.T^v i/^\ ss«biis?sig!HBiBa»flfces!5r ^ #■',■:• ^jay J^ .■ i i 1 X m 1 1 1 THE BENSON LIBRARY OF HYMNOLOGY Endowed by the Reverend Louis Fitzgerald Benson, d.d. I LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY SCO V . .V p I Cctlefitasitical flistorp ^octetp* (£0tabU0l)eD for tfte publication ano republication of Cburcb ^i0tories, $c. I847. ^MAY 171949 ECCLESIASTICAL HLSTORY SOCIETY. THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: PRINTED FROM THE MANUSCRIPT ORIGINALLY ANNEXED TO STAT. 17 & 18 CAR. II. c. 6. (Ir.) AND NOW PRESERVED IN THE ROLLS^ OFFICE, DUBLIN. BY ARCHIBALD JOHN STEPHENS, BARRISTER AT LAW. VOL. II. lo:ndo:n^ PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SON. FOB THE ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY SOCIETY. M.DCCC.XLIX. THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER AND ADMmiSTRATIOI^ OF THE SACRAMENTS, AND OTHER RITES AND CEREMONIES OF THE CHURCH, ACCORDING TO THE USE OF THE UNITED CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND IRELAND; TOGETHER WITH THE PSALTER OR PSALMS OF DAVID, POnfTED AS THEY ARE TO BE SUNG OR SAID IN CHURCHES : AND THE FORM AND MANNER OF MAKING, ORDAINING, AND CONSECRATING OF BISHOPS, PRIESTS, AND DEACONS. TPIE TEXT TAKEN FROM THE MANUSCRIPT BOOK ORIGINALLY ANNEXED TO STAT. 17 k 18 CAR. II. c. 6. (Ir.): WITH AN HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION AND NOTES. By ARCHIBALD JOHN STEPHENS, BARRISTER AT LAW. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. II. LONDON: FOR THE ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY SOCIETY. 1849. The Collectsj Epistlesj and Giospels to be^ wsed throughout the year^i Note J that the Collect appointed for every Sundajj or for any holiday® that hath a vigil or Eve, shall bei said a-j the Eveinig service nextbefbre. The first Sunday in Advent. The Collect. Almighty God, give vs grace that we^ may cast awayi the works of darkness^ij and put vpon vs the armour of light now in the time of this mor- tal! hfe (in which thy son Jesus Christ came to visit vs in great humility)) that in the last day, when heU shall come again| in his glorious Ma- e jesty,to Judgl both the q^uick and dead, wei may rise to the life imortali, through him who liveth e and reigneth with the! and the holy Ghostj now and everi Amen. Advent Sunday, i. This Collect is to be| repeated every day I. 1. The 77th page of the MS. Book commences with the word " The". II. 1, 2. ** The CoUectsj Epistlesj and Giospels" written in an engrossing character. 1. 3. In "used", a " v" altered into the " u" in darker ink. 1. 5. After " holiday", a blot in darker ink, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 9. "Almighty" written in an engrossing character. 1. 11. In ** time", the " 1" written on a *• y". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 11. 12, 13. Parentheses omitted. 11. 12, 13. Parentheses omitted. 1. 19. Omitted. 1. 19. Omitted. L (137) Advent Sunday, i. with the other Collects in Adventj vntill Chrismas-Evea The Epistle. Rom. 13. 8. Owe noli man any thing, but to love one another! for he^ that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. ifor this, thou shalt not coihi| adulteryj Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not steal|, Thou shalt not bear| false witnessi, thou shalt not covet I and seventy four And if there be| any other coinandiment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, thou shalt love thj' neighbour as thy selfe. Love worketh no| ill to his neighbour, there fore love is the 4qvg - fulfilling of the law. And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep! ■ for now is our saluation nearer then when we| believed. The night is far| spent| the day is ai hand ] le| vs therefore cast of the works of darkness^ and le| vs pu| on the armour of light. Let vs walk honestly as in the day, not in rioting and drunkeiiessi, not in I. 2. In ** Eve*', the " v" written on a letter which it renders undistinguishable. 1. 4. "Owe" written in an engrossing character. 1. 8. In " false", the " s" written on a " c". 1. 11. The 78th page of the MS. Book commences with the word "And". 1. 16. In each "time", the " i" written on a "y". 1.18. "Then", sic orig. 1.20. "of", sicorig. U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 2. Christmas Eve. \, 2. Christmas Eve, (138) Advent Sunday, i. chambering and wantonness|j not in strife and envying! But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereofi The Gospel When they drew nigh vnto Jerusalem, and were s. Matth. come to Bethphage, vnto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples, saying vnto them, Go| into the Village over against you, and straightway ye shall find| an ass| tyed, and a Colt with her ■ loose them and bring them vnto meii And if any man say ought vnto you, ye and straightway he will send them. shall say, the Lord hath need of them | ^ All this was done, that it might be^ fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet, saying, tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, Thy King cometh vnto e seventy five theij . A tliee meekj and sitting vpon an ass|, and a Colt the fble of an Ass|i And the disciples went, and did as Jesus coman|ded them, and brought the Assii and the colt, and put on them their| cloiths, and they sei him thereoui Snd a very great multitude spread their| garments in the 1. 6 (margin). A blot after "21." 1. 18. The 79th page of the MS. Book commences with the word "thee" written in the margin. 1. 22. In ♦* very", the " v" defaced, and written upon another letter. U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 12. aught. L 2 (139) Advent Sunday, i. way, others cutjt^ down| branches from the trees and strawed them in the waji And the multi- tudes that went before, and that followed, cryed, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: blessed is he| that cometh in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest. And when he^ was come mto Jerusalem, all the Cily was moved, sayingj who is this? And the multitude said, This is Jesus the Prophet of. Nazareth of Galileci And Jesus went into the Temple of God ; and cast out sold and all them that^ bought ||| ||| in the Temple, and overthrew the tables of the monychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, and said vnto them. It is written, my house shall beg called tlae house of prayer, but ye have made it a Den of thievesi The second Sunday in Advent. The Collect. Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to bey written for our learn i|nig ; Grant that we| may in such wise hear| them, read, mark, learn, and in^ivardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of thy holy word, wei may embrace, and ever holdfast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which thou hast given vs in our Saviour Jesus Christi Ameiii seventy six 1. 1 1. " sold and bought" seemingly written originally " bought and sold". 1. 15. In '* have", the " v" written on a " u". 1. 17. *'The second Sunday in Advent." written in a large engrossing hand. 1. 19. *' Blessed Lord," written in a large character, between black letter and Roman. 1. 27. The 79th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. (140) Advent Sunday ii The Epistle AVTiatsoever things were written afore time, were Rom. i5. 4. written for our learn ingj that we i through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hopci ITow the Cod of patience and con- solation, grant you to be'' like-minded one towards another, according to Christ Jesus : That ye may with one mind, and one mouth glorifie (Sod, even the father of our Lord Jesus Christ ■ e Wherefore receivi ye one another, as Christ alsoi received vs, to the glory of (Bodi Now I savj that Jesus Christ was a Minister of the Circumcision, for the truth of CDod, to confirm ^ the promises made Mito the fathers : And that the gentiles might glorifie god for his mercy, As it is written, for this cause I will confossl to thee among the gentiles, and sing vnto thy name^ And again i he ' saith, Eejoyce, ye Gentiles, with his people! And again , J, Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles, and laud him, all ye people^ And againy Esaias saith. There shall be^ a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reignO over the Gentiles, in him shall the Gentiles trusti Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in belie\dng, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the holy Ghost. 1. 1. The 80th page of the MS. Book commences with the words *' The Epistle* 1. 2. " Whatsoever" written in an engrossing character. 1. 2. In " time", the " i" written in darker ink on a "y". (141) Advent Sunday ii The Ghospel s. Luk. 21. 25 And there shall bei sigrifs in the Sun, and in the Moon, and in the Staris \ and upon the earth distress^ of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the wanes roaring jj mens hearts failing them for fearl, and for looking after those things^ which are com|ing on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall seventy seyeii be| shaken! And then shall they see the Son of man com|ing in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to passi, then look iipj and lift up your heads | for your redemption draweth nighi And hei spake to them a paral>lej Behold the fig-trecj and all the trees J when they now shoot forth, ye se| and know of your own^ selves that suiner is ^ e now nigh a| hand. Sol likewise ye when ye se| A these things come to passi, know ye that the kingdom! of God is nigh aj hand. Verily^ I say unto you, this generation shall not pass^ a^wayj till all be| fulfilled S Heaven and earth shall pass| away J but my words shall not pass| awayi 1. 3. In ''upon", a " y" altered into the ''u". 1. 4. In "nations", a ''c" altered into the " t". 1. 9. The 80th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 10. The 81st page of the MS. Book commences with the words ** b^ shakeni" 1. 13. In each "up", a "v" altered into the ''u". 1. 15. In "parable", the "ab" written upon and blotted. 1. 21, In " unto", a "v" altered into the " u". (142) Advent Sunday iii The Third Sunday m Adventi The Collect. O Lord Jesu Christ, who al thy first combing didst send thy messenger to prepare thy way e that before the| j Grants the Ministers and Stewards A of thy mysteriesj may likewise sol prepare and make ready thy wayj by turn^ing the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, that al thy second comiing to judgi the world, wei may be| found an acceptable people in thy sight, who livest and reignest with the father and the holy Spirit, ever J one Godj world without end. Amen. The Epistle. un Let a man so| accoeapt of us as of the Ministers i Cor. 4. i of Christ J and stewards of the Mysteries of God. Moreover^ it is required in Stewards, that a man bei found faithful!. But with mei it is a very small thing, that seventy eigbt I I should bell judged of you, or of mans 1. 1. In ** Third";, the " d" rewritten in darker ink. 1. 3. " O Lord" written in an engrossing character. 1. 6. In '^mysteries", an ''i" altered into the "y". 1. 12. In "ever", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 15. " Let" wi'itten in an engrossing character. 1. 15. In *'us", a " v" altered into the *' u". 1. 16. In "mysteries", an '^'^i" altered into the "y". 1. 22. The 82nd page of the MS. Book commences with the words ** I should". (143) Advent Sunday iii Judgment ) yea, I Judgi not mine own! self!. ffbr I know nothing by my selfi, yet am I not hereby justified | but he3 that Judgeth mefj is e the Lord. Therefore judgi nothing before the time, vntili the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness!, and will make manifest the counseils of the hearts ] and then shall every man have praise of God. The Gospel !■ s. Matt. 11.2 Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he^ sent two of his disciplesj and said iinto him, Art thou he| that should comej or do| we^ look! for another? Jesus answered and said vnto them, Go and shew John again^ those things which ye doi hear and seli The blind receivl their sight, and the lame walkij the lelpers are clean sedj and the deaf| hear, the dead are raised vpj and the poor! have the gospell preached to themi And blessed is he^ whosoever shall not be^ offended in me||i And as they departed| Jesus began to say vnto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye ee out into the wilderness^ to sii ? A reed shaken A with the wind ? But what went yel out for to e sei ? A man clo^thed in sofl raiment ? behold, A Head line. ''Advent Sunday iii" written in an engrossing character. 1, 7. "counsejjps", a "c" altered into the "s". 1. 9. " The Gospel;; |," written in an engrossing character. e 1. 16. In "receiv||", the "c" rewritten in darker ink. (144) Advent Sunday iii j they that well soft clo^thing are in kings houses. j But what went ye out for to se|| ? A Prophet ? I Yea, I say vnto you, and more then a Prophet. j fFor this is he^ of whom it is written. Behold, 1 | send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before the! seventy nine Advent Sunday IV. ^The fourth Sunday iii Advent. The Collect. O Lord raisi vp (wei pray the!) thy power j and , come among vs, and with great might succor! us \ that whereas through our sin|s and wickediiessi, we| are sore lei and hindred in runing the race ; that is sei before vs, thy bountifollj grace and i mercy may speedily help and deliver vs, through \ the satisfaction of thy son our Lord \ to whom i with thee and the holy Ghost be! honour and gloryj world without endi Amen. The Epistle | Eejoice in the Lord alway, and again! I sayj pmi. 4. 4. 1. 3. "then", sic orig. 1. 7. The 82nd page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 8. "Advent Sunday IV." inserted in different ink, perhaps as a head line, and " Sunday in Advent " apparently cancelled by the scribe, but it would seem ' by mistake. I 1. 9. The 83rd page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The CoUecti" ' 1. 11. In " us", a *' v" altered into the "u". i 1. 12. In "wickedness", the "n" written upon an erasure. ' 1. 17. In "thee", the final "e" rewritten in darker ink. ! 1. 20. "Rejoice" written in an engrossing character. j U. Pr. oTPr. \ 1. 1. kings' ho\ises. 1. 1. king's houses. 1. 3. than. 1. 3. than. ri45) i Advent Sunday IV. rejoicei Let your moderation bei known vnto all meni The Lord is aO hand. Be carefull for nothing : but in every thing by prayer and sup- plication with thanksgiving, let your requests bei made knowng vnto (Bod. And the peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding, shall keep! your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. The GospelO. ^ s. John. 1. This is the Kecord of John, when the Je^wbi 19. K ^ sent Priests and Levites from Jerusalem to askl him| who art thou? And he! confessed, and denied not \ but confessed, I am not the Christ. And they asked him, what then ? art thou Elias ? And he| saith, I am not. Art thou that Prophet ? And hei answered^ Noi Then said they vnto him, who art thou? that wel may give an answer to them that sent vs. "What sayest thou of thy self Ml? He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wildernessij make straight the way of the Lord, eighty Lord, as said the prophet Esaias S And they which were sent, were of the Pharisees. And they asked hinij and said vnto him, why baptizest thou then, if thou be^ not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that Prophet? John answered them saying, I baptize with water : but there standeth . 3. In "prayer", an "i" altered into the '*y". e 1. 9. '' J^wbj^", sic orig. ; the alteration intended cannot be precisely ascertained. 1. 17. In " sayest", an "i" altered into the " y". 1. 19. In "straight", an *'e" altered into the "a". 1. 21. The 84th page of the MS. Book commences with the word " Lord,". (146) one among you, whom ye know noti He| it is who com|ing after me|, is pferred before me|, i whose sholes lachet I am not worthy to vnloosei These things were done in Bethabara beyond i Jordan, where John was baptizlinga i The Nativity of our Lordj Or the Birth day of Christjj comonly called Christmas-Dayi ■ , The Collect. Almighty God, who hast given vs thy only be- j gotten Son to take our nature vpon him, and as i a| this time to be| born| of a pure Virgin} I Graii|t that we| being regenerate, and made thy '' children by adoption and grace^ may daily be| i e ren^^i^ed by thy holy Spirit, through the same i * . . . i our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee, and the same Spirit ever one dDodj world without end« Amen. ; The Epistle J S; God, who a| sundry times, and in divers| Hebr. 1. 1. i manners spake in time past vnto the fathers by j 1. 3. In ** lachet", the " ac" indistinct and in darker ink. \ 1. 10. "Almighty" written in an engrossing character. i 1.12. In " time", the "i" written upon a "y". I 1. 13. In " Grant", a " u" altered into the "n". \ e 1. 15. In ** renwed", a " u" altered into the *' w". 1. 20. "iS[" written in an engrossing character, and partially obliterated and separated from "God" by a curved vertical line in darker ink. "God" also written in l engrossing character. ; 1. 20. In " times", the " i" written upon a "y". i 1.21. In "time", the "i" written upon a "y". < '* U. Pr. Q. Pr. : 1. 21. times past. (H7) Christmas Day the Prophets, hath in these last dales spoken vnto vs by his son, whom he| hath appointed heirl of all things, by whom also^ he| made the worlds. Who being the brightness! of his gloryj eighty one And the express! Jmage of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, t when he^ had by himself! purged our sin|s, sal down! on the right hand of the Majesty on high ■ Being made so| much better then the Angelis, as he^ hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name then theyi ffor unto which of the Angelfs said he| a| any time, Thou art my sonj this day e have I begotten the! ? And again||j I will be^ to him a father, and he^ shall be| to me^ a Son? And again, when he^ bringeth in the iirst-begotten into the world J he^ saith, And lei all the Angel |s of God worship himi And of the Angelis, he| saith, who maketh his Angel|s Spirits and his Ministers a. flame of Are. But unto the Son hei saith, thy throne, o Godj is for ever and everj a scepter of righteousness! is the scepter of thy Kingdom^. Thou hast loved righteousness! and hated iniquity | Therefore (Eodj even thy 1. 5. The 84th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 6. The 85th page of the MS. Book commences with the word ^*And". 1. 7. In " upholding", a '* v" altered into the " u". 1. 11. In "obtained", an " e" altered into the " a". 1. 12. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "^'u". 1. 24. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". (148 Christmas Day CDod hath anointed thee with the oyl| of glad- ness! above thy fellowesi And, thou Lord in ! the begining hast laid the foundation of the earth ) ' and the heavens are the works of thine handsi i They shall perishj but thou remainest ; and they , all shall wax| old as doth a garment ; and as a j vesture shalt thou fold, them vpj and they shall | be| changed 5 but thou art the same, and thy '^ year|s shall not failli ^ The Gospel. ■ In the begining was the word, and the word was g j^^^ ^ j^ I with God, and the word was (I3od. The same was in the begining with ClDodi All things were I made by himj and without him was not anything : made, that was made. In him was lifej and the j life was the light of men. And the light shineth j in darknesi and the darkness| comprehended | it not. There was a man sent from dDod, whose ] name was John. eighty tuo 'i John. The same came for a wi|ness| to bear| wittnessi of the light, that all men through him ®, "i might believ|. He was not that light, but was : sent to bearl wi|ness| of that hght. That was i the true light, which lighteth every man that I Head line. " Christmas Day" written in an engrossing character. 1. 1. In " thee", the final " e" rewritten in darker ink. 1. 1. In '^oyl", an " i" altered into the " y". 1. 11. " In" written in an engrossing character. 1. 21. The 86th page of the MS. Book commences with the word " John." (149) Chistmas Day A Cometh into the world. He^ was in the world. and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. Helj came imto his ownij and his own: I received him not. But as many as re- ceived him, to them gave he^ power to become the sons of (Dodj even to them that believe on his name S iFrhich were bomi not of blond, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of CDodi And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among vs (and wey beheld his gloryj the glory as of the only begotten of the father) full of grace and truth. S* Stephens Day. The Collect. Grantj O Lord| that in all our sufferings here upon earthj for the testimony of thy truth, wel may ste jdfastly lookiJ tip to heaven, and by faith behold the glory that shall bi;:i| revealed \ and being filled with the holy Ghost, may leami to love and bless^ our persecutors by the Example of thy first Martyr Saint Stephen^ who prayed e for his murtherers to they, O blessed Jesusj who A standest a; j the right hand of (Bod to succour Head line. " Christmas Day" written in an engrossing character. 1. 3. In *'unto", a ** v" altered into the "u". 1. 6. In "believe", an "e" altered into the "i", and a '*u" into the 'W 1. 13. " S' Stephens Day." written in an engrossing character. 1. 15. " Grant" written in an engrossing character. 1. 16. In "upon", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 17. In "up", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 20. In *' Example", the "a" retouched with darker ink. 1. 21. In "Martyr", an "i" altered into the "y". 1. 21. In "praved", an "i" altered into the " y". (150) Christmas Day « . ! all those that suffer for the!, our only Mediatour j and advocatci Amen. { Then shall follow the Collect of the Nativity, j which shall be| said continually vnto New-yeares Ere. ! for the Epistle. ! Stephen being full of the holy Ghostj looked vp Act. 7. 55. I steidfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of j God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of •; e^ i God, and said, behold I se| the heavens opened^ and the son of man standing on the right -ef hand 1 of (Eodi Then they cryed out with a loud voice, and stopped their| I eighty three eares, | ear|s, and ran vpol him with one accord, and cast him out of the Ci|y, and stoned him } and the wi|nesses laid down| their| clo|thes a| a young mans feet|| whose name was Saul. And they stoned Stephen calling vpon dDod, and e sayingj Lord Jesus receivl my Spirit. And he| kneeled down| and cryed, with a loud voice Lord, lay not this Sin to their| charge. And when hei had said this, he| fell a sleep!. Head line. " Christmas Day" written in an engrossing character. 1. 7. '^ Stephen" written in an engrossing character. 1. 15. The 87th page of the MS. Book commences with the word '* ear^s/''. (151) S* Stephens Day The Gospel- Behold, I send vnto you Prophets, and wise- s.Matt.23.34. men, and Scribes; and some of them ye shall kill and crucifie J and some of them shall ye scourge in your Synagogues, and persecute them from Ciiy to Ciiy ; that tapon you may come all the righteous blond shed vpon the earth, from the blond of righteous Abel, vnto the blond of Zacharias, son of Barachias, whom ye slew be- tween the temple and the altar. Verily I say vnto you, all these things shall come upon this generation! O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the Prophetsj and stonest them which are e sent vnto the! ] how often would I have gathered thy Children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens vnder her wings, and ye would not. Behold your house is left vnto you desolate. e ifor I say vnto you, ye shall not self mei hence- forth, till ye shall say. Blessed is he^ that cometh in the name of the Lord. S John the Evangelists Day. The Collect e Merciful Lord, we^ beseech the! to cast thy 1. 3 (margin). In '* 34", a " 2" altered into the "3". 1. 5. In " Synagogues", an "i" altered into the "y". 1, 7. In " bloud", an "o" altered into the " u". 1. 8. In each " bloud", an '"o" altered into the ''u". 1. 9. In "Zacharias", an "e" altered into the second "a". 1. 10. In " altar", an " e" altered into the "a". 1. 11. In " upon", a " v" altered into the *'u". 1. 