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Page THE SYNONYMS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT INDEX TO THE SYNONYMS OF THE NEW TES- TAMENT .... 62 ON THE GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY OF THE WRITERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 75 Translated from the Original by Professor Robivso.v. ON SIMPLICITY OF THE INTERPRETATION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT . . 1*^8 Translated from the Original by Professor Robinson. ON THE PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF FORCED INTER- PRETATIONS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 132 Translated from the Original by Professor Robinson. USE OF THE PARTICLE "iNA IN THE NEW TESTAMENT . . .183 Translated from the Original, with Notes, by Professor Stuart. ON THE FORCE OF THE GREEK PREPOSITIONS IN COMPOUND VERBS, AS EMPLOYED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT . . 241 Translated from the Original by Professor Robiwson. PEIHGE NEW TESTAMENT, CHAPTER XL This is the nature of synonyms, that they ex- press diverse modes of conceiving the same thing, and thus cause hearers and readers to represent to their minds indeed the same ob- ject, (as they call it in the schools), and yet to form varying notions of it. Hence it happens, that among the best and most accurate writers, a twofold use of synonyms is chiefly found, one the logical, which we may call necessary^ another the rhetorical, which may be termed not necessa^ ry. We call that necessary, when the writer has had in his mind a certain definite form of any ob- ject, and has wished that this form be thought of by the readers ; as, for instance, if any one were VOL. II. B 2 THE SYNONYMS to speak of a man destitute of wealth, and com- pelled to seek his necessary sustenance by hard labour, he ought to call him Tsv/^ra* if he were to use the word --TrToyJiv, the idea of a mendicant, seeking alms, would be raised in the mind of the reader. Those, therefore, who speak accurately, are accustomed to select out of many synonyms, that is words having a kind- red meaning, that term which expresses the precise notion which he wishes to convey. The other use, which we have called not necessary, appears in those passages where two or more synonyms are placed together. This may be done for a twofold reason, first, because he who is speaking may wish that these kindred ideas of the same object be thought of separately by the mind of the reader ; and next, because he may desire to describe the same thing in all its parts, and to exhibit a fuller and more lively representation of it ; which is for the most part peculiar to orators and poets, among whom an accumulation of synonymous terms is a favourite figure. Of the former sort, are those passages, where two synonyms are coupled by a negative particle, as, for example, when Paul, in the Epistle to the Gal. i. 12, says, oho) yu^ lydj rraoa, avd^wTou crafsXaCoi/ auro, (yon sdidd^Ori'y. For he denies both rh Tu^aXajSiTv and rb bthay&rivai. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. O These words really differ, as synonyms are ac- customed to do, for they signify different modes of the same thing (knowledge received from another), as we shall shew in a proper place ; but the negative remains the same, for it belongs to the w^ords ra^' ccv^^wto-j. Although, therefore, Greek writers, in similar phrases, were, for the most part, accustomed to write not o'Jrs but ovd'-z, yet in this passage o'jrs ought not lightly to be disturbed."" Synonyms of the latter class occur so frequently, that it is strange how any one should have imagined that, in the New Testament, when two or more synonyms are found in juxta-position, one or more must be considered as a gloss, and rejected from the text, without any authority of MSS. The rash- ness of Wassenbergh has been, of late, in this respect,^ satisfactorily exposed by F. A. Bor- nemann f and our own Beck '^ has, later still, with great acuteness remarked, that additional expressions introduced in the discourse, for the sake of illustration and limitation, ought not always to be considered as glosses, and he has " See Scliaefer, App. to Deinosth. III. p. 449. ^ Dissert, de Glossis N. T. praemissa \^alkenarii scholiis in libros N. T. Tom. i. p. 1, sq. " De Glossemat. N. T. caute dijudicandis. Schol. in Luc. p. ix. sq. '^ Conteu. II. de Glossem. quee in sacris libris occurrunt, p. 15. 4 THE SYNONYMS adduced as an example, that passage, Tit.iii. 1, where b'rordff/£/' refers to him who obeys com- mands or laws, and submitting to the autho- OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 5 rity of another, does what is commanded. What an honourable man, therefore, is ac- customed to do willingly, not being compel- led by violence or fear, — provided the things which are commanded, are just and honour- able, 6 iTn&ao'^v does not do of his own ac- cord, but by the order of another. For in the word uTorao-Csff^a/, the power of the middle voice is also conspicuous, which denotes that one does or suffers something, without being persuad- ed, impelled, or commanded by another. In the same manner, dvn'ka.[j.ZoLviG&ai^ of which we shall afterwards speak, signifies to undertake the management of something spontaneously, whence it happens that ^ortkh may be applied to the inferior animals and things without life, but (xv-tXafj.j3d)/sffdai cannot. But that rrnSciP^sTv properly signifies to obey a command given or law prescribed, and to exe- cute the orders of another is clearly shown by this one passage of Lucian : wots i/vv/xh — la-/ rp &aoyj;jlMv auroT;.^ Hence, even in the same au- thor, " life is said to obey the laws which nature prescribes," Tu^aoyjl' 6 (3iog oig rj (p-jffig svoixodsrriGvj.^ But we ought not to be surprised that ■jrordffffsff^ai, in the sense of to submit, or subject one's self * III. Saturn, p. 392. ^ II. Amor. 20, p. 420. 6 THE SYNONYMS voluntarily to another, is found frequently in the sacred oracles, and not among other writers. For it is peculiar to the rules of Christianity that men, spontaneously, without being com- pelled by fear, or urged by desire of gain, ac- custom themselves to perform all the duties of life, to obey the divine will, and to submit to human laws, unless when they order what is sinful. Wherefore, in that passage the one word can- not be taken for an exposition of the other, and also in the rest of the passages of the New Tes- tament Tsi&uQyjTv is to follow and obey one who gives orders or advice.^ The Apostles excuse themselves for not complying with the inter- diction of the council, Acts v. 29. In the same manner v'Trordffff&Gdai, unless where it has a passive signification, is used in the New^ Tes- tament of those who spontaneously submit to magistrates,^ to masters,^ to men worthy of honour^ in the cause of humanity,^ to hus- bands,'" to the authority of Christ," to God and his decrees.^ But so much for these. Now- let us speak of some other synonyms, and first of the words, R Acts xxvii. 21. *^ Rom. xiii. 1, 5. ' Tit. ii. 'J. ^ 1 Cor. XV. 27, 28. > Eph. v. 21. •" Kpli. v. 22. " Eph. V. 24. " Rom. x, 3. Heb. xii. 9. Jas. iv. 7. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. V of which we lately made incidental mention. The}^ agree in as far as they signify to bring aid. But 3^et they differ. For [SorihTv has the most extensive signification, as the German he/fen, succurrere^ to help to succour: avzi\a(j.- fSdvsGdai is to undertake the management, de- fence, or the cause of another : sich jemandes einer Sache^ annehemen : I'xtXaiJjQdviGQoLt is to as- sist some one, as we, using another image, say heistehen to stand by. Boti^sTv is used also of irra- tional animals and other things, but dvriXafj.- (3a,vsffdc/,i and £T/?.a,a/3ai/£(r^a/ only of men. ^orjdsTv is therefore truly to give assistance ; that is, to afford succour or aid by our power, by our strength, by our advice, by our intre- pidity, &c. ; in the words avr/Aa/XiSccvsc^a/ and l-zAa/x/SavscrtJa/, the inclination and endeavour to assist are the leading ideas. All phy- sicians undertake the cure of the sick, dvrt- Xa/x/SaKJi/ra/ rojv ]io6o\jvrojv, but all do not render effectual assistance (por^Qovcsi). But it is not necessary to illustrate the signification of ^orikr^ by examples from the New Testament. 'Ai/r/- /.a/x/Sav£(T^a/ is always so used in the New Tes- tament, as that it may be distinguished from BoTTikTv. We have in Luke i. 54, avrOM^iro 'ic^aj^A 'TTuibog uijrov. The author did not say s^oridn, 8 THE SYNONYMS for God's aid was granted indeed, but in vain, since 6 'jtcui did not receive it ; at all events, the result was at that time uncertain. In the same manner also? hu avrt'ka(M^dvi6&at tZ)v acr^gfouvrwv is employed. Acts xx. 35, for we may all undertake the care of the sick and help them, but we can- not always render the assistance which ^otj&sTv implies. I am surprised in the passage, 1 Tim. vi. 2, that this signification has escaped the no- tice of almost all interpreters, except Wahl, 0/ TT^g ihipyssiag dvnAa/xjSavofMsvoi. They have supposed I know not what idea of perceiv- ing, of feeling, and of enjoying, and they have adduced examples of it very little to the pur- pose.'^ Even Schleusner himself was de- ceived by an inept scholium upon Thucy- dides VII. 66, for there the historian means nothing else than to succour. It is a more plausible example, which is given from the Axioclius ofj^ficliines (1,6): o hi ov-/, ujv ovds rrig GTSp'^ffiojg avTiXocfj^lBciHrai. It has been translated, he does not feel ; but why may we not translate it, he does not care, for it is no concern of his. The passage which Eisner quotes from the life of Pericles, in Plutarch, is foreign to the pur- pose, for there the verb is followed by an accusa- P See Eisner. Observ. Sacr. upon this passage, and Wett- stein. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 9 tive. In another passage of Porphyry on absti- nence from animal food, crXs/ovwi/ ridovuv uvriXri-^s- ffdai, the genitive is indeed employed, but j^^ovjj re- quired that case. For dvnXafi^dvsg&ai and like verbs, are construed with the genitive, if they speak of such things as are perceived by the mind or senses. It is for the same reason the middle voice is used. Besides, these who un- derstand the words rrig ivspysffiag d'm7.a,u.j3ai6/Mivci of those who have received benefits, whether they refer them to masters or servants, seem to pervert the sense of the Apostle. Masters cannot indeed be understood ; for if the words on mcroi^ &c. be used of masters, the Apostle would have written in the preceding clause, fMccXXov dovXiusru6av. But if we understand ser- vants, it is foreign to the purpose to say that they serve Christian masters, more cheerfully, because they have received benefits from them. For the true cause why Christian servants ought more willingly to serve their masters, ddsA(poTg, is because they themselves are 'Triffroi xa} dywTrrjToL But the d.ya-~r'oi are the 0/ rrjc svs^ysffiag dvTiXafx(3ccv6/j.svoi. I am therefore of opinion that in this passage also dvTiXaf/.^dvs- (s9at should be understood in the sense of, to have a care, to labour diligently, as Wahl has properly translated it. The sense seems 10 THE SYNONYMS to be this : Let those who are compelled to serve masters (not Christians) shew them all proper respect, (ver. 1.) But let those who have Christian masters not despise them, be- cause they are their brethren (equals), nay let them indeed attend to them the more, since they are themselves Christians, and be- loved by their masters, forasmuch as they se- dulously labour for their benefit, that is, study' to deserve well of their masters. The sense will become more clear if it be expressed in di- rect address. Ye, who have Christian mas- ters, do not despise them, because ye are their brethren (it would be improper because they are your brethren) ; rather serve them the more zealously, because ye are Christians as they, and esteemed by them as persons who have endeavoured to deserve well of them. For this is the proper signification of suipyiffia, whence is derived svs^^yirsTv to deserve well of some one. Aristoph. Plut. V. 836. ivri^y'irr,(ru, ^icfjLivovs itnv i^iacj; CVTUS (Iiif^CliOVt In the same manner rr,v 'toXiv svs^yersTv, v. 913, 914. The passage is one which deserves the attentive consideration of all those who, in our times, wish to deserve well of their country. El/ss- OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 11 ysff/av has been applied to servants, in relation to their masters, even by Homer in his Odyss. xxiii.374. In Thucydides, 1. 137, Themistocles writes to the king : y-a.i [mi thz^yiGia h:pu/.iTai, ■/.as vZv 'iyjjyi cs /xsyd/M clyada OPaGai 'rrdostfj^t. There- fore dv-i/.a/M^dvB6^ai svs^yzGiac, is to be very care- ful that you deserve well. 'E-//.a/x/3a^s(r^a/ in the sense of assisting some one, may seem scarcely to differ from the pre- ceding. But if we consider the proper signi- fication of it a little more attentively, a differ- ence of meaning will also appear, for it is to take hold of, to seize upon. Both phrases, Yj y^uo h-riXafijSdviTai and s-TriAajSi/v rfi yjiPi are used. But s'ri'/M/j.lSdvicdai Tivhg (without any ellipse) is to lay hold of some one. In this sense it is fre- quently employed in the New Testament, as in 1 Tim. vi. 12, 19, and Heb. viii. 9. Hence it is figuratively to render assistance, by tak- ing one as it were by the hand, in which some- thing else is manifestly implied, than in air/- /.a/xlSdvsG&ai, for it signifies present help or ser- vice, by which one is assisted in labour or peril. Thus it is used in Keb. ii. 16, ou ydo hri tov dyysXuv l-iXa/juSd'^STUi, d'/J.d. (r-SPij.aroc 'A/3paa/x. Nor is Acts ix. 27 to be taken in a different sense, BaomlSocg d; l'ri}.a!3o/j.ivog av-bv rryccys tpoc rovg aToffroXovg. This passage has 12 THE SYNONYMS been interpreted by many, he had entertain- ed him hospitably, but they adduce no ex- ample of this signification, nor indeed is any to be found. Besides, it would have been written, Ba^i/. ds 6 iTrtXa^ofuvog avrhv for the article could not be wanting, but ciurov is to be referred to nyajiv^ from frequent at- traction, s'l'iXaQofJbzvog (auroS) TJyayiv avrov. The sense of Luke appears to me, therefore, to be as follows : When Paul was dreaded by the disciples, so that he endeavoured in vain to associate with them, Barnabas assisted him and led him to them, er stand ihm bey undfiihr- te ihn zu den ubrigen. But I do not remember that sTiXafj.iSdvsffdai is used in the sense of help- ing or assisting any where else, yet (rws'mXu/M- ^dvicQai is often so used in Lucian, and even in Herodotus and Thucydides.'' The scholium upon that beautiful passage of ^schylus, Pers. V. 739, explains the words, 6 "^-hg ewd- ■■mrai by 6 ^sog avrov h'jiXaiJj^dnrai. It belongs to later Greek, and occurs in Ecclesiasticus IV. 12. Ernesti has given a very good translation of it in the Epistle to the Hebrews, ii. 16. It is used both in a good and bad sense, as the Lat. vindicare. T See Herasterhuis upon Lucian, 1 Proineth, p, 190. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 13 havT/oi : (u-rrsvavr/o;) sy^^oor avridiartds/ievor dvriXsyrrj- rsc' dvridi'/ior dvrixsi/Mzvor dvriraffgo/jjsvoi. So great is the number and diversity of enemies and adversaries, and such is the scarcity of friends, that almost all languages abound with names by which the former are designat- ed, but have very few names expressive of the latter. The Greek language has only one ap- pellation for friends, ((p'A-og-) but many for enemies, of which those mentioned above are found in the books of the New Testament. 'Evavr/oc, which signifies properly contrary, adverse, has the most extensive signification, but it does not contain in itself the idea of hatred or hostile intention, but simply denotes a man w^ho is not /xsd'' -/i/muv, with us, an adversary, an opponent. In the New Testament it is only once applied to men, 1 Thess. ii. 15, cratr/!/ dv&^uj-TToic svawim^ who oppose all, in which there is the notion of perversity. But in Tit. ii. 8, 6 gf bavrlag has no signification of hostile inten- tion. In Coloss. xi. 14. Heb.x.27, v-Trivavrlog also occurs, which may be properly rendered, clandestine adversary. In sy^dfog the idea of hatred and hostile in- tention is manifest. There are some who say that in the New Testament, ^xH'^^^ sig- 14 THE SYNONYMS nifies wicked, abandoned, dishonest, and that it specially refers to those who are enemies of God Qx^poi ©solJ), but they are mistaken. Rom. V. 10, sxH^' '^^'-^i ^I'e just the same as those who are called, ver. 8, a,«/a^rwXf/, but they do not signify flagrant sinners, but men per- versely opposing God, as the following words shew. For the Apostle says : £%^go/ ovrsg KarriXXd- yrjfMv. But this '/.araXXayii belongs not to God, but to man, as I have shewn in another place. So also in Coloss. ii. 21, it does not signify flagrant transgressors, but men alienated and adverse in their minds to God. But s^^^o/ ^soD, is an ex- pression never used in the New Testament, for God does not hate men, not even the worst. Paul has very truly said, Rom. viii. 7, ^^oi/jj.aa Trig m^Aog £%%« £/; '^sov, which some very im- properly interpret, odious to God, although Paul also adds with equal truth, ver. 8, w sv (Tas'/ii hrsg ^sui d^'sdai ov dv'.avrai. Indeed there are some who take all these words in the same sense, and do not doubt but s%^fa s!g ^sov and iX^pa ^2oC, £%%o; ihai '^iov and ra '^iui, signify the same thing. The Greeks called a man hate- ful to the gods, not sy^C^hg ^swi/ but i%^^^>; roTg '^ioTgJ The matter is made very clear by James ' Soj)l:ocl. GEd. I?, v. 133G. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 15 IV. 4, 5, 7] (fnXia rov zotr/MU S/^^fa rov ^;ov sffriv. og a.\i ouv (SovXrjdfi (p/Xog shai rov Koff/j^ou s^^pog rov ^sov xa&i- ararai, that is, he who is accustomed to love the world, cannot love God, for the love of the world is opposed to the love of God. The w^ords w^hich follow, express the various modes in which an adverse, or hostile mind is manifested. And first, then, dvTid/aTi&sfism, are those who entertain a dif- ferent opinion, and who ought not to be rebuked and upbraided, but, if they are in error, mildly instructed. Therefore, the admonition of Paul is just, 2 Tim. ii. 25, sv -PaoTTin '^aih-j-tv Toug dwihc/.TikiLVio-jg, This compound word occurs only in this passage, but the sense is plain. Those are more frequently called dtands/Mmi who are in any w^ay affected in the mind, su, xazojg, osivojg, &c. Therefore, avridia-ids/xsifoi, are those who form a contrary judgment, who differ in opinion. Allied to these are 0} anOJiyovTig those who resist with words, who contradict, who speak against. Acts xiii. 45, oc^rz/.s^ovrsg %a] i3\u(}:p7iij.o\j])Tig. In John xix. 12, the phrase avriX'-yu tuj Ka/Va^/, contains a more serious ac- cusation. This expression of Paul is softened by Luther, cler ist des Kaisers Freund nicht^ he is not the friend of Csesar. But those who contradict us, are generally esteemed enemies, 16 THE SYNONYMS and seem to injure us, for there are few who bear with patience those who contra- dict them. But much more of the character of enemies is expressed in the phrase oi avri- or^oi, those who carry on a law-suit against another, litigants, adversaries. Thus Matt. v. 25. Luke xii. 58 ; xviii. 3, and 1 Peter v. 8, didlSoXog is called dvrihixoc, as the accuser of man before God, such at least was the opinion of the Jews. Those who contend against us at law seem, for the most part, to do us injury ; and, therefore, dvrldtxog is taken in a bad sense. ^ But we may also cs^; dixaiuv dvTidixeTv, plead for our right.^ Finally, avr/' xiifAsvoi and dvTiTaffff6/x£]/oi also differ. For dvn- xiif/,im, are those who are of an opposite party, situated as it were on the opposite side, and dvTiraGgo/isvoi, those who Stand opposed, as it were, in battle ; resist us not only with words, but with actions. Thus Luke xxi. 15, -rravreg 0/ dvrixiiiMim 'j/j^Tv, who contend against us, adver- saries. So also 1 Cor. xvi. 9, those who block up the way and prevent us from entering, are called uvTiy.sifiivoi did rr\c, ^-joag. And Philipp. i. 28, rrrvooiJjivoi v-zh toov dvrr/.si/Ms\iojv^ they who are terrified by those who oppose themselves. Such is also that unknown avr/xs/'/xsvo;. 2 Thess. ii. 4. * Xeuoph. Apol. 20, 25. ' Xenoph. Memor. IV. 4, 8. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 17 The expression, however, in a more extensive sense appears to be employed to denote an adver- sary of any kind, 1 Tim. v. 14, and Luke xiii. 17. But dvuraGc^cff^j seems to imply something more than to block up the way and prevent: dv-iraffffo- /Msvoi are those, who, standing in an opposite line, assail and attack. Thus Rom. xiii. 2, 6 dyriraffso- fMsvog rfj s^ovaiccyis not only he who does not render prompt obedience to the magistrate in all things, but injures and assaults his just and lawful authority, and, as it were, wages war with the magistracy. Xenoph. Cyrop. III. 1, 10. TOA/i/ dvrirar70[jjhr,v 'Ttshg stspoov, ^V/c, lirsidccv '/jrTTi&fiy "TTccoa^PT^fMa ru'jr'fi dvr/ rou /xd^scSoc/y rrzldsc^ca ^sXn* In Acts XYui. 6, dvTiTaC)(}0/j,svojv xa/ BXaG^irifio-JvTOJVy is applied to those who resisted, attacked, and assailed the Apostle by words. In the same manner it is also used in the more elegant Greek waiters. Nor can it be doubted that dvTirdeGicdai^ is a Stronger expression than d-jn- ziTady.!, It is said of God, James iv. 6, and 1 Peter v. 5, according to the Alexandrian ver- sion, rciig bs/A'v]y//a,o/2/a is so much the more frequent. John xxi. 15, 17, jSoffxs rd do/ia iJ.ou. It is not by chance that i^os^srj is here used, while 'TtoiiJ.rxijziv is found in other places. For in ^offy.siv there is only the idea of feeding or nourishing (whence a flock (3offx,o,(ji.hn, feeding.) But ~oi/Mair,iv is not only to feed, but also to lead, to watch, to manage a flock. Luther has pro- perly translated the above words, iceide meine Idmmer, feed my lambs. The Lord himself i^ 6 d^yj'xoiixriv, the chief shepherd, 1 Pet. v. 4. I'jut the care of the flock upon this earth was to be committed to the Apostles ; therefore he immediately adds : To//xa/v£ rcc i-polSard fj^ov. Hence it is very often used of those who preside over 26 THE SYNONYMS the church, as for example in Acts xx. 28. 1 Pet. V. 2. The idea of feeding is not, however, excluded as in the Epistle of Jude, ver. 12, .kavrovg rrot/j.amvrsg. This figure is very ancient. The expression 'Troi/Mvsg Xauv frequently occurs in Homer. H. Stephen has already remarked, that ^schylus has called kings rrot/^d^ooac. It is found in the tragedy of Pers. v. 239. The same author has applied -oi/MavoPiov, to a flock of men, or rather an army, Pers. v. 73. But both of the words, if we consider their origin, seem to be indeed derived from feeding; there is, however, ground for a distinction. For in the word /3&w, from which comes /SoVxw, the uni- versal idea of nourishing is contained, for which reason it is also applied to men, but -rri/^aa/i/g/v is properly to feed on grass ("o/a), which is suitable to flocks, nor is it ever found properly said of men. But croZ/x^^j and c7o//>tv/ov are very fitly applied to man in a figurative sense, as flock among us. Lucian II. Amor. 457, ap- plies it to grave and supercilious philosophers : as/xvu)v ovoiMciruv zo/X'^ev/j/affj rovg d/Mahlg •Troi/jLaivsruffav. The same author, III. adv. Indoct. 3, p. 112, calls the worshippers of the muses '^oz/xv/a. But it is not necessary to say more. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 27 CHAPTER XII. [E schedis nieis pauca passim adscripsi, quae adfu- turum usum, si licuisset, notaveram. Ferant ea viri eruditi. Quae uncis inclusa sunt, ea proprie quidem non esse synonyma videntur, sed tamen quia aut certis locis de eadem re dicuntur, aut vulgo prorsus non differre plurimis visa sunt (ut composita et simplicia) et tamen ejusdem rei no- tionem diversam indicant, non praetermittenda duxi. De formulis synonymis alio loco dicere, si deus dederit, animus est.]* est irritum reddere, a7.'oo(Zv auctoritate privare, xaraoyirj vim adimere. at/su)' ho^dZ^Cf)' fjjzyaX'ov'j). a/%£w laudo. ^o^a^w cele- bro. iLiya/Jov(ii virtutes alicujus extollo. Recte Lutherus Luc. i. 46. a'ioiv) {aijja^r'iav) (phuv. Illud est, e medio tollere peccatum cum malis ex eo oriundis, hoc est ipsas poenas suscipere et perferre. ^ It has been thought advisable to leave the brief Latin observations, on this unfinished portion of his work, exactly as the Author left them, as a translation might, in many in- stances, have rather obscui-ed than elucidated his meaning. 28 THE synony:us aKS'/jjvoiJjar evr^sirofJi^ccr alg^itv/i' evrpo'Trri' alhujc. Thuc. I. 84. aihojg ffM(p^0(rvv7^g TXiTsrov /Mrsy^n, ai.oXt\>' d':Tcy,aTa\7M7Tiiv. ad Eph. i. 10, et Col. i. 20. d'jr/jMyia- ii'iToo'j. ad Rom. xii. 3, 6. Permutantur h. 1. sed non idem significant. a,'jdiivY^(iig' iTTOiJjvririig (ava — ■j7:ofjjfMvr;(f/.iiv). Differunt OF THE NEW TESTAMI.NT. 29 ut nostra : Andenken et Erinnerung. iJ^^r,!xr,' w^rarTOOioCvaA' di/TwroboGi;' szb'r/.r,6ic' iy.or/.iT,. Ilia iu- utramque partem dicuntur, haec ultionem deno- tant. Rom. xi. 35; xii. 19. Hebr. x. 30. duTidiari^sfxsvor di/rOJyovTBg' u,yri7aa66ixi\/0i' d.vTiz-i;!,:- vor dv-'ibfAo;' ha'jrlor -o-zvavriot. a.'^Tihia-i^i;jA)/Ot, qui contrariam mentem habeiit, avr/As/o'/rj;, qui con- tra loquuntur, d.v7i-a.mLiJ.t^(ji^ qui contrarias partes sequuntur, d'^rixuihivoi^ qui contra moliuntur, aWt- ciyjjt, qui lite (injusta) contendunt c. al., obtrecta- tores. Widersacher. (6 oiuSoXog. 1 Petr. v. 8) havTioi hi omnes sunt, Gegner, adversarii (j'^i- i/avrki clandestini ? certe convenit locis Colosi--. ii. 14. Hebr. x. 27.) ct-gp/sr dozzT. ad Marc. xiv. 41, drrsy^ir t^a^sv r^ oiy^a — s/s/^sffSs, ayufj^vj, d'Tti'/ji. Satis est, quod prae- teriit : do^yM^ suffieit, quod adest. d-iihiia- dTTiorla, illud ad animum refertur, hoc ad mentem. d'TTozoivo/j.ar Ovr6?^.a/A/5ai/c///.a;. Luc. x. 30. Illud est simpliciter, respondere, hoc est, excipere sermo- nem alterius, ut contradicas. cioa,' cvii' roivvv. Recte Hoogeven. p. 1002. aocx. est illativum, oxiv conclusivum, ci^a argumentatur, cvv accommodat. rolyjv ab utroque difFert ; conjungit enim id quod tumc fiat aut fieri debeat, quoniam aliud quid factum est. «fX^* b-jvuf/^ig' l^ovGioi. cvva,'j.ig vim aUquid efficiendi 30 THE SYNONYMS denotat, s'^ovffla potestatem, a^y^^n imperium,quod exercet, qui illis utitur. zvpiorric. doy^rr/oc' alriog. Comparanda sunt, quatenus in N. T. de Christo auctore et causa salutis dicuntur. Hebr. ii. 10; v. 9. dy^piTog' ciy^^Ttiiroi;. (^duoj^iXyjc.) dy^oitoc, est, cujus nulla est necessitas, ou o\)% sgrt yji'cc. uy^rjcrrog est, qui non solum nuUam utilitatem praebet, sed etiam damnum affert. dy^sToi dovXoi non sunt inutiles, mali, sed tales, quibus, peracto officio, non amplius opus liabet dominus, ut praemium postulare non possint, quia tantum quod debebant, fecerunt. (iSaouG^ar ^a^'jvzc^ai.) De discrimiue liorum ver- borum vid. Gataker. ad Marc. Ant. p. 254. /3a5o$* oy/ioc. (3doog ipsam gravitatem denotat, etsae- pissime sine molestiae notione dicitur 1 Thess. ii. 7. 2 Cor. iv. 17. Sed oy/.og est [Sd^og, quod molestum est, impedit etc. Semel Hebr. xii. 1. iSiog- 'i^MTj. [Slog est vita, quam vivimus, "C^ur,, qua vi- vimus. Hinc ^w/^ a/ojvtog, non /S/or, in N. T. /Socxe/r rroi[j.ahitv. Hoc in universum est, curam gregis habere, ducere gregem ; sed /S&Vxs/i/, pa- scere, nutrire. Recte loh. xxi. 15, \7. iSocy.i zd 'TT^olSard {u>ov. Christus est 6 rroi/xrjv. (/3psD/xa* (3^ajff/g) difFerunt, ut nostra Spcise et Essen, ydy^ o\j /S^w/xa, 1 Cor. iii. 2. (S^oj/xara, 1 'i'ini. iv. 3. /Spwff/g y.cci Toffic, Rom. xiv. 17. yivvav riy.rsiv. rUniv in N. T. semper de mare tan- tum dicitur, sed y-vvav bis etiam de f'euiinis Luc. i. 1.3. Gal. iv. 24. ' OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 31 ywi'LYi' (SouXyj' doyfj.a,. 'y]/u),'j.rjV didovai^ 1 Cor. vii. 25. 