I A PRESENT FOR Protestants, Romanists, and JEWS; B E I N G A FREE INQJJIRY After the Church or Kingdom of the MESSIAH: IN A LETTER TO THE Titular Popifli BiHiop oi London ^ Author of a Tract, intituled, ^he Unerring Authority of the Catholic Church in Matters of Faith y Sec, By a COSMOPOLITE. Let fubtle Schoolmen teach thefe Friends tojighty More Jiudious to diartly Jirong^ and partly broken, 43. And whereas thou f aw eft Iron mixt with miry Clay^ they Jhall mingle themfehes with the Seed of Men : But they (hall not cleave one to another^ even as Iron is not mixed with Clay, 44. And in the Days of thefe Kings Jhall the God of Heaven fet up a Kingdom,, which Jhall never bs dejtrcyed : And the Kingacm Jhall not be left to other People^ but it Jhall break in Pieces^ and confume all thefe Kingdoms^ and it Jhall Jtand for ever, A.^. Forafmuch as thou fawefi that the Stone was cut out of the Mountain without Hands,, and that it brake in Pieces the Iron,, the Brafs^ the Clay^ the Silver and the Gold ; the great God bath wade known to the King what (hall come^ to pafs hereafter : And the Dream is certain^ and the In^ terpretation thereof fure. This Image, I think, is allowed by ail Com- mentators to fignify literally the four great Mo- narchies : The Point is fo clear, that no Man converfant with Hiflory does doubt it. In a fpiritual Scnkl beg Leave, but with SubmilLon to better Judges, to take the Image lor an Em- blem of Idolatry, which runs thio' the Babylo- nian^ Perfian^ Grecian and Roman Em.pires, gra- dually grov/ing more bafe and abominable ; otherwife, methinks, the Order of the Metals ought to have been inverted, the Head made of of Iron and Clay, and the Legs and Toes of Gold. But, not to infifl: pofitively on this. Ict- us come direftly to the Point that more imme- diately concerns you. Chriji^ the Stone mentioned above, was born in the ' Keign of Auguftus^ when the Roman Kingdom was in the Mtridian of its Strength and Glory : But he did not then fmite the Image upon the hegs nor the Feet \ tor that Monarchy flill continued very powerful for about four hundred Years after, tho' fometimes terribly (haken by the Goths and other barba- rous Nations. Towards tlie End of the fifth Century it was quite broken in the Wefi^ and out of its Ruins ten Kingdoms or Sovereign- ties arofe ; fince which the Eajlern Part of this Monarchy has been entirely fwallowed up by the Turks, Thus the two Iron Legs are de- flroyed ; the Strength, Grandeur and Dignity of the Empire are gone : But this, I appre* hend, was not properly the A61 of the Stone cut out without Hands , for Cbrift's peculiar part of the Work, in demoliftimg this Image, is the fmiting it on the Toes ; which Blow is not yet ftruck. In the Reign of Tiberius, Chrift began to preach the Gofpel : This was precifely the Time of the fetting up the Kingdom of God, poor and oppreffed in its Beginnings, the great Image {landing then, and for a long lime after, on its Iron Legs. Of this Kingdom it is fafd, that /V Jhall never he deftroyed^ i. e. all the Efforts o: the Roman Government to fubvert it Ihould prove fruitlefs y the blooay Perfetuiions of ( 15 ) of tlie heathen Emperors having only ferved t6 ibread it farther, and encreafe the Number of Chriftians : Since which it has weathered out many other Storms, refilling the joint Attacks of Superftition and InfideUty, which have been labouring, for above a thoufand Years pad, to extinguifh the Light of the Gofpel. Then the Prophet notes, thbit this Kingdom Jhall not be left to other People -, i. e. no other Empire fhail come after it, as the Babylonian Monarchy was fucceeded by the Perjian^ and this by the Gre^ dan, which in its Turn was fwallowed up by the Roman : But it Jhall break in Pieces and con- fume all thefe Kingdoms, i. e. put down Tyranny, Superftition and Idolatry all over the Worlds triumph over the Devices of the Father of Lies, and confound the Machinations of all his human Agents. Now, the Conclufion is, that hitherto we have only feen the affli^ed and mili^ iant Eft ate of the Mejfiah's Kingdom : Its peace- able and triumphant Eftate does not commence till the Stone fmites the Image upon the Toes of Iron and Clay, i. e. the I aft, weak, divided^. bafe, corrupt Eftate of the Roman Kingdom ; becaufe 'tis not till then that all the four Metals and the Clay are broken to pieces together, or all falfe Worfdip and Reliques of Paganifm utterly abolifhed : Nor does the Stone, till then, fwell into a great Mountain, filling the whole Earth, Its Duration, in this temporal, triumphant Eftate, is a thoufand Years, as we may gather from the 20th Chapter of St. John\ Revela- tion: In its fpiritual Eftate it fs to endure eter- nally in Heaven. But the eternal does not ex- clude the temporal Duration ; becaufe Daniel is defcribing a Scene on Earthy a. Succefllon of idolatrous ( i6) idolatrous Kingdoms, whofe Power snd very Names are ac laft annihilated by the Kingdom of God •, and as the la' ter comes in the room of them, fo that no Place is found for them, it mufl confquenrly be likewife on Earth. All this is confirmed and illuflrated. in the 7th Chapter of the fame Prophet, where we. are told in Conclufion, that the Kbigdorn and Domi^ nion^ and the Greatnefs of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven^ Jhall be given to the People of the Saints of the moji High^ ivhofe Kingdom is an everlafiing Kingdom^ and all Dominions Jloallferve and obey him. Thus far it appears that Chrift has always a true Church upon Earth, but that the Texts you have made ufe of to prove it, are not ap- plicable to Rome, Proceed we now to your fecond Preliminary, which is. ^hat Chriji^s Church upon Earth is always njifihle. This cannot be denied. In whatlbever State the Church may be, it mull: needs be vifibje, tho' not to every Man. When Jezahel had flaia the Lord's Prophets, Elijah thought himfelf the only remaining true Believer ; and yet we rcai of many thoufands flill left mifrael that had not bowed the Knee to Baal ; but though they WTre unknown to that great Prophet, they muft needs have been vifible to many other Perfons, vinlefs we fuppofe that each of them lived fepa- rately in Caves, Mountains and Woods. The Light of the Gofpei may be fometimes eclipfedy but ( 17 ) put f}ev^XjotalIy extinguifhed : The Church of Chriji^ even while in the Wildernefs^ miiLl have been cdnrpicuous enough to every one that loved the Truth, and held it in Righteoufnefs ; for a Man may be a true BeHever and a right Worlliipper ot God, tho' his' Biiliop teac.es Herefy andcornniits Idolatry.