*'..■■*'-■'. -> wmm • 2-2. LIBRARY OF THE Theological Seminary, PRINCETON, N. J. Case, v3>« \.~ Division . Shelf, ^pljQ Section . .. Book, N©'... ■ %*> fl • SCRIPTURE ACCOUNT OF THE FAITH and PRACTICE O F CHRISTIANS: CONSISTING* Of large and numerous Collections of pertinent Texts of Scripture, upon the fundry Articles of REVEALED RELIGION. The Texts upon each Article, reduced into dip tinct. Sections ; fuch as, Threatnings and Promises, Rewards, Punishments, Examples, &c. For enforcing the Practice of Gospel Righteous- ness, and reftraining from Sin by Gospel Motives ; Addrefied to the Under/} andi tig, the Hopes, and Fears of ^__, -'/ Y* . ._ Christians. Being an Improvement attempted upon every Thing of the Kind hitherto Published, for aflifting the fincere En- quirer after Truth, to know and comply with thofe Terras of Acceptance- with GOD, which He hath de- livered in His own Word. DUBLIN: Printed for the Author, by S. Powell, in Dame-Jireet, oppofite Foiviies's-ftreet, M dcc lxiii. i THE PREFACE. Shewing the Occafion and Defign of the Work, and wherein it differs from any Thing of the Kind hitherto publifhed. TH E Sacred Scriptures, after the ftricleft Refearches of an enlightened and enquiring Age, are ftill allowed by the wife, judicious, and thinking Part of Mankind, who are acquainted with them, to be the only Books in the World which truly and fully fhew the way of Salvation to ali thofe who take any ferious Thought about it. The Scriptures, upon the folid Principles of Truth contained in them, have the llrongeft Tendency to improve and perfect human Nature in every Branch of perfonal and focial Duty, or to make Mankind wifer and better in every Station and Relation of Life. This Effect they have produced, and will itill produce wherever they are duly attended to. An Attempt (if well executed) to promote the Knowledge, and Practice of the Truths they contain, mull therefore be of real Service to Society ; and though the Attempt mould fail, the Undertaker may neverthelefs enjoy the Pleafure of an Heart ready and difpofed to do Good, and all the candid Part of Mankind will make favourable Allowances on Account of the Goodnefs or the Defign. With thefe Views the Author of the following Work offers i* to the Publick, who will find upon Perufal, as well as by the fol lowing Account of it, that it is a Work entirely new, and diffe- rent in Method, at leaft, from any Thing" of the Kind hitherto publifhed. An Account of the Method. In this Work the feveral Articles of revealed Religion are ranged under diftincl Heads or Chapters. The Subject of each Chapter is only mentioned at the Beginning of it ; and the Scripture Ac- count of the Subject; is afterward given at large in a numerous Cni- a lection The P R E F A C E. lection of exprefs and pertinent Texts of Scripture, with which the Chapter is filled up. Care is taken to infert every Article of re- vealed Religion, and every exprefs and pertinent Text upon every one, in order to make it full and complete. The feveral different Words by which any Article of Religion is expreffed in the Bible are exhibited under diflinct Sections, and thofe Sections are filled up with thofe Places in the Bible where the Word occurs upon that Subject, and produced moflly in the Order in which they lie in the Bible; fo that this Work, in fome Meafure, anfvvers the Ends of both a Common-place Book and Concordance upon the Articles of Refigtcn. Thus in Chap. i. Page 5. Section 17. the Eternity of God is expreffed by the different Words, Eternal, E- verlafling, for Ever, the Firif. and Lair, which make fo many di- ftinct Sections. In like Manner ever). Doctrine or Duty of re- vealed Religion is laid down firft, and the Motives to the Belief or Practice of them are made fo many diflinct Sections in the Chap- ter, and generally come under the Heads of Threatnings, Pro- mifes, Rewards, Punifhmcnts, Examples, 8ec. and in this Re- fpect this Work differs from any Book of the Kind hitherto pub- liftied. So much is tranferibed of the Places quoted as expreffes the principal Part of the Text, and is fufficient to direct the Rea- der to the Places to be confulted at large in the Bible upon the Subject : More would have needlefly fwelled the Size of the Book, and not have left fufficient Room for inferring every exprefs and pertinent Text upon every Subject. The Occafion and Deiign of the Work. IT might eafily be made appear, that the reading of the Holy Scriptures, after a Method which the Nature of their Compo- sition feems to require, muff be highly ufetul and proper, for our acquiring from the Scriptures themfelves the true Knowledge of every Article of Religion contained in them. Every one who is acquainted with the facred Scriptures knows, that the ccmpleat Account which they contain of any one Article cf Religion, is never to* be met with altogether in one Place, with- out other Subjects intermixed with it, but is to be collected from many different Places cf the Bible, where the facred Writers have touched upon it. In every one of the many different Places of the Bible, where any one Article of Religion is touched upon, it is ilill placed in fome ufeful Liiiht for Inffruction, fo that none of thefe Places are fuperfluous. All thefe Places, taken together, do make up the com- The PREFACE. complete Sciipture account of the Subject ; they contain all the light which the Spirit of Revelation hath afforded upon it in writ- ing, as needful forlnftruction ; whoever would view any >vcripiure Truth, in al! that light afforded, mutt, fearch the Scriptures for the different Places in which it is contained, or where the fubject is mentioned. In thefe Places it will be found, fufficiently explain- ed, enforced by all its proper Motives, applied to all its proper Ufes, and fet in every advantageous Light needful for being rightly underftood, and properly applied, even after extraordinary Infpi- ration hath ceafed. Our bleffed Saviour, who befi knew the mod profitable me- thod of our reading the Scriptures, directed to fearch them [John v. 3. 9.] for the Knowledge of his Character and Offices, taught, not all in one, but in different Places of the Scriptures, which be- ing taken all together, fully and plainly defcribed him to the World, and left unbelievers inexcufeable. Thofe have fucceeded bed in afcertaining the true Senle of many Portions of Scripture, and in anfwering Objections againft them, and fetting feveral Scripture Doctrines in a clear Light, who have firft fetched the Scriptures for the whole and complete Account of the Subject, and hereby were enabled to fhow that what was doubtful, by being briefly exprefTed in one Place, was fufficiently enlarged upon and explained in others. Befides fuch Explications of Scripture Truths as are to be found in the Scriptures themfelves, none elfe are to be depended upon : for the facred Writers, being fufficiently quali- fied for their Work, did not leave it to be mended by inferior Hands ; they left the Scriptures a finifhed Performance, contain- ing a Syftem of Religion from God, which, like all his other Works, is good and perfect in its Kind, being full and complete in all its Parts, plain and proper in its Terms and Exprellions, and efficacious 01 fufficient to anfwer the ends for which it was writ- ten : if it fails, no other Writings will prove effectual for reform- ing the World, and making Mankind wife to Salvation. Every hopeful Method ought to be tried for afiifting Chriitians to reap from the Holy Scriptures ali the Benefit they are fuited to afford. The dividing the Bocks of the Bible into Chapters and Verfes, (though not firft written in that Form) is of great ufe for finding any particular Place the Reader is directed to confult. A Vv oik, directing the Reader what places of the Bible to confult for the complete and full Account which the ficred Writers have given of every Article of Religion, it is preiumed might be of great Ufe to many, who have not Leifureor proper Helps to fearch for fuch an Account, and alfo toothers, on many Occasions, who would hereby be furnifhed with all the exprefs and pertinent Scriptures before them, at once, upon any Subject they had Occafion to treat of, without the Pains of collecting them : fuch a Work might be of Service to fome who have not Ability to purchafe ma- ny The PREFACE. ny Books, and to others who have not Leifure to read many upon Religion, or any other Subject, as by it they would be afliited to find in the Bible thofe Places, that, taken together, do contain the befl, the fulleft and plained, though brief Account, that is to be expe&ed of every Article both of Faith and Practice ; a Work that would anfwerthis End, might be the means of occafioning pro- per Places of the Bible to be confulted upon every Article of Reli- gion, and for Direction in every Circumstance of Life ; and fo of turning the Attention of Readers from Books wherein Error is of- ten conveyed along with Truth, to the Danger or Hurt of the Rea- ders, and of engaging their Attention more to the Holy Scriptures, which are the mod