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JUL 7 1936 A
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859,
In the Clerk^ Office of the District Court of the United States,
for the Southern District of New York.
c. M.
L • The Bible suited to our Wants.
1 FATHER of mercies ! in thy word
What endless glory shines? *
For ever be thy name adored,
For these celestial lines
2 Here, the fair tree of k.. ~wledge grow*
And yields a free repast ;
Sublimer sweets than nature knowa
Invite the longing taste.
3 Here, the Redeemer's welcome voice
Spreads heavenly peace around ;
And life, and everlasting joy a
Attend the blissful sound.
4 Oh ! may these heavenly pages be
My ever dear delight ;
And still new beauties may I see,
And still increasing light.
5 Divine instructor, gracious Lord !
Be thou for -ever near ;
Teach me to love thy sacred word,
And view my Saviour there.
) L. M
^ • Prophecy and Inspiration.
1 »T WAS by an order from the Lord,
The ancient prophets spoke his word ;
His spirit did their tongues inspire,
And warmed their hearts with heavenly fire
2 Great God ! mine eyes with pleasure loo*
On the dear volume of thy book ;
There my Redeemer's face I see,
And read his name who died for me.
3 Let the false raptures of the mind
Be lost, and vanish in the wind ;
Here I can fix my hope secure ;
This is thy word, and must endure.
) CM.
-J» The Holy Scriptures.
1 LADEN with guilt, and full of fears,
I fly to thee, my Lord !
And not a glimpse of hope appears,
But in thy written word.
2 The volume of my Father's grace
Does all rny grief assuage ;
Here I behola my Saviour's face,
Almost in every page.
3 Here, consecrated ™" .„er flows,
To quench my tnirst of sin ;
Here, the fair tree of knowledge grows ;—
No danger dwells therein.
4 This is the judge that ends the strife.
Where wit and reason fail ; —
My guide to everlasting life,
Through all this gloomy vale.
5 Oh ! may thy counsels, mighty God .
My roving feet command ;
Nor I forsake the happy road
That leads to thy right hand.
L. M.
A Saviour seen in the Scriptures.
1 NOW let my soul, eternal King !
To thee its grateful tribute bring ;
My knee, with humble homage, bow,
My tongue perform its solemn vow.
2 All nature sings thy boundless love,
In worlds below, and worlds above;
But, in thy blessed word, I trace
Diviner wonders of thy grace.
3 There, what delightful truths I read !
There, I behold the Saviour bleed :
His name salutes my listening ear,
Revives my heart, and checks my fear.
4 There Jesus bids my sorrows cease,
And gives my lab'ring conscience peace ;
Raises my grateful passions high,
And points to mansions in the sky.
b For love like this, Oh ! let my song,
Through endless years, thy praise prolong ,
Let distant climes thy name adore,
Till time and nature are no more.
* CM.
/ • Revelation welcomed.
1 HAIL, sacred truth ! whose piercing raya
Dispel the shades of night ;
Diffusing, o'er the mental world,
The healing beams of light
2 Jesus ! thy word, with friendly aid,
Restores our wandering feet ;
Converts the sorrows of the mind
To joys divinely sweet.
3 Oh ! send thy light and truth abroad,
In all their radiant blaze ;
And bid th* admiring world adore
The glories of thy grace.
L. M.
The Blessings of the new Covenant
1 GOD, in the gospel of his Son,
Makes his eternal counsels known ;
Where love in all its glory shines,
And truth is drawn in fairest lines.
2 Here, sinners of an humble frame
May taste his grace, and learn his name f
May read, in characters of blood,
The wisdom, power and grace of God.
3 Here, faith reveals, to mortal eyes,
A brighter world beyond the skies ;
Here, shines the light which guides our way
From earth to realms of endless day.
4 Oh ! grant us grace, almighty Lord !
To read and mark thy holy word,
Its truths with meekness to receive,
And by its holy precepts live.
5 May this blest volume ever lie
Close to my heart, and near mine eye,—
Till life's last hour my soul engage,
And be my chosen heritage.
• L. M.
• A written Revelation.
\ LET everlasting glories crown
Thy head, my {Saviour, and my Lord !
Thy hands have brought salvation down,
And writ the blessings in thy word.
9. In vain the trembling conscience seeks
Some solid ground to rest upon ;
With long despair the spirit breaks,
Till we apply to Christ alone.
3 How well thy blessed truths agree !
How wise and holy thy commands !
Thy promises — how firm they be !
How firm our hope and comfort stands !
4 Should all the forms that men devise
Assault my faith, with treacherous art,
I 'd call them vanity and lies,
And bind the gospel to my heart.
L. M.
The Power of Truth.
1 THIS is the word of truth and love,
Sent to the nations from above ;
Jehovah here resolves to show
What his almighty grace can do.
2 This remedy did wisdom find,
To heal diseases of the mind ; —
This sovereign balm, whose virtues can
Restore the ruined creature, man.
8 The gospel bids the dead revive, —
Sinners obey the voice, and live ;
Dry bones are raised, and clothed afresh,
And hearts of stone are turned to flesh.
4 May but this grace my soul renew,
Let sinners gaze, and hat*' me too;
The word that saves me doth engage
A sure defence from all their rage.
•J • Existence of God.
1 THERE is a God !— all natme speaks,
Through earth, and air, and sea, and skies ;
See ! — from the clouds his glory breaks.
When earliest beams of morning rise!
2 The rising sun, serenely bright,
Throughout the world's extended frame.
Inscribes, in characters of light,
His mighty Maker's glorious name.
3 Ye curious minds, who roam abroad,
And trace creation's wonders o'er !
Confess the footsteps of your God ;
Bow down before him and adore.
10 c M
I v/» Creation and Providence.
1 LORD ! when my raptured thought survey?
Creation's beauties o'er,
All nature joins to teach thy praise,
And bid my soul adore.
2 Where'er I turn my gazing eyes,
Thy radiant footsteps shine ;
Ten thousand pleasing wonders rise,
And speak their source divine.
3 On me thy providence hath shone
With gentle, smiling rays;
Oh ! let my lips and life make known
Thy goodness and thy praise.
4 All-bounteous Lord ! thy grace impart ;
Oh ! teach me to improve
Thy gifts, with ever-grateful heart,
And crown them with thv love.
H. M.
Perfections of God's Government
1 THE Lord Jehovah reigns ;
His throne is built on high ;
The garments he assumes
Are light and majesty :
His glories shine with beams so bright,
No mortal eye can bear the sight.
2 The thunders of his hand
Keep the wide world in awe ;
His wrath and justice stanl
To guard his holy law :
And where his love resolves to bless,
His truth confirms and seals the grace.
3 Through all his perfect work,
Surprising wisdom shines ;
Confounds the powers of hell,
And breaks their cursed designs :
Strong is his arm — and shall fulfill
His great decrees — his sovereign will.
4 And can this mighty King
Of glory condescend, —
And will ne write his name,
My Father and my Friend 1
I love his name, — I love his word :
Join, all my powers ! and praise the Lord,
1 o c M
t & • God, the Creator.
1 ETERNAL Wisdom ! thee we praise,
Thee the creation sings ;
With thy loved name, rocks, hills, and seas,
And heaven's high palace rings.
2 How wide thy hand hath spread the sky !
How glorious to behold !
Tinged with a blue of heavenly dye,
And starred with sparkling gold.
3 Thy glories blaze all nature round,
And strike the gazing sight,
Through skies, and seas, and solid ground,
With terror and delight.
4 Infinite strength, and equal skill,
Shine through the worlds abroad ,
Our souls with vast amazement fill,
And speak the builder — God.
5 But still, the wonders of thy grace
Our softer passions move ;
Pit? divine, in Jesus' face,
We Be^ adore, and love.
1 tJ 9 God's eternal Dominion.
1 GKEAT God ! how infinite art thou •
What worthless worms are we !
Let the whole race of creatures bow,
And pay their praise to thee.
2 Thy throne eternal ages stood,
Ere seas or stars were made :
Thou art the ever-living (rod,
Were all the nations dead.
3 Eternity, with all its years,
Stands present in thy view ;
To thee there *s nothing old appears —
Great God ! there 's nothing new.
4 Our lives through various scenes are drawn.
And vexed with trifling cares ;
While thine eternal thought moves on
Thine undisturbed affairs.
5 Great God ! how infinite art thou !
What worthless worms are we !
Let the whole race of creatures bow
And pay their praise to thee.
I A " M
L H^« Praise from ail Creation.
1 ANGELS ! assist to sing
The honors of your God ;
Touch every tuneful string.
And sound his name abroad :
Come, pour the trembling notes along;
And swell the grand immortal song
£ And, ye of meaner birth !
Your joyful voices raise ;
Inhabitants of earth !
Your groat Creator praise :
Let your hosannas joyful rise,
And shake the earth and pierce the skies.
3 Let day and dusky night,
In solemn order, join
His praises to recite,
And speak his power divine :
Let every hill and every vale
Re-echo with the sacred tale.
4 Let every creature sing
The honors of our God ;
Touch every tuneful string,
And spread his praise abroad :
Come, pour the trembling notes along ;
And swell the universal song.
1 A * M
JL tJ • Majesty of God.
1 COME, O my soul ! in sacred lays,
Attempt thy great Creator's praise ;
But Oh ! what tongue can speak his fame 1
What mortal verse can reach the theme ?
2 Enthroned amidst the radiant spheres,
He glory, like a garment, wears ;
To form a robe of light divine
Ten thousand suns around him shine.
3 In all our Maker's grand designs,
Omnipotence with wisdom shines ,
His works, through all his wondrous frame.
Bear the great impress of his name.
4 Raised on devotion's lofty wing,
Do thou, my soul ! his glories sing ;
And let his praise employ thy tongue,
Till listening worlds repeat the song.
I U, Praise for temporal Mercies.
1 PRAISE to God ! — immortal praise.
For the love that crowns our days :
Bounteous scource of every joy !
Let thy praise our tongues employ.
2 All that spring, with bounteous hand,
Scatters o'er the smiling land ; —
All that liberal autumn pours
From her rich, o'erilowing stores; —
GOD. 11
3 These to that dear source we owe,
Whence our sweetest comforts flow ;
These, through all my happy days.
Claim my cheerful songs of praise.
4 Lord ! to thee my soul should raise
Grateful, never-ending praise ;
And, when every blessing 's flown,
Love thee for thyself alone.
17 8M
J I • Praise to the Creator.
1 ALMIGHTY Maker, God !
How wondrous is thy name !
Thy glories, how diffused abroad.
Through all creation's frame !
2 Nature, in every dress,
Her humble homage pays ;
And does, a thousand ways, express
Her undissembled praise.
3 My soul would rise and sing
Her great Creator too ;
Fain would my tongue adore my King,
And pay the homage due.
4 Let joy and worship spend
The remnant of my days,
And oft to God my soul ascend,
In grateful songs of praise.
H. M.
Rejoicing in Goo.
1 TO your Creator, God,
Your great preserver, raise,
Ye creatures of his hand !
Your highest notes of praise :
Let every voice
Proclaim his power,
His name adore,
And loud rejoice.
2 Let every creature join
To celebrate his name,
And all their various powers
Assist th* exalted theme :
Let nature raise,
From every tongue,
A general song
Of grateful praise.
3 But Oh ! from human tongues
Should nobler praises flow;
An d every thankful heart
With warm devotion glow ■
Your voices raise
Above the rest ;
Ye highly blest !
Declare his praise.
4 Assist me, gracious God !
My heart, my voice inspire ,
Then shall I grateful join
The universal choir :
Thy grace can raise
My heart, my tongue,
And tune my song
To lively praise.
to c M
1 *J • Wonders of God's Love.
1 YE humble souls ! approach youi Gcd
With songs of sacred praise ;
For he is good, supremely good ;
And kind are all his ways.
2 All nature owns his guardian care,
In him we live and move ;
Buf nobler benefits declare
The wonders of his love.
3 He gave his Son, his only Son
To ransom rebel-worms ;
'T is here he makes his goodness known,
In its diviner forms.
4 To this dear refuge, Lord ! we come,
'T is here our hope relies ; —
A safe defence, a peaceful home,
When storms of trouble rise.
5 Thine eye beholds, with kind regard.
The souls that trust in thee ;
Their humble hope thou wilt reward,
With bliss divinely free.
GOD. 13
6 Great God ! to thine almighty love.
What honors shall we raise \
Not all lh' angelic >ove
Can render -
The gtoi a if Chd in Creation.
1 THE God of nature and of grace
In all hi- p pears ;
His goodlier the earth we trace.
His grandeur in the spheres.
2 Behold this fair ana fertile globe,
By him in wisdom planned !
'T was he who gird< d, like a robe,
The ocean round the laud.
3 Lift to the arch of heaven your eye ;
Thither his path pursue ;
His glory, boundless as the sky,
O'erwhelms the wondering view.
4 How excellent, () Lord ! thy name,
In all creation's lines !
Spread through eternity, thy fame
With rising lustre shines.
5 These lower works that swell thy praise,
High as our thoughts can tower,
Are but a portion of thy ways, —
The hiding of* thy power.
6 Millions before thy presence stand,
Who feel, while they adore,
Fulness of joy, at thy right hand,
And pleasures evermore.
Tlie Mer -y of God.
1 THY mercy my God ! is the theme or my song.
The joy of my heart, an I the boast of my tongue;
Free grace hath alone, from the first to the last,
Secured my affections, and bound my soul fast
2 Thy mercy, has vanquished my obdurate hearU
That wonders to feel its own hardness depart:
Dissolved by thy goodness, I fall to the ground,
And weep to the praise of the mercy I 've found.
3 The door of thy mercy stands open all day,
To the poor and the needy, who knock by the way
No sinner shall ever a place be denied,
Who comes seeking mercy through Jesus that died,
4 Thy mercy in Jesus exempts me from hell j
Its glories I '11 sing, and its wonders I '11 tell :
'T was Jesus, my friend, when he hung on the tree,
Who opened the fountain of mercy for me.
S. M.
God, all and in all
1 MY God, my life, my love !
To thee, to thee I call ;
I cannot live, if thou remove,
For thou art all in all.
2 To thee, and thee alone,
The angels owe their bliss;
They sit around thy gracious throne,
And dwell where Jesus is.
3 Not all the harps above
Can make a heavenly place,
If God his residence remove,
Or but conceal his face.
4 Nor earth, nor all the sky,
Can one delight afford ;
No, not a drop of real joy.
Without thy presence, Lord !
5 Thou art the sea of love,
Where all my pleasures roll,
The circle, where my passions move,
And centre of my soul.
c. M
Confiding in God.
TO thee, my God ! my heart shall bring
The lively, grateful song ;
Attending kings shall hear me sing,
With rapture on my tongue.
Amid the glories of thy name,
Thy truth exalted shines ;
GOD. 15
A faithful God Ihy words proclaim,
In everlasting lines.
3 When, in the day of deep distress.
To thee, my God ! I cried,
With strength divine, thy powerful grace
My fainting soul supplied.
4 Thou, Lord ! wilt all my hopes fulfill,
To thee the work belongs ;
Let endless mercy guide me still,
And tune my grateful songs.
9 A f! M
^ HH • The Mercy- Seat.
1 DEAR Father! to thy mercy-seat
My soul for shelter Hies:
'T is here 1 rind a safe retreat,
When storms and tempests rise.
2 My cheerful hope can never die,
If thou, my God ! art near ;
Thy grace can raise my comforts high.
And banish every fear.
5 My great Protector, and my Lord !
Thy constant aid impart ;
Oh ! let thy kind, thy gracious word
Sustain my trembling heart.
4 Oh ! never let my soul remove
From this divine retreat ;
Still let me trust thy power and love,
And dwell beneath thy feet.
OA c M
4/^/» Prayer for quicktmns; Grac*
1 PERMIT me, Lord ! to seek thy face,
Obedient to thy call ;
To seek the presence of thy grace,
My strength, my life, my ail !
2 All I can wish is thine to give :
My God ! I ask thy love-
That greatest boon I can receive, —
The bliss of heaven above.
3 To neaven my restless heart aspires;
Oh ! for a quickening ray,
To wake and warm my faint desires,
And cheer the tiresome way,
4 The path to thy divine abode
Through a wild desert lies ;
A thousand snares beset the road, —
A thousand terrors rise.
5 Satan and sin unite their art
To keep me from my Lord :
Dear Saviour ! guard my trembling heart,
And guide me by thy word.
6 My Guardian, my almighty Friend !
On thee my soul would rest ;
On thee alone my hopes depend ;
Be near, and I am blest.
Oft «• M -
& \J • Perpetual Praise.
1 TO thee, great Source of light !
My thankful voice I '11 raise ;
And all my powers unite
To celebrate thy praise ;
And, till my voice is lost in death,
May praise employ my every breath.
2 And when this feeble tongue
Lies silent in the dust,
My soul shall dwell among
The spirits of the just *
Then, with the shining hot>\s above,
In nobler strains I '11 sing thy love.
£\YJ C. M.
W I • God's Presence is Light in Darkness.
1 MY God ! the spring of all my joys.
The life of my delights ;
The glory of my brightest days,
And comfort of my nights.
2 In darkest shades, if he appear,
My dawning is begun ;
He is my soul's sweet morning-star,
And he my rising sun.
3 The opening heavens around me shine,
With beams of sacred bliss,
While Jesus shows his heart is mine.
And whispers I am his.
4 My soul would leave this heavy clay.
At that transporting word ;
Run up with joy the shining way,
T' embrace my dearest Lord.
5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death
I 'd break through every foe ;
The wings of love, and arms of faith.
Should bear me conqueror through.
?8 8 M.
^v-/« God, my Creator and Benq ictor.
1 MY Maker and my King !
To thee my all I owe ;
Thy sovereign bounty is the s-pring
Whence all my blessings fit w.
2 The creature of thy hand, —
On thee alone I live ;
My God ! thy benefits demand
More praise than life can give,
3 Shall I withhold thy due ]
And shall my passions rove ?
Lord ! form this wretched heart inew
And till it with thy love.
4 Oh ! let thy grace inspire
My soul with strength divine;
Let all my powers to thee aspire
And all my days bo thine
pa c "•
w kJ • Thatiksfor Providence and Grace.
1 ALMIGHTY Father, gracious Lord,
Kind guardian of my days !
Thy mercies let my heart record
In songs of grateful praise.
2 In life's first dawn, my tender frame
Was thine indulgent care ;
Long ere I could pronounce thy name,
Or breathe the infant prayer.
3 Yet I adore thee, gracious Lord !
For favors more divine; —
That I have known thy sacred word,
Where all thy glories shine.
4 When blest with that transporting view,
That Jesus died for me,
For this sweet hope, what praise is due,
O God of grace ! to thee 1
5 Now shall my joyful powers unite,
In more exalted lays,
Till I shall join the sons of light,
In everlasting praise.
Imploring divine Influence
1 MY God ! whene'er my longing heart
Its grateful tribute would impart,
In vain my boldest thoughts arise, —
I sink to earth, and lose the skies.
2 Thy name inspires the harps above,
With harmony, and praise, and love ;
That grace, which tunes th* immortal strings,
Looks kindly down on mortal things.
3 Oh ! let thy grace guide every song,
And fill my heart and tune my tongue ;
Then shall the strain harmonious flow,
And heaven's sweet work begin below
Q -s C. M.
Ls -L • Thanks for providential Favors.
1 WHEN all thy mercies, O my God !
My rising soul surveys,
Transported with the view, I 'm lost
In wonder, love, and praise.
2 Unnumbered comforts, on my soul,
Thy tender care bestowed,
Before my infant heart conceived
From whom those comforts flowed.
3 When in the slippery paths of youth,
With heedless steps, I ran,
Thine arm, unseen, conveyed me safe,
And led me up to man.
4 Ten thousand thousand precious gifts
My daily thanks employ ,
GOD. 19
Nor is tnc least a cheerful heart,
That tastes those gifts with joy.
5 Through every period of my liie,
Thy goodness 1 '11 pursue;
And after death, in distant worlds,
The glorious theme rent w.
6 Through all eternity, to thee
A joyful song 1 '11 raise :
But Oh I eternity 's too short
To utter all thy praise.
do LM#
*J.&» Song of Gratitude a)ui
1 GOD of my life ! through all my days,
I '11 tune the grateful notes of prai
The song shall wake with opening light,
And warble to the silent night.
2 WL.^i anxious cares would break my rest,
And griefs would tear my throbbing breast.
The notes of praise, ascending high,
Shall check the murmur and the sigh.
3 When death o'er nature shall prevail,
And all the powers of language fail,
Joy through my swimming eyes shall break.
And mean the thanks 1 cannot speak.
4 But Oh ! when that last conflict 's o'er,
And I am chained to earth no more, —
With what glad accents shall 1 rise
To join the music of the skies.
5 Then shall I learn th' exalted strains
That echo through the heavenly plains.
And emulate, with joy unknown,
The glowing seraphs' round thy throne.
*S* J • PruioK tu Jehovah.
1 SAINTS ! with pious zeal attending,
Now a grateful tribute r
Joyful songs, t«» heaven ascending,
Join the universal praif
2 Round Jehovah's footstool kneeling,
Lowly bend with contrite souls ;
Here his milder grace revealing,
Here his wrath no thunder rolls.
3 Every secret fault confessing,
Deed unholy — thought of sin, —
Seize, Oh ! seize the proffered blessing,-
Grace from God, and peace within.
4 Heart and voice with rapture swelling,
Still the song of glory raise ;
On the theme immortal, dwelling,
Join the universal praise.
L. M.
Retirement and Devotion.
1 MY God ! permit me not to be
A stranger to myself and thee ;
Amidst a thousand thoughts I rove,
Forgetful of my highest love.
2 Why should my passions mix with earth,
And thus debase my heavenly birth 1
Why should I cleave to things below,
And let my God, my Saviour, go ?
3 Call me away from flesh and sense ;
One sovereign word can draw me thence
I would obey the voice divine,
And all inferior joys resign.
4 Be earth, with all her scenes, withdrawn
Let noise and vanity be gone ;
In secret silence of the mind,
My heaven — and there my God, I find.
O^ C. M.
tJ %J • Godj our Refuge.
1 DEAR refuge of my weary soul !
On thee, when sorrows rise, —
On thee, when waves of trouble roll,
My fainting hope relies.
2 To thee I tell each rising grief,
For thou alone canst heal ;
Thy word can bring a sweet relief.
For every pain I feel.
3 But Oh ! when gloomy doubts prevail,
J fear to call thee mine ;
GOD. 1
The springs of comfort sc cm to fail.
And all my hopes decline.
4 Hast thou not bid me seek thy face ?
And shall I seek in vain ]
And can the c<».r oi sovereign grace
Be deaf when 1 complain }
5 No, — still the ear of sovereign grace
Attends the mourner's prayer:
Oh ! may 1 ever find access
To breathe my sorrows there !
6 Thy mercy-seat is open still :
Here let my soul retreat ;
With humble hope attend thy will,
And wait beneath thy P
Q£J C M.
OD. Thirsting after God.
1 WHEN fainting in the sultry waste,
And parched with thirst extreme,
The weary pilgrim longs to taste
The cool refreshing stream : —
2 So longs the weary, fainting mind,
Oppressed with sin ind w
Some soul-reviving spring to find,
Whence heavenly comfort flows.
3 O 1 * for thec, my God !
With ardent, strong desire ;
And still, through all this desert road,
To taste thy grace aspire.
4 Then shall my prayer to *.Lo c ascend,
A grateful sacrifice ;
My mourning voice wilt thou attend,
And grant me full supplies.
ivy c. m.
*J i • God. a* seen in Nature.
1 T SING th* almighty power of God,
That made the mountains rise,
That spnad the flowing seas abroad,
And built the lofty skies.
2 1 sing ihe wisdom that ordained
The sun to rule the day ;
The moon shines full at his command,
And all the stars obey.
3 I sing the goodness of the Lord,
That filled the earth with food ;
He formed the creatures with his word,
And then pronounced them good.
4 Lord ! how thy wonders are displayed,
Where'er I turn mine eye !
If I survey the ground I tread, ■
Or gaze upon the sky !
5 There 's not a plant nor flower below,
But makes thy glories known ;
And clouds arise, and tempests blow,
By order from thy throne.
6 Creatures that borrow life from thee.
Are subject to thy care ;
There 's not a place where we can flee,
But God is present there.
C. M.
Rejoicing in God, our Father.
1 COME, shout aloud the Father's grace*
And sing the Saviour's love ;
Soon shall you join the glorious theme,
In loftier strains above.
2 God, the eternal, mighty God,
To dearer names descends ;
Calls you his treasure and his joy,
His children and his friends.
3 My Father, God ! and may these lips
Pronounce a name so dear 1
Not thus could heaven's sweet harmony
Delight my listening ear.
4 Thanks to my God for every gift
His bounteous hands bestow ;
And thanks eternal for that love
Whence all those comforts flow.
L. M
Perfections of God in his Government.
1 JEHOVAH reigns — hie throne is high,
His robes are light and majesty ;
GOD. 23
His glory shines, with beams so bright,
No mortal can sustain the sight
2 His terrors keep the world in awe ;
His justice guards his holy law ;
His love reveals a smiling face ;
His truth and promise seal the grace.
3 Through all his works his wisdom shines.
And baffles Satan's deep designs ;
His power is sovereign to f 111 till
The noblest counsels of his will.
4 And will this glorious Lord descend
To be my father and my friend J
Then let my songs with angels join:
Heaven is secure, if God be mine.
C. M
God, all in all.
1 MY God, my portion and my love,
My everlasting all !
I 've none but thee in heaven above,
Or on this earthly ball.
2 What empty things are all the skies,
And this inferior clod !
There 's nothing here deserves my joys :
There 's nothing like my God.
3 In vain the bright, the burning sun
Scatters his teeble light :
'T is thy sweet beams create my noon ;
If thou withdraw, — 't is night.
4 How vain a toy is glittering wealth,
If once compared with thee !
Or what 's my safety, or my health,
Or all my friends to me ?
5 Were I possessor of the earth,
And called the stars my own, —
Without thy graces and thyself,
I were a wretch u idone.
o Let others stretch thuir arms like seas.
And grasp in all the sh< i
Grant me the visits oi thy face.
And I desire no more.
L. M.
God's Condescension.
1 UP to tne Lord, who reigns on high,
And views the nations from afar,
Let everlasting praises fly,
And tell how large his bounties are.
*2 He over-rules all mortal things,
And manages our mean affairs :
On humble souls the King of kings
Bestows his counsels and his cares.
3 Our sorrows and our tears we pour
Into the bosom of our God ;
He hears us in the mournful hour,
And helps us bear the heavy load.
4 Oh ! could our thankful hearts devise
A tribute equal to thy grace —
To the third heaven our songs should rise,
And teach the golden harps thy praise
|0 s ■ M-
P/W • Exhortation to Praise.
1 STAND up, and bless the Lord,
Ye people of his choice !
Stand up, and bless the Lord your God,
With heart, and soul, and voice.
2 Though high above all praise,
Above all blessing high,
Who would not fear his holy name.
And laud, and magnify 1
3 Oh ! for the living flame
From his own altar brought,
To touch our lips, our souls inspire,
And wing to heaven our thought.
4 God is our strength and song,
And his salvation ours ;
Then be his love in Christ proclaimed,
With all our ransomed powers.
5 Stand up, and bless the Lord, —
The Lord, your God, adore,
Stand up, and bless his glorious name,
Henceforth, for evermore.
GOD. 25
L. M.
Men not comparable with God.
1 SHALL the vile race of flesh and blood
Contend with their Creator, God !
Shall mortal worms presume to be
More holy, wise, or just, than he 1
2 Behold ! he puts his trust in none
Of all the spirits round his throne ;
Their natures, when compared with his,
Are neither holy, just nor wise.
3 But how much meaner things are they,
Who spring from dust, and dwell in clay '
Touched by the finger of thy wrath,
We faint, and vanish like the moth.
4 Almighty Power ! to thee we bow ;
How frail are we — how glorious thou !
No more the sons of earth shall dare,
With an eternal God, compare.
L M.
Praise to God.
1 PRAISE, everlasting praise, be paid
To him, who earth's foundation laid :
Praise to the God, whose strong decrees
Sway the creation, as he please.
2 Praise to the goodness of the Lord,
Who rules his people by his word;
And th'Mv, as strong as his decrees,
He sets his kindest promises.
3 Whence, then, should doubts and fears arise 1
Why trickling sorrows drown our eyes'?
Slowly, alas ! our mind receives
The comforts that (Mir Maker gives.
4 Oh ! for a strong, a lasting faith,
To credit what th' Almighty saith ;
T* embrace the message of his Son,
And call the joVs of heaven our own.
5 Then, should the earth's old pillars shaKe,
And all the wheels of nature break.
Our steady souls would fear no more,
Than solid rocks when billows roar.
€ -fiU • Goodness of God seen in his Works.
1 HAIL, great Creator, wise and good !
To thee our songs we raise ;
Nature, through all her various scenes
Invites us to thy praise.
2 At morning, noon, and evening mild,
Fresh wonders strike our view ;
And while we gaze, our hearts exult,
With transports ever-new.
3 Thy glory beams in every star
Which gilds the gloom of night ;
And decks the smiling face of morn,
With rays of cheerful light.
4 The lofty hill — the humble lawn,
With countless beauties shine ;
The silent grove — the awful shade,
Proclaim thy power divine.
5 And while, in all thy wondrous ways,
Thy varied love we see ;
Oh ! may our hearts, great God ! be led
Through all th} r works to thee.
L. M.
Wisdom cmd Knowledge of God.
1 AWAKE, my tongue ! thy tribute bring
To him, who gave thee power to sing ;
.(Praise him, who is all praise above, —
The source of wisdom and of love.
• 2 How vast his knowledge — how profound i
A depth, where all our thoughts are drowned
The stars he numbers ; — and their names
He gives to all those heavenly flames.
. 3 Through each bright world above, behold
Ten thousand thousand charms unfold :
Earth, air, and mighty seas combine,
To speak his wisdom all divine.
4 But in redemption, Oh ! what grace ! —
Its wonders, Oh ! what thought can trace !
Here wisdom shines for ever bright ; —
Praise him, my soul ! with sweet delight.
GOD. 27
irv cm.
lit Sot eretgnty and Dominion of God.
1 KEEP silence, all created things !
And wait your Maker's nod ;
My soul stands trembling, while she sings
The honors of her God.
2 Life, death, and hell, and worlds unknown,
Hang on his firm decree ;
He sits on no precarious throne,
Nor borrows leave to be.
3 Chained to his throne, a volume lies,
With all the fates of men,
With every angel's form and size,
Drawn by th' eternal pen.
4 His providence unfolds his book,
And makes his counsels shine ,
Each opening leaf, and every stroke,
Fulfills some deep design.
# > My God ! f would not long to see
My fate, with curious eyes, —
What gloomy lines are writ for me,
Or what bright scenes may rise.
6 In thy fair book of life and grace,
Oh ! may I find my name,
Recorded in some humble place,
Beneath my Lord — the Lamb.
iO h.m.
** O • Faithfulness of God.
1 THE promises I sing,
Which sovereign love hath spoke \
Nor will th' eternal King
HJ6 words of grace revoke :
They stand secure
And steadfast still ;
Not Zion's hill
Abide? so sure.
2 The mountains melt away*
When once the Judge appears;
And sun and moon decay.
That measure mortal years ;
But still the same,
In radiant lines,
The promise shines
Through all the flame.
3 Their harmony shall sound
Through my attentive ears,
When thunders cleave the ground,
And dissipate the spheres ;
Mid all the shock
Of that dread scene,
I stand serene ; —
Thy word, my rock.
1Q ° M
^Jbxs 9 The glories of Redemption.
1 FATHER ! how wide thy glory shines !
How high thy wonders rise !
Known through the earth by thousand signs,—
By thousand through the skies.
2 Those mighty orbs proclaim thy power,
Their motions speak thy skill ;
And on the wings of every hour,
We read thy patience still.
3 But when we view thy strange design
To save rebellious worms,
Where vengeance and compassion join.
In their divinest forms, —
4 Here the whole Deity is known ;
Nor dares a creature guess, —
Which of the glories brightest shone,
The justice, or the grace.
5 Now the full glories of the Lamb
Adorn the heavenly plains :
Bright seraphs learn ImmanuePs name,
And try their choicest strains.
6 Oh ! may I bear some humble part,
In that immortal song :
Wonder and joy shall tune my heart,
And love command my tongue.
U\s* The God of Mercy and Justice.
1 THE Lord on high proclaims
His Godhead from his throne ; —
GOD. 29
"Mercy and justice aire the names,
By which I will be known.
44 Ye dying souls, that sit
In darkness and distress !
Look from the borders of the pit,
To my recovering grace."
Sinners shall hear the sound ;
Their thankful tongues shall own, —
Our righteousness and strength is found
In thee, the Lord, alone.
In thee shall Israel trust,
And see their guilt forgiven ;
God will pronounce the sinners just,
And take the saints to heaven.
c. M.
Almighty Poicer and Majesty of God.
1 THE Lord, our God, is full of might,
The winds obey his will ;
He speaks, — and, in his heavenly height,
The rolling sun stands still.
2 Rebel, ye waves ! and o'er the land
With threatening aspect roar ;
The Lord uplifts his awful hand,
And chains you to the shore.
3 Howl, winds of night! your force combine;
Without his hiiz;n behest,
Ye shall not, in the mountain-pine,
Disturb the sparrow's nest.
4 His voice sublime is heard afar,
In distant peals it dies ;
He yolyes the whirlwind to his car,
And sweeps the howling skies.
6 Ye nations ! bend — in reverence bend,
Ye monarchs ! wait his nod,
And bid the choral song ascend
To celebrate your God.
God, holy, juaty and aoxereign.
1 HOW should the sons of Adam's race
Be pure before their God ?
If he contend in righteousness,
We fall beneath his rod.
2 Strong is his arm, his heart is wise ;
What vain presumers dare,
Against their Maker's hand to rise,
Or tempt th' unequal war 1
3 Mountains, by his almighty wrath,
From their old seats are torn ;
He shakes the earth, from south to norm,
And all her pillars mourn.
4 He bids the sun forbear to rise —
TV obedient sun forbears :
His hand with sackcloth spreads the skiea,
And seals up all the stars.
5 He walks upon the stormy sea,
Flies on the stormy wind :
There 's none can trace his wondrous way,
Or his dark footsteps find.
C. M.
7Vie divine Purpose and Providence.
1 GOD moves in a mysterious way,
His wonders to perform ;
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.
2 Deep, in unfathomable mines
Of never-failing skill,
He treasures up his.bright designs*
And works his sovereign will.
3 Ye fearful saints ! fresh courage take ;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.
4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust him for his grace ;
Behind a frowning providence.
He hides a smiling face.
s 5 His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour ;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.
GOD. 31
6 Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan his work in vain;
God is his own interpreter,
And he will make it plain.
C. M •
Love of God.
1 COME, ye that know and fear the Lord !
And raise your souls above ;
Let every heart and voice accord,
To sing that — God is love.
2 This precious truth his word declares,
And all his mercies prove ;
While Christ, th' atoning Lamb, appears,
To show that — God is love.
3 Behold his loving-kindness waits,
For those who from him rove,
And calls of mercy reach their hearts,
To teach them — God is love.
4 The work begun is carried on,
By power from heaven above ,
And every step, from first to last,
Proclaims that — God is love.
5 Oh ! may we all, while here below,
This best of blessings prove ;
Till warmer hearts, in brighter worlds,
Shall shout that — God is love.
Tht Sovereignty of God.
1 THY way, O God ! is in the sea ;
Thy paths I cannot trace,
Nor comprehend the mystery
Of thine unbounded grace.
2 Here the dark veils of flesh and sense
My captive soul surround ;
Mysterious deeps of providence
My inward thoughts confound.
3 As, through a glass, I dimly see
The wonders of thy love,
How little do I know of thee,
Or cf the joys above !
4 Though but in part I know thy will,
I bless thee for the sight :
When will thy love the whole reveal
In glory's clearer light 1
5 In rapture shall I then survey
Thy providence and grace ;
And spend an everlasting day
In wonder, love, and praise.
Universal Praise to God.
1 SONGS of praise the angels sang,
Heaven with hallelujahs rang,
When Jehovah's work begun, —
When he spake, and it was done.
2 Songs of praise awoke the morn,
When the Prince of peace was born ;
Songs of praise arose, when he
Captive led captivity.
3 Heaven and earth must pass away, —
Songs of praise shall crown that day :
God will make new heavens and earth,—
Songs of praise shall hail their birth.
4 And shall man alone be dumb,
Till that glorious morning come 1
No ! — the church delights to raise
Psalms, and hymns, and songs of praise.
5 Saints below, with heart and voice,
Still in songs of praise rejoice,
Learning here, by faith and love,
Songs of praise to sing above.
6 Borne upon their latest breath,
Songs of praise shall conquer death :
Then, amid eternal joy,
Songs of praise their powers employ.
C. M.
A faithful God.
BEGIN, my tongue ! some heavenly theme.
And speak some boundless thing, —
The mighty works, or mightier name
Of our eternal King.
GOD. 33
2 Tell of his wondrous faithfulness,
And sound his power abroad ;
Sing the sweet promise of his grace,
And the performing God.
3 Proclaim — '• Salvation from the Lord,
For wretched, dying men ;"
His hand has writ the sacred word,
With an immortal pen.
4 Engraved as in eternal brass,
The mighty promise shines,
Nor can the powers of darkness raze,
Those everlasting lines.
5 His word of grace is sure and stiong,
As that which built the skies :
The voice that roils the stars along
Speaks all the promises.
6 Oh ! might I hear thy heavenly tongue
But whisper, — "Thou art mine ;"
Those gentle words should raise my soDg
To notes almost divine.
l/v_7« Thanksgiving.
1 SWELL the anthem, raise the song ;
Praises to our God belong :
Saints and angels ! join to sing
Praises to the heavenly King.
2 Blessings from his liberal hand
Flow around this happy land :
Guarded by his watchful eye,
Peace and freedom we enjoy.
3 Here, beneath a virtuous sway,
May we cheerfully obey,
Never feel oppression's rod,
Ever own and worship God.
4 Hark ! the voice of nature sings
Praises to the King of kings ;
Jx*t us join the choral song,
And the grateful notes prolong.
CQ C. M.
Is «. / • Endhss Praise.
1 YES— I will bless thee, my God !
Through all my mortal days,
And to eternity prolong
Thy vast, thy boundless praise.
2 Nor shall my tongue alone proclaim
The honors of my God ;
My life, with all its active powers,
Shall spread thy praise abroad.
3 Not death itself shall stop my song
Though death will close my eyes :
My thoughts shall then to nobler height*
And sweeter raptures rise.
4 There shall my lips in endless praise
Their grateful tribute pay :
The theme demands an angel's tongue,
And an eternal day.
p/\ L. M.
UV>/« God acknowledged in national Blessings.
1 GREAT God of nations ! now to thee
Our hymn of gratitude we raise ;
With humble heart, and bending knee,
We offer thee our song of praise.
2 Thy name we bless, Almighty God !
For all the kindness thou hast shown
To this fair land the pilgrims trod, —
This land we fondly call our own.
3 Here, Freedom spreads her banner wide,
And casts her soft and hallowed ray ; —
Here, thou our fathers' steps didst guide
In safety, through their dangerous way,
4 We praise thee, that the gospel's light,
Through all our land, its radiance sheds ;
Dispels the shades of error's night,
And heavenly blessings round us spreads.
5 Great God ! preserve us in thy fear ;
In dangers still our guardian be ;
Oh ! spread thy truth's bright precepts here,-
Let all the people worship thee.
L. P. M.
National Praise and Prayer.
1 WITH grateful hearts, with joyful tongues,
To God we raise united songs ;
His power and mercy we proclaim :
Through every age, Oh ! may we own,
Jehovah here has fixed his throne, —
And triumph in his mighty name.
Long as the moon her course shall run,
Or men behold the circling sun,
Lord ! in our land, support thy reign ;
Crown her just counsels with success,
With truth and peace her borders bless,
And all thy sacred rights maintain.
C. M.
CtvrisVs Nativity.
1 MORTALS ! awake ; with angels join,
And chant the solemn lay :
Joy, love, and gratitude, combine
To hail th' auspicious day.
2 In heaven the rapturous song began.
And sweet seraphic fire
Through all the shining legions ran,
And strung and tuned the lyre.
3 Swift, through the vast expanse, it flew,
And loud the echo rolled ;
The theme, the song, the joy was new,
*T was more than heaven could hold
4 Down through the portals of the sky
Th' impetuous torrent ran ;
And angels flew, with eager joy,
To bear the news to man.
5 Hark ! the cherubic armies shout,
And glory leads the song ;
Good will and peace are heard throughout
Th' harmonious heavenly throng.
6 With jov the chorus we repeat —
"Glory to God on high !"
Good-will and peace are now complete ;
Jesus is born to die.
86 and 7s.
*-J« Christ, the Saviour, born.
1 HAIL, thou long-expected Jesus !
Born to set thy people free ;
From our sins and fears release us,
Let us find our rest in thee.
2 Israel's strength and consolation,
Hope of all the saints, thou art ;
Long-desired of every nation,
Joy of every waiting heart.
3 Born, thy people to deliver, —
Born a child, yet God our King, —
Born to reign in us for ever, —
Now thy gracious kingdom bring.
4 By thine own eternal Spirit,
Rule in all our hearts alone ;
By thine all-sufficient merit,
Raise us to thy glorious throne.
f\A c M
\J^fcl« The Redeemer's Message.
1 HARK the glad sound ! the Saviour comes*—
The Saviour, promised long :
Let every heart prepare a throne,
And every voice a song.
2 On him the Spirit, largely poured,
Exerts his sacred fire ;
Wisdom, and might, and zeal, and love,
His holy breast inspire.
3 He comes, — the pris'ners to release,
In Satan's bondage held ;
The gates of brass before him burst —
The iron fetters yield.
4 He comes,-the broken heart to bind,
The bleeding soul to cure ;
And, with the treasures of his grace,
T' enrich the humble poor.
5 Our glad hosannas, Prince of peace !
Thy welcome shall proclaim ;
And heaven's eternal arches ring
With thy beloved name.
DO. The Nativity if Christ
1 BEHOLD the grace appear—
The b!<'ssi.ig promised long !
An^ i viour near,
In their triumphant song : —
2 "Glory to God on high,
y peace on earth ;
L-will to men — to angels joy,
At th< R< deemert birth.
3 In worship bo divine
saints employ their tongues;
With tl \ celestial hosts we join,
And ioud repeat their songs : —
4 " I (iod on high,
Andfheavi ily peace on earth;
will to men — to angels joy,
• mer's birth."
Songs of t)ie Avgels.
I HARK ! the herald-angels sing, —
M I i, >ry U i : i." D w-born King
rth, and mercy mild, —
God an I sinners reconciled."
triumph of the skies ;
With • im, —
u i rn in Bethlehem."
glory by,
more may die ;
f earth ;
l to giv< them second birth.
4 1 .-horn Prince of peace!
ight and life to all ne brings,
n with healing in his wings.
*> L % —
-. -':>< >l 11 iVi.'tg J
Pe< md mercy mild, —
sinners reconciled."
H. M.
Joy at Immanuefs Birth.
1 HARK ! hark ! — the notes of joy
Roll o'er the heavenly plains,
And seraphs find employ
For their sublimest strains ;
Some new delight in heaven is known ;
Loud sound the harps around the throne
2 Hark ! hark ! — the sounds draw nigh,
The joyful hosts descend ;
Jesus forsakes the sky,
To earth his footsteps "bend ;
He comes to bless our fallen race ;
He comes with messages of grace.
3 Bear, bear the tidings round ;
Let every mortal know
What love, in God is found,
What pity he can show ;
Ye winds that blow ! ye waves that roll i
Bear the glad news from pole to pole.
4 Strike, strike the harps again,
T") great Emanuel's name ;
Arise, ye sons of men !
And all his grace proclaim ;
Arbgels and men ! wake every string,
'T is God the Saviour's praise wo sing.
£*Q 8s and 7s.
DO. The Songs of Angela.
1 HARK ! what mean those holy voices,
Sweetly sounding through the skies ?
Lo ! th' angelic host rejoices —
Heavenly hallelujahs rise.
2 Listen to the wondrous story
Which they chant in hymns of joy ; —
" Glory in the highest, glory —
Glory be to God most high !
..3 " Peace on earth, good-will from heaven.
Reaching far as man is found ;
Souls redeemed, and sins forgiven ; —
Loud our golden harps shall sound.
** Christ is born, the great Anointed ;
Heaven and earth ! his praises sing :
Oh ! receive whom God appointed,
For your prophet, priest, and king.
44 Hasten, mortals ! to adore him ;
Learn his name, and taste his joy ;
Till in heaven ye sing before him. —
Glory be to God most high !"
\ H. ftf.
/• The Birth of Chritt.
1 HARK ! what celestial notes,
What melody we hear !
Soft on the morn it floats,
And fills the ravished ear :
The tuneful shell,
The golden lyre,
And vocal choir
The concert swell.
2 Th' angelic hosts descend,
With harmony divine ;
See how from heaven they bend,
And in full chorus join !
"Fear not," say they,
44 Great joy we bring ; —
Jesus, your King,
Is born to-day.
3 44 He comes, from error's night,
Your wandering feet to save ;
To realms of bliss and light,
He lifts you from the grave :
This glorious morn,
Let all attend ;
Your matchless friend,
Your Saviour 's oorn.
4 4 < Glory to God on high !
Ye mortals ! spread the sound.
And let your raptures fly,
To earth's remotest bound :
For peace on earth,
From God in heaven,
To man is given,
a\ Jesus' birth."
8s and 7s.
The Incarnation
1 SHEPHERDS ! hail the wondrous stranger;
Now to Bethle'm speed your way ;'
Lo ! in yonder humble manger,
Christ, the Lord, is born to-day : —
2 Christ, by prophets long-predicted
Joy of Israel's chosen race ;
Light to Gentiles long-afflicted,
Lost in error's darkest maze.
3 Bright the star of your salvation.
Pointing to his rude abode !
Rapturous news for every nation : —
Mortals ! now behold your God \
4 Glad* we trace th' amazing story
Angels leave their bliss to tell ;
Theme sublime, replete with glory —
Sinners saved from death and hell
5 Love eternal moved the Saviour
Thus to lay his radiance by ;
Blessings on the Lamb for ever —
Glorv be to God on high !
The Star in the Basi
Had the long-expected star ; —
Jacob's star, that gilds the nighi.
Guides bewildered nature right.
Never fear, that hence should fiov*
Wars or pestilence below :
Wars it bids, and tumults, cease,
Ushering in the Prince of peace.
Mild it shines on all beneath,
Piercing through the shades of death,-
Scattering error's wide-spread night,
Kindling darkness into light.
Nations all ! far off and near,
Haste to see your God appear ;
Haste, for him your hearts prepare,
Meet him manifested there.
C M.
Joy of Angels at the Savii/ur's Bii th
WHILE shepherds watched their flocks b\
All seated on the ground,
The angel of the Lord came down,
And glory shone around.
"Fear not," said he, for mighty dread
Had seized their troubled mind,
"Glad tidings of great joy I bring,
To you and all mankind.
" To you, in David's town, tnis day,
Is born of David's line,
The Saviour, who is Christ, tie Lord,
And this shall be the sign ; —
"The heavenly babe you there shall find,
To human view displayed,
All meanly wrapped in swathing bands,
And in a manger laid."
Thus spake the seraph — and forthwith
Appeared a shining throng
Of angels, praising God, who thus
Addressed their joyful song : —
- All glory be to God on high,
And lo the c.p M
O U • The Excellency of Chriit.
1 OH ! could I speak the matchless worth,—
Oh ! could I sound the glories forth,
Which in my Saviour shine ;
I 'd soar and touch the heavenly strings,
And vie with Gabriel while he sings,
In notes almost divine.
2 I'd sing the characters he bears,
And all the forms of love he wears,
Exalted on his throne ;
In lofti' fi Psweetest praise,
I would, to everlasting days,
Make all his glories known.
3 Soon the delightful day will coir.e.
When my dear Lord wi\\ bring me homei
And I shall see his face ;
Then, with my Saviour, brother, friend,
A blest eternity I '11 spend —
Triumphant in his grace.
unr c. m.
O I • Christ, the living Fountain.
1 THERE is ft fountain tilled with blood
Drawn from Immanuel's veins ;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood.
Lose all their guilty stains.
2 The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day ;
And there may I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins away.
3 Dear dying Lamb ! thy precious blood
Shall never lose its power,
Till all the ransomed church of God
Be saved, to sin no more.
4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream
Thy [lowing wounds supply,
Redeeming love has been my theme,
And shall be, till I die.
5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song,
I '11 sing thy power to save.
When this poor lisping, stammering tongue
Lies silent in the gr
OO C. M.
(D(D9 Sun of Righteousness.
1 RISE, glorious Sun ! supremely bright
Diffuse thy rays abroad ;
Scatter the shades of gloomy night.
And show the heavenly road.
2 With healing in thy wings, arise
On this dark soul of mine ;
Oh ! pour thy glories from the skies,
And give me life divine.
3 Though thorns and briers, pits and snares,
Beset the path I go,
One ray of thine dispels my fears,
And guides me safely through.
S. M.
Christ, suffering for our Sins
LIKE sheep we went astray,
And broke the fold of God ;
Each wandering in a different way
But all the downward road.
How dreadful was the hour,
When God our wanderings laid.
And did at once his vengeance pour
Upon the shepherd's head !
How glorious was the grace,
When Christ sustained the stroke i
His life and blood the shepherd pays,
A ransom for the flock.
But God shall raise his head,
O'er all the sons of men,
And make him see a numerous seed
To recompense his pain.
** 1 '11 give him," saith the Lord,
" A portion with the strong ;
He shall possess a large reward,
And hold his honors long."
L. M.
The Teaching of Jesus.
1 HOW sweetly flowed the gospel's sound
From lips of gentleness and grace,
While listening thousands gathered round,
And joy and reverence tilled the place !
2 From heaven he came, of heaven he spoke,
To heaven he led his followers' way ;
Dark clouds of gloomy night he broke,
Unveiling an immortal day.
3 Come, wanderers ! to my Father's home,
Come, all ye weary ones ! and rest: —
Yes, sacred Teacher ! we will come,
Obey, and be for ever blest.
4 Decay, then, tenements of dust!
Pillars of earthly pride! decay;
A nobler mansion waits the just,
And Jesus has prepared the way.
in SM
»/i» Preserving Grace.
1 TO God, the only-wise,
Our Saviour and our King,
Let all the saints, below the skies,
Their humble praises bring.
2 'T is his almighty love,
His counsel and his care,
Preserves us safe from sin and death.
And every hurtful snare.
3 He will present our souls,
Unblemished and complete,
Bef^^e ihe glory of his face,
\Viuj ^oys divinely great.
4 Then all the chosen seed
Shall meet around the throne ;
Shall bless the conduct of his grace,
And make his wonders known
5 To our Ki'deemer-God,
Wisdom, with power, belongs.
Immortal crowns of majesty,
And everlasting songs.
L M.
Love of CJirist.
1 I WAS a traitor doomed to die.
Bound to endure eternal pains ;
When Jesus saw me from on high,
Was moved by love, and broke my chains.
2 Did melting pity stoop so low,
The Lord from heaven pour out his blood,
To save our rebel-race from wo,
And be our advocate with God 1
3 Infinite mercy ! boundless love !
Stand in amaze, ye rolling skies I
The Son of God, his grace to prove,
Hangs on a tree, and groans, and dies *
S. Bt.
The Light of the World.
1 HOW heavy is the night
That hangs upon our eyes,
Till Christ, with his reviving light,
Over our souls arise !
2 Our guilty spirits dread
To meet the wrath of heaven :
But in his righteousness arrayed,
We see our sins forgiven.
3 Unholy and impure
Are all our thoughts and ways ;
His hands infected nature cure,
With sanctifying grace.
4 The powers of hell agree
To hold our souls in vain :
He sets the sons of bondage free,
And breaks the cursed chain.
5 Lord ! we adore thy ways
To bring us near to God ;
Thy sovereign power, thy healing grace
And thine atoning blood.
QA 7s
£/ti» Sun of Righteousness.
1 CHRIST, whose glory fills the skies,—
Christ, the true, the only light, —
Sun of Righteousness ! arise,
Triumph o'er the shades of nigh* •
Day-spring from on high ! be near,
Day-star ! in my heart appear.
2 Dark and cheerless is the morn,
If thy light is hid from me ;
Joyless is the day's return,
Till thy mercy's beams I see ;
Till they inward light impart, —
Peace and gladness to my heart.
3 Visit, then, this soul of mine,
Pierce the gloom of sin and griet ;
Fill me, Radiancy divine !
Scatter all my unbelief:
More and more thyself display,
Shining to the perfect day.
C. M.
Praise to the Redeemer.
1 PLUNGED in a gulf of dark despau
We wretched sinners lay,
Without one cheerful beam of hope*
Or spark of glimmering day.
2 With pitying eyes the Prince of grace
Beheld our helpless grief;
He saw, and — Oh ! amazing love ! —
He ran to our relief.
3 Down from the shining seats above,
With joyful haste he fled,
Entered the grave in mortal flesh,
And dwelt among the dead.
4 Oh ! for this love let rocks and hills
Their lasting silence break ;
And all harmonious human tongues
The Saviour's praises speak.
5 Angels ! assist our mighty joys ;
Strike all your harps of gold;
But when you raise your highest notes,
His love can ne'er be told.
C M.
Pearl of great Price.
I YE glittering toys of earth ! adieu ; —
A nobler choice be mine ;
A real prize attracts my view,—
A treasure all divine.
2 Begone, unworthy of my cares,
Ye flattering baits of sense !
Inestimable worth appears, —
The pearl of price immense.
3 Should both the Indies, at my call,
Their boasted stores resign,
With joy I would renounce them all,
For leave to call thee mine.
4 Should earth's vain treasures all depart,
Of this dear gift possessed,
I 'd clasp it to my joyful heart,
And be for ever blessed.
5 Dear Sovereign of my souPs desires !
Thy love is bliss divine ;
Accept the praise that grace inspires
Since I can call thee mine.
Christ, our Support in Death.
1 JESUS ! the vision of thy face
Hath overpowering charms :
Scarce shall I feel death's cold embrace,
While in the Saviour's arms.
2 And while ye hear my heart-strings break,
How sweet the minutes roll !
A mortal paleness on my cheek,
And glory in my soul.
Christ, our Wisdom and our Righteousness
1 BURIED in shadows of the night,
We lie, till Christ restores the light ;
Wisdom descends to heal the blind,
And chase the darkness of the mind.
2 Our guilty souls are drowned in tears.
Till his atoning blood appears ;
Then we awake from deep distress,
And sing the Lord, our righteousness.
3 Jesus beholds where Satan reigns,
Binding his slaves in heavy chains :
He sets the pris'ners free, and breaks
The iron bondage from our necks
4 Poor helpless worms in thee possess
Grace, wisdom, power, and righteousness :
Thou art our mighty All — and we
Give our whole selves, O Lord ! to thee.
79 %J • All Things in Christ.
1 THOU very-present Aid
In suffering and distress !
The mind, which still on thee is stayed,
Is kept in perfect peace.
2 The soul, by faith reclined
On the Redeemer's breast,
Mid raging storms, exults to find
An everlasting rest.
3 Sorrow and fear are gone,
Whene'er thy face appears;
It stills the sighing orphan's moan,
And dries the widow's tears.
4 It hallows every cross,
It sweetly comforts me ;
It makes me now forget my loss,
And lose myself in thee.
5 Jesus, to whom I fly,
Will all my wishes fill ;
What though created streams are dry *
I have the fountain still.
6 Stripped of my earthly friends,
I find them all in one :
And peace, and joy which never ends,
And heaven, in Christ, begun.
1 00 L M
1 \J\J • The Mercy of God in Christ
1 NOT to condemn the sons of men,
Did Christ, the Son of God,appear;
No weapons in his hands are seen,
No flaming sword, nor thunder there.
2 Such was the pity of our God,
He loved the race of man so well.
He sent his Son, to bear our load
Of sins, and save our souls from hell.
3 Sinners ! believe the Saviour's word,
Trust in his mighty name and live ;
A thousand joys his lips afford,
His hands a thousand blessings give.
1 01 L M
Ivli Love of Christ in the Heart.
1 COME, dearest Lord ! descend and dwell,
By faith and love in every breast ;
Then shall we know, and taste, and feel,
The joys that cannot be expressed.
2 Come, fill our hearts with inward strength ;
Make our enlarged souls possess,
And learn the height, and breadth, and length,
Of thine eternal love and grace.
3 Now to the God whose power can do
More than our thoughts and wishes know,
Be everlasting honors done
By all the church, through Christ, the Son.
S. M.
Vital Union to Christ.
DEAR Saviour ! we are thine
By everlasting bonds ;
Our names, our hearts, we would resign :
Our hearts are in thy hands.
2 To thee we still would cleave,
With ever-growing zeal ;
If millions tempt us Christ to leave,
Oh ! let them ne'er prevail.
3 Thy Spirit shall unite
Our souls to thee, our head ;
Shall form us to thine image brigh
That we thy paths may tread.
4 Death may our souls divide
From these abodes of clay ;
But love shall keep us near thy side
Through all the gloomy way.
5 Since Christ and we are one,
Why should we doubt and fear ?
If he in heaven hath fixed his throne,
He '11 fix his members there.
1 03 c M
JL \J*J» God's Lent in Christ.
1 THE Saviour !— Oh ! what endless charms
Dwell in the blissful sound !
Its influence every fear disarms,
And spreads sw ej peace around.
2 Hare p irdon, life, and joys divine.
In rich effusion flow,
For guilty rebels lost in sin,
And doomed to endless wo.
3 Oh ! the rich depths of love divine,
Of Miss a boundless stoic \
Dear Saviour ! lei me call thee mine,
I cannot wish for more
4 On thai alone mv hope relies,
Beneath thy cross I fall ;
My Lord, my life, my sacrifice,
My Savioi ,r, and my all !
i r\4 h m
I \J*-*m Mission of Christ.
1 COME, every pious heart,
That loves the Saviour's name ?
Your noblest powers exert
To celebrate his fame ;
Tell all above, and all below,
The debt of love to him you owe.
2 He 1 ft his starry crown,
And laid his robes aside ;
On wings of love, came down,
And wept, and bled, and died :
What he ofHfored no tongue can tell,
To save our souls from death and hell
3 From the dark grave he rose, —
The mansion of the dead ;
And thence his micrhtv foes
In glorious triumph led :
Up through the sky the conqueror rode.
And reigns on high, the Saviour-God.
I From ttienee ho Ml quickly come, —
His chariot will not stay, —
And bear our spirits home
To realms of endless day :
There shall we see his lovely face,
And ever be in his embrace.
1 ( V? ° M
J KJtS* King of Saints.
1 COME, ye that love the Saviour's name,
And joy to make it known !
The sovereign of your hearts proeia**..
And bow before the throne.
2 Behold your King, your Savkmr, crownea
With glories all-divine ;
And tell the wondering nations round,
How bright these glories shine.
3 Infinite power and boundless grace,
In him unite their rays ;
Ye that have e'er beheld his face 1
Can ye forbear his praise ]
4 When in his earthly courts we view
The beauties of our King,
We long to love as angels do,
And wish like them to sing.
5 And shall we long and wish in vain ?
Lord ! teach our songs to rise ;
Thy love can animate the strain.
And bid it reach the skies.
1 C\fl c M
l v'Uf A new Song to the Lamb.
1 BEHOLD tne glories of the Lamb,
Amidst his Father's throne !
Prepare new honors for his name,
And songs, before unknown.
us priests and king**.
And brings us rebels near to God.
3 To Jesus, our atoning priest,
To Jesus, our superior king,
Be everlasting power confessed,
And every tongue his glory sing.
4 Behold ! on flying clouds he comes,
And every eye shall see him move:
Though with our sins we piera d him once,
Then he displays his pard'ning love.
5 The unbelieving world shall wail.
While we rejoice to see the day :
Come, Lord! nor let thy promise fail,
* let thv chariot long delay.
1-1 /"» 8s and 7s. Peculiar.
.1 Ui Chrisl, the Lamb, enthroned and worshiped.
1 HARK ! — ten thousand harps and voices
Sound the note of praise above,
Jesus reigns, and heaven rejoices ; —
Jesus reigns, the God of love :
See ! he sits on yonder throne ;
Jesus rules the world alone.
2 Jesus ! hail ! whose glory brightens
All above, and gives it worth ;
Lord of life ! thy smile enlightens,
Cheers, and charms thy saints on earth :
When we think of love like thine,
Lord ! we own it love divine.
3 King of glory ! reign for ever —
Thine an everlasting crown ;
Nothing, from thy love, shall sever
Those whom thou hast made thine own ;-
Happy objects of thy grace,
Destined to behold thy face. "
4 Saviour! hasten thine appearing ;
Bring — Oh ! bring the glorious day,
When the awful summons hearing.
Heaven and earth shall pass away : —
Then, with golden harps, we '11 sing, —
" Glory, glory to our King."
1-1 ry 8s and 7s.
X I • Praise to God, the Saviour.
1 MIGHTY God ! while angels bless thee,
May a mortal lisp thy name ?
Lord of men, as well as angels !
Thou art every creature's theme :
Lord of every land and nation !
