OT1OT Mi^TOOT OF THE RISE, PROGRESS, AND TERMINATION OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE V RELATIVE TO THE LATE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERY: IN WHICH IS BROUGHT TO VIEW A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE ORIGIN ANJ> PRESENT STANDING OF THE PEOPLE USUALLY DENOMINATED CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIANS; AS TAKEN FROM OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS AND FACTS IN POSSES- SION OF SYNOD. published by order of Synod at their sessions held in Harrodshurgh, Oct. 1822. LEXINGTON, KY. PRINTED BY THOMAS T. SKILLljUN. 1823. A BRIEF HISTORY, &c. The Synod of Kentucky, having been repeatedly advised \>f the necessity, expediency, and utility of laying before the public at large, but more especially the churches under their care, a plain and correct account of their proceedings rela- tive to the late Cumberland Presbytery, have,* in compliance with those solicitations and advices, deemed it proper to pre- sent the following statement of facts, substantiated by official documents, and references to the records of the several judi- catories relative to the origin, progress, and termination of their proceedings in the very unpleasant case of that Pres- bytery. This they have undertaken under a full conviction that information on this subject is imperiously required, par- ticularly for the benefit of those who emigrate from distant sections of our Church, and fall within the range of those people who style themselves "Cumberland Presbyterians;" — a people who have no ecclesiastical connection with us what- ever; and moreover, are not recognized by us as being in correct Presbyterial staniing. It is the intention of the Synod to give a fair and impar- tial statement of facts and circumstances as they actually transpired, that the candid and the judicious may be enabled to judge, whether, as sound and consistent Presbyterians, we were not justifiable in endeavouring to arrest the progress of a branch of our connection which had greatly erred from presbyterial usage, and order; and which appeared to us to threaten a total overthrow of the Presbyterian Church in the west; whose interests and prosperity had, until then, gradu- ally increased, and promised an almost unrivalled prospec- tive strength and permanency. The first Presbytery organized in Kentucky was at Dan- ville, on the 17th day of October, 1786. It was compo- E<3 seel of five members, and called "Transylvania Presbytery;" belonging to the Synod of New-York and Philadelphia, hav- ing been b\ that Synod, at their sessions in May preceding, divided off from the Presbytery of Abington. With ihe in- crease and population of the country it gr^w in numbers, un- til about the year 1793, when the Presbyteries of "West Lexington'' and "Washington," were erected out of its East- ern and North Western sections, making the Kentucky river its eastern boundary. The Synod of Kentucky was c< luted in the year 1802, — made up of the Presbyteries before mentioned, and the Transylvania Presbytery. At the first meeting of the Synod of Kentucky, they divided the Tran- sylvania Presbytery again, and formed the Cumberland Pres- bytery on the West, including the Cumberland settlements. This Presbytery held its first meeting in April, 1803. The disoiders and irregularities, which required at length the in- terference of Synod, originated in Transylvania Presbytery previous to their last division, at their fall sessions in 1801, held at "Muddy River Church." At this meeting, after much altercation, four men, viz: Messrs. Anderson, Ewing, King, and M'Clain, who made no pretensions to the literary quali- fications required by our Form of Government, "offered themselves to the Presbytery for the service of the Church," and were "appointed to the business of exhortation and cat- echizing. They were al^o directed "(o prepare discourses" on different subjects "to be read at the next spring session of Presbytery." (Records, p. o5>) Their next stated meeting was held at "Beaver Creek Church," in Barren County, April 13, 1802. It was then and there "resolved, that Alex- ander Anderson, Finis Ewing, and Samuel, King, be permit- ted to come forward and read their pieces assigned them at the last stated sessions." (p. 49.) It was father "ordered that Mr. Anderson prepare a sermon as a specimen of trial on Luke xiii. 24." (p. 55.) So that Mr. Anderson appears, from the recoruV, to be the only one of these three candidates, at that titr,e, approver 7 , and Continued by the Presbytery. B H^>> specting the fate of the other twc, the Teccrd is silent, and it is presumed they were discontinued. The Presbytery being under the controul of the lower members almost exclusively, and which had been the ^ *<** <* of that extraordinary case exceptedT^pe book of discipline,'* &c. licensed them to preach the gospel, (p. p. 59, 60.) This licensure took place on the 8th day of October, 1802, in the same month, only six clays prior to the first meeting of the yy Synod of Kentucky, and nearly 200 miles from the place ^f _J -where the ]taflfa|M*' met. So that at the first sessions of the Synod, these proceedings could not be reviewed; nor in- deed could the Synod then be apprized of them, by reason of the shortness of the time and the great distance that inter- vened. This accounts also for the general absence of the eight members of the Presbytery before mentioned, — they having determined to attend the meeting of the Synod which was essential in order to form a constitutional quorum. Ap- prehending no danger, therefore, the Synod proceeded to the formation of a new Presbytery, by the name of "Cumberland Presbytery;" which, pursuant to the appointment of Synod, met at the "Ridge meeting-house, the 5th of April 1803." A few days before this division took place by the act of the Synod, the Transylvania Presbytery, having been, as before observed, for some time almost entirely under the controul of the lower members with a ruling elder from every small vacancy, and thus constituting u a large majority," had adjourned to meet in the spring at "Mount Pisgah," on Red River. Just before that adjournment, near the close of their proceedings, it is stated that "Mr. James Hawe, a regular member of the Republican Methodist Church, made applica- tion to connect himself with the Presbytery, and was cordial- ly received."