— But as this Way of Reafunihg rnay not be fatisfaflory to you, let us fee how you prove -this perpetual Vifibi- bility. For the firft Proof you give us Ifai^h li. 2, ^. ' And it Jh all come to pafs in the lajl Days^ * fhat the Mountain of the fiord's Houfe foall he * eftahlifhed in the Top of the Mountairis^ and *" Jfball be exalted aho^^e the Bills \ . and all Nations * Jhall flow unto it. And many People fiall go * and fay ^ Come ye^ and let us go up to the Mcun- * tain of the Lord^ to the Houfe of the God of * Jacob, 'and he will teach us of his JVays^ and we * will walk in his Paths \ for out of Zion Jhall * go forth the Law^ and the Word cf the Lord * from Jerufalem.' Here we have incleed a vlUble and glorious Church i but the Queflion is, .Whetlicr it has been fo thefe 1700 Years pafl ? I anfwer in the Negative. The Difttrence, then, between us lying in Point of ^Imv: and Piace, let us en- deavour to fet the Matter in a clear Light. Though fome Divines, befides thofe of your Communion, may pleafe to take the Mountain of the hordes Hcu/e \ox Chrift^s Church in general, it U plain by the Context, that f -me P^rticulfr Place h mieant thereby ; fo plain in- ■ ' D deed, ( i8 ) deed, that It fcarcely requires any Comment. We fee all Nations flowing to it, and exhort- ing each other to go up to that Place, which the Prophet calls Zion and Jerufakm : But in what Senfe we muft take this Jerufakm^ is the grand Queftion. We know that out of Zion the Law did go forth, and the Word of the Lord from Jeru- fakm, by the preaching of the Mejfiah and his Apoftles ; but this does not fully anfwer the Senfe of Ifaiaby who means, that the Law and the Word of the Lord not only go forth from Zion, but alfo abide there ; in Confequence of which all Nations flock to it. Now, though the Gofpel was firfl: promulgated from Jeru- falem, who gave Ear to the Preachers ? Very few indeed, when compared to the vaft Num- bers that rejeded the good Tydings. Did all Nations then flow to the Church, or to Jerufa- km f No ; the Jews were thtfirfi Perfecutors of Chriflianity, and brought Deftrudion on them- fel vcs for that and other Crimes : And after- wards the Rulers of the Vvorld fet themfeives againft the Church, and with all the cruel De- vices that infernal Malice could invent, drove to extirpate theFollower=^ of Chriji. Therefore, we cannot take that 1 ime for the lajl Bays, But if you v/ill infift, that Jerufakm ought to be taken in a figurative Senfe, as fignifying the whole Church of Chriji, wherefoever fpread ; I anfwer, that though this Senfe may Ibme- tiiiits be adopted, yet it cannot be admitted in this Place ; becaufe we need not be told that the Word of tlie Lord fliall go forth from his Church, ( 19 ) Church, fince no Man of common Scnfe ever cxpeifled it ihould proceed from another Quar- ter, or be found among any other Congrega- tion. If this be all that we are to underftand by Jerufaleniy the World may remain divided and diftraded about Religion till the general Conflagration ; fince every Sed of Chriftians may confidently cry up their own Communion for the fpiritual Zion^ and allegorize all the Prophecies in direcSt Contradiction to common Senfe and undeniable Fadls. It may, perhaps, be no Breach of Charity to fuppofe you were fenfibie that the 4th Verfe of Ifaiah\ fecond Chapter might produce fome Ideas very prejudicial to your Syftem •, and therefore you omitted it, though it has fo ma- nifeft a Connexion with the foregoing ; for which very Reafon I muft not pafs it over. And hejball judge among the Nations^ and Jhall rebuke many People : And they Jhall beat their Swords into plow -Shares^ and their Shears into Pruning- Hooks : Nation Jhall not lift up a Sword againft Nation^ neither Jhall they learn War any more. The fame we read in the 4th Chapter of Micah^ who fubjoins. But they jhall fit every Man under his Vine and under his Fig-tree^ and none Jhall make them afraid. Now I fhould be glad to be informed in what Age this Prediction has been fulfilled. Has there been any Thing like peaceable Times in this World, fince the Mountain of the Lord's Houfe was eflablifhed at Rome^ where I prefume you would have us look for it ? No fuch Thing can be aflerted •, all Hiftorians, all D 2 Records ( 20 ; Records bear Witnefs of the contrary : There^ fore the Prophecy is yet to be fulfilled, and Jerufcilemis, the Place from whence all Nation's (hall receive Inftrudions ; which 1 Ihall endea- vour to elucidate by the following PalTages of Zecbariah. Chap. ii. iiy 12. And many Nations fhallhe joined to the Lord in thai Day^ and Jhall he my People : And 1 will dwell in the Midft of thee^ a72d tbotc/halt know that the Lord of Hojls hath fent me unto thee. And the Lord Jhall inherit Judah his Portion in the Holy Land^ and Jhall thiije Jerufalem again. — This cannot be the City they were rebuilding in ZechariaFs Time, becaufe none of the Gentile Nations were thei% joined to the Lord. The Perfon mentioned to be fent, is Chrijly whom the JewSy as well as the reft of the infidel World, will ac- knowledge : By his Spirit (for I do not adopt the Notion of his peribnal Refidence) he wilt dwell in his Church wherefoever extended, but Jn a more fpecial Manner at Jerufalem \ tVi^ what can be meant by the Lord's chufingthat City again ? Chap. viii. 3. Thus Jaiih the Lcrd^ T am returned unto Zion^ and will dwell in the Midji cf Jerufalem : And Jerufalem Jhall he called a City of "Truths and the Mountain of the Lord of Hoftsy the holy Mountain. — This can't be the City that was re-edified under the Perfian Monarchy and deftroyed by the Romans, V. 4. "There fh all yet Old Men and Old TVomen ^well in the Streets of Jerufalemy and every Ma>i with ( 21 ) with bis Staff in his Hand for very Age* g. And the Streets of the Cityfhall be full of boys and Girls y playing in the Streets thereof.