Ancient of eternal days !
Sounded through the wide creation,
Be thy just and lawful praise.
2 For the grandeur of thy nature, —
Grand beyond a seraph's thought ; —
For the wonders of creation,
Works with skill and kindness wrought r
For thy providence, that governs
Through thine empire's wide domain,
Wings an angel, guides a sparrow ; —
Blessed be thy gentle reign.
3 For thy rich, thy foee redemption,
Bright, though veiled in darkness long;--
Thought is poor, and poor expression,
Who can sing that wondrous song ?
Brightness of tne Father's glory !
Shall thy praise unutten-d lie ?
Break, my* tongue! such guilty silence,
Sing the Lord who came to die : —
4 From the highest throne of glory,
To the cross of deepest wo,
Came to ransom guilty captives ! —
Flow, my praise ! for ever flow :
Re-ascend, immortal Saviour !
Leave thy footstool, take thy throne ,
Thence return and-reign for ever; —
Be the kingdom all thine own !
HO s *
I l O. Moses and Christ.
1 THE law by Moses came ;
But peace and truth and love
Were brought by Christ, a nobler name.
Descending from above.
2 Amidst the house of God.
Their different works were done,
Moses a faithful servant stood,
But Christ a faithful Son.
3 Then to his new commands
Be dience paid ;
O'er all li is Father's house he stands.
The sovereign and the head.
4 The man, who durst despise
The law that Moses brought —
Behold! how terribly he dies
For bis presumptuous fault.
5 But sorer vengeance falls
On that rebellious race,
Who hate to hear when Jesus calls,
And dare resist his grace.
1 1 Q c M
•L ± *J • Various Success oj the Gowpet.
1 CHRIST and his cross is all our theme ;
The mysteries that we speak
Are scandal in the Jews' esteem,
A.nd folly to the Greek.
2 But souls, enlightened from above,
With joy receive the word ;
They see what wisdom, power, and lova,
Shine in their dying Lord.
3 The vital savor of his name
Restores their fainting breath ;
But unbelief perverts the same
To guilt, despair, and dealh.
4 Till God diffuse his graces down,
Like showers of heavenly rain,
In vain Apollos sows the ground,
And Paul may plant in vain.
J Qf\ 8s and 7s.
I & V/« The Light of the World.
1 LIGHT of those whose dreary dwelling
Borders on the shades of death !
Come, and, by thy love revealing,
Dissipate the clouds beneath :
The new heaven and earth's Creator,
In our deepest darkness rise, —
Sca^ering all the night of nature,
Pouring eye-sight on our eyes.
2 Still we wait for thine appearing ;
Life and joy thy beams impart,
Chasing all our fears, and cheering
Every poor benighted heart :
Come, and manifest thy favor
To the ranomed, helpless race ;
Come, thou g orious God and Saviour *
Come, and hring the gospel-grace.
3 Save us, in th )' great compassion,
O thou mild, pacific Prince !
Give the knowledge of salvation,
Give the pan ion of our sins;
By thine all-sufficient merit,
Every burdened soul release ;
Ev3ry weary, wandering spirit
Guide into thy perfect p<
191 " *
1 ** JL • ChrisL our King
1 REJOICE J the Lord is King!—
Your God and King adore ;
Mortals! give thanks, and sing,
And triumph evermore :
Lift up tiie heart, — lift up the voice. —
Rejoice aloud, ye saints ! rejoice.
2 His kingdom cannot fail ;
He rules o'er earth and heaven;
The keys of death and hei!
Are to our Jesus given :
Lift up the heart, — lift up the voice, —
Rejoice aloud, ye saints ! rejoice.
3 He all his foes shall quell, —
Shall all our sins destroy,
And every bosom swell
With pure seraphic joy :
Lift up the heart, — lift up the voice, —
Rejoice aloud, ye saints ! rejoice.
4 Rejoice in glorious hope ;
Jesus, the judge, shall come,
And take his servants up
To their eternal home:
We soon shall hear tlv archangel's voice ,
The trump of God shall sound, — Rejoice.
1 /w -~ • Ood 1 tfie Son, equal \cith the Futhrr.
1 BRIGHT King of glory, dreadful God!
Our spirits bow before thy seat ;
To thee we lift an humble thought,
And worship at thine awful feet.
2 A thousand seraphs, strong and bright.
Stand round the glorious Deity;
But who, among the sons of light,
Pretends comparison with thee !
3 Yet one there is, of human frame, —
Jesus, arrayed in flesh and blood. —
Thinks it no robbery to claim
A full equality with God.
4 Their glory shines with equal beams,
Their essence is for ever one :
Though they are known by different names,
The Father-God, and God, the Son.
5 Then let the name of Christ, our king,
With equal honors be adored ;
His praise let every angel sing,
And all the nations own him — Lord.
1 QQ 12s
L&tJ* The Voice of free Jrace.
1 THE voice of free grace cries — " Escape to the
mountain !"
For Adam's lost race, Christ hath opened a fountain ;
For sin and uncleanness, and every transgression,
His blood flows most freely, in streams of salvation
Hallelujah to the Lamb ! he hath purchased our
We '11 praise him again, when we pass over Jordan.
2 Ye souls that are wounded ! Oh ! flee to the
Saviour ;
He calls you in mercy, — 't is infinite favor
Your sins are increasing, — escape to the mountain,—
His blood can remove them, it flows from the fountain.
3 O Jesus ! ride onward, triumphantly glorious,
O'er sin, death and hell, thou art more than victorious;
Thy name is the theme of the great congregation,
While angels and saints raise the shout of salvation
4 With joy shall we stand, when escaped to the shore
With harps in our hands, we Ml p raise Jiirn the more
We '11 range the sweet plains on the bank of the river
And sing of salvation for ever and ever !
C. M.
Christ precious.
HOW sweet the name of Jesus sounds
In a believer's ear !
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear.
2 It makes the wounded spirit whole,
And carl ins the troubled breast ;
T is manna to the hungry soul,
And, to the weary, rest.
3 Jesus ! — my shepherd, husband, friend,
My prophet, priest, and king,
My Lord, my life, my way, my end.—
Accept the praise I bring.
4 Weak is the effort of my heart,
And cold my warmest thought ,
Bjt, when I see thee as thou art,
I '11 praise thee as I ought.
5 Till then, I would thy love proclaim,
With every fleeting breath ;
And may the music of thy name
Refresh my soul in death.
L /£D» Life in Christ
1 WHEN sins and fears prevailing rise,
And fainting hope almost expires,
Jesus ! to thee I lift mine eyes, —
To thee I breathe my soul's desires.
2 If my immortal Saviour lives,
Then my immortal life is sure ;
His word a firm foundation gives ;
Here let me build, and rest secure.
8 Here Let my faith unshaken dwell,
For ever firm the promise stands ;
Not ali the powers of earth and hell
Can e'er dissolve tne sacred bands
4 Here, O my soul ! thy trust repose ;
If Jesus is for ever mine,
Not death itself — that last of foes —
Shall break a union so divine.
L. M.
Communion icith Christ.
OH ! that I could for ever dwell,
D< lighted at the Saviour's feet,
Behold the form I love so well,
And all hib tender words repeat :
2 The world shut out from all my soul,
And heaven brought in with "all its bliss :
Oh ! is there aught, from pole to pole,
One moment, to compare with this ]
3 This is the hidden life I prize, —
A life of penitential love ;
When most my follies I despise,
And raise my highest thoughts above :
4 When all I am, I clearly see,
And freely own, with deepest shame ;
When the Redeemer's love to me
Kindles within a deathless flame.
5 Thus would I live, till nature fail,
And all my former sins forsake ;
Then rise to God, within the veil,
And of eternal joys partake.
I'V I » Christ, the supreme God and King.
1 AROUND the Saviour's lofty throne,
Ten thousand times ten thousand sing ;
They worship him as God alone,
And crown him — everlasting King.
2 Approach, ye saints ! this God is yours ;
"T is Jesus, fills the throne above :
Ye cannot want, while God endures ,
Ye cannot fail, while God is love.
3 Jesus, thou everlasting King !
To thee the praise of heaven belongs;
Yet, smile on us who fain would bring
The tribute of our humble songs.
4 Though sin defile our worship here,
We hope e're-long thy face to view ;
And, when our souls in heaven appear,
We '11 praise thy name as angels do.
1 9& 78 '
I /WW« Jesus, the Refuge.
1 JESUS, lover of my soul !
Let me to thy bosom fly,
While the billows near me roll,
While the tempest still is high ;
Hide me, O my Saviour ! hide,
Till the storm of life be past ;
Safe into the haven guide ;
Oh ! receive my soul at last
2 Other refuge have I none, —
Hangs my helpless soul on thee
Leave, ah ! leave me not alone ;
Still support and comfort me :
All my trust on thee is stayed ;
All my help from thee I bring ;
Cover my defenceless head,
A'ith the shadow of thy wing.
3 Plenteous grace with thee is found,—
Grace to pardon all my sin ;
Let the healing streams abound,
Make and keep me pure within ,
Thou of life the fountain art,
Freely let me take of thee ;
Spring thou up within my heart,
Rise to all eternity.
1 OQ L M
LA^kJ • Christ, the only Refuge.
1 THOU only Sovereign of my heart,
My refuge, my almighty friend !
And can my soul from thee depart,
On whom alone my hopes depend )
2 Whither, ah ! whither shall I go.
A wretched wanderer from my Lord
Can this dark world of sin and wo
One glimpse of happiness afford 1
3 Eternal life thy words impart,
On these my fainting spirit lives ;
Here sweeter comforts cheer my heart,
Than all the round of nature gives.
4 Let earth's alluring joys combine ;
While thou ar{ near, in vain they call ;
One smile — one blissful smile of ihine, —
My dearest Lord ! outweighs them all.
5 Low at thy feet my soul would lie, —
Here safety dwells and peace divine :
Still let me live beneath thine eye,
For life— eternal life — is thine
C. M.
Je$u#i seen of Angels.
1 BEY< >r*i D tiie glittering, starry skies,
Par as r.h' eternal hills,
Their, i the b amdless worlds of light,
Our ti Redeemer dwells*
2 Legions f angels round his throne,
I i i < ■ . . 1 1 1 1 ess a rmies shine ;
And sw< > his praise with golden harps,
Attuw to songs divine.
3 "Hast, gl' -nous Prince of peace !" they cry
" v\ hos& unexampled love
Moved ihv : to quit these glorious realms.
And re y ..It.its above."
4 Through all his travels here below,
They did his steps attend ;
Oft woudv .-ring how, or where, at last
The mystic scene would end.
5 They saw his heart transfixed with wounds,
And viewed the crimson gore ;
They saw him break the bars of death,
Which none e'er broke before.
6 They brought his chariot from above,
To bear him to his throne ;
Clapped their triumphant wings, and cried, —
" The glorious work is done !"
7s and 6s.
Praise to the Saviour.
TO thee, my God and Saviour!
My heart exulting sings,
Rejoicing in thy favor,
Almighty King of kings !
} 11 celebrate thy glory,
With all thy saints above,
And tell the joyfhl story
Of thy redeeming love.
Soon as the morn, with roses,
Bedecks the dewy east,
And when the sun reposes
Upon the ocean's breast ;
My voice, in supplication.
Well-pleased the Lord shall hear :
Oh ! grant me thy salvation,
And to my soul draw near.
3 By thee, through life supported,
I '11 pass the dangerous road,
With heavenly hosts escorted,
Up to thy bright abode ;
Then cast my crown before thee,
And, all my conflicts o'er,
Unceasingly adore thee : —
What could an angel more ?
1 tJ&» Glory and Grace in Christ.
1 NOW to the Lord a noble song !
Awake, my soul ! awake, my tongue !
Hosanna to th' eternal name,
And all his boundless love proclaim.
2 See where it shines in Jesus' face, —
The brightest image of his grace !
God, in the person of his Son,
Has Jill his mightiest works outdone.
3 Grace ! — 't is a sweet, a charming theme ,
My thoughts rejoice at Jesus' name:
Ye angels : dwell upon the sound ;
Ye heavens ! reflect it to the ground.
4 Oh : may I reach that happy place
Where he unveils his lovely face ;
When- all his beauties you behold,
And sing his name to harps of gold.
1 33 L M
■ tJ^Jm The Pretence of (he Saviour.
1 LORD ! what a heaven of saving grace
Shines through the beauties of thy face,
And lights our passions to a flame!
Lord ! how we love thy charming name i
2 When I can say,— my God is mine, —
When I can feel thy glories shine,
I tread the world beneath my feet,
And all that earth calls good or great
3 While such a scene of sacred joys
Our raptured eyes and souls employs.
Here we could sit and gaze away
A long, an everlasting day.
* Well, we shall quickly pass the night,
To the fair coasts of perfect light ;
Then shall our joyful senses rove
O'er the dear object of our love.
5 Send comforts down from thy right hand,
While we pass through this barren land,
And in thy temple let us see
A glimpse of love, a glimpse of thee.
1 OA C. M.
J^iJi Christ, our Example.
1 BEHOLD ! where, in a mortal form,
Appears each grace divine :
The virtues, all in Jesus met,
With mildest radiance shine.
2 To spread the rays of heavenly light,
To give the mourner joy,
To preach glad tidings to the poor,
Was his divine employ.
3 Mid keen reproach ari cruel scorn,
He, meek and patient, stood ;
His foes, ungrateful, sought his life,
Who labored for their good.
44 When, in the hour of deep distress,
Before his Father's throne,
With soul resigned, he bowed, and said, —
" Thy will, not mine, be done !"
5 Be Christ our pattern, and our guide,
His image may we bear ;
Oh ! may we tread his holy steps, —
His joy and glory share.
lor cm.
L O O • The Glory of Christ in Heaven.
I OH'! the delights, the heavenly joys.;
The glories of the place,
Where Jesus sheds the brightest beams
Of his overflowing grace !
2 Sweet majesty and awful love
Sit smiling on his brow ;
And all the glorious ranks above,
At humble distance bow.
3 Archangels sotind his lofty praise,
Through every heavenly street;
And lay their heavenly honors down.
Submissive, at his feet.
4 This is the man, th' exalted man,
Whom we, unseen, adore ;
But when our eyes behold his face,
Our hearts shall love him more.
5 Lord ! how our souls are all on fire,
To see thy blest abode ;
Our tongues rejoice in tunes of praise
To our incarnate God.
lOU. Prophet. Priest, ai\d King.
1 JOIN all the glorious names
Of wisdom, love, and power,
That ever mortals knew,
That angels ever bore :
All are too mean to speak his worth,
Too mean to set my Saviour forth.
2 Great Prophet of our God !
Our tongues would bless thy name ;
By thee the joyful news
Of our salvation came ; —
The joyful news of sins forgiven,
Of hell subdued, and peace with heaven.
B Jesus, our great High-Priest,
Hath shed his blood and died ;
My guilty conscience needs
No sacrifice beside :
His precious blood did once atone ,
And now it pleads before the throne.
4 O thou almighty Lord,
Our conqueror and our King !
Thy sceptre and thy sword,
Thy reigning grace we sing ;
Thine is the power ; Oh ! make us sit.
In willing bonds, beneath thy feeU
i o*t L M
It) I • Loving- Kindness.
1 AWAKE, my soul ! in joyfvtl lays,
And sing thy great Redeemer's praise;
He justly claims a song from me ; —
His loving-kindness, — Oh ! how free !
2 He saw me ruined by the fall,
Yet loved me notwithstanding all ;
He saved me from my lost estate ; —
His loving-kindness, — Oh ! how great !
3 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud,
Has gathered thick, and thundered loud.
He near my soul has always stood : —
His loving-kindness, — Oh ! how good !
4 Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale —
Soon all my mortal powers shall fail •
Oh ! may my last expiring breath
His loving-kindness sing in death.
5 Then let me mount, and soar away
To the bright world of endless day ;
And sing, with rapture and surprise,
His loving-kindness in the skies.
1 *3ft S M *
«- wO# Christ, our Sacrifice.
1 NOT all the blood of beasts,
On Jewish altars slain,
Could give the guilty conscience peace.
Or wash away the stain.
2 But Christ, the heavenly Lamb,
Takes all our sins away ; —
A sacrifice of nobJer name,
And richer blood than the^*
3 My faith would lay her hand
On that dear head of thine,
While, like a penitent, I stand,
And there confess my sin.
4 My soul looks back to see
The burdens thou didst bear,
When hanging on th* accursed tree, —
And hopes her guilt was there.
5 Believing, we rejoice
To see the curse remove ;
We bless the Lain I), with cheerful voice.
And sing his bleeding love.
1 3Q 8a
L Now, sinners ! dry your tears,
Let hopeless sorrows cease ;
Bow to the sceptre of his love,
And take the offered peace.
6 Lord ! we obey thy (jail ;
We lay an humble claim
To the salvation thou hast brought^
And love and praise thy name.
1 A E\ c M
L ^htJ 9 Chief among ten thousand.
1 MAJESTIC sweetness sits enthroned
Upon the Saviour's brow ;
His head with radiant glories crowned*
His lips with grace o'erflow.
2 No mortal can with him compare
Among the sons of men ;
Fairer is he, than all the fair
Who fill the heavenly train.
3 He saw me plunged in deep distress,
And flew to my relief;
For me he bore the shameful cross,
And carried all my grief.
4 To him I owe my life and breath.
And all the joys I have :
He makes me triumph over death,
And saves me from the grave.
5 To heaven, the place of his abode.
He brings my weary feet ;
Shows me the glories of my ^od.
And makes my joys complete.
6 Since from thy bounty I receive
Such proofs of love divine,
Had I a thousand hearts to give,
Lord ! they should all be thine.
1 4i • Love of Christ celebrated.
1 TO our Redeemer's glorious name
Awake the sacred song !
Oh ! may his love — immortal flame —
Tune every heart and tongue.
2 His love, what mortal thought can reach *
What mortal tongue display 1
Imagination's utmost stretch,
In wonder, dies away.
3 Dear Lord ! while we adoring pay
Our humble thanks to thee,
May every heart with rapture say. —
44 The Saviour died for me !"
4 Oh ! may the sweet, the blissful theme,
Fill every heart and tongue,
Till strangers love thy charming name,
And join the sacred song.
6* and 4s.
Christ, our Confidence
MY faith looks up to thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary ! —
Saviour divine !
Now hear me, while I pray,
Take all my guilt away,
Oh ! let me, from this day,
Be wholly thine.
May thy rich grace impart
Strength to my fainting heart,
My zeal inspire ;
As thou hast died for me,
Oh ! may my love to thee,
Pure, warm/and changeless ^>c,—
A living fire.
While life's dark maze I tread.
And griefs around me spread.
Be thou my guide ;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow's tears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From thee aside.
4 When ends life's transient dream,
When death's cold sullen stream
Shall o'er me roll,
Blest Saviour ! then, in love,
Fear and distrust remove ;
Oh ! bear me safe above, —
A ransomed soul.
1 AR L M
J- *"xiO« Christ's Sufferings and Glory
1 NOW for a tune of lofty praise
To great Jehovah's equal Son !
Awake, my voice ! in heavenly lays,
Tell the loud wonders he hath done.
2 Sing — how he left the worlds of light,
And the bright robes he wore above,—
How swift and joyful was his flight.
On wings of everlasting love.
3 Deep in the shades of gloomy death,
Th' almighty captive pris'ner lay ;
Th' almighty captive left the earth",
And rose to everlasting day.
4 Among a thousand harps and songs,
Jesus, the God, exalted reigns ;
His sacred name fills all their tongues,
And echoes through the heavenly plains
I 4 c/ • The Rock of Ages.
1 ROCK of ages, cleft for me !
Let me hide myself in thee ;
Let the water and the blood,
From thy wounded side that flowed.
Be of sin the perfect cure ;
Save me, Lord ! and make me pure.
2 Should my tears for ever flow,
Should my zeal no languor know,
This for sin could not atone,
Thou must save, and thou alone :
In my hand no price I bring ;
Simply to thy cross I cling.
8 While I draw this fleeting breath,
When mine eye-lids close in death.
When I rise to worlds unknown,
And behold thee on thy throne,
Rock of ages, cleft for me !
Let me hide myself in thee.
t t)\J 9 Christ, the Way. the Truth, and the Life.
1 THOU art the Way ;— to thee alone
From sin and death we flee ;
And he, who would the Father seek,
Must seek him, Lord ! in thee.
2 Thou art the Truth ; — thy word alone
True wisdom can impart ;
Thou only canst instruct the mind,
And purify the heart.
3 Thou art the Life ; — the rending tomb
Proclaims thy conquering arm ;
And those who put their trust in thee
Not death nor hell shall harm.
4 Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life ;—
Gran{ us to know that Way,
That Truth to keep, that Life to win
Which lead to endless day.
XfJL* Christ, tlie Physician of the Soul.
1 DEEP are the wounds which sin has made ;
Where shall the sinner rind a cure]
In vain, alas ! is nature's aid :
The work exceeds her utmost power.
2 But can no sovereign balm be found 1
And is no kind pnysician nigh
To ease the pai'i, and heal the wound,
Ere life and hope for ever fly 1
3 There is a great physician near;
Look up, my fainting soul ! and live ;
See, — in his heavenly smiles appear
Such help as nature cannot give.
4 See, — in the Saviour's dying blood,
Life, health, and bliss abundant flow,
*T is only that dear sacred flood,
Can ease thy pain, and heal thy wo.
1 ^9 7s
I t-//W • Christ, our Example in Suffering.
1 GO to dark Gethsemane,
Ye that feel the tempter's power \
Your Redeemer's conflict see,
Watch with him one bitter hour ,
Turn not from his griefs away,
Learn of Jesus Christ to pray.
2 Follow to the judgment-hall.
View the Lord of life arraigned ;
Oh ! the wormwood and the gall ;
Oh ! the pangs his soul sustained :
Shun not suffering, shame, nor loss;
Learn of him to bea r the cross.
3 Calv'ry's mournful mountain climb ;
There — adoring at his feet,
Mark that miracle of Time —
God's own sacrifice complete :
"It is finished" — hear him cry ;
Learn of Jesus Christ to die.
4 Early hasten to the tomb,
Where they laid his breathless clay ;
All is solitude and gloom,
Who hath taken him away]—
Christ is risen — he meets our eyes ;
Saviour ! teach us so to rise.
1 'T IS midnight — and, on Olive's brow,
The star is dimmed u;at lately shone ,
'T is midnight — in the garden now
The suffering Saviour prays alone.
2 'T is midnight — and, from all removed,
Immanuel wrestles lone, with fears ;
E'en the disciple that he loved
Heeds not his Master's grief and tears.
L. M.
3 *T is midnight — and for others' guilt
The man of sorrows weeps in blood;
¥et he, who hath in anguish knelt,
Is not forsaken by his God.
4 'T is midnight — and, from ether-plains,
Is borne the song that angels know j
Unheard by mortals are the strains
That sweetly soothe I he Saviour's wo.
■J p~i 8s and » s .
1 04fc. The Gar dm oj Agony.
1 BEHOLD, where Cedron's waters flow, —
Behold the suffering Saviour go,
To sad Gethsemane !
His countenance is all divine,
Yet grief appears in every line.
2 He bows beneath the sins of men,
He cries to God, and cries again,
In sad Gethsemane ;
He lifts his mournful eyes above —
" My Father ! can this cup remove 1 "
3 With gentle resignation still,
He yielded to his Father's will,
In sad Gethsemane ; —
"Behold me here, thine only Son,
And, Father ! let thy will be done."
4 The Father heard, — and angels there
Sustained the Son of God in prayer,
In sad Gethsemane ;
He drank the dreadful cup of pain,
Then rose to life and joy again.
5 When storms of sorrow round us sweep.
And scenes of anguish make us weep,
To sad Gethsemane
We 'U look, and see the Saviour there,
Then humbly bow, like him, in prayer.
1 ^ c "•
1 Is *-J • Christ, dying on the Cross.
1 BEHOLD the Saviour of mankind,
Nailed to the shameful I
How vast the love that him inclined
To bleed and die for me.
2 Hark ! how he groans, while nature shaken,
And earth's strong pillars bend !
The temple's veil asunder breaks,
The solid marbles rend.
3 "T is done ! the precious ransom 's paid,
"Receive my soul !" he cries :
See — how he bows his sacred head !
He bows his head and dies !
4 But soon he '11 break death's iron-chain,
And in full glor\ shine ;
O Lamb of God ! was ever pain —
Was ever love like thine ]
1 ^fi L M
It/Ui Christ on the Cross.
1 'T IS finished ! — so the Saviour cried,
And meekly bowed his head, and died ;
*T is finished ! — yes, the race is run,
The battle fought, the vict'ry won.
2 'T is finished ! — this his dying groan
Shall sins of every kind atone ;
Millions shall be redeemed from death,
By this his last expiring breath.
3 *T is finished ! — Heaven is reconciled,
And all the powers of darkness spoiled :
Peace, love, and happiness, again
Return, and dwell with sinful men.
4 'T is finished ! — let the joyful sound
Be heard through all the nations round :
'T is finished ! — let the echo fly, [sty.
Through heaven and hell, through earth arid
i ^7 L M
J. < / I • Christ dying, rising, and retgmng.
1 HE dies ! — the friend of sinners dies !
Lo ! Salem's daughters weep arcund ?
A solemn darkness veils the skies —
A sudden trembling shakes the ground.
2 Here 's love and grief beyond degree,
The Lord of glory dies for men !
But, — lo ! what sudden joys we see *
Jesus, the dead, revives again.
3 The rising God forsakes the tomb ;
Up to his Father's court he flies ;
Cherubic legions guard him home,
And shout him — welcome to the skies.
4 Break off your tears, ye saints ! and tell
How high our great Deliverer reigns ;
Sing. — how he spoiled the hosts of hell,
And led the tyrant, death, in chain*
5 Say, — " Live for ever, glorious King !
Born to redeem, and strong to save !"
Then ask, — " O death ! where is thy sting ]
And where thy vict'ry, boasting grave ! ,s
8s, 7s and 4.
77i€ expiring Saviour
1 HARK ! the voice of love and mercy
Sounds aloud from Calvary ;
See ! — it rends the rocks asunder —
Shakes the earth — and veils the sky :
"It is finished !"—
Hear the dying Saviour cry.
2 "It is finished !" — Oh ! what pleasure
Do these charming words afford !
Heavenly blessings, without measure,
Flow to us through Christ, the Lord:
"It is liuished ■"—
Saints ! the dying words record.
3 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs !
Join to sing the pleasing theme :
All in earth and heaven, uniting,
Join to praise In manuel's name .
Hallelujah !—
Glory to the bleeding Lamb !
1 ^Q L M
1- *J *J • Salvation by the Cr<*s.
1 HERE at thy cross, incarnate God !
I lay my soul beneath thy love, —
Beneath the droppings of thy blood,
Jesus ! — nor shall it e'er remove.
2 Should worlds conspire to drive me hence,
Moveless and firm this heart should lie :
Resolved, — for that 's my last defence, —
If I must perish, here to die.
3 But speak, my Lord ! and calm my fear;
Am I not safe beneath thy shade ]
Thy vengeance will not strike me here,
Nor Satan dare my soul invade.
4 Yes, I 'm secure beneath thy blood.
And all my foes shall lose their aim ;
Hosanna to my Saviour-God,
And my best honors to his name !
1 f\0 L M
JL \JV/» ChrisVs Passion.
1 THE morning dawns upon the place,
Where Jesus spent the night in prayer ;
Through yielding glooms behold his face
Nor form, nor comeliness is there.
2 Brought forth to judgment, now he stands
Arraigned, condemned, at Pilate's bar ;
Here, spurned by fierce praetorian bands,
There, mocked by Herod's men of war
3 He bears their buffeting and scorn,
Mock-homage of the lip, the knee —
The purple robe, the crown of thorn, —
The scourge, the nail, th' accursed tree.
4 No guile within his mouth is found,
He neither threatens nor complains ;
Meek, as a lamb for slaughter bound,—
Dumb, mid his murderers he remains.
5 But hark ! he prays ; — 't is for his foes ;
He speaks ; — 't is comfort to his friends
Answers, — and paradise bestows :
He bows his head ; — the conflict ends.
6 Truly this was the Son of God —
Though in a servant's mean disguise :
And, bruised beneath the Father's rod,
Not for himself, — for man he dies.
1 fil L M
IU1» A dying Saviour.
1 STRETCHED on the cross, the Saviour dies
Hark ! his expiring groans arise :
See — from his hands, his feet, his side,
Fast flows the sacred crimson tide !
2 But life attends the deathfui sound,
And flows from every bleeding wound :
The vital stream, — how free it flows*
To save and cleanse his rebel-toes !
3 Can I survey this scene of wo,
Where mingling grief and wonder flow,
And yet my heart unmoved remain.
Insensible to love or pain !
4 Come, dearest Lord ! thy grace impart
To warm this cold, this stupid heart ;
Till all its powers and passions move,
In melting grief and ardent love.
Ifi9 LM
■■ \J*m/* Love inscribed on the Cross.
1 WE sing the praise of him who died —
Of him who died upon the cross ;
The sinner's hope let men deride,
For this we count the world but loss.
2 Inscribed upon the cross we see,
In shining letters, — " God is Love :"
He bears our sins upon the tree,
He brings us mercy from above.
8 The cross ! — it takes our guilt away,
It holds the fainting spirit up ;
It cheers with hope the gloomy day,
And sweetens every bitter cup.
4 It makes the coward-spirit brave.
And nerves the feeble arm for tight ;
It takes its terrors from the grave,
And gilds the bed of death with light.
5 The balm of life, the cure of wo,
The measure and the pledge of love;
T is all that sinners want below,
*T is all that angels know above.
1 £JO L. M. Double.
■■ U O • Contrition at the Cross.
1 FAST flow, my tears ! the cause is great,
This tribute claims an injured friend —
One whom I long pursued with hate,
While he would love me to the end :
When justice frowned above my head,
And death its terrors round me spread,
He interposed, the wounds he bore,
And bade me live to die no more.
2 Fast flow, my tears ! yet faster flow !
Streams copious as yon purple tide :
Who was it gave the deadly blow ?
Who urged the hand that pierced his sidft
My soul ! thy victim here behold,
What pangs, what agonies untold,
While justice, armed with power divine,
Pours on his head what 's due to thine I
3 Fast and yet faster flow, my tears !
Now break this heart, and drown these eyes , -
His visage marred toward heaven he rears,
And, pleading for his murderers, dies !
My grief no measure knows, nor end,
Till he appears the sinner's Friend,
And gives me, in some happy hour,
To feel the risen Saviour's power.
L. M.
Christ crucified, the Wisddm and Power of Gcd.
1 NATURE with open volume stands,
To spread her Maker's praise abroad ,
And every labor of his hands
Shows something worthy of a God.
2 But, in the grace that rescued man,
His brightest form of glory shines ;
Here, on the cross, 'tis fairest drawn,
In precious blood and crimson lines.
3 Oh ! the sweet wonders of that cross,
Where Christ, the Saviour, loved and iiied
Her noblest life my spirit draws,
From his dear wounds and bleeding side.
4 I would for ever speak his name,
In sounds to mortal ears unknown ;
With angels join to praise the Lamb,
And worship at his Father's throne
L. M.
Crucijixion to ihe U rid.
1 WHEN I Mlrvey the irondrous cross,
On which the Prince <>f glory died,
My richest gain I count but Losb,
And pour contemj)t on all my pride.
2 Forbid it, Lord ! that I should boast,
Save in the death of Christ, my God ;
All the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to his blood.
3 See, — from his head, his hands, his feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down:
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown 1
4 Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small ;
Love, so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.
1DD. T)vt Hidingw of the Father 1 a Fact.
1 FROM Calvary a cry was heard —
A bitter and heart-rending cry !
My Saviour ! every mournful word
Bespeaks thy soul's deep agony.
2 A horror of great darkness fell
On thee, thou spotless* holy One t
And all the swarming hosts of hell
Conspired to tempt God's only Son.
3 The scourge, the thorns, the deep disgrace,—
These thou could'st bear, nor once repine
But when Jehovah veiled his face,
Unutterable pangs were thine.
4 Let the dumb world its silence break !
Let pealing anthems rend the sky !
Awake, my sluggish soul ! awake !
He died, that we might never die.
5 Lord '. on thy cross I fix mine eye :
If e'er I lose its strong control,
Oh 1 let that dying, piercing cry,
Melt and recla m my wandering soul.
1 fi7 s M
LU I » Redemption completed.
1 "THE Lord is risen indeed !"—
Then is his work performed ;
The mighty captive now is freed,
And death, our foe, disarmed.
2 " The Lord is risen indeed !" —
He lives to die no more ;
He lives, the sinner's cause to plead,
Whose curse and shame he bore.
3 "The Lord is risen indeed !" —
Then hell has lost his prey :
With him is risen the ransomed seed.
To reign in endless day.
4 " The Lord is risen indeed !" —
Attending angels ! hear ;
Up to the courts of heaven, with speed,
The joyful tidings bear.
5 Then wake your golden lyres,
And strike each cheerful chord ;
Join, all ye bright, celestial choirs !
To sing our risen Lord.
•I r*Q 8s. 7s. and 4.
J. \JO» Christ triumphant.
1 COME, ye saints ! look here and wonder
See the place where Jesus lay ;
He has burst the bands asunder —
He has borne our sins away :
Joyful tidings ! —
Yes, the Lord is risen to-day.
2 Jesus triumphs ! — sing ye praises ; —
*T was by death he overcame :
Thus the Lord his glory raises ; —
Thus he fills his foes with shame :
Sing ye praises —
Praises to the victor's name.
3 Jesus triumphs ! — countless legions
Come from heaven, to meet their King
Soon, in yonder happy regions,
They shall join his praise to sing :
Songs eternal
Shall through heaven's high arches ring.
1 \JtJ • Christ's Ascension.
1 HAIL the day which tees him rise
Glorious to his native ski* !
Christ, awhile to mortals gr -n.
Enters now the gates of h< iven.
2 There the glorious triumph \\ tits :-
Lift your heads, eternal gates !
Christ hath vanquished death and sir;
Take the King of glory in.
3 See, — high heaven its Lord receives; —
Yet he loves the earth he leaved :
Though returning to his throne,
Still he calls mankind his own.
4 Still for us he intercedes ;
His prevailing death he pleads;
Near himself prepares our place, —
Great Forerunner of our race.
5 What though parted from our sight,
Far above yon starry height !
May our warm affections rise,
Foll'wing him beyond the skies.
17f) Cf.M.
*- • v/» Our risen Lord.
1 HOW calm and beautiful the morn
Thai gilds the sacred tomb,
Where once the Crucified was borne,
And veiled in midnight-gloom '
Oh ! weep no more the Saviour slain :
The Lord is risen — he lives again.
2 Ye mourning saints ! dry every tear
For your departed Lord ;
" Behold the place — he is not there,"
The tomb is all unbarred :
The gates of d ath were closed in vain ,
The L 'id is risen — he Lives again.
3 Now cheerful to the house of prayer
ps bend,
The Saviour will himself be there,
Your advocate and friend :
Once by the law your hopes were slain,
3u: now in Christ ye live again.
4 How tranquil now the rising day !
'T is Jesus still appears,
A risen Lord, to chase away
Your unbelieving fears :
Oh ! weep no more your comforts slain,
The Lord is risen — he lives again.
5 And when the shades of evening fall,
When life's last hour draws nigh,
If Jesus shine upon the soul,
How blissful then to die :
Since he has risen who once was slain,
Ye die in Christ to live again.
• Resurrection and Ascension of Christ
1 ANGELS ! roll the rock away ;
Death ! yield up thy mighty prey ;
See ! the Saviour leaves the tomb,
Glowing with immortal bloom.
2 Hark ! the wondering angels ra^se
Louder notes of joyful praise ;
Let the earth's remotest bound
Echo with the blissful sound.
3 Now, ye saints ! lift up your eyes,
See him high in glory rise !
Hosts of angels, on the road,
Hail him — the incarnate God.
4 Heaven unfolds its portals wide,
See the Conqueror through them ride f
King of glory ! mount thy throne, —
Boundless empire is thine own.
5 Praise him. ye celestial choirs !
Tune, and sweep your golden lyres ;
Raise, O earth : your noblest songs,
From ten thousand thousand tongues.
L. M.
TJie Resurrection of Christ.
" COME, see the place where Jesus lay !
For he hath left his gloomy bed ; —
What angel rolled the stone away 1
What spirit brought him from the dead ?
2 By his omnipotence he rose!
By his own Spirit lived again ;
To crush for ever all his foes, —
To raise for ever ruined men.
3 They, who his image here partake, —
Though long in dust their flesh consume,—
Shall sleep in Jesus, and awake
To life eternal, frum the tomb.
The Resurrection.
1 MORNING breaks upon the tomb,
Jesus scatters all its gloom ;
Day of triumph through the skies, —
See the glorious Saviour rise !
2 Ye who are of death afraid,
Triumph in the scattered shade ;
Drive your anxious cares away ;
See the place where Jesus lay !
3 Christian ! dry your flowing tears,
Chase your unbelieving fears ;
Look on his deserted grave ;
Doubt no more his power to save.
H. M.
Jesus rising and reigning.
1 YES, the Redeemer rose ;
The Saviour left the dead ;
And o'er our hellish foes
High raised his conquering head :
In wild dismay,
The guards around
Fall to the ground,
And sink away.
2 Lo ! the angelic bands,
In full assembly meet,
To wait his high commands.
And worship at his feet :
Joyful they come,
And wing their way.
From realms of day,
To Jesus' tomb.
3 Then back to heaven they fly,
The joyful news to bear :
Hark ! as they soar on high,
What music fills the air !
Their anthems say, —
"Josus, who bled,
Hath left the dead;—
He rose to-d.ty."
4 Ye mortals ! catch the sound, —
Eedeemed by him from hell ;
And send the echo round
The globe, on which you dwell
Transported, cry, —
"Jestits, who bled,
Hath left the dead,
No more to die,"
5 All hail ! triumphant Lord !
Who sav'st us with thy blood :
Wide be thy name adored,
. Thou rising, reigning God !
With thee we rise,
With thee we reign,
And empires gain,
Beyond the skies.
8s and 7s.
Love divine.
LOVE dmne, all love excelling, —
Joy of heaven, to earth come down !
Fix in us thy humble dwelling;
All thy faithful mercies crown ;
Jesus ! thou art all compassion,
Pure, unbounded love thou art;
Visit us with thy salvation,
Enter every trembling heart.
Breathe, — Oh ! breathe thy loving Spirit
Into every troubled breast ;
Let us all thy grace inherit,
Let us find thy promised rest :
Take away the love of sinning,
Take o*ir load of guilt away ;
End the work of thy beginning,—
Bring us to eternal day.
3 Carry on thy Dew creation,
Pure and holy may we be;
Let ilvation,
Change from glory into glory.
Till in heaven we take our place;
Till we east our croi is before thee,
Lust in wonder, love, and praise.
1 tys* U. M
1 / Ui The On** celebrated.
1 YE saints! your music bring,
And swell the rapturous sound,
Strike every trembling string,
Till earth and he iven resound :
The triumphs <>t' the cross we sing,—
Awaki g j • .H-ii j v tul string.
2 The cross — the cross alone —
Subdued the powers of hell : .
Like lightning from his throne.
The prince of darkness fell :
The triumphs of the cross we sing, —
Awake, ye saints ! each joyful string.
3 The hand of wrath is stayed,
In its pursuit of blood ;
The cross our debt has paid,
And made our peace with God:
The triumphs of the cross we sing, —
Awake, ye saints ! each joyful string.
4 The cross hath power to save,
From all the foes that rise :
The cross hath made the grave
A passage to the skies :
Angels and saints its power shall sing,
Till heaven's eternal arches ring.
•I rjr^ L M
1 I / • 77?* Resurrection of Christ
1 WHEN I the holy grave survey,
Where once my Saviour deigned to lie,
e fulfilled what prophets say,
And all the power of death defy.
2 This empty tomb shall now proclaim,
How weak the bands of conquered death:
Sweet pledge that all who trust his nan>3
Shall rise, and draw immortal breath
3 Jesus, once numbered with the dead,
Unseals his eyes, to sleep no more :
And ever lives their cause to plead,
For whom the pains of death he bore,
4 Thy risen Lord, my soul ! behold ;
See the rich diadem he wears !
Thou too shalt bear a harp of gold, —
A crown of joy, when he appears.
5 Though in the dust I lay my head,
Yet, gracious God ! thou wilt not leave
My flesh for ever with the dead,
Nor lose *hy children in the grave.
8s, 7s and 4.
Coronation of the King of kings.
1 LOOK, ye saints ! the sight is glorious ;
See the man of sorrows now,
From the fight returned victorious ; —
Every knee to him shall bow :
Crown him — crown him ! —
Crowns become the victor's brow.
2 Crown the Saviour, angels ! crown him
Rich the trophies Jesus brings :
In the seat of power enthrone him,
While the vault of heaven rings :
Crown him — crown him ! —
Crown the Saviour, King of kings,
3 Sinners in derision crowned him. —
Mocking thus the Saviour's claim :
Saints and angels ! crowd around him,
Own his title, praise his name :
Crown him — crown him ! —
Spread abroad the victor's fame.
4 Hark ! those bursts of acclamation !
Hark ! those loud triumphant chords
Jesus takes the highest station ; —
Oh ! what joy the sight affords !
Crown him — crown him, —
King of kings, and Lord of lords '
1 7Q 8 M
1 I v« Song of Moses and the I^amb.
1 AWAKE, and sing the song
Of Moses and tne Lamb ;
Wake, every heart and every tongue!
To praise the Saviour's name.
2 Sing of his dying lo\
Sing of his rising power;
Sing — how he intercedes above
For tiiose whose sins he bore.
3 Ye pilgrims! on the road
To Zion's city, sing !
Rejoice ye in the Lamb of G )d, —
In Christ, th' eternal king.
4 Soon shall we hear him say, —
M Ye blessed children ! come;"
Soon will he call us hence away.
And take his wanderers home.
5 There shall each raptured tongue
His endless praise proclaim ;
And sweeter voices tune the song
Of Moses and the Lamb.
1 Qft C M
L Ovy» Reigning Kith Christ.
1 THE head, that once was crowned with tnorns.
Is crowned with glory now ;
A royal diadem adorns
The mighty victor's brow.
2 The highest place that heaven affords
Is his, by sovereign right ;
The King of kings, and Lord oi lords,
He reigns in glory bright : —
3 The joy ot all who dwell above,
The joy of all below,
To whom he manifests his love.
And grants his name to know.
4 To them the cross, with all its shame,
With all its grace, is given ;
Their Nome, — an everlasting name;
Their joy, — the joy of heaven.
100 HYMNS.
5 They suffer with their Lord below,
They reign with him above;
Their profit and their joy — to know
The mystery of his love.
6 The cross he bore is life and health. —
Though shame and death to h]m ;
His people's hope, his people's wealth,
Their everlasting theme.
Christ unseen, yet beloved.
1 NOT with our mortal eyes
Have we beheld the Lord ;
Yet we rejoice to hear his name,
And love him in his word.
2 On earth we want the sight
Of our Redeemer's face ;
Yet, Lord ! our inmost thoughts deligh-
To dwell upon thy grace.
3 And when we taste thy love,
Our joys divinely grow
Unspeakable, like those above,
And heaven begins below.
1 99 c M
L \JAJ • Access to God by Christ.
1 COME, let us lift our joyful eyes
Up to the courts above,
And smile to see our Father there,
Upon a throne of love.
2 Rich were the drops of Jesus' blood,
That calmed his frowning face,
That sprinkled o'er the burning throne*
And turned the wrath to grace.
3 Now we may bow before his feet,
And venture near the Lord ;
No fiery cherub guards his seat,
Nor double-flaming sword.
I The peaceful gates of heavenly bliss
Are opened by the Son ;
High let us raise our notes of praise,
And reach th* almighty throne.
5 To thee ten thousand thanks we bring,
Great Advocate on high !
And glory to th' eternal King
Who lays his fury by.
1 QQ L M
lOO, IVie good Sfiepherd
1 THOU ! whom my soul admires above
All earthly joy, and earthly love, —
Tell me, dear Shepherd ! let me know —
Where do thy sweetest pastures grow ]
2 Where is the shadow of that i*ock,
That from the sun defends thy rlock !
Fain would I feed among thy sheep, —
Among them rest, among them sleep.
3 Why should thy bride appear like one
That turns aside to paths unknown ?
My constant feet would never rove, —
Would never seek another love.
4 The footsteps of thy flock I see ;
Thy sweetest pastures here they be ;
A wondrous feast thy love prepares,
Bought with thy wounds, and groans, and tears.
5 His dearest flesh he makes my food,
And bids me drink his richest blood :
Here to these hills my soul will come,
Till my beloved leads me home.
1 Q/1 L M
l^« Worthy the Lamb
1 WORTHY the Lamb of boundless sway,—
In earth and heaven, the Lord of all !
Let all the powers of earth obey,
■ i low before his footstool fall.
2 Higher — still higher, swell the strain,
lull's voice the note prolong!
Jesus, the Lamb, shall ever reign: —
bot hallelujahs crown the song.
1 Q £T 6s and 4s.
1 0«J • Praise to (he Redeemer.
1 COiME, all ye saints of God !
Wide through the earth abroad,
Spread Jesus' name ;
102 HYMNS.
Tell what his love has done,
Trust in his grace alone ;
Shout to his lofty throne, —
"Worthy the Lamb!"
2 Hence, gloomy doubts and fears ?
Dry up your mournful tears ;
Swell the glad theme ;
Praise ye our gracious King,
Strike each melodious string,
Join heart and voice to sing, —
"Worthy the Lamb!'
3 Hark ! how the choirs above,
Filled with the Saviour's love,
Dwell on his name !
There, too, may we be found,
With light and glory crowned,
While all the heavens resound, —
"Worthy the Lamb!"
1 Rf\ ° M
1 Ov» Coronation of Christ.
1 ALL hail the power of Jesus' name !
Let angels prostrate fall ;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown him — Lord of all.
2 Crown him, — ye morning-stars of light. -
Who formed this floating ball ;
Now hail the strength of Israel's migni*
And crown him — Lord of all.
3 Ye chosen seed of Adam's race, —
Ye ransomed from the fall !
Hail him, who saves you by his grace,
And crown him — Lord of all.
4 Sinners ! whose love can ne'er forget
The wormwood and the gall, —
Come, spread your trophies at his feet;
And crown him — Lord of all.
5 Let every kindred, every tribe,
On this terrestrial ball,
To him all majesty ascribe,
And crown him — Lord of all.
1 ftT C M
lOl i Our High- Priest in Heaven.
1 NOW let our cheerful eyes survey
Our great high-priest above;
And celebrate his constant care,
His sympathetic love.
2 Though raised to a superior throne,
Where angels bow around,
And high o'er all the shining train,
With matchless honors crowned ; —
3 The names of all his saints he bears
Deep graven on his heart ;
Nor shall the meanest Christian say,
That he hath lost his part.
4 Those characters shall fair abide, —
Our everlasting trust, —
When gems, and monuments, and crown*
Are mouldered down to dust.
5 So, gracious Saviour ! on my breast.
May thy dear name be worn,
A sacred ornament and guard, —
To endless ages borne.
■I QQ L M. 6 Lines.
Jt OOi Our compassionate High- Priest.
1 WHEN gathering clouds around I view,
And days are dark, and friends are few,
On him I lean, who, not in vain,
Experienced every human pain ;
He sees my wants, allays my fears,
And counts and treasures up my tears.
2 If aught should tempt my soul to stray
From heavenly virtue's narrow way, —
To fly the good I would pursue.
Or do the sin I would not do,—
Still he, who felt temptation's power,
Shall guard me in that dangerous hour.
3 When sorr'wing o'er some stone I bend,
Which covers all that was a friend ;
And from his voice, his hand, his smile,
Divides me, for a little while, —
104 HYMNS.
My Saviour sees the tears I shed,
For Jesus wept o'er Laz'rus dead.
4 And Oh ! when I have safely past
Through every conflict, but the last,
Still, still unchanging, watch beside
My painful bed, — for thou hast died ;
Then point to realms of cloudless day.
Arid wipe my latest tear away.
L. M. 6 Lines.
Hope of Heaven through Christ.
AND art thou, gracious Master ! gone
A mansion to prepare for me 1
Shall I behold thee on thy throne,
And there for ever dwell with thee !
Then, let the world approve or blame,
I '11 triumph in thy glorious name.
What transport, Lord ' shall fill my heart,
When thou my worthless name shalt own !
When I shall see thee as thou art,
And know, as 1 myself am known !
From sin, and fear, and sorrow flee,
My soul shall find its rest in thee.
Chrtst, our Hope.
1 CHRIST, of all my hopes the ground, —
Christ, the spring of all my joy !
Still in thee let me be found,
Still for thee my powers employ.
2 Let thy love my heart inflame ;
Keep thy fear before my sight,
Be thy piaise my highest aim ;
Be thy smile my chief delight.
3 Fountain of o'erflowing grace !
Freely from thy fullness give:
Till I close my earthly race,
Be 11 Christ for me to live !"
4 Firmly trusting in thy blood,
Nothing shall my heart confound ;
Safely I shall pass the flood,
Safely reach ImmanuePs ground.
5 When I touch the blessed shore,
Back the closing waves shall roll ;
Death's dark stream shall never more
Part from thee my ravished soul.
6 Thus, — Oh ! thus an entrance give
To the land of cloudless sky ;
Having Known it, " Christ to live,"
Let me know it, " gain to die/'
1 Al 8s and 7s.
I *J JL • Jesus, exalted to Vve Throne.
1 JESUS ! hail ! enthroned in glory,
There for ever to abide ;
All the heavenly host adore thee,
Seated at thy Father's side.
2 There for sinners thou art pleading,
There thou dost our place prepare ;
Ever for us interceding,
Till in glory we appear.
3 Worship, honor, power, and blessing,
Thou art worthy to receive :
Loudest praises, without ceasing,
Meet it is for us to give. .
i Help, ye bright angelic spirits!
Bring your sweetest, noblest lays ,
l - i • - o - - " • x ~ ---*l--» —
Hulp to chant Immanuel's praise.
L. M.
Ckruty the Lard of Angels.
1 GREAT God ! to what a glorious h?ign„
Hast thou advanced the Lord, thy Son !
Angels, in all their robes of light,
Are made the servants of his throne.
2 Before his feet their armies wait,
And swift as finmes of lire they move,
To manage his affairs of state,
In works of vengeance, or of love.
3 Now they are sent to guide our feet.
Up to the gates of thine abode,
Through all the dangers that we meet,
In travelling o'er the heavenly road.
106 HYMNS.
4 Lord ! when we leave this mortal ground,
And thou shalt bid us rise and come, —
Send thy beloved angels down
Safe to conduct our spirits home.
mq L. M.
«, J • The Way to Heaven.
1 JESUS, my all, to heaven is gone, —
He whom I fix my hopes upon ;
His track I see, and I '11 pursue
The narrow way, till him I view.
2 This is the way I long have sought,
And mourned because I found it not ;
Till late I heard my Saviour say, —
" Come hither, soul ! I am the way."
3 Lo ! glad I come, and thou, blest Lamb !
Shalt take me to thee as I am ;
My sinful self to thee I give —
Nothing but love shall I receive.
4 Then will I tell to sinners round,
What a dear Saviour I have found ;
I '11 point to thy redeeming blood,
And say, — "Behold the way to God l"
ma m.
• Christ's Intercession.
1 YES, the Redeemer 's gone,
T' appear before our God ;
To sprinkle o'er the flaming throne,
With his atoning blood.
2 No fiery vengeance nows —
No burning wrath comes down ;
If justice calls for sinners' blood,
The Saviour shows his own.
3 Before his Father's eye
Our humble suit he moves ;
The Father lays his thunder by,.
And looks, and smiles, and loves.
4 Now may our joyful tongues
Our Maker's honors sing ;
Jesus, the priest, receives our songa,
And bears them to the King.
5 We bow before his ft
And sound his glories high :
Hosanna to the God of grace,
Who lays his thunder by.
6 On earth thy mercy reigns,
And triumphs all above :
But, Lord! how weak our mortal strains.
To speak immortal love !
J. kJ tJ • Tht Dominion of Christ.
1 HAIL to the Prince of life and peace,
Who holds the keys of death and bell !
The boundless world unseen is his,
And sovereign power becomes him well
2 In shame and anguish once he died ; —
But now he lives for evermore :
Bow down, ye saints ! around his seat,
And, all ye angel-bands ! adore.
3 Live — live for ever, glorious Lord !
To quell thy foes— and guard thy friends ;
While all ihy chosen tribes rejoice,
That thy dominion never ends.
4 Worthy thy hand to hold the keys.
Guided by wisdom, and by love ;
Worthy to rule o'er mortal life,
O'er worlds below, and worlds a Dove.
5 For ever reign, victorious King !
Wid through the earth thy name be known '
And call my longing soul to ring
Sublimer anthems near thy throne.
1 Qfi H *■
A «-/ \J • Our High- Priest m Heaven
1 TH' atoning work is done, —
The victim's blood is shed;
And Jesite now is gone
Hi> peopli f o plead :
He stands in heaven, their great mgh-priest,
And bears their names upon his breast
2 No temple made with hands
His place of service is :
108 HYMNS.
In heaven itself he stands, —
A heavenly priesthood his :
In him the shadows of the law
Are all fulfilled, and now withdraw,
3 And though awhile he be
Hid from the eyes of men,
His people look to see
Their great high-priest again :
In brightest glory he will come,
And take his waiting people home.
1 *J • • Our Great High-Priest.
1 COME, let us join our songs of praise
To our ascended Priest ;
He entered heaven, with all our names
Engraven on his breast.
2 Below he washed our guilt away,
By his atoning blood ;
Now he appears before the throne,
And pleads our cause with God.
3 Clothed with our nature still, he knows
The weakness of our frame,
And how to shield us from the foes
Whom he himself o'ercame.
4 Nor time, nor distance, e'er shall quencb
The fervors of his love ;
For us he died in kindness here,
And intercedes above.
5 Ojfi ! may we ne'er forget his grace,
Nor blush to bear his name ;
Still may our hearts hold fast his faitf* -
Our lips his praise proclaim.
1 Oft c *
*• t/O. Breuihing after the Holy Sptrxt.
1 COME, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove I
With all thy quickening powers, —
Kindle a flame of sacred love,
In these cold hearts of ours.
* Look — how we grovel here below.
Fond of these trifling toys !
Our souls can neither fly nor go,
To reach eternal joys.
3 In vain we tune our formal songs,
In vain we strive to rise ;
Hosannas languish on our tongues,
And our devotion dies.
4 Dear Lord ! and shall we ever live
At this poor dying rate?
Our love so faint, so cold to thee,
And thine to us so great 1
5 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove !
With alfthy quickening powers;
Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love,
And that shall kindle ours.
Convicting and sanctifying Influenc*.
1 COME, Holy Spirit ! come,
Let thy bright beams arise ;
Dispel the sorrow from our minds,
The darkness from our eyes.
2 Convince us or our sin, —
Then lead to Jesus' blood ;
And, to our wondering view, reveal
The secret love of God.
3 'T is thine to cleanse the heart,
To sanctify the soul,
To pour fresh life in every part,
And i lew-create the whole.
\ i( ■■' hre our drooping faith ;
Our doubti and fears remove;
And kindle in our breast the flame
Of never-dying iove.
^oV/, Influences of t/ie Spirit.
1 GRACIOUS Spirit ! Love divine!
Let thy light within me shine:
110 HYMNS.
All my guilty fears remove,
Fill me with thy heavenly love.
2 Speak thy pard'ning grace to me,
Set the burdened sinner free ;
Lead me to the Lamb of God,
Wash me in his precious blood.
3 Life and peace to me impart,
Seal salvation on my heart ;
Breathe thyself into my breast, —
Earnest of immortal rest.
4 Let me never from thee stray,
Keep me in the narrow way ;
Fill my soul with joy divine,
Keep me, Lord ! for ever thine.
L. M.
The Spirit grieved.
THE Spirit, like a peaceful dove,
Flies from the realms of noise and strife
Why should we vex and grieve his love,
Who seals our souls to heavenly life 1
Tender and kind be all our thoughts,
Through all our lives let mercy run .
.So God forgives our numerous faults,
For the dear sake of Christ, his Son.
H. M.
Pleading the Promise of the Spirit.
1 O THOU that hearest prayer !
Attend our humble cry ;
jAnd let thy servants share
Thy blessing from on high :
"We plead the promise of thy word ;
Grant us thy Holy Spirit, Lord !
2 If earthly parents hear
Their children when they cry ;
If they, with love sincere,
Their varied wants supply ;
Much more wilt thou thy love display
And answer when thy children pray.
*% Our Heavenly Father, thou ; —
We, children of thy grace :
Oh ! let thy Spirit now
Descend, and fill the place:
So shall we feel the heavenly flame*
And all unite to praise thy name.
4 Oh ! send thy Spirit down
On all the nations, Lord !
With great success to crown
The preaching of thy word,
Till heathen lands shall own thy sway,
And cast their idol-gods away.
903 8 M
*-* \JU* The indwelling Influences of the Spirit.
1 'T IS God, the Spirit, leads
In paths before unknown ;
The work to be performed is ours,
The strength is all his own.
2 Supported by his grace,
We still pursue our way ;
And hope at last to reach the prize,
Secure in endless day.
3 'T is he that works to will,
*T is he that works to do ;
His is the power by which we act, —
His be the glory too.
L M.
Teachings of the Spirit.
1 COME, blessed Spirit ! source of light,
Whose power and grace are uncon fined,
Dispel the gloomy shades of night, —
The thicker darkness of the mind.
2 To mine illumined eyes display
The glorious truth thy word reveals,
Cause me to run the heavenly way,
Thy book unfold and loose the seals.
3 Thine inward teachings make me know
The mysteries of redeeming love,
The vanity pf things below,
And excellence of things "above.
4 While through this dubious maze I stray,
Spread, like the sui, thy beams abroad,
112 HYMNS.
To show the dangers of the way,
And guide my feeble steps to God.
OfiA 8s and 7s -
^ \J*-J • Prayer for comforting Influences.
\ HOLY GHOST ! dispel our sadness,
Pierce the clouds of nature's night ;
Come, thou source of joy and gladness i
Breathe thy life, and spread thy light.
2 Author of our new creation !
Bid us all thine influence prove ;
Make our souls thy habitation ;
Shed abroad the Saviour's love.
on« L M
^ \J v/ • Prayer for spiritual Enjoyment.
1 COME, Holy Spirit ! calm my mind,
And fit me to approach my God ;
Remove each vain, each worldly thought,
And lead me to thy blest abode.
2 Hast thou imparted to my soul
A living spark of holy fire ?
Oh ! kindle now the sacred flame,
Make me to burn with pure desire.
3 A brighter faith and hope impart,
And let me now my Saviour see ;
Oh ! SO^h pln d n ^ , '°' r,T * mnTr T-\iiT*rlor>prj ^^SJ, 11 "*
And bid my spirit rest in thee.
o(77 « M
wl. Ttie Sight of God and Christ in Heaven.
1 DESCEND from heaven, immortal Dove !
Stoop down, and take us on thy wings,
And mount, and bear us far above
The reach of these inferior things ; —
2 Beyond — beyond this lower sky,
Up where eternal ages roll,
Where solid pleasures never die,
And fruits immortal feast the soul.
3 Oh ! for a sight, a blissful sight
Of our almighty Father's throne !
There sits the Saviour, crowned with light,
Clothed in a body like our own.
4 Adoring saints around him stand,
And thrones and powers before him fall ;
The God shines gracious through the man.
And sheds sweet glories on them all.
5 Oh ! what amazing joys they feel,
While to their golden harps they sing,
And sit on every heavenly hill,
And spread the triumph of their King !
fc'UUt Prayer for Light and Sanctificat ion
1 HOLY GHOST! with light divine,
Shine upon this heart of mine ;
Chase the shades of night away,
Turn my darkness into day.
2 Holy Ghost ! with power divine,
Cleanse this guilty heart of mine ;
Long hath sin, without control,
Held dominion o'er my soul.
S Holy Ghost ! with joy divine,
Cheer this saddened heart of mine ;
Bid my many woes depart,
Heal my wounded, bleeding heart
4 Holy Spirit ! all-divine,
Dwell within this heart of mine;
Cast down every idol-throne,
Reign supreme, — and reign alone.
5>0Q c M
WV/i/« Various Influences desired.
1 ETERNAL Spirit !— God of truth I
Our contrite hearts inspire ;
Kindle ;>. flame of heavenly love,
And feed the pure desire.
2 'T is thine to soothe the sorr'wing mind*
With guilt and fear oppressed ;
'T is thine to bid the dying live,
And give the weary rest
3 Subdue the power of every sin,
Whate'er that sin may be ;
That we, in singleness of heart,
May worship only thee.
114 HYMNS.
4 Then with our spirits witness bear,
That we are sons of God ;
Redeemed from sin, and death, and hell,
Through Christ's atoning blood.
s. M.
Prayer for the Spirit.
1 BLEST Comforter divine !
Let rays of heavenly love
Amid our gloom and darkness shine,
To guide our souls above.
2 Draw, with thy still small voice,
From every sinfifl way ;
And bid the mourning saint rejoice,
Though earthly joys decay.
3 By thine inspiring breath,
Make every cloud of care,
And e'en the gloomy vale of death,
A smile of glory wear.
