FIFTH AVENUE CHURCH, ERECTED 1875. Ntvi YotH e\+Y- ^'^^Vi Avem^ ^1 OF fK/,v5^ JUL i4 lt.33 A BRIEF HISTORl^^^^^ ^^^^x>^ .^ OF THE FIFTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FKOM ITS ORGAXIZATIOX IX CEDAR STREET, IX li LIST OF THE PRESENT OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. JANUARY, 1882. PUBLISHED BY THE SESSIOX. NEW YOKK: S I ]•: P H E X A N G E L L , P K I N T E K , 354 Fourth Avenue. A BRIEF HISTOUY OF THE CHUKCH. The origin of the Presbyterian Church, in the City of New York, is to be reckoned from the year 1707, when the Rev. Mr. McKemie, from Virginia, preached the first sermon, and baptized a child at the house of Mr. WiHiam Jackson, in Pearl Street, near the Battery. The hrst Presby- terian minister settled in New York was the Rev. Mr. Anderson, in 17 16, who preached for three years in the City Hall. In 17 19 the church in Wall Street was erected, aided by contributions made for that purpose in the colony of Connecti- cut and in Scotland, From that time to the year 1807 there continued to be but one Presbyterian Church, though this Church had erected two additional places of worship, the one in Beekman Street and the other in Rutgers Street, and main- tained three co-pastors. A party in the meantime had become dissatisfied with the introduction of Watts' Psalms and Hymns, and had established themselves in Cedar Street, and settled the Rev. John Mason, from Scotland, as their pastor. 6 ■ 111 the year 1806 it became difficult to procure seats in either of the Presbyterian places of wor- ship. Many were dissatisfied with the system of co-pastors. The venerable Dr. Rodgers, the senior pastor of the First Church, favored the idea of erecting a new church. On the fifth day of January, 1807, the following persons, attached to each other by various affini- ties, and convinced that a new Presbyterian Church might be sustained in this city, opened a subscription for that purpose, and appointed a building committee, with full powers to erect a house at their discretion, in Cedar Street, between Nassau and William Streets, and sell the pews at auction, (subject to a yearly assessment for the sup- port of the Gospel,) to reimburse the subscribers : Ebenezer Stevens, Selah Strong, Elisha Leaven- worth, John Aspinwall, Levi Coit, Archibald Gracie, John Patrick, B. M. Mumford, Charles Richards, WilHam Lovett, Najah Taylor, Nathan- iel Richards, Benjamin Strong, George Griswold, Theodore Ely, Peter Duston, Oliver Wolcott, William Codman, Wilham W. Woolsey, George M. Woolsey, John R. Murray, Elisha Coit, Elias Kane, John Coit, Joseph Otis, Lebbeus Loomis, Caleb S. Riggs, David G. Hubbard, Joseph Strong, Gurdon Buck, Stephen Whitney, Peter Morrison, James Robertson, WiUiam Bruce, Isaac Pierson, Joel Post, Hezekiah Lord, William Adams, Robert Halliday, Samuel Whittemore, Robert M. Steel, Samuel Mansfield, George Pelor, Effington Silby, S. Denton, David Hosack, Mary Watson, Henry Whitney, Amasa Jackson, William Hall, John Ripley, Nathaniel L. Gris- wold, Andrew S. Norwood, John Hyslop, Robert Weir, Lemuel Wells, Jonathan Little, Humphrey and Whitne}^ Stephens and Ely, John Knox, John G. Warren, John Trumbull, Jonathan Lawrence, Lynde Catlin, William Nelson, Jr. In the autumn of 1808 the pews in the church were sold at auction, for a sum exceeding the cost of the house and grounds, and the subscribers were repaid with interest. On the 19th of December, 1808, the pew owners met at the house of worship, and formed them- selves into a Christian congregation, agreeably to the statute for incorporating- religious societies in this State, and "elected the following persons as trustees of the temporalities of the congregation : Oliver Wolcott, Archibald Gracie, Lynde Catlin, Ebenezer Stevens, Selah Strongs Elisha Coit, Caleb S. Riggs, William Codman, and William Lovett. Benjamin Strong was appointed Treasurer. On the 28th of June, 1808, the congregation was received under the care, of the Presbytery of New York. In August of the same year, they chose the Rev. John Broadhead Romeyn, of Albany, to be their pastor. On the 6th of November the house was dedi- cated to the worship of God, and the sermon on that occasion was preached by Dr. Rodgers, 8 Senior pastor of the Collegiate Presbyterian Church in New York. On the 9th of the same month Mr. Romeyn was installed pastor of the congregation, and on the 1 3th of the same month the following persons were regularly constituted a Church of Christ by the Rev. Mr. Romeyn, and entered into covenant with each other to walk in the fellowship of the Gospel, under the government and discipline of the Presb}- terian Church in the United States of America, and under the pastoral care of Mr. Romeyn : Hugh Auchincloss, Samuel Darling, Thomas Darling, Elisha Ely, George Fitch, Archibald Gracie, William Hall, Jonathan Kellogg, Zechariah Lewis, Pelatiah Perit, Eliakim Raymond, Daniel Smith, Solomon Williams, Oliver Wolcott, Mary Carrington, Betsy Coit, Nancy Darling, Esther Gracie, Eliza Lewis, Ann Manwaring, Hannah Mudge, Nancy Otis, Lydia Richards, Jane Reid, Harriet Romeyn, Ann Todd, Mary Watson, Betsy Jackson. Rev. Dr. Romeyn died on the 22d of February, 1825. On the 7th of December, 1826, Mr. Cyrus Mason, a student of the Princeton Seminary, and a licentiate of the Presbytery of New York, was ordained and installed pastor of this church. After a few years the emigration from the lower to the upper part of the city, rendered it necessary to change the location of the church edifice, in order to preserve the identity of the congregation. The value of the property in the lower part of the 11 city was so greatly increased by the demands of commerce, that private dwellings were very gen- erally relinquished. In the month of April,. 1834, the Trustees pur- chased a new location at the corner of Duane and Church Streets, and appointed a building com- mittee to erect a house of worship. On the 13th of August, 1835, at a meeting of the congregation, Rev. Mr. Mason offered his resigna- tion as pastor of the church, and the congregation voted to unite with him in requesting Presbytery to dissolve the connection. This was done at a meeting of Presbytery, Sept. 5, 1835. Rev. George Potts, from the Presbytery of Mississippi, having received a call to become the pastor of the church, accepted the same, and was installed by the Presbytery of New York, on the 17th of May, 1836. At a meeting of the congregation held March 18, 1844, Rev. Dr. Potts tendered his resignation, which was accepted. The usual application was made to Presbytery, and on the i6th of April, 1844, the relation was dissolved. On the 25th of June, 1844, a meeting of the con- gregation was held, at which a call was voted to Rev. James W. Alexander, D. D., of the Presby- tery of New Brunswick. The call having been accepted, he was installed by the Presbytery of New York, on the 3d of October, 1844. At their annual meeting, in May, 1849, the Gen- eral Assembly appointed Dr. Alexander to the Pro- 12 fessorship of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government in the Seminary at Princton. This appointment was accepted by him, and Presby- tery, after hearing the parties, decided to dissolve the pastoral connection on the 25th of June, 1849. The same reasons that made it necessary to re- move from Cedar Street, operated with greater urgency to demand another change of locality. A number of unsuccessful efforts had been made to obtain a pastor. Some of the members of the church, who had removed to the upper part of the city, had commenced efforts to build a church for their accommodation and for others who were dis- posed to join them. In the fall of 1850 a proposi- tion was made to the Duane Street church to sell their edifice, and to unite in the enterprise, and give a call to their late pastor. This plan w^as adopted with great unanimity, the call was made and accepted, and measures were immediately taken to procure a site and erect a church. On the i2thof November, 185 1, Rev. James W.Alexander, D. D., was installed pastor of the Duane Street church by the Presbytery of New York. The con. gregation met for public worship in the chapel of the University until the dedication of the new edifice on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Nine- teenth Street, which took place December 19, 1852, and the corporate name was changed. Rev. Dr. Alexander was removed by death on the 31st of July, 1859, i^^ the State of Virginia, whither he had gone for the benefit of his health. WIDTH 66 Faet TT Si J s T a $S 'n3 1 S " 31a J.,1tatvr " 300 Kobt Br wee 6» , Darluuf D.BRomeyn 6« ! Fas. JLord SOS EUasKatte 67 ) Cap^Brovrn eso E.Leavenwrfft 66 * S9S C5S JLen Coit 65 5 J20 J[ Strong 690 61 7SO EUsJm CoU ess ^ Griey^o/d 6J too Gro.Oriswold. 62 77 StS 61 78 ■t&s Jo/ut Gray CO ;j Jof Boyd «'S D.O.ffiiibard i3 80 ^J'cUruJc J6C T/uu> Ely 58 81 Geo. TcLlhot ."ioo Jaj.Sfetvart s; 8} 2ia S-Auchjjte/oa Joo yno tOiox 56 U zoo Com^tock, iso J.Mtttr 5i M iot 2S0 ss es ISO ZOO 53 86 lio /SO Jos. OffdcJi 52 :^ L 34 310 Mrs. Watson 3 7:'.. SIO Otis 3J 3S 3S0 *is ^ /tvtJiarcCj v 36 •fVO Geu Pitch Jlif>Uy n n ico GM.Whe/sty soo AJfathairogr » 38 ero G«nf Stevens 600 }) 39 JOO X. L oomis CSS 28 1.0 600 G WGorhain. 7eo A.S.Monm«d. 31 «l SI! J/ Kin£ n « soo Z.CatUn Hi Roh Weir 26 M J^ ^orison V9S TcUmOffe. JS V. 31,0 ff. njiilnty JCM..SUel H « iSO iio t John Layrnna a 46 )io uo Jo)ut. J.auitf 22 m JIO SiUisTaliot 200 T/iay Turtmr 21 ^ !S0 >4. -mutnsy ioo 20 4t 2S0 100 19 40 ioo ISO 18 $ ISO ISO If s: 5> ''^ ^ L INTERIOR OF CEDAB STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH- 15 At a meeting of the congregation, held on the 8th of January, 1861, a call was made out for Rev. Nathan L. Rice, D. D., of Chicago, which was accepted. He was installed on the 27th of April, 1 86 1, by the Presbytery of New York, In consequence of impaired health, and b}^ the advice of his physician. Dr. Rice tendered his resignation, which was accepted by the congrega- tion at a meeting held on the 13th of March, 1867. On the 31st of July, 1867, a meeting of the con- gregation was held, and a unanimous call was made to Rev. John Hall, D. D., of Dublin. This call was accepted, and on the 3d of November, 1867, Dr. Hall was installed by the Presbytery of New York, and he is still the pastor. In the course of the following years, members of the congregation, it was found, were moving their residences up-town to an extent that sug- gested the need of another removal of the congre- gation. At the same time the accommodation of the church edifice did not meet the wants of the worshipers. Accordingly, on April 15, 1872, it was decided to erect another and larger church building, and ground was purchased for the pres- ent site. A building committee was appointed, consisting of Wm. Paton, R. L. Stuart, Robert Bonner, James Fraser, Harvey Fisk, John A. Stewart, and Moses G. Baldwin, under whose careful and efficient supervision the present church edifice, lecture-room, and Sunday-school rooms were completed. 