ! the hearing ear impart, To hear Thee tell Thy will ; And then bestow the ready heart, All meekly to fulfil. SONGS IN SUFFERING. II "THE REDEMPTION OF THE PURCHASED POSSESSION:' "And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of Redemption." — Ephes. iv. 30. [HE day of Redemption." Oh welcome that day, When the night shall for ever have vanished away, The moon and the stars their faint radiance resign, And the sun in full splendour unceasingly shine ! " The day of Redemption." Hail marvellous day ! The sleepers of ages shall greet thy first ray ; The sin-bruised body in majesty rise, And faultless appear before all-searching eyes. " The day of Redemption " from sorrow and pain, When long parted friends shall each other regain : A garland of gladness each brow shall entwine, In songs of rejoicings all voices combine. " The day of Redemption " from bondage to sin, From the snares of the world, and corruption within ; When the enemy's power as a moth shall be crushed, And his whispers of malice and enmity hushed. 12 SONGS IN SUFFERING. " The day of Redemption " from death and the grave, Oh now is our Conqueror mighty to save ! He will burst every bond of the terrible foe, And the trump of release through the universe blow. " The day of Redemption ! " Then all shall behold The King in His beauty, with sceptre of gold, Returning His purchased possession to claim, And the hearts of His people with love to inflame. " The day of Redemption !" Till then are ye sealed Unto whom is the arm of Jehovah revealed, As His by the ties of adoption and grace, — As heirs of His kingdom while seeking His face. " The day of Redemption ! " Then, then are ye freed Creation, that groaneth in sorrow and need ; Then the blight of the curse shall be wholly with- drawn, And a crown of perfection all Nature adorn. K©~£o SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 3 "THE LOVE OF CHRIST CONSTRAINETH US." ESUS, Thy boundless love to me, No thought can reach, no tongue de- clare ; Oh, knit my thankful heart to Thee, And reign without a rival there ! Thine wholly, Thine alone, I live ; Thyself to me, O Jesus give ! O Love, how cheering is Thy ray ! All fear before Thy presence flies ; Care, anguish, sorrow, melt away, Where'er Thy healing beams arise : O Jesu, nothing may I see, Nothing desire, or seek, but Thee ! In suffering, be Thy love my peace ; In weakness, be Thy love my power : And when the storms of life shall cease, Jesus, in that decisive hour, In death as life, be Thou my Gi:ide, And save me, Who for me hast died. 14 SONGS IN SUFFERING. SURSUM CORDA. " Set your affections on things above." — Coloss. iii. 2. O up, go up, my heart, Dwell with thy God above ; For here thou canst not rest, Nor here give out thy love. Go up, go up, my heart, Be not a trifler here ; Ascend above these clouds, — Dwell in a higher sphere. Let not thy love flow out To things so soiled and dim ; Go up to heaven and God, Take up thy love to Him. Waste not thy precious stores On creature-love below ; To God that wealth belongs, On Him that wealth bestow. Go up, reluctant heart, Take up thy rest above ; Arise, earth-clinging thoughts, Ascend, my lingering love ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 5 LIGHT IN DARKNESS. OW weary and how worthless this life at times appears ! What days of heavy musings, what hours of bitter tears ! How dark the storm-clouds gather along the wintry skies \ How desolate and cheerless the path before us lies ! And yet those days of dreariness are sent us from above, They do not come in anger, but in faithfulness and love ! They come to teach us lessons which bright ones could not yield, And to leave us blest and thankful when their pur- pose is fulfilled. They come to draw us nearer to our Father and our Lord, More earnestly to seek His face, to listen to His word, And to feel, if now around a desert land we see, Without the star of promise, what would its dark- ness be ! 1 6 SONGS IN SUFFERING. They come to lay us lowly and humbled in the dust, All self-deception swept away, all creature-hope and trust ; Our helplessness, our vileness, our guiltiness to own, And flee for hope and refuge to Christ, and Christ alone. They come to break the fetters which here detain us fast, And force our long reluctant hearts to rise to heaven at last ; And brighten every prospect of that eternal home, Where grief and disappointment and fear can never come. Then turn not in despondence, poor weary heart, away, But meekly journey onwards through the dark and cloudy day ; Even now the bow of promise is above thee painted bright, And soon a joyful morning shall dissipate the night. Thy God hath not forgot thee, and, when He sees it best, Will lead thee into sunshine, — will give thee bowers of rest ; And all thy pain and sorrow, when the pilgrimage is o'er, Shall end in heavenly blessedness, and joys for evermore ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 7 TO BE WITH CHRIST." "Father, I will that they also, whom Thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am ; that they may behold My glory." — St. John xvii. 24. ET me be with Thee where Thou art, My Saviour, my eternal Rest ! Then only will this longing heart Be fully and for ever blest ! Let me be with Thee where Thou art, Thy unveil'd glory to behold ; Then only will this wand'ring heart Cease to be treacherous, faithless, cold ! Let me be with Thee where Thou art, Where spotless saints Thy name adore ; Then only will this sinful heart Be evil and denied no more ! Let me be with Thee where Thou art, Where none can die, where none remove ; There neither death nor life will part Me, from Thy presence and Thy love ! 1 8 SONGS IN SUFFERING. REJOICE FOR EVERMORE! " Yet will I rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. " — Hab. hi. 18. REJOICE, though storms assail thee ; Rejoice, when skies are bright; Rejoice, though round thy pathway Is spread the gloom of night : If the good hope be in thee That all at last is well, Then let thy happy spirit With joyful feelings swell ! Look back on early childhood, And let thy soul rejoice ! Who then upheld thy goings, And tuned thy feeble voice ? Look back on youth's gay visions, When life one glory seem'd : Who pour'd those rays of gladness Which on thy prospect beamed ? SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 9 Recall the hours of anguish, And let thy soul rejoice, Though wave on wave of sorrow Rush on with fearful noise : Was not the Bow of Promise Still seen amidst the gloom, Shedding its hallowed lustre E'en round the silent tomb ? Rejoice, rejoice for ever, Though earthly friends be gone ! For silently and swiftly The wheels of time roll on ; And still they bear thee forward Nearer that happy shore, While the triumphant song is Rejoice for evermore ! m& 953^5 SONGS IN SUFFERING. NEARER TO THEE! EARER, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me, Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone ; Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! There let the way appear Steps unto heaven ; All that Thou send'st to me In mercy given ; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. Then with my waking thoughts Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs Bethel I'll raise ; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! Or, if on joyful wing Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upward I fly ; Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! I as T 22 SONGS IN SUFFERING. THE REST THAT REMAINETH. EST, rest from anxious thought, From pressing, hurrying care ! Rest, here so vainly sought, — So richly furnished there. Oh ! Saviour dear, how sweet 'twill be, To rest my weary head on Thee. Peace, peace, — a calm repose, No shadows hov'ring still Around of coming woes : Peace shall each bosom fill. Oh ! Saviour dear, how sweet 'twill be, To be at peace, because with Thee. Vigour and strength shall there In mind and spirit reign ; No conflict then shall wear Me with unceasing pain. Oh ! Saviour dear, how sweet 'twill be With perfect pow'rs to worship Thee. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 23 WAITING. "Mine hour is not yet come." — St. John ii. 4. ESUS' hour is not yet come ; " Let this word thine answer be, Pilgrim, asking for thy home, — Longing to be blest and free. Yet a season tarry on ; Nobly borne, is nobly done. While oppressing cares and fears Night and day no respite leave, Still prolonged through many years, None to help thee or relieve ; Hold the word of promise fast, Till deliverance comes at last. Every creature-hope and trust, Every earthly prop or stay, May lie prostrate in the dust, — May have failed or passed away : Then, when darkest falls the night, Jesus comes, and all is light. 24 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Yes, the Comforter draws nigh To the breaking, bursting heart, — For, with tender sympathy, He has seen and felt its smart : Through its darkest hours of ill, He is waiting, watching still. Dost thou ask, — When comes His hour ? Then, when it shall aid thee best. Trust His faithfulness and power, — Trust in Him, and quietly rest. Suffer on, and hope, and wait, Jesus never comes too late. Blessed day, which hastens fast, End of conflict and of sin ! Death itself shall die at last, — Heaven's eternal joys begin. Then eternity shall prove God is Light and God is Love. r — : II SONGS IN SUFFERING. 25 'WITHIN THE VEILr "Now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face." — 1 Cor. xiii. 12. |HIS world I deem But a beautiful dream Of shadows that are not what they seem ; Where visions arise, Giving dim surmise Of the sights that shall meet our waking eyes. Arm of the Lord ! Creating Word ; Whose glory the silent skies record, Where stands Thy name, In scrolls of flame, On the firmament's high-shadowing frame ! I gaze o'er head Where Thy hand hath spread For the waters of heaven, their crystal bed ; And stored the dew In its depths of blue, Which the fires of the sun come tempered through. 26 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Soft they shine Through that pure shrine, As beneath the veil of Thy flesh divine Beams forth the light, That were else too bright For the feebleness of a sinner's sight. And such I deem This world will seem When we waken from life's mysterious dream, And burst the shell Where our spirits dwell In this wondrous anti-natal cell. I gaze aloof At the tissued roof Where time and space are the warp and woof, Which the King of kings As a curtain flings O'er the dreadfulness of eternal things — A tapestried tent, To shade us meant From the bare everlasting firmament ; Where the blaze of the skies Comes soft to our eyes Through a veil of mystical imageries. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 27 But could I see As in truth they be, The glories of Heaven that encompass me, I should lightly hold The tissued fold Of this marvellous curtain of blue and gold. And soon the whole, As a parched scroll, Shall before my amazed sight uproll ; And without a screen, At one burst be seen The Presence in which I have ever been. Oh ! who shall bear The blinding glare Of the Majesty that shall meet us there? What eye can gaze On the unveiled blaze On the light-gilded throne of the Ancient of days ? Christ us aid ! Himself be our shade, That in that dread day we be not dismayed. 28 SONGS IN SUFFERING. DAILY PRAYER IN TRIBULATION. Y Saviour ! Sov'reign Lord and Friend ! I know that Thou dost condescend To guide Thine own unto the end Of earthly days : O help me in this weary day, With love submissively to pray, That I may journey on my way In trust and praise. The way is rough, and far from plain ; My steps are taken oft in pain ; But Thou art willing to sustain My feeble frame. In suff'ring, and temptation's night, O may I rest upon Thy might ; And learn^ in comfort of Thy light, To bless Thy Name. Lord Jesus, take away my fear, And make me feel Thee ever near ; So, growing day by day more dear, I shall be blest : Enlighten'd more and more to see That Thou in love art guiding me Through trial to eternity Of glorious rest. m SONGS IN SUFFERING. 29 " ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED:' "I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me." — Gal. ii. 20. ND can it be that I should gain An interest in the Saviour's blood ? Died He for me, who caused His pain, — For me, who Him to death pursued ? Amazing love ! How can it be That Thou, my Lord, should'st die for me ! He left His Father's throne above (So free, so infinite His grace), Emptied Himself of all but love, And bled for Adam's helpless race. 'Tis mercy all, immense and free, — For, O my God, it found out me! No condemnation do I dread ; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine ! Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine, Bold I approach the eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ, my own. 30 SONGS IN SUFFERING. "THE LORD IS MY LIGHT." HEAD, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom, Lead Thou me on ! The night is dark, and I am far from home; Lead Thou me on ! Keep Thou my feet \ I do not ask to see The distant way ; one step enough for me. I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou Shouldst lead me on ; I loved to see and choose my path : but now Lead Thou me on ! I loved the garish day, — and, spite of fears, Pride ruled my will : Remember not past years ! So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still Will lead me on O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till The night is gone, And with the morn those angel faces smile, Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 31 "THE MAN CHRIST JESUS." |HOU, who didst stoop below To drain the cup of woe, And wear the form of frail mortality ; Thy blessed labours done, Thy crown of victory won, Hast pass'd from earth, pass'd to Thy home on high. It was no path of flowers, Through this dark world of our's, Beloved of the Father, Thou didst tread : And shall we in dismay Shrink from the narrow way, When clouds and darkness are around it spread ? O Thou, who art our life ! Be with us through the strife. Thy own meek head by rudest storms was bowed ; Raise Thou our eyes above, To see a Father's love Beam, like a bow of promise, through the cloud. E'en through the awful gloom Which hovers o'er the tomb, That light of love our guiding star shall be : Our spirits shall not dread The shadowy way to tread, Friend, Guardian, Saviour ! which doth lead to Thee. 32 SONGS IN SUFFERING. "/ WILL FEAR NO EVIL, FOR THOU ART WITH ME? N Heavenly love abiding, No change my heart shall fear, And safe in such confiding, For nothing changes here, The storm may roar without me, My heart may low be laid, But God is round about me, And can I be dismayed ? Wherever He may guide me, No want shall turn me back ; My Shepherd is beside me, And nothing can I lack. His wisdom ever waketh, His sight is never dim, — He knows the way He taketh, And I will walk with Him. Green pastures are before me, Which yet I have not seen ; Bright skies will soon be o'er me, Where the dark clouds have been. My hope I cannot measure, My path to life is free, My Saviour has my treasure, And He will walk with me. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 33 THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. 11 But unto you that fear My Name shall the Sun of Right- eousness arise with healing in His wings." — Mal. iv. 2. HE sick man in his chamber, Through the long weary night Tossed on his restless pillow, How longs he for the light ! He counts the hours, that linger Heavy with clouds and rain, And a great weight of darkness Lies on his fevered brain : He hears the loud clock ticking, And the owl hoot afar, While glimmers the pale night-light, And fades the midnight star; Till eastward in the Heaven He sees at last the sign — O'er the far purple mountain A single silver line. 34 SONGS IN SUFFERING. It broadens, and it deepens To a sea of red and gold, With clouds of rosy amber Around its glory rolled ; Till each pane of his window Is silvered o'er and o'er, And lines of golden arrows Lie on the dusky floor. The sick soul lieth weary In the world's soft unrest, With clouds of care and sorrow, And weight of sin opprest : Out of the night she crieth, Out of the narrow room, — O Saviour, gentle Saviour, Wilt Thou not pierce the gloom ? Break on this night of longing, Where, hand in hand, we grope Through wastes of vain endeavour, 'Neath stars of fruitless hope : SONGS IN SUFFERING. 35 O'er the great hills of sadness That hem us darkly in, Rough with our tears and losses, And black with many a sin ; — Rise, rise above the mountains, With healing in Thy wings ; Break, break into the chambers Where pain in secret stings : Come while the morning tarries, Our waiting eyes to bless ; Look through the lowly lattice — Bright Sun of Righteousness ! Set, for the hearts that love Thee, Thy tokens up above — The white rays of redemption, And the red fire of love. Out of our gloom we call Thee, Out of our helpless night ; Sun of the world, sweet Saviour ! Show us Thy perfect light. 3^ SONGS IN SUFFERING. A PARTING WISH. " Ye are come unto mount Zion and to the spirits of just men made perfect." — Heb. xii. 23. N the church's solemn shade, Where we worshipped, where we prayed, There it is I would be laid, Loved one, by thee. What though death awhile shall sever Hearts that once were linked together ; Think thou not that love can ever Cease to be. Still before the mercy-seat Spirit shall with spirit meet, Joining in communion sweet, Until with thee Once again my heart may share Holiest communion, where Death can part my Spirit ne'er, Loved one, from thee. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 37 TAUGHT TO BE CONTENT MOURN no more my vanished years ; Beneath a tender rain, An April rain, of smiles and tears, My heart is young again. The west winds blow, and sighing low I hear the glad streams run ; The windows of my soul I throw Wide open to the sun. No longer forward nor behind I look in hope or fear ; But, grateful, take the good I find, The best of now and here. All as God wills, who wisely heeds To give or to withhold, And knoweth more of all my needs Than all my prayers have told ! Enough that blessings undeserved Have marked my erring track ; That whenso'er my feet have swerved His chastening turned me back ; 3& SONGS IN SUFFERING. That more and more a Providence Of Love is understood, Making the springs of time and sense Sweet with eternal good ; That death seems but a covered way Which opens into light, Wherein no blinded child can stray- Beyond the Father's sight ; That care and trial seem at last, Through Memory's sunset air, Like mountain-ranges overpast, In purple distance fair ; That all the jarring notes of life Seem blending in a psalm, And all the angles of its strife Slow rounding into calm. And so the shadows fall apart, And so the west winds play, And all the windows of my heart I open to the day. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 39 THANKFULNESS, Y God, I thank Thee, who hast made The Earth so bright ; So full of splendour and of joy, Beauty and light ; So many glorious things are here, Noble and right ! I thank Thee, too, that Thou hast made Joy to abound ; So many gentle thoughts and deeds Circling us round, That in the darkest spot of earth Some love is found. I thank Thee more, that all our joy Is touched with pain ; That shadows fall on brightest hours ; That thorns remain ; So that Earth's bliss may be our guide, And not our chain. 40 SONGS IN SUFFERING. For Thou who knowest, Lord, how soon Our weak heart clings, Hast given us joys, tender and true, Yet all with wings, So that we see, gleaming on high, Diviner things ! I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast kept The best in store ; We have enough, yet not too much To long for more : A yearning for a deeper peace, Not known before. I thank Thee, Lord, that here our souls, Though amply blest, Can never find, although they seek, A perfect rest — Nor ever shall, until they lean On Jesu's breast ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 4 1 TAKE NO THOUGHT FOR THE MORROW. AKE no thought for the morrow, its trials or dangers ; Why burden thy spirit with deepening gloom ? Ah ! to-day has enough to distress and perplex thee ; It needeth no shadow of dark things to come. Take no thought for the morrow ; — no sorrow shall touch thee, But that which thy God in His love hath decreed. Go to Christ with thy grief, as it daily ariseth, And seek for His strength in the moment of need. Take no thought for the morrow. Rich mercy a- bounding Has marked every step of thy pathway till now ; Put thy trust, then, in God, for the still distant future, Effacing those dark lines of care from thy brow. Take no thought for the morrow, — its dawning may find thee A spirit at rest 'neath the altar of God, With the last battle fought, and the last trial ended, The victory won through Immanuel's blood. 42 SONGS IN SUFFERING. IT IS NOT NIGHT WHEN GOD IS NEAR. "Still with Thee." — Ps. cxxxix. ORD, a whole long day of pain Now at last is o'er ! Ah, how much we can sustain I have felt once more ; Felt how frail are all our powers, And how weak our trust ; If Thou help not, these dark hours Crush us to the dust. Could I face the coming night If Thou wert not near ? Nay, without Thy love and might I must sink with fear : Round me falls the evening gloom, Sights and sounds all cease, But within this narrow room Night will bring no peace. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 43 Other weary eyes may close, All things seek their sleep, Hither comes no soft repose, I must wake and weep. Come then, Jesus, o'er me bend, Give me strength to cope With my pains, and gently send Thoughts of peace and hope. Draw my weary heart away From this gloom and strife, And these fever-pains allay With the dew of life ; Thou canst calm the troubled mind, Thou its dread canst still, — Teach me to be all resign'd To my Father's will. Then if I must wake, and weep All the long night through, Thou the watch with me wilt keep, — Friend and Guardian true ; 44 SONGS IN SUFFERING. In the darkness Thou wilt speak Lovingly with me, Though my heart may vainly seek Words to breathe to Thee. Wheresoe'er my couch is made, In Thy hands I lie, And to Thee alone for aid Turns my restless eye : Let my prayer grow weary never, Strengthen Thou th' oppressed, In Thy shadow, Lord, for ever Let me gently rest. as Y SONGS IN SUFFERING. 45 "PEACE! BE STILL r "And He saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith ? Then He arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm." — Matt. viii. 26. HY, my soul, so sad and fearful, Crossing life's dark ocean tide ? Why that upward eye, so tearful ? Christ is sleeping by thy side. Though the storm and tossing billow Seem the only presence near ; Christ is nearer, — on a pillow Sleeping by thee : wherefore fear ? Wakes the storm ? — it is to try thee ! Sleeps the Christ ? — 'tis for thy sake ! Let thy heart but feel Him nigh thee, Lift thy voice — and He'll awake : He'll awake ! and wind and ocean, Soon shall bow before His will ; All thy weary heart's emotion Hushed before His " Peace ! be still ! " 46 SONGS IN SUFFERING. THE SYMPATHY OF JESUS. S oft, with worn and weary feet, We tread earth's rugged valley o'er, The thought — how comforting and sweet ! Christ trod this toilsome path before : Our wants and weaknesses He knows, From life's first dawning to its close. Do sickness, feebleness, or pain, Or sorrow in our path appear ? The sweet remembrance will remain, — More deeply did He suffer here : His life, how truly sad and brief, Filled up with sorrow, pain, and grief f If Satan tempts our hearts to stray, And whisper evil things within, — So did he in the desert way Assail our Lord with thoughts of sin ; When worn, and in a feeble hour The Tempter came, with all his power. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 47 Just such as I, this earth He trod, With every human ill but sin ; And though indeed the Very God, As I am now, so He has been. My God, my Saviour, look on me With pity, love, and sympathy ! IBtf im FATHERLY CHASTISEMENT ATHER ! Thy gentle chastisement Falls kindly on my burdened soul ; I see its merciful intent, To warn me back to Thy control ; And pray that while I kiss the rod I may find perfect peace with God. Forgive the weakness I deplore ; And let Thy peace abound in me, That I may trust my heart no more, But wholly cast myself on Thee. Oh, let my Father's strength be mine, And my devoted life be Thine. 48 SONGS IN SUFFERING. MEETING TO PART NEVERMORE. shadows yonder ! All light and song ! Each day I wonder, And say — How long Shall time me sunder From that dear throng ? No weeping yonder ! — All fled away ! While here I wander Each weary day, And sigh as I ponder My long, long stay. No partings yonder ! Time and space never Again shall sunder ; Hearts cannot sever ; Dearer and fonder Hands clasp for ever. None wanting yonder, Bought by the Lamb ! All gathered under The ever-green palm : Loud as the thunder Ascends the glad psalm ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 49 SANCTIFIED AFFLICTIONS. WEEP, but not rebellious tears ; I mourn, but not in hopeless woe ; I droop, but not with doubtful fears \ For whom I've trusted, Him I know. Lord, I believe ; assuage my grief, And help, O help, my unbelief ! My days of youth and health are o'er ; My early friends are dead and gone ; And there are times it tries me sore To think I'm left on earth alone. But yet faith whispers, " 'Tis not so : He will not leave nor let thee go." Blind eyes, fond heart, poor soul, that sought For lasting bliss in things of earth ; Remembering but with transient thought Thy heavenly home, — thy second birth. Till God in mercy broke at last The bonds that held thee down so fast. 50 SONGS SUFFERING. As link by link was rent away, My heart wept blood. — so sharp the pain ; But I have learned to count this day, That temporal loss, eternal gain \ For all that once detained me here Now draws me to a holier sphere : A holier sphere, a happier place, Where I shall know as I am known, And see my Saviour face to face, And meet, rejoicing round His throne, The faithful souls, made perfect there From earthly stains and mortal care. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 5 1 SHE IS NOT DEAD. HE died, yet is not dead ! Ye saw a daisy on her tomb : It bloomed to die — she died to bloom ; Her summer hath not sped. She died, yet is not dead ! Ye saw her jewels all unset ; But God let fall a coronet To crown her ransomed head. She died, yet is not dead ! Ye saw her gazing toward a sky Whose lights are shut from mortal eye ; She lingered, yearned, and fled. She died, yet is not dead ! Through pearly gate, on golden street She went her way, with shining feet : Go ye, and thither tread. 52 SONGS IN SUFFERING. THE WILL OF GOD. WORSHIP thee, sweet Will of God, And all thy ways adore ; And every day I live, I long To love thee more and more. Man's weakness waiting upon God, Its end can never miss ; For man on earth no work can do More angel-like than this. He always wins who sides with God, To him no chance is lost ; God's Will is sweetest to him when It triumphs at his cost. Ill that God blesses is our good, And unblest good is ill ; And all is right that seems most wrong, If it be His dear will ! When obstacles and trials seem Like prison-walls to be, I do the little I can do, And leave the rest to Thee. I have no cares, oh blessed Will ! For all my cares are Thine ; I live in triumph, Lord ! for Thou Hast made Thy triumphs mine. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 53 WEEP NOT. EEP not, — Jesus lives on high, Oh, sad and wearied one ! If thou with the burden sigh, Of grief thou canst not shun, Trust Him still, Soon there will Roses in the thicket stand, — Goshen smile in Egypt's land. Weep not, — Jesus thinks of thee When all beside forget, And on thee so lovingly His faithfulness has set, That though all Ruin'd fall, Every thing on earth be shaken, Thou wilt never be forsaken. Weep not, — Jesus heareth thee, Hears thy moanings broken, Hears when thou right wearily All thy grief hast spoken. Raise thy cry, He is nigh, And when waves roll full in view, He shall fix their " Hitherto." 