21. " S John the Evangelists Day." written in an engrossing character. (152) S John bright beam|s of light upon thy Churchj that it being enlightened by the doctrine of thy blessed Apostle and Evangelist S* Johnj may so| walk! in the light of thy truthj that it may a| length the light of attaini to ^ everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lordi Amen^ The I eighty four The Epistle That which was from the begining, which weS i John. i.i. have heardj which we| have seen with our eyes, which w^ei have looked itponj and our hands have handled of the word of lifej (for the life was manifestedj and we have seen! it| and bear! wiinessi, and shew vnto you that eternal^ life, which was with the father, and was manifested vnto vs) That which well have seen! and heard j declare wei vnto you, that ye also! may have fellowship with vs J and truly our fellowship is with the father^ and with his Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we^ vnto you, that your joy may be! fulli This then is the Message which well have heard of him j and declare vnto you, that 1. 8. 11. 13. 17. 22. In " upon", a " v" altered into the " u". The 88th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The Epistle". In " upon", a *' v" altered into the ''u". In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". In "have", a"u" altered into the "v". In "have", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 9. IJ. Pr. Q. Pr. 1 St. John i. 1. 1. 9. 1 S. JoHNi. 1. M (153) S* John 0od is light, and in him is no darknesal a| ftll. If wc| say that we| have fellowship with him, and walk! in darkness!, we^ ly^p and do! not the truth : But if wei walk| in the light, as hei is in the light, we hare fellowship one with another, and the blond of Jesus Christ his son clean seth vs from all sini If wei say that we| have nof e sin, wei decetvi our selues, and the truth is not in iisi If wei confess| our selves sinls, hei is faithfull and just to forgive vs our sinls, and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnessii If we| say that we^ have not sinned, we| make him a liar, and his word is not in vs. The Gospel. S.John. 21.19 Jesus Said viito Peter, follow mei Then Peter turnlfing about, seeth the disiiple w^hom Jesus loved, following, which also^ leaned on his breast a| supper, and said, Lordj which is he! that e betray eth thei? Peter seeing him, saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man doi? Jesus saith vnto him. If I will that hei tarry till I come, what is eighty n\e that Head line. " S* John" written in an engrossing character. In "have", a "u" altered into the " v' In *' have", a '* u" altered into the *' v". In " bloud", an " o" altered into the *' u". In " have", a " ii" altered into the " v". In " deceive", " ie" altered into the "ei", and a " u" into the " v' In '•' us", a " v" altered into the "u". In "have", a " u" altered into the "v". In "liar", a "y" altered into the "i". " Jesus" written in an engrossing character. In " betrayeth", an " i" altered int-o the '* y". (154 S* John e that to thei? follow thou mei. Then went A this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die S yet Jesus said not vnto ie him, He! shall not dye-j But if I will that hef A tarry till I comeji what is that to the| ? This is the disciple which testifieth of these thingsj and wrote these things, and wei know that his testimony is true^ And there are also! many other things w^hich Jesus did, the which if they should be| written every one, I suppose, that even the world it self | could not contain^ the that books which - should be^ T\Titten. The Innocents Day. The Collect ^^ O Almigllty God, who out of the mouths || Babes and sucklings hast ordained strength, and e madest infants to glorifie the! by their| deaths J mortifie and kill all vices in vs, and so^ strengthen vs by th}'^ grace, that by the inno- cency of our livesj and constancy of our faith even vnto death, we^ may glorifie thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lordi Amen. Head line. '^ S* John" written in an engrossing character. 1. 1. The 89th page of the MS. Book commences with the word " that". 1. 3. In "'die", a "y" changed into the "i" ; and the "e" retouched with darker ink. ]. 6. In "disciple", the first " i" written upon a letter which it has rendered undis- tinguishable. 1. 16. In "ordained", an '^e" altered into the ^*a". M 2 (155) ■5^ Innocents Day for the Epistle Rev. 14. 1. 1 lookedj and lo, a lamb stood on the Mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four^ thousand| j haviing his fathers name written in their! forheadsi and I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of of many waters j and as the voice of a great thunder I and I heard the voice of Harpers harping with their^ harps ■ And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four! beasts and the elders j and no^ man could learn^ that songj but the hundred and forty and four! thoussindj A ' which were redeemed from the earth. These are they which I Eighty six. I were were not defiled with womenj for they are Vir- gins ■ these are they which follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth S these were redeemed from among men, being the first=fruits vnto Cod, and to the Iambi And in their! mouth was Head line. Sic orig. H 1. 3. The obliteration over ''forty" is evidently an attempt to interline a "u* 1. 4. In "havOing", a **\i" changed into the "v". 6. ''of of" sic orig. 1. 12. The obliteration over "forty" is evidently an attempt to interline a ''u". 1. 12. In ''thousand", an " e" altered into the "a". 1. 17. The 90th page of the MS. Book commences with the word ** were". 1. 19. In '* whithersoever", an " e" altered into the •* i". (156) -¥be- Innocents Day found no guile j for they are without fiilt before the throne of dDodi The Gospelii 2. The Augelii- of the ILord appeared to Joseplfl s. m^ ^ in a dream ^j saying, arise, and take the young child J and his mother^ and flee into Egypt j and e be^ thou there vntiil I bring theii word j for A Herod will seek^ the young child to destroy him. When he^ arose, he| took^ the young child, and his mother by nightj and departed into Egypt| and was there vntiil the death of Herod 5 that it might be^ fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet, sayingj out of Egypt liare I called my Sonyi Then Herod when hey saw that he^ was mocked of the wise= men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forthj and slew all the Children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the Coasts thereof^ from two yeares old and vpward vnderj according to the time which he^ had diligently enquired of the wise= mens Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the Prophetj saying, In Rama was 1. 4. In ''Joseph", the " p" rewritten in darker ink, and the "h" written in pale ink upon an obliteration. ]. 6. In ''Egypt", an "i" altered into the "y". 11. In " Egypt", an" i" altered into the " y". 14. In "Egypt", an "i" altered into the "y". ' 1. 14. In " have", the "ha" blotted with pale ink. 1. 19. In "time", a "y" altered into the "i". 1- 22. In "Prophet", the "t" rewritten in darker ink. U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 4. appeareth. 1. 4. appeareth. (157) ^4ie- Innocents Day- there a voice heard j Lamentation j and weeping j and great mournlingj Rachel weeping for her children, and would not beli comfbrtedj because they are not| The Sunday after Christmas Day. The Collect. Almighty Godj who hast given vs thy only begotten Son| to take our nature vpon him, and as a| this time to bJJ born^ of a pure Virgin j Grant that wel ] being regenerate, and made thy Children by adoption! and grace, eighty seven / may may daily be renwed by thy holy Spirit^ through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with the^, and the same Spirit ever one C2;od, world without endi Ameui The Epistle Nowi I say, that the heiri as long as hey is a Childj differeth nothing from a servant, though he| bey Lord of all | but is vnder tutors and governours, vntill the time appointed of the f father! Even sol wef, when we were children, were in bondage vnder the elements of the world ; Gal. 4. 1. 1. 8. Aftex' *• Son", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 9. In ''time", a *' y" altered into the "i". 1. 11. After " adoption", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 12. The catchword "may" written in a very different hand from the text, but seem- ingly before the MS. Book was annexed to Stat. 17 & 18 Car. II. c. 6. (Ir.) 1. 13. The 91st page of the MS. Book commences with the word " may'^ 1. 21. In " time", a " y" altered into the "i". 1. 22. In "ffather", the first " f " in paler ink than the other letters. (158) Sunday after Christmas Day But when the fulnesse of the time was come, God sent forth his &on, made of a woman, made vnder the law, to redeemLI them that were vnder the lawj that wei might receive the adoption of sonisi And because ye are sonis, (23od hath sent forth the Spirit of his son into your heartsj crying, Abbaj father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son | and if a son then an heir^' of God through Christi The Gospel The birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise : ^- ^\^^^- ^- lo. when as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, (before they came together) she^ was found with Child of the ^oly Ghosti Chen Joseph her husband, being a just manj and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily. But while he^ thought on these thingsj Behold the Angeli of the Lord appeared vitto him in a dreami, saying, Joseph thou son of David, fear^ not to take vnto the€^ Mary thy wife ] for that which is con- ceived in her, is of the holy Ghosti And she^ shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus \ for he^ shall save his people from Head line. " Sunday after Christmas ^sf-" written in an engrossing character. 1. 1. In *'time", a " y" altered into the " i". 1. 19. In ''vnto", the " nt" tampered with in pale ink. 1. 24. In " save", a "u" altered into the '* v". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 13. Parentheses omitted. 1. 24. JESUS. 1. 24. JESUS. (159) Sunday after Christmas Day their^ sinsl. (Now all this was done, that it might bei fulfilled which eighty eight which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophetj Saying, Behold, a VirginJ shall be^ with Childj and shall bring forth a Son, and they shall call his name Efi*manuelj which being interpreted j ^wfts- is, God with vs.) Then Joseph being raised fi^om Sleep, did as the angeS of the l^ord had bidden ^ himj and took| vnto him his wife ■ And knew her not till she| had brought forth her first^bomi Son, And he| called his name Jesus. The Circumcision of Christ. The CoUeet. Almighty God, who madest thy blessed Son to be| Circumcisedj and obedient to the law for manj Grant vs the true Circumcision of the Spirit, that our hearts and all our members being- mortified from all worldly and carnall lusts, wel may in all things obey thy blessed will, through the same thy Son| Jesus Christ our Lord. Ament Head line. " Sunday after Christmas -©fty-" written in an engrossing cliaracter. 1. 4. The 92nd page of the MS. Book commences with the word "which". 1, 5. After "Virgin", a blot as if to obliterate a point. 1. 15. "CoUeet." sic orig. 1. 17. In "Circumcised", the third "c" altered from the letter "s". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 13. JESUS. 1. 13. JESUS. (160) Circumcision The Epistle Blessed is the man to whom the lord will not Rom: i. s. impute Sini Cometh this blessedness! then vpon the Circumcision only, or upon the uncircumci- sion also? for welJ say, that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousnessy. How was it then reckoned? when he^ was in circumcision j or not iu circumcision, but in uncircumcision. in vncircumcision? And he! received the sign^ of Circumcision, a seal of the righteousnessy of the faith, which he^ had yet being yncircumiised; that he might be^ the father of all them that believij though they be^ not circumcised, that righteousnessi might be^ imputed vnto them also^: And the father of Circumcision, to them who are not of the Circumcision only, but also! walky in eighty nine the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which hey had being yet vncircumcised. ffor the promise, that hee should be^ the heir of the world, was not to Abraham or to his seed, through the law, but through tho righteousness of faithi ffor if they which are of the law be^ heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effects Head line. "Circumcision" written in an engrossing character. 1. 12. In "circumcised", the third " c" altered from the letter I. 17. The 92nd page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 18. The 93rd page of the MS. Book commences with the words "the steps". 1. 22. " tho", sic orig. (161) (C „' Circumcision The Gospel. Luk. 2. 15,1 And it came to pass! as the Angels were gone away from them into heaven^ the Shephefrds said one to another, Let vs now go! even vnto Bethlehem, and seU this thing which is come to passll, which the 5Lord hath made known vnto vsi And they came with hast, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a mangeri And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this Child. And all they that heard it, wondred all those things which were told them by the Shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her hearti And the Shepherds returned, glorifying and praising dBod for all the things that they had heard and seenf, as it was told vnto them. And when eight daies were accomplished for the circumciseing of the Child, his name was called Jesus, which was sol named of the Angel before he^ was conceived in the wombi The same Collect, Epistle and Gospel shall serve for every day after vnto the Epiphany ninety Head line. " Circumcision" written in an engrossing character. 1. 23. In "serve" and "every", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 25. The 93rd page of the MS. Book has no catch- word. (162) Epiphany The Epiphanyj or the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. The CoUect. O Godj who by the leading of a Star didst manifest thy only begotten Son to the Gentiles ; Mercifully grant, that wei which know thee now by faith, may after this life have the fruition of thy glorious dDodhead, through Jesus Christ our Lordi Amen. The Epistle. nor this cause, I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Ephes. 3. i Christ for you Gentiles J if ye haue heard of the dispensation of the grace of God, which is given me^ to you=ward how that by revelation hee made known^ vnto me| the mystery (as I wrote afore in few words, whereby when ye read ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) which in other ages was not made known^ vnto the sons of men, as it is now revealed vnto his holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit! j That the Gentiles should be fellow=heires, and of the same bodyj and partakers of his promise in Christ, by the Ghospei S Whereof I was made a Minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given vnto me^ by the effectuall working of his Head line. " Epiphany" written in an engrossing character. 1. 1. The 94th page of the MS. Book commences with the words ^^The Epiplltiny' 1. 6. In "thee", the "ee" rewritten in darker ink. 1. 15. In "mystery", an "i" altered into the "y". 1. 17. In "mystery", an "i" altered into the "y". (163) Epiphany. poweri Unto ine^, who am less! than the least of all Saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the vnsearchable riches of Christ, and to make all men se^, what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the begiiiing of the world hath beeny hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: To the intent that now vnto the Principalities, and powers in heavenly places, might bee known by the ninety one Church Church the manifold wisdom! of God, according to the eternal purpose which he! purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord. In whom wei have boldness^, and access^ with confidence by the faith of him. The Gospel s*. Matfii.3.i ^Vhen, Jesus was born^ in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the King, Behold j there came wise*men from the East to Jerusalem, saying. Where is he^' that is born^ J^ing of the Jew|s? for we^ halle seen his star in the East, and are come to worship hinii When Herod the 1. 1. In '' Unto", a ** V" altered into the " U". 1. 5. In "mystery", an "i" altered into the "y". 1. 11. The 95th page of the MS. Book commences with the word " Church". 1. 18. In ''days", an '4" altered into the '^y". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 17. Juusea. (164) Ej)iphanv King had heard these thmgs, he^ was troubledj and all Jerusalem with himi And when hei had gathered all the chief [] Priests and Scril>es of the people together} heO demanded of themj where Christ should be^ born^ ! And they said vnto him, in Bethlehem of Judea S f for thus it is written by the Prophetj And thou Bethlehem in the land of Juda, art not the least among the Princes of e Juda! ffbr out of the| shall come a Governour that shall rule my people Israeli Then Herod when hee had privil}^ called the wise-men, enquired of them diligently what time the star^ appeared. And he^ sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go, and search diligently for the young Child, and when ye have found him, bring me^ word again!, that I may come and worship him alsoii When they had heard the King, they departed} and loj the stary which they saw in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child wasi When they saw the star|j they rejoiced with exceeding great joyi And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down^ and worshiped him 5 And when they had 1. 3. In *'cluef.S ", the " ie" written in darker ink on defaced letters. 1. 3. In "Scribes", the "b" rewritten on an erasure. 1. 7. In "Bethlehem" the "B" partially altered in darker ink. 1. 10. In "rule", the "e" rewritten in darker ink. 1. 12. In "time", a " y" altered into the "i". 1. 15. In "have", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 21. In " rejoiced", the "ej" rewritten in darker ink. 1. 22. In "were", the final " e" rewritten in darker ink. (165 Epiph. Sunday, i. opened their^ treasures, they presented vnto him gifts, gold, and| ninety two fran^^incense and myrrh^i And being warned of God in a dream^, that they should not retvrn^ to Herod, they departed into their| own| Country another wayi Epiph. Sunday. :. The first Sunday after the Epiphany. The Collect. O Lordj we^ beseech thee mercifully to receive e tlie prayers of thy people which call vpon the|, and grant that they may both perceivlj and know what things they ought to do^, and also| may have grace and power faithfully to fulfill the same, through Jesus Christ our Lordi Amen. The Epistle Rom. 12. 1. II I beseech you therefore, brethren | by the mercies of Godj that ye present your bodies a living Sacrifice, holy, acceptable vnto (Bodj which is your reasonable service. And be^ not conformed to 2. After *' and", a blot as if to obliterate a point. 1. 3. The 95th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 4. The 96th page of the MS, Book commences with the word " franj^kincense' 1. 11. " O Lord" written in an engrossing character. 1. 11. In " receive", the final " e" rewritten in darker ink. 1. 12. "the" rewritten in darker ink. 1. 12. In " prayers", an " i" altered into the " y", 1. 15. In "have", a *'u" altered into the " v". 1. 19. ** I" written in an engrossing character. (166) Epiph. Sunday, i. . this world j but be ye transformed by the re- newing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of Godi fFor I say, through the grace given vnto me^, to every man that is among youj not to think ^ of himself^ more highly then he^ ought to d0^ to thinkij but to think| soberly, according as (Bod hath dealt to every man the measure of faithi ifor as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office j so^ wei being many are one body in Christ, and every one members one of anotheri The I ninety three The Gospell. Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year! s^ Luk. 2. 41 ai the feast of the passover. And when he was twelve year^^ old, they went vp to Jerusalem, after the custom| of the feast. And when they had fulfilled the dayisj as they returned^ the Child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem, and Joseph and his mother knew not of iti 115ut they supposiing him to have been! in the com- pany went a dayis journey, and they sought him amongO their | Kinsfolk il and acquaintance. And when they found him not, they turned 1. 14. The 97th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The Gospell.' 1. 16. In " passover", the " o" rewritten in darker ink. 1. 19. In " days", an " i" altered into the " v". (167) Epipli : Sunday ii. back to Jerusalem, seeking himi And it came to pass J that after three day.^s they found him in the Temple, sitting in the mid^st of the Doctorsj both hearing them, and asking them Questions! And all that heard him were asto- nished afi his vnderstanding and Answer^'si And when they saw him, they were amazed ■ and his mother said \mto him. Son, why hast thou thus dealt with vs? Behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he,] said vnto themj How is it, that ye sought me ? wist ye not that I must bej about my fathers bu' Isiness^ ? And they vnderstood not the saying w^hich hee spake vnto them. And he^ wenti] down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject vnto them ; but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom""; and stature, and in favour with C3od and mani The second Sunday after the Epiphany. The Collect. Almighty and everlasting God, who dost govern all things in heaven and earth, mercifully hear the supplications of thy people, and grant vs thy peace all the days of our life, through Jesus Christ our Lordi Amen / ninety four / 1. 9. la "have", a ''u" altered into the " v". 1. 24. In "days", an "i" altered into the "y". 1. 26. The 97th page of the MS, Book has no catch-word. U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 1. back again. 1. 1. back again, (168) Epiph. Sunday, ii. The Epistle Having then gifts j differing according to the Rom 12. 6. grace that is given to lis, whether prophesie, let vs prophesie according to the proportion of faith; or ^Ministry, leO lis wait on our ministring \ or hei that teachetbj on teaching | or he^ i that ex- horteth, on exhortation, ■ he that giveth le^] him do^ it with simplicity J hej that ruleth with diligence ; he that sheweth mercy, with chear- fulnessi llet love be without dissimulation ■ Abhor that which is evill, cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love, in honour preferring one another: not slothfull in bu^siness. | fervent in Spirit) serving the Lord J rejoic ^ing in hopej patient in tribulation | contuiueing instant in prayer j distributing to the necessity of Saints ; given to hospitality. BlessO them which per- secute you I bles] and curse not. Eeioyce with them that doj reioiccj and weep with them that weepi Be^ of the same mind one towards another. Mind not high thmgs, but condescend to men of low estate^ The Gospeli And the third day there was a marriage in Cana S: John. 2. 1. of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 1. 1. The 98th page of the MS. Book commences with the words <'The Epistle". 1. 3. In ''us", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 5. In "^ ministring", the *'ing" much defaced. 1. 17. In "praver", an "i" altered into the " y". N (109) Epiph. Sunday, ii. And both Jesus was called and his disciples to the marriagCi And when thej wanted winej the mother of Jesus saith vnto him, they have no wine S Jesus saith vnto her, woman, what have I to do^ with thee ? mine hour^ is not yet comci His mother saitli vnto the servants, Whatsoever hee saith vnto youj doe it. And there were sei there six water ^pots of stone, after the manner of of the purifying the Jew^s, containing, con- taining two or three f|rkins a piece. Jesus saith vnto themj fill the water ^pots with water. And they filled them vp to the ninety five brimi brim. And he^ saith vnto them. Draw out now and bearl unto the Governour of the feast. e And they b^ar it. When the Euler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was, (but the servants which drew the water knew) the Governour of the feast called the Bridegroom, and saith vnto him, every man a| the begining doth se| forth good wine, and when men have well drun|k, then that which is worse : But thou hast kept the good wine vntill nowi This begining of miracles did 1. 4. In " have", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 14. The 99th page of the MS. Book commences with the word " brim." 1. 15. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 22. In " have", a '' u" altered into the " v". (170) Epiph. Sunday iii Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth i his glory, and his disciples believed on him. The third Sunday after the Epiphany The^^CoUect. Almighty and everlasting God, mercifully look^ vpon our infirmities, and in all our dangers and necessities, stretch forth thy right hand to help^ and defend vs, through Jesus Christ our Lordi Amen. The Epistle. Bee not wise in your own conceits. Eecompense Rom. 12 le. to no man evil| for evil| Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be^ possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not your selves, but rather give place vnto wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is mine J I will repayj saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him J if hee thirst, give him drink ■ for in so| doing thou shalt heap^ coal^s of fire on his head. Be^ not over- come of evill, but overcome evil with good. The Gospel. When hee was come down| from the moun- s* Mat. 8. 1 tain, great multitudes followed him. And be- hold, there came a Leper and / ninety six / 1. 1. The "of" written on '^'in". 1. 7. In "necessities", a "y" altered into the "i". 1. 14. In "lieth", a "y" altered into the "i". 1. 25. An illegible interlineation, with a caret, between the first " e" and the "p of " Leper". 1. 26. The 99th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word, N2 (171) Epiph. Sunday iii worshipped him saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me^ clean^i And Jesus pu3 forth his hand and touched him, saying, I will be^ thou clean^i A nd imediately his leprosy was cleansed. And Jesus saith vnto him, se^ thou tell no man, but goj thy wayj shew thyself^ to the Priest, and offer the gift that Moses coSiaunded for a testi- mony unto thenii And when Jesus was entred into Capernaumj there came vnto him a Centurionj beseeching him, and saying. Lord my servant lieth a^ ] home sicM; ■ of the palsie, griev- ously tormentedi And Jesus saith vnto him, I will come and healj him. The Centurion answered and said. Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldest come vnder my roof ^ ; but speak the word only and my servant shall be^ healedi ffor I am a man under authority, hav ing soldiers vnder me: And I say vnto this man, go, and he goethj and to another, come, and he^ comethj and to my servant, do^ this, and he^ doth iti When Jesus heard itj he^^ marrelledj and said to them that followed. Verily I say ^iito you, I have not found soe great faith, no not in Israeli 1. Ths lOOch page of the MS. Book commences with the word ''worshipped". 4. In " imediately", "ie" altered into the ''y", 4. In ''leprosy", "ie" altered into the "y". 1. 7. In "comaunded", the mark of abbre^-iation over the "m" in pale ink. 1. 8. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 17. In "under", a "v" altered into the "u". 17. In " having", a "u" altered into the " v". 23. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 20. doeth. 1. 20. docth. (172) Epiph, Sunday, iii. And I say vnto you, that many shall come from the East and westj and shall si I down| with c Abraham! and Isaa^)(j and Jacob in the Kingdom of heaven. But the Children of the Kingdom! shall bee cast out into outer darknessi S there shall be^ weeping and gnashing of teeth ■ And Jesus said vnto the -saidr Centurion j Go thy way, and as thou hast believed, so^ be^ it done \Tito e the|i And his servant was healed in the self i A same hour|i ninety seven The The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany. The CoUect. O God, who knowest lis to bee set in the midst of so^ many and great dangers, that by reason of the frailty of our nature wee^ cannot alwaijs stand vprightj Grant to lis such strength and protec- tion, as may support lis in all dangers^ and carry vs through all temptations, through Jesus Christ our Lordi Amen The Epistle. Let every soul| bei subject vnto the higher Rom. 13. i powers; for there is no power but of (Bod: The powers that be| are ordained of (Sod. Who- 1. 3. After "^ Abraham", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 13. The 101st page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The Collect. 1. 14. In *' us", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 17. In "us", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 18. In "us", a "v" altered into the "u". (173) The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany. soever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist j shall receivl to themselves damnation, ffor Eulers are not a terrour to good works, not but to the evil|. Wilt thou then be^ afraid of the power? do^ that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same : for he^ is the Minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do^ that which is evilj be^ afraid, for he^ beareth not the sword in vain| ■ for he| is the Minister of God, a Eevenger to execute wrath vpon him that doth evil. Wherefore ye must needs bee subject, not only for wrathj but also^ for conscience sakej ffor, for this cause pay you tribute also|j for they are gods Ministers, attending continually vpon this very things Render therefore to all their^ dues \ tribute to whom tribute is duej custom^ to whom customlj feare to whom feare, honour to whom honour! The Gospel s. Mat. 8. And when he was entred into a ship, his dis- ciples followed himi And beholdj there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the shipl was covered with the waves: but hei was a sleepi And his disciples came to him, and awoke I ninety eight | 23. 1. 7. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v' U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 12. doeth. 1. 12. doeth. I. 14. ye. 1. 14. ye. (174) Epiph. Sunday. 4^^ awoke himj saying, Lordj save lis, we perish. And he^ saith vnto them, why are ye fearful|, O ye of little faith? Then he^ arose j and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. But the men marvelled^ saying, what manner of man is thisj that even the winds and the sea obey him? And when he^ was come to the other side into the Countr|y of the Gergesensj there me| him two possessed with devil|s, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so| that no man might pass| by that way. And beholdj they cryed out, saying^ what have we^ to do| with thee, Jesus thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment lis before the time? And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding! So| the devils besought him, saying. If thou cast us out, suffer vs to go| away into the herd of Swine. And he^ said imto them, Goi And when they were come outj they went into the herd of swine! and behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently downl a steep place into the sea, and perished in the watersi And they that kept them fledj 1. 1. The 102nd page of the MS. Book commences with the word "awoke". 1. 1. In "save", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. In " us"j a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 5. In "marvelled"^ the "ell" retouched with darker ink. 1. 12. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". 14. In "us", a " v" altered into the "u". 17. In "us"j a "v" altered into the "u". 19. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 8. Gergesenes. 1. 8. Gergesenes. (175) Epiph. Sunday v. and went their| way^s into the Ci|iy, and told every thing, and what was befaln to the pos- sessed of the devilis. And behold the whole Ciiy came out to meet! Jesus ■ And when they saw him, they besought him that he^ would depart out of their y coasts. The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany. The Collect. O Lordj wei beseech thee to keepll thy Church and houshold continually! in thy true religionj that they who do^ lean| only vpon the hope of thy heavenly gracej may evermore bei defended by thy mighty power, through Jesus. Christ our Lordi Amen. ninety nine The The Epistle. Col. 3. 12. Put on therefore (as the elect of €rod, holy and beloved) bowels of mercies, kindnessfj humble- nessy of mindj meeknesslj, long-suflfering, for- bearing one another J and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel ij against any ) even as Christ forgave you, so[] also do^ ye. And above all these things, put on charityj which is the bond of perfectnessi. And let the peace of 1. 10. After " continually", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 16. The 103rd page of the MS. Book commences with the words "The Epistle." 1. 21. In '^have", a "u" altered into the "v". U. Pr, Q. Pr^ ]. 2. befaUen. 1. 2. befallen. 1. 10. household. (176) 24. Epiph. Sunday v. dDod rule in your hearts, to the which also| ye are called in one body; and be^ ye thankfull. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdomi, teaching and admonishing one another in psalmsj and hymnsj and spiritual songsj singing with grace in your hearts to the liord. And whatsoever ye do^ in w^ord or deedj do^ all in the name of the Lord Jesusj giving thanks to CBod, and the father by him. The Gospel. The Kingdoml of heaven is likened vnto a man, §. Mat. 13 which sowed good seed in his fieldi But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheatj and went his way. But when the blade was sprung iipj and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the housholder came and said vnto him. Sir, didst not thou soiif" good seed in thy fj|ld? from whence then hath it tares? hei said vnto them, an enemy hath done this. The servants said unto himj Wilt thou then that we| go| and gather them up? But he^ said, Nay| least while ye gather vp the tares, ye root vp also^ the wheats with them. Let both grow together 1. 5. In ''hymns", an "i" altered into the "y". 1. 15. In "up", a "v" altered into the '^u". 1. 22. In "^up", a '* v" altered into the "u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 17. householder. 22. lest. 1. 22. lest. (177) Epiph. Sunday, vi. \Titil the harvest; and in the time of han'est I will say to the Reapers, Gather ye together first the tares J and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barni. 100/ The sixth Sunday after the Epiphany The CoUect. O God, whose blessed son| was manifested, that he^ might destroy the works of the de^-iij and make lis the sons of (J5od and heiris of eternal life I Gran^t vs | we^ beseech thee, that having this hope, we^ may purifie ourselves even as heiis pure j that when hei shall appear^ again! with power and great glory, we^ may bei made like unto him in his eternal and glorious King- doms, where with thee, O father, and thee, o ever holy Ghost, hey liveth and reigneth one dDod world without endi Amen. The Epistle .i.s. John. 3.1. Behold J what manner of love the father hath bestowed vpon iisj that we^ should be^ called the sons of godS therefore the world knoweth vs not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we^ the sons of 0odj and it doth not yet 1, 1. In "time", a "y" altered into the ''i". 1. 5. The 103rd page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 6. The 104th page of the MS. Book commences with the words "The sixth' 1. 8. " O God" written in an engrossing character. 1. 10. In "us", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 15. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 21. In "us", a "v" altered into the "u". (178) Epiph. Sunday vi appearl what we^ shall be^: but we| know that when he^ shall appearfj we| shall be^ like him } for wee shall see him as he isi And every man that hath this hope in him, puriiieth himself |j even as he^ is pure. Whosoever comitteth sinfi^ transgresseth also^ the law : for sin is the trans- gression of the lawi And ye know that he| was manifested to take away our sinfs J and in him is no sini Whosoever abideth in him sineth not : Whosoeuer sineth hath not seen| himj neither known himi Little Childrenj let no| man de- e ceivi you, he^ that dolth righteousness|i is righteousj even as hee is righteousi He| that comitteth sin is of the devil : for the devil sineth from the beginingi ffor this purpose the son of God was manifested^ that he| might destroy the works of the devili The 101/ The Gospel. Then if any man shall say vnto youj Lo here s. Mat. 24.23. e is Christ or there : believi it noti ffor there shall A arise false Christs and false Prophets^ and shall shew great signisi and wonders \ insomuch that 1. 13. In *'even", a *'u" altered into the "v". 1. 19. The 105th page of the MS. Book commences with the words "The Gospel." U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 12. doeth. I. 12. doeth. (179) Epiph. Sunday vi e (if it were possible) they shall deceivi the very elect. Beholdj I haTe told you before. Where- forei if they shall say vnto youj Behold, he^ is in the desert, goi not forth ; Behold, he^ is in the secret chambers, believe it noti ffor as the lightyning cometh out of the east and shineth even vnto the west: soy shall also| the com|iing of the son of man be^. iFor wheresoever the carcase is, there will the Eagles be^ gathered together. Imediately after the tribulation of those daijs, shall the sun be dark|ned, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be^ shakeni And then shall appear| the sign of the son of man in heaven ■ and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn^ and they shall e sei the son of man comliing in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And hei shall send his Angells with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four windsj from one end of heaven to the otheri The Sunday called Septuagesima, or the third Sunday before Lent. The Collect. O Lord, wei beseech thee favourably to hear^ the prayers of thy peoplcj that we^ who are 1. 2. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 11. In " daijs", the '' j" written on an " e". 1. 26. In " favourably", a " u" altered into the " v". (180) Septuagesima justly punished§ for our offences j may be| mer- cifully delivered by thy goodnessij for the glory of thy name J through Jesus Christ our Saviouri 102 / who liveth and reigneth with thee and the holy Ghost ever one (Bodj world without endi Ameni The Epistle Know ye not that they which run in a race, run 1. cor. 9. 24. all, but one receiveth the prize ? So run that ye may obtaiui And every man that strive th for the mastery, is temperate in all things ■ Now they doe it to obtaine a corruptible crownf, but wci an incorruptible. I therefore so run, not ainly; as vncert soe fight, I not as one that beateth the air| ■ But I keep! under my body, and bring it into subjection, lest that by any mean^s when I have preached to others j I my self | should be a cast^away. The Gospel. The Kingdom^ of heaven is like vnto a man s. Matt. 20. 1. that is an housholder, which went out early in 1. 1. After "■ punished", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 4. The 105th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 5. The 106th page of the MS. Book, commences with the word ''who". 1. 10. In " obtain", an "e" altered into the "a". 1. 12. In ''obtaine", an "e" altered into the " a". 1. 15. In "under", a "v" altered into the " u". 1. 17. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". U. Pr, Q. Pr. 1. 21. householder. (181) Septuagesima e the morning to hire labourers into his Vinyard. And when hee had agreed with the labourers for a peny a day, he^ sent them into his V^^yardi And hel went out about the third hour3, and saw others standing idle in the marke|=place, and saith vnto them, Go ye also^ into the vine- yard, and whatsoever is right I will give yout ;3nd they went their! wayi Again hei went out about the sixth and ninth hour!, and did likewise! And about the elegventh hour^ he^ went out, and found others standing idle, and saith vnto themj Why stand ye here all the day idle ? They say vnto himj because no man hath hired vs. He^ saith vnto themj goi ye also^ into the vineyardj and whatsoever 103/ is e is rightj that shall ye receiv^i Soe when even was comej the Lord of the Vineyard saith \Tito his Steward^ call the labourers and give them theirl hire, begining from the last vnto the first. And when they came that were hired about the eleiventh hourgj they received every man a penyi But when the first came, they supposed that they should haTe received morej and they likewise received every man a penlyi And when they had received it they murmuired 1. 17. The 107th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " is rightj". 1. 24. In "have", a " u" altered into the " v". (182) Sexagesima man against the good nesse of the house, saying, These last have wrought but one houri, and thou hast made them equal vnto vs, which have born the burden and heat of the day. But hei answered one of them and said, friend, I not doe thee no wrong : didst thou agree with mee A for a penly ? Take that thine is, and go| thy way : I will give Mito this last even as vnto thee. Is it not lawfull for mei to do^ what I will with mine own! ? Is thine eye evill, be- cause I am good ? So^ the last shall be^ first, and the first last ■ for many be^ called, but few choseni The Sunday called Sexagesima or the second Sunday before Lent. The CoUect. O Lord Godj who seest that we^ put not our trust in any thing that we^ do^ | mercifully grant that by thy power we| may bei defended against all adversity, through Jesus Christ our Lordi Amen. The 104/ The Epistle. Ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye your selves are 2. Cor. 11. 19 1. 3. In *'have", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 23. The 108th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The Epistle." 1. 24. In "selves", a *^u" altered into the 'W". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 4. borne. 1. 4. borne. (183) Sexagesima wise. fFor ye suffer if a man bring you into bondage^ if a man devour^ you, if a man take of you, if a man exalt himselfe, if a man smite you on the face 5 I speak as concern^ing reproach, as though wee had been^ weak^ ! Howbeit, where in soever any is bold (I speak foolishly) I am bold alsoli Are they Hebrew |s ? Soe am I : are they Israelites ? soe am I ■ are they the seed of Abraham ? soe am I ■ are they Ministers of Christ? (I speak as a fool) I am more: in labours more abundant j in stripes above mea- sure I in prisons more frequent | in deaths ofti Of the Jewis five times received I forty stripes save one. Thrice was I beaten with rodsi Once was I stoned. Thrice I suffered shipwrack.. A night and a day I have beene in the deep! S in e . ? journying often, in perils of waters j in perils of e robbers | in perills by mine own^ Country =men } in perills by the heathen ) in perills in the Ci|y} in perils in the wildernesslj in perils in the seaf in perils among false brethren j in weariness^ and painfulness^j in watchings often J in hunger and thirst I in fastings often j in cold and nakedness| \ besides those things that are without, that which Cometh vpon me dailyj the care of all the 1. 14. In "save", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 16. In ** have", a ** u" altered into the "v". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 17. journeying!?. (184) Sexagesima Churches. OTho is weakj and I am not weak ? Who is offended, and I burn not ? If I must needs gloryj I will glory 105/ of of the things which concerne mine infirmitiesi The CBod and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for evermore, knoweth that I lie iye not. The Gospel. When much people were gathered together, s. Luke. 8. 4. and were come to him out of every Cilyj he^ spake by a parable j A Sower went out to sow his seed! and as he| sowed, some fell by the way side, and it was trod|en down^, and the fowls of air the III devoured iti And some fell vpon a rock, and as soon^ as it was sprung vpj it withered away ; because it lacked nioisturei x\nd some fell among thorn|s, and the thorn|s sprang vp with it, and choked itj And other fell on good groundj and sprang vp, and bare fruit an hundred=fold. And when he^ had said these things, he^ cried. He that hath earfs to hear let him heari And his disciples asked him, saying. What might this parable be^? And he^ said, unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdome of God ■ 1. 5. The 109th page of the MS. Book oomraences with the words ''of the". 1. 19. After "ground", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 24. In " unto", a ''v" altered into the "u". 1. 23. In *' mysteries", an '' i" altered into the ''y". O (185) Quinquagesima. ey but to others id parables ; that seing that might A A not see, and hearing they might not vnderstand. Now the parable is thisj The seed is the word of God. Those by the way^side are they that hear; then Cometh the devil ij and taketh away the word out of their^ hearts, lest they should believ^ and beH saved. They on the rockj are e they, which when they hear receivl] the word A with joyj and these have no root, which for a e while believ^j and in time of temptation fall away. And that which fell among thornlsf are *'^^ .««/ which when they have heardj go^ forth, and are choked with cares and richesj and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection. But that on the good ground, are they, which in an| honest and good heart, havi ing heard the word, keep! itj and bring forth fruit with patience. The Sunday called Quinquagesimaj or the next Sunday before Lent. The Collect. O Lord, who hast taught us, that all our 1. 3. After "this", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 7. In "believe", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 7. In " saved", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 9. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 13. The 109th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 14. The 110th page of the MS. Book commences with the word " which' 1. 18. In " havBng", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 23. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". (186) Quinquagesima. doings without charity are nothing worth | send thy holy Ghostj and pour^ into our hearts that most excellent gift of charity^ the very bond of peace and of all vertues, without which whosoever liveth is counted dead before thc§«j Grant this for thine only son Jesus Christs sakci Amen. The Epistloi Though I speak wdth the tongues of men and of of i Cor. 13. 1. angells, and haue not charity, I am become as sounding brass^, or a tinykling Cymball. And though I haTe the gift of prophesie, and under- stand all mysteries, and all knowledge] j And though I haTC all faithj so'^ that I could remove mountain' ^s J and haTe no^ charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be^ burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity sufFereth longj and is kind; charity envieth not ; charity vaunteth not it self^j is not puffed iipj doth not behave itself vnseemly, seeketh not her ownLj is loy/ is not easily provoked, thinketh no evilf. 8. " of of ", sic orig. 10. In '' CymbaU", an "i" altered into the "y". 11. In ''have", a " u" altered into the "v". 12. In ^'mysteries", an "v^ altered into the "y". 13. In "have", a '"u" altered into the "v". 14. In "have", a ''u" altered into the "v". 17. In "have" a '^u" altered into the "v". 20. In "up", a "v" altered into the "u". 20. In "behave", a " u'' altered into the "v". 23. The 111th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " is not". O 2 (187) Quinquagesima rejoyceth not in iniquity, but rejoyceth in the truth j beareth all thingsj believeth all things, hopeth all things, cudureth all things. Charity never faileth, but whether there bee Prophesies §hey shall failej whether there bee tonguesj they shall cease 5 whether there be^ knowledg, it shall vanish away, ffor wee^ know in part J and well prophesie in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be"" done away. When I was a Child I spake as a Child, I understood as a Child, I thought as a Child j But when I became a manj I put away childish thingsi ffor now wee' see through a glass • darkly; but then face to face: Xow I know in part J but then shall I know even as also^ I am known. And now abide th faith, hope, charity, these three 5 but the greatest of these is charity. The Gospel. s.LuVei8.3i. Then Jesus took^' Mito him the twelve and said ^mto themj Beholdj we. goe vp to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the son of man shall be. accom- plishedi ffor hej shall he] delivered vnto the Gentiles, and shall be mockedj and spitefully entreatedj and spitted oni 3nd they shall e scourgl him, and put him to death) and the third day hee shall rise again '■ And they Mider- 1. 