4 Oh ! fill thou every heart
With love to all our race :
Great Comforter ! to us impart
These blessings of thy grace.
Ol 1 L M
W JL X • Prayer for Light and Guidance.
1 COME, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove f
With light and comfort from above ;
Be thou our guardian, thou our guide ;
O'er every thought and step preside.
2 To us the light of truth display,
And make us know and choose thy way ;
Plant holy fear in every heart,
That we from God may ne'er depart
3 Lead u& .o holiness — the road
That we must take to dwell with God :
Lead us to Christ, the living way,
Nor let us from his precepts stray.
4 Lead us to God, our final rest,
To be with him for ever blessed;
Lead us to heaven, its bliss to share,
And drink our fill of pleasure there.
The Sealing of the Spirit.
1 WHY should the children of a king
Go mourning all their days 1 —
Great Comforter ! descend, and bring
Some tokens of thy grace.
2 Dost thou not dwell in all the saints,
And seal the heirs of heaven 1
When wilt thou banish my complaints.
And show my sins forgiven }
3 Assure my conscience of her part
In. the Redeemer's blood ;
And bear thy witness with my heart,
That I am born of God.
4 Thou art the earnest of his love,
The pledge of joys to come ;
And thy soft wings, celestial Dove !
Will safe convey me home.
01 O L.M.
Ht -L fJm Prayer against grieving the Spirit.
1 STAY, thou insulted Spirit ! stay.
Though I have done thee such despite ,
Cast not a sinner quite away,
Nor take thine everlasting flight.
2 Though I have most unfaithful been
Of all who e'er thy grace received ,
Ten thousand times thy goodness seen,
Ten thousand times thy goodness grieved ;—
3 Yet, Oh ! the chief of sinners spare,
In honor of my great High-Priest ;
Nor, in thy righteous anger, swear
I shall not see thy people's rest.
4 My weary soul, O God ! release,
Uphold me with thy gracious hand ;
Guide me into thy perfect peace,
And bring me to the promised land.
L. M.
The Comforter.
I SURE, the blest Comforter is nigh ;
'T is he sustains my fainting heart ;
116 HYMNS.
Else would my hope for ever die,
And every cheering ray depart.
2 Whene'er, to call the Saviour mine,
With ardent wish my heart aspires, —
Can it be less than power divine.
That animates these strong desires]
3 And, when my cheerful hope can say, —
I love my God and taste his grace,
Lord ! is it not thy blissful ray,
That brings this dawn of sacred peace ?
4 Let thy good Spirit in my heart
For ever dwell, O God of love !
And light and heavenly peace impart—
Sweet earnest of the joys above.
«vlt/« The Necessity of renewing Grace.
1 HOW helpless guilty nature lies,
Unconscious of its load !
The heart, unchanged, can never rise
To happiness and God.
2 Can aught, beneath a power divine,
The stubborn will subdue ?
'T is thine, eternal Spirit ! thine,
To form the heart anew.
3 'T is thine, the passions to recall,
And upward bid them rise ;
To make the scales of error fall,
From reason's darkened eyes; —
4 To chase the shades of death away,
And bid the sinner live ;
A beam of heaven — a vital ray,
'T is thine alone to give.
5 Oh ! change these wretched hearts of our*
And give them life divine ;
Then shall our passions and our powers,
Almighty Lord ! be thine.
£>1fi CM
& ± \J» The Spirit desired.
1 GREAT Father of each perfect gift !
Behold thy servants wait ;
With longing eyes, and lifted hands,
We flock around thy gate.
£ Oh ! shed abroad that choicest gitc, —
Thy Spirit from above,
To cheer our eyes with sacred light,
And tire our hearts with love.
3 Blest earnest of eternal joy !
Declare our sins forgiven :
And bear, with energy divine.
Our raptured thoughts to heaven.
4 Diffuse, O God ! thy copious showers
That earth its fruit may yield,
And change the barren wilderness,
To CarmePs flowery field.
rw X I • The Outpouring of tlie Spirit.
1 LET songs of praises fill the sky !
Christ, our ascended Lord,
Sends down his Spirit, from on high,
According to his word.
2 The Spirit, by his heavenly breath,
New life creates within :
He quickens sinners, from the death
Of trespasses and sin.
3 The things of Christ the Spirit takes,
And to our heart reveals :
Our bodies he his tempie makes,
And our redemption seals.
4 Come, Holy Spirit ! from above.
With thy celestial fire ;
Come, and, with flames of zeal and love,
Our hearts and tongues inspire.
5>1R LM
wlU, The Operations of the Holy Spirit
1 ETERNAL Spirit! we confess,
And sing the wonders of thy grace ;
Thy power conveys our blessings down,
From God, the Father, and the Son.
2 Enlightened by thy heavenly ray,
Our shades and darkness turn to" day :
118 HYMNS.
Thine inward teachings make us know
Our danger, and our refuge too.
3 Thy power and glory work within.
And break the chains of reigning sin ;
Do our imperious lusts subdue,
And form our wretched hearts anew.
4 The troubled conscience knows thy voice ,
Thy cheering words awake our joys ;
Thy words allay the stormy wind,
And calm the surges of the mind.
oi q c M
^ A *J • Prayer for the promised Spirit.
1 ENTHRONED on high, almighty Lord ■
The Holy Ghost send down :
Fulfill in us thy faithful word,
And all thy mercies crown.
2 Though, on our heads, no tongues of fire
Their wondrous powers impart,
Grant, Saviour ! what we more desire,
Thy Spirit in our heart.
3 Spirit of life, and light, and love !
Thy heavenly influence give ;
Quicken our souls — born from above —
In Christ, that we may live.
4 To our benighted minds reveal
The glories of his grace,
And bring us, where no clouds conceal
The brightness of his face.
5 His love within us shed abroad, —
Life's ever-springing well, —
Till God in us. and we in God,
In love eternal dwell.
990 c M
^&\J* Regeneration by the Spirit.
1 NOT all the outward forms on earth,
Nor rites that God has given ;
Nor will of man, nor blood, nor birth
Can raise a soul to heaven.
2 The sovereign will of God alone
Creates us heirs of grace,
Born in the image of his Son,
A new peculiar race.
3 The Spirit, like some heavenly winl.
Breathes on the sons of flesh ;
Creates anew the carnal mind,
And forms the man afresh.
4 Our quickened souls awake, and rise,
From the long sleep of death :
On heavenly things we fix our eye*,
And praise employs our breath.
6» and 4s.
1 COME, thou almighty King !
Help us thy name to sing,
Help us to praise :
Father ! all-glorious,
O'er all victorious,
Come, and reign over us,
Ancient of days !
2 Come, thou incarnate Word i
Gird on thy mighty sword ;
Our prayer attend :
Come, and thy people bless,
And give thy word success ;
Spirit of holiness !
On us descend.
3 Come, holy Comforter !
Thy sacred witness bear,
In this glad hour :
Thou, who almighty art,
iSow rule in every heart,
And ne'er from us depart,
Spirit of power !
4 To the great One in Three,
The highest praises be,
Hence evermore !
120 HYMNS.
His sovereign majesty
May we in glory see*,
And to eternity
Love and adore.
999 CM
-W/W/W* Praise to the Godhead.
1 LET them neglect thy glory, Lord !
Who never knew thy grace ;
But our loud songs shall still record
The wonders of thy praise
2 We raise our shouts, O God ! to thee,
And send them to thy throne ;
All glory to th' united Three, —
The undivided One.
3 'T was he — and we '11 adore his name-
That formed us hy a word ;
*T is he restores our ruined frame ; —
Salvation to the Lord !
4 Hosanna ! let the earth and skies
Repeat the joyful sound ;
Rocks, hills, and vales reflect the voice,
In one eternal round.
990 c - M -
O/C' tJ • Praise to the Trinity.
1 FATHER of glory ! to thy name
Immortal praise we give,
Who dost an act of grace proclaim,
And bid us rebels live.
2 Immortal honor to the Son,
Who makes thine anger cease : —
Our lives he ransomed with his own,
And died to make our peace.
3 To thine almighty Spirit be
Immortal glory given ;
Whose influence brings us near to thee,
And trains us up for heaven.
4 Let men, with their united voice,
Adore th' eternal God,
And spread his honors and their joys,
Through nations far abroad.
5 Let faith, and love, and duty join
One general song to raise ;
Let saints, in earth and heaven, combine.
In harmony and praise.
99 A L M
C/4/*±U Prayer to the Trinity.
1 FATHER of heaven ! whose love profound
A ransom for our souls hath found, —
Before thy throne we sinners bond;
To us thy pard'ning love extend.
2 Almighty Son — incarnate Word —
Our prophet, priest, redeemer, Lord !
Before thy throne we sinners bend ;
To us thy saving grace extend.
3 Eternal Spirit ! by whose breath
The soul is raised from sin and death, —
Before thy throne we sinners bend ,
To us thy quickening power exteiid.
4 Jehovah ! — Father, Spirit, Son ! —
Mysterious Godhead — Three in One !
Before thy throne we sinners bend ;
Grace, pardon, life, to us extend.
OO^ 6s and 4s.
•W-w *J • Prayer iv the Tnune Jr.hovaJi.
1 THOU ! whose almighty word
Chaos and darkness heard.
And took their flight, —
Hear us, we humbly pray,
And where the gospel s day
Sheds not its glorious ray, —
"Let there be light !"
2 Thou ! who didst come to bring,
On thy redeeming wing,
Healing and sight, —
Health to the sick in mind.
Sight to the inly blind, —
Oh ! now to all mankind
"Let there be light !"
3 Spirit of truth and love,
Life-giving holy Dove !
Speed forth thy flight :
122 HYMNS.
Move on the waters' face,
Bearing the lamp of grace,
And in earth's darkest place
"Let there be light !"
4 Holy, holy, holy,
Most glorious Trinity, —
Wisdom, Love, Might !
Boundless as ocean's tide
Rolling in fullest pride,
O'er the earth, far and wide —
"Let there be light!"
99fi LM
&&VJ* Praise to the Father, Son and Spirit
1 BLEST be the Father and his love,
To which celestial source we owe
Rivers of endless joy above,
And rills of comfort here below.
2 Glory to thee, great Son of God !
From whose dear wounded body rolls
A precious stream of vital blood —
Pardon and life for dying souls.
3 We give thee, sacred Spirit ! praise,
Who in our hearts of sin and woe,
Mak'st living springs of grace arise,
And into boundless glory flow.
4 Thus God, the Father,— God, the Son,—
And God, the Spirit, we adore ; —
That sea of life and love unknown.
Without a bottom, or a shore.
997 7s
V/vli Christians praising the Trinity.
J GREAT the joy when Christians meet ;
Christian fellowship, how sweei, —
When, their theme of praise the same,
They exalt Jehovah's name !
2 Sing we then eternal love ;
Such as did the Father move : —
He beheld the world undone ;
Loved the world, and gave his Son.
3 Sing the Son's unbounded love ; —
How be left the realms above ;
Took our nature and our place, —
Lived and died to save our race.
4 Sing we too the Spirit's love ; —
With our stubborn hearts he strove ;
Chased the mists of sin away, —
Turned our night to glorious day.
5 Great the joy, the union sweet,
When the saints in glory meet ;
Where the theme is still the same ;
Where they praise Jehovah's name.
Communion icith the Triune God.
1 IN thy presence we appear ;
Lord ! we love to worship here,
When, within the veil, we meet
Thee upon thy mercy-seat
2 While thy glorious name is sung,
Touch our lips, and loose our tongue;
Then our joyful souls shall bless
Thee, the Lord, our righteousness.
3 While to thee our prayers ascend,
Let thine ear in love attend ;
Hear us, for thy Spirit pleads ,
Hear, for Jesus intercedes.
4 While thy word is heard with awe,
And we tremble at thy law,
Let thy gospel's wondrous love
Every doubt and fear remove.
5 While thy ministers proclaim
Peace and pardon through thy name,
In their voices, let us own
Jesus, speaking from the throne.
6 From thy house when we return,
Let our hearts within us burn ;
That, at evening, we may say, —
" We have walked with God to-day."
OQQ 8 s and 7s.
^ ^ i/ • Praise to Father, Son and Spirit.
1 TO the source of every blessing,
Grateful anthems let us raise ;
124 HYMNS.
Holy joy, our souls possessing,
Swells the tribute of our praise.
2 Glory to th' almighty Father,
Fountain of eternal love,
Who, his wandering sheep to gather,
Sent a Saviour from above.
3 To the Son all praise be given,
Who, with love unknown before,
Left the bright abode of heaven,
And our sins and sorrows bore.
4 Equal strains of warm devotion
Let the Spirit's praise employ ;
Author of each pure emotion, —
Source of wisdom, peace, and joy.
5 Thus — our joyful hearts ascending, —
Glorify Jehovah's name ;
Heavenly songs with ours are blending,-
There, the theme is still the same.
S. M.
The Father, Son and Holy Glio»t.
1 WHILE all the angel-throng
Give thanks to God on high,
Let earth repeat the joyful song,
And echo to the sky.
2 Father ! in whom w r e live,
In whom we are and move, —
The glory, power and praise receive
Of thine eternal iovt>.
3 Incarnate Deity !
Let all the ransomed race
Render in thanks their lives toine^
For thy redeeming grace.
4 Spirit of holiness !
Let all thy saints adore
Thy sacred energy, and bless
Thy heart-renewing power.
5 Eternal, glorious Lord !
Let all the saints above,
Let all the sons of men, record,
And celebrate thy love.
8s and 6s Peculiar.
Hallelujah to the Triune God.
1 SING— Hallelujah ! praise the. Lord!
Sing with a cheerful voice ;
Exalt our God with one accord,
And in his nam-' rejoice :
Ne'er cease to sing, thou ransomed host !
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Till in the realms of endless light,
Your praises shall unite.
2 There we to all eternity,
Shall join th' angelic lays,
And sing, in perfect harmony,
To God our Saviour's praise ;
He hath redeemed us by his blood,
And made us kings and priests to God :
For us — for us the Larnb was slain, —
Praise ye the Lord ! — Amen.
QOO 7» and 6s. Peculiar.
£0<£» The Alarm.
1 SINNER ! stop— Oh ! stop and think.
Before you farther go :
Will you sport upon the brink
Of everlasting wo?
On the verge of ruin stop ; —
Now the friendly warning take ;
Stay your footsteps, ere you drop
Into the burning lake.
2 Say — have you an arm like God,
That you his will oppose \
Fear you not that iron-rod
With which he breaks, his foes 1
Can you stand in that dread day,
Which his justice shall proclaim,
When the earth shall melt away,
Like wax before the flame 1
126 HYMNS.
3 Ghastly death will quickly come,
And drag you to his bar :
Then you '11 hear your awful doom,
And sink in deep despair !
All your sins will round you crowd ;
You will mark their crimson die,
Each for vengeance crying loud,
And then — no refuge nigh !
oqq l m
^tJtJm The Sinner exhorted.
1 SINNER ! Oh ! why so thoughtless grown
Why in such fearful haste to die ]
Why speed thy flight to worlds unknown, —
Regardless of thy destiny 1
2 Wilt thou defy the wrath of God,
Led on by sin's delusive dreams 1
Madly despise the Saviour's blood,
And force thy passage to the flames 1
3 Sinner ! Oh ! lift thy thoughts above,
And hear the Lord of life unfold
The glories of his dying love —
For ever telling, yet untold I
& t^TD • The Sinner warned.
1 HASTE, O sinner ! to be wise,
Stay not for the morrow's sun ;
Wisdom warns thee, from the skies,
All the paths of death to shun.
2 Haste, and mercy now implore ;
Stay not for the morrow's sun ;
Thy probation may be o'er,
Ere this evening's work is done.
8 Haste, O sinner ! now return ;
Stay not for the morrow's sun ;
Lest thy lamp should cease to burn,
Ere salvation's work is done.
4 Haste, while yet thou canst be blest?
Stay not for the morrow's sun ;
Death may thy poor soul arrest,
Ere the morrow is begun
oq* »••
1 DELAY not, delay nut; O sinner! draw near,
The waters of lite are now flowing for thee;
No price is demanded, the Saviour is here,
Redemption is purchased, salvation is tree.
2 Delay not, delay not; why longer abuse
The love and compassion of Jesus, thy God 1
A fountain is opened, — how canst thou refuse
To wash, and be cleansed in his pard'nincr
blood 1
8 Delay not, delay not, O sinnc ! to come,
For mercy still lingers and calls thee to-day ;
Her voice is not heard in the vale of the tomb,—
Her message, unheeded, will soon pass away.
4 Delay not, delay not ; the Spirit of grace,
Long grieved and resisted, may take its sad
flight ;
And leave thee in darkness to finish thy race, —
To sink in the gloom of eternity's night.
93fi L M
** *J \J • One Thing needful.
1 WHY will ye waste, on trifling cares,
That life which God's compassion spares,
While, in the various range of thought,
The one thing needful is forgot]
2 Shall God invite you from above!
Shall Jesus urge his dying love?
Shall troubled conscience give you pain,
And all these pleas unite in vain )
3 Not so your eyes will always view
Those objects which you now pursue ;
Not so will heaven and hell appear,
When death's decisive hour is near.
4 Almighty God ! thy grace impart ;
Fix deep conviction on each heart :
Nor let us waste, on trifling cares,
That life which thy compassion spares-
OO7 C. M
&tJ i * Exhortation to Repentance.
1 REPENT ! the voice celestial crie? ,
No longer dare delay :
128 HYMNS.
The soul that scorns the mandate dies,
And meets a fiery day.
2 No more the sovereign eye of God
O'erlooks the crimes of men ;
His heralds now are sent abroad
To warn the world of sin.
3 O sinners ! in his presence bow,
And all your guilt confess;
Accept the offered Saviour now,
Nor trifle with his grace.
4 Soon, will the awful trumpet sound,
And call you to his bar ;
His mercy knows th' appointed bound,
And yields to justice there.
5 Amazing love — that yet will call,
And yet prolong our days !
Our hearts subdued by goodness fall v
And weep* and love*, and praise.
&tJ{J 9 The Sinner meeting God.
1 SINNER ! art thou still secure 1
Wilt thou still refuse to pray ]
Can thy heart or hand endure,
In the Lord's avenging day ]
2 See, — his mighty arm is bared ;
Awful terrors clothe his brow !
For his judgments stand prepared j—
Thou must either break or bow.
3 At his presence nature shakes,
Earth affrighted hastes to flee ,
Solid mountains melt like wax :
What will then become of thee 1
4 Who his coming may abide 7
You that glory in your shame !—
Can you find a place to hide,
When the world is wrapt in flame !
r\ 6) r\ 8s, 7s and 4.
vOi/» TVie Voice of Mercy.
1 HEAR, O sinner ! mercy hails you ;
Now with sweetest voice she calls;
Bids you haste to seek the Saviour,
Ere the hand of justice i
Hear, () sinner !
'T is the voice of mercy calls.
2 See! the storm of vengeance gatheriug
O'er the path yon dare to tread !
Hark: the awful thunder rolling
Loud and Louder <>'er your b<
Turn, sinner !
L^st the lightning strike you <)< ad.
3 Haste, O sinner ! to the Saviour;
k his mercy while you ma) .
Soon the day of grace is over ; —
Boon your lite will pass away ;
Haste, () sinner !
You must perish if you stay.
PztO c P M
C'^rvy* Present and future Realities.
1 LO '. on a narrow neck of land,
Between two boundless seas i stand, —
Yet how insensible !
A point of time — a moment's space —
Removes me to yon heavenly placet
Or — sinus me up in hell!
2 O God ! my inmost soul convert,
And, deeply on my thoughtless heart,
Eternal things impress ;
Give me to feel their solemn weight.
And save me, ere it be too late ; —
Wake me to righteousn
3 Before me place, in bright array,
The pomp of that tremendous day.
When thou with clouds shah come
To judge the nations at thy bar; —
And tell me, Lord '. shall I b
Tj in b1 a joyful doom .'
4 Be this my one great business lure
With holy trembling, holy fear,
To make 1 1 iv calling sure !
Thin* utmost counsel to fulfill,
To s:;:ier all thy righteous will.
And to the end endure !
130 HYMNS.
5 Then, Saviour ! then my soul receive,
Transported from the earth, to live
And reign with thee above :
Where faith is sweetly lost in sight,
And hope, in full supreme delight,
And everlasting love.
<%•*"* J- • Life, the Day of Grace and Hope.
1 LIFE is the time to serve the Lord,
The time t' insure the great reward ;
And while the lamp holds out to burn,
The vilest sinner may return.
2 Life is the hour that God has given,
To 'scape from hell and fly to heaven ;
The day of grace, — and mortals may
Secure the blessings of the day.
3 The living know that they must die,
But all the dead forgotten lie ;
Their mem'ry and their sense are gone,
Alike unknowing and unknown.
4 Then, what my thoughts design to do,
My hands ! with all your might pursue ;
Since no device, nor work is found,
Nor faith, nor hope, beneath the ground
5 There are no acts of pardon past,
In the cold grave to which we haste ;
But darkness, death, and long despair,
Reign in eternal silence there.
9A9 c M>
^TJ/Vi Expostulation with Sinners.
1 YE ! who despise the Saviour's grace,
And scorn his gospel, here, —
How can you meet his angry face,
Or at his bar appear ?
2 When every earthly hope shall fail,—
When storms of wrath are nigh,-
How will your souls affrighted quail,
Beneath his burning eye !
3 Why will you madly rush on deatn,
And force your way to wo 1
L. M
Advice to Youth.
Why tempt the God, that holds your breath,
To strike the fatal blow.
4 Turn, guilty sinners ! quickly turn ;
Oh ! come to Jesus now ; —
Ere the fierce flames around you burn,
To your Redeemer bow.
1 NOW, in the heat of youthful blood,
Remember your Creator, God ;
Behold ! the months come hastening on,
When you shall say — " My joys are gone
2 Behold ! the aged sinner goes,
Laden with guilt and heavy woes,
Down to the regions of the dead,
With endless curses on his head.
3 The dust returns to dust again ;
The soul, in agonies of pain,
Ascends to God — not there to dwell, —
But hears her doom, and sinks to hell
4 Eternal King ! I fear thy name ;
Teach me to know how frail I am ;
And when my soul must hence remove.
Give me a mansion in thy love.
& li li» Grieving the Spirit.
1 AND canst thou, sinner ! slight
The call of love divine 1
Shall God, with tenderness invite,
And gain no thought of thine 1
2 Wilt thou not cease to grieve
The Spirit from thy breast,
Till he thy wretched soul shall leave
With all thy sins oppressed?
3 To-day, a pard'ning God
Will hear the suppliant pray;
To-day, a Saviour's cleansing blood
Will wash thy guilt away.
4 But, grace so dearly bought
If yet thou wilt despise,
132 HYMNS.
Thy fearful doom, with vengeance fraught,
Wiii till thee with surprise.
C. M.
Frailty and Sin
1 HOW sh.)rt and hasty is our life !
How vast our souPs affairs !
Yet senseless mortals vainly strive
To lavish out their years.
2 Our (1 n s run thoughtlessly along,
Without a moment's stay ;
Just like a story, or a song,
We pass our* lives away
3 God fr«-»m on high invites us home,
But wo march heedless on,
And, ever hastening to the tomb,
Stoop downward as we run.
4 How we deserve the deepest hell,
Who slight the joys above !
What chains of vengeance should we fe*?i
Who break such cords of love J
5 Draw us, O God ! with sovereign grace
And lift our thoughts on high,
That we may end this mortal race,
And see salvation nigh.
<& 4ti • Brevity of Life.
1 LET others boast how strong they be,
Nor death nor danger fear ;
But we'll confess, O Lord! to thee,
What feeble things we are,
2 Fresh as the grass our bodies stand,
And flourish bright and gay;
A blasting wind sweeps o'er the land,
And fades the grass away.
3 Our life contains a thousand springs.
And dies, if one be gone ;
Strange ! that a harp of thousand strings
Should keep in tune so long.
4 But 't is our God supports our frame, —
The God who bdiit as first ;
Salvation to th' almighty Name
That reared us from the dust
U M.
The lioad to Lift- and to Drath.
1 BROAD is the road lhat |e*ds to death,
And thousands walk together there;
But wisdom shows a narrow path.
With here and there a traveller.
2 "Deny thyself and take thy cross," —
Is the Redeemer's great command:
Nature must count her gold but dross,
If she would gain tins heavenfy land.
3 The fearful soul that tires and faints,
And walks the ways of God no more,
Is but esteemed almost a saint,
And makes his own destruction sure.
4 Lord ! let not all my hopes be vain ;
Create my heart entirely new,
Which hypocrites could ne'er attain; —
Which false ^r>r»c*- ..._. never knew.
CtOi Uncertainty of Life.
1 TO-MORROW, Lord ! is thine,—
Lodged in thy sovereign hand ;
And if its sun arise and shine.
It shines by thy command.
2 The present moment flies,
And bears our life away ;
Oh ! make thy servants truly wise,
That they may live to-day.
3 Since, on this fleeting hour,
Eternity is hung,
Awaken, by thy mighty power,
The aged and the young.
4 One thing demands our care ; —
Be that one thing pursued ;
tic-, the season fair
Should never be renewed.
5 To v we rly,
Swift as the morning-light,
134 HYMNS.
Lest life's young golden beams should die,
In sudden, endless night
v4it/# The Sinner arrested.
1 MY former hopes are fled,
My terror now begins ;
My guilty soul, alas ! is "dead
In trespasses and sins."
2 Ah ! whither shall I fly]—
Where seek for mercy's door 1
The law proclaims destruction nigh.
And justice armed with power.
3 When I review my ways,
I dread th' impending doom ;
While yet some friendfy whisper say v
"Flee from the wrath to come ¥''
4 Oh ! that I now might see
Some glimmering from afar,—
Some beam of hope to dawn on me,
And save me from despair.
O^A 7s and 6s *
w Is \J • The Sinner disquieted.
1 WHY sinks my soul desponding?
Why fill my eyes with tears 7
While nature all-surrounding
The smile of beauty wears :
Why, burdened now with sorrow,
Is every lab'ring thought 1
Each vision that I borrow,
With gloom and sadness fraught?
2 The pleasures that deceived me
My soul no more can charm ;
Of rest they oft bereaved me,
And filled me with alarm ;
The objects, I have cherished,
Are empty as the wind ;
My earthly joys have perished ; —
What comfort shall I find 1
d If inward, still inquiring,
I turn my searching eye,
Or upward, now aspiring,
I raise my feeble cry,
No heavenly lighl is reaming
To cheer my troubled breast,
No ray of comfort gleaming
To give my spirit rest
4 My soul ! from this dread anguisn
Is there no refuge nigh I
'T is guilt that makes thee languish,
And leaves thee thus to die :
Renounce thy sin and folly
Before the throne of grace ;
And make the Lord, most holy,
Thy strength and righteousness.
9^1 c M
&tJ J. • Convict w?i by the Law.
1 LORD ! how secure my conscience was,
And felt no inward dread !
I was alive without the law,
And thought my sins were dead.
2 My hopes of heaven were firm and brighi ;
"But since the precept came,
With a convincing power and light,
I find how vile 1 am.
3 My guilt appeared but small before,
Till terribly 1 saw —
How perfect, holy, just, and pure.
Is thine eternal law.
4 Then felt my soul the heavy load,
My sins revived again : —
I have provoked a dreadful God,
And all my hopes are slain.
5 My God! I cry with every breath
For some kind power to save, —
To break the yoke of sin and death
And thus redeem the sla
wl//0« Strivings of the Sj>iru.
1 SAY, sinner ! hath a voice within
Oft whispered to thy a cret soul,
136 HYMNS.
Urged thee to leave the ways of sin,
And yield thy heart to God's control *
2 Sinner ! it was a heavenly voice, —
It was the Spirit's gracious call ;
It bade thee make the better choice,
And haste to seek in Christ thine all.
3 Spurn not the call to life and light ;
Regard, in time, the warning kind ;
That call thou may'st not always slight.
And yet the gate of mercy find.
4 God's Spirit will not always strive
With hardened, self-destroying man ;
Ye, who persist his love to grieve,
May never hear his voice again.
5 Sinner ! perhaps, this very day,
Thy last accepted time may be :
Oh ! should'st thou grieve him now away,
Then hope may never beam on thea
S. M.
Man condemned before God.
1 AH ! how shall fallen man
Be just before his God 1
If he contend in righteousness,
We fall beneath his rod.
2 If he our ways should mark,
With strict inquiring eyes,
Could we, for one of thousand faults,
A just excuse devise ?
3 All-seeing, powerful God !
Who can with thee contend 1
Or who, that tries th' unequal strife.
Shall prosper in the end ]
4 The mountains, in thy wrath,
Their ancient seats forsake ;
The trembling earth deserts her place,
Her rooted pillars shake.
5 Ah ! how shall guilty man
Contend with such a God ]
None — none can meet him, and escape
But through the Saviour's blood.
^04. The evil Heart.
1 ASTONISHED and distressed,
I turn mine eyes within ; —
My heart with loads of guilt oppressed,
The seat of every sin.
2 What crowds of evil thoughts,
What vile affections there !
Distrust, presumption, artful guile,
Pride, envy, slavish fear !
3 Almighty King of saints !
These hateful sins subduej
Dispel the darkness from my mind,
And all my powers renew.
4 This done, — my cheerful voice
Shall loud hosannas raise ;
My soul shall glow with gratitude, —
My lips pronounce thy praise.
T.'ie Saviour's Invitatton
1 THE Saviour calls — let every ear
Attend the heavenly sound ;
Ye doubting souls ! dismiss your fear,
Hope smiles reviving round.
2 For every thirsty, longing heart,
llun- streams of bounty flow,
And life, and health, and bliss impart,
To banish mortal wo.
I Ye dinners! come ; 't is mercy's voice.
The gracious call obey ;
Mercy invites to heavenly joys, —
And can you yet delay?
4 Dear Saviour! draw reluctant hearts,
To thee let sinners fly,
And take the bliss thy love imparts,
And drink, and never die.
l?o HYMNS.
P^fi LM
*mt *J \J • Rest for the weary Penitent
1 COME, weary souls ! with sin distressed,
Come, and accept the promised rest ;
The Saviour's gracious call obey,
And cast your gloomy fears away.
2 Here mercy's boundless ocean flows,
To cleanse your guilt and heal your woes ;
Pardon and life, and endless peace, —
How rich the gift, how free the grace !
3 Lord ! we accept, with thankful heart,
The hope thy gracious words impart ;
We come, with trembling ; yet rejoice,
And bless the kind inviting voice.
4 Dear Saviour ! let thy powerful love
Confirm our faith, — our fears remove ;
Oh ! sweetly reign in every breast,
And guide us to eternal rest.
o/V7 CM -
vt^l • The Gospel- Trumpet
1 LET every mortal ear attend,
And every heart rejoice ;
The trumpet of the gospel sounds,
With an inviting voice.
2 Ho ! all ye hungry, starving souls.
That feed upon the wind.
And vainly strive with earthly toils
To fill th' immortal mind ! —
3 Eternal wisdom has prepared
A soul-reviving feast,
And bids your longing appetites
The rich provision taste.
4 Ho ! ye that pant for living streams,
And pine away and die !
Here you may quench your raging thirst
With springs that never dry.
5 Rivers of love and mercy, here,
In a rich ocean join ;
Salvation in abundance flows,
Like floods of milk and wine.
6 'Hie happy gates of gospel-grace
Stand open night and day ; —
Lord ! we are come to seek supplies
And drive our wants away.
*W1/V^J» Christ's Invitation to Sinnert.
1 * COME hither, all ye weary souls !
Ye heavy-laden sinners ! come ;
I '11 give you rest from all your toils,
And raise you to my heavenly home.
2 "They shall find rest, who learn of me, —
I'mofa meek and lowly mind;
But passion rages like the sea,
And pride is restless as the wind.
3 " Blessed is the man, whose shoulders take
My yoke, and bear it with delight ;
My yoke is easy to his neck,
My grace shall make the burden light."
4 Jesus ! we come at thy command ;
With faith, and hope, and humble zeal,
Resign our spirits, to thy hand,
To mould and guide us at thy will.
9^Q LM
wt/t/i Living Waters.
1 HO ! every one that thirsts ! draw nigh ; —
*T is God invites the fallen race ;
Mercy and free salvation buy,
Buy wine, and milk, and gospel-grace.
2 Ye nothing in exchange can give, —
Leave all ye have and are behind ;
Freely the gift of God receive, —
Pardon and peace in Jesus find.
3 Come to the living waters, come ;
Sinners! obey your Maker's voice;
Return, ye weary wanderers ! home,
And in redeeming love rejoice.
C M.
The Resolve.
COME, trembling sinner ! in whose breast,
A thousand thoughts revolve ;
Come, with your guilt and fear oppressed
And make this last resolve : —
2 fc 1 '11 go to Jesus, though my sin
Hath like a mountain rose ;
I '11 seek his courts, and enter in,
Whatever may oppose.
3 m Prostrate I '11 fall before his throng
And there my guilt confess ;
1 '11 tell him, I 'm a wretch undone,
Without his sovereign grace.
4 " Perhaps he will admit my plea,
Perhaps will hear my prayer ;
But, if I perish, I will pray,
And perish only there.
5 " I can but perish if I go,
I am resolved to try ;
For if 1 stay away, I know
I must for ever die."
8s and 7s. PecuhaT
A Fountain set open
1 COME to Calv'ry's holy mountair
Sinners, ruined by the fall !
Here a pure and healing fountain
Flows to you, — to me, — to all, —
In a full perpetual tide,
Opened when the Saviour died.
2 Come, in sorrow and contrition,
Wounded, impotent, and blind ;
Here the guilty, free remission, —
Here the troubled, peace may find ;
Health this fountain will restore ;
He that drinks shall thirst no more :—
3 He that drinks shall live for ever, —
'T is a soul-reviving flood :
God is faithful — God will never
Break his covenant in blood ; —
Signed, when our Redeemer died,
Sealed, when he was glorified.
Ol^O 8s and 7s.
&\J&/* False and true Pleasure.
1 TELL us, wanderer ! wildly roving
From the path that leads to peace,
Pleasure's false enchantment loving, —
When will thy delusion cease !
2 Once, like thee, by joys surrounded,
We could kneel at pleasure's shrine ;
Then our brightest hopes were bounded,
By delights as false as thine.
3 But those visions never blessed us, —
Soon their fleeting day was o'er;
Then the world, that had caressed us,
Charmed us with its smiles no more.
4 Such is pleasure's transient story ;
Lasting happiness is known
Only in the path to glory, —
In the Saviour's love alone.
)pO L M
• O O • The happy Choice.
1 TO-DAY — if ye will hear his voice,
Now is the time to make your choice ;
Say — will you to Mount Zion go 1
Say — will you have this Christ, or no !
2 Ye wandering souls, who find no rest !
Say — will you be for ever blest]
Will you be saved from sin and hell?
Will you with Christ in glory dwell 1
3 Come now, dear youth ? for rain bound,
Obey the gospel's joyful sound ;
Come, go with us, and you shall prove
The joy of Christ's redeeming love.
4 Once more we ask you in his name, —
For yet his love remains the same, —
Say — will you to Mount Zion go ?
Say — will you have this Christ or no!
•)PA c M
vUtt* Pardon and Sanctification in Christ.
1 HOW sad our state by nature is !
Our sin — how deep it stains !
And Satan binds our captive minds,
Fast in his slavish chains.
2 But there 's a voice of sovereign grace,
Sounds from the sacred word ; —
u Ho ! ye despairing sinners ! come,
And trust upon the Lord."
3 My soul obeys th* almighty call,
And runs to this relief :
] would believe thy promise, Lord !
Oh ! help my unbelief.
4 To the dear fountain of thy blood,
Incarnate God ! I fly ;
Here let me wash my spotted soul,
From stains of deepest die.
£ A guilty, weak, and helpless worm,
On thy kind arms I fall :
Be thou my strength and righteousness,
My Jesus, and my all.
& U *J • The Way to Zion.
1 INQUIRE, ye pilgrims ! for the way
That leads to Zion's hill,
And thither set your steady face,
With a determined will.
2 Oh ! come, and to his temple hasie,
And seek his favor there ;
Before his footstool, humbly bow,
And pour your fervent prayer.
3 Oh ! come, and join your souls to God
In everlasting bands ;
Accept the blessings he bestows,
With thankful hearts and hands.
9(\(\ CM
WvU» Invitation to the Gospel-Feast.
1 YE wretched, hungry, starving poor !
Behold a royal feast, —
Where mercy spreads her bounteous store
For every humble guest.
2 Here Jesus stands with open arms ;
He calls, he bids you, come ;
Guilt holds you back, and fear alarms ;
But see ! there yet is room : —
3 Room in the Saviour's bleeding heart ; —
There love and pity meet ;
Nor will he bid the soul depart,
That trembles at his tout.
4 Oil ! come, and, with his children, taste
The blessings of his love ;
While hope attends the sweet repast
Of nobler joys above.
5 There, with united heart and voice,
Before th' eternal throne,
Ten thousand thousand souls rejoice,
In songs on earth unknown.
-" C. M.
The Fountain of living Waters.
1 OH ! what amazing words of grace
Are in the gospel found,
Suited to every sinner's case
Who hears the joyful sound !
2 Come, then, with all your wants and wounds,
Your every burden bring ;
Here love, unchanging love, abounds, —
A deep celestial spring.
3 This spring with living water flows,
And heavenly joy imparts ;
Come, thirsty souls ! your wants disclose,
And drink, with thankful hearts.
4 Millions of sinners, vile as you,
Have here found life and peace :
Come, then, and prove its virtues too,
And drink, adore, and bless.
^ \J\J» Sinners w ged to accept the Invitation.
1 YE ! who in his courts are found,
Listening to the joyful sound,
Lost and helpless as ye are,
Sons of sorrow, sin, and care, —
Glorify thr King of kin^s,
Take the peace the gospel brings.
2 Turn to Christ your longing eyed,
View this bleeding sacrifice;
, in him, your sins forgiven,
Pardon, holiness, and heaven ;
Glorify the King of kings,
Take the peace the gospel brings
^ \J d stand.
h, 7- ;tnd 4.
>n to Sinner*
I COME, ye sinners ! heavy-)
I.ost and ruined by the fall, —
146 HYMNS.
If you wait till you are better,
You will never come at all :
Sinners only,
Christ, the Saviour, came to call.
2 Let no sense of guilt prevent you.
Nor of fitness fondly dream;
All the fitness he requireth
Is to feel your need of him :
This he gives you ; —
'T is the Spirit's rising beam.
3 Agonizing in the garden,
Lo ! your Saviour prostrate lies ;
On the bloody tree behold him,
There he groans, and bleeds, and dios 9
" Tt is finished" —
Heaven accepts the sacrifice.
4 Lo ! th' incarnate God ascending
Pleads the merit of his blood ;
Venture on him, — venture wholly,
Let no other trust intrude :
None but Jesus
Can do helpless sinners good.
5 Saints and angels, joined in' concert,
Sing the praises of the Lamb ;
While the blissful seats of heaven
Sweetly echo with his name ;
Hallelujah ! —
Sinners here may sing the same.
,970 l. M.
& I £>• The Sinner entreated.
1 RETURN, O wanderer ! now return,
And seek thine injured Father's face ,
Those new desires that in thee burn,
Were kindled by reclaiming grace.
2 Return, O wanderer ! now return,
He hears thy deep repentant sigh ;
He hears thy softened spirit mourn,
When no intruding ear is nigh.
'3 Return, O wanderer! now return,
Thy Saviour bids thy spirit live :
Go to his bleeding feet, and learn
How freely Jesus can forgive
4 Return, O wanderer ! now return,
And wipe away the falling tear ;
Thv Father calls — "No longer mourn !"
' r is mercy's voice invites thee near.
97 A c M
VI 4J. The heavenly Guest.
1 AND will the Lord thus condescend
To visit sinful worms ?
Thus at the door shall mercy stand.
In all her winning forms)
2 Shall Jesus for admittance plead,
His charming voice unheard \
And this vile heart, for which he bled,
Remain for ever barred 1
3 'T is sin, alas ! with tyrant-power,
The lodging has possessed ;
And crowds of traitors bar the door,
Against the heavenly guest.
4 Lord ! rise in thine all- conquering grace
Thy mighty power display ;
One beam of glory from thy face
Can drive my foes away.
5 Ye vile seducers ! hence depart ;
Dear Saviour ! enter in ;
Oh ! guard the passage to my heart,
And keep out every sin.
2ry/~ Ss, 7s and 4.
/ O • Glad Tidings.
1 SINNERvS ! will you scorn the message
Coming from the courts above )
Mercy s; very passage ;
Every iin«' is full of love ;
Oh ! believe it, —
Every line is full of love.
2 Now, the heralds of salvation
Joyful oewa from heaven proclaim . —
Sinn from condemnation,
Through the all-atoning Lamb!
Life receiving —
Through the all-atoning Lamb.
3 Who hath their report believed ?
Who received the joyful word 1
Who embraced the news of pardon,
Freely offered by the Lord 1
Life immortal, —
Freely offered by the Lord.
4 O ye angels ! hovering round us, —
Waiting spirits ! speed your way,
Hasten to the court of heaven,
Tidings bear without delay, —
Rebel-sinners —
Glad the message will obey.
97 ft SM -
vi Uo The accepted Time.
1 NOW is th' accepted time,
Now is the day of grace ;
O sinners ! come, without delay,
And seek the Saviour's face,
2 Now is th' accepted time,
The Saviour calls to-day ;
To-morrow it may be too late ;—
Then why should you delay ]
3 Now is th' accepted time,
The gospel bids you come ;
And every promise, in his word,
Declares there yet is room.
4 Lord ! draw reluctant souls,
And melt them by thy love ;
Then will the angels speed their way
To bear the news above.
Qryry 8s and 4.
W f • • The Gospel-Trumpet.
1 HARK — hark ! the gospel-trumpet sounds-
Through the wide earth the echo bounds ;
Pardon and peace by Jesus' blood !
Sinners are reconciled to God.
By grace divine.
2 Come, sinners ! hear the joyful news.
Nor longer dare the grace refuse ;
Mercy and justice here combine,
Goodness and truth harmonious join,
T' invite you near.
3 Ye saints in glory ! strike the [y
Ye mortals ! catch the sacred nre;
Let both the Saviour's k>ve proclaim; —
Foi ever worthy is the Lamb
Of endless praise.
r>7Q c *
w 4 O* The Young exhorted,
■ 1 VE hearts with youthful vigor warm!
In smiling crowds draw near ;
And turn from every mortal charm,
A Saviour's voice to hear.
2 He, Lord of all the worlds on high,
Stoops to converse with you ;
And lays his radiant glories by,
Your friendship to pursue.
3 The soul, that longs to see his face,
Is sure his love to gain ;
And they, who early seek his grace,
Shall never seek in vain.
4 What object, Lord ! my soul should move,
If once compared with thee?
What beauty should command my love,
Like what in Christ I see]
B Away, ye false delusive toys !
Vain tempters of the mind;
T is here I fix my lasting choice,
For here, true bliss 1 find.
I CHILDREN! hear the melting story
Of the Lamb that once was slain ;
T is the Lord of life and glory ;
Shall he plead with you in vain?
Oh : him,
And salvation now obtain.
Id no more to sin and folly,
So displeasing in his sight ;"
8s. 7s and 4.
■iren exhorted.
150 HYMNS.
Jesus loves the pure and holy,
They alone are his delight ;
Seek his favor,
And your hearts to him unite.
3 All your sins to him confessing
Who is ready to forgive ;
Seek the Saviour's richest blessing,
On his precious name believe ;
He is waiting, —
Will you not his grace receive 1
&(D\J* Children invited to Christ.
1 CHILDREN ! listen to the Lord,
And obey his gracious word ;
Seek his face with heart and mind —
Early seek, and you shall find.
2 Sorrowful, your sins confess ;
Plead his perfect righteousness ;
See the Saviour's bleeding side ; —
Come — you will not be denied.
3 For his worship now prepare ;
Kneel to him in fervent prayer ;
Serve him with a perfect heart ;
Never from his ways depart.
i)Q1 c M -
But floods of tears can ne'er repay
The debt of love I owe ;
Here, Lord ! I give myself away ; —
'T is all that I can do.
L. M. 6 Lines.
Backslider's Return through Christ.
1 WEARY of wandering from my God,
And now made willing to return,
I Lear, and bow beneath the rod ;
To him, with penitence, I mourn:
I have an advocate above, —
A friend before the throne of love.
2 O Jesus ! full of truth and grace,
More full of grace than I of sin, —
Yet once again I seek thy face,
Open ihine arms and take me in ,
Oh ! freely my backslidings heal,
And love the dying sinner still.
Ah ! give me, Lord ! the tender hean,
That trembles aft th' approach oi sin;
A godly fear of sin impart,
Implant, and root it deep within;
That 1 may fear thy gracious power,
And nevci dare V offend thee more.
C. M.
Penitence and Hope.
1 DEAR Saviour ! when my thoughts recall
The wonders of thy grace,
Low at thy feet ashamed I fall,
And hide this wretched face.
2 Oh • while I breathe to thee, my Lord \
The penitential sigh,
Confirm the kind forgiving word,
With pity in thine eye.
3 Then shall the mourner, at thy feet,
Rejoice to seek thy face ;
And grateful own — how kind, how sweet,
Thy condescending grace.
99!7 7 '-
^\~J I • Confession and Entreaty.
1 SOVEREIGN Ruler, Lord of ail !
Prostrate at thy feet 1 fall ;
Hear, Oh ! hear my earnest cry,
Frown not, lest I faint and die.
2 Vilest of the sons of men, —
Chief of sinners I have been ;
Oft abused thee to thy face,
Trampled on thy richest grace.
3 Justly might thy righteous dart
Pierce this bleeding, broken heart;
Justly might thine angry breath
Blast mo in eternal death.
4 But witl th*'e there 's mercy found,—
Balm to beal my every wound :
Soot: ©the the troubled breast.
Give the weary wanderer i
154 HYMNS,
OQQ c - M
<£>(DkD* Penitence.
1 PROSTRATE, dear Jesus ! at ihy teet,
A guilty rebel lies ;
And upwards, to thy mercy-seal,
Presumes to lift his eyes*.
2 Imtanre. in Vieir of Chi isfs Compassion.
1 DID Christ o'er sinners weep .' —
And shall our cheeks be drv ]
156 HYMNS.
Let floods of penitential grief
Burst forth from every eye.
2 The Son of God in tears
The angels wondering see !
Be thou astonished, O my soul !
He shed those tears for thee.
3 He wept — that we might weep ;■ —
Each sin demands a tear ; —
In heaven alone no sin is found, —
There is no weeping there.
&*J *J • The Soul casting itself on Christ.
X APPROACH, my soul ! the mercy-seat
Where Jesus answers prayer;
There humbly fall before his feet,
For none can perish there.
2 Thy promise is my only plea,
With this I venture nigh :
Thou callest burdened souls to thee,
And such, O Lord ! am I.
3 Bowed down beneath a load of sin,
By Satan sorely pressed,
By wars without and fears within,
I come to thee for rest.
4 Be thou my shield and hiding-place,
That, sheltered near thy side,
I may my fierce accuser face,
And tell him— "Thou hasl died."
5 Oh ! wondrous love,— to bleed and die,
To bear the cross and shame,
That guilty sinners, such as I,
Might plead thy gracious name !
9QA c M -
vt/TPi In-dicelhng Sin lamented.
1 WITH tears of anguish, T lament,
Before thy feet, my God !
My passion, pride, and discontent,
And vile ingratitude.
2 Sure, there was ne'er a heart so base,
So false as mine has been ;
So faithless to its promises. —
So prone to bvgtj sin.
3 How long, dear Saviour ! shall I feel
These struggles in my breast x
When wilt thou bow my stubborn will,
And give my conscience rest I
4 Break, sovereign grace ! Oh ! breaK the charm
And set the captive fn
Reveal, great God ! thy mighty arm,
And haste
Your streams hud e'en conveyed me there.
3 Lord! I adore thy matchless gr
That warned me of that dark abyss;
That drew me from those treacherous seas.
And bade me seek superior bliss.
4 Now to the shining realms above,
I stretch my hands, and glance mine eves ;
Oh ! for the pinions of a duve,
To bear me to the upper skies.
5 There, from the bosom of my God,
Oceans of endless pleasure roll;
There would I fix my last abode,
And drown the sorrows of my soul.
t '\J\Jm Rejoicing.
1 NOW let our voices join
Tu raise a sacred song ;
Ye pilgrims ! in Jehovah's ways,
With music pass along.
2 See — flowers of paradise,
In rich profusion, spring ;
The sun of glory gilds the path,
And dear companions sing.
3 See — Salem's golden spires,
In beauteous prospect, rise ;
And brighter crowns than mortals wear$
Which sparkle through the skies.
4 All honor to his name,
Who marks the shining way, —
To him who leads the pilgrims on
To realms of endless day.
307 ( M
U\S i • Salvation velcomed.
1 SALVATION! Oh! the joyful sound ;
'T is pleasure to our ears ; —
A sovereign balm for every wound,
A cordial for our fears.
2 Buried in sorrow and in sin,
At hell's dark door we lay ;
164 HYMNS.
But we arise, by grace divine.
To see a heavenly day.
3 Salvation ! — let the echo fly
The spacious earth around ;
While all the armies of the sky
Conspire to raise the sound.
Darkness turned to Light.
1 BOUNDLESS glory, Lord ! be thine ,
Thou hast made the daikness shine ;
Thou hast sent a cheering ray ;
Thou hast turned our night to day
2 Darkness long involved us round,
Till we knew the joyful sound ;
Then our darkness fled away, —
Chased by truth's effulgent ray.
3 They are blessed, and none beside, —
They, who in the truth abide ;
Clear, the light that marks their way —
Leading to eternal day.
4 Guide us, Saviour ! through the road,
Till we reach the saints' abode ;
Till we see thee throned above,
As thou art, — the God of love.
Qf\Q c. m.
*J\J*Jm Reluming to Zion.
1 SING, all ye ransomed of the Lord I
Your great Deliverer sing :
Ye pilgrims ! now, for Zion bound,
Be joyful in your King.
2 See the fair way his hand, hath made :—
How peaceful and how plain !
The simplest traveler need not err.
Nor seek the path in vain.
3 A hand divine shall lead you on,
Through all the blissful road ;
Till to the sacred mount you rise.
And see your smiling God.
4 Bright garlands of immortal joy
Shall bloom on everv head ;
While sorrow, sighing, and distress,
Like shadows, all arc fed.
5 March on, in your Redeemer's strength ;
Pursue h ill;
With joyfttl hope, still fix your eve
On Zion's heavenly hill.
«-/ J v '• Wubwumim to Christ.
1 JESUS! I come to Ih
aer doomed to die ;
My onl\ - thy cross, —
Here at thy feet I lie.
2 Can mercy reach my case,
And all my sins remove )
Break, O my God ! this heart of stone,
And melt it by thy love.
3 Too long my soul has gone,
Far from my God, astr,
I 've sported on the brink of hell,
In sin's delusive way.
4 But, Lord ! my heart is fixed, —
I hope in thee alone ;
Break off the chains of sin and death,
And bind me to thy throne.
5 Thy bl ty heart.
Thy hand can wipe my
Oh ! send thy blessed Spirit down.
To banish all my i
6 Then shall my soul arise,
From sin and Satan free;
Redeemed from hell and every foe,
I'll trust alone in thee.
mi rM
*/ 1 1 • Sflf-Dedicntuni.
1 WELCOME, O Saviour! to my heart;
line humble throne;
Bid every rival hence depart,
And claim me for thine own.
2 The world and Satan 1 forsake, —
To thin ;<> sing
The growing empire <»i their king.
f / i. O. Th>: Smg of the Saved n% '
1 PR( >M Egypt's bondn
Where death and darkness reign,
We seek a new, a better n<
Where we our rest shall gain.
2 To Canaan's sacred bound.
We baste with joy,
Where peace and liberty are i'ound,
And sweets that never cloy.
3 There sin and sorrow cease,
And every conflict 's o'er:
There we shall dwell in endless peace,
Nor thirst nor hunger more.
4 There, in celestial strains,
Enraptured myriads sing ;
And love in • <>m reigns, —
For God himself is king.
. r > We hope to join the throng,
And soon their pleasures share: —
To sing the everlasting song,
With all the ransomed there.
6 How sweet the prospect i- !
It cheers the pilgrim's breast.;
We 're journeying through the wilderness,
To our eternal rest.
mo |M
U ± *J • A Youth, srekinir heavenly Wisdom.
1 I ASK not wealth, nor pomp, nor power,
>r fleeting <>f an hour :
My soul ings
Than all the pride and state of kings.
2 One thing I ask : — Lord ! wilt thou hear.
And era dear?—
Wisd nding from above,
of thy l" -
3 Wisdom, betimes to know the Lord,
To fear his name, and keep his word:
To lead my feet in paths of truth,
And guide and guard my wandering youth,
4 Then shouldst thou grant a length of days,
My life shall still proclaim thy praise ;
Or early death my soul convey
To realms of everlasting day.
490 HM
tJAJ\J% Renouncing the World.
1 COME, my fond fluttering heart !
Come, struggle to be free ;
Thou and the world must part,
However hard it be :
My trembling spirit owns it jusU
But cleaves yet closer to the dust.
2 Ye tempting sweets ! forbear;
Ye dearest idols ! fall ;
My love ye must not share,
Jesus shall have it all :
'T is bitter pain, — 't is cruel smart —
But, ah ! thou must consent, my heart '
3 Ye fair enchanting throng !
Ye golden dreams ! farewell !
Earth has prevailed too long,
And now I break the spell :
Farewell, ye joys of early years ! —
Jesus ! forgive these parting tears.
4 In Gilead there is balm,
A kind Physician there,
My fevered mind to calm,
And bid me not despair :
Aid me, dear Saviour ! set me free «
My all I would resign to thee.
5 Oh ! may I feel thy worth,
And let no idol dare, —
No vanity of earth,
With thee, my Lord ! compare :
Now bid all worldly joys depart,
And reign supremely in my heart
Rejoicing in Jesua.
1 NOW begin the heavenly theme,
Sing aloud in Jesus 1 Dame ;
Ye, who his salvation prove,
Triumph in redeeming love
2 Ye, who see the Father's
Beaming in the Saviour's fa
As to Canaan on ye move,
Praise, and bless redeeming love.
3 Mourning souls ! dry up your tears;
Banish all your sinful tears;
See your guilt and curse remove, —
Cancelled by redeeming love.
4 Welcome all, by sin oppressed, —
Welcome to his sacred i
Nothing brought him from above, —
Nothing but redeeming love.
5 Hither, then, your music bring ;
Strike aloud each joyful string;
Mortals! join the hosts abov< , —
Join to praise redeeming io\e.
6 When his Spirit leads us home,
When we to his glory c<
We shall all the fulness prove
Of the Lord's redeeming love.
8s and 7s.
Joyful Hoj'C
KNOW, my soul : thy full salvation;
Rise o'er sin, and fear and care,
}jy to find, in every station.
Something ^ill to do or bear :
Think, what spirit dwells within tl
Think, what I' miles are thine;
Think, what Jesus did to win thee ; —
Child of heaven ! canst thou repine ?
2 Haste thee on from grace to glory,
Armed with faith, and winged with prayer
Heaven's eternal day 's before thee,
God's own hand shall guide thee there :
Soon shall close thine earthly mission,
Soon shall pass thy pilgrim-days :
Rape shall change to glad fruition, —
Faith to sight, and prayer to praise.
QOQ sm
Is&zJm Salvation by Grace.
1 GRACE ! — 't is a charming sound, —
Harmonious to the ear ;
Heaven with the echo shall resound,
And all the earth shall hear.
2 Grace first contrived the way
To save rebellious man ;
And all the steps that grace display,
Which drew the wondrous plan.
3 Grace led my roving feet
To tread the heavenly road ;
And new supplies each hour I meet,
While pressing on to God.
4 Grace all the work shall crown,
Through everlasting days ;
It. lays in heaven the topmost stone.
And well deserves the praise.
C. M.
Filial Obedience.
1 GRACE, like an uncorrupted seed.
Abides and reigns within ;
Immortal principles forbid
The sons of God to sin.
2 Not by the terrors of a slave,
Do they perform his will ;
But, with the noblest powers they have,
His sweet commands fulfill.
3 They find access, at every hour.
To God, within the veil ;
Hence they derive a quickening power,
And joys that never fail.
4 Oh! happy »il '— (>h! glorious stale
Of overflowing grace, —
To dwell s<. near their Fatto r
And see his Lovely I
5 Lord ! I address thy heavenly throne;
( '.ill me a child of thine :
Send down the Spirit of thy Son
To form my heart divine.
6 There shed thy choicest love abroad.
And make mv comforts strong :
Then shall 1 say, — "My Father, God!"
With an unwavering tongue.
ttgfj **
tJ^mif^F • Fi'.th encourage*! >>y ancient Example*
\ RISE, my soul ! pursue the path,
By ancient worthies trod;
Aspiring, view those holy men,
Who lived and walked with God.
2 Though dead, they speak in reason's ear.
And in example live ;
Their faith, and hope, and mighty deeds.
Still fresh instruction give.
3 *T was through the Lamb's most preeious blood.
They conquered every foe ;
And to his power and matchless grace,
Their crowns of life they owe.
4 Lord ! may I ever keep in view
The patterns thou hast given ;
And ne'er forsake the blessed road>
That led them safe to heaven.
l/VUi Salrutiun through Christ
1 XOYY, to the power of God supreme
Be everlasting honors given ;
He saves from hell, — we bless his nan* ,-
He calls our wandering feet to heaven.
2 Not for our duti its,
But of his own abounding g
II»' works salvation in our h-
And forms a people for 1
174 HYMNS.
3 'T was his own purpose that begun
To rescue rebels, doomed to die ;
He gave us grace in Christ, his Son,
Before he spread the starry sky.
4 Jesus, the Lord, appears at last,
And makes his Father's counsels knowu ;
Declares the great transaction pas.,
And brings immortal blessings down.
5 He dies, — and, in that dreadful night,
Did all the powers of hell destroy ;
Rising — he brought our heaven to Light,
And took possession of the joy.
77*e Hope of Hecuven.
WHEN I can read my title, clear,
To mansions in the skies,
I bid farewell to every fear,
And wipe my weeping eyes.
Should earth against my soul engage,
And hell's fierce darts be hurled :
Then I can smile at Satan's rage,
And face a frc vvning world.
Let cares, like a wild deluge, come,
And storms of sorrow fall ;
May I but safely reach my home,
My God, my heaven, my all ; —
There shall I bathe my weary soul,
In seas of heavenly rest ;
And not a wave of trouble roll,
Across my peaceful breast.
7s and 6s. Peculiar.
Pilgrim's Song.
RISE, my soul ! and stretch thy wings,
Thy better portion trace ;
Rise from transitory things,
Toward heaven, thy native place :
Sun, and moon, and stars decay,
Time shall soon this earth remove ;
Rise, my soul ' and haste away,
To seats prepared above.
2 Rivers to the ocean run,
Nor stay in all their course ;
Fire ascending seeks the sun, —
Both speed them to their source;
So a soul, that \s born of God,
Pants to view his glorious lace;
Upward tends to his abode,
To rest in his embrace.
3 Cease, ye pilgrims ! cease to mourn.
Press onward to the prize ;
Soon the Saviour will return,
Triumphant in the skies:
Vet a season, — and you know,
Happy entrance will be given;
All our sorrows left below,
And earth exchanged for heaven.
" ** *J • Salvation by Grace.
I LORD ' we confess our numerous faul;* ;
How great our guilt has been !
Foolisu and vain were all our thoughts.
And all our lives were sin.
I But C my soul ! for ever praise,
F*"_ ever love his name,
Wno turns thy feet from dangerous w^yg
Of folly, sin, and shame.
i 'T is not by works of righteousness
Which our own hands have done:
But we are saved by sovereign grace.
Abounding through his Son
\ *T is from the mercy of our God,
That all our hopes begin :
*T is by the water, and the blood,
Our souls are washed from sin.
5 *T is through the purchase of his death
Who hung upon the \v<
The Spirit is sent down, lo breathe
On such dry bones as we.
6 Raised from the dead, we live anew ;
And, justified by gv
We shall appear in glory too,
And see our Father's face.
116 HYMNS.
OOr) S M.
UtJVJ* Heavenly Joy on Earth
1 COME, ye who love the Lord !
And let your joys be known :
Join in a song of sweet accord,
And thus surround the throne.
2 Let those refuse to sing,
Who never knew our God ;
But children of the heavenly King
May speak their joys abroad.
3 The men of grace have found
Glory begun below ;
Celestial fruits on earthly ground
From faith and hope may grow.
4 The hill of Zion yields
A thousand sacred sweets,
Before we reach the heavenly fields,
Or walk the golden streets.
5 Then let our songs abound,
And every tear be dry ;
We 're marching through Immanuei's ground
To fairer worlds on high.
qq-i CM.
Ot)l« Redemption and Protection.
1 ARISE, my soul ! my joyful powers \
And triumph in my God ;
Awake, my voice ! and loud proclaim
His glorious grace abroad.
2 He raised me from the deeps of sin. —
The opening gates of hell ;
And fixed my standing more secure,
That 't was before I fell.
3 The arms of everlasting love.
Beneath my soul he placed ;
And on the rock of ages set
My slippery footsteps fast.
