w 'A'.yMt'J PRINCETON, N. J. Presented by Mr. Samuel Agnew of Philadelphia, Pa. Division Section Number i3J\ jJ^Wi^^ViX^ ./ /^'ll k \if'^fry. ICONFESSIONI O F I m Together with The Larger and L e s s e r CATECHISMES m Compoftd by the Reverend ASSEMBLY O F DIVINES I Prcftntcd to both Houles of ^>> PARLIAMENT. ^ Lately Piibliflied with the Scriptures at large, for^|> the benefit of Mafkrs of Families. |^ With an Epiftleby ieveral Minifters recommend- ^^ ing this excellent Work to them t ISI^ ^ Deut.6.6.7. iy^ndthefe yoords ivhich I command thee thi^ day ^ (hall be in ^ ^ thy hearty and thoH fjah teach them diligently unto thy children and fhdt talk^of them ^hen thotifittefi in thy konfe and ^hen thoti I^ VAlkefi by the way^and when thou iefl downward reken thou rifeft up. % Lmdon^ Printed for the Company of Stationers, are to be fold by J. iJor/?^^/ at the Fountain in Cheapfide ^rj TO The Chriftian Reader ; Efpecially heads of F A M I L I E S.^ S we cannot but with grief of SouL lament thofe multitudes of Errors, Blafphemies:) and all kinds of pro- phanenefle, which have in this laft Age like a mightjDelnge overflowea this Nation, fo among feveral other fins which have helped to open the Flood-gates of all thefe impieties, we cannot but eftecm the difufe of Familr-Inftru<^ion one of the greateft. Thetwogreat Pil'ars upon which the Kingdom of Satan is ere(3ed, and by which it is upheld, are Ignorance and Errour, The firft ftep of our manumiflion from this fpiritual thraldom con- fifts in havif-g our Eyes opened^ and being turned fromdarknejTe tjlroht 5 How much the ferious endeavours of godly Parents Ad.25.i8. and Maflers might contribute to an early feafoning the ten* der years of fuch as are under their infpeftionis abuiidant*- ly evident, not only from their fpecial influence upon them in refped of their Authority over ihem, intcreft in ihcm, continual prefence with them, & frequent opportunities of being helpful to them, but alfo from thefadeffefts which by woful experience we find to be the fruit of theomiffi- cn of this duty. 'Twere eafic to fet before you a cloud of A 2 Witnefes y/ isi :- ^ V'' ^ S g S ^ ' ^ E-< CO r^ "'"'■ S O y \^- :: g. ^< ^ ihe Epiftle to the Reader, WitneJlfes tht language of whofe praftice hath been not onely an eminent Commendation of this duty , butalfoa feri- ous Exhortation to it. As Abel though dead^ yetfpeakj by his *"'^ example to us for our imitation of his Faithj C^c. So do the examples of ^/»r^^ but an inward, a favory. an heart knowledge, fuch as was in that Mdrtyr^ who though (hewouid not difpute for Chrift, could dye for him. This is that fpiritual fcnfeand feeling of divine truths the Apoftle fpeaks of He^.5.14. Havicgyour fcnfesex- ercifedje^f. A 3 But rbeEpiftleio the Reader. But alafs we may fay of moft Mens ReligiorijWhat learned Rivet r.rit.^^'^^^ fpeaks concerning the Errours of the Fathers , they ^acr. were not fo much their own Errours^ as the Errours of the timer wherein they lived. Thus do moft men take up their Religi- on upon no better an account thanT»r4f and F^/i/^x take up theirs, becaufe tis the Religion of the times and places wherein they live, and what they tak« up thus flightly, they lay down as eafiJy. Wheieas an inward tafteand re- lilh of the things of God is an excellent prefcrvative to keep us fetled in the moft unfetled times. Corrupt and un- favoryPrinciples have great advantage upon uSjabove thofe that are fpiritual and found , the former being fuitable to corrupt nature, the later contrary , the former Ipringing up of thcmfelves, the latter brought forth noi without a painful indaftry. The ground needs no other Midwifery in bringing forth weeds than onely the negl^ft of the Huf- bandmanj hand to pluck them up 5 the Ayr needs no other caufe of darkneile^than theabfenceof theSun^ nor Water ofcoldnefle, than it s diftance from the Fire, becaufe thefe are the genuine produds of Nature. Wert: it fo well with the Soul (as fome ot the PhiloLphers have vainly icnagined) to come into the worldas an^A rafa 'iahnU^ ameeo blank or piece ofwhite paper^on which neither any thing written nor any blots, it would then be equally receptive of good and evil, and no more averfe to the one than the other, but how much worfe its condition indeed is, were Scripture (i- lent, everymansexperiencedoescvideatly manifeft. For who is there that knowtsiny thngofhisownhcarr, and knowes not thus much , that the fuggeftions of Satan have foeafie and free admittance into mrr hearts, that ourutmoft watchfulnefle is too little to guaiii us from them, whereas the notions of Gods Spirit are to unacceptable to us^that our utmoft diligence is too little to get our hearts open to enter- tain them. Let therefore the Excellency, Necefli tyg Diffi- culty of true Wifdom, ftir up endeavours in yoUjfomewhat proportionable to fuch an accomplifhment, above all getting '^et ijnderjianding^andfearch for Wifdom as for hidden treafuresj I'rov 1 ^ i^ much concernes you in refped: of your felves. Our Ihe Epffle IciheKeader, Our fccond Advice concerns heads of Families, in refpeft of their Families 5 what ever hath been faid already though it concerns every private Chriftian that hath a Soul to look after,yet upon a double account it concerns Parents & Mas fters, as having themfelves and others to look after. Some there are who becaufe of their ignorance cannot, others be- caufe of their fluggiflineffe will not mind this duty. To the former we propound the method of Jopua y who firft began with him feifj aud then is careful ofbis Family 5 To the la- ter we (hall onely hint, what a dreadful meeting thofe Parents and Mafters muft have at that great day with their Children and Servants^ when all that were under their in- fpedion, (hall not onely accufe them, but charge their e- ternal mifcarrying upon their fcore. Never did any age of the Church enjoy fiach choice helps as this of ours. Every age of the Gofpei hath had its Creeds ^ Confejpons-) Catechtfms, and fuch Breviaries and Models of Divinity as have been fingularly ufeful. Such forms of found words (how ever in thefe days decry *d; have been of ufe in the Church ever fince God himfelf wrote the Decalogue as a fummary of things to be done^and Chrift taught us that prayer of his^as a diredo- ry what to afk. Concerning the ufefulneffe of fuch com- pendiary Syftems, fo much hath been faid already by a^^^^^ learned Divine of this age^ as is fufficient to fatisfie all who r«cV> in are not refolved to remain unfatisfied. hisScr- Concerning the particular excellency of thefe enfuing Tiim^u Treatifes, we judge it unneedful to mention thoie eminent j j; teftimonies which have been given them from perfons of known worth in refpcd of theirJudgemencs^LearningjSc In- tegrltyjinftance both at home 8c abroad^becaufe themfelves fpeak fo much their own praife; Gold (lands not in need of Varnifh, nor Diamonds of painting, give us leave only to tell you that we cannct but account it an eminent mt^rcy to enjoy fuch helps as ch fe are 5 Tis ordinary; in thefe i'ays forMtn to fpeak evil! of things they know not, but li any are poflefTed with mean thoughts of thefe Treatilcs^vve (hail onely give rhe lume counfel to them that Vhifip gives l^atha- , ^ nUh Com& and fee. 'Tis no fmall advantage the Reader now ^' ^^' hath. ihe Epifile to the Reader. Iiath, by the Addidon of Scriptures at large. Whereby with little paines he may more profit^becaufc with every truth he may behold its Scripture^foundation, And indeed confi- dering whataB^^e/ofOpinionSjWhatadrangeconfufion of tongues there is this day, among the who profefs they fpeak the language oi Canaan^ there is no intelligent perfon but will conclude that advice oF the Prophet efpecially fuited to fuch an age as this, IfaM.'zo. To the Law and to the tejiimoay ifiheyj'peak^mt According te this wordj 'tis hecaufe there is no light in thm. If the Pveverend and Learned Compofers of thefe enfuing Treatifes were willing to take the paines of an* nexing Scripture proofs to every truth; that the faith of people might not be built upon the dictates of men, but the Authority of God : So fome confiderable paynes hath now been further taken in tranfcribing thofe Sciiptures, partly to prevent that grand inconvenience ("which all former im' preflions ("except the Latin) have abounded with, to the great perplexing and diflieartning cf the Reader) themif- quotations of Scripture, themeaneft Reader being able by having the words at large to reftifie whatever miftakemay be in the Printer in citing the particular places partly to prevent the trouble of turning to every Proof fwhich could not but be very great) partly to help the memories of fnch who are willing to take the painesof turning to every proof, but are unable to retain what they read, and partly that this may ferve as a Bible Common place, the (everall pafTages of Scripture which are fcattered up and down in the word, being in this Book reduced to their proper head, and thereby giving light each to other. The advantages Cyou lee ) of this deCgn are many and great. The way to fpiritual knowledge is hereby made more eafie^and the ig- norance of this age more inexcufable. If therefore there be any fpark in you of love to God, be not content that any of yours (hould be ignorant of him whom you fo much admire^ or any haters of him whom ycu fo much love. If there be any compafiion to the Souls of them who are under your care, if any regard of your being found The Mjfiflle to the Reader, &e, fbund faithful in the day of Cfind:, if la/ rciped to future ge- nerations, labortorowthefefecd*^ of Knowledge which may grow up in af:er times. That yoa m.iy be faithful herein, is- the earneft prayer of Henry V/ilkinfon , D,D, A. MS, Charles Offspring Arthur Jackfon John CroiTe Sam. Clark Sam. Slater William Whitaker John Fuller James Nal ton Thomas Goodwin. Matthew Pool William Bates | Roger Drake William Taylor William Cooper William Jenkyn Thomas Manton Thomas Jacomb I George Griffiths I Edward Perkins » I Ralph Venning ' Jeremiah Burwel I Jofeph Church 1 Haf. Bridges ' Sam, Smith. - Samuel Artnefley Thomas Gouge • Leo. Cooke John Sheflfsild Richard Kentifh Alexander Pringlc Tho. Watfon John Jackfon. John Loder Sam. Rowles John Glafcock Francis Raworth Jam. Jollife The mm tcf>t THE Contents of the C H A P T E R S IN The Confession of Faith, Chap. I. ^"^\P^^^^ 'Smpfiires. 1 In. Of God ^ and of the Holy Tri-^ ^s-,-^ nky, III: Of Gods Eternal Decree. IV* Of Creation, V. Of Trovidence. VL Of the FallofMan^ ofSin^ andofthefm'tfhment thereof Vn. Of Gods Q^enant Ti^ith Mafh VIII . Of Chrift the Mediator. IX. OfFree-Wtll. X. OfEffeBual Calling. XI. Ofjujlification, - ^-^ . - . . . .^^ XII. OfJdopt'm. ^ --.— ....... r- . - 4: XIII. Of SanH'tfication, ILW.OfSaVmg Faith. XV. Of%epenta)tcemtolife^ XY I Of Good Worku TO The Right Honourable the Lords and Commons Aflembled in TarUament-^ Thc'humble Advice of the Aflcmbly of Divinci nowj by Authority of Parliament, fitting at PFESTMINSTEK, Concerning a Confeffion of Faith. Chap. I, of the Holy Scripture . ("4)Roiri. 2. 14, 1). Lthough the Light of Nature, add the ^- \'^j}^°^^l%^J" works of Creation and Providence do{oJ!'theLaw!'^^6i/ttd£ far manifeft the GoodnefF, Wifdom, and tnre the things mtH- Power of God, as to leave men unexcufa- f ''i" '*' Af ' *i'^' Kl« ^ . ^ 1 r rr ' ' having not the LiW Die ^5 yet are they not fufficient to give ^^e 4 x^jr «rr.rcA, and night unto night Hicwah t«o«./f^^f, V. 3.J Tudeementof^rnVTh^'^^^^^ where r/..e,r voyce isnot beurd. Rom. ,. ^2. Whokno^ing the judgement of God, that they which commit fuch things are worthy of death, not onU do the ^whlever Siflrf^r '"?T?^^ ^^ ^'^^^ ^°'^- = '' ^^erefore'tlL art ;;.x" ^^^O man thoiX uJ^A^^ judgeft^not^er, thou condemneft 'thy felf, for worabvi^^S^ '^/T.rS^.' ^°'"- '• ^'•fc'-'^fterthatinthewifdomof God.the Tcor 7 ^^ - "^ - ^ ^' ' ^ fooliflinefs of preaching,to favethem that beh'eve But which thVwnW^VA'^^''u'u"^' ^'^° '^'"P"'' "°''" fl^^ words which ;;;4w Tri/^om teachetb, «^r«^r;^lr.r?^?''°"'."'^'-''' comparing fpiritual things with fpiritual. V. ,4. 3 But the unTe knowd^^^^ the things of the Spirit of God, for they are%/;:/;.<,«„roy,nekher can ne know them, becaufe they uefpnjtually difcerned. ' J J J > B Church CO Heb.i.i. God Church ^^ and afterwards for the better prefer ving and whoit fundry times, propagating of the Truth, and for the more fure efta- AMin divers manners I ,■ ft ^ J C ^ c\.\. r^\. i_ • n i fpake in times paft Dlilnment and comrortot the Church againit the cor- iintothe Farhers by luption of the flefh, and the malice of Satan and of the (fl'J f p°ov"j J. 1 world, to commit the fame wholly unto writing r/; 20, ai.v.rp.]* that which maketh the Holy Scripture tobemoft neceila- thy truft may be in ry e; tliofe foimer wayes of Gods revealing his Will the Lord, I hive l- ii* r j jr ° made kn^wu to thee ^»"^o ^^^ people, being now ceafcd/. thisday, even to thee. V. :o.] have not 1 wmfen to thee CKcellent things in counsels and know- ledge .• V.21.] that I mig'icmake th^e k>im the certainty of the words of tru:h , that thou mighteft 3nfwcr the words of truth to them that fend to thee? Luk. 1.5, 4. V. 9 ] It feemed good tome alfo having had perfeft und.rllanding of all things from the very firft> to wi ice unto thee in rrdcr raoft excellent r/7fr|)^i/n\f. V. 4.] that thou migh'eft^nofvr^? cedainty of thofc thing?, wherein thou haf\ been inftrufted. Rom- 1 ?. i- for whatfoever things were Wi'itren aforetime, were writ- ten (or our learning, thac we through patience and comfort cf the Scriptures might have hope. Mar. 4. 4, 7, o. V. 4.] But he anfwered and faid, it is m ittctt^ man (hall not live by bread alone,, but by every word that proceedeih out of the mouth of God. V. 7.] jefus faid unro him, it is written again, thou (hair not tempt the Lord thy God. V. jo.] then faih Jefus unto him, get thee hence Satan,for it ;/!*•> if ?fn,tho:i fhaltworfhip the Lord rliy God, and himonely fhalt rhoufcrre. Ifa. 8, ip, 20. V. 19. ] And when they fhall fay unto yon fcekunto them that have familiar Spirits, «nd unto wizards that peep, and that muctcr,niciird nor a people feek unto their God, for the living to the dead .«' V. ao. ] to the Law, andtothe Tcftrraony, If they fp^ak nor according to t^s word^ it isbccaufe there is no light in them, fej 2 Tim. 5. i $> And that from a cfiilcf thou haft known the holy Scriptures , which are able to make thee wi/e unt^) Salvatim th orgh Faith which ii in Chrift Jefus. 2 Pet. i. ip. we harealfoa more fure wordof Prophecic,whercuntoyc do we// that ye r/j^e /jee^, as to a light that fhineth Ln a dai k place, unrill the day dawn, and the day f\ar arifein yourhearts^f^Heb. 1. 1,2. V. i.^God who arfundry times, and in divers manners fpake in times paftento the Fathers l-,y tl^e t'r:fhets. Y.2] harh in theft laft dayes fprkenur.to ui by his Son^ whorobe hath appointed heir of all things by wh' m alio he made the workls. 1 1. Under Jhename of Holy Scripture, or the word of Grd written, are now conf cined all the Books of the Old and New Teftament-, which are thefe. Of the Old Teftamenr. CctteJiJ. Exodus, Leviticuf. Nttmbers. DeutLTonomie* judger, Ruth. LSafffHeL I T. SammL L Kings. IL Kingf. L chronicles, IT, Chronklef^r Ezra, "Nehemiab, Efther. lob. Tfalmt , r rover hs. rcclejtafies. The song of Songu ifaiah, Jerewjah. L(tfnerHations, * EzckicL Hofea, en ObaAuh, lUbakkiik, Maiachi. Of the New Teftamcnt. Matiherv, CaJatiatJS, 'He Fpiftlc to the Mark' Ephefans, Hebrews. 1 ukc. r hihppians. '1 he Efifi, ('frames, 'johfj, Colojfidf7S. 'JhefiyjUndfecovd 'lh2 A^s of the A- ihejjalonjans L Epijrles of Tetcr. pofJef. ikeffaloniatislL ihe firfi ^ fccorcl^ ranis Epifilcs to the To Tiwothy I, (tnd third Fpijilcs Romans, ToliviothylL ofjokff. CorifJthUns /. To Titus. The Epjjile of fhde . Corinthians 1 1. To rhjlemcn, "ike Revi laticn. All which are given by infpiration of God, to be the (^^jmke i^.? 9,91, Rule of faiih and life e. J-. 29-^ Abraham ^ fai(h unco him, they have Mofts and the PiephctSykt ihtm hear [Ikw. v. 31.] And he faiduuto hint, Jf they hear not M'fes arJthe Fiephets, neither will thty be pcrrwadcd,thcvgh cne rcfc frcm the dead. Eph.2.Jo. And arc builrupcn the founcfn' ion of the Apcfiles andPrcihas-, jefut ChriH hinfelf being thechief (crrerjionii. Rev. 22. .-8,19. v. 18. J for I rtflifie into every n^an that heareth the words of the Fiophcaec{ this Ec( k, Ifany n-any/.r// Wi/t/iniothtft' ihirgf, Grd fliall addeunto him therlagucs that arc written in this Bock. V. 19.3 And if aiiyrrsn /hall tike awsy fr* m the words of the Lovkoi this y)c}'htjjc, Gcd fhali rake iJs psrc cut of the Beck of life, andcutof theHoiyCity, and frcr..; the rhii-gt. which are written in th/s Bock. aTioi. 5. 16. All5ciiptireij^n'cn^_j' jnyi>irn G°d ( ^^h^i* Tr"'h '^ f^lO the Author thereof^ and a light that fhincth therefore it is to be received, bccaufe it is the Word of in a dark place, until Qod /. the day dawn, and • the day ftar arife in your hearts. V. aiOforthe Prophecie came not in old timebythe willof man, butA^/y we/js/Goc/fpakjasthey weremov^i 6/r^^ /f()/yG/;()^. 3 Tim 5. i5. All Scripture \%ixyen by infpiration of Gud,md is profitable for doftr.ne, for reproof, for corredion, for inftruftion inrighteoufnefs. i John 5.9. If we receive the witnefs of men, tht: witmefs of God is greater^ fcr this is the witnefs of God, which he hath teftifiedof his Son. i Thcf. 2. 13. for this caufealTo thank we God without ceafing, becaufc when ye received the word 0/ Gai whichyehcardof us, ye received it not ai the word sf tmn., bat (as it is in truth) the word of Gody which efFeftually worketh alfo in you that believe \ (O.jTim. 3. M. V. We may be moved and induced by the Teftimo- th"at' thou^'^ma*y"fti^yof ^hs Church, to an high and reverent cfteemof know how thou the holy Scripture 4- And the heavenlinefs of the fvlat* thffH?;n'?i.^f'?ter, the efficacy of the Doftiine, the majefty of the tny lelt in the houfe o •? ^t r ^ r it , n i r/ ^ n i^ of God, which is the Stile, the content ot all the Parts, the Scope of the Churchof the Jiving whole (which is, to give all glory to God, ) the full dif^ Jound \f the7ruthS^^^^y ^^ ^^^^^ of the only way of mans falvation, the {IJ I John 8.20,27. many other incomparable Excellencies, and the intire V. 20. J but ye have perfedion thereof, are Arguuients whereby it dotha- an HtUtton pom rheF j t • i • r ir° l l tiz j £-i-. j holy o«e,and ye know bundantly cviGence It fell to be the Word ot God 5 yet all things. V. 27.] notwitdandingjOur full perfwafion and aflurance of the L"Lh'^i f''"^'"^ infallible truth, and Divine authority thereof, is from wnicn ye nave re-,. , iriTTir«'*i •• r eeived of him ^ii-the inward woikot the Holy opirit, bearing witneis dethin you, and yee by , and with the Word, in our hearts /. need not that any ■' joaan teach you i But as tire fame anointing teac\'ieth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lye,and «ven as it hath taught you, ye fhall abide in him. John 1 15. 13,14. v. 13.] howbeit when he the 3|/Vjro/ r;«f/; is conr.c, he will guide yon into all trutli, for he fliallnot yjjt'/i^o/ A/m/e//, but whac- foever hzfljall hear^ that fhall he fpeak, and he will ftiew you things to come. V. 1 4. ] he fliali glo- f ifi* me, for he /hall receive of mine^ and fhall fhcw ii unto you. 1 Cor. 2. i o, u , 1 2 . v. i c. 3 but Gt)d hath revealed them to us by his Spirit, for the Spirit feafcheth all things, yea the deep things of God. v. II.] for what man knoweth the things of a mari, fave the fpirit of man which is in hiiii, even fo the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. V. 1 2.3 now we have received got the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might kn^rf the things that are cely g^ven to us of God. Ifa. 59. 2 1 . as for me this is my Covenant with them faith the Lord, vif Sprit xhat is upn thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth fhall not depai t out of thy jBOBth,nor oot of the mouth of thy feed, nor out of the month of thy feeds feed, faith the Lord, &m henceforth and for ever. VI. The I 5 3 V I. The whole Council of Cod coiiecming all things C"») » Tim. ?.. 1$, neccflary for his own Glory, mans falvation. Faith and that ' ^om'a chSd Life, is either exprefly fet down in Scripture , or by thou haft known good and neceffary confequence may be deduced from ^'j^^^h^L'^'able '"o Scripture, unto which nothing at any time is to be ad- make thee wife mu dedj whether by new revelations of the Spirit, or tra- Salvation through ditions of men m. Ncverthelefs we acknowledge the ^f^"|}{j^(JJs. va6.] inward illumination of the Spirit of God to be necef- all Scripture is given farvforthefavine underftandiugof fuch things as are '^yjn^'f^^[f,f^°"J ' J , , . , -P- . A 1 V 1 r ■ and IS projitable tor revealed m the Word « : And that there arelomecir- doarine, for reproof, cumftances concerning the Worfhip of God, and Go- for correaion, for vernment of the Church, common to humane Aftions '^^f^''^^ '%'!f,^% and Societies , which are to be ordered by the Light of the man of God may Nature,and Chriftian Prudence , according to the ge« ^e perfejl ^j^^^^&^^y^ neral Rules of the Word , which are alwayes to be ob- ^o«Twori(j/"Gai. 1. 8» fervedt?. - 9. v. 8.] But though we or an Angel from heaven f reach any other Coffel unto you, than that w^h we have preached unto you,Iet him be accur- fcd.V.9.]as wefaidbcforc,fofay Inowagainj If any man /jrrdcA ' orkr Go/pe/.unto yous than that ye have received, let him be accurfed. aThclT. a. 2. that ye be not foon fhakcn in mind, or be troubled,7!en/;er /';' Sfi- it^ nor by word^ nor by letter as from us, ' as that the day of Chrift is at hand, (^n) John 6. 45. It is wrirren in the Prophets, and they fhall be all taught of God., every maa there- fore that hath heard, and hath /e«f^o/ f/je fdr/jocommcth unto me. i Cor 2. 9, 10,11, 12.V.9.J but as it is written,eye hath not fectiynor ecCr heared^ neither have eutred into the heart oftnan^thc things whicli God hath prepared for them that love him. V. lo.J But God hath rci/frt/ed'r^em unto us by his Spirit, for the Spirit fcarchcth all things, yea, the deep things of God. V. 1 1 .] for what manknoweththethingsof aman, fave the fpiricof man wh ch is in him? evcn(o the thinis of God Vnowetb no man, bur the Spirit of God. Y. 12.] now we have received not the Spirit of the world, but the5p7af nhich isofGody t\\ztwe might l^now the things that are freely given to us of God. (0) J Cor.ii. J?, 14. V. 15.] Judge in yourfelvcs, is if m/??/;' that a woman pray unto God uncQ- vered. Y. 14.] doth not ^\tnnature it felf teach you, that if a man have long hair, it is a fhame un- to him. 1 Cor. 14. 26, ^o. v. 26.] How is it then brethren, wlien you come together everyone of you hath a Pfalm, hath a Doftrine, hath a Tongue, hath a Rcvehnon , harhan Inierpretacion, let: all things be done unto cdifywg* V. 40.] Let all things be done decently and v\ order. V n. All things in Scripture are not alike plain in C?) ^ ^^^- ?• i^- As themfelves, nor alike clear unto all p: yet thofe things f^'Sf ^S^^^i which arc neceliary to be known, believed, and obfer- thcfc tilings, in web ved for falvation, are fo clearly propounded ando- are foir.e things fcdr^ ^^„^ J • r ^ 1 L o ' .. 1 . tot^eundcrJtoodyV^'hKh pened m Icme place of Scripture or other, that not on- they that are ankar- ly the Learned, but the unlearned, ina dueufeof the"'^'' ^"'^ unable ordinary means, may attain unto a fufficient under- i^'fv,;'yh^;/saip^^ ftan d io g of them q. tares, mto their e«'« ^ , , de\hunion.(qjVhi 119. 105, 130. V. 105. J thy wrd IS a Lamp unto my Feet, and a light unco ray Path.. Y. 1 30.] flic entrance of thy words givccU /?£/;f, it givc:h underjianding unto thefimple. B J VI 11. The [6] CKjMx.M8.for vril. TheOldTeaamenc in Hebrew (which was dU liLvSaXIuh f ^^ Native Language of the People of G O D of old J pai>, o»f iot, or one and the New 1 eftament in Greek, ( which at the time pafUtt^['hcTly^ ^^^ writing of it was iroll generally known to the nit all be /«/;i//<.^.'NationsJ being immediately infpired by God^ and by r/jifa. 8. 20. rohisfingular care and Providence kept pure in all Ages, r^yhtr;, jf 'they ^^^ therefore Authtntical r-, (o as in all Controversies of fpeak not according Keligion, the Church IS finally to Appeal unto them /T to this word, it .s be- But becaufe thefe Original Tongues are not known to caule there is no^ii^i , c r> t° \ \ "• l i • lightinthcra. A(^s^" ^ne people ot Goc, who have right unto^ and mte- 15- 15. And to this reft in the Scripture}--, and are commanded in the fear %^;;.J;;"^;f ;f^^;^ofGod, i oread and learch them f, therefore they are wiicten.'jchn V39, to be tranflited into the Vulgar Language of every 46. V. 39. J Search Nation unto which they come «, that the Word of God fhem ye^'thiiik^'^yc^'^^^^^^^S plentifully in all, they may worfliip him in an have eternal iifcand acceptable manner w j and through patience and com- leSne'ofnieVio the Scriptures may have hopex. for had ye believed Mo fes, ye would havebdicved me, /frfce wrole o///i?. (OJo'inS- ?9. Si'ctch the Script uresy for in them ye think ye have ttcrnal life, and they arc they cliat ttftific of me, C '0 • ^°'"- ^4- &, 9,11, 12, 24,27,28. V. 6. 3 NowBrctheren, If lcomeuntoyou/]«p.i;(yr^ with tmgues^ what (fiall I profit you, except I fball fpeak to you either by rtvelarion , or by knowledge, or by protphtlying, or by dodriiic. V. 9.3 Solikewifcyou,eycfpr ye utter by the tongue wonh tafietols undeijlood^ hew fhalj ir be known what is fpoken, lor ye fiull fpeak iuo the aire. V. i ij Therefore )f \knowmtthi imamngof thevnyce^ 1 (hall be uiito him thit fpeaketh a £^^ i.<*'/*t/r, and hcthjf fpcakech fhall bea B./rc^(w>;tntome. V 12. i Even fo-yeforafmuch asye are'/calousof Ipiricual gifts, feek ihdt ye may excell to the etj'i/yini oftheChunh. V. 24. J But if all FiopbrJIe, and there come in one that believes not, or one mil'aiiur\hs is cc r.v'nied of .»il, he is Judged of all. V. a 7..! If any man fpeak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at rnofr by three , and that by courie, and let one into pet. V. :8.] But if there be iioihteipntcr , let him kccpfiknce in the Chun, b-fiud let him fpeak to himfelf and to God. {wj CoJ ^. 1 6. Let the word of Chrift dwell injeu r'uhtji in all nifdom., teaching and admonishing one another iu Pfaims, and Hymns, and rpiriti^al6oiigi,fing- ing with grarf//( j(0«r/;ed>rj to the Lord, (x) Rom. ii.4. for whaciocver thitigs were wiitten a- foretime,wcre written for our Learning, thAi v^i: through patience and comfait of ttjj Scipinrcs uJgLi have h'pe. O^'sPet.i 2o,2'. IX. The infallible jule of fnierpretatron (J(b Scrip- Knowing tins firft, • 1 o • • r ir 1 i_ r i ^l • tf.at no Prophecie ol ture IS the bciipturc It lelf 5 and theietore when there is the Scripture, is o/a Queftion about the true and fuiifenfe of anyScrip- ;7/r'3 for'the ture (which is not manifold.but one;it muft be fearch- Prophecie came notcd and known by other places that fpeak morecleei^ in old time by the\\T y^ vpi'dof mdny but ho- ^ ly men of God fpake as they were moved by the holy Ghoft. AfisK. i5»>^. v. i5.]"And /s/W/ ujra' ry;e woni'jo/ f^ei'/Ti;)/?!?/-/, as it is wiictcn, V. 1^.] Alrer this I will return, and will build a- gaio the Tabernacle of D^vid which is fallen down, and I will build again the ruints thereof, and i vf ill fct ic up. X. The [ 7 T X. The Supreme Judge, by which aU Comroverfiesr Om«. ».j9,,^ of Religion arc to be determined , and all Decrees ot j^^ faij i,nto them. Councils Opinions of Ancient Writers, Doctrines of Yedo cncmtknor^^ men, and private fpirits aretobe cxammed ^ and m ^^^^^ p^^^^ ^^ ^^^ whofe feotencewcaretoreft:) can be no other but the v. 31. J But as ton- Holy Spirit fpeaking in the Scripture ^. TlfV.Tlt vu ynt read that which was fprkt n to yon bv God faying. Eph. 2. • o. And arc built upon the founc/a^hn of the Prophets and /f ftle^, Jcfiis Ch. ift hinifelf being the chief corner ftone. Arts 28. : 5. And when thev agreed not araong rhemfdres they departed after that Paul had Tpokc c nc word, wcWfp^lietbc I'o!^ Ghifi by Efaunhc Prophet unto our Fathers. Chap. TI, of Gedj ftMcl of the Ho y Trittrty . THe e is but one only ^Jivinc: and true Goc^ /'.u ho , ismfin'te nBcm^5cPeifeaionr,amoIt pureSpi-^ }y-,^,/^ ^he Lord rit^/5 invifibler, wiihout bod}"^, parts/, or paflions^jOM/ Gorf is one Lord. 1 Cor. 8. 4, 6. V. 4. j A' concerning rhcrefore the eatirg of thofe thing's that are cffered in Sacrifice unto Idols, we know that an Idolii nothing in the woiM, and rhat there '^mne ^ther Godbut one. V. 6 ] ^ut to uf then i( but one God rhc Father, of whom are all things, and wc in him, and nnc Lord jtfus Chriftby whom areallthiags, and we by him (/>) i Thtfl. 1. 9. fot they rhcnfclvcs (licw of uf what manner of entring in we had unto you , and how ye turned to God trom Idols ro ferve r/x' living tfy- true God. )er. JO. 10. But the Lord is the rrH(?G')<^,/7e7x f/je /hill Go^, and an cvcriafting King, (^r^jobli. 7.8,9. V. 7. J cand thou hv fearching find cut God, canft thoupnd out the Almighty unto pcrfeiiion?' V. 8] hh;ish'gh as hr/tven^ whjtcauft thou do, deeper than /jc7/, what caoft thou know? V p. The meafiire thereof is longer thitnthe Earth, and broader than the Sea. job 26. ( 4. Lo 1 htfe arc parts of his wayes, b t horc l\itle a portion ish'ardof him. Km the thunder of his p'^wer who ran utideiJiandP' (dj ]r^h\i 4.2Jf God is a Spirit, and they that worfhip I im, nmft worfhip him in fpirit and in truth, (e) I Tim. I 17. now unto the King eternal, immortal, rnv/y/t/e, the only wife God, be honour and glory forever and ever, /?w;>i. (/J l>eut 4. 1 Si ' ^- v. 15.] take yc 'herefjrc good heeJ unro ynnr ftlves, for yefaiv no manner ojfimiHtude on the d.iv rhat tiie Lord fpake unto ycu in horeh^oux. of the midfl of the fire. V -15.] Lert ye corrupt your fclvcs, and maiie y^u a %ravet\ Iwage, thefi-- 7r,i'\tudeofanyfigu'e. rlie likentfs of Malcor Female. John 4. 24. God is a Spirit, and they that wotfliiphim, muA worHiip him in Spirit and in Trurh Lcke 24. '*9. behdd t»y iiands and my feer, that ir is I my fcif, handle me and fee , For a V/r u hath not ftp and kvies as ye fee' rtre kav.\ (gj A^s 14. l!,i5.v. 1 1.] And when the people fa w what Prf«/ had dene, they iiir up their voy-- ces faying in the fpcech of Lycavia, the gods ^-e come doxvn to us \n the liktn< fs of m<-n V. i 5. JAnd^ faying,Sirs, whydoy^hefe things, irpalfdr^Tw.'/j f/Zi^e/'a/TfO'j with you, and preach unto you,, that ye fhould turn fi3^#V-hefc vanities unto the living God, which made h( avcn and earth, and the' Sea, and all things tliat are therein. ?yi^T^c'^^lll'- ''^^^^^^^^ ^^ immcnfe i, eternal k, incomprehenfible I, very pcrfcft gift is almighty «/, iBoft Wife w, moftholy^?, moafreep, moft from above , and ablolute q^ working all things according to the Coun- JhTFa'hetoTiigr,?^^?,^ ^i^ ow" immutable and moft righteous WiUr, with y*hmh ;ioy«,7- for hisown glory/^ moft loving /^5 gracious, merciful rfS£"Maff7^°°S"^"^^""^^ abundant in goodnefs and truth, for-* foriamthe Lo?d,fg»vmg miquity, tranfgreffion and fin », therewar- cbAagentt, therefore dcr of them that diligently feek himzr^ and withall ll'c::H'Vo "^"^ J"^ ^ '""'''^ '" ^'' judgments x, hating all Rn/, 1 Kings 8. 27. Biic will God indeed dwell on the ezrtKbehiU, tht heaven, and heaven of heavens cannot contain 'thee , how much lefs this houfe that I have buildcd. Jer. 13. 23»24, v, 23.3 Am I*(?elmf7i. f/jPfal. 14$. 3. Great istheLord, andgrcatlyto tobepraifed, and/j/^^rerftne/i in mfearchable. (m)Gen. 17.1. And when -4iM*-^G9rf^//777^*f)' which was, and is, andis tocome. (n_) Rom. i(f. 27. to Go donelj> wife he glory, through Jefus Chrift for ever , Amen, (^ojlfa. 6.3. Andone cryed unto another and faid, ff»ly,holyJ}9lj, is the Lord of Nojls, the whole Earth is full of his glory. ' Rev. 4' 8. See Letter M. immediately foregoing. Cp) Pfal.i I5. 3. But our God is in the heavens, he kath dane vthatfo- evor hepleafeth. QqJ Exod. 3. 14- and God faid unto Mofes, lam^ that I am^ and he faid, thus fhalt thou fay unto the children of Ifrael,/42w hath fent me unto you. (jj Eph. 1. 1 1. Inwhomalfowe have obtained an Inheritance being predeftinatcd according to the purpofe of him, who rvorl^eth all things after the Comcill of his own yvill. (jf J Prov. i<5. 4. the Lord hath made all things far hiwfelf yea even the wicked for the day of evill. Rom- 11. 35. for of him, and through him, and to him are all things., to whomhc glory for ever and ever. Amen, (t) i John 4. 8, i<5. v. 8.J he that loveth not, knoweth not God, for Godis Love. V. 16. and we have known and believed the love that God hath to us*, Godis Love., and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him. («3Ex.34,6,7.v.(5.]Andthe Lordpafledby before him and proclaimed. The Lord,the Lord God, merciful and gracious., Ungfuffering and abundant in goodnefs and truth. V. 7. Keeping rpercy for thou- fands, fo)jiving iniquity , and tranfgrejfionandfm.flx\& that will by no means clear tne guilty, vifiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the childrens children , unto the thirdand Unto the fourth generation, (wj Heb. \\.6. but without faith it is impoffible to pleafe him, for he that commeth to God muft believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently fcek^ him. fx)Nehera. 9.32,33. v. 3 1.^ Now therefore our God,the great, the mighty and fAfrem6/e Qody whokeepell Covenant and Mercy, let not all the trouble feem little before thee that hath come upon us, on eur Kings, on our Princes, and on our Prierts, and on our Prophets,and on our Fathers, and on all thy people, fince tlie time of the Kings of Affyria unto this day. V. 33-] Howbeit r/(>?K 4»f jufi in all that is brought upon us^ for thou haft done right, but we have done wickedly. (y) Pf. 5'5>-v.5-3 thefoolifh fliallnotftand in thy fight^thou hate all workers of iniquity. V.6.J thou fhalt deftroy them that fpeak leafing, the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man. and 19 1 / and who will by no means deer the guilty z. ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^. a ▼ a 3 God is jealoas and the Lord revengeth, the Lord revengeth and fs furious , the Lord will' rake vengeance on bis adverfarics, and he referveth wrath for his enemies. V. 5.] the Lord is (low to anger, and great in power, and mil not at all acquit the wicked^ the Lord hath his way in the whirl-wind, andin theftorm, and the clouds are the duft of his feet, Exod. ^4. 7. keeping aicr- CY for thoufands, forgiving iniquity, & tranfgrcfrion, and fin, and that will by m means clear theiuiltj^ vifiting the iniquities of the Fathers upon the children, and upon the childrens children untQ the third and fourth generation, II. God hath all life tf, glory ^j goodnefsc, blefled- (aj]ohni. ^6. for nefs^ in, andof himfelF, and is alone in, and unto f^ fhe /kAer ^-t* ".-'.- \,^ rr- ' n. J- • J c life mhtrnfelUlo hith himfelf allfufficient^notftandioginDeedof any crea- hi- given to the Sor turcs which he hath madt e^ nor deriving any glory to have life in him- fromthem/, bur only manifefting his own glory, i^/tli^hc^oitviJil by,untOjandupon them: He is the alone Fountain of brethren, and fa- all Being, of whom, through whom, and to whom are thers hearken, the all things^ i and hath moft Soveraign Dominion over unto our^lSc?*^^- them, to do by them, for them, or upon them whatfo- brdkam, when he ever himfelf pleafeth h. In his fight all things are o- J'V ''' .^fP'l^!" , c n. ■ t ' 1 t 1 ■ - c • • r- ii't 1 before he dwelt m pen arKimanirelr/, his knowledge IS innnitejmtfalible, cbarran. (c) pfal. and independent upon the creature^ fo as nothing is H9- ^8. thou an ' ^ isod Mid dtejt g, and of wliom as concerning the flefhChrift came, who h ever *l I God blejfed for rver, Amen, (^e") Afts 17. 24,25 V. 24 3 God that made the world, and all things therein, feeing that he is Lord of heaven and i.arth, dwelieth not in Temples made with hands V 25. j Neither isworfliiped with mens hands, as though he needed any things feeing lie giveth to all life and breatli and all things. Qf J Job 22. 2,^. V. 2. J Can a wan be prof table untoGod^ as he that is wife, may be profitable unto himfelft V. 3. J Is it any pltafure to the Almighty, that thou art righteows, or is it gain to hint, that thou ma- keftthy wayesperfeft? Ci) Kom. 11. 55. for of him., and through hjmy and to him are all thingSy to whcm be glory for ever, Amen, f h') Rev. 4. 1 1. Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory an4 horiojr, and power; [or thou haji created all things ^ and for thy pleafkre they are and were create J, 1 Tirr. 6. .5. Sec Letter D. immediately foregoing. Dan. 4. 25,35. v.25.] Thar they fhall drive thee frcm men, and thy dwelling fhal! I^e with the beafls of the field, and they (hall make thee toeacgrafs as Oxtn , and they fliall wee rhce with the dew of heaven , and feven times fhall pafs over thee till thou know that the moji high rukth in the Kingdom of men, and giveth it to whom' foever be will. V. 35.3 And all the Inhabirants of the earth arerepuredas nothing,andA# 9nr/jfrAronf, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. V. 14.J And the four beafts faid, Amen., and the four and twenty Elders /(t// dov^n and worfl/ipped him that liveth for ever and ever. CO* John$. 7. For J jj^ \^ the Unity of the God-head there be Three \e!tr umd^'L hea- Perfon?, of one fubftance, power and eternity ^ God vcn, the Father, the the Father, GodthcSon, and God the HolyGhoft 0, word, and the Holy j j^^ Father is of none, neither begotten, nor procee- Gnoit, and tneie . n ? " c l i-< t ^ three ure one. Mat. 3. ding : The Son IS eternally begotten ot the Father (;> .* 1^. 17. V. 16.3 And the Holy Ghoft eternally proceeding from the Father Tcfus when hec was _i^i,*»o^«^ Baptized, went up and the bon q, ftrcight way out of , u r i. «. • • ^ /- , j r j- the water, and Loe the heavens were opened unto him, and he law the Spirit of God delcending like a Dove, and lighting upon him. V, 1 7.] And Loe a voyce from heaven faying, this is my be- hvedSon in whom I am well pleafed. Mac. 28. 19. Go ye therefore, and teach all Nanonj, Bap- tizing them in the name of the Fatherland of the Sen, and of the HolyGhoft. 2 Cor , 3. , 4 1 he gr^ce of the Lord Jefns Cbriji, and the love of God, and the Qommmton efthe Holy Ghoft be with you all, A- fhcn ( ij lohn 1 . 1 4, 1 $ . v. 1 4. J And the word was made tiefh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his clory the glory as of theon/r begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. V. 1 8.]No nan hath fecn God at any time, the »n\y begotten Son which is in tlie bofotn of the Father, he harh declared him. Tf ")]oh * ^.i6.But when the comforter iscome, whom I will fend unto you from the fathcr,evenr)!)e5^into/' truth^whichproceedethfrom the Father, he fhall tcftificof me.Gal.4. 6. And iecaufc yOB are fons, God hath fcnt forth the Spirit of his Son intoyonr hem ts, crying Abba Fatter. Chap. III. of Cods eternal Degree, GO D from all eternity, did, by the moft wife and holy Council of his own Will , freely, and un- changeably chaneeably ordain whatfoever comes to pafs 4. Yet fo, fOEph- '■ u'. in asthlreby, neither is God the Author of fin i, nor is lS.fjr„he;^ violence offered to the will of the Creatures,nor is the tancc, being prede- Libcrty or contingency of fecond Caufcs taken away, ^^^i^^'^^l'''^^''^^^ but rather eftablilhed c. who wrketh ai things after the Cout- all »f hi/ own will. Rom. 1 1. 9 9' Oh the depth of the riches^ both sf the wifdom and knowUdgeoi God, hovr unfearchabic are his Judgements, and his wayes paft finding out > Heb. 6, 17. whetein God willing more abundantly to fhew unto the heirs of promife, the immutability of his Council^con' firmed it by an Oath. Rom. 9.15* «8. v. i $.] For he faith to Mofesy I will have mercy on whtnil m// hare mercy, and I will have compa(fion«n whom I will have compaffion. V. 18.] Therefore hath he mercy ojiwJbom/jewr// have mercy, and jv/jimkyr;// he hardneth. fbj ]3m. i. 13,17. V. ig. 3 let no man fay when he is tempted, I am tempted of God^ for God cannot be tempted witli cvill, neither tempteth he any man. V. 17.] Every giod gift^ and every perfelfgift is f rem above, and commerh down from the Father of ligbts, with whom is no variablenefs, neither fhadow of tur- ning. I John 15. This then is the meffage which we have heard of him and declare unto yon, that God is light, and in him is no darl^iefs at aU. (c) Afts 2. 25. Him being delivered by the ie* terminate Council and foreknowledge of God^ ye have iaken^ and by wicked bands have crucified and (lain. Mat. 17. 12. And 1 fay unto you, that £//« is come already, and they knew him pot, but have done unto him whatfoever they lifted, likewife fhali alfo the Son of man fuffcr of theirn, A^S 4. 27, 28. v.*7 J For ofa truth, againft that Holy Child Jefus, whom thou haft anointed, both iy!rr»an^ others foreordained to evcr- wiiiing ro /hew his lifting death ^. wrath, and to make his power known, indured with much long ftiffering the Vejfels of wrath fitted to defrruaion' y. a?. J And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the veffelsof mercy, which fie S^/L^T'rl -n'^f T.r^P'"^ ^'^- ^ 50 Having ;,.e^e/?;W.. us uito the .^o;mn./ Cbjldtenhy Jefus Chrift to himfelf according ro the good pleafure of his will. V. 6 ] To the praife of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made «jdccf;)rtfi; in the beloved. Prov. i6 a The Lnrti hath made all things for himfelf, yea the iivkksdfor the day of Evill. ' hfc^JerJhde?; '* the ^ ^* ^^^^^ ^"^^^^ ^"^ "^^" ^^"^ predemnated and foundation of God ^ore-ordained, are particularly and unchangeably de- ftandeth fure, ha- figncd, and their number is fo certain and definite that lofd Xor^^fth%h^m ^^ """ot be either increafed or dimiaiOied h. ' that are his. And let everyone thatnameth the njmeof Chrift departfrom iniquity. ]ohn 15. 18. Ifpeaknotof yon all, ' ^r|^-w>r^(,w 7 ^rtwc^o/e,;, but that the Scripture may be fulfilled, he thateateth bread with ae> hJth lift up his heel againft me. rVi^? 'd''^'"* ^' Thofeof man-kind that are predeftinatcd unto he hath chofen a% in Llfc? God, before the foundation of the world was him before the foun- laid, according to his eternal and immutable purpofe, tCV/'^LTbi ^"^ ^he ^^cret Council and good pleafure of his Will, holy and without hath chofen in Chrift unto cverlafting glory 7, out of blame before him in his meer free grace and love, withoutany fore fight of wldekllowiMtouf f'^i^h, or Good works, or perfeverance in either of the myitcry of his them, or any other thing in the creaturejas conditions, r'V"?fure w^°»>h'e ^'^ ^^^^'^^ "^^^^"S thereunto^© and all to the praife of hadpurpofed in him- his glorious grace/. fclf.V.iiOlnwhom alfo we have obteined an inherirance,beingp>Wt'y?//i«rfi/ 4cror^in^ to th:pjtrpofe of him, who worketh all things after the Council of his will.Ro.8 go.Moreover whom he did/rf^f/f//7/irechera he alfo cal- led, whom he called, them he alfo ju!\ified, & whom he juftificd, them he alfsglorified.a Tim. i.p. Who hath faved uj, & called us with an holy callingijuot according ro our works, bur according tt his twitpurpefe ^ grace^v/<^^ Wiasgiven us in Chrilt jefus before the world began. 1 Thef.$.9. For God hath not appoitited us to wrath,but to obtein Salvation by our Lord Jefus Chrilt.( j(^}Ro.j. 1 1, ' 3, > S.See Let- ter E. immediately foregoing. Eph. i. 4. j.Jee Letter I immediately foregoing. ( /} Eph. i 6,1 2. ▼.^.3 to the praife of the glory oi his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. y. 12. 3 That wc (hould be ro the praife of his glory y who firfl trufted in Chrift. VL As God hath appointed the Eled untoglory^ ib hath he. by the eternal and moft Iree purpufc of his Will, i [131 Wilh fore-ordaincd all the means thereunto m. Cm) i Pec. i. 2. B- Wherefore they who are elefted^being faUen in Ada>», ^^S^^ti3|e° "S are redeemed by Chrift«3 are efFeftually called unto God the Father faith in Chrift, by his Spirit working in due feafon, are ^f 'jS!f^\^tr"k untoo- juftified, adopted, fandified 0, and kept by his J.^Jf^'^e/rnd /?r?nt- power through faith unto Salvation p. Neitherareany ling of the blood of Sther redeemed by Chrift, efFedually called , julHfied, ].f ^^ f ^'^j ^^^^,1 adopted, fanftified and faved, but the cleft only q, ding as he hachcho- fen us in him before the foundation of the world, tfiat we fhould be holy and veithout blame before him in love. V. $.} Hiving predcrtinated us Hnto the adoption of Childien byjcfus Chrift to hirwfclf, according to the good pie afu re of his will. Eph. a. lo. For we are his workmanfhip Created 'mQ\\n^ JefuSHnt* goodvporkj-, which God hath before ordained that we jlonld walk. in them. 2 Theff. a. 13. But we are bound to give thanks al way roGod for you Brethren beloved of the Lord,bccanfe God hath from the beginning cAe/en>(3« to Salvation through Sanilijication of the Spirit and belief of the trutht (n) I ThciV. 5. 9, I o. V. 9. J For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtein Salvation by our LordJefusChrift, V. 10.] Who died for us, that whether we wake or fleep, we fhould /ivfro- gether with him- Tit. 2. 14. Who gave himielf for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity , and purifie unto himfelf a peculiar people zealous of good works. Co J Rom. 8.50. Moreover whom he didpredeftinate them he alfo called, whom he called^ them he alfoJH/J/^e^j^, and whom he jujiijiedy them he alfo ^/ori/iVi. Eph. i. 5. Having predeilinated us unto the adhptien of Chit- dren by Jefus Ch> iji unto himfelf according to the goodplcafure of his will. 2 Theff- 2. 13. For we arc bound to give thanks alway to God for you brethren be'oved of the Lord, becaufe God hath from the beginning chofen you to Salvation through SaiiSlification of the Spirit^ and behef of the trath.CpJi Pet.i.j.Who are l^ept by the povcer of God through Faith unto Salvation, rczdy to be revea- led in thelaft time.(^ tothcpraifeof hisrfori^ r.tiJ At that rime ominfticer Jefus anfwered and O"^ J ""^^^ '^• faidf I thank thee O Fither Lord of hearcn and earth, becaufe thou haft hid thefe things from the wife gnd prudent ytni h^reveAlcdthem unto babes. V. 26.] Even fo Father, for fo it fcenied good in thy fight. Rom.9. 17, i8,a/, 23.V; 17.] For the Scripture I'alrh, unto /A4MaA,even for this fame purpofe have/ raifcd thee up, that I might fhew my power in thee, and that mj name might be declared throughiut alttheezTth, V. 18.] Therefore hath he mercy on whom he w/7/have mercy, indwhomhe wfH he hardneth. V. aiO Hath not the Potter power over the clay ^ of the fame lump to make one yeflcl unto honour, and another to difhonour ? V. 2 1.3 What if God wiUing to fherv his wraths and to makt his Fower,known frti«re(^with much long fuffering, the veffels of wrath fitted to deftruftion? 2 Tiaa. 2.19, 20. V. 19.] Neverthelefs the foundation of God flandeth fure, having thisfeal, the Lord knowcth them that are his, and let every one that nameth the name of Chrift depart from ini- quity. V. 20; 3 But in a great houfe, there are not only veffels of Gold and of Silver, butatfoof wood and of earth, andfome to honour, aodfome to dijjjomur. Jude v. 4. For there are certein men crept in unawares , who were before of old ordeined to this condemnation., ungodly men^ turning the grace of our God into lafcivioufnefs, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord ]eft$ Chrift. I Per. 2. 8. And aibne of ftumbling, and a Rock of offence even to them, which ilumbleac the word,beingdifobedient, whereuntoaifothcy if ere appointed. CfJ Rom. 9. 20. V I T I. The dodrinc of this high Myftery of Pre- Shi"uthaTrTpi^e^ft deftination is to be handled with fpecial prudence againft God? /hall and carey^that men attending the Will of Godrevca- the thing /arme^rf/tf^ le^j in his Word, and yielding obedience thereunto, it, J^haji thou made may, froDi the certainty of their effeftual Vocation, be methus? Rom. ii. aflured of thcjr eternal Elcdtion/. So fhall this Do- the r?ches both of ^rine afford matter of praife, reverence, and admira- the wifdcm and ticn ot God«, and of humility,, diligence, andabun- knowledge of God, j^^t confolation toall that fincercly obey the Go- how unfeareh.able are ^ , his 3udgements,-And *PC1 TOP . his wayes paji finding /...,, out. Dcut. 29. 29. The fecret things belong unto the Lord our Gody but thole things which are revealed belong unto Hsznd to our Children for ever, that we may do all the words of this Law. CtJ 2 Pet. I. 10. wherefore, the rather brethren give diligence to w<<^e your calling 4«^£/f^i- onfure, for if ye do thefe things, ye fhall never fall. («) Eph. 1.6. To the praife of the glory of his gr^ce, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Rom. n, 35. SeekccerS. immediate- ly foregoing, (^w j Rom. 1 1 . $,<, 20. V. $.] Even fo then at this prefeuc rime a I fo there, Ar^m- n/. i.i. H«h Jot the manifeftation of the glory of his eternal %£l^X.t7^, power, wifdom, andgoodneis^,inthebegiDningj to ^on, whom he hath create, or make of nothing, the World, and all things appointed heir of all therein, whether Yifible or invifible, in the fpaceoffix f;",^:»Ar t^,?^ dayes, and all very good c, ]ohn. 1.2,}. r. 2.3 The fame was in the begtnmng with God. V. 3.] A\\ thmgi "wttt made by bim^ znd rt>ith$Ht him vfts not any thing made. That was made. Gen. i. 2. And the earth was without form and void, and darknefs was upon the face of the deep •, And the Spirit of Ged moved upon the face of the waters. ]cib 26. 1 3. By his Spi* rjf he hath garniflied the heavens, his hand hath formed the crooked Serpent. Job 33. 4- The Spirit if God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. C.^ J ^5™ii 'v >o. For the invifible things otKim., from the Creation of the world,are clearly feen^ being mderfiooi by the things that are made^ even his eternal power and God-head, fo that they are without cxcufc. jcr. 10. 12. He hath made the earth by fe;j;)ower,heharhtftablifhedthe world by his w//(^om,and hath ftretched out the heavens by his difcretion. Pfal. 104. 24. OLord how manifold arc thy works ! in wifdomhafi thou made them all, the earth is full of thy riches. Pfal. 33- Sy ^' v. 5- J He loveth rightcoufnefs and Judgement, the earth is full of rAe goo(/ne/> 0/ the Lord. V. 6. ] By the w«rdof the Lord were the heavens made, and all the Hofts of them by the breath of his mouth. Cc) Stc the whole firft Chapter of Genefis. Heb. 119. Through faith we underftand , that the worlds were fvamtd by the word of god^ So that things which are fecn, were not made of things which do appear. Col. i. 16, ¥or hy him were all things Created that are in heaven, that are in ezith^vijible and invijible, whether they be thrones or dominions, or principalities or powers. All things were Cre. the [16] ^ ^ y theLawof God written in their hearts^, and power V 14°]^ For^wheii *o ftilfi^ it ^ .• and yet under a poflibility of tranfgref- the Gentiles which fing, being left to the Liberty of their own will^ which Sr-rerh'Sls was fubjta unto change /. Befide this Law written concerned in the law, in their hearts , they received a command, not to eat iiw ''il" rt"° 1]?^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ Knowledge of good and evilJ, which unto * 7hemfehes!^ whiles they kept, they were happy in their Communi- V. 1 5.] which fhew on with God y^* and had Dominion over the crca- the work of the tures/ Law written in their hearts^ their confci- Vt^v *'(^ '^^""S W'tnefs, and their thoughts the mean while accuring,or clfe excafing one another: C»J Ecclef. 7.29. Loe this only have I found, God hath made man upright, but rhey have foughc out many inventions. (OGen. 5. 6. And when the woman faw the tree was good for food, and that It was pleafant to the eyes, and a tree to be defired to make one wife, flie toal(^of the fruit there- of and did eat, and gave alfo to hey husband with her ^ andhe dicieat. Ecclef. -j. ip. See letter //^im- mediately foregoing. ( i^; Gen. 2. 1 7. But of the tree of the knowledge of goodand evill, thoa Ihalt nor eat of it, for in the day that thou eateft thereof, thm jlialtfuiely dye. Gen. 5. 8,9, io» "» 23. V. 8.] And they heard the voyce of the Lord God walking in the Garden in the coel of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themfelves frem the prefence of the Lord God amongft the trees of tlie Garden. V. 9.] And the Lord God called mto Adam, and faid unto him, iVhere art thou .•* V. 10;] And he faid, I heard thy voyce in the garden and I was afraid, becaufc I was naked, and I hidmyfelf. V. u.] And he faid. Who told thee that thou waft naked ? haft thou eaten 1/ the JVfe, whereof I commanded thee that thou fhouldcft not eat. V. 23. Therefore the Lord God feM hmfmh from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken (/) Gen. i. 26, 28. y. 25.] And God faid, let us make man in our own Image after oar likenefs, and let them hare dominion over the ff} of the Sea, and over the forvhf the air, and over the Cattell, and over all the earthy ©> ever every creeping thing that aeepeth upon the earth.\. s8.] And Gcd bJcflTed them and God faid untothem, be fruitfull, and multiply, and repienifti the earth, and fubdue it. And have Domini- 9n over the fifh of the Sea, and over the fowl of the aif,andovcr every living thing that movcth up- on the earth. Chap. V. of Prov/deftce» (a) Heb. 1. 3. Who /^Od thc great Creator of all things, doth uphold a^ ofhistbrylatiThe VJ dircd, difpofc, and govcm all creatures , adions, exprcfs Image of his pcrf)n, and uphol- . . ding all things by the word of his power , when he had by hifinfelf parged eur fms, fac down on thc right hand of the Majcfty on high. -^ and [17] and things by from the greatelt even to the leaft c , by his moft wife and holy Providence i^ 3 according to his (^) Daniel 4. 34, infallible fore-khowled^e e^ and the free, and immuta- ^V." l'J^i\i ^'f ^"^ .. ^ -.1 r 1 • \Ti7'\\ r ^ ^1. T r r ^i^c end oj the Jayes^ ble Counciil or his own Will/, to the praile or the i Nebuchadne:^^,- iifc glory of HisWifdom, Power. Tuftice, Goodnefs, and "n "'"^ eyes umo ^ ^ . heaven, and mine Mercy ^. underftandmg retur- ned unco rae, and I bleffed the mofl high, and I praUed and honoured him that Iiveth for ever, whofe dominion is an everlafting dominion, and his Kingdom is from generation to generation. V. ?$• ] Andalltheln- haHtantsof the earth are reputed as nothing : and he doth according to his will in the Army of hea- ven, and among the Inhabitants of the earth, and none can ftay his hand, or fay unto him, what doeftthou? Pfalm. 155. <^. Whatfoever the Lordpleafed , that did he in heaven and in earth, in the Seas, and all deep places. A';g/;re*«j inallhiswayes, and holy\n allhisworks. ([e) Afts 15.18. Known unto God a-e all hisworks from the beginning of the world. Pfal. 94. 8, 9, lo, 11. v. 8. ] llnderftand O ye brutifh among the people , and ye fools when will ye be wife? V. 9.] He xh^ix planted the ear fhall he not hear, he that formed the eye fhall he not fee ? V. 10.] He that diaflifeth the heathen fhall not he corred? he that teachethman kporckdge^ fliall net he know ? V. 1 1 . ] The Lord ki\9weth the thoughts ofman^ that they are vanity. QfJ Eph. I. II. In whom alfo we have obteinedan inheritance, being predeftlnated according to the purpofe of him , who worketh all things after the Counciil of his own will. Pfal. 33. 10, 1 1. V. 10.] The Vovd^brmgeth the O>uncillof tb; heathen to nought , he raaketh the devices of thepeo- ple of none eflfea. V. 11 .] The Q^uncM of the L.rdjlandetbfor ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. f^J Ifa. 63. 14. As a Bealtgoeth down into the valley, the Spirit of the Lord caufed him. to reft, fo didft thou lead thy people to make thyfelf a glorious name. Eph. 3.10. To the in- tent that now unto the principalities & powers in heavenly places mi^t hekno^A^n by the Church the manifold wifdom of God. Rom. 9. 17. For the Scripture faith unto P/.wrto;b , even for this fame purpofe have I raifed thee up, that I mighty^e»^ my power in thee , and thaf my name might be decla- red throughout all the earth. Gen. 45. 7- And Godfent me before you to prefer ve you a pofterity in the earth, and to fave your lives by a great deliverance. Pfal. 145. 7, They fhall abundantly ut- ter the memory of thy great goodncfsy andfljdlfing of thy right eoufnefs. I r. Although in relation to the fore-knowledge and decree of God, the firftGaufe, all things cometopafs immutably and infallibly ^.- yet by the fame Provi- COAas2.23. Him dcncehe crdereth them to fall out, according to the ''f'"? ^^^'''^^^^ ^f ' " the determinate Coun- , J r ^ , , , ^ill and foreknoW' ledge of Godj ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and flain. ^ nature Ci8] (i) Gen. 8. aa. naturc of fecond caufes, either neceiTarily, freely or arJHarvefit and aid and heat ^and Summer and Winter^ and day and night JJjall not ceafe. ]er 31. 35. Thus faith the Lord which giveth the Sun for a light by daj^ and the Ordinances of the rr.oon-^ and of the Stars for a light by nighty which dividtth the Sea, when the waves thereof roar, the Lord of Hofts is his name. . Exod. SI. 15- Andif araanlyenotin wait,but Go(/ <^e/?t;i.T /;r;nr1^9 Aif /jtf/iil', then I will appoint* there a place whither he fhall flee. Deut. 19.5. As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbour to hew wood, and his hand fetchcth a flrokc with the Ax to cut down the Tree, and the head flippeth from the hcWe and lighteth upon his ne'ighbour , that he die , hejj)a!ljlee into one of thofc Cities^and Liue. l King. 22. 28,34. v. 28.] A.nd Micai ah (,i\dy \i thou return at allinpeace^ the Lord hath not fpo^en by meyiindhv\^\d,ilcitkcnO people every one of you. V. 34.] Andacertain iran drew a bow at a venture andfmote the King of Ifrael between the Joints of the harnefs^ wherefore he faid unto the driver of his Chariot, turn thy hand, and carry me out of the Hoft, for 1 am woun- cled» Ifa. 10.6,7. v.<5.] I will fend him aga'mji an hypocritical Nation., andagainfl the people of my wrath will I give him a charge to take the fpoyl, and to take the prey,and to tread them down like the mire of the Streetsi V. 7.] Howbeit be meaneth notfoy neither doth his heart think fo, but u is in his heart to deftroy and cut ofFNations not a few» (k.^ Aas 27. 31, I II, God in his ordinary Providence maketh ufe ?o theCentu^Snand ^^ "^eans ^v yet is free to work without /, above m^ and to the Souidiers, Ex. sgainft them at his pleafure ;/. cept the fe abide in the ^ip ye cannot be faved. V. 44. ] hr\di\\txt?iyfome6nboaYdsy and fome on brol^en pieces ef the fljip^ tnA lb it came to pafs that they cfcaped all fafe to Land. Ifa. $5. 10, n.v. lo.] For as the raincom- neth downy andthefnowfrem heaven and returneth net thither, but water eth the earthy and mcfiietb jt bring forth and budy that it may give feed to the fower, and bread to the eater. V. 1 1 • So fhall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth. Ic fhall not return unto me void, but it flull accom- plilh that which I pleafe, and it fhall profper in the thing whereto I fent it. Hof. 2. 21,22. v. ax.] And it fhall covne to pafs in that day, I will hear faith the Lord, I will hear the heavens , and th-y jhalihear the earths V. 22. ] And the earth fJiall hear the Cem, and the iVine, and the Oyl, and they fhall hear ]ezretU {IJ Hof. 1,7. But I will have mercyupon thehoufe o{ Jndah, and will fave themby the Lord their God, and wUlmt favethem by bowy nor by f wordy nor by batel^ by horjesy nor by horfemen. Mat. 4. 4. But he anfwered and faid It is written, man fhall not live by bread aloncy but by every -word thit prcceedeth out oi the mouth of Cod. Job 34. 10. Therefore hearken unto me ye men of undcrllanding, far be it from God that he fhould do wickednefs, and from the Almighty, that he fhould commit iniquity, (/n^ Rom. 4. 19, 20, 21. v. 19 ] And being not weak in Faith, be confidered not by his own body now dead, when he was an hundred years old , neither yet the dead- nefsof Sarahs womb. V. 20.] He flaggered not at the promifeof God through unbehef, but was ftrongin Faith, giving glory to God. V, 21.] And beingfuUy perfwaded, thztwhat he hadpromi' fedfhe yvii able alfo toperftrm. (n} 2 Kings ^. 6. And the man of God faid, where fell it, and he fhewed him the place, and he cut down a {l:ick and caft it in thither, ind the Iron did fwm- Dan. 3. X7. And the Princes, Governors, and Captains, and the Kings Counfelleis being gathered together faw thcfe men upon whofe bodies the fire had no power , nor was an hair of their beadfindged-, 9eitbcr were their coats changed^ no r thefmell of fire had pajfed on them. I V". The Almighty power, unfearchable wifdom, and infinite goodnefs of God fo far m ^nifeft them- felves in his Providence 5 that it extendtih it felf even to the firft Fall, and all other (ids of Angels and Men Li9l Men ^5 and that not by a bare permiffion pj but fuch as CO Rom. 1 1. 52,??, hath iovnedwithit, amoftwife and powerful boun- P'l' ^^- \ Jof ;"''-',,'./- J . ^1 . f. God hath conciuded ding q, and otherwile ordering, and governing of them all in unbelief, them, in a manifold difpdnfation to his own holy rhat he might have ends r; yet fo, as the finfulnefs thereof proceedeth on- y"^^^ oK^/rt ly from the creature, and not from God, who being o/rfec wfeef both or moft holy and righteous, neither is, nor can be the ^^yi'^^rGT/^how Author or Approver of fin/. mfLlhahk are ^ *Tf Judgments^ and h\i waj/espafl finding out \ V. 34.] For roho hath known the mind of the Lord^ or who hath been his Counfellcr ? 2 Sam. 24.1. And again the anger of the Lord was kindled againft//r<»e/, and he moved D/Ji/ic/againft them to fay, Go number Ifracl and Judah. i Chron. 21. 1. And Satan ftood u^ igiindlfrael^ and provoked DAvidtonnrVibcTlfrael. I Kings 2«. 2JI, a^vv. 22'] i4nd the Lord faid unto him, Wherewith ? And he faid, I will go forth, And I will be a lying Spirit in the mouth of all his Prophets and hefaidy Thou /halt per fivade him and prevail alfo, go forth and do fo. V. 23.] Now therefore behold the Lord hath put a l^ing Spirit in the mouth of all thefe thy Prophets^ and the Lord hath fi'okenevillcowccrn'mgthce. i Chron. 10. 4, i^, 14.V. 4J Then faid ^^^w/ to his Armour- bearer, draw rhy fword and thruft me through therewith, left thefe uncircumcifed come and abufe me-, but his Armour-bearer would nor, for he was fore afraid, fo Saul took a fword and fell upon it., V. 13. ] So5'<««/diedforhis tranfgreflion which he committed againft the Lord, even againft the word of the Lord which he kept not, and alfo for asking Counfell of one that had a familiar Spirit, toenquireof it. V. 14.] And enquired not of the Lord, therefore he flerv him^ and turned the Kingdom unto David the Sen of Jeffe. 2 Sam. 16. 10. And the King faid , What have i to do with you ye Sons of lerviah ? fo let him curfe, becaufe the Lord hath faid unto him curfe David, who fhall then fay, wherefore liaft thou done fo ? Ads 2.23. Him being delivered by the determinate Ceuncill and forektwwledge of Cod, ychive taken, and with wicked hands have crucified and (lain. A&i^. 27, 28. V. 27.1 For of a truthagainfl thy holy Child ]efus whom thou haft anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles, and the people of Ifrael were gathered together. V. 28.] For to do wharfocver tliy hand and thj Comcill determined before to be done, (pj A to wall^in their ewnwayet. (^)Pfal. 75.10. Surely the wrath of man (hall praife thee, the remainder of wrath /fjalt thou rejlrain. 2 Kings 1 9, 28. Becaufe thy rage againft me, and thy tumult is come up into mine eares, therefore I will put my hook, in thy mfe^ and my b)idle in thy lips, and I will rum thee back by the way which thou cameft. (">•) Gen. 50. 20. But as for you, ye thought evill againft me, but God meant it unto good, to bring to pafs as it is this day, tofave much people alive. Ifa. 10. 6, 7, 12. v. 6.'] IrvillfendhimzgimW an hypocriticall Nation and againft the people of my wrath mil I give him a charge to take the fpoyl, and to take the prey, a'ld to tread them down like the mire of theftreeis. V.7.J Howbeit he meaneth not fo, neither dotb his heart thinlifo, bur it is in his heart to deftroy and cut off Nations not a few. V. 1 2.I Wherefore ic ftiall come to pafs, that when the Lord hath performed his whole work upon mount Sion, and on lcrura!eni,J»vj// puniJJ) the fruit of thcjiout heart of the King oi Ajfiyria, and the glory of his high looks. r/)Jaaies i. 13,14,17. v. 13. Let no man fay when he is tempted, I am tempted of God, for God cannot be tempted with evill, neither tempteth he any man. V. 14.] But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own Luft and enticed. V. 1 7. j Every good and every per- fect gift is from above, and commcth down from the Father of lights,with whom is no'variablenefs, norfhadow of turning, i ]ohn i. \6. For all that is in the world, the luft of theflefh, the luft of rhe^eyes, and the pr deof life is not 0/ r/;e F^r/???-, but is of the world. Pfal. 50. 21. Thefe things haft thou done and I kept filent j thou thoughteft that I was altogether fuch a one as thy felf, but / wtll reprsve thee, andfet them in order before thine eyes. D 2 V.The [ 20] (Oaaron. 92.^5, V. The moft wife, righteous, and gracious GOD m[ekjah ^^rcndred ^o*^h oftentimes leave for a feafon his own children to not again according manifold temptations 3 and the corruption of their iti^Z^'JZs «^^ ^^^'^'^ ^^ ch^^^^<^ ^^'.^?^ ^^' ^^^' fo^"^er fins.or to heart was'iiftediip, difcover unto them the hidden iirengthofcorruptionj therefore there was and deceitfulncfs of their hearts, that they maybe TnTupon jWrt/jaiTd humblcd ^iand to raife them toa more clofe and con- Jerufaicm V. rf.] ^^nt dependance for their iupport Upon hlmfelf, and Nomjhihndwg^H^^ ^o ^^^^^ them more watchful againft all future occafi- himfeif for the rride ons of (In, and for fundiy other juft and holy ends u, of his heart CBoth he & the Inhabirants of Jerufaletn) fo that the wrath of the Lord came not upon them in the days o^Hez^ekjah.W. 5 1 .]Howbeit in the bufinefs of the EmbafTadours of the Princes oi Babylon , who fcnc unto him to enquire of the wonder that was done in the land, God left btm 10 try h:m,tbat hs migkt know all that was in his heart. 2 Sam. 24. i. And again the anger of the Lord, was kindled againfl: If- raeli And he niovsd David zgiind them to fay, Go number Ifrael rf«i judah. QuJ 2 Cor. 1 2. 7, 8, 0, V.7.] And/e/? I j\)ould be exalted above meafurc^y through the abundance of the Revelations, rii^rt' was given to me a thorne in tbeflcflj^ the meiTenger of Satan to buffet me, left I /fjould be ex- alted abovt meafure. V. 8.3 For this thing, I be fought the Lord thrice , that it might depart from me. V. 9. ] And he faid unco me, My grace isfufficient for thee , for my flrengch is made perfeft in weaknefs*, mofi: gladly therefore will I glory in mine infirmities, thattlie p.wer of Chrifr may reft upon me. Pfal. 79. Jhrnughour. Ftal. 77. i, 10, 12. v. r. 1 I nvea'z/Hfo Go.'i'with my voycc, even unto God with my voyce, and he gave ear unto me. V. io.]And{ faid, This is my infirmicy. But i will remember the years of the right hand of the m-sfl high. V. 1 2. ] / mil meditate a! jo of alt r/;;* jrjj-^f, andtalkof ailthy doing^ Sce^>frf)i(^i4. fromthe65. verfcto thcend. Jo!in2i. 15,16, ■17. V. 1 5.- So when they had dined, Jefusfairh CO i'won FetcK, Simon Sonoi Jonas^ lovell thou mc more than thefe.''He faith unt© him,Yea,Lord,thou knoweft that 1 love thee. He fa 1 1 unto hlmjFecd. my Lambs. V. i6.~] Hefaith to him again the fecond time , Simon, Sen of Jonas ^ loveftchoumcf He faith unto him. Yea, Lord, Thou knoweft chat I love thee. He faich unco him, Feed my Sheip. V. 17.] He faid unto him the third time, Si»»««, ^onof Jonas, Loveft thnu me.<' Vcter wasgritvcd, becaufe he faid unto him the third time, Loveft thou me v and hefiid tuKohim, Lord, Thou know- eft all things. Thou knoweft that I love thee, Jcfus faith unto hifti, Feed my (hap. (w3Rom. 1. 24, 26, y J. As for thofe wicked and ungodly men, whom tvI'God ^aTZve G O D as a righteous Judge, for former fins doth blind them up to unclean- and harden 2v,trom them he not only with- hoi deth hh nefs,. through the ^j. ^ whereby they might have been inligbtnedin Tufts of their own S* in^i- °i 1 • »• hearts, to difhonour their underltandmgs, and wrought upon m then* their own bodies be- hearts X .» but fometimcs alfo with-draweth thegif(s rween themfelves< V.2 6.]For this caufe, God gave them up to \'^^'eaffc&lon$y for even their women did change the naturall ufe into that which is againft nature. V. 28 3 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowlcdge» Godgavt them over to a reprobate mind, to 00 thofe things which are not convenient. Rom. 11.7, 8.V. 7.] What then 7/rAe/ hath not obreined, chat which heft eketh for, but the Eleciion haveob- teined it, and the reft were blinded. V. 8. ] According as it is written, Gcd bath given them the Spi- rit o{ llumber, eyes that they fhould not fee, ears that theyfhould not hear unto this day. fxj Deut. 29.4. Yet the Lord hath not givenyeu mhein:o perceive, and eyes to fee, asd cars to hear, unto this day. whicln [ 21 ] which they had^, and expofeth them to fuch objefts W ««.!,. u.^F^r as their corruption makes occaiions orhnz.; and with- him fhaii be given, all eivesthem over to their own lufts, thetcmptati- and he Hull have ' ^t 1 u J *u ^^, .^ CO ^ u L more abundance: onsot the world, and the power ot Satan ^.-whereby Bucwhofoever hath it comes to paTs that they harden them felve Steven un- nor, from him fiiaii derthofe means, which GOD ufeth forthefoftning ^j'^.teeha^.^S of others/'. 25. 29. For untoe- very one trut hath fhall be given, and be fhall have more abundance, but from him that hath nor, fhall be taken away even that which he hath. C\ ) Dcur. 2. 30. ButSihon Kiiagof HeJJj bo n would not let us pafiby him j for tlie Lord thy God hardned his Spirit, and made his heart obflinate, that he might deU- ver him into thy haod, as appcareth this day. aKii-igsS. 12, 13, v. 12.] And //<»:(/»?/ faid, why weepcth my Lord ? and he anfwcred, bccaufc I know the evill that thou wilt do unto the Cliildrca of Ifrael 5 their ftrong holds wile thoii fet on fire,and their young men wilt thou flay with thefword, and wile dafh their children, and rip up their women with Child. V. 15.] And Haiael faid, But whatisthyfervantaDog, that he fiiould do this great thing ? And EliJJm^nfwetcd, The Lord hath Piiwcdme that thoujhahbe Kivg over Syria. Ca) Pfal. 81. 1 f, 12. v. 1 1.] Butmy people would not hearken to my voyce •, zndlfrael would none of me. V. 12.3 So Igave them up unto their own /.ieecaafe they received not the love of the. truth, that they might be laved. V. 11.] And for this cdufe, God flnll fend them firong delufms^ that they fiiould bdieve a lye. 1 2. 2 That they all might be dsmned, who believed not the truth, l)ut had plcafure in unrighreoufncfs. {b) Exod. 7. 5. And / nill harden Pharaohs hearty and mul- tiply my Signes, and my wonders in th.e Land of E^;*/)/^. Exod. 8. 15, 52. V. 1 5. J But when P/j.f* ra-ih faw there was refpicc, be hardned his hearty and hearkened not unto them , as the Lord had faid. V. 3 2. J And Pharaoh hardned his heart at this time alf.\ neither would he let the people go. 2 Cor. 2. 155 -i^' V.15- ] Fcrwe are unto God 3 fwcetfavjur of Chrift, 7/2 tbemthat are favedy andii^ them tLtt periJJj. V.iS.jTo the one, v/e arc the favour of death unto death, and to theother^ the fa- vour of Hje unto life j And who isfufficicntfor thefe things. Ifa. 8. i,'. And he fhall be for a SanUuary : but for ajline offiumblir.g, a-id for 3 Rock of ©ffence to both the Hoiifes of Ifracl, for a gin, andfora fs.^rc torhe hihabitants of 7c?)^«/rt/fm. ■» P^;c. 2. 7, 8. v. 7.] Vnto ym therefore which belie vche is |))ed)}(?// /je.t,', and f^.aIl not underftand, leeing, ye fhail f-eandnot perceive. V. 27.] Forr/je hea-t of this people it watcdgrofs, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have theyclofed» left they fhould lee with rlicir eyes, and hear with their cares, and underftand with their hearts, and flvould b(^ converted, and llhould heal then:. V I T. As the providence of G O D doth, in general^ reach to all Creatures f^fo after a moll: fpeciall manner, D 2 it. [ » 3 CO I Tim. 4- 10- ittakethcareof his Church, anddifpofeth all thinirs J?i*b':fa^'df:f'*<' 'he good thereof .. « fer reproach, becaale we truftin the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, efpecially of them that beheve. Amos 9. 8, p.v. 8 . ] Behold the eyes of the Lord God are upon the finfull Kingdom , and I will deftroy it from oft the face of the earth, faving that I will not utterly deftroy the houfe of Tacob faith the Lord. V. 9.] For loe I will command , and I willfift the houfe of Ifrael among all Nati- ons, like as Corn is fiftcd m a five, yetjhall not the leaft grain fall on the Earth. Rom. 8 28 And we know that all things work.together for good.to them which love God, to them which arethe called according to hispurpofe. Ifa.45. 5 4 5, 14. V. 5. ] For I am the Lord thy God, theholyone of Ifaelthy Saviour, I^^-vcLgypt for thy ranfom, Ethiopia ^n^^Seba for thee. V. 4. ] Since f/w« yrafi precious m my fight, thou hall been honourable, and I have loved thee, therefore vfxWigive men for thee, and people for thy life. V. f .] Fear nor, for / what is this that den fruit ^. This their fin 5 God waspleafed, accor- thou halt done ? And ^jj^g ^q j^jg ^jfg ^^^ j^^jy CounciU, to permit, having the woman laiQ, The ° /- 1 . • ,• ^ «i J^,, / ** Serpent beguiled me, purpolcd tO Otdcr It tO his own glory U, and I did eat. 2 Cor. J I. 3. But I fear left by any means , as the Serpent beguiled Kve through his Subtilty , fo your minds fhould be corrupted from the fimplicicy that is in Chrift. {bj Rom- 11. 32. For God hath conclu^ ded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all. CO Gen. 5. (5, 7, 8. II. By this fin they fell from their original righte- womantw?hl"fee ou^i^efsand communion withGod ^, and fo became was good for food, dead in fiQ<^3 and wholly defiled Jn all the facul- andthat it wasplea- fant to the eyes, and a Tree to be defired to make one wife, fhe took of the fruit thereof and did eat, and gave alfo un- to her husband with her and he did eat. V. 7.] And the eyes of them both were opened, and thtyVncvft^Mt that they were naked, and they icwed Fig-leaves together, and made themfelves aprons, V. 8. ] And they heard the voyce of the Lord God , walking in the Garden, in the cool of the day ; And Adam and his wife hid themfelves from from the prefnce of the Lord God, amongft the Trees of the Garden. Ecclef. 7.29. Loe this onely have I found, thiz God hath made man up- right, but they have fought out many inventions. Rom. 5. 25. ^ov all have finned and come jlmt of the glory of God. ^dj Gcn.2.iT . But of the Tree of knowledge of good and evill, thou fhalt not eat of if, for in the day thou eateft thereof , thou {iialtfurely die. Eph. a. i . And you hath he quick- ned that were dead in trefpajfes and fins. ties ties and parts of Soul and body e. (e3 Tit. 1. 15. Unto the pure all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure, bucevcn their mind and confdcnce is defiled. Gen. 6. 5. And God Taw that the wickednefs of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his hart , was onely evill continually. ]er. 179. The heart is deceitfu II 2bo\e ill th'wgi-^anddefperately wic^e^/, who can know it? Rom. 9. 10, 1 1,1 i, 13, ,^^15,16,17,18. V. 10. J As it is wiitten, Thereis noner7g/;reoiKj, no not one. V. 1 1.] There is none that underftandeth-, there imone that feel^th after Gsd. V. 12.3 They are all gone out_of the rvayy they are together hccomQ unprofitable^thcrc is nene that doth goody not not one. V. i^.jTheir throat is an open Sepulchre., with their tongue they have ufed deceit, the Foyfon of Afpes is under their lips. V. 14.J Whcie month is full of curfing and bitternefs. V. 15 J Their /eer artfwiftto fjedblo^d. V. 1 15. ] DeftruHion and mifery are in their veayes. V. ij.Axid. the way of pence have they not known. V. 18.3 There is no fedr of God before their eyes. III. They being the root of all man-kindj the guilt ^/jcen.i. 27,28. of this (in was imputed/, and the fame death in fin v 27. ] So God and corrupted nature, conveyed to all their pofteritv ^^^^^^^ ^'*" I" t'^ 1 r j-^^ C ^x, -Ju J- • ^ own Image, m the defcendmg trom them by ordmary generation g. image of God cre- ated he him, Male and Female Created he them. V. 28. ] And God blelTed them, and God faid unto them. Be fruitful], and multiply, and replenifh the earth, and fubdue it, and have dominion over the fifh of the Sea, and over the fowl of the aire, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Gen. ». i5, 17. V. 16. ] And the Lord God commanded the man,faying. Of every Tree of the Garden thou inayft freely eat. V. 17. ] But of the Tree of the knowledge cf good and evill, thou fhalt not egt of If, for in the day that thou eateft thereof, thou fljah furely die. Ads 17. 26. And hath made of ore blood all Nations of mcn^ for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation. Rom. $.12, 15, 16,17,18, 19. v.12.] Wherefore zihy one man fm entered into the world, and death bv fin, and fo death paffcd upon all men., for that allhave finned. V. i $. ] Butnot as the offence, foalfo'is the free gift', for if through the of- fence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, aad the gift by grace, which is by one man 3efusChnIl,hath abounded unto manv. V. 16. And not as it was by one thatfinned, fo is the gifr,for the Judgement was by one to condemr,atio„, but the free gift is. f iflany offences unto lufti ideation. V. 1 r . J For if by one mans ojfcnce death reigned by one. ,r,uch more they which receive abundance of grace, and of tne gilt of nghteoufnefs, Ihall reign in life by one jefus Chrift. V. 18. 1 There- fore as by the offence of one Judgement came upon all men to condemnation, even fo by the' riahteouf- nefs of one, the free gift came upon all men unto juftification of life. V. ' 9. 3 For as by one mans difobedience,vc\\x\y were made finners-,fo by the obedience of one,fhall many be made righteous.iCor. 15. 21,22, 45,49' V. 21.] ¥ot{mcc by wan came death, by man came alfothe rcfurredian of the dead. V. 22. J For as r«/l^rfOTrt//i/K', even fo in Chrift, fhallall be made alive. V.4$.l Andfo it is written, The fitft man Adam was made a living foul, the laft Adam was made a qsiickning Spirit. V. 49.] And as we have born tht Imr^e of the earthly, we alfo fhall hear the Image of the hea! venly. {g ) I'fal. 51.5. Behold I wajhapen in iniquity, and infin did my Mother conceive me. Gen.§. 5. And >1«'rtm lived an 130. years, and begat a Son in few own //(^ewe/x, after his //w^^e, and called his fiaxDcSetb. job 14. 4. Who can bring a clean thingout of an unclean.^ not one. job 15, 14. "Whatis man that he fjjould be clean, and he that i i born of a woman, that hefJ}ould be righteous^ IV. From this original corruption ^ whereby 00 Rom. 5. 6. For wee are utterly indifpofed, dif-abled, and made "^'7" '^'^^■'^^7 ^^^ oppofite to aU good h, and wholly inclined to all dJ^XecSt d>" ed for the ungodly, Rom. 8. 7. Eecaufe the carnal! mind is enmity againfl God ; for it is not fubjefl to the Law of Gcd, neither indeed c;.n be. Rom. 7. 18. For I know thar in mei, thdt'isinmy f:/J} dweUah no good thmgjfertowill isprefent with mt, but hew to perform that which is good, I find not. Col. »•. 21.. And you that were fojuetimes: aljciiatad and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath ht.; f«concil€d, cvill. C/^Gen. 5.5; And cviU 7, do procecd all aftuall tranf^reffions^. God hw that the o -v wickednefs of man was grear in the earth, and thzt evety magination of the thouehts of his heart i^as onely evrll comn.ally. Gen. 8.21. The maginathn of tnans heart i, eviU from his youth Ro 2 ic,ii,i».v. loj As It IS written, There is noHt? rigkesw, no not one. V. 11.] There is none that undcrltandcth, tht^c h none that fceketh afrerGed. V.12O They are alUonc o«ro/t/;e^rty , they are together becoir e unprofitable, there is none that docth good, no not one. Cli) laraes i 1 4 1 5 v u I Biit every ra-^'Cix^tcw^t^d,v/hcnh^hdraxvnaway of his ownlufi.andeiniced. V. 15. 1 Then when luft hath conceived it bringeth forth fin ■■, and fin when It is finifhed, bringeth forth death. Eph. 2 2,3. v.a.J Wherein in tinsespaft, ye »^^/^ei^cwi;n^ fork co«riVo/rte world, according to the Pniice of the power of the aire, the Spiritthatnow worketh in the children of difobedience. V. 5 .J Among whom alfo we had our converfation in times part, in the lufis of ourfleflj,fuimng the dcjnes cf the /e/7;, and of the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath, as well as other-. War. 15. 19. t or MtP/f/je/;^^rr|.rocef(/eviIl thoughts, Murders, Adulteries, Fornications, Thefts, taile wjrneb, blafphemies. i!8Jiftf}ay''^e ^'. This Corruption of nature during this life, doth hAvenofin, wede- f cmain in thofe that are regenerated /•• and*although cehtourfeives, and it be through Ghrift pardoned and mortified, yet both v!VotifT^r^'e ''^^^^^y and all the motions thereof are truly and pro- have not finned, we perlyfinw. niakehimalyer,and his word is nor in us. Rom. 7. 14,17,18,25.7. 14.] For we know that the Law is fpirituall, but I am carnal fold under fin. ¥.17.] Now then it is no more I that do it , but/Jn thit dwelleth in m£. V. 18.J For I know, that in me ([that is, in my pflf) dwelleth r.o good thing ; for to will is prefent with me, but how to perform that which is good, I find not. V. 23.] But I fee another Law in my mem- bers, rvarring agamft the Law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the Law of fin, which is in my members. Jam. § . 2. For in many things we offend alUlizny man offend not in word, the fame IS aperfeftman and able alfo to bridle the whole body. Prov. jo. p. Who can fay, 1 have made my heart clean, I am pure from my fin ? Eeclef. 7. 20. For there isnotaji/Jl man upon earth thac doth good zndfinneth not. Cmy^om.'].<>,i,Z,i%. \.$.~] For when we werein the tiefh , the moti- tionsof fin which were by the Law, did work in our members, to bring forth fruit unto death. V. 7 . What fhall we fay then ? is the Law fin ? God forbid. Nay, I had not known fin, but by the Law \ ^01 1 hid notknQv/n\\i% except the Law had faid, thou fiialt not covet. VS.] But fin taking occafionby the comw^n^wenf wrought in me all manner of concapifcence, for withont the Law,fin was dead. V. 25.] I thank God through Jefus Chrift our Lord j fo then with the mind I myfelf ferve the Law of God, but jy?7A thefle/f), the latp of fin. Gal. 5. 17. For the Hefh luftethagainft the Spirir, and the Spirit againft the llefhi and t be fe are contrary the one to the other , fo that ye cannot do the things thac ye would. (nj 1 John ?. 4. V I. Every fin, both Oridnall and AdualL being a Whofoever commit- ^ r rr ^ n % -i "t r ^^ t i ° teth fin, tranfgrtf- tranlgrellion ot the righteous Law 01 God, andcon« feth alfo the Law, traiy thereuoto;/, doth,inir sown Nature, bringguilt Ion '^/'^T'S>PO°t^e finner^, whereby he is bound over to the. (0) Rom. 2. 15. Which fliew the work of the Law written in their hearts, their confcience alfo bearing witnefs, and their thoughts the mean while accufing or elfe excvfmg one another. R0.3 9,10 .v. 9.] What then are wc better than they ? No in no wife, for we have before proved borh Jews and Gentiles, thztihey are all underfw. V. 10.] Now we kriow that what things ioever the Law faith, itfaith to them, who are under the Law, thac every mouth may be ftopped, & all the wsrUmay become guilty before God. wraili wrath of God j?, and curfe of the Law q^ and fo made (p3 ^p'lef. 2. 3. a- fubjed to death r, with all mifcries fpiritual /, tcm- S^uTcoTverfS DoraH. and eternal J'. in times paft, in the ^ ' lufts of our rtefh ful- filling the defires of the flefh, and of the mind, and were by vature the children ef wrath, even as others, (ji ) Ga!.^. j o. For as many as are of the works of tlie law are under the curfe 5 for it is written, Curfed is every one that centinueth nnt in alt things which are written in the book of the law, ro do them, (r) Rom.6.25. Vor the wages of J] n is death, but the gift of God is eternallife through Jefus Chrift our Lord. (/) Ephef.4.18. Having the underftanding darkened, hc'mg alienated from the life of Ccd, throngli the ignorance that is in them, becaufe of the blindnefs of their hearts. ftjKom.Q.io. For the creature wts made fukjeil to vanity, not willingly, but by reafon of him who hath fubjefted the fame in hope. Lam. 5. 59. Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punifJment of his fins P C") Matth. 25. 4T. Then ftiall hefay alfo to them on the left hand. Depart from rae, ye curfed, into everlajiing fire, prepared for the devil and his angels, zThcfT.i.p. Who fhallbe punifhed with iverlajling defiruiliony from the prefence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power. Chap. VH. of Cods Covenant with man, C*J ifa. 40. 15,14, THe diftance between God and the Creature isfo 15,1(5,17. v. 13.] great, that although reafonable Creatures do owe who hath ^'Eeaed obedience unto him as their Creator, yet they could Lord T^or^ being never have any fruition of him as their BlefTednefs and bis counfeiior, hath reward, but by fome voluntary condefcenfion on WKh whom tookhe Gods part, which he hath been pleafed to cxprefs by counfel? whoinftru- wayof Covenants. ftedhim andtaught ^ him in the paths of judgement, and taught him knowledge, and fhewed to him the way of underftanding ? V.i 5. ] Behold, the vatims are as the drop of a budget, and are counted as the fmall duft of the balance : Be- hold, he taketh up the Hies as a very little thing, V. 1 5. J Lebanon is not fufficient to burn, nor the beajls thereof fufficient for a burnt- offering. V. 1 7. j Allnations before him are as nothing, and they are counted to him lefs than nothing, and vanity, lob p. 3 2,35. V. §2. J For he is not a man, as I a-n, that 1 fhould anfwerhim, and wefl^ouldcome ro^tr/jer in judgement. V.3?-] Neither is there any days-man betwixt us, that miglu lay his hand ppenusboth. 1 Sam.2.15. if one man fin againft another, the Judge fhall judge him j but ifamanfm againjl the Lord, who fliall intreat for him? Pfal.113.5,6. V.5.] Who is like unto the LordonrGod who (i'«?e//ef/) on i!)/^/;.'' \.6.']Vfhohum- bleth biivfetfto behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth. Ffal. 100.3,3. V.2.] Serve the Lord wirligladnefs, come before his preftnce with finging. V.g ] Know ye that the Lord he is Cod, '\t IS he that hath trade us, and wcnreour felresi we are his people, and the fheep of hispa- fture. "job 23.2,5. ^.2.1 Can 3.vnir\h(:proftable unto God, as he that is wife may be profitable un- to himfclf? V.:^.j fs It aiy pleafure to the Almighty,thit thou art righteous i or is irgar/i tohim,thac thou makeihhy ways perfed? job 55.7,8. V.7, J If thou be riglueous, what giveft thou hire, or what receiveth be of thine band? V.8. Thy wickednefs may hurt a man as thou art, and thy righte- oiifiiefsmayprofit (hefon of man. Luke 17.10. Solikewifeye, when ye fhall have t/o/ie 4// f^r/? things which arc commanded,you fay we are unprofitable fervarts, we have done that which was our dutytodo. A(^s 17.34,2$. V.24. J God that made the world, and all things therein, feeingthathe is Lord of heaven and earth, divelletb not in temples made withhands. V.25. Neither is worfhipped with mens hands,as though he needed any thing^i'cting he giveth to all life and breath,3nd all things. E II. The II. The firft Covenant made withman, was a Co- Ji^t-^S^'^'nofo/venant of \yorks h, wherein Life was promifed to fititb^ but the man jdam'^ and in him to his Pofterityi:, upon condition that doth them /hall ^f perfeft and perfonal obedience d. live m them, (cj '^ '^ Rom. io.$. For Mo- les defcribeth the righteoufncfs which is of the Law , that the man which dseth thfe things ^ JJiali live by them. Rom. 5. i2,to2o. See page foregoing, Chap.6. Letter /. (^d) Gen. ». 17. Bnt of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou fhah not eat of it, for in the day that thou eateft thereof thsuJJjalt furely die. Gal g.io. For asmany asare of the works of the lavo^ are under the curfe, for it is written, Curfed is every one that continueth not in all things which are vrritcen i» the hook of the law, to do them. III. Man by his Fall having made himfelf inca- pable of Life by that Covenant, the Lord was plea- fheiw^hcn aginft ^^d to make a fecondf, commonly called the Cove, thepromifesofGod? nant oi Grace: Wherein he freely oneretn untolin- ^od forbid i for if ners Life and Salvation by Jefus Chrift, requiring of lim^ given , whkh them Faith in Him that they may be faved /, and pro- could have given mifing to give unto all thofe that are ordained unto S'fiouiJ&tLife, his holy Spirit, tomakethem willing, and able byf/je/^txr.Rom.a.^. to believc g. For what the law couldnot do, in that it was weaJ^ threugh the flefl) , God fending his own Son in the likenefs of fin- fuUflefh, andfor fin condemned fin in the flefh. Rom. 3. 20,21. Vso.'J Therefore by the (/ee^j 0/ the law, there /Jmll no fleflj be juftified in his fight, for by the law is the knowledge of fin. V. 2 1 . J Butnow then^/jreew/we/jrof God, without the law, ismanifefted, being wimefTed f>y the law and theprophets. Gen. 9. 15. Andl will put enmity between thee and rhc woman, and between thy feed and her feed, it fhall bruife thy head, and thou fhalt bruife his heel. Ifa.42.<5. I the Lord have called thee in righteoufnefs, and will hold thine hand, and wil' keep thee, and give thee fcr a co- we/KiHt of the people, for a light of the Gentiles, ffj Mark !6.i5,ii5. V.i$.] Andhefaid unto them. Go ye into all the world, and preach the Cofpel to every creature. V. 1 6. He that believeth and isbaptized, fl^all be faved : but he that believeth not, fhall be damned. John 3. 1 6. For God fo loved the world, that he gave his oncly begotten Son,_ that whofoever believeth in htm, fiiould aot periflj, bm have everlajling life. Rom. 10.(5,9, V.^.] But the righteeufnefs which is of faiths fpeaketh on this wile. Say nor in thy heart, Wlio fhall afcend into heaven, thacis to bringChrifl down from above. V.f .] That if thou fbalr confefs with thy mouth the Lord Jefus, and fhalt be- lieve in thine heart, that God hath raifed him from the dead, thou fhalt he faved. Gal. 3. 1 1. But that no man is jufiifiedby the taw in the fight of God, it is evident , for the jufi f mil live by faieh. Cg) Ezek.36.26,J7. "S ,iS.'\ A new heoit z\(o will I give you, i^nd mew fpirit will I put within you, and I will rake away the ftony heart out of your flefh, and I will give y9u an heart of flcp. V.27.3 Andl will put my fpirit within you, and caufe you to walk^ in my fiatutes, and ye fl:aU keep my judgements, and do them. John 5. 44,45. Y.44.] No man can come unto me, except the /■"e fhould be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all paffed through the fca. V. 2.J And irere 3/7?en. i CGr.ii.23,24,2(. V.23.^ For I have received of the Lord that which alfo I have delivered unto you, that the Lord Jefus Chrijiy the iame nighc in which he was betrayed, tool^ bread, V. 2 4 ] And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and laid, Take, eat, this is my body, which is broken for you i thii do in remembrance of me. V.25.J After the fame manner alfo he took the cup when he had fupped, faying. This cup is die new te- ftamentin my blood •, this do ye, as eft as ye drink ir,in remembrance of me. {p) Hcbr. 1 :. 22, 23,24,25,26,27. V.2i.3 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of t)ie living God, the heavenly Jerufalem, and to an innumerablecompanyof angds. V.ig.] To the gcnerail af- fembly and Church of the firft-bcrn, which are written in heaven, and to Gcd the judge of all, and to the fpirits of juft men n?ade perfeft. V. 24- j And to jtfus the mediator of the new cove- nant, and to the blood of Sprinkling, that rpeakcth better things than that of ^6e/. V.25.3 See that ye refufenochim that fpeaketh, for if they efcaped not who refufed him that fpake on eaith : much more fhall not we efcape, if we turn away from him thzt fpea{cth frtm heaven. V.»6.3 Whofe voice then ihock the earth, but now he hath promiled, faying, Yet once more I fhakenoc tiie earth onely, but alfo the heaven. V.27.] And this word, yet once more fignifieth the removing of thofe things that are fliaken, as of things tnat are made, that thefe tilings which cannot be fba- kcD, may remain. ]er.3i.25,54. V.93.] But this fhall be the covenant that iSjvill make with the houfe of Ifrael alter thofe days, faith the Lord, I will put wy law in their invrard parts , and »•» ire it in their /;f*trf J, and will be their God, and they fhall be my people. V.54.J And they fhall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, faying. Know the Lcrd: for they jJiall all l^norv me, from the lead of them to the greatelt of them, faith the Lord ; for I will forgive their iniquities, and I will remember their fin no more, (q) Mat.28.19. Sec letttr (oj immediately foregoing. Ephef 2.15,16,17,18,19. V.15.J Having • r^*y" r • /-^ aiccr luppcr, laving') the fame, under various Uiipenfations/. This cup is the new tejlament ^ my blood, which is fhcd for you. CfJ Gal 3.14.1(5. ¥.14] That thtbhfing, ef Abrahanf/might con.c on f/jc Gentiles through jefus Chrilt, that wc ir.ight receive tlic prcmilc of the Spirit clirough fjith. V.16. J Now to Abraham and hisleed were rheprcinifcs made, 1 c faith nor. And to feeds, its ofrnany^hutasofcne, and to ihy feed, rrbkh isCbij}. Afts ly.i i. But we believe, that through the grace oi the Lof d Jffm Chrijl, wcj}:all be fmec/, tvtnasthey. Rom. 3. 21,22,23,30. V21.3 But tmv the right ecu ftiefs of God rvithcut the law is tranifefted, being witneflcd by the law and the prophets. V.?2.3 Evtn the }7^/;f(?o;^/w/r cf God which is by faith of jefus Chrift, «nfo'3i24- V.3.] For what faith the Scripture? Abraham ie/ie-verf God, and I'r was counted unto kim jor rigbteoufne {s. V. 6. Even as David alfo defcribeth the blelTcdnds of the man unto whom God irrputetb lighteoufnefs xrithout'veorks. V.id.] Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace, to the end the promife might be /M>e,to all the feed,not to that mely which is of the law, but to that alfo which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. V.17.] As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations , before him whom he believed, even God, whoquickeneth the dead, and callechthofe things which be nor, as though they were. V.23.] Now it was not written for his fake alone, that it was 7;r;>«fei to him. V.J4O But/or«5 alfo, to nhorn it ftiall be irrputed, if we believe ou him that raifed up Jefus ouc Lord from the dead.. Keb.13.8. Jefus Chrilt, the fame yefierday, and to day, and for ever. Chap. VIIL Ofchrijl the Mediator.. IT pleafed God, in his eternal purpofe, tochoofe f^j ira.42. i. Be- an d ordain the Lord Jefu?^, his cnely begotten Son, hold my ^'fervanc to be the Mediator bet ween God and Man ^5 the Pro- ^^^"^ ^ ophcid, phetA, Priea., andKmg^, the Head, and Saviour :;foufiel\^^^^^^ / have put my fpirit vpon him, \\tri\z\\hx\n%ion\\ judgement to the Gentiles, 1 Per.i. 19,20. V.19.3 But with the ;»•?- cious blood of Ckriji, as of a Lamb without blemifti, and without fpot, V.20.] Who verily was fo e-or/rfineafbeforethefoundatichof the world, but was rranifell in thcfe laft times /or you. John 3.10. For God fo loved the world, that he ^.ivf /?/xonf.{y begotten Son, tint whofoever bdieveth in him, fhouldnotperiai, buz hivc ever I ajling life, i Tim.2.5. Forthereis oneGod, andone^We- oMfsr between Gcd and men, the wan Chriji Jefus. .Ol.Afts3.22. For Mcfts truly faid unto the farherj, A Frophtt fJjall the Lord your God 1 ufe up unto you of your brethren, like unto me, him fhall ye hear m all thnjgf, whatfoever he fiiallfay unroycu. fcj Htb 5.5,6. V.5.] So alfo Chrift ^/o- rifed nuf himfclf, t) be made an high priej}, but he that faid unto him. Thou art my Sen, to day have I btgctten thee. V.6. J As he faith alfo in another place. Thou ait a priefi for ever, after the order- of Mechif'dec. C^J Plal.2 6. Yet have I fct my king upon my holy hill of Sion. Luke i. 33^. And be fhall ragn over the houfe of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there fhall be no end. TP K 3 of C30] Fo^^th^hu'iband is ^^ ^^^ Church e, the Heir of all thingi/^ and Judge of the'^hcadof'Jhe^wircJ ^^3^ World ^^.* Unto whom he did from all eternity even (o ch)ii} is the give a People, to be his feed h . and to be by him ia a;Ht{.t5*:;«;^f^l^d«'ned» Calkd, Jumfied, Sanaified, and f the body. CfJWth. Olorihed /. I. 2. Harh in thefe, laft daies fpoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir Qf all tbirgi^ by whom alfo he made thcwcrlds. fg) Ads 17.3'. Becaufc he hath appointed a day, in the which he will ]udge the worW in righceourntrs, by the man whom he hath ordained., whereof he hath given adurance unto all men, in that he harh raifedhim from the dead. (/;) John 17. 6. 1 have manifefted thy name unto the men which thou gavejl me out of the worlds thine they were, 3\^d thou gaveft them we, and they have kept thy word. Pral.22.30. A feed flmlljerve him, itfhaii be accounted to the Lord for a;generarion. Ifa. 5 3. 10. Yet it pleafed the I ord to bruile him, he haih put him to grief, when thou fhaJt make his foul an offering for fin, he Jhallfee hit feed, he fnali proic/.g his days, and the pleafurc of the Lord fhall prefper in his hands. (/) iTim.2.6. Whogav. himfelf a jv/n/onj/a/- all, to be KiVifiedin due time. Ifa. 55«4,5- V.4.J Behold/ >^ave given him for a wirnefs to the people, a leader and commander to the people. V. $ ] Behold, thou ^jalt call a nation that thou kiioweji not, and natJcns that know not thee y?W/rMn unto thee, btcaufe of the Lordthy God, and for the holy one of Ifrael, for he hath gloried thee. 1 Cor. 1.30. But of him are ye in Chrift jefus, who of Qodis madmnto^SyWifdomeiOndrighteoufnefs, and faHtiijiaition, and redemption. ( 10 John 1. 1, 14- ^ ^* '^^^ Son of God, the fecond Perfon in the Tri»- V.I.] In the begin- nity, being Very and eternal God ^ of one fubftance, ningwasthe Word, & cqual with the Father, did,vvhen the fulnefs of time and the Word was ^ , i-'^ / -int with God , and the was come, take Upon mm mans nature t^^ with all the WordwasGod. v.r4. Eflential properties, and common infirmities thereof, tT^Z^id^^Tk y< without fin/: being conceived by the Power of among US, zwdsN^hc- the Holy Ghcft in the womb of the Virgin Alary ^ of held his glory , the her fubftance m. So that, two whole, perfed, and di- be'goVen of thria^ ^'^^^ Natures, the God- head and the Man hood, were ther, full of grace infeparably joyned together in one Perfon, without and truth. 1 John 5.20. And we know that the5oK -of Qo^ is come, and hath given as an underftanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are In him that is true, even in his Son Jefus Chrii>, this is the true God, and eternal life. Phil. 2.6. Who being in the form of God. thought it no robbery to be equal with God, Gal 4.4. But when the fulnefs of the time was come, God fent forth his Son made of a »'07»4n,made under the law. (^/)Hcb. 2.14,16,17. V. 14.] Forafmuch then as the children are par- takers of Hefh and blocd, be alfo h'lmklf tool^pai t of the fame, that t/;)'OHg^ death he might deltroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. V. 16.] For verily he took not on him the nature of angel';, hv\:httook_^ on him the feed of Abraham. ¥.17. Wherefore inall things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful! and fairhinll high pricft in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliatiojfi for the fins oftheptople. Hcb.4'5. Fcr we have not an high pi ieft, who cannot be touched with the feeling of cur infirmities, but was in all points tempted lil^e ai we ar'T, yet without fm. (w^ Luke i. 27,31,35. V.27.3 To a v'trgin, cfpoufed to a man whofenane was Jofeph, of thehoufe of David, and the virgins name was Mary. V.31. Andbe- holAxhouCmh conceive in thy womb, and bring forth afon, a);d /halt call his name lefus. V35.] And the angel anfwered and fa id unto her,The holy Ghoji f}} all cciv.t upon thee, and tW power of the JJigheft fhall ovet/Jjadow thee, therefore alll that holy Thing which fhall 'eborn of thee, Ihali be called the Son of God, Gal 4.4. See letter Qk^') immediately foregoing, Conveifion, C3»l Convcrnon.CompofitionjOrConfufion^. Which per- (OLuke 31.5s. See fon, is very God, and very Man, yetoneChrift, the c'ol^^'/.