4. In '' never'', a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 11. In "understood", a '-'v" altered into rhe " u". (188; Quiiiquagesima stood none of these things: and this saijng was hid from them, neither knew they the things which were spokeni And it came to passej that as he^ was come nigh vnto Jericho, A certaine bhnd man sa| by los/ s by the way-side beging : And hearing the mul- titude pass^ by, he asked what it meant. And they told him, that Jesus of Nazareth passeth byi And heS criedj saying, Jesus thou son of Davidj have mercy on me|. And they which went before rebuked him, that he^ should hold his peace S l^ut he^ cried soli much the more, Thou son of Davidj haTc mercy on meii And Jesus stood and comaunded him to bee brought vnto him: and when he^ was come near, he^ asked him, saying. What wilt thou that I should do^ unto thell ? And hee said| Lordj that I may receivl my sighti And Jesus said itnto him, Eeceivl thy sight j thy faith hath saved thee. And imediately he| received his sight, and followed himj glorifying Cod! and all the people w^hen they saw itj gave praise unto Godi 1. 1. "saijng", sic orig. 1. 7. The 112th page of the MS. Book commences with the word " by". 1. 11. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 13. In "cried", a "y" altered into the "i". 1. 14. In "have", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 16. In "near", an "e" altered into the "a". 1. 18. In "unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 19. After "sight", a comma altered into the semicolon, 1. 23. In "gave", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 23. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". (189) Ashwednesday The first day of Lent, comonly called Ashwednesdaji The Collect. Almighty and everlasting CDod, who hatest nothing that thou hast made and doL'st forgiv^ the sinjis of all them that are penitent J Create and make in vs new and contrite hearts j that we^ worthily lamenting our sin^sj and acknowledging our wretchedness^, may obtain^ of thecj the C^od of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness!, through Jesus Christ our Lordi Amen. This Collect is to be j read every day in Lentj after the Collect appointed for the day Thig 109/ fFor for the Epistle Joel. 2. 12. Turn ye even to me^j saith the Lordj with all your heartj and with fasting, and with weepings and with mourning. And rent your heartj and not your garments^ and turn \Tito the Lord your dDodi for hee is gracious and mercifulij slow to anger, and of great kindnesse, and repenteth him of the evil['i Who knoweth if hee will returnj and repent, and leav^ a blessing behind him, even a meat=ofFering and a drink ^offering vnto 1. 6. A.fter ''^ penitent", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 9. In "obtain^", an " e" altered into the "a". 1. 15. The 113th page of the MS. Book commences with the words ''for the' U. Pr. Q. Pr. 18. rend. 1. 18. rend. (190) Ashwednesday the Lord your (Bod? Blow the trumpe| in Zion, sanctifie a fastj call a solemni assembly, gather the people, sanctifie the congregation j assemble the elders, gather the Children, and those that suck the breasts ; lei the bridegroom goi forth of her his Chamber, and the bride out of ^i^^iJ closet j let the Priests, the Ministers of the Lord, weep between^ the porch and the altar, and le| them sayj Spare thy people j o Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them ■ wherefore should they say among the people, where is their! God? The Gospel. When Ye fast, be! not as the hypocrites, of a s. Matt. «. i6 sad countenance : for they disfigure their^ facesj that they may appear| iinto men to fast. tEerily I say vnto youj they have their| reward. But thou J when thou fas test j anoint thin^ headj and wash thy facej that thou appear^ not vnto men to fast, but vnto thy father which is in secret \ And thy father which seeth in secret^ shall re- ward thee openlvi Lay not 110/ tip for yourselues treasures vpon earth, where 1. 1. In "Zion", an "S" altered into the "Z". 1. 6. ''her", written in a different character, and upon a word which it has rendered undistinguishable. 1. 14. In "hypocrites", an "i" altered into the "j". 1. 16. In "unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 17. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 23. The 113th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 24. The 114th page of the MS. Book commences with the word "up", and in which a "v" has been altered into the "u". (191) The first Sunday in Lent -Lre iit Sunday i. moth and rust doth corrupt, and Avhere thieves break through and stealii But lay lap for your selves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corruptj and where thieves doi not break through nor steal !■ fFor where your treasure is, there will your heart bee alsoiJi The first Sunday in Lent. The Collect. O Lord, who for our sake didst fast forty days| and forty nights J Give lis grace to iise such abstinence | that our flesh being subdued to the Spirit J we^ may ever obey thy godly motions! in righteousness: j and true holinessij to thy honour and glory, who livest and reignest with the fatherj and the holy Ghostj one Godj world without end» Amen. The Epistle 2 Cor. 6. 1. Wee then as workers together with himj be- seech you alsoy that ye receivy not the grace of CDod in vain: J. (flfor heij saithj I have heard thee in a time acceptedj and in the day of Salvation have I succoured thee S Behold, now 1. 2. In ''up", a 'W altered into the "u". 1. 3. In *' selves", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 4. In "thieves", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 10. After "days", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 10. After "nights", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 10. In "Give", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 10. In "us", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 10. In " use", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 13. After "motions", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 19. In "receive", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 20. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 22. In " Salvation", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 22. In "have", a "u" altered into the " v". (192) The first Sunday in Lent is the accepted time j behold now is the day of saluationj) giving no offence in any thingj that the ministry be^ not blamed j but in all things approving our selves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tu- mults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings j by purenesse, by knowledge 111 linowledgej by long^suflferingj by kindness!, by the holy Ghostj by love unfeigned, by the word Ar of truthj by the power of God, by the ®mour of righteousnessll on the right hand, and on the leftj by honour and dishonour, by evilla report and good report) as deceivers^ and yet true j as vnknowni J and yet well known | as dyingj and behold wee livej as chastened^ and not killed J I as sorrowfully yet alway rejoycing ; as poorj yet mak|ing - many - many richj as hareing nothing, I aiitl yet possessing all things. \ The Gospel. i Then was Jesus led up of the SpiritJ into the s. Mat. 4. 1. 1. 4. In ''selves", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 7. After "fastings", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 10. The 115th page of the MS. Book commences with the word "knowledge' 1. 11. In ''unfeigned", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 14. After "left", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 15. After " report", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 17. After "killed", a comma altered into the semicolon. , 1. 19. After " rich", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 19. In "haveing", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 22. In " up", a "v" altered into the ''u". (193) The first Sunday in Lent. - Lent Sunday i. wilderness^j to be^ tempted of the devilii And when he^ had fasted forty days and forty nights, hel was afterward an hungred. And when the tempter came to him, hel said. If thou be^ the son of God, comaund that these stones bee made breadi But hel answered and saidj It is writtenj Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of CDod. Then the devill taketh him up into the holy Ciiy, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, and saith vnto him, If thou be^ the son of God, cast thyself! downy j for it is written, hei shall give his angels charge concerning thee, e and in their^ hands they shall bear the! up le^st ai any time thou dash thy foot^ against a stonci Jesus said vnto himj it is written again^. Thou shalt not tempt the HLord thy (Dodi Again the Devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountaini, and sheweth him all the Kingdomls of the world, and the glory 113 glory of them } and saith unto him. All these 1. 2. "hey^" much defaced. 1. 2. In " days", "ie" altered into the " y". 1. 7. In "live", a "u" altered into the *'v". 1. 9. In "up", a "v" altered into the "u'*. 1. 13. In "give", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 14. In "up", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 18. In "Devil", an "i" altered into the "e". 1. 18. In " up", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 22. The 116th page of the MS. Book commences with the word "glory' 1. 22. After "them", a comma altefed into thesemicolon. 1. 22. In " unto", a "v" altered into the "u",' (194) Lent Sunday, ij. ] things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall do^vnO \ and worship mej. Then saith Jesus unto him, j Get the^ hencej Satan ] for it is written, Thou I shalt worship the ilord thy Godj and him onlv : shalt thou servei Then the devil leaveth him, j and behold, Angels came and ministred vnto J him. 'j The second Simday in Lent, The CoUeet. Almighty Godj who seest that we/; hare no power of our selues to helpj our selves, Keep vs both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our soules, that we' ] may beef defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all euil ] thouo;hts which mav assault and hurt the soulj, through Jesus Christ our Lord. j Amen. | The Epistle We ibeseech you, brethren, and exhort you by i. xhes. 4. i. the Lord Jesusj Chnst that as ye^ haue received i of vs how you ought to walkQ, and to please 1 Ood, soef ye would abound more and more. j ffor ye know what comandHnients wej gave you 1 by the Lord Jesus, ffor this is the will of God, ; eyen your sanctification, that ye should abstain 1. 2 1. 5 1. 10 1. 11 1. 25 In ''unto", a '"v"' altered into the '^ u" In ** devil", an '"i" altered into the *' e' In "have", a *'u" altered into the "y". In "selves", a "u" altered into the " v' In " abstain", an "e" altered into the " U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 21. how ye ought. 1. 21. how ye ought. (195) Lent Sunday, ij. from fornication j that e|ery one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctificacon and honour J not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not dpod \ that noi man go^ beyond, and defraud his brother in any matter, because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also^ have forewarned you and testified, ffor (!3od 113 hath hath not called its vnto vncleanness^, but vnto holinesstj He^ therefore that dispiseth, despiseth not man, but (IDod§, who hath also^ given vnto vs his holy Spirit ■ The Gospel. S: Mat 15. 21 Jcsus wcut theucc, and departed into the Coasts of Tijre and Sidoni And behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same Coasts, and cried vnto him, saying, have mercy on me^j o Lord, thou son of David, my daughter is grievously vexed w^ith a devil. But he^ answered her not a w^ord. And his disciples came and besought him, sayingj send her away, for she| cryeth 1. After " fornication''^ a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. In "every", the "v" defaced by a blot. 3. After "honour", a comma altered into the semicolon. 4. After " God", a comma altered into the semicolon. 10. The 117th page of the MS. Book commences with the word "hath". 10. In "us", a "v" altered into the " u". 11. "dispiseth", sic orig. 17. In "Canaan", an *'n" altered into the first "a". 18. In "have", a " u" altered into the "v". 20. In "devil", an "i" altered into the "e". 22. In " cryeth", an '" i" altered into the "y". (196) Lent Sunday ij after iisi But he^ answered and said, I am not sent, but vnto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Then came she^ and worshiped him, saymg, Lord help! me^. But he^ answered and said. It is not meet to take the Childrens bread, and to cast it to dog|s. And she! said, truth j Lord ; yet the dogs eat^ of the crumbs which fall from their ^ masters table. Then Jesus an- swered and said vnto her, O woman, great is thy faith : be it vnto thee even as thou wilti 3nd her daughter was made w^hole from that very hour|. The third Sunday in Lent. The Collect. We| beseech thee, Almighty God, look^ vpon the hearty desires of thy humble servants, and stretch forth the right hand of thy Majest}'! to be^ our defence against all our enemiesj through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The 114: The Epistle Bel ye therefore followers of God, as dear^ Ephes. 5. i. Children 5 and walk in lovcj as Christ also hath loved iisj and hath given himself^ for its an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet^smell- 1. 1. In "us", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 2. In "house", the "h" slightly defaced hy a blot. 1. 18. In "enemies", an "i" altered into the "e". 1. 21. The 118th page of the MS, Book commences with the words " The Epistle". 1. 24. In "us", a "v" altered into the "n". (197) Lent Sunday, iij. ing savouri But fornicationj and all vncleanH^ nessi, or covetOousness^j leil it not be^ once named amongst you, as becometh Saints J nei- ther filthinessHj nor foolish talking, nor jestingj which are not convenient J but rather giving of thanksi ffor this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covet3ous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the king- dom! of Christj and of Godi Let no man| deceive you "with vain^ words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God vpon the Children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them J for ye were some times darkness^, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light ) (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness!, and righteousnesspj and truth) proving what is acceptable \Tito the ^ord. And have no fellowship with the vnfruitfull works of darkness^j but rather repro|ve them, ffor it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved J are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest, is light. Where- fore he3 saithj Awake thou that sleepestj and 1. 1. In "savour", a ** u" altered into the "v". 1. 3. After "Saints", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 5. After "convenient", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 10. In "deceive", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 13. In "partakers", an "e" altered into the "a". 1. 18. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 4. foolish-talking, (198) Lent Sunday, iij. arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light: The Gospel. Jesus was easting out a devilj and it was S: Luke, ii.u dumbi And it came to pass^ when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake J and 115 and the people wondred. But some of them e said, he casteth out devils through Belzebub, A the chief^ of the devils. And other tempting himj sought of him a sign^ from heaven. But he^ knowing their^ thoughts, said unto them| every kingdom! divided against it self^, is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a housej falleth. If Satan also^ be divided against himself^, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils e e through Belzebub. And if I by Belzebub cast out devils, by whom do^ your sons cast them out? therefore shall they be| your Judges, but if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no u debt the Kingdom | of (IDod is come vpon you. 1. 4. In "devil", an "i" altered into the "e". 1. 5. In "devil", an "i" altered into the "e". 1. 8. The 119th page of the MS. Book commences with the word "and". 1. 10. In "chief;^", an " e" altered into the "i". 1. 12. In "unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 17. In "devils", an "i" altered into the " e". 1.22. In " come", the " e" in smaller character. ■ • U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 10. others, tempting, 1. 10. others, tempting. (199) Lent Sunday, iij When a strong man armed keepetli his palace, his goods are in peace | but when a stronger then he^ shall come vpon him, and overcome him, he^ taketh from him all his armour wherin hei trusted, and divideth his spoil si He^ that is not with me^, is against me^: And he^ that gathereth not wdth me|, scatterethi When the vnclean spirit is gone out of a man, he^ walketh through dry places, seeking restj and finding none, he saith, I will rettirnl itnto my house, whence I came out: And when he cometh, he| findeth it swept and garnishedi Then goeth he^ and taketh to him seaven other Spirits more wicked than himself^, and they enter in, and dwell there \ and the last state of that man is worse then the first. And it came to pass^ as he| spake these things, a certain! woman of the company lift vp her voice J and said vnto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. But he^ said, yea, rather blessed are the}" that hear| the word of God and keep iU The 116 The fourth Sunday in Lent The Collect. Grant, we^ beseech thee, Almighty God, that 1. 2. After ''peace", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 10. In "unto", a ''v" altered into the "u". 1. 14. In *Hhan", an "e" altered into the "a". 1. 24. The 120th page of the MS. Book commences with the words '^The fourth". (200) Lent Sunday, jv. weij who for our evill deeds doi worthily deserve to bei punished, by the comfort of thy grace may mercifully be relieved, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christi Amen. The Epistle. Tell me, ye that desire to bel vnder the law, Gai. 4. 21, do^ ye not hear^ the law? ffor it is written j that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bond=maid, the other by a free=woman. But he^ who was of the bondswoman, was born after the fleshy but he^ of the free=woman was by promise^ ^hich things are an allegory S for these are the two Covenants; the one from the Mount Sinai, which gendreth to bondage, which is Agar, ifor this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is and is in bondage with her childrena But Jerusalem which is above is free ; which is the mother of lis alli ffor it is written. Rejoice thou barren that bearest not J break forth and cry, thou that i travallest notp for the desolate hath many moe A children, then she! which hath an husband. Now we^, brethren J as Isaacji was, are the children of promisci But as then 5 he^ that was born after the flesh, persecuted him that was born after the Spirit J even so it is now. Never 1. 10. After "flesh", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 18. In "us", a "v" altered into the "u". (201) Lent Sunday, jv. thelessej what saith the Scripture? Cast out the bond-woman and her son J for the son of the e bondswoman shall not be| heir with the son of the free=woman. So^ then, brethren, we^ are not children of the bond=woman, but of the free. 117 The The Gospel S: John. 6. 1. Jesus wcnt over the Sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias. And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he^ did on them that were diseased. And Jesus went lip into a mountain, and there he^ sati with his disciples. And the passoverj a feast of the Jew|sj was nigh. When Jesus then Uft up his eyes, and saw a great company come iinto him, he^ saith vnto Phil|ip, Whence shall we^ buy bread that these may eat? (And this he^ said to prove himj for he^ himself^ knew what he^ would do^) Philip answered him, two hundred peny=worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a littlei One of his disciplesj Andrewj Simon Peters brother^ saith vnto him, There is a lad herej e which hath five barlyJoaves, and two small 2. After *'son", a comma altered into the semicolon. 7. The 121st page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The Gospel". 12. In ''us", a "v" altered into the '' u". 15. In "up", a "v" altered into the " u". 16. In "unto", a "■ v" altered into the " u". 20. "peny»worth", sic orig., with an "i' (202) Lent Sunday, jv. fishes: but what are they among so^ many? And Jesus said, make the men sii down|i ^ow there was much grass^ in the place. So the men sat downj in number about five thousand. And Jesus took the loavesj and when h^e had given thanks, he^ distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down^, and hkewise of the fishes as much as they would. When they were filledj he^ said unto his disciples, gather wp the fragments thatremain|, that nothing be^ lost. Therfore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with e the fragments of the five barlyJoavesj which A remained over and above vnto them that had eaten. Then those menj when they had seen^ the miracle that Jesus did, said. This is of a truth that Prophet that should come into the worldi The Its The fifth Sunday in Lent. The Collect. We| beseech thee, Almighty God, mercifully to look Mpon thy people J that by thy great good- ness! they may be| governed and preserved evermore, both in body and soul^, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 1. 9. In "unto"^ a 'W altered into the ^'u". 1. 10. In "up", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 19. The 122nd page of the MS, Book commences with the words " The fifth' 1. 22. In "upon", a "v" altered into the '* u". P 2 (203) Lent Sunday, v. The Epistle. Heb. 9. 11. Christ being come an high Priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect taber- nacle, not made ^vith hands J that is to sayj not of this building; neither by the bloiad of goatis and cal^esj but by his own^ bloitd he^ entred in once into the holy placej havSing obtstined eternal redemption for itsi ffor if the blo^d of bulls, and of goatsj and the ashes of an heifer sprinikling the vncleanO, sanctifieth to the purifying of the fleshj how much more shall the bloitd of Christ, who through the eternall Spirit, offei'lcd himself^ without spot to dDod, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living dDod? And for this cause hei is the mediatour of the new Testament, that by meanis of deathjfor the redemption of the transgressions that were vnder the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eter- nal! inheritance! The Gospel. S.John. 8. 46 Jesus Said, which of you convinceth me^ of sin? And if I say the truth, why do^ ye not believe 1. 4. After " hands", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 5. In "bloud", an " o" altered into the "u". 1. 6, In ''calves", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 6. In "bloud", an "o" altered into the "u". 1. 7. In "having", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 7. In '* obtained", an " e" altered into the '^' a". 1. 8. In "'ns", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 8. In '^bloud", an "o" altered into the "n". 1. 12. In "bloud", an '' o" altered into the "u". 1. 20. In ** inheritance", the "in" in a smaller character. 1. 23. In ** believe", a "u" altered into the "v". (204) Lent Sunday, v. me^? He^ that is of (!Dod, heareth dDods words J ye therfore hear them notj because ye are not of God. Then answered the Jewisj and said unto himj that Say we^ not well, thou art a Samaritan j and hast a devil? Jesus answered^ I liaTe not a devil 5 but I honour my father, and ye doi dishonour me^i And I seek^ not mine own glory 5 there is one that seeketh and judgethi Verily, verily, I say vnto you. If a man keep^ my saying, he^ shall never sei death. Then said the Jewis unto him, now we|| know that thou hast a devih Abraham is dead, and the Prophets 5 And thou sayest. If a man keep^ my saying, he^ shall neTer tast^' of death. Art thou greater then our father Abraham, which is dead: And the Prophets are dead ■■ w^hom makes t thou thyself I? Jesus answered, If I honour my self!, my honour is nothing! it is my father that honoureth mcj of whom ye say, that hei is your (Bod | yet ye have not known him ; but I 119 X ^ Then' 1. 4. The 122nd page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 5 The 123rd page of the MS. Book commences with the word I. 5. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". II. 5, 6. A cross in pencil appears in the outer margin. 1. 