Samuel RuFherforc and some oF his (Lorrespondenl's Mm. I BX 9225 .R87 W4 1894 Whyte, Alexander, 1836-1921 Samuel Rutherford and some of his correspondents division Sectioa SAMUEL RUTHERFORD AND SOME OF HIS CORRESPONDENTS ■:S^^ SAMUEL RUTHERF( AND SOME OF HIS CORRESPONDENTS LECTURES DELIVERED IN ST GEORGE'S FREE CHURCH EDINBURGH: BY ALEXANDER VhYTE, D.D. AUTHOR OP "^BUNYAN characters' ETC. 7^, 1 PUBLISHED BV OLIPHANT ANDERSON AND FERRIER 30 ST. MARY STREET, EDINBURGH, AND 24 OLD BAILEY, LONDON 1 894 Edinburgh : T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty CONTENTS f. JOSHUA REDIVIVUS ..... II. SAMUEL RUTHERFORD AND SOME OK HIS EXTREMES. ..... PACE I lO ni. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. i.\. X. XI. \ii. xni. XIV, XV, MARION M'NAUGIIT . . . . • "9 LADY KENMURE ..... 29 LADY CARDONESS .... 35 LADY CULROSS . . • • • 43 LADY BOYD ...... 5° LADY ROBERTLAND . . . . .59 JEAN BROWN ...... 69 JOHN GORDON OF CARDONESS, THE YOUNGER 79 ALEXANDER GORDON OF EARLSTON . . 86 WILLIAM GORDON, YOUNGER OF EARLSTON 95 ROBERT GORDON OF KNOCKBREX . . IO4 JOHN GORDON OF RUSCO . . . • I^S BAILIE JOHN KENNEDY . I23 iv CONTENTS PAGE XVI. JAMES GUTHRIE 131 XVII. WILLIAM GUTHRIE ..... 141 XVIII. GEORGE GILLESPIE . . • ^SI XIX. JOHN FERGUSHILL . . 161 XX. JAMES BAUTIE, STUDENT OF DIVINITY . 171 XXI. JOHN MEINE, JUNIOR, STUDENT OF DIVINITY 181 XXII. ALEXANDER BRODIE OF I5RODIE . I91 XXIII. JOHN FLEMING, RAILIE OF LEITH .201 XXIV. THE PARISHIONERS OF KILMACOLM .211 SAMUEL UUTHERFORD JOSHUA REDIVIVUS ' He sent me as a spy to see the land and to try the ford.' Rutherford, AMUEL RUTHERFORD, the author of the seraphic Letters, was born in the south of Scotland in the year of our Lord IfiOO. Thomas Goodwin was born in England in the same year, Robert Leighton in I6II, Richard Baxter in iGlo, John Owen in I616, John Bunyan in l628, and John Howe in l630. A little vellum-covered volume now lies open before me, the title-page of which runs thus: — 'Joshua Redivivus, or Mr. Rutherford's Letters, now published for the use of the people of God : but more particularly for those who now are, or may afterwards be, put to suifering for Christ and His cause. By a well-wisher to the work and to the people of God. Printed in the year 1()G4.' That is all. It would not have been safe in l6()4 to say more. There is no editor's name on the title- page, no publisher's name, and no place of printing or of publication. Only two texts of forewarning and reassuring Scripture, and then the year of grace l(iG4. 2 SAMUEL RUTHERFORD Joshua Redivivus : That is to say, Moses' spy and pioneer, Moses' successor and the captain of the Lord's covenanted host come back again. A second Joshua sent to Scotland to go before God's people in that land and in that day ; a spy who would both by his experience and by his testimony cheer and encourage the suffering people of God. For all this Samuel Rutherford truly was. As he said of himself in one of his letters to Hugh Mackail, he was indeed a spy sent out to make experiment upon the life of silence and separation, banishment and martyrdom, and to bring back a report of that life for the vindication of Christ and for the support and encouragement of His people. It was a happy thought of Rutherford's first editor, Robert M'Ward, his old Westminster Assembly secretary, to put at the top of his title-page, Joshua risen again from the dead, or, Mr. Rutherford's Letters written from his place of banishment in Aberdeen, In selecting his twelve spies, Moses went on the principle of choosing the best and the ablest men he could lay hold of in all Israel. And in selecting Samuel Rutherford to be the first sufferer for His covenanted people in Scotland, our Lord took a man who was already famous for his character and his services. For no man of his age in broad Scotland stood higher as a scholar, a theologian, a controver- sialist, a preacher and a very saint than Samuel Rutherford. He had been settled at Anwoth on the Solway in 1()27, and for the next nine years he had lived such a noble life among his people as to make Anwoth famous as loiij; as Jesus Christ has a Church I JOSHUA REDIVIVUS 3 in Scotland. As we say Bunyan and Bedford, Baxter and Kidderminster, Newton and Olney, Edwards and Northampton, Boston and Ettrick, jVPCheyne and St. Peter's, so we say Rutherfoi-d and Anwoth. His talents, his industiy, his scholarship, his preaching power, his pastoral solicitude and his saintly character all combined to make Rutherford a marked man both to the friends and to the enemies of the truth. His talents and his industry while he was yet a student in Edinburgh had carried him to the top of his classes, and all his days he could write in Latin better than either in Scotch or English. His habits of