2 Cor. viii. 10, 6v/j.(3ovAs-jiiv. y^riyooeuj' v7]:poj' uyovr^so). Con v. quod non dormire denotant. Sed 7^-/570^4/1/ est, interdiu non dormire, ayovrrvsTt/, noctu, vrifsiv, vigilare, wachsam seyn. ym' {yM^-) ^attb. i. 20. Luc. ii. 5, 24. diTrvov aoiffTOv hoyj]. De prioribus vide Athenaeum, i. 9, 10. In V. boyji nulla est notatio temporis, sed notio excipiendi con vivas. Gastmahl. dsiffidai/j^ovia- svXd[3ita. Act. xxv. 19; xvii. 22. In N. T. semper sensu bono dicitur. dtadidovar diao-daai. Luc. xi. 22. Matth. xii. 29. hhaGxaX^a' didoi-^yj. didaffxccAia est, quam quis acci- pit, hihayji'> quae traditur. bisrdZziy d'7oosT(j'^ar (s^avrops/tr^a/) dubium animum denotant. ^/ora^s/, qui dubitat, e pluribus quid sequatur, sentiat etc. d'zo^iT-ai, qui nescit omnino quid faciat. bi-^vyog' diXoyog- divrXooc. Incertum horainis, inge- nium denotant. Fallunt hi tres cranes ; diXoyog dictis, hi-TtXoog moribus quoque, vultu, factis etc. hi-^\)yj>g, quoniam ipse non constat sibi, sed mutat sententiam. lac. i. 8 ; iv. 8. hoXog' d-d-'/i. doXog dolum denotat, quam quis struit alteri, d-Trdrrj fraudera, qua alter decipitur. Ver- fiihrung. boioidv rfj XH''^'' ^^f^ccv respondet nostro umsonst. dovvai, Xa/j!.j3dvsiv, dc/j^zdv est, ita dare, vel accipere, ut nihil referas, nulla praegressa causa dandi vel accipiendi. Hinc d(/j^idv d-z-s^oivi non est, frustra. 32 THE SYNONYMS temere, sine efFectu, sed sine justa causa. Gal. ii. 21. Nam si bid. toZ vofMo-j ri dr/iaioGur/i, nulla erat causa moriendi. sItcyj' [MaTTi'j. Usurpantur proiniscue. Nam qui iiTtr, agit, is plerumque ijArri^^ agit. Illud proprie est temere^ ho cfrus Ira. shi^y^r./xar ziG'Tro^i-jo/jMi. Proprie difFerunt ut nostra hereinkommen et hinemyelien. h.dcroTv 'zdvTfjT-. Illud tantum dc tempore (6/a- -a^vTog) veteres dixerunt. Seriores cravrors et de loco. Vide Thorn. Mag. Moerid. et Phrynichum. IxiT^ir hnxj^iv. Mattli. iv. 2L crPo/3a; h/.u&iv. Act XX. 13. i'/.c7kv (^'OCA.ovng a.va/Mfx^cL'jiiM. (non est ihi h. 1.) Matth. xvii. 20 ; xviii. 36, h /3a(y/Xi/cfc y\ 'i(XTi ojx sVr/v bjri\)hiv. vid. varr. Lect. ' Luc. xvi. 26. skkKum' s'/.'/.o-ttoj. Rom. xi. 17, 19, sq. sr.%o/x/^w sxfs^oj. Illud de funere, semel Luc. vii. 12. Hoc latius patet. i-/./.sy-G^ar s^aiPih: In illo imperat notio optandi e pluribus (unde in medio) : hoc habet iiotionem separandi. £-/.7yAvijjsvor ioU,a,iJ,vjoi^ ad Matth. ix. 36, (vid. V^arr. Lectt.) Lutherus : languidi et dispersi. Imo bioluti, vagantes et dispersi. {ly-ihoi' cr^org/i/w.) Act. xxii. 25. cpoers/vsi/ al)7(i\> ro/g /aac; non est, caedendum tradidit, sed vinctis inanibus protendi jussit ad caedcndum. 'i/xa; non est lorum s. flagellum, quo caeditnr. conf. v. 29. iKfolSog- bfJi>(po^og' hr^o/xog. Hebr. xii. 21. sV/Ja/x/Soi. (sAcyJ/s* iZ-'-y'/J'^-) 2 Petr. ii. 16. Hebr. xi. 1. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 33 hdixog' dUaiog. lllud est, gesetzlich, lege constitutus, legitimus, hdixog x^ifftg, lege promerita. svdvofxur TSDijSdXXofia/. Quamqiiam promiscue di- citur in N. T. ivd-osc^ai et 'jn^i^aXKiG^ai ifiuTtov, tamen difFerentiam ostendunt loci ubi hdvic^ai tropice dicitur. Luc. xxiv. 49, etc. Ivsdpa' s'7n(3ouXyi. Utrumque tantum in Actis ; sensu malo, quamquam posterius fMsaov est. hioysw iTTirsXiOj. Philipp. ii. 13. Eph. i. 11, no- tanda vis propria v. svspysTv praesertim propter formulam svs^yiTv h rivi. b'syjM' svsd^svM' Wzyja. Postreraum levissimum est ; hzyu^ rivi est, observare occasionem alteri nocen- di, ivsd^svs/]^ insidias ipsas struere. • hi(Syjj(ti' svduvafiooj' (^S'TTig^voj. Luc. xxiii. 5.) v. iff^Cg et bbvaixtg. hi6yjjii\) est, vires reddere, reficere, restituere, lvbuva[i,oZv vim dare. Luc. xxii. 43. Philipp. iv. 13. tvvoia' h'^v/xTjffig. Hebr. iv. 12. lUud mentis est, hoc animi. sV-raA/xa' svroXyj- smrayfi' hrsXAo/j^ar s'Trirdffffoj. Auf- trag. Befehl. Gesetz, — Anordnmig, — commission. command, law. — order, hnu^tg' sv^a^iGria ad 1 Tim. iv. 5. s^aXii^oj v. d'^irsu. Coloss. ii. 14, conf. Eurip. Iphig. Aul. V. 1486. JJaT/va* i|a/pr/i$' f^wjT^g. s^d-:riva, repenfe, (non ex- spectato) proprie, s^a-Trivi^g, sgarr/j/a/wr, vid. Thorn. Mag. s^ai(pvrjg, subito, improviso. eg avr^g statim post, illico. VOL. II. D 34 THE SYNONYMS (ijaro^gw d<7ro§su.) 2 Cor. i. 8 ; iv. 8, ccxo^oxjfiim, «/.>.' OX)'/. S^a'70P0V/M]>0l. sfafr/^w rsXs/ow 'zX'/jpooj' (zaraPT/^w.) 2 Tim. iii. 17. Act. xxi. 5. s^sXzw diXsd^oj. lac. i. 14. Egregie Lutherus. s^s^svmoj V. l/cj>jr£w. 1 Petr. i. 10, ijs^si/va, qui vestigia quaedam sequitur rei quam quaerit, stc- (!^rirs7; qui quaerit nee cessat quaerendo. (i-^ayysXXw s^ayysXAOj' biayy'O.Xoi.) icrayy^A/a, k'z- dyyi\[j.a' respondent nostris; ankiindigen, ver- kundigeUi — to publish^ make known. s'rdv sirsibdr sa'7:a{joiMat.) Rom. ii. 17. J-tz/Sasctw s'TriG'/A'T'rofj.ai. lllud studium, hoc operam designat. sTtysiog' ^o'/xog. smyuog est, qui in terra est, fit, nascitur etc. hiriyuog o/V./a roD CKrj\/ovg. 2 Cor. V. 1. 6o^ia s'jriysiog. lac. iii. 3. x^'iyCag^ qui ex terra est. 1 Cor. xv. 47. Ille terrester^ hie ter- renus. (sTiori/Mw s7.briiJ.iOi' d'xobri/jbsoj.) Posteriora signifi- cant, abesse a patria, prius est, in peregrina terra iiabitare. (It/^jjtsw v. sx^'/iTsw.) sT/^'/^Ts/i/ studium rei indicat. Et potissimum flagitare, postulare. s'zi'^^amriog' *)i/y/Toc. Ille est morti proximus (ad mortem jam damnatus), 1 Cor. iv. 9. ':^vriT0Cy na- tura sua mortalis. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 35 Im'kaiJ.^avofLar (Sori^sM. Act. ix. 27. S'7riXa(3ofji.ivog non est hospitio excipere, de quo nusquam dici- tur, sed : curam ejus habuit, ut nos dieimus : sich eines Fremden annehmen^ Hebr. ii, 16, 17. h'Tricraij.ar oJdcc Intelligo (novi Act. xix. 15.) — scio. Marc. xiv. 68, ovk o7da, oudi l-Tr/Vra/xa/. s'TnGTOfj^t^w (pi/jt^oM. Hoc est, efficere, ne quis ore sue utatur ; illud est, efficere, ut nolit loqui. i'TTirwy^dvu. Xwy^dvoi}, d'7ro'kafx(3dvcfj. DifFerunt ut nostra : erkalteti, hekommen^ empfangen^ — to get, obtain, receive, Rom. xi. 7. o iTcit^fiTu — o'ox Wzrxjyiv. Act. i. 17. 'iXay^z rov xXrj^ov. Luc. xvi. 25. d'TTsXa^sg rd dya^d gov. '^yoij^ai- iJTtCfj. s^^ofjjdi venio, tixw, veni, adsum. Recte Lutherus Marc. viii. 3, /j^ccxoo^iv tj-aovGi, sind von feme gekommen, — have come from afar. Conf. Luc. XV. 27. loh. viii. 42. s7i to\j SsoD iJJjX^ov Ttai ri%M, non, natus vel missus, sed adsum. Hebr. x. 7, 9. (ex Psalmo xl. 7, Hebr. ^DK^i) eodem modo vertendum erat. zhhoTiicc' dyd'TT'/j. Phil. i. 15, 17. s-j^gwg* £i/S-JS* st,avT7^g' ray(iug vid. i^d-rivcc. sU^vg et s-j'^scag sunt nostrum : gleich, sogleich, statim, nulla mora, rayjug fit, quod fit brevissimo tempore, schnell. (guXoy/cc* ihya^KSTia.^ 1 Cor. x. 16. sxjvoiM. Matth. V. 25. s'Trizixrig. iU'Tsi'^Tig' s'Trnr/iyig. lac. iii. 17, vide ibi Lutherum. Wettstenii exempla probant, rorrsi'^rig nusquam significare aliud quid quam obsequiosum. 36 THE SYNONYMS sv^v^uDog' 'TrXarvg. Matth. vii. 13, weit und breit, — far and wide. roGYiiMi' 3/xa/' /caS/^w.) DifFerunt ut nostra sitzen et setzen. ;tcc^/^g/i/ semper transitive dicitur. Luc. xxii. 30, etc. Mattb. xxv. 31. xa^icTYiiJjr Tia^lffra/xar y/vofioii ad Rom. v. 19, conf. lac. iii. 6 ; iv. 4. 38 THE SYNONYMS xa/V 'xv^ou. Illud est nostrum hrennen active, hoc neutraliter. /Lokxi'Tmiv' Ttob'TrTiiv (/taraxaXucrrg/f.) Non confun- denda sunt. 2 Cor. iv. 3. Luc. xviii. 34. Hinc a<7roxaX-j<:rTsiv est revelare, d-Troyt^v-Trrs/v abscondere. Vis praepositionis eadem est, sed verborum diversa notio. Nam xaXv-Trniv est, rem, quae in conspectu est, tegere, ut conspici non possit, xgucrrs/v, e con- spectu earn subducere. ■/.ocra'/.aXv'TrTSG^ai, non xarax^v'Trrsff^ai dicitur 1 Cor. xi. 6, 7, recte. Male Hesych. xaraxaXv'Trruv' xaraytphrtruv. xaoirhv (pzptr (hih6vai^%ce,D'7ro(poD27v' xup'ttov rtotih. Utrum- que Graeci elegantiores dixerunt, sed diverse sensu. x-aoTTov (p'ioztv est, fructus ferre. loh. xv. 16. Sed xa^Tov touTv est, proferre, gignere fruc- tus. Hinc Ceres apud Euripidem Rheso v. 964. xa^'TTOToiog non xaocro!p6^og appellatur, gignit enim fructus, non fert. Aristotel. de Plant. I. 4, et c. 7. r/vw!/ fMsv 01 xa^'TToi 'j'oiovgi ydXa,. Itaque elegantis- sime Matth. iii. 8. <7roirjai. Illud et de convivis dicitur, et de aegrotis ; hoc tantum de convivis, qui consederunt {Iv xX/vrj, sed recte xocTaxAi'^pg sJg rriv rrPOjroxXiffiav, sick auf den ersten Platz seizen) ad cibum capiendum. (xardx^ifMa' xardxoicig.) Rom. viii. 1. 2 Cor. iii. 9. xrjL7(x(Lav^dv(jy xaTuvoiiti. Illud semel Matth. vi. 28, conf. Luc. xii. 24, 27. DifFerunt tamen, Act. vii. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 39 31. lacob. i. 23, 24. Rom. iv. 19, conf. Alex. Hiob. XXXV. 5. zarccva^xdoj' xaralSaPiM. 2 Cor. xi. 8, 9; xii. 13, 14, 16. Hieronymus xarai^apxai; Cilicura esse ait. vid. Wetsten. Tom. II. p. 206. ;iara(rx£'ja^&j* to/sw. ad Hebr. iii. 2, 3. ('/.araro/M'^' Ti^trofMy].^ ad Philipp. iii. 2. In con- temtum Apost. rj^v tara^/X£w (piXsu.) Praepositio rion abundat. Matth. xxvi. 48, 49. Marc. xiv. 44, 45. Discrimine observato, quis non magis etiam sentiat ludae perfidiam ? xars^oKC/a^w zarazu^isvu. Matth. xx. 23. Marc. X. 42. Illud de iraperio, hoc de potestate et auctoritate intelligendum. o/ aP'^ovTsg -Aara'/.v- ('/.arsy^oj' £%w.) 2 Cor. vii. 30. Quaeratur de locis, ubi vulgo dicunt, '^arsynv esse impedire, v. c. Rom. i. 18. Mihi sensus esse videtur : qui pos- sidebant rriv dXrj^iav cum iraprobitate, i. e. ha- buere veram cognitionem, et tamen improbe vixe- runt, ut xoLi^Biv sv '^Xi-\\^si, 'rXoursTv h irma et similia. Certe sententiae Pauli melius convenit haec in- terpretatio. '/.aTYiykoi' didd&Tioj. Differunt ut nostra : unterrich- ten et lehren. Tertio, quo nos utimur, unterweisen, Lutherus expressit v. so(piGai. 2 Tim. iii. 15. Xoyoi 6iGosXXov. Luc. xiii. 9, quod superest, restat, — postea. to Xoi'ttov facere aliquid, est, facere usque ad finein, pergere facere. iJg TO fjLsXXov est postea, in posterum. rb Xoimv ■/.a^sudirs ; (interrogative) num pergitis dormire ? schlaft ihr noch immer? Aristophan. Eccles. v. 555, 557. }.ovoj' vhroj. loh. xiii. 10. Differunt ut nostra : ba- den et waschen. Ergo vhrsG^ai de quaque parte corporis dicitur, non tantum de pedibus mani- busve ; Xo'jGaG^ai de toto corpore. Act. ix. 37. col. Homer. II. w. v. 582. X-jw Xurgow. h-juv est solvere, liberare aliquem, Xu- T^ouv est facere (dare) aliquid ut alter liberetur. Tit. ii. 14. 1 Petr. i. 18. 'j,a/.aziu' voffog, Mattli. iv. 23, Wh est a egritudo, hie fjbaXXov 'TrKiTov. /mua.Xov est magis, potius ; Matth. X. 6. Marc. vii. 36 ; x. 48, irXiTov est plus. fhiXiraoi' [Mzoiixvdo}' (poovriZ^c/u (fMsXii /xoi.) ip^ovri^si, qui alicui rei prospicit ut recte fiat, fMs^i/Mvd, qui dum curat, dubitat, veritus ne frustracuret ; fxsKn itoi^ euro, rationem habeo, [jjiXzruM, operam do, ut aliquid facere postea possim. Marc. xiii. 11. [MT] rr^o/Moif./.vaTs /x?j6= //sXgrarg. Luc. xxi. 14, f/,ri TPOfMXirav, OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 43 luCToi' TX^yjC' ysfMOJV. fxsffrog, refertus, quum de horainibus dicitur pr. in deteriorem partem sural videtur, 'zXyjorig in meliorem ponitur. Sed in N. T. illud etiara in bonam partem dicitur. Rom. XV. 14. lacob. iii. 17, vid Hemsterhus. ad Len- nep. V. /Ascrog. ys/Mn, qui ita crX'/^^^jg est, utsuper- fluat. /asm* 6-jv. /jbsTcc comitatum denotat, gvv conjunctio- nem et unionem. Quamquam dicitur : /mctcI rmg et Gvv Tivt ihai, [Mzra tiHi' vo/xwv et 6-jv 7o7g voiiotg, etc. tamen differunt. DifFerentiam docet usus in corapositis. /jtsra/^a/x/Savs/v, (juXhafx^dvuVy (jjiTsy^siv, ffvvs'^nv. all. Dicitur v roTg %oTg. Si scriptum esset, fMsra r, ^swv, sensus esset : una cum diis. Convenit for- mula 6VV ^sui s/^^&srai, apud Aristoph. et illud Herodoti i. 86. cag o'l s'/ri ffvv ^soD iior,;j/svo\i. Vid. Valckenar. ad Herodot. III. 153. Xenoph. Cyrop. VIII. 6, 6, ( 1 2.) h[jjag bi — 6uy aya^oTg roTg fii^' vfiMVj sfiol ffvfM/Jbd^ovg sivai. Act. xiv. 27, oca s'XOtrjGsv 6 ^zbg /J,ST avTiov. v. 12. di' avrcov. opp. avsv Tivog. vid. Abresch. ad Thuycd. I. 128. Dilu- cidat. 130. ixsraXccfilSdvsiv v. s'Ttrvy^avsiv (a'TroXa/j^iSuvsiv.) est percipere, participem fieri. 44 THE SYNONYMS IJjiTavozTv' I'TTiST^Z'^zc^ar [xsravoia' l7rigr^o(prj. Com- parentur de vitae mentisque emendatione. IMzra'xsfjj'TToiJMr ijjiTay.cu.soj. Utrumque in Actis tan- tum legitur. vii. 14. arroaTZiXag ii,zrz'/.a7^z(SaT0. xx. 17. cg/A-vl^ag iLZTV/i. X. 5, 32 ; xxiv. 24, 25, 26. Ibi non temere permutantur. /A/a/Vw fMoXvvoj. (cc/Xsw.) Tit. i. 13. 1 Cor. viii. 7. fj^iaivsiv est nostrum verunreinigen, fj^oXvvsiv besck- mutzen^ airiXoZv beflecken. fMiahsiv pr. est colore alieno tingere s. inficere (Iliad. d\ v. 141.) deinde contaminare, integritate nativa privare (violare Virgil. Aen. XIl. v. 67.) unde jSiog Tta^cc^og xai aitiiavTog, ya^og d/xiccvrog, apud Plutarch, et Pau- lum. fjLoXvvsiv est sordibus conspurcare, sordes contrahere e luto etc. &-TXog pr. maculam denotat, unde (Tc/Xoui' potissimum de vestibus dicitur quae maculantur. Recte 2 Petr. ii. 10. s-Tn^ufMiu fMiccfffiou, sed 2 Cor. vii. 1. /jboXve/Mou ffaoxog. tLvud' fJ^^iniJ^ri' (J^viia. est Erinnerung^ Andenken^ re- cordatio. /ai^j^/x^ Geddchtniss, memoria, v. dva/nvr,- ffig. vid. Thorn. Mag. v. (mvt^'JjYi, Valckenaer. ad Ammon. p. 95. Lex. Graec. August. § 5.^) fMyig' ijjokig. [j.6yig interpretatur Thomas Mag. fxtra ^iag, fioXig durl rou (S^adsug. Vide ibi VV. Was- sium ad Thuycd. I. 12, et Hemsterhus. ad Lu- cian. Tom. I. p. 86. Dorvill. ad Charit. L. III. C.9. * Quod edidit e Cod. Au^stano Hermamms noster post Libr. de emendand. graec. gramm. rations, p. 319, sq. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 45 [ui')(jxo!Jjai' (jjOiyz-jM. Thomas M. iM(ji-)(aTat 6 av/;^, fioi^svsrai r] yvr/j. Non semper observatur hoc discrimen in N. T. !J^oo;pr,' 6yjiij,u. Phil. ii. 6, 7. C-/r\n.ci(, latius patet {[Mop^uaig. Gal. iv. 19. Rom. ii. 20.) vaog' h^ov. In N. T. semper observatur discrimen hh. vv., ut hso'J sit, totus locus sacer, cum omnibus atriis, conclavibus, areis etc., sed vah<; ipsa tantum aedes sacra, in duas partes divisa, (per rh -/Mra- Tsrao/xa rov vaoZ, Matth. xxvii. 51.) ay/ov (yah) et udvrov. In priori sedebat synedrium, Matth. xxvii. 8, banc ingressus est Zacharias Luc. i. 9. Sed tota aedes haec sacra intelligenda Matth. xxvii. 51. Marc. xv. 38. Luc. xxiii. 45. De adyto non dicitur mog in N. T. Recte Matth. xxiii. 35. Zacharias necatus dicitur [jjtra'^u roZ vaov -/tai rou '^u(}iaffTyj^iov. Nam ^uGiadrrj^iov erat ante rh vaov, Iv 6-a*3ow. loseph. A. I. VIII. 3, 3. Contra rc^ov nunquam tov vccov aut adytum denotat. Loci, quos Schleusnerus attulit, id ipsum demon- strant. Eodem modo losephus semper mov et 'n^hv distinxit. Insignis est locus Ant. lud. XI. 4, 3, ubi Samaritanis petentibus negatur avy'/cara- O'AvoaGai rhv vaov, sed perraittitur d(pr/,vovfJijSvotg sig TO hpov (TSjSsiv rov '^sov. vo/MiC^oj' o7ofjLar v--:ro7,ccfji(3dvc>j. vo/JjiI^u arbitror, puto, censeo. (de sententia animi, vo/jjog) olo/j.ai credo, opinor, existimo. v--7roAafjyj3dvu, suspicor. (ple- rumque de mala suspicione.) vocf/^w x/J-rw. Illud est pr. nostrum unterschla- 46 THE SYNONYMS gen, partem rerum redden darum IbioironTv. Act. V. 2, 3. Tit. ii. 10. vixrra^w Tia^su^w. Matth. xxv. 15. vosraZiiv statum dormientium potissimum denotat ; hinc ad ani- mum translatum (opp. rp ir](pnv.) est, segnem tardum, socordem esse. 2 Petr. ii. 3. Aristoph. Avib. V. 639. ^ivi^ofMar ^a'j/xa^w. Recte Lutherus. 1 Petr. iv. 12. /JjYi Jsw^gff^s — lasset euch — nicht hefrem- den^ — think it not strange, item v. 4. Non est i. q. ^ay^a^w. Qui gsi/Z^sra/, ^ay.aa^g/ quidem, sed wg ^sfoy rmg ahroj fiu/x(3alvovToc. gsvoc- '/.amg. vide supra zamg. In v. Bfoc, non novi notio imperat, sed peregrini, quod aliunde venit, neque ad nos pertinet. 1 Petr. iv. 12. ^si/os* dy.XoT^iog' rra^s'Tridrifj.og. Hebr. xi. 13. ohibct)' obomoDSCf)' odoi'TTOPia' odog. Conveniunt in eo, quod dicuntur de itinere, quod fit per terram. Sed odiUiv latius patere videtur ; dicitur enim de quocunque itinere terrestri, sive pedibus sive cum equo, fiat, oooiitops/v autem de pedestri tantum itinere dictum videtur. Herodian. VII. 3,9. ode-jsiv curru. Sed tamen idem V. 4, 13. bhoi'xoPii'v. odup/Mog- 70.a\j~^ixog. Matth. ii. 18. lamentatio — fletus. o/'/isTog' 'ibiog. 1 Tim. v. 8. u 6i rig ruv /oluv >.ui IxdVjGTa TCuv o/Ziiojv oh 'ttpovosT. (o/;c/axoc.) Christus ijg TU 'lOia ?5>J}£, xal o'l )bioi oh '7raosXa(3ov ahrov. Non scribi potuit o/ oIxsTot. sed Christiani sunt oIxsToi rov %ov. Eph. ii. 19. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 47 otov b'j)^ar6r ohv hrij fieri licet (ob qualitatem) bv mrov IffTi, fieri potest (ob quantitatem.) oTcvriPoc' apyog. aoylc est, qui nihil facit, oxv/j^os qui tarda facit, piger, quem piget laboris,^^/ — ver~ drossen. byjyog' iM-Aooc. Illud et de magnitudine dicitur, ///- ■/Sog potissimum de quantitate. OA0X/.7J305* rsAs/oj* (j'/.oTc'/Sjg. 6Ao%?.7jcog est integer suis partibus. 1 Tliess. v. 23. riXnog est perfectus, absolutus omnibus nuineris, Jacob, i. 4. oXoTuJig est omni ex parte perfectus, ut 'Trviu/jyO, xa/ 55 -^vy^r, ■/Ml TO Goj/xa dfMS/xrrroog r^j^'/j^s/yj. 1 Thess. v. 23. o}.og' crag. oXog est, cui ad quantitatem nihil deest, Trag numeri plenitudinem denotat. o/wOic" rrdvTOjg- iig to 'jravrfKic. oXwg est prorsus, 'rdv- TC/jg omnino, s/'j to TmTSAsg plane, ut nihil desit. Luc. xiii. 11. Hebr. vii. 25. Posteriori loco etiam futuri temporis notitiam habet. cravr^s^ic rrdyTMg jungitur ap. Aesch. Sept. c. Theb. v. 118. o^a/3|o$* bsTog' ^^oyj], (Apoc. xi. 6. ha [j^r^ (^i,^yji liTog.) imber, pluvia, nimbus. hlho'i'^iiiat: oiwioTTtg- {jjij.oloj(jig.) Male dicunt haec tria idem significare. oij^oioTr^g est ipsa similitudo, die Aehnlichkeity 4<^o/w(r/j imago, ad quam aliquid con- formatur, biJjoioi[j.a ipsum simulacrum. hiibog' aiGyJjvri. huhog est, quod ab aliis tibi expro- bratur. Luc. i. 25. aiayjjvn (aJayog) cujus te ipsum pudere oportet. Schmaeh und Schande. Sterilitas omhog erat inter ludaeos. hT(f)g' d'ATj^uig, ovrug dicitur, quum quid omnino 48 THE SYNONYMS esse cogitamus. uXtj^u);, quum tale esse agnosci- mus, quale esse cogitatur. Matth. xi. 32. 6V/ hrug '7:^o(pr,TY^g ^v, revera est propheta. Luc. xxiii. 47. ovTMi 6 civ'^^oj-rog olrog dixaiog rjv, hie homo revera erat Justus. Sed loh. i. 48. 7os aXri^oog 'lffDari}jTi^g, en verum Israelitam. Si scriptum esset ovrojg 'Iffo. inepta sententia prodiret ; da ist wirklich ein Israelii, Xenoph. Hist. Gr. III. 4, 17 ; iv. 8, 4. oi/rwg refertur ad verbum, aXy^o^g ad objectum. (Vide de usitatiori ru) oVr/.) Lu- cian. III. Dial. mer. XI. 310, fin. ak7\^Zig ffvv- ufjLsv. Euripid. Ale. v. 805. 6 (3iog dXn^uig oh jSiog, Iph. Aul. V. 1622. 'i^n ovTOjg sv ^soTg ofii- X/'av. Ion. V. 223. oj6r Ta%uc. ogi)$ est pp. qui aptus est (acutus), ut brevi tempore aliquo penetret, {po6(iog oji); ein scharfer Lauf.) rayjjg^ qui celeriter aliquo tendit. Illud motum indicat {schnell) hoc tempus {gesch- wind.) o'jrr]- GTrriXaiov. Hebr. xi. 38. caverna — spelunca. vid. Valckenaer. ad Lennep. Etymol. L. Gr. p. 912. o'Torg* on. Non idem significant. o~6rs respondet nostris : damals als^ wenn einmol, oVs simplici uls et wenn. Luc. vi. 3. l~oir}(rs Aa[3id, OTors icrs/- vacg, fecit tunc quum esurire. Si scriptum esset, oVs I'TTihaas, incertum esset an non saepius hoc fecerit sed fecit semel tantum. Contra Matth. xxi. 34. ore rjyyiffiv 6 xai^bg ruv xag'Twi/, uTSffniXi Tovg dovXougy scribi non poterat o-on viyyiffiv^ i. e. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 49 quutn aliquando adesset etc. Manifestum est discrimem in loco Homeri Iliad, o. v. 230. Hfi ATifMvuj 7csvsa'j')(ssg yiyo^uac^s. vid. Hoogeveen. de Part. p. 827. Hermann, ad Viger. p. 916. (ooxw/o-oc/a* o^-/.og.) o^xw,a&(y/a est solemnis affirma- tio s. promissio, quae fit o^^w. Recte ponitur Hebr. vii. 20, 21, 28. Non est idem quod of/,og. o\j' o\j')(l et reliqua v. /xtj. xxpsiXsryjg' p^o£wp£/Xgr>jg. Illud latius patet. Rom. i. 14; viii. 12. Gal. v. 3, etc. <)-\j^//xo$* o-vlz/oc. vespertinus, serus. o-^idg yivo[Mvrig — bsrog o-^ifMog. 'TTccibayoiyog* Taidsuri^g. Non in v. Taibayc/jyog inest notio durioris disciplinae, (1 Cor. iv. 15. Gal. iii. 24, 25), sed potius in v. rraihiurrig. Hebr. xii. 9. 'Ttakaiog' do-^a7og. 'raXailg est, qui dudum fuit, vetus. aoyjxiog^ qui ab initio fuit, priscus, antiquus. TaXa/o'w aY.\)om. Hebr. viii. 13. rra^diSaffig' ':raoa,-/.orj. Hebr. ii. 2. Rom. iv. 15. ■ra^cczaXsCfj' '7:cc^afj,-j%o/j,ai (^■Trrxor^yo^ia). 1 Thess. ii 11. Coloss.iv.il. 'Xa^oc'/i'jTrTOij' s/M[3X£'7ru. Luc. xxiv. 12. loh. xx. 5. 1 1. lacob. i. 25. Vix synonyma haberi possent, nfsi plerumque illud jungeretur cum actione vi- dendi. Sed proprie ei non inest notio visus. loh. viii. 6. Neque inest ellipsis. ^apdXiog' 'xaPcc^aXuffffiog. Matth. iv. 13. Luc. vi. 17, ita difFerre videntur, ut craedXiog oppo!]atur tSj [MZ(ioyu'^, et dicatur de regionibus raaritimis, VOL. II. E 50 THE SYNONYMS sed 'rrccoa^aXdasiog de iis quae sunt in litore ma- rls, urbibus, hominibus etc. Thuycd. I. 3. ruv (SupISupoov 01 b Tj'TTsiPUj iTaoa^akdccnoi, conf. II. 56. -aoa6'A.i-jdZ^M' iro/,aa^w. Utrumque parare denotat : sed g-o/,aa^£/y est parare aliquid, ut adsit, cra^a- (?xgya^g/i/, ut aptum sit. 'rraoauri/ta' 'jtaoay^oriiJ.a. 'Trapavrixa fit, quod in prae • senti fit. Polyb. II. 33. 'z-aoavrr/.a /x?i/ s/Mimv, fMTcc ds ravra 2 Cor. iv. 17. rb 'rraoavrlxa 7r\i liX/'-vpsw;. Thucyd. II. 64; IV. 54. ro rrapuv- •r/xa za/ to i-eira. Ta^a^^-^aa fit, quod statim fit, quum aliud quid factum est. Matth. xxii. 60, etc. Thuycd. I. 22. sg to racap/s/j/xa dzovstv. II. 17, conf. Polyb. III. 31. c:apa(psPo/j.ar -rg^/^soo/xa/. Hebr. xiii. 9. Ditferunt sane, /tin und her — herum treiben. Sic nos quo- que de nubibus, Ep. lud. v. 12. ■■xaoiP'/oiJjar <:Ta^arTOPs{jo/xai. vid. sp^o/xai. Proprie dicitur, Matth. viii. 28. ■rdosffi;' d(psffic. Illud uno tantum loco, Rom. iii. 25, in rehquis a(peffi;. Scite Alberti in Glossario p. 97, observavit, Apostolum studio hoc tantum loco adhibuis.^e videri vocem T.dpiffiv, quam com- mode praetermissionem vertas. Errat, qui dicit, errare eos, qui differentiam statuant. SciUcet longe aliud est, de quo Ap. h. 1. loquitur, quam quum ci(piffiv celebrat. Nolo 6oy/xar/^gffSa/ in in- terpretatione ; sed nunquam credam, Apostolum, (|ui semper v. ci^piffig utitur, etiam in ipsa ad Rom. epistola, hoc uno loco temere rrd^sffiv scripsisse. Nimirum sententia Ap. haec est : deus roog^gro OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 51 iXa^rrj^iov, ad indulgentiam suam demonstrandam propter s. ob praetermissionem ruv 'x^oyiydvirm aij^a^rniMarm^ i. e. ut praetermitteret, missa faceret peccata olim, i. e. sub lege, commissa. Nou poterat autem locum habere haec -Traosc/g, nisi per Christum : ergo ostendit rj^v diy.aio(ivv7iv aiirov dice T'^v cagfeC/v. Nori scripsit bia T7\g <^aosffsc>jg, sed dta TYiV IT. Nam t] 'ttdooti^ dia^-^Kri sublata est per Christum. Hebr. ix. 15. Sed de his alias. In ejusmodi vv. saepe erratum est. Similia sunt, sed non idem significant. ra^{jvo,u.a,r 'ttu^ov/xui. Utrumque metaphor, de men- tis animique hebetudine dicitur. Sed sic differre videntur, ut Tayhn^^ai indicet mentem, quae ipsa tarde se movere potest, crw|ou(y^a/ animum, qui quasi callo obductus, rebus aliis parum aut nihil movetur. 'iraypg est tardus, (opp. ^uzvoc) 'TTiiruouj/Msvog, qui sensu caret, hebes. ■■xs-7ru)^uvTai o'l cxp'^aXfjLo/. lob. xvii. 7, quasi callo obducti. Hinc Suidas. Tw^wc/g' rv(pXojGig. ■rrsi^dcti' 'Tru^dZo). 'ffg/ga^s/i' plerumque in malam par- tem dicitur. (etiam Act. xvi. 7, de irrito consi- ^ lio.) 'Xii^at^dijjivog est, qui maiis pressus ad peccan- dum incitatur, Tsi^djfMivogy qui jam expertus est mala, iisque ferendis exercitatus. •rsvyig' crruy^og. pauper, mendicus. Tsoag' reXog. m^ag pp. loci est, rikog temporis. -igaj avriKoyiag. Hebr. vi. 16. Ad hunc locum spectat glossa Hesychii : ir'i^ag , . xa/ i] Xvffig, nee debet sollicitari. 52 THE SYNONYMS ■TTsoiaioiC/j' dcpaiosoo {afxaoT'iag) vid Hebr. x. 4, II, sacrificia non possunt unquam prorsus tollere peccata, ideoque repetenda sunt. ■n^ixcc^aPtjM' TSPi'-^yj/jjU. 1 Cor. iv. 13. Notandum erat, non simpliciter dici, sed addi xoffjuov et crav- Twv. De hominibus, qui a plerisque tamquam pessimi contemnuntur, comparari possent nostra, Auswurfet Abschaum. ■rXsovs^iu' (piXaoyj^'ia. Longe peior est 77 rrXsovs^ici. Coloss. iii. 3, dicitur eidojXoXarsda, est aviditas, s. amor sceleratus habendi, Selbstsucht, verissima sJduXoXar^da. Apud Herodot. VII. 149, denotat arrogantiam, et Xoyog rrXso/sKrrig eodem sensu ibid. c. 158. '■TrXriv. De hac part., quam dicunt vulgo vicem sus- tinere diversissimarum particularum, aXXa, ofMuc, apa, fMovov, etc. vide Hoogeven. (ToXL/.ag^wg* 'uoXvr^o'Trug.) Hebr. i. J. Recte Lu- therus : manchmal und mancherley Weise. Glos- sar. Gr. Alberti 'jroXv/xsPcog' dice, rrXsioiMv sc. ^p6- vuv. rroXursy.yji' croAjn/xog. Marc. xiv. 3. loh. xii. 3. nr^ucsoi' 'TTOisu. DifFerunt fere ut nostra thun et machen. agere ei facere. Quintil. II. \'6. J. Ter- tium est icya^gcSa/, quod proxime accedere vi- detur ad nostrum handeln, eo sensu, quo signi- ficat thdtig seyn. 6 crarrio /xov sug upti ioydZsrui. Dicitur sine objecti notitia, ilia non possunt. iZ (xaXJDg, y.anojg etc.) rronTv, TPdffffnv (^X^iv) certis- sime differunt. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 53 rTio6hi')(oixai' v. s'/Js^o/xcci. Differunt ut nostra er- warten et abwarten. •i:o()6%oij.ijja: GxdvbaXov. Rom. xiv. 13. t^oGKO/M/j^a yi (S'/tdvbaXov. v. 20. o/a '7r^o(t7i6/LL(xarog sff'^/nv differunt lit nostra Anstoss et Aergerniss. v. 21. 'rr^^osxo'rmi '7p6(pastg' a(pop/jjy]. 1 Tim. v. 14. d(po§/.iriv didovai. vid. Valckenar. de Aristobul. p. 65. De v. tdo- (paffig recte Schol. Euripid. Hec. v. 43, proprie non est occasio s. causa. a/V/a est causa, d(po^,'xr, Veranlassung, Atilass, '7ro6(pa,6ig Vorwand, Ge~ legenheit. rrralw a/xa^rai/w. ■ttittoo. Rom. xi. 11. i^ij 'i'rrroLi- 6av ha. cicwc/. '^To'soiJjOLt' rrrbooixat. s/M(po(3og ylvo/J.ai. Luc. xxiv. 37. TToriffiv (po^ih'^a.i, 1 Petr. iii. 6. TuvSai/o/xa/' hurdoj. Conveniunt in notione scitandi, sed differunt ; nusquara permutari possunt. Ne- que temera rrv^^avsG^ai in medio tantum dicitur ; sich erkundigen. ea/S5/^w ^acr/^w. Hoc latius patet usu. ;coXa^/^w. Matth. xxvi. 67. Matth. v. 39. vid. Henr. Steph. in Append, de Dial. Att. c. 4. pccbiov^yia' doXog. Act. xiii. 10. v. cavoyoy/ct. ojj.aa* Aoyog. pi/j^a verbum est, sed Xoyog res ipsa, quae verbis inest, sermo, oratio. Manifestum est discrimen in usu pluralis. ^yjfj.arcx, ^soD dicuntur non },6yot r. S. lo/x(paia' ^i^og- /judy^ai^a. Proprie ita difFerre viden- tur, ut '^l(pog sit, quo punctim, ,'j.d^aioa, que caesim 54 THE SYNONYMS liostis petitur. hoiMpciia secundum Hesych. fuit ensis longior Thracicus vid. Eustath. ad Iliad. N. V. 577. In N. T. ixayjuoa, gladius, suo loco ponuntur. /xa;/a/^ai' (poozTv. Rom. xiii. 4. (jus gladii) ^/fog non occurrit, sed ejus loco est ^o,a- (pala. Apoc. i. 6. ^o/x^. dlffro/jLog. Luc. ii. 35. rrjv -^Myj])) tfou duXsvazTai ^o/j,(pata. ga'ivM' -/.oXax,ivctj. ad 1 Thess. iii. 3. Gccincf^at sv '^Xi-^sgi, est, in calamitatibus blanda vitae commo- dioris spe et desiderio pellici,[ut deseras officium. Nunquam %ov(SsTa^ai (ut Chrysostoraus) aut ra- odma^ai denotat. Alieni sunt loci, qui afferun- tur. Recte Elsnerus ad h. 1. gr/do/Mur ffiwTruoo. vid. Ammon. v. ffiojrr'/i. eiyad&at est tacere, c/wTrav silere. Luc. ix. 36. hiyrjaccv^ xal oudsvi d'Trvjy'yuXav. XX. 26. Sau/xaCavrg? soi- yi^gotv. Act. xii. 17. xaratfs/Vas ffr/av. Luc. i. 20. sg'fi (JiWTTuv zai (MTi dvvd/Mvog Xakriffai. Act. xviii. 9. Xdy.u -/.at /xij ffiuTrjcrig. vid. Valckenar. ad Lennep. Etym. p. 883. (To^/a* yvug/g- (p^ovrjffig, Eph. i. 8. Aristot. Ethic. Lib. I. c. ult. Conf. Raphel. Ann. Polyb. (TTrovdd^oj' (S'TTsudu. (^■■rsvdiiv est festinare (de tem- pore) g'TTovbdZiiv properare i. e. festinanter et se- dulo aliquid^cere. 2 Petr. iii. 12. 'TrDoebozojvrag xa/ (S'Tiiiihovrag, i. e. acriter et avide exspectantes, quod est festinantium. Recte Lutherus Eph. iv. 3. CiToubdZowig rri^sTv r. svorrjra r. rrianojg. Seyd Jieissig, sedulo date operam, conf. 2 Tim. ii. .5. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 55 Iiiest tamen etiam v. a-rrovddZ^nv notio festinatio- nis s. potius sedulitatis. anvo'^ojpso^u.ai. ^XijSofjjai. 2 Cor. vi. 8. sv 'rrav-i ^AijSufxsvoi, a>\X oh Grivoyjji^oijiMivoi. Quum meta- phorice dicuntur, ^XZ/Sscl^a/ dicitur, premi (undi- que) vexari malis, sed (rr2vo;)/a;os/b't)a/ de iis, qui ita in angustiis versantur, ut de exitu desperent. Egregie Lutherus, 2 Cor. vi. 12. sich dngsteii. Rom. vii. 9. ^Xi-^tg tlci} CTvioyjaoia^ Truhsal imd Angst. (irsoiow crjjo/^w g^svooj. Solidmn reddere, firmum sistere, ponere collocare — robustum facere crrr liZzi'i T^ocw-oi/ ocOroD, non est obfirmare faciem, quod nihili est, sed firine intendere fticiem ad ali- quid, sich etwas fest vornehmen. Luc. xix. 51, quasi figere oculos aliquo, tamquam in metam. Apud Themist. Or. XIII. tooj ffs arsw^s/v %a.\ Cuv/C^/vw iy'/ioivo). 2 Cor. x. 12. cui/sff^/V (i-jiJj(pay(ti' {cuvbu-rvlo).) vid. siraplicia. U'jvzvdoxsw ffw^do/Mui. In v. 6vvriho[iai inest non solum notio probandi, quae est in v. cui^su^o^Jw, sed etiam laetandi, voiuptatem capiendi ex aliqua re. Paulus probaverat quidem caedem Stephani, jus- tam putaverat, riv Gvvivdo'/Sjv. Act. viii. 1, sed non dicitur laetatus esse eo facinore. Contra ipse scripsit, Rom. vii. 22. cuv/ido/Mai rui v6/JjUi^ voiup- tatem ex ea capio . . Nescio, quibus exemplis demonstrent, in v. (jvjsvbozs/l/ inesse etiam notio- nem oblectationis. 56 THE SYNONYMS ffuvisvar vosTv. DifFerunt ut nostra : verstehn et mer- hen. Marc. viii. 17. d-o'Kt/i vosTrs ovds auvkn. Eodem modo difFerunt acbvirog et uvo'^toc, de qui- bus supra. Guvrd^GO)' 'ir^offraffffw svrsXXofJbat. rr^offru^ffst, qui rem ipsam praecipit ; Gvuraffffn qui etiam modum fa- ciendi praescribit. Nam Matth. i. 24. siroiriCiv ug itPoSiTa'tiv o ayysXoc, sensus est: fecit id quod jusserat ang. ut viii. 4. -Trpoosviy'/is to du^ov, o 'Tr^oa- gragg Mwff^c. Contra xxvi. 19. sToii^ffay ug (fuvs- ra^sv. et xxvii. 10. manifesta est notio, quam dixi. Sed sv-sXXsSai est dare mandatum et po- testatem aliquid faciendi. Matth. xxviii. 20. Vid. Hebr. ix. 20. Moses scilicet acceperat manda- tum feriendi foederis, ota^'/j'/.rig rjg svBrstXaro t^o? avTovg 6 %og, quod mandavit deus facere vobis- cum. Nee putem, temere Apostolum pro v. dis^sTo, quod habent Alex., et usitatiori, imo so- lemni in hac causa, scripsisse hsrs/Xaro. (c-jvrs/Mvoj' G-jvTsXs'jj.) Rom. ix. 28. Sequutus est Ap. Alexandrinos, qui toto coelo ab hebr. aber- rarunt. Sed Xoyov illi nou dixerunt pro decreto. raXui-TTOJ^ia' (TTBvoy^oj^iu. vid. (Jrsvo^c/joso/Mau In vv. ruXai-TTOj^sUj raXai'jru^ia, raXahu^og, inest potissi- inum miseriae, quae ex nimio labore [quo frustra defatigamur,] nascitur, notio. Recte Rom. vii. 24. raXai'TTUPog syoj o. -pw-to^, miihselig^ qui frus- tra laboro. ru^dggw Tu^(3d^u. Luc. x. 41. vid. Schol. Aristoph. Equ. V. 311. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 57 TiXuQUi' <7rXi^c6oj' (rgXsw.) nXnovv est perficere, ut nihil faciendum restet, sed res, opus, tsahqv sit. ^"kri^ouv est complere rem, ut ei nihil desit. Matth. i. 22. et al. ha irXrjPu^fj to ^tj^sv, Apud lohan- nem tantum semel xix. 28. iVa rsXnu^fi. Vide formulas rsTiXsiM/Mvoi (sig sV. loh. xvii. 23.) crs- tXi^^m/msvoi, quomodo differant. rsXsoijv est finire, ad finem et exitum perducere, peragere. Diflfert a prioribus formula Luc. xviii. 31. rsXsa^TjCsrai Tavra ra yiy^a/x/j^sva et aliae. TOTTog' %woa. Quamquam ro-rog dici potest pro %wpay tamen %w^a non ponitur pro rovog. Matth. iv. 16. loh. xi. 54. To-rog convenit nostro Ort^ X'^l^ ^st Platz, ( GegendS) Posteriori inest notio spatii. Tsv:pd!f)' ccraraXaw. lacob. v. 5. rov(pav potius tnol- litiem vitae luxuriosae, s-rctraXav petulantiam et prodigalitatem denotat. Corrige Suidam : (yra- ra.>//) 7] TPv^prj. Leg. T^u(pr,. Hesych. c-ara/.a* yoy^ia. 2 Petr. ii. 13. ridovriv riyovfjijsvoi rr^v h yi'jjioa rD\)(p7}v. 1 Tim. v. 6. v'xao'^ig' •/.rnix.a. Act. ii. 45 ; v. 1, 3, 8. Illud latius patet ; estque scriptorum seriorum : veteres ra ii'Tdp^ovra, ut alias in N. T. ■j-Ttdoyjji' iiiMi. differunt sic, ut zhai simpliciter ease, brd^')(iiv conditionem aliquara denotet, qua quis esse cogitatur. i)-7:doyiiv sv rm, et u^rdpy^et fLoi. ■j'razovM' Tg/^o/xa/- i/rsZ/cw. Conveniunt in notione obsequii. Sed v-toc-aousi'j (proprio sensu Act. xii. 13), est dicto obtemperare, gehorcheri; crs/Ssc^ai 58 THE SYNONYMS monita sequi, folgen ; urs/xs/i/ vi s. auctoritati ce- dere, unterihdnig seyn. Hebr. xiii. 17. •jMaTixoTg. -^y^jyn OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 61 anima est, qua vivimus, itn\)[xa animus, quo sapi- mus. Sed usus vitae communis non semper ser- vat discrimina verborum, quibus res, quae sensu tantum percipi possunt, judicantur. Nos quo- que dicimus : Unsterhliclikeit der Seele. ojhiv o&jvr,. ojbiv propria significatione accipiendum etiam Act. ii. 24. Suidas totum locum Psalmi explicat. Respondet Hebr. bnn, quod ipsum quoque de doloribus parturientium dicitur. (semel de aliis doloribus, Hiob. xxi. 16,) neque confundi debebat cum h'2'n, quod funera denotat. Vid. Lamb. Bos. Exercitt. p. 69, et Valckenar. ad Lennep. Etymol. v. ud/v. Contra Steph. le Moyne ad Var. S. p. 296, sqq. 62 THE SYNONYMS Tbe following list of Synonyms, with the exception of those which have the paging attached, were left by the Author without any explanatory ob- servations — but they are considered of sufficient importance to be inserted, as they will point out to the student, those w^ords which Dr. Tittmann esteemed to be of synonymous signification. ' Ayu^og- dizaiog, vol. i. 29. dya^ospyiTv uya^orronTv, i. 97. aya^ar (piXuv^ i. 90. ayiaCsiv aynCiir aytoc. ayvog, i. 35. ayaTTTiTug'' sxAiTtrog. dyiOGuiYi' ayvua: ayv't'Czir ciyvog' xa^apog' dfj^iav- rog, i. 35. dy^v-'/su v. yPTjyofsM. ddi^/MOvsTv v, sKrAyjffGsffdai. ddizs/v ddr/Jcf v. diXiCioT'ia^ i. 79. ddixog' dvo/xog' dfMa^rojXog. cc^srs/i-' dzvpouv y.araoysTi'' st,o!,Xitta/, ii. 29. d-7ro'/.aT0.XXd(fciiiv v. ai/axs- d-roXvTPMffig' dXiCig djULUP- TIUV. d'ToosTff^ar v. diGrdt^av. door u\)Y Tojvjv, ii. 29. UPie-ov V. osa:ti'01'. do^ahg' ■rraXa.iog. doyyj' bbvaijjig' st,ovaia, ii. '29. (7.op^>3yo^' alnog, ii. 30. dGs(3rig V. dfJbccProj'Aog, d^GsXyna.' dy.a^r/.oaia' acw- r/cc, i. 160. aff^sv^jg* acrr^c/x-Osji. 133. aG-zoi/dog' dffvv^STOC, i. 132. aGTOoyor dviXir^i^wzg. dffvviTog' d;j.a^r,g. a'J^dhrig. d(piXorrig' acrXorjjj. d.:p^oGv-^ri' dvoia' dvoT/rog, i. 247. dyoiTog- dyPYjcrog- (dvc>j- ^pXric,) it 19, 30. 64 THE SYNONYMS {^a^iTo^ar jSa^uviff^aiy ii. 30. jSd^o;- oyxog, ii. 30. jSaGiAiia ^sov' oboocvuv. l3s(3aiog, i. 152. ^sl3r}Xog. dvoffiog. iSlog- (^uTj, ii. 30. (SXiTsir hoar oVrsff^a/* ibiTv ^sw^s/i-, i. 192. (Soffxs/y '7roi,a,uivnv, ii. 25. iSovXri' ^sXri/jjU. lBouXo,(Mar 5sXw, i. 214. (j3^oo,'j.a- (Souxrig), ii. 30. (ysfsa* '^iysc/a* ysvvrjffig.) yswar ri'/trsiv, ii. 30. (^yivji^^yjuar yiviC^ai.^ (yvt^fiYi' (3o-jXrj' doyfia, ii. 31. yvoj^i^Cfj' bsixvvu)' yvoj(Sig' (^s'TriyvuGig') v. cro- ii. 31. yjvy)' {yjil^-> ii' 31. osr V. ;>/^?j. (diixvou. s-ndiixvjoj.) osTrrvor d^iffror hoyjiy ii. 31. dsiffioai/Movia' i-jXdjSiicc, ii. 31. biXsal^o/zar v. gjs/.xo/xa/. oiadibomr S/aoTcctra/, ii. 31. oiuxovog' V. oouXog. (diaXXaTTsadur zaraX- Xdrrsffdai), i. 176. diuGoapiTv biayvu}oi^iir btccyysXXztr <7:a^ayyiX- Xiiv hicKpriijji^iiM' £X- XaXsTv s't,iiys7a6ar xjj- (biaadJ^siv ffoJl^siv.) biardGGiir biaffrsXXiffdai, i. 149. btbaffx.aX/a' bibayr^, i. 31. (biioc^rar ssmtcIv.) bizaiog, i. 29. ^/cra^s/i/' d'zo^iTff^ar (It^oL- ToosTs^ai), ii. 31. oZ-vj/'j^os' biXoyog' bi^XCog, ii. 31. boyijja' V. yvdofj^rj. boKsh/' TiyiTcdat. boXog' d'Trdrri, ii. 31. ^o^cci^g/r V. ahsTv. bovXog' ^g^acrwr bidxovog' ■j'TrTj^sTrig, boyji' V. bsTTTvov. b-jva/jjur JffyJoo' biivarai 'rroiiTv ri 6 iGyym. b'j'jcc'ug' bo'i^oc,^ svs^yeiu- £t,ov0/a' iGyJig v. d^^yji (xuoiorng.) boiifMU' v--rs^u)Ov. bujpsd' yjdiig' bu)^ov. boupsdv rfj ydotri, ii. 31. syxodriia' 6ui^. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 65 i//t>j' /JjcItt^v, ii. 32. s/Vw XaXsM, i. 139. slffhyo/Mur iiff-iropsvo/j^cn, ii. 32, kxd(fTOTs- rrcivroTS, ii. 32. hdsyo/jjai- (d-7rsx.ds-)^ofMar) 'TTooad'syo/icar 'TPOffdoy.soj. '/iaoadoz'sc/j' (^diroxaoa- boTiitti.) sTtba-TTdy&r (^da'rravdv.) dv- aXiff/isiv. 'r/,ds^o/xat v. ^ivi^Cf). sKdiKSOj V. dvrccTrodidM/jji. ixsWiv Ivrsukv, ii. 32. sz^yirsw s^spvjvdoj' (s'tti- s'/iXccziTr sxAvso^au izzXaM' sxxo-irru, ii. 32. S/ixXivoj' (psvyc/j. ixxo/jji^oj' iKp'sou, ii. 32, sx.XaXiTv V. diaffa(psTv. i'/iXsysff^ar s^ai^iTv^ ii. 32. JxXsxro;* dyairrirdc; dyiog. s-/cXzXvfjjS\/or s^^Pi/M/Mvoi, ii.32. ix-XvcG^ai V. sx,'/.u'A,iTv. l-/C'7rX7j(rffs6dccr s'/Jcx.fjj(Bs/'ffdar s^iffraGdcii, i. 235. sx.'To^ivof^ar \^zoyjjn,aA v. i.]Giiyj>ix>u,i. hrccpdffGC/y h'TrXTirrw sx- (Ixrg/i/w T^orsivu), ii. 32, (sxTiX'sw reXsoj' s'lrinXsu.) (Jx(prjyoi V. (pivyM.) VOL. II. sK(^)o(3og' 'i/j,po^og' hr^o/j^og, 'ii. 32. (D.s/J/s- £X£7;;^o$), ii. 32. sXssM' olxrsipor sXiruMm. o/zri^fxoj'j. i. 122. iXzvoj' Gv^oj. i. 99. havrr i/jj'ZPOG^sr svavrloy svoj'Triov. hhiKog' dixc/.iog, ii. 33. hdvfMU' hbvGig' 'ifiATiov i- /xotriGfjjog' sG'^yig' zG^riGig. svdvofj^ar •yggz/SccAXo/xa/, ii. 33. svsdoot.' sm^ouX^, ii. 33. hhysicc' (hs^y/jfj^a) vid. diivafMig. svspysu. s'TriTsXBOj, ii. 33. sv'sy^c>y svsd^svw S'?rsyoj, ii. 33. sviGyvM' Ivdumfj^OM, ii. 33. iv]/sbg V. x.cj(p6g, svvoia' h&{j/j.yjG/g, ii. 33. (^hoixsM- oJxiCfJ.) hraXfMo,' svroXyj' S'Trirayrj' svTiXXoixoLi' STTirdGGoj) ii. 33. hrsv^tg' royaoiGr'ta, ii. 33. hrPS'TTOJ' hr^O'rrri v, alGyor/j. svcoiT/ov V. havri. (st^KyysXXoj' i'jrayysXXoj.) (sgaxoAOLi^sw dxoXov^soj' s'^aXiipM V. dSiTsoj, ii. 33. s^d-ziva,' s^a'iprig- s^avTTjc, ii. 33. 66 THE SYNONYMS (^s^wzopsw d-ropsu), ii. 34. s^a^Ti^oo' tsXsiocjJ' TArjPow (xarapr/(^w), ii 34. s't,'sX)iOij' ^sXsa^w, ii. 34. s^spiuvdu V. ix^Tjrsw, ii. 34 S^S^^OfMUr S'/CTTO^iVO/Mai V. s^riysofxat v. diaffa,(psu. ^^iffrr,/xi V. sx(po3iu. i^OfMOAOySM' ibyaoiGTioo. l^ov^ivio) V. xarcc(ppovsoj. s^ovG/a V. d^y^rj, (s-TrayyiXicc' STdyysXfMa.) il'i:ayy'iKk(ji' s^ayysXXoj' dtayy'sXXu), ii. 34. (ivrax&Xo-j^sw v. dxoXov- srdv S'TTStddr i~sr stsiOtj, ii. 34. (^Izavoe'Travoij'Mj' dva-rravo- /ji>oci), ii. 34. szsP^ofMar smyhofj^cci. (s-rs^ojTuu' V. s^urdu' dn- ^ojrdoj.^ STi^o) V. ivsp^w. sTi^dXXoj- k':.)d VOf/jCCI. sffd/jg V. //xdrm. Ic&iu)' (pdyoi. hs^og V. dXXog, OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 67 sro;' sviavTog. cvdoy.s/li' Gvy'/iarariQid&ai. ihboKla' dyd-r), ii. 35. ■■ji^yiffia' rjTOita. i'Jhrog' /-/.avog' ^oyjffifjjog. iv^sMC, ii. 35. {ih'Koy'ici' zbyaPtGria,) ii. 35, i-jvosM, ii. 35. sv-mit^Tjg' s-in-/.yjCf ii. 35. su'Zoua,' i\Ji^yia-Xc/Ja.' fMOJoriXoyia, ii. 36. ihya^KSria v. ih'Koyia. spjivsof^ar Taoayivofxar hjg- ijlzyoi V. a;)^o/, ii. 36. {Ji^og- G'/.orog, ii. 36. t^uoyoiioj' ^ojo'TToisuy ii. 36. '^yoijiMat V. doxirj. ri'/iu V. iD')(OiMUi. Tj^jKog' -TrriXixog' o~oToc, ii. 36. "^■TTiog' 'TTPdog, i. 244. YiOiiMog' YiGvy^iogy i. 114. ^ai/arow d'Troznl'yOj' vs- xoow, ii. 36. ^aD/xa* GrjfjjsTor rs^ocg. ^av/j^dGiog- ^C6u/xata/, ii. 37. ^siia-wv 6oD?.oj' oiy.STYig* b'TrriosTrig. '^sMosoj- (3Xs-7ru, i. 192. ^Tjfraup/^w Guvdyu. ^}Jj3sG9ar xaxovy^iTG^ai, ii. 37. ^X/'-vj^/;' Gnvoy^ojpia, ii. 37. (^v^jcxw dTohrjGKU.) '^vTjTog' nx^og, ii. 37. ^j/xos" o^/J?, i. 229. ^6oa* ttuXtj, ii 37. }do[Mui V. ^s^aTg-jw. 73s* /3o0, ii. 37. 73/o$* oiKsTog, ii. 37. Qioania' ispdn-jf/^a), ii. '37. /£|&i'* caog, i. 35. /fjjdriov sG^rjC' hdv/MU. t/j^iiPOfMar STi'To&BOij. ha' ooGrz. i^X^i^^ V. iG-xyg' iGyrjM v. d-jvarog' hbvaixig' hi)\a- I /AOC/. 68 THE SYNONYMS {7(,aQaoi(S[jj6g' xddaPfia)^ ii. 37. (xu^vj/xar Ka6i^u, ii. 37. ■/.aJIffrri/Mr xadiffra/xar yhof/.ai, ii. 37. ■/.ahjjg V. xa&d'XiD. ■/.aivog' ]isog, i. 106. ■/Mjojjg' a/wy, i. 68. (y.aiToi' '/.aiToiyi.) y.al'ji' '^T'j^ooj, ii. 38. zoc'/Ja' 'TtovYiDia.' xaytdg' rrovYiPog. y.azo'Trd&ita' ii-o/xovyj' (mu- zsodvfj^ia. ■/.a'/.o-TToisu V. dyados^ysoj. '/.a/,6g' dyadog. xaXuTTBiy zov'TT'Tiiv, ii. 38. zd/jt^vw s^ydt^ofj^at. za^rrh (p's^siv, ii. 38. (zaTa(3o(,ivu' xars^'^o/jja/.) zcirayy'sXXo} v. oiayysXXu. ■/.araytvoJazcA)' '/iarax^ivM' zardyc/j v, dyoj. zardzsifiar zaroczXho/xai, ii. 38. (xaraxp//xa* zaTdzoicig, ii. 38. (zocrazvPiivw zvphvoj.) xaraAaXid' zaraXccAsw za-aXdXogv. -^i^u^iffrai, i. 128. (ddvu.) zaraXXayyi v. haX\a.yn' d'xaXkayr,. zazcOJ^dcGO)' bidKkd660). i. 176. xaraX^aa* ^ivoboyjToy zaTaiMaM&dvM' zuravoiu^ ii. 38. zaravapzdw y.ura^aosoj, ii. 39. zaravsvoj v. i'zivsvcfj. zara^ysoj v. a^srcw. ;jara^r/^w tsXsiou- (5ri- ^SOOO' dvaTATjOOOJ. zaraffZivd^M' 'rroiiu, ii.39. zaraffvooj v. sXzvu. (xararo/x/y* •TrsPiTO/j.Tj), ii. 39. zarcKps^u v. z,ardycfj. (zccTa(pBvyu* d'::o(pi'jyCfi' diccipsvyoj' £X' (Tw/o-a* 'TTTcio/xa. %wfo;* aAa/.oc, ii. 41. Xayydvu V. yXYiom. j.sw, i. 139. "kaij.^dvu V. k'Ztr-jyyjiv(ri. Xaog' Uvog. Xa-oiiu' dovXiiw Xarpsuw Xsyw V. XccXsu. Xiirovoyioj' hoctrroo)' >.£/- Xoyi6[jjog' v67]iMa, ii. 41. Xuyog* hriixci. Xoi'TTor fXiXXov, ii. 42. Xo-JW vI'TTTOJ, ii. 42. X-jfj^a/vo/Mar ^XditTW (pds'iPM. Xuw XvT^ou, ii. 42. fMuxPodvfMia V. dvoyyj. li>aXa%\u,' j/oVoc, ii. 42. [idXXor iiXmv^ ii. 42. IJM.raioXoyia v. zsvopuvicc, l^draiog v. xsvo's* /^ara/e- (j^drTiV V. s/xTj. [j,dyi6^ai' [jAyoLi, i. 116- [x,iyaX\j\i(f) V. uh/iu. H-'i&ri V. '/.oatrrdy.ri. i. 116. 70 THE SYNONYMS ratPC/j' fiiraivsu. [LikiTao)' fjbi^tfjjvduy ii. 42. ,'j/sfj,tc;$* ivToXrj, voGog V. fjLaXuxia. voG(piZcfj' xAETrw, ii. 45. moTa^w xaOivdcij, ii. 46. ^£i'/^o^a/'Sai;/^a^6j,ii.46. ^if&e* xaivog, ii. 46. ^£1/0$' dXkcT^tog, ii. 46. o;^xo$ V. (3d^oc. obzvoi' oboicrophj, ii. 46. 63l/1'?j v. dibiv. obvpfxoc' xXavOfxogy ii. 46. oi'KiToc' '/'biog, ii. 46. oi'/irrig v. SfPacwi/. (o/XTj/xa* b'r/.r,Gig' cixriTri- Piov oJ-Kia V. olxog.) {oixoboixri' oixobo/xia.) OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 71 «;xrs/^gw, i. 120, 122. fj'toiiai V. vojuZui. o/or 5ui/aroy, ii. 47. OKv'/jDog' doyog, ii. 47. ohiyog- fJ^r/,o6c^ ii. 47. fjXoTcXrj^og' rsXsiog, ii. 47. oXo5' '^occ, ii. 47. oXcor cravrc/jg, ii. 47. o//',<3oor •t^«7-o$' ,/3po;i/95, ii. 47. o/x/xa- opdaXfj^og- ISki-rrM, i. 192. o,(Moiog' h[X(tic/ig v. /Cwc. o.ao/a»/xa* oiMoiorrig^ ii. 47. oviidog' aidyyvfi, ii. 47. oj-rws* aXrtdMC, ii. 47. 0^6$* Tctyyc^ ii. 48. OT?;' (T-TjAa/ov, ii. 48. O'TTOTi' OTS, ii. 48. orou* oy, i. 170. orroixai v. /S/i-w, i. 192. oTwg* wVrs* /Va. (o3a,aa* o»affig.) bodctj V. (S/A-Troj, i. 192. op^Tj* ^o/y-o?, i. 229. o^syoiJ,ar i-idv/jjov/xar o- fs^/g* s'^ridu'Ji.la, i. 233. hoQoivog' rr^u))\og' (o^doioc' TOW/'/XOC* ~|ou/'o;.) ()^i^oy rdffaoj. (6o7i(fjfjLorrIa' op'/,og, ii. 49. oV/o;' 0(ji6Tr,g' o(riuc v. dyioc, i. 35, 41. (orav org.) o'i* ou;^/ V. ,j'. oj V. oVou, i. 170. o^s/XsrTjs* yi'g&j^s/Xsr)].', ii. 49. (62)«/?w?j' 6^g/X'/j,«/a.) c(pdaXfjtj6c' o;x,'j/CC v. /SAi-rw^ i. 192. o-vj^/^ao;* o-vj^/o;, ii. 49. 'Tratda.yojyog^ 'a-aih6rr}g, ii. 49. TCi/w V. r-JTrw. rraXaiog' doyjuog^ ii. 49. TaXa/ow axu^ow, ii. 49. cravovpyta' '^adiov^yicc do- X6c'. rrapdfSuffig' 'irasw/.o'^, ii. 49. irctoayy'iXX^ v. diccffa(psT'j. rra^axocXsw '^raoafMvfsc- /Af/j, ii. 49. craPotKV'TrTU' tfJ^^Xsiroi, ii. 49. TaodXiog' cra^a.'^aXdffffiog, li. 49. 'xccpaij.v^so/xat v. craoaxa- Xsoj. 'TTasavo'ua' rTusd^a-Gig'ira" i^d.-rTTOiiMCL' dvOlMCL V. li. 50. 'raoa-jrixa' craoayfJj^aa, li. 50. 72 THE SYNONYMS ii.50. 'ira^S'-zidTj/Mog' 'Trdoor/.og v. I'svoc. fxai, ii. 50. cra^sc/r a^gff/?, ii. 50. rrccooi'jAri' rrapajBoAyj. crag V. oXog. 'Xardc.s/xsw /j,d,yjj/Mai. ToXfe- /Ao;* (xdyji^ i. 116. (toXl'/xscw;' rroXuToo'Tug), ii. 52. 'TroX-jTiXr/g' rroXvri/jjog, ii. 52. TTovTi^ia' x-axiw irovri^og' •/.ctxog. iroGog' 'rroTa'^dg. ■7Tpdyij.a' iP^yov cr^a^/c. 'jr^aoTTig' 'rr^airi^g v. ^V/oc, i. 244. TodOffM' 'TTOISCf), ii. 52. C7^au5* cri'a'jrjjc, i. 244. 'TTos-mr yp'/j v. ^s/I 'TTPoynojCiKiir T^oog/^g/v (o^^/'^s/i/.) 'TT^OSldoj' 'TTPOyiVOJffXOiJ. T^os/Vw Tpos^soj' T^oXeyu V. XccXsoj. rr^oedsyofxar rrPCffXa/ufSd- VOJ. crooffdsyofiar £x6eyo/xa/,ii. ' 53. ^ rr^06syco v. (puXdrro/Jba/. <7rp('j(jX0f/j/jja' ffxdi/daXoVy ii. '53. ^^6(pa6tg' d(poo/Mri^ ii. 53. 'rra/w afMUPTd^ct), ii. 53. TTo'so/Mar TTUPO/Mcci, ii. 53. ■rrruyog v. 'Trsnig. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 73 ':rvXr}' (-r/Xwv) v. Supa. iruv&dvo'xai' hurdu, ii. 53. rrv^ooj V. ytaioj, ^a/3(3/^w ^a-/^w, ii. 53. habio'ooyia' doXog, ii. 53. oJj/Aa* Aojog, ii. 53. hou,(paia- ^i(pog' /jjdyatoa, 'ii.53. pU'Tog' a-TrTXog. o•at^w• '/ioXaytzboi, ii. 54. (TaXs'jw (Ts/oc raodsffoo. caoyjKog' -^uy^ixog- (ai' Giojrdca, ii. 54. G'/j^rdoy dXXo/Mai. f7xX?5jog V. au5Ty}o6g, i. 242. GTiO'jrio) V. (3Xi~c/j. Gloria' (^GZOTog) v. <^6(poc. Gf)(pia' yvujGig, ii. 54. Go(p6g' GwiTog' Go^ia' gvvs- Gtg. GrTXog v. ^v-rrog. Gifkdyyyci' giktioimi, \. 120. G-rodog' 7s:poa' (xovig.) G-nO-jbd^Cf}- G-Ts-jdoo, ii. 54. GTivoyc/j:>so,'J^cx,r ^KijSofxai. ii. 55. GrsvoyMPia' ^Xi-^tg. GTs^sooy GTTjoii^o}, ii. 55. G'jyAPi'joj' sy'/ipivcn), ii. 55. GvyyjM'raodGGM, l^iGTrifjji, G-jiX'-Ka^iW G[J\U}divW GVGTi- vd.C^c/j. Gv/x-^vyor ofj,6(ppovsg' to 'iv (ppovovvreg, i. 119. Gvv&oysM V. ^ori&'iU). GUViG^iu' Gu/Mcpdyoj' (CL/V- diiWso}) V. simplicia. Cuvsroj V. Go(p6g. Gvvs-jdo'/.soj' Cyv^^o/xa/, ii. 55. Gvvisvar vosn, ii. 56. Aofjjrxi, ii. 56. (cui/rj/Avw GwriXsctj}, ii- 56. cy !< w3 u v w (Tu/xcra (J";)/ w • tf y (Tr £ - GVPOJ V. sX/C-JW. ii. 56: ra^uGGoo' Tvp(3d^ojy ii. 56. TUGGaj' opi^oj^. rdycc' Taysci>g' Tctyjj vicl. rzx'LYiq^ior r'soag v. Gi^fMm. TSAiioM' 'jrXriPocij, ii. 57. r5^a$ V. GrjfJ!.im. r Sip Pa V. G'TTodog. TiZTstv V. yswav. ri/xdcA)' r/u) v. d^/ow. TOtrjv V. ajoc. r&Voc* yjjyooi^ ii. 57. TPvpdoj- G-araXdoj, ii. 57. 74 THE SYNONYMS, &C. Touyybi' (pdyoj v. hdloj. ruTTW rT'kri66'j). T\)oSa.Zi6^cci V. rapdgfficdat. u-ira^'^ic' y.TYiiLa^ ii. 57. ii'jdoyjf}' iJ/M, ii. 57. ■j-raxo-joj' ■Treidoij.ai, ii. 57. VTsvavriog v. d\/ridiy.oc, ii 58. O-TTg^sp/w diaiDiPUj, ii. 58. v-rsprjOaHa v. i>/3^/?, i. 129. •j'7riD:p^ovi7v, i. 173. i-TTodi^/xa,' (javddXioVj i. 58. iiToxoivo/^ar v<7roaTsXXo/xai, ii! 59. UToXa,a(3dvoj v. drroxom- (Lai. L/To/xsvw b':Teyjfi, ii. 59. bcro/xovrj v. dvoyfj^ ii. 59. i)TOffTsXXo/jjai V. b'^TOMbo- (lat. v'jroTdgffiGdar 'jrzi&aoyiTv, ii. 4. ^dyoi V. sff&ioj. (pavXoi' xccy.og, ii. 59. ^g^w V. a/'pw. (pdoyyoi' 3(y/g V. 6o(pia. (ppovi/j^og' Go(p6g. (ppovsTv, i. 120. (p^ovrl^siv V. (Moifjjvav^ i. 239. (ppov^sn- (p'oXd.dGUv. (p\jXd66i(^ai' opcly Tooc'e- yji^ ii. 60. ;^e?j V. a^r. yori, i. 163. •^/sD^os V. d':rdrri. '^i^VPifffxog' TcccTaXaXla,' ■^I'^vPtaTyig' xardXaXo;, i. 128. ■^vy/i' rri^iufia, ii. CO. -^vyixog V. ca^x/xoc. w6/i/* 666i/;5, ii. 61. w£C6 V. a/wv, i. 68. GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY WRITERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Among the imperishable merits of Luther, in relation to the church of Christ, it must, no doubt, be reckoned the greatest, that he again laid open the fountains of divine truth, which had been for many ages concealed or corrupted ; and vindicated the use of them, not only to teachers and to the learned, but also to all Chris- tians. But as in many other things, in which he could only make a beginning, so also here, he left to posterity the duty of becoming more thoroughly acquainted with the sources thus restored to them, and of freeing more and more the doctrines drawn from these fountains from the inventions of human opinions. That this was not done by Luther himself, no one can wonder ; although such was his genius, that had he not been deprived, by the multitude of his 76 ON THE GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY other severe and pressing labours, of that lei- sure which the study of ancient literature par- ticularly demands, he would probably have been superior to all his contemporaries in the true interpretation of the New Testament. But that after three centuries, and after the labours of so many distinguished men, the in- terpretation of the New Testament should not yet have been regulated by any certain laws ; must surely be matter of wonder to all, and would seem hardly credible, unless one were acquainted with the difficulties of the subject, and the causes of the errors under which it still labours. The number and magnitude of these difficulties become more known, the longer and more diligently the sacred writings are studied. The nature of the errors and faults to be avoid- ed is such, that the more experience one seems to have in interpreting the writings of the New Testament, the more difficult does it become to avoid these errors. They grow indeed by practice, and are so impressed by daily habit, that unless the interpreter shall have been pre- pared in the best manner, he is constantly more or less influenced by them. Those therefore who in youth, have become imbued by severe study with a deep knowledge of the ancient languages; and the labours of whose future OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 77 lives have left them leisure and strength to fulfil the proper duties of an interpreter of the New Testament, enjoy a rare felicity. The lot of very many, however, is widely different ; they have been able formerly to read but few of the Greek authors ; and having acquired no insight into the genius of the Greek language, are compelled to acquiesce in the decisions of the lexicons, however unsatisfactory and worth- less ; and are thus unable, through want of leisure and books, to make good in after life, that which they have neglected in youth. On the other hand, those philologians who would seem to be the best qualified for the interpre- tation of the New Testament, have often such a distaste for the reading of the Scriptures, that they most gladly abandon it to the theo- logians. But although it may be doubted, with Valckenaer,^ whether those who have ac- quired their knowledge only in the monuments of the profane writers, should on that account be prohibited from the emendation and expla- nation of the sacred books ; still, it is greatly to be wished, that all theologians, who are in a manner regarded as the only legitimate in- terpreters of the New Testament, should be a Valckenarii Orationes, Lugd. Bat. 1784, p. 288, sq. 78 ()N THE GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY able to sustain a comparison with those great men, who have been so much distinguished by their zeal for the study of languages, by learn- ing, sagacity, and sound judgment. A principal reason why the science of inter- preting the New Testament, is not yet firmly settled on its proper foundations, seems to lie in the fact, that many regard the interpreter of the New Testament as having nothing to do with the niceties of grammar. Hence it hap- pens, that even those who have best understood the genius of the Greek language, have in ex- plaining the sacred books paid no proper regard to the laws of grammar or to the analogy of language ; and the same thing has therefore hap- pened to them, that has usually deterred mere philologians from treating of the Scriptures. They have taken it for granted, that the sa- cred writers were far removed from that gram- matical accuracy, the laws of which are founded in the nature of language and the use of the best writers ; and therefore, in explaining their writings, they have supposed there was little or no use in applying those laws. Indeed it has even been imagined, that in seeking the true sense of the sacred writers, he was exposed to err the most widely, who should endeavour to sul)ject their words and phrases to the ordi- OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 79 nary rules of the Greek language. Hence the direction, now to take refuge in Hebraism ; or again, where there is no place for Hebraism, we are referred to the barbarous dialect of Alex- andria ; or at last, if there is nothing similar to be found in this dialect, we are told that the words of the sacred writers, so incongruously composed, and construed in a manner so con- trary to the laws of language, must be explain- ed from the connexion, and by reference to the object of the writer. Inasmuch now as this mode of proceeding is most pernicious, and not only renders the wdiole interpretation of the New Testament uncertain, but delivers over the Scriptures to the caprice of every interpreter, it may be worth while to spend a few moments, in endeavouring to form a proper estimate of the grammatical accuracy of the sacred writers. Our first object will be, to explain in what we suppose this grammatical accuracy to con- sist. This seems the more necessary, because there is here more than one error to be avoided. It is therefore first of all to be remarked, that we are not to treat here of that elegance of style, which we admire in poets and orators. This quality, w hich consists partly in the choice of words and phrases, and partly in their proper connexion and arrangement in sentences, it will 80 ON THE GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY be easily understood, is not to be sought for in the sacred writers, any more than it is required in the discourse of unlearned men. An elegant selection of words, indeed, demands, in the first place, that there should always be at hand a copiousness of words, sufficient to express all the thoughts ; so that we may not only com- prehend what the writer thought, but also the very manner in which he thought it, and in which he wished to present it. This however is a thing so difficult, and that too from such a variety of causes, that although it is properly expected from an author who professes to be a master of the art of writing ; yet it cannot be required of an unlearned man, who utters with- out preparation what suddenly arises in his mind, or who is compelled to write for others who are destitute of all cultivation. That the sacred writers are of this character, no one will deny. In the next place, it is also requisite for an elegant selection of words, that the words of the language employed, should suffice to ex- press with perspicuity the things in which others are to be instructed; so that the writer may not be compelled, either to employ improper words in an unusual sense, nor to choose expres- sions which have only a cognate meaning. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 81 That the sacred writers were compelled to do both, needs not here to be demonstrated. Lastly, that elegance which lies in the choice of words, requires that the mind of the writer should neither be excited by the novelty of his subject, nor agitated by the magnitude of his purpose, but composed, tranquil, and never for- getful of himself ; especially at the moment of committing to writing the thoughts which he has excogitated. But the sacred writers, re- gardless of applause, and unmindful of popular favour, always striving for this end alone, that all things should be ':rfog o/xodofj^riv, neglected so much the more this elegance of words, because their minds were aroused and inflamed by the magnitude of the things either done by others, and especially by their divine Master, or yet to be transacted by themselves. In regard also to that elegance of style, which consists in the proper construction and arrangement of sentences, there is probably no one w^ho W' ould demand an elegance of this sort in the sacred writers. It is only in authors whose chief object is to give delight, or who wish to please while they instruct their readers, that this species of elegance must not be w^ant- ing. In those writers who desire only to in- struct, and to impel to the practice of that VOL. II. G 82 ON THE GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY which is honest and good, nothing more is re- quired, than that they shall speak with perspi- cuity and in a manner adapted to persuade ; for the power of persuasion lies not in those allure- ments of words, but in the weight of thought, and in the force of a mind imbued with a sense of important things, and filled as it were with a divine spirit. So Paul has truly judged, 1 Cor. ii. 4. I do not here fear that any should charge me with doing injustice to the sacred writers. That occasionally the most elegant expressions and forms of speech are found in them, is ap- parent to all ; and these have been sought out with the greatest avidity by those defenders of their style, who have been more sedulous than judicious. These single forms of elegance, however, cannot constitute an elegant style. But as is the case with many who bestrew a bad Latin style with elegant phrases, like flowers, and still are as far as possible from the true elegance of that language ; so here, the use of well-turned phrases and elegant forms of expression, can never cause the writer to be re- garded as exhibiting that elegance of style, for which poets and orators are celebrated. In- deed, if there be in the writers of the New Testament any elegance of style, it is that OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 83 which consists not in art, but springs from the simplicity and greatness of the thoughts them- selves ; and the less it is sought for, the more certainly and deeply does it affect those to whom it is addressed. That this species of elegance exists in the sacred writers in the highest degree, is well known to those w^ho have examined the subject. From all this it will be easily understood, that while we take a liberal estimate of the grammatical accuracy of the writers of the New Testament, we by no means assent to the opinion of those, who have attempted with more zeal than success to shew, that these w'riters have employed a pure Greek idiom. But would that all those, who have complained of the impure Greek of the New Testament writers, had either themselves understood, or at least explained more perspicuously than has commonly been done, in what this purity of the Greek language consists ! Had this been done, there w^ould have been no ground for many and long disputes. At present, however, we will not enter upon this subject ; but rather express our general acquiescence in the cautious direc- tions of Ernesti :^ To inquire respecting words. ^ Institutio Interp. N. T. Part I. Sect. II. c. 3, § 0". Biblical Cabinet, VoL I. p. 102. 