7. In "have", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 8. After "devil", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 12. In "never";, a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 13. In "unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 16. In "never", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 20. After "nothing", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 22. After " God", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 22. In "have", a "u" altered into the " v". (205) Lent Sunday, v. know him: And if I should say, I know him not, I shall be^ a lyar like unto you ; but I know him, and keep! his sayingi Your father Abra- ham rejoyced to see my day, and he^ saw it, and was glad. Then said the Jew^s vnto him, thou art not yet fifty yearls old, and hast thou seeni Abraham? Jesus said unto them. Verily, verily^ I say unto you, before Abraham was, I ami Then took| they up stones to cast af him : but Jesus hid himself |, and went out of the Templei The Sunday next before Easter. The CoUect. Almighty and everlasting Godj who of thy tender love towards mankind j hast sent thy son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, to take vpon him our flesh, and to suffer death upon the cross|, that all mankind should follow the 120 the example of his great humility J Mercifully may grant that we^ both follow the example of his patience J and alsoe be^ made .ptakers of his resurrection^ through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 1. 2. In "unto", a "v" altered into the ''u". 1. 7. In " unto", a " y" altered into the "u". 8. After "verily", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 8. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 9. In " up", a " v" altered into the " u". 17. In "upon"- a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 20. The 124th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " the example". (206) Sunday before Easter The Epistle Let this mind be^ in you, which was also in Pbu. 2. 5. Christ Jesus : who being in the fbrm| of Cl3od, thought it not robltery to bei equal with ©od ■ but made himself I of no reputation, and took^ eipon him the form^ of a servant 5 and was made in the likeness^ of men : And being found in fashion as a man, he^ humbled himself^j and became obedient vnto death, even the death of the cross|. Wherefore (II3od also^ hath highly exalted him, and g'iven him a namej which is above every name \ that ai the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heavenj and things in earthj and things Mnder the earth j and that every tongue should confess| that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of dDod the father. The Gospel. When the mornling was come, all the chief | s. Mat. 27. 1. Priests and elders of the people took^ counsell against Jesusj to put him to deathi And when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the Governour. Then Judas who had betrayed him, when he^ saw that he^ was condemned, repented himself^j 1. 6. In ^*upon", a *'v" altered into the ''u". 1. 9. In " even",' a ''u" altered into the "\". 1. 11. In *' given", a '' j" altered into the " g". 1. 12. In "every", a "u" altered into the '' v". 1. 12. After " name", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 14. In "under", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 14. After "earth", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 18. In " chief g", "ei" altered into the "ie". 1. 20. In "put", the " p" blotted. (207) Sunday before Easter and brought again^ the thh'ty pieces of silver to the chiefs Priests and elders j saying, I have sinned J in that I have betrayed the innocent bloiid» And they said, what is that to lis ? see thou to 121 that that. And he^ cast down^ the pieces of silver in the templej and departed, and went and hanged himself^ And the chief S Priests took|| the silver pieces, and said, it is not lawfull for to put them into the treasurj^j because it is the price of blo^tda And they took counsel} and bought with them the Potters f|eld to bury strangers in S wherefore that f|eld was called the field of bloud unto this dayt (Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the Prophet, sayingj And they took the thirty pieces of Silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the Children of Israel did valuej and 1. 1. In "pieces", an ''e" altered into the "i". 1. 1. In ''silver", a "u" altered into the " v". 2. In "chiefH'', "ei" altered into the "ie". 2. In "have", a " u" altered into the " v". 3. In "betrayed", an "i" altered into the "y". 4. In "bloud", a " v" altered into the "u". 4. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 7. The 125th page of the MS. Book commences with the word " that. 7. In '' pieces" an "e" altered into the "i". 9. In " chiefy", "ei" altered into the "ie". 10. In " silver", a " u" altered into the " v". 10. In "pieces", an "e" altered into the "i". 12. In "bloud", an "o" altered into the "u". 12. In '' counsel", a "c" altered into the " s". 15. In "field", "ei" altered into the "ie". 15. In "unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 17. In "pieces", " ei" altered into the "ie". 18. In "silver", a "u" altered into the "v". (208) Sunday before Easter gave them for the potters f ieldj as the Lord had appointed meil) And Jesus stood before the governourj and the governour asked him, saying, art thou the King of the Jew^s ? And Jesus said itnto him, thou saiesti And when he^ was accused of the chief! Priests and elders, he^ answered nothing. Then saieth Pilate vnto him, hearest thou not how many things they witness^ against the| ? And hei answered him to never a word, insomuch that the Governour marvelled greatlyi Now al that feast the go- vernour was wont to release ttnto the people^ a prisonerj whom they wouldi And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbasi Ther- fore when they were gathered together^ Pilate said itnto them, whom will ye that I release itnto you ? Barrabbas or Jesus, which is called Christ ? ffbr he| knew that for envy they had delivered him. When he^ was set down^ on the Judgment seat, his wife sent tinto himj saying, have thou nothing to do^ with that just man : 1. 1. In ''gave", a '^ u" altered into the " v". 1. 1. In "field", ''ei" altered into the "ie". 1. 3. After " governour", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 5. In "^unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 10. lu "never", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 12. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 16. In '' unto", a "v" altered into the " u". 1. 17. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 20. In " unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 21. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 22. The 125th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. (209) Sunday before Easter for I have suffered many things this day in a dream ^ because of him. But the chief^ Priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask| Barabbasj and destroy Jesus. The Governour answered and said unto them, Whe- ther of the twain will ye that I release unto you ? They said Barabbasi Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do| then with Jesusj which is called Christ ? They all say vnto him. Let him be| crucifiedi And the Governour said, Whyj what evill hath hei done? but they cried out the morej saying, let him bee crucified. When Pilate saw that he^ could prevail^ nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he^ took! waterj and washed his hands before the mul- titude, saying, I am innocent of the bloud of this just person : see ye to itt Then answered all the people^ and said, his bloud be! on usj and on our children ■ Then leleased he| Barab- bas unto them S And when hei had scourged Jesus, he| delivered him to be^ crucifiedi Then u the Soldiers of the Governour took| Jesus into the A CoAon Hall, and gathered unto him the whole u band of Soldierst And they stripped himj and 1. 1. The 126th page of the MS. Book commences with the word "for' 1. 1. In " have", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 5. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 6. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 7. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 18. In "us", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 20. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 23. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". (210) Sunday before Easter put on him a scarlet robei 3nd ^yhen they had platted a crownH of thorn^'^sj they put it upon his headj and a a reed in his right hand ■ and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked saying, Haile ; king of the Jewjs. And thej spi] \^on himj and tookp' the Eeed, and smote him on the headi And after that they had r mocked him, they took^ the Lobe of from him, and put his own^ raiment on him, and led him away to ciaicifie him. And as they came outj they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name' him they compelled to bearp' his cross^. And when they were come unto a place called 123 Golgotha, c Golgotha, that is to sayj a place of a sJuUj they gave him Yineger to drink 'j mingled with gall : and when he^ had tasted thereof, hep' would not di'ink^'i And they crucified himj and parted his garments, casting lots : that it might be^ ful- filled, w^hich was spoken by the Prophet, they parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lotst And sitting down^ 1. 2. In "upon", a "\" altered into the "u". 1. 3. "a a reed", sic orig. 1. 8. " or', sic orig. 1. 9. In "own^", the '^"o" retouched with darker ink. 1. 11. In " Cyrene", an "i" altered into the "j". 1. 11, In "^ Simon", a '"v" altered into the "i". L 11. After '^' name", a period altered into the colon. 1. 13. In '^unto", a •' v" altered into the "u". 1. 15. The 127th page of the MS. Book commences with the word "Golgotha' 1. 21. In " upon", a " v" altered into the "u". (211) Sunday before Easter they watched him there j and set up over his head his accusation written, This is Jesus the King of the JewHs. Then were there two thieves crucified with him! one on the right handj and another on the left. And they that passed byi and reviled him, wagging their^ heads, saying, Thou that destroyest the Temple, and buildest it in three daies, save thy self^S if thou be^^ the son of (Dod, come down from the crossyg Likewise alsoLj the chief J Priests mocking himj with the Scribes and elders, said, he^ saved othersj him- selfe he^ cannot save: If hey beQ the King of Israel let him now come down ] from the cross|, and we^ will believe him S He trusted in God S let him deliver him now if he will haue him : for helj said, I am the son of God. The thieves also^ which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth. Now from the sixth hour! there was darknessOi over all the ea?th: landj unto the ninth hourJ^i And about the ninth hourg, i Jesus cr^ed with a loud voicej saying Eli, Eli, lama Sabachthani ? that is to say. My Godj my God, why hast thou forsaken me ? Some of them that stood there, when they heard thatj 1. 1. In "up", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 3. In '* thieves", an " e" altered into the "i". 1. 8. In "save", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 10. In "chief!", "ei" altered into the "ie". 1. 11. In " saved", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 12. In "save", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 19. In "unto", a *' v" altered into the " u". (212) Sunday before Easter said, This man calleth for Eliasi And straight- way one of them ran, and took! a spunge and filled it with vineger, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drinki. The rest said, let befj let ^ts see whether Elias will come to save himi Jesus when he^ X24: he^ had cried again with a loud voice yielded vp the ghost. And behold, the vail of the Temple was rent in twain! from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quakej and the rocks rent, and the graves were opened, and many bodies of Saints which slept, arose, and came out of the graves, after his resurrection, and went into the holy Ciiy, and appeared itnto manyi Now when the Centurionj and they that were with him, watching Jesusj saw the earth^quake, and those things that were donej they feared greatly, say- ing. Truly this was the son of God. Munclay before Easter, for the Epistle. Who is this that cometh from Edom, with isai. 63. i. dyed garments from Bof rah ? this that is glo- rious in his apparell, traveling in the greatness^ 1. 1. In "straight-''^ an "e" altered into the " a". 1. 3. In ^'vineger", an ''a." altered into tlie " e'\ 1. 5. In "us", a "v" altered into the '^u". 1. 5. In ''save", a *'u" altered into the "v". 1. 8. The 128th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " hej? had". 1. 8. In "yielded", " ei" altered into the " ie". 1. 15. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 20. "Munday before Easter." written in an engrossing character. 1. 21. f'for the Epistle." written in an engrossing character. (213) Munday before Easter of his strength ? I that speak in righteousness^^, mighty to save. Wherfore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the Wine=fat? I have troden the wine-^press^ alone, and of the people there was none with me^i I fFor I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury, and their! blond shall be^ sprinlkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raimenti ffor the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year^ of my redeemed is come. And I looked and there was none to help^J and I wondred that there was none to uphold : therfore mine own! arm! brought sal- vation unto me, and my fury it ftpheld mei And I will tread down| the people in mine anger J and make them drunlk in my fury, and I will bring down| their ^ strength to the earth. I will mention the loving kindnesses of the Lord, and the praises of the Lordj according to all that X35 the the Lord hath bestowed on lis, and the great goodness! towards the house of Israel, which he^ hath bestowed on them, according to his 1. 2. In "save", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 4. In " have", a *'u" altered into the " v". 1. 7. In **bloud", an "o" altered into the ^'u". I. 8. In "upon", a "v" altered into the "u". I. 13. In "uphold", a "v" altered into the " u". II. 13, 14. In ^' salvation", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 14. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 14. In "upheld", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 21. The 129th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " the Lord' 1. 21. In "us", a "v" altered into the "u". (214) Munday before Easter mercies, and according to the multitude of his loving kindnesses, ffor he^ said, surely they are i my people, children that will not l^^e : so^ he^ was their! Saviouri In all their affliction, he^ was afflicted, and the Angel of his presence saved them : in his love, and in his pi|y he^ redeemed them, and he^ bare them, and carried them all the daijs of old. But they rebelledj and vexed his holy Spirit, therfore he^ was turned to be^ their enemy, and he^ fought against them. Then he^ remembred the dails of old, Moses and his people| saying, Where is he^ that brought them up out of the sea with the Shep- he/(rd of his flock? where is hei that put his holy Spirit within him ? that led them by the right hand of Moses, with his glorious arm|j di\dding the water before them, to make him- self^ an everlasting Name? That led them through the deep as an horse in the wilderness^, that they should not stumble ? as a beast goeth down into the valle|, the Spirit of the Lord caused him to rest : so didst thou lead thy people, to make thyself^ a glorious Name. Look down! from heaven, and behold from the habitation of thy hohness^, and of thy glory : Where is thy zeal, and thy strength, the sounding of thy bow els j and of thy mer- 1. 5. Tn ''saved", a ''u" altered into the ''v". 1. 13. In "up", a 'W" altered into the "u". (215) Miinday before Easter cies towards me| ? are they restrained ? Dowbt- less^ tlioii art our father, though Abraham be^ ignorant of Ms, and Israel acknowledge las not : Thou o Lord J art our father, our Kedeemer, thy name is from everlasting. O Lord, why hast thou made lis to erre from thy ways | and hardened our heart from thy fear ? Eeturn for thy servants sake, the tribes of thine in- heritance! The people of thy holiness^ have possessed it but a little while : our Adversaries have troflden down thy sanctuaryi Wee are thincj thou neuer bearest rule over them ; they were not called by thy namci the 126 s.MarTc.14. 1 The Gospel. After two dayis was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread! and the chtef^ priests and the Scribes sought how they might take him by craft J and put him to death ■ But they said, Not on the feast=day leflst there be! an itprore of the peoplci And being in Bethany^ in the 1. 3. In each ''us", a 'W altered into the ''u". 1. 6. In ''us", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 9. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 11. In "have", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 15. The 130th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The Gospeh" 1. 16. "After" written in an engrossing character. 1. 20. In "uprore", a " v" altered into the "u". U. Pr, Q. Pr. 1. 7. hearts. 1. 7. hearts. 1. 12. barest. 1. 12. barest. (210) Munday before Easter i house of Srmon the Lepei'j as he^ sat at meat, there came a woman, haveing an Alabaster =box of ointment of Spikenard, very precious, and shee^ brake the box, and poured it on his head. And there were some that had mdignation within themselves, and said, why was this wast^ of the ointment made ? for it might have been sold for more then three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor S and they murmuired against her. And Jesus said. Let her alone, why trowble you her? Shee hath wrought a good work on melfi ffor ye have the poor with you always, and whensoeuer ye willj ye may doe them good I but me^ ye have not alwaysi She| hath done what she| could : she! is come afbrehand to anoint my body to the burj^ing. Verily I say unto you, wheresoever this Gospel shall be^ preached throughout the whole world, this also^ that she! hath done shall bee^ spoken of for a memorial of her. And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went vnto the chtef^ Priests to betray him itnto thenii And when they heard itj they were glad, and promised to give him mony. 1. 2. In '• haveiiig", sic orig., with a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 6. In " themselves", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 7. In " have", a " u" altered into the *' v". 1. 8. In *' have", a "u" altered into the **v". 1. 12. In "have", a *'u" altered into the *'y". 1. 14. In "have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 17. In " unto", a *' v" altered into the '* u". 1. 21. In *' chief>!^", " ei" altered into the "ie". 1. 22. In " unto", a "v" altered into the " u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 11. ye. * 1. 11. ye. Q " (217) Munday before Easter And he^ sought how he^ might conveniently betray him. And the first day of vnleavened bread, when they killed the passoverj his dis- ciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that wei go^ and prepare, that thou mai|st eati the passover? And he^ sendeth forth two of his disciples, 127 and e saith unto themj go^ ye into the Cily, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water : follow himi And "whersoever he^ shall go^ inj say ye to the good^man of the house, the Master saith. Where is the Guest-chamber^ where I shall eat^ the passover with my disciples ? And hei will shew you a large iipper=room furnished^ and prepared^ there make ready for iisi And his disciples went fbrthj and came into the Cit|y, and found as hei had said unto them ■ And they made ready the passoveri And in the evening he^ cometh with the twelve. And as they sat, and did eat|, Jesus saidj verily I say linto youj one of you which eateth with me^| shall betray me. And they began to be^ sorrow- full, and to say unto him, one by one. Is it I ? 1. 4. In *'unto", a 'W altered into the "u". 1, 9. The 131st page of the MS. Book commences with the word "saith", thus omitting " and", which is given as a catch- word in the preceding page. 1. 9. In *' unto", a 'W altered into the ''u". 1. 15. In "upper^room", a " v" altered into the ''u". 1. 16. In *'us", a *^v" altered into the "u". 1. 18. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 22. In "unto", a "^v" altered into the "u". , 1. 24. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". (218) Munday before Easter and another saidj Is it I ? And he^ Answered and said unto them, It is one of the twelve that dilpeth with me in the dish. The son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him : but wo to that man by whom the son of man is betrayed ■ good were it for that man if hei had never been borni And as they did eat, Jesus took bread, and blessedj and brake it, and gave to them, and said, take, eat^ ■ this is my bodyi And he^ took the Cupi And when he^ had given thanksj he^ gave it to them : and they all drank| of it. And he^ said unto themj this is my blond of the new Testament which is shed for many. Verily I say unto you, I will drink| no more of the fruit of the vine iintill that day that I drink! it new in the Kingdome of God. And when they had sung an Hymn, they went out into the Mount of Olives I And Jesus saith unto them. All ye shall be^ offended because of me^ this night: for it is written, I will smite the Shepherd j and the sheep shall bee scattered. But after that I am risen, I will go^ before you into Ga|]ilee. But 138 'unto", a "v" altered into the ''^u". " twelve", a '' u" altered into the *^v". '^ betrayed", an "i" altered into the "y". ''never", a " u" altered into the "v". '' gave", a '' u" altered into the '^^ v". ■'gave", a "u" altered into the '^v". ■'^unto", a '^^ v" altered into the '^'^u". "blond", an " o" altered into the "u". "unto", a '* v" altered into the "u". "untill", sic orig., with a " v" altered into the "u". "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". Q 2 (219) 2. In 2. In 5. In 6. In 8. In 11. In 1. 12. In 1. 12. In 1. 14. In 15. In 18. In Mnnday before Easter But Peter said unto him, although all shall he^ offended, yet will not I. And Jesus saith unto him I verily I say unto thee, that this da}', even in this night, before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny mee thrices But heS spake the more vehemently, If I should dye with thecj I will not deny thee in any wisea Likewise alsoe^ said they alli And they came to a place which was named Gethsemanij and hc:] saith to his disciples, sit ye here, while I shall prayi And he^ taketh with him Peter5 and James, and John, and began to be^ sore amazed, and to bei very heavy j and saith vnto them, My soul 9^ is exceeding sorrowfull vnto death, tarry ye here, and watchi And hel: wen^ forward a little, and fell on the groimd, and prayed, that if it were possible the hour^' might pass^ from hinii And hee' said, Abba, father) All things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me^S Neverthelesse'j not what I will, but what thou wilti And hee' cometh and findeth them sleeping, and saith vnto Peter, Simon, sleepest L 1. The 132nd page of the ^IS. Book commences with the "svords " But Peter' 1. 1. In ''unto", a ''v" akered into the "u". 1. 2. In "unto", a '"v" altered into the '"u". 1. 3. After '* him", comma altered to semicolon. 1. 3. In "unto", a '^v" altered into the '"u". 1. 16. In " prayed", an '* i" altered into the " y". 1. 19. In " unto", a *'v" altered into the "u". 1. 20. The latter ''what", written indistinctly. r. Pr. Q. Pr. 9. Gethsemane. 1. 9. Gethsemane. (220) Munday before Easter thou? couldst not thou watch one hour|? watch ye, and pray, lest ye enter into temptation; the spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak^. And again he^ went away, and prayed, and spake the same wordsi And when he^ retitrned5 he^ found them asleep again, (for their eyes were heavy) neither wist they what to answer him. And he^ cometh the third time, and saith vnto them, sleep on now, and take your rest: It is enough, the hour! is come J Behold§ the son of man is betrayed into the hands of Sinnersi Rise vpj let MS go 5 loj heS that betrayeth me is at hand. And imediatelyj while hee yet spake, cometh Judas, one of the twelTCj and with him a great multitude with swordsj and stavesj from the chief Priests 5 and the Scribes and the Elders. ISO And hee that betrayed him, had given them a token, sayingj Whomsoever I shall kiss^j that same is he^J take him, and lead him away safely. And as soon^ as he^ was come, he goeth straightway to him, and saith, Master, Master, and kissed hinii and they laid their^ hands on him, and took hinia And one of them that stood by^ 1. 10. After "Behold", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 11. In "betrayed", an " i" altered into the "y". 