* This same James Hawe had been well known to many in Kentucky as a violent opposer of Presbyterians, and a great declaimer, both from the Pulpit and the Press, agati he ignorantlv or disingenuously charged upon them as Calvinism, dressed up in a very hideous and ludicrous manner, the better to suit his purpose in stigmatizing and de- preciating the influence of his opponents. This man was nevertheless "cordially received" and admitted to a seat in a Presbyterian Judicature, without any recantation, — any ex- amination on doctrine, — and without being required to adopt the standards of our Church. He was accordingly enrolled with the members of the new Presbytery at their first meet- ing, and was their moderator when called before the Com- mission of Synod. The Cumberland Presbytery now went with great rapidity in their own way: — many offered themselves, and were (to use the words of the Presbytery) "licensed as regular extort- ers," and "authorized to make public appointments in any congregation or settlement within the bounds of the Presby- tery." Messrs. Crawford and Dooly were "licensed to ex- hort in the bounds of the Presbytery, or wherever God in his providence may call them." The churches under the care of the Presbytery were ordered "to contribute to the extort- ers" for their pecuniary support. "Each licentiate to exhort" was ordered "to exercise himself in composition on any sub- ject he might choose, and show as many pieces of such com- position to the nearest minister as he could with convenience." Some were received as candidates for the holy ministry on the delivery of a discourse as the first evidence or spe- cimen of their abilities. Those who were licensed to preach, and those who were ordained, were required, at their licen- sure and ordination, to adopt the Confession of Faith, so far only, as they believed it to agree with the word of God ; which, according to Presbyterian law and usage, was irregular and unconstitutional* This opened a door to any one who might choose to enter, no matter what his creed might be. This covering, of such loose and wide dimensions, suited very well snch men as James Hawe and Reuben Dooly, and others, who could turn round and round in'it, without interrupting its shape, or disturbing their own conscience. [8] In this way matters went on, until the number of these men, including exhorters, licentiates, and a few who v ere thus iinconstitulioiK.lhf ordained, amounted to nearly thirty. Some were now entitled to a seat in Synod, and began to ap- pear there. A number u of young societies," as they slate, had been organized, and the most of them represented by their elders, who, from their numbers, were about to create an overwhelming majority in the Synod. They also estab- lished what they called "Circuits," which were principally supplied by the licentiates. The meetings of the Presbyte- ry were very frequent for licensures and ordinations; — and had not their progress been impeded in some way or other, there is little doubt but that Presbytery, by its rapid movements, in a very short time, would have gained such an ascendency in the Synod, as to have completely swayed that body in any measure which they might wish to carry. This will not be considered either an unjustifiable or extravagant calculation by any one acquainted with their rapid march af- terwards, or their present standing, as it respects the number of their ministers and elders. But in that Presbytery there were a few, who, in whatever else they may have been con- sidered blameable, were evidently justifiable in their bold and continued opposition to those measures which they view- ed as unwarantable and dangerous encroachments, calculated to overthrow the government and discipline of the Presbyte- rian Church altogether. At the next meeting of the Synod, (in September, 1803, at Lexington,) there was not a member from the Cumberland Presbytery present; nor were their records sent up for review. It was not, therefore, until October. 1804, that this business was taken up by the Synod, which they then found impracti- cable to investigate; and consequently did nothing more than order citations to be given to all parties to appear at the next stated meeting. The minority and the majority of the Cumberland Presbytery, as they were afterwards called by way of discrimination, appeared to be, and actually were. considered two parties before the Synod, — as accusers and accused. The" Synod met in October* 1805. at Dan tile O ly two members from Cumberland Prelbytery were nc led as pres?nt, who brought with them their IVc.-bvterial Records, — * which were reviewed and found very defective, — the history obscure and discordant, — and the mode of transacting busi- ness frequently violating the rules of our discipline. The remonstrance of the minority, setting forth their grievances, and their dissent, had been before the Synod at their ast meeting. Synodical interference was now loudly called for, and imperiously required. The time had arrived whe; duty and prevailing irregularities called on the Synod to do some" thing speedily. But they found not the parties yet fairly be- fore them. They had not the evidence of the disqualifica- tion of the young men, so loudly complained of, sufficiently clear, to act upon: — nor was there any official record, that they had been licensed and ordained in the irregular arid un- constitutional manner charged against the majority, they hav- ing omitted to record that fact, i. e. the partial and reserved adoption of the Confession of Faith, in their proceedings. The Synod was in a state of great perplexity and anxiety. They were at a loss to know what was the most eligible course to adopt. The evil had greatly extended, and was still pro- gressing. The remedy had already been too long delayed. To lay the matter over another year, was impolitic and dan- gerous. To adjourn their annual meeting to the lower coun- try was objectionable in two points of view; — first, that the time would be too long, as Synodical interference was imme- diately required; — the second, was the great liability to fail- ure in obtaining a constitutional quorum; — the upper Presby- tery being mostly in the state of Ohio, and the lower con- sidered as standing at the bar of the Synod : — and it may be added