jii*jite#iiA#ttf (/d i£ting's rf)ristiart <2Dlassics. \arkles of Glory ^ fome Beams of the Morning Star. By John Saltmarsh. Ur •C' ?s ^ J" ^ e s I 00 XI ^ o CO CO V w O fO E ^ O ro CO +j W >^ tJ) O C •H o e x: oq CO Q4X1 CO o 6 0) SPARKLES OF GLORY. if: SPARKLES OF GLORY, OK Some Beams of the MORNING STAR. Wherein are many discoveries as to Truth and Peace. To the establishment and pure enlarge- ment of a Christian in Spirit and Truth. By JOHN SALTMARSH, Preacher of the Gospel. HosEA 3. His coming is prepared as the morning. LONDON: Printed in the year 1647. Reprinted for WiUiam Pickering, 1847. ^ =»«= =» =5^ OF T^^:^^^CKTOH THE TABL. &Mm^;, THE two Creations, or two Natures of Flesh and Spirit 1 The true Church 11 The true Personal Reign of Christ as it is Spiritual 14 Antichrist within us . . . . 17 The Doctrine of Baptisms . . 18 The Baptists 18 The Baptism of Suflferings . . 22 Tiie Baptism of Water, or of John 23 The Baptism of the Holy Ghost, or Gifts 26 The Baptism of Christ . ... 28 The Divers Ministery, with the Ministery of Christ in his Saints 31 The Passage from lower Minis- trations to higher 40 The Spirit and Life of outward Ordinances 55 The Christian under Episcopacy, Prelacy, Presbytery, Baptism, Independency, &c 61 The Christian in Truth .... 66 The Witnesses in Sackcloth . .68 Magistracy a Power ordained of God 88 The discerning of Spirits ... 91 Principles of War and Peace . . 96 b The Table, In order to Peace, and Suffering, and Love : i. The Will of God . . 99 2. God ciianging Dispensa- tions 101 3. Tlie Law of Nature and Grace 102 4. The Gospel Method of Victory 103 5. How Resistings in some are of Flesh, and of the Law of Nature in others 104 6. The Advantage Chris- tians have of Bondage . 105 7. Upon what Account the purest and freest outward Liberty is 106 8. A Word concerning Heresy and Schism . . 109 Heresy Ill Schism 112 9. Truth 113 The Mystery of true Christian Liberty from God, not from Man, or the Power of Man . 116 A Discovery of the highest At- tainment of the Protestants generally in the Mystery of Salvation 118 Of Faith 121 A further Discovery as to Free- Grace 121 A Discovery as to the general Point, or Christ dying for all . 125 The last Discovery, and as some The Tahle. say, the highest and most glo- rious, concerning the whole Mystery of God to Men, and this Creation , 127 An additional concerning An- tichrist and the Mystery of Iniquity 133 The several Attainments of the Common Protestant . . . 140 The general Redemptionist . . 140 The Free-Gracian 141 Conclusion 142 A Discovery of Prayer . . . 143 A Discovery of the Law . . . 150 ADiscoveryof Duties and Works 154 A Discovery of outward Ordi- nances 156 A Discovery of the Jews, and their Conversion 158 All false Worships and Ways practised in Conscience, or in Liberty, will be destroyed in Christ's Day 1 60 A Discovery of Christ in us . . 162 The Fiery Trial 163 God in Heaven, or in a Place of Distance, as to our Infirmity . 167 The Spiritual Sabbath . . . . 169 The Gospel as in its own Glory, and as in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament . .171 Assurance of Salvation . . . 175 The Knowledge of God according to the various Dispensations of Himself 179 2'he Table. A further Discovery of the Mys- tery of Salvation in the Gospel Administration, and its own Glory 182 The Seekers' Attainment, with a Discovery of a more Spiritual Way 185 The Grounds botli against Li- berty of Conscience, and for it, clearly slated, for all to judge : Against Liberty of Conscience, the strongest Grounds, and all the Grounds generally known 191 The Grounds for Liberty of Conscience which are strong- est, and are all commonly known 193 A Mystery, or the Christian fol- lowing tiie Appearances of God through all created Things . 200 A Postscript to Mr. Gataker . 202 A pretended Heresy .... 206 A short Epistle to Master KnollSj the Author of a Book, called The shining of a flaming Fire, &c. written against me, as to the Point of Baptism . . . 208 To the High and Honourable Court of Parliament. WHAT others have done by the Law of your authority. Presented before ye their advice in matters of Religion; I shall, from the law of love to your Just authority, present ye, not my ad- vice (the Lord himself advise and counsel ye) but some things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, and the peace and prosperity of your Kingdom; and that I may not be '7^'^'fi''"^ disobedient to the lieaventy vision, a?aviV a^ia or light of God revealed in me. There are two Principles in the world which have these sad, and dark conclusions attending them, the two Principles are these : 1 . That such as conform not to the Doctrine and discipline estab- lished; and yet as to the State are good Subjects, and peaceably af- Acts 26. 19. The Epistle Dedicatory. fected, shall be proceeded against hy fines ^ imprisonment, S^e. 2. That such as shall speak upon the Scriptures, or open them, Pub- licly, or in Private^ and are not ordained by the laying on of the hands of that present established ministery of a kingdom, shall be proceeded against by fines, impri- sonment, ^c. The sad and dark conclusions Mhich follow, are these : 1. All the glorious discoveries of God, above, or beyond that System, or form of Doctrine, Sfc. shall he judr/ed, and sentenced, as Heresy and Schism ; and so God himself shall be judged by man, which must needs be a sin, bring- ing much desolation; unless they that enact such Laws, were that very infallible Apostleship for In- terjjretation of all Scriptures ; as the first Apostleshij) was for wri- ting all Scriptures. And is God, f«i;Mc'voy; a God/ of the GcntUcs also? that is, is Goc? limited to one sort of we;i ? Thou thoughtest (saith God) i'sai. 51. that I was altogether, such an one as thyself; that is, a GocZ merely The Epistle Dedicatojy. of one Image or figure : behold, the Heaven of Heavens cannot con- Psai. tain him, he dwelleth not in Tem- ples made with hands, and where is his habitation, and who hath known the place of his rest ? That is, what is man that he should con- ceive that God is only in a place, or Temple, or form of Woi^ship, or System of Doctrine of hi&form or making, since the ^me is come, that we do no longer worshij) in this Temple, nor at Jerusalem ; but John 4. they that worship, must worship in 5j9zVi^ and truth; which truth, joim i4. is he only who is the truth. 2. Many thousands oi precious Christians shall be under Delin- quency, as to fines, imprisonmejit, SfC. and under the scandal of He- retics and Schismatics ; because not seeing by that one light, nor believing in that one Proportion of faith, nor receiving such interpre- tations and Consequences of Scrip- tures, for the very Scriptures them- selves ; and by such persecution, the civil power w'hich is received from God, shall be turned against God, or against the more spiritual administration of God; and so i V The Ep is t h Dedicatory . God's Administrations dashed one against another. Acts 9. Saul, Saul, why persecutcst thou me? touch not viine anointed, and Psai. do my Prophets no harm : not as having dominion over the heritage^ or Lordship over faith. 3. That were to set up the Church Polity of the Jews amongst Chris- tians ; and not according to God's divine appointment, but mans ; for God in that first Polity of the Jews' Church under the Old Testament ^ joined to the Kings and Magistracy then, a Priesthood with Urim and Thummim ; and Prophets anoint- ed of God as a certain, true, in- fallible, directive power for order- ing that way of administration ; but this way of Christians now, with- out any such warrant, or appoint- ment of God brings back again the same Church Polity, under the New Testament, wliich was typical as to Christ the King and Priest, and Prophet, and joins to Kings and Magistracy now, a ministery less of God, less certain, less true, not infallible ; so as all texts, in- staiices, and examples brought from the Old Testament of the Kings, The Epistle Dedicatory. Princes^ and Magistrates oi Israel ^ compelling to the worship of God, without proving- the continuance of the same Church Polity under the New Testament, and the like Priesthood, and Prophets accord- ingly sent of God to direct them, is all invalid, and of no effect as to such proceedings. 4. The infinitely abounding* spi- rit of God, which blows when and where it listeth, and ministers in Christians according to the gift, and prophesies according to the will of the Almighty God ; pouring it- self out upon all flesh, giving out the word, and making the company john 3. s. great who publish it, even this ^^™- ^^• Ahnighty, all glorious, infinitely Acts 2. is. abounding, dispensing, and reveal- i\\ ^^' ing Spirit, is made subject to the Jo -rvsZi^a Laws and Ordinances 01 men, to i^, s^xaf ^^5, the pleasures and wills, to the mea- *^'^^^^ Bures and forms of men, to outward r'SmeCiMXTo^ ceremonies, as Ordination, &c. *^''' God must not speak till man give him leave; not teach, nor Preach, but whom man allowSj and ap- proves, and ordains. 5. This making laws for punish- ing all that conform not to the vi The Epistle Dedicatory . doctrine and discipline established, destroys the true interests of all states and kimjdoms, excluding all societies of men, but of one sort and ybr;«, though never so peace- ably affected, or obedient as men and Subjects, respectively to the State, and civil government there- of, and was never found in any State, or Church Polity by divine appointment, but in that one na- tion of the Jews, whose Polity, as to such a form, God himself pecu- liarly made, owned and preserved, and the Lord Jesus himself ful- Jilled and dissolved. For Heresy and Schism, I know ye ought not to tolerate any, but to let them bear their oiun judg- ment, which is spiritual admoni- tion, Church- censure, rejectio?i, excommunication ; which if effec- tual, as all true, right, spiritual Tit. 3. 10. censures have been and are, is that 1 Cor. 5. 5. . • 7 7 . 7 •iThes. 3. just proportionublc judgment for 7r4a55va. ^"*^^ Gospel-sins; \^ not effectual, Tov tcSt-oi/^ then the insufficiency, weakness, ccl^criKw ay Unprofitableness or such as assume r^^wmv rra- such Church-poivcr , and censures, TfTre. Will appear before ye. And as to that point of the pre- The Epistle DecUcatorif. vii sent Ordination, which some have so pressed upon ye, disting-uishing- to ye, that their Ordination was from the Bishops, as Ministers, not as Bishops. Right Honour- able, consider, that distinction can- not be, for there was no such thing- as Ministers in the Church of Rome, or of England as to this successively pretended Ordination ; but Priests, and Bishops, or Epis- copacy, and Priesthood: and sure- ly if Episcopacy doth not, yet Priesthood doth altogether evacu- SeeMamn. ate the essence of Ministery now otMa^yrs. under the New Testament as by ^^^"• such Ordination : and how much more rational are their Arguments, who hold their Ministery lawful, from the lawfulness oi Episcopacy ; than those, who deny Episcopacy , 8fc. and yet have no Ordination but from them. For this Christian-liberty , it is such as preserves not only the out- ward peace of Christians who en- joy it, but the peace and prosperity oi Kingdoms, and Magistrates, who establish it; and the life, glory, and happiness, destruction, and death of Kingdoms is wrapped in The Epistle Dedicatory. Eph.s. 30. the Christian s life or death : they t\l\ri*' ^''e the jmrts and Members of Psai. 105 Christ, the ajiple of liis eye, his Jewels, his anointed,\n8 Prophets, his Children. As therefore ye look to he pros- pered by this Spirit of God ; as ye look for wisdom from this Spirit of Go<^ to g-overn this State ; as ye look for comfort fi-om this Spirit of God in all your distresses ; as ye look for [/ifts from this Spirit of God in all the administrations : as ye look for the sweet spiritual breathings and refreshments from this Spirit of Goo? in all the several changes of this creation : love, pre- serve, hidulge this Spirit ; quench not, oppose not, oppress not this Spirit: confine it not to one out- ward form or fellowship of men, 1 Thes. 1. which are not that Catholic Acts'? 51 Church, that Apostleship of infal- t:ph.4. 10. libility ; and they that are ^pinVwa/, live in that spirit and truth, which j->hn 8.32, makes them free indeed, and it is , ^^^3^,^ below that Spirit of God, to Peti- i>.n/3e«u-o-«< tioji liberty of conscience in spiri- '"^'^' tuals, fiom any men or Magistrates in the World ; because God will make Jerusalem a cup of trem- The Epistle Dedicatory . ix bling to all Nations, and a stone of astonishment ; and the spiritual Christians will rather hold forth such things, to bear witness to the truth, and to desire all to forbear persecution, as much for their own sakes who persecute, as for theirs who ^ve persecuted. And for that just power of Ma- gistracy, I acknowledge it a Power Ordained of God, for administra- tioji of Justice and righteousness , ^3 5^3 in the societies of men, and nations ; ^f^^'M^^^ a Minister of GocZ for ^ooc?, a ^e?-- Rom. 13. ror to evil works ; and that we are '' ^' "^" to be subject to every Ordinance of man, for the Lord's sake ; and for this cause we pay tribute to whom tribute ; honour to whom honour: and all societies of Christians by no Ry„,. 13. pretence of religion, or liberty for ^-^'^s. the worship of God, are to resist or jTexo;, tm disturb the c^^;^7 administration of ^''e"""? this/?02f e?' : but as to that consider- ation ; all Christians are to suffer according' to the wilt of God, (all lawful ways for preservation of States and Kingdoms still excepted) and all such Magistracy are to pre- serve their respective States, by all wholesome, lawful, cautionary A 2 The Epistle Dedicatory. Laws2Lii^ Ordinances, m Peace ; so as while liberty or iJidulgcncy , as to the tender consciences in Religion is spoken on, yet no less security of the State, no diminution to the just power of Magistracy ; no less preservation of the Peace of the Kingdom is desired by those that are truly spiritual. And though many suffer under the name of He- retics and Schismatics before ye, for not conforming- to the present doctrine TinA discipline established ; Right Honourable, consider, whe- ther this doth not call in question all the very present doctrine and discipline so established ; for by this very thing of judging all Incon- formity to the present worship and form of things to be Heresy ; by the same, all this present form of worship and confession of faith is judged Heresy and Schism, to the late former government, and doc- trine established in the Church of England: i\\\s present Synodoimen being no more that visible Catho- lic Church, and infallible Apostle- ship, than the former were, so as the changing the former Articles of the Church of England into a new The Epistle Dedicatory . xi confession o^ faith, the Episcopacy into Presbytery ; and so altering both the fundamentals in religion and the discipline, is equally new %/t^ and Heresy, as to the former doctrine and discipline : (and if it be objected) but this present Synod, are men of more Zz^^^ and Piety than the forr)ier, and so they esta- bhsh more truth, and bring in more Reformation ; if so, why is there not more love, more peaceableness, more self-deyiial, more power of ^Of?Ziwess,than there was in the suf- fering Bishops, and the Preaching Lay- Martyrs then; who loved Christ in himself, and in one an- other. And now (Noble Senators) since very worthy things have been for- merly done by ye unto this Nation ; let not your Sun set in a cloud, nor your light shine upon those that have loved you, as the Moon once upon the Water, making it of the colour of Blood ; are ye not come to the Kingdom in Peace ? Are not the gleanings of Ephraim in the Vintage? Did not David sz.y, shall 2 Sam. 19. any man be put to death this day *"** in Israeli xii The Epistle Dedicatory. The Lord enlighten ye (if it be his will) more and more, in the knoivledge of Jesus Christ, and of the love of God, and of all who have any thintj of God in them, and let you see those thing's which con- cern your peace in this your day. Your Honours' humble Servant, John Saltmarsii. To all true Christians. Friends, n|^HE only scope of this Book, X is to mind ye of an higher excellency , than mere created things can afford ye, of the truth as it is in Jesus, or in Spirit. And of that unity of Spirit which Christians should live in, under their several forms and attain- ments, and I have not held forth any discovery of truth, or of any higher dispensation, so as to darken- too much other dispensations in which Christians live, or to lessen and undervalue their attainments, but only to he faithful in the power of God to his discoveries in my own spirit. I desire we may all bear one an- other's burdens, and consider, that God is in all his several Dispensa- tions, and measures, 2i.iid Christians are not to hasten out of any till the The Epistle Lord himself say, Come up hither; and the stronger are to bear the in- Jirmities of the lueak. I am not against the LaWj nor repentance, nor duties^ nor ordi- najices, as some would say : So as all these flow from their rig'ht prin- cijjle, to their right eiid. I am not against the settling of Church- Government Prudential- ly, as now, so as all of another luay be not persecuted. Because I know God hath his people under several attainments and measures, and is to his people in all these, in his mere grace and love, as formerly to the Bishojjs and thousands of weak Christians in Queen Eliza- beth's, and Queen Mary's days of Martyrdom, in their forms. I am only against any form, as it becomes an engine of persecution to all Christians differing from it. I am not against the sitting of ?Lii Assembly or Syjiodat Westmin- ster, that are so persuaded, be- cause, that is but to allow such li- berty to others' consciences, as we desire ourselves ; and surely if they would propound such things only to the Reader. xv as they have received, or they are in conscience persuaded of to all the Kingdom; and so leave it to the Spirit of God and their mi- nistery to persuade and convince all others, and not desire power from others to compel; this were but to minister as they had received. I have stated some things, and truths, as they are held in those very grounds ; the Spirit of God in the Reader may judge truth with- out any determination of man. I have spoken concerning the li- berty of some that are spiritual in outward things of worship and dis- cipline without sin, yet of no other, but as the wisdom of God shall di- rect to edification, and with care of offence, and Scriptures allow : To the weak I became as weak; to i Coi . 9. them that were under the Law, as under the Law; to them that were without Law, as without Law, though not without Law to God. Now in this Scripture, liberty to things of former institution by God, and of no such institution, is discovered ; those words, under the Law, contain liberty to things once xvi The Epistle instituted, and those words, with- out Laiv, to things not instituted, 1 Cor. 8. and therefore the Apostle saith, We know, an Idol is nothing, Howheit, there is not in every man that know- Mat. ledge; and again, To the pure all things are pure, and that that goes into the man, defiles not the man. And yet 1 know this very truth, as well as that of the grace of God, and all other truths may be turned m^owantonness,z.nAlicentiousness, and not pure Christian liberty. 1 am for the knowledge of God in the Father, Son, and Spirit, and for true Christianity, as it is in life, and Spirit, and power of god- liness, and for love to all ; but to Phil. 3. 