work at Anwoth soon became a very proverb. His people boasted that their minister was always at his books, always among his parishioners, always at their sick-beds and their death-beds, always catechising their children and always alone with his God. And then the matchless preaching of the parish church of Anwoth. We can gather what made the Sabbaths of Anwoth so memorable both to Rutherford and to his people from the books we still have from those great Sabbaths : The Trial and the Triumph of Faith ; Christ Dying and Draiving Sinners to Himself; and such like. Rutherford was the ' most moving and the most affectionate of preachers,' a preacher detei- mined to know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified, but not so much crucified, as crucified and risen again — crucified indeed, but now glorified. Rutherford's life for his people at Anwoth has something altogether superhuman and unearthly about it. His correspondents in his own day and his critics in our day stumble at his too intense 4 SAMUEL RUTHERFORD devotion to his charge ; lie lived for his congi egation, they tell us, almost to the neglect of his wife and children. But by the time of his banishment his home was desolate, his wife and children were in the grave. And all the time and thought and love they had got from him while they Avere alive had, now that they Avere dead, returned with new and intensified devotion to his people and his parish. Fair Anwoth by the Solway, To me thou still art dear, E'en from the verge of heaven I drop for thee a tear. Oh ! if one soul from Anwoth Meet me at God's right hand, My heaven will be two heavens In Immanuel's Land. This then was the spy chosen by Jesus Christ to go out first of all the ministers of Scotland into the life of banishment in that day, so as to try its fords and taste its vineyards, and to report to God's strait- ened and persecuted people at home. To begin with, it must always be remembered that Rutherford was not laid in irons in Aberdeen, or cast into a dungeon. He was simply deprived of his pulpit and of his liberty to preach, and Avas sentenced to live in silence in the toAvn of Aberdeen. Like Dante, another great spy of God's providence and grace, Rutherford was less a prisoner than an exile. But if any man thinks that simply to be an exile is a small punishment, or a light cross, let him read the psalms and prophecies of Babylon, the Divine Comedij, and Rutherford's Lellcrs. Yes, banish- ment was banishment ; exile was exile ; silent JOSHUA REDIVIVUS 5 Sabbaths were silent Sabbaths ; and a borrowed fire- side with all its willing heat was still a borrowed fireside ; and, spite of all that the best people of Aberdeen could do for Samuel Rutherford, he felt the friendliest stairs of that city to be very steep to his feet, and its best bread to be very salt in his mouth. But, with all that, Samuel Rutherford would have been but a blind and unprofitable spy for the best people of God in Scotland, for Marion M 'Naught, and Lady Kenmure, and Lady Culross, for the Cardonesses, father, and mother, and son, and for Hugh Mackail, and such like, if he had tasted no- thing more bitter than borrowed bread in Aberdeen, and climbed nothing steeper than a granite stair. ' Paul had need,' Rutherford writes to Lady Ken- mure, * of the devil's service to buffet him, and far more, you and me.' I am downright afraid to go on to tell you how Satan was sent to buffet Samuel Rutherford in his banishment, and how he was sifted as wheat is sifted in his exile. I would not expose such a saint of God to eveiy eye, but I look for fellow-worshippers here on these Rutherford Sabbath evenings, who know something of the plague of their own hearts, and who are comforted in their banishment and battle by nothing more than when they are assured that they are not alone in the deep darkness. ' When Christian had travelled in this disconsolate condition for some time he thought he heard the voice of a man as going before him and saying, " Though I milk through the J^allcij of the Shadow of Death I will fear no ill, fur Thou art with me." Then he was glad, and that for these reasons : — 6 SAMUEL RUTHERFORD Firstly, because he gathered from thence that some one who feared God was in this valley as well as himself. Secondly, for that he perceived that God was with them though in that dark and dismal state ; and why not, thought he, with me ? Thirdly, for that he hoped, could he overtake them, to have company by and by.' And, in like manner, I am certain that it will encourage and save from despair some who now hear me if I just report to them some of the discoveries and experiences of himself that Samuel Rutherford made among the siftings and buffetings of his Aberdeen exile. Writing to Lady Culross, he