16 The opening services were held on Ma}^ 9, 1875, the pastor preaching- in the morning, and the Mod- erator of the General Assembly in the afternoon. A most solemn farewell-meeting had been held in the old edifice on the Friday evening before. The Building Committee had no sooner finished the edifice, than the congregation decided to pay the balance of the cost of site and buildings re- maining after the sale of pews, which took place on May 17, 1875. The amount was subscribed in a short time, and entirely paid in June, 1877. THE GENERAL WORK OF THE CONGREGATION. A MEMBER of this church for more than fifty years, has been requested to furnish some reminiscences of its history, which, it is thought, would be of interest to those now connected with this church, and especially to those whose memory carries them back to its early history. In the year 1807 the political contests of this country had become very animated, and, indeed, heated. The non-intercourse and embargo laws of the Democratic party, then in power, had greatly incensed those who were ranged under the Federal banner. The political feelings then entered into the family and church rela- tions much more than in the present day. The First Church, then worshiping in Wall Street, was composed of persons of much prominence and influence in so- ciety, who were greatly divided on political questions. It was generally understood that the political opinions and preferences of many of the members of that congre- gation had much to do with the plan of starting a new church enterprise, which resulted in the establishment of the Cedar Street church. On the 5th of January, 1807, sixty-seven persons opened a subscription for the purchase of a site and the erection of a new Presbyterian Church in Cedar Street, between Nassau and William Streets. In the autumn of 1808 the Church was com- pleted, and the pews were sold, repaying to the sub- scribers the amount of their subscriptions, with interest. It is believed that every one of those subscribers is 20 dead. The only representatives of those persons now worshiping with us are Mrs. John Auchincloss, the daughter of Mr. Gurdon Buck ; Mrs. Wm. Walker, the daughter of Mr. Robert M. Steel ; and Mrs. Emily P. Woolsey, the widow of E. J. Woolsey, whose father, G. M'. Woolsey, was an original subscriber, and bought pew No. 37 in the middle aisle. They are also the last of their family. In August, 1808, the Rev. John B. Romeyn, of Albany, was called to be their pastor. On the 9th November Mr. Romeyn was installed as pastor. The first members of the Church were twenty-eight in num- ber. The only representatives of those first members now worshiping with us are the children of Mr. Hugh Auchincloss and Mr. Zechariah Lewis. The Church took immediately an influential position among the churches of the city and of the land. Dr. Romeyn, as some now living can bear testimony, was a popular and useful minister, and he ministered to a large and appreciative congregation until the 2 2d February, 1825, when he entered into rest. On the 7th December, 1826, the Rev, Cyrus Mason, a graduate of Princeton Seminary, was ordained and installed as pastor of the church. In the year 1834 it was thought necessary to remove the Church to a new location, and a building committee was appointed, who were instructed to pro- cure a site not above Chambers Street, as a higher loca- tion would be inconvenient to a majority of the congre- gation. Lots were purcha.sed at the corner of Chambers and Chapel Streets, but on account of some plans then formed, it was thought best to sell the lots and buy others. It was finally arranged to purchase lots on Duane Street. The situation was, in some respects* objectionable, but a plan had been agreed upon to widen FIFTH AVENUE AND NINETEENTH STREET CHURCH, ERECTED 1852. 23 Duane Street on the hospital side, which would have benefited the property. For various reasons this plan was abandoned. The trustees entered upon the work of building a new church, and while it was being con- structed, the congregation worshiped in the chapel of the Brick Church, located on the ground now occupied by the New York Times building. On the 13th August, 1835, the Rev. Cyrus Mason offered his resignation, which was accepted. Rev. George Potts, of Natchez, Miss., was called as pastor, and he accepted the call, and entered on his work at the completion of the build- ing. On the 1 8th March, 1844, Dr. Potts resigned his position, and with a portion of the congregation, arranged to build a new church in the upper part of the city. The University Place Church was the result of this plan, leaving the Duane Street Church without a pastor. On the 25th June, 1844, the congregation unanimously called Rev. James W. Alexander, D. D., as pastor, which call was accepted, and he was installed on the 3d Octo- ber, 1844. In May, 1849, the General Assembly ap- pointed him a Professor in Princeton Seminary, which he accepted, and the pastoral relation was dissolved by Presbytery on the 25th June, 1849. The Church made several efforts to obtain a successor to Dr. Alexander without success. There were several reasons for this result. One was the location of the Church, which was becoming objectionable on account of its surroundings ; and another was the increasing movement toward the upper part of the city of the families connected with the Church. While the pulpit thus continued vacant, a number of gentlemen com- menced an effort to establish a new Presbyterian Church, 24 to be located not above Twenty-third Street. After a considerable sum was'subscribed, a suggestion was made to the Duane Street Church to sell their building and unite with the movers of the plan for a new church and call the Rev. Dr. Alexander to the pastorate. This suggestion meeting with the approval of the congrega- tion, the call was given to Dr. Alexander, and accepted by him, and arrangements were made at once to pur- chase the lots at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Nine- teenth Street, and the building was erected and occupied for the first time in December, 1852, and the pews were sold, realizing a sum sufficient to pay all the cost. While the Church was being built, Dr. Alexander visited Europe, at the request of the congregation. The his- tory of the church from commencement of the second pastorate of Dr. Alexander to the present time is suf- ficiently stated on pages 12 and 15. The Church supports three Mission stations ; one in King Street, one on Seventh Avenue, and one on East Fourteenth Street. These buildings are owned by the Church and cost about $100,000. 25 MINISTERS INSTALLED SINCE THE ORGANIZA- TION OF THE CHURCH. John B. Romeyn, Nov. 9, 1808; died Feb. 22, 1825. Cyrus Mason, Dec. 7, 1826 ; resigned Aug. 13, 1835. George Potts, May 17, 1836; " March 18, 1844. James W. Alexander, Oct. 3, 1844; resigned June 25, 1849. " " Nov. 12, 1 85 1 ; died July 31, 1859. Nathan L. Rice, April 27, 1861 ; resigned March 13, 1867. John Hall, Nov. 3, 1867. ELDERS OF THIS CHURCH SINCE ITS FORMATION. Chosen Jan. i, 1809, Zechariah Lewis, William Cleveland, Oct. 31, " Elisha Coit, " " " Solomon Williams, " Dec. 27, 1810, Isaac Ives, John E. Caldwell, Samuel Whiting, George Fitch, DiviE Bethune, Aug. I, 18 19, Benjamin Strong, Oliver Wilcox, Hugh Auchincloss, Thomas Masters, Mar. 9, 1827, Francis Markoe, " " Nov. I, 1829, Joseph Otis, Horace Hinsdale, " " " Cyrenius Beers, " '• " John W. Carrington, Henry Young, Dec. 13, 1 83 1, Simeon Hyde, Apl. 13, 1845, William Walker, Nathan T. Jennings, 26 Chosen Apl. 13, 1845, GEORGE M. McLean, Apl. II, 1853, Joseph Hyde, Thomas U. Smith, " " " J. J. Greenough, James M. Halsted, Feb. 16, 1862, David Hoadley, David Irwin, Henry Day, Henry G. De Forest, Jeremiah Baker, Nov. 22, 1869, Jacob D. Vermilye, Wm. L. Skidmore, James Fraser, Robert Bliss, Cornelius R. Agnew, Mar. 8, 1877, JOHN SINCLAIR, John Baton, Malcolm Graham, John H. Mortimer, William Campbell, Hooper C. Van Vorst, William Sloane. DEACONS OF THIS CHURCH SINCE ITS FORMA- TION. Chosen Jan. i, 1809, George FiTCH, Dec. 27, 1810, William Hall, Oliver Wilcox, Hugh Auchincloss, Aug. I, 1819, Charles Richards, Cyrenius Beers, Horace Hinsdale, Dec. 18, 1821, Knowles Taylor, Marcus Wilbur, 27 Chosen Nov Apl Apl Feb Nov Mar I, 13. 1 1, 1829, Dennis Davenport, Alfred C. Post, William Walker, 1845, Thomas U. Smith, gurdon burchard, J. J. Greenough, 1853, Henry Day, Henry G. De Forest, 16, 1862, Josiah S. Leverett, William L. Skidmore, Horace J. Fairchild, 22, 1869, John H. Mortimer, Frederick W. Whittemore, 8, 1877, Alexander Maitland, John Sloane, Edgar S, Auchincloss, EwEN McIntyre. 28 OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH. Rev. John Hall, D. D., Pastor, 3 West 56th Street ELDERS. William Walker, James M. Halsted, Henry G. Deforest, Henry Day, . Jacob D. Vermilye, William L. Skidmore, James Eraser, Robert Bliss, Cornelius R. Agnew, John Sinclair, John Paton, . Malcolm Graham, John H. Mortimer, William Campbell, Hooper C. Van Vorst 87 East 53d Street. 18 West 17th Street. 15 West 30th Street. 21 West 51st Street. 60 Park Avenue. 73 Union Square. 26 W^est 51st Street. 30 West 58th Street. 266 Madison Avenue. 521 Madison Avenue. 302 Lexington Avenue. 13 West 17th Street. 556 Madison Avenue. 36 West 1 8th Street. 811 Madison Avenue. deacons. Frederick W. Whittemore, Astoria, L. I. Alexander Maitland, . 