4 The city of my blest abode
Is walled around with grace ;
Salvation for a bulwark stands,
To shield the sacred place.
5 Arise, my soul ! awake, my voice !
And tunes of pleasure sing ;
Loud hallelujahs shall address
My Saviour and my King.
*-' t*& • Pleasures unseen.
1 OH ! could our thoughts and wishes fly,
Above those gloomy shades.
To those bright worlds, beyond the sky,
Which sorrow ne'er invades ! —
2 There, joys, unseen by mortal eyes,
Or reason's feeble ray,
In ever-blooming prospects rise,
Unconscious of decay.
3 Lord ! send a beam of light divine,
To guide our upward aim ;
With one reviving touch of thine,
Our languid hearts inflame.
4 Oh ! then, on faith's sublimest wing,
Our ardent hope shall rise
To those bright scenes, where pleasures spring,
Immortal, in the skies.
»JQ9 C. M.
OOO* TJie Robe of Righteousness.
1 AWAKE, my heart ! arise, my tongue »
Prepare a tuneful voice ;
In God, the life of all my joys,
Aloud will I rejoice.
2 'T is he adorned my naked soul.
And made salvation mine ;
Upon a poor polluted worm,
He makes his graces shine.
3 And, lest the shadow of a spot
Should on my soul be found,
He took the robe the Saviour wrought,
And cast it all around.
4 How far the heavenly robe exceeds
What earthly princes wear !
These ornaments— how bright they shine !
How white the garments are !
178 HYMNS.
5 Strangely, my soul ! art thou arrayed
By the great sacred Three !
In sweetest harmony of praise,
Let all thy powers agree.
L M.
The Christian Race.
1 AWAKE, our souls ! away, our fears !
Let every trembling thought be gone ,
Awake — and run the heavenly race,
And put a cheerful courage on.
2 True, — 't is a strait and thorny road,
And mortal spirits tire and faint ;
But they forget the mighty God,
Who feeds the strength of every saint ;-
3 The mighty God, whose matchless power
Is ever new, and ever young,
/ And firm endures while endless years
Their everlasting circles run.
4 From thee, the overflowing spring,
Our souls shall drink a full supply ;
While such as trust their native strength,
Shall melt away, and droop, and die.
5 Swift as an eagle cuts the air,
We '11 mount aloft to thine abode ;
On wings of love, our souls shall fly,
Nor tire amid the heavenly road.
IJtJtJ* The Christian Race.
1 AWAKE, my soul ! stretch every nerv^
And press with vigor on ;
A heavenly race demands thy zeal,
And an immortal crown.
2 *T is God's all-animating voice,
That calls thee from on high ;
*T is he, whose hand presents the prize
To thine aspiring eye.
3 A cloud of witnesses around
Hold thee in full survey ;
Forget the steps already trod,
And onward urge thy way.
4 Blest Saviour ! introduced by thee,
Our race have we begun :
And, drowned with
We '11 lay our trophies down.
OOU. ng in Hope.
1 CHILDREN of the heavenly King!
• journey, sweetly -
Sing your Saviour's worthy praise,
Glorious in his works and w
2 V lling home to God,
In the way the lathers trod ;
They are happy now, and ye
Soon their happiness shall see.
3 Shout, ye little flock ! and blest j
You on Jesus' throne shall rest ;
Th- \a now prepared, —
There, your kingdom and reward.
1 Fear not, brethren ! joyful stand
:: the bord ir land ;
Jesus Christ, your Father'* Son,
Bids you undismayed go on.
5 Lord ! submissive make us go,
Gladly leaving all below;
Only th ader be,
And we still will follow thee.
L. M.
iii : shake off thy fi
And gird the gospel-armor on ;
Where Jesus, thy great Captain 's gone,
2 Hell and thy s - .—
But :
Thy J si s nail d Lh< to the en
\nd sung the triumph, when he rose.
3 Tli» . soul march boldly on.
Press forward to the heavenly gal
There, peace and
And glittering robes for conquerurs wnii.
180 HYMNS.
4 There shall I wear a starry crown,
And triumph in almighty grace ;
While all the armies of the skies
Join in my glorious leader's praise
OQQ cm.
000» Holy Imt.
1 HAPPY the heart where graces reign,
Where love inspires the breast ;
Love is the brightest of the train,
And strengthens all the rest.
2 Knowledge, — alas ! 't is all in vain,
And all in vain our fear ;
Our stubborn sins will fight and reign.
If love be absent there.
3 This is the grace that lives and sings,
When faith and hope shall cease ;
'T is this shall strike our joyful strings,
In the sweet realms of bliss.
4 Before we quite forsake our clay,
Or leave this dark abode,
The wings of love bear us away
To see our smiling God.
UU*J • Love to God and Man.
1 HAD 1 the tongues of Greeks and Jews,
And nobler speech than angels use, —
If love be absent, I am found
Like tinkling brass — an empty sound.
2 Were I inspired to preach, and tell
All that is done in heaven and hell, —
Or could my faith the world remove,
Still — I am nothing without love.
3 Should I distribute all my store
To feed the hungry — clothe the poor ;
Or give my body to the flame,
To gain a martyr's glorious name ; —
4 If love to God, and love to men,
Be absent, all my hopes are vain :
Nor tongues, nor gifts, nor fiery zeal,
The work of love can e'er fulfill.
L. M
W?io on earth are blessed.
1 BLEST are the humble souls, that see
Their emptiness and poverty ;
Treasures of grace to them are given,
And crowns of joy laid up in heaven.
2 Blest are the men of broken heart,
Who mourn for sin with inward smart;
The blood of Christ divinely flows —
A healing balm for all their woes.
3 Blest are the meek, who stand afar
From rage and passion, noise and war ;
God will secure their happy state,
And plead their cause against the great.
4 Blest are the souls, that thirst for grace,—
Hunger and long for righteousness;
They shall be well-supplied, and fed,
With living streams and living bread.
L M.
WJio on earth are blessed.
1 BLEST are the men, whose hearts do move
And melt with sympathy and love;
From Christ, the Lord, shall they obtain
Like sympathy and love again.
2 Blest are th<- pure, whose hearts are clear
From the defiling power of sin ,
Wi:h endless pleasure, they shall se*
A God of spotless purity.
3 Blest are the men of peaceful lire,
Who quench the coals of growing strife;
They shall be called the heirs of bliss, —
The sons of God, the God of peace.
4 Blest are the sufferers, who partake
I ►f pain and shame, tor .h'su^' sake ;
Their souls shall triumph in the I ord r —
Glory and joy arc their reward.
• 14O c. M
UtV*< • Brotherly Lore.
1 HOW sweet and heavenly js .he sight,
When those whu lose the Lord
182 HYMNS.
In one another's peace delight,
And so fulfill his word !
2 Oh ! may we feel each brother's sigh,
And with him bear a part ;
May sorrows flow from eye to eye,
And joy from heart to heart.
3 Let love, in one delightful stream,
Through every bosom flow ;
Let union sweet, and dear esteem,
In every action, glow.
4 Love is the golden chain that binds
The happy souls above ;
And he 's an heir of heaven who finds
His bosom glow with love.
t-lTD£-/« Christian Union and Love.
1 JESUS, Lord ! we look to thee,
Let us in thy name agree ;
Show thyself the Prince of peace,
Bid all strife for ever cease.
2 Make us one in heart and mind,
Courteous, pitiful, and kind,
Lowly, meek, in thought and word.
Wholly like our blessed Lord.
3 Let us each for others care,
Each his brother's burden bear,
To thy church a pattern give,
Showing how believers live.
4 Let us, then, with joy, remove
To thy family above ;
On the wings of angels fly, —
Showing how believers die.
* IJ L M'"Ji 9 Christian Union.
1 /BLEST be the tie, that binds
Our hearts, in chrislian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.
2 Before our Father's throne,
We pour cur ardent prayers ;
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, —
Oui comforts and our cares.
3 We share our mutual woes.
Our mutual burdens bear ;
And often, for each other, flows
The sympathizing tear.
4 When we asunder part,
It gives us inward p;iin ;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.
ft This glorious hope revives
Our courage, by the way ;
While each, in expectation, lives,
And longs to sec the day.
6 From sorrow, toil, and pain,
And sin, we shall be free ;
And perfect love and friendship reign,
Through all eternity.
•VJ/T 8.M.
OHfiO . All, one in Christ.
1 LET party-names no more
The christian world o'er spread :
Gentile and Jew. and bond and free.
Are one, in Christ, their head.
2 Among the saints on earth,
Let mutual love abound ; —
Heirs of the same inheritance,
With mutual blessings crowned.
3 Thus will the church below
Resemble tnat above;
Where streams of endless pleasure flow v
And every heart is love.
O *-± U • Parting of Christiana.
1 FOR a season called to part,
Let us now ourselves commend,
To the gracious eve and heart
Of our ever-present friend.
2 Jesus ! bear our humble pray t ;
Tender shepherd of thy she-
184 HYMNS.
Let thy mercy and thy care
All our souls in safety keep.
3 In thy strength, may we be strong ,
Sweeten every cross and pain :
Grant, that, if we live, ere-long
We may meet in peace again.
4 Then, if thou thy help afford,
Joyful songs to thee shall rise,
And our souls shall praise the Lord
Who regards our humble cries.
t-'TD i • Love to our Neighbor.
1 FATHER of mercies ! send thy grace,
All-powerful from above,
To form, in our obedient souls,
The image of thy love.
2 Oh ! may our sympathizing breasts
That generous pleasure know, .
Kindly to share in others' joy,
And weep for others' wo.
3 When the most helpless sons of grief,
. In low distress, are laid,
Soft be our hearts their pains to feel,
And swift our hands to aid.
4 So Jesus looked on dying men,
When throned above the skies ;
And mid th' embraces of thy love,
He felt compassion rise.
5 On wings of love the Saviour flew,
To raise us from the ground ;
x\nd gave his own most precious blood,
A balm for every wound.
OAQ c - M
*J^b(D» Compassion and Charity.
1 BLEST is the man, whose softening heart
Feels all another's paiu ;
To whom the supplicating eye
Is never raised in vain ; —
2 Whose breast expands with generous warmth,
A brother's woes to feel,
C. It
Fur benevolent Societiea.
And bleeds in pity o'er the wound
He warns the power to heal.
3 He spr< ads his kmd supporting arms
To every child of griei;
His mty largely flows,
And brings unasked relief.
-1 To gentle offices of love,
His feet are never slow ;
He views, through mercy's melting eye,
A brother in a foe.
5 fie, from the bosom of his God,
Shall present peace receive ;
And, when he kneels before the throne,
His trembling soul shall live.
1 BRIGHT Source of everlasting love!
To thee our souls we raise ;
And to :hy sovereign bounty rear
A monument of praise.
2 Thy mercy giids the path of life,
With every cheering ray;
Kindly restrains the rising tear,
Or wipes that tear away.
3 When sunk in guilt, our souls approached
The borders of despair,
Thy grace, through Jesus' blood, proclaimed
A free salvation near.
4 What shall we render, bounteous Lord !
For all the grace we seel
Alas ! th js, worms can yield,
Bxtendeth not to thee.
> To tents of wo, to beds of pain,
Our cheerful feet repair;
And, with the gifts thy hand bestows,
Relieve the mourners there.
6 The widow's heart shall sing for joy,
The orphan shall be fed ;
The hungering soul, we '11 gladly point
To Christ, the living bread.
186 HYMNS.
C. M.
Charitable Appropriations.
1 JESUS, our Lord !~how rich thy grace !
Thy bounties — how complete !
How shall we count the wondrous sum.
Or pav the mighty debt %
2 Hig . on a throne of radiant light,
Dost thou exalted shine ;
What can our poverty bestow,
Since all the world is thine.
3 But thou hast brethren here below,
The children of thy grace,
Whose humble names thou wilt confess,
Before thy Father's face.
4 In them may'st thou be clothed and fed,
Be visited and cheered ;
And, in their accents of distress,
The Saviour's voice be heard.
5 Whate'er our willing hands can give,
Lord ! at thy feet we lay ;
Grace will the humble gift receive,
And grace at length repay.
*-s €-/ -i- • Supports of Religion.
1 WHEN gloomy doubts and fears
The trembling heart invade,
And all the face of nature wears
A universal shade ; —
2 Religion can assuage
The tempest of the soul ;
And every fear gives up its rage
At her divine control.
3 Through life's bewildered way.
Her hand unerring leads ;
And o'er the path, her heavenly ray
A cheering lustre sheds.
4 When reason, tired and blind,
Sinks helpless and afraid ;
Thou blest supporter of the mind !
How powerful is thine aid !
5 Oh ! let me feel thy power
Ana find thy sweet relief,
To cneer rny every gloomy hour,
And calm my every grief.
q^9 c «
*-s*J Aj • Contnticm and Prayer.
1 OH ! for that tenderness of heart,
That bows before the Lord ;
That owns how just and good thou art,
And trembles at thy word.
2 Oh ! for those humble, contrite tears,
Which from repentance flow;
That sense of guilt, which, trembling, fears
The long-suspended blow !
3 Saviour ! to me, in pity give,
For sin, the deep distress :
The pledge thou wilt, at Last, receive,
And bid me die in peace.
4 Oh ! lilt my soul with faith and love.
And strength to do thy will ;
Raise my desires and hopes above, —
Thyself to me reveal.
Q^TQ 8s. 7s and 4.
t) * ) O • Hope encou raged.
1 O MY soul ! what means this sadness!
Wherefore art thou thus cast down ]
Let thy grief be turned to gladness,
Bid thy restless fear begone ;
Look to Jesus,
And rejoice in his dear name.
2 Though ten thousand ills beset thee,
Though thy heart is stained with sin,
Jesus lives, he '11 ne'er forget thee,
He will make thee pure within ,
He is faithful
To perform his gracious word.
3 Though distresses now attend thee,
And thou tread'st the thorny road ;
His right hand shall still defend thee ;
Soon he '11 bring thee home to God ;
Thou shalt praise him, —
Praise the great Redeemer's name.
188 HYMNS.
4 Oh ! that I could low adore him,
Like the heavenly host above,
Who for ever bow before him,
And unceasing sing his love !
Happy spirits !
When shall I your chorus join !
t ' £./ t4 « Strength from Heaven.
1 WHENCE do our mournful thoughts arise ?
And where 's our courage fled ]
Have restless sin, and raging hell,
Struck all our comforts dead j
2 Have we forgot th' almighty name,
That formed the earth and seal
And can an all-creating arm
Grow weary, or decay ?
3 Treasures of everlasting might
In our Jehovah dwell ;
He gives the conquest to the weak,
And treads their foes to hell.
4 Mere mortal powers shall fade and die.
And youthful vigor cease ;
But we, that wait upon the Lord,
Shall feel our strength increase.
5 The saints shall mount on eagles' wmgs,
And taste the promised bliss ,
Till their unwearied feet arrive,
Where perfect pleasure is.
H. M.
Spiritual Desertion.
1 WHERE is my Saviour now,
Whose smiles I once possessed ?
Till he return, I bow,
By heaviest grief oppressed :
My days of happiness have gone,
And I am left to weep alone.
2 Where can the mourner go,
And tell his tale of grief]
Ah ! who can soothe his wo,
And give him sweet relief!
Earth cannot heal the wounded breast,
Nor give the troubled sinner rest.
3 Jesus ! thy smiles impart ;
My dearest Lord ! return,
And ease my wounded heart,
And bid me cease to mourn :
Then shall this night of sorrow flee,
And peace and heaven be found in thee.
KJ *~J \J • Askiiig divine Consolation.
1 SWEET peace of conscience, heavenly guest !
Come, fix thy mansion in my breast,
Dispel my doubts, my fears control,
And heal the anguish of my soul.
2 Come, smiling hope ! and joy sincere !
Come, make your constant dwelling here .
Still let your presence cheer my heart,
Nor sin compel you to depart.
3 Thou God of hope and peace divine !
Oh ! make these sacred pleasures mine ;
Forgive my sins, my fears remove,
And send the tokens of thy love.
4 Then should mine eyes, without a tear,
See death with all its terrors near ;
My heart should then in death rejoice,
And raptures tune my faltering voice.
q/rrv C. If.
OlJ i • Beatific Vision of Christ.
1 FROM thee, my God ! my joys shall rise.
And run eternal rounds,
Beyond the limits of the skies,
And all created bounds.
2 The holy triumphs of my soul
Shall death itself out-brave,
Leave dull mortality behind,
And fly beyond the grave.
& There, where my blessed Jesus reigns,
In heaven's unmeasured space,
I '11 spend a long eternity
In pleasure, and in praise.
C. M.
Heaven on Earth.
190 HYMNS.
4 Blest Jesus ! every smile of thine
Shall fresh endearments bring,
And thousand tastes of new delight
From all thy graces spring.
5 Haste, my Beloved ! fetch my soul
Up to thy blest abode ;
Fly— for my spirit longs to see
My Saviour, and my God.
1 WHILE through this changing world we roani
From infancy to age,
Heaven is the christian pilgrim's home.
His rest at every stage.
2 Thither, his raptured thought ascends,
Eternal joys to share ;
There his adoring spirit bends,
While here, he kneels in prayer.
3 From earth his freed affections rise,
To fix on things above,
Where all his hope of glory lies, —
Where all is perfect love.
4 There too may we our treasure place,
There let our hearts be found ;
That still, where sin abounded, grace
May more and more abound.
5 Henceforth, our conversation be,
With Christ before the throne ;
Ere long we, eye to eye, shall see,
And know as we are known.
C. P. M.
Worldliness lamented.
1 THE mind was formed, to mount sublime
Beyond the narrow bounds of time,
To everlasting things ;
But earthly vapors dim her sight,
And hang, with cold oppressive weight,
Upon her drooping wings.
2 Blight scenes of bliss, — unclouded skies.
Invite my soul ; — Oh ! could I rise,
Nor leave a thought below,
[ 'd bid farewell to anxious care,
And say, to every tempting snare, —
Heaven calls, and I must go : —
Heaven calls, — and can I yet delay 1
Can aught on earth engage my stay]
Ah ! wretched lingering heart !
Come, Lord ! with strength, and life, and light
Assist and guide my upward flight,
And bid the world depart.
Backsliders invited to return.
1 RETURN to the guide of thy youth,—'
Thy Maker, thy Father, thy Friend!
Behold him prepared to receive
The child who has dared to offend :
Return — the Redeemer invites ;
Full oft he hath sought thee before ;
But, lo ! with unspeakable grace,
He deigns to entreat thee once more.
2 Return, — and enjoyments are thine,
Too vast for the heart to conceive ; —
Enjoyments which only belong
To those who repeat and believe:
A love which for ever expands ;
Unceasing composure of heart;
A crown of unfading delight,
A kingdom which cannot depart.
Ofil C M.
\J\J .1. • God, the Author of Mercies and Afflictioiw.
1 NAKED, as from the earth we came,
And rose to life at first,
We to the earth return again,
And mingle with the dust.
2 The dear delights we here enjoy,
And fondly call our own,
Are only favors borrowed now,
To be repaid anon.
3 'Tis God, who lifts our comforts high,
Or sinks them in the grave ;
He gives, and — blessed be his name ! —
He takes but what he gave.
192 HYMNS.
4 Peace, all our angry passions ! then ;
Let each rebellious sigh
Be silent, at his sovereign will,
And every murmur die.
5 If smiling mercy crown our lives,
Its praises shall be spread ;
And we '11 adore the justice too.
That strikes our comforts dead.
Q(*Q 8s and 7s.
O \J& • Eternity.
1 IN this world of sin and sorrow.
Compassed round with every care,
From eternity we borrow
Hope that banishes despair.
2 Thee, triumphant God and Saviour !
In the glass of faith we see,
Oh ! assist each faint endeavor,
Raise our earth-born souls to thee.
3 Bring that awful scene, before us-,
Of the last tremendous day,
When to life thou wilt restore us ;—
Lingering ages ! haste away.
4 Then this vile and sinful nature
Incorruption shail put on ;
Life-renewing, glorious Saviour !
Let thy gracious will be done.
S. M.
Trust in God.
1 YOUR harps, ye trembling saints'
Down from the willows take :
Loud to the praise of love divine,
Bid every string awake.
2 Though in a foreign land,
We are not far from home ;
And nearer to our house above,
We every moment come.
3 His grace will, to the end,
Stronger and brighter shine ;
Nor present things — nor things to come
Shall quench this spark divine.
4 VY'ni-n \\( in darkneM walk,
fee] the h< me ;
m Ins nan
trol ;
His- loving-kindn< 'hr«»ugb
The mid night There, on a green and flowery mount,
Our weary souls shall sit,
And, with transporting joys, recount
The labors of our feet.
6 Eternal glory to the King,
Who brought us safely through,
Our tongues shall never cease to sing,
And endless praise renew.
C. M.
Filial Submission.
1 AND can my heart aspire so high,
To say— " My Father, God?"
Lord ! at thy feet I fain would lie,
And learn to kiss the rod.
2 I would submit to all thy will,
For thou art good and wise ;
Let each rebellious thought be still,
Nor one faint murmur rise.
3 Thy love can cheer the darkest gloom.
And bid me wait serene ;
Till hopes and joys immortal bloom,
And brighten all the scene.
200 HYMNS.
4 " My Father, God !" permit my heart
To plead her humble claim,
And ask the bliss those words impart,
In my Redeemer's name.
*J i i • Unfruitf ulness.
1 LONG have I sat beneath the sound
Of thy salvation, Lord !
But still, how weak my faith is found
And knowledge of thy word I
2 Oft I frequent thy holy place,
And hear almost in vain ;
How small a portion of thy grace
My mem'ry can retain !
3 How cold and feeble is my love !
How negligent my fear !
How low my hope of joys above !
How few affections there !
4 Great God ! thy sovereign power impart
To give thy word success ;
Write thy salvation in my heart,
And make me learn thy grace.
5 Show my forgetful feet the way,
That leads to joys on high ;
There knowledge grows without decay,
And love shall never die.
S. M.
Ingratitude to divine Goodness.
IS this the kind return 1
Are these the thanks we owe]
Thus to abuse eternal love,
Whence all our blessings flow !
To what a stubborn frame
Hath sin reduced our mind !
What strange, rebellious wretches we,
And God as strangely kind !
Turn, turn us, mighty God !
And mould our souls afresh ;
Break, sovereign grace ! these hearts of stone,
And give us hearts of flesh.
4 Let past ingratitude
Provoke our weeping eyes;
And hourly, as new mercies fall,
Let hourly thanks arise.
q7 Q C M
tJ I *J • Rfpentance in Vine of thrum Patience.
1 AND are we, wretches, yet alive J
And do we yet rebel !
'T is boundless — 't is amazing love, —
That bears us up from hell !
2 The burden of our weighty guilt
Would sink us down to flames ;
And threatening vengeance rolls above
To crush our feeble frames.
3 Almighty goodness cries — " Forbear!'' —
And straight the thunder stays ;
And dare we now provoke his wrath,
And weary out his grace 1
4 Lord ! we have long abused thy love, —
Too long indulged our sin ;
Our aching hearts e'en bleed to see
What rebels we have been.
5 No more, ye lusts ! shall ye command ;
No more will we obey :
Stretch out. O God ! thy conquering hand*
And drive thy foes away.
c. M.
Badeslidings and Returns.
1 WHY is my heart so far from thee,
.My God ! my chief delight 1
Why are my thoughts no more, by day,—
With thee, no more by night 1
2 Why should my foolish passions rove!
Where can such sweetness be.
As I have tasted in thy love, —
As 1 have found in thee ?
3 When my forgetful soul renews
The savor of thy grace,
My heart presumes, I cannot lose
The relish all my days.
202 HYMNS.
4 But ere one fleeting hour is past.
The flattering world employs
Some sensual bait, to seize my taste*
And to pollute my joys.
5 Wretch that I am, to wander thus,
In chase of false delight !
Let me be fastened to thy cross,
Rather than lose thy sight.
Make haste, my days ! to reach the goal.
And bring my heart to rest
On the dear centre of my soul, —
My God, my Saviour's breast.
OO JL • Watchfulness and Prayer.
1 ALAS \ what hourly dangers rise,
What snares beset my way !
To heaven, Oh ! let me lift mine eyes,
And, hourly, watch and pray.
2 How oft my mournful thoughts complain.
And melt in flowing tears !
I strive against my foes in vain, —
- I sink amid my fears.
3 O Lord ! increase my faith and hope,
When foes and fears prevail ;
And bear my fainting spirit up,
Or soon my strength will fail.
4 Oh ! keep me in thy heavenly way,
And bid the tempter flee ;
And never, never let me stray
From happiness and thee.
L. M.
Hardness of Heart lamented.
1 OH ! for a glance of heavenly day,
To chase the shades of night away ;
To melt, with beams of love divine,
This unrelenting heart of mine.
2 The rocks can rend, the earth can qua«e,
The ocean roar, the mountain shake ;
All nature feels, and gives the sign ;
But not this stubborn heart of mine.
Dear Lord ! the sorrows, thou hast felt,
Might cause a heart of stone to melt ;
Yet, I can read each sacred line,
And nothing melt this heart of mine.
But power supreme the soul can move,
And purify, and melt to love ;
Come, Holy Spirit ! Power divine !
Oh ! come, subdue this heart of mine.
S. M.
Dead to Sin by the Cross of Christ.
1 SHALL we go on to sin,
Because thy grace abounds?
Or crucify the Lord again,
And open all his wounds?
2 Forbid it, mighty God !
Nor let it e'er be said,
That we, whose sins are crucified,
Should raise them from the dead.
3 We will be slaves no more,
Since Christ has made us free,
Has nailed oui tyrants to the cross.
And bought our liberty.
1 'T IS by the faith of joys to come,
We walk through deserts dark as night
Till we arrive at heaven, our home,
Faith is our guide, and faith our light.
2 The want of sight she well supplies ;
She makes the pearly gates appear ;
Far into distant worlds she pries,
And brings eternal glories near.
3 Cheerful we tread the desert through,
While faith inspires a heavenly ray ;
Though lions roar, and tempests blow,
And rocks and dangers fill the way.
4 So Abr'am, by divine command,
Left his own home to walk with God ;
His faith beheld the promised land,
And fired his zeal along the road
L M.
Faith, our Guide.
204 HYMNS.
OOP. c. M.
CJ V_J £/ • Faith of Tilings unseen.
1 FAITH is the brightest evidence
Of things beyond our sight ;
Breaks through the clouds of flesh and sens*"
And dwells in heavenly light.
2 It sets times past, in present view,
Brings distant prospects home —
Of things a thousand years ago,
Or thousand years to come.
3 By faith, we know the worlds were made
By God's almighty word :
Abr'am, to unknown countries led.
By faith, obeyed the Lord.
4 He sought a city fair and high,
Built by th' eternal hands ;
And faith assures us, though we die,
That, heavenly building stands.
The Power of Faith.
1 FAITH adds new charms to earthly bliss,
And saves me from its snares ;
Its aid, in every duty, brings,
And softens all my cares.
2 The wounded conscience knows its power
The healing balm to give ;
That balm the saddest heart can cheer
And make the dying live.
3 Wide it unveils celestial worlds,
Where deathless pleasures reign ;
And bids me seek my portion there,
Nor bids me seek in vain.
4 It shows the precious promise, sealed
With the Redeemer's blood ;
And helps my feeble hope to rest
Upon a faithful God.
5 There — there unshaken would 1 rest,
Till this vile body dies ;
And then, on faith's triumphant wings,
To endless glory rise.
qcvj c m
LjCD I • Justification ; or, Lair and Q%
1 VAIN are the hop msofmen
On their own works nave built; —
Their hearts, by nature, all unci'
And all their actions, guilt.
2 Let Jew and Gentile stop their mouths,
Without a inurm'ring word ;
And the whole race of Adam stand
Guilty before' the Lord.
3 In vain we ask God's righteous law
To justify us now ;
Since to convince, and to condemn,
Is all the law can do.
4 Jesus ! how glorious is thy grace ! —
When in thy name we trust.
Our faith receives a righteousness
That makes the sinner just.
From scenes, where Satan wages still
His most successful war.
2 The calm retreat, the silent shade,
With prayer and praise agree ;
And seem, by thy sweet bounty, made
For those who follow thee.
3 There, if thy Spirit touch the soul,
And grace her mean abode,
Oh ! with what peace, and joy, and love,
She then communes with God.
4 There, like the nightingale, she pours
Her solitary lays ;
Nor asks a witness of her song,
Nor thirsts for human praise.
5 Author and guardian of my life, —
Sweet source of light divine, —
And — all harmonious names in one —
Blest Saviour ! — thou art mine.
6 What thanks I owe thee, and what love !
And praise, an endless store,
Shall echo through the realms above,
When time shall be no more.
Privileges of Adoption.
BLESSED are the sons of God ;
They are bought with Jesus' blood ;
They are ransomed from the grave ;-
Life eternal they shall have :
With them numbered may we be,
Here, and in eternity.
They are justified by grace ;
They enjoy the Saviour's peace ;
All their sins are washed away ;
They shall stand in God's great day :
With them numbered may we be,
Here, and in eternity.
They produce the fruits of grace,
In the works of righteousness ;
They are harmless, meek and mild,
Holy, blameless, unde filed :
With them numbered may we be,
Here, and in eternity.
4 They are lights upon the earth, —
Children of a heavenly birth, —
One with God, with Jesus one;
Glory is in them begun :
With them numbered may we be,
Here, and in eternity,
'401 CM
l'*/ -L • Hope of Heaven through Chritt.
1 BLEST be the everlasting God.
The Father of our Lord ;
Be his abounding mercy praised, —
His majesty adored.
2 When from the dead he raised his Sod,
And called him to the sky,
He gave our souls a lively hope,
That they should never die.
3 What though our inbred sins require
Our flesh to see the dust ;
Yet, as the Lord, our Saviour, rose,
So all his followers must.
4 There 's an inheritance divine,
Reserved against that day ;
'Tis uncorrupted, undefiied,
And cannot waste away.
5 Saints, by the power of God, are kept
Till the salvation come;
We walk by faith, as strangers here.
Till Christ shall call us home.
oqo * m
*JfnJAmf» AdojJtum.
1 BEHOLD ! what wondrous grace
The Father has bestowed,
On sinners of a mortal race,
To call them sons of God.
2 'T is nu surprising thing,
That we should be unknown ,
The Jewish world knew not theii king*—
God's everlasting Son.
3 Nor doth it yet appear
How great we must be made :
20$ HYMNS.
But when we see our Saviour here,
We shall be like our head.
4 A hope, so much divine,
May trials well endure ;
May purge our souls from sense and sin,
As Christ, the Lord, is pure.
5 If, in my Father's love,
I share a filial part,
Send down thy Spirit, like a dove,
To rest upon my heart.
6 We would no longer lie,
Like slaves, beneath the throne ;
Our faith shall— "Abba, Father '."—cry
And thou the kindred own.
*J *J *-J • The Fearful encouraged.
1 YE trembling souls ! dismiss your fears,
Be mercy all your theme ;
Mercy — which, like a river, flows,
In one perpetual stream.
2 Fear not the powers of earth and hell ; —
Those powers will God restrain ;
His arm shall all their rage repel,
And make their efforts vain.
3 Fear not the want of outward good {
For his he will provide,
Grant them supplies of daily food,
And all they need beside.
4 Fear not that he will e'er forsake,
Or leave his work undone ;
He 's faithful to his promises,
And faithful to his Son.
5 Fear not the terrors of the grave,
Nor death's tremendous sting ;
He will, from endless wrath, preserve —
To endless glory bring.
tJ t/^dy • Saints in the Hands of Christ.
1 FIRM as the earth, thy gospel stands,
My Lord, my hope, my trust !
If 1 am found in Jesus' hands,
My suui can ne'er be lost.
His nonor is engaged to save
The meanest of his sheep ;
All, whom his heavenly Father gave,
His hands securely keep.
Nor death, nor hell shall e'er remove
His fa v 'rites from his breast ;
In the dear bosom of his love,
They must for ever rest
L. M.
Hope in the Covenant.
1 HOW oft have sin and Satan strove
To rend my soul from thee, my God !
But everlasting is thy Love,
And Jesus seals it with his bio ■)&.
2 The oath and promise of the Lord
Join to confirm the wondrous grace ,
Eternal power performs the word,
And fills all heaven with endless praise
3 Amid temptations, sharp and long,
My soul to this dear refuge flies ;
Hope is my anchor, firm and strong,
While tempests blow, and billows rise.
4 The gospel bears my spirit up ;
A faithful and unchanging God
Lays the foundation for my hope,
In oaths, and promises, and blood.
OJU* St curily of the Saints.
1 WHO shall the Lord's elect condemn ! —
'T is God. who justifies their souls;
And mercy, like a mighty stream
O'er all their sins divinely rolls.
2 Who shall adjudge the saints to hell ! —
'T is Christ, who suffered in their stead
And, the salvation to fulfill,
Behold him, rising from the dead !
3 He lives ! — he lives, and reigns above,
For evftr interceding there y
210 HYMNS.
Who shall divide us from his love 1 ? —
Or what shall tempt us to despair 1
4 Not all that men on earth can do,
Nor powers on high, nor powers below,
Shall cause his mercy to remove,
Or wean our hearts from Christ, our love,
8s, 7s and 4-
God, the Pilgrim's Guide
GUIDE me, O thou great Jehovah !
Pilgrim through this barren land ;
1 am weak, but thou art mighty ;
Hold me with thy powerful hand :
Bread of heaven !
Feed me till I want no more.
Open, Lord ! the crystal fountain,
Whence the healing waters flow ;
Let the fiery cloudy pillar i
Lead me all my journey through :
Strong deliverer !
Be thou still my strength and shield.
When I tread the verge of Jordan,
Bid my anxious fears subside ;
Death of death, and helPs destruction i
Land me safe on Canaan's side *
Songs of praises —
I will ever give to thee.
c. M.
Joys departed.
1 SWEET was the time, when first I felt
The Saviour's pard'ning blood,
Applied to cleanse my soul from guilt,
And bring me home to God.
2 Soon as the morn the light revealed.
His praises tuned my tongue ;
And, when the evening-shade prevailed.
His love was all my song.
3 In prayer, my soul drew near the Lord,
And saw his glory shine ;
And when I read his holy word,
I called each promise mine.
4 But now, when evening-shade prevails.
My soul in darkness mourns ;
And, when the morn the light reveals,
No light to me returns.
5 Rise, Saviour ! — help me to prevail,
And make my soul thy care ;
J know thy mercy cannot fail, —
Let me that mercy share.
IJ%J*J» Seeking God.
1 OH ! that I knew the secret place,
Where I might find my God ;
I 'd spread my wants before his face,
And pour my woes abroad.
2 I'd tell him how my sins arise, —
What sorrows I sustain ;
How grace decays, and comfort dies,
And leave my heart in pain.
3 He knows what arguments I ? d taKe
To wrestle with my God ;
I 'd plead for his own mercy's sake,
And for my Saviour's blood.
4 My God will pity my complaints,
And heal my broken bones ;
He takes the meaning of his saints, —
The language of their groans.
5 Arise, my soul ! from deep distress,
And banish every fear ;
He calls thee, to his throne of grace
To spread thy sorrows there.
4ur-God !
Did I my soul resi
In firm reuance on that truth
the grave,
At •
Nor wnl I ask a speedier flight
For, in t:, . life,
i n Chriat
218 HYMNS.
Meekly beaming in my face,
May the world thine image see*
2 Happy only in thy love,
Poor, unfriended, or unknown;
Fix my thoughts on things above,—
Stay my heart on thee alone.
3 Humble, holy, all-resigned
To thy will : — thy will be done !
Give me, Lord ! the perfect mind
Of thy well-beloved Son.
4 Counting gain and glory loss,
May 1 tread the path he trod ;
Die with Jesus on the cross, —
Rise with him, to thee, my God !
/LI 3 L M
Hb JL tJ m Holiness and Grace.
1 SO let our lips and lives express
The holy gospel, we profess ;
So let our works and virtues shine,
To prove the doctrine ali-divine.
2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad
The honors of our Saviour-God ;
When his salvation reigns within,
And grace subdues the power of sin.
3 Religion bears our spirits up,
While we expect that blessed hope, —
The bright appearance of the Lord ;—
And faith stands leaning on his word,
T^ JL *~i4m Hope in Affliction.
1 WHEN musing sorrow weeps the past^
And mourns the present pain,
How sweet to think of peace at last.
And feel that death is gain !
2 'T is not that murm'ring thoughts arise,
And dread a Father's will ; .
*T is not that meek submission flies.
And would not suffer still ; —
B It is that heaven-taught faith surveys
The path to realms of light,
And longs her eagle-plumes to raise*
And lose heiself in sight.
4 It is that hope with ardor glows
To see him face to face.
Whose dying love no language knows
Sufficient art to trace.
5 It is that harrasse 1 conscience feels
The pangs of struggling sin ;
Sees, though afar, the hand that heals
And ends her war within.
6 Oh ! let me wing my hallowed flight,
From earth-born wo and care,
And soar beyond these realms of night,
My Saviour's bliss to share.
/LI ^ c L M
H^ J tJ t Faith struggling in Darkness.
1 OH ! let my trembling soul be still,
While darkness veils the sky ;
And wait thy wise, thy holy will,
Wrapt yet in mystery :
I cannot, Lord ! thy purpose see,
But all is well since ruled by the^
2 Thus trusting in thy love, I tread
The path of duty on :
What though some cherished joys are lied,
Some flattering dreams are gone ?
Yet purer, brighter joys remain ;
Why should my spirit then complain 1
til fi C M
't 1 \J • Presence of God in Afflictions.
1 THY gracious presence, O my God !
Can soothe my inward pains :
With this, beneath affliction's load,
My heart no more complains.
« This can my every care control,
And gild each scene with light ;
This is the sunshine of the soul ;
Without it, all is night.
3 My Lord ! my Life ! Oh ! cheer my heart,
With thy reviving ray ;
Oh ! bid these mournful shades depart,
And bring the dawn of day.
■i. Ch ! happy scenes of pure delight,
Where thv fall beams arise *
220 HYMNS.
Unclouded beauty to the sight, —
Sweet rapture and surprise !
5 Lord ! shall these breathings of my heart
Aspire, in vain, to thee ?
Confirm my hope, that, where thou art,
I shall for ever be.
6 Then shall my cheerful spirit sing
The darkest hours away,
And rise, on faith's expanding wing,
To everlasting day.
L. M.
Submission to the WHl of God.
1 WAIT, O my soul ! thy Maker's will ;
Tumultuous passions ! all be still !
Nor let a murm'ring thought arise,—
His ways are just, — his counsels wise.
2 He in the thickest darkness dwells,
Performs his work, — the cause conceals
But, though his methods are unknown.
Judgment and truth support his throne
3 Wait then, my soul ! submissive w 7 ait,-
Prostrate before his awful seat :
Mid all the terrors of his rod,
Still trust a wise and gracious God.
no c. m.
raH X O • The christian Soldier.
1 AM 1 a soldier of the cross, —
A foll'wer of the Lamb %
And shall 1 fear to own his cause,
Or blush to speak his name)
2 Are there no foes for me to face 2
Must I not stem the flood?
Is this vile world a friend to grace
To help me on to God ?
3 Sure 1 must fight, if I would reign ;
increase my courage, Lord !
I '11 bear the toil — endure the pain,—
Supported by thy word.
4 Thy saints, in all this glorious war,
Shall conquer, though they die ;
They s?e the triumph from afar,
And seize it with their eye.
When that illustrious day shall rise,
And all thine armies shine,
In robes of vict'ry, through the skies,—
The glory shall be thine.
C. M.
Christian Assurance.
1 I 'M not ashamed to own my Lord,
Or to defend his cause ;
Maintain the honor of his word, —
The glory of his cross.
2 Jesus, my God ! — I know his nam*. ,
His name is all my trust ;
Nor will he put my soul to shame.
Nor let my hope be lost.
3 Firm as his throne, his promise stands,
And he can well secure
What I 've committed to his hands,
Till the decisive hour.
4 Then will he own my worthless name,
Before his Father's face,
And, in the New-Jerusalem,
Appoint my soul a place.
The three Mounts.
1 WHEN on Sinai's top I see
God descend, in majesty,
To proclaim his holy law, —
All my spirit sinks with awe.
2 When in ecstacy sublime,
Tabor's glorious steep I climb,
At the too-transporting light.
Darkness rushes o'er my sight
3 When on Calvary I rest,
God, in flesh made manifest,
Shi.ies in my Redeemer's face,
Full of beauty, truth, and grace.
4 Here, I would for ever stay,
Weep and gaze my soul away ;
222 HYMNS.
Thou art heaven on earth to me, —
Lovely, mournful Calvary !
/( Q 1 8s and 7s.
tp/v J • Hope in God encouraged.
1 WHY, when storms around you gathei,
Should your trembling spirit sink 1
Look to God, your heavenly Father,
And of his sweet promise think.
2 Fancy will be often painting
Scenes, in dark and fearful shade :
Yet why should thy soul be fainting,
Of prospective woes afraid 1
3 Cease that dark anticipation !
Still let love and faith abound ;
For the day of tribulation,
Strength sufficient will be found.
4 God is love, and will not leave you,
When you most his kindness need ;
God is true — nor can deceive you, —
Though your faith be weak indeed.
The Promise of God sure.
1 HOW sweet on thy bosom to rest,
When nature's affliction is near !
The soul that can trust thee is blest,-—
Thy smiles bring deliverance from fear :
The Lord has, in kindness, declared,
That those who will trust in his name.
Shall in the sharp conflict be spared,
His mercy and love to proclaim.
2 This promise shall be, to my soul,
A messenger sent from the skies, —
An anchor when billows shall roll, —
A refuge when tempests arise :
O Saviour ! the promise fulfill,
Its comfort impart to my mind,
Then calmly I '11 bow to thy will, —
To the cup of affliction resigned.
493 C P. M
T/^ tJ • Resignation.
1 O LORD ! in sorrow I resign,
And bow to that dear hand of thine, —
While yet the rod appears ;
That hand can wipe these streaming eyes
Or, into smiles of glad surprise,
Transform these falling tears.
2 My sole possession is thy love ;
On earth beneath, in heaven above,
I have no other store :
And though, with fervor, now I pray.
And importune thee night and day —
I cannot ask for more.
C. L. M.
Submission in Trials.
1 WHEN T can trust my all with God,
In trial's fearful hour, —
Bow all resigned beneath his rod.
And bless his sparing power ; —
A joy springs up amid distress, —
A fountain in the wilderness.
2 Oh ! to be brought to Jesus' feet,
Though trials fix me there,
Is still a privilege most sweet ;
For he will hear irv prayer ;
Though sighs and teais its language be,
The Lord is nigh to answer me.
3 Then, blessed be the hand that gave,
Still blessed when it takes ;
Blessed be lie who smites to save,
Who heals 'the heart he breaks:
Perfect and true are all his ways,
Whom heaven adores and death obeys.
^r /w *J • Depending on Grace.
1 AMAZTNG grace ! — how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me !
1 once was lost, but now am found, —
Was blind, but now I see.
224 HYMNS.
2 'T was grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believed !
3 Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come ;
'T is grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
4 Yea — when this flesh and heart shall faiL
And mortal life shall cease ;
I shall possess, within the vail,
A life of joy and peace.
5 The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine ;
But God, who called me here below,
Will be for ever mine.
Hki& \J « Submission in Trials.
1 MY times of sorrow and of joy,
Great God ! are in thy hand ;
My choicest comforts come from thee,
And go at thy command.
2 If thou should'st take them all away,
Yet would I not repine ;
Before they were possessed by me,
They were entirely thine.
3 Nor would I drop a murrn'ring word.
Though the whole world were gone
But seek enduring happiness,
In thee, and thee alone.
A 97 c M
*?b& I • Habitual DevoiuAt.
1 WHILE thee I seek, protecting Power !
Be my vain wishes stilled ;
And may this consecrated hour
With better hopes be filled.
2 Thy love the power of thought bestowed :
To thee my thoughts would soar ;
Thy mercy o'er my life has flowed. —
That mercy I adore.
3 In each event of life, how clear
Thy ruling hand I see !
Each blessing to my soul more dear,
Eecause conferred by thee.
4 In every joy that crowns my days,
In every pain I bear,
My heart shall find delight in praise,
Or seek relief in prayer.
5 When gladness wiugs my favored hour,
Thy love my breast shall fill ;
Resigned, when storms of sorrow lower,
My soul shall meet thy will.
6 My lifted eye, without a tear,
The gathering storm shall see ;
My steadfast heart shall know no tear, —
That heart shall rest on thee.
AOQ 7s -
t'ivOi A Blessing humbly requested.
1 LORD ! we come before thee now ;
At thy feet we humbly bow ;
Oh ! do not our suit disdain ; —
Shall we seek thee, Lord ! in vain !
2 Lord ! on thee our souls depend,
In compassion, now descend ;
Fill our hearts with thy rich grace ;
Tune our lips to sing thy praise.
3 In thine own appointed way,
Now we seek thee, here we stay ;
Lord ! we know not how to go,
Till a blessing thou bestow
4 Send some message, from thy word,
That may joy and peace afford :
Let thy Spirit now impart
Full salvation to each heart.
5 Comfort those who weep and mourn ;
Let the time of joy return ;
226 HYxMNS.
Those, who are cast down, lift up ;
Make them strong in faith and hope.
6 Grant, that all may seek and find
Thee, a God supremely kind :
Heal the sick, the captive free —
Let us ail rejoice in thee.
L. M.
Forgiveness sought.
1 FORGIVE us, Lord ! to thee we cry,
Forgive us through thy matchless grace ?
On thee alone our souls rely,
Be thou our strength and righteousness.
2 Forgive thou us, as we forgive
The ills we suffer from our foes ;
Restore us, Lord ! and bid us live ;
Oh ! let us in thine arms repose.
3 Forgive us, for our guilt is great,
Our wretched souls no merit claim ;
For sovereign mercy still we wait,
And ask but in the Saviour's name.
4 Forgive us, — O thou bleeding Lamb !
Thou risen — thou exalted Lord !
Thou great High-Priest ! our souls redeem,
And speak the pardon-sealing word.
C. M.
The God of Bethel.
1 O GOD of Bethel ! by whose hand
Thy people still are fed,
Who, through this weary pilgrimage,
Hast all our fathers led : —
2 Our vows, our prayers, we now present,
Before thy throne of grace :
God of our fathers ! be the God
Of their succeeding race.
3 Through each perplexing path of life,
Our wandering footsteps guide ;
Give us each day our daily bread,
And raiment fit provide.
Oil ! spread thy covering wings around,
Til! all <>ur wanderings
And at our Father's Loved al»<
( )ur souls arrive 1 1 1 pea
Such I from thy gracious hand,
Our humble prayers unpin, i
And thou shalt be our chosen (lod, —
Our portioo everm
Christ's Prw ncc in-
1 LIGHT of lit"- !— seraphic ftn —
ire divine ! — thyself impart \
y fainting soul inspire ;
Shine in every drooping heart.
2 Every mourning sinner cheer;
•r all our guilty gloom :
Saviour — Soi appear ;
To thy living tempi
3 Come, in this accepted hour.
Bring thy heavenly kingdom in:
Fill us with thy glorious power —
Rooting out the love of sin.
4 Nothing more can we require,
• nothing I
Be thou all our heart's desire —
All our joy and ah our peace.
L39 v M
V *J&* I
And nay jrou rise and sit on high,
: reign with him above.
6s and 8s
Jesus, the Pilot.
1 .1KSUS, at thy command,
I launch into the A
native land.
Where sin lulls all asleep :
lid .'til resign,
And sail to beaven with th» e and thine.
I Thou ait my Pilol wise ;
My compass is thy word ;
while 1 have such a Lord !
I tru>t thy faithfulness i
trying hour.
234 HYMNS.
3 Though rot;ks and quicksands deep
Through all my passage lie,
Yet thou wilt safely keep,
And guide me with thine eye ;
My anchor, hope, shall firm abide,
And I each boisterous storm outride.
4 By faith I see the land,
The port of endless rest ;
My soul, thy sails expand,
And fly to Jesus' breast :
Oh, may I reach the heavenly shore,
Where winds and waves distress no more !
5 Whene'er becalm'd I lie,
And storms and wind subside ;
Lord to my succor fly,
And keep me near thy side :
For more the treacherous calm I dread,
Than tempest bursting o'er my head.
6 Come, heavenly wind, and blow
A prosperous gale of grace,
To waft me from below,
To heaven my destined place :
Then in full sail, my port I '11 find,
And leave the world, and sin behind.
AAF\ c M -
MrJJt/» For Mariners.
1 WHEN o'er the mighty deep we rode,
By winds and storms assail'd ;
We call'd upon the ocean's God,
Whose mercy never fail'd.
2 The raging tempest heard thy voice,
The winds obey'd thy will ;
The elements withheld their noise,
And all the floods were still.
3 With joy we haiFd the distant shore,
And safe the vessel moor'd :
With grateful hearts, that happy hour,
We praised the ocean's Lord.
4 And when the voyage of life is past,
And we are call'd to die ;
Oh may we see thy face at last,
In realms beyond the sky.
2ft fi
Death of a Shipmate.
1 REJOICE for a brother deceased,
Our loss is his infinite gain ;
A soul out of prison released,
And freed from its bodily chain ;
With songs let us follow his flight.
And mount with his spirit above;
Escaped to the mansions of light,
And lodged in the Eden of love.
2 Our brother the haven hath gain'd,
Outflying the tempest and wind,
His rest he hath sooner obtain'd,
And left his companions behind ;
Still toss'd on a sea of distress,
Hard toiling to make the blest shore.
Where all is assurance and peace,
And sorrow and sin are no more.
3 There all the ship's company meet.
Who sail'd with the Saviour beneath;
With shouting each other they greet,
And triumph o'er sorrow and death*
The voyage of life 's at an end,
The mortal affliction is past :
The age that in heaven they spend,
For ever and ever shall last.
C. M.
The Mariner's Psalm.
1 THY works of glory, mighty Lord,
Thy wonders in the deeps,
The sons of courage shall record,
Who trade in floating ships.
2 At thy command the winds arise,
And swell the towering waves :
The men astonish'd mount the skies,
And sink in gaping graves.
3 Then to the Lord they raise their cries,
He hears their loud request,
And orders silence through the skies,
And lays the floods to rest.
236 HYMNS,
4 Sailors rejoice to lose their fears,
And see the storm allay'd :
Now to their eyes the port appears;
There let their vows be paid.
8s and 7s.
Sailor's Hymn.
1 TOSS'D upon life's raging billow,
Sweet it is, O Lord, to know,
Thou didst press a sailor's pillow,
And canst feel a sailor's wo.
2 Never slumbering, never sleeping,
Though the night be dark and drear,
Thou the faithful watch art keeping,
" All, all's well," thy constant cheer.
3 And though loud the wind is howling,
Fierce though flash the lightning's red •
Darkly, though the storm-cloud's scowling
O'er the sailor's anxious head —
4 Thou canst calm the raging ocean,
All its noise and tumult still ;
Hush the tempest's wild commotion,
At the bidding of thy will.
5 Thus my heart the hope will cherish,
While to thee I lift mine eye ;
Thou wilt save me ere I perish,
Thou wilt hear the sailor's cry.
False Land.
1 WHEN many a tempest blew,
And hope was almost past ;
The worn and weary crew,
Hail'd distant land at last.
2 Far o'er the lee it lay,
Its arms seem'd spreading wide,
T j form a quiet bay,
Where ships might safely ride.
3 That refuge from the storm,
That distant bay so fair,
Was but a cloudy form,
And melted into air !
So earthly hope deceives,
The heart that trusts it most ;
So all the beauty leaves,
Some seeming happy coast.
But faith can look b -lore,
And see the land of light ;
That is the only shore,
That never mocks the sight.
2o H
L. M.
1 WOULD you behold the works of God,
His wonders in the world abroad,
Go with the mariner, and trace
The unknown regions of the seas.
2 When land is far, and death is nigh,
Lost td all hope, to God they cry :
His mercy hears their loud address,
And sends salvation in distress.
3 Oh may the sons of men record
The wondrous goodness or* the Lord !
Let them their private offerings bring,
And in the church his glory sing.
L. If.
Gulf of Despair.
1 WHERE shall the sea- worn sinner rest,
When raging billows round him roll;
When fierce and roaring storms oppress,
And bitter anguish rends his soul.
2 And when dark clouds around him throw
A veil of gloom and anxious care,
And flash on flash of lightning show
A yawning gulph of deep despair)
3 Oh, say, when thus by tempest toss'd,
The sea and sky all wild and drear ;
And all his hopes are nearly lost,
What power can teach him how to steer?
4 Ah ! then 't is God alone can show
The only port of peace and rest ;
Though billows rage and tempests blow,
His word will calm the troubled breast.
238 HYMNS.
*#*/X>. Middle Watch.
1 YES Lord, my grateful voice 1 '11 raise,
At midnight, in my watch at sea,
The floods shall hear me sing thy praise,
And tell what grace has done for me.
2 The moon, the stars, the deep shall hear,
Millions shall catch the grateful sound
And winds shall o'er the ocean bear
The praise, till earth and heaven rebound,
3 I 41 praise for grace already given,
I '11 praise for grace I 'm yet to have,
I '11 praise for grace "reserved in heaven^*
With glory crown'd beyond the grave.
God's Protection to Mariners.
1 THEY that toil upon the deep.
And in vessels light and frail
O'er the mighty waters sweep,
With the billow and the gale ;
Mark what wonders God performs,
When he speaks, and, unconfin'd,
Rush to battle all his storms,
In the chariots of the wind.
2 Up to heaven their bark is whirFd
On the mountain of the wave ;
Downward suddenly ' tis hurl'd
To th' abysses of the grave ;
Mid the tempest now they roll,
As intoxicate with wine ;
Terrors paralyze their soul,
Helm they quit and hope resign.
3 Then unto the Lord they cry :
He inclines a gracious ear;
Sends deliv'rance from on high,
Rescues them from all their fear:
Oh that men would praise the Lord
For his goodness to their race ;
For the wonders of his word,
And the riches of his grace !
'tvtIi Seamen Sing Praised.
1 SING, seamen, sing to God on high !
And let his praise on every breeze
Sound to ail lands, both far and nigh,
O'er swelling floods and raging seas.
2 So He ordains that you should sing
And tell the world his power to save;
To heathen lands his gospel bring,
To cheer their passage to the grave.
3 Then sing, ye seamen, sing and tell
Of all the goodness of the Lord,
In saving men from sin and hell,
By his good spirit and his word.
4 By land or sea, at home, abroad,
In christian or in heathen lands,
Lift up your voice and praise your God,
In all the labours of your hands.
C. M.
The Sailor's Friend.
1 OF old did Jesus condescend
To calm the raging sea?
Yes, he was then the Sailor's Friend,
And such he still would be.
2 He does but wait to hear us crave,
As they besought him then —
"Master, we perish ! come and save,
For we are dying men !"
3 Not to sustain our mortal breath,
We raise the earnest cry ;
Lord save our precious souls from death,
And make us fit to die.
4 Then blow, ye winds, ye surges roar !
'T will not our souls appal ;
Though waves and billows pass us o'er,
And deep to deep should call.
5 But Oh ! without that blessed hope,
Without a Saviour near,
What desperate courage bears us up I
What madness not to fear !
240 HYMNS.
6 Jesus ! on thee our hopes we cast,
No more thy wrath defy ;
Thou art the anchor, sure and fast ;
On thee our souls rely.
7 Soon shall the sea give up its dead ;
And should our graves be there,
With joy we ; 11 quit our watery bed
To meet thee in the air.
L. M
1 RECORD, my soul, thy Maker's power,
Whose winds and waves obey his will;
He bids the awful tempest roar,
His voice the wildest storm can still.
2 View, O my soul, with wonder wiew
The roaring billows round thee toss'd,
And bless his mercies ever new,
While thou art saved, and others lost
3 Speak to my heart, dear Lord, and say
" The rain is gone, the tempest 's o'er .
Come, my beloved, come away,
Satan and sin shall reign no more.
4 "Fear not, I '11 guard thy helpless head,
While life, and all its conflicts last,
And when the raging winds have fled,
Thy soul shall sing of dangers past. f
A ^{ rv 8 ' 7 and 3 -
td^/ I • Far at Sea.
1 STAR of Peace ! to wanderers weary
Bright the beam that smiles on me,
Cheer the Pilot's visions dreary,
Far at sea.
2 Star of Hope ! gleam on the billow,
Bless the soul that sighs for thee ;
Bless the sailor's lonely pillow,
Far at sea,
3 Star of Faith ! when winds are mocking
All his toils — he Hies to thee ;
Save him, though on billows rocking,
Far at sea.
4 Star Divine iv guide him
To the port he long
re temptations long haw tried h'tn,
Far at >• a.
1 THE Christian voyager strikes the rock
Thai liea conceal'd beneath the wave;
safely he survives the shook,
For Jesus is at hand to save.
2 His destined land ho sometimes B<
And thinks his toils will soon be o'er,
Expects some favourable bn
Will waft him quickly to the shore.
3 But hark ! — the midnight tempest roars !
saken, and alone :
But Jesus, whom he thou implores,
ween preserves and leads him on.
4 Though fear his heart should overwhelm,
He '11 reach the port to which he 's bound j
Jesus holds and guides the helm,
And Boon the haven will be found.
r. M.
Ottr little Bark.
1 OUR little bark on boisterous seas,
iruel tempest toss'd,
Without one cheering beam of hope,
2 We to the Lord, in humble prayer,
aed out our sad di< T
Though feeble, yet with contrite hearts,
We l"'L r L r 'd return of peace.
3 The stonnv winds did cease to blow,
The waves no more did roll ;
in a placid
rt to each soul.
4 O, may our grateful, trembling hearts
242 HYMNS.
To him who hath our lives preserved,
Our Saviour, and our King.
C. M.
The Pilot.
1 O PILOT, 't is a fearful night ;
There 's danger on the deep ;
I '11 come and pace the deck with thee,
I do not dare to sleep :
2 "Go down ;" the sailor cried, " go down ;
This is no place for thee,
Fear not, but trust in Providence,
Where ever thou may'st be."
3 Ah ! Pilot, dangers often met,
We all are apt to slight ;
And thou hast known these raging waves*
But to subdue their might :
4 "Oh ! 't is not apathy," he cried,
"That gives this strength to me ;
Fear not, but trust in Providence,
Where ever thou may'st be."
5 On such a night the sea engulph'd
My father's lifeless form ;
My only brother's boat went down
In just so wild a storm :
6 And such, perhaps, may be my fate ;
But still I say to thee,
" Fear not, but trust in Providence,
Where ever thou may'st be."
p. M.
To be sung at Sea.
1 LORD of the wide extensive main,
Whose power the wind, the sea, controls,
Whose hand doth earth and heaven sustain,
Whose spirit leads believing souls.
2 'T is here thine unknown paths we trace,
Which dark to human eyes appear ;
While through the mighty waves we puss,
Faith only sees that God is here.
3 Throughout the deep thy footsteps shine,
We own thy way is in the sea,
O'eraw'd by majesty divine,
And lost in thy immensity;
4 Thy wisdom here we learn to adore,
Thine everlasting truth we prove;
Amazing heights of boundless power,
Unfathomable depths of love
C. M
A Storm at Sea.
1 THE billows swell, the winds are high
Clouds overcast the dark'ning sky,
Out of the depths to thee we call,
Our fear is great, our strength is small.
2 Amid the roaring of the sea,
Our anxious souls look up to thee ;
Thy constant love, thy faithful care,
Alone can save us from despair.
3 Though tempest-tost, and half a wreck,
The Saviour through the rioods we seek :
To him alone will we complain,
Amid the winds, and stormy main.
S. M.
Little Faith.
1 O THOU of little Faith,
On seas of trouble toss'd,
Depend on what the Saviour saith,
And you can ne'er be lost.
2 He bids you to him Come,
Why shun Id jrou yield to fear?
The winds may blow, and billows loam.
But Jesus Christ is there.
3 Though storms of sorrow rise,
And winds may adverse prove.
Yet, " Wherefore dost thou d ubt I" he cries
" Mine is unchangi:
fxl'U^»« Baptism.
1 OBEDIENT to our Zion's King,
We to his holy laver bring
These happy converts, who have known
And trusted in his grace alone.
2 Lord, in thy house they seek thy face ;
Oh, bless them with peculiar grace ;
Refresh their souls with love divine ;
Let beams of glory round them shine.
3 Ye, who your native vileness mourn,
And to the great Redeemer turn,
Arise, his gracious call obey,
And be baptiz'd without delay,
A (\^% L ' M "
^fc \J tJ • Baptism.
1 'T WAS the commission of our Lord,
Go, teach the nations, and baptize :
The nations have receiv'd the word,
Since he ascended to the skies.
2 "Repent, and be baptiz'd," he saith,
"For the remission of your sins ;"
And thus our sense assists our faith,
And shows us what his gospel means.
3 Our souls he washes in his blood,
As water makes the body clean ;
And the good Spirit from our God
Descends, like purifying rain.
4 Thus we engage ourselves to thee,
And seal our cov'nant with the Lord ;
O may the great Eternal Three
In heaven our solemn vows record !
L. M.
Entering into Covenant.
1 OH! happy day, that fixed my choice
On thee, my Saviour, and my God '
Well may this glowing heart rejoice,
And tell its raptures all abroad.