84 ON THE GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY and phrases^ expressing tlnngs about ivhich tJte Greeks icere accustomed to speak ; and firsts whether such single icords are spoken in the same sense in ichich the Greeks used them ; and then, whether such phrases have not only the syntax of the Greeks but also the same sense which Greek usages attributed to them. As to the mention of syntax here, Ernesti does not seem to have so understood it, as if purity of style were to be principally estimated in reference to the le- gitimate construction of words and phrases. It is one thing to observe the grammatical laws of syntax ; and it is a different thing to follow the practice of approved writers and men of cultivated minds, so as to express the same things in the same words that they have used, or in the same way, or at least in a similar and congruous manner. Whether this is actually done, is not so easy to be determined as is generally supposed. For a habit of speaking or writing with purity and correctness, although it may appear to be un- restained, is nevertheless limited by necessary laws ; the reason of which is often so obscured by usage, and so changed in the progress of language, that it cannot in every case be en- tirely ascertained. Hence it happens, that words and phrases used by the most approved OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 85 writers, appear to many to have been at first received without ground, and as it were b}^ ac- cident ; than which opinion, none can be far- ther from the truth. But syntax, properly so called, consists in the mode of correctly joining together all the parts of style, and depends on other grounds than purity of style ; although there are some things common to both. Thus the principal laws of both are deduced from reason, the common source of all languages. We wish it therefore to be distinctly under- stood, that the question about the purity of style in the writers of the New Testament, is entirely foreign to our present discussion ; so that no one may suppose, that we rashly desire to renew this ancient controversy. We are to speak only of the grammatical correctness of the writers of the New Testament, and we can now more easily explain in what this accuracy consists. It is obvious here at the first view, that the grammatical accuracy of any writer must con- sist in the observance of the grammatical laws of the lanofuagre which he uses. What these laws are, and on what causes they depend, seems to be less obvious ; inasmuch as those who attempt to expound the grammatical laws of a language, often expend all their labour, S() ON THE GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY either in explaining single forms and parts of style, or in shewing how these may properly he joined together in order to make out a whole sentence. But why this should be done in this particular way, and in no other, they leave unexplained, and rest satisfied with hav- ing proved, by a multitude of examples, that it is often so in classic writers. And although the assiduous perusal of many waiters is neces- sary, in order correctly to observe the laws of syntax in a language ; yet the causes of those laws are not to be discerned, except by a dili- gent comparison of the genius of the language in question, w ith the necessary modes of think- ing and speaking common to all languages. He, however, who is ignorant of the causes of these laws, cannot properly understand their use ; much less can he teach with clearness the mode in which they are to be applied, nor to what extent they may be changed by usage. Such is the case with many interpreters ; they know sufficiently well, how a word or construc- tion usually is, but not 7ch?/ it is and ought to be so ; and consequently, when they sometimes find it otherwise, they are troubled by the un- commonness of it, and cannot explain w4iy it ought not to be so ; or they tfdve refuge in a farrago of exceptions, as they are called. On OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 87 this account, it is proper here to treat, in a few words, of the causes and sources of all gram- matical laws, before we proceed to shew, how far we suppose the writers of the New Testa- ment have observed them. There are in every language two kinds of laws. The first kind are in their very nature necessary, so that they are and must be found of the same or of a similar character in all lan- guages. The other kind consists of those laws which spring from the peculiar genius of any particular language. The former kind are ne- cessary, because they arise out of the very na- ture of all human language, that is from reason itself, and can therefore never be violated, but must always be observed. So that if any one should speak in a manner different from what these laws require, he would compel his hearers to connect in thought things which cannot be so joined even in thought ; as if a father should say, ^^yhvYiGo, In these instan- ces the verbs xaraffx-zji-oDi/ and g?w./, seem to re- quire not the accusative, but the genitive or dative ; so that at first view one is tempted to suppose that the writers have erred against the necessary laws of language. But there is either a probable reason why vto should be joined with the accusative in a relation of this sort, or else the best writers have erred in like manner. So Xenophon, Anab. III. 4, i:p n^ r, ■/.UTufSadi; riv s/g ro -soiov Herodotus II. 137, ovrs yao \i'7ri6Ti 6/>.>;,aara jto yriw In Homer also and other writers, Ocro is very often construed with the accuative, when the verb from which it depends seems rather to require the dative. But if we carefully look at all the examples of this sort, it will easily be seen, that the accu- sative is used in order to make more conspi- cuous the fact, that a thing or person is so con- nected with another thing, that the latter is to be conceived of and regarded as an adjunct or accident of the former. The noun, therefore, which is put in the accusative, is such as de- OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 95 notes either the p/ace in which any thing- is or happens, or the time at which it happens ; for time and place are necessary adjuncts in all things. So when it is said (1 Cor. x. 1,) that the fathers were all uto rttv vspXr,v, we are to bear in mind, that while they were journey- ing, the cloud was always with them ; but had it been b-b vspXri;, it would have expressed no- thing more than that they had been once under a cloud ; which was not the intention of the writer. Should any one be disposed to regard this distinction as more subtle than true, let him re- flect why all good Greek writers say v-h yuzra, vp" riH,ioav, and not C'TO vu-/.Th;, ■j;p' r^fji^spixgy when they wish to express that any thing was done by night or in the day time. Not unfrequently we are able to see why a thing ought to be said in a certain way, when we perceive that the same could not have been said in any other way. The principle is also the same, in regard to the preposition o/a. When dia, governs the ge- nitive, it denotes the cause h?/ or tlirovgh which a thing is or exists, or the manner in which a thing is done or becomes such as we would re- present it. With the accusative, on the other hand, oia marks the cause on account 0/ which a thing is done or conceived to be done. Thus 96 ON THE GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY in Heb. ix. 12, it is properly said, Xpiarhg did ^ou ihiox) a'iiMarog s/V^X^si/ iig tol dyia, for it is the mode in which he entered that is here spoken of. So also it is correctly said in Rev. xii. 11, Wr/.Ttda'j rev '/.arriyooov did ro ai[i,a rov -doyiov zai hid rh }.6yov T7\c, /MUPT-j^iag oJjtoov. Here we are to con- ceive of them as overcoming out of regard to ro r/j/xa x.ai rov Xoyov, as if these were the cause on account of which they were impelled to conquer; for they did not regard their own lives, as is immediately subjoined : ouz rjyd-rjGa.^ rr,v •\\)yjiv ah-m, dyj^i '^avdrov. And although the cause which impelled them to conquer, also gave them strength and power for the victory, yet the mode of conceiving of it in this first relation is different. Here therefore we are to think not only of the efficient cause, which enabled them to overcome, but also of the im- pelling cause, which induced them to under- take the contest. The case is similar in 1 John ii. 12, on d(psuvrai u^(mTv a) dfj^aoricci did rh o>o,aa avroZ, For if John had written did rov ov6/xarog, we must have supposed ro ovo/jju avrou to be the effi- cient cause of the remission of sins ; which, however, is not the meaning of the apostle ; and we are to regard them as having obtained re- mission on account of\ for the aahe of, his name. And when it said, John vi. 57, xayw ^&; did rov OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 97 cannot doubt that dice denotes not so much the efficient cause, (certainly not that alone,) as the end or object in which the reason of living is to be sought ; for as the reason why Christ lived on earth was in the Father who sent him, (since it was the object of his life to fulfil the commands of the Father,) so those live because of or on account oj Christ, who yield obedience to his doctrines. The same holds true also when hd seems to denote the impulsive cause, as it is called : as bicc (p'^mv^ did ff-rrXdy^va sAsoyg SsoD- very similar tO which is also John x. 32, oid --oTov t^yov Xi'^d^sT: fxs. It is obvious, if he had here said did miov l^yoy, we must have thought, not on the deed on ac- count o/'which, but on the manner in which, they wished to stone him ; just as if one should say Old }j^uv Ki'^dt^iiv. Here also, then, did denotes not per, but propter ; and is correctly joined with the accusative. On the other hand, in Acts iii. 16, 7] 'jTiGTig 7} 6/ au-ou is not t/ct/c dg avrov, but the Tiffrtg of which he is the author and cause. In 2 Pet. i. 3, piocXkavTog rj/xdg did du^ng Ttai a^srJjc, it is not he who calls us to do^av yea! d^iTTjv, that is meant ; but he who calls us through do^av zai d^srriv avrov, ha did rovrm rr.g ^iiag -/.oivuvoi pvdCfjg ysvu)/M^^a, V. 4, comp. 1 Pet* H 98 ON THE GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY ii. 9. For the highest ooga xa) doirri of God are exhibited in this vocation. Had it been the purpose to direct our attention to the object or end to which they are called, it must have been written bia rr.v ^o^av xoci d^sTTiv. But the mean- ing of the formula did d6t,rig in 2 Cor. iii. 11, is the same as is found in many other instances, where bid either denotes the mode in which a thing is done, as bid vz-o,(Movr,g, Rom. viii. 23 ; Heb. xii. 1, and bid v6/j.ov zpi^/iffovrai, Rom. ii. 12 ; or it indicates the cause through or by which a thing is done, as bid rrig caoythg^ Rom. v. 19 ; viii. 8, and bi^ o\> xa/ rr]v 'x^odaytayrtV scy^7i'/.ocfXiv, Rom. V. 2, comp. V. 1, 11. Hence we understand why Peter could say correctly in 2 Pet. iii. 5, yri ij vbaTog zal bi' vbarog ffwicruffa ruj ro\j SsoD aojuj. Here Jg vbarog signifies that the earth arose out of the water, as if water were the material. This was done 6/ vbaroc, through the efficacy of the water itself, in the omnipotent w ill of God. What is subjoined in v. 6, 6/ &v 6 tots xCs/Mog vban zarayj.va'^slc d-'djl-iro, has been rightly interpret- ed by Markland (ad Lysiam p. 329 ed Reisk.) in the same manner as a thing is said to be done bid nvcc, i. e. durinc; the existence of something else ; as in the passage itself of Lyias, yvu)^i/Mg yivC/Xivog bid rrig sy.sivov buva- GTsi'ag, i. e. durante fjiis pof estate. So also in Rom. ii. 27, rhv bid ypdfM/x/j.Tog xui m^i-0- OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 99 fhv\g^ and iv. 11, rm cT/ffrs'joi/rwv bi dx^oSvcfriag. Lastly, in the celebrated passage, Rom. iii. 25, Paul has correctly said, that God constituted Christ }Xaff-y]oiov dia r/i; 'Tiffnu;, (for the }Xaff^lg comes through faith,) and has thereby mani- fested rriv dr/i(xw(S-j\/7jv aurou bta r7\v ^dpsffiv ruiv d[i,a^- rri'j.d-oi'j, i. e. on account of (propter) the pardon of sins ; plainly as in Rom. iv. 25, og cra^sSo^'/j bia. ra <7:aoai:TiS}iJ^aTa 7]fJi,U)V zai rr/sp^T} did r^v dixaidj^iv Tifj^Mv, on account o/'pardon and salvation, or that we might obtain pardon and salvation. As the apostle says in 1 Cor. viii. 2, hid rdg rroomag s'/taffTog TTjv suurou ywuTza sy/-ru, {i. e, on account of, or in order to avoid, fornication,) so also in the above passage he has correctly said ; o ^so? rr^oi^iTo a\i-h ikaffr/jPiov did rrig •T/Vnwc, s/g hhit^iv rrig dizaioavr/jg cciirov did rr^v ■:raps(riv ruiv dfj^asrrifMdr'jr,' for this is the end of rJj; dr/,aio(fJ'jrig, that we may obtain pardon. These examples suffice to shew, that the sacred writers have observed at least the ne- cessary laws of language with more fidelity than is generally supposed. We pass there- fore to the other species of laws, or those pe- culiar to the Greek tongue. This topic is a very ample one, and covers, so to speak, the Avhole usus locpiendi, of that language ; and it cannot therefore be expected, that we should here explain every thing in which the inter- 100 ON THE GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY preters of the New Testament have found a departure from Greek usage. The subject of Greek idioms, for instance, has not yet been so clearly explained and settled, that every idiom may be at once referred to a certain rule ; nor so that the causes can every where be as- signed, in consequence of which usage has correctly introduced forms and modes of speak- ing, which are contrary to the grammatical laws. In general, the genius of the Greeks was so active and rapid, that their language abounds in forms and figures of this sort, more than any other ; and as these do not rest on the autho- rity of law, and seem often to depend on mere taste or caprice, they render this part of Greek grammar exceedingly difficult, and are regard- ed by the unskilful as faults. Hence, even the ancient grammarians have sometimes named those forms of speaking solecisms, which, when occurring in the best writers, they have called Jigures, 6')(7ifMaTa^ of the Greek language. And since those who have formed their estimate of that language from the jejune precepts of these grammarians, have of course not understood the nature of these cyjuxaTci' they have often regarded the sacred penmen as writing incor- rectly, when they have only used the same license which is found in the best Greek au- thors. The sacred writers duly observe the OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, 101 laws of grammar ; but not always the laws of the grammarians. And it is truly said by ApoUonius Alexandrinus, De Constructione OratlOJiis, III. 2, ou d'/j yi ^ri^oriGn ric, akoyoxjg rag 7oice.'jraz ffvvrd^sig (pdvat, ruv sXXoyifAurdrojv dvdouv -^o'/jffafjjsvuvj xai ro\J Xoyo'j ovk sfATodt^ovroc,' ^^Xov ouv 'Jig Tj Kara -oX'j ysvofMsvri ffuvra^ig d<7rrjvsy/caro rriv ovo- fMaGiav o5 Xoyw x,ai aXka Kara tXsov s'riK^drTjds, '' No one indeed will undertake to call such con- structions improper, since they are employed by the most approved writers, and are not con- trary to reason. It is manifest, therefore, that the predominant construction has borne off the name, just as other things also prevail by numbers." Thus, for example, when it said in the Apo- calypse (i. 5, 6,) d'n'b 'Irjffov XPiffrov, 6 /j^d^rvg 6 ■TTiffrog, — xaiod^^uv ruv^affiXsuvrjjg yr^g' rw dya^xr^tsani rjijjdg Tcai Xouffavri r}fidg xai s'Tro/rjffsv yj/Jjdg jSasiXsTg' auru) Ti do'^a z. r. X. there seems, at first view, to be almost as many solecisms as there are words. Sed salva res est. We grant, indeed, that this form of apposition is somewhat un- usual ; and if it had stood og /Mdorvc, no objection could have been made. As to the solecism which is commonly found in the following words, as if the dative rw dyaTrimvn were to be referred to octo, this comes not from the apostle, 102 ON THE GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY but from the transcribers. The full sentence is completed with y^c, and the datives are to be referred to the following avru) ri 6oJa* for nothing is more common than the insertion of this pronoun, referring back to the article at some distance before it. There remains then nothing to give offence, except the consecution of the indicative after participles ; and there are probably those who hold this to be an error of the apostle. But even* this is not without some probable grounds. For since the parti- ciple partakes of the nature of an adjective, it is easy to see, that he who says 6 a^aT^aac, means nothing more than he who loved ; which is the same as if he had said og Yr/d':TYi6iv. There is, therefore, no incongruity, in referring an indicative joined with a participle in the same period, to the same subject ; because in both, there is the designation of an adjective or pre- dicate. Nor was it necessary that the Ig which is implied in the participle, should be repeated before J^or/j^r since it is necessarily understood. The omission of a word does not render the style incomplete or incongruous, provided it be plainly implied in what is said ; neither does a change of case produce this eifect, unless there should be no word expressed or implied, which may properly govern one ortheotherofthecases. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 103 But if there be any thing faulty in figures of this kind, then the writings of the prince of poets swarm with errors ; for in Homer such constructions are very frequent. So II. VI. 509, 510. — -j-^ov 5j '/.doyj "i'/it, cc[j.:pi 3s yjx7rat oiijL few in our days to preserve. In regard to rectitude of mind ar.d intention, which is wholly lost in the pursuits of an arti- ficial and complicated life, how can we expect 122 SIMPLICITY IN INTERPRETATION to find it among the multiplied questions, opi- nions, and distinctions, which distract theolo- gians — in short, among the innumerable thorns with which theology in these days is over- grown — except in a suffocated and corrupted state ? There are few indeed, who approach the interpretation of the New Testament with minds uncorrupted and unprejudiced. The greater part have already imbibed certain opi- nions. Some have become habituated to the ancient formulas of theologians ; others have learned to cast off all restraints, and are wonder- fully delighted in the exercise of their own inge- nuity. One party are led astray by the authority of some theological system ; the other by the most recent form of philosophy. All in short for- sake the plain and simple path, and have recourse to art in searching after truth. That rectitude of purpose, therefore, which sees and compre- hends the truth directly and without evasion, is exhibited by few in the interpretation of the New Testament. And hence it naturally hap- pens, that as such interpreters are themselves wanting in simplicity, this virtue is also not found in their interpretations. Lastly, purity and constancy of mind are in the highest degree necessary to simplicity, in- asmuch as a mind that is corrupt and wavering OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 123 is neither adapted to perceive the truth, nor to understand what is necessary or appropriate to any thing. We must here particularly guard against the opinion of those, who believe them- selves sufficiently furnished for the explication of the sacred books, when they have heaped toge- ther stores of erudition derived from every quar- ter; but who regard it as a matter of indiiference in what way the mind and heart are formed and affected. For although the error of those who think that piety alone, without learning, is sufficient for interpreting the sacred books, is very pernicious ; still it cannot be denied, that the more pure, chaste, uniform, and constant the mind, the better it is adapted to understand and expound the word of God. Ta tou ^soD oudsig oJds\/, sj fjy'/j to rrviviMCi to\j ^soD. Yv^ixog ds dv' ^DOj-TTog oh hi'/irai ra rou 'jrviv/j^arog rod ^sov. '' The things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. The natural man comprehendeth not the things of the Spirit of God." 1 Cor. ii. 11, 14. More especially, however, there is required for the simplicity which we are discussing, that virtue or quality of mind which may enable the interpreter always to control his own genius and imagination ; so as to indulge himself in nothing, and to avoid constantly every sport 124 SIMPLICITY IN INTERPRETATION and sally of the fancy. This is truly more difficult than is commonly believed ; especially with those who possess a richness of genius and take pleasure in a figurative style, and who therefore err through natural abundance ; a species of error in which others, men of in- ferior capacity, so much delight, that they en- deavour to cover up their poverty of genius by a ridiculous hunting after similar figures. There is however nothing of greater moment to the interpreter, than to avoid all sallies and arts of this kind : and he should prescribe it as a law to himself, that the more acuteness and skill any interpretation may seem to display, the more cautious should he be in proving it. We are indeed deceived by nothing more easily than by the adulation of our own self-compla- cency ; and it is often the case, that an inter- pretation which exhibits great ingenuity, al- though it be demonstrably false, is scarcely, and perhaps never, laid aside, inasmuch as no one willingly resigns the praise of ingenuity and acuteness. Others again are seduced by such examples ; and they too strive to bring forth something acute and splendid. For since there is in simplicity a certain elegant po- verty and an appearance of facility ; many interpreters seem to fear lest they should be OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 125 L'ontemned on account of this povertj^ ; and therefore they prefer to show oif in the use of false aids, rather than unpretendingly follow after the plain and simple truth. This simplicity in the interpretation of the New Testament is also so much the more ne- cessary, because of the great simplicity in the thoughts and teaching both of the sacred w riters aiid of our Lord himself. In regard to our Lord, who in all his human character ex- hibited the highest perfection, no one can be ignorant of the simplicity of heart and mind which reigned in him, unless he himself be wholly destitute of any sense or perception of this virtue. There vras in Christ not only that perfect integrity of morals and of practice, by which we so easily distinguish men of simpli- city and uprightness from those who are arti- ficial and insincere ; but he exhibited also such admirable purity and truth of character, that his whole life is the most delightful image of the highest and most perfect simplicity. And this was exhibited not in any poverty of mind nor in low views of things ; but consisted in the simple and true conception of the loftiest subjects, and was chiefly conspicuous in the entire direction of his mind to heavenly things ; a virtue which constitutes the essence of true 126 SIMPLICITY IN INTERPRETATION religion. It is therefore an error to sup- pose with some, that a man devoid of this sim- plicity is adapted to comprehend divine things. It is, on the other hand, no doubt true, that through the arts with which we are accustom- ed to embellish, or rather to corrupt human life, we bring loss and damage to the preva- lence of true religion. But the more simplicity of mind and heart, so much the more prompt and prone, as it were, is a person to embrace religious truth. He then only can comprehend the simplicity of our Lord, so conspicuous even in the loftiest sublimity, who is endowed in some degree with the same quality. Theolo- gians, on the contrary, in searching for subli- mity in a certain artificial obscurity, have transformed the teaching and doctrines of Christ, so heavenly, simple, and appropriate, and so admirably accordant with the eternal relations of the human race, into a system which is artificial, arbitrary [positive], and more correspondent to human opinions. This might be demonstrated by many examples, es- pecially of such passages as are said to contain mysteries. Interpreters have indeed not sel- dom found difficulties, because they have not followed the simple method of the divine Mas- ter, but have sought in his words the occasions OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 127 of doctrinal and metaphysical discussions. More particularly is the perception of this sim- plicity necessary in those passages, where our Lord has pointed out the necessary and eternal relations of human and divine things, in the comprehending, observing, and following out of which consists essentially all true religion and piety, and which he has brought forth, as it were, from the sacred recesses of his own mind in such a way, that he has often signified them by a word or by language simple indeed, yet significant and forcible in the highest de- gree. These relations, it is true, are of such a nature, that they are to be comprehended and felt in the mind, rather than expressed in words ; and they are therefore little understood by those who are accustomed to embody divine, I. e. eternal and infinite things in the resem- blances of words and reasonings. Hence there have been at all times few who could justly estimate the piety of the most excellent men, as the example of our Lord himself clearly demon- strates. But the apostles also possessed the highest simplicity ; and it is therefore to be feared, that he who is not capable of perceiving and imitating this quality in them, w^ill be found altogether unqualified for the interpreta- 1*28 SIMPLICITY IN INTERPRETATION tion of the sacred books. There are indeed some who suppose, that Paul presents to us a more learned, animated, and subtile mode of discussion and writing; and even Ammon*^ does not hesitate to affirm, that in the epistles of Paul the more difficult interpretation is not seldom to be preferred. But although it be conceded, that Paul has sometimes disputed artificially ; yet he always exhibits that sim- plicity which, as we have said above, consists not in facility, or rather in an appearance of facility, but in integrity, verity, consistency, and necessity. And those arts which are charged on this writer, have often arisen, not from the meaning of Paul, but from the ima- gination of interpreters. They have taken it for granted, that a man deeply imbued with Jewish erudition, has of course instituted subtile disputations in letters written in the language of familiar intercourse ; and therefore in the simplest discourse of the apostle, they have sought for artifices tmv Xoyuv. How inconside- rately some have done this, Paul has himself shewn in 1 Cor. ii. 4, seq. In this passage the drodii^ig rrvsufMurog xal h'oMaiimc^ which is opposed •^Nota ad Ernesti Institut. Iiiterp. N. T. P. II. c. I. § 22. .See also Biblical Cabinet, Vol. I. translated by Mr. Tcrrot. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 129 to ro/'^ rrsidoTg dv^^MTU'/jg CoO'tag hoyotc, signifies that simple power of divine truth which the ^vyj-/.o; u.'f:^ouiCTog ol bzyjTar and they are y.oyoi dwazroi TV£j/xaro; a/Zou, which coming with that divine power, produce certain and real persuasion ; verse 5. And although it was not always in the apostle's power '7rviU{Ma,rr/.o7g 'XViv^ariT.d C'jyx^i- vsiv, to compare spiritual things with spiritual (verse 13), but he must also sometimes dispute with his countrymen, xar uv^poj-c^ or zard cdoza' nevertheless even in discussions of this sort, how^ever subtile, he has still preserved a great simplicity ; 2. e. he has managed these discussions in. such a way, as that all the parts and circumstances are consistent and coherent, and tend to one great end, as if by a natural completeness and necessity. But where theo- logians can justly attribute to Paul any thing of that subtility which is found in the schools, I am not aware. They would seem rather to be striving to secure the authority of the holy apostle for their own opinions, by making him the author of them ; and hence they have not unfrequently been compelled to have recourse to forced or subtile interpretations. Errors of this kind have been committed the more frequently in regard to the writings of Paul, because interpreters have not suiiiciently VOL. II. K 130 SIMPLICITY IN INTERPRETATION regarded the nature of that species of language which is commonly employed for the purposes of familiar intercourse ; but have expected rather in his epistles an accurate distribution and arrangement of topics, and a continued and uniform discussion, just as if they were regular theological treatises, indeed, the in- terpreter should above all things fix his mind on that simplicity, which men who employ the language of daily life, and are unacquainted with the more learned and artificial style of books, are accustomed to preserve in writings of this sort. This is found in all the writers of the New Testament ; so that no interpreter can attain to their true meaning, nor feel the beauty and sublimity of their language, unless his own mind be imbued with the same sim- plicity which constitutes the characteristic of those ingenuous and uncorrupted men. This subject, however, of the simplicity so characteristic of the writers of the New Testa- ment, and so conspicuous in their language, is too extensive, and requires a discussion too protracted, for the brief limits of the present essay. I add therefore only this one reflection. How greatly is it to be desired, that in declar- ing the divine doctrines, in preaching the word of God, we may imitate the simplicty of those OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 131 holy men ; and that in explaining the sacred Scriptures, we may employ also that simplicity which has been above described; and especially preserve as much as possible that simplicity of mind, which is manifested in an aptness to perceive the truth and to comprehend and em- brace the doctrines taught from heaven. Thus may not only the teachers in the church, but also all Christians, hope to perceive and experience more and more the power of that divine Spirit, by which the church is governed. Come then, fellow-citizens, and celebrate the approaching festival ; in order that thus your minds, elevated above the vicissitudes of hu- man affairs, and purified from every unworthy purpose, may be nourished and strengthened in their simplicity and integrity by a grateful remembrance of the divine benefits; so that by the aid of that Spirit which is not of this world, you may be enabled both to persevere in the true faith, and to sustain and augment the faith of others. And being assured that you will gladly do this of your own accord, we willingly indulge the hope that you will be present at the sacred solemnities, which are to be celebrated in the manner of our ancestors, in the university hall, on the first day of Pen- tecost. PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT.^ There has been much discussion among theo- logians in our day, and those too men of learn- ing and deeply imbued with a knowledge of the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin literature, re- '^ The present essay was prepared on the occasion of the author's becoming Professor Extraordinary of Theology in 1803; and was republished with a single additional note in 1829. He remarks on that occasion, that although several things perhaps need further definition and illustra- tion, he yet chooses to leave them in their present state, lest he should seem desirous of embelhshing a more youth- ful performance with the fruits gathered in riper years. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 133 specting those forced^ interpretations of the New Testament, by which, as is supposed, the true and genuine sense of the sacred writings has been corrupted by many recent interpre- ters. Although this complaint is not without foundation, yet the causes of the evil seem to be more extensive than has been commonly supposed, and are not to be sought only in an ignorance of languages, or in the neglect of grammatical interpretation. For those even who have most closely followed the gramma- tical method, have been some of the first to offend in this respect, by proposing interpreta- tions of the most distorted kind. Such, for instance, was Origen himself, the celebrated author of grammatical interpretation ; who, as is well known, has extracted from the Scrip- tures, through his superstition, and still more through his imagination, an innumerable mul- titude of things, which, in the opinion of those best able to judge, are not contained in them. Indeed, as a general principle, the gramma- tical method of interpretation, although the ^ The epithet in the original is contorta, to which the nearest corresponding English words, as to form, are contort^ ed, distorted ; but these would here be too strong. The idea of the Latin is commonly expressed in English by the words forced, strained, etc — Ed. 134 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS only one which is or can be true, is neverthe- less to be employed with great caution, in ex- plaining the sacred Scriptures. It is certainly a correct precept, that the same rules are to be followed in interpreting the sacred volume, which are applied to works of mere human origin ; but yet this precept is not true in any such sense, as would imply that the meaning of the New Testament is to be sought in pre- cisely the same manner, as the meaning of the words and phrases of Thucydides and Polybius. As every one has his own peculiar habit of speaking, so there is not in all cases the same use and application of the same rules (non est idem apud eundem earundem regularem usus) ; and an interpretation of a word or phrase in Polybius and Xenophon may be perfectly cor- rect and facile, while the same applied to one of the sacred writers would be as forced as possible. Hence it arises, that those authors who have applied the forms and phrases of the more elegant Greek writers to the explication of the New Testament, have not always been able to escape the charge of proposing forced interpretations ; and there are many things of this kind extant in the works of that fine Greek scholar Raphel, of Eisner, Alberti, and the truly learned Palariet. And although OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 135 J. A. Ernesti, the celebrated restorer of gram- matical interpretation in our times, has given many excellent precepts on this subject, still (it would seem) they have not always been ob- served, even by those who profess to follow most closely the grammatical method. Hence, the causes of such forced interpretations must be sought, not so much in the neglect of grammatical exegesis, as elsewhere. It is therefore proposed to offer, on this occasion, some remarks on this subject, tending to unfold briefly some of the chief causes of the interpre- tations in question. First of all, however, it is necessary to de- fine the nature of forced interpretation, in re- gard to which there is some ambiguity. Many call that a forced interpretation, which gives to a passage a sense foreign to the intention of the writer, and which is not contained in his words. Others give this name to every expla- nation which is not grammatical. But it is obvious, that an interpretation which is foreign to the words, and even repugnant to them, is to be termed false, rather thsui forced ; and also that an interpretation may be entirely gramma- tical, and yet forced. This will be evident to the good sense of every one. There are indeed many interpretations, which the usus loquendi 136 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS and the power of words will admit ; but which nevertheless are not satisfactory, and even give oifence, by seeming to interrupt the progress of the discourse, and imparting to it a sort of foreign colouring. These no one would call false ; nor yet would any one hold them to be true, I. e. appropriate to the passages to which they are applied ; and they may therefore pro- perly be terrnQd. forced. To such interpretations Ernesti was accustomed to oppose the very suitable term facile,"^ Thus in James iii. 1, the words fj.i) 'TToXXoi bidd6xa7.oi y/vic^s, are some- times rendered thus : do not too eagerly denire the office of a teacher. This sense the words indeed admit ; though it seems somewhat harsh to understand y'mck as being put here for m iieAsrs yzviC^ai TToXXoi diddcxaXor but the context rejects this sense ; to which such an admoni- tion against an ambitious spirit is utterly foreign. If now we should say that hbdexaXog here means a person who carps at and reproves others ; no one probably would readily concede that this sense necessarily lies in the word it- self; and yet it suits admirably to the succeeding clauses. We may perhaps compare the German = Institutio Interpretis N. Test. P. II. Cap. I. § 22. ed. Ammon. Leip. 1809. See Biblical Cabinet, Vol. II. trans- lated by i^Ir. Terrot. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 137 word meistern, which plainly answers to rJ didci(r-/.siv and dtdaffxaXov shai. [So also, in some degree, the English verb to tutor.'] Nor should I hesitate to explain Rom. ii. 21, sayrov o-o oiod- M (Soadvg. — From these examples it will easily be seen, that the nature of the interpre- tations under discussion will be very much obscured, if they are to be defined in the usual way above pointed out, i. e. if we merely say they are such as are not grammatical. To interpret grammatically is surely not mere- ly, by the help of a lexicon, to explain simply the verbal meaning and render word fqr word ; but, as the most distinguished interpreters have long taught, it is to ascertain the proper sense of the words, and the idea attached to a parti- cular word in any particular place, by a dili- gent attention to the usus loqueiidi, the object of the writer, and the logical connexion of the whole context. Neither is the grammatical interpretation a different thing from the histo- rical one ; there is not one grammatical sense, and another historical. Under that which earlier interpreters, as Sixtus Senensis, for- merly called the historical sense, they under- stood nothing more than the grammatical one; and they called it the historical, merely because it is deduced from a proper observation of times and events.* And that which certain later • See Ernesti, Oj»p. PhiL Crit. p. 221. or THE NEW TESTAMENT. 139 writers have begun to call the historical sense, viz. that which a passage expresses when ex- plained with reference to the time in which the author lived, or that which the words appear to have expressed at that time and place, and among those persons for whom he wrote ; this is nothing else than what the earlier interpre- ters called the grammatical sense. Indeed, accordino^ to their views, and those of every correct interpreter, the grammatical interpre- tation has and ought to have for its highest object, to shew what sense the words of a pas- sage can bear, ought to bear, and actually do bear ; and it requires not only an accurate ac- quaintance with words and the iisus loquendi of them, but also with many other things. It is not enough to investigate what is said ; but we must also inquire hy whom and to ichom it is said, at what time, on what occasion, what pre- cedes, what fiUoios, etc.*^ For to interpret, is to point out what ideas are implied in the language ; or it is to excite in another the same thoughts that the writer had in his own mind. But the power of doing this does not depend alone on a knowledofe of words and of the usus loquendi : but demands an acquaintance ^ So Erasmus, Ratio et IMeth. verae Theologiae, p. 51, ed. Semlei-. 140 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS with many other things, as was said above. All writers do not follow the same usiis loquen- di ; Poly bins and Dionysius of Halicarnassus have each a different kind of language ; Thu- cydides and Xenophon have little resemblance of style ; although the two former were nearly contemporary, and the latter were natives of the same country. We ourselves write diife- rently to learned men and to our familiar ac- quaintance ; and our habit and manner of speaking or writing depends very much upon the talent, disposition, and personal habits of the individual. Practice also effects very much. Besides all these, there is required, in order to become a skilful interpreter, a certain intellectual sagacity and a native tact, such as the Greeks call sv(pv'ia, the want of which can- not be compensated by any degree of art or erudition. Hence it happens, that those who are destitute of this natural talent, however extensively they may possess a knowledge of languages and of the whole construction of style and discourse, very often propose inter- pretations as foreign as possible to the mean- ing and purpose of the writer.^ Since then that must be regarded as the s Compare this whole discussion with the article by Prof. JIahn, on Interpretation of Prophecy. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 141 rue interpretation, which accurately g^ives the true sense contained in the words of a writer, and presents in a legitimate way to the mind of another the same thoughts which the writer had, and must have had, in his own mind at such a time and in such a place ; it follows, therefore, that we must call that a forced inter- pretation, which does violence in any w^ay to the true meaning of an author ; so as to make him express bj'^ his words a different sense from that which he, in this discourse, and at that time and place, intended to connect with those words. By the common consent of the ablest inter- preters, the proper meaning of any Avriter is to be discovered, first, from the ttsus loquendi which is familiar to him ; then, from an obser- vation of the persons and times and places in and for which he wrote ; and lastly, from the context, in which is also comprehended the ob- ject of the writer, w^hich some make a separate head. Hence there arise three characteristics, by which to distinguish a forced interpretation ; viz. first, if it be contrary to the ordinary usus loquendi of the writer ; secondly, if it be at variance with a due regard to the persons, times, and places, in and for which he wrote ; and thirdly, if it be incongruous to the series 142 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS of discourse. We therefore call that a forced interpretation, which, although it may he con- tained in the words taken hy themselves, neverthe- less expresses a sense foreign to the intention of the writer ; inasmuch as it is repugnant either to the usus LOQUENDi of the ivriter, or to time and PLACE, or finally to the context. There are two- species of interpretations of this sort. The one by a certain violence put upon the words, is calculated to displease the learned; while the other, by a certain appear- ance of art and refinement, allures the unlearn- ed. The former species may be termed inept, and is exhibited when a sentiment is obtruded upon a writer, which is alike foreign both to his constant manner of thinking and speaking, and to his intention and object.^ As if one should say that Paul in Eph. i. 7, had in mind ^ Those interpretations are inept, which give a sense not appropriate to the passage, the writer, or the time. Indeed all forced interpretations may be called inept, inasmuch as they are inappropriate to the passages from which tliey are extracted ; but since some offend more the judgment, wiiile others by an appearance of refinement please the unlearned, I have preferred to distinguish them into inept and subtile. The nature of intepretations of this sort has been well treated of by E. A. Frommann, in his prolusion entitled : FacUilas Umae interpretalionis nota, § X. 0pp. Phil. Hist. p. 3fJ7> iseri. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 14;^ the system of Christian doctrine ; and he should go on to interpret riiv 6c<7ro'kvTocoGiv dia tov a/;aa705 a-jTOv, rr,v a(psffiv rojv 'Trapccz-ru/j^uruvj of a deliverance from sin, which is effected by this doctrine, confirmed by the death of Christ. Such an in- terpretation is supported neither by the man- ner in which the apostle is accustomed to speak of the death of Christ, nor by the object of the writer and the method of the whole discussion, nor by the mode of thinking among the Chris- tians to whom the apostle wrote : unless the utmost violence be put upon the words. — The other species is usually called the subtile. These are such as by a sort of art extract from the words a sentiment, good indeed in itself, but foreign to the intention of the writer, and particularly so to the proper force and signifi- cancy of the words. A great many examples of this kind have been collected by F. F. Griifen- hain, in his Dissert, cle Interpret. N. T. argutis maf/is, quam veris, Leips. 1774. Since then every true interpretation rests upon the usus loquendi, the accurate knowledge of persons, and places, and times, and the com- parison of the context ; so ail instances of forced interpretation must arise either from ig- norance or neglect of these same things. There are, therefore, thi^ee principal causes of 144 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS such interpretations, of which we now proceed to treat. I. The first cause lies in the want of a pro- per knowledge and correct understanding of the usus loquendi. The style of the New Tes- tament, as is now generally admitted, is not pure Greek ; but is mixed and made up of words and idioms borrowed from several lan- guages, and particularly from the Hebrew. This has been the judgment of the most learn- ed Greek scholars, as well as of the most erudite interpreters of the New Testament.^ And al- though this opinion is admitted in our day by all, yet there seems to be an ambiguity hang- ing around it, which gives occasion to very many forced interpretations. In the first place, those who, after the ex- ample of Daniel Heinsius, have pre-supposed in the New Testament a peculiar Hehraizinf/ dialect, have no doubt, by the common consent, of the learned, been in an error ; and have thus rendered the whole discussion respecting the ztsus loquendi found in the books of the New Testament, and the interpretation of the New ' See Ilemsterliusius ad Lucian. Tom. 1. p. 309. G. J. Planck, Einleit. in die theol. Wisseiischaften, Bd. II. p. 42, sq. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 145 Testament itself, uncertain.^ For, in the first place, single forms and idioms cannot consti- tute a peculiar dialect ; nor are those things of ^ It was formerly customary to call the language of the New Testament and of the Alexandrine interpreters, the Hellenistic, as if it were a dialect appropriate and peculiar to them ; and to regard it, I know not how, 'Efi^ai^ovffay. This opinion is most learnedly refuted by Claud. Salmasius in his Comm.. de Lingua Hellenistica, Lugd. Bat. 1G43, (compare also his Funus Ling. Hellenisticae and Ossilegium,) against D. Heinsius, who had defended it in his Aristarchus Sacer, his Exercitatt. Sacrae in K. T. (in the preface,) and his Exercitatio de Lingua Hellenist. L. B. 1643. But al- though no one who is in any degree acquainted with the Greek language, can assent to the opinion of those who de- fend the purity of the New Testament Greek ; yet never- theless the position seems also incapable of defence, which makes the language, or rather the style of the New Testa- ment, a peculiar and proper haXixroy, the so called rm 'EX- XriviffTiKriv. For it is one thing, to employ a certain common and unpolished (ihuTtxov manner of speaking, mixed with foreign idioms, and with Latin and other newly coined words, vio;^fjco7i as Phrynicus calls them) and a.'^oxif/.ois' and it is quite another thing to make use of a particular and peculiar dialect. The position of Salmasius (and in my judgment the correct one) is, that the sacred writers had no such pe- culiar dialect ; while, at the same time, he is as far removed as possible from tlie opinion of those who boast of the purity of the style of the New Testament. — But if it be said that it is mere verbal trifling, not to admit the name of dialed where it cannot be denied that these writers have employed a kind of writing mixed, u^oxifAov, A%ti 'thiov n xoivov sBvou; lfi(puivot/ira ;;^a^axr^ou Salmasius supposes, that the grammarians perhaps changed ToTov into TVTov, because in their times there \vas no longer any Greek dialect peculiar to any place or tribe. He has also very clearly demonstrated in his book de Hellenistica, %at a dialect can only belong to a tribe or people, exovcrav ^uvr,; ^a^aKT>j^a l^viKov, as says the ^chol. in Aristoph. quoted above. The grammarians themselves also do not seem always to have used the term dialect very accurately ' but have often employed it yXS^cwj l^jlafia^ ^s|/f, etc. "' Salmasius 1. c 148 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS Greek. Paul, moreover, a native of Tarsus, had learned Greek in his own country, long- before he came to the school of Gamaliel ; as was also the case with Luke, who exhibits few- traces of a Jewish education. Nor do those authors appear to have judged more correctly, who have wished to call the diction of the New Testament the Alexandrine dialect," and have regarded the dialect of Alex- andria as the source of the style of the New Testament. This opinion is supported, neither by a comparison of the New Testament with this dialect nor by history. For the writers of the New Testament were not citizens of Alexandria; nor simply because they have sometimes followed the Alexandrine version, can it be concluded that they have imitated the Alexandrian dialect ; any more than those who follow the version of Luther, are accus- tomed to imitate his style in other respects. The dialect of Alexandria was not a language peculiar and appropriate to the citizens of that place alone, but was a kind of speech mixed and corrupted by the confluence of many nations, as Greeks, Macedonians, Afri- cans, Carthaginians, Syrians, East Lidians, " This name wss first proposed by J. E. Grabe in liis Prolegom. ad V. T. ex vers. Sept. Interpretum, Tom. 11. '•. 1, .; 40. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 140 Sicilians, Italians, and others.^ After the Ma- cedonians had brought the whole of Greece under subjection, and extended their dominion also into Asia and Africa, the refined and elegant Attic began to decline ; and all the dialects be- ing by degrees mixed together, there arose a certain peculiar language called the common,^ ° See on this whole subject Sturz de Dialecto Alexaii- drina, Leips. 1808. Compare Fischer, Animadv, ad Wel- leri Gramm. I. p. 46. [See also the essay of H. Planck de Indole, etc- in Biblical Cabinet, ^^ol. II. p Kom hdXiKTas, Gramm. Leid. p. 640, ed Schaefer. Schol. Venet. Hom. ad II. a 85. Eustath. ad II. a' p. 22. Clem. Alex. Strom. L. I. p. 404, B. See Kirchmeier de Dialecto Graecor. communi, Viteb. 1709. Those who used this dia- lect were called xoivoi, Schol. Aristoph. ad Plut. 983. Sui- das V. aS-a^x. Phrynicus calls them ot vvv, oi •roWot. On the subject of this dialect Salmasius has a long discussion, in the work so often quoted above. He was of opinion that it ought not to be called a dialect, but rather yXu^crav xoivm a tongue common to all, who in speaking the Greek langniage, 'EXAjjv/^avrsj, did not follow any one of the ancient dialects. The grammarians, on the contrary, chose to employ for this purpose the name xotvh hcUXsnTos, to designate a kind of speech mixed up from all the forms of Greek idioms, and common to all those who spoke Greek in the later ages. Whoever therefore did not follow one of the four dialects, viz. the Attic, Ionic, Doric, or Aeolic, but employed a diction composed from all those idioms, was said to have rh xom" XidkixTov ; as for instance Pindar himself ; see Salmasius 1. 0. p. 28, 29. But we must also distinguish different pe- riods or ages ; for the grammarians give also to that yXuaca which was current among all Greeks before the rise and dis- tinction of the four dialects, the epithet xom. This is ap- 150 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS and also the Hellenic /"^ but more espe- cially, since the empire of the Macedonians parent from the fragment of the so called Grammaticus JMeermanianus, (which with Gregory Cor. and the Gram- mat. Leidensis was published by Schaefer, Leips. 1811,) where it is said : ^/aXsxTOi Vi ui^a, xotvii &>vefidffB-t), ^lori Ik ruvrns a^^ovrai s with to 'EXXwv/xov and 'EXXmixa/; ; a circum- stance deseiwiiig the attention of modern grammarians. Compare Salmasius, 1. c. p. 55, sq. ' Not the ancient INIacedonic, which we know to have been very similar to the Doric ) but the later, adopted by the J\J acedonians about the time of Phihp, and especially of Alexander. This came to be employed by all the Greeks^ learned and unlearned, in common life and in their writings ; nor was there any longer a distinction of dialects. It is very 152 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS lect was composed from almost all the dialects of Greece, together with very many foreign words^ borrowed from the Persians, Syrians, Hebrews, and other nations, who became con- nected with the Macedonian people after the age of Alexander.' Now of this Macedonian dia- lect, the dialect of Alexandria, was a de- generate progeny, far more corrupt than the common rwy Ma/.s^ov/^ovrw:/ y/.wCfTa, or common Macedonian dialect. It was the current lan- guage of all the inhabitants of that city, even of the learned in whom the celebrated school of Alexandria was so fertile, and also of the Jews ; for the latter, whom Alexander had permitted to dwell in that city on the same often mentioned as the common, e. g. by Phrynicus ; but is also called Maxi'^oveov '^la.Xizros, Heiaclid. ap. Eustath. ad Od. x'. p. IG54 : and Maxtlovuv ykutrffa, Eudaem. Pelus. ap. euiid. ad Od. y. p 1457. ^ Examples are given in >Spanheim ad Callim. H. in Del. 150. Compare Hemsterhus. ad Polhic. 