39 East i8th Street. John Sloane, . . . 655 Broadway. Edgar S. Auchincloss, . 24 East 48th Street. EwEN MclNTYRE, . . 34 West 1 8th Street. 29 BOARD OF TRUSTEES, 1882. Robert L. Stuart, Prestde?it, John H. Mortimer, Treasurer. Robert Bliss, Stated Clerk. Robert L. Stuart, Parker Handy, William D. Sloane, Charles Lanier, Henry A. Hurlbut, Birdseye Blakeman, John A. Livingston, John S. Kennedy, Jacob Campbell. Services on the Sabbath commence at 11 a. m. and 4 P. m. Lecture in the Lecture-room, Wednesday evening, 8 o'clock. Prayer-Meeting in Lecture-room, Saturday evening, 8 o'clock, conducted by the Elders. The Lord's Supper is administered on the second Sabbaths of October, December, February, April, and June. Preparatory Lecture in the Church, on the Friday even- ing previous to the Communion, at 8 o'clock, Bible Class for Ladies on Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, in the Lecture-room. Young Men's Social and Benevolent Society meets on the first Sabbath of each month at 7| P. M. in the Lecture room. Sabbath-school Teachers' Re-union, on Monday even- ings after Communion Sabbath. Congregational Sabbath-school, in the Sabbath-school room, at 9^ A. M. Bible Classes, Young Men's and Ladies', 9I a. m. Other adult classes at 2.45. 30 ALEXANDER MISSION, 7 and 9 King Street. Organized, January i, 1854. Preaching every Sabbath, 10.30 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Sabbath-school every Sabbath, 9 A. M. and 2.15 p. M. Prayer-meeting, Thursday evening, 8 o'clock. Helping Hand, Friday afternoon, 2 to 4 o'clock. Sewing School, Saturday, 10.30 A. M. Young Men's Society Meeting, Tuesday evening, 7.30 o'clock. Reading Rooms open every evening (except Sunday), from 7 to 10 o'clock. Rev. Hugh Pritchard, Missionary Pastor. SEVENTH AVENUE MISSION, 125 Seventh Avenue, near Eighteenth Street. Sabbath-school, 2.15 p. M. Preaching every Sabbath, 10.30 a. m. and 7.45 p. m. Sewing School, Saturday, 10 a. m. Prayer-meeting, Friday, 8 p. M. W. D. Buchanan, Missionary. ROMEYN MISSION. No. 420 East 14th Street. Preaching every Sabbath, 10.30 A. M. and 7.30 p. M. Prayer-meeting, Tuesday evening, 7.45. Sewing School, Saturday, 10 to 12 a. M. Sabbath-school, 9 A. M. and 2.15 p. ]\i. Rev. George Van Deurs, Missionary Pastor. SEXTON, William Culyer, 231 Thompson Street. LIST OF MEMBERS. JANUARY, 1882. 33 In preparing- the list of members the following classifica- tion has been made : 1. Names of members who are now in attendance upon the Church services. 2. Names of members who are not in regular attendance, -and who worship elsewhere. 3. Names of members not in attendance and whose ad- dresses are unknown. It is quite possible that some inaccuracies may be found in the list, notwithstanding the earnest effort of the Session to avoid them. The Clerk of the Session addressed the following communi- cation to all those enumerated in the second and third lists : ''Dear Friend : — The Session of the Fifth Avenue Presby- terian Church think it is desirable that members who, in conse- quence of removal from the city, or for other reasons, are at- tending church elsewhere, should consider the wisdom of tak- ing letters of dismissal to the congregation with which they are now worshiping. " There are many valued members of this Church w^ho are in this position, and the suggestion is made alike to all of them. It does not apply to those who intend to resume at- tendance with us. " Do me the favor to reply, stating what your wishes are in this respect, and accept the Christian salutations of the Pastor, Dr. Hall, and members of the Session, which I am charged to extend to you. By order of the Session. William Walker, Clerk." No replies have been received from any of the persons on the third list. I. Names of members who are now in attendance upon the Church services. Abbey, Mrs. Cordelia Burt, 107 East 24th Street. Adam, Mrs. Mary P., 236 West 56th Street. Adam, Maria L., Adams, Samuel R., 72 W. 51st Street. Adams, Theresa, wife, Adams, Thomas S., Park Avenue Hotel. Agnew, Andrew G., 23 W. 39th Street. Agnew, Mary H., wife, " Agnew, Cornelius R., 266 Madison Avenue. Agnew, Mary Nash, wife, " Agnew, Eleanor, " Agnew, Laura, " Agnew, Bessie T., Aitken, George R., 119 W. i6th Street. Alcott, Mrs. Adelaide J., 20 East 60th Street. Alexander, EHzabeth C, widow of Rev. J. W. A., D.D. Va. Alexander, James W., 50 West 54th Street. Alexander, Bessie, " Alexander, William, 120 Broadway. Alexander, Henry M., 16 West 25th Street. Alexander, Mrs. Susan M., wife " Alexander, Archibald, •' Alexander, Mrs. Caroline B., wife " Alexander, Charles B., " Alexander, Janetta W.„ (Mrs. McCook) 16 West 25th Street. Alexander, Henry A., . " " Alexander, Maitland, Alexander, Samuel, " " 35 Alexander, Lawrence D., 63 West 50th Street. Alexander, Mrs. Orline St. John, wife, " Amerman, Alice G. Ames, Mrs. Mary E., 34 Walcott Street. Pawtucket, R. I. Ames, Emma Louisa, " " " Anderson, Helen P., 39 West 19th Street. Anderson, Henry D., 38 W. 33d Street. Anderson, John B., " " Armour, Mrs. Charlotte A., Windsor Hotel. Armstrong-, S. J., no W. 49th Street. Armstrong, Mrs. Annie N., wife, " Arnoux, Anthony, 128 E. 45th Street. Arnoux, Mrs. Clementine W., wife, " Atkinson, Catherine, 321 W. 24th Street. Auchincloss, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of John, 1 1 W. 57th St. Auchincloss, Elizabeth E., " " Auchincloss, Edgar S., 24 E. 48th Street. Auchincloss, Mrs. Maria L., wife " Auchincloss, John W^, 1 1 West 57th Street, Auchincloss, William S., " " Auchincloss, Mary B., 8 E. 17th Street. Auerswild, Mrs. Constance, 531 Fifth Avenue. Aveiy, Mrs. Mary A., 88 Fifth Avenue. Avery, Mary H., Baldwin, Moses G., 41 West 25th Street. Baker, Julia, 8 West 57th Street. Baker, Phebe Ann, Baker, Casper, 1 1 3 West 38th Street. Baker, George M., " Bang, Emil. Barbour, Mrs. Margaret, 48 East 49th Street. Barbour, Margaret S., " " Barger, Mrs. Edna L, 17 W. 33d Street. Barnes, Henry B., 12 E; 45th Street. Barnes, Mrs. Elizabeth D., 36 Barnes, Frederick, 8 E. 64th Street. Barnes, Mrs. Mary C, widow of H. W. B., 106 East 17th St. Barnes, Charles W., " " Barnes, Lucy N., (Mrs. Charles S. Brown) " " Barnes, Martha Y., Barr,' Isabella, 19 Bank Street. Barr, William, " Barrows, Dr. Arthur A., 411 West 73d Street. Bartlett, Mrs. Xanthe, 22 East 68th Street. Bartlett, George Strubel, " Beadleston, Alfred N., 23 West 52d Street. Beadleston, Mrs. Mary E., wife " Beadleston, Mrs. Mary, 24 West 46th Street. Beadleston, William H., 25 W. 51st Street. Beadleston, Mrs. Susan A., wife, Beales, Mrs. Frederika B., 27 W. 51st Street. Beatty, James Irvin, 208 E. 35th Street. Beekman, J. W. Jr., 5 E. 34th Street. Beekman, Cornelia A., " " . Beers, Emma, 35 W. 47th Street. Beggs, Mrs. Eliza, 321 West 20th Street Beggs, Elizabeth, " " Beggs, Robert, 320 West 33d Street. Beggs, Mrs. Mary Ann, wife, " Belcher, James H., 48 West 56th Street. Belcher, Mrs. Emma, wife " " Bell, Lizzie, 430 Fifth Avenue. Bent, R. Howard, Union Theological Seminary. Bigelow, Albert M., looi Madison Avenue. Bigham, Rebecca M., 102 West 57th Street. Bill, Archibald A., 139 East 12th Street. Black, James, 36 East 49th Street. Black, Katie, (Mrs. Laimbeer), 36 East 49th Street. Blagden, Samuel P., 107 East 21st Street. Blakeman, Birdseye, 9 East 44th Street. Blakeman, Mrs. Anna M. T., wife, " 37 Blakeman, Marianna, (Mrs. Lewis) 9 East 44th Street. Bliss, Robert, 30 West 58th Street. Bliss, Mrs. Susan M., wife, " Bliss, Alice J., Bliss, Robert Parker, " Boag, Stenhouse, 317 East 85th Street. Boal, W. G., 140 West 52d Street. Boal, Mrs. Jane, " Boardman, Mrs. Anna Y., 7 East 34th Street. Boardman, Carrie A., (Mrs. Randall) 7 East 34th Street. Boardman, Albert B., Staten Island. Bokee, Mrs. Harriet B., 14th Street and 7th Ave. Bokee, Sarah H., Bonner, Robert, 8 West 56th Street. Bonner, Emma J., " " Bonner, Robert E., Hotel Bristol. Bonney, Elvira B„ icx)8 Madison Avenue. Borden, Mrs. Mary G., 41 1 W. 23d Street. Borland, John, 33 Eastern Boulevard. Borland, Maggie, " Borland, Rosina, " Boyd, Mrs. Sarah A., 28 West 38th Street. Boyd, Marie Scott, " " " Boyd, Robert L., Bradley, John N., 9 East 14th Street. Bradley, Elizabeth N., " Bradley, Helen W., Bradley, Mary W., Bradley, Wainwright, " Bradley, Leonard A., 347 W, 21st Street. Bradford, F. S., M. D., 55 West 34th Street. Bradford, Mrs. Sarah J., wife, " Bradford, Theodore D., M. D., 1 5 West 48th Street. Bradner, Christiana, 431 West 40th Street. Braman, Mrs. Sarah E., widow of W. H. B., 41 W. 19th St. Braman, Adelaide, " ** 88 Brebner, John D., 14 West 17th Street. Bristol, T. M., 165 West 22d Street. Bristol, Mrs. J. M., wife, Bristol, Henry D., Bristol, Ida, (Mrs. Jackson,) 34 West 326 Street. Britton, Mary M., 12 East 54th Street. Britton, Charles P., " " Britton, Caroline M " Brokaw, Morton V., 155 West 13th Street. Brokaw, William V., 599 Fifth Avenue. Brokaw, Mrs. Elizabeth, Brower, John L., The Rockingham. Brower, Mrs. Adelia H., wife, " Brown, Edward F., 1008 Madison Avenue. Brown, Mrs. Eleanor B., " " Brown, Horatio S., 8 East 17th Street. Brown, Mrs. Matilda, wife, Brown, James, 1 1 1 East 87th Street. Brown, Mrs. Mary, " Brown, Mrs. Maria L., (Mrs. Clendennin,) 10 West 30th St. Brown, Richard, 157 West 13th Street. Brownell, Silas B., 139 West 53d Street, Brownell, Mrs. Sarah S., wife, Bruce, Mrs. Mary H., 15 East 42d Street. Buchanan, Mrs. Jane D., 137 East 21st Street. Buchanan, Walter D., Union Theological Seminary. Buck, Lucretia, 139 West 44th Street. Buckham, George, Park Avenue Hotel. Bulkley, Mrs. Clara A., 28 West 31st Street. Bulkley, Maggie Adair, Bulkley, Walbridge, Bunker, Mrs. Elizabeth M., 24 East 49th Street. Bunker, William, " " Bunney, Mary, 4 East 63d Street. Burton, Richard, 7 West 55th Street. Burton, Mrs. Margaret, wife " 39 Burton, John Knox, 7 West 55th Street. Burton, Maggie A., " Butler, Mrs. Catherine M., 709 Madison Avenue. Butler, Florence L., (Mrs. Southack,) " Butler, C. P. L., Jr., 43 East 29th Street. Cabus, Joseph, 343 West 30th Street. Cabus, Mrs. Sarah, wife, " Cabus, Sarah P., Calvert, Mrs. Isabella, 247 West 53d Street. Cameron, Allen. Cameron, Mrs. Allen. Campbell, Mrs. C. L. Campbell, Mary. Campbell, Jacob, 956 Fifth