^nfill'him onely Mediator between God and Man 0, dweiieth aii the fui- nefs of the Godhead bcJ'ily. Rom. 9. 5. Whofeare theFarhers, and of whom, as concerning tbefcJJ^^ Clnifl tamc^ who is over all, G odbleffed (or €ytr. Amen, i Pet.g.iS. For Chrift alfo hath once fuff^^red for fm, tlie ;uft for the unjuft, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flefJ>^ but quickened by the fpirir. i Tim 3.1^. And without controverfie, great is the myftery bfgodlmefs, God vcas mtnifcft inthe fleJJj, jul^ifi^d in the fpirit, feen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. (0) Rom. 1.^,4. V.3.] Concerning his Son ]efus Chrift our Lord, which wis wade of the feed of Davids according to the flefh. V.4.'J Declared tobetke Son of God^ with power according to the Spirit of holinefs, by the refurre^ion from the dead. 1 Tim.2. 5. For there is one God, and one mediator between Godandmo-n^ the man Chifi Jefus. ITL The Lord Jefus, in his humane nature thus u- nited to the Divine, was fanftified aii9 anointed with the holy Spirit above meafure p, having in him all the Cp3 Pral.45 yThou Treafuresof Wifdotne and Knowledge q : in whom it '-f.^'fhceou^rners, pleaied the Father that all rulnefs mould dwellr, to nefs, therefore God the end, that being holy , harmlefs, undefiled, and thy God hath ^«o//,- fallofGraceand Truth/, hemightbethorowlyfur- ':f;l:ZJslteX nifhed to execute the Office of a Mediator and Sure- fellows. John 3 34. ty t : Which Office he took not unto himfelf, but was l""' 'l^ ^'V°"" ?"?* i ,, J t 1 . J-, , , '., -r^ hath fent, ipeaketh thereunto calltd by his father u^ who put all Power the words of God, and Judgement into his hand, and gave him com- forGod^/w//;norr/;e mandement to execute the fame ^ fftrit by meafure unro nim. (^'}j ^01.2.3^ In whom are h]d all the trcafurcs of wifdortic and l^nowledge. fr} Col. r. 19. For it plcafed the Father, that in /;;rnfhould all fulnefs dwell, (f) Heb.7.26. For fuch an high Prieft became us, who was holy^ harmlefs., un- defiled ^ feparate from finners, and made higher than the heavens. John i . 1 4. And the Word was made flclli, and dwelt among us, and webehe/dhis gl®ry, the glory asof thecnely begotten of the Father , full of grace and truth. ( r } Afts 10. 58. How God aimnted Jefm of Nazareth, wirh the h'ly Ghofl. and with power, who went about doing good, healing zW thzt were opp^effed of thedevili., for God was wirii him. HcIj. 12.J4. And to lefns the Mediator of the new Cove- iianr, andtothc W^oi «f fprinkling., th^t fpeal^eth better things than that of Abel. Heb. 7. 2s. By fo miich was jcfus m.tde a furcty of a better tedament. ( « ) Hebr. 5. 4,5. V.4.] And no man ta'^'ththis honour unto himfelf, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron. V 5.] So alfo Cbrijl ghrjjicd not himfelf to be made an high Friejl, but /;e r^'^r /fmy felfs I have power to lay it down , and I have power to take it up again •, this commatidement have I received of my Fatheti Phil. 2.8. And being found in fafhion as a man, he humbled h'mfelf^ and became obedient unto death , even the death of the crofs. (y) Gal. 4. 4, But when the fulnefs of the time was come, God fent forth his Son, made of a woman, trade under the law. (^3 Matth.3.15. And lefusaofwering, faid unto him, Suffer it to be fo now, for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteeufnefs ; then he fuffered him. i»/!atth.5. 1 7. Think not that I am come to deftroy the law or the prophets, I am notcome todeftroy, i«f to /i3 John 6. 57,39. Redemption, he doth certainly and effeftually apply, Father ^iveth"n'r ^^d communicate the fame p , making interceffion for fhliUomflTme , alfd them ^, and revealing unto them,in:ana by the Word, him that cometh to me, I will in no wife caft out. V.39.] And tliis is the iFathers will which hath fent me, that of all which he hath given me, / fl}ould lofe nothing, but fhould raife it up again at the laft day. John 10.15,16. Y.15.] As the Father knoweth me, even fo know I the Father, and 1 lay down my life for the fticep. V. id.] And other fheep I have which are not of this fold , them, alfo I mufi bring, zxidthey fliallhear my voyce,zwdt\\txe:^i\\beone fold,^x\d one fhepherd. (<]) ijohn 2.i,2.V.i.] My little children, thefe things I write unto you, that ye fin not, and if any man fin, we have an advo- cate with the Father, Jcfus Chrifi the righteous. V. 2.] And he is the prcpitiacion for our fins, and not for ours onely, but alfo for the fins of the whole \yorId. Rom. 8 .34. Who is he that condem- neth ? it is Ghrift that died, yea rather that is rifen again, who is even at the rigbt band of God, who alfo maketh interceffion for us; ^^^^ the myfteries of falvation r, eiie6i:ually perfwading CO John 15. 19,15. them byhisSpirit, to believe and obey, and govern- hath L^ man '!hln ing rheir hearts, by his Word and Spirit y^ overco- this, that a man lay min2 all their enemies by his Almighty Power and ^^"^^ ^l^ ''^^ ^^ his TTT-ri • /" L J • n. /''''^"^^•V.iSlHence- Wlfdome, in fuch manner, and waies, as are molt forth i call you not confonant to his wonderful! and unfearchable dif- fervants, for the fer- rnenfafinn t ^^"^ knoweth not ipeniaiion r. ^^^^ ^.^ Lord doth, but I have called you friends, (or all things that I have heard of my father, Ihavervade known unto you. Ephef 1.7,8,9. V.7O In whom we hare redemption through his blood, the forgivenefs of fins, according to the riches of his grace. V.8.] Wherein he hath abounded towards us, in all wifdome and prudence. V.9.] Having made knorvn unto us the myfiery of his will, according to his good pleafure which he had purpofed in himfclf. John 1 7.6. I have manifijled thy Name unto the men which thou gaveft me out of the world, thine they were, thou gaveft them me, and they have kept thy word. ( fj John 1 4. 1(5. And I will pray the Father, and he fhall give you another comforter, that he may abide vcith you forever. Heb.12.2. Seeking unto Jefus,the author and fini flier of our faith, who for the joy that was fet before him, endured the crofs, defpifingthe fliame, and is fet down at the righthandofthe throne of God. 2Cor.4.i3: Wc haying i^e fame fpirit of faith, according as ic is written, I believe, and therefore have I fpoken, we alfo believe, and therefore fpeak. Rom. 8. 9,14. V.9.] Butyearenotin the fle/h, bminthefpirit, \i (o he tha.t the fpirit of God drvell in you; nowif any roanhavcnotthefpiritof Chrift, he is hone of his. V.14.] For as many as are led by thefpjritofGod, rk^ are the fons of God. Rcm.i$.i8,i9. V. 18.3 For I will not dare to fpeak of any of thofe things which Chrift hath not wrought by me, to reake the Gentiles obedient by word. V. 1 p.] Through mighty figns and wonders, by the power of thefpirit of God, fo thatfrom Jerufalem, andround about to Illyricum, I have fully preached the Gcfpel of Chrift. ]ohi> 17.17. ^anilifc them through thy truth, thy word is truth. (0 Pfal.i 10.?. The Lord faid unto my lord, Sitthouat my rightband, till J make thine enemies thy footjlool. 1 Com 5. 2$, 2(5. V.25.] He muft reign tWl he hath put all enemies under his feet. V.iS.J The lajl enemy that fliall be dejiroyed, is death. Mal.4.2,3. V.2.] But unto you that fear my name, fhall that fun of righteoufiiefs arife with healing m his wjvgs, and ye fhall go forth, and grow as calves of the ftall. V-g.] And ye kail tread down the wicked, for they ftiall be afhes under the foles of your feet, in the day that I fhall do this, faith the Lordof hofts. Col.2.15. And having fpoiled prwcipalities and powers, hemadea ftiew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Chap. IX. of Free-wil/^ God hath indued the Will of man with thatna- C^) Mat.17.12. But tural Ijbeity, that is neither forced nor by any * %untoyou, that abfolutenecefnty of nature determined to do good or fytVndTe'ySew evil a, him not, but have done unto him xr/;^;- Jdcver they lifted, hkewife alio Ihall the fon of man fuffer of them. James 1. 14. But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lufl, End enticed. Dcut 30.1 9. Icall heaven and earth to record this day againft you, tliat I have let before you life and death, blefling andcurfing, therefore choofe h}e^ that both thou and thy feed may live. F 2 II. Man 1 1. Man, in his ftate of Innoccncyj had frecdomjand (6) Ecclef.7.29. Lo power, to will, and to do that which was good, and £l^ and accepted time, efFedually to call^, by his Word aifocaiied,zndsN\\om he called, them he alio jultihcd, and whom he juflified, them he alfo glorified. Rcm.Ti.7. What then, Ifrael hath not obtained that which he fteketh for, but the eleliion hath obtained it, and the reft were blinded. Ephcf. i.io,!i. V.io.] Thar indie difpcnfation of the /ulnefs of times he might gather together in: one, all things. in Chrift, both wluch are in heaven, and which are in earth, even in him. V.iu Jnwhom alfo we have ottajrcd aninhe)ita'Ke, being prcdcfliuaced according to the purpofeof hian,, who woikcth ail things afca the counsel of his own will. F 3, , and. (5) » Thefi".2.i?,i4. aiid Spirit/;, cut oF that (late of fin and death, t'i'gSlnktaiwav '^^ which they are by nature , to Grace and Sal- toGod for you hre- vation by Jefus Chriftf, enlightning their mindes, threfl,beiovedofthe fpiritually and favingly tounderftand the things of Lord , becaule God A a t ^ - i-i r r, i- hath from the begin. ^OQ d 5 taking away thcir heart of (tone, and gi- nwgchofcnyoHTofai' ving unto them an heart of fleftie, renewing their ;S/t/t'^]f/;. wills and by his almighty power determining them und belief cf the to that which is gocd /, and efFedually drawing r™f/;.v.i4.]vyhere» them to Jefus Chrift^.* yet fo, as they come molt unro he calkdyou by •' '-> J » J ouYgoffeU xoth&oh- . ■ tainJrg of the glcry of the Lord ]e(us Chrift. 2 Cor.5.5,6. V.5.3 Forafmuch as ye zvc vcaxiik^A-^ declared to be the efifik ofChifl^ mmjfircd by us^ written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God : not in tables of Ibne, but in fiefhiy tables of the heart. V.60 Who alfo made us able mimfters of the new teftamenr, vot of the letter, but cf the fphit, for the letter killeth, bur the fpirit giveth life, (f} Rom. 8. 2. For the law of the />rr?r 0/ /7/e in Chrill jefus, hath made me free from thelawof ftn anddeatb. Ephef.2.1,2,3,4,5. V.i.'J And you hath he quicl^.ed^yfhorvere ^f ^rt in trefpafles and fins. V.1.3 Wherein mt'imcsp/fl yenvalksd^i according to the courfe of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the fpirit that now workcth in the children of difobedience. V.5.^ Among whom alfo n^e^i/Z/wc/ewr co«vej/4$. V 44. J No mjn can come to ;we, except the Father (^whicli hath power^ draw him, and I will raife himup at tlie laft day. V45.] It is written in the prophets, kv.d they Vn^W be ail taught of God ^ cvei y man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, comet h unto me. freely 1139] freely, beinp: made willinoj by his grace h. (/O CanM.4. Draw •' a J a ^^^^ ^^ ^,^^Y run after thee. Pfa!. 1 10.?. Thy people ffjallbe willing in the day cf thy power, in the beauties of holinefs from the womb of the morning, thou haft the dew of thy youth. John i^.§7 - All that the Father givech me, fjijll come to me, and him thai cometh untome^ Iv/ill in nov.ifecaftout. llev. 6. 16,17,18. V. 16.3 Know ye not, to whom yt yield your felves fervAuts to ohcj-, his fervaius ye are to whom ye obey, whetherof fin unto death, cr of obedience unto right e^ufnefs. V.17.J But God he thanked that ye were the fervants of fin, but ye have obeyed from the heart the form of do- ^rine which was delivered you. V.iS.^ Being theninade free from fin, ye became the [ervar.ts 0/ righteoufnefs. II, This efFe^dual Call is of Gods free andfpecial grace alone^not from any thing at all forefeen in man 2^ i!\^7^^^'^'^'^^^^ who is altogether paflive therein, until being quick- canedtIswithaah"o. ned and renewed by the holy Spirit;^, he is thereby ly calling, notaccoy- enabled to anfwer this Call, and to imbrace the grace ^"'^ ^j°"'' '""^1%'' ^"^ /r> 1 1 1 • • / ° according to his oirn ottered, and conveyed m it /. purpofe znd grace which nas given us in Ghrift Jefus before the world began. Tir.g.4,5, V.4.3 Eut after that the kindnefs and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared. V.$.] Notby workj of right eoufncfs which we have done, but according to his mercy, hefaved us by the wafhingof regeneration, and renewing of the holy Glioft. Eph. 2. -:!,$, 8,9. V.4.] But God who is rich in mci-cy^ for his great love wherenith he loved MS. V. 5.J Even when we were dead in fins, ^^r/; (]fMfc^«eiw together with Chrift f by grace ye a-e faved.J V. 8. j ¥oxhy grace are ye faved through h'nh^ ax\d that not of your felvcs^ it is the gift of God. Vp.] l^ot of worlds y /e/? !ts ^ that /;y the law of faith ? V. 28. ^ Therefore we conclude, that a man is juftified by faith, without tfi'i deeds of the law. Tit.3.$,7. V.$.3 ^ot by works of righteoufnefs , which we havedone, but ac- cording to his mercy he favcd us, by the wafhing of regeneration, and renewing of the holy Ghoft. V.7.3 Tbitheing')uftified by his grace, we flbould be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Ephii.7. In whom we have redemption through hisblo^, the forgivenefs of fins according to the riches of his grace. ]er.23. 6. In his days fhall Judah be faved, and Ifrael /hall dwell fafe- ly, and this is the name whereby he fhall be called , The Lord our righteoufnefs. 1 Cor. 1.30,31. V.30.] But of him zreye in Chrift Jefut, who of God, is made unto us wifdom, and righteoufnefs y^A. fanSificaticn, znd redemption. V.31.3 That according as it is written. He that glorieth , let him glory in the Lord. Rom.$. 17,18,1 9. V.i7.] For if by one mans offence, death reigned by oncj much more they which receive abundance of grace, and of the gift of tighteoufnefs, Pmll reign in life by one, Jefus Chrift. V. 1 8. ] Therefore as by the offence of one, judgement came upon all men to condemnation, evenfo by the righteoufnefs of one, the free gift came upon all men to juftification cflife, V.19.3 For asby onemansdlfobcHieriCe, many were made finners : fo hj' the obedience of me, fhzWtMny be made righteous. CO Afts 10.44. While Peter yet /pake thefe words, the holy GA/7/f/ei/fl«/i//f)be»j which beard the word. Gal.2:i6. Knf'^'Jiig that a man isnot juftifiedby the works of the law, but by the faith of 9efus ch,ijt, even we have believed in Jiefus Chrift, that wc might be juflified by thef^tb of Jefus Chrift, and not by the works of the law, for by the works of the law fhall no flefhbe juftified, Phil. 3. 9. And be found in him, not having our own righteouf- nefs, which is of the law, hvit thit which i: through the faith of Chrift, the righteoufnefs wAk/? iy 0/ Codby faith. Afts 13.38,39. V.38.3 Be it known unto yoa therefore, men and brethren, that ihrough this man is preached unto yoa the forgivenefs of fins. V.39-3 And -by him all that believe are ]uftifiei from all things, from which ye could not be jufiified by the law of Mofcs. Eph. 2. 7,8. V.7 .3 That in the ages to come he might fhew the exceeding riches of his grace, in his kindnefs to- wards us, through Chrift Jefus. V.8.J For by grace are ye faved through faith, and that not of your felves, it is the gift of God. (0 ]oimi.i2. But II. Faith, thus receiving and refting on Chrift, and himT^The'r^^vel^is righteoufnefs, is the alone inftrument of Juftifica- he power to become the tioDa^ yct is itnotalonein theperfon juftified, but ffns of God, even to them thit believe on his name. Rom. 3. 28* Therefore we conclude, that z man h juftified by faith, without the deeds of the law. Rom. 5. i . Therefore being juftijied by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord ]efus Chrift.. is [433 is ever accompanied with all other fa vioggracesj and WIams.i7,»2,i«. h no dead faith, but worketh by Love e. lVh}I:Tt^,t dead being nlone. V.2S.3 Secfl: thou how faith wrought with hisworl^y and hy wor\s vf a hith mide perfelf. V.J(5. j For as the body without the fpirit is dead, (o fahb without worlds is dead alfo. Gal.$.<5, For in Jcfus Chrift , neither circumcifion availeth any thing, nor uncircumcifion , but faith which war- mth by love; \l L Ghrift by his obedience, and death, did fully difcharge the debt of all thoCe that are thus juftified, rf)Rom§ 8,910 and did make a proper, real, and full fatisfaftion to 19. v.s.] But God his Fathers Tuftice in their behalf/. Yet. in as much commended his love 1 .'" , if^^i c \. ji-' towards us , in that as he was given by the Father, tor them g 5 and, his while we were yet obedience and fatisfac^ion accepted in their ftead^5 finners, chriit died and bothfreely not for any thing in them 5 their Ju- te';h»te- ftihcation is onely ot free grace ? 3 that both the exact ftified by his bhod^ we fhall be faved from wrath through him, V. lo. ] For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son : much more, being reconciled^ we ffjall be faved by his life. V.19.] For as by one mans difobedience, many were made fmners, even fo hy the obedience of one-, fhall many be made righteous, i Tim.2.5,6. V.$.3 For there is one God, and one mediator between Godandman, theimn Chrifi Jefus. W.6.J Who gave himfelf a ranfom for all, to be teftified in due time. Heb.io. 10,14. V.io.Jl By the which will we are fanilifed, through the offering of the body of Jefus Chrifi ence for all. V. 14.^ For by one ojfering he hath perfelfed for ever them that Are fantlified, Dan. p. 24,25.] V.24* Seventy weeks are determined upon my people, and upon this holy city, to finifh the tranfgrcffion, and to makj an endoffms, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in ever-- lajling rjghteoufnefsy and to feal up the vifion and prophecy, and to anoint the moft holy. V.2^.3 And after threcfcore and two weeks, fhall Mefliah be cut of, but not for himfelf and the people of the prince that fhall come, fhall dcftroy the city and the fanftuary, and the end thereof fhall be with afloud, andunto the end of the war, defolations are determined; lfa.53.4,5j6,io,ii,i2: V.4.3 Surely he hath born our griefs, and carried our forrows, yet we did efteem him ftricken, fmitten of God, and affliftcd? W.$.'] Bathe wm wounded for our tranfgrejjions, he W3ihiU\kd for our iniqui- ties, the chajiifemtnt of our peace was upon him, and with hisftripes we are healed. V.6.] All we, like fheep, have gone aftray, we have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid en him the iniquity of us all. V.io.] Yet \t pleafed the Lord to bruife him, be hzih put him to grief : when thoM fljalt make his foul an offering for fm, he fhall fee his feed, he fhall prolong his days, and the pleafure of the Lord fhall profper in his hand. V.i i.'J He fhall fee of the travel of his foul,z'aA fhall be fatisfied,by his knowledge fhall my righteous fervant juftifiemany,for hefliall bear their iniquities.V. 12.3 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great,& he fhall divide the fpoil with the ftrong, beczu{e he hzth poured out his foul unto death, and he wasnumbred with the tranfgreflors , and he bare t he ftn of many, and made intercejfion for the tranfgreffors. (^) Rom. 8. 32. He that fpared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how fhall he not with him alfo freely give us all things? (^) 2Cor.5.2i. V or he hzth made him to be fin for us, whoknew no fin, that we might be made therighteoufnefsofGodin him. Mat.3.17. And lo, a voice from heaven, faying, Thisismybelc- vedSon, inwhomi amwellpleafed. Eph.5.2. And walk in love, as Chrift alfo hath loved us, and hath given himfelf for us an ojfering and a facrifice co God, for afweet fmeltjng favour. Qi) Rom. 3. 24. Being jujlified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Chrift Jefus. Ephef. 1.7. In whom we have redemption by his blood, the fcrgivenefs o/fins, according to the »> jj^fj of his grace. G 2 " juftice. C44l CORom.5.a(?.To juftice, and rich grace of God, might be clorified ia '"'rhU'ri&"*tthcjuftificationoffinners-t- ' ^ ^ ame nefs, thdthemigbtbe j«/J, and the juflijier of him that belkveth in JefHS. Ephef.2.7. That in the ages to come he might fhew the exceeding riches of his grace, in his kindnefs towards us, through Jefus Chrift. IV. God did? from all eternity, decree to juftifie Cli^U'icX. f *^ Elea / and Chrift did, in the fulnefs of time. ing that God would clic lor their fins, and rile again tor their juftmcatU !£ Vf w *^'*^^'" on/«: neverthekr^j thqr are not juftified, until the ched^bcforeVheGo- t^oly Spirit doth in due time aftually apply Chrift un- fpei unto A raham, tO them ». faying. In thee (hall allnarioi^s be blefled. i Pet.i.2,ij,20. V.2'2 EleB^ according to the fore-knowledge of Ged the Fa- ther, through juftification of thefpirir, unto obedience, andfprinklingof the blood of jefus Chrift; v. 19.] But with the precious blood of Chriji^ asof a lamb without blennifh, and without fpoi. V-.iO.] Who verily was fore-ordained before the foundation of the world., but was manifeft in thefc laft times for you. Rom.8.30. Moreover, whomhedidfredejiinate., them he alfo called, and whom he cal- \cd,them he alfo jujiijied,ai\d whom he juftified, them he alfo glorified- (m_) Gal. 4.4. But when the fulnefs of the time was come, God fent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. 1 Tim. a.6. Who gavehimfelf a ranfom for all, to be tefiijied in due time. Rom.4.25. Who was delivered for our offences, zndwas raifed again for our jujiification. r«3 Col.i.21,22. V.ii.] And them that were fometimes alienated, and enemies in your mind by wicked' works, yet now hath herecon- died. V.2J.3 In the body of his flefjf through death, to prefent you holy, and unblameable, and tinreproveable in his fight. Gal 2. if. See letter c immediately foregoing. Tit:.3.4,5,6,7. V.4.3 But after that the kindnefs and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared. V.5.] Not by works of righteoufnefs, which we have done, hut accordingto his mercy he faved us, by thewafhing of regeneration, and renewing of the holy Ghoft. V.5. 3 Which he fhed on us abundantly, through 3efus Chrift our Saviour. V 7.] Thit being juftified by his grace, we/hould be reiade heirs according to the hope of eternal life. CO Mat.6.i». And V. God doth continue to forgive the (ins of thofe forgive us our debts, that are juftified : and, although they can never fall dcbtor^s ^°?ldin°"/ ^^^™ ^^^ ^^^^ of Juftification p 5 yet they may by their 'h9^^y'i'l But if we fins, fall under Gods fatherly difpleafure^ and not have walk in the light, as the light ot his Countenance reftored unto them, un- ta«feUow$'o"e "1 they humble themfelves, confefs their fins, beg with another, and the blood of Jefm Chtidhh Son, cleanfeth us fromallfm. V.9.] If we confefs our fins, heis faith- full, and j«^ to for give our fjns^ and to clcanfe us^from all unrighceoufnefs. 1 ]ohn 2. 1,2. Vi.J My little children, thefe things I write unto you, that ye fin net, and // any manjin, we have an ad- vocate with the Father, Jefus Chrift the righteous. V 2.] And he is tht propitiation for ourfms. ivA not for oursonely, but alfo for the fins of the whole world. (;>) 1 uke 2232. Bur 1 have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not, and when thou art converted, (lreig'h(n thy brerhrtn. 1 John 10.28. Andl give unto them eternal Hfe, and they Jhall never re.ifh, ntither fi. all any man plmk. them out of my hand, Hebr. 10. 14- For by one ottering he bath perjeind jo, ew them that ate %iftified. pardon^ C45l f mrdoOa and renew their t .ith and repentance q, - (g^Pf* 89.51,52,??. r** ' ' -' V.^iOlftheybreak my ftamtf s, and keep not my commandements. V.32.3 Then will I vifit their tranfgrcffions mth therod^ and their iniquity rfithftrifcs. V.33.] Neverthelefs my loving kindnefs will 1 not wtier// takefrombiniy norfuffer my faihfulnefs to fail. Pfal. 5 1.7,8,9,10,11,12. Y.7O Pn^i^ ^^ «''f^ ^^jf^bj), and I fliall be clean v^afl: me ^ and I Jl all be whiter thzn the \i\uw. VS ] Make nne tofcwr joy andgladnefiy that the bones which thon hajt oro\en nnay rtjoyce. V. p.] Hide thy face from my fins, and blot ci t all my i.iiquiries. V m.] Create in me a clean heart, ©God, and renew a right fpi- ric withit; one. V.i i. j Caft me net away from thy prefence, and take not thy holy fpirit from me. V.72. I Rcftore vnto me the joy of thy faltation, and uphold me with thy free fpirit. Pfal. 32. 5- I' Kcknowleagedmyfin unto thee, and mine iniqui-y have I not hid, I faid, 1 will confefs my tranlgref- fionj. urito the Lord, and thou forgavefi the iniquity of myfm. Marth 26.75. And l^eter remembred the words of Jefus, which faid unto him, Bej'ore the cock crew, thou fhalt deny me thrice *, and he v/tiit out, and wephitterly. i Cor.n.50,3 /. V.go.] For this caufe vrnny are vpeak, and jickjjf amcngyou, and many fleep. V.52.3 Bat when we are judged, we are chajienedoi the Lotd, that we flioald not be condemned with the world, Luke i. 20. And behold, thou pjalt be dumb^ and not able to fpeak_, until the day that thefe things fhall be performed, becanfe thou believeji tiot m} ■words-, which fha/1 be fulfilled in their feafon. VI. The Juftification of Believers under the old (-,; cal.?. 9,13,14. Tcftament^ was in all thefe refpeds, one and the fame v.p.] So then they wi^h the Juftification of Believers under the new Te- ^^'ch j^e of faith , fi. ^ -^ y* iwiiww ^^^ ^^^ijigpdwjthfaith- n^ment r. full Abraham. V-i^J Chrift hath redeemed us fromthecurfeofthelaw, being made a curfe for us j for it is written, Curfed is every one that hangeth on a tree V..4.3 T\^zi the blejfjng of Abraham might come on the Gentiles, through Jefus Chrift, thatwe might receive the promife of the fpirir, through faith. Rom.4.2a,23,24- V.xx.]j And thtretore it was imputed to him for righteoufnefs. V.25.] Now k wzs not written for his fake alone, that it was imputed to him. V 24. J But for us alfo, to whom it fhall be imputed, if we be- lieve on him that railed up ]dus. our Lord from the dead. Heb. 1 5.8. fcfus chnfi, the fameyefter- {lay, and to d Ay, and forever. CHAP. XIL of Adoption* f A LL thofe that are juftified, God vouchfafcth, in, W^ph-i-s. Having A andforhisonelySon Jefus Chrift, to make par- r^^^.'S takers ot the grace ot Adopticn a: by which they are dren by Jefm chrifl, taken into the number, and enjoy the liberties and ^o '"""^elf, according privileges of f he children of God t. have his Name put S'hu '»iu. ^'gaI 1, f t r /» . ,. . 4,5. V.4.] But when the lulnets of tm-e was come, God fent forth his own Son, made of a woman , under the law. V. 5 .] To rcdeenr rhcm that were under the law, that we might receive the adrftion of fens, (b ) Rem. 8 17.- And if children, r/jt-n^ei* J, heirsojGod, and joynt- heirs with Chriji, if lo be that we fcfFer with him,, that we may ne iUoglo-rif.cdtogetker. John 1.12. Bur as many as feccived him, to th^m^ave U pwer to beccme the Jons of God, even to them that believe on his Name. ■ G 3 upon CO J«r. 14.9. Yet upon them r, receive the fpirit of Adoption d, have ttldftofurand accefs to theThroneof Grace withholinefse, arein- we~are caiied by thy abled to cry^ Abba, Father/5 are pitied^, protefted h 7co;AT£^6 wili provided for i, and chaftened by him, as by a Father k} be a 'father unto youy yet never caft off /, but fealed to the day of rcdemp- zndye jIjuu be wyfojts tion /», and inherit the promifes^. as heirs of ever- and daughters, faith !„/%;«« IM., ^* ^»w the Lord Almighty, ^^l^ng lalvatlOn/?. Rev.3.12. Him that overcometh, will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he fhall go no more cut, and I will write upon him the name of my Gody and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerufalem, which Cometh down out of heaven from ray God, and I will write upon him my new name, (d) Rom. 8. 1 5, For ye have not received the fpirit of bondage again, to fear, but ye have received the fpirit ef adoption, whereby ye cry, Abba father, (e) Eph-^-ia. In whom we have boldnefs, and accefs mth xenfidence, by the faith of him. Ronj.$.2. By whom alfo we have accefs by faith in his grace, wherein we ftand and rejoyce in hopciof the glory of God. (/) Gz\.^.6. Andbeeaufeye are fons, God hath fent forth the fpirit of his Son into your hearts, crying^ Abba, father. (^_) Pfah 103.13. Like asa father pitieth his children, /b the Lerdpitieth themthat fear him. (Jj) Prov.i4>ad. In the fear of the Lord Wfirong confidence, and hU children fhaU have a place of refuge, (j) Matth.^. 30,32. V.30.] Wherefore if God fo cloath the grafs of the field, which to day is, and to morrow i« caft into the oven, {h.z\\htnotmttcbmore cloath you, ye of little faith? V.32.] ForyourAeora J. are bound to give •?"•*''• thanks alway to God for you brethren, beloved of the Lord, becaufe God hath from th'e begirtning chofen you to falya- tion, through fan^ification of the fpirit, and belief of the truths CO Kom.6.6,i4. V.6 ] Knowing this, that our oWmd/j is crucified vrithhrny thitthebody of fin might be dejlroyed, that henceforth we fhould not ferve fin. V. 14.] For fin pjall not have domin'm over you, for you are not under the law, but under grace, (^d) Gal.$.24. And they that are Chrifts, have crucified theflef^j, with the affeftions and hifts. Rom.8. rg. For if ye live after the flefh, ye fliall die j but if ye through the fpirit, do mortjfiethe deeds of the body, yefhalUive. CO Col.i.ii. Strengthened with allmtghty according to his glorious power, unto all patience, and long- fufFering, wirb joyfulnefs. Eph. 3. 16,17,18,19. V.16.'] Thathewouldgrantyou, according to the riches of hisg!ory,f 0/ Go(/. Qc) Rom. 10.14,17. V.14.] How then ihall they call on him, in whom they have not believed , and hon^ jJ^all they beliove in him, of whom they have not heard ? and how fhall they hear without a preacher ? V.17.] So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (rf) i Peter 2. 2. As new born babes, defire the fmcere milJ^of the word, that ye may grow thereby. 'Afts20. 32, And now, brethren, I commend you to God , and to the word of his grace , which is able ta build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are fanftified. Rom. 4. 11. And he received the lign of circumcifion, a feal of the righteoufnefs of faith , which he had yet be- ing unclrcumcifed, that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not cir- cumcifed, that righteoufnefs might be imputed to them alfo. Luke 17.5' And the apoftles faid unto the Lord, Increafe our faith. Rom. 1. 16,17. V. 16.] For I am not afhamed of the ' gofpelof ChriJ}, for it is the power of God unto falvation, to every one that beheveth , to the jew firft, and alfo to the Greek. V. 1 7 .'J For therein is the righteoufnefs of God revealed, from faith to faith, as it is written , The iuft fhall live by faith. 11. By [493 I I. By this Faith, a Chrilrian beleeveth to be true, whatfoever is revealed in the Word, for the authority ofGodhi.rfclf fpeaking therein e^ andadethdifFer- C0]ohn^4.42^. a^^^ ently upon tbat which each particular paflage thereof man, nov ' . thank we God with- ihe Covenant ot Grace /. ^„, ^.^afing , becaufe when ye receivec! the Word of God which ye heard of us, ye receivedity not as the Word of Men, but as it isiuiruh^ the Word of Go i wY.'ich effedually worketh alfoin you that beleeve. i John 5.10. He that beieeieth on th<' Son of God hath the witrejje iu himf.if he that beleeveth not, God hath made him alvcr, becaule he beleeveth not the record that God gave of his Son. Afts 24.14. ButthisI coiifefic unto thte, that after the way which they call hercfie, fo worfhip ItheGodofwy Fathers^ belc:ving all things which are written in the Lave and the Prophets. Q f J Rom. 16.26. But now is made maniieft,and by the Scriptures of the Prophets,according to the Commandement of theerer- lafting God,niade known to all Narions,for the obedience of faith. CgJ Ifa.65.2. For all thofe things harh mine hand nade , and all thofe things have been , faith the Lord God , bur to this man will Hook, Even to him that is poor and of a contrite fpirir, and trembkth at my words. (^/;^Hcb. 11. 13. Thcfe all died in faith, not having received the promifes, but having feen them a far otf, and were perfwadcdorthem,v)g in faith., g'vir.^ glory to God. Matthew 6. ■2,0, Wherefore if God focloath the gialKcofthc field which to da-, is, a.idtomcrrow is caft into the oven , flullhenoc much more cloaih you, yeoflitile faith> Mar 8. lo. When jefus heard it he marvelled and faid to them that folicwed, Vei liy I fay unto yon, / have mt fund fo gyeat faith., no n^t in Ifrael. (f) Luke 22.5i,52.V.:5i. J And the Lord laid i.imor,:'^iii:rn,Behold Satan hath defired to have yen, that he may fitt you as wheat. V.?2.3 But I have prayed for thee f/.'rtf r/;//dir/; /<<;/ ;iof, andwiien thou ait converted flrengf hen thy brethren. Ephel'.6. i(5. Above all, taking thcpficld of faith., wherewith yc (YiiWhc able t'^ quench all the fiery darts oi the wicked, i Joh.5.4,' .V.4.] For whatfoever i5 born of God overcomcth the world^ivd chic is the victory that evercomei' m world., even our faith. V.$.3 W ho is lie that overcomcth the world but he that beleeveth that jelu* is the Son of God ? H ny C5o3 ny to the attainment of a full alTurance through v!?i.]'And wede-* Chrift/^, who isboththc Author and finifherof our fire that every one Faith «. of you do flaew the fame difigence«to the full affurance of hope unto the end V.i 2.3 That ye be not floachful,bDt follow- ers of them »'/)i3f/;roj<^fe/<«if/j indpmenceinheritthepremifes. Heb nriit b, inhabitauts of ]eru- lalem,the fpirit of grace, and offuppIicationE,and they fhall look upon me whom they have pierced, andtheyfhall mourn for him as one mourneth for his onely Sou, and fhall be m hrternefle as one thatisinbitterhelTeforhisfiift-born. Ads 11.18. when they heard thefe rhuigs chey held their peace,and glorified God faying,Then hath God alfounto us granted repentance unto lite. (6J Luke 24.47. And that repentance and remifllon offmsjJjould be preached in his nams among all Nations, he- ginng at Jcrufalem.Mark i.i $• Andraying,The time Is fulfilled,3nd the kingdom of God is at hand, repent ye and believe the gofpel.Ads 2o.2i.Teftifying both tothe jewes, andalfotothe Greeks, cepentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jcfus Chriih ' 1 1. By itj a Sinner, out of the fight and fenfe, not only of the clanger 5 but alfo ot the filthineffe and odioufnefie of his fins, as contrary to the holy nature, 6c righteous Law of God 5 and,upon the apprehenfion of his mercy in Chrift to fuch as are penitent,fo grievs for 5 and hatts his fins.^ as to turn from them all unto [50 unto God iTjpurpofing and endeavouring to walk with W E^eck. i8. 30, hioi in all the wayes of his Gommandements d, foVe,iw?ii judge you O houfccf Ifraele- very orc according to Iiis wayes/aith the Lord God, repent and turn yoar felves from all > our tranf- greiTicns, fo iniquity fhall not be your ruine.lV.^i.j^ Caft away from you all your tranfgreflions, whereby ye have rranfgreiTed, and maife you anew heart and a hcw fpirir, for why will ye dye O Houfe of Ifrael. Ezek.^^.g i.Then fiiall ye remember your own evil v,ayes , and your doings? that were not good, and fliall loath your felves in your own fight , for your iniquities, and for your abonninntions. I fa. 90. 22. Ye fhaU defile alfo the covering of thy graven Images of friver,and the ornament of thy molten images of gold, thou fhalrcait them away as a mendruous cloth , thou fhaltfay untoit. Get thee hence, Tfalra 5i-4- Againft thee, the€ only havelfmned, and done this evil in thy fight : that tliou mighteft be jaftifiedwhen thou fpeakeft, and be clear when thou judgeft. ]er. 31. 18, 19. V.18,]] I have furely heard Ephraim bemoaning himrelfthus,Thou haft cha- ftifed me, and I waschaftifed, as a bullock unaccuftomed to the yoak, turn thou me and I fhall be .cuniedithou art the Lord ray God.V.ip.jSurely after that I was turned,! repented i and after that 1 was inftrufted, I faiote upon my thigh : J was afhamed, yea, even confounded, becaufe I did bear the reproach of my youth. ]oel 2. 12, 13. V. 12.] Therefore alfo now, faith the Lord,turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with faAing, and with weeping, and with mourning. V. 1 3.3 And rent you he.irt and not your garments,and turn unto the Lord your God : for he is gracious and mer- cifijl, flov to ajnger, and of great kindnefTe, and repenteth him of the evil. Amos y . 1 5- Hate the e« vil, and love the good, and eftablifh Judgement in the gate : it way be that the Lord God of Hofts willbegracioL': n?.-o the remnant of Jofeph. Pfalm 119. 128. Therefore I efteem all thy precepts concerning all rhings roberight j and I hate every falfeway. 2 Cor. 7.11. For behold, thisfelf GiifHe thing that ye fonowed after a godly fort,what carefulncffe it wrought in you, yea,what clear- ing of your felves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehemeut defire, yea, what leal, yea, what revenge : in all things ye have approved your felves to be clear in this matter, (rf) Pfalo-; i 19. 6.59, io6.V<5.] Then fhall I not be afhamed when 1 have refpeft unto all thy Com- Biaademtncs. V.^cp.] i thought en my wayes, and turned my feet unto thy teftimonics.V.io6«3 I have fworn, and I will perform it, that 1 will keep thy righteous judgements. Luke 1,6. And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the Commandcments and ordinances of the Lord blamekfle.2 Kings 23. 25.And like,'untohim there was no king before him,that turned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all his foul, andwithall his might, according to all the law of iVo/o, neither after him arofe there any like him. III.Although Repentance be not to be refted in as any fatisfa(^ion for fin , or any caufe of the pardon thereof e, which is the ad of Gods free grace in Chrift/5 yet is (e) Ezek.5^.3i,?2, V. 31.] Then fhall ye remember your owa evil wayes , and your doings that were not good, and fhall loath your lelresin your own fight, for your iniquities and for your abominations V.32.J Notfor your fakes do I this , faith the Lord God, be it known unto you : he afhamed and confounded for your own wayes o houfe of Ifrael. Ezeck. i5. ^i, 52,63. V.61.] Then tliou fhalc remember thy wayes, and be afhamed, when thou Hiak receive thy Sifters,thine elder and thine younger,and I will give them untotheefor Daughters, but not by thy Covenant. V. 6 2.] Andl will eftablifh my Covenant with thee, and thou fhalt know that I am the Lord.V.^3.] That thou maif\ rcaiember and be'confouod- ed,and never open thy mouth any more, becaufe of thy fhame, when I am pacified toward thee, for all that thou haft done faith the Lord, f f) Hof. 14. 2, 4. V.2. Take with you words, and turn to the Lord, fay unto him,Take away all iniqi:icy, and receive us gracioufly, fo will we render the calvesof our lips. N.^'] I will heal their backfliding, I will love them freely, for mine anger is turned away from him. Rom.3- 24. Being juftified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in JefusChrift. Eph.i.y. In whom we have redemption through his blgod,thc forgivencfs of fins, according to the riches of his grace, H2 it C 52 ] it of fuch neceffity to all finners, that none may expert but except ye repent ye fliaii all likewife perifh. V. $ .J I tell you nay, but except ye repent ye fhall all likewife peri/h. Afts 17.30, 31. V.30.3 And thetimes of this ignorance God winked at, but now comroandeth all n 'J-very where to repent. V. 31.] Becaufe he hath appointed a day in the which he will jadget. world in rightcoafneflfe, by that man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath given aflfurance unto all men, in that he hath raifed him from the dead. Rom. 5. 1 2. Wherefore as by one man fm cntred into the world, and death by fin ; and fo death palled upwi all men, for that all have fmned. I V. As there is no fin fo fmall, but it dcferves dam- the w^ages of fin^ h nation b 3 fo there is no fin fo great, that it can bring death, but the gift damnation Upon thofc who truly repent /. ofGod is eternal life, tbrough jefus Chrift our Lord. Rom.5.12. Wherefore as by one man fm entred into the world,and death by fin , and fo death paffed upon all men, for thar all have finned. Matth. 12.36. I fay unto you, that every idle word that men (hall fpeak , they fhall give account thereof in the day of Judgement. Qi) lfa.59.7. Let the wicked forfake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoHghts, and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he wilt abundantly pardon.Rom.8. i. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Chrill jefus, who walk not after the flefh but after the fpirit. Ifa. i.i<5,!8. V.16.] Wafhye, makeye clean, put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes, ceafe to do evil. V.18.3 Come now let us reafon together, faith the Lord : though your fins be as fcarlet, they fhall be as white as fnow^ though they be red like Crirafon, they fhall be as wooL V. Men ought not to content themfelves with a general! Repentance ^ but it is every Mans Duty to endeavour to repent of his particular fins^ parti- from prefumptuous fins, let them not have dominion over me, then fhall I be upright, and I fhall be innocent from the great tranfgrefTion. Luke 19.8. And Zachens {iood and faid unto the Lord, Behold Lord, the half of my goods 1 give to the poor, and if I have taken any thing from any man by falfe aceufation, 1 reftore him four-fold, i Tim. 1. 13,' 5. V.i 3.] Who was before a Blarphemer,andaPerrccuror,and injurious, but I obtained mercy becaufe 1 did it ignoraotly in unbelief V. 1 5 .] This is a faithfwl fay- ing, and worthy of all acceptation , that Chrift jefus came into the world' to fa.vc finnersvof whom lam chief. VLA* [53] VI. As every man is bound to make private confef- COP^aim5i.4,5, (Ion of his fins to God.praying for the pardon thereof /^ ?ifee ^; tav'l^fin^ upon which, and the toriaking of them, he (hall find ned , and done this mercv m : fo he that fcandalizeth his Brother, or the ^^''^ '" "^l ^'8'^V ^''" Church of Chrift, ought to be wilhng by a private or ft.fied when thou publickconfeirioOjand forrow for his fin^to declare his fpeakefl:,and be clear fepentance to thofe that are offended «, who are there- v'sO^dSi'l wa; upon to be reconciled to him ^ and in love to receive fhapcn in iniquuyv 1^:^^ Q and in fm did my * Mother conceive me. V.7.]Purgeme with Hyflbp, and I fhall be clean : wafhme,and I fLall be whiter thanfnow. V.p.] Hide thy face from my fins, and blot out all mineiniquities.V.14.^ Deliver me from blood- gui!tinefle,OGod,thou God ofmyfalvation : and my tongue fliallfing aieudof thy righteoufnefs. PfaJ.g2.5,6.V.$.^ I acknow- ledge my fin unco thee, and mine iniquity hjve I not hid, 1 faid I will confefTe my tranfgre{fions un- to the Lord, thouforgaveft the iniquity of my fin. Selah. V.6] For this fhall every one that is godly pray unto thee, in a time when thou mayert be found : furely in the floods of great watcrs,they fhall not come nigh unto him. (w) i'rov. a 8. 1 ^. He that covtrech his fins fhall not profper, but who foconfeffcch andforfaketh them, fhall have mercy, i Jolin i .p. if we ecnfefs our fms, he is faith, ful andjuft to forgive us ourrMis,and to cleanfe us from all unrighceoufnefTe. (nj James $.i6.Confefs your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed •, rhe eiTeCtual fervent prayer ofa righteous man avaikth much. Luke 17. 3,4.7. 3.] Take heed to your felves : if thy bro- ther trefpafs againft thee, rebuke him, and if i>e repent, forgive him. V.4 3 And if he trefpafs againft thee feven times in a day, anditven times in a day turn again to thee, faying , I repent, thou fhalc forgive him.Jofh.y. ' 9 And J^flma faid uno Achan^ruy Son,give,I pray thee,glory to the LordGod of Ifrael, and make confeffion unto him j and tell me now what thou haft done , hide it not from me. Pfalm 5 1 . Throughout. (0)2 Cor. 2. 8. Wherefore I befeech you, that you would.eonfirm your love towards him. Chap. XVI. of good fVorkj, GOod Works are onely fuch as God hath comman- W Mich.- 6. 8., He dedinhisholy Word^^andnotfuchas, without litan!!]^,:,:! gtt the warrant thereof, are devifed by meUj out of blinde and what doth the Lord require of thee, buttodo ]uf\ice,and tolove mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Rom. 12. a. And be not con. formed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing cf your mind, that ye may prove, what is that good , that acceptable and perfcft will of God. Hcb.23.21. Make you perfed in every good work, to do his w ill, working in yon that which is well-pleafing in his fight, through jefus Cluift; to whom be glory for ever and ever, amen. zeal J. [54^ (b}M^t.i$.9. Eucin zeal, or upon any pretence of good intention ^. vain do trhey wor- fhipme, reaclnngfordodrinestheConfimandementsofmen. Ifa. 29. 13. Wherefore the Lordfaid For as Binch as this people draw near me with their mouth,aBd with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men. 1 Pet.i.i8. For as much as you knew , that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, as Silver and Gold, from your vain converfation received by tradition from your fathers. Rom 10. 2. For I bear them, record, that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. }ohn id. 2! They (hall put you out of the fynagogucs , yea, the time cometh , that whofoever killeth you', will think he doth God fervice. i Sam.i5. 21,22, 25. V. 21:] But the people took of the fpoyl. Sheep, and Gxen, the chief of the things which ftiould have befnatterly deftroyed , tofacrifice to the Lord thy God in Gilgal. V. 22]. And Samuel faid,Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt of- ferings and facrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord ^ behold , to obey is better than facrifice, and to hearken, than the fat of Rams. V.23.] For Rebellion is as the fin of witchcraft, andftub- bornefs is as iniquity and idolatry : becaufe thou hart rejefted the word of the Lord, he alfo hath rejefted thee from being King. vIsTVea^^man ''* ^hefe good woiks, done in obedience to Gods may fay, thou haft comtnandementSjare the fruits and evidences of a true faith , and I have and lively faith r/andjby theoij^Beleevers manifeft their ^f faith ^kho^ut thankfulnefs^,ftrengthen their affurance^^edifie their thy works, and I Brethren/^ adorn theprofeffionoftheGofpel^, ftop will fhew thee my faith by my works. V;22. Seeftthou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith roadeperfeft. r/) Pfal. 116. 12, i3.V.i2.3 What fhall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me? V. 1 3.] 1 will take the cup offalvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.i Per.2.9. But yc are a chofen generation, a royal Priefthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye fhould fhew forth the prailes of him, who hath called you oat of darknefTe into his marvellous light. (e) I John 2. 3, 5* V.3.3 And hereby we do know that we know hirp, if we keep his Commande- ments. v. 5.] But who fokeepech his word, in him verily is the love of God perfefted, hereby know we that we are in him. i Pet. 1.5,(5,7,8,9,10. W.$.J And befidcs this, giving all diligence, add to yourfaith,Vertue ; and to Vertue, Knowledge. V.6.'j And to Knowle^e, Temperance \ and to Temperance, Patience -, and to Patience, GodlineiTe. V.7.] And to Godline(re,Brotherly-kind- neffe; and to Brotherlykindnefs, Charity. V.S.J For if thefe things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye fhall neither be barren, nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jcfus Chrift. V.p.j But he thailacketh thefe thiegs, is blinde, and cannot fee far cfF, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old fins. V.io.] Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make yoyr calling and eleftion fure : for if ye do thefe things.ye fhall never fall. ( f ) 2 Cor. 9. 2i For I know the forwardnefle of your mind, for which I boaft of yoia to them of Macedonia , that Acbaja was ready a year ago , and your zeal hath provoked very many, f, Matthew. 5. 16. Let yourlighefo fhinc before men, that they may fee your good works, and glorifie your Father which is in heaven. Q)Tir. 2. 5,9, 10, 11, 12. V. y.J To be difcreer, chafl, keepers at home, good, o bedienr to their own Husbands, that the word of God be not blafpemed. V 9- Exhort Servants to be obedient to their own Mailers, and to plesfe them well in all things, not anfvvering again. V.I 0.3 Not purloining, but fhewicgalfgtjod fidelity, that they nny adorn the doctrine cf God our Saviour in all things. V.ii.^ For th<^ grace of God that bringeth falvation, hath appeared to all men. V. 12.] Teaching us, that den^'ing ungodhnefle and worldly lufts, wc fhould live foberly, righteoufly, and godlily in this prefent world, i T im. 6. i . Let as many Servants as are under the yoak, count their own Maflers worthy of all hononr, that the name of Gcd and his dodrine be not blafphcmed. the tss] the mouths of the adverfaries ^, and glorifie Godz, C^)i Per.s.i^.For whofe workmanfhip they are, created inChriftJefus [Srci'dT'^^npiS thereunto 4.5 thar^having their fruit unto holinefsjthey fing, ye may puc niay have the end, eternal life I. '^anS of Mm tt. (i) 1 Pec.2.i2. Ha- ving your convcrfation honed am6ng the GentHes, that whereas they fpeak againft you as evil do- ers, they may by your good works which they fhall behold, glorifie God in the day of vifitation. Phil. I . u . Being filled v/ith the fruits of righteoufncfie, which are by jefus Chrift, unco the glory and praifcofGcd. lohn 15 8. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruic, fo fhail ye bemy Difciples. ( j(^) Eph.2. 10. For we are his workmanfhip, created in Chrift jefus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that wc fhould walk in them. (I) Rom.<5.22. But now being made free from fm, and become Servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holinefle, and the end everlafting life. III. Theirabilitytodogood works,isnotatallof C'«3 John i5.4»^- themfelves^ but wholly from the Spirit of Chrift «^. Jnd i'myou- a"The And that they may be inabled thereuato, befidesthe brasch cannot bear graces they have already received, there is required an f'^"',^°^'^^'^'(: ^*^,^^P'^ ^n 11 • n < 1 /- t 1 r. • • ^ 1 • It abide in the Ymc, actuall intlaence of the fame holy Spirit, to work in no more can ye, ex- them to will and todo,of his good pleafure» ; yet are cept ye abide in me. they not hereupon to grow negligent, as if they were -^.f ; J ^^,'7 "ifcart not bound to perform any dutya unlefsj upon a fpecial forth as a branch, & motion of the Spirit ; but, they oueht to be diligent in '^ withered , and n • . , ^ c ^ J -.1- • • -u '^^'" gather them fe Itirnngup the grace or Uodthatis inihem. likewife ye, when ye fhall have done all thtfe things, which are commanded you,fay. We are profitable Servants,we havedonethacwh1chwasourdutytodo.Nehem.13.22. And I commanded the Levites that they mould cleanfethemfelves, and that they flionld come and keep the gates, tofandifie the Sabbath day. Kemember me O my God, concerning this alfo, and fpare me according to the greameffeof !v^T'"fl" J.^.bS'-2,3. V.2.] I know it is lb of a truth, but how fhould man be jnft with God? fl n! I A contend with him;*' he cannot anfwer him one of a thoufand. Gal. 5.17 For the ttefh lufteth agamft the fpirir, and the fpiric againft the flefh, andihcfe are contrary the one to the other, fo mat yee cannot do the things that ye would. V. We cannot^ by our beft Works^merit pardon of fin, or eternal life at the hand of God, by rcafon of the great difproportion that is between them & the glory M Ro 1^^ come^and jthe infinite diftince that is between us & ThcrefOTc by °the God,whom,by them, we can neither profit, nor fatisfie deeds of the law, for the debt ofour former fi.is ^5 but when we have hl^t^f.A^lJ^^wc done all we can, we have done but our duty, and are be juitincd m his r i_i o 11 r 1 j fight, for by the law unprohtable Servants r^ aria,bccaure,as they are good, is the knowledge of they procced from his Spirit A 8c as thev are wrought fin.Rom.4, 2,4, 6. V. -' ■*■ r J ^ J o 2.'] For if Abraham were juftified by woi ks, he hath whereof to glory, but not before God.V 4.] Now to him that worketh, istherewardnot reckoned of grace, but of debt. V.5.] Even as D:yet, becaufethey proceed not from an heart Lord Vaid unto ]e- purificd by faith z 5 nor are done in a right mannerj ac* hn,becaufe thou haft ding to the Word 16.] So then it is notof him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, butof God that fhcweth mercy. Tir. 3. 5.] Not by works of righteoufnefs which we have done, but according to his mercy he faved us by the wa- fting of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghoft. pleafing [49 3 oleafine unto God d. -' W Pf- u: 4.:]Have t ° all the workers of iniquity no know !edgff»who eat up my people, as they eat bread,& call not upon the Lord. Pfal. 36. 3.] The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit, he hath left off to be wife and do good, job ai. 14, 15. V. 1 4.3 Therefore they fay unto God, depart from us, we dcfire not the knowledge of thy wayes. V.i$.JWhat is the Almighty, That we fhould ferve him ? and whatptofit fliall we have. If we prayuntohira? Mat.2$:4i, 42,43, 45. v. 41.] Then /hall he fay alio unto them on the left hand, depart from ree ye curfed, into everlaAing fire, prepared for the Dcvill, and his Angels. V. 42.3 For I was an hungry, & ye gave me no meat, 1 was thirfty, and ye gave me no drink. V.43.^ I was a ftranger, and ye took me not in » naked, and ye cloathed me not j fiek, and in prifon, and ye vifi- ted me not. V.45. ] Thin ftiall he anfwer them fajing. Verily, I fay unto you, in as much as ye did it not to one of thcleaft of thefe , ye did it not to me. Mat. 23. 23.] Woe unto you Scribes and Pharifees, Hypocrites j for ye pay Tithe of Mint, andAnife, and Cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the Law, Judgement, Mercy, -and Faith •, thefe ought you to have done, and not to leave the others undone. G H A P. XVII. oftheperfeveranceoftheSainU* THey, whom God hath accepted in his Beloved^ 4 Ph. 1.6. Being con- efteaually called, and fanftified by his Spirit,can ^^^^^ 1« he w'i neither totally, nor finally, fall away from the ftate of hath begun a work Grace: but (hall certainly perfevere therein to the inyou,wiiiperfeaic end, and be eternally fa ved a, TS aVet.^" II. This perfeverance of the Saints , depends not 10.] wherefore the upon their own free- will, but upon the immutability "fcncrw^S© of the Decree of Eleftion , flowing from the free and yLuf "ailing andE- unchangeable love of God the Father b k upon the ef- i^^on fure, for if ye ^s^Wk do thele thmgs,yc ^^^^ fhall never fall. John 10. a8, 29. v.28.] And I give unto them eternal life, and they fliall never perifh, neither fhall any man pluck them out of my hand. V. 29. 3 My Father which gave them, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Fathers hand. 1 John 3. 9.] whofoever is born of God, doth not commit fin i for his feed remainth in him, and he cannot fin, becaufe he is born of God. 1 Pet. I. 5i90 Who are kept by the power of God through Faith unro Salvation, ready to be revealed in the laft time. V. p.] Receiving the end of your faith, even the Salvation of yodC Souls, ib) 2 Tim. 2.18, 19. v. 181] Who concerning the truth have erred , faying, the refur- reftion is paft already j and overthrow the faith of feme. V. 19.] Neverthelefs, the foundation of Godftandsfure, having thisSeal , the Lord knoweth them that are his i and let every one that nameth the name of Chrill, depart from iniquity. |er. 31. 3. ] The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, faying, Yea, 1 have loved thee with an ererlafting love, therefore with loving kindnefs have I drawn thee. 1 2 ficacy [50] (c) Heb.io. 10,14. ficacy of the merits andinterccffionof JefusChrift^ 5 which will wc are the abiding of theSpiritj and of the feed of God with- fanaificd through in them^ 3 and the nature of the Covenant of Grace e : body on" fus°chr>ft ^^.^"^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^''^^^^ ^^^^ ^^e Certainty, and infalli- oBceforali. V.14.3 biUty thereof/. For by one cffL-ring, he hath perfct^ed for ever them that are fanftified. Keb. 1 g.20,2T . V. 20. ] Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our LordJefus,thar great Hiepherd of the /heep.through the blood of the cverlaftjng Covenant. V.2i.]Make you perfeft in every good work todo his wilKworking ia you that which is wcll-plcafing in his fight, through Jefus Chrift, to whpm be glory for ever and ever,Amen. Hcb.9. 12,13 14,15. V.12.] Ncitherby the blood of Goats and Calves , but by his own blood he cntred in once into the holy place,having obtained eternal redemption for us.V.15.3 For if the blood of Buls.and of Goats, and the aflics of an He^ftr fprinkling the unclean, fandificth to the purifytng of the fleflj i V. 14. j How much more Ihall the blood of Chrift,who through the eternal Spirit, offered himfclf without fpot unto God, purge your Confcience from dead works, to ferve the living God ? V. 1 5.] And for this caufe he is the Mediator of the New Tcftanaeut, that by meancs of death, for the redemption of the tranfgrefTions that were under the firft Tefta- mcnt, they which are called might receive the promife of eternal inheritance. Rom. 8. 39. 34,35, 36, 37,38, 39_. ■V,53.j W ho fhall lay any thing to the charge of GodsElcft? It is GodthatjulU- ficth. V.34.3 Who ishcthaccondcmneth i* It is Chrift that died, yea rather that is rifen again, who iseven at the righthand of God, who alfoniaketh iaterceflion for us. V- 3 $.3 Who fhall fe» parateusfroni theloveofChrift? rn3lltribuljfion,or diflrcffe, orperf!:cution,or famine,or naked- nelTej or peril , or fword^ V 36.3 fAs it is written, for thy fake we are killed all the day long, wearecoanted as fheep for the flaughter.J V. 37.]] Nay, in all thcfe things we are more than Cocquerers, through him that loved us. V.38.3 For I am perfwaded , that neither death, nor life, nor Angels, nor principalities, nor powers,nor things prefent, northings tocone.V.39.] Nor height, nor depth, uor any other creature, fhall be able to feparate us from the love of God which isinGhrilt jekis our Lord. John 17. 11,24. V.12J Andnow lam nonnore in the world, but thcfe arc in the world, and I come to thee, holy Father, keep throug^i thine own name , thofc whom thou lialt giv<:n me, that they may be one, asweare. V.24.] Father, I will that cheyalfo whom thou haft gi vcn me, be with mc where / am, that they may behold my glory, which thou haft given mc, for thou lovedft mc before the foundanon of the world. Ltike 22.32. But / have prayed for thee, tha: thy fairh fail nor j and when thou art converted, lirengtiien thy brethren. Heb.7.2 5.Wherf^re heisableaUo to five them to the uttcrmoft,that come unto God by him,feeing he ever livcth to make inccrccfiiou for them. (^)]oh.i4. i6,i7.V.!6.] And /will pray the Father and he fliall give you anotl'.er Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever. V.17 1 Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive^ becaufeit feeth him not, neither knoweth him, but ye know him, for hedwelieth with you, and Qiall be in you. 1 John 2. 27. But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need net that any man reach you, but as thcfanieanointingteaciiethyou of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath tawghc you, ye fhill abide in him. 1 John 3.^. Whofoeveris born of God, dorhnot commit fin, for his feed rcniaineth in him,hc cannot fin, becaufe he is born of God. CO ler.32.40.And /will make an everlaflhig Covenant with them, that / will not turn away from them todo them good , but / will put my fear in their hearts, that they fhall not depart from mc. (f) John 1 o. : 8. And /give unto thcnn eternal life, and they fhall never pcrifh, neither fhall any ma n pluck them out of my handj. 2 Thefr.3.3. Bat the Lord is faithful who fhall ftablifh you , and keep you from evil, ijohns.ij). They went out from us, but they were not of us, for if they had been ef us, they would no doubt have continued with U5, but they wcat out, that they might be made manifcft that they wer6 not all of us. III. Neverthe lefle, they mayjthrough the tempta- iioiis of Satan and of the World pthe pre valency of cor- luption C5J] ruption remaining in them, &: tbe negleft of the means C^)Matth.2 5.7o.72, of their prfefervation^fall into grievous fins ^ 3 and, for deny'^eA°"for^"hem 9 tirne, continue therein h : whereby they incur Gods ali,fa}ing,iknownot difpleafure/- and grieve his holy Spirit i^, come to be ^'^^f f ^f '^f ^- ^: , ^ . y r r ° /- r i • e c i 72- J And he denyed deprived or lome meaiure oi tiieir graces; oc com torts /, agam wich an oach,i have their hearts hardned m^ and their confciences donotknowthems, wounded «, hurt, and fcandailze others^, and bring gaJtocurfe^&fwea^ temporal judgements upon themfelvesj?, raying, i know not the man. And im- mediately the Cock crew. (')b)PfaI. 51. the title & v. 14. the ride. Tntfiechief Mufician, aPfalmof' David when Nathan the Prophet came unto hini,afcer he had gone in ro Batheba.V.H.jDeliver me from blood guilcinclVe, OGod; thou Godof my Hilvacion, and roy tongue fhall fiug aloud of thy righreoufnefle. (/) !ra.J54. 5, 7, 9. V,5."J Thou meereft him that rejoyceth and worketh riglueoul- nefs, chofe that remember thee in thy waves : behold thou art wroth, for we have rinned,in thofe is continuance, and we fhal! be faved. V. 7.^ And there is none that calleth upon thy name , that lUrreth up himfclf to take hold of thee, for thou haft hid thy face from us , and halt confumed us becaufe of our iniquities. V.9.3 Be not wroth very fore, O Lord , neither remember iniquity for- ever / behold, fee we befeech thee, we are all thy people. 2 Sam. 11.27. And when the morning was pafl, David lent and Rrchcd her to his houfe, and Hie hecaaie his wife , and bare him a Son, butrlie thing that David had done, difpleafed the, Lord. ( -(^ } Ephef.4.50. And grieve not the Iiuly Spirit of God, whereby we are fealcd unto the day of redemption. (^Z) Pfalm 51. 8/ 10, 12. V.8.] Make me to hear joy andgladntrte, that the bones which thou hafl broken mayrejoyce. V.io. Create in me a clean heart, OGod, and renew aright fpiric within me. V.12.] Reitoreun- to me the joy of thy falvation, and uphold me wich chy free fpirit. Rev. 2. 4 Neverthelefle I have fomewhat againit thee, becaufe thou hafi left rhyfiiit love. Cant. y. 2,5,4,6. V. 2.] I fleep but my heart waketh, it is the voice of my beloved that knccketh, faying , Open to mc »ny Sifter, my love, my dove, my undefiled,formy head is filled with devv,and my locks with the drops of the nighr.V.:?. ] 1 have put off my ccar, how fhall I put it on ? i have waflied my feet,how fhall / detiie them? V.4.3 My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door , and my bowels were moved, for him. V.d.] /opened to my beloved, butmy beloved hid withdrawn himfelf and was gone, my (ou\ failed when he fpike ; / fougiic him, bur / could not find him, / called him, but he gave menoanfwer. f'.-n) /fa.55. 17. O Lord, why hart thou made us to err from thy wayes, and harde- ned our heart from thy fear, return for thy fervants fake t'ne tribes of thine inheritance. Marked. $2: For they conlidered nor the miracles of the loaves, for their heart was hardened. Marke 16. 14. Afterward he appeared unto the eleven, as tliey fat at meat, and upbraided them for their unbelief and liardnefte ofhcarr,becaufe they beleeved northern wh ch had feen him after he was rifen. fn) Vfalniii7 5,4- V 5.J v;hen/kepc filence, my bones wuxed old, through my roaring all the day long. V.4.] For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me, my moifture is turned into the drought of fummer. Plalm.si.8. Make me tohear)oy andgladneflisr, that the bones which thou haft broken may rejoyce. (0} 2 Sam. 12. 14. Howbeir, becaufe by this deed tliou hafi; given great occafion to the enemies of the Lordtoblafpheme, the child alfo that is born unto thee fliallfurely die. Pfalm 89. :i I, 32. V.^i.j /fthey break my ftatutes and kecpnot my comniandemenrs,V.^2.J Then will/vifit their tranigreftion with the rod, and their iniquty with ftripes. 1 Cor. 1 1.9 2. But when we arc judged, we arc chaftened of the Lord, thacwc fliould net be coadcrmied with the world. 1 3 CHAP- C$«3 Chap. XVIII. Of aJfuMttce of Ordce and SalvaHon, ALthough Hypocrites & other unrcgencrate men may vainly deceive themfelves with falfe hopes, r«i) Tob 8 13, 14. ^ carnal prefumptions of being in the favour of God, V. 13.] So are the and eftate of falvation ^^ which hope of theirs (hall pc- pathsof all that for- j-jfh b : yet fuch as truly believe in the Lord Jcfus, and hypocrhes ftaii pe- ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ fincerity^endeavouring to walk in all good rifh. v. 14;] whofe confcience before him^mayjjin this lifc^be certainly af- ''T hofe^ruft'fhaTi ^"^^^ that they arc in the ftate of grace r, and may re- be a fpiders web. joycc in the hope of the gloryotGod^whichhope (hall Micha 3. II. The never make them afhamed fcalcd us, andgivenusthccarntftofthefpiiit incur hearts. '*'''''°- ^'"'J wnenatnaiio 1 1 1. This infallibile aflurance doth not fo belong to the elTence of faith, but that a true believer may wait long, and conflid with many difficulties^ before he be partaker of it ^.* yea, being inabled by the Spirit to ( U iJohnM?, know the things which are freely given him of God, The[c things have i he may , without extraordinary revelation ■> in the t'hat' beiec'!Ji'°on^he name of the Son of know, that ye have eternal life, and that ye may bcleeve on the name of the Son of God.lfa!$o!j7, Who IS among you that feareth the Lord, thatobeyeth the voice of his fervanr, thatwalketh- indaikncire, and hath no light? \tt him truftinthe name of the Lord,and ftay upon his God. Marke 9.24. And flreight way the Father of the child crycd our, and faid with tears. Lord I bc- leeve, help thou my unbchef, SccPfaim 88. throughout, and Pfalm 77. tothe 12. rerfc, [44] I Cor. 2. 12.] right ufe of ordinary means, attain thereunto/. Anirit. Heb. ^ ^ I into the perfeft law by God upon Mount binajjin ten Commandments,and of libtny, and con. written in two Tables hi the four firft Commandments "n"«h therein, he containingourduty towards God 3 and the other fix, f^^i^^'^^r'/buf a 014r duty to man C, doer of the work , this man fhali be blef« fed in his deed. Jam. 9.8,10,11,12. V. 8.] If ye fulfill the rcyalllaw, according to the Scripture, Thouflialt love thy neighbour as thy fclf, ye do well. V. ic] Forwhofctver fhall keep the whole law, andyetci- fend in one point, lie is guilty of all. V.ii.] For he that faid , Do not ccnmit adultery, faidalfo Do not kill i now if thcu tcninitriOsduhciy, yet if thou kill, ihouait becoff.e a tranlgrtffour of the law. V. 12.3 Sofpeakye, aijd fodo,as they that fi:all be judged by the law of liberty. Rom. 13. 8,9. V. 8.] Owe no man any thing, but to loveone another \ for he thatloveth another, hath fulfilled the law. V. 9,3 For this. Thou fhalt not ccmn ic adultery. Thou fhalt not kill. Thou fhalc not fteal. Thou fhalt not bear falfe witntfs, Thou ftialc not covet,& if there be any other Command- raent, it is briefly comprehended in this faying, namely. Thou fhalt love thy neighbour as thy fclf. Dci.it. $.32.] Ye fhall obferve to do therefore, as the Lord your God hath commanded you •, you fhall not turn afidc to the tight hand, or to the left. Deut. 10. 4.] And he wrote on the Tables, according to the firft writing , the ten Commandm-ents, which the Lord fpake unto you in the Mount, out of the midfl of the fire, in the day of the affembly s and the Lord gave them nnto me. Exod. 94. I.] And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Hew thee two Tables of Stone, like unto the firflj and I will write upon thefe Tables, the words which were in the firfl Table, which thou brakefl. (c) Mat. 22. 3 7,3 8,39,40. V.37.] jcfus faid unto him, Thcu fhalt love the Lord thy God, witfi all thy heart, and with all thy fcul, and with all thy mind, V. 58. J This is the fitfl and great Commandment. V.39.3 And the ftcond is like unto it, Thou fhalt love thy neighbour as thy felf. V.40.3 On thefe two Commandments, hang all the Law and the Prophets. III. Befide this Law, commonly called MoraljGod was pleafed to give to the people of Ifrael^ as a Church under age, Ceremonial Laws, containing feveral typi- C^'^Heb. 9. chapt. cal Ordinances, partly of Worfhip, prefiguring Chrift, SJ-h^'-^g^ f i^fj! his graces, action Sj fuiierings, and benefits <^ 3 and pait- dowofgood things ly, holding forth divers inftrudions of moral duties e. ^^ ^°"^^' ^"^ ^^^ ^"^^ very Image of the tnings, can never withthofe facrifrees, which they cflfcred ycarby year continually, make the corners thereunto perfcft. Ga). 4. 1,2,3. V. i. j Now I fay, that the heir as long as he is a child, diifcrcth nothing from a fervant, though he be Lerd of all. V. 2.3 Bur is under tutors and govcrnours, untill the rime appointed of the Father. V. 3.] Even fo we, when we were children , were in bondage under the elerrents of the woild. Col. 2. 1 7.] Which are a fhaddow of things to come, but the body is of Chrift. (0 » Cor. 5. 7O Purge cut therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened \ for even Chrift our PafTeover is facrificed for us. 2 Ccr.6. 17.] wherefore come out from among them, and be ye feparare, faith the Lord, & touch not the unclean thing, and I ^ill rtcciveyou. jude verf. 23. J And othtrs fave withfear, pulling themoucof the fire j hating ^ven the garments fpotted by the flefh. K* All C581 C/D Col. 2. 14, 1 5, All which Ceremonial Laws are now abrogated, under :2;";he*I'„StheNewTeftament/. ting of Ordinances, that was againft us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way , nailing it to his Crofs. V. 1 5.] Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in refpeft of an holy day, or of the new Moon, or of Sabbath dayes. V. 17.] Which area fliaddow of things to come, but the bo- dy is of Ch rift. Dan. 9. 27, &c.] He fhall confirm the Covenant with many for one week j and in the midll of the week, he fhall caufe the facrifice, and the oblation to ceafe j and for the over- rcading of abominacions, he fhall make it defolate, even untill the confummation, and that de- termined fhall be poured upon the defolate. Eph. 2. 15,16. Y. 1$.'] Having abolifhed in his flefh the enmity, even the law of Goramandements, contained in ordinances, for to make of him- felf twain, one new man, fo making peace. Vt 1 6. J And that he might reconcile both unto GDd in one body by the Crofs, having flain the enmity thereby. E Id'^af '"*t??he ^ ^* ^° ^^^^ ^^^^' ^^ ^ P°^y Politick, he gave fun- 29.°vcr"secboth in ^^Y Judicial Lawes, which expired together with the theBibic. Gen. 4p. State of that people 5 Hot obliging any othernoWjfur- fhin not ^depart '^^' *^^" ^^^ general equity thereof may require^. from Judah, nor a Law-giver from between his feet, untill Shilohcome*, and unto him (Tiiill the gathering of the people be. i Pet. 2. 13, 14. V. 13.3 Submit your felves to every ordinance of man for the Lords fake, whether it be to the King as Uipremc. V. 14. 3 Or onto Governours , as unto them that arc fent by hiro, for the punifhtreni of evill doers , and for the praife of them that do well. Mat. 5; 17,38, 39. V.I 7. ] Think not that I am come to deftroy the Law, or the Prophets, I am not come to deflroy, but to fulfill. V. 58. J Ye have heard that it hath been faid, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. V. 59; 1 But i fay unto you. That ye refift not evill •, but whofoevcr fhall finite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other alfo. i Ccr. 9. 8, 9, 10. V.8.] Say I thefe things as a man, or faith not the Law the fame alfo. V. 9.] For it is written in the Law of Mofcs, Thou fhalt not muzzle the mouth of the Ox, that treadech out the cornj doth God take care for Oxen ? V.10.3 Or faith he it altogether for our fake? for our fakes no doubt this is written, That he that ploweth, fhould plow in hope ', and that he that threfheth in hope, fhould be partaker of his hope. 03Rom.i3.8,9,To: V. The Moral Law doth for ever bind all, as well y. 8. andpO See a- juftified perfous as others, to the obedience thereot A; bovem Letter 1. 10. ^ ^ . ^ i- jri -i Love worketh no ^nd that^ not cnely in regard ot the matter contained ill to his neighbour, in it, butalfoin refpedof the authority of God the fSifiitg'oA'^^^^ Creatou^ who gave it i. Neither doth Chrift in the Eph. 6,2-2 Honour thy Father and Mother (^ which Is thefitfl commandment withprom'fc.) i Joh. 2.3,4, 7 8.V,3. And hereby wedokaow, that we know him, if we keep his Commandments. V.4.] He that faith, I know him, and kcepeth not his Commaudmtnt, is a Iyer, aud the truth is nor in him. V 7. Brethren, I write no new Commandment unco you, but an old Commandment which ye had from the beginning. V. 8.] Again, a new Commandment, I write unto you, which thing is true in himandyou, becaufe thedarknefs is^aft, and the true light ncwfhin^ch. (0 J*™* 2. 10, ii.'j Sec iift Letter B. GofpeJj, Gofpeljany way diflblve^but much ftrcngthen this ob» ( k.) Mat. $.17, 18; llgacioii^.. terG. V. i8.]For, verily,! fay unco you, till heaven and earth pafs, one jor, or one tittle , fliall in no wife pafs from the law , till all be ful- filled. V. 19.3 Whofoever therefore fhall break one of thefe leaft Comnnandmenrs, andfhall teach men fo, he fhall be called the leaft in the kingdom @f heaven •■, but whofoever fhall do, and teach them, the fame fhall be called great in the Kingdom of heaven . Jam. 2; 8. See in Letter B. befoTe. Rom. 3. 31.] Do we then make void the Law through Faith? God forbid, yea, we efta- blifh the law. V I. Although true Believers be not under the Law, as a Covenant of Works, to be thereby juftified, or condemned/, yet is it of great ufe to them, as well as ^/^ Rom; 6. 14.3 to others 5 in that, as a Rule of life informing them of For fm fhall noc the will of God, 8c their duty, it direfts, 6c binds them ^H] fo?yi"u a?cToc to walk accordingly m-^ difcovering alfo the finful pol' under the Law, but lutionsof theirnature, hearts and lives » 5 foas, exai under grace. Gal.2. mining themfelves thereby, they may come to further i tnani"notTuftified conviction of, humiliation for, and hatred againft by the works of the fin^S together with a clearer fight of the need they fa*hoflcfuschriftt even we have be- lieved in Jcfus Chrift, that we might be juf^ified by the Faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the Law, for by the, works of the Law fliall no flefh be juftificd. Gal. 3. 13.] ChriA hath re- dccnjed us from the curfe ef the Law, being made acurfe for us '-, for it is written, cnrfed is every one thathangcthonaTrce. Gal.4.4,5. V. 4.] But when the fulnefs of the time was come, God fent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the Law, V. 5.] To redeem them that were under the Law, that wc might receive the adoption of Sons. Aft. 13.59.] And by him, all that believe, arc juftified from all things , from which ye could not be juflified by rhe Law of Mofes. Rom.8. 1.] There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Chrift Jefus, who walk not afrer the fltfh, but after the Spirit, (m^ Rom. 7. 12. 22. 25. V. 12.3 Wherefore the Law , is Holy, and the Gomroandn.^ent Holy , and juft and good. V.22.3 For 1 deliglit in the Law of God, afrer the inward man. V. 25.3 I thank God through Jtfus Chrift our Lcrd; fo then with t'le mind, I my felf ferve the Law of God, but with the liefh, the Law of fin. Pfal. 119. 4, $,6. v. 4.^ Thou haft commanded us to keep thy Statutes diligently. V. $.] O that my wayeswere direfted to keep thy Statutes. V.6.J Then fhjll I not be afhamed, when I have refpeft unto alt thy Commandments, i Cor. 7. 19.] Circumcifion is nothing , and uncircumcifion is nothing, but the keeping of the Commandments of God. Gal.?. 14.16.18,19,20,21,22,23.! Seein rhe Bi- ble, (p) Rom. 7.7.] What Ihall we fay then? is the Law fm ? God forbid-, Nay, I had not known fni, but by the Law i for 1 had not known Iiifi: , e>ccpt tlie Law had laid , Thru flialt not covet. Rom. 3. 20.] Therefore by the deer's of the Law, there fhall Jio ll^fli be jultiticd in his f?ght , fir by the Law, h the knowledge of fin. fo; Jam. 1.23,24,25^ V.23.] For if any man be a hearer of the word, and not a dotr, lie is like unto a man, beholding his natural face in a gla^s. V.24.3 Forhcbeholdethhimfclf, and goethhis way, and iVeight-way fcrgetreth what manner of man he was. V. 25. J But who fo lookerh into the perfect Law of liberty, and coniinueth therein, he being noc a forgetfnll hearer, but a doer of rhe work, this man fhall be hlefTed in his deed. Rom. 7-9. 14. 24. V.9.] For I was alive without the Law once, britwlien the Ccmmand- meurcame, fm revived , and I died. V,I4.] For we knov^ t!iar the Law is fpirituall , but I am. carnal, vAd undejr fm. Y.24. j Oh wretched man that I am, who fhall deliver me from the body oj thib death. f K 3 have QJ Gal. 3." 54.] have of ChriO, and the perfeSion of his obedience s wasVbt°School.ma" I' « J'^ewife ot ufeto the Regenerate, to teftrain their ner, to bring usun- Corruptions,- in that it forbids fin ^ .• and the threat* '°^J''i!*^? Jf Tf nings of it ferve to Ihew, what.even their fins,deferve; might be juftificd by P i ^ ru-o- • l* i-V 1 ' TT !!* ' Faith. Ro. 7.24,25. and, whatalttidtions, inthisJifc, they may expedfor V. 24.] See before themjalthough frcedfrooi the cutfe thereof thrcatDcd aTs^'tn Lmer^w: '" ^^^ lawr.l he promifcs of it,in like maner.fhewthem Rom.8.5, 4V. 3.] Gods approbation of obedience, and what blcflings For what the Law they may expe(^ upon the performance thereof A alt could not do m that ^, ^ 1 •' ^ ^ 1 \. ^i. u^i.¥ ^ J "J *^^ it was weak through though, not as duc to thcm by the Law, as a Covenant theflefh, God fen- of Wotks t. So as, a mans doing good, and refraining SikLTofTm" fromevill, becaufethe Law encourageth to the one, full flcfh , and for and dcterrcth from the other, is no evidence of his bei firif condemned An in theflefh. V- 4-3 That the righteouf- nefs of .the Law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flefh , but after the Spirit. Cq") Jam. 2. 11.3 tor hethatfaid. Do not commit adultery, faid aIfo» Do not kill j now if thou commit no adukery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a tranfgrclTour of the Law. Ffal. 119. loi, 304,128. V. iGi.J 1 have refrained my feet from every evill way, that 1 may keep thy word; V.104.3 Through thy precepts, I get underftanding i therefore I hate every falfe way. V. 128.] T hcrefore/efkcmali thy prtcepts concerning all things to be right i and I hate every falfe way. COEzrap. 13, 14. V.isO And after all that is ccme upon us, fcrourevill deeds, andforoar great trefpafs, feeing that thcu our Gcd, haft punifhcd us lefs than our iniquities dcfcrve , andhaA given us fuch deliverance as this. V. 14.] Should we again break thy Ccmmandements, and joyn in affinity with the people of thcfe abominations ? wouldcft thou not be angry with us, till thou hadft confumcd us, fo that there (hculdhe no remnant nor cfcaping ? Pfal.Sp.jo,^ 1,32,33,34: V.30.3 If his children forfake my Law, and walk not in my judgements. V. 3 1.] If they break my Statutes, and keep not my Commandments. V. 32.] Then wiM I vifit their tranfgreffion with the rod i and their iniquicy with ftiipes. V. 33.] Ncvcrthclcfsmy loving kmdnefs will I not ut- terly take from him, nor lufFtr my fai.hfulnefs to fail. V. 34. J My Covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone cut of my lips. f/)Lcv. 26. to the 14. verf. See in the Bible. 2 Cor. 6. 16.3 And what agr cement hath the Temple of God with idols / for ye are the Tem- ple of the living God, as Gcd hath faid, I will dwell in thera, and walk in them j and 7 will be their God, and they fhall he my people. Eph.6. 2,3. V.2 J Honour thy Father and thy Mother, (whichisthefirftCommandement withpromifej V. 3. J That it may be well with thee, and thou n^ayft live long on the earth, Pfal. 37. 11. J But the meek fhall inherit the earth j and fhall dehght thtmfelves in the abundance of peace. Mat. $. 5.3 Bleffed arethemeck, for they fhall inherit the earth. Pfal. Jp. u-] Moreover by thtm is thy fervant warned, and in keeping of them, there is great reward, (t) Gal. 2. 16.] Knowing thata man is notjuftificd bytheworks of the Law, bat by the faith of Jefus Chrift \ even we have believed in Jcfus Chrft, that we might be juOified by the faith of Chrift, and notby the worksof the Lawifor by the worksofthe Law, fhall no fiefti be juftiftcd. Luk. 17. lo. So likewife ye, when ye ftiall have done all thofe things which are commanded you, fay, we arc unprofitable fervants, wc have done that which was our duty to do. mg [6i] ine under the Law 5 and, not under graces. (M)Rom.6. 12.14. ^ ^ o V. 12.] Let not (in reign therefore in jour mortal body , that ye fhould obey it in the lufts thereof. V. 14. ] For (in fhall not have do. iriiiion over you, for ye arc not under the Law, but under grace. 1 Pet. 5.8,9,10,11,12.7. 8. ^Fi- nally ,be ye all of one mind , having coirpafiion one of another , love as brethren « be pitifull, be courteous. V. p. ] Not rcndring evill for evill, or railing for railings but contrariwifeblefTing, knowing that ve arc thereunto called, that ye fhould inherit a blclTing. V. 10.] For he that will love life, and fee good dayes j let him refrain his tongue from evill , and his lips that they fpeak no guile. V. II.] Let him cfchew evill and do good jLethimfeek peace andenfuc it. V. 12.3 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous j and his cart are open unto their prayers, but the face of the Lord is againft them that do evill. Ffal. 34; 13, 15, 14, 15, i^. V. 12. J Whatmanishe that defireth life, and lovcth rcany dayes, that he may fee good? Y. 15.^ Keep thy tongue from evill, and thy lips from fpeaklHg guile. V. 14.] Depart from evill and do good , feek peace and purfue it. V. ly.] The eyes of the Lord arc upon the righteous i and his ears open unto their cry. V.1I.3 The face of the Lord is againft them that do evill, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. Heb. 1 2. cS, 29. V. 28.] Wherefore we receiving a Kingdom which can- not be moved i let us have grace whereby we may ferve God acceptably with reverence andGod- Ij fear. Y. 29.3 For our God is a confuming fire. VII. Neither are the foremen tioned llfes of the (w)Gal.g. ai.]/* Law contrary to the grace of the Gofpel, but do g^tnft^'t'he promifes fweetly comply with it m? , the Spirit of Chrift fubdu- of God, God forbid; ing, and enabling the will of man, to do that, freely ^^^^ 'J ^^'^^ .^^^^ and chearfuUy, which the will of God, revealed in the Jhkh cmid have Law, requireth tobedonex. given life, verily, righteoufnefs fhould have been by the Law. («) Ezek. ^f. 27. ] And 7 will put my Spirit within you , and caufc you to walk in my Statures i and yc ftial I keep my judgements, and do them. Hcb 8. 10.] For this is the Cove- nant that /will make wi* the houfe of llrael, after tlicfe dayes, faith the Lord, /willpurmy Laws in their minds, and write them in the ir hearts , and / will be to them a God, and they fhall be to me a people. ]er. 51.53 ] But this fhall be the Covenant that 7 will make with the houfe of ifrael, after thofe dayes, faith the Lord , I will pnr my Law in their inward parts , and write it. in their hearts 5 and / will be their God, and they fhall be my people. Chap. XX. of Chrifijan Liberty:, and Liberty of Co-^rfcknce, THe Liberty wbich Chrift hath pnrehafed for Be- lievers under the Gofpel, confifts in i heir free- dom from tiie guilt of Gnj, the condemning Wrath of God^ C-JTita. r4.who God, thecurfe of rhe MoralZaw^, and in their be- fhlz helth'r "e! ing delivered from this prcfent evill World, bondage deem us from all ini- to Satan, and dominion of fin /> , from the evill of af- ^"'^y ' 3"?, P"f*6^ fliaions, the fting of death, the vidory of the grave. unto himfclf a pccu- , 'in- j • ir • i • r- ^ V liar people, zealous and everlaitmg damnation cj as alio m their free accefs of good works, to God <5?, and their yeelding obedience unto him, not t'o^wJ;for°hlson0^^cffiavifc but a child-like love and willing from heaven, whom mind e. All which werccommon alfo to Believers um dead"'^ete^S°"\eful ^^^ ^^^ Law/. Eut under the New Teftament the mSicIi ddiveredus lit>ertyof Chriftians is further inlarged in their free< from wrath to eome. dom from the yoak of the Ceremonial Law, to which ha* '«deli*Jt the Jewifh Church was fubjefted^; and in greater from the curfe of the Law, being made a curfe for us ; for it is t»rritten , Gurfed is every one that hangeth on a Tree, fb^ Gal. i. 4.] Who gave himielffor our fins, that he might deliver us from this prefcnt evill world, according to the will of God, and our Father. Col. i. 13.] Who hath delivered us from the power of darkncfs j and hath tranflated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son. Aft 26.13.] To open their eyes, andtoturn them from darknefs to light , and from the power of Satan linto God, that they may receive forgivenefs of fins and inheritance among them which are fanAified by faith that is in me. Rom. 6. 1 4.] For fin ftiall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under the Law, but under grace. Qc^ Rom. 8. 28. j We know that all things work togc- therfor good to their that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpofe. Pfalm. up. 71.] /c is good for mc, that/ have been afflifted ji that /might learn thy Statures, i Cor. 15.^4,55,5^,57. V.54.3 So when this corruptible fhall have put on incorruption, and this mor- rail fliall have put on immortality, then fhall be brought to pafs the faying that is written. Death is fwallowed up in viftory. V.y5.] O death, where is thy fting ? O grave, where is thy viftory ? V.56.J Theftingof death is fin," and the f\rength of finis the Law. V. ^7.3_But thanksbeto God, which giveth us the viftory through our Lord ]cfus Chrilt. Rom. 8. i.'j There is there- fore now no condemnation to them which arc in Ghrift Jcfus, who walk not after the fie fh, but after the Spirit, fdj Rom. 5- 1,2. V. i.] Therefore being juftified by faith, we have peace with God, throiaghour Lord Jefus Chrift. V.2.] By whom alfo we have accefs by faith into this f race wherein weftand, and rcjoycein hope of the glory of God. (0 Rom 8. 14, 1 5- V. 14.] or as many as are led by the Spirit of God , they are the Sons of God. V, 15.] For ye have not received the Spirit of bondage again to fear, but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba Father, i Joh. 4. 18. there is no fear in love, but perfeft love caftcth out fear jbecaufe fear hach torment i he that fearech, is not made pcrfcd: in love. (/3Gal. 3. p. 14. V.9. So then they which be of faith, are blcffed with faithfull Abraham. V.M.J Thattheblef- fing of Abraham mieht come on the Gentiles through JefusChrift", that we might receive the pro. mife of the Spirit through iaith. C^) Gal. 4. 1,2,5, 6,7. V.i.] Now/fay, that the heir as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a fervant, though he be Lord of all- V. 2.] Butisunder tu- tours and governours, untill the time appointed of the Father. V. 3.] Even fo we, when wc were children, were in bondage under the Elements of the world. V. 6.] And becaufe ye are Sons, God hath fent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying Abba Father. V. 7.3 Wherefore thou art no more afervanr, bat a Son ', and if a Son, then an heir of God through Chrifl. Gal. 5.1.] Stand faft therefore in the liberty, wherewith Chrift hathmade us free, and bcnotinrangled again with the yoke of bondage. Aft. 15. 10, 11. V. lo.] Now therefore, why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the Difciples, which neither our Fathers, nor we were able to bear. V. 11.] Buc webplieve, that through the grace of the Lord JefusChrift, wcfhallbefavedevenasthey. ' V ' ^' I boldnefs boldnefs of accefs to the throne of Grace h , and in O) Heb. 4. »4»' i^- fullercommunicationsof the free Spirit of God, than Thi w^l have"! gr^« Believers under the Law did ordinarily partake High-Pridt, th« is ^c 1 palled into the hca- ^^ ^' vcns, )efus the fon of God, kt us holdfaft oar pnofcflion. V. iAhere theSpiritof the Lordis, thcreisliberty. V. 18.J But we all with open face, beholding as in a glafs, the glory of the Lord,arc changed into the fame Image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 1 1. God alone is Lord of the Confcience 4, and hath Ct) l*™- 4- "ll left it free from the Dodrines and Commandements of gWcr^ho is^bieTo men, which are in any thing contrary to his Word 5 or fave, 'andtodeflroyi befideit, if matters of Faith, or Worfhip /. So that, to "^J^^ft "nojhc"? Ro' believe fuch Doctrines , or to obeyfuch Commands i"4.%.]"who arc out of confcience, is to betray true Liberty of Confci- thou that judgelli a- encc«^.- and the requiring of an implicite Faith, and ^otsorAaSc an abfolute and blinde obedience, is, to deftroy Liben f\andeth or faiieth, yea, heftiallbehok den up : for God is . able to make him itand. (^/jAa. 4-'9-J ButPeter and John anfwered and faid unto them, whether it be right in the fight of God, to hearken unto you, more than unto God,)udge yee Ad. $. 29.] Then Peter and the other Apo{\les anfwered and faid, we ought to obey God, rather than men. 1 Cor. 7-23.] Ye are bought with a price, be not yethefervants of men. Mat.23.8, 9, 10. V. 8.] Eutbenoc ye called Rabbi, for one is your Maflcr, even Chrift i and all ye are brethren. V. 9.] And call no man your Father upon the earth, for one is your Father, which is in heaven. V. 10. J Neither be ye called Maf\ers,for one is your Mafler, even Chrifl. 2 Car. i. 24.] Not for that we have domi. nion over your Faith s but are helpers of your joy, for by ftith ye ftand. Mac. 15. 9.] But in vainthcyd worfhipme, teaching for dcdrincs the Commandments of men (m^ Col. 2. 20,22, 25. V. 20.] Wherefore if ye be dead with Chrifl, from the rudiments of the world, why, as though hvmgm the world, are ye fibjeft to ordinances ?V. 22.] Which all are to peri fh with the ufing, after tiic commandments and dodrines of men. V. 23.3 which things have indeed a fhew of wifdominwill-woraiipand humility, and negledingof the body, nor in any honour to the fa- tisfymgof the ttcfh. Gal. i. lo.J For do 1 now pcrfwadc men, or God? or dol fcek to pleafe men ? tor if I yetpleafed men, 1 fhould 110c be the fervantof Clirift. Gal. 2. 4, 5. V. 4. 1 And that becaufe of falfc brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily tofpyoutour liberty, which wc have in Chnft Jcfus, that they might bring us into bondage. V. 5.3 To whom we gave place by fubjeftion, no nor for an hour, rhatthc truth of the Gofpcl might continue with you. Gal. 5. I .] Stand fall therefore in the liberty wherewith Chrif^ hath made usftee , and be not untangled aga n with the yoke of bondage. L III They C«)Rom.io.?7 ]So ty of Confcicnce, and Reafonalfo/f. then faicli cometh by •' hearing , and bea- ring by the word of God. Rom. 14. 13. J He that doubteth h damned if he cat, becanfe he ea- teth not of faith *, for wharfoever is not of faith is fin. Ifa. 8. 20.3 To the Law, and to the tefti* inony,ifthey fpeak not according to this word, it is becaufc there is no light in them. Aft. 17. 1 1. 1 Thefe were more noble than thofe in Theltalonica, in that they received the word with all readinefiof mind, and fearched the Scriptures daily, whether thefe things werefo. )oh. 4. 21. J Ycworfhipye know not what, we know what we worfhip j for Salvation is of the Jews. Hof.s. 11] Ephraim is opprelTed, and broken in judgement ', becaufe he wiliing'y walked afrcr the com- mandment. Rev. 13.12, I<^, i7«V. 12.3 Andheexcrcifethall the power of the fit ft bcafl before him, and caufeth tha earth, and them which dwell therein, to worfhip the firft beaft, whofe dead** iy wound was healed. V. i6v fc'ecauferh all both fmall and grear, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their fore heads. V. 17.] And that no man might boy, or fell, favehethat had the mark, or thenameof thebeait, or the number of his name. Jer.8. 9. J The wife men are afhamed, they are difmayed and taken ; Lo, they have rcjeded the word of the Lord, and whatwifdomisinthem? (o) Gdl.$.i3.1 For 11 1. They, who upon pretence of Chriftian Liber- brcthrcn, ye have ty, do praftifeany fin, orcherifhany lurtj do thereby been called tmo li- j^ftroy the end of Chriftian Liberty, which is, that berty, only tfe "pt ^ ^/ . . r u u J r "^ t- • liberty for an occafi- peing dclivertdoutot the hands oi our Enemies, we ontot}iefleni,butby jnjahtferve the Lord without fear, in holinefs and Jher! ^7e°T. \7^ righteoufnefs before him, all the dayes of our life o. As free and not u- fing your liberty for a cloak of malicioufnefs, but as the fervantsof GoJ. 2 Pet. 2. rp.f While theypromife them liberty, they thcmfelves are the fervants of corruption ■, for of whom a man is overcome, of the fame he is brought in bondage, j-^h. 8. 34.3 jefusanfwered them, Ycrily,veri- Iy,07 fay unto you, vvhofoevercommiteth finj is thefervant of fin. Luk- i. 74, 7$. V. 74.] That he would grant unco ui, that we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies, m4ght fervchim Vgithoiat fear. V. 7 5 , ] In holinefs and righteoufnefs before him all the dayes of our life. (p ) Mar. 12. 25.3 IV. And becaufe the Power w^ich God hath or- fhotite 'ratd dait'ed, and the Liberty which Chrift h.th purch .fed, unto them. Every are not intended by Go(^j to def tioy, but mutually to Kingdom divided a uphold and prefcrve oni^ another 5 They, who upon brought'to dcfobti- pvttence of Chriftian Libertyjihallorpofe any lawful! on j and every City Powcr. or the la wfull cxercift. of it, whet her it be Ci- orhoufc divided an oj. Ecclefiaftic^l, lefift the Ordinance of God p. gamlt It (clr, (hall . , r i - irn- c r v r\ • • notftsnd. Pet. 2. And, tor their publiining ot luch Op nions, crmam- 15,14,16. V. 13.] Submit your felf to every ordinance of man for the Lords fakf , whether it he to the King as fu- prtmej V.14. J Or unto Governours, as iinto them that ar fentbyhim, for the puniHiment of e- vill doers, and for the pr aife of them that do well. V. 1 6.3 As free, and not . fmg your li^berty for a cloak of malicioufnefs, but as rhe fervants of God. Rom. 13. i.torheS. verf. See in the Bible* Heb. 15. 17 J Obey them thar have the rule over you, and fubmit your (elves, for they warch for your foLiles, af thty that irrft give account, that they may do it with joy, and not wiih g> icf-, for thax is unprcficabk for you. taiaing C^5] taining of fuch Pradices , as are contrary to the light ^^^ r^^^ , ^j,.j of Nature, or to the known Principles of Chriftiani- who knowing the ty; whether concerning Faith.Worfhip, or Converfa- ['|i^^"'T °f p^? • iT-» r r> jr / ru ^^"^^ ^"^y which tion, or to the Power or Godiinels 3 or, lucn eroneous commit iuch things Opinions orpradlices, as either in their own nature, arc worthy ofdeath) or in the manner of publilhing or maintaining them, fameSha^epka! are deftrudive to the external Peace and Order which fnre in them that do Chrift hath eftablifhed in the Church , they may law- f^'J'* '^^°^-^- Jj?, fully be called to account, and proceeded againft by reported commonly the Cenfures of the Church q^ and by the power of the ^^^^ ^^ere is fomiea- tion among you, and fuch fornication, as is not fo much as na- med amongil: the Gentiles, that one fhould have his Fathers wife. V. $. To deliver fuch a one unto Satan , for the deftruftion of the flefh, that the fpirit may befaved in the day of the Lord }efus. V. U.3 But now J have written unto you not to keep company, if any that is called a brother, be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a raylcr, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with fuch a one, no not eat. V. 13.3 But them that are without, God judgeth : Therefore put away from among your felves, that wicked perfon.x Joh. verf. 10, 1 1. V. 10.] If there come any unto you, and bring not this dodrine, receive him not into your houfe , neither bid him God fpecd. V.ii.] ForhethatbidethhimGodfpeed, is partaker of his evill deeds. zThef.g. 14.] And if any man obey not our word by this Epiftlc, note that man ,and have no company with him, that he may be afhamed. 1 Tim. 6. 3,4 V. 3. 'j If any man teath otherwife , and confcnt not to wholefcn c words, even the words of our Lord JcfusChrifl:, and to the doftrine which isaccor. ding to godlincfs. V.4.] He is proud, knowing nothing, butdoting about queftions, and Arifes of words, whereof, commeth envy, ftrife, railings, evill furmifings, V. $.J Perverfedifputings of men of corrupt minds, and deftituteof the truth, fuppofmg that gain isgodlinefss from fuch with- draw thy felf. Tit. I. 10,11,13. V. 10.3 For there are many I nruly and vain talkers, and deceivers, efpecially they of the circumcifion. V. n.] Whofe mouthcs murt be ibpped, who fubvert whole houfcs, teaching things which they ought not,for filthy lucres fake, V. 13.] This witnefs is true j wherefore, rebuke them fliarply, that they may be found in the faith. Tit. 3. 16.] A man that is anHeretick, after the firlt and fecondadmonificn,re)eft. Mat 18.15,1(^,17. V. 1$.] Moreover,if thy brother fhould trcfpafs againft thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone, if he fhal! hear thee, thou haft gained thy brother. V. 1 6.] But if he will not hear tlicc, then take wirli thee, one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witneflTcs, every word may be eftablifhed. V. 17.] And if he fhail ntgkinies ve people , pnurcout yo-jrlKarr_ before him, God is a refuge for us. Jcf, 24. 14.] N :w thcrefoVe, fear the Lord, and krve him m finccricy, and in riutii Vand pu: away the gods which your Fathers ferved c nthe o- thcr fide of the flood, and in Fg\pr,fci vc k the Lord. Maik. 1 1. 53.] And to love him ui;h all the hear-, and withall the und rilanding, ai:d wich all the foul, ar.d with all the ftrcngdi , and t© love his neighbour ashimfclf,is more cl.au whok buiiic-offcringiaiidfaciificts. CCS 168-} ftDcu.i t.3».]wiiat CCS of men, or the fuggeftions of Satan, under any vh thing (oever 1 com- fibJe reprefcntations, orany oiherway not prefcribed " d 'i^r-fhclfS in 'l^s holy Scripture A. not adde tliereco, ncr dimininifroin ic. Mat. i5'9-3 Eiitin vain they do worfhipme, teaching fordodrines the Commandmenrs of men. Ad. 17. 25. J Neither is worfhiped with mens hands, as though he jjcedcd any thing, feeing he giveth to ail hfe , and breath , and all things. Mat. 4. 9, 10. V. p.] And fairh unto him, all thde things will I give thee, if thcu wilt fall down and worfhip me. V. i o.] Then faith jtfus unto him, get thee hence Satan, for it is written. Thou fhalt werfhip the Lord thy Gcd, and him only Hialc thou ferve. Deut. 15. to the 20. See in the Bible. Exod. 20. 4,5,6. y. 4.] Thou fhalt not make unto thee any graven Image, or any likenefs of any thing that is in hea- ven above, or that is in the earth beneath, orthatism the water tinder the earth. V. $.3 Thou flialt notb':'W down thy felfto them, nor ierve them *, for I the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, vifitingfhe iniquity of the Fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation, of them chat iiate me V.6.'] And fhew mercy unto thoufands, of them that love me, and keep my Comniindmcnrs. Gol.2.23.] V/hichthings have indeed a fhew of wifdom in wil-worfhip and humility, and negleding of the body, not in any honour to the fatisfying of the flefh. COMat.4. 10. See II. Religious Worftiip is to be given to God 5 the W in Letters. Father, Son. and Holy Ghoft ^ and to him alone ^5 not Jon. 5. 2g. J That a 1 A • ■' t i » A all men fhouid ho to Angrls^ Sjints, or any Other creatures: andimce nour the Son, even the FaiJ, not without a Mediator 5 nor in the mediation LtU'eZho! Of any Other, btftofChriftalonee. noureth not the Son, hcnoureth nottheFather which hathfenthim. aCor. 13.14.] The grace of our Lord Jtfus Chrift, and the love ot God, and the Communion of the Holy Ghoft, be with yoa all. Amen. (^d) Col. 2.18.3 Lee no man beguile you of your reward , in a voluntary humility, and worfhip. pingof Angels, intruding into the fe things whichhe hath not feen, vainly pufft up by hisflclhly jrind. Rev. 19. 10.'} And I f;ll at his feet to worfhip him, and he faid unto me. See thou do it not, I am thy fellow fervanr, and of thy brethren, that have the reftimony of Jcfus, worfliip God i for the teflimonyof Jcfus is the Spirit of prophecie. Rom. i. 2, 5.3 Who changed the truth of Godintoalie,andworfhippcd, and ferved the creature mote than the Creatour, whoisblcfled forever. Amen, (e) ]ch. 14. 