— T\\(^ Jews were not blefied with Longevity after theif Return from the Bahylonifh Captivity \ there- fore this Promife refpeds the new Jerufalem which we (hould yet exped. It may alfa ferve to invalidate the Notion of thofe who contend for Chrifi's reigning vifibly, or corporally pre* fent, in this future Jerufalem, with the Pa- triarchs, Prophets, Apofties and other Saints. This new City is to be inhabited by mortal Men, elfe the Circumftance of walking with Staves, to fupport old Age, would not be mentioned ; and that fuch Men are to . be the Inhabitants thereof, is made flill plainer by the Boys and Girls playing in the Streets. Procreation, ti-en, dill goes on as ufual ; but after the Refurredion, as our blefied Saviour tells us, Men do not marry : Confequently, the new Jerufalem is not to be the Refidence of the raifed Saints during the Millenium. Some learned Commentators are indetd willing to admit of the perfonal Appearance of Chriji only for tifhort Time at the Beginning of the Millenium^ as feveral Pafiages of Scripture feem to make for it : But as the Point is not clear to me, 1 will neither affirm nor deny it. ' V. 20, 21, 22, It fhall yet come topafs, that there fh all come People, and the Inhabitants of many Cities, And the Inhabitants of one City fhall go to another, faying. Let us go fpeedih to pray before the Lord, and to feek the Lord of Hofts : I will go alfo. Tea, many People and flrong Nations fhall come to feek the Lord of Hojlj ( 22 ) Hofis in Jerufalem^ and to pray before the Lord, This tallies fo exadly with the 2d and 3d Verfes of Ifaiah^s fecond Chapter, that it is impofliblc to fall into a Miflake concerning the Meaning oi t\it Mountain QH\it Lord's Houfe, Ze char tab alfo faith, Chap. xii. 6. Jerufakm Jhall be inhabited again^ in her own Place ^ even in Jerufakm. — The moil nefarious Caviller can't diftort this Paflage from its obvious and natural Senfe ; for if Jerufakm is not to be taken lite- rally, it follows that Zechariah has put a Ban- ter on the common Senfe of Mankind, and laid a ftumbling Block for the Jews in par- ticular. The fame Prophet going on with the Scene that Ihall happen in the lafi Days, tells' us, Chap. xiii. 2. And it fhall come to pafs in that Day^ faith the Lord of Hofis^ that I will cut off the Names of the Idols out of the Land ; and they fhall no more be remembered. — The fame thing Jfaiah tells us in the Chapter above mentioned : AH Pictures are to bedeftroyed, and the Idols utterly abolifhed. The Jews indeed have long fince caft off thofe Works of Vanity and Delu- fion ; and 'tis to be prefum.ed Chrijlians will do the fame in the latter Days, Again, Zechariah faith. Chap. xiv. 8. And it fhall be in that Day^ that liz-ing Waters fhall go out from Jerufakm ; half of them towards the former Sea^ and half of them toward the hinder . Sea: In Summer and in Winter fl^all it be.- — *. Thefe living Waters are the Law and the Word •f the Lord, which go forth from Zion and Jerufakm^ K ^3 ) Jerufalem^ as Ifaiab faith : By Summer and Winter we may underftand all Seafons and all Occafions. See this further iliuftrated in £2^^/^/ xlvii. 8. 7^^/ iii. 18. In fine, Zechariah^ faith, v. 9. of the Chapter laft mentioned, And the Lord jhdl he King over aU the Earth t In that Day Jhall there ^^ one Lord^ and his Name one. — This agrees with Ifaiah's fecond Chapter, where we are told, that the lofty Looks of Man Jhall he humhled^ and the Haughtinefs of Men Jhall be howed down^ and the Lord alone Jhall be exalted in that Day. i. e. worfhippedin Spirit and in Truth by all Nations, in confequence of his arifing to fhake terribly the Earth, and deilroying Idolatry both Root and Branch. I have dwelt the longer on your firft Quo- tation from IJaiah to prove the Church's per- petual Vifibility, that I may be more concife on the other Texts, whereby you would induce^ us to look for that Vifibility at Rome^ and in the Nations joined in Communion with her. Your next Proof is from the fame Prophet, Chap. Ixii. 6. ' / have Jet Watchmen upon thy * JVallSy Jerufalem^ which Jhall never hold * their peace Day nor Night."* — According to your Conilrudion of this PafTage, the Church of Chriji^ by which we mull always underftand your Church, has never wanted, nor ever will want, a perpetual Succcflion of Orthodox Pallors and Teachers. For my part, I cannot find fo much as one fingle Verfe in this Chapter ©f IJaiah^ that may with the leaft Colour of Reafon ( 24 ) ^cafon, be applied in favour of the Bifhop of Rome and the Nations in Communion with him ; but the whole, in my humble Opinion, muft be underftood of fome future State of the MeffiaFs Kingdom, of which, 'tis plain, J^ru- falem is to be the Head : Otherwife it will be impoflible to reconcile this Prophecy with the Rules of Gonmion Senfe and Propriety of Speech, which I prefume the infpired Penmen never intended to deviate from, as their Writ- ings were defigned for the Inftrudtion of the Unlearned, as v/ell as the Learned, in all Ages and Nations ; though I allow that, for wife Ends of Providence, the Holy Ghoft has di- redled them to wrap up certain Predictions in Metaphors and Embkms ; as may be inftanced in the Apocalypfe^ which abounds with them more than any other Book, ior a Reafon which your Divipes readily enough perceive, when they fet themfelves to comment upon it. The Queftion is, what