Avenue. Campbell, Mrs. Margaret F., " Campbell, William, 36 West i8th Street. Campbell, Mrs. Jane E., wife, " Campbell, Catherine F., " Campbell, Leaming W., " Campbell, Margaret, (Mrs. Sharp,)" Campman, Henry, 146 East 71st Street. Campman, Mrs. Helen D., wife, " Campman, Clara, " Campman, Marie Louise, " Cannon, EveHna, 58 West 33d Street. Carleton, Mrs. Elizabeth H., 41 West 25th Street. Carleton, Florence, " " Carlyle, Robert I., 813 Lexington Avenue. Carpenter, Mrs. Josephine E., 54 East 57th Street. Carson, Harriet, 339 Fifth Avenue. Case, Watson E., 471 Fifth Avenue. Case, Mrs. Sarah J., wife, " Case, Marie Louise, " Chadaeyne, Caroline D., 518 Madison Avenue. Chadaeyne, Mary J., " " 40 Chambers, Robert, 17 East 66th Street. Cinnamon, Mrs. Eliza, 75 East 54th Street. Clark, Mrs. Julia C, 18 Gramercy Park. Clark, Julia G., (Mrs. Blagden,) 107 East 21st Street. Clark, William H., 305 West 55th Street. Clark, Mrs. Fannie, wife, " " Clark, Mary, Clark, Anna H., Clopton, William C, Scarsdale, Coats, Anna M., 1 1 West 57th Street. Cochran, Agnes, 4 East 35th Street. Cochran, Alice, (Mrs. G. R. Frith,) 4 East 35th Street. Cochran, Elizabeth, Cochran, Helen, " "• Cochran, Isabella, (Mrs. G. R. Hayne,) 29 East 75th Street. Cochran, Laura L., 4 East 35th Street. Cochran, Thomas, 48 East 49th Street. Coffin, Mrs. Jane M., 173 West 45th Street. Coffin, Charles Barker, " Coffin, Mrs. Cornelia H., Coleman, Edward W., 63 West 46th Street. Coleman, Mrs. Catherine, Colquhon, Catherine, 60 West 54th Street. Colton, Mrs. A. R., widow of J. W. C, 163 West 46th Street. Colton. Martha A., Conklin, William G., 222 East 53d Street. Connor, Jesse, 6 Pine Street. Cragin, William B., 115 Madison Avenue. Cook, Mrs, Mary E., 66 West 54th Street. Crane, Sarah J., widow of Isaac A. C, 24 W. 36th Street. Crawford, Mrs. Caroline P. T., 32 East 23d Street. Crawford, Lena T., '* " Creagh, Mrs. Martha M., 103 East i6th Street. Crerar, Duncan McG., 116 Nassau Street. Crichton, Mrs. Janette M., 68 Madison Avenue. Crichton, Blanche W., 41 Cummins, Thomas A., Everett House. Cunningham, Mrs. Cornelia M., 248 West 42d Street. Dariington, Mrs. Maria, 525 Madison Avenue. Davis, Mrs. Ellen, (wife of Judge Noah D.,) 44 West 56th St. Davis, Samuel D., Grand Hotel. Davis, Mrs. Sarah N., Davis, Mrs. Susan E., 124 East 56th Street. Day, Henry, 21 West 51st Street, Day, Mrs. Phebe L., wife, " Day, George De Forest Lord, 21 West 51st Street. Day, Susan De Forest, " " Dayton, Abram H., 741 Fifth Ave. Dayton, Mrs. Emily., " Dayton, Emily L., " " Dayton, Frederick W., " Dayton, Mary A., De Forest, Henry G., 15 West 30th. De Forest, Julia B., " De Forest, Lockwood, " " De Forest, Robert W., 7 Washington Square. De Forest, Mrs. Emily J., wife, " Demarest, Henr)% 38 West 33d Street. Demarest, Mrs. Margaret, wife, " Demarest, Jane A., Dewherst, Caroline, 469 Sixth Avenue. Dewherst, Eliza, (Mrs. Begey,) " Dickinson, Mrs. Adelaide C, 417 Madison Avenue. Dillon, Mrs. Hannah S., 5 West 37th Street. Dillon, Martha, 521 Madison Avenue. Dodge, George E., 28 East 55th Street. Dodge, Mrs. Geo. E., " Dodge, W. Earl, 24 West 57th Street. ' Donaldson, Mrs. Mary M., 240 Fourth Avenue. Donaldson, Annie, " " Donaldson, Mary Emily, " " 42 Doolittle, H., 531 Fifth Avenue. Doolittle, Mrs. L. C, wife, " Dornin, William C, 52 West 55th Street. Dornin, Mrs. Mary J., " Dornin, Phebe G„ Dougan, Alexander. Dow, Mrs., 1 50 West 54th Street. Dowey, Margaret, 876 Lexington Avenue. Dowling, John W., M. D., 313 Madison Avenue. Dowling, Mrs. Frances E., " " Duke, Mrs. Eliza, 22 East 23d Street. Duncan, David, 304 Fifth Avenue. Duncan, Ellen, " Duncan, John P., 18 West 46th Street. Duncan, Mrs. Susan W., " Duncan, Annie L., " Durrie, Mrs. Horace, 73 West 50th Street. Dutcher, Enoch, 432 Madison Avenue. Dutcher, Mrs. Fannie O., wife " Eakin, James D., 28 East 54th Street. Earl, Elizabeth H., 55 West 34th Street. Easton, Langdon C, 44 East 49th Street. Easton, Mrs. Elizabeth M., Easton, Joseph G., Easton, Langdon C. Jr., " Eckerson, James, 72 West 45th Street. Eckerson, Mrs. Anna M., " Eckerson, John E., Eckerson, Maria E., " Eckerson, Sarah C, Edwards, Alfred, 1 1 2 East 30th Street. Edwards, Mrs. Sophia M., Edwards, Harriet L., 55 West 55th Street. Edwards, Zachariah L., 112 East 30th Street, 43 Ely, Horace S., 25 East 55th Street. Ely, Mrs. Fannie R., wife, " Emberson, Thomas, 114 East 24th Street. Erner)', W. E., 20 Fifth Avenue. Emery, Mrs. Elizabeth, Evans, Joanna, 548 Fifth Avenue. Evans, Katie L., " " Ewell, John N., 75 East 56th Street. Ewell, Mrs. Jennie K., wife, " Ferguson, Frank, M. D., N. Y. Hospital. Ferguson, Wm. Alexander, 336 West 19th Street. Ferguson, Matilda A.. (Mrs. Lawler.) " Fisher, Alfred W., 863 Broadway. Forbes, Francis, 370 Fifth Avenue. Forbes, Mrs. Mary, 226 West 54th Street. Forbes, Mar)^ A., Ford, Mrs. Elizabeth M., 507 Fifth Avenue. Frame, James A., 107 East 70th Street. Frame, Mrs. Maria, wife, " Francklyn, Mrs. Susan S., 15 Washington Square. Eraser, James, 26 West 51st Street. Eraser, Mrs. Ella, wife, " Eraser, Anna K., " Eraser, WilHam A., 17 East 32d Street. French, S. Barton, 15 West 51st Street. French, Mrs. E. M., (wife) " French, Nannie Gordon, " Gall, Elizabeth, 21 West 21st Street. Garth, Charles M., The Rockingham. Garth, Mrs. Sarah A., Garth, David J., Scarsdale. Garth, Mrs. Susan C., " Garth, Mary F., (Mrs. Clopton,) Scarsdale Gass, Annie, 240 Fourth Avenue. 44 Gibson, William J., 121 West 56th Street. Giffin, Frank W., 19 Bank Street. Giffin, Mary P., (Mrs. Barr.) " Gilmor, Mrs. Catherine S., 250 W. 52d Street. Gilmor, Martha M., " " Gilmor, Mary S., Gilmor, Sarah A., Gilmore, Mrs. O. A., 147 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights. Glass, Eliza J., 528 West 51st Street. Glass, Margaret Ann, Glass, Ruth, " Glassey, Isaac, 300 West 54th Street. Gormon, Mrs. Amelia D., 356 West 14th Street. Graham, Malcolm, 13 West 17th Street. Graham, Mary Douglas, " Graham, John Lorimer, Graham, Margaret, 20 West 56th Street. Green Albert W., 433 Fifth Avenue. Green, Grace, " " Gvvynn, Nicholas, 40 West 58th Street. Gwynn, Mrs. E., " " Haines, Mary E., 106 E. i6th. Haff, Caroline G., 326 Lexington Avenue. Haff, Isabella, Haff, Harry G., 115 East loth Street. Hall, Edwards, M. D., 17 East 66th Street. Hall, Mrs. Margaret, wife, Hall, Charlotte C, Hall, Emily "35^., wife of Rev. Dr. H., 3 West 56th Street. Hall, Bolton, Hall, Emily C, Hall, Richard I., M. D., 17 East 49th Street. Hall, Robert W., 3 West 56th Street. Hall, Thomas C, Halsted, James M., 18 West 17th Street. 4f5 Halsted, Mrs. Catherine C, wife, i8 West 17th Street. Halsted, William A.. Hamilton, George, 32 West 21st Street. Hamilton, Mrs. Fannie S., wife, Hamilton, Cassie J., (Mrs. Lorillard.) Hamilton, Mrs. Clemina Jane, 201 East 60th Street. Handy, Parker, 54 East 68th Street. Handy, Cornelia S., wife. Handy, Parker D., Harlow, John M., M. D., Europe. Harlow, Mrs. Sarah M., Harriman, Oliver, 24 West 57th Street. Harriman, Mrs. Laura, wife, " Harriman, Anna, (Mrs. Sands), " Harriman, Emeline, (Mrs. Dodge,) 24 West 57th vStreet. Harriman, James L., " " Harriman, J. Borden, " Harriman, Oliver, Jr., " " Harrington, Thomas, 1591 Broadway. Harrison, Eliza, 319 West 22d Street. Hasbrouck, Mrs. Jane A., 175 West 45th Street. Hascall, Melvin C, 28 East 78th Street. Hascall, Mrs. D. Eveline F., wife. Hatch, Daniel B., 58 W. 54th Street. Hatch, Mrs. Mary E., " Hatch, Clara Belle, Hatfield, Edwin F., Jr., 58 W. 17th Street. Havemeyer, Mrs. Jennie M., 748 Fifth Avenue. Hawley, Sarah, widow of Irad H., 47 Fifth Avenue. Hawley, D. Edwin, Hawley, E. Judson, " " Hawley, Mrs. Anna M., wife, Hawley, Henry E., 16 West 33d Street. Hawley, Elizabeth I., wife, " Hawley, Sarah, 47 Fifth Avenue. Hazel, Margaret, 27 West Washington Square. 46 Herron. John, 131 Clinton Place, Herron, John, Jr., " Hewitt, Mrs. Agnes, 149 East i8th Street. Hewitt, Alfred D., Hewitt, Henry S. Clair, " Hoe, Robert, in E. i6th Street. Hoe, Mrs. Thyrsa, wife, Hoe, Laura, Hopkins, Nancy M., widow of L. H., 5 East 44th Street. Hopkins, Ellen L., 48 W. i6th Street. Hotchkin, Mrs. Mary R., 13 East 17th Street. Howell, Alexander J., 336 West 19th Street. Howell, Mrs. A., wife, Howell, John S., Howland, Mrs. Adelaide, 2 West 38th Street. Howland, Mrs. Louisa M., widow of G. G. H., 12 W. 34th St. Howland, Mrs. Mary, 317 Lexington Avenue. How^land, Maud, Howland, Meredith, " " Humphrey, Mary, 37 East 37th Street. Humphries, Thomas, 339 East 20th Street. Hunter, Joel D., 37 East 68th Street. Hunter, Fanny H., " " Hunter, Walter L., Huntington, Elizabeth B., 48 East 49th Street. Hurlbut, Henry A., 1 1 West 20th Street. Hurlbut, Mrs. Susan R., wife, " " Hyde, Henry B., 1 1 East 40th Street. Hyde, Mrs. Anna Fitch, wife, " Hyde, Mary B., Hyde, Lucy B., " . Inglis, John, 453 East 57th Street. Inglis, Mrs. Agnes, wife, " Inglis, John K., " Inglis, Katie E., " 47 Inman, John H., 20 W. 56th Street. Inman, Mrs, Margaret C, " Irvin, Richard, 21 West 21st Street. Irvin, Mrs. Mary, wife, Irvin, Alexander P., 105 East 17th Street. Irvin, Richard, Jr., 10 West 17th Street. In-in, Susan W., (Mrs. Gray), 21 West 21st Street. Irwin, David, 204 West 21st Street, Irwin, Mrs. Jane, wife, " Irwin, William, 214 West 45th Street. Irwin, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife, " Ivison, Henry, 12 W. 48th Street. Ivison, Mrs. Harriet S., " Jackson, David I., 34 W. 32d Street, Jackson, Louis L., 205 West 56th Street. Jaffray, Edward S., 615 Fifth Avenue. Jaffray, Mrs. Anna, wife, " Jaffray, Ada, (Mrs. McVickar). " Jaffray, Edith E., 615 Fifth Avenue. Jaffray, Florence, (Mrs. W^oodriff), 615 Fifth Avenue. Japy, Louise E., 113 West 17th Street. Jaudon, Lucy A., 354 Madison Avenue. Jaudon, Lucy B., " " Jaudon, Wm. Bainbridge, " The Kensington." Jaudon, Mrs. Kate K., Jesup, James R., 56 Broadway. Jesup, Mrs. Mary, wife. " Jesup, James R., Jr., 555 Fifth Avenue. Jesup, Morris K., 197 Madison Avenue. Jesup, Mrs. Maria V. A. De Witt, wife, 197 Madison Ave. Johnson, Mrs. Caroline H., 37 Fifth Avenue. Johnston, Hampton, 200 Eighth Avenue. Johnston, Mary, 2 East 63d Street. Jones, Mrs. Catherine M., 707 Fifth Avenue. Jones, C. E. 48 Jones, Lizzie R., 21 West 23d Street. Jones, Mar>% Karr, Catherine, 1005 Second Avenue. Kellogg, Charles, 45 West 54th Street. Kellogg, Mrs. Ellen P., Kelly, Arietta A., widow of Robert, 9 West 16th Street. Kelly, William, 9 West i6th Street. Kennedy, John S., 8 West 57th Street. Kennedy, Mrs. Emma B., wife, Kerr, Thomas, Canal Street. Kerr, Thomas, 431 East 5 2d Street. Kerr, Mrs. Thomas, " Kilpatrick, Mrs. Betty J., 344 E. 79th Street. Kilpatrick, Helen, 344 East 79th Street. Kilpatrick, Mary F., Kilpatrick, Rebecca M., " Kirk, Sarah Jane, East 17th Street. Knecht, Mary M., 63 West 56th Street. Knox, Andrew W., 307 West 19th Street. Knox, James C, 643 Sixth Avenue. Knox, Mrs. Mary L., Kohlsaat, Anna H., 13 East 29th Street. Kohlsaat, Bertha M., (Mrs. Schaefer,) no E. 39th Street. Labaree, Joseph, 178 Front Street. La Forge, Mrs. Lizzie, 35 West i8th Street. La Forge, Fanny Adele, " " Langdon, Edwin, 448 Madison Avenue. Lanier, Charles, 30 East 37th Street. Lanier, Mrs. Sarah E., wife, " Lanier, James F. D., Jr., " Lee, Sarah, 161 West 34th Street. Lee, Mrs. Sarah Hoyt, 39 West 54th Street. Lees, Mrs. Susannah P., Hazelwood. Leeper, John, 575 Hudson Street. 