further, — the Constitution of our Church, at that tin e, not affording the facility of obtaining a quorum that it did some time after, in consequence of its amendment in hat re- spect. The object before the Synod was to suppress the [ io j growing irregularities in the west, and yet save one of her Presbyteries from disruption and final ruin. Id this state of anxiety, after ample discussion and mature deliberation, the plan of a Commission of Synod was suggested and adopted. The appointment of this Commission has been, through ignor- ance, or some other cause, frequently reprobated as tyranni- cal, and unprecedented in the annals of Presbyterianism; and the minds of many have been thus improperly prejudiced against both it and the Synod. The General Assembly hav- ing reviewed and approved of the measure, the false and un- generous insinuation should have ceased. The following ex- tract from Stewart's Collections of the acts of the Church of Scotland, ought to put the subject to rest: — "What matters General Assemblies cannot undertake themselves, they do re- fer to their Commissions; in propriety of speech they do im- port the same thing with committees; yet, cle praxi, a com- mittee is appointed only to prepare matters, whereas a com- mission determines in matters committed to them, and from whose sentence therein lieth no appeal to the ensuing Gener- al Assembly^ though a complaint may be tabled before the next General Assembly against the Commission on account of their proceed ings.- Slezcart's Collections, Book I. Title 15. See also Buck's Dictionary, Art. Seceders. Here let it be remarked, that not merely a Commission was appointed to determine a certain case in peculiar cir" cumstances, but standing Commissions appointed to determine all unfinished business. The propriety of this we shall not defend, but the fact shows the ignorance, or something worse., of those who have assumed the name of Presbyterians, ani declare that this Synod acted without a precedent in appoint- ing the foresaid Commission. To say that it was an Assem- bly, and not a Synod, that afforded the precedent in appoint- ing these Commissions, and therefore not a rule for us, wilH avail nothing; for the Assembly being the highest court, and including Synod, must be the proper court for affording pre- cedents to the subordinate judicatories. [ h 3 But now a difficulty yet remained respecting the pradibik' -y of the measure; — can there be found members enough who will pledge themselves to attend, so that a disappoint- ment may not be sustained? Such a pledge was immediate- ly obtained: — the way appeared fairly to be open: — the Com- mission was made up, and here follows its appointment: — u O ) motion, Resolved, that the business of the Cumberland Presbytery be again taken up. After considerable delibera- tion, it was resolved, that the Rev. John Lyle, John P. Camp- bell, Archibald Cameron, Joseph P. Howe, Samuel Rannalls, Robert Stuart, Joshua L. Wilson, Robert Wilson, Thomas Cleland, and Isnac Tull, together with Messrs. William M'Dowell, Robert Brank, James Allen, James Henderson, Richard Gaines, and Andrew Wallace, ruling elders, or any seven ministers of them, with as many elders as may be pres- ent, be a Commission, vested with full Synodical powers, to confer with the members of Cumberland Presbytery, and ad- judicate on their Presbyterial proceedings which appear upon the minutes of said Prebytery, for the purpose aforesaid, and taken notice of by the Committee appointed by Synod to ex- amine said minutes — that the said Commission meet on the first Tuesday in December next, at Gasper meeting-house, Lo- gan County, in the bounds of said Presbytery, for the purpose aforesaid. That notice be given to the members of said Presbytery, by the stated Clerk of Synod, to attend on the day and at the place aforesaid, — so that a full, fair, and friendly investigation may take place. That the said Com- mission take into consideration, and decide upon a letter from the Rev. T. B. Craighead and others,*' Szc. This Commission met the 3d of December, 1305, about six weeks after its appointment; at the time and place ap- pointed. The members were all present except Messrs. Campbell, Henderson, and R. Wilson. Prior to the meeting, the most ungenerous and unfavourable representations res- pecting the motives and designs of the Synod were extensive- ly spread in the region round about where the Com*Hssi$B [ 12] was to meet: — consequently, the most unfavourable impres- sions were made on the minds of the people there. Preju- dice, in her most scowling aspect, had fled like lightning be- fore the Commission, and taken her seat in the bosoms of all elates. The Commission was stigmatized with the unhal- lowed name of an "Inquisition," sent down by the Synod to destroy the revival of religion, and to cut off all the young pr -H hers, because they had hot learned Latin and Greek. Mr. Rankin, the minister of the place, who afterwards be- came a Shaker, delivered an inflammatory address to his peo- ple, on the evening preceding the communion, and in the pre- sence of the Commission, accompanied with threats, or lan- guage indicative of personal violence and opposition. The most of the members of the Commission were nick-named, and given some appellation intended either to affix a stigma, or confer an encomium, as the fruitful and ingenuous inventors thought the individuals were favourable or unfavourable to their cause. Under such very unpleasant and forbidding cir- cumstances, did the Commission meet and transact their busi- ness. The second day of their sessions they "took under conside- ration the case of Mr. James Ha we, as stated in the report of the committee*' (of the Synod) "and were unanimously of opinion that the Presbytery had acted illegally in receiving him, as a regular minister of the Methodist Republican Church, without examining him upon divinity, or requiring him to adopt the Confession of Faith of the Presbyterian Church." (Min. Com. p. 4.) They next invited, and entered into a friendly conference with the Presbytery, and thereby, together with their records, received all the evidence neces- sary to the establishment of the "charge of licensing and or- daining men to preach the gospel contrary to the rules and discipline of the Presbyterian Church." Being fully satis- fied on this point, "t