says : — ' O my guiltiness, the follies of my youth and the neglects of my calling, they all do stare me in the face here ; . . , the world hath sadly mistaken me : no man knoweth what guilti- ness is in me.' And to Lady Boyd, speaking of some great lessons he had learnt in the school of adversity, he says, ' In the third place, I have seen here my abominable vileness, and it is such that if I were well known no one in all the kingdom would ask me how I do. ... I am a deeper hypocrite and a shallower professor than any one could believe. Madam, pity me, the chief of sinners.' And, again, to the Laird of Carlton : ' Woe, Avoe is me, that men should think there is anything in me. The house- devils that keej) me company and this sink of cor- ruption make me to carry low sails. . . But, howbeit I am a wretched captive of sin, yet my Lord can hew heaven out of worse timber than I am, if worse there be.' And to Lady Kenmure : ' I am some- body in the books of my friends, . . . but there are armies of thoughts within me, saying the JOSHUA REDIVIVUS 7 contrary, and laughing at the mistakes of my many friends. Oh ! if my inner side were only seen ! ' Ah no, my brethren, no land is so fearful to them that are sent to search it out as their own heart. ' The land,' said the ten spies, ' is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; the cities are walled up to heaven, and very great, and the children of Anak dwell in them. We were in their sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in our own sight.' Ah, no ! no stair is so steep as the stair of sancti- fication, no bread is so salt as that which is baked for a man of God out of the wild oats of his past sin and his present sinfulness. Even Joshua and Caleb, who brought back a good report of the land, did not deny that the children of Anak were there, or that their walls went up to heaven, or that they, the spies, were as gi'asshoppers before their foes : Caleb and Joshua only said that, in spite of all that, if the Lord delighted in His people, He both could and would give them a land flowing with milk and honey. And be it recorded and remembered to his credit and his praise that, with all his self- discoveries and self-accusings, Rutherford did not utter one single word of doubt or despair ; so far from that was he, that in one of his letters to Hugh M'Kail he tells us that some of his corre- spondents have written to him that he is possibly too joyful under the cross. Blunt old Knockbrex, for one, wrote to his old minister to restrain somewhat his ecstasy. So true was it, what Rutherford said of himself to David Dickson, that he was ' made up of extremes.' So he was, for I know no man among all my masters in personal religion who unites greater 8 SAMUEL RUTHERFORD extremes in himself than Samuel Rutherford. Who weeps like Rutherford over his banishment from An- woth, while all the time who is so feasted in Christ's palace in Aberdeen? Who loathes himself like Rutherford ? Not Bunyan, not Brea, not Boston j and, at the same time, who is so transported and lost to himself in the beauty and sweetness of Christ ? As we read his raptures we almost say with cautious old Knockbrex, that possibly Rutherford is some- what too full of ecstasy for this fallen, still unsancti- fied, and still so slippeiy world. It took two men to cany back the cluster of grapes the spies cut down atEshcol,and there is sweet- ness and strength and ecstasy enough for ten men in any one of Rutherford's inebriated Letters. ' See what the land is, and whether it be fat or lean, and bring back of the fruits of the land.' This was the order given by Moses to the twelve spies. And, whether the land was fat or lean, Moses and all Israel could judge for themselves when the spies laid down their load of grapes at Moses' feet. ' I can report nothing but good of the land,' said Joshua Redivivus, as he sent back such clusters of its vine- yards and such pots of its honey to Hugh Mackail, to Marion M'Naught, and to Lady Kenmure. And then, when all his letters were collected and pub- lished, never surely, since the Epistles of Paul and the Gospel of John, had such clusters of encourage- ment and such intoxicating cordials been laid to the lips of the Church of Christ. Our old authors tell us that after the northern tribes had tasted the warmth and the sweetness of the wines of Italy they could take no rest till they JOSHUA REDIVIVUS 9 had conquered and taken possession of that huid of sunshine where such grapes so plentifully grew. And how many hearts have been carried ca2)tive with the beauty and the grace of Christ, and with the land of Immanuel, where He drinks wine with the saints in His Father's house, by the reading of Sanuiel Rutherford's Letters, the day of the Lord will alone declare. Oh ! Christ He is the Fountain, The deep sweet Well of love ! The streams on earth I 've tasted, More deep I '11 drink above. There to an ocean fulness His mercy doth expand, And glory, glory dwelleth In Immanuel's Land. 10 SAMUEL RUTHERFORD II SAMUEL RUTHERFORD AND SOME OF HIS EXTREMES ' I am made of extremes.' — Rutherford. STORY is told in Wodrow of an English merchant who had occasion to visit Scotland on business about the year 1650. On his return home his friends asked him what news he had brought with him from the north. 