54 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Weep not, — Jesus loveth thee, Though all around may scorn, And though poison'd arrows be Upon thy buckler borne, With His love, Nought can move ; All may fail, — yet only wait, He shall make the crooked straight. Weep not, — Jesus cares for thee, Then what of good can fail ? Why should'st thou thus gloomily At thought of trouble quail ? He will bear All thy care ; And if He the burden take, He will all things perfect make. Weep not, — Jesus comforts thee, He yet shall come and save, And each sorrow thou shalt see Lie buried in thy grave. Sin shall die, Grief shall fly, Thou hast wept thy latest tears When the Lord of Life appears ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 55 SUNSHINE. |]OMETH sunshine after rain, After mourning joy again, After heavy bitter grief Dawneth surely sweet relief! And my soul, who from her height Sank to realms of woe and night, Wingeth now to heaven her flight. He whom this world dares not face, Hath refreshed me with His grace, And His mighty hand unbound Chains of hell about me wound ; Quicker, stronger, leaps my blood, Since His mercy, like a flood, Pour'd o'er all my heart for good. Bitter anguish have I borne, Keen regret my heart hath torn, Sorrow dimm'd my weeping eyes, Satan blinded me with lies ; Yet at last am I set free : Help, protection, love, to me Once more true companions be. 56 SONGS IN SUFFERING. None was ever left a prey, None was ever turned away, Who had given himself to God, And on Him had cast his load. Who in God his hope hath placed, Shall not life in pain out waste, Fullest joy he yet shall taste. Though to-day may not fulfil All thy hopes, have patience still, For perchance to-morrow's sun Sees thy happier days begun ; As God willeth march the hours, Bringing joy at last in showers, When whate'er we asked is ours. Once a pain that would not cease Gnaw'd my heart without release, Sorrow bow'd me 'neath her yoke, Then in sadness oft I spoke : Now no hope is left for me, And no rest, until I be Whelm'd beneath death's sunless sea. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 57 But when I was worn with care, Fiird with dread well-nigh despair ; When with watching many a night On me fell pale sickness' blight ; When my courage fail'd me fast, Camest Thou, my God, at last, And my woes were quickly past. Yea, Thou God didst make an end, Thou such help and strength didst send, That I never more can praise As I ought, Thy matchless grace ; When I sought with anxious fear, And could see no refuge here, Lo ! I found Thy help was near. Now as long as here I roam, On this earth have house and home, Shall this wondrous gleam from Thee Shine through all my memory. To my God I yet will cling, All my life the praises sing That from thankful hearts outspring. 58 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Every sorrow, every smart, That the Eternal Father's heart Hath appointed me of yore, Or hath yet for me in store, As my life flows on I'll take Calmly, gladly, for His sake, No more faithless murmurs make. I will meet distress and pain, I will greet e'en death's dark reign, I will lay me in the grave With a heart still glad and brave ; Whom the Strongest doth defend, Whom the Highest counts His friend, Cannot perish in the end. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 59 "SAVE, LORD." [HE Lord in trouble hear thee, And help from Zion send ; The God of grace be near thee To comfort and befriend ! Thy human weakness strengthen, Thine earthly wants supply, Thy span of nature lengthen To endless life on high ! Above His own anointed His banner bright shall wave : Their times are all appointed ; The Lord His flock shall save : Through life's deceitful mazes, Their steps will safely bear ; Accept their feeble praises, And hear their every prayer. Go on, thou heir of glory ! No ill can thee betide ; The prize is full before thee, Thy Guardian at thy side. Who trust in mortal forces Their weakness soon shall see ; But God a sure resource is, And God shall succour thee. 6o SONGS IN SUFFERING. SWEET PATIENCE, COME > WEET patience, come ! With long distress my spirit faints, And my heart breaks with its complaints, And eager pain to find relief Solicits even change of grief; And unbelief disturbs my trust, And shakes my hopes as with a gust. Spring blossoms flutter from the stalk, And withering lie upon the walk, — Sweet patience, come ! Sweet patience, come ! Not from a low and earthly source ! Waiting till things shall have their course ; Not as accepting present pain, In hope of some hereafter gain ; Not in a dull and sullen calm, But as a breath of heavenly balm, Bidding my weary heart submit To bear whatever God sees fit, — Sweet patience, come ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 6 1 Sweet patience, come ! Tell me my Father hath not shed One grief too many on my head ; Tell me His love remembers still His children suffering at His will \ How excellent a thought to me His loving-kindness then shall be ! Then in the shadow of His wings, I'll hide me from all troublous things, — Sweet patience, come ! RESIGNATION. HATEVER, Lord, Thou hast designed To bring my soul to Thee, its trust, If mercies, or afflictions kind, (For all Thy dealings, Lord, are just), Take all, but grant, in goodness free, That love which ne'er Thy stroke would shun ; Support this heart, and strengthen me To say in faith, — " Thy will be done." 62 SONGS IN SUFFERING. "NOT MINE OWN WILL." Y will would like a life of ease, And power to do, and time to rest ; And wealth and health my will would please, — But, Lord, I know Thy will is best. If I have strength to do Thy will, That should be power enough for me, Whether to walk or to sit still Th' appointment of the day may be. And if by sickness I may grow More patient, holy, and resigned, Strong health I need not wish to know, And truer ease I cannot find. And rest — I need not seek it here — For perfect rest " remaineth " still : When in Thy presence I appear, Rest shall be given by Thy will. O Lord, my life is given to Thee, And every day and hour is Thine, What Thou appointest, let them be ; Thy will is better far than mine. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 63 THE GOOD SHEPHERD, ESUS is our Shepherd, Wiping every tear : Folded in His bosom, What have we to fear ? Only let us follow Whither He doth lead, — To the thirsty desert, Or the dewy mead. Jesus is our Shepherd, — Well we know His voice \ How its gentlest whisper Makes our heart rejoice ! Even when He chideth, Tender is its tone : None but He shall guide us, We are His alone. Jesus is our Shepherd ! For the sheep He bled ; Every lamb is sprinkled With the blood He shed. 64 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Then on each He setteth His own secret sign : " They that have My Spirit, These," saith He, "are Mine." Jesus is our Shepherd : Guarded by His arm, Though the wolves may raven, None can do us harm : When we tread death's valley, Dark with fearful gloom, We will fear no evil, — Victors o'er the tomb. Jesus is our Shepherd ! With His goodness now, And His tender mercy, He doth us endow : Let us sing His praises With a gladsome heart, Till in Heaven we meet Him, Never more to part. -«: q<{"o~}< SONGS IN SUFFERING. 65 THE JOYS OF HEAVEN. IGH the angel choirs are raising Heart and voice in harmony, The Creator King still praising Whom in beauty there they see. Sweetest strains, from soft harps stealing ; Trumpets, notes of triumph pealing ; Radiant wings and white stoles gleaming, Up the steps of glory streaming ; When the heavenly bells are ringing, Holy, holy, holy ! singing To the mighty Trinity ! Holy, holy, holy ! crying ; For all earthly care and sighing In that city cease to be ! Every voice is there harmonious, Praising God in hymns smpyhonious ; Love each heart with light enfolding, As they stand in peace beholding There the Triune Deity ! 66 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Whom adore the seraphim, Aye with love eternal burning ; Venerate the cherubim, To their fount of honour turning \ Whilst angelic throngs adoring Gaze upon His majesty. Oh how beautiful that region, And how fair that heavenly legion, Where thus men and angels blend ! Glorious will that city be, Full of deep tranquillity, Light and peace from end to end ! All the happy dwellers there Shine in robes of purity, Keep the law of charity, Bound in firmest unity ; Labour finds them not nor care. Ignorance can ne'er perplex, Nothing tempt them, nothing vex ; Joy and health their fadeless blessing, Always all things good possessing. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 6j GROWTH IN GRACE, ESU, my strength, my hope, On Thee I cast my care, With humble confidence look up, And know Thou hear'st my prayer. Give me on Thee to wait, Till I can all things do, — On Thee, Almighty to create ! Almighty to renew ! I want a sober mind, A self-renouncing will, That tramples down and casts behind The baits of pleasing ill : A soul inured to pain, To hardship, grief, and loss ; Bold to take up, firm to sustain, The consecrated cross. I want a godly fear, A quick discerning eye, That looks to Thee when sin is near, And sees the Tempter fly : 6S SONGS IN SUFFERING. A spirit still prepared, And armed with jealous care ; For ever standing on its guard, And watching unto prayer. I want a heart to pray, To pray and never cease, Never to murmur at Thy stay, Or wish my sufferings less ; This blessing, above all, Always to pray I want, Out of the deep on Thee to call, And never, never faint. I rest upon Thy word, — Thy promise is for me ; My succour and salvation, Lord, Shall surely come from Thee. But let me still abide, Nor from my hope remove, Till Thou my patient spirit guide Into Thy perfect love. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 69 THE LORD'S PRESENCE IN THE SICK ROOM. "The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languish- ing : Thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness. " — Ps. xli. 3. HOW soft that bed must be Made in sickness, Lord, by Thee ! And that rest, — how calm, how sweet, Where Jesus and the suff'rer meet ! It was the good Physician now Soothed my cheek and chafed my brow, Whispering as He raised my head, — " It is I : be not afraid." God of glory, God of grace, Hear from Heaven Thy dwelling-place ! Hear in mercy and forgive ; Bid Thy child believe and live ! Bless me, and I shall be blest ; Soothe me, and I shall have rest ; Fix my heart, my hopes above ; Love me Lord, for Thou art love ! 7° SONGS IN SUFFERING. " LOOKING UNTO JESUS." ESUS in Thy memory keep, Wouldst thou be God's child and friend ; Jesus in thy heart shrined deep, Still thy gaze on Jesus bend. In thy toiling, in thy resting, . Look to Him with every breath, Look to Jesu's life and death. Look to Jesus, till, reviving Faith and love thy life-springs swell ; Strength for all things good deriving From Him who did all things well ; Work, as He did, in thy season, Works which shall not fade away, Work while it is call'd to-day. Look to Jesus, prayerful, waking When thy feet on roses tread ; Follow, worldly pomp forsaking, With thy cross, where He hath led. Look to Jesus in temptation ; Baffled shall the tempter flee, And God's angels come to thee. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 7 1 Look to Jesus, when dark lowering Perils thy horizon dim, By that band in terror cowering, Calm 'midst tempests, look on Him. Trust in Him who still rebuketh Wind and billow, fire and flood ; Forward ! brave by trusting God. Look to Jesus when distress'd, See what He, the Holy, bore ; Is thy heart with conflict press'd ? Is thy heart still harass'd sore ? See His sweat of blood, His conflict, Watch His agony increase, Hear His prayer, and feel His peace ! By want's fretting thorns surrounded, Does long pain press forth thy sighs ? By ingratitude deep wounded, Does a scornful world despise ? Friends forsake thee, or deny thee ? See what Jesus must endure, He who as the light was pure ! Look to Jesus still to shield thee When no longer thou may'st live ; In that last need He will yield thee Peace the world can never give. Look to Him, thy head low bending ; He who finished all for thee Takes thee, then, with Him to be. 72 SONGS IN SUFFERING. MY SOUL IS STILL IN GOD, Y soul in God abideth still, And ceaseth her complaining ; Let Him do with me what He will While life is yet remaining ; He is my Lord, His servant I, Do what He will, I ask not why \ His ways are truth and mercy. And yet 'tis hard to be quite still, And by distrust offend not, When things appear to turn out ill, And God we comprehend not \ Blind Reason summons to her bar God's Providence for things that are Too deep for her to fathom ! "Why this? why that?" we oft demand, In our presumptuous cavil ; " This tangled web, the wisest hand Can surely not unravel : Surely my troubles are too great, I have deserved a better fate Than Providence allots me." SONGS IN SUFFERING. 73 Meantime my God is silent long, Until the glorious issue Shows that no thread was woven wrong In all the wondrous tissue ; Until at last the hour is come, When full of shame I must stand dumb In presence of my Maker. Therefore, my soul, abide thou still In God, in every season, Who orders all things by His will, And not thy feeble reason : And when the end shall make quite clear The things which now so dark appear, Thou shalt give God the glory. Thou wilt then have great cause for praise, That, conscious of thy blindness, Thou didst not murmur in dark days, Nor doubt God's loving-kindness ; And when thy waiting time is o'er, Thou shalt praise God for evermore, For all His wondrous mercies. 74 SONGS IN SUFFERING. IS IT A LONG WAY OFF? " In the world ye shall have tribulation ; but be of good cheer. " — St. John xvi. 33. S it a long way off? Oh, no ! a few more years, A few more bitter tears, — We shall be there. Sometimes the way seems long : Our comforters all go : Woe follows after woe, Care after care. Oh ! brethren dear, how weak,— How faint and weak we are ! Yet Jesus leads us far Through tangled ways, Into the very heart Of this dark wilderness, Where dangers thickest press, And Satan strays. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 75 But He is strong and wise : And we, His children blind, Must trust His thoughful mind And tender care. So gentle is His love, We may be sure that sight Would show us all is right, And answered prayer. 'Tis no uncertain way We tread, for Jesus still Leads, with unerring skill, Where'er we roam ; And from the desert wild Soon shall our path emerge, And lana us on the verge Of our dear home. 76 SONGS IN SUFFERING. 'OUT OF THE DEPTHS: 1 Thee, my God, whose Presence fills The earth, and seas, and skies, To Thee, whose Name, whose heart is Love, With all my powers I rise. Troubles in long succession roll ; Wave rushes upon wave ; Pity, O pity my distress ! Thy child, Thy suppliant save ! O bid the roaring tempest cease ; Or give me strength to bear Whate'er Thy holy will appoints, And save me from despair ! To Thee, my God, alone I look, On Thee alone confide ; Thou never hast deceived the soul That on Thy grace relied. Though oft Thy ways are wrapt in clouds Mysterious and unknown, Truth, Righteousness, and Mercy stand The pillars of Thy throne. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 77 LEAD ME ARIGHT! DO not ask, Lord, that life may be A pleasant road ; I do not ask that Thou wouldst take from me Aught of its load ; I do not ask that flowers should always spring Beneath my feet ; I know too well the poison and the sting Of things too sweet : For one thing only, Lord, dear Lord, I plead ; Lead me aright — Though strength should falter, and though heart should bleed — Through peace, to light. I do not ask, O Lord, that Thou shouldst shed Full radiance here ; Give but a ray of peace, that I may tread Without a fear ; I do not ask my cross to understand, My way to see, — Better in darkness just to feel Thy hand And follow Thee. Joy is like restless day ; but peace divine Like quiet night ; Lead me, O Lord, till perfect day shall shine Through peace, to light. 78 SONGS IN SUFFERING. THE VOICE OF JESUS. HEARD the voice of Jesus say, Come unto Me and rest \ Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast. I came to Jesus as I was, Weary, and worn, and sad, I found in Him a resting-place, And He has made me glad. I heard the voice of Jesus say, Behold, I freely give The living water, — thirsty one, Stoop down and drink and live. I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-giving stream ; My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, And now I live in Him. I heard the voice of Jesus say, I am this dark world's Light, Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be bright. I look'd to Jesus, and I found In Him my Star, my Sun ; And in that light of life I'll walk, Till travelling days are done. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 79 LET ME REJOICE. " The God of all grace who hath called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered awhile, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you." — i Peter v. io. ORK in me Lord, Thy wondrous will, Only let me be meek and still ; Let me not even think of Thee, That thus this should or should not be ; Content, whate'er my lot may prove, If it be fashion'd by Thy love. Were I mine own, then I might rest, Pleased with the things that please me best ; Were I an angel, I might try To pass the teazing trouble by ; Or, were I free from sinful stain, Might deem all trials needless pain. But being Thine — a mortal too, Sinful in all I think or do ; Let me rejoice that One so high Shrinks not from one so vile as I ; But having died to save my soul, Still takes the trouble of control. 8o SONGS IN SUFFERING. "LORD JESUS, RECEIVE MY SPIRIT." Y soul, go boldly forth ; Forsake this sinful earth • What hath it been to thee, But pain and sorrow ? And think'st thou it will be Better to-morrow ? Why art thou for delay ? Thou canVst not here to stay ; What tak'st thou for thy part, But heavenly pleasure ? Where then should be thy heart, But with thy treasure ? Thy God, thy Head's above ; There is the world of love ; Mansions there purchased are By Christ's own merit, For these He doth prepare Thee by His Spirit. Lord Jesus take my spirit ; I trust Thy love and merit : Take home Thy wand'ring sheep, For Thou hast sought it \ My soul in safety keep, For Thou hast bought it. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 8l LAMENT OF A FATHER. SONG OF THE EARLY CHURCH FOR THE FUNERALS OF CHILDREN. j|HILD, by God's sweet mercy given To thy mother and to me, Entering this world of sorrows By His grace, so fair to see ; Fair as some sweet flower in summer, Till death's hand on thee was laid, Scorch' d the beauty from my flower, Made the tender petals fade. Yet I dare not weep nor murmur, For I know the King of kings Leads thee to His marriage chamber, To the glorious bridal brings. Nature fain would have me weeping, Love asserts her mournful right ; But I answer, — They have brought thee To the happy world of light. And I fear that my lamentings, As I speak thy cherished name, Desecrate the Royal dwelling ; — Fear to meet deserved blame, 82 SONGS IN SUFFERING. If I press with tears of anguish Into the abode of joy ; Therefore will I, meekly bowing, Offer thee to God, my boy. Yet thy voice, thy childish singing Soundeth ever in my ears ; AndT listen, and remember Till mine eyes will gather tears, Thinking of thy pretty prattlings, And thy childish words of love ; But when I begin to munnur, Then my spirit looks above, Listens to the songs of spirits — Listens, longing, wondering, To the ceaseless glad hosannas Angels at thy bridal sing. SONGS IN SUFFERING. S$ WEARY IN PILGRIMAGE. " I am afflicted very much : quicken me, O Lord, accord- ing unto Thy word." — Ps. cxix. 107. STRANGER worn with sorrow Through darksome wastes I go, Disquieted and weary, With painful steps and slow. Far distant seems the Mansion Where pilgrims are made blest ; In loneliness and conflict I pine for present rest. I know that wisest Mercy- Ordains this path of grief; I hear the tender promise, — " My grace is thy relief." But, yielding to impatience, My suff'rings I increase, And, mourning, restless, cry for Departure hence in peace. 84 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Lord, pity and forgive me ! Be near me in this woe, That by Thy loving guidance Still onward I may go, — Right onward to the ending, And meekly bear my load, In comfort of Thy presence Rejoicing on the road. Yea, Saviour, God and Guardian, Make me rejoice in Thee And see in all this sorrow Thy wondrous love to me. O hush all faithless murmurings ! With trust now make me blest To wait in peace Thy summons To everlasting rest. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 85 u it is well: 1 "Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart. " — Ps. lxxiii. 1. Imf5^ EL0VED ' lt is wdl ! fl HN^f God's ways are always right ; MJgl ^M ^ nc ^ P er ^ ect l° ve i s °' er them all, Though far above our sight. Beloved, it is well ! Though deep and sore the smart, The hand that wounds knows how to bind And heal the broken heart Beloved, it is well ! Though sorrow clouds our way, 'Twill only make the joy more dear That ushers in the day. Beloved, it is well ! The path in faith that's trod, Though rough, and strait, and dark it be, Leads home to Heaven and God. 86 SONGS IN SUFFERING. JOY. " My meditation of Him shall be sweet : I will be glad in the Lord. " — Ps. civ. 34. JOURNEY through a desert drear and wild, Yet is my heart by such sweet thoughts beguiled Of Him on whom I lean, my strength, my stay, I can forget the sorrows of the way. Thoughts of His love — the root of every grace Which finds in this poor heart a dwelling-place, The sunshine of my soul, than day more bright, And my calm pillow of repose by night : Thoughts of His sojourn in this vale of tears — The tale of love unfolded, in those years Of sinless suffering and patient grace, I love again, and yet again, to trace : SONGS IN SUFFERING. 87 Thoughts of His glory — on the cross I gaze, And there behold its sad, yet healing rays ; Beacon of hope, which, lifted up on high, Illumes with heavenly light the tear-dimm'd eye : Thoughts of His coming — for that joyful day In patient hope I watch, and wait, and pray ; The dawn draws nigh, the midnight shadows flee, Oh, what a sunrise will that Advent be ! Thus while I journey on, my Lord to meet, My thoughts and meditations are so sweet Of Him on whom I lean, my strength, my stay, I can forget the sorrows of the way. SONGS IN SUFFERING. TRUST. ! My times are in Thy hand." — Ps. xxxi. 15. Y times are in Thy hand O God, I wish them there ; My life, my friends, my soul I leave Entirely to Thy care. My times are in Thy hand, Whatever they may be, Pleasing or painful, dark or bright, As best may seem to Thee. My times are in Thy hand ; Why shbuld I doubt or fear ? A Father's hand will never cause His child a needless tear. My times are in Thy hand ; I'll always trust in Thee, Till I have left this weary land, And all Thy glory see. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 89 SUNDAY MORNING. "If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things that are above." — Coloss. iii. I. OW would I seek with Christ to rise The joys of Heaven to realize ; My longing soul shall take her flight To regions of supreme delight — Gaze w T here the angel-harps are stringing, And list to angel-voices ringing — Dip in the crystal fount of love, And view my Maker thron'd above — A robe of spotless white obtain And rest at Jesu's footstool gain. But there, alas, I cannot stay ! To earth I'm bound this holy day, And things terestrial clog my soul, — I see, but cannot reach the goal. And Satan's darts are round me flying, And all his host their powers plying 90 SONGS IN SUFFERING. My outward senses to ensnare, And drown me in a world of care, As on a pinnacle I stand And view below the specious land. Haste thou, my soul, nor leave the skies Replete with Faith's realities, Till thou hast caught the strain divine, And as an angel's lyre is thine : Stay till with sacred fervour glowing, And more of hidden mysteries knowing, All worldly things their lustrous hues And worldly cares dominion lose, And sin's enchantments odious seem, All earthly joys a passing dream. Then bring an angel-host with thee, Thy guests in solitude to be, — Thy guardians in the hour of prayer, Filling the vacant spaces there. Oh be their silvery voices blending With those around God's throne attending, In notes of praise o'er sinners' tears, And mourners freed from all their fears, SONGS IN SUFFERING. 91 O'er many a wanderer restor'd To the sure pathway of the Lord. And when Night's sable wings convey Far from our sight this sacred day, Oh may this glorious heavenly band, These ministering spirits, take their stand Around me, while in rest reclining, And beams celestial still be shining ! So sleep, so wake, until the dawn Of that eternal Sabbath morn, When this fair world shall be more blest Than on the first glad day of rest. 92 SONGS IN SUFFERING. SOON AND FOR EVER. "The time is short." — 1 Cor. vii. 29. 00N— and for ever ! " Such promise our trust, Though ashes to ashes, And dust unto dust ; Soon and for ever Our union shall be Made perfect, our glorious Redeemer, in Thee : When the sins and the sorrows Of time shall be o'er ; Its pangs and its partings Remembered no more ; Where Life cannot fail, And where Death cannot sever, Christians with Christ shall be Soon and for ever. Soon — and for ever The breaking of day Shall drive all the night-clouds Of sorrow away : SONGS IN SUFFERING. 93 Soon — and for ever We'll see as we're seen, And learn the deep meaning Of things that have been : When fightings without us, And fears from within, Shall weary no more In the warfare of sin ; Where tears, and where fears, And where Death shall be — never, Christians with Christ shall be Soon and for ever. Soon — and for ever The work shall be done ; The warfare accomplished, The victory won : Soon — and for ever The soldier lay down His sword for a harp, And his cross for a crown 94 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Then droop not in sorrow, Despond not in fear, A glorious to-morrow Is bright'ning and near ; When (blessed reward Of each faithful endeavour) Christians with Christ shall be Soon — and for ever. MY TIMES ARE IN THY HAND. ATHER, I know that all my life Is portioned out for me, And the changes that are sure to come, I do not fear to see ; But I ask Thee for a present mind Intent on pleasing Thee. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 95 I ask Thee for a thoughtful love, Through constant watching wise, To meet the glad with joyful smile, And to wipe the weeping eyes ; And a heart at leisure from itself, To soothe and sympathize. I would not have the restless will That hurries to and fro, Seeking for some great thing to do, Or secret thing to know ; I would be treated like a child, And guided where I go. Wherever in the world I am, In whatsoe'er estate, I have a fellowship with hearts To keep and cultivate ; And a work of lowly love to do For the Lord on whom I wait. So I ask Thee for the daily strength, To none who ask denied, 96 SONGS IN SUFFERING. And a mind to blend with outward life While keeping at Thy side ; Content to fill a little space, If Thou be glorified. And if some things I do not ask In my cup of blessing be, I would have my spirit filled the more With grateful love to Thee ; More careful — not to serve Thee much, But to please Thee perfectly. There are briars besetting every path, That call for patient care ; There is a cross in every lot, And an earnest need for prayer ; But a lowly heart that leans on Thee Is happy anywhere. In a service which Thy will appoints, There are no bonds for me ; For my inmost heart is taught "the truth" That makes Thy children "free;" And a life of self-renouncing love Is a life of liberty. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 97 THE PEACE OF PRAYER, "In everything by prayer and supplication with thanks- giving let your requests be made known unto God." — Phil. iv. 6. | AST thou within a care so deep, It chases from thine eyelids sleep ? To thy Redeemer take that care, And change anxiety to prayer. Hast thou a hope from which thy heart Would feel it almost death to part ? Entreat thy God that hope to crown, Or give thee strength to lay it down. Hast thou a friend, whose image dear May prove an idol worshipped here ? Implore the Lord that naught may be A shadow between Heaven and thee. Whate'er the care which breaks thy rest, Whate'er the wish that swells thy breast, Spread before God that wish, that care, And change anxiety to prayer. 98 SONGS IN SUFFERING. JESU, CONSOLATOR. HEN wounded sore the stricken soul Lies bleeding and unbound, One only hand, a pierced hand, Can salve the sinner's wound. When sorrow swells the laden breast, And tears of anguish flow, One only heart, a broken heart, Can feel the sinner's woe. When penitence has wept in vain Over some foul dark spot, One only stream, a stream of blood, Can wash away the blot. ,r Tis Jesu's blood that washes white, His hand that brings relief, His heart that's touch'd with all our joys And feeleth for our grief. Lift up Thy bleeding hand, O Lord 5 Unseal that cleansing tide ; We have no shelter from our sin, But in Thy wounded side. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 99 THE FRIEND. " I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." — Heb. xiii. 5. RIENDS frown, or fall away, Even the nearest ; As the night ends the day, Death claims the dearest. Sin wounds the weary breast, Love ties are riven \ Vainly we seek for rest So far from heaven. Hark ! 'tis the voice of One, Mourner, that meets thee ; Though all thy joy hath flown, Fondly it greets thee. Sweetly we hear, above Harsh words that grieve thee, " Mine is unchanging love, I will not leave thee." Mourner, thy Lord hath gone Forward before thee ; Trust Him to lead thee on Safely to glory. 100 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Up ! rouse thee ! Help is nigh ! Love doth awake thee : He who hath heard thy cry Will not forsake thee. Through the drear desert-land What can betide thee, With a fond Father's hand Gently to guide thee ? Though the wild river still Foameth below thee, No wave, without His will, E'er can o'erflow thee ; Nor on yon spirit shore Will that Friend leave thee : Life's latest struggles o'er, Christ shall receive thee. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 10 1 "EVEN SO, FATHER!" E sendeth sun, He sendeth shower • Alike they're needful for the flower : And joys and tears alike are sent To give the soul fit nourishment : As comes to me or cloud or sun, Father, Thy will, not mine, be done ! Can loving children e'er reprove With murmurs, whom they trust and love ? Creator ! I would ever be A trusting, loving child to Thee : As comes to me or cloud or sun, Father, Thy will, not mine, be done ! ne'er will I at life repine ! Enough that Thou hast made it mine ; When falls the shadow cold of death 1 yet will sing, with parting breath : As comes to me or shade or sun, Father, Thy will, not mine, be done ! 102 SONGS IN SUFFERING. MIDNIGHT THOUGHTS. WEET sleep, which doth so softly brood O'er many a couch, from mine hath fled; In darkness and in solitude, Sleepless, I lie upon my bed. Alone, yet not alone, for where Can man be hiden from his God ? The soul committed to His care, Dwells ever in a bless'd abode. Thy child in stillness and in peace May commune silently with Thee, For darkness seems but to increase Her sense of present Deity. The night is passing, — hour by hour Is gliding solemnly away : Light of my life, with soothing power, Shed on my soul Thy tranquil ray. Show me the treasures of Thy love, The beauty of Thy holiness \ Let richest blessings from above Solace my hours of sleeplessness. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 103 PRAISE FOR ALL! "All things are yours." — I Cor. iii. 21. RAISE, my soul, the love that sought thee ! Praise the Lord, whose blood hath bought thee ! Praise for all ! " Ye are Christ's." Can any sever Christ and thee ? Nay : then for ever Praise for all ! Praise for triumph, or for trial, Prayer swift answered, or denial, — Praise for all ! Praise for friends, best loved and loving ; And the Love in all removing : Praise for all ! For the days of health and gladness, And the nights of weeping sadness : Praise for all ! 104 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Tears, though wept for others' sorrow, Or the joy that flies to-morrow : Praise for all ! For the path made plain before thee, For the dark cloud lined with glory : Praise for all ! For the sickness sent to chasten, And the chariot home to hasten : Praise for all ! For the hope that waneth never, For thy rest beyond the river : Praise for all ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 105 WHAT PLEASES GOD. HAT God decrees, child of His love, Take patiently, though it may prove The storm that wrecks thy treasure here : Be comforted ! thou need'st not fear What pleases God. The wisest will is God's own will ; Rest on this anchor, and be still ; For peace around thy path shall flow, When only wishing here below What pleases God. The truest heart is God's own heart, Which bids thy grief and fears depart,- Protecting, guiding, day and night, The soul that welcomes here aright What pleases God. Oh ! could I sing as I desire, My grateful voice should never tire To tell the wondrous love and power, Thus working out from hour to hour What pleases God. 106 SONGS IN SUFFERING. His Church on earth He dearly loves, Although He oft its sin reproves ; The rod itself His love can speak, — He smites till we return to seek What pleases God. Then let the crowd around thee seize The joys that for a season please, But willingly their paths forsake, And for thy blessed portion take What pleases God. Art thou despised by all around ? Do tribulations here abound ? Jesus will give the victory, Because His eye can see in thee W T hat pleases God. Thy heritage is safe in heaven : There shall the crown of joy be given ; There shalt thou hear, and see, and know, As thou could'st never here below, What pleases God. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 107 REFINING. " I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction." — Isaiah xlviii. 10. HEE I adore throughout my days, In glad or sorrowing hour ; In weakness, Lord, Thy Name I praise, And magnify Thy power. Thy tender care, though now 'tis shown By suff' ring's fiery test, My trustful soul delights to own, In heavenly peace at rest. Thy hope inspiring Word makes calm, — It consecrates my pain ; " Love chooseth thee," — is sweetest balm To comfort and sustain. And should'st Thou bid me yet endure Refining's keenest smart, So shall Thy gold become more pure, For grace Thou wilt impart. 108 SONGS IN SUFFERING. THY WILL BE DONE." OUR little words,— no more, — Easy to say ; But thoughts that went before, Can words convey ? The struggle, only known To one proud soul, And Him, whose eye alone Has marked the whole, — Before that stubborn will At last was broke, And a low " Peace, be still ! " One soft Voice spoke. The pang, when that sad heart Its dreams resigned, And strength was found to part Those bonds long twined, — To yield that treasure up, So fondly clasped, — To drain that bitter cup, So sadly grasped ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 109 But all is calm at last. — " Thy will be done ! " Enough, — the storm is past, The field is won. Now for the peaceful breast, The quiet sleep, — For soul and spirit rest, Tranquil and deep ; Rest, whose full bliss and power They only know, Who know the bitter hour Of restless woe. The rebel will subdued, The fond heart free ; " Thy will be done,"— all good That comes from Thee. All weary thought and care, Lord, I resign ; Mine is to do — to bear, — To choose is Thine. SONGS IN SUFFERING. "JESUS OF NAZARETH PASSETH BY." |ATCHER, who watchest by the bed of pain, While the stars sweep on in their mid- night train \ Stifling the tear, for thy loved one's sake, Holding thy breath, lest his sleep should break • In thy loneliest hours there's a Helper nigh, — " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." Stranger, afar from thy native land, Whom no one takes with a brother's hand ; Table and hearthstone are glowing free, Casements are sparkling, but not for thee. There is One who can tell of a home on high, — " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." Sad one, in secret bending low, A dart in thy breast that the world may not know : Striving the favour of God to win • Asking His pardon for days of sin ; Press on, press on, with thy earnest cry, — " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." SONGS IN SUFFERING. Ill Mourner, who sits in the churchyard lone, Scanning the lines on that marble stone ; Plucking the weeds from thy children's bed, Planting the myrtle, the rose instead — Look up, look up, with thy tearful eye, — " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." Fading one, with the hectic streak, With thy vein of fire, and thy burning cheek, Fear'st thou to tread the darkened vale ? — Look unto One who can never fail. He hath trod it Himself, He will hear thy sigh ; — "Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." 112 SONGS IN SUFFERING. IN SICKNESS. LOVE Divine ! afflicting, still Thou yieldest sweet relief ; Thou aidest me to love Thy will, E'en visiting with grief. While thus in weakness here I lie, And strive with Nature's woe, Submissive may I live or die, As Thou dost will it so. Bestow, my Lord, the patient frame Of hope and quiet joy — A suffering state, for Thy dear Name, Contented to employ. If health again may ne'er be mine, May I be strong in Thee, That gladly all I may resign While Thou dost comfort me. And when, by trials perfect made, I pass through heaven's bright door, For what through life on me Thou'st laid, I'll praise Thee evermore. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 113 INGRATITUDE. " Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? " -St. Luke xvii. 17. HERE are ten at the feet of the Saviour, In wearisome sickness they pine ; They are whole, — but is this their be- haviour ? " Ten cleansed ! — but where are the nine ? " They came, all one sorrow confessing, They knelt with one prayer at His shrine ; He sent them all back with one blessing : — " Ten cleansed ! — but where are the nine?" They were one in the season of danger ; How many own Mercy Divine ? Only one ! and that one a "stranger !" — " Ten cleansed ! — but where are the nine ? " O Saviour ! how often in sadness Our steps to Thine altar incline ; But return not in sunshine and gladness : — " Ten cleansed ! — but where are the nine ? " 114 SONGS IN SUFFERING. We shrink from the pain of displeasure, Will not study its loving design ; All we want seems the leisure of pleasure : — " Ten cleansed ! — but where are the nine ? " The vows that, in sickness or sorrow, Bound us over tenfold to be Thine, — Will they live through the joy of to-morrow ? — " Ten cleansed ! — but where are the nine ? " Better far our afflictions remaining, If grace with the chast'ning combine, Than to call forth Thy gentle complaining, — " Ten cleansed ! — but where are the nine ? " SONGS IN SUFFERING. 115 CONFIDENCE. ONLY enter on the rest, Obtained by labours done ; I only claim the victory, By Him so dearly won. And, Lord, I seek a holy rest, A victory over sin ; I seek that Thou alone shouldst reign O'er all, without, within. In quietness, then, and confidence, Saviour, my strength shall be ; And " Take me, for I cannot come" Is still my cry to Thee. In Thy strong hand I lay me down, So shall the work be done ; For who can work so wondrously As an Almighty One ? Work on, then, Lord, till on my soul Eternal light shall break ; And in Thy likeness perfected, I " satisfied" shall wake. Il6 SONGS IN SUFFERING. PERPLEXITY. JHE way seems dark about me, — overhead The clouds have long since met in gloomy spread ; And when I looked to see the day break through, Cloud after cloud came up with volume new. And in that shadow I have passed along, Feeling myself grow weak as it grew strong ; Walking in doubt, and searching for the way, And often at a stand, as now to-day. And if before me, on the path, there lies A spot of brightness from imagined skies, Imagined shadows fall across it too, And the far future takes the present's hue. Perplexities do throng upon my sight, Like scudding fog-banks, to obscure the light ; Some new dilemma rises every day, And I can only shut my eyes and pray. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 117 Lord, I am not sufficient for these things ! Give me the light that Thy sweet presence brings ; Give me Thy grace, give me Thy constant strength : Lord ! for my comfort now appear at length. It may be that my way doth seem confused, Because my heart of Thy way is afraid ; Because my eyes have constantly refused To see the only opening Thou hast made. Because my will would cross some flowery plain, Where Thou hast thrown a hedge from side to side, And turneth from the stony walk of pain, Its trouble or its ease not even tried. If thus I try to force my way along, The smoothest road encumbered is for me ; For were I, as an angel, swift and strong, I could not go, unless allowed by Thee. And now I pray Thee, Lord, to lead Thy child, — Poor, wretched wanderer from Thy grace and love, — Whatever way Thou pleasest through the wild, So it but take me to Thy home above. Il8 SONGS IN SUFFERING. THE GUARDIAN OF ISRAEL. "The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent from one another." — Gen. xxi. 49. |HEN friend from friend is parting, And in each speaking eye The silent tears are starting To tell what words deny, How could we bear the heavy load Of such heart agony, Could we not cast it all — our God, — Our gracious God, — on Thee ? And feel that Thou kind watch wilt keep, When we are far away ; That Thou wilt soothe us when we weep, And hear us when we pray. Yet, oft those hearts will whisper — That better 'twould betide If we were near the friends we love, And watching by their side : But sure Thou'lt love them dearer, Lord, For trusting Thee alone ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. II9 And sure Thou wilt draw nearer, Lord, The farther we are gone. Then why be sad ? since Thou wilt keep Watch o'er them day by day ; Since Thou wilt soothe them when they weep, And hear us when we pray. Oh for that bright and happy land, Where — far amid the blest — " The wicked cease from troubling, and The weary are at rest ; " Where friends are never parted, Once met around Thy throne, And none are broken hearted, Since all with Thee are one ! Yet, oh, till then watch o'er us keep, While far from Thee away ; And soothe us, Lord, oft as we weep, And hear us when we pray. 120 SONGS IN SUFFERING. MURMURS. jHY wilt thou make bright music Give forth a sound of pain? Why wilt thou weave fair flowers Into a weary chain ? Why turn each cool grey shadow Into a world of fears ? Why say the winds are wailing ? Why call the dew-drops tears ? The voices of happy nature, And the Heaven's sunny gleam, Reprove thy sick heart's fancies, Upbraid thy foolish dream. Listen, and I will tell thee The song Creation sings, From the humming of bees in the heather, To the flutter of angels' wings. An echo rings for ever, The sound can never cease ; It speaks to God of glory, It speaks to Earth of peace. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 12 1 Not alone did angels sing it To the poor shepherds' ear ; But the sphered Heavens chant it, While listening ages hear. Above thy peevish wailing Rises that holy song, Above Earth's foolish clamour, Above the voice of wrong. No creature of God's too lowly To murmer peace and praise : When the starry nights grow silent, Then speak the sunny days. So leave thy sick heart's fancies, And lend thy little voice To the silver song of glory That bids the world rejoice. 122 SONGS IN SUFFERING. MY PILGRIMAGE. IVE me my scallop-shell of quiet, My staff of faith to walk upon, My scrip of joye (immortal diet ! ) My bottle of salvation, My gowne of glory, hope's true gage ; — And thus I take my pilgrimage. Blood must be my body's balmer, While my soule, like peaceful palmer, Travelleth towards the land of Heaven : Other balm will not be given. Over the silver mountains, Where spring the nectar-fountains, There will I kiss The bowl of bliss, And drink mine everlasting fill Upon every milken hill : My soul will be adry before, But after that will thirst no more. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 23 AFFLICTION. FROM A HYMN OF THE I2TH CENTURY, ON THE MARTYRDOM OF ST. LAWRENCE. S the harp strings only render All their treasures of sweet sound, All their music, glad or tender, Firmly struck and tightly bound : So the hearts of Christians owe Each its deepest, sweetest strain, To the pressure firm of woe, And the tension tight of pain. Spices crush'd their pungence yield, Trodden scents their sweets respire ; Would you have its strength reveal'd, Cast the incense in the fire : Thus the crush'd and broken frame Oft doth sweetest graces yield ; And through suffering, toil, and shame, From the martyr's keenest flame Heavenly incense is disthTd ! 124 SONGS IN SUFFERING. GOING HOME. UR beloved have departed, While we tarry, broken-hearted, In the dreary empty house ; They have ended life's brief story, They have reached the home of glory, Over death victorious ! Hush that sobbing, weep more lightly ; On we travel, daily, nightly, To the rest that they have found, — Are we not upon the river, Sailing fast to meet for ever On more holy, happy ground ? Whilst with bitter tears we're mourning, Thought to buried loves returning, Time is hasting us along, — Downward to the grave's dark dwelling, Upward to the fountain welling With eternal life and song ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 25 See ye not the breezes hieing ? Clouds along in hurry flying ? But we haste more swiftly on, — Ever changing our position, Ever tossed in strange transition, — Here to-day, to-morrow gone ! Every hour that passes o'er us Speaks of comfort yet before us, Of our journey's rapid rate ; And like passing vesper-bells, The clock of time its chiming tells, At eternity's broad gate. On we haste, to home invited, There with friends to be united In a surer bond than here ; Meeting soon, and met for ever ! Glorious Hope ! forsake us never, For Thy glimmering light is dear. Ah, the way is shining clearer, As we journey ever nearer To the everlasting home. Friends, who there await our landing, Comrades, round the throne now standing, We salute you, and we come ! 126 SONGS IN SUFFERING. ONE BY ONE. " Give us day by day our daily bread." — St. Luke xi. 3. NE by one the sands are flowing, One by one the moments fall ; Some are coming, some are going \ Do not strive to grasp them all. One by one thy duties wait thee, Let thy whole strength go to each ; Let no future dreams elate thee, Learn thou first what these can teach. One by one (bright gifts from Heaven) Joys are sent thee here below \ Take them readily when given, Ready too to let them go. One by one thy griefs shall meet thee, — Do not fear an armed band ; One will fade as others greet thee ; Shadows passing through the land. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 27 Do not look at life's long sorrow ; See how small each moment's pain ; God will help thee for to-morrow, So each day begin again. Every hour that fleets so slowly Has its task to do or bear : Luminous the crown, and holy, When each gem is set with care. Do not linger with regretting, Or for passing hours despond ; Nor, the daily toil forgetting, Look too eagerly beyond. Hours are golden links, — God's token, Reaching Heaven ; but one by one Take them, lest the chain be broken Ere the pilgrimage be done. 128 SONGS IN SUFFERING. PILGRIM SONG. I fei [EAVENLY Father ! to Whose eye Future things unfolded lie, Through the desert where I stray, Let Thy counsels guide my way. Lord, uphold me day by day ; Shed a light upon my way ; Guide me through perplexing snares ; Care for me in all my cares. All I ask for is, enough ; Only, when the way is rough, Let Thy rod and staff impart Strength and courage to my heart. Should Thy wisdom, Lord, decree Trials long and sharp for me, — Pain or sorrow, care or shame, Father ! glorify Thy name ! Let me neither faint nor fear, Feeling still that Thou art near, In the course my Saviour trod, Tending still to Thee, my God. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 29 THE MERCIES OF AFFLICTION. "Thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me." — Ps. cxix. 75. Y Father and my God, set this spirit free ! I'd gladly kiss the rod That drove my trembling soul to Thee And made it Thine eternally ! Sweet is the bitterest smart That, with the bended knee, Bows down this broken heart ; For who, my Saviour, who could be A sufferer long, that flies to Thee. The tears we shed for sin When heav'n alone can see, Leave truer peace within Than worldly smiles, — which cannot be Lit up, my God, with smiles from Thee. 130 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Then give me any lot, I'll bless Thy just decree So Thou art not forgot, — And I may ne'er dependent be On any friend, my God, but Thee ! As needle to the pole, There fix'd but tremblingly, Such be my trusting soul ! Whatever life's variations be, For ever pointing, Lord, to Thee ! 1 I SONGS IN SUFFERING. 131 "BE STILL ! n E still ! Whoe'er in God doth rest Hath peace in every woe, — Treading with free unruffled breast This weary life below. Be still in faith ! The ways of Heaven Man may not now explore : Walk closely in the light that's given, And God will give thee more. Be still in love ! Be calmly bright, As dew that falls at even, And glistens in the morning light Like countless pearls from heaven. Be still in thy set work ! nor strive For riches, honour, power ; Thy daily bread the Lord will give, Sufficient for the hour. Be still in pain ! — " God's will be done " — Let this thy watchword be ; Bear well His strokes, for know each one His likeness stamps on thee. SONGS IN SUFFERING. LIGHT "AT EVEN TIME." bird-song floated down the hill, The tangled bank below was still ; No rustle from the birchen stem, No ripple from the water's hem. The dusk of twilight round us grew, We felt the falling of the dew ; Far from us, ere the day was done, The wooded hills shut out the sun. But on the river's farther side We saw the hill-tops glorified, — A tender glow, exceeding fair, A dream of day, without its glare. With us the damp, the chill, the gloom ; With them the sunset's rosy bloom ; While dark, through willowy vistas seen, The river rolled in shade between. From out the darkness where we trod We gazed upon the hills of God, Whose light seemed not of moon or sun We spoke not, but our thought was one. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 33 We paused, as if from that bright shore Beckoned our dear ones gone before, And stilled our beating hearts, to hear The voices lost to mortal ear ! Sudden our pathway turned from night ; The hills swung open to the light ; Through their green gates the sunshine showed ; A long, slant splendour downward flowed. Down glade, and glen, and bank it rolled ; It bridged the shaded stream with gold ; And, borne on piers of mist, allied The shadowy with the sunlit side ! " So," prayed we, " when our feet draw near The river dark, with mortal fear, And the night cometh chill with dew, O Father ! let Thy light break through ! " So let the hills of doubt divide, So bridge with faith the sunless tide ! So let the eyes, that fail on earth, On Thy eternal hills look forth ; And in Thy beckoning angels know The dear ones whom we loved below ! ; ' 1-34 SONGS IN SUFFERING. AS THOU WILT! Y Jesus, as Thou wilt ! Oh, may Thy will be mine ! Into Thy hand of love I would my all resign. Through sorrow or through joy Conduct me as Thine own ; And help me still to say, My Lord, Thy will be done ! My Jesus, as Thou wilt ! If needy here and poor, Give me Thy people's bread, Their portion rich and sure. The manna of Thy word Let my soul feed upon ; And if all else should fail, — My Lord, Thy will be done ! My Jesus, as Thou wilt ! If among thorns I go, Still, sometimes here and there Let a few roses blow. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 35 But Thou on earth along The thorny path hast gone ; Then lead me after Thee, — My Lord, Thy will be done ! My Jesus, as Thou wilt ! Though seen through many a tear Let not my star of hope Grow dim or disappear. Since Thou on earth hast wept And sorrowed oft alone, If I must weep with Thee, — My Lord, Thy will be done ! My Jesus, as Thou wilt ! If loved ones must depart Suffer not sorrow's flood To overwhelm my heart : For they are blest with Thee, Their race and conflict won, Let me but follow them, — My Lord, Thy will be done ! My Jesus, as Thou wilt ! When death itself draws nigh, To Thy dear wounded side I would for refuge fly. 136 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Leaning on Thee, to go Where Thou before hast gone ; The rest as Thou shalt please, — My Lord, Thy will be done ! My Jesus, as Thou wilt ! All shall be well for me ; Each changing future scene I gladly trust with Thee. Straight to my home above I travel calmly on, And sing, in life or death, — My Lord, Thy will be done ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 37 "AS THY DAYS, SO SHALL THY STRENGTH BE." HEN adverse winds and waves arise, And in my heart despondence sighs ; When life her throng of cares reveals, And weakness o'er my spirit steals, Grateful I hear the kind decree That as my day my strength shall be. When with sad footsteps, memory roves 'Mid smitten joys and buried loves • When sleep my tearful pillow flies, And dewy morning drinks my sighs ; Still to Thy promise, Lord, I flee, That as my day my strength shall be. One trial more must yet be past, One pang, — the keenest and the last ; And when, with brow convulsed and pale, My feeble, quivering heart-strings fail, Redeemer ! grant my soul to see That as her day her strength shall be. !$& SONGS IN SUFFERING. MINISTERING ANGEIS. 4 'Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation ? " — Heb. i. 14. |HEY are evermore around us, though unseen to mortal sight, In the golden hours of sunshine, and in sorrow's starless night ; Deepening earth's most sacred pleasures, with the peace of sin forgiven, Whispering to the lonely mourner of the painless joys of Heaven. Lovingly they come to help us, when our faith is cold and weak, Guiding us along the pathway to the blessed home we seek \ In our hearts we hear their voices, breathing sym- pathy and love, — Echoes of the spirit-language in the sinless world above. They are with us in the conflict, with their words of hope and cheer, When the foe of our salvation and his armed hosts draw near ; SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 39 And a greater One is with us, and we shrink not from the strife, While the Lord of angels leads us on the battle- field of life. Seldom do we think upon them, seldom we believe them nigh ; — Like the child who deems in sunshine that the stars have left the sky, So by this world's pleasures dazzled, scarce we feel their presence true, — In foolishness and fickleness are we not children too? Seeing all our guilt and weakness, looking down with pitying eyes For the foolish things we cling to and the Heaven that we despise, They have been our ministering angels, since this weary world began, And they still are watching o'er us, for His sake who loved man. 140 SONGS IN SUFFERING. " YET WILL I TRUST!" [TILL will we trust, though earth seem dark and dreary, And the heart faint beneath His chas- tening rod, Though rough and steep our pathway, worn and weary, Still will we trust in God ! Our eyes see dimly till by Faith anointed, And our blind choosing brings us grief and pain ; Through Him alone who hath our way appointed, We find our peace again. Choose for us, God ! — nor let our weak preferring Cheat our poor souls of good Thou hast designed : Choose for us, God ! — Thy wisdom is unerring, And we are fools and blind. So from our sky the Night shall furl her shadows, And Day pour gladness through his golden gates ; Our rough path leads to flower-enamelled meadows, Where Joy our coining waits. Let us press on, in patient self-denial Accept the hardship, shrinking not from loss, — Our guerdon lies beyond the hour of trial, Our Crown beyond the Cross. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 141 JOURNEYING HOME. ■ I, even I, am He that comforteth you." — Isa. li. 12. WEET is the solace of Thy love, My Heavenly Friend to me, While through the hidden way of faith I journey home with Thee, Learning by quiet thankfulness As a dear child to be. Though from the shadow of Thy peace My feet would often stray, Thy mercy follows all my steps, And will not turn away ; Yea, Thou wilt comfort me at last As none beneath Thee may. Oft in a dark and lonely place I hush my hastened breath, To hear the comfortable words Thy loving spirit saith ; And feel my safety in Thy hand From every kind of death. 142 SONGS IN SUFFERING. O there is nothing in the world To weigh against Thy will ; Even the dark times I dread the most Thy covenant fulfil ; And when the pleasant morning dawns I find Thee with me still. Then in the secret of my soul, Though hosts my peace invade, Though through a waste and weary land My lonely way be made, Thou, even Thou, wilt comfort me — I need not be afraid. Still in the solitary place I would awhile abide, Till with the solace of Thy love My heart is satisfied ; And all my hopes of happiness Stay calmly at Thy side. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 43 EVEN SONG. "The darkness hideth not from Thee; but the night shine th as the day." — Ps. cxxxix. 12. EAR Lord, I worship Thee, Still guarding me Now the sunny hours are fled ! In gloom of weary night Thy promise light Shineth comfort round my bed. Thou leav'st me not alone ! Pain's secret moan Or my sighing comes to Thee : Lord, make me yet more blest — When sore distrest — With Thy loving sympathy ! From fears Thy pow'r me keep ! Refresh with sleep, Or with thoughts of love and praise : Should' st say — " Come ! watch no more ! " I'll joyous soar In the light of endless rays ! J 44 SONGS IN SUFFERING. DULCAMARA. "The heart knoweth his own bitterness." — Prov. xiv. 10. ES, every heart its sorrow knows, And deep within its inmost cell Its cup of bitterness o'erflows ; — A cup of secret, silent woes, Of which it may not tell. No stranger's ear is tuned to hear ; No stranger's heart can know or feel ; No bosom friend, however dear, However loved, may venture near, Its sacred wound to heal. But there is One who feels it all, Whose riven heart deep sorrow knew, Whose bitter cup was drugged with gall ; He listens to thy whispered call, To every whisper true. Each sigh makes music in His ear, For, oh ! His heart to thine replies ; Tis I, he whispers ; do not fear ; I come to wipe thine every tear, To quell thy rising sighs. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 45 I wept, that I might know to weep With all My precious ransomed saints ; Their tears, their sighs I treasured keep, I feel their woes, however deep, For Mine are their complaints. Then cast thy burden all on Him, Nor longer call thy griefs thine own ; He turns from harps of seraphim To brighten up that eye, so dim, Which looks to Him alone. 