^r^rm r%..x.V.'ir- ■^ . -^^^ jr?sr ^: t ^V -»• • &i*"C! T, 1 B K A H Y pki.\ci:t<»\, i\. J. PONATIOX OF S A M f hi 1. A a N K W , . )■ l- H I 1. 1 li E L P H 1 \ . PA L-'fter ^/-i. /^ /^UOAf J^'^J^^^'^ f No. COLLECTION OF PURITAN AND ENGLISH THEOLOGICAL LITERATURE ? LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY c ?/5^ REFLECTIONS To a Late BOO K, Entituled, The GENVINE REM J INS O F Dr.Tho. Barlow, Late BISHOP of L I N C O L N. Fallly pretended to be PubliQied from His LORDSHIP'S Original Papers. With a CATALOGUE ofSociNiAN Writers. 4 Hac 'volebam, nefcius nt effes. Preface to tlie Rcma'ws. I LONDON, Printed for Robert CUvell, at the Peacock in St. Vml\ Church-Yard. MDCXCIV. Imprimatur. Guil. Lancafter, R. P. D. Hen^ Epifco. Lond' a Sacris Domeft- July aj. 1694. T O T H E Reverend Doctor FV LLER^ CHANCELLOR O F T H E CATHEDRAL CHURCH in LINCOLN. s I R, AS Ijhall conftantly endeavour to approve my fe/ffevfible of viy late Lord Bijkop of Lin- coln s great Favours in general, fo in particular I thinly my felf happy in your Friendjhip, which I have not a little Experienced ever fince my firjl admiffion into the Church of Lincoln, by vertue cj his Lord Bifhops Patronage, When I was with you at Lincoln in May lajly you were pleafed to enquire about the late Bifhop cf Lincoln s Original MSS^ which were e?itrufted •with my Brother Chaplain and my felf., and to exprefs your Concern very much^thatfuch poor Scraps of Learning fhould be Printed under the Authority of fo great a Name as Voifor Barlow's was 5 and thai the Genuine Remains which were Extant, did not only injure the Menmy of him that was a Learned A 2 father The Epiftle Dedicatory. Father of our Churchy but occafion^ fome Perfons to cenfure and condemn thofe vpimn be bad left bis Legatees for his Papers : I did then ajfure you, that we that had the Bifhofs MSS bad taken all 'una- ginahle Care 'of them, having never parte J with any of the7Ji, nor gave confent that any fart or par- eel of them JhoulJ be Printed-^ and that what had happen d was altogether without our knowledge. And thus much I gave you for truth under my own HaTtd^in a Paper which I left with you -^^ the Si^bjiance of which I read to the Reverend Do^or Gardiner, our prefent Sub-Dean^ who was equally concern d with your felf that any thing fhould pafs abroad under our late Bifhops Name and Characfer, which might in the leafi prejudice the Church and his Me- mory. I then fatisfied you both, that one Sir P. P. and the late Vicar of Bugden, were the confederate Ped- lars^ that have endeavour d to impofe upon the World fo much varniJUdWare, for the fake of Twen- ty Guineas gave for the Copy 3 as bis Wife in- formed a Reverend Friend of mine. Soon after I left Lincoln, / met with the late Minijler of Bugden^ who confefsd he did commu- nicate the DireBions to a young Divine, which ufh- ers in the reft of the Remains to Sir P. P. which MSS I told him was not compleated :, for being ad- mitted, fometime to a freedom of Difcourfe with his \ ■ "^ Lordfhip, The Epiftle Dedicatory. Lorc/Jhipy upon viy mentionivg once the Vrintijig of his 'Av]o1 The Epiftle Dedicatory. queft^ and return d me the fdllovpi7ig Letter which I fendyou':, and being confident you willheflecdd with the defign of doing Juftice to the Memory of a Learn- ed Prelate^ which has fuferd in the Publication of little things^ whilji the more weighty Effe^s of his indefatigable Pains and Study have ( according to his own Inclinations and Will) been kepfrom being viade Publick: I am Sir, Middlcton-Stony, y««,i3. 