6.3 Jcfus faith unto t:im, laratheway, andthetruth, audthe life, nomancommeth to the Father, bvt by me. i Tim. 2. $ 3 For there is one God, and one Mcdiarcur between God and men, themanChrift Jtfcs. Eph. 2. 18. J Forthrough him, we both have an accefs by one ff iric unro the Father. Col. 3. 1 7.] And whatfoever ye do in word, or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jufus, giviug thanks to God, and the Father by him. III. Prayer^ with Thankfgivins;, being one fpecial ^/Ui^rl* ^' ^•^^• ^^ part of Religious Worfliip /, is by God required of all caitmll for ncthmg: * 1 i • 1 1 • • l J but in every thing by men ^5 and that It may oe accepted, it is to be made prayer and fupplica- rion with rhanfgiving, let yowr requefts be made kngwn unto God. ^g)?Ci\, 6$. 2.jOthoa that hcarefl prayer, triio thee fhall aU'tlcfli come. in t^9D in the Nnmeof the Son /», by the help of his Spirit 7, GO J>li- u- n^M- according to his WilK, with under/landins;, reve- 1' 't\'^r^1,''''T^?" rence, humihty, tervency^ raith, Jove, nndpeiieve- my name. That wiH ranee / 5 and if vocall, in a known tongue m, J,^° ' ^^^^ f^^' Fa- " tncr may be gl rifi- ,^ ed in the Son. Vcrf. 1 4.] If ye fhall ask any thing in my name, 1 will do it. i Pet. 2. <,.'] Ye alfo as lively ftones, are built up a fpiricuall houfe, an Holy Fricft^hood, to offer up fpirituall facrifce, acccptab'e to God by jefus Chrift. (^ij Rom. 8. 26.] Likev\ifc theSpirit airoheipethouT ijifirmiciesi forweknow not what we fhouldpray fcr asweoughf, but the Spirit itftlf, makcth incerctHion for us with groaningR, which cannot be uttered. ( i^)i ]oh.5. 1 4. jAnd this is the confidence, thatwchavein him, that if we ask any thing according to his will, he hearcth us. (/) Ffal. 47. 7.J For God is the King of all the earth, fing ye praifes with underfianding. Ecckf. 5. 1,2. V. i. ]J Keep thy foot when thou goeft to the home of God, and be more ready to hear , than to give the factifice of fools; for tht^y confider not that theydoevill. V. 2.3 Be not rafliwith thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hafty to utter any thing before God •-, for God is in heaven, and thou upon earrhi therefore let thy words be few. Heb. 12. 28.] Wherefore we receiving a Kingdom, which cannot be moved, ler us have grace, whereby wc may fcrve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. Gen. 18. 27.] And Al)rahani anfwered and fard, behold now, 1 have taken tpon me, tofpeak unto the Lord, which am but diift and afhes. Jam. 5. 16.'] Con cf- your faults one to ano- ther.that ye may be healed; the tifcftiia! fervent prayer of a righteous man avaiU th much jam. i . (5, 7. V. 6.] But let him ask in faith nothing wavering j for he that waveteth, is like a wave of the Sea, driver with the wind and tofled V, 7.] For let not that man think, that he fl.all receive any thing of the Lord. Mar. 1 1 . 24.3 Therefore I fay unto you, What things foever ye defire, when ye p'ay, believe that ye receive them, and ye fhall have them. Ma-. 6. i2, 14, 15. V. 12.] And lorgivc u^s out debts, as -we forgive our dcbtours. V. 14.] F«r if ye forgive men their trefpaflfes, your heavenly Father will alio forgive you. V.15.] Butif ye forg ve not men their trtfpalTcs, nei- ther will your Father forgive your tidpaffes. Col. 4. » ^ Continue in pra\er, and watch in the fame with thankfgiving. Eph 6. 18. J Praying alvvayes , with all pray^ r and fupplicariin in the rpirir,ai)d warchmg thereunto with all perfcvcrance, and fupplication for all Saints, (w^ « Cor. >4. 14. J For if I pray in an unknown tongue, myfpirit prayet.h, but mine underflanding is un- fruitful!. IV. Prayer ii to be made for things lawfully? and rn)i loii- suSee for all forts of men living, or that (hall live hereafter 0: ^^^ l^'l] J^: hort therctore,Thac firft of all fiipplicaticns, prayers, and inrercefTions, gnd giving of thanks, be nade for all men. V. 2. For Kir.gfy andfor all chataie in authority, that we may lead a q-:iet, andp. aceable life, in all godlintfb and honefiy. job. 17. 20.] Neither pray I for thefe alorie,but tor themalfc, which fhali belicveon me thr cghthtir word. 2 Sam. 7. 2p.J Therefore now, Let it pleafe thteto blefsthc ho'ifc cf thy fervanr, that it may continue for ever be! ore thee ; for thou O Lord Gori hafk fpoken ir ■■, and w ith t!iy l^leflir.g, let the houfe of thy f^rvanr, bcblefTed for ever. Rutli 4. 12.] And let thy hoiife be lik: the houft of i harez, C whom Tamar bare unto ]udahj ofthefccd wkich the Lord fliall gi vc thee of this yoi»ng woman. but. [70] ■(p)2 Sam. 12.21,22, but, not for the dead j?, nor for thofe of whom it may fald his Wanes iln- l^ekQown, that they have finned the fin unto death ^. to him, what thing is this that thou haft done? thou didft faft and weep for the child, while It was alive, but when the child was dead, thou didft arife and eat bread. V. 22 J And hefaid, while the child was yec alive, Ifaftedand wcpt5 fori faid, Who can tell, whether God will be gracious to jpe , that the child may live ? V. 25.] B ut now heis dead, wherefore fhould I faft ? canlbring him backa- gain ? I fhall go to him, but he ftiall not return to me. Luk. 1 6. 25, 26.] But Abraham faqd. Son remember that thou in thy life rime, receivedft thy good things, and likewife Lazarus evill things, now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. V. 26. ] And befidesall this, between us and you, rherc is a great gulf fixed, fo that they which would pafs from hence to you cannot, neither can they pafs to us , that would come from thence. Rev. 14. 19.] And 1 heard a voyce from heaven, faying unto rae, write ; BlefTed are the dead, which die In the Lord from henceforth i yea, faith the fpirit,thatthey may reft from their labours,and their works do follow them. Cq) i ]oh.5ii6.^ If any man fee his brother fin, a fin which is not unto death, he ftiall ask, and he (hall give him life, for them that fin not unto death ; there is a fin unto death, I do not fay, that he fhall pray for it. C r ;) Aft. I $. 21.] V. The reading of the Scriptures with godly fear r. For Mofes of old the found Preaching /^ and confcionable hearing of time hath m every ^, J • u j* /-> j • . 1 a. j- Gity.', them that thc wor dim obedience untoGodjWithunderftanding, preach him, being faith, and revcrcncc / 5 finging of Pfalms with grace in gogues" every ^Sab- ^b^ hcart « 3 as alfo, the due adminiftration, andwor- bath day. Rev. i; thy receiving of the Sacraments inftitutedbyChrift^ 3. Bieffed is he that are all , parts of the ordinary Religious worfhip of that hear the words of this prophefie,and keep thofe things that are written therein, for the time is at hand.(^/3 2 Tim. 4. 2. 3 Preach the word, bcinftantinfeafon,outof feafon, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long fnffcring and dodrine. (t) jam. i. 22.] But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, de- ceiving your own felves. Aft. 10.33-] Immediately therefore, Ifenttothee, and thou haft well done, that thou art come i nay, therefore, we are all here prefent before God to hear all things, that are commanded thee of God. Nat. 13. 19.] When any one heareth the word of the King- dom, and underftandeth it not, thencommeth the wicked one, andcafteth away that which was fown in his heart, this is he, which received feed in the way fide. Heb.4.2.] For unto us was the Gofpell preached, as well as unto them i but the word preached, did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. Ifa. 66. 2.] For all thofe things hath mine hand made, and all thofe things have been faith the Lord i but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor, and of a contrite fpirir, and tremblethat my word. Cu^Col. 3. id.] Let the word of Chrift dwell in you richly in all wifdom, teaching, and adminfhing one another in Pfalms, and Hymns, and fpirituall Songs, finging with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Eph. 5. i p.] Speaking to your felves in Pfalms, and Hymns, and fpiritual Songs, finging, and making melody in your hearts to the Lord. jam. 5. J 3. 3 Is any among you affliftcd ? Let him pray , Is any merry ? Lethimfing Pralfljs. God L7il God to '■ Eefides Religious Oaths x, Vowsy, Solemn WMst- »8- 'pO Faftings ^, and thanktgivings, upon feverall cccafions S ''T%'^Zt a which are 3 in their feveral times and feafons, to be Baptizing them in u'fed, in an holy and religious manner b. trZlfnt^sll', feof theHoIy-Ghoft 1 Gor.ii.2?. toverf. 29. See in the Bible. Ad". 2. 42.] And they ccntii^t'cd ftedfaftly in the Apoftles doftrine and fellowfhip , and in breaking of bread, and in praytrs. (x}Dcu. 6: 13.] Thou (hale fear the Lord thy God, andfervehim, andllialt: {wear by his name; Neh. 10. 29. J They cleave to their brethren, their nobles, and cnttred into a ciirfe, awd into an oath to walk in Gods Law, which was given by Mcfes thefcivantof Gcd ; and to cbferve and coall the Com- mandments of the Lord our God, and his judgen-.er.ts, and his Srarures. 0)ira 19.21.] Andthe Lord (hall be known to Egypt, and the t'gyptians fliail kiiow the Lord in that day , and fhalldo facrifice and oblition i yea, They fliall vcwa vewtntothe Lord, and perform it. Ecclef. 5.4, 5. V.4. 3 When thou voweft a vow unto Gcd, defer it not topayir, for he hath no pleafurein fools, pay that which thou hafl von^td- V. 5.] Better it is that the ti fl^ouldeftnot vow , than thac thou fliouldeft vow & notpay-C;^) Joel 2; 12.] Therefore aUbncw faith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fafling, and with weepipg, ard with mourning. Efther 4. 16.] Go,garher together all the Jews that areprefenr in Shuflian, srd fzlk ye for nr.e, andneither ear, nor drink three dayes, night or day : 1 alio, and my maidens will faft liktwife, and fo will I go in unto the King, which is not according to the Law i ard if 1 perrifn, I perrifh. Mat. ^. 1 5.] Jefus faid unto them. Come ye children cf the bride-chambtr, moi:rn as long as the bridegroom is with them: but the dayes will come, when the bridegroom fhall be lakcn frcmthero, and then ftiall they faf\. i Cor. 7. 5.] Defraud you not one the other, except it be with ccnfencfora time, thac ye may give your felves to fafling and prayer, and ccn e tcgetbtr again , that Satan tempt you not for you inccntinency. f ajPfal. 107. thrcughour, fee in the Eiblc. Eflher 9. 22.] As the dayes. wherein the Jcwes refted from their encmieSj and the mcneth which was turned unto them, from forrow to joy, and from mourning into a good day, that they fhci;ld n^ake them dayes of feaAing andjoy, and of fending portions one 10 another, and gifts to ihe peer. (/))Hcb. 12. 28.] Where- fore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may ferve Gcd acceptably, with reverence and godly fear. VI. Neither Pray er, nor any other part of Reh'gi- ousWorftiipj is now under the Gofpel^ either tyed vintOj or made more acceptable by any place in which ^O Joh. 4- ai-l it is performed or towards which it is dirededr: but ^wtatbelircm^^ God IS to be Woilhipped every where d:, in Spirit the hour commeth, when ye fhall nei- -r /. . /, . . ^ , ^ ,. t'^cr Jn tli's Moun- tam,noryetat]erufalem wor/hip the Father, (d) Mall. i. 11.] For from therifing of the Sun. even unto the gomg down of the fame, my name /hall te great among the Gen'cileb , and in every place, mcenlcfhallbefffercduntomyname, and a pure offering : for my narr.e ftali begreata- mong the Heathens, faiththe Lordof Hofls. I Tim. 2. 8.] Iwill therefore. That men pray e. very where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubt/ng. N and COJoh-4-23, 24.] and Truth c: as in private Families/, daily ^, and in But the hour com- fecret, each one by himfelf h , fo, more folemnlv , in meth, and now is , ',,. , f,r{ -'i •• i.- i , n-'^ ' where the true the pubhcK Aiiemblies , which are not carelefly, or worfhippers, fhaii wilfuHy to benegledcd, orforfaken, when God, by -rVpil^t '^MtZ ^'^ Word or Providence, calleth thereunto /. truth, for the Fa- ther feeketh fuch to worfhip him. V.24.J God is a Spirit, and they that worfhiphim, mufl wor- fhipinfpirit, and in troth. (/J Jer. 10. 25. j Poureourthy fury upon the Heathen, that know thee not, and upon the Families, that call not on thy name, for they have eacen up Jacob, and devou- red him, and confuted him , and have made his habirarion defolare. Deu d. 6, 7. V. 6.] And thefe words which /commanded thee this day, fhall be in thine heart. V. 7.] And thou /halt teach them diligently unto thy Children, and (halt talk of rhcra, when thou fitted in thine houfej and when thou walkelt by theway, and when thoulyeft down, and when thou rifeth up, job. I. 5.3 And it was fo, when the dayes of their feafting were gone about, that Job fent and fanfti- fied them, androfe up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings , according to the number of them all : for Job faid, It may be, that my Sons have finned, and curfed God in their hearts, rhus did Job continually, sSam. 6.18. 20.V.18.] Andasfoon as David had made an end of offering- burnt-offerings, and peace-offerings, heblefTed the people in the name of the Lord of Hefts. V. 20.]- Then David returned to bicfs his houfhold •, and Michael the daughter of Saul came cut to meet David, and faid , How glorious was theKingof Ifraclto day, who uncovered himfelf today, in the eyes of the handmaids of his fervants, as one of the vain fellows fhamelefly uncovereth him- felf. 1 Pet- 3. 7. J Likewife ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving hoHOuruntothe wife as untothe weaker vefTel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, thatyour prayers be not hindred ! Aft. 10. 2.] Adevoutman, onethatfeared God with all his houfe, which gave much Alms to the people, 8i prayed to God alway.Q;^ Mat-^- n* ] Give us th s day, our daily bread, {h} Mat. <5. 6.'] But thou , when thoa prayeft , enter into thy clofet, and when thou haft /hut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in fecret, and thy Father which fccth in fecret, fhall reward thee openly. Eph.6. 18.] Prayingalwayes, with all prayer and fupplica- tionintheSpirit,3nd watching thereunto, with all perfeverance and fupplieation for allSaintf. (^Qlfa. 5(5. (5, 7. V. 6,] Alfo the Sens of the /Granger, thatjoyn themfelvcstothe Lord tofv^rve him, and to love the name of the Lord , to be his fervants , everyone that kcepeth the Sabbath, from polluting ir, and takethholdof my Covenant. V. 7.] Even them will/ bring to my Holy Mountain, and make them joyfull in my houTe of prayer : their burnt-offerings , and their facrifices fhall be accepted upon ir.ine Altar : for mine houfe fhall be called, an houfe of prayer for all peo- ple. Hcb. 10. 25. J Not forfaking the afTemblingof your felves togetiier, as the manner of (brae is : but exhorting one another, and fo much themore, as you fee the day approaching. Prov.i.jo, 21,24. V.20.3 Wifdora cryeth wirhour, f^ie uttereth her voyce in the llreers. V. 21.] She cri- eth in the chief place of concourfcjin tJie opening of the Gates in the City ,fhe uttereth her words faying. V.24.3 Becaufe I have called, and ye relufed, 1 have fi retched cut my hand, and no man regarded : Prov. 8.54. 3 Elcfled is the man that hearcth mc, watching daily at my Gatc^s, waiting at the polls of my doors. Aft. 13. 42.] And when the Jews were gone out of the Synagogue,the Gentiles bcfought, that thefe words might be preached.to them the next Sabbath. Lt'k. 4. 16.'] And he came to Nazareth,where he had been brought up,and as his cuflom was , he went into che Synagogue on the Sabbath day, and ftood up for to read. Aft.2. 42.3 And they continued fted- faftly in the Apof\ks Doftrine andfcUowfhip, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. V 1 1. As it is of the Law of Nature, that, in general!, a cue proportion of time be fet apart for the WoiHiip of God 5 lb, in his Word, byapofitive. Morally and perpetual Commandement, binding all men^ in all Ages ao. 1733 Ages he hath particularly appointed One day in Sel ^ j^j ^^^^ ven, for a Sabbathjto be kept holy unto him A..* which, lo, u. v. s.Yke- from the beginning of the world to the refurredion J^y^toTeephH^^^^^^ of Chrift, was the Laft day of the week 5 and, from v. 10.] Bucthe°fc- thc refurredion of Chrift , was changed into the Firft ^"jji day. «s the day of the week /, which , in Scripture, is called The ^^y qI^° jJ ft thou Lord s day z^^and is to be continued to the end of the, fhait not do any world, as the Chriftian Sabbath «. . r/'soJ.'Z Ty Daughter, thy man-" fervant, nor thy mald-fervant, nor thy cattell, nor thy flranger that Is within thy Gates. V. 1 1.] For in fixdayeSj The Lord made heaven and earth, the Sea, and all that in them is, and rcfted the (evcnthdzy, whererore the Lordbleffed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. Ki. s6. 2, 4,(5,7.V.2.] Bleffed is the man that doth this, and the Son of nnan, that laycth hold on it, that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting if, and keepeth his hand from doing any evill. V. 4.] For thns faith the Lord unto the Eunuchs that keep my Sabbaths, and chufe the things that plcale me, and take hold of my Covenant. Verf 6. and 7. See in Letter I. foregoing. (I) Gen. 2.2, 3. V. 2.] Andonthe fcventh day, God ended his work which he had made, and he refted en the fevcnth day, from all hiswork which he had made. V. 3 J And God bleffed the fcventh day, andfanftifiedit : bc- caufe that in it, he had refted from all liis work, which God created & made. I Cor. 16.1, 2. V.r.] Nowconcerning the collcdion for the Saints, as I have given order to the Churches of Galatia, even fo do ye. V.2. J Upon the firft day of the week. Let every one of you , lay by him in ftone, as God hath profpered him, that there be no gathering when /come. A&. 20.7.3 And upon the firft day of the week, when the Defciplcs came together to break bread, Paul Preached to them ready to depart on the morrow, and continued his fpcech untill midnight. (m^Kev. i. )o. ] I was in the Spirit on the Lords day, and heard behind me a great voyce, as of a Trumpet, ("nj Ex- 20, 8, 10. See Letter K. with. Mat. 5. i7,i8.V. i7.lThink not that lam come todeftroy,thcLaw, or the Prophets , I am not come to deftroy but to fulfill. V. 1 8.^ For verily, I fay unto you, Till heaven and earth pafs, one jot, or one title,fhall in no wife pafs from the Law, till all be fulfilled. VIII. This Sabbath is then kept holy unto the C" ) Exod. 20. 8.] Lord, when men, after a due preparing of their hearts^ ^i7.2 f7l%6 ^^°'^' and ordering of their common affairs before hand, do v. 23. ]' And' he not only obferve an holy Reft, all the Day, from their and curfed thcm,and fmote certain of them, andpluckt ofFthefr hair, and made them fwear by God, faying , Ye fh^ll not give your daughters unto their Sons, nor take their daughrers unto your Sons, or for your ftlves. Ezra 10. $.;i Then arofe Ezra, and made the Chief Priefts, the Levitesj and all Ifracl to fwear,that they fhould do according to this word : and. theyfware. : |v 1 1 1. Whofoever taketh an Oath , ought duly to (^3 E^od. 20. 7.]' conlider the weightineffe of fo folemn an Ad^ and ^,'3 And't^hJ'fhak therein to avouch nothing, but what be is fully per- fwear the Lord lio fwaded is the truth?. Neither may any manbinde''"^ '" ""^'^; !" imfelf by Oath to any thmg , but what is good and righteoufnefs , and juft, and what he believeth fo to be , and what he is a- f''^ Nations fhall ble , and lefolved to perform h. Yet it is a fin, to re- ^1'^^^ 'anf t"him fnall they glory,. i;Gen.24.i,3i5,6,8,9.V, 2 jAnd Abnj'iamfaiduntohiselHeftfcrvantof hishoufc, that ruled c vcr all rhat he h,.d: put 1 pray thee thy hand under my thigh. V. 3.] And ! will make thee fwear by the Lord the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou flialc not take a wife unto mySon, of the daughters of the Canaanites, amongft whoral dwell. V. 5.] And thefervant faid unto him,pcradvcnturc the woman wil not be willing to follow me unto thib hnd,muii 1 needs bring thy Son again Uiuo the Land, from whence thcu camcft? V. 5.] And Abraham faiduftto- him, bcw"e""'°^ Hl.*h='codof Ifrael, faying, Ye, and your wives have both fpoken with your mouthes , and fulfilled with your hand, faying. We will furely perform our vowes, tliat we have vowed, to burn incenfc to the Queen of heaven, and topour out drink offerings unto her : ye will furely accomplifh your vowes , and furely perforin your vowes. V. 26. 3 Therefore, hear ye the word of the Lord all judah , that dwell in the Land of Egypt, Behold, I have fworn by my great name faith the Lord , That my name rtiail no more be named in the mouth of any man of Judah, in all the Land of Egypt, faith the Lord God liveth.(p3Deu. 2^.21,22,23 V. 21.] When thou (halt vow a vow unto thy Lord God , thou fhalc not flack to pay it : for the Lord thy God will furely require it of thee , and it would be a fm in thee.V. 22.JButif thou fhak forbear to vow,it fhall be no fm in thee. V.23.] That which is gone oucof thy lips, thou flialt keep , and perform, even a free- will-offering, according as thou hafi: vowed unto the Lord chy God, which thcu haftpromifed with thy mouth. Pfal. 50. 14.] Offer nnto God thankfgiving, and pay thy vowes unto ftiemoft high. Gen. 28.2a,2i,22. V. 20.3 And "Jacob vowed a vow, faying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that /go i and will give me bread to eat, and rayratntto put on. V. 21. 3 5o that I come again tomy Fathers houfe in peace : then fhall the Lord he my God. V. 22.3 And this ftone, which I have fet for a . Pillar, flull be Gods houfe : and of all that thou fhalt give me, I will furely give a tenth unto thee. I Sam. I. 1 1 . And file vowed a vow, andfaid, O Lord of Hofls , If thou wilt indeed look on the affli-Sion of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give un- to thine handmaid a man-child, then will I give him unto the Lord, all the dayes of his ', and there fliall no Rafor come upon his head. Pfal. 66.13,14. See Letter N. pfal. 132. 2, 5, 4,5. V. 2.3 How he fware unto ciie Lord, ar.d vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob. V.3.] Surely, /will not a)me into the Taljernaclcs of niy houfe : nor go up into my bcdi V. 4.] 1 will not give dtcp, unto my eyes, nor fliimber to mine eye lids. V. 5.3 Uncill I find out a pliicefor the Lord, an ha^- biration for mighty God of Jacob. VII.No C78] U) Aft.25. 12,14. VII. NoBian may vow to do any thing forbidden y. 1 2.] And when \^ {jj^ Word of God, or what would hinder any duty of the Jewes hmdtd therein commanded 5 or which is not in his own pow- together, and bonnd er, and for the performance whereof he hath no pro- cStaW Tha't mifeor ability from God^. In which refpedtPopiOi they would neither, Monaftical Vowcs of perpetual fmgle life, proftlTed eat, "^f^^^'"^:,?] Poverty, and regular Obedience, are fo far from he- Pa?i. vA4.] And ing degrees of higher perfedlion, that they aie fuper- riiey carae to the ftitious and finfullfnarcs , in which no Chriftian may llil'SLsweintanglehimfdfr. have bound our fclves, under a great curfe, that we will cat nothing, untill we have flain Paul. Mark <5. 2(5, ]And the King was exceeding forry yet for his Oaths fake , and for their fakes which fat with him , he would not rejeft her. Numb. 50. $,8, 12, 13. V.5.^ Butif herFather difalowher inthcday that he heareth not any of her vow, or of her bonds, wherewith fhe hatli bound her foul fiuU ftand 3 and the Lordfhall forgive her, becaufe her Father difalowed her. V. 8.] But if her huf. band difalow on the day that he heard it, then he fliall make her vow which fhe vowed , and that which fhe uttered with her lips, wherewith fhe bound her foul, of noneeffed, and the Lord fhall forgive her. V. 12.] Fut if her husband hath utterly made them void on the day he heard them, then whatfocver proceeded out of her lips concerning her vows , o';Nconccrning the bond of her foul, fhall not ftand, her husband hath made them void, andthe Lord (hall forgive her. V. 13.] Every vow, and every binding oath to aflift the foul, her husband may eftablifh it, or her husband may make it void, (rj N5at. 19. 11, 12. V.ii.] Buthe faiduntothcm, all men cannot receive this faying, fave they to whom ic is given. V. 1 2.] For there are feme Eunuchs, which were fo born from their Mothers womb : and there are feme Eunuchs, which were made Eunuchs of men : and there be Eunuchs, which have made i;hemfelves Eunuchs, for the Kingdom of heaven fake,' he that is able to receive ir, let him receive it. 1 Cor. 7. 2,9. V. 2.] Neverthelefs to avoid fornicati- on let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. V. 9. ] But if they cannot contain, let them marry , for it is better to marry than to burn. Eph. 4. 28.] Let him that fVole, fteal no more : but tather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that ncedeth. i Pet. 4. 2.] That he no longer fhould live the ref\ of his time in the flefh, to the lufls ©f men, but to the will of God. i Cor.7. 23.] Yc .are bought with a price, be not yc the fervants of men. CHAP. XXIII. of the Civill Magijirate, God the fupreme Lord and King of all the world hath ordained Civill Magiftratcs to be under him over the people, for his own Glory , and thepublick good 5 C79l good 5 arid to this end hath aimed them with the («)Ro«l»?-^»2,g, power of the Sword for the defence and incourage- foui^eijcTumo incBt of them that arc good , and for the punifririent the higher powers : r^_ -11 J^«rc /* forihcre isnopowt Otevill doers ^. ^ cr but of God, the powers that be, arecrdaired of Gcd. V.a.^ Whcfcever thercfcrc rcdfeth the power, lefi- tleth the ordinance of Gcd, and they that rtfft, fiaMnccive tofhenftivcsdan'^raticn. \.^.\\¥ct Rulers arc net a terror tcgccd^^ciks, but tothecvilJ, wilt thcu thinner be afraid of the power ? do that which is good, and thcu fbalr have fraife of thefasre. V. 4.] For he is the Winiflerof Gcd to thee forgocd: but if thcu dc that which jt tvill, bcafra'd: lor he beareth notthefwcrd in vain: for he is the Miniflcr of Gcd, arevcrgtr to txcctte wrsth upon him that doth evill.i Fct. 2. 13x^4- ^- 'B'J Sibffirycur felf to evcrycrci'riui cecf n en. lor the Lords fake, whether it be to the King as fuprtnre. V. 14 j Or i mo Covernci rj as unto thtm that are fcnt b} him, for the punin.ff.ent of cvill dctrs, ard for the praifc of them that do well. 1 1. It is lawfull for Chiifiiacs to accept and exectite ^tJProv. 8.i§,i5. the Office of a Megiftrate when called thereunto/'.- v. 15.] By me Kings inthemanaeins; whereof, asihcyoushtefptciallv to ^^'^"' ?'"^,^^'"'if,* • ^ • r» ■ TA' jr» i- ■'l decree juUfce. V. maintamPieiy5jultice5 andPeacCj according to the 16.] Byrne Princes wholfcm Laws of each Ccmmon- wealth c : fo, lor r"^^' ^^^ Nobles, that end, they may lawfully now under the New Te- of the'elrfh! tt! (lament, wage War upon juft and neceflary occafi- 13.1, 2, 4. Seeia Cn<^. Letter A. CO ^^^1; 2. 10,11, 12. V. lo.J Be wife now there- fore, O ye Kings, be infirufled ye Ti-dges of the earth. V. irO Serve the Lord with fear , and rejeyce with trenbling. V. 12] Ki asof theMiniftersof Chrift, and Stewards of the myfteries of God. V.2.] Moreover it is required in Stewards, that a man be found faithful!. Rom. 10. 15.3 And how fhall they preach, except they befent? As it is written , how beautifull are feet of them that preach the Gofpell of peace , and bring glad tidings of goodt/iings? Heb.$. 4.] And no man takech this honour unto himfclf, bat he chat is called of God, as was Aa- ren. (/_)Ifa. 49. 25.] And Kings fhall be thy nurllng Fathers, and their Qneens thy nurfmg Mothers : they fhall bow down to thee , with their face towards the earth, and lick up the duft of thy feet, and thou flialt know, that I am the Lord : for they fliall not be afhamed that wait for me. Pfal.i22.9O Becaufe of the houfe of the Lord our God, I will feek thy good. Ezra. 7.25, 25, 26,27,28. V.23.3 Whatfoever iscommanded by the God ojf heaven, let it be diligently done, for the houfe of the God of heaven : for why fhould there be wrath againlt the realm of the King andhisS'ons. V.2j.] And thou Ezra, after the wifdom of thy Ggd, th«r is in thine hand , fet Magiftrates and Judges, which may judge allthe people, that are beyond the River, allfuchas know the Laws of thy God, and ceach ye them, that know them net. V. 26.'] And wholoever ftiall not do the Law of thy God, and the Law of the King, let judgement be executed fpeedily upon him, whether it beuntodeaih, or tobanifhraenr, or toconfilcationofgoods, or to imprifon- roent. V. 27.J BlelTedbethe LordGod of our Fathers, which haih put fuch a thing as this in the Kings heart, to beautifie the houfe of the Lord, which in jerufalem. V. 28.] And hath ex- tended mercy unto mc, before the King , and his counfcllours , and before all the Kings mighty Princes : and! was Hrengrhened as the hand of the Lord my God was upon me , and I gathered together out of Ifrael chief men to go up with me. Lev. 24. 16. 2 And he that blafphemeth the name of the Lord, he fliall furely be put to death, and all the Congregation fhall certainly ftone him, as well the f\rangef, as he that is born in the land , wh^n he blafphemeth the name of the Lord, fliall be put to death. Deu. 13. 5, 6, 12. V. 5.] And that Prophet, or that dreamerof dreams, fliall be put to death, becaufe he hath fpoken to turn you away from the Lord your God, which brought you out of the Land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the houfe of bondage, to thru(\ C80 tl)ri>ft rhc< f)t\t of the way , whicli the lorcl thy Gcd c(. nr.nianded ^hcc to walk in,fo fh.iic thou j*i^ tjie evill away from the mjdft of thee. V. 6.] If thy brother, the Sen of thy Mother, or thy Son, er thy daugfjccr , or the wife of thy tofcme, or thy friend, which is as thine own foul entice the/s fccretly, &ying, Let us go and ferve other gods, which ihou haft not kpown, thou nor thy Fathers. V. 1 2."] li thcu ihak hear fay in or.e of thy Cities, which the Lord thy God hath given thee , to dwell tliere fa)iing. 2 Kings i8. 4.] He rerr.cved the high places, and brake the /mages, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces tht brazen Serpent that Mofej had made:for unto chofe daycs the children of ifrael did burn inccnfe unto ir,and he called it Nchufihan. i Chron. 15. i . to the 9. See in the Bible. 2 Kiiig.25. 1. tothe 26. Stein the Bible. 2 Chron. 54. sg. J And jofiah .took away all the abominaticns, out of all the Countreys, that pertained to the Children ofIfrae{» and made all that were preftnt in/frael to ferve, even to ferve the Lerd their God, and all his days they departed not frcn following the Lord the God of their Fathers. 2 Chron. 15., 12, 15. V. 12.] Andthcy entered into a Covenant, to fcek the Lord God of their Fathers, withall their heart, and withall their foul. V. 19.] That whofoevcr would not feek the Lord God of Zfrael, Jhouldbe put to death, whether freall or great, whether iran, or v,owin.fg^ 2 Chron. 19.8,9,10, J I . V. 8.3 Moreover in ^crufalem did Jchofophat fet of the Levites, ar.d of the Pricftf, and of the chief of the Fathers of Ifraei, for the judgement of the Lord, and for ccntroverfies when they -returned to Jerufalem. V. 9.3 And he charged them, faying, Thusfhall ye doin thefear of the Lord, faithfully, and with a perfe^ heart. V. lo.] And what caufe fotver fhall eorae to you of your brethren that dwe'l in their Cities, between blood and blood, between Law and €omniand- Bienr, Statutes, and Judgements, ye fhall even warn them, that they uefpafs nof againft the Lords andfo wrath cc me upon you, and upcn your brethren : thiido, andy^fliallnottrcfpafs. V. li.J And behold Amariah the <^k{ Pritft is over you in all matters of the Lord; and Zebadiah the Son of Ifhmael, the ruler of the houfe of Judah, for all the Kings matters , alfo the Levites fliall be Cfficeis before yoc, deal courageoiifly, aj:d the Lord fhall be with the good, a Chron. 29, and 50. Chapters. See in the Bible. Mar. 2. 4,5. Y. 4.] And when be had gathered alkhc chief Friefts, and Scribes of the people together, he demanded of them, where Chrift fhould be born. V.5.3 And theyikid unto him in Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it it -written by the Pro- phets. I V.It is the duty of People topray forMagtftrates^^ 00 » Tiro. 2. r, 2. to honour their perfons 7, to pay ti em tribute and o- Jnr'^L^'^^V^^"^: t-U^^ A r * I *' • 1 r 11 /-> 1 1 »ore, thatfirft ofall tnerdues^,, toobcy tneir Jaw(uIlCcina\ands, and to fupplicatiors, pray- be fubjed to their Authority for confcience fake /. ers>iiirercdi!ons,an4 Infidelity or difference in Religion doth not make S fo/afrmen! void the Magiftrates juft and legallAuthority^nor free v. 2.] For Kings* and for all that an are Jn authority , that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlincfs and honefty. fi) i Pet. 2. 17.] Honour all men, love the brotherhood, fear Goa, hcnoiTthc King. ( ^)Rom. 19. d, 7. V. 6."|For this caufe pay you tribute alfo, for they are Gcds MujiUcrs , attoiding CGntinually upon this very thing. V. 7.3 Render therefore to all their di'es, tribute to where tribute if due, cifflcm to whcm cijflom' fear to whom fear , honour to whom honour. ( I) Rom. 1 3. 5.3 Wherefore ye mufi needs, be fubje«S,notonly for wrath, but alio for confciencef^ike. Tit. 3. 1.3 Put tht m in mind to be fub- jeft to principalities and powers, to obey Magiftr.itcs, to be ready to every good work. N 2 the C80 M « Pec*. i3,i4» the People from their due obedience to him m : from mttyo^rfdf ''to eve- which Ecclefiaftical perfons are not exempted « $ ry Ordinance of man much kfs hath the Pope anypoweror jurifdidion o* for the Lords fake, ver them, in their Dominions , or over any of their whether It be to the , •' n /x r ii j • i r\-r>. King as fupremc. people 5 andlealtot ail to deprive tnem or their Do- V. i4.'J Or unco minions, or lives, if hefh.dl judge them to be Herei Scm'Xt'are "em ^icks^or ufOH any Other pretence whatlbever i>. by him, for the pu- nifhment of*evill doers, and for the praife of them that do well. V. 16.] As free, and not nfmg your liberty for a cloak of malicioufnefs, but as the fervancs of God. (n) FTom. 15. i. I Lctevery foulbe fubjeft unto the higher powers : for there is no power but of God, the powers^hat be, are ordained of God. i King 2.^$] AndtheKingput Benaiah theSon of Jehoidain hisroom over the Hoft, and Zadok the Pricfl:, did the King put in the roomof Abiarhar. Aft. 2$. 9, io,ii.V. 51.3 But Feftus willing t© do the Jcwes a pleafure, anfwered Paul andfaid, wiltthou go up to Je- mfalem, and there be judged of thefe things before me.'' V. 10.3 Then faid Paul, lltandatCe- fars judgement feat, where I ought to be judged, to the jewes [have J done no wr. ng, as tiTou very well knowelt. V. 1 1 .3 For if I be an offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, 1 refufe hot to die : but if there be none of thefe things j whereof thefe accufe nie , no man n»ay deliver me unto them, I appeal unco Cefar. 2 Pet. 21. 10, ii/]V 1.3 But there were falf; Pro- phets alfo among che people , even as there fhall befalfe teachers aq|ong you , who privily fhall ^ bring in damnable Herefies, eveii denying the Lord that bought them , and bring upon themklves. fwiftdeftrudion. V. 10.3 But chiefly them thar walk afrer the flefh in the luftof Ljicicainefs, and defpife government, prefumptuous are they fclf willed : they are not afraid to fpeak evill of dignities. V. ii.J Whereas Angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accufation againft cheni before the Lord. ]ude ver. 8, 9, 10. n . V. 8 ] Likewife alfo thefe fiichy dreamers defile the flcfh, defpifc dominion, and fpeak evill of dignities. Y. 9.] Yet Michael the Archangel, when contending with the devill, ht difpuced about the body of Mofcs,durft not bring againft him a raling accufation, but faid, the Lord rebuke thee. V. ic] But thefe fpeak evill of thefe things which they know not : but what they know naturall}', as bruit hearts •-, in ihofe things they corrupt themfelves. V. 1 1 -3 Wo unco chem , for they have giune in the way of Kain, an J ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perifhed in the gain- faying of Core. (0) 2 Their. 2. 4.3 Who oppofeth, and exalteth himfelf above all that is called God , or that is wor- fhipped^fochac he as God, fitteth in the Temple of God, fhewing himfelf, that he is God Rev. 12. 15,16,17. V. 15.] And he had power to give life unto the Image of the heart thatthelmage of the heart rtiould both fpeak, andcaufe, that as many as would not worfhip the Image of ihe Bfeaft, fhould he killed. V. 16.3 And he caufcth all, both fmall and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a nark in the right hand, or in their fore-heads. V.J7.3 That no man mighs feuy or fell, favc he that had the n ark, or the nanje ®f the heart, or the number of his name. CHAP, xxrv. [833 . . Chat. XXIV. of Marriage and Divorce^ MArriage is to be between one Man and one Wot man; neither is it lawful! for any man to have jherSe rtiail'^a more than one Wife, nor for any Woman to have man leave his Fa- more than one Hu band at the fame time a, ^^^/"^ his Worher, and ihall cleave un- to vi'ife, and they (hall be one ftcfh. Mar. 19.5,(5. V.5.] And faid, for this caiifc fhall a man leave Father and CVo* thcr, and fhall cleave to his wife, and they twain fhall be one flcfh. V. 6'] Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flefh. What therefore God hath joyned together, let no man put afunder; Prov. 2. 17.] Which forfaketh the guide of her youth, and forgcttcth the Covenant of her God. II. Marriage was ordained for the mutual help of (0 Gen. 2.1 8.]And Husband and Wife/', for the increafe of Mankinde ^f.^^'t^^^ ^^i^' • L 1 • • ^ • n- t r \ ^^\ t • 1 . u IS not good, that With a legitimate illue^ and ot the Church with an ho- the man fhouid be a- ly (Qtd c^ and for preventing of uncleannefs d. '°"^ ' ^ will make him a help meet for Anddidnpthe make one.'' that had the refidue of the Spirit : and wherefore one' that he might fttk a'godly feed : therefore rake heed to your Sp tit, and let none deal trcachcrobfly a- gainft thrwjfe of his youth, (rfj i Cor. 7.2, 9. V. 2.] Nevetthclefs, to avoid fornicatiDn, Let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. V. 9.] But if they cannot contain, let them nsarry ; for it is better to marry than to bura, in. It is lawfuUfor all forts of people to marry COHeb. i^. 4.] who are able with judgement to give their confente ^^i^^'age is honou- Yet is it the duty of Chriftians to marry onely in the bfd'ilk^^^ adulterers, God will judge, i Tim.4.3.] Forbidding to marry, and commanlinrtraE'fVom meats, which God hath created to be received, with thanksgiving of them, whichr^elKve and know the truth, i Cor. 7. 36 57, g8. V. 36. J But if any man think, that he behavcth himfclf uncomely towards h.sVirg.,,, iffhe pafs the Hower cf her age, and nttd fo require, let him do what he whl, he fi.ncth net : I^ them marry.V. 37. J Ncvti thclefs, he that Handcch ftedfaft in his w h '^^7S"o ncce h.tv,hut hath power ever his own w.Jl,and hath fo decreed in his own hcarr, tha he w)l keep his v,rg a , *)th Well. V. 38. J So the,,, lie tJut giveth her in marriage dorh we 1, but he that giveth h'rr nonn marr,3ge, doch better. Gen. 24 d, we w.ll call the dan fell, and . nqui^e ac htr mouth. V. 53.-1 Ardthev called Rtbtkah aJd m unto her, Wile thcu go with this man ? and fhe faid, I will go. ^ ' N 3 Lord . ( pi Ccr. 7-5p]Lord/; And therefdre fuchas profefs the true refor* by die'Lawrafciong ^^^ Religion (liould Hot marry with Infidels, Papifts, as her husband h- or Other Idolaters : Neither fhould fuch as are godly band be'dLt 'ftel; ^^ Unequally yoaked,by marrying with fuch as are no- at liberty to be mar, torioufly wicKcd ID thcit life > or maintain damnable ried, cowhom fhe HerefieS?. will, only in the '^ lord. (^3 Gen. 34. 14.3 And they faid unto them, we cannot do this thing, to give our Sifter to one that isuncircum- cifcd : for that were a reproach unto us. Exod. 34. 16,'] And thou take of their daughters unto thy Sons, and their daughters go _a whoring after their gods, and make thy Sons go a whoring after their gods. Deu.7. 3,4. V.3. 3 Neither flialt thob make marriages wirh them ; thj daughter thou fhalt nor give unto his Son, nor his daughter flialt thou take unto thy Son. V. 4. J For they will turn away thy Son from following me, that they may fervc other gods, fo will the cnger of tlic lord be kindled againft you, and dcftroy thee fuddenly. 1 Kiirg. 1 1.4.] Forit can.e to pafs when Solomcn was old ; that his wives turned away his heart after other gods : and his heart wasno.t perfeft with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his Father. Neh, 13.- 2 5,2(5, 27. V. 25-11 And I contended wirlithtm, and curfed them, and fmotccertain'of them, and ph eked off their hair, and made them fwear by God, faying, Ye fhall not give your daughters unto their Sons, nor take their daughttrs i nro your Sens, cr for your ftlvts. V. 26.3 Did not Solomon, Kings of Ifrael fin by thtfe thirgs .■? Yet among maiiy Nations, was there no King like him, who was belo' ved of his God ; and Gcd made him King over all ifrae:neverthtitfseven him, did out-landifh wo- men caufe to fin. V. 17.] Shall we then hearken unto you, todo asthisgreatevii^totranfgrcfsa- gainft our God, in marrying ftrange wives. Mai. 2. 1 1,12. V. 1 1.3 judah hath dealt treacherouf- ly, and an abomination is committed inlfrael , and in jerufalcm : for ]udah hath prophaned the holinefs of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a ftrange god. V. 12.3 The Lord will cut off the man that deth this , the Mafter and the Sckollar, out of the Tabernacle of Jacob, and him that cflfcreth ancfFeiirg, unto the Lord of Hofts. 2 Cor. 6. f/^^"] Be ye not uneqoually yaked together with .unbelfevti s : for what fellowfhip hath righteoufncfe , with un- righteoufaefs ? ,?nd what commanion hath light with darki;ers ? IV. Marriage ought not to be within the degrees of See^f 'thf BlSe! Confanguinity or Affinity foii>id den in the Wordi&: icor. 5. I.] It is Nor can fuch inceftuous Marriages ever be madelaw- dSe^rSornkal ^^^^^Y any Lawof man^ or confentof parties ^ foas tion among you,and fuch fornication as is not fo much as named amongft the Gentiles, that one fhould have his Fathers wife. Amos 2.7.3 That pant after the dull of the earth on the head of the poor, and turn afide the way of the meek : and a m»n,and his father will go in unto the fame maid, to prophane my holy nanse. thofe t85l thofe perfons may live together as Man and Wife/. COMar.5. i8.]Fof The Man may not marry any of his Wives kindred fe'^'l ^'•'^ ""^^ • Lt J u L r L* I xxr Herod, It IS not necrer m blood than he may or his own : nor the Wo- lawfuu for thee to man of her Hubbands kindred, neerer in blood than of ^^.^^ ^^y brothers , r ' Wife. Lev. 18.14, herown^. 25,*^, 27,28. v. 24.3 Defile not your fclves In any of thefe things : for in all thefe the nations are defiled, which 7 cart out before you. V. 25.] And the land is defiled : therefore /do vifit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land it felf vomireth out her inhabitants. V. 26.'] Ye fhall therefore keep my Statutes , and my judge- ments, and fhall not commit any of thefe abominations, neither any of your own Nation, nor any rtranger that fojourneth, among you. V. 27.] (For all thefe abominations, have the men of the land done, which were before yoa, and the land is defiled.^ V. 28 ._] That the land fpue not you cut alfo, when ye defile it, asitfpned out the Nations that were before you. f k,) Lev. 20. 19, 20r2i' V. i^.] And thou ihalt not uncover the nakcdnefs of thy Mothers Siller, nor of thy Fathers Sifter : for he ancovcreth his neer kin: they fhall'bear their iniquity. V. 20.] Andif a man fhill lye with his uncles wife, he hath uncovered his uncles nakcdnefs ; they fhall bear their f:n : they fhall dye childelefs. V. 21.] Andif a man fhall take his brothers wife, it is anun- clean thing : he hath uncovered his brothers nakednefs, they fhatl be childelefs. V. Adultery or Fornication committed afteracon» CO Mat. ms, 19, trad, being deteded before Marriage, givethjuftoc- bir^h^'ofjTThHft cafionto thy innocent party to diflblvethat Con- was on this wife: trad/. In the cafe of Adultery after Marriage, it is when as his Mother lawful for the innocent party to fuc out a Divorce m : t^^'^jof^h I ^bTfo^re and after ^he Divorce to marry another, as if the ofFea- tbey came together, ding party were dead ». flie was found witii o * -^ child of the Holy* Ghoft. V. i9.]Thcn Jofcph her husband being a juft man, and not willing to make her a p'blicke>;ample, was minded to put her away privily. V. 20.] But while he thought on thele things. Behold the Angel of the Lord, appeared unto him in a dream, faying, Jofeph, thou Son of David", fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy-Ghoft. (w) Mar. 5. 21, 32. V.31.3 It hath been faid, whofoever fhall put away his wife: let him give her a writing of divorcement. V. 32. ] But I fay unto yu. That whofoever fhall put away his wife, faving for the caufe of fornication, caufeth her to commit Adultery : and whofoever fhall marrv her that is di- vorced, commirtetb adultery. (;i) Mar. 19.9.] And I fay unto you, Whofoever fhall put away hiswi'e,eyceptitbeforfornicarion,& fhall marry another, committcth adultery: and whofoever marricthher, which is put away, doth commit adultery. Rom. 7.2,3. V. 2; J For the woman which hath an husband, is bound by tlje Law to her husband, fo long as he liveth : but if the husband be dead, fhe isloofedfiom the Law of the husband. V- 3.] So then If while her husband liveth, fhe be married to another man , fhe fhalj be called an adulrercfs : 'but if her hus- band be dead, fhe is free from chat Law, fo that fhe is no adulterefl, though fhe be married to ano-. ther man, V I." Although the corruption of man be fuch as is apt to ftudy arguments unduly to put afunder thofe whom God hath joyned together in marriage ^ yet no- thing but Adultery, or fuch wilfull defertion as can no v/ay C78 3 (o)Mat. 198,9. V. way be remedied by the Church, or Civil Magiflrate, t{.L%^X^^ '' ^^^^^ jTufficient of diifolving the bond of Mar- of the hardnefs of riagctf .* Wherein a publick and orderly courfe of pro- your hearts, fuffered cecding is to be obfcrvcd j and the perlbns concerned your wiv«^ /"bu^ in it not left to their own wils and difcretion in their from the beginning OWDCafe^. it was nctfo.V. 9-Ji See before in Letter N- I Cor. 7, 15] But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart •, a Brother, or a Sifter is not under bondage in fuch cafes : but God hath called us to peace. Mat. 19.6.3 Wherefore they are no more twain, butoneflefh : what therefore God hathjoynedtogecher, let not man put afunder. (])} Deu. 24.1,2,3,4. V.I. 3 When a man hath taken a wife , and married her i^ anditcometo pafs, that fhe find no favour in his eyes, becaufe he hath found fome uncleannefs'in her, then let him write her a Bill of devoccment , and give it in her hand , and fend her out of his houfe. V. 2.3 And when fhe is departed out oWiis houfe, fliemay go, and be another mans wife V.g] And if the latter husband hate her, and write her a Bill of divorcement, and givethit in her hand, and fendeth her out of his houfe ; or if the latter husband die, which took her to be his wife. V. 4.] Her forjner husband, which fent her away , may not take her again to be his wife, after that fhe is defiled •, for that is abomination before the Lord, and thou fhalt not caufe the Land to fin, which the Lord thy Gcd giveth thee for an inheritance. € H A P. XXV. of the ClfHrch. THe Catholick or Univerfall Church which is in- vifible, conilftsof the whole number of the E- ■^^'the dtfpcriacion left, that have been, are^ or (hall be gathered into one, of the fuinefs of under Chrift the Head thereof 5 and is the Spoufe, the' times, he might ga- Body the fulneis of him that filleth all in all a. ther together in one -'=' all things in Chrift, ' both which are in heaven, and v/hich are on earth, even in him- V. 22.3 .And hath prtall thmgs under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church. V. 35.3 Which is his body, the fclnefs of him that filleth all ia all. Eph. 5. 23,27, 32. V. 23O Forthe ht'fbandis -the head of the wife, even as Chr/ft is the head of the Church, and he is the Saviour of the body. V- 27. T That he mightprcfent it to himfelf a glorious Church, not having fpot, or wrinkle, or any fuch thing, butthit it Ihoi^ld be holy , and wirhout^blemilh. V. 33.3 This is a great myftery: but 1 fpeak concerning Chrifl and the Church. - Col.i. 18.] And he is the head of the body, the Church : who is the beginning, the firft botn from the dead, that in all things , he might have the preeminence. II. The C87T 1 1: The vifiblc Church, which is aJfo Gatholick or (0 1 Com. 2.]Ud^ Uoivcrfal under the Gofpel (not confined to one Na- God^wh?ch"t a^ tion, as before under the Law) confifts of all thofe, Corinth, to them thorowout the world^that profcfs the true Religion hj jJlf*^.^^? fanftified in and of the Lord Jefus Chrift^, the Houfeand Family to beSts; 'S of God e, out of which there is no ordinary poffibili- ail that in every ty of Salvation/. S'^ o^j'ef^fch'rm our Lord, both their and ours, i Cor.12.12, 19. V.12.] For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one, being many, are one body, fo alfo is Chrift. V. 13,3 For by one Spi- rit, are we all Baptized into one hody, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. Pfal. 2. 9. J Ask of me, and /fhallgiva thee the heathen for thine inheritance , and the uttermoft parts of the earth for thy pofleflion. Rev. 7: 9.3 After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which «o man eould number, of all Na- tions, and kindreds and people, and tongues, (lood before the throne, and before the Lamb , clo- thed with white robes, and palms in their hands. Rom: 15. 9, io,u, 12. V. 9.3 Andthatthe Gentiles might glorifie God for his mercy, as it is writtcn,For this caufe, 1 will confefs to thee a- mong the Genriles, and fing unto thy name. V. ic^Andag^iin he faith Rejoyceye Gentiles, with his people. V. li] AndagainiPraife the Lord all ye Gentiles, and laud him all ye people. V.i a.! And again,Eraias faith, There fliall be a root of Jcfre,and he that fhall rife to reign over the Gentiles in him fhall the Gentiles trufl. CO 1 Cor. 7.14.] For the unbelieving husband, is fanftifiedby the wife, and the unbelieving Wife is fanftified by the husband, elfe were your children unclean but now are they holy. Aft. 2. 3 9.] For the promife is to you, and to your children, and to all that are a far off, evea as many as the Lord our God fhall call. Ezck. 1 6. 20, 2 1 . V. 20. "i More- over thou haft taken thy Sons, and thy daughters, whom thou haft born unto me, and thefe haft thou facrificed unto them to be devoured, is this of thy whoredoms a fmall matter.' V. 2f.'| That thou haft flain my children, and devoured them, to caufe them to pafs thorow the fire for them? Rom. II. 1(5. ] For if the firft fruit be holy, the lump is alfo holy j and if the root be holy , fo arc the branche'JGen. ?. 1 5-3 And/ will put enmity between thee and the woman, and berw*ecn thy feed, and her feed : it fhall bruifc thy head, and thou fhalt bruife his heel. Gen. 1 7. 7.I And i will eftablifh my Covenant between me and thee , and thy feed after thee in their generations for an everlafting Covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee. Mat.12.47."! Again the Kiugdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was caft into the Sea , and gathered of every kind If. 9. 7] Of theincreafe of his government and peace, there fhallbenoendupon the throne of David, and upon bis Kingdom, to order it, and to eftablifh it with judgement, and with Juftice from hencefcrch, even for ever : the zeal of the Lord of Hofts will perform this. ( e ) Eph. 2' 19.] Now therefore ye arenomoreftrangersand foreincrs, but fellow Citizens with the Saints* andof the houfholdof God. Eph. 3. 15.] Of whom the whole Family in heaven andcarrhis named. C f) Aft. 2.47.] Praifmg God,and having favour with all the people: andthe Lord added to the Church daily, fuch as Hiould be favcd. IIL Unto this Catholick Vifible Church, Chrift hath given the Miniftry, Oracles, and Ordinances of God, for the gathering, and perfcfting of the Saints, in th^slife, to the end of the World : and doth by his own prcftnce and Spirit, according to his pro- O mife. /» ■ [ 88 ] (e ) I Cor. II. 28.] mife, make them effei^uall thereunto e. And God hath fet ' * fomc in the Church, firft Apoftles, fecondarily Prophets, thirdly Teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diverfuies of tongues. Eph. 4. u, 12, 13. V. 11.] Andhegavefome Apo- ftles, and ibme Prophets : and fome Eyangelifts, andforae Paftoursand Teachers. V. la.J tor the perfeft/ng of the Saints, for the work of the Miniftry , for the edifyng of the body of Chrift. V. 15.] Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto aperfeft man, unto the mcafure of theftatureof thcfulnefsof Chrift. Mat. 28. 19,20. V. 19. J Go ye therefore and teach all Narions,Baptizihg therain the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. V. 20.] Teaching them to obfcrve all things whatfoerer / have com- manded you, and lo, /am witrh you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen, ifa.59. 21.3 As for me this is my Covenant with them faith the Lord, my Spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy meuth, ftiall not depart oat of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thyfeedj nor out of the mouth ofrhy feeds feed, faith the Lord, from hence forth and for ever. C6)Rom. II. 9,'4.] IV. This Catholike Church hath been fometimes Lord they have kii- more, fometimes Icfs vifible h. And particular «VdLged°^down Churches, which are Members thereof > are more or thine Altars , and Icfs pure, accordiDg as the Doftrine of the Gofpel * d*"h '^'^f k°"^* is taught and embraced. Ordinances adminiftred, and hfe. ' v.^ 4.1 Bat Publike worftiip perform more or lefs purely in them what faith tne an< fwer of God unto him > I have refervcd to my felf, feven thoufand men, who have not bowed the knee to the Image of Baal. Rev. ia. (5, 14. V. 6.^ And the moman fled into the wildcmcfs,. where fhe hath a place prepared of God, that they (hould feed her there a thoufand two hundred and threefcore dayes. V. 14,3 And to the woman were given two wings of a great Kagle, thac /he might flee into the wildernefs, in her place : where fhe i$ nourifhed for a time, and times, and half a time", from the face of the Serpent. ( j) Rev. 2, and.5. Chapter throughonc , fee in the Bi- ble. 1 Cor. §.6,7. V. 6.J Your glorying is not good, know ye not, that a licrle leaven, leavcneth the whole lump. V. 7,3 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump , as ye are unleavened, for even Chrift ©ur PafTcovcr is facrificed for us. ( kJ I Cor. >?. 12:1 V. The Pureft Churches under Heaven are fubje^ rfTorowrgiaifedark- both to mixturc, anderrour4»* andfome havefode- lyi but then face to generated, as to become no Churches of Ghrift, but part , but then fhaii Synagogues of Satan/. Neverthelefs, there fhall be 1 know even as alfo Iamknown.ftev. 2. 2. Chapters. See in the Bible. Mar. 15. 24,2$, 26,27, 28,29,50,47. See in the Bible. Rev. 18. 2. J And hecryed mrghtily with a ftrong voyce faying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habita- tion of devils, awdthe hold^f every foul fpirir, and a cage ©f every unclean and hnrtfull Eird. Rom. 11. 18,19,20,21,22. V. 18. 3 Boaftnotagainft the branches: but if thou boafl, rhcu beareft notthe root,'but the root thee. V. 19.] Thou will fay then, the branches were broken off, thac / might be grafted in. V. 20.] Well : becaufe of unbelief they were broken off, and thou ftan- deft by faith, be not hi«h minded, but fear. V. 21.] For if Godfparednotthcnamrail branches, take heed left he alfofpare not thee. V 22.] Beheld therefore thegoodnefs and fevcrity of God; on them which fell feverity, but cowards thee goodnefs, if thou cominue in his goodncls : other- wife thou flialc be cut off. alwayes [89] alwayes a Church on Earth,to worihip God according to his will «?. t WMat. i6. 18.] And I fay alio unto P«tcr, and upon this Rock,I will build my Church, and the Gatei of hell, /hall norpJevaile againft ir. Ffal. 72. 17. J His name fhall endure for ever, his name fliall be continued as long as the Sun : and men OiaU be bleflcd in him, all Nations fball call him blelTed. Pfal. 102.28") The children of thy fcrvants fhall continue : and their feed fliall be criablifhed before thee. Mat 28 i© 2a See in Letter G. •••?'» • V I. There is no other Head of the Church, but r„^ ^oi i i8 1 the Lord Jefus Chrift « . Nor can the Pope of Rome, And he is the head inanyfcnfebeHeadthercof 5 but is that Antichrift °f ^^^ ^^V 't^ thatManof fin, and Son of Perdition , that exalteth ^.'^i^^^T^^^^^^ mmlelt, in the Church againft Chrift, andallthatisbom'from the dead, called God O. that in all things he might have the pre- eminence. Eph. I. aa.j And hath put all things under hisfcer, and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church. CojMat. 23.8,9,10. V, 8.] But be not ye called Rabbi , for one is your Mailer , even Chrift i &alIyearebrethrcn.V. j.^Andcallnomanyour Father upon the earthifor one is yeur Father, which is m heaven. V. 1 o-] Neither be ye called Mailer, for one is your Mafter, cvcii Chrift. 2 Theff. 2. 3,4, 8.9. V. 3. Lc no man deceive you by any means : for that day fhall not come, except there come a falling away firfl, and that man of fin be revealed^the Son of perdition, V. 4.] Who oppofeth and exaltcthhimfelf above all that is called God, or that is worfhippcd : fo that he as God fitteth m the Temple of God, ihewing himfclf that he is God. V. 8.] And then Ja 1 that wicked bq revealed , whom the Lord fhall confume with the Spirit of his mouth, and IJiall deftroy with the bnghtnefs of his ccmming. V. 9.] Even him, whofe comraing is after the working of Saran, with all power and fignes,and lying worders. Rev. 12. 6.] And he opened his mouth in blafpheroy againft God, to blafphcme his name, and his Tabernacles, and them that Chap. XXVI. of the CommHHion of Saints. ALL Saints, that are united to Jefus Chrift their Head, by hi^^pirit^and by Faith, have fellowftiip With him in his graces, fufferin^j, death, refurreaion, O 2 and .C90] 00 » Joh. I. 5.] and dory a : And being united to one another in love That which we 1 i_ • : _a_ .1. t 1 * have fcen and heard they have commumon in each Others gifts and graces declare we unto you, ^^ and are obliged to the performance of fuch duties that ye aifo may publick and private, as do conduce to their mutuall nave feljowihipwirh *ti,.^,.i 1 . *v*vwi«xi us, and truly our fei- good^ both in the in watQ and outward man c, lowfhip is with the Father, and with his Son Jefus Chrift. Eph. 3. 16, 17, 18, 19. V. 16.'] That he would grant you according to the riches of his glory, to be ftrengthened with might, by his Spirit in the inner man. V. 17.] That Chrift may dwell in your hearts by Faich, that yc being rooted, and grounded in lovc.V.iS.jMay be able to comprehend,alI SaiHts,whacis the breadth with & length,and depth, and height. V. 19.] And to know the love of Chrift, which pafleth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulnefs of God. ]oh. 1. 16.] And of his fulnefs have all we received, and grace for grace. Eph. 2. 5, 6. V. 5.^ Even when we were dead in fms , hath qiaickencd us toge- ther with Ghrift ( hf grace ye are faved.) V. 6.] And hath raifed us up together, and made ut fit together in heavenly places in Chrift Jefus. Pfal.3. io.3Tbat I might know him, and the power of his refurredion, and the fellowfhip of his fufferings , being made conformable unto his death. Rom. 6. 5,6. V. $.3 For if we have been planted together in the likcnefs of his death, we fhall be alfo in the likenefs of his refurreftion. V. 6. J Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of fm might be deftroycd, that henceforth we fliould not fcrvc fm« 2 Tim. 2. 12. '] If we fuffcr, we fi^all alfo reign with him, if we deny him, he alfo will deny us. fb) Eph.4. 1$, i<5. V.I $.3 But fpeaking the truth inlovej may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Chrift. V. 1 5;] From whom the whole body fitly joyned together, and compafted by that, which every joynt fupplyeth , according to the effcAuall working in the nseafure of every part, maketh increa^ of the body, unto the edyfying of it felf in love, i Cor. 12.7.3 ^"^ the ma- nifeftation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withall. I Cor. 5. 21, 22,23. V. 21.3 Therefore let no man glory in men , for all things are yours. V. 22.3 Whether Paul, or Apollo, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death , or things prefent , or things to come , all are yours. V. 23,3 And ye are Ghrifts, aad Chrift is Gods. Gol. 2.19-3 And not holding the head , from whkh all the body by joynts and bands having nourifhment miniftred, and knit together, incre^th withthe increafeof God. fc) 1 TheflT. 5. 11. 14. V. 11.3 Wherefore comfort your felves to- gether, and edifie one another, even as alfo ye do. V. 1 4< ] Now we exhort you brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble minded, fupport the weak , be patient toward all men. Rom. 1.11,12,14. v. ii.3For / long to fee you, that I may impart unto you fome fpirituall gift, to the end you maybe eltablifhed. V. 12. 3 That is. That I maybe comforted together with you, by the mutual Faith , both of you and me. V. 14.] I am a debtor both to the Greeks , and to the Barbarians both to the wife, and to the unwife.i Joh. 3. 16, 17, 18. V. i5.3 Hereby perceive we the love of God , becaufe he laid down his life for us , and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. V. 17.3 But whofo hath this worlds good, and fceth his brother hath need, and flimteth up his bowels of compaflion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him. V. 18.] My little children. Let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed, and in truth. Gal. 6. 10.3 Aswe have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men , cfpccially unto them who areo£ thoufholdof Faith. IL Saints by profeffion are bound to maintain an holy fellowftiip and Communion in the Wor* (hip of God 5 and in performing fuch other fpi- situal Services as tend to their mutuall Ddificatit on C90 on d: as alfo in relieving each other in outward things, C^) Hcb.!o.24,2$.] according to their feveral abilities, and neceflities. confider ^one ^ano- Which communion 3 as God ofFereth opportunity , is ther, to provoke un- to be extended unto all thofe, who, in every place call ;^^°^^' ^"^;°f^?„^, upon the Name of the Lord Jefus e. forfaking the afTem. bling of our iclves together, as the manner of fome is : but exhorting one another, and fo much the more as you fee the diy approaching. Aft. 2.42,45. V. 4».3 And they continued ftcdfaftly in the Apoftles doftrine and fellowfhip, and in breaking of bread, and in prayer. V- 4^0 And they continued daily with one accord in the Temple, and breaking bread from houfe to houfe , did cat their meat with gladnefs, and fmglcnefs of heart. 7fa. 2. 3. -J And many people fhall go and fay, come ye, and let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, to the houfe of the God of Jacob , and he will teach us of his wayes, and we will walk in his paths : for out of Zion fhall go forth the Law, and the word of the Lord from Jerufalem. i Cor. 11. »®.] When ye come together therefore into oneplacc, this is not to eat the Lords Sapper, (e) Aft. 2. 44, 45. V. 44.] And all that believed were together, and had all things common. V. 4$.] And fold their poflelTions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need, i joh. 5. 17* Sec in Letter C. 2 Cor. 8. ardp. Chapters.See in the Bible. Aft. 1 r . 29, 30.]) Then the Defciples, every man according to his a- bilitiy, determined to fend relief unro the brethren which dwelt in Judea. Y. 30.] Which alfo they did, and fent it to the Elders by the hands of Barnabas, and Saul. III. This Gommunion which the Saint^have with C/3coi. i. 18,15: Chrift, doth not make them, in any wife^fartakers of h;;d ^otfhvT body the fubftance of his Godhead, or to be equall with the Church, who is Ghrift in any refped : either of which toaffirm> isim« the beginning, the pious, and blafphemous/. Nor doth their Gommuni- d'ad^'thaMn all on one with another, as Saints , take away, or infi inge things he might the title or propriety which each man hath in his ^'^^ ^^,^ P/l^""'" J J ^^/r rr nence. V. 19.] For jc goods and poireflions g, pl.^fed the Father that in him fhould all fulncfs dwell. 1 Cor. 8.^.]But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things,and we in him, and one Lord JcfasChrifl, by whomareallthings,and weby him. Ifa. 42. 8. 3 lam the Lord, that is my name, and my glory will I not give to another •-, neither my praife to graven Images. I Tim. 6.15,1(5. V. 15.] Which in his times he fhall fhcw, who is the blefTcd and sn- ly Potentate, the King of Kings , and Lord of Lords. V. 16.3 Who only hath immortality,dwel- ling in the light, which no man can approach unto, whom no man hath feen , or can fee, to whom be honour and power everlafling. Amen. Pfal. 4$ • 7 . ] Thou lovcll righteoufnefs, and harefl wick- ednefs : therefore God thj God harh annointed thee with the oyl of gladnefs above thy fel- lows. Heb. 1-8,9. V. 8. J But unto the Son he faith. Thy throne O God is for ever and ever,* €cepter of righteoufnefs, is the Scepter of thy kingdom. V. 9.]) Thou haft loved righteoufnefs, and hated iniquity, therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oyl of gladnefs a- bove thy fcJlows: (g)Exod. 20. 15, Thou flialt not fteal. Eph.4.28.]Let himthatftole, fteal no more : but rather let him hbour , working with his own hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. Aft. 5. 4.] Whiles it remained, was it not thine own .•' and after it was fold, was it not in thine own powers why haft thou conceived this thing in thine, heart i thou baft not lied unto men, but unto Godt CEIAP. XXV IIL C93] CHAP. XXVII. of the Sacraments: ftf)Rom. 4' 11-5 OAcraments are holy Signes and Seals of the Cove- ^g"„'i""S*: Onantof Grace^, immediatly inftituted by Ood^ afcai of therighte- torepreientChrilr and his benefits, and to Confirm our °"^"1f h^^h^S ^^"'^ intereft in him e : as alfo to put a vifible difference be- bd^g undrc'tJci! tween thofe that belong unto the Church, and the reft fed,thathemighcbe of the World (^ .* and fokmnly to engage them to the chem'' thrt'bclevel ^^'^^^^ ^^ ^^^ i" ^^^^^9 according to his Word e. though, they be not circumcifed, that righreoufncfs might be impured unto them alfo. Gen. 17. 7,10. V. 7.3 And I will eftablifli my Covenant betwc^^toe and thee, and thy feed after thee , in their generations, for an everlafting Covenant, to be a^W unto thee, and to thy feed after thee. V. 10.] See below in Letter F. (b') Mat. 28. 19.] Go ye therefore, and teach all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Gholt. i Cor. 1 1. 23.^ For 1 have received of the Lord, that which alfo I delivered unto you, that the Lord ]efus,the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread, (c) i Cor. 10. \6.~\ The cup of bleffing which we blefs, is it not the communion of the bl®od of Chrift ? the bread which we break , is it not the communion of the bodyof Chrifl? iCor. 11.25,26. V. 2$.] After the fame manner , alfo he took the cup when he had Tupped, faying, this cup is the New Teftament in my blood : this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. V. 26.'] For as ofrcn as ye cat this bread , and drink this cup, ye do fhew the Lords death till he eome. Gal. 3. 7- 3 And this I fay , That the Covenant that was confir- med before of God in Chrift, the Law which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot difa- null , that it fliould make the promife of none effeft. {d) Rom. 15. 8.] Now I fay , That Jcfus Chrift was aWinifterof the circumcifion for the troth of God, to confirm the promifes made unto the Fathers. Exod. 12.48.] And when a ftranger fhall fojonrnwich thee, and will keep ihe PafTcover to the Lord, let all his males be circumcifed, and then let him come neer and keep it, and he ftiall be as one that is born in the Iand,ffor no uncircumcifed pcrfoa fhall eat thereof.Gen.34. J4.3 And they faid unto them, we cannot do this, to give our Sifter to one that is uncircumcifed .* for that were a reproach unto us.CejRom"^- 3»4- V. 3.] Know ye not that fomany of us aswere baptized into ]efus Chrift, were baptized into his death ? V. 4.] Therefore we are buried with him by baptifm into death, that hke as Chrift was raifed up from the dead, by the glory of the Fa- ther : even fo we alfo ftiould walk in newnefs of life, i Ccr. 10. i(5, 2i. V. i<5.]See in Letter C. V. 21 ] Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils : yecannotbe partakcrsof the Lords Table, and of the Table of devills. II. There is in every Sacrament a fpiritual relati- 0^3 or Sacramental union between the Sign and the Thing fignified .* whence it comes to pafs, that the name [93] names and the efFefts of the one are attributed to the rD Gen. 17. 10] «-Vi^r f ^*^'* '^ "^y Cove- Otncrj. nant which yefhall keep bet ween mc & yoB, and thy feed after thee, every tnan-child among you fhall be circunicifed,Mat. 2^.27,2 8.V27. j And lie took the cup and gave thankes, and gave it to them,faying,Drink ye all of it.Y.28.] For this is my blocdofthe New Ttftament which is flitdfor many.for theremiflionof fins. Tif.3.5] Noc by workes of righteoufneffe which we have done, but according to his mercy he favcd us,by the walhing of rcgencr ation, and renewing of ihc Holy Ghoft. 1 1 1.The grace whi8l-is exibited in^or by the Sacra- ments rightly ufed j is not conferred by any power in them .* neither doth the efficacy of a Sacrament depend upon the piety or intention of him that doth admini- fterit^i but upon the work of the Spirit^, and the Q) Rom. 2.28, 29, wordofinftitution j which con taines, together with Jfew^Sis^ne a Precept authorizing the ufe thereof, a promife of Be- outwakiy , neither nefit to worthy receivers i. 's that circumdflon, •* which IS outward in . , ,. . . ,. . thcflefh.V.29.]Buc he IS a Jew which is one inwardly, and circumcifion is chat of the heart, In the fpirir, and not in thelctter,whofc praife is not of men but of God. i Pet. 3. 21 .J The like figure whereunto, even Bapcifm, doth alfonow favc us (not the putting away of the filth of the flefh,but the anfwerof a good confcience towards God} by the rcfurrefton of Jefus Chrift. (A) Matth.3. 1 1. j I indeed bap- tife you with water unto Repentance, but he thatcometh after me is mightier than I, whofc fiioes I am not worthy to bear : he fhall baptife you with the Holy Ghoft and with fire. 1 Cor. 12., 13. ] For by one fpirit we are allbaptifed into one body, whether we bejewes or Gen- tiles, whether we be bond or free : and have been all made to drink into one fpirit/j) Mafth,25. *,I'^^'^ See in ktterr/JMatth.28.i9,2o.3V.i9. Sec letter C/.)V.ao.]Teaching them to obfcrve all things whatfoever I have commanded you : and lo, I am with you aUay unco the end of the world, Amen. I V. There be onely two Sacrament ordained by Ck.^ Matth.aS.i^.i Chrift our Lord in the Gofpel 5 that is to fav, Baptifm ^"^ ^ tj|erefore & J ^1 o r 1 ¥ J • 1 ^ i";'} ua^mui ^^^^Y^ j,2j nations, and the Supper of the Lord: neitherof which may be baptizing them in difpenfed by any^ but by a Miniftei of the Word law- ^^^ uameof the Fa- fully ordained k, '^"^ andof the son, ■' ^ and of the Holy 17 -I .ttu . . /. . Ghofl. I Cor. I i. 20,2 5. V. 20. J When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not tocat the Lord fupper. V. J ?. J For I have received of the Lord that which alfo I delivered unto you, thatthe Lord lefus thefamen.ghtmvvh.chhewasbe^^^^^^^^ , Cor. 4:1.] Let a man fo account of us, as of the Min.f\ersof Chnft,and Stewards of the myl^eries of God.Hcb.5. 4O And no man taketh this honour unto himielr, but he that iscaflbdofGod, as was Aaron V,The [943 y\ 'lM°oreover'b?c* V.Thc SacrameDts of the Old Teftameot, in regard thren, TwoSd not of the fpititual things thereby fignified and exhibited, that yc fliouid be wcre , for fubftancc , the fame with thofe of the ignorant , how that Nef« / all onr Fathers were * under the cloud, and all pafled through the fca.V. 2.] And wcre all baptifed unto Mofes intheclould, and in thefea. V.3.3 And did all eat the fannc fpiritual meat. V.4.] And did all drink the fannefpiritual drink, ^for they drank of that fpiritual rock that followed them, and that rock was Chrift.) 2iL Chap. XXVIII. OfBaptifm: C<«)Mat.28.i9.]See *P> A ptifoi Is a Sacrament of the New Teftaoient, or- \"c?r!if.,H ptr -Drained by Jcfus Chrift a, not only for thefolemn by one Spirit are we Admiflion of thc party baptized into the vifible all baptized intb one Chtirch^.* but alfo to beuntohima fign and feal of be'^jew^'' oJ'oeT ^^^ Covenant of Grace r,of his ingrafting intoChrift d^ tiles, whether we of Regeneration e, ofRcmiffion offins/, and ofhisgi- be b^ond or free, and ying Up unto God through Jefus Chrift, to walk in to^^drinlc into""on€ Qewnefle of life ^. Which Sacrament is by Chrifts own Spirit. (ORom.4. 11. appointment to be continued in his Church until the And he received the ^ f ^j^ World h, fign of circumcifion, vxav* a feal of the righte- oufneffe of the faith which he had yet being uncircuracifed, that he might be the father of all them that beleeve, though they be not circumcifed, that righteoufnefs might be imputed unto them alfo. Col. 2. 11, 12. V. II. 3 In whom alfo ye are circomcifed with thc circumcifion made without hands, in putting off the body of the fins of the flefh , by the circumcifion of Ghrilt. V.12.] Buried with him in Baptifm, .wherein alfo ye are rifen with him, through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raifed him from the dead, (d) Gal. 5.27. ^ For as many of you as have been baptifed into Chrirt, have put on Chrift. Rom.<5.5.] For if we have been planted together in thc likencfieof hisdeath, we fhall be alfo in the likencfieof his refurrcdion. (e^ Tic- 5. 5.3 Notbyworksof righteoufnef$,which we have donc,but according to his mercy hath hefaved us by the wafhing of regeneration, and [renewing of the Holy Ghoft. C/^Marke i- 4. ]] John did baptife in the wil- dernefle, and preach the baptifm of repentance for the remiflionoffms. (g) Rom. 6.5,4. V.9.] Know ye not that fo many of us as were bartized into Jefus Chrift, were baptized into hisdeath/ V.4.] Therefere we are buried with him by baptifm into death, that like as Chrift wasraifedfrom the dead, by the glory of the Father : even fo we alfo fhould walk in newnefs of life. ^A) Mat.28. 19,20. V. 19.] See in letter ("i^)forregoing Chapter. V. 2<^'] Teaching them to obfervc all things whatfoevcr 1 have commanded you : artd lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the warld, Amen. ILThe C95T I I. The outward Element to be ufed in this Sacra- ,^,/' ment is Water, wherewith the Party is to be Bapti- zed, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and ofthc Holy Ghoft, by a MinifterofthcGofpcl lawful- ^.j^^^^ 3.11.] 1 Jy called thereunto/. , indeed baptize you with water unto re- pentance, but he that comcth after me, is mightier than I, whofe fhocs I am not worthy to bear : he fhall baptize you with the Holy Ghoft, and with Fire. joh. i. 53.] And 1 knew him not : but he that fcDt me to baptize with water, the fame faid unto me, Upon whom thou fhalt fee the Spirit dcfcendmg and remaining on him, the fame is he which baptiicth with the Holy Ghou. Mat. 28. 19, 20. V. ip.] fee letter K. V. ao.] fee in letter H. III. Dipping of the perfon into the Water is not neccfftry : but Baptifm is rightly adtniniftred by pow- , . . r • 11- \\i ^ it. r L ri^jHeb. 9.10,19, ring or fprinkling Water upon the perlon ^. 20^ a i, 22 J fee hi the Bible.Aft 2.41.3 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized : and the fame day there were added un- to rhcm about three thoiifand f faith. Col. 2. 1 1, 1 2. V. i i.J [n whom alfo ye are cir* cutRcilcd with theCircumcifion made without hand^in putting ofifche body of rhe fins of the flcfli, by theCircumcifion of ClinO. V. 12. J Buried with hini in Baptifm, wherein z\(o you arc rifen with liini through (he faith of rheoperatioA ofGod, who iiarh raifcd him fromthedead Aft.2. 38,39. V. 38 I Then I'eccr faid tiitothem. Repent and be baptized every one ot you, in the name of ]e(us Chrifi, f r the rcmifhon of fins, and ye fhall receive the gift of the Holy Ghof\. V. 159.1 For the promife is nnto you and to your chi'cren, and to all thar are a far off, even as many as the Lord ou: God fhall call. Rom. 4. 1 1, 1 2. V. u . 3 And he received rhe fign of Citcumcifion, a fealof the righttoL'friefs of thefai^h which he had yet being nncicumcifcd, that he might be the farliercfall rhem that believe, rhotgh they be no, ciiGiimcif"d, that righceoufii.fs might be im- puted to rhem alfo. V. 12.3 And the father of' Circumfio'i rothem, who are not of rhcCircom- cificsi onely, but alf© walk in thi ftcps of that faith A our tathcr Abraham, which he had being yet j-; P uncircum- [9^3 andrcttmci&d. iCor. j 14.3 Forthe unbelieving hufband is fanftified by the wife> and the un* believing wife is fanftifred by the hulband, elfe were your children unclean, but now they arc holy. Mat. 28. 19] Go ye therefore, and teach all Nations,baptiring them in the name of the Fa- ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy GhMt. Mar. 10. 15, 14, 15, 10. V.15.3 And they brought yoang children to him, thatheflioold touch them, and his Difciples rebuked thofc that brought them. V. 1 4.] But when Jefus few it, he was much difplcafed, and faid unto them, Suffer lictle children to come unto me, and forbid them nor, for of fuch is the Kingdom of God. V. 1 5.] Veri- ly ifay unto you, WhcfoeVtr fhall not receive the Kingdom of God, as a little child, he fhall not enter therein. V. i(5:] And he took them up in his arms, put his hand upon them, and bicffed. them. Luk. 1 8 . 1 5. J And they brotfght unto him alfo infants, that he would touch them i but When his Difciples faw it they rebuked them. V. Although it be a great Hn to contemn ornegleft («)Luk.7.?o.]But this Ordinance », yet Grace and Salvation are notfo Lawyers*" rclefted infepaiably annexed unto it^ as that no pcrfoacan be the counfei of God regenerated or faved without it : or, that all that are b^g^.5?\^^^ed baptized are undoubtedly regenerated p. of him. Exod.4.24, 25, 26. V. 24O And it came to paf?,by the way in the inn, that the Lord met him, and fought to kill him. V. 2$.3 Then Zipporah took a fharp ftone and cut off the forefkin of her fon, and caft it athisfeer, andfaid, Surely a bloody hufband art thou to me. V. 26.] So he let him go: then fhe faid, A bloody hufband thou art, becaufe of the Circumciiion. (0) Rom. 4. 1 1 .] fee in letter M. Aft. 10 2,4,22,^i,45,470^c^*''^f'^^^'^^^* Cp) Aft. 8. 13, 23. V. 13.3 Then Simon himfelf be- lieved alfo : and when he wasbaptixed he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the Hiiracles and figRs which were done. V. 23.] For I perceive that thou arc ia the gall of bicternefej and in the bond oiiniquity. V I. The cfHcacy of Baptifm is not tyed to thatmo- (q)]oh.3. $,8. V. ment of time wherein it is adminiftred^: yet, not- V^UfverlCi"? ^"^^'"^ by the right ufe of thi^ Ordinance, the unto thee, except a gracepromifed is not onely offered, but really exhibi. manbe born of wa- ted and conferred by the Holy Ghoft, to fuch (whe- ht caloJ en'teHmo ther of age, or infants) as that Grace belongeth unto, ihe Kingdom of according to the counfclofGodsowu Will, inhisapa wM^'l^^tS pointed timer. where it lifteth, and _ ihouhcareA the found tliereof, but canfl; not tell whence it cometh and whither itgocth : fo is e. very one that is born of the Spirit, (r) Ga4. 3. 27 .] For asmany of you, as have been baptized in- to Chrift, have put on Chrift. Tit. z- S 3 Not by works of righteoufnefs which we have done, but accordiHg to his mercy he faved us, by the wafhing of regeneration , and renewing of the Ho- lyGhoft. Eph. $.25,26. V. 2 5] Hufbands love your wives,even as Chriil alfo loved the Church, , and gave himfelf for it. V. 26.] That ke might fanftifie and cleanfe ir, with the wafhing of wa^ tcfby Jhe word. Aft. 2. 98 , 41 . V. 38;] Then Peter faidjunto them, Repent and be baptized e- veryone r ^t^- nr • ^ ^ '• ^hc Sacrament of Baptifm is but once to be ftitcTR;^'^'^ " adminiftredtoanypcifonjC Ch a p.. XXIX. £973 Chap. XXIX. of the LORDS Supper.' OUrLord Jefus, in the night wherein he was be- trayed, inftituted the Sacrament of his Body and Blood, called the Lords Supper, to be obferved in his Church unto the end of the World, for the perpetual Remembrance of the Sacrifice of Himfelf,in his Deaths the fealing all bene^s thereof unto the Belie vers,their Spiritual nourifhment and growth in him, their far- ther engagement in, and to all duties which they ow unto him j and to be a bond, and pledge of their Com- munion with him, and with each other, as members . . ^ of his myftical Body .. {^^ Jf ^-.Vj'j For' I hare received of the Lord, that which alfo I delivered unto yon, that the Lord JcfoSjthe fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread. V. 24.^ And when he had given thanks he brake it,and faid>Take,ear, this is my body which is broken for you ; this do in remembrance of me. V» 2$.^ After thefimc manner alfo, he took the cup when he had fuppcd, faying, This cup is the new TeAamentinmy blood : this do ye as oft as ye drink ir, in remembrance of me. V. 26,3 For at often as yc eat this bread, and drink this cup, yedofhewthe Lords death till become- t Cor. 10. i(5, 17,21. V.i5.] The cup of blcffing which we bicfs, is it not the communion of the blood of Chrift ? the bread which we break,isit not the communion of the body of Chtift .•'V.17.] For we being many are one bread and one body : for we are all partakers of thst-T5net>read. V. 21 .] Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of Devils, yc cannot be partakers of the Lords table, and of the table of Devils. 1 Cor. 12. i3.jForby oae Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free ■, and have been ail made to drink into one Spirit, ' 1 1. In this Sacrament Chrifl: is not offered up to his Father 5 nor any real Sacrifice made at all,for rcmiffioa CO "eb. 9. 22, 15, offinofthe quick or dead/., but onely a Commemo- :f;;LTf,htags*"e ration or that one onenng up orHimielr, byHimlelf, by the law purged upon the Crofs, once for all; and a fpiritual oblati- with blood: & with. on of all poffible praife unto God, for the hmec: So blood there is no rc- niiifion. V. 2 5.] Nor yet that he fhould offer himftlf often, as thehighPricftentereth into the holy place every year with the bl jod of others. V. id For then mult he often have fuflfered fince the foundation of the world : but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to pur away fin, by the facrifice of himfelf. V. 28 .] So Chrifl was once offered to bear the fins of many, and unto thofe that look for bim fhall he appear the fecond time,withoutfin,unrofalvation (c) i Gor. 1 1. 14, 25, 26. fee them in letter A. Mat. 26. 16,17. V. 76.'} And as they were eating, jcfus took bread and blc(P;dit, . and brake it,and gave it to the Difciples, and faid,Take,eat,this is my body. V. 27.] Andhetoci; the ci^p and gave cha»ks, and gave it to them, faying, Drink yc all of it. P a that U) Kcb«7.25,24, that, tbePopifh Sacrifice of the Mafs fas they callit> 27. Verfa^J And . n. 1 • 1 1 • • • ^l -n. •' t r> '^ they truly were ma- ^^ °^oit abominably injurious to Cnrilts one, onely Sa- ny Priefts , becaufe orifice, the alonc propitiatioa for all the fias of the they were not fuffer- £j^ ^ ed to continue by .feafon of death. V.24.] But thii man, bccaafe he contmaerh ever, hath an nnchangeaMe prieft-hond. Verf.27/] Who needeth not daily, as thofe high priefts, to offer up facrifice , firft for his own fins, and then for the peoples : forthishedid once,whcn he offered up nimftlf.4ch> 10. (1,12,14,18. Verf.ii.J And every Pricft ftaodeth daily rainiftriog , asd offering orten'imes the fame facrifices, w hich can never take away (ins. Verf.12.3 Bur this man, after he had off red one facrifice for fins forever, fat down on the right hand of God. VerC 1 4] For by one offering he hath perfefted for ever thena that are faadified. VcrC 18.3 Now where rcmiffien of thcfe is, there is no more offering for fin. III. The Lord Jefus hath, in this Ordinance, ap- pointed his Minifters to declare his word of Inftituti- on to the People 5 to pray, and bleiTc the Elements of ilwT'hs^'^^^j'!-] Bread and Wioe, and thereby to fet them apart from See in letter cverf. a Common to an Holy tife 5 and to Take, and Break 28'] For this is my the Bread, to take the Gup, and (they com munica* Tef\ament whichu ^^'^g ^^^^ themfelves) togive both tothe Commuoi. /bed for many, f©r cants € , but, to nonc who are not then prefent in the M.VifTf°"°^^'"'' Congregation/, Mark 14.22, 23, 24. t3 a j^ . Verfe 22.3 And as they did eat, Jefus took bread and blcffed, and brake ir, and gave to thcmi and faid, Take, ear, this is my body. Verr25.] And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, hegaveitto them, and they all drank of it. Verf. 24.] And he faid unto them. This is my blood of the New • Tcftament, waich is (bed for mmy. Luke 22. 19,20. VcrCip.J And he rook bread and gave thanks, and brake ir , and gave unco rhem fayi"g. This is my body which is given for you^ this do in remembrance of me. Vcrf.20.3 Li'xewifealfo the cup after Supper, faying,T(iis cup istlie NewTeftamentinujy blood which is Hied for you. i Cor.ii. 23, 24,25^*5. Sec all in letter A. rf)ka 1 ^ ^ * Private Mafles, or receiving this Sacrament by And upon\he° firft a Prieft , or aoy other, alone^, asiikewife , the de- day of the week, niall of the Cup to the people h. worfhipping the t^^ ttg\t?I?^to Elements, the iif ing them up, or carrying ch.^m about break bread, Paul foi adoiation, and the referving them for any pre- jjreached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow, and CMitiunedhisfpeech until midnight 1 Cor 11.20.I When ye aomerogethertherefore into one place,th!s is not to eat the Loids Supper. Q ) 1 Cor. 10. 6. ] N. w thefethings were our examples, to the intent we fhould nor kjft airer evil things, as they aifo Idlled. (^/;}Marki4.2 9.] Seein IctrerE. t<:or.ii. 2 ,26,27 ,28,29. Verf.a 5, and i6j Sec letter A, Vcrf.27.J Wherefore whofofver fha!l eat this bre]cl,3nd drink thii^ cup or the Lord luiworthiiy, fhallbeguilty of the body and blood or" t'le lord. Vc-rf28."j But Icraman cyamku himfclf, andfo let him ear of that bread and drink of rhar cup. Vcrf29.'J Forhc tiu^ eatctli and drinkcth un- worthily,, cateth and drinkcthdanuuti'vn to himl'elf, not dtfcerning the Lords body. tended [99] tended religious ufe, are all contrary to the na* ture of this Sacrament, and to the inftitution of|^ -o. -n. i ' C^MaM5.9.J But UnrUt /i in vain they do worfliip me, teach- ing for doftrmei the Commandcmcms of men. V. The outward Elements in this Sacrament, due- ly fet apart, to the ufes ordained by Chrift, have fuch relation to him crucified, as that truly, yet Sa- cramcntally oncly, they arc fometimes called by the name of the thines they reprefent, to wit, the Body, ^^-^J^^^^^W^j 1 ni 1 /- ^~^t • n f t» • • r I rv J 20. Vcri.20. J And and Blood or Ghriit)^,, albeit m lubitance andnature^ as they were eating, they ftill remain, truly, and oncly Bread and Wine, as jefus took bread, & ^t -^ L r ; bicltcd K, and brake they were before /. i,^ ^^d g,,e it to the Difciples and faid, Take, cat, this is my body,. • Verf.j?.] And he took the cnp, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, faying, Drink ye all ofic Verf.aS.] for this is my blood ot (he New Tcfkamcnt whieh isfhed for many,for theremi/lionof fins.;'/) i Cor 11.2^,27, 28. Yerf. 2^.] For as ofnnasyeeat thisbread,and drink this cup, ye do flic w the Lords dea'h till he come. Verl. i?*] Wherefore whofcever fhill cat this bread, and drink tliis cup otthe Lord unworthily, lliall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. Vetf.aS.J But let a man examin himfelf, and fo let hii»* eat of chat bread and drink of t^iaccup. Macth. 26.29. But 1 (ay unroyou,! Will nor drink henceforth of this fruit of the Yine,un-- till that day when I drmk it new with you in my Fathers kingdom, VI. That Dodrine which maintaines a change of . ^ the fubftance of Bread and Wine, into the fubftance wiiom the ^heaven of ChnftsBody and Blood, (commonly called Tran- muft receive untiil fubftantiation)byconfecrar.iortofaPrieft, or by any tV'Ta? 'hmgs other way, is repugnant, not to Scripture alone, but w ""Gcd hath fpokcri even to common Senfe and Reafon ^ overthroweth ^v fh^mourh of all the nature of the Sacrament, and hath been, and is fllice the woTd be- the caufe of manifold Superftitions j yeiof groiTel- gm. icor. 11.24, dolatrieS/«. x5,26.Ver^24.]And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and fiid. Take, ear, this is my body which is broken for you, this do in refrembrancc of me. Verfi?.] Atrtr the fame mariner alio, he took the cup when he had fnpped, faying, Thh cup is the New TtflEment in my blood, this do ye as o'tas ye drink ir, in remembrance of me. Vtrf 20.3 Sec letter L. Luke 24. ^, ^9. V< rf^. j He is not here, b .r is rifcn, remember how he fpake unto you , when he was in Galilee. 'WctC:^g.'] Behold my hands and my feet,rhat it is / my fclf,handlc'. me, and fee, for a Spiric hath net flefli and bones, as ye fee me have. VII. Worthy Receivers outwardly partaking of the [ioo:i (n) I Cor. 1 1."! 28.'] the vifible Elements, in this Sacrament », do thenalfo ^ Cor i^oTd^i St *i^wardly by faith, really and indeed, •yet not carnally Jup°'^'o°f' bTei% and corporally, but Spiritually receive, and feed upon which we bieffc , is Chrift crucified , and all benefits of his death : The 'r of ''h^brod'of Body and Blood of Chrift being then , not corporally chrift? rhe bread or carnally,in, with, or under the Bread and Wine, which we break, is yet as really, but spiritually, prefenttotheFaithof It not the comraunu _. , . ^\ ^r\ j- ^ xri i. r 1 on of the body of Beleevcrsin thatOrdmance, as Elements themfclves Chrift/ ^re to their outward fenfes ^. fOiCo.' 1 1.27,28,29 VIII. Although ignorant and wicked men receive' ycrf.27. & 28. J See the outward Elements in this Sacrament, yet they in letter L.verf. 29.3 receive not the thing fignificd thereby.* but by their For he that eateth . - P ^ •irt-'oj and drinketh un- uuworthy comiag thereunto, are guilty or the Body worthily, eateth and and blood of the Lord^to their own damnation. »ltlffrr Wherefore,_all ignorant and ungodly perfons, as cerning the Lords they areunht toenjoy communion with him, fo are *^<*y- 2 Cor. 6. 14, (hey unwotthy of the Lords Tables and cannot not unequally yoked Without great (In againft Chrift, while they remain together with un- fuch, pertakcof thefcholy Maftcriesp, or be admit- fciS,^'"th«dthem.nto^ rightcoufnefle with unrighteoufncffe, and what communion hath light with darknelTe? Verf. f5. And what concord hath Chrift with Belial ? or what part hath he that bcleevcth with an in^del? Verf. 16.] And what agreement hath the Temple of God with idols ? for ye are the Temple of the living God, as God hath faid, I will dwell in them, and walk in them , and I will be their God and they fhall be my people. CO ' Cor.5.6,7,13. Verf.<5.1 Your glorying isnotgood, know ye not that a little leaven kaveneth the whole lump? Verf. 7. j Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye ma)' be a new lump, as ye are unleavened, for even Chrift our palfeover is facrificed for us. Verf r 5- j But them that are without, Godjudgeth. Therefore put away from among your felves that wicked perfon. 2 Their.3.^,14,15. Vcrf.d.3 New we command you. Brethren, in the name of our Lord Jefus Chrift, that ye with- draw your felves from every Brother that walkcth diforderly, and not tfterthe tradition which he received of us. Verf. 14.] And if anymanobeynot our word by this Epiftle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be aftiamed. Ver.15.]] Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonifhhim asaBrothcr.Matth.7.6,3 Give not that which is holy unto the Doggs, neither caU your pe arks before fwinc, left they trample them under their Feet, and turn agaia and rent you. e H A P. XIX X. [lOl] CHAP. XXX. of church Cenfnres. THe Lord Jefus, as King and Head of his Church, hath therein appointed a Government, in the hand of Church Officers, diftinft from the Civil Wif^- 9-^.7. v.^-l . - . /I ' For unto us a chilci Magittrate a. is bom, unco us a fon is given, and the government fliall be upon his fhoulders, and his naree' fball be called wondcrfull, counfcllour, thenriighty God, the cverlafting father, the prince of peace. V. 7.3 Of the increafcof hisgo^ vernment and peace there fhall be no end i upon the throne of David, and upon his Kingdom to order ir, and toeftablifli it with judgement, and with juftice, from henceforth even for ever ; the zeal ofthe Lord of hofts will perform this, i Tim. 5. 17.3 Let the elders that rule well,be coun- ted w«rthy of double honour, efpccially they who labour in the word and doftrine. 1 ThelV. 5. 12.] And we befeech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and adfTonifh you. Aft. 20. 17, 18.V. 17.] And from Miletus he fent to Ephefus, and called the elders of the Church. V. iS.j And when they were come to him, he faid untothem> Ye know, from the firft day that I came into Afia , after what manner I have been with you at aU fcafohs. Hcb. 15. 7, 17,24. V. 7.3 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have fpoken unto you the word of God, whofe faith follow, confidering the end of their con verfation. V. 17.] Obey them that have the rule over you, and fubmit your fc Ives, for they watch for your fofls, astheysthatmuft give account, that they may doit with joy, andnot with grief, forthatis unprofitible for yoii. V. 24.] Salute aH thera that have the rule over you, and all the faints*, they ot Italy falute you. i Cor. 12.28.3 And God hath fet fome in the Church, firft Apoftles, fe- ccndarily Prophets, thirdly Teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, govern- n'cnts, diverfities of tongues. Mar. 28. 18, i p, 20. V. 1 Z.'\ And jefus came and fpake unto them, facing, All power is given unto roe in heaven and in earth. V. 19.] Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the nanne of the Father, andoftheSon,andoftheHoly Ghoft. V. 20.3. Teaching them to obfcrve all tilings whatfocverl have commanded you : and lo J am with yo» alway, even unto the endof the world, Amen; II. To thefe Officers the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven are committed 5 by vertue whereof they have power refpedively to retain, and remit fins, to Ihut that Kindom againft the impenitent, both by the Word, andCenfures, and to open it unto penitent (inncrs by the Miniftery of the Gofpclj and by Abfo^ lutioQ' [103 3 Cft)M«. i5. rp.] lution fromCenfures, asoccafion (liall I'cquire^. And /wil! give uiKO thee the keys of rJie ' . Kingdom of Heaven, and whatfoevcr then fiialt bind en earth, fhall be bound in heaven : and whatfoever thou fhak loofc < n earth, fhjli be lot fed in heaven. Mar. 8. 47, 18. V. i'].^ And if he fhal!ncgIe when ye arc gathered together, and my fpirir, with the power of our Lord jefus Chrift, y. $.3 To deliver fuch a one unto Satan, for the dcftruflion of the fltfh,thatthe fpirit may !c faved in the day of the Lord jcfHS. V. i?-] Biurhera that are withott, God judgeth i therefore pur away frcm among your fcives that wicked perfon. Mat- 18. 17.3 And if he fliall negled: to hear them, tell it to the Church : but if licntglcft to hear the Chisrdi, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican; Tir. 3. 0.3 A^manthat is an herctick, after the firft and fcccnd admoni- ion, reje d. .,^, Chap. XXX Chap. XXXI. of Synods and Councils, FOr the better Government, and farther edification of the Church ^ there ought to be fuch Aflemblies ^ v . c. , ^ , ^ as are commonly called Synods or Councils a, y 2. ] when there- fore Paul, and Bar- nabas hadno fmalldiflenfionanddifpuration with them, tlicy determined that Paul, and Barna- bas, and certain other of them, fhouldgoup to Jerufalem unto the Apofllcs, and Elders, about thisqucftion. V. 4.] Ajod when they were come to Jeriifalem, they were received of the Church, andof the Apcftles, and Elders; and they declared all things that God had done with them. Y. 6.] And the Apoftles and Elders came trgether, for to confidcr of this matter. II. As Magiftrates may lawfully call a Synod of Mi- (z.)ifa 49.23-] And nifters and other fit perfons to confult and advife Kings ^^^^^^^ ^^JjJ with, about matters of Religion b : So, if Magi- "iKir^^oJecns ' thy ftrates be open Enemies to theChurch, theMiniO-ers nurfmg Mothersi of Chrift, of themfclves, byvertueot their Office 5 ^'^'Cwl'rhS , ' . , , r r II .to tnce wicn tneu or they, with other ht perfons, upon delegation face toward • the from their Churches, may meet toeether in fuch ^a^tb, and lick up A/T ur the duftof thyfeetj Aflembhesr. and thou iliaU know that I am the Lord ; (or they fhall notbeafhamedthatwaitfor me. i Tijn.2.i,2.Verr.T.3 I eKhor*^ therefore that firft of all, Supplications, Prayers, JntercefTions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men. V. 2. J For Kings and for all that are in authority, that we may lead a q let, peaceable life, in all godlinefs and honcfly. 2 Chron.i 9.8,9,10,1 1 ] See in the Bible. 2 Chi on. 29. & 3o.Chaprers throughout] See in the Bible. Marthtw 2.4,5. Verf.4.3 And when he had gathered all tht chief PrieftsandScribeS of the people together, he demanded of them where ChriA flionld be born. Verf $.] And they (aiduntohim, in Bethlehem of j(jdea,for thus it is written by the Proplier. Prov. 1 1.14] Whert nocounfelis, the people fall, but in the multitude of counfcllors there is faftty. (0 Afts i5-2,4> 20,2^,25. V.2.4.3 See in Letter A. V. S2.J Then pleafed it the A pr.jl'es and Elders withtli" whole Church, to lend ch' fen Men of their own company to Antioch , witii Paul and B.trv!aba!:, namely, Judas, fiirnamed Barfabas, and Silas, chief men araong the brethren. V.25.3 And wrort Letters by them after this manner •, The Apoftlee, and Kldetb, and Brethren, ftnd greeting luita the Brethren which are of the Gcntiks in Antioch, and Syria, and Cilicia. V-2$ ] Icfcemcdgood (jjfttpys, being aflSrmbitedwkhoacAitoof'd, tofendchofcnp/lcn umo you, without Beloved Bar- aab?i an4:P*uL . -. v^.^^i.: cji: i i\^i)>■^^vyn\^'^' -.nx in ' .i- - III. ft belongeth to Synods and Councils minifte* riallyto determine controverfies oF Faith, and cafes qf Confcience 3 to fet down Rules and Dircdions for Q^ ' the [104] _ ^ ,. . - the better ordering' of the piiblick WoifhipofGod, 8c ^2:,'.B,29-^o\ i] Gv>vernment oi hU Church , to receive complaints ia ee in ti-e EU k. cafc^ of ijiale-aclaiiniftrationj Sc authoritatively to de- tl^'' 'wcrJ 'hcrcw *^^'^^^^i'^^ *^^'*^ fame.* which Decrccs 'and Determinations, the ciiifs they dc- i^ confonant to the word cf God^ are to be received livetcd^dK-m rhede- vvith leveience and fubmiffion^ not only for their a- dinrw^rc .^rdaimS grccment With the Word , but alfo for the Power (f the- Apcfticsafid whereby they are m^dCjas being an Ordinance of Go^d, Ei.cjs which were gppointed thereunto in his word^. ^ i8. 17, {8, 19, 20. V.iy J Ar.dirf:e fhal! negitft to hear them, tell it unto the Church : but if he negleft to hear the Church, let hiai he urto thee asan heatlien man, & ap'blicin.V.iS/lVerily I fay unto yon,thaE wharfot'ver ye fhili bindon earch^, fiiall bej bound in Heaven , and whatfoever ye fhall loofc on carcfi, fliall be looftdm Heaven. V.ip.] Again I fay unto you , That if two of you (hall agree on earth, as touching any thing that they (Tiall ask, it fhall bedone for them of my Father which is in Heav<.n. V. 20.J For where two or three are gathered together in my name,there am I in the midft of them. f Eph.2.2o.]Ai^d . I V. All Synods or Councils fince the Apoftles times, fonnSn of rhe A- whether general or partitular^may err, and many have P (lies andProtshers, erred. Therefore they are not to be made the rule of jtfos chriii himfdf Faith or pradice 3 but to be ufed as an help in .both e. being the chief cor- * * ner ftone. Aft. 17. 