49 Lee, Harriet A., 325 Bleecker Street. Leggett, Francis H., Windsor Hotel. Leiper, Joseph McC, Dodd & Mead. Lemon, Mrs. Margaret, 347 West 92d Street. Lemon, Matilda Jane, Lemon, Samuel J., " " Leverett, Esther S., 32 West i8th Street. Leverett, Esther R., widow, Leverett, Sarah B. (Mrs. Hayden), 106 Fifth Avenue. Leverich, Mrs. Matilda D., 15 West 48th Street. Leverich, Anna M., Newtown, L. L Leverich, Matilda R. (Mrs. Bradford), 15 West 48th Street. Leverich, James Henr}% 33 Wall Street. Leverich, Mrs. Sarah Ann, Newtown, L. L Leverich, Mrs. Margaret D., 309 Fifth Avenue. Leys, William, 184 East 64th Street. Leys, Mrs. Jennie Maria, " Libbey, William, 47 Park Avenue. Libbey, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife, 47 Park Avenue. Libbey, Frederick A., " " Libbey, Jonas M., Lilienthal, Susie P. (Mrs. Parr), The Berkley. Linder, Eliza E., 34 West 54th Street. Livingston, Carrie E. (Mrs. Frank H. Piatt), 22 East 47th St. Livingston, John A., 580 Fifth Avenue. Livingston, Jane P., " Long, Rebecca, 7 East 38th Street. Lord, Mrs. Margaretta, 38 East 37th Street. Lord, Eliza Brown, " " Lord, Grace D. (Mrs. Nicoll), 60 East 54th Street. Lord, James B., 31 Park Avenue. Lord, Mrs. Mary T., Low, James, Windsor Hotel. Luqueer, Mrs. Maria L., 7 West 50th Street. Luqueer, John J. T., " " Luqueer, Amelia Mott, '* 50 Lyon, Morris W., 63 Lexington Avenue. Lyon, Mrs. Isabel B., wife, McAllister, Catherine, 19 East 45th Street. McAllister, Elizabeth, McAllister, Martha, -]"] West 44th Street. McBride, N. A., 152 Broadway. McCarrell, Juliet, 142 East 53d Street. McCarrell, Rebecca, " McCarrell, Margaret, " McCaulay, Anna, 17 East 66th Street. McConnell, Margaret, 312 East i8th Street. McCook, John J., 16 West 25th Street. McCookle, Walter L. (Miller & Peckham), 29 Wall Street. McCoskry, Mrs. Catherine M., 41 5 Fifth Avenue. McCullagh, Mrs. Isabella, 216 East 49th Street. McDonald, Mrs. Amelia, 151 E. 44th Street. McFadden, Peter, 128 East 78th Street. McFadden, Mrs. Eliza Jane, McFarland, Jane, 334 West 55th Street. McFarland, Mary G., Mclntyre, Ewen, 34 West i8th Street. Mclntyre, Mrs. Emily A., wife, Mclntyre, Emily (Mrs. Gibson), 121 West 56th Street. Mclntyre, Ewen, Jr., 475 Fourth Avenue. Mclntyre, Mrs. Fannie, wife, Mclntyre, Ida, 34 West i8th Street. Mclntyre, Thomas A., no Lefferts Place, Brooklyn. Mclntyre, William J., 300 West 30th Street. McKee, Jennie, 102 East 78th Street. McKennell, Mary J. (Mrs. J. Bryers). McKeown, Mrs. Catherine, 208 East 35th Street. McKeown, Agnes (Mrs. Betty), ." McKelvey, Margaret I., 107 East 51st Street. McMartin, Elizabeth (Mrs. Maxwell), 168 Fifth Avenue. McMartin, Malcolm, McNally, Jane E., 6 West 57th Street. 51 McNulty, Martha C, 5 Washington Square. McVickar, James, 25 East 47th Street. Macy, Kate E., 18 West 53d Street. Maffit, Mrs. Jenny, 145 West 22d Street. Magie, David, M. D., 32 West 48th Street. Magie, Mrs. Margaret, wife. Magie, Phebe T., 42 West 48th Street. Magoun, George C, 10 East 37th Street. Magoun, Mrs. Adelaide L., Magoun, Frances P., Maitland, Alexander, 39 East i8th Street. Maitland, Mrs. Mary Jane, Maitland, Eliza L., 106 East 29th Street. Maitland, R. L., Major, William K., 29 West 51st Street. Major, Mrs. Mary L., wife, Mann, Robert C, 144 West 21st Street. Manwaring, Mrs. Martha, 59 East 59th Street. Marbury, Isabella S., wife of F. F. M., 13 East 36th Street. Markoe, Charlotte A., wife of T. M. M.. 20 West 30th Street. Markoe, Charlotte H. (Mrs. Robertson), 123 East 38th Street. Markoe, Francis H., 20 West 30th Street. Markoe, Sallie C, Marquand, Henry G., 21 West 20th Street. Marquand, Mrs. Elizabeth A., Marquand, Elizabeth L., " Marquand, Henn*, " Marquand, Mabel, Marshall, Fielding L., Hazel wood. M,artin, Mrs. Cornelia L., wife of M. L. B. M., 127 E. 1 1 5th Sr. Martin, Cornelia L. (Mrs. Magnus), " Martin, Margaret, 240 Fourth Avenue. Matie, Zelie, 58 West 54th Street. Mat son, Mar\', 14 West 2 2d Street. Maxwell, Mrs. Emily A., 8 East 17th Street. Maxwell, Anna Stuart, " 52 Maxwell, Emily A., 8 East 17th Street. Maxwell, James A., Maxwell, William H., M. D., 168 Fifth Avenue. Meeks Robert T.. 33 Vesey Street. Meeks, Mrs. Sarah E., " Meigs, Mrs. Kate H., 956 Fifth Avenue. Melton, Frances C, 27 Washington Square. Mendham, Josephine, Macy's. Mercer, Margaret (Mrs. Glassey), Eighth Ave. and 54th St. Merchant, Mrs. Elizabeth H., Astoria. Meyer, Henry C. 103 West 47th Street. Meyer, Mrs. Charlotte E., Miller, Jane A., 1 56 East 33d Street. Miller, Margaret L., 102 East 78th Street. Mills, Mrs. Eliza, widow of Andrew M., 215 Second Avenue. Mitchill, Ann, widow of S. L. M., 56 We«t 56th Street. Mitchill, Anna Maria, Mitchill, Bleecker N., Mitchill, Margaret, Mitchill, Mary L. (Mrs. Reid), Mitchill, Edith, South Orange. Moen, Edward A., 21 West 52d Street. Moen, Mrs. Mary C, Moen, Agnes C, " Moen, Augustus R., " MoUerson, Elias, 940 Eighth Avenue. Monahan, Mary Ann, wife of T. M., 14 West 51st Street. Monahan, Margaret B., " Monahan, Mrs. M. A., 42 West 54th Street. Montgomery, Mrs. Annie, 347 West 92d Street. Montgomery, Samuel, 106 East 55th Street. Montgomery, Mrs. Eliza, " Montgomery, Loraine W. (Mrs. La Roche), West 42(1 Stree', Montgomery, Samuel J., 106 East 55th Street. Moore, J. Leverett, 32 West i8th Street. Moorhead, Joseph, M. D., 301 East 19th Street. 53 Moorhead, Mrs. Mary J., wife, 301 East 19th Street. Morgan, Homer, 112 East 19th Street. Morgan, Mrs. Caroline L. " Morgan, Annie T. " Morris, Helen D., 146 East 71st Street. Mortimer, Mrs. Annie E., 45 West 34th Street. Mortimer, John H., 556 Madison Avenue. Mortimer, Mrs. Frances R., wife, " Mortimer, Grace, " Mortimer, Mrs. S. Gertrude, 145 East 36th Street. Munro, George, 15 West 57th Street. ^ Munro, Mrs. Catherine F., " Murray, Alexander W., 222 West 20th Street. Murray, Mrs. Caroline A., wife, " Murray, Agnes J,, " Murray, Mary E., " Murray, Annie, 3 Park Avenue. Murray, Mrs. Catherine, widow of A, M., 235 West 23d St. Murray, Catherine, 235 West 23d Street. Murray, Christina, " Murray, Daniel, " Murray, James C, " Murray, Robert A., " Murray, James T., 73 Fifth Avenue. Murray, Mary A. B., wife, Nash, Mrs. Catherine, widow, 19 West 56th Street. Nash, Catherine, Niven, D. McMartin, Hoboken, N. J. Norris, Edward K., 237 West nth Street. Norris, Mrs. Kate, wife, Norris, Margaret, 320 Fifth Avenue. Norris, Maiy (Mrs. Bell) Noyes, William C, 60 West 48th Street. Noyes, Mrs. Jane R., wife Ogburn, Elizabeth, Victoria Hotel. 64 Olcott, Mrs. Jenny W., 12 East 33d Street. Owen, Sarah, widow of E. H. O., 19 West 56th Street. Owen, Frederick Nash, Palmer, Mrs. H. R. Pape, Mrs. Catherine, 46 West 29th Street. Parmly, Mrs. Lucie, 19 West 38th Street. Parmly, Charles F., Parmly, George D., Parmly, John E., Parr, Benjamin, The Berkley. Parsons, James A., 12 West 48th Street. Parsons, Mrs. Kate, Paton, John, 302 Lexington Avenue. Paton, Mrs. Isabella G., wife, 302 Lexington Avenue. Paton, Alice M., Paton, Francis J., " Paton, Laura Hamilton, " Paton, Nellie J., Paton, Susan Spring, Dobbs Ferry. Paton, William, 15 West 19th Street. Paton, Mrs. Anna S., wife, " Paton, Stewart, Paton, William A., Pattison, Elizabeth, Sing Sing. Pattison, Sarah, Pearsall, Mrs. Paulina S., 26 West 20th Street. Peck, Mrs. Laura A., 12 West 50th Street. Pegram, Benjamin R., The Newport, 52d St. and Broadway. Pegram, Mrs. Alice D., wife. Perry, James L., M. D., 102 West 48th Street. Pettigrew, Mrs. Mary, 256 Fifth Avenue. Pfeiffer, Mrs. Minna, loi West 53d Street. Phelps, Mrs. Harriet A., widow of G. D. P., South Ken ;ington. Phelps, George D., 54 West 23d Street. Phillips, Albert. 