are we to underftand by Jerufalem in the Pafiage juft quoted ? Upon a careful Examination of the Context, we can- not but declare for the literal Senfe -, becaufe we find a Promife made to a forjaken^ defolatc Land, or City, to receive her into Favour again^ to marry her^ to make her a Praifein the Earthy and a Crown of Glory in the Hands of the Lord. Now, Sir, I prefume you will hardly allow that ^^w'hich, after all, we need not much wonder at, even though we fiiould allow that you don't exaggerate on this Head. The Bulk of Mankind being very prone to Idolatry (the Sin which, I believe, the Old Serpent diiefiy fets himfelf to propagate, as it is an Inlet to all other Corruptions) what- ever Chriftian Society will ftoop to hilmour Pagans in this Article, by retaining Images^ and allowing a Plurality of Gods^ or Objedls of religious Wordiip, cannot fail of making many Prolelytes : And this, in my Judgment, is the mod natural Way of accounting for what Succefs your Church may have had in thofe Millions •, fince it is notorious that your itinerant Preachers neither can nor do pretend to the fame Gifts as the Apoftles and fome of their Fellow- Labourers had : Yet you mightily boafl of the Miracles v/rought by fome of your modern Apoftles, which, I fuppofe, pafs among your Flock for as authentic as any recorded in G 2 Holy ( 44 ) Holy Writ. But as for thofe modern Miracles, I hope one may call them in queflion without being an Infidel. The next Charafteriflick whereby you think we may difcover the Romijh Church to be the true Church of Chftfi^ is Antiquity : And here, among other Texts produced to no Purpofe, you give us Jeretniah vi. 16. *' "Thus faith the ^ Lord^fiand ye in the IVaySy and fee ^ and afk for ' the Old Paths, where is the good V/ay, and * walk therein^ and ye fhall find Refi for your * Souh.^ — Were it not for the Specimens you have already given of your excellent Knack at mifapplying the Scripture, one could almoft fwear you only meant to banter us in quoting this PalTage \ Jeremiah being a very improper Authority to be produced in behalf of your Chuivh. The conftant Employment of this Prop' er, the Burthen of his Song, as I may o^piesit, was to dehoit the Jsws from the new r'aths. Idolatry, v/hich I perceive they were then as obftinately and flupidiy determined to walk in, as the moft ignorant and fliff-neck'd of your Comnninion can poffibiy be. How- ever foolifh or entliufiailical it may feem to you and others, I cannot help obferving, that Jereraiah and all the Prophiets mAift have been (if your Church is in the Right) meer Bung- lers in Divinity, perfedl Dunces in Logic, that did not undcrfiand the pretty Art of reconciling the Ccmmandrnents of God with the Inventions of Men : For, without mincing the Matter, or making uft- of any thing like School-Diftinctions and Qtiibblts, thofe infpired Writers tell us, that to fet up any Images^ or to pay any re- ligious ( 45 ) Ugious Worjhip to the Creature^ Is a forfaking of the Creator^ and cajling him behind our Back, Alas ! what Pity it is that they were Strangers to thefe fo ferviceable Terms, Latria^ Doulia^ relative Honour^ &c. — Here, Sir, I muft be- fpeak your Patience, while I tranfcribe a few Paflages of Jeremiah to fupport thefe Reflec- tions. Chap. ii. 26. As the 1' hie f is ajhamedwhen he is foundj fo is the Houfe of Ifrael afhamed ; they\ their Kings^ their Princes^ and their Priefts^ and their Profhets^ 27. Saying to a Stocky Thou art my Father^ and to a Stone y Thou haft brought me forth : For they have turned their Back unto mey and not their Face : But in the Time of their Trouble they will fayy Arife^ and fave its, 28. But where are thy Gods that thou baft made thee ? Let them arifcy if ihey can fave thee in the Time of thy Trouble : For according to the Number of thy Cities are thy Gods^ O Judah. Chap. viii. 8. How do you fay^ We are wife^ and the Law of the Lord is with us ? Lo^ cer- tainly in vain made he it, the Pen of the Scribes is in vain. If, according to your arbitrary Way of in- terpreting Scripture, the Houfe of Ifrael \s to be taken for the Nations that conftitute your Church, and Mount Zion and Jerufalem muft ftand for RomCy when the Text may convey any Ideas advantageous to your Caule, how are wq to ( 46 ) to apply thefe Paflages ? You fee how the Pro- phet charges his Nation with the moil ilupid Ad: of Idolatry Men can be capable of, and how wife thofe Idolaters were m their own Con^ ceit ! From whence I conjecture, that the Jewijh Dodlors in thofe Days were not at a Lofs for fophiflical Arguments to fling in the Teeth of the Lord's Prophets, inVindication of their ido- latrous Pradbices ; it being otherwife impofTible, at leaft for me, to conceive, how the Kings, the Princes, the Priefts, the Scribes or Ex- pounders of the Law, and the whole Nation, could perfiil in fuch Errors and Abominations as the Prophets fo vehemently declaimed againft, (and this too after they had partly {ttn and felt the Judgments denounced againft Idolaters) uniefs they had had fome Sort of Excufes, fome- thing like a Shadow of Reafoning, to alledge for the Lawfulnefs^ or at leaft the Inoffenfivenefs^ of thofe Praflices : Nor do I doubt but that if their Reafons had been recorded and handed down to us, there v/ould have appeared no ma- terial Difference between them and the Argu- ments urged by modern Dodlors in Defence of Image-worjhip and Invocation of Saints and An- gels. — The Rant or Flourifn with which you clofe your Section of Antiquity., is not much amifs, coniideriiig it drops from the Pen of a Pallor of an infallible Church. ' Our Reli- * gion, you fay, is the old Religion. 'Tis the ^ old Religion of England \ the very Walls can * witnefs it. 