^ L THE LITURGY Ufed in the? CHURCHES O F T H E Principality ofNeufchatel : W I T M A LETTER F R O M T H E Learned Dr. J ABLONSKI, Concerning the Nature of Liturgies: To which is added, The Form of Prayer. lately intro- duced into the Church of GENE VA. .LONDON^ Printed and Sold by Jofefh Downing^ in BarMomewClofe near IVefi-Smithfieldy 171 2. 'm^ V-- ^ i -41- 4 A N AD VERTISEMEKT T O T H E READER. WE do not undertake here to difcourfe of the Ufe or Anti- quity of LITV RG lES, that Matter has been largely- treated by fevcral excellent Authors, who may be confulted about it. But we believe that we may aflert, that the People of this Kingdom will be very glad to fee the Opinion of Foreign Churches concerning that Matter. We have been edified by the Liturgy of Zurich, which was tran- llated into EngUjl) feveral Years ago * ^ and about the fame Time ap- peared that which was ufed by the Reformed Churches of France ; which laft was not thought full enough, and the Judgment made of it here, has been lately confirmed at Berlin, Neufchatel, and Geneva^ the Colleftion we now publifh is an authentick Proof thereof F/VfZ-, You will fee a Letter of the Learned and Judicious Dr. Ja- hlonski. Chaplain to His Majefty the King of Prujjia. This Gentleman having been confulted upon the Bufmefs of Liturgies, has digefled his Notions in fo Methodical a Manner upon that Head, that we have thought it proper to publilh the faid Letter in lieu of a Preface. You will next fee the Liturgy that has been admitted into the Churches of the Principality of Neufchatel, of late Years : 'Tis a Piece in which the Piety and good Senfe of thofe that have laboured in it does appear to Advantage ^ who alfo have juftly recommended thcm- felves to us, by the Regard they have had for our Excellent Liturgyy from whence they have borrowed feveral Expreflions, and fome- times whole Prayers. One may eafdy fee, that the Authors of the faid Liturgy have been ftreightned, by the Obligation which they thought they lay under of keeping as clofe as they could to the Liturgy their Churches had been ufed to, and that furniflies us with an Anfwer that will folve feve- ral Difficulties. It will be asked, why thofe Perfons that undertake A 2 the * In the Tear i(?93, hy the Reverend Mr. Werndley, under the Encouragement and Appro- bation of the Bijhops of London, Coventry a7id Litchfield, Bangor, '-iorwich, Chiche- fter, and Peterborough. Tke Title is, Liturgia Tigurina. ""Twas printed for D. New- man, R. Baldwin, /r??i J. Dunton. iv The A dvertisement. the Publifhing a Kew Liturgy, give us no particular Services upon certain folemn Sundays ? And why, upon other Occafions, there are feveral Chafms, which are not to be excufed in Liturgies? The Rea- fon is, that the Ordinary Liturgy is left in PofTeflion of thofe folemn Seafons. Other Queftions may be ask'd, Why Mention is not made what the People anfwer, nor when they fland up, or are upon their Knees ? Thofe that are accuftomed to a compleat Liturgy, exped the fame Perfedion in other Liturgies \ but we fhall never underftand the Com- pofition of that oi Neufchatel, unlefs we confider, that it is a Liturgy in Embryo, and that the Defign of it was to bring the People by little and little to fomething more perfeft. It has not as yet been fo much as printed in the Original Language j fo that the People are always hearing, without anfwering, and adapt their Pofture to the feveral Parts of the Liturgy which they hear read. 'Tis the Cultom at Neuf- chately to receive the Sacrament but Four Times a Year, but every Communion lafts Two Sundays fucccHively : the Meaning of which is^ that thofe who had not the Comfort of Receiving the Firft Sunday y may find their amends on the Second ^ and this will ferve to ex- plain thofe Places where the Reader finds Prayers for the Firit and Second V/eek of the Communion : But unlefs one were upon the Place, it is impofhble to form fuch Ideas as can account for all the Difficulties that will occur in the Reading of this Liturgy, However, fuch as it is, and abftradly from the local Knowledge of it, we believe it very capable of edifying, by the judicious Choice of the Paffages of Scripture that are ufed therein, and by the Undion that is generally fpread throughout. The Publick will be pleafed to obferve feveral Samples of the manner of Reading the Holy Scripture in that Churchy we mean, the Arguments or Contents, which in a few Words include the Subftance of that which is to be read, and fome folid Reflexions which ftrike upon the Minds of the Hearers, and fend them away with a lading Edification. This is v; holly new, and extremely well contrived, we cannot but acknowledge, in. Jultice to the Authors of the Neufchatel Liturgy. After the faid Liturgy, follows fome Prayers that have been late- ly introduced at Geneva : And tho' that Beginning of a Liturgy is not very large, yet it has alfo its Merit. The Holy Scripture is happily ufed in it ; it has a Clearnefs,fuch as is proper for popular Works, and a Solidity accommodated to the Publick Worfhip ;, by which one may fee, that the Authors have all the necelTary Talents for furnifliing out fomething more compleat. As high and as jufl an Opinion as we may conceive of our own Li- turgy, we dare not hope that it will be univerfally received among Proteftants. We have never feen fuch a Uniformity in the Church;, but we may wilh that thofe Perfons who, by thefe ElTays upon the Liturgy, have fhewn us their Capacity of doing better, would unite their Ta- lents, or at lead would work feparatdy in forming a compleat Liturgy that may be like our own. ^ THE ( V. ) PREFACE; BEING A LETTER from the Reverend Dr. jA) nn^^ by eonfidering the Nature of God and Man, and by the Aj^fiance of tkat Light the holy Scripture givis us, eafily judge what will be mofl for God*s Honour, and Mens Edification. 3. The Example of the Primitive Chnrch, which biinr order'^d by the Apoflles and Apoflolical Men, ought to bt of great Weight with us. According to this threefold Rule^ the Church of Neufchatel hat now for thefe 2 Tears paf-, ordered and performed their Divine Service after a very lovely and edifying Manner ; which Ukewife gave thofe ofGt- neva a Defire of doing the fame ', which, whether it is as yet eff'eCied, I am not informed. Thefe, Gracious Sir, are my humble Thoughts concerning a Liturgy : The All'feeing God is Witnefs, that they proceed neither from a Defire of Change, nor any other carnal Motive, but from ConviElion of their Truth^ and a fincer^ Defire toglorifie God, and edifie his Church. I wait Tour Ex- cellency's Orders at Tour LeifurCy whether according to the Plan here laid down, IJhall take upon my felf this Work ; and till then, defer my Thoughts on the other Part concerning Church Government. God fll Tour Excel' lency with his Gract, and make Tou a Bleffmg to his Church. Amen. Berlin, Signed, June 2 J, 1710. r^ r; T D. E. J A B L O N S K I. a viii A Prefatory Letter. ConfefTion of Sins humbles Mm$ natural Pride. Adoration, or falling down on our Knees before God^ flls its with an holy Ref^ctl and Fear for Jo great a Majtfty^ and puts us in Mind, that in all Things we are entirely de- tendent on Him \ it likewife tejiifies this to other Men^ and gives a good Example. The Praife of God, or Tiiankfgiving, which is common to ut with all Creatures^ efpecially the noblefi, the holy /Angels, kindles in us a Love for fo great a Benefa^or. The Confecratiiig or Devoting our felves to God, awakens cur Devotion^ and hinders that common Hypocrifie^ to he prefent in Body^ but abfent in Thought^ and forces us to perform our Duty with Earneflnefs before that God to whom we have confecrated both Soul ■ and Body. Prayer puts vs in mind of our own Indigence., fince we expeEt all good Things only from another s BoMnty^ and fo renews in vu Trufl and Dependance on God. The Reading of iioly Scvi])tmQfreprefents God a-s ^twere prefent [peaking to the Congregation. More of God^s IVordf and lefs of Mans, ought to be heard. £t fie de Cei-Days are to be read the Prophecies that relate to. the Coming of our Lord Jefus Chrift: •, viz.. Gen. IIL Gen. IV. 10. Mich. V. Zi. Ifa. VII. 14. Ifa. IX. 5. Dan. IX. 24,-27. Hag. II. 9- Mai. IV. i, 2, 5, 6. All thefe Prophecies are to be read at once, and the People are to be made to obferve, that they fpeak of the Time, of the Place, and the Circumftances, on the Birth of Jefus Chriftj and there muft be added, I Pet. I. 10, II, 12, 13. jiSls XIII. i6,-_4i. St. Matthew IL I Epift. St. Jo^. L St. L^^y^f IL 40,-.52-. Ifa. LXI. St. Luke IV. 16,-32. Titus II. 11,-15. and 111.3,7. I Corinth. XL 20, — 32. The Evening of the laft Day of the Year. Pfal. XXXIX. 5,-14. St. Mat. XXIV. 42,— 51. NeW'Tear^S'Day in the Evening, (for in the Morning there is always a Sermon.) I Thef V. I,— .11. St. Matthew XXV. i, 30. At E A S T E R,.. The Fir ft Week. Monday Morning, Exod. XIL i, — 28. St; John XL 47, &€. & XIL 1,^ — II. Monday ^ T A B L E (7^ L E S S O N S. X], The First Lesson. The Second Lesson. Monday Evening, Exod. XII. 29, -^51. St. John XII. 12, 50. Tuefday Evening, Exod. XIII. i, — 16. St. John XIII.' Wednefday Evening, Ifa. LIII. St. John XIV. Thurfday Morning, Ifa. LIV. St. John XV. Thurfday Evening, Jfa. LV. St. John XVI. Friday Evening, Gen. XXII. i,— ip. St. John XVII. Saturday Morn, i St. P^f.JII. 18, — 22. St. Matthew XXI. i 17. C^IV. I,— 8. The Holy Week, Monday Morning, P^tV. II. 5, — 12. DuringallthisWeek, istobe Monday Evening, Ifa. L. 5, — 10. read The Hifiory oj the Paf- Tuefday Evening, Ifa. LXII. 11, 12. and fover, drawn out of the Four LXIII. I, — .9. Evangelifisj in fuch manner Wednefday Evening, Dan. IX. 20, — 27. that the Crucifixion may fall Thurfday Morning, Heh. IX. out upon Holy Friday, and the Thurfday Evening, i Cor. XI. 20,-32. Burial of our Saviour upon Holy Friday, //f?. X. i, — 25. Saturday. Saturday Morning, Rom. VI. i, — 14.. Eafter Week. . Monday Morning, Col. III. i, — 17. St. Luh XXIV. i, — 47- Monday Evening, i Cor.-W. i,— 34. St. John XX. Tuefday Evening, i Cor. XV. 35,-58. St. John XXI. . On Afcenfidn. Afcenfion Eve, 2 Kings II. i, — 14. St. John XW. i. 20. Afcenfion-Pay in the Even. E^h. IV. 7, \6* The Hift.of the Afcenfion, taken out of the Gofpels and the A^s. The- Day after Afcenfion^ i/fiK X; 11,13. - St. John VI. 16,-32. , At WHITSUNTIDE., The. firit Week. . Wednefday Even. Ez.eh XXXVI. 22, 28. St. John III. i — in- Thurfday Morning, Heb. VIII. St. John I. 19,— 3<^ Thurfday Evening, Ifa. LXI. St. Luh IV. 16,— .32. Friday Evening, Ifa. LV. St. John VII. 33,-^3. Saturday Morning, Joel. II. 21, &c.'- St. John XIV^ 1,-^17. . The Second Week. . Monday Morning, ^i^^II. St. John XIV. 1 8—3 r. , Monday Evening, Acis X. St. John XV. Tuefday Evening, ABs XL i,— 18. St. John XVL 1, — 15. . Wednefdav Evening, i Cor. XII. St. John XVI. 16,^33- Ihurfday Morning, i Cor. XIIL . St. John XVII. Thurfday. %i[ i^ ~T A B L E 0/ L E S S O N S. The First Lesson. The Second Lesson. Thurfday Evening, i Cor. XI. 20,-32. St. Johu XVIII. Friday Evening, Rom. VIII. St. John XIX. Saturday Morning, Gal. V. 16, — 16. St. Matthew, XIL 22, — 45. Trinity Pl^eek, Monday Morning, Heb. II. St. Matthew XXV. 14 30. Monday Evening, £pfc. IV. i, — ^i5. St. Matthew XIII. 24, 52. At the SEPTEMBER FESTIVALS. The Firft Week. Friday Evening, Ifa. LV. St. John VI. 25, — 40. Saturday Morning, Vrov. IX. i, — 11. St. John VI. 41, — 55. T/?e Second Week. Monday Morning, Rom. V. St. Matthew V. r, — 20. Monday Evening, Col.\. St. Matthew V. 21, — 48. Tnefday Evening, 1 St. Reter I. St. Matthew VI. VVednefday Evening, 1 St. Reter II. St. Matthew VII. ■ Thurfday Morning, i Cor. X. i, — 22. St. Luke XIV. 15,-24. Thurfday Evening, i Cor: XL 20,-32. St. Matthew XXV. i,— -13. Friday Evening, i Epift. St. John III. St. John XIX. Saturday Morning, C"^/. V. 13, — 25. ^St. Matthew XXII. 1,. — 14. The Eve of a Fall:, Ifa. LVIII. ■ St. Matthew VI. 1,-^18. The Day after a Fafl, Heb. III. 7, 19. St. L«^(? Xlll. 1,-19. andWf. I, — II. It mull; be obferved, that in the Church of Neufchatel, at aWtheFcfrival Times the Communion is given upon the Friday of the Second IVeek, be- ildes the preceding and following Sunday^ except at Chrijtmasy when the Friday Communion is put off to Chriftmas-Day^ if that falls out upon a Working-Day : Which is the Reafon why we read almoft always upon the Thurfday Evening, 1 Cor. XI. 20, — 32. As to the Ordinary Leflbns, it was not thought proper to give a Table of them, becaufe it would have been too long, and of no great Ufe : It may fuffice therefore to obferve, I . That the Old and New-Tcfi-ament are read alternately: For Exam- ple, Gen- I. Aiat. I. Gen. II. Mat. II, &c. 2. That when the Chapters are long, they are divided. 3. That certain Chapters arc omitted : As for Example, fuch as confift only of Kumbring, &c. as alfo fuch as con- tain certain Fafiages that are fomewhat Oaenfive to Modefty. 4. As there are parallel Chapters in Kings and Chronicles^ vs^here the fame Hiftories are rcpCiited, the Lcjfons are taken fometimes out of one, and fomctimes out of the other. 5. That the Old and New Tcfiament are begun toge- ther, and that tiic Hiilorical Books of the 0/^ Tefiament end with the Re- velations \ and then they begin again with Job and the New-Tcframe-nt, and end at Mdachi. Thns they read the New-Teflamcnt Twice, whilfl: the Old is read Once. And the whole BMe is read out in about Three Years. T XJ T7 (') THE r "^i! NEUFCHJTEL LITURGY. -. II •■"■'• ■ -- ■ . . ■ . .- , .- ■■ . , • 3i nr'j--^ .7/ odi jO 7>-i 3l"!l ?iHj no I \r For Sunday Morning. U'R Help is in the Name of the Lord, who hath made Heaven md 'Earth, ^mffj' . ! "^ JUfy Brethren^ LET every one of you prefent Himfelf before the Lord, to naake aa humble Confefllon to Him of his Sins, faying after me in your Hearts: , . , ^ .. I' b"IlD God Eternal, and Almighty Father, we confefs and ac- j knowledge before Thy Holy Ma jelly, that we are pooi Sinners, conceiv'd and born in Sin, and in Corruption ^ inclin'd to Evil, inca- 'pable by our Selves of any Good ^ and that we tranfgrefs thy Holy -Commandments in divers manners ^ whereby we draw upon our ^Ives, through thy jufl: Judgment, Ruin and Deftnicflion. KevertheJiTs, O 'Lord, v/e arc exccedic^^ forrowfu'l for having oflended Thee, ar/i v/e condemn our felves and our Offences with a true Repentance^ bcfcech- ing Thee that thy Grace may afiift us in our Mifery : Have Mercy nfpon us therefore, O mofb gracious God and merciful Father, in the 'Kame of thy Son Jefus Chrift our Lord : Forgive us our Offences, -and grant and increafe in us daily, the Graces of thy Holy Spirit, to :the End that we molt, heartily ad^nowledging our Wickedncfs, may -B ]>e 2 F(?r S U N D A Y M O R N I N G. be touch'd with a fincere Grief, that may deftroy Sin in us, and produce thofe Fruits of Righteoufnefs and Innocence, which may be acceptable to Thee, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. jimen» Before the Sermon. O Almighty God, and Heavenly Father, we are met here together to begin the publick Sanftification of this thy Day, to offer to Thee our Praifes and our Prayers, and to hear thy Holy Word ; Wherefore we befeech Thee, according to the Promifes Thou haft made us, to be prefent in the midft of us, when we are met to call upon the Name of thy Son, that Thou wouldeft be pleafed mercifully to look upon us, and to raife our Thoughts and Defires towards Thee, fo that we may render an acceptable Service to Thee this Day. Great God, we humble our felves before Thee^ we adore thy Infinite Power and IMajefty •, we thank Thee for all the Temporal and Spiri- tual Good Things we continually receive from thy Bounty ^ we blefs Thee for our Creation, for our Prefervation, and tor thy fending thy Son into the World to fave us \ but particularly we praife Thee, O God, for the glorious Refurreftion of thy Holy Son, who rofe from the Dead a« on this firft Day of the Week ^ for which reafon it is, that all Chriftians meet this Day before Thee : O God, thy Glory is great in all thy Churches, and the Praife of thy Name is celebrated in all the AfTemblies of thy Saints : We thank Thee for the great Hopes of Immortality which Thou haft given us by this blefled Re- iiirredion : Let our Praifes afcend even unto thy Throne ^ make us worthy to partake one Day of the Refurrciftion of the Juft, and of the Glory of the Kingdom of Heaven, whereinto the Lord Jefus Chrift is entred as our Fore-runner, where He lives and reigns, where He is worfhiped and glorified with Thee and the Holy Ghoft, God blefled for ever, jimen* OGod, who inftrufts us by thy Holy Scriptures *, ilnce we are to read, hear,and meditate upon them this Day, inlighten our Minds and purifie our Hearts, to the end that we may receive and compre- hend as we ought, the Things which are reveal'd therein : Grant that thy Word may be deliver'd with Purity, Clearnefs, and Simplicity, and after fuch a manner as may tend to the Edification of this People: Make the Preaching of this Word efficacious by the Power of the Holy Ghoft \ fo that the holy Seed may be receiv'd into our Hearts, cs in good Ground, where it may produce Fruits in abundance ; that we may not only hear thy Word, but that we may keep it alfo, by living after a manner conformable to its Divine Inftrudions, during ail the Time of our abode in this World, and that we may at length arrive to cverlafting Happinefs. thro' Jefus Chrift^ '1* who has taught U5 to pray, faying : OUR OU R Father which art in Heaven: Hallowed be thy Nsme. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, as ir is in Hea- ven. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Tref- palles, as we forgive them that trefpafs againlt us. And lead us not into Temptation*, but deliver us from Evil: For Thine is the King- dom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever, jimen- yit the Time ef the Communion, thirthttt follows is to be added after this Mark -|-. AND fince, O God, we celebrate at this time [this Day"} the Re- membrance {^of the Binh2 C«*/ the Sufferings and DeatfQ [^of the RefurreBion"^ of Thy Son, \^and of the coming down of the Holy Ghofi^ and that we are about to partake of the Holy Supper, we befeech Thee (b to raife our Hearts to Thee, that we may with Faith and Joy fhew forth the Death of our Redeemer till He (hall return at the lafl: Day to judge the World, and that we may bear fuch Fruits of Piety and of Gratitude, as may be acceptable to Thee, through the fame Jefus Chrift, who has taught us to pray, faying : Our Father, &c. Sunday Morning after SermQn. OLord our God, who has commanded to make Prayers and Sup- plications for all Men \ we humble our lelves before Thee, to ofer up our Prayers for all forts of Perfons, of what State or Condition fo- €ver they may be : We pray Thee O Lord, who art the Creator and Father of Mankmd, for the Peace of the whole World, and for the Salvation of all Men •, have pity upon the Heathens that jvorfhip Idols, and who live without God, and without Hope in the World : Bring back the Turks and all Infidels from their Blindnefs : Vouchlafe, according to thy Promifes, to bring about the Converfion of the Jews^to the end that the Fulnefs of the Nations being come in, there may be but one Fold and one Shepherd, and that all People may know and wor- fhip Thee, who art the only true God, and Jefus Chrilb whom Thou hall feut. OKing of Kings, and Lord of Lords, we pray to Thee for all Kings and Princes, and for all fuch as are exalted above others in Dignity : Grant thy Knowledge to thofe who arc deprived of it, and give Grace to thofe that know Thee, to make ufc of their Authority for the Advancement of thy Glory. We pray Thee, more cfpecially, for the facrcd Perfon of the King our Sovereign Lord, for the Queen, for the Prince Royal, and for the Princefs his Conforr, and for the Prince and Princefs their Children *, for all the Royal Family ^ for B 2 th? 5f K)^ S u N ft X y M o R K I N g; the Count of W^rtemhcrg^ Eercditary Governor General {_of thUPnn- duality'] and for all thofe that are appointed to govern this iState,- an! that have the Adminiftration of JufticG and Policy: Give them thy Spirit of Wifdom and Strength, and above all, Holinels and Fear of thy Kame, to the end. that Order may be eftablifiied, and that we may lead a quiet and peaceable Lifej and ferve Thee in Holinefs and Purity. 10 R D, W£ offer i?p to Thee our Prayers for th^ Wants of Thy J Holy Church, which is fpread over all "the World, vouch fafe^ to proted, increafe, and fandifie it more and more. Deliver thofe Churches that are under Periecution, and prefer ve thofe that fublift through thy Grace : Take away thofe Errors, Scandals,, and Divifions which" afflid Chriflendom, and unite all Chriftians in the Bppds . of Truth, Piety, and Peace ^ particularly be gracious to the Churches of this State, and to the Church -of. this Places blefs the Families and Perfons-of wli^ch^ it is compofed, and make Piety, Concord,. and all other ChrijDtian Vir- tues, to reign amongft them. -'^,\V/'"- ■ '' J WE pray Thee, O God, for alf thofe that T^Qah^ff^appoidted Pallors in thy Churches, and particularly for the Pallors of this Flock", ftrengthen them, fandlifie them, and- increafe in them thofe Lights, that Zeal, and thole Gifts that are neceflary for them to procure the Eftablifhnient of thy Kingdom, and the Salvation of the .Sfoiils that Thou haft. committed to their Charge : Raife up every where, arid efpecially amongft us, Minifte'rs that are faithful, zealous, hur^bls^ and Lovers of Truth and ofPeace-, and for that End, Give thy Grace and Fear^ to thofe who ai'e devoted to ferve Thee in the Holy Mi- niftry. O Merciful God, have Compaffibn upon the People that are vifited with War, or apy other Scourge, and on fuch Perlbns who are •under Sufferings : We'prayThee for thofe who are psrfecuted and in tSaptivity, for the fake of the Gofpel:' We recommend to Thee all Wi- rfows and Orphans, Poor and Strangers, thofe that travel, fuch as are troubled in Mind, fuch as are infirm, fick, or dying, and'particularly our Brethren who are Members of this Church [and who delire our Pray er?^. Give to all the Repentance, Patience and Comfort, which they ftand in need of, and a happy Iffiic out of all their Aflliftions, LOR' D, we pray Thee for all thy Children, and for all thofe wlto feek to Thee in Sincerity of Kearta wherever they are, and who labour in their ovv^n Salvation, or in that of their Brethi^n •, for thofe who are doing Works of Charity^ and' forming holy Deligns for the Advancement of thy Kingdom : Strengthen thofe w;ho are weak in Faith, and in Holinefs •, and as for fuch haixlen'd Sinners as are in a State of Condemnation-,. grant them all fand- particularly thofe whom we knov^ want our Prayers^ Time and. Means of being^ converted^ Look For Sun day M o"ti'>i "i k g. f^ Look down with a favourable Eye npori this State, this City, and' all its Inhabitants •, grant us fruitful Scafons, and whatever is necefTary for Our' Subfiftence : Suffer us not to abufe Thy good Thing*^, but grant' that wc" may ufe them with Sobriety, Charity, and ThanRfgiving: Turn from us thofe Dangers and Scourges that may feem to threaten us : Deliver us ft-om our Sins : Preferve us from all evil Thoughts, fronLUn^odlinefSj^^ from Hypsciirie, and from all that is contrary to thy holy Will. Pre-' vent us always, O- merciful God; by thy Gracq, and lead us continualiy . by thy Spirit : Give us always good and holy Thoughts, pure, quiet and^ peaceful Inclinations, and intire Rejignation to tb.y Providence, an ar- dent Love towards Tliee, and fuch Charity as" may induce us to love and edifie one another. Loofen our Hearts from this World, which is nothjng. but Vanity^ and give us Grace to raife them always towards Eeaven, where our Treafure TTesVto the end" that' watcbmg"'snd*pray-- ing continually, and living in Temperance, Juftice, and Piety, we may pafs our ©ays- in Peace, waiting for the glorious Return of our Sa- vioui-. And that when He comes to judge the World, all' we who- are here in" thy Prefence , may appear before Thee v/ithout Fear or Confufion. O God hear us! hear all thofe that have nov/ off^r'd up theiY-Prayers to Thee : Rejedl not the moll humble Supplications^ of thy Servants, but grant us thofe Things we have asked of Thee*, and all others that are necciTary for us -^ and this- we beg in the Kame of Jefus Chrift, who has taught us to call upon Thee, faying : OU R Father which art in Heaven : Hallowed be Thy Kame : Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it i's'in Heaven. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Trefpades, as we forgive them that trefpafs againft us. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever, ylmen. ' LORD, we give Thee Thanks for having call'd us to the Know- ledge and Profefllon of the Chriltian Faith. We befeech Thee to preferve and increafe it more and more in mir Hearts, to the end that we may conftantly perfevere therein, and always make a lincere Ccn- feiuon of it, faying in the. Communion of the. Univerfal Church :. I Believe in God the Father Almighty-, Maker of Heaven and Earth r And in Jefus Chrift His only Son our Lord, who was conceived. by the Holy Ghoft, born of the Virgin Mary, fuffered under Pontius-^ ?//,'#£•, was crucified, dead, and buried^ He deiccnded into Hell^ the. Third Day He rofe again from the Dead, He afcended into Heaven,, and iltteth on the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty y from, thence He fiiail come to judge the Qjiick and the Dead. I be.* 6 Fc;r S U N D A Y M O R N I N G. I believe in the Holy Ghoft ^ the Holy Catholick Church v tlie.Com- munion of Saints •, the Forgivenefs of Sins ^ the Refurreftion of the Bo- dy, and the Life everlafting. Amen. The Blefng. TH E Lord blefs you and keep you : The Lord enlighten you with his Countenance, and be merciful to you: The Lord tura his Face towards you, and keep you in Profperity. Amen. Go in Peace, and remember the Poor. When Young Verfons are to he admitted to the Miniflry^ they jhall he rf commended to the Prayers of the Church the Sunday preceding, after the Sermon^ and before the Vrayer^ m the following manner. YO U are exhorted to pray to God for one [, fever al2 of our Bre- thren, who is [iare2 to be admitted this Week into the Holy Mini- ilry, and to remember him {jhem2 in your Prayers, both Publick and Private. To that Paragraph of the Prayer that relates to Mini(lerSy after thefe Words: Give Thy Grace and Fear to thofe who are devoted to fcrve Thee in the Holy Miniftry : Add this which follows. C"1 R A N T that our Paftors may never admit others than blamelefs X Perfons, and fuch as are fit to teach •, and that they may always make a wife and jufl Choice of thofe whom they fhall call to this Holy Charge. We pray Thee particularly to endue with thy Spirit and Heavenly Gifts, him \jhofe~\ who is t_are~\ to be confecrated to Thee at this Time, and to fandifie him [_them~\ to the End, that by the Pu- rity of his \jheir~] Dodrine, and by the Holinefsof hisQ/je/r^ Life, he {jhey"] may exercife his Xjheir"} Miniftry, to the Glory of thy Name, and the Edificationof thy Church. For (7) Tor thi C A T E c H I s m. 3egin mth Singing one of the Staves of the CXIXth Pl^lrtl. jifterwards the following frx^er is r^ad, which may ferve alfo for the Catechifwgs of the Week before the Communion. LOUD God, and our Father, fince we are met together in this Holy Place, [jo continue to fanStifie this thy Day, and panicularly'J', to be inftrufted in the chief Points of the Chriftian Religion. We give Thee Thanks for having communicated to us the Light of thy Gofpel, and for having made known to us, by Jefus Chrift thy Son,,, the Way that leads to everlafting Life. We befeech Thee alfo, to blefs this Excrcife of Piety, and to give to all this yi/V is to People, but chiefly to the Youth of ^is Church,C. Jliiia O; .