fafe and improving Writings for all Christians. And when, it mail pleafe God to turn the Attention of Chriflians chiefly to the Bible, and to enable them to make aright Ufe of it, it may be expected that the blefTed Redeemer's Kingdom of Knowledge, Righteoufuefs, Truth and Holinefs, Peace and Love, Shall be more enlarged and Strengthened in the Earth. It was thus, at the firSt Spreading of the Gofpel, and alfo, at our happy Refor- mation, Heathens and PapiSts were turned from the WorShip of Creatures to the Worfhip of the one living and true God, through one only Mediator, the Lord Jefus Chrift ; and the Security of the Proteftant Religion, againSt Popery and every other Error, does, under God, depend on the Knowledge and Ufe that ProteStants make of their Bibles. In hopes of anfwering, in fome Meafure, Some of thofe valuable Ends, the following Work is compofed up- on the foregoing Plan or Method. All pofllble Care is taken to make it fatist'actory to the Reader, by making it more full and com- plete than any thing of the Kind hitherto published, anxl by inffert- ing the true Scripture Account of the Subjects mentioned, without regard to the private distinguishing Opinions of any Party or De- nomination of Christians ; fo that it is prefumed it may be ufeful at leaSt to Some of every Denomination, and can be offensive or hurt- ful to none, who are not prejudiced againft Scripture Truth. A TABLE A TABLE O F CONTENTS. The Figures under the Word Page at the Head refer to the Page in the Book ; the Figures under the Word Seel, at the Head refer to the Sedtion in the famePa°;e. CHAP. I. The Perfections of God. Page. SeS. 3 i rT~%H AT there is a God, afferted, and proved by his X Works. 2 The Perfeaion of God afferted. 3 The Unity of God afferted. 4 Is God alone. e There is none elfe. 6 There is none befides him. 7 There is none with him. 8 None before him. 4 9 None like him. io None to be compared unto him. ii No Likenefsof God. 12 He is the Living God. 13 The true God. 14 God is a Spirit. 1 c God isinvifible. 16 God is unfearchable. 5 17 The Eternity of God. 18 He is everlalting. 19 He is for ever. 20 He is the Firft and Laft, 21 He is immortal. 22 He is incorruptible- 6 23 He is bleffed. 24 He is unchangeable. 25 He is prefent every where. 26 God's Greatnefs. 7 27 God is exalted. 28 God's Excellency. 29 God's Majefty. 30 God's Glory. 8 31 God is glorious in Favours fpiritual and temporal to his People. b God's CONTENTS. Pag. Scft. 9 32 God's Knowledge is perfect. 33 God's Knowledge is underived. 34 God's Knowledge extendeth to all Things. 31; Things which God alone knoweth. 10 36 Secret things which God will difcover. 37 God's Knowledge of" Man and all his Ways. 1 1 38 God knoweth the Hearts of all Men. 39 He knoweth the Hearts of the Righteous. 40 He knoweth the Hearts of the Wicked. 41 He knoweth his People. 42 God knoweth the religious Principles and Pra&ice of his People. 12 43 God knoweth their Works. He knoweth their Wants, their Sorrows, their Wrongs from Opprefibrs. 13 44. God's Knowledge of the Wicked and their Sins. 45 God knoweth the Proud. 46 He knoweth the Impenitent. 47 He knoweth hypocritical ProfelTors. 4S He knoweth Liars and uncharitable Perfons. 14 49 God knoweth envious Perfcns. 50 God knoweth wicked Works. 51 God knoweth Whoredom, natural and fpiritual. 52 He knoweth Murderers. 53 The Sins of the Wicked againft God's Knowledge. N. B. The foregoing Account of God's Knowledge may be confidered as implving Threatnings and Promiles, accord- ing to the Characters, good or bad, of the Perfons and Things that are known, and with this View they are feve- rally pointed out. 54 The Wifdom of God in general. 5^ The Wifdom of God in Creation. 15 56 The Wifdom of God, in Redemption by Jefus Chrift. 57 The Wifdom of Creatures, nothing in Companion of God's Wifdom. 58 The Power of God. 59 He is the mighty God. 16 60 He is the Almighty God. 6 1 God's Strength. 62 God's Arm. 63 Hand of God. 64 Finger of God. 6; God called a Rock. 66 Nothing hard to God. 67 All Things poflible to God. 68 Gcd is able to do every Thing. 69 God's Power in his wonderful Doings. 70 The Profperity and Adverfity of Man in God's Power. 17 71 God's Power in the Creation of the Heavens and the Earth. 18 72 God's Power in the Government of Heaven and Earth. 73 Acts of God's Power toward his Church. God's CONTENTS. Pag. Sea.. 19 74 God's Power toward the Rig'iteous. 7$ God's Power in fpiritual Bleflings toward his People. 76 God's Power again!!: the Wicked. 21 77 Sins of the Wicked againft the Attribute of Power. Duties refulting from, or founded upon the DoQrine of God's Power. 22 78 God's Power in Miracles, recorded in the Old Teftament. 2 7 79 The Righteoufnefs of God. 28 80 In punifhing the Wicked. 8 1 In Men's reaping as they fow. 82 — In Rewards to the Righteous. 83 Things of God called righteous are, his Judgments, Statute*, Precepts, Teftimonies, Commands, Woids, Ways. 84 The Jufticeof God 29 8q Injustice and Iniquity denied concerning God. 86 Truth afcribed to God. 87 Things of God called Truth. 30 88 Lying denied concerning God. 89 The Faithfulnefs of God. 90 Things of God called Faithful, are his Commands, Word, Counfels, Chrift * God is to be praifed for his Faithfulnefs. 91 God's Faithfulnefs in fulfilling hisPromifes. 31 92 God's Faithfulnefs in fulfilling his Threatninga. 93 God's Purity. 94 God's Holinefs. 95 Other Words expreiling God's Holinefs. 32 96 God is the holy One, by Way of Eminence. 97 Things pertaining to God called holy are, his Name, Throne, Heaven, Place, Hill, Habitation, Mountain, Houfe, Ora- cle, Promife, Covenant, Law, Scriptures, Calling, Sabbath, People, Prophets, Priefis, Jefus, Spirit, Angels. 33 9** The Goodnefs of God. 99 1 lie Lord doth Good. 35 100 The Mercy of God. 36 101 Mercy of God promifed. 11 102 Perfons to whom Mercy is promifed, are thofe who obey, re- pent, fear, love, and truft in God. . 103 Mercy prayed for. 38 104 Mercv acknowledged in various Inftances. 39 10; Thanks for Mercy. 106 Mercy in the Pardon of Sin. 40 107 Pardon and Forgivenefs prayed for. 41 10S Conipafiion afcribed to God. God excited to Companion toward his People. 109 Compaflion to whom promifed. 1 10 Inftances of God's Com;aiiion exercifed. \z God excited Companion in Enemies toward his People-. 1 1 1 Companion afcribed to Chrift. 112 Pity afcribed to God toward his People. 1 1 3 God will not pity the Wicked. b 2 Long" CONTENTS. Pag. Sefl. 42 114 Long-fuffering of God. 43 115 Forbearance afcribed to God. 1 1 6 Kindnefs afcribed to God, promifed and exercifed towards his People. 1 17 Kindnefs prayed for. 44 118 Thanks for Kindnefs. 119 God is gracious. 45 120 God's Throne is a Throne of Grace. 121 God's Spirit is a Spirit of Grace. 122 Chrift is gracious. 123 The Grace of God in Man's Salvation in Election. 124 In Calling. 46 125 In Justification. 126 In Pardon of Sin. 127 Adoption through Grace. 128 Sanclification through Grace. 129 The Gofpel is of Grace given. 47 130 Alms called Grace in Men. 131 Ministerial Abilities through Grace. 132 Effects of the Gofpel in a fanctined Nature and Practice called Grace. - 48 133 Faith through Grace. 1 34 Hope through Grace. 135 Prayer and Praife through Grace. 136 Salvation is of Grace. 137 Grace prayed for. 49 138 God's Favour. I 50 139 God's Favour denied to the Wicked. 140 God giveth the Favour of Men. 141 God with-holdeth the Favour of Men- 142 God is bountiful. 143 Men ought to be bountiful. 144 God's Blefling, he blefTeth his People. 51 145 Perfons pronounced blcffed, who they are. 53 146 God's Blefling promifed by Way of Covenant, or Covenant Bleffings. 54 147 Anger afcribed to God. 148 God's Anger threatened againft the Wicked. 55 149 Wrath of God threatened againft Sinners. 1 c;o God is wroth — Prayers and Promifes againft God's Wrath. 151 God's Indignation againft Sinners. 56 152 Fury afcribed to God. . 153 Vengeance. 154 God abhorreth. 155 God lotheth, defpifeth. l 56 God hateth. 157 The Lord is a terrible God. j 58 The dreadful God. 1 59 God's Jealoufy for his People. . Againft Sinners. *7 160 Zeal afcribed to God. CHAP. CONTENTS. Pag. Seft. CHAP. II. 57 i Creation of all Things. 2 Of the Heavens and Earth. 58 3 Sun Moon and Stars created. 4 The Sea. 5 Summer and Winter. 6 North and South. 7 Clouds, Wind. 8 Rain. . 9 Creatures in the Sea. 10 Creatuies on the dry Land. 60 1 1 Grafs, Herbs and Trees. 12 Man created, his Body. 13 His Soul 14 Man's fpiritual State after his Creation. 61 1 $ Man's Difobedience and Fall from his happy State, 16 Man's firft Sin referred to. 17 Angels, their Number. 1 8 Their Names. 19 Their Nature. 20 Their Excellency. 21 Their Employment. 62 22 Inftances of the Care and Services of Angels for God's People 23 Revelations of God's Will, and Directions given by Angels, 63 24 Angels inflict God's Judgments on the W' icked. 64 25 Angels their Attendance on and Services to Chrift on Earth. 26 Their Attendance on Chrift at his coming to Judgment. 27 Their Employment at the Day of Judgment. 65 28 They are Worihippers of God the Father. 