2 Oh ! happy bond, that seals my vows
To him who merits all my love !
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4<\ "O. Bmiire {'
My solemn, my determined choice
To yield to his supreme control,
And, in his kind commands, rejoice
4 Oh ! may I never faint nor tire,
Nor wandering leave his sacred ways ;
Great God ! accept my soul's desire,
And give me strength to live thy praise
A ftQ L M
*±l U V • Self- Dedication to God.
1 LORD ! I am thine, entirely thine,
Purchased and saved by blood divine ,
With full consent thine I would be,
And own thy sovereign right in me.
2 Grant me, in mercy, now a place,
Among the children of thy grace, —
A wretched sinner, lost to God,
But ransomed by ImmanuePs blocd.
3 Thee, my new master, now I call,
And consecrate to thee my all ;
Lord ! let me live and die to thee, —
Be thine through all eternity.
170 c M
Hb I \J • The Young entering into Covenant.
1 COME, let us join our souls to God,
In everlasting bands ;
And seize the blessings he bestows,
With eager hearts and hands.
2 Come, let us to his temple haste, '
And seek his favor there ;
Before his footstool humbly bow,
And pour our fervent prayer.
3 Come, let us seal* without delay
The covenant of his grace ;
Nor shall the years of distant lile
Its mem'ry e'er efface.
4 Thus may our young companions naste
To seek their fathers' God ;
Nor e'er forsake the happy
Their fathers' feet have trod.
4-* J C. M
I i- • Public Proffjuion.
1 YE men and angels ! witness now,
Before the Lord we speak ;
To him we make our solemn vow,
A vow we dare not break ; —
2 That, long as life itself shall last,
Ourselves to Christ we yield ;
Nor, from his cause will we depart,
Nor ever quit the field.
3 W3 trust not in our native strength.
But on his grace rely ;
May he, with our returning wants,
A needful aid supply.
•4 Oh ! guide our doubtful feet aright,
And keep us in thy ways ;
And, while we turn our vows to prayers,
Turn thou our prayers to praise.
ATI 9 L- M '
*r I &* On receiving new Memoers
1 KINDRED in Christ ! for his dear sake,
A hearty welcome here receive ;
May we together now partake
The joys which only he can give.
2 May he, by whose kind care, we meet.
Send his good Spirit from above ;
Make our communications sm
And cause our hearts to burn with lo\e.
3 Forgotten be each worldly them-',
When Christians see each other thus;
We only wish to speak of him,
Who lived, and died, and reigns, for us.
4 We '11 talk of all he did and said,
And suffered for us, here below ; —
The path he marked fox us to tread,
And what he 's doing for us now.
5 Thus, — as the moments pass away, —
We '11 love, and wonder, and adore ;
248 HYMNS.
And hasten on the glorious day,
When we shall meet to part no more,
L. M.
The Lord's Supper instituted.
T WAS on that dark — that doleful nigh I,
When powers of earth and hell arose
Against the Son of God's delight,
And friends betrayed him to his foes : —
Before the mournful scene began,
He took the bread, and blessed and brake
What love through all his actions ran !
What wondrous words of grace he spake \
" This is my body, broke for sin ;
Receive and eat the living food :" —
Then took the cup and blessed the wine, —
w 'T is the new covenant in my blood."
" Do this," he cried, " till time shall end,
In mem'ry of your dying friend;
Meet, at my table, and record
The love of your departed Lord."
Jesus ! thy feast we celebrate ;
We show thy death, we sing thy name —
Till thou return, and we shall eat
The marriage-supper of the Lamb.
0. M
The new Covenant seeded.
1 THE promise of my Father's love
Shall stand for ever good :
He said — and gave his soul to death,
And sealed the grace with blood.
2 To this dear covenant of thy word
I set my worthless name ;
I seal th' engagement to my Lord,
And make my humble claim.
3 I call that legacy my own,
Which Jesus did bequoath ;
'T was purchased with a dying groan,
And ratified in death.
4 The light and strength, the pard'ning grace
And glory shall be mine :
My life and soul — my heart and flesh,—
And all my powers are thine.
Sacramental Emblems.
1 BREAD of heaven ! on thee I feed,
For thy flesh is meat indeed ;
Ever may my soul be fed,
With the true and living bread ;
Day by day, with strength supplied,
Through the life of him that died.
2 Vine of heaven ! thy blood supplies
This blest cup of sacrifice ;
*T is thy wounds, my healing give :
To thy cross I look and live :
Thou, my life ! Oh ! let me be
Rooted, grafted, built on thee
rr • vj • The Memorials of Grace.
1 JESUS is gone above the skies,
Where our weak senses reach him not ;
And carnal objects court our eyes,
To thrust our Saviour from our thought
2 He knows what wandering hearts we have,
Apt to forget his lovely face ;
And, to refresh out minds, hp o-pvp
These kind memorials of his grace.
3 Let sinful sweets be all forgot,
And earth grow less in our esteem ;
Christ and his love fill every thought,
And faith and hope be fixed on him.
4 While he is absent from our sight,
'T is to prepare oar souls a place.
That we may dwell in heavenly light,
And live for ever near his face.
d77 s M
Til* Communion with Christ and tcith Sai?tts.
1 JESUS invites his saints
To meet around his board ;
Here pardoned rebels sit, and hold
Communion with their Lord.
250 HYMNS.
2 This holy bread and wine
Maintain our fainting breath,
Bv union with our living Lord,
And interest in his death.
3 Our heavenly Father calls
Christ and his members one;
We the young children of his lov* 5
And he the first-born Son.
4 Let all our powers be joined,
His glorious name to raise :
Pleasure and love rill every mine
And every voice be praise.
AT7R L M *
jB i 0» Not ashamed of Christ.
1 AT thy command, our dearest Lord .
Here we attend thy dying feast ;
Thy blood, like wine, adorns thy board,
And thine own flesh feeds every guesi-
2 Our faith adores thy bleeding love,
And trusts for life in one who died,
We hope for heavenly crowns above,
From a Redeemer crucified.
3 Let the vain world pronounce it shame,
And cast their scandals on thy cause ;
We come to boast our Saviour's name,
And make our triumphs in his cross.
4 With joy we tell the scoffing age,
He that was dead has left his tomb ;
He lives above their utmost rage,
And we are waiting till he come.
A 70 C - M -
** I V. The Love of Christ.
1 HOW condescending and how kind
Was God's eternal Son !
Our misery reached his heavenly mind,
And pity brought him down.
2 He sunk beneath our heavy woes,
To raise us to his throne ;
There 's ne'er a gift his hand bestows,
But cost his heart a groan
3 Tins was compassion, like. ?\ God,
That when the Saviour know —
The price of pardon was his blood.
His pity neer withdrew.
4 Now, though he reigns exalted high,
I lis love is still as great ;
Well he remembers Calvary,
Nor lets his saints forget.
5 Here let our hearts begin to melt,
While we his death record,
And, with our joy for pardoned guilt,
Mourn that we pierced the Lord.
4 OA L M.
tOU, The Day of Espousals.
1 JESUS, thou everlasting King !
Accept the tribute that we bring ;
Accept the well-deserved renown,
And wear our praises as thy crown.
2 Let every act of worship be, .
Like our espousals, Lord ! to thee ; —
Like the dear hour, when, from above
We first received thy pledge of love.
3 The gladness of that happy day —
Our hearts would wish it long to stay;
Nor let our faith forsake* its hold,
Nor comfort sink, nor love grow cold.
4 Each foil' wing minute as it dies,
Increase thy praise, improve our joys ;
Till we are raised to sing thy name,
At the great supper oi' the Lamb.
4Q-I , CM.
*x*0 ± t Humble Com?nuui CM.
O* The Gospel-Feast
1 HOW sweet and awful is the place,
With Christ w ithin the doors —
While everlasting love displays
The choicest of her stores 1
2 While all our hearts, and all our songs,
Join to admire the feast ;
Each of us cry, with thankful tongues, —
" Lord ! why was I a guest 1
3 » Why was I made to hear thy voice,
And enter while there 's room —
When thousands make a wretched choice,
And rather starve than come V*
1 'T was the same love that spread the feast,
That sweetly forced us in ;
Else we had still refused to taste,
And perished in our sin.
5 Pity the nations, O our God !
Constrain the earth to come ,
Send thy victorious word abroad.
And bring the strangers home.
6 We long to see thy churches full,
That all the chosen race
May, with one voice, and heart, and soul,
Sing thy redeeming grace.
A ft 1 c ' M '
ttOtt<« Remembering Christ.
i IF human kindness meets return,
And owns the grateful tie ;
If tender thoughts within us burn,
To feel a friend is nigh ; —
2 Oh ! shall not warmer accents tell
The gratitude we ewe
To him, who died, our fears to quell —
Our more than orphan's wo !
3 While yet his anguished soul surveyed
Those pangs he would not flee,
What love his I ate si words displayed, —
" Meet and remember me !"
4 Remember the^ — thy death, thy shame,
Our sinful hearts to share ! —
mem'ry ! leave do other name
But his recorded there.
AO^ \ *•
TUt/> Tue Presence uj Christ desired.
1 FAR from my thoughts, vain world! be gone,
Let my religious h >uis alone:
Fain would mine eyes my Saviour see ; —
1 wait a visit, Lord*! from thee.
2 My heart grows warm with holy fire,
And kind]
Come, my dear Jesus ! from above.
And t'c^d my soul with heavenly love.
C. M.
Remembering Christ.
254 HYMNS.
3 Blest Saviour ! what delicious fare —
How sweet thine entertainments are !
Never did angels taste above
Redeeming grace and dying love.
4 Hail, great Immanuel, all-divine !
In thee thy Father's glories shine :
Thou brightest, sweetest, fairest one,
That eyes have seen, or angels known I
1 ACCORDING to thy gracious word,—
In meek humility, —
This will I do, my dying Lord !
I will remember thee.
2 Thy body, broken for my sake,
My bread from heaven shall be ;
Thy testamental cup I take,
And thus remember thee.
3 Gethsemane can I forget ]
Or there thy conflict see, —
Thine agony and bloody sweat, —
And not remember thee ]
4 When to the cross I turn mine eyes,
And rest on Calvary,
O Lamb of God, my sacrifice !
I must remember thee : —
& Remember thee, and all thy pains,
And all thy love to me ! —
Yea, while a breath, a pulse remains
Will Lpemember thee.
6 And when these failing lips grow dumb.
And mind and mem'ry flee ;
When, in thy kingdom, thou shalt come —
Jesus ! remember me.
The Sabbalh in the Sanctuary
1 SAFELY through another week,
God has brought us on our way . —
Let us now a blessing seek,
Waiting in his courts to-day :
Day of all the week the best,
Emblem of eternal rest.
2 While we seek supplies of grace,
Through the dear Redeemer's name,
Show thy reconciled face,
Take away our sin and shame ;
From our worldly cares set free,
May we rest, this day, in thee.
T Here we come thy name to praise ;
Let us feel thy presence near :
May thy glory meet our eyes,
While we in thy house appear :
Here afford us, Lord ! a taste
Of our everlasting feast.
4 May the gospel's joyful sound
Conquer sinners — comfort saint? t
Make the fruits of grace abound,
Bring relief from all complaints :
Thus let all our Sabbaths prove
Till we join the church above. .
AQQ 8 M.
-E> f (irthly and heavenly SaJ>bath.
1 THINK earthly Sabbath* Lord 1 we love,
But there 's a nobler rest ah
To that our longing SOUlfl aspire,
With cheerful hope and strong desire.
2 No more fatigue, no mora distn
Nor sin, nor death shall reach the place;
No groans shall mingle with the songs
That warble from immortal tongues.
8 No ruds alarms of raging foes,
No cares to break the long repose,
midnight-shade, no clouded sun,
Bu T high, eternal noon.
4 Soon shall that glorious day begin,
Beyond this world of death and sin;
Soon shall our voices join the song
Of the triumphant, holy throng.
77m; holy Day of Rest
1 WELCOME — acred day of
Swi from worldly care; —
when <>ur souls tor heaven prepare • —
Day when our Redeemer r<
r the hosts of hell :
Thus he vanquished nil our foes, —
Let our lips his glory tell.
260 HYMNS.
2 Gracious Lord ! we love this day,
When we hear thy holy word ;
When we sing thy praise, and pray , —
Earth can no such joys afford :
But a better rest remains,
Heavenly Sabbaths, — happier days
Rest from sin, and rest from pains, —
Endless joys, and endless praise,
A Off C. M.
tp *-J I • A Sabbath in the House of God.
1 HERE cares and angry passions cease,
For saints together meet
To spend an hour of prayer and peace,
At their Redeemer's feet.
2 No sculptured wonders meet the sight*—
Nor pictured saints appear,
Nor storied window's gorgeous light,
For God himself is here.
3 And here are comrades in the war
With Satan and with sin,
Who now in God's own favor share.
And soon their heaven will win.
4 Glory to God ! who deigns to bless
This consecrated day,
Unfolds his wondrous promises,
And makes it sweet to pray.
5 Glory to God ! who deigns to hear
The humblest sigh we raise,
And answers every heart-felt prayer,
And hears our hymn of praise."
C. M.
The first Day of the Week.
1 AND now another week begins,
This day we call the Lord's ;
This day he rose, who bore oui sins.— *
For so his word records.
2 Hark, how the angels sweetly sing ! —
Their voices fill the sky ;
They hail their great victorious king,
And welcome him on high.
3 We '11 catch the note of lofty praise ;
May we their rapture feel ;
Our thankful song with theirs we'll raise,
And emulate their zeal.
4 Come, then, ye saints ! and grateful sing
Of Christ, our risen Lord, —
Of Christ, the everlasting king, —
Of Christ, th' incarnate word.
i> Hail, mighty Saviour ! thee we hail '
High on thy throne above ;
Till heart and fle>h together fail,
We '11 sing thy matchless love.
4^*7. The first Sabbath.
1 HOW bright a day was that, which saw
Creation's work complete !
All nature owned her Maker's law,
And worshiped at his feet.
2 The world, arranged by power divine,
In perfect order stood ;
And, resting from his great design*
God saw that all was good.
3 Not such a Sabbath now appears,
For sin has ruined all ;
No longer man with pleasure hears
A gracious Father's call.
4 Yet, Lord ! bring back the reign of peace,
Let brighter days begin ;
And teach vain creatures how to cease
From folly and from sin.
5 Let sinners be again made thine,
Though once with vengeance cursed;
And let a second Sabbath shine,
As glorious as the first.
^00 c ■
t/\ r\J. The Resurrection of Christ.
1 THE Lord of Sabbath Lei Ufl praise,
In concert with the West :
And joyful, in harmoni
Employ this day of
262 HYMNS.
2 Lord ! may we still remember thee,
And more in knowledge grow ;
Oh ! may we more of glory see,
While waiting hfere below.
3 On this blest day, a brighter scene
Of glory was displayed,
By God, th' eternal word, than when
This universe was made.
4 He rises, who our souls hath bought
With blood, and grief, and pain :
'T was great — to speak the world fromnougnt,-
'T was greater — to redeem.
^01 LM
tJ\J i- o The Lord's Day.
1 THIS day the Lord hath called his own ,- —
Oh ! lot us then his praise declare,
Fix our desires on him alone,
And seek his face, with fervent prayer.
2 Lord ! in thy love, would we rejoice,
Thsat bids the burdened soul be free ;
And, with united heart and voice,
Devote these sacred hours to thee.
3 Now let the world's delusive things
No more our groveling thoughts employ,
But faith be taught to stretch her wings,
In search of heaven's unfailing joy.
4 Oh ! let these earthly Sabbaths, Lord !
Be to our lasting welfare blest ;
The purest comfort here afford,
And fit us for eternal rest.
t/ V//Wo The Sabbath, a holy Rest.
1 AGAIN the day returns of holy rest,
Which, when he made the world, Jehovah olesi ;
When, like his own, he bade our labours cease.
And all be piety, and all be peace.
2 Let us devote this consecrated day
To learn his will, and all we learn obey ;
So shall he hear when fervently we raise
Our supplications, and our songs of praise.
3 Father in neaven ! in whom our hopes confide,
Whose power defends us, and w host precepts guide ;
In life our guardian, and in death our friend, —
Glory supreme he thine till time shall end
U\JfJ. The Sacrifice of the Hen rt.
1 WHEN, as returns this solemn day,
Man comes to meet his God,
What rites — what honors shall he pay 1
How spread his praise abroad !
2 From marble-domes and gilded spired
Shall clouds of incense rise !
And gems, and gold, and garlands deck
The costly sacrifice ]
3 Vain, sinful man ! — creation's Lord
Thine offerings well may spare;
But give thy heart — and thou shalt find,
That God will hear thy prayer.
pZjT\A 7s and 6s.
ljyj^4* Snhhath-Contc.nplaticrjs
1 LORD of the vast creation,
Support of worlds unknown,
Desire of every nation ! —
Behold us at thy throne ;
We come for mercy crying,
Through thine atoning blood ;
And on thy grace relying,
We sees each promised good.
2 We bless the condescension
That brought thee down to earth ;
Of which the seers made mention,
Who prophesied thy birth :
We celebrate the glory,
That marked thy wondrous way
And own the joyful story,
That claims this hallowed day.
3 Oh', when shall thy salvation
Be known through every land,
And men, in every station,
mmand ?
261 HYMNS.
In God's own Son believing,
From sin may they be free ;
And gospel-grace receiving,
Find life and peace in thee.
tJyJ^Jm The Close of the Sabbath.
1 ANOTHER day has passed along.
And we are nearer to the tomb, —
Nearer to join the heavenly song,
Or hear the last eternal doom.
2 Sweet is the light of Sabbath-eve,
And soft the sunbeams lingering there:
For these blest hours, the world I leave,
Wafted on wings of faith and prayer.
3 The time how lovely and how still ;
Peace shines and smiles on all below, —
The plain, the stream, the wood, the hill, —
All fair with evening's setting glow.
4 Season of rest! the tranquil soul
Feels the sweet calm, and melts to love,-
And while these sacred moments roll,
Faith sees a smiling heaven above.
5 Nor will our days of toil be long,
Our pilgrimage will soon be trod;
And we shall join the ceaseless song, —
The endless Sabbath of our God.
(={f\a c M
*J\JV) • Evening of the Lord's Day.
1 FREQUENT the day of God returns.
To shed its quickening beams ;
And yet how slow devotion burns.'
How languid are its flames !
"2 Accept our faint attempts to love,
Our frailties, Lord ! forgive ;
We would be like thy saints above,
And praise thee while we live.
3 Increase, O Lord ! our faith and hope,
A^d fit us *o ascend,
Where the assembly ne'er breaks up,
The Sabbath ne'er shall end : —
4 Where we shall breathe in heavenly air,
With heavenly lustre shine,
Before the throne of God appear,
And feast on love divine : —
5 Where we, in high seraphic strains,
Shall all our powers employ ;
Delighted range th' ethereal plains,
And take our rill of joy.
507 c M '
*J\J i • Lord's Day- Evening.
1 WHEN, O dear Jesus ! when shall I
Behold thee ail-serene ;
Blest in perpetual Sabbath-day,
Without a veil between?
2 Assist me while I wander here
Amidst a world of cares ;
Incline my neart to pray with love,
And then accept my prayers.
3 Spare me, my God ! Oh 1 spare the soul
That gives itself to thee ;
Take all that I possess below,
And give thyself to me.
4 Thy Spirit, O my Father ! give
To be my guide and friend,
To light my path to ceaseless joys —
Where Sabbaths never end.
>) \ . 'O • The Mercy- Seat.
1 HOW charming is the place,
Where my Redeemer-God
Unveils the glories of bis face.
And sheds his love abroad !
2 Not the fair palaces,
To which \hu great resort,
^re once to be compared with this,
Where Jesus b^lds his court
3 Here, on the mercy-seat,
With radiant glory crowned,
Our joyful eyes behold thee ait,
And smile on all around.
4 To thee, our prayers and cries
Each humble soul presents :
Oh ! listen to our broken sighs,
And grant us all our wants.
5 Give us, O Lord ! a place,
Within thy blest abode,
Among the children of thy grace,-
The servants of our God.
c. M.
The Glory of Zion.
1 HOW honorable is the place,
Where we adoring stand ;
Zion ! — the glory of the earth,
And beauty of the land.
2 Bulwarks of mighty grace defend
The city where we dwell ;
The walls, of strong salvation made,
Defy th' assaults of hell.
3 Lift up the everlasting gates,
The doors wide open fling ;
Enter, ye nations that obey
The statutes of our king !
4 Here shall you taste unmingled joys,
And live in perfect peace, —
You that have known Jehovah's name.
And ventured on his grace !
5 Trust in the Lord, for ever trust,
And banish all your fears :
Strength, in the Lord Jehovah, dwells,
Eternal as his years.
L. M.
The Church, the Palace of God.
HAPPY the church, thou sacred place,
The seat of thy Creator's grace !
Thy holy courts are his abode,
Thou earthly palace of our God !
2 Thy walls are strength, — and at thy gates
A guard of heavenly warriors waits ;
Nor shall thy deep foundation move,
Fixed on his counsels and his love.
3 Thy foes in vain designs engage —
Against thy throne in vain they rage,
Like rising waves, with angry roar,
That dash and die upon the shore.
4 God is our shield, and God our sun ;
Swift as the fleeting moments run,
On us he sheds new beams of grace,
And we reflect his brightest praise.
H. M.
The House of Prayer.
1 GREAT Father of mankind !
We bless that wondrous grace,
Which could for Gentiles find,
Within thy courts, a place :
How kind the care
Our God displays,
For us to raise
A house of prayer !
2 Though once estranged afar,
We now approach the throne,
For Jesus brings us near,
And makes our cause his own ;
Strangers no more,
To thee we come ;
We find our home,
And rest secure.
3 To thee our souls we join,
And love thy sacred name :
No more our own, but thine.
We triumph in thy claim ;
Our Father-King !
Thy covenant-grace
Our souls embrace,
Thy titles sing.
4 Let all the nations throng
To worship in thy house;
And thou attend the song,
And smile upon their Vows,
268 HYMNS.
Indulgent still,
Till earth conspire
To join the choir,
On Ziou's hill
A1 O 7..
tJ -L /W • The House of Prayer and Praise
1 LORD of hosts ! to thee we raise,
Here, a house of prayer and praise ;
Thou thy people's heart prepare.
Here to meet for praise and prayer.
2 Let the living here be fed,
With thy word, the heavenly bread ;
Here, in hope of glory blest,
May the dead be laid to rest.
3 Here, to thee a temple stand,
While the sea shall girt the land ;
Here, reveal thy mercy sure,
While the sun and moon endure
4 Hallelujah ! — earth and sky
To the joyful sound reply :
Hallelujah ! — hence ascend
Prayer and praise, till time shall end.
vlt/i On opening a House of Worship.
1 HERE, in thy name, eternal God !
We build this earthly house for thee ;
Oh ! make it now thy fixed abode,
And keep it, Lord ! from error free.
2 When here thy people seek thy face,
And dying sinners pray to live ;
Hear thou, in heaven, thy dwelling-pi ace,
And when thou hearest, Lord ! forgive.
3 Here, when thy messengers proclaim,
The blessed gospel of thy Son :
Still, by the power of his great name,
Be mighty signs and wonders done.
4 When children's voices raise the song, -
Hosanna to their heavenly King ;
Let heaven, with earth, the strain prolong-
" Hosanna !" let the angels sing
5 But will, indeed, Jehovah deign,
Here to abide, — no transient guest ]
Here, will our great Redeemer reign,
And here, the Holy Spirit rest ! —
6 Thy glory never hence depart !
Yet choose not, Lord ! this house alone ;
Thy kingdom come, in every heart, —
In every bosom, fix thy throne.
v JL TtU Prayer on opening a Church- Edifice.
1 WITHIN thy house, O Lord our God !
In glorious majesty appear ;
Make this a place of thine abode.
And shed thy choicest blessings here.
2 When we thy mercy-seat surround,
Thy Spirit, with thy word, impart;
And let thy gospel's joyful sound,
With power divine, reach every heart
3 Here, let the blind their sight obtain,
Here, give the broken spirit rest ;
Let Jesus here triumphant reign, —
Enthroned in every yielding breast.
4 Here, let the voice of sacred joy
And humble supplication rise,
Till higher strains our tongues employ,
In realms of bliss, beyond the skies.
I'lt/i Dedication of a Church.
1 GOD of the universe ! to thee
This sacred fane we rear,
And now, with songs and bended knee,
Invoke thy presence here.
2 Long may this echoing dome resound
The praises of thy name, —
These hallowed walls to all around
The Triune God proclaim.
3 Here, let thy love — thy presence dwell, —
Thy glory here make known ;
Thy people's home, Oh ! come, and fill,
And seal it as thine own.
270 HYMNS.
4 When sad with care — by sin oppressed,-
Here may the burdened soul,
Beneath thy sheltering wing, find rest ;
Here, make the wounded whole,
5 And when the last long Sabbath-morn,
Upon the just, shall rise,
May all, who own thee here, be borne
To mansions in the skies.
tJ L\J» The Heralds of Christ.
1 HOW beauteous are their feet,
Who stand on Zion's hill !
Who bring salvation on their tongues,
And words of peace reveal !
2 How charming is their voice !
How sweet the tidings are ! —
" Zion ! behold thy Saviour-King,
He reigns and triumphs here !"
3 How happy are our ears
That hear this joyful sound !
Which kings and prophets waited for,
And sought, but never found
4 How blessed are our eyes,
That see this heavenly light !
Prophets and kings desired it long,
But died without the sight.
5 The watchmen join their voice,
And tuneful notes employ ;
Jerusalem breaks forth in songs,
And deserts learn the joy.
6 The Lord makes bare his arm,
Through all the earth abroad ;
Let every nation now behold
Their Saviour and their God.
^17 L M
U L f • The great Commission.
1 "GO, preach my gospel !" — saith the Lord,—
"Bid the whole earth my grace receive ;
He shall be saved who trusts my word ;
He shall be damned who don't believe.
2 "I '11 make your great commission known,
And ye shall prove my gospel true.
By all the works that 1 have done,
By all the wonders ye shall do.
3 " Teach all the nations my commands, —
I 'm with you till the world shall end ,
All power is trusted in my hands,
I can destroy, and I defend."
4 He spake — and light shone round his head ;
On a bright cloud, to heaven he rode :
They to the farthest nations spread
The grace of their ascended God.
^1 ft C M
*J J- v-J» Ministers watch for Souls.
1 LET Zion's watchmen all awake,
And take th' alarm they give ;
Now let them, from the mouth of God,
Their awful charge receive.
2 'T is not a cause of small import
The pastor's care demands ,•
But what might fill an angel's heart ; —
It filled a Saviour's hands.
3 They watch for souls, for which the Lord
Did heavenly bliss forego ; —
For souls, that must for ever live,
In raptures, or in wo.
4 All to the great tribunal haste,
Th' account to render there ;
And shouldst thou strictly mark our lauiis.
Lord ! how should we appear ?
5 May they that Jesus, whom they preach,
Their own Redeemer see ;
And watch thou daily o'er their souls,
That they may watch for thee.
21 2 HYMNS.
L. M.
Meeting of Ministers.
1 POUR out thy Spirit from on high ;
Lord ! thine assembled servants bless ;
Graces and gifts to each supply,
And clothe thy priests with righteousness.
2 Within thy temple where we stand,
To teach the truth as taught by thee,
Saviour ! like stars, in thy right hand,
The angels of the churches be !
3 Wisdom and zeal, and faith impart,
Firmness with meekness from above,
To bear thy people on our hearts,
And love the souls whom thou dost love : —
4 To watch and pray, and never faint ;
By day and night strict guard to keep ;
To warn the sinner, cheer the saint,
Nourish thy lambs, and feed thy sheep.
5 Then, when our work is finished here,
In humble hope, our charge resign :
When the chief Shepherd shall appear,
O God ! may they and we be thine.
c. M.
Tfie Death of a Minister.
1 NOW let our drooping hearts revive,
And all our tears be dry :
Why should those eyes be drowned in grief
That view a Saviour nigh 1
2 Though earthly shepherds dwell in dust, —
The aged and the young ;
The watchful eye, in darkness closed,
And mute th' instructive tongue ; —
3 Th' eternal shepherd still survives,
New comfort to impart ;
His eye still guides us — and his voice
Still animates our heart.
4 " Lo ! I am with you," saith the Lord,
" My church shall safe abide ;"
The Lord will ne'er forsake his own
Who in his love confide.
5 Through every scene of life and death,
His promise is our trust ;
And this shall be our children's song,
When we are cold in dust.
O^ J. i The Pastors Death.
1 REST from thy labor, rest ;—
Soul of the just, set free !
Blest be thy memory, and biest
Thy bright example be !
2 Faith, perseverance, zeal.
Language of light and power,
Love, — prompt to act, and quick to feel, —
Marked thee, till life's last hour.
3 Now, — toil and conflict o'er, —
Go, take with saints thy place
But go — as each hath gone before,—
A sinner saved by grace.
4 Lord Jesus ! to thy hands
Our pastor w r e resign ;
And now we wait thine own commands ;— -
We were not his, but thine.
5 Thou art thy church's head ;
And when the members die,
Thou raisest others in their stead : —
To thee we lift our eye.
6 On thee our hopes depend ;
We gather round our Rock ;
Send whom thou wilt ; but condescend
Thyself to feed thy dock.
-OO S M.
L//W/W. The Death of an aged Minister.
1 -SERVANT of God ! well done!
Rest from thy loved employ :
The battle fought, — the vict'ry won, —
Enter thy Master's joy."
2 The voice at midnight came,
He started up to hear;
A mortal arrow pierced his frame,
He fell — but felt no fear.
3 Tranquil amid alarms,
It found him on the field,
274 HYMNS.
A veteran slumbering on his arms,
Beneath his red-cross shield.
4 The pains of death are past. —
Labor and sorrow cease ;
And, life's long warfare closed at last,
His soul is found in peace.
5 Soldier of Christ ! well-done !
Praise be thy new employ ;
And while eternal ages run,
Rest in thy Saviour's joy !
tJ&tJ* Inquiring of a Watchman.
1 WATCHMAN ! tell us of the night,
What its signs of promise are ?
Traveler ! o'er yon mountain's height !
See that glory-beaming star :
Watchman ! does its beauteous ray
Aught of hope or joy foretell 1
Traveler ! yes ; — it brings the day, —
Promised day of Israel.
2 Watchman ! tell us of the night ; —
Higher yet that star ascends ;
Traveler ! blessedness and light,
Peace and truth, its course portends ;
Watchman ! will its beams alone
Gild the spot that gave them birth ?
Traveler ! ages are its own,
See ! it bursts o'er all the earth.
3 Watchman ! tell us of the night,
For the morning seems to dawn ;
Traveler ! darkness takes its flight,
Doubt and terror are withdrawn :
Watchman ! let thy wanderings cease :
Hie thee to thy quiet home ;
Traveler ! lo ! the Prince of peace, —
Lo ! the Son of God is come !
^9/1 H M
9 J /w ^K • Christian Effort.
1 RISE, gracious God ! and shine
In all thy saving might :
And prosper each design,
To spread thy glorious light :
Let healing streams of mercy flow
That all the earth thy truth may know.
2 Put forth thy glorious power !
The nations then will see,
And earth present her store,
In converts born of thee :
God, our own God, his church will bless,
And earth shall yield her full increase.
£vO^ 8s and 7s -
tJ&tJ* The Heathen crying for Help.
1 HARK ! what mean those lamentations.
Rolling sadly through the sky ?
'T is the cry of heathen nations, —
" Come and help us or we die !"
2 Hear the heathen's sad complaining,
Christians ! hear their dying cry *
And, the love of Christ constraining,
Haste to help them, ere they die.
^Ofi 7s and 6s.
t/ /W \J • The Goapel- Banner .
1 NOW be the gospel-banner,
In every land, unfurled ;
And be the shout, — "Hosanna !" —
Re-echoed through the world ;
Till every isle and nation,
Till every tribe and tongue
Receive the great salvation,
And join the happy throng.
2 What, though th' embattled legions
Of earth and hell combine'?
His arm, throughout their regions,
Shall soon resplendent shine :
Ride on, O Lord ! victorious,
Immanuel, Prince of peace !
Thy triumph shall be glorious, —
Thy empire still increase.
576 HYMNS.
3 Yes, — thou shalt reign for ever,
O Jesus, King of kings !
Thy light, thy love, thy favor,
Each ransomed captive sings :
The isles for thee are waiting,
The deserts learn thy praise,
The hills and vallies greeting.
The song responsive raise.
^J'/W 4 9 Missionary Meeting.
1 ASSEMBLED at thy great command,
Before thy face, dread King ! we stan< ;
The voice, that marshalled every star,
Has called thy people from afar.
2 We meet, through distant lands, to spread
The truth for which the martyrs bled :
Along the line, to either pole,"
The thunder of thy praise to roll.
3 Our prayers assist, accept our praise,
Our hopes revive, our courage raise,
Our counsels aid, to each impart
The single e) T e, the faithful heart.
4 Forth with thy chosen heralds come,
Recall the wandering spirits home ;
From Zion's mount send forth the sound
To spread the spacious earth around
L//W w« The Heralds pointing out the Way.
1 NOW let our faith with joy survey
The glories of the latter day. :
Its dawn already seems begun, —
Sure earnest of the rising sun.
2 The friends of truth assembled stand,—
A chosen consecrated band,
The emblem of the cross display,
And cry aloud, — "Behold the way !"
3 Behold the way to Zion's hill,
Where Israel's God delights to dwell :
He fixes there his lofty throne,
And calls the sacred place his own.
4 " Behold the way !" ye heralds ! cry ;
Spare not, but lift your voices high:
Convey the sound from shore to shore,
And bid the captive sigh no more.
6 Auspicious dawn ! thy rising ray,
With joy, we view, and hail the day :
Thou Sun ! arise, supremely bright,
And fill the world with purest light.
•J/C*J» The Heralds of Christ.
1 CAPTAIN of thine exalted host !
Display thy glorious banner high ;
The summons send, from coast to coast,
And call a numerous army nigh.
2 A solemn jubilee proclaim, —
Proclaim the great sabbatic day ^
Assert the glories of thy name ;
Spoil Satan of his wished-for prey.
3 Oh ! bid thy heralds publish loud
The peaceful blessings of thy reign ;
And when they speak of sprinkled blood,
The mystery to the heart explain.
«0 s M
t-/ tJ \J • Mtesi onan es encouraged
1 YE messengers of Christ !
His sovereign voice obey :
Arise, and follow where he leads,
And peace attend your way.
2 The Master, whom you serve,
Will needful strength bestow ;
Depending on his promised aid,
With sacred courage go.
3 Go, spread the Saviour's name ;
Go, tell his matchless grace ;
Proclaim salvation, full and free,
To Adam's guilty race.
4 Mountains shall sink to plains,
And hell in vain oppose ;
The cause is God's — and v/ill prevail
In spite of all his foes.
£T O 1 8s, 7s and 4.
*J *-* -*- • Departure of Missionaries
1 MEN of God ! go take your stations ;
Darkness reigns o'er all the earth ;
278 HYMNS.
Go, proclaim among the nations,
Joyful news of heavenly birth ;
Bear the tidings —
Tidings of the Saviour's worth.
2 When exposed to fearful dangers,
Jesus will his own defend :
Borne afar midst foes and strangers,
Jesus will appear your friend ;
And his presence
Shall be with you to the end.
7s and 6*.
Departure of Missionaries.
1 ROLL on, thou mighty ocean !
And, as thy billows flow,
Bear messengers of mercy,
To every vale of wo :
Arise, ye gales ! and waft them,
Safe to their destined shore ;
That men may sit in darkness
And death's black shade no more.
2 O thou eternal Ruler !
Who holdest in thine arm
The tempests of the ocean, —
Deliver them from harm :
Thy presence still be with *.iem
Wherever they may be ,
Though far from those who love them,
Let them be nigh to thee.
/r Q Q 8s 5 7s and 4 -
OOO* The Heralds of Salvation.
1 ON the mountain's top appearing,
Lo ! the sacred herald stands ;
Welcome news to Zion bearing, —
Zion long in hostile lands :
Mourning captive !
God himself will loose thy bands.
2 Has thy night been long and mourn ful,
All thy friends unfaithful proved 1
Have thy foes been proud and scornful
By thy sighs and tears unmoved?
Cease thy mourning ; —
Zion still is well-beloved.
3 God, thy God, will now restore thee,
He himself appears thy friend ;
All thy foes shall flee before thee.
Here their boasts and triumphs end ;
Great deliverance —
Zion's king will quickly send.
4 Peace and joy shall now attend thee,
All thy warfare now is past,
God, thy Saviour, shall defend thee,
Peace and joy are come at last;
All thy conflicts
End in everlasting rest.
L/ «J ^±< • The Messengers of God.
1 GO — ye messengers of God !
Like the beams of morning, fly ;
Take the wonder-working rod,
Wave the Banner-Cross on high.
2 Where the towering minaret
Gleams along the morning-skies,
Wave it till the crescent set,
And the "Star of Jacob" rise.
3 Go to many a tropic isle,
In the bosom of the deep,
Where the skies for ever smile,
And th' oppressed for ever weep.
4 O'er the negro's night of care
Pour the living light of heaven ;
Chase away the fiend despair, —
Bid him hope to be forgiven.
5 Where the golden gates of day
Open on the palmy east,
Wide the bleeding cross display, — /
Spread the gospel's richest feast.
6 Circumnavigate the ball,
Visit every soil and sea :
Preach the cross of Christ to all, —
Christ whose love is full and frt-c,
IS *J *J • Promised A id.
1 GO, and the Saviour's grace proclaim,
Ye favored men of God !
280 HYMNS.
Go, publish, through ImmanueFs name,
Salvation bought with blood.
2 What though your arduous path-way he
Through regions dark as death 1
What though, your faith and zeal to try,
Perils beset your path 1 —
3 Yet, with determined courage, go,
And armed with power divine :
Your God will needful strength bestow,
And on your labors shine.
4 He, who has called you to the war,
Will recompense your pains :
Before Messiah's conquering car,
Shall mountains sink to plains.
5 Shrink not, though earth and hell opppse,
But plead your Master's cause ;
Assured that e'en your mightiest foes
Shall bow before his cross.
^q« c M
ts £-J vJ • Designation of a Missionary.
1 FATHER of mercies ! condescend
To hear our fervent prayer,
While this our brother we commend
To thy paternal care.
2 Before him set an open door ;
His various efforts bless ;
On him thy Holy Spirit pour,
And crown him with success.
3 Endow birr with a heavenly mind ;
Supply his every need ;
Make him in spirit meek, resigned,
But bold in word and deed."
4 In every tempting, trying hour,
Uphold him, by thy grace ;
And guard him, by thy mighty powe;
Till he shall end his race.
5 Then, followed by a numerous train,
Gathered from heathen lands,
A crown of life may he obtain,
From his Redeemer's hands.
%J *J I • Commission to tlie Geiuilea.
1 GO — messenger of peace and love !
To nations plunged in shades of night ;
Like angels sent from fields above,
Be thine to shed celestial light.
2 Go, to the hungry food impart ;
To paths of peace the wanderer guide.
And lead the thirsty, panting heart,
Where streams of living waters glide.
3 Go, bid the bright and morning-star,
From Bethlehem's plains resplendent shine
And, piercing through the gloom afar,
Shed heavenly iight and love divine.
4 To India's various castes, proclaim
The gospel's soft, but powerful voice;
And, at the blest Redeemer's name,
Let ocean's lonely isles rejoice.
' 5 From north to south, from east to west,
Messiah yet shall reign supreme;
His name, by every tongue, confessed, —
His praise — the universal theme.
t/t/Ui Pray er for Isruel.
1 LORD ! send thy servants forth
To call the Hebrews home ;
From east, and west, and south, and north,
Let all the wanderers come.
2 Where'er, in lands unknown,
The fugitives remain,
Bid every creature help them on,
Thy holy mount to gain.
3 An offering to the Lord,
There let them all be seen,
Sprinkled with water and with blood,
In soul and body clean.
4 With Israel's myriads sealed,
Let all the nations meet ;
And show the mystery fulfilled, —
Thy family complete.
282 HYMNS.
rQQ 8s, 7s and 4.
•J*J\J • The Missionary's Farewell.
1 YES, — my native land ! I love thee ;
All thy scenes I love them well ; —
Friends, connexions, happy country i
Can I bid you all farewell 1
Can I leave you.
Far in heathen lands to dwell 1
2 Home ! — thy joys are passing lovely,-—
Joys no stranger-heart can tell ;
Happy home ! — 't is sure I love thee !
Can I — can I say — Farewell ]
Can I leave thee,
Far in heathen lands to dwell ?
3 Scenes of sacred peace and pleasure,
Holy days and Sabbath-bell,
Richest, brightest, sweetest treasure !
Can I say a last farewell ?
Can I leave you,
Far in heathen lands to dwell 1
4 Yes ! I hasten from you gladly,
From the scenes I love so well ;
Far away, ye billows ! bear me ;
Lovely native land ! — farewell !
Pleased I leave thee,
Far in heathen lands to dwell.
5 In the deserts let me labor,
On the mountains let me tell,
How he died — the blessed Saviour —
To redeem a world from hell !
Let me hasten,
Far in heathen lands to dwell.
6 Bear me on, thou restless ocean !
Let the winds my canvass swell :
Heaves my heart with warm emotion,
While I go far hence to dwell :
Glad I bid thee,
Native land ! — Farewell ! — Farewell *
L. M.
Missionaries remembered.
] MARKED as the purpose of the skies,
This promise meets our anxious eyes,—
That heathen lands the Lord shall know,
And warm with faith each bosom glow.
2 E'en now the hallowed scenes appear ,
E'en now unfolds the promised year :
Lo ! distant shores thy heralds trace,
And bear the tidings of thy grace.
3 Mid burning climes and frozen plains,
Where pagan darkness brooding reigns,
Lord ! mark their steps, their fears subdue,
And nerve their arm, and clear their view.
4 When, worn by toil, their spirits fail,
Bid them the glorious future hail ;
Bid them the crown of life survey,
And onward urge their conquering way.
tJHft L • Prayer for tlie Millennium.
1 JESUS ! we bow before thy throne,
We lift our eyes to seek thy face ,
To bleeding hearts thy love make known,
On contrite souls bestow thy grace.
2 See, spread beneath thy gracious eye,
A world o'erwhelmed in guilt and tears,
Where deathless souls in ruin lie,
And no kind voice dispels their fears \
3 Lord ! arm thy truth with power divine,
Its conquests spread from shore to shore,
Till suns and stars forget to shine,
And earth and skies shall be no more.
4 Oh ! rise, ye ransomed captives ! rise,
Peal the loud anthem here below ;
Let earth reflect it to the skies,
And heaven with new-born rapture glow
ty^rl^» Returning to Zion.
1 DAUGHTER of Zion ! from the dust
Exalt thy fallen head ;
284 HYMNS.
Again in thy Redeemer trust, —
He calls thee from the dead.
2 Awake, awake, put on thy strength,-—
Thy beautiful array ;
The day of freedom dawns at length, —
The Lord's appointed day.
3 Rebuild thy walls, thy bounds enlarge,
And send thy heralds forth :
Say to the south, — " Give up thy charge,
And keep not back, O north !"
4 They come, they come ; — thine exiled bands,
Where'er they rest or roam,
Have heard thy vuice in distant lands,
And hasten to their home.
5 Thus, though the universe shall burn,
And God his works destroy,
With songs, thy ransomed shall return,
And everlasting joy.
*vLQ S - M '
L/^tJ* The Gospel- Trumpet
1 YE trembling captives ! hear ;
The gospel-trumpet sounds ;
No music more can charm the ear.
Or heal your heart- felt wounds.
2 'T is not the trump of war,
Nor Sinai's awful roar ;
Salvation's news it spreads afar,
And vengeance is no more.
3 Forgiveness, love, and peace,
Glad heaven aloud proclaims ;
And earth, the jubilee's release,
With eager rapture claims.
4 Far, far to distant lands
The saving news shall spread ;
And Jesus all his willing bunds,
In glorious triumph, lead.
ty~fa~JD« Prayer for S-uccess
1 O LORD, our God ! arise,
The cause of truth maintain ;
And wide o'er all the peopled world
Extend her blessed reign.
2 Thou Prince of life ! arise,
Nor let thy glory cease ;
Far spread the conquests of thy grace,
And bless the earth with peace.
3 Thou Holy Ghost ! arise,
Expand thy quickening wing,
And o'er a dark and ruined world
Let light and order spring.
4 All on the earth ! arise,
To God, the Saviour, sing,
From shore to shore, from earth to heaven,
Let echoing anthems ring.
t)^tJ% Tke Time to favor Zion.
1 SOVEREIGN of worlds ! display thy power,
Be this thy Zion's favored hour ;
Bid the bright morning-star arise,
And point the nations to the skies.
2 Set up thy throne where Satan reigns,
On Afric s shore, on India's plains ;
Far let the gospePs sound be known,
x\nd claim the nations for thy own.
3 Speak — and the world shall hear thy voice
Speak, — and the desert shall rejoice ;
Scatter the gloom of heathen night ;
Bid every nation hail the light.
t/^r \J • Millennial Days.
1 LORD ! send thy word, and let it fly.
Armed with thy Spirit's power ;
T^n thousands shall confess its sway,
And bless the saving hour.
2 Beneath the influence of thy grace
The barren wastes shall rise.
With sudden green and fruits arrayed —
A blooming paradise.
3 Peace, with her olive-crown shall stretch
Her wings from shore to shore ;
286 HYMNS.
The nations of the earth shall hear
The sound of war no more.
4 Lord ! for those days we wait ; — those days
Are in thy word foretold :
Fly swifter, sun and stars ! and bring
This promised age of gold.
5 Amen ! — with joy divine, let earth's
Unnumbered myriads cry ;
Amen ! — with joy divine, let heaven's
Unnumbered choirs reply.
S. M.
Prayer for all Lands.
O GOD of sovereign grace !
We bow before thy throne ;
And plead, for all the human race,
The merits of thy Son.
Spread through the earth, O Lord !
The knowledge of thy ways ;
And let all lands, with joy, record
The great Redeemer's praise.
Jesus shall reign.
1 HARK ! — the song of jubilee,
Loud as mighty thunders roar, —
Or the fulness of the sea,
When it breaks upon the shore, —
" Hallelujah ! for the Lord
God Omnipotent, shall reign !"
Hallelujah ! let the word
Echo round the earth and main.
2 "Hallelujah !" — hark! — the sound,
From the centre to the skies,
Wakes, above, beneath, around,
All creation's harmonies :
See Jehovah's banners furled,
Sheathed his sword ! he speaks — 't is ione,
And the kingdoms of this world
Are the kingdoms of his Son.
3 He shall reign from pole to pole
With illimitable sway :
He shall reign, when, like a scroll,
Vonder heavens have passed away ;
Then the end ; — beneath his rod,
Man's last enemy shall fall ;
Hallelujah ! — Christ in God,
God in Christ, is all in all.
1 9 ~ r tJ • Prayer for Zion.
1 INDULGENT Sovereign of the skies !
And wilt thou bow thy gracious ear 1
While feeble mortals raise their cries,
Wilt thou, the great Jehovah, hear 1
2 How shall thy servants give thee rest,
Till Zion's mouldering walls thou raise '
Till thine own power shall stand confessed
And make Jerusalem a praise !
3 Look down, O God ! with pitying eye,
And view the desolations round ;
See, what wide realms in darkness lie,
What scenes of wo and crime abound •
4 Loud let the gospel-trumpet blow
And call the nations from afar ;
Let all the isles their Saviour know,
And eaith's remotest ends draw near
UtJyJn Prayer for the Reign of Christ .
1 JESUS, immortal King ! arise ;
Rise and assert thy sway ;
Till earth, subdued, its tribute bring,
And distant lands obey.
2 Ride forth, victorious Conqueror ! ride,
Till all thy foes submit ;
And all the powers of hell resign
Their trophies at thy feet.
3 Send forth thy word, and let it fly.
This spacious earth around ;
Till every soul beneath the sun
Shall hear the joyful sound.
4 From sea to sea, from shore to shore.
May Jesus be adored ;
288 HYMNS.
And earth, with all her millions, shout,—
Hosannas to the Lord.
/T £T 1 7s and 6s.
&0 1 • The State of the Heathen
1 FROM Greenland's icy mountains,
From India's coral strand,
Where Afric's sunny fountains
Roll down their golden sand ;
From many an ancient river,
From many a palmy plain,
They call us to deliver
Their land from error's chain.
2 What though the spicy breezes
Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, —
Though every prospect pleases,
And only man is vile 7 —
In vain with lavish kindness
The gifts of God are strown ;
The heathen, in his blindness,
Bows down to wood and stone.
3 Shall we, whose souls are lighted
With wisdom from on high,—
Shall we, to men benighted,
The lamp of life deny ?
Salvation ! O Salvation ! —
The joyful sound proclaim,
Till earth's remotest nation
Has learned Messiah's name.
4 Waft — waft, ye winds ! his story
And you, ye waters ! roll, —
Till, like a sea of glory,
It spreads from pole to pole ;
Till, o'er our ransomed nature,
The Lamb for sinners slain,
Redeemer, King, Creator,
In bliss returns to reign.
* 9 tJ /W • Zion encouraged.
1 ZION ! awake, thy strength renew,
Put on thy robes of beauteous hue ,
And let th' admiring world behold
The king's fair daughter clothed in gold.
2 Church of our God ! arise and shine,
Bright with the beams of truth divine ;
Then shall thy radiance stream afar,
Wide as the heathen nations are.
3 Gentiles and kings thy light shall view ;
All shall admire and love thee too ; —
Shall come, like clouds across the sky
• Or doves that to their windows fly.
rro CM
tJtJtJm Prayer fur Missionaries.
1 GREAT God ! the nations of the earth
Are by creation thine ;
And in thy works, from nature's birth,
Thy radiant glories shine.
2 But, Lord ! thy greater love hath sent
Thy gospel to our race ;
Unveiling thy divine intent
Of rich redeeming grace.
3 Soon may these gracious tidings roll
The spacious earth around,
Till every tribe and every soul
Shall hear the joyful sound.
4 Then, to her sable sons conveyed,
Shall Afric learn thy word,
And vassals, long-enslaved, become
The freemen of the Lord.
5 When shall the scattered wanderers meet
That now in darkness rove,
And gathered round Immanuel's feet,
Sing of his saving love ]
6 O Lord ! each faithful effort own,
To spread the gospel-rays ;
And rear, on sin's demolished throne,
The temples of thy praise.
ttA H *
tJtJ L ± 9 Prophecy fulfilled.
I ALL hail ! incarnate God !
The wondrous things foretold
Of thee, in sacred writ,
With joy our eves behold ;
' 19
Slill doth thine arm new trophies wear,
And monuments of glory rear.
2 Oh ! haste, victorious Prince !
That glorious happy day,
When souls, like drops of dew,
Shall own thy gentle sway :
Oh ! may it bless our longing eyes,
And bear our shouts beyond the skies.
3 All hail ! triumphant Lord !
Eternal be thy reign ;
Behold the nations wait
To wear thy gentle chain :
When earth and time are known no mere,
Thy throne shall stand for ever sure
UtSts* Triumph of the Gospel.
1 ARM of the Lord ! awake, awake !
Put on thy strength — the nations shake,
And let the world, adoring, see
Triumphs of mercy wrought by thee.
2 Say to the heathen, from thy throne, —
"I am Jehovah — God alone !"
Thy voice their idols shall confound,
And cast their altars to the ground.
3 Almighty God! thy grace proclaim,
In every land of every name ;
Let Zion's time of favor comt ,
Oh ! bring the tribes of Israel home.
4 Arm of the Lord ! awake, awake !
Put on thy strength — the nations shake ,
Let hostile powers before thee fall,
And crown the Saviour — Lord of all.
£/T£J 8s, 7s and 4-
\) tJ U • The Day- Spring.
.1 CHRISTIAN ! see— the orient morning
Breaks along the heathen sky ;
Lo ! th* expected day is dawning —
Glorious day-spring from on high :
Hallelujah !—
Hail the day-spring from on high I
2 Heathen at the sight are singing ;
Morning wakes the tuneful lays ;
Precious offerings they are bringing—
First-fruits of more perfect praise :
Hallelujah !—
Hail the day-spring from on high !
3 Zion's Sun ! — salvation beaming, —
Gilding now the radiant hills, —
Rise and shine, till brighter gleamings
All the world thy glory fills :
Hallelujah ! —
Hail the day-spring from on high !
4 Lord of every tribe and nation !
Spread thy truth from pole to pole ;
Spread the light of thy salvation,
Till it shine on every soul : •
Hallelujah !—
Hail the day-spring from on high !
r^ LM
l/t/ i • Chritt' 8 Coming to reign.
1 JESUS ! thy church with longing eyes
For thine expected coming waits :
When will the promised light arise,
And glory beam on Zion's gates ]
2 E'en now, when tempests round us fall,
And wintry clouds o'ercast the sky,
Thy words with pleasure we recall,
And deem that our redemption 's nigh.
3 Oh come and reign o'er every land ;
Let Satan from his throne be hurled, —
All nations bow to thy command,
And grace revive a dying world.
4 Teach us in watchfulness and prayer,
To wait for thine appointed hour ;
And fit us, by thy grace to share
The triumphs of th) conquering power
9 -JU{~}» The coming Reign of Christ.
1 ASCEND thy throne, almighty King!
And spread thy glories all abroad;
292 HYMNS.
Let thine own arm salvation bring,
And be thou known the gracious God.
2 Let millions bow before thy seat, —
Let humble mourners seek thy face ;
Bring daring rebels to thy feet,
Subdued by thy victorious grace.
3 Oh ! let the kingdoms of the world
Become the kingdoms of the Lord ,
Let saints and angels praise thy name, —
Be thou through heaven and earth adored,
7s and 6s.
The final Victory of Christ.
1 WHEN shall the voice of singing
Flow joyfully along 1
When hill" and valley, ringing
With one triumphant song,
Proclaim the contest ended,
And him, who once was slain,
Again to earth descended,
In righteousness to reign?
2 Then from the craggy mountains
The sacred shout shall fly ;
And shady vales and fountains
Shall echo the reply :
High tower and lowly dwelling
Shall send the chorus round,
All hallelujah swelling
In one eternal sound.
c. M.
The New- Creation.
1 SPIRIT of power and might ! behold
A world by sin destroyed :
Creator-Spirit !— as of old,
Move on the formless void.
2 Give thou the word ; — that healing sound
Shall quell the deadly strife ;
And earth again, like Eden crowned,
Produce the tree of life.
3 If sang the morning-stars for joy,
When nature rose to view
What strains shall angel-harps employ.
When thou shalt all renew ]
4 And if the sons of God rejoice
To hear a Saviour's name,
How will the ransomed raise their voice,
To whom that Saviour came ?
5 So every kindred, tongue and tribe,
Assembling round the throne,
Thy new-creation shall ascribe
To sovereign love alone.
Rejoicing in Christ's Reign.
1 NOW living waters flow
To cheer the humble soul ;
From sea to sea the rivers go,
And spread from pole to pole.
2 Now righteousness shall spring,
And grow on earth again :
Jesus, Jehovah, be our king,
And o'er the nations reign.
3 Jesus shall rule alone,
The world shall hear his word \
By one blest name shall he be know.
The universal Lord.
^fi9 L M
U\J&9 Prayer for the World's Conversion,
1 O SPIRIT of the living God !
I*i all thy plenitude of grace,
Where'er the foot of man hath trod,
Descend on oui apostate race.
2 Give tongues of fire, and hearts of love,
To preach the reconciling word ;
Give power and unction from above,
Where'er the joyful sound is heard.
3 Be darkness, at thy coming, light,
Confusion — order, in thy path ;
Souls without strength, inspire with might;
Bid mercy triumph over wrath.
4 O Spirit of the Lord ! prepare
A sinful world their God to meet:
294 HYMNS.
Breathe thou abroad, like morning-air,
Till hearts of stone begin to beat
5 Baptize the nations ; far and nigh
The triumphs of the cross record ;
The name of Jesus glorify,
Till ever)' kindred call him — Lord.
8s, 7s and 4.
Prayer for the Heathen.
1 O'ER the realms of pagan darkness,
Let the eye of pity gaze ;
See the kindreds of the people,
Lost in sins bewildering maze ; —
Darkness brooding
On the face of all the earth !
2 Light of them who sit in error !
Rise and shine — thy blessings bring ;
Light — to lighten all the Gentiles !
Rise with healing in thy wing :
To thy brightness,
Let all kings and nations come.
3 Let the heathen, now adoring
Idol gods of wood and stone,
Come and, worshiping before him,
Serve the living God alone :
Let thy glory
Fill the earth, as floods the sea.
4 Thou ! to whom all power is given,
Speak the word ; at thy command,
Let the company of heralds
Spread thy name from land to land :
Lord ! be with them,
Always till time's latest end.
Spread of the Gospel.
THY people, Lord ! who trust thy word,
And wait the smilings of thy face,
Assemble round thy mercy-seat,
And plead the promise of thy graca
Hast thou not said — thine only Son
Shall be a light to Gentile lands,
To open the benighted eyes,
And loose the wretched pris'ners' bands 7 —
3 From land to land, from sea to sea,
That his dominion shall extend ! —
That every tongue shall call him Lord,
And every knee before him bend 2
4 Now let the happy time appear —
The time to favor Zion come ;
Send forth thy heralds far and near,
And call the wandering exiles home.
8s. 7s and 4
Success of the Gospel among the Heathen .
1 O'ER the gloomy hills of darkness,
Cheered by no celestial ray,
Sun of righteousness ! arising,
Bring the bright, the glorious day ;
Send the gospel
To the earth's remotest bound.
2 Kingdoms wide that sit in darkness, —
Grant them, Lord ! the glorious light.
And, from eastern coast to western,
May the morning chase the night ;
And redemption,
Freely purchased, win the day.
H Fly abroad, thou mighty gospel !
Win and conquer, never cease ;
May thy lasting, wide dominions,
Multiply and still increase ;
Sway thy sceptre,
Saviour ! all the world around.
Triumphs of the Gospel.
1 WHO are these that come from far,
Led by Jacob's rising star 1
Strangers now to Zion come,
There to seek a peaceful home.
2 Lo ! they gather like a cloud,
Or as doves their windows crowd:
Zion wonders at the sight, —
Zion feels a strange delight.
296 HYMNS.
3 Zion now no more shall sigh,
God will raise her glory high ;
He will send a large increase. —
He will give his people peace.
4 Sons of Zion ! sing aloud :
See her sun, without a cloud !
God will make her joy complete—
Zion's sun shall never set.
^fi7 c M -
t/U i • Kingdom of Christ among Men.
1 LO ! what a glorious sight appears,
To our believing eyes !
The earth and seas are passed away,
And ihe old rolling skies.
2 From the third heaven, where God resides,—
That holy, happy place, —
The New-Jerusalem comes down,
Adorned with shining grace.
3 Attending angels shout for joy,
And the bright armies sing, —
" Mortals ! behold the sacred seat
Of your descending King.
4 " The God of glory, down to men,
Removes his blessed abode ; —
Men, the dear objects of his grace,
And he their loving God.
5 " His own soft hand shall wipe the tears
From every weeping eye ;
And pains, and groans, and griefs, and fears,
And death itself shall die."
How long, dear Saviour ! Oh ! how long
Shall this bright hour delay ]
Fly swtfter round, ye wheels of time !
And bring the welcome day.
9 -J vJ O* Zion encouraged.
1 DAUGHTER of Zion ! awake from thy sadness ,
Awake, — for thy foes shall oppress thee no
more : [ness
Bright o'er thy hills dawns the day-star of glad
Arise, — for the night of thy sorrow is o'er.
I Strong were thy foes ; but the arm that subdued
And scattered their legions, was mightier far ;
They fled, like the chaff, from the scourge that
pursued them ;
Vain were their steeds and their chariots of war.
3 Daughter of Zion ! the power, that hath saved thee.
Extolled with the harp and the timbrel should
Shout — for the foe is destroyed that enslaved thee.
Th' oppressor is vanquished, and Zion is free.
^£JQ c M
t/Ut/i Universal Praise.
1 O CITY of the Lord ! begin
The universal song :
And let the scattered villages
The joyful notes prolong.
9 Let Kedar's wilderness afar
Lift up the lonely voice ;
And let the tenants of the rock
In accent rude rejoice.
3 Oh! from the streams of distant lands
To our Jehovah sing ;
And joyful, from the mountain-tops,
Shout to the Lord, the king.
4 Let all combined, with one accord,
The Saviour's glories raise,
Till, in the earth's remotest bounds,
The nations sound his praise.
rVyrx 8s > 7s and 4
t/ I v/« Daicning of the Latter Day.
1 LOOK, ye saints ! the day is breaking ;
Joyful times are near at hand ;
God, the mighty God, is speaking
By his word in every land ;
Day advances, —
Darkness flies, at his command.
2 While the foe becomes more daring,
While he enters like a flood,
God, the Saviour, is preparing
Means to spread his truth abroad:
Every language
Soon shall tell the love of God.
298 HYMNS.
3 God of Jacob, high and glorious'
Let thy people see thy power ;
Let the gospel be victorious,
Through the world for evermore ;
Then shall idols
Perish, while thy saints adore.
*7 i L M
t/ I -L • Success anticipated.