'Tis the old Religion of all ^ Chriftendcm ; all Kind of Monuments atteft '' it ; our very Enemies cannot deny it. Fro- *■ iejlancy came into the World 1 500 Years after * Cbrijl ; therefore it came into the World 1 500 ' Years (A7) * Years too late to be the Religion of Chrijh' — But pray, Dodlor, what is to be proved, by this puffy Stuff? Truly, nothing at all for your Furpofe. You may indeed prove by the Walls and Monuments of Rome and other Places, that Paganifm was the old Religion of thofe Countries : But would any well-informed Chriflian infer from thence (tho' it would be a conclufive Argument with an Idolater) that Paganifm is the true Rehgion ? Upon the fame Grounds the Jewijh Dodors in Jeremiah^ Time might have argued, that their Way of wor- fhipping God being older than that which Mofes taught their Fathers, it muft therefore be right : And fo, at this Rate, Men of cor- rupt Hearts may explain away the cleareft Pre- cepts in Holy Writ. The fourth Scdlion of the eighth Prelimi- nary, treating of Apofiolical Sneceffioiu which is the fourth Mark whereby you difcover the Church of Rome to be the Church of Chrift^ I fhall fay but little to. According to my Con- ceptions, the. Succcjfo-rs of the Apoilles are thofe that teach the fame Dodrines which the Apo- ■ (lies taught, and do Honour to their ProfefTion by their Morals ; and whether their Numbers be great or fmali, fpread all over the World, or confined to the narrow Limits of one Nation ; whether they bear Rule in the Earth, or fit mourning in the Wildernefs, waiting for a De- liverance, they alone conftitute the true Church of Chrift, In this Inquiry let every Man that has but little Leifure take the Bible for his Guide : This will tell him that worfhipping Images i and fetting up more than one Mediator between (48) between God and Man, is Idolatry ; that an ar- bitrary, perfecuting Spirit, is of the Devil, who is ftiled a Murderer from the Beginning. But if this does not fatisfy him, let him, if he has Time and Money to fpare, dip into Hiftory, and read the Lives of the Popes in particular ; and then fee, in a long Lift of about two hun- dred and fifty Bifhops of Rome, how many Sue- cejfors of the Apofilei he can pick out of it. The remaining Seflions of this your eighth and laft Preliminary, I ficip over, my chief Bufinefs being only with fuch of your Scrip- ture Proofs aslapprehend are leaft underftood; and fo I take in Hand the fecond Sedllon in the Body of your Work, the Title of which is, * That the Church of Chrijl^ in her Councils * and Paftors, is the Judge of all Controverfies < of Religion, and that all Chriftians are obliged • to acquiefce to her Decifions.' This I may partly grant, and yet without giving you any Advantage over me : For, upon the Principles of your Divines, it is requifite, in order to render a general Council infallible, that the Members ot it meet together duly qua- lified, and rightly prepared, for interpreting the Scripture in any controverted Point •, and then there is no Doubt but that the Holy Gi*^/ aiTifts diofe who diligently and fincerely feek him ia Purity of Heart : As, on the other Hand, the Spirit of Error, the Father of Lies, never fails to lead Men aftray that are aduated on thofc iblemn and weighty Occaficns, by worldly, car* Hal Motives, as Pride, Ambition, Covetouf- nefs, C 49 ) iiefs, t^c. To mention no other than your laft general Council^ can any Man of Common Senfc believe that the Holy Ghofi had any Direflion or Influence at Trent ? If he had, the Members of that Council muft have been very dull or obdu- rate, to fpend fo many Years in deciding Mat- ters which an Aflembly of wife, honeft Men might have determined in as few Weeks.' * However, to make good your Propofition, you diredl us, in the firft Place, to the fecond Epi- llle of Feter^ Chap, iih i6. which I thus ex- pound for you, tho', purfuant to my Plan, I ought to pafs it by, as it belongs to the NcjD Teftament : Seeing then that the Scriptures arc ib hard to be underftood, and that St. Peter^, whofe Succeflbr the Bifnop of Rome is, could fpy out dark PafTages in St. Patd's Epiflles ; we muft therefore rely entirely on tlie Pope and the Bifhops in Communion with him, for the Interpretation of the Bible. The other Texts offered in Support of this Section I may alio pafs over unnoticed^ as they are not more to your Purpofe than that from St. Peter., and may be urged by any Society refolved to exer- cife Dominion over People's Faith : And fo I haften to your third Sedion, the Head or Title 'of which runs thus : *' That the Church of Chrifi, which, as we * have jfeen in the foregoing Sedion, is by di- * vine Appointment the Judge of all our Con- * troverfies of Religion, is by divine Promife * infallibk in the Exercife of this Judgment.' The Church of Chrijl., as I take ir, mufl be the whole Body of the Faithful, no matter H where ( so) where fituated, and not the Cler^ only-, and, as fuch, is undoubtedly direded by the Spirit of God ; yet all the Faithful cannot be Judges of Controverfies, tho' they are fufficiently qua- lified to judge of what is neceflary for Salva- tion ; nor do we find by Experience, that the mod learned and pious Men are more exempt froin Errors in religious Speculations than in other Things. However, if the Divines of your Church could but forbear dipping into the prophetical Writings for Proofs of her Infalli- bility, one might be more apt to think her in- fallible, as a Fool, by holding his Tongue, may fometimes be taken for a wife Man. But let us fee how you make out the Roman Churches Claim to this unerring Judgment in Contro- verfies of Religion. Your firft Proof is taken from IfaiaFs 59th Chapter, V. 20, 21. * "The Redeemer Jhall come * to Zion, and to them that turn from '^ranf- ^ grejfion in Jacob, faith the Lord: As for me^ * this is my Covenant with them^ faith the Lord \ * my Spirit that is upon thee^ and my Words * which I have put in thy Mouth ^fh all not depart * out of thy Mouthy nor out of the Mouth of thy * Seed^ nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed's Seed^ * faith the Lor d^ from henceforth and for ever,^ — Well enough urged, in one Senfe, for the per- petual abiding of the Holy Ghofi with the Faith- ful or the Church of Chrifly yet no Proof that Rome ha.s all along had, and lliil has the Spirit of Truth. But in order to come at the true Senfe of thefe two Verfes, we fhould carefully perufe the whole Chapter, without the leaft Prejudice for or againft any Church now ex- tant j ( 50 tant; and then we may perceive the Prophet complains of an univerfal Depravity and De- parture from Truth and Righteoufnefs : At V. 1 6, 17, 18. there being no Man left to fet Things to Rights, we fee God arifing to take Vengeance on all his Enemies •, the Confe- quencc of which, as appears by the next Verfe, is, that the Lord (hall be feared from one End of the Earth unto the other j which has never yet been the Cafe with this World, or elfe all Hiftories muft be falfe. Then, upon the over- throw of the Enemy that Jhall come in like a Floods follows the Converfion of the Jews^ who are cnlighten'd by the Spirit of God, and have a Promife of his continuing with them from thenceforth for ever. This is farther illuftrated by the next Chapter of Ifaiah, which fets forth •the Glory and great Extent of the Mejfiah'% Kingdom, upon the Calling in of the Jews^ and Jerufalem^s becoming the Head of his Church. What that Enetny^ mentioned in the 19th Verfe of Chap. 59, may be, I will not take upon me to determine •, but I fuppofe that the Gofpel cannot be reftored at Jenifalem^ nor the Jews fettled again in the Land of CanaaUy 'till the Ottoman Power be broken : Nor is it likely that the Race of Ifrael will embrace Chriftianity, 'till they fee Chriftendom purged from Idolatry^ and Chriftians at Unity among themfelves. And how Idolatry may be totally eradicated, 'till that particular Place, which has been the chief Promoter and main Support of it, is deftroyed, I cannot well comprehend ; becaufe St. John is very clear in regard to the Deftrudlion of a great Whore that Jitteth upon many Waters^ a great City that reigneth over the H z tbt ( 50 fhe ^ings of the Earth. See Revel xvli. and As for the Notion op which you lay fq niuch Strefs, Page 83, and are pleafed to call the ^ommon Notion of Chrjftians, viz- ^ that the ^ Converfion of the Jews fliall not be till near * the End of the World,* I prove the Fallacy pf ic as follows. , In the firfl Place I refer you to the three laft Verfes of Jeremiah^ gift Chapter, where the Prophet, after fpeaking of the Eftablifhment of the new Covenant with the Jewijh Nation in particular, foretells the rebuilding of J^n^ty^/^w?, and concludes with this fpecial Promife, // Jh^Jl 7J0t hs pluckt up nor thrcwn down any more for ever. Hence it is evident there muil be a long Space of Time between this Event anci the End of the World. For a feccnd Pi-oof that your common Notion above mentioned is falfe and ridiculous, pleafe to confult the 65th Chapter of Ifaiah^ from v. j6 to the End, which, I think, puts it quite out of Difpute that the Jews fhaii be grafted into the Chriftian Church long before the End of the World. For the Benefit of your Flock,, who labour under a Famine of the Word of God, I tranfcribe a few PafTages of that Chap- ter, annexing a brief Expofition, in the Light the Matter appears to me, being ever ready toi correal my Notions upon Conviftion of their beine; erroneous. ^7- . ( 53 ) . 17- For behold^ I create new Heavens^ and a new Earth : And the former Jh all not be remenj' f?er'd^ nor come into Miyid. — The State of thi$ World rtiall be fo altered, that, figuratively fpeaking, it may be called a new Creation. By Heaven and Earth the Jewijh Prophets i;:ommonly mean only the World in which we Jive •, at leafl the Context urges us to take it here in this Senfe : In confirmation of. which I may produce the Pfalmift^ who faith,, that God- fhall fend forth his Spirit to renew th^ Face of the Earth, 1 8 . But be you glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create : For behold, I create Jerufalem a Rejoicings and her People a Joy. — Whether you t^e this Jerufalem for the \vhole Chriftiaa Church, or only for a new City built on the fame Spot where the Old «ie ftood, is not ma- teriaf^o the main Point, which is, that there fhall be a glorious and comfortable Change. This cannot be difputed ; though whatever Bleflings the World in general may receive, does not exclude a particular Pre-eminence re- ferved for Jerufalem, 19. And I will rejoice in Jerufalem, and joy in my People \ and the Voice of weeping foall -be 710 more heard in her, nor the Voice of cryi7ig.—^T\i^ old City, having been remarkably diftinguiihed for God's heavy Jtldgments and Plagues, the Prophet therefore notes, for the Comfort of the inhabitants of the new City, that it fhall be free from ail Afflidions : The Days of her Mourning are then endcd^ as he fays. Chap. 6o» V. 20, 20, ( 54 ) ' 2G. There Jh all he no more thence an Infant of DaySy nor an old Man that hath not filled his Days : For the Child Jhall die an hundred Tears cldy but the Sinner being an hundred Tears old^ Jhall be accurfed. — This may be beft explained by the 4th and 5th Verfes of Z^chariah's 8th Chapter. 