29 They worlhip Chrift and are iubjett to him They are not to be worfhipped. 65 30 Devils, Angels that Sinned. 31 What their bin is fuppofed to have been. 32 Names given to them in Scripture. 66 2>i They are Enemies to all Good, and Promoters of Sin and Mifery. 34 Inftances of Satan's Enmity to Chrift and his Servants. 67 35 They believe that there is a God ; they knew Chrift. 36 They know Chrift's Servants. 37 They know the facred Saiptures. 38 Satan was overcome by Lhiil. 68 39 Satan is overcome by Chriftians through divine Power com- municated. 40 Promifes to them that overcome Satan. . 41 Duties exhorted to in Oppofuion to Satan. CHAP. III. God's Government. C9 1 God is the King, Ruler and Governor of theWoild, having a Throne, Dominion, Government. 70 2 God is the Law-giver. 3 God is the Judge of the Earth. 4 Coanfeh CONTENTS. Pag. Sect. 70 4 Counfels of God. 5 Purpofe of God. 71 6 God doth Will. 7 Determinations of God. 8 Ordination of God, Things ordained of God. 72 9 Decrees of God, Things decreed by him. 10 Appointments of God, Things appointed by him. 1 1 Predeftination, Things predeftinated of God. 12 Election of Jews. 74 13 Election of Christians. 75 14 Perfons chofen or elected of God to fill Offices in Church and State. 15 Calling, God doth call, his People are called. 78 16 Particular Perfons called to Offices. 17 Juftification, God juftifieth 18 Men not juftified by the Works of the Law. 19 Mankind juftified freely, and by Grace through Chrift. 79 20 Sarictification, God fanctified the Jews. 21 Jews were commanded to fancti fy themfelves. 22 God doth fanctify Chriftians. 23 God doth fandtify Chriftians by his Word and Spirit. 24 Juftification and Sanctification, otherwife exprelfed, God dothwafh. — Our Duty to wafh ourfelves. So 25 God doth cleanfe.— Duty to cleanfe ourfelves. — Promifes to the cleanfed. 26 God doth Purge. — Duty to Purge ourfelves. 27 God purifieth. — Duty to purify ourfelves. 81 28 God doth refine 29 The Lord is a God unto his People, he is with them and a- mong them. 30 God forfaketh not his People. 82 3 1 Prayers that God would not forfake his People. 32 God forfaketh the Wicked. 33 God doth not caft off nor reject his People. 83 35 God cafteth off and rejecteth the Wicked. 36 God is a Father to his People. 84 37 How Mankind become the Children of God and he their Father. 85 38 Bleffings from God as a Father to his People as his Children. 86 39 Marks and Characters ot God's Children in the Exercife of the Graces and Practice of the Duties of Religion. 87 40 Wicked (tiled Children of whatever evil Principle reigns in them. 41 Under God their heavenly Father Chriftians are Brethren, and Sifters, and owe to each other the Duties of that Relation. 88 42 Chrift is the elder Brother of Chriftians. 43 Salvation from God, he is the. Saviour. 89 God faveth his People from Evils. 90 44 Perfons to whom Salvation is promifed. 91 Salvation prayed for. 92 45 Salvation is of Grace. 46 Word of God a mean of Salvation, 47 Miniltry CONTENTS. Pag. Sea. 92 47 Miniftry a mean of Salvation. 48 God is the Defence of his People. 93 49 God is a Redeemer, Redemption to his People is from him. 50 God redeemeth his People from Enemies and other Evils. 94. Threats againit thofe redeemed who apoftatifed afierward. Redemption of particular Perfons from Evils. 51 God a Counlellor to the Righteous. 52 God depriveth the Wicked of Counfel. 95 53 God a Teacher, he doth teach his People, teaching from God prayed for. 54 Holy Ghoft teacheth. 55 God doth inftruct. 56 God doth direct. 96 57 God doth lead. — Promifes that God will lead his People. 58 Chrift doth lead. 59 God doth guide his People. 60 God doth ftrengthen. 97 Strength promifed. — Strength prayed for. 98 Strength obtained. 61 God doth uphold. 99 62 God giveth Safety. 63 God called a Shield, Rock, Fortrefs, Refuge. 100 64 God is an Helper to his People. 101 Help from God promifed. — Prayed for. — Help acknowledged. 102 65 Help from the Creatures without God is vain. 66 God a Deliverer, he delivereth from Sicknefs. 67 God delivereth from Enemies and Opprellion. 103 68 Chrift a Deliverer. Deliverance prayed for. 104 69 Deliverance to the Poor and Needy. 70 Prophets and Ap.oftles delivered. 105 71 All God's faithful Servants fhall be delivered. 72 Deliverance from moral Evil. 73 God delivereth the Wicked into their Enemies Hands. 1 06 Heathens delivered into the Hands of the Ifraelites. 74 God is a Keeper to his People. 108 75 God preferveth his People. 109 76 God is the Creator of his People. Threats againft thofe who apoftatifed after they had been created. 77 God is the Creator of Chriftians, they are new Creatures, God's Workmanfhip. no 78 Duty of Chriilians as new Creatures. 79 God is to his People their Planter, Builder, &c. they are his planting, his Vine-yard which he watereth and maketh Fruitful, his Houfe, his Building, God planted the Jewilh Nation in Canaan. So The Lord planted, watered and made fruitful the Jewifh Church, ni 81 Apoftacy or Unfruitfulnefs, Threats and Reproofs againft it. 82 The Fruitful whether Jews or Gentiles are God's planting. CHAP CONTENTS. Pag. Sect. CHAP. IV. Of Jefus Chrift, Prophefy and Miracles. 112 i The Teftimony of Prophefy appeal'd to as a Foundation of Faith in Chrift. 2 The Teftimony of Prophefy urged by the Apoftles. Hi 3 Prophefies concerning Chrift fulfilled, in his Incarnation, Life, Death, Refurreclion and Afcenfion. 4 The Nation, Tribe and Family he was to defcend from, c The time of his Life and Death fixed by other Events, fore- told in Prophefy. 114 6 The Country and Town where Chrift ftiould be born. 7 Prophefies concerning his Forerunner John Baptift. 8 His purging the Temple. 9 His working Miracles. 115 10 That the Spirit of the Lord fhould be upon him. 1 1 That he fhould be a Prophet. 12 That he ftiould preach or teach. 13 That he ftiould not feek the Applaufe of Men. 14 That he ftiould be a Sufferer- Infirmities he was touched with. 116 15 That he ftiould be defpifed of Men. 16 That he fhould be hated. 17 Reproached. 18 The Reproaches that were caft upon him. 19 That he fliould be perfecuted. 117 zo That jews and Gentiles ftiould join againft him. 2i That he ftiould be fold for Money. zz The Ufe they apply the Money to, foretold. 23 Prophefies concerning his Betrayer. 118 24. How this is expreffed by Chrift. 25 That Chrift ftiould be forfaken. 26 Peter's denying him. 27 That he ftiould be beaten and fpitted on. 28 Chrift's Account of hisTreatment. 29 What kind of Death he ftiould die. 30 Chrift's Silence. 119 31" They give Sentence againft him. 32 They give him Gall. 3 \ They mock him on the Crofs. 34 They part his Garments. His Words on the Crofs. 35 Chrift prays for his Enemies. 2)b His Death. 120 37 A Bone of him was not to be broken. 38 Was to be buried with the Rich. 39 That he ftiould arife from the Dead. 40 Chrift refts the Credit of his Pretenfions on the Certainty of his Refurrection from the Dead. 41 The Witneftes of his Refurreclion. 42 Other Evidences of his Refurreclion. 121 CONTENTS. Pag. Seft. 121 43 He was raifedby the Power of God. 44 Chrift's Afcenfion. 45 That he fhould fit at God's right Hand. 46 The HolyGhofl promifed. 47 The Holy Gholt promifed by Chrift. 122 48 More Prophefies of Chrift concerning the Perfecution of Christians. 122 49 The Evidence of Miracles appealed to as a Foundation of Faith in Chrift. 123 50 New Teftament Miracles, attending the Birth of Chrift. 51 Miraculous Cures. 52 Devils caft out. 124 53 Sicknefs heal'djBlindnefs cured, Deafnefs, Lamenefs, Leprofy, Palfie. 54 The Dead raifed. 55 Chrift calms the Wind and Sea, walks on the Water, feeds Thoufands, turns Water into Wine. 125 A great Draught of Fifhcs. A piece of Money taken in a FiftTs Mouth. A Fig-Tree curled, withers. 56 Miracles accompanying the Death of Chrift, 57 Difciples are impowered to work Miracles. 58 Miracles wrought by the Apoftles. CHAP. V. 126 1 Chrift's Glory before his Incarnation. 2 His Glory on Earth. 3 His Glory after his Refurreclion. 127 4 ChrilVs Exaltation at God's right Hand. 5 Chrift's Exaltation above Mankind. The Church is fubjecl: to Chrift. 7 Chrill is exalted above Angels. CHAP. VI. Divine Titles given to Chrift. 128 1 Son of God. 130 2 Chrift's diftinguithed from the created Sons of God. - 3 Chrift is the Image of God. 4 God. 5 Lord. 133 6 One with the Father. 7 The fame Things fpoken of the Father, and of Chrift. Chrift's Titles ranged Alphabetically. CHAP. VII. Chrift's Works. 135 1 He created all Things. 2 He will raife the Dead. 3 He will change the Bodies of Mankind. 4 He will judge the World. c >36 CONTENTS. Pag. ScQ. 136 5 He will riiipence fuitable Rewards and Punifliments. 6 Rewards from Chrift to the Righteous. j Punifliments to be inflicted on the Wicked by Chrifl. CHAP. VIII. Worihip offered to Chrift. i Afts of Worihip offered to Chfift jointly with the Father. 2 Atts -of Worlhip offered to Chrift alone. C H A P. IX. Perfections of Chrift. »37 *J9 140 142 i43 '44 844 •*46 14" 14S 149 1 Chrffl's Knowledge. 2 Chrift's Wifdom. 3 Power and Dominion 4 Acfts of Chrift's Power toward his People. 