e Commission then requested, in a friendly manner, the majority of the Cumberland Presbytery to give the reasons, win, in licensing and ordaining persons [ 13 J to preach the g spel, hev required them to adopt the Con fe> on o Faith o far only, as they in reason think it coi - es- ponds w t t e scriptures?" The answer was, "that the C on- fession of Faith was human composition and fallible, and that they cou'd not in conscience feel themselves bound any furth- er than i hey believe it corresponds with Scripture." Where- upon the Commission adopted the following preamble and resolution: — " Whereas it appears to the Commission of Syn- od, from the Records of Cumberland Presb)tery, from the dis- sent of the minority of said Presbytery, and from the open confession of those who were at the time of the dissent a majority, that they did license a considerable number of men. to preach the gospel, and administer ordinances in the church) contrary to the rules and regulations of the Presbyterian Church in such cases made and provided; — and whereas, those men have been required by said Presbytery to adopt the said Confession of Faith and Discipline of said Church no farther than they believe it to be agreeable to the word of God, by which no man can know what they believe in matters o( doctrine; — and whereas, it is alleged, by said Presbytery, that those men possess extraordinary talents, by which they have been induced to license and ordain them, without at tending to the method prescribed by the Book of Discipline* — therefore, on motion, Resolved, that the Commission of Syn- od now proceed to examine those irregularly licensed, and those irregularly ordained by Cumberland Presbytery, and judge of their qualifications for the gospel ministry/' To this resolution the majority of the Presbytery, who had been active in bringing these young men into the ministry. objected, and refused to surrender them to an examination, alleging, that ''they had the exclusive privilege of examining and licensing their own candidates, and t) at Synod had no right to take the business out of their hands.*' The voting men also, when called upon, refused, individually, to submit to the examination required, onsequence of all which con- duct, the following resolution was adopted by the. Commit [14] sion, viz: "Resolved, that, as the above named persons never had regular authority from the Presbytery of Cumberland to preach the gospel, &c. the Commission of Synod prohibit, and they do hereby solemnly prohibit the said persons from exhorting, preaching, and administering ordinances in conse- quence of any authority which they have obtained from the Cumberland Presbytery." No further steps were taken by the Commission relative to the majority of the Presbytery who refused submission to their authority, but to cite them to appear before the next Synod, to answer for their conduct, and likewise to answer to a charge of common fame, for "propagating doctrines contrary to those contained in the Confession of Faith of the Presbyterian Church." It was by "the record of these proceedings" passing the re- view of the General Assembly, that they came to the knowl- edge of them; or, to use their own language, that ' : the mark- ed attention of the Assembly was attracted." They pronoun- ced them "at least of questionable regularity," and advised the Synod, in a friendly letter written at their annual sessions in 1807, "seriously to review those proceedings." With this advice the Synod, without hesitation, complied, at their an- nual meeting in the fall of the same year, and the result was, a firm adherence to their former proceedings. This was com- municated, as the Synod expected, to the next Assembly, by an address containing their explanations, and defence of their former conduct; which, however, through some mismanage- ment, or neglect, did not reach the Assembly that year. As the Assembly mention this letter, at a subsequent meeting, as a document explaining and defending the proceedings of Syn- od "in a respectful and able mnnner," it is deemed advisable here to insert that part of it which relates to the subject in hand: — it is as follows: "The Synod assure the General Assembly that they have carefully reviewed their proceedings which were by you deemed of questionable regularity, and beg leave to lay be- L is 3 lore you the result of their proceedings, with a summary of the reasons on which they founded their decisions. "The attention of the Synod was first directed to the fol- lowing question, arising from the Assembly's letter: — Were the proceedings of the Synod, in requiring the young men ir- regularly licensed and ordained, to be given up, regular? The Synod determined, by a large majority, that they were regular. In support of this decision, the Synod offer the fol- lowing reasons: — We find that a very extensive power is con- ceded to Synod, by our Book of Discipline, in these words: — 'The Synod have power to redress whatever hath been done by Presbyteries contrary to order.' The Synod do not sup- pose they have the power of licensing and ordaining candi- dates. This they think is the duty and prerogative of Pres- byteries. But the Synod do conceive that, when a Presbyte- ry has introduced 'insufficient men into the ministry, and there is evidence to believe that the majority of the Presbytery are so disposed as to leave no rational probability that the evil will be redressed by them, it becomes the duty of Synod to inquire into the qualifications of the persons in question, and confirm or disannul their licensure. And inasmuch as the Book of Discipline has prescribed no form in which Syn- od should proceed in redressing disorders of this kind, we thought ourselves at liberty to exercise a sound discretion, and choose that mode which appeared best to us, provided we did nothing contrary to our directory, or the decisions of the General Assembly. The Synod further observe, that they were called upon, by a letter containing complaints, and a pe- tition, in October, 1804, to issue a matter in dispute between the majority and minority of the Cumberland Presbytery. The minority, namely, five members, complained, that incom- petent men, and men unsound in the faith, were introduced into the gospel ministry. The majority, being six members, asserted, that those men possessed extraordinary