3. the sins of all, We are circumci- sio7i, which ivorshij) God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the Flesh. I have spoken of the true Chris- tian under that more gross form of Episcojjacy , not approving that form, but in order to higher and more spiritual discoveries ; and this I do, because I find God in loiuer as well as higher, in purer to the Reader. xvii as well as more corrupt adminis- trations ; and in tenderness and re- spect to many thousands in this Kingdom, and many other King- doms, who are not yet out of this form, and yet Goc? may be in them, as in Germany, Sweeden, Den- mark^ in England formerly and of late, God having his more spiritual times for them, as well as others. I have spoken of things here sometimes very briefly, because I find less of man in writing- the sub- stance and truth of things, so far as revealed in us, than in tedious discourses and Paraphrases, which are many times rather the works of reason, and wit, and art, than of the Spirit of God; and I have writ not in that common method of men, because I received it not accord- ingly. I find two things which make some outward Ordinances so ex- ceedingly, and in divine right stood for : the one is, an opinion, that there is a very model in the Letter of Scriptures to be discovered ; which is to reduce Christians to bondage again, and to ^form with- xviii The Epistle out those very (j'ifts, which is not to be found in the word. The other opinion is, that the setting up such ?iform, is an im- mediate way ofjixiuf/ God, nnd his Spirit upon it, which indeed is a finer kind of Idolatry , to conceive that God enters into outward things, and conveys his all glori- ous, Rud A I might y Spirit by them, whenas they are only signs, JigureSy and Images of more spiritual things enjoyed, or to be enjoyed ; and that of God's appearance and convey- ance of himself in outward things, according to this opinion, is such as the Papists hold, as to Images , and to things conferring grace Ex opere operato, and all Idolaters accordingly, conceiving that God immediately informs, and glorifies, and spiritualizes those forms, and figures to the beholders; as the /5- raelites when the Calf was made, cried, these are thy Gods Israel. I know Ordinances used in their true nature, and as things that are the Parables, figures, and types of spiritual things, are not to be re- jected, but many Christians do to the Reader. xix sweetly partake of them in this their state of weakness and bondage, wherein God makes heavenly thing's appear by eai^thly, that men, as Thomas, m.ay see and believe, though blessed are they that have not seen, and yet do believe. All I have now to say to ye is this: Something of a mystery of God, and something' of a mystery of Sa- tan. That of God is this, that the Lord doth in much wisdom suffer the weakness of some spiritual men to come forth : and by this, he carries spiritual thing's in more mystery, and manages the glory of his spirit through ways and things which are an offence, and scandal before the World ; by which some stumble and fall, and are broken, Christ was set up for the falling as well as rising of many in Israel. That of Satan is this, to observe how he fortifies corrupt nature against the spirit of God; which spirit he knows can only destroy his Kingdom, and reveal the King- dom of God; and therefore coun- X X The Episth to the Reader. terfeits the spirit by false Revela- tio7is and appearances ; transform- ing himself into an Angel of light, and then casting all this as a scan- dal, upon the pure Spirit of God by reproaches, viz. of praying by the spirit, and preaching by the spirit, and new Revelations, and new Light, thus making the world blaspheme, and the weaker Saints afraid of the glory of the spirit, lest it prove a delusion. ^ ^ ^ SPARKLES OF GLORY. The Two Citations or Two Natures of Flesh and Spirit. THESE two Creations are two distinct Natures, from whence all things of Flesh and Spirit come forth ; the two Adams are the two ^fSrojavV- seeds, roots, or principles of these '^°^' two Natures or Creations, the StCie^c; u,- Old and New ; so as in the know- t^uX^i,. ledge of these two there opens a '■^^■ Prospect both of heaven and earth, of the first man and the second, i cor. js. ivho are the sean or womb of all 22. things carnal and spiritual, and vlrT "'" into whom are gathered up all the ;^^'''' "''^^'' ' Mystery of C/iWs^ and Antichrist, ""''' and from whence the Mystery of Some Beams of that both are brought forth before those that are spiritual ; the spiritual man judgeth all things. The first Adam is the root of all fleshly Creation and Excellency ; the glory of the first Creation is gathered up into him, as the light into the body of the Sun ; the life of Angels or Spirits, of sense or beasts, of nature or vegetation, is all in him : So as man is all created excellency in the map or abridg- Uev. 21. 3. ment ; and God, making* his Ta- bernacle with man, dwells at the same time with all his Creation ; Man, being the glorious and bright sum or whole of the Creation, was 1.5.14. ^figure and type of the Son of Gof/, Jesus Christ : And therefore he was said to be made after his (icii. 1. 26. own Image, which Image was Je- a-KaiywryM. sus C/trist, callcd by the Apostle the Image of the invisible God, the brightness of his glory, and express Image of his Person. And while man was thus in the Image of God, and stood and lived in Communion with God, walking in that Paradise, or that Glory of his first Creation, in obedience to God, and participation of God, he Roiij £"' TU'TTOf. T^f Jofjl,' Hob. 1. 3. Bright and Moiming Star. 3 was the Image of all or any created excellency^ as it was, or is, or shall be in order to a more excel- lent life, to a life out of itself, in him who is the fountain of life. Psai. 36. 9. And while man was in this com- munion and dependency to God, as he was made in his Image, or as he was the likeness and simili- Gen. 1. 26. tude of God, he was the figure and image of Jesus Christ in his New Creation, or whole body, or Eph.4. 23. Saints, who know no other life '"^"J^"." than in God, whose springs are all in him ; the Lord God being their everlasting light, and their God their glory. While they, like the golden Can- Zee. 4. 12. dlestick in Zechariah, are fed with the golden oil that is continually f owing and issuing through the golden pipes. The excellency of this first Crea- <20W is but earthly or fleshly in the Spirit's account, and as it stands in distinction to the second Crea- 1 Cor. 15. tion, or new man, or Lord from ^^^J;, ^^,5^^. heaven ; so as the circuit or fur- -^o; i^yn?. ^^ thest attainment of man in this "^f'"^* ''f*""' Creation is but to things of this Creation; from things of ra^to/ia/ Some Beams of that and Aufjelical glory to things of lowest and most earthly life or excellency, of which Sokmwn was an Image : as his heart was large like the sand on the sea shores and as he was ivise from the Cedar in Lebanon to the wormwood in the wall ; from the highest to the lowest part of this Creation, com- prehending all from the top of this Creation to the bottom ; and see- ing the face of God in this more darkly, as in a glass, the invisible things of him being clearly seen rk s^onu. and understood by the things that Rom. 1.20. are made, even his eternal power tZT^ and Godhead. Sftorrvf- Now all this excellency and glory of the frst man did leave Gen. 3. God, being tempted of the woman and the serpent, which were a figure of Jleshly wisdom without God, and of the lueakness of this Creation in its own nature, as it was drawn away and enticed from its life in God and communion with God, to live in itself, or own life, and to be to itself what God should have been, wisdom, and life, and righteousness, power, and strength, and preservation, and all things. Bright and Morning Star. 5 And as it left God, life, and communion in him, was a figure or image of this Creation departing from God, and living' out of God ; and now, according to this Indepen- dent subsistence or life from God, it apostates and degenerates into that nature which is called the seed of the serpent, the old man, the m?/5^er?/ of in{^w2^//, which appeared 2 Thes. all along in the cursed /^wres or ^Z^^.^^,,, types of Cain, of Esau, of /sA- rniavofMoa mael, of the children of the bond- ce'li! 4!"! woman, of Judas, of Antichrist, ^f"^^""^ of the whore of Babylon ; so as all oai. 4. v3. the knowledge of sin, of all fleshly ^^y Tro^w ^^ abominations, whether more 5j9z- j^^^ ,g ritual or carnal, are discovered in the knowledge of this j^r5^ wan, thus discovered as he lives not in God, nor in communion with God, and lives a Zzyi? distinct from the life in God, and all his actings and workings are from his own /z/e, his /i/e of this Creation, and to Am- self, not from Goc/, nor to God. The second Adam, or Jesus Christ, is that quickening Spirit, or Zo7'iv 5«axon'av T>){ xaTa»>a- God, living- in his own life, the Son of God was manifested in this Rom. R. 3. Creation to condemn sin in the flesh, and to take away sin, and to fulfil the righteousness of the Law in the flesh of this first Creation, R. m. s. 3. the law being weak through the flesh ; and thus he was made sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him ; not only righte- Bright and Morning Star. 9 ousness according to the law, Christ being the end of the law {for righteousness) to every one that believeth ; but the righteous- Rom. 3. 21, ness of God, a righteousness of j.,^f,;^,^ ,3 more glory and excellency . fi»a- The Son of God did not only fulfil this, bringing home this first Creation or man to God, accord- ing to his first excellency and com- munion with God ; but in this ap- pearance in the flesh he was a figure of God, whose design is to make his Saints his Temple, his Tabernacle, his Body, his new 1 Cor. 6. 19. Creation, his new creatures, his fcorfi2.^' habitation or house. And God 12. thus manifested in flesh was a Eph. 2. 22. figure of that mystery oi godliness f«f e^afsfiifln in us, or God becoming an Im- 'iTu^.'^ag. manuel, or God with us. ^^'^^- '• '^•^• And in his crucifying all this first glory in which he appeared, revealed that old design of God, that mystery hid from ages, and Coi. 1.20. now made manifest to the Saints; tTfrt nailing all the flesh of his Saints vova7roT*v to the same Cross, and being lifted '*'"""^" up draws all men unto him, which is the Mystery of the Gospel, or Christ crucifled ; all the life or B 2 10 Some Beams of that excellency of this first Creation beinf^ crucified in tlie Saints as in Christ, whereby they enter into their fjlory as he did into his, and John 17. are in the same glory of God made onCj as he and the Father are one. This is th^t fellowship of Christ's Phil. 3. 10. death, sufferings and resurrection, X1°«W- spoken of by Paul, into which the T"-*-- Christian is received. And now all things of this new or second Creation, as they are spiritual and heavenly, are only in and through the same Spirit, and discerned in the same Spirit. And the whole Christ, or Son 1 Cor. 12. of God, is head and body, he and his, who shall enjoy and live with God in one Spirit, when God shall hei-t^1. \'. ir. of God, the first-born of every creature, in whom all things sub- sist. ruiuoc Bright and Mornhtg Star. 1 The true Church. THAT is the Church or body of Christ which is baptized fi; 'iv'r''*' shall baptize ye with the Holy Ghost and with fire. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost or Gifts was that Baptism which the Lord Jesus promised his Dis- ciples to fulfil upon them, and upon Mat. 28. their Ministration, Go, teach and Baptize all Nations, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost ; and lo, I am with you, Sfc. or, I Disciple those Nations, and Baptize them with the Holy Ghost in your mi- nistration ; for we all know that Apostles and Disciples could not disciple or baptize any : who is Paul or who is Apollos ? and this Ministration of the Holy Ghost or Gifts was to last that Age, for so 19. ■JTuTOCi ra; T^^li^Ja is the Greek, not for ever and riduZvo;. Bvcr, OY to the end of the world, as is commonly read, but to the Bright and Morning Star. 27 Age, or during the time, or for the fulfilling of that ministration. The Baptism of Gifts or the Holy Ghost was administered from Christ in the Disciples' ministra- tion, Be Baptized, and ye shall receive the gifts of the Holy Ghost ; for the promise is to you and to your children, Sfc. which promise is that of gifts or the Holy Ghost, which was that thing pro- mised by John upon Christ's Mi- nistery, He shall Baptize with the Holy Ghost ; and was promised by Jesus Christ himself, Ye shall Acts i. 5. be Baptized with the Holy Ghost, 8fc. ; and Paul laid his hands on Acts 19. 6. them, and they received the Holy Ghost; and the Holy Ghost fell on them, this was a promise in the Joel 2. 28. Prophets too. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost or Gifts and fire was in figure : Gifts held forth the flowing of a more spiritual Nature or of the Spirit upon those who were true spiritual Disciples, and fire was a sign or figure of the power of the Spirit in the spiritual Disciples, burning up and destroying flesh and the body of sin in them, even 20 Some Beams of that this first Creation, upon which it fell, for it sate upon each of them in fire, signifying-, by its resting upon their flesh, what part was de- signed to loss and purification ; 1 Cor. 3. The Jire shall try every mans .^h , work of what sort it is; if any TO TTVf Sow- «/ 1 1 II /• tMxcrit i; s,u man's work be burnt, he shall suf- '"'^"^ fer loss, but he himself shall he saved, yet so as by fire. The Baptism of Christ. THE Baptism of Christ, which is his own proper and Spiritual and only ministration, is that by which all true Christians are Bap- tized into fellowship with him, and oneness with him ; and so becomes wholly washed in the New creature, or New man, or Baptized into the very Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, of which that Baptism administered in gifts, or the Holy Ghost by the Apostles, more visibly was a sign. WfToSyoMot The Baptism of Christ, who is ft( [tntO] TU r cy • • ^ T "B-oTfof, 4c. the Lord that i^pirit, the Image 2 Cor. 3. ^y ^^^ invisible God, the quicken- Coi. 1. 15. ing Spirit, is that one Baptism spoken on in Ephes. 4, One Lord, Bright and Morning Star. 29 one faith, one Baptism, for Jesus Eph.4. 5. Christ administering in himself, ^^f^^^/J'^"' and his own Spiritual Nature, can only make us thus one with him- self, and with his own body. The Baptism of Christ thus Administered in his own Spiritual Nature upon his, is that very Bap- tism by which we are in the fellow- ship of his sufferings and of his Phil. 3. 10. death : as many as are baptized ^°™' ^' ^' into Christ, are Baptized into his death, and as many as are bap- tized into Christ have put on skyj^Krrw. Christ; so as this Baptism, by which we are all Baptized into Christ, and put on Christ and his death, is spiritual ; for Christ can- Rom- 6. ' f . . Gal. 3. -27. not be truly put on, nor any thing of his, his sufferings, death, or resurrection, but in Spirit and f^^^lj^'' Truth, whereby we are truly cru- chH^toin- cifled and dead with him, to our- '^""' selves and the world, and alive with Gal. 5. him in one spirit ; the same Spirit Rom. s. that raised up Jesus Christ shall ^irS ttwJ- also quicken our mortal bodies. ^^'^°^' The Baptism of Jesus Christ is that whereby we are baptized into his body ; now his body is a Spiri- tual one, and fashioning like his 30 Some Beams of that i.Cor. 12. glorious one, by one Spirit we are , l^- ~ all baptized iyito one body. [into.] The Baptism of Christ is that whereby we are complete in him ; Ci.i. 2. 10. now we are complete in him only by being one with him in Spirit Tri^y.rfitM- and Nature: He being made unto "'•■ us Righteousness and Sanctijica- tion, Sfc. and thus we are said to Col. 2. 11, be circumcised with the circumci- sion made without hands, and u-^t^yrriA- buriedwith him in baptism, where- '^'"' 271 also we are risen with him through faith, or Spirit; so as we are Baptized in him as we are Cir- cumcised in him, that is, we are all in him ; and as the Circumci- sion is without hands, so is the Baptism, it being- the Apostle's whole business in this Chapter to take us and the Colossians up Col. 2, 20, higher than rudiments, which perish ^^' with using. The Baptism of Christ is that true spiritual ivashing and cleans- ing wherein all his are baptized, 1. Pet. 3, not the putting away the filth of ^^' the flesh, but the answer of a good Conscience towards God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and this is the Baptism which is Bright and Morning Star, 3i said in this place to save us, as Noah's Ark did those eight persons ht^ct; :u. infigure, therefore saith the Apostle, ^ 20!"^" the likejigure whereunto Baptism Bifio-p^a doth now save us. ^j. j^^i. Tunov. Exemplar. The Divers Ministery, with the Minister y of Christ in his Saints, UNDER the Law there was a Priesthood, the administra- tion of the Law and Sacrifices being gathered up into one Tribe, that of Levi; none was to take this office but he that was called of God, as Hcb. was Aaron. Under the Law there were Pro- phets, as Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, ^c. the Interpre- tation of the Law, and the more spiritual Revelation of the Will of God, were administered by the Pro- phets, or some few to whom the Word of the Lord came. Both Priests and Prophets were Types and Figures of Jesus Christ to come, the great high Priest and Heb. Prophet of his people as well as in ministery to the people. 32 Some Beams of tit at In the more clear Revelation of the Gospel, the administration of Christ was committed to a few, or certain Disciples in distinction of Gifts and Office ; twelve of whom Mat. 10. were called Apostles, and seventy Disciples. When Jesus Christ went out of Jlesh into spirit, or ascended, he confirmed and settled this miniS" trution by pouring out gifts of Spirit for the more g-lorious and visible quickening- and spiritualizing- this Ministration ; he ascended up on high a7id gave gifts unto nieUy he gave some Apostles, some Evan- gelists, some Prophets, some Pas- Epii. 4 tors, some Teachers for the work of the Ministery, &c. During the Ministration of Jesus Christ in the Church in this dis- tinction and diversity of gifts, there were such as were spiritually and visibly gifted accordingly, so as the Apostles and Evangelists, and Pro- phets and Pastors were known to be such, both by the Saints or peo- ple of God, to whom they did ac- 1. Coy. 12, cording to their gifts administer, '"■ and to themselves, they adminis- tering in the knowledge of such 1 Cor. 9. gifts of Spirit as were in them. Bright and Morning Star. 33 During this Ministration of Jesus Christ by Apostles, Evangelists, Prophets, Pastors, &c. the Dis- ciples that were not in the distinc- Acts s. 4. tion or number of such, but were only called Disciples, yet did Preach Rom. 12,(5. and administer as they had received. Antichrist, or the Mystery of In- iquity, came in upon this Ministra- tion by gifts and Ordinances, and the glory of the Spirit and power of gifts went off from the visible Church, as the glory of God from the Temple to the threshold, till it was v.'holly departed ; this was the falling away prophesied on by Paul, and by John in his Epistles, 2Thes.2,3. and in the Revelation, in the vision 3" ° ' ' of the Churches of Asia, and of l|^*^^'- ^- ^• , -- 1 ^ 1 T* 1 chapters. the Beast, and talse Prophet. Rev. 13. All things in the visible Churches of the Nations were, and are, in the absence of the Spirit and of gifts, administered by Arts and Sciences, and Grammatical know- ledge of tongues and languages, and according to some spiritual measure received in some, to whom these things are in some degree sanctified and spiritualized. All knowledge and understanding c2 Some Beams of that of the Orif^inal, all Interpretation of Scriptures is according- to the outward and inward administration of both, through Arts, Sciences, and tongues acquired, and through such a measure of spiritual under- standing as each have received. There is no restoration of these gifts of Spirit, which were in the first ministration of the Church, as of Apostles, Evangelists, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, according to the first institution, that is, so as the gifts of all these Offices are clearly to be seen and discerned in Spirit, to be the very unction and gift either of Prophet, or Pastor, or Teacher, as in the first Ministra- tion, which will more clearly appear in singling that pure gift of Spirit that is in each from the habits of Arts and Sciences, and Languages acquired ; and from that Spiritual understanding which is in all the Saints, according to that work of the Spirit, or regenerate part in them, which is one and the same for nature and substance of regene- ration with all ; so as no super- added, or proper, or distinguishing gifts appear upon any other ac- Bright and Morning Star. 35 count, but either a natural^ or arti- Jicial, or purely Spiritual account ; not upon any account of distinction oi gifts and Office as at first, when the Spirit was poured out, and this will appear yet more in comparing- times, diXiA persons, and gifts ; our times with the first, our Pastors even of all Churches with the first, and the gifts of all now with the gifts then : then the Spirit of God was poured out in gifts, and the Disciples were taught of God, and Prophesied and Preached from the mere gift and spirit received ; but now Prophets and Pastors are taught from another account, viz. upon a more Artificial and i?i~ dustrious, and humane account, and iheiY regenerate Nature ; then they ministered and spake as the Oracles of God, then they spake as the Spirit only gave them ut- terance. The Ministery that is raised up Acts 2. to destroy Antichrist, or the man of sin, which prevailed against the first ministery and gifts, is to be more glorious, and powerful, and mighty, as the Ministery of gifts was more excellent than that of 30 Some Beams of that the Laic ; and so destroyed that power of Apostacy that had pre- vailed upon the Priesthood and Law then ; so the Ministery that is to destroy that mystery of ini- quity^ which prevailed upon the Gospel Ministery of fjifts^ must be more excellent, and g'lorious, and powerful than that, and this is Jesus Christ himself, called the Acts 3. Prophet whom we are to hear ; Heb. 8. and that God, of whom we shall all be taught; Ye shall be all taught of God ; and he that shall destroy Antichrist by the bright- ness of his coming, and that An- Kiv. 14. fi. gel ^vith the everlasting Gospel, "prophesied on by John, preach- ing and enlightening the earth with his glory ; this is the day of Jesus Christ, whose coming is Hos. fi. 3. prepared as the morning. The Ministery of Jesus Christ, Rev. 18. 