14^ SONGS IN SUFFERING. TH£ CONSOLATION. |HE storm has broken, and the heavy blast, That stifled morn's free breath and shook its dew, Is dying into sunshine, and the last Cold cloud has vanished from yon arch of blue. I know it is but for a day : the war Must soon be waged again 'twixt earth and heaven ; Another tempest will arise, to mar The tranquil beauty of the fragrant even. And yet I joy, as storm on storm awakes ; Not that I love the uproar or the gloom ; But in each tempest over earth that breaks, I count one fewer outburst yet to come. No groan Creation heaves is breathed in vain, Nor e'er shall be repeated ; it is done. Once heaved, it never shall be heaved again ; Earth's pangs and throes are lessening one by one. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 47 So falls the stroke of sorrow, and so springs Strange joy and comfort from the very grief, Even to the weariest sufferer \ so brings Each heavy burden still its own relief. One cross the less remains for me to bear \ Already borne is that of yesterday ; That of to-day shall no to-morrow share ; To-morrow's, with itself, shall pass away. That which is added to the troubled past Is taken from the future, whose sad store Grows less and less each day, till soon the last Dull wave of woe shall break upon our shore. The storm that yesterday ploughed up the sea Is buried now beneath its level blue ; One storm the fewer now remains for me, Ere sky and earth are made for ever new. 148 SONGS IN SUFFERING. DEPARTING. "0 Death, where is thy sting?" — 1 Cor. xv. 55. HY that sigh, my Soul, at parting From a world so cold as this ? Why those silent tear-drops starting, Standing at the gates of bliss ? Soon this struggle shall be ended, Jordan's swellings soon be past, And these fears — a while suspended — Lose themselves in heaven at last. What is death? — to sleep in Jesus When this weary strife is o'er, And to sorrows, sins, diseases, Never to awaken more ! Safe from every care and anguish, Leaning on the Saviour's breast, " Where the wicked cease from troubling, And the weary are at rest ! " SOXGS IN SUFFERING. 1 49 THE TRUE REST H, weary in the morning, When soft the dewdrops fall, And weary at the noontide, When God's sun shines on all : And weary at the night fall, When, each day's labour o'er, I count my mis-spent moments As lost for evennore. Oh, weary of the turmoil, The striving and the care, And weary of the burden Which we of earth must bear ; Oh, weary of vain longings, And weary with vain fears, And wearier with heart sorrows Than with the weight of years. Yes, like a ray of sunlight, The word shines through the gloom, And after winter's darkness Comes spring in fresher bloom : 150 SONGS IN SUFFERING. And, after vainly searching, We find a resting meet — For rest, and hope, and glory, Are found at Jesus' feet. God never sends a sorrow Without the healing balm, And bids us fight no battles But for the victor's palm. Yet we, by earth's mist blinded, Knew not His holy will, Till, o'er the troubled waters, His voice said, " Peace ! be still." We will go forth and conquer, Depending on His grace ; The lowliest station near Him Must be an honoured place : And after battle, victory ; And after victory, rest — Like the beloved Apostle — Upon the Master's breast ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 151 A L TERN A TIONS. OPE and fear, and joy and sorrow, Bliss to-day and woe to-morrow, — This is life. Now a day of live-long gladness Ere a night of aching sadness \ Now a night of tranquil sleeping Ere a day of bitter weeping, — This is life. See, the barque to-day is sailing, Neither breeze nor current failing ; Lo ! to-morrow all is lowering, Barque beneath the tempest cowering,- This is life. Now the spirits rise elated, Buoyant as with mountain air ; Now, like traveller belated, Who from home is held befated As if spell-bound, — all's despair, — This is life. 152 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Life, its agued myriads killing, Heating now, and now be-chilling ; Who would have a life so vexing, Now serene, anon perplexing, — Such a life ? Give me, Lord, a peace abiding In the peace Thy love bestows ; Give me, Lord, a heart confiding In the grace which ever flows From that life which springs from Thine, Tranquil, even, calm, Divine : — This is life. This is life, and life alone, For, my Jesus, 'tis Thine own. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 53 THE LONG GOODNIGHT. JOURNEY forth rejoicing, From this dark vale of tears To heavenly joy, and freedom From earthly bonds and fears Where Christ our Lord shall gather All His redeemed again, His kingdom to inherit, — Good night, till then ! Go to thy quiet resting, Poor tenement of clay ! From all thy pain and weakness I gladly haste away ; But still in faith confiding To find thee yet again, All glorious and immortal, — Good night, till then ! Why thus so sadly weeping, Belov'd ones of my heart ? The Lord is good and gracious, Though now He bids us part. 154 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Oft have we met in gladness, And we shall meet again, All sorrow left behind us, — Good night, till then ! I go to see His glory, Whom we have loved below \ I go, the blessed angels, The holy saints to know. Our lovely ones departed I go to find again, And wait for you to join us, — Good night, till then ! I hear the Saviour calling : The joyful hour has come, The angel guards are ready To guide me to our home ; Where Christ our Lord shall gather All His redeemed again, His kingdom to inherit, — Good night, till then ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 55 THE DAWN, "And there shall be no night there." — Rev. xxii. 5. j|H, mourn not for me, for I weep no more ; Death's bitterest pang is past ; On the tears that fell on my thorny way A rainbow light is cast. It comes from the smile of my Saviour's love, — A smile that the angels share ; And fair is the land that its light illumes, Nor sorrow nor tears are there. Though dark seemed my path to your tender heart, It was not dark to me ; The shadows that come with the morning sun, At eventide will flee ; For the footprints still where my Saviour trod Through the valley a glory wear ; — They lead to the land where the dawn shall break, No shadow nor night is there. 156 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Re-UN I ON. " I shall go to him." — 2 Sam. xii. 23. |jEET again ! Yes, we shall meet again, Though now we part in pain ! His people all Together Christ shall call \ — Hallelujah ! Soon the days of absence shall be o'er, And thou shall weep no more : Our meeting day Shall wipe all tears away ; — Hallelujah ! Now I go with gladness to our home : With gladness thou shalt come ; There I will wait To meet thee at Heaven's gate ; — Hallelujah ! Dearest ! what delight again to share Our sweet communion there ! To walk among The holy ransom'd throng ; — Hallelujah ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 57 Here, in many a grief our hearts were one, But there in joys alone ; Joy fading never, Increasing, deepening ever ; — Hallelujah ! Not to mortal sight can it be given To know the bliss of Heaven ; But thou shalt be Soon there, and sing with me, Hallelujah ! Meet again ! Yes, we shall meet again, Though now we part in pain ! Together all His people Christ shall call : — Hallelujah ! i58 SONGS IN SUFFERING. TRUST IN TRIAL. OD of truth ! though Thy hand Oft doth try me, God of love ! Thou dost stand Ever nigh me. Not a pang Thou dost send But to prove me, And draw near to the Friend Who doth love me. In Thine arm's sweet constraint Thou dost hold me ; To Thy heart, when I faint, Thou dost fold me. When I fret at some pain, Thou dost teach me How, through grief, every gain Best can reach me. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 159 When my strength, all decay'd, Cannot bear it, Thou dost come to mine aid And dost share it. Through the struggle and strife Thou dost lead me ; With the bread of Thy life Thou dost feed me. And I feel every day I am dearer; And I trust I may say I am nearer. And I would not exchange Even sadness, For all the free range Of life's gladness ; With the fear, that in joy I might let Thee My heart less employ, Or forget Thee. 160 SONGS IN SUFFERING. I ask not for grief; But still grieve me, If Thy only relief Be to leave me. Better far round about Me Thy sorrow, Than to joy wake, without Thee, to-morrow. For no hand but Thine own Safely frees us : One escape, one alone, — 'Tis in Jesus ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. l6l " O LORD, THOU KNO WEST." |HOU knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow Of the sad heart, that comes to Thee for rest ; Cares of to-day, and burdens for to-morrow, Blessings implored, and sins to be confessed : I come before Thee at Thy gracious word, And lay them at Thy feet, — Thou knowest, Lord. Thou knowest all the past, — how long and blindly On the dark mountains the lost wanderer strayed ; How the Good Shepherd followed, and how kindly He bore it home, upon his shoulders laid, And healed the bleeding wounds, and soothed the pain, And brought back life, and hope, and strength again. Thou knowest all the present : — each temptation, Each toilsome duty, each foreboding fear ; All to myself assigned of tribulation, Or to beloved ones, than self more dear ! All pensive memories, as I journey on, Longings for vanished smiles, and voices gone ! 1 62 SONGS in suffering. Thou knowest all the future, — gleams of gladness, By stormy clouds too quickly overcast, — Hours of sweet fellowship, and parting sadness, And the dark river to be crossed at last Oh, what could confidence and hope afford To tread that path, but this, Thou knowest \ Lord ! Thou knowest, not alone as God, all-knowing, — As man, our mortal weakness Thou hast proved ; On earth, with purest sympathies o'erflowing, Oh Saviour ! Thou hast wept, and Thou hast loved ! And love and sorrow still to Thee may come, And find a hiding-place, a rest, a home. Therefore I come, Thy gentle call obeying, And lay my sins and sorrows at Thy feet, On everlasting strength my weakness staying, Clothed in Thy robe of righteousness complete : Then rising and refreshed, I leave Thy throne, And follow on to know as I am known ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 63 FELLOWSHIP WITH THE DEPARTED. NOTHER hand is beckoning us, Another call is given ; And glows once more with angel-steps The path which reaches Heaven. Our young and gentle friend, whose smile Made brighter summer hours, Amid the frosts of autumn time Has left us, with the flowers. As pure and sweet her fair brow seemed, Eternal as the sky ; And like the brook's low song, her voice, A sound which could not die. Sweet promptings unto kindest deeds Were in her very look ; We read her face, as one who reads A true and holy book : The measure of a blessed hymn, To which our hearts could move \ The breathing of an inward psalm, — A canticle of love. 164 SONGS IN SUFFERING. We miss her in the place of prayer, And by the hearth-fire's light ; We pause beside her door to hear Once more her sweet " Good night ! " There seems a shadow on the day Her smile no longer cheers ; A dimness on the stars of night, Like eyes that look through tears. Alone unto our Father's will One thought hath reconciled, That He, whose love exceedeth ours, Hath taken home His child. Fold her, O Father ! in Thine arms, And let her henceforth be A messenger of love between Our human hearts and Thee. Still let her mild rebuking stand Between us and the wrong, And her dear memory serve to make Our faith in goodness strong. And grant that she who, trembling, here Distrusted all her powers, May welcome to her holier home The well-beloved of ours. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 165 LOVE UNCHANGING. SOD doth not leave His own ! The night of weeping for a time may last, Then, tears all past, His going forth shall as the morning shine, The sunrise of His favor shall be mine : God doth not leave His own. God doth not leave His own ! Though few and evil all their days appear, Though grief and fear Come in the train of earth and hell's dark crowd, The trusting heart says, even in the cloud, God doth not leave His own ! God doth not leave His own ! The sorrow of their life He doth permit, Yea, chooseth it ; To speed His children on their heavenward way, He guides the winds. Faith, hope, and love all say, God doth not leave his own ! 1 66 SONGS IN SUFFERING. HE A VEN IS MY HOME. WEET place, sweet place alone ! The court of God Most High ; The Heaven of Heavens, the throne Of spotless majesty ! happy place ! When shall I be, My God, with Thee, To see Thy face ? The stranger homeward bends, And sigheth for his rest : Heaven is my home, my friends Lodge there in Abraham's breast. O happy place ! When shall I be, My God, with Thee, To see Thy face ? Earth 's but a sorry tent, Pitch'd for a few frail days, — A short-leas'd tenement ; Heaven 's still my song, my praise. O happy place ! When shall I be, My God, with Thee, To see Thy face ? SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 67 No tears from any eyes Drop in that holy quire ; But Death itself there dies, And sighs themselves expire. O happy place ! When shall I be, My God, with Thee, To see Thy face ? There should temptations cease, My frailties there should end ; There should I rest in peace, In the arms of my best Friend. O happy place ! When shall I be, My God, with Thee, To see Thy face ? Jerusalem on high My song and City is : My home whene'er I die ; The centre of my bliss. O happy place ! When shall I be, My God, with Thee, To see Thy face ? l68 SONGS IN SUFFERING. HE A VEN. HERE is an hour of peaceful rest To mourning wanderers given ; There is a tear for souls distressed, A balm for every wounded breast : 'Tis found above — in Heaven. There is a home for weary souls, By sin and sorrow driven, When tossed on life's tempestuous shoals, Where storms arise, and ocean rolls, And all is drear — but Heaven. Then faith lifts up her cheerful eye, To brighter prospects given ; And views the tempest passing by— The evening shadows quickly fly, And all serene — in Heaven. There fragrant flowers immortal bloom, And joys supreme are given ; There rays Divine disperse the gloom : Beyond the confines of the tomb Appears the dawn of Heaven ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 169 FOLD ME GENTL Y! OLD me gently ! gently, Saviour, Under Thy protecting wing : In the hour of grief and danger, Let me to Thy bosom cling. I am weary, I am weak : Jesus ! words of comfort speak. Oh, the night is chill and gloomy, And my languid spirits fail : Draw Thou near me, and revive me, Lest my unbelief prevail. I am weary, I am weak : Jesus ! words of comfort speak. Fold me gently ! gently, Saviour, Under Thy protecting wing, Till to yonder home prepared me, Thou dost me in safety bring. I am weary, I am weak : Still Thy words of comfort speak. 