106 East 74th Street. Phillips, Mrs. Albert, 55 Phillips, Howard C, 72 West 12th Street. Phillips, Mrs. Sarah B., wife, " Phillips, Edith (Mrs. Wood). Phillips, Simeon, 306 East 58th Street. Pierce, Walter S., Grand Hotel. Pierce, Mrs. Mary E., " Pierce, Augusta, Pierson, John S., 125 West 41st Street. Pirie, Alexander, 309 East 52d Street. Pirie, Mrs. Lillie, Pope, Mrs. Mary A., 240 Fourth Avenue. Porter, John, 448 Madison Avenue. Post, Adeline M., 56 West 56th Street. Post, Alice A., Post, Sally R., Pringle, Elizabeth, St. Luke's Hospital. Pultz, John T., 28 East 38th Street. Pultz, Mrs. Helen A., Randall, Otis W., 256 Fifth Avenue. Randall, Mrs. Elie R. P. C, Rankine, James, 5 East 42d Street. Raymond, Mrs. Helen, widow of Asahel, 313 West 33d St. Raymond, Russell, 313 West 33d Street. Read, Mary, 415 Fifth Avenue. Reid, Andrew, 79 Clinton Place. Remick, Albert, The Berkley. Remick, Mrs. Carrie A., wife, The Berkley. Remington, Mrs. Flora, 16 East 57th Street. Reynolds, James E., 23 East 44th Street. Reynolds, William M., M. D., 36 East 67th Street. Reynolds, Mrs. Jessie, " Rich, Mrs. Delia, 15 West 19th Street. Richard, Mrs., 385 Fifth Avenue. Robbins, Horace W., Jr., 137 East 60th Street. Robbins, Mrs. Mary A., wife, Robertson, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of Archibald, 123 E. 38th St. 56 Robertson, Robert H., 117 East 38th Street. Robinson, Mrs. Caroline M. Rogers, Joseph, Seventh Avenue and 14th Street. Rogers, Mrs. Anna A., Rogers, AmeHa M., 70 Christopher Street. Rollo, Mrs. Margaret, 103 East i6th Street. Rollo, Maggie L., " Rollo, Marion A., Rollo, S. Walter, Rolston, Mrs. Elizabeth, 345 East 53d Street. Roorbach, Fanny H., 615 Fifth Avenue. Roosevelt, Mrs. Alice H., 6 East 57th Street. Roosevelt, Corinne, " Ross, Mrs. Josephine, 669 Fifth Avenue. Rowland, Ward Beecher, 214 West 53d Street. Rudert, Emil, 32 West 17th Street. Salmon. James H., 128 East 78th Street. Sanderson, George, 107 East 51st Street, Sanderson, Mrs. Sarah M., Sands, Sarah T., 5 East 17th Street. Sandford, Mrs. Lydia L., 29 West 56th Street. Sandford, Marietta, Scharfenberg, Cornelia H., The Kensington. Scheitlin, Elvina, 51 West 54th Street. Scheitlin, Mary, Schenck, Mrs. Mary M., Westminster Hotel. Schenck, Annie H., " Schenck, William Walter, " Schieffelin, Henry M., 665 Fifth Avenue. Schieffelin, Mrs. Sarah M., Schieffelin, Fanny K., (Mrs. Crosby), 665 Fifth Avenue. Schieffelin, Mary B., Schoonmaker, Eva A., 24 West 57th Street. Scott, Charlotte A., 224 West 34th Street. Scott, Margaret J., 57 Scott, J. Seymour, 150 Lexington Avenue. Scott, Thomas, 2 West 37th Street. Scott, Mrs. Eleanor A., wife, 2 West 37th Street. Schultz, Louis Hallock, 3 Great Jones Street, Schultz, Mrs. Laura, " Selden, Silas R., 153 East 53d Street. Sharp, Robert J., 36 West i8th Street. Shear, Mrs. Margaret M., widow of W.5., 105 W^est 45th Street. Sheffield, George St. John, 11 East 41st Street. Sheffield, Mrs. Amelia D., Sheldon, James O., 12 East 40th Street, Sheldon, Emily McCall, " Sheldon, Jeannie T., " Shepard, Elliott F., 2 West 52d Street. Shepard, Mrs. Margaret L. V., wife, 2 West 52d Street. Sheperd, Candace L, 105 West 6ist Street. Sinclair, John, 521 Madison Avenue. Sinclair, Mrs. Fannie C, wife, 521 Madison Avenue. Sinclair, Sidney E., 280 Madison Avenue. Skidmore, William L., 52 East 19th Street. Skidmore, Mrs. Charlotte H. F., Skinner, Mrs. Gertrude, 432 Madison Avenue. Slade, George P., 10 East 49th Street. Slade, Mrs. Cornelia W., " Sloane, Mrs. Euphemia, widow of W. S., 13 West 57th Street. Sloane, Euphemia (Mrs. Coffin), " Sloane, Henry T., " Sloane, John,''997 Fifth Avenue. Sloane, Mrs. Adela B., wife, " Sloane, Thomas C, 17 West^'5ist Street. Sloane, Mrs. Priscilla P., wife, " Sloane, William D., 642 Fifth Avenue. Sloane, Mrs. Emily V., wife, " Sloane, George, 57 W^est 34th Street. Sloane, Mrs. Matilda, wife, " Sloane, Annie M., " 58 Sloane, George H., 320! Street and IJroadway. Sloane, Thomas, 57 West 34th Street. Sloane, Walter H., '* Sloane, William, " Sloane, Sarah Agnes, 250 West 5 2d Street. Smedberg, Adolphus, 347 Fifth Avenue. Smedberg, Mrs. Mary L., wife, " Smedberg, Edmund M., " Smedberg, Henry, " Smedberg, Mrs. Harriet R., 8 East 17th Street. Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm th Dr. Abram A., 82 Madison Avenue. th, Mrs. Sue, th, Anna C. A., 24 E. 54th Street. th, Augustin L., " th, Edith F., 453 West 21st Street. th, Esther, th, Mrs. Ellen Hopkins, 5 East 44th Street. th, Sidney A., th, Augusta A., 104 West 54th Street. th, Julia Louise, " th, Harold M., 32 West 6ist Street. th, Herbert B., th, Henry L., 205 West 56th Street. th, Mrs. Jane N., th, Mrs. Josephine V. D., 150 East 34th Street. th, L. Randolph, 232 West 49th Street. th, Mrs. Caroline Mary S., " th, Mary Alice, th, Mary Ann, widow of T. U. S., 41 West 47th Street. th, D. Henry, " th, Mrs. Anna M., wife, th, Rosella A., 63 Catherine Street. th, Samuel S., 17 West i8th Street. Smock, Mrs. Catherine E., Smock, Charles T., Soffe, Helen A. (Mrs. R. J. Thompson), 39 East 67th Street. 69 Stebbins, Miss E. A., 22 East 47th Street. Steele, Mary W., 152 West 49th Street. Stein, Mary, 521 Madison Avenue. Stenhouse, Robert, 182 East 64th Street. Stenhouse, Mrs. Mary, " Sterling, Martha Jane, 521 Madison Avenue. Sterling, Allan, 70 West 50th Street. Sterling, Mrs., wife, " Sterling, Alice, " Stevenson, Mrs. Anna L., 59th Street and Tenth Avenue. Stevenson, Mrs. M., 103 Fifth Avenue. Stewart, Mrs. Emily, widow of W. D. S., 156 West 53d Street. Stewart, Albert, Stewart, Frank E,, 26 West i6th Street. Stewart, James, 18 Watt Street. Stewart, John A., 37th Street and Lexington Avenue. Stewart, Mrs. Sarah Y., wife, Stewart, Emily (Mrs. Waller), 128 East 37th Street. Stewart, John A., Jr., 37th Street and Lexington Avenue. Stewart, Thomas B., 105 West 61 st Street. Stewart, Mrs. Marietta C, " Stewart, Elizabeth M., Stewart, Perez M., " Stimson, Frederick J., 14 West 48th Street. Stimson, Heniy C, " Stimson, Mrs. Julia A., " Stimson, Julia J., " Stimson, Mary A., " Stimson, John W., 52 East 23d Street. Strain, John, 256 West 31st Street. Strang, C. Matilda, 60 West 55th Street. Stratton, Mrs. Pamela, 164 West 45th Street. Strong, Mrs. Marion, 105 West 54th Street. Struble, Mrs. Nancy, 22 East 68th Street. Stuart, Margaret (Mrs. Eakin), 28 East 54th Street. Stuart, Robert L., 1 54 Fifth Avenue. 60 Stuart, Mrs. Mary, wife, Stuart, Robert Watson, 85 Park Avenue. Stuart, Mrs. Jennie M. P., Sturg-es, Frederick, 36 Park Avenue. Sturges, Jonathan, " Swanzie, James, 118 West 47th Street. Talcott, James, 7 West 57th Street. Talcott, Mrs. Henrietta E., " Talcott, James F., " Tallman, John H.. 316 East 79th Street. Talhnan, Mrs. Anna V., Tallman, Ella Augusta, Taintor, Mrs. Augusta H.. 128 West 57th Street. Taintor, Charles M., St. James Hotel. Taylor, Mrs. Catherine A., 122 Fifth Avenue. Taylor, Isaac E., M.D., 7 East 36th Street. Taylor, Louisa, " Taylor, Mrs. Josephine D., 26 West 52cl Street. Taylor, Herbert Charles, " Taylor, Sarah, 29^ East 127th Street. Taylor, George, " Taylor, William B., 38 West 50th Street. Taylor, Mrs. Gertrude B., " Terbell, Henry S., 38 West 20th Street. Terbell, Mrs. Hannah D., wife, " Thomas, James, 588 Seventh Avenue. Thomas, Mrs., " Thompson, Mrs. Agnes Louisa, Canton, China. Thompson, Isabella, 300 West 54th Street. Thompson, Jane O., 13 West 57th Street. Thompson, Jose])h T., 531 Fifth Avenue. Thompson, Elizabeth T.. Thompson, Richard J., 39 East 67th Street. Thomson, Mrs. Anna D., wife of Jas. T.. 66 Park Avenue. Thomson, Annie, " Thomson, Elizabeth M., " 61 Thomson, Joseph, 76 East 56th Street. Thomson, Mrs. Jane L., *' Thorne, Sa;nuel, 8 East 55th Street. Thorne, Mrs. Phebe V. S., " Thorne, Edwin, . '< Thorne, Margarrt B., *' Thorn?, William V. S., Thorpe, Mrs. Mary, 45 WtS- 34th Street. Thurber, Francis B., 49 West 25th Street. Thurbe--, Mrs. Jeanette, wife. " Todd, John K., 8 West 57th Street. Todd. Julia B., Torrance, Mrs. Sophia J., 379 Fifth Avenue. Townsend, Mary Alice (Mrs. Sackett), 4 West 39th Street. Turner, Sarah, 121 West 28th Street. Van Allen, Lucas L., 30 E. loth Street. Van Deurs, Mrs. Selma R. S., Harlem. Van Deurs, Eva H., " Van Deurs, Henry M., " Van Deurs, Martha H., " Van Deurs, Micco, " Van Deventer, Mrs. Harriet, 150 East 34th Street. Van Deventer, Elizabeth, Van Valkenburg. Mrs. Alida S., 436 Madison Avenue. Van Valkenburg-, Allan, Van Vorst, Hooper C, 811 Madison Avenue. Van Vorst, Mrs. Josephine A., wife, " Van Vorst, Marie Louise, " Van Wagenen, Jacob, 39 West 19th Street. Van Wagenen, Susan, " Van Wagenen, Christiana, " Van Winkle, Albert, 355 West 92d Street. Van Winkle, Augusta, " Van Winkle, Eveline, " Van Winkle, Lucinda, " Van Winkle, Willis, 62 Vermilye, Mrs. Annie H., 37 East 68th Street. Vermilye, Jacob D., 60 Park Avenue. Vernon, Sarah, 211 East 6ist Street. Walbridge, Daniel W., 201 West 55th Street. Walbridge, Mrs. Mary E., Wallace, Margaret, 39 West 46th Street. Wallace, William J., 518 Madison Avenue. Waller, Robert. Jr., 128 East 37th Street. Walker, Mrs. Isabella, 18 East loth Street. Walker, John, 1 564 Broadway. Walker, William, 87 East 53d Street. Walker, Caroline L., wife, " Wakefield, William L., 105 East i8th Street. Wakeman, Eliza (Mrs. Taintor), St. Jamss Hotel. Warner, William Strong, 26 East loth Street. Warner, Mrs. Henrietta L,, wife, " Warner, Mary P. (Mrs. Work), 'j'] Clinton Place. Watts, Dickson G., 9 West 53d Street. Watts, Mrs. Mary A., Webb, Mrs. Emeline B., 102 West 57th Street. Weber, John H., 46 East 68th Street. Weber, Mrs. Caroline C, " Weber, Edward Y., ** Weber, George A., Welch, Joseph A., 39 West 25th Street. Welch, Mrs. Mary A., wife, " Welch, Mrs. Sarah E., 200 West 56th Street. Wescott, Mrs. Mary T., 232 West 49th Street. Weston, Mrs. Catherine Simpson, 33 West 49th Street. Wheelock, George G., M.D., 75 Park Avenue. Wheelock, Mrs. Jeanette M., 3^1 Madison Avenue. Wheelock, Joseph A., Wheelock, Mary A. (Mrs. Bigelow), looi Madison Avenue. White, Charles W., 813 Lexington Avenue. White, Ezra, 7 East 56th Street. White, Mrs. Nancy Ann, wife, 7 East 56th Street. 63 White, Samuel, 330 East 19th Street. White, Mrs. Margaret, 55 West 48th Street. W^hite, Henrietta, *' White, Margaret I., " Whitlock, Adelaide L., 231 East 31st Street. Whitlock, Caroline P., " Whitlock, Elizabeth W., Whitlock, Mary I., " ^ Whitlock, Mrs. Amelia M. (Mrs. Graham), 15 West 17th Street. Whitlock, B. Morris, Whitlock, Josie M. (Mrs. Brush), 68 Lexington Avenue. Whitlock, Minnie W. (Mrs. Hatfield), 58 West 17th Street. Whitney, Mrs. Sarah A., Presbyterian Home. Whittemore, Mrs. Mary Agnes, w. of Henry S., 408 \V. 23d St. Whittemore, Frederick W., Astoria. Whittemore, Mrs. Grace M., wife, Astoria. Whittemore, Julia A., 408 West 23d Street. Whittemore, Lucy G., New Brighton, S. L Whitton, Hannah, 25 East 45th Street. Wickes, Edward A., 14 West 57th Street. Wickes, Mrs. Mary Forsyth, 14 West 57th Street. Wilde, Mrs. Caroline M., 26 West 47th Street. Wilde, Anna H., Wilde, John R., Wilds, Abbie Jennie, 78 East 54th Street. Wilds, Lilian Minnie, " Wilson, Mrs. Annie, widow of J. T. W., no West 49th Street. Wilson, Mrs. Ann Taylor, 29-|- E. 127th Street. Wilson, Henr)^ H., 161 West nth Street. Wilson, Mrs. Annie E., wife, " Wilson, John J., 128 West 34th Street. Wilson, Mrs. Caroline B., Wilson, R. T., 5n Fifth Avenue. Wilson, Mrs. M. C, wife, Winant, Cornelius, 525 Madison Avenue. Wmant, Mrs. Sarah M., 64 Winant, Frederick Darlington, 525 Madison Avenue. Winant, Henry D., " Winslow, F. D., 9 West 21st Street, Woolcott, Frederick H., Astoria, L. I. Woolcott, Alice, W6olsey, Mrs. Emily P. A., 5 Washington Square. Work, James Henry, 'j'j Clinton Place. Work, Mrs. Jane C, 12 East 33d Street. Work, Elizabeth (Mrs. Hasker), 25 East 73d Street. Wray, Mrs. Mary Ann, widow of Stephen, 746 Fifth Avenue. Wray, Cornelia S., " Wray, Julia, " Wray, Mary Ann, " Wright, Andrew, 33 East 72d Street. Wright, Mrs. Kate R., Wyckoff, Mrs. Cora D., 12 West 36th Street. Young, Fannie I., 55 West 55th Street. Young, James, 42 West 54th Street. Young, Mrs. Sophia D., wife, " Young, George Douglas, " Young, Thomas S., 305 West 55th Street. Young, Mrs. Mary E., wife, " Young, Mary, " 65 II. Members who reside at a distance, or who from various causes have no seats, but many of whom are occasionally present, and attend communions, and while in the city are visited by the pastor. Abbott, Charles F., 6i East 130th Street. Abbott, Mrs. Alice E., wife, " Adams, J. L. Adams, Mrs. Helen D. Adams, J. L., Jr. Amerman, Newton, 31 East 22d Street. Amerman, E. H., 31 East 22d Street. Andrew, Ann B., 162 Fifth Avenue. Andrew, Eleanor P., " Andrew, Martha H., Andrew, Mary P., Andrews, Mrs. Blandina B., widow of Loring. Andrews, Isabella (Countess de Linden) Germany. Armstrong-, Amelia H., San Francisco. Beach, Frederick O., Oi"ange, N. J. Bettens, Edward D., The Kensington. Blagden, Silliman, Washington, D. C. Blois, Emily M. (Mrs. Dubois), Los Angelos. Boise, Mrs. Anastasia V., 231 West 42d Street. Breckenridge, Mary D. (Mrs. Maltby), Orange, N. J. Bristol, Ella (Mrs. Dunham), Massachusetts. Brown, Bartholomew, 117 East 14th Street. Brown, Anna R., wife, Brown, Mrs. Clara P., 33 Fifth Avenue. Bruce, Adam T., 121 East 30th Street. Bruce, Frederick, Bruce, Annie H., " 66 Bruce, Charlotte, 121 East 30th Street. Bruce, Mary Annie, " Bruce, Robert, West 53d Street. Bruce, Mrs. Ann, " Butler, Ella H., Paterson, N. J. Butler, Julia K., Bruen, Alexander M., Scarsdale. Bruen, Mrs. Louise J., wife, Scarsdale. Campbell, Margaretta W. (Mrs. Delano), Boston. Carpenter, Charles W. Charlier, Elisee, Geneva, Switzerland. Coats, Elizabeth W., Providence, R. I. Coone, Mrs. Elizabeth D., Prattsville, N. Y. Craig, Mary, 41 West 47th Street. Crane, John J., West Farms. Crane, Sarah W., " Crane, John J., M. D., New Haven. Crawford, Mrs. Sarah E. (Mrs. Tremain). Cunningham, John S., Providence, R. I. Cutter, Charles F., 12 East 23d Street. De Cockerille, Margaret (Mrs. Lawler), Brooklyn. Downes, Harrison, 112 Madison Avenue. Dunlap, Mrs. Margaret, Williamsburg. Durant, Emma, 115 East 26th Street. Eager, Martha, 167 Madison Avenue. Esdaile, Emeline, 3 Prospect Place. Fagnani, Henry A., U. S. Navy. Fairchild, Horace J., England. Fairchild, Maria L., wife, " Ferguson, Dudley M., Florence, Italy. Ferguson, Mrs. Caroline V., wife. Fowler, Amelia De Pau, 22 East 49th Street. Fowler, Meta Oliver, Franklin, John Borland, 121 East iiith Street. 67 Gardner, Edward, A. T. S. & Co. Gardner, Sarah F,, Cawnpore. Gemmill James B., Harlem. Gerrard, Thomas W., Le Boutihers. Gerrard, Mrs. Margaret, Giles, Mrs. Catherine C, Kingsbridge. Girard, Mrs. Fanny, Philadelphia. G )rdon, Nathaniel, Jr., Union Theological Seminary. Graham, E. C, Astoria, L. L Graham, Louisa B., Graham, Mary, Jersey City. Grant, Mrs. R. Douglas, Europe. Griffm, Jane G. (Mrs. Tompkins), Nashville, Tenn. Gross, John L., The Westmoreland. Gross, John L., Jr., Gross, Caroline L., " Gross, Harriet L. (Mrs. Comstock), The Westmoreland. Haines, Lizzie S., Yonkers. Hall, Alice, 2 West 43d Street. Hall, Mary L., Halsey, W. McDonald. Halsey, Mrs. Louisa. Halsted, C. Stockton, 46 Wyckoff Street, Brooklyn. Halsted, Sarah Ann, wife, " Halsted, Maria (Mrs. Clark). Hawes, Mrs. Elizabeth, Montclair, N. J. Hawkins, Sarah, 36 Park Avenue. Hazelhurst, Frances L, 45 West 30th Street. Hedges, David A., M. D., Fordham. Heike, Karl Rudolph, Bergen, N. J. Henderson, Anna. Henderson, Lizzie, 1 1 1 East 24th Street. Henningsen, W. A. J., Cleveland, Ohio. Higgins, Fanny A. (Mrs. Hedges), Fordham. Hoadley, Russell H., 1 1 West 49th Street. Hoadley, Mrs. Alice H., 68 Hollenback, Margaret, 707 Fifth Avenue. Horton, Gertrude, City Island. Houghton, Mrs. Mary J. Huntoon, Mrs. C. Amelia. Irwin, Mrs. Elizabeth A., 42 West 40th Street. Jeanrenaud, Edelbert, 1270 Broadway. Jennings, John, 339 East 19th Street. Jennings, Mrs. Margaret J. Jennings, Margaret J. Johnston, W. A., A., C. & Co. Katzenbach, William H., 72 West 45th Street. Katzenbach, Mrs. Julia E., " Landreth, Isabel, New Rochelle. Libby, Georgie H., 8 East 30th Street. Lintz, Mrs. Marcia. Lintz, Kate, Livingston, Mrs. Eliza A., Tarry town. Locke, John D., New Hampshire. Lord, Joseph E., W^ashington. Low, John N. Marshall, William George. Marshall, Mrs. Charlotte Amelia. McBride, Thomas. McCartee, Robert, Park Avenue Hotel. McCartney, Mrs. Sarah, 17 West 24th Street. McCready, Sophia. McBride, Lizzie H., New Jersey. McEwen, George C, Bergen, N. J. McEwen, Mrs. Anna A., wife, Bergen, N. J. Mclntyre, Daniel C, 114 East 71st Street. McKenzie, Mary F. (Mrs. Philbrick). McKilvey, Annie E., San Francisco. McLean, Matilda, Chicago. Maclean, David R., Leadville. 69 Mason, Elizabeth. Mazanet, Damaso. Merrill, Abby W., 314 East 15th Street. Mitchell, Robert, 733 Seventh Avenue. Mitchell, Mrs. Mary A. D., " Mitchell, Helen S., South Orange. Moller, William F., Irvington. Mulligan, Caroline E. (Mrs. Park). Mulligan, Eliza, (Mrs. Reisch,) Englewood. Murray, Rosa, Baltimore. Muzzy, Arthur T., 617 Lexington Avenue. Neal, Sarah C, 109 East 31st Street. Nichols, Mrs. Mary Belle, 6 East 420! Street. Noyes, Fanny L. (Mrs. Taintor). O'Brien, Mrs. E. J. Orcutt, Mrs. Frances L., New Haven. Ormsby, Mar}^ Jane (Mrs. Marly), 1844 Second Avenue. Orr, Charles S., Bridgeport, Conn. Patten, Jacob H. Peipers, Mi^.'Martha E., 515 Madison Avenue. Perkins, Mrs. C. E. Perkins, Mrs. Mar>^ N. Potter, Mrs. Matilda M., Cleveland. Potter, Charles H., " Powell, Mrs. Lizzie, 42 West 40th Street. Prince, Henr\' D. Prosser, Mrs. Jeanette, Jefferson Flats, Fourth Avenue, bet. 77th and 78th Streets. Prescott, George E., 49 West 9th Street. Prescott, Mrs. Sarah, Prescott, Mrs. Laura E., 116 West i6th Street. Proudfit, Alexander M., New Brighton. Proudfit, Mrs. Maria M., wife, Reynolds, Anna L. 70 Reynolds, Robert M., 139 West 34th Street. Reynolds, Mrs. Sarah L., wife, " Rossbrough, Sarah Jane. Ruthven, Jennette (Mrs. W. W. Stuart), Germany. Ryer, Fanny H. (Mrs. Dr. Hunt), 45 West 30th Street. Schaus, Herman E. K. M., 749 Broadway. Scribner, Charles R., 165 Church Street. Scribner, John A., 752 Broadway. Skinner, Thomas H., M. D. Smedberg, Mrs. Alice, widow of Oscar S. Smedberg, Jane R. (Mrs. Wilkes), Charlotte, N. C. Sperry, Mrs. Julia, Staten Island. Stewart, W. A. W. Strong, Mrs. Cornelia B., California. Stuart, W. Whitewright, Germany. Swift, Everett M., M. D., 313 Madison Avenue. Terbell, Edward D., Brooklyn. Terbell, Mrs. Elijean. Thoman, Francis. Thornton, George W., Providence, R. I. Toler, Annie C, Paterson, N. J. Tcwnsend, William J., Langham Hotel, London. Townsend, Mrs. Ehzabeth B., wife. Turner, Thomas E., New Utretcht, L. I. Turner, Mrs. Jane Louisa, " Wheeler, Z. Parish, 678 Lexington Avenue. Whitin, Henry, Worth Street. Wilcox, Mrs. Hepsy H., St. Cloud Hotel. Wilson, John A., New Orleans. Wilson, William, Whittemore, Joseph. Young, Thomas S., Jr., 5 West 20th Street. Young, Emma P. (Mrs. Talbot). 71 III. Many of these have never been known to the present ]»asi()i , others have gone to live elsewhere, and have not taken theit letters. Amweg, John M., Jr. Arnold, Edward. Baker, Mrs, Kate. Be van, Warren C. Bevan, Mrs. Virginia B. Blake, Kersey S. Blake, Mrs. K. Smith. Breckenridge, Ann Eliza. Brown, Isabella, New Jersey. Burbank, Anna. Butler, E. S. Carroll, Annie. Cobb, J. C. Cobb, Emeline, Condict, I. D. Conger, Theodore H. Cook, Kate L., Geneva, N. Y. Crowe, Miss. Cushman, Robert, Dana, George S. Darrach, William B. Davis, Franklin C. Doremus, Sarah V. Dunkin, Mary. Dunn, Lanier. Eraser, Margaret. 72 Gilman, Thomas P. Glendon, Mercedes. Graham, Girard. Hall, Mary Jane. Hamilton, Robert W., Ireland. Hardie, Mrs. Mary Carr, Georgia. Hathaway, Daniel P. Hay, Arthur L. Haywood, Mrs. Jennie. Henderson, James. Herrington, Mrs. Mary A. Hicks, W. King, Hodge, George E. Howard, J. H. Howard, Mrs. Mary, Hutton, John. Hutton, Mrs. Cora V. Hyatt, Bessie. Jantzen, H. F, Jarboe, Vernon C. Jarvis, Millicent. Johnson, Lucy A. Keely, Harriet M. Leland, Mrs. Charlotte C. (Mrs. Childs). Lincoln, George F, Lmdeman, Mrs. E. F. Lindsay, Elizabeth. Litton, F. W. Loran, Lizzie. McCormac, Mrs. Eliza, Ireland. Mc Daniel, Arthur. McGregor, Donald. Mcllvaine, Alice (Mrs. Surminski). 73 McKenzie, Mrs. A. H. McKibbin, George S. McKibbin, Mrs. Elizabeth C, wife, Mc Knight, Sarah W. McNaught, Agnes. McNulty, Mrs. Ellen. Mack, Annie. Maxwell, John C. Maxwell, Mrs. C. B. Meyer, Charles. Millar, William. Miller, Mary Jane. Miller, Edward H. Miller, Mrs. Sylvene. Minnett, Eugenie. Moore, Mrs. Cornelia S. M., Orange, N. J. Moore, Mary F., Moore, Annie C, " Moore, William R., Jr., Memphis, Tenn. Moore, Ann. Morren, George. Ne1[son, Catherine. Nichols, Alfred. Nichols, Agnes. Niel, Ann. Parmelee, Mrs. Jennie B. Pate, William J., Italy. Patterson, David. Paton, James. Perry, David. Perry, Mrs. Martha, wife. Phipps, Charles. Piatt, William, Jr. Richardson, Lucinda, Long Island. Richmond, Mrs. Emma F. 74 Ritchie, Arthur. Rockliffe, Rebecca. Rudolph, Mrs. Minna, Germany. Scott, Mrs. Effie J. Scott, Mrs. Rose. Seymour, Sarah J., widow of E. S. Sherrard, Archibald. Silliman, Charles A. Simpson, John M. Smith, Elizabeth E. Smith, Charles B. Smith, Helen (Mrs. Merrick). Smith, Robert L. Smith, Charles O. H. Smith, William. Stephens, David. Stephenson, Mrs. E. M. (Mrs. Fowler). Stevenson, Mrs. Jennie R. Stokes, Hugh. Swick, Sarah. Taylor, James. Thompson, Annie H. Thompson, Minnie E. Thornton, Elizabeth. Tucker, Annie A. Turner, Margaret. Van Emberg, Mrs. Lavina C. Van Vechten, Frances L. Wagenhal, Abbie. White, Alexander. White, Alexander, Jr. Williams, Alice, Brooklyn. Young, Michael, Kansas. 