1. this Angel of the Covenant, is through his people, who are his Angel, or the Angel and Messen- ger to him, as he is the Angel to God or Messenger, or he that was sent of God; and this Ministery is a Ministery of Jesus Christ in all his Saints or people, according Bright and Morning Star. 37 to his administration of light, and glory, and truth in them, shining in them to the revelation of truth and the Gospel : This Ministery exceeds the Priesthood of the law, which was but in one tribe, and one sort of men, and was but a Ministery of Christ to come in the flesh ; this Ministery is of Jesus Christ the Prophet in the whole body of his Saints, come in the fiesh, and perfected in spirit, and Luke 24. entered into glory. The Ministery of Jesus Christ the great Prophet in all his saints, or people, or body, is a Ministery exceeding the Ministery of the Gospel in gifts of miracles and other gifts ; for that was in some, this in all, that of men more im- mediately, this of Jesus Christ more immediately ; that of some gifts, which, though excellent in their nature and operatio7is of the same Spirit, yet these might be such as were not spiritual, but carnal ; but the puie Ministery of Jesus Christ in his Saints, in him- self, as he is the quickening Spirit and Lord from heaven, is in none but such as are of his body and in one Spirit with him. 38 Sotne Beams of that The present Minister}/ of men among-st all the Cliurches at this day according- to any appearance of the Spirit of God in them, though running; through the chan- nel of ArtSy Sciences, and Lan- guacjes acquired by natural power and industry y is such a Ministery as we may hear and receive or par- take of anything- of God or Christ there, that we find in their admi- nistration, though this he not that pure Ministery of Christ in Spirit, as we find the Apostles and Dis- ciples of Christ in the Jewish wor- ship in the Synagogues and Tem- ple under the Apostacy and Cor- ruption. Ztph. 2. And this Principle of bodily and local separation I find is both Legal, and Jewish, and literal; Cor. 8. 4, and is sucked in by the Saints ' ' from the first Gospel discoveries, and from the law, and Mosaical principles of sejmration, and when the Spirit of God is more in them, they shall see it, and hath been, as I clearly find, no little hinderance, and is at this day, to the power of the Gospel, and Jesus Christ in Spirit, and the body of Christ in 5,6. Bright and Morning Star, 39 the unity of the Spirit ; and since our controversies in these outward things and Churchways, S^c. have increased, the law of love and Spirit, and power oi godliness hath much abated ; whWe form and mere letter, and something of outward order, have taken up the place. And though this may be an of- fence to such, as Paul saith, who make conscience of the Idol ; yet we know, saith he, an Idol is no- i Cor. 8.4, thing, nor an Idol Temple ; but when they shall see the Christian as he is in Spirit, and the new Creation, and no other thing part of him but what is glory, spirit, and life, and that all the law of outward order and form is only a supplement to the absence of the Spirit of God, and to order their outward man amongst men to their fellow saints and the world, while the law of the Spirit of life is not in them shining, and conforming them in Spirit and love to the Image of Christ. And for my part I am far from denying any Gospel ybr;w, or way which appears to be the practice of the Saints then, be- cause I conceive that saints see 40 Sortie Beams of that gathering and practisiiig are yet under such a mbiistratimi, and are to walk in it while they are in bondage and iveakness. But, on the contrary, I am far from thinking- these administra- tions to be our glory and hig-h point of Reformation, which our Breth- reyi of the Indepeiident, and Bap- tisjn, and Presbyterian way do, but in all tenderness, love, and yet faithfulness to them, rather a mi- nistration of bondage and weak- ness to the SaiJitSf because the Scriptures make it clear, calling- such ministrations our seeing dark- ly as in a glass, and seeing in party and that when the more perfect is 1 Cor. 13. come, then that which is in part 8 9 10 11 12'. ' ' shall be done away. The Passage f 7^0771 lower Mbiisti^atmis to highe7\ THE administrations in which God hath appeared, and doth appear yet in some proportion, are these : 1- The law or righteousness of the Bright and Morning Star. 41 first Creation, in which God had Gen. 1. 26. communion with man, and mmi |^' ' ' with God, yet rather as with a Creator than with a Father or an Immanuel, and in the outward Gen. 2. 15, Court, or first Creation, not in the ' ' inward or holiest ; Paradise itself being- but an Image of the excel- lency of this Creation. Man having fallen through the 2. temptationoi the serpent, orjleshly Gen. 3. wisdom, and the espousals of the woman, or the weakness of that Exod. 20. Creation wherein he was made, hath the first law oi righteousness presented to him in a new minis- tration of letter by Moses in Tables 2 Cor. 3. 7. of stone from GoJ, in which the first glory and excellency was mi- nistered to man in his fallen and apostated condition. And because the law or first righteousness was lueak through the Jiesh, there was the lowest mi- nistration of Angels, viz. by vision, Heb. 1. 1. dreams, Sfc. added, and likewise a ministration of Priests, Sacrifices, Ceremonies, Tabernacle, Temple, Prophets, hy wh'xchman might have access unto God and speak with him, yet but in the outward Court, 42 Some Beams of that or Jlcsh, or thhuja of this Creation, thougli he filled these with another glory, a richer and a more excel- lent discoveiy of his love, in the promised seed. There was another ministration Exod. added, o£war and peace of the Na- tions, enemies in the Jiesh, and of Josh, a promised land, or blessing in the flesh, and the Israelites or Jews were to pass under this ministra- tion, through all the enmity, op- positions, and battles of the Na- tions to this Canaan, all which ■was accomplished to them in letter, and in that in figure of a more spi- ritual enmity, and kingdom, and glory, which is fulfilled in the more Gospel-revelation, when the ful- ness of time came. The next ministration is some- thing clearer than all these, and something brighter than the law, yet not so clear nor full as that of the fulness of time which followed it, or of Christ in the flesh, and this ministration was that of Jo/aw, Mat. than whom a greater Prophet did not rise, yet he that was least in the kingdom of God was greater than he ; he was a burning and a Bright and Mo?ming Star. 43 shining light. The law and the John. prophets were till John, he was ^""^ ^' the Prophet of the Highest, and was sent to prepare his way, and to make Christ manifest to Israel Juhn i. 31. by word and water, and this was only a ministration in order to one more spiritual, was to decrease, as Joiin 3. 30. the other did increase : the Bap- tism of the Spirit or fire was to lick up this of water, as in that figure of the sacrifice performed hy Elijah 1 Kings is. the Prophet, when the fire came ^"^ ^^ "*** down and sucked up all the four barrels of water. The other Ministration was the Gospel in the fiesh of Christ, or in gifts and ordinances something more clear and in more discovery , and revelation; for the fiesh oi MzxA.cap. Christ in which he taught, and did ^' *''• ^^ miracles, and was circumcised and baptized, was a copy or draught of that ministration of gifts and or- dinances, which was as perfect as the first Creation in its glory and purity, and yet higher and nearer to God, coming forth in more re- velation of an Immanuel, or God with us. A further Ministration was more 44 Sotne Beams of that nearness and participation of God manifested in flesh, or of Christ ; and that was in r/races or opera- tions and fruits of the Spirit, as Gal. 5. 22. of faith, rcpeiitance, love, self- denial, humiliation, meekness, all which are a sweet spiritual admi- nistration, even the light of the 1 Cor. 4. c. glorious Gospel of God shining in the face of Jesus Christ. Another Ministration respec- tively to a more excellent glory to come, is that by Angels in their highest administration, which is the only Angelical and Seraphical re- velation, being something below the Spirit, yet higher than reason, or man's highest principle ; and this John received all those more ex- Rev, chap, cellent discoveries to be fulfilled in ) and 2. ,i • their seasons. There is another Ministration of more Spirit, of love, meekness, self-denial, suffering, overcoming evil with good, and conquering by receiving in the wrath and enmity of the world ; and this I take one of the last and glorious truths, re- spectively to the fesh and the world, into which God will gather up his Bright and Morning Star. 45 people by times and degrees, from all worldly and fleshly interests and engagements, wherein they shall be carried up into a more full enjoyment of God, and conformity to Christ in his sufferings, death, Phii. 3. and resurrection. The Lord Jesus walked first in this truth, he was led as a sheep to the slaughter, when he was re- 1 Pet- 2. viled, reviled not again, luhen he suffered he threatened not. The Lord Jesus revealed this Gospel-truth, and distinguished it from the law, which lavj was, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But he saith, resist not evil, but whosoever shall smite thee on the Mat. 5. 39. one cheek turn to him the other also. Ye have heard it hath been said thou shalt love thy neighbour, but I say unto ye, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good Mat. 5. 44. to them that despitefully use you and loersecute you, that ye may be the children of your heavenly Father. The Apostle to the Romans re- 4n Some Beams of that veals this; dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, vengeance is mine, Rom. If thine enemy hunger feed him, if he thirst give him drink ; for in so doing thou shalt heaj) coals of fre upon his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. The Lord Jesus prophesied of Mat. 6. this, blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth ; through their meekness they shall inherit, through their meekness only shall the jealousy and enmity of the Na- tions be allayed concerning them. John in his vision of the latter times saw an appearance of this. Rev. 14. Here is the patience and faith of the Saints, of them that have the commandments and the faith of Jesus ; to which that of the Apostle to the Hebreics answers, there reynaineth therefore a rest to the people of God, and he that is entered into his rest hath ceased Heb. 4. from his works as God did from his. The last, and more full, and rich Ministration, and most naked, is that of God by himself in Spirit Bright and Morning Star. 47 to the sons of God, into which Jesus Christ the forerunner is Heb. entered, and / saw no Temple therein, for the Lord God Al- Rev. 21. mighty and the Lamb are the *^' ^^* Temple of it. And this Ministration is ful- filled then, when Christ shall have delivered up the kingdom unto God; and this is not only done upon the whole body of Christ at the last, but is fulfilled in its par- ticular accomplishments, and mys- tery of Spirit here, there being found these transitions, passages, and resignations, and exchanges of glory in the Saint. He that can receive it let him receive it. The more full and naked Minis- tration of God by himself in Spirit, and / saw no Temple therein, for Rev. 21. the Lord God Almighty and the '^'^^'^^■ Lamb are the Temple of it. And as God hath appeared in all these former, saving the last, into which Jesus Christ hath en- tered, so they remain still as fgures and as so many several Signs or Planets in this Creation and the other, for believers to be born in, 48 Some Beams of that and to pass throiip;h in some pro- portion and measure till Christ :or. 15. hath delivered up the kingdom unto God. God hath appeared in all these former administrations to his peo- ple, and they have enjoyed him in these degrees, and distances, and approaches ; and they remain still as figures, and as so many sig'ns and planets in the first Creation and the second for Christians, in some jneasure and proportion to pass through ; so as he that is of any spiritual discerning in these, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the height, and depth, and breadth, of God's mi- nistration to his People, and to know Saints according- to the mea- sures they receive, and the minis- tration they live in with God. I have drawn out these minis- trations in their particular orbs, and spheres, and circles, which I could have folded up in three only, of Law, Gospel, and Spirit, or of letter, graces, and God, or of the first, second, and third heavens ; but I saw God something abound- ing and variously dispensing, and Bright and Morning Star. 49 I followed him in ih?ii fulness and variety so far, as he hath lighted my candle. 1 shall now discourse a little more generally of all these, and of the passage from these, and of God appearing in these, and his going out from these, till he hath scat- tered all these veils before him, that he and his may see and enjoy each other with open face, where we shall see as we are seen, and know as we are known. The Christian passes through several ages and dispensations ; as Christ was in the world, so is every Christian; he was made under the Law, under Circumci- sion, under Baptism, and the Sup- per of bread and wine, and then he crucified all ih^t flesh he walk- ed in under those dispensations, and entered into glory, for thus it behoved Christ to suffer and enter Luke 24. into his glory. The Jewish Church, or dispensa- tion which was according to Moses, and the letter in which they were led out in carnal and more fleshly courses, as in the proceeding against the Nations by war and fighting ^ D 50 Some Beams of that with all their other lej^al rites and rudiments, were a clear figure of the Christian under age, or under tutors and (jovernors, and worldly rudiments. The Disciples of Christ, accord- ing to Johns ministery and Christ's in the jiesh, were another type or figure for all Disciples of their age and ministery, and the Spirit of Christ works in all the Disciples according to such w'ay, and pro- portion, and measure, and dispen- G.i. I. 1. sation, the heir as loncj as he is a child differing nothing from a ser- vant, though he be Lord of all , until the time appointed of the Father. And I could not speak unto you as unto sjnritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ, I have fod you with milk, and not with meat. And the great and excellent de- sign or mind of God in all these things, is only to lead out his pea- Rom. 1. pl^i Church, or Disciples from age to age, from faith to faith, from glory to glory, from letter to letter, from ordinance to ordi- Cor. 3. I, 2. 1 Cor. 18 Bright and Morning Star. 51 nance, from flesh to flesh, and so to Spirit, and so to 7nore Spirit, and at length into all Spirit, when the Son sliall deliver up the king- dom unto the Father, and God shall be all in all, which last transition, or resignation, or reso- lution of all into tlie kingdom of God is not, as some think, only when the fulness of times or ages is come, but is transacting and finishing in parts and members of the body of Christ, and is not one single act, point, or effusion of glory, but a perfecting and ful- fulling it in the several members of Jesus Christ, till the fulness of the stature of Christ be made up, and the Church become the ful- ness of him that filleth rdl in all. For the day dawns, and the ^ p^^ ^ day-star arises in the heart, shin- j9. ing more and more unto a perfect day ; and he who is the bright Rev. 22. and morning Star, is still shining into the glory of the Sun of righ- teousness, and the light of the Moon shall become as the light of ^^^ the sun, and the light of the Sun as the light of seven days, till 52 *• Some Beams of that the Lord God himself be the ever- lasting lujht, and our God our Glory. Thus is the Christian, or Dis- ciple of Christ, passing- on upon the several degrees and measures into the glory of Christ, and cru- cifying each condition as he passes through it, as all the Disciples have done before : the Jews passed out of that of the Tabernacle into the Temple, and from thence into the Jiesh of Christ, that Temple de- stroyed and raised up in three days, a greater than Solomonheing there, and from thence into Christ Crucified, and so into a ministery of spirit and life. And the Disciples all of them had a measure of time and season in each Ministration, and God had his when he filled the Tabernacle with a cloud, and the Temple with Glory, and the flesh of Christ with unction or spirit above his fel- lows ; and while God lived in each ministration, quickening, and glo- rifying, and acting it for himself, that presence of God and of Spirit \vas to the Disciples like the Sun in Summer shining- upon them, the Bright and Monihig Star. 53 candle of the Lord shining upon Job 29. 3, their heads, and his secret upon their Tabernacles. But when the line of God's season was run out to its poiyit and extremity, that he would no longer stay there, nor have his glory inhabit in such or such a ministration, then that mi- nistration became but a place of desolation, a solitary /j/ace/br the Satyrs to dwell in, and the screech Owl to sing in, that is, for the Spirit of Apostacy and of Anti- christ or iniquity to possess and act in. And for Disciples to stay longer in any ministration than the Lord or the life and Spirit of Christ is in it, is as if Lot should tarry in Sodom, Israel with the Ark when God was departed, the Jews in the Temple when the Veil was rent, and the glory gone off to the thresh- old, and from thence too ; their house being left unto them deso- late, even that house or ministra- tion where the light of God did formerly dwell. As if the Disciples of Christ that went into the Grave should step in and sojourn there where his body 54 Some Beams of that had lain, and was risen and gone, seeking the dead amongst tlie Hv- ing. The disciples of Christ were a true figure of such who, when Christ was dead, were embalming the bofly, and would preserve it with spices and ointments when the spirit and life was out of it. The Jews were a figure of such who would preserve the'w Law, and the shadows of all their worship, when Chiist had left them, who was the life and substance of all Mat.26.51, that ministration. Peter Tind the ^^' rest were a Due image of such, who in that sword he woi-e was a true figure of all such as Christ suffers in a icarlike and defensive posture about his tlesh, or whom he suffers to be so far conformed to the fashion of the world, as to guard and preserve those fleshly privi- leges of his presence and power amongst them, and in that activity of his to rescue and preserve that flesh and body in which so much glory and excellency had appeared, and so many miracles were done, beyond that point or end of minis- tration, which God even the Fa- ther and the Son himself had set, Bright and Morning Star. 55 was a fig-ure of all such as should stretch out any dispensation or mi- nistration of God farther than the line or spiritual sinew of it will bear. The Spirit and Life of Out- ward Ordinances, THE second Man or Adam, in whom we all live, is a quick- ening Sjnrit, and the Lord from heaven, and is at the right hand of God, viz. in the choicest glory of the Father. That by which the people of God, or all true Christians are born, is the seed of God, or Word of God^ OTih^divine nature of Jesus Christ, or the Spirit of God, which is called snnctifcation, regeneration. That the true spiritual Christian is that new creature, that sanc- tified one, or regenerate one, who is thus born, and hathChrist/brwec? on him, and this new creature is fed by the Spiritual life of Christ. That the nevj creature, or spi- ritual man, is one who receives all his growth and increasings in the ijii Some lieams of tluU power, seed, and Principle of the Spirit of God, or Jesus Christ. That the Ministery or Ministra- tion by which he grows up to that fulness of stature in Jesus Christ, is a Ministery or ministration of glory and spirit. That the true and spiritual Bap- tism, by which every Christian is baptized into Christ's death, is the Baptism of Blood, which is the righteousness, spirit, or /?ye of Christ. That the due and spiritual .Sa- crament of the Lord's Supper is the very Z>oJ?