1 T. J Thefe were m>re noble than-thefe in Theffalonica, in that they received the word with all readinefleofmiiide, and fcarched the fcripturcs daily, whether thofe things were fo. i Cor.2.5.1 That your faith fli uld notftand in the wifdomof men, but in the power of God.- » Cor. 1.24. J Not for that we have dominion over your Faith , but are helpers cf your joy : for by Faith ye Ibnd. C/ J Luke 12. 13, V. Synods and Councils areto handle orconclude of 'tiK comotny f°id "othing but that which is Ecclefiaftical ; and are not to Lnt® him,* Mafter, intermeddle with Civil Affairs which concern the fpeak to myBrother, Common- wcalih , unleffc bv way of humble Petition that he divide the . > ^ ,■ i-' r-*j* c r * inheritance with me 1" caies extraordmary 5 or by way or Advice, for fatis- V.14.] And iiefaid fadion of Confcience,if they bc thercuntorcquired by rde'r'aMg"«tl« Civil Magiftrate/. a divider over you? John 18.36.] Icfiis anfwered,My kingdomisnotof this world : if my kingdom were of this world then would my Servants fight , that /fhould not be delivered to the Jcwes : but now is my king- dom not from hence. G H A P. X XXIt [105] CHAP. XXXII. of the flat e of Men after Dcxth^ and of the Refarrc&ion of the Dead THe Bodies of Men after Death return to duftjand fee corruption a : but their Souls (which neither C'*'^ Gen- 3.19.] in die nor fleep) having an immortal fubfiflence, ioime- '^^^ ^iSfthou el^ diately return to God who gave them ^. The Souls of bread, till thou re. the PvighteouSj being thenmade perfedin holinefTej f""^" ""^° ^^^5 aie received into the higheft Heavens , where they S!ft"hoSen?for behold the face of God in light and glory-, waiting for dufi thou arc, and the full redemption of their Bodies^ .• And the Souls ''"'^ durt thou fhalc <- t • I . n. • ^ IT 11 u 1 • • return. Acts 13 56. J of the wickeci are cait into Hell, where they remain in For David after he torments and utter darknefle, refervedto the Judge- ^^^ f^^^y^d his own ment of tlie great day d. Befides thefe two places for im'oS,^fel!'Sfl Souls r-para?^ed from their Bodies, the Scripture ac- lltep, and was laid knowledg-eth noae. • "'>^o '^'^ ^"^^^'■'"' ^ and law c rriiptiOH. {b) Luke 23. ^3.] And lefus faid uaro him, Verily I fiy unto thee, to day (lialt thou be with me in paradife. Ecclel. 12.7. J Thenfhall the dull retom to the earth as it was : and the Spirit fnall return unto God who gave ir. He' rcv.'s 12 2? ] To the general aiTcmblj' and Churclinfthcfirft born,which arewrittcn in Heaven, and to G~d the judge of all, and to the Spirits of juft men nudeperfed. 2 Cor. 5. 1,6,8. Vcrf 1.] For we know,rhar if our earthly houfe of this Tabernacle were dilT^l/ed, we have a building of God, an houfe not made wich fiands, eternal i)i the Heavens. Vcrf. 6.] Therefore we are alwalcs confident , knowing rhar whiieft we are at Iiomc in the body, we arc abfenr from the Lord. V. 8.3 We are confident, /fay, and willing rather to beablent from the body, and to be prefent with the Lord Phil. 1.25 3 ^^^ I am ma flra'ijht betwixt two,havjng a dtfire to depart,and to be wich Chrift w'h is far better. Aff".^. a 1.3 Whom che heavens mjfi rcccive,until the'irncs ofre- fUtution of ajl things^which God hath fpoken by the inoutli of all his holy l-rophets/ince the world began Eph.4.103 He thatdefcended, is thefam'-'alfo that afc-nd.d up fai' abave all Heavens, that he might fill all things, l^d) Like 16.25,24. Verfi:}. 3 And m HJ; he hft up his eyes being . in torments, and feeth Abraham afar ofF,and Lazarus in his bofumc. Veif.24.3 And hecrycdand faid. Father Abraham have mercy on me, and fend Lazarus that he may dip the tip of Ins finger- in watery .and cool my tongue, for lam:ormented in this fianie. Ads r.25.3 Thic he maytake part of this Niinif^ery and Apoftlefnip, from which judas by rran'greifion fell, chat he niighcgoto his own place, jude Ve 6,7, V. 6.1 And the Angels which kcptnct iheir fir(leflate,but left riicir- own habitation, he hath refervcd in everlaP.ing cliains under darknefle , unto the ];dgementof the great day. Verf^.l Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Cities al,«ouf them, in likemanner. giving rhemfeWes over to Fornication, and going after Arangc licfli, arcfet for an eManiple,L:ifcring the vengeance of eternal fire, ii^et.9.19.] By which alfo he went and preached tJntocheSpiiiis inPrifon. Q 2 ir.At (OiThcfr.4.i7l II. AtthelaftDayfuchasare found alive fhall not Then wc which are jje, but be changed e : and all the dead (hall be raifed fhaif be'iai:S'c''"p ^Ps^ith the fclf fame bodies.and none other, although together with tiicir* u ith difTerent qualltieSj which Ihall be united again lo m the clouds, /^"^ their Souls for ever f. nitet the Lard in the -' air, and fo fhiliwe ever be with the Lord, i Cor.i$.5r,52. Verf.^i.J Behold I fhtwyon a myftery, wefhallnoc all fleep , but we flia'.l be ail changed- Verf. 52.] /u a Moment , in the twinkling of an eye, at the lad trimip, fTor the Trumpet fhall found, and the dead fhall be raifed ineorrupcible, and we fhall be changed. 3 Qf^ lob 10. 16,27. .Verf.26.] And though after mvfkin, worms dtftroy this body, yet in my ficfh / Ihall fee God.Vcrf.27.] Whom /fhall fee for my felf, and mine eyes fhall behoid, and not another, though iny reins be confumed within me. j Gor. 15. 42, 4^, 44, Verf 42.] Soalfb, is the Refurreftion of tlit dead, it is fown in corruption, it is raifed in incorrupcion.V.43. j h isfown indiOionour, it is raifed in glory, it isfown in weakncfie, itis raifed in power. Verf.44._J ^cis fown a nicural body, it is raifed a fpiritual body, there is a natural body , and there is aipiricual body. Til. The Bodies of the unjuft (hall by the power of Chrlftjbe raifed to difhonour: the Bodies of the Juft C'g) Ads 24. ij] by his Spirit unto honour; and be made conformable And have hope t>?. to his own fflorious body g, wards God, which ° they themfclves alfo - ■ » allow, that there fhall be a Refurredion of the dead, b->th of the juft and unjiifi:. John §.28,29* Verf 28.3 Marvailnotat this, for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves fhall hear his voice j Verf. 29.] And fhall come forth, they that have done good, unto the Refurreftion of Life, and they that have done evil, nnto the Refurreftion of Damnation, i Cor 5.42.3 See in letter F. Phil.3.21.] Who fhall change oir vile body, that it'may be falVioned like unto his glo- rious body , according to the working whereby he is able even to fubdue all things unto hina- iclf. Chap. XX XIII. Ofthelaji Judgement, C«) Afts 17. 21. ] GO D hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the World in righteoufne(rebyJefusChrift4, to Becaufc he hath j^ jj Powci and Judgement is given of the Fa- appointed a day in ****^"' "*^* * v»t j o o the which he will judge the World in righteoufs, by that man whona he hath ordained, whereof he hath given affurance unto all Men, in that he hath raifed him from the dead. ther [107] ther h» Ifl which Day, not onely the Apoftate An- ru Johns. 22,27. gels fhail be judged r, but likevvife all perfuns that ^^"^/-^^l f'^"" ^^e have lived upon Earth Ihall appear before theTribu- Man,'^buthafhc^om° nalof Chrid:, to givean account pf their Thoughts^ "^'ffed ail judge. Words , aad Deeds^ and to receive according' to v?'-,T''^\''^f »• , , J • 1 n J 11 I V.27.J And hath gi- Wiiat they have done in the nody , whether good or veo him authority to evil a'. execure Judgement alfo becaafeheisthe Son of Man. (O 1 Cor.^.g .] Knov/ ye not that we fliall judge the AngeIs,how much more things that pertain to this life? judeVerfe 6.] See letter D. Chapter foregoing. 2 Pet 2. 4.] Fur if God fpared not the Angels that Tinned, but call them down to He!), and delivered them intochainsof darknefTe, to be ref^rved unto Judgement, {^d) 1 Cor.5 .1 o.] For we mufi: all appear before the judgement feacofChrifi, that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he harh done, whetherit begoodorbad..Ecclef.i2 14.J For God fhalj bring every work into Judgement, with every fecret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil. Rom. 2.11^.^ Infheday when Godfhall judgethefccretsof Men by JefusChrift, according to my Goipcl. Rom.4. 10,12. V.io.] Euc why doft thou judge thy Brother ? or why doft thou fet at nought thy Brother ? wefhaliall ihnd before the judgement feat of Chrift. Verf.i2.J So tjien everyone of Ui. fi.ail give account of himfelf to God. Matth. 12. 56,37. Verf. 3^.J But I fay unto you, tliat every idle word that Men fhall fpeak, they fhall give account thereof in the d ly of judgement. Verr.57.] For by thy words thou fiialt be jullified, and by thy words thou (halt be condemned. I I.The End of Gods appointing this Day , is for the manifcftation of the glory of his Mercy, in the eternal falvationoftheEle^itjandofhisJuftice, in the dam- ? nation of the Reprobate, who are wicked and difobe- dicnt. For then fhail the righteous go into everlafting Life, and receive that fulnefTe of Joy and R^frefliing which fhall come from the prefence of the Lord ; but the Wicked 5 who know not God, and obey not the t Gofpel of JefusChrift, (hall be caftinto eternal tor- ^ . ments, and bepuni{hed with everlafting deftrudion to tl^ "nd] SeeVn fromtheprefenceof theLord 3 and from the glory of t'^'eBihie.Rom.2.5, his Powers. ^ Verf5 jButafter thy hardneflc and impenitent heart, treafurelt up unto thy felf wrath againft the day of wrath, and revelation of the righteous judge- mctitof God. Verfd.J Who fhall render to every Man accorditig to his deeds. Rom.p. 22,23. Verf. 22.] Whatif God, willing to/liew l-is wrath, and to make his power knfwn, endured with much lon^ fuffering the veflels of wrath, fitted todcftruftion. Verf.23.] And that he might make known the riches of his glory, on the veflels of mercy which he had afore prepared unto glory, Matth. 25.21.] And his Lord faid unto him, Well done thou good and faithful fcrvant, thouhaft been faithful over a few things, 1 will make rhe niler over many things, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. Ads 3.19.] Repent ye therefore and be converted, that your finstnay be blotted out when the times of rcfrefliing i"hallcomc from the prefence of the Lord. '2 Thtff. 1.7, 8, 0,10. 'I See in the Bible. j' >?" j 0.5 ni.As Ei68.] ^ (/)2Pet.3.ii,T4. ^'I* As Chrift would have us tbbe certainly per- Verfii.] Seeing fwaded that there fliall be a Day of Judgement, both lhf."p.%Hi1V'!ft to deter all Men from Sin, and for the greater con fola- tnings moll be dil- . r.% ji • i • i /~ ^ /- ^ -n « i folved,what manner tion ot the godJy m their ad veifityj ; io will hehave of perfons ought ye that Day unktiown to Men, that they may (hake off converfadon^ ^S!d all carnall fecurity, iind be alwayes watchful, becaufe gcdiinefs. Verf.14.] they know not at what hour the Lord will come 5 and JldMeS'^thanee ^^^T ^^ ^ver prepared to fay, Come, Lord Jefus^come look for fi'ich things, quickly. Amcn^. be diligent thac yce " i ■ . ■ '/ ^ maybefoundof hifT. in peace, wittiout* fpot andbiemifh. 2 Cor. 5,'6,ii> Verfio.] See letter D. Verf.ihJ Knowing therefore theterrour of the Lord, we perfwadc Men -, but we are made nuni- feft unto God, aod i rrufi a!fo, are made manifeft in your confciences. 2 ThelT. i 5,<5,7. Verf.5.3 Which isamar.ifeft token of the righteous judgement of God, that ye may be counted wor;hy of the Kingdom of Gad, for which ye slfo fuff.r. Verf^.J Seeing it is a righteous thing with God, to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you. Verf. 7.] And to you who are troubled, reft with us, when the Lord fhdl be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels. Luke 21.27,28. Verf. 27.] And then (licill they fee the Son of Man coming in a cloud, with power ard great glory. Verf.28.] And when thefe things begin to come to pafs, then look up and lift up your heads, for yourredempriondrawethntgh. Rom.8. 23,24, 25 Verf 23] And not only they,' but our fclves alfo which have the (irfi;- fruits of the Spirit, even wcour felvcs groan within ourfclves, wa'uirg for the Adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. Verf. 14. J For we are faved by hope,b'JC hope thitis ften, isnot hope : for what a Man fcech, why doth he yet hope for ? Verf.25.3 But if we hope for that we fee nor, then do we with patience wait for it. (gj Mitth. 24.3 6,42,43,44. ] Seeintlie Bible. Markei3. 35, 36,37. Verf.35.] Watch ye therefore, for you know not when rhc Mailer of the iioufe cometh, at Even, or at Midnight, or at the Cock, crowing, or in the Morning. Verfgd.] Left coming fuddenly,he finde you fleeping. Vcrf.37.3 And what I fay unto yoi',T fay unto all 5 Watch, Luke 11. 35, 36. Verf 35.3 Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning, Vcrf.36.3 And ye your felvcs, Ike unto Men that wait for their Lord, when he will return from theWedding, that when he cometh andknpcketh, they may open unto him immediarely. Rev. 22 20.3 He whichreftiiieth thefc things, faith, Surely Iconic quickly. Amen. Even foc^fficLoroL ^£us. Charles Herle^ProlocutOT. Corftelius Ew^ger^ AflTefTor. i Herbert Palmer^ AfTelTor. Henry RobroHghe^ Scriba. ^cioKJramBjfieldyScnbsL. Jmj^rimatnr. JAMES CRANFORD. FINIS. ^ The Humble "A D V I C E| O F T H E ^ n ASSEMBLY i: F '^ dAt ^ Now by Authority of Pafliaipcnt fitting atg^^l/^i^ J 'JVESTM13^STB% ^ "^ Concerning ' |||^ A Larger CatechismEj, ^^ Prefented by them lately to both Houfts of ^ "^ PARLIAMENT, | JFif/? the Proofs thereof at large out of the Scriptures, ^►^ 1i. iitM^ m ^ L 2l^D N, ^Printed by A,Maxey for the Company of Stationers, and y.iJofAft'f/, at the Fountain in Cheapfide. .^1 •"vir^ V v iJr #'Ti^' -V -:.\ Uiotl ii:oci in iiHi [(|;if< xg- That they all may be one as thou Father art inme, and 1 in thec» that tViey alfo may be one in us, that th« world may belisvc that thou haft fent me j and the glory which thou gaveft me have I given them, that they may be one, even as we are ono, I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfed in oncj and chat the wprld may know that thou haft lent msjand haft loved them as thou baft l^ved mc. Qtieft. Ho9if doth it appear, that there is a God i Anfw. The very light ot Nature in man,and the works of God, declare thu there is a God% but his Word ' ^-'""; '•'?!'^^'" ' ' cjule that which may b: known ot God, is manifcftinthem, for God hathfhewed it unto them; For the inviGble things of him from the creation of the world, are clearly fcen, being underf^ood by the thinjjS that are msde, even his eternal power and Godhead, fo that they are withcut excufc. P/ai. 19. i, z, ^, The heavens declare the glory o( God , and the Firmament (heweth his handy-woik. D^y unto isy ut- tereth fpcech, and night unto night (heweth Knowledge. There is no fpsech nor Isnguage where their voice is no: beard. tASis 17. x8. For in him we livcj and move, and have cmc being. B and CO «i I Cor. i. 9, 10. Bat and Spiiic Only ^do fuffidcntly>and cffcdlually rcvcal hini as it is written , Eye ^j^^q n^gn for thcif falvation \ hath not Icenj nor car heard> neUher hsth it cmrcd into the heart of man , the things that God hath prepared for them that love him : But Gad hath revealed tfecm unto us by his Spirit, for the Spirit fearcheth all the deep things ofGad. 2 JTiwi. J. 1^3X6517. A»d that froci a child thou haft known the holy Scriptures, which arc able to make thee wife unto falvation, through faith which is in Ghrift Jcfus. All Scripture is jiven by infpiration, and is profitable for doftrinej for reproof, for correftioo, for inftiuftion in rijhteouf- ncfsj that the man of God may be ptrfcdj throughly furnlrtied unco all good works. Ip/.jp.xi. As for me, this is my Covenant with thee , faith the Lord, my Spirit whicti is upon thee, and my words which I have put into thy mouth, (hall not depart out of thy mouthj nor out of the mouth of thy f«ed,noc out of chjt moHchof thy Seeds feed, faitlichc Lsrd, from hcnceforch and for ever. •.rm/j.i^. Mi Qj^hatisthemrdofGodi Scripture is given by A, The Holy Scriptures of chc old and new Teftamcnt infpiration. X P«. ^re the Word of God ^ , the only rule of Faith and O- 1.19,10. We have 1 i- V alfo a more fure word bedlCnCe « of Prophecy, where- unto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that fliineth in a dark place until! the day dawn, and »hi day-ftar arife in your hearts. V.zo.] Knowing this hrft, that no propfeecy of the'Scripture is of any private interpretationi V.ti.'] For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of mjn,but holy men of ' God (pake as they were moved by the Holy Ghoft. ^ Bpb, i. 20. And are built upon the foundation of the Apoftlcs, and Prophets, Jefus Chrifthimfelf being the chief corner ftone, Rev.ii.18,19. For Xtcftifie unto every man, thstheareththe words of the prophecy of this book, if any man Ihall adde untothefethings, Gad (hall adde unto him the plagues that arc written in this book. V.i^i] And if any man (hall take away from the words of the book of this Prophecy, God (hall take away his part our , of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. "~* Jp»8.io, To the Law and to the Teftimony, if they fpeak not accordingto this word, it is bccaufd there is no light in them. L«i^e 16.19, ji. They have Mofes and the Prophets, let them hear them; if they believe not Mo/ef and the Prophets, neichcr will theybeperfwadcd chough one rofe from the dead. Gi/.i.8j9i But though we or an Angel from heaven, preach any other Gofpel un:o you, then that which we have preached unto you lee tira be accurfed. As we faid before, fo fay Inowsgain,if any man preach a.iy other Gofpci unto yoa^ then that ye have received, let him be accurUi. x Tiw.j. 1 y, 5 6. Before. Q^ florv doth it appear that the Scriptures are tht mrd \ of God ? \ zHofex 8.1 u I have j. The Sciiptufes manifeft themfelvesto be the word Trt^htoj*™ »; of God by theit Majcfty », and Purity S by the con. law, but they were counted as a ft range thing, i Cor. 1.6^7)1^, Howbeitvvefpeik wii'dom among them that are perfed,\? -yet not the wildom of this World, not of the Princes of this World that come to nought, but we J fpeak the wifdomof Godinamyfterie, even the bidden wifdom, which God ordained before the world t unco our glory. Which things alfo we fpeak,noE in the words which mans wi.'dom teacbeth, but which ' : the Holy Ghoft teacbeth, comparing fpiritual things with fpiricual. . PjJjI.J 19.18,119. Open thou ^i mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy kw. Ihy Teftimonies are wonderful therefore doth my foul kerp them. '' PfAl.ii.6, The words of the Lord are pure words; as filvtr tried ia a furnace of earth ', purified fevcn tiin;s, P/i/.i 19. 149. Thy word is very pur:, therefore tfey f?rvantlowh|c. . ■ fcnt, i l3l fcnt of all the parts '^ and the fcopc of the whole,; ^^,,0:4?. Tohita v;hich is to give all glory to God '^ •, by their light and g\jc ail ihe Piophets power to convince and convert fmners^ to comfort and hJs^namc^," horrv« buildup believers to falvation ; ^ but the Spirit of bear- kiieveth in him, ihail ing witnefs by and with the Scriptures in the heart of J-'"'''^3'\'J'fj°V^ man, i? alone able fully to pcrfwade it that they are the yj^g thereVrrobtaK Very word of God "". ned help of God , I continue unto this day, witoeflintbothtofmall and great, faying none other things thcnthofe which the Prophets and Mofa did Isy fliould come., ^ Root.j.i 9. Now wc know that what thinjs foever the Law faith, it I'aith to them who are under the Lawjthat every mouth may be ft -pped.and all the World btcomc guilty before God. ' >?^. i8.i8."For he mightily convinced ths JewSjand that publickly fijcwing by the Scriptcre thsc Jefus was ,C brill. HC&.4.12. For the wordof God is quick and powerful, and ftiatper then any two- edjcdfword, piercing even to tfee dividing afundcr of foul and fpirir, and of the ]oints and msrrowj and isadifcsrnfrof the thoughts and intents of the heart, t^aw.1,18. Of tisownwill bcgatheur, withthe wordof truth, that wc Ihould be akindof flrft fruits of his creatures. F/i/. 19.7,8 ,9. The Law of the Lord is perfcft converting the foul 5 the tcllimony of the Lord is fure, making wife the limple : thcftatutes of the Lord areri|hr, rejoicing the heart : the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightning the eyes t the fear of theLotdis clear, enduring For ever : the judgements of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. Rom.i^.^. For whatfoever things were written afore time, were written for our learning, that wc, through patience and ccmforc of the Scriptures might have hope. ASfs 10. ji. And now Brethren I commend you to God, and to the word of bis grace, which is able to buUdyouup, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are fanSified. ■" J0t.16.i5, 14- Howbcit when He the Spirit of Truth is come. He will guide you into all Trutbj for He Ihall noc fpeak of himfelf , but whatfoever He {hall hear, that ftiall He fpesk, and He will fliew you things to come. I ^obn i. zo. 17. But ye have an undion from the Holy Onc,3nd ye know all things. V. z7.]Buc the anointing which ye have received of Him, abidethinyou, and ye need not that any man teach you, but as the fame anointing teachtth you of all things, andistruth, and is no He, and even asithath taught you ye (hall abide in bim. ^obn so.ji.Butthcfcare writ ei that ye iTiight believe thsc Jefus is the Chrift, the Son of God, and that believing ye aught have life through his name. Q^ what do the Scriptures frincifally teach ^ A* The Scriptures principally teach, what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man ". n arm; 1. 1 J. HoM faft the form of found words J which thou haft heard of mc , in Faith and Love which is in Chrift Jefus. Q. what do the Scriptures make known of God ^ A, The Scriptures make known what God '^^''■i <>neh.\i 6 ^^trnt^h- the Pcrfons in the Godhead p , the Decrees \ outfahhilis impc'fri- bleto pleafe Grd;fojc he that Cometh toGod muftkliefCtbatheis, and that he is a rcwarder of them that diligently- feck him. P ?fo&»ji7. Fcr there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word , and the HolyGhoft, and thtfc three arc O.ie. i >lc?. u.14,1 J,i8. Simeon hath declaicd,how God ai the fiift did vifn the Gcniiles, to take out of them % people for his name V-M-l And tothis agree tl:: words of ±t Prophets as 'tis written V.i 8.] Known unto God are all bis works from the beginsiiftgot lbs World. B 2 and ' x?j 4 »7. 1 V^of and the execution of His Decrees ^ of a truth Jigsinlr the - holy child Jil'us, whom thou haft anointed, bothHsrod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the peeplc of Il'rsel weic gathered together. V.i8.] For to do whstfocvcr thy hand, and thy councel dc- «nnin:d before to be donc» I ^lobn 4. »4. GoJ Is Q^ JVhdt tS God ? ^!rftf''him'muft "*' ^^^ ^^ ^ Spirit ^ in and of himfclf Infrnite in wfliip him "^nSpiJit Beings- Glory", BlelTcdnefs % and Pcrfe6lion % All- and Truth. ' Exa. fufficicnt y, Ecernal *, Unchangeable % Incomprehenfi- ^nco'Mof« i^'alt ^1^ ^ Every where prefcm% Almighty^, Knowing all I am; and he faid, things % Moft Wife^, Moft Holy s, Moft Juft\ Moft thus (haltthou fay un- ^ej-cifui and Gracious, Long-fuffcring 5 and abundant to the Children of If- . j p , i ° °' raei, I ^3fhathfent m goodnefs and truth. me unto you. Job 11.7,^ 9. Canft ihou by feacching find oat Gad? canft thou find out the Al- mighty unto pcrfcdion? ic is as high as Heaven, what canft chou do? deeper then Hell, what canft thouknow? the meafure thereof is longer then the earth, and broader then the fea. '' tkS.j.i.Tht God of Glory appeared unto cur Father Abrahamjwhen he was in Mcfopotamia before he dwelt in Char- ran. * I Tim. 6.1 5. Which in his times he (hall fticw, who is the blclTed and onely Potentate, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. " Mmb.^.^i. B: ye therefore perfed even as your Father 'Who is in Heaven is perfed. y Gen. 17. i« When Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram and faid to him, I am the Almighty G^d : walk before me and brthoupsr- fcd. z Pfal. ^0.1. Btfore the Mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadft formed the earth andtheiworld, even from everlaftingto everlafting thou art Gnd. ^ ftfiii.3,6. For I am the Lord, I change not 5 tkerefore ye the fons of Jacob arc not confumed, lim. 1.17. Ewy good gift and every perfeft gifc is from above, snd Cometh down from the Father of light, with whom is no variable- ncfj, neither fliidow df turning, ^ il^Jng.S.ij. But will God indeed dwell on the earth? be^ •Mold the heaven end heaven of heavens cannot contain thee j how much lefsthis houfe that! I^ave ■built? ' Pfd.i^^i. to I J. O Lord, thou haft fearched meand knownmcj thouknoweSmy down-fitting and mincup-rifing, and thou uiderftindcft my thoughts afar off, &c. d Rm we have to do. Pfit. 147. y. Great is che Lord and of great power i his underftanding is Infinite. ^ ^m.i6.i7. To God onely wife iie glory through J efus Chrlft, for ever. Amen. s Ifn-^i- Andontcried unto another and faid , Holy, liolyistheLordof Hoftsj ths whole earth is full of his glory. R€v. ij. 4- Who (hall not fear thee O Lord and glorifiethy name ? for thou onely srt holy •• for all nations fhall come and wcrfliip Wfore thee, for thy judgments-are made maniuft. ^ Veut. j i.4.He h the rock J his work is perfeft : for all his>ayes are judgment j a God of truh and without iniquity, juftand right is he. ' Exoi. 54,6. The Lord paffed by beforeiiim and proclaimed, the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gradousj bng-fuftjripgand.«bundant in goodnefs and truth. Q. Art there more Gods then One < fc Prw 6.4. Hear O ^, There is but one onely.the living and true God ^* llracl, the Lord our ■" r , a- 1 • /• .r God is one Lor>^. iCw.8.4.6. As concerning therefore the eating of things oft:rcd in lacrihccto Idols, we know that an Idol is nothing in the world, and thw there is none other God but one. Bat to us there is but one God, the Father ,of whomare all things and we.inhim, and one Lord Jefus Chrift, by whom are all things and we by htm. Icr.io.io. But the Lord is the true God , be is the iiviftg God, and an everlafting Kin; J at his wrath the wrth fljsil tremble, and .;bc nations AsU not be ^e to abide bis indignation. QI.HO0 en Q:. fJorvm&u^fcyfons are there in the Godhead? A. There be three perfons m the Godhead, the Father, \^J^^^ ^j^J; ^^^ the Son, and the Holy Ghoft-, and thefe three are one, bea"r«ord\nhcavc" true, eternal God, the fame in fubftance, equal in power the Father, the WorJ, and glory, akhough diftinguiflied by their pcrfonal -j '';',» ^'j,^,^t; properties ^ one. Mmh.i.\6,\i, Aad Jefus when be was bapt'xed, went up ftral|htway out of the water, and loe the heavens were opened unto htm j and he faw the Spirit of God defcendinj like a Dove and lighting upon him. And lo: a voice from hea- ven, fayinj. This is my beloved Ion, in whom I am well plcafcJ. Af4«a8. 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in thenamc of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. iCor.ij.M. The grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and the love of Gad, and thj communion of the Holy Ghoft be with you all. Arati). jfo&.io.jo. I and my Fathcrare one. Q^ WhM Ate the perfcnal properties of the three Verfons in the Godhead <; A, It is proper to tht Father to beget the Son "\ and ^ "f '^J^^^Jf \^^ to the Son to be begotten of the Father ", and to the Anscirfaid he°at any Holy Ghoft to proceed from the Father and Son from all umc, Tfaou art my #»f^rnfrvo fon, this day have I ^^^^"*V • begotten th:e ? And »gaio, IwillbetoHlmaFither, and He fhall be to me a Son. And again when he brings in the firft begotten into the world, he faith, And kc all the Angels of God worfhip him But unto the Son te faith. Thy Throne, O God, is for ever and ever 3 a fceptcr of righteoufntfs is the fcepter of thy Kingdom. " ^ohn 1.14,18. And the word was made fli(b, and dwelt among uj, and we b> held his glory, the glory as of the onely begotten of the Fa her, full of grace and tru.h. No man haih fee n God at any time: The onely begotten Son which is in the bofom of the Father, he hath de- clared him. ° lohn i $. i6. But when the Comforter is come whom I will fend unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth which proceedfth from the Father, he (hall teftific of me. Giljt. 4.6. A«d beca»fc ye are fons, God hmbfent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Ao- ba, Father. Q. Horv doth it appear that the Son and the Holy Ghofi are God equal rvith the Father i A* The Scriptures manifeft , that the Son and p gp^ ^ ^.^.g j^^^ the Holy Ghoft arc God cquall with the Fa- one cicd unto another thcr , afcribing unto them fuch names i\ attri- ?"f ^^'^l^^l^' ^o'y» TO 3 holy is the Lord of Hofts jthe whole earth is full of his g!ory--«Then faid I, Woe is me for I am undone, bccaufe I am a man of unclean lips, for m ine eyes have fcen the King the Lord of Hofts .' -—Alfo 1 heard the voict of the Lord,faying, Whom (hall I fend ? and whowJl go tor us ? then I faid, hcream I, fend me.Tbis compared with loh. 1 2.4 1 . Thefe things laid Elaias, when he faw His glory, and fpak? of Him. And with jiSf. x8.z y. And when they agreed not among themfelvts they departed, after that Paul had fpokcn one word. Well fpakc the Holy Ghoft by Efaias the Prophet to our Fathcis. i hh.^,io. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an underftanding, that we may know him that is true J and we arc in him that is true, even in his fon Jefus Chrift j this is the true God and eternal life. »/4ff . y. j54.ButPeter faid, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghoft, and to keep back part cfthe price of the land? whiles it remained, was it not thine own ? and after it was fold, was ic not in thine own power ? why baft thou conceived this thing in thy heart? thou h^ft not Ucd Uiuo meoi ,i"^mCoi,^ - 3^ jj^jjj,^ - ;^ i nio&rt i.i. ittthe butcs q" works % and worflilp^. are proper to God btginning was the t ' ' * ' r r *^ ^\j\a. nord, aad the word OnCly. was with God j and the word was God. l(a.9.6. For unto us a Son Is born, unto us a child is given, «nd the government (ha!l bsupon lis (houldcrj and his nam; (hall be called WonderfuljCounfeiior, the mighty GoJ, the everlafting Fjicher,thc Prince.of peac;. Ub. i.>4- 25. But Jefus did not coTimit himfeh unto ihcm ; bceaufeh: knew all men, and needled not that any Ihouid teftifie of man j for he knew what was ia man! I Cor.i.iojii. Bjt God hath revealed them to us by his Spirit j for the Spiric fearchetii all things, yoa the deep things of God. For what pian knoweth che ihings of a man five the fpiii: of man chat is in him ? even fo the things of God knows no man, biit the Spirit oi God. ' Colof. 1.16. For by him were all things created, that are in hesven and that arc in earth, vifible and invifiblc, whether they be Thrones or Dominions j or Principalities , or Powers } all things were created by him and for hi 71 Gea.1,1. And the earth was without form and void, and datknefs was upon the face of the earth, and the Spirit cf God moved upon the face of the waters. ^ Mmh.12.i9. Go ye therefore and ccachali na ions baptizirg them in the name of thcFathjr,and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. 2 Cor. 1:^.1^.. The grace cf the Lord Jefus Chrift, and the love of God, and the Gomuiuaion of the Holy Ghcft be with you all, Amen. Q^ W^at are the Decrees of Godi A, God's Decrees are the wife, free, and holy 3(51:5 of /Ep&.4.ir. inwhom thecounfel of his will % whereby from all eternity, he aifowebavc obtained hath for his own glorv, unchan2;eably fore-ordained an inheritance, beint ...u ..r ° r- - ^ r • n predeftinated acccord- wnatlocver comes topafs in tin:ie% clpccially concern- ing to the purpofc cf ing Angels and men. him who workech all things after thecounfel of his own will. Row.i1.33. O the depth of the riches both of thewifdom and knowledge of Gad 1 how unfearfbable are his judgments and his wayes paft finding ou. '. Fm.9. J4>ir> 18. VyhatihallvYe fay then? Is there unrighteoufncfs with God? God forbid. For he fai h toMofcs, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will hate compaffion on whom I will have coinpaflion. Therefore he hath mercy on whom he will have mercy, snd •* horn he will he Lardeneth. " Ep';. 1.4, u. According as he hath chofen us in him before the found ntftn of the worljd, that we ftiould be holy and without blame before him in love. •. In whom aiioweb^avc obtained an inheritance, being predeftinated accordingxo the purpofe of him, who worketh all things after the eounfel of bis own will. Rm.^.ii,!^. What if God, willing to fhtw bis wrath asd to make his power known, endured whh much long-fufi'crieg the vtflels of wrath fitted to deftrudior, and that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vefTrls cf mercyj which he had before prepared unto glory? T/j/.jj.in Thecounfel of the Lord ftandcth for ever 5 the thoughts of his heart unto all generations. Q^ What hath God efpecially decreed concerning Angels and men ? A, God by an eternal and immutable decree, out of his mcer love,for the praife of his glorious grace to be ma- ^irmfiii.icharge "^^'^^^^'^^"^"^^'"^^» ^^^^ ^ledcd fome Angcls to glo- theebefoteGod, and ry "^5 and in Chrift hath chofen fome men to eternal the Lord Jcfu^Chrift, and the eieft Angtls , than tbou obferve ebefe things without preferring oae before another 3 .4oinjj oothinj by piriiality. life, ' [7] Hfe,andthc means thereof % andalfo according to his^^E^^. 1:4,^5. ac« fovercign power, and tfte unfcarchable counfel of his cording as he hath own will, (whereby he cxtendeth.or withholdeth favour, forV"hc foundTuons as he pleafeth) hath palTed by and foreordained the reft to of the worlds that wc difhonor and wrath, to be for their fin infliaed,tothe ;^°S^^,tlamiU"tl praife of the glory oi his jufticc y. him in love, having predeilinat(d us unto the adoption of children by JsfusChriftj tohlmfclf, according to the goo^ pleafure of his willj to the praife of the|loryof his grace wherein be hath made us accepted in the beloved. iThef.t. ijj 14. But we are bound to give thanks to God alway for you, Brethren, beloved of the Lord, becaufc God hsth from the beginning chofcn you to faivaiion through fanftification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth i whcreunto he called ycu by thc'Gofpji, to the obtaining of the glory of the Lord Jtfus Chrift; r T^cm^,\7,i9 iijzi. For the Scripture faith unto Pharaoh, even for this fame purpofe have I raifed theeup,thst I migh:(he\arn:^ypower inthee, and that my nrme might be declared throughout all the earth; Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. Hit h not thePotru- por^'cr over his clay of the fame lump to make one veffel unto honour end ano- ther unto diftiono;? What if God willing to (hew his wrath and to make his power known} endured with much long-fufFcring the vcffels of wrath fitted to deftruftion ? A/<««fr.ii. 15,16. At that time Jcfus anfwerf d and faiJ, I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and Esrth, becaufc thou haft hid thefc things from the wii'c and the prudent, andhaft revealed them unto Bibes. Even fo. Father, for fo it fecmcd good in thy fight. ^Tim.^.^o. But in a great houfe there arc not onely veffels of gold and of fii ver, but tlfo of wood and of earth, and lomc to honor and fome to diftionor.I«ie v.4. For there are certain men crept in uinawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnscionjungodly men,turn«> ing the grace of God into vrsntonncfs, denying the onely God and our Lord Jefus Chrift. i Fet.z.S. Andaftoncof ftumbling, and arockof ofFcncctothenathacftwmble. at the wotd being difobedkntj whcreunto alfo they were appdintcal. ' "~ Q^ How doth God execute his Decrees 'i A. God execuccth his Decrees in the works of Crea- tion and Providence 5 according to his infallible fore- knowledge, and the free and immutable counfel of his, Ef&.i.ti,inwhotn own "W ill ^. alio we have obtained am inheritance, being ptedcftinated according to the purpofe of Him, who wotketh all things Recording |t iha counfcli of His own Will. Q. WhAt (S the nor k of Creation i " A, The work of Creation is that, wherein God did in the beginning, by the word of his power, make of no- thing , the World and all things therein, for himfelf, ' _^ within the fpace of fix dayes, and all very good \ ThrSuJh ^at" wl underftand that the Worlds were framed , by the word of God ; fo that things which arc feen, were not made of things which daappear. Prcva 6,4, The Lord hath made all thio''^ for biinfel F, yei even the wicked fat the day of cvLI. " a ■ Q^ Botif did cod credte Angels i ^ccu.u. For by A. God Created all the Angels^, Spirits *=, Im- bim were all things niortaH, excelling iitknowledge^, mighty in power^, h«ven, snd that are ^^ cxccutc his Commandments, and to praife his name \ in ear'b, vifiblc and yet fubjcdl tO changC '. invjfiblc , vYhethcr they be Thrones, or Do!nin!ons, or Prineipalicies, or Powers, all things were created by him and fjr him, <^ Pfal.ioi.^. Who mjketh his Angels Spirits, hisMinifterJaflamc of fire. << Muttb. 21.50. ForinthcRcfurrcdionthey neither mBrry, nor are jiven in marriage, but areas theAnjels cf Godinhcavcn. « M and have dominion over thefiiliof thcfea, and o?«i: the fowlc of the aire, ando?cr every living thing ih£c moveth upon cbc earth. " Gen.i.6. And when the wtmanfaw that the tree was good for tooJ, and plcafant to the eyesj and a tree CO be dsfired to make one wife, fhetookof thi? fruit thereof, and diJ eat, and gave air's unco her liusbsnd with her, and he did eat. Eccl.j.i^: Los this onely have I found, thac Go^made man upright} but they have fooght ous many inventions. Q^ what are Gods works of Providsnce i * prix The A. God's works of Providence are his mod holy "*"? L^ri'^Ys'^nght^ous in wife =^3 and powerful preferving y , and governing all all his wayes, and ho- his creatures \ ordering them and all trieir adions %^1 'pf,t\o^''rl'^% to his OlVn glory ^ Loid how manifold are thy works I in Kvifdom haft thou made them all J thecanhisfullof thy riches. Ip. x8, 19. This alfo comctb from the Lord of hofts, who is wonderful \n ccunfdling and excellent inwoiking. y Heb. 1. 5. Who being the bri'htnefs of hisglcry, and the cxprefs image of his pafon, and upholding all things by the nord of his power, when he had by himfclf purged our finJ, fate dcstn on the right hand of the Majcft/ onhigb. z P/d/. 103.19. The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens, and his Kingdom ru- ietb over all. ^ AfdW. 10.29,30,5 r. Are not two fpsrrows fold for a farthing, and one oi them fliall not fall ta the ground without your Father ? but the very hairs of yoar head are all numbred. Fear not therefore ye are of more value then many fparrowes. Gen, 47. 7. And God fcnt me before yourtopicfervcyouapofteticyintheeartb, ,and tofave your lives by a great deliverance, ^ Rom. 11.36. For of him, and through him, and to him are all tkings ; towhom be glory forever, Amen. J/i.63.14. Asa beaft goes down into the yalley, theSpidtof iheLord caused him to reft J fodidil thou lead chy people, to make thy felf a glorious name. Q^ fvhat is Cods Providence towards the K^iin- gds < A, God by his Providence permitted fome of the Angels , wilfully and irrecoverably to fall into fin, and damnation *=, limiting and or- ' 5F«i and delivered tbem iho chaius of dark- nelTe to be refcrvcd unto judgment Hcb.i.i6. For verily he tooknct onhimthenatu;eo| Angelsj but he took en him the r«(i of Abraham, ^obn 8.44. Y: arc of your f?.:het the D:v:li sna the lufts of your father ye will do j he was a munherer from the bcginnir.gj and abode not in the tru:h, bccsufe there iioo truth in him j \\hen he fpeaketh a lie, he fpsakecLof his owrij for he ij a liar and :he fatherof it. J ^obi.iz. And the Lord Taid unto Satan, B;hold all tbachc hath is in thy power, onely upon himfdf put not forth thy handj fo Sacan went f^ah hoai the prcfcnce of d^e Lord. Mm. 8.ji. And the Diviis befoughc him, faying, If thou cait us out, fuftcr us togoa>tuy into the hesrd of fwine. - C nc(rc% 'iTm.^.tx.ichiviiricffQc'^ imploylng them all ^, at his pleafure, in the iL^ L*ord jefus^'chTift adiiiiniftration of his power, mercy, and juftice s, andchcelcd Aii^cl3> that thqii obfervc ihefc things, withouc preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality.' MmIi.9,18. Wi^orocvecthereForefiijllbealiamcdof me, andof my words in this adulterous and fin- ful generation, of himalfo Hiallthe Son cf m;m b: a(h am;d when he comes in th; glory of his Fa- ther, wich the holy Angels. Heb. ti.zi. Bat ye are com: unto Mount Sion, and unto the City ci the living God, the heavenly Jerufalem, and to an innumiirabk company of Angels. ^ FfiL io4.*.Whomakethhis Angels Spirits, his MLiivters a flaming firr. s iI(^frt.i9.}5,.And itcameto pafsthat night that the Angel of the Lord went out and fmote in the camp of the AiTyrians 185000. sind when they arofc early in the morning, behold they were all dead corpfes. Heb. i. 14V Are they noc fll miniftring Spidcs, feat forth to minifter for thsm who fliall b: heitcs of falvation ? Q^ IVhat rvas the Providence of Godtomrd man in the e[late wherein he ivas created ? A, The Providence of God toward man in the eftate wherein he was created, was, the placing him in Para- dife, appointing him to dreflfe ic, giving him liberty to eat of the fruit of the earth '% putting the creatures un- {, Qen.iX ir ii. der hisdominion '\ and ordaining marriage for his help ^, AndtheLord planted affording him communion with himfelf ^, inftituting the fl Garden Eaftward in Sabbath", cntrins into a covenant of life with him, Eden , and there be ,i . r r \ c c^ j 11 pat the man whom he upon condition ot perfonal, perrea, and perpetual obe- had formed— V.I 5.] dicncc ", of which the Tree of Life was a pledge °, and .tH.';.„dpucSm forbidding to eat of the Tree of knowledge of into the garden of E- . dentodreli'eic , and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the msn, faying, Of every tree of the garden thou maift freely eat. ' Gen.i.zi. And Goi blefied them and faid unto them. Be fruitful and multiply andreplenillithceirth, and fubdue i:, and have dominion oyer the fi(h of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveih upon the earth. •^ Gen.i.\S. And the Lord God faid. It is not good that tlie man (hould be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. ^ Gc«.i, 16,17,18, 19. And God faid. Let us mskc man in cur own image, after our lik,eneffe, and lee him have dominion over the fiih of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and o/cr every creeping thing that crceptth upon the carthjfo God created man in his own image? in the image of God created lie him , male and female created he them. And God bleflcd them, and faid unto them. Be fruitful, and multiply and replenifli the earth, Sec— — >^ God faid, Bshold I have given you every herb bearing feed, upon the face of the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yiulding feed, to you it (hall be for meat.]' Gen. |{.8. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of th: diy j- and Adam and his wife hid themfelvcs from the pretence of the Lord, amongft the trees ef the gar- den. "* Qen.i.i. And God blefl'cd the feventh day, andfandified itj bscaufe that in it he had refted from all his work which God created and made. " Gd.i.i 2. And the Law is not of faith j ^ bar the man th It doth them (hall live in them. Kom.xo.'). For Msfesdefcribes the tighteoufnefs which ss of the Law, thst the msn who doth thofe things ihall live by them. ° (jcni.^. And out of the ground mat'e the Lord Gjd to grow every tree that is pleafant to the fighr, and good for feed t the tree of life alfo in the midli of the. garden , and ^h? tree of knowledge of good and «¥il, . good: ebod and evil l Upon pain of death p. p GenxW. But of o ^ _ _ ^^' "*^ ^^ knowledge of {ood and evil, thou (hale not eat of it: for in the day thou etfeft thereof, thoa foalt Curdy 4ie. Q. Did man continue in that ell ate rvherein C»d at fir ft created him i A, Our firft Parents being left to the freedom of their own f;i'll , through the tcmptnrion of Satan, tranfgrelTed the commandment of God, in eating the forbidden fruit, and thereby fell from the eftate of In- r,Qcn.-i.6,7,%, t^; nocency, wherein they were created "i. Ana when the woman faw the tree was good for food, and pleafant to the fijht, and a tree to be defucd to make one wife, fhe took of the fruit rhr reof and did eat, and gave alfo unto her husband with her, and he did est. And the eyes of them both were cptned, and thsy knew they were naked, and they fcwed fig-leaves toj^ether and made themfelvcs aprons. Andthey heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden, in the cool oi the day » and A-lam and his wife hid themfelvcs from the prcfence of the Lord amongft the trees of ihe jarden V.ij.] And the Lord God faid unto the woman, what is this that thou baft done? and the woman faid. The ferpent beguiled me, and I did ear. EccLj.ig. Loe thisontlyhavel foand, thatGodmsde nianupright,butthey have fought one many inventions, i (/Jr. 11.3. But I fear left byany means as the ferpent beguiled Eve through bis fubjilty, fo your minds be corrupted from the fimplicicy that is inChrlft. Qi Did all mankind fall in that firft T'ranfgref fion^ A. The Covenant being made with Adam as a publick perfon , not for himfelf onely, but for his po- fterity, all mankind dcfcending from him by ordinary ceneration^ finned in him and fell with him in that firft ' 'l^-*^- »^- And ^ c rc' r ' hath made of one tranlgreliion . blood all nations of men, for to dwell on the f tec of the earth, and hath determined the times before-appojmed, and the bounds of their habi- tation, f Gfn.2.16317. And the Lord commanded the aian, faying, Of every tree of the garden thoamaift freely cat; but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil thou ihalt not eat of itj tor on the day that thou eateft' thereof thou (hal: furely die. Compared nlth Row. 5. from v. 1 1. to v. ^o, VVberefcre 3$ by one man fin entrcd into the world, anddeath by fin, and fo death paiici upon all m::n, for th».r all hairc finned V.18.] Therefore ashy the rfiTence of one, jad^m^nt catne rom all to condemnation; even fo V.19.] For as by onemar/s difobedirrce many were made (iu::t:s : lO by thejobcdicncc &c And With i Cor.i f .xi,t2. For fince by m;n came de?tb, by n-jan came aho the refurrcdion of the dead. For as in Adam all die ; even fo in Chtift iliail all be mate alive. Q. Into rvhat estate did the fall bring mankind i ' A, The Fall brought mankind into an eftate of fin 'R^mx. where- and mifery ^ fore as by ore Oia.. Im ^ cnttfiinto rhe world and death by fin, and Co death psffr- -.ipon all men j for that all have finned; Rowj.j.ij.Forsllhjvc finned and come flio:t of the glory of God.- C 2 QJVhat [123 A, Sin is any want of conformity unto, or tranfgrer- » i^oh ?4 wbofo ^°" °^ ^"^ ^^^^^^ ^°^' S^^^" ^^^ rule to the reafon- ever commkteth fin, ^^^e CreatUrC ". tranfgrelfeth alfo th: Law } fox (in is the traafgrcffijnof tbe Lsw, Gd-i. lo-i i. Fjr as many as are of the works of the Law, are under the curfe i for ft is written, Curfcdis everyone that coacinucthnotinall thines which are wiitcen in the book of thcLsw todothcoi And the LawJsnocof faith j but themjn that doth them (hall live in them. © Q. wherein c on ftficth the finf nine fs of that eft ate where^ into man fell'i ^ A, The finfulncfs of that eftate wherelnto man felL WheS;re«l7"on;co"fi^^th^"t^eg"i^'^of Adam^^ firft fin *, the want of man fin entred into that rightcoufnefs whctein he was created, and the cor- the^orid, and death ruption of his nature, whercby he is utterly indifpofed, paffcd'upon aU men, difablcd, and made oppofite unto all that is fpiritually tor that all have fin- good, and wholly inclined to all evill, and chat conti- afbTTaeman's^dffo' "^ !^^^c^ '^ commonly Called original fin, ^^nd bedicnce many were ftom which do procced all aduall tranfgreflions y. made finners, fo by the obedience of one man (hall many b: made righteous." == J^owt.j.fromv. lo.to v. lo.' Asie is written. There is none righteous, no not one. V. » i .] There is none thacunderftandcth, there is none that fceketh after God. V. 1 2.] They are all gone out of the way,they are altogether become unprofita- ble, there is none that doth good no not one. V.13.] Their throat is an open fepulchre, with theic tongues they have ufed deceit, thepoifonof afpes is under their lips. V.14. ] Whofe mouth isfulf of carfin J and bicternefs. V.if.]Tfaeir feet arefwifttofiiedblooJ. V.16. Deftruftion and mifery ?tre in their way es. V. 17.] And the way of peace have they nor known. V.i*.] Tbere is no fear of God before their eyes. V.19.] Now we know that what things foevcr the law faith, it faith to them who are under the law ; that every mouth may be ftopp:d, and all the world may become guilty beforeGod. Epb. i.i,i,^. And you bath he quickened who were dead in trefpaffes and fins j wherein in time paft ye walked according to the courfe of the world> according to the Prince of the power of the air, the fpiric that now workcth in the children of dlfobedience ; Among whom alfo we all had our coa?er(ationintimespaft,iniheluftsof ourflifli, fulfilling the defircs of the flefiiandof the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. Rom. ^,6. For when we were yet withou: ftrength, in due time Chrift died for the ungodly. Rom.i.7,S. B^caufethe carnall mind is enmity againft God j for it is not fubjeft to the law of God, neither indeed can be , fo then they that are in the fltfh canaot plcafc God. Gen. 6, 5. And Goi faw that the wickednjfs of man was great in the earth, and that every imsgination of the thoughtsof his heart was onely evil continually. y ^am, 1 . 1 4, 1 ^. But every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own loft and enticed. Then when laft hat^ conceived, it bringcth forth fin, and fin when it is finiihed, bringeth forth death. Mitt. 1 f . 1 9. IForoutof the heart proceed evil thojgh.s, murders, adulteries, fornications j thefts, falfe-witncfs, blafphemics. Q^ How is Original ftn conveyed from our firft P^-- rents unto their pofterity ? A, Original {In is conveyed from our firft Parents unto [133 unto their pofterity by naturaf generation ^ Co as all that proceed from them in that way, are conceived and ^P/a/.fi:?. CthoMi 1 :- /;« r was fliaocn in iaiqui- born m lin -. ^^^ and in fm did my mother conceive me. ^tfj 14.4. Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean ? notone^ Jo&i^f. 14. What is man t bar he fliould be clean, and he that is born of a woman cha: he fhould be righteous ? ^ob.$.6, TiJac which is born of che &:(h is flefhj and that which is born of the Spirit is Spiiic. ; Q^ What mifery did tJse Fall bring upon ?nankmd'; A. The Fall brought upon mankind the lofs of com- munion with God% his difpleafure andcurfe, foas wc,-^ ,« .- are by nature children ot wrath ^, bond-uaves tpSa- And they heard the than^ and juftly liable to all puniflitnents in this world, ^oi^c of the Lord and that which is to come \ «i"f ;i^ - i*^ the day > and Adam and his wife hid chtmfelves from the prefcnce of the Lord, amonjft the trees of the garden ' V.io.] And he faid I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, bccsufe I was naked j and I hid myfelf V.i4.] So he drove out the man, and he placed at the Eaft of thegardtnot Eden Chcrubims and a flaming fword, which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. ^ Ep'l. ».2,j. Wherein in times paft ye walked, according to the courfe of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the fpirit that now workethin the children of difobcdience ; amon^ft whom alio we all had our conrerfation in times paft, in theluftsof our fleftr, fulfilling the dtlircsof the Ecflij and of the mind, ^nd were by nature the children of wrath even as others. " z Tim. i.i6. And that they may recover themfelves out of thefnare of che Devil, who arc taken captive by him at his will. '^ Gtn.i.ij. But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou (halt not cat of it J for in the day thou eateft thereof thou (halt fureiy die. Lami.igt Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punifliment of his fins? Kom.O.xi. The wages of fin is death j but the gift of God is eternal life through Jefus Chrift oar Lord. M4». 15.41 46. Then (hall he fay a!fo to them on the left hand, depart from me ye curfed into everlafling fire, prepared for the Devil and hisAnjcls V.4^.] And thefe (hall go away into cverjafting puni(hment J but the righteous into life eternal. J«ic v.7« Even as Sodom and Gomorrha,and the cities about them, inlik? m inner giving themfelvesovec CO fornication, and ^oingafcci,ftrangeflc(h, are fee forth for an example, fuffering ^hc ven^cincc of eternal fire* Q;^ what arethefunijhments of fin in this world'* A, The punifhments of fin in this world, are either inward, as blindnefs of mind% a reprobate fenfc', ftrong 'jjf^^^/"^* 'fv^^*' .delufionss, hardnefsof heart '^j horrouroi confcience', i^g^dsrkned being t [ licnated from the life of Gadj through the ignorance that is in them, becaufe of the blindnelle of theirheact. ^Rom.i.x'i. Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, G^d gave them over to a reprobate mindj and to do thofe things which are not convenient. s x Theff.i. 1 1 . And for this caufe God lliall fend them ftrong delufions, that they (hoald believe a lie. '' Km. 1.5. But aftev tby hardnei's and impe- nitent heart, trealureft up unto thy fclf wrath againft the day of wrath, and r^^velation of the righteous judgment of God. • J/rf.jj.M. The finners in Zion are afraid j fcarfulncfs hath furpriz?d the hy- pocrites. Who among us (hall dwell wuh devouring firei" virho among us (hall dwell with evcrhfting burnings? Ge«.4.»>.And Cain faid unto the Lord,mypuni(hment is greater then I can bear. Mm,. ^7.4 — Sjying, i have betrayed innocent blood j and they faid, What is that to us ? fee thou \.q tha^j ' C I and ^RomXr^. For this jnd vIIc flffeiflions ^% Or outward ] as the curfc of uploy^k aSions^ Goduponthc ctcaturcs for out fakes^, and all other evils ' for even theic women that befall US iti our bodics, namcs, eftatcs, relations, and did change theirnstu- implovments «", together with Death it fclf ". rdufc into that which r j j d is againft nature. ^ Gen.^.17. And unto Adam he faid, Becaufe thou haft hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and haft eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee , fayinj., Thou (halt no; eat of !t J Cufftd is the ground for thy fake , in forrcw fhalt thou eat of it all the dsycs of thy life. '" 'Deitt. i8.i f , to the end. But it ftall come to psfle if thou wilt not hearken unto . the voice of th: Lord thy God, to obferve to do all his commandments, and his flaturcs which 1 hv,'a com re and fd thee this day, that all thcfc curfcs fiiall come upon thee and overtake thee j Gurfed (hilt thou be in the city, srd carfed fhalt thou be in the fidd j curfcd Ihail be thy basket and thy ftore. Gurfed (hall he the fruit of thy bo- dyj and of thy land, &c. " Rom,6.zi-~i^. What fruit had ye then in rhofe things, whereof ye are now aihamrd ? for the end of thctJ things is death——* V.zJ.] For thcwjjcsof finis death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jefus Cbrift our Lord. QJVhat are the funijhments of fin in the world to come i A, The punifhments of fin in the world to come, arecvcrlafting reparation from the comfortable prefence *j, rfcfj/.i.p. Who God, and moft grievous torments in foul and body ««iWuatn without imcrmiffion, in Hdl-fire forever". from the prefence of the Lord, and the glory of his power. M J. The Covenant of Grace was made with Chrlft, as the fccond Adam, and in him, with all the ekd as his , qa.i.\6. Now to i^t^ ^« Abraham and to his feed were the promifcs made, be faithnotto fceds,a$many,bucasof one, and to thy feed which is Chrift. Row. y. 15. to the end. Of which before. I/^i.jj.io.ii. Yet it pleafcd our Lord to bruifc him, he hatb put hiai to grief, when thou fliilc make his foul an offering for fm, be (hall fee his feed, he (hill prolong his daye,?, andthepleafureof the Lord (hall profper in bis hand. V.ii.] He (ball fccof the travel o( his foul, and(hallbcfatisficdi by his knowledge (hall myrightcoujfcrvaac jaftific manyj fo^ he (hall bear theu; fni Q^ How is the grace of God mauifeficd in the fecond Covenant ? A, The grace of God is manifeftcd in the fecond Covenant, in that he freely provideth, and offereth to fin* ncrs a Mediator ' , and life and falvation by him •, " and ' g^h, 3. i y. And i requiring, faith as the condition to intereft them in him, t*Ucen''"ther'^nd the ^ promiieih and givcth his holy Spirit ^3 to all his eled: woman, and between to work in them that faith y, with all other faving gra- S['^^3fi''"ifru^fc^''th' ces % and to enable them unto all holy obedience % as the b„j /and Xu (ha7c evidence of the truth of their faith ^ and thankfulnefs to bruifc his hcei. {{a, God,c and as the way which he hath appointed to fal- '^^H^Zl^^^^.l VatiOn '^ oufnefs and will hold thine band, and will keep thee, and will jive' thee for a Covenant of the people, fortlijhtof the Gentiles. fohnS.ij, Labour not for the meat which peri(heth, but for the meat which cndurech unto everlafting life, which thefonof man(hall jivc unto you, for him hath God the father fealed^ " i Jo&» y.iiji i. And this is the record, that God bach given unto us eternallife, and this life is in his Son. V.ii.lHethac hith the Son, bath life j and he that hath not the Son,hath not life.' * fobn j.i6. For God fo loved the world that h? gave his onely begotten Son, that whofoever believeth in him, (hould not peri(h but have everlaftinj life, ^cbn i.i 2. But as many as received him, to them gave he powtr to become the fonsof God, even to them that believe on his name. " Prov.i.zj. B:hold I will pour ou: my Spi- rit unto you, I will make known my words unt-o you. y iCof.j{.ii. We having the fame fpirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have 1 fpokcn, we alfo believe, and therefore fpeak. ^ Cd/.j. iijij- But the fruit cf the Spirit is, love, joy? pjace, long-fufFcring , gentlcnefs, gooincfs, fjith. V.zx.Meeknefs, temperance, againft fuch there is no law. ^ E^^c^. 36, 27, And 1 will put my Spirit wuhin you, and caufe you to wa!k in my {^":uies, ?.nd ye fliall keep my judgmtHis and do them. •> f*»i. 1,18,22. Yea, a man may fay. Thou baft fiich, and I hnve works, (Iftw mc chy faith without thy works, and I will (liew thee my fsiiti by my works. V. 12,3 SccO: tbcu how faith wrought with works, aad by works WTs faith made p^ife A. = zCor.y. 14,1 y. Fertile love of Chrift cop.ftrainethusbccaufc wcihus judg'-jthstif cnedifdfor ell,thea were all dix't V.15.] And thac ht Qk4 for »ll, "^hat they which liv.; Ihoald not henceforth live unto them.Vives, but unto him which died for them, and rofe a^ain. d Epb.z.io, For w: are bis workmanlhip created i.i Chrift Jcfujj yn^o ■ Xopd woiks^ which God hath before ordained that wc (hould walk in tbca. • Zi61 Q^ Was the Covenant ofGr^ce alwaies adminiftred after ene and the fame mAnner f A. The Covenant of Grace was not alwaycs admi- niftred after the fame manner, but the adminiftrations of e ,/-.. ^ « . ^'^ under the Old Teftament. were different fromthofc Who aifo bath made «nder the New % us able Minifters of th: New Tcftsmenr, not of the letter, bu£ of the Spirit, for the letter killeth, but th; Spirit givcth life. y.7.] But if the Miniftration of death, written and engraven in ftonfs was glorious, fo thit the chil- dren of I frad could not ftedfaftly behold the face of Mofes, for the glory of his countenance, which glory was to be done amy. V.8. How then (hall nottheminiftrationof the Spirit be rather glorious ? V.9.] For if the Hiiniftration of condemnation be glorlousj how much more doththeminiftraiionof ri^hcjoufncfs exceed in glory .-' Q^ Hovo was the Covenant of Grace adminifired under the Old TeHament i A. The Covenant of Grace was adminifired under ^ Row. 1 5. 8. Now I ^^^ ^^^ Teflament, by Promifes ^, Prophecies s, Sa- fay thac jefus chrift crificcs '' , Circumcifion ',' the PafTeover ^^ and other wasa Minifterofthe Types and Ordinances, which did all'fore-fionifie Circumcihon for the ^.^-n i j r l • r nr • fruth of God to con- C^hrift thcn to comc, and were tor that time fufncicnc firm the promifcs to buildup the Elcd in faith in the promifed MeiTiab , Sm. T^VXm" ^^^ ^^^^°^ ^^^y ^^^" ^^^ ^"^^ rcmiffion of fin, and eternal , And he fiiall ftnd 'je- falvation ■". fus Ghrift which was preached unto you, yea and all the Prophets from Samuel, and tbofe that follow after, as many as have Spoken have likewife foretold of thefe dayes. ^Heh. 10. i- For the law having a (hadow of jood things to come, not the very image of the things^ can never with thofc facrificts which they ofter year by year continually, make the comers thereunto perfcft. ' S^ow, 4. 11. And he received thc.fi jn of Circumcifion , a feal of the rightecufnefs of faith which he had, being yetuncircumcifed, that be mi|ht be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcilcd, that rightcoufnefs might bs imputed unto ifeem alfo. •< i Cor, 5,7. Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, ssyeare unleavened : for even Clitift our Paffeover is factificed for us. ' H«6. 8,9. and JO. chapters. Hih. 1 1 . 1 5 . Thefe all died in faith, not having received the promifes, but having feen them afar oftj and were peifwaiied of them and embraced them, and confcffed that they were ftrangers, and pilgrims on the earth. '"^i/.g, 7,8-59,— 14. Know ye therefore that they who are of faith are thechildtenqf Abraham. And the Scripture forefceing'tbat God would juflifie the heathen through faith, preached before the Gofpel unto Abraham, faying. In thee (hall all nations be bleffed. So then they who be of faith, are blefled with faithful Abraham. V.14.] That the blefllng of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jefus Chrift j that we might receive the promiic of thcSpiti: through faith. Q^ Bow is the Covenant of Grace admini If red tinder the New Teftament i A, Under the New Teftament , when Chrift die fubftancc was exhibited , the fame Covenant of Grace C^7l Cracc was and ftlUIstobc adnfliniftrcd In the preaching of the word", and the adminiftration of the Sacraments nAf^r^ i^.ty. And of Baptifme °, and the Lord's Supper p, in which hefaiduntothem,Go Grace and falvation is held forth in more fulnefs, cvi- J^^p^^Vh/h^c'coll^^^^ dence, and efficacy, to all Nations'!. to evtry creature: " Mmb.ii.i9,to. Go yc thtrefore, and teach all nations, baptixinj them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, teaching them to obferve all thiniswhitfoever I have commanded you: and lo lam ?vich you alwaies unto the end «f the world, p i Cor.i i. ij,t4,if .For I have received of the.Lord that whichi alfo delivered unto you, that the Lord Jefuj; the fame nijht wherein he was betrayed to k bread, and when he had jif en thanks, he brake it, and faid. Take, ear, this is my fccdy which was broken foe you i tbisdo in remembrance of mc. After the fame manner alfo he took the cup, when he had fupped, faying, This cup is the New Tcflament in my blood ; this do ye as oft as ye drink i--, in remembrance of me. 1 i(7or.j.6. to the end of the chapter. Who bath alfo made us able miniftersof the New Tcftament not of the letter, but of the Spirit j for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life. But if thcminiftrarion of death written and engraven in ftoncs was gloriousj&c. He&.8.6— io,t ». For finding fault with them, he faith. Behold the dayes come, faith the Lord, when I will make anew Covenant with the houfe of Ifrael, and JuJah. V.io.] For this is the Covenant that I will mike with the houfe of Ifnel, after tbofe day es faith the Lord, I will put my laws into their minds, and write them in their hearts, and I will be to them a God, and they (ball be to me a people. V. 1 1 .] And they fliali not teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, faying. Know the Lord i for all (hall know me from the leaft to the greateil. ^itt. » 8. 1 9. Go ye tbereforc and (C&cb all nations baptising theip in the name of, &c.- ■ ■ Q. Who is the Mediatdr of the Covenant of Crdce ? A. The oncly Mediator of the Covenant of Grace f$ the Lord Jcfus Chrift"^, who being the eternal Sonoi\lll^'l^li^^ll^l^^ God , of one fubflance and equal with the Farher ^^ in Mediatour ' between the fulnefs of time became man \ and fo was and con- God and- Man, the tinues to be God and Man in two entire diftin«thofe High Pfiefts, to offer up facrificc, firft for his own fins, and tnen tor the peoples J for this he did oncj when he ofFired up himfelf. V.r8.] For thelaw makethmcn High Priefts which have infirmities, but the word of the oach which was fince the law, maketh the Joa who IS confecrated for ever. ^ Fm.j. 14,1^,16. Being juftificd freely by his grace through the redemp:ion that is in Jefus Chrift. V. ly.] Whom God hath fct forth to be a propitiation through faith r J* ^^°^^ ^° declare bis righteoufnefs for the remilfion of fins that are paft through the forbearance of ci\ Y" *^-^ ^° declare, I fay, sc this time his righjcoafnefs s (bat he miibif be juft, and the juftlfie^ plhimihatbelicvcthiij Jcfusv ' " ■-■^■--^:-;~ -~-7.-. ..v.: r VaT.:".' '"'""-'" ■■' V'- ::' . ' • ^ ; i ■ '■ . . .-.,^ > ^ . •■• pro* /procure his favour % purchafe a peculiar people \ give = Eph.x.e. To the his Spirit toihcm % conquer all their enemies ^, and bring {j7^''*;.,°^,/|;,he!c[nbf them to CVCrlaftlRg falvation S. ha:h mad'c us accepted in the beloved. Matt. 5.17. And 1,0 a voice from Heaven, fayljig, This is my beloved Son, in whom alone 1 am well pleafed. '^ Tit. i.i ?,i4. Looking ioi the blclfed hope, and the glorious appealing ok the t" Luk.i,6i>69. — 71-74. BleffedbcthcLordGodof Ifraei, for he hath vifued and redeemed hi$ pc-plc. And hath raifcd up an horn of falvation for us in the houfc of his fervanc David— — j' • ^.J^- J Tliac we (hould be faved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that bate us— - ^•7+- J \h« h« would grant unto us that we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies, might lerve bim wuU- outfear. s Heb.s.2,9. Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by tbe things wbicuac fuffered j and being made prrfed, he became the author of everlafting falvation unto all that obey him. He&.9.ii.tothe 16. But Cbrift being come an High Prieftof good things to come, by a greaiier ani more pcrf eft Tsbernadc, not made with hands, that is to fay, not oE tkis building. y-^^-J ^Jc^p" by tl c blood of Goats and Calves, but by his own blood, he ent red in one: into the holy place, 'ia»i"S obtain:d eternal redemption for us. V. i J.] For if the blood of Bulls and of Goats, and the alhcs of an Heifer, fprinkling the unclean, finaifies to the purifying of theflelh j V.14.I How much more ftiall the blood of Chrift who through che eternal Spirit offered himfelf without fpot to God , ;purge your confcience from dead woiksj tft ferv« the living God ? V. 1 5. J And for this caufe he is the Mediator of the New Teftament,. tha: by means of death, for the redemption of the tranfgrefiions that were un- der the firft Teftamcnt, they whiih arc called might rcctivc the ptomifc of eternal inhcrjtan^. Q^ tV^y tv/^f it requiftte that the Mediator ^lotdd be Man'i - ■ • A» It was requlfite that the Mediator (liould be Man, that he rnightr advance our nature \ perform obedience ''He&.i.i 6. For vrril to the'lavv^, fuffer, and make intercelTion for us ifi |bc^^j^3°y,^,TX''^^j'" our nature \ have a fellow-feeling of curinfirniities^jbuaK^cpronhim'hc that we might receive che adoption of Tons m, and have fed of Ab.aham. comfort, and accefs with boldnefs unto the throne oi '.^^*'[:J;^*'^^^^'J^^'| grace". God fem forth his Son msde of a woman , made wndcr the lawi ■< HeJ. 2. 14. Ferafmuch then as the children are partakers of fl"(h and blood, he alfo himfelf likewife took part of the fame, that through death he might dcftroy bimtbat hid the power of d:nb, tfa-isthcD;vcl. Hc3. 71x4,15. But this man bccaufe he continucth for ever, ha h :>n unchangeable Piitftaood. VVherefor; heisablcalfoto fave them to the urtenaioft that come unto ■C^cdby him, fcjag hccvcr livcth -tomakeintcrcenionfor them. ' Hch.i^.i'). For wc have not an Hig^ Pridhbst cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all points cenipnd likecs wcaitj yetwuhcutfin, n^ Gj^.^.J. To redeem them that were under the law, that wc might receive the adoption of loi.s. " Heh./^. 16. Let us therefore come boldly untc the throne of g^racej that we may obtain mercy, and Hnd grscc to help in time of need. Q. fvhj was it re qui fits thut the Mediator flmtldh God ■dnduminone fer[vn^ ' D 2 A.li [201 A, It was requlfitc that the Mediator, who was to re- concile God and man (hould himfclf be both God and man , and this in one pcrfon,. that the proper works of 'J^lV^^^'^V^^^ each nature might be accepted of God for us % and re- S^and X i^^^^^^ lied on by us, as the works of the whole perfon p. call his name Jefus : - „ , ^ for he ftitll fwc his people from their fin*. V.xj, ] Behold a Virgin Inall be with child, and (hall brintforthafon, and chey (hall call his name Emmanuel, which being incecpreted, is, God with us. Mm.i,i7» And lo a voice from hea»en^X»jring, This is my beloved fonj in whom T am well pUafed. HC&.9.14. How much more (hall the blood of Chriil, whothroujh the eternal Spirit offered up him- fclf without fpot to God, purge your confciences from dead works, tq ferve the living God, p i ftu •X.6. Wherefore it is contained in the Scripture, Behold I lay in Sion a. choice corneroftonc cleft and^ prcclous> and he chat bdievcth on.him (ball not be confounded^ Q^ Whj was our Mediator called Jefus •* A, Our Mediator was called Jefus, bccaufc he fav.-^ 1 Hm. \i: ii. And cth his people from their fins^. (he (hall bring forth a Son ) and cho^ (bah call bis name Jefus » foe he (hall fave his people from their fionw. C^ Why was our Mediator called ChriB? I ^. Our Mediator was called Chrift, becaufe he wasp" annointed with the Holy Gboft above mcafure \, l&God ha^S'fem ^nd fo fet apart,and fully fumiOied with all authority and fpeakccb the words of ability ^y to cxccute thc officcs of Prophec tj prieft ",, God; forGodgivcth not the Spirit by meafure unto hiin.' PfaL^^.y* Thou loveft righteoufnefe and Iwteft wickednefs 5 therefore God, thy God hath annointed thee with the oyl of jladnefs above tby fellowea, ' foK 6.17. Labournot forthe meat that perifhetb but for that meat which endureth to everlafting life, wbicli the fon of man (hall give unto you j for him hath God the Father fealed. Matt. a8. 1 8j 1 9, xo. Jefua came and fpake unto them, faying, All power is given unto me in heaven, and inearth ; Go ye there- fore and teach a!l nations, biptizing them in the name of tht Father, and of the Son, and of the Ho-^ lyGhoft, Teaching them to obferve all things wbatfoever I have commanded you }> and lo, I amwith ■ youalwayeseventotheendof the world, Amen. ^ .^^.3.11, zt. Whom the heavens muft re- ceive untiU the times of reititution of all things, which God hathfpskenof by the mouth of all bis holy Prophets (ince the world began. For Mofes truly faid unto the Fathers, A Prophet (hall the Lord ^ your God raife i^> unto you of your brethren like unto me, him (hall ye hear in all things wbatfoeicr | be (hall fay unco you. L«i|t>4.i8<>^zi. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, becaufe he hath anointed me to preach the Gofpel to the poon he hath fent me to heal the broken in hearr, to preach deliverance to thc captiTcs, and recovering of (ighc to the blind, to fet at liberry them that are bruifed V. 11 .] And he began to fay unto them, This day is this Scripture fulfilled in yoar cars. " Heb, ^. y, 6, 7, So alfo Ghrift glorified notiilmCelf to be made an High Fritft, but he that faid unto him. Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee. As he faith alfo in another place. Thou art a Prieft for ever after the order of Melchizedek j who in the daycs of his fle(h when he had oftered .'up prayers and fuppli- cations wi'.h ftrong cries and tears, unto himtbat was able to fave him from death, and was heard in that he feared. He&.^.i^,!^. Seeing then that we have a great High- Prieft that ispalfcd intothehea*j Tens, Jefus the Son of God, let us bold faft our profefTion. For we have not an High Prieft thaj cannot be touchc4 with the fcelinj^ of ourinBcmitics^butwasifl all points tempted like as we are, yl without fia« ~ ' ' " -- - f , an( and King of his Church ^ in the cftate both of ^^l^J^'^^f-J:^^,;:^ Humiliation and Exaltation* my holy wiiof sion. MMb, II. 5. Tell ye thedaajhter of lion, Behold ihyKIn|Com«h unto thee, meek, and fitting upon an afs, and upon i colt the foal of an afs. I/4i9.6,7. For unto us a child i$ born, unto us a Sonis^ivcn, and the jo- »ernmentft\aUbeuponhisflioulder, andhisnaaae (hall be called Wonderful, Gounfellor, iheMJjhty God, the Evcrlafting Father, the Prince of peace. Of the encreafe of bis {ovemment and peace, there (hall be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his Kingdom to order it,«nd toeftabliftit with judjinent and with juiUce, from henceforth even for ever. The ical of the Lord of hofts will perform this. Pfci/.».8,9,io,li. And being found infaihion as aman, he humbled himfelf and be- came obedient unto death, even the death of the crofs ; wherefore Cod alfo hath highly exalted him, and jiven him a name which it above every name : That at the name of Jefus every knee (hould bow, of things in heaven, and things on earth, and things under the eanh > sn^that every tongue ftiould' confcis, that Jcfus C\ui& Is Lord, to the glory of God th( Father. Q^ Hotv doth Chrifi execute the offce of a Pro^ fhet i A. Chrift executed the office of a Prophet, in his re- vealing to the Church % in all ages, by his Spirit and *foh.i.iz^ No man wordy, indiverfc waycs of adminiftration % the whole h>th ften God « any wilt of God % in all things concerning their edification, "c"*son*which 1?^ and falvation^^ thebofomof the Fa» (her, be hath declared hfm. y I P«.i.io,ii,i»; Of which falvation the Prophets have enquired, and fearched diligence ly, who prophefud of the grace tkat fliould come unto you. V. 1 1 .] Searching what, cr what manner of time the Spirit of Chriit, which was in them did fignifie, when it teftified before-hand the fufFer- ings of Chriftj and the glory which (hould fellow. V. 1 1.] Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themfelves, but unto us they did minifter the thing, which are now reported unto you, by them that have preached the Gofpcl unto you, with the Holy Ghoft fent down from heaven, which things the Angels dtfire to look into. ^ HtB.i.iyX, God who at fundry times and. in diverfe manner sfpake in rimes paft onto the Fathers by the Prophets, hath in thefelaft dayes fpoken unto os by bis 5^on, whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by whom alfo he made the world. ^Joft. 15.15. Henceforth 1 call you not fervant$,for the fervant knoweth not what his Lord doth, but I have called you friends i fat all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. ^ ^ ASi. xo. j 2. And now. Brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you op, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are fanftificd. Epb.^. 1 1,1 2,1 g. And be gave fome Apoftles, and lome Prophets, and feme Evangeiifts, and fome Paltors,and Teachers. V. i a.] Fee the pcrfcding of the Saints, for the work of the Miniftery, for the edifying ofibe body of Chrift. V.I J.] Till we all come in the unity of the Faith, and of the knowledge o^ theSoaof God, untoa psrfcd man, unto the mcafure of the iiature of the fulncfs of Chriit. fob. 2c g.tr But thefe are written>thac ye might believe that Jcfus is the Cbrift, the fon of Goii, aad that bclicviog you migfac have life through bis name* Q^ Horv dcth Chrifi execute the office of 4 Vriejl .<* {■ ^A, Chrift executeth the office of a Pricft in' his once offering himfdf a facrificc wi;,hout fpot to « Hch.g 14.18, How id' 'God % td hc'^ recondKatiort for the fifts pF much more fliaii the ^,5 people ^, and in making contmualinterceffion for blood of Chrift, who L e through the eternal tnCIIl • Spirit oftVred faimfelf without fpot to God, purge your confcJencts from dead works, loferve the living Gov?— V.xS.^ SoChrJft was once offered to bear the fins of mkny, and unco -them that look for him (hall he appear the fecond time without fin unto falvation. ^. Hcii.t.i7i Wherefore ic behooved him in all things to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful High Prieft in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the fins of the people. ^ Hcb.j.i^. Whereforo he is able alfoto Isvc them to the uttcrmoft chat come unco God by him, feeing he ever Uvcth tg make interccflion foe them. Q^ Hofsf doth Chrifi execute the office of a King ? w^. Chrift.cxecuccth the office of a Kingj-in call" ing ouc of the World a people to himfelf ^, and giving them Officers s. Laws ^ and Cenfurcs, by which he vifibly governs them y in bcftowing faying grace upon f ^^,rj. i4,if;i5..hisele(ft'53 rewarding their obedience^, and correding hoTGoJ'lt Kft ^^^em- for theirfms^ preferving:an4A:pportingthera:jior didvifit theGentilcs, to take out of them a psople for his name j and to this agree the v»-ordj of the Prophets, asitwritccn. After this I will return, and build agaih t.ht Tabertiacle of David whkh is fallen down, and I will build again the rulnes thereof, and I wiJi fet it up* Jpi.f 5.4,5. Behold 1 have given him for a, wic- -ncfstothe people, a leader and cothm^dcr to the people,' Behold thou {halt call a ^natjon thac thou knowjft net, and nations that knewjnot thee (hail rijn unto tjisf, bccaufe cf.t-iis Lord thy God, nndiorthehaly Oneoflfraelj br hchatbgV^i^ifif'l'i^^e* Gea.49;'o. The fcfptcr' (hall noc'de-. part from Judab, ncr a law- giver from bjtweenhis feet, until Shilohcomej and unto him (hall the gathering of the pecple be. Pftl, 1 1 0.3. Thy pcopleihall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holincfs, from the wcmb of the tnorning 5 thou haft the itvt of thy youth, s Epb. 4-i»sTi' Afldhe gave fome Apoftks, and fome Prophets, andfomc Efangelifts, a/id f 1.1 j, 14. Behold my fenrant rhall deal prudently, he Ihall be exalted and (xcollcd, and be very high. As many were aftonilhcd at thce,^his vifage was fo marred more then any man, and bis form more then the fons of men.^ Q^ Hcrv did Chrifi humble himfdf in his death i A, Chrift humbled himfelf in his death , in that » w.«.x7.4. Saying, ^^t'^^ ^''" betrayed by Judas % forfaken by his I have finned in that difciplcs % fcomcd and lejectcd by the world S con- I have betrayed the innocent blood i and tbey faid, What is that to us ? fee thou to that. ^ Mitt.x6.^6. But all this was done that the Scriptures of the Prophets might be fulfilled S then all the difciples forfook him and Bed. <=■ j/^u.^.x,). For he ihall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground ; he bath no form nor come linels, and when we fhall fee him, there is no t>eauty tiiac we (hould defire him. He is defpifed and rejcded of men, a man of forrows, and acquainted with |ritf, and wc bid as ic ncccj ouc faces ftom him, be was dcipifed , andwecfteemedbimnot. demned '[25] dcmncd hy Pllatej and tormented by his Perfecutors \ ^!Mm.t7.homv.i6. having alfo conflided with the terrors of death, and tovjo ThenreUai- »iavii£, n , , ^ r 1 If u • 7 ^ <: cu "2 Bxr.raobas unto the powers of darknefs, felt and born the weight ot ^h^^^ 3^^ ^^^^^ he God's wrath % he laid down his life an offering for had fcourgcd jefus, he fms enduring the painful, fliameful, and curfed death tcrl&cJl^ of the Crofs S. ^chn 19.? 4- B^c one oi the louldiers witU a fptar pierced his fidc,and forthwith came thereout blood and water. * luk.'^ »».'14- And bdng in an agony he prayed more earncftly, and his fwcat was as it were great drops of blood, falling dowa tothcground. ^/JM7. 46. And about the ninth hour Jefus cried wich a loud voice, faying, "ELI ELI LAMA SABACTHAHl, that U to fiy. My God, my God, why haft thou forfaken mc ? ^ 1/4.5 J. 10. "Yet it pleafed the Lord to bruifc him j he hath put him to |rief. When thou ftiak make his foul an offering for fm, he Ihili fee his feed, he fhsi I prolong his dayes, and the pleafure of the Lord ihsllprofptrinhishand. iFhili,^. And leinj found in fslliion as. a man, he bumbled hiaifelf, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the crofs. He&. ii.i. Looking unto Jcfus the authcr and finilher of our faith, who forthe joy that was fee before him, endured :h: crcfs, defpiiing the fliame, and is ftt down at the right hand of the throne of God. Gd.i-ii. Chrift bachicaeemcd us from the curfc of the Law, bcinj made a curfe for us : for it is written, Curfed is every one that hanjech on the tree. Q. wherein conftpd Chr.i[is humUjAjthn^aft^^^^^^^ death i \'.' .^ '../-:. i-). -''^^ /"i^J^\ A, Chrift*s humiliation after his death.* confiftcdm his being buried ^\ and continuing in the ftateof the b i com 5/^/4. Fo^ the dead, and under the power ot death till the third ^^^'^jf^^ff^b^^^S days which hath been otherwifc cxpreffed in -thefe -l^i^o received, faovt words. He defcended into Hell, ' ' ■ - . ■ ^^^, thrift died for our fins according to the Scriptures, and that hs was buried, and that he rofc again the third day according to the Scriptures. ' Pf4/.i6.io. ¥orthott wilt not leave my foul in hell, neither wile thou lyficr thine Holy One to fee corruption. Compared with ^^j 1.24, 15, 16, 17 31. Whom God hath raifed up bavinglo-bfcd the paitis of death, becaufe it was not pofllblc that he Ihould be holden of it, V.i5-] Foe David 'PJjk^h concerning him, Iforefaw the Lord alwayesisefore my fjce, for he is on my right hani-that 1 mould not bemoved— «< V.16.] Therefore did my heart re Joyce, and my tongue wasglad, my flefh alfo fhall reft in hope. V.z/.] Becaufe thou wilt not leave my foul in the grave nor wile thou^^fifter thine ho- ly One tofee corruption— V^J i.] He [eeing this beforfjfpike of the refurredion of Chrift , that bis foul was not left in hell, neither did his flefh fee corruption. Row. 6. 9/ Knowing that Chrift being raifed from the dead dicth no more, death hath no more dominion over him. HiXih.\x.^o, For as Jonas was threo dayes a«d three nighis in the whales belly, folhall the Son of man be three dayes jn4 chtcc nights in the heart of the earth. Q^ WhAt rvas the efiate of Chrifls exaltation ? A. The cftate of Chrift's exaltation comprehend- ^j^^^^^^^J"-^^;!; And buris'i L- 1 I • r A r n 1 /- • i • 1 tuat ne was duij>." j tth his refurredion ^ ^ Afcenuon \ fitting at the right and that he rofs again ■" the third day accord- ing to the Scripturcj. ' AfirJ^ 16,19. So then, after the Lord had fpokcn unto them, he was rcccivci up into heaven, and ia^e on the right hand ()[ God. «-, U A hcTouThcrcIilf ^.^"^ ^^^^^ Fatliei: «, and nls :coining again to judge wh?n h: raifcd feim ^"^ WOrld ". froda the dead , and ftthW at h's own rljhc hand In the heavenly places. « ASt. i.ti. Wbo alfofaid, Ye men of Oalike, why ftmd ye jsiing up into heavjn ? This fame Jefu? who is taken from you up into htivcn, inailiocome» in like manner as ye have fcen him go into heaven: ASl.ij.ii. Bscaufc he hat1^a8- poimcdaday, in which he will judje the world in righscoafaefs, by that mm whom he hath ordained, wnereot hs hath jive.n aflurance unco all men, ia that he hath raifed him from the dead. Q;^ How was Chrif eicaltedmhis refurre^fon i A, Chrift was exalted in his refurre(ftion j in that^ not having fcen corruption in death , of which ic * irf^.».i4— 17, was not poffible for him to be held", and having ^Sj? hav^in^'foof-id ^^^ ^^''y ^^"^^ ^°^y ^" ^^^^^ ^^ fiiffered , with the the pains ordMth°°be- ^^^"^*^^i pJ^opertics thereof p, but without mortality eauic ic was not pofli- and Other commod infirmities belonging to this life , ^0^^^%^!"^^]^^^^^^^^^^ to his foul \ he rofe again from the Becaufe thou wilt not ^^^^ ^he third day, by his own power '5 whereby ndlheTwiiutT"^'^'' he declared himfelf to be the Son of God ^, to have fer"hineHolyo/^fo ^^fis^^^<^^v^"C juftlcc ^ to havc vanquifhed death and fee corruption. PL«jfc. him tjiat had the power of it % and to be Lord of 'hml\ntm^\i^t quidcand dead^, all which he did as a publick pcr- thac it is I my fcTf ' ^^^ '',thchead of his Church y, for their juftiflcation < handle me and fee mei tluA f''"^ il^*^'' "°' ^^^^ ^^^ ^°"" '* y^ f" •"= ^*^*- ' ^<"«-^-9- Kaowing that Chrlft beinj i.""°°*'^°'rc dominion over him. Rev.1.18. I am he thac I * ! ^" ^'^'^ ' ■"'^ behold 1 am alive foe evermore, Amtn, and have the keys of hell and death. y«fflio ig. No man takcthitfrom me, but I lay it down of my felf. I have power to laylt ^own, and I have power to take it again; this commandiaint havc I received of my Father. A.(!OT.i.4. And declared to be the Son of G 3d with power, according to the Spirit of faolintfs by tne relarreaion from thedead. t Rom.i.ii^. VVhois be that condcmneth? it is .Chrift thacdied, y a rattier, that is rifen again, whoisevcnatthjrigh: hand of God, who alfo mikctb intcrccffijn °5"p " Hei.i.14. For as mach then as the chiliren ate partakers of fltfti and blood, he alfo oialeit likewite took part of thi fame, that through death he might dcftroy him thac had the power oE h h '^^"'^ ^hcDivcl. * R0W/149. Far to this end Chrift both died, and rofe, andrevivedj tnat he might be Lord both of the dead, and living. '^ i Cor.i^. 11, xx. For fince by man came death, bymancamealfotherefurrcaionof the dead, for as in Adam all die, (oin Chrift fluU all be madealive. y Epb.j. io-zi,i^, Which he wrought in Chrift whtn he raiCei him from the dead, and fcthimat his own right hand in the fecavenly pUc«.- V.xz. ] Aailu-^i put ail things uodtr his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church; which is his body , thefuInelTeof himthatfillcthall in a!L Col.i.iS. And he is the head of thj body the Church, who is the beginning, thefirit-born from the dead, that in all things he might havc the prehemi- ncnce. i Rm.Ji.t^. Who was, delivered for our olFinccs, and was raifed a^ala foe our jiiltifica- lion*-. - - - qulck^' quickning in gra£e% fupport agalnft enemies ^5 and * Fp&. 1.1-5, ^.- Ani to affure them of their rcfurreiftion from the dead at yo^b^hhequickatd, n J " wno were dead m tccl- ihelait day S pslTes and Cms ■ «' V.J.3 Even wkenwc were dead in (ins , hath qaidened us together whh Chrift (by grace yc arc ia»ecl ) And haife rajfedusup together, and madle.usfittogeihtrin heayenly places in Chrift jcfui. Col. *. 12. Buried with him in B3ptifme> wherein alfo yc are rifen with bim, through the faith of the operation of God , who hath raifcd him from the dead. ■♦ i Cor. I5.»y,i6j'7. Forhcmuft rei^n cill he hath put all his enemies under bis feet. The laft enemy that {hall be dcttroy sd is death. For he hath put all things under his feet j but when he faith, All things are put under him, ic is msniteft that he is excepted who did put ail things under him. ' j ^or.« 5.10. Bat now is Chcift til^n from the dcadj and bccams the ill ft fruits oT chcmthac llepc. Q^ Hofp was Chrifi exAlted In hU Afcenfion ^ A, Chrift was exalccd in his Afcenfion, in that hav- ing after his Refurrecf^ion often appeared unco, and con- verfcd with his Apoftles , fpcaking to them of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God'i, and giv- j^^.,, ,^j. u,,jil ing them commilTion to preach the Gofpcl toallnati- the day in; which he ons '^j fourty daies after his rcfurre(:^ion, he, inourna- "" taken up, aftcc J ' \. 1 c ^ ' r,- •„ that he through the turCjand as our hcad^, triumphing over enemies ?, vi- Holy Ghoft had giv- flbly went up into the higheft heavens^ there to receive «n commandments gifts for men ^ to raifc up our affedlions thither \ and "^ u''\^P°u^?! ! 1 r If i-/-tr- ,/i,i whom he had cnoien, to prepare a place tor us\ where himfclf is, and fliall to whom alio he continue , till his fccond coming at ;hc end of the ^^^^^'^ ^^^!^}^ *^V^ 1.1 =^ after his panion , by VvOna • many infallible proofs btin'^ fcen of them forty dayes andfpeaking of the things pirtainmg to the kingdom of God. « MjimS. 19,10. Go ye thfrrforc and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the F.ither, and of the Son, anj of tlie Holy Ghoft, teaching them to obfervc all things whstfctver I have commanded you j and lo, lam with you alway unto the end of the world. * Heb. 6. lo. Whither the fore-runner is torus cntred, even Jefus made an Hi^h- Prieft for ever after the order of MclchircJek. s Ef&.4.8. Where- fore he fsith wl«n heafccnded up on high,he led captivity csptive,and gave gifts untonu-n. '' tAcf.i.9i jo,5i. And when he liad fpokrn ihefc things, wliile they beheld, he wastiken up and a clouJ rtceiv- td him out of their fi^hr. And while they looked ftcdfaftiy towards heaven, as be went up, behold twomen ftoodbyihem inwhite apparel J who alfo faid, Yemen of Giliiee, why ftind yegsxing up into heaven ? the fame Jcfus which is taken up from yen ii 1 3 heaven, ihall [> come in like manner as ye have fccn him 50 into heaven. Epb ^. 10. Hethntdefccnded is .he fnmc al.'otha: sfccnJcd up far above all heavens, ihathe mi^hcfilla lruing». Pfd.bZ.ii. Thou haft aicended on hi^li, thou haft lei captivity captive, ihouhaft received gifts for men ; yea for the rebellious slfo, ihac the Lord God might dwell among them. ' Ccl.i,i,i. If yethc!\ b: riienwith Chrilf, I'cik thole tl.ings which treabove^ where Chrift (ittfth at the right hand of GoJ j fet yout afF:.iir>us on chirgs above, ncc on things on the earth. ^ ^ih.^^.i. And if I go and prepare a place for yon, I v.'iH com.- again tnd receive you untomyfelfjthat where I aa ;here yc may b: aifo. ' t/itl. ^.ii.Whom the heavens muft receive, till the times of rettitmion of all things, which God hat h fprkenbyihc mou.h of ail bis holy Prophets tincc the \Yorld began. E^ QHorv Q. How is Chri^ exalted in his Jitthg at the rhht hand ef God i - •'' A, Chrift is exalted in his fitting at the right hand of God, in that as God-man he is advanced to the hioh- " Fhii, 1. 9. Where- cft favour with God the Father "", with all fulnefs of fore God aifo h.ch joy n^ glory o, and power over all things in heaven and anfX'nSa-^e ^^'^^' y ^nd doth gather and defend his Church, and which is above every (iibduc theif cncmies, furniflieth his Minifters and peo- tTou hj^^'madc P^^^^^^S'^^^ ^"^S^^^^"^^ and maketh intefceffion for known to mc the ways tnCIH • of life J Thou flialt make me full of joy wictj thy countenance. Compared with P[d.i6.i r. Thou wilt fliew me the path of lifej in thy prcfcnce is fulnefs of joy, and at thy right hand there arc pleafures for evermore. ° ^ob.ij.s. And now O Father, glorifie thou me, with thine own fclf, with the glory which I had with tl^ee before the world was. p Epb. i.xi. Andha;hputaU things under his feet , and gave him to TQfe the head overall things to the Church. 1 Pet. j.ta. Who is gone into heaven and ison the right hand of God, Angels, and Authorities and Powers being made fubjeft unto himi 1 Epb. cu°u^u-^^' }^^ ^'^^'^'^efcended is the fame aUo that afcendcd up far above all heavens, that he mi^hc hll a.l things.; And he gave fome Apoftlcs , and fomc Prophets, and fome Evangelifts, and feme Pa- Itors and Teachers 5 For theperfeding of the Saints, for the work of thcMiniftery, for the edifying of the body of Chrift. Tfd.iio. throughout. The Lord faid unto my Lord, fit thou at my right , DanJ, till, &c to the end. . ' Kom. 8. J4. Who is he that condemneth ? ic is Chrift that died J ye rattier that is rifcn again; who is even at the tigh: hand of God, who alfo maketfa imercef- iionforu.s. ' ' ' " " Q^Borvdoth Chrift make intercefpofft A, Chrift make th intcrceflion , by his appearing in f He&. 9. 11 — Z4. our nature continually before the Father in heaven ^ ^ Neither by the blood in the merit of his obedience and facrifice on earth '=5 L^Tbirown blood ^^claring his will to hive it applied to all believers % feccntred in once into anfwcring all accuHuionsagainft them '^j procuring for XS^ cc'rnl'ric? ^^^"^ quiet of confciencc notwithftanding daily fail- dcmp ion for us.- — . V.14.] For Chrift is not emred into the holy places made with hand's, which are the figuresof tbe true, but into heaven it felt, nowtoappear intheprefenceof Gjd for us. ' He6. ».and theexprefsimageof his ptrion, and upholding all things by the word of bis power, when he Lad by hicp.fcif purged our (Ins, mt down &a the tight hand of the Majefly on high. " lob. ^,16. For God fo loved the world, that he gave his onely- begotten San, that whofoe- vcr believeth in him might not pcrilii but have cvcrlafting life. 2c/>. 17.9— ao— — 14. I pray for them, I pray not for the world > bu; for them which thou haft giv^n lae, for they are mine-— V.xo.] Neither p;ay I for thefe alone, but for them alfo that fliall believe on mc through their word V.14.] feather 1 will that they alfo whom thou haft given m'e>may be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory, which thou haft given me j for thouiovedft me before the founriation of the world. * Ko/n.8.3Jjj4. Whoflialllayany thing to the chugc of Gods eled ? itis God that juftifics. Who is he that condamneth f it is Chrift that died i yea rather clia( is clffn a^ain, who is even a; che tighc ^afld of Grod , who alfg m)kech in;erccflion for us.. ,;"^'" ■ "' ■ ingS''^ ings", acccfs with boldnefs to the throne of grace y, rfT-^'^^'ft-T^r^"^ and acceptance oi their pcrfons ^ andfervices^ ilhC^l Ll'W<^ with God , through bur Lord Jefus Cbrlft, by whom alfo we hive aecefs by faith into this jrsce wherein we ftand, and rt- joyce inBope of thcj,loryof God. i loft.i.iji. My little children thcfe things write 1 unco you, thatyciinnot. Andif any man {Tnj we liavc an Advocate with ihe Father, ]efusChrift the rijhteouii And he is the propitiation for our finsj and not for ours onely but alfo for the fins of the whole world, y Heb.i.i6. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we msy ob:ain mercy, and find grace to help ia time of need*. ^ Epb.\.6. To the praifc of the jlory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted ih the bcio?cd. ^ i PcM.^ Ye alfo as lively ftoncs are built up « Spiri- tual houfc 3 an holy Priefthood, to ofEsr up fpiritualfaccificcs acceptable to God by Jefus Ghrift. Q. Uotv is Chriji to be exalted in his coming again t$ judge the world ^ A, Chrift is to be exalted in his coming again to judge the world, in that he who wasunjiiftly judged and condemned by wicked men ^, fliall come again at the b,^^.j.,4,,^. Baf laft day in great power S and in the full manifeftation ye denied the Holy of his own glory, and of his Fathers, with all his holy o-'-''*^^^^^^^^ Angels ^^5 with a fliout, with the voice of the Archangel, be granted umo you, and with thetrumpetof God% to jud^e the world in andiciiicd the Pancc . , r r f J / o of life 5 whom God righteOUfnelS ^ hath raifrd from the dead} whereof we arc- VritnelTes. ^ Hitt.i^.io. And thtn (hall appear the fi^n of the Son of man in heaven } and thea (hall all the tribes of the earth mourn, an i they (hall fee the Son of man coming in the clouds of hea- ven with power and jreat glory. d LMJ^.9.16. For whofoever (hall be a(bsmcd of me and of my words, of him (hall the Son of man be a(hamed when hcfliallcome in his own glory, and in his Fathers, and of the holy Angels. Ma.it.z". after that ye beard the word of Truth, the Gofpel of yoar falvation ; in whom alfo after ye believed, ye were fealed with that holy Spirit of promife , which is the carneft of our inheritanae, untill the redemption of the purchafedpolfeflion, unto the praifc of bis glory. J0&.6.J7-.59. All that the Father giveth roe (hall come unto rae, and him that Cometh unto me I will in no wife caft out—— V. 59.] And this is the Withers will who hath fent me, that of all which he hath given me I (hould lofc nothing, but (hould iaife it lip again at thelsftday. ^o&.io.i5,i6. AsthcFathtrknowcthme, evenloknow Ithe Father, and I lay down my life for the (hecp. And other (her p I hare which are not of this fold $ them alfo I muit bring, and they (hall bear my voice, and there (hall be one fold, and onefliepherd. ■" Epb. a.8. For by grace ye arc faved through faith, and that not of your felves , it is the gift of God. iCor.4.Tj. Wc having the lame fpirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore h»V£ I fpokcn 5 wc alfo believe and therefore fpeak. Q^ Cart the^ who have never heard the Gofpel, andfoy know not ^cfm Chrifi ^nor believe in him, bejaved by their living according to the light of nature? A. They who, having never heard the Gofpel ", know *'?^^ci\f'v^''\ ^^^ not Jcfus chrift % and believe not in him, cannot be then fhall they /call on ^ j 3 him in whom they have not believed ? and how ftiall they believe in him of svhom they have not heard? and bow fliall they hear without a preacher ? ° z Thell.iS,^. In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gofptl of cur Lord Jcfus Chrift j who fliall be punifhed with evcrlafting deftruftion, from the prefcncc of the Lord, and from the glory of his power. Epb. 1. 1 z. Thatatthattimeyew:rewitbou: Chrift, being aliens from the Commonwealth of Ifrsel, and ftran- Xers from the Covenants oE Promife, having no hope and without God in the world, fob. 1. 10, 1 1,1 1. He was in the world,and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received hitn not. B Jt as manj^as received biai, to them gate he power to become the fons of God, even to ihcm that believe in bis name, faved p, fared p, bethey never fo diligent to frame their lives ac- p 70&. g. 14. i faU cording to the light of niiture % or the Law of that Re- ti"rcfore umo you, ligion which they profefs ^ neither is their falvationin foVL!7lAi ye any other, but in Chrift alone ^, who is the Saviour one- believe not that 1 am ly of his body the Church ^. ^'' '>''^'\^'' ^7°""^ tbsc believcib and is baptized flijll be faved, but he that believeth not fliall ba damned. i i (^«r. 1.10^11,11^11^14, Where is the wife? where is the Scribe ? whereis the difputer of this world? Hath not God made foolifti the wifdono of this world .^ V.il.] For after that in the wifdom of Godj the world through wifdom knew not God, icpleafedGodbycbefoolilhntfs of preachinj to live them that believe. V.xi.] For the Jews require a fijn, and the Greeks feek after wifdom. V.ij.] Bat we preach Chtitl crucified totbcjcwsaftumblinj-block, and unto the Greeks foolifhritfs, V. X4.3 Butuntothem who are cal- led, both Jews, and Greeks, Chrift the power of God, and the wifdom of God. ' Job.^.zt. Ye worlhip ye know not whit i wcknow whatwc worHiip j forfjlracionis of the Jews. Rom.9. jijj*. But Ifrael which followed afccr the law of rightcoufnefs bath not attained to tlie Uw of ri^hteoufnefs. Wherefore ? becaufe they foujht it not by faith, but as it were by the wo ksof the law, for they Humbled at that ftumblinj-ftone. PW/.j. 4, 5,6,7,8,9. Thoujh Imightalfo have confidence in the flcflij if any other man thinketh that he hath whereof hemijhc trull in the lielb, 1 more. V. s."] Circumcifed the eighth day , of the ftock of Iftael, of the tribe of Bcnj amin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews, as touching the lawj a Pharifee. V.6.] Goncerntngzeal, perfecuting the Church, touch- in j the riiteoufnefs which is in the Law, blame lefs. V.7.J But what things were a giin tome, ibofc Icoumedlors for Chrift. V.8.] Yeadouklefs, and 1 account all things butlofs for theexceellency of the knowledge of Chrift Jefus my Lord, for whom I have fu^Fered the lofs of all things, and do count th?m but dungthat I may win Ckrift. V.9.] And be found in him, not having mine own rightcoufnefs which is of the Law j but that which is through thefaichof Chcift, the righccoufnefs which is of God by faith. ^ AH. 4. 1 1. Niithcr is there falvation in any other j for there is no other name undw heaven given amongft men whereby we muft be faved. ' Ep^.y.xj. For the husband is the head of (be nifc^ even as Chrift is the head of the Chi;irch s and be is the Saviour of the body. Q. Are all they faved who hear the Cofpel and live in the church ^ A, All that heir the Gofpel, and live in the vifible Church are not faved, but they oaely who are true mem- bers of the Church invifiblc ". "/«*• » »• j^. 19,^0: Thitthe faying of E- (aias the Prophet ^Ight be fulfilled which he fpakc. Lord who hath believed our report. ? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed ? Therefore they could not believe, becaufe that Efaias faid again, He hath blinded their eye J, and hardened their heart, that they (hould not fee with their eyes, nor underftand with their heart, and be converted, and I Ihould heal them. Rm.S'6. Not as though the word of Gad hath taken nonceffedj for they arc no: all Ifratl who are of IfracI, Wiu.11.i4. For many are called, but few chofcn. Af4«. 7.11. Not everyone chat faith unto me, Lord, Lord, (hall enter inv to the Kingdom of heaven, but he that do:h the will of my Fitherwhich is in heaven. Kom. 11.7. What then i ifracl hath not obtained that which he fcckcth for , but the cledion hj-.h obcaioed itj aod ' ibc reft w«c blinded.. Q.WJjiti Q^ what is the 'vifibk Church f A, The vifible Church is a fociety made up of all *i c«r I 1 u ^^^^ ""^ '" ^^ ^^^'^ and places of the world do profers the Church of God ^^^^ tiuc RcHgion '^, and uf thcii' childicn '^^ which is a: Corinth, tochcHi chatare f-inaifitdinChrift Jefus, called to be Saints, with all thst in every place Call upoti the name of Jefus Clirlft oar Lcrd, both theirs and ours, i C^r. ii. i j. For ty one Spirit are we all baptizsd into one boJy, whether we be lews or Gentilesj whether we be bor.d or free, and have been all Biaoe to drink into one Spirit, iiowi.i 5.9,10,1 I3I x. And thac the Gentiles mi'^h;; glorifie God for ms mercy, as icis written, Forthiscaufelwillconfcrstothre among the G^niilesj and fing unto thynamtf. V. 10,] And again be faichj Rejoice ye G:ntiles with his people. V.n.] And again, Piaire the Lord all ye G:ntiles, and laud him all ye p:ople. V.i i.] And ag»in Ei'das faith. There i^iil be a root of leffe, and he than (liall rife to rtign ofer the Gentiles, in him ihali the Gentiles truft. ^'^•7.9. After this I beheld, and lo a great multitude which no man cou'd number, of all natiorsj and kindreds, and people, and tongues, Itood b:fore the throne aad before the lamb, clo-.hed wiih whice robes, and palms in their bands. P/ ^^^ ^^^^ nothing in them mo-^ and now is, when the dead (hall h;ar the voice of theSonof G)d, and tbey that hear {hall live.. Epb. 1. 18, 19,10. The eyes of your unJcrftsnding bring enlighned/ths: ye may know what is th: hop: of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Sal vts. V.V9.] Aid what is the exceeding ircatncfs of his power to us-ward who btlicve, according co the workng of his mighty po\yer , which he wrought in Chrift when hcraifcdhiai from the dead, and fer him ar his ovNn right hands in the heavenly places. zT/w. 1.8,9. Be not thou chireforcafhamed of th'; retlimDnyof our Lord, nor of mc his prifoner, but be thou partaker of the :ifflidionsof thcGolpclj accoiding to the power of God. V.9.] Who hath favcd us, and called us with. a;i JiolyciUini;, no: ace )rding to our works, but accord- ing to his own parpoff, and gract which was gi»criu$ in'Chrift^ Jefus-btfore the world began* ying, C35] vinghim thereunto'^, he doth in his accepted time in-'' ^'^?-4j^?- ^^ ■^- vitc and draw them to Jefus Chrift by his Word and jn/i'vVof cTd ouJ Spirit^, favinglyinlightning their mindes"i, renewing Saviour towards man and powerfully determining their wills ", fb as they , ^i--^^;;-^ -l!^ although in thtinfclves dead h fin , are hereby made v/c have done . but willing and able freely to anfwer his call, and to ac- accordng to fai$ mercy ccpt andimbrace the grace offered and conveyed there- Jj;([^j)!j''jj";,g/Jrj^ in °» tion, srjd renewing d ilic Holy Gboft. EpK i.4j5<—— 7,8,9. ButGod who!s rtcfa in tr.er:y , for his rrest love wherewi-h he loved us. V. 5.3 Even when wc were dcai in fins, ha^fcqui.knfrd us together with Chrift Cby jracc yc arc faved ) V.7.J That in the ages to come he might lh:w the exceeding rickesof his grace, in lis kindnels to- wardsus through Cbiift Jtfus. V.8. For by grace ye ate lavcdj through faith, and that not ot ycur felves i it it the gift of God. V 9. Not of works, kaft any man fiiould boaft. Rem. 9. ii- Forchc children being not yet born, neither having tcne any gccd or evi!, thit the purpofc cf God according tocleftionmioht ftand,notof works fcuc cf him that cilleth. ' x Csr, j.io. Now then vse are Am<»3fladors for Chrift, as though God did bcfeech you by as, we pray you in Cliriih fte?d, be yc reconciled to God. Compared with i^or.6.i,a. We then as workers together withiiim, befecch you alfo that ya receive not the grace of God in tain j for he faith, I have heard thee in a time ac- cepted, and in the day of falvationbate I fuccoured thee j Behold now is tb: accepted time, bthcld, now is the day of falvation. M.6.44. No man can come to me except the Father wbo hath fcnt mc draw him; and 1 will raife him up at the laftday. iThelJ. 2.13,14. But wc are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved ot the Lord, becaufe God liath from the be£innin9 cho^ fen you to falvation, through fandification of the Spirit, and belief of the tru-.h. VVhcrcunto he hath called youby our Gofpel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jefus Chrift. . '" B/^ill aUofave you from all your uncleanneflfes, and I will call from the corn and encreafc ir, and by no famine uponycu. lohH <5.4y. It is written in the Prophets, And they fliall be all taught of Gcd: every man therefore that hath heard and learned of the Father Cometh unto mc. <> Epjb.z.f. Ek en when we were dead in fins, hsthquickned us together with Chriftj (by grace ye are fived^. Phil.t.i^. For it is God thatworketli in you to wi'I and to do of his good pleafi-re. Deut. jo.6. And the Lord thy God will circun cife thy heart, and the heart of thy feed to love the Lord thy God with all thy hearr, and with all thy Ibul^^tbac »hou maiil live. Q^ Are the Ele^ effefittallf called} A. All the Elcft, and they onely, arc cffedunlly cal- led I' •, although others may be, and often are, ou: wr.rd- ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^g ^nj lycalledbytheminiftery of theWord'i, and k.vc feme wh:a I'liC ocHies luard til's, ;bry were jlad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were orJaineJ toetcinallitf, Idii-vcd. 1 MtAt. li.i 4, For many are called, but few are thofcn. Fa com- C3«3 « Mut. 7. tt. Msny commoti Operations of* the Spirit ', who, for their wll- w»iii fay unto me in ful ncglccfl and contcmpt of thc grace offered to them ZtZll^'^ti: being juftly.left in their unbelief, do never truly come fied in thy name ? and tO JefuS Chrlft ^. in thy name caft out Dircls ? and in thy name done msny wondfrful works ? Afif.iJ.xo, 11. But he that received the feed into ftony places, thc fame is he that hear cth the word, and anon with joy received it ; yet hath he not root in himfelf, but dureth for a while j forwben tribalacion or pcrfecucion arifcth becaufe of tile word, by and by he is offended. Hc&.6.4,5. ^°t " " impoflible for thofe who were once enlijht- ned, and have taftcd of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the holy Ghoft, and have rafted the good word of God, and thc powers of tho world to come 5 If they, &c.— • ^ '''^•»i.j8,39,4d, That the fayinj of Efaias thc Prophtt might be fulfilled which hft fpake, Lord, who hath believed our report? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed? V.j90 Therefore they could not believe y brcaufe that Efaias faid again. V.40.] He hath blinded their eyes, and hardned their heart, that they fliould not fee with their eyes, and underftand with their heart, and be converted, and I fliould heal them. t4£{,iS.i^,i6jxf, And when they agreed not among tbcmfelves, they departed after that Paul had fpoken one word. Well fpake the Holy Ghoft by the Prophet Efaias unto our Fathers, faying, ■V.16.] Go unto this people, and fay. Hearing ye fliall hear, and fliall not underftand ; andfccingye fliaUfee,and not perceive. V.i7.] For the heart of this people is waxed grofs, and their cars are dull of hearing, tnd their eyes have they clofcd, Icaft they fhould f .,,,•' * ' ' not imputinf their Faith alone ". trefpafles unto them j and bach commUttd ufuo us the word of reconciliation— -« V. t r.] For be hath made blm to be (in for us, who knew no fin> that we mijht be made the righteoufnefs of God in him. Rom j.xi ^*4>45 — i7>i8. Even the rlghtroufncrs of God which is by the faith of Jefus Chrift unto all, and upon all that believe > for there is no difference V. »4.] Being jaftified freely by his grace tt r jugh the redempdon ihac is in Jefus Chrift, V.i$.]) Whom GoJ hath fee forth to be a propitiation through taiih inhis'olooJ, to declare bis righteoufnefs for the rcmiilton of fins that arc jpsft, through the forbeaiance of Goc! V.Z7.3 Where is boaftinj then ? itiscxcluded. Bywhatlaw? Of works ? Nay, butbythe lawof faith. V.^8.3 Therefore we conclude that a man is jufti Bed by faith, without the deeds of the law. ^ ri».j.5. Not by works of righteoufnefs which we have done, bu: according to his mercy he faved us, by the waAiing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghcft. Eph. 17. In whom we have redemption through bis blood, the forgivenefs of fins according to the riches of bis grace. ^ Rom. ' //- /j-y^ 5.17,18,19. Therefore if any man be in Chrift he is a new creature, old things arc paft away, behold, Xfy-.f--" all things are become new. V.18.] And all things are of God, who bath reconciled us to birafelf by Jefus Chrift, and bath given to us the mir.iftcry of reconciliation. V.19.] To wit} that God was in Chrift, reconcilng the world unto bimfelf, not itcpating their trefpaffes unto them, and bath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. R0m.4. 6,7,8. Even as David alfo delcribes tbebleiTcdnefs of the man unto whom God impuieth righteoufnefs without works, V.7.J faying, Bleffed are they whofc iniquities are forgiven, and whofe fins are covered. V.8.] Bleffed is the man to whsm the Lord will not impute fin. '' ^5.it.4J. To bim give all the Prophets witnefs, that through his name who- jjfff ffi:t^^ foevcr belief cth in him (hall receive rcmifTion of fins. Gt/.i. 1 6. Knowing that a man is not juftified by the works of the law, bat by the faith of Jefus Chrift, even we have believed in Jefus Chrift, that we might be juftified by the faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the law j for by the works of the law (hall no ftiHi be juftified. Pkil.1.9. And be found in him, not having mme own righteoufnefs which ii of the law, but that which is through the faith of Chrift, the righteoufnefs which is of God by faith. Q^ H0rv is Jujfificatfort An aSf of Cods free Grace ? A. Although Chrift by his Obedience and Death, did make a proper, reall, and full fatisfadion to Gods Juftice, in the behalf of them that are juftified % yet, in as much as God acceptcth the fatisfaiftion from a Sure- ty, which he might have demanded of them, did 'K*""- J-8»9)«o>'»^^ 3 y o 3 But God commend- eth his love towards us in that while we were yet finners Chrift died for us. V. 9.] Much more tbea being now juftified by his blood , we (hall b: faved from wrath through him, V, 10.] For if when we were enemies wc were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more being reconciled (ball we be faved by his life V.19,] For as by one mans difobediencc ma-- i\y were mldc finners, foby the obedience of one (hall many be msdc righteous. pro^ C38] provide this Surety , his own onely Son '^j imputing ther^iToncGoJ,?»nd his rightcoufnefs to thems and requiring nothing of one Mediator b« ween tlienfi for tbcit Ju^ific^tion \ but Faith ^, which alfo God and men, the j^ j^j^ j^^ g jj^^jj. Juftification is , to them, of free- man Cbriit 1 Jelus. j ^ ^^ * ' 'Who lave bimfelf a grace ^, ranfomi for al) to be teftificd in due time. Hef'.io.io. By the which will we are fanftificd through the oflTering of th; bodyof Jefus Chrift dnctforall. Af«.io.x8. j^ en as the Son of man came not to be minified unto, but to mini ft tr, and to give his lUc a ranfome for msny. Vin.<),t», z6. Seventy weeks arc determined upon chypecpUj and upon thy holy Cicyj to'finiIhti.ie tranfgreflion, jndto m;kc anend of finsj and CO make recsncilia ion for iniquity, and to bring in evcilafti;ig rightcoufnefs, and to fcal up the vifisn and prcphcficj and to anoint thfmoft Holy ' V.16.3 And after thre who were dead in trefpaffes and fins^ ASi.^.ii. Neither is there lalvarion in any other i for there is none other name under heaven jtven among men whereby we muft be faved. " Epb.i.ij. la whom ye a'.fo trufted after that ye heard the word of truth, the G^fpel of your falvation , in whom al- fo after yc believed ye were fealed with that holy Spirit of promife, ° loh.i.it. But as many as received him, to thein gave he power to become the fons of God, even to them that believe on bis name. ASi. 16.31. And they fsid. Believe on the Lord Jefiis Chrift, and thoa (halt be faved and thine houfc. ^^.io.4J. Tohim giVsallthePiophets witncfs, thatfhroujh his name, whofocver beliivech inhitn fliall receive remifllon of fins. ? Phil, j .9. And be found in him, not having mine own righteouf- ne''s which is by the Ljw,buc that which is through the faith of Chrift, the righteoufnefs which is of Godby faith. yf(J?.ij.ii, But wc believe that through the grace of our'tordjefus Chrift , we fhall be faved e«enas they. Q. Hojp doth Faith Juflijie a Sinner in the fight of Ced •: A, Faith juftifies a finncr in the fight of God, not bccaufe of thofc other graces which do alwaies accom- pany it, or of good works that are the fruits of it% nor iG^'-s-i^. Butihr asif thegraccof Faith, or any ad thereof, were impu- Kwkrhe'Sfh.of tedtohimforhisjuftification \ but onely as it is an In- Gad, i$ evident: for flrumenr.byivhich he receiveth and applieth Chrift and '^^i;"^ J*^^ ^'^'''/ his righteoufnefs ^ Therefore wc con- clude that a msn is juftified by faith without the deeds of the law. " Rm.4. j/ Bat to him that wocketh not bat belie- veth on him that juftifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for rightcoufmfs. Coirpiired with Kom. 10. lo. For with the heart man believcth unto rlgbceoufnefs, and with the mouth confeflion is made untofalvacion. ^ Job.i.ii. B Jt as maay as received him, to them gave he power to become th: fons of God, even to theqti that believe on his natne. PbiL^.g. And be found in hlii not haviav^ mir.e own righteoufnefs w^ich is by the law, but that which is through the faith of Chrilft, the t ij^hteoufn efs which is of God by faith. Gil.i^ 16. Knowing that a man ij not juftified by the works c:^ the law, but by the faith of Jefus Chrift, even wc have believed in Jefus Chrift, that wc might be juftified by the faith of Chrift , and not by the work? of the law J for by the works of tfrc l«>x (hail ^'^ fl*%' b: juftified, "' "" ■':.-.-, ■•,,-" CXjVhAt- [40] Q^ What is adoption i 'wh^'mlnncr oiT^^ ^' ^^^P^^^*^ ^^ ^" ^^^^ ^^^ frcc gracc of God \in the FatfaTr'ba°h IT- ^"^ for hisoncly Son lefus Chrift ", whereby allthofe Aoned upon us, that that are juftificd are reccivcdinto the number of his chil- Z fo°nf of' God "^f^" ''' ^"^^ his Name puc uporjthcm^ the Spirit of "Epf'-r. f. Having ^'s SoH given to them ^j arc under his fatherly care and Sfon'"f'^"h-iV^' difpenfations ', admitted to all the liberties and privi- ty jX° cm to ^^^S« of thefons of God , made heirs of all the pro- h'mfcJf, according to niifes, and fellow heirs with Chrift in glory \ the good pieafurc of maiT mad ^'*^'^"*'^• ^"' when the fulnefs of time mscomf, God fcnt forth his Son made of a wo- of fons ' ^"«f the law , to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption God fJun k [*'*' ^"^" '"sny "received him, to them gave he power to become the fons of vc £ll A ^° r *^ **''"*' °" ^^^ ^*^'' '^ » ^'"'•*^- » 8. And I will be a Fa h:r unto you, and malce 1 o'li ""-^ H^ ^^ ''«"Sbter$, faith the Lord Almighty. 3Jev.j. 1 1, Him th« ov:rcomech will I nameof r'5 ""P^'"^ my God, and he (hall go no more cut, and I will write upon him the of hf«ir ^y'^^°* *"^ the name of the city of my God, which is new JeruCalem that cometh down out CanTrA uT^^ ?°^' *"** ^ ^'^^^ ^"te upon him my new name. y giU.S. And btcsufe ye are Lilrr « c I - . ^^^ *P'"^ °f *»» Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. ^ P/i/.ioj.ij. ftar of r*», T J ^^ n'"** ^" children, fo the Lord pittieth them that ferve him. Frov. 14.1^. In the vour h*««„i ^t." -f "8 confidence, and his children fliall have a place «f refuge. Mat.6. g t. For That ye be noc Row.8.17. And Ih,;.. ?''^f!5"'*i> **"'«°f God, and joint-heir? with Chrift, i£ fo be that nc fuffer with him. Jiut we may be alfp glorified tojeth^r. Q. WhAtis SanSiijicMUnf ^ -^. Sandification is a work of Gods grace, where- by they, whom God hath before the foundation of the world chofen to be holy, arc in time, through the powcr- in^^as h* h ^'^^^^^^ operation of his Spirit •'japplying the death and rcfur- fen is in him before '^^^^" °^ Chrift unto them % renewed in their whole the foundation of the ^^n after thc Imasc of God ^ having the feeds of Re- world,tfaat wefliould waS'^"*^ '*"^°."^ ^^'"^ ^'f*'''* *>>« «" lovf' » ^<"'-^- » «•" And fuch were fome of you j but ye are our G^3d ^'^vA"^"^'^''!i''"^y«"^ ^" ^^^ name of the Lord Jefus,and by the Spirit of jQ J . . -- — »"». II uiu. - A.(/TO,u.4.)) ,»^. 1 ucrcrorc ire arc uuricu wicu luui uj i»jj'i»mit m- AoiiM (L-"^*""^ '*"'"'"''' "P^fot" the dead by the glory of the Father, even fo wealfo death V""«*'"cfsof lite. V.?.] For if we have been planted together in the likenefs of his cruc'fi T' • k ^ *^^° '" ^^' likenefs of his refurreaion- V.<5.] Knowing this, that our old mm is ^Etb **'"* thai the body of fin might bedeftroyed, that henceforth we fliouid nqt ferve fin. •'f/ 'i^'*J'*^* ^"'I'^e renewed in the Spirit of your mind 5 aa4 that YC Put on the new man, wbish •*'*?! WW IS created in tightcouTncfs and true hoUncfs. pcntancc C40 perttancc unto life, and of all other faving graces put into their hearts', andthofe graces fo ftirred up^ increafed, andftrengthenedf, as that they more and more die unto [h^fbcVrdchd-cS;" fwy and rife unto newnels of hrc ?. they held tbek p^ae, and glo ititd God > faying, 1 hen hath God alio to the Gentiles jranted rtpentancc unto lifs. i Ith.^.g. Whoiocver is born c( God doth not commit fin j for bis feed rcmaineth in him, and be cannot fin becaufe he is born of God,^ ^ /«iiGur fcivj,j4. Wfaofhalllay any thing to the charge of Gods cled? It is God that juftifieth, who is he thi: con- demnech ? It is Chrift thst died? yea rather, that is rifen again, who is even at the right hand ot God, who alfo maketh imercefTioa forus. » 1 fo&.t.iz,i;,i4. I writeunco you, little childcn.be- caufe your fins arc forgiven you, for his namesfakc. V.13.] I wri:c unto you, Fathers, becjufeyc have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you , yong men, becaufe ye have over- come the wicked one* I write unto youj little children, bccaufe ye have known the Father. V.14.] I have written unto you fathers, becauie ye have known him that is from the beginning. I h?vc writ- ten unto you yong men, becaufe ye are ftrong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have over- come the wicked one. Hefc.j.11,13,14. For,whenfor the time ye ought to be teachers, yeh:v:need that one teach you ygain, which be the fitft principles of the Oracles of God, and are btcome fach as haveneedof milk, and not of ftrongmear. V.ij.] For everyone that ufcth milk is unskilful in tbc vsordof righteoufnefs, for he is a bibe, V.14O But ftrong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even thofc who by reafon of ufe, have their fenfes exercifcd to difcera both good and evil. ^ 1 Jo^. 1.8 10. And if we fay, that wc have no fin, we deceive our felves and the truth is not in us V. 10,] If wc fay that wc have not finned, wc make him a lyar and his word is no: in us. ^ 1 Cor. 7.1. Having therefore thefepromiles (dearly beloved^ let us cleanfe our felves from allfilthinefsof the flefh and fpirit, perfcfting holinefs in the fear of God. PW/.3.1 z,i j,i 4. Not as though I had already attained, ehher were already perfed, buti follow after, if that I may apprehend that, for which allot em apprehended of Chrift Jefus. V. 1 3.3 Brethren, I count not my felf to have apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting thofc things which are behind, and reaching forth unto thofc things which arc before; V.14.] Iprefs toward the mark, for the price ot the hijh calling of God in Cbrift Jd'us. Q^ whence arifeth the imferfe^ion of Sarf^ifcathn m leUevers i A. The imperfe(flion of San(5lification in believers, arifeth from the remnants of fin abiding in every part of them, and the perpetual luftings of the flefh againft the fpirit, whereby they are often foiled with temptations . p^^ , ,. and fall into many lins % arc hindered in all their fpiri- tor i kncv that in me, that is j in toy fl.'fli dwelleth no good thing ; for, to will h prefent with me, but how to psrform tha: which is good, I find not " V.'ij. But I fee another law in my members warring againft the law of my mind , »nd brinjjing me imo captivity to the lawof fin which is in my members. Mtrli 14.66 tothiend. And as Peter was beneath in the Palace, there comcth one of the maids of the High Prieft, &c. G^/.i.iijTx. B'itwhenPtterwsscome to Antioch, I withflood him to the face, becaufe bew-astobe b'amed. V.i 1.3 For before that certain came from James, he did cat with tt c Gentiles, but when they were conrxj he withdrew, and fcparated himfelf, fearing them who were cf the circumcifion. G a tuall ^Heh.ti,\.VJht{t(Qtt tuall fervices*^, and their beft works arc Imperfc(fl anr.i .8,9. Who fhall confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blamelefs in the day of our Lord Jefus Chrift. V.9.] God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the'fellowfliip of his Son Jefus Chrift ourLord» • Hc& 7.15. Wherefore he is able alfo to fare them to the uttermoft who come unto God by him, feeing be ever liveth to make intcrceffion for thtm. Ls^eit.ji. Bat I have prayed for thee, that thy fsith fail not, and when thou art converted, ftccngthen thy brethren. ^ i^ob,i.9. Whofocver is bcrn of Gad doth not commit fin, for his feed rcmainetii in himjand he cannot fin becaufche is born 06 GjJ.i /&lb.i.i7.Butth2 anointing which ye have received of him abidsth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you ; but as-thc fame anointing teacheth you of all things and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye fliall abide in him. ' ler. j 1.40, And I will make an everlafting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them to do ihem good, but I will put my fear in their hearts, that th:y fliall not depart from me. lobn 10. i8. I give unto them eternal life, and they ftall never pcrifh,ncitlrtr (hall any pluck themoutof my hand. " iPrt.i.y, Who are kcpcby cbc power of God through faicb unto falvation, ready to he revealed in the laft time. Q^ Can true believers be infallibly ajfured that they Are in the eflate of grace ^and that thej fhall perfevere there- in untojalvation i A. Su'ch C45] A, Such as truly believe in Chrift, and endeavour to walk in all good confcience before him", may, with- °« 'of».i. ?. And out extraordinary revelation, by faith grounded upon th«weTnot°hXu the truth of Gods promifes, and by the Spirit cnibhng wc keep his command- them to difcern in thomfdvesthofe graces to which the "^"'Navrvte five promifes of life are made », and bearing vvitnefs with received.not the SpUk their Spirits that they are the children of God?, be in- of the world, bucth= faliibly aflured that they arc in the eftatc of grace, and c'DJath^Ic'^^we mighc fhall perfevere therein unto falvation \ know the things that arcfrtcly given us of God. I Io*.j.i4 j8,i9— II 14. We knovf that we have paCTed from death umo life, bc- caafewe love the brethren i he that loveth not his brother, abiderh in death ^'^^'} ^^^ ""'* children, let us not Iotc ia word, nor in tongue, but in dee^ and in truth. V. 1.9- And hereby we know wc are of the truth, and (hail aflure our hearts brfore him. ■ V.ii.3 Beloved, if out heart con- demn us nor, then have wc confidence towards God V. 14.] And he that keepeth his com- mandments dwelieth in him, and he in him j and hereby we know that he abidethlnus.by the Spin: which be hath given us. i I0& 4.1 j \6. Hereby we know that we dwell in him, and he in us, becaufc he hath given us of his Spirit— V. 16.] And wc have known and believed the love thac Godhjthtous. God is love, and he that dwelieth in lo^e, dwelieth in God, and Goi in bim. Hcb. 6.u,f 2. And we defirc that every one of you do fhew the fame diligence, to the full aflurancc ot hope unto the end : V. 1 *.] Tha: ye be not llothful but followers of them who through faith, and patience inherit the promifes. p Rcot.S.i 6. The Spirit it fclf beareth witnefs with our Spiiit, that we arc the children of God. "o "^^''^ "f"'; L t - • • r J f ^! • .. ..u r that ye heard the word they obtain It S and arcer the enjoyment thereot may ^f j/^jh, the Goipel have it weakened and intermitted through manifold of your faivrion, in diftempcrs , fins, temptations , and dcfcrtions'.yec ^''^°°^.?^^°/^" '''^^ »'* ' '^ye believed, ye were fealed wiih the boly^ Spirit of promife. ^ ^P'v,^* ^^-Who is among you that ffarcth the Lord,tfc?c obeyeth the voice of his ("crvant, that \va 'kerb in t^^/-'iefs and hath no light, let him ttuft in the Lord, andftay upon his Gnd. Pp/.8>. tbrooghoui:. O Lord God of my falvation, I have cried day and ni'h'j&c. ' ?j, even as by the Spirit of the Lord, ' I»^.23.4;. And Jefus faid unto him. Verily I fay unto thee, Today flialc thou be with me in Pa- radife; y i Tbe^.^, 1 7. Then we who are alive, and remain, (hall be caught up together with them .Im the clQuds, to m(ec the Lord in the air, and Co Hiall we ever be with the Lord. Qj. What is the communion in Chrj , with Chrifl , which the members of the Jnvifible Church enjoy in thk lifei A. The members of the Invifibic Church have com- municated to them in this life, the firft fruits of glory with Chrift, asth^y arc members of him their head , andfo, in him, arc'mtereftcd in that glory which he is fully poflrcffcd of^, and, as an earneft thereof, enjoy iTjhx: f,6. Even ^j^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ j^^^ a vitzct of confcience,iK)y in the when we were dead m tt 1 y-»i a if r t 1 l - - fins, hath quickened Holy Ghoft and hopc of glory "^ : as, on the contrary , us together wiih Chrift '(fbygraccyearefaved)jAndhath ratfed us up together, and made us Gt together in heavenly places in Chriiil Jefus. ^ Kem j.T. And hope maketh not alhamed, becaufe the love of God is (hed afcroad in our hearts, by the Holy Gho4 which is given to us. Compared with 2 Cor. i,y^. Who hath alfo fcaled us, and given the earntft of the Spirit in our hearts. ^ Rom. y . i.t. Therefore being juftified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jcfus Chrift. V.t.] By whom al we have accefs by faith into the grace whtrein we ftand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Rom. 14.i7.F0r the kingdom of God is no: meat and drink, bur rijhteoufner$,and peace,and joy in the hoiy Gbolt. " - the the fenfc of Gods revtnging wrath, horror of confci- cncc,and a fearful expc(5lation of judgement, are, to the wicked, the beginning of their torments which they (hall endure after death ^. 'Gf 11.4.1 j. And Cain faid unto the Lord, My punilTiment is ^reiter then I can bear. Mit. 17.4,— Sayinj , I haf e finned, in tbac I lia»e be- trayed innocenc blood. And they Caid> Wbac i( that to us f fee thou toic. Hth. 1017. — But a cer- tain fearful looking for> of judgement, and Hery indignation, which fhall devour the adverfaries. Kom. 1.9. Tribulation and angui(h upon every foul of man that doth evil, of the Jew ii:ft, and alfb of the Gentile; Mirlf, 9.44. Where cbeir worm dicth noc^ and cbe Ere is not quenched. Q^ Shall all men die?' * A, Death being threatned as the wages of fin*', it is - r i,,- appointed unto all men once to die% for^hatall have ^ajcTofVm is death r {inned ^» but the gift of GoA is eternal life through Jefus Chrift oiur Lord. « Htb ^.17. And as it i$ appointed unto all men once to die, but after death the judgment. ^ Row.y.n. Wherefcrc as by one man fin cntredintc the worldi and dcatbbx Qay and To death palTed upon all men^ for thac all have finned. ^ Q^ Death being the wages of fm^ why are not the righ^ teous delivered from death^ feeing all their fins arc for' given in Chrifl 1 A. The righteous fhali be delivered from death it felf at the laft day, and even in death are delivered from the fting and curfe of it s, fo that, although they die , yet it is out of Gods love \ to free them perfectly from g , ^^^ ,^; -^^..^5; fin and mifcry^, and to make them capable of further The laft enemy thac communion with Chrift in $;lory, which they then en- ^'^^^ '^'*'Ti-.'^ r. o .^3 J death V. 5 6. The ler upon ''. ftinj of death is lln, and the ftrcngth of finis the law—— He&.J.i J.—— And deliver them who through fear of death, were all their iife- timefubj eft to bondage. '' 2/.i. J7.i,i. The righteous perilhcthj and no man layjs it to heart j and merciful men are taken awsY; none confidering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to cnmc. V.J.I He (hall enter into p:sc«, they lliall reft in ihcir beds, each one walking in bis upright- rcf:* ij^ing.xi.to, B.hold therefore 1 will gither thee unto thy fatliers, and thou Quit be ga.hcrcd inro thy grave in p:ace, and thine eyes ihall not fee all the evil which I will bring upon this place. ••Reu.i^.i^. And I heard a vcicc from heaven, faying unto mc, write, Blclfrd sre the (icad which die in the L^rd frcmhenc«for;h, yea, faith the Spicit, that they may reft from their labours, and their works do follow them. EpVj x/. That he might prefent it to himfcif a glcriciu Church, not having fpotor wrinkle, or any fuch thing, but that ic Should be holy and without bkmili. •< taJ^e jj. 4?. And Jcfus faid unto bim, Verily I fay unco tlice, This day (halt thou be with me in Pjrad'ff . Phil, 1.'?. For lam in* ftreigh;bct)«xuwo, having a dclire to depart, and to be niih Chrift; whicbisfst better. ~ ' \ Q.Wktf v" C4S3 ClJvhAtis the communion inGlorf with Chrifi, which- the members 9f the invifibie Church enjoj immediately af- ter death ? A, The communion in Glory with Chrift, whicTi the members of the invifiblc Church enjoy imnicdiatc- , lyaftcr death, is, in that their fouls are then made pcr- iHc&.iz.ij. To the fc(^ in holinefs ^, and received into the higheft hea- ISl o??h!'firS- ^cns - , where they behold the face of God in light and i>orn, which are writ- glory " , Waiting for the full redemption o£ their bo- God"th-'uT'co?^air ^^"°' which even in death continue united to Chrift p, and to chc''spHts'of ^nd reft in tiieir graves as in their beds \ till at the laft juft men madcperfca. day they be' again united to their fouls ^- whereas the For^e*kno"7ih« tf ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ wicked are at death eaft into hell, where they our earthly houfe of tcmainin torments and utter darkneTs, and their bodies *,^i?,^*^"""^5 *'"^ kept in their graves, as in their prifons, till the refurrc(5li- Giflol?cd , we have aj-irt jr ^ buiidint of Gad, an O" ^nd judgment of the great day ^ houfe not made with . hands, eternal in the hwvcns V.6.] Therefore we are alwayes confident, knowing thit while we are prcfem in the body, we arc abfcnt from the Lord — =«* V.8.3 We art confident, I fay, and willing rather tobeabfcnt from the body^and prefent with the Lord. Phit.i.t^, For 1 am in a ftreijht be- twixt two, having a delire to dipsrr, and to be with Chriil, which is far better. Compared with jiSi.i.zi. Whom the heavers muft recci? e, untill the timts of refthution of all thing,s, which God bath fpoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets, fiacc the world began. And wi h Eph.^.io. He tha.c defcended is the fame alfo that afcendsd up far above all heavens , that he migiit fill all things. » i foff^ 5. 1. Beloved,noware we thefonsof God, and it doth not yet appear whst we (hall be: but we know thscwhenhefiiallsppearjwefliallbelik; him) for we fliall fcehini'as hsis. iCor.ig.u. For nowr |ve fee through a glafs, darkly, but then, face to face: now I know in pert, but then I fliall know even as alfo I am known, "RowS.iJ. Andnotonely they, but our fclves alfo, who have the firfl-fruits of the Spirit, even we our fdves, jroan within our felves, waiting for the Adoption, to wit, the Redem- ption of our body. Pfd.i6.^. Thcrcforcmyhcartisglad, and my glory rejoicrth : my fle(h alfo fliall reft in hope. p iTheff.^.i^, For if we believe that Jefus died, and ro(e againj even Co them alfo whicbfleepinjefus will God bring with him. 1 E/A57.2. He fl^all enter into peace, they (hall reft in their beds, each one walking in his uprightnelr. « ^ob 19.16,17. And though after my skin, worms dcftroy this body, ya in my fle/hthall I fee God. V. 17-] Whom I (hall fee fur u,y felf, and mine eyes ihall behold, and not another, though my reins be corifamcd within tr.c. ' Lufi. li, X3,X4. And in hell he life up his eyes, bting in torments, and fecth Abraiiam afar off, and Laisrus in bis bofome. V.Z4,] And he cried and fajd, Father Abraham have mercy on me, and fend Laisrus that he may dip ttjetip of his finger in water and co?I my tcngue, fcr I an tormented in this flame. ASiA.r^. That he may take part of this miniftery, and Apoft!c(hip, from which Judas by tranf- greffion fell, that he might go to his own place, "^uie r.6,7. And th:A''gels which kept not their firfteftate,bii: left their own habitation, he haih ttfetved in everltfting chains under darkncfs , unto the judgement of the great day. V.7-] Even as Sodcm and Gomorrha and the cities roundabout, them inlikfmsnner giving themfches over lofornicnion, and §oin^ -after ftrangeflcili, are fjt forth foran example, fuffiring the vengtance of a:fn5l fire. Q^ what are W! tob lieve concerning tie JUfurre- Biorti ■ ' ^.We A. Wc are to believe that atthckfl: day there ftiall be a general refurrcdion of the dead, both of the juft ^Aci. 14. 15. And and uniuft ^ when they that are then found alive, fliall have hcpe cowards m a moment be charged; and the felf fame bodies of °i,..":^iL' I^'. the dead which were laid in the grave, beiug then a- that there Oiaii b: a gain united to their fouls for ever, {hall be raifed up by "^"}"^!°", ®J . ^?' I / ^\ -n 1 I T- r I • o I t_ dtadj both ot the lult, the power of Chrift"-, the bodies or the juft, by the andunjuft. ^icor. Spirit of Chrift, and by virtue of his refurredion, as ^^-v^^hn- Behold their head, ftiall be raifed in power, fpiritual, incorrupt!- LfS n"of aTfw'J; ble , and made like to his glorious body "^5 and ihe bo- buc we fiiaiaii b: dies of the wicked ftiall be raifed up in diilionour, by <-^^^l^^- ^.51.] in h-r , , T , ^ ^ •* a moment , in the im,aSanoftCndedJudge\ minklinj of aneyc, at thelafttrump (Tor the trumpet (hall foundj and the dead fiiall be raifed incorruptible, and weftiali be changed; ) V.5?,] For this corruptible muft put on incoiruption, and this mortal muft pu: on iTimortality. i rJbfj|/ 4.1 5,16, jj. For this we fay unto you by the word of the Lord, tbacwewho arealive.and remain unto the cominj of the Lord, fhall not prevent them whoarcafleep. V.16.3 For the Lord himfelf (talldefcend from heaven with a (horn, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God j and the dead in Chrift fhall rife fir fl. V.17.3 Then we who are alive, and remain, (hall be caujht up tojether with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and fo (hall wc ever be with the Lord. |fo&.5.i8,J9. Marvail not at this, for the boure is coming in the which all that are in the graves, (hall hear his voice, V. 19.] And (h»il come forth, they tha: have done good, unto the refurrcdion of life, and they that have done evil, unto the rcfurrcftion of damnation. ^ * i Cor. Jy-zrji2,ij3 4ii4?]44> Forfinceby man cam« death, by man came alfo the refurreftion of the dead. V.xi.] For as in Adam all die, even fo in Chrift (hall all be made alite, V.ij.] But every n^a:! in his own order, Chrift the firft-fruirs, afterwards they that are Chrifts at his coming V.4J.3 So alio is the refurredionof the dead J itisfownin corruption, it is raifed in ir corruption, V.43-1 Itisfownindi(honour, itisraifed in jloty j it is fownin weakntfs,ic is raifed in power j V. 44.3 It is fown a natural body, it is raifed a Spiritual body. Pfr;7. j.n . Who Hiall change our vile body, thatitmay be fa(hioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working, whereby he is able to fubdue all things unto himfelf. " ^ohn ^17, 28, 29. And hsth given bim au:horl«f^- locxecute judgment alfo, becaufe he is the fon of man. V.xi.] Msrvail not at this, for the hour is coming in which all that are in the grave*, (hall bearbis voice, V,i9.3 And (hall come forth, they thst have done good, unto the refurredios of life, and they that have done evil unto the refurredion ot damnation MAt,i^.i\^ And he (hall ftt the (hsep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. QliVVhat jhall immediately follow after the refurrc^ioni ^.Immediately after the refurrcdion ftiall follow the '' i vet. i. 4. For if general and final judgment of Angels and men^, the i'tJ^''[\T '\' and there openly acknowledged, and acquit- reaijin , fliall be caught up together wich tbcm ia the clouds , to meet the Losi.in ihc ajr, an! fo flnll WR «ver be with the Lord. ' ' ted^s ted^', fliall join with bira in the judging of reprobate Angels and mens, and (hall be received into heaven ^5 f^/^,^ j^ ■ ^^^^ where they fliall be fully and for ever freed from all fin be (hall fee tbe n^cep and mifery ' , filled with unconceivable joyes ^ , made Jhe^'Va-son^'hcff" perfedly holy and happy both in body and foul, in the wj/mo!^" Whofc- company of innumerable Saints, and holy Angels V^"r-^^"'^°" ^^^^^ but efpecially in the immediate vifion and fruition of m"n''hjm'^*iii uon. God the Father, of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and of the fe^s aifo befcie my holy Spirit, to all eternity "^ : and this is the perfeift and ?;'''^" ""^''l? V - ,/ r ' . Ill 1 r L • n t heaven. s i Qo^. full communion which the members of the mvinble 6.i, j, Do yc no: Church fliall enjoy with Chrift in j^lory at the refurre- !^"?;' that the Sajms n,. J J /•■'i . 6D / fiial judee the word ? dionandday of judgement. And if the world, &c.^— ^- V.J. Know ye not that wc (hall judjc Angels ? how much more then the things that pertain to this life ? '' !>iAti 15. ?4 — -46. Then fliall the King fay to them on bis rijliilhand, come ye blefffd of my Faiher, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world- V.46.'l And thcfc fhall go away into evfrlafting puniHimenr, but the righteous into life eternal. ' Epb.j.iy. That hemjjhtprcfentit tohimfclf a jlorious Church, not havinj fpot or wrinkle, nor any fach thing, but thatitfliould be holy? and without blemifli. Rfv.i 4. ij. And I heard a voice from heaven, faying unco me, write, Bleflcd are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth, yea, faith the Spirit, that they may reft from their labours, and iheir-works do follow th;m. ^ Pfil.ib.w, Thou vtilcfhcwmc the path of life, inthy prefcncc is fulnefs of joy, and at thy right hand ihere are p!ealures for ever- more. ' Hcb.l^.%^i^l, But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerufalem, and to an innumerable company of Angels, V. ig.] To the general allem- blyof the firft born, which are written in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the Spiiics of juft men madeperfeft. " i ^ob.^.i. Beloved, hqw arc we the Sons of God, and it 'do'th not yet ap- pear what we (liall be : but we know that when we appear thou (halt furcly die. Qi^What is the Moral Law i A^ The Moral Law is the declaration of the will of God to mankind, direding and binding every one to pcrfonalj perfc%and perpetual conforinity and obedi- ence ence thereunto,in the frame and difpolirion of the whole man foul and body ^^ and in performance of all thofe du- ties of holinefs and righuioufnefs which he oweth to God and man'i; promifing life upon the fulfilling, and threatning death upon the breach of it '. p vm. 5. i, i,j, 51. — Jj. And Mo- - fes called all Ifrael , ani faid unto them, Hear, O Ifraclj the Statutes and judgements vrhich 1 fpeak in yoac ears Ms day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them. V. i.] The LordourGodmadeacovenant wi;hu$ inHorcb. V.j.] The Lord made no: thiscovenant wichour fa;hcisjbut with us, even us ; who sr; all of us alive here this day— Vji.] Bjc as for thee ftand thou here by me, and I willfpcak unto thee allthecomm}ndmcn:s,ani the Statutes and the jui'g- mtnts, which thou (halt teach them, that they may do them in the land which 1 give them to poflKs it V.J J.] Yefliallwalkinall the wayes which the Lord your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that ye miy prolong your dayes in thft land which ye (hall poffefs. Lm^c 10.16,17. VVhat is written in the law? how readcft thou? V.ij,] And he anfwering faid, Thou (halt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy ftrength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighb3r,as thy felf. Gd/.j.io. Fotas sasnyjas are of the woikscf the law are under the curfe j for it is written, Cutfcdis every one that continueth not in all thinjs contained in the book of the law to do them, i rfcef.^ij. And the very God of peace fanftifie you wholly i And I pray God your whole Spirit, and foul and boAy.be preCerved bltme- lefs untill the coming of our Lord Jelus Chriit. 1 tu){e 1.7J. In holinefs and righteoufntfs be- fore him all the dayesof our life. ASl.t\.\6, And herein do I cxJrcifc myfelf, to hate aiwayes a con(cicnce void of ofTcnce both towards God and towards men. ' Romanes 10. <;'. For Mofes defcribeth the righteoufnefs which is of the law, that the man which doth thefc things (hall livebythem. Git i.\o.^—iz. For as many as are of the works of the Uwarc under the curfe J for it is written, Curfed is every one that continueth not in all things chat are written in the book of the law CO do them" V.ii.Andthe law is not of faiih, but chc man chat doth them Ihall live in cbem. Q, Is there afty ufe of the Moral Law toman^ face the falli A. Althotigh no man , fince the fall, can attain to rightcoufnefs and life by the Moral Law ^5 yet there is great ufe thereof, as well common to all men, as pecu- ^ jj^^g^^, Forv^hac liar cither to the unrcgenerate, on he regenerate ^ the lawcou'id not do » for that it was wcjJc throujh the fle(b, God fending his own Son in thelikenesof (inful flcfh, and for f/n, condemned Im in the fle(h. Gal. 2,16. Knowing this that a man is not juftificd by the works of the Law, but by the faith of Jefus Chrift, even we faav« believed la Jefus Chrift, that we might be juftificd by the faith of Jefus Chrift, and not by the woiks of 'he law, for by the works oi the law (hail no tlc(h bcjuHificd* * 1 Tim.i.S, But we knaw that the law is good, if a man ulc it lawfully. Q^ of what ufe is the 14 oral Law to all men < A^ -ThcMorallLaw is of ufe to all men, to inform them; "Uv. II 44,4;. For tlicmof the holy nature and will of God", and of their G:r?= M Jc«: binding them to walk accordingly * ., to con- fore fandific your vincc thcm of thcir dlfabiliry to kccp it , and of the bihV r\ ^^^f'^ ^"^"^ pollution of their nature , hearts, and lives'^; muher'fl?aiiyrdefi[j ^^ humblc them id fenfe of their fin and raifery y, your feives with any and thereby help them to a clearer fight of the need Sr'that ae7pnh ^^^V ^^^^ of Chrift % and of theferfcaion of hi5 obe- upon the carch.V.^y.] clienCC ^. For I sm the Lord that bringeth you up out of theland of Ejyptj to be your God, yr (hall therefore be holy for I am" holy. Lcv'io.7,8. Sandific your fclves thcrciorf, and be ye holy : for I atn the Lord your God, V8,] Andyefhallkccp my Starutesjjnd do them: lamchc Lord which fanftifie.^you. Row. 7.1a, Wherefore the Law is hbly, and the commandment holy, juft and good. * Micb.6.i. He bath Jhcwedthee, Oman, wha:is|ood J and what doth the Lord require of (hce, but todojuftiy, and to lovcmercy,andto walk humbly with thy Go j, ^tm.z. 10, 11. For whofoever ftiall keep the whole law, and yttcffend in one point, he is guilty of all. V.ii.] For he that faid, Dj not commit adulte- ry, [aid alfo, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a tranf- grcflourof the Law. ^ Pfal.19.11,1 z. Morfover by them is thy fervant warned, and in keeping of them there is great reward. V.11.3 Who can underftind his errors ? deanfe thou me fromfecrec faults. Rom.izo. Thereforeby thedeedsof thelawflislino fleflibc juftifiedin bis fight ; for, by the Isw is the knowledge of {in. Row.7.7. What (hall we fay then ? Is thciawfini' God forbid. Nay I had not known fin, but by the law j fori had not known luft, except the law had faid , Thou flialt not covet. y Kow.g.j—- 3-y, Whitthcn? are we better then they ? Nt), innowife; for'we liave before proved both Jewcs and Gentiles that they are all under fin. V.5-^ Forallhave fift*. ned, find come ihort of the glory of God. ^ Gj/.j. 11,12. Isthelawthen againftihc p'romife of God ? God forbid, for if there had been a law given, which could have -given life, vtrily rJghteoufneft (hould have been by the law. V. xi.] But the Scripture hath concluded all under fia, that the promife byfaithof Jefus Chrift might be given to them that believe. * Kom.10.4. Foe Chrift is theend of the lawj for righteoufncfs to every one that belie veth. Q. what farticuhrnfe is there of the Moral Urvicurh regenerate men < A, The MorallLaw is of ufe tounregenerate men, to awaken their confciences to fly from wrath to come ^, !• 1 rm. i: 9, 10. and to drive them to Chrift^-, or, upon their continuance Knowing^ ihisi th>t j^j^^ ^(^jjfg 2j,j y^,3^y ^f fin, toleavc them inexcufablc^. the Law is no: made ' ' for a righteous man, but for the lawlcfs, and difobedient, for the ungodly and finne rr, for unholy, and profane, for murderers of fathers, and mardcrersof mothers, for man fliyers. V. 10. ] For whoremongers, for them that defile themfelves with mankind, for m:n-ftealers, for liars, for perjured perfons, and if there be any other thing that is contraty to found doAtine. , ' Geut6.ii. Thou (halt fear the Lord thy God, and frrvc him, and (halt fwcar by his Name. Compared vhb, M4».4.9,io.— And faith unto him, All thefe things villi I gi. ether, if thou wilt fall down and worHiip me. V.io.] Then faid Jefus unto him, Get choc hence Jatan, forit is writren, Thou flialt wor(hip the Lord thy God, and him oncly (hal: thouferve. M^t.^S-A* 5,6. For God commanded, faying, Honour thy father and thy mother, and he that curfeih f«thcr cr mother, let him die the death. V.^] But ye fay, that wbofc;ver (hall fay to his father or mother, It is a gift by whatfoever thoumighreft beprohredby mc. And honour not his fsther or Lis mo her, he fhall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none ctfcd by your tradition. I con- C5S] contrary diity is commaaded ^: fo, where a promife f Witf.r.n; 11, »j, is annexed, the contrary thrsacning is included'; and, 14,15. Ye have heard where a threatninj» is annexed, t:hc contriry promife is that ic was Caid by • ^i„ j 1 „ ° - J ^ thctn of old' time, mcmdcd ». Thou (hale not kill, aodwhofoeycrflnU kill, (hall be ttx daajetbf thsjaigmn:. V.it.] Bit I fayunto you, whofoever isangry with his brother without a ciufe,',h ill b: in danger o? the julgmtnt, and ^hafoiver lhi[l fay to his brother, Raca, (hill be in danjcc of the Council s 1>u: whofoever ihill fay, Thou fool, (hill be indangerof Hell-fire. V.aj.] Therefore if thou bring thy gift toth: Alcar, and there remember that thy brother hath ought againft the:. V.14.] Leave thirc thy gift, and go thy way j firflbs re- conciledrothy bro:ber,aQdch:ncom:andofF:rchygifc. V.ij.] Agree with thine adverfary while thou art in the wiy wi:h himi) leaft, &:. Ep'7.4. 18. Let him thit ft jU, ft:al n 3 more , but rather Ice him work with hishjnistbe thing that is good, that he miy hive to give to htai thatncedeth. 'Ex. 19- '».Hmour thy father and thy matherjthjc thy diyes miy be long ia the land,which the Lord chy Gidgiveththec. Compxreiwitb Efov.io.17. Thj eye tha; mocketh at his father, and dcfpifeth to obey his mother, th: ravens of the valley ftiill pick it out, anl th; yonj eagles (hill cat it. " ler, 18.7,8. Atthatinftint I fliill fpeak concrnin] a Nition or Kingdom, t5 pluck up, and to pull down, and to deftroy it. V.8.] If that nition againft whom I hive pronounced, turn from theic evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do uaco them. Exai.iO. 7- Taju ftiilt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ; fpt the Lor*! will not hold him gulldeff: that taketh his nime tn vain. CompxreimtbPfxl.i^.i ^.,5. Lord, who (hall abide in thy Tibcraaclc, and who (hall dwell la thy holy Hill? — — V.4.'] IiwhoCc eyesawilcp:r[oni$contcmnied,but he honourcth them that fear the Lord: h: that l';veare:h to his own huttand chaigeth not. V.y.] H: chat putteth not his money out to ufary, nor— H: thit doth thefe things flh»ll niver be moved. Ani with ?fd. %4.4,f. He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart, who hath not lift up hb hands unto vanity, nor fworn deceitfully. V.J.] He flull tccdve the blefliag froai the Lord, and rightcouQicfs from the. God of bis falvatton. ' That, what Gjdforbids, is atnatimecobcdjne "*", *!*(.& I , 8. Will ^^^^ ^^ commands, is alwaies our duty % and y« every ye ^eak wickedly for particular duty IS HOt to be done at all timss v, God , and talk de> ccitfully for him? VS.] WiUyca:ctp:hisperfon^ will ye contend for God? Kow.j.8. And not rather, 8$ wc are flindsroufly reported, and as Come affirm that we fay, L:tusdoevil thjtgoodj may come, whofe damnation is juft. Spa&j6.xi. Take heed, rc£;a:d no- iniqiity, for this haftthou^ chofen rather then affl Id ion. Hib.\\.^'). Chafing rather to fuff^r affltdion with the preople-of God,i then to enjoy the pleafures of fin foe a feafoa. " DiiU.\Si9>, And what nation is there fogrear, J .that hath ftatutes and judgments fo righteous as all this law which I fee b:fore you this day f V. 9.3 j Onely take heed tothyfclf, and keep thy foul diligently, leaft thou forget the things which thine eyes faavefccn, and leaft they depart from thy heart alltii: dsyes of thy life, but teach them thy font, andthyfonsfons, >" Afi». iz.y. Bit if ye had known what this majncth, I will have mercy, aod not Sacrifice, yc would not have condemned the guiltlefs. _,^ That ,' under one fin or duty ^ all oF the fams Hnd arc forbidden or commanded, together with all;^ thcj! Dp] the caufcs^ means, occafions, and appearances there- of, and provocations thereunto *. * *''"i^**''"T" ' f »7>x8. Sec f btfore. beard that it hath been faJd of old, Thou (halt not commit adultery : But I fay unto you, vrhofoever looktth on a woman to luft after her, hath committed adulrcry with her alreauy in his heart. Mm. iJ.4>5j^- For God commanded, faying, Honour thy father and thy mother; and he tha curfetb his father and bis mother.lct him die the death. V.J.] But ye lay, that vrhofoever Hiall fay to his father or mother, It is a jift by whatfoever thou mighteft be profited by me, and honour not his father and his mother.he (hall be free, thus haye ye made the commandment of God of none cffeft by your tradition. Hefc. io.zij,i$. And let us confider one another to provoke unto love, and unto good works, V.»j3 Not forfaking the sflcmbling of our feUes together as the mjnner of fome is, but exhorting one ano- ther, and [o much the more as ye fee the day approching. i Thcff.^. ii. Abftain from all appearance of evil. Jude v.% 3. And others fave with fear, pulling them out of the fire , hating even the garment fpotted by. the fltfti, Gtf/.j. x6,Let us not bz defirous of vain-glory, provoking one an other, envying one another. ^o/.j.n.Fathcrsprovokenotyour childrentoanjcr,l^aftthey be difcouragcd. That what is forbidden or commanded to our felves, vye are bound, according to our places, to cndevour that it may be avoided or performed by others, according to , ^ .^ ,t/-11 " hvnit ^n itK the dut/of their places \ But the feventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God, in it thou (halt do no manner of work, thou, nor thy fon, nor thy daughter, nor thy man- fervant, nor thy maid-fervant, nor thy cattel, nor the ftranger that is within tby gates Lev. 19.17. Thou (halt not hate thy brother in thy heart, thou (halt in any wife rebuke thy neighbor, and not fufFcr (in upon him. Gen. 18.19. For I know him that he will command hi$ children and his hoo(hold after him, and they (hall keep the way of iheLordtodn jaftice and judgment, that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath fpoke of him. ^ofh. 14.1 5. And if it feem evil to you to ferve the Lord,chufe you this day whom yc will ferve but as for mc and my houfe we will ferve the Lord. 2)f«t, 6.6,7; And thefc words which I command thee this day llijll be in thy heart, and thou (halt teach them diligently to thy children, and (halt talk of them when thou fitteft in thiflc houfe, and when thou walkeft by the way, and when thou Heft down, and when thou lifcft up. That, in what is commanded to others, we are bound according to our places and callings to be helpful to them ^ , and to take heed of paitaking with others in . ^ what is forbidden them ^. Tor tJ« we't-.ve"^: minion ovtr your faith, but are helpers of your joy ' 1 rm.j.ii. Lay hands fuddcn'y on no man, neither be partaker of other mens (ins j keepthyfelf pure, Epb.^.u. And have no fellowlbip with the un- prc (liable works of darknefs, but rather reprove them. Q^ What f pedal things are rve to confider in the ten Commandments i I 2 J.y/c C«o3 A, We are to confider in the ten Commandcmcnts^ the Preface, the fubftancc of the Commandemcnts themfclves, and feveral reafons annexed to feme of them, the more to inforce them. Q. Tvhat is the Preface to the Commandments i A, The Preface to the Cjmmandements is contained In thefe viox(is[_I am the Lord thy God which have brought thee out of the land of Egyft out of the houfe of hondage^l^ ^ Exi>d.io:t. wherein God manifeftech his Soveraignty, as being Je- hovah, the Eternal, Immutable, and Almighty God % r K^'t "^t" ^^u^ having his Being in and of himfelf ^, and giving beins fauh the Lord the ,, p. , o , - . j t l°- 5^ V '° King of ifrad, and to all his words^, andworks'^, and that he is a God m his Redeemer the Covenant , as with Ifrael of old , fo with all his pco- tVetft! and I am re P^^ V whoashe brought them out of their bondage in laft> and befides me Egypt,fo he delivercth US from our Spiritual thraldom ^ 5, f fi'^oi " i"° A°nd ^^^ ^^^^ therefore we are bound to take him for our God GodVid unco'Mofe", alonc, and to keep ail his Commandemcnts K J AH THAT I AM, ^ andhefaid. Thus fhalc thou fay unco the children of Ifrael, I tAhi hath fcnt me unto you. tExoi. 6. J. And I appeared unto Abraham and Ifaac, and Jacob by the nanc of God Almighty jbuc by my name Jehovah, was I not known to them. "^^^.17.14 x%, God that made the world, and all chinas therein, feeing that be is Lord of heaven, and of earth, dwellech not in temples made with bands. V. 18.3 For in him we live, and move, and have cur bein^^, as certain alfo of your own Poets have faid. For we are alfo of his oflf-fpring. ' Gen.17,7. And Iwilleftabliflimy Covenant between me and thee, and thy feed after thee in their generations for an everlaftinj Cove ^ nant, tobeaGadunrothee, andtothyfeedafterthsc. R9W.J.19. Is he the God of the Jewsonclj? is he not alfo of thaGenciles? Ycsof the Gentiles alfo. ^ Lu^.i. 7*>75. That he would jranc unto us, that wc being delivered out of the hands of our enemies, might ferve him without fear. V» 7?.] In hoMncfs and righECoufnefs before him all the daies of our life. ^ 1 Pet.i;i^,i6y i7,it. But as he who hath called you, is holy i fobeyc holy inall mannerof converfation. V.16.J Bjcaufcitiswritten, Bcyeholy,forIamholy. V.17. AnJif yecall on the father, who without re- iptSt of perfons judgeth according to every mans work, pafs the time of your fojourning here in fear. V.i8.3 Forafmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corrup;ible things, as filver and gold, from your vain converfation received by cradidonfrom youc fathers. Lev.iS^jo. Therefore ftiill yc keep mine Oi-dinances, that ye commit no: any of thefe abominable cuilomes which were committed - before you, and that ye defile not your felves therein : I an the Lord yqur God. Levit. 19.37. There-; forcihall yc obfcrve all my Statutes, and ail my judgments, and do them : I am the Lord- Qi What is thefumme of the four Commartdementsj»hich contain our duty to God? A, The fumme of the four Commandments contain- ing our duty to God, is, to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our; foul , and with all our ftrengih^. ftrcngth , and with all our mindc -. ^ ^^^^ ^^ .^^. ^^^ he anfwering faid unto him, Thou (halt love ib: tord thy Goi with all thy htart, and with all, &c. Q. ^^i V. 11,3 And Jofliua faid unto th!p-op!e,Y; are witn:ff:sa?ainft your fcivc$,that ye have chofcn the Lord to ferve him. And they faid, we arc witnelfes. y T)eut. 6.f. And thou (halt love the Lord, thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy might. ^ VfuLy^iU Whom have 1 in heaven but thee i* and there is none upon earth chat I ddire belules thec» ^ '/<»• 8,1 J. Sandifie the Lord of hoftshimfelf, and let him be your fear, and let him be your diead' ^Exoa,- 14. J I. Andlfraelfiw the great work which the Lcrddid upon the Egyptiansj and the people feared the Lordjjuvd believed the I^ord and his [ecvam I^fcs. * truftings trufting c, hoping \ delighting ^ , rcjoycing in him ^, ^ VJ" praifc and thanks ^5 and yielding all obedience and fub- vah"'h ^evcrlafting mifiTion 10 him , with the whole man \ being carefull in ftrenf.th. ^ PR all things to pleafe him '", and forrowFul when in any llrJniheYVdltl^^^'^S he is offended ^ and walking humbly with with the Lord thercis him •". mercy, and with him is plemcous rcd:ropcIon. ^PfsL^y.^. DcHjhcthy felf alfointhcLord, and he fliall give thee the dtfircs of thine htarr. * ^f^^-i *• ^^' ^e jlad in the Lord, and r( Joyce ye righteous, and (houc for joy a!! ye that are upright in heart s Rom. ii.ii. Not flochful in bufinefsj fervent in fpirita ferving the Lord. CmpdredwUb linmb. i^.ii. Phmeasthe fon of Elesiarj the fonof Aaron the Piicft} hath turned my wrath away from tbe children of Ifrael (while fiewisiealousfotmy fakea- mongftthem) that Iconfumed them not in my jealouGe, ^ Pbil.^.6. Be careful for nothing but in every thing, by prayer and fupplication, with thanksgiving let your requcfts be made known unto God. ' J(r.7.zj. But this thing commanded I themj faying, Obey myYoice,andI will be your God, and ye (hall be my people, andwslkye in all the wayts that I have commanded you, that it may be well with youi ^Am.^.j. Submit your felves therefore to God, relift theDivel and he will flee from you. '' i ^'ob. j.xx. And whatfoever we ask we receive of him, bccsufe we keep his command- ment, and do thofc things th»t are pleafing in his fight; ' 3^er.}i.i8, I have furely bc^rd Ephraim bemoaning himCelt thus, Thou haft chaftifed n-.e^ and I was cbaililed as a bullock unaccuitotaed to the yoakj turn thou me, and I fliall be turned, thoa art the Lord my God. Pfal. 119.136. Rivers of waters run down mine eyes btciufe men keep not thy law. ■" Mich.6.9. Hehathihewenihe;, O man, what is good } and what doth tbe Lord rtqaire of theCjbut to do jufticC} and to love mere/} and to walk humbly with thy God f Q^ what are the fmnes forbidden in the fir ^ Command- ment i ^. The fins forbidden in the firft Commandemcnt^ are, Atheifm in denying, or not having a God", Idola- try^in having, or woi fliiping more Gods then one, or any with, or inftead of tbe true God ° ^the not having and a- " P/4//14.1. The fool vouching him for God, and our God p 5 the omilTion or There h^'loM— "^S-<^<^ of any thing duc to him required in this Com- Eph. Z.I a. That st turned their b'ck upon me, and no: their face j but inthctimuof rhcir trouble they will fay, arife and faveus. V.28.] But where are thy Gods that thou haft made thee? let them arifc, if they canfave thee in the time of 'hy trouble, for according to the number of thy cities are thy Gods O Judah. Compxred xvUh i Thcf.i.^, For they thtmfelvesfliewof us what manner of entring in we bad un- to you and how ye returned to God from Idols, to ferve the living and true God. ?^[d.Bi, ii. But my people would not h;«rl$cn to my voice} Ifrael would have none of mc. » mand- mandmcnt ^ , ignorance s forgctfulncfs -, mifappre- henfions c, falfe opinions ", unworthy, and wicked thoughts of him *, bold and curious fearching into his fccrets^ all profancnefs y, hatred of God % felf- love% felf-fceking^ and all other inordinate and im- moderate fetting of our mind, will, or afFc(5tions upon Lrt L 'caiifd 'upon other things, and taking them off from him in whole or me , o Jacob , but in part \ vain credulity \ unbelief %'herefie ^, misbeliefs, '^r"" ^'^* ^"" !*"7 ^ ' "' ' ' ' ' of me , O Ifrael. V. 2j.] Thou haft not broaght mcthcfnullcattelof thyburnr-offcrings, nei:her hail thou honoured mc with thy facrlfi- ces V. 14.1 Taou hift bought m: no fwect cans wich money, nor haft thou filled me with the fat of thy facrifices, buchaftmidsmetoferve with thy fias, thou haft wearied me wich thine iniqui- ties. ' Jer,4.ii. Fjrmypcop.'cisfoolifh, they have not known me j they arc foci ifli children, andhaycnounderftanditij ; they are wile to do evil, but to do jood they have no knowledge. Hof. 4.1 — 6. Hear the word o£ theLord, ye children of Ifrael j forthi Lordhathacontroverfi: withthc inhabitants of the land, becaufe tftiete Is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge ot Gjd in the land— — V.6.] My people are deftroyed for lack of knowledge, becaufc thou haft rejtded knovtled^e, I alio will rejedthec, that thou (halt beno Pdeft tome, fesmj thou haft forgotten th: law of thy Godj I alfo will forget thy children. ' ler.z.ii. Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride lieratiirc .' yet my people have forgotten me dayes without number. "^ ASi.ij.i^ 19. ForasI pa (Ted by, and beheld your devotion, I found an Altar with this infcription , TO TH3UMKN.0 IVH GOD ; whom therefore ye ignorantly worflitp 5 him I declare unto you ■ V.19.] Fjrafmuch then , as aw: are the ofF-fpringof God, we ought not to think thit the Godhead is like unto gold, or liWer' or ftone graven by art or mans device. " I/ii^o.iS. To whom then will ye liken God, or what likcnefs will ye compare unto him ? * P/J/.jo.xi. Thcfe things baft thou done, and 1 kept filensc, thouthoughteftthati was altogether [uch a one as thy felf 5 but I wi[lrtp:ovethee,aad fet theminori der bjfore thine eyes. " Dm. i^. 19. Secret things belong unto the Lord our God j but thofe things that are reveiledbjlong unto as, and to our children for ever, that we mjy do all the words of thelaw. y r/M.i6. Tbeyprofefs they kaow God, but in works they deny him, being ibjmi- nible, difobedient,and toeyery good work reprobate. Heb.ii.i6. Leaft there be among you any for- nicator or prefane perfon, asEfau,who for one morfel of meat, fold his birthrighr, ^ Kwn t ^o Backbiters,haters of God. defpighcful, proud, bo7.fters,&c. ^ t riw.^.x. For men fhall be lovers of themfelvcs, covetous, boafters, proud, blafphtmers, difobedient to parents, unthankf ul,unholy. ^PhU i.ii. ForalUeekth-irown, not the things that are Jctus Chriftj. <= i Jojb.i.i 5,16, Lave not . .... ...„>. ^.^ ^^^j,^^ . ui/i.j.j J, j,tt your at- feftions on things above, 'hot en things on the earth ^ V.y.] Forthoufh I am abfcntin the ?•.*' y"l.>^^"^T '"'^-S^"''^'/^^';2' and beholding your order, and the ftedfaftnefsof vour faithinChrift. <^ i lA^.i^ BMovcd, believe not every Ipkic, but try the fpirits^wbether^hey be of Gjd, becaufemsny talieP- phecs uc gone cut into the world. e ficb\.ii. Take heel brethren, left there be in anyot y.vj.-. •..;i /.. c .._i 1. , . . . .>'.'. ^ <■* f Gil. 5. zo. Idolatry Seditions , Hcrefics. nition,rcjea. things contrary to the native of Jefus of Naiaretb. diflruftf* ''Vjai.7S.zt. Becaufc difti'uft '', defpair ', irxorrigiblenefs k^ infenfiblcneft «iicy believed not in Under judgements^, hardnefsof heart "\ pride ", prefum- vjact , nor trufted in- t /- • • r >i * X hisfaivation. '^ Gen. ptJon ", carnal fccurity p, tempting of God 'I, ufing un- 4.1 J. And Cain faid lawful mcans ', and trufting in lawful means ^5 carnal de- T.li^'^°'^' ^^^ ^•^^'^^s and joycst^ corrupt, blind, and indifcreet zeal", then 1 ran bear. ^ut. Hike-vvarmnels % and deadnefsin the tnmgsof Godx; ^3.0 Lord, are not eftranging our felves , and apoftatizing from Cody, truth ?"hT"h:ft Pi'''iying, or giving any religious worfhip to Saints, An- ftriden ihem , but gels5 0rany other creatures % all compa(fls,and confuk- tiity have not griev- ed , thou haft corfumcd them, bu' they have rcfufed to receive corrcftion, they have made their faces harder then a rock, they have rdufcd to return. ' 1/41.41.15. Therefore he hath poured upon him the fury of bisan=er,ardth: ft engthot" battel j and it hnth fee him on fire round about, yec he knew icro: \ and it burnrd him, yet he laid ic rot to heart. "' Kom.t.5. But after tbyhardnefs and im- pcnicCHt heart, treafurcft up unto thy (cjf wrath againft the dsy of wtatb, and revelation of the righteous judgrrentof God. " Jcr.ig.ij. Hear ye and give eorj be not proud, for the Lord hath fpoken ir. " Pf4i.19.15'. Keepback thy fetvant alfo from prefucrptuous fins, let Them not have dominion overme, then iliall I be upright and innocent fronuhe great tr?nfgr(fllcn. p Zcpb.i.n, And it fhall eomc to pafs at that tiasejtbat I will Cesrch Jerulalem with candlesjsnd punilli the men tbst ar? fetlfd on their lecf, that fay in their hearts. The Lord will not do good, neither will he do evil. 1 Matt.4. 7. Jefus faid untohim, It is written again, thou ftialt not tempt the Lord thy God. ' Kcw.j.S. And notrather, as we be flanderoufly reported, and as fome affirm that we fay, Let ns do evil that good may come,whofe damnation is juft. ' / but are helpers of ycur joy, for by faiih ye fiand. A/ut.ig.j. And call no man your father upon earth, {or one is your father which is in heaven. d Veut.ij,. t j. But JeOiurun waxed fat snd kicked j thou art waxed fa 3 thou arr jroivn thick, and thou art covered with fatncis j then he forfookthe God that made him, and lijbtly efteemed the rock of hisfalvation. 2 Sxm. ix.9. Wherefore baft thou defpifcd the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in his fight ? thou haft killedUiiah the Hittire with the fword, and halt taken his wife to be thy wife, &c. Prov.i j.i 3. Whofoddpifetu the word, (hall bedcifroyed 5 but hs that feareth the commandment fliall be rewaciled. <= ASl.7.^1. Ye Itiff- necked and uncircum- cifcd in heart and ears, ye do alwaycs re fift the He ly Ghoft J as your fathers did, fo do ye. Eph 4. jo. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are fealed to the day of redemp:ion. ^ ^fthi- 2j3 — 14,15 11. ButasformCimyfeetwercalmoftgoncmy fteps had we 1 nigh fllpt. V.j.] For 1 was envious at the foolifh, when I faw the profpcrity of the wicked V. 1 3] Verily I have eleanfed my heart in vain, and wafhed mine hands in innocency. For all the day lonj hsye I been plajued, and chaRened every morning. V.i j.] If I fay I willfpeak thus, behold I (liould offend agsinfl thejencration of thy children V.n.JSo foolifh was 1, and ignorant i I was even as a beaft before thee, ^ob 1.22. In all this Job (inned nor, nor charged God fooliOily. s i sam. 6. 7, 8,9, Nowi therefore make a new cart, and take two milch kinc, on which there hath come no yoke, and tie the kine to the cart, and bring the calves home from them. V.8.] And takuheArkof the Lord, and lay ic upon the cart, and put the jewels of gold, which ye return him for a trefpafs-offering, in a cotter by the fide thereof, and fend it away that it may jo. V.9.] And fee, if it goeth on by the way of his own coaft to Bethfhemelh , then he hath done us this great evil ; but if not, then we fhall know that it is not bis hand that fmotc us, it was a chance that happened to us. '■ Van.^. 2}. But bait lifted up thy felf againft the Lord of heaven, and they have broHght the vefl'ds of his houfe before thee j and thou, and thy Lords, thy wives and thy concubines have drunk wine in them, and thou haft praifed the Gods of filver; of brafs, iron, wood, and ffone j which fee not, nor hear, nor know » and the God in whofe hand thy breath is, and whofe are all thy wayes, haft thou not glotiiied t ' Vcut.S. 1 7. And thou fay in thy heart, my power, and the might of my hand bath gottcnme this wealth. Pin. 4. 30, TheKingfpake, and faid, is not this great Babylon that I have built for the houfe of the Kingdom,' bythcmightof my pow:r, and for the honour of myMajefty. ''Hib.t.iS. Therefore they i>cri- fice unto their net, and burn incenfe unto thtir dra^j bccaufe fay them iheir portion is fatj and their meat plenteous. K Q^H'ht Q^ fVhat are we efpcddlly taught hy thefe words [before mc] in the firfl Commandment i A, Thefe words before me, or before my face, in the fhft Commandment, teach us, that God who feeth all things, takes fpecial notice of, and is much difpleafcd with the fin of having any other God 5 that fo it may be an argument to diffwade from if, and to aggravate it, as ^EykMMtbeiwdl ^ ^^^ impudent provocation ' 5 as alfo to perfwade us to Then laid he unco , • % r \ ^ i • • • r • me, Son of man, life do, as in his fight, what evcr we do in his lervice *". up thine eyes [now the way cowards ibc North i fo I life up mine eyes, and behold ac the gate of the Altar, this imaje of jealoulie in the entry. Andhcfaid fo on. T/ai. 44. 20, ai. But if we have forgotten the nameof ourGod,orflrethedoutourhandstoa ftrange God j {hall no: God fearch this out i for he kaoweththe fecrets of the heart' ^ i Chron, 18.9. And thou'SoIonjon my fon, know thou the God of thy father, and ferve him with a pcrfeft heart, and with a willing mind , for the Lord fearcheth all bcatts,andunderfisndetb all the imaginations of the thoughts j if thou fetk bim, he will be found of tbec ', but if thou forfake him^ be will caft thee off for ever. Q^ which is the JecondCommAndment^ A. The fecond Commandment is [^Thot* jhdt not mike mto thee any graven image ^ or any likenefs of any thing that is in heaven above ^ or that is in the earth be- neath, or that is in the water under the earth 5 thou jbalt not how down to them nor ferve them : for I the Lord thy God am a jejlous Gcd^ vifiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children^ unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me 5 and Jhaving mercy unto thoufands , of ? xo .10.4; 5,6.^ ffjg^ ffj^f Ig^s me, and keep my Commandments'' i"} Q. What are the duties required in the fecond Cutumand^^ ment ? Md hi fiidumo ;hem, ^' The dutics required in the fecond Commandment, s?t your hearts unro are> thc receiving, obferving5and keeping pure and entire, «ltifir'i'*^''oJ^^^^"^^^^^^oious"wor and Ordinances as God hath this'day,wuich ye (hall inftituccd in his v/ord % particularly. Prayer and Thanks- command your chii' dcen to obferve to do all thc words of this law. V. 47. ] For it is not s vain thing for you j becaufc it is y.ourlifc, and through this thing-ye fhsU prolong your day«s in the land whither ye go over Jordan to paflefsit. Afitt.i8.zo. Teaching them loobfirvc all things wbatfoevcr I have commanded youj and lo I am wich you alway uat9 the end of the world. A^.z.^i. And they cominiud ft:dfaftly in the Apoftlesdodrine, and fellowfhip, and in breaking of bread, and in prayer, i r/ffi.6.i JjM. I give thee charge in thc fight of Gad, who quickenchiiUthings J and before Chriit JsfuSjwho before Pontius Pilaccwitnefledagoodconfiflion, V.14.] That thou keep this Commandment yviihow fpot,unrc-; Nuablc, untUi the appearing of our Lord ] ifus Chrift, - - - giviig. C^7] giving in the natnc of Chrift p, the reading, prcachlngj and hearing of the word '^j the adminiftration and re- ceiving of the Sacraments', Church-government and ^Phii.^.f. Becsrffni Difcipline ^,ihe Miniftery and maintenance thereof \ re- [ycry "hinjUy praycc ligious fafting ", fvvearing by the name of God "^j and and lupplication mih vowing unto him'^' : As alfo the difapproving, deteftin^, '^'"^'1''"'^ ^"S r- 11 / ir n • j ^ * ,. °' , ^» requclts fcc made oppohng all talle worlliip y 5 and, according to each ones known to God. Sph. f.zo, Giving thanks aIwayes,forall thingSjuntoGod jand the¥athcr in thcrameofour Lord Jefus CbriiV i "Dcut. 17,18119. AndicfliaUbewhenhefitcethu|?onthecbroncof his kingdom, chat he (hall write him a copy of this law in a book, out of that which is before the Piitfts and Levites. V.19.] Aiid it fliall be with faim, and he (hall read therein all the dayes of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, to keep all the words of this law, and thefc ftatutesto do them. jicf. 15. 21. For Mofes of old time hath in every city them that preach him, bein j read in the Synagogues every Sabbath day. » Tim. 4.2. Preach the word, be inftant, in ftafon, out of fealon, reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-fuftcr- inj and doSrine. ^am.x.Hiit. Wherefore lay apart all fihhinefsj and fupefljityof nsughiintfs, and receive with mceknefs the ingra(ted word, which is able to fave your loules. V.u.] But be ye dorrs of the word, and not hearers onely, deceiving your own felvej. ^ff. lo.^j. Immediately therew fore I fenc unto thee, and thou haft well done, that thou art come. Now therefore are; we all here prefent before God, to hear all things that arc commanded thee of God. '' MAt.:8.is Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and ef the Holy Ghcft. iCor.it.zi.iotbcio.verfe. For I have received of the Lord, chat wb'c'i alfo I de- lix-ered unto you, tha'. the Lord Jefus the fame night wherein he was betrayed, took bread,- - - jlndfocn, ^ Wrfr.iS. 15, 16,17. Moreover if thy brother trefpafs againft thee, go snd cell bim his faulc between thee and him alone J if he (hall hear thee, thou haft gained thy brother. V.16.] Butif he will not bear, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnefTcs c vtry word may be cftsbli(hed. V.^7.'] And if he (hall neglcft to hear them, tell it to the Church, bu: if he wili not bear the Church, let him be,&c. ATrfM 6. 1 9. And, 1 will give unto thcc tbekcyes of the kingc'cm of heaTfn, and whatfocver thou (halt bind on earth (hall be bound in heaven, ami wbatfoeverihcu flialtloofconearthjniallbe loofed in heaven. 1 (/""-J- tbe whole chapter, i Ccr.\i.iZ. And Gcd feathfet fomcintheChurch jfirftj Apoftles jfccondarily, Prophets; thirdly. Teachers j atctr that* Miracles i then Gifts of healings, Helpr, Governments, diveifities of tongues. ' Epb.^. 11, it. And he gave fome Apoftles, and fomeProphecs.and [ome Evangelifts, and feme Paftors.and Teacher?, V,i i.] For the perfeding of the Saints, for the work of the Miniftery, for the edifying of the body oE Chrift* I r/w.5.17318. Let the elders that rule well, be counted worthy of double honour, cfpecially they who labor in the word and doftrine. V.18.] For the Scripture faith, thou (hslc not muMlc the o« that treadcth out the corn, and the labourer is wcrchy of his reward, i Cor.9.7'. to v. 15. Who joeth a warfare any time at his own charge ? who planteth a vineyard, and csteth not of the fruit there- of ? or who fecdeth a fleck, atjd eatetb not of the milk of theftock? • j4nd fo on to v. if. " ^ceZi;ii,ig. Therefore alfo now, faith the Lord, Turn ye even tome with all your heart, and with fafting, and weeping and mourning; V. ij.] And rend your hearts, and not yrur girments, and tarn unto the Lord your God, for he is gracious,8nd merciful Sec i Cor.7.5. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with confcnt for a time, that ye may give ycur felves to fafting and prayer, and come together again, that Satan tempt ycu not for your incoiitinency. * 23f«^6. ij. Tbou (halt fear ihe Lord thy God, and fcrve him , and (halt fwcarbyhis name. ^ Jfai. 19. »i. And the Lord (hall be known to Egyp*^, and the Egyptians (ball know the Lord in that dayj and (hall do ficrffice and oblation, yea they (hall vow avow umo the Lord, and perform it/ F(d.T(i\i. Vuw andp.-yunto the Lord your God j lecailthstare roundabout bim, bring prefents unto him that ought to b: feared, y ASiA7.\6,\j, How while Paul waited for them at Athens, his fpirit was ftirrcdin h-m when he faw all the city given to idolatry. V.17.3 Tbc-efore difputeJ he in the Synagogue wih the Jcwes, and with the devout perfon,3n({ in the market daily with them them that met with hioi. P/ii/. u<.4. Their fotrowj ftiall be multiplied that baften after another God j their drink-cflain^s of blood will not I offer, not take up their names inco my lips. -K a ^ place .n™., , » 1, P'*"^^ *"^ calling, removing itj and all monaments of them, yc flialldcftroy their Alcars, and breakdown their images, and cut down their grovesj and burn their gravcft images *" f u ^i'^^'i°'^^' Ye (hall defile alfo the covering of chy graven images of filver,and the oraa- mentof thy molten images of gold; thou (hah caft them away aiamtnftruous clo:b, thaulhakfay unto it, Get thcc hence/ Q^ What Are thefms jerblddtnin the fecond Csmm. mo- ment i A\ The fins forbidden in the fecond Commandment, are, alldevifing % counfelling^, commanding ^ufiag'^, and any wayes approving any religious worrtiip not infti- tuted by God himrclf% colerating a falfc Religion^, the making any reprefencation of God, of all, or or any of the three Perfons , either inwardly in our mind, or outwardly, in any kind of Image or likcnefs of any creature whacfoever s, all worfhipping of ic \ or God inic, or by it^^ the making of any reprefcntation of feigned Deities'^, and all wor(hip of them, orfervice belonging to them ', all fuperftitious devices "% corrupt- ing the worfhip of God " , adding to it, taking from 5rS\V'l^' ^"*^ " p, whether invented and taken up of our felves p, or It In all be unto you -ii «•• /• i *■ ^ i ii for a fringe , that ye reccivcd by tradition from others q, though under the may look upon ic, and title of Antiqaity % Cuftome^, Devotions good In- Gommandmems 'of ^^^^^ ^r any Other pretence whatfoever ", fimony % theLord,anddothem, facriledge% all negled y, contempts hindering % and and that ye feek not oppofing the wotfliip and Ordinances which God hath after your own heart, • °ii * **••" and your own eyes, appointed^, after whieh ye ufc to go a whoring. b mut. 15. 6, 7, 8. if thy brother the fori of thy mother , or thy fon; orrhy daughter j or the wife of tbybofome,or thy friend which is as thiaeown foul, entice thee fecretly.fsyinj, Ltcusgoand ferve other gods, which thou hjft not known, thou, nor thy fathersj V-.70 Namtlyof the gods of thj people which arc round about th:e, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earch to the othtr. V.8.] Thou lliilt not coafent unto him, nor hearken unto him, nor fliall thine eye pity him, nor (Tialt thou fparc, nor Ihak thou conceal him. ' Hof j.ii.Ephraioi is oppreffcd and broken in judgment, bcciufe he willingly walked afccr the Commandmtnt. Micb. 6.i6.For the Statutes of Omri are kep-, and all the works of the houfc of Ahab j and yc walk in their counfels, that I fliould make thee a defolation, and the inhabitants thereof an hiffiig ; therefore yc ihall bear tb.° reproach of my people. Oi J I, J I. Take heed to thy felf chat thou be not fnared by following them, afcsr they be dcftroyed fro n before thee } and that thou enqviirc not after their Gods, faying, how did thefc nations fcrve thtir ^ods f even fo Willi do lik:wi"e. V,ji.] Thuudiilc not do fo unto the Lord thy G:;d,foceycry sbomi- nationtocheLord which he haccth have they done uno their jodsj for even ch:ir fons and iheirdit^h- ters have they burnt in the fire to their gods. V. 31] Wharlocvcr I command you, obferv: to oo j thou (hale not addc thereto, nor diminifh from ici f Z)CMt,ij. from ver.6. to ver.ti. If thy bro- ther thefon of thy mother, otj&c, vide 1^1 ZccJb.i j.j. j. And it (hall comcto pafsinchatdjy, fai.h the Lord of holts, tbir I will cu: off the names of the idols out of the Isnd, and they Hull no more be remembrcd : and alfo I will csufeth: P.-ophe-s, an.l the unclean fpirit to pafs out of the land. V.J.] And it (hall come to ps[s that when any (hall yet pophcfi:,then hisfa- ther and mother that bcjat him (hall f jy to bim» Thou (h jIc not live j for thou fpcaktft lies in the name of the Lord j and his fjchjr and mother that b;gac him, (liall thruft hiji through when he prcphcfieth. Rev.i.i. 14j'? io. I know thy works and thy labourj and thy patience, and ho.v thou cnnft not bear them which arc evil jand thou haft tried them who fay they arc Apoftles and arc net, and haft found them liars V.14.] But I have a few thinjs agftinft thee, becaufe thouhjft there them that hold the doftrine of Balaam, who taught Bilak to caft a ftumbling-block before the childrtn of I'racl, and to eat things factificed to idols , and to commit f:rnic.nion. V.j.] 5*0 baft thou alfo them that hold the doftrineof the Nicolaicans , which thing I hate. V. 10.] Nnwiih- ftandlng I have a few things againft chec (the Church of Thya ir;t) b:caufc thou fufFjttft that wo- man Jezebel, who cillcth her felf a P.op'ie-.efs , to tejch, and to fcduct my fcrvants, to commie fornication, and to eat things facrificed to idols. Jlcu.17.1z 16,17. An.d the t.n horns which thou favrcft, arc ten Kings, which have received no Kingdom as yet, but receive power as Kings one hour with the beaft.— — V.t6. ] And the ten horns which thcu fawcft upon thcbc^.ft, thefc (hall hate the whore, and tnake lie* defolate, and naked, and cat her fl.fli, and burn her with fire, V. 1 7.] For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will and to agree, and jjive their Ktng'^om unto the btafts,untill the wordsof God (hall be fulfilled. s PfKf. 4. i y, 16, 17, 18, 19. Take ye therefore good heed unto your felves (for yefawno manner of limiliuide 0:1 the day tha: the Lord fpakc unco you in Horcb, out of thcmidftof the fie) V.16. Left you corrupt your fdves, and make you a graven Image , &c.— — « V.19.] And left thou life up thine eyes unto heaven, and svhen thoufceftthe Sun, Moon, and Stsrres, even ali the hoft of heaven, (houldcft be driven to wor- (hip them, and terve them, which the Lord God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven. jid. 17.19- Forafmuchthen as wearetheofffpring of G;d, we oujht no: to think that the Godhead islike to gold or filvcr, or ftone graven by art and mans device. 3^3>?j.i.zi,zi,ij ij. Beciufc that whan they knew God, they gioiified him not as God, nor were they thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolifh hear: was darknci. V.zi.] Profeflinj themfelves wife, tbey b can c foolsi V.iJ.] And changcdthe glory of the incorruptible God, in:o an Imag,e made like to cor- rnptiblc man, and to birds, and beafts and creeping thiings V.15.] Who changed die truth of God into a lie, and worfiiipped and ferved the creature more then the Creator, who is blelfed tor ever. Amen. ^ Z><:n.^-i8. But if nor,be it known unto thee O King, thi: we wlUnot ferve thy go.is, nor wot/hip thy golden Image which thou haft fee up. Grf/.4.8, Howbtit then when y« knew not Gjd, ycdid fcrvicc uaco them which by namre are no Gods. ' Excd.ii.-^ 8. And when Aaron faw it he built an Altar before it, and made proclamation, andfaidj To moirow is a ff?lt to the Lord. — ' V.K.] They have turned afidc quickly out of the way which I commanded them; they have made them a molcen calf, and have woi(hipped it,aad have facrif,c;d thcreun:o , and laid, Thefc be thy Gods, O If ael, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, ^liyfng: 18. :6 18. And they took the bullock, and dreflcd it and called upon th: name of Bn), f.om DCorning to nosn, faying, O Bjal, hear us j but there was no voice, nor any that anfwered j and they leapt upon the Altar which was made . V.iS.] And they cried loud, and cue thcn:fe!rcs with knives, Scc..^ lfii.6'). n. Bj«t ye arc they that focrsk: the Lord, that for^^et my holy mountain , that prepare a tabic for the troop, thst fu.nifh the diink-.lF.-ring unto the nunibcr. ™ AH. 17. li. Then Paul ftsodin the midlt of Mars-hill, and faid , Y<: mm of A.bcns, I percivc tliat in all things y? are coo fuperftitiouj. C70T Cf/.s.i^i "s*?. (Touch nor, tafle not, handle net, V.xi.^ Which all are to pert/Ti with the ufing) afccr theccmmandmentsjanddcflrincsof men. V'.igv] Which things have indeed a ftew of wifdom in Will-^worfliip, and humility, and ne^lcding of the body> not in any honour to the iacisfying of thcflcfh. " Md.i.7i% 14. Ye offer poUurcd bread upon mine Altar, and ye fay, Where have we polluted thee ? in that ye fay. The table of the Lord is contemptible. V 8.] And if ye offit the blind for a facrifice, Js it not evil ? and if the lame and (ick,5s it not evil ? Offer it now to thy Governor, will fee be pleafed with thee,- or accept ihyptrfon, faith the Lord of hofts .«>-- V.i4.j[ Bjt curled be the deceiver who hsth in his flock a male, and voweth and facrificcch unto the Lord a corrupt thing j for I am a great King, faith the Lord of hofts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen. " Vm.J^.i. Ye (hall not adde unto the word which I command you, nor ftall ye djmi- nilh ought from it, that ye m&y keep the commandments of theLord your God which I command youc ^ P[il.io6.^^. Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whorini with their ovm in- vcn-.ionsi "44.» 7. Bi: wc will certainly CO whatfoevjr thing gocth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incence to the Queen of hcaven,and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we and our fathers, our Kings, and our Princes in the cities of Judab, and in the ftreets of Jerufalem, for then we had plenty of viftua.'sj and were well, and faw no evil. ' l/«.65, 5,4,5. Apecple thatprovokethme toan^ec continually to my face, that facrificcth in gardens, and burns incenfe upon Altars of brick, V. 4.] Which remain among the grave, and lodge in the monuments, which eat fwines flvlh, and broth of abominsble things is in ^heir veflels. V.5.3 Which fay. Stand by thy felf, come net neer me, fori am holier then thou i ihefeareafmckein mynore,afi;e thatburns allthcday* Gill. i5>i4. Forye have heard of my converfation in times paft in the ]ewes religion, how that b yond mcarurc I perfecu- tcd the Church of God, and wafted it, V. « 4.] And profited in the Jewes religion, above msny mine equals in mine own nation, being exceeedingly ztalous of the traditions of my fathers. " i Sam, If,!.. But the people ("laid Saul j tockof the fpoil, ftieepj and oxen, the chief of thofe things which (hould have been utterly deltroyed, to facrifice unto the Lord thy God in Gilgal. * AB. 8.18. And when Simon, that through the laying on of the Apoftlcs hands the Holy Ghofl was given, he offered them money. ^ Row. 2. 21. Thou that abhorreft Idols, dolt thcu commit facriledge? Mai. 5.8. Will a man rob God ? yet ye havk robbed me. But ye fay, Wherein have we robbed thee ? In tiihes, and offerings. y E*oi. 4.14,26. And :t came to pafs by the way inthelnne, that the Lord methim,Jnd fought to kill him. V.2j.] Then Zipp^rah took a (harp ftone, and cut off the foreskin ot her Ion, and call it »t his feet, &c. — ■ ^ Mtt.i%.bemin|. i Thef. 2. 15,16. Who both killed the Lord Jefus, and their o«n Prophets, and have perfecuted us, and they pleafe not God, and are contrary to all men, V.16.3 Forbidding us to fpeak to the Gentiles, that they might be fayed, to fill up their fins alwaycs) for the wrath is come upon ihem to the uttcrmoft. Q. rvhat are the deafens annexed to the fecondCenu mAnamCnt the more to enforce it ? A, The Reafons annexed to the fecond Command- menc \ the more to enforce ic, contained in thefs words C ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^h ^^^ ^^ ^ jCAlot^ God^ "ui filing the ittiqaities of the fathers u^on the children , nnto the third and fourth generation ^ of them that hate me 5 and fheiving mercy unto thoufands of them that love me , and j keep m) Commandments^ : ] are , befide Gods fove- of;cj^.i^-j^5. raignty over us, and property inus**, his fervent zeal for his own worOiip % and his revengeful indignation a- ''P^^^4^"• %o^^\\ gainft all falfe worOiip, as being a fpirimal whoredom Vill^fh^.trt accounting the breakers of this Commandmenc fuch as is thy Lcri, and wor- hate him, and threacning to puniih them unto divers ^^'P ^^°", ^',^- '^'^• ' .. \ n ' i*ir f • r \ i< ?,4. And they Img generations s, and efteeming the oblcrvers or it, fuch as the long of Mofcs the love him, and keep his Commandments, and pro- Ccrvam of God, ani mifing mercy to them unto many generations \ '(^;|™5 °J^^,=„ ^'ti marvellous arc thy works, Lord God Almighty, j aft and true arc cby wa/es, thou King of Saints, V. 4-1 Who fliall not fear chee O Lord,«nd jlorifi: thy nan^cfforthou only art holy,*'or all nations ftisll come, and wordiip before tbec, for thy juJjmems arc made msnifcft. « Ex;i. ?4.ijj »4- Buc yc (h&ll deftrjy their Altars, break their images, and cu: down their groves. V.i4.'] Tor thou (haU worihip no other God : ftr the Lord whofe name is jealous, is a jealous God. ^ i Cor. iciojiijii. But I fay that the things which the G«ntilti CactificJ, they ficrifice to Divclsj and not to God 5 and 1 would not yc ftiou'.d have Wowfiiip with Divels. V.ii] Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of Divclsj yecan- noc be partakers of the Lords table, and the table of DIvels. V.ii.] Do we provoke the Lord 1 3 jealoufisi" are we ftrongcr then hi? Jcr. 7. 18^19,10. The chiUren gather wood, and the fathtrs kind'e the fire, andthe women knead their dough to make cskes to the o^iecn of heaven, and fo pouc out driak-ofEerings to other gods, that they may proTokc mc to anger. V. 19.] Do they provoke me to anger faith tiae Lord ? do they not p:oroke themfclves to the confulion of their own faces i V. xo.^J Therefore thus faith the Lord God, Behold mine anger and fury ftixll be poured ou: upon this place, apon man, and b:oft, and the trees of the field, and the fraic of the ground, and it flull burn, and noat: fliall qacnch ic, U'^^tli. 1 6. 16,17. Thou hjfl: alio committed fornication with the Egyptians ihy neigh- bors '^rcat o\ fle'h, su J halt encreafed thy whor edomes to provoke ms to anger. V. 17 .] B.hold there- fore I have ftietd.ed oar ray hind over th:e, &c. Z?CMt. 52.16, «7, I*, 19,10/ They pr9vck.:d himio jealoufie withftraiige Go^Is, wi'.b abominations provoked him to an*er. V.17.] They facrificedto Divcls, no:toGac3, to gods whom they knew nor, tonsv/ gods &c. V. 18] Of the rock ihatb:- jst thee thou art unmindful, and haft fcrgcttcn God that formed thee. V.19.3 And when the Loid lawit, heabhcrrcdthcm, bccaufeof thep.ovoking of hisfons,aaddoughttrs. V.io.] And hefairl, 1 will hide my face from thsm > I will fee what their end ihallbr, for they are a vtry froward gen«rui-.'n^ children in whom there is no fiith. s Ho/".i.i,j,4. Plead with your mjtber, plead, for fh: is n^: my wife, n^iithcr am I her fausbmd ; let her thtrefoce pu: away h?r whoredomts tucof her fi^ht, and bcr adulteries from between her brc:fts x V. 3.] Left I lt,ip her nsk-"J, aid let her b$ in the day that fbc was born, and make lier as a wtjlderncfs, and fee her like a dry land, anJ flay her witfathiflt. V.4.'] And I willjio; have mercy upoa her childrrn,for they ari the children ot v/ loredomcs. \ V.::h 'y.zo, O that thcr^ were uich a heart in them, tfast they would fear me, and k:cpiiiy cottiaiiudiyciice aivYsycs, that it migh; b: well \Yiih them sad with their cliildren for cva^ Q^Wl^Jc/j , <>. which is the third Co??miandmim't A, The third Commandment is, 7hou fljah not take the name of the Lord thj God in njain : for the Lordrvill not hold him guilt lefs^ that taketh hts name in ^Exolio.j. vain'. Q^ What is required iri the third CommAndment,^'^ ,-..:>; A, The third Commandement requires, tTiat ,^ the Niimc of God, his tides, attributes '-, ordi- I^nef"tLr^ol?praJ nan<^es ^, ihc word % Sacrsments ", prayer «, oaths p, ycjOavFa.hcr which vowcs "^^ lots'", his woiks ', and vvhatfoevcr clfe there arc in hesven, h«ilow- js ^^j^greby he makes himfe.f known , be holily and Dt«f,is,s8. If thou reverently ulea in thought ', meditation", word^, wri- wi!: not obrerve to do ' ' t - *« all :be words of this law, written in this bock, that thou maift fear this glorious and fearful nami THE LORD THY GOD. F(d 19.1. Give unto the Lord the glory due umo his name, Src. P/a/.68.4. Sing unco God, fing praifcs unto his name, ex':o!l hijn that ridetb up^ on the hravfns by his name ^Afii and rejoice before hiin.Rcv«iy,3,4, See above in .[*] ^Hd, 4. 14. Curfed be thcdfceiverthatbathin his flock a male, and off^rcth unto theLord acorrup: chinj5 for I am a great King faith the Lord of hofts, and my name is dreadful amonj the heathen.Ec.f .1 . Keep thy foot vvben thou gotft to the houfe of God, and be more ready to hear,then to give the facrifice of foolsj for they confider not that they do evil. »' Pp/.i j 8.x. I will worfhip towards thy holy Temple, aad prsifethy name for thy loving kindnefs, and for thy truth 3 fqr thou haft m-'jnified thy word above all thy name. " i Cor.i f.i4jZj. -^ i8, 19. And when be had given thdnks, he brake it, and fsid. Take, cat, this is my body which is broken for you, this do in remembrance of me. V.i?.] After the fame manner alfo he took the cup, &c. V.i8.] Bur let a man examine himfclf, and fo let him eat of this bresd and drink of this Cup. V.ip.] For he that catcch and c'rinketh unworthily, Mtc hand drir.keth damnation to himfelf, not difcerning the Lords body. " 1 Tim.i.%. I will there- fore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands withou: wrath, and doubting. p fer. 4. *. And thou flialt fwear , the Lord livetfa j in truth , in judgment , and in rijbceoufnefs , and the nations fliall blefs themfelve? in him fhsll they glory. 1 Eccl^.i 45jj6. Be not ra(h with thy mou'.b, and let not thy heart be hafty to utter any thing before God j for God is in lietven and thou upon earth, therefore let thy words be few. • V.4.] VVhea thou voweft a yofi unto God, defer not to pay ir, for he hath no plesfurc in fools ; pay that which thou haft vowed. V.?;] Better is it that thou (houldeft not tow , then thatthou Ihouldeftvow and notpay. V,6.3 Suffer not thy mouth to to caufe thy fleili to fin i neither fay thou before the Angela ciiat it w as an crrour. Wherefore (howld God be angry at thy voice, and deftroythe work of thine hand ? j « ASl. I. X4, 16. And they prayed , and faid , Thou Lord who knoweft the hearts of all I men, fiiew whether of thcfc two thou haft chofen— Verf. i6. ] And they gave | forth their lots > and the lot fell upon Minhias , and he was numbred with the ele- ' ven Apoftles. ^ Job 36. 14. Remember tl-at thou majnifie his work, which men behold. ^Md.i.i6. Then thty that feared t'jeLoid, fpake often one to another: and the Lord hearke- ned , and heard it 5 and a book of lemtaib .rce wis written before him, for them t6at feared the Lord, and thought upon bis NnJoe. " P/"', and anfwerable converfa- tion \ to the glory of God % and ihe good of our felves^ n^/? u^®^-'^- ^r'* J ', "^*'^ ''* nrr.ctn for and others. ^ the gcnerznon to come } and the peo- ple which flisll be created (hall praife the Lord . y iPct. j.i ^.But fandifie the LotdGod in your heartyj and be ready alway.es to jive an anfwcr to every man that askcth you a reafon of the hope that Is in you, with meckncfs and fear./tf/V.4. J. For all people will walk every one in the name of his God: and we will walk in the name of our God forever, and ever. * Pfc/'/.i.iy.Only let your converfition be fuch as be- comes the Gofpel ofChriftj&c. ^1 CoMo.j^; Whether therefore ye cat, or drink, orwhatevtt yedo, doall tothe^lory of God. ''Jcr.jz.59. And 1 will [jive tlicm one heart, andoneway,. that they may fear me for ever, for the good of them, and of their children after th:m. ' i Tcr.i.i i Having your convcrfation hone fl among the Gentiles, that whereas they fpeak againft you as evil doers, they may by your jood works which they ll\all behold, jiotify God in theday otvifi: tficion. Q. W^at are thefmnes forbidden in the third Command- ment i A, The fins forbidden in the third Commandment , arcj the not ufing of Gods name as is required'^, and the abufe of it, in an ignorant % vain *", irreverent, profane ?, '^^'^•^•*' if you will r- «..i °..t •• ,'i.-^'not hear , and if you lupcrftitious '^5 or wicked mentioning or otherwife uhng wiilnociayittohcarc his titles, attributes i, ordinances ^^ or works '•, by blaf- to give g'ovy to my phemy -, perjury "5 allfinful curfings ^ oaths p, vowes^, Ss^''t ^iim. andlots', violatingofouroaths,andvowes, if lawful^: fend a curfe upon and fulfilling them, if of things unlawful V murmuring ^°^\^,^i *i^^*^"'^'5 1 ,,° ' . ° • • V. ' 1 T 1 your blcflines, yea I and quarrelling at ", curious prying into *, and milapply- tave cutfcd then* aU ing of Gods decrees'*, and providences y, mifinterpre- ready, bccaufe you do ting S mifapplying \ or any way perverting the word,or f^ j.Vr.lV'^For m any part of it ^, to profane jefts % curious or unprofitable i paii;-d by , and be- queftions, vain ianglings,or the maintaining of falfe Do- ^^^ l^"^^ dcvocions,! 7,- ji r • \. ^ ^L- • J found an Altar with brines \ abufing it, the creatures, or any thing contained thjj infcriptton , To under the name of God, to charms % orfinful luftsand the unki.0An G)d; praaifcs^ the maligning s, fcorning VevilingSorany t^^Z''^Z'^^?^\ waycsoppofingofGodstruth,grace53nd w:iycs'',making him declare i unto prokfTion of Religion in hypocrify, orfor finifterends^-, y^"- , /f7,-^°-^ r . ri J r m ii -1 c Ltaft I be lull, and being alhamed of it "", or a Ihamc to it , by uncomfoit- a^ny ^bte , and fay , able",unwife°,unfiuitfulp, and offenfivc walkings i, or WhoisihoL-^d/ cr backaidingfroaiit.' ft;*;";^,"!:'.!;' N-.mcof my G.^d m vain. BAfi/. 1.67 12. AfonhoncurethMsfather, and afcrvsnt 1)13 Mafttr. H then I be afaihcr, where is mine honor ? and if I be a maftcr, where is my fear , fairtuhc Lord cfHoftsunto you, O P|i4il$j tijatdcfpifc my Niaac i and yi fay, Wbercia have wc dcipifcd tjiy Naoic ? JL . '' ' •" C74l V.7]Y;ofF:cp)lIutedb:cldup3timiiijAltarjan(Iyerjy, Wurcin hi/awepallutcd thn? in that ye^ fa-yj Tfijcable ot :'ac Lord i? cjii.c np;ib!;. Vfii.{.i4. Y: hiv; fiiJJc is Viin co ferve Gjd j and what profic is i: that w; ha/c krp; his ordmsnce and chat w: have wa'ked m Mirnfully before the Lord of hoih? h X 5'4w.4.j,4,f. And wasn chc p:oplc were cam: in:o chc camp,he Elders of lira?! fai J, vtheit' fore bach che Lord fanicccn us to dsy b;forechjP;u!i iiiiKS?, ecus fcccbche Ar!f of chc Covenancof the Lordocicof ^^/iafraatous, thacw^istiiccomechanangusjit msy favc us out of the hand of our enemy, V.4.] Sj che people fen: to Shiloh,to bring from thence the Ark oi the covenant of the Lord of aofts,who dwclkth betwecnc che ChetubimsjinJ the two Sons of ElijHophni and Phinias were there with che Ark of chc Corenanc of Gjd. V.j.] And when it cam-: into theCampj all IiVacl ihou:cd with a great fliojt, iocha: the earth ranjagiin. Z?r.7.4-9,io-i4-3i. Tiuft yenot in lying words,faying>the Tem- ple of che Lordjthe ccoiplcofche Lord,tae cesip'.c of the LordiSce thife— V.g.yvVill ye flcall, murder, and commit aiulccryjand rwearfalfly.and burn inccnfe unto Bial,and walk after o:her Gads whom yee know not. V. i o.] And come and ftind before me in this houfe vthich is Cillcd by my Nim?,3nd fay, we are delivered to do all cheleabominacionsi — V,i4.] T.hcrefore will I do ua:o this houfe, which is called by my name.wherein ye truftjSc unco rh; place which 1 give uico youjani to your fachersjas I have done to Shiloh--V,3 1.] And they have built the high places of Tophec, which is in the vally of che fon of Hin- noa to burn their fons and daughters in the firej which I commsnJed them nocjneither came ic into my bcart.Co/.x.iOjii,!!. Whereforejlfyc be dead with Chrift from the rudiments of the world, why as though living in the world, arc ye fubjeft to ordinances? V.ii.] (Touch not, Tafte not. Handle no:, Vitj.3 Which alt are to periefi with the uiing) after the Cimnnimmcs and doftrines of men. ' ziC'rtg.iS.go — ^55. N.icher let Heztkith, mike you truft in the Lord, faying, The Lord will furely deliver us, and thisclcy fhall not be delivered into the hand of the King of Aff/ria V.3J.] Who arc they) among all the gods of the Countries that have delivered their Country out of my hand, that the Lord (hould deliver Jerufalem out of myhani ? Exji.f.i. Ani Pharaoh faid, vfhoisthe Lord, that I (hould obey his voice, to let Ifrael goc j I know not the Lord, njither will lice Ifraelgoc. Pfal.ii^.io. Fortheyfpeaka^ainft thee wickedly , and thine enemies take thy name in vaine. k jP/^/. 