75 ALEXANDER MISSION. Alchorn, James, 1 1 5 West Houston Street. Alchorn, Mrs. Margaret, Anderson, James, 47 Downing Street. Anderson, Mrs. Rachel B., Barclay, Thomas, 7 and 9 King Street. Barclay, Mrs. Eliza, " Bartels, Henry, 49 Bleecker Street. Bartels, Mrs. Christine, " Bartels, Dora (Mrs. Johnstone), 25 West Houston Street. Becket, Walter J. Benedict, Mrs. Louisa O., 513 Hudson Street. Berkley, Eliza Sloane, 7 and 9 King Street. Birrell, Mrs. Jane, 78 South Fifth Avenue. Birrell, Elizabeth, " Blauvelt, Mrs. Susan, 76 King Street. Boble, Mrs. EHzabeth, 83 Charlton Street.' Boiling, Mrs. Christiana, 47 Crosby Street. Brown, Charlotte Elizabeth, 22 Morton Street. Brown, Chichester, 223 Ninth Avenue. Brown, Mrs. Helen Jane, " Brown, Mary, " Brown, Rachel, 629 Greenwich Street. Brown, Mrs. Sophia, 33 Sullivan Street, Buckwell, John T., 100 West Houston Street. Burckhardt, Frederick, 217-^ Varick Street. Burckhardt, Hannah " Burke, Bridget, 46 Downing Street. Burnes, Margaret, 436 Sixth Avenue. Burton, Mrs. Matilda, 8 Jones Street. Cain, John, 79 King Street. Calrow, Mrs. Ceciha, 80 Charlton Street. 76 Campbell, Mrs. Julia A., 58 South Fifth Avenue. Carson, Mrs. Eliza, 210 West 19th Street. Chapelle, Margaret T., 38 Downing Street. Cook, Sarah, 17 Downing Street. Cook, William, 13^ West 13th Street. Cook, Holmes, 47 Downing Street. Davidson, James, 74 King Street. Davidson, John, 350 Hudson Street. Davidson, Mrs. Mary E., Davis, Henr}-' L., 53 Macdougal Street. Dennis, Mrs. Sarah E., 66 Jane Street. Devoe, Mrs. Isabella, 10 Clarkson Street. Dieter, Mrs. Elizabeth, 143 Thompson Street. Dillon, Mrs. Ehzabeth, 629 Greenwich Street. Disnow, Pauline A., ']'] Morton Street. Doherty, Mrs. Margaret, 18 Gansevoort Street. Donaldson, Robert, 269 West Houston Street. Donaldson, Mrs. Berthia, 296 West Houston. Donaldson, Thomas, 315 West 35th Street. Donaldson, Mrs. Rebecca Sarah, " Donaldson, Thomas C, 50 Dominick Street. Donaldson, Mrs. Margaret I., " Dougan, Mrs. Mary Ann, 85 Christopher Street. Doyle, Mrs. Margaret, 5 Sullivan Street. Duboice, Mrs. Catherine, 314 Hudson Street. Dunn, Mrs. Lydia H., 201 Bleecker Street. Ebbits, Emily (Mrs. Stewart), 18 Watts Street. Ebbits, Sarah, " Evans, Mrs. Lucy, corner King and Hudson Streets. Farrell, Edward D., 22 Morton Street. Ferris, William, 223 Varick Street. Fisher, Mrs. Laura, 113 West Houston Street. Gardner, Jane (Mrs. Gallagher), Hoboken. Gateley, Mary, no Houston Street. 77 Gleave, Annie, loi King Street. Goddard, Mrs. Ogaretha E., 71 Charlton Street. Godefroy, Mrs. Sarah, 247 West 30th Street. Godefroy, Harriet, " Godefroy, Annie Rose, " Gowdie, Mrs. Elizabeth, 613 Washington Street. Gray, Mrs. Magdalen, 294 King Street. Green, Frederick, ']'] Sullivan Street. Greve, Mrs. Louisa, "j^j Greene Street. Groeninger, Mary (Mrs. Weishaupt), 30 Thompson Street. Gubner, Adolph, 345 Hudson Street. Hengstenberg, Mrs, Joanna A., "jZ King Street. Henry, James, 81 Carmine Street. Henry, Mrs. Eliza, " Henry, Alexander, " Henry, Lizzie, " Hobby, Mrs. Sarah, New Jersey. Hoff, Joseph, 70 South Fifth Avenue. Hoff, Mrs. Louisa, " Hopkins, Henry, 80 Charlton Street, Hopkins, Mrs. Mary, Howgill, William, 79 Carmine Street. Irvine, Mrs.' Catherine, 82 King Street. Irvine, Georgiana, " Jordan, Mrs. Catherine, 23 Macdougal Street. Jordan, Mrs. Kate M., Jordan, James J., " Jordan, Mary, " Keene, Annie (Mrs, Davis), 53 Macdougal Street, Keene, Kate S., 223 Varick Street. Kenne, Charles, 10 Bond Street. Kenne, Mrs, Julia, " Kerridge, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann. 78 Lavell, Mrs. Annie, 89 West 3d Street. Lavell, Mary J. Lord, Georg-e, 119 Christopher Street. Lord, Mrs. Sarah, " Lynn, Crawford, 47 Renwick Street. Lynn, Mrs. Mary Ann, " McCron, Isabella, 204 Wooster Street. McCron, Isabella R., 69 Sixth Avenue. McCron, John. McCron, Annie M. McCulloug-h, Mrs. Margaret, 42 Clarkson Street. McElroy, Mrs. Jane, 226 Thompson Street. McElwrath, Ellen (Mrs. Davidson), Staten Island. McGill, Mrs. Sarah Jane, 85 Christopher Street. McGregor, Robert, 5 Sullivan Street. McKay, Jeannie, 129 West 15th Street. Manck, Sophia, 140 Sixth Avenue. Martin, Mrs. Elizabeth, 204 Wooster Street. Martin, Jeannie, " Meader, Louis, 41 Carmine Street. Meyer, Margaret, 3 Vandam Street. Miller, Annie, 1 54 Christopher Street. Miller, Lancelot, " Miller, Mary, Miller, Mrs. Helen, '](i King Street. Mittag, Otto F., 132 Bleecker Street. Mittag, Joanna, " Moir, Mrs. Elizabeth, 201 Bleecker Street. Mosher, Mr., 389 Bleecker Street. Mosher, Mrs. Morrison, John B., 81 Carmine Street. Morrison, Mrs. Mary A., Morrison, Thomas N., " Munroe, Mrs. Mary, 3 Garden Row, (West nth Street.) Munroe, Lizzie R., " 79 Neil^'Arthur. Neill/Mrs. M. Newcomb, Rosa, 53 Macdougal Street. Nicoll, Mrs. Margaret, 94 Charlton Street. Nicoll, Mamie, " Oliver, Mrs. Ann Sutton, 40 Downing Street. Parsons, Henrietta, 160 Thompson Street. Pearson, Mrs. Sarah, 1 1 5 Charlton Street. Phillips, James, 425 Hudson Street. Phillips, Mrs. Jane, Phillips, Mrs. Maria, " . Phillips, Emily E., " Phillips, Margaret, " Powell, Thomas V., Clinton Place. Roder, Adam, no West Houston Street. Roder, Lizzie, " Rosch, John C, 60 Leroy Street. Rosch, Mrs. Martha, Rowe, Mrs. Eleanor, 527 Hudson Street. Rowe, Edmund, " Rowe, William, " Scherb, Mrs. Magdalena, 223 Varick Street. Schultz, Miss, 58 Grove Street. Seaman, Almena, 2 Congress Street. Seivewright, Mrs. Mary, 208 Elm Street. Shafer, Mrs. Margaret. Shears, Mrs. Mary F. H., 70 Downing Street. Sime, Andrew, 30 Charlton Street. Soeltzer, Lizzie C, 44 Sullivan Street. Stewart, William, 321 West 46th Street. Stoll, Mrs. Harriet, 358 Hudson Street. Stratton, Mrs. Maggie. Struck, Mrs. Banyena, 283 West Houston Street. Struck, Fredericka, " 80 Sutton, Mrs. Martha, 50 Eighth Avenue. Swift, Mary Ann P. Thompson, EHza 52 Vandam Street. Thompson, Mrs. Mary Ann. Tremble, James, 102 Charlton Street. Tremble, Mrs. Martha, " Trimble, Alexander, 581 Greenwich Street. Umber, Mrs. Francina, 12 Downing Street. Wade, Mrs. Amelia. Wallace, William H., 113 West Houston Street. Watson, Elizabeth, 246 West Houston Street. Watson, Margaret, Canada. Welsh, Charlotte, 70 Thompson Street. Weitzel, Mrs. Sabina. 76 King Street. Weishaupt, Charles Louis, 30 Thompson Street. White, David. White, Mrs. Rebecca J., 365 Hudson Street. White, Rebecca S., Whitford, Mrs. Eliza, 105 W^est 53d Street. Wilson, Robert, 640 Washington Street. Wilson, Mrs. Sarah Jane, Wingrove, James, 138 West 17th Street. Wingrove, Mrs. Hester, " Young, Jacob W., 9 King Street, Zoncada, Leonard, 22 Morton Street. 81 No. 3. Anderson, Rachel, (Mrs. Glover). Baker, Susie Russell. Buzzini, Mrs. Margaret. Clark, Edward G. Cleland, Sarah. Dr}'sdale, Matthew. Drysdale, Mrs. Matilda. Fait, George. Finck, Mrs. Magdalene. Gemon, Jennie (Mrs. Rocher). Gillespie, Mrs. Helen. King, Mrs. Harriet. Knight, Ada. Knight, William Walcott. McCullough, Mrs. Jemima. Mills, Alexander. Mills, Mrs. Mary A, 82 ROMEYN MISSION. Ahem, John, 184 Ludlow Street. Ahem, Ellen, " Arnold, John, 515 East nth Street. Arnold, Margaret, " Battier, Matilda, 422 East 14th Street. Batzeman, Dorothea, 410 East 15th Street. Bauer, Louisa, 424 East 14th Street. Becker, Annie, 171 East 2d Street. Berger, August, 214 East 19th Street. Berger, Caroline, " Bietch, Daniel, 620 East 13th Street. Bietch, Magdalen, Debaugh, James, 206 Avenue C. Dietrich, Catherine, 424 East 14th Street. Dietrich, Mary F., Fintolett, Catherine, 4 Horatio Street. Fry, Rosina, 207 Avenue A. Hammel, Henry, 537 East 12th Street. Hammel, Theresa, " Hefte, Mary, 435 East 15th Street. Jensen, Ule, 444 East 14th Street. Jensen, Eliza, " Koberich, Christine, 225 Avenue B. Koberich, Margaret " Koeler, Catherine, 230 Avenue B. Loveday, Joseph, 424 East nth Street. Loveday, Sophia, " 83 McHenry, Isabella, 626 East 13th Street. McNab, Agnes, 600 East i6th Street. Mack, Annie, 323 East 8th Street. Metzler, Mrs. Margaret, 619 East 12th Street. Metzler, Margaret, " Peterkin, Alexander, 1830 Third Avenue. Peterkin, Mary, Prussa, Henry, 32$ East loth Street. Ray, Mrs. Jane, 400 East 20th Street. Schmidt, Frederika, 537 East 12th Street. Schmidt, Louise, " Sierichs, Dorothea, 410 East 15th Street. Stauderman, Clara M., 513 East 15th Street. Stecker, Paul, 186 Avenue A. Stecker, Johanna, " Sturm, Helmina, New Jersey. Volz, Catherine, 214 Avenue A. Wagner, Henry, 407 East 14th Street. Wagner, Louise, " Weber, Dora, Yorkville. Wendelken, Henry J., 194 Avenue C. White, Henry, 512 East i6th Street. White, Mary Ann, Zeiter, Alice, 225 Avenue B. Zeiter, Margaret, " Zepp, Louisa, 416 East 14th Street. 84 SEVENTH AVENUE MISSION. Ash, Mrs. Dora C, 125 Greenwich Street. Barnaby, Mrs. Eliza, 219 West 19th Street. Baxter, Robert, 165 West 25th Street. Baxter, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Ann, 356 West 19th Street. Burton, Mrs. Martha W., 211 West 26th Street. Clark, Mrs. Catherine A., 2 Bank Street. Davis, James, 123 West 24th Street. Davis, Mrs. Catherine, Davis, William Edwin, Diehl, Mrs. Mary, 142 Seventh Avenue. Douglas. Mrs. Charlotte, 116 West 19th Street. Douglas, Mrs. Mary Ann, 118 West 19th Street. Euler, Mrs. Louisa, 142 Seventh Avenue. Felgraph, Mrs. Elizabeth, 143 West i6th Street. Geary, Mrs. Emma, 304 Eighth Avenue. Hahn, Herman, 168 Varick Street. Hahn, Mrs. Emma, " Hilbert, Mrs. Caroline, 142 Seventh Avenue. Hodgins, William, 422 East 14th Street. Hodgins, Mrs. Maria F., " Hoey, Mrs. Jane, 224 West i8th Street. Kennedy, Mrs. Martha, 325 West 17th Street. McCurdy, Mrs. Eliza, 262 West 35th Street. McKee, Robert, 208 West 19th Street. McKee, Mrs. Elizabeth, 85 McKinney, Mrs. Mary E., 196 West loth Street. Mangold, John, 222 West 19th Street. Mangold, Mrs. Catherine, " Newell, Andrew, New York Hospital. Oakley, Mrs. Mary, 246 Tenth Avenue. Pfluger, Augustus, 136 Seventh Avenue. Rannegan, Alfred, 404 East 15th Street. Rannie, Mrs. Mary Stevens, 222 West 19th Street. Rice, Mrs. Mary, 337 West 19th Street. Roberts, Francis, 141 West 27th Street. Roberts, Mrs. Margaret M., " Riibsamen, Margaretta, 50 Greenwich Street. Scott, James K., 331 West 26th Street. Scott, Mrs. Ellen, Scott, Jennie, Schefer, Mrs. Anna Mary, 304 Eighth Avenue. Stoddard, Mrs. Catherine, 246 West 17th Street. Teodorski, Mary, 120 Seventh Avenue. Yeager, Mrs. Julia, 217 West 19th Street. Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries r /" 1 1012 01218 0305 ^ DATE DUE **k-. ■•"""•^^iw*^^^ ■ GAYLORD PRINTED IN US A. '<''■■ "■■/■ M- ■ ..; ;«. V.-' , _...-H '^- . .• '■' .v ■-■ _^y ,> , .;. ^^.'' ".'''•-,, ^ ■^ K'