/ and blood of Christ in the Sjnrit, or that pure spiritual nature oi Jesus Christ, quickening and feeding up the Christian into a spiritual life and wwzom with God. That the true spiritual Miii'ister is /esw5 Christ, who is called a Minister of the Sanctuary which the Lord pitched and not men. That /e5M5 Christ is the true Spiritual Apostle, sent out from God to reveal the Father, and is so called by the Spirit of God in Scriptures, the Apostle and i/i^A Priest of our profession. Bright and Morning Star. That Jesus Christ is the true spiritual Prophet that teaches his people, so as they are all taught of God, and is so called in Scriptures a Prophety which the Lord God raised up instead of Moses. That the true Spiritual Pastor is Jesus Christ, who is that one Shepherd prophesied on, who can lead his people only into green Pastures, or places of life. That the Spirits of just men made perfect, or the true Christian in spirit, are those true spiritual Elders in the New Testament. That the true Church of Christ is that spiritual company whom Christ hath washed in his blood, clothed in his righteousness, sanc- tified in his spirit, espoused to him- self; this is the City of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, the general Assembly and Church of the first-horn, the House, and Temple, and Kingdom of God. That the true spiritual keys of the Kingdom of God is the very Spirit of God, the very Spiritual power of Jesus Christ upon be- lievers and unbelievers, who hath the keys of David, and opens, arid d2 CiQ ISome Beams of that no man shuts, and slnits, and no man opens. Tliiit true spiritual excomimt- nication is Jesus Christ, who is mii^hty in Spirit and Poiver in all his, pronouncing' an anatheina ma~ ranatha or curse upon all flesh, and delivering- the body or sinful flesh over to Satan, or the power of darkness, whereby flesh and every fleshly member is cast out from all communion with God and Jesus Christ, and from those who are indeed horn of God, and are the true Sjnritual Church of God, which is no more than that true difference and distinction which Jesus Christ puts betwixt the pre- cious and the vile. The true Spiritual Gospel-Or- der, which the Apostle rejoiced to behold, is that spiritual distinction and variety in the body of Christ, wherein one Member differs from another in measure of Sjnrit, and Glory, and Power, and yet all complete, and make perfect that body of Christ in the Spiiit ; for he being- a spiritual head, must have a spiritual body. The true Spiritual government Bright and Morning Star. 59 is Christ reigning in the Saints in Spirit, ordering them in thought, word, and deed, holding forth his power, and sceptre, which is a sceptre of righteousness against flesh and blood, Principalities and Powers, spiritual wickedness in high places. The true Spiritual Covenant is the New Covenant, which God makes with us in Christ, and where- in he is manifested to be their God, and they his people, to teach them, and write his law in their hearts. Htb. s. The true Spiritual Ordination is the hand of J esus Christ, stretched out or laid on upon the Spirits of such Christians as preach or Pro- phesy of the Ministery of the Gos- pel, that is, such are rightly and purely ordained and sent out, who are sent out from the power of the Lord Jesus, to whom all power in heaven and earth is given, and are anointed of him to preach the Gospel, and sent of him, who as- cended to give gifts unto men, some Apostles, some Evangelists, some Prophets, some Pastors, some teachers. The true spiritual trial or exa- 60 Some Beams of that raination of the f/ifts of ?Lny is then, when the Sjnrit of the Prophets is only suhject to the Prophets^ that is, when the gift by which any one speaks of Jesus Christ is mani- fested in the hearts and spirits of the Saints when they see the truths they minister as they are in Jesus, and in themselves, and in them that are spiritual, and truly anointedhy the same Spirit ; and so are all Prophets according to the measure given, or as they are all baptized into one spirit and body, and have all received of his fulness, who is that great Prophet raised up of our brethren like unto Moses, and are redeemed to be Kings, and Priests, and Prophets, even partakers of all his offices in Spirit, he being the spiritual head of all his, who are the spiritual body, his Church. Bright, and Morning Star. 61 The Christian under Epis- copacy, Prelacy, Presby- tery, Baptism, Indepen- dency, S^c. THE whole world was divided into Jew and Gentile ; the Jew was that only visible Church of God, to whom pertained the glory f and the adoption, and the Covenants : and yet this Jewish Church was exceedingly fallen from its glory and purity both oi Priest- hood, and Worship, and Adminis- trations, when Christ came : So as now the Prophecy seemed to be fulfilled, they were now loithout a King, and without a Priest, and Hosea. without a Sacrifice, and. an Ephod, and a Seraphim ; and were cor- rupted with many traditions and doctrines of men, teaching for doc- trines the tradiiions of men : Thus was the Jew, and their Church. The Gentile had changed the truth of God into a lie, and had worshipped the creature more than Rom. i. the Creator ; and had changed the glory of the incorruptible God, and 62 Some Beams of that were i^iven up to a reprobate mind, and were therefore called sinners of the Gentiles alienated from the life of God, stramjers to the Covenants of Promise ; thus were the Gen- tiles full of Idols and Idol temples, sacrificing' to devils, and that way of the knoiu ledge of God, which was both in the law written in their hearts accusiyig or excusing, and in the whole Creation, where the eternal Power and Godhead was clearly seen, even in the things that did appear, even that way of the knowledge of God in them was dai'kened, and they became vain in their imagination, din& their foolish hearts luere darkened. Nowwhen/ew and Gentile were both thus, yet God had his people amongst both, amongst the Jew, where Zacharias the Priest, Eliza- beth, and Mary, and Joseph, and Simeon, and Nicodemus, a Ruler of the Pharisees, and Joseph of Arimathea, with many such, were like so many Stars in a dark night. Among the Gentile there was a Job, a Queen of Sheba, a woman of Canaan, the loise men that came to Jerusalem^ the Greeks that came Bright and Morning Star. p8 to see Jesus, Cornelius the Cen- turion, so as in every Nation he that serveth God, a?id worketh righteousness, is accepted of him, Acts 10,34. and God is no respecter of persons. When John came, who was a burning and a shining light, he preached to, and baptized ?L\\Judea, who went out to the Baptism of John, and taught his Disciples by forms of Prayer, and such rudi- ments, to their weakness, and God had his people here that were under no more knowledge of Christ, nor higher revelation, than this washing to Repentance, and to him that should come after him, and this low way of communion luith God in forms or rules of Prayer given out by John, for so John taught his Disciples. When Christ came preaching the Gospel of the kingdom, and teaching in Parables and Mysteries, he had a People and Disciples who knew little of his sufferings, that he should die and rise again, as Peter, and the rest, and knew little of that glorious doctrine and truth which he spake and preached to them, till he took them alone and f,4 Some Beams of that expounded to them those Myste- ries ; and his Disciples were under a form and rule of Prayer as Johns were ; Lord, teach us to pray as John taiKjht his Disciples : They saw little more of him than his Jieshly presence and miracles^ they loved him, and clave to him, and followed him, but had very few discoveries of him in Spirit, except some few of them, James , and Peter, and John, befoie whom he was transfigured in the Mount, which was but figurative and typical of a more spiritual revelation ; And when the Spirit of Christ was come, and the Apostles were sent forth in clearer evidences and de- monstrations of Truth, then some were under John's Baptism, and knew not of any Holy Ghost ; Rom. 2. some were under the law, and zea- ^^" lous of the Law and Circumcision ; some reg-arded a day, some eat herbs, some were eating such 1 Cor. 8. things as were sacrificed to Idols. So as here God's people were found, some in a corrupted Church, as that of the Jews, some under false worship and traditions, some under Legal rites, nndev forms or Bright arid Morning Star. fis rules ofprayer, some under Johns Baptism, under bondage of days and times and other outivard things, under the ignorance of Christ's death and resurrection, and of the holy Ghost. So as all these things considered, there will spring these Conclusions. That the Nations commonly called Christians, who are under the account of others as false in i\\e\YC\\m'Q\\'Constitution,worship, forms, and order, yet these things are not exclusive to the true Chris- tian in Spirit, or one born of God, but in these commonly called Chris- tians, though under Episcopacy , or Prelacy, or Presbytery, yet there may be such as have the true seed of God in them, partakers of Jesus Christ, true Discijjles of Jesus Christ, respectively to rege- neration or the 7ieiv birth, if they wait in the i7icreasings of Christ, Rom. i. and revelation of righteousness ^^' from, faith to faith. That there are true and spiritual Disciples of Jesus Christ, under forms of Prayer, who have little more communion with God than in those forms, as of Common- f)C Some Beams of that ±± Prayer, Book-prayers, outward rules of worsliip ; so as they wait in these to come up into hig'her revelations of Spirit when dis- covered to them. That there are such who are Christians anointed by the Spirit of God, under observations of days, times, meats, drinks, several opi- nions of Christ, of the Hohj Ghost, of the resurrection, of Church order, of Baptism of Water, which is Johns Baptism, called Anabap- tists ; so as they all in these several j^y,„ 1,7, measures pass onfromyai^^ to ■1 Cor. 3. faith, and (jlory to glory. 18. The Christian in Truth. rT"^H AT which forms, essentia tes, X 01' constitutes the true Chris- tian, is the Spirit q/ Jesus Christ, that lohich is born of the Spirit is spirit, so as a man is a Christian from birth, as he is born a man, so he is born a Christian, both are from birth, and seed, the one of flesh, the other of Spirit. The Christian is one who is of Blight and Morning Star, 67 the second Adam, as all men are of the Jirsf, and the second man is the quickening spirit, the Lord from heaven, and so are they that are heavenly. The Christian is one in whom Christ is formed or figured, (as the Greek word implies) one that bears the image of the heavenly man ; who is the Image of Jesus Christ, as Jesus Christ is the Image of the invisible God. The Christian is one who hath the incorruptible seed in him, or the word ichich liveih and abideth for ever, which word is the Lord Jesus Christ, who quickens the Saint, and is the life of the Saint, you hath he quickened who were Eph. 2. dead in trespasses and sins. The Christian is one who is in fellowship and conformity with Jesus Christ in his crucifyings, death, and resurrection, in whom the flesh, and life of the fesh must die, as it did in him, and the Chris- tian, as Christ did, must live in Spirit to God. The Christian is one who is the new creature, or 7iew man, for he fis Some Beams of that that sits upon the Throne in his Spirit saith, behold I make all 2 Cor. 5. thing's, all new, old things in him, as corruptions and lusts, do pass away. J7. The Ministery that hath been since Antichrist or the Clys- ter i/ of Ldquiti/ reignedwith- out, or in the Worship of God in all Societies of Christians called Churches, whether in Presbytery, Independency , or Baptism, is not the same with that first Ministerij of the Gospel in pure gifts, and is no other than the Witnesses in Sackcloth. p]pii. 4. s. r I ^HE Lord Jesus ascended up titX^ 1 on high, out of flesh into vt^^^^l »S/>m^, and gave gifts unto men, he g-ave some Apostles, some Evan- gelists, some Prophets, some Pas- tors, some Teachers. In this administration of gifts, the mijstery of Jesus Christ, or the Gospel, was revealed and carried on till the time Prophesied on by the Spirit of God, wherein the inystery Eph. 4. Bright and Morning Star. 69 of iniquity should prevail, and the falling away should be, and the man of sin should be revealed, and 2 Thes. 2. perilous times should come : and fx^"^"i^^. this mystery of iniquity did so Tccc-iuvfrrov darken and overcast all this ad- ^f'^*"^ ministration of the Gospel in gifts, and ordinances, or outward ad- ministrations, as there was a visible Apostacy respectively to those very- pure gifts of the Spirit, and pure administrations respectively to the first institution, and this is no more than the experience of our own age, and the times before, so far as any History can make apparent, doth clearly demonstrate ; so as that administration of Spirit or Ordi- nances, which hath been in several times since the first pure Gospel- day, or time (wherein the Spirit did minister in truth and demon- stration) hath been but in some faint and small discoveries of the Spirit and Letter, as in those of Huss, Luther, Wicklijf, Calvin, Peter Martyr, and Bede, with all the rest of our many Martyrs in the kingdom, who were glorious lights respectively to the darkness of that generation, yet if compared 70 Some Beams of that with the pure glory of the first Gospel-administration in (jifts and ordinanceSy wore far below, and in darkness ;ind lueakness to that ; so as I look upon all God's ways of the administration of his Gospel to hold some proportion one with another; the Tabernacte, Tind Tem- ple, and Laws of outward adminis- tration wei-e in such ways and means God did appear in ; and so in the Priests and Prophets, God Hebr. 1. 1. at suiulrij tinics and in divers x'ai^ox^o- '^<^^^^^-'>% speaking" to onr fathers j 7ru» and afterward God took up our vei-y flesh to administer in, and so came, and spoke to us by his Son, and after all these, the Lord went out from these after his usage of them, and appearance in them, and then they were no more an ordinance or way to God, as they formerly w^ere ; nor did ever the Lord enjoin the restitution or reassuming of them again, when the Temple was once rent, the veil of it, the Lord was no more in it, nor in their Priesthood and Sacrifices, ^'C. nor when once the Lord Jesus had ended his administration in the flesh upon the Cross, did he ever Bright and Morning Star, restore it in that very way again, or intend it according" to that first appearance, but in a more glorijied state. And so in all reformations res- pectively to these former adminis- trations, they never returned back, or reassumed the same again, after once God had refused it, and laid it by. When Christ came in the flesh, he did not make it his work to settle the Priesthood again, but to lead them into the spiritual glory and fulfilling of all those /e^ttZ dispensations, and carry them on into more GospeZ-administra- tions, and that which was more ex- cellent and perfect. So it is in that first Gospel-a.d- ministration of gifts and ordinances after Christ ascended, there were such pure operations of Spirit, as in gifts, and some outward insti- tutions, and Church-adtninistra- tions, but these were only the Ministration for that age, as the Tabernacle was for its age, and the Temple, Priesthood, ?im[ Sacri- fices for their age, and the flesh of Christ for its age or time ; so as the falling away is no more, 72 Some Beams of tliat but the Lord gathering up, or taking in tlie out-goin*^s, opera- tions, or gifts of his Spirit in such a way oi ministration, and till this was done, there was a luithholding of the mystery of iniquity from bein<^ revealed; therefore saith 2 Tiies. 2. the Apostle to the Saints, Ye know ToiriYov. what ivithholdeth that he might V- 7. 6e revealed in his time, and he --^-- ^^0 Ze^^eM ^i;^7/. let, till he be taken out of the way ; and truly that mystery did not work freely, nor powerfully, till the Lord had removed the glory of his Spirit from the Churches, the presence of which did exceedingly prevent, and withhold, and put an hin- drance to the revelation and domi- nion of that man of sin. And the Spirit of God foreseeing God about to leave this ministra- tion of Gospel-^Zory to the world, and bring a night upon all that day and brightness of his Son, prophe- sied of the times to come, and to succeed that ^Zory, viz. in the last days jjeriloiis times shall come, men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, proud, boasters, ^c. des- pisers of those that are good, 2 Tim. 3 2—5. Bright and Morning Si ar. high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying- the Power thereof. But there were false Prophets among' the People, even as there shall be false Teachers amongst you ; who privily shall bring in damnable Heresies, 8^c. and many 2 Pet. 2. i shall follow their ^tevmcmn^iu ays, ^'^' by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of, and through covetousness shall they make merchandize of you. Beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, how that they told you there hu\e lo. should be mockers in the last times, these be they. Separating themselves, having not the Spirit. Little children, it is the last 1 ^oim 2. time, and us ye have heard that Antichrist should come, everi now are there many Antichrists, where- by we know that it is the last time. So as from all these places of the Apostles, we may see their Prophesies of the Antichristian times, which are the times of the E 74 Some Beams of that flesh, and of the Spirit of in- iquity, reigning- amongst the Saints, or in the Christian world, the Lord of Glory, Jesus Christ in Spirit, being all this time cru- cified in Spiritual Sodom, Egypt, or Babylon, which is the Kingdom of the Flesh and the Powers of Darkness, and this is the State and condition of the Church of Christ, or those who are the Spi- ritual vessels, or Golden cups of the Lord's Temple and carried away captive, and live under the Power oi Flesh, and of Spiritual wickednesses. So as all the time of the reign and Prevailing of this mystery, (which mystery is in a threefold Principality or emi- nency, viz. of the beast, the false Prophet, and the devil, all which ra T^a '■> three work as well without, unto ''^r^iliic- the world, as within, in the flesh of every Saint,) all the time of this reign or prevailing is not a time of any restitution or restoration of the first ministery, or gifts, or or- dinances, as was in the Apostles^ times, but is the state and perse- cution of the Lord Jesus in Spirit j and the time of the woman s being IIlv. H), •20. TO 3>1^»CV ME (?aXcr. Bright and Morning Star. 75 in the wilderness, all things in this Rev. 12. e. time seeming as a waste and barren ^ '^ f^' dispensation about her, not inha- f^^y. bited by the Spirit of God, and she in a retirement of Spirit dwelling* with God, out of the power of the Dragon, who casts only his fiood after her, but not upon her. So as here is no more in this time of Antichrist' s reign in the Flesh and the World, but only the Church" s oppression in Spirit, and the crucifying the Lord in Spirit. And all these appearances of the Lord Jesus in many glorious Saints who in particular ages appeared were but appearances of him who is that Faithful and true witness, against this power of the ma?i of sin, and were but drops of the vials, Soundings of the Trumpets, openings of the Seals, before the Battle of the great Day, when fire shall come down from God out of Rev. 20. 