10, IG. Heysch. et Phavor. v. i^tka, coll. 8elden de Diis Syr. lib. 1. Etym. Mag. V. aTTa, coll. Ileinsius Prnl. in Aristarch. ti^ac. p. CC5. [Arist. Sac. p. 446 ?] Spanlieim ad (Jallim. H. in Dian. 6. ' Compare Eniesti's Prolusion de Drfficultate N. T. rede interp. in Opp. Phil. crit. p. 212. See also Diod. Ascalonites ap. A then. XIV. p. 102, C. Athenaeus himself says, III. 222. A. Maxilovi^ovras oTSa, ToXXov; ruv 'Arnxuv hat. rrivl'rifji.i- liav^ coll, IX. p. 102, C. Phryniclius de JVIenandro Athen. p. 415 — 41tJ. ed. Lobeck. Eustath. ad Od. t'. p. 1854. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 153 footing as to rights and privileges with the Macedonians, used not a peculiar dialect of their own, but the common language of the city. What Josephus relates, that the Jews had a certain portion of the city allotted to them, O'TTMg yM'^aooorspav t^oisv rrjv dlcurav, yittov sri/Mtff'yofxsvuv rcov dXXo(pvXuv, ' in order that they might live in greater purity, and have less in- tercourse with strangers,' certainly does not of necessity imply, that they had a separate and peculiar speech of their own, which they pre- served in the midst of constant intercourse with the multitude of colonists from other nations, Egyptians, Macedonians, Sicilians, and others. Nor were they called Alexandrians for any other cause, as Josephus also relates,*^ than that as Jews dwelling at Alexandria, they might be distinguished from the other Jews. This Alexandrine dialect also, thus mixed up from the idioms (/^w/xara) of many nations, was the language employed by the Greek in- terpreters of the Old Testament, whoever they were ; and of this language it is not enough to say, that it has a Hebraizing tendency. It cannot indeed be denied, that the Jews must naturally have adopted into their Alexandrine language many Hebrew words and forms : yet " Antiq. Jud. XIX. 5. 2. 154 CAU.SES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS it is apparent that the Alexandrine interpreters have not always accurately followed the words of the Hebrew text ; but have very often de- parted from them, and sometimes also even corrupted the sense of them. Indeed, they might themselves not improperly be styled, interpreters of seventy tongues."^ The writers of the New Testament, on the other hand, have made use of that common language which prevailed throughout Judea, Syria, and Asia Minor, not less than in the whole of Greece ; and have not employed this ^Alexandrine dia- lect. This fact is established not only histori- cally, as we have just shewn ; but is also proved from the nature of the circumstances themselves. In the first place, the writers of the New Testament have very many things, which be- long to theMacedonic dialect. The examples of * They were Jews no doubt ; a people which, among every nation where they are born or sojourn, employ a certain pecu- liar dialect of that language which is vernacular to them. It could not therefore well be, but that the Alexandrine inter- preters, educated as .Jews, should write a kind of (xreek less pure, than even the other Alexandrine writers. These latter, so far as their wi-itingshave come down to us, were men of cul- tivated minds, and therefore employed rhv xoivriv 'SidXixrov in- deed, but in a less impure form than those learned Jews, who have translated into Greek the books of the Old Testa- ment. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 155 this are indeed almost innumerable ; but the few- following may here suffice. The word 'irapifj.jSoXr, in the ISew Testament denotes camp, e. g. Acts xxi. 34 ; Heb. xiii. 1 1 ; of which there is no example in pure Greek. But Phrynicus says (p. 377, ed. Lob.) that it is duvojg MazsdoviKo^, ' very Macedonic ;' and the Seventy have em- ployed it likewise in this sense for n^n!^? e. g. Gen. xxxii. *2J Further '^v/xri, which among- the Attics denoted op/Mrjv, onset, was used in the Macedonic language for ffrsvoj-rrov, a lane, alley, Luke xiv. 21 ; and then for rrXania, a icide street. Matt. vi. '2/ So also TootrxoTj^, 2 Cor. vi. 3, coll. Phrynicus, p. 20, ed. De Pauw; (p. 85, ed. Lobeck?) Id'naijM.^id.. 175, ed. Lob. coll. Fischer de Vit. Lex. N. T. p. 61, 71 ; ^svi^^/xaraPhryn. 286 ; a]yjiayM-iG%7ivai id. 442 ; Tav^oxsOj, id. 307 : cay£iX7]xa, Ps. xl. 11, and many others; to col- lect and review which would be a matter of in- finite and thankless labour ; see Sturz, 1. c. § 9. It will be enough to mention the word ^/xa/o$ and its cognates, by which they have expressed the Hebrew nt^^S pH^' H/tDK, ^pil ; and also yj^n. Pi'ov. xi. 7 ; ^^y, Job. xxxiv. 10. The concordance of Tromm is full of similar ex- amples. Indeed, the levity, negligence, and inconsistency of these translators in the use ot Greek words, is most incredible ; nor would it be easy to find any thing ever uttered in Greek, more barbarous than their diction; although in some of the books, more elegance is exhi- bited. In this way and to such a degree, on OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 157 the other hand, the writers of the New Testa- ment have not erred against the nature and elegance of the Greek language ; and although their style is not pure, yet they have at least written Greek, and not barbarisms.* This ambiguity and inconstancy in the judg- ments formed respecting the Greek style of the New Testament, to which we have above referred, has operated as the cause of forced interpretations chiefly in three ways, which we now proceed to exhibit. 1. It has thus operated, first, because that which is good Greek has not been sufficiently distinguished from that which is bad Greek, and vice versa ; and the same words and phrases have been explained now according to the more elegant Greek idiom, and then again from the corrupted language. Thus the word o/V.a/o, and its cognates have been understood by interpre- ters, sometimes in the pure Greek sense ; and at other times in the Hebrew sense ; and hence it cannot be otherwise, than that many passages should be exceedingly tortured. We see also many words explained by a reference to foreign =* Ernesti Opusc. Philol. Crit, p. 209, sq. Institut. Interp. N. T. Pt. III. c. 7. ed. Amraon. Biblical Cabinet, Vol. IV. Mr. Terrot's translation of Ernesti, Vol. II. Planck, Einl, in d. theol. Wissensch. II. p. 46, sq. 158 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS sources, when the force and signification of them can be illustrated and fixed by domestic exam- ples. Thus the name "koyoc in John many suppose to be borrowed from the philosophy of Plato, or of Philo 6 nXarMvifyv' Others that it signifies the divine wisdom personified in the Jewish manner, or the divine interpreter, rh Xiyoi/ra, and they dispute largely here respecting the adversaries whom John intended to refute. But it is per- fectly evident, that it here denotes a certain olfficiv, 'oTj/Mari ^soO yiyovora -Trfo crotc^jj xr/ffsw;, --^cj- TOTOzov, di' ov '/.at roug aiuvag £'roir,asv and that this word, which is used by John as well known to those whom he wrote, i. e. not to learned men but to unlearned Christians, is not to be ex- plained in a manner new and unusual among Jews and Christians ; but so that it wouhl be easily understood by all those accustomed to speak of the Messiah in the same manner. They however were wont zar ^^^oyj,v, to call the Messiah rh Xiyoixsm, the promised of God, ip-^oiMivov, him tcho is to come, the first and most excellent of all created things in his origin, nature, and power ; so that the word is to be explained in the same manner, in which all at that time spoke of the MessiaJi.*" But from '' See Kcil de Doctoribus Ecclesiae a culpa corruptae per I'lat. rec. Doctr. Comm. II. [The author is here descrilnng OF THE NEW TESTAMt::NT. 159 this uncertain interpretation of the word "i^oyot, there have not only arisen many forced inter- pretations, but the whole purpose of the apostle seems to be perverted. 2. There have also been others, in the se- cond place, who have every where sought to iind Hebraisms ; and these, while they have at- tempted to explain from the Hebrew^ language words and phrases which ought to be inter- preted according to Greek usage, have in va- rious ways tortured the sense of the sacred writers. Thus they have given it as a pre- cept, that the use of the abstract for the con- crete (as we say in the schools) is a Hebraism. But this is done in all languages, and especi- ally among the Greeks, in whose language are extant some of the most elegant examples of this figure. '^ The Seventy also have often placed abstract words, where the Hebrew text has concrete ones ; e. g. Ex. xix. 6, where they have UodriuiJ.cc instead of hot;, for the He- brew DOrtD, as in 1 Pet. ii. 5, 9.— So when the prepositions h and u; are interchanged, the manner in which the Jews spoke of the Messiah, in Order to illustrate the proper sense in which the word x'oyo; is to be understood. The apostle, on the^other hand, declares to the Jews, that Sjoj h o Xoyo;. — Ed.] ^ Casaubon ad Allien. I. 9. D'Orville ad Chariton. V. 5. 160 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS these writers have referred it to a Hebraism. But this permutation was exceedingly common among" the Greeks. The phrase sJg to cpavsoov instead of sv rOj (tavioCJ, is well known; and Thu- cydides very often puts Iv with the dative for slg with the accusative.'^ Dionysius of Halicar- nassus (Lib. IV. p. 276) also says xaraksKpysvTzc sJg ro ffT^a-orrzdov, for sv tui oT^aroTg^w. The form s/g adov moreover, is plainly Attic, for sv ddow but in Euripides w^e read, h.sTS' sv adov ■/.siGoij.ai X<^{'i <^2^2y. But it cannot be denied, that the words sig and sv in the New Testament are of- ten employed according to Hebrew usage, when they express the Hebrew H and 7 f e. g. where h signifies inopter^ or per ; although ex- amples of this usage occur in the most elegant of the Greek writers. So Demosthenes de Corona, p. 308, h oudivi ruv 5ra^' i/xoD ysyovvTav rriv yj'rrav svorjffsrs' and Andocides de Mysteriis, p. 79, sv rovTU) 6U)0g-)c/j ufxag, for ()ta rourov x.r.X. and so in the other passages. Hebraisms are strictly forms of speech ap- propriate and peculiar to those who speak the Hebrew language ; or they are /d/wr/o;ao/ ruv 'i Diikerad Thuc. Lib. VII. c. IG. "- VorStius de Hebr. N. T. p. 213, 219. Gataker de Stilo N. T. p. 180, sq. OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 161 'EjSpaiuv. For although even in classical Greek there are found many things which have a great similitude in words and forms to the Hebrew language/ nevertheless these and all other things which are not wholly peculiar to the Hebrews, but are also found among other nations, and current in their usage and lan- guage, are not to be regarded as Hebraisms, but as general forms common to every lan- guage, even though they may particularly oc- cur in Hebrew writers. Indeed, as every lan- guage has its own tdtdo/j^ara or peculiar forms of speech, of which the Greek participles are an example, so also there are other constructions and forms which are of universal prevalence in all languages. When therefore these are found in a writer, they are to be regarded as employed by common right and usage, and not as peculiar to the particular language in w hich he writes. Thus many expressions in the New Testament have been stamped with the name of Hebraisms for no other reason whatever, than because it w^as taken for granted that the writers of the New Testament have imitated the Hebrew mode of speaking, just as if they f This is shewn by J. A. Ernesti in his Prolusio de vcsii- giis lin()uae Hebraicae bi Ihujua Graeca^ Opusc. Phiiul. Crit. L. B. 1776. VOL. II. M 162 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS could not have derived those forms from the like usage of the Greek language which they were writing. Many Hebraisms have thus been pointed out by Vorstius, Leusden, and others, which might be just as properly called Hellenisms, because, forsooth, they occur in the New Testament, in writers 'E/S^a^-^ovrgg, they are Hebraisms ; while the same things, when found in Demosthenes, Thucydides, Xenophon, or Polybius, are pronounced to be good and elegant Greek. Thus in the New Testament, the use of the demonstrative pro- noun without apparent necessity after a noun or relative pronoun, has been regarded as a Hebraism, inasmuch as the Hebrews do indeed use this construction, as also the Arabs, Sy- rians, Greeks and Romans. Still that cannot surely be reckoned as a Hebrew idiom, which is also employed by the best writers of other nations. Casaubon in commenting on a pas- sage of Apuleius, who makes frequent use of this pleonasm, says, " Est 'E/.A?iv/(y/xoc, familiaris huic scriptori, apud quem saepe reperias earn dictionem rtoLPkXy.ovGav. — Ita autem Graeci, He- rodotus praesertim atque Pausanias, atque e recentioribus Agatliias." ' It is a Hellenism familiar to this writer, in whom you often find tliis pleonastic construction. 80 also the OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. l63 Greeks, and especially Herodotus, Pausaiiias, and of later writers, Agathias.' But when he adds, etsi id proprie Hebraeorum dialecti esse, certum est, ' although this belongs peculiarly to the dialect of the Hebrews,' it is impossible to understand by what right the learned writer makes this assertion. Who would consider Cicero as employing a Hebraism, w^hen he says (Orat. pro Coel. c. 4), " lUud tempus ae- tatis, quod, ipsum, sua sponte infirmum, alio- rum lubidine infestum est, id hoc loco de- fendo?" or in writing to Sulpicius (ad Div. XVIII. 28), " lUud quod supra scripsi, ^^ tibi confirmo?" Compare pro Lege Man. c. 10. So also Sallust (Bell. Catil. c. 37), " Sed ur- bana plebes, ea vero praeceps ierat." More- over in Thucydides, 6 'AmKdJrarog, the most Attic of all Greek writers, we find the same construction; e. g, IV. 93, rS) ds ' iT'^ox.odrn wn -Trs^l TO A'^Xtov, ug uvtCj r^'y/sA'^i^. In Demos- thenes also ovrog is elegantly pleonastic (rassX/cs/) in his Oratt. (ed. Reisk.) adv. Mid. p. 522, adv. Aristog. A. p. 775, de Corona, p. 280. So in Xenophon, Cj^rop. Lib. 11. p. 51, (o ^soc) aXkoxjg avroTg sirirazr^oag hiooxsu The construction in all these assages is evidently 164 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS the same as in Matt. iv. 16, viii. 5 ; John xv. 2, xviii. 11. We turn now to some examples of forced in- terpretation, which have sprung from this source. In Matt. xii. S6, many understand Infj^a, uoylv to mean loicked and injurious icurds ; as if ccpyh were the same as rnvri^ov, which is found as a gloss in Cod. 126. They think the sense to be this : ' Believe me, that for every wicked and injurious word shall men hereafter render an account.' They suppose the Lord intended in these words to reprehend the Pha- risees, who had impiously spoken against him, and to threaten them with the severest pu- nishments, inasmuch as every one of their in- jurious and impious words should one day be punished. The supporters of this interpreta- tion of the word df/hg endeavour to confirm it by comparing /'tO^? (from the Heb. ^t0!3?) which they suppose to be used of vain, useless, and also injurious words. They are not in- deed able to bring forward examples from the Hebrew language itself; but they adduce two passages from the Chaldee version, viz. Ex. V. 9, where Onkelos expresses IpCi^ Hll by r^^LOn |^":::lnQ, and Ecc. v. 2. They ap- OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 165 peal also to the Hebrew version of the New Testament published by Miinster, which here renders g-^/o-a aoyo)) by ^li0'3 *)1'1 ; and to the Syriac, which has fj^o lli:o; compare the same versions on Matt. xxv. 3). But, so far as I can see, these examples prove only that a^yov might be expressed in Chaldee by 7^lD3, and denotes idle^ otiosus, and then useless^ slothful ; but not that the writers of the New Testament, when they said dpyovn imitated the usage of the Chaldee tongue. Nor in the Hebrew text are there any examples, that the expression idle or vain words is used to denote injurious, mischievous words. In short, it cannot be proved from these passages, that those trans- lators employed the word 7't33 in the sense of 'jtovri^ov. For the a-X^uog dovXog in Matt. XXV. 30, is one who is useless, unprojitable, i. e. who brings his master no advantage ; not necessa- rily one who is wicked. And 1p£J^ also often denotes that which is vain, empty, as Jer. viii. 8, xvi. 18, where 'Ipt^^^ is rendered in the Septuagint by g/c /^ctr^jy* and very frequently too it signifies falsehood, as Ex. xxv. 15, and especially Prov. xii. 22, xvii. 7, where the Se- 166 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS venty have rightly translated ^pt^-^HD^ by p/?/>.?} -^svdrj.^ This interpretation, moreover, would not be in accordance with what precedes in verses 33 — 35, nor with what follows in verse 37.. For it is not any wicked discourse that is there reprehended, but the feigned piety of the Pharisees, and their aifected zeal for the public welfare. In order to avoid the charge of levity and indifference, they demanded (verse 38) a sign, crjfisTov, as if desirous that both they and others might know whether Jesus was truly the Messiah. Against this dissimulation in those who uttered nothing sincerely and from the heart, Jesus had in- veighed in severe and appropriate terms in verses 33 — 35, using the comparison of a tree, which no one judges to be good and useful, unless it bears good fruit ; and from which, if it be bad, no one expects good fruit.'' But if now the sense of verse 36 is such e Compare Drusius in Auimadv. ad. h. 1. Vorstius de Hebr. N. T. p. 80. Fischer de Vit. Lex. N.T. Diss. XXV. p. 569, sq. *" noii7¥ signifies here to judge, consider, regard; of which sense Rapliel (on this passage) has collected many ex- amples from Herodotus. Such examples however are fre- quent in Greek; see e. g. Dionys- Hal. Ant. Rom. IV. 211. i^allust. Philos. c 9. Stobaeus Serm. 247.— See on tl»e OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 167 as these interpreters would make it, there is added in it a sentiment altogether foreign to what precedes, frigid, and apyh;, i. e. wholly- destitute of effect and force ; and also not con- gruous to the sentiment of verse 37. For where the Lord says (verse 37) that every one shall hereafter be judged by his words, he can- not be understood as meaning, that every one will be capable of proving his integrity and goodness merely by his words alone ; a senti- ment surely as far as possible from the inten- tion of our divine Master. We must there- fore necessarily understand a certain kind of words or discourse, which, under the appear- ance of sincerity and integrity, is often the worst possible, and xara^/xa^s/ rh ai'SswTov, "con- demns >a man," .because it is uttered with an evil purpose. If then we interpret aoyh ac- cording to established Greek usuage, there arises a facile and very appropriate sense ; namely, af/oj is the same as oaoyoc, otiosiis, vain, idle ; then, void of effect, without result, folloiced by no corresponding events Therefore other hand Glass in Philol. Sac. Lib. 1. p. 228, ed. Dathe. But such modes of speech are surely not to be reckoned as belonging to any peculiar usage of the sacred writers, when they are found in almost every language. ' Compare Demosth. xari 'Afofiau Xey a!, p. 815, ed Reisk. 168 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS jjj/xa d^yov is empty and vain icords or discourse, i. e. void of truth, and to which the event does not correspond ; [xdraiog Xoyog, iro, as the apostle says, John i. 3. Bechai in Leg. fol. 125. In Beresh. Babba all R. Samuel Bar Nachman says, that this light was with God ; but R. Bechai (fol. 89, 4) teaches, that the same becomes incar- nate through the will of God. Hence we OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 181 should prefer, were it necessary, to illustrate such words as these from the writings of the Jews, rather than from the Gnostic philoso- phy. In like manner a very recent interpreter of John's Gospel has explained the words rvsD/xa 6 ^=k, John iv. 24, in the sense in which the word spirit would be defined by philoso- phers at the present day : " God is a Spirit, i. e. his whole being is intellectual and moral perfection."^ Is it then credible, that our Lord should have taught these philosophical precepts to the Samaritan woman ? Indeed, the word was never employed by the Jews in this philosophical sense ; nor does it so occur in any Greek writer. III. There remains now the third cause of forced interpretations, which we have indicated above, and which we may dispatch in few words. The context^ namely, as is in itself evi- dent, is an important auxiliary in ascertaining the true sense of a passage, especially where there is any ambiguity in the words or forms of construction, any obscurity or novelty in the circumstances, or any neglect of the usus lo- quencli. Still, this principle requires unques- tionably very great caution in the application ^ " Sein ganzes Wesen ist Geistigkeit und Moralitat. " 182 CAUSES OF FORCED INTERPRETATIONS. of it, particularly in regard to writers who have not been trained in the rules of the schools, ■/.ai ohx sv didccKToT; avSpwc/vTjg 6o(piag "koyoK; XaXoum' and more than all, in epistolary writing, where often an argument is not carried out in such a way, that all its parts are entirely coherent. This indeed is not usual in epistles of any kind. There is commonly in a letter a great variety of topics, some of which are treated in one way, and some in another. When therefore in- terpreters have trusted too much, or indeed wholly, to this principle, and have been con- tented to make out a sense in some degree suit- able to the context, and to seek every where a dialectic congruity and a sort of logical arrange- ment; it could not be otherwise than that they should often advance empty conjectures instead of true interpretations, and torture passages of Scripture until they could elicit from them *4ome similitude with the general series of dis- course. This however is of itself obvious; and therefore requires here no further illustration. We come then to the conclusion, for the sake of which this discussion was instituted. USE OF THE PARTICLE "IN A THE NEW TESTAMENT. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS BY THE TRANSLATOR. A SOMEWHAT familiar acquaintance with the writings of Professor Tittmann has brought me to regard him as one of the most able, sober, and impartial critics on the language of the New Testament that Germany has of late produced. He has left nothing behind him which I have seen, that will not abundantly repay perusal, and even study ; which is more than can be truly said of most writers, in any age or country. It requires indeed, some knowledge of criti- cism, in order to understand and relish the works of this writer. But those who have such 184 USE OF-INA knowledge, will employ their time in a very- profitable manner by studying them. Acute- ness, sound judgment, uncommon powers of nice discrimination, together with grammatical and exegetical tact, abound in them all. The student who aims at solid philological acquisi- tion, such as the present times demand, should number the works of Titmann among his text- books. Sacred literature has, not long since, been called to mourn the too early death of this distinguished critic. The piece which follows is a posthumous publication ; as the title indi- cates. The importance of the subject which it discusses, can hardly be appreciated in a pro- per manner, at first, by a cursory reader ; and it may therefore be proper, to premise a few things in the way of explanation. The use and signification of the particles in Greek, once a subject of little interest and at- tention among lexicographers and gramma- rians, has come at length, and very justly, to occupy a high and commanding place in criti- cism. One important ground of preference, which the great lexicon of Passow has over all other Greek lexicons, is the special attention that the author of it has paid to the develop- IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 185 ment of the powers and uses of the Greek par- ticles. The old work of Hoogeveen on this subject, which occupies many hundreds of quarto pages, contains a great mass of matter, and is the result of more than Herculean la- bour. But the critical student finds, after all, so little of order, method, philosophy of lan- guage, nice grammatical discrimination, and other qualities of this nature now so imperious- ly demanded by the present state of Greek criticism, that he is apt soon to grow weary of consulting this Thesaurus, Good use may be made of it, however, in the selection of ex- amples, by a student who already possesses the power of discrimination ; but Hoogeveen would hardly be a safe guide for one who has yet to acquire such a power. Devarius ou the Greek Particles, is a small work. It has, however, some claims to re- spectful mention. The larger work of Vigerus de Idintismis Ling. Graecae, is well known even in this country, and has become common, particularly by means of the abridged form in which it has lately appeared in England. Her- mann, in his German edition of the work, has made many important corrections, and supplied some new and important matter. But after all, 1^<^ USE 0F"1NA the new patches will hardly suit well the old garment, in this case. The real fact is, that Vigerus, like Hoogeveen, has become in a mea- sure antiquated. The old manner of dividing and subdividing the meaning of words, (until, by ramification which is almost without mea- sure or bounds, the sight of the original mean- ing of the word and the proper ground of its derived significations are wholly obscured or lost), is the one which Vigerus follows through- out. In this way, one might almost say* it is easy dcducere aliquid ex aliqiio. So has Schleusner often done, in his lexicon of the New Testament; which still is a work that contains much that is valuable. An erroneous taste in matters of this kind, was introduced by. a few such works as Hoogeveen, Vigerus, and others of similar character, which greatly in- jured most of the later lexicographers and cri- tics in regard to their method of treating the Greek particles, until within a few years. A very different school is now rising up under the influence of such works as those of Passow, Hermann, Matthiae, Butmann, Winer, and others ; which bids fair to throw more light upon the long neglected subject of those little IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 187 words, that have often and appropriately been named the joints and bands of discourse. On the use of a particle very often depends the whole turn and mode of a writer or speaker's meaning or reasoning ; yea, the main object of the discourse itself. For an example let us take the word ha, ; of which Tittmann has so copiously, ably, and satisfactorily discoursed, in the following pages. The evangelist Matthew, in chap. i. 18-21, gives an account of an angel's prediction in respect to the supernatural conception and the birth of Jesus, and also of the reason assigned by the angel why the Saviour's name should be called Jesn^. At the close of this account the evangelist adds : "Now all this was done, ha irArjocti^J! to ^rl^h ■/.. r. X, that it might he fuljill- ed which was spoken of the Lord, by the pro- phet, saying : Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son," etc. This is one form in which ha TXyjou^f, may be translated, and is translated in our common version. But here, and in many other of the like passages, a se- rious and very important question arises, viz., whether the phrase 'im crXn^u^fi %. r. X, is not susceptiMe of another translation, and one which is justified both by the nature of the 188 USE OF "INA case and by the signification of the particle 1m. On this question depends the whole tenor or aspect of the evangelist's assertion. As it stands translated above, (which is the form of our common version), the meaning seems to be, that the greatest events which ever happened in our lower world, viz., the birth of Christ, and also the occurrences connected with it, all took place in order that or for the purpose tJiat, the prophecy of Isaiah (vii. 14) might be fulfilled. But here the reflecting reader will l)e constrained to pause and ask : " What, then? Was it not to redeem a world in ruin, that the Saviour's miraculous birth and the events ac- companying it took place, rather than merely to accomplish the prediction of Isaiah ?" The proper answer to this question may undoubt- edly be, that both of the purposes named were to be accomplished by the birth of Jesus. The world was to be redeemed, and prophecy was also to be fulfilled. But the great and ultimate end must be, the redemption of mankind. The other, viz. the fulfilment of the particular prophecy in question, was altogether subordi- nate and merely preparatory. It was indeed the design of heaven, that when a prediction had been uttered respecting the birth of a Sa- IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 189 viour and the manner of it, that nothing should be lacking in respect to the accomplishment of this prediction. But to suppose, that the great, the unspeakably important event of the incarnation of Jesus, was simply a fulfilment of a prophecy which designated the manner of his birth — would be a supposition which seems to cover with darkness the wise and benevolent purposes of Heaven in the redemption of man, and to limit them to the production of an event, which (although of high interest as a display of miraculous power) would be, or rather would thus be represented as being, of but little im- portance in other respects. Yet if, as some critics strenuously maintain, ha. means and can mean only, in order tliat^ to the end that ^ for the sake or purpose of\ we seem to be thrown into all the embarrassment which such a representation would occasion. If the telle use only of this particle is an invariable and necessary idiom of the Greek, it is difficult to see what escape there can be from the con- clusion, that the evangelist has reasoned, or at any rate expressed himself, in such a way, that we must necessarily educe from him the senti- ment which has already been stated above. If the reader is at any loss to know what 190 USE OF "INA the telle {riXm-}]) use of ha means, he may at once be satisfied from such examples as the following : 7/ ':roiyiffo>j, ha 'iyoi ^^nv alojmv ; " What shall I do, in order that, or to the end that, I may have eternal life ?" "Ets/jtosv tov; oy^Xou;, /va a/Trjffuvrai Bao|a/5/3ai/, " They persuaded the mul- titude, 171 order that they should make request for [the release of] Barabbas." Here, and so in most cases, ha is telic, i. e. it points to ttie end or otject to he attained^ viz. attained l)y that which is related as said or done in the context which precedes it. This use is so frequent, that the reader may every where find examples to the purpose. But is ha limited to this sense only ? A question which is answered in a satisfactory and masterly way, in the following pages. I cannot but believe and trust, that this question is now put to final rest, by this effort of Titt- mann. The amount of what he has here done, is to shew that ha not unfrequently, even in the classics, bears the same sense as uffrs, viz., no that, quo fit, or as wc, that. If this be satisfac- torily made out, then it follows, that we may translate ha rr^r^i'^^hri x. r. X. by the phrase .sr> that there should or might be an accompUshmenf : IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 191 sn that [this or that prediction] 77iir/ht or should be fulfilled, etc. Let tiie reader who wishes to consider this subject duly, consult and care- fully examine and weigh the following passages, where such a formula is employed ; viz. Matt, ii. 15, (23); iv. 14, (viii. 17; xii. 1"; xiii. 35); xxi. 4 ; xxvi. 56 ; xxvii. 