1 BEHOLD th' expected time draw near,
The shades disperse, the dawn appear !
Behold the wilderness assume
The beauteous tints of Eden's bloom !
2 Events with prophecies conspire
To raise our faith, our zeal to fire :
The ripening fields, already white,
Present a harvest to the sight.
3 The untaught heathen waits to know
The joy the gospel will bestow ;
The exiled captive, to receive
The freedom Jesus has to give.
4 Come, let us, with a grateful heart,
In the blest labor share a part ;
Our prayers and offerings gladly bring
To aid the triumphs of our King.
pyya c M -
*J • &• The Victories of Christ.
1 HOSANNA to our conquering King !
All hail ! incarnate love !
Ten thousand songs and glories wait
To crown thy head above.
2 Thy vict'ries and thy deathless fame,
Through the wide world, shall run ;
And everlasting ages sing
The triumph thou hast won.
ZffO H. M
!/•?-/• The general Jubilee.
1 FAIR shines the morning-star ;
The silver trumpets'sound,
Their notes re-echoing far,
While dawns the day around *
Joy to the earth — the earth is free 5
It is the year of jubilee.
2 Pris'ners of hope, in gloom
And silence, left to die !
With Christ's unfolding tomb,
Your portals open fly :
Rise with your Lord — he sets you free ;
It is the year of jubilee.
3 Ye who yourselves have sold
For debts to justice due,
Ransomed — but not with gold !
He gave himself for you :
The blood of Christ hath made you free ;
It is the year of jubilee.
4 Captives of sin and shame !
O'er earth and ocean, hear
An angel's voice proclaim
The Lord's accepted year :
Let Jacob rise — be Israel free ;
It is the year of jubilee.
57/1 L "
M I ^±i« l"he Reign of Christ established.
1 SHOUT,— for the great Rcdeeme:* reigns,
Through distant lands his triumphs spread ,
Sinners, now freed from Satan's chains,
Own him their Saviour and their head.
2 Oh ! may his conquests still increase ;
Let every foe his power subdue ;
While angels celebrate his praise,
Saints shall his rising glories show.
3 Loud hallelujahs to the Lamb.
From all below and all above;
In lofty songs, exalt his name, —
In songs as lasting as his love.
575 7s
U ■ *J • The Reign of Christ.
1 WAKE the song of jubilee,
Let it echo o'er the sea !
Now hath come the promised hour ;
Jesus reigns with sovereign power.
2 All ye nations! join and sing. —
"Christ, of lords and kings, is Kirg I*
Let it sound from shore to shore, —
"Jesus reigns for evermore !"
300 . HYMNS.
3 Now the desert lands rejoice,
And the islands join their voice ,
Yea, the whole creation sings, —
"Jesus is the King of kings !"
*/ I w The triumphant Reign of Christ
1 SEE the ransomed millions stand, —
Palms of conquest in their hands !
This before the throne their strain, —
" Hell is vanquished — death is slain ! —
2 " Blessing, honor, glory, might,
Are the Conqueror's native right ;
Thrones and powers before him fall,^-
Lamb of God, and Lord of all !"
3 Hasten, Lord ! the promised hour ;
Come in glory and in power ;
Still thy foes are unsubdued —
Nature sighs to be renewed:
4 Time has nearly reached its sum ;
All things with the bride, say, "Come !
Jesus ! whom all worlds adore,
Come, — and reign for evermore.
IN this calm impressive hour,
Let my prayer ascend on high ;
God of mercy ! God of power !
Hear me, when to thee I cry :
Hear me from thy lofty throne,
For the sake of Christ, thy Son.
With the morning's early ray,
While the shades of night depart
Let thy beams of light convey
Joy and gladness to my heart :
Now o'er all my steps preside,
And for all my wants provide.
3 Oh ! what joy that word affords,—
" Thou shalt reign o'er all the earth ;"
Xing of kings, and Lord of lords i
Send thy gospel-heralds forth :
Now begin thy boundless sway.
Usher in the glorious day.
^78 s M
*./ | Kj) m Prayer for spiritual Light.
1 WE lift our hearts to thee,
Thou Day-Star from on high !
The sun itself is but thy shade,
Yet, cheers both earth and sky.
2 Oh ! let thy rising beams
Dispel the shades of night;
And let the glories of thy love
Come, like the morning-light.
3 How beauteous nature now !
How dark and sad before ! —
With joy we view the pleasing change,
And nature's God adore.
4 May we this life improve
To mourn for errors past ;
And live, this short revolving day,
As if it were our last
^7Q 7s
*J • %J • Morning- Thanks.
1 THOU that dost my life prolong !
Kindly aid my morning-song ;
Thankful, from my couch I rise,
To the God that rules the skies.
2 Thou didst hear my evening-cry ;
Thy preserving hand was nigh ;
Peaceful slumbers thou hast shed,
Grateful to my weary head.
3 Thou hast kept me through the night, —
''J' was thy hand restored the light ;
Lord ! thy mercies still are new,
Plenteous, as the morning-dew.
4 Still my feet are prone to stray. —
Oh ! preserve me through the day ;
Dangers every where abound,
Sins and snares beset me round.
302 HYMNS.
5 Gently, with the dawning ray,
On my soul, thy beams display $
Sweeter than the smiling morn
Let thy cheering light return.
£TO/\ s. M.
tJ\D\J Morning- Prayer- Meeting.
1 HOW sweet the melting lay
That breaks upon the ear,
When, at the hour of rising day,
Christians unite in prayer !
2 The breezes waft their cries,
Up to Jehovah's throne ;
He listens to their bursting sighs,
And sends his blessings down.-.
3 So Jesus rose to pray,
Before the morning-light ;
Once on the chilling mount did stay*,
And wrestle all the night.
4 Glory to God on high,
Who sends his blessings down,
To rescue souls condemned to die.
And makes his people one.
S. M.
Morning- Meditations.
1 \WAKE, my drowsy soul !
These airy visions chase ;
Awake, my active powers renewed !
To run the heavenly race.
2 See — how the rising sun
Pursues his shining way ;
And wide proclaims his Maker's praise.
With every brightening ray 1
3 Thus would my rising soul
Her heavenly parent sing ;
And to her great original
Her humble tribute bring.
4 Serene, I laid me down
Beneath his guardian care ;
I slept, and woke ; and still I founu
My kind preserver near.
5 Dear Saviour ! to thy cross,
1 bring my sacrifice ;
Tinged with thy blood, it shall ascend.
With fragrance to the skies.
-09 c. M.
vO/W» A Morning- Song .
1 ONCE more, my soul ! the rising day
Salutes thy waking eyes:
Once more, my voice ! thy tribute pay
To him who rules the skies.
2 Night unto night his name repeats,
The day renews the sound ;
Wide as the heaven, on which he sits
To turn the seasons round.
3 'T is he supports my mortal frame, —
My tongue shall speak his praise ;
My sins would rouse his wrath to flame,
And yet his wrath delays.
4 A thousand wretched souls are fled,
Since the last setting sun ;
And yet he lengthens out my thread, —
And yet my moments run.
5 Great God ! let all my hours be thine,
Whilst I enjoy the light ;
•Then shall my sun in smiles decline,
And bring a peaceful night.
fiQQ L M
"UU« Morning -Gratitude.
1 IN sleep's serene oblivion laid,
I safely passed the silent night ;
Again I see the breaking shade, —
I drink again the morning-light.
2 New-born, I bless the waking hour,
Once more, with awe, rejoice to be ;
My conscious soul resumes her power,
And springs, my guardian God ! to thee
3 Oh ! guide me through the various maze.
My doubtful feet may this day tread ;
And spread thy shield's protecting blaze,
Where dangers press around my head.
304 HYMNS.
4 A deeper shade will soon impend, —
A deeper sleep mine eyes oppress;
Yet, then thy strength shall still defend,-—
Thy goodness still delight to bless.
5 That deeper shade shall break away,
That deeper sleep shall leave mine eyes ;
Thy light shall give eternal day ;
Thy love — the rapture of the skies.
t/O^rU Praise to the God of the Morning.
1 GOD of the morning ! at thy voice
The cheerful sun makes haste to rise,
And like a giant doth rejoice,
To run his journey through the skies; —
2 From the fair chambers of the east,
The circuit of his race begins,
And without weariness or rest,
Round the whole earth, he flies and shines,
3 Oh ! like the sun may I fulfill
Th' appointed duties of the day ;
With ready mind, and active will,
March on, and keep my heavenly way.
4 Lord ! thy commands are clean and pure,
Enlightening our beclouded eyes ;
Thy threatenings just, thy promise sure,
Thy gospel makes the simple wise.
5 Give me thy counsel for my guide,
And then receive me to thy bliss :
All my desires and hopes beside
Are faint, and cold, compared witn this.
L. M.
An Evening- Sacrifice.
1 GREAT God ! to thee my evening-song,
With humble gratitude 1 raise ,
Oh ! let thy mercy tune my tongue,
And fill my heart with lively praise.
2 My days unclouded, as they pass,
And every gently rolling hour,
Are monuments of wondrous grace,
And witness to thy Jove and power.
3 Seal my forgiveness in the blood
Of Jesus ; — his dear name alone
I plead for pardon, gracious God !
And kind acceptance, at thy throne.
4 Let this blest hope mine eyelids close ;
With sleep refresh my teeble frame;
Safe in thy care may I repose,
And wake with p.aises to thy name.
Evening Contemplation.
1 SOFTLY, now, the light of day
Fades upon my sight away ;
Free from care, from labor free,
Lord ! I would commune with thee.
2 Soon for me, the light of day
Shall for ever pass away ;
Then, from sin and sorrow free,
Take me, Lord ! to dwell with thee.
/r orv c m.
vUl « Evening- Prayer and Praise.
1 INDULGENT Father ! by whose care,
I 've passed another day, —
Let me, this night, thy mercy share ; —
Oh ! teach me how to pray.
2 Show me my sins, and how to mourn
My guilt before thy face ;
Direct me, Lord ! to Christ alone
And save me by thy grace.
3 Let each returning night declare
The tokens of thy love ;
And, every hour, thy grace prepare
My soul for joys above.
4 And when, on earth, I close mine eyes,
To sleep in death's embrace,
Let me, to heaven and glory, rise.
To see thy smiling face.
306 HYMNS.
rOQ 8s and 7s. Peculiar.
tJCDCj • An Evening- Offering.
1 THROUGH the day thy love has spared ua
Now we lay us down to rest;
Through the silent watches guard us,
Let no foe our peace molest ; <
Jesus ! thou our guardian be,
Sweet it is to trust in thee.
2 Pilgrims here on earth, and strangers,
Dwelling in the midst of foes, —
Us and ours preserve from dangers,
In thine arms, let us repose,
And, when life's short day is past,
Rest with thee, in heaven, at last.
^QQ 7 *'
*J O %J • Repose and Devotion.
1 NOW from labor and from care,
Evening-shades have set me free ;
In the work of praise and prayer,
Lord ! I would converse with thee:
Oh ! behold me from above,
Fill me with a Saviour's love.
2 Sin and sorrow, guilt and wo,
Wither all my earthly joys ;
Naught can charm me here below,
But my Saviour's melting voice :
Lord ! forgive — thy grace restore,
Make me thine for evermore.
3 For the blessings of this day,
For the mercies of this hour,
For the gospel's cheering ray,
For the Spirit's quickening power, —
Grateful notes to thee I raise ;
Oh ! accept my song of praise.
£\QO c M
tj %J \J • An Evening- Song.
1 DREAD Sovereign, let my evening-song,
Like holy incense rise ;
Assist the offerings of my tongue,
To reach the lofty skies.
2 Through all the dangers of the day,
Thy hand was still my guard ;
EYENI^ 307
And still, to drive my wants away,
Thy mercy stoud |
3 Perpetual blessings from above
Encompass me aruund ;
Bui, I I love
Hath my Creator found !
4 What have I done for him who died
To save my wretch
Huw are my Collies inulUpli
LS tile minutes roll I
5 \jord ! with this guilty heart of mine,
To thy dear cr
And to thy grace my soul resign,
To be re..
6 Sprinkled afresh with pard'ning blood,
I lay me down to rest, —
A- in ::/ v. ..: rae - - : my God,
Or on my Saviour's breast.
KJkJ ± • Evening- Prayer and Praise.
1 INDULGENT G:,d ! whose bounteous care
r all thy works is shown, —
Oh ! let my grateful praise una prayer
Arise before thy throne.
2 What mercies has this cay bestowed I
• largely hast thou ; I
My cup with plenty uvcrriowed,
With cheerfulness — my breast
3 Now may soft slumber close my eyes,
From pain and sickness five ;*
And let my waiting thoughts arise
To meditate on thee.
4 Thus bless each future day and night,
Till life's vain scene is o'er ;
And then, to realms of endless light,
Oh ! let my spirit soar.
1 I LOVE to steal awhile away,
From every cumbering care,
308 HYMNS.
And spend the hours of setting day
In humble, grateful prayer.
2 1 love, in solitude, to shed
The penitential tear ;
And all his promises to plead,
When none but God is near.
I love to think on mercies past,
And future good implore ;
My cares and sorrows all to cast,
On him whom I adore.
4 I love, by faith, to take a view
Of brighter scenes in heaven ;
The prospect doth my strength renew ;
While here by tempests driven.
5 And, when life's toilsome day is o'er,
May its departing ray
Be calm, as this impressive hour,
And lead to endless day.
U *J*-J* Evening- Worship m the Family.
1 O LORD ! another day is flown,
And we, a lonely band,
Are met once more before thy throne.
To bless thy fostering hand.
2 And wilt thou bend a listening ear
To praises low as ours \
Thou wilt ! — for thou dost love to hear
The song which meekness pours.
3 And, Jesus ! thou thy smiles wilt deign,
As we before thee pray ;
For thou didst bless the infant train,
And we are less than they.
4 Thy heavenly grace to each impart;
All evil far remove ;
And shed abroad in every heart
Thine everlasting love.
5 Thus cleansed from sin and wholly thine,
A flock by Jesus led,
The Sun of righteousness shall shine
In glory on our head.
Ob ! still restore our wandering feet,
And still direct our way ;
Till worlds shall fade, and faith shall greet
The dawn of endless day.
L. M.
An Ex tuing- Hymn
1 THUS far the Lord has led me on,
Thus far his power prolongs my days ;
And every evening shall make known
Some fresh memorial of his grace.
2 Much of my time has run to waste,
And I, perhaps,am near my home ;
But he forgives my follies past,
He gives me strength for days to come.
3 I lay my body down to sleep, —
Peace is the pillow for my head ;
While well-appointed angels keep
Their watchful stations round my bed.
4 Thus, when the night of death shall come,
My flesh shall rest beneath the ground,
And wait thy voice to rouse my tomb,
With sweet salvation in the sound.
f?f\£? L. M. 6 Lines.
tJ^JtJ • For such as keep Saturday- Evening
1 SWEET is the last, the parting ray,
Which ushers placid evening in ;
When, with the still, expiring day,
The Sabbath's peaceful hours "begin :
How grateful to the anxious breast
The sacred hours of holy rest !
2 Hushed is the tumult of the day,
And worldly cares and business cease, —
W T hile soft the vesper-breezes play,
To hymn the glad return of peace :
Delightful season ! kindly given
To turn the wandering thoughts to neaven.
3 Oft as this peaceful hour shall come,
Lord . raise my thoughts from earthly things
And bear them to my heavenly home,
On faith and hope's celestial wings ;
310 HYMNS.
Till the last gleam of life decay,
In one eternal Sabbath-day.
5Qfi s M
U *J yJ • Saturday-Evening.
1 THE hours of evening close ;
Its lengthened shadows, drawn
O'er scenes of earth, invite repose,
And wait the Sabbath-dawn.
2 ;3o let its calm prevail
O'er forms of outward care ;
Nor thought for " many things" assail,
The still retreat of prayer.
3 Our guardian Shepherd near
His watchful eye will keep ;
And, safe from violence and fear,
Will fold his flock to sleep.
4 So may a holier light,
Than earth's, our spirits rouse,
And call us, strengthened by his might,
To pay the Lord our vows.
-Qrv L. m.
tJ iJ i • A Song for Morning and Evening.
1 MY God ! how endless is thy love !
Thy gifts are every evening new ;
And morning-mercies from above,
Gently distill,like early dew.
2 Thou spread'st the curtains of the night,
Great Guardian of my sleeping hours'.
Thy sovereign word restores the light,
And quickens all my drowsy powers,
3 I yield my powers to thy command ;
To thee I consecrate my days ;
Perpetual blessings, from thy hand,
Demand perpetual songs of praise.
£JQQ c M
* f %J O • Morning or Evening- Worship
1 ON thee, each morning, O my God !
My waking thoughts attend ;
In thee are founded all my hopes,
In thee my wishes end.
2 My soul, in pleasing wonder lost,
Thy boundless love surveys :
And, fired with grateful zeal, prepares
A sacrifice of praise.
3 When evening-slumbers press my eyes,
With his protection blest,
In peace and safety, I commit
My wearied limbs to rest.
4 My spirit in his hand, serene,
Fears no approaching ill ;
For. whether waking or asleep,
Thou, Lord ! art with me still.
^QQ c M
IStJ *J • Morning and Evening- Offering.
1 HOSANNA, with a cheerful sound,
To God's upholding hand !
Ten thousand snares attend us round,
And yet secure we stand.
2 That was a most amazing power
That raised us with a word ;
And, every day, and every hour,
We lean upon the Lord.
3 The rising morn cannot assure, —
That we shall end the day ;
For death stands ready at the door
To hurry us away.
4 Our life is forfeited, by sin,
To God's avenging law ;
We own thy grace, immortal King I
In every breath we draw.
b God is our sun — whose daily light
Our joy and safety brings ;
Our feeble frame lies safe, at night
Beneath his shady wings.
312 HYMNS.
fiflf) L M - 6 Ll » es
\J\J\Jo Morning and Evening.
1 WHEN, streaming from the eastern skies,
The morning-light salutes mine eyes,
Sun of righteousness divine !
On me, with beams of mercy, shine ;
Chase the dark clouds of guilt away,
And turn my darkness into day.
2 When each day's scenes and labors close,
And wearied nature .seeks repose,
With pard'ning mercy richly blest,
Guard me, my Saviour ! while I rest \
And, as each morning-sun shall rise,
Oh ! lead me onward to the skies.
3 And, at my life's last setting sun,
My conflicts o'er, my labors done,
Jesus ! thy heavenly radiance shed,
To cheer and bless my dying-bed ;
. And from death's gloom my spirit raise,
To see thy face, and sing thy praise.
r*i \-| lis and 5s.
DU 1 • The New- Year.
1 COME let us anew
Our journey pursue,
Roll round with the year,
And never stand still till the master appear j
His adorable will
Let us gladly fulfill,
And our talents improve,
By the patience of hope, and the labor of love,
2 Our life is a dream ;
Our time, as a stream.
Glides swiftly away,
And the fugitive moment refuses to stay :
The arrow is flown —
The moment is gone —
The millenial year
lushes on to our view, and eternity 's here \
Oh ! thai each in the d
( >f his coming may say, —
U I have fought my way through —
I have finished the work which ihou gav'st me to do!
Oh ! that each, from hU Lord,
May receive the glad word, —
M Well and faithfully uotie .
Enter into my joy. and sit down on my throne "
P()9 L M
\J\J <+-/ ■ The changing Seasons.
1 GREAT God ! let all our tuneful powers
Awake, and sing thy mighty nan* 1 :
Thy hand revolves our circling hours, —
Thy hand from which our being came.
2 Seasons and moons still rolling round,
In beauteous order speak thy prai
And years, with smiling mercy crowned,
To thee successive honors raise.
3 To thee we raise the annual song,
To thee the grateful tribute give ;
Our God doth still our years prolong,
And, midst unnumbered deaths, we live.
4 Our life, our health, our friends, we owe
All to thy vast, unbounded love ;
Ten thousand precious gifts below,
And hope of nobler joys above.
5 Thus will \\ "ase.
Till ! language are no more,
And, after death, thy boundless grace,
Through ever: :s, adore.
c M
Nwm Year :—Priiri(leutial Guodnesr.
1 GOD of our lives ! thy various praise
Our voices shall resound :
Thy hand di' leeting days,
And brings t] - round.
2 To thee shnll gratoful s
Our Father and oar Pri nd !
astant me m the skies.
In genial str< :id.
314 HYMNS.
3 In every scene of life, thy care,
In every age, we see :
And, constant as thy favors are,
So let our praises be.
4 Still may thy love, in every scene,
In every age, appear ;
And let the same compassions deign
To bless the opening year.
5 If mercy smile, let mercy bring
Our wandering souls to God ;
In our affliction, we shall sing,
If thou wilt bless the rod.
(\(\A L M
\J\J^d» New- Year :— God, our Helper.
1 OUR helper, God ! we bless thy name.
Whose love for ever is the same ;
The tokens of thy gracious care
Open, and crown, and close the year
2 Amid ten thousand snares we stand,
Supported by thy guardian hand ;
And see, when we review our ways,
Ten thousand monuments of praise.
3 Thus far thine arm has led us on ;
Thus far we make thy mercy known ;
And while we tread this desert land,
New mercies shall new songs demand.
4 Our grateful souls, on Jordan's shore,
Shall raise one sacred pillar more ;
Then bear, in thy bright courts above,
Inscriptions of immortal love.
c M.
New- Year : — Prayer for a Blessing.
1 NOW, gracious Lord ! thine arm reveal
And make thy glory known ;
Now let us all thy presence feel,
And soften hearts of stone.
2 From all the guilt of former sin,
May mercy set us free ;
And let this year, we now begin.
Begin and end with thee.
I v^
3 Send down thy Spirit from above,
That saints may love thee more;
And sinners DOW may learn to love,.
Who never loved before.
4 And, when, before thee, we appear,
In our eternal home,
May growing numbers worship her v.
And praise thee in our room.
vjyj \J • A Sung fur the opening Year.
1 GREAT God ! we sing that mighty ha:?d.
By which supported still we stand ;
The opening year thy mercy shows, —
Let mercy crown it till it close.
2 By day, by night — at home, abroad,
Still we are guarded by our God ;
By his incessant bounty fed,
By his unerring counsel led.
3 With grateful hearts the past we own ,
The future — all to us unknown —
We to thy guardian care commit,
And peaceful leave before thy feet,
4 In scenes exalted or depressed,
Be thou our joy — and thou our rest ;
Thy goodness all our hopes shall raise,
Adored, through all our changing days.
5 When death shall close our earthly songs
And seal, in silence, mortal tongue*
Our helper, God, in whom we trust,
Shall keep our souls, and guard our dust.
The opening Yea r
BLESS, O Lord ! the opening year
To the souls assembled here ;
Clothe thy word with power divine,
Make us willing to be thine.
When thou hast thy work begun,
Give new strength the race to run ,
Scatter darkness, doubts, and fears ;
Wipe away the mourner's tears.
316 HYMNS.
3 Bless us ah both old and young —
Call forth praise from every tongue :
Let our whole assembly prove
All thy power and all thy love.
7s and 6s.
A Winter's Day.
1 TIME is winging us away,
To our eternal home ;
Life is but a winter's day,
A journey to the tomb ;
Youth and vigor soon will flee,
Blooming beauty lose its chama;
AM that 's mortal soon will be
Enclosed in death's cold arms.
2 Time is winging us away
To our eternal home ;
Life is but a winter's day,
A journey to the tomb :
But the Christian shall en,oy
Health and beauty soon above ;
Far beyond the world's rJloy —
Secure in Jesus' love
C. M. Do'.ble.
Spring- of the Year
WHILE beauty clothes the fertile vale,
And blossoms on ihe spray ;
And fragrance breathes in every gale,
How sweet the vernal day !
Hark ! how the feathered warblers sing \
'T is nature's cheerful voice ;
Soft music hails the lovely spring,
And woods and fields rejoice.
How kind the influence of the skies.
While showers, with blessing fraught;
Bid verdure, beauty, fragrance, rise,
And fix the roving thought !
Oh ! let my wandering heart confess,
With gratitude and love,
The bounteous hand that deigns to bless
Each smiling field and grove.
That hand, in this hard heart of mine,
Can bid each virtue live ,
While gentle showers of grace divine,
Life, beauty, fragrance give :
O God of nature, God of grace !
T by h ea \ e n 1 y g i ft s j m pa rt ,
And bid sweet meditation trace
Spring blooming in my heart.
1) J V 7. The Spring.
1 SWEET is the time of spring,
When nature's charms appear ;
The birds with ceaseless pleasure sing,
And had the opening year :
But sweeter far the spring
Of wisdom and of grace,
When children bless and praise their King.
Who loves the youthful race.
2 Sweet is the dawn of day,
When light just streaks the sky ;
When shades and darkness pass away,
And morning's beams are nigh :
But sweeter far the dawn
Of piety in youth ;
When doubt and darkness are withdrawn,
Before the light of truth.
3 Sweet is the early dew,
W'hich gilds the mountain's tops,
And decks each plant and flower we view,
With pearly glittering drops :
But sweeter far the scene
On Zion's holy hill,
When there the dew of youth is seuii
Its freshness to distill.
Spring, natural and spiritual
I PLEASING spring again is here;
Trees and fields in bloom appear;
Hark ! the birds, with artless lays.
Warble their Creator's praise.
I Lord ! afford a spring to me ;
Let me feel like what I see:
Ah ! my winter has been long, —
Chilled my hopes, suppressed my song.
L. M.
TVie Year crowned with Goodness.
818 HYMNS.
3 How the soul in winter mourns,
Till the Lord, the Sun, returns !
Till the Spirit's gentle rain
Bids the heart revive again !
4 O beloved Saviour ! haste,
Tell me — all the storms are past :
Speak, and by thy gracious voice,
Make my drooping soul rejoice.
1 ETERNAL Source of every joy !
Well may thy praise our lips employ, —
While, in thy temple, we appear,
Whose goodness crowns the circling year.
2 While, — as the wheels of nature roll, —
Thy hand supports the steady pole ;
The sun is taught by thee to rise,
And darkness, when to veil the skies.
3 The flowery spilng,at thy command,
Embalms the air and paints the land ;
The summer-rays, with vigor, shine
To raise the corn, and cheer the vine.
4 Thy hand, in autumn, richly pours,
Through all our coasts, redundant stores
And winters, softened by thy care,
No more a face of horror wear.
5 Seasons, and months, and weeks, and days.
Demand successive songs of praise ;
Still be the cheerful homage paid,
With morning-light and evening-shade.
C. M.
Summer and Harvest.
1 TO praise the ever- bounteous Lord
My soul ! wake all thy powers :
He calls — and at his voice come forth
The smiling harvest-hours.
2 His covenant with the earth he keeps ;
My tongue ! his goodness sing ;
Summer and winter know their time —
The harvest crowns the spring.
3 Well-pleased the husbandmen behold
The waving yellow crop,
With joy they bear the sheaves away,
And sow again in hope.
4 Thus teach me, gracious God ! to sow
The seeds of righteousness ;
Smile on my soul, and, with thv beams
The ripening harvest bless.
£J1 A c M
\J JL tt» Seed- time and Harvest.
1 FOUNTAIN of mercy, God of love !
How rich thy bounties are ;
The changing seasons, as they move,
Proclaim thy constant care.
2 When, in the bosom of the earth,
The sower hid the grain,
Thy goodness marked its secret birth,
And sent the early rain.
3 The spring's sweet influence, Lord ! was th»ne —
The plants in beauty grew ;
Thou gav'st refulgent suns to shine,
And soft refreshing dew.
4 These varied mercies, from above,
Matured the swelling grain :
A kindly harvest crowns thy love.
And plenty rills the plain.
5 We own and bless thy gracious sway —
Thy hand all nature hails:
Seed-time nor harvest, night nor day,
Summer nor winter, fails.
fil ^ C M
V/ ± *J • Fruitful Seasons from God.
1 O THOU who givest all their food !•—
Causing thy sun to shine
Upon the evil and the good. —
Earth's teeming stores are thin j.
2 Thy covenant to man secures
The harvest of his toil ;
Thy faithful word, while earth endures,
With plenty clothes the soil.
3 The wintry frost, the flowery prime,
Alike thy laws obey
320 HYMNS.
Each herb and blossom knows its time,
And feels the quickening ray.
4 Revolving seasons still proclaim
Thine all-sustaining word :
Seed-time and harvest speak thy name, —
The promise-keeping Lord.
v) 1 U. Close of the Year.
1 AWAKE, ye saints ! and raise your eyes,
And raise your voices high ;
Awake, and praise that sovereign love
That shows salvation nigfe.
2 On all the wings of time it flies,
Each moment brings it near ;
Then welcome each declining day,
Welcome each closing year.
3 Not many years their rounds shall run,
Nor many mornings rise,
Ere all its glories stand revealed
To our admiring eyes.
4 Ye wheels of nature ! speed your course :
Ye mortal powers ! decay ;
Fast as ye bring the night of death,
Ye bring eternal day.
VI I i Time short — Man frail.
1 THEE we adore, eternal Name !
And humbly own to thee,
How feeble is our mortal frame,
What dying worms are we !
2 The year rolls round, and steals away
The breath that first it gave ;
Whate'er we do, where'er we be,
We 're traveling to the grave
3 Good God ! on what a slender thread
Hang everlasting things !
Th J eternal state of all the dead,
Upon life's feeble strings.
4 Infinite joy, or endless wo.
Attends on every breath, —
And yet how unconcerned we go,
Upon the brink of death !
DEATH. 321
5 Waken, O Lord ! our drowsy sense,
To walk this dangerous road ;
And, if our souls are hurried hence,
May they be found with God.
Ml ft LM
vl J. O* Death and Burial of Saints.
1 UNVEIL thy bosom, faithful tomb !
Take this new treasure to thy trust,
And give these sacred relics room
To seek a slumber in the dust.
2 Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear,
Invade thy bounds ; — no mortal woes
Can reach the peaceful sleeper here,
While angels watch the soft repose.
3 So Jesus slept ; — God's dying Son [bed i
Passed through the grave, and blessed the
Rest here, blest saint ! — till, from his throne,
The morning break, and pierce the snade.
4 Break from his throne, illustrious morn I
Attend, O earth ! his sovereign word ;
Restore tny trust ; — a glorious rorm
Shall then arise to meet the Lord.
8s and 7s.
Mourners Comforted.
1 CEASE, ye mourners ! cease to languish.
O'er the grave of those you love ;
Pain, and death, and night, and anguish,
Enter not the world above.
2 While our silent steps are straying,
Lonely, through night's deepening shade,
Glory's brightest beams are playing
Round th' immortal spirit's head.
3 Light and peace at once deriving,
From the hand of God most high,
In his glorious presence living,
They shall never — never die.
322 HYMNS.
4- Endless pleasure, pain excluding,
Sickness there, no more can come ;
There, no fear of wo, intruding,
Sheds o'er heaven a moment's gloom.
5 Now, ye mourners ! cease to languish,
O'er the grave of those you love ;
Far removed from pain and anguish,
They are chanting hymns above.
fiSO c M
\Jr*i \J • Dying in the Lord.
1 HEAR what the voice from heaven proclaim
For all the pious dead ; —
" Sweet is the savor of their names,
And soft their sleeping-bed.
2 " They die in Jesus, and are blessed, —
How kind their slumbers are !
From sufferings, and from sins, released,
And freed from every snare.
3 " Far from this world of toil and strife,
They 're present with the Lord ;
The labors of their mortal life
End in a large reward."
fi91 CM
v//W ± • Mourning with Hope.
1 WHY should our tears in sorrow flow
When God recalls his own ;
And bids them leave a world of wo,
For an immortal crown i
Z Is not e'en death a gain to those
Whose life to God was given ]
Gladly to earth their eyes they close
To open them in heaven.
3 Their toils are past — their work is done.
And they are fully blest ;
They fought the fight, the vict'ry won,
And entered into rest.
4 Then let our sorrows cease to flow, —
God has recalled his own ;
But let our hearts, in every woe,
Still say,—" Thy will be done !"
yJ&As* Prayer in view of £Mrtal thought,
While still the remnant of their dust
' all the children dwell ;
But such a gloomy cell
324 HYMNS.
5 God of our fathers ! hear, —
Thou everlasting friend ! —
While we, as on life's utmost rerge,
Our souls to thee commend.
6 Of all the pious dead
May we the footsteps trace,
Till with them, in the land of light,
We dwell before thy face.
f\9A LM
U lore
in full immortal pi .
H Then v tears.
326 HYMNS.
There everlasting spring appears,
And joys that cannot die.
L M.
Death of an Infant.
1 SO fades the lovely, blooming flower,—
Frail smiling solace of an hour !
So soon our transient comforts hy,
And pleasure only blooms to die.
2 Is there no kind, — no lenient art,
To heal the anguish of the heart 1
Spirit of grace ! be ever nigh,
Thy comforts are not made to die.
3 Bid gentle patience smile on pain,
Till dying hope shall live again ;
, Hope wipes the tear from sorrow s eye,
And faith points upward to the sky.
V//W \J • The Grave peaceful.
1 HOW still and peaceful is the grave,
Where, — life's vain tumults past, —
Th' appointed house, by heaven's decree*
Receives us all at last !
2 The wicked there from troubling cease,
Their passions rage no more ;
And there the weary pilgrim rests
From all the toils he bore.
$ All, leveled by the hand of death,
Lie sleeping in the tomb,
Till God, in judgment, call them forth
To meet their final doom.
'' OvJ. Prospect of Death.
1 MY soul ! come, meditate the day,
And think how near it stands, "
When thou must quit this house of ciav
And fly to unknown lands.
2 And you, my eyes ! look down and viev
The hollow gaping tomb ;
This gloomy prison waits for you,
Whene'er the summons come.
DEATH. 327
3 Oh ! could we die with those that die,
And place us in tt.
Then would our spirits l'-irn to llv,
And com erse with the dead.
4 Then should * • runts abo ■
In ".heir nun glorious forms,
■ And wonder, why our Otjld love
To dwell with mortal worm*.
i We should almost forsake our clay
fore the sutftmoi
And pray, and wish OUT SOUll away,
To their eternal home.
Ut) 1 • The Spirit uf a dying Christian.
1 PARTING soul : the flood awaits thee,
And the billows round thee roar;
Yet -the holy city
Stands on yon celestial Bhore.
2 Th rowns and thrones of gl<
Then.* the living waters glid
There*the just in shining raiment,
anding by Imnianuel'.s side.
8 Linger not, — the stream is narrow,
k waters ri
He, win i passed the flood bei
Guides thy path to yonder sk
J)- a:h alarmed.
1 WHY should we start, and fear to
\ worms we mortals art I
itfa is the gate of endless joy,
groans, the dying strife,
ght our approaching - >uL
.rink back life,
Fond of OUT prison ' '>'•
3 Oh ! it' my Lord would CODV3 and n
M\ soul would stretch her wings in b
Flj • —
3^8 HYMNS.
4 Jesus v&.n make a dying bed
Feel soft as downy pillows are,
While on his breast 1 lean my head*
And breathe my life out sweetly there,
C M.
Comfort in the Death, of Friends.
L WHY do we mourn departing friends,
Or shake at death's alarms 1
,r F is bi«t the voice that Jesus sends,
To ctAl them to his arms.
2 Are we not tending upward too,
As fast as time can move ]
Nor should we wish the hours more slow
To keep us from our love.
3 Why should we tremble to convey
Their bodies to the tomb \
There the dear flesh of Jesus lay,
And left a long perfume.
4 The graves of all the saints he blessed,
And softened every bed :
Where should the dying members rast,
But with their dying Head 1
5 Thence he arose, ascended high,
And showed our feet the way ;
Up to the Lord his saints shall fly,
At the great rising day.
6 Then let the last loud trumpet sound.
And bid our kindred rise :
Awake, ye nations under ground !
Ye saints ! ascend the skies.
C. M.
Silent Submission
1 PEACE ! 't is the Lord Jehovah's ha ad,
That blasts our joys in death;
Changes the visage once so dean
And gathers back our breath.
2 *T is he, the Potentate supreme
Of all the worlds above,
Whose steady counsels wisely rule.
Nor from their purpose move
DEATH. 329
3 *T is he, whose justice might demand
Our souls a sacrifice ;
Yet scatters, with unwearied hand,
A thousand rich supplies.
4 Our covenant-God and Father he,
In Christ, our bleeding Lord ;
Whose grace can heal the bursting heart,
With one reviving word.
5 Silent we own Jehovah's name, —
We kiss thy chastening hand ;
And yield our comforts and our life,
To thy supreme command.
flOC C M.
U tJ *J • Triumph over Death.
1 GREAT God ! I own the sentence just,
And nature must decay ;
I yield my body to the dust,
To dwell with fellow-clay.
2 Yet faith may triumph o'er the grave,
And trample on the tombs ;
My Jesus niv Redeemer, lives,
My God, my Saviour, comes.
3 The mighty Conqueror shall appear,
High on a royal seat ;
And death, the last of all his foes,
Lie vanquished at his feet.
4 Then shall I see thy lovely face,
With strong, immortal eyes ;
And feast upon thine unknown grace,
With pleasure and surprise.
]*2s and lis.
A Funeral Hymn.
1 THOU art gone to the grave — but we wilJ not
deplore thee,
Though sorrows and darkness encompass trie
tomb ;
The Saviour has passed through its portals befcre
And the lamp of his love is thy guide through
*^ gloom
330 HYMNS.
2 Thou art gone to the grave — we no longer oenold
Nor tread the rough paths of the world by tny
side ;
But the wide arms of mercy are spread to enfold
And sinners may hope, since the Sinless hath
3 Thou art gone to the grave — and, its mansion
Perchance thy weak spirit in doubt lingered
long ;
But the sunshine of heaven beamed bright on thy
And the sound thou didst hear was the se-
raphim's song.
4 Thou art gone to the grave — but we will no 1
deplore thee,
Since God was thy ransom, thy guardian, thy
guide ;
He gave thee, he took thee, and he will restore
And death hath no sting, since the Saviour hatfc
/•07 c. M.
"1/ I • Victory over Death.
1 OH ! for an overcoming faith,
To cheer my dying hours ;
To triumph o'er the monster, death,
And all his frightful powers !
2 Joyful, with all the strength I have,
My quivering lips should sing, —
" Where is thy boasted vict'ry, grave t
O death ! where is thy sting !"
3 If sin be pardoned, I 'm secure ;
Death has no sting beside :
The law gives sin its damning power,
But Christ, my ransom, died.
4 Now to the God of victory
Immortal thanks be paid ; —
Who makes us conquerors, while we die,
Through Christ, our living head.
U t J O • Tlie Death of Children.
1 YE mourning saints ! whose streaming tears
Flow o'er your children dead, —
Say not in transports of despair,
That all your hopes are fled.
2 While, cleaving to that darling dust,
In fond distress ye lie,
Rise, and with joy, and reverence, view
A heavenly parent nigh.
3 Though — your young branches torn away, —
Like withered trunks ye stand ;
With fairer verdure shall ye bloom,
Touched by th' Almighty's hand.
4 *• I '11 give the mourner," saith the Lord,
" In my own house a place ;
No names of daughters and of sons
Could yield so high a grace.
5 " Transient and vain is every hope
A rising race can give ;
In endless honor and delight,
My children all shall live."
6 We welcome, Lord ! those rising tears,
Through which thy face we see ; [hearts,
And bless those wounds which, through our
Prepare a way for thee.
L. M.
The Christian's parting Hour.
1 HOW sweet the hour of closing day,
When all is peaceful and serene ;
And the broad sun's retiring ray
Sheds a mild lustre o'er the scene !
2 Such is the Christian's parting hour, —
So peacefully he sinks to rest;
When faith, endued from heaven with power,
Strengthens and cheers his languid breast
3 Mark but that radiance of his eye, —
That smile, upon his wasted cheek !
They tell us of his glory nigh,
In language which no tongue can speak.
332 HYMNS.
4 A beam from heaven is sent to cheer
The pilgrim on his gloomy road ;
And angels are attending near,
To hear him to their bright abode.
5 Who would not wish to die, like those
Whom God's own Spirit deigns to bless ;
To sink into that soft repose,
Then wake to perfect happiness !
c. M.
The Christian's Farewell.
1 YE golden lamps of heaven ! farewell,
With all your feeble light ;
Farewell, thou ever-changing moon !
Pale empress of the night.
2 And thou, refulgent orb of day !
In brighter flames arrayed, —
My soul, that springs beyond thy sphere,
No more demands thy aid.
3 Ye stars are but the shining dust
Of my divine abode ;
The pavement of those heavenly courts.
Where I shall see my God.
4 The Father of eternal light
Shall there his beams display ;
Nor shall one moment's darkness mix,
With that unvaried day.
5 No more the drops of piercing grief
Shall swell into mine eyes ;
Nor the meridian sun decline
Amid those brighter skies.
6 There all the millions of his saints
Shall in one song unite ;
And each the bliss of all shall view.
With infinite delight.
C. M.
The Moment after Death.
IN vain the fancy strives to paint
The moment after death, —
The glories that surround a saint,
When yielding up his breath.
DEATH. 333
2 One gentle sigh the fetters breaks ;
We scarce can say, — He 's gone I —
Before the willing spirit takes
Its mansion near the throne.
3 Faith strives — but all its efforts fail, —
To trace the spirit's flight ;
No eye can pierce within the veil
Which hides the world of light.
4 Thus much — and 't is enough to know —
Saints are completely blest ;
Have done with sin, and care, and wo,
And with their Saviour rest.
5 On harps of gold, they praise his name,
And see him face to face :
Oh ! let us catch the heavenly flame,
And live in his embrace.
f{A9 L - "-
U4i/W • Tlie eartlily and fteavenly House.
1 THERE is a house not made with hands,
Eternal, and on high ;
And here my spirit, waiting, stands,
Till God shall bid it fly.
'2 Shortly this prison of my clay
Must be dissolved and fall ;
Then, O my soul ! with joy obey
Thy heavenly Father's call.
3 'T is he, by his almighty grace,
Who forms thee fit for heaven ;
And, as an earnest of the place,
Hath his own Spirit given.
4 W T e walk by faith of joys to come ;
Faith lives upon his word ;
But while the body is our home,
We 're absent from the Lord.
5 'T is pleasant to believe thy grace,
But we had rather see ;
We would be absent from the flesh,
And present, Lord ! with thee.
vyfi<*-J» A Voice from the Tomb.
1 HARK! from the tombs a doleful sound! #
My ears ! attend the cry —
33* HYMNS.
" Ye living men ! come view the ground
Where you must shortly lie.
2 " Princes ! this clay must be your bed,
In spite of all your towers ;
The tall, the wise, the reverend head,
Must lie as low as ours."
3 Great God ! is this our certain doom ?
And are we still secure 1
Sliii walking downward to the tomb,
And yet prepare no more !
4 Grant us the power of quickening grace-
To fit our souls to fly ;
Then, when we drop this dying flesh,
We '11 rise above the sky.
S. M.
Death and the Resurrection.
1 AND must this body die ?—
This mortal frame decay 1
And must these active limbs of mine
Lie mouldering in the clay 1
2 God, my Redeemer, lives,
And often from the skies
Looks down and watches all my dust,-
Till he shall bid it rise.
& Arrayed in glorious grace,
Shall these vile bodies shine ;
And every shape, and every face,
Look heavenly and divine.
4 These lively hopes we owe
To Jesus' dying love ;
We would adore his grace below,
And sing his power above.
5 Dear Lord ! accept the praise
Of these our humble songs ;
Till tunes of nobler sound we raise,
With our immortal tongues
S. L. M.
The Death-Bed of the Righteous-
THIS place is holy ground ;
World ! w th thy cares, away !
DEATH. 335
Silence and darkness reign around;
But lo ! the break of day !
What bright and sudden dawn appears.
To shine upon this scene of tears '
2 Behold the bed of death,—
This pale and lovely clay !
Heard ye the sob of parting breath f
Marked ye the eyes' last ray 1 —
No ! — life so sweetly ceased to be,
It lapsed in immortality .
3 Could tears revive the dead,
Rivers should swell our eyes ;
Could signs recall the spirit fled,
We would not quench our sighs,
Till love relumed this altered mien,
And all th' embodied soul were seen-
4 Bury the dead, — and weep,
In stillness, o'er the loss ;
Bury the dead, — in Christ they sleep,
Who bore on earth his cross,
And, from the grave, their dust shall ris*
In his own image to the skies.
C. M
1 BENEATH our feet and o'er our head,
Is equal warning given ;
Beneath us lie the countless dead, —
Above us, is the heaven.
2 Death rides on every passing breeze,
And lurks in every flower ;
Each season has its own disease.
Its peril — every hour.
3 Our eyes have seen the rosy light
Of youth's soft cheek decay,
And fate descend, in sudden night.
On manhood's middle day.
4 Our eyes have seen the steps of age
Halt feebly to the tomb ;
And yet shall earth our hearts engage,
And dreams of days to come ?
336 HYMNS.
5 Turn, mortal ! turn ; thy danger knew ;
Where'er thy foot can tread,
The earth rings hollow from below,
And warns thee of her dead.
6 Turn, Christian ! turn ; thy soul apply
To truths divinely given ;
The forms, which underneath thee lie,
Shall live, for hell, or heaven,
(\AT7 c M *
\J j! • • Death and Eternity.
1 STOOP down, my thoughts ! that used to ri
Converse a while with death ;
Think — how a gasping mortal lies,
And pants away his breath.
2 His quivering lip hangs feebly down,
His pulse is faint and few ;
Then, speechless, with a doleful groan,
He bids the world adieu !
3 But Oh ! the soul that never dies !
At once it leaves the clay :
Ye thoughts ! pursue it where it flies,
And track its wondrous way : —
4 Up to the courts where angels dwell,
It mounts, triumphant there ; —
Or devils plunge it down to hell,
In infinite despair.
5 And must this body faint and die]
And must this soul remove !
Oh ! for some guardian angel nigh,
To bear it safe above !
6 Jesus ! to thy dear faithful hand,
My naked soul I trust ;
And my flesh waits for thy command.
To drop into my dust.
U~JbO» Prayer for the dying Christian.
I GENTLY, my Saviour! let me down.
To slumber in the arms of death :
I rest my soul on thee alone,
E'en till my last expiring breath.
DEATH. ft*
Soon will the storm of life be o'er,
And I shall enter endless rest :
There I shall live to sin no more.
And bless thy name for ever blest.
Bid me possess sweet peace within ;
Let childlike patience keep my heart;
Then shall I feel my heaven begin,
Before my spirit hence depart.
Hasten thy chariot, God of love !
And fetch me from this world of wo ;
I long to reach those joys above,
And bid farewell to ail below.
There shall my raptured spirit raise
Still louder notes than angels sing, —
High glories to Immanuel's grace, —
My God, my Saviour, and my King !
L M.
Movrning uith Submission.
i THE God of love will sure indulge
The flowing tear, the heaving sigh.
When righteous persons fall around, —
When tender friends and kindred die.
2 Yet not one anxious, murnrring thought
Should with our mourning passions blend;
Nor would our bleeding hearts forget
Th' almighty, ever-living Friend.
3 8enea\th a numerous train of ills,
Our feeble flesh and heart may fail ;
Vet shall our hope in thee, our God,
O'er every gloomy fear prevail.
4 Our Father-God ! to thee we look,
Our Rock, our Portion and our Friend ;
And on thy covenant-love and truth,
Our sinking souls shall still depend.
i J'JKJ* The Death of a Youth.
\ WHEN blooming youth is snatcthed away,
By dcaih's re^ictle-s hand,
Our hearts the mournful tribute pay,
That pity must demand.
338 HYMNS.
2 While pity prompts the rising sigh,
Oh ! may this truth, impressed
With awful power, — "I too must die \ n
Sink deep in 3 very breast.
8 Let this vain world engage no more *,
Behold the gaping tomb !
It bids us seize the present hour, —
To-morrow death may come.
4 Oh ! let us fly — to Jesus fly —
Whose powerful arm can save ;
Then shall our hopes ascend on high,
And triumph o'er the grave.
5 Great God ! thy sovereign grace impart,
With* cleansing, healing power ;
This only can prepare the heart,
For death's surprising hour.
C. M.
Death and the Resurrection.
1 THROUGH sorrow's night, and danger's path
Amid the deepening gloom,
We, soldiers of an injured king,
Are marching to the tomb.
2 There, when the turmoil is no more,
And all our powers decay,
Our cold remains, in solitude,
Shall sleep the years away.
3 Our labors done securely laid
In this our last retreat,
Unheeded, o'er our silent dust,
The storms of life shall beat.
4 Yet not thus lifeless, thus inane,
The vital spark shall lie ;
For, o'er life's wreck, that spark shall rise
To seek its kindred sky.
5 These ashes too, — this little dust, —
Our Father's care shall keep,
Till the last angel rise and break
The long and dreary sleep.
6 Then love's soft dew, o'er every eye,
Shall shed its mildest ravs,
DEATH. 339
And the long-silent dust shall burst,
With shouts of endless praise.
C. M.
Death dreadful or delightful.
1 DEATH ! — 't is a melancholy day,
To those who have no God, —
When the poor soul is forced away
To seek her last abode.
2 In vain, to heaven she lifts her eyes. —
But guilt a heavy chain,
Still drags her downward from the skies,
To darkness, fire, and pain.
3 Awake, and mourn, ye heirs of wo !
Let stubborn sinners fear ;
Why will ye sink to flames below,
And dwell for ever there 1
4 See how the pit gapes wide for you,
And flashes in your face ;
And thou, my soul ! look downward too,
And sing recovering grace.
C. M.
Death and Judgment appointed to a£
1 HEAVEN has confirmed the dread decree,
That Adam's race must die ;
One general ruin sweeps them down,
And low in dust they lie.
2 Ye living men ! the tomb survey ,
Where you must shortly dwell ;
Hark ! how the awful summons sounds,
In every funeral-knell !
3 Once you must die — and once for all, —
The solemn purport weigh ;
For know, that heaven and hell are hung,
On that important day.
4 Those eyes, so long in darkness veiled,
Must wake the Judge to see ;
And every word, and every thought,
Must pass his scrutiny.
340 HYMNS.
5 Oh ! may I, in the Judge, behold
My Saviour and my Friend ;
And, far above the reach of death,
With all thy saints ascend.
Christ coming to save his People
1 HARK — that shout of rapturous joy
Bursting forth from yonder cloud i
Jesus comes — and, through the sky
Angels tell their joy aloud.
Z Hark ! — the trumpet's, awful voice
Sounds abroad through sea and land °.
Let his people now rejoice,
Their redemption is at hand.
3 See ! — the Lord appears in view :
Heaven and earth before him fly ;
Rise, ye saints ! he comes for you, —
Rise, to meet him in the sky.
4 Go and dwell with him above,
Where no foe can e'er molest ;
Happy in the Saviour's love,
Ever blessing, ever blest.
\J*.J*-J • God, the awful Judge.
1 SING to the Lord, ye heavenly hosts !
And thou, O earth ! adore ;
Let death and hell, through all their coasts.
Stand trembling at his power.
2 His sounding chariot shakes the sky,
He makes the clouds his throne :
There all his stores of lightning lie,
Till vengeauce darts them down.
3 Think, O my soul ! the dreadful day,
When this incensed God
Shall rend the sky, and burn the sea,
And send his wrath abroad.
\ What shall the wretch, the sinner do !
He once defied the Lord ;
But he shall dread the thunderer now
And sink beneath his word.
** Tempests of angry fire shall roll
To blast the rebel- worm,
And beat upon his naked soul,
In one eternal storm.
f>(~n 8s, 7s and 4
\JtJ\J» Cfirist coming to Judgment.
1 LO ! he comes, in clouds descending,
Once for favored sinners slain ;
Thousand thousand saints attending
Swell the triumph of his train •
Hallelujah ; —
Jesus shall for ever reign.
2 Every eye shall now behold him,
Robed in dreadful majesty ;
Those who set at nought, and sold hiru
Pierced and nailed him to the tree,
Deeply wailing, —
Shall the great Messiah see.
3 Every island, sea, and mountain.
Heaven, and earth shall flee away ;
All who hate him, must, confounded,
Hear the trump proclaim the day ;
Come to judgment ! —
Come to judgment, — come away.
4 Now the Saviour, long-expected,
See, in solemn pomp, appear !
All his saints, by man rejected,
Now shall meet him in the air.
Hallelujah !—
See the day of God appear.
/• £ry 8s, 7s and 4.
\JtJ i • The Judgment icelcomed.
1 LO ! he cometh. — countless trumpets
Wake to life the slumbering dead ;
Mid ten thousand saints and angels,
See their great exalted Head :
Hallelujah !—
Welcome, welcome, Son of God !
342 HYMNS.
2 Full of joyful expectation,
Saints behold the Judge appear :
Truth and justice go before him — •
Now the joyful sentence hear ;
Hallelujah !—
Welcome, welcome, Judge divine \
3 " Come, ye blessed of my Father !
Enter into life and joy ;
Banish all your fears and sorrows ;
Endless praise be your employ :"
Welcome, welcome to the skies.
c. M.
Everlasting Absence of God intolerable.
1 THAT awful day will surely come,
Th' appointed hour makes haste, —
When I must stand before my judge,
And pass the solemn test.
2 Thou lovely Chief of all my joys !
Thou Sovereign of my heart !
How could I bear to hear thy voice
Pronounce the sound — Depart !
3 Oh ! wretched state of deep despair-
To see my God remove,
And fix my doleful station, where
1 must not taste his love !
4 Jesus ! I throw my arms around,
And hang upon thy breast ;
Without one gracious smile from the*
My spirit cannot rest.
5 Oh 1 tell me that my worthless name
Is graven on thy hands ;
Show me some promise in thy book,
Where my salvation stands.
O J i/ • The Judgment anticipated.
1 WHEN, rising from the bed of death,
O'erwhelmed with guilt and fear,
I see my Maker face to face, —
Oh ! how shall I appear' 1
.u'DGMKNT. 344
2 If now, while pardon may be found,
And mercy may be sought,
My heart with inward horror shrinks,
And trembles at the thought ; —
3 When thou, O Lord ! shalt stand disclosed,
In majesty severe,
And sit in judgment on my soul, —
Oh ! how shall I appear ?
4 Then see my sorrows, gracious Lord !
Let mercy set me free ;
While, in the confidence of prayer,
My heart takes hold of thee.
5 For never shall my soul despair
Thy mercy to procure ;
Since thy beloved Son has died
To make that mercy sure.
6s, 7 s and 4.
The Judgment Trumpet.
1 HARK ! — the judgment-trumpet sounding
Rends the skies and shakes the poles s
Lo ! the day, with wrath abounding,
Breaks upon astonished souls :
Every creature
Now the awful Judge beholds.
2 Jesus, captain of salvation,
Leads his armies down the skies ;
Every kindred, tribe and nation,
From the sleep of death, arise :
Heaven's loud summons
Fills the world with dread surprise.
3 Zion's king, his throne ascending,
Calls his saints before his face ;
Crowns, with glory never-ending,
All the children of his grace :
Heaven shall echo ; —
Songs of triumph fill the place.
4 Look beneath, where hell is burning !
There the sons of darkness lie ;
Hope to black despair is turning ;
There the worm shall never die :
Careless sinner ! —
Oh ! to Jesus quickly fly.
344 HYMNS.
L. M.
The Judgment- Scene.
1 THE Lord shall come, — the earth shall quake,
The mountains to their centre shake ;
And, withering from the vault of night,
The stars shall pale their feeble light.
2 The Lord shall come, — but not the same
As once, in lowliness, he came, —
A silent lamb before his foes, —
A weary man, and full of woes.
3 The Lord shall come,— a dreadful form,
With rainbow- wreath, and robes of storm,
On cherub-wings and wings of wind, —
Appointed judge of all mankind.
4 Can this be he, who wont to stray
A pilgrim on the world's highway ;
Oppressed by power, and mocked by pride,
The Nazarene — the Crucified ?
5 While sinners in despair shall call, —
" Rocks, — hide us ! — mountains ! on us fall '"
The saints, ascending from the tomb,
Shall joyful sing, — »* The Lord is come I"
CZC\C) 8s ' 7s and 4 -
\J\J&9 Saints and Sinners judged.
1 DAY of judgment ! day of wonders !
Hark ! — the trumpet's awful sound,
Louder than a thousand thunders,
Shakes the vast creation round :
How the summons
Will the sinner's heart confound !
2 See the Judge, our nature wearing,
Clothed in majesty divine !
You, who long for his appearing,
Then shall say, — " This God is mino ! ,;
Gracious Saviour !
Own me in that day for thine.
3 At his call, the dead awaken,
Rise to life from earth and sea ;
All the powers of nature, shaken,
By his looks, prepare to flee •
Careless sinner !
What will then become of thee ?
But to those who have confessed,
Loved and served the Lord below,
He will say, — "Come aear, ye blessed!
the kingdom 1 bestow !
You for ever
{Shall my love and glory know."
^8 and 7v Irregular.
Clinst. coming to Judgmtnt.
GREAT God ! what do I see and hear? —
The end of things created !
Behold the Judge of man appear,
On clouds of glory seated !
The trumpet sounds — the graves restore
The dead which they contained before ! —
Prepare, my soul ! to meet him.
The dead in Christ shall first arise,
At the last trumpet's sounding.
Caught up to meet him in the skies,
With joy their Lord surrounding:
No gloomy fears their souls dismay,
His presence sheds eternal day,
On those prepared to meet him.
Great God \ what do I see and hear ? —
The end of things created !
Behold the Judge of man appear,
On clouds of glory seated !
Low at his cross I view the day,
when heaven and earth shall pass away.
And thus prepare to meet him
S. M.
The Judgment in Prospect.
AND will the Judge descend?
And must the dead arise 1
And not a single soul escape
His all-discerning eyes?
How will my heart endure
Tin- terrors of that day,
When earth and heaven before his face,
Astonished, shrink away .'
Bvit ere that trumpet rfiak
The mansions of the dead,
346 HYMNS.
Hark ! — from the gospel's cheering sound
What joyful tidings spread !
4 Ye sinners ! seek his grace, —
His wrath ye cannot bear ;
Fly to the shelter of his cross,
And find salvation there.
5 So shall that curse remove,
By which the Saviour bled ;
And the last awful day shall pour
His blessings on your head.
fifi^ c p M
vV/t/t The Saint at Christ's right Hand.
1 WHEN thou, my righteous Judge ! shall come
To fetch thy ransomed people home,
Shall I among them stand 1
Shall such a worthless worm as I,
Who sometimes am afraid to die,
Be found at thy right hand ?
2 Blest Saviour ! grant it by thy grace ;
Be thou my only hiding-place,
In this th' accepted day ;
Thy pard'ning voice, Oh ! let me hear,
To still my unbelieving fear,
Nor let me fall, I pray.
3 Among thy saints let me be found,
Whene'er th' archangel's trump shall suund
To see thy smiling face ;
Then filled with rapture shall I sing,
While heaven's resounding mansions ring
With shouts of sovereign grace.
Ss, 7s and 4.
TVie Sinner's Doom.
1 SEE th' eternal Judge descending,
View him seated on his throne !
Now, poor sinner ! now lamenting,
Stand and hear thine awful doom ;-
Trumpets call thee ! —
Stand and hear thine awful doom.
2 Hear the cries he now is venting,
Filled wilh dread of fiercer pain ;
While in anguish thus lamenting,
That he ne'er was born again !
Greatly mourning, —
That he ne'er was born again ! —
) " Yonder sits my slighted Saviour,
With the marks of dying love ;
Oh ! that I had sought his favor,
When I felt his Spirit move !
Golden moments, —
When I felt his Spirit move."
4 Now, despisers ! look and wonder ;
Hope and sinners here must part*
Louder than a peal of thunder,
Hear the dreadful sound, — ••Depart!"
Lost forever, —
Hear the dreadful sound, — "Depart !"
L. M
The Day of Wrath.
1 THAT day of wrath !— that dreadful day,
When heaven and earth shall pass away •-
What power shall be the sinner's stay!
How shall he meet that dreadful day, —
2 When, shrivelling like a parched scroll,
The flaming heavens together roll ;
And louder yet — and yet more dread, —
Swells the high trump that wakes the dead ?
3 Oh ! on that day — that wrathful day,
When man to j idgment wakes from clay,
Be thou, O ! the sinner's stay, —
Though heaven and earth shall pass away.
S. M.
The Lord, corning tc Judgment.
1 BEHOLD ! the day is come,
The righteous Judge is near ;
And sinners, trembling at their doom.
Shall soon their sentence hear.
2 Angels, in bright attire,
Conduct him through the skies;
Darkness and tempests, smoke and fire*
Attend him as he flies.
3^3 HYMNS.
3 How awful is the sight !
How loud the thunders roar !
The sun forbears to give his light,
And stars are seen no more.
4 The whole creation groans,
But saints arise and sing ;
They are the ransomed of the Lord,
And he their God and King
fifiQ c M
yjyJ^Jm The cheering Prospect of Heaven,
1 THERE is a land of pure delight,
Where saints immortal reign,
Infinite day excludes the night,
And pleasures banish pain.
2 There everlasting spring abides,
And never-withering flowers ;
Death, like a narrow sea, divides
This heavenly land from ours.
3 Sweet fields, beyond the swelling fiood,
Stand dressed in living green ;
So to the Jews old Canaan stood,
While Jordan rolled between.
4 But tim'rous mortals start c nd shrink
To cross this narrow sea ;
And linger, shivering on the brink,
And fear to launch away.