•,f.6n Jk T is juf? and reafonable that we adbre Thee, O Lord 6dcl AI- I mighty, who has created Heaven and Earth, and all Things that are therein •, and that we render Thee continual Thanicfgivings for all the Favours that we every Day receive from thy bountiful Hand. We blefs Thee for our Prefervation to this time, for having pro— teded us the lalt Night, and happily brought us to the Beginning of this Day, and for allowing us to appear at this Time, and in this Holy Place before Thee. Lord we praife Thee, we defire to ferve Thee this Day and all our Life : We devote our felves to Thee, and we fubmit our feives entirely to thy holy and gracious Plea Pure j vouch- fafe, O Lord, to proted and keep us this Day, to the end that we may fpcnd it and our whole Life, in thy Peace, in thy Joy, and in thy Fear, through Jefus Chrift, who livetb and reigneth with Thee, O God, blelTed for ever. Amen. jifter JFbr the '^ K K i K G - D A y s^^^ jj^ . 'uifter thh Prayer', a Pfalm is to be fiing \ and after the Pfalm, the follow «. ing ?TayCV is to be faid. OLORDi fince we are here met in thy Kame -^ to hear thy Word, which Thou haft given us to be a Lamp to our Feet, an^ ' a Light to our Paths : We befeech Thee with all our Hearts, and for the Love of Jefus Chrift, who is the Light of the World, to en- lighten our Underftanding, and to give us thy Ho^y Spirit, which may ' lead us into the Knowledge of the Truth, and fandifie us. Give us' Grace to hear attentively thy Word, to underftand' well the Meaning- of it, and toconform our Lives to the Inftrudions therein given us •, to' th€ end that what we Ihall hear, may turn to the Glory of thy Name, to our Advancement in Piety, to the Comfort and Salvation of our Souls, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. In whofe Name we call upon TheCj-, ISying : Our Father,- d'c. Jfter the Sermon. O Eternal and Almighty God, we prefent our felves before Thee,v after having heard thy Holy Word, to offer to thy Divine Ma-- jefty our Prayers and our Supplications, both for our felves and for all' IVlen. We befeech Thee to enlighten all the People of the Ea«th, with the Light of the Gofpel, to the end that they may come to the- Knowledge of the Truth and be faved. We pray to Thee for all the Wants of the Catlrollck Church: Behold in Mercy, all thy Peo- ple, and all thy Flocks, particularly this here; Preferve them, keep the Candleftick of thy ^A^ord among them. Remove from them Scan- dals and Hypocrifie, and make Piety, Charity, and all fort of Vertues, to reign among them. Blefs the Minrfters of thy Church, and' particularly thofe to whom Thou baft intrufted the Care of our Souls: "Grant that they may al- ways difpenfe thy Word in Purity, and labour with Zeal and Fidelity in the Edification of their Flocks. We pray Thee alio for the higher Powers, and in particular for the facred Perfon of our Sovereign Lord the King, the Qiieen, for the Prince Royal, and for the Prinrefs his Confort, and for the Prince and Princcfs their Children, for all the Royal Family % for the Count of Wartemhirg, Hereditary Governor Ge- neral of this Principality, and for all thofe that are in Authority over us. Guide them by thy Spirit, afllft them in the Exercife of their^ Offices, to the end that Religion, Juftice, and Peace may ficuridl under their Government and Authority. AK * Here muft be added, according to the Circwmftances, that vhich foIJows ; In Sacrament-Time, the Prayer above In the Service f/ Sunday Merniv^, Pa^e 3, And fince, O God, &c. hf '^h'-.Time o/Failing, add: To difpcfe our felves to be extraordinvily humbled ■ in thy Frefencc wlullt we ceiebraKe liiis Publitk f aft. i4 For r^^ W O R K I N Q - D A Y 5, f A LMIGHTY ^ttd ffloft merciful Cod, we recommend to thy Fa- ^^\^ vour, thofe Perfons that are in Affli<9:ion : Grant to fuch as are lick, and efpecially to thofe that are Members of this Church, the Suc- cour, Pa'tknce, and Repentance, of which they (land ift need. Gbn- vert the Sinners, and Strengthen thofe that walk in thy Ways. 'O God, blefs the Jufl:, and all fach as are of an upright Heart. Pro- ted the Weak and the Innocent : Give Eafe to the Poor : Comfort the afuided Souls: Deliver thofe that are perfccuted for RightieOufnefs ^ and aflift all thofe that are in any Danger^orin preffing Neceffity. Blefs our Country, this City, and all its Inhabitants : Give Peace in our Days, O Lord, turn from us thy Judgments, and we will blefs thy Holy Kame. And fince we are about to return to the Works of our Cal- ling, vouchfafe, O Lord, to blefs the Labour of our Hands, and fo to guide us, that we may always fet thy Will before our Eyes, to conform our felves thereto, and that whillt we are purfuing Things Tempo- ral, we may not negled the Things Eternal, but that we may firft and chiefly feek thy Kingdom and thy Righteoufnefs. Suffer not the Temptations and Cares of this Life, to draw away our Hearts, nor to take out of them the Seed of thy Word which has now been fown in them. O God, make us to underfland, that the WiDrld pailes away with the Lufts thereof, that our Life waftes, and thatVe muit foon leave every Thing ^ to the end that the Confideration of the Vanity of this Life, may induce us to live in thy Fear, that fo we may die in thy Favour, and partake of the Refurredion of the Rigb- teous : O Lord our good God, vouchfafe to give us whatfoever is necef. fary for us towards the happy finifhing of our Caufe : Take us into thy Protedion, fupply all our Wants, and be Thou our Guide even to the lall Hour, through Jefus Chrift thy Son. OU R Father which art in Heaven: Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Hea* ven. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Tref- paffes, as we forgive them that trefpafs againft us. And lead us not into Temptation ^ but deliver us from Evil : For Thine is the King- dom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. u4meft. The ElefftfJg, TH E Bleffing of God our Father •, the Grace and the Peace of our Lord Jefus. Chrift, be given and multiplied to you, through the Communication of the Holy Ghoft. Amen* Go in Peace. PRAYERS ('?> PRAYERS That are to be r^ad after SERMON, UPON DIFFERENT OGCASIONS. Saturday Evening. Jfter the Sermon for the Prepiration to the Lord's- Supper; o Our God and our Saviour, we humble our felves before Thee, to render Thee Thanks for all thy Mereies, and particularly At Chriftmas that which follows^ is to he added. Forafmuch as in thefeFeftivals of Chriftmat; we have the Comfort of meditating upon the Myftery af the Incarnation of Jefus Chrill our Lord, thy Eternal Son, and to celebrate the bkfled Remembrance of his Birth.^ At Eafter; Forafmuch as in this Fellival of Eafier, \iHoly Weehof the Taffton} we may meditate upon the Hiftory of the Sufferings of the Death and glorious Refurreftion of our Lord Jefus Chrift, by which Thou haft releas'd us from everlafting Death, to bring us into Life Eternal. At Whitfuutide* Forafmuch as in thefe Feftivals of the Pcntecoft-, vfe have theHappIrvefs to meditate upon the miraculous and precious Gift of thy Spirit, which Thou didft as at this Time pour out upon the Ap^ftles, and which Thou doll itil] iW upon aU thofe who beUeY9 m Thee by their Mi- niHry, l6 I'iJr S A T U R D A Y E V E N I N G. At the Commumon in September. Forafinnch as at this Time, we may celebrate the blefTcd Remembrance of the Sufferings of thy Son Jcfus Clirilt, and meditate upon the Wonders of our Redemption. After which, the AH?jifier goes on,- and fays. We blefs Thee alfo for the Favour Thou (hewedft to us miferable Sinners, in calling us to thy Holy Table, to the end that we may partake of the Benefits that Jcfus Chrift has purchafed for us by his Death and Refurreftion. Lord we praifc Thee, we blefs Thee, and we give Thee Thanks, with all the Gratitude we are capable of ^ and we bcfecch Thee at the fame time, that Thou wouldll be pleas'd, by thy Spirit, to fanftifie us, who of our felves are unworthy to appear aC this Holy Table. Lord Jefns give us Grace, that having well under- ftood what is reprefented to us by this holy and venerable Sacrament, and efpccially the Greatnefs of the Love which Thou haft hereby Ihewn us, we may come to thy Table with fuch Difpofitions as are neceflary for Worthy Communicants. Give us, O God, a true Knowledge and lively Sorrow for our Sins, and humble Recourfe to thy Mercy, a per- fect Trufl: in tliy Merit, which is our only Comfort, and all our Re- fu^^e both in Life and Death. Imprint in us a deep Senfe of thy in- fimte Charity, and a firm llefolution of fcrving Thee our God, accord- ing to thy Will, and of ordering the reft of our Life as becomes thofe Perfons that arc renewing the Vows of their Baptifm, and en- gaging thcmfclves again in; thy Service. Grant us alio the Grace to love one another as Thou haft loved us, and to pardon one another as Thou halb pardoned us. Lord Jefus, put into our Hearts what is wanting to our Preparation, preferve us from the Danger of Eating this Bread, and of Drinking this Cup unworthily, by which means we ftiould render our felves guilty of thy Body and of thy Blood. O Lord God, grant that in this Feaft, {j)f the Birth of Jcfns ChriftJ ^o/Eaftcr^j [_of Pentecoft^ and at all Times, we and all thy Church, may ftiew forth, as wc ought, the Remembrance \_ofthe Birth'] \_of the bufferings and Death of Thy Son^thsiX. Jefus Chrift may live in us, and wc in Him, that we may die and rife again with Him, and that we may walk in Mewnefs of Life, even to the End of our Days ^ and all to the Glory of thy Holy Name, and our Eternal Salvation^ through Jcfus Chrift our Lord. Amen* Our Father, &c. After the Lcrd's-Prayer, tfee People fwg a Pfalm, and then the Miii- jltr q^ives the Bleffmg. Br' For the Two Sundays in Chriftmas. Jfter Evening Sermon. GREAT God, who art the Creator of the World, and the Fa- ther of our Lord Jefus Chrid, v;e lift up our Hearts to Thee, to adore thy infinite Majefty, and chiefly to celebrate thy great Mercy, and to oiTer to Thee the humble Sacrifice ot our Blcffings and Praifes. It is juft, it is our Duty, and it is a good Thing, that at all Times, and in all Places, we fhould give Thee Thanks, O Lord our God, Holy Father, Almighty and Everlafting God ! But above all, we ought to do it at this Time, in which Thy whole Church is met together to meditate upon the Myftery of the Nativity, and of the Death of our Redeemer Jefus Chrift. Thou hafl: fentthy only Son into the World in the Fulnefs of Time, out of thy great Love towards Men ^ Thou halt been pleas'd that He fhould be born upon the Earth, and that He Ihould be there fubjed to the Miferies of our Nature \ and that in dying for the Salvation of Man, He fhould faa-ifice the fame Body that He had taken upon Him in the Womb of the Blefled Virgin, His Mother. O Lord, we acknowledge with Joy and Thankfgivings, that it is by that Birth and that Death, that we have been translated from Death to Life, and made the Heirs of thy Kingdom. Wherefore with the Angels, and with all the Heavenly Hofl, we magnifie thy glorious Name, and celebrate thy Mercy. Let all the Angels adore thy Glory and thy Goodnefs ' Let the Sons of Men, as long as there any upon Earth, (hew forth thy great Praife,'and fay. Glory be to God in the Highelt, Peace on Earth, and Good-will towards Men ! O Jefus our Saviour, we blefs Thee that Thou didft become Man for our Redemption •, and we befeech Thee to make us fenfible of the faving Fruits thereof. Thou who art the Son of the bleffed God, the Joy and the Glory of Mankind, the Lamb of God that takelt away tha Sins of the World, have Mercy upon us miferablc Sinners ! Thou who haft partaken of our Infirmities here upon Earth, who halt died, and having taken up thy Life again, didft return into the Bofom and Glory of thy Father, where Thou fitteft on His Right-hand, where the Angels are put under Subjection to Thee, and where Thou preparedft for us Everlafting Manfions ^ Hear our Prayers, and receive the Praifes which we offer to Thee. Thou who art come to deftroy the Works of the Devil, turn us from our Iniquities, and enable us to for- fake them. Grant that as Thou waft born and didft live in a very mean Condition, and didft renounce the Pleafures and Glory of the World, even to the Death of the Crofs, we alfo may dcfpife the finful Vanities and the falfc Goods of the World, and that we may only aim at the Glory and at the good Things which Thou halt procured D for i8 For Chuistma s-D a y.'. for rs *, that as Thou halt (b ranch loved ns, we may allb ardently love 1 bee, and that nothing may feparate ns from thy Love. O God, fmce thy dear Son was born, to make us thy Children, and Heirs of thy Kingdom, and of eveilafling Life, grant that we having that Faith and that Hope, may purifie onr felves as-Hs is pure ^ to the end that we may be enabled worthily to celebrate thy Praife, and to re- joice before Thee ; and that when this glorious Saviour, who appeared the firlt time in finful Flelh, (hall appear again v/irhout Sin and with Glory, for thofe who wait for his Salvation, we may be made like to Him in his Kingdom, where He lives and is worfliiped "for ever and ever. Amen' * Our Father, &c. And the refi af on Sunday "Bvcnwg. For Chriftmas-Day. O Almighty God and Merciful Father, we ought to blefs'and "give Thee Thanks at all Times, but chiefly on this Day on which we celebrate the Remembrance of the blefled Birth of Jefus Chriil our Re- deemer. Thou didft promTe to our firft Parents in Pa^-adife, that Thou wouldft fend thy Son into the World •, Thou didft alfo declare his Coming by the Prophets, and Thou haft caus'd Him to be born in the Fulnefs of Time. Thy Eternal Son, who was from the Beginning with Thee, did not difdain to unite Himfelf to our Nature, and to be made Man ^ fo that Ke who was very God, took upon Him the Form of a Servant, and did partake of Flelh and Blood as Children, be- ing made like to his Brethren in all Things, Sin only excepted ^ to the end that He may be a merciful High-Prieft, and that He might make Attonement for our Sins, and have CompafTion on us. How great and venerable is this Myftery of Godlinefs ! God manifeft in the Flelh, juftified in the Spirit, feen of Angels, preach'd unto the Gentiles, belie v'd on in the World, received up into Glory. O God, we acknowledge, that without this happy Birth, we had pe- rifh^d everlaftingly. Let the Prayers and the Praifes which we offer to Thee this fblemn Day, be acceptable to Thee. Let the Joy which we feel^ be lincere and pure ^ and let the Birth of thy Son become our Salva- tion. Look down with a favourable Eye upon thy People, who offer their Supplications to Thee. Keep thy Church which this Day ce- lebrates the Coming of their Saviour, and proclaims thy Praifes. O God, who didft declare the Birth of thy Son by the Angel Gabriel^ and who didft caufe this holy Child to be born of a V^irgin, grant that Chrift may be form'd in our Hearts, that He may be born, that He raay live and dwell there through Faith, to the end that we m^y only live in Him and for Him^ Lord, Tor N E w-Y E A n s-D ay. i ^ Lord, who didft caufe a divine Brightnefs to fhine about the Shep- ' herds that Night in which thy Son came into the World, inlighten our Souls with the Beams of thy Heavenly Light. Grant that from this Time, and hereafter, we may live in Holinefs, Juftice, and Tem- perance, as it behoves thofe who believe that thy Son is come into " the World to fave them ^ to the end that we may wait with Joy and •Peace, the blefled Hope of the fecond and glorious Appearance of 'jefus Chrift ^ to whom with Thc.^ and the Holy Gholl be given Ho- nour and Glory, for ever and ever. Ameu' Our Father, &c. For New-Years-Day.' After Sermon. O Eternal and Almighty God, we humble our felves before Thee, to fandifie the Beginning of this Year by our Adorations, our Praifes, and our Prayers. Lord, we adore thy infinite Majefty, and we give Thee Thanks from the bottom of our Hearts, for all the Mer- cies Thon hafl fo bountifully bellowed on us to this prefent Time. Thon haft given us Life, Thou haft preferv'd it, and we arc be- ginning another New-Year, which Thou doll vouchfafe to add to thofe we have already paft in this World. Thou haft not ceafed to heap iip-^n us thy Favours, both general and particular, both for the Body and the Soul. ^Thou haft caus'd us to enjoy jj^i^ p^^^_ Peace, Plenty, and Liberty : Thou haft removed War, ^raph is u/d Famine, and other Miferies from our Country-, and inTimeef whilft almoft all the People of Europe have been afflia- ^'''fP'^'^'O'- ■cd, Thou haft caus'd us to dwell in Safety, and to pafs our Years in a profound Peace.^] But above all, O God, Thou haft enriched us with thy fpiritual BlefTings, Thou haft multiplied them upon us, by continuing among us the Candleftick of thy Word, by keeping thy Service and the Miniftry of the Gofpel in the midfl of us, by calling us to thy Table, by inviting us to Repentance, by thy AfTiftance, by thy Chaftifements, by thy Mercies, by the Warn- ings of thy Word, and of thy Spirit, and by giving ?}A of us in ge- neral, and each of us in particular, the 1 ime and the Means of working out our Salvation. O Almighty God, the Fountain of all Goodnefs, receive the Praifes and Thanks which we offer to thy Divine Majefty. And though we have offended Thee in divers Manners, and have abus'd thy Mercies, have Pity on us, for the fake of jefus Chrift, and withdraw not thy Favour and Protedion from us. Lord, we devote our felves to Thee, the Beginning of this Year, being defirous of imploying it better than we |iave fX:>iLiQ thofe that D 2 arc 20 For P A L M-S U N D A ri, are pafl: : We beg thy Blefling, deny it not to ns, O God, and let thy Mercy accompany us during this Year, and to the end of our Days. j4mefj' Blefs the facred Perfon of our Sovereign Lord the King, prolong his Days, preferve him for the Good of thy People, to the end that we may live peaceably under his jnft Government, and ferve Thee in' Holinefs all the Days of our Life. Blefs alfo the Queen, the Prince Royal, the Princefs his Confort, the Prince and Princefs their Chil- dren, and all the Royal Family -, the Count of iVartemberg, Hereditary Governour General, and all thofe that are in Aurhoritv in this State, or in this Town. Blefs the Paftors and Minifters of thy Word : Keep thy Church in general, and particularly the Flocks which thy Providence has gathered in our Country. Above all, grant tliy Blef- fing to this Church and its Paftors, to the Families and private Per- fons ot which it is compofed, to Great and Small, to Rich and Poor^ . to Young and Old, to Fathers and Children, to Mafters and Ser- vants, to Merchants and Handy-Crafts-Men, and to all forts of Per- fons, of whatfoever Condition they be : H6lp all thofe that are. afflict- ed by Sicknefs, or in any other manner, ahd particularly thofe that are Members of this Church : Deliver the Perfecuted, convert the Sinners, bring back the Wanderers, confirm in Holinefs all thofe that fear Thee, and grant us whatfoever is neceffary to pafs this Life happily, and to attain everlafting Salvation. And fince, O Lord, we are warn'd by this Day, that the Years of our Lite do wear away> give us the Grace to confider feriouQy, both to Day and at all Times, that we are mortal, and that our End approaches daily, to the end,^ that we may have a wife Heart ; that we may endeavour after a bet-. ter Life, where neither Days, Months, nor Years will be reckoned ^ and that during the Time that remains for us to live in the Flefh, we may live no longer according to the Lufts of Men, but according^ to thy Will. G God grant us the Grace to live in fuch Wifdom, Tempe- rance and Holinefs, that when the Courfe of our Years Ihall be fi- nifhed, and the Hour of our Death (hall be come, we may leave this World with joy, and reft in Peace, in Expedation of a happy Eternity. Lord hear us, Lord receive thefe Thanks, Supplications and Vowa which we now oifer to Thee, through Jefus Chrift thy Son. J.men^ Our Father, &c. For Palm- Sun day, . Jfter Evening Sermon ^ . O Almighty God,, we befeech thy Divine Majefty to receiTO- the Sacrifice of Praifes and Thankigivings which we offer to Thee this Day. We praife Thee, O.God, for having dejiver'd up thy Json to the Death of the Crofs for our fakes, and for theComforu Thovt. For Goo D-F r i d a y. 21 Thou haO: now afforded us to fhew forth the Remembrance of that Death in partaking of the Holy Sacrament, which was appointed to be a Memorial for it. Lord, we celebrate thy Mercy, we return Thee Thanks for fo precious a Gift, and we befeech Thee, that all we' who have been Partakers of thefe holy Myfleries, may reap the Fruits of the Sufferings of our Redeemer, and through thy Bounty, obtain the Pardon of our Sins, the Grace of thy Spirit, the.Senfe' of thy Love and Peace, and atter this Life, the Glory of thy King- dom. Lord, we alfo offer 'to Thee at this time, our Bodies, our Souls our Pcrfons, and all that is within us, as a living Sacrifice ^ defirincf to glorifie The?^ to ferve Thee, and to live only for Thee. Praife the Lord all ye his Servants ^ celebrate his Kame, for He is" Good, for his Mercy endures for ever : Rejoice thou Daughter of Sion, behold thy King cometh in the Name of the Lord to fave Thee, Hoffir.na to the Son of David ! Blefled be he that cometh in the ISJame of the Lord ! Blefled be the Kingdom of David our Father f Peace be- in Heaven, and Glory in the Highefi:. O Lord jefus, who as on this Day didlt enter into the City of Jeru- falem in the midft of the Acclamations and Praifes of a Multitude of People, and of thy Difciples, who fpread their Garments in the Way, and who followed Thee, carrying Branches of Palms in their Handsy give us Grace to prepare the Way for Thee by all kind of good Works^ to prefent Thee with the Fruits of Righteoufnefs, to ferve Thee con- jtantly, and to rejoice without ceallng in thy Salvation. O Lord, who was pleasd to be praifed fey the Children as on this Day, that cried in the Temple, Hofaana^ to the Son of David ^ granr that in Imitation of their Innocence and Simplicity, we may wor- thily celebrate thy Praifes this Day and all our Days. Grant that when Thou ihalt come from Heaven at the laif Day, we may meet Thee in the Air, and enter with Thee triumphant and viftorious in the Heavenly Jerufalem, into the Temple and Palace .of thy Gloryi Amen- Our Father, &c. For Good-Friday. !" \ Lmighty God, we befeech Thee to look down mercifully iipoir J^\ this thy Congregation for which our Lord Jefus Chrift waa pleased to be betray'd, and deJiver'd, as on this Day, into the Handi of wicked Men, and to endure the Death of the Crofs. Grant us, Lord, this bavour, that as thy dear Son has fuffer'd and filed his pre-* cious Blood for the Atonement of our Sins^ w^ S I N-D A Y.' 2f tlcim •, Thou art the King of Glory : Thou haft a fupream Power i^ Heaven and upon Earth : Thou art gone to thy Father, and to our Father^ to thy God, and to our God : Thou lived and reignefl: for ever and ever : And Thou canfl perfedly fave all thofe that come to God by Thee. Thou art entred into Heaven as our Fore-runner ; and where Thou art, Thou wouldeft have us be alfo : And we know ■that Thou Ihalt return from Heaven, as thy Apoftles faw Thee afcend. thither. Wherefore we adore Thee, we call upon Thee, we blefs Thee, and we rejoice in thy Triumph and Glory. O Lord, grant us the Grace to partake of the Fruits of this glori- ous Afcenfion. Suffer us not to fhut againft our felves the Gates of Heaven, by our Impenitency and Ingratitude, which Thou hall opened to us by thy Death, and by thy Afcenfion. Let us rather feek after the Things that are on high, where Jefus Chrift is fat down on thy Right-Hand ;, and that we lift up our felves continually, bf our holy Thoughts and ardent Defires, towards that glorious Man- fion into which our Saviour is entred. Lord Jefus, who didft promife to thy Difciples before Thou didft leave the Earth, that Thou wouldeft be with them to the End of the World, dwell with us according to thy Promifes, whilft we arc in this Body depriv'd of thy corporeal Prefence. Grant us, that at the Day of Judgment, at the Day of thy glorious and laft Return, we may hear with Joy, the Voice of the Archangel ^ that after having been rais'd, we may be lifted up into the Clouds before Thee ^ that -we may arrive at the Heavenly Jerufalem, at the meeting of the Firft- born, and of the Juft made perfed ^ towards Thee, who art the Me- diator of the New-Covenant, and towards God thy Father and ours ; to whom, as to Thee and to the Holy Ghoft, belongs Glory and Bleifmg for ever and ever. Amen- Our Father, &c. GRANT we befecch Thee, Almighty God, that like as we do believe thy only begotten Son, our Lord jefus Chrift, to have afcended into the Heavens, fo we may alfo in Heart and Mind tiii- thcr afcend. We befeech Thee leave us not Comfortlefs, but fend to as thy Holy Ghoft^ which may fandifie, comfort, lead, and bring us to the Place whither our Saviour is gone before us, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghoft, One only God blelled for evermore. Amen, E iw* For the T«?o Sundays of WhitfuntlcJe. After the Evening Sermon. r A Lmighty God, everlafting Father, we praife Thee, and w^ thank j\ Thee for all thy Mercies, and particularly for thofe of which we celebrate the Remembrance at this Time. We give Thee Thanks for having redeem.ed us by thy Son, and ibr our having commemo- rated his Death in the Holy Sacrament of this Day. We blefs Thee alfo for that after having lifted up our Saviour to thy Right-hand, / Thou didfl: fend thy Holy Gholt to thy Apoftles as at this Time„ and afterwards to all thy Church. Grant, Lord, that we being af- fembled to return our folemn Thanks for fo precious a Gift, maf perform this duty with Zeal, fo that the Sacrifice of our Praifes may be acceptable to Thee. We befeech Thee alfo, O Lord, that by the Efficacy of this precious Blood which thy holy Son has (bed, and by the Virtue of thy Spirit, we may pei-fevere in the holy Vocation •wherewith Thou haft honour'd us, and glorifie Thee all the reft of our Lives. Spirit of Light and of Truth, lead us into all Truth, and ■ enlighten our Minds that are fiU'd with Darknefs. Spirit of Prayer and of Supplication, teach us to pray as we ought •, lift up our Hearts to Thee, and ftir up in us Groans that cannot be utter'd. Spirit of Strength, fupport us always by thy Strength, be with us in Tempta- tions, prevent us with thy Grace without cealing, and draw us con- tinually to Good. Spirit of Holinefs, come and fan(ft:Jfie our "Under- ftandings and our Hearts, purifie our Affedions, and make us fit to do our Duty, each one in the Vocation to which we are called. Spirit of Confolation, dwell with us for ever, comfort us in Affliftions, fill us at all Times with Joy unfpeakable and glorious. Spirit of Pe^ce, give us Sentiments of Peace and Meeknefs, and of Charity towards one another. O Holy and Divine Spirit, which didft defcend as at this Time, upon the Apoftles in the Shape of Cloven Tongues like as of Fire, and which didft give them the Power of fpcaking divers Lan- guages, kindle in our Hearts a heavenly Fire of holy Thoughts, and ardent Defires •, inflame us v/ith a true Zeal, which may make us glo- rifieThee, and edifie our Neighbour by our Words and Anions. O God, caft us not out of thy Prefence, and never take from us the Spirit of thy Holinefs. Suffer us not to grieve or to quench this Holy Spirit. Let Him dwell in us as within his Temple : Let Him guide us during the whole Time of our fojourning here below : Let us rejoice always in his divine Confolations, that fo we may happi- ly finilh onr Courfe, that our mortal Bodies may be enliven'd at the laft Day by thy Spirit which dwells in us, and that we may be counted worthy to enter into thy Glory, to render there eternally, as we do at this prefent, Praife, Honour and Gloryj to the Father, the Son,- and the Holy Ghoft. Amen<> Our Father; &q* JFor C 27 ) For Whitfuntide.' During the Two Weeks, OG O D, who as at this Time did fend tfiy Holy Spirit to thf faithful Peopk, grant us the AfTiftaqc-e of the fame Spirit, that it may lead us into the Ways of Truth and Godlinefs, that it may give us Sentiments of Peace and Charity ^ to the end that We may conti- nually rejoice in holy Comforts, through the Merits of Jefus Chrifl: our Lord, who in the Unity of the fame Spirit, lives and reigns with Thee One only God blefled fo.i; pver. Amen. ' For the T^po Sundays of the September Communk)n. After the Evening Sermon. O Almighty God, we befeech thy Divine Majefty to accept the Sacrifice of Praifes and Thankfgivings which we offer to Thee this Day. We praife Thee, O our God, for thai Thou haft deliver'd th^ Son to the Death of the Crofs for our Sakes, and for that we have this Day had the Comfort to fhew forth the Remembrance of that Death, by partaking of the Holy Sacrament which He has ap- pointed to be a Memorial thereof. Lord, we celebrate thy Mercy, tve give Thee Thanks for the precious Gift Thou haftr made us of thy Son •, and we pray Thee, that all we who have been Partakers of thefe holy Myfteries, may alfo fhai*e in the Sufferings of our Redeemer, and obtain of thy Bounty, the Pardon of our Sins, the Grace of thy Spirit, the Senfe of thy Love, and of thy Peace, and after this Life, the Pofleflion of the Glory of thy Kingdom. We do now alfo, O Lord, prefent to Thee. our Bodies, our Souls j. onr Perfons, and all that depends on us, as a living Sacrifice, delirihg to glorifie Thee, and to live only for Thee. Let our Mouths, our Sards, and all that is within us, blefs thy holy Kame for ever. Glory be to God in the higheft, Peace on Earth, and Good-will towards Men. We praife Thee, we magnifie Thee, we give Thee Thanks, for n\\ thy great GoodneiTes, and for thy great GlOry, O Lord God, King 6f Heaven, Almighty Father^ O Lord Jefus, Only Son of God, and Thou, O Holy Ghoft. O Lord, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, who takell' away the Sins of the World, have Pity on us ! Thou that takell; away the Sins of the World, hear our Prayers I Thou> that, fitteft. at the Right-hand of the Father, have Pity on us ! For Thpu] only-^ai'^ Holy, Thou art the Lord, Thou only art the mod High; O jefusi Chrift, with the Holy Spirit, in the Glory of God the Father. A^s;i> \ [ Our Father, &c._ E 2 Fjr »8 7^^ M O R N I N G S E R V I C E. For the Sep t.e m.