1. 12. In " us", a "v" altered into the "■ u". 1. 12. After *'go", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 12. In "betrayeth", an '* i" altered into the "y". 1. 14. In "twelve", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 17. The 132nd page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 18. The 133rd page of the ^IS. Book commences with the word " And". 1. 20. After "he^", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 22. In " straightway", an " e" altered into the " a". (221) Munday before Easter drew a sword, and smote a servant of the high Priest J and cut of his eare And Jesus answered, and said unto them, Are ye come out as against a thiefj with swords and with staves, to take me ? I was daily with you in the temple, teaching, and ye took mey not! but the Scriptures must be^ fulfilled! And they all forsook him^ and fled. And there followed him a certain! young man havying a liny en cloyth cast about his naked body, and the young men laid hold on him. And he^ left the linyen cloSth, and fled from them naked. And they led Jesus away to the high Priest, and with him were assembled all the chief Priests, and the eldersj and the Scribes \ and Peter followed him afary off, even into the palace of the high Priest! And hei sat with the servants, and warmed himself^ a| the firej and the cheif^ Priests j and all the Councei sought for witness^ against Jesus to put him to death, and found none, for many bare false witness^ against him, but their witness^ agreed not together. And there arose certain^j and bare false witness^ against him, saying, TFei heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with handsj and within three dayQsj I will 1. 2. "of", sic orig. 1. 3. In ''unto", a "v" altered into the ''u". 1. 9. In " hav; ^ing", a ''u" altered into the ''v". 1. 15. After " Scribes", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 18. After ''fire", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 23. In "false", a "c" altered into the "s". 1. 25. In "dayi^ s", an "i" altered into the "y". (222)" ' Munday before Easter build another^ made without hands. But neither sol did their^ wittness^ agree together. And the high Priest stood up in the midst, and asked Jesus J saying, Answerest thou nothing? what is it which these witness against thee? but hei held his peacej and answered nothing! Again^ the high Priest asked him, and said unto himj Art 130 Art thou the Christ, the son of the blessed? And Jesus said, I amj And ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and com|ing in the clouds of heaveui Then the high e Priest rent his cloiths, and saith, what need we^ A any further Witnesses? ye have heard the Blasphemy! what think ye? And they all con- demned him to be^ g^lty of deathi And some began to spiy on him and to cover his face, and to buffet him| and to say vnto him, prophecy) and the servants did strike him with the Palmes of theiry handsi And as Peter was beneath in the palace, there cometh one of the maids of the high Priest J and when she^ saw Peter warm^ing himself Lij she! looked vpon him, and said, And thou also^ wast with Jesus of 1. 1. After "another", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 3. In "up", a "v" altered into the '^'^u". 1. 7. In " unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 9. The 134th page of the MS. Book commences with the words "Art thou" 1. 14. In "have", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 19. After "prophecy", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 22. After " Priest", a comma altered into the semicolon. (223) Munday before Easter Nazaretha But he^ denyedj sayingj I know not, neither vnder stand I what thou has sayesti And hee went out into the porch, and the cock crewi And a maid saw him againj and be- gan to say to them that stood by, this is one of them. And he^ denied itt again. And a Httle after J they that stood .by said again to Peter, Surely thou art one of them, for thou art a GahleanJ and thy speech agreeth theretoi But he^ began to curse and to swearl, saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak^S ^nd the second time the cock crew. And Peter called to iitfiidL the word that Jesus said unto him, before the Cock crow twiccj thou shalt deny me^ thrice. And when he^ thought thereon he wept. 131 Tuesday Tuesday before Easter, for the Epistle. isai. 50. 5. The Lord God hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebelliousj neither turned away backi I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheek^s to them that plucked of the hair S I hid not my face from shame and spittingi" ffor the 3lord ©od will 1. 2. In " sayest' 1. 6. After "it", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 12. In ''time", a '^y" defaced, and the "i" written on it in darker ink. 1. 14. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 18. The 135th page of the ]MS. Book commences with the word "^ Tuesday". 1. 22. In '' gave", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 23. "of", sic orig. (224) Tuesday before Easter. i help^ me, therefore shall I not be confounded: i Therfore have I set my face like a flint, and I | know that I shall not be^ ashamed. He is ne«ir I that justifieth me, who will contend with me? Let lis stand together, who is mine Adversary? 1 let him come ne§3r to mefi Beholdj the Lord • | 0od will help me^J who is he^ that shall condemn^ me^? Loj they all shall wax^ old as a garment: the moth shall eat^ them iipi OTho is j among you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth i the voice of his servant, that w^alketh in dark- i nessi, and hath no light? Let him trust in the i name of the Lordj and stay ttpon his (Bodn I Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass^ ; yourselves about with spark^s \ walk in the light j of your fire, and in the sparkle that ye have j kindledi This shall ye have of mine hand, ye i shall 111 down I in sorrow. i The Gospel. And strssightway in the morning, the chief s. Mark. 1 5.1. priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes, and the whole Counctlij and bound Jesusj and- carried him away, and delivered him '\ to Pilate, And Pilate asked himj art thou ■ 1. 2. In " have", a *'u" altered into the "v". 1. 3. In "near", an "e" altered into the *'a". 1. 5. In " us", a "v" altered into the " u". i 1. 6. In "near", an " e" altered into the "a". i 1. 9. In "up", a "v" altered into the "u". j 1. 13. In " upon", a " v" altered into the " u". ] 1. 15. In "themselves", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 16. In " have", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 20. In "straightway", an " e" altered into the " a". ' (225) I Tuesday before Easter the King of the Jewps? And he3 answeringj said unto him, Thou saiest it. And the chief Priests accused him of many things! but he^ answered nothins:, 132 And Pilate asked him again'] saying, ansTverest thou nothing? Behold how many things they witnesse' against thee. But Jesus yet answered nothing: soj that Pilate mai-velled. Now a| that feast hee released iinto them one piTsoner, whomsoever they desired. And there was one named Barabbas, which lav bound with them that had made insm'rection with him, who had comitted murder in the insurrection! And the multitude crvins: aloud, beoran to desire him to do3 as he'] had ever done iinto them. But Pilate answered them, saying, Will ye that I release vnto you the King of the Jewes? (for hee' knew that the chief Priests had dehvered him for envy) but the cheife Priests moved the people J that hej should rather release Barabbas unto themi And Pilate answeredj and said 2. In '• unto", a '*t"' altered into the •'•'u''. 5. The 135th pase of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 6. The 136th page of the MS. Book commences with the word " And" 10. In '•' tmto". a '• v" altered into the '•'u". J 6. In ^'erer",, a •'' u" altered into the *• v". 1. 16. In '-'unto'', a ••v" altered into the '•' u". 1. 19. In " chief', ''ei" altered into the '•' ie". 22. In '^unto", a "r" altered into the '-n". r. Pr. Q. Pr. 11. 18 — 20. Parentheses omitted. (226) Tuesday before Easter again unto them, What will ye then that I shall do^ unto him whom ye call the King of the JewkiS? and they cried out again, crucifie Then Pilate said vnto them why what evill him. ^ And so^ Pilatcj willing to content the "^ A hath he done ? and they cryed out the more ex- people, released Barabbas unto them, and deli- ceedingly crucify him. vered Jesus, when he^ had scourged him, to be^ u crucifiedi And the Soldiers led him away into the hall, called Pretorium ; and they call together the whole band. And they clo^thed him with purple, and platted a crown of thornysj and pulj it about his headi ilnd began to salute him, Haily King of the Jew;]s« And they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spij vpon him, and bowing their^ kneesj worshipped himi And when they had mocked him, they took^ of the purple from him, and pu^ his ownj clo^jths on himj and led him out to crucifie him. And they compeiy one Simon a Cyrenean, who passed by, comying out of the Countreyj the father of Alexander! and Eufusj to bear^ his cross^i And 133 I. 1. In "unto", a "y" altered into the '' u". 1. 2. In ''unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 5. In ''unto", a "v" altered into the " u". 1. 15. "of", sic orig. 1. 18. In "Cyrenean", an "i" altered into the "y". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 8. Prsetorium. 1. 8. Prgetorium. 1. 18. Cyrenian. 1. 18. Cyrenian. (227) Tuesday before Easter And they bring him itnto the place Golgotha, c which isj being interpreted, the place of a SJ^ull. And they gave him to drink, wine mingled with e myrrh^j but he^ received it noti And when they had crucified him, they parted his garments, casting lots liapon them, what every man should take. And it was the third hourjjj and they cru- cified himi And the superscription of his accu- sation was written over, The King of the JewiS. And with him they crucifie two thieves, the one on his right hand 5 and the other on his left. And the Scripture was fulfilledj w^hich saith. And he^ was numbred with the trans- gressors. And they that passed byj railed on him, wagg*ing their! heads, and saying, Ahj thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three daies, save thy self^, and come down! from the cross!. Likewise also^ the chief Priests mocking, said among themselvesj with the Scribes, he^ saved othersj himselfe he^ cannot save. Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the crosse'j that we^ may see and believii And they that were crucified with himj reviled him. And when the sixth hour| was come, there was darknessy over the whole landj 1. 1. TI18 137tli page of the MS. Book commences Avith tlie words ''And they". 1. 1. In "unto", a "v" altered into the *'u". 1. 6. In "upon", a "v" altered hito the "u". 1. 17. In "save", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 20. In "saved", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 21. In " save", a " u" altered into the "v". (228) Tuesday before Easter liiitill the ninth hourgi And al the ninth hour! Jesus cried with a loud voice, sayingj Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani ? which is, being interpreted, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me^? And some of them that stood byj when they heard itj said, beholdj he^ calleth Eliasi And one ran, and filled a spunge full of vineger, and put it on a reed and gaTe him to drink^', sayingj let alone 5 let ms see whether Elias will come to take him downe'. And Jesus cryed with a loud voice, and gave up the Ghost. And the vail of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom! And when the Centurion which stood over against himj saw that he^ soy cryed outj and gaue vp the Ghost, he^ said. Truly this man was the son of d^od. 134 Wednesday before Easter \/ The Epistle. A Where a Testament is, there must also of heb. 9. 16. necessity beO the death of the Testator! for a testament is of force after men are dead \ other- wise it is of no strength a| all whilst the Testator 1. 1. In ''until", a '''v" altered into the " u". 1. 2. In "cried", a "y" altered into the *'i". 1. 8. In '' gaYe'% a "u" altered into the *'v". 1. 9. In "us", a "v" altered into the "^u". 1. 11. In '* gave", a ''u" altered into the ''v". 1. 11. In ''up", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 17. The 137th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 18. The 138th page of the MS. Book commences with the words ''The Epistle." A X in pencil appears in the outer margin. 1. 21. After '^ Testator", a period altered into the colon. 1. 22. After " dead", a comma altered into the ?emicolon. (229) Wednesday before Easter liveth. Whereiiponj neither the first testament was dedicated without bloud! fFor when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people^ according to the law, he^ took the bloud of calTesj and of Goatvis, with water and scarlet woollj and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book and all the peoplej ^ayiiigr^ This is the bloud of the Testament which (Bod hath enioyned iinto youi Moreover^ hei sprinkled likewise with bloud both the tabernacle, and all the vessels of the ministry! And almost all things are by the law purged with bloud, and without shedding of blood there is no remission^ It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should beO purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices then these, ffor Christ is not entred into the holy places made with handsj which are the figures of the true, but into heaven it selfe, now to appear in the presence of God for tisj nor yet that he^ should offer himself! ofteuj as the high Priest entreth into the holy place every year^ with bloud of others: for then must he^ often have suffered since the foundation of the world, but now once in the end of the worldj hath he^ appeared to put 1. 1. In ''Whereupon", a '^'v" altered into the "u". 1. 5. In ''calves", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 6. In "hyssop", an " i" altered into the " y". 1. 8. In "unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 21. In "us", a " v" altered into the "u". (230) Wedn. before Easter away sin by the sacrifice of himself^i And as it un is appointed to men once to diej but after this the judgment! so Christ was once offered to bear the sinfs of many j and unto them that look^ for him, shall he^ appear the second time ^vithout sin vnto salvationi 135 the ^^ 21. 1. is an The Gospel. ITIr^^ %\ »! Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, s. Luk. 21. i. which is called the passover. And the chief Priests, and scribes sought how they might kill himj for they feared the people^ Then entred Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariotj being of the number of the twelvci And he^ went his way, and co&uned with the chief Priests, and Captaines, how he^ might betray him unto them. And they were glad, and cove- e nanted to give him mony. And he^ promised, p . ^ and sought oportunity to betray him unto them, in the absence of the multitude. Then came the day of unleavened bread| when the passover must 1. 5. In ''time", a '' y" altered into the " i". 1. 6# In " salvation", a '* u" altered into the " v". 1. 8. The 139th page of the MS. Book commences with the words "The Gospel". 1. 9. In " unleavened", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 12. After " him", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 17. In " unto", a " v" altered into the" u". 1. 19. In *' unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 21. In "unleavened", a "v" altered into the "u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. . 9 (margin). St. Luke xxii. 1. 1. 9 (margin). S. Luke xxii. 1. (231) Wedn, before Easter. bee killed. And he^ sent Peter^ and John^ say- ing, go and prepare its the passover, that we^' may eat. And the:^ said vnto him, Wliere Avilt thou that we^ prepare? And he^' said lanto them, Behold, when ye are entred into the Cil'y, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water, follovr him into the house where he] entreth in. And ye shall sav vnto the ffood man of the house, The master saith i&nto theej Where is the Guest? Chamberj where I shall eat^ the passover with my disciples? And hee' shall shew you a large itpper room^' furnished | there make readyi And they went, and found as he^ had said unto them S and they made ready the passoveri And when the hour was come, he^ sat down^' and the twelve Apostles with him. And he^ said Mnto them, with desire I have desiredi to eatj this passover with you before I suffer, for I say itnto you I will not an}^ more eat^ thereof, vntill it be^ fulfilled in the Kingdome of God. And he.] took the Cupj and gave thanks, and saidj take thisga and divide it among your selvesi ffor I 1. 1. After '♦ Peter", a blot as if to obliterate a point. 1. 1. After " John", a blot as if to obliterate a point. 2. In '^us", a " v" altered into the " u". 3. In " they", the " y" in a smaller character. 4. In '' unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 9. In "^ unto", a " v" adtered into the " u". 13. In "■ unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 16. In " unto", a " v" altered into the '"u". 17. In "have", a "■ u" altered into the "v". 1. 18. In *' unto", a '' v" altered into the " u". 1. 22. In '* selves", a '•' u" altered into the '■' v". (232) Wecln. before Easter say iinto youj I will not drink^ of the fruit of the vine, iintill the Kingdom^ of God shall come. And he^ took bread j and gave 136 gave thanksj and brake it, and gave unto them, saying. This is my bodyj which is given for you, this do^ in remembrance of me^. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying. This cup is the new Testament in my blood J which is shed for you. But behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me^, is with mev] on the table. And truly the son of man goeth as it was determined ; but wo unto that man, by whom he^ is betrayed. And they began to enquire among themselves, which of them it was that should doll this thing. And there was also^ strife among them, which of them should be^ accounted the greatest. And he^ said unto them, the Kings of the they Gentiles, exercise Lordship over them, and that exercise authority upon them, are called bene- 1. 1. In *^unto", a " v" altered into the *'u". 1. 2. In " untill", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 5. The 140th page of the MS. Book commences with the word "gave". 1. 5. In " unto", a " v" altered into the '^u". 1. 11. In " betrayeth", an " i" altered into the ''y". 1. 13. In ''unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 13. In ** betrayed", an " i" altered into the " y". 1. 14. In " enqmre", an *' i" altered into the " e". 1. 14. In ** themselves", a **u" altered into the ** v". 1. 18. In " unto", a " v" altered into the ** u". 1. 20. In ''upon", a " v" altered into the ** u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1.16. a strife. 1.16. a strife. R (233) Wedn. before Easter factours. But ye shall not be^ sol J but hel that is greatest among you, let him be^ as the younger ; and he^ that is chiefj as Ke^ that doth servei for whether is greater, he^ that sitteth ai meatj or he^ that serveth ? is not he^ that sitteth ai meat ? But I am among youj as he^ that serveth. ^e are they which have continued with me^ in my temptationsi And I appoint unto you a Kingdom^, as my father hath apointed unto me^, that ye may eat! and drink^ a| my table in my Kingdom^, and sit on thronesj judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he^ may sift you e as wheat : But I have prayed for thel, that thy faith faill not ; and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren, And hel said unto himj Lord, I am ready to go^ with thee both into prison and to death. And he^ said, I tell thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest mei laa- me And hee said unto themj when I sent you with- L 7. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 9. In " unto", a " v" altered into the '' u". 1. 10. In ''unto", a " \" altered into the " u". 1. 14. In *' have", a ** u" altered into the " v". 1. 15. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". I. 17. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 24. The 141st page of the MS. Book commences with the words " And hee". 1. 24. In " unto", a •' v" altered into the " u". (234) Wedn. before Easter out purse, and scrip, and shoies, lacked ye any thing? And they saidj nothing. Then said he^ unto them, but nowj he^ that hath a pursej let him take it, and likewise his scrip : And he^ that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. for I say unto you, that this that is written, must yet be^ accomplished in mcj J And he^ was reckoned among the transgressors : for the things concerning me have an endi And they said. Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he^ said unto themj it is enough. And he^ came outj and wentj as he^ was wont, to the Mount of Olivesj and his disciples also^ followed him. And when he^ was a3 the placej hee said unto them, pray, that ye enter not into temptation. And he^ was withdrawn from them about a stones cast, and kneeled down^j and praied, saying, f father^ if thou be willing^ remove this cup from me S Nevertheless, not my will, but thine be^ donei And there appeared an Angel unto him from heaven, strengthiiing him and being in an Agony, he^ praied more earnestly J and his sweat was as it were great drops of blond falling down^ to the ground. And when he^ rose up from prayer, and was come to his 1. 3. In *' unto", a *« v" altered into the " u". 1. 6. In *' unto", a " v" altered into the '' u". 1. 9. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 11. In ** unto", a ** v" altered into the ** u". 1. 15. In " unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 21. In " unto", a " v" altered into the ** u". 1. 24. In " bloud", an ** o" altered into the '* u". 1. 25. In ** up", a *'v" altered into the " u". 1. 25. In "prayer", an *'i" altered into the ''^y". R 2 (235) Wedn. before Easter disciples, he^ found them sleeping for sorrow, and said unto them, why sleepe ye ? rise and prajj le/lst ye enter into temptationi And while he^ yet spake, beholdj a multitude, and hee that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them, and drew near unto Jesus to kiss| himi But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the son of man with a kisse' ? when they who tfett were about hunj saw what would follow, A they said unto him. Lord shall we^ smite with the sword ? And one 13S one of them smote the servant of the high Priest, and cut of his right eari And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And hee touched his ear, and healed him. Then Jesus said unto the chief priestsj and Captaine's of the temple, and the elders who were come to him, Be ye come out as against a thief, with swords and staves? When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against me ■ but this is your hour, and the power of dark- ness'ii Then thw took they himj and led himj 1. 2. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 6. In *' unto", a " v" altered into the '* u". 1. 7. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". L 7. In "betravest", an " i" altered into the "y". 1. 10. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 13. The 142nd page of the MS. Book commences with the words "one of" 1. 14. " of", sic orig. 1. 16. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". (236) Wedn before Easter and brought liim into the high priests house, and Peter followed afar| off^ And when they had kindled a fire in the midst of the hallj and were set down^ together^ Peter sat down! among themi But a certaine maid beheld him, as he! sat by the firej and earnestly looked wpon him, and said, this man was also^ with himt And he^ denyed himj saying, Woman, I know him not. And after a little while another saw him, and said, Thou art also of themi And Peter said, Man, I am not. And about the space of one hour^ afterj another con- fidently affirmed^ saying of a truth this fellow also was with him J for he^ is a Gali- leani And Peter saidj Man, I know not what e thou sayest. And imediatly while he^ yet spakej the cock crew. And the Lord turnedj and looked upon Peter ; And Peter remembred the word of the Lord, how he^ had said unto him, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And Peter went out and wept bitterly. And the men that held Jesus mocked him, and smote him. And when they had blind=folded himj they struck him on the faccj and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee? And many other things blasphemously 1. 