94. Your moil Obliged Servant, Wmam Offiey. REFLE: (7) EFLECTIONS On a Late BOO SIR, YO U may remember, that difcourfing with you frequently about fbme Pieces that Iiave appeared under the late Learned and Pious Bilhop of Lincoln's Name, particularly that of the Genu^ ine Remains, I always exprefs't my Scnfe about them to this effect ; That though there was foul play praftifed in the publifhing of them, and fuch as dcferved to be taken notice of, yet that thofe concern'd therein had laid their defign ( of getting a penny ) fb open, and their poor Arts of raifing the price and bulk of a Book fb obvi- ous and undifguifed, that they were vifible to every Eye without being pointed to, and fb needed not be more effe£lually expofed than they had done it them- felves. And for the clearing us, whom the Bifliop was plea- fed to appoint Legatees for all his own Original Manu- Icripts, I thought it fufficient for us openly to dilavow ( as for my part, I did upon all occafions ) our being either contenting or fb much as privy to the Printing any of them ; which if we had been minded to do, it had ( 8 ) . had been eafy to have made choice of fuch,. as were mfinitely more worthy of the Bi(liop''s Character. And to remove all Sufpicion at the greater diltance, I failM not to acquaint others (as opportunity icrved ) that the Bifhop, at the difpofal of his MSS.. iliew\i no inchnation to have any of them pubhfli'd after his Deceafe; for that the freedom being taken to ask his Lordfhip whether he would have any of them Printed, his Anfwer was, ( as near as I could recolleti ) that he did not defire that any fhould. Now though this did not amount to an abfolute Prohibition, yet I told them we took it to be a Signification of the Bifhop's Mind, and accordingly thought our Selves bound religioully to obferve it, notwithftanding the expedlations and impor- tunities of others, or the Advantage we might ocherwile propofe to our felves- And thus being in no wife confcious to our lelves, of fending any thing abroad under the Biihop's Name; I hope it may feem. the more excufable that we have been the lefs concern'd to publifli our Innocence. The only thing then that could be expeded from us, was^ thas fomething fliould be offerM in Vindi- cation of the Bifliop's Memory, to which upon feveral accounts we owe a great Efteem and Veneration ^ and which indeed would be extremely injured, if the World fhould believe ( what is fuggefted in the Pomp- ous Title ) that Thofe were THE Genuifte ProduAs of the Learned Prelate's long Study and Labour. But, the truth is, I could never perfwade my felf that any, that were acquainted with his Lordfhip's great Abilities ( as few were ignorant of them ) could ever entertain lb injurious a thought of him. It was very well known that as He had made a noble Colledion of Books, fb he put them to better ufe than any thing that's Printed fiuce C 9 ) finc€ his Death doth fliew ; and has taken the mofl efFedlual way to make them ferviccable hei-eafter, by bequeathing them to Bodlefs and QuQcns-C ol/^ge Li- braries in Oxford, and thereby accomphfhing his own often repeated promifes, and tiie hopes that others had conceivM thereupon. -And thefe Confiderations you know, Sir, wrouglit fb far with me, that I thought it unnecelfary any thing Ihould be offer'd in print, either for the Vindication of our Patron, or the Satisfaction of others. And herein you feemM heretofore to concur with me. Nev^ertheiefs, lincc as well upon the faid accounts, as to jullify our felves from fome groundlefs liirmifes, you judge it need- ful fbmething fliould be faid ; I am ready to commu- nicate a few things that occur'd to me in the perufal of the Remains (for