talents, and were competent to the work of the ministry. The only alter- native, therefore; was. either to disregard the dissent and com- [»16 ] plaint of the minority, or examine (he men whose qualifica- tions were in question; for the Synod conceited that the man- ifestation of their qualifications was the only evidence on which the controversy could be decided. Further, Synod thought, that among so many young men, there might he found at least a few who would shortly he qualified for the office of the gospel ministry, could they be induced to use the proper means. The Synod are of opinion, thai *!,< suspend the young men irregularly licensed and ord; ed,a€ intimated in. the Assembly's letter. They think no pi cari be suspended from the exercise of the ministry, wh never been regularly introduced into that sacred office. Toe Synod think, that the persons in question never had any regu- lar standing as ministers: — therefore, did simel) prohibit them from exhorting, preaching, or administering ordinances, in go- sequence of any authority derived from the Cumberland Presbytery, as appears from the record, (p. 93.) "Another point which the Assembly's letter brought urder the review of the Synod, was, the conduct of the Commission in forbidding the young men irregularly licensed and ordain- ed to preach, ccc. and without process had in their case. In justi- fication of their conduct in this particular, Synod take the li- berty to remind you that the irregularity of the licensure of these men had been a subject of dispute between the majority and the minority of Cumberland Presbytery for more than two years. The Presbytery haxl been cited to appear before Synod to render an account of their licensures. The) did not appear. The Commission was then appointed, — the re- cords of Presbytery were produced, — the open confession of the majority was made that the sacred office had been confer- ed without regard to the requirements of our discipline, and the young men refused to give any evidence of their qualifi- cations for the ministry. Synod, therefore, supposed it a sacred duty, which they owed to the Church of Jesus Christ, to declare, solemnly, that those young men were introduced to the important work of preaching the gospel contrary- to out f 17 ] constitution, and in a manner which imperiously demand^, their prohibition from every part of the ministry with us. Therefore, all the processes were had which the nature of the case admitted." This matter was again taken up by the Assembly in 1809, accompanied by the foregoing address, with the further ex- planations and support cf three Commissioners from the Syn- od. The issue was highly honourable to the Synod, as will appear from the following decision of the Assembly on that occasion: "The Assembly took into consideration a letter from the Syn- od of Kentucky; and having carefully reviewed the same, and having also read another letter from their records, which by accident was detained from the last Assembly, were of opin- ion, that the Synod have, in these letters, exercised their un- questionable right of explaining their proceedings, which they have done in a respectful and able manner, and to the full satisfaction of this Assembly: and the Assembly think it due to the Synod, to say, that they deserve the thanks of the Church for the firmness and zeal, with which they have act- ed, in the trying circumstances in which they have been pla- ced." (Assembly's Digest, p. 140.) This decision was highly favourable to the interests of our Church. It strengthened the hands of the Synod, whose censure and condemnation had been eagerly desired, and zealously sought after, by the friends and abettors of the Cumberland Presbytery, without any proper acknowledgment, on their part, of their irregular- ities and ecclesiastical aberrations, or even appearing before the Assembly in an attitude to enable that Judicature to form a legal decision. This will appear from the following extract of a letter, addressed by the Assembly, to Mr. M'Adow and others, in 1807: — "Brethren, the Assembly have received your address, in which you inform them, that the Synod of Kentucky have suspended you from the ministerial office, and in which you request this Assembly to interpose in your case without delay. The Assembly are grieved at L 1«] finding that any unhappy differences exist in that part of the Church of Christ in which you reside* The conduct of the Presbytery of Cumberland, in licensing and ordaining a num- ber of persons not possessing the qualifications required by our Book of Discipline, and without explicit adoption oj the Confession of Faith, appears to have been the origin o\ the evils of which you now complain. The Assembl) are con- strained to express their decided disapprobation of this con- duct, as being highly irregular and unconstitutional ; leading to the most dangerous consequences. But inasmuch as you have not regularly appealed to this Assembly, they do not con- sider themselves as called judicially to decide in your case. The Assembly have advised the Synod of Kentucky to re- view their proceedings with regard to you, and to their de- cision we refer you." The Synod did review their proceedings, as we have seen, and the result was, a firm adherence to their former proceed- ings, which ultimately gained the approbation of the Assem- bly, as has also been shown. The complaining paity never appeared before the Assembly in the altitude of appellants? and consequently the) could pass no judicial decision in their case. It soon became more and more evident, that the regu- lar course was not the one by which they desired to obtain redress, otherwise they might have adopted it, seeing it was perfectly open and plain. Time and circumstances have long ago fully established the correctness of the course pursued by the higher judicatories in arresting the '-highly irregular and unconstitutional" conduct oi the Cumberland Presbytery. Even their distant advocates at length became silent, and gave up all hopes of ever reclaiming them to the sound and correct faith and discipline of the Presbyterian Church. Such was the disjointed and enfeebled state of things in the Cumberland Presbytery, that the Synod found it neces- sary to dissolve it; which they did according!), at their meeting in October- 1 106, and annexed the regular