6. In " upon", a ** v" altered into the " u". 1. 14. After ** him", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 16. In *' sayest'', a ** i" altered into the '* y". 1. 18. In "upon", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 19. In '« unto", a " v" altered into the «'u". 1. 25. In " Prophesy", an " i" altered into the " y". (237) Wedn. before Easter 139 spake they against him. And as soon as it was day, the elders of the people, and the chief cheif^ Priests, and the Scribes came together, and led him into their^ Councel"], saying, Art thou the Christ? tell us. ^nd he^ said unto them, If I tell youj you will not believe. And if I also^ ask^ you, you will not answer me, nor let me gOt Hereafter shall the son of man sit on the right hand of the power of Godi Then said they all. Art thou then the son of God ? And he^ said unto them, ye say that I ami And they saidj what need wee any further witness^? for we^ our selTes have heard of his o^vn^ mouth. Thursday before Easter. The Epistle. 1 Cor. 11. 17. In this that I declare unto you, I praise you notj that you come together not for the better| but for the worsei ffor first of allj when ye come together in the Church, I hear that there be^ di\4sions among youj and I partly believe it. ffor there must be also heresies among you. I, 4. The 143rd page of the MS. Book commences with the word " cheif«<". 1*. 6. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 12. In " unto", a *« v" altered into the " u". 1. 14. In *' selves", a " u" altered into the '' v". 1. 14. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 17. "In" written in an engrossing character. 1. 17. In " iinto", a " v" altered into the "u". U. Pr. Q.Pr. 1. 7. ye will not believe. 1. 7. ye will not believe. 1. 8. ye will not answer me. 1. 8. ye will not answer me. 1. 18. ye come together. 1. 18. (238) ye come together. Thursday before Easter. that they who are approved, may be made manifest among you. When ye come together e therfore into one place, this is not to eat^ the Lords Supper : for in eating, every one taketh before other his ownf supper: and one is hungryj and another is drunken. "What, have ye not houses to eat^ and to drink in? or despise ye the Church of (Dod, and shame them that have not ? what shall I say to you ? shall I praise you in this? I praise you not: ffor I have received of the Lord§ that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he^ was betrayedj took bread 5 and when he^ had given thanksj he^ brake itj and said. Take, eat^, this is my bodyj which is broken for you ■ this do^ in remem- brance of mei After the same manner also he^ took^ the cup, when he^ had had supped, saying, this Cup is the New Testa- ment in my bloud! this do^ ye as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. fFor as often as ye eat^ this bread, and drink this cupi -ef-t-fee- lord unworthily ye do^ shew the ^ords death 1. 6. In " have", a " u" altered into the '' v". 1. 8. In "despise", an "i" altered into the " e". 1. 9. In " have", a " u" altered into the '' v". 1. 11. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 11. After " Lord", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 12. In "unto", a " v" altered into the " u". I. 13. In ♦' betrayed", an " i" altered into the " y".' 1. 20. The 144th page of the MS. Book commences with the words "had supped". (239) 140 Thursday before Easter till he^ come. Wherforej whosoever shall eat^ this breadj and drink this cup of the Lord un- worthily, shall be^ guilty of the body and blond of th^ ilordi But let a man examine himselfe, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink^ of that cupi ffor he^ that eatethj and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself ij not discern^ing the Lords body, ffbr this cause many are weak^ and sickly among you J and many sleep ^ ffor if we^ would judg^ our selves, weS should not be| judged. But when we^ are judged, we3 are chastened of the Lordj that we^ should not be condemned with the worldi Wherforcj my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another. And if any man hunger, let him eati a3 home \ that ye come not together unto condemnation. And the rest will I set in order when I come. The Gospel, s. Luk. 23. 1. The whole multitude of them arose, and led him unto Pilate. And they began to accuse him, saying, we found this fellow perverting the Nationj and forbidding to give tribute to Cesar, saying, that he^ him self y is Christ© a King. I. 1. In " whosoever", a '* u" altered into the " v". II. 2, 3. In " unworthily", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 3. In ''bloud", an '^o" altered into the ^'u". 1. 7. In " unworthily", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 11. In " selves", a ''u" altered into the " v". 1. 17. In *'unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 21. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 24. After ** Christ", a point obliterated. U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 23. Caesar. (240) Thursday before Easter And Pilate asked himj saying, Art thou the King of the Jew|s ? And he^ answered himj and saidj thou saiest iti Then said Pilate to the chief Priests, and to the people, I find^ no fault in this man. And they were the more, fierce, saying, he^ stirreth vp the people^ teaching throughout all Jewryj begining fro Ga|ilee to this placci 14:1 When When Pilate heard of Galilee, he^ asked whether the man were a Galilean. And as soon as hee knew that he^ belonged to Herod's jurisdiction, he^ sent him to Herod, who himself was alsoe ai Jerusalem a|i that time. And when Herod saw Jesus, he^ was exceeding glad, for he^ was desirous to see him of a long season, because he^ had heard many things of him, and he^ hoped to have seen some miracle done by him. Then he^ questioned with him in many words j but he^ answered him nothing! And the chief Priestsj and Scribes stood and vehemently ac- cused himi And Herod with his men of war sei him at naughtj and mocked him, and ariayed him in a gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Pilate. And the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together, for before 1. 10. The 145th page of the MS. Book commences with the word " When". 1. 14. In '* time", a "y" altered into the *'i". 1. 18. In "have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 23. In "naught", an "o" altered into the " a". (241) Thursday before Easter they were at enmity betweeD| themselves, And Pilate when he^ had called together the chief y Priests, and the Eulersj and the people, said unto them, ye have brought this man vnto meij as one that perverteth the people, and behold, I haveing examined him before you, have found no fault in this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him: ISfo, nor yet Herod: for 1 sent you to him, and lo, nothing worthy of death is done unto himi I will there- fore chastise him| and release himi ffor of neces- sity he^ must release one unto them ai the feast: And they cryed out all at oncej saying, away with this manj and release unto vs Barabbasj (Who for a certain! sedition made in the City, and for Murder was cast in prison) Pilate therfore willing to release Jesus, spake again to them. IBut they criedj saying, Crucifie him, Crucifie himi And he^ said unto them the third time, Whyj what evil! hath he^ done? I have found no cause of death in him! I will therfore chastise him and let him go. And they were instant with loud voices, requiring that 142 1. 1. In *' themselves", a '"u" altered into the 1. 4. In '^unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 4. In ''have", a ''u" altered into the 'W. 1. 7. In '"have", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 10. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 12. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 14. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 19. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 20. In "time", a "y" altered into the "i". 1. 21. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". (242) Thursday before Easter that he^ might be^ crucifiedi And the voices of them 5 and of the cheif Priests p vailed. And Pilate gave sentence, that it should be^ as they required. And he released unto them him that for sedition and murder ^yas cast into prison, whom they had desired j but he^ delivered Jesus to their^ will. And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon a Cyreneanj coming out of the Country, and on him they laid the cross3, that he^ might bear it after Jesus. And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, who also bewailed and lamented him. But Jesus turn^ing imto them, said, daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for your selves, and for your Children, for beholdj the dales are combing, in which i;hey shall say, blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck. to Then shall they begin ^ say to the Mountain's, fall on us J and to the hillsj Cover iisi ffor if 1. 1. The 146th page of the MS. Book commences •with the word "^that". 1. 3. In "gave", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 4. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 6. After "desired", comma altered to semicolon. 1. 8. In "upon", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 8. In " Cyrenean", an "i" altered into the "y". 1. 10. In "bear", the "ear" written on an erasure. 1. 13. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u'\ 1. 15. In "selves", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 18. In "never", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 19. A blot which partially obliterates the word "to". 1. 20. A blot which partially obliterates the letter " C". This blot was seemingly occa- sioned from some person writing "33" between the lines and then smearing the ink to obliterate such figures. 1. 20. In each "us", a "v" altered into the "u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 8. a Cyrenian. 1. 8. a Cyrenian. (243) Thursday before Easter they do^ these things in a green treej what shall be^ done in the dry? And there were also^ two other malefactours led with him to be^ put to death. And when they were come to the place which is called CalvLiryj there they crucified him I and the malefactours, one on the right hand, and the other on the lefti Then said Jesusj ffatherj forgive themj for they know not what they do^. And they parted his raiment, and cast lotsj and the people stood beholding) and the rulers also with them derided him, saying, he^ saved othersj lej him save himself^j if he^ be^ Christ the chosen of Godi And the u Soldiers also^ mocked him, combing to him and offering him vineger, 143 and and saying, If thou be the King of the Jewis, save thy self^i And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek ^j andi Latine, and ©ebrew, This is the King of the JewOSi And one of the malefactours, w^hich were hangedj railed on him, sayingj If thou be Christj save thy self^j and usi But the other 1. 10. After "beholding", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 12. In "saved", a "u" altered into the "y". 1. 12. In "save", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 17. The 147th page of the MS. Book commences with the words "and saying". 18. In "save", a "u" altered into the "v". 23. In "save", a "u" altered into the "v". 23. In "us", a "v" altered into the "u". (244) Thursday before Easter answering, rebuked hinij saying, do^st thou not e fear^ God, seing thou art in the same condem- nation? And we^ indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds, but this man hath done nothing amiss^i And he^ said unto Jesusj Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdomli And Jesus said unto himj Verily I say vnto thee, to day shalt thou be^ with me in Paradise. And it was about the sixth And there ^as a darkness over all the earth, untill the ninth hour. hourv^i j^nd the sun was darkened, and the vail of A the Temple was rent in the midst. And when Jesus had cryed with a loud voice, he^ said, father, into thy hands I comend my spirit! and having said thus J he^ gave up the Ghost ■ Now when the Centurion saw what was done, he^ glorified C3odj sayingj certainly this was a righteous mani And all the people that came together to that sight, beholding the things that were done, smote their^ breasts, and returned. And all his acquaintance 5 and the women that followed him from Galilecj stood afar;i^ off, beholding these things I Good 144 1. 5. In "unto", a *W altered into the *'u". 1. 7. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 13. In "hav/fing", a "u" altered into the " V 1. 14. In "up", a "v" altered into the "u". (245) Good friday. The Collects. Almighty Godj we^ beseech thee gratiously to behold this thy family^ for which our Lord Jesus Christ was contented to be betrayed, and given lip into the hands of wicked menj and to suffer death upon the cross^, who now liveth and reigneth with thee and the holy Ghost, ever one (Eod, world without endi Ameni Almighty and everlasting God, by whose spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified 5 Receive our supplications and prayers which wee offer before thee for all estates of men in thy holy Churchj that every member of the same m his vocation and ministry, may truly and godly serve thee, through our Lord and Savioui' Jesus Christi Amen. O Merciful Godj who hast made all men, and hatest nothing that thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of a sinner, but rather that he^ should be^ converted and hve| have mercy upon all Jewis, Turks, Lifidels, and hereticks, and take from them all ignorance hardnessO of heartj and contempt of thy word J and so^ fetch them 1. 2. The 148th page of the IMS. Book commences with the words "The Collects." 1. 5. In "betrayed", an "i" altered into the "y". 1. G. In " up" , a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 7. In "upon", a "v" altered into the " u". 1. 8. In "ever", a "u" altered into the "v". 1, 12. In "prayers", an "i" altered into the "y". 1. 21. In "upon", a " v" altered into the " u". (246) Good friday, home J blessed Lord, to thy flock j that they may be^ saved among the Kemnant of the true e Isralitesj and be^ made one fold under one Shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lordj who liveth and reigneth with thee and the holy Spiritj one Godj world without endi Amen! 145 The JEpistle The Law having a shadow of good things to heb. lo. j. comej and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year^ by year^ continually^ make the comers thereunto perfect! for then would they not have ceased to bee offered? because that the wor- shipper once purged, should have had no more conscience of sinisi But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again| made of sin Is every year^i ffor it is not possible that the blond of bulls and of goats should take away sinis! Wherfbre when he^ cometh into the world J hee saithj sacrifice and offering thou e wouldst not, but a body hast thou prepared 1. 2. In "saved", a "u" altered into tlie " v". 1. 3. In '^* under", a " v" altered into the *'u'\ 1. 7. The 148th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 8. The 149th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The Epistle". 1. 11. In " never", a " u" altered into the " v'\ 1. 13. In " thereunto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 13. After " perfect", a period altered into the colon. 1. 13. In '' have", a *'u" altered into the '* \". 1. 15. In ''have", a '* u" altered into the "V. 1. 19. In "bloud", an " o" altered into the "u". 1. 20. After " sin[^s", a period altered into the colon. (247) Good friday me^S In burnt^ofFerings, and sacrifices for sin| thou hast had no pleasure! Then said Ij Loj I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me) to do^ thy willj O (Bod. Abovej when he^ said, Sacrifice and offering, and burnt= offerings, and offering for sin thou wouldest notj neither hadst pleasure therin, which are offered by the law: Then said he^j loj I come to do^ thy will, O CDodi He taketh away the first;, that he^ may establish the second. 115y the which will we^ are santif led through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And every Priest standeth daily ministringj and offering often times the same sacrifices which can never take away sinls. But this man afler he^ had offered one sacrifice for singsj for ever sat down^ on the right hand of dDod, from henceforth expecting till his enemies be^ made his fbotstoolOi ffor by one offering he| hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified: Whereof the holy Ghost also^ is a witnessi to lis : ffor after that hee had said before J This is the Covenant that I will make with them 146 them after those days, saith the Lordj I will put my lawOs into their^ hearts, and in their^ minds 1. 2. After '^pleasure", a period altered into the colon. 1. 14. In "never", a " u" altered into the "v^'. 1. 21. In "us", a " v" altered into the *'u". 1. 25. The 150th page of the MS. Book commences with the word "them' 1. 25. In " days", an "i" altered into the "y". (248) Good friday will I write them J and their sin|s and iniquities will I remember no^ morei Now where remis- sion of these is, there is no more offering for e sin|i Hav^ing therforej brethren^ boldness| to enter into the holiest by the bloud of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he^ hath conse- crated for lis, through the vail, that is to sayj his flesh ■ And hav|ing an high Priest over the house of dDod j let lis draw near^ with a true heart, in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evill conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, (for hee is faithfuU that promised) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love, and to good works ; not forsak^ing the assembling of our selves together, as the manner of some is ; but exliorting one anothir S and so^ much the more, as ye see the day approaching! The Gospel. Pilate therefore tooke Jesus, and scourged himi s. John. 19. 11. Error— it And the Soldiers platted a Crowne of thornes, s£d ^e 19. 1 and put it on his head, and they put on him a ^¥.0 '* Havj^ing", a " u" altered into the ** v". ^'us", a " v" altered into the "u". '' having", a "u" altered into the *^v". "us", a '* v" altered into the "u". "near}i{", an "e" altered into the " a". " having", a "u" altered into the '^v". "us", a "v" altered into the "u". "us", a "v" altered into the "u". "unto", a " v" altered into the "u". " selves", a "u" altered into the " v". S (24 9^ 1. 4. In 1, 7. In 1. 8. In 1. 9. In 1. 9. In 10. In 1. 12. In 1. 15. In 16. In 1. 17. In 11 Good friday purple robe, and said, Hail King of the Jewis : And they smote him with their^ hands. Pilate therefore went forth again!, and saith unto themj behold J I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find^ no fault in him. Then came Jesus forth ; wearing the crown^ of thorn|sj and the purple robe. And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man. When the chief Priests there- forej and officer! saw him, they cryed outj saying, Crucifie him, i^s- Crucifie Crucifie him. Pilate saith unto them, take ye him and crucifie him : for I find^ no fault in him. The Jew|s answered him, wee have a law, i and by our law, he^ ought to dfe, because he^ made himselfe the son of God. When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he^ was the more afraid ; and went again into the Judgment hall, and saith unto Jesusj whence art thou ? But Jesus gave him no Answer. Then saith Pilate unto him, Speakest thou not unto me? knowest thou not that I have power to crucifie thee, and have power to release thee? Jesus answered, 1. 3. In "unto", a '^ v" altered into the "u". 1. 4. " ye" blotted but legible. 1. 7. In "unto", a "v" altered into the ^^u". 1. 12. The 151st page of the MS. Book commences with the word "Crucifie". 1. 12. In "unto"^ a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 14. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 19. In *'unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 21. In "unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 22. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 23. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". (250) Good friday thou couldest haTe no power af all against me, except it were given thee from above : therefore he^ that dehvered me^ unto thee hath the greater sin. And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him! but the Jewis cryed outj saying, If thou let this man goi, thou art not Cesars friend : whosoever maketh himself^ a King, speaketh against Cesar. When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he^ brought Jesus forth, and sate down^ in the Judgment seat|, in a place that is called the pavement, but in the Hebrewj Gabbatha. And it was the preparation of the passoverj and about the sixth hour : and he^ saith unto the Jewels j behold your kingi 115ut they cried out away with him, away with him, crucifie him. Pilate saith unto them, shall I crucifie your king ? The chief Priests answeredj we^ have no King but Cesari Then bee deli- e vered he^ him therfore unto them to be^ cruci- A fled : And they took^ Jesus and led him away. And hee bearing his cross^i went forth into a 1. 1. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 3. In ''unto", a " v" altered into the ''u". 1. 5. In " cryed", an "i" altered into the "y". 1. 14. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 16. In "unto", a "v" altered into the *'u". 1. 17. In "chief", "ei" altered into the "ie". 1. 18. In " have", a "u" altered into the "v^*. 1. 19. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 6. Caesar's. 1. 8. Csesar. 1. 10. sat. 1. 10. sat. 1. 18. Caesar. S 2 (251) Good friday c place called the place of a s)^ullj which is called in the hebrewj Golgotha? where they crucified himj and two other with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst. And Pilate wrote a titlei and put it on the Cross|i And the Writling was, Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jew^S This title then read many of the Jew|s; for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the Citiy : and it was written in hebrewj and greekj and latine. Then said the chief^ Priests of the Jew|s to Pilate, write notj the King of the Jews J but that he^ said, I am the King of the Jew|si Pilate answered, what I u have written, I have written. Then the Soldiersj when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments, u (and made four| parts, to every soldier a part) and also his coat : now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout. They e said therfore among themselves, let lis not rend A itj but cast lots/ for itj whose it shall be^ | that 1. 7. The 151st page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 8. The 152nd page of the MS. Book commences with the word '' Writ||ing". 1. 14. After "Jews", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 16. In each "have", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 21. In "us", a " v" altered into the " u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 18. Parentheses omitted. 1. 18. Parentheses omitted. (252) Good friday the Scripture might bee fulfilled, which saith, they parted my raiment among them, and for my vesture they did cast lots. These things e u therfore the Soldiers did. Now there stood by A A the cross! of Jesus, his mother and his mothers sister, Maryj the wife of Cleophasj and Mary Magdalen. When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he^ lovedj he^ saith itnto his mother. Woman, behold thy son. Then saith he^ to the disciple, behold thy mother ■ And from that hour^ that disciple took^ her vnto his own^ home. After thisj Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplishedj that the Scripture might be^ fulfilled, saith, I thirst. Now there was set a vessel full of vineger: and they filled a spunge with vineger, and put it iipon hyssop, and put it to his mouth. When Jesus therefore had received the vineger, he^ said, it is finished ■ And he^ bowed his headj and gave op the Ghostii The Jew|s therefore i^o therefore because it was the preparation, that the 1. 9. In ''unto", a " v" altered into the *'u". 1. 17. In "upon", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 17. In "hyssop", an "i" altered into the "y". 1. 20. In "up", a "v" altered into the "u". 1- 23. The 153rd page of the MS. Book commences with the word " therefore". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 7. Magdalene. 1. 