to take notice of every thing that would bear a Reflexion, would be an endlefs labour ) and fhall leave it to your Difcretion to make what ule of them you think fit. It was not to be expeded, but that one fpecious Pretence or other would be made ufe of to palliate the matter, and the rather, bccaule the moft unbecoming Adlions ( like the homelieft Faces ) require the moft Art to fet them off. And therefore to make Bookfeller and Buyer the better to fwallow the Pill, nothing lefs is " pretended than the gratifyng tlie Learned World, and erecting a Ufting Monument of Fraife to the Bifljofs Memory, by the Publication of this Book. As to the latter part of the Plea, it muft be owned that tlie Pious Architect's Zeal for the Bifhop's Honour has tranf^ ported him fo far, that rather than want Materials for a Monument, he has piled together fuch defpicable ones, as if compar'd with others the Bifliop has Mt behind Him, would make Him lamented as buried in Ruins. C How ( 10 ) Mow far he defign'd to oblige the World by this Col- lection of ReUcks, is only difcernible to the Searcher of Hearts; but how far he has compafs'd that Defign, o- thers may judge: And I can't forbear (on this Occa- fion ) refleQing on the fubtile Trade which the Romifh Fryars drive in vending the Relicks of their Sai/jts, which, there are fhrew'd Temptations to believe, is not fo much for the benefit of the People as themfelves. But that which feems a Jefi upon the Reader's Un- derftanding, is, that the Editor would make him be- Wp'567- ^^^^-^ ^^^^^ tender of (4) [willing the Volume' to too great a bulk, when 'tis vifible he has Icraped together both Old and New, Good and Bad, Genuine and Adulterate, the one to be a Vehicle to the other, and both together to fcrew Mr. Duntcn up to a Pitch. If the World be fb Superftitious as to be fond of Relicks, does lie think Men will renounce their Senfes too, and m fpight of them believe that he is in good earnefl: careful not to be too bulky, when to advance the number of Sheets lie has added feveral of his own, and patch'd up a. third part of the reft of the Book out of old Pieces, witnefe the Preface to the Gun-powder Treafbn, the ' Trad againft Baxter, and the two Metaphyfical Excr- citations ; when he has glean'd up a parcel of private Letters and Correfpondencies, and much other crude and indigefted Matter, which we may reafbnably pre- fiime the Bilhop would never have defired fhould have lecn any other light after his death, but that of the Elames ? • In the Diredions to a Young Divine, there are abun° dance of things marfliall'd under that Head, which the Bifhop never intended for that purpoie. Amongft o- thers, there's a Syllabus of Socinian Qucftions foifted in; concerning which 'twould perhaps puzzle the Editor to f ' ~ ' give C " ) give a fatlsfadory Anfwer to any of thefe Four Quefti- ens. B^hy it was Printed at aH ? Why at fuch an unfea- fonahle time ? Why under a falfe and improper Head? And why fo Ume and imperfe^ ? Why Printed at all? Was it that the Editor would have the Bifhop thought an Abettor of Socinianifm? from which he Irood at as great a Diftance, as one part of a Contrad6lion from the other, as every one knows that was not a meer Stranger both to his Writings and Con- verfation. Or was it for the general Information of Mankind, in a part of knowledge they might with more fafety be ignorant of? The Socinians are look'd upon by Ibme as great Mafters of reafbning, and perhaps they bid as fair for it, as the weaknefs of the Caufe, they maintain, will admit of: So that what M. Cato oblervM of C^far, feems in Ibme wife applicable to SocinuSy