21,22. And they Jhall build Houfes and inhabit them •, and they Jhall plant Vineyards, and eat the Fruit of them, They Jhall not build, and another inhabit ; they Jhall not plant, and another eat : For as the Days of a Tree are the Days of my People, and mine Ele£l Jhall long enjoy the Work cf their Hands. "Signifying, if not a longer Life, at lead that every body fhall quietly enjoy the Fruits of their Labour : There is then no more Violence, Wafting, nor Deftrudion, {Ifaiah Ix. 18.) but all fit down fecurely under their Vine and their Fig-tree, {Ifaiah ii. and Mcah iv.) the Swords being beaten into Plough- fhares, and the Spears into Pruning- hooks, the Na- tions learning War no more. All the Weapons of War are burnt, as Ezekiel expreflfes it, Chap. 39, and Peace is eftablifhed in the Earth ; which coincides with the Reftoration of the Jews and the Fullnefs of the Gentiles, and in- vincibly proves the Weaknefs and Ignorance of thofe who imagine that the Race of Ifrael will not be converted till near the End of the World, if by the End they mean the general Conflagration, Let us now examine the fecond Proof of your third Section, which you take from Ifaiah ix, 'For * For unto us a Child is horn^ unto us a Son is * given^ and the Government Jhall be upon his * Shoulder : And his Name Jhall be called Won- * derfuly Counfellor^ the mighty Gody the ever-^ * lajling Father^ the Prince of Peace. Of the * Encreafe of his Government and Peace there Jhall * be no End^ upon the Throne of David and upon * his Kingdom^ to order it^ and to ejlablijh it with * Judgment and with Jujlice^ from henceforth * even for ever. The Zeal of the Lord of Hojis ^ will perform this. Here we have indeed a comfortable and fub- lime Idea of what the MeJfiaFs Kingdom (halt be ; but I cannot allow this Prophecy to have been yet fulfilled in all Points. When infpired Men fpeak of the Throne of David^ mull we underftand the capital City of the Fourth Mo- narchy ? If fuch arbitrary Interpretations were allowable, the facred Volumes, which were defigned to bring Mankind to Peace, Unity and Concord in this World, and to eternal Happinefs hereafter, would be produdive of a worfe than Babel Confufwn : At this Rate we might allegorize the whole Bible into rank Nonfenfe or Blafphemy. Your third Proof is from Ifaiah xxxv. 4, 5, l^c, ' Behold your God will come — he * will come and fave you.'' [The Prophet fay^,. that God will come with Vengeance ; but why you declined mentioning that Circumftance of his coming, is beH: known to yourfelf.] ' Then * the Eyes of the Blind fhall be opened^ &c. And ^ a Highway Jhall be there^ and it J}jall be called ' the C 5^ ) • the Way of Holinefs -, the Unclean Jhall not paji • over it^ the Wayfaring Men^ tho' Fools^ Jhalt • not err therein,^ — -Therefore, according ta your Method of expounding the Scriptures, be- lieve and pradife whatever the Roman Church didlates, and ye cannot mifs the Way to Hea- ven. But, in ordet to underftand the 35th of IJaiah^ we muft give a little Attention to the preceding. Chapter. In thefe two Chapters I think we have, not the Planting of the Church oiChrifty but its Reft oration^ the Way to which is paved by God's fignal Vengeance on all who would not have him to reign over them : And this, you know, was not done in the primitive Times of Chriftianity, nor in any Age finccw The following Paffages from the 34th Chapter make it plainer than any thing. I can fay. i; Come near ^ ye Natioyjs^ to hear^ and hearken ye People : Let the Earth hear^ and all that is therein \ the Worlds and all things that come forth of it* 2. For the Indignation of the Lord is upon at! Nations^ and his Fury upon all their Armies : He hath utterly deftroyed them^ he hath delivered them to the Slaughter. 8. For it is the Bay of the Lord^s Vengeance, and the Tear of Recompences for the Controverfy cf Zion. The Scripture being bell expounded by Scrip- ture, fuch as want farther Light into thofe Paf- fages '( 51 ) fages may confult Ifaiah ii. Jer, xxv. Ezek. xxxviii and xxxix. Micah iv. RevcL xix. As for the Remainder ot ffaiah'^ 34th Chapter^ .it may be partly explained by the i8th of the Apocalypje^ where St. John borrows fome of that Prophet's Expreffions in denouncing God's Judgments againft modern Babylon. Hiis figpal Vengeance being executed, then we fee, in Ifaiah xxxv. the peaceable and glorious Eftate of the Church, with a particular re- fpe(5i: to Jerufakm^ as the following Verfcs evince. 9. No Lion JJjall he found there ^ nor any ra- 'venous Beafi fhall go up thereon ; // floall not be found there : But the redeemed of the Lord fhall ivalk there.- — Alluding perhaps, by Way of Contrafl, (if fuch an Interpretation be war- rantable) to that See which pretends to be the Seat of Chrifl's Vicar, where many a Lion and ravenous Bead has been found, fuch as Gregory vii. Boniface viii. &c. &c. 10. And the ranfom^d of the Lord fJo all return and come to Zion with Songs and everlafting foy upon their Heads : They Jhall obtain Joy and Gladnefs^ and Sorrow and Sighing fhall fly away. Your 4th and 5th Proofs being taken out of IfaiaFs . 54th and 60th Chapters, they require no Notice from me in this Place, as I have al- ready difpatched you on the Subjed of chofe two Chapters. Proceed we then to your fixth Proof, which is from Ezek. xxxvii. 24, 26. I ' David ( ^8 ) ^ David my Servant (that is Chriji^ who is of * the Houfe of David) ftmll be King over them-, * and they Jloall all have one Shepherd : They Jh all ' alfo walk in my Judgments^ and ohferve my * Statutes^ and do them Moreover^ I ' will make a Covenant of Peace with them *, it ' Jhall be an everlafting Covenant with them : * Aid I will place them^ and multiply them^ ' and will fet my Sanctuary in the Midft of them * for evermore.' This, you fay, not only im- plies the perpetual Vifibility of the Church, but alfo her Infallibility : But, in my Judgment, your Way of reafoning feems to imply, that Men mull be great Fools, or fomething worfe, before they can fet up for Infallibility. Any honefl, fenfible Man may fee, in this Chapter of Ezekiel^ a plain, exprefs Promife to bring the whole Houfe of Ifrael to the Knowledge of Chrijl ; and that from the Accomplifhment of this Promife we rriuil date the glorious and triumphant Eflate of the Church on Earth. Nay, the very Verfe between the two which you thought would anfwef your End, puts it quite out of Difpute, that the Prophet means a general Return of the Tribes of Ifrael to their own Land, upon their embracing the Gofpel : And their being united with the Gen- tilesy under one Head, Chrfl, may be gathered from the whole Scope of the Chapter. You yourfelf. Sir, feem to have been fenfible that the 25th Verfe