members of [ 19] which it was composed to the Presbytery of Transylvania. Ai i -it their next meeting, in 1807, all the unfinished busi- ness, arising out of the late Cumberland Presbytery, embra- cing the case of those under suspension by the Synod, and those under citation, was trans fe red to the aforesaid Presby* terv of Transylvania; who, at their semi-annual meeting, in Ociober following, adopted what they conceived to be the m «t pacific, friendly, and eligible course that possibly could be deviled in matters of such magnitude, involved too, as they were, in mazes of great perplexity and difficulty. They sfore ad Iressed the following letter to Messrs. Hodge, Rt ikin, M'Gready, M'Gee, and M'Adow; — the two first were under suspension by the Synod, and the rest under citation. "Dear Brethren, '•We are anxious to see you, and have a friendly interview with you respecting the difficulties which exist in your case. The Synod of Kentucky have directed us to en- deavour to settle the business which lay before them respect- ins you. We hope you will meet with us at Glasgow, in Darren County, on Wednesday the 22d day of March next, and bring with you as many of those men who were declared by the Commission to be destitute of authority to preach the gospel, as you may think proper, that they may be sharers in the friendly interview. May the Lord direct us, and heal every disorder. Farewell." At the time and place appointed the Presbytery met, and Mr. Hod^e appeared alone on that occasion. With him the Presbytery had a friendly interview, and to use their own language, "after seven hours spent in conference with Mr. Hodge, in a friendly and familiar way, without coming to any certain determination relative to his case," ;; and he wish- ing further time to deliberate on this matter, Presbytery, in conformity to a particular and final request of Mr. Hodge, that they should write him and his brethren in connection a letter, stating the terms on which a reconciliation could be -effected." agreed to address the following: [20] ; Dear Sir, "Agreeably to your request, Presbytery have thought proper to address you by letter, and through you, all those likewise who are interested with you. Wc again renew our declaration of an earnest solicitude and unfeigned anxiety, that the unhappy breach which has taken place between us may be healed, and the present existing differences remo\ed. And as you have requested a direct and formal statement from us of the terms on which that desirable and important object may be effected; — we, with the same friendly spirit that was manifested in our late conference, and we hope with that honesty and integrity of heart which ought to actuate the servants of our Divine Lord and Master, do proceed to state those terms and requisitions, which, to descend to the lowest stage of accommodation, we think are necessary. And in the first place, as to yourself, we think the ground of your suspension by the Synod, just, and consequently the rea^ns for that procedure right and proper. With this impression, we conceive that your restoration can only be effected by a proper acknowledgment of the faith, and submission to the -authority of our Church, as contained in our Book of Disci- pline, to which you are referred. The same will be required of those brethren who are yet under citation for not submit- ting to the authority of Synod as exercised by their Commis- sion. Any thing less than this, would subject us to the cen- sure of that body, a part of which we compose, and of whose adjudications, in the case of the late Cumberland Presbytery, we approve. "In the next place, with regard to the young men licensed and ordained by the aforesaid Presbytery, we do humbly con- ceive, that a formal examination of them, respecting doctrine and discipline, is indispensable, as the only way, under pres- ent circumstances, for us to be satisfied, as a Presbytery, res- pecting their sentiments, and consequently, whether we are agreed in points of doctrine, without which a union would be inconsistent, and afford no security for further peace and har- [21 ] monv in the Church. From hence it may be readily inferred that an unequivocal adoption of our Confession of Faith is al- so indispensable. This would only be placing them upon the same ground upon which we ourselves stand, and any other could not be advisable or desirable to either those young men. or ourselves. For them to adopt the Confession only in part. and we in the whole, would by no means, in our opinion, ef- fect a union according to truth and reality. — and we conceive a mere nominal union would not prove a sufficient security against future difficulties. And whatever inference may be drawn by others respecting what is called fatality, from our views as expressed in the Confession respecting the Divine sovereignty in the decree of predestination and election, we conceive, that no such conclusion can follow from the premi- ses as there laid down. After our desire-, that the great head of the Church may interpose and direct vou and us. to that which is right and proper, with every sentiment of concilia- tion and esteem, you have our best wishes for your weltare here, and happiness in a change of existence. "' This measure produced the desired effect in part: for on the 6th day of December following (he Presbytery n.et at Greensburg. for the special purpose of restoring Mr, Hodge and others, as will appear from the following minute on their records: — "Mr. Hodge appeared before Presbytery, and in- formed them, that he came forward as an individual, and made such statements, acknowledgments, professions ol sor- row for past irregularities, together with a determination to submit to the authority and discipline of our Church.