Unum ex Omnibus ad Kvertendam Rempublicam [ Chrifiianam ] Sobrium accef/iffe. And his Opinions being fb dangerous to the Foundation of Chriftianity, it is fomewhat unaccountable what necefFity there was, to be directed to Chapter, Page, and Section, where to find them alTerted to all the advantage they arc capable of: Efpecially if we confider, that Men are naturally too inquifitive aktr forbidden Knowledge: The Experiment colt our firft Parents very dear, and their Pofterity have ever had Tuch a fatal Curiofity to pry into the Errors of former Ages, as never needs to be fet on edge. Whatfoever therefore the Bifhop might Communicate to a particular Friend, and one that was more than ordinarily curious in the Study of Theological Matters ( as the Prefacer has it ) yet he could never intend that Syllabus of Queftions ( in the drels it ap- pears in) for common and Publick Ufe: Much lefs would he ever have confented to the difperfing of it at. ( 12 ) at fuch a time as this, when the Peftilent Herefies of Socinus are more induftrioufly propagated in the Na- tion than ever. But there is yet more Injuftice done the * Bifhop, by Printing it under an .improper Head. 'Tis certain he never made That any part of his Inftrudlions to a young Divine, either in that Copy the Editor met with or any other. For the Learned Prelate could not be ignorant, how dangerous it might prove to a Novice in Divinity, to direct him to a number of So- cinian Writers, without Signifying withal where to find their Errors confuted. This had been to prefcribe Poifon without it's Antidote ; to pervert and lead aftray his young Student, rather than inilrud him in the right Search of Truth, and fo to influence his more injudi- cious years with the leaven of Herefie, as it might cofl: liim fbme time and pains to wear off the Imprci^ lion. But laftly, if printed it mu/l^ be, and at an urfea- fontihle time too, and moreover under an improper Head J why was it after all lent abroad ^o lame and imperfecta I mean^ without thofc references to Orthodox Authors, who have defignedly and fuccefsfully writ againft the Soeinians, and which are found in the Bifhop's Original Papers ? I am not willing indeed to believe that the ColleQ:or omitted them out of any affcdion to Socinianifm. No, to do him right, he is fb true to his main end, and has fo carefully inferted ( without Diftinftion ) whatever might ferve to pro- mote it, that he can't be fufpeded to poftpone his In- tereft in favour of that, or any other Perfwafion what- Ibever. And therefore we may well enough fuppofc he has left out nothing that was in the Copy he met with : But then, is there not reafon to expoftulate the Cafe C 73 ) Cafe v/itli him, why this or any^ thing elfe fliould be publifli'd under a great Name from Copies defeclivc or unfiniilf d, to the Impairing of the Author's Repu- tation, and rather injury than benefit of others ? But to make no more words about it, to fliew how Genu- ine a Remain this fame (amongft others) is, I have lent you what I find in the Bifhop's MSS concerning the Anti-Socinian Writers, which I fliould think, ought ra- ther to have been Printed fingle, and the other omit- ted, than the contrary. What follows the Directions (to Page 58^.) is little elfe but fbme private Letters and Icatter'd Papers, glean'd up from leveral Quarters ; many of which are not to be found amongft the Bilhop's Writings j a certain figii this, that if they be Genuine, he fct little or no value on them; it being his conftant Method, when he communi- cated any thing he valued, to his Friends, to defire them to return the Copy, or at leaft