is fufficient to overthrov/ your Inferences, otherwife you had not fkipt over it : But fuffer me to tell you, that its obvious Connexion with thofe between which it lies, intitled it to a Place in your Work. How- ever, I am willing to excufe the OmifTion ; the Badnefs (59) Badnefs of the Caufe might not admit of a more candid Way of proceeding : And befides, when Men have once attained to Infallibihty, they need not take much Care how they reafon, nor how they apply the Scripture. Hence it is that we are to take Mount Zion and Jerufalem ^'or Rome^ and the Land of Canaan for St. Peter's Patrimony or the Pope's Territories. If you think my Reflections too harfh, pleafe to accept of the following Verfes in the fame Chapter of EzekieU as an Excufe for it. 1 1 . ^hus faith the Lord God^ Behold^ I mil take the Childnn of Ifrael from among the Heathen whither they he gone, and will gather them on every Side^ and bring them into their own Land. r— So evidently applicable to the Jews alone, that the moil fubtil Sophiftcr cannot warp it to any other Senfe. 22. And I will make them one Nation in the Land upon the Mountains of Ifrael^ and one King fhall be King to them all : And they fhall be no more tw'o Nations^ neither fhall they be divided into two Kingdoms any more at all. — Before the Baby^ lonifh Captivity they formed two diftind: Sove- reignties, the Kingdom of Judah and that of Ifrael : But after their lafl Reftoration (the Re^ turn from Babylon being out of the Queftion here) there will be no fuch Diviiion •, neither will the chief Caufe of it. Idolatry^ be ever found amongft them, as we fee in the next Verfe, Z 3 . Neither fhall they defile themf elves any more with their Idols ^ nor with their det eft able nings^ por with any of their I'rangreffons : But I will : I 2 fave ( 6o ) fave them out of all their dwelling Places^ wherein they have fm^d^ and will cleanfe them: So Jhall ihey be my People^ and I will be their God, 25. And they Jhall dwell in the Land that I have given unto Jacob my Servant^ wherein your Fathers have dwelt ^ and they jhall dwell therein^ even they and their Children^ and their Children's Children for ever^ and my Servant David Jhall be their Prince for ever. — This David being un- der flood, both hy Chriftians and Jews^ to be the Mejfah^ I need only remind you here of the ridiculous Notion, that the Reftoration of the latter will not be till near the End i)f the World : Whereas any Man may fee that they and their Fofterity, for many Generations, are to dwell in that vefy Land which Mofes led them to, and Jojhua put them in PolTefTion of. 28. And the Heathen Jhall know that I the Lor a do janElify IfraeU when nrf Sanctuary Jhall be in the Midjl^ of, them for evermore* Such as may want to be better fatisfied that you have grofsly mifapplied the 24th and 26th Verfes of Ezekiers 37th Chapter, need but ftudy the 36th Chapter, trcm which I extrad only two railages here, to excite them to it. 10. And I Will multiply Men upon you, all thr Hrt'.fe of Ifrael^ even all of it^ and the Cities Jhall be inhabited^ and theWaJies Jhall be built: 1 1 . And I will multiply upon you Man and BeaJi, and they Jhall encreaje and bring Fruity and I will fettle you after your old EJiates^ and- will - - 2 do ( 6i ) do better unto you than at your Beginnings^ and yejhall know that lam the Lord^ Having thus turned againfl you all the Paf- fages of the Old Teftament which you bring as Proofs that your Communion muft needs be the true Church of Chrtfl, 1 leave your Proofs from the Nezv Teftament^ as premifed at my fetting out, to be taken into Confideration by fuch as have more Leifure, and are better qualified than I am for a fuller and more accurate Refutation of your Work ; which they will find an eafy Taik, provided they don't flight the Founda- tion I have built upon : And this I would re- commend to the Englijh Clergy in particular, who, if I conjecture right, are in more Danger of a Reftoration of Popery^ than of the Eftab- lilhment of Judaifm^ which fome People appre- hend will be the Fruits of a late A61 of Parlia- ment, if not fpeedily repealed. I mufl not take my Leave of you without making fome Apology for the Tartnefs with which I have treated you. Be pleafed, then, to underfland, that tho' I have made Choice of the Epiftolary Stile on this Occafion, you need not take in Dudgeon any of my Refledions, even where I dete(5l you in blundering or pre- varicating. I acknowledge that no Dodor of your Party could have better maintained the pretended Infallibility of the Roman Church \ confequently, your Miftakes, whether wilful or not, are chargeable upon the whole Body that lays claim to an unerring Authority in Matters of Faith; and you may ft and acquitted of Ignorance or Difiiigenuity, as you have only colle6led and delivere4 [ ^z ) delivered the Sentiments and Arguments of ^ Society whom you believe infallible. As for this Performance of mine, I have not Vanity enough to think it faultlefs. I am ien- fible fome Criticks will fay that the Subject is treated too fuperficially : In anfwer to which I fhall only obferve, that the mod voluminous Work, were it as well connefted, and as plain as mathematical Demonftrations, would make no ImprefTion on the Slothful, the Proud, the Covetous, ^c. Brevity is what I have endea- voured at, being perfuaded that if what I have done is right in the main, others will be ex- cited to improve upon it ; but if wrong, then the fhorter the better : It will hurt no Man's Pocket, nor rob him of above an Hour, if he thinks it not worth a fecond Reading. Of buman Cpmpofitions %q C2in only fay, that they are the bejl which have the fewefl Faults; and whether mine htgoodorl?ad^ that you may make ^ proper Ufe of it, is the unfeigned Wifh of Tour himhk Servants A COSMOPQLITE, ^ ft'-" K- V BV601.6 .I5P93 A Present for Protestants, Romanists lll"ll(l III! llrinrn'^m ^^'"'"^^^-Speer Library 1 1012 00051 7351