5 Oh ! could we make our doubts remove, —
Those gloomy doubts that rise, —
And see the Canaan that we love,
With unbeclouded eyes : —
6 Could we but climb where Moses stood.
And view the landscape o'er, —
Not Jordan's streams, nor death's cold flood,,
Should fright us from the shore
D I V/. T7ip Worship if Heaven.
1 OH! for a sweet, inspiring ray,
To animate our feeble strains,
From the bright realms of endless day. —
The blissful realms, where Jesus reigns.
2 There, low before his glorious throne,
Adoring saints and angels fall ;
And, with delightful worship, own
His smile their bliss, their heaven, their all.
3 Immortal glories crown his head,
While tuneful hallelujahs rise,
And love, and joy, and triumph spread
Through all th' assemblies of the skies.
4 He smiles, — and seraphs tune their songs
To boundless rapture, while they gaze ;
Ten thousand, thousand joyful tongues
Resound his everlasting praise.
5 There all the folFwers of the Lamb
Shall join at last the heavenly choir ;
Oh ! may the joy-inspiring theme
Awake our faith and warm desire.
6 Dear Saviour ! let thy Spirit seal
Our interest in that blissful place ;
Till death remove this mortal veil,
And we behold thy lovely face.
The Songs and Bliss of Heaven.
HIGH in yonder realms of light,
Dwell the raptured saints above;
Far beyond our feeble sight,
Happy in Immanuel's love :
Pilgrims in this vale of tears.
Once they knew, like us below,
Gloomy doubts, distressing fearsv
Torturing pain, and heavy wo.
Mid the chorus of the skies,
Mid th' angelic lyres above,
Hark! their songs m • Tlie Perpetuity of Heaven,
1 FRIEND after friend departs :
Who hath not lost a friend 1
There is no union here of hearts
That finds not here an end :
Were this frail world our final rest.
Living or dying, none were blest
2 Beyond the flight of time,
Beyond the reign of death,
There surely is some blessed clime
Where life is not a breath ;
Nor life's affections, transient fire.
Whose sparks fly upwards and expire
3 There is a world above,
Where parting is unknown ;
A long eternity of love,
Formed for the good alone ;
And faith beholds the dying here,
Translated to that glorious sphere
4 Thus star by star declines,
Till all have passed away ;
\ morning high and higher shmes,
To pure and perfect day ;
Nor sink those stars in empty night,
But hide themselves in heaven's own light
* / O t-/ • Heaven :—/or Sunday- Schools.
1 THERE is a glorious world of light,
Above the starry sky ;
Where saints departed, clothed in white,
Adore the Lord most high.
2 And hark ! — amid the sacred songs
Those heavenly voices raise,
Ten thousand, thousand infant tongues
Unite in perfect praise.
3 Those are the hymns that we shall know,
If Jesus we obey ;
That is the place where we shall go,
If found in wisdom's way.
4 This is the joy we ought to seek,
And make our chief concern ;
For this we come, from week to week,
To read, and hear, and learn.
5 Soon will our earthly race be run,
Our mortal frame decay ;
Children and teachers, one by one,
Must pass from earth away.
6 Great God ! impress the serious thought,
This day, on every breast ;
That both the teachers and the taught
May enter to thy rest.
C. M.
The Joys unseen.
1 NOR eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard,
Nor sense nor reason known,
What joys the Father has prepared,
For those who love the Son.
2 But ihe good Spirit of the Lord
Reveals a heaven to come :
The beams of glory, in his word,
Allure and guide us home.
3 Pure are thp joys above the sky,
And all the region peace ;
No wanton lip, nor envious eye,
Can see or taste the bliss.
4 Those holy gates for ever bar
Pollution, sin, and shame ;
None shall obtain admittance there,
But foll'wers of the Lamb.
UOt/i Heaven alone unfading .
1 HOW vain is all beneath the skies !
How transient every earthly bliss '
How slender all the fondest ties
That bind us to a world like this !
2 The evening-cloud, the morning-dew,
The withering grass, the fading flower,
Of earthly hopes are emblems true, —
The glory of a passing hour.
3 But, though earth's fairest blossoms die,
And all beneath the skies is vain,
There is a land whose confines lie
Beyond the reach of care and pain.
4 Then let the hope of joys to come
Dispel our cares, and chase our fears :
If CgJ be ours, we 're traveling home,
Though passing through a vale of tears.
C. L. M.
T7ie everlasting Bliss of Heaven.
1 HEAVEN is the land where troubles cease,
Where toils and tears are o'er ; —
The blissful clime of rest and peace,
Where cares distract no more ;
And not the shadow of distress
Dims its unsullied blessedness.
2 Heaven is the place where Jesus lives
To plead his dying blood ;
While, to his prayers, his Father gives
An unknown multitude, ( [days,
Whose harps and tongues, through endless
Shall crown his head with songs of praise.
358 HYMNS.
3 Heaven is the dwelling-place of joy,
The home of light and love,
Where faith and hope in rapture die,
And ransomed souls above
Enjoy, before th' eternal throne,
Bliss everlasting and unknown.
ry c m.
The unseen and blessed World.
1 FAR from these narrow scenes of night
Unbounded glories rise,
And realms of infinite delight,
Unknown to mortal eyes.
2 Fair distant land ! could mortal eyes
But half its charms explore,
How would our spirits long to rise,
And dwell on earth no more !
3 No cloud those blissful regions know, —
Realms ever bright and fair ;
For sin, the source of mortal wo,
Can never enter there.
4 Oh ! may the heavenly prospect fire
Our hearts with ardent love,
Till wings of faith and strong desire
Bear every thought above.
5 Prepare us, Lord ! by grace divine,
For thy bright courts on high ;
Then bid our spirits rise and join
The chorus of the sky.
/JQQ 8s and 6s. Irregular.
UOOi Nothing like Heaven.
1 THIS world is poor from shore to shore,
And, like a baseless vision,
Its lofty domes and brilliant ore,
Its gems and crowns, are vain and poor ;-
There's nothing rich but. heaven.
2 Empires decay and nations die,
Our hopes to winds are given ;
The vernal blooms in ruin lie,
Death reigns o'er all beneath the sky ; —
There 's nothing sure but heaven.
3 Creation's mighty fabric all
Shall be to atoms riven, —
The skies consume, the planets fall,
ivulsions rock this earthly bail ; —
There's nothing firm but heaven.
4 A stranger, lonely here I roam,
From place to place am driven ;
My friends are gone, and I 'm in gloom.
This earth is all a dismal tomb , —
I have no home but heaven.
5 The clouds disperse — the light appears.
My sins are all forgiven,
Triumphant grace hath quelled my fears; —
Roll on, thou sun ! fly swift, my years !
I 'm on my way to heaven.
/»OQ C M
w O %J • Heaven in Prospect.
1 ON Jordan's stormy banks I stand,
And cast a wishful eye
To Canaan's fair and happy land,
Where my possessions lie.
VJ Oh ! the transporting, rapturous scene,
That rises to my sight !
Sweet fields, arrayedin living green.
And rivers of delight !
3 O'er all those wide-extended plains
Shines one eternal day ;
There, God, the Son, for ever reigns,
And scatters night away.
4 No chilling winds — no pois'nous breath,
Can reach that healthful shore ;
Sickness and sorrow, pain and death,
Are felt and feared no more.
5 When shall I reach that happy place,
And be for ever bi<
When shall I see my Father's face,
And in his bosom rest }
*> Filled with delight, my raptured bg
Would here no longer stay ;
Though Jordan's waves should round me roll—
Fearless I 'd launch away.
360 HYMNS.
\J*J\J* Tlie Christian's Flight to Heaven.
1 WHAT is life ! 't is but a vapor ;
Soon it vanishes away ;
Life is but a dying taper ;
O my soul ! why wish to stay ]
Why not spread thy wings and fly,
Straight to yonder world of joy ]
2 See that glory — how resplendent !
Brighter far than fancy paints ;
There, in majesty transcendent,
Jesus reigns — the King of saints : —
Spread thy wings, my soul ! and fly
Straight to yonder world of joy.
3 Joyful crowds, his throne surrounding,
Sing with rapture of his love ;
Through the heavens his praises sounding.
Filling ail the courts above :
Spread thy wings, my soul ! and fly
Straight to yonder world of joy.
4 Go, and share his people's glory,
Mid the ransomed crowd appear ; —
Thine a joyful, wondrous story,
One that angels love to hear :
Spread thy wings, my soul ! and fly
Straight to yonder world of joy.
C. M.
The blessed Society in Heaven.
1 RAISE thee, my soul ! fly up, and run
Through every heavenly street ;
And say, — there 's nought below the sun,
That 's worthy of thy feet.
2 There, on a high majestic throne,
Th' almighty Father reigns ;
And sheds his glorious goodness down,
On all the blissful plains.
3 Bright, like the sun, the Saviour sits,
And spreads eternal noon :
No evenings there, nor gloomy nights,
To want the feefcle moon.
4 Amid those ever-shining skies,
Behold the sacred Dove •
While, banished sin, with sorrow, flies
From all the realms of love.
5 The glorious tenants of the place
Stand bending round the throne ;
And saints and seraphs sing and praise
The infinite Three-One.
6 Jesus ! — and when shall that dear day, —
That joyful hour, appear,
When I shall leave this house of clay,
To dwell among them there !
C. M.
The everlasting Song.
1 EARTH has engrossed my love too long .
'T is time, I lift mine eyes
Upward, dear Father ! to thy throne,
And to my native skies.
2 There, the blest man. my Saviour, sits : —
The God ! — how bright he shines !
And scatters infinite delights
On all the happy minds.
3 Seraphs, with elevated strains
Circle the throne arouna ,
And move and charm the starry piains
With an immortal sound.
4 Jesus, the Lord, their harps employs, —
Jesus, my love, they sing !
Jesus, the life of all our joys,
Sounds sweet from every string.
5 Now let me mount, and join their song,
And be an an^el too :
My heart ! my hand ! my ear ! my tongue
Here 's joyful work for you.
6 1 would begin the music here,
And so my soul should rise ; —
Oh ! for some heavenly notes to bear
My passions to the s : kies !
362 HYMNS.
/»QO C. M.
VVV» Victory through the Lamb.
1 GIVE me the wings of faith, to rise
Within the veil, and see
The saints above, — how great their joys, —
How bright their glories be.
2 I ask them, — whence their vict'ry came '
They, with united breath,
Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb, —
Their triumph to his death.
3 They marked the footsteps he had trod ;
His zeal inspired their breast ;
And, foll'wing their incarnate God,
Possess the promised rest.
4 Our glorious Leader claims our praise,
For his own pattern given, —
While the long cloud of witnesses
Show the same path to heaven.
\J £/ ~rU The Worship of Earth and Heaven*
1 FATHER ! I long, I faint, to see
The place of thine abode ;
I 'd leave thine earthly courts, and flee
Up to thy seat, my God !
2 Here I behold thy distant face,
And 't is a pleasing sight ;
But, to abide in thine embrace
Is infinite delight.
3 I'd part with all the joys of sense.
To gaze upon thy throne ;
Pleasure springs fresh for ever thence.
Unspeakable, unknown.
4 There all the heavenly hosts are seen :
In shining ranks they move ;
And drink immortal vigor in,
With wonder and with love.
\5 Then at thy feet with awful fear,
Th' adoring armies fall ;
With joy they shrink to nothing there
Before th' eternal Ail.
6 Father ! I long, I faint to see
The place of thine abode ;
1 'd leave thine earthly courts to be
For ever with my God.
Longing Jor Heaven.
1 I WOULD not live always — I ask not to stay,
Where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way ;
The few lucid mornings that dawn on us here,
Are followed by gloom, and beclouded by fear.
2 I would not live always — no, — welcome the tomb ;
Since Jesus hath lain there, I dread not its gloom ;
There, sweet be my rest, till he bid me arise
To hail hiin in triumph descending the skies.
3 Who— who would live always — away from his
Away from yon heaven, that blissful abode,
Where the rivers of pleasure flow o'er the bright
And the noontide of glory eternally reigns ?
< There saints of all ages, in harmony meet,
Their Saviour and brethren transported to greet;
While anthems of rapture unceasingly roll,
And the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul.
C M.
The Martyrs glorified.
1 M THESE glorious minds, — how bright they
shine !
Whence all their white array]
How came they to the happy seats
Of everlasting day V-
2 From torturing pains to endless joys,
On fiery wheels they rode ;
And strangely washed their raiment white,
In Jesus' dying blood.
8 Now they approach a spotless God,
And bow before his throne ;
Their warbling harps and sacred songs,
Adore the Holy One.
364 HYMNS.
4 The unveiled glories of his face
Among his saints reside,
While the rich treasures of his grace
See all their wants supplied.
5 Hunger and thirst for ever flee —
Their joys for ever last :
The fruit of life's immortal tree
Shall be their sweet repast.
6 The Lamb shall lead his heavenly flock
Where living fountains rise ;
And love divine shall wipe away
The sorrows of their eyes.
\JiJ I • The Redeemed in Heaven.
1 WHAT are these in bright array,
This innumerable throng,
Round the altar night and day,
Hymning one triumphant song? —
" Worthy is the Lamb once slain,
Blessing, honor, glory, power,
Wisdom, riches, to obtain,
New dominion, every hour!"
2 These through fiery trials trod, —
These from great affliction came ;
Now before the throne of God,
Sealed with his almighty name,
Clad in raiment pure and white,
Victor-palms in every hand,
Through their dear Redeemer's might,
More than conquerors they stand.
3 Hunger, thirst, disease unknown,
On immortal fruits they feed ;
Them, the Lamb, amidst the throne,
Shall to living fountains lead ;
Joy and gladness banish sighs,
Perfect love dispel all fears,
And for ever from their eyes,
God shall wipe away the tears.
f*f\Q) 9s and 6s.
Vy O • Prospect of Heaven.
1 COME away to the skies —
My beloved ! arise,
And rejoice in the day thou wert born *
On this festival day,
Come exulting away,
And, with singing, to Zion return.
2 We have laid up our love,
With our treasure, above,
Though our bodies continue below ,
The redeemed of the Lord —
We remember his word,
And, with singing, to paradise go.
3 For thy glory we were
First created, to share
Both thy nature and kingdom divine ;
Now created again,
That our souls may remain,
Both in time and eternity, thine.
4 W T ith thanks we approve
The design of thy love,
Which hath joined us in Christ's precious name;
So united in heart
That we never can part —
We shall meet at the feast of the Lamb.
5 There, Oh ! there, at his feet,
We shall joyfully meet,
And be parted, in body, no more;
We shall sing to our Jyres,
With the heavenly choirs,
And our Saviour, in glory, adore.
6 " Hallelujah !" — we sing,
To our Father and King,
And his rapturous praises repeat;
To the Lamb that was slain,
14 Hallelujah !" — again —
Sing all heaven, and fall at his feet.
And drink the pure joys of the Eden above.
We will go, we will go. we will go, we will go,
yes, we will go to the Eden above.
7 And yet, guilty sinner, we would not forsake thee,
We halt yet a moment as onward we move :
come to thy Lord, in his arms he will take thee,
And bear thee along to the Eden above.
Will you go, will you go, will you go, will you go,
say, will you go to the Eden above ?
8 Methinks thou art now in thy wretchedness say-
who can this guilt from my conscience remove ?
No other but Jesus ; then come to him, praying —
Prepare me, Lord, for the Eden above.
Will you go, will you go, will you go, will you go,
At last, will you go to the Eden above ?
7^4. C - M -
I eJtt. "My Father' sat the Helm."
1 'TWAS when the seas with horrid roar
A little bark assailed,
And pallid fear with awful pow'r,
O'er each on board prevailed ;
2 Save one — the captain's darling child,
Who fearless view'd the storm,
And, playful, with composure smiled
At danger's threat' ning form.
3 " Why sporting thus ?" a seaman cries,
" Whilst sorrows overwhelm ?"
" Why yield to grief?" the boy replies ;
" My father's at the helm !"
4 Poor doubting soul, from hence be taught
How groundless is thy fear ;
Think what the power of Christ hath wrought,
And he is ever near.
5 Then upward look ; do not distrust ;
Jesus will guide thee home
To that eternal port of rest,
Where storms shall never come.
7pck lls *
i fJ tJ • The Cross is my Anchor.
1 THE Cross is my Anchor, — though wave follow
Though frail be my vessel, this anchor shall save ;
Let faith in full vigor now trust in the Lord ;
Midst dangers I rest in his life-giving word.
2 The Cross is my Anchor, — 'tis steady and sure,
Within the veil holding, all storms I endure ;
My Saviour has entered a priest on his throne,
I trust in his promise, and in him alone.
3 The Cross is my Anchor, — all storms shall sood
My vessel, though frail, reach the haven of peace :
No shipwreck or storm need I ever more fear,
When danger's extreme, then my Saviour is near.
4 The Cross is my Anchor, — I now hear his voice,
" Eear not, it is I," now trust and rejoice ;
The last storm now low'ring, may speedily come,
I'll trust in his mercy and soon reach my .home.
L. M.
The Precious Bible.
1 THE Bible is a Polar Star—
It sheds its brightness from afar,
And cheers the soul with rays divine,
O'er life's rough sea, in every clime.
2 It is a Chart, by which we may
Shun hidden rocks, and find that bay
Where angry billows never rise,
And gloomy clouds veil not the skies.
3 It is a Compass for the soul,
When tempests howl and surges roll ;
Its magnet power attracts the heart,
While quivering with affliction's dart.
4 Most precious Book ! in thee we find
Knowledge and wisdom for the mind ;
May all who plough the boist'rous deep,
A Mother's Bible search and keep.
S. M.
Parting Hymn.
1 THE glorious morning dawns,
And opes the eye of day ;
The gentle breezes softly swell,
To bear us far away.
2 On ocean's treach'rous tide,
Our bark must speed her way ;—
Perchance contend with tempests wild,
And lightning's vivid ray.
3 O G-od, in mercy hear,
And thy rich blessings send ;
Be thou around our devious way,
Our guide and faithful friend.
4 And when life's voyage is o'er, —
Its scenes forever past,
Around thy blissful throne above,
May we appear at last.
M p* Q 8s and 6s.
I t)0» Christ stilling the Tempest.
1 FEAR was within the tossing bark,
When stormy winds grew loud,
And waves came rolling high and dark,
And the tall mast was bowed.
2 And men stood breathless in their dread,
And baffled in their skill —
But one was there, who rose and said
To the wild sea, " Be still!"
3 And the wind ceased — it ceased — that word
Passed through the gloomy sky ;
The troubled billows knew their Lord,
And sank beneath his eye.
4 And slumber settled on the deep,
And silence on the blast,
As when the righteous falls asleep,
When death's fierce throes are past.
5 Thou that didst rule the angry hour,
And tame the tempest's mood —
Oh ! send thy Spirit forth in power,
O'er our dark souls to brood I
6 Thou that didst bow the billows' pride,
Thy mandates to fulfil —
So speak to passion's raging tide,
Speak, and say " Peace, be still !"
6s and 8s.
Dedication of a Bethel.
JEHOVAH, Father, Qod,
Our souls on thee attend ;
Withm this sacred fane,
In mercy condescend
T' accept our prayer — our praise approve :
And fill our hearts with peace and love.
2 Jehovah, Prince of peace,
Inscribe thy holy name
Within these sacred walls,
While we thy love proclaim ;
Our gift receive ; this Bethel own :
Our souls with grace and glory crown.
3 Jehovah, Holy Ghost,
Thou comforter divine,
Make this thine own abode,
And be this temple thine.
Thy gracious influence here impart :
With love divine, fill every heart.
4 Thou glorious Three in One,
This temple of the free,
From base to topmost stone
We dedicate to thee.
Be thou our shield, be thou our stay,
And guide us in thy perfect way.
5 And when, in other days,
Our prayers shall hence arise,
Do thou in love receive
The heart's warm sacrifice.
Our souls accept, our sins atone,
And be the glory all thine own.
H n f\ 8s and 7s.
4 U \7 • Soundings.
1 TO heaven I'm bound with prosperous gales,
My bark by grace doth safely steer,
And going under gospel sails,
Celestial prospects bright appear.
To sound her ground my faith now springs,
And to her Author thus she sings —
" Thy will be doner
2 As bearing up to gain the port,
A blood-stained cross and heaven in view,
A Saviour's wounds my harbor — fort —
The beacon — to my vessel true ;
Again my faith her sounding tries,
And to my soul's sure pilot cries —
" A blessed hope."
3 Now as the blissful shore draws near,
With transport I behold the place
Where dwells my friend, my Saviour dear,
And long, with joy, to gee his face.
Once more my faith now tries her ground,
And thus re-echoes back the sound,
" Christ is my rock."
4 When to her berth my bark draws nigh,
And I have done with sails and tide,
" Strong is my cable," then I'll cry,
My Anchor's sure — I safely ride.
No more my soul need try her ground,
Safe at her moorings she is found,
And " all is welL"
8s and Ts.
The Compass.
THE storm was loud — before the blast'
Our gallant bark was driven ;
Their foaming crests the billows reared,
And not one friendly star appeared
Through all the vault of heaven.
Yet dauntless still the steersman stood,
And gazed without a sigh,
Where, poised on needle bright and slim,
And lighted by a lantern dim,
The compass meets his eye.
Thence taught his darksome course to steer,
He breathed no wish for day ;
But braved the whirlwind's headlong might,
Nor once throughout that dismal night,
To fear or doubt gave way.
And what is oft the Christian's life,
But storms as dark and drear,
Through which, without one blithesome ray
Of worldly bliss to cheer his way,
He must his vessel steer !
5 Yet let him ne'er to sorrow yield,
For in the sacred p.
A compass shim . true,
And self-illumined, greets his view
Amid the tempest's rage.
6 Then firmly let him grasp the helm,
Though loud the billowB roar,
And soon his toils and troubles past,
His anchor he shall Bafely east
On Canaan's happy shore.
t- O Q 8s and C>s.
i U — *• Lord, hear the Seaman's Cry.
1 AWAKED from gentlest midnight sleep,
I hear the howling blast;
The chamber rocks — the murmur deep
Of ocean rises *
The lurid Hash, the thunder's roar,
Proclaim the tempest nigh,
And wavering off our shore —
"Lord, he.;
2 This hour, perha] >r thinks
Of wile or mother I
As drenched and spiritless, he shrinks
At & >me poi ten
The cresting fo; qs death ;
The break* nigh :
He prays with quirk, re loubled breath—
"Lor nan's cry !"
3 Ah! many a youth now lost in sin,
And many a hoarj
Who never praye I. this night begin
To dread ire.
In head! . uile the bark
Pierces the bi
learn to p a 2
All hail, incarnate God ! Scott 289
All praise to the Lord 376
Almighty Father, gracious Lord ! Mrs. Steele 17
Almighty God ! ia humble prayer Montgom
Almighty maker, God ! 'Watts 11
Amazing grace ! how sweet the sound. Ifewton 223
Am I a soldier of the cross Watts 236
Am I not precious in thy sight
And are we wretches yet alive ? Watts 201
And art thou, gracious master ! gone ... Kelly 104
And can my heart aspire so high Mrs. Steele 199
And canst thou, sinner ! slight Hyde 138
And must this body die Watts 334
And now another week begins Kelly 260
And will the Judge descend Doddridge 345
And will the Lord thus condescend Mrs. Steele 247
Angels ! assist to sing Gems 9
Angels from the realms of glory Montgomery 41
Angels rejoiced and sweetly sung Hum 4 >
Angels ! roll the rock away Gibbons 94
Another day has passed along Edmeston 264
Another six days' work is done /. Sterm ttt 253
Approach, my soul ! the mercy -seat Xcuton 156
Arise, my soul ! my joyful powers Watts 1T6
Arm of the Lord ! awake H. F. Burders Col. 29 >
Around the Saviour' s lofty throne Kelly 70
Ascend thy throne, almighty King ! Bedda
Assembled at thy great command Coll
Astonished and distressed Topta ty 1ST
At thy command, our dearest Lord ! Wa
Author of good ! to thee we turn Merrick 229
Awake, and sing the song Hi mmond 99
Awake, awake the sacred song Mrs. Steele 43
Awaked by Sinai's awful sound Ockum 159
Awake, my drowsy soul ! Mrs. Steele 302
Awake, my heart ! arise, my tongue ! Watts 177
Awake, my soul ! in joyful lays Medley 76
A. wake, my soul ! stretch every. . . . Doddridge 178
408 INDEX.
Awake, my tongue ! thy tribute bring Needham 26
Awake, our souls ! away our fears Watts 178
Awake, ye saints, and raise your Doddridge 320
Awake, ye saints ! awake Epis. Col. 257
Awaked from gentlest midnight sleep 397
Begin, my tongue ! some heavenly Watts 132
Begone, unbelief ! 377
Behold a stranger at the door Doddridge 144
Behold ! the day is come „ Beddome 347
Behold ! the blind their sight receive Watts 59
Behold ! th 1 expected time draws near Voke 298
Behold the glories of the Lamb Watts 58
Behold the grace appear Watts 37
Behold the Saviour of mankind Collier's Sel. 85
Behold where Cedron 1 s waters flow S. F. Smith «5
Behold ! where, in a mortal form Enfield 74
Behold ! what wondrous grace Watts 207
Beneath our feet, and o'er our head Heber 335
Beset with dangers and with fear 231 '
Beyond the glittering, starry Turner or Gregg 72
Bless, O Lord ! the opening year Cong. H. Book 315
Blessed are the sons Humphreys or Hammond. 206
Blest are the humble souls that see Watts 181
Blest are the men whose hearts can Watts 181
Blest be that voice, now heard afar 231
Blest be the everlasting God Watts 207
Blest be the Father and his love Watts 122
Blest be the tie that binds Fawcett 1S2
Blest Comforter < ivine ! ClelanTs H.'/mns 112
Blest is the man whose softening Mrs. Barbaidd. 184
Blest morning ! whose young dawning Watts 258
Blow ye the trumpet ! blow Toplady. 386
Boundless glory. Lord ! be Scotch Cong. Col. 164
Bread of heaven ! on thee I feed Conder 243
Bright King of glory, dreadful (rod ! Watts 67
Bright source of everlasting love ! Boden 185
Brightest and best of the sons of the Heber 42
Broad is the road that leads to death [Vatts 133
Buried in shadows of the night Watts 54
Captain of thine exalted host G. Burder's Col. 277
Cease, ye mourners ! cease to languish Colly er 321
Children 1 hear the melting story Hastings 149
Children ! listen to the Lord Hastings 150
Children of the heavenly King ! Cennick 179
Christ and his cross is ail our theme Watts 66
Christian ! see the orient. ClelanoVs Hymns 290
Christ, of all my hopes the ground Windham 104
Christ, whose glory fills the skies C. Wesley 52
Come, all ye saints of G-od PratVs Col. 1 01
Come away to the skies C. Wesley 364
Come, blessed Spirit, source of light Beddome 111
Come, dearest Lord ! descend and dwell Watte 50
Come, every pious heart ! &. Stennett 57
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove ! Brown 114
Come, happy souls ! approach your God Watts 44
Come hither, all ye weary souls Watts 39
Come, Holy Spirit ! calm my mind Burder 112
Come, Holy Spirit ! come. Hart 109
Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove ! WaHs 108
Come in, thou blessed of the Lord ! Kelly 245
Come, let us anew. C. Wesley. 312
INDIA'. 409
Come, let us join our ohoprful s nes W
I '
lift oo r joyful eyea I*
high H
sacred lays fi
I ."r's U
I S -'.
< ' M
. . II
- K
< H
I '
( M - 9
«rak« j /
uI !. h
■■- unds which ' '
n weep
Do nor I Ion thee, < > my L >rd ! ':>
1 long R
;■• Lord ! R
v j iv ! ;
truth r P
i ofess
¥ . '
Father of merdec, God of 1
Father of mercies ! in thy word Mrs. Steele 3
Father of mercies ! send thy grace Doddridge 184
Father ! the storm is loud 400
Father I whate'er of earthly bliss Mrs. Steele 228
Fear was within the tossing hark 394
Firm as the earth thy gospel stands Watts 209
For a season called to part Newton 183
Forgive us, Lord 1 to thee we cry Hastings 226
Fountain of mercy, God of love ! Epis. Col. 319
Frequent the day of G-od returns Brown 264
Friend after friend departs Montgomery 355
From Calvary a cry was heard Cunningham 91
From every earthly pleasure Gems 197
From Egypt' s bondage come Kelly 169
From Greenland's icy mountains Heber 288
From thee, my God 1 my joys shall rise Watts 189
Gently, Lord ! Oh ! gently lead us Hastings 194
Gently, my Saviour ! let me down R. Hill 336
Give me the wings of faith to rise Watts 362
Glory to God on high R. HilVs Col. 161
Go, and the Saviour's grace proclaim Morell 279
God, in the gospel of his Son Beddome 5
God moves in a mysterious way Cowper 30
God of grace and love ! the Father 388
God of my life ! through all my days Doddridge 19
God of our lives ! thy various Heginbotham 313
God of the morning ! at thy voice Watts 304
God of the universe ! to thee Miss Mary O. 269
God of the seas ! thine awful voice 231
Go, messenger of peace and love ! Balfour 281
Go, preach my gospel, saith the Lord - Watts 271
Go to dark Gethsemane Montgomery 84
Go, ye messengers of God ! Marsden 279
Grace, like an uncorrupted seed Watts 172
Grace, 't is a charming sound Doddridge 172
Gracious Spirit, Love divine ! Stocker 109
Great Father of each perfect gift ! Doddridge 116
Great Father of mankind ! Doddridge 267
Great God ! how infinite art thou Watts 9
Great God ! I own the sentence just Watts 329
Great God ! let all our tuneful Heginbotham 313
Great God of nations ! now to thee Presb. Col. 34
Great God ! the nations of the earth Gibbons 289
Great God 1 to thee my evening Mrs. Steele 304
Great God ! to what a glorious height " Watts 105
Great God ! we launch again 373
Great God ! we sing that mighty Doddridge 319
Great God ! what do I see and hear % . Luther 343
Great the joy when Christians meet G. Burder 122
Guide me, O thou great Oliver, or Robinson 210
Guide us, O thou great Jehovah 378
Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews Watts 180
Hail ! great Creator ! wise and good Gent. Mag. 26
Hail L morning known among the Wardlaw. 257
Hail ! sacred truth I whose Lon. Ev. Mag. 5
Hail the day which sees him rise ! Mad an 93
Hail ! thou long-expected WhitefiekV s Col. 36
Hail to the Prince of life and peace ! Doddridge 107
Happy the church, thou sacred place Watts 266
Happy soul ! thy days are ending C. Wesley 324
Happy the captain and his crew 402
INDEX. 411
Happy the heart where graces reign Watts 13
Hark ! from the tombs a doleful sound Watts 333
Hark ! hark ! the gospel-trumpet Ray's Col. 148
Hark ! hark ! the notes of joy Reed's Col. 38
Hark ! how the surging water roars 401
Hark— my soul ! it la the Lord Cstq
Hark! ten thousand harps and voices Kelly 64
Hark ! that shout of rapturous joy Kelly 340
Hark the glad sound ! the Saviour Doddridge 36
Hark ! the herald-angels sing Rij>pon 37
Hark ! the judgment-trumpet sounding Z>V->
Hark ! the song of jubilee Montgomery "286
Hark ! the voice of love and mercy Emm 8T
I lark : what celestial notes ". LeavitVs Col. 39
Hark ! what mean those lamentations Caicood 275
Hark ! what mean those holy voices Caicood 38
Haute, O sinner ! to be wise Scott 127
racions G-od ! my humble Mrs. Steele 215
Hear, 6 sinner I mercv hails you Reed 1*23
Hearts of stone ! relent, relent TiebouVs Col. 151
Hear what the voice from heaven Watts 322
Heaven has confirmed the dread Boadridge 339
is the land where troubles t . Lyri-cs 357
He dies, the friend of sinners dies Watts 86
He lives, the great Redeemer lives Mrs. Steele 46
Here at thy cross, incarnate God ! Watts 87
Here cares and angry passions cease Noel's Col. 260
Here, in thy name, eternal God ! Montgomery 263
Here on the lone, deep sea A Sailor. 385
Here tu unite in fervent prayer 405
High in yonder realms of light Raffixs 340
Ho ! every one that thirsts draw nigh C. Wesley 139
Holy Gho t ! dispel our sadness Toplady 112
Holy Ghost '. with light divine Reed 113
Hosanna to our conquering King Watts 298
Hosanna with a cheerful sound Watts 311
How are thy servants blessed, O Lord '-• •-
How beauteous are their feet . . . Watts 270
How blest the righteous when Mrs. Barbauld 324
How bright a day was that which Bathurst 261
How calm and beautiful the morn Hastings 93
How charming is the place & Stennett 265
How condescending and how kind Watts 250
How far beyond our mortal sight Epis. Col. 353
How rirm a foundation, ye saints of Kennedy 195
How happy are the souls above Toplady 350
How heavy is the night Watts 52
How helpless guilty nature lies Mrs. Steele 116
How honorable is the place Watts 266
How oft, alas ! this wretched heart Mrs. Steel* 153
How oft have sin and Satan strove. W
How sad our state by nature is Watts 141
How short and hasty is our life Wa
How should the sons of Adam' s race Watts 29
How sweet and awful is the place H
How sweet and heavenly is the sight Sicain 181
How sweetly flowed the gospel's Bow ring 50
How sweet on thy bosom to rest Se*
How sweet the hour of closing day Bath u
How sweet the songs of Zion sound
How sweet the melting lay Mrs. Browne 302
412 INDEX.
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds Newton 68
How sweet to leave the world awhile Kelly 78
How still and peaceful is the grave Scotch Par. 826
How swift the torrent rolls ! Doddridge 323
How vain a thought is bliss below Mrs. Steele ."67
How vain is all beneath the skies Pratt's Col Shi
I ask not wealth, nor pomp, nor Heginbotham 169
I love to steal awhile away Mrs. Browne 307
I send the joys of earth away Watts 16 J
I sing tlf almighty power of God WaUs '2 1
I was a traitor doomed to die Waits 51
I would not live always ; I ask not Muhlenberg 363
If human kindness meets return Noel -53
I'm not ashamed to own my Lord Waits 122
In all my Lord's appointed ways Upland 167
In evil long I took delight Newton 161
Inquire, ye pilgrims ! for the way Doddridge 142
In sleep's serene oblivion laid Hawksworth 303
In the tempest of life, when the waves and the gale 308
In the wide waste of waters 378
In this calm, impressive hour Hastings 300
In this world of sin and sorrow. . Madan's Col. 192
In thy presence, we appear Montgomery 123
In vain the fancy strives to paint Newton 332
Indulgent Father ! by whose Lon. Ev. Mag. 305
Indulgent God ! whose bounteous Gent. Mag. 307
Indulgent Sovereign of the skies ! Doddridge 287
Infinite loveliness is thine Fctwcett 78
Is this the kind return Watts 200
Jehovah, Father, God Jones. 394
Jehovah reigns, his throne is high Watts 22
Jerusalem ! my happy home Montgomery' 1 s Col. 354
Jesus, at thy command ". 233
Jesus I and shall it ever be Gregg 79
Jesus ! hail ! enthroned in glory It. HilVs Col. 106
Jesus ! I come to thee Beman 265
Jesus ! I love thy charming name Doddridge 47
Jesus ! Ijninoi Lai King ! arise Burder 287
Jesus ! I my cross have taken Montgomery 160
Jesus invites his saints Watts 249
Jesus is gone above the skies Watts 249
Jesus, Lord ! we look to thee Wesley 182
Jesus, lover of my soul ! C. Wesley 70
Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone Cennick 106
Jesus, our Lord ! how rich thy grace ! Doddridge 196
Jesus, the deep now owns thy sway 379
Jesus ! the vision of thy face Watts 114
Jesus ! thou art the sinner's .Parkinson'' s Sel 156
Jesus, thou everlasting King ! Watts 251
Jesus ! thy church with longing eyes Bai'nurst 291
Jesus ! thy robe of righteousness C. Wesley 60
Jesus I wu bow before thy throne Beman 283
Jesus, who knows full well Newton 230
Join all the glorious names Watts 75
Just as I am 387
Keep silence, all created things ! Watts 27
Kindly the Lord appeared Searle 216
Kindred in Christ ! for his dear sake Newton 247
Know, my soul ! thy full salvation Montgomery 171
Laden with guilt and full o: fears Watts 10*
Lamb of God ! whose bleeding *. C. Wealey 194
INDEX. 413
Lead us, heavenly Father ! lead us 380
Let earthly minds the world pursue Newton 166
Let everlasting glories crown Watts 6
Let every mortal ear attend Wafts 138
Let others boast how strong they be Watts 132
Let party-names no more
Let songs of praises fill the sky Cotteril 1 IT
Let them neglect thy glory, Lord ! Watts 1 20
Lot Ziuns watchmen all awake Doddr,
Life is the time to serve the Lord Wa
Light of life, seraphic fire ! C. Wet
Light of those whose dreary dwelling Toplady 66
Like sheep we went astray Watls 50
Lo ! he comes, in clouds descending Oliver 341
Lo ! he cometh — countless W 1 ate field" s Col. 341
Lo ! on a narrow neck of laud C. Wesley 129
Lo ! what a glorious sight appears If-
Long have I sat beneath the sound WatJs "200
Look, ye saints ! the day is breaking Kelly 296
Look, ye saints ! the sight is glorious Kelly 98
Lord ! at thy feet we sinners lie Brown 154
Lord ! at thy table, we behold J. Sttiinett 251
Lord ! call our hearts away 4"4
Lord ! dismiss us with thy blessing 371
Lord ! how secure my conscience was Watts 135
Lord ! I am thine, entirely thine. Da vies 246
Lord of hosts ! to thee we raise Mo/itnoiuery MS
Lord of the sea, thy potent sway 3S0
Lord of the vast creaticn ! Luhuer '253
Lord of the wide extensive main 242
Lord ! send thy servants forth C. We
Lord ! send thy word, and let it fiy Gibi>'
Lord ! we come before thee now Hart 225
Lord ! we commit ourselves to thee 403
Lord ! w e commend to thee
Lord ! we coufess our numerous faults Wa"s 175
Lord ! what a heaven of saving grace Watts 73
Lord ! what a wretched land is this Watts 199
Lord ! when my raptured thought Mrs. Steele 7
Lost in a storm of guilt, my soul 3S1
Love divine 1 all love excelling C. Wesley 96
Majestic sweetness sits enthroned ,S'. iStennett SO
Marked as the purpose of the skies Xoel 2S2
Men of God ! go take your stations K
Mighty God 1 while angels bless thee Robinam 64
Morning breaks upon the tomb Coll
Mortals ! awake, with angels join M
My dear Redeemer, and my Lord ! Watts 60
My drowsy powers ! why sleep ye so ? Watts 196
My faith looks up to thee Pal
My former hopes are fled
Mr God ! how endless is thy love. Watts 310
My God ! my life, my love Watts 14
I ! my portion and my love Wai
My Uod! permit me not to be it
My God ! the spring of all my joys Watts 16
My God ! thy service well demands Doddridgs 217
My God ! whene'er my longing H
My Maker and my King ! if
My soul ! be on thy guard II
My soul ! come, meditate the day Watts ~'2Q
414 INDEX.
My times of sorrow and of joy Beddome 224
My years roll on ; then let me know 381
Nature with open volume stands Watts 90
Naked, as from the earth we came Watts 191
No more, my God ! I boast no more Watts 205
Nor eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard Watts 356
Not all the blood of beasts Watts 76
Not all the outward forms on earth Watts 118
Not to condemn the sons of men Watts 45
Not to the terrors of the Lord Watts 214
Not with our mortal eyes Watts 100
Now begin the heavenly theme Longford 171
Now be the gospel-banner Hastings 275
Now for a tune of lofty praise Watts 82
Now from labor and from care Eastings 306
Now, gracious Lord ! thine arm reveal Newton 314
Now I resolve with all my heart Mrs. Steele 245
Now in the heat of youthful blood Watts 131
Now is th 1 accepted time Dobell 148
Now let my soul, eternal King Heginbotham 4
Now let our cheerful eyes survey Doddridge 103
Now let our drooping hearts revive Doddridge 272
Now let our faith with joy survey Kelly 276
Now let our souls, on wings sublime Gibbons 454
Now let our voices join Doddridge 163
Now living waters flow Montgomery's Col. 293
Now may he who from the dead 374
Now to the Lord a noble song Watts 73
Now to the Lord who makes us know Watts 63
Now to the power of God supreme Watts 173
Obedient to our Zion's King 244
O city of the Lord ! begin Logan 297
O God of Bethel ! by whose hand Doddridge 226
O God of sovereign grace Village Hymns -86
O Lord ! another day is flown H. K. White 308
O Lord ! in sorrow I resign Gems 223
O Lord ! my best desires fulfil Cowper 216
O Lord ! our God 1 arise Wardlaw's Col. 284
O my soul ! what means this sadness Fawcett 187
O Pilot, 'tis a fearful night 242
O Spirit of the living God ! Montgomery 293
O Son of righteousness ! arise Village Hymns 233
O thou that hearest prayer ! PratVs Col. 100
O thou who givest all their food ! Conder 319
O thou ! whose mercy guides my Edmeston 195
O thou ! whose tender mercy hears Mrs. Steele 150
Of old did Jesus condescend 239
Oh ! could I speak the matchless Medley 49
Oh ! could our thoughts and wishes Mrs. Steele 177
Oh 1 for a closer walk with God Cowper 211
Oh ! for a glance of heavenly day C. Wesley 202
Oh ! for an overcoming faith Watts 330
Oh ! for a sweet, inspiring ray Mrs. Steele 349
Oh ! for a thousand tongues to sing C. Wesley 46
Oh ! for that tenderness of heart C. Wesley 187
Oh ! happy day that fixed my choice Doddridge 244
Oh ! how divine, how sweet the joy Newton 168
Oh ! if my soul was formed for wo Watts 157
Oh ! let my trembling soul be still Gems 219
Oh I that I could forever dwell Reed 69
Oh 1 that I knew the secret place Watts 211
INDEX. 41 7>
Oh ! the delights, the heavenly joys Watts 74
Oh ! think of the mariner tossed on the billow 307
Oh thou of little faith : • • 248
Oh ! what amazing words of grace Mt
Oh ! weep not for the jovs that fade Knowles o51
Oh ! where shall rest be 'found Montgo n
O'er the gloomy hills of darkness P. Willi-
O'er the realms of pagan darkness Cot:
On Jordan's stormy banks I stand
On thee, each morning, O my God ! '
On the mountain's top appearing .K*
Once I thought my mountain strong
Once more, my soul ! the rising day
Our helper, God ! we bless thy name Doddridge 314
Our little bark on boisterous seas
Out on an ocean all boundless we ride 389
Palms of glory, raiment bright Montgxm
Parent of all. fulfil thy work.
Parting soul ! the flood awaits thee I
Peace-! 't is the Lord Jehovah's Doddr
People of the living God ! JI
Permit me, Lord ! to seek thy face M
Pleasing spring again is here CV
Plunged in a gull of dark despair Wa
Pour out thy Spirit from on high Montgon
Praise, everlasting praise be paid Wt
Praise to God ! immortal praise Mr* Bat bfl
Praise to the Lord on high Doddi
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire Mi
Prostrate, dear Jesus ! at thy feet 8.
Kaise thee, my soui ! fly up and run Wa
Raise your triumphant songs RF
Record, my soul, thy Maker's power
Rejoice for a brother deceased
Rejoice, the Lord is King Whit 'JUUTs (
Repent ! the voice celestial cries .Doddr
Rest from thy labor, res: If '
Return, my roving heart ! return ho*Jdr
Return, O wanderer ! now return Co.
Return to the guide of thy youth R
Rise, glorious sun ! supremely bright
Rise, gracious God ! and shine. Pratt* C
Rise, my soul ! and stretch thy wings Ot mUek 17-i
Rise. (J my soul ! pursue the path
Rock of ages ! cleft for me
Roll on. thou mighty ocean ! Pratt* <
Safely through another week
Sailing on the boisterous ocean -
ith pious zeal attending Taylor 1 9
Salvation ! oh ! the joyful sound Wo
Saviour I visit thy plantation -
Say, sinner ! hath a voice within H
See th' eternal Judge Clelan ■:' §
See the ransomed millions stand
Servant of God I well done Ml
Shall the vile race of flesh and blood ..WW
Shall we go on to sin Watt* '-'08
Shepherds! hail the wondrous C'A Pta 1
Shout, for the great Redeemer reigns Beddo
Show pity, Lord ! O Lord, forgive 38o
Since all the varying scenes of time Hervey 195
416 INDEX.
Sing, all ye ransomed of the Lord ! Doddridge 164
Sing — hallelujah 1 praise the Lord Sweetner 125
Sing, seamen, sing to God on high "39
Sing to the Lord, ye heavenly hosts ! Watts 340
Sing, ye that go down to the sea 405
Sinner I art thou still secure Newton 128
Sinner ! oh ! why so thoughtless grown Watts 126
Sinner ! stop, oh ! stop and think Newton 125
Sinners! the voice of God regard Fawcett 144
Sinners ! turn, why will ye die ? C. Wesley 144
Sinners ! will you scorn the message Allen 147
So fades the lovely blooming flower Mrs. Steele 326
So let our lips and lives express Watts 218
Softly now, the light of day Ejjis. Col. 305
Songs of praise the angels sang Montgomery 32
Sons of men ! behold from far C. Wesley 40
Sovereign of worlds ! display thy Pratt's Col. 285
Sovereign Ruler, Lord of all ! Raffles 153
Spirit of holiness ! look down Bathurst 166
Spirit of power and might ! behold Montgomery 292
Star of peace ! to wanderers weary 240
Stand up and bless the Lord Montgomery 24
Stand up, my soul ! shake off thy fears Watts 179
Stay, thou insulted Spirit ! stay C. Wesley 115
Stoop down, my thoughts ! that used to Watts 336
Stretched on the cross, the Saviour .. . .Mrs. Steele S8
Sure the blest Comforter is nigh Mrs. Steele 115
Sweet is the last, the parting PratVs Sel. 309
Sweet is the time of spring Gems 317
Sweet peace of conscience Heginbotham 1S9
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing Bally 102
Sweet was the time, when first I felt Newton 210
Swell the anthem, raise the song Pres. Col. 33
Tell us, wand'rer, wildly roving Gems 140
That awful day will surely come Watts 342
That day of wrath— that dreadful Walter Seott 347
That once-loved form now cold and Mrs. Steele 325
Th 1 atoning work is done Kelly 107
The Bethel flag unfurled they raise 406
The Bible is a polar star 393
The billows swell, the winds are high 389
The billows swell, the winds are high 243
The Christian voyager strikes the rock 241
The Cross is my anchor, — though wave follow wave 392
The glorious morning dawns 303
The God of love will sure indulge Scott 337
The God of nature and of grace Montgomery 13
The Gospel ship has long been sailing 375
The head that once was crowned , Urwictt s Col. 99
The hours of evening close. Mrs. Conder 310
The law by Moses came Watts 65
The Lord descending from above Watts 45
The Lord is risen indeed ! Kelly 92
The Lord Jehovah reigns Watts S
The Lord of Sabbath let us praise S. Wesley 261
The Lord on high proclaims "Watts 28
The Lord our God is full of might H. K. White 29
The Lord shall come ! the earth shall Heber 344
The mind was formed to mount 3frs. Steele 190
The morning dawns upon the Montgomery 88
The promise of my Father 1 s love Watts 248
INDEX. 417
The promises I sing Doddridge 27
Th" Saviour calls — let every ear Mrs. Steele 137
The Saviour ! Oh ! what endless Mrs. Steele 57
The Spirit like a peaceful dove Watts 110
The storm was loud — before the blast 390
The voice of free grace cries, — Escape Tkornby 6S
The world is a sea which never can rest 3S2
Thee we adore, eternal name Wdi
There is a fountain filled with blood Covn r 4 r '
There is a God, all nature speaks Mrs. St
is a glorious world of Miss Jane Ta
There is a house not made with hands '>'•'
There is a land of pure delight W<
is an hour of hallowed peace Union I
There is an hour of peaceful rest Tuft
These glorious minds, — how bright Watts 363
They that toil upon the deep
Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord ! we Doddri
This day the Lord hath called his own I
This is the word of truth and love Waits 6
This place is holy ground Montgomery 339
This ship we consecrate to thee 404
This world is poor from shore to shore Nelson 358
Thou art gone to the grave, but we will Heber 329
Thou art the way, to thee alone Dooms 83
Thou lovely source of true delight Mrs. Steele 62
Thou only Sovereign of my heart ! Mrs. Steele 71
Thou very present Aid ! C. Wesley C5
Thou that dost my life C/« urch Psalmody 301
Thou ! whom mv'soul admires above Wa
Thou, whose almighty Word PratCs Col. 121
Though hard the winds are blowing 332
Through sorrow's night, and II. K. White '. 38
Through the day thy love has spared us Kelly 305
Through tribulation* deep 333
Thus far the Lord has led me on Watts 309
Thv gracious presence, O my God ! Mrs. Steele '219
rev. my God ! is the" WkUefieloVs Col. 13
Thy people, Lord ! who trust thy word I
Thy way, O God ! is in the sea Faith
Thy works of glory, mighty Lord
Time is winging us away Burton 316
'T is by the faith of joys to come Watt
'T is finished ! so the Saviour cried &. Ste..
d, the Spirit, leads Montgomery's Col. 11 1
'T is midnight — and on Olive's brow JVXRJ
—if ye will hear his voice Ken '.< Col. 141
To God, the only wise Wt
To heaven I'm bound with prosperous gales
To Jesus, the crown of my hope
To-morrow, Lord ! is thine Doddridge 133
Tossed upon life 1 s raging billow
To our Redeemer's glorious name V
To praise the ever-bounteous Lord
great Source Bourne and .-
To t nee, ray God and Saviour ! A
To thee, my God ! my heart shall Mrs. St*
source of every blessing Bathurst 1-3
To your Creator, God Mrs. Steele 11
•rder from the Lord Watts 3
'T was midnight, and a lonely bark 4 399
418 INDEX-
'T was on a dark and gloomy night 402
'T was on that dark, that doleful night Watts 248
'T was the compassion of our Lord 244
1 T was when the seas with horrid roar 392
Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb ! Watts 321
tin to the Lord, who reigns on high Watts 24
Y dn are the hopes, the sons of men Watts 205
"\ ital spark of heavenly flame 376
Wait, my soul ! thy Maker's will Beddome 220
Wake the song of jubilee Pratt's Col. 299
Watchman ! tell us of the night Bowring 274
Weary of wandering from my God C. Wesley 152
Welcome, welcome, dear Evan. Mag. 160
We lift our hearts to thee C. Wesley 301
We seek a rest beyond the skies Newton 214
We sing the praise of him who died Kelly 89
Welcome ! delightful morn ! Hay ward 280
Welcome, O Saviour ! Bourne and Saunders 165
Welcome, sacred day of rest Cong. H. Book 259
Welcome — sweet day of rest ! Watts 255
We're bound for the land of the pure and the holy 390
What are these in bright array Montgomery 364
What are those soul-reviving Pratt's Col. 47
What blissful harmonies above Mrs. Conder 367
What equal honors shall we bring Waits 62
What is life ? 'T is but a vapor Kelly 360
What sounds are those that greet mine ears 374
When all thy mercies, O my God ! Addison 1 S
When, as returns this solemn Mrs. Barbauld 263
When bending o'er the brink of life Colly er 323
When blooming youth is snatched Mrs. Steele 337
When fainting in the sultry waste ! Mrs. Steele 21
When gathering clouds around Lord Glenelg 103
When gloomy doubts and fears 3Irs. Steele 186
When 1 can read my title clear Watts 174
When I can trust my all with God Conder 223
When I survey the wondrous cross Watts 91
When I the holy grave survey Waliin 97
When marshalled on the nightly H. K. White 44
When musing sorrow weeps the past Noel 218
When many a tempest blew 236
When o'er the mighty deep we rode 234
When, O dear Jesus ! when shall I Cennick 265
When on Sinai' s top I see Montgomery 221
When on the mighty deep T 374
When rising from the bed of death Addison 342
When shall the voice of singing Pratf s Col. 292
When sins and fears prevailing rise Mrs. Steele 69
When storm and tempest loudly howl 384
When, streaming from the eastern Lord Glenelg 312
When the vale of death appears Gems 325
When thou, my righteous Ovingtoii's Set. 348
When through the torn sail 384
Whence do our mournful thoughts arise Watts 18S
Where is my Saviour now Church Psalmody 18S
W here shall the sea- worn sinner rest 237
While all the angel-throng Montgomery 124
While beauty clothes the fertile Mrs. Steele 316
While shepherds watched their flocks Tate 41
While thee 1 seek Miss H. M. Williams 224
While tlfrough this changing Montgomery 190
Who «n\ thr«r that comr tv •
r .h...,M tbr oluMren of ■ l£*M M'ol^ 115
Access to God by Christ, 100.
Accepted time, the, 148.
Adoption, 20T.
The privileges of, 203.
Advice to Youth, 131.
Affliction, Asking Mercy in, 195.
Hope in, 218.
God, the author of
Mercies and, 191.
Presence of God in,
Against Fear, 884.
Ages, Rock of, 82.
Agony, Garden of, 85.
Aid, Promised, 279.
Alarm, the, 125.
All one in Christ, 183.
Anchor, the Cross is my, 392.
Ancient Examples, Faith encour-
aged by, 1T3.
Angels and Saints, Aspirations of,
Praise from, 61.
Praises from,
Christ the Lord
of, 105.
Angels, Songs of the, 38, 43, 57.
Anticipated, Success, 298.
Appropriations, Charitable, 186.
Ark, the, 401.
Ascension and Resurrection of
Christ, 94.
of Christ, 93.
Asking Divine Consolation, 189.
Assurance, Christian, 221.
At setting Sail, (2 Hymns), 403,
Backslidees invited to return,
Backslidings and returns, 201.
Banner, the Gospel, 275.
We will set up our, 374.
Baptism, 241, 244.
Bark, Our little, 374.
Beatific vision of Christ, a, 189.
Benediction Implored, a, 370.
Benevolent Societies, 185.
Be not afraid, 381.
Bethel, God of, 226.
Dedication of a, 394.
Bethlehem, the Star of, 44.
Bible, Precious, 393.
Suited to our wants, tht>, 3.
Birthday Hymn, 38 i.
Birth, the New, 159.
Blessed Society in Heaven, 3b0.
World, the unseen and,
Blessing and honor to the Lamb,
Humbly requested — a.
a parting — Implored.. 37 1
Prayer tor a New Year,
Blessings, the source of all, 370.
Bliss of Heaven, the everlasting,
the songs and
Boundless Praise, 372.
Bound, Homeward, 889.
Breathing after the Holy Spirit,
Brevity of Life, 132.
Brotherly Love, 181.
Burial of Saints, Death and, 321.
Caenal Joys, parting with, 162.
Changing Seasons, the, 313.
Charitable Appropriations, 184.
Charity, Compassion, and, 184.
Cheering prospect of Heaven, a,
Chief among ten thousand, SO.
Children Exhorted, 149.
Invited to Christ, 150.
The Death of, 331.
Choice, the Happy, 141.
Christ's Ascension, 93.
and- Resur-
rection. 24
Coming to reign, 291.
Commission, 44.
Christ's Compassion, Repentance,
in view of, 155.
to the Weak,
Intercession, 106.
Peace and
Hope through,
Invitation to Sinners, 132.
Mediation, T9.
Nativity, 35, 37.
Passion, 88.
Presence invoked, 227.
i. Rejoicing in, 293.
Resurrection, 94, 97, 2(51.
Right hand, the Saint at,
Sufferings and Glory, 82.
Christ, access to God by, 100.
All One in, 133.
Things in, 55.
The kingdom, among men
of, -
And Moses, 65.
A praver for the reign of,
Asking the presence of, 59.
And his Righteousness,
the value v..
Sweet savor, the name of.
Beatific vision of, 13?.
Backslider's return thro'.
Celebrated, the love of, 31.
Coming to Judgment, 341,
Save his people.
Communion with, 69.
Coronation of. 102.
Crucified, the V
and Power of God, 90.
Desired, love to, 6!.
The presence of.
Dominion of, 107.
Dying on the Cross, 85.
Dying, Rising and Reign-
Established, the reign of,
Excellency of, 49, 73.
Example of,
Glory and Grace in, 73.
In H of, 74
God's love in, 57.
God i
Hope of Heaven through.
iu4, a
Christ, Humble communion with,
In Heaven, the sight of
God and, 1 1 2.
In the Ship, 377.
Life in, 69.
Longing to be wit!!.
Love of, 51, 260.
In the heart, 56.
Love to, 212, 213.
Mercy of God in, 55.
Mission of, 57.
>*ot ashamed of, 79, 250.
On the Cross, 36.
Our confidence, 81.
Our exampJ
in Suffering,
High Priest and King
Hope, 104.
King, 67.
beousness, 60.
Support in Death, 54.
Sacrifice, 76.
Wisdom and our
Righteousness, 54.
Pardon and Sauctification
in, 141.
Precious, 68.
Present with his people. 73
Proved by his .Miracles,
the divinity of, hj.
Reigning with, 99.
Remembering, 253, 254.
Retarding to, 153.
■-in the hands of, 203.
Salvation through, 173.
Soul casting itself on, 156.
Stilling the Tempest, 394,
Submission to, 165.
Suffering for our Sins, 50.
Supreme, God and King,
The birth of, 39.
The Lamb enthroned and
worshipped, 64.
The Lord of Angels, 105.
The mind that was in, 217.
The only Refuge, Tl.
The Physician of the soul,
The Living Fountain, 49.
The final Victory of, 292.
The reign of, 299.
The reign of.
The triumphant reign of,
Tie Way. the Truth and
the Life, S3.
Christ, the Saviour born, 36.
The Victories of, 298.
Triumphant, 92.
Unseen, yet beloved, 100.
Vital union to, 56.
"Will hear prayer, 230.
Christian's Farewell, the, 332.
Flight to Heaven, 360.
Parting Hour, 331.
of, 183.
Praising the Trinity.
Prayer for the dying,
Christian Assurance, 221.
Effort, 2T5.
Fellowship, a welcome
to, 245.
"Race, the, 178.
Soldier, 220.
The Spirit of a dying,
Union, 182.
and Love, 182.
Voyager, 241.
Watchfulness, 213.
Warfare, 179.
Church, dedication of a, 269.
Edifice, prayer on open-
ing a, 269.
The palace of God, a,
City, the Heavenly, 354.
Close of the Sabbath, 264.
Year, 320.
Comfort in the death of Friends,
Comforted, Mourners, 321.
Comforter, the, 115.
Coming reign of Christ, the, 291.
Commission, the Great, 271.
to the Gentiles, 281.
Compass, the, 396.
Compassion and Charity, 184.
Communion with Christ and with
the Saints, 249.
Complaining of spiritual sloth,
Condescension of God, 24.
Confidence in God's government,
Confiding in God, 14.
Contrition, 150.
and Prayer, 187.
Contemplations, evening, 305.
Sabbath, 263.
Consecration, entire, 245.
Consolation, asking divine, 188.
Convoy, the, 405.
Conversion, prayer for world's,
Convicting and sanctifying influ-
ence of the Holy Spirit, 109.
Conviction by the Law, 135.
Coronation by the King of kings,
Covenant, Blessing of the New, 5.
Entering into, 244.
Hope in the, 248.
Sealed, the New, 248.
The young entering
into, 246.
Creation and Providence, 7.
Creator. God the, 8.
Praise to the, 11.
Creatures, praise from all, 368.
Creature, the new, 292.
Cross, Contrition at the, 89.
Godly sorrow at the, 152.
is my Anchor, the, 392.
Love inscribed on the, 89.
of Christ, Dead to Sin by,
Pleading by the, 194.
of Christ, Eepentance at
the, 151.
Salvation at the, 87.
Sin bewailed at the, 157
Subdued by the, 161.
Taking up "the, 160.
Celebrated, the, 97.
Crucifixion to the World, 91.
Cry, Lord hear the Seaman's,
Darkness, Faith struggling in,
Turned to Light, 164.
Dawning of the latter day, 297.
Dawn of the Sabbath, 256.
Day, a winter, 316.
of Espousals, the, 251.
Wrath, 347.
Day-spring, the, 290.
Dead to Sin by the Cross of Christ
Death. Christ our support in, 54.
Dreadful or delightful, 339
And Eternity, 336.
Judgment appointed
to all, 339.
TheResurrection, 334,
Of a Minister, 272.
An aared Minister, 273.
A Shipmate, 234.
An Infant, 326.
And Burial of Saints, 321.
Disarmed, 327.
Of Children, 331.
The Pastor, 273.
Righteous, 324.
Death of Friends, Comfort in the
Prayer in view of, 323.
Prospect of. 3?6.
Support in, 325.
The moment after. 332.
Triumph over, 329.
Victory over, 330.
Death-bed of 'the Righteous, 334.
Dedication oi a Bethel. 394.
Church, 127.
Delay, Danger of, 127.
Deliverance, 2o7.
Departed. Joys of the, 210.
Departure of Missionaries, 2T7.
Depending on Grace, 223.
Desertion, Spiritual, 1S8.
Designation of a Missionary, 280.
Desire for Heaven, 197.
Desiring the presence of God, 215.
Despair, Gull of, 237.