to caufe it to be tran- fcribed before he fent it. Amongft his Papers there are found Letters writ from every Corner of the Com- pafs, and amongft others, fome fign'd with P. P. and dated from the Strand, near the May-pole, If all were fuch as His, it would be worth the while to make a F relent of them to the Haberdafher of Small- wares in the PouUrey, But I would firft know whe- ther P. P. would take it well to have His Expos'd to publick Cenfure. The Prefacer to the Remains ^ ( if that be his Name at large) fays that no Works are more grateful to Critical Readers, than fuch as are compri- zed by way of Epiftle. Now I do alfure him. His are very entertaining that way ; and if we fliould divert the Reader at his coft, it would be but a juft Reta- liation. However, his Letters will be kept by way of Reprizal for further Service. D Next ( t4 ) Next in order follow a Preface to a Difcourfe con- cerning the Cxunporvder-Tre/tfon, an Anfwer to a Tracl of Mr. BAxter\y and a little after two Metaphyfical Exercitations^ all which being in Print before, 'tis hard to fay for what end they are now Re-printed, unlefs to fwell the Volume, and thereby lay a Tax upon the. Subjc. ^2. &t, 6. Balth. MeifncrusConfiderat. TheoIogisePIiotinianae. cap,j^,pag. 310. 7. Job. Hoornebeck Soeinianifmi Conflitati, Tom, i. L i.f. f^, fusK 8. Sam. Marefius in Hydra Soeinianifmi confutata./. i. €. 2$. f. 392. 9. Suarez Opulc. //^. 5. f^/. i% 2*. 10. Pet. Lombard. Sent. Lib. 2, Dijp, 26, Y id. Com-^ mentatores, ibid, 11. Aquinas. 22. ^^f/. 2. u^r;. ^. 4. d' Commenta- toresj , ikjd. C 23 ) An Socimani ft fit vers Chrifiiani ? Negant, i.T Udov. Crocius Anti-Socinianifmi. Dijp.i.^./^, _L 2. Andraeas Prolxus in Mataeol. Sociniana. c. i,. ^. Bakhaf. Meifnerus in brevi Confid. Thcologiae Photinianae, c, ^^ pag. 294. & c, 5. pag. 6^4. 4. Jacob. Maitinus. Synopfi Religionis Photinianae;?. C4p. 6. §. 26. pag. 144. d* f. i.§. 14. 5. Joh.Polyander Concertat. Anti-Sociniana.i^D//^.4,5. 6. Job. Hoornebeck Socinianifmi Confut. Tom. i./. 2, c ^» pag* 1S8. Authores alfqui qui contra T. Socinum Senenfem^ f^t^^) fequaces fcripfernnt, i.TAcobus ad Portiim, 6"^. Theologiae in Acad. Laufan- J nenli ProfeiTor, fcripfit Defenfionem Fidei Orthodox^. zdvei'iusChriJ-ophor^ Ofiorodii Infiitutiones ReltgionpsChri-- fiinna^ Gencv. Edit. An. 161^. 4^0. 2. Sibrandus Lubbertus fcripfit contra F. Socinum,. lib. 4. de Jefu Qhrifto Servatore. 4^0. ^. Andreas ElTenius -v^rt^s-M^ Hug. Grotii fcripfit Lib. . cui Titulus- — Triumphus Crucis^feu Fides CathoUca de Sa- tisfaHione Chrifii contra Joh. Crellium Fran. ^^^. 4. Johan. Henr. Bifterfcldius NafTovius fcripfit de Vno Deo, Patre, Filio, & Spiritu SanClo^ contra Jph. CrtUii^ 1.2. de Vno Deo Pat re. Lug. Bat. 16^9. 4^0^ 5. Wolfangus Franzius fcripfit Difp. varias adverfus< Fhotinianos pro Satisfa^f tone Chrifii, Sub hoc Titulo, Dif- put At tones Theolog. de Sacrifciis Satiifa^ionis Chrifti pro ■ feccatis totiui Mundipr^fiita. Tvpis Firmiffimis. 4^°. 6.Chri-:- C 24 ) 6. Cliriflanus Matthias Dithmarfus In Acadcmia Norl- corum Altorlina Profeilor, fcripfit &" edidit Collegium Exer- citAtionum Theologicartim Anti-Phot inianum^ in quo Dijpu- tationes decern, (i.) De Notitiae Dei naturalis exillentia 8c elTentia. (2.) De Notitiae naturalis ufu &: efficacia. (j.) De O'.ovouiA, i. e. Nomenclatura Divina in genere &■ in fpecie de nomine Jehova. (4.) De appellatione Defi^. (5.) De ap- pellatione Jdon, KJe^©-, Domintis. (6.) De Dei definitione, genere &■ Praedicatorum qualitate. (7.) DeElIentiae Divi- naeunitate. (8.) Denatura Attributorum Divinorum ad intYA conlideratorum. (9.) De Attributis Divinis ad^xtra, (10.) De ordine Attributorum Divinorum. 