50.1 6,1 7. BJtuntothc wicked he faichjwha: haft thou to do to declare my fta.utcs, for to take my Covenant into thy mouth. V< 17. ] Seeing thou harcft inftrudion , and cafteft my words behind thee. Ifa.^^n. T^e Syrians before, and the Philiftines behind, and they Ihall devout Ilracl with open mouth j for all this his ang?r is no: turned awiy , bat his hand is ftretched out ftill. m xi^tB^.ip.ix. Whom ha^ thou reprochcd, and blafphemed , and againft whom haft thon exalted thy power, and lift u? thine eyes on hijh , even agiinft chc Holy one of Itrael. ^fu-i4. II. And the Ifraeliiifli womans foacbatbUrphemed the nani; of che Lord, andcurfcd, and ^licy brought him unto Mofes " Zei;fe f .4. I will bring it forch, faith the Lord of hofts, and Jt Ihall enter into the houfe of che thief, and iatothe houfe of him that fA'carcth falfely bytny name, »"d it (hall remain in the midit of his houfe, and ihall confumeit, wichche timber thereof, and the ftones thereof. Zech.i.17. Andlecnoneofyouimsgine evil ia your hearts ajainftyourntighbour, and love no falfeoachi for all thefe are chinas that I hatejfaichtheLord. ° i Sara.17.43 And the Philiftinc curfed David Ly his gods. 3.Sim.i6,$. And Shimd the Sonof Gera cams forth and curfed ftill as he came. p ler.^.y. How ftsli I parden thee for this.'' thy chikken have forfaken me, and Cwornbythem chat arc no gods, when I had fed the-n tothsfvill, they then committed adul- teryyandaficmbledthemfelves by troops in the harlots houfes. Zer.z3.10. For the land isfullofadul- tercrs, for becaufe of (wearing, the land mioumtth. 1 P£«t. ij;t8. Thou fhslcnoc bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog into the houfe of the Lord thy Gad, for any Vow : for even both chcfe are an abomination to the Lord thy God.i43.i j. i a. And when i: was dsy-jCcrtain of the Tewcs banded together and boun:i thcmitlves under acutfe, faying,tha: th:y would neither ea: nor drink till chey had killed Paul. ^ E/f';.j.7. In the fitcb monech (chat is the monech Nifan) in the twelfth year of King Ahafuerus they caft Pur, that is the lot, befose Haman,from day to day, and from mouetb to moneth, to chc twelfth tiioneth, thatisthc moneth Adar. EJlh.^.ii., B :c\ufe Haman bad devi- fJ4- So> and more alfo do God unto the cn(irae$of Da>i\ if I Itavcof all that pertain to him, bythemorninj lijht , any that piilethajairit the wail V.>i.3 And Divid laid to Abigsl, BlefTcd be the Lord God of Ifrael, who fent thee this day tome } V.jj.^ And blcffed be thy advice, and blelTed be thou whohafl kept me this day from coming to ihtd blood, and from avenginj my fclf with mine own hands. V.j4,] For in very decc, as the Lord God of Ifraellivetb, which have kept mc back from hurting thee, except tbou hadft haftcd, and come to meet m?, furely there had not been left unto Nabal by the morninj li|ht, any that piffeth againlt the wall. " KJW..9.I4' 19,10. What ftiall we fay then ? Is there unrighteoufnelfe with God ? God forbid V.J9.] Thou wilt fay then unto mc, Why doth he yet find fault ? For who hath re- fiftfd his will ? V.20.] Nay, but O man, who art thou that rtplyeft agairft God ? fliall the thing formed fay to him that formed it, why haft thou made me thus? * Dcut.ig.ig. The ftcrct things belong unto the Lord our God > but tbcfe things which arc revealed belong unto us, and to our Aildren for ever, that we may do all the words of this law -^ Bom.i.r the time will come when they wil not endure found dodrine,but after their own lufls fhal the/ heap to tbemfelves Teachcrs,baTing iichir^ cares ; V.4.] And they (hull turne away their earesfromthe truih, and fliall be turned unco fables. Rojii.ii.i^,x^. Let us walk honelUy as in the day , notin noting anddruHkenneflc, no: in chambiing and wantonneffe, notin ftiife and envying. V.14.3 But put ye on the Lord JefusChrift, and mak^" not provifion for the fie (h to fulfil the lufts thereof. ii\tng.xi.^,io. And fiie wrote in the letters, faying, Proclaim a Faft, and ftt Naboth on hi^h among A-m^uF^^' ^*^°*^ And (et two men, fons of Belial , to bear wicneffcagainft him, faying. Thou didlt blafpheme God and the King 3 and then carry him out and ftonc him that he may die. ^uie V.4. For there sre certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordsined to this condemna- tion i ungodly men,turning the grace of our God into lafciviouCncfsjand denying tht one.ly Lord God, and our Lord Jefus Chrift. g Aft, 13.45. But when the Icwes faw the multuudes, they were filled *'^"J''^''y* and fpakcajainftthofc things that were fpoken by Paul, comradiding and blaipheming. tjobn^.iz. Notas Cain, who was of that wicked one that fl:w his brother: and wherefore flew he i!"" ^ , *"^^ '"s ovvn works were evil, ind his brothers righteous. "^ Pfd.i.x. Blefled is the man r u r ''"'' not in the counfel of the ungodly, nor ftandeth in the way of linnets, nor fitteth in the Teat of tbefcornfuJ. i Pet.^. j. Knowing this 6r.ft,tfaat there (hill come in the hft daies fcoffers, walking after their own lufts. ' pet.n.^ Whcrcinjhey think it ftrangethat-you run not with them to the lame exccffe of riot, fpeaking evil of you. >* yjf^f.jj. 4^,46 — r-50. Biw'.when the Jtwes faw the multitudes, they were filled with envy^ and fptke jgainft thofe things that wcrt fpoken by Paul, contra- diding and blaffvheming. V.46.] Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and faid, It was necelfary that the word of God fliould firft have been fpoken to you : but feeing ye put it from you, and judge your felTcs unworthy of everlafting life, loe, we turn to the Gentiles. -V. 50.] But the Jews ftir» red up the devout and honourable, wonje«, agdthc.ehicf m?nof thc.Ciiyj andtaifcd prrftcutionagainft i lal and Bjrnabas,and expel ledthemojiu cf thjjircoifts. All.^,\ a. And* hey called thcm.and com- mand«dthemnottorpeakatall,nG^teachA$htheI^aawlofJcfus=.. 84«:.t9.9' But wbetf divers were nirdned and bclicTed no-„butXpake evil of that way before the muUtuic > he Jlpartcd from them and ftparated the Difciples. i Th'ef. t.i6. F Jtbiddinj qs to fpjak tothe Grntiies that they might be faved, to fill up their fins alway t for the wrathis come upon thetn to the uttermoft. : Heb.io. ip. Of how much forer puni/hment fuppofe ye fiiall he be thought worthy , who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted ths blood of the Covenant wherewith he was finSified an unholy thing , and done defplghtnnto the Spirit of Grace i'; ' a I'm, .3, J. , •Having 1 form of godlinclTe^. but denying the power thereof j from fuch turn away. Mat.i1.14, Wo ufltp you Scribw and Pharifets, hypocrites, for ye fiiut up the Kingdom of heaven ajjaioft men i, ye neither go ia your felves,nor fuffer them that are entring to go in. Mi i. 6. i, a,— y,— ! 6. Take heed you do not your almes before men,to be fcen of them ; otberwifc you have your reward of your Father which is in heaven. V.2.] Therefore when thou doft 4hine almes,do not found a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do,in the fynagogues,and in the ftreets, that they may have glory of men. Verily 1 fay unto yon, They have their reward.^ V. f .] And when thou prayeft, thou (halt not be as the hypocrites are, for they love to pray ftanding inthcSyna- Sosuesjandinthecornersofthcftreetj,thatihey may befcenofmen. Verily 1 fay, &c V.16.] Moreover, when yo faft, be not, as the hypocrites, of a fad countenance j for they disfigure their facesj wl ^^^^ ^^"^ *^'" ^° men to faft. Verily I fay unto you. They have their reward, "'Mark 8.38. Whofocter thsrtfore fhall be afhamed of me, and of my words in this adulterous and finful generation, ofhimalfo fliallthefonofmanbeailiamed, when he comc:h in the glory of bis father with the holy Argtls. "■''p/ 7^.14,15 For all the day long have 1 been pbgusd , and chafttncd every morn- *^?,\ V-'J-] miiVi I willfpeak thus, bihold I fhould eft'cnd aeainft the geacratton of thy tiCm CyyC 1 Cor. 6.'), 6. I fpjak 10 your (hamr. Is it To, th« thcrt is not a wife man amcng,ft yoa ? no, no: one that fhail be able to juJge between b?s brethren? V.6.] Bat brother jocs to uw wv.h bro:hcrj jmd that before the unbelievers. £^^.5.1^,16317. See then that you walk dicumft)eft'y , not as fools, but as wife, V. 16.] Rdceming the time, beciufe the dayes are evil. V.17.] Wherefore be ycnotunwifcbutundeiftandinj what the will of the Lord is. i' 1/^154. What could have been dene more to my Vineyard that I have not done in it ? wherefore when I looked that ic (liould brin^ forth grapes, brought it forth wild jrapes? x FfM.8j9. For if thefe things be in you j and abound, they makeyouthatyeftisll neither be barren nor unfruitful the knowltdje of our Lord Jefus Chrift. V.9.] But he that lackcth thefe things is blindjand^cannoc fee ahr off, and hath forgotten that was pur- ged from his old fins. ' C^ B$rv is the Sabbath^or Lords day to be fanflified i A, The Sabbath,or Lords day is to be ran(5tified,by an holy refting all the day ^ , noc onely from fuch works as are at all times (inful5but even from fuch worldly imploy- ments and recreations as are on other dayes lawful^, and making it our delight to fpend the whole time ( except fo much of it as is to be taken up in works of neceffity and mercy in the publick and private exercifes of Gods '^^'"^- *°-'- — ^®' worfliip^and to that end vvc are to prepare our hearts jand ba^th daytokeV" hoi with fuch forc-fight,diligence and moderation to difpofe, ly. — v.io] buc the and feafonably to difpatch our worldly bufmcfs, that we f'^r^cl'^ V^'^\^* I I ^ r ^ 1 r r ii- rij b'th of the Lud thy may be the more free and fit tor the duties or that day .^ God : in h thou fhait not do no manner of worlc, thou, nor thy foHj&c. ^Exoi.l6.^^,^6^^^/,lS: AndMofcs fald, Eatthac today, for today is a Sabbath unto the Lo'^dj todsy ycfhallnot findeit in ths fi:ld. V. i6.]Sixdaies (hall yejathirir, butonthefeventhday, whJchisihiSabbathjinit there fliall be none. V.i7.] And it came to psfle that there went outfome of the p:oplc on the feventhday to gatherjand they found none. V.z8.] And the Lord faid unto Mofes, How long re fufc ye to keep my Commandments, and my Laws ? Nch.i j. 1 5>i ^j • 7, < 8, 1 9. 11 , 2 i. In thofc dayes faw 1 in Judah fomc treading Winc-prefi*es on the Sabbath day, and brin^inj in llicaves, and lading AlftSjis alfo wine,jrapes, and fijs , and all manner of burdens, which ih?y brought into Jerufalem on the Sibbath day i and 1 teilifiedajainft them in the day wherein they fold viftuals. V. 1 6."] There dwelt men of Tyre alfo thtrein, which broujh: fifb, and all man- ner of wares, and fold on the Sabbath day unto chechildrcnof Judah, and in Jerufalem. V.i?-] Then contended I with the N jbles of Judab, and Did unto them, What evil thing is this that ye do, and pro* fane the Sabbath day ? V.18.] Did not your fathers thus ? and did no: God bring all this evil upon uj, and upon-this City ? yet ye biing more wrath upon Ifrael by profaning the Sibbath. V.19.] And it came to pafTithat when the gates of Jerufalem began to be dark before the Sabbath, I commanded that the ga:cs (hould be ftiut.and charged that they (hould not be opened till after the Sabbath j and fomc of my servants I let at the gates, thac there (hould be no burden brought in on the Sibbath day. V. zo.Q So the merchants and fellers of all forts of ware were lodged without Jciufalcm once or twice. V.u.] Then teft'.fi:d I againft them, fayinw, VVhy lodge ye tbouc the wall ? If ye do fo again, 1 will lay hands cnyou. trom that time forth C3n:e they no more on the Sabbath, V.zi.^ And 1 commanded the Levites that they fiiould cleanfe thrmfelyesjand come and k:ep the gates, to fanftifit the Sabbath. Re-, mcmbet me, O my God, concerning this alfo, &c. ^cr.ij. xi,i2. Thus faith the Lord, Take fce'd to your felves, and bear no burdeti on the Sabbath d.iy, ntithcr bring it in by the gates of Jerufa- lem. V.21.] Ntitbercarry forth a burden out of your hoafc en the Sabbath, nor do ye any work, bu: hallow ycths Sjbbathday,is 1 commanded your fathers. 'iVT/^Ma. from ver.i. to vcr.ij. At thac time Jffus went on.the Sibbath day through the command his Dii'ciples were an hundred, snd bgan to piucktheearsof cornandto ear. Bacwhenthe Pharifecs fsw itj&c. • ^ //i.5t.i j. If thou cum 8way thy loot from the Sabbath, fiom doing thy pleafure on my holy day,and call the Sibbath a delight, the Ro'y of the Lord honourable, and ftiait honour him, not doing tfcinc own waves, nor finding tldnc own pieafure, nor fpcjking thine own words -~ Luf{e 4. i6. And he came to NiZ .Tcth where he had been brought up, and>ashis cuftom; was, be went into the Synagogue on the 5sbbath day, snd ftoodup tor to read. AH. 20.7. And upon the firit day of the week, when the Difciplcj came together to break bread, . Paul preached to them, ready to depart o.T the morrow. • 1 Ctr. 16.1,2. New conccrningibccoi- kftion for the Saints, as I have given order to the Churches of Ga[atii>even fo do ye. V.i.] Llpoa the firil day of the week 'ct every one of you lay by biminftore, as God liath p-.ofpereJ hicr, that there be nogathctinjs when I come. P/i.^i. Title. A Pfa!m,orfong for the Sabbath day. Ifj60.z;. And ic fhall com; to pall; that from on: n:w Mooa to another, snd frcn one 5'jbbath to another, (It'^H »'i fl"'^ come to v^orfhip before me, faith the L?rd. Lev ij.j. 5ix dayes fliail work be done •, bu: the lcvin;h day is the Sabba-h of reft,an holy convoCMion , yc ftiill do no work thcrcia; i; ij ibc . Sa'cbith ot tha LQrdinally9u;^w«llingj^. -••— — - - ...-.-- 'Cxji.i. 'ExJi.to.S. Rememkr the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Lh^.ij. ?4,'— -5^. And that day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on. V.y6. And they returned , and prepired fpiccs and oint- uisnts, and rcftcd s he Sabbath day, according to the Commandment. Exod 1 6. ii. \ aAd I am ^refsned among thtm. iigcnt^ [SO ligent,and unprofitable performing of them , and being weary of them •", all profaning the day by idlencflc, and doinglhatwhichis initfdffinful^, andby allneedlcfTc works, words and thoughts about our worldly imploy- u .« 1 • I J r J i^ Aa. 10.7.— o And ments and recreations ^. upon the firft day of the wftk, when the Difciples came tojether to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the incrrow, and continued bis fpcech until midoljht. V.p.] Ard there fate in a window a certain youin» man named Eucychus, bein( fallen into a deep deep J and as Paul was long preaching befunk down with fltep, and fell down from cbc third !ofc, and was taken up dea J. Etfii[jJ.jo,ji,ji. Alfo thou fon of man, the children of thy people flill arc talking againft thee by the walis, and in the doors of the hou< fcs, and fpeak one to another, every one to his brother, fayinj, Come, I pray you, and hear what is the word that cometh forth from the Lord. V. j i .] And they come unto thtc as the paoplc comech, and fit before thee as my people, and hiar my words, but they will not do them i for with iheir mouth they fliew much love, but their bcaic runneth after their covetoufnelTe. V.ji.] And lo, thou art unto them asa very lovely forg of one that bctb a plcafant voice, and can play well on an inffrumentj for they hear thy words, but they do them not. jimos 8.5. Saying, When will the New Moon be gone , thac we may felt corn, and the Sabbath, that we may fet forth wheat > making the Ephah fcnall, and the (hr- kel jreat, falfifying the balances by deceit. Mal.i.ii> Ycfaidalfo, Bthold, what a weatincfs is i' I and ye fnufied atit,raith the Lord of hofts',8nd ye brought that which was torn,andthe lame,and the tick* thus ye brought anoffcrinf: Should I accept this of your hand, faith the Lord? 'Efri|^. zj.^S. Moreover, this they have done to me. They have defiled my fanftuary in the fame day, and hayc profa- ned my Sabbaths. ^ ^cr.i 7.14. 17. And it fliall come to paflTc if ye dilifently heaiken unto me, faith the Lord , to bring in no burden tliroojh the gates of this city on the Sibbithday, but hallow the Sabbath day, to do no work therein V. 17.] But if ye will not hearken unto me to hallow the Sabbath, and not to bear a burden, even entring in at the gates of Jerufalem on the Sabbath day, thea will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof, mi it Hiall devoure the palaces of Jerufalem , and (hall not be quenched. Jfa.^i.t^. If thou turn aw ay thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy plcafure on my holy-day, and call the Sabbath a delight, the Holy of the Lord, honourable, and (hall honour (^a}j noc doing thine own wayes, nor finding thine own plcafurcj nor fpciaking thine own wods. Q. fvhat are the ReaforJs annexed to the fourth Com* manament the wore to enforce it ^ A, The Reafons annexed to the fourth Command- menr, the more to enforce it, ere taken from the equity of it,God allowing us fix daics of feven for our own affairs, and lefci vrng but one for himfclf, in thefe words , [ Six dates fh alt thou labour^ and do all thy work \ ] fiom Gods i^^^^ ^^ challenging a fpecial propriety in that day, C T^^/^i^evv//^ day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God''' ] from the .nE^oi. xo.to. example of God , who in fix dayes mak heaven and earth , the fea , and alt that in them is , and refled the fevertth day 5 and from that bleffing which God put upon that day, not cnely in fandifying it to be a day for his fcrv/ce, but in ordaining it to be a meancs of M blcf- bleffing to us in our fan(5bifymg ir^ ^wherefore the Lor H " Bxoi. ic; 11 i^lejfed the Sabhith djiy and halhtvedit ". ] CXjVhy is the rvord Kcmcmbct fet in the hepnmug ef thefou'th CommAndment ^ A, The word Remember is fee in the beginning of the fourth Commandment, pirtl/ becaufe of che great benefit of remembring it- we being thereby helped in our preparation to keep iiP,and in keeping it better to keep all the reft of the Commandments Vn<^ ^^ Gominuc a thank- full remembrance of the two great benefits of Creation , and Redemption, which containe a ihort abridgement of Religion'; andpartly becaufe we are very ready to for- get it ^^ for that there is lefs light of nature for it "^^ and •Exa.ietJ. jEx^ ygt it reftraineth our naturall liberty in things at oiher 1 5.1 J. And he faid J. , r 1 1 • 11 • r j untotbem, This is timcs hwtul "•, that It cometh but onceinlevendxyes , thai which the Lord jj^^ many wotldly bufinelTcs come between, and tcoof- 3i*,!heSIf^h^holJ ten take off our minds from thinking of it , either to pre- 5"abbath unto the -,, r l . l . . . Lord, b'ske that which ye will bake, to day, and feech that yewfilleeth j and that which remsinetb o»er,lay up f-r you, to be kept till morninj. Lh^ ij.54- 5^- And that day was the Preparation , and the Sabbath drew on. — ■ V. $6] And they rccurned and prepared fpices, and ointments, and rcfti thefabbath day,according to the commandment C<3»i;>irfrfw«feW4r, 15.41. And now when the even wis come, becaufe it was the preparation, that is, the day bdorc the fabbath. Nefr.i3.-9. And it cameto piffe that when ehejatcs of Jerufalem bejan to be dark before the Sibbath, I commmdcd that the eatcs fliouid be fliut, and chsrgsd that they ftiould not be opened till after the Sibbath i Ffd. %-i. Title. A Pfalm or fong for the fabbath day. Comptrei wish ver. 13,14. 'Thofc that be phntcd mthchoufeoftheLord,(hallfl)uri{hintheCoartsofourGc)d. V.14.7 They fluU ftJi bring forth frui: in old age : they ftiall be hz and Eourilhinj., Eitk-zo. 1 1— 1 9;iO; Moreover alfo I gave them my fabbaths, to be a fi^n between me snJthrm, that thty might know that Ism the Lord that fsnaiflc tj,c^, V.i 9 ] I am the Lord rour God : walk in my ftatuces, and keep my judgments , and do them"; V.i©.] And hiUow my Sabbachs.and they (hall be a li»n between mt and you,that ye may know that I am the Lord your God. . 'Gcn.t.ijg And on the fcvcnth day God ended his work which he had made, and he refted on the fe vf nth day from aW his work which he bad made. V.3 ] And God blef- fed the feventh day and fandified ir 3 bcc.3u!"e that in it he had reftei from all his work which God created and made. Pfal.n9.-i. 14. Tfec ft mc which the builders refufed isbecoa^cthrhcad ftcre ofthccorne'^^ • 'V.'.4.] This i* ttie day wbicli the Lord hath made, wewill rejoire and be glad in Ir. Compired whh Aft.4. »".' ' • Se it known unto you all, and un'-o all the people ot IfraW, tba- by the Kamcof Jcfus Cfeiill of Nsxartth, whom ye crucified, whom God raifed fiom the dead , even by'fcim doth this man ftand here biforcyau whole. V.n.] Ibis i. the ftone which wasfetat nought by you buildcr$> which is become the head of the corner. Rcv.ioi. I was in the Spirit on the Lords Qay,and bea'-d behind mc a voice as of a Trump :t. 'E^e^.ii.x6. Her Pcirfts have violated my Law, and profaned my holy things ; they have put no difF:renceb«tween the holy and profane, thr unclean and the clean, and have hid thtir eyes from my Sah:)aths,and I am profaned among them ^Keh 9. 14. And mad ft known untotbem the holy Sabbath, an-l commandedft them precepts, and ftsrues, and liws, by the hand of Mofes thy fervant. " Exod.; 4. x i ; Six day:s fliaic thou work,Uic or ihi fcvcn^h dav thoa fhakrcft j in earing tiaie, and infcar^ft thou flialtreft.. i pare. pare for It , or to farKflifie ic *•, and that Satan with his inftruments much labour to blot out the glory, and e- vcn the memory of it , to bring in all irrciigion and im- * ^f«»- M4.m. But • X cheleventhcay ische F^^y • Sabb.th of the Lord, V.I J.] And remember that thou waft a fcrvant in the land of Ejypt, and thit the Lord ihy Gol broujh: thee out thence through a mighty hand, and by a ft etched cut arm." therefore ihc Lord tl.y God commanded thee to keep the Sabbacb day. Ames 8.5. Saying, When will the new moon be jonc, that we may fell corn> and the Sabbaih, that we may fet torch wheat, making the Ephah (a-.Al , and the (h.kel great, and falfifyinj the balances by deceit? '^ Lam.ij. Jeruulem rcmembrtl in the dayes of tier iftiidion, and other miferies all her pleafant things that (he had in the ddesot't'd, v.hen her people fell into the band of the enemy, and none c id help h:r j theadverfiriesfav?ber,and(iid mo(k at her Sabbaths, fer. 17.11,11,11. Thus laith the Lordj Take heed to your ftlvcf, and bear no bwr- dtnon the Sabbath day, nor brinj it in by the j«tesof Jerufalem. V. »i.] Neither carry forth a bur- den out of your houfes on the Sabbath day, ncr do ye any wot k, but hallow ye the i'aubaib ''sy, as I Commanded your fathers. V.xj.] But they obeyed nor>ncicher inclined their ear,but mace their neck ftifF, that they might not hear, nor receive inftruftion. Ntfr.ij.from v.i/.to v.13. la thofc aayes faw 1 in Judabfome treading winc-prcfles on the Sabbath day, ;&c. Q^What is thefnm ef the fix C$mmandrHents^which CB-n tain our duty to man i A, The lummc of the fix Commandcmcnts, which contain our duty to man, is, to love our neighbour as our fclves y,and to do to others what we would have them do rMit.iz,i9. And the to us ^« fecond is like unco it , Ttou (halt love thy neighbour as thy fclf. ^ Mat.j.n. Therefore all things whatfoever ye would that men fliould doun:oyoU} do ye even to them : for this is the Law and the Prophets. Q^rvhich is the fifth Commandme/jt f yf. The fifth Commandment is, Honour thy father and thj rmther, that thy dates may he long uj/on the Und^ which the Lord thy Godgiveth thee =». * Ex»i. lo. n Q.pp'hoare meant hy Father and Mother, in the fifth Com- mandment i A. By Father and Mother, in the fifth Command- ment 5 arc meant not oncly naturall parents ^ , but Hearken to thy father that begat thecj and defpifenot thy mother whence is old.- V^.ij] Ty father and mother (hall be glad, and (he that bare thee (hall rejoice. Epb.6.i,i. Cbi Jrcn (btyy uc pucnts in the Lord ; fcr this is rigbc. V.i.] Honour thy father and thy nspthcr ( whichi».li.,hift Commandment nith ptomifc.) M 2 all 'irwr.f.t.S B-«- all fuperiours in ages and gifts ''s and efpecially fuch bT:„"r"bi^.ri « l>y. ^OpS ordinance are over us in place of father, and Che yong- authority, whcthei: iti Family % Church % or Com- er men asbrechren monwealth S. V. 1. ] The elder women as mothers , the younjer as fift^rs, with all purity. ^ Gen,j^.io,ii,ii. AntJ Adah bsre Jabal; h; was the Pi- ther of fuch as dwell in Tents, and of fuch as havecatteU V. ii.] \nd his brothers name was Joba 5 hewasthe facherof all fuch ashmdlethe Hup, and Organ. V.ii.] And Zillahflitalfobirc Tubal Cain, an infttufter of every Arcificer in Braffe and Iron, &e— — Gen. 45.8. Sj now it was not you that lent me hither but GocI t he hath made me a father to P^araoh> and Lord of all kis houfc, and Ruler throughout all the land of Esypc. * il^ia.j.ij. And his fervants came neer, and fpake unto him, my father.tf the prophet had bid thee doc Lome great thing, &c • ^ i J^n. ».ii. And Eliflia fawitand hccrycd my father, my father, the Chariot ot' Ifraelani tbshorfmen thereof. zHiin.ti.i^. Naw^lilhi was filUn fick of his ficknefle whereof he dyed j aniXpa<^^he King of Ifracl came down to him, and wepcover his face, and faid, O m/ father, my father the Ghariot of Ifrael and the horfcmtn thereof / Cri/.4.i9« My Ut:le children, of whom I ttavc' in birth again, until Chrift be formed in y«u. 8 lfu%ii. And l^iagi fhallbc thy nurfiag fa- thers, and Qa tens thy nurfing mothers 5 they (hall bow down to thee with clieir face towards the earth »nd lick up the duft of thy fee:, and thou (halt kaow, that I sm the Lord- CXiJV^y are Super tours, ftileJ^ Father and Mother ? A. Supcriours are filled Facher and Mother , both to teach them, in all duties towards their inferiours, like natural parents, to cxprefTe love and tenderneflfe to *Ep!».6.4. And ye them, according to thcir feveral rclations\ and to work ^u?chiiKco wr"°h infcri^^ ^o a greater will ingnelTc and chearfulncffe in but bring them up in performing their dudes to their Supcriours as to cheir pa- the nurture and ad- -^^fc i monition of the »''^"'-^' • Lord, t Cor. IX- 1 4. Tor the children oujhc not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children. 1 7vef.t.7,9-xu But we are gentle amongft you, even as a nurfe chetiflicch her children, V.8.3 $0 being aiFefti- oaatclydefirousof you, if we were willing to have imparted to yen , not theGofpelof God only, but alfo our own fouls i btcaufe ye -were dearumous V.n.] As ye know bow we exhorted and comforted, and charged every one ofyou, as a father doth his children. N«w6,i i.ii,ia. And Mofcs faid unto the Lordjwh t:fore hsft thou affli^ed tby fcrv antjand wherefore have Inot found favour in thy fight, that thou laycft the burden of all this people upon me? V.n.] Have I concHvcd all this peo- ple ? Have I begotten thetr?:hat thou ihouldeft fay unto me, carry tbem in thy bofomc , asanurfing father beaie;ha fucking child, unto the land which thou fweai eft unto their fathers. ' iCer.4. i4,i?,i6. I write not thcfc things to fhimeydo, but as my beloved fons, I wame you. V.iy.]Foc though ye ha/etcn thoufand inflruSors in Chrift, ycthayeye not many Fathers j for in Chrift Je- fus 1 have bego:ten you through the Gofpcl. V.16.] Wherefore I befeecb you be ye followers of me. * -K^Jig- 5> ' 3 • And bis fervants came neerj and fpakc unto him, and laid, my father, &c Q^ What is the gtneral [cope of the fifth Cemmanie'. mint i: C8n A. The general fcope of the fifth Commandment , ''Ep&.mt; jubmic- is, the performance of thofe duties which wc mutually t^^h^ [f t"rfnr owe in our fcveral relations, as Inferiours, Superiours , of God. i p«. 2. Equals ^ J^' Honour ail mm, »■ Loyc the brotrtr- hood. FearG3d. Ho- nour tie King. Roin. 11.10. Be kindly sff;dIon?d one co anotker , vrUh brotherly love in honouc pref errin£ one anoche r . Q^FFhAtistheHdmurthAt inferloms ms 1 their Su. perieurs ? A, The Honour which Inferiours owe to their Su- periours, is, all due reverence, in heart', word *", and behaviour "i prayer, and thankfgiving for them ^^ , '^'i' i^. Afonho- imitation of their vertues and graces? t willing obcdi- "T"? ^^* f"*^"' cnce to their lawful commands, and counfels^, duefub- fterj if then i bea father, where is rr.jnc honour ? if I be a maftar, where is nay fear, fikh the Lord of hofts uuto y«u, O Princes, that tlefpife myNsme? and yet fay,Wacr«inhavc we defpilcd thy Nime ? Leu.ip.j. Ys (hall fear every maa his mother, and his father, and keep my Sabbaths. I am the Lord your Goi. " Fro.i i .:8. Her children a. ifc Bp,and call her blefiicdj her husband alfo he praifeth her. i Tc». j.6.Even as Sarah obey- ed Abraham, calling him Lord j whofe daa»htcrs ye arc, 9s long as ye do well, and arc not afraid with any amaicmenr. " Lev. 19. 3 t. Thou {halt rife up before the hoary head, and htnour the face of the old man, and fear thy God ; lam the Lord, i K'«.?3i-i9- Bithffitbs therefore went unto King Solomon to fpeak unto bim for Adonijsb } and the King role up to meet her, and bowed himfeifto her, and fate down on bis throne, and caufed a feat to be fet for the Kings mother, and llie fate on his right band. ° i Tim. 1. 1 , i. I exhort therefore that fuppliciticns, prayers, intcrccflions and thankf- givingsbemadeforallmen. V.i.] ForKinjj,tnd all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all gcdlinefs and honefty. p Heb i j.7. Remember them who have the rale o- ▼er you, who have fpoken to you the word of God, whofe faith follow, confidering the end of their con- wcrfation. ?hil. j.iy. Brethren, be followers to|eiher of me j and mark them who walk fo :s ye have «s for an example. «i Ep!>.6.i,». 5.6,7. Children, obey your parents in the Lord : for this is rijht. V.I.] Honour thy father and mother (which is the firlf Commandment with promife) V.5.] Servants, be obedient to ihem that arc your malliers according to the flt(h,wich fear and tremb- ling in fi nglencife of your heart, as unto Chriif . V.6.] Not wich cyc-f?rvice, as mcn-plcafers , buc astheftrvantsofChrift, doing the will of God from the heart. V.7.] With jood will, doing fervice as to the Lord, and not :o men. i Fct. 1.13,14. Submii your ftlvcs to ctery ordinance of man,for the Lords fake, whether it be to the King as fupreme, V.h.] Oc imtoGovernours, as unto tlicm that are fent by him, for the puniihment of evil dotrs,and for the praife of them that do well. Kow.i j.i, 1,^,4, f. Let every foul be fubjeft to the higher pow:rs : for there is no pcwer bur of God 3 the powers that be, ate ordained of God. V.x.] Whofoever therefore refiftcth the power, rcfiflcth the O.ilinanceof God: indthcy that vefift (hall receive to tbcmfelves damnation, v.3.] For Rulers arerot atttrorto good works, but to the evil. Wiktbcu then not be afraid of the pewtr? do that which is good , and ihou (halt have praife of the fame. V.4.] For he is the miniftcr of God to tbcc for good : but if thou dcthat which is evU, be afraid J for he bearer h not the fword in vain: for he is the minifier of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon them that doihetil. V.^] Wherefore ye muft needs be fubjeS, not on- ly for vvra:h,but for confeicnce Cake. He&.i 5. 17. Obey them that have the rule over you, and fuhmic your fclvts. rrov 4.3,4. For Iwas my fa.he;s ron,ttRder,snd onrly beloved in the fight of my mo:her. V.4.] Hw taught me alfo, and faid unto me, Let thy heart retain my wori's, keep oy CommantJtncnts, and live. Tre.ij.ii. Hcsikjn to try father tbstbc^st tice, and dtfpiff not tl.> jncthfrKlun (ht Isold. Exo(l,i 8.I9 -^14. Heatken now unro my vofce,! will jire thee coimfeUand God bo is lik« tothecin Ifracl ? Wherefore then bail thou no: kept thy Lord, the Kmg ? for there came one of the people in, to dcftroy the Kin J, thy Lord. V. i6,j Tbisthinois not good which thou hail done. As the Lord IJvcthyc ace worthy CO die, bccaufe yc have not kept your M^ftsr, the Lords annointed.— — — a5'4W.i8.3. But the pcopxanfweredjThoaflialc not JO forth; for it we flee away, they willnotcare for us, neither it half of us dit. will they care for us j but now thou arc worth ten the u 'and of us , thar the things which are Caefat's, and unco God the things which arc God's". Rom. ij. 6,7. For this caufe piy ye tribute alfo : For they are God's minifters, at- tending continually upon this levy thing. V.7.] Render therefore unto all tbcir dues; tribute, to whom tribute is due ; cuftome, to whoin cuftome ; fear, to whotH fear j honour , to whom honour 1 ri»i.5,i7,i 8. Let the Elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, efpecially they who labour in the Word and Dodtine. V. i3.] For the Scripture faith, Tfaou (halt not muzlc the Ox: that treadetb out the corn •' and. The labourer is worthy of his reward. Gd.6.6. Let him ihatjs taught in the word communic jte unto him that teacheth in all good things. Gtn.A s. 1 1 • And there will I nourifli thee (for yet there sic five years of famine^ Icaft thou and thy hou(ho!d,and all that tbou haft, fiome to poverty. Gcn.47.11. And Jofeph nourifticd his father, and his brethren, and all his fathers Jioufhold with bread, according to their families. * i Fet. z. 1 8. Servants be fubjfd to youi Matters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but alfo to the froware'. Prow, ig.n. He?rkenunto chy father which begat thee , and defpife not thy mother when flic is old. O.a^.aj. And Sem and Japhettooka garment and laid it upon both their ihoulders, and went backwards, and covered thcni- kedneffcof their father i and their faces were backwark, and they [aw not their fathers nakeJnefs. ^ Pfal, 1 17. J , 4, 5. Lo, children are an inheritance of the Lord, snd the fruit of the wcmb is his re- ward- V.4.] As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man, fosrc children of the youth. V.j.] Hap- py ii the man that hath his ^^uivcr full of them 5 they (hall not be aHiamed, bu: (hall fpejk with the «nemies in the gate. Frov.^i.tl* Her husband in known in the gates, when be fitcech among the vKldcrsoftbcland. Q^What are the fm of Infer tours a^a'wfl their Sttpe- rmrs f ^.Thc [^7] ^ . ^ A. The finncs of Infcriours agalnd their Supcrloursi 4- are, all ncglcd of the duties reqjired to^vardthemv^ y^_,jf ,^^^^^^ p,^ envying at^, conrcmpL of % and Rebellion '', .'gainft G id co:nmandcd;riy- thcir peifons " and placcs\in r.heir lawful counftls^ com- '"5 ^tio^o^^ thy la- mands, and corrections^, curliag, mocking "', and all anj he tim car.eth fuch refradory and fcandilous carriage , as proves f^th" or moihtr, let n jj-n L jL- l«c him dye tbf desth. a ihame and dilhoaour to them and their govern- y^ -| Bj.yefaychu men: ^, whofotver fliall f.y to his fa:hcr or mo- thsju is a gift by whatfocvcr thou mi|hrft be profircd by me . V.6.] And honour not his fatl-,er and mo tber>he {hallbs free. Tius have ye made che Commandcinen. of God of none rfl d, by you- tradj:t- on. z Hum 11.18,19 And Jcfuah the fun of Nun, 'hefcrvants of Mofcs, oneot bisycung mm anfwered,and fai.^, my lo.d A/ofcs, forbid them, V.:? ] And Moles fiid unco him, Envytit thou for my fake ? Wouid God that a;l the L^rds people were p.ophcts, and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them, > ySttm.i.j. And the Lord laid unto S.imuel, bsrken unto th; voice of the people in all what they fay unto thrc, for th;y have noc rejected thte, bu:ct)ey have rejcdeJ me, that I Ihould not reign over them. Jfxi.u$. And the people fh>il be opprelTsd every one by another, ani every one by his neighbour, and the child fhsil behave himfclt proudir ajsinftthe ancltncj and the bafc againft the honourable ^ i Sum ij,from» i.tov. ii. And it came to pafs after that Abfalom prepared him chariots and bcrUs &c andfocn. ' Exod. zi.i^. And be tha: fmiteth his father,cr mother ftiall furcly be put to dca;h. <* t Sam. 10.17 Bat the children of Be- lial faid, How (hall this man faveuj? and they defpifed him, and brou^Uc him no prefcnts : but he held his peace, « 1 Sitn.i.x^ • Nritwitl'ftinding they (v;^. the fons of En) heatkncJ notuntothe voice of their father ; brcaufc the Lord would flay.them. ' Z)t«t.xi.i 8,19,1011. If a man have a ftubborn and rebellious fon which wiiln.'t obey the voice of his father, or ihe voice of his mother, and that when they have chaftrned him, will not hearken unto thjm, ^.19.] Then fliall his father and mother hy hold on him, and brin^ him out unto the Elders of his city, and unto the gat.: of his place} V.io.] And they fliali fay to the Elders of his City, This our fen h flub- born and rebellious, he willno: ob:y our voice} heis a glut:on, and a drunkard. V.n.] And all the men of hiicity (liall ftone him with ftones, that he dye: So (hsU thou put evill away,&.c. s Prsv, jo. I — — 17» Theie is a generation that curfech tlicir father, and doth not bUls their morner. V.17.] The eye tha: mocketh at his father, and defpifcth to obey his mo her i the Ravens of the valley ftiall pick it out, and the young Eagles ftiall eat it. *> Prey. 19.16. He that wafteth his father, and cbafcth away his mother} is a Ton that caufcih fhame, and btingeth reproach. Q^ fvhat ii required of Su^eriours torvard their Inferi- cttrs < A. It is required of Superiouis, according to that power they receive from God , and th.ic reb.tion wherein they ftand, to love' pray tor^, and blclTe ' ^•^; ?' '9- J ' > r / ' bands , luvc ycv.ir wives, and be not bit/- ter agaiaft them, ru.1.4. That they mty tejchthc young women to be fobcr, to love their husbmJs, to lo«e their children. '' t •S-'W- ii.ij Moreover, as for me, Gxi forbid that I Ihou'd (in againft the Lord in ccafing to prjy for you : but I -will teach you the good and the right v.ay. Job. i.f. And it was fo, when the dayes of their ftailing were gone about, tbat Icblenr, and Cani.'tiricd them, and rofe up early in the morning, and off red burn: offerings, fccor.ing.to the number cf the:T» alli for Job faid, It may betba; my ions hate finaed, and curled God in their hearts. Thus ;lii Job- continually,, • tkir. Huf- r^.^- '4 2. C88] ,. .. V ^ t^cir inferiours ^ ; to inftrii(5t ° , counfell , and admonfA them "5 countenancing « , commending p , and rewarding fuch as do well ^5 difcountenancing "^ , reproving, and chaftifing fuch as doilKj proteding^ and provid- ing for them all things neceffary for foulc" and bo- '«iC>^. 8. Tj, y6. ^y *5 and by grave, wife, holy, and exemplary b!"flcd*'Iii^h°V'"'^ carriage , to procure glory to God '^ honour to them- gregiion of KrTci ^^^vesy, and fo to prefcrve that authority which God with a loud voice, hath put upon thcm ^ faying, ■ y. s6. J h il ^l "^^ ^°^'^ ^°^' *^'^ ^"'^ *'^*" "^ ^^ ^^^ P"P'' I^f*'* » according to all that he promiftd j there bath not failed, &c « Heb.7-7' ^r.d without all contradiaion, the lefs is bleffed of the grei- tct. Gen.4p.x9. AH thefe are the twelve Tribes of Ifrael , and this is it that their father fpake unto tn?nt,and blefled them, every one according to his blefling , he bleffed them. "" Deut 6.6,7. And chele words which I command thee this day AmU be in thy heart 3 V.7.] And thou Hialt teach them i?S L ""^° '^^ childrfn , and flialt talk of them when thou fitteft in thine houfe , and when thou walkeft by the way,and when thou lyeftdown,and when thou riltft up. "Ep6.6 4. And ye, fathers, proTokenot your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. « I r« J.7. Likewifc, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledgj jiving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vcffcl, and as being htirs together ofthe grace of life, that your prayers be noi f" M j' ^ * P«.z.i4. Or unto governours, as unto them that arc fent by him, for the punilhmeat ofevil doers, and the praifeofthem that do well. Rom. i?.j. For Rulers ate not a terrour to good works, but to the evil. Wilt tho» then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good and thoa ftilt have praife of the fame, 1 E/?*.6. j . And the King faid, What honour and dignity hath been done to Mordecai for this ? Then faith the Kings fervants. There is nothing done for him. ' Rom, *J'J)4' For Rulers arc not a terror to good works, but to the evil— V.4.] For he is tbeMi- nifterof God to thee for good ; but if thou do evil, be afraid > for hebeareth not the fword iavaln: forheis theminifttrofGod, a revenger, to execate wraih upon him that doth evil. fProv.ip.iy. ,The Rod and Reproof give wifdom, but a child left to himfelf bringeth his mother to fliame. i Pet, x,i^. Steaboveinl?']. ' Jo&»9.t2,ij,t4,i Jj>6,i7. B^csufe I delivered the poor that cryed, the fatberlcfs, and him that had none to help him. V. i j .] The bltffing of him that was ready to pe- tlfli came upon me J and I cau fed the widow?s heart to fmg for joy. V.14.] I put on righteoufnefs and it clothed me j my judgment was a robe and a diadem. V.i J.] I was ey£$ to the blind, and feet was I to the lame. V. 16.] I was as a father to the poor , and the caufe which I knew not, I fearcbed out. V.17.3 Andlbraketht jawesofihcwickfd, and plucked the fpoil out of his mouth. Ifa, 1. 10. 17. Hear the Toicc of the Lord, ye Kulers of Sodom i give ear unto the law of our God, ye fieopleof Gomorrfaa. — V.17.] Learn to do well, feek judgment, reiJeve the oppreflcd, judge the fathci-j efs, plead for the widow. '^Epb.6.^. And ye fathers, provoke not your children, but bring them up in the nurture and admonitinoftbe Lcrd. * 1 r/w.f« 8, But if any man provide not forhisown, and efptcially for thofcof his own houfe, he hath denied the Faith, and Is worfe then an Infidel. *irm.4. 11. Let no man dtfpife thy ycutb j but be thcu an cxsmpieof all thebeleeversin word, in coBverfation> in charity, in Spirtr, in faith, in purity. Xi^ a,j54i5.Thc aged women likewifr,that they be in behaviour as btcometh holinrfs,not falfe accufcrs, not given to much wine, teachers of good rblngs. V. ♦.] Tiiat th? y may te?ch the young women to be Cober,to love their hufbanc's to love their children V. f .] To be difcrtetj chift, keepers at hone, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not bfafphemed. r il^hgi.i^. And all Ifrael heard of the judgment which the King had judged J and they feared the King, for they htt that the wifdome of God was in him, to do juvJgmcnr. » Tit,t,i ji Thefe tHpjs ffcai and exbortj and rcbi4c with all autboriiy: let no man defpife thee. Q,jrhatayeihe/imefSuperioursi A. The finncsof Supcriou rs arc , bcfide the ncgle fieitherlhallh: greatly multiply to himfelfe filver and gold. « r>«.j.4,5:6. Then an Herald cried aloud, To you ic is commanded, O people, nations and languages. V.5.] That at wbjttimeyc hear the found of the Cornet, Flute, Harp, Sackbur, Pfaltery, Dulcimer, and all kinc's olmufick, ye fall down and worlhip the golden Image, which Nebuchadneitar the King hath fee up. V. 6,2 And whofo falleih not down, ftiaii be caft into the midH: of a burning firery furnace. AH. a. 17 y > 8. But that it fpread no further among the people, let us ftraitly threaten thtra thrt they fpejk henceforth to noman in tbisnam;. V.i8.] And they called them, and commanded them not to fpcsk at all, r or teach in the name of Jcfws. ^ Exoi. f. from ver. 10 t$tbe 18. And the Task-matters ot ibepco* pie went out and their cfficcri, and they (pake to the people faying, Thus faith Fharaob, I will no: give yoa ftraw &c Mm.ii.i—^. yayingjThc Scribes and Pharifees fi: in Mofcs Seat— V.4.] For they bind heavy burdens and grievicus to be born, and lay thimon men (boulders, but ibey thea- felves will not move them with one of their fingers. 8 M4U.14.8; And fne being before iiftruft- cd of bcr motUcr/aid, give mc here John Sjpcifts head io a charger, (^ompirei mib i5M buthe forour profit, that wc mighc be partakers &c. PcMt.i^.j. Forty itripcs he oiiy ^ivc tim, and no exceed, Icaft if he Ihould exceed, and b:a: him above ihcfe with many ftripcs, thcuti.y Ic^iihci ^ould lecm viifiaa:o th:c, . N care- cardcfs expofing ] or icraving th^m to wrOi^^ Thcn'fIfi*]^h\o remptation and danger "\5 provoking thmto wrath"? Tamai- his daughter or any way dtfhonouring themfdves, 'or lefiTenlng iniaw,Rcmain»wi- fj^eif authority, bv an uniufta inBifcrect, rieorous ow at thy fachfr? rr i \ ' 'O houfc. till sheiah my orrcnt^jfle behaviour^. fonbc erownup: for • he faid Itaft peradvcncurc be eye a!fo,«htj brethren did—— V.i(5.3 And Judah acitnowledj- ed them, and faid, Shee hath bf en more righteous then I, bcciufe I javc her not to Shelabmyfon: »nd he knew her again no more. A^Ai.ij. Then all the Greeks took Softhtnes the chief Ruler of the Synagogue and beat hiai before the jud|tnsnc-f£at,«nd Gallio cared for none of thefe thinjLs. " Efhi ; 6.4. And ye fathers, provoke not your children CO wrath, bur, bring them up in, &c. o Qen,^.it,~ And he drank of the wine, and was drunken, and he was uncovered within his tent. 1 IQ'n. iz.i},i4, i< 16. And the Kinj (Rchoboam) anfwered the people roaghly, and forfook the old mrns counfel which they gave him, V.i 4.] And fpake to them after the councel of the younj men, faying, My father made you yoke heavy } and I will ad J to your yoke : my father chafliied you with whips | buc J-wilchaftifc you with fcorpions. V.15.] Wherefore the King hearkened not to the people; for ihccaufc was from the Lord V.16.] $0 when aK Ifracl faw that the Kin* hearkened not to them J the people anfwered the King, Tayinj, what, portion have we inDsfid ? neither have we inheritance in thefonof Jefl: ; to your tents, O-Ifraif: now fee to thine own houfe, Divid,fo" Ifrael departed to their tents. \l^in.i.6. And hisfatherhad noVdifpleafed him C*i2. Adonijab) at any time, .in faying, why haft thou done fo ? — ;— . i SAm. i.tp, jo,}i. Wherefore kick ye at my fa- erifices and at my offering, which I have commanded in mine babication,andhonoureft thy fons abote me, to make your felves fat, with the chiefefl of all the offerings of Ifrael my people? V.jo.3 Where- fore the Lord God of IfracI faith, I faid indeed,that the houfe, and the houfe of thy father, (hpuld walk . before me for ever j but now the Lord faid. Be it far from me 5 for them thst honour me I will honour; arid they ihatdefpifc ,mefhall be lightly efteemed. V.ji.] Behold the dayts come, that I will cut off thine awn> and ths arm oi thy fathers faoufe, that there Ihall not been old man inthiof-- Q/lVhat dre the dmies ef equals f A. The duties of equals arc, to regard the dignity FHdnour allmeh,love and worth of each other p , in giving honour to goe one the brother-hood, fear before another *i , and to rejoice in each others gifts and Ki^; - on: towards another with brotherlylove, in honour preferring one another. « Km. 1 z.i 7,t 6. R*- joyce with them that do rejoyce, and weep with themthatweep. V:i6.3 Be of the dme mind, one towards another j fliind not high things, but condefcend to men of low cftate, & c Vbll. i j ,4. Lee nothing be done through ftrife or vainegloryj batinlowllnsfs ofmindleteacheft -..mother ktter then jhemfelves. V.|.] Look not every man on his own things, but every man alfo on tie thiogs of • othej^. Q . Whit are the ftnnas of equals ? A.The fins of equals are, befide the neglea of thi ma?iny1hin^rbm dirties re^^^^^ cf the worth S cn- Kolovc one another -'foe H thatbveihanothethKh ful£lled the Liw. t x r/«,j .3 ..Withouj natural ■ aficSionAc*- ^^""" . vpng the gifts*, grieving at the advancement or prot pcrity, one bf^ndthcr *, and ufurping preheminencc one „ ^^ . ^ . over another \ the fJiLlts moved , ^ wlthenvyjfoldjofeph Into Ejypt j but God was with him. Cld. f .i^. Let us net be defirous of value jlory^ provoking oae snochrr} envying one another. * Num. i z. z. And they [aid, Hath che Lord Indeed only fpoken by Mofes? batfa he not alfo fpoken by us ? and cbc Lord heard ii. E^^.6.ix,ij. And Mordccai came a> gain to the Kings gate > but Haman hailed to his boufc, mot]rning,and having his head covered. V.i}] And Haman told Zere(h his wife, and all his friends every thing that had befallen him. Then faid bis wife men, and Zerefh his wife unto him, iFMordecai be of the leed of the Jewes, btfore whom chou haft begun to fall, thou Oialt not prevail againft him, but ihalt furely fall before him. "^ i^dbnytr.^. I wrote unto the Church > bat Diotrephes who Icveth to have the preheminence amongft them,recei vcth us not. t{/^.iz.X4. And tbetc was alio a Arife among thea)> which of them (hould ht che grcaitft^ Q^fvhat is the Reafon annexed u the ffrfj Command- mem, the more to enforce it f -<^. The Reafon annexed to the fifth Co mmandmcnr, in thefe words , \^That thy dayes may he long upon the land which the Lord thy Godgiveth thee y. ] is an expreffc pro- '^ SfxM. »; i »; mife of long life and profperity , as far as it fhall ferve f6t Gods glory, and their own good , to all fucji as keep this Commandment ^ * «p«f.V.>^. Honour thy father and thy fflothersas the Lord thy God bath commanded thee ; that thy daics may be prolonged,3nd that it may go , Virellwitbthee, in the land which the Lord thy Godgiveth thee. iV^ing.l.i';. Therefore now. Lord Godoflfrael. keep with thy fervant David, my father, that wliichtbou.promiledft him, faying, Thete thall net fail thee a man in thy fight to (it on the throne of iCracl , fo that thy children take heed to their way,that they walk before me as thou haftwalked before me. Efh.S.x^it HQnoiir thy father and thy mother (which is the firft Commandmcm with promife.) V.j. That it nay be well with thee, and chou maift live long on the earth. (Xjvhlch is thefixth Commandment i ' A. The (ixth Commandment is, [_ Thou fh alt mt'^^^olio.if, killK-] Q^ fvhat are the duties required in thefixth Command^ went ? . A. The duties "required in the fixth Commandment, sre, all careful ftudies, and lawful endeavours topre- fcrve the life of out felvcs^ and others S by rcfifting i^E^&.j.is, ipj si ought men ta love their own wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife, lovcthhimfc'f V.i8] For no "^.sn ever bjted his own flcfl), but nouriflieth and cheriftieth it, even as the Lord che Church ? ' i K^^i- • ^•** For it was To, when Jezebel cui off the Prophets of the Lord, that Ob&diab took an hundred Propheta, sad hid thun by Gfty Li a cave, and fed them with bread and wscer, N 2 all . all thoughts and purpofcs ^ fubdumg all pafsi- ons % and avoiding all occafions ^, temptations s, atid pradlifes , which tend to the unjuft t^hg away the life of any '^•, by juft defence thereof againft violence*, *ftr.i«.if,i«. »uc patient bearing of the hand of God'', quietnelTc of know 7 e for certain , thac if ye puc me to death, ye (h»ll farel>' bring innocent blool upon your fclves , and upon this City," and upon the Inhabitants thereof j for of a truck the Lord hach Cent me unto you to Cp:tk all th^fe words In.your cars. V.i6.] Thenfaid the PriaceS} and all th; piople to the Pophct«, Tnis man is n^t wor- thy.todici forhehachfpokCiiunrousintheNtmeofthe LiriourGjd. ^ff.ij.t r— 16,17 ' XI— — 47. And when it was day, certain of th: jcwes bin Jed together, ani bound thttnfelyes under •^affe, faying. That they would neither eat nor drinlttill they had killed Raul. ■— V. 1 6.] Ant) when PauD hfters Ton heard of their lying in wait, h: went and entred into the Otitic and told Paul. V;t7.3 Then Paul called one of the Centurions anto him , and faii , B in^ this yonj man unto ths^ chief Captain, for he hath a certain thinj.to tell him. V.ii.] There lye in wait for hitn more chen forty men , which hare bound themCclres with a.i oa:h,, that— and now are rhty ready ,, looklnj for a promiCe from thee.—— V.zTil This man was taken of she Jtewes, and flvould have been killed of tbemT then came I with an army and refcued him, having uiderftoad thac he wasx, Roman. « Eph. i.i6,x7, B: ye angry, andfinnocj let not the fun go down upjn your wrath j V.^i7.3 Neither give place to the divel. ^ i Sim. 1.1.1. And Abner Catd again to Aiahel, Turi» thee a(ide from following me; wherefore fliDuld I fmice thee to the ground? how then (h>a\i I hold up my face to Joab thy brother f 7)eut. ix.8. Wben thou buildeft a new houfc» thin rhou (halt make a baccleorMnt forchy-roof* that thou bring not blood upon chy houfe, if any man fall from thence^ a •SUir.4.6,7. AndfaithuntohimjIfchoubetheSanofGii, caftchyfelfdown : for ii iiwritcen. He fhall give bis Angels charge over thee, and in their hands they Hiill bear thee up, leaft at anyi time. thou dalh thy foot againft a ftone. V.7.] Jcfus fa'id unto him. It :$ written again, Thou (Ink not tempi? the Lorii thy God^ Fr».i.io,n-^—if,i^. Myfon,if(Inners entice thee canfenc thou not, V.ii.J If they fay.Com: with us,let us lay wait for blood, Ice us lurk privily for the innocent without caufe. — ~ V.I 5.3 My foB> walk not thou in che way with them, refrain thy foot from their path, V; « 6.] For ll^e.ir feet run to evil, and make haft to lh:d blood. '' i Sam.x^.iz. The Lord judg between me and thee, tnJ the Lord avenge m: of thee i bat mine hand (hall not be upon thee. 1 5*4^1^ 1^.9,1 0,11. And David faid to Abi(hai,Deftroy hftn not : for who caa ftrecch forth his hand agalnft the Lords anointed^ Slid be guiltlefs? V. ro.] D ivid laid furthermore,as the Lord Uveth,thc Lord fti il fmice hiin,or bis day (hal come to die, or he fhjll dcfcen J into battle and perilh. V. 1 1-] The Lord forbid thac I Ihould ftrecch forth mine hand againft the Lords anointed.— ffifs.j 7.1 t.xi.And Reuben heard ic,tnd hs delivered himouc oftheir hands, and faiJjLet us no: kill him. V.aa.'] And Reuben fiid to them, SbeJ no blood, but caft him into this pic that is in the wtldernefsjaii lay no hands upon hiiaj that he migh: rid him out oftheirhinds, to deliver him to his fachrr again. ' PfiLit,-^. D:livcr the poor and needy? rid them out of the hand of the wicked. Pfov/^. ii,it. If thou> forbear to deliver then chat 9:e drawn unto death, and thofe tbar are readyto be fljtti; V. i z.] If chou faift, B -hold we knew it ao:, do:h not he that ponderech the heart coniider it ? and he that keep th thy foul, doth nor he know it ? and (ball not he render to every man according to his works ? i San 1 4.1.?, And the people faid unco Sjul, Shall |o- nathan die, who bath wrought this great falvatioa in Ifcael ? God forbid. As the Lord livcth,there Hull not one hair of his headtalltocheg-oand: for he hach wrought with G)d this day. Sj the people refcu« ed Jonathan, that he died not. '' ^^in. 5.7,8 ,9,10,11. B: patient therifore, brethren, unrp the co-' ming of che Lord ', bshqld the husbandman waicech (or the precious fruk Oi'th*: earth, and hath long pt* lienscScc V 8.3 B^ye alCopacienc, ftabliSi youc hearts,for the coming of the Lord drawcs nijh. V.9J G -udg not one ajiinft anocher,brethren,left ye b: condemn:djbihold the Judg ilandech btbre che door. V.'io.3 Xake.my brethrcn,che Pirophns who have fpokca in the N ime of clae Lo-d, for an example of fuff;iini.4ffl(ftion,and of patience. V.ti.] B:hold,wecoun; ch-mhsppy chat endure. Ye have heard of thepatiinccof Job,and have fesn the end of the Lord j&c, — *..Hsb.n..^. Farthermore, we have bad fi- ih^tsof our flch who correded us,and we 2U¥cth«m.5everence i JbaU wcnot vanQh ra;her be m fubj?5. ^2^i,tQ cii«f*chcr of $prit'jaaJ,liyc ^- mindy. mind S chearfulneflTe of rplric^j a fobcr ufe of meat", dnnk% phyfick?, flccp% labour'', and re- |hj^'{yj"*^^''b^ creations S by charitable thoughts S love", compaf- quit JlndVdJyouc flon*, mecknclTe, gcntlcnelTe, kindneffe^ peacca- °"p bufmefs, &c. blcy, mild, and courteous fpcechcs and behaviour % LorningUtu^? be cbac oucwaid adorn- inj,&c.'— «• V.4.1ButletKbechehiadcnmanofthehcarc, in that which is not corrup:iblc, erea the ornament of a meek and ^uiet fpirir, which is in the fi jhi of God of jreat price. Pfil. ? 7 8 ,9, i o, 1 1 . Ceafefrom an^er, and forfake wrath j frctnot ihyfelf in any wil'etodoevil. V.9.] For evildoers (ha'lbccutoff; butthey that wait upon the Lord fhill inherit the eartb. V.io.] Foryet a little while, and the wicked fliallnot be ; yea,thou (halt di'igently confider hlsplice,and it fliall not be. V.i r.] Buc the meek (hall inh■•.' 5.1. A fofi aoiwcr tuneth a^ay wrath , but grievrus .vords ftirupanger.^Mi/g.8.i,i,j.A;id ihr. men of Epbt.-'.im faid unr'> h!m,\Vhy baft th'^u ferycd usthus?Thou callcdft us not when thou weuf ft to fight with the Midiinites j and they diJ chide with him ftinpiyi V- 1.3 And he faid unto rhe^^JW^at have I done now incoapndl'onof you f Is not the gleaning of the gripes of Ephraira better t hci the vintage cf A t.if z i* V. j ]God hath delivered into yoat hands the Pria- - cesof MidiarjjOrcband Zebjind what wjs I able to do in cjmpjriion of you ? Then ihcir anger nasu tbt9tfd to .yards bicp, whca be bad- faid that. . " ^ ■ ^ ""■ ■ for-- C^43 forbearance , rcadine(fe to bd tcconcilcd , patient ^bear- ing and forgiving of injuries ^ and^equiting good for c- vil % comforting and fuccouring the diftrcffcd, arid prO- » Hit, ^ Hi Leave ^^<^^"S ^nd defending the innocent \ there thy jift before the Altar, and 50 thy way, firftbe reconciled to thy brother. Eph.^.i. — -j i. Vyith all lowlintflc and tneekftcffcj with lont-fufFtrinj, forbearing oitc another in Idve.-; — — -* V.'ji.] Arid b« kljtdi one to another, tCBder-bcartedj forgivinf one snorter, even as God for Chrifts feks hath fbrg!«i^ y6u. Ki}Mix.>7. — i«,xii RccotnpracetorjotBanevilforevilj&c.*— — - V.zti/] Tbchtott limai enemy hunger, feed him 5 if he thirft, give him drink/ for in fo doing, thou iJialt heifp c6als of fire on hishead. V.n.] Be not overcome wich evilj but overcome evil with jopd. ^ ^ iThef.'i.ii^. Now wc exhort you bret^retij warn rhem that arc unruly, comfort the feeble-mined, fuppott the weak, b( pa- tient towards all men. 5^o& 51.19,20. If Ihave feen anyperifti for want of clothing, or any^bbc without covering } >; V.io.] If his loins bavcnotDlefled mce,andif he were not warmsd with the fleece of my (lieep— — ''- Af«. 1^.55,5 5. Fori was ani hurtgrrd, and ye j^aye me trlcatj I was rhirfty, and ye gave me drink 5 I was a ftrangcr, and ye took meln. V.36.] Nakied, and' ye cMtbed me 3 I was fick, and ye vifited me 5 I was in prifon, and ye came now me. PrflV. j i .8,^f Op:n thy mouth for the dumb, in the caufe of all fuch as are appointed to defttoftion, y.5>,] Open thy mou^h , jsdge ri'hceoufl/ , and plead the cauft of the f por and needy. Q^ what ar( the fim fdrbiddin in thefacth Command' merit': ^. The fins forbidden in the fixth Commandment, are,all taking away the life of our felvcs ^orofothets'*, except in caie of pubhck Juftice %Iawf ul war ^, or neceffa- ry defence s^the negleding or withdrawing the lawful and 5 ABa6.i^Mt Paul nccelTary means ot prefervation of life ^^finful anger '^ha- , cried with a loud voice, faying, Do thy felfe no harm t for we are all here. ^Gen.9.6. VVhofo fheddeth mans blood, by man ftiall bis blood be flicd : for in the image of God madeheman. ^Num.^^^i. ^j. Moreover, ye (hall take no fatisfadion for the life of a murderer, which is guilty of death: but he ihall furely be put to death. — — V.jg.] So ye fliiall not polkte the land wherein ye are: for blood, it deiileth the land 3 aid the land cannot be cleanfed from the blood that is Hied therein, but by (be blood of him that (bed it. ^ fer.^^S. i o. Curfed be he that doth the work of the Lord deceitful' lyS andcurfed bebethatkeepethbisfwordfromblood. PfM^io.Cbap. throughout. ^Ex9d,ti, a,j. If a thief be found breaking up , and be fmi.ten that be die, there (hall be no blood ihed for him. iV. g.] If the fun be rifen upon him, there (hall be blood /bed for him j for he Ihould make foil refti- cution } if he have nothing, then he (hall be fold for liis theft. ^ 3/4t. 15.4 2,43. For X was an bun* ^red, and ye gave me no meet ; thirty, and ye gave me no drink. V.43.i I was a flraogcr, and ye cook me not in i naked, and ye clothed me not j fick, and in prifon, and ye vifited me nor. ^itm.z.i$, 16. If a brother or iifter be mked, and deftltute of daily food, V* 1 6.] And one of ycu fay ro them , 'fief^rt in peace, be ye warmed, and filled j notwicbftanding ye give them not thofe things which, are needful to the body j what doth it profit ? E cclef. 6. 1^1. There is an evil under the fun, and it is common amongft men. V. t."] A man to whom God hath given riches, nealtb and honour, fo that he vrants nothing for his foul of all that he dcfireth j yet God gives him not power to eat thereof, buta ftranger cateth it. This is vanity,and an evil diftaft. • Mat. y. ax. But I fay unto you that whofoevet is aogry with fate biotbcc wi^out a caufcj (hall ba in danger of che iudgqcnt i and wlioIoev<;r,&c. C95 3 cred'^, envy', d^fire of reveng'^jt all cxcefiS^e paffions ", diftratStlna; cai'es°, immoderacc ufe of meat, drink p, J'^fo^.j-*?- VViio- labours aid recreations^-, provoking words ^ op- , her is a matth.-rcr; preffion % quirrelling", ftrikmg, wounding f, and and yekiow thacno ■ whaifoever elfe tsn Js co the dcftruaioii of the life of ^^f u^ibkitng'li; any *". him. Lev. 19. 17. Thou flisk no: bate cHy brother m thy heart, thou (hilt in any wife rebuke thyn'.jghbojr » and not luft'epGa upon him ^Pfov. 14.^0. A found heart is the life of theflcfli, buccnvy thcrottencfs of the bones '■' Rom» 1 X. J9. D«arly beloved, avenge noc your (elves i but rather jive place unto wrath , for ic is written wenjsincc is mine : I will repay, fiich the Lord. " Ep^.4. j i. Le: all bitternefs, and wrath, and anjer, and clamour, and evil- fpeaking be put away from you, with ail mjlice. » Mxtt.6.^i — . 54. Thsreforc tike no thought faying, what(h»ll weeat? or what (hall we drink ? or wh:rewithalt (hall wc beclothcd f V.j4.] Take therefore no thought forrhc morrow, for the marrow (hall take thijught for the things of it felf, fufficicmuato the day is the evil thereof. i* Lm/{.ii.54. Ani cake heed to your felres, leaft at any time your hearts be over-charged with furFeting, and drunkenne Sj andthccarcs of thislife, and fo that day come upon you unawares. Ro;».ij.ij. Let us walk ho- neftly, asin the day, noc in rioting and drunkcnnefs, not in chambering and wanconntfs, not in ftrife and envying. n EccLi.i.n. Furthermore, by ihefe , my fon be adtnonifhed of making man/ bsokes there is no end,and much ftudy is a wearinefs of the flc(h. Ecd. i.ii,ij. For what hath a mar* of all his labD«r,snd of the rexitionofhis heart, whctcio he hath laboured under the Sun ? V.zj.] Foe all his diycs arc forrow,and his travc!,griefiy'0'».ij.i9. Who hathwo? who htthforrow? who bathconcentions? whobatbbabling? whohath wounds withcaufc? &C. * NaOT.5f.16, 17,1*— XI; Andifhefmltc him with an initrument of iro.i (fothat he dye) he is a murderer, ttie mur- derer (halt furely he put to dea.h. V.I 7.3 And it he [mite him with throwing a Itone ("lothat he dyr,> beisamurderer, the murderer (hall furcly be put to death, V. 18.] Or if he finite him with a hand- weapon of wood(wherewithhcmay dye) and bedye>he is a murderer ,the murderer (hall furely be put to death - - V.ai.] Or in enmity fmite him with his haad that he dye, he that fmote him (hall furely be put to death, for he is- a murderer — ■. — '^ Exoi. ii, frem ver.iS. to thtenicon- uining um for {mmrs , ^or an hurt bf chance ,f'"')mm:inde- mcntj. mrf'onV'of'lou "^^"^' ^^^ ' Chaftity in body, mind> affeaions*; fliouid know bow to words% and behaviour '^ •, and the prefer vation of it pofiifs his vcfl-ei in in ouf fclvcs and others <^ 5 watcbfulneflTe over the lanctihcation and bo* i vjnirri i- ncur. jo^ji.i. I eyes , ^nd all the fcnlesS temperance^ keeping fcarc made a Cove- of chaft company^, modefty in apparels, marriage "ry7bcn'"S"/ ^y ^'-^^^ ^^.^^ ^^^^ not the gift of continencyS con- ihink upona maid? j^Jgall love ', and Cohabitation'^, dcligent labour in f^Z'J'^*- ^^"« ourcallin t Tef.j.2 While they behold yourchaft converl'ation coupled with fear ' i C«r, 7-i — 3?)?^. Ncvettheltfs, co avoid fornication, let every tnan have Iiis own wife, and every woman bcrown husband — — V.j5.] And this Ifpeakfor your prcfit, not that I may caft a fnare upon you, but for that which is comely, and that ye may attend upon the Lord without diflradion. V.36.3 But if any man think that he behaveth himfelf uncomely toward his virgin, if lire pafs the flower of her age, and need do require, let him doc what he w»!l J hefinntch not j let tbetn marry ^ lob. ^i.i. 1 have made a covenant with mine eyes, why ih;n(houId I think upon a maid? « ASf.m.i^.i^, And after certain dayes, when Felix came with his wife Drafiila, which was a Jew, he fent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith of Chrift; V.1J.3 And as be reafoned of Kighteoufnefs, Tempe- rance, and Judgment to come, Felix, trembled , &c.— - f Prov.z*i6,j7,i8,i9,xo. Todeli- ver thee from the ftranic woman,ev9,i«». Let her be as the loving kind and pleafant Roe j ietherbreaftfatisfy thee at all times, and be thou ravi/ht alwayes with her love. V.io.] And why wilt tboujmy fon,bc ravilhfd wi-h a {lrangewoman,snd embrace the bofome of a ftranger *^ i pa. 5.7. Likenife, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledg, giving honour to tbc wife as unto the weaker veffel, and as being heires together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not bindred i^ Prev.j Ml —27,1 8. The heart of her husband doihfafelytruft in her j lb that he fhall have no need , offpoile V.17. She looketh well to thewayesof her hou(hold, andeateih not the bread of sdlenefsi V.j8] Herchtldrenarifcopandcallehcrb!effcd:her husband he alfo praifeth her "^ Prov. 5.8. Remove thy way from her, and come not nigh the door of her houfe. Gfn.|9.t,9,^o. But Jofeph rtfulod, andfsid unto his maftcrswife Biholdmymafter knowctb not what is with mc in the houfc, and he hath committeth all that he hath into my hand. V.9.] There is none greater in this houfc then I j neither bajh he ketpt back any thing from me, but thee, beeaufe thou art bis wife j How jhcn can I do this great wickednels, and fin pgainft God ? V.io.] And it cane to pafs» as ihc fpake to Jo^ph day by day^ that he heatkned not unto her, to lye by her^ or to be with her* \\ Q^ ^W are the ftnms forbidden h thefcventh Com' " " '^.Thc C973 '^A. Tlic finncs forbidden in the fcvcnth Commandc-' went, bcfides the ncglcdtof the duties required " , are, adultery , fornication " , rape , inceft i' , fodomy , and all unnatural lufts i , all unclean imaginations, —thoughts 5 purpofe and affedions "^ , all corrupt or - fihhv communications 5 or liftcning thereunto ^\ wan- „ 1 1 r • J .. ^ i; L^ n. L • ' "Prflv.^7. Hear ore - ton looks ^•, impudent, or light behaviour 5 immo- now the/cfore, o yc deft apparel"-, prohibiting of lawful **■ , and difpea- children, and epau finer with unlawful marriages-^ • allowing, t.lera- "'J*:°7^^'„r;°l'^,^°^ . ting , keeping ot ftewes, and rclorting to them^-, Manisgeis tonoura- intaneling vowcs of finglc life^; undue delay of mar- Y '" ';'»,?'^ 1^^ riage^'i having more wives or husbands then one, at whoemon-crj^nda- the fame time ^5 unjuft divorce^, or difertion'^ . duirems *Goa will -idleneflc , gluttony , drunkennelTe ^ , unchaft com- ^^^J^' ^hftmkes^f 3panyf , lalcivious fongs, books, pi(5lures, dancings, the Heih are manifeft, ftage-playcss^ and all other provocations to, or ads wh«c»i «re there, Adui- of uncleanneffe cither in our felves or others ^. uncieanncXLafchi- oufne^s.&c. p \Sm, ij,l4. Howbeithe fv/YAmnon)wouldnotBcarken unco her voice,but being ftronger then ihc, fytccd her, and lay with her. ICor.y.i. It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and fucii fornication as is not fo much as to be named among the Gfntiles, that one fliould have his Uihcrs wife. q Rfiw.1.14 16,17. Wherefore God alfo gave them up to unclesnnels, ih-ough the iufts of their ownc hearts, to dilhonour their own bodies between thcmfelvcs V.i6.] Foe this G3ufe God gave tbemupunto vile affidions ; for even their women did change the natural uie into that which is againft nsture. V-izO And likewife alfo the menj leaving the natural uU cf the woman, burned in their luft one towards anocheramen with men woiking that which is unfcemly, end receiving in tbemfclvfS that recomp;nce, oftheir error which was meet. Lev. i0.i^,i6. Andit amaa lye with a btaft, he (hall furely be put to dea:h,and ye (hall iby the beaft. V. 1 6.] If « woman approach unto any beift, and lye down thereto, thou fiialt ItiU the woman, andtbebcaft; they fliaiUuiely be puc to death; their blood (hall be upon them. ^ M4«.5.i8. But 1 fay untoyou,that whofooer lockfth on a woman to luft after her ,hath <;ommitted adulteiy with her already in his heart. Mxit.\*^.-i.^, Foe cut of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, falle wifntfs, &c. CO/.3.5' Mortify therefore your members which arc upon the earth, fornication, uncleanncrs, inor- dinate afffftion, evil concupifcence , and covetcoufnefs, which is idolatry. f Ep!?. 5, j, 4. •"But fornication and all undeannefs i or coyctcoiifnrfj, Ice ic not be once named amongft you, as becometh Saints : V.4 ] Neither filthinefs, nor foolifli taIking,nor jffting, which arc not co.ivenicnt. Prcv.j, 4^i 5 —II , II. 1 hat they may keep thee from the Itrange wom3n,frcm the ftranger whicL flzttereth with hcc words- V.xi.] With much fair fpcechflie caufedhimto yield,wich the Ai ccring of her Ijps fie forced bim. V. ri.]He goetb after her flraight\vay,as an ex goes to the fiiughter, or as a fool to the correftion of the ftfCiS/i/ J.I 6.Mor(o/erthcLordfaith,becaufe the daughters of Sionjjrebau^hty.andwa.k with ftrttch* ed^out nccks,snd wanton cycsjwalkingte and mencing as they goe,and making a tinkling with their fecr. 1 Pir.j.14. Having eyes full of AQultry,and that cannot ceafcfrom fin, beguiling unftablefou's>& c.— " Tnv.-j.\o ij. Andbtiiold there met him a woman with the attire of anhatloc, andiULjIof heau- V.i;."] So fh« caught him and kiflcd him, and with an impudent face Isiu unio bin:. * iTim.^.i. Forbidding to many, and Commanding to abftainc from meatf, whicfi ' Cod hath coitimandtd to be received wiih thankl'giving cf them who believe and knor/the iruth. "^Levit.-i.jromvcr.i.utheii* Marli.6. 18. For John faid unto Heicd,It is not lawful for thtc tohsvcdiy bathers wife. Afii/,z.Hji». Judah hath dealt trcachciouill/, and an abominacioniscjir.- EPS] m't:eJinTlVt;l, anJ ia Jerusalem j for Ju^' *«' * J- ment if A, The duties required in the eighth Command- ment , are , truth , faithfulneffe , and juftice in contrads , and commerce between man and man ^ 5 rendring to every one his due '9 reftitution of goods i,pr,^i.^ ^ He unlawfully detained from the right owners thereof'"-, chatwaiketh upright- ly, and wotkeih righ' teoufnefs, and fpeaketb the truth in his heart. V.4.] he that fwcareth to his own hurt, aaJ changeth nor. Zcc^.7.4. 10. Then came the word of th? Lord of hofts unto mr, faying, • V.io.] And opprcfs not the widdow, nor the fatherltfs, nor the ftranger, nor the poor, and let none of you imagine evil againft his brother in your heart. Zfcb.8. 16,17. iheCe arc the things thatycQiall do, Speak every man the truth to his neighbour, exicutc the judgment of truth and peace in youc gates. V.17.3 And 1ft none of you imagine evil in your hearts againft bis neighbour, and loveno falfeoathj for all thefe arc things that I hate , faith the Lord. 'Roa. 1^.7. Render there- fore to all their du;$i tribute to whom tribute is due, cuftome to whom cuftome, fcir to whom fear, honour to whom honour. ■" Lev. 6, z, j,4j 5. If a foullin, and commit a trefpafs againft the Lord, and lye to bis neighbour in that which was delivered himtoUeep, 01 ir. fcl- lowdiip, ot in any thing taken away by vb\cnce , or hath deceived his neighbour j V.3.3 Oi have found that which was loftj and lyeth concerning ir, and fweareth falfely } iuanyofall theleihatairian doth, (inning therein : V.4 3 Then it fluU be i^ecaufe he hath fmned, and is guil;y,ihat he Ihall reftorc that which he took violently away , cr the thing which he hath drceitfu'Jy |otccii, or that which was delivered hiai to keep, or the loit thing wblch he found. V. S-] O: all ths; sbju: wh-cMie Lath fworti falflyj he (liall cvtn reftore it in the principal, and Ihall add the hhh psrt more tlicico, and giveii; unto him to whom it appettaineth , in the day of his Trefj>ils-cft':iing. Compared with Lul^c 19. 8. And Zachcus ftood ind raid unto the Lord , Behold, Lord, the half of my ^ooc's 1 give to the poori and if I bate taken any thing from any man by fjlfe acciifuciu.i , 1 tcitore bi>;i four fold. ■ : . 2 gi- . ■^ giving , and lending freely , according to our abili- II ties, and the neccllicics of others"; moderation oi ^\ our judgments, wills, and affcdions , concerning -i worldly goods ° 5 a provident care and ftudytogeci', »L»t.^.jd.-j8Give ](cep^ ufe ^ 3^^ difpofc thofc things whichare neccf- »sketh"cJ thee", an" ^^^Y ^nd Convenient for che fuften cation of our niture-, of him chat caketh a- and fuicaWe to our Condition 'ij a lawful calling ', arid way thy goods asi* diligence m it^i frugality % avoidincr unnecelTarv them no: ajtin.— , ^r ■ i /• ° ^i ■ t ° it • ^ ,v.g8.] Give, and law- luits", and furecyQiip , or otacr like mgage- itOiaii be given uato ments * 5 and an endeavour by alljuft,and lawful means, pScddown,?ndfl[j- ^^ procure, preferve, and further the wealth and out- ken tojei;hcrjand Tun- ing o/ecfliiU men give into your bufomej for with the Came m^afurc thatyou mete, it flijll bemei- furcdtoyouagain ifob.^.17. Bat wbofo hath this worlds good, and feeth his brother hath n«ed,and (huttethuphisboweisofco!npafIionfromhi(n}howdwellethth£loveofG}dinhim i Epib.4.18. Lee fcim that ftolc,fteal no more, bi^t rather let iiim labour, working wltk his hands the thin^ that is good, that he may have to give to him that needcch. Cfil.^; 10. As we have therefore opportunity Jet us do goad unto men; efpecially unco them chat are of the boufhold of faith. ° ilTm.6.6,7,i,9iiaK godlineETc with contentment is great gain. V.7.] For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing our. V.8.] And having food and raimtnt, let us be therewith content. V.9.] But cbey that will be rich fall into temptation, and a fnare, and into many fooli(h and hurtful lufts , which drown men in d»(lru3ioh and perdition. ^J<.6.i4.But G^d forbid chat I fliould glory fave in the Crofs ofourLordJefusChrift, by whomthe worldiscrucifiaico me, and I unto the world. p i rim; 5.8. But if any provide not for his own, efpecially for thofe of his own hpafe, he hwh denied the faith , andisworfcfhcnaninfilel. 1 Prov,i7.fromv.ii,t«tbeeni. Be thou diligent to know the flate ofthyflocks, and look well to thy herds. V.i4.] For riches are nat for ever,— —&c. Ecdef.t. a4. There is nothing better for a man, then chat he (hould eat- and drink, and mike his foul enjoy good an his labour ; Thisalfo Ifaw was from th; band of God. Eecl. i.i 1,1 ^Akaovt that there is no jsood in thcm^ but for a man to rejoice and do good in his life} V-.ij.] And alfo that every nun ftiould eataaddrink,andenjoy the jeod of all his labours i it is the gift of Gid. i riffi.6.17,18. Charge them (hit are rich in this worldjthat they bjnor high minded} nor truft in uncertain richfs, but in the living Gid, who giveth us richly all things richly to enjoy. V.18.3 That they do good, thatchcy be rich in good worksjready co diftribute, willing to eommunicite. //i.jS.x. In thofc dayes was He- !2.ekiah (ick unto death ; andlfaiah th: P%-'ophet cam:tohim, and faid. Thus faich the Lord) S:c thine houfe in order, for thou (h\\z dye, and not live. Mttt. 11. 9, Bibold , they that wear fof: clothing are in kings boufes. '^ iCar, 7, 10: Let every m in abide in the fame CiUing wbereinhe was called. G^«.i.i5. Andthe Lord God took the min>and put him into the garden of £i en, codrefs it and to keep it. Qen.i.i^. In thefweatofthy face (halt thou eatbread,till thou return unto che ground, &c. - ^ Epb.^.iS, Let him chit ftols) ftsal no mor« , but rather lee him labour , working with bis hands the thing that is good, that ht may hive to give to Aim that needcth. Pro. 10.4. He btcomech poor that dcalech with a flack hand ; bu: che hand o{ the diligent maketh rich. ' fob. 6. 1 1. Waec they were filled, hefaiduatohis Difciples, Gither up the fragments chic remain, chat nothing be loft; Pfov.ii.io, There is trcsCure to be defircd, and oil in the dwellings of the wife i butafoo*' Hrti man fpcndcch it up. " i Cor.6.fromvsr(, i.tovir.^. Dare any of you having amattet againft another , go to law before the unjuft , and not before the Siints ? ■ mi fo on. * Pre. 6,Ffomverfei.tovct,6. Myfon if thoubrfurcty for th/ friend, if thou haft flrick:n thy hand withaftranger, thou art faared with the words of thy mouth, &c. — '■ Prpv.M.M. Hj that l&i'ucecy for a ganger (hUl fn&rc for it^ and he that batech furctilhipJs fare. ' ward wardcftate of others, as well as our own^. ' « k^^ j^. ^ j; ^^^ 'f thy broihfr b: wax:npoorjaadfsilenco decay with thcc, tbrn thou (halt relieve himj yea, thiujhhc beaftranoer or a foiourner, that he may live \viih thee. V>€Ut.ii i , ijj .4. Thou (halt not [ee iby bro-.hcrs ex, or his uhaJliouf^d « thou n^sift not bide thy fclf. V.4.] Thcu fhalt not fee thy brothers qx or his afs fall down by the way, and hide thy fc!f from them j thcu (halt furcly help him to lift thcDS up again. Exsi.i^.l-jT. Ifthou meet thine enemies ox or afs gcingaftray, thou (halt furcly bring it b.ick to him again. V.5.3 If thou fee the afs cf liim that ha-ch ihee lying under his burden, and wouldeft forbear to help him > thou flialt furcly help with him. Gen 47.1 4,10. Aadjofephgatheredupalltheaioncy that was found in the land of Egypt, and Canaan, for the corn which they bought, and be brought the money into Pharaohs hou'c. «• V.io.] And Jofeph b-'ught «U tbe land of Egypt for Phr.raoh j for the Egyptians fold every man his ficld,becaufe the famine prevailed over tbem i fo the land became Pharaoh's. FWZ.1.4. Look not every man at hisowntbingy, bat cvciy man alfo upon tbi things of others. W^r.zi.jj. And thcfccond is like unto ic , Thou (bale love thy neighbour as thy felf, Q^ What are the ftns forbidden h the eighth Com- mAm*»ent •* A, The fins forbidden in the eighth Command- ment, befides the neglcd of the duties tequiredy, are, theft ^3 robbery =^, man-ftealing ^ , and receiv- ''?'*'»'• »-'»^>^- "^^ ing any thing that is ftolne^; fraudulent deal- ;,tt"an] Shu^c ing^, talfe weights and meafurcs% removing land- ofdaiiy food, v.i6.] :inarks^5 injaftice and unfaichfulnefTe in contrads ^"^ °"' °^>°" ^?> between man and tnans, or in matters of truft'^ 5 pjJ^i'^cSeSed! and (ill?d > but give them not thofc things which are needful to the body, what doth ic profi:*' i ^ohn 5.17. But whofo hath this vrorlds good, and fceth his brother hath need, and (hutteth up his bowels of coir.paiTicn from him, howdwelUththcloveof Godinhim ? ^ Epb.^.x%. Lethim that ftdc ileal no more, ini: ra- ther, &c. "" P(d.6i,io. Truft not in opprc fli on, become rot vain in robbery, &c. '^ i Tim. 1. 10. [The law was made] For whoremongers, for dtfiers of ihcmfelvcs with mankind, for men- ftealets, for lyers, &c. and if there be any other thing contrary to found dodrine. ' Vro.2c),i^. Whofo is partner with a thief faatcth his own r:iul; he hcareth curiing ^nd bcvyraycth it not. Pp/. fo. 18. When thou faweft a thief, thou confente.Utwiih him, &c. d iTbef.4.6. That no mani^ofc- yond and defraud his brother in any mittcr ; bccaufcthe Lord is the avenger of all fuch,as wc?iloiia\c forewarned you and teftified. 'Prcv.u.i. A fa Ife balance is an ibomination totbeLcrd; hv.n juft weight is his delighx. ^ro.^o.lo. Diverfe weights, and diverfcmeafures, both of them arealike abomination to the Lord. ^^3JCMM9.i4. Thou Hult not remove thy neighbour's Icnd-maik, whic*^! they of old time have fet in thine inheritance, &c. Tro.zj.io. Remove not ihe old land-msrk j ar/.i enternotinto the fi:lds of the fatherlels. s ^w«8.f. — Ssying , When will the nc:v roponbe gone, that wc may fell corn ; and the Sabbath, that we may fct forcli wheat j making tht E^hab fmall, and the (hekel great, and falfifying the balances by deceit? Pp/.^7.xi- TJ'c wicked borroweth and payeth not again j but the righteous (hcv,tth meicyand giveth. >'Lufii6.ir,\ i, II. He that is faithful in that which is leaftj isfaiihfal alfoinmuchj and he that isunjuft in tlic Ifal^, is unjuftalfoinmuch. V.n.l If therefore ye have not been faichful in the unrt^htrous Msnirop,v»l o wiilcommittoyour truft th: true riches? V. 12.] And if ye have not been faithful in that v.hidiis aii9i|icr mans, who (hall give you that which is your own > op- [102] opprcfldon', extortion'', ufury^, bribery", v^exatious law-fuits", unjuft inclofures, and depopulations ° •, in- grofTing commodities to enhance the price p, unlawful callings'^, and all other unjuft , orfinful vvjycs of tak- i Eick. xyg. The j^^ or with-holdin^ from our neighbour what be- peoplc of the land • '-' • . P. . , . i-'f T. have ufcd oppfcffion, longs to him. Or of inriching our fclves '^ : covctouf- and excrciied robbe- nefle *, inordinate prizing and afFc<51:'ng worldly goods '5 '/oor Lln^dn fn diftruftful and diftraaing cares .nd ftudics in getting, they hsvc oppreffed Kcepingjand uung them % envying at theprofpcnty of o- the ftran jer wryriglul- ly. Lev i^.pj. Ycftiall not therefore opprefls one another } but thou (hslt fear thy God : forlam the Lord your God. '/^^/ 6. Thefc hour as well as our own*^: appearing, and ft^"^" "V'li'do'^s^^V^" ing for '^, and from the heart % fincerely^, freely ^, fy man t?u:h"oTis neijlibour,exfcute the judgment of truh andpcacein yonrgates. <= ^^obnwcr. 12. Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of thetru'.h i: felf; yea, and wo alfo bear record 1 and ye know that our record is true. d- Prov ji.8,9. Open thymcu:h, judge righteoufly , and plead the caufcofthe pcor. V.9.] O- pen thy mouth for the dumb, in thccjufe of allfuchas ate appointed to deftrudion. ' Pjd.i^.i. He that walkcih uprightly, and worketb lighreourntfTc, and fpeaktth the truth from his heart. J iCbroni^.g. And he charged them; faying, Thus (hall ye do in the fear of the Lord, faithfully, and with a perfcd heart. 2 1 54m.19.4jy. And Jonathan fpake good of David unto Saul his fa- ther, and faid unto him, Let not the King fin againft his fervant, againft David ; bccaufe he hsth not finned againft thee, and bfcaufe his works to thee-ward have been very good, V. 5.] For he did put his life in his hand , and flew the Philiftine, and the Lord wrought great fal»ation for allllratJ: thou fiweft ir, and didft rejoice. Wlicref ore then wilt thou fin againft innocent bloodj to flay DjYi4 jni'^oat a caufe ?. dcerly^ , aad fully S fpcaking the trmh, and onely the truth , in matters of judgement and juftice"^, and in all others things whatfoever'^ a charitable eftcem of our neighbours *" 5 loving, de- firing, and rejoycing in their good nan^e " , lorrow- ^Pf.y.ig. And Jo- Jngf^r" > and covering of their infirmities p 5 freely fuah faid unto Aihan, acknowledging their gifts and graces "^ 5 defending IbccrVoir tV'thc ^''^^"^ innocency "^ 5 a ready receiving of a good re- Lord God of ifrtei, port ^ 5 and unwillingncfle to admit of an evil report and make confcflion unrohiai, and cell me now what thou hoft done j hidcic not from me. ' i5'4w.i4,i8ji9,xo. Then the King anfwered, and faid uato the woman, Hide not from me, I pray thee, the thing that I fliallask ihec. And the woman faid let my Lord the Kinj now (peak. V.19.3 And the King faid, Isno:thehsnd of Joab with thee in all this? and ihc woman anfwered and faid, As thy foul li«tb, roy Lord the King, none can turn to the right hand or to the left, from oii»ht that my Lord the King bach fpckejn for thy fervant Joab he bad me, and he put all thcfe words in the mouth of chine hand-maid; y.io.J To fetch about this forme of fpcech, bath thy fervant Joab done this thing j and my Lord IS wile, &c. ■' k Lev. 19.1 5. Ycc (hall doe no unrighceoufncfs in judgment : thou ftialt not vefptfl: the prrfon cf the poor, nor honoar the perfon of the mighty, but in righteoufnefs flaalt thou judge thy neiglibour. Prov.i4.y 2f. A faithful witnefs will not lycj but a falfc witnefs will utter lyes, Verfc ij. ] A true witnefle delivereth fcules , but a d«ceitful wicneflc fpcaketh lies. ^ xCor.i.17,18. When I therefore was thusmindedj did I ufe lightncfs ? or the things that I pur- pofc, do I purpofc according to the flefti, that with me there fliould btyca, yesj and nay, nay } V. 1 8.] But as God is true, cur word toward you wjs not yea and nay. Eph,^. i j. ' VVi^ecefore putting away lying, fpcak every man truth with his neighbour ; for we are mtmbers one of another. " Heb.6,g, But beloved, we are petfwaded better things of you , and things that accompany Salvation 1 Cor.i j.7. tCharityJ bcsreth all things, beleevcih all tbingsjhopeth all things, endurcth all things. » 7{om. 1.8. Firft I thank my God through jcfqis Chrift for you all, that your/aithis fpokenof thrGU|hou:the whole world, i^ok ver.^.'] I reloyce greatly that I found of thy childrefv' w.i king in the truth, as we have received a Commandment from the f^thtr. j ^ob. vfr. 3^4,] For I rejoyced greatly when tht brethren came and tcft ified of the truth that is in thcc, even as thou walkeft in the truth* V.4.] I have no greater joy, then to hear that my cliildrenwilk in etc truth. <> zCorx.^ For oat of much af- flidion and anguifli of heart 1 wrote to you, with miny tcaresj not that/ou Hiould be grieved, but that yc might know cbe love which I hare more abandandy toward you. z C^r^^ ». n . And lesft when I come agjin my God will bumble mesniong you, sud that I (hall bewail many, who have finned al- ready, and have not repented of thg uncleanneis, and tornicacion, and lafcivjoufnefs which they have committed. p Prov.17 9. He that coverethatranfgrtflionfeektth lovej burbethat repeatetha matter fcpareth very friends, i ?et.\.i. And above ail diin^s have fervent charity among your felvesj for charity (ball cover a multitude of finns. 1 » Cor. i .*,5 7. I thank my God alwayes in your behalfe for the grace of God which is given by J/fus Chrift. V.5.] That in every thing ye arc en- riched by him in all utterance , and in all knowlcdg ^ V.7 J So that ys come behind in no gifcj waiting for the coming of theLo'-d J^fus Chrtll. z Tim.\.^,'i Greatly dcfiring to fee thee being mindful of thy teares, that I maybe iilled wich joy, V.?.] When I call to remem- brance thiae unfeigned ftith tha: is in thee, which dwell fir ft in thy Grand- mothers Lois, and thy mothers Eunice J and I am petfwaded that in thee alfo * iS47n.sx.14. Then Ahimelech anfwered the King and faid, And wl.o is lo faithful among all thy fcrvantsas David which isthc Kings fonin- law, and goeth at thy bidding, and is honorable intbyhoufs? ^ i Ciir.\l,6,'j. [Charity] re- joy ceth not in iniquity, butrejoyccthinihc tru;hi V./.J Bearcth alhhingij beleevcih all things, ^opccfa all things, endurcth alUhings. con- ' [1053 concerning them', difcouraging tale-bearers " ", flat- terers * 3 and (landerers "" 5 love and care of our own good name, and defending it when need re-tp^^/i^j, Hcthac quircih r , keeping of lawful promifes ^ , fludying bickbhcth not with and pradifing of whatfoever things are true, ho- "•.'■"i."'' ?'',^'^°^*» ncft, lovely, and of good reports n : tM-i .p a rc- p:cch a^tir.ft bis neithbour. » Pwv.ij.xj. As thecoldof fnow in the time of barvtft, Toss s fahbful wtlfcn- ger to them that fend him: for he rcfrcfhcth the foul of his msfter. * Frcv.i6.i^,i<;. He ;h«t h»tcth difleinbleth with his lipsjand layeth up deceit within him : V.z j] Wlitn be Cp aketli fair,be- letve biui net, for there are fevcn abominations in his heart, " P/a/.ioi.f. \Vho;\j prhily flsndercth his ncighbourjhim Willi cut oflF, &c. r Prev.it.i: Agoodnamc israthtr tobccholen then jreac riches j and loving favour then filver and gold. ?c&.8.49. K^us anfweredj have not a divel: but 1 honour my father, and ye do diflionour me. ^PfuLi'^.^. — ■ He that fwesrf.h to his own hurt, and chan^eth not. » TbH.^.t. Finally, brethcrn, Whatfoever things arc true, what- foever things are hone ft, whatfoever things are jufl, whatfoever things are pure, whatfoever things are lovely, whatfoever things arc ot good report, if iheir be any vertue, and if their be any praiie, think; on chefc things. Q^ what arc theftns forbU(ien in the ninth CommAni- (fne/tf! A» The fins forbidden in the ninth Command- ment 5 arc , all prejudicing th<; truth , and the good name of our neighbours as well as our own ^ ,elpe- cially in publick judicature <= , giving falfe cvi- '' » smiy is. eU- dcnce ^ , fuborning falfe witneffes ^ , wittingly ap- J^dUin heT^" pearing and pleading for an cvill caufc , outfacing unto the men j and Eliabs anger was kindled againft David, andhefaid, why cameft thou down hither, and wich whom haft iboa left thofe few (heep in the wildcrnefs ? I know thy pride, and the haughtinefs of thy heart, &c. i Sim.\6.i And the King faid, and where is thy maftcrs fon ? And Ziba faid to the King, behold he abiJcth a^ Jerufalem : for he faid to day (hall the houfe of Ifrael rcflore me the Kindgdome of my father. % Sam: 1.9,10— —15,1^. He faid unto me again, ftandlpray thee, upon me, and fliy me j Foranguifhiscome upon me, becaufe my life is yet whole in me. V. i o,] So I ftood upon him, and flew him, becaufe I was fure that he could not live, after that he was iallcn j and I took the crown that was on his beaJ, and the bradets from his arm, and Iiave brought them hither to my lord. V. 1 5.] And David called one of the young men, and faid, go fall upon him. And he fmote him, that he died. V.16.3 And David faid unto him, thy blood is upon thy head i for thy mouth hatht?flified againftthee, IsyingI have flain the Lords anointed. 'Lev.19.15. Ye (hall doe no unrigbteoufnels in judgment ) ihou fhalt not refpf ft the perfon of the poor, nor honour the p;rfon of che migbiy, bu: in righ:ecufntf$ Ihalt thou judge thy neighbour. Hib.i.^. Therefore the law is flacked, and judgment doth never goe forth i for the wicked dcth compafs about the righteourj therefore wrong judgment prcceedcch. "^Trov. 19.5. A falfe witnefs (hall not be unpuniilied, snd he that fpcaketb lyes (hall not tfcjpe. Trov.6.16 19. T here are (ix things which the Lord hateih, yea levcn are an abomination unto him— ^ • V.I9.3 A talfc witnefstha:fpeaketh lies, and he thst fowfch difcord amoni^ breihi?n. * »'•^• ^. I J. And they fet up falfe witnefs^ who fait?, this man ccafcth not to (peak biafphemous words againik this holy place and tbe Law. P and t^Ofbc"lJr^*thek ^n^ <^vcr-bcaring the truth ^, palling Unjufl: fentcnce^J tongaciwkt thfir bow, Calling cvil good, 6c good cvil,rewarding the wicked ac- foriycs: buttbcy are cording to the work of thc righteous, 6/ the righteous ac- uporthe^aTch IT? cording to the wotk of the wicked''-, forgery ', concealing they procetd from evil the crutlijUnduc filencc in a juft caufe ^ , ind holding our: !^rrh,!"i''r°''j"°^ pc^cc when iniquity callech for either a reproof from out*': tocj laua the Lord. — f i i • • i r i • i i r V.J.] And they will ielves',or complamt to others "^-jlpeaking the truth unfea- dcceivc eirery one his fonablv " or maliciouflv to a wrono; end'',or perverting ic nciehbour and wiil • • i » r i j • i ° noripeak the truth, ^^ ^ ^^^"o meaning p, or in doubtful and equivocal ex- they have taught their tongue to fpeak lies, and weary themrelves to commie iniquity. ASi. x4.i-f. And nben he was called forth TcrtuUus bejun to accufc him fayinj &c.-- V.y.]For wc have found this man a peftilent fellow, and a mover of fedttion amongft ail the Jewes throughout the world, and a ring- leader ofthe fea of the Nizarens. P/i/.i i.j,4.The Lord (hall cue offall flattering lips, ani the tongue that fpealceth proud things, V.4'] Who have faid, without tongue we will prevail, our lips are our own; who is Lord over us ? T/;5i.i,i,j,4.Wiiy boafteft thou thy fclfin mifchef, O thoumighty imtii the goodnefs of Gad cndureth continually. V.i.] Thy tongue dcvifeth mifchief, like a (harp razor, working deceitfully, V.?.] Thou loveft evil more then good, and lying rather then to fpsak li^htcouGiefs, Selah. ^ V.4.] Thou lovefV all devouring words,0 thou deceitful conguf. s Frov, i7'ij- He that juftifieth the wicked^and he that condemneth the juft,even they both are abomination unto the Lord, i I^i/ig.ii.fromver. 9 tojfrf 14. And Jcztbcl wrote in tbclctter,faying,proclaimea fa(t,and fct Naboth on high, and fee two men,fonsof Bdial, before him to bear vvitnefs againfthim fayingjThou didftblafphcme God and the King^and thea carry him out and ft»nc him. V.i i.] Ani the men of thccityeven thc Elders and the Nobles didfoas Jezebel had fent unto them~— .And thjy ^on?d him wiib ftones that be dytd. •> Ifti.^.i^. Who jaftify the wicked for a reward, and takt away the righteoufncfs of thc righteous from him. ' Tfd. 1 1 9.'?9.The proud have forged a lye againft- me: but I will keep, &c. _ Lw^e.i^.S. And Zieheuxftood and laid untotheLord } Behold, Lord, she half of my goods I give to the poor jand if I have taken any thing from any man, by falfe accufs*, tion, I reftorc him four-fold^ LM^e.i6 5,6,7. So he called every one of hrs Lords debtors unto him, and laid unto the firftj how much oweft thou unto my Losd ?^ V.6.] And he faid an hundred mea- fores of oylc. And he faid unto hhn, Take thy bill, and write fi'ty. V. 7.] Then faiJ he tp another, &c. ^- Lfy.y.i. And if afoul (in, and bear the voice of fwearing, and is a witnefs whe- ther he hithfeen or known of it,if he do not utter ir, then he fhall bear bis iniquity. Z)f«^. ij.8. . Thou (halt not content unto him, nor hearken unto him, nor (hall thine eye pity liim, nor fhsitthou. fpare, nor (halt thou conceal him. ASi.^.i 8,9. But Piter faid, Ananias, why hsth S^a an filled tby heart, to lye to the Holy Ghoft, and to keep back part of the price of the land I V.8,] And Pe- ter anfwcred unto her, tell me whether ye fold thc land for fonauchj And (he faid, yea, for fo much. V.9,] Then Peter faid unto her. How is it thacye.havc agreed togeth:r,to tempt the 5"piri: ofthe Lord? Behold the feec of, &c.— iTim.^.ie. At my firft anfwer noman ftood with me, but all men loifookmc. I pray God tbat ic may not be laid to their cbarge. * Jiyingi.6. And bis father' hadnotdilpleafed him at any time inlaying, why haft thoudon«fo? Lcv.19,17. Thou (halt not. hatetljybrother in thine heart!, thou flialt in any wife rebuke thy brother, and no: fuffer fin upon him. !• I/«.y9.4., None called for jufticc, nor any pleadeth for truth j they truftin vanity , and fpeak lyes; . they conceive mifchief, and bring forth ini»juity. " Pro-g.i^.iu A fool mtcrecb all bis minds, but a wife man keepctbic till afterwards. ° i Sm.ii.g,io. Then anfwered Djeg the Edomite' w.bo was fee over theferrantsof Siul, and faid, I fawthe Con of Jefii coming to Nob, to Ahimelech thefonof Ahitub. V.io.] And be enquired of the Lord for him, and gave him vit'tusls, and the- fwordof GoliahthePbiliftim. Compand mtb T/4Z.ji.i,a,j,4; A Pfa'm of David when Do- eg the Edomite came and told S-aul.&c V.i.] Wny bofteft thou thy felf inm-fchief, O raijbty man? thegoodotfsof God, &c. ?. Now Hannah flie fpake in her heart, only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard : therefore Eli thought (be had been drunken. V.14.] And Eli faid unto her, How long wile thou be dunkeni' put away thy wine from thee. V.ij.'] And Hannah anfweredand ind, no, my Lord, I am a woman of a forrowfui fpirit, I have drunk neither wine, &c. xStm.'o.^. And the Princes of the children of Ammon fsid unto Hanun their Lord, Thinlfcft thou that D^vid doih ho- nour thy father, that he hath fent comforters unto ihte? hath not Divid rather fcnthis fcr van: unto thee to learch the city, and tofpv It out, and to overthrow it? ^ Pp/ ii.»,j.Thcy fpcakvanicy eve- ry man with his neighbor, wiih flattering lips, ard with a double heart do:h he fptak. V.?.] ThcLord ihallcutofF all flstciing lips, ind the tongue that fpeakcth proud things. « aT/m. j.z. Formcn iball be lovers of thcmrclves,covetoas,bc;ft(fs, &c. , P 2 mcan- meanly of our felves or others^, denying the gifts and graces of God ^, aggravating fmaller faults'^. And he^fpakTtVis Gliding, cxcufing, or extenuating of .fins when called Parable to certaiathst to a frcc confeffion ^ , Unneccllary difcovering of in- trufitciinthemfeivcs, fi^nnities "' raifing falfc rumours ", receiving and coun- That they were rieh- • m ° in- ° v-vuu teous, and dcfpiicdc- tcnancing evil reports % and (topping our cars againft a"]' ^■^•'■^ ^^^ defence Py evil fufpition% envying or grieving ac fto^dup^'anrjriy- ^^^ defcrvcd cicditof any% endeavouring or defiring CQ thus mth himfelf, God, I thank thcechitlamnotasothermen are, ertortionfrs, unjuft, adulterers, or even asthis Publicsn. Rom.l^l6 Mindnothijh things, but condescend tomenoflow eftatcj be not wife in your own conceits, i 6cr.i.6. And th(fecbint$, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to my ftlfj and to Apollo, foryour fakfs ; that you might learn cf us not to think of men, above that which is written^ that no one of you be puffed up for one ajainft another. ^H.i i.'xi. And the peo- ple gave a fhout, fayin|. It is the volceofGDd,8ndnotof man I Exoi.^.io,ii3i2,i ^,14; And Mofes faid, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor fince thou haft fpokn unto thy fer- vant; butamflowoffpjechjandofaflowtongue. V.u.] And the Lord faid unto him , Wbo hath made the mouth ? or who m jketh the dumb, or dcafj or the feeinjjoc the blind f have not I the Lord ? V.I 1.3 Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou (halt fay. V. 1 3 .;j And be faid, O my Lord, fend, I pray thee, by the hand of him, whom thou wilt fend. V< 14.] And the anger of the Lord was kindled againft Mofcs, See. ' ^ob 17. $,6. God forbid that I {hould ju- Aificyouj tillldyel will not remove mine integrity from me. V.6.3 My righteoufneflc I will hold faft, and not let itgoj my heart ftiall not reproach me as long as I live, ^ob^.6. Isnot this thyfear, thy confidence, theuprightnefTeof thy wayes, andthyhcpc ? ^ Mat.j.ij^.^^. And whybeboideft thou the mote that is in thy brothers eycjbut confidereft not the beam wbich is in thine own eye ? V.4. J Or how wilt thou fay to thy brotberj Le« me pull out, &c ? V.5.] Thou hypocrite, fir ft caft oHt the beam out ofthinc own eye,and then thou fhalt fee clcerly to caft out the mote out of thy brothers eye, *Tr«ui8.i3. Hettatcoverethhiifinsffiallnotprofper J but whofo confeffcth and forfsketh them (hall find mercy. Tfov.io.xe. Sucbistheway of an adulterous woman j (he catetb, andwipeth her mouth, and faith, I have done no wickedneffe. Gen.j.n.ij. And the man faid. The woman whom thou gaveft to be with me, fhe gave me of the tree and I did ear; V. 1 3 •]— * and the woman faid. The Serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. f(r. i. j 5 . Yet thou faift, Becaufe I am innocent, furely his tnger fliall turn from me : behold I will plead with thee, becaufe thoU faift, I. have not finned. % i^ina !•* J'— and Eliflu faid to bim. Whence eomeft thou Gchazi ? And he faid. Thy fervant went no tvhither. (7c« 4.9. And the Lord faid unto Caia, Where is Abel thy brother ? And he faid, I know not 5 Aoi I my brothers keeper? " Gen.9.21. And Cham the father of Canaan faw the wicked- neffe of his father, and told his two brethren without. Prov.2,j.9,ic. Dibate »by canfc with thy neighbour hitnfelf, anddifcovernotaftcret to another; V.io.] Left he that heareth it put thee to Ibame, and thine infamy turn not away. " Exfli.23.1. Thou (halt notraJfe a falfe report : put not thy hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witneffe. • Trcv. 29.1 1. If a Ruler hearken to lie$,all Ms fervants are wicked. p ^^.7.^6,^7. And Stephen faid, Bdiold, I (ee the heavens opened , and the Son of man ftandinjL at the right hand of God. V. 57. ] Then tlicy cryed out with a loud voicr, and ftopped their ears, and ran upon them with one accord. ^0^31,13514. If I diddefpife the caufc of my man fervant, or maid-fervartr> when they contended with me i V. 14.] What then fliall I do^ whe_n God rifetb op ? _ and when be vificeth, what (hall I anfwer him ? 1 i Cor. i j. 5. [ Cba- i not eafily provoked, thinknh no evil. eftlcnsjand ftrifes of wordsjwhercof com- ifiags. « N«w. 1 1. J 9. And Mofes faid unto him, En«ieft thou for my fake f Would God that all the Lords people were Propbcts,and that the Lord would pour out his Jpi", fit upen them. Mit.zi.i 5. And when the chief Prieft?and Scribes faw the wonderful things that be did^ and the chiidrea crying inihcTt mpl?>3nd faying^Hofanna to th| Joa ofDavid^thcy w«c for? difpleafed to Impair it *", rejoicing in their difgrace and infamy ', fcornful contempt ", fond admiration % breach of law- ■ .. . fulpromifes^ncgkaing fuch things as arc of good re- ,, J^^„*u;\J''i^'i^^^[ port y, and pradifing or not avoiding our felves, or not dm the j«7>3 who hindring ,what we can in others, fuch things as procure an, us|"Jrc comrumo ]e° illname^ rufalcm, buildlmche rebellious and bad ci" ty, «nd have fct up tbe walls) &c. V.ij.] B: it known now unto the King, that if ihis Citybcbuilr, and the walls fet up agniti) they will not pay tolc, tributCj and cuftome, and I'o thou (halt cndamsgc the revenue of the Kin js. ' y er.48. 