9. heaven and devour them, the Lord Jesus being revealed in flames of Spirit, ^nd glory, against all Flesh. So as there is not any luord ap- pearing in all the Scripture, that the first minis tery by gifts and ordinances shall in any measure be 70 Some Beams of that continued, thoug'h in part, or in reservation to be restored, as if this were the p:reat work the Lord intended to bring- to pass, viz. the setting up a purer 7ninistery of gifts to teach his people, or re- storing some legal ordinances, as Baptism of water, the church way, or Presbytery of Elders, and all the glory of the last times or ages should be only the bringing in these, and taking them out of the hands of Antichrist, all which arise from a mistake of the type of the Jeivish Apostacy and captivity which figured out the Spiritual Church or new Jerusalem, in Babylon, or Captivity to the flesh, or man of sin in all his deceivableness and Power, and the restoring of all shall be only the appearance of the Lord Jesus, who shall destroy tIw- tichrist with the brightness of his 'i The?. 2. coming, and the two edged Sword of his mouth, his Spirit. And there is not a word spoken in all the Scriptures of these things to be restored, as gifts and ordi- nances, but the glory of the Lord in Spirit, and therefore the Refor- mation or Restoration that the Lord Bright and Morning Star. 77 Jesus bring-s with him, (for Moses, Joshua, and all the reforming- Kings of Judah, were but types of him, the last and most excellent and glorious Reformer, Ki7ig of Kings, and Lord of Lords,) that Reformation, I say, that he brings with him, is the revelation of him- Rtv. n. self in Spirit, he and his Father i^a. eo. 19. beins: the light and Temple of his ^'^"^''f'^ 7^1 1111 1 «'' °^'' = ^*=^ people, for there shall be no other 5 TravToxea- there. "'^• This shall be a glory without Sun, or Moon, or Stars, or any such low or faint appearance as gift or ordinance, but the Zorc? God shall be the everlasting light, and Goc? ^/ie glory ; and light sAaZZ corer ^/ie earth as the waters cover the sea : light shall not Sparkle or be in bright beams as in a gift or an ordinance, but it shall tiow out from the Lord him- self, even cover the earth, swallow- ing up or overflowing all earthly administrations. And it shall be as much Apostacy in the Saints to go back to that first ministery of the Gospel-times, which was the ministery to the first discovery of that mystery hid from ages, as it 78 Some Beams of that would have been in them to have g'one back to Jewish Temple and Priesthood, &:c. And have taken the setting- up of those to have been the <^reat and only Reforma- tion of Christ come in the fleshy and as the Lord Jesus himself did in his coming in the flesh fulfill all these, and destroy nothing, save only as to the outward and perish- ing nature of those ordinances and Rudiments of the law : So in this his last glory to be revealed in the saints here, he shall not destroy any of the first ministery of the Gospel by gifts and ordinances, but shall fulfill it ; it being" but a type of his glory to be revealed in the Saints, and the former minis- tery is only destroyed as to that outward Perishing part of it. And this destruction of Anti- christ, and i\\Q glory to be revealed, is the Prophecy of the Prophets, and John in the Revelation, and is the sum and substance of all types and ministrations which were before. So as all the pretended Refor- mations by gifts and Ordinances, "which tend to a reducing* us to that Bright and Morning Star. 79 first minister 1/ of the Apostles' times, which that of Presbytery, of Independency , and Baptism- way endeavours, is but a building up such things as the Lord would have destroyed ; it being an admi- nistration which he would use no longer, and therefore suffered An- tichrist to prevail upon it, and the man of sin to overcome it, and as God to sit in the Temple, or in all that outward form and worship, figured out in that word the Tem- ple as God, or as God himself used to do, when he was pleased to ap- pear there. And therefore all thdit minis tejy and Pastorship and teaching is not at all upon the account of the first Gospel ministration, according to that very glory of the gifts, and pure anointing, by which they did minister as the oracles of God and very truths of God, as they did then, so far as they Spake or did any thing in the Holy Ghost : but they now, I mean the Pastors and ministers, do Speak and minister doubtfully, darkly, uncertainly, more in the fesh than the Spirit, not at all in any thing of unction CO Some Beams of that or anointinr) exceeding any private Christian, or distinct according^ to any (jift of the Holy Ghost, but so far only as they exceed others in parts, wit, or learninj^, which are upon a lower account of the Spirit than the first f/ifts upon that of Arts and sciences. And therefore if Pastors, mi- nisters, and Christians, who can- not now minister as the oracles of God, nor according to the very gifts of the Holy Ghost then, will be content to Prophesy, as Christ I'-'w 11. will only allow his Witnesses to do, even all that bear Witness of him, in Sackcloth, according to that poor, loiv, and legal account and humble condition they are in, it being yet the time of An tic his fs reign, not of Chrisfs, and not as- sume to themselves the names. Of- fices, Pre-eminence, glory, obedi- ence, very administrations, which were then in power and in the Holy Ghost, hoih inPastorsmdChurches, Rev. 3. and not walk as full, and rich, and wanting nothing, when as they are poor, miserable, and naked. The iilv. a. Church of Laodicea being a figure of all such, for my part, I then shall Bright and Morning Star. 8i look on all such as in the Spirit, and walking humbly with God, and prophesying in sackcloth, and wait- ing for the coming' of the Lord Je- sus; nor do deny but Christians in these ways a?id administrations have enjoyed God sweetly, though they be not such ways as God ap- proves on, though he suffer: as many of the Godly Bishops and Martyrs did enjoy Jesus Christ in their times of CeremoJiies and Forms of Prayer, God still ap- pearing to his, as they are in Christ, not in such or such an outward way or form. There remaineth two or three choice Scriptures to open concern- ing this, and they are these : And he gave some Apostles, and Eph. 4. ii, some Prophets, and some Evan- ^"^' ''*' gelists, and some Pastors, and some Teachers, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the ivork of the Minis t ery , for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come in the unity of the faith, 8^c. And God hath set some in the 1 Cor. 12. Church, first Apostles, seconda- rily Prophets, thirdly Teachers; after that, miracles, then gifts of E 2 28. 82 Some Beams of that healhifj, helps ^ fjovernmcnts, di- versities of tonrjues. Mat. 28 Go ye therefore and teach all Nations, Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have com- manded you, and lo I am with you to the end of the world. From all these Scriptures these Conclusions are made : 1. That there is a Ministery of gifts, of teaching, and ordinances. 2. That this is for the perfecting of the Saints. 3. That this is to last to the end of the world. Now these Scriptures are much mistaken according to such results and conclusions. The Scripture to the Ephesians, Eph. 4, shews only that there was such a Ministery of gifts and of- fices, but not any such continuance of them to the end of the ivorld. For where it is said, for the per- irfif Tcv Ka- fecting of the Saints, Sfc. till we ITI^tl. ^11 come, ^c. that hath relation to the tenth verse, or to Christ as- cended, that he might fill all Bright and Morning Star. 83 things; and this of the perfecting /u^xftaT^v- of the Saints, Sfc. is only an ex- 3^^,!" " position or clearer interpr-etation of that tenth verse, how he ^lls alt things, viz. hy perfecting his Saints ^■<« Tr^.r^-icm in the work of the Ministery, or that glorious and spiritual admi- nistration of himself upon his, to bring- them all into the unity of the «'« e-'^^^nra faith, so as he may be one in them and they in him, the Lord one, and his name one, which is that unity of the faith. Nor can this Scripture intend any other thing- than this, viz. to shew first how the Lord fits all things, as in verse the tenth, and how he set up a ministration of gifts in the first discovery of Gos- pel glory, he gave some Apostles; and how he himself perfects the saints by being their fulness, and so edifies or builds up his body, and brings forth that unity of the faith, or one glorious evidence and revelation of himself in the whole body. Nor can any other thing bear the weight of such expressions but Christ himself. Who can perfect the Saints but Christ? AVho can 5 4 Some Beams of that edify the body or build it up but Christ ? Who can brinp: forth unity of faith but Christ ? For no gifts either of Apostle or Pro- phet, or SfC. can perfect the saints. Cor. 13. Though I have the erift of Pro- •i. ;j. Q.. ^ ..l»,v. l...y^ j_,, phecy, and understand all myste- ries, and all knowledye, and though I have aliyhi/^, and have not love, or Christ, who is the love of the Father, it profiteth me nothing. But suppose it were so, that the Ministration of gifts and offices, there spoken on, were for the per- fecting of the saints till the unity of the faith be, what doth this prove to the present Ministration of gifts and offices now, or since the falling away amongst us, for we have none of them in the pure gifts of the Holy Ghost or tfnc- tion, and we must either have all or none ; there is no taking- these gifts and offices in pieces and parts, as they do generally, distinguish- ing them into extraordinary and ordinary ; the extraordinary , they say, are Apostles, Evangelists, Prophets, and these, they say, are ceased ; but Pastors and Teachers, they say, are ordinary, and re- Bright and Morning Star. 85 main. But where is this distinc- tion to be found in tlie Word ? are not all gifts of the same Spirit? Doth not the Scripture reckon them all equally necessary in the Church ? Doth it any where speak of Apostles, Evangelists, Pro- phets, only for the first Ag-e, and Pastors and Teachers for the Ages after ? Doth not the Scripture say expressly, he hath set some in his ^^"Z = ^«=f Church? 1 Cor. 12. 28, and so^rr""^" reckons according to some order in the excellency of gifts and office, not according to the expiration of some, and the life and continuance of the rest, saying, Apostles, Evan- gelists, Prophets are to cease, only Pastors ?ini\. Teachers remain; but he saith plainly he hath set all these in his Church, not excepting one sort more than another ; nay, a Pastor or Teacher, in the true and proper gift and office was as spiritual as the other, viz. of the pure anointing or the Holy Ghost ; but Pastor and Teacher hath been considered in a lower capacity, and industry, art, natural jmrts, and learning have been taken in in after times to the composition of a Some Beams of' that Pastor and Teacher, and upon this account those offices have been thought ordinary , which were upon the mere and pure account of the Holi/ Ghost : so as if they will have Pastors and Teachers only remain, where is the Scripture for excepting the rest, and where are the very same gifts ? And pure anointing of Spirit for watching, feeding, and teaching? And if they will have these Scriptures to hold forth such a continued Ministery of necessity to the perfecting of the Saints, where are all the rest, viz. Apos- tles, Evangelists, S^c. for all are reckoned both in Ej^h. 4, 1 Cor. 12. 28, and where are those very gifts of pure anointing ? And why so many hundred years without these? What hath become of the Saints since the first gvQ2l falling away ? How have they been per- fected? If all these were for that very work, and yet not visibly ex- tant for so many years ? Nay, the pure gifts of the anointing of the Holy Ghost not appearing in any of the most glorious Reformers, as Luther, who had much darkness, Bright and Morning Star. 87 as in that of Consubstantiation, and in his passions to King Henry, and in many other particulars of his, &c. and so of the rest, save only they shone forth in the more glory because of the darkness of that Ge7ieration. For that other Scripture in 3fat- thew 28 : Go, teach and baptize, and lo I am with you, it is only (as I take it) and merely in appli- cation to the Apostles and Disciples of that Age ^n^ Ministration whom the Lord bid go and teach what he had commanded them, and bap- tize into the name or mystery of God, which word baptize is ?i figure Christ uses to express the depth of a spiritual mystery, as in that, can ye be ba2')tized with the Baptism varct; t^,- that lam baptized with? And he ^f^^"'- shall baptize you with the Holy >.««iat. 5. 40, thy coat also, love thy enemies, '*"'' bless them that curse thee ; when thou art reviled revile not again, 1 when thou sufferest threaten not. 4- The Gospel Method of Victory, SUFFERINGS are ways of vec- tory in another method and form; he that conquers under per- secution, receives in the enmity, wrath, and opposition of his ene- mies into himself, and there quenches it and destroys it in Spi- rit ; for the Christian being' one with the Lord Jesus, flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone, is par- Eph. taker of thatpoz^er and glory which was in CAnsf; 'and through him 104 Some Beams of that (who hath overcome the world) we Rniii. 8. are more than conquerors, and this I John 5. 4. is our victovy , even our faith ; and the strength and life of Christ is shed abroad through all his People^ so as death hath no sting for them, and the grave no victory over them, I CoV.is. the violence of fire is quenched, mouths of lions stopped, kingdoms subdued. 5- Hoio Resist'uigs in some are of Flesh, and of the Law of Nature in others. Heb. 11. R' ESISTINGS are ever from want of conformity to the will of God; and though God or- der and dispose all the ways of 7nQn, Roin.8. 28. and act them to his own purpose and glory, yet the weakness and selfish courses of man are no way excusable because of that, for man acts from a principle of his own, and of fesh contrary to that re- vealed and manifested providence that God held forth to him, and in that he originally and naturally Bright and Mornhig Star. los departs from God, and becomes a god unto himself, judging- ^oocZ and evil for himself, which is the tast- ing of t\\Q forbidden tree, and seeks out many inventions. Thus it is in some, yet in others it is from that very law of nature and self-preservation under which they live and are acted. 6. The Advantage Christians have of Bondage. THERE are times of bondage which God hath for his, and through which they must pass into more spiritual liberty and enjoy- ments of Jesus Christ ; for God hath this design, to increase his Acts s. i, Gospel by scattering- such as pro- fess it amongst other people, that the earth may hQ filled with know- ledge, and to make his own fulness the portion of his people, and to carry them through some confor- mity to the flesh of Jesus Christ, even the fellowship of his suffer- ings and death, which is most spi- F 2 lOG Some Beams of that ritual, as it is most inward^ and in Spirit or sinful Jiesh, but as it is more outward and carnal, as in persecution ; so it is a figure or image of the more spiritual : and further, the bondage of God's peo- ple, according to this account I speak on, is in the type of the Jew's bondage, when the Chaldeans were to take Jerusalem, Jeremiah told them, he that goeth forth to the ■■ 34. -2. Chaldeans shall live, and shall have his life for a prey ; and go forth, says he, to the King of Babylon's Princes and live ; but if ye stay in the City, ye shall be consumed, which is a figure or shadow of abiding longer in any dispensation, or way, than God is clearly in it, and his presence appears upon it. 7- Upo7i what Account the furest and freest outward Liberty is, THE People of God shall re- ceive their best and purest outward liberty upon another ac- Bright and Morning Star. i07 count than their own strength, de- sign, and activity, and that is by these ways. The glory of Christ and the light of God shining' more in their ^aces and outward yuan, the nations shall bring their glory unto them, and shall take hold of the Skirt of him Ztcii.s.23. that is a Jew, and say, we hear that God is in you. The meekness, peace, love, and righteousness that shall appear from them, as beams from the Sun, shall much prevail upon the world, which are those on\j graces that the world can love and be enamoured on in God's people, for they are graces that g'o out to the blessing, and prosperity , ?inA preservation of the world, and in such a dispensation as this, it is, that all men love God, because he appears to them in things of their own nature, his Sun shining upon the unjust, and his Mat. 5. 45. rain upon the wicked, and in such a dispensation it is that men shall love the people of God, while they shine upon them in such things as they can bear and love ; though still according to another Revela- tion of them^ or manifestation of 108 Some Beams of that God in them, they shall be hated, as they do God himself. And the other way for liberty is the power of God upon the hearts of Princes and nations, of which Cyrus and Darius were figures : Jci. 52. and the King- of Babylon lifting up the head of Jehoiakin. And that other way is the Spi- rituality of God's people, raising them from the love of worldly In- terests and Engagements, save only for righteousness sake, and thegood of nations in administration of judgment and peace, and when Christians appear to the worldmore disengaged from the love oi power. Dominion, Riches, earthly glory, and the nations find them not in their own ways, nor desiring to live with them in their borders and fruitful plains, nor seeking their vineyards, nor plucking apples from their trees ; their jealousy, revenge, enmity, in part and per- secution shall cease towards them ; the other way is, God shall make Jerusalem a burthensome stone, and a cup of trembling to all na- tions, they shall be weary of afflict- ing them, because of the affliction Bright and Morning Star. luo that shall come upon them where they are carried away captive ; and the Philistines were a type of this, when they found the Ark of God plaguing- them with Emrods, and they were to send it away with an offering. 8. A Word concerning Heresy and Schism. SOME books have been writ against me and I have been silent, and was rather willing to sit under the shadow of another's con- tradiction and reproach, than to reply, till God by his Spirit^ in the hearts of such as did oppose, might bring forth my righteousness as the noon day ; and then we, who had been enemies through the several measures of light we see by, and judging each other rather in Jiesh than Spirit, might rejoice and embrace as brethren in the unity of the same faith ; and I saw fur- ther, that in books of controversy I left my adversary still upon some account with me for passion and 110 Some Beams of that recrimination, as all others do on all sides, whom I see write ; there- fore I rather made it my choice to isa. 26.20. enter into the chamber (or retire- ment of Spirit) and shut the door upon me till the indignation be over-past ; for we can set but letter to letter, and Scripture to Scrip- ture, and argument to argument, and interpretation to interpreta- tion, and nothing can be judged till the day or time of more reve- lation oi truth, till the Holy Ghost dindjire sit upon each of us, trying every man's work of what sort it is, and burning up that in us which is hay and stubble; for writing hook after book in such a line of Re- plies and Rejoinders, hath usually more of man than God in it, and we seem to say with our lips we will prevail, our tongues are our own, who is Lord over us ? I am not against contending for truth earnestly, but that is in Spirit, not in flesh, nor passions ; and I know well that the Spirit of God is flow- ing in, and is aflre in the bosom, but still as a refiner s fire trying and purifying , not scorching nor burning up that which is pure and Bright and Morning Star. ill spiritual in one another; and I know some allowance there must be on all sides to infirmities and darkness, and several conceptions of truth in all, which yet hath not been ; and I know not any of us that eitherpreac^ or write on Scrip- tures in such a light of Spirit as the Apostles writ the Scriptures. Her^esi/. HERESY is a choice, in the a/^fo-.f. signification of the word, and in the ap)plication of it in Scrip- ture, it is a choice of some other thing for truth than is truth, by those who seemingly received truth, though after they make another choice of that which is contrary to truth. Heresy, which was judged by the Apostles accordingly, was a choice of some thing contrary to the faith and sound doctrine of Scriptures delivered by inspiration, or in Spirit and Truth ; so as He- resy is something against the very Doctrine of Faith in the Word or jfaik 7. 9. Scriptures, not against any inter- 112 Some Beams of that pretationSj doctrines, conclusions^ glosses, Comynents, or Preachings of men, who speak not Scripture, nor the word of trxith originally nor infallibly, as the Apostles did; but so far as that is the very Scrip- ture they speak, and so far as they speak the truth in Jesus ; and in the Spirit of God, else they teach for Doctrines the Traditions of Schism, SCHISM is a breaking off, a renting or dividing from Chris- tians who are in an outward pro- fession of truth, and in an outward fellowship of truth. Now there may be Schism in visible Churches or fellowships of Saints upon this account, but there can be none in the true body of Christ, or the spiritual Church, which is baptized by one spirit into one body, for they that arc joined to the Lord are one Sinrit, and they are made perfect in one ; and so far as they are in that one Spirit cannot be divided, nor can suffer any Schism; so as the dividing Bright and Morning Star. lis from men merely, or the fellow - shijjs of men merely, or the errors of men, or departing into higher attainments of truth ; while the rest of the visible fellowships sit still, is no Schism, for if so, the Protestants were a Schism toRome, and Presbyterians to Bishojys, and all that go on from faith to faith, from glory to glory, to the rest whom they leave behind. 9- Truth. THERE is but one Truth, and that is Jesus Christ; I am John 14.6. the way, and the truth, and he is Truth III the original or pattern ; and we see nor know no more Truth than we see and knoiu in him, this is called the truth us it is in Jesus : For Jesus Christ is the A Ipha and Omega of all things, and compre- hends all essence, and form, and life, and Spirit of things in him- self; and all things of this Creation are but Shadows and Images of this Truth, and the outward forms of th^it glory; this Truth makes free, 114 Some Beams of that that is the operatio/i of it ; and tlierefore so much of Truth or of Christ any one knows or receives, so much freedom or liberty they receive, and so much they are de- livered into the f/lorious liberty of the Sons of God; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is li- berty : And therefore as Truth is in any, so is spiritual liberty, and the Spirit of bondage in them passes away, and such are disburdened of the legal terrors, fears, of the lies, delusions, false conceptions, tra- ditions under which they have lived as they g-row up into Truth; the Spirit of Truth only teaches and reveals this Truth; and opens those treasures of wisdom and knowledge which are in Christ. Truth, though. it be but one, yet it shines forth in many streams of glory, and opens like day ; in Jesus Christ this variety of truth7i])'^e?iYsth?ittruth,0Y glory , or true brightness of God, and all that truth of this Creation ot forms of the world; z.ni\?i\\ truth of Letter, ovScripture, oroutward Ordinance is in its pure Essence and Spirit in Jesus Christ; Truth gathers up men more into Christ from the Jiesh Bright and Morning Star, ii5 and loose vanity of the world ; and therefore we are said to have our loins girt with truth ; the girdle of Eph. 6. 