'Good news/ he said ; ' for when I went to St. Andrews I heard a sweet, majestic-looking man, and he showed me the majesty of God. After him I heard a little fair man, and he showed me the loveliness of Christ. I then went to Irvine, where I heard a well-favoured, proper old man with a long beard, and that man showed me all my own heart.' The little fair man who showed this English merchant the loveliness of Christ was Samuel Rutherford, and the proper old man who showed him all his own heart was David Dickson. Dr. M'Crie says of David Dickson that he was singularly successful in dissecting the human heart and in winning souls to the Redeemer, and all that we know of Dickson bears out that high estimate. When he was presiding on one occasion at the ordination of a young minister, whom he had had some hand in bringing up, among SOME OF HIS EXTREMES 11 the advices the old minister gave the new beginner were these : — That he should remain unmarried for four years, in order to give himself up wholly to his great work ; and that both in preaching and in prayer he should be as succinct as possible so as not to weary his hearers; and, lastly, 'Oh, study God well and your own heart.' We have five letters of Rutherfoi-d's to this master of the human heart, and it is in the third of these that Rutherford opens his heart to his father in the Gospel, and tells him that he is made up of extremes. In every way that was so. It is a common remark with all Rutherford's biographers and editors and commentators what extremes met in that little fair man. The finest thing that has ever been Avritten on Rutherford is Mr. Taylor Innes's lecture in the Evangelical Succession series. And the in- tellectual extremes that met in Rutherford are there set forth by Rutherford's acute and sympathetic critic at some length. For one thing, the greatest speculative freedom and theological breadth met in Rutherford with the greatest ecclesiastical hardness and narrowness. I do not know any author of that day, either in England or in Scotland, either Prelatist or Puritan, who shows more imaginative freedom and speculative power than Rutherford does in his Christ Dijbig, unless it is his still greater contem- porary, Thomas Goodwin. And it is with corre- sponding distress that we read some of Rutherford's polemical works, and even the polemical parts of his heavenly Letters. There is a remarkable passage in one of his controversial books that reminds us of some of Shakespeare's own tributes 12 SAMUEL RUTHERFORD to England: 'I judge that in England the Lord hath many names and a fair company that shall stand at the side of Christ when He shall render up the kingdom to the Father ; and that in that re- nowned land there be men of all ranks, wise, valorous, generous, noble, heroic, faithful, religious, gracious, learned.' Rutherford's whole passage is worthy to stand beside Shakespeare's great passage on 'this blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.' But persecution from England and con- troversy at home so embittered Rutherford's sweet and gracious spirit that passages like that are but few and far between. But let him away out into pure theology, and, especially, let him get his wings on the person, and the work, and the glory of Christ, and few theologians of any age or any school rise to a larger air, or command a wider scope, or discover a clearer eye of speculation than Rutherford, till we feel exactly like the laird of Glanderston, who^ when Rutherford left a con- troversial passage in a sermon and went on to speak of Christ, cried out in the church — 'Ay, hold you there, minister ; you are all right there ! ' A domestic controversy that arose in the Church of Scotland towards the end of Rutherford's life so separated Rutherford from Dickson and Blair that Rutherford would not take part with Blair, the 'sweet, majestic-looking man,' in the Lord's Supper. 'Oh, to be above,' Blair exclaimed, 'where there are no misunderstandings ! ' It was this same controversy that made John Livingstone say in a letter to Blair that his wife and he had had more bitterness over that dispute than ever they had SOME OF HIS EXTREMES 13 tasted since they knew what bitterness meant. Well mi