5 Acts of his Power againft his Enemies,. 6 Chrift's Righteoufnefs. 7 Pie promoted Righteoufnefs. 8 Chrift's Holinefs. g jufiice. ]0 Truth. 1 1 Goodnefs. 13 Eternity. C H A P. X. Chrift's Benefits to Men, or Bleffmgs they recent through him as a Saviour, Redeemer, Deliverer, &c. 17 151 18 1.52 20 21 ' 2Z '53 23 24 254 25 Chrift is the Saviour, Salvation is by him. Chrift is a Redeemer, Redemption is through him. Chrift a Ranlbm. ■ A Price. A Deliverer. Mediator. Interceffcr. Advocate. Reconciliation by Chrift. Peace with God by Chrift. Grace from Chrift. Juftification by Chrift. Sancliiication through Chrift. thrift is Life to his People. Eternal Life is from and by Chrift. Eternal Life is the Gift of God through Chrift. Benefits from Chrift againft Sin. Chrift's Love to his People. Chrift's Care of his People. Chrift's Pretence with his People. Chrift's Excellencies and Benefits, briefly expreffed. Titles given to Chrift taken from the higheft Offices on Earth, denoting his Benefits and Dignity. Chrift a Prophet. This Office foretold by the Prophets. Chrift's Account cf his prophetick Office. Chrift is called the Light of the World. 154 CONTENTS. Pag. Sea. u 54 26 Chrift is called a Pried. 27 His Ottering a Sacrifice. 28 Chrift. was given and delivered., the DeSign thereof. 29 Chrift gave himfelf and for what End. 30 Chritt frittered, the End thereof. 31 Chrift's Death the Efficacy thereof. 32 Chrift's Blood, the Eiticacy thereof. 156 23 Chrifta Propitiation. 34. Atonement. J 57 35 Chrift called a King having Dominion. 36 A Prince. 37 A Governor. 38 Chrift called David. 158 3q The Offspring of David. 40 The Son of David. CHAP. XI. Baptifin and the Lord's Supper. 158 1 Baptifin before Chi ift's Death. 1159 2 Baptifin after Chrift's Refurreclion. 160 3 The Institution of the Lord's Supper. 4 It is to be received frequently. 5 To be received with Suitable Preparation. CHAP XII. Of the Holy Ghoft. 162 1 The Spirit's Influence upon the Material and Animal Creation- 2 Upon the Minds of Mankind. >\A\ 3 Upon the Formation of Chrift's Body. 4 Upon the Endowments of Chrift's Mind. 1 64 5 Upon the Actions of Chrift's Life. 6 His Miracles. 7 Upon his Oblation. 8 His Refurreclion. 9 Upon the Apoftlcr, is a Witnefs to Chrift. 10 Upon the Apoftles, furnifhing them with the Know- ledge of divine Truths and Utterance to exprefs them. i;'66 11 The Scriptures written by the Prophets and Apoftles under the Influence of the Holy Ghoft. 167 12 Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit upon the Apoftles and fame primitive Christians. 13 The Influences of the Spirit upon the Minds of Christians in general in their Sandtification. 171 14 The Spirit's Influences upon Governors, Magistrates and Warriors. 15 The Spirit proccedeth from the Father and the Son. or Is given and lent by them. \"jZ 16 Gin? againft and Duties toward the Spi.it. c 2 C H A J'. CONTENTS. Pag. Seft. CHAP. XIII. Of the Trinity. The fame Things attributed to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghoft. 173 1 Eternity. 2 Omniprefence. 3 Omnifcience. 4 Wifdom, 174 5 Omnipotence. 6 Goodnefs. 7 Works of God Creation. 8 Sending Teachers. 175 9 Teachers receive their Knowledge from Father, Son and Holy Ghoft. 10 Father, Son and Spirit fpake by thofe that were fent. 1 1 Father, Son and Holy Ghoft are in Chriftians as in a Temple. 12 Sanclincation by Father, Son and Spirit. 13 God's People are lead by Father, Son and Holy Spirit- 1 4 Give Life 15 Railing the Dead. 176 16 The Son and Spirit joined with the Father, in Ads of Worihip. CHAP. XIV. Duties toward God. 176 1 Knowing God and Chrift. 2 Denying God. 3 Prayers for them that know God and Promifes to them. 4 God will be known by his People. 177 God is made known by his Works. 5 Chrift called Light as a Teacher fent to give the Knowledge of God. 6 Duties of the enlightened who know God. 178 7 The Wicked know not God. 8 Faith in God 179 9 Faith in Chrift. to Faith in Chrift, brief Summaries thereof. 1 1 Confefling Chrift, Promifes to it. 1 2 Denying Chrift, Threats. I So 13 The Certainty and Afturance of Faith, being ftrong, ftedfaft, and perfevering in Faith. 181 14 Graces and Duties accompanying true Faith, or Marks and Evidences of true Faith. , 183 15 God the Author and fupreme Caufe of Faith, j 6 Prayers and Thanks to God for Faith. 184 17 Chrift the Author of Faith.— The Holy Ghoft the Author of Faith. 18 Means of Faith are God's Word. 19 AGofpel Miniftry. 185 The Gofpel called Faith, and the Law of Faith. 186 20 Promife of JuiHfication to believing in God. 21 Juftification promifed to believing in Chrift. 1 87 22 Adoption or being Sons of God promifed to Faith. 187 CONTENTS. Pag. Sea. 187 23 God's Love promifed to believing in Chrift. 24 Chrift prayeth for Believers. 25 Sins of Believers pardoned. 26 Holy Spirit promifed to Believers. 27 Light and Direction promifed to Believers. 28 Grace and Peace promifed ro Believers. 188 29 Joy and Comfort promifed to Believers. 30 Chrift is precious to Believers. 3 1 They have Accefs to God in Prayer. 32 Sanclification by Faith. 33 Salvation by Faith in God. 34 Salvation by Faith in Chrift. 189 35 Things extraordinary promifed to the Faith of fome primi- tive Chritlians. 190 36 Thefe Promiies were fulfilled. 37 Miracles wrought for Perfons of eminent Faith. 38 Inftances of approved Faith. 39 Want of Faith reproved. 191 40 Exhortations againft Unbelief. 41 Threatening^ againft Unbelief toward God. 42 Threatenings againft Unbelief toward Chrift. 43 Caufes of Unbelief alfigned in Scripture. 193 44 Looking to God. 45 Remembering God, and not remembering God. 46 Forgetting God. 47 Threats againft thofe that forget God. 194 48 Warning againft forgetting God. 49 Meditation upon God and his Word. 195 50 Fearing God. 51 The Excellency of fearing God. 52 A commanded Duty. 53 God is to be feared on Account of his Perfections. 54 On Account of his Words and Works. 196 55 Fear of the Lord promifed and prayed for. 56 Joined with Obedience toward God. ■ 57 With the Worftiip of God. 58 It is a Motive to Duty, and a Reftraint from Sin. 197 <;g Promifes to them that fear God- 198 60 Other Exprefllons fetting forth the Fear of God. Trembling. 199 61 Heaven and Earth tremble at God's Greatnefs. Quake, Terror, Reverence, Afraid. 62 Threatenings againft thofe that fear not God. 63 The Wicked fear not God with that Fear which is a Reftraint from Sin and Motive to Duty. 2©o 64 The Wicked have a tormenting Fear of God. 6^ God delivers the Wicked up to their Fears of Enemies. 201 66 Love to God commanded. 67 Promifes to them that love God. 68 Prayers for them that love God. 69 Exhortations to love God. 70 Inftances of Perfons loving God. 202 CONTENTS. Pag. Sea. •202 71 How Love to God is produced in Chriftians. 72 It is prayed for as a Gilt from God. 73 It is a Fruit of the holy Spirit 74 Love to God is evidenced by keeping Ms Commandments, and loving his Servants. 75 Love to Chriit enforced byPromifes. 103 76 Prayers for them that love Chrift. 77 Love to Chrift enforced by Threatening?. 78 Enforced by the Example of God the Father. 79 Enforced by the Example of the Church of God. 80 Enforced by ChrifVs Love to his Church. 81 Obedience to Chrift the Evidence of Love to him. 82 Hating God, Threats againft it. 204 83 Hating Chrift. 84 Defiring God. 85 Thirfting, longing for God and the Things of God, Promi- fes to iuch. 86 Joy in God. 205 87 Joy in God through Chrift. 88 Perfons encouraged to rejoice in God are the Righteous. 89 The Meek. 90 Thofe that ieek God. 9r Thofe that truft in God- 92 Thofe that hope in God. 93 Thofe that have Faith or believe. 94 Joy promifed. 9^ Things of God rejoiced in are Chrift. 206 96 The Holy Ghoft. 97 God's Worftiip. 98 The Worfnip of God fixed a Caufe of Rejoicing. 99 God's Prcfence with his People, Caufe of Joy. 3.C] 100 God's Love and Care of his People, a Caufe of Joy. 01 God's Mercy, a Caufe of Joy. 02 Help and Strength from God, a Caufe of Joy. 03 Salvation from God againft Enemies, Caufe of Joy. 04 God's Vengeance upon his and his People's Enemies, Caufe of Joy. 05 God's Word, Caufe of Joy. 06 God's providential Government, Caufe of Joy. 208 107 Temporal Deliverances of God's Church, Caufe of Joy. 08 Spiritual Blefllngs conferred on the Church, a Caufe of re- joicing. 09 God's Work of Creation, Caufe of Joy. 10 Worldly Profperity from the Hand of God, a Caufe of Joy. 209 1 1 1 Rejoicing in God in Time of worldly Adverfity. 12 Comfort and Confolation from God promifed. 210 113 God fatisfieth. 211 114 Delight in God. 1 5 Things of God delighted in by his People. 16 Delight in Chrift. 17 Glorying in God. CONTENTS. sca. 1 8 Sinful glorying of the Wicked. 19 Boalting in God. 20 Sinful Boafting of the Wicked. z\ Hope in God and Chrift. 22 The Hope of the Wicked. 23 The Expectation of the Righteous from God. 24 The Expectation of the Wicked. 25 The Righteous wait for God. 20 The Wicked wait not for God. 27 SubmifTion and Refignation to God, the Language thereof, 28 Relying upon God. 29 Trufting in God and Chrift. 