— and that he fully and unequivocally adopted and adhered to the Confession," fee. thru he wras without hesitation restored to his former standing in the ministry. There were also pres- ent two of the persons irregularly licensed and ordained by the late Cumberland Presbyterv. The mild, indulgent, and pacific conduct of Presbytery towards these men, will be am- ply manifested from the record of their proceedings, as follows: -ye. Thorns Xel-on and Samuel Hodge, two of the L'22 ] young men formerly licensed and ordained by the late Cum- berland Presbytery, and prohibited by the Commission of Syn- od, came forward and expressed their desire to submit them- selves to the wisdom and discretion of this Presbytety:— Whereupon, Presbytery proceeded to consider their case, and lengthily and particularly examined them so far as was thought expedient; and on account of the difference of their situation from that of ordinary candidates, Presbytery thought it unnecessary to record the parts of trial in detail, and being satisfied with Messrs Nelson and Hodge, in respect of their doctrinal qualifications for the gospel ministry, their aptness to teach, and after their adopting the Confession of Faith and Discipline of our Church, and promising, in a solemn man- ner, conformity to the rules and regulations of the Church, and submision to their brethren in the Lord, — their former li- censure and ordination were recognized and confirmed unani- mously, and they were authorized to exercise all the functions of the gospel ministry agreeably to the rules of our Church. They were consequently recognized as members of this Pres- bytery, and invited to take their seats, which the) did accord- ingly!" After this, it is truly astonishing, that any accusation or complaint should ever lie against the Presbytery and the Syn- od, that all efforts for reconciliation, Transylva- nia or Cumberland Prebytery; and declared them to be high- ly irregular and unconstitutional. A mere omission or inadver- tence in the name of the Presbytery, surely cannot be plead by honest men, as validating an illegal act. which the higher judicatories all along meant to condemn. These observations will be further confirmed by bringing to view here tne real ground on which these people, as a religious community, arc viewed by the General Assembly, expressed in the Extracts from their minutes of 1014, and the Digest, p. 157. "The Committee to which was referred the consideration of the manner in which certain persons should be treated, who for- Vieply to a Pastoral Letter of West Tennessee Presbytery, p. ZS L 25 ] ineriy belonged to the Cumberland Presbytery, and who, since the dissolution of said Presbytery, continue to style them- selves the Cumberland Presbytery, reported; and their re- port being read, was adopted, and is as follows, viz: "That those persons were under the censure of the church at the time of their constituting as a Presbytery,— that they had neglected to take the regular steps for the removal of that censure, — that they erected themselves into a judi- catory contrary to the rules of our discipline, — that the grounds of the separation from us were, that we would not relax our discipline, and surrender some important doctrines of our Confession of Faith:— Wherefore, Resolved, that the aforesaid persons be viewed as having derived no authority from us to exercise discipline, or administer the ordinances of the Church, and that our regular members cannot treat with them as a body, but only as individuals."* This is the final conclusion of the Assembly, and the last sentiment they ever expressed on this subject. It is clear and explicit, and leaves the matter just where it should be, and where it is likely to rest. The legality and authority of the Commission of Synod, as a court of Christ, cannot be justly questioned. And if it should be, its proceedings have been sanctioned and confirmed, both by the Synod and General Assembly; and therefore, the conclusion is fair, that the ori- gin of the present Cumberland Presbyterians, as an ecclesir *It is the opinion of some that there is good and legitimate ordination among those of the self-made Cumberland Pres- bytery, or, as now styled, Synod. Without saying any thing more on this point than we have said, we would state that ac- cording to their own documents and acknowledgements, they cannot be recognized as any branch or section of the Presbyte- rian Cnurch, because they have set aside some of the import- ant doctrines and regulations which belong to legitimate or- dination in said Church. If they have legitimately ordained ministers among them, they have them not according to Pres- byterian rules, and therefore we are certainly correct in dis- owning them. 4- [ 26 J astical body of the Presbyterian order, is spurious and ille- gitimate, inasmuch as Iwo of the ministers who organized and constituted their first Presbytery, were not only illegally and unconstitutionally ordained at l\v$t, but likewise that ordi" nation itself pronounced null and void by our highest judicature BeveraJ yars anterior to the event. Their line of ordina- iion cannot, therefore, upon sound and correct ecclesiastical principles be traced to a legitimate source. It is moreover due to the cause of truth and candour, as well a.- to o'jr church a! large, and the public generally, to correct a statement, or solemnly d savow the truth of a statement, widely circulated in the account given of the Cum- berland Presbyterians in "Buck's Theological Dictionary,'* (fifth edition, by W. W. Woodward, p. 419.) It is there sta- ted, that the ''Commission exhibited many charges, &c. all of which were chiefly comprized in the two following, viz: — 1st. Licensing men to preach the gospel who had not been examined on the languages. 2d. That those men who were licensed, botli learned and less learned, had been only requi- red to adopt the Confession of Faith partially, that is, as far as they believed it to agree with the word of God." This latter charge is true, but the former is not. And for the truth of this disavowal, we appeal to the testimony of those mem' bers of the Commission of Synod who are yet living. We appeal to ihc records of that Commission, where no such charge can be found specified or tabled against the Presbyte- ry on that occasion. We appeal to the fact of the Transyl- vania Presbytery's having subsequently, under the connivance and approbation of the Synod, received two of those young men alluded to in the statement in question. And we appeal to the expressions of the Synod, in their explanation and defence to the General Assembly already given, which savs: "Further, Synod thought that among so many young men there might be found at least a few. who would shortly be qualified for the office of the gospel ministry, could they be induced to use the proper means.'