^jb RrCpM m u n i o n. During the Tp>o Weeks, ALmighty and. Everlafling God, fince we do at this Time com- memorate the Death of thy dear Son, in celebrating the holw Sacrament which He himfelf has. appointed as a Token of his Love and a Memorial of what He has fufFer'd to redeem iis from our Sins* we befeech Thee to look with a merciful Eye upon us miferable Sig- ners, who are unworthy to partake of thefe holy Myfleries, and to ianftifie us, that we may worthily celebrate thy Praifes, and with Faith and Joy ihew forth the Death of our Lord, in Expeftation of his co- ming at the laft Day, and bring forth the Fruits of a good and holy: Life, through the fame Jefus Chrift. jimefi' The Morning Service. the Form of the Morning and Evening Service, every T>ay of the Week,, when there is no Sermon^ E T our Help be in the Kame of God, who hath made Hea- ven and Earth. Amsn* Dearly beloved Brethren^ SINCE we are here met together to worfhip God, topraife Him, to hear his Word, and to offer our Prayers to Him ^ let us maker Confeflion of our Sins, and implore his Mercy, to the end that the Service v/hich we now render to Him, may be acceptable in his Pre-> fence. ALmighty God and Heavenly Father, we have finned againilThee^ and we are not worthy to be called thy Children^ but be Thou i^concil'd to us, pardon all our Sins, and bring us to everlafling Life,. i>y a llncere Repentaace, for the Sake of Jefus Chrilt thy Son. jimen. TA? Morning Service, 29 ALmighty God, who is the Father of our Lord Jefug Chrift, pardon all thofe that truly repent and are converted to Him,- Amen- Let us adore and praife the Lord our God. Lord open our Lips j and our Mouth fhall fiiew forth- thy Praiie*. i .- . . ^ Here is to he read one of the Hymns which follow hereafter, and are affointed either for each Day of the Week,, or for Feftivals. ^Jlfter the reading of the Hymns, the People ftng the ift Ferfe of the 9ph Pfalm, and then the Minifter reads the following Prayer. OMercifuL God, Heavenly Father, llnce we are now going to hear thy holy Word, we moft humbly befeech Thee to give us Grace to comprehend the Meaning of it, and to live up to it, for the- Sake of Jefus Chrill our Saviour. Amen. Here is to be read a Chaffer out of the Old and New Tcftamcntyalter- hately, and fo on- Before the Leffon, an Argument or Difcoi^rfe is to- he readyjhevping the Contents of the Chapter '-, and after the Leflbn, a flwrt Exhortation, fetting forth the Vfe See a SpecJ- that is to he made of what has been read. On Felli- nienofthefe- var Days, there are Two LeHons to he read, viz. the ft the End of' Epiftie and, Gofpel, after which are faid the following this Liturgy^- Prayers. Let us pray. Lord have Mercy upon us. Lord- hear our Prayers. And let- our Cry come unto Thee. OU R Father which art in Heaven : Hallowed be Thy Name :' Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is ia Heaven. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Tref- pafTes, as we forgive them that trefpafs agarnft us. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil. For Thine is the King- dom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen* O Lord, let thy Mercy lighten upon us, and Grant us thy Salva* tion. Lord, fave thy People, and blefs thine Inheritance. ^O jR?f M O R N I It G S E R V I C E. O Lord create in us pure Hearts, and take not from us thy Holy- Spirit. T'hen the Peofe fmg the %th Verfe of the 143 Pfalltl. After which the Mmifier goes 071 f And fays : O Eternal and Almighty God, we give Thee Thanlcs that Thou haft fafely brought us to the Beginning ,of this Day, defend us in the fame with thy mighty Power. Grant that this Day we fall into no Sin, neither rim into any kind of Danger*, but that all our Doings may be order'd by thy Governance, to do always that is righ- teous in thy Sight, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. LORD, we prefent our felves to Thee a Living Sacrifice : We devote to Thee our Bodies, our Souls, our Life, our Labour, all that is in us, and all that depends upon us, deliring to employ all to thy Glory. O Lord, we refign and commit our felves to thy Pro- vidence : We fubmit our felves to all the Events that it Ihall pleafe Thee to bring upon us : Do unto us all fhat Thou (halt think fit to do, and let thy Holy Will be accompliih'd in us, and by us, for the fake of Jefus Chrifl our Saviour, jimen. On Saturday Morning this Prayer is to he added. O Almighty God, who after having created in fix Days the Hea- ven, the Earth, and all Things that are therein, didft reft upon the feventh Day •, and who has created new Heavens and a new Earth, in redeeming the World by Jefus Chrift, grant that we me- ditating on the Wonders of the Creation of the World, and of the Redemption of Mankind, may know Thee, may adore Thee, and may continually rejoice in thy wonderful Works, to the end that we may at laft enter into the eternal Reft which Thou haft prepar'd in Jefus Chrift our Redeemer, yimen^ On Feftival Days, the Prayers a^^olnted for thofe Times, and rohich will he found hercaftrr, are to he read here j after which the A'fini' jier goes on: O Almighty God, who haft commanded us to pray to Thee for all Men, and who defircft that all fhould be faved, and coire to the Knowledge of thy Truth, hear the Petitions that we prefent Thee for the Peace and Tranquillity of all Nations, and for the Converfion of the People who knov/ Thee not. We pray Thee for Kings, Princes, and Magiftrates, and efpecially for our Sovereign Lord the King, the Qiicen, for the Prince Royal, and for the Frincefs his Con fort, and F^r M O R N I N G S E R V I d £. ^1 and for the Prince and Princefs their Children, for all the Royal Family, &c. and for all thofe that are put in Authority over us. We befeech Thee, O God, to keep and fanftifie more and more thy Church which is fpread over all the Earth, and particularly the Church of this Place. Strengthen all the Paftors and Minillers of thy Word. Have Pity on the People and Perfons that are in AfRidion : I>eliver thofe that are perfecuted and in Captivity for the fake of Truth : Affifl: the Sick, and fuch as are at the Point of Death Zand efpe- cially thofe for whom our Prayers are de fired'] Give to harden'd Sinners Time and Means for Repentance. Strengthen in Faith and Piety thofe th.-'t are ftill weak. Give Grace to thofe that love and fear Thee, to perfevere continually in Holinefs. Grant always, Lord, Peace to this State. Blefs the good Things of the Earth. Blefs this City and all its Inhabitants : Blefs particularly thofe Perfons that do Works of Piety and Charity in this Church, and all thofe that are here prefent, and that call upon Thee with a lincere Heart. O God, hear us ! Give us Grace to pafs our Days in thy Fear, and to end them in thy Peace, through Jefus Chrifl our Lord, who lives and reigns with Thee and the Holy Gholt, One only God bleffed for ever. Amen^ Saturday Ai'jrning^ that which follows is to he added ^ hecaufe of the Catechiz.ing which is performed after the Service is ended^ and at which all the Children are to he prefect. OLORD, fince we are entring upon the Infliruftion of the Youth of this Church, we befeech Thee to pour down thy BlelTing up- on our Labours, and to infpire thefe Children with the Senfe of thy Fear and Love, and with the Humility that is necelTary to render our Inftrudtions profitable to them. They have been confecrated to Thee from their Birth : Thou art their Father and their God. Suffer them never to renounce thy Covenant : Sandifie them by thy Spirit : Let our Inflrudions not only ferve to inlighten their Minds, but to fan- difie their Hearts, and to be the Rule of their Life, to the end that thefe Children may be one Day of the Number of the truly Faithful of thy Church, and of the Bleffed in Heaven, through Jefus Chrilt. yimeri' ALmighty Gad, who haft promifed to hear the Petitions of them that ask in thy Son's Name ^ we, befeech Thee mercifully to in- cline thine Ears to us that have made now our Prayers and Suppli- cations unto Thee, and grant that thole Thinsrs whicli we have faith- fully asked, according, to thy Will, may effectually be obtained, to the Relief of our Necefhty, and to the fetting forth of thy Glory, thrc^ Jefus Chrilt our Lord, jlmsn^ THE g3 T^^ M O R N I M G S E R V I G E. TH E Grace of our Lord JefusChrift, the Love of God, and the Fellow/hip of the Koly Gholt, be with you all evermore. Monday Morning tljt follomng Exhortation // to be read before the Jjlcffmg Is o-lveH' Cfjrlfilans, SINCE you are about to return to the Bufinefs of your Ordina- ry Calling, difchai'ge' it with a good Confcience, and behave you^ felves after fuch a manner, that whilft you are labouring for Tempo- ral Things, you negled not the Eternal. You Magiftrates, take Care what you do, for you do not execute- jullice as from Man, but from God, who fits in Judgment in the midft of You. Let the Fear of the Lord be therefore with you, for with God there is no Iniquity, nor Acceptance with Ferfons. You People, be fubjed to the Higher Powers, not only for the Fear of Wrath, but alfb for Confcience fake. You Fathers and Mothers, breed up your Children in the Inllru- ction and Corredion of the Lord. And you Children, obey your Fathers and Mothers in all Things in the Lord, for this is right. You Husbands, love your Wives, and be not provoked againlt them, but behave your felves towards them with Difcretion : And you Wives fubmit your felves to your Husbands as to the Lord. You Mafrers, do Juftice and Equity to your Servants, knowing that you alfo have a Aiafter in Heaven. And you Servants, obey your Mailers in the Simplicity of your Heart, as unto Chrilt, not as Eye- Servants, or defiring only to pleafe Man, but doing heartily the Will of God, as Servants of Jefus Chrilt. You Merchants, follow the Rules of Juftice, Equity and Honefly. You Handicrafts and Husbandmen, labour faithfully in your Calling, knowing that every one of you fhali receive of the Lord according to what he has done. You Old Men, be fober, grave, prudent, found in Faith and in Cha- rity. . And you Young Men, be moderate and humble, and remem- ber your Creator in the Days of your Youth. ' Let thofc that are afflided, be as if they did not weep ^ and tboie that rejoice, as if they were without Joy 5, and thofe that ufe the World, as not abuling it :, for the Fafnion of this World pafleth away. . My Brethren, Love not the World, nor the Things that are in the Worlds for if any one loves the World, the Love of the. Father is not Tl&e E V E N I N G S E R V I C £ , ^'5 not in him \ for the World pafTeth away and the Lufts thereaf, but he that doth the Will of God abideth for ever. TH E Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, the Love of God, the Fellowlhip of the Holy Gholl, be with us all evermore. AmetJ' The End of the Morning Service. The Evening Service. L E T our He^ be in the Kame of God j who hath made Heaven and Earth. Amen, Dearly Beloved Brethren, SI KG E we are here met together to worfhip God, to praife Him, to hear his Word, and to cff^r our prayers to Him, let us make ConfelTion of our Sins, and implore his Mercy \ to the end that the Service which we now render to Him, may be acceptable in his Prefence. f A Lmighty God, Heavenly Father, we have finned agaii^ Thee, j^^ and we are not worthy to be called thy Children j but be Thou reconciled to us, pardon all our Sins, and bring us to everlafling Life by a finccre Repentance, for the fake of Jefus Chrift thy Son. Amen- A Lmighty Cod, who art the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrifl-, J^ pardon all thofe tliat j;ruly repent and are converted to Him. Amen- Let us adore and praifc the Lord our God. Lord open our Lips, and our Mouths fhall fhew forth thy Praife. F Httf ?4 Ti^e E V E N i K G Service. JtJere is to he read a Hymn, as in the Morning Service, then png the li? Stave of the 92 Pfalm ; after which the following Prayer is to be read. O Merciful God, Heavenly Father, linc^ we are about to hear thy holy Word, we moft humbly befeech Thee to grant us Grace to underftand well the Meaning of it, and to live up to it, for the fake of Jefus Chrift our Saviour. ji?nerj. Hire. the LelTons are to he read as in the Morning Service*, after which they read the following Prayers. Let us pray. Lord have Mercy upon us. Lord hear our Prayers, and let our Cry come unto Thee. OU R Father which art in Heaven : Hallowed be Thy Name": Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Tref- pafles, as we forgive them that trefpafs againft us. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil. For Thine is the King- dom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever, j^men. O Lord, let thy Mercy lighten upon us, and grant us thy Sal- vation. Lord fave thy People, and blefs thine Inheritance. O God, create in us new Hearts, and take not from us thy Holy Spirit. Here the People fmg the i B Stave of the 6jth Plalm, and then the Minifier goes on. LO R D, we befeech thy Divine Majefty to accept the Evening Sa- crifice of Praife, we offer unto Thee, and to hear the Prayers that we now make to Thee. Proted us during this Night, keep us fi'om all Sin; and from all Danger, to the end that we may praife and ferve Thee at all Times : Lord we commit our Souls into thy Hands : Guide us whilft wej wake, keep us whilll we fleep, to the; end that whether we wake or fleep, we may be always with Thee, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Ameu* O9 T?r? E V E N t N G S E R V t C E. J J On Feilival Vays^ the Prayer apij^Intedfir each Feaft t; to h rexd O Almighty God, who has commanded us to pray to Thee for all Men, and who wouldeft that all (hould be faved, and come to the Knowledge of the Truth ^ hear the Prayers that we offer to Thee for the Peace and Tranquillity of all Nations, and for the Conver- iion of the People that know Thee not. We pray Thee for all Kings, Princes, and Magiftrates, and above all, for the facred Perfon of the King, for the Qiieen, for the Prince Royal, for the Princefs his Confort, and for the Prince and Princefs their Children, for all the Royal Family --, for the Count of War- tembcrg. Hereditary Governour-General, and for all that are in Au- thority over us. We befeech Thee, O God, to preferve and fanfti- fie more ^d more thy Church, which is fpread over all the Earth, and particularly the Church of this Place, Strengthen all the Pallors and all the Minifters of thy Word. Have Pity upon the People and Perfons that are in AfRidion. Deliver thofe that are perfecuted, and Captives for the fake of Truth. Affift the Sick and thofe that are at the Point of Death C ef^eclally thofe for whom our Trayers are deftred ~]. Grant to harden'd Sinners Time and Means for Repentance. Strengthen in Faith and Piety thofe that are ftill weak. Give Grace to thofe that love and fear Thee, to perfevere and to advance continually in Holinefs. Grant always. Lord, Peace to this Government. Blefs the Fruits of the Earth. Blefs this City, and all its Inhabitants. Blefs particu- larly thofe Perfons that do Works of Piety and Charity in this Church, and all thofe that are here prefent, and who call upon Thee with a fin- cere Heart. O God hear us I give us Grace to pafs our Days in thy Fear, and to finifh them in thy Peace, through Jefus Chrift our Lord y who lives and reigns with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one only God bleHed for ever and ever. Amen> \ Lmighty God, who haft given us Grace at this Time with one .**- Accord to make our common Supplications unto Thee, and dolb ^romife that when Two or Three are gathered together in thy !iName, Thou wilt grant their Requells: Fulfil now, O Lord, the Defires and Petitions of thy Servants, as may be moft expedient for Ichem •, granting us in this World Knowledge of thy Truth, and in jthe World to come Life everlafting. jimen- 'iwMy Brethren., , ' * The End of all Things is at hand, be then fober, and vigilant. The Lord be with you. God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Ghofl-, blefs you and prote(ft you. Amen. Fa A l6 Ti^^ E V E N I N G S E RV ICE. J Prayer to be read on Tuefday Evenings wfiead of the fore* going : O Almighty God, who hath commanded, drc, ALmighty God , fufFer not thy holy Ksme to be reproached be- canfe of our Sins, for we have offended againft Thee in divers Manners : We have not obey'd thy Word as we ought, we have daily provoked thy Wrath againft us by our Ingratitude, for which Rea- fon Thou mighteft juftly punifh us. But, O Lord, remember thy Mercy, and have Pity on us. Grant us Grace to know our Sins throughly, to repent of them, and to amend our Lives. Blefs thy People, O God, ftrengthen thy Minifters, to the end that they may preach thy Word, and difcharge their Miniftry faithfully and with Zeal. Strengthen alfo the Princes and Magiftrates into whofe Hands Thou haft put the Sword of Authority, to the end that they may ufe it to thy Glory, and the Good of thy People. Blefs particularly the King, the Queen, the Prince Royal, the Princefs his Confort, the Prince and Princefs their Children, and all the Royal Family *, the Count of Wartemhergy Hereditary Governour-General, and all thofe that are in Authority over us. Turn, O good God, thy Judgments from us, and be always our Pro- teftor. Defeat all the Defigns and all the Confpiracies that are formed againft thy Church and thy Gofpel. O Lord, never deprive us of thy Word, nor take thy Holy Spirit from lis. Grant that we may conftantly perfevere in the Faith, and in. the Fear of thy Name. Comfort and ftrengthen thole Perfons that are weak and afflifted, either in Body or in Mind, lefpeciaKy thofe for whom our Trayers are deftred^ and grant us thy Peace, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amea^ J Prayer to he added on Saturday Evemng^ at the End cf the Service, ET uf pray to God to prepare us for the Sandtification of I Sunday' O Almighty Lord, we praife Thee, and we thank TTiee from our Heart and Mouth, for all the good Things Thou haft be- ftowed upon us during the whole Courfe of our Lives, and particu- larly in the Week that is now drawing to an End. We pray Thee alfo to pardon all .the Sins we have committed, and to grant us Thy Grace, to the end that we may employ the following Week, and our whole Life, to the Glcry of thy holy Kame, to the Edification of <^r Neighbour, and the Advancement of our Salvation. And The Service j/^r Wednesday dnA Friday Evening, -^j And fince to Morrow is to be the Day of Reft that is confecra- ted to thy Service, give us Grace, O Lord, that we may not forfake the aflembling of our felves j but that being animated with an ardent Defire and true Zeal, we may appear in thy Houfe to celebrate pub- lickly, with all the Chriftian Church, the Worfhip which we owe Thee. Prepare our Hearts, O God, to the end that they may be the Vef- fels of thy Grace, and the Temples of thy Holy Spiric, that we may not only abftain from our Temporal Occupations this approach^ ing Sunday, but that we may fanftifie it by Exercifes of Piety, by ardent Prayers, by the ferious hearing and meditating on thy Word, and by Works, of Chriftian Charity. Give Grace to the Minifters of thy Church, to the End that they acquit themfelves of their Charge, with Care and Faithfulnefs, and. j)Our down thy Blefling on their Labours. Finally, 6 Lord, let our whole Lives be nothing elfe but one Pre- paration for the Eternal Reft which Thou haft promifed us, and which Thou haft prepared for us in Heaven, through Jefus Chrift> j4men* The End of the Evening Service. The Service for Wednefday and Friday Evening, L ET our Help be in the Kame of God, who hath made Heaven and Earth. Amen. Dearly beloved Brethren^ SINCE we are here met together to worfhip God, to praife Him, to hear his Word, and to offer up our Prayers to Him, let every one of us prefent himfelf before Him, and make Confellion of his Sins, faying with a pure and humble Heart : I Who am a poor Sinner, confefs before Thee, my God and my Crea- tor, that 1 have offended Thee in divers Manners, by Thought, Word, and Deed, as Thou knoweft, O Eternal God. But I repent of it, I am very lorry for it, and I implore thy Mercy and thy Grace, be- feeching Thee to grant to me and to all poor Sinners, a 'fincere and conftant Amendment of Life, through Jefus Chrift. jlmen> GOD 5 8 The Service /f?^ W e d n e s d a y and F r x d a. v Evenwg, CI OD Almighty, who is the Father of our Lord Jcfns Chrift, par- X don all "thofc that truly repent and are converted to Him. Amen* Let us adore and praife the Lord our God. Lord open our Lips, and our Mouths Ihall Ihew forth thy Pralfc; Here is to he read a Hymn, according to the appointed Order ;, after which the People fmg the lif Stave of the p2 Pfalm, and then is r§ad what follows* Let us give Thanks for all his Benefits. ALmighty God, Heavenly Father, we thy unworthy Servant^ do give Thee moft humble and hearty Thanks for all thy Goodneft and Loving-kindnefs which Thou beftoweft upon us and all Men, ^and particularly upon thofe who defire now to ojfer up their Praifes for the Mer- cies Thou hajl lately vouchfafed unto them. ^ We blefs Thee for our Creation, for our Prefervation, and for all the Bleflings of this pre- fent Life •, but above all, we blefs Thee for the ineftimable Love which Thou haft fhewn in redeeming the World by Jefus Chrift our Lord ^ for the Means of Grace, and for the Hope of Glory ^ and, we befeech Thee to give us that due Senfe of all thy Mercies, that we lUay fhew forth thy Praifes, not only with our Lips, but in our Lives, by giving up our felves to thy Service, and by walking before Thee in Holinefs and Righteoufnefs all our Days, through Jefus Chrift dur Lord j to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghoft, be all Honour and Glory, World without End. Amen. O Merciful God, Heavenly Father, fmce we .'are now about to hear thy holy World, we moft humbly befeech Thee to give us Grace to underftand well the Meaning of it, and to live up to it, for the fake of jefus Chrift our Saviour. Amen* Hire the LefTon is to he read, according to the appointed Order ; aftir which is to be f aid the Apofiles Creed. Attend to the Articles of the Chriftian Faith, of which we all make Profeflion, and in which we ought all of us to perfevere even unto the End of our Lives. I Be- The Service for Wednesday 4;;^ Friday Evening, j 9 I Believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth : And in Jefus Chrift his only Son our Lord, who was conceiveck by the Holy Ghoft, born of the Virgin Mary^ fuffered under Vontius Pilate^ was crucified, dead, and buried ^ He descended into Hell ^ the Third Day He rofe again from the Dead, He afcended into Heaven, and fitteth on the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty ^ from thence He fhall come to judge the Quick and the Dead. I believe in the Holy Ghoft ^ the Holy Cathoiick Church ^ the Com- munion of Saints*, the Forgivenefs of Sins j the Refurredion of the. Body, and the Life everlafting. Ameiu Let us pray. Lord have Mercy upon us ! Lord hear our Prayers, and let our Requefts come unto Thee. OU R Father which art in Heaven : Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Hea- ven. Give us this Day our Daily Bread. And forgive us our Tref- pafles, as we forgive them that trefpafs againft us. And lead us not into Temptation •, but deliver us from Evil. For Thine is the King- dom, the Power and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen. O Lord, let thy Mercy lighten upon us, and grant us thy Salva- tion. Lord fave thy People, and blefs thine Inheritance. O God create in us pure Hearts, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. The PeofU fmg the fir ft Verfe of the 6qth Pfalm, after which 'the Mi^ nifter continues thus* OLord, who art the God of Peace, and the Author of all good Things, give unto thy Servants that Peace which the World cannot give ^ to the end that our Hearts may be fet to obey thy Com-^ mandments, and alfa that by Thee we being defended from the Fear of our Enemies, may pafs our T ime in Reft and Quietnels, through the Merits of Jefus Chrift our S-. /iour. Amen, Lighten our Darknefs, we befeech Thee, O Lord, and by thy great Mercy defend us from all Perils and Dangers of this Kight, tor the Love of thy only Son our Saviour Jefus Chrift. Amen^ On Feftival Days, the trayer af^ointedfor the Feaft, « to he re^d here* 40 The Service /(?r Wednesday /f^i Friday Evening^, ' Let us pray for the Higher Powers. OG O D, who art the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, we ba- feech Thee mercifully to behold all Kings, Princes, and Magi- ftrates, and efpecially the King, the Queen, the Prince Royal, the Prin- cefs his Confort, the Prince and Princefs their Children, and all the Royal Family ^ the Count of IVartember^, Hereditary Governour Ge- neral, and all thofe that are in Authority in this State. Grant that they may ufe their Authority for the Advancement of thy Gloi-y, for the Good of thy Church, and our Country ^ to the end that we may lead a quiet and peaceable Life in all Godlinefs and Honefty, thro* Jefus Chrift our Lord. ^mcft. Let us pray for the Pallors. O Eternal and Almighty God^fend down upon our Paftors and thy Mi- nifterSjand upon all the Blocks that'are committed to their Charge, the healthful Spirit of thy Grace. Fill them fo abundantly with the Knowledge of thy Doctrine, and endue them in fuch manner with In- nocence of Life, that they may .exercife their Miniftry in thy Prefence, to the Glory of thy great Name, and to the Edification of thy holy Church, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amerj. Let us pray for all Men, and for the Catholick Church. OG O D, the Creator and Preferver of all Mankind, we humbly be- feech Thee for all ^orts and Conditions of Men, that Thou woujdeft be pleafed to make thy Ways known unto them. Thy fa- ving Health unto all Kations. More efpecially we pray for the good Eftate of the Catholick Church i that it may be fo guided and go- verned by thy good Spirit, that all who profefs and call themfelves Chriftians, may be led into -the Way of Truth, and hold the Faith in ynity of Spirit, in the Bond of Peace, and in Righteoufnefs of Life. Finally, we commend to thy Fatherly Goodnefs, all thofe who are any ways afRided or diftreifed in Mind, Body, or * Tins to he Eftatc [_ "^ Efpecially thofe for whom our Prayers are de fired 3 fttid when any i\^2il it may pleafe Thee to comfort and relieve them, ac- prajetsofthe cordiug to their feveral Neceffities, giving them Patience Corigrcgxtim. under their Sufferings, and a haj^py IfTue out of all their Afflidiojis. And this we beg for Jefus Chrift liis like. Arnsri' Tnytvs'for the Fas t-D ays. 41 LORD God Almighty, who