17, For was not Ifriel a dctifion unto thee ? was he found among thieves/ for fince thou fpskeft of him, thou skjppcft for joy. "P/d/.jy.ijji^. 11. But ia mine adverfity they rejoiced, and jathcrcd tbemfeivcs together ; yea, the abjeSs gathered themfciTCS to- gether, &c.. V.-i6.] Which hypocritical mockers in feafts they {na(hed upon me with their teeth. V.iT.] Yearheyopenedtbeirmouth wideagainft me, andfaid, Aha, Aha, our eye bath fecnit. ^iM7.i8,i9. Andtlieyftrippcdhim, and putonhimafcariet robe. V.z9.] And when chey had platted a crown of thorns, they put it on bis head, and a reed in his rijht hand, and they bow- ed the knee before him, andfaid. Hail, King of the Jewes * ^uie ver.i6. Thefc are muimurers, complainers, walkers after thtir own lufts, and their mouth fpfaks great fwelling words, having mens perfons in admiration bccaufe of advantage. jiSi. ii.ii. And the people gave a great fhout, faying, Ic is the voice of a God, and not of a man I ^2^»i.i.|i. Without undccftanding, Covenant-break- ers, &c. xT/ot.j.j. Without natural afFtdton, Truce-breakers, falfc accufers, &c. y 1 Sam.t^ 14. Naytnyfonsi for it is no good report that I hear, ye make the Lords people to tranlgreffe. » 15401.1 3.11,1 J. And (he [Tamar] anfwcred Amnon, Nay, my brother, do no: force me •• tor no fuchtlMngoughttobedoncinlfrael; do not thou this folly. V.ij.] And!, whether (hall I eaufe my (htme to go ? And as for thtfe, thou (halt be as one of the fools in Jfrael ; now therefore, &c.— Prov. y. 8,9.Remove thy way far from her, and come net nigh the door of her houfe. V. 9.]Left thou give thinchoBour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel. Trov-^.jj. A wound and dilhonouc nisil be {et, and bis reproacb (hall not be wiped aWay. Q^pvhich is the tenth CemmAndment ? ■' A^ The tenth Commandment is, [^ThouJhAltmt covet ihj neighbours hmle^thottjhahnot covet thy neighbours wife^ nor his wAn-fervant^ vor his nfAtd-fervant^ nor his ox, nor his afs^nor any thing that is thy neighbours =». ] ' ^*«''-»o«^ 7* Q^yfhatarc the duties required in the tenth Command- menti A, The duties required in the tenth Commandment are, fuch a full contentment wich our own condition '*, and fuch a charitable frame of the whole foul toward . „ , , ... L n 1 • T r He&.iJ.y. Letyour our neighbour, as that all our inward motions and af- converfacion be with- out cc'vctoufnefs i and be content wttfa fuch things as ye have j for he bath faid, I will ncfcc Uavc thtc, nor forfak< cfcej.- jTi«.6. 6, But gqdlincls with Goutentmcm is great gain. fe(5^Ions touching him tend unto and further all that good ^ ^i^jx. 19. ifire- which is hiss joyccd at the deftru- ^ion ofhim that hated mcjor lift up my fclf when evil found himi RomnA^, Rejoice withtheni that do rr jaice.and wetp wi'h them ihat wcep.F/i/.i zi.7j8,9.Peace be within thy walls, and profperi:/ within thy palaces. V.t.]For my brethren and companions fake, I will now lay,Pcace be withinthee. ,V.9.] B-cjufc of the houfc of the Loid out God, I will leek thy jood.i rim.!. 5, Now the end of the Cotn- mandment is Charity,out of a pure hearr,and of a good confcience, and of faith unieijned.Eyft.io.j.Foc Mordccai the Jew was mxt unto King Ahafusrus, and great among the Jewes, and accepted of the mul- titude of his brcihren, fieking the wealth ef his people, and fptaking peace to all his feed. iCor. ij. 4)5j6,7. Charity fufFereth long, and is kind ; charity cnvieth not j charity vaunteth not her fdf, is not puffed up. V.5.] Doth not behave it felf unfccmly, fetketh not her ownj is-noc eafily provoked, chinketlii no evil, V.6.] Rejoiced not in iniquity, but rejoiccth in the truth. V.7.] Bearech all dungs, bclicvcth all things, hopcth all tbingsj endureth all things. Q^ What are the fins forbidden in the tenth Command*^ mem i A. The fins forbidden in the tenth Commandment ,' are , difcontentment with our own eftate ^ ^ envying % d iK'^^-im: And and grieving at the good of our neighbours^, toge- houfc he*m lnd°d^f- ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ inordinate motions and aflFc<5lions to any yleafcdjbecaufcofthc thing that is his 5. Hfvocd which Nabotb bad fpoken to him y for be had faid,! will not give thee the inheritance of my fathers ; and he laid tiimdownuponbisbed, and turned away his face, and would eat no bread. Efth.^.ii. Yet all this Bvailcth mc nothing, fo long as I fee Mordecai the Jew fitting at the Kings gate, i C^r. i o. 10. Nei- ther murmurc ye^as Tome of them alfo BJurmured,and were dcftroyed of the deftroyer. ' Gil.^.i6. Let us not be dtfirous of vainglory, provoking one another, envying one another, fum.i.i^ 16, But if you have bitter envying and ftrife in your hearty, glorjrnot, and lye not againft the truth.— - V.I 6. For where envying and ftrife is, there is confufion, and every evil work ^ Fld.x 1 1.9,1 o. He hath difperfedj he hath given to the poor j his rightcoufneii^c endureth for ever, his horn fhall be ex* alted for ever. V. 10.] The wicked (hall fee it,and be grieved j he (hall gnafti with feis teeth, and meljc «way : thedefire of the vyicked Jhall pcrifli. Neb.i.io. When Sanballat the Horonitei and Tobiab the fcrvant the Ammonite heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly, that there was come a man to feek the welfare ofthe children of Ifrael/. e Rom.j.jt^. What ftiall we fay then? Is the Law fin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known fin, but by the law i for I had not known luft, except the law bad faid, Thou fhalt not cot^t. V.8.] Bat fin taking occafionby the Commandment, wrought in sne all manner of concupifcentc j {or without the law fin was dead. Row- 1 J.9. For this, Thou fhal? not commit adultery, Thou fnalt not kill, Thou (halt not fleal, Thou (halt not bear falfe witneflc. Thou (halt not covet j an 1 if there be any other Commandment, it is bricHy comprehended in this Taying, namely. Thou fnalt love thy neighbour as thy fclf, Cf/. J.f . Mortifie therefore yoar members which are upon .he earth, fornication,uncleannefs, inordinate affedionjevil conciipifcence, and covetouf* wfsjwhich is idolatry. Z?e«r.f .1 1. Nrithcr (halt thou defire thy neighbours wife, nor (halt theu covet thy neighbours houfe , bis fiddj bis man-fervant, or bis mai«j-fervant, his fiX, or his afs, or any ihinj jAit is thy neighbours. Q. J( Cm] Q. Is an'j man able ferfe^Hy t& keep the CemmAndments 0f Cod ? A* No man is able, either of himfelf ''3 or by any grace received in this life , perfedly to keep the Com- mandments of God', but doth daily break them in '^-'f^.M-^ot !nma- , , , j , , 1 , •' ny things nc oflcnd thought Sword.and deed \ all. if any mm of- fend HOC in word> tbe fame is a perfcft man, and able alfo co bridle the whole body. ^ob.i^.^. lamche vine, ye arc the branches j be thacabidech in me, and I in him, the fame brinjcth forth much fruit : for withou: m: ye can do nothing. Ro»J.8.j. For what the law could not do, in tbacic was weak throuf^h the flc(h,Goti fcndinjhlsownSoninthelikcncfsof finfulficfti.andfor fin,condemneth fin in the flcfh. ' Efi7. 7.10. For there is not a j aft man upon earth, that doth good, and finnech not. 'i^ob.i.i to. If we fay that we have no fin, we deceive our fcl res, and the truth is not in u? V.10.3 If we fay that we have n9t finned, we make him a lyar, and his word is not in us, Qd.^.17. Fsrtheflclh lufteth againft thc^Spirit, and the Spirit ajiinft the fl;lli ; and thcfe are contrary the one to the other: So that ye cannot do the things that ye would. Rom.j. 1 8, 19, For I know that in me, that is , in my flrfli, dwelleth no jood thing. For to will isprefent with me j but how to perform that which is jood I find no\ V.I 9.] For the good that I would, I do noti but the evil chat I would nor, that do J. ^ Gen. 6. J. And God faw that the wickednefs of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughtsofhisheart was only evil continually. Gen.S.zi. And the Lordfaidin bis heart, I will will curfc tbe ground no more for mans fake : for the imagination of mans heart is evil from his youth, &c. ' il(?w j.from ver.^.tofer. XI. for we hare before proved that both Jewes and Gen- tiles thit they are under fin. V.io.] As it is written. There is none righteous, no not one. V.ii.] There is none that underftandeth, there is none that fecketh after God. V.i z."] They arc all gone cue of the way, they are altogether bixome unprofitable J there is n^ne thst doth good, no not one. V.ig.J Their throat is an open fepulcbre, &c. V.20] that eveiy mouth may be fto;ped, and all the world may become guilty before God. J^ni-j . from vcr. x.tover.13. For in maiiy things we ofFtnvl alK&c. • Qj^ Are all tranfgrefshns of the Law of Cod equally haimus in themfelves^ and in thefi^ht of Godi A, Alltranrgrefsions of the Law of God are not e- ^^^ qually hainous / but fomc fins in themfelves , and by ''' '. reafon of feveral aggravations, are more hainous in the the fight of God then others "^ «' ^ob.rg.u. jefus anfwered , Thou couldfthavenopoweratallagainft me, except it were given thee from above i therefore he that deli- vered me unto thee hath the grearer fin. E\cli 8.6.— 13.— I y. But turn thee yet again, and thou (halt fee greater abominations V.i^3 Turn thee yet again, and thou (halt fee greater abominations that theydo. V.1J.3 Turn thcc yetagain, and thon (hall fee greater abominations then thcff. i^ob.St\6. Ifany manfceliiibro-hcr fina fin which is not unto death, he fiiall ask, and he (hall give himUfcforthcmihatfinnot unto death. Tntre is a fin unto death •• I do not fay that he (hall prrr for it. P/d/ 78.17.-^^1. 56.Andthey finned yet more ajjainlt him, ly provrking the mcftHi^h in tile wildernefs V.ji.] For ail this they finned ftillj&c. V.56.] Yet tbcy cemptecl,an*ii f^ovokcdcbe moft high Goi, and kept not his tellimonies. Q^WhM ' Q. what are thofe aggravation s which make feme fm wore hainoui then others i . ^ ' A, Sins receive their aggravations, From the perfons offending" 5 if they be of riper ^ .Tur^-a ^g^^ greater experience, or grace?; eminent forpro- ^:::;!^^'^^^^^onl gifts s'place^ o'ffice ^ 'guides to othe^rs^^ Lord? and they tha: and whofe cxampk is likely to be followed by 0- hmdle the Lsw knew i\iQy^ *^ ' J u jnenocj tbe Pallors -n ' i . rr i i -r • ... aifo tranfgrcffed a- rrom the parties oftended'^s if immediately a- gsinft mc , and the . Piopbcts procbefifd by Bial, and walked after things that do not profit. • ^obix.7. — 9. Ifaid, Daycsfhouldrpcalc, multitude of years fliould teach wifdom. • V.9.] Great men are not altvayes wifcj neither do the aged undcrftand jud|tnent. EccL^a^, Better is « poor and a wife child, then an old and foolifii King, who will no more be admonifhed. p i K^ng.i i ,4.-^9. For i: came to pafs when Solomon was old 1 that his wives turned away his heart after other jods, &c. — - V.^.J And the Lord was angry with Solomon, becaufe his hearc was turned from the Lord God 6f Ifrael , K»hich had appeared to him twice. 1 tSam.11.14. Howbci:, becaufe by this deed thou haft gi- ven great occafion to the enemies of the Lord to blalpheme, the child that is born unto thee lliall furely dye. 1 Ccr. 5.1. It is reported commonly, that there is fornication among you, and fuch fornicatioa as is not To much as named among the Gentiles, that one (hould have his fathers wife. ' fam.4.17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doth it not, to him it is fin. Lull, 1 2.47,48, And tha? fervant that knew his mafters will, and prepared not himfelf, not did accordingly, (hall be beaten with many ftripes. V.48.] But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of Aripes, fhall be beaten with few liripesx For unto whom much is given, of him (hall be much required; and to whom men have committted much, of them they will ask the more. ' ^e»'.5.4if . Therefore 1 faid. Surely thefe are poorj they are foolifh, they know not the way of the Lord, nor the judgment of their God. V.5,3 I will get me unto the great men, and will fpeak unto them 5 for they ha?e known the way of theLor<(9 and the jU'^gment of their God } but thefe have altogether broken the yoke, aad butft the bsndr. * a 5d- nelTc is in their dwellings and amorgthe'm. ^Zcpb.i.i io,ii. I have heard tliC repoacbof Moab, and the revilings of the children of Ammon, whereby thiy have provoked my I'cople, &c. • V.I0.1 This (liallthty have for their pride, becaufe they have reproached, snd majnifi-d themfelvcs againft the people of the Lord of faofts. V. 1 1.] The Lord will be terrible unto tber.i,5f c. Mdt, i S.^. But whofo ftial citend one of ihefe little ones which believe in me , it v.cre better for him that a mill- ftone were banged about his neck, &c. i 6"or..6. 8. N yycu do wrong, ynd defraud , and that your brethren. Ktvel 17.6. And I faw the woman drunken wtl» the blood of the Saints, and cfche Martyrs cfjffus;&c. ' i Cor.8.1 1,1 x. And through thy knowlcdgrtiall thy we:kbroiher perillt,for whcm Cbrift dyed i V. 1 z.1 i^ut when ye iin fo againft the brethren, and wound thdr w.ck confcitnce, yc fia againft Chrift. Rowj.i4.1g. 1 j. xi. Lee us not therefore j-'dg one mctuer any more j but judj this raiher.that no man put a ftumbiing-blcckaor an occafion to fall in h'- 1- o.h:rs ^jjy. V.15.3 But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now waieft thou not chaii -ly De- ft oy no: him with thy meat for whom Cbrift dyed. V.ti] It is good neither to Cit fl. lb, nor to diink wine, nor any thing wheseby thy brnther ftamblctb , or is ofltndcd , or u made v.e»k. Q^ fouls . ^ f. * J fouls of them or any other's and the common »oodof k^Ml^. T5.19. And ,, , -f ' t) will ye pDiiutc me a- all or many \ mong my people for haadfuls of barky, an] far pieces of brsad to lliy the fouls that ffiould not die, and to fave th: foals alive that fticuld not live, by yoflr lying co my p:oph that hsar your lyis f i Csr.8. r 2. B.k when you fm fo aoaihft the brethren>3nd wound their weak confcicnces, ye fin againftChrift. Rfv.iS.ig. [The mcr- chaudizioFgold] Andcinamon, and odours, and oimtnentSjand wine,3nd oil, ind wh:ac/ani b:aftj, andflieep, and horfes, and chariots, and (laves, and fouls of men. Mit.zi 15. Wj unto you Scribes and iPbarifi-cs, hypocri:cs J for yc compafs fca and land to make one profvilce, and when h« is made, y c mnke him two-fold more the child ofhcU then your fclves. ' iThef,z,i$,i6. Who both killed tlie Lord Jtfus, and their own Prophets, and have perfecated us, and they pleaic not God, and are contrary to all men. V.16.] ForbiJiiing us to fprakto the Gentiles, &c. " ' ' ^eJh.tt.iQ."] Did not Achan tbchnotZorabcomciitatrefpirsinthcaccurfedthins, and wrachfcllon all the Congregation of If- »el i and that nun periflisd not alone in his iniquity. From the nature and quality of the offence "'5 if »^Pm.6.icf. to the " t>e againft the expreffe letter of the Law", break end. Mendonetde- many Commandments , contain in it many (ins ''5 if fpifca_thief,^ifhe^ftMi j^Qj onely conceivcd in the heart, but breaks forth when be is hungry! in vvords and adlons^;, fcandalize others'!, and ad^ V.ji.] Bat if be be . found he ffiall reftore fevcn fold, &c. V.j.] But whofo committcth adultery wich^ woman, lacketh Mnderftanding } hcthat dothitdeftroycthhis ownloul. V.jj.] A wound and dilhonour fiiall he ger, and his reproach fli'all not be wiped 8W3y,&c.—. " E^»"i^.io,i i,ix. Andnow, O our God, what fliall we fay after this ? for wc have forfakcn thy Gommandiiients, V.n.] Wisieh thou haft commanded by thy Prophets, faying, The land unto which ye go is an unclean laad with the filthinefs ofthe people, &c. V.ii.3 Now therefotcgiv: not your daughters to the?r fons, nor, &:/——• 1 i(_;»j;.ii.9jso. And the Lord was angry with Solomon, becaufehts hrart was turned anayfromthe Lord God of Ifrael, who bad appeared to him twice, V.io.] And had co;iimanded him concerning this thing, that he fiiould not go after other gods 5 bu: he k?p; not that which the Lord command- ed him. " Co/. 3. J. Mortihe- therefore your members whtcb are upon the earth, fornication, un- cleanncffe, inordinate affjfticn, evil concapifcencc, and covetcufncli'-, which is Idolatry, i Tim, 6.\o. Porthelove ofoioixey iscberoo'.of a'.lcvilj whicb while lorn: have corctcd ricer they have erred from the faith, and pierced thcmfclves through with many forrows. Prov.5. 8, 9,10,1 1,12. Re- move tliy wsy far from her, Kndcomino-nighthc door of her houfc. V.9.] Leil thou give thine boncui unto o:hers, and thy years unto the cruel. V.io.] Left fti-anges be filled with thy wcalthj&c. V.I 1.] And thoa mourn £t the isft wh:n thy ficfh and bodvar? conmmid, V. n] And fay. How have I hated inftruftion, andmy heart dcfpifed reproof 1 '^rov.6.i2,]j: Biu wliofo comQiitteth a- dultcry withawomsn, lackcth undcrftanding ; iretlsat doth it deftroyeth his o?vn foul. V.jj.] A wcund and dijhonour (ball he get, Scc.—^ ^oflhj.ii. When I faw amon^ the fpoilfs a goodly Biby lo- nifh gnrm:nt, and zoo (hskelsof fiker, andaweigeof gold of joihekds weighrjth'in I covteedthem, and took thean, &c P^iw.i-M.iJ. But every man is tempted when h« is drawn away of his ownlufts, and enticed. V.15,3 Then when luft hath conceived, it bringech forth dn, and fm when it is (inil'hedjbdnjeth forth death. iM.At.%.^^. But I fay unto yoa thsc wbofocver is angry with bi$ brother whhou: a caufe, (hall be in dinger of tire judgment j snd whofocver (hall fay to bis brother,Rsca fli'all be in danger ofthe Council} but whofoever (ball fayj Thou fool, (hall be in danger of hell fire. Hich.t.\. Wo unto them thst devil's inlqjicy, that work evil upontheir beds j when the morning is light th;y praftice ir^ becaufc it is in the power of their hand. 1 Mat:. 18.7. Wo to tbe world becaufe of oft'-nccs i Ux it muft needs b: that offices come, but woe to that man by whom the ofFence cometb. Ilowi.2j,i4. Thouthatmak(ft thybosftof thcLaw , tiv.ough breaking the law di(honourcft thotti, Gad. V.i4..1F.or the name of Gai is ^lafphcmcd am\?ngi'h: Gsn-iie? through you,as it is written. mil rn5] mic of no reparation "^5 if againfl means ^ mercies ^ judgem' , cenfuies of the Church ^ , civil puniflimencs ^ , and our own * vcut.tz. n. if. whhawomin married to an husband, thcnthfy ftiallbothof ihtm dye: So fhaictkou put away evil fromlfrael. Compared with V.iS.ig. ]f a man finJadao-M thstiaa vi:|tn»sbicliis net betroth- ed, and lay hold on her, and lye with her, and thty be icur.i!, V.ij.] Then the man that lay wi h her (hall give tothedsmfcis father fifty flitkels of filvtr, and llieftjallbc tls v>,it"c, btcsuic h ■ haib iiuaib- Icdherj he n7ay not put her away ail hisdaycs, Tre'y.6.p,jj,j4,jj, Bu: \Vlicru comniucih adul- tery with a woman,lack«thund had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. V. ^4.] But 1 fsy unto ycu tbacic fliouldbcmoretollerablefor Sadcm, &c. ^"cfe.ij. zz. If 1 had not tome and fpokenun-.a them, they had not had fip; but now they hare no cloak for their fin. ' Jfai. 1 . j. The ex: kncw- eihhis owner, and the affchis miftcrscrib, but Ifratl dothnct know j my people doth not conhdtr. Dm.i 1.6. Do ye thus require the Lord, O foolifti people, and unwife f is net he tfey father thac hath bought, thee ? hath he not made thte, and iftsbliftied thee ? ■ >^rjcx 4 8;>jiOjt i. So H7o cr three cities wandred unto one city to drink water } but they were not fatiiticd: yet liavc they net re- turned unto me, faith the Lord, V-9.]I have fmitten you with blafting and mild: w, &c.- ya have ye not returned unto me,faitfa the Lord.V.i o.]l hav: fcnt among you the Pcftilencc after the manner of Egypc your yonj men have Iflain with the fword,&c. yet have ye not, &c. V.u.] Ihjveovcr- thrown (ome of you as I overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and ye were as a fire- brand pluckt rut cf the burning yet have yc not retained me faith the Lord, yf**-?-?- O Lord, arcntit thine cyei upon thil truth? Thou haft flrikcn them, but they have not grieved i thou haftccnfumed tlein, but they have refufed to receive correftion j they have made their face harder then srock, and rcfufcd to return. * Rem. 1.16.17. For this cjufc God gave thim up to vile afttdions I for even their wcm:n did change the natural ule into tiiat which is againlt nature. V.zy.] And likcwifc the men having the naursl ufcof the w^men, &c an\ receiving in themfelves ihst recotrper.ce of their eirour that was mecr. ^ Row. 1.24. Who knowing the judgment of Gcd, that they r< ho do futh things are wotthy of death, netonly doe the fame, but have pleafure in them 3hat doe them. Van.'^.ii. And ihou; O Belchjztrhisfon, haft not humbled thy he;rr, though tbouknoweft all this. Tii.^,\c.ii. A man that is an hcrcticV, for the iirftand fecond admonition rcjcft. V.i 1] Knowing ihaJ the that is I'uch is fubvcrtcd, and finneihj being condcmnrd of himfclf. >" ProVjZp i. Hithat beingohtn rtprcvtd hardnetb his neck, ft^all fuddcnly be dtftroytd, and that withobtrcmecy. ^ Tjt.^.xo. A man that is an htrttiik after the firft and fecond adrronition, rej:^. cMatt.iS.ij. And If iie (h:ii r.c- jlcft to hcsr thcmj tell it to the Church ; but if he negkd to hear the Chuicb, let himb; assn Hca. thinra?nat'.Ga Piiblicanr. =• Prov.17.1z. Thoughthouihouldeftbray afoolin amo'ter smorj wheal yet with 3 pcftd, will not his folly depart from him. Trov.iij.zj. Ihey have Ifnicnme.fliaie thru Cay, and iwasncit hck 5 they have beaten me, and 1 left it not, whin fiialll wake ? I v.'lil fcek it yjtagaiff. Q. pray- prayers , purpofes , promifes ^ -, vows "^ , covenants ^ , and engagements co God or m:n^-, if done delibe- rately • , Wilfully s , prefu:Tip:ii04[ly ^ , itnpadencly ' , b T/ki g g boaftingly '^ , miUciojfly^ , frcqaenily^ , obftinacc- 57. When he (i:,vly", wich dclighc^, concininncs p , or relapfing af- ihjm J then th:y foujhc him, and recurncd an J enq iircd early afcer Gjd: V.?j.]And tbtyrememSred tbst God was their Rock, andth: high Gii tticir rcdcemir. V.jl] ATi/Jithelcfs tb;ydid fluccrhim with their mouth, and chcy lycd unco bin with their conjuis. V. }7.1 For their hearc was not right with him, neither were they ftcaJfaft in his covensn:$. fet.x.zo. Fjr of old time I have broken cay yoke, and burft thy bandstand thou faidftjl will not tranfjrefs when upon every hijh hill,and under every green tree thou wandreftjplayinj the harlot. Jfr.41.yj6 to,ii. Then thsy faid to Jcremiahjthe Lordbea true and faithful witnefs between usjif we dot not even according to all things for which the Lord thy God ftjtllfendtheetous, V.^.] Whether ic be good or evil, we will obey the voice of the Lord our Gidj to whom wc fend thee, &c.— V.io] Bjc ye diifcmbled in your hearts when ye fent m: to the Lord your God, faying, Pray for us unco the Lord our GoJ> and according to all that the Lord our God fliall fay, fo declare unco us, and w: will do ic. V.n.] AnJ now I have this Jay declared it to you, but ye have no: ob:yed th: voic; of :h: Lord yoa." G)J, nor aay thinj for which h: hath fenc me unto you. " Ecc/.y^.yj'^.— When thou voweft a vow unco GjJ, deferre not topiyic j for he hath no pleafure in fools, paythac thou haftvosred. V.^] B:tter is itthitthoufliouldfl notvow, itien that thou (hou'dft vow, and not pay. V.6.3 SafF^r noaby mouth to ciufc thy fle(h tofin j neither fay thou before the Anjel that ic wasanerrour ; whfreforc ftiould God beangry atthy voic«i and deftroy the work of thine hands? Trov.io ly. I:isafnjre totheman whodevouccchthat whictt « Iwlyj and after vowcth to ni\ks cn^ilry. d Lev.i6. i^ And I will bring th: fword upon you, thac (hall avenge thcqairrelof my coveaantj&c. « T/-ov.i. 17. Which forfakcth the guide of her youth and forgetteth the coven tnt of her G od — ^X^k- 1 7^ 1 8 , 1 9. Seeing he defpifed the earth, by breaking the covenant (whenlorhehidgivcnhishini) ani hath dons all thsfe things, he ihill not efcjpe. Vi 9.3 Therefore thus fai:h the Lord God,furely mint oath thic he ha:h defpifcJ,and my covenant that he hath ko'ten, cvenic will I recompenc: upon his own head. ^ Pfd.16.^, Hede- vifeth mifchicf upon his be J, he fetteth hiijfelf in a way that is norgaodjhi ab^orreth not evil. s Jfr. 6t6. Thusfai: B uchey faid, w: will no: walk there- in. •» Nitw.i J.JO. ZJac the foul thic doth ou^htprelunptuoud/, wbecher he beborn intfae land, or a ftiangf r, the lam; provokech the Lord, and that foul (lull be cue oflf frooo among his people. Ex)d: ai.14. Bit ifa man com: prefum?:uoafly upon his neighbour to fliy him with guile, thou flialt take him from mine Altar that he may dye. ' /^r.j.j. Therefore th: Ihosvers have been withholden,aod there hath bcen-no latter rain j and thou hidft a whores forehead, thou refufedft to be aihamed. Prov. 7.13. So (he caught him and kiffidbimjtnd with an impudent face faid unco him, &c. — . ^'^Efik ^t.i. Waybojfteft thou thy felf in mifchief, O thou mijhty man ? &c. ' ^ ^o.('.ver. 10. Where- fore, if I com;,I will rem:m'o:r his deeds which he do:h, p.atinj agiiift us wi:h malicious words, &c, ■'NMwt.14.iJ. B^ciufe all thofe men who hive feen my glory,sai my mirac.es which IdidinEjypc and in the wilderncfs, and have tetnp:ed me now thsfc ten tim-is , ani have no: hearknid to my voice, &c. " Z:icb.7.\\^\x. Ba: they refufei to h;irken,anj pulled away the ihoulder, ani ftopp:d their cures that th:y Ihould not hear. V. 1 2.] Y«a they m ide their h£arcs as an Ad aman: ftone, Icift they (hould hear the law, and the word vvhi:h the Lord of hofts hsth fcnc in bis fpirit by the former prophets 5 therefore came a great wrath from the Lord of h-fts. <> Prey. 1.14. Who rejoyce to do evil, and delight in the frowardnefsof the wicked. i' JfAt.yj.ij, For the iniquity of his coKceoufnciTe was I mo'M, andfmotc hiosj I lild snc and WiS wroth, andhewcnconfrowardiy ia (bejfvaypf bii heart,.. ^n Kr repentance ^' , ji„. ,4.9, ,,io,ti; This is cbe word that camcunto Jeremiah ffoai the Lord, afcer that the King Z:dckiah had made a Co»enanc with all the people which were at Jcrufalcm, to proclaim liberty to thso^ V.j.] That every man ftnuli let his man-fervanr, andmaid-fervant.biinganHebreflr, or an FLcbreweri, go free, that none lliould fetve bimfelfof them, to wit, of a Jew his brother. V.io.] Now when all the Princrs and p:oplo which had cntred into the Covenant, heard it, they obeyed, and let them go. V.ii.] But ahecwards ihsy turned, and caufcd the fervants and hand-maids, whom they had let jo free,to return, and brought them into fubjcdion for fervants and for hand-maids, a Pft.x.io, zi, iz.For if,afcer they have efcap:d the pol- lutions of the world, through the itnowlcdg of the Lord and Saviour Jefui Chritt, they are ajain entang- led therein, and overcome^ the latter end is worfe with them then the beginning. V.it.] For it had been b;tter for them not to have known the way of rijhteoufnefs , then after they have known ittotura from the holy Commandment delivered unto them. V. ii.] But it is hapne J unto them according to the true Proverb, The dog is curned to his own vomit again, and the low that was wafhed, to her wallowing in the mice. From circamftanccs of time ' , and place ^ •, ir on 'iK'^g^.^s. And the Lords-day % or other times of divine worlliip ^ l*'/''^ "'''''L ^'-J'f,'* J. ''.^ - ,- Y' Went no: my heart or immediately before "^^ or after thefe % or other nich thee when the helps to prevent or remedy fuch mifcarriages y-, ^'^^ ^^^^'^^ ^§>'!^ ifinpublick, or in the prefencc of others who are 1°^^^ JJ,„ t^j"? Is it a time to receive mony, and garments, and olive-yards, and vine-yards, and (heep. snd oxen,ard men-fervants, andmaid-fervancs ? ^ fer.7.10. And come andftand bsfore me in this houi'e which is culled by my Name, and fay, VVe are delivered to do all thcle abominations. I fux6. 10, Ltc favour be (hewn to the wicked, yet will no: he learn righteoufnefs : in the land of uprij;h;nefs will he dealunjaftly, and will not behold the Mjjtfty of ihie Lord. ' ^X'^-^i'l7> l^ii9' Tnat they have committed adultery, and blooJ is in their bands, and with their idols have they committed, &:. -• V.jS.'] Moreoverthisthty have done unto me , They have defiled my Sanftu.iry in the f»tr>c day, and have profaned my i'abbaths, V.jp.] For when they had fliin their children to their iJo's , theiuhey cimc the fame day into my Sanftuary to profane it ; and lo, thus hare they don: in the midft of my troufc. "2/4^8.5,4,5. Wtierefore have we fafted, Cay tfiey, and thou feeiinot^ wherefore have we afflided our f?lves, and thou taktft m knowlet^.g ? Bthold in the aay of your fsft ye fm J pleafurc , and exid: ail your lab3urs. V.^O B.hold ye faft forftrite and debate, and to fmitc wita th: fifts of wickednefs J ye (hall not faft as ye do this day, to mat: your voice to be heard on hig'i. V.5 3 Is ir fuch a faft that I have chofen 5» aday for a m^n toafflld hisCoul? Is it to bow go«u the head as a bull-ruflj, and to fpread fackeioth and a(hts uadcr him ? Wilt thou call this a fjft, and sn scccp.Able day ro the Lord i* tlum:.i^.6,j. And behold one of the children cflfracl came anj brought uno his brethren a Mi jianiiiih woman in the (i^ht of Mof:s , and of all the congregation of the children of Ifracl, who were weeping before the door of the Tabfrnatl: of the Congregation. V.7.] And when PhineasthefonofEieaz:r, the Ton of Aaron the Prlcft fjw i:, he rofc up froa^ among the Congregati- on, and took a Javelin in his band ■ * I ^or.ii.10,11. When ye come to2,ethcr therefore into one place, this is not to ea: the Lords Supp:r : V.ii] For in eating, eicry one taktth before other his ownfupperjand oneisiiunfyjsnd another is drunken. ^5^.^.7,8,9510. Bhold ye triift in lying words that cannot profir. V.9.3 Will yeftea!,murther,and conmiit aluhery, and fwcar faill/, and burn incenle to Bial, snd walk after other gods whom ye know nor. V Jo.] An! comiand ftand biitoremein this houfc, which is called by my Nime,and fay,\Ve are delivered to do all th:fe abominations ? Pfoi/, 7.14,15. L have Peace offerinj^s with me; his day I have piyd my vows. V.i 5.] Tnereforecom;! forrh to meet thee diligcntly,tofcekchy face, and I have found thre. 5fo^.T ^.17. — Jo. And after the fopi^atan entred into him. Then faid Jcfus unto himjWnat thou doH, do ^.lickly.— « V,io.] Li: then L'^swii'g re- ceived the fop,w!nt immediately out ,&c. ^ E^r*.-;.! J 14. An 1 after all tiiat is come upon us forourc- vildeeds,ani tor our great trerpafs, feeing that tboa our GjI haft puniHied ujicfs ihca our iniquities de- ferve,^nd si'Ci us iu:n deliverance as this. V.i4,] S'loaU we agtin brfak thy Co.-nmand.mcnts, ^ni piniiaffiiity with the people of thofe abominitions ? wouldft tboa not be angry witb us tUithtji- hadft cja;uii ^.i iijjCo chi; ch:cc Ihjuld be no remiisnc^nor eicaping f ih^l-C- [no] ^ tSMu i6. ii: So ihereby likely to be provoked or defiled*,' ibey fprcad Abfalom -- r a r«.m upon the top of the boufe, and Abfalom went in unto his fsthf rs concubines in the fijbt of all Ifcacl. I S^m. z.xx,ij)i4. Now Eli was very old, and heard all that bis fonsdid unto all Ifrael, and liow they lay with the women that affemblcd st thcdoorof thetahcrnnclej &c. V.ij.] And he faid unto them, why do ye do fuch things ? for I bear of your evil dealings by all this people. V.Z4.] Nay, my fpns far ic is no good report that I hear> ye make the Lords people to tranfjrefs. Qj^ Wffat doth every fm defcrve at the hAnh of Cod i A, Every fin , even the lea ft , being againft the foveraignty ^5 goodnefs^, and holinefs of God <=, whofoir^Jh"l' ^r ^"^^5 againft his righteous law '^j defervcth his wrafh t*hewhoMaw*andy« and curfc % both in this life ^5 and that which is to (ffcted in one point, come ?, and cannot bc expiated, but by the blood of he is |uiky of all. c\\r\(\r h V.I 1.3 For he that *-""" • faid J Dj not com- mit adult.ry, faid alfo. Do not kill|j Now, &c. *> Exo4. lo. i,z. God fpake all thefc wordij fayinj, iV.x.] I am the Lord thy God who brought thee out of the land of Egypt,out of the houfe of bon- iagc. 'Hafc.i.ij. Thou art of purer eyes then to behold evil, and canft not lock on iniquity: wherefore lockeft thou upon them that deal treacheroufly, and holdeft thy tongue when the wicked dc- voureth the man that is more righteous then he ? Lfv.io.j. Then Mofes faid unto Aaron, Thisis thattheLord rpake,faying, I will be fanditied inthem that come nigh me, and before all the people "Vfill 1 be glorifiJd. Lev. 1 1 .44,4 5.For I «in the Lord your God, ye (hall therefore fandifie your felves, and ye (hall be holy, for I am holy J nelthir (hall ye defile your felves wich any manner of creeping thing, &c. V 45.3 For I am the Lord which bringeth you up fcam the land of Egypt, to be your Cod j ye (hall therefore be holy for I am holy. d ijfolb. j.4. VVbcfocver corrmittcth (in, tranf- grefleth alfo the law for finisthetranfgrtflionof thel3w.i?om.7.ia.Whercfore theLawisbolyjand the commandment is holy juft and gooJ. « Ep&. %.6. Let no man deceive you with vain words, for becaufe of thefc things the wrath of Gcd Cometh upon the children of difcbedience. Ga1.7,.\q. For as many as arc of the works of the law, are under the carfc j for it is written, Curfedis every one that conti- nnes not in all things^which aic written 5 n the book of the law to do them. ^ Lam. j ;5 9- Wherefore lioth a living complain, a man for the puni lament of his (in. Z)e«t.z8. fromvA^.totheend. But ic (hall come to pafs, if thou wile not hearken to i he voice of the Lord thy Go^', to obfene to do all his commsndmenis, andftatutes whichlcomm'.nd thee this day, chat all thefecurfes fliallcome upon thee and overtake tbec. ■ V.29.] Curfcc (i jI: thcube in the City,and curfcd inthe Field, curfed in the basket and ftore, &c. ^Mat.. 17.41 D.part from me ye curfed inco cverlaftinj fire preparedforth: DIvel and his angels. ^ Hcb, And almoft all things are by the law purged with blood, and vvi-Jiou'. ihcdiingof blood there is no rcmiflion. 1 Tct.i.iS, -p.For as much.as ye know that ye were no: redeemed with corruptible tiiiigs, ts filvcr and gold, from your vain conircrfation, re- ceived by tradinon fro n your fa hers j V. 19.3 Bai with the precious blood of Cbriftj as of a lamb witliottt bleaiiih Rnd wichout fpo:« Q. FFhat doth God require of us that ive may efcape his rvr.tth and cmfedi^etom bj reafonof thetranjgrefsion of the Law i 4 e//.That [no A, That we niay efcape the wrath andcurfc of God due to us by reafon of the tranfgrcffion of the Law , he requircih of us repentance toward God, and faith to- ward our Lord Jefus Chrift ^, and the diligent ufe of the outward means whereby Chrift communicates to us the fff""/ V' "^''^jj' benefits of his mediation ^ /c^?s and aUo^o Ihl Greeks tepfncance toward Go^, and faith toward our Lord Jefus Chrift. Uit.i.'f^%. But wbea he Taw many ot the PluriCcesand Sad duces come to his baptifme,hc faid unto them, O gcneiacion of viptrs, who hath warned you to flee trom the wrath to come ? V.8.] Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentaace.i^ff. 1 6. 30,? I. . And he ("the jay lor) brought thcmout, and faiJ, Sirs, what /lull I do to be faved ? V.ji.3 And they fald, believe oa the Lord Jefus Chrift, and thou /hale b: fayed, and thine houfc. Je/; j . 16—18. Fjr God fo loved the world, that he gaire his oncly b:gotten fon,thac waofjcverbelievccn on him might not pcri(h, but have evcrlaftinj life V. 18.] H- that believvch on him is noc condemned, but he that believcth not is condemned already, becaufej&c. ^ Prov.i fr:m v.i.toj.6. My fon if thoa wilt receive my words, and hide my Commandmen:s with chec, V.a.J 6) ihac thou cndinc thine ear untowifdom, and apply thy heart to undcrftanding. V.j.] Yea, if tiioa Ciidt after knowledge, and lifteft up thy yoic: lor und:rftanding, V.+.] It thou feekcft h.x as filvcr, and leavcb • eft for her, as for hid trcafure, V.^] Then flialt thou underftind the fear of the Lord, and find tbc knowledge of Gad. P»'ov.8 }J,J4,35.?6. Hearinftruaion, andbe wife, and rcfufe it nor. V.34.} BUft'cd is rhc man that hcareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the poilts of my doors.V.j 5.] For whofo findeth me, findeth life, and ihall obtain favour of the Lord, V. i6.] Bm he that fimjcih ajainft me , wronjeth his own foul 5 all they that hate me,lovc death, ^ Q. Ff^hat are the outwdrdmsans rvhsnby Chrijl commu- nicates to us the benefits of his msdUtion ? ■ y^. The outward and ordinary means whereby Chrift communicates to his Church the benefits of his media- tion, are, all his ordinances ; efpecially the Word, Sa- craments, and prayer 5 all which are made cffv^cflaal to the clea for their falvation K If.t '?' ^'''; ^? ye tnerctorc and teach , fa I T' f J r L o 1 /• . . . ■ *" nations, biptizins them m the name off \\t Faher, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghoft 3 V. jo 1 Teachir-r th-m to obfcrveall tlin^s whsf'c er I have commanded you j and lo,Iam wi:h yoa alwayascvcn "u.ro li- end of the world. Aa.:.,^i^s6A7' And tl:'.y continued ft.-df.ft^y in the An^ftles dodrine, and fellowllnp, and m breakin|5 of b. cad, and /■^prayers-- v.46.] And they, contihiung daily withone accord met;. Temple, sn;. bre^^kin^ bread tromhoufe to houfe, did eat their meat with plad-- hefs,nndfin2,le^c:su' heart, V.47.] P"jhng God, and having fayor with allctepcopk. Andthe Loid t-dd.d to tha Church daiiy lucb as iliould be faved. <2^ ^/Jiv is the wordmAie cff^Fhidto falvation ^ A. The Spirit of God miketh the Reading, bur e- fpecially the Prcachincr of che word , an "" cfll-^dal means of enlightning »" , convinc ing ] and humbling " "j^cib. 8. 8. So they finncrs ", of driving them out of themfelves, and draw- read in the book in the ing them unto Chrift", of conforming them to hisl- aiy^°^and Vvc the ^agc p, and fubduing them to his will% of ftrengthe- fenfc , and caufed ning ihcm againft temptations and corruptions'^, of ttsTcadTn ""Irf'l'i'e. ^"i^t^i'ng them up in grace ^, and eftabliOiing their 1 8. To open their eyes, and to turn them from datknefie to Hght, acd from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgivenefle of finf, and inheritance among them who arc fanftificd by faith that is in mc. Pfalmi^.S. The Commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightning the eyes.*. " iCor, 14.24,25. But if all prophecy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all. V.i?.] And thus are the ferrets of his heart made manifeit, and fo falling down on his face, be will worfli ip God, and rr port that God is in you of a truth. 2 Cbro, 34 18,19. — 26,17,28. Then Shaphan the Scribe told the K.tn| faying, Hilkish the Pritil fcath given Eficabook. And Shaphan read it before the King. V. 9.] And when the King had heard the wordsof thcLaw, he rent his cloths. V.16.] And as for the King of Judah, whofenc youtoenquircof the Lord, fofhall ye fay untohim, Tbus fai'h the Lord God of Ifrsel, conccrninj the words which thou haft heard. V.27.] Bvcaufc thy htart was tender, and thou didft bumble thy fdf before God, when thou heardft his words againii this place, and humbledft thy felf before me, and didft rent thy deaths, and weep before mc, I have heard ihee alfo, faith the Lord. V.28.] Behold I will gather thee to thy fathers, and thou ftialt be gathered to thy grave in peace, Sec— — ° Alt, ».J7. 41. Now when they heard this, they were pricked to their hearts, and faid unto Peter and tbereftofthc Apoftles, Men and brethren, what ftiall wedo to be favcd ? ^,41.] Then they that gladly received his word were baptized t and the fame day there were added unto them about 3000 fouls. jiSi.i. from ver.27.tovcr.j9. Andbeholda manof E'.hiopia, an Eunuch of great authorityj&c.was re- turning, and fitting in his chariot read Efaias the Prophet. V.19.3 Then the Spirit faid to Philip, Go jicfr, and joyn thy fclf to this Chariot. V.go.] And Philip ran thkher to him, and faidiUndetftand- eft thou what thou readeft ? &c V. j 5.] Then Philip began at the fame Scripture, «nd preach- ed unto him Jefus. V.j6i} And the Eunuch [aid, Stc here is water, v hat doth hinder me to be baptized ? V.}7.] And Philip faid. If thou believcft with all thine heart, thou maift. And he aniwered, and faid, Ibclicve that Jefus Chriftxsthc5"onofGod.. ■ V.gS.] And they wfns down both into the water, and he baptized him. p iCor.j.iS. But we all with open face behold- ing as in a glaflc tbe g'ory of the L^rd, are changed into the fame image, from glory to glory , evrn as by the Spirit of the Lord. 1 2 Cor. 10, 4^5, 6. For tbeweaponsof our wat.^arc arc not catnal, but mighty, through God, to the pul.'ing down of ftrong holds. V. 5.3 Caftingdown imaginations, and every high thinj; that exaltah it fdf sgsinft the knowledg of God, and bringing into captivity every thoughctoib: obedience of Chrift. V.6.] And having in a rcadineflc to revenge all difobcdiencc, when your obclience is fulfilled. Rom.6.17. But God be thanked that ye were the fervanrs of fin $ but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doftrine which was delivered to you. ' ^it,i^./^. — 7. io. But he anCwcred and faid, Ic is written, M«n (hall not live, &c. ■ V.j.] Jefusfaid unto bim,It is written,Tbou fhalt not tempt the Lord,&c.— V.io.^Then ffid Jefus unto fcim,get thee" hence, facanj for it is written. Thou fhalt woriliip, &c. Fpb.6. 16)17. Above all taking the (hicldof faicb, whereby ye Hiall be able to cuench all the fiery darts of the wickjd. V.17.] And take the helmet of lalvation, and the fwordof cbjfpirir, whichisthc word of God. T/4/.19.11. Morec« vcr by them is thy fervant warned; and ia keeping cftbem there is great reward. iCor.io.n. Now all ibefe thin£,s hapned unto them for enfatrples ; and they are written for our admcnition, upon «hcm the ends of the world are come. f Aci.io.ii. And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, wh'ch is able to build you up, and to ^ivc youan inheritance among them that are fandified. i Tiffi. 3. 15, 16,17. And that from a child thou haft known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wife unto falva;io.n,throuoh faith which is in Ch, ift Jefus. V. 1 6.] All Scriprure is gi- ven by infpirstion of G )d,and is profitable for doftrin,for rcproof,for corredion,for infti uAion in righ- tcoufncfj. V.i7'3 That the man of God maybeptrfeAjthroughly furnifhsd unco all good works* - - - ^ - hearts LI20 licatts in hollncfs 2nd cciriort throrgh faith unrofalva-,«^ ,^ , .. ° 'AWB. 16. X5. Now tlOn^« to him that is of pow- er 10 4.5,6. My fon,ifthou wilt receive my words,and hide my commandemcnts with thre. V.i.] $0 that tiiou encline thine eartowildom and apply thy heart toundcrftancing, V.j.] \ And he gave fome Apoftlcs, and fpme Pr'-phers, ar Evangehfts, andfomc Paftoursand leachers, &c. Ho(^.C. My people frc dcflroycd forl.ukcf knowledg; becaufc thou haft rcjefted knowledg,! willrf)<n fpeak my word faiihfully: What is thc chaff to the wheat, faith thc Lord f \Q9r,^.l^^. Let a man fo acco^^lt of us as of the minifters of Chrift, and ilewirdsof the mvftjricsof G )i. V.i.^ Mireavet it is required in fl;w- ardS) that a man be found faithful. ' ^^ 10.27. ] Fjr I have not fhunn;d to declare unto you thc whole counfcl of God. ' Cei.i.iS. Whom we preach, warning every man, aad teaching every man in all wifdom, that wemay prefeat cvsry man perfed in Chrift Jefus. 2 Tim 2,1?. Stu- dy to iliewihy felf approved unto Gal, awKkminthit n:.d;t.h not to be slhiased, rightly dividing the word of truth. " i Cor.g.i. Ihavc fed you with milk, and no: «ith meatj for hithn-toye werenot able tobrar it, neither yet now arc ys ible. He^.j.i 2,1 5,14. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you ag'.ia which hi the firtt priaciplf s of the Oracles of God, a.ad arebtcomifuchashavensed of milk, and not of ftraiig meat. V. ig ] For every one thatufcthmilkisuaskilful in thewordof Vighceoufncfs J for he is a laab,". V. 4] Bit ftrong meat belongethtothem thatareof full aje, even thofe who by rcafonof ufe, have chvic knfcs cxercifedto difcttnbxh good and evil. Lukxt^z. And th; Lord fail, W-ij then is tha- faithful and wife ftevar-^- wham his Loci (hill mai: ruler or:v his houlioUj to give them thjir portion of m:ac in iutfcaConJ'.' 2ea» zealoufly * , vvlth fervent love to God " 1 5nd the fouls of his people y 5 fincercly^, aiming at his glo- * AH.x^.ii: thij rvs and cheir convcrfion ^ edification % andfalva- ^^'^ "*' inftruaci / ' ' * in tnc way tns l^orc, tion ^ • and being fcncnc in the Spicic he fpske and caujht diligcn: the things of the Lord, &c. ^ t Cor.^.11,14. For whether v»c be bciidts ouc felves, i:istoGodj or whether we be fober, it is foryour caufc. V,i4-] For thelovcof Chiift conftraincih bs ; becaufewc thus judge, that ifone dyed for all, then were all dead. PW/.i.i 5,16,17, Some indeed preach Chrift out of envy and ftrife,and fome alCo of good will, V. 1 6] The one preach Chrift of contention, not lincerely, fuppofinjto addcaffliftion tomy bonds. V.17.] Butcheother of love, knowinj that lam fetforthe defence ot" the Gofpel. y C^^.^-^^' E?a?hras whoisonc of you, afcrvantof Chrift, falutethyou, alwayes labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may fland perfeft and complete in all the will of God. i Cor. 1 2.1 y. And I will very gladly fpend, and befpentforyou,thoughthemoreabundandylloveyou,thclefs I be loved. ^ iCor.i.ij. Forwc arc not as many, who corrupt the word of God, but as of Unccrity, but as of G id, in the figh: of God, fpcak we in Chrift. a Cor.4.i. But have reaouncrd the hidden things or difhoncfty , no: walkinj in craf:iaefs, not handling the word of Goi deceitfully , but by manifcftuion of the uwb, commmding our felves toevery mans confcicnrc in the fight of Gsd. ^ iThef.z.^,').6. ,Butas wcareallowedof Goitobepiitintruft withthcGjfpel, even fowefpeak, notas pkafingmen, buiGad, who trycch the hearts. V.5.3 For neither at anytime ufcd we flitteiing words.as ye know, nor a cloak of coveteoufncfs, God is witnefs. V.($.] Nor of mfn fought me|lory,nei'.herof you, nor yet of o:hcrs, when ye mi jhc have been burdenfome, as the ApoftUsof Chrilt. ^ohj.iS. He that fpcskech of himfelf, fcekech bis own glory : but he that feeketh his glory thJt fent him, the fame is trueandnounrighteoufntfsisinhim. ^i Cor. 9. 19,10,11,11. Fjr though I be free from all men, yet have 1 made my felf fervanc unto all, th it I might gain the more. V. lo.] And unto :he Jcwes, Ibecimeas a Jew, that I might gain tbe Jewess to them that arc under the L-tw as under the Law, jhar, &c. V.»i.] To them that are witiiout Law, as without Law, that, &c.V.ii.] To the weaic.becsmc I as weakjthat I might gain the weak:I am made all things to all men,&c. 'iCcr 11.19; ^- gain, think you that we :xcufc our fclvcs unto you j we fpaak b:fore God in Chriitibut we do all things, dearly bdovcd, for your edifying. Eph.^.ix. For the ptrfcfting of the faints, for the work of the miniftry, for the edifying of the body of Chrift. d 1 Tim.^ 1 6. Take heed unto thy ftlf, and to the dodrinc ; continue in them : for in doing this, thou (halt both fave thy fclf, and them that hear thee. AH. 1 6. 1 6,1 7,1 8 . But rife and ftand upon thy feet j f -r I have appeared unto thee, for this pur- pofc, tomaketheeaaiiniiler,and a witn:rs, &c. V 17.] Delivering thee from the p'oplcjand frooi the Gentiles unto whom I now fend thee, V.i8.^ To open their e\es, and to turn tbem from dark- nefs to light, and from thepawtrof Satan unto G.^d, that th;y may rccciv: forjivcncisof fins, and an inberitince among tbem that ate fandifyed by faith that is in mc. ^ ivhAth reqtflndofthofe tJut hear the f^or^ preachedl A. Ic is required of tiiofe that l^ear the Word preached, that they attend upon it with diligence %' Prov.s.^.^, Blef- i • f / ^ ,° , ■' ltd is the man thnc preparation * , and prayer s , examine what tney hearcth mc watchiuj daily at rr.y gates , waiting St the pofts of my doors. *" iTcf.t.i,t. Whercforclaying sfiJc all malice and a!) guilr, and hyprocrify,and envies, and evil-fpeakings. V.z.] As ncwbornbabesjdcfirc thehncere mi kohh: word, that ye may grow thereby. L«^.8.i8. Takehetd therefore how ychejr ; tor whcfoeier hath,tobitii iliail be given and whofocver ba:hno-,from hiai (ha'i bet.iken, &c. s Ffil.i 19.18. Open mine iff.8.i 3. Then Simon bimfelf believed alio: and when he was baptiidjhe continued with Philip, andwondred, beholding the miracles and figns which were done. Cmpxrcd vfith V. 13.] For I p:rcci»e (faid Peter to Simon)that thou art in the lallofbitternefsand intbebu.idcfiniquiry. 1 Cor. 1.6,7, I have planted, Apollo wfitred : butGod gave the increafe. V,7.] So then nei her is he that planteth anything, nor he that wateretb, but God that giveth thcincreafe. 1 Cer.ix.ij. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one bodyj whethtt we »e Jewcs, or Gcnul;$ } bonti,orfrcci and haie been all made to drink in'.o one 5pii it. [127] Q^ what is a Sacramertt? A. A Sacrament is an holy ordinance inftituted by Chrift in his Church \ to fignifie/ealcjand exhibit % un- to thofe that are within the Covenant of grace*, the be- nefits of his mediation % toftrengthen, and in^^eafe * ^''- '7-.7.--- lo: their faith, and all other graces y-, to oblige them to obe- myCovcnimbccwem dicnce^5 totcftifie, and cherifli their love and commu- me and thee,and their nion one with another S and to diftinguiOi them from ^".V^a^on^^^^^^^^ thofe that arc without •'. vcrlaHint Covenanc, to be a God unto cbee? and to thy feed after thee.— V.io.] This is my Coyenant which ye (hall keep bccween me and yoa, and thy feed after thee : Every man-child amon j you fhall be circumcifed. Exod. Cup. 1 1. {^fl«- tamngtbeinftitutioncftbePafsDver. JWit, 18.19. G^yc therefore and teach all nactons, Bipoz'mg them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son^ and of the Holy Ghoft. Mift. 16. 16, J7, 18 . And as they were eating, Jefus took bread, and bleffedic, and brake jt, and ga»e it to the Dii'ciples, and faid. Take, eat, this is my body. V.x?.] And he took the cup, and gave tbsnks, and jave it to thcra, fay- ing. Drink ye all of it i V.18.] For this b my blood of the New Teftamcnt, which is (heJ formany for the remiflionof fins. " Rom.4.11. And he received the fign of Circumciuon, a Seal of the rig,h- tcoufnefs of the faith which he had yet btinj uncircumcifed , that he might be the father of all them thac believe,thoujh they be not circumcifed, that righteoufnefs might be imputed unto them alfo. i Cor 1 1 , 14,1$. And when he had jiven thanks, he brake it, and faid, Tak", Mt, this is my body which isbro- kenforyou: this do in remembrance pf me. V.ij.] After thefame manner alfo he tooktbe Cup, when he had fupped, faying, This Cup is the New Teftamcnt in my blood ; this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. *Rom.i^.i. Njw I fay, that JefusChrift was a Minifterofthe Circumcifion, for the truth of God, to confirm the promifes made unto the fathers. Exod. 1 1.48. And when a ftranjer (hall fojourn with thee, and will keep the Pafleover to the Lord, let all his males be cir- cumcifed, anil then let Ijim come neer, and keep it; and he (hall be as one chat is born in the lindj for no uncircumcifed perfon (hall eat thereof. ^ ^^.x.j8. Then Perer faid unto them, Repcnr, and be bapcjxed every one of you in the Name of Jefus Chrift, for the remiflion of fins, and ye (hall receive the jitc oftheHolyjGhoft. iCtr.io.i6. The Cupof bltlTini which wc bleife,is it not the Communion of the blood of Chrift ? The bread which we break, is it not the Communion of the body oi Chrift ? rRom.4.11. See in i'l Above. ggL^.z^. For as many ofyou as have been baptixed into Chri(t,have puton Chrift. "^ Rom.S-iA. Know ye not that fo many of us as were bspti2;d into Jcfus Chrilt a were bap:iz:d into hi^ death ? V.43 Therefore we are buried with him by Baptifm into death j that like as Cbrift was raifcd up from the dead by the glory of the fathetj even fo wc alfo (hould wilk in new- neflTeofiife. iCor.io.ii. Ye cannotcrinkof chc CupoftheLordjand thecupof Divels : ye cannot; be partakes o?th: Lords Table, and the table of Divcls. * £;ib.4.2,j,4,j. With all lowlinelTe and meoknefTf, wi:h ionj-fuffering, forbearing one another in lovf. V.j ] endeavouring to keep tlie unity of the Spirit in the bond of peice. V.4.I There is one body, and one fpirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling. V.5.] One Lord, one Path, one Biptifm^ iCor.iz.ij. For by one fpirit arc we all bapdzed into one body, whether we be Jewes or Gentiles, bond or free } and have been all made to drink into oae fpirit. ^EpJj.x. ii,ti. Wherefore remember that ye being in time pilfcd Grntiles in the flethjwho are called Uocircumcifnn by that which is called the Circumcifion in the ilcfh made by hands. V.!*.! Tuat at ihat rime ye were without Chrift, being aliens from the Cimmon- wealch of Ifrsel, and ftranjers from the Covenant of promile, having no hopf, and without God !»• the world. Gfrt.54.14. And they fai J unto them, We cannot d^thijtainj to ?.ive out filler to one tba? is uncircumcifed , for chat were arcj^roacfc^co'US. Q^vrhap an the ^arts of 4 SAcrament i' A, The parts of a Sacrament arc two 5 the one, an outward and fenfiblc figne, ufcd according to Chrifts <3/ . . . • but he that tom-^ after me ij mightier then Ijwhofc fliors I am'not worthy to bear, he flnll baptta? you withtheHolyGhoft, and with fire, i Pft.3.21. The like fig^urc vvhercunto, even B.iprilme dochalfo jiov» ftve as (not the putting away of tbc fllthof the flt(h, but the anfwer of agoodc nfcicnceto^ wards Go6j by the refurredion of Jcfus Chrift. Row.i.r8,x9. For he is not a lew that isone out- wardly, neither is that circumcifion which is outward in the ficih: V.29.] But he is a Jew, who is one inwardly, and circumcifion is that of the heart, in th: Spificj and not in the letter, who,fe praifc \% not of mcr^j but of God. Cl^fforv many Sacraments harh chrift hfituted in tis Church under the New Teftdmenti A* Under the New Tcftament Chrfft hath inftituted in his Church onely two Sacraments 5 Baptifme, and the aftf4t.18.19. Go ye Lords Supper'^, therefore and teach all nations) baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. i CoK SI. 10' t?. When ye come together therefore into one place, thisi^nottoeat thcLorcTs Sup:er, — — Ver.ij.] For I have received of the Lord that which alfo I delivered unto you, that (he Lord Jefus the fame night wherein he was betrayed, took bread j &c. Iditt, 15.16,27, *8. And as they were Mtinj, Jefuslook bread, and &c. Sic abeve in I'} j Q^ what is hafftifme •: • tA. Baptifme is a Sacrament of the New Te{!a- ment, wherein Chrift hath ordained the waihing with water, in the name of the Father, and of the Son,and of tbeH)Iy Ghoft^tobeafigne andfeal of ingrafiing in- ^Mix.xX, 19. Go ye tohimfelf^, of remiffion of- fins by his blood s, and rc- tberefore and teach oeneracion bv his Spirit \ of Adoption^, and refurrecflion all nations bsptizuig » , „-'. ,r 1 j 1 1 l • l • j them in the namcof unto cvcrlafting ufe Sand w here by the parties baptized the Fathtrjsnd cf rhe Son, an auu iuk in the covenant, and to be baptllcd ''. Eunuch faid, fee hac — is water j what hindc rs me to be baptifed ? V.J7.] And Philip faid. If thou beleeveft with all thine heart, thou mayeft j And he anfwered, and faid, I beleeve that Jcfus is the Son of God and he baptifed him. ASi, 2. j8. Then Peter faid, repent and be baptized every one of you in the nsmc of Jefus Chrifl for the re* miffionof fins, and ye (hall receive the jift of the Holy Ghoft. " Gen.17.7 9. And I v^yt tftablifli my Covenant between me and thee, and thy feed after thee in their generations, for an cvef* lafting Covenant, to be a God unto thee and to thy feed after thee. And God faid unto Abrabim,' Thou flialt keep my Covenant therefore, thou and thy feed after thee in their |enorationsj this is my Co- venant, &c. Ccmpircdwith. ^'il-i-9 ^A- So then they which be ot faiihsrebUfled with faith- ful Abraham.— — V.4] That thcbkffin^of Abraham might come on the Gentiles ihtoujb Jcfus Chrift, that we might receive the promife of the Spirit through faith. Andwith 6'«/s. 11,11. In whom alfo ye are circuoxifed with the circumcifion made without bands, in cutting oft the body of the iins ot the fltfli, by the circumcifion of Chrift. V.ii.] Buryed wtthhimin Bjptifmc, wherein alio ye arc rifen with him through the faith of the operation ol God who haih raii'cd him from the deed. Ani vtiih y<(ff.i.j8,j9. Then Peter faidj repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jcfus CLtift, for the rcmiflion of fins, and ye (hall receive the gift of the Koly Ghoft. V. j 9. ] For the promife is untoycu, gnd to yout children, and to all that arc afar off, evtn as many as the Lord our G>:;d Ihall call. Andwith Rea.4.11,11. Andfccreceived thefijnof Circuircifion, a fealof the R'^hteouf- ncfsof faith which he had being yet uncircumcifed, that he might be thefather of sU them who be- lieve , though thsy be not circuQ:icircd, that rightcoufncfs might be iirpatcd un;o them slfo. V.I X.J And thtf father of Circumcifion to them who are not of the Circumcijon only, bu: alio walk in the fteps of thatfaitb of our father Abrahatr,whichhe had beingyet unciicumcifcd.-» C(»".7.'4' Fo* the unbclccving busbmd is landified by the wifc,and the unbdeeving wife is fan^ihid by [be husb^iu^j clfc were yout children unclean , bu: now ace they holy. Mitt.xS. i 9, Goc yc tbttcforc ttjch all na- tions bpizinr, them in the name, &c. Ltt^,i8.iy,i6. And they brought unto him rlioinfintSjchd; he fhould touch ttirm j but when his dil'ciples faw ir, they rebuked them. V.i^.J But Jefus cjhed t^cm unto hiin, ard faid, fuffer little children to come unto me and forbid them nor, for of fuch i;-he kingdor«eof heaven.. Rom.niO, For if tbcfiift fruits Lc holy, tbclump isaifoholyi enJifchc root be holy, fo arc the br&nches. ^ ffOfv is fiur Bapifme to he improved bj hs i S A. The >f. The needful but much ncgkiflcd duty of iinpra- ving our Baptifme, is to be performed by us all our life lon^j i efpecially in the titne of temptation, and when we arc prefcnt at the adminift ration of it to others r, by feri- otisand thankful confideration of the nature of itj and of the ends for which Chrift inftituted it, the priviledges and benefits conferred and fealed thereby, and our fo- ♦ lemn vow. mr;de therein *i,by being humbled for our fin- £ul defilement , our falling (liorc of^ and walking con- trary to the grace of baptifme and our ingagcraents Sby growing up to aflurance of pardon of fin, and of all o- p CoU.i T, 11. Ill ther bleliings fealed co us in that Sacrament ^, by draw- whom alfoycarccir- ins ftrength froui the death and refurredion of Chrift, citcutAcifion made mtowhom wc arc baptizedytor the mortityi-ng ot iin,an(i without hands,in pu> quickning of gracc S and by endeavouring to live by t^fnfnfrh. fl.1h hv ^^^^^^ "» ^^ ^avc our converfation in holineffe and righte- the hns ot the tlcin by r rr yi. \ r \ \ t • • l- the circumcifion of oufneiie ,as thole that have therein given up their names Cbtift.v.i a.iBuricd jq Chrift \ and to walk in brotherly love, as being bap- 'Sir.h Inm in bap- ' j » a t tiroie , wherein al- foYearerifcnwithhitnthfough-the faith of the operation of God who hath railed him from thfdcad. T^om.6.^ 6 ii. Therefore wc are buried by bspiifme with hi ai into death, tb»c like as Chrift was. raifed up from the dead, by the glory of his father, fo wc alfo Itojld wallc in ncwnefs of life — V.6,1 Knowing this thit our old man i$ crucified with him, that the body of fin might be deftroyed,. th*t henceforth we fljouldricc I'ervf fin. V.ii.] Likcwifc reckon ycalfo your felves to bedead indecc unto fin, but alive unto God through Jtfus Chrift ourLord. iRojffl6.3.,4,y. Know ye noc ihat fo many of us as were baptized into JeCus Chrift, were baptized into his death ? V.4. ] There- fore we are buried by baptifme with him into death, that like as Chrift was rsiUd up from the dead by the Eiory of his father, fo we alfo Oiould wjlk in newnefs of life, V.5.] For if we have been planted tosethec in the likcncfs of his dsath, wc (hall be alfo in the likenefs of his rclurrcaion. " 1 Cor. i . 1131I313. For it hath been declared unto me of you my brethren, by them which are of the lioufe of Ghloe', that there are contentions among you. V. 1 1.] Now this I fay, that every one of ysu faith, I am of Paul, and I am of Apollo,and lof Cephas, and I of Chrift. V.i 5,31s Ch:ift divided? was PauI crucified for you ? or wire ye baptized into the ngm: cf Paul ? Km 6. i,;. God forbid. >...j fizr. -. , „ _ - sbat he mlebt be the father of all them who believe, though they be not circumcifed, that rigbteoufncrs- mieht be imputed unto them alfo j V.i 1 1 A -d the father of circumcifion to them who are not of the circumcifion oncly, but "Ifa walk in the ft-ps of that faith of our fath-r Abraham, whi^h he had being yec uncircumcifed* iTrt.j.n. Tli« like figure wbereucto even Baptifme dorh alfo now fave us, ("noc the putting 'W'y of the filth of iht fi^ k, bu:,thc 5nfvv:r of a good confcience towards GovV by the rG- ur'reaionofiefus Chrift. * 2^0^.6. j, 4,?; Seeiboveinm "C?^/.?**^*^. for ye arc all the children of God by faith in ]cfus Curift, V.i?-] Foi as many of you as have been bspcized in:o Chrift have put on Chrift. * Ro»i.6. 2.1. But now being ma.-ie free from fin, and become fetvantsc Goi, ye have your fruit unto holin°fs, and the end cvcrlafttng U e. " A^- i.jS. Then Pecer faid an- to then, Repenr, and be bap: z?d every ortc of you in ihcnam: of Jcfas Cbtift^ for th: rionifliJn cf fioj, sndvcdisU receive ;bc gift of the Holy Giicft.. - ^ -" lizied tizcd by the fame Spirit into one body y^ y icor. i:;ij,-if 26,27. Fur by on Spith are vre all baptised into one bcJy, whether wc be Jcwcs or Gentiks, bond or trees and are all nisdctocrink into one Spirit— —— V.if.] That there fijould be no Scbifm? in the body, but the members IlinuWbsvc cLcfsme Care one of another. V.i<.] And wbcthfronc member i'uft'.'r, all the mfmbtrsfufFcr with it, or cne member be bonourcdjali the numbers rejoice vricb it. V 17.] Now ye ate the bcdy of Chrift and members in particular. (\ pvh^t is the Lords Sapper ? A. The Lords Supper is a Sacratrcnt of the New Te- ftamcnt t-^' wherein , by giving and receiving bread and wine according to the appointment of Jefus Chiift , his death IS fhewed forth 5 and they that worthily communi- '^^j^***fothe*cup\'fur cate 5 kQ(^ upon his body and blood , to their fpiritual fupper, faying. This noLirillimenc and growth in grace % have their union and ^^'P'* ''*^ ^'^i^'d communion with him confirmed ^, teftify and Wlue their ^JS ih JL j°o°h, thankfulncfs/^and ingagementto God^jand their mutual 'Mit. 16. 16,17,^8. love and fellowiliip each with other, as members of the i'llgj^'f^'LXbreaT, fame myftical body ^ and' bleircd it .5 ami brake it) and gave ic to the difciples, and faid. Take, ear, this is my body. V.i?.] And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them J faying, Drink yc all of ir, V.iS.] Fo this is my blcod of the Nfw Tcftament, which is (bed for many for the remiflion of fins, i Cor.i 1.15,14,25,16. Fot I liave received of the Lord tbat which alfo I delivered unto you,that the Lord Jefus in the fame ni^bt wherein he was betrayed, took bread j V.14.] And when he had ^iven thanks, be brake ir, and faiii, Take, ear, this it my body, which is broken for you, this do in remembrance of' me. V.i5.3 After the fame manner alfo betook the Cup, when he fad Supped , faying, This Cup is the New Tc {lament in my blcod j this k.o ye, as oft as ye drink it , in remembrance of me. V. 16.3 For as ofi en as ye eat this bread , anddiinic thiscup, ycfliew the Lore's death till he come. '' iC'cr.io. i5. Thecupof tUffing which we ble's, is it not the Communion of the blood of Chrift ? and the bread v^hich we I rcjk, is it not the Com- munion ol thebody of Chrift ? " i CoMi.;4,i5, t6. For I have received of the Lord, &c. Seeii^ovein [j"] ^6-— *>• Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from ijojarry. V.15.] 1 fpeak as to wife men, judge ye what 1 fsy. V.'.6.] The cup of blcfling whith we biiUe, is not the communion of the blood of Chrift ? ih«t bread which we break, is it not thcccmmurion ot the body of Chrift? V.ii.] "Ye cannot drink the cupot the Lord, and the cup of Drviis i ye Cinm c bt partckers of the Lore's table, and of the tabic of Divcls. « Cer. 10. 1 7. For we bting many are one bread j-and one body, for we are sU partakers of that cne bread. Q^ How hath Chri^ appointed bread and wine to be given and received in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper i A. Chrift hath appointed the Miniftcrs of his Word , in the adminiftration of this Sacrjment of the Lords Sup- per , to fet apart the bread and wine from common ufe , by the word of inftitution, thankfgiving, and prayer, to take and break the bread, and togivebocii the brcad.aud S 2 the Cni3 the Wine to the Communicants, who are, by the fam appointmentj to take, and eat the Bread, and to drink th^ Wine, in thankful remembrance, that the body o^ Chrift was broken and given, and his bloud ihed for ^i Cot: II. ij, 14. them ^. For I have received of the Lord, thn which &c. See iUve unier{^'\M:it. 1.6,16,17 ^i%. And as they wf re eating, Jcfu5 took bresd, &c. See above at 1^1 Af^r^. 14.11, ag,x4. And as chey did eac, Jeiustock tread, !»nd bkiredit:, aftd brake it, and gavcco thcai, and faid, Take, cat, this ism"/ body. V. 27.] And he tookthicup, and wbenhchad given thanks, he gave it to them, and chcy all drank of it. V, i8.]And be faid unto chcm. This is my biooJ of the New Teftaincnt} \vhich is (h:d for many. Lufi. 11.19,10. And he took bread, and gave thanks, apd brake it and gave ic to them, faying, This is my body which is given for you i this do in remfmbrancc of me. V.io.] Likewife alfo the cup afcer fupper, fayinj. This cup is the New Tcftamcnc in my blood, which is ftied for you. CXf^HWdoth:ythatworthilj commmic^te in the Lordf Supper^ feed upon the My and blood of Chri^ therein f A, As the body and blood of Chrift are not corpo- rally or carnally prcfent in, with, or under the Bread 8 i^s. J. II. Whom the and Wine in the Lords Suppers, and yet are fpiriiually heaven muft receive prefcnc to the faith of the' rccci^^er, HO lefs truly andre- SimcLV'of 111 *"' ally ^h^" ^^e elements themfelves are to their outward thinjs , which G9d fenfes '', fo they that worthily communic ate in the Sacra- mouth'^M'! h'^ h 'i' "^^"^ ^^^ Lords Supper, do therein feed upon the bo- p!ophe°s ^fmce t°bc ^7 3"^ biood of Chrift^ not afcer a corporal, or carnal, world began. ^Mat. butin a fpiritual manner, yec truly and really % while by « 'thfy'^M^'eattrT'! ^^"^ ^^^^ rcceivc and apply unto thcmfclves Chrift cru- Jcfus took bread, an^d cified, and allthc benefits of his death ^ bleflid itjand brake it, and gaveittothidifciples, andfaiJ, Takijcat, tbisismy body. V.zS.^ Foe this is my blood ofthe N:w feltimenr, whichisftiedformsny, fortheremiflTioiiof fins. ' i Cor.i 1.14,15,26,17, 28,19. And whin he had given thanks, he brake it, and faid, Take, ear, this is my body which is bro- kenforyous this do in remembrance of me. V.zj.] Afver th: fame manner alfo he took the cup, vvhrn he had fuppcd, faying, This cup is the New Tcftament in my blood : Tiiis do y: as often as yc drinkit, in remembrance of me. M^i6.'\ For as ofc as ye cat this breaii, snd diink tbiscjp, ycdo (hew the Lords death till become. •V.i7.] Wherefore whofoever (hall eat this Sread, and drink ihiscup of the Lord unworcbily, (hill b: jutlty of the body and blood of the Lord. V.18 ] Bucleta man cx'minc himfelf, ani fo lee hiai cat of thstbreaJ, and drink of that cup. V, 19.] For he that cateth and drinktth ujwofthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to hiaifclf, not diiceining the Lords body, ^i Q<)r.io.\6. ThecuJof blefiinj which vvebhfs, isitnoctfaccouimunionof the blood of Gbrift? ch: b.ead which we break, is it not tks communion of the body of Chdft ? Q. How are they that receivs the Sacrament of the Lords S.npper^to prepare themf elves before they corns mto it '* _^oThey A, They^ that receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, are, before they come, to prepare themfelvcs thereunto, by examining themfelves' , of their being in Chrift "', of their fins, and wanes ", of the truth wind mea- fure of their knowledge, faith?, repentance 'i, love to i icor.u.'S.ButUc God andthebrethren^ charity to all men '" forgiving ^p?«";**f»'"'.^^*"^" thole that have done tncm wrong', or their dcnresat- ^f ^hac bread, and ter Chrift". and of their new obedience "^^and by renew- dnnk of tha: cup.- ing the excrcife of thcfe graces % by ferious meditation y, youf Teives^ wScc you be in the f»i:h ; prove yoar own fclvcsj know yc not vour own fclvcs how that CLrlft is in you,txcrp: ye b: re prcbrtcs? '» I Cor. $.7. purje ou: therefore the old kavenj that ye may be a new lump> as ye are unleavened : foe even Chrift our Paffcovcr is facrificedfor us. Compxrei with Exoi i z.i 5. Seven dayes fliall yc eatc unleavened bread, even the firft day ye (Iiall put away leaven out of your houfes. For v-hoioener eatctlr leavened bread from the firft day until the feventh, thit foul (liail be cut cfl from Ifracl. ^ " 1 Cor. 11, 19. For b: that eaceth and drinlteth unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation tohitrifclf, no: dif- cerningthe Lords boJy. P 1 ^or.ij^T. Examine your felvfswhethtr ye be in the faith, &c. See above in [■»] Af Jt. 16. iS. For 1 his is my blood of the N :w Teflament , which is IheJ for many tor ihcrcmiflicnoflins. 1 Zech.i^.io. And I will pour out upon the boufc of David , and upon ibe inhsb'-tan sof J:rufaIcmthe,fpiiitof grace andoffupplications, and they ihall lock upon me whom they have pierced, and they (lull mourn for bim as one that niouineih for his cntly fon, and (ball be in bitcrneffe for him, as one that is in bitterncffe for his firft born. 16'or.ii.^i. For if wc would judg our C;l7£s,wefhould not be judged. ' 1 Cor.xo.\6,i7. The Cup of bhfiir.j which wc bldlc, isic not the Communion of the blood of Chrift ? the bread which we break , is it not the Communion of the body of Chrift? V.i?.] For we being many arc one bread, and one body : for we all pntakc of thstonc breed. ASf-i^S^^j. And they continued daily with one accord in the Tcmplcj'Jnd breaking bread from hoafc to hou c,dld eat their mcst with gladntfj,8nd finorlencfs of h«arr,V.47.] t^rayfinj God, and having favour with all the ptople j and the Lord added to the Church daily fuch as (hculd be favcd. f I ^«r. J.8. Therefore let us keep the ffaft, not with old kavcn,nor with the leaven of msliccjand wickcd- nefs, bat with the unleavened bread of liacerity and truth, i Cor. u.ii." 10. Fjr firft of all, when ye com; :o|erbcr in the Church, I hear thn there b:divilionj among you, and I partly believe it. • V.20.3 When ye ccme together ihcrc^orc into one place,tl!is is not to eat the Lords Siifpr. ' ^■f''^ 5.zj,i4. Therefore if thou bring thy gift to thj Altar, and there remcmbrcft thst dy bvo-.ha hath ought againftihee, V.14.] Leave there thy gift before the Altar, and ^o thy way, firft be reconciled totLy brother, and then come and off;r :!9y gifr. "//<«. ^5.1. Ho, everyone that tbiiftith cotr^e ycto the wa- ters, and h: that ha:h no money, come ye, buy and ear, yea,CQme buy tni'k and wine without moneVjanJ Withou:p>ic?. 5Fo^.7.j7. Inthehftdsy, thegrcat dayof thefeaft, Jefiis ftood and cryed, faying, Ik" any man thiift, let hiji corns un^o me and drink. * i Cor.' i Cor.u.z^it^. And when he h id ^iven thinks, he brake i^and Uid,. Take:C3t,th:s is myboJy which is broken for you::his do inremembraacs of me. V ij ] A>c'.r the lame; manner «lfohs cook :hscup,r3yins,This^&;.-- This doyc,asof:cnas yc drink ir.ia rcmembrscc oi jbc.. nad. 1 cbr. ?e>. 1 8, 19.. and fervent prayer «ii For • multkude of ihe fc~p'e.. cvenm Ice/s or» the n'jKr cf :\\^. Son of God. ^jd.iS. thringhout, Tjal. 77. from ver. i. to the i a. I ci ye i usro GoH. wi;h tny v-jicc, &c. V. j.] Iremcmbred God and was troublcdj &c. - ■ ■ ■ V.i.3 Tl:ou hold, ft mine eyes waking, &c.~.— V.7.] Vl^ill the Lord ceft cfF for ever 1 Is his m.rcy clean gone for cvjr ! Doth bis promifc fail for evermore? — — — . .V.io.] And I fsidj This i> mine infirmity; but I will remember the years of the right hand of thcmoft Hi^h, &c— — fonab.iA 7. Then I [aidj I am. caftoutof ihyfigli;j yet I will look again towards thine holy Temple.- V.7 ] When my foul fainted within me, I remcmbred the Lord, and my prayers came in unto thse in thine holy Tem- ple. ^ //4/,5'4.7,8,9;io. For a fTsall moment have I fotfaken thee ; but with great mercies will I gather thee. VS.] in a little wrath I hid my face from thee j but wich everJsfting kindnefs will I have mercy on th»:c, uich the Lord thy r: :eem;r. V.9] For this is as the waters of Noah unto me, for as I have fworn tha: the waters of Noah (hould no more joc over the earth j fo have 1 fworn that I would not be wrath with thec,nor rebuke the5. V.io.] For the mountains (hall depart, and the hills be removed, but my kindnefs Hiall not depart from thee, nor (hall the covenant of my peicc be remov- ed, faith the Lord that hath mercy on thee, l^fatt,^ i^^. Bicfled are the poor in fpirit: for theirs is the kingdom of Htaven/ V.4.3 Biclicd are they that mourn : for they fhall be comforted. Pfal $ r, i 1. For I fsid in my hsfle, I am cut oft' from before thine eyes j nevtrthelcfs thou hc?.rdcft the voice of rsiy fupplication, v?hcn Icryed iintothce. Pfal.ji.i^ — 2i,ij, Verily I have deanfed my hcsrc inva'n, and w^fiied Riinc hands in innocency.— — ^ V.ii.] So foolifti wjs I and ignorant j I was as 3 bcaft biforc thee. V.ij.] Nsvcrthelefs I ?,m continually with thee j thou haft holden me by my rijht hand. <= Tfe/i.g.S,?. Yea doub.lds and I account all things but lofs for the excellency of the knowledge of Chtift ]cl'us my Lortijfcr whom I have fuffered the lofs, of all thinjs,and do count the tn but dung, that I may win Chrift. V. 9.] And be found in him, not having mine own rijhtcoufns fs, which is of the law, but that which is through the {aith of Chrift, the riihteoufotfs which is of God by faith. T/i/.io. 17— — Lord, thcu hsft heard the defirc of the humble ; thou wilt prepare tteir heart, thou wilt ciufe thine ear to beare. P/ii/.4 3.1,1 5., — Judg^ me> O God, and plead my caufc againft,&c.— — V.i.l For:houart ihc God of my ftrength why dolt thou csft meoff ? &c. V.5.] Why art ihouca^ down, O ir.y foul ? and why art thou ci.'quietedwiihinmci' hopciiiGoJj for 1 iLsU yet prail's hicj .vho is th: health of my co jntcnsnce and my God. pare LI351 part from iniquity '^ : in which cafe (becaufe promlfcs arc made, and this Sacrament is appointed, for the relief e- venofweal and doubting Christians ^)he is to bewail his ^ xyi'B.i-Tp.N vcr- unbelief^ and labour to have his doubts refolveds, and cfGlilS'afr. To doing he may and ought to come to the Lords Supper, having this f«!, The that he may be further ftrengthcned K ^^'^ ^?^''''^ . [^7 ■' o that arc his, tnalcie- vcry one thi: nstneth tlicNimj'ofChrift depart from iniquity. I/rf.jo.iO. Who Is among yea that feareth rhi Lorc^, that obeycth the \oicc of his {trvant, that walktth in darknefs and hath no H^ht , I;: h they (hall run, and not be weary ; they fhall walk, and not faint. Afjr. 11.28. Come unto me all ye that labour, and are bejvy laden, and I will give you reft. A/Jf.n.zo. A brulfed reed (hall he not breu.k,and Imokirgflsx Hiallhenoc quench, till he fend forth judgment imoviftcry. Afut. 16.18. For this is my blood of the New Tellament which is flied for many,tortbe remiflion of fins. ' M^r.^.i^ And flraightway the father of the child crycd our, an arid comfort him, left perhaps fuch a one (houldbe fwallowed up with over-mi c'l forrom Q^ What is required of them that receive the Sacra- ment of the Lordi Supper in the time $f the admir^ifiratio-a of it i A. It is required of them that receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, that^during the time of the admini- ftratienof it, with all holy reverence and attention they wait upon God m that Ordinance^, diligently obieivc the Sacramental Elements and actions "', hcedfully dif- Uev.io.j.ThenMo- cern the Lords body", and affedionately meditate on Thiris that which°thc hiS death and fufferings °,and thereby ftir up themfelves Lordfpake, fsyint, I to a vigorous exercifcof their gtaces p, injudgingthem- rbL^that*cfme'nigh^^^^^s^^"^^°^^ in earneft hungring and me, and before all the thirfting after Chrift ^, feeding on him by faith \ receiv- p:cp!c will 1 be glori- fied. Hch. 1 i.iS. Wherefore we receiving a Kingdom that cannot be moved, let us have grace where- by we may ferve God acceptably with reverence, and godly fear. Pfal.^.y. But as for me, I will come into thy houfc in the multitude of thy mercies, and in thy fear will Iworfliip towiidsthy ho'y Temple, i Cor.i 1.17.— 16,17. Now in this th?t I declare unto you 1 praife you nor, that ye come together not for rhe better, but for the worfc. V116 ] For as often as ye eat this btead, and drink tbiscup,yc do fliew the Lords death till he come. V.ty.J Wherefore whofocver (hall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, {hall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. '" Exo. 14.8. And Mofes took the blood and fprinklsd it on the people, and faid> Behold the blood of the Cove- nant which the Lord bath made with yoH concerning all thefc word?. Comptred with Mat. 16. 28. For this is my blood of the N:w Teftament, which is flied for many for the remifiion of fins. " i (^or. 11.19. Forhethateatechanddrinketburiwori:bily,eaceth and drinkcth damnation tohimfelf, notdif- cerning the Lords body. "LM^.ia.ip. This do in remembrance of me. p i Cor.i i.i6. For as oft as ye eat this Bread, and drink this Cup, yc fhrw the Lords deavh till he come, i Cor. lo. 5, 45 5- '»• ■14. And did all catthe lame S'piricual meat: V.4.} And did all drink the fame Spirhuil drink ; for they drank of that Spiritual Kockthat followed them , and that Rock was Chrif^/ V.y.] But with many of them God was not vsell pleafed J for they were overthrown in the wi der- ncflc. — V.ii.] Now all thtfe things bjpned unto tb;m for cnfamples j and they are written for our admonition upon whom the rnds of the world are come. V.14O Wherefore my dearly bclovedjfleefrom id 'latiy. 1 iCor.ii.ji. For if we would judge our felves,wefliould not be judg- ed. " Zecb.i 1.10. An:1 1 will p^ur ou: upon the houfe of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jcru- falem the Spii it of giace and [applications, and they fliall look upon me whom they have pierced,and they fliall mourn fcr him, as one mcurncth for his only fcn^jnd be in bitterncffe for him,as one that is in bit- ternefs for .'is fiift-Sorn. ' Rev n. 1 7. Ai ' the Spirit and the Bride fay. Come. And kt him that hearcth fay. Come. And Ic; him tha- is atlnrfl come. And whofocver will , let him take the water of life freely. ' ^ob.6.i<}. AnJ Jifusfaid untoihtnij lam the bread of life. He that Cometh to me ftiall never hunger, and he that bclievcth on me fhali never tbirft, ing vlng of his fulneffc " , trufting in his merits * , rcjoycing * foh.i.i6. And of in his love" 5 giving thanks for his grace 7 , in renewing hisfttirefshive woii r I • L/^j, Ji 11 Lo- t> received, and Rrjce for. of chcir covenant With God ^5 and love to all the Saints \ grace. • phii.i.9» And be found in him> rot having mine own ri|hteoufnefs, which is of the Law, but that which is through th«! faith ot ChriRl the rijhteournefs which is of God by fsi-h. * T(il.6^.^,^. Thus will I bids thee whije I livr, will life up mine hinds in thy name. V,?.^ My foul (hill be facisfied as with marrow and facieis* tnd my mourh (hall praife thee with joyful Hpj. iCcr.jo.zi, And the children of Ifrael that were prefcnt at Jerufalea), kept the feaflof unleavened bread feven dayej, with great gladntfs > and tf?e Le»ites,and the Priefts praifed theLordday byday,finging with loud inftiuments to theLord. y Pjil. 12. i6. The meek (haJl eat and befatisfied : they ihsU praife the Lord that fetk him j your heart (hall live for ever. ^ ^er.^o.^. They (ball ask the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward, rj^ytng, come and letus joynour felvcs to the Lord in a perpetual coven int,'.hat (hill not be forgotten. Pfd.^'^ , Gather my faints together unco me, thofe that have made a covenant with me by facrifice. ^ /^ff.i. 41. And they continued ficdfaflly in el'-e Apoftlcs dodrincj and feilowfliipi and breaking of b:cad, and in prayers. ^ What is the dtttf dfchrijliam after they have received the Sacrament of the Lords Supper ? A. The duty of Chriftians after they have received the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, is, ferioufly to con- fider how they have behaved thcmfelves therein, and with what fucccffe^^ if they find quickning and com- ^ p.^ ^^ ^^ fort, tobleffeGod for it % beg the continuance of it^, L«rd isVy^ftrength watch againft relapfes ^ , fulfill their vowes ^ , and incou- ^^^ my "^'JfiJ » ^y ragethemftlvcs to a frequent attendance on that ordi- '"/u'^h'cU.tc": fore my heart greatly reioyceth, and with my fong will I praife him. V[d,% 5. 8. I will bear what the Lord will fpeak, for he will fpesk peace unto his people, and to his faints : but let them not turn again to folly. iCor 1 1. 17 i'^-V' Now in this that I declare unto you, I praife you not, that ye come together, not for the better, but for the worfe V. jo.] "For this caufc many are weak and fickly among you, and manyfleep. V.ji] Forifwe would judge our felves, we (hould not be judged. ' iCfcr.jo ii^ x^y^\ xf ji6. And the children of Ifrael that were prefent at Jerufslcm kept the fcaft of Unleavened bread feven dayesirith great gladnefs : and the Levitesand the priefts praifed the Lord day by days finging with loud inftruments to the Lord. &c. tAH.x.^i 46,^7. And they continued lledtaftly inthe Apoftlesdoftrinejandfellowfhip, and breaking of bread, and inprayerr V.46.] And they continuing daily with own accord in the Tcmple.and breaking bread from houfe to houi'c, did eat their meat with gladnefsjanu (inglenelTc of heart j V.47.] Praifing God, and having favour wiih all the people, &c. d Pfal.}6.\o. O continue thy loving kindncls unto thim that know thee, and thy rigbteoufr.efTe to the upright in heart. 6'4«.j.4- Ic was but alirtlcthat I paiUd fromthem,but I found him whom my foul loveth, I held him, and would rot let him goe, until I had brought him into my mothers houfe, and into the chamber of her that conceivedme* 1 Cbr.19.1S. O Lore Or i of Abraham, Ifaac and JiVael our fa.hcrs, keep this for ever in the imagination of the thouguts ot the heart of thy pfople, and prepare their heart unto thee. * i Cor, le.j, 4, y — i i. And did all eat the fame fpiritaal meat, V.4.] And did all drinkthe fame fpiriiual drink J for the fame fpiritus' Rockc that followed them, and that Rock was Chrift. V.J.] But with many of thfm God was not ^. til piira- fcii, for thty wtre overthrown ii the wiUefnefs.— — — V.n.] Wherefore let him that thinkcih bcftandfth, take hied left he fall. * P/4/.J0.14. Offer unto GoJ, thanklgiring, and psy thy vowcs unto the moft Hijh. T nance?; nanee ^, but if tliey find no pferent benclit,moi'e cxa(Si!!^ to review their prep;»ranon to, and carriage at the Sacra- ment '••, in both which if they can-approve themfelves to God and their own conlcienceSi, they are lo wait for the EI (;(/rii.i5,:6 — fruit of it in due times but if they fee they hive failed' Do this as ofccn as • gj^j^^-j. f^gy gj-g jq [y^ humbled \ and to attend uiro.i it branceof mc. v.i6,] afterward With more care and diugcnce S For as ofctn as ys car thiibreadjand drink cbis cup, yc (hew the Lords death til! hecoai?. <43.'.4t— ~— 46. And they continued ftedfaftly in the Apoft';s doftripfj andfillowfljip, and brealting or bread, and in prayer — ■ y.46.] And they continuing daily with one accord in thi Teroplf, and breaking brcsd froai houfe ta houfe, did cat thiirmeic with gUdnsfs and finglencfs of heirt. *> C'iW. 5.iji,,5j4.,5,^. K:cp thf foot when th'ju joeft to the houfe of God. and be more ready tT hjar, th:n co jiwe the bcrifice of tools :. tor they conlidcr not thi: they do evil. Vi.] Be notrafh with thy mouthj ?.nd let nou thy heart be batty to utter any thing b«forc God, &c. V. ?.] Foradrcsm comcth through multitude of bufinciSj andafools voice ij known by multitude of words. V.4-] When thou voweft a vow unco Gsdjdefec not CO pjy it ; for he hsth no plcafurs in fools, pay cliu thou haft vowed. ^ V. 5 ] Bettec is ic tbst ihou ftiouldft not vow, then thscthotiihouMft vowjandnotpijy. V.6.] Suft'jc no: thy mouth tocaalptliy.. fltChtofin, ntiihet fay tbou before the Angel, that ic was an- crrour 5 wherefor'J (hould God bz angry at thy voice, and deftroy the work of thinchands? ' P/!u feals of the ran:ie Covenants are to be difpcnfcd by Mi- ?''°"? » '^'r-^xint niltcrs or the Goipel and by none other i', nndro be &c. i cor. n.ij. continued in the Church of Chrift until his fecond com- p^- ^ have received of • _. th'T Lord thsc ftbkb I D Si.o Ovlncred unto yoU( that the Lord JeCus in the fatntnijhc wherein he was b?rriycd, took bread, &f. " JRc;n.6. jj4. Know ye not that fo many of us as were baprized ihco jcfus Ci rift, wei^Cbfp ized into fiis de^ib ? V.4.^ Therefore we are buried with him by bapdrilirintecinrh, that likcas Cfanft wss rsiUa up from tbe dead by the gloty cf his Faihcr, even fo wc alfo (hould vnlk in nc.vnefs cf \\it. ' f Cor. io.\6. 1 he cnpof bliirinjwhich wc blclsjis ttno-. the cctnuVunion of the bloo4 of Chvift? the bread which we break, is it not the ccmmunion of the body of Cbrift ? • Kom. 4. i r. And he received thcfi*nof circumcifion, afealof the lighteoufnci's of faicbj which he hid, being yet uncircumcii'cd » that hs might be the father of all them who beiitvtjthpujh t^ty be ppt drcumcii'fd, that ti»,htcouincrs might be imputed unto them alfo j Qompirei with Col.i, i i.Baiini v.ich Liai in bsp:ifir,e,wh.rein al- fo ye arcrifcn vvi;h himtbrough the faith of the operation of God who ba:h railed him from the dead, idAt. i6. S7,i8. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to thtni , i'»y- ing, Dink )c all of this J v.: 8.] For thisismy bloodof iheNvW Teftament, v?hichig (hed formauy for the remiflionof fins. p ^oh.i. 3?. And I knew him not, bat he that fent mc to bip:i2ewitb vaterjthe fame faidunro me, upon whom thou (halt fee the Spirit defccnding, &c S^Ut.ii.i^. Go ye therefore and teach all nationsj Baptizing theci inthsNameof theFaibcr, andof the Sonj and the Ijply Ghoft. 1 Ccr.i i.ij. Fot I have received of theiord that which alfo i deJivfred unto you, rhat the Lprd Jefus the fame p5|ht wherein he was becroyeJ, took bread, &c. iCcr.4.1. Let a man fo account of us, as of the Minifters cf Chrift, and Stewards of the myftcries of God. Hch. S- 4. And no msn tskctbtbis honour unto himfclf , but he that is called of God, as was Aaron. 'i MU. a8.i9,xo. Goyc therefore and teach all nacionsjbsp.izinj, &c -V.ie. Teaching them to ob.crve all things which I command you i and loc, I amwi';thyoue»en tothecnd of the v^orld. 1 Cer.ii.i6. Tor asphenasyc eat ibis bread] and dttnk this cup , yefhtwihcLorJsdsa-.htillhsCoaif. Q^ fvhcrein do the Sacraments of B Apt [me and the Lords S tip per dijfer i A. The Sacraments of Baptifnfie and the Lords Sup- per differ,in that^Baptifme is to be adminiftred but once, with water, to be a fignandfcalof our regeneration and r^^^.j.,,. iindeed frjgr;.fiir!g ir.to Cfirift', and that even to infants', where- baptise you with wa- is the Lords Supper is to be adminiftred oftenjn the Ele- L" "^lo^^.p.nrar.ce^ mcms or bread and wine, to rcprelent and exnibu Chrift afcerm:,&c. r«.^.5' Not by woiks ot righ-, teoufnefs which we have done, b'4t according to his. nr^ercy he favpd uf, by the \v3C1ing cf regtneraiion and renewing (^f the holy GhciU ' Gd.\..i . For as 'many of you as have been baf tired into Cbtili liave put on Chrift. ^ ijtn. 17.7—9. AnJ 1 will tftablifh my Covenant between me and thccjand thy feci aittr thee in theiT ;*rff?erarion^ fjr an everlaftinx CoTcn»nt) ro be a God unto thrc , and thy feed afrtr ih,c.-i-^ '^•9'] And God fdid unto Abrahaoi, Thou nialckccpmy Covenant there- fore, ihousnd thy r^-cdaturthcc in their gcneradons. Aci. a. j5,jj Thtn P-tcrfaid unto th:nb ^^- ^ent and-br bapt'z'd f very.on: of ) qu in the name of Jefus for etc rcmiffion of' iinsi and yc li:iil receive thcgif'of the Holy Ghctt. V.- 9.]Fcr the promifc is untoyou and toyaur children, and to til ;h.ir arc fcfar cfrjCven as many rs the Lord cur Qod fh3Uc,ill.iCo»*7.i4.For the iinbilinving husband is randifled by the wife,and the unbelieving wife is Ond',fi;d by the husband s clfc w:rc youc children unclean, but now ihiy ere holy. "Jp 3 jj5 • I cof.i r." 2j,24,»5' as fpirltual nourifhtnent to the foul \ and to coniTrm our of ' tL^* Lo 'd"1h« continU''Jnce and growth in him", and that ondytofuch wbichfaifo ideiircr- asarcof years and ability to examine chcmfelves *. cd unto you> tbac the Lord Jcfus :he fime nigh: wherein be W8S b:trsyed took bread. V.14 ] And when he had jtven thanks, hcbraice it} and fsid, Tak^, eat, this is my body which is broken tor you : this doinrcmembrsnce of me. V.ij.] After the fame manner alio he took the Cup, when he had fupped,fayin£, This Cup istheNcw Teftaaient in my blood ;-this do ye, as oft as ye drinkit, inremcmbrjnccofme. V.16,] For as oft as ye eat this bread, &c. iC9r.\o.i6. The Cup of bleflinjwhich we blefk, is it not the Communion of the blood of Cbtlft ? The bread which we breaks is it not the Communion of the body o! Chrift ? ^ I Cor. II. :i8. 19. But let a man examine himfelf, and fo let him eat of that Bread, and drink of thit Cup. V. 19.] For he that eateth and drinketh unwoccbily, eacech and drinkcch damns-; don to himfelf, not difcccning the Lords body. Q^ Whdt is PrAjer f A. Prayer is arv offering up of our defires unto God ^, ^vrd6 8 T ft- ^" the Nameof Chrifty, by ihehelpofhisSpiritSwith him at all* times y" confcffion of our fins % and thankful acknowledgment people i pour out of his mercies •'.. your hearts before him: God is a refujc for us. y^ib.i6.if. And in that day ye (hall ask me nothinj, verily I fay un- to you , whatfoerer ye ftall ask the Father in my name, he will {ife it you. ^ Rom. 9.i6. LikCMrife the 5"pirit alfo helpeth our infirmities, for we know not whit we (hould pray for as we oug,ht, but the Spi- rit it felfmakcth interceffion for us, with jroaninjs that cannot be altered. ^Pfal.^i. j, 6* I ac^ knowledged my fin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid j I (aid I will confefs my tranf^reflionss and thou for|aveft che iniquity of my fin. V.6.] For ihis fhall every one that is jodly pray unto thee, in a time when tboa maycft be found, farely, &c. T>an 9.4. And I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confcffion, and laid, O Lord, the jrcat and drcaiful God, &c. ^ Pbm.6. B: careful tor nothing, but in every tbmg^, by prayer and fupplicatioa with tbanksjiviiie, let your rcquclis be made known w God. Q^ ^re we u pray mto Ge^ ondy < ■'* A God only being able to fearch the hearts %hcar the requefts '^3 pardon the fins % and fulfil the dcfires of all ^, -I i^ng, ^:?9'']"^«" and only to be believed in §> and worfhiped with religious rear tnoa in neaven n • \ ^ ' \ • r • \ « r- ^ thy dweiiinj piI will deliver tbee, and thou ftialc jlocificmc 'iiow.io.14 How thtn (hall they call onhim in nhom they bare not bdiew ed ? Sec. Q, fVhAt is it to pray in the name of Chrifl i -<^.TOpray in the Name of Chrift,is, in obedience to his command, and in confidence on his promifes, to ask mercy for his fake "\ not by bare mentioning of his m^oj^i^.ij^^^.And Name % but by drawing our incouragemcnc to pray, and whacfoevcr ye (hail our boldnefs, ftrength, and hope of acceptance in prayer ^ai'dortbat*h*vv from Chriftand his mediation °. ther may be giotihcd in the Son. V. 14.3 If ye (hall ask any thing.ln my name, I will doit. ^oh.\6x4,i Hitherto have ye asked nothtnginmy mme : ask,andrfceiYe, that your joy may be full. Pi».9.i4. Niw therefore, O our Gcdj hear the prayer of thy fervant, and his fupplications, and caufe thy face to (hinc upon thy Sand uary that is de- J'olate, for the Lords fake. "^/af./.ii. Na: every one that faith unto me Lord, Lord, (hall entec into the i^injdom of heaven, but he thstdoth the will of my Father which is in heaven. " Hehi 4.i4,ij,i6. Sfeinj then that we have a gireat High Prieft,that is pafltd into the heavens, Jci'us rhe ^onpf G3d J let uj bold fail our proftfTion. V.15.3 For wc have not an High Prlefl which cannot be touched with a feeling of our infirmities, bu: was in all points tempted like as we are, ye: without fin. V. 16.] Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mcicy,and find jrace to help in time of need, i Jo&.y.i 5,14,15. Thtfe thin js have I written unto you cliac be- lieve on the nwne of the Son of God, that yc may know that yc have eternal! ifc, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. V.14.'] And ibis is the confidence that we have in him, tha; if weaskany thing accorJinj toWs will, hehearethus. V.ij.] And if w: kaaw that he hearctb wbatCocver we ask, we know chat we hare the petitions that we defired of him. ^why are we to pray in the nams of Chrif ^ A.The (infulnefs of man, and his diftance from God by reafon thereof, being fo great as that wc can have no acceffe into his prefence without 3 Mediatouri^ 5 and there being none in heaven or earth appointed to, or fit v^oh. 14^ 6. jefuj for that glorious work, butChrift alone "^ •, we arc to pray f»"hunco him, i am in no other name but his onely \ . t' "^t\ "o:>"a Cometh unto the Father, bu: by me. j(i. 59. 1. Bit yoar iniquities have feparated between you and your Goi, and your fins have hid his face from you, thit he wi.l notbcir. EphiAi. In whom we have boldncfs, and accefs with confiience, by the faith of hiai. 'i "^ob 6. 17. Labour not for the meat that ptridieth, but for that m:at which endureth un:o evcrUfllng life, which t^ie San of man di^ll give wnto you, for him hath G'^J the Fa-herfealed. Heb.7. 25, i6, 17. Wherefore he is able aifo to lave then to the utterm 3ft, thj/rcocne unto G^dby hi.n, f fortbe S*ints according to the will of God. Pfal.'io.tj. Lordithou hsii beard the defire of the bumbic j thru wik prtpsHe thine hearfi thou wilt caufe thine car to hear;! 2C(fe.i J jc« And 1 will pour upon the ijouCe of David, »nd upaa the inhabitants of Jerufalim the Spirit of grace and Tupplications , and cbty fhaU-k)al: upon me whom {tuy ii&v« pieiccd, and jnouca, &c.i-.-r--« v - Q^For rvhom arewe to pray i ' ^. , . .'^j A. We areto pray for the whole Church of Chrift, upon earth \ for Magiftrares"andMiniftef«'^,forour « Ephef.6. is. Pray- felvcs", our brethren y, yea our enemies ^^^and for all forts If fa^r'^and'Mt of men livingS or that {hall live hereafter ^ but not for cation^in The Spiri^c, the dead % HQi fot thofe that are known to have fifincd and watching there- -'^k .<- /. •' - • ■_ ' •■ '■ •"J,!,r' ' unto with all perfeyeranc?, jird fupplic«}pn for all Salms. Pftt.iS.sr.'^ive ihy |wi^Ie,iatd ilefTc thine iaheritancc j feed them alCo, and iifi. tjiero up for ever. " i Tim. j. i , i. I cxbort therefore , that firft of al!,fupplica'.iot.S',prayers,ln'erf.iirions? and givinjof thanks be made fo; all men. V.x.] ^ pray ...--. came and fmire tne, &c. y ^nm. $.\6. Ccnftfs your fguitj one to ^aether, an^ pray one for another, that you may bi healed. The cfisQua! fcrvoi: prsya of a righteous man availah much. ^ ^ Mat. 5.44. But 1 fay unto ; and pray for thcai ^ ^^oh.ij.io. Ncith: word.' a Sxmj.xg! ,ir.Hercfc:e now let it p'.cafc thee to t>kf$ the bouiV dJ thy icrvant, thst it. c^s^ con- tinue fcr'eyer btfcrVtliec, for thpU, QL^xa G. i l[aft fpokf n i:,ar!4 wi:h,c5y oUiTing leji tbc boule of thy, ftrvant be bkffed'for' ever. , ■ " ' i ^i;n.x z. 11,21,: j, ThtoTaid iii^iervjints'uivo him. What tjiinj js this chat thou haft done? ihcudiJftfaft and v/e