14. truth, as it were, binding- us up, and keeping' close in Spirit to the Lord ; there is a fulness, settle- ment, and establishment in truth, as in things of this world ; there is a far more solid and real enjoyment in the substance of things here than in their shadows, counterfeits, or pictures, because there is a nature, or Spirit and life in that thing to be enjoyed, and answers the Spirit and life of him that enjoys, by com- municating something substantial, solid, and proportionable than images and shadows are. So it is in the truth, Jesus Christ, in whom is life, andmoYeexcelle7it, glorious, and spiritual form, or life, exceed- ing the nature of things here, and communicatino- more true and solid glory , than all things here, which are but as shadows to that, as other things are shadows to them ; there- fore, says David, I shall behold thy face in righteousness ; I shall be satisfied when I awake ivith thy likeness, as if the face or likeness of God, which is Jesus Christ the lie Some Beams of that image of the invisible God, could only satisfy ; and the soul in such a prospect of /?^/i^ nnd f/lory is truly awakened, till when, it is but asleep and in dreams and visions of its own spirit, all the life and discoveries of se7ise and reason being but dreams rather than true awakenings ; and therefore the more any one hath seen of truth in Jesus, the more spiritually and highly theyjudg-e of all outward things, being not satisfied in the mere letter ov form of them, but in the spirituality of them, and true life of them, which is Jesus Christ. The Mysteri/ of true Chris- tiaji Liberty from God, not from J\Ian, or the Power of ]\Ien, WE have hitherto filled much paper with Scriptures, Rea- sons, and Arguments for Liberty of conscience, and thus far it hath been well in order to the peace of those whose consciences in outward things run cross, contrary, and destructive to others, both in rule Bright and Morning Star. 117 and practice, so as when Chris- tians are under several forms and administrations, and these diame- trical, or opposite to each other, and mutually contradicting and expelling each other, here can be no Peace nor Preservation of all, but from an indulgeyicy or liberty in all ; and this is such a liberty as 7nen may give to men ; this is the liberty of the outward man, and is upon the old legal, a.ndjirst Gos- pel or New Testament account, as in the mere letter, as in those Scriptures ; but this is yet below the true Christian Liberty, and a mystery unwritten, which is ori- ginally from the Spirit of God, and is merely spiritual, and works from a pure enlargement of Spirit, and a true spiritual Prospect of all outward things, which is an image of that liberty which is in God, who appears under his seve- ral forms of Creation pure and holy in himself or his own nature. But this is a mystery yet, and a land of peace and purify, not yet clearly discovered ; nor the right inhabitants of it, but to some ; and this liberty will further appear as 118 Some Beams of that the Lord Jesus is more and more revealed in the Saints, judginr/ the world in Spirit, and reigning- over the tyranny and j)Owcr of men in z glory of Spirit, which ^\\?i\\ judge and torment their adversaries, while they shall triumph over all the practices in the flesh against them. A Discovery of the highest Attainment of the Pi^o- test ants generally i?i the Mystery of Salvation. Gen. 1. A -D^Mwas the first man, cre- -^^ ated after God's own image. Gen. 2. he was a public person, and 'he * Js*' ^^* sinning, sin entered upon all, and Rom. 5. death by sin ; the Zaz6' was after- d%o ^^'^'"^^^ revealed by God to Moses, wherein was a copy of that first image or righteousness from whence Rom. 5. w«w fell, and under the condem- ^2 nation of which all mankind were by nature, or as born of their first The way of life or salvation, which w^as revealed to be a w^ay ^[*y"^- ^- out of this condeinnation and death, Bright and Morni?ig Star. ii9 was by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born of a Virgin in the ful- ness of time made under the Law, Rom. 8. 3. and fulfilling" the Law, bearing our \q^ '>^q\ sins, crucified, dead, buried, and risen, ascended, and entered into Heb. 9. glory, and sitting at the right ''^^' ^^' hand of God, making intercession for us ; and by the Preaching of this Jesus Christ in the Ministery Eph. 4. 8, of the Word which he hath set in ^' '*'' ^'■ his Church, a true and lively faith is begotten in the hearts of men, such as are elect or chosen in Rom. 10. Christ before the fouridation of g ^J" j ^ the world was laid, not from any works foreseen, but of God's mere grace ; and by this faith so begot- Eph. 2. 8. ten, they apply Jestis Christ and all his merits to righteousness and ^gs^ls^^ justification ; and through this, and the sanctified use of all other ordinances of God, as Preaching, 1 cor. 1. Prayer, Sacraments, the regene- ^^' rate are more and more sanctified, and so built up in graces oi faith, 2 pet. 1. repentance, love, new obedience, 5>c, r. and made to persevere through the power of God unto salvation : Nor is the Ministery of the Law use- cai. 3. 24. less in this, the Law being a part 120 Some Beams of that of this Ministery to bring- men to Christ, or to make tliem seek out for mercy, they discerning^ their misery by the preaching of the Law, it being God's usual method in Scriptures not to offer the Gos- Mat. n. pel without this preparatory of *^' humiliation and contrition ; and men so humbled and wounded by the Law are only fit for the mercy of the Gospel or of Jesus Christ. Act. 1.11. This Jesus Christ they believe to be one ascended according to that body he appeared in, and sitting at the right hand of God, and in the figure o^ glorified flesh, according to which all the Saints 1 Cor. 15. shall be glorified in their souls and bodies; and in Jesus Christ thus glorified m flesh, and entered thus into his Father s glory, they be- lieve ; and to the Lord Jesus in this^^wre and /brm of glory with- out them they are carried out in faith; and through Jesus Christ thus they believe that they are^w*- tified, and through the Spirit of God in this Jesus Christ they are sanctified. Bright and Morning Star. 121 Of Faith, FAITH, they say, is a grace wrought by the Spirit of God^ whereby a believer rests upon Jesus Christ for justification, and this they call faith of adherence ; and when t\ns faith works through love, obedience, self-denial, and other fruits, they call it faith of assur- ance ; for, they say, assurance is obtained through the Spirit of God bearing witness in promises and good works, as well as by itself; and faith, working thus, is sancti- fication too, or holiness wrought by graces. A further Discovery as to Free-Grace. THEY believe Jesus Christ as- cended in the body accord- ingly, and glorified in fiesh; and through Jesus Christ thus ascend- ed, and sitting on the right hand of God in this figure and bodily form, they accoidingly conceive all graces of Spirit to flow forth 122 Some Beams of that into the Saints in faith, love, obe- dience, ^c. But they look not on justif cation as flowing- from Christ acted upon by the faith of a believer first, and so a consequent of believing or of faith, but an antecedent or going before faith ; they hold Jesus Christ to be righteousness and justif ca- tion to a sinner, and that all are Justif ed before they believe or re- pent ; faith and repentance are fruits of righteousness or justif ca- tion, Christ being given to open the Luke 4. 10. eyes of the bli?id, and to briyig the prisoners out of prison, ^c. and that all such righteousness and justif cation clothes the sinner so completely through God's ijnputa- tion, that all sin is done away like Ezck. a thick cloud, and none imputed to believers; Christ hath taken away 1 Pet. 2. 24. all sin by his offering up one sacri- 26.^" "^^'fce once for all ; and that faith in the believer doth nothing, no not instrumentally as to justif cation^ but as by way of revelation and manifestation of th2it justif cation : Hence it is that they affirm no be- liever ought to pray for pardon of Bright and Morning Star. 123 sin, being- a righteous pe7'son, at once in Christ, and wholly par- doned ; but all this righteoiisiiess and justification they take upon the account merely of God's im- putation, of Christ without us, or in heaven, who calleth things that are not as if they were ; and they look upon all works and duties, S^c. as works flowing from love, and from justification or righteousness, not directed to justification or in any order to it; we believe, repent, love, and obey (say they) not that we may be saved, but because we are saved ; and any other way of believing, obeying, S^c. they look upon as legal, and not so purely Evangelical ; and they hold forth all the work of justification and righteousness to be of mere grace, and that all Gospel promises are free ; and Christ is freely offered to sinners as sinners, in the Minis- tery of the Word. So as their highest attainment is this, that God doth all to sinners Ezek. lo. in mere grace ; that no sin is im- Epii.^2.^«. puted to sinners, but they are pure 8. 9- II,- 4,\- A J Cor. 1. only by imputation ; and so no 30 124 Some Beams of that 1 Pet. 2. believers are punished for sin, but Isa^i3 G. ^roDi ^^'* • ^"^ ^1^ works of ^race L„j.^. 1. in a believer is because they are 7-1, '5. saved, or pardoned, not that they may be saved or pardoned ; and 2 Cor. 5. all they are to do is from love, not '^ from bondacje, or from a mere out- ward Commandment; and the Matt. 9. Gospel or cjrace of God in Christ 1 lim* 1 is/ree, and in free promises ; and 13. so to be preached to sinners, as seeConfes- '^ ^ey, commonlv called Presby- sion of terians, Independents, Anabaptists, '^in'thisAs- &c. hold all points of doctrine, as sembiy. jq justification, sanctification, cmfes- faith, ^c. the ministery of the sion of word and Sacraments, which they the sex>en c i • n i Churches, call means oi salvation ; all these hold alike with the common Pro- testant ; this being the sum of the Artu-ies of Articlcs of the Church of England ofEn"-'^^ made by the Bishops and con- lund. firmed by Queen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles : and there hath been no Reformation further, nor any higher attain- ment in these things, than the Bi- shops made, and the Synod m Eng- land formerly. Bright and Morning Star. 121 And all the Reformation that hath been endeavoured, hath been only in some outward things, as Discipline or Church-government , and some outward ordinances of Baptism, and the Supper, not any- purer or more glorious discoveries of God, or the Spirit, or Jesus Christ, or our union with the Sjnrit, or glory, as to spiritual things, or Christ risen, but as to Christ in the fiesh, or under the law, of which these ordinances were a sign. A Discovery as to the ge- neral Point, or Christ dying for all. ^'^HEY say the Scriptures hold Rom. 5. forth all sinning, and Christ ^ coV^5* dying for all, and the promises of is. Christ generally to all, upon con- *^''''" ^' ^^'' dition, and exhortations to all to 2Pet. 3. 9. repent, believe and come to Christ ; and therefore conclude the Lord Jesus or second man was given from the Father to give a price of Juhnl. 11. 126 Some Beams of that redemption for all those who fell in the^/\«f^ man; and those, they say, were all mankind, and with Christ a Ministery of reconcilia- tion and graces to all that will not wilfully reject, or refuse, or put iMat. 23. by the offers of grace and salva- 'i Pet 3. 9. ^^^^ ^® tendered, but remain pas- sive, and so far as in them lies, not oppose the Spirit and means of grace, though they acknowledge they can do nothing of themselves to obtain faith or any other work of salvation, but all that is merely of the Spirit of God working in those who are called; and upon these general terms of grace they affirm also the election of some which they conclude from that work of God in them who are called of God through the means of grace, they not resisting that calif or present offer of grace. And this they say is the Gospel of salvation preached to all, which all may receive if they resist not. •2 Ptt. 3. 9. Bright and Morning Star. 127 77? e last Discovery, and as some say, the highest and most glorious, concerning the whole Mystery of God to Men, and this Crea- tion. GOD being* infinitely one, yet in a three-fold manifestation to us, of Father, Son, and Spirit, would make out himself in an image in this Creation, or nature, and therefore he takes to himself one part of it into union to himself, according to one way of manifes- Ps^ii.sfjo. tation, called in Scripture light, \Y^^i^^ love, grace, salvation, father, T\t. 2.11. bridegroom, glory, and that part jj'hlf 3.^2';! of nature which enjoys God in this i P'^t- ii'^- manifestation of grace or salvation, Eph. 1*1.4, is called the Angels, the Saints, ^ J-^^'- ^'^■ the Elect, the Son, the Tabernacle Rev! 21.2, of God; the neiu Jerusalem, the ^' Temple, the Spouse. He takes to himself the other part of the Creation, and there he is present, but not in this way of gi^ace and light, but of another 128 Some Beams of that majdfestaiion called law, justice, wrath y everlasting burnings; and Psa. 139.S. these are called devils, wicked men, iu,l! l^/u, Jlcsh, which live in God, and sub- sist in hiin as creatures in their being, but not in his grace and glory , not in that manifestation of Joim 1. 5. his, the light shining in darkness^ but the darkness comprehending it not. This is the mystery God is in, as to this Creation and the biig-hter part of it, as to Angels, Saints; and to the darker part of it, as to devils and wicked 7nen ; and all that God doth here below, under the Sun, is to preach this in several tcays or ministrations, as in the appearances of this Creation, in light, and darkness, and in the Scriptures. J. )in 5. 39. The Scriptures are no other than a way or ministration by letter of this mystery, and all the passages there, from the first man to the second, from the Old Testament to the New, with those two very appearances of the two men or r.cH. 1. Adams, were but a miyiistery or ^ 47T'48.^* wcLy of God to signify or Jigrire this mystery ; and so all the rest Bright and Mortiing Star. 129 we read of, as of Cain and Abel, Gen. 4. Isaac and Ishmael,Jacob?ind Esau, Gen. Israel and Judah, Saul and David, 1 Sam. Judas and the Eleven, Christ and Acts 1.25. Antichrist ; and thus these set forth diXid figure this mystery. They say Adam was a way by which God preached first to man, and was not the first man in whom all stood and fell, but a way by which this mystery of God was made to appear first to the Creation, and Adam held forth nature or a part of this Creation in communion with God as to grace and /oz;e, while he stood, and another part of the Cre- ation or nature out of communion with God, as to /ot;e and grace, but in communion or union to God, as to law and justice, or wrath ; and thus they interpret those Scrip- tures oi man's first glory and fall less in the very letter, and more in the mystery, and according to Adam, in this two-fold state, were all the rest, Cain and Abel, Sfc. They say that Goc? in the Old Testament preached this mystery, though more darkly, and in sha- dows, as in the law, and sacrifices, Gai. 4. 21, and in the children of the bond- 2^'2*'^^- G2 130 Some Beams of that luoman, and o^th^ free, of IsraeVs walking with God, and apostating. And that the Gospel or fulness of ti7ne of the clearer discovery of this mystery was the Lord Jesus Idmself, or God manifest in the flesh, or as in one man, ii figure of the ivhole inystery as to grace and Zo7;e, or God in flesh, or in his ; or of God in that other par^ of liis Creation, his Church or Saints : And all that Go<^ did in this single and particular manifestation in flesh, as in one TWft??, was only a more full, clearer, excellent, and spiritual Ministery of the mystery of salvation; therefore Christ is called a Minister, one sent, an A/,ostle. And all that Christ did Luke 4. IS. from his childhood to his crucify- Heb. 3. 1. ^-^^^ death, and cross, was a dis- covery of Goc? by this^^wre in the whole mystery, how God is in all /a*5, and how he works, and hath his times of law, of graces, and Gospel, of crucifying and offering* up all to death through the eter- nal Spirit, which is the blood of Heb. 9. 14. the everlasting Covenant, or Seal, whereby God witnesses to his peo- ple that he is their God, and they Bright and Morning Star. 131 hispeople ,hy]ii\Vmg all the strength and life, and power of the first Cre- ation, and carrying it up into a more excellent and glorious life, his own Spirit. And so all Christ's birth, growing, submitting to ordinances, cruci- fying, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, were so many discoveries as to us in the fesh, of the whole mystery of God in the Saints, made out in these parts and degrees, and several ages a.nd conditions, to shew how God weakens and brings to nothing the life of nature, or of this Creation in which he will dwell and make his Tabernacle, ?ind carry it up into a higher and more ex- cellent life, even himself and his John it. own glory. 22,23. So, as they say, all that is spoken of Christ, as in that person that was born of a Virgin, who was cir- cumcised, baptized, crucified, dead, and buried, risen, and ascended, is spoken m figure of the whole nature into which God enters, or is born into the ivorld, and so takes our nature along wdth him through several administrations into glory. So as the sum of all is this, that 132 Some Beams of that the Lord takes our nature or this whole Creation into union with him- self, and is present with it, in two ways of manifestation, off/race and salvation, of Law and Justice ; and thus God is present with the Angels and Saints ; with Devils and icicked men ; and Adam and Christ are the two eminent and princijial administrations of this jnystery^ and all the rest from C«m and^^e/, through all the other several per- sons, ordinances, and ministeries, as of Prophets, Apostles, Anti- christ, are but divers administra- tions or discoveries of this ; and all ordinances, gifts, and graces of the Spirit are but weaker appearances of this mystery, and such minis- trations as the Spirit of God ad- ministers in our nature, till it be glorified in a higher glory : when -. 13. that which is perfect is come, that ^^' which is in part shall be done away; God shall be unto us broad rivers and streams, where shall go no ship with sails, nor galley with oars. Bright and Morning Star. 133 An additional Antichrist and the Mys- tery of Iniquity. THESE Scriptures hold forth a description of Antichrist. There shall arise false Christs Mark 13. and false Prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders. — Except there come a falling 2 Thes. 2. away first, and that man of sin be ^' '*' ^" revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipijed ; So that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shelving himself that he is God. — Whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness. And as ye have heard that An- 1 John 2. tichrist shall come , even now there ^^' are many Antichrists. And I beheld another beast ^^'^' ^^^ coming up out of the earth, ' ^' Sfc. And he doth great ivonders, so 3 ^:c. 134 Some Beams of that that he maketh fire come down from heaven And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth, by the mea?is of those miracles ivhich he hadpower to do. And he causeth all, both small and great, Sfc. to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. The great whore that sitteth upon many waters. Ri'v. 17. 2, / saw a woman sit upon a scar- let-coloured beast, full of names of Blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns, and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cvp in her hand full of abominations, and upon her head written, mystery Babylon the great. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the Saints. John 4. And every spirit that confesseth not Jesus Christ coming in flesh — is that spirit of Antichrist. From all the Scriptures and the revelation of the Spirit of God 3. Bright and Morning Star. 135 concerning the mystery of ini- quity these things will arise. That the mystery of iniquity or Antichrist is a false Christ, or false anointed one, that is, when any other thing bat the Lord himself is in the place or office of Christ a^^ pro unto us, either our own righteous- advemu. ness, as our Priest and Sacrifice, or our own wisdom, wit, or reason, as our Prophet, and Teacher, and Interpreter of spiritual things. And this mystery of iniquity, or Antichrist, is from a fallirig away first, that is, from a depar- ture from God, and the life and light of God, and dependency or subsistence in God, that is, when man, or the spirit oUnanwiW sub- sist of itself, live in itself, and be wise of itself, and worship of itself, and be righteous of itself; this is the man of sin, or son o^ perdition, or fiesh which God will destroy ; and this Spirit of Antichrist, or man fallen thus from God, sits in the Temple of Goc? as God; that is, is in aU forms of worship, and there /zve5, and reigns, and rules the whole T/iari into a fleshly obe- 136 Some Beams of that dience ; and his coming- or appear- ances are as Satan, tliat is, in spiritual wickedness, transform- iw^ himself into an Angel of light, teaching, interpreting, revealing the mysteries of God in carnal reason and luisdom by natural parts and arts, not in the pure Spirit and anointing of Go^, and so performing- all things, in order to God and his worship, and com- munion with him, by lying- signs and wonders, and all deceivable- ness of unrighteousness ; for while the spirit of man, in its own wis- dom and power, acts in the pre- tence of God and to God, and in the mig-hty working and power of Satan, it doth bring forth 5f^?i5 and wonders, even things wonder^ ful in the e?/e5 of the natural man ; and such things as are very signs, very images, and shadows of »S/?i- n^w«/ things, though not the things themselves. And the appearances of this man of sin are many and divers, there- fore called mdi,ny Antichrists ; and as this maji of sin opposes the Lord Jesus in spirit and light he is called the beast, that ascends Bright and Morning Star. 137 out of the earth, or the lowest part of the Creation, the flesh; and by the Jire or fieshly counterfeit- ings of the Spirit, which he works in the sight of them that dwell on the earth or of those that are in the flesh, he deceives; And yet such is the power of this beast or this spirit of flesh, as it constrains men, and compels them, and over- comes them wholly to its own power, making such in whom it reiixns to receive a mark in their hand and foreheads, that is, to own and jjrofess this fieshly ivis- dom and actings, and to practise and put forth the power of it against Christ in Spirit. And this is that whore too, for when the spirit of man is departed from God, and the life of Gud^ it is become an adulteress, having left its first love, or husband, which was the Lord himself, and sits upon a beast, even upon the flesh, a beast of scarlet colour, that is, bloody and persecuting the precious and spiritual appear- ances of the Lord Jesus, and this is a beast of seven heads and ten horns, which heads and horns. 138 Some Beams of that are but figures of carnal wisdom and power, and the seven and teji figures of perfectioi and com- pleteness, as to the 7nan of sin ; for the number of the beast is the number of a man, and yet his num- ber is but 666, that is, is but a number of weakness and imperfec- tion, and work, or bondage ; not the number of God or of seven, which is perfection and rest. And the whore is adorned with gold and pearl, which are those excellencies of nature and forms of worship and Scriptures with which she cZec^s herself, and is adorned as a counterfeit spouse of Christ, and upon her head is wys- ^erz/, that is, all this appearance of hers, even her highest and choicest, her head, is mystery to all, who are made drunken with the cup of her for}iicatio7is , or STpirhuiil whore- doms and idolatries, they discern- ing- none of these, but all being* in mystery to them. And this Antichrist is one who denies Christ coming in flesh, or God in his jyeople, who is coming and coming, that is ever flowing out in fresh and glorious discove- Bright and Morning Star. isu ries and manifestations oih\\nse\f, forbidding all beyond them as new lights and false revelations^ and fixing God and his appearances in their Conceptions, Votes, and Re- sults, and Counsels, and Conse- quences, and Conclusions, and Laws of worship. This Antichrist thus described is found in man, or the spirit of mere man, in all his departure or falling away from God, in all his lying signs or count erf eitings of the spirit, in his sitting as Goc?, in his being a beast or opposing the Spirit, in his scarlet colour, or his crncifyings of Christ in us ; in his denying the Lord's coming or further manifestations of his light and Spirit in us, and thus quenching the Spirit. And from hence he flows out and spreads himself in the world in all Idolatrous forms of worship, in all false interpretations of God, and of the truth as it is in Jesus. 149 Some Beams of that These are the several Attainments. The Common Protestant. THE common Protestant, as to doctrine and fundamentals^ are so far in a discovery of the mystery o^ salvation, as to behold a state oi condemnation in sin, and a way of salvation by Jesus Christy and faith in him ; yet some take this way to be but a kno\vledp:e of Christ after the flesh, and of Christ as one single jierson or figure of a man, and the first glimpse of the love of God, and but merely a dis- covery beyond the laiu ; and all but 2l fleshly sjnrituality. The general Redemptionist . THEY that are for general re- demption through Christ, in the free offers of grace to all, and his dying for all, some say, attain no higher in this than Christ after the flesh, and fall into the same consequence with those that hold the particular election and repro- Bright and Morning Star. bation of some ; and though there be in this a more g-eneral ministra- tion of Christ held forth according- to the letter, yet they say it goes not so high as the mystery oi Christ in Spirit and in pure glory and truth, but of Christ in glorified flesh, and as in one single person or figure of a man ; and all end but in 2l fleshly spirituality, and in an attainment as to the mere letter of Scripture. The Free-Gracia7i, THEY that have discovered up into free-grace orthe jnysiery of salvation, singled out from con- ditions, qualifications, and works, some say, attain no higher in that than a discovery merely beyond the common Protestant, both going qo higher than a justification by im- putation, and through Christ after the flesh, as in one single person or figure of a 7?^a?^ glorified in flesh, or the body without, and in a local glory, or a circumscribed nature, and putting all the righteousness upon a mere account in God, and all the taking away of sin or sinful 142 Some Beams of that flesh upon a 7ion-imputation or not-accounting not in the cruci- fying, death, ox fiery trial of the flesh, and the pure, spiritual, in- corruptible seed of God within, Christ hi us the hope of glory. And their highest attainment, as to duties and ivorks,is only, as some say, to the nature and manner of their production or flowing forth, they counting the nature and ori- ginal of all no higher than a habit oi grace or quality, and their pro- ceeding as immediately in the na- ture of that which they say is love ; all they do being from love, and in love, not in bondage. Conclusion. AND \kiQ%Q. attainments zj^ not such as are therefore con- demned, because no higher, or more spiritual, but are only considered as not the highest, but in order to the mystery of salvation, and several measures and ages of attainment, and seeing darkly, as in a glass, till that which is perfect is come. Bright and Morning Star. 143 A Discovery of Frayer. ^^HAT which hath been dis- covered concerning Prayer is this : First, That they who could not pray in the Spirit might use a form of prayer, as John taught his Dis- ciples, and the Lord Jesus his, in that of Our Father, Sfc. and David in thePsalms ; and theApostles and Christ himself are found in the sameybrmand expressions of prayer very often : he went away and prayed the same things again; Mose5 prayed, arise, Lord, (^c. and again, arise, Lord; this is the Jirst discovery, and is truth, though truth in weakness and infancy. A furtherdiscovery is, that prayer is rather a work of the Spirit than of any ybrm, and that no set form ought to be put upon the Spirit of God, but what it freely breathes and speaks, and all constant speak- ings to God in this (as they call) a conceived way, or impremeditate, or extemporary way is taken com- monly amongst Christians for prayer in the Spirit, and for that 14-1 Some Beams of that spiritual way of prayer which the Disciples of Christ used in the Gospel, who were grown up from the infancy and childishness of forms or words taught them, which is but a mere natural or outward thing-, as they say, which any may perform by strength of natural parts, as wit, and memory, and affections. The furthest discovery as some say, is this: That Prayer is no other but the Rom. 8. revelation of the will of God, or •■io, 27. jjiij^d Qf God, as to such and such particulars, either spiritual or tem- porul, and is an immediate, jiroper^ and sjnritual act of the Spirit of God in the Saints, and that all such speakinrjs as are not from the very manifestation of the Spirit of God in us, are but such prayers and petitions as natural reason, and memory, and affections m^y form and dictate, and doth usually ; and that there is no difference betwixt such kind of praying and forms of prayer, (though it may be extem- porary or conceived, as some who can pray upon this account three or four hours, and nothing more frequent now ;) nay, this kind of Bright and Morning Star. 145 j)rayer is far worse, by how much it trarisforms itself more into an Angel of light and is not, sitting* in the Temj)le of God as God ; or pretending itself to be the Spirit of God, and is not, being- more properly the flowings and breath- ings of reason, and the strength of mans wit, and memory and affec- tions, and is constantly performed in public and private, and thus j^re is fetched down from heaven in the sight of men that dwell upon the earth, or such as are yet more be- loiu than above, or in heaven, and Spirit : and thus the people of Israel Isa. i. ipraye(\, whose prayers were an abo- mination ; thus the Pharisees made Mat. long prayers, ^c. So as Prayer then, according to this discovery, is the Spirit of Gf7c? only revealing and speaking in the people of Go2 SoDie 13 earns of that the Prophets, and Christ, Sfc. is a witness and image to the more ex- m. 8. 2. cellent Laiu, that of the Spirit of life in Jesus Christ. The Law, in mere letter and /e^a/ minis tery, works bondage Heb!2. 14, ^"^ brings forth the 5/;in7 of bo?icl- •^- o^e in those who are under the LaWy working- convictions and tes- timonies of good and evil , whereby the laiu of nature is awakened Rom. 2. 15. and strengthened to accuse sinful flesh. The Law, as it is a flgure, or shadow, or image of Spirit or 57;^- ritual righteousness, may be a Ministery of preparation or wi^- Aiat. 3 3. ;ies5, as John was, pi'ejjare ye the way ; and the Baptism of water to an outward purif cation or washing as the letter or Ministery of the Law is ; and this is a Ministery of God's first appearance to a sin- ner. Men may work very high, as to God and duties and luorks by the Ministery of the Zaw or letter without, and the law within, and the letter of Scriptures interpreted by no higher a light than that of the law j and yet all such right- Bright and Morning Star. 15S eousness is but to bondage, com- pared with the higher law or Spirit Rom. 8. 2. of life. The Law curseth all unright- Rom.3.i!i, eousness as to the Jlesh or man sinning, and it is that standing condemnation oi Jlesh or sin; the Law was revealed because of trans- gression, and cursed is every one Gal. 3. 10. that continueth not in all things that are written in the Law. All the repentance and reforma- tion, which the Law or mere mi- nistery of the letter works, is not spiritual but legal ; and yet, if in order to a more spiritual or to Christ in Spirit, it is of the nature of Johns Ministery, ?i preparatory John 1. 17. Rnd figure of more glory and triith Heb. 10. 1. in substance. The spiritual man, who lives in the Spirit, is not under the mere law of the letter, but it is accord- ing to its spirituality, the princi- ple and spiritual life of him, sp as such are not under the Law but Rom. 0. 14. under Grace, and not in bondage Rom, 7. and fear but love ; perfect love , \~^- , .'^ ^ - ^ x- ./ 1 John 4, casting out /ear. is. They that are true spiritual comprehensive Christians know in h2 1 54 Some Beams of that what order and subserviency to place the law, as it is in a minis- ter)' of letter, when as the Infant Christian, in the first discovejy of Christ or Free Grace, looks upon all Ministrations below him as legal, and so is carried out to op- pose them too disorderly. A T>iscover\i of Duties and Works. SOME say that duties and works are fruits oi faith and (lai. 5. 2-2. of the habits of grace in us, and Mat 7 'iG ^^^ ^^^^ conformity of a Christian Mat. 5. i(j. to the Commandments and Laws 20. ' of God revealed in Sciipfures, and that duties are to be done because 1 Tim. 6. commanded, and that they are such HH)' 10. ^^2/5 and means as God hath ap- 24- pointed a Christian to walk in to "14!%. salvation ; and that according- as these are performed more or less 1 Cor. 11. strMtly a Christian ought to judge ^ 2s. himself or approve himself, and '5.'' ' that Christians are to wait upon God in duties for the Spirit and for all other discoveries of himself thus the Protestant in general. Bright and Morning Star. i.)5 Others say that the duties and works of a Christian flow from the Rum. 5. r,. Spirit of God, of love and of adop- ^cNa's!^' tion, else they are but the perform- J4. 1 L J- c ^ Rom. 8. ances and obedience 01 servants, 15. not of sons and such as are horn of Goc?. That the mere Commandments or letter of Scripture is not a /azi; Rom. <;. to a Christiem why he should walk '^• in duties, but the Zazt; written in our hearts, the law of Zi/e ; and Rom. /. this is the difference of duties and ^~'' performances under the mere Old Testament dispensation and the New, or pure Gospel or ?iei(; Cove- nant, the one or that of Moses was a Minister!/ from without, that of Christ from within, and that duties in the letter are but Images and figures of what the spiritual man doth act from that /i/e of Christ in him, not as thing's commanded him, nor in relation to heaven and AeZZ; because such obedience and actings are of service, and acted as first from without, and merce- nary or of price, and for salva- tion. 56 Some Beams of that A Discovoy of outivard Ordinances. SOME say, outward Ordinances are Commands of Christy and therefore to be done because they are Commands, and that they are sanctijied by God, and his Spirit, and that we are to wait on God iu the use of means, and that spiritual things are conveyed by Ordi- nances into the souls of men, thus says the Protestant generally. Others say, That outward Ordi- nances as in the letter are the Old Testamejit Ministration, or a Legal ministration of John s ministery, or Christ under the Law, or m flesh, and that such Ordinances as the Lord Jesus commanded while he was in the Ministery of the Law made under the Law, a minister of circumcision, and not commands of Christ as in mere glory and spirit, nor a ministration of his as in that more excellent condition and the not distinguishing Christ as in flesh, and so teaching and com- manding, and as in Spirit, and so Bright and Morning Star. 157 ministering' in pure spiritual light and glory, is the reason of all such legal doctrine and use of ordi- nances in bondage, as is this day in the letter ; Other of Baptism, &c. or Church fellowship, SfC. That the new Covenant or God revealed in his, and teaching his is not by any outward way or mi- nistery or means, but by the in- ward or unction and anointing, ye Heb. s. are all taught of God ; no man shall teach his neighbour or bro- ther any more, saying, know the Lord; and all conference and dis- coveries in letter or speech is but mere witnessing to the Zo/^tZ and the discoveries of Gow5^z- Rom. 8.33. fiedzxiA forgiven, ^xiA righteous in Rom. 5. 1. the sight of Goc? freely ; and of God's grace through faith instru- mentally, which as the hand re- ceives Christ, as some say ; without faith, as others say. Thus the Scriptures in the letter hold forth the first revelation of the mystery of God in such words and expres- sions as these, and such as these 184 Some Beams of that are, as prayer, good works, duties, ordinances, which ?irevery suitable, diud projwrtioiiable to the first ap- pearance of God in us, or the mys- tery oi salvation, working in its in- fancy and first creation in the Christian, and thus the infirmity of Christians is fitted with a mani- festation of the mystery in icords and forms, and all the Christian Churches of the world generally draw out all their Systems and models of divinity into articles of faith, and Confessions of faith, according' to this very letter of Scrip- tures, which is no other but a reve- lation of the mystery of Salvation as to man's infirmity, and say some, they call it their fundamentals , and the highest attainment of Chris- tianity. Others say the mystery of sal- vation is no other than Immanuel or God with us, or God in flesh, not only in that man Christ, but in the whole Christ, Christ being* no more but an anointed one, and that anointed one is our nature or weak- ness anointed with the Spirit, even God himself who is strength ; and this mystery of great and exceeding Bright and Morning Star. 185 glory is revealed in pieces ojidparts, and after the manner of 7nen, ac- cording to the infirmity oi ouv Jiesh, within the Christian in graces, 8^c. and in the Scriptures , or expressions and forms without the Christian. The Seekers, their Attain- me)it, with a Discovery of a more spiritual Wax/, THEY find that the former Christians of the first or of the Apostles' times, according- to Institutions then, and the adminis- tration of Ordinances then, were more visibly and spiritually en- dowed with power from on high, or with gifts of the Sjnrit, and so were able to make clear arid evident demonstrations of God amongst them ; as in the Churches of all the Christians then, in Co- rinth, Ephesus, ^c. And that all who administered in any outward Ofitce, as to spiritual things, were i Cor. 12, visibly gifted; there was then an Apostle, Evangelist, Prophet, Eph. 1. Pastor, Teacher, Gifts of Heal- Some Beams of that Cor. 13. ing, Gifts of Miracles, of Tongves, Sfc. And all was administered in the anointhig or unction of Spirit y clearly , certainly , infallibly : they ministered as the Oracles of God. But now in this time of the Ajws- tacy of the Churches, they find no such gifts, and so dare not meddle with ?iny outivard Administrations, dare not preach, baptize, or teachy ^c. or have any Church-fellowship, because they find no attainment yet in any Churches or Church- ways, or administration of Ordi- naces, according to the fivsi jjattern in the New Testament, they find nothing but the outward Ceremony of all Administrations ; as of bare water in Baptism, of bare Imposi- tion ofhandsin Ordination, of bare Election of Oncers, as Pastors, Teachers, S^c. of bare Church-cen- sures, without the visible power of gifts of Spii'it which were before. Therefore they wait in this time of the Apostacy of the Christian Churches, as the Jews did in the time of their Apostacy, and as the Apostles and Disciples at Jerusa- lem, till they were endued with power from on high, finding* no Bright and Morning Star. 187 practice for Worship, but accord- ing* to the first pattern. They wait only in Prayer and Conference, pretending to no cer- tain determination of things, nor any infallible consequences or in- terpretations of Scriptures. They wait for a restoration of all things, and a setting up all Gospel Officers, Churches, Ordi- nances, according to the pattern in the New Testament. They wait for an Apostle or Angel, that is, some with a visible glory and power, able in the Sjrlrit to give visible demonstration of their sending, as to the world : and thus they interpret those places of the Revelation. This is the highest of their At- tainment. But some speak of a further dis- covery, and more spiritual than this of the Seekers, as this : 1. That there is no warrant from Scriptures to expect any restoring of Offices or Ordinances according to the first pattern in Scripture. 2. That the ^y&X pattern in Scrip- ture of Offices and Ordinances, was but a more purely -legal Bis- 10 188 Some Beams of that j)ensation, or a discovery of the Gospel rather as to Christ after the Jleshj than after the Spirit ; and a discovery as to the weakness both of Jeivs and Gentiles then, respectively to visible Administra- tions, and gifts of Spirit. 