35 (in the text, re- cept.) ; Mark xiv. 49 ; John xii. 38 ; xiii. 18; XV. 25 ; xvii. 12 ; xviii. 9 ; xix. 24 ; xxviii. 36. The instances included in parentheses, have o-ojr instead of /Va, which is an equivalent. These and the like passages will shew, that the use of ha in the sense of so that, that, must almost of necessity be conceded. Tittmann, however, has done all w^hich needs to be done, to show" that this use may properly, and often must be conceded. This secondary use of ha in the sense ot Mcn^ is technically called ecbatic Qz^ariKrj) i, e. that which designates the end or event which is ac- tually accomplished; from sx^ahu or hSatsi;). The difference betw'een the telic and ecbatic sense of iVa, e. g. in the example taken from Matt. i. 22. above, is so great, that an entirely different turn is given to the whole sentiment by means of it. If we say : All this took place, IN ORDER THAT what ivas spokcjt by Isaiah 192 USE OF^INA might he fulfilled^ this is representing the events themselves that are spoken of, as taking place in subordination to the prophecy, and merely or principally in order to fulfil it. But if we say : All this took place, so that the prediction by Isaiah teas, or should be, fulfilled, then we merely affirm that the modus of the events was such, that a fulfilment of prophecy was accom- plished by it ; while at the same time, the events themselves might have an unspeakably higher end in view. To such importance do some words, often re- puted small and unimportant, frequently rise. This may serve, then, to cast strong light on the bad consequences which ensue, by negli- gence of lexicographers and critics with respect to such words ; — a practice frequent indeed, but deeply to be lamented, and deserving of most serious disapprobation. I must make one remark more on the for- mula ha, 'TTsA^u^fi, in regard to its echatic use. It has been questioned, whether the Subjunc- tive mode after 'im can be rendered in any other way than as having a future sense. The answer to this might be, that the Present and Aorists of the Subjunctive, as is now fully conceded by the best grammarians, do not of IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 193 themselves mark any tense^ but depend for their sense in this respect, on the Indicative which may precede them, or on the sense demanded by the nature of the passage. Such, indeed, is the fact with all the derived or secondary modes, viz., the Opt., Imper., and Infinitive. See N. Test. Grammar, § 51. 2. The student, then, who becomes satisfied of the echatic use of iVa, might translate /Va cr/.'/^^co^^ by the phrase, so that there ivas an accomplish- merit ; so that it was fulfilled^ ichicli etc. This many have done. But although it seems to be grammatically lawful to do so, yet it is un- necessary, in this case, to depart so far from the more usual and classical sense of ha. Thus much can be safely averred, viz., that the ac- complishment of prophecy, whether viewed as an event (i. e. viewed ecbatically), or as a pur- pose or end (z. e. in a telic way), was still some- thing ^w^z^re — in the order of things and in the mind of the writer — to the events themselves which happened. Fulfilment^ at least in the order of our conceptions respecting it, succeeded the events by which it was brought about. It is therefore nearer to the natural order of thought, in the present case, to translate /Va -XtjswSjj by the phrase, so that it might or should he fulJiUed^ which etc. 194 USE OF"lNA I apprehend, moreover, that such a mode of translation expresses, more nearly than the other proposed method, the true sense of the original Greek. The writer means to say, if I rightly understand him, that it was so ordered on the part of heaven, that the events of Jesus' birth should fulfil the prophecy of the Old Testament. Design or purpose I cannot think to be wholly left out of sight or excluded. But to say that the telic use of ha here is ex- clusive, would be to affirm a position little short of monstrous. On the other hand, to affirm that the modus in quo of Jesus' birth was so arranged on the part of heaven, as that it ful- filled the prediction of Isaiah, is a very different thing, and is the very one, I apprehend, which the evangelist meant to assert. Accordingly, when we translate ha rrXriou'^fi by the phrase, so that it should be fulfilled, or 50 that it might hefufillcd, we give, as nearly as our language will permit, the true sense of the original. If 1 have succeeded in making the reader understand the main object of Prof. Tittmann in the following dissertation, I trust he will have the patience to read, or rather to study him through, with care and diligence. To speak oi patience, indeed, when such efforts as /.his are presented to our examination, is almost IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 195 to abuse the word. The spirit of a philologist will drink in the whole, as a delicious draught which quenches a thirst long felt, but perhaps never before fully satisfied. I add only, that the ecbatic use of ha was Urst seriously called in question, I believe, by Lehmann, (ad Lucian I. p. 71). Fritsche next contended against it, in Excursus I. ad Comm. in Matt.; then Beyer, in Kritsich. Journal, IV. p. 418, seq. Winer, in his K. Test. Grammar, edit. 3d, p. 382, admits the possibility of the ecbatic use ; but he contends that it has been carried a great deal too far ; and he denies that it is admissible in the for- mula ha '7r\'/iorJ^f,, p. 385. He says that the meaning may be thus given : " God has fore- told that this should happen ; and since the di- vine predictions must be true, it could not be otherwise than that this should take place." But, admitting that all this is implied in the formula ha rrXri^cA)^'? , Still this meaning is not at all ex- cluded by the ecbatic sense of ha. At the same time, to suppose the telic use of ha in all the cases where this formula occurs, would be mak- ing a supposition of a state of ignorance as to the nature of language, or else of a state of mind among the evangelists and other sa- bered writers, that seems to me to be uttelvT 196 USE 0F"INA irreconcileable with that knowledge and illu- mination which they every where disclose. It would be representing the main object of the New Dispensation, of which the Old was a mere type and shadow, to be the accomplish- ment of predictions and types and symbols, rather than the redemption of a world. So much does the sense of the so called Utile words influence the meaning of the Scriptures. Let the reader of the New Testament beware how he deems any word of it to he -little ; and let him learn duly to estimate such efforts as the following, which settle long contested and doubtful questions, with which the meaning of many an important passage of Scripture is intimately connected. I have only to add, that in translating the following pages, I have, for the sake of per- spicuity, used the liberty of breaking up the protracted paragraphs (so common among the German writers), and followed, greatly to the prejudice of lucid exhibition and much to the annoyance of the reader, even by Titmann. In some cases I have divided one sentence into two, three, or even four, for the same reason. I have omitted some few remarks made by the author merely oh iter, which are in a good measure foreign to the discussion, and of no IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 197 advantage in order to understand it. The Greek which Tittmann has quoted in full, without any translation, I have quoted in the text only so far as the citation of the Greek words bears directly on the purpose of illustra- tion ; but I have thrown the original into the margin. Not having all the original authors at hand, and many of the passages quoted be- ing taken out of context important to its illus- tration, I do not feel quite certain that I have in all cases giveft the exact shade of meaning as to every word ; but if I have failed here, the reader will receive no prejudice from it, so far as the object of the following essay is con- cerned. The illustrations are still plain, in- telligible, and valid, whether all the words that are more distantly connected are very exactly rendered or not. There are, after all, some few places of the Latin original of Tittmann to which I shall advert in the notes, that I am not sure I un- derstand. The words I can easily translate in a literal way. But the reasoning of the author seems to be expressed in terms, that will not appear, at least to most readers, as being very intelligible. Perhaps the fault is in me, and not in the author If it be so, the reader, by recurring to the original, may correct me. 198 USE OF"lNA I have given a Jree translation, in order to bring the costume of the piece as near to the English fashion as might safely be done. In some cases I have added epexegetical clauses, in order to render the meaning more plain to the cursory reader. In no case have I will- ingly or consciously departed from the meaning of the original, or withheld any thing import- ant to the object of the piece. — Tr J USE OF INA IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. It is now generally conceded, that the usus loquendi^ although not destitute of some fixed and certain principles, has a very free scope in every language. But though the most learn- ed philologists teach us, that a great part of the hermeneutic art consists in paying a proper attention to this, yet I have often wondered how it should come about, since it is univer- sally allowed that the usus loquendi is diverse not only at different times when a language is a living one, but even among individual writers, that still, in those very books which of all are the most diligently studied, many things should yet be found which seem to be dubious and uncertain. IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 199 Of late, the interpreters of the New Testa- ment are all agreed, that for the explanation of particular words and phrases in a manner that accords with the sense of their authors, neither the most sharp-sighted search after Hebraisms, nor comparison of the Alexan- drine Version, nor the somewhat dubious dis- covery of Hellenism, suffices. Many, how- ever, and even some lexicographers well versed in making out the signification of particular words, either regard the usus loquencli of au- thors belonging to a golden age as their only standard, or, like a ship upon the rocks, they stick fast upon grammatical precepts. In this way it comes, since no meaning of a word seems to them to be correct unless it is one which can be found in the best writers, that they either find much fault, in their commen- taries on the New Testament, with the usus loquendi of the sacred writers, or they leave the true sense in doubt ; while some appear to teach, with more caution, that this and that word has/7ro/?er/?/ only this and another meaning, but yet in such and such a passage it has ac- tually a somewhat different sense. As this must often happen, inasmuch as idioms are frequently blended in the usus loquendi^ so it will be particularly frequent in those parts of 200 USE OF-'INA speech whose sway in every language is some- what unlimited, and whose interpretation is very difficult. I refer now to the particles, the use of which in the N. Test, seems to differ so much from the manner of the best classical writers. There is so great an affinity, or alli- ance {logical we may call it), between many jiartides that, although their meaning cannot be changed into that of an opposite kind, and although those who write and speak with accuracy ought nicely to distinguish them, still they may, without commiting any error, be ex- changed in accordance with the different me- thods in which a subject is conceived of. As I have been lately engaged in writing upon the Synonyms of the New Testament, it is my present intention to say something concerning certain synonymouii particles ; re- specting the use of which in the New Testa- ment, all know that a great contest has existed among the interpreters of the sacred books, which is not settled even at the present time. The particles to which I now refer, are, " "ivcL ' OTOjg • ojg • ojffrs*'^ » All these Tittirann treats of and compares together ; but the design of the present essay is merely to treat of IW, IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 201 I have no apprehension that any one will affirm the signification of these particles to be so diiferent, that they can never be regarded as synonymous. "Iva designates the end or cause on account of which any thing takes place ; o'Tog suggests to the mind the manner in which any thing is accomplished ; wcrrs denotes the events because the particle wgis properly em- ployed in the comparison of like things, and therefore w^rs designates an event or effect which is in accordance with the nature of some ante- cedent. Now the notions design, end, manner of accomplishing the end, and of the event itself, are so related that, as in fact we can scarcely distinguish them in thought, so in speaking they are easily commuted for each other. This, then, is the very reason why they are some- times to be reputed as synonyms ; for unless they agreed in some meaning common to all, they could not be exchanged for each other. Inasmuch, moreover, as this is the nature of synonyms, that they refer a common notion of the same thing to different modes of it, it follows that conjunctions also, which designate the various modes of the same condition in which involves by far the most interesting questions and the greatest difficulties. — Tr. 202 USE 0F"INA which two things associated are conceived of, ought to be regarded as synonymous. The conjunctions of which I speak agree in this, viz., that they designate connexion, i. e. causal conjunction ; for they unite the notions of two things, the one of which is regarded as being a catise of the other. But as in every proposition a subject is connected with some predicate ; so in those sentences in which a causal connection of two things is indicated, it is in such a way, as that in one the cause of the other is suggested. The manner of sentences which belong to this species, may be two-fold; for the cause may be conceived of as being in the subject^ or as being in the predicate. If the cause is regarded as being in the predicate^ then the conjunction indicates the thing, on account of which that which is conceived of as being in the subject either took place or might have taken place. But if the cause is regarded as being in the subject of the sentence, the con- junction indicates that the cause is in the sub- ject why any particular thing did or could take place.^ ^ This is expressed with sufficient abstractness. The meaning is, that in a sentence with 7»«, etc., between its several parts, if the subject of the sentence indicates cause, IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 203 To my mind, the office of all the causal conjunctions seems to be only two-fold, viz. they either show that the cause of a thing is in the subject, or else in the predicate. Con- sequently if a cause is regarded as being in the subject, the conjunction indicates that the ef- fect is in the predicate ; but if the cause is re- garded as being in the predicate, then what is done or effected is designated by the subject. Now since the cause must be conceived of as preceding that of which it is the cause, i. e. the eifect, while the leading idea is still contained in the subject, it follows, that the cause which is regarded as being in the predicate, must be conceived of as the object on account of which the thing designated by the subject was either effected, or might or should have been ef- fected. then the predicate will indicate the effect, and the conjunc- tion between them ("»«) is adapted to this purpose. But if, on the other hand, the predicate indicates the cause, then the subject must exhibit the effect, and the conjunction must be adapted to designate such a connection between the two. The relation between the two parts is the same in the two cases, but the modus of it is different ; for at one time the subject, for example, denotes cause, at another effect. Yet the causal relation designated by the conjunction, remains one and the same in both cases. Thus different modes of the same thing are expressed. — Tn. 204 USE 0F"INA All causal conjunctions therefore have, as before said, a twofold province, to which the various uses of these conjunctions, as enume- rated by grammarians, are to be referred in re- spect to origin; for they designate either the (lesif/n, or the effect, of the thing which is ex- pressed by the subject.^ The end, moreover, or object to be attained, may be conceived of in a two-fold manner, viz., either as it is in itself, or as it is regarded in the mind of him who is supposed to have accomplished any particular thing. This last may be named purpose, de- sign, intent, (consilium). These different modes of causation, then, those conjunctions, serve to express of which I am now to treat. Our first inquiry shall be directed toward "INA. It is a sentiment, common among almost all philologists and zealously defended, that hu is " Tliis clears up the obscurity which rests on the preced- ing paragraphs, and shews that all conjunctions denominated causal, are used only in such sentences as denote that one thing is done, or happens, in order thai something else may be accomplished, etc. ; or that one thing is done, or happens, so that another thing is accompHshed. The first denotes purpose, (is telic) ; the second shews event itself, (isecbatic). —Tn. IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, 205 used by accurate writers, only ri>.i%Zii, i. e. to denote the end or purpose for which any thing is done. Consequently, when ha is found to be employed (as it very often is) in the N. Test., in cases where end or purpose cannot be supposed to be designated, these interpreters betake themselves to this refuge, viz. that w^hat was said rsX/xjDj, is still to be understood and explained IxSar/xwc, i, e. in such a way as is declarative of events rather than of purpose.'^ The original ground of dispute respecting the sense of ha, may be found in the N. Test, formula, ha 'rXyjooj^fj. In many passages, where something is said to have been done or taken place ha '::7.rioo)^f] ri, viz., SO that such a predic- tion might be fulfilled, the nature of the case does not permit us to imagine that ha can de- signate design or purpose ; as if, forsooth, that which takes place, had been done or effected merely for the purpose of fulfilling the prophe- ^ It is not the object of Tittmann here to suggest the im^ propriety of explaining ha in an ecbatic way ; for the sequel is occupied with endeavours to establish the very point, that ha may have and must often have an ecbatic sense. The practice which he here indirectly censures, is, that while many critics hold that the only sense of ha is telic, they still give themselves the liberty to explain or interpret it as hav- ing an ecbatic sense. This inconsistency he reprobates, and shews it to be needless. — Tb. 206 USE OF'INA cy in question. In these and other passages of the N. Test., although they cannot help seeing that ha does not designate purpose or design, yet they pertinaciously adhere to th^ir favourite maxim, viz. that JVa never denotes effect or event, although it must still be ex- plained (as they acknowledge) in an ecbatic way in such passages.^ May I not now take the liberty to inquire, what can be the meaning of the assertion, that hot, never denotes any thing but design or pur- pose, when in passages without number it ma- nifestly denotes effect or event ? But still they say, ' that among good classical writers it is never ecbatic' Although we should concede, now, this to be matter of fact, still I cannot perceive in what way it would prove hu not to be so used among writers of another descrip- tion, particularly since it is certain that many writers employ this particle in connecting cause with effect. In languages that are still living, it is easy to distinguish between ele- gant diction and that which is employed for the purposes of common life. Grammarians "^ The iriconsisteiicy charged on these interjireters is here made apparent. Wiiile they say that hoc. has only a leli" sensa, they, after all, feel obliged to interpret it ixfimrjy.Mt, and do so. IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 207 who make out the rules of our language, have accurately shewn how those German particles, class, damit, so dass, aufdass, um (with the Gen. or Infin.), do differ from each other in cultivated usage, although all know that these particles are promiscuously employed, i. e. used in the same sense, in the daily intercourse of society, not only by the common people, but even by the learned. After all, such critics are unwill- ing to admit any meaning of Greek and Latin particles, which they do not find among the Attic writers of a polished cast, just as if the usus loquendi in any language were limited by the style of the learned and cultivated ! In every language, this itsus is more extensive in conversation than in books. We do not learn the copiousness of any tongue, nor its versati- lity, from writers of high cultivation merely, but from popular usage. Could examples now be produced of the daily conversation of the Athenians, who lived in the time of Plato, Xenophon, and Aristophanes, I cannot doubt that we should find many words to have been in common use, which are at present reprobat- ed by many philologists as contrary to the usus loquendi ; and this merely because they are not found among the select few of elegant writers. 208 USE OF 'INA No one will understand me as speaking thus because I am desirous that our youth, who are employed in writing Latin or Greek, should make use of and imitate uncultivated writers. But still, when books of a later age, written by men whose usus loquendi was that of common lite, are to be interpreted, to limit the signification of particles merely to the sense which is found in select classic authors, seems to me to savour of ill-timed rigidity. If now we should concede that ha, in writers named classical, is commonly so employed that it denotes purpose or design, still that would not follow which is commonly affirmed, viz., that hct is not always employed to connect event or effect with cause. There are many writers even of the best stamp, the interpretation of whom would be much more facile, if we should not conclude in our own minds, that in good writers /W is never to be understood in an ecbatic way. I will not select an example from Archimedes (the only one which Hoogeveen has with confidence adduced, p. 524), although it is a very clear one ; for I am apprehensive that the critics just named would disclaim him as an elegant writer. Nor will I choose ano- ther passage from Aristophanes (Plut. v. 91), which Hoogeveen has cited in a doubting IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 209 way ; for there is no good reason why this may not be understood rs/./xw^. But in this same Aristophanes I find several passages in which, if /Va be taken ix/Sa-z^.w?, the sense will appear more easy and agreeable. One may be found in Vesp. vs. 311, 312 : r/ .