^racious 10 mo that the! chiU nisy i^iv< ? V. x j.3 Kut now be is dfad, whircfoie flipoU I fvft t fan Ibrioj.hi|n back ajij^ {^ -I /b»|l|/o wiiirpj >< he ^^ not retuin to me. ' ' ■.'.."'' - '. ■-■ ::!:',--'. ^'f ■ ■■ n' ' . ct';'^'"-' the tk fin UFjrcJ death «•. ^. , ^^f^ ^ ^ . If jinjr man icc his brother not unto fin a fn which is not unto death, hcfliallaski anO he fhallgivc hitn life for tbcm that, fin deaib. Th«re is-a fin unto dsatbi I do not fsy tdac he ih»il prsy for it. A, We are to-pray for all things ccnding to the glory of God%chc welfare of the Church f,our own ^jOr others ,^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^,^5 good ^\hwi not for any ihmg that is unlawful '. manntr'thercfon pray ye, Oar father which art in heavenj;haUow«d>be tby Nam?. ^Pfal.^j.i 8. Da good in thy good pUafurc un o Sionjbuild thou thcwa.isof Jerafslem- Tfd.izi.6. Pray fortheptaceof Jerufaleooj they flisilprofptrtha: love thec« iklat.7.11. It ye then bfinj evil know fecw to jive good gifts to your children, hoiV much more (h ill your facfaecwhicb is in bfaven jive good things to them tba*»slrliim? *'Fp/.li?.4. Do good, O Lord, to thole that be good ; to them that are upright in their heart. ' i5fof?.^.'4« And this is tbr conEdence that we bsve in him, thac if wc tsiLSoy, ibint,sccoi(URf co bis will} he b^a- ' ,- . ,_ .'•■ ;,'.'• _'■■■' :,'■'' ": \'.'~i A, We are to pray with an awful apprchenfion of the Majefty ot God '^ , and deep fenfe of our own unworthi- ncfs ',neceflities "^jand (ins "^with penitent ^thankful p,and Y'^'H''' ^^*'P '""^ inlarged hearts % with underftanding - faith ^"/incerity ^ lo ri,e brmfo^f g'X . and be more ready to licar, then to oflfer the facrifice of fools 5 for they confidcr not thai they do evil. 'Gcn.lS.i/. And Abraham faid, Behold now I have taken upon me to (peak unto the Lord who am but duft andafhts. Gcn.%x,\o. I am not worthy of thcicaft of aJl the meicies,ind of all the truth v.bich thou haft fliewn un- to thy fervanCi&c.. "'i.wtiji7ji8,i9.. Afldwhenhccamcto himfelf, he laid. How many hi- red fervants ih my fathers houfe hare bread enougb,and tofparfj'arid Ipetifh with bungfr. V.18.] \ will arife and go to my father, and fay unto him, Father, 1 have liimcd a^sinft heaven, and before ihcc, V.19O Andamnomorc worthy to be called thy fon, make me as one of thy hired fer'vJnts. " Lh/^. i8.i},i4- And th^Publican ftanding afar cff, would ret lift up fo much as hiseyrstnheavai,buc (mote upon his brcft, faying, Lord, be mercitul torn: a iinf»cr. V.14.] I tell you, This man went dbwntohishoufe juftifid rather then the other r for everyone that exaltttb himfdf fiiall be sbafed , andhethatbumbleLhhimffltfliiillfceexiltcd. " FfAl'.^i^.ij. The farrit'ces of God are a broken fpirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, wilt thOiJiOpt'dei'pffc., r TkJl.j^.6. B: careful for no- thing j butin every thingjbyprayerjanfffupplication, with ibankfgiving, let your requcfts he made itnowntoGod: 1 iS Af({t^.9,io,ii,ii>i;. Afterthis manner therefore pray ye, Our father; &c. — LKi^.ii.z,3)4. And he faid unto them, When ye pray, fay, Our father, &c. ■ Qj llox9 is the Lerds Prayer to be ufed ^ A, The Lords Prayer is not onely for dirciSlion, as a pattern according to which we are to make ofher,praiers, but may alfo be ufed as a prayer , fo that n be done with under (landing, faith, reverence, and other graces necefla- * Mmh. 6. 9. Cm- ry to the right performance of the duty of prayer ^. fired, with Luke ii.i- S€e Above in tbe letter 1^.1 Q. of hovf f»any i>arts doth the Lords Prayer confijl? A.'Xhz Lords Prayer confifts of three partSja Preface, Petitions,and aConclufion. Q;^ What doth the Preface of the herds Prayer teach usi A. The Preface of the Lords Prayer Qcontainedin d liii,6\9' ihefe words J Ottr Father which art in heaven ^] teacheth us, when we pray, to draw ne:?rto God with confidence « LttJfe.ii.ij. If you of his fatherly goodncfs, and our intereft therein % with then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children jhow much more (hall your heavenly father give the holy Spi- rit to them that ask him ? Rom.8.1 5, For ye have not received the Spiric o| bondage again to fear, but ye have recciied the Spiric of Adoption, whereby wc cry, Abba, Faihcr. ^ tc- ['471 reverence and all other child-like difpofitlons f, heavenly Rffed:ions5, and duo apprchenfions of his foveralgn pow- f ifi. 64. 9. bs not cr, Maiefty,and qracious condefccntion ^'x as aifo to pray !''*'.^ ^'"y ''^" ' ^ . t J r \ ^ Lord, nci'.hcrrtmcm- vvith and ior others '. btr our in.<\u:\ti for CTcr I behold, fee, wc bjfccchthee, wc are all :liy people. s P/a/.iij.i. Unro chee life I up mine eyes, O thouthac dwelUft Jn the heavens. Law.j.41. Let us lift up our hf arc and our hands unro God in the heaver.s. ^ Ifa.(>i-i$yi6. Look down from heaven, and behold from the habitation of thy holinelff, and ui thy glory. VVherpischy ztal, and ihyilrcngcb, the founding of thy bewels, and ihy mercies towards me? are they rcftrained ? V,i6] Doubtlcfle tiiouarc our Father i thoujh Abraham be i^noranc of us, and Ifrael acknowledge OS not, thou, O Lord, arc our Father , oar Redeemer j thy Nime is from evcrlaftirg. Nefe.i.43fj6. And it came ro psfl'c when I beard thefe words, ihn I late down andwtpt, and mourned certain dayes, and fafted, and prayed before the God of hcayen. V 5.3 Andfaid, Ibefcechthec, O Lord God oi heaven, the |rca: and terrible God, thac kcepeth Cove- nant and mercy for them that love him, andobfervebis Cemmandments. V.6.] Let thine ear be now atcenche, and thine eyes open , thac thou maieft hear the prayer of tby fervant, which I pray be- forethecnowj day and night for ;he children of I frael thy fcr»antv&c. ' /^f?.ii5' ^^'^^^ there- fore was kept in prifon j buc prayer was made wiibout ccafenj of the Church uato God fpi hiaa. ^ VFhatdowefrA'^ for in thejirfi Petition^ A. In the firft petition, [which is. Hallowed be thy ?!?4W(f'^,]acknovvledging the utter inability and indifpofi- ^ idit.6.9. tion that is in our felvcs 5/ all men to honourGod arfght'5 wcoray that God would by his grace inable and incline ' iCor.j.?. Not that us and others to know, to acknowledg,and highly to c- ;;[;;; ^"f'^^^^l"^^ fteem him ""^his titles ", attributes °, ordinances, word "", thing as of our feives , but our fufficiencyis of Gad. P/J//n 51.15. OLoril, open thou my lips , and my mouth (hall (hew forth thy praife. " P/<«/.67.z,g. TUat thy way may be known upon earth, thy faviug health smong all nations. V.j.] Let the people praife thte, O God, let all the people praife thee. " ?/i/.8ji8. Thacmenmay know that thou whofe Name alone is Jehovah, arcthemoft High over all the earth. " Pfil.tS. io,xi,ii>iJ.— -15. For thou art great , and doft wondrcus things i thru art God alone. V.ii.3 Teach me thy way, O Lorii j I will walk in thy truth; unite my heart to fear thy N.imc. V.iz.] I willpraiieibee, O Lord ir.y God, with all my heart, and will jjlotific thy Nime for evermore. V. »j3 For great is thy mercy towuds me, and thou hsft delivered my foul from the loweft hell. V.15.J Bucthou, O Lcrd,arc a God (u.l of CompafTion, and gracious, long-fufitring, and plenteous in mercy and truth. p iThcf.^.i. Finally) brethren, pray for us, that tie word oi the Lord may have free courfe, and be glorified, even as it is with ycu. P/a/.i47.i9,io. He (lie weth his word unto Jaccbj his ilatmes and judgments unco Ilrael. V. 20 ] He hath not dealt fo with any njtion j and as for his judg- ments, they have not known them. PiaiicyerheLord. Pfi/.i j8.i,z,j. I will praii'c thee wiihmy whole heartj before the gods will I fingprailc unto thee. V.i.] I will woi (hip towards thy holy Tem- ple, and praife thy Namcjfor thy loving klndncfsjand for thy truth 5 for thou haft majnififd thy word above all ihy-Njmc, V.? 3 Intheday when Icryed thcu anfwereftmc, and ftrergthnedft me with ftren2,thin my foul, i (Jor.t.i^,!^. Now thanks be to God, wlio always csufeth us to triumph ia Chtitt,andnjakethiranifcft the favcurofhisknowledgby us in every place. V.1J.3 For «e ase to G:d a iweet I'svouc of Chrlii in them that are fayed} and in ibtra chat pcrlib. Q works. \^cirk$ , and wkatfoever he is plcafed to make himftlf known by*!, and to glorifie him in thought, word % and ^Trz' b- h ^^^^^'^ that he would prevent and reir.oveAtheifiiie=, €ut liiiitxiTiit't ignorance", idolatry "^^ profaneneiTc % and whatfosver OGod, my King, is diflionourablc to him y •, and by his over-ruling pro- *Lgte" o^Lord; vidcnce, dirc^ and difpofe of all things to his own our Lord, howtxcel- glory ^. lent is thy Name in allthcearthl &c. 'Pp/.iOj.i. Blefsthc Lord, Omy foal, and all thic is within mcblcfs bis holy Name. Pp/.i^.M. Ltt the words of ray moutbj and tlic medications of my heart be acceptable in thy fijhCjO Lord our fticngtb, and our Redeemer. ^ Phil.1.9. ii. Atd this I pray, thati your love may abound yet more and more in knowledg, and in all judgment. V.n.] B-inj filled with the fruits of rightcoufneflc which arebyjefus Chrifl unto the glory and praife of God. * ffd.67 -1,1,1 i^. God be merciful unto us andblcfleus, and caufchisfacetoihincuponus. V.ij Thsc thy way may be known upon earth, and thy faviag health among all Nations. V. j.] Let the people praife thee , OGod, let all the pec pie praife thec/ V.4.] O let the nations be glad and re- joice j for thou (hilt judge th: people righteoufly, and govern the nations upon earth. " Epb, X. 17, 18. That the God of our Lordjefus Chriftj the father of Glory, may give unto you the fpiri: of wifdom and revelation in the knowledg of him. V.18.] The eyes of your underftanding being cnlightned, that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints. * 'Ffdmgj.j. Confounded be all they th»t ferve graven Images, that boaft themfelves of Idols : worftiip him ail ye gods. ^ Pfdmj^.tS. *!» *j. Kemcmber this, that the enemy hath reproached, O Lord, and ihat the fooli(h people have blafphem- cd thy Name. V.n.] Arife, OGod, plead thine own caufcj remember how thefoolifti man reproscheth thee daily. Vxj«3 Forget not the voice of mine enemies, the tumult of thofe that rite up againfl thee encreafechcontinuilly. y zj^in.ig.x^ii6. And H ex ;kijk prayed unto the Lord, and faid, OLordGodoflfrael, which dwelUft between the Cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the Kingdoms of the earcb; thou hafl made heaven and earth, V.I 6.] Lord bow down thine ear and hear, open. Lord, thine eyes and fee, and hear the words of Sennacherib which hath lent him to reproach the living G«d. ^ iC6ro»,io.6.—. 10,1 1,1 1. And £ Jehoihaphat ] faid, O Lord God of our fathers, Art not thou God in heaven , ^d ruleft not thou over all the Kingdoms of the heathen ? and in thine hand is there not power and might , fo that none isablctowithftandthee? — — — — V.i©.] And now behold the children of Ammon, and Moab, &c. V.I 1.3 B:hold, I fay, hov they reward us, to come to caftusoutof our poflelfions which thou haft given us to inherit. V.iz.] O our God, wilt thou nor judgethem? for we have no mighcagarnftchis great company that concthagainft us } neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee. Tp/«i 83. throughout. Keep thou not filencc > OGod, hold not thype»ce,&c. . ■ ^/i^i4o.4.— S. Keepme, OLord, from the hands of the wicked, preferve me from the violent man, who have purpofed to overthrow my goings. V.8.3 Grant not; O J-ordj the dciires of the wicked > furttitr not his wicked devicej^left they exalc thcmfelveJ. ^ink.6t^9. Q^ WhAt do we pray for in the fecund Petitien >: "** A» In the fccond Petition, ( which is, Thj Kingdom f*w?%) acknowledging our felves and all mantind to be by nature under the dominion of finnc and Si- tan^5 wc pray, that the kingdom of fin and Satan may bcdeftroycd% the Gofpel propagated throughout the world 'S the Jcwcs called "= , the fulnefTr of the Gentiles brought in^, the Church furnidicd w.th ?\\ Gofpel offi- cers and ordinances s, purged from corruption ^, counte- b£pf}, i.i,j. Whcre- nanced and maintained by the civil m:eiftra:c*i that •" '" "o^" paft ^e the ordinances of Chrift may be purely difpenfed, and ^^l'^ ^J^ madeeffcdual to the converting of thofe that are yet in woru, accordiji; lo their fins, and the confirming, comforting and building ^^' f l"'^"-?^ '^^^'e^cT up of tbofe that are already converted "^ •, that Chrift Jh^that noiwo.kctb would rule in our hearts here ', andhaften the time of in'^'C children otdif- his fccond comi- g, and our reigning with him for ever -; Araong"v.hom* ihb and that he would be plcafed lo to cxercile the kingdom wealihaiicur conver- of his power in all the world, as may beft conduce to fation in times p:»ft . t r J in the lults o{ ouc tnelecnds". H^fh, fufiiunj the delires of tbe fltfti , and of the mind, and were by nature the cblHren of wrath, tvenss others. *= P(ii.6%.i. t8. LecGodarife, let his enemies be fcattercd j let them alfo that hnc bim fl«e before liiui. V.i8.] Thou haft afcended on hijh, thou haft led captivity captive, thou haft receivf d giUs toe men, yet, for the rebellious alfo j that the Lord God might dwtU among them. Rev. ii.io,ii. And 1 heatd a loud Toice , faying in heaven , Now is come faivation , and firenjth , and the King- dom of our God , and the power of bis Chrift 5 for the ac^ufer of our brethrrn is caft ou: , which ac- cufed them before God day andnijht. V.n."] And they overcatreby theblocdof the Laojb, ird by the word of their teftimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death. d zThef.i.i. Fi- lially, brethren, pray for us , that the word of the Lord may have free courfe , and be glotificJ , even as it is with you. ^ S^w.io.i. Brethren, my hearts defire and prayer to God is, That they mighc befaved. f ^ob.xj.^. 10. I pray for them, I pray not for the world j bu: for them that thou baft given me, for tbcy arc thine. V.io.^ Ndihcr pray I forthcfc alone, bu: for theaialfo which fhall believe on me throujh their word. B.m.i,i,l^^^. Fori would no: brethren , that ye Qiould be ijnotant of this myftery , ( kft ye (hoald be wife in vbur own conceits ) that blind- neffc in part is hapned to IlVacl , until the fulnefle of the GentiTts be'come in. V.x6.] And fo all Ifrael (hall be faved , as it is written , There fliall come out of Zion the deliverer, and (1 all turn away unjodlincffc from Jacob, Tfalm47.tbroughout. God be merciful un:o us, and bUll"-" us, and caufc bis face, &c. i iMatth.^.^i. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvcft that hs will fend forth labourers into his harvcft. zTlcf.i.i. Finally, brethren, pr!\y for us, that the word of the Lord D:ay have a free courfe , and be jlorificd , even as I: i^ with you. '' W-/. j.i. II. Fof fr(in thcrifinjof the fun, even tothe joingdownof the f3ine, my N^mc (lull be great a- mongthc G^.tiies, and in every place incenfe (hall be offered up unto my Nioit^, and a pure of- fering » for m.y Nime(hallbc^re9t among the Heathen, faith the Lcrd of hpfts. Zepbj.^ Forthcn will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upjn the Name of the Lord, to fervc him with one confcnti ' i Tim. 1.1, a. I exhort tbntforc, thstiitllot all fupp'ications 5 prayers, in erccfTions, and thankf^ivln^s be made for all n:>cn. V.t.] For Kirgs, ami fotailifaat are in authoiity, that we may lead atjutft and pcacejblc life in sil toi!lint»T<: r.ii.l bo- nciiy. ^ ASl.^. l^', 10. And now. Lord , behold their thre.'.ming*, and gran: uvo thy fervants, that with all bcldnefls they may fpeak thy word i V.j'i.l By ftinchinj forcli ihmc hand to heal, and that fi^nes and woadcrs may be done by the Nauie ot try holy «-'i|id Jcluj. E/)^.6.i8>'9;»o. Prryinj; alwaycs with all prayer and lupplica-ioni'i the i'pii and wjrciir^thrre- Liito wi h all perfevcrance, and fuppllcatim for all faints, V. » 9.] And for re-; that uiMancc m?v be U 2 l'»^» ttnn mci th« I may op?n tny meuth boWljr, to mak? known the iriyftfty of the G'niiks, V.;©.]" Fo: which 1 am an AmbjflTidor in bonds^diac therein I may fpf ak boldly as I ought to fpcat. Rom. x y. i^jjo 3 1. ^ And I ain lore th«t vvlica I come unto you, I {hill come in the fulnrfs of the blefling ot tdeGofpclof Chiift. Vjo.] Now I btu-cch you, brethren, for the Lord Jci'us Chrift fskc and*. for the love ot the Spiritjtha: yeftrive togjrhcr withmcjin your prayers to God for me. ^ V.j i.] That I maycomcuuoyoa wirb joy^by chemil of GoJ, and may withyoabirefr tftied. iThef.i.ii, Whcrefarc »« pray al^vayes for you^tha: our God would count you worthy of his callin^,Jnd fulfill all the good pleafurc of his goodnffic, and the work of faith with power, z Jhej. 1. 1 6. 1 7." N )w cur Lord Jefuj Chrift htmfclf, and Go3 evcnour Fa.b;r, which bath loved us and given us cveriaftingconpjla- tlon, anJ good hope through grace, V. 1 7. ] Comfort your hearts and ftabiifli you in every good word andwork. ' Eph. ^.frcm.vcr. ^. t^.tothe zi. For tbis caufe I bow my kneesuntotbe Father of oar Lord Jefus Cbrift, V.i f.] Of whocn the whole fa«iily in heaven and earth is named, V.i<.] That he would grant you,8Ccording to the ricbe^s of his glory,to be ftrengtheaed with might by his (piric in theinnrr mm. V.17 ] That Chrift may dwell in ycur hearts by faich, that ye being roored and grounded in love, V. 1 8.] May be able to comprehend with all faintSjwhat is the brcadih, and lengrb, and depth, and height j V.i 9.] And to know the lore of Chrift which paiTtth knowledge 5 that yc might be filled with the fulnifs of God. V.io.] Now unco him that is able to doc exceedirg^abun- dsnt-iy above all that we ask, orthinlc, &c. ■" Rev. 11.10. He which teftificth thefip thefe things (aitb, furely I come quickly Amen, even fo come Lord Jefus. " lf.ti.6 /{.],!. Oh that thoawoHldft rend the heavens, that thou Wjou id ft come down, that the mountains mioht flow down ac thyprcfcncel V.i.] As when the melting lire burncth, the fire ctufeth the waters to boile to miks tfcy name known to thine advcrlaties, that the nations may tremble at thy prefcncc. 7{ev^.Sy^,iQ,i r. And the four beafts had each of them fix wings aboat him, and they were full of eyes within, and they reft not day and night faying, Holy, lioly, holy. Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and ista come. V.9.] And when thofe beatts give glory jand honour and thankts to him that fat on the thrown, who liveth for ever and eicr. V. lo,] That four and twenty Elders fall dov/n before him that fat on ihc thrown, and worfhip him that liveth for ever and ever, and caft their Crowns before the thrown, faying. V.ii.] Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour and power j for thou haft- cicated all tbings, and for thy pleafurc they arc, and were created- ^ fvhat do m fray for in the third Petition f A, In the third petition, (which is. Thy will be done tMm,6.\Q. ert ekf%\dsHt is in heaven ° ^ ackaowledging that by nature we and all men are not only utterly unable and pRflM. 7. 18. For I unwilling to know and do the will of God i^ , but prone know that in mc, that to rebel againft his word V^ repine and murmurc a^ainft nJgo°olL^'''f^^^^^^ Providences and wholly inclined to do the will of wiif is prcfent with the fleih^and of the dcviF: We pray5that God would by mc J but how to per- form that which is good I find not. ^oi.ii.i4. Therefore they fsy unto God, Depart from uj ; we defirc not the knowledge c{ thy way es. i Cor. 1.14. But the natural man reccjveth not the things of the Ipirit of God,for they are foolilhncrs unto hiujjneither can h: know thirajbccaufc they arc fpirirually difcerned. n Rom.S.?. B:caufe the carnal mind is enmity againft God i for it is not fubjeft to the taw of God,neitber indeed can be. ^ Exud.i?,?. And he called the name of thee place Msflah andM^ribahj becaufeof tfee chiding of the children of Iftaej, and becaufe they tempted the Lord, isy- iag, is the Lord aoiong us, 0: not ? '^{um. 1 4,1, And all the children of Krael murmured againft' Mofesand Aaron: and the whole congregation faid unto them, would God that wc had dyed in the land ot Egypr,wou'.d God that wc had dyed in this wilderncfs. ^ Epb. x. i. Wherein in time paft ye walk- ed according to the courfe of this world, is according to the prince of ih: power of thf ayrCj the fpiri-r that now workothinibc children of difobe4icnce.. his Spirit take away from our felvcs and otherSjall blind- ncfs', weaknefs", indifpofedncfs *, and perverfenefs of ► hearts and by his crace make us able and willinf^ ro'fP'^-'-^'l^- J^^i , • , ; r ! • I • 11 • 111- . ,^ , the God ot our Lord know, do,and fubmictohisvvillin all things y, with the j.fusChrlft the fi- likc humility'^, chcerfulnefs^*, faithfuinels ^, diligence ^t*'" of glory ma.jivc zeds finceritysand conftancy', as the Angels do';;^y:^,^^ in heaven '. in chc knowUdje of him; V.i8.] The eyes of your undcrftandlngbtitijenli^htned that yc may know- what b the hops of his calling, and whauht riches of the glory of his iaheritancc in the Saints. "■ E^^. j.i$. That he would gran: ycu, accofiing to the riches of liis glory, to be ftrcngthned wi:h mijLfi bytheS,M:lt in the inner man. *.\f if. 16.40,41. AndhccoBoetbcotheDifciplcsjsnJ fi iJc;h them afl;tp,ani uiui unto Peter, VVhar, CouU yc ne: wstch with me one hour ? V.41 .] Watch and pray, thit ye enter not into temp:a:ion , the Spirit indeedi is wiling, but the flcfn is weak. '< •fer.^ 1.18,19. I have furely hca:\l Ephraiai be.TioaoIng himfelf thus, thou baft chsfti.'ed mi, and'l wjs challifed, as a bullock unnccuftomed to to :he yoke. Turn thou me, and I (hall be turned j for thoH art the Lord my God. V. « 9.] Surely, tfter that I was turned, I repented; and after that 1 was inftrndcd I (mo:c upon my ihl&b;! w»s a.liamcd, yea even confounded, bccaufe I did bear the reproach my youth. y P/a/. 119.1 ' ■55>?^- Blcffed are the undcfiled in the way, who walk in the Law of the Lord.-^ V.8.] 1 wi:l keep thy ftf.utes, Oforfake me not utterly- V.35.] Make me to go in the paths of thy commsndtnenrs, for therein do I delight. V.j6.] Inclinemyhsaituntothy tcftimonies, andno: tocovctoufacfs. A^. 2i.i4. And wiien he would not be perfwaded, weceafed, fjy(ng,Thc wi 1 of the Lord be done. -' ^fic. 6.%. He hsth (hewed thee Oman, whit is good, and wh.ic doth tbi Lord require of thee but to do jufl- ly.tndcoloycmcrcy, and to walk humbly with :hy God. ^Pp/. joo.i. S r/e t'.i: Lord with glad- nefs J came brfore his prefcnce with tinging. fobi.xi. Ani [Job] faiJ, Nikcd came I ou; of my mxhers womb, and nsked fliall I return thither ; the Lord gave, and the Lord ha:h taken a.vay, ble lifii be ihe name of the Lord. 1 J'iw.i 5.15,16. And the King laiduiuo Ziiok, Cirrybick the Ark of God in:o the City i if I fhall find favor in the eyts cf the Lord, he wlllbrins«ieagiin,and (h:w m: bothit, and his habitation. V.i6.] But if he fay thus, I have no delight in thee, behold, here lam, lethimdotomcasfeemethhlm good. '■//i.jS.j. And faid, Remember now, O Lor', I btfccch ihcc, how I have walked before thee in truth, and wiih a perfeft heart, and have done that which is good S thy light, and Hezfkiah wept fore. ' Pfal,ii^.i,<;. Thou haft commanicd us to keep thy pT;ccpts uiiigencly. V. 5.3 O thitmy wayesweredireded tokevpthy ftjturcs. d Row. 1 1.1 1. Nril^tUfui in bufinefs, ferf ent in S"pirir, fcrvinj thcLord. <^P/we have forteitcd our right to alLche outward bleffings of this life , and dcfcrve to be ^whoU wholy deprived of ihem by God, and to have them cur- fed to us in the ufe of them '5 and that neither they of themfelves arc able to fuftain us ^ 5 -nor vvc to merit ^ , oc by our own induftry to procuie them "^ , but prone to de- «gcn. i.ir. But of fire%get°, and ufe them unlawfully? 5 we pray for our the Tccc of knowledge felvcs a;-id Others, that both they and we, waiting upon of good and evil, thou the providencc of God from day to day in the ufe of (halt not eat of it; for , JT , r i- r -r i i - /- • in the day thou cttEft laWml mcans, may, or nis free gift, and as to his father- thereof thou (haicfure- iy wifdom (hall feem beftj injoy a competent portion of And'unt?*^Ad3m^he ^hcm ^ , and have the fame continued and blefTedanto faidjBewufe thou baft US in out holy and comfortable ufe of them "^ , and con- hcarkcncd unto the voice of thy wife, and baft eaten of the Tree, of the which I commanded thee, faying, thou (halt noc eaccf it i curled is the gronud for thy fake, in forrow (hah thou cat of it all the dayes of thyiifr. Ro»t.3.2o,it,ti. For [he Creature was made fubjeS to vnity, not willingly, but by reafon of him who hath fubjeded the faoic in hope. V. xi.] BiCaufe the Creature ic felf alfo' flial! be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the g,lorious liberty of the children of God. V.ii.] For we know thatthe whole Creation gro^ncth and travclUth in pain together until now. ^cr^.ijr." Your ini- quities have turned away thcfe thinjs, and your fins have wit hholden good things from you. Dtut.iS^ fr«m ver. i j . to the end But it (hall come to pafs, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to obftrvc to do all his commandments and ftatutcs which I commind thee this day, that all ihefc curfesihall come upon thee and overtake thee. V. .6.] Curfed (halt thou be in the City, and curfed in the field, and curfed in thy basket, and in thy ftore, &f. To the end of the chap. ^ Dtut. 8.3. And he humbled thee, and fuffered thee to hunger, and frd th:e with Manna, whieh thou kneweft not, neither did my fathers know .• that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread onely, but by every word that prcceedeih out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live. ^ Ge». j 2.io. I am not worthy of the leaft of all the mercies, and ofall the truth which thou haft (hewen to thy fer*ant, &c. "" PcMt.8.17,18. And thou fay in thine heart. My power, and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth j V. 1 8.] But tliou (halt remember tbe Lord thy Gad j tor it is he thst givcth thee power to get wealthjthathc may rftablifh his coven&nc which he fware antothy fathers,as it is this day. "^er. 6.1 J. Forfrom theleaft of them, tothe greateft, eveiyoneof them is given to covctecufncfs, 8lc Marfiy, iliiz. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulterii;s, fornica- tions, murdecs, V.ii.] Thefts, cov«:teoufnefs,wickednefs,&c.——— ° Hof.11.7. He is a merchant, the babnce of deceit sre in bis hand 5 he loveth to opprelfe. p ^am.^.i, Ycaskand rcceivenor, becauleyeaskami s, that yemay confomcitupon your lufts. ^ Ge».43. 12,1^,14. And take double money in your hsnd, and the money that was brought again in the moucb of tbe ficb | peradventureit wasanoveilighr. V.13.] Take alfo you brother,3ndartfe,goc unto the man. V.14.3 AndGod Almighty jive you mercy before the man, that he may fend, &c.— — - GfB.zl.io. And Jacob vowed a vow, fnying, if God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I goe, and will give me bread to ear, and raiment to put on, &c. E^.4.18. Let him that ftole ftcal no more, butrather let him labour, working with his hands the thing that is good, that he may have to give to him that need* eth. iThcf.1,11,1%, Far SVC hear that there are Toms who walk among you diforderly working not at a'l but are fcuiy- bodies. V.ii<3 Now tbey that are fuch, we comnnand, and exhort by our Lord Jtfus Clirift, that with q'tietncfs they wo.k, and cat their own bread. TW/.4.6. Be careful for nothing 5 but in every thing, by prayer irA fupplicition with thanksgiving, let your rcqucds be made known un' o Go J. ' I 7'/>/j.4. j,4,5. Forbidding to m8rry,and commanding to abftain from mca.s, which G d bjth cresred to be rfcdvcd with thankfgiving,of them which bcleevf, and know the truth. V.4.] Fee every crea:ur£ of God is good ninothinj;to bf rcfufed, if it be received with thanksgiving. V.j.] For it is ianftified, by the « crd of Gad,"aad prayer, cent- LI53] tcntmentinthem^-, and be kept from all things that arc ^^ Tm.s.s,-}^. bu: contrary to our temporal fupport and comfort \ £od'>nci$ wi-.h cca- ^ r r r icinment is jreac L- . •• II J- • . ,. ?^'"- ^- 7 ] Foe wc brought nothing into toisworlJ } and i: is crrtsin we can csrry nothing our. V. 8.] And bavinr food and raiment let us b; therewith conient. 'Frou.jo. *, 9. R-imDvefrom me vanity and licij give me neicher poverty, nor riches : feed me with food convenient for mf. V.9.] Left I be Ui'l, and deny thee, anifjy, who is the Lord? and left lb: poor, and fteal,and take the name ef my God ia vain. (^ ivhat do we pray for in the ffth Petition ? A. In the fifth Petition , which is , \_Forgive us oar debts as we forgive our debtors ",] acknowledging ^Mat.6,ii. that we and all others arc guilty both of original and adualfin, and thereby become debtors to the jufticeof God, and that neither wc, nor any other creature can make the leaft fatisfadion for that dcbf^- we pray for *^om.i.'from v. ?: ourfelvcsand others, that God of his free grace would, IJc' m^beu/tk^ through the obedience and fatisfa<5llon of Chrift appre- They ? no in no wife j hended and applied by faith, acquit us both from the ^°^ y ^^^^ •'^^^'^ guilt and punilhment of {ia% accept us in his beloved y, Gcmi!cs.t°ha:the'yTre continue his favour and grace to us^, pardon our daily aiiunJetfin j v.io.] failings s and fill us with peace and joy in giving us dai- Tbeilis'non7!i§h'te! ly more and more alTurance of forgivenefs '', which we oas,nonotone. V.I i.JTheteisnone that underftandctb, none that fceketh afcer Go^. They are all gone out of the way, &c 1 V 1 9/} that every mouth may be ftopped, and all the world may become g,uilty before God, &c, ■ Mat. 18.24,15. And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him who owed him trn ihoufanj talents. V.x^.3 But forafmuch as he had not to pay, his Lord commanded bim to be fold, and his wife, and his children, and all tha: he had, and payment to be made. T/ir/.ijo. j,4. It thou, Lord, (houldft mark iniquities, O Lord, who (hall ftand ? V.j' f f py r r 1 r J 11 I- 1 L u- • •"'"'^J end brlntirg ule of them^that we and all his people may by nis provi- mc imo captivity to dencc be kept from being tempted to fin % or, if temped, \^t: law oi fm that is that by his fpirit we may be powerfully fupported and v.340'' o^wrTtched enabled to (land in the houre of temptation" , or^ wRen man tbst 1 am, who fliall deliver mc from shisbodyoNcath? i Ci'roi.i 1.1,1,3, 4. AndSaranftood upajairAlfratl andprovoktd David to number nVafl. V.z.] And David (aid to Joab, and the rulers of the pecplc, gee number Il'raelfroin Berftieba to Pan, &c. V.}.] And Joab anfmrcd, The Lord make his people an hundred times lo many more as ihcy be } but my lord the J^'^gj *r' ^^'y "o^ OJy lof<^* fervants ? why then doth my lord require this tbirg ? why will he be a caufc of trefpafs to Ifracl ? V.4-] Nevetthelefs the Kinjs v:ord prevailed >|8inftjcabi vsherefore Joab depaittd, and W(nt,&c, iCfcf. 16.7,8,^,10. Andattbauime Hananithe lecrcamc to AfaKingoJ Ju('sh, and laid to him , becaufe thou haft tifttdcntbe Kinjot Syria, and not relied on the Lord thy Gcd, therefore is the heft of the Kirj of Syria efcaptd out cf thina hand. V.8.] Were not the Ethiopians and Lubinsa buichoft ? &c. andyw bcca*fe thou did* rely on the 3Le>rd, he delivered them into thine hard. V.9.] For tbeeyesof the Lordruntoand fro,throu|hout the eartL, to fbcw bimfelf flrcng in the behalf of ihem whofe heart is petfefit towards him j herein thou baft done fcolifhiy, therefore from faenceforth tbou (halt have wars. V. 1 o.] Thus ACa was wroth with tbcfeer, and put him into a priCon boufe j for bcwasinara^e with him becsufe of this thin^, and Afa oppre (Ted feme of the people the fame time. " P/k/.Si.i 1,1 2. But my people would not heark- en ui!io my vcicejardlfrati would bavcnoncof mc. V.ii.] Soljafetfcem up unto their hearts luit, and c hty waiktd in their cwo counfels. * fcb.ij.i f . 1 pray not that thou fhculdft take them out ef the wor!d,butib}t thou fhcuk'ftktcptfceDT. from the eTill. ' Plal.^i.ic. Create in mc a cleaa heart, O God, and renew a rljht fpirit within me. IftlW^A ? }. Order my fteps in thy word,and let «ot any iniquity have dcminion over mc. i xC«r.ia.7j*. And lift Ifliculd be iialicdabove incarure ihrcugb the abudarce of revelation*, there was given to mc a thorne in the fiefh, the Bieficn- j^cr of fatsn to luffet me. It ft I flictld be exalted above meafure. V.*.^ For this thirgl befoujht the Lord (hticc that it mi^ht depart frcm mc. ' lCor.10.11,13. Wherefore let hinuhat thinks he fisndeth take heed left he fall. V.ij.3 Thcrebatbno temptation taken you but fucb as is commoa to man , but God is faithful, who willnotfufieryoH tobe tempted above what ye are able, but will with the temptation alfo Q-tke a way to cfcapc, that ye may be able to bear it. ^ Htb,\i.xo,ii. Now the God of piBce, that fcreught again from the dead our Lord lefus Chrifl that great ftitpherd of the fticep, through the bleed cf the cvtrUfting covenant, V.ii.] Make you perfe ft in every good work, to doc fciswill, working in ycu that which is well-plcafing in his fight, thrcu^hJefu$Chr)ft,flfc, » Mitt. i6.1i. Wicih and pray, ihri ye enter not into temptation, &c. PfiLt^.i^. Keep baek thy fervsnc •Ifo from prcfim.pticus fins J let not thtm have dominion over mc, then (hall 1 be upright, and innocent fiom the great iranfgrtflion. » Epb.i 14,1 5,16,17. For ibis caufe I bow my knees unto the Fathec t)f our Lord Jefus Chrjft, V.15.] Of whom the whole family o( heaven and earth is named, V. 16. 3 That he woulo gtant ycu, accotc'ing to the rithts of lis gloiy> ro be ftr(nj;tfcened with ai^hr fcy bis fpi- rit in the inner manj V. 1 7.3 That Cbrift rray dwell in your hearts by faith,that ye being rcoied;&r. « Tbcf 5. 1 J. To the end he nay tftabljflj your hearts unblamcabie in holinefs before God,cven our Fa- ther at the ccmtirg of rurLordJefus Cbrift with all his Saints, ^udt.r.^^. Now untc him that la «ble to kccpyouftom falling, rnd tc pielcDt you faultltflc before the presence of his jloty wiihciytd- X fallen D5^1 fallen, raifed again and recovered out of it *, and have a * pjVIfi.ii.Rcftore ran(5tifiedufc and improvement thereof'^-, that our fancfli- unconiethejoy ofchy fication and falvatlon may be perfeded y, Satan trodden ftivation, and uphold y^^g J Qyj.fggj.z and we fully f rccd from fin, temptaci- ■le with thy free fpuit. j n -i r ., ^a ' ip«.f .«,9,ixB2 fo- on, and all evil for ever s ber,bo vigilancjbecaufe your adverfary toc Divel as a roaring Lion walkech abouc>fecklng whom he may devour. V.9.] Whoai refiftftedfaft in chefa!;h, knowing thac the fame afflidions are accompliflid in your brethren that are in the world. V.io] But che Gad of all peace, who huh called usincohis eternal gtory by ChriA Jafus, after that ye have fuflkred a while, make you petfeft.ftabUlh, ftrenjthen, f«:tlc you. r x CoK h\.7.——j. Now I pray to God that yedo no evil, not thit we Ihould appear approved, but thityc ihoulddotbatwhichishoneft, though web: as reprobates. • V.9.] For we arc glad when we are weak, aad ye arc ftrong } this alfo we wifli, even your pirfeaioo. » Ram.iS.xo^ And the God o£ peace (hall bruife Satan under your feec fli^rtly, &c. Zech.i.t. And the Lord faid unto fatan, The Lord rebuke thee, O fatan, evin the Lord that bath chofen Jerufalem, rebuke thee. Is not this a brand piuck-.oacofthefire ? LmJ^.uji,; i. And the Lord faid, Simon.Si-non, behold fatan hatrh defired tohavcyou,ihathcmayfi:tyoua$whea:. V.ji."] Bj: I have prayed forth :e, thatthy faith fail not j> and when thou art converted, &c. ^ fob.ijA 5. I prajr not that thou fliouldft take them out of cht world, but that thou (houldft keep them from the evil, i Thef.^.ii. And the very Gad of peace fan-- ^itie you wholly; and I pray God your whole fpiricj and foulj and body be preferred blamelcff uattt. tbeconing of our Lord Jefus Chrift. (^ Whatddih the €9nclitJion of the Ljrds Prajer tCAck us ? A, The conclufion of the Lords Prayer, ^which is,^ Tir thine is the Kingd^ms^ the power and the glorf ^Hif.6.n, forever^ Ameit^,) teachcth us to enforce our petitions* with arguments % which are to be taken not from any * Rtfw I < 30. Now I worthineffe in our felves , or in any other creature, but befeech you, brethren, from God S and with our prayers to join praifcs % afcrib- for ihc Lord Jffus j^ ^^ qq^j ^lo^c ctcj-f^al foveraignty, omoipotcncy, and Chriftsfakc, and for o a ^ j' ». - . the lave of the Spirit, ^ that you ftrivc together with ra: in your prayers to God for me. ^IJsn.9.^: 7}^>9- ^^)^Tm 18,1 9. And I pray:d unco th: Lord my Gad, and mide m/ confefllon, and laid, O Lord, the great and dreadful Gadjkeepingthe Covenant and mercy to them that love him.and keep his Commandments. V.y.'] O Lord, righccoufaefs bdongeth unto thee, bic unto as confution of face, as at this day^ &c. V.8.3 OLord, tousbdongeth confufionof face, to our Kings, toourPdnces, to our fathers, bc- «ai*fc we have trcfpaircd againft thee* V 9.] To the Lord our God belongs mercies, and forgivencfles, though we have rebelled againft him,— V.i^.] O Lord, according to all thy righteoufnefs. I befeech thee, let thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy City Jcrufalem, &c. V. 1 7'] Now therefore, O out God, bear the prayer of thy fervant, and his fupplicadons , and caufe thy face to fhine uponiheSanauary that is defolatc, for the Lords fake. V.iSJ O my God, enclin: thine ear, and be- hold our defolation, and the City that is called by thy Nimei for we do not prefcnt our fuppHcations before thee for thy ri^btsoufnefs, but for thy great mercies. V. ' 9] O Lord hear, O Lord forgive, O Lord hearken and do j defer not for thine own fak?, O my G u, for thy City and thy people ate called by thy Name. « Fib/7.4.6. Bi careful for nothing, but in every c^mg , by prayer and fupplication with thaobsivins, kt your requcfts be made k^owa umo Gad. gi9: glorious excellency \ in regard whereof, as he is able and willing to help us s, fo we by faich are imboldncd f , chm.ic). lo, i T, to plead with him that he would ^\ and quieily to rely ix, ij. vvhtccfo.c upon him that he will fulfil our requefts^, and to tcftify J^^»'d bhffcd th.Lori ,r. 1 r J rr r ^ v odorealJ the Ccngre- this our delire and aflurance, we lay, Amen ^. jation, sn : raid, BUr- fcd be thou , Lori God of Ifraelj our Father for ever. V.i i .] Thincj O Lord, is the grearhefs , and the power, and tl e |lory,and thevi^oryjand tbemajefty > for alltbacis intbc heavenS) and in the e;rch is thine: tbir.e is the KingdonijO Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all . V. 1 2.] Both riches anJ honour ccrae of chec, , and thou rei^neft over all, and in thine hand is power, and mijht, &c. V^^ 3-] Nowtberefore, our God, we thank thee, and blefs thy glorious Ntme. 8 E^ib.j. 10,11. Nowunto him that is able CO do exceeding abundantly ab^ve all that we can ask or think, according to the power that workttb in us^ V.xi.] Unto hioibegloty in the Church of Chrift J efus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. Lw^.ii.x 3. It we then being evil know how to give good £;if:$ unto oul children, how much more fliall yotir heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him. •" z Chr.zo.6. II. AndfaiJ, O Lord God of oar fathers, art not thou God in heaven ? and rulefV not thou over all the Kingdoms of the heathen.' and in thine hartd is there not power and mighr, h that none is able to witbftsnd thee ? ■ V. 11,] B:hold I fiyliow they reward us, tocometocaft usoutof the poflcffion which thou halt given UJ to inherit. ' 1^^.14.11. And Afa cryed unro the Lord his God, and faid, Lord, it is nothing with thee to hcip; v*htthcr w'th msny, or with the no that have no power. Help us, O Lord out Gcd, for we reft 00 thee, snd in thy Name we go out acairft this multitude. O Lord, thou art our God, let not man prevail againft thee. ^ i ^or. 14. 16. Alfo when thou fhsit blefT: with the Spirit, how fhall he that occupieth the rocm of the u.'iiesriicd fay Amen at thy giving of thanks, feeing he undetftandeth not what thou faycft? Rev.it.rOyii. He which tcftifi- sththefc things, faith. Surely I come quickly. Amen. Evcnfo, come Loidjclus. V.zi.Q Ths- ^raccof our Lord Jcfus Chrift be with you all. AMEN. FI 3^1 S. 41 liiij The Humble ^ ADVICE of the ASSEMBLIE O F DIVINES Now by Authority of PARLIAMENT Sifting at WES T M I N S T E ^l Concerning ^ Shorter Catechifme : 2 Withthef roofs thereof at lar^e out of the Scriptures. m> m }^ 'm Prefcntcd by them lately to both Houfcs of PARLIAMENT. m ■^ 41 L N T> O N , Printed by A, Maxey for ^'vhn Rothrvell at the Fountain in Gold- Smiths Row in Chtap-fide^ 1658. Die Lm^ i$,S.'pte!nki60, T is this d.iy Ordered by the Lords and Com- mons in Parliament afTembled , That this .Shorter Catechifme be forthwith Printed and Publifiied, wherein M^- H'jvy thorough 3,ni Mr Ado- niram Byfield^ Scribes of the AlTembly of Divines, arc required to ufe all po(sible care and diligence, that it be from time to time faithfully and exadly done : and. for preventing of all abuft therein ; It is further Ordered, That no petfon what(bever, do prefume to Print, or Reprint the fame in any Vo- lume, butonelyfuch as fliall be appointed and au- thorized thereunto by the (aid Scribes. And that no perfbnor perfbns, fhall prefume to fell, barter, or any way to Ipread or convey any Book or Copies of the faid Catechifine, Printed without the appoint- ment afore(aid, upon pain of forfeiture of the whole Imprefsion, if any fuch be Co Printed ,• and of all fuch Books or Copies thereof, as fliall be offered to fale, bartering, or be any other way es fpread; and all and every perion offending in any of the premi- les, to be liable to fuch farther punifhment, as the con- tempt of an Ordinance of Parliament fhall deferve, provided that this reiiri^lion of Printing fhall con- tinue for one whole year, and no longer., I ^o/Brown ClericParliamentomm,,. I H.ElfyitgeCltr.Parl, D.Com, ('^r T O T H E IG HT HO 2i O'^A'BLE THE LORDS and COMMONS Aflembled m^ PARLIAMENT: The Humble Advice of the ASSEM'BLr of VIVIU^SS y Sitting at Westminster: \ Concerning (t// Shorter Catechlfme. Queft.*^ >|[^ ^Hat is the chief end of Man <: Anfw, Man's chief end is to glori- W fie God \ and to enjoy him for ever ^ tVef 'hieforc' y^dr cverycdojdoallro [he glory of GdJ. Kow.n.jfi. Fjr oE Him, and throujh Hioi, and toHim arc all things, to whom be ^lory for ever, A-nen^ ^ Pfal.Ji.x y. Whom hsve I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that 1 defireb.-fiJesthie. V.i^.] My flc(h and my heart failech, but God is the ftrcnjih of my heart aad my portion for ever. Vz/.] For lo they that are farfrom'thec ftiall perirti, thou haft deftroyed all them that go a whoring from thee. V. i8. ] Bit it is good for 19c; £0 draw nccr CO Go j| 1 have put my truft in the Lord God, thaci may declare all th/ woiks. ( Li6] \ Q^ what rule hdth Cod given to elireSi m how went Ay' olorijie and enjoy him r* A, The Word of God ( which is contained in the « 2 rm.i.i6. All Scriptures of the Old and New Teftament ^) is the Scripture is {ivcn by oncly ruk to dir.e(5l us how we may glorifie and enjoy infpiration (of God , i . j «nd is profitable foe"*"* ' doSrine, for reproof, for correftion, for infttuftlon in rijhteoufncfs. Epb. 2.10. And are built upon the foundation of the -A poftles and Prophets. Jelus Chrift hioifclf being the chief Corner-flone. ^ 1 ^ob.i.i. Tbac which we have feen and heard, declare wc unto you, that ye alfo may have fcUowfliip with us and truly our fellowrtiip is with the Father, and with his Son Jcfus Cbrift. V.4.] And thefe things write we tmto youj that your joy may be full. Q. ffhat do the Scriptures principally teach > A, The Scriptures principally teach, wnat man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires « 1 Tim. 1. 1 3. Hold of man *^. faft the iorm of found words which thou baft heard of me, in faitbj and loid which is in Chrift Jefus. x Tm.i.i 6, Viit [upra. Q^ what is God} f^oha^.i^. God is a A. God is a Spirit^. Infinite s. Eternal^, and Un- wSw 'h'^ '^'^ ^''^ changeable S in his Being \ Wifdom^, Power "^j Ho-, wor/hiphirinSpiJiclinefs", JufticCjfGoodnefs and Truth". and in truth, s fib 31.7. Canft thcu by fearching find out God.' canft thou find out the Almighty unto perfcftion ? rv.8.] It is as high as heaven what canft thou do ? deeper then helljwhat canft thou know? V.9.] ,Tfae mcafure thereof is longer then the earth, and broader then the fca. ^ Pfdgo.z. Bifore the mountains were brcujhc forth, or ever thou hadft formed the earth and the world, even from evcrlaft- ingjto everlafting, thou art God. ' fam.1.17. Every good and perfed gift isfrom above, and Cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom th Exoi. 1^.6. And the Lord palTcd before him and proclaimed the Lord, the Lord God merciful and gracious, iong-fuffiring, and abundant in goodncfs and truth. V,7 ] Keeping mercy for thoufands, forgiving iniquity) and tranfgreflion and fin} and that will by no means clear the guilty, vifiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upan th: childrens chiUrenj unio the third and fourth gentration. Q,// > Z9V created J by finning againlt God^ 'Cen.j.^. AndwhAi the woman fawchac rhe tree was good for food, etnd that it was pleafanr co the eyes, and a tree to be defired to make one wife ; Ihc tock of the fruit thereof and did eat, and garc alfo to ber husband with her? and he did cat. V.7.1 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they fe^ved fig-leaves ipjethcr and made thcmfelves jprons. V. 8.3 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife bid themfdves from the pafcncc of the Lord G:d,amongft the trees of the garden; Vi J.] And the Lord God faid unto the woman, what is this thfit thou hail done ? andthe woman faid, the ierpent beguiled me, and 1 did eat. Ecclef, 7.19X0 this onely have I foundj that Goti bath made man upright; but tiiey have fought out many inventions. Q. What isfm <: "> i i^fe. ?. 4- Who- ^.Sin is any want of conformity unto, or tranfgrcflfi- 'Z^^tt t on 01 the Law of God ^ law, for fm is the ^raofgc((ionofcbeUw< Q^ What was the (in rvherehj etirfrfi Parents fdl from the efiate^wherein they mre created ^ ^. The fin whereby our firft parents fell from the ftate, wherein they were created, was their eating the for- bidden fruit ^ ' Gen.i\6. videfapra, V. iz] The wo- man which thou ga7:ft to be with me } (he gave me of the tree and I did cat. Q^ Bid all mankind fall in Adams firft tranfgref- fon >* A, The Covenant being made with Adam not only for himfelf, but for his pofterity, all mankind defcending from him by ordinary generation, finned in him, and 'j^^f'td* G^'d co"*^ fell with him in h"s firft [tranfgrelTion ^. mande°d th • man' fil- ing, of every tree of ibe garden thou mayft freely cat, V.17.J But of the treeof knowledge of eocd and evil, tbou (halt no: eat of ir, for in- the day thou eattft tberof thou (halt furely die. Km. j.ii. VVherefors as by one manfin entred into the worldj and death by fin, and fo death palTed upon all men fcr that allLjivefinriei. iCor.iy.ii. For fince by man came death, by man alfo came the tefurrcftionof the jdcad. y,2z.] For as in Adam all die, Co in Cbriil fliall sll be made aliye. Q. Into what eft ale did the fall bring mankind ? e^. The Fall brought mankind intoaneftatcof fin '^<''». <» iz. vide and mifery % ^"^"'' Q^ Wherein conftjls the pnfulne[s of that eflate t^here- hto man fell •* B o//.The [103 A. The fiafulnefs of that cftate whereinto man fell, confifts in the gu'k of Adams firft fin, ihe want of Ori- . ginal righteoufncfs , and the corruption of his whole J%h.'xl^h^\ you naf^ie, which is coninionly called original fin, together hath he quickinad With all adtual tranfgreffions which proceed from it ^. who were dead ia trefpafles and fins. V. 2.] Wherein in tiaiJs paft yc walked according to the coarfe of this world according to the Prince of the power of the air, thefpiric that now worketh in the children of difcbtdiirnce. V.j.] Among whom alio we a!l had cur cony:rfacion in timts pjft, in the iufts of our fl:/hfu:fillinj thcdcfiresofthcfleni, and of the mindjand were by nature children of wrath events 0^ thcrs. lam.x. 14. But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own luft, and imiced. y. I y.] Tben when luft hath conceived it brings forth fin, and lin when it is finiflisd bringeth forth deatb.iWrft.iy.rp.Foroutof ihe heart proceed cvii thoughts, murthers, adulteries, fornica:ions, thcftj, «llc witneis, blafphcmirs. Q. What is the mi/en of th^t effate wherelnto maf% fellf A, All mankind by their Fall, loft communion with '%^"'h'^* Adam God ?j arc under his wrath and curie ''^ and fo made t'hemfcivc's from l^he ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^' miferies in this life , to death it felf , prefence of the Lord and CO the pains of hell for ever \ God amonjft the trees of the garden, v. 1 0.] And be faid, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, becau[e I was naked, and I hid my ff if. V.24.] So he drove out the man, and he placed at the end of tae garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming fword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life. ^ ^ Epb.z.ii.vil fupn. G thou art my Son to day have I begotten thee. As he faith alfa in Mother pli:e V.6.] ThouartaPiieftforcvcr after the order of Mclchizeieck. V.7.] Who ia thcdayesof hisflefli, whenhe had offered up prayers and fupplica-.ions with ftronj crying; and tears unto hitn who is able to favc him from dcathj and was heard in that he feared. F[il.z.6: Yet have I fet my King upon my holy hill of Sion. Ifa.^.6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government (hall be upon his ihoulders, and his nam; fhall be caUcd Wonderful, CounCeJior, the mighty God, tliceverlafting Father, the Princs of peace. V.7.I Ot his go Fcrnmcnt and peace . there {hall be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his Kingdom to order i' and to eftabliflj it with judgment and jufticCi from henceforth even for ever,th€ zeal of the Lord of hofis will perform this. Miit.zi.^. Tell ye the daughter of Sion behold thy King cornsth unto thee,meek and fitting upon an afs and a colt the foal of an afs. Pfd. 1.8. Ask of me and I will give thee the Heathen for thine inhe- ritance and the uttermoft parts of tlie earth for thy poffefTion, thou Ihalt break them with a rod oi iron, thou (halt dadithtm in picc:s like a Potters vefl":!. V.io."] B: wife now therefore, oh ye Kings, be inftrudcd ye Judges of thi earth. V.u.] 5'crve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Q^ Horn doth Chrift exemte the office of a Pro^ fhet f ^.Chrift executed the office of a Propliet, in'revelc- Lth*f«nGo'?:r, i"g '° "5 by his word and Stirit the will of God for time, the onely begot- OUr falvation "► ten Son which is in thebofom of the Father, he hath declared him. i Pet. 1. 10. Of which falvation the Prophets have enquired, and fcarched diligently, who propbeficd of the grace that ihould come unto you. V. 1 1 .] Searching what, or what minner of time the Spirit of Chrift, which was in them did fignifie, when it teflificd before-hand the fuff:rings of Chrift? and the glory which ihould follow. V. 12.] Unto whom it was reveled, that not unto themfclvts, but unto us they did minifter the things, which are now reported unto you, by them that have preached the Gofpe! unto you, with the Holy Gboft fcnt down from heaven, which things the Angels dcfire to look into. ^ob. i j.15. Henceforth I call you notfervancs, for the Cervanc know^th not what his Lord doth , but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. fob. lo. jt. Thcfe thingsarc written, that you might beliiCvcthxtJerus is the Chrift, the i'on v>f God, and that believ- ing you might have life through his name. Q^ How doth chrijlexcctiie the office of a Friejl ? A, Chri{t executeth the oftice of a Prieft *mh, 9. 14. Hew in his once offering up of himfelf a facrifice to fatis- rooSorchdft"„t fie divine Juftice *, and- reconcile us to God--, and thorough the eternal Spirit off>:red himfdf without (pot to God, purfc your confcieaccs from dead works to ferve the Ihing God. V.18.] $0 Chrift was once offered to bear the fins of m: A, Chrift execurech the Office of a King , in Tub- duing us tohimfelf ^5 in rulings, and defending us^.'^^.i^m- Simeon and reftr lining and conquering all his and our cne- J,';^ z,'tTL^°6\A mieS^. vific the Gentiles to take out of them a ptople for his name. V. i?.] And to this ajree the words of the Prophets as it is written. _V. i6.] Afcer this I will return and build ajain the tabernacle of David,which is fallen down and I will build again the luines thereoi and I wilffet f t up. => Z/i.gj.zi. The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our Law-j{ver,thc Lord is our King, he will favc os. ^ l(a. } i.i . B:hoU a King flisl! reign in righ- teoufncrs,and Princes fliall rule in.'judgment. V.i.] And a man fliall be as an biding pl:'cc fro-n the wind, and a covert from the tenipeft, as rivers of waters in a dry place, as the (hadow of a rock in a wea- ry land. 'I Com J. 15. For he muft rcijn.till he hath put all enemies under his feet.F/. 1 1 o.throu^hout. Q^herein cUdChr'iJls humiliation cofjjifl i "* A. Chrifts humiliation confifted in his being born , and that in a low condition '^5 made under the law % un- dergoing the miferics of this life ^, the wrath of God s, ''^"^•^/'hh^i ft*^ and the curfed death of the crofs ^\ in being buried '^ and bSon^an i wrapped continuing under the power of death for a time '^. him in fwadiin^- clothes and laid him In a manger, becaufe there was no room for them in the Inne. « G4/.4-4- ^"'^ ^^^^ .^^^ fulncfs of time wascomfj God fcnt forth his Son made of a woman? made under the law. * Hco.ii.i. Lntkingunto Jefus the author and finiihcr of our faih, who for the jay ihi: was let before bim, en- dured the crofs, defpifingthefhatnc, and tsfetdowna: the ri-^^ht hjnd of the throne of God. ^-S-l Fjr confider him that endured fu:h contradiction of finners jgainft himfelf, left yc be wearied and fainc in your mindes. 7/i.5j.i.For he fliall grow up before him as a tender p'.anc, and as 4 root out of a dry |r.)und, he hath no form nor comlinefs, and when we (hsU fee him there is no beimy that we (hculd t.e- fiicliitn. V-'j.] Heisdefpifed and rejeftcd of men, a man of forrows and acquainted with giicfs, and we hid as «t were our faces from him, he was dcfpifed and vyc eftecmed him nor. = Lh^.i 1.44. And being in an sgony he prayed mere carncftly, and his f.veac was as it were great drops of blood fall'ng i-'owp. ;o t';e ground. Wilt. 17.46. And about the ninth hour ):fus cryed with a loud voice, lay" iug, ELI ELI LAMM A SABACTHAHli that is to fay, My GoJ,my G )d, vrhy haft thou fonilcen m?. ? '■ Phil. 1.9. And b-inj found infafliion as a man, he burbled himfelf, and b'came obedient unto death, even the death of the crofs. ' 1 Cor. 15^4. And he wss buried, and that he role again the third d?y according to the Scriptures. '' M,it. 1.40. As Jonas was;three djyes and three nighis in the whales belly, fo (ball the Son of manb: three daycs and three nights in the heart of the canb. A^. 2.14,15,16,1?. — ji. V.14.] Whom God hath raifed having loofcd the p".ins of death, bcciu'.e ic w3snotpoflrib!ethr.t hcfhouldbrhold nof it. V i^] For David fpeaketh concerning him, I forc- f.iwthe Lord alwayes before my face, for he is on my viv;ht hand, tk?: I lh-iu!ii not he moved. V. iC] Th^refcrediJ my heart rejoice, and my tong wssglsd ; moreover alio my fltfli Crll rdl in h pc.V. \7l^ B'caufetbou wilt not leave my foul in heJl, neither wile thou fuft'.r ihinr ho'y 0:ic w Ue corrup-iml^^ V.} i-lHefeeirg this before fpakc of the rcfurre^icn of Chrift, that his foul was no: kf: in ieil, nci'- :hcrdid bisflclh fee corrupuoa. Q^'hcre- Q^ wherein confi[leth Chrifts Exaltation ? A, Chrifts Exaltation confifteth in his rlfing again ucor. i^. 4. And ft"om the dead on the third day', in afcending up into thac he was buried and hcaveo "^j in fitting at the right hand of God the Fa- ^"dXtSsto 'her ", and in coming to judge the world at the laft the Scriptures. "Mer^ day % 16.19. So then after the Lord had fpokcn to tbem , he was reccivtd up into heaven, and fate on the right hand of God.. " Epb.i.io. Which he wrought in Chrift when he raifed him from thedc3d,andicthimachisown right hand in the heavenly places. « ASi.i.ii. Which alfofaic'jyemcn of Galile?, why Ihndye gszing up into heaven, this fame Jcfus which is taken up from you into heaven, (hall fo come in like in3nncr,3S ye have fcen him go into heaven. Chap. 17.V. 31. Ho hath appointed a day,in the which be (hall judge the world in ri^hteoufncfs, by that man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath givea iflurancc unto all men in thst he hath raifed him from the dead. Q. Horv are we made partakers of the Rede?n^tt en fur' chafed by chrifi ? . , A. We are made partakers of the Redemption pur- v.ii.] Hecliieun: chafcd by Chrift, by theeffeaual apphcation of it to to his own, and his US p, by his holy Spirit % own received him nor. V.ii.] But as many as teceiycd him, to them gave he power to become the Sans of God, even to them that believe on his name. 1 Th.^.^yf. V.?.] Notby works of righteoufncrs which we have cone, but accordin J to his mercy he faved us by the wafhing of rcgen eration, and renewing of the hcly Ghoft. y.tJ.] Which he fhed on us abundantly through Jefus Chrift our Saviour. Q, TJow doth the Sprit apply to m the Redemption purchased by Chrift < A. The Spirit applieth to us the Redemption pur- ' Ep'-c/'.i.ij, 1^. chafed by Chrift by working faith inus"^, and thereby l\!uVd".tX uniting us to Chrift, in our effeaual Calling '. ye heard the word of truth, the Gofpel of your falvation ; in whom alfo after that ye believed, ye w«re fcaled with that holy Spirit of proaiiCe. V. 14. ] Which is an earneft of our inheritance uniill the redemption of the purchafcdpoffifllonunto the praifc of his glory. ,f 0^.6.37,59/ V.37.3 All that the Father giverh mefliallcomcuntorae, andhiovthiccomethto me, I will in no wife caft out. V. 39.] And this is the Fathers will which hath fent me, th jc of all which he ha:h given, I (hould lofe nothing, bu: fhould raife it again at the laft day. EpS i.3. By grace ye are favcd through faith,and that not of your felvei, it is the gift of Gad. ^ E/fe.3.17. That Chrift may dwell in your hearts by faith, that ye being rooted and grounded in love, i 6'or. i .9, God is faithful by whom ye were called unto the fellow- ship of his Son Jefus Chrift our Lqrd. Qj'rhat [15] Q^ fvhat is effe^uxl Calling ^ ^. EfFe<5l:uali calling is the work of Gods Spine*, 'ir/n. r. p. who whereby, convincing us of our fin and mifery ", in- hath fr-.vd us and cai- Iightn:ng our minds in the knowledge of Chrift^ and [1^,"^';;;,^;,';^°^^^ renewing our wills", he doth perfwade and enable us to our^'works , burac- to embrace Jefus Chrift, freely offercdjiousin the Go- '^°'''^'"s ^° ^h own ^r*"' ^* which was given us in Cbrift J? fus before the world btgan. z ricjf.i3.i9. V.ij.] Bat we arc bound to give thanks alwaycs to God foryou brethren, beloved of the Lord, becjufcGjd hath from the bijinnlnj chofcn you to ftlvaaon through fanftificationof the Spirit and belief of the tru-.h. V.I4.T Whereuaro he hach called you by your Gofpel to the obtaining of the glory of the Lord Jefus Chrift. " ASi. 2. j/. Now when they heard this they were prick?d in tbeirficarcs, and faid unco Peter and to thercft of the Apoftlcs, cnen and brethren what fhall we do ? * ASl,i6.i9. To op;n their eyes and to turn them from daiknels to lighrj and from the power of Sitanunro Gad, that tdey miy receive forgivcnefs of fns and inheri- tance among th:m which are fandificd by faith that is in m:. '^ ^^.^k \<^>i6,i7. V.16.] A. new heart alfo will I jive youj and anew fpirit will I pat within you, and 1 will take away thei^ony heart out of your flefti, and I will jive you hearts of fl:fh. V.r/.] And I will put my Spiri: witlun youjand cjufcyoutowalkjnmy Ihtures, and ye flitll keep my jadjmints and do them. y ^oh.O. 44)4^- V.44.] N3mjncancoin:un:om:fxcep:thefa;h:r wiichhath lenc medraw him, and I willraifehimupacthelaftday. V.4J.] Asit is written in the Prophets, and they (hall be alltaushc of Gad, every mm therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the Father comsth unto cne. Phil, 2.1 3. For it is God that wotkcth in you,both(o will and to do of bis good pleafure. ^' Q^ ivhM benefits do they that are Effahtally Called par- take of, in this life ? A. They that arc efFcdlually called do in this life par- take of Juftification '5 Adoption % Sandification, and ^^^w. s.jo. Moreo- thefevcral benefits which in this life do either accompa- vej" jvhomhedid pre- ^ a C ^ ^\. u ^ deltinatc thrm he alfo ny or flow from them ^ called, and whom he called them he alio juftlfitd, and whom he juftlfifd,cheai he alfo glorified. =» Epb.i.^. Hiving orcdcftinsted us unto the adoption of children by Jcfus Chrift tohimfeUViCCording to the good pleafure of his will. *> i Cor. i.?o. Of him are ye in Chrift Jcfus who of Goi i$ made unto ui wii'dom, and rijhteourncrs, and fani^i&cacion, and r cdemption. Q^ PV^^at is ^uUijicAtion ^ ^.- Juftificacion is anacftof Gods free G;r.ice where- ,_ „ -, m nepardonethall our fins % and accepcech us as righ- i> ing j.irt.i,.d frcdv by hisgratc, through the redemption that is in Jcfus Chrift. V.xf . J VViiom God hath fct forth to be a propiciation through fai;h in his blood, to declare bis rrghtcoufnefi for che r';mi(fi:)n of fins th^c are paft, through the for- bearance of God. Row. 4. 6. Evenns Divid alfo dei'ctiberh rhe b!cir:dnei"s of the man unto whom GoJ imputeth righteoufnefs without works. V.7.] Saying bkiltd are they whoU' iniqji.ics arcforgi-- «n).and wbQfe fins m cpvcred. Y,8 .] Blefl'cd is the man to whom the Lord will not iaipute fin. tcous ''iCor.^.ip. Towit, teous in his fight ^^ onely for the rightcoufncfs of Chrift^ccopdiin ^h" Chrift imputcd to US % and received by Faith alone f. ivorld unto himielf> nocimpatinz their trcfpaffcs unto them, and hath committed to us the word of reconciliation. V.ii.^ For he hach made him to be fin for us, who knew no fi.i j r'lat we might be made the rijhcecuf- ntfs of God in him. * Rom.<;.7. For if by one mans oflT^nce, death rcijncd, by one much morc» they which receive sijundancc of grace and of thcgifcof ri^htvoafncfs, ihall reign in life by one Jcfus Cbrift. V.18.3 Therefore, as by the off.'ncccf oncj judgement csme upon alt men unto condetnna- tlonj even fo by the rightfournefs of one, the free gift c«me upon all men unto juftifica:ion of life. V. ! 9 .3 As by one mms difobedisnce many wtrc msdc finners : fo by the obedience of one (hall many be made righteous. ^ G4/.z.i6. Knowing t-'St man is not juftificd by the works of the law, but fcy the faich of Jcfus Chrift, even we have believed in Jclus Chrift, that we might be juftifijd by the faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the law, for by the works of the law ftiailno 6e(hb: juftificd. PW/ J.9. And be found in him, not having mine ovin righteoufnefs which is ef the law, but thje which is through the faith cf Cfariftj the rightcaul'ntfs which is of God by faith. Qi what is Adoption f A' Adoption is ana<5lof Gods free grace s^ wherc- s I ^ohn I. Behold ^y ^^^ ^^^ rcccivcd into the number , and have a right to what manner of love all the privilcdgCS of thc fonS of God^ the Father hath be- ftowed upon us, chat we (hould be called the Tons of God, therefore the world knoweth us not, bf csufe itknewhim not. '' i^oh.iz. As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the fons of God, eventothem that believe on his name. Row.8.17. And if children j then hdrs , heirs of God and joinc-beirs with Chrift, if fo be we fuffcr with him, that we may be glorified alfo together. ■^ Q^ fvhat is Sanctijication ? A. Sandificaiion is the work of Gods free grace ', '^irbeff. z.ij. Goi whereby we are renewed in the whole man after thc hath from thc begin- ■ ^^ q^^ k ^^^^ ^^c enabled morc and more to die mng cholen you to d , .• - 1 r r 1 faUation through fan- unto fin, and Iive unto righteouinels % fiification of the Spi- rit and thc belief of the truth. ^ Epb.i.i^. And be renewed in the Spirit of your mind. V.14.'] And that ye put on that new man which after God is created in righteoufnefs and true holinefs. • Kow.6.4. Therefore we are buried with him by baptifm into death, that like as Chrift was raifcd up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even fo we alCo Ihould walk in ncwncfs of life. V.6.] Know- ing this that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of fin mi^ht be deftroycd, that hence- forth we (hould not fcrve fin. Rom.?. I. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which arc in Cbrift Jcfus, who walk not after the ff e(h, but after the Spirit. Q^ IVhai are the benefits rvhich in this life do ac^ company or flow from ifnflijic alien ^ Adoption^ and San-^ ^if cat ion i A, The benefits which in this life do accompany or flow from Juilificatton, Adoption, and San(5tiiicacion arc Ct73 arc affunincc of Gods love, peace of confcicncc »", m r^^^,^ i.Th A. The fouls of believers are at their death made perfeif^ in holinets"^, and do immediately palTe into glo- rys and their bodies being ft ill united to Chrift f, &0 T^^Z'.'liJ^, reft in their graves ^5 cm the refurrc^ion ". and Chmch of the firft-born which at« written in htaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the fpirlti of juft men trade perfed. ' i C«t. 5.1. For we know that if our csrtbly houfeof this tabernacle were dilTolved, v\ehavea building of God, an boufe not made with hands, ct and wor(hi;p:d and ferved the creatures more then the Creator^ who is bleiTcd for ever, /Vmen* V.i6.] For this caufe God save them up unco vile aff.ftlonsjjor even cheicwomea did chans(the. natural afc into that which is a^ainft nature. Q^ fVhaf are we efpecUllj tattgh by thefe words [before mt]inthe jirfl Commandments A» Thefe words before mCy in the firft Command- ment, teach us, that God who feech all things, takcth- oETireks f iotheend, ^^^^^^ o^ ^nd is much difpleafcd with the fin of having *p/4/. 44. io, II . But any other God °. if we have forgotten thenameofourGodjOrftcetchedoucourhandstoaHrangcGodj; V.it.] Shall not God fearch this out ^ for hekaoweihcherccret^of the heart. . .' Q. Which is the fecond Commandment <: A, The fecond Commandment is [^Thott /halt not' make nnto thee an'j graven imtge^ or anj Ukenefs of anj thing that is in heaven above ^ ^r that is in the earth be- math, or that is in thi water t*nder the earth •, thot* jhalt not- borv down thy f elf to them mrferve them: for I the Lord thy Go^Am a jealoffi Godviftting the iniquity of thi fathers upon thechildren^untothe third and fourth generation of them- pi&scii 10 '6- ^^^f ^^^^ f^^ \ and jh swing mercy f*^t9 thousands ^ of !. '4* i ' them that hve ms ,and keep my Commandments p.] Q. Wh At is required in the fecond Commandment ? 4* The fccond Commandment requireth, the receiv- ing, obfcrving, and keeping pure and entire, all fuch reli- gious worfliip and Ordinances as God hath appointed „ ^ , m his word % And hefaidunto them. Sec yaur heaves unro all the words which I teftific amonj; you this day* which ye {hall command your chil- dren to obfervc to do all the words of this law. Mxt.iZ.io- Teaching them to obfcrTc all things what- roeverlhavc commanded you j and lolam withyou alway uato the end of the world. A^. i. 4>. And they continued iledfaftly in the Apofties dodrinr, and fcUowlhip, and in breaking of bicad^and in praycrj- Q^What is ferBidden in the fecond Commandment i A, The fecond Commandment forbiddeth the wor- fliipping of God by Images % or any other way, not ap- pointed in his word ^. ' Vcut. 4. i r , 1 6, 17; 18, 19. Tskc ye therefore good heed unto your fclves (for ye faw no manner of fimilitude on the day that the Lord fpake unto you in Horeb, out of the raidfl of the fie) V. 1 6. Left you corrupc y cut ftlves, and make you a graven Ima^e, the limiiituie of any figure, the likenefs of male or female. V. 17.3 The likenefs of any bcaft that is on the earth, the likenefs of any winged fowl thst flieth in the air. V.18.} The likenefs of any thing that creepeth on the ground , the likenefs tf any filhthatis in the waters beneath the earh. Ver. 19. ] And lift thou lift up thint eyes uato heaven, and when thoufeeftthe Sun, Moon, and Starres, even all the hoft of heaven, (houldeft be driven to wor- ftiipthem, and {erve them, which the Lord God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven. Exoi.ji.5— 8, And when Aaron fawithcbuiic aa Altarbefjre ir, and Aaron made proclatnaiion , andfaid, To morrow is a fcaft to theLord.— r— V.8.3 They have turncs afide quickly out cf the way which I commanded them ; th:y have made them a mohen calf, and have worfhipped it, andba/e fscrificed thereunto, and faid,Thefe be thy Gods, Olfrael, which have broaghc thee up ourofthelandof Ejypr. ^Pf«Mz.ji,}i.Thou(hilt not do fo unto the Lord thy God.for every ibo- mpination to the Lord which he hatethjhave they done un o their jcdsifor even their fons and their daBjb- tcrs have they burnt in the fire to their gods. V. j* ] VVhatfocver I command you, obfcrvc loco; thou (halt not adde thereto, nor dimiaifti trom ict Q^ what are the Reafons annexed to the fecond Com- mandment i A, The Reafons annexed to the fecond Command- ment arc, Gods loveraignry over us', his property in us ", and his zeal he hath to his own worfliip '* . 'P/i/.95.i.?.6. Lee * us come before his prefenccwith tbanki- jiving, andmakea ioiful noifc unro him with Pi'alms. V. ?.] FortheLord is a great G d, anda jrcat King above .ill Gods. V.6.3 O come let us worfliip and bow down, lee us knetl before the lord our maker. "T/i/. 4T-it. So&iiU the King greatly dcfic thy bfsuty, for he is thy Lord and >7or- fl)ipthouhim. * Hxd. ^4. 1^,14. Ba: ye fliall deilroy their j^ltirs bresk their images, snd cut down their groves. V.14.] Fjr thou ihalt worfliip no oiher GoJ, fjt the Lo:d wbofc nact; is Jca* lous) is a jealous God. ^ Qt which is the third Commandment t [2^ A, ^Thc third Commandmem is, Thou fi)dt not uke ihc fjame of the Lord thy God in vain : for the Lord will mt hold him guihlefs^ that tAketh hi6 name in ^Exod.10.7, '^'^^'-'^'• Q. What is required in the third Commandment >: A.Tht third CommandeQient requireth the holy ,^^^^^.^j..^,j,j5. ^d/. J.i iji4.For from therifingof the San even unto the going down of the fame, my name (hall «ejreac among the Gentilej, indin every plf.ce inccnfe ftiall be cff;red unco my nsme, and a pure ciFerlng, for rr.y name (liall be creac snaong the bjathcn,faiththe Lordofhofts. V,i4.] Butcurfcd be th: dtceiver thathathin his flock a malcjand vowtth and facrificcth unco ihe Lord acorrup: tbingjfor I am e great King faith,-hc Lord of hoflsjand my name is dreadful among the heathen. "Pfd. 1 3 8.1. 2.I will prsiie thee with my whole heart, before the gods will I ling praiie unto ibee. V. 2,,] I will worOiip towards thy hcly Temple, and praifechy nsme for thy iovingkihdnefs, and for thy truth j for thou haft magnified thy word above all thy nsme. ^ ,7c& 36. 24. Remember that thou "ma^nific his work, which men behold. Q. what is forbidden in the third Commandment' i^' ' A, The third Commandment Forbiddeth allpro- eWi/.i.6, 7---IX. fanin^or abufin^ of anv thin^, whereby God maketh A fon honourerh his , . p°p , p -' ° -^ father, snd a fervant nimleli: knOWn ^ hisMafter. If then I bcafjthtrjwhereisminshonor ? and if Ibcamaftjr, wbeteis my fsar, faith the Lord cfHofts ant? you, O Piicits, thstdcfpifc my Nime ? snd ye fay. Wherein hivt \vc defpifed thy N-ime ? V.7.] Ye offer poUii'ed bread upon mine A':ar j and ye fay, Waercin have we polluted thee? in th!»t ye fay, The table of the Lord is conn-mptible. V. u.] But ye have profaned it, in that ye fay, the Table of the Lord is pollute!, ?nd the fruic thereof, even his wheat is contemptible. Chsp.i.v.i. It you will nothear , and if you wil! not'ay ic tohtertto give glory to myNaue, faith the Lord cf faoils , I will even fend a cuifs upon you, and will curfe yi'Ur blefii :gs, yea I have curied them already, bicaufe ye do not lay it to heart. Chap.?. 14. Yi have fsid, It is vain to fervc God i and what ptQfit is it that we have kepc his ortUnanccs and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of Q^ What is the Reafon annexed to the third Command- went < A, The Reafon annexed to the third Commanditicnt • '• is. Is, that fiovvever the breakers of this Commmdmcnt miy efcape punifliment from men , yet the Lord our God will not fuffer them to cfcape his righteous judg- ment^, 't sm , 7 '. T t. — 1 7 ." ——11. — 14. Now the fonjofEli were fons of Belial j they knew not tbe Lord V.i?.] Whtrctorc the fin oi the young tnsn nvis very grea: before the Lord j for men abhorred the oft:ring of -he Lord V.ii.l Now Eli was very old , and heard all that his fons ii\ unto all ifrael, and how they lay with the women thacaffsmblcda: thcdoorof thcTf.bernacleofthe Congregaticn.— — — V.z40 Nay, my fons, for it is no good report that 1 hear i yem^kc the Lords people to.tranfjrefs. iSam.iAi.^ Fotlhavs toid bim that I will judge his buufe for ever, for the iniquity which he knoweth j becauie his fons made themfelvcsvile, and herettrainedthemnot. OcMt; 18.53,59. See in letter [y] V.59I Then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the pls^uss of thy feed e/en great pbguesj and of long continuance, and fore fickntfTesi and of long continuance. Q, jvhich is the fourth Commandement < A. The fourth Commandement is, [ Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy : fix dayes JJ)alt thou labour and do all thy worke : but thefevemh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : iri it thou [halt riot do any work^ thon^nsr thy fon^ mr thy daughter, tkyman-fervant , nor thy maid-fer- vant^ nor thy cattel^nor thy granger that is within thy gates : for in fix dayes the Lordmade heaven and earth, the [ea^and all that in them is ^ and refled the [event h day '^ wherefore the Lord bleffed the Sabbath day^and hallowedit ^,~\ 3Exfli/.io.3j9,io,u Q^ whit is require din the fourth Commandment •* W- A, The fourth Commandment requircth the keeping holy to God, fuch fet time as he hath appointed in his Word 5 exprcfly,one whole d§y in feven , to be a holy Sabbath unto the Lord '\ , ^ Kftp thcSabba hday to fanSifie ir, as th: Lord t'.-.y God hath commanded tbee. V.M-^Si^cdayfs (hair thou labour, and d 1 alithywork. V.14.] Bit th; feventhday is the S>bbath of thcLord thy God ) in it thou /liskrocdo any woik, thou, nor thy ion, nor d.y daughifr, northy oian-fcrvant, no:tiiy maidfcrvsnt, nor thine ex, nor thine aiVc. nor any of thy cattd, nor thy ftrangcr ttat is within thy gacci, that thy man-rervanc t:vi thy tnaid-fcrvant may reft as well as t.'aou. Q^ which dij of the fe^jen hath God af pointed to bs the weekly Sahhath ■* A» From the beginning of the world to the Refur- recflion of Chrift, God hath appointed the feventh djy of the week to be $he weekly Sabbath: and the firfl day of/ 'Oin'i^ y ' A i ^^^^^ ^^^^> ^^^^ ^^"^^' ^^ continue to the end of the on chV revcnth day world, which is the Chriftian Sabbath '. Gccienc'e-i his work which be had wauc ; and he rcfted en tht feventh day from ail bis wcrfe which he made. V.g.] And God bleflcd the feventh day. and f'ndtfied it 5 bfcaufc that in it he rtftd frcm all his wo-k which God s, as alio wine, grapes, and fijjs , and all manner of burdens, which they b-ought into Jerufalemen tbeSibbath dayi and I teftified ajainft them in the day wherein they fold viftuals. V.16.] There dwelt men of Tyre alfo therein} which broujhc fi(h, and all manner of waresj and fold on thc Ssbbath (Jay unto the children of Judahjind in Jcrafalem. V.r?.] Then 1 contended with the Nobles of Judab, and fiid unto them, Whit evil thingis this that ye do, snd profane th<: Sibbath d»y ? V. 18.] Did notyour fatherstbus? anddidnot GoJ bringall this evil upon u^, and upon [bis City ? yrt ye bring more wrath lipon Ifrael by profaning the Sabbath. V.19.] Ard ic cjme to pjfl"; that when the gates of Jerufalcm began to be dark before the Sabbath, I commanded that the gates Hioald be fhur, and ch3rjed that they Ihould not be opened till after thc 5"ibbath ; and Tome of uiv lcrvan;s I fct at the gates, thic tfcerc (hould be no burden brought in on thc Sibbath day. V.ii.] Then t:ftifi;d I againft them, faying, Why lodgc^e about thc wall? Ifyedofo again, 1 will lay hanJson you. From that time forth came thty romorc on the Sabbath. V.ir.] And I coirmandcd th: Levitts that rheyChould dearie thfmrelvfs, and come and k:ep thc gates, to fardific thc Sabbarb. Reraembfrmej O my God, concerrsing rhis tlfo, &c. "' Lu}{e^.i(\ Ar.d he came to N'Z '-rcth where he had been brought ip, and i% his cuftom; wasjhc went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day, and ftoodup for to reai. ASi. 10.7. And upon the firfi day of thc week, &c. See letter [.'3 P/ A Pfalra.or fong for rhs jiabbatb day. 1/4.66.1?. And itfhil! com: to p;ffc that frcm one new M ion to another, and fiom one i'ibbath to ano- ther, ftiall all flefh come to wctfliip before me, faich the Lird. "Wti.'i. fro!n ver.i. to ver. i 3. Attliattime Jefus wtnt onthcSjbbaihday throiix.bthecor!ijtindhisDifc!p ci were an hungreJ, and began to pluck the ears of coin and to eat. But T\bcn the Pi^itifecs, &c. Q . What are the fins forbidden in the fourth CommAnd- mint < I A, The fourth Commandment forbiddeth the o- miflion of careful performapcc of thc duties requi- red % red % and the profaning the day by idlcncfTc p, or doln^ " EickUi n.is. Uet that which is in it felf {infuH, or by unnecclTaiv ^"*,**' ^''! *''''''i , , 1 , , ^ 1 u • , ^ my law, and proianed thoughts, words, or works about our worldly imploy- mine ho^ things ; mcnts or recreations \ [^''f ^'"^ pi^'nodif- fcrcr.cs bftwccn the - , i.n- I t 1 , . holy and prftfjnc.net- ?her hare tbey (hewed difference between the unclean and clesn j they have hi J their eyes fiom my Sab- baths, and I am profaned amon| them. j4mosi.$. Saying, When will the New Mocn be fonc, thac we m»y (ell cornj and the Sabbath, chat wc may fet foith wheat ? making the Ephah fcna!!, ^n'^ the she- kel ^rfat.andfslfifying the balances by dfCeit.W^/.i.i 3. Yc laid a] fo, B;bo!t% what a wcarintfs is it ! and ye have ihufF.d at it, faith the Lord of bolls, j ani ycbrou8,ht that which « 3$ trrr.,ani thclame^and the fick; thus ye brought ancfFtring; Should I accept this cf your hand, l?.t:h the Lore' f ' PjiH. 10.7.— 9' And upon the firftdayofthe week, when the DJfciples came togcrlitrto breair hrrrd, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on tbemorrovr, and continued his fptech until midoif h'. V.9.] And there fate in a window a certain young wft\ named Eutychus, being fallen inro a deep flcepjindasPaulwas long preaching he funk down with deep, and fell down from the tfcirdlofr, and was taken up deaJ. ^lE^c^. 13. 3 8, Moreover, thus they have done to me, They have defiled my fan- auarvinthefarreday, and have prcfaned my Sabbaths. '^^'fr.i?. 24,1^, i6. And it fhall come topaffe ifye diligently hearken unto mr,f8i>h the Lord, to bring in no burden through the rates of this city on the Sabbath day, but hsUow the Sabbath day, to do no workth(riir. V.25.T Then fliall there enrerintothe gates of this City Kings and Princes frtingupon the throne of David, ri- ding in chariots and on hones, they and their Princes, the men of Judahand the inhabitants of Jerufa- 1cm J and this City (hall remain for ever. V.x6,] And they (hall come from the Citie of Judab, and from the places about Jerufalem» and from the land of Benjamin, and from the pisin, and /rem the mountains.and irom the South, bringing burnt-otferings and lacrific'cj, and tEeat-offtrinrs, and ini cenfe,and bringing facrificesof ptaifc unto the houfcof the Lord. j/^.^S.ij.lf thou tsrr* awiv thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy plcafure on my holy-day, and call the Sabbath adelirhr.the Holy of the Lord, honourable, and fliall hcnour him, not doing thine own waves, nor finding thine own plcafure, not fpeaking thine own words. * Q. ^^hat are the Reafom annexed to the fourth CcnL Tnanawem ? A, The Reafons annexed to the fourth Command- menc are, Gods allowing us fix dales of the week for our own imploimcnt^jhis challenging a fpecial property in the feventhjhis own example, and his blcfllng the Sabbath ^ ' diycs flijlt thcu la- , .T-j -e ' r i ' ^. , i , , ^°"'' snd do all thy work. » ExoL lo.T 1. For m lix daies the Lord made hea»en and earth, the fea, and all that in them is, a.id relied the fcvcn-h day j wherefore the Lord blefled tfce Sabbath-day and hallowed i:. Q^ what is the fifth Commdndment > \^d. The fifth Commandment is. [//^. The fifth Commandment requireth the' prefer ving the honour, and performing the duties, belonging to eve • » E^&.f.xT. Submit, ry One in their feveral places and relations, as fuperiors *, Sr[nr"<« inf"'"" % or equals y, ofGod. » I F«. i. »7. Hono««Umtn, Love the brotherhood. FearGod. Honour ne King, r Rom. iz. lo.B: kindly •ff«aioftcd one CO another > with brotherly love in honour preferrinj one another. Q^ what is fdrbidden in the fifth Commandmem i A, The fifth Commandment forbiddeth the negle- cting of, or doing any thing againft the honour and duty ^J^2ttA^ft^i°t ^^^^^ belongeth to every one in their feveral places and Honour ihyfather,*' rcIationS ^. mother) and he that eurfeth father or mother let him die the death. V. y.]But ye fay whofoever ftiall fay to his fachsr or his mother, it is a a jift by whatfoever thou mi^hteft be profited by me, V.6.] And honour not his father or his mother, he (hall befrec, thus have you made the Commandments of God of none cfF.d by your tradition. E^e^- ;4- i'>3>4> Son of man prophecy againft the (hepheardsof Ifrael { prophecy, snd fay unto them, Thus faich the Lord God unto the (hcphcards , wo be to the fhephcrds of Ii'rael,that io feed tbemfeUsj (hould not the (bcpherds feed the flocks ^ ^-i.l Ye eat the fat and cloatb yon with thewoohye kill them that are fed ; but ye feed no: the flock. V.4.]Tbedireafedhaveyenotftrength-' ned, nor have ye healed that which was fick, nor bound up that which w ^s broken^nor brought again thac which was driven away, nor fought that which was ioft,but with force and cruelty have yfc ruled tbem. X««.i].8. Offcnomanany cbing, buttolove one another : for be thac loveth anochcr bath fulfilled |h€ Law. CX^ivhAt is the Reafon annexed t& the fifth ccmmand- ment ? A. TheReafon annexed to the fifth Commandment, is a promife of long life and profpcrity , (as far as it fhali ferve for Gods glory, and their own good ) to all fuchjas iV(ut.^.\6, Honour keep this Commandment \. thy father and thy motherjas the Lord thy God hath commanded thee j that thy dales may be proloi^edjsnd that it may go •*tll with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Effe.6,a,3* Honour thy father and thy mother (which is the firft Commindmeni with promife,) V.j. That it may be well with thee, and. chou VMI&. live long on the earth. t \ Q^frhich is the fixth Commandments A, The lixth Commandment is, [_ Thou fk alt not Q^har [27] Q^ what is required in thefixth CommAndment f ^ A. The fixth Commandment requireth all lawful en- deavours to prcferve our own life ^ , and ihe life of o- thers"^. 'Ef^. 5.18, 191 So ou^bc men co ovc their own wives as their own fcodies. He that loveth his wife, loveth himfelf. V. 19] For no man ever hated his own flcflij but nouriflicth and cherilheth ir, even as the Lord the Church ? d i }Ss}ng. 1 8.4. For it was fo, when Jczcbcl cm oflf the Prophets of the Lord, chat Obadiah took an hundred Prophets, aind bid them by fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water. Q; What is forbidden in thefixth CommAndment ? A, Thefixth Commandment forbiddeth the taking away of our own life, or the life of our neighbour unju- . yf^.,6.is.But Paul ftly^ or whatfoevertendeth thereunto*^. cried with a loud voice fayin J, Do thy felf no harm for we are all here. Gtn.g.S, Who fo flieddeth mans bjood, by m»n fliall his blood be Ihed i for in thejoiage of God made be man. Q^ which is the fcventh Commandment i A, The fevcnth Commandment is [ Thou JJjAlt not commi t Adultery ^. ] ^ Exfli.io; 1 4i Q. what is required in the feventh CommAndment i -^. The Icventh Commandment requireth the prc- fervation of our own and our neighbors chaftity in heart, • » ^^^-J- J^ ^'f' ri_Jui-„ ° ^ XA—i^' Ncvettbe* fpecch and behaviour s. j\|j. ^ \^ avoid forni- cation, let every man have his own wife, and every woman her own husband. V. j.] Let the hnsb»n'°".^°^°"* tbeothcr, except it be with conlent for a time, that ye may jive. &c. V. 54. j x^''^ -'^ '^^""encc aU'o between a wife and a virgin j the unmarried woman carcth for the things of t^^ Lord, how^c msybehoiy, both in body and in fpiritj but (he that is married caretb for the thi"S*°*^ the world how flic may pleafe her husband V,j6.] But if any mm think thit he ^ehaveth fcimfclt uncomely toward his virgin, if (hcpafs the flower of hcr age, and need fo require, let ^^^\ ^^^ what he will i he finncth not j let them marry. Col.^,6. Let your fpeech bealwayes with ^ra^-^J fcifoned vtuh fait ; tha: yc may knew how ye ought to anfwcr every irian. i Tcf.j. t. While ^^^y betoid yoij? chafl converfation coupled with fear. Q^ fvhAt \s forbidden in the feventh CommAnde- ■mint i A. The feventh Commandment forbiddeth all D 2 iin- •C281 *^Man. j5. ,9. For unchaft thoughts , vi'ords'and adions^ out of the heart pro- ceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, falfewitnefs,— &c. AT^W.y.iS. Buc I fay uato you, that whofocver loukcch on a wooia.i to luft after hcr,hath commictcd adultery with her alrcaiyinhis heart. EpK^.gjf. Bu: fornication aad all undeannefs 5 or covetcoufnrfs, let it not beoncenamtdamonjft you, as becomcth Saints : V.4 3 Neither fiUhiijefs, nor foolilh talking, nor )cAin{, which arc nut convenient j but rather giving of thanks. Q. Whkh is the eighth Commindment i A. The eighth Commandment is^[_Th0uJhalf not 'Umd.io.i^, Jleal','] Q^. What is required in the eighth Command- ~~~~ went i A. The eighth Commandment requireth the lawful procuring, and furthering the wealth and outward eftatc ^gin:io,io. Foric o^ our fclves, and others''. Wjis little which thou badft before I came, and it is now encreafed unto a maUicade, an.io poj- .I many asareof ^the works of the law are under the curfc j fori: is written, Cuif:j is every one that coniinucth not in all things which are written in the book of the liw to do them. Lim.irq Where- fore doth a living man complain, a man for the puniftment of his fins. Max,\%.^\, Then (hall he alfo fay untothem on the left hand, depart from me yc curled, into ererlaftinj fire prepared fo- the D- lil and his angels. ' *' Q. What doth God require of us that rve may efcape his fvrath and curfe^ due to us for fm f A, To efcape the wrath and curfe of God due to us for (in, God requirethof us Faith in Jefus Chrift, rc- pcn. pentance unto life % with the diligent life of all the out- i VH Tft- ward means, whereby Chrift communicatcth to us the ^ Act. 10 Al, ICKl- _ r -n J -A f/ing both to the Dcnehts of Redemption ''. Jewesand alfo ro tht Gretksjrepenrancc tow?r^ God, and fauh toward our Lord Jefus Chrift. d Prov.iJ. My Ton if thou wilt receive my words, and bide sny cooimrindments with thee,. ani fo onto vsrf. 6. Chap.8. ver.jj.^ Hear iiiftruSion, and b: wife, and refaleic not — for fal - „, 3/^(^3,15. Go yc Vation "• therefore teach ail na- tions baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the fon» and of the holy Ghoft. V. lo.] Teaching them to oWcrvc aH things whatfoever Ibavc commanded you, and lo I am with you alway even unto the end ot the world, Amen. i/4ff.x.+t. 46,47. And tkey continued flffifaftly in the Apoftles doSane and fellowfliip,and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. V. 46.] And they continuing duly wi.h one aaord in the Temple, and breaking b:cad from houfc to hoafe, did cat their m:at with gladnels sni finglenefs of heart. V.47.] Praifing God and having fafouc with all the people. And tbc Lord added C9 tbc church daily fuch as Oiould be faved. Q^Hotv is the Wordmike effeHuxl to falvatlon f ^. The Spirit of God maketh the readings but efpe- cially the preaching of the word, an cffcdlual means oE convincing and converting finners, and of building them up in holinefs and comfort , through faith ^unto fal- ]^f^{^[^^ book^of vation". the law of God di- flinftly, and gave the fenfe, and caufcd them to underftand the reading. 1 C''^. 14.14. But if all propheli?, and there come in one that belifvcth nor, or one unlcarne-i. he is convinced of all, he is judged of al!. V. 15.] And thus are the fccrcts of his heart made maniftft, and fo filling down on his face he will wcrfliip God and report that God is in you of a truth: AH. 16.18. To open their eyes and to turn them from dsrkncfi to light, and from the power of Satan unto Gjd, that they may receive forgivenefs of fins, and inheritance among them which are fandified by faith that is in me. T/fl/. 19.8. The Itatutes of the Lord arc right, rejoicing the hearr, the commandment of th« Lord is pure, enli^htning tiieeyes. ASt.io.iT-.. And now brethren I comm.-nd you to God, and to the word oi his grace, which is able to build yen up, and CO give you an inheritance among all them which ?re fand ified. Kom. 1 5.4. For whatfoever things . were written afore-time, were written for our learning, chat wc through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope, xr/w.j.iy. And that from a child thou hatt known the holy Scriptures . whichareablctomaktliee wife unto falvarion, through iaith which is in Chriftjcfus. V. 16.] All. Scripture is given by infpiration ot Gjd, and is profitable for dodrine, for reproof, for c^rrcdion, &c. , V,i7.] Thatchemanof Godciay^e ptr:cft,thr«u*hly faiaiihcd unto gooJ vvorki. Rom.io, fram^ C34!l Q^ Jl6f9 Is the Word to be readaud heard^ that it my be* come efft^fidto falvation ? A, That the Word may become effe(fiual to falvati- «Pfov.8.j4. Bleffed On, weinuft attend thcreunto With diligence % preparati- It^r, ' wacdJbj o" \^ ^"^ prayer \ receive it with faith and love ' , lay it daily at' my gates , Up in our hearts ^, and praiflife it in our lives ^ «vai:in| at the pofts of my doors* ^ p i VitA.\. Wherefore laying afide all maliiCc and all guile, ani hypocrifiis, and envies and evil fpcakings, V.z.] As new born babes defiretbcfinccre naiik of the word that ye nd»y grcwthereby. 1P/4/ 119.18. Open thou mine eyes th.*t I may fcehold wondrous things out of thy lart'.^ ' Hth 4,x. For unto us was the Gafpel prcjchcd as well as unto them, but tbc word preach- ed did not profit the-n, not b;ing mixc with faith in them that heard it. a libf/. t.io.Withalldccelr- ablcncCsof unri^bteouinefsiin them that perifti, becaufc they received not the love of the truth that they might be favcd. f P/i/.ii9,u. Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not fin againft th{e. ' Lm^.P.i j. But that on the good ground are they which in an hon«il and good heart, having heard the word, Iceep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. ^mn.\.x%. But whofo lookech iticothc pcrfeft law of liberty and continueih therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this mau fliall be blcflcd in his dealing. Q;^ How ^6 the SACTAments become effe^ual means of falvation i A. The Sacraments become effcdual means of fal- vation, not from any virtue in them, or in him that doth . , adminifterthem, butonelyby thebleffing of Chrift", like fi^Ve^wherean- ^"^ ^^ Working of his Spirit in them that by faith re- £0 , even Baptifmc , CeivC them "*"• doth »lfo now fave ujj not the putting away the filch of the flefli,buctheanfwerof a good coefcience towards God, by the rc- furredion of Jcfua Oirii!. M^t.^.w. I indeed baptize you with water unto rfpentance,bu: be tha: Cometh after me, is mightier then I, whofc flioes I am not worthy to bear, he flwH baptize you with the holy Ghoft, and with fire, i Cor.^.fi.y. I have planted,Apollo wa«r«d, but God jave the encreaCe. V.7.] So then neither is he that plantcth any thing, neither he that watereth, but God that jivetb the encreafe. * i^crii.ig. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jewcs or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free, and have been made all to drink into one Spirit. Q^ what is a Sacrament ^ A, A Sacrament is an holy Ordinance inftitntcd by Chrift •, wherein, by fenfible figns, Chrift and the bene- fit of the new Covenant are reprcfented, fealedandap- venant between me and thee, and iKy feed after thee, in their generations, for an everlafttng covenant to be a God unto thee and tothy feed after thee. V.10.3 This i* my covenant which ye (hall keep between me and you> and thy feed after thee, every man chiU among you (hall be eircumciftd. Exoi.ii.tbrmghout. i Cor. 11. zj. For I have received of tlic Lord, that which a! fo I delivered unto you, that thi Lord Jffus the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread. V.16,] Foravoft as ye eat this bread and dririt |his cup, yc do fticw the Lords death till he coaie. ^ Which are the Sacraments $f the liervTefi amenta A, The Sacraments of the New Tcftamenc areBa- ptifme ^ and the Lords Supper ^ yw^cis. 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them In the name of ch: Father, and of the San, and of the holy CJiioft, l ftf«l, 26.i6ii7iJ-^ f(c*^e Bible. Q^ fvhat is Bdptifme f A. Baptifmcis a Sacrament wherein the wafliing with Water, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and ^ of the holy Ghoft % doth fignifie and feal our ingrafting intoChriftjand partaking of the benefits of the Cove- zMit.i^.i^, see ih nant of Grace, and our engagement to be the Lords ^. letter y. ^ Rom. 6, 4. Therefore we arc buried with him by baptifme into death, that like as Chrift was raifed up from the dead by the ^iory of tkc father, eren fo we alfo Oiould walk in newncfs of life. Gi(/. J.*/ .. ^ot as many oj yfiU as have been baptatd ii^co Chrift, have put on Chrift. ^ Q^ To whom is Baptifme to be adminijlred i A, Baptifme is not to be adminiftred to any that are out of the vifible Church, till they profefs their faith in Chrift, and obedience to him % but the infants of fuch as are members of the vifible Church are to be bapti- 'r^^*^* 5^- And as t J * ihcy went on their 2^" • way they came unto a certain water, and the Eunuch laid, lee, here Is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized ? V.J 7.] And Philip laid, it thou bclieveftwUh all thine heart, thou mayeft, and he anfweted, I believe tha: Jefus Chrift is the Son of ^^^' y^..)''^\ Then Peter faid unto them, repent and be baptiztd every one of you, in the name oii Jefus Chrift for the remiflion of fins, and ye fhall receive the jift of the holy Ghoft. d AS. i. 1 8. Seebefore. V. 59.] For the promife is umo you, and to your children, and to all that are afar oft^ even as many as the Lord our God {hall call. Gen.ij.io.Seeinktterl''^ Co/. 1.11,12. In whom alfo yc arc circumciied with the circumcifion made without hands, in putting off the body of the fins of the H;fti, by the circumcifion of Chrift. V.i z.] Buried with him in baptifmr, wherein alfo ye arc rifen with him through the faith 0: the operation of God, who hath raifed him from the dead. 1 Cor. 7.14. Y.rtbe unbelieving husband is fandified by the wife, and the unbelicvioe wife is fan^aificd by tbi husband J elfc were jrour children unclean, but now arc they holy, J --3 Q;^ f^hat is the Lords S/fpper f ji. The Lords Supper is a Sacrament, wherein, by ■giving and receiving Bread and Wine according to Chrifts appointment, his death is (hewed forth 5 and the worthy receivers are, not after a corporal iLcid carnal ' '^iCcf.u.ii'M^^'i^ ttiannef, but by {alth, made partakers of Ms Body and 16. I have received ^loodjWith all his benefits to their fpfritual nouri{hmcnr, of the Lord that i i • ^ tthicfaaifo I deliver- and gtowth in gracc % ed unto you, that the , t , ,♦ ^ . , . l . , . Lord Jefus the fame night wherein he «»as betrayed took bread. V.14. j And when he had {iven thanks; he brake itjand faid, TakPj cat, chis is my body which is broken lor you : this do in remembrance of me. V.ij.] After the fame manner alfo he took the Cup, when h had fupped, frying, This Cop JstheNew Tcftament inmy blood; this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. V.x6.j For as oft as ye cat this bread, &c. iCflr.io.i6. The Cup-of blcflingwhich we blcflf,is itnot the Communion of thfl blood of Chrift ? The bread which we fcreakj is ic not the Communion of the body of Chrifl ? ' ' Q. ivhAt is required to the worthy receiving of the Lords Suffer i t^4. It is required of them that would worthily par- take of the Lords Supper, that they examine themfelves, of their knowledge to difccrn the Lords body \ of their Faith to feed upon him?, of their repentance^, love', fi cor. 11.18.19." But and new obcdience'',Ieft coming Unworthily, they eat bTmfcif,Tnd fo urhim and drink judgment to themfelves K eat of that Bread, and ^ , ^ . , , . , i. ... . .,.,., drink of that Cup. V. 19."] For he that eateth and drmketh unworthily, cateth and drmketn damna- tion to himfelf, not difcernini the Lords body, g iCor.13.5. Examine your fclves, whether ye be in the faith, prove year own Iclves, know yo« not that Jefus Chrift is in you, except ye be reprobates, *> iCor.u.ji. For if we would judge our felves, we ftiould notbejudjed. ' i Cor. le. \(>. The cup of blcflins' which we blefs, is it not the communion of the blood of Chrift? the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Chrift ? V.17.] For we bein5 many arc one bread , and one body, for we are all partakers of that one bread. ^ ' Q^r. j.7. Purge cuttherefore the old leven that ye may be a new lump as ye are unleavened \ for even ChHtt our Pa '^^ cover is facrificed foe us. V.8.] Therefore let us keep the feaft not with old leaven, neither with t'? leaven of malice, and wickednefs , but with the unrleavcncd bread of fincerity and truth, \ x Cor. 1 1 . i8, »5». See in Utter [' ] Q^ what is Pr/tjer i A. Prayer is an offering up of our defires Unto God ^l for things agreeable to his will ",in the Name of.Chrifl% »> p/-i/.6».8. Truftin ,h confelTion of our (ins P,and thankful acknowledgment him at all times yc ^ 1 • • ^ people i pour out of his mercics % your hearts before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah. " x 5F0&. y. ^4. And this is the Confidence that we have in tiim that if we ask any thing according to his will, ht heareth us. • ^eb.\6. xj. And in that d^y yefliallask me nothing, verily, verilyjl fay un-o you , wha foever ye (hall ask the Father in my name he will give it ycu. ^F[d 3». J, 6. I acknowledged mv fins unto thee,and mine iniquity have I not hid i IfaidI will confefs my tranfgreflions unto the Lord, Jmd thou forjavefl the iniquity of my fin. Sclah. V.6.] For ihts(ball everyone that is godly pray unto thee, in a time when thou mavcft be found : furely in the floods of great waters they (hall not come unto him. Van 9. 4. And I prayed urito the Lord my Gou^,and made my confcifionjand faid, O Lord the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him Ind keep his commandments. 1 PW^ 4,6. Be careful for nothing but in every thing by prayer and fupplicatipn with thanksgiving, let your re« -quefts be made known unio God. QJYhAi Ql what rule hath Cod grjen for 'eur Mr e^ ion in Frayer i j1. The whole word of God is of ufc' todircd us in Prayer % but the fpecial rule of dirc(5lion is, that form *^oh:{.n. And this of Prayer , which Chrift taught his Difciples, com- i:;i;:4t m.': *" monly called the Lords Prayer^, if wcasic any thini , according to his will, b« hearcth us. fWJt.6.9,10,11,11,1^. Aft«r this manner therefore pray yc, Ourfacherj&c. — Lttife.ii.i. And he faid unco them, When yc pray, fay, Our father, &C.- Q^ Whiit doth the Preface of the Lords Prayer teach ttsi A. The Preface of the Lords Prayer which is, {_Oitr Father which art in heaven^^'] tevichethus,todravvne.] For KingS) and for all chat are in authority, &c. ^ what do tve fray for in the p^ Petition i A. In the firft petition, [which is, ffallomdhethy ^ ^^^^^^ name'''} we pray, that God would enable us and others, to glorifie him in all that whereby he maketh himfclf known y, and that he would difpofe all things to his own ,, py,/ g^. j, j. xj,ac" glory ''• thy way may be known upon earth, thy favJng health amonj all nations. V.j.] Let the psoplc ptaifethec, O God, lee all the people praifcthee. ^Pfal.^ii throughout. Q^ What do we pray for in the fecond Petition 1 A. In the fecond Petition, [ which is, Thy Kingdom come""^ ] we pray that Satans Kingdom may be de- '^^-^^^^.^.to; flroyed^ and that the Kingdom of Grace might be ^ p^^g.,.: ^g; advanced % our felves and others brought into it, and LeeGoJarife, lethij enemies be fca:tcrcdj kt them aifo that hate him flee before him. V.18.] Thou haft al'ctnded on hijh, thou hsll led captivi-y captive , thou haft received gifts for men, yea, for the rebellious alio J that the Lord God migbt dwell among them. ' Afv. it. 10, 11. And I heard a loud Toicc , faying in heaven , Now iscomefa'vation , andftrcn£thj and the Kingdom of our Gcd , «nd the pow.rof hfsCii'Ift; for the accufer of our brethren is cift our,wbich accufed them before God day and njghr. V.i i .] Aand dcanfeme frommy fin,' Vi7.] Purge me with hyfo >, and I (hall be clean : wa(h mr, and 1 ftiall be whiter then fnow. V.9.]! Hide thy face from my Ii:i5j3nd blot out all mine iniquities, I? and the Yiftory, aijd the mjieftyi for all tha:i$inthc hcayens, ,and in the C4oT . ""^ earth is thine : thliie is che KtnsdaiiiO Lard, iatlchou arc exilced as head abaveall. V.tx.] Botlr riches an i honour come of chee« ,andchou rel^neft o\rer all, and in chine ban J is power and mishr,an(t in chine hind ic is co tnake greac, and to give ftrcnjch amoall. V. i5.]Njw cherofore, our God, «v« thank checj and blefs thy glorious Nioi:. " i C^. 14.1 6. Elfe when thou (halt blelTe with the Spirit, how (hill he chac occupiech the room of the unlearned fay Amen at thy giving of thanks, feeing he nnderftandeth not what thou fayeft ^ Ri^v.ii.to^ti. He which teftiBeth thefe things, faith, Surely I coaae quickly. Atnen. E?cnfo, .come Locdjeftts. V.ii.] Ttiegracc of our Lord JcfusCtirift: bevicb yon ail. AMEN. ■» I w Ir ill The ■a^MBiMIM^' _ C4i2 TKe Teiv C o m]m a moments EXODUS, XX. G^^ fp.a'fee all t^eretous, Um^yJ amt^ell^itJD ;t))? Uou, ujJjicI) ^ itj^ b?3U3l)t t^ee out of t^e UriD of (^^^ gspt, out of tl)z tiouCe of bori&Jije. I. 2l^f)ou Q^ lU Ijitje ai) o^()er (!5oD$ befoje me* iLUD^oun^iltnatnii^^ uato ttiee cmggraiJ^niinige, oj anijUHmefs of an^^th igtljats m IjeatJen abotj^, o^t^Atis in t^e eartl) beiieatl;, o^ i;]fjit U in t\)z mhUk wx^zt i^z eactti ^ t^ou n^ilt mt boy ^ vu'T tbv felf U CijMi; iioj fcrlj j tb?:n : jroJ 3 ttjc ll^^yD :i)? cIUjd liTii jealotM'©ou,t)iK'nt3 tlje intquttB of t^z ficl):i*3 upin trjij K^iXniuty unto ttie ttjicDantt fouctt) generacioi> of t%zvii\^\t ^itzmz : aito il^eujiitS ^^^^ v^ unto tboufrno^ of t^e it t(j it bos in? ann feeep m? Com? ttMnomcntg, IU.2D*^3u.:^atitotti%?tl)jnimeoftlje 3l£)l^2E> tlji! (SJqU irtlJiin. ifojti)? U'i2>!$2D tuillnot tiolo^im jjuiUlefiS t^tt tafeetb ^i.3 name in 'oain. IV* Hcmembe^ i^z ^.ibbfitl) Dsii^to fecep it l)ol!? : ^ip 0.i^es%Utt^oi!labo?4noDoall tij? «)o:!i, but t^efctjentlj tja^ IS tbe ^ibb.^tl) of tbe 3lJ©^i> t^3 030 v»n it tljou ^iUnot DO an? «)ojS,t^ou, no?t{|??ron, no.j t^g Daughter, t^? mvin?furtnnt , no? tijg m.ui^Tect3.int , no.J tl)g cattcl , no; t|j? ftcanjjer triit i* maoc lieatjjsi ana eactf) , tbe fea ano all t^jat in tbem is, anD rcfteo tbe fetient^ Dai? ^ to^ece^ fojetl;e ^^K2E> blelTeO tlje ^abbatjj Da^, anD^allotoco it. V. ^ono?tlj\? fatljeranD tljp matljctr : tbattljp oap^ma^ be long upon tlie lano ioljic!) tl>e iLiDKSD tbc C5oo gioetfj tbee* ' VI. 2Cl|ottfl^altnotftiU. VII. %\^m O^ilt not commit aDuWeri?. VIII. SCbou (l^altnottteaL I X. 2DIJ0U il^;jlt mt bear falfe iottnefiJ againtt tlj? neiglj^' ko?* X. %\^m^\\t not cot3ct till? neigljbojiSf ^oufe, tfjon (l^alC not cotjcttijpneigbbo^s toife, no; biJ5 m.in^fect).mt, no? bi^ inaiD^rertjant, no^ ^ist op, no; f)ij5af5, no; an^ tfjin^ i'9^t is I|l|meij5l)bo?0f E The a u ^^ ■1?-' C r '-r\ > -I*^^ The Lords P r a ye r, Matth. 15. ''^ ^^^/^ ^cv ^V.7/ ^ Om Ifatftcr idljic^ art in geatjen , ^alloluco be % «amc,3D|)^jllitngDomcoiw,2Cljrt»iU be Done dm j?artlj, a0 it is in !)6a4)en,:C!5ii3je Ji£r tfiis^a^ our uailt? bj2aD,^nD fo^^ git3e us out Debt0, a0 Jjjefo?si%e out uebtecs , ^nD lean u0 not into temptation, but BelilJec us from etiil : if o; t^ine itf tbe ktvj^om, anD t^z poUicr, ant) tlje gloj^, fo; ^ijer» ;ameH. The C r. E JE B. B E L I E V E i« Go^ the Father Abpighty , maker of heaven and earth ' And In Jefi/is Thriji •his onely Son our Lord ^ which was conceiyed by the holy Ghoji , horn of the Virgin Mary^ fuffered under Tofitii^ 'Tilate^was crucified^ dead and buried^ tb!ftite of'the'deadli^e dejctniid into hill ^y the third day he fo/e ^^in Say. the right hand of God the Father Mmighty ^ from thence hejhall come to judge the quick and the de^ : I ' helkye in the hdy Ghojl : the holy Catholick Churchy t}7e Communion of Saints y the forgivenefs of fin^yf he refurreBion of the body ^ and the life JVerU^ig'^ Amen» "- ' ^■T^ >• So ■ ^0^\^ ^ ^^-^ ^'m.-ms^- \* U' 1 -^^^ :.-^'-<» -rV. ■!t?'- it-A ^^im