hath given r.s Grace at this Time with one acccord, to make our Supplications to Thee, and hail promifed that when Two or Three are gathered together in thy Name, Thou wilt grant their Requeft. Fulfil now, O Lord, the De- iires and Petitions of thy Servants, as Thou knoweft will be moft expedient for them : Granting us in this World Knowledge of thy Ttuth, and in the World to come Life everlafting. Amen. My Brethren, The End of all Things is at hand ^ be therefore fober and vigi- lant. The Lord be with you- God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Ghofb blefs and keep you. Amen. 7he END. A Prayer for the Fas t-D ays. To he ufed before the Sermon. ET us lift up our Hearts to God, and let us devoutly of!er Kim I the following Prayer. GLord, before whom we are folemnly afTembled, difpofe our Hearts to call upon Thee, and to feek thy Face. Lord have Pity on us : Lord hear our Prayers : And let our Requell come unto Thee. Almighty God, LOrd of Heaven and Earth, whofe Glory and Po- wer is Infinite, and Mercy without Bounds ^ we humble our felves, we caft our felves down before Thee, we adore thy Divine Majefly. Thou art the great God Almighty, and the Lord. Thou hafl: made the Heavens, the Earth, and all Things that are therein. Thou gi- veft Life to all Things, and the Hofl of Heaven proftrates its felf before Thee. Thou art worthy that the Angels fhould adore Thee. Thou art vrorthy that Men fhould fear Thee, and continually exalt G ' thy 41 . Prayers for the ¥ h s t-D a y s. thy glorious Name, faying vmh the Angels, Holy^ Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hoft, Heaven and Earth are full of thy Glory •, thy Majefty is incomprehenfible •, thy Grcatnefs is infinitely above Qiiir Thoughts and our Praifes : Bnt thy Goodnefs is beyond all thy Works'5-^f. and we come this Day to offer no to Thee our Thankfgivings for all thy Favours which Thou haft beftowed upon us, even to this pre- fcnt Time. O Lord, we. are loaded with thy Benefits, and the Ten;imoni(e<^ of- thy Bounty offer ihemfelves to us from all Parts. Thou hall: given us Life, Motion, and Being •, and thy liberal Hand does abundantly fur- nifh us with all Things neceflary to pafs this Life in Peace and Tran- qaillity. Thou haft bleffed, proteded, and preferved us till now : Whilft Thou vifiteft fo many other People with thy Scourges, Thou-» doft keep us in Peace, Plenty, and Liberty. But chiefly, we praife Thee for, all thy Spiritual Bleffings in Jefus- Chrift. Thou haft redeemed Mankind by the Blood of thy Son, and Thou haft made us to be of the Number of thofe v/ho know Thee, snd whom Thou doft call to be glorified with Thee in Heaven. Thou haft preferved the Candleftick of thy Word in the midft of lis : Thou hafl proteded our Churches : Thou haft removed Perfecu- tion from them : Thou haft provided, and doft daily provide for their Edification more and more. Thou haft given to all of us in general, and to each of us in par- ticular, the Means of attaining Salvation. Thou liaft prevented us by thy Word, by the Voice of thy Servants, by, the Motions of thy Spi- rit, and by the continual Affiftance of thy Grace, Thou haft Aip* ported us notwithftanding our Sins. Thou haft not cut us off during the Courfe of our Iniquities ^ and even now we are waiting upon Thee, and Thou art ftiil difpos'd to blefs us. But, O God, we have abufed thy Favours : Inftead of making good ufe of thy Temporal Mercies, we have taken Occafion. from., thence to offend Thee, and to cleave to the World. , We have noS ferved Thee whilft Thou haft been beftowing great Mercies uponu* ■ We are corrupted, we have forfaken Thee, we have diflionour'd and provok'd Thee to Jcaloulle, Thou, O God who art the Rock of our Solvation. We have not v;alked in the Light of thy Holy Gofpel which enlightens us, nor lived after a manner worthy of our Voca- tion. We have finned againft Thee, againft our Neighbours, and againft our felves, by our Actions, by our Words, and by our Thoughts. Our WickedncfTes, O Lord, our WickedneiTes are multiply'd, and our Iniquities are reached even unto the Heavens. Lord, v^^e acknowledge the Multitude and the Greatnefs of our Ini- quities. Neither we, nor the chiefeft among us, nor the Priefts, nor the People, have' performed thy Lavv^ : We have not liftened to thy Command mentSj nor to the Warnings which Thou haft given us by thy Prayers for the Fas t-D ays. -45 thy Spirrt, and by the Miniftry of thy Servants, duiing the Years of thy Forbearance: Since the bays of our Fathers, even until now, we have greatly offended Thee. O Lord, the Sins which are committed amongd us, have a long time provoked Thee to Wrath : Impiety, want of Devotion, Hypocri- fie, vain Swearing, Blafphemies, Prophanation of thy Holy Name, ■of thy holy Service, and of thy holy Laws ; Injuflice, Theft, Violence, Fraud, Hatreds, Divilions, Envy, Backbiting, Slandering, Senfuality, Drunkenncfs, Gluttony, Fornication, Adultery, Pride, Excefs in Ap- parel, Covetoiifnefs, Love of the World, Sins fecret and o\3en \ Sins of the Great Ones, and of the Common People •, all thefe Sins, O God, the jufb Judge, all thefe Sins have defiled this Country and its -Inhabitants, and do enkindle thy Wrath and Indignation. And now, what fhall we fay after fuch Things as thefe ^ for we Iiave forfaken thy Commandments, and rebelled againft Thee. O Lord, Thou art Righteous, and we are wicked. To Thee belongs Righteoufnefs, but to us Confullon of Face. Thou mayeft juftly cafe us off, and deftroy us. For all thefe Things we condemn our felves, and do take upon us this Day Sackcloth and Afhes, having humble Re- conrfe to the Greatnefs of thy Mercies. O God, who defireft not the Death of a Sinner, but rather that he (honld be converted and live : Thou who defpifell not the Prayers snd Groans of thofe that call upon Thee, hear the Prayers of thy •Eleft and of thy Children. Hear the poor Sinners that confefs their Faults. Be gracious to thofe that are penitent, for the Love of thy well-beloved Son •, for the fake of his Sacrifice, and of what he fuf- fefd for us. Have Pity upon harden'd Sinners, and give them Time ^nd Means to repent. Be favourable, O God, be favourable to thy People, who turn to Thee with Tears, Falling, and Prayers. Be mer- citul to us, good God, for Thou art a God full of CompafTion, Long- Sufferiiig, and great Mercy. Turn us, and we ihall be turned : Re- generate us to a Kew Life, to the end that Thou mayeft continue to take Pleafure in us, and that our Prayers and our Perfons may be acceptable to Thee. Accept, O Almighty God, accept this Day the Saa-ifice of our Thankfgivings for all thy Goodnefs. Lord, we praife Thee, we blefs Thee, we glorifie Thee, we rejoice in Thee, we give Thee Thanks, and we continually magnifie thy holy Kame. Come let us praife the Lord, for He is good, and his Mercy en- dureth for ever. Let the Lord be praifed from Day to Day •, the Lord who is our Fielp, and who pours forth his Benefits upon us! He is our God, and the God of our Salvation. Bleficd be the Lord, who daily heaps upon us his good Things ! And blefled for ever be the Kamx ot his Glory, and let each of us fay, Amra* G 1 . Here 44 Prayers for the Fas t-D a y si Here is to he added the Traycr that is [aid on the Week-Days before the Sermon : O Lord, fince we are here met in thy Name, to hear Thy Word, which Thou haft given iis, &c. and the Lord's- Praycr : Jnd after the Sermon, this Vrayer. O Almighty God, we caft our felves down before Thee, to con- tinue to oiler lip to Thee our Supplications this Day of Fafting and Humiliation. And iince wc are here afTembled to pray to Thee, not only for our felves, but alfo for all forts of Perfons, and particularly for thy Church : We pray Thee, O God, who art the Creator and Father of INlankind, for all .Men, and for all People in general \ that Thou wouldeft be pleafed to make known thy Ways unto them, and mar nifeft thy Salvation to all the Nations. We pray Thee for the Profperity of the Catholick Church, guide it by thy Word, and by thy Spirit, and let not the Gates of Hell ever prevail againft it. Blefs the Proteftant Churches ^ preferve them \ defend them againft their Enemies ^ unite them by the Bands of Peace;, fanclifie them : Stop the Courfe of Error, of Divifions, of Corruption and Scandals that reign among thofe whom Thou haft ho- noured with thy Knowledge, and reftore every where Truth, Piety, and Peace. Blefs the Churches of EngLmd^ Holland^ Germany^ Hungary, Piemofjt, and all other Places where thy Name i-s called upon in Purity. Keep thofe that are in being, fupport thofe that are per- fecuted, and re-eftablifti them in thy Favour. Blefs the Churches of Switz,£rland, our dear Country, which are all aifem.bled this Day before Thee. Hear the Prayers which they offer up to Thee, and let thefe Churches ever be the Objefts of thy Pro- tection. Grant thy Blefling to the Churches of this Country^ pre- ferve them from Error and Vice •, remove from them Ignorance and Scandals ^ and grant that Piety, Order, and Peace may always flourilh among them. Above all, v/e implore with raoft ardent ir'rayers, thy Blef- ling upon this Flock. O Lord, pardon our SinSj and be merciful to this Church. Make the Knowledge and Fear of thy great Name, to reign therein, and blefs y/hate\'^r is undertaken for its Edification. Blefs the Families and thofe Perfons of which they are compofed ; Parents and Children, Husbands and Wives, Mafters and Servants,. Young and Old, Great and Small, Rich and Poor. V/e recommend to thy Goodnefs, all the Paftors who, in whatfo- ever Place they be, are appointed for the Guidance of thy Flocks* O Lord, fend good Labourers into thy Harveft I Sandlifie and fill a- bandantly with thy Gifts, thofe v/ ho exercife the Holy ^Uniftryj, as alio thofe who devote themfelves thereto. Cloath thy I\iiniftcrs with Kightecufnefs.. Grant a happy Succefs to the pious Deilgns and holy Labours of all Thy true Servants that fcek thy Glory and the Edi- ficotioaof thy Church. Particularly blefs the Paftors of this Country- arid Prayers /or the F a s-tD a r s. 55 and this Church, whom Thou hafb intrufted with the Care of ou-'* Salvation, and who watch for our Souls. O God, pardon thySer' vants and thy Miniiters their SiPxS and their Failings : Cleanfc thy Sanduary again, and grant that by both Paltors and People, with a new Zeal, thy holy Name may be more and more glorified in the midft of us. We pray Thee for all Kings, Princes, and Magiftrates, befeeching Thee to grant thy Knowledge to them all. Save and defend, all Chriftian'" Princes and Magiftrates^ infpire them with a true Zeal for thy Glory, and blefs all their jufc and holy Undertakings. Particularly we offer to Thee our mofb earnelt Prayers for the facred Perfon of our Sovereign Lord the King ; O Lord, preferve him carefully, prolong his Days, and give us Grace that, according to Thy holy Gomraandment, we may exert an inviolable Fidelity to- wards him. Blefs the Qiieen, the Prince Royal, the Princefs his Con- fort, the Prince and Princefs their Children ^ for all the Royal Fa- mily •, the Count of IVartemberg, Hereditary Governour General of this Principality, and all thofe who are appointed to govern this State, and who' have adminiflred the Offices of Jullice and Policv therein, and particularly the Magiftrates of this City. O God, ftrengthen them in the Exercife of their Employments, to. the end that they may ufe their Authority for the Advancement of thy Glory, and for the good of thy Church, and of our Country. Lord, with- draw not thy Favour from this State. O God, continue to take Care ot us, and to blefs us. O Lord, let thy Mercy fhine upon us, and grant us thy Salvation ! O Lord fave thy People, and blefs thine Inheritance ! 1 urn away thy Judgments from us ! O God of our Deliverance, help us, and be favourable to our Sins, for the fake of thy Kame. We implore thy Kelp in behalf of all Ferfons in AfHidion. Above all, we recommend to thy Mercy, thofe that fufFcr Perfecution for the fake of Truth. Lord, have Pity upon the fad Condition to which fo many of our Brethren have been reduced in divers Places, and for fo long a Time. Comfort thofe defolate Souls, raife up thofe that are fallen •, deliver thofe that arc in Prifons, in the Galleys, in Convents, and in other places. Guide by thy Providence thofe who endeavour to fet their Confciences at Liberty. AfTiit all thofe that fuffer any AiPiiftion either in Body or Mmd^ and cfpecially thofe among our Brethren, r/iCmbers of this Church, who through Sicknefs or Infir- mity have not been able to meet this Day in thy Houfe. Grant them Pvcpentancc, and Patience under their Calamities, and a happy IfTiie out of all their AfTiidions. O Lord, before vvhum we have this Day humbled our felvts in. a folemn manner, and who halt promifed us, that when we lhoi:ld be gathered together in thy Kame, Thou wouldeil hear our Prayers^ and fvilEl the Defires and Petitions of thy Servants* Hear aU thofe who ^6 Prayers for the V as t-D a y s. who feelc to Thee with a fincere Heart : Lord be reconcile towards us, and pardon us : Lord have Pity on us, and grant us thy Peace : Lord receive our Prayers, our Praifes, our Devotion ; and grant that our Fafting may bring forth fuch Fruits of Repentance and Converfion as may be acceptable to Thee, through Jefus Chrift thy Son, who bas commanded us to call upon Thee in the following manner. Our Father, &t* A Prayer to be ufid on Purlick Fasts. OLord, before whom 'tis our Duty to prefent our felves at this Time, to offer to Thee the Sacrifice of our Thankfgivings, of our Hepentance, and to celebrate a publick Fall : Difpofe our Hearts to a true Humiliation, to the end, that acknowledging the Number and Greatnefs of our Sins, we may deplore them, and obtain thy Pardon for them. Lord enter not into Judgment with thy Servants, who are but Duft and miferablc Sinners before Thee. Pardon thy Peo- ple, who turn to Thee in Fafting, Praying, and Weeping : For Thou art a merciful God, full of CompaiTton, flow to Anger, and abounding in Kindnefs. Hearr'our Prayers, O moft good God, arid hear thofe of all our Brethren who call upon Thee with us. Create in us new and contrite Hearts, fo that our Fafting may bring forth the Fruits of a true Repentance, through Jefus Chrift thy Son. Amen. K. B. Tk Liturgies of Baptifm, of the Holy Sacrament, and of Marriage, are not infer ted here^ becaufe they are already Puhli^id_, ^and becaufe they are the fame that are ufed by the Reformed ■ChyTches in thefe Countries. . Th (47) The HYMNS for the Ordinary Service. For Monday Morning. OCome let us ling unto the Lord, let us heartily rejoice in the Strength of our Salvation. Let us come before his Prefence with Thankfgiving , and fhew our felves glad in him with Pfalms. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all Gods. . O come let us worfhip, and fall down, and kneel before the Lord our Maker. For Ke is the Lord our God. And we are the People of his Pafliire, and the Sheep of his Handi G Lord our God, thy Wonders and Favours towards us, arc ia- fo great Number, that we are not able to count them. Thou haft given us Lite, Motion, and Being. Thou doft always give us Evidences of thy Bounty in doing us Good, in fending from Heaven Rain and fruitful Seafons , and in hlling our Hearts with Food and Gladncfs. Thou haft fent thy Only Son into the World, to the end that tie might be a Propitiation for our Sins. Thou haft honoured us with an holy Calling: Thou haft adopted us,,, and then callcft us to the PofTcilion of thy Glory. For all thefe Things we bkf^'Thee, we worfhip Thee, and we ex- alt thy glorious Name, faying with Angels, and all the Flcavenly Hoft, Floly, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hofts, Heaven and Earth are full of the Majcfty of thy Glory, O God rnoft High. Let our Mouth be filled for ever with thy Praiie, and let all Flefb < blefs Thee perpetually. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghoft. As it was in the Beginning, is uow, and ever ihall be. World with- out End. jimcih . ( 48 ) Another Hymn for Monday Morning. OLord, from the Morning hear our Voice ; from the Morning we will fcek after Thee : Send thy Light and Truth, to the end that they may guide us, and bring us into thy holy Tabernacles. We will come into thy Houfe, and we will caft down our felves in thy Holy Temple, v/ith that Reverence which is due unto Thee. I walli my Hands in Innocence, and I encompafs thy Altar, O Lord, to break forth into Thankfgivings, and to tell of all Thy wonderful Works. My God, I love the Habitation of thy Houfe, and the Place where is the Tent of thy Glory. Make us to underftand thy Goodnefs in the Morning, for our Hope has been in Thee. Make us to know the Way in which we are to walk, for we have lifted up our Hearts to Thee : Teach us to do thy Will, for Thou art our God : Let thy good Spirit guide us as through an even Country. Satisfie us every Morning with thy Goodnefs, to the end that we may be joyful all our Days. Let the Work of thy Grace appear in us, and we fhall blefs thy holy Kame. Let us blefs the Lord, who heaps upon us good Things every Day. Let us give Thanks to the Father, who has made us capable of partaking of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light, who haft deliver- ed us from the Power of Darknefs, and brought us into the King- dom of his beloved Son, in whom we have Redemption by his Blood, even the RemifHon of Sins. Glory be to the Father, &Cs An Hymn for Monday Evening. PRAISE the Lord, call upon his Name, publifh his great Acts among the People, fing to Him, fing Pfalms to Him, fpeak of all his marvellous Works. Glorifie his holy Name : Let the Heart of all thofe that feek the Lord, rejoice : Seek the Lord and his Strength, feek continually his Strength : Remember all his marvellous Works. Our God is Great, orgreat Power, none can tell the Greatnefs of his Wifdom. Sing to the Lord with Thankfgivings, by anfvvering one another : Sing Pfalms to our God. Jerufalem praife the Lord, Sion praife thy God. 'Tis He that ftrengthens the Bars of thy Gates, and that blefles thy Children within thee. Tis He that makes thy Land peaceful : 'Tis He that makes known his Word to Jacob, and his Statutes to Ifrael : He has 'Aft Hymn /?/• M o n d a y E v e nw n g. 49 has not dealt fo with all the Nations. 'Tis He that has fo loved the World, that He has given his Only Son, to the end that whoever believes in Him Ihould not perifh, but have everlafting Life. What fhall we render unto the Lord ? All his Benefits are upon us. We will take the Cup of Salvation, and we will blefs his holy- Name : Wc will now pay Him our Vows before all his People, in the Courts of his Houfe, in the midft of thee, O Jerufalem, praili the Lord. Glory be to the Father, &c^ Another Hymn for Monday Evening. OLord God our King, we will exalt Thee, and we will blefs thy Name for ever. The Lord is Great, and worthy of great Praife : There is no End of his Greatnefs : One Generation (hall tell another the Glory of thy Works. We will fpeak of the glorious Magnificence of thy Majefty : We will every where declare the Memorial of Thy great Goodnefs : We will publifh thy Righteoufnefs with Songs of Triumph. The Lord is merciful and gracious, flow to Anger, and of great Goodnefs. The Lord is gracious to all, his Mercies are over all his Works. Lord, all thy Works fhall praife Thee, and thy Beloved Ihall blefs Thee : They {ball repeat the Glory of thy Kingdom, and publiili thy great Ads. Thy Kingdom is an everlafting Kingdom, thy Dominion endureth through all Ages. The Lord upholds thofe that are falling, and fets upright thofe that are ftumbling. The Lord is righteous in all his Ways, and full of Goodnefs in all his Works. The Lord is near all tho(e that call upon Him, to all thofe that call upon Him fincerely. The Eyes of all Creatures wait upon Thee, Thou givelt them their Food, Thou openeft thy Hand, and fatisfieft the Deiires of all living Creatures. He fulfils the Defires of thofe that fear Him : He hears their Cry and delivers them. The Lord keeps all thofe that love Him, and roots out all the Evil-doers. Our Mouth fhall fhew forth the Praifes of th« Lord, and all Crea- tures fhall blefs his Holy Name for ever. Glory be to the Father, &€. H An 50 Hymns /(?r Tuesday Evening. Jn Hymn for Tuefday Evening. OLord God of our Fathers, Thou art blefTed, Thou art worthy to be praifed, and exalted above all Things for ever. The holy Name of thy Majefty is blefTed : Thou art blefied in thy Holy Temple: Thou art blelled in the glorious Throne of thy Kingdom, celebrated and elorified eternally. O all you Works ot the Lord, praife Him, and exalt Him above all Things for ever. , . , , ... O ye Heavens, praife Him •, ye Angels of the Lord, praife Him ^ all ye Creatures of Heaven, of Earth, and of the Sea, praife Him, and exalt Him above all Things for ever. Ye Sons of Men praife Him : Let Ifrael blefs the Lord : Let him praife Him, and exalt Him above all Things for ever. Ye Priefts and Minifters of the Lord ; ye Spirits and Souls of the Juft ^ ye Saints, humble of Heart, blefs the Lord, praife Him, and exalt Him above all Things for ever. AH ye the Servants of the Lord, blefs the Lord, the God of Gods, for He is gracious, and his Mercy endureth for ever. Thou art blefled, O Lord God, of our Fathers, and blelTed is the Name of thy Glory, in all the Churches, through Jefus Chrift : Thou art worthy of Praife for ever and ever : Let us blefs the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit j let us praife and exalt i^im for ever. Glory be to the Father, &c» /Another Hymn for Tuefday Evening, OGod, we will celebrate Thee with all our Heart, we will fing Pfalms to Thee, we will bow down our felves in the Palace of thy Holinefs, and we will praife thy Goodnefs and Faithfulnefs. Lord, we adore thy infinite Majefty, we blefs Thee for thy Mer- cy, and we rejoice in thy Salvation. Thou haft rr^ade thy Favour admirable towards Men. Thou haft fent thy Son, to the end that Thou mighteft manifefl the Truth of thy Promifes made to the Fathers, and to the end that the- Gentiles may praife Thee for thy Mercy ^ for the fake of which we will praife Thee among the Nations, and we will fing Hymns to thy Name O ye Gentiles, rejoice with his People. O all ye Nations, praife the Lord. O all ye People, celebrate Him : You that were formerly no People, but are now the People of God : You that in former Times had not obtained Mercy, but who have now obtained Mercy. O Hymns /?rWEDNESDAYEvENiKG. 51 O the Depth of the Riches, of the Wifdom and Knowledge of God ! How incOfflprehenfible are his Judgments, and his Ways pafl: finding ont ! Who has known the Thoughts of the Lord ? Or who has been his Connfellor ? Or who has firft given Him any Thing, and He hath jK)t returned it to him ? for all Things are of Him, by Him, and for Him. To Him be Glory for ever and ever. Glory.be to the Father, ^f. Jn Hymn for Wednefday Evening. COME, and let us prefent our felves before the Face of God, let us call: down our felves before Him. Know that the Lord He is God, 'tis He that hath made us,, not we our felves: We are his People, and the Flock which He feeds and leads. Enter into his Gates with Thankfgiving, and into his Courts with Praife, celebrate and blefs his holy Name : For the Lord is gracious, his Mercy endureth for ever, and his Truth from one Generation to another. O God, we adore Thee as our God, as our Creator *, and as the Fa- ther of our Lord Jefus Chrill, we humble our felves in thy Prefence,. and acknowledge thy infinite Majefty. The Angels adore Thee, and all the Holt of Heaven fall down be- fore Thee, and praife Thee, faying, Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hoft, all the Earth is fill'd with tliy Glory. Receive the Honours that we pay to Thee upon Earth, we poor Mortals, miferable Sinners, who are thy Creatures and thy Children through Grace. Glory be to the Father, &c> Another Hymn /or Wednefday Evening. COME, and let us prefent our felves before the Face of God, let m worfhip Him in his Temple, let us caft our felves down in his Sanctuary. ..h,*^ •. > The Lord is here ; How venerable and holy is this Place ! This is the Houfe of God, this is the Gate of Heaven. O Lord God of our Fathers, Thou art blefled for evermore. To TlK:e belongs Might, Power, Glory, Eternity, and Majefty. H 2 All 52 J» Hymn for Thursday M o r k i n g. All that is in Heaven and in Earth, is Thine •, the Kingdom is Thine : Thou art a Prince exalted above all Things : Thou haft the Dominion over all: Riches and Honour, Power and Might are in thy Hand. , .