30 Confidence in God. 31 Confidence in God, a Security againft the Fear of Evii from Man. 32 The Confidence of the Wicked. H Ailu ranee of the Righteous. 34 Seeking God commanded. 35 God is to be fought with all the Heart. 36 Promifes to them thaf feek God. 37 Prayers for them that feek God. 38 Examples of God's People feeking him-.. 39 The Wicked feek not God. 40 Seek not God aright. — Threats againft them. j I 41 Drawing near to God. 42 Coming to God. Through Chrift. Come to Chrift. 43 Following God. 44 Chrift. 45 Forfaking God, Threats, 46 Departing from God. Not departing, Inrtances. 47 Backfliding from God. Promife. 48 The Wicked go afide, go aftiay, err, wander, turn away from God. 49 Confefiion thereof. 50 Threats. 5 1 Worfhip due to God only. Angels not to be worfhipped. 52 How God is to be worfhipped. 53 Worfhip offered by the Wicked unacceptable to God. 54 Fading appointed of Cod. 5 5 Fafts extraordinary .ind miraculous kept. 56 Fading acceptably. 57 Fafts of the Wicked. 58 General Occafions of Fafts. 59 After being defeated by Enemies. 60 Judgments threatened. 61 Difcretionary Fafts. igz CONTENTS. Sect. 62 Perfons whofe Prayer fhall be heard. 63 The divine Influence in Prayer, the Spirit's Afliftance. 64 Prayer to be made in the Name of Chrift. 65 Prayer to be made in Faith. 66 With Sincerity of Heart. 67 With Love to God. 68 With the Fear of God. 69 With Obedience to God. 70 With Humility, Confeflion, and turning from Sin. 7 r With Forgivenefs toward Men. 72 With Alms and good Works. 73 Muil be frequent, fervent, and importunate. 74 Prayer with Tears. 75 Private Prayer. 76 Publiclc Prayer, a Part of publick Worftip. 77 Directions concerning the Words or Exprelfions to be ufed in Prayer. 78 Of the Gefturesof Body ufed in Prayer. 79 Things to be prayed for. 80 The Lord's Prayer, a Model.* 81 Spiritual Bleihngs, Wifdom and Grace to be prayed for. 82 Such earthly Things as are agreeable to God's Will, and Submiilion to it. 85 Daily Bread to be prayed for. 84 Health and Deliverance from Sicknefs. 185 The Prayer of the Poor heard. [86 Interceffory Prayer. [87 For whom we ought to pray. 188 For the Church of God. [89 Inftances of fuch Prayers. 190 For Enemies. 191 Inftances of fuch Prayers. [92 Motives to Prayer, it is a commanded Duty. 193 God promifeth that he will hear Prayer. [94 God hath heard Prayer. [95 Teftimony of God s People that he hath heard their Prayer [96 Their Expectation that God will hear their Prayer. 197 Their Intreaties that their Prayers may be heard. [98 Their Grief at not being heard. 199 The Efficacy of Prayer, Miracles wrought by it. 241 200 Armies defeated by Prayer, and God's People delivered. 201 Prayers againft Evil from Enemies. 242 202 Prayer in Trouble, Inftances thereof. 243 203 Prayerlefs Perfons, or not praying. 244 204 The Prayers of Hypocrites. 205 The Prayers of the Wicked not acceptable to God. 245 206 Praife and Thanks due unto God, and required by him from the Righteous. 246 207 Praife from the Wicked unacceptable to God. 208 The Wicked, their Unthankfulnefs. 209 Praife muft be frequent. 246 CONTENTS. Pag. Sea. 246 210 Praife muft be with Sincerity. 21 1 God preparetli his People for his Praife, or the divine Influ- ences therein. 247 212 Thanks to God through Chrift. 2 1 3 Praife is a Part of publick Worfhip. 248 214 Of finging the Praifes of" God. 249 215 Subjects of Praife, God's Goodnefs r.nd Mercy. 250 216 Praife for Chrift. 217 ForBlellings from God by and through Chrift. 251 218 For God's Will revealed. 219 For the Obedience and Faith of Chriftians as owing to God. 220 For God's Care of his Church. 252 221 For God's great and marvellous Works. 222 For God's marvellous Acts upon the Bodies and Minds of Mankind. 223 For daily Bread. 253 224 For Deliverance from Trouble and Affliction. 22 <; For Deliverance from Enemies. 255 226 Honour due to God, and claimed by him. 227 God is honoured by Acts of Worfhip, Praife and Thanks. 228 By Holinefs of Life in his People. 229 By his People in keeping the Sabbath. 256 250 By Acts of Charity and Mercy to the Poor. 231 Honouring; Chrift, Motives to it. 232 The Wicked diihonour God, and are pumfhed. 233 Glorifying God. 234 Chrift glorified God on Earth. 235 Men glorify God by Praife and Thankfulnefs. 257 236 By Faith. 237 By good Works. 238 By various Duties. 239 Doxologies, or Glory alcribed to God in Worfhip. 258 240 God is glorified in the Reftordtion and Prevalence of true Religion among his People. 259 241 The Wicked glorify not God, and are punifhed. 242 God is glorified in the Destruction of the Wicked. 243 Sanctifying God. 260 244 Threats againft thofe who fanctify not God. C PI A P. XV. Characters good and bad, with Promifes and • Threats. 260 1 Godlinefs in Heart and Life. 2 Promifes to the Godly. 3 Means of Godlinefs given. 261 4 Godlinefs mifreprefented. 5 Ungodly defcribed by their Practice. 6 Threats againft the Ungodly. 7 Righteoufnefs required. 8 Promifes to the Righteous of peculiar Favour from God. d Promifes CONTENTS. Pag. Sect. 263 9 Promifes of Bleflings to the Righteous, as the Confequence of Righteoufnefs by the Appointment of God. 264 10 The Righteous fhall be delivered from Enemies. 1 The Death of the Righteous bletied. 2 The Righteous blefted after Death. 265 1 3 L'n righteoufnefs forbidden. 4 Threats againft the Unrighteous. 5 Pardon promifed' to thofe that forfake Unrighteoufnefs. 6 Zeal a Duty. — Want of Zeal. 266 17 Upright. 8 Promifes to the Upright. 267 19 Uprightnefs prayed for, and Prayer for the Upright. 20 Integrity.. 21 Particular Inftances of Integrity. 22 Sincerity. 23 Perfection a commanded Duty. 268 24 Directions for attaining Perfection. 25 Means of Perfections are, God and Chrifr. 26 The Holy Scriptures, a Mean of Perfection* 27 The Miniftry, a Mean of Perfection. z8 Promifes to the Perfect. 29 Inftances of Perfons called perfect. 269 30 Hypocrify forbidden. 31 Marks of Hypocrites. 270 32 Threats. ^^ Hypocrites hurtful to Men. 34 The Heart of the Righteous toward God, the whole Hear-t,,, or Sincerity in Duties. 271 35 Pure Heart. 36 Perfect Heart. 37 Upright Heart. 38 Single Heart. 39 Clean Heart. 272 40 Broken contrite Heart. 41 Duties reflecting the Heart. 273 42 God taketh Notice of the Heart. 43 God influenceth the Hearts of the Righteous. 274 44 God's Judgments on the Hearts of the Wicked. 275 45 Satan influences the Hearts of the Wicked, Inftances thereof. 46 An evil Heart defcribed. 47 The Hearts of the Wicked. 48- Keeping a- good Confcience. 276 49 A good Confcience how attained. 30 Natural Confcience, Inftances of the Force thereof . 5 1 A weak Confcience not to be wounded. 52 Of an evil Confcience 53 Serving God commanded. 54 With the Heart. 5 5 With fuitable Difpofitions of Heart. 277 56 God's Servants, Promifes to them. 278 57 God's fervants, Prayers for them. 279 58 Not ferving God, Threats. 279 CONTENTS. Fag. Seft. 279 59 Obedience to God commanded. 60 Univerfal Obedience required. 2-80 61 Obedience required with an high Efteem of Gou:s Law. 62 With Refolutionof Heart. 63 Ability for Obedience promifed. 281 64 Ability for Obedience prayed for.. 282 65 Ability received from God acknowledged, 66 Inllanoes of Obedience. 67 Promifes to the Obedient. 284 68 Threats againft the "Difobedient. ■285 69 Obedience to Chrift commanded. 70 Promifes to them that obey Chrift. 2S6 7 1 Promifes to them that overcomeTemptations in obeyingChrift. 72 Diibbedience to Chrift, Threats. j I God will render to Mankind according to their Works, good or bad. 287 74 Good Works commanded. 288 75 Ability for good Works promifed. 76 Promifes to the Performance of good Works. 2-89 77 Examples of -good Works. 78 Omiilion of good Works, Threats. 79 Shunning Evil and. doing Good commanded. 80 Promifes to them that do Good, that do well. 81 Evil Doers, their Works to be avoided. 290 82 Evil doing, the Character ^of the Wicked. 8j Threats againft Evil-doers. 291 84 Darknefs, and the Works thereof. 85 Threats againft them. 86 The Righteous walk not in Darknefs. 292 87 The Wicked and their Works called dead, the Righteous are alive from the Dead. 88 Works of the Devil, Children of the Devil. 89 The Righteous have no Fellowfhip with the Children of the Devil. •90 Works of the Flefh, living after the Flefh. 293 91 Lufts of the Flefh, forbidden to Chriftians. 92 Lulling after Women. 294 93 Lulling after Meats and Drinks. 94 The Evil of Lufts. 95 Corruption prevailing. 96 Confellion of Corruption. 97 The Righteous not corrupt. 98 Defilement of Sin. 99 Threats againft it. 100 Uncleannefs of Sin. 1 o 1 Confeflion of Uncleannefs. 296 103 Directions againft it. 104 Threats againft it. 105 Pollution. 106 Filthinefs. 107 Directions. d 2 ?Sji CONTENTS. Pag. Sect. 290 108 Promifcs. 109 r[ hreats. I 1 o Vilenefs. 297 1 ! 1 ConfeiTion of Vilenefs. I I 2 Abominablentfs. 1 1 3 Promifes to the Juft, and Prayers for them: 298 1 14 Threainings againft the Unjuft. 1 1 5 The Unjuil hurtful in the Eatth. * 1 1 6 The general Character of a good Man's Walk and Life. 299 1 1 7 Promiies to the Good. 1 18 Evil Men. 300 119 Perverfenefs. 120 Threats. 1 2 1 Threats againfl; the Froward. 