3. That the A dministrations and Cor. 13. gifts then, were but a ministration in part, and darkly, as in a glass, and of things that should vanish away. 4. That God never set up any Administration or Office but for a time and season, and used it as a temporary dispensation ; as the Tabernacle, Temple^ Law, Priest- hood, ^c. and then left them never to be restored. So the first Gos- pel administration by Ordinances, gifts, Sfc. 5. That to wait in any such way of Seeking or expectation, is Anti- christian, because there is no Scrip- tures to warrant any such restora- tion, or expectation of such admi- nistratio7is : and that all such waiting is that desert, wilderness- condition prophesied on by Christ ; that is, ivaste and barren as to spiritual things : If they say, Be- Bright and Morning Star. 189 hold, he is in the desert, go not Mat. 24. forth : And that it is that condition prophesied on to be in the secret chambers, or single fellowships that are in such expectations ; a c/mm5er signifying' an uj)per room, or a room above others ; so this state of Seeking is thought by those of that Way, to be an upper room, or higher administration, as to Pres- bytery, Independency, Baptism, 8^c. and that Lo, Christ is here, or the gathering into that Way, and saying it is his, to wait in. 6. That the truth is, Christ is in all his in spirit and truth, and as the eternal seed; and his fulness Coi. 1.26. is already in the Saints, or all true Christians : and that all growth, Eph. 3. is, improvement, or reformation that ^^* is to be, is only the revelation or appearance of this : When he shall goi. 3. 4. appear, 8fc. or to be revealed in ijohn3.2. the brightness of his coming, in the •iThes.a. day of the Lord Jesus ; and that ^'^' he is in us that true life, salvation, glory ; only we see him but in part ; and that all conceptions of God or Christ, as to distance of coming, Rom. 10.6, ^c. administrations, ordinances, ^**'^' gifts, are but to expect Christ in a 100 Some Beams of that Col. }.Z6, Jieshli/ way or appearance, not as he is hi us, our life, fulness, hope of glory , ^c. And this next ap- pearance of his shall be in his own light, spirit, and glory, in himself and his. And this is that Refor- mation to be expected ; this is the Psa. 36. last administration of himself by himself in his : In his light we shall see light. And the Saints or true Chris- tians shall not only see God thus in himself, face to face, as they are seen; but the world s\i^\\ see him in a way of conviction and sjnritual judgment upon themselves ; even him that sits upon the throne. And all that pure administration of Ordinances and Gifts which was and is expected by these, is but a middle or iiiterdispensation betwixt God and his ; wherein God is seen as in a glass, not as he is in his own glory, which is himself, which is the last and most spiritual disco- very. Bright and Morning Star. 191 The Grounds both against Liberty of Conscience and for it, ckarly stated, for all to judge. Against Liberty of Conscience these are the strongest Grounds, and all the Grounds generally known. THE Magistrate is the keeper of both the Tables of the Custos Law : and as he may punish any Tabl?^ evil committed against the second Table, or the society of man ; so he may punish any Idolatry com- mitted against God, or the Wor- Exod. 20. yAzp of God, in the first Table. 2. The Magistrates under the Old Testament reformed; Moses and Joshua, the Kings and Princes of Tudah and Israel, Neheiniah, ^c. 50 the Magistrates now. 3. The Magistiate is the minis- ter of God for good, and a terror Rom. 13. fo evil works, and bears not the ^^word in vain; therefore may Dunish Heresy and Schism, because wil. 4. The Magistrates are 797^0- ihesied on to be assistants to the 192 Some Beams of that Church of God : Kings shall be thy fathers, and Queens thy nursing 'mothers; and therefore may punish all such as are enemies to it, as all Heretics and Schismatics are. Acts 5. 1. 5. Peter smote Ajianias and his wife Sapj)hira with death, which was a temporal punishment for their sin of Hypocrisy : so may the Magistrate put forth a temporal punishment for a spiritual ofifence. 6. Paul wished that they were Gal. s. 12. cut offivhich troubled them: there- fore Magistrates may cut off Here- tics, because they are troublers of the Church. Rev. 2. 18. '''• The Church of Thyatira was reproved for suiOfering Jezebel to teach, and to seduce : therefore Ma- gistrates are not to sw^er false Pro- phets or Seducers to be. Zech. 13. 8. The father ?in(^ mother o^ him that is ^ false Prophet, shall thrust him through, and say. Thou shaV not live; for thou speakest lies in the Name of the Lord. This was a Prophecy as to Magistrates' punishment for Heresy. 9. If Magistrates shall not punish for Heresy, Errors and Schism^ there will be nothing but Confusioa Bright and Morning Star. io:i and no settlement nor establish- ment of any Peace, Order, or Truth in the Church. 10. It appears from the practice of all Christian States generally, who punish all such as conform not ; from all Councils and Synods, who still hold this power to be in the Ma- gistrate, of reforming and punish- ing Heresy and Schism. The Grounds for Liberty of Con- science which are strongest, and are all commonly known. 1. Moses was a keeper of both Tables only as he Avas a Type of Christ, and so called the Mediator of the Old Testament, and Wor- Juim i. ir. ship of God then : but so is not the Magistrate now, the Office of Moses being fulfilled in Jesus Acts 3. -n. Christ, and ending in him, even in that Person in whom all the Luke 9. so. Types were fulfilled. 2. The Magistrates of the Old Testa?nent ; as Moses, Joshua, the Kings of Judah and Israel, Nehe- miah, 8^c. were in a peculiar and special way of Magistracy as to that Church-Polity of the Jews, and had a special, and peculiar, K 35 194 Some Beams of that and infallibly directive power of Priesthood with Urim and Thum- 7nim, and Prophets anointed of God to assist, and direct, and iti- struct them in the Law, or Refor- mation of the Church at such times as they reformed. And the Law of 2 Cor. 3. (i, the Old Testament lay more plain- '' ^^' ly and clearly in the letter, not so much in spirit as the letter of the New Testament : And therefore the Magistracy now having- no such special reference to a Church- Po- lity, nor any such Ministery infal- libly directive joined to them, can- not proceed so to reform, nor com- pel, noY punish. 3. The Magistrates under the New Testament are Ministers as Rom. 1} 4 to yood and evil, not as to Truth and Heresy : and this ^oorZ and evil is such good and evil as falls under the Law of their cognizance, that is, the Lawof A'^«^2/re,by which they make Laws, and judge the breach of them : which Law of Nature or light Reason, is the Law or prin- ciple for administration of Justice and Righteousness in all Societies of Men and Nations : And thus ii..m. 13.4. the Mao-istrate bears not the sword Bright and Morning Star. 195 in vain. But this is not as to Heresy and Schism, of which the higher Law is judg-e, viz. the Law of the Spirit of life which is in Jesus Christ, not the Law of Na^ ture or this Creation. 4. In that Prophecy, Kings shall be thy fathers, and Queens thy nursing mothers, is not in its own Scripture, or any other, interpreted to be any other thing than the in- dulgency and favour of States and Kingdoms to the people of God ; which is far from bearing- witness to any destructiveness or persecu- tion of them. 5. That Peter smote Ananias and Acts5.i,2. his wife Sapphira with death for lying, is only a witness of God's power and holiness put forth in an act of Miracle upon the sin of Hy- pocrisy for convincing unbelievers, and confirming believers, and is no way exemplary to any Magistrate, being a power by miracle, or by an extraordinary act; and Magis- ^ tracy in its administration is ordi- nary : and it was in an Apostle, not a Magistrate, by a spiritual, not a carnal weapon. 6. Paul swishing that such were Gai. 5.12. 196 Some Beams of that cut off that troubled them, holds forth no other cutting off than by Church-censure or Excommunica- tion, which was a visible dividing them from that visibly spiritual body, the Church, called a deliver- ing up to Satan, ^c. RcT. 2.18. 7. The Church of Thyatira was reproved for suffering Jezebel to teach and to seduce : but this is not the Magistracy of Thyatira which was to forbid her teaching by pun- ishment, but the Angel or Minis- tery of that Church, as all agree, who was rebuked because they or he put not forth that spiritual power they had oi Admonition, Rejection, Excommunication , Zcch. 13. 8. The father and mother of him ''^'^' that begat the false Prophet, and was to thrust him through that pro- phesicd lies in the name of the Lord, was a Prophecy respectively to the Law of the /ezt;s which was amongst them against /ft/se Prophets, and had a true Priesthood, and infal- lible Prophets, with a special Law to try them by, and condemn them. And more spiritually was this : By the false Prophet, is meant the spirit oi Antichrist : hj the father Bright and Morning Star. 197 and mother that begat him, they who made him a Prophet, or begat and cried him up into the reputa- tion of a Prophet: and then thrust- ing him through for the lies he pro- phesied, is their spiritual smiting that Anii- christian working with the Sword of the Spirit, through some new enlightenings from God received, or brightness of Christ's glory, which shall slay and kill all appearances and deceivableness of ^Ae wia^ q/ si^i or false Prophet, and not suffer him to live. 9. That there will be no settle- ment of Peace, Order, or Truth in the Church if the Magistrates do not punish for Heresy, is upon mistaken and false grounds, sup- posing three things which are not. First, that the Church-polity of the Jeius by Magistrate and Priest- hood is to be used by Christians ; which is not, it being fulfilled in Christ, the true King and Priest ; and Christians having no such in- fallible Priesthood to join to Magis- tracy. Secondly, that Civil povjer can establish anything of an higher glory, law and principle, than it- self as all spiritual truths and 193 Some Beams of that discoveries of Jesus Christ are. Thirdly, the mistake of true spi- ritual settlement, peace, order, and truth, which receive all their beinrj, propagation, and establishment from the Spirit of God, and the Scriptures, and such spiritual Laws as God hath revealed for ordering the outward man of the Christian by, respectively to the Society or fellowship of other Christians, called Church-censures , &c. Chris- tians being under a twofold Polity ; that of the Kingdom of Christ, as Christians ; that of the kingdom of this ivorld, as men, or such as are subject to the Laws of civil Government : And likewise sup- posing all peace and order to be grounded upon Uniformity, not EpJi 4. 3. upon Unity of spirit ; and preser- vation of the civil Peace of the State. 10. That States and Kingdoms do to this day practise punishing Heresy by the power of Magis- trates, and that Councils and Sy- nods do allow it ; all such practice of what States soever in this kind doth shew only what they do, not what they ought to do. And the Bright and Morning Star, 199 kingdoms of the world are prophe- Rev. 17.17. sied on to give their Kingdoms and strength from themselves to the false Church. And for Councils and Synods, they are such as have erred in other things, and why not in this? It being their great /^i^eres^ to establish themselves, &c. by the Magistrate's power. Whatsoever is not 0/ faith is R<>m- ^^■ sin : So as all who are compelled in things of Worship to do anything of which they are not persuaded, do sin. Gospel-sins, or sins against an higher law or light than that of Nature and Reason, (which is the only sphere for Civil Government to move in) is to be judged and punished by a law and light pro- portionable, and more spiritual than any power of Magistracy ; as the Spirit of God going out in Gospel- Judgment, Admonition, Rejection, Excommunication, S^c. The danger and hazard of Per- secution of the members of Christ, which is a sin bringing much judg- ment, because judged and punished by such a light and law, viz. by Synods and Councils of men who 200 Some Beams of that are not infallible in their decrees AwA judgments of truth and heresy. By force and compulsion, men Avho are 2oeak in the faith are made hypocrites, in their outward man conforming to the laws of men in fear and bondage. All such />oit;er of compulsion in States and Kingdoms principled with any %A^ and liberty, except Spain, France, ^c, shall destroy the true Interests of all such States and Kingdoms oppressing all So- cieties and fellowships of men, as to spiritual things, though never so peaceably affected, as men and subjects. A Mystery ; or the Chris- tianfoUowing the Appear- ances of God through all created Things. TH AT which is the pure, spi- ritual, comprehensive prin- ciple of a Christian, is this : — That all outward administra- tions, whether as to Religion, or to natural, civil, and moral things, are only the visible appearances of Bright and Morning Star, 201 God, as to the world, or in this creation; or the clothing of God, being- such forms and dispensa- tions as God puts on amongst men to appear to them in; this is the garment the Son of God was clothed with down to the feet, or Rev. 1. 13. to his lowest appearance. And God doth not ^x himself upon any one form or outward dispensation, but at his own will and p)leasure comes forth in such and such an administration, and goes out of it, and leaves it, and takes up ano- ther. And this is clear in all God's proceedings with the world, both in the Jewish Church and Heb. 12. State; and CAm^mws now. And -^''^'■ when God is gone out, and hath left such or such an administra- tion, of what kind soever it is, be it religious, moral, or civil ; such an administration is a desolate house, a temple whose veil is rent, a sun whose light is darkened ; and to worship it then, is to luor- ship an Idol, an Image, a form, without God, or any manifestation of God in it, save to him, who (as Paul saith) knows an Idol to be 1 Cor. 8. 4- nothing. K 2 202 Some Beams of that Thepwre, spiritual, comprehen- sive Christian, is one who grows Phil. 3. 14. up with God from administration IS." ■ to administration, and so walks with God in all his rejnoves and spiritual increasings andjioivings ; and such are weak and in the Jiesh who tarry behind, worshipping that form or administration out of which God is departed. A Postscript to Master Gataker, Author of a Book called Shadows with- out Substance, written against me. Sir, THE reasons why I did not answer you were these : I mean your last Book, called Sha- dows without Substance, ^c. I found that Replies and Rejoin- ders did exceedingly confound and perplex the plainness and simpli- city, and glory of Truth, and had much of self, and passion, and re- crimination ; which I am confident the Lord will shew you in much of what you have written. For I am Bright and Morning Star. 203 assured that God will reveal and convince you iiower fully and mightily in many passages which yourself wrote, and not the Spirit of God. Lay your hand upon your heart, and consider sadly, if the advantage of the times, the glory of reputation, the passion of man in you, and the multitude of years, and fame of learning (not willing to be convinced by days or months) did not write most of your last Book. What you wrote in the sincerity of Spirit, and in that measure of Truth you received, I rejoice in ; and what you wrote in the artifice of your parts, your ivit, and your other human advantages, or de- vices of flesh and blood, whereby you laid on colours to make your own Arguments fair and comely to a man judging no higher than Rea- son, or in your own measure of Truth, and whereby you laid on your darker and more shadowish stuff upon me your adversary , ren- dering me to the Reader, both in your Title-page, and throughout your Book, as one that denied the Apostles' Doctrine, and Christ's, 204 Some Beams of that because I denied your conclusions and deductions to be that very Doctrine^ and the mind of those very ScriptiLres of Christ and the Apostles. This, I say, must pass under the Jiery trial, and you must sufifer loss, so as hyjire. Surely, to aeny what Master Gataaer, or some Synods of men say, is not to deny what Christ and the Apostles say, unless the Spirit of God reveal in them one and the same Truth, and that they all speak by one and the same Spirit, in one and the same lan- guage. Nor did I see that you in all your Writijigs had done anything against the truth declared by we ; but had only defended yourself, and your own measure of truth, with rejection and reproaches of mine ; and all this in the form only oi argumentation and confu- tation, not in the power : so as I did rest without replying, knowing that the substance of what truth I had written was as I had received then; and would abide, because he who is the pattern of all truth, Jesus Christ, abides the same, yes- Bright and Morning Star. 205 terday, and to-day , and for ever. And for any expressions of mine, or form of words which may make truth appear to some not one and the same : I only can as yet speak truth in the language given me : when I can speak more tongues, or the languages of several Chris- tians, of Avhich the gifts of tongues were a sign, then / and you shall be better understood by ourselves and others. Sir, I have spoken ohq particu- lar more clearly, which you and some others spake on in my Book. And thus I take my leave oi you, desiring to love any appearance of God in you, and to forgive any in- firmities in you, which are of man; as I desire myself to be loved or forgiven oi others. And truly I do not expound that of contending earnestly for the Truth to be in reproaches andjoas- sions, in Replies and Rejoinders, and many Books ; but in Spirit, and spiritual affection, and pure manifestation of the same Truth. Sir, your Friend, John Saltmarsii. 206 Some Beams of that A pretended Heresy. BoJk npHAT which is pretended, or called \^ at least believed by some to broke ^6 Hercsy in my Book of Grace, loose, is this ; which I desire to explain P. 84. more fully, that it may appear more clearly to be Truth : That Christ hath believed per- fectly, repented perfectly , morti- fied sin perfectly for us. First. That Christ hath done all for us, is truth: he \\2ith fulfilled all righteousness, both that right- eousness which is of the Law, and that which is of the Gospel, in graces, SfC. and upon this account he is made unto us righteous- ness, SfC. Secondly. Faith, repentance, mortification, were all in Christ originally, primarily, as in their nature, their fountain, their root or seed ; and therefore he is said to give repentance to Israel ; and he is the author andfinisher of our faith ; and it is called the faith of the Son of God ; and of his ful- ness have all we received, and grace for grace ; for every grace in him, a grace in us. Bright and Morning Star. 207 And to say Christ hath done all these for us, first in himself, and then in us through himself, I hope is such an Heresy as we all believe. It may be, my want of clearer explanation made it be taken for Heresy ; which I hope will now be judg-ed more candidly to be a Truth. Nor can this ( That Christ hath all graces and perfection in him- self) prove that we stand in need of none in us, no Faith nor Repent- ance in us, nor mortification of sin in us, no more than PauVs Doctrine of Grace and Faith, and the Christian to be under Grace, destroy the Law, or make void Faith, or cause men to sin that Grace may abound. I never yet denied the Graces and Fruits of the Spirit of God, which appear in Faith, Repent- ance, new Obedience, Mortifica- tion of sin, as may be seen in all things I have written. It may be I may speak Truth in such a no- tion or conception, or measure of light as 1 have received it in, and not in another s. The Christian, as the English or French, can only speak in his own Tongue or Lan- 208 Some Beams of that guage, till the Lord be one, and his name one amongst us : and in the mean time, let us judge Heresy by the Truth in Scripture, and in the Spirit ; not as it seems to us so, or appears so, perhaps not for want of true light in what is written but more light to what is already writ- ten, to make it more clearly appear true light. To Master Knolls, the. Author of a Book, called The shining of a flaming Fire, S^c. written against me, as to the point of Baptism, Dear Brother, I HAVE been long silent, not because what you wrote had prevailed in me to believe the Or- dinance of Baptism by water, so practised, of that necessity, or of t\\2it pure and Apostolic practice in these times, since the outward Court given to the Gentiles hath been trodden down, and the gifts of Spirit, which was the glory and life of those visible administrations then, now taken away. But I was Bright and Morning Star. 200 not very hasty, because I know it is not man that teacheth Truth, jo^n e. 45. but God ; Ye shall be all tavght of God. There are three thing's I propound to you, with many other. 1. That all that baptize now by the power of teaching, {Go teach Mat. 28. and baptize) do teach in the same gift the disciples that baptized formerly did teach ; that is, as the oracles of God, in the pure mani- festation of the Spirit of God, else that Command, Go teach and bap- tize, belongs not to disciples o less ;j?