••• A COLLECTION OF PURITAN AND ENGLISH THEOLOGICAL LITERATURE LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY scB /075? 5n lAPOLOGETICA DECLARATION OttheConkicntiom Tresbyterians of § the Trovtnce of L ON d o N, and oimnytbettfanfo of other faitbfull, and Covenant- keeping Citizen*, and *► Inhabitants within the faid City and Suburbs thereof. * Wherein their/fr»»^ and faithfutmffe to their firftg ^ Principles, and to their So/ewfl Lm^«« and Covenant is Con- |fc fcieBtioufly declared ; And the Cvenant-brtaking and Apoflaeie * of 0/to7 h difclaimed and abhorred before God and § •* the whole World. v £ JanMarie, the 2 4 ,h > I £> 4 P • I % Ezckiel 9 i7» i*»\% 9 \9- J§J Shall they profttr, fhall they efcape, that do fucb things? orjhall they break tbt «?► Covenant, and be delivered? S ^ they bays~deftfed the Oath, by breakmg the Covenant ( when # s U 9 <& jfr f&cjl had given their band) and have done all tbefe things. ^J «g» Therefore, thuffaqb the Lord God, As I live, furely, mine Oath wbhh they ♦ J? kwc dijpifed, and my Covenant which they have broken 3 even it will I recent* § <•> penfi upon their own beads. they are not, now, pub* lifhed, in regard of the pre fent over- a wing Power of the Sword; but may and fhallin due time appear in publick, with more ample andfwehope)moft fatisia<5tory Demon- ftration of the juft Reafons of this their prefent con- cealment. Vale. (T) ww^wwmw<§W€mw f9$ :EE the Subfcribers of this our Apologeticali Declaration^ who deuVc to approve our fclvcs tincei e Pro, tj^rr of the true Reformed F rote frant Religion Pns vynrian Ci* tizens and Inhabitants of the honorable, and, lately, famous and renowned City of London, who have cor- dially adhered unto the P arliament,'m its firit and ieeond War againft the Kings Forces, for the defence of the true Pr.ttfrttf Religion, His JMjf fries Perfon^ Crown and Dignity, the Rights and friviledges of Both Houfes of Parliament, and., in them, the Lams and Liberties of the Kingdom : Calling to miodeourfofemn en- gagements, not onely by our Proteflation, ASay, 1 }^ 1641, but efpecially our Solemn League and Covenant, which was foreligi- oufly and ynanimoufly fvvorn unto, with our hands lifted up to the high and holy God of Heaven, that ive would really, fencerely and con- fiant ly y through the grace of God, in our fever all Callings ; and with uur lives and t fiat es, endevour the prefervation of them all; Artie: 1, 2, 3, &c. And, being in our Conferences perfwaded and allured of our indifpenfible obligation fo to do , becaufe moll deeply en> gaged by our faid Covtnant, not tofuffer our felves , direQly or indv* re&ly, by wh'atfoever combination, per Jtvafion, or terror, to be divided or withdrawn from that Caufe which fomuch concerned the glory rfGid, the good of the Kingdom, and honour of the King : But 9 all the dayes of our lives zealoujly and confront ly to continue therein againft alloppofi- tion.r\rt\6. And, whereas, by wofull experience, we are made yeryfenfiblc of the dangerous effe&s of the violation of all our Covenant- concernments, and of thedifappointment of our hopes of reaping the expefted fruits of this defenlive war, for which, we the Subfcribers>h*ve, many of us, adventured our lives, and moft©fus,oureftates,ina meafurc, beyond our abilities,befide« the Common Taxes that have been impofed upon us. And, though we cannot but with bleeding and trembling hearts complain that our Caufe doth in thefefad and perillous times in which we live, meet with fuch violent oppofition, fuch mighty lets and impediments as we are not able to fupprefle and over- come: (3) •ome:yet 9 eonfiderin£ with out* felves, that what we cannot fuppreSe er overcome we are obliged to reveal and make known. Artie: 6. Being alfo moved with fear, left in this time of imminent danger to all that is dear unto us , our filence mould -be taken for csnfent, and Co contract upon our fclves the guilt of betraying Religion, King, Parliament, the Laws and L berties of thi* Nation j having alfo no other way lefc us to fet our Confer- ences