^ , , . Now then, O our God, we celebrate and praife thy glorious Name. What are we, and what is this People, that we fhould have Power to offer Thee this voluntary Service, and to praife Thee ? We arc Strangers before Thee, and our Days pafs as a Shadow. Behold, we make bold to fpeak to Thee, though we are but Duft and Afhes. Lord, accept the voluntary Oblations of our Lips ; let thy Mercy be upon us, O God, according as we have waited on Thee. Glory be to the Father, &c^ An Hymn for Thurfday Morning. LORD of Hofts, how amiaMe are thy Tabernacles ! My Soul ceafcs not to defire earneftly : It pants after the Courts of God : My Heart and my Flefh are tranfported with Joy for the living God. Happy are thole that dwell in thy Houfe, and that praife Thee contt^ nually. One Day in thy Courts, is better than a Thoufand elfewhere. I had rather be a Door-keeper in the Houfe of my God, then to dwelt in the Tents of Wickednefs. For the Lord is a Sun and a Shield. The Lord gives Grace and Glory : He with-holds not any good Thing from thofe who walk in Uprightnefs. Lord of Hofts, happy is the Man that trufts in Thee. God, I will dwell in thy Tabernacle for many Ages : I will hide my felf under the Shadow of thy Wings, for Thou, O God, halt heard my Defires, and haft given me the Inheritance of thofe that fear thy Name. 1 will be always with Thee : Thou haft taken me by the Right- Hand *, Thou fhalt guide me by thy Council, and receive me into thy Glory. Whom' have I in Heaven befides Thee : I have had no Delight up- on Earth but in Thee. All thofe that part from Thee ihall perifh. Thou fhalt cut off thofe that forfake Thee j but as for me^ 'tis my Happinefs to come near to God. Glory be to the Father, &c^ Anotltr An Hymn /(?r T h u r s d a y E v e n i n g. 55 'Jnolher Hymn for Thurfday Morning. OGO D, Thou art my mighty God : I feek Thee in the Mornin? early : My SoAil thirfteth after Thee, and my Fleih longeth for Thee in a defdrt Land. I defire to fee thy Face and thy Glory in thy Sanftuary ^ for thy Favour is better than Life j wherefore I will blefs Thee as long as I live. Happy is He whom Thou haft Chofen, and whom Thou (halt bring near to Thee, that He may dwell in thy Courts. We fhall be fatis- fied with the good Things of thy Houfe, and of thy Palace. We will come into thy Temple with the Sacrifices of Praife, and we will pay our Vows to Thee. Blefled be the Lord, who beftows his good Things on us daily. Blefled be God, the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, who of his great Mercy has regenerated us to a lively Hope, by the Refurreftioa of Jefus Chrift from the Dead, to obtain an incorruptible Inheritance that can never be defiled, nor wear away, and which is kept in Hea- ven for us. BlefTed be the Lord God of Ifrael, who only doth marvellous Things. Blefled for ever be the Name of his Glory : And let all the Earth be filled with his Praifes. Blefled be the Lord for ever and ever, and let all the People fay, u^men. Glory be to the Father, &c. An Hymn for Thurfday Evening. YE who are the Servants of the Lord, praife the Name of the Lord : Blefl"ed be the Name of the Lord both now and for evermore. The Name of the Lord is great, from the rifing up of the Sun to the going down of the fame : The Lord is above all the Nation^ and his Glory above all the Heavens. * Who is like to our God, that dwelleth in the higheft Places ^nd ftoops to behold the Heavens and the Earth ? ' " The Lord is inclined to Pity, merciful, flow to Anger, abound'-e in Kmdnefs. He has not done to us according unto our :>ins^ nor rendred to us according unto our Traafgrefiions. God;, (f^ An HyiTin /(j/* F r i d a y Evening. God, who is rich in Mercy, through his tender Mercy, wherewith He hath loved us, even at the Time when we were dead in our Sins, has quickned us in Chrift, and i-ais'd us up together with Him, and has caus'd us to fet down in the heavenly Places in Chrift, to the end He might fhew the exceeding Riches of his Grace and Goodnefs towards us, through Jefus Chrift. May God vouch-fafe to enlighten the Eyes of our Underftanding, to the end that we might know^ what is the Hope of his Calling, and what are the Riches of his Inheritance in the Saints. To this great God and Father, who by the Power that ads in us with Efficacy, can do abundantly above what we ask or think, to Him be Glory in the Church by Jefus Chrift, thi-oughall Ages, and for ever and ever. ^ Glory be to the Father, &€• Another Hymn for Thurfday Evening. IWill fing of the Goodnefs. of the Lord, and I wiU tell of his Truth through all Ages. O Lord God of Hofts, who is like unto Thee, mighty Lord ! Thy Arm is powerful, thy Hand is ftrong, thy Right-hand is lifted up : Righteoufnefs and Truth are the Foundation of thy Throne, Mercy and Faith fulnefs go before thy Face. Thy Works are great and admirable, Lord God Almighty. Thy Ways are juft and true, O King of Saints: Who ftiould not fear Thee, Lord, and glorifie thy Name ! For Thou only art holy. All the Nations fhall come and worftiip Thee, becaufe thy Judg- ments are made manifeft. O ye Juft, rejoice in the Lord, and celebrate the Memorial of his Ho- linefs ^ celebrate his Name, which is great and terrible ^ celebrate the Strength of the King that loves Righteoufnefs \ exalt the Lord our God, and caft your felves down before his Footftool : He is holy, praife Him by Pfalms, Hymns, and fpiritual Songs, fmging and, re- joicing in your Heart to the Lord. Give always Thanks for all Things, to our God and Father, in the Name of our Lord Jefus Chrift. Glory be to the Father, &c. An Hymn for Friday Evening. IWill blefs the Lord at all Times, his Praife ftiall be continually in my Mouth : My Soul ftiall make its Boaft of God ^ the Righ- teous fhall hear it, ana rejofce. Magnifie the Lord with me, and let us Hymns /c^r F r i d a y E v e n i n g. ^ 5 us exalt his Name together : Tafte and fee how gracious is the Lord : Happy is the Man that draweth near Him. O Lord, thy Goodnefs reaches even unto the Heavens ^ and thy Faithfulnefs even unto the Clouds : Thy Righteoufnefs is as the high Mountains, and thy Judgments as the great ©eep. Thou preferveft both Man and Beaft. O God, how precious is thy Goodnefs ! So fhall the Sons of Men Shelter themfelves under the Shadow of thy Wings. They ihali be filed with the Fatnefs of thy Houfe ^ and Thou fhalt give them Ri- vei-s of Pleafure to drink. The Springs of Life are in Thee, and it is by thy Light we fee Lieht. Continue to difplay thy Favour upon thofe that know The^, and thy Righteoufnefs upon thofe that are true of Heart. Lord we give Thee Thanks that Thou hall chofen us from the Besinning, in Sanftification of Spirit, by Faith, and by the ..Word of thy Truths and for having called us to the Pofleffion of thy Glory, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. To Him that can keep us ftedfaft, and caufe us to appear blamelefs and with joy, before his Face, to the only wife God and our Sa- viour, be Glory and Magnificence, Might and Power, for ever and ever. Glory be to the Father, &c. Another Hymn /or Friday Evening, LORD, let our Reqneft come before Thee as the Incenfe, and the Lifting up of our Hands, as the Evening Sacrifice. Blefs the Lord, all ye his Servants : Ye that Hand in the Houfe of the Lord lift up your Hands in the Sandtuai^y^ and blefs the Lord. Praife the Lord, ling unto his Kame, for 'tis a good Thing to praife Him. Our Lord is above all the Heavens, He does whatever pleafes Him' in Heaven, in the Sea, and in the Deep. O Houfe of Ifrael, blefs the Lord ! O Houfe of Aaron, and: of the Levites blefs the Lord ! All ye that fear the Lord, blefs Him. The Lord has raifed his Son Jefus, He has fent Him to blefs us^. by delivering us from our Sins. Thanks be unto God for his unfpcakable Gift. We give Thee Tkanks always, O God, who art the Father [of our Lord Jefus Chrift, becaufe of the Hope that is referv'd for us' in the Heavens. Glory be to the leather, &c. For ^6 Hymns for Saturday M o r n 1 1^ g/ Jn Hymn for Saturday Morning. »fTpI S a good Thing to praife the Lord, and to fmg Pfalms to thy JL Name, O God molt High- To fhew forth thy Goodnefs every Morning, and thy Faithfuhiefs every Night. O Lord, Thou haft made us glad by thy Works, we will rejoice ii the Works of thy Hands : O Lord, how great are thy Works, how deep are thy Thoughts ! Lord our God, Thou art cloathed with Majcfty and Greatnefs, thy Works are vallly numerous. Thou haft made them all with Wifdom : The Earth is full of thy Riches, the Heavens fhew forth thy Glory, and the Firmament declare the Work of thy Hands. Let the Heavens and the Earth praife Thee : Let the Glory of the Lord continue for ever : Let the Lord take Pleafure in his Works. Let all thofe that fear Him, blefs Him, and let them fay. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, who art, who waft, and who wilt be. Thou art worthy to receive Honour, Glory, and Power ^ for Thou haft made all Things, and for thy Pleafure they,are and were created. Thou haft created new Heavens and a new Earth, in redeeming the World by Jefus Chrift ^ and Thou haft prepared us a Reft, to the end that being entred therein, we may reft as Thou didft on this pay, after having finifh'd thy Works. Wherefore we blefs Thee, O Lord God. O God, the Creator and Redeemer of the World, we celebrate thy Power, and exalt thy Mercy, faying, Glory be to the Father, &c» Another Hymn for Saturday Morning. COME, and blefs the Lord your God for ever and ever ; and let the Name of thy Glory be blefs'd, O God : Let thy holy Name be praifed above all our Bleflings, and above all our Praifes. Thou only art the Lord, Thou haft made the Heavens and all the Hoft thereof, the Earth, and all that is therein, the Sea and all Things within it^ Thou preferveft all thofe Things, and the Hoft of Heaven do caft themfelves down before Thee. Lord, all thy Works Ihall praife Thee, thy Saints fhall blefs Thee. The Works of God are gr«at, they are fought out and confidered by thofe that take Pleafure in them. His Works are altogether Majefty and Greatnefs ; His Righteoufnefs endureth for ever. The Lord is fall of Holinefs, his Mercies are over all his Works. He has remembred his Covenant : He has fent Redemption to his ?€0^e ; His Name is holy and terrible. Let An Hymn/^r SaturdayEvening. 57 Let all Creatures praife the Lord, and let Him be blefled for ever in the AfTembly of the Saints. Lord, Thou haft laid the Foundation of the Earth, and the Hea- vens are the Works of thy Hands : They fhall perifh, but Thou (halt endure : They fhall wax old and be changed, but Thou art always the fame, and thy Years (hall not fail. Thy Servants fhall dwell with Thee, and fhall blefs Thee forever Glory be to the Father, &c, Jn Hymn for Saturday Evening. COME, and let us adore the Lord, let us praife Him, and give Him Thanks for ail his Benefits. O Lord our God, how great is thy Name above all the Earth, thy Majefty is above the Heavens. Lord, what is mortal Man, that Thou fhouldeft remember him ^ and the Son of Man, that Thou fhouldeft vifit him. Thou haft created us by thy Power. Thou ordereft all Things, and Thou keepeft us by thy Providence. Thy Goodnefs hath plainly appeared towards Man- Thou haft fa- ved us, not by the Works of Righteoufnefs which we have done, but by thy Mercy in Jefus Chrift, to the end that being juftified by thy Grace, we may become Heirs of everlafting Life. Lord Jefus, Thou art the only Son of the Father, Thou art God over all Things blefTed for ever. Thou art the Image of the invifible God, the Firft-born of all Crea- tures : By Thee all Things have been created that are in Heaven and upon Earth : All thefe Things were created by Thee, and for Thee. Thou waft before all Things, and they all fubfift by Thee. Thou haft given thy felf for us, to the end that, according to the Will of God our Father, Thou mighteft redeem us from this wick-. ed Generation. Thou reigneft at the Right-hand of thy Father. Thou haft the Supream Powei* over Heaven and Earth, and we know that Thou fhalt come in thy Glory to judge both the Quick and the Dead. O our Saviour, we worfhip Thee, we put our Truft in Thee, and we give Thee Thanks. To Him that has loved us, that has wafhed us from our Sins in his Blood, and has made us Kings and Priefts to God his Father ^ to Him be Glory and Dominion for ever and ever. Glory be to the Father, &c. -^ I Jno'Ur Another Hymn for Saturday Evening^ SI N G unto the Lord, blefs his Name, declare his Deliverance every Day : ^or the Lord is Great, and worthy of great Praife, He is to be feared above all the Gods. The Gods of the Nations are but Idols ^ but the Lord hath made the Heavens. MajeHy and Greatnefs go before Him, Might and Excellence are in his Sanduary. O ye People, give unto the Lord Glory and Power \ give unto the Lord the Glory due unto his Name \ bring your Gifts •, enter into his Courts, bow down before the Lord with a holy Pomp \ let the whole Earth tremble before his Face. Tell it throughout all the Earth, the Lord reigneth : He fhall judge the World with Righteoufnefs, and the People with Equity. BlefTed be the Lord, who has vifited and redeemed his People. Blefled be God, who is the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, who has blefled us with all kinds of fpiritual Bleflings in the heavenly Places, through Jefus Chrift. Blefled be God, who has chofen us in Jefus Chrift, before the Foun- dation of the World, to the end that we might be holy and with- out Blame, before Him in Love. He having predeftinated us unto the Adoption of Children, by Jefus Chrift, according unto his good Will, to the Praife of the Glory of his Grace, by which He has made Tis acceptable in his well-beloved Son, in whom we have Redem- ption by his Blood ^ to wit, the Remiflion of Sins according to the SLiches of his Grace. Glory be to the Father, &c^ The END of the Hymns for the Ordinary Service. HYMNS H Y M N S /^r H o l i days and E x- TRAORDiNARY Occasions. For Chriftmas Eve. SI N G to the Lord a new Song, let his Praife be over all the Earth, and in the Sea. Let the Wildernefs and the City lift up their Voices: Let Men rejoice with Songs of Triumph, let them give Glory to God, and declare his Praife in the Ifles. The Lord has comforted his People, He fcas redeemed Jerufalem, He has manifelled the Arm of his Holinefs in the Sight of the Na- tions : All the Ends of the Earth Ihall fee the Salvation of our God. Tell the Daughter of Sion, behold thy Saviour cometh, his Re- ward is with Him, and his Recompence goeth before Him. Take Courage, fear no more, behold your God comes to lave you. To you that fear my Name, the Sun of Righteoufnefs Ihall rife with Healing in his Wings. The Glory of the Lord Ihall be made manifeft, and all Flefh ihall fee it. Death fhall be fwallowed up in Vidory, and the Lord Ihall wipe away all Tears from our Eyes : In that Day they ihall fay. Behold our God, we have waited for Him, and He ihall fave us •, Behold the Lord, we will rejoice in his Salvation. Sandifie your felves and be ready, and to Morrow you fhall behold the Glory of God, the Lord is at Hand. Let us prepare the Way of the Lord, let us make llraight his Paths *, let us be converted ^ let us prepare for Him a People well- difpofed. let us meet Him with Praife •, let us prefent our felves before his Face with Shouts of Joy let us blefs Him that cometh in the Kame of the Lord. Glory be to the Father, &c. An Hymn for Chriftmas Day. I Declare to you a great Joy : It is, that on this Day, in the City of David, there is born unto you a Saviour, who is Chrift the Lord. Glory be to God in the highelu, Peace on Earth, and Good-will to- wards Men. I 2 The 6o An Hymn for the Day after Christmas. The Child is born for us, the Son is given to ns, the Government is put upon his Shoulders, He (hall be call'd Wonderful, the Counfel- lor, the Mighty God, the Everlafting Father, the Prince of Peace. God has remembred his Covenant, and has fent Redemption to his People. When the Fulnefs of Time was come, God fent his Son, born of a Woman, and made under the Law, to the end that we might receive the Adoption of Children. Ifrael has been faved by the Lord with an everlafting^alvation. 'Tvvas the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our Eyes : This is the Day the Lord has made, come let us rejoice therein : Behold now is the appointed Time, behold now is the Day of Salvation. Let us rejoice, let us worfhip Jefus, who is born, let us call our felves down before Him : Let it be proclaimed throughout all the Earth, that the Lord reigneth : Let the Heavens rejoice, let the Earth be glad : For He fhall judge the World with Righteoufnefs, and the People with Truth. Blefled be he that cometh in the Name of the Lord, and blefled be the Kingdom of David our Father, Hofannah in the Higheft. Glory be to the Father, (tc An Hymn for the Day after Chriftmas. SING unto the Lord a new Song, for He has done wonderful Things ^ his Right-hand and the Arm of his Holinefs hath deli- vered him. The Lord hath made known his Deliverance, He hath reveal'd his Righteoufnefs to the E^es of the Nations. He jias re- membred his Goodnefs and his Truth, all the Ends of the Earth have feen the Salvation of our God. All ye the Inhabitants of the Earth break forth in Shouts of Joy to the Lord ; rejoice, ling Pfalms, break forth in Shouts of Joy before our King ^ Jet the Sea and all that is therein, make a *Noife, the Earth, the Heavens, and they that dwell therein ^ let the Rivers clap their Hands ; let the Mountains fing with Joy before the Lord, for He cometh to judge the Earth, He fhall judge the World with Righ- teoufnefs, and the People with Equity. This is a true Saying, and worthy to be received, that Jefus Chrifl is come into the World to fave Sinners. The Word was made Flefh, and dwelt among us, and we have beheld his Glory, the Glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of Grace and Truth. Lord, now letteft thou thy Servant depart in Peace, according unto thy Word. For mine Eyes have feen thy Salvation^ which Thou haft . " prepared Jn Hymn for Christmas and G o o d-F r i d a y. 6r prepared before the Face of all People, to be a Light to lighten the Gentiles, and to be the Glory of thy People Ifrael. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Hymn of Zachariah for Chriftmas. BLefied be the Lord God of Ifrael : For He hath vifited and re- deemed his People •, and hath raifed up a mighty Salvation for us, in the Houfe of his Servant David. As He fpake by the Mouth of his holy Prophets, which have been llnce the World began. That we fhould be faved from our Enemies, and from the Hands of all that hate us. To perform the Mercy promifed to our Forefathers, and to re- member his holy Covenant. To perform the Oath which He fware to our Forefather Abraham, that He would give us-, That we being delivered out of the Hands of our Enemies, might ferve Him without Fear j in Holinefs and Righ-= teoufnefs before Him, all the Days of our Life. And thou. Child, flialt be called the Prophet of the Highell ^ for thou fhalt go before the Face of the Lord to prepare his Ways : To give Knowledge of Salvation to his People, for the Remiffion of their Sins, Through the tender Mercy of our God ^ whereby the Day-fpring from on high hath vifited us ^ to give Light to tbem that fit in Darknefs, and in the Shadow of Death, and to guide our Feet in to the Way of Peace. Glory be to the Father, &c. An Hymn for Good-Friday. CHRIST our Paflbver was facrificed for us this Day : He was delivered for our Offences, and bore our Sins in his Body upon the Crofs, and God has brought upon Him the Iniquity of us all. O Lord Jefus Chrift, the only Son of God, L^mb of Gr^, that taketh away the Sin of the World, we praife Thee, we celebrate thy infinite Love, and we fhew forth the Remembrance of the Paf- iion and of the Death that Thou haft endured for us poor Sinners. Thy Soul was made forrowful even unto the Death. Thou haflr "been led as a Lamb to the Slaughter. Thou haft been expofed to all forts of Ignominies and Sorrows. • Thou haft hnmbled thy felf €Ven unto the Death of the Crofs. Thou haft been taken away by ^ Strength of Anguilh and Condemnation^ and cut off from the tand of the Living. - ^^ (}% An Hymn /(?rAscENSio n-D a y. Let us ling a new Song unto our God, and to the Lamb ; and let us fay, Thou haft been put to Death, and haft redeemed to God, by thy Bloody of all Tribes, Languages, People and Nations : Thou haft made us Kings and Priefls to our God, and we fhall reign for ever. Worthy is" the Lamb, who has been put to Death, to receive Power, Riches, Wifdom, Strength and Glory, for ever and ever. Let all the Creatures that are in Heaven and upon Earth, give Praife and Honour to Him that fits upon the Throne, and to the Lamb. Now is come the Salvation and Kingdom of our God, and of his Chrift. If God be for us, who can be againft us ? He who has not fpared his own Son, but has delivered Him up to the Death for us all. How Ihall He not give all Things with Him ? Who fhall bring an Accufation againft the Eleft of God ? God is He that juftifies, who ftiali condemn ? Chrift is He that is dead, and moreover, raifed again, who is fat on the Right-hand of God, and has made Requeft for us. To Him that has loved us, and that has waflied us from our Sins by his Blood, and hath made us Kings and Priefts unto God his Fa- ther, to Him be Power, and Glory, and Might, for ever and ever. Glory be to the Father, cfc. An Hymn jor Afccnfion Day. TH E Lord hath faid to my Lord, Sit thou on my Right-hand, till I make thine Enemies thy Footftool. The Lord fhall ftretch out from Sion, the Scepter of thy Strength, faying. Reign Thou in the midft of thine Enemies. The Lord hath fworn, and He will not alter. Thou art a Prieft for ever after the Order of Melchifedeck. O ye People, clap your Hands, ftiout forth Cries of Joy to God with the Voice of Triumph. The Lord is gone up with a Cry of Joy : The Lord is gone up with a Song of Vidory. Lifi up your Heads, O ye Gates, and be ye lifted up ye everlafting Doors, and the King of Glory fhall come in. Who is the King of Glory ? It is the Lord, ftrong and mighty. He is the King of Glory. Sing Pfalms unto God, and to our King, fing Pfalms, for He is the King over all the Earth : The Lord rules over the Nations, He is fcated on the Throne of his Holinefs \ let all Men bow down before Him, and let all the Angels of God adore Him. O God, thy Throne endures for ever and ever, the Scepter of thy Kingdom is a Scepter of Righteoufnefs : Thou haft loved Righteouf- uefsi An Hymn for tJoe Day hefore^ and the Day after Ascension. 6j nefs, and hated Iniquity •, wherefore God, even thy God, has anointed Thee with the Oil of Gladnefs above thy Fellows. Lord, Thou art gone up on high. Thou hall led Captivity ca- ptive •, Thoui haft taken Gifts to diftribute among Men. Thou art gone into the Houfe of thy Father, to prepare Manfions for us •, Thou art entred into Heaven as our Fore-runner ^ Thou fhalt come down from thence as thy Apoftles faw Thee go up ^ and Thou (hair take us with Thee, to the end that where Thou art we may be alfo. Who /hall bring an Accufation againfl: the Eled of God ? God is He that juftifies. Who Ihall condemn ? Chrift is He that is dead, and rifen again, who is alfo at the Right-hand of God, and intercedes for us. Glory be to the Father, d-f. Jn Hymn for the Vs^ before^ and the Day after Afcenfion. TH E Lord reigns, let the People tremble : He is feated among the Cherubims. Let the Earth be Ihaken, He is raifed above all the Earth, He is gone up above all the Heavens. God, who is the Father of bur Lord Jefus Chrift, has powerfully raifed Him, and given Him a Name which is above every Name, to the end that at the Name of Jefus, every Knee may bow in Heaven, npon Earth, and under the Earth, and that every Tongue may con- fefs, that Jefus Chrift is the Lord, to the Glory of God the Father. AH Power has been given to Him in Heaven and upon Earth. God has put all Things under his Feet, and has made Him above all Things, to be Head of the Church. Let us rejoice before our King, let us adore Him, and let us give Him Honour and Glory. We have Liberty to enter into the holy Places through the Blood of Jefus, by the new and living way that He hath confecrated for us, through the Vale, that is to fay, his Flefti. Let us draw near with a true Heart, in fiill AlTurance of Faith, having our Hearts Iprinkled from, an evil Confcience, and our Bodies waflied with pure Water : Let us therefore come boldly unto the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain Mercy, and find Grace to help in Time of need. Glory be to the Father, &c. 64 An Hymn /(?r ^/;^ S e p t e m b fe r Communion. An Hymn for Pentecoft, or Whlcfimcide. LET us blefs God, let us celebrate his Goodnefs, let us prefent our felves before Him with Hymns and Shouts of Joy. We give Thee Thanks, O God, who art the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrifl, forafmuch as after having raifed thy Son, and lifted Him up into Glory, Thou haft received Gifts to diftribute them to Me* Thou haft fent thy Holy Spirit to thy Apoftles, to the end that they might fpeak divers Tongues, and that healing of Difeafes, Signs and Wonders might be wrought in thy Name. Thou haft given Strength to the Word of thy Servants : Thou haft eftablifhed thy Kingdom, and lightned and converted the World by their Means. The Kingdoms of the Earth, the People, and the Nations have heard them, and have been reduced to the Obedience of our Lord. and of his Chrift, and He fhall reign for ever and ever. We give Thee Thanks, Lord God Almighty, who art, who waft, and who fhall be, forafmuch as Thou haft difplayed thy great Po- wer, and for that Thou art entred into thy Kingdom. Becaufe we are thy Children, Thou haft fent the Spirit of thy Son into our Hearts, cryin^c, Abba, Father. Tis that Spirit which teflifies to our Spirit, that we are the Chil- ^ dren of God. Tis that Spirit that comforts us in our Weaknefles, which him- felf prays for us, and which makes us groan after the Redemption of ' our Body, and the Glory of the Children of God. 'Tis that Spirit which is the Earneft of our Inheritance, and by which we have been fealed for the Day of Redemption. O Lord, we praife Thee for fo precious a Gift- Glory be to the Father, &c. An Hymn for the September Communion. E T us celebrate the Lord, for He is good, for his Mercy en- _^ dureth for ever. Let all thofe that fear the Lord, fay now, that his Mercy endureth for ever. The Lord is our Strength, and the Subject of our Hymns : He is our Redeemer : This is the Day the Lord hath made, come let us rejoice and be glad therein. 'iiii Q. The Lord hath done marvelous Things, He has remembred his Covenant, He hath fent Salvation and Redemption to his People. He hath fo loved the World> that He hath given his only Son, to the The A N G E L I C A L H Y M N. 6< the -«nd that whofoever believes in Him, Ihould not perifh, but have everlalbing Life. He has given us the Bread of Heaven, which giveth Life to the World. Let us praife Him, let us celebrate Him, let us blefs his Name. Let us give Thanks to our God and Father, who has made us to ■partake of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light. Salvation is of our God, who fits upon the Throne, and of the Lamb. Amen- Amen' Praife, Glory, Wifdom, Thanks, Honour, Power, and Might, to our God for ever and ever. Praife our God ye his Servants, both Small and Great. The Lord our God Almighty, is entred into his Kingdom, and we Ihall reign with Him for ever and ever. Let us rejoice and be glad, and give Glory to Him, for the Mar- riage of the Lamb is come, and his Wife liath made heq felf ready ; Happy are thofe that are called to the Marriage Feall of the Lamb. V/e fhall be filled, O God, with the Fatnefs of thy Hpufe, and wc ihall drink of the Rivers of thy Pleafures. Glory be to the Father, &€. Itke Angelical HYMN, or Song ef the ANGELS; Which is to he read ufon ^//FESTIVALS. CI L O R Y be to God on high, and in Earth Peace, Good-will to- "I" wards Men. We praife Thee, we glorifie Thee, we give Thanks for all thy great Benefits, and for thy great Glory, O Lord God, Heavenly King, the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only begotten Son Jefus Ghrift, and thou Holy Spi- rit : O Lord, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takeft away the Sins of the World, have Mercy upon us. Thou that takeft away the Sins of the World, hear us. Thou that fitteft at the Right-hand of God, have Mercy upon ifs. K "Foi" 5(5 An Hymn to h fald at the C ounuri i o n» For Thou only art holy, Thori only art the Lord, Thou only, G Chrift, with the Holy Ghoft, art moft high in the Glory of God the Father. Jmen. Glory be to the Father, &c. An Hymn to be /aid at the Time of the Communion at the Holy Supper. L I F T up your Hearts on high : We lift up our Hearts unto the / Lord. Let us give Thanks unto the Lord our God. It is juit, it is reafonable, it is our Duty, and a mofl ufeful Thing v that at all Times, and in all Places, we fhould give Thanks unto Thee, O Lord God, holy Father, everlafting God. Here follows the proper Preface, or Praifes^ adapted to each Circum" Jtaucc' At Chriftmas. Becaufe Thou dldiT: give Jeflis Chrifl thine only Son, to be bora as at this Time for us, vfho by the Operation of the Holy Ghoflr, was made very Man, of the Subftance of the Virgin Mary his Mo- ther, and that without Spot of Sifi, to make us clean from all Sin :- Therefore with. Angels, &c. At Eafter. Through Jefus Chrifi-,, who died for our Offences, and rofe again for our juftification : We praife Thee for the glorious RefurreSion of ©iir Saviour : For He is the very Lamb which was offered for us, and hath taken away the Sin of the World ^ who by his Death, hath de« ftroy'd Death, and by his riling to Life again, hath reflored to us everlafting Life : Therefore with Angels, &c. Jt Afcenfion-Day^ Through our Lord Jefus Ghrift, who after his moft gltiribus Re- furreftion, manifeftly appeared to all his Apoftles, ar/d in their Sight afcended up into Heaven, to the end that where He is, thither might we alfo afcend and reign with liin-^, in Glory i. Therefore, with Aa- gelSj &c^ An Hymn to he ufed at the Q ouuui^i^ K. 6j At Whitfuntide. Tlirough Jefus Chrill onr Lord, according to whofe Promife tTie Holy Gholt came down as at this Time from Heaven with a fjdden great Sound, as .it had been a mighty Wind, in the Likenefs of fiery "Tongues, lighting upon the Apoilles, to teach them, and to lead them to all Truth, giving them the Gift of fpeaking divers Languages,and alfo Boldnefs with fervent Zeal necefTary to preach the Gofpel to all Na- tions ; by which Spirit we have been brought out of Darknefs to Light, and from Error, to the Truth, and to the Knowledge of Thee, O God, and of Jefus Chrift whom Thou halt fent : Therefore with Angels, &c. Or this. Through Jefus Chrift our Lord, who after his glorious Refurre*- ftion, afcended above all the Heavens, and was placed upon the Throne of thy Glory, and is fet at thy Right-hand, from whence He has fhed abroad the Holy Spirit upo'n the Apoilles, and upon the Children of thy Adoption : Wherefore all the Earth rejoices, and we offer Thee our Praifes, faying with the Angels, &c. At the September Communion. Becaufe Thou haft fent thy Son Jefus Chrift into the World ^ be- caufe Thou hall delivered Him to Death, to redeem us from our Sins^ and becaufe He fhall come again from Heaven on the Day of his glo- rious Appearance : Who has alfo inftituted the holy Supper, and has commanded us to eat ot this Bread and to drink of this Cup, to the 'end, that as often as we Ihall do it, we may Ihew forth his Death until his coming again. After thefe frofer Prefaces or Praifes, add : Therefore with Angels and Archangels, and with all the Hofts of Heaven, we laud and magnifie thy glorious Name, we fing a Hymn to thy Glory, faying. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hofts, Hea- ven and Earth are full of thy Glory, O God moft high, yimcri' K 2 Tk (58) Th Hymn called. T.c Deumj which is Jo he read upon all Feftivals.. WE praife Thee, O God, we acknowledge Thee to be theLord* All the Earth doth worfhip Thee, the Father Everlafting. To Thee all Angels cry aloud, the Heavens, and all the. Powers therein. » The Cherubims and Seraphims continually do cry. Holy, Koly Holy, Lord God of Hofts : Heaven and Earth are full of the Majefty of thy Glory. The glorious Company ot the Apoftles, of the Prophets, and of the Martyrs, celebrate thy Praifes. The holy Catholick Church throughout all the World doth ac- knowledge Thee, who art the Father of an infinite Majefty-; with thy only and adorable Son, and the Holy Ghofl our Comforter. Thou art the King of Glory, O Chriit. Thou art the everlafling Son of the Father. When Thou tookefl upon Thee to deliver Man, Thon didfl not abhor the Virgin's Womb. When Thou hadfl overcome the Sharp- nefs of Death, Thou didft open the Kingdom of Heaven to all Be- lievers. Thou fitteft at the Right-hand of God, in the Glory of the Father. We believe that Thou fhalt come to be our Judge. We therefore pray Thee help thy Servants whom Thou, haft redeejned with Thy precious Blood. Make them to be numbredwith thy Saints in Glory everlafting. O Lord fave thy People, and blefs thine Heritage. Govern them and lift them up for ever. Day by Day we magnifie Thee : And we worfhip thy l^Jame ever World without end. Vouchfafe, O Lorct, to keep us this Day without Sin. O Lord have Mercy upon us. Let thy Mercy lighten upon us, O God, as our Trufl: is in Thee. O Lord, in Thee have we trulted, Iqz us never be coit- founded. Glory i)C to the Father, &c. (^9) An Hymn for the Days of Communion, or for the folloip- ing Day* WE will praife Thee, O God, and we will celebrate thy Name for ever : For all the Earth is full of thy good Deeds, of thy Glory, and of thy Mercy. Blefs the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me praife his holy Name. 'Tis He that pardoneth all thy Sins, and heals all thy Infirmities. The Lord is merciful and gracious, flow to Anger, and of great Goodnefs. He does not deal with us as our Sins have deferved, nor has He done to us according unto our Tranfgrefllons. For as far as the Eaft is from the Weft, and as high as the Hea- vens are above the Earth, fo far does his Mercy and Goodnefs fur- pa fs our Sins. As a Father pities his Children, fo has God Corn- pa iSon upon us; For when we were his Enemies, and when we were in our Sins, He gave his only Son for us, to the end that we might have Life in Him. 'Tis He that hath given us his Flefli and his Blood, for our Nourifhment^ and that hath brought us to Life by his Death. He is the Lamb of God, the Propitiation for our Sins, the perfed and only Pledge of his Grace. Since God has given us his only Son, and has delivered Him to Death for us. He will refufe us nothing elfe, but He will (hew us Grace and Mercy. Let then my Heart and my Mouth declare the Praifes of the Lerd, and exalt Him. And let all Men celebrate for ever his Goodnefs and Mercy through Jefus Chrift our Lord. j4me?t' . Glory be to the Father, &c. rhe END of the HYMNS- (70 The Manner of receiving the C at zcnv-- MENS, according as it is observed in the Churches of the Vrincipality of Neufcha- tel and Vallangin, l/y the Society of Minifiers. £A C H of the Catechumeas having been infirutied for Six Weeks by their Mlnlfter, and havi-ng, for fome Days, been publlckly examined ufon all the Parts of the Catechifm *, the laft Time that they appear in the Face of the Co?igregatlon, they make this Promlfey one of them fay- ing in the Name of the refi : WE ratifie and confirm our Baptifmal Vow •, We renounce the Devil and his Works, the World and its Pomp, the Flefh and its Lulls. We promife to live and die in the Chriftian Faith ^ and to keep the Commandments of God all the Days of our Life. j4fter this is fald, they are ashd : Do you all promife this before God and his Church ? Anf. Tes. The Mlnlfier fays : God give you Gtace to fulfil this Promilb. The Mlnlfier goes on thus : After this Promife thus made, and in hopes that you will religioufly perform it, 1 receive you into the Num- ber of adult Believers, and in this Quality I give you Liberty to partake of the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's-Supper. And yOu, Chriftians, who are here prefent, I call you to bear Witnefs of the Promife which thefe Young Perfons have made \ and I exhort you to look upon them hereafter as your Brethren, who are Partakers of the fame Grace with you, to render them all the Duties of Chriftian Charity, and to pray to God for them. This being done, nn Exhortation Is addreffed to the Catechumens, the Form of which Is left to the Difcretlon of the Adlnlfier *, and when it is finlflnd, the Catechumens /<^// down upon their Knees, and ^fke Mlnlfter reads the following Prayer, ■ A L* The Miinner of Recehwg C ate c h u m e n s. 71 ALmighty God, we thank Thee, for that Thou hafl been pleafed to call us to the Knowledge of Thee, and particularly for that having granted to thefe Children, the BlefTing of being born in thy .Church, and of being admitted into it by Baptifm : Thou haft per- mitted them to arrive to Years of Difcretion, and to pafs this Day " from the State of Children, into that of adult Believers. We befeech Thee, that as they have now dedicated themfelves to Thee, by Con- firming the Vow made at their Baptifm, and are now admitted to a participation of the Sacrament of the Death of thy Son •, that Thou wilt ratifie in Heaven, what we have now done in thy Name and in thy Church. Receive them, O Lord, and blefs them, and let thy Grace be with them row and for ever. Amen- MOST Gracious God, Father of Mercy, grant that they may con- ftantly perfevere in the Holy Profefllon whereinto they have now entred, that being made Chriftians by their Birth and Baptifm,. they may be fo henceforward by Knowledge and Choice. They have here now renounced the Devil and his Works, the World and- its Pomp, the Flefh and its Lufls. Let not then the Prince of this World have any Share in them : Grant that from their Youth up- wards, their Faith may be vidorious over the World, the Fleihy. and all its evil Defires. Holy Father, keep them in thy Karae, and preferve them from Evil : Sandifie them by thy Truth, thy Word is the Truth : Preferve them from the Contagion of this Age. Do not fuffer the I nftrud ions which they have received, nor the Promifes which they have made to Thee, ever to- be blotted out of their Memories. Do not fuffer thefe goad Purpofes which Thou haft put into them, ever tobedeftroyed by the evil Commu- nication ofthe World, Encreafe them more and more, and grant that thefe young Plants may grow and bringforth Fruit abundantly,inKnow- ledge, in Faith, in Holinefs, and in tonfolation, all the Days of their Life. Grant that this new Generation may be better than their Fathers, , and that thy Children, after having in this World ferved the Defigns of thy Providence, may by thy Mercy obtain everlafting Salvation. jlmen- ALmighty God, we pray to Thee for all the Youth of this Church. Blefs the Inftrudions v/hich are given them, preferve them from Corruption, and fanftifie them, to the End that our Chil- dren may, one Day, become Ornaments to thy Ploufc, and Heirs of thy Kingdom. Grant to us all, to the Young and to the Old, to the High and to the Low, that we may throughly confider what it is to be Chriftians, a'nd may bear in Mind continually, what a Vow, what Promifes, and what a folema ProfeGion we have all made to Thee by our Baptifm, as v/ell as by Commiuiicatins in theHoIy Sacrameiit. Amen- A L- 72 The Manner of Receiving the Catechumens. ALmighty God, hear us, hear the Prayers of thefe Young Perfoni, who are here proftrate before Thee, and of the reft of us who call upon Thee, who-worfliip Thee, who glorifie Thee and who defire thy Grace, through Jefus Chrift, who has commanded us to pray unto Thee, after this manner : OU R Father which art in Heaven : Hallowed be Thy Name : Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Tref- palTes, as we forgive them that trefpafs againft us. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil. For Thine is the King- dom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen- After the Lord's-Prayer, they conclude with the Bleffwgy which is given to the Catechumens in this Forni' TH E Blefllng of the Lord God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, be amongft you, and remain with you always. Amen' A C7J ) SPECIMEN O F T H E Arguments &c Exhortations UPON T H E OLD TESTAMENT, As ufed m the Churches of Neufchatel. GENESIS, Chapter XXV. THIS Chapter treats of the Marriage of Ahraham with Ketu- rah his fecond Wife •, of the Death oi Ahraham and of JJlimael\ of the Birth of Efau and Jacobs the Sons of Jfaac j and of £fau% felling his Birth-right to Jacob his Brother. After fading the Leflon. My Brethren^ WE have read the Hiftory of the Death of Ahraham •, upon which St. Vaul obferves, that he died as well as the other Pa- triarchs, without having feen the Accomplifhments of God's Promifes, having been Strangers and Travellers upon the Earth : From whence we may infer, that God had referved tor them a heavenly Country. The Multiplication of the Pofterity of Jjl^mael, fhews us the Truth of thofe Promifes which had been made to Ahraham. The Choice that God made to Jacobs preferably to his elder Brother £faii, fhews us, I. that «74. A n G n M E "N T s An^ Exhortation's that God is free in the Diflribution of his Favours, and that he 'bt^ llows them on fiich as he thinks ht. Lnjih^ The Contempt that Efm fhewed of his Birth-right, by fel- line, k to Jacob, fhould make us remember that VVarning of St. Tauly Heb' Xn* 'y^''* ^^- Let none of yo7i be a Fornicator , or profhane Ferfon, as F-fau, who for one Morfel of Meat fold his Birth-right. GENESIS, Chap. XLIL TH E Sons of Jacob being come to buy Corn in Egyft, were dif- covered by Jofcph, but he did not make himfelf known to them : yea, he caufed them to be put into Prifon, and kept Simeon, to oblige them to bring their Brother Benjamin to him : Neverthelefs, he fent them back with fome Corn, and caufed their Money to be returned to them. Jfter the Lefion. My Brethren, TH 1 S LefTon prefents us with Three Reflexions : Fir/?, We may obferve by the Arrival of Jofe^h's Brethren in Egypt, and the Homage which they did him, the Accomplifliment of "his Dreams, and that God had fent him before them into Egypt, for the Support of Jacob's Family, and to draw them into that Country. Secondly^' The Behaviour of Jofeph unto his Brethren, fhews his AfFeftion for them, but at the fame Time his grest Wifdom, in not difcovering him- felf to them, and in flopping Simeon,\Nhich he did to oblige his Brethren to return and to bring Benjamin with them, both bccaufe he had Rea- fon to diftruft them, and becaufc he was afraid if he had declared hlrafelf to them, they would have concealed it from their Father. 'Thirdly, We muft carefully obferve what the Brethren of Jofeph faid when they were put into Prifon, and how they then remembred the Angulfn in which they had feen Jofeph, and the Inhumanity with- which they had treated him. Thus we fee how Confcience will be awakened in Adverlity, and how Remorfe follows after Sin early or late. ^ E X- ttfan tie O 1. D T e s t a u j- w t. 7* EXODHS, Chap. XVL TH E Ifraelites mnrmuring againft Mofes beca-nfe they !iad nothing to eat, God fent them Quailes, and afterwards Manna, which was their Food for Forty Years in the Wildernefs. After the Leffon, My Brethren^ IN the Hiftory that we have now read, we fee the Ingratitude of the Children of Ifrael, who after fo many Miracles that God had wrought for them, murmured againft Ahfes, and was forry for their Departure out of E^ypt. One may alfo fee how gracioufiy God v/as pleas'd to put a Stop to thofe Murmurings, and to provide for their Subfiftance by the Means of Manna which He fent them. But that which we ought chiefly to confider, is that Vvhich Chrill Jefus fays in th€ Gofpel, This Is that Bread which came dorm from Hea- Jq\i \l, ven '-, not as your Fathers did eat Aianna, and are dead : He that eat- 58, eth of this Bread pall live for ever- Let us therefore, Afy Brethren, pray to God that He would always give us this heavenly Food whilft we are in the Defart of this World j and let us make a better Ufe of it than the Jews did form.erly of the Manna that God fent to feed them in the Wildernefs. EXODUS, Chap. XXII. TH I S Chapter treats of the Punifhment of thofe that rob or do any Damage to their Neighbours, and of the'Reftitution they are obliged to make of Things that have been pledg'd or lent to them V of Uncleannefs •, of Idolatry •, of opprefling the Poor \ of the Rcfpedt due to Magiilrates, and of the Firft-Fruits which the Jews were to offer to God, ,'', ■^^'"^".-' 2'] Jfter the Leffon. Afy Brethren, TH I S Chapter affords us fcveral Inftruftions. The BV/, which is alfo repeated fevcral Times, is, that thofe who have wrong- ed another, either by Theft or Deceit, or even by Carelefnefs, arc obliged to Reftitution : That we ought faithfully to reflore L 2 ^ the y6 Arguments /f/?^ E y h o ti t a t i b n ^ the Thing;s wherewith we are intrufled : That we ought to reve- rence an Oath, and to ablior Uncleannefs and Idolatry. God does alfo therein declare, that it is a great' Sin to opprcfs the Widows and Strangers, and rigoroiifly to extort our Due from the Poor : That rhefe are the Sins that cry to God, and provoke Him to Wrath. We are alfo taught in this Chapter to fpeak of Magiflrates with refped ^ and the Obligation the Jevos were laid under to offer their Firft- Fruits to God, fhews that Religion requires us to devote Part of our Goods to the Service of God, and to Works of Charitjr. LEVITICUS, Chap. XX. L€,tve out all het)veen the loth and 2 2d Ferfe. HERE God commands that all thofe fliould be put to Death who caufed their Children to pafs through the Fire, in Honour to Molochy which w^as the \do\ oi i\\Q>Ammorjites \ alTo thofe that curfcd Father and Mother •, Adulterers, Inceftuous Perfons ^ thofe that fall into the heinous Crimes of Fornication and Witchcraft. The He- hrcws exhorted to be holy, and to keep God's Commandments, and to avoid the Cuftoms and Manners of the Canamltes. Jfter the Leffon. Afy SrethrcfTy THESE are the Rcfleftioas which tliefe Laws offer to us. The Prohibition of burning Children, and offering them to the Idol Moloch, fhews us to what horrible Adions, and Excefs of Inhuma- nity, the idolatrous People abandon themfelvcs in the Service of their falfe Gods, and of what Things thofe that know not the true GaJ are capable. You may obferve Irkewife, that God had made it pu- nifhable v.'ith Death, to have Recourfe to Wizards or Witches j Adulterers, both Men and Women, punifhcd with Death ^ as alfo thofe that Curfe Father and Mother j by which you may judge how abominable thofe Crim.es were, and with what Severity they ought to be punifned in Chriltians. Lajlly, The repeated Exliortations from God to the Jews^ that they fhoiild not be like the CanaanireSj biit become a holy People to Him, ought to make us remember who arc Chrillians ; that God having fcparatcd us from tlie >A'orld, we nmlt U^on M^ O L D T E S T A M "E N T. 7 ; itiuH: not be conformed to this prefent Life •, but as He who has called us is holy, fo we alfo are to be holy in all manner of Conver- fation, becaufe it is written, B^ ye holjfy for I am holy, i Pet. XV. 16. LEVITICUS, Chap. XXV. Ver. i, to J4. TI-I I S Chapter contains the Law, whereby God ordained to let the Land reft every Seventh Year, and to celebrate the Jubilee every Fiftieth Year. Jfler the Leffon. Afy Brethren, TH E Defign of the Law, which ordains that the Land fhould reft every Seventh Year, and the jubilee to be celebrated at the "End of the. Fiftieth Year, was to make the Jews remember, that the Land of Canaan belonged to God, and that the Fruitfulnefs of the -Country proceeded from God alone j as alfo to preferve the Di- ftindion of Tribes and Inheiirances*, to provide for the Support of the KecefTitous ^ to prevent the Rich, by purchafmg Lands and Slaves in Perpetuity, to deprive the Poor of their Goods and Liberty. Kow although tiiefe Laws are abolifhcd, wc ought to obferve in them the great Wifdom. of God, and the admirable Manner by which the People w^ere governed •, and we are to learn from thence, to do Homage to God of all our Goods-, to be dif-interefled and charitable towards the Poor f, to treat our Servants with Humanity j to be juft and equitable in all our Affairs ;, and to obferve a due and exaft Proportion in Bargainings and in Buying and Selling, according to the true Value of Things. DEUTERONOMY, Chap. VI. MOSES exhorts the Jews to obferve the Commandmenfs of God, to love Him with all their Hearts, never to depart from his Word, and above all, to teach the Law of God to their Chil- dren, and to inftruft them in the Wonders that God^ had done for the Sake of their Forefathers. j4fttr 78 A R G u M E K T s dncir Exhortations ^fur the LcCToa.' My Brethren, THE reading of 'this Chapter teadies us^ that our great and principal Care ought to be to love God, to obey Him, and to adhere inviolably to his Word. But above all, we may obferve in this Place, that the Duty of Fathers is to infcrud their Children in the Law, and the J^ear of the Lord ^ and always to talk to them a- bout the Grace of God and his holy Commandments. If the Jews were obliged to the Performance of this Duty, Chriftians are much more fo, and they may not negled the Education and Inftrudion of their Children, without being guilty of a great Sin. Finally, We ought all of us to learn from hence, never to abufe the Favours of God, to meditate on them continually, in order to fear and love Him •, lince it is that, as Mofcs lays, which will be our Righteouf- nefs and our Happinefs, if we take Care to perform all that the Lord our God hath commanded us. DEUTERONOMY, Chap. XXXIV. XN this Chapter we have an Account of the Death of Afofes. After the Lcflon. My Brethreii, WE have here read the Hiflory of the Death of MofeSj who was the Deliverer and Law-giver of the People of God, and the greateft of all the Prophets : We are to honour his Memory, and to reverence the Law that he received from God, and which he hath left us in Writing. Moreover, we ought to follow the Examples of his Vertues, and particularly of his Faith, of his Meeknefs, and of the Zeal and Fidelity with Vv'hich he ferved God : And then if we believe the Dodrine of Mofcs, we ought to believe in Him whofe Coming he hath foretold, and who was infinitely above him by the Perfedion of his Doftrine, by the Glory of his Miracles, and by the Holinefs of his Life •, to wit, in Jefus Chrift our Lord, to whom belongs Praifes and Glory, for ever and ever. Amen. JOSHUA, f4pon the O l d T e s t a m e k t. 7^ JOSHUA, Chap. VII. IN this Chapter we are informed how the Ifraelltes were defeated before the City of Ai, becaufe of the Theft committed by a cer- tain Perfon whofe Name was Achan, who had taken fom.e of the Plunder of the Town of Jericho^ againft the exprefs Command of God, and of the Difcovery and Punilhmeni; of tlie faid Perfon. After the Leffon. Jlly Brethren^ THIS Hiftory furnifiies us with feveral good Reflexions: Vlrjf'y We fee from it, the Behaviour of Achan, who took of the ac- curfed Thing ^ to what Sin the Love of Riches drives Men, and that nothing is facred to fuch who are ftrongly poilelTed with this Paf- licn. Secondly, We may obferve here, that the Sin of one Man alone,, may draw down the CmTe of God upon the Publick ', and that Un- righteoufnefs and medling with forbidden Things, may deprive a whole Nation of the Protedion of God. Thirdly, The admirable Manner of difcovering Achan, by calling of Lots, proves clearly that God knows all Things, and that Sins committed in Secret, cannot efcape either his Knowledge or Revenge. Fourthly, That Punifhrnent cf Achan fhews, that ill-gotten Riches are never profitable, and that the Cnrfe of God follows unrighteous and facrilegious Perfons, as well as thofe v/ho are the Authors of Scandals and publick Misfor- tunes. Lafily, This Punifliment was an Example that God thought fit to make, to oblige the Children of Ifrael to fear Him, and to teach them, that if they did not refped his Laws, they would ne- ver profper. JUDGES, Chap. XVIII. TH E Jews of the Tribe of D^;?, being fo much Ilreightned in their Country, fent out Spies to inform them of the Condition of the City of Lai^], and took it, after having confulted the Lord, by the Means of a LevitCj whom they took along with thsm to be their Prielt. After 8o Arguments W. Exhortations After the Leffon. My Brethren, FO R the Uriderflanding of this Chapter, and for benefiting by this Leflbn, we mnfl make thefe Three Refleftions. Firfi^ That the Tribe of Dun did juftly undertake the War againit the City of Laif)^ becaufe God had given the Land of Cmaany of which this City was a Part, to the Children of JfraeL Secondly^ We may learn by the Example of thofe of Dan, who, before they put their.Defign in Execution, confulted the Lord by the Means Or a LevltCy and did alfo take the Levite along witb them to be their Prieft ^ that we ought not to fet about any Thihg without knowing the Will of the Lord *, and that we ought to elteem above every Thing, the Ad< vantage of ferving God publickly. Thirdly, We mufl: obferve from this Relation, that although God did not approve the Worfhip that was fct up in Mlcha's Houfe, becaufe it was a Mixture of Idolatry, yet He anfwered them by the Means of the Levite, to the End that the Knowledge of Himfelt might be preferved amongll the People ot JfraeL 2 SAMUEL, Chap. XL TH I S is the Hiflory of the Crime that David committed with Bathjlieba. After the Lefibn, My Brethren, WE have read to you the Relation of the great Sin that King David committed, by falling into Adultery, and caufing V- riah, his faithful Servant, lo be llain by a crying Injuftice and b'a:k Treachery. The Time, and other Circumfbances of this Fall of David, and that which he did to conceal this Crime, ought to raife in us the following Rcflcdions : Firfi, That we eafily forget our felves when wc are in Profperity and at our Eafe, as David then was. Secondly, That Looks may draw us into Uncleaniefs, and that this PaiTion onght to be rcfifted in its Beginning, arid that we muft a-^ void thofe- Objeds that may excite it. Thirdly, That Uncleannels docs commonly engage People in other Crimes^ "and that after they have fallen into this Sin, they commit others to conceal it, whereby they become more guilty. Lafily, Wc ought to conlidcr, that when David upon ?/7f O L D T E S T A M E N T. Si VnvU had fallen, he was no longer in a State of Salvation, and of Grace : and that if he had not raifed himfelf by a ferious and publick Repentance, he would have perifhed in his Sin. So that we ought not to abufe this Example, but on the contrary, we are obliged to watch over our felves with the more Care •■, above all, becaufe lince thefe Sins are much more enormous in Chriftians than they were in David j and that it is more hard for them to get off, and to obtain Pardon for them. I KINGS, Chap. HI. KING Solomon marries the Daughter of Pharaoh, King of E^ypt. God appears to him in a Dream, and bid him ask what he would of Him. Solomon having asked Wifdom rather than Riches, God granted him both j whereby that Prince gave Proofs of his ex- traordinary Wifdom, in the Judgment that he pafs'd upon the Dif- pute that happened between the two Mothers about their Children. Jfter the LefTon. />^y Brethren J YO U have heard, that Solomon having asked of God Wifdom rather than Glory and Riches, God granted him an extraordi- nary Wifdom ^ of which he gave Proofs in the judgment that is here recorded •, and befides that, a Glory which exceeded that of the greateft Kings. Whereupon we are to obferve, that the Great Men of the World being appointed for the Good of the People, they ought above 'all Things to labour to obtain the Wifdom of which they Hand in need, and make their Glory to confifb not in Power and Riches, but in the Exercife of Jullice and good Government. And we ought all of us to learn from hence, that the Gifts of the Spirit of God, are what we ought to feek after in the liril place, snd that he is ready to bellow them on thofe that ask them of Him ^ belldes which, He often grants them Temporal BleiTmgs which they did not ask Him. This is what Jefus Chriit teaches us by thefe Words : Seek ye firjjr the Klncrdom of God and his Right eoufnefsy and all other Things fli all be added to^you. Kow thefe hopeful Beginnings of the Reign of Solomon^ fhews us how happy this Prince would have been, if he had perfevered in Kolinefs and in the Fear of the Lord. M 2 Chron. 82 A 11 G a M E NTS a»d Ex h 6 r T X T i o n s^ 1 C H R O N. Chap. XXIV. THIS is the Hiilory of 3f(7^jlj 'the Seventh King of Judah, who jcm^' tinued to do his Duty during the 1/ife of the High-Prieft Jehoiada his Unkle, but afterwards he grew fo wielded as to caufe Zecha- riah, the Son of Jehoiada, to be murdered in. the Temple, becaule" !ie reproached him of having forfaken God. But God puniflied Joajh by delivering him into the Hands of the Syrians. And after he had* reigned Forty Years, he was flain, and AmAuah his Soa fucceed- edhim. After the Lefifon* Jl^y Brethrm, TH AT ye may reap Ibme Fruit of this Lcflbn, .confidef, Firfy That King J6afi\ feared God, and endeavoured to eUablifh his Service during the Life of Jehoiada the Prieft ^ but after his Death, he was corrupted^ and hearkning to Evil Councils, he became aa. Idolater, and made the Chief Men of Judah fall into the fame Crime. This fliews ns how much it concerns Great Men to have wife and vertuous Perfoas about them. The Death of good Men is ufually , followed by a great, many Misfortunes, and that Evil Councils are very pernicious to Princes and their People'. Secondly, We fee that God was fo gracious as to warn Joajk, but that King defpifed his Warn- ings ; and not only fo, but caus'd the Prophet Zecharlah to be mur- dered in the Temple, for reproving him of his Crimes. There is- an Example of that extream Impiety of Joajhy and above all, a black* Ingratitude^ for Zecharlah was his Coufin, and Son of Johoiada the' Prieft, to whom Joajh owed both his Crown and his Life. By this' one fees, that Religious Perfbns- may fall 'into the greateft Crimes ivhen they negleft- therafelves, and that thofe who have begun well; do fometimes end very ill. Thirdly, This Hiltory does intorm us^ that "joafr. had the Lot of wicked Kings ^ th^t God delivered him- into the Hands of his- Enemies-, that he was llain in his Bed, and buried with Ignominy. From whence we may infer, that thofe who provoke God to Wrath by their Sins, do early or late:^- experience the -Severity of his' Judgments*- ♦t'. ...^ . .. M upon the New Testament. S ^ A SVliClMEN of fome Arguments and Exhortations on the NFW TESTAMENT. The Mo/pel according to Sc.