* It is therefore denied f 27] that the charge under consideration is true. Admitting, how- ever, the truth of (he statement, the Synod entertain no fears that any disorder, disgrace, or odium, has ever been attached to their cause on that account. Nor are they willing to be- lieve that any correct, judicious, and orderly Presbyterian, either of the clergy or laity, ever thought the less of the Com- mission, or even for a moment called in question their conduct in point of orthodoxy or discipline, by reading in Buck's Dic- tionary the charges before mentioned. And while the pro- gress of Theological Seminaries and Education Societies maintain their course, and the increasing thirst and demand for an able and orthodox ministry continues in our Church, she has thereby afforded unto her an ample pledge, that the aforesaid charges will never diminish her credit nor tarnish her glory. And this is one principal reason why she has been so long tardy or indifferent respecting her disavowal of the correctness of the statement in question. The article in Buck's Dictionary further says: "As to the first ground of complaint, the Presbytery not only pled the exception in the Discipline in 'extraordinary cases,' but also the example of a number of Presbyteries in different parts of the United States." This declaration is based upon a false construction of discipline, and consequently the reference to Presbyterial precedents is irrelevant. The "extraordinary- cases," called "the exception in the Discipline," refer not to the literary qualifications of the caudidate, but to the term of time allotted for his theological studies. The words are: "That the most effectual measures be taken to guard against the ad- mission of insufficient men into the sacred office, it is recom- mended, that no candidate, (except in extraordinary cases,) be licensed, unless after his having completed the usual course of academical studies, he shall have studied divinity at least two years, (Form of Gov. Chap. xiii. Sec. 4.) The plain con- struction is this; that after academical studies, no man should be licensed, without having studied divinity at least two years, except in extraordinary cases. This is also the idea conveyed [,28 j in the margin of former editions of the Discipline opposite the article under consideration. Some men of* literary quali- fications, of sound faith, of puhlic habits, and of advanced age, might in such extraordinary cases, be licensed probably in six months after becoming candidates. But the conduct of the Cumberland Presbytery, as it respected extraordinary ca- ses, was certainly unprecedented. They had nearly thirty such cases, according to their construction of that article of the Discipline, and the most extraordinary case of all, and which exhibited a perfect anomaly in Presbyterianism, was that of James Hawe, "the regular member of the Methodist Republican Church." And if we predicate their practice upon the same rule of construction, their cases have ail been extraordinary to this day, i. e. their licentiates, without lite- rary qualificat ions, are, generally, if not all, men of extraordi- nary talents. Such a rule is so vague and uncertain, that it may be applied equally to one society, as another, even where no pretensions to literary qualifications are set up.. These observations are not designed either to impugn or call in question the motives and conduct of those Presbyteries who have occasionally introduced men, destitute, in part at least, of literary qualifications, into the ministry. Such cases, how- ever, rarely happen; acd no Presbytery in the United States has ever afforded such a precedent as is pleaded for by the author of the article in Buck's Dictionary. It is therefore to be regretted, in so for as candour and truth are concerned, that such an article, bearing upon its front the indubitable marks of insincerity and untruth, should ever have been ad- mitted by an American Publisher into an original work, with- out the privity or sanction of the author; and thereby afford an almost unlimitted currency to a statement so exceptionable, and at least, as it respects sefhe parts of it, so unfounded in truth. Such a conduct was ungenerous towards the author of that highly and deservedly popular work; and also clearly unauthorized by modesty, as well as the dictates of prudence and sound policy. Equally s? is the conduct of the Cumber t 29-} land Synod, as they are termed, in which, to use their own words, they "have ventured to model, to expunge, and to add to, the Confession of the General Presbyterian Church." In doing which, they have not only mutilated our Confession, and altered our Shorter Catechism, which thereby has shared the same late, and consequently greatly marred its beautiful symmetry, its just proportion, and harmony of its parts; but al- so, by such conduct, have manifested a lack of independence, of modesty, and of generosity, and have moreover displayed, a hardihood and temerity, in garbling and mangling those works, that no people ever thought of, or attempted before. With such a book, modelled, expunged, and added according to their own taste and fancy, and adopted as a symbol of their faith, with the imposing and beguiling name of Presbyterian, it is not to be wondered at that a number of our connection, em- igrating to those parts within the range of these people, should readily be imposed upon, and beguiled into their com- munion as a matter either of convenience or indifference, be- cause of the supposed affinity and similarity held up to view between the orthodoxy and discipline of the two connections. It is deemed our duty, therefore, to make known to all who have a predilection for, and wish to retain their standing in the Presbyterian Church, that it is their duty to adhere to our Confession of Faith and Catechisms, in their original and un- broken form, as all along delivered to them; and likewise to our late improved, and highly approved Form of Government and Discipline, "as amended and ratified by the General As- sembly in May, 18^1.*' In doing this the} will avoid the charge of inconsistency; they will not jeopardize their own standing in their Church, but will continue to promote it- iu° terests; will add strength to themselves towards obtaini g a stated ministry according to their desire, and wi'l a?oid the imputation of being connected with a people whose origin I standing is at le.ast of questionable regularity.