at liberty from the aforefaid guilt we might contract by our finfull filence* in this Juncture of time. Wedo,therefore,wnh ihfincerity, fidelity, zeal, and humility, before the mod jult and righteous Lord of heaven and earth, make known unto aU the three Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, to ail the £*- fermed-C bur chef, and unto the who'e Cbriflian World , not oneiy the diffatisfj&ion of oar Spirits, at the late and prejent tranfa&ions of thofe who have forcibly aflumed the Supreme-power into their own hands: But alfo do make this our following molt folemn and ferious Apologeticall Declaration for our clearing and jufljica- tion from allowing oraflinting to the illegall aUings of theie pre- sent times. And that we may alfo publilh unto the world the grounds of thefe our moft ju ft exceptions and neceflicated com- plaints herein, we declare,That,notonc!y,ingf7/erj//, our righ- teous Caufe before mentioned isperverted,deferted,apoftatiaed, and fallen* from, by thofe who molt injur iot) fly and falfly re- proach us with Afoftaciefor not affociating with :hem,and bea- ring them companiein their unwarrantable wayes. But, alfo, in/**rfic*/jr,that it is perverted, and abufed in evejjpart & branch therof.As firft,in point of ourKe/igiac, which we are moft deeply engaged by Cw/eraw* to prefer ve and reform in power and purity^ Whereas in our own experience ( confirmed by the Parliaments firit Remonftrance^ Exaft ColkB: pag.4.) Religion* in its purify, was greatly endangered,inthe Prelates times in tntDMrinatt-part} by the errors of Pop ery, and Arminianifme\ and in worfbip, with fuperftitiou? Innovations : And, \n our f-.d apprehenfion, thelV Urine of the Gojpel is, now adayes ? not oneSy more endangered through the increafe of Pvpcry and Arminiamfine , but of moft blafphemous Antifcripiunfmt , Antitrinitariamjme, Antinomia" ?iijm() Socinianifme 9 and many other iuch like heterodox opni- ens, and damnable d ftrines ;But alfo in point oiworfhip, which, inftead (4) £~<7T7 inftead of faar of corrupting, is, now, in great danger of abfo- ^ lute NuBing, by accurfcd opinions both agafhfi the very W f Ordinances, the fit-times- and ^/appointed by Cod for their admwi$ratio7i\ and even of the Officers and Mwijhy appointed by Jefhs Chrill 3 for their dfanjation. Which doth the more Cdd- lyafftftour hearts, and enforce this juft Declaration and Com- />/*/«*, becauie of that fo eagerly endeavoured unwarrantable Tolerating of them a!l(excepc,in that fubtil exception of theinf of the open pra&ife o>i Popery and Prelacie) as if it wereThat Li- berty oj Confidence which wc have all this while engaged forjBuc rather, againil which* We do not onely proteit, but conirari- wife profefle and declare that it was,onely,* Liberty of Confidence from fin and em>r,which we propounded in our fieeeLme from our former Egyptian 'faskrnafterj the Prelates. In the next place,we further declare again!! the perverting of ourCaufi, in relation to the prefervationof the rights and Privi- ledges of Parliament. For, although we were not able to preferve and defend them, when violated by that unpattem'd and horrid force upon the Houfe, Decemk 6,and 7,laft, 16483 yct we conceive our (elves obliged to Declare againit it, and againll the impri- foiling and fecludingfo many of the faithfulled Patriots and affertors of the publick intereft of the Kingdom; And alfo againft the moftinfolentfubverlionand alteration of the constitution of the Supreme judicatory of the Kingdom, confining of the Kings. PerfonaU or Virtual Pre fence, Lords and Commons, without whom (as we have been alwayes taught and informed ) no Law can be enatted or repealed* The confirmation and inviolable fittlemmt ot which happie National! confiitution, with its prefirvation, were the grounds of our engagements, and no change or alteration of the fame: Whereas, now,to the unexpreffible grief of our Souls we fee a molt ftrong and feirce combination in the General! and Armies CounceVofWane, and others of their partie ( fet forth to the view of