«,£ drjr, w fisXsa f/.rir£^, 'iri'/trsc, "l5 u)'-STifj.uPr,(jdfir,v, " that (/;«) I might have been avenged on them." She means to say, that if a ship had brought them, she might have taken vengeance for the wrongs done her at Aulis on their account. [The object or in- *" There may be still a question, Avhetlier "va in this case should not be regarded as telic, in reference to the design or purpose of him who gives the command. " Come here !" Why ? " In order that I may scourge you and make you howl." This was no part, indeed, of the ioy's purpose in coming ; but was it not the end that was in view, in giving the command ? The design of the master was to scourge the offending lad ; and that design may therefore be indicated in tiic "»a xXuris that follows. Tittmanu apj)ears to have felt, that the example is not of a decisive nature — Tr. IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 211 tention of the ship's coming, would clearly not have been to accomplish such a purpose. Event then, and not purpose, is here designat- ed.] After comparing many passages, it appears to me, that the signification of ha, as indicat- ing what would happen if something else had taken place, may be found in a special manner in those passages in which /Va is construed with the Preterite of the Indicative. Thus in So- phocles (Oedip. Tyr. v. 1389), we find 'V 'Jv r-j(p\(j; rs Tcai '/.Xvuv iir,bh, " SO that I was, or I might be, blind and dumb ; " for immediately after, in v. 1392, we find him saying, ug'ibsi^a fj.rr~or- z. r. X. Comp. Aesch. Prometh. Vinct. V. 155. [The conclusion here drawn is not plainly made out.] Aristophanes (in Eccles. v. 152) says, " I could have wished that some of my friends had spoken what was most worthy of approbation, 'iva syM})-/jfj.r}v TJff-jyjc, su that {ha) I might have sat silent ;"" for if they had thus spoken, he would have held his peace. Many passages of the same tenor are found in Demosthenes: from which the follo^ins: & '212 USE OF "INA may suffice. Contra Gallic, p. 1273, " You might then have said to the father of the de- fendant, Tisias, why do you do these things? Are you constructing a gutter? Then the water will fall into our field ; ha, so that, if he had then desisted, nothing troublesome to you had taken place ^riv Indie] towards each other. . . . And surely you must shew that a gutter actually exists, that (Im) you may prove the father to have done wrong, not in word only hut in deed."^ Pro Phorm. p. 958, 959, " These things you find fault with, instead of decorating and adorning them, JVa, so that they might appear [s^a/^sro Imperf. Indie] most agreeable to those who give them, and to you who receive them." ' Contra Androt. p. 599, " He says we ought to go before the Judges, if we believe these things to be true, so that (hoc) we might there risk being fined 1000 drachmas, in case we should be found guilty of false representations.""^ [Here we cannot ^ Tio-i'a, ri TOMTtt voii7s' a^aiKo^ofius rvv ^a^ah^xv ; iW ifiTt- eiirai ro uhu^ u; ro ^u^iov to fi/jtiri^ov, tv, tl fjiXv IfhovXiro taifftt- ff^ai, fitiTiv lifjuv ^uffpf^iKs T^os ukkriXovs vv. ... xai vh At' Wi^ii- |a/ ffi yi Taff'tv uv^^uttoi; ^^a^ci^^itv ovffctMy "vec fz,h Xoyeu /jtovov, akX' tpyu rov ^ari^ec udixovvra aTtipeitvis. ' Tavra, avr) tou x-otr^uv xai Tt^ia-TiXXuv, 'Ivx xai ro7s ^ouft* Ai; iutr;^nfjt,oviff'rara i(pxiviTO, xoc) Toii Xafioua-iv vfiTv, ix'ty^tis. IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 213 suppose the meaning to be, that they would go before the judges for the sake of being fined, but that such would be the consequence, in the case stated.] Of the like tenor is the passage in Plato (Euthyd. p. 403), " And truly, said he, that was worthy of a hearing. Why? said I. "iva riTiovffag, [Indie], so that you might have heard men disputing, who are now regarded as peculiarly wise."^ So in Protag. p. 335, *' But it was well for you, who are prepared on both sides, to give place to us, ha, so that we might keep company.""^ Again in Menex. ad fin. " But that you should not complain of me, IW, so that I may, on the other hand, re- late [Subj. here?] to you her many and excel- lent remarks concerning political matters."" Tov? Bttr/xoBiTas KTeevrSv, "v IxiT ^i^t ^iXiuv iKiv^vvivofAiv, u xu- •ra-^i'j^oy.ivoi rrotZr ico//,sv .. [The first ha here means in order that, etc., corresponding to the Hebrew n^nn ]VD*7 ; the second means so that, etc., and ha orav hura corresponds to ]1^J^St^' ^j.] ' 'E^ifiiyvurai to x.uvhov tkvti f^i^u rod v^cctos, xoct Tapi/crilvi- rai aiiTu okov oktu, ha ourus h K^a?' the purpose that ; ' they exhorted^or the end that they might touch, etc' But be- 232 USE OF "INA sides those things which Winer has already suggested against such a method of interpreta- tion (Gramm. Fasc. II. p. 117, seq.), I may be permitted to adduce examples from the better sort of writers. I am aware that they aver the usage in question, viz. that of placing 'ha with the Subj. mode instead of the Inf. mode after verbs of the kind named above, belongs only to the more recent Greek authors. This ex- ample only they admit from Homer : 'Yi s^i- \iic^ Qip^ahrhc '^yjig ysoac, avrcc^ sfM uurug r,6^ai hm- fisvov, ' Or do you wish that yourself should have the reward, but that I should remain thus bereaved of it ?* [Here o:poa stands in the like sense with JVa]. The later authors, they admit, have imitated this ; see Hermann ad Orphica, p. 814. I will allow now, if they please, that among the better classic authors the usage in question is very rare ; although in the later writers it is exceedingly common. Thus Non- nus, in his paraphrase of John, often employs oipoa in order to correspond with ha in the evan- gelist ; see his paraphrase of John vi. 7 ; xi. 15, 57 ; xvii. 15, 24, etc. Examples in point, however, may be found among the more accu- rate writers, viz. in Lucian, Dionysius Halicar. (Charit. III. 1. init.), rra^s-KciXn os KaXio'^orjv^ ha. xthru) 'XDoasX^ri, ' he besought Calirrhoe tliat etc.,* IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 233 [instead of saying aOrp cr^oersX^s/v] ; see Schaefer ad Dionys. Hal. de Verb. Compos, p. 121. Hebraism, therefore, should not be sought after, in such constructions as these in the New Testa- ment. With the Seventy, this idiom is ex- ceedingly rare. In passages of such a nature, now, 1 do not see with what reason they can deny tliat the object is designated by the particle IVa. >> or can the German dass or damit be well compared with /!/«. The particle dass we do indeed em- ploy in order to designate a caw5«/ connection : and therefore, when we mean to point out the thing which we seek after ; but damit answers better to the particle '6-vug. After verbs , of asking, commanding, admonishing, etc., we use dass in order that we may designate the thing which we desire, demand, etc. No one would say, " Ich bitte dich, damit du mir I J rot ge- best ; ich befehle dir, damit du fortgehest, etc. . . . Damit denotes purpose or design ; and this is its proper use ; but in common parlance and in the Version of Luther, it has a more ex- tended meaning. Still, it cannot be put after verbs of asking, etc. But the particle dass has so extended a meaning, that it corresponds to the Latin ut^ and to the Greek ha, wj, w^rs, and oiT'j);. 234 USE of"ina The ground of such a construction seems to me to be this. When the thing we ask for, etc., can be expressed by a noun^ that noun is put in the Accusative, for this is the proper office of the Ace, e.g, ahuao-or Bo-jXo,u.ai iiPYivriv- But if we cannot make use of a noun in this way, either because the sense would be imper- fect or dubious, or because that which we ask for, etc., is something which consists in action or must be done, we either employ the Inf. mode or use some other equivalent causal con- struction. If we should say, svsnikaro uPTOM, or rra^szdXsGsv s/^Tjvyjv, the sense which we mean to convey would be imperfect, for it would be, * he wished that bread should be given or pro- cured ;' ' he urged that peace should be stu- diously sought for or made.' But to express this we should say, hirsiXaTO aorov ayo^u(^in' ^raPsxdXsffsv h/ii)/ or -ro/g/i/ sJ^yjvyjv. The Inf. is com- monly employed here unless the relation of subject and predicate is or may be uncertain ; which is to be known from the meaning of the preceding verb. But as there is certainty in respect to those verbs which signify ivish or dcshx', the Greeks commonly employed the Inf. ; for as to verbs of this sort, there cannot be any uncertainty that what one is said to will, that is the object of his wishes. The IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 235 more elegant classical writers, therefore, usually employed the Inf. ; but the later ones, even in those passages where it was unnecessary, used the particle iVa or o-wc. On the other hand, even when the meaning of the Inf. would be somewhat doubtful, they still often employed it. Thus it came, that after verbs of asking, etc., the object asked for, etc., was expressed by the use of /Va. And this idiom occurs not merely in unlearned authors and those of the lower stamp, but also among those of an op- posite character ; as is proved by the example of Lucian and others. Even among authors of the higher rank, certain expressions occur, which seem clearly to develop the vulgar idiom in this respect. These are elliptical expressions, which have been taken from common parlance and trans- ferred to books, and frequently occur in the dialogistic forms of speech. I will not here appeal to the passage from Herodotus (I. 126), which Schaefer has ad- duced, viz., rou sfftovTog x. r. X, although the words have the same construction ; for in this case there is no ellipsis. But I would adduce the formula : r't %Xiic, 'roiTjaoj ; in which they do not doubt that ha is to be supplied ; comp. Matt. XX. 32. John xviii. 39, etc. I wish however 236 USE 0F''INA to know, in what way the idea of purpose or desi(/n is to be introduced. Nothing is better known, than the construc- tion of ISovXofiat with the Future or Subjunctive; e, g. Aristoph. Ran. v. 420, (SouXsa'^s dr,ra -/.oivfj ffxw^|/w,a£^ ' A^x^d7]fx.ov ; ' Do you wish then, that we should make sport in common with Arche- demus ?' Aristoph. Equit. v. 52, (SovXsi rru^ad^ ffoi do^^ov, ' You wish me to present you with a supper.' So very frequently in Lucian ; Mort. Dial. X. 8, (SovASi fxizfov aipsXc/jfj^ai -/.ai rcov hz^^vuv ' You are desirous that I should take down arrogance a little.' Dial. XX. 3, /S&jXs/ col sTt- o£/gw zai roue ffo:pov; ; ' Do you wish me to shew you even the philosophers ?' Timon, 37, BovXn biccXoyiciMai^oiaXoykufMai?) -oog 6s; ' Do you desire that I should talk with you?' see Hemsterh. in loc. Deorum. Dial. XX. 16, iWj'/.si d-iroixo- o (K'terriui from an attentive n-adin^- and coii- nidcr.'itioti of tlic wlioUs liy hoiiu' pani^raplis wliicli may not appear to l)e Huilieiently lucid. -Tu.) FORCE OF THE GREEK PREPOSITIONS IN COMPOUND VERBS, AS EMPLOYED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. The negligence and inconsideration Vv'itli which lexicographers and grammarians in ge- neral have proceeded in assigning the force and significancy of the Greek particles, cannot have escaped the notice of any correct Greek scholar ; and in no species of particles, perhaps, have these faults been more frequently conspicuous, than in respect to the prepositions. This would seem, at first view, the more surprising ; since it is doubtless more easy to perceive and ex- press the relations in which different things stand toward each other, which is the office of the preposition, than it is to explain the way in which an object of thought, or the act itself of thinking, stands connected with the VOL. II. R 242 GREEK PREPOSITIONS thinking mind, which is a principal use of the conjunction. There are, however, various causes, which have contributed to introduce confusion in respect to the force and use of the Greek prepositions. A principal one of these, no doubt, has been the circumstance, that where their power appeared to be somewhat uncertain, it has been customary to regard them as without any force, and pronounce them pleonastic. This has been very com- mon among interpreters of the New Testament ; who would seem almost to have been upon the watch for pleonasms, whenever any uncertainty or obscurity could be detected in the employ- ment of prepositions. Hence the lexicons of the New Testament are filled with observa- tions of this nature ; and at the close of almost every article which treats of a preposition, we find the remarlv, " hand raro redundatJ' In regard, especially, to those prepositions which are compounded with verbs, it is a com- mon and indeed a very general opinion, that such prepositions, often do not at all aftect the force of the verbs ; and diat therefore the force and meaning of a compound verb diifers fre- quently in no respect from those of the simple verb. The source of this opinion is to be found, partly in a want of attention to the IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 243 niceties of language, and partly in the desire of avoiding some particular interpretations. Thus, in former times, when it was the fashion to look for an emphatic meaning in many verbs where there is none, the most false interpreta- tions were not unfrequently brought forward on no ground whatever, except a certain sup- posed emphasis imparted to the compound verb by the accession of the preposition. Hence too it was, that other interpreters were ]ed more decidedly to deny that the force of the verb was in all cases affected by the pre- position ; in many cases, at least they affirmed, no emphasis was to be sought in compound verbs. This was doubtless Ernesti's meaning, when he says,^ that " in Greek verbs we must take care not to suppose that any accession of meaning is necessarily made by the accession of prepositions, especially dm, ac6, t^o, cvv, iz, -s^i, nor must w^e draw arguments from this sup- jjosed emphasis, as is done by many, and often- times very incongruously; inasmuch as use and observation sufficiently teach us, that these prepositions do not always affect the significa- tion of the simple verbs, and indeed are very frequently redundant." The learned writer is ^ Institutio Interp. N. T. P. I. s. 2, c. 5, § 8. Stuai-t'> 244 GREEK PREPOSITIONS obviously here speaking of emphasis, wiiicli, it ]nust be conceded, is not always produced by the prepositions. But still, the precept which he gives, is ambiguous ; for it is one thing to impart an emphasis; another, to produce an accession to the force and meaning of the simple verb ; and still another, to change the meaning of the simple verb. It is this ambiguity, which seems to have led astray those who have since written on this topic ; especially Fischer, whose dissertation on the subject is devoid of every thing like fixed rule or settled principle.^' It does not indeed require much study, to demonstrate by numerous examples, that pre- positions in themselves never produce emphasis, and that they do not always change the signi- fication of the simple verbs ; but it is more difficult to shew precisely what force such pre- positions really have, either constantly or in certain circumstances. No one, so far as I knoAV, has treated of this subject in such a manner, as to have reduced this part of gram- mar to certain and fixed laws ; and although individual authors have written on particular points with judgment and discrimination, still the subject of the Greek prepositions, as a '' Prolus. (ic y'ilih Leaker. N. T. Frolus. "\'. p. 119, sq. IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 245 whole, has not yet been properly discussed, especially with reference to the writers of the New Testament. Some interpreters indeed, having adopted the opinion that the New Testament writers scarcely spoke the Greek language, and were at least total strangers to all its grammatical principles and laws, have not thought it worth their while even to look at the force of the particles, and more parti- cularly of the prepositions ; and hence it has arisen, that in most of the lexicons of the New Testament, the prepositions are treated of so ineptly and unskilfully. Another class of interpreters, supposing it to be the safest course to avoid a nice explication of every thing which they did not understand, or which seem- ed to them unsettled and indefinite, took re- fuge in pleonasm, and taught, with great con- fidence, that prepositions in composition with verbs are often redundant. This they did the more earnestly, because they recollected that many false interpretations and heterodox opi- nions rested for support solely on the emphasis alleged to exist in certain compound verbs, e, g. in rgoo^/^s/v, 'jTooyivuiCxuv. Others again have ad- mitted, that prepositions sometimes add no new signification to that of the simple verb, while yet they sometimes augment the latter ; but 246 GREEK PREPOSITIONS they have given no certain rules by which to distinguish, when the signification is thus aug- mented or when it remains unaffected. Among the writers of this latter class, who are thus wavering and uncertain in regard to these particles, we may rank most of the ancient grammarians and scholiasts ; who, when the force of a construction was not ob- vious to them, have not hesitated to declare, ^sojrrriv ihca ttjv ir^o^iGiv, " the proposition is re- dundant;" while yet, in other places, they have developed the force and meaning of the prepositions with far more subtlety than cor- rectness. Thus, for instance, — to use the same examples which Fischer (1. c.) has adduced in support of his views, — the Scholiast on Aris- tophanes says of the verb craoa/r^j^rw/xs^a, ad Equit. V. 37, 'm^trrri 57 <7raDd' Igrt yap a/Vjjcw/xgSa, '::aoaxaki6(fj(i,iv. TlXiovd^ouGi yao -/.ai sXXsi'^ouffi ruTc ^po3gears not to have been sufficiently aware, that the diiferent force which the same preposition (;xhibits when compounded with diiferent vei-bs, arises out of the signification of the verb with M'liicli it is thus connected, wliile tlie preposition itself always retains its own proper force and sigtiificancy. I prefer to subjoin here some examples from Catier himself, in order the more clearly to illustrate my meaning ; since in the text 1 have discussed the subject only in general terms. IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 249 mise a few remarks upon those other methods of connexion ; because from the first of them we learn the cause why prepositions are con- nected with verbs at all ; while from the third 'A^(p/, according to Cattier, denotes in composition, cir- cum, as in afi.(pifia.XXa, and also dubitation, as in afipfffinriu. But in both these instances a^(p/ has its own proper signi- fication ; it denotes strictly, utrimque, on both sides, on either hand, as does also the adverb «(46(p/j. Hence af4,(pir(iyiTSiv is to go or tend towards one side and the other ; as dfziptlidXXuy is to cast on either side ; whence ocfiiptfioXos, ivoimded or at- tacked on both sides, (Thucyd. 4. 32.) metaph. fluctuating, dubious, uncertain ; and so also a^(paiyuv, e. g. o; X^va-yiv a^i2'X,ovTa,i Ix 9rdvv ^£/v ^^ '^Z=''' ^i^X.^iT^'^t. In the same author we read Thesmophor, 804, irx^aKU'TTTUt Ik rris B-v^i^o;, and a little before, lyKv^rrnv. The former, they say, is here i. q. i'^okv^tuv, and ^a^a performs the office of t^o- while the latter, they say^ is for inxv^ruv. But in this sportive passage, -ra^axv'TTttv is not * to look out by thrusting the head through the window,' but ' to lookout from within the window by inclining the head on one side,' as is done by modest females who do not wish to be seen from without. Tlie notion of tt^o lies here in the verb xv- TTuv itself. The poet therefore immediately subjoins : xuv a.iT;^vvB:7iT' a,iitx.^uor,08. !?o also in 1 Pet. i. 12, it signifies nothing more than simply to he hold, to become acijuaiiited ^^ ith. IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 255 fj.ia'^bv 'Tra^a rd) crarpiy Matt. vi. 1. Hence it is easy to see, how the entire diiference of sigiii- cation has arisen in the phrases syjiv d':r6 rr^og, and d'Trs^siv or aTsyjc'^c/j. In these latter words, the preposition when thus compounded with the verb, occasions plainly a new^ signifi- cation, directly opposite to the meaning of the simple verb ; the thing to which the prepo- sition points being no longer conceived of as conjoined with the notion of the thing expressed by the verb, but as disjoined from it. The case is different when a';rsp^s/v signifies to have received^ (not to receive^) as d'jrs-xiiv fjjc^ov, Matt, vi. 2, 5, 16; for there a^o denotes not disjimc- tion^ but an accession made from some other quarter; so that those interpreters are in an error, who here make d'rrz'xitv [mig'^ov signify no- thing more than the simple 'ixziv. They differ in the same manner, as in English, to have and to have away from^ i. e. to have taken away from another to one's self; to have received, as above. It might be more a matter of dou])t, whether in the words d-7rsyj6:)ai drro rsiog, the latter preposition is redundant or not ; for the phrase expresses the same sense without the preposition ; as Acts xv. 20 d'Tiyis'^ai d-h rwv d}j(ry'/i{/.c/.TOjv ruj'j i/d'Jj/.cj',', and verse 29 wTTByjc'^c/./ £/ow/\&i)jrwv. But these forms of expression seem 256 GREEK PREPOSITIONS to differ, not in the idea or thing itself, but merely in the mode of conceiving of it ; just as they say in German, sick von erne?' Sache entlialten and also, sich einer Sache enthaltert, (i. e. to abstain from any thing,) where in the for- mer mode of expression the notion of disjunc- tion is referred particularly to the thing, and in the latter to the person. If now these remarks should seem to any one to be speculative and refined rather than true and well founded, let him remember, that it is the object of all language, not alone to excite the same thought in the mind of others, but also so to excite the same thought, that it may be conceived, and as it were felt, in the same manner. Hence, wherever language is most highly cultivated, the more does it abound in the use of particles ; whose chief province it is to indicate modes and relations, and as it were render them obvious to the senses. Thus it is not surprising, that the Hebrew language should need to employ whole phrases, where in Greek one verb compounded or connected with a preposition, is sufficient. We may farther remark, that when a prepo- sition is subjoined to a verb already com- pounded with another preposition, it is done in order to designate more accurately the relations IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 257 of those things, the idea of which is conjoined with the verb, i. e, that the designation of all the adjuncts and circumstances of the verb may be complete. Thus in the phrases, yiTv a'TTo rrig 7^5, no one can doubt for a moment, that the prepositions are not redundant. We turn now to the consideration of the various modes, in which the force of the pre- positions is exhibited in compound verbs. Our examples, so far as possible, will all be drawn from the New Testament. The force of the preposition in a compound verb, is in general of a twofold nature. It either changes the signification of the verb, so that the idea expressed by the compound is a difi^rent one from that of the simple verb ; as in s^siv to have, k'T:iyji^ to abstain, avsyjtv to sus- tain ; ahi7v to ask, airairitv to deprecate ; aXyuv to sorroiv, a-^aXys/i/ to banish sorrow ; xakh-rziv to conceal, d'::oxakb'7:riiv to disclose; ffoj KciTa ^oihiKa av^^ecs, dvrava- ■TrXyiPOVVTBiS e,cis.uv and -AaraoTiliiv. Why then, in the case of 'Trpoyivojg/cu and 'x^ooojl^siv, should interpre- ters deny that the preposition adds any thing to the signification of the verb? Because, for- sooth, there seems to be nothing emphatic. ' See Wetstein ad h. loc. 270 GREEK PREPOSITIONS They are indeed safe as to emphasis, but they ought not to have taught so inconsiderately, that the same preposition is significant in some verbs, and superfluous in others. These examples may serve to remind inter- preters of the New Testament, that they ought to proceed with more caution and accuracy in investigating the force of prepositions in com- pound verbs. "^ ^ It may be proper to remark here, for the sake of learners, that the Greeks, in compounding verbs with several pre- positions at once, have taken care to place the prepositions in the order in which the ideas themselves naturally succeed one another. Thus, when ava^vuvf to emerge, is compounded with the two prepositions vt'o and s^, (not 'hvsiv with three,) the former, v-^o, is put first, because it is a more natural order of thought, first to conceive of the person emerging Tov aya^t/avra as rising up from a lower place, and then as coming out or forth ; to Avhich then dvu^vti^t is also very jiearly allied. So also l^dyu, Wi^dyu, avnTi^dyco. I have here gone upon the supposition, that in verbs of this sort, {uTi^avec^vitv, avTefpri^dyuv,) only the two first pre- positions are to be taken into account ; and the same is the case with several of the verbs adduced in the text. The reason is, that the third preposition, which stands next to the simple verb, and is first compounded with it, has, in these instances, the effect of changing the meaning of the simple verb, i. e., of expressing, in conjunction with the simple verb, a new and difierent meaning, which the verb would not Itear without it ; and therefore, in such cases, this preposition cannot be taken as distinct from this verb. It will l)e obvious to every one, that the full idea expressed by IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 271 3. In the last place, the force of preposi- tions in composition is further shewn, in that they serve to indicate the relation of cause and effect. This relation, however, is so extensive, i^iyuv and avuhviiv, is not contained in ayuv and ^Jj/v. Hence it may happen, that to verbs ah-eady compounded with a preposition, another preposition may be prefixed, which shall sometimes counterbalance or take away again the significa- tion produced by the junction of the first preposition, e. g.^ avvayw, to collect, etTro/ruvKyca, to disperse, ffvffffiTiu, to eat to- gether, tt.'^otTvaaiTiu, not to eat together. Still, however, the signification of the first compound must here be retained and regarded. [Indeed, the force of the preposition last added, goes to modify only this signification, and not that of the simple verb. Thus, in u.-Troirvvu.yei), the effect of a^o in composition is very different, according as it is prefixed to (Tviiayu or a.yu' in the latter case {a'Trdyu) it denotes merely to lead away ; in the former {icTroffwdyu) it signifies ' to lead or cause to go away that which had previously been brought together, i. e., to disperse — Ed.] It is on these grounds that the reading tiocTra.^a.T^ifia,) for ^agx^ictr^ifoai, 1 Tim vi. 5, Avhich is found in some manu- scripts, seems to me to be false. The verb ^ra^ar^ilisiv, to rub upon or against, is not used in the sense here required, but 'hiocr^tfhuv, to rub in pieces, wear away ; whence ^ia.T^tP>h, a wearing away e. g. of time, leisure occupation, listlessness ; and thence 5ra^a^/«T^//3>7. I know, indeed, that Suidas has explained •^a.^a.T^t^h by Xoyofj!,a,^ia,, disputation, in the words of an uncertain author, t^v yivo/Aivtjv t^os aln-ov -ra^ctr^t^hv xod Z,nXoTV9ritx,v. But it would seem rather to denote here colli- sion, or, as we Avould say in common life, rubs. The apostle is speaking of the vain desires and tendencies (Theophylact very properly, (/.UTaiai tr^^okas) of lii^B-aofiivuv ui^^uTuv voZv, 272 GREEK PREPOSITIONS that we cannot be surprised to find interpre- ters of the New Testament involved in various errors, while attempting to observe and to ex- plain it. We have said that the relation of cause and effect, as here understood, is that re- Tuv ve/^i^ovTuv 9fo^ifffx.ov ilvat T>jv iixrifiitav, men of corrupt mind, who regard gain as godliness. The idea of contention is foreign from his object. Indeed he expressly declares ras ^arriffus xeii Xeyofia^^ias , questionings and strifes about words, to be the cause of these Ta^oihtar^tfiai., listless occupations, empty employment of time. On this account I prefer the common reading, although the other is found in many manu- scripts. The reading appears to have already varied in the earliest ages, to judge from Chrysostom's exposition of the passage. He gives a double interpretation, one of whicli strictly pertains to -;rei^a^iet