4^0. 7. Valentinus Legdaeus Suerinenfis edidit Examen nfu- tationisVdent, Smalcti^ quam Tbefibm Albert t Graiveri de JLterm Deitate & Incarnatione Filti Dei^ oppofuit. 4^0. 8. Joh. Winterus Naumbergenfis edidit refutationem Sententt£ F. Socini de Juiliticatione hominis coram Deo, quam tradat in praeledlionibus TheoJog. ca^, i 5. Probie- mata Socini quinq; ponit & refellit. 4^0. 1. An in Juftificatione noftra peccata noftra deleantur iiuda remifTione/ine S.atisfa&ione ? AfTerit Socinus. 2. A\\ Deus poterat peccata condonare fine Satisfadi- one ? AiTerit Socinus. 3. An Vitse innocentia poflit cenferi loco Satisfadionis, &: articulum Juftificationis ingredi ? AiTerit Socinus. 4. Aw Deus voluerit peccata fme fatisfactione condo- nare? AiTerit Socinus. 5. An Chriftus pro peccatis nollris fatisfecerit ? Negat Socinus. Idem fcripfit QolUtionem & Differentiam Vet. & A^oi/.Teftamenti Sucerdotum : Item Tradatum de .jbac quseftione, An AdAmusinftatu Integritatu fuerit MortAlis f AiTerit Socinus. Negat Wmterus. 9. Joh. Junius Ecclcfiae Sylvae Ducenfis Faftor fcripfit Refutationem Prale^iontimTheologicarumV^ Socini Senen- %Amftelod. 165J. h°, 10. Bal- (25) 10. Balthazar Meifherus in Academia Wittcbcrgciifi Profellor fcripfit Lib. cui Tit. Brevis Confideratio Theo- logize Photi/7ia?7a:^ p'out earn F. Socinu^ defcripfit libello cui titulus Ouod Evangelici omnino dehent fe tllorum ccettii adju'rigerej qui fdso Ariani & Ehionita vocan- tur, 8^0. 11. Jacob. Martin, fcripfit Lib. cui tit Synoffts t otitis Keligionis Vhotininna: ex tllorum Inflittitione bre- njiy Volkelio^ OfiorodOj aliijq\ ejus fe^ia authoribus repe- tit(Z & breviter refutata. S^o. 12. Johan. Junius Ecclefia Ailcndelphenfis Minifler fcripfit Examen Rejponfionis F. Socini ad Librum Jacobi JVieki, de Divinitate Filii Dei, & Spirits San^i, Am- Udod. An. 1628. 8vo. i^. Johan. Polyander ProfefTor Leidenfis fcripfit Lib. cui Tit. Prima concertatio Anti-Sociniana Dijputa- tiombus 48. comfrehenfa, Amftcl. An. 1640. 8*'o. 14. Joh. Paulus Fetwinger in Acad. Altdorphina A- lumnorum Noricorum Ephorus fcripfit Lib. cui Titu- lus Vindicia Incarnationii Jefu Chrifii aterni Patrif atemi Filii, pro Alberto Grawero ProfefTore olim Je- nenfi. 8^0. 15. Andreas '^ Keflerus *Superintendens Eisfeldenfis * /^cw Ke- fcripfit Lib. cui Tit. Phyfica Photinian^ Examen, ^Q,^tv\^^^\ittx. An. 1650. 8vo. _ ^^^1 16. Jacob. Martin, fcripfit Lib. cui Tit. ^, Martini ex Soant^i- de tribu6 Elohim Liber primus. Photinianorum novorum^^'^ ^'^^' fracipHe Georg. Emeldeni blajphemiis oppoftu^. An. 1619. Oclavo. 17. Andreas Volanus fcripfit Lib. cui tit. Par^nefis Ard. Volani ad omnes in regno Polonia^ magno Ducatu Lithuania^ Somofateniana T>ocirina Profeffores : cr ad no- njA Ebionitarum contra Paranefm obje^a rejfontio. Spira:. An. 1582. G 18. Pro- jS. Frodiit not ita pridem Libellus cui titulus, Spci- men refutAtionis lihri Johanis CreSu de Satisfa£tione (Shri- fit, Authore L. V. &c. Trajedli ad Rhenum. Anv 1648. 12"^0. ^Videfis 19- Extat Meditatio Theologica de ufu '^ & ahufu kac de YAt'tonis HumAna in interfretAndis & ajlimandis rebus ^iu°yn!w ^ Scripturis Divinis, per CSjA. Lug. Batav^. 163^.12^0, dejndke 20. Ambrofius de Penalofa fcripfit Opus egregium de i§ norma Chrlftl & Sfiiitus San^i DivinitAte, & TrinitAtis My- ^l'^ll^jj°J!' fier 10 contv2i ^Socinianos. An. 1635. Fol. rinnLi- 21. Nicolaus AmoMus Polonus Ecclefise Beetkumange hros duos, _\4ini{ler librum edidit cui Tit. JohAn, Maccoviu^s Redi- foH. An. I'ivi^j continensv i. nf^T^v 4dr=/if Pontificiorum Soci- 1644- nianorum, &c, 2. Cafiis Confcientiae ad normam Do- Qrinae 6'ocinian32. ^. Anti-^ocinum, cum Appendice de Atheis. An. 1647. 