301 122 The Righteous not froward. 1 23 Stuhbornnefs, the Stiff-necked in their own Ways, and Ways of their own Sight and Eyes. 124 The Wicked are Revolters. 302 125 R ebel] ion againft God forbidden. 303 126 Enemies, Aoveifan'es of the Lord. 127 Deliverance from Enmity againft God. 128 God's Threatenings againft the Wicked. 305 129 Threats againft the V/icked of Evils, as the Confequences of Wickednefs, under the providential Government of God. 308 130 God's Threatnings againft Sinners. 309 131 Sinners threatened with various Evils under the Providence of God. 310 132 Tranfgreifors, Threatenings againft them. 311 133 Iniquity forbidden. 134 Goo's Threatenings againft the Workers thereof. 313 135 Iniquity, the Punifhment thereof threatened under the pro- vidential Government of God, intermixed with Jnrtances thereof executed. Firft Commandment. 314 136 Idolatry, or the Worfliip of ftrange Gods forbidden. j 37 Threatenings againft Idolaters. 138 Judgments inflicted upon Idolaters. 316 139 God's Judgments upon particular Tranfgreflbrs of this Commandment. 140 Covenants and Intermarriages with the Heathen Inhabitants of Canaan forbidden to the Jews, left they lhould thereby be infnared to Idolatry, 141 Making Covenants and Intermarriages with Tranfgreifors of this Commandment puni/hed. ^17 142 Strange Cods to be pur away. 143 TranigiehtJi.s of this Commandment among the People of Jfrael, and the Enticers thereto, to be put to Death by the Hands of Men. 144 Threatenings againft ftrange Gods. 145 Strange Gods are Vanity. 318 CONTENTS. Pag. Sect. 318 146 Enquiring concerning future Events of thofe who by Nature are no Gods, forbidden. Second Commandment. 3'iS 147 Images, the Ufe of them forbidden. 14S Gocl's Judgments on the Breakers of this Commandment. 5:0 149 Images no Representation ot God. i co Images were commanded to be broken. 1 5 1 Images were broken. 321 152 Inflar.ces of Images ufed by Apoftatesas outward Symbols in Worfhip offered to' the true God. 153 Worfhip to Images rcfufed though commanded by Kings. j -4. Threats againft idols and Idolater*. 1 5 5 Promifes, Warnings, and Exhortations againft Idolatry. 322 156 Goa's Judgments upon Idolaters. 323 157 Magicians. 158 Inchanters. 1 59 Soothfayers. 160 Obfejvers of Times. 161 Witches. 162 Wizards, worfhipping Angels, &c. 324 163 Diviners. j 64 Diviners are Deceivers, and falfe Prophets. 165 Threats againift Diviners. 166 Familiar Spirits, Threats againft thofe that confult them. Third Commandment. IZ4. Jz> y-i 67 Profaning the Name of God. 68 Swearing fallely. 69 Swearing by the Creatures. 70 Sweai ir.g by falfe Gods. 7 1 Swearing in common Convcrfation. 72 Swearing to commit S'n. 73 Rafh, unneceffary Swearing. 74 God only is to be lworn by. 75 An Oath, the Nature and Duty thereof. 76 Oaths to be firictl)' kept. -7 Thing to be fwom to are Truth and Duty. 78 Articles of Peace ratified by Oath. 79 Breach of fuch Oaths puniflied. 80 Private Compacts ratified by Oath. Si Oaths fworn to Kings. 82 The Oath oi afingle Perfon decides Controverfy. 83 The Duty and Lawlulncfs of fweaiir.g, Examples. 84 God fwears to Abraham. 85 To give the 1 and of Canaan. 86 To lulhl his Covenant. To continue the Seed of David. 187 To the Continuance of Chrill's Pricfthood. 327 CONTENTS. Pag. Se&. 327 188 To fulfil his Threatenings againft the Unbelieving and Difo- bedient. 189 Jefus Chrifl: anfwers upon Oath. 190 An Angel fwears. 191 AiTeverations of Sincerity which are equal to an Oath among Christians. 328 192 Ancient Forms of Swearing. 193 Blafphemy forbidden. 194 Occafions of it to be avoided. 195 From whence it proceeds. 196 Inftances of Blafphemers punifhed, 329 197 Blafphemy againft the Holy Ghoft. 198 Perfons unjuftly accufed of Blafphemy. 199 Of Vows. 200 Vows to do Duty. 201 Sinful Vows. Fourth Commandment. 329 202 Of the Sabbath. 330 203 The Sabbath, a Day of Reft from fervile Work. 204 Duties of the Sabbath, worfhipping God, reading and hearr ing his Word. 205 Works of Charity and Mercy to be done on the Sabbath. 331 206 Promifes to them that keep the Sabbath. 207 The Care of God's People to fandtify the Sabbath themfelves, and to prevent the profaning of it by others. 332 208 Threatnings agamft Sabbath-breakers. 333 2°9 Sabbath Privileges withdrawn. 210 The Change of the Sabbath from the feventh to the firft Day of the Week. CHAP. XVI. Duties toward Mankind. 333 1 Love toward Mankind. 334 2 How Love toward Mankind is produced. 33? 3 Prayers and Thanks to God for Chriftian Love as being his Gift. 4 The Influence and Effefts of Love upon the Temper and Be- haviour of Chriftians toward one another, or how Love is evidenced. 5 Charity with other Graces enjoined. 336 6 Approved Examples of Charity and other Graces. 7 Hatred toward Mankind, Threatenings againft it. 337 8 Duty of the Righteous toward thofe that hate them. 9 Prayers and Complaints to God againft the Hatred of the Wicked. 10 Promifes to thofe that are unjuftly hated and Threatenings a- gainft thofe that hate them. 338 11 Envy forbidden to the Righteous. 12 The Wicked, their Envy hurtful to themfclves. B38 CONTENTS, Pag. Seft. 338 13 Envy a Mark of an unconverted State. 339' ? 4 Malice forbidden to the Righteous. 15 Malice in the Wicked. 16 Anger forbidden. 340 17 Inltances of the Anger of the Righteous againft Sin. 18 binful Anger, inltanccs thereof. 19 Wrath. 20 Contention. 341 21 Proinifes and Prayers againft Contention. 22 The Righteous contend only againft Sin. 23 Peace commanded with Promiies to it. 342 25 Peace prayed for as a dclirable Gift of God. 343 26 Peace the Gift of God, Promifes and Inftances thereof. 27 Peace with God is the blefled Reward of the righteous or good Man. 28 Peace pramifed to the Church of God. 29 Unity. Honouring one another. Defpifing others. Strife forbidden to the Godly. Fightings, Quarrels. Divifions forbidden. Offences forbidden. Threats againft Offenders. Doing Good to others. 38 Doing Evil. 39 Doing W'rong. 40 Doing Mifchief the Character of the Wicked. 349 41 Of being Harmlefs. 42 Blamelefs. 43 Promifes to the Mercifuh 44 Unmerciful, Threats. 45 Compaffion and Pity. 46 Cruelty of ihe Wicked. 47 Forgivenefs. 48 Revenge. 49 Duty of giving and receiving good Counfel. 50 Rejecting evil Counfel the Duty anu Saicty thereof. 51 The mutual Obligation cf giving and receiving Inftru&ioa. 52 Of refufmg Inftruction. 53 To edify one another. 54 To exhort one another. 55 To warn one another. 56 To admonifh one another. 57 To rebuke one another, and to hearken to Rebuke. 58 Of not giving and receiving Rebuke. 59 To reprove one another. 60 Not hearkening to Reproof. 61 Gentlenefs. 62 To fliew Kindnefs commanded . 63 To give Comfort. 55* 3+4 29 30 345 31 32 346 33 34 35 347 36 37 348 38 CONTENTS. Pag. Seft. 356 64 Friendiliip and Faithfulnefs therein. 357 65 Unfaithiulnefs in Friend/hip. Bearing with one another's Weakness, or Differences in Re- ligion. 358 66 Forbearing to judge one another on account of Differences. 359 67 Setting good Example. 63 Enticing others, and being enticed to Sin. 69 Of' Gratitude. 70 Ingratitude. CHAP. XVII. Duties towards our Selves. 360 1 Temperance in Meat and Drink. 2 Ot Intemperance in Meat and Drink. 361 3 Drunkennefs the Evils thereof. 36Z 4 Of making others drunk. 5 Sleep. 6 Labour commanded, and Promifes to the Laborious, the Di- ligent and Ir.duflnous. 363 7 Of the Sluggard, the Slothful, and Idle. 364 8 The Study and Purfuit of Wifdom recommended. 9 The Excellency of Wifdom above all other Endowments. 365 10 Wifdom is profitable, pleafant and honourable.* 1 1 Wifdom is the Gift ot God. 366 12 Wifdom prayed for. 13 Wifdom and Religion the fame. 367 14 A Fool's vain Pretences to Wifdom, he is wiie in his own Conceit. 1 5 A Fool receiveth not Inftruclion. 368 16 A Fool difcovereth his Folly. 17 A Fool's Condua toward his Parents. 18 A Fool is milchievous. 19 He is wrathful. 20 Contentious. 21 A Fool's Words. 369 22 A Fool's Pleafures. 23 Treatment for Fools. 24 Folly and VVickednefs the fame. 370 2«; Patience toward God. 371 26 Patience toward Men. 372 27 Contentment. 28 Difcontent, Murmuring. 29 Grudging 30 Meeknefs. 3 1 Meeknefs how produced. 32 Meeknefs, Examples thereof. 33 Promifes to the Meek. 34 Humility toward God. 374 35 Humility towards Men. 36 Promifes to the Humble. 375 37 Promifes to humbled Sinners. 375 CONTENTS. Pag. $e£t. 38 Examples of Humility. 39 TheEle£t are humble. 40 Humbled Saints, their Expreflions. 377 41 Pride againft God. 42 Pride againft Men. 43 Spiritual Pride, feeming Righteous. 44 Proud of Wifdom and Knowledge. 578 45 The Proud feek Honour from Men. 46 Threats and Prayers ag-untt the Proud. 379 47 Arrogancy. 48 Loftinefs. 49 Haughtinefs. 50 Exalting one's Self. 5 1 Lifting up one's Self. 52 Magnifying one's Self. 53 Glorying. 54 Boafting. 381 55 Scorning. 56 Threats againft Kings and Nations of the foregoing Charac- ters of Pride, &c. 57 Of Marriage. 382 58 Divorce. q9 Divorce was difapproved. 60 Divorce is exprefly forbidden in the New Teftament. 61 Marriage with Unbelievers. 62 Jews forbidden to marry with the Heathen Inhabitants of Canaan. 