Devotion, Habitual, 224.
Repose and, 306.
Dismission, 363
Divine Goodness, Ingratitude to,
Guidance, 231.
Patience, Repentance in
view of, 201.
Purpose and Providence,
Divinity of Christ, proved by his
Miracles, 50.
Dominion, God's, 231.
Of Christ, 107.
Doom, the Sinner's, :;40.
Door, Knocking at the, 145.
Driving to Por
Dying Christian, Prayer for the,
The Spirit of a,
Dying on the Cross, Christ, 85.
Saviour, 83.
Eabth and Heaven, worship of,
Heaven on, 190.
Union of Saints in Heaven
and on,
Earthly and Heavenly good, 307.
House, the
the, 250.
Eden Above, the, 390.
Effort Christian, $75.
Emblems, Sacramental, 249.
Endless Prais
Enteriug into Covenant, 244.
Entire Consecration, 245.
Entreaty, Confession and, 153.
Espousals, the day oi.
Eternal praises to the Trinity, 371
Things Temporal and,
Eternity, 192.
And Death, 336.
Evening Contemplations, 305.
Hymn, 309.
Morning and, 312.
Offering, 30J.
Morning and,
Of the Lord's day, 264,
Prayer and Praise, 305,
Sacrifice, 304.
Saturdav, 310.
Song, 306.
Worship in the Family,
Morning or,
Everlasting absence of God intol-
erable, 342.
Bliss of Heaven, 357.
Song, the, 301.
Evil Heart, the, 137.
Example of Christ, 49, 78.
Excellency of Christ, 74.
Expostulation with Sinners, 130,
Family, Evening Worship in the,
False Land, 2::0.
Faith encouraged by ancient ex-
amples, il>.
Faithful God, the, 27.
Faithfulness of God, ::.
Faith of things unseen, 'Z04.
Our Guide, '203.
Power of, 204.
Struggling in darkness, 219
Far at Sea, 240.
Farewell, the Christian's, 332.
Missionaries, 23-'.
Father's face, Hidings of the, 91
Father is at the helm, in-
Rejoicing In God our, 22.
So i and Holy Ghost, 12«4
Fear, against, 3S4.
Fearful encouraged, the, 203.
Feast, the Gospel. -52.
Triumphal. _52.
Filial Obedience, i72.
Filial Submissi i
First day of the Week, 260.
Sabbath, the, -61.
Fishers of Men, 382.
Final Victory of Christ, 292.
Flight to Heaven, the Christian's,
Forgiveness sought, 226.
For such as keep Saturday even-
ing, 309.
Fountain, Christ the living, 49.
Of living Waters, 143.
Set open, a, 140.
Frailty and Sin, 132.
Freedom from Sin and Sorrow,
Friends, comfort in the Death of,
Friend of Sinners, 155.
The Sailor's, 239.
Fruitful seasons from God, 319.
Fulfilled, Prophecy, 289.
Full purpose, the, 16T.
Funeral, 329.
Hymn, 335.
Gaeden of Agony, 85.
Gathered together in thy name,
Generations, Reflections on past,
General Juhilee, 298.
Gentiles, Commission to the, 281.
Gethsemane, 84.
Gladness of the Righteous, 193.
Glad Tidings, 147.
Glorified, the Martyrs, 363.
Glory and Grace in Christ, 73.
Praise, Honor, 370.
Of Christ in Heaven, 74.
God in Creation, 13.
Zion, 266.
Way to, 383.
God acknowledged in national
blessings, 34.
A Faithful, 32.
All in All, 14, 23.
Almighty, Power and Maj-
esty of, 29.
As seen in Nature, 21.
Confiding in, 14.
Condescension of, 24.
Desiring the presence of, 215
Dominion of, 231.
Eternal Dominion of, 9.
Everlasting absence of intol-
erable, 342.
Existence of, 7.
Faithfulness of, 27.
Fruitful seasons from, 319.
Glory of in Creation, 13.
Glorified in the Gospel, 45.
Holy, Just and Sovereign,
God, hope in, encouraged, 222.
Love of, 31.
in Christ, 57.
Majesty of, 10.
Mercy of, 13.
My Creator and benefactor,
Mercy of, in Christ, 55.
Our refuge, 20.
Of Bethel, 226.
Of Mercy and Justice, 28.
Of the Morning, praise to
the, 304.
Our helper, New Year, 314.
Power of, 376.
Rejoicing in, 11.
Reconciled in Christ, 48.
Rising to, 354.
Sovereignty and dominion
of, 27.
of, 31.
Seeking, 211, 229.
Submission to the will of, 220
Self dedication to, 246.
The Creator, 8.
Thirsting after, 21.
The Saviour, praise to, 64.
The Son equal with the Fa-
ther, 67.
The portion of the Soul, 159.
The author of mercies and
afflictions, 191.
Trust in, 102.
Sure, the promise of, 222.
The Church the palace of,
The messengers of, 279.
mi^ l':'—;:: -^;; -"i'^C, 210.
The Awiul Judge, 340.
Universal praise to, 32.
Wisdom and Knowledge of,
Walking with, 211.
God's governmeut,perfcctions of,8
Confidence in,
Love, wonders of, 12.
Presence is Lntfit in Dark-
ness, 16.
Protection to Mariners, 238.
Godhead, praise to the, 120.
Godly sorrow at the Cross, 152.
Good, Earthly and Heavenly, 367.
Shepherd, the, 101.
Tidings of great joy, 41.
Goodness of God as seen in his
works, '26.
Goodness, the year crowned with,
3 IS.
Gospel among the Heathen, suc-
cess of the, -94.
42 i
Gospel Banner, the, '275.
Feast, the, '252.
Invitation to,
God glorified ill the, 45.
Ship, the, i.To.
Spread of the, 294.
Triumph of the, 290. 295.
Trumpet the, 1^8,148,281.
Various success of the. OG.
Grace and Hone, Life the day of,
Depending on, "223.
Holiness and, 218.
Memorials of. -4'.».
Necessity of renewing, 116. !
Prayer for needed, 2.3
Quickening, 15. |
Preserving, 51.
Salvation by, 172, 175.
Thanks for Providence and,
Voice of Free, CS.
Grateful Song to the Trinity, 36D.
Gratitude and Praise, Song of, 19. :
Morning i>i>3.
Great Commission, the, 271.
Grave, peaceful, the, 3-'t>.
Grieving the Spirit, 131.
Guest, the Heavenly, 147.
Guidance, Divine, 2.;i.
Guide, Faith our. 203.
Gulf of Despair, 9S£.
Haedxebs of Heart, lamented.
Happy Choice, the, 141.
Habitual Devotion, 224.
Hallelujah to the Triune God. '
Harvest, Seed time and, 319.
Summer and, 318.
Heart, Sacrifice of the, 263.
Health. Restoration to. -JIG.
Heathen, crying for help, 275.
Prayer for the, 204.
Success of the Gospel
among the, 205.
State of the, '-83.
Heaven alone unfading, 381.
Anticipated. 851, U52.
Christian's Flight to. .-,60.
Blessed Society in, 36 '.
Desire for, 19f.
Everlasting biiss of, 357.
(lor Sunday Schools), 3£6
Hope of, 174
In Prospect. 359.
Longing tor, : 63.
Nothing like, : 53.
On Earth, 190. I
Heaven, Peace and Repose of, 352.
Perpetuity of, 355.
Prospect of, 361.
Redeemed in, 364.
Songs ana Bliss of, 349.
of, 77.
Strength from, 1S3.
The cheering prospect of,
Through Christ, hope of,
207, 104.
The Worship of, 349.
Unseen and Immortal,
; 53.
Way to, 106.
Worship of Earth and,
Heavenly City, 351.
Good, Earthiv and, 367.
Guest, the, 147.
House, Earthly and,
Joy on Earth, 176.
Sabbath, the earthlv
and, 259.
Helm, my father's at the, 392.
Hidings of the Father's face, 91.
High Priest in Heaven, 103.
Our, 107.
Our Compassionate,
Gr at, 108.
Holiness and Graci 218.
Holy day of rest, : 59.
Love. 1- '.
Rest, tlie Sabbath a, 2G2L
Spirit, breathings after the,
Convicting and Sanctifying
influence of. 1U9
Influences of, 109.
Trinity, Litany of the, 333.
Homeward Bound. 3S9.
Honor, Glory and Praise, 370.
Hope and Penitence, 153.
Christ our, 1< 4.
Encouraged, 1^7.
For thee, there' f, 231.
In Alilictu>:i, IS.
God encouraged, 222.
The Covenant, 2j9.
Joyful, 171.
Mourning with, 322, 325.
Of Heaven, 174.
Rejoicing in, .79.
Hosannahs to Christ, 47.
Hour, the Christian's partinir.331.
House of God, a Sabbath in the,
Prayer, '_C7.
House of Worship, opening a,
The earthly and heavenly,
Humhle communion with Christ,
Hymn, a Funeral, 329.
Evening, 309.
Parting, 393.
Sailors 1 , 236.
Illustrious Passenger, the, 402.
ImmanuePs Birth, joy at, 38.
Incarnation, the, 40, 43.
Inconstant heart lamented, 156.
Indwelling Sin, 156.
Infant, death of an, 326.
Influence, imploring divine, 18.
Ingratitude to divine goodness,
In mercy to them that call upon
thee, 374.
Inquiry for a Watchman, 2T4.
Inspiration, Prophecy and, 3.
Intercession, Christ, 106.
Invitation, Sinners urged to ac-
cept the, 143.
The Saviour's, 13T.
To the Gospel Feast,
To Sinners, 145.
Invocation, 118.
Israel, Prayer for, 281.
Jehovah, Praise to, 19.
Jesus exalted to the throne, 105.
My trust, 47.
Name, pleading in, 151.
Rejoicing in, 171.
Rising and Reigning, 95.
Seen of Angels, 72.
Shall reign, 286.
Teaching of, 50.
The Pilot, 233.
Refuge, 70.
Joyful Hope, 171.
Joys Departed, 211.
Unseen, the, 356.
Joy, good tidings of great, 41.
In Heaven for a repenting
Sinner, 168.
Of Angels at the Saviour's
birth, 41.
On Earth, Heavenly, 176.
Over the Penitent, 168.
Jubilee, the general, 298.
Judge, God the awful, 340.
Judgment, anticipated, 342.
Judgment, appointed to all death
and, 339.
Christ coming to, 341,
In Prospect, 345.
The Lord coming to,
Trumpet, 343.
Scene, 344.
Welcomed, 341.
Justice and Mercy, the God of, 28.
Justification, or Law and Grace.
King, Christ our, 67.
Kingdom of Christ among men,
King of kings, coronation of the,
Saints, 58.
Prophet, Priest, and, 75.
Knocking at the door, 145.
Lamb, blessings and honor to the,
New Song to the, 58.
Praise to the, 371.
Song of Moses and the, 99.
Worthy the, 61, 101.
Victory through the, 362.
Lands, a Prayer for all, 286.
Latter Day, dawning of the, 291/
Law and Grace, Justification or,
Conviction by the, 135.
Life and Death, road to, 133.
Brevity of, 132.
In Christ, 69.
The day of Grace and Hope,
Uncertainty of, 133.
Light and Sanctification, prayer
for. 113.
Guidance, prayer for,
Darkness turned to, 164.
Of the world, 51, 66.
Litany of the holy Trinity, 388.
Little Faith, 248.
Living Waters, 139.
Fountain of, 143.
Longing for Heaven, 363.
To be with Christ, 365.
Look Aloft, 398.
Lord coming to judgment, the,
Dying in the, 322.
Hear the Seaman' s cry, 397.
Our Risen, 93.
Day and public worship, 255
Lords' Day, Evening, 264, 265.
Supper instituted, the, .43.
Love, Brother! v, 181.
Of Christ in the h. .
Celebrated, 81.
Of ( ■}.
.1, 81.
To (
.id man, 180.
Our Neightx re, 184.
Tlie Saints, 101.
Loving kindness, 76.
iy of God, th« .
Man condemned before God, 136.
.. time short.
>mparabie with God, 25
Mariners, tor. -J.;4.
to, 23S
- Glorified, the, 363.
[sters, -T-.
varies, 276.
ring new, 247.
s and Afflictions, God the
author of, 191.
Praise for temporal, 10.
the God of, 28.
In Affliction, 195.
I J, 13.
in Christ, 55.
Pleading tor. 154.
To the, 155.
Milieu i,:
Millennium, a prayer for thi
bat was in Christ, the, 217.
Minister, death of a
Ministers watch for
laiies, departure of, 277,
Prayer for, -
i"n of a, 280.
Missionary's Farewell, B82.
Mission of Christ, the, 57.
Momenl after Death, the, 332.
and Evening, 312.
A Song
Of the Lor
Or Eveni
Praise to the God of
Prayer meeting,
Sabbath, ;56.
Thanks. 301.
Mom, the Resurrection, 258.
Moses and Chn-
The Lamb, Song of, 99.
Mourners Comforted, 391.
Mourning at the Sepulchre, 157.
With Hop
Submission, 337.
Mounts, the Three, 221.
Name of Christ, a sweet savor, 78.
National Blessings, God acknowl-
edged in. :;4.
Prayer and Praise, 34.
Nativity, Chi :
Natural an.l Spiritual Spriug, 317.
Nature of Pray
Neighbor's, Love to our, 184.
a'i<»n. W%
Song before the throne, 367.
' To the Lamb. 58.
Year, (rod cur helper. ;;14.
p t'T u blessing,
Providential goodness,
The, 814
Nothing like ILave:
Not asbained of Christ, 260.
ObBDOBTOK, Filial. 172.
Otferin_ . :;06.
id Evening,
old things passed away, 166.
One thing needful, 127.
hrlng new miembers, 247.
Opening a church edifice, Prayer
on, mK
Opening a house of Worship, 268.
Year, 315.
ArSong for the, 315
Operations of the Spirit, 117.
Our compassionate High Priest,
High Priest in Heaven, 103.
Little Bark, 241.
Outpouring of the Spirit, 117.
Our risen Lord, 93.
Pardon and sanctification in
Christ, 141.
Parting Blessing implored, a, 371.
Hour, the Christian's, 831
Hymn, a, 393.
Of Christians, 183.
Prayer, a, 374.
With Carnal Joys, 162
Passenger, the Illustrious, 402.
Passion, Christ's, 88.
Peace and Hope, through Christ's \
intercession, 46.
Repose of Heaven, 352. j
Peaceful, the grave, 326.
Pearl of great price, the, 53.
Penitence and Hope, 153.
Penitence, 154.
Penitent, Joy over the, 168.
Rest for the weary, 138.
Perfections of G-od in his govern-
ment, 22.
People, Christ present with his,
Coming to save
his, 340.
Perish, Save or we, 384.
Perpetuity of Heaven, 355.
Pilgrimages of the Saints, 199.
Pilgrim's Song, 174.
G uide, God the, 210.
Pilgrim, the, 194.
Pilot, the, 242.
Jesus the, 233.
Pleading by the Cross, 194.
For Mercy, 154.
In Jesus' name, 151.
Pleasures, false and true, 140.
Unseen, 177.
Port, Driving to, 382.
Power of Faith, 204.
God, 376.
Praise and Prayer, national, 34.
Boundless, 372.
Endless, 33.
Exhortations to, 24.
From all creation, 9.
Angels and Saints,
61, 372.
All creatures, 360.
Praise, Honor, Glory and, 370.
Perpetual, 16.
Song of gratitude and, 19.
To Father, Son and Spirit,
122, 123.
God, 25.
The Saviour, 64.
Jehovah, 19.
The Godhead, 120.
God of the morn-
ing, 304.
Creator, 11.
Co-equal Three,
Lamb, 371.
Three in one. 370.
Redeemer, 53, 101.
Saviour, 46, 72.
Trinity, 120, 369.
Universal, 297.
Praises, Endless, 372.
To the Trinity, eternal,
Prayer against grieving the Spirit,
A Parting, 374.
A Sailor's, 400.
And Contrition, 187.
Praise, Evening, 305,
At twilight, Secret, 307.
And Praise, the house of,
Christ will hear. 230.
For all lands, 286.
A Blessing, New Year,
Comforting influences,
Israel, 281.
For Light and Guidance,
tion, 113
Missionaries, 289.
Quickening Grace,
Sincerity, 230.
Spiritual Light. 301.
Success, 284.
The Millennium, 283.
Heathen, 294.
Promised Spirit,
Spirit, 114.
Reign of Christ,
Dying Christian^
Prayer for the World's Conver-
sion, 293.
Spirit of adop-
tion, 166.
Wisdom, 229.
In view of Death, 323.
Meeting, morning, 302.
Nature of. 227.
Needed for Grace, 228.
The Seaman's, 383.
The House of, 268.
To the Trinity, 121.
Triune Jehovah,
Watchfulness and, 202.
Praying and Watching, 215.
Precious Bibl> .
Presence of Christ, asking the,
The Saviour's, 73.
God, desiring the,
In Afflictions,
Universal, 3T8.
Of Christ desired, 253.
Privileges of adoption, 207,
Profession, Public, 247.
Promised Aid, 279.
Promise of the Spirit, pleading
the, lio.
God, sure, 222.
Promises, relying on the, 195.
Prophecy and Inspiration, 3.
Fulfilled, 289.
Prophet, Priest and King, 75.
Propitious (rule, a.
Prospect, Heaven in, 850.
Of Death, 320.
Heaven, i.64.
The cheer-
ing, 348.
The Judgment in, 345.
Protection, H
And Redemption, 170.
Providence and Grace, thanks for,
Creation and, 7.
The Divine purpose
and, 30.
Providential favors, thanks for,
Goodness, New-
Year, 313.
Psalm, the Mariner's, '235.
Traveller's, 232.
Public Worship, the Lord's day
and, 256.
Race, the Christian, 178.
Realities, present and future, 129
Recovery, Sickness and, 217.
Redeeming Love, 167.
Redeemer, praise to the, 53.
in Heaven, the, 364.
Redeemer's Message, the, 36.
Redemption, 162.
And Protection, 176.
Glories of, 28.
Reflections on past generations,
Refuge, Christ the only, 71.
God our, 20.
Jesus the, 70.
Regeneration by the Spirit, 118.
Reigning, Rising and, 95.
With Christ, 99.
Reign, Christ coming to, 291.
Jesus shall, 28G.
Of Christ, 299.
Established, 299
Prayer for the,
Of Christ, the coming,
Rejoicing in Christ's, 293.
Rejoicing in God, 11, 15:j.
Our Father, 22
Hope, 179.
Jesus, 171.
Religion, supports of, 1S6.
| Relying on the promises, 195.
Remembered, Missionaries, 282.
Remembering Christ, 253, 254.
Renouncing the World, 170.
Repentance at the Cross of Christ,
Exhortations tc, 127.
In view of divine pa-
tience, 201.
In view of Christ's
compassion, 155.
Repose and Devotion, 306.
Of Heaven, the peace and,
Resignation. 223,
Resolve, the, 139.
Rest for the weary Penitent, 130.
Soul, 350.
Holy Dav of, 269.
Of the Sabbath, the, 258.
Seeking a, 214.
Restoration to Health, 216.
Resurrection and ascension of
Christ, 94.
Death and the, 334j
Morn, 258.
Resurrection of Christ, 94, 9T,
The, 95.
Retirement, 205.
And Devotion, 20.
Returning to Christ, 158.
Zion, 164, 283.
Return, Backslider's and, 201.
Righteous, Death bed of the, 354.
Of the, 324.
Gladness of the, 193.
Righteousness, Christ our, 60.
Robe of, ITT.
Sun of, 50, 52.
Rising and Reigning, 95.
To God, 354.
Revelation, a written, 6.
Welcomed, 5.
Road to Life and Death, 82.
Rock of Ages, 133.
Sabbath, a holy rest, 262.
Close of the, 264.
Contemplations, 263.
Dawn of the, 256.
Earthly and Heavenly,
In the house of God,
Sanctuary, 255.
Morning, 256.
Rest of the, 258.
The First, 261.
Sacramental Emblems, 249.
Sacred Three, 369.
Sacrifice, Christ our, 76.
Evening, 304.
Of the Heart, 263.
Sail, at Setting, 403, 404.
Sailor's Friend, the, 239.
Hymn, 236.
Prayer, 400.
Saint at Christ's right hand, the,
Comforted, the dying, 324.
Saints and Angels, praise from,
Communion with Christ
and with the, 249.
Aspirations of Angels and,
And Sinners judged, 344.
Death and Burial of, 321.
In Heaven and Earth,
union of, 353.
In the hands of Christ,
King of, 58.
Love to the, 161.
Pilgrimage of, 208.
Saints, Praise from Angels ancL
Security of the, 209.
Victory of the, 366.
Salvation by the Cross, 87.
Grace, 172, 175.
Messengers of, 278.
Through Christ, 173.
Welcomed, 163.
Saturday Evening, 309.
For such as
keep, 309.
Save or we Perish, 384.
Saviour, a dying, 88.
Praise to the, 40, 72.
God, the,
Presence of the, 73.
The expiring, 87.
Saviour's Birth, joy of angels at
the, 41.
Scripture, the Holy, 4.
The Saviour seen in
the, 4.
Sea, far at, 240.
Going to, 3T3.
Lord of the, 380.
Sing ye that go down to the,
Storm at, 243.
Tempestuous, 380.
To be sung at, 242.
Seaman, the poor, 399.
Seaman's Prayer, 3S8
Cry, Lord hear the,
Seamen Singing, 233.
Sing praises, 239.
Sealed, the New Covenant, 248.
Seasons from God, fruitful, 319.
The changing, 313.
Seat, the Mercy, 15, 265.
Secret Prayer at twilight, 307.
Seed time and Harvest, 319.
Seeking God, 211, 227.
A Rest, 214.
Self Dedication, 165.
To God, 246.
Examination, secret, 198.
Sepulchre, Mourning at the, 157.
Servant, the vigilant, 214.
Ship, Christ in the, 3T7.
The Gospel, 375.
Shipmate, death of a, 235.
Shield for me, thou Lord art a,
Shepherd, the good, 101.
Sickness and Recovery, 217.
Sight of God and Christ in
Heaven, 112.
Sinai and Zion, 214,
Sincerity, 230.
Bins ye that go down to the Bea,
Sin bewail.,'.
at Hie Ooss, 15T.
And Frail ry, 182.
Sorr«»w. t"rv. dom from,
Sins, Christ suffering from our,
Sinner, arretted, the, 194
Christ's invitation to the,
Disquieted, the. 184.
ElltlVati-d. tile. [46.
nlation with the,
190, 14k
Exhorted, the, 1-26.
■1. The. 128.
Warned, the, 126.
Sinner's doom, the. 346.
Sinners and Saints Judged, 344.
ion to. 145.
riend of, 166.
d to accept, the in-
■ :i. 14:;.
Sloth, complaining of spiritual,
in Heaven, the blessed,
Soldier, the Christian,
Son equal with the Father, God
the, 67.
Song, Evening, 306.
For morning and evening,
a. 810.
the opening year, 316.
Of Moses and the Lamb,
- 1 on Earth,
. 174.
r ititnde and Praise, 19
Before the throne, the new.
Songs of tin
And bliss of Heave U, M9.
Of 1 1
• of the,
: on Christ, 156.
the, 150.
ch for, 271,
igs, 370. *
I, 31.
I, 294,
Spirit Grieved, the. 1K>.
Spirit Pleading the promise ot
the, no.
Indwelling influences of,
Teachings, 111.
Prayer for the. 1 14.
. l l :>.
Prayer against grieving
fee, 115.
To dangers, nor
sickness ; no calamities, nor storms, have this day been suffered to
approach us. Thou hast borne us onward in our voyage, and hast
prospered the labors of our hands. Thou hast fed us with food con-
venient for us, and given us to be at peace among ourselves. O !
heavenly Father, do thou still continue to regard us in mercy. For-
give whatever we have this day done amiss, whether in thought,
word, or deed. Let thy comfortable presence and protecting provi-
dence go with us who are about to remain on deck : and let thy
peace reign and rule in the hearts of those who are about to retire to
rest. To thee, Lord, the darkness is as the light ; let thy presence
defend us from all perils and dangers of this night, and bear us in
peace and safety to another day; and when the light returns to cheer
our way, let our praises and thanksgivings return again to thee in an
acceptable morning sacrifice ! Eemember our dear friends and rela-
tives for good : while their affections and prayers are following us.
do thou refresh their souls with the dew of heaven. We bless thee
that thou hast encouraged us to make prayers and supplications for
all men, and especially to commit those into thy gracious protection
who are near and dear to us. O that all whom we love may be loved
by thee. Comfort those that mourn ; relieve those who are afflicted
in mind or body ; give them patience under their sufferings, and a
happy issue out of" all their afflictions. While we are absent from
each other in body let us be present in spirit; and do thou, O Lord,
graciously fit and prepare us all for every event of thy providence,
and especially for the hour of death, and the day of judgment! that
so, when we have done with the trials, wanderings, and troubles of
this miserable and sinful world, we may dwell together in thy blessed
presence, where prayer is turned into praise, and faith is changed to
sight. These, and all other mercies, we humbly ask, in the name of
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
3. Morning.
OUE Father, who art in heaven, while all thy works praife thee, it
becomes thine intelligent creatures to bless thy holy lame. At all
times would we seek thee, but especially morning and evening,
would we make known our requests by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving. We desire this morning to praise thee for thy watch-
ful care over us the past night; that we have lain down and slept
because thou hast sustained us. We thank thee for the mercies of
the morning; for food, and raiment, and all the blessings of this life.
But more especially woul I we praise thee, merciful Father, for the
still richer blessings of thy grace; for the gift of thy Son. the instruc-
tions of thy word, and the influences of thy Spirit. Forgive now. we
beseech thee, our transgressions, and blot out our sins. Create within
us a clean heart, God, and renew a right spirit within us. Mav we
take thy word as the man of our counsel, and may it become a lamp
unto our feet, and a light unto our path. Will our God in kindness
watch over us this day; will he guide our footsteps, and keep our
hearts. And wilt thou. Father of all mercies, bless this ship's com-
pany. Make us all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus,
and help us to live holy, righteously, and godly, in this present evil
world. Wilt thou speed oar way to our desired haven, and bring us
to land in safety and in peace. Will God bless in a special manner
all our relations and friends; will he grant them all things needful
for this life, and an interest in the great salvation. Wilt thou, O
Lord, have mercy on all whose home is on the deep : in companies
may they flock to Christ, and find peace in believing. Wilt thou
bless all the ministers of thy gospel, and all the followers of thy Son ;
and wilt thou multiply the victories of the cross, until they shall fill
the earth as the waters cover the seas: for thine is the kingdom, and
the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
4. Evening.
ONCE more, O heavenly Father ! would we, thine unworthy serv-
ants, fall down at thy footstool: once more would we praise thy
holy name, for having* dealt with us beyond all our deserts. This
day. Lord, hath borne its witness to thy mercy and goodness, for
we have been kept and sustained ; we have been preserved, and fol-
lowed with nothing but good. Thou hast still continued to bring us
on our way. to keep both vessel and crew in safety: to direct and
control the winds and the sea, and now to give us the prospect of
another night's rest and peace. Glory be to thee. God. for these
thy great and undeserved mercies! And now, O Lord, do thou teach
us to search and examine our hearts; do thou show us our own real
state and condition, and let us see ourselves as in the glass of thy
holy scriptures : that we may abhor the sins of our hearts, and mourn
over the transgressions of our lives, and repent as in dust and ashes.
Surely it is of thy mercy that we are not consumed ; because thy
compassions fail not. Our misdeeds testify against us. being more in
number than the sands upon the sea-shore: but blessed forever be
thy name, that Jesus Christ is an all-prevailing advocate, who, hav-
ing ascended up on hurh. ever liveth to make intercession for us:
For his sake, we beseech thee to blot out our transgressions, and not
remember our sins. Turn us. Lord, from every evil' way. Be
merciful unto us, O Lord. Pardon and deliver us from all our sins,
confirm and strengthen us in all goodness, and bring us to everlast-
ing life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Remember with thy
mercy our beloved friends and families: thou knewest where they
are ; thou knowest all their wants, and thou hast more than sufficient
to supply all their needs. Take them this night into thy care and
keeping" Let those who seek thee find thee a God at hand, and not
afar off. Let those who as yet have not sought thee, be brought
speedily to call while thou art near : give them no rest until they
find a scriptural rest, and a gospel hope unto their souls. And grant
that we and they may yet bend our knees in united prayer and praise
together before thee : and especially when the voyage of life is ended,
may we find ourselves in that haven of rest, that kingdom of peace,
where sorrow can not come, nor any thing enter that defileth. Bless
and prosper those who are now going ou deck. Refresh arid keep
those who are going to their beds, and hold the winds and the seas
in thy hands for good unto us this night, for the sake of Jesus Christ,
our blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen.
5. Morning.
O THOU omnipresent and omniscient Jehovah. Thou art about
our path, and our lying down ; and thou art acquainted with all our
ways. There is not a word in our tongue, but lo ! Lord, thou
knowest it altogether. Thou understandest our thoughts afar off.
Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee, but the night shineth as the
day : the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.
Known, therefore, to thee, are our sins with every aggravation ;
and our necessities with all their circumstances. Thou requirest us
to confess our guilt, and to spread our wants before thee, in order
that we ourselves may be suitably affected with them, and be pre-
pared for the promised displays of thy goodness. We know not the
evil there is in one sin; and our iniquities are more in number than
the hairs of our head. Thou art our Creator; but of the rock that
begat us we have been unmindful, and have forgotten the God that
formed us. Thou hast nourished and brought up children : but we
have rebelled against thee. Thou hast given us laws, founded in a
regard to our welfare as well as thine own glory : but we have said
with our lives, if not with our lips, Who is the Lord, that we should
obey his voice? We have loved and served the creature more than
the Creator. Departing from thee, we have made flesh our arm.
We have leaned on broken reeds, and though they have disappointed
our hopes, and pierced us through with many sorrows, we have often
returned to the same wretched dependence. Thou hast raised up for
us a Saviour; and the gospel has presented to our view a plan of
redemption and renovation, which the angels desire to look into: but
we have crowned all our guilt, by neglecting so great salvation, and
turning away from Him that speaketh from heaven ; and we deserve
to be forever excluded from all the blessings of the cross.
O deal not with us after our desert, but according to our necessity;
and where sin has abounded, may grace much more abound. Over
all our unworthiness may irrace reign through righteousness unto
eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord. It is thy pleasure that we
seek thee. The desires we feel are of thine own producing. We are
willing to be saved in thy own way. We love thy salvation — we
love it as it is free, and secures to thyself the undivided glory : and
we lovo it as it is holy, and designed to save us from the power as
well as the penalty of sin. visit us with thy salvation. Shine
into our hearts, and give us the light of the knowledge of thy glory
in the face of Jesus Christ. Enable us by faith to embrace thy un-
speakable gift. May we sit at the feet of Jesus, and glory in his
cross. May we imbibe his spirit, and follow his example : and what-
soever we do, in word or deed, may we do all in the name of the
Lord Jesus.
Wilt thou now be with us on our voyage ; carry us safely on our
way; supply all our daily wants; keep us from storms, from ship-
wreck, and from sudden death ; and bring us to the close of the day
In peace and safety, laden with rich experience of thy love.
• We extend our wishes beyond the little circle now kneeling in thy
presence. We have various absent connections ondeared to our
hearts: O place them under thy agency, as the God of grace; and
keep them under thy care, as the God of providence.
We would remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them,
and those that suffer adversity, as being ourselves also in the body.
Let glory dwell in our land, and upon all the glory may there be a
defense. Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion , build thou the
walls of Jerusalem ; make bare thine arm in the sight of all the na-
tions; and let all the ends of the earth see the salvation of our God.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and
the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all, now and forever.
6. Evening.
O GOD, thy greatness is unsearchable. Thy name is excellent in
all the earth. " Thou hast set thy glory above the heavens. Thousands
minister unto thee, and ten thousand times ten thousand stand before
thee. We feel ourselves in thine awful presence to be nothing, less
than nothing and vanity: nor do we presume to approach thee, be-
cause we are deserving of thy notice; for we have sinned, and have
incurred thy righteous displeasure.
But our necessities compel us; and thy promises encourage us.
Thou art nigh unto them that are of a broken heart, and savest such
as be of a contrite spirit. Thou hast provided a Mediator, who has
magnified the law, and made it honorable ; so that all who will may
be accepted in the beloved.
O look thou upon us, and be merciful to us, as thou usest to do
unto those that love thy name. Convince us of sin, both in its
penalty and in its pollution ; and may we mourn over it with a godly
sorrow. Give us faith to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; and be-
lieving, may we have life through his name. By holy resemblances,
may we put on the Lord Jesus Christ ; may the same mind be in us
which also was in him.
And as he suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should
tread in his steps, may we learn to suffer like him. When reviled,
ma - we revile not again, but commit ourselves to him that judgeth
righteously. Whoever may be the instrument of our grief, may we
never lose sight of an overruling agency, in preparing and presenting
it ; but be able to say. The cup which my Father giveth me, shall I
not drink it? In patience may we possess our souls; may we be
calm to inquire, wherefore thou contendest with us; let not weeping
hinder sowing, nor sorrow duty.
We live in a world of changes, and have here no continuing city —
may we seek one to come ; and have our minds kept in perfect peace,
being staeyd upon God. Be with us to the end of our journey; and.
after honoring thee by the life we have lived, may we glorify thee by
the death we shall die. When heart and flesh fail, be 'thou the
strength of our heart, and our portion forever; at death may we fall
asleep in Jesus ; and in the morning of the resurrection, may wo
change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like his glorious body ;
and so may we be forever with the Lord.
Who can understand his errors ? Forgive, O God, the sins of the
past day, in thought, word, and deed. We bless thee for our preserv-
ation, in our going out, and our coming in, and in all our ways ; and
we bless thee for all the supplies and indulgences, which thy good
providence has afforded us.
And now, thou keeper of Israel, we commit our souls and our
bodies to thy all-sufficient care. Suffer no evil to befall us. Hold the
stormy winds in thine Almighty hand. And we would feel, that
while only a plank separates us from eternity, yet we may safelv in-
trust ourselves to thy care. May our sleep be sweet ; or if thou
boldest our eyes waking, may we remember thee upon our bed, and
meditate on thee in the night watches. And if we sleep the sleep of
death, we leave ourselves with thee.
And with the innumerable company, who never slumber norsleepi,
and who rest not day and night, we would join in ascribing blessing,
and honor, and glory, and power, unto Him that sitteth upon the
throne, and unto the Lamb, forever. Amen.
7. Lord's Prayer Paraphrased.
ALMIGHTY God, the creator and governor of all things, and the
most bountiful benefactor of those who fear and obey thee: grant
that all reasonable creatures, who are capable of understanding the
greatness and glory of thy attributes, may unfeignedly admire and
adore thee, and express their veneration of thee in ways most suit-
able to the condition of their nature, and the discoveries of thy will.
Grant that all mankind may come to the knowledge and belief of
thy true religion, that the kingdom of Christ may be extended over
all the earth ; and the eternal laws of godliness, righteousness, charity,
and sobriety, may be established throughout the whole world.
Grant that all who profess this thy true religion, may live in per-
fect obedience to the laws thereof; and that men may obey thee with
sincerity and constancy, as do the spirits of the blessed in "heaven.
Bestow on us every day, through the remaining part of our lives,
as many of the things of this present world, as are sufficient for our
necessary wants.
Forgive us our sins, and withhold the punishments we have there-
by deserved, in like manner as we freely forgive all those injuries
which have by others been done to us.
Take from us the occasions of temptation, or else deliver us from
their power, that we may not be moved either with the enticements
of riches, honors, or pleasures: or with the fear of want, disgrace, or
pain, to do any thing contrary to thy will ; and deliver us from all
the evils and calamities, which either the malice of the devil, or the
wickedness or misfortunes of the world, might bring upon us.
These petitions we beg of thee, God, knowing that thou canst,
and trusting in thy mercy that thou wilt do for us more than we can
desire, or do deserve; for thou art infinite in power, glory, and
majesty, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen.
8. Morning".
ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, we thy needy creatures render
thee our humble praise for thy preservation of us from the beginning
of our lives to this day, and especially for having delivered us from
the dangers of the past night. To thy watchful providence we owe
it, that we have been kept in safety. For these thy mercies we bless
and praise thee, beseeching thee to accept this morning sacrifice.
And since it is of thy goodness, O gracious Father, that our existence
is prolonged, we here devote both our bodies and souls to thy serv-
ice, in a godly, righteous, and sober life. Strengthen us, we beseech
thee, in this resolution ; that, as we grow in asre, we may grow in
grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Have compassion, we pray thee, on our infirmities; and give us the
constant assistance of thy Holy Spirit, that we may be effectually
restrained from sin, and excited to our duty. Imprint upon our
hearts such a dread of thy displeasure, such a remembrance of the
great day of judgment, and such a grateful sense of thy goodness to
Us, as may make us both afraid and ashamed to offend thee. Keep
us temperate in our enjoyments and diligent in our callings, just and
upright in our dealings, peaceable, compassionate, and ready to do
food to all men. Direct us in all our ways ; prosper the work of our
ands; defend us from calamities and sufferings; or, if thou shalt be
pleased to visit us with them, enable us to bear them with patience,
and to be contented with our condition. Bless and prosper us in our
▼oyage, and remember in mercy our friends at home, our seafaring
brethren every win-re. and the whole of this dying world. Then
Urtnga, and wh ■ I far. us. ire implore,
with humble reliance upon thine inonib In Christ Jesus
our Mediator and Redeemer. Am
9. Evening.
ALMIGHTY God, who art the Rewavder of all them that diligently
seek thee! receive in mercy the prayers and praises of thy children,
lore thee as the greatest and the best of beings, the so
wisdom, goodness, and happiness. Without thee we can do
-; and on thee we depend from day to day. Thine energy
a, thv presence animates, thy gracions Influenc
- are in thy hands: our joys and sorrow- are dis-
pensed by thy providence. Thy mercy has given as a S
who is able to Bare unto the uttermost; and thine unmerited love
■tions. that we may be drawn to devote
our hearts to thy service.
tnfeas, Lord, that we have disobeyed thy laws, and been
unmindful of thy goodness. We lament with row our
errors and transgressions. We desire to forsake every evil way : and
we humbly trust in thy grace for the forgiveness of our sins. Being
Justified by faith, may we have peace with thee, be saved from the
dominion of sin. and be filled with the fruits of thy Spirit. May we
be at all times sensible of the vanity of the world, and of the deeeit-
ofsin. May we entertain just convictions of the worth of our
own souls, and of the glory to which we are called. May we set our
ns upon thine:- above, be armed against the allurements and
terror- of thi< transitory state, and hold ourselves in constant readiness
to depart hence and to stand before our Judge.
Keep us this night, Almighty Guardian, under thy watchful eye.
If it be agreeable to thy will, let no evil befall us or ours Have
mercy upon those, for who- feel particularly solicitous.
Comfort and sustain all who are in trouble and adversity. Order all
things for us as seemeth risrht in thy sid. that no good thou shalt vouchsafe to bring about by
their poor endeavors, may tempt them to think highly of themselves,
but modestly and humbly.
»ve all unreasonable prejudices against their designs; shed
forth thy love abroad in their hearts, thai they may cheerfully em-
brace all opportunities of doing good to the souls and bodies of men,
and not be discouraged at any difficulties or oppositions they may
meet with.
specially remember all Seamen's Friend Societies, and
other institutions formed by Christian benevolence for the purpose
of dor hren.
Draw i igh to thy children who are assembled this evening, in little
a, all'around the world. Give the spirit of grace and of
supplications. May their faith take a strong hold of the promises of
God: and thus rekindle their zeal for the conversion of the world.
I, hear their prayers for themselves and others; defend them
from tie- S 'an, and from the maUce of evil men; perfect
holiness more and more in their hearts: unite them finally to one
another in thy truth, and in the ^ro\A of love, and make them zealous
in all good works, according to the command and example ■
Christ, who went about doing good ; for whose sake we beseech thee
to hear and bless us. Amen.
4. For the Same.
ALMIGHTY God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the
God of the spirits of all flesh, the earth is thine, and the fullness
thereof, the round world, and they that dwell therein.
We confess before thee our own sins, and those of our country.
Chiefly, now, we would confess our coldness and indifference in ex-
tending the blessings of that glorious Gospel which thou hast intrusted
to us.
We beseech thee give us a zeal for thy glory. Raise up, we pray
thee, those who shall unceasingly pray, and give, and study, and labor,
for the spread of thy truth. Revive the days of the primitive Church,
when thy people, walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort
of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied.
May the true light come more and more to thy Church, and the
glory of the Lord rise upon her, and may she arise and shine ; and
may the Gentiles come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of
thy rising.
Lord, we plead the glory of thy great name, the faithfulness of thy
promises, and the happiness of thine own creation ; and with these
pleas, we ask, that the Heathen may be given to Christ for his in-
heritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession.
We pray thee to hasten the coming on of that time, when it shall
be said, The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the sight of all
nations, and all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our
And grant, gracious Lord, that while the fullness of the Gentiles is
coming in, all Israel may also be saved. May the vail which remains
upon their heart when Moses is read, be taken away by their turning
to the Lord. May this branch, which has so long been broken off, at
length be grafted into its own olive-tree.
And while we thus pray, we thank thee, good and gracious Lord,
for all the blessed signs of the times in which we live. We bless
thee for the beginning of a general desire to spread thy truth through
the world, and that societies have been raided in these latter days,
among all denominations of thy servants, for evangelizing the heathen,
and from their conversion from dumb idols to the living God. We
■thank thee for the success given to those efforts, and would thereby
be encouraged to persevere in more zealous labors, and more ferven*
O Father of lights, bless every Society formed for the conversion
of Jews or Gentiles, and for the spread and advancement of thy truth
at home, or abroad. Guide the minds of all who conduct their' affairs.
In all their difficulties and trials, comfort and support them. Espe-
cially direct them in the choice of fit instruments for the work.
Xo®k with thy favor on all missionaries now among the heathen.
O prepare the way in the wilderness. May every valley be exalted,
every Mil made low ; may the crooked be made straight, and the
rough places plain ; and the word of the Lord every where have free
course.and be glorified. May thy doctrine, constantly preached by
thy servants, drop as the rain, and distill as the dew, and thy word
never return unto thee void, but prosper abundantly, and accomplish
all that for which thou dost send it. Give thy servants health and
strength, vigor of mind, and devotedness of heart; and may they all
be chosen vessels to bear thy name before the Gentiles. May all
nations whom thou hast made, fall down and worship before thee.
O Lord, hear ; O Lord, forgive ; O Lord, hearken and do ; defer not
for thine own sake, O our God. For thy dear Son's sake, answer.
May; he -see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied. Amen.
5. For Missionaries.
ALMIGHTY GOD and heavenly Father, who, of thine infinite love
and goodness toward us, hast given to us thy only and most dearly-
beloved Son Jesus Christ, to be our Redeemer, and" the author of ever-
lasting life ; who, after he had made perfect our redemption by his
death, and was ascended into heaven, sent abroad into the world his
Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers, and Pastors; by whose
labor and ministry he gathered together a great flock in all parts of •
the world, to set forth the eternal praise of thy holy name : For these
so great benefits of thy eternal goodness, we render unto thee most
hearty thanks; we praise and worship thee; and we humbly beseech
thee by thy blessed Son, to grant unto all, which either here or else-
where call upon thy holy name, that we may continue to show our-
selves thankful unto thee for these and all* thy other benefits; and
that we may daily increase and go forward in the knowledge and
faith of thee and thy Son, by the Holy Spirit : So that as welfby all
thy ministers, as by them over whom they shall be appointed thy
ministers, thy holy name may be forever glorified, and thy blessed
kingdom enlarged, through thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord ; who
liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the same Holy Spirit,
world without end. Amen.
6. For Gospel Ministers.
O LORD God, in appointing the ministers of the gospel from among
sinful, dying men, thou hast pat the treasure in earthen vessels, that
the excellency of the power may be of thee, and not of men. We
beseech thee to remember thy servants whom thou hast honored
with appointing them to serve at thine altar. To thee and to thy
service may they devote themselves, soul, body, and spirit — with all
their powers and faculties. Fill their memory with the words of thy
law; enlighten their understanding with the illumination of the Holy
Ghost; and may all the wishes and desires of their will center in
what thou hast commanded them. Be ever with them in the per-
formance of all the duties of their ministry ; in prayer, to quicken
their devotion; in praises, to heighten their love and gratitude: and
in preaching, to give a readiness of thought and expression suitable
to the clearness and excellency of thy holy word. Grant this for the
sake of Jesus Christ thy Son our Saviour. Amen.
7. For a Sick Person.
O FATHER of mercies, and God of all comfort, our only help in
time of need ; look down from heaven, we humbly beseech thee,
behold, visit, and relieve thy sick servant, for whom "our prayers are
desired. Sanctify, we beseech thee, this thy Fatherly correction to
him; that the sense of his weakness may add strength to his faith,
and seriousness to his repentance. Look upon him with the eyes of
thy mercy; comfort him with a sense of thy goodness; preserve him
from the temptations of the enemy; give him patience under his
affliction ; and, in thy good time, restore him to health, and enable
him to lead the residue of his life in thy fear, and to thy glory ; or
else gii e him grace so to take thy visitation, that, after this painful
life be ended, he may dwell with thee in life everlasting, through
Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen.
8. For One who has been long Sick,
O MERCIFUL G-od, thou hast long kept thy servant under tby
chastening hand : thou hast made him acquainted with grief, and his
sickness is even become his familiar companion ; yet, blessed Lord,
grant that he may not be impatient under thy chastisement, who art
pleased to wait so long for the return of a sinner: but let him re-
member that thou hast kind intentions, even in thy bitterest dis-
pensations; that thou " chastenest him whom thou lovesr, and
scourgest every son whom thou receiyest." Teach him, gracious
Father, to see love in thy rod, and justice in all thy dealings, that he
may humble himself under thy mighty hand; that he may think it
good for him to be afflicted, and patiently wait for thy loving-kindness.
Yet, that his faith may not fail, nor his patience be overcome, give
him ease and relaxation from his pain, and a happy conclusion of
this long visitation. In the mean time, grant that he may neither
despise thy chastening, nor faint under thy rebukes ; but employ the
time which thou lendest, and improve the affliction which thou con-
tin uest, as a gracious opportunity for his spiritual advantage; that,
under the decays of the bod y, the inner man may be renewed day
by day; and that whatever appertaineth to his everlasting salvation,
may be promoted and perfected through the riches of thy grace, and
the multitude of thy mercies in Jesus Christ. Amen.
9. By a Sick Bed.
O G-OD, whose days are without end, and whose mercies can not
be numbered: make us, we beseech thee, deeply sensible of the
shortness and uncertainty of human life ; and let thy Holy Spirit lead
us through this vale of misery, in holiness and righteousness, all the
days of our lives. That, when we shall . have served thee in our gen-
eration, we may be gathered unto our fathers, having the testimony
of a good conscience ; in the communion of the catholic church ; in
the confidence of a certain faith; in the comfort of a reasonable, re-
ligious, and holy hope ; in favor with thee our God, and in perfect
charity with the world : all which we ask through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
10. In a Storm.
O MOST powerful and glorious Lord God, at whose command the
winds blow, and lift up the waves of the sea, and who stillest the
rage thereof; we, thy creatures, but miserable sinners, do in this our
great distress cry unto thee for help: Save, Lord, or else we perish.
We confess when we have been safe, and seen all things quiet about
us, we have forgotten thee, our God, and refused to hearken to the
still voice of thy word, and to obey thy commandments : But now we
see how terrible thou art in all thy works of wonder; the great God
to be feared above all; and therefore we adore thy Divine Majesty,
acknowledging thy power, and imploring thy goodness. Help, Lord,
and save us for thy mercies 1 sake, in Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord.
11. Another.
O MOST glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwellest in heaven,
but beholdest all things below; look down, we beseech thee, and hear
lis, calling out of the depth of misery, and out of the jaws of this
death, which is now ready to swallow us up : Save, Lord, or else we
perish. The living, the living, shall praise thee. O send thy word
of command to rebuke the raging winds, and the roaring sea ; that
we, being delivered from this distress, may live to serve thee, and to
glorify thy name all the days of our life. Hear, Lord, and save us :
for the infinite merits of our blessed Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.
12. Thanksgiving after a Storm.
MOST Messed and glorious Lord God, who art of infinite good-
ness and mercy ; we, thy poor creatures, whom thou hast made and
preserved, holding our souls in life, and now rescuing us out of the
jaws of death, humbly present ourselves again before thy Divine
Majesty, to offer a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, for that thou
heard us when we called in our trouble, and didst not cast out our
prayer, which we made before thee in our great distress ; even when
we "gave up all for lost, our ship, our goods, our lives, then didst thou
mercifully look upon us, and wonderfully command a deliverance, for
which we now, being in safety, do give* all praise and glory to thy
holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
13. Another.
MOST mighty and gracious God, thy mercy is over all thy
works; but in a special manner hath it been extended toward us,
whom thou hast so powerfully and wonderfully defended. Thou
hast showed us terrible things, and wonders in the deep, that we
might see how powerful and gracious a God thou art : how able and
ready to help those who trust in thee. Thou hast showed us how
both winds and seas obey thy command; that we may learn from
them hereafter to obey thy voice, and to do thy will. We therefore
bless and glorify thy name, for this thy mercy, in saving us when we
were ready to perish. And, we beseech thee, make us as truly sen-
sible now of thy mercy, as we were then of the danger; and give us
hearts always ready to express our thankfulness not only by "words,
but also by our lives, in being more obedient to thy holy command-
ments. Continue, we beseech thee, this thy goodness to us ; that we,
whom thou hast saved, may serve thee in holiness and righteousness
all the days of our life, through Jesus Christ our Lord aud Saviour.
14. For Sanctification.
ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who, of thy great mercy, didst
save Noah and his family in the ark from perishing by water; and also
didst safely lead the children of Lsrael, thy people, through the Red
Sea, figuring thereby thy holy baptism ; and by the baptism of thy
well-beloved Son Jesus Chris: in the river Jordan, didst sanctify the
element of water, to the mystical washing away of sin; we beseech
thee, for thine infinite mercies, that thou wilt mercifully look upon
us: wash us and sanctify us with the Holy Ghost ; that we, being
delivered from thy wrath, may be received into the ark of Christ's
Church; and being steadfast in faith, joyful through hope, and rooted
in charity, may so pass the waves of this troublesome world, that
finally we may come to the land of everlasting life ; there to reign
with thee, world without end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen,
15. For the Holy Spirit.
O GOD, the Holy Spirit, Sanctifier of the faithful, visit, we pray
thee, this congregation with thy love and favor; enlighten their
minds more and more with the light of the everlasting Gospel ; graft
in their hearts a love of the truth; increase in them true relir »n;
nourish them with all goodness ; and of thy great mercy keep tuem
in the same, O blessed Spirit, whom with the Father and the Son
together we worship and glorify as one God, world without end.
16. Confession of Sin.
ALMIGHTY God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of all
things, Judge of all men ; we acknowledge and bewail our manifold
sins, and wickedness, which we from time to time most grievously
have committed, by thought, word, and deed, against thy Divine
Majesty; provoking most j nstly thy wrath and indignation against
us. We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for these our
misdoings; the remembrance of them is grievous unto us; the bur-
den of them is intolerable. Have mercy upon us, have mercy upon
us, most merciful Father ; for thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake,
forgive us a]l that is past; and grant that we may ever hereafter serve
and please thee in newness of life, to the honor and glory of thy name,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
17. Prayer of St. Chrysostom.
ALMIGHTY God, who hast given us grace at this time, with one
accord to make our common supplications unto thee : and dost prom-
ise that when two or three are gathered together in thy name, thou
wilt grant their requests ; fulfill now, O Lord, the desires and petitions
of thy servants, as may be most expedient for them ; granting us in
this world knowledge of thy truth, and in the world to come lifo
everlasting. Amen.
In preparing for this solemn duty, let the body of the deceased
person be laid on the deck, in a coffin or hammock, as the case
may be ; and when all are orderly assembled around, the person
appointed to perform the service may read the following select por-
tions of Scripture :
I AM the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord ; he that be-
lieveth on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live : And whoso-
ever liveth and believeth in me, shall never die. John, xi. 25, 26.
I KNOW that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the
latter day upon the earth : And though after my skin worms destroy
this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God ; whom I shall see for my-
self, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another. Job, xix. 25, 26, 27.
WE brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry
nothing out. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed
be the name of the Lord. 1 Tim. vi. 7. Job, i. 21.
Or, if it is preferred, a portion of the 39th or 90th Psalm may be
Then, if time and circwnstances permit, the following prayer
may be made:
ETERNAL and unchangeable God, by whose providence we have
been called to witness this instance of mortality, and in whose hand
is the life of every human being: enable us, we beseech thee, to lay
to heart the serious lessons which are now addressed to us. Teach
us so to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wis-
dom, set our affections on things above, perform without delay the
great work which thou hast given us to dr\ live by the faith of the
Son of God, and habitually look forward to his second coming. Com-
fort and support the spirits of those who are tried by this dispensation
of thy providence. Let their hearts be stayed upon thee, and may
they find it good to be afflicted. While our minds are all tender, wilt
thou bring the realities of eternity to our view, and may the motives
of this scene prepare us for our own departure. May we thus find it
better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of feasting,
by laying to heart the end of all flesh. And when we shall commit
the mortal remains of our deceased shipmate (or friend) to the bosom
of the deep, may we have faith to look beyond these dark waves, and
contemplate the rising again at the last day, through Jesus Christ,
who is the resurrection and the life. Amen. '■
This may be followed by a short exhortation, suggested by the
feelings of the speaker ; or the following may be read :
MY dear friends, we see here the end to which we are hastening.
Death is what we must all come to at last. Death has come into our
little company, and ushered our shipmate (or f lend) into the pres-
ence of God, and to the amazing scenes of eternity. It is a solemn
thing to exchange worlds. Yet there is no discharge in that war.
But to the Christian, death is the gate of glory. He whose hope rests
upon the Lord Jesus Christ may go fearlessly through the iron gate,
having the presence of God to cheer him, and his grace for his "sup-
This is a change which we never pass but once. Xone return to
tell us what they have experienced in the other world. All we know
of it comes by the testimony of God, in the Bible. And there is no
opportunity to correct our mistakes. If we are wrong once, we are
gone forever.
Let us, then, profit by the admonitions of mortality. Let us lay it
to heart that we must die. And while we tenderly sympathize with
bereaved friends, and commend them to God, who" alone can comfort
them under this stroke of his hand, let us seek for grace and wisdom
to prepare our own souls for the will of heaven, that whether we live,
we may live unto the Lord, and whether we die, we may die unto
the Lord, and being justified by faith may have peace with God,
through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever. Amen.
Here a hymn may be sung, or the service may begin here.
When all hands are ready to launch the body overboard, the
Leader may say :
FORASMUCH as it hath pleased Almighty God, in his wise prov-
idence, to take out of this world the soul of our deceased brother, we
therefore commit his body to the deep, looking for the resurrection
of the body, when the sea shall give up her dead; when the corrupt-
ible bodies of those who sleep in Christ shall be changed, and made
like unto his own glorious body, according to the mighty working
whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself; and* when the
wicked also shall awake, and come forth, to shame and everlasting
Here launch the body overboard, let it have time to go down,
and then all fall on their knees, while the Leader makes the follow-
ing prayer :
O MERCIFUL God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who i3
the resurrection and the life ; in whomsoever believeth, shall live,
though he die ; and whosoever liveth and believeth in him, shall not
die eternally ; we humbly beseech thee, O Father, to raise us from
the death of sin unto the life of righteousness ; that when we shall
depart this life, we may rest in him; and that at the general resurrec-
tion in the last day, we may be found acceptable in thy sight ; and
receive that blessing, which thy well-beloved Son shall then pro-
nounce to all who love and fear thee, saying, Come, ye blessed chil-
dren of my Father, receive the kingdom prepared for you from the
beginning of the world : Grant this, we beseech thee, O merciful
Father, through Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen.
The Benediction.
THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and th*
fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.
I. Sabbath Day Service.
Blessing 434
Exhortations 4 4
General Confession 435
Psalm 95th 435
Portions of Scripture 43t>
Prayer 436
Thanksgiving 437
Benediction 4J7
II. Daily Worship.
Morning prayer 437
Evening prayer 438
Morning prayer 439
Evening prayer 439
Morning prayer 440
Evening prayer 441
Lord's prayer paraphrased 442
Morning prayer 44*2
Eveniug prayer 443
HI. For Particular Occasions.
For the outward passage 443
For the homeward passage 444
For the monthly concert 445
For the same. .". 446
For Missionaries 447
For Gospel Ministers 447
For a sick person 447
For one who has been long sick 448
By a sick bed 448
In a storm 448
Another 448
Thanksgiving after a storm 449
For sanctification 449
For the Holy Spirit 449
ion of sin 450
Prayer of St. Chrysostom 450
IV. Burial Service.
Portions of Scripture 450
Prayer 450
Exhortation .- 451
Launching the body overboard 451
Prayer 451
Benediction 452
V. Select Portions of Scripture 454
Suitable to be Bead at Sea, in Daily Worship,
or on the Sabbath.
From the Old Testament.
Creation of the "World. Genesis, chap. i.
Flood. Genesis, vii.
The passage of the Red Sea. Exodus, xiv. 10—31
The Ten Commandments. Exodus, xx. 1 — 21.
The Word of the Lord. Deuteronomy, xxx. 11 — 2(X
Solomon's Wisdom. 1 Kings, iii. 5 — 28.
Healing of Naaman. 2 Kings, v. 1 — 16.
Frailty and Mortality of Man. Job. xiv.
Omnipotence of God. Job, xl.
Kingdom of Christ. Psalms, ii.
Works of God. Psalms, viii.
Majesty of God. Psalms, xviii. 1 — 19.
Knowledge of God. Psalms, xix.
The Lord" our Shepherd. Psalms, xxiii.
Pardon of Sin. Psalms, xxxii.
Confession of Sin. Psalms, 1L
Dominion of Christ. Psalms, lxxii.
Mercy of God. Psalms, ciii.
Perils of Seamen. Psalms, cvii. 22 — 32.
Proverbs of Solomon. Proverbs, i.
Sobriety and Discretion. Proverbs, xxiii.
Solemn Exhortation. Ecclesiastes, xii.
Obstinacy of Sinners, Isaiah, i. 1 — 20.
Repentance and Reformation. Isaiah, Mil.
Conversion of the World. Isaiah, lx.
Choice of Life or Death. Ezekiel, xxxiii. 1 — 20.
Daniel's Courage. Daniel, vi.
Jonah's Shipwreck. Jonah, i.
Jonah's Prayer. Jonah, ii.
Call to Repentance. Haggai, i. 1 — 11.
Mourning and Triumph of the Church. Zechariah, xii.
Preparation for the Lord's Coming. Malachi, iii.
From the New Testament.
Star in the East. Matthew, ii.
Preaching of John. Matthew, iii.
The Beatitudes. Matthew, v. 1 — 16.
Christ Stilling the Sea. Matthew, viii. 18—27.
Trust in God. Matthew, x. 24— ±2.
Guilt of Rejecting the Gospel. Matthew, xi. 20—80.
The Good Treasure. Matthew, xiii. 44 — 5S.
Christ Walking on the Sea. Matthew, xiv. 22—36.
ii'H i:\!. BEFERBW
Panper of Riches. Matth.-w, xix. 16—60.
wii. 1—14.
The Parable of the Talents. Hstthew. or, 14— 30.
rucifled. Matthew, xwii.
n iii.
Tbt M i : i mlouj Draught -i' Fish< &. Luke, v. 1—11,
Luk.-. viii. \
n.iritan. Luk
Count; Lake, \iv. -J.*> — B&
The Pr Luk»-, w. 1 1 — 32.
Luke, x\l 19—31.
wiii. 1—14.
- tpper In>tit . wii. 7— 2a
Regeneration. John. iii. 1 — 81.
John, vi. 8T— 61.
Thi- L: vii. 87—06.
ChrL: pherd. John, x. 1—13.
b. John, xiv.
John, xviL
The Jailor of rhllipj.:. -">— R
Paul Pn .ii. 10—34.
Paul'- \ wii.
a, xil
irity. 1 Corinthians, xiii.
Faith know-; James, ii.
Tke End of the" World. Berelations, xx.
w Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise from the ends of
the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein ; the
isles and the inhabitants thereof."
To aid pious seamen in singing unto the Lord a new song is the
object of this volume. It originated fiom the importunity of demand
coming from every quarter for sweeter and better " Songs of Zion."
The committee appointed to prepare this volume cherish the hope
and belief that this demand will now be most satisfactorily met. So
far as they have entered into other men's labors, they hereby tender
them their grateful acknowledgments; while they earnestly bespeak
from all the praying circles and solemn assemblies in the land a hearty
remembrance of the sailor.
It is indeed cause for devout thanksgiving that the old licentious
songs of the sea — the odes to Bacchus, and the chants to Yenus, are
giving place to songs which enrich the mind and improve the heart.
Cause for everlasting thanksgiving that divine prophecies and prom-
ises are beginning to have their fulfillment in the conversion of the
abundance of the sea.
Then sing, ye seamen, sing and tell
Of all the goodness of the Lord,
In saving men from sin and hell
By his good Spirit, and his Word.