4^°. 22. Hugo Grotius de SatiifAHione Chrifii contra^ F. U.i.S9cino.Socinum || cui refp.. Andreas EfTenuis in Triumpho Cruets^ &■ L. V. in Specimine refutationis Job, Crellii de Satif^ fABione Chrifti, 8^°. 2^. Vid. Ludov. Lucium de SAtisfA^iiom Chrifii contra Michaelem Gettichium. Edit. BAfiL 161 2. 8^°. 24. Lambert. Danae-us in P. Lomb. Sentent. lib. i . mul- ta pro Trinitate difputat. Edit An. 1 580. 8^0. 25. Chriftianus Becn^annus Bornenfis edidit Exerci- tationes Tbeolog, pro DeitAte Chrifii^ &c. contra Socinum, Smalcium, Ollorodumj Crellium, Mennonem Simonis,. Paracelfum, Wiegelium, &c, Arnft. An. 1643. Fol. 26. Job. Paulus Felwingem fcripfit ExAmen difquifiiio^ ^is h-evif edit. NovQmhQvgx. 16'^ J, 8^0. 27. Sam. Marefii Xenia Academic a, feu de DivinitAte ^ & PerfonalitAte Sp.Sancti contra Socinianos (cum aliis) 4^0. 28. Difputatio Theologica Orthodoxa de SAnCiifJim^ T/'/W/4^e. Authore Jofcpho Yoifin. Fay, 1647. 8^0. 29. Soc^ (27) 29. Socimanifml confutati, Tomus I . Autliore Johannc Hoornebecke ProfelFore \J\tvz)Qdi^nQ.Vltrajecti . 1 6 50. 4^0. 50. Hydra Socinianifmi expignata, contra, Joh.Volkelium Sc Joh. Crellium. per Sam.MarefiumjGro/^//?^^. 165 1. 4'^°^ 51. Bernardus ^2iyi'CA\x%^^n'^^\t Monomachian po defen- fiofje Fidei Tr im fat If »Cr3.cov. 1616. In Bibleoth. Bodl. ^2. Toll. Cloppenburg fcripfit Vindicias pro DeitateSp, 5rf;?<^/yadverrus Joh. Bidellum Anglum. Franck, 1652. ^^. Jofuae Stegmanni PhotimanifmuSj j'eu fuccintta re^ futatio error um Photinianorum^ &c. Rhinthelii. 1623. 8^°. Alii pene infiniti, Pontificii pariter 8c Reformati fele Socino oppolliere, ut paflini videre eft. Vide fis. iEgidium Hunnium in Articulo de Trinitate. Polanum in Syntagm. Theol. /. ^. c, 2. ad 11. Barthol. Terres in i. part. Aquinatis. Benedi£i:. 6zentkiraL. Tranfylvanum contra Georgi- um Enjedinum. Hieron. Zanchium de tribus Elohim, 8cc. Hannib.Roireli Comment, in Paemandrum Hermetis. Calvinum in defenfione Orthodoxae fidei lacrae Trini- tatis contra M. vServetum, & Georg. Blandr. Erafmum Brochmannum, qui utraq; Controverfiarum parte quaeftiones 6ocinianas proponit & difcutit. Dionyfium Petavium, qui fuse pariter 3f docle in Dog- matis Theologicis tradlandis contra Socinum dilputat, te- ftimoniis ex intimi Antiquitate petitis. Tandem longum Scriptorum Catalogum (eorum nera- pe qui contra Socinum & fui lequaces militant ) tibi ex- Iiibet Chriftianus Bccmannus Bornenfis in Exercitationi- bus Theologicis Amftelodami editis An. 1645. pag. 12. Ubi Authores 56 plus minus enumerat, qui jullo Bello SfMarte internecine contra Socinum, ipfumqietiam So- einianilhium animose militant. Qui velletj videat. Schola- (V8) Scholaftici ( quod ad Articulum Trlnitatis attinet ) in I. Sent. P. Lombard! diftincl. 2. 8c in i. parte Aqiiina- tis multa difputant, curiofa magis fateor qiiam viro cor- dato profutura. Quorum omnium Catalogum laboriose contextum tibi exhibet Johan. Martinez de Ripalda in Lib. Sent, i. Difp..2. FINIS. Advertisement, A Daily OiEce for the Sick: Compil'd out of the Holy Scripture, and the Liturgy of our Church. With occafional Prayers^ Meditations and Dire^tioas, The Vmtheon^ Reprefenting the fabulous Hiftories of the Heathen Gods, and moft Illuftrious Heroes ; in a Ihort, plain and familiar Method, by way of Dialogue, for the Ufe of Schools. Written by Fya, Forney, of the Society of Jefus : Author of the trench and Lutin Di- Q:ionary, for the Ufe of the Daufhin, Both Printed for J(. CUvell at the Peacock in St, Panh Church-yard. mMf '*'r*'l- !fe;'" :«M^ i Sfe*. '#1