%i A R K, Chap. IV. Ver. I,- — 2f, JESUS CHRIST propofes to his Difciples, and to the People^ the Pai;^bte of the Seed, and he explains it privately to his Dif- ciples. After ithe <^admg of the Chapter. My Brethrti}^ THE Explanation that our Lord has given of this Parable, teaches us, that there are Four Sorts of People 'to whom his Word was delivered. Firjt^ There are fuch , as are not at all affeded there- with, which is reprefented by the Seed that falls upon the W,ay. Secondly^ Thofe that receive the Word only for a Time, but fall away under Temptations ^ thofe are the Seed that fall among Rocks. Thirdly, Thofe in whom the \Vord would bring forth Fruit if they were not taken up with Covetoiifsefs, and with the Pleafiires and Cares of this Life ^ and thofe are the Seed that falls among Thorns- The la^ Sort is thofe whofe Hearts are good and well difpofed, and in whom the Word brings forth Fruif, although unequally ^ and they are re- prefented by the Seed which is fown in good Ground. Acknowledge, Chriftians, as your Saviour does there exhort you, how happy you are to hear thefe Things, and take Care after what manner you re- ceive the Word of God. Avoid the Hardnefs of thofe upon whom the Word makes no Imprefllon, and the Inconftancy and Temptati- ons which are the Caufe, that after having been affefted with it. People do not perfevere in it : Avoid alfo the Defires and the Cares of this Life, which ftifle the Word, and be of the Number of thofe good Hearers which bear Fruit with Pcrfeverance. The Lord give you Grace to do the fame. M 2 The §4 Arguments sffd Exhortations The Gofpel according to St LUKE, Chap. III. ST. Luke relates Three Things. Flrfi, The Preaching of John the Baptift. Secondly, His Imprlfonment. And Thirdly, The Baptifm of our Lord. Jfter the LefTon. SE E here, My Brethren, what the Preaching of Johi the Baptifl ought to inform yon : That Amendment and Purity of Life, is the chiefeft Difpofition you mult have to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. That it is of no Advantage to Hypocrites to be Baptized, and to be externally in God's Covenant : That Jefus Chrift will come and cleanfe his Church, and will fend the Wicked into everlafting Fire. That which John the Baptift faid to the People, to the Publi- ra,is, and to the Soldiers, teaches us to be charitable, meek, righteous, to wrong no Body, and that every Body Ihould ferve God, and dif- charge thofc Dnties to which his State and Calling obliges him. The Kiftory of our Lord's Baptifm engages us to confider him as the Son of God, to obey him, and to reverence that Baptifm by v/hich we are devoted to Him. 7he Co/pel according to St. LUKE, Chap. IX. ^6'"6l. JESUSCHRIST teaches Humility to his Difciples, who were difputing among themfelves v/ho fhould be the Greateft : He blames the indifcreet Zeal of St James and St. John, who would have had Fire come down from Heaven upon the Samaritans, and gives an Anfvver to Three Perfons that delire to follow hira. Jjter the Leffon. REmember well. My Brethren, thofe LefFons of Humility that Je- fns Chrilt gave to his Difciples ^ and learn from thence, that i^ride is unbecoming Chriltians ^ and that if you would enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, you muft become as Children in Meeknefs and Humility. What jefus Chrift faid to his Apoftles, who would have had Fire come down from Heaven upon the Samaritans, warns you Ufon ^(&^ N E W T E S T A M E N T. g« you never to fufFer your felyes to be furi^-.i^ed by a falfe and blind Zeal, but to be always e^^ ' 'ed, as Jefus Chrif: was, with a Spirit of Forbearance and Me '. nefs t'^wards all the V/oH'. even tov. ?rds thofe that are in Error and rejed the Truth. The Anfweu that Jefus Chrift gave : : the Th:ee Pcrfons that would 'a^e follow'd Him, furnifhes you Willi thefc important I nftrudions : Tliat our Lord does not promife worldlv Advantages to his Difciples : T hat we muft; renounce all Things for his oake : And that when we are once ingaged in his Service, we muft follow his Call, and not look back *igain upon the World which we have promifed to renounce. Sc. LUKE, Chap. XV. TH E Than fee 5 being fcandalized becaufe Jefus Chrift did eat with Sinners, He propofes to them Three Similitudes : That ot the Strayed Sheep : That of the Loft Groat : And that of the Prodigal Son. After the Leflbn. My Brethreriy TH E Three Comparifons that we have been reading, do all tend to fet before our Eyes the great Mercy of God towards Sinners, and the continual Care he takes to invite them to Repentance, and how much their Converfion rejoices the holy Angels. But above all, we ought to meditate upon the Parable of the prodigal Son, by which Jefus Chrift reprefented the Converfion of great Sinners, and of the Gentiles^ and the Sentiments of the Pharlfees and of the Jews, who would not allow that Sinners fnould be e-ciualFd to them. We fee in this admirable Parable, the Wandrings of Sinners, the Goodnefs wherewith God chaftifes them, the Pardon He grants them^ and the Joy that their Converfion ought to raife in all thofe that love Gcd, Thefe are excellent Inftruftions, upon which every one of us ought to make the moft ferious Refieftions. St. LUKE, Chap. XVI. OU R Lord Ihews by the Parable of the unjuft Steward, the Ufe that one ought to make of worldly Goods : He fhews that the Love of Riches is very dangerous j and He propofes the Parable of the Rich Man. After ^ Arguments i E^ T E s T a k e k t; Sj Grace is not tied down to one People, nor to one particular Place, but that all Men may fhare in it;, and that the Worlhip which God chiefly expefts, is the Worfliip of the Heart, and that He will be lerved in Spirit and Truths Thirdly, The Example of this Samari- tan Woman, who believed in Jefus Chrift, and brought the Inhabi- tants of her Town to the Knowledge of Him, ought to engage tis to receive the Gofpel with Readinefs and with Faith, when it is preach'd to us, and to bring our Neighbours to Faith and Repent- ance both by our Inftrudions and good Example. ROM ANS, Chap. VI. THE Defign of St. Taul in this Chapter, is to Ihew that the Doftrine^ of Grace, and of Juftification by Faith, which he taught in the preceding Chapters, doth not authorize Chriftians to live in Sm, but -on the contrary, it draws them powerfully from it, and obliges them to live in Righteoufnefs and in Holinefs. /ifteT the Leffonv WE' exhort yovf Chriftians, to confider well ofthe DoStrine wMch St. V'aul here teaches us ; which is, that we ought not to be- Ireve, that becaufe we live under Grace, and have been redeemed by Jefus Chrift, we are allowed to dwell in Sin. On the contrary, the Grace of God obliges us in the ftriftefl manner to renounce it ; and that Chriftians, who have been baptized into Jefus Chrift, ought to be dead to Sin, and to live a fpiritual and heavenly Life ^ that Sin ought not to reign in our Bodies, that we fhould obey it in the Lufts thereof •, and that having been redeemed by JefuS' Cfirift, and delivered from the Slavery of Sin, we are become the Servants of Righteoufnefs and of God^ and that we ' ought to bring forth Fruit in Sandification, without which, we Ihall have no Communion with Jeliis -Chridt, but we ftiall abide in Condemnation and in" Death*- 1. G O R I N T H I AN S^ . Chap. Ilf. ST. Vaul treats of Four Things in this Chapter. BVy?, le tells the Corinthians, that he propofed nothing to them but the.- p'^.ineft frinci^les of Ohriitianity., Secondly-^ Jo ^\xt. a 5 top tatht, Di^iions that 88 Argume'NTsW Exhortations that were among them, upon the Account of the Miniilers of the Gofpel i he {hews that Minifters are only Inltnimeacs in the Hand of God. Thirdly, He adds, that the Teachers ought to take care not to mingle with the fundamental Doctrines of Religion, Tuch as are unpi'ofitable or uncertain, which he compares to Wood and Stubble. Fourthly, He fays, that Minilters being only appointed for Edifica- tion, Chriftians ought not to boaft but in God alone, and not in the Minifters who preached the Gofpel to them. Jftcr the Leffon. JUfy Brethren, TH E Four Parts of this Chapter afford us Four Inftrudions : The Flrfi, That the Minifters of Jefus Chrift ought to fet forth the Chriftian Doftrine, and to adapt their Inftrudions to the Capa- city of thofe with whom they have to do.. Secondly, What St. Paul fays. That he had flamed, that Af olios had watered, but that God gave the Encreafe , teaches us, that the Miniftry of Paflors is very neceffary, but that the Efficacy of their Preaching is to be attributed to God alone. The Third Inftrudion is, that they who preach the Gofpel, Ihould not mix with the effential Dodrines of Religion others that are uncertain or of little ufe, for fear their Labour"^ Ihould be loft. The Fourth, That the Church being the Tem^e of God, we Ihould avoid all that may occafion Trouble therein •, ^at Minifters are ap- pointed in the Church for the Edification of the Faithful, and that the Minifters, as well as the other Chriftians, ought to aim at the Glory of God in all Things. 2 P E T. Chap. III. TH E Apoftle warns, that there would be in the Church prophane Perfons, who would doubt of the Laft Coming of Jefus Chrift. He refutes them, by faying, That as the World was formerly de- ftroyed by the Waters of the Flood, it fhould be one Day deftroyed by Fire ; and if the End of the World w^as flow in coming, it was becaufe God gave Men Time to repent. After that he ft^ews, that the Expedtation of the End of all Things, and the Hopes of being re- ceived in the World to come, obliges us to live in great Holinefs. After U^on ^/>^ N E W T £ S T A M E H T. %() jfter the Leffon. THIS Chapter contains moft wholfome Infl:ruci:ions : The Firfi of which is, That (ince it hath been foretold that there v/oiild be in the lail Times Scoffers, who would deny the Truths of Religion, we ought not to wonder if there are fuch in our Days ^ and that we oue;ht to avoid thefe Scoffers and prophane Perfons, as the mofl dangerous and worll of Men. The Second Inltruction is, That tliis World mufl; have an End, and that the Flood was an undoubted^ Proof thereof, which is an Event that is very certain and univer- fally acknowledged fo to be. The Tlnrdj That the P.eafon why God delays the End of the World, and the Day of Judgment, is, becaufe. out of his great Goodnefs, He waits for the Repentance of Man \ and this fliould induce us to take Advantage of the Forbearance and Patience of the Lord. Fourthly^ We ought to obferve well the De- fcription that is here made of the End of the World ^ how this U- niverfe, that was formerly defrroyed by Water, fhall be confiimed by Fire^ and what will be the Majefty and the Terror of the lall Ap- pearance of the Son of God. Fifthly^ Since v/e know that this World is to be deftroyed, and that afterwards there will be New lleavens and a New Earth, wherein dwelleth Righteoufnefs, we cannot fufli- ciently labour to lead a holy Life, and to do Works of Piety, to the end that that Day which will come upon us fuddenly, may not fur- prize us, and that the Lord may find us fpotlefs and without Re-, proach. Imprint upon your Hearts, My Brethren^ thefe Divine In-, ftruftions, and being warned, take Care that ye be not lead away by Sinners, but grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of the Lord JeAis Chrilt, to whom be Glory now and for evermore. A/rnn. HEBREWS, Chap. VII. T H E Apoftle {hews the Excellency of the Priefthood of Jefus Chrifl-, by fliewing that He wa's a Prieft according to the Or- der of Mclchifedec. He obfervcs for that purpofe, that Melchife- dec was a Prieft after another manner than the Priells under the Law, becaufe he was a King, and becaufe he was above Abraham and Levi^ from whom the Jewijh Priefts defcended, and becaufe the Scripture doth not relate his Genealogy, nor fhew that he had any Predecelfors, or Succellbrs : And laftly, becaufe God had pro- mifed with an Oath, that the Priefthood of the Alejfuh fhould en- dure for ever. From whence it follows, that Jefus 'chrilt being a N Prie.T, 90 j^RGUMENTs and Exhortations Priefi:, as Melchifedec, He was not like the Jewifh Priefts^ that his S^ crifice was to be but one, that He is the only High-Prieft, that He is a King as well as Melchifedec, and confequently, that the Levkical Prien-hood was to be abolifhed. Fi-aally, St. Vaul Ihews, that Jefus Chrillj by his perfect Piolincfs, was above all the ancient Priefls. Jjter the Lefibn. My Brethre}j, THE chief Reflexion that we ought to make here is, to acknow- ledge and admire the Infinite \A'ifdom of God, who had fo well declared" in the ancient Oracles, what fort of Perfon the Mejfiah was to be ^ we may alfo obferve the Evidence and the Strength with which the Apoftle proves by the Law it felf, and by the Old Teftament, that the Mofalcd Service and Priefthood was to be abolifhed. This ought powerfully to convince us of the Truth of the Gofpel, and flir us up to fearch into, and meditate upon the Writings and Oracles of the ancient Prophets, wherein we find fo good Proofs of the Divi- nity of the Chriftian Dodrine : And fince this whole Chapter tends to inftrud us of the Excellency and of the Perfeftions of the Sa- crifice of our Lord, we ought to have Recourfe, with Faith and Obe- dience, to Jefus our High Priell, who being perfedly Holy, and lift- ed up above all the Heavens, can fave to the uttermofl all thofe that draw nigh to God by Him, who always lives to intercede for them. Chriftmas-Eve : In the Evening, Jhe Firjl LefTon, ISAIAH, Chap. LXII. C"^0 D promifes to redeem his Church, and to put it into a glo- 1 rious Condition. The Prophet declares the Coming of the Sa- viour of the World, and he exhorts Men to prepare themfelves for the receiving of Him. Jfier the LefTon. Aiy Brethre-fJy TH E Truth of the Promifes made by God in this Chapter, to de- liver his Church, and to put it into a glorious Condition here upon Earth, has appeared not only in the Return from the Captivity of B^hylon^ but chiefly in the Coming of Jefus Chrift. When we hear thefe great Promifes, we ought to blefs God that we live in the happy Times upon the N E W T E S T A M E J^ 1. C)l "Times in which they have been fulfilled, and to aiiAver the Happi- nefs that we have of being his Spoufe, his People, and the Place of hh Refidence. This is what the Feftival of the Birth of Jefus Chrift (which is to be celebrated to Morrow) obliges us to, and to v/hat the Prophet exhorts us by thefe Words : Prepare the IVay, male firaight his Paths, for behold the Saviour comes, his Reward is with him, and his Work before Him. The Second Leffon. St, MATTHEW, Chap. I. TH E Evangelift deduces the Genealogy of Jefus Chrift from Ahra- ham to Joftfh, the Spoufe of the Virgin Mary, and relates briefly the Hiftory of the Conception and Birth of our Lord. After the LeJTon. My Brethren, SINCE this Chapter teaches us, that our Lord is defcended from our Patriarch Abraham, and from King David, and that He is born of a Virgin, by the Power of the Holy Ghoft, as was foretold of him i let us acknowledge that Jefus Chrift is the Mejfiah that was to come into the World ; and let us blefs God for having fent us, in the Fulnefs of Time, his Only Son to be our Redeemer, who was made of the Seed of David according to the Fleflj, and who is God above all Things, blejfed for evermore. Amen. Chriftmas-Day : The Ftrft LefTon. HEBREWS, Chap. L TH E Apoftle teaches us, that God made himfelf known to Man by the Means of Jefus Chrift, more plainly^ than He had done in former Times. He fhews the Excellency of the Gofpel by the infinite Dignity of the Perfon of Jefus Chrift, and by Ihewing us 2SI 2 that 02 Arguments arjd Exhortatio ns that He was raifed to a Sovereign Power, that He is more excellent than the Angels, that He is the Son of God, and even that He is God over all blelled for ever. jfter the Leflon. My Brctlrren, TH I S Chapter, which treats of the Infinite Dignity of the Perfon of Jefus Chrift, fhews us how precious that Gift is that God made to us, when He gave us for a Redeemer Him that is his own Son, whom all the Angels worfhip, and whom He has made to fit on his Right-Hand in the higheft Places : This ought powerfully to ftir us up to celebrate the immenfc Goodnefs of^the Lord, and to pay to Jefus Chrill the moll profound Homage and Adoration. Bv this alfo we ought to acknowledge the Excellency of the Covenant of Grace, and the Obligation we are under to obey the Gofpel, and to live after a manner anfwerable to the Glory of our Calling, and to the incomparable Advantages which God has granted us. I He Second Lcdon St. LUKE, Chap. II. Ver. i, to the 20th. N this Chapter we have the HiHory of the Birth of Jefus Chrift. j^Jter the Lefibn. Afy BrethrcKy WE have read to you the Hiflory of the Kativity of Jefus Chrifl, the Remembrance ot which is celebrated on this Day by the whole Church. Let us adore the Wonders of that Providence which brought the bleffed Virgin to Bethlehem, to the End that the Meffiah might be born in that City, according to the Prophets. Let us join our Hymns to thofe of the Angels that declared the Birth of Jefus Chrifi to the Shepherds. Let us rejoice with the Angels, that by this blefied Nativity Peace has been given to the Earth," and that the Glory of God and his good V/ill towards Men, has been mani- feited. Let us alfo learn, by the Example of the Shepherds that went to Bethlehem, to pay their Homage to the Lord Jefus, to adore Him with all the Reverence, and all the Zeal we are capable of, now that He is in Heaven, and continually to render to Him that Ho- nour and Obedience which we owe Him. The upon ^/??? N E W T E S T A M E N T. 9^ The Day after CHRISTMAS. Tk Ftrfl Leflfon. ISAIAH,. Chap. IX. Vcr. i, to the 6ih. ISAIAH foretels that the People, who had been till then in' Darknefs, fhould be enlightned by the Preaching of the Gofpel : He alfo fpeaks of the Birth of Jefus Chrift, of his Glory, of his Divinity, and of the Eftabliihment of his Kingdom. Jftcr the Leffon. THAT which we have now read. My Brethren, engages us to praife God for his having enlightned us with the Light of the Gofpel when we were in the Darknefs of Sin aad of Death, and for- caufing his Son to be born, whom He has given us for our Saviour and King. Let us return Him our humble and continual Thanks for the fame : Let us celebrate his Mercy, and fay at all Times, but particularly now v»^ith Hearts full of Zeal and Gratitude, what JfAiah faid formerly in foretelling the Happinefs that was referved for us : The People that walked in Darknefs^ have feen a great Light : They that dwell in the Land of the Shadow of Dedth^ upon them hath the Light jhined' For unto us a Child is horn^ unto us a Son is given^ and the Government jhall be upon his Shoulders: And his Name fn all he called Wonderful^ Counfellor, the Aiighty God, the Everlafiing Father, the Prince of Peace. The Second LefTon. . Sc. LUKE, Chap. II. Ver. 2i/7, to the 39 J;. ST. LV K E relates the Circumcifion of our Lord, the prefenting Him to the Temple, and the Thankfgiving which the holy old Man Simeon, and the Prophetefs Anna, returned to God. Jftir 94 A R G U M T. "N' T S Afjd E X H R T A T 1 O N S ^tcr the Leffon. Afy Brethren^ Aft, TH E Joy that Shncon and the Prophetefs Anna fhewed, and the Thanks they gave to God for the Birth of Jefus Chrift, ought to Itir us up to praife the Lord, and to rejoice for that our Saviour was born to be the Light and the Salvation of all People. But we muft alfo learn from what Simeon faid to the BlefPed Virgin, That if the Coming of Jefus Chrift is faving to thofe that receive Him with Faith, it is an Occafion of Scandal and Deftruftion to the Unfaith- ful, and to thofe that obey not the Gofpel. N E W-Y E A R's-D A Y in the Evening. 7he Firft Leffon. I THESSALONIANS, Chap.V.Ver. \^to ii. ST ? AV L fpeaks of the Coming of Jefus Chrift : He fays. He will furprize the World j and he advifes the Faithful to prepare them- felves for it by Sobriety and Watchfulnefs. After the Leffon. WE propofe to you, this Day, My Brethren^ that which St. Taut teaches us in this Place concerning the laft Day, to the end that you may ferioufly refled upon the fame this firft Day of the Year. You have heard how the Lord will come in a fudden and unexpefted Manner ^ that the wicked will be furprized when they leaft exped it -, that that Day will be a Day of Anguifh and Terror for thofe that walk.'in Darknefs, and that give themfelves up to the Works of the Flefh ;, whereas there will be nothing but what is comfortable for the Faithful. Being then warned of thefe Things, and knowing how uncertain the Day of our Death is, and how dangerous it is to be furprized by it, let us walk in the Light \ let us be fober and vigi- lant i let us be cloathed with Faith, Hope, and Charity •, let us edi- fie and exhort one another \ let us always be prepared for the Co- ming of our Lord, and for the Attainment of Salvation ^ let us em- ploy therein, both the prefent Year and the whole Courfe of our Life, to the end that we may pafs and finifh it happily, a.*^d whether ire wake, and whether we Jleep, we may live to our Lord Jefus Chrifi. Amen. The w fd^on /^^ New Testament. p^ The Second Leflon* Sr. MATTHEW, Chap. XXV. Ver. f. to the 30. HAT we are going to read, contains the Parable of the Ten Virgins, arid that of the Talents. Jfter the Leflon. My Brethren, TH E Parable of the Virgins is an admirable Pidure, in which we fee on one hand, what will be the Joy and Triift of the Righteous, who Ihall be prepared for the Coming of their Saviour at the laft Day ^ and on the other hand, what will be the Defpair of the Wicked, and the Unprofitablenefs of the Attempts they (hall make to be received into Heaven. The Parable of the Talents, warns us that God will call every one of us to an Account for the Ufe we have made of his Grace ^ that He will glorioufly reward thofe that have ufed it as they ought ^ and that He will punifli mofl rigoroufly thofe that have abufed it. Let us always fet thefe Divine LelTons before our Eyes. Let us remember, that we do not know when we fhall be called to appear before Jefus Chrift, and to give up our Accounts ^ let us be like the wife Virgins, who had provided Oil for their Lamps and like thofe wife Servants that improve, for the Honour of their Mailer, the Talents they had received, to the end, that when He Ihall come, he may fay to us, Well done good and faithful Servant ^ enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord. LESSONS for EASTER TIME. Monday Morning for the Fir/t Week. The Fir ft Leflon, EXODUS, Chap. XII. Ver. 1,-28. w HAT we are about to read, contains the Laltitution of the Padbver among the Jexvs. After the Leffon. My Brethren^ THE Hiftory of the Inllitution of the PafTover, may be conlider- ed in Two Ways. Kr/, In relation to the Jews, whom God had ordered to facrifice and eac a Lamb, and to fprinkle their Houfes with g6 Arguments and -E x h o r t a t i o n s with the Blood of that Lamb, to the end that they might acknow- ledge thereby that it was God who delivered them from E^ypt. Secondly, We muft confider the PafTover and Figure bf Jefus Chrilfc our Lord, who is our real PalTover, the true Lamb of God that was facrificed for us, and whofe Blood has delivered us from the Wrath of God. And fince it happen'd as at this Time that our blefled Re- deemer fLifTered Death to releafe us, let us difpofe our felves to cele- brate with Faith and Gratefulnefs, in the Feftivals of Eafier, the Commemoration of the Infinite Mercy of God our Father, and of the Love of Jefus Chrilt his Son, who by his Paffion and Death hath procured us Life and Salvation : To whom be given Glory and BlelTing for evermore. Amen- Tuefaay Evening of the Fir(iWee{ 0/ E AS TE R. 7he Erft Ltffon, EXODUS, Chap. XIII. Ver. i,™!(J. Go D repeals the Law for the Obfervation of the PafTover, and He ellabliflies another Law ^ by which He obliges the Jem to confecrate to Him the Firlt-Born. The Defign of which Law was, to put them in Mind, that God had fpared their Firll-Born, when He had flain thofe of the Egyptians. After the LcfTon. My Brethren^ TH E Commandment that God gave to the People of Ifrael, to celebrate the PafTover every Year, to the end that they may keep up the Memory of their Deliverance from Egypt, ought to put us in Mind of the GoodneTs of God towards us, and that we fhould tefbifie our Gratitude to Kim for it •, particularly it Ihews us, that the Remembrance of the great Deliverance we have obtained by the Death of Jefus Chrift, ought never to flip out of our Minds, and that it fhould always be celebrated in the Church by the Means of the Holy Sup- per, according to the Commands of cur Redeemer. The Law Vv'hich obliged the Jervs to confecrate their Firfl-Born to God, teaches lis to render Hom.age to the Lord for all the Favours He has bellow- ed upon us, by imploying them in his Service, and to Religious Purpofes, and to devote to his Glory our felves and all that is dearefl Jto us. * ■Friday upfi f/;f New T EST A M E N^I ^^ *^ 97 .? ,^r 4 , -"t (_ FRIDAY Evening of the Firfl: Week in E ASTER. The Firft Leflbn. GENESIS, Chap. XXIL Ver. i,™ip. WHAT we are about to read, contains the Hiftory of Ahra-^ . hamh Sacrifice. Jfttr the Leffon. COnfider, Chriftians,tbis remarkable Hiilory with great Attention. You fee therein the Truth of what St. Paul and St.James teaches, that Abraham fiiewed his Faith by his Works, when he offered his only Son j and confequently by that, we cannot be jultified without O- bedience and good Works. Imitate that noble Example which teaches you to love God above all Things, to offer to Him all that is deareft to you, to fubmit your felves to his Will, even, in the hardeft and molt unpleafant Things, and to depend upon his Promifes and up- on his Providence. But above all, at this holy Time, the Marks tbac Abraham gave to God of his Love, in offering up his Son Jfaac^ ought to put you in Mind of the Infinite Love which God has fhewn us m delivering up his only Son to the Death for us ^ and let it engage you to return Him your Thanks in the Particij^ation of the Holy Supper, and in the whole Gondudt of your Life. T/;e Second Lcfifon, St. J O H N, Chap. XVIL THIS contains the Prayer that Jefus Chrift made before his Death, in which He prays, Firfl, For himfelf. Secondly, For his Apoftles. And, Lafily, For all thofe that believe in Him. Jfter the Leffon. My Brethren-, IN this admirable Prayer that Jefus Chrift made before He offered Himfelf as a Sacrifice upon the Crofs, we ought chiefly to ob- lerve his great Zeal for the Glory of God' his Father, and his great Love for the Apoflles, and for all his true Difciples. We fee here, with how much Warmith and Tenderncfs our lAxI recommends his Eled to his Father ;, the Care that He takes of them, and the De- O lire fire that He has to take them np to Heaven, and to make them.^ Partakers of his Glory. Since Jefus ehrift does fo tenderly love his Difciples, and that He did not make that Prayer for the World, and for the Unbelievers, it ought fbrongly to incline us to feparate our felves from the World, and to remain united to our Saviour by a. lincere Love and true Faith, to the end that we may be of the Number of thofe for whom He formerly offered up that Prayer, and for whom He now intercedes in Heaven. HOLY FRIDAY. AFTER the Second Leflbn, which is the Hlfvory of the Crucifixion^, and of the Death of Jefus. Chrijl .our Lord, taken out of the Four Evangelifls- WE have read to you, Chrifiians, the Hiftory of the Paffion,, and of the Death of our Lord Jefus Chrifl:, which happened' as on- this Day, and which you have now folemnly commemorated" in the Sacrament of the Holy Supper •, let the Remembrance of this Death be always before your Eyes ^ look upon it as the wonderftrl Means by which it has pleafed God' to fave us, and as the clearefl Mark that God has ever given us of his Love : Celebrate always this Infinite Mercy of the HeaTcnly Father, who hath deliver'd up his Son to the Death for your Redemption : Love heartily this charitable Saviour, who has loved yon fo well, and has fuffered fb much for you. Learn by his Example, to fufler and bear your Crofs with Pati- ence : Let the Crofs and the Death of jefus Ghrifl, ferve alfo tO' cruciiie in you the Flefh and the LuRs thereof, and to deftroy the. Power of Sin therein, to the end that henceforwards you may no more live to your Selves, but to Hiin that is dead and raifed up again for you- To whom be given Glory and Praife by Men and Angels, both now and for evermore, jimen. A S C E N S I O N-D A Y. PTER the Second LefTon /or this Day, on which is read the- Hi(ijry of the Afjeniion, as it is related in the Gof^el, and in the Bookofthet JBs cf. the Jpcfiles^^. CH'rifiians, who have heard the HifI-oi7 of the Afcenfion- of Je^ ^ fus Chriil:, the Remembrance of which, you celebrate this Day^ r-ejoice in the Triinnph of your Saviour, adore Him in the Glory iii: whkh He is at the EighL-Haad of his Father ; remember thar He npon ^J?'