383 63 Embracing Chriftianity did not diftblve Marriage contracted before. 64 Hufbands Duties. 65 Duties of Wives. , 584 Women's Apparel. 66 Children. Duties toward them, to provide for their Support. 67 To defend them 68 To pray for them . 69 To Inftruct them. 3$ 5 70 Particular Heads of Instruction. 71 Inftances of Parents careful to inftrudi. their Children. 72 Correcting Children. 73 Parents careful to marry their Children into religious Fa- milies. 3S6 74 Portions given to Children. 75 Children are among the promifed Bleffings of God to Mankind. 76 Children promrfed. 387 77 A defire of Children. 78 God's Care of Mothers. 388 79 God's Care of Children. 80 Grief of Parents at parting with Children. 81 Godly Parents blelfed in the Happinefs of their Children. 82 Wicked Parents puniihed in the Calamities of their Children. 83 Particular Calamities threatened againft the Children of the Wicked. c 389 CONTENTS. Pag. Sect 389 84 That they fhall be (lain by Enemies. S5 Suffer by Famine. 86 Other Evils threatened againft the Children of the Wicked. 87 Erroneous Principles in Religion have deftroyed the natural Aifection of Parents toward their Children. 88 Calamities upon wicked Parents and Children. 89 Want of Children to the Wicked. 90 Promifes to the godly who are childlefs. 390 91 Duties of Children- toward Parents. 92 Initances of dutiful Children I leffed. 93 Difobedient and unduriful Children, Threats againft them. 94 Inftances of undutiful Children curfed. 9j Duties of Mailers toward Servants. 392 96 Duties of Servants. 393 97 Duties of the civil Map iftrate, to- adminifter Juflice impar- tial ly.- 394 98 Qualifications of the civil Magistrate. 99 The Magiitrates Concern with Religion. 395 100 Good Magiftrates a Bleffing promifed to God's People. 396 101 Magiilracy is of divine Appointment. 102 Sins of Magiftrates, perverting of Judgment, Refpedt of Per- fons, Partiality. 103 Ferverting of judgment through Covetoufnefs, taking Gifts. 104 I'erverting Judgment through Drunkennefs. 397 10- The Miferv of being governed by weak or wicked Rulers. 106 Wicked Ruiers fet over a People as a Punifhrnent for Sin. 107 Wicked Rulers, Enemies to Religion. . 108 God s Providence over Kings and Rulers 'exalting or abafing them. 39S 1C9 Particular Infrances of God's Providence exalting or abafing Rulers. 1 10 Duties toward Governors, praying for them. 399 1 1 1 Honour and Refpett to be ihewn to Magiitrates in Words and Actions. n2 Obedience to Magistrates. 113 Rebellion againft Magiftrates ; rfea Sin and Punifhrnent thereor. 114 Difobedience to Magiitrates a Duty, when they abufe their Power, by cotnmanflirtg Things contrary to God's Law, In- ftances thereof. 400 115 Mini'fers of Chrift their Duties, the ComuiuTion given to the Apoftles. 402 116 Power committed to the Apoftles of Excommunication. 117 Perfons nnjuiliy Excommunicated. 403 1 1 8 None may intrude into the MinifteriaJ Office. 1 19 Teaching Truth the Duty of Ministers. 407 120 The good Effects of Preaching. 121 Gcod Minifters promifed. 40S 122 Faithful Minifters, Pfomii.es to them, and Prayers for them. 123 They are holy and unblameable in Life and Coaverfa- tion. 410 124 Their Humility, Self-de-mal, and Condefcenfion. 411 CONTENTS. Pag. Sea 411 125 126 127 412 12b 129 4«3 130 414 131 4>5 * 3Z 416 ill 4 '7 134 4.8 135 ,36 4 '9 137 421 138 £22 139 140 141 423 142 424 ^43 They feek not Applaufe from Men. They feek not Riches, they are not covetous. They fpeak boldly the Truths of Religion without Fear. lnftanccs of becoming Boldnefs in reproving Sinners, and declaring the Truths of Religion. The Sufferings of the Apoltles, &c. for Religion. Their Temperance. They pray for the People. Instances of their Prayers for the People. The Supports of Chriftians in general, and of the Lord's Miniilers in particular, under Sufferings fcr Religion. Wicked Mtmfters, their Sin and Punifhment. Their Covetouinefs. Their Intemperance. Their Slothfulnefs. They deceive the People with Flatteries and falfe Doc- trine Duties toward the Miniftry, to receive their Inftrudions. To efteem and love them. To piay for tliem. To fupport them. Sins againft. them, defpifmg them, not hearkening to their Inftructions. Not fu sporting them. Sixth Commandment, 1 44 Murder forbidden. 425 145 Cafes wherein killing of a Man was not to be punilhed with Death. 146 Threatenings againft Murderers. 147 Initances of the Punifhment of Murder. 148 Striking, wounding, maiming, how to be punilhed. Seventh Commandment. 426 149 Of Adultery and Fornication. 150 Threatenings, or the evil Confequences of Adultery and Fornication 430 151 Examples, Exhortations, Promifes, &c. againft Adultery and Fornication. Eighth Commandment. 152 Precepts concerning Property, and the Ufa of Riches in Society. 153 Theft, Threats againft it. 154 Robbery forbidden. 155 Fraud and cheating 156 Lands, the Law thereof. c 2 432 CONTENTS. Pag. Seft. 43 2 157 ,58 159 160 433 161 162 434 163 164 165 436 166 167 168 .69 437 170 171 439 172 Things found, lent, or entrufted, the Law thereof. Oppreflion forbidden, and Duties towards the OpprefTed . Restitution to the Injured to be made. OpprefTors threatened. Prayers for the OpprefTed. Promifes to the OpprefTed- Duties of the Rich toward the Poor, Hofpitality. Lending without Ufury. Giving Alms, Alms in Secret. Alms to be given to the Poor of every Denomination. Alms to poor Chriftians. Promifes to the Poor. Of being uncharitable to the Poor. The Stranger, Widow and Fatherlefs, Duties toward them, and Threatenings againft thofe that opprefs them. Promifes to the Stranger, the Fatherlefs, and Widow. Ninth Commandment. Of Witnefs-bearing. Lying forbidden, Truth commanded. Lying abhorred by God and good Men. Satan and his Children are Liars. Threats and Prayers againft Liars- The Words of the Wicked injurious and offenfive. Words of the Wicked againft God. Evil Speaking. Talkativenefs, Rafhnefs with the Tongue. Flattery. Tale-bearing. . *- Whifpering. Back-biting. Slandering. Reproach, Prayers and Complaints againft it. Reproach, God will bring it upon the Wicked. Reproach, Promifes againft it. Reviiing praetifed by the Wicked and endured by the Godly. Railing, Inftances thereof. Evil Communications. Unprofitable Difputes about Religion. Curfing forbidden and avoided by the Righteous. Curfing practifed by the Wicked. The Righteous, their Care of their Words. The Righteous praife God with their Mouths. The Words of the Righteous toward Men. Tenth CONTENTS. Pag. Se£t. Tenth Commandment. 451 199 Of Covetoufnefs. 200 Threats againft covetous Perfons, Inftances thereof pu- nifhed. 452 201 An infatiable Defire of Riches. 202 Threats againft unjuft Mealures of acquiring Riches. 203 Riches are not a lafting Polfeffion. 204 Riches cannot be carried hence to the other World. 205 Pollerting Riches but not ufing them, the Vanity thereof. 453 206 Riches are attended with Care and Trouble. 207 Riches recommend no Man to the Favour of God. 20S The Advantages which one Man hath over another by Means of his Riches. 454 209 Trulung in Riches and abufing them, the Sin of the Wick- ed, and avoided by the Godly. 210 Riches take the Heart and Thoughts off from God and Re- ligion. 455 211 The wicked rich Man, his Portion. 456 212 The Ufe of Riches in the Hand of a wife and good Man toward hinifelf 213 God maketh rich, 457 214 Riches promifed to the Righteous. 2 1 15 Inftances of good Men that were rich. 216. Inftances of Riche's not regarded by good Men. 217 Thole Things that are neceffary to the Support of Life promifed to the Righteous. Food promifed. 459 218 Famine, Deliverance from it promifed. 460 219 Not earthly but fpiritual Riches, or the Interefts of the Soul, the chief Objects of a wife Man's Defires and Purfuits. 461 220_ Raiment promifed. 221 Supports of Life miraculoufly fupplied. CHAP. XVIII. 461 1 Repentance the firft Doctrine preached at the publifhing of the Gofpel. 462 2 The Duty of Repentance enforced by Threatenings. 3 Repentance enforced by Promifes. 4 Returning to God, Promifes thereto. 463 5 Remarkable Inftances of penitent returning Sinners obtaining Mercy. 464 6 Turning to God enjoined by Commands, enforced by Threa- tenings againft thole who turn not from Sin. 465 7 The Caufe and Means of Repentance and Converfion, God is the Caufe. This implied in Prayers made to God for it, and other Exprelhons afcribing it to God as his Gift. 4'">6 8 Jefus Chrift 21'veth Repentance. 466 CONTENTS. Pag. Seft. 466 9 God's Law, a Mean of converting Sinners. 10 The Miniftry a Mean of converting Sinners. 11 Repentance promifed. 12 Neceffaries to Repentance. Self-Examination. 467 13 Confideration. 14 Inconfideration of the Wicked. 1 5 The Cafe of thofe who withftand the Means of Repentance. 468 16 Sorrow for Sin. 17 Mourning for Sin. 469 18 Reproofs and Threats for not mourning for Sin. 19 Heavinefsfor Sin. 20 Grief for Sin. 21 Not grieving for Sin. 22 Weeping for Sin. 470 23 Tears for Sin. 24 The Heart affected for having finned. 25 A broken, contrite Heait. 471 26 Shame the Portion of Sinners 27 Shame enjoined as a ?Vlaik of Penitents. 