170 SONGS IN SUFFERING. GETHSEMANE. "Our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ." — 1 John i. 3. IATHER ! Who in the olive shade When the dark hour came on Didst, with a breath of Heavenly aid, Strengthen Thy Son : Oh, by the anguish of that night, Send me down blest relief ; Or, to the chastened, let Thy might Hallow this grief ! And Thou, that when the starry sky Saw the dread strife begun, Didst teach adoring Faith to cry — " Thy will be done : " By Thy meek spirit, Thou of all That e'er have mourned the chief, — Thou, Saviour ! if the stroke must fall, Hallow this grief! *"*Q@0 SONGS IN SUFFERING. I71 " MY SOUL WAITETH? "Mine eyes fail with looking upward: O Lord, I am oppressed ; undertake forme (or, ease me)." — Is. xxxviii. 14. S those that watch for the day Through the restless night of pain, When the first faint streaks of grey Bring rest and ease again, — As they turn their sleepless eyes The eastern sky to see Long hours before sunrise ; — So waiteth my soul for Thee ! As those that watch for the day Through the long, long night of grief, When the soul can only pray That the day may bring relief; When the eyes, with weeping spent, No dawn of hope can see, But the heart keeps watch intent, — So waiteth my soul for Thee ! As those that watch for the day Through that deepest night of all, When trembling and sin have sway, And the shades of Thy absence fall : 172 SONGS IN SUFFERING. As they search through clouds of fear The Morning Star to see, And the Light of Life appear, — So waiteth my soul for Thee ! As those that watch for the day, And know that the day will rise ! — Though the weary hours delay, As they pass under midnight skies : Though the Sun of Righteousness Only Faith's clear eye can see, Because Thou hast promised to bless, Lord Jesus, I wait for Thee ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 73 PRAISE. ING of comforts ! King of life ! Thou hast cheered me ; And when doubts were rife, Thou hast cleared me. Not a nook in all my breast, But Thou fill'st it ; Not a thought that break'st my rest, But Thou kill'st it. Wherefore with my utmost strength I will praise Thee ; And as Thou giv'st line and length I will raise Thee. Day and night, not once a day, I will blesse Thee ; And, my soul in new array, I will dresse Thee. In Thy Word, as if in Heaven, I will rest me ; And Thy promise, till made even, These shall feast me. 174 SONGS IN SUFFERING. THE ANGEL OF PATIENCE. weary hearts, to mourning homes, God's meekest angel gently comes : No power has he to banish pain, Or give us back our lost again ; And yet, in tenderest love, our dear And Heavenly Father sends him here. There's quiet in that angel's glance, There's rest in his still countenance ! He mocks no grief with idle cheer, Nor wounds with words the mourner's ear ; But ills and woes he may not cure He kindly trains us to endure. Angel of Patience ! sent to calm Our feverish brows with cooling palm, — To lay the storms of hope and fear, And reconcile life's smile and tear, — The throbs of wounded pride to still, And make our own our Father's will ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 75 Oh ! thou who mournest on thy way, And yearnest for the close of day, — With thee he walks, that angel kind, And gently whispers — " Be resigned \ Bear up, bear on, the end shall tell The dear Lord ordereth all things well." BITTER-SWEET. "As chastened, and not killed; as sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing." — 2 Cor. vi. 9. H, my deare, angrie Lord, Since Thou dost love, yet strike : Cast down, yet help afford, Sure I will do the like. I will complain, yet praise ; I will bewail, approve ; And all my sowre-swed dayes I will lament, and love. 176 SONGS IN SUFFERING. PROVIDENCE. " Commit thy way unto the Lord, . . . and He shall bring it to pass. — Psalm xxxvii. 5. OMMIT thy way to God, The weight which makes thee faint ; Worlds are to Him no load ! — To Him breathe thy complaint. He who for winds and clouds Maketh a pathway free, Through wastes, or hostile crowds, Can make a way for thee. Thou must in Him be blest, Ere bliss can be secure ; On His work must thou rest, If thy work shall endure. To anxious, prying thought, And weary, fretting care, The Highest yieldeth nought : He giveth all to prayer ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 77 Father ! Thy faithful love, Thy mercy, wise and mild, Sees what will blessing prove, Or what will hurt Thy child. And what Thy wise foreseeing Doth for Thy children choose, Thou bringest into being, Nor sufferest them to lose. All means always possessing, Invincible in might ; Thy doings all are blessing, Thy goings all are light. Nothing Thy work suspending, No foe can make Thee pause, When Thou, Thine own defending, Dost undertake their cause. Though all the devils throng Thine onward course to stay, Thou passest calm along, Nor swervest from Thy way. What Thou hast once disposed And ordered in Thy strength, Whatever powers opposed, Must reach its goal at length. 178 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Hope, then, though woes be doubled, Hope, and be undismay'd ; Let not thine heart be troubled, Nor let it be afraid. This prison where thou art, Thy God will break it soon, And flood with light thy heart In His own blessed noon. Up, up ! the day is breaking ; Say to thy cares, Good night ! Thy troubles from thee shaking, Like dreams in day's fresh light. Thou wearest not the crown, Nor the best course canst tell ; God sitteth on the throne, And guideth all things well. Trust Him to govern then ! No king can rule like Him ; How wilt thou wonder, when Thine eyes no more are dim, To see those paths that vex thee, How wise they were and meet, — The works which now perplex thee, How beautiful, complete ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. I 79 Faithful the love thou sharest, All, all is well with thee ; The crown from hence thou bearest With shouts of victory. In thy right hand, to-morrow, Thy God shall place the palms : To Him who chased thy sorrow How glad will be thy psalms ! l8o SONGS IN SUFFERING. HAPPY ISSUE OUT OF ALL AFFLICTIONS. "Arrayed in white robes. . . . They which came out of great tribulation. . . . Before the throne of God. — Rev. vii. ONG time of sorrow has been mine, And long I ceased not to repine, Nor was my will attuned to Thine, My Father, God ! For earthly bliss my heart would sue, — Submissive prayers were oft untrue, While words of praise were faint and few, Beneath Thy rod ! But now in patient trust I bear The mercy-strokes Thou dost not spare, — The strokes that all my soul prepare For Thy sweet peace ! Then teach me still by chidings sore, If so Thy love shall bless me more ; Bright hope — Thy throne to stand before, Nor praising cease ! SONGS IN SUFFERING. 151 PARTING WORDS. jlND can it be, ye dearest, best beloved, That I can say " Adieu ! " without a tear? Have I then ceased to love you ? No Ah, no ! Ye are, as ye have ever been, most dear ; But 'tis a holier love now fills my heart, And I can thus without one pang depart. For Faith and Hope are softly whispering, " Ye all shall meet again in Heav'n above, — In that bright world, where sorrow ne'er can come, But all is peace and happiness and love." Then listen, dear ones ! Raise your thoughts on high, Dry every tear, and check each rising sigh. The holy form of our Redeemer see ! He waits to guide me to eternity. O Death ! He has deprived thee of thy sting ; And thou, O grave, hast lost thy victory. Oh let not, then, your loving hearts rebel, Our Heavenly Father calls me hence. — Farewell ! 102 SONGS IN SUFFERING. LONGINGS. I URER yet and purer Ji I would be in mind ; Dearer yet and dearer Every duty find. Hoping still, and trusting God without a fear, Patiently believing He will make all clear. Calmer yet and calmer Trial bear and pain ; Surer yet and surer Peace at last to gain. Higher yet and higher Out of cloud and night, Nearer yet and nearer Rise towards the light, — Light serene and holy Where my soul may rest, Purified and lowly, Sanctified and blest. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 83 A LAMENT. NEVER trusted to have lived To bid farewell to thee, — And almost said, in agony, It ought not so to be. I hoped that thou within the grave My weary head shouldst lay ; And live, beloved, when I was gone, For many a happy day. With trembling hand, I vainly tried Thy dying eyes to close ; And almost envied, in that hour, Thy calm and deep repose : For I was left in loneliness With pain and grief oppress'd, And thou wast with the sainted, Where " the weary are at rest." Yes, I am sad and lonely now, But let me not repine Because a spirit loved so well Is earlier bless'd than mine. My life may darken as it will, I shall not much deplore, Since thou art where the ills of life Can never reach thee more. 184 SONGS IN SUFFERING. HOME! HOME! OME! home ! its glorious threshold Through parting clouds I see ; Those mansions by my Saviour bought, Where I have longed to be. And, lo ! a bright unnumbered host O'erspread the heavenly plain ; Not one is silent, — every harp Doth swell the adoring strain. Fain would my soul be praising Amid that sinless throng, Fain would my voice be raising Its everlasting song. Hark ! hark ! they bid me hasten To leave the fainting clay • — Friends ! hear, O hear, the welcome sound. " Arise, and come away ! " *$&a SONGS IN SUFFERING. 1 85 WITH JESUS. ARK ! what songs of joyous greeting Ringing through the courts above ; Songs of loving, rapturous meeting, Mingled notes of praise and love. Angel spirits, gently calling, Guide our sister to their King ; And, with joy her path attending, Thronging round they sweetly sing. Hand in hand they lead her onwards Through the streets of shining gold, Loving to her ransomed spirit Joys celestial to unfold. Jesus smiles to see her coming ; — At His feet she casts her crown, Clad in robes of purest whiteness, Bowing low before His throne. Lovingly He draws her near Him, Bids her lean upon His breast, And, in peace and love abiding, Enter on an endless rest. 1 86 SONGS IN SUFFERING. Gazing on her Saviour's glory Now His brightness she beholds ; Lost in wondrous love, she praises, All His beauty she unfolds. Never more can grief intruding Cast a shade upon her face ; All her sorrows are forgotten In the glories of that place. Joining with the heavenly songsters, Loud their Saviour's praise she sings ;- Joyous, in the throng of angels, Flitting on her radiant wings. Blessed spirit ! can we mourn thee Freed from sorrow, pain, and woe ? May we rather learn to follow In thy patient steps below. Thus at last united with her In the realms of bliss above, May we, Saviour, dwell for ever In the sunshine of Thy love. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 187 " THE MASTER IS COME, AND CALLETH FOR THEE." N secret love, the Master To each one whispers low — "I am at hand : work faster, Behold the sunset glow." And each one smileth sweet, Who hears the Master's feet. Have we not caught that smiling On some beloved face, As if a Heavenly sound were wiling The soul from our earthly place, — The distant sound and sweet Of the Master's coming feet ? We may clasp the loved one faster, And plead for a little while ; But who can resist the Master ? And we read, by that brightening smile, That the tread we may not hear Is drawing surely near. SONGS IN SUFFERING. Or in the hush of the summer weather, In the golden afternoon, As we watch by a friend's sick bed together, And murmer — " Better soon : " Sudden the Master's feet May be heard in the sunny street. Till then, no dream of dying Had flashed through the sick man's heart ; But a sudden smile on his face is lying, And the Soul rises up to depart At the sound of those gentle feet, Which come up through the sunny street. Or perchance he lieth sleeping With weary hand and head^ And does not hear our weeping, Nor the sound of that solemn tread, Telling the hour is come For his returning home : Then we whisper low together — " Behold the Master's feet ! He comes through the sunny weather, Up by the smiling street ; We had no thought or fear, That the hour had come so near." SONGS IN SUFFERING. ] Then, trying to still our weeping, With trembling lips we say — " We must break on this silent sleeping, We must prepare * His ' way ; " And we stoop to murmur low — " Are you ready, dear, to go ? " The Master is come, and calleth For thee; He is at the door. Awake ! for His shadow falleth Already across the floor : Are you ready, dear, to go With Him, who loveth so ? " Then a sudden voice of gladness, As our earthly voices cease, — " After my years of sadness, He bringeth tidings of peace ; How beautiful are His feet, Which shine from the golden street ! " And gently enters the Master : Through the room His garments sweep, And our trembling hearts beat faster, And our eyes forget to weep ; Though we can hear Him say — " Thou shalt be there to-day." 190 SONGS IN SUFFERING. As one whom his mother comforts, He lays the soul on His breast, But He draweth the curtains closely, As it enters into rest ; And none may see it go Away, through the sunset glow. He hath hushed the worn frame sweetly, He hath soothed the death alarms, Till it lieth asleep, completely In the everlasting arms : We know not the soul is gone Till the Lord is found alone. SONGS IN SUFFERING. 191 ON THE THRESHOLD. "I am now ready." — 2 Tim. iv. 6. 'M returning, not departing ; My steps are homeward bound : I quit the land of strangers For a home on native ground. I am rising, and not setting ; This is not night, but day : Not in darkness, but in sunshine, Like a star, I fade away. All is well with me for ever ; I do not fear to go : My tide is but beginning Its bright eternal flow. I am leaving only shadows For the true, and fair, and good. I must not, cannot linger • I would not though I could. 192 SONGS IN SUFFERING. This is not death's dark portal, Tis life's golden gate to me. Link after link is broken, And I at last am free. I am going to the angels, I am going to my God ; I know the Hand that beckons, I see the holy road. Why grieve me with your weeping, Your tears are all in vain : An hour's farewell, beloved, And we shall meet again. Jesus, Thou wilt receive me, And welcome me above : This sunshine, which now fills me, Is Thine own smile of love. LONDON : WILLIAM HUNT AND COMPANY.