^ N E W T E S T A M E N T. 99 He is enter'd into Heaven, that He may there intercede for you, that He may prepare an everlafting Habitation, and raife your Hearts and Defires thither: Afpire continually to that glorious Manfion in- to which our Saviour is entred : Think of Things that are on High, and not of thofe that are upon Earth, to the end that when Jefus Chrift fhall return from Heaven at the laft Day, you may be taken up thither to live and reign there with Him for ever. The Monday Morning after Trinity Sunday, Ihe Fir/l Leflon. HEBREWS, Chap. IF. ST. Paul exhorts Chriftians to obey the Gofpel : He fpeaks of the Humiliation of the Son of God, and of the Glory to which He has been raifed •, and he fhews that Jefiis Chrift was to fuffer Death for the Expiation of our Sins, and for redeeming us from the Po- wer of the Devil. Jfter the Lcffon. My Brethren, THIS Chapter teaches you the Ufe that you ought to make of the Two Myfteries that you have cwimemorated during thefe Holidays •, which are the Miflion of the Holy Ghoil, and the Death of our Lord Jefus Chrift. St. Paul teaches us therein, that after the Gofpel was preached by Jefus Chrift, and by the holy Apoltles, and confirmed by the Gift of the Holy Ghoft, we [hall be wholly inexcufable if we negl^d fo great Salvation, aad if we difobey the Gofpel. He informs us afterwards, that the Son of God took our Kature, to the end that He might make Expiation of our Sins as a High Prieft, and die for all Men ^ which are powerful Motives for us to have Recourfe to God by Jefus Chrift, with a perfeft Truft, and to fly from Sin, leaft we ftiould fall again under the Power of jthe Devil and of Death, from which we have been delivered. The Second Leffon. Sr. MATTHEW, Chap. XXV. Ver. i4,'-'-jo. rriHIS contains the Hi^ry of the Talents. O 2 j;'ter 100 Arguments a>fd Exhortations Jjter the Leflbn. TH S Meaning of this Parable, My Brethren, is, tfiat God gfves his Grace to Man in a different Meafure ^ that fome make a good Ufc- of this Grace, and improve, it to t-hb Glory of their Mailer^ but that others render it unprofitable \ that God will call both one and the other to an Account \ that He will reward thofe that have made fuch Ufe of his Gifts as they ought ^ and that He will punifh- thofe that have made an ill Ufe of them. We propofe this Parable to you now, that we may teach you to make a proper Ufe of the Spiritual Favours that God has bellowed upon you, in receiving you to his Table, and that you may now carry them away with you, to the Advancement of his Glory, and your own Salvation, by perfeve- ring; in Holinefs and in good Works •, to the end that when He Ihall come, He may fay to you, Well done good and faithful Servant^ enter thou into the 'joy of thy Lord. The EVE of a F AS T. The Fir ft Leflon. ISAIAH, Chap. LVIIL C"1 D commands the Prophet to rebuke fharply the Sins of the "I Jews:, and particularly the Hypocrifie with which they per- formed their Fafts. He fhews them the Way of true Faffing, and He promifes to hear and to blefs thofe that fhall call upon Him with Sincerity, and ihall turn to Him. Jfter the LefTon. Afy Brethren., TH I S Chapter fhcws us what kind of Faffing God rejefts, and v/hat are thole which He approves. God declares mofl exprefly, that He hath no Regard to the Fafts of Hypocrites, no more than to the Devotion of thofe who only humble themfelves for one Day v but that the tnie Way of Faffing, is to afRid our Souls, to reform our Lives, to practife Charity, to do Jullice, to renounce our own Will, and to fcrveGod v;ith Faithfulnefs, Love and Refpeft. Laftly,. God promifes in this Cnaptei*, to hearken to thofe that will faff af- 2er fuch a Manner, to deliver them,, and to heap up his Favours, up- on upon the N E'w Testament. loi on them. We exhort yon. My Brethren^to confider v/ell thefe Things^ fince that you are to humble your felves extraordinarily to Morrow befare tbx Lord, and to the End that your Faft may "be acceptable to Him. TJje Second Lcflbn, S^ MATTHEW, Chap. VI. Vcr. i^-^-ig. OUR Lord teaches his Difciples how they fhould give Alms, bow to pray, and how to faft j and above all, to avoid Hypocrilie in the Exercifes of Religion. Jfter the LelTon. THE Saviour of the World teaches us. My Brethren^ to avoid Vain- Glory and Hypocrifie in all the Ads of Religion, and particu- larly in Prayer and Fafting. So if you defire that the Faft which you are near to celebrate, ftiould be acceptable to the Lord, and that your Prayers ftiould be effedual, difcharge this folemn Devotion with Sincerity, with Humility, and as in the Prefence of God, who fees what pafTes in your Hearts •, to the End that God feeing in you fuch Difpofitions, may hear your Prayers, and that your Fafting may ob- tain, by his Mercy, the Pardon of your Sins, and all the other Fa- vours you (hall ask of Him. The EN Prayers ( 102^ PRAYERS That are to be read in the Church o£ GENEVA O N Monday Evenrag, Tuefday Morning, and Friday Evening. L Ihe Prayers for Monday Evening. ET our Help be in the KameofGodj who has made Heaven and Earth. Amen. Brethren^ TheK:(hor'^'Vj^'Bj are here afTemhled to admire the Greatnefs of God, to ce** tation to VV lebrate his Benefits, to hear his Word, and to ask of Him all ^^e People- i\[o^Q Favonrs of which we ftand in need ^ let us be attentive to this holy Work, let us bring with us all the Refped and Devotion that it deferves ^ and to the End that our Service may be acceptable to God, let us begin it by an humble Confeffion of our Sins, having our Hearts penetrated with a fincere Repentance, and faying : L O^ D P R A y E R S /cjy M O N D A Y E V E N I N G. I63 LORD God, who hafl: made the World, and who governefr it by TheCcnfef. thy Providence-, who art the abfolute Mailer of Men, and who-^? "f wilt be' one Day their Judge : We have finned, we have committed ^'"^' Iniquity, we have done that which is difpleafing in thy Sight. But O God, we repent fincerely of our Faults, we are covered with Shame at the Remembrance of them, and we make a ferious Refbiu- tion to amend our felves. Vouchfafe then to have Pity on us, O bountiful God,, and Father of Mtrcies, for the Love of Jefus Chrift thine only Son our Lord: And in pardoning our paft Sins, give us Grace to fall no more into them, but to follow thy Will during all the reft of our Lives. O G OD, whofe Kame is Magnificent, and whofe Glory infinitely 7^^^^ ^'^&- furpalTes all our Thoughts and Expreffions, we proftrate our felves ^''''^**- at the Feet of thy Throne, to pay our Homage and Adoration to thy Infinite Majefty. We acknowledge Thee, O God, for the Author and Mafter of all Things, for the Living and True God, for the Only God that there is in the World. Thou art the firft and the laft^. Thy Arm is mighty, thy Hand is ftrong : Thy Right-hand is lifted up on high ^ Juftice and Righteoufiiefs are the Foundation of thy Throne, Mercy and Truth go before thy Face. The Heav^'iss were made by thy Word, and all the Hoft of Heaven by the Breath of thy Mouth. Thy Hand has foundedrthc Earth, with all that is there- in. Thy Providence governs all : All Things are naked before Thee ^ Thy Eyes behold, and thy Eye-lids fearch out the Hearts of the Sons of Men. Thou doft whatfbever pleafeth Thee, both in the Heavens and upon the Earth, and nothing can withftand thy Will. Who is like unto Thee, O our Great God ? And what are all the Men of the World, even the Greateft and the moft to be feared a- mong Men, but pitiful Creatures, miferable Worms of the Earth, Vanity it felf, lefs than nothing before Thee ? King of Glory, the Heavens and the Earth refound with thy Praifes. Thoufands and Thonfands of Angels ferve Thee •, Ten Thoufand Millions minifter be- fore Thee. The Saints whom Thou haft glorified, praife Thee, and celebrate Thee by their Hymns. We join, O God, our Adorations to thofe of thefe Heavenly Spirits-: We celebrate Thee, v/e. give Thee Glory, Thou who art fate upon the Throne, by whom all Things fiibfifts, and who liveft for ever and ever. LORD, whofe Goodnels is Infinite, and to whom we owe allthe " The good Things we pofiefs^ we praife Thee, we blefs Thee, we giwQTba»ifg»- Thee Thanks for all the Bleihngs both Temporal and Spiritual, which '^'""i> Thou haft beftowed upon us. Without Thee we fhould be nothing,, or what is much worfe, we ftiould be moft miferable t Thy Hand has drawn us out of nothing,, and thy Eravldence- does preferve us : Thoa< uGurifheft:' 104 P R A Y E R S /(??• M O N D A Y E V E N I N G. noiirilhefl u^''^'^^» A'ffift us in our Employments: Guide us in our Undertakings, and ^^'/^;2'"'^' in our Occupations; and granrthat they may be all directed to t^y private Glory, and to our Salvation. Ptrftm. FATHER of Mercies, keep the Churches that are in Being : Raife f<^ theCa-- up new ones, and caft the Eyes of thy Compaffion upon thofe that p^/^"^^ fuffer. Take Care of all the Faithful that are expofed to the Ha- tred, and to the Perfecutions of the World, becaufe of their adjie-, ring to thy pure Service. Deliver them from their Evils ^ or in-- Ipire them with the Patience Jieceflary to fupport them •, and grant that. we may fee thy Church ina more peaceful Condition upon Earth. O' GOD of Comfort, we recom.mend to thy Pity, all Per fons \in- per the /:ft der Affli(^ion^ Widows, Ot-phans, the Poor, Prifoners, the Sick, and/u?f^. in particular, thofe of this Church, and fuch Strangers as have de- fired to partake of our Prayers: Give them all Grace to profit by thy Chaftifements to their Sandtification : And if Thou takeft them out of the .World, vouchfafe to receive them into thy heavenly King-- dom.-- W E offer up to Thee alfo, our Prayers for ail the People that rw the /«*> are without, the Knowledge of thy Pure Gofpel. Difpel their \^-fidds; norance, by the Light of thy Truth ; and give them Grace to enter into^the true Way of Happinefs which Thou halt revealed in thy^ word. ' a- 1 10 VkplV^t. s for F ri d a v Evening. For the Q Almighty God, who haft preferved hs the pad Night, and Mirnins. brought US fafely to the Light of this Day, continue to take Care of us both in the Courfe of this Day, and in all the reft of our Lives. Keep us from all the Dangers to which we may be expofed •^' above all, prevent us from offending Thee •, to the end that having . paft our Days in thy Fear, we may arrive -at the blefTed Eternity I which Thou "haft referved for us. aw /isr' c'l T;jfC«;»f^-»<3 lord, who haft promifed to be k the mid ft of us, and "t(i" Heat^ ■'' fion. our Prayers, accept the Homage which we have now paid Thee, and' grant us the Favours we have asked of Thee. 'Tis in the Name of thy well-beloved Son our Saviour, that we call upon Thee j and ac- cording to the Prayer which He himfelf has taught iis. , 'Our Father, ^c. ... .Av^uAo 'V . l^/r^/- ihc Lord's-Prayer ^«^ >W Apoftles-Creed,' f^? i^«>|)/^ fmg again One or Two Staves of a Pfalm^ and then the Mlnifier'- gives the Slewing' ' '• _ ;^ •■ ^;'*' I ' ■ / ' " • '- — -1 — i-. - .. - i i M - ^i -r J :{ - i ' ''fme' P R A ; Y^ E"' R S for -: F' rid a % •^'- Evening. ; T^e Firft 'T E T our Help be in the Name ®£ God, ,who has made Heaven Prayer. J^ ^^d Earth. Jmen. -'"^ ^^^ /io fcvvJi o:I" : '■_ ^ • ■ ' '--'i '- "■' i'-'" ■ ' -^ . . ■' .;.:.:' TheExhor- ^^ Comc let US fall down befote the Lord our Maker ^ for tation to \^ He is our God, and we are his People. Let us enter into his drfmt ^^^^^ wi^^ Thankfgiving, and into his Courts with Praife : L^t us from the cdebratc and Mefs his Name. g^th and pr°imc ^ ^^^ S°°^ a Thing it is, how juft and how comely to cele- " *"" brate Thee, O Lord, and to fing to thy Name, O our Sovereign ! To ihew forth thy Goodnefs every Morning, and thy Faithfulnefs every Night 1 O Lord our God, Thou art wonderfully Great, Thou art cloathed with Majefty and Power : Thou dwelleft in inacceffible Light : Thou art the Powerful God, Strong, Great, and Terrible. Thou art Great in Council, and Mighty in Works : Thy Goodnefs reaches to the Heavens, and thy Faithfulnefs even unto the Clouds. Thy Righteoufnefs is as the high Mountains, thy Judgments as the Great Deep. O Lord, in how great Number are thy Works ! Thou haft made them all in Wifdom. The Heavens declare thy Glory, and the Firmament makes known the Works of thy Hands. If we fpeak to the Earth, it will teach us ^ if we ask the Beafts of the Field, and even the Plants themfelves, all thofe Things will acquaint us. Pfalms, The Ado< ration. pR A y ER S /c^r FrI D A Y E V E N I NG. lit" uSj that they were jnade by thy Hands- We our felves, O Lord, we carry about us a Thoufand Marks of thy Power, and of thy Wif- dom both in our Bodies and in- our Souls;, and we mufl be very blind »nd very infenGble, if we do not acknowledge, that it is from Thee we hold our Being. Wherefore, O our God, Thou art wor- thy to receive the Glory •, for Thou haft made all Things, and by thy Will it is that they fubfift. To Thee there i^.>re be ihe Praife, the Honour, the Glory and the Strength, for ever and ever. Amm. W E give Thee Thanks, O All-bountiful God, and mprcifnl Father, TkeTktnkf- for all the Good that Thou hafl: done us from the Moment of our ^''^'"S- Birth, to this Hour. 'Tis Thou who haft given us Life, who haft made us after thine Image, who preferveft us, who protedeft us, and who provideft for all our Wants. 'Tis Thou that pardoneft all our Iniquities, and healeft all our Infirmities. 'Tis Thou that filleft us with the good Things of the Earth, and who giveft us Hopes of a happy Immortality in thy Heaven. Our Souls blefs Thee, O God, and all that is within us, blefs the Name of thy Holinefs. Our Souls blefs Thee, and forget not any of thy Benefits. We will blefs Thee every Day, we will not ceafe praifmg and celebrating Thee all the Days of our Life. B U T, O God, how fhall we dare to prefent our felves before The confef- Thee ? And who are we that offer up our Adorations and Praifes to/o» of oar Thee? Thou art higher than ail the Heavens, and we creep in the ^"?""'''^'* Duft. Thou doft fubfift from all Eternity, and we are but of Yefter- "f^^rsL, day. Thou art Holy, and we are guilty of an infinite Number of Diforders. O God, regard not our Lownefs, nor our Sins. Lord pardor. Lord fhew Mercy to us, who acknowledge our Faults, and who ask Thee Pardon for them in the. Name of thy Well-beloved Son Jefus Chrift our Lord. WE coniecrate our lelves to Thee, O our God ^ we prefent to TheConfe^ Thee our Bodies and our Souls, as to Him who is the Mafter of cration of them 7 and we will do nothing henceforth, nor thinkj nor fay ^^y '"gQgJ" Thing that is not conformable to thy Will. LORD help us in this good Defign ^ fanftifie us by thy Truth, pgr Ashing and complcat in us thy good Work ^ and fmce it is by thy Word, H;/p ^/Gai that Thou doft produce thefe happy EfFeds^ give us Grace when that Word fhall be read, to hearken to it with Subraifrion,-to re- ceive it with Faith, and to conform our felves thereto all the Days of our Life. Hear us, O our God, who call upon Thee in the- Js^ame of thy Son Jefus Chrift our Lord : To whom xvith Thee, Heavenly Father, and with the Holy Ghoft, be Honour, Praife ancl Glory, both now and for evermore. Ameri' Here 112 Prayers /(?;' Friday Eveni n^. HcYt Are fnng Om or Two Staves df a Pfalm, and a Chapter 9/ the Holy Scripture read ; after which, the Minlfier adds that whica follows.: My Brethren^ LE T us again direft obi* Prayers to God, and let us beg of Him thofe Temporal and Spiritual Favours of which we fland in need. TUt Se- cond Prayer. To remem- ^ GOD, who hail been pleafed that thy Word fhould be put in- her and to Writing for our Inftruftion, Con-edion and Sanftification, give us praBfe the QxacQ to remember the Inftruftion which we receive from it, and JVard, ftriiftly to obferve all the Duties that are prefcribed to us therein. For the LORD GOD, that governeft the World, and that takefl; Care State and of thofe that Call upon Thee, we implore thy Bleffings upon this Church. State and Church. Be always the Protedor of them, pour upon them all thy Favours both Temporal and Spiritual \ and remove all thofe Scourges whereby Thou ufeft to punilh Mankind. For the BLESS Our Lords and Magiftratcs, and grant that they may em- Magi- ploy their Authority to the Advancement of Piety, and to the ftrates. Maintaining of Jurfice. For the BLESS the Pallors whom Thou halt given US. Infpire them with Minijiers. gH thofe Lights, all that Zeal, all that Strength of which they Hand in need •, and make their Miniftry efficacious for the Converfion of Souls. For»iipri- BLESS us all in general, and each^-of^is in particular. Biefs our yate p«r. perfons and Families. Blefs both Great and Small, Old and Young, font. j^}j,|^ ^^^ Pqq^^ AlTifl; us in our Employments. Ph)vide for our diffe- rent Wants. But above all, give us Grace to fear Thee, to love Thee, to ferve Thee, and to fubmit our felves to thy Will, in whatfoever Condition we may be. For the O GOD, Preferver of all Men, but chiefly of the Faithful^ we Khol$ pray Thee for all People whom Thou haft honoured with the Know- (ihurch, ledge of Thee, and for thofe who are ftill deprived of it. Strenghten W/flr<»^^l^g Churches that are in Being, deliver thofe that fufFer, and raife up every Where new ones ^ to the end that thy Way may be known over all the Earth, and thy Salvation among all the Nations. For the O G OD, who art gracious and merciful, we recommend to thy yi^iBed. Paternal Care, all Perfons that are in Affiiftion, whether it be in Bo- dy, in Mind, in Eftate, or any other manner whatfoever. We pray ^ Thee Prayers upon Solemn Occasions. iij Thee in particular for all the fick Perfons that are Members of this Church, and for all others that defire to partake of our Prayers. Be pleafed, O our God, to comfort and fuccour them : Grant that they may patiently bear their Trials, and that they may from thence take an Occafion to amend their Faults j and finally, give them a happy Ifliie out of all Temptations. O Almighty God, who haH protefted us during this Day, continue For the to take Care of us the approaching Kight, and all the reft of our E'vening. Lives-, to the end that having paft gur Days in thy Favour, we may peaceably wait for the End of them, which will be followed by the eternal Reft which Thou haft promifed to thy faithful Ser- vants. A L M I G H T Y God, who haft given us Grace at this Time ^pmyer with one Accord to make our common Supplications unto Thee, of 5^* and doft promife, that when Two or Three are gathered together ^Wfo- in thy Name, Thou wilt grant their Requefts : Fulfil now, O Lord, ' the Defires and Petitions of thy Servants, as may be moft expedient for them •, granting us in this World Knowledge of thy Truth, and in the World to come Life everlafting. jimeti. After the Lord's-Prayer, an^ the Apoftles Creed, the Teo^le fmg Two or Three Staves of a Pfalm, and then the Minifter concludes with a Blejfing' ARTICLES to be inferted into the Prayers upon Solemn Oc- calions. * Tor Chriftmas-Day, ani for the foregoing and following Days. 10 R D God, who by an Effea: of thy adorable Wifdom, and of J thy infinite Mercy, haft fentthy Son into the World, haft cloathed Him with frail Flefh, and haft expofed Him to Death for the Re- demption of Mankind •, grant that we celebrating the Birth of our blelTed Saviour, ai we do at this Time C Or, as we f\}aU do in a few Days ^ ] C Or, as we have done lately,'} may endeavour above all, Q. to * Note : That thefe Articles are t* b$ inferted into the Second Prayer of cadi Day, tifter the fir ft Article which is for ^vaBiJing tht Word- 114 Prayers upon Solemn Occasions. to aiifwer the Deliga of his Coming, which was to deftroy Sin in ns, and to caiife us to live in Righteoufnefs ^ that we may embrace with Faith the Doftrine of this our Divine Mailer ;, that we may pra- dlife his Precepts ^ that we m.ay imitate his Example ^ that there may appear in us the fame Sentiments of Humility, Charity, Meek- nefs, Patience, v/hich this Divine Saviour fhewed when He hum- bled Himfelf, and made Himfelf obedient even to the Death of the Crofs: Finally, let.it no longer be us that live, but Him that liveth in us, until the Time that Thou caufelt us to live and reign eternally with Kim. H before and after E after. Eavenly Father, who haft not fpared thy own Son, but haft de- ^ -». livered Him up for us, to the fnameful and painful Death of the Crofs, to the End that we believing in Him, may not perifh, but obtain eternal Life : Grant that in this Time in which we cele- brate the Wonders of thy Love, we may anfwer thereto by a lively Faith, a fincere Repentance, and an inviolable Adherence to thy Service \ that we may folemnize the Chriflian PafTover, not with the old Leaven of Malice and Hypocrilie, but with the unleaven'd Bread of Sincerity and Truth •, that in Ihewing forth the Death of the Lord, we our felves may die to Sin and to the World ^ that in publifhing his Refurreftion, we may rife from the Grave of our Sins, to live a new Life ^ till that after our Death, Thou draweft alfo our Bodies out of the Dult, to make them conformable to the glorious Body of our Saviour, and that Thou caule us to live and reign eternally in thy Glory, before and after the Afcenfion. GREAT God, who after the Humiliation and Sufferings of thy dear Son Jefus Chrift our Lord, haft powerfully railed Him up, haft given Him a Name above every Kame, and haft caufcd Him to fit down on the Right-hand of thy Majefly in the higheft Places, grant that we confidering the glorious Afcenfion ot our Di- vine Saviour, which happend as about this Time, may always pay Him that Honour and Obedience which is due to Him ^ that we may acknowledge Him for our King ^ that we may labour to pro- mote his Kingdom^ and that we may place all our Happinefs in his Com.munion \ that being raifed again with Him, we may think no longer upon the Things of the Earth, but that we may feek after the Things on High, where he fits at thy Right-Hand j to the end that when He fhall appear in the Great and Lalt Day, we may be of the Number of thofe that fliall appear with Him in Glory. JBefore Prayers u^on SolkmnOcca.sxons. 115 before and after Whicfuntidc. OGod, that didfl: formerly fhed tliy Holy Spirit upon thy Apo- ftles, and upon all thy Church, and v/ho didit thereby give an illuftrious Proof of the Truth of thy Gofpel, grant that that great- Event, of which v^^e celebrate the Remembrance at this Time, may make a lively Impreflion upon us ^ that it may ferve to llreagtlien our Faith, to liipport our Hope, and to confirm us in the Praclice of all the Duties of Chriftianity : Let not thy Spirit, O our God, thy Spirit of Light and Holinefs, thy Spirit of. Joy and Comfort •, let Him not forfake us for ever ^ let Him always dv;ell in onr Hearts, and let us always follow his Motions through the whole Courfe of our Lives-, let Him produce in us the Fruits that are a- greeable to Him •, Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodnefs, Faithful- nefs, Mecknefs, Temperance ^ to the end, that after having been the Temples of thy Spirit upon Earth, thou mayeft receive us one Day into the Temple of thy Glory, where we fliall praife and blefs Thee for ever. Tiefore and after the September Sacrament. AN D ilnce Thou calleft us at this Time, to the Remembrance of the Sufferings and of the Death of thy dear Son Jefus Chrilt our Lord, in the Sacrament of the Holy Supper ^ grant us the Grace, O our God, to be deeply ^ffeded with the Senfe of that his Death, to celebrate it by our Praifes, and to put our felves into a Conditioa to receive the wholfome Fruits of it by a lively Faith, a iincere Re- pentance, an ardent Love for Thee, and a true Charity for our Neigh- bours. So that the holy Symbols of the Body and Blood of our Sa- viour, may be truly in refped to us, the Seals of thy Grace, and the Earnefts of thy Promifes, till we Ihall receive the full Accom- plilliment of them in thy Heaven. For New-Year's Day. OGOD, who art always the fame, and whofe Years fhall have no End, receive the Homages that we offer to Thee at the Be- ginning of this Year. We praife Thee, we blefs Thee for all the Fa- vours that Thou hall bellowed upon us during the Courfe of the lafl Year : And we befeech Thee to continue them during the enfuing Year, and all the reft of our Life : But above all, O our God, fo teach us to number oiir Days, that we may apply our Hearts unto Wifdom. Make us to know our End, the fbort Duration, the Frail- ii6 Prayers nfon S o l e m k Occasions. ty, the Uncertainty of our Lives ^ to the end that we may wean our Hearts therefrom, and that we may turn" all our Thoughts towards a better Life. O God, fill us with thy Bounty every Morning : Pour out thy Joy in our Souls : Give thy Church more peaceful Days than thofe fhe has had till now : Above all, proteft the Church of this Place, and all thofe that are Members of it. Let thy Work appear upon thy Servants, and thy Glory upon their Children. Holy Father, keep us fiom all Evil. Blefs our Going out and Coming in, our Employments and our Callings, and grant that by our applying our felves to Piety and good Works in this frail and mortal Life,, we may be enabled one Day to partake of that bleffed and im- mortal Life which Thou referveft for us. before and after Parting- Days. OGod, in whofe Prefence we are about to humble our felves after an extraordinary manner in a few Days, {Or, we did hum- hie our felves Tefierday^ by celebrating a folemn Day of Falling, of Prayers, and of Thankfgivings, behold with a favourable Eye this Aft of our Devotion, and infpire us with all thofe Thoughts and all thofe Motions that are agreeable to it : That in confeffing our Sins to Thee, we may be under a holy Confufion for them ^ that we may detefl: them with all our Heart ^ and that we may truly and without Referve, renounce them all the reft of our Lives. Thou dif- playeft thy Judgments, O God ^ thy Rod ftrikes, thy Scourge walks over the Face of the whole Earth : Let us not remain infeniible at theie Things-, but let us appeafe thy Anger, and let us ftop thy Judg- ments by a ferious Repentance. Lord, enter not into a Reckoning, nor into Judgment with us. Lord hear ^ Lord pardon ^ Lord fhew Mercy, and Favour. Keep this Church in Peace, and reftore it to fb many other Churches that are in Defolation. Let thy CompafTions pre- vent us, and accompany us always ^ and let thy Face Ihine upon us for our Comfort and for our Salvation. Let not this Faft, O our God, be like unto fo many others, after which every one of us did return to his evil Way ^ but let the Effefts of it be conftant j and let no- thing in the World be able to turn us from thy Service. FINIS. THE CONTENTS OF THE NEUFCHAT EL ' LITURGY- p \RATE RS for Sunday Mornings Page i. ' Sunday Evenings p. p. Working-Days, when there is a Sermon^ p. 1 1. After Sermon^ u^on different Occafions, p. 15. 7'he Form of the Morning Service every Day of the IVeek, when there is no Sermon^ p. 28. The Evening Service, when there is no Sermon. p. 33. The Service for Wednefday and Friday Bveningy p. 37. A Prayer for Falt-Days before Sermon, P* 4'f* »■ ■ After Sermon, p. 44. An Hymn for Monday Morning, p. 47. Another Hymn for Monday Morning, p. 48. An Hymn for Monday Evening, , ibid. Another Hymn for Monday Evening, p. 49 An Hymn for Tuefday Evening, p. 50. Another H^mn for Tuefday Evening, ibid. An Hymn for Wednefday Evening, p. 51. Another Hymn for Wednefday Evening, ibid. An Hymn for Thurfday Morning, P* S^" Another Hymn for Thurfday Morning, p. 53. An Hymn for Thurfday Evening, ijbid. Another Hymn for Thurfday Evenings ^- p. 54, 4ii The CONTENTS. ^n Hymn for Friday Evening, P* 54 jinotker Hymn for Friday Evening, p. 55 An Hymn for Satui'day Aborning, p. 55. ' Another Hymn for Saturday Atorntng, ibid. An Hymn for Saturday Evening, P- 57* Another Hymn for Saturday Evenings p. 58. An Hymn for Chriftmas-Eve, jp. 59. An Hymn for Chriftmas-Day, : rbid. An Hymn for the Day after Chriflmas, . p. io The Hymn 0/ Zachari^h ^or Chriftmas, * '^. 6\. An Hymn for Good Friday, ibid. An Hymn for A fcen (ion-Day, p. 62. An Hymn for the Day before, and the Day after Afcenfionj, p. 63. An Hymn for Pentecoft, or Whitfuntide, p. 54. An Hymn for the September Communion, ibid.> The Angelical Hymn to be read upon all Feflivals, p. 6'^\ An Hymn to be faid at the Time of the Communion, p. 66»^ The Hymn called, Te Deum, to he read upon all Fellivals, p. 68. An Hymn for the Days of Communion, or for the following D^, p. 6 p. The Manner of receiving the Catechumens ohferv'd in the Churches of Keufchatel and Vallangin, p. 70. A Specimen of the Arguments and Exhortations upon Lejfons out of the Old Teftament, as ufed in the Churches of Neufcliatel, p. 73. A Specimen of fome Arguments and Exhortations on Leffons out of the New Teftament, p. 83. r^^ CONTENTS of the Liturgy ufed in the Cb arch of Geneva* PLATERS for MondiZ^ Evening,, p. 102. ■ Tuefday Mornmg, p. io5. Friday Evening, p. iiou Articksto be inferred into the Frayers upon Solemn Occafions, p. 113. BOOKS