28 Avoiding Sin, is avoiding Shame. 29 Reproofs for not being aihamed of Sin. 30 Abhorring and loathing one's felf for Sin. 32 Confeffion and Acknowledgment of Sin, Promifes to it. 33 Exhortations to Confeffion. 34 Inftances of confeliing Penitents obtaining Mercy. 35 Confeffions made in Scripture Expreffions. 472 36 Amendment. 473 37 Fruitfulnefs in Religion. C H A P. XIX. 474 1 Of Death the Shortnefs of human Life._ 2 The Term and Boundary of human Life. 475 3 The Term of Life is in God's Hand. 4 Death prevailing over all Mankind of every Character, Rank, and Station. 476 5 Preparative Duties for Death. 6 No preparative Duties are to be performed after Death. 7 The Death of the Righteous happy. 8 The Death of the Wicked. g The Dead leave all their Poffeffions behind them. 10 Of the R.efurreclion of the Dead. 477 47 S CHAP. XX. 480 1 Of a future Judgment, and its Confequences. 2 God is judge. 4S1 3 The Perfons and Things that mall be judged. 4 Of the Time when the Dav of Judgment (hall be. 485 CONTENTS. Pag. Seft. 481 5 Ufes to be made of the Doctrine of a future Judgment, and its Confequences for encouraging Stedfaftnefs and Perfe- verance in fundry Graces and Duties of the Chriitian Life. 483 6 The Diffolution of the Heavens and the Earth. 484 7 The Happinefs of the Righteous in Heaven is inconceiveably Great. 8 Chriitiansare Heirs, they have an Inheritance, a Kingdom, &c. 485 9 The Righteous have Rett. 10 The Righteous enjoy Manfions, a new Heaven an heavenly Temple, Light, &c. 1 1 They are preient with Chrift. 486 12 Chriftians are in a State of Joy. 1 3 They are free from Pain and Sorrow. 14 Eternal Life is from God. 15 Life is promifed. See Promifes to Faith in Chriil to Obedi- ence. 487 16 To Rightecufnefs. 17 To the Spiritually-minded. 18 To feelcing God. 19 To Godlinefs. 20 To fearing God. 21 To loving God. 22 To Mortification, dying unto Sin. 488 23 To Suffating for ChriiVs Sake. 24 To Perfeverance. 25 To thofe that overcome. 26 To Repentance. 27 To the Wife Future Punifliments. Sinners that mail not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. 489 28 The greateft Punifliments and Surferings in this Life, fet forth in the Language exprefijve of future Punifliments. 490 29 The Funifliruent of the Wicked in a future State. ERRATA. Pag. 24. line 2. for Ague read Plague. P. 38. line 35. receive, read revive. P. 46. line 28 Suffering, read Sufficiency. P. 96. line '32. mine, read mine Eye. P. 114. line 24. former, read former Houfe. P. 131. line 35. Head, read Head of the Corner. P. 122. line 29. Baptift faith, read Baptift's Faith. P. 130. line 34. all Gods, read all, God. P. 145. line 21. my, read thy. P. 1 46. line 40. Righteous, read Re- deemer. P. 166. line 26. Years, read ye are. P. 170. line 39. ye are, read we are. P. 174. line 49. Silefu, read Selucia. P. 179. line 19. John 9. 25. read John 9. 35. P. 201 . line 33. promifed, read prepared. P. 230. line 40. wicked, read naked. P. 230. line 48»exalt, read exa£l. P. 253. line 8. From Deliverance, read For Deliverance. P. 253. line 44. Deliverance, read Deliverer. P254. line 31. Approach, read Re- proach. P. 267. line 10. for the Upright, read for Uprightnefs. P. 301. line 31. an Iniquity, read as Iniquity. P. 3^2. line 33. follow, read hallow. P. 339. line 14. Tit. 3. read Tit. iii. 3. P. 344. line 26 keep, read fleep. P. 3 8 5. line 28. where, read were. P. 387. line 29. ch. 3. read ver. 3. — line 32. ch. 20. read ver. 20. —line 37. ch. 10. read ver. 10. — line 39. ch. 20, read ver. 20. —line 43. ch. 3. read ver. 13. P. 399. line 26. A6ts 8. 2. read Eccl. 8. 2. P. 423. line 14. me again, read once and again. P. 425. line 21. flay him, read ftay him. — line 29. ch. 4. read ver. 4. — line 31. ch. 9. read ver. 9. A SCRIPTURE ACCOUNT, &c. CHAP. I. Concerning the Being and Attributes of God. I . ^ ■ i HAT there is a Gad, afferted, and proved by his Works. Exod. 3. 14. The Lord faid to Mofes, I am that I am. -JL Pf. ix. 16. The Lord is known by the Judgments he ex- ecu teth. xix. 1. The Heavens declare the Glory of God, and the Earth fteweth his Handy-work. Ver. 2. Day untoDay uttereth Speech, and Night unto Night fheweth Knowledge. Job 12. 7, 8, 9. lviii. 1 1. Verily he is a God, that judgeth in the Earth. c. 3. The Lord he is God, he made us. 2 Cor. i. 2i. He that anointed us is God. Heb. iii. 4. He that built all Things is God. Rom. 1. 20. 2. God is perfecl. Matt. v. 48. Your Father in Heaven is perfect. I John i. 5. God is Light and in him is no Darknefsat all. 3. God is one. Deut. vi 4. Hear, O Ifrael, the Lord our God is one Lord. 1 Cor. viii. 4. There is none other God, but one. Mar. 12. 29. Ver- 6. To us there is but one God. Gal. 3. 20. God is one. Eph. iv. 6. One God and Father of all Matt. 23 9. John 8. 41. 1 Tim. ii. 5. There is one God and one Mediator. Jam. ii. 19. Thou bejievelt there is one God, thou doeft well. 4. He is God and Lord, alone. 2 Kings 19. 15. Thou art God alone. Pf. 86. 10. Ifa. 37. t6 20. Neh. ix. 6- Thou art Lord alone. Pf. 33. 18. Whofe Name alone is Jehovah 5. None e/fe. Deut. iv. 35. The Lord he is God, there is none eife. Ifa. 45. 5. 6. 14. 18. 22. — 46. 9. 6. AW befides bim. 2 Sam. vii. 22. Neither is there any God be- fides thee. xxii. 32, Who is God fave the Lord? 2 Kings ; 15. Ifa. xliv. 6 S. Befide me there is no God, I know not any. ch- 45. S-J4- Hi Hof xiii. 4. Thou fhalt know no God but me. Exod. 20. 3. 7. AW %vith him. Deut. xxxii. 39. I am God, there is no God with me. 8. None before bim. Ifa. xliii. 10. Before me there was no God formed. A 2 9- AW 4 Attributes of GOB. Ch. i. 9. None like him. Exod. viii. 10. There is none like unto the Lord our God. xv. 11. Who is like unto thee, O Lord, amongft the Gods, who is like unto thee, glorious in Holinefs, fearful in Praifes, doing Wonders. Pf. 35 10. Mic. 7. 18. 1 Kings viii. 23. O Lord God of Ifrael, there is no God like thee, in Heaven above, or on Earth beneath, who keepeft Covenant and Mercy with thy Servants that walk before thee with all their Heart. Exod. 9. 14. Deut. 33. 26. 2 Sam. 7. 22. 1 Chron. 17. 10. Pf. 86. 8. lfa. 46. 9. Jer. 10. 6- 7. 10. 10. None to be compared unto him. Pf. lxxxix. 6. Who in Heaven can be compared unto the Lord ? 11. No Likenefs of God among the Creatures. Ifa. xl. 18. What Like- nefs will ye compare to him. ch. 46. 5. Deut. 4. 1 2. A6ts xvii. 29. We ought not to think that the God-Head is like to Gold, or Silver, or Stone, graven by Art and Man's Device. 12. The living God. Dan iv. 34. He liveth for ever and ever, his Dominion is an everlafting Dominion, and his Kingdom from Genera- tion to Generation. vi. 26. He is the living God, and ftedfaft for ever. Adts 14. 15. 1 Their. 1. 9. Heb. 9. 14. — 10. 31. 13. He is the true God. Jer. x. 10. The Lord is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlafting King. Ver. 1 1 . The Gods that have not made the Heavens and the Earth, fhall periih from the Earth, and from under the Heavens. See John 17. 3. 1 Theft*, i. 9. 1 John 5. 20. 14. God is a Spirit. John iv. 24. God is a Spirit, and they that worfhip him, muft worfhip him in Spirit and in Truth. 2 Cor. 15. God is invifible. Exod. xxxiii. 20. There fhall no Man fee my Face and live. John i. 18 No Man hath feen God at any Time. 1 John 4. 12. v. 37. Ye have neither heard his Voice, nor feen his Shape. Rom. i. 20. The invifible Things of God, are his eternal Power and God Head. Col. i. 15. Chrift is the Image of the invifible God. Heb. xi. 27. Mofes endured as feeing him who is invifible. 1 Tim. vi. 16. God whom no Man hath feen or can fee. ch. I. 17. Job 9. 11. Other exprejjions to the fame Pttrpofe. Ifa. 'xlv. 15. Verily thou art a God that hideft thyfelf. 2 Sam. xxii. 12 He made Darknefs Pavillions round about, dark Waters and thick Clouds of the Sky. Pf. 18. 11. 1 Kings 8. 12. 2 Chron. 6. 1. Pf xcvii. 2. Clouds and Darknefs are round about him. lxxvii. 19. Thy Way is in the Sea, and thy Foot-fteps not known. Nah. i. 3. The Lord hath his Way in the Whirl-wind, and in the Storm, and the Clouds are the Duft of his Feet. 16. God is unfearchable. Job xi. 7. Canft thou by fearching find Out God ? Canft thou find out the Almighty unto Perfection, ver. 8. 9. Pf 145. 3. His Greatnefs is unfearchable. Job xxxvii. 23. Touching the Almighty, we cannot find him out. Job Ch. i. Attributes of GOD. 5 Job v. 9. He doth great Things, and unfearchable, and marvellous Things without Number- ch. 9. 10. Eccl. iii. 1 1 . No Man can find out the Work that God maketh from the Beginning to the End. Rom. xi. 33. How unfearchable are his Judgments and his Ways paft finding out. Pf. xxxvi. 6. Thy Judgments are a great Deep. Job xxvi. 14. How little a Portion is heard of him, the Thunder of his Power who can underftand ? 17. God is eternal. Ifa. lvii. 15. The high and lofty one that in- habiteth Eternity. 1 Tim. i. 17. To the King eternal, immortal, invifible, the only wife God, be Honour and Glory for ever and ever. See Deut. xxxiii. 27. The eternal God. Rom. 1. 20. Eternal God- Head. 2 Cor. 4. 8. Things not feen are eternal. 18. E