us ail, in that Model! of theirs, called, The Agreement of the Peo- ple, and prcfented to that which they call the Parliament, Janu* ary, 20th, 1648.) utterly to fubvert and overthrow the whole jrameot Our forelaid Legal! Government, and to introduce and enforce upon us a moft uncough,itrange,and headlcffe confu- led Arbitrary and tjrannicall Government of their own deviling, and < 5) ft I and by a new as headleiTe Ktpre/bitatht oFtlrcir 6#n crmpaUing, and yet all this while, (even whiles they are moil violently endevouring to overthrow all our National Fundamental! Go- vernment, the very traiterous aft for which the En! bf Sitafgrd and Ca?n\' dyed, and which they now lay to the Kings charge todeitroy him) molt fallacioijfly and hypocritically they pro- Eeft,anditxugle to perfwade usfas ; .in pagi 29th, of their laid Agreement of the People*) that they are fare from any defire or thought to ajjume or exercife a Law-giving ( thelc are their own words)w ju" diciall power cv^r the Kingdom, er to meddle in any thing^fuve tbtfun- damentall fettling ( f that power in the rnrft equal I or hopeful I way ("as they pretend) for Common- Right and Safety, And this ', they fay, they humbfy tender to w, to cmfider , and accept o&rines 9 as thefe fore-mentioned, and as are , now adayes fo unbluftungly pra&tfed, in relation to the Kings Mayfly, and to the reft of his free-born Suhje&s, without any refpeft, or leaft dhtin&ion co their places or qualities. That we may, as much as in us lyes, wipe-off that foul blot and fcandalous ftabt that will (otherwift) inevi- tably fall upon Religion, by this moft horrid breach of our Cove* !)<*»*, efpecially in relation to our King 5 that prof ejjlrs of the Go- fpel in other Kingdoms may not alfo fuffer by being cait out of ToyaU protection, for the fin of fome (pretended J profeff>rs among us 5 And, that we our felves (when the approaching Earthquake, which is like to be in the three Kingdoms by fearfull commo- tions and endles wars, & inevitably like to attend the intended depofwt) or violent death of ©ur Soveraign King, fadly falls upon us) as) may not have outward mifery, and inward guilt to meet toge- J s thev y witbout and within us, even our Conferences 6ying in our faces, for our (at leatt feeming) confint unro it, by our finfull fi- lence •> But that we may ( in the finglenejfe and finctrity of our hearts) wafh our hands and clear our innocencie in the fight of God and the whole Chriitian world: We do not one!y 3 in gene- ral!, make this our jult ApoUgie that we are far from the appro- ving ofthebreatb of our Covenant is any part or branch of it; But, in particular jn reference to that of the Kings ?erfon 9 Co clear and innocent, that we do declare our Deflation and Souls abborrency of that moft d fly all aBi»n \ conceiving it to be Jucb afin y as Men muft create a New Name, for, and God a New Hell or punifbment for it. And,thus,now 3 having(in the unfeined fincerity of our hearts) wicnetTed a good Confeffion, as in the fight of God,and Men; not from a faeYiouMeditious, vain-glorious^or peevifh Spirit of con* tradition, or in the lea ft tinftured vile malignity , or apofiacie from ^ the com mon caufe of Religion^ Liberty and peace of th Kingdom; Though we fear not perfection ( for righteoufneffe fake in being true to our principles) from thofe who have power, ngw, in their hands : yet, not knowing whether by Gods permiffive pro* vidence, Satan may not caflfome of us intoprifon for, thus,fetting our Conferences at liberty - 9 We therefore coronet our Souls, in this our well-doing, unto God 3 as unto afaitbfull Creator, hyding oar felves under the fbadow of bit wings ^ till thefe calamities be over paft, and looking unco Jefus, who hath allured us, That wkofe- ever pall forfa^e boufis,or brethren^ fifters, or father or mother , or wife or children , or lands for hit Name an d truths fa^ be (ball receive an hundutb fold) and fh all inherit everlafting life. We have therefore hereunto fubferibed our Names with our he'art* and hand*. FJ^CIS. f-t )T f m «