7. Magdalene. (253) Good friday bodies should not remain^ upon the cross^f upon the Sabbath=day (for that Sabbath-day was an high day) besought Pilate that their^f leg^s might be! broken, and that they might be^ u taken awayi Then came the Soldiers and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him. But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he^ was dead already, they u brake not his leg^'Si But one of the Soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blond and water. And he^ that saw it bare record, and his record is true! And he^ knoweth that he^ saith true, that ye might believe, ffor these things were done that the scripture should bee fulfilled, A bone of him shall not bee broken: ^nd again, another scrip- ture saith, they shall look on himj whom they pierced. Easter Even The Collect. Grrant, O Lordj that as we| are baptized into the death of th}^ blessed son our Saviour Jesus Christ 5 sol by continual mortifying our corrupt affections, we^ may be^ buried with him, and that through the gravej and gate of death we^ 1. 1. In " upon", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 11. In ''bloud", an '^o" altered into the "u". 1. 12. After "true", a period altered into the colon. 1. 14. In "believe", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 23. After " Christ", a comma altered into the semicolon. (254) Easter Even ! may pass^ to our joyfull resurrection^ for his meritsj who dyed, and was buried, and rose againi for iisj thy son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Epistle. • s. It IS betterj if the will of (Bod be^ so, that ye j. Pet: 3. 17. suffer for well^doingj then for evil doing, ffor Christ also hath once suffered for sinfs, the just j for the unjust j (that he^ might j bring 150/ | bring us to Codj being put to death in the flesh, 1 but quickened by the spirit: By which also^ | he^ went and preached tinto the spirits in prison | which sometime were disobedient, when once the long=suffering of (Bod waited in the daies of ' Noah, while the Ark was a prepareing; wherein . fewj that is, eight soul^sj were saved by wateri The like figure whereimto, even Baptism, doth also now save usj (not the putting away the filth of the flesh, but the answer| of a good conscience towards God) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: who is gone into heavenj and §is 1 1. 3. In *'us", a " v" altered into the "u". I 1. 6. "It" written in an engrossing character. 1. 9. In " unjust", a " v" altered into the ** u". ; 1. 11. The 154th page of the MS. Book commences with the word "bring". , 1. 11. In "us", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 13. In "unto", a " v" altered into the "u". \ 1, 13. After "prison", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 17. In "saved", a "u" altered into the " v". * 1. 18. In " whereunto", a " v" altered into the " u". . | 1. 19. In "save", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 19. In "us", a "v" altered into the "u". , 1. 22. In "into", the "n" blotted, but legible. ] (265) i Easter Even on the right hand of God, Angelsj and authori- ties j and po\yers being made subject unto him. The Gospel. s. Mat. 27. When the even was come| there came a rich 57. man of Arimatheaj named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus Disciple. He went to Pilate and belied the body of Jesus. Then Pilate comanded the body to be^ delivered. And when Joseph had taken the body, he-J wrapped it in a clean: : lin^en^clol^th, and laid it in his own^new tomb, which heO had hewn out in the o rock; And he^ rolled a great stone to the dor^ of the Sepulchre, and departed. And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Maryj sitting over against the Sepulchre. Now the next day that followed the day of thepparationj the chief Priests and Pharisees came together itnto Pilate, sayingj Sirj we^ remember that that deceiver said, while he^ was yet alive, After three daies I will rise again^. Comaund therefore that the sepulchre be^ made sure imtill the third day, . lest his disciples 151 / come by Iby night and steal^ him away, and say unto the 1. 2. In " unto", a " \" altered into the " u". 1. 17. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 21. In " untill", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 24. The 155th page of the MS. Book commences with the words "by night", omitting the catch-word ''come". 1. 24. In ** unto", a " v" altered into the " u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 5. Arimathsea. (256) Easter Even peoplej hee is risen from the dead: sol the last errour shall be^ worse than the firsti Pilate said unto themj Ye have a watchj go^ your wajj make it as 1 sure as you can. so^ they went and made the Sepulchre surcj sealing the stone, and setting a watch. Easter Day. Ai morning Prayerj in stead of the Psalmj O Come Let us, &c. These Anthems shall be^ sung or said. Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: there- fore let us keepi the feast. Not with the old leaveuy neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness^ ■ but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Clirist being raised from the dead d^eth no more: death hath no more dominion over him. i i ffor in that he^ d/edj he^ d^^ed unto sin once! but in that he^ livethj he^ liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also your selves to be^ dead j Cor. 5. 7. n.b. it sh^ be i. Cor. 5. 7, 8. Rom. 6. 9. 9. lO. 11. 2. 3. 3. 11. 12. 14. 18. 18. 19. than", an "e" altered into the " a' f< o" In In " unto", a * In ** have", a * In "us", a " V In "us", a "v In "unleavened". In "unto", a " V After " once", a semicolon altered into the colon. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". v" altered into the " u". u" altered into the " v". ' altered into the "u". ' altered into the "u". ', a "v" altered into the altered into the "u". U. Pr. 9. let us sing, 8fc. 1.4. 1.9. Q.Pr. as sure as ye can. let us sing, ^e. (257) .j. Cor, 15. 20. 20. 21. 23 Easter Day indeed unto sini' but alive vnto (Bod through Jesus Christ our Lord. Christ is risen from the dead} and become the first fruits of them that slepti ffor since by man came death J by man came also^ the resurrection I of the dead, ffor as in Adam all d^e : even so in Christ shall all be^ made alive. Glory be^ to the father, and to the holy Ghost Son! and to the holy Ghost | Answer As it was in the beginingj is now and ever shall be^! world without end. Amen. The 152 The CoUect. Almighty God, who through thine only be- gotten son Jesus Christ, hast overcome death, and opened vnto lis the gate of everlasting life j Wei humbly beseech thee, that as by thy special! grace preventing 11s, thou doist put into our minds good desires J so^ by thy continual help^ a ''v" altered into the ''u". a "u" altered into the "v". a " u" altered into the " v". a *'u" altered into the '' v". 1. In "unto" 1. In " alive" 6. In "even" 7. In "alive". 15. The 15fith page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The Collect.' 18. In "us", a "v" altered into the "u". 20. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 21. After " desires", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 10. U. Pr. Omitted. (258) I. 10. Omitted. Q. Pr, Easter Day we^ may bring the same to good effect, through Jesus Christ our Lordj who Hveth and reigneth with theej and the holy Ghostj ever one God| world without endi Amen. The Epistle. If ye then be^ risen with Christ, seek those Coi. 3. 1. things which are abovej where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection! on things abovcj not on things on the earth: for ye are deadj and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ who is our lifej shall appear^ then shall ye also^ appear^ with him in glory. Mortifie therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, vnclean^ness^j inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covet|ousness|j which is idolatry^ for which things sake the wrath of God cometh on the Children of disobedience! In the which ye also walked sometime when ye lived in them. The Gospel. The first day of the week! cometh Mary s. Joh. 20. 1, Magdalen! earlyj when it was yet dark|, iinto the sepulchrcj and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. Then shee runeth and cometh to Simon Peter j and to the other disciple 1. 3. In ''ever"^ a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 6. " If ye" written in an engrossing character, 1. 14. In "^ upon", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 22. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. I, 22. Magdalene. 1. 22. Magdalene. (259^ Easter Day whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have taken away the Lord out of the Sepulchre^ and we know not where they have laid himi e Peter therfore went 153 forth, forth J and that other disciple, and came to the Sepulchre. So^ they ran both together, and the other disciple did out^run Peter, and came first to the Sepulchre! and he^ stooping down|j and looKing in, saw the linien-clojiths lying, yet hee went he^ not in. Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the Sepulchre, and seeth the linien=clo|ths l^ej and the napkin that was about his headj not lying with the lin|en cloiths, but wrapped together in a place by it self^i Then went in also that other disciple which came first to the Sepulchre^ and he| saw and believed, ffbr as yet they knew not the Scripture, that he^ must rise again^ from the dead. Then the disciples went away again| unto their^ own^ home't Munday in Easter week!. The CoUect. Almighty God, who through thy only be- 1. 1. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 2. In " have", a ''u" altered into the " v". 1. 3. In " have", a ** ii" altered into the " v". 1. 6 The 157th page of the MS. Book commences with the word ** forth". 1. 12. In ''following", the "w" wTitten upon an erasure. 1. 13. In " seeth", the "th" written upon an erasure. 1. 13. After "1/e", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 21. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". (260) Easter Munday gotten son Jesus Christ, hast overcome death, and opened unto lis the gate of everlasting life J We^ humbly beseech thee, that as by thy special| grace preventing iisj thou doest put into our minds good desires, so| by thy continuall helpl we| may bring the same to good effect, through Jesus Christ our Lordj who liveth and reigneth with thee and the holy Ghost ever one (Dodj world without endi Amen. for the Epistle. Peter opened his mouthj and said, of a truth I Acts. lo. 34. perceive that (Bod is no respecter of persons} but in every nation he^ that feareth him, and worketh righteousness^! is accepted with 154 with him. The word which dDod sent iinto the Children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ (he^ is Lord of all) that word (I say) you know, which was pulblished throughout all Judea, and began from Galilecj after the Bap- tisme which John preached: How (Bod anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost j aiad with powerj who went about doing goodj and 1. 2. In " unto", a 'V altered into the *' u". 1. 2. In '* us", a "V altered into the " u". 1. 4. In " us", a " v" altered into the *'u". 1. 12. After "persons", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 16. The 158th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " with him." 1- 16. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". U, Pr. Q. Pr. 1 4. dost. 1. 4. dost. 1 19. ye know. 1. 19. ye know. 1 20. Judeea. (261) Easter Munday healing all that were oppressed of the devil: for (Dod was with himt And we^ are witnesses of all things which he^ did, both in the land of the Jew|sj and in Jerusalem^ whom they slewj and hanged on a tree: him CDod raised up the third dajj and shewed him openly; not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to iisj who did eat! and drink | with him after hei arose from the dead. And he^ comaunded lis to preach unto the people, and to testifie that it is he^ who was ordained of (Bodj to be^ the Judge of quick and dead. To him give all the Prophets witness^, that through his namcj whosoever believeth in himj shall receive remission of sin^s. The Gospel. s.Luk. 24. 13. Behold two of his disciplcs went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs. And they talked together of all these things which had happened! And it came to pass!, that while they communed together, and reasoned, Jesus himself! drew near, and went with themi But their eyes were holden, that they should not 1. 5. In " up", a *' \" altered into the '' u". 1. 7. In *'unto", a ** v" altered into the " u". 1. 8. In " us", a '' V altered into the "u". 1. 10. In " us", a "\" altered into the " u". 1. 10. In " unto", a *' v" altered into the " u". 1. 23. In "near", an "e" altered into the ** a". U. Pr. Q. Pr 1. 9. rose. 1. 9. rose. (262) Easter Munday know him. And hei said unto themj what manner of 155 communications communications are these that ye have one to another J as 3'e walk and are sad ? And the one of them J whose name was Cleopas, answering', said unto himj art thou only a stranger in Jeru- salemj and hast not known^ the things which are come to pass^ there in these daies? And he^ said unto them, What thing's? And they said unto him, concerning Jesus of Na- zareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word, before (Bod and all the people: And how the chief Priestsj and our Kulers delivered him to be^ condemned to death, and have crucified him. But we^ trusted that it had been he^, who should have redeemed Israel! and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done. Yea, and certain^ women also of our company made us 1. 1. In '^ unto", a " v" altered into the '* u". if 1. 4. The 159th page of the MS. Book commences with the word ""' communications''. 1 1. 4. In "have", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 6. In "answering", "ed" altered into "ing". i 1. 7. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 10. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1 1. 10. In " things", a letter which is undistinguishable altered into the " g". ! 1. 11. In "unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 16. In "have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 17. In "have", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 20. In " us", a "v" altered into the "u". \ U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1.17. which should have redeemed. 1.17. which should have redeemed. 1. 18. and besides. 1. 18. and besides. (263) Easter Munday astonishedj who were early ai the Sepulchre | and they found not his body, they came, saying, also that they ftko had seen^ a vision of Angelis| which said that he^ was alivei And certain^ of them who were with lis, went to the Sepulchre j and found it even so^ as the women had said J but him they saw not. Then he^ said unto them, O foolesj and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken! ought not these Christ to have suffered things, and to enter into his glory? And begining a| Moses, and all the Prophets, he^ expounded unto them in all the scriptures, the things concerning himself^. And they drew nigh unto the village, whether they went J and he^ made as though he^ would have gone further. But they constreined himj saying, abide with iisj for it is towards evening, and the day is far| spent: and he^ went in to tarry with themi And it came to pass^, as he^ sat 1. 1. After ''Sepulchre", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 5. In "us", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 6. After ** said", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 7. In "unto", a "v" altered into the " u". 1. 9. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 10. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 12. In "unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 14. In '* unto", a "\" altered into the "u". 1. 15. After " went", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 16. In " have", a " u" altered into the 'V. 1. 17. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 1. which were early. 1. 1. which were early. 1. 5. which were with us. 1. 5. which were with us. 1. 14. whither. 1. 14. whither. (264) Easter Munday at meat he^ took bread, and blessed itj and brake, and gave to them. And their^ eyes were 156 were opened, and they knew him, and he vanished out of their^ sight. And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn| within iisj while hei talked with lis by the way, and while he^ opened to lis the scriptures? And they rose lip the same hour^', and returned to Jerusalem, and found the ele^^ven gathered together, and them that were with them, saying, the Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon. And they told what things were done in the way, and how he^ was known of them in breaking of bread. Tuesday in Easter week^. The CoUect. Almigilty God, who through thy only begot- ten son Jesus Christ hast overcome death, and opened unto us the gate of everlasting life, We^ humbly beseech the^, that as by thy speciall 4. The 160th page of the MS. Book commences with the word " were". 4. "he" written upon an erasure. 6. In "to", the " o" written upon an erasure. 6. In " us", a " v" altered into the "u". 6. After " us", a comma altered into the semicolon. 7. In "us", a " v" altered into the " u". 8. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 9. In "up", a "v" altered into the "u". 20. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 20. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 20. After "life", a comma altered into the semicolon. U. Pr. Q. Pr. I. 1. at meat with them. 1. 1. at meat with them. T (265) Easter Tuesday grace preventing iisj thou doest put into our minds good desires, so^ by thy continual! help^ we^ may bring the same to good effect, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, and the holy Ghostj ever one (Bod world without endi Amen. for the Epistle. Acts. 13. 26. Menj and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth ClDodj to you is the word of this salvation senti ffbr they that dwell a| Jerusalem^ and their rulers, because they knew him notj nor yet the voices of the Prophets which are read every 157 Sabbath day, they have fulfilled them in con- demning himi And though they found no cause of death in hinij yet desired they Pilate that he^ should be^ slain. And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him j they took him down, from the tree, and laid him in a Sepulchre. But (Bod raised him from the dead! And he^ was seen many daies of them which came up with him from hkB Galilee to Jerusalem, who are his ]. 1. In *'us", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 10. In ** salvation", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 14. The 160th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 15. The 161st page of the MS. Book commences with the word " Sabbath". 1. 15. In ** have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 22. In " up", a " v" altered into the "u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 1. dost. 1. 1. dost. (266) Easter Tuesday witnesses unto the people. And we^ declare unto you glad tid^ings, how that the promise which was made vnto the fathers^ (Bod hath fulfilled the same vnto tisj their children, in that he^ hath raised up Jesus again, as it is also wTitten in the second psalm, Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee. And as con- cerning that he^ raised him up from the deadj now no more to return to corruption, he^ said on this wise, I will give you the sure mercies of David. Wherfore he^ saith also^ in another Psalm^j Thou shalt not suffer thine holy one to see corruption, ffor David after he^ had served his own generation by the will of Godj fell on sleepij and was laid unto his fathers, and saw" corruption. But he^ whom d^od raised again, saw no corruption: Be^ it known^ unto you therefore J men, and brethren, that through this e man is preached unto you the forgivness^ of sinsS And by him all that beleive are justified from all things, from which ye could not be^ justified by the law of £poses. Beware therefore, lest that come upon youj which is spoken of in 1. 1. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 2. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 4. In *'us", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 5. In "up", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 7. In " have", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 8. In "up", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 9. In " return", an " o" altered into the "u". 1. 15. In "unto", a "v" altered into the " u". 1. 17. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 19. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 23. In " upon", a " v" altered into the " u". T 2 (267) Easter Tuesday the Prophets j Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish! for I work a work in your daies, a work which you shall in no wise believe^ though a man declare it tmto you. 15S The Ciospel. S:Luk. 24. Jesus himself^ stood in the midst of them, 36. and saith unto them, Peace be^ unto you. But they were terrified and affrighted, and sup- posed that they had seen a spiriti And he^ said unto them, why are ye troubled j and why do^ thoughts arise in your hearts ? Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I my self! handle me, and see ) for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me haTCi And when he^ had thus spoken, he^ shewed them his hands and his feet. And while they yet believed not for joy, and hee feee- wondredj aed said isnto them, hare ye here any meat ? And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an hony=comb. And he^ took it, and did eat before thenii And he^ said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that 1. 4. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 5. The 161st page of the MS. Book has no catch -word. 1. 6. The 162nd page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The Gospel." 1. 8. In each 'unto", a 'W" altered into the "u". 1. 11. In " unto", a ** v" altered into the ''u". 1. 14. After " see", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 15. In "have", a "u" altered into the '*v". 1. 18. In "unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 18. In *' have", a '' u" altered into the ** v". 1. 22. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 23. In " unto", a '^v" altered into the " u". (268) Easter Tuesday all things must be^ fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the Prophets, and in the Psalms concerning me« Then opened he^ their understanding, that they might under- stand the Scriptures, and said unto them, thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day ; and that repentance and remission of sin^s should be^ preached in his name among all n iationsj begining a[i Jerusalem! And ye are A witnesses of these things. The first Sunday after Easter. The CoUect. Almighty father j who hast given thine only son, to dy^ for our sinnsj and to ^ais- rise again^ for our justification | Grant lis so to put away the leaven of mahce and wickedness^j that we^ may alway serve thee in pureness^ of li\dng and truthj through the merits of the same thy son Jesus Chiist our Lordi Amen. 159 The Epistle Whatsoever is born^ of CDod overcometh thcj.s. John. 5. world I And this is the victory that overcometh * 11. 4, 5. In ''understand", a "v" altered into the " u". 1. 5. In "unto", a " v^' altered into the " u". 1. 15. ''for our" written upon an erasure. 1. 16. After "justification", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 16. In " us", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 21. The 162nd page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 22. The 163rd page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The Epistle". (269) Easter Sunday, j. the world, even our faith. Who is he^ that overcome th the world, but he^ that belie veth that Jesus is the son of God ? This is he^ that came by water and bloud, even Jesus Christ J not by water only, but by water and bloud: And it is the Spirit that beareth Witness^, because the Spirit is truth, ffor there are three that bear record in heaven, the father, the word, and the holy Ghost, and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness^ in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the bloud : And these three agree in one. If we^ receive the vyitness^ of men, the witness^ of (Bod is greater, for this is the witness^ of God, which he^ hath testified of his son. He that believeth on the son of God, hath the witness^ in himself^ : he^ that believeth not (Bod, hath made him a lyir, because he^ believeth not the record that CDod gave of his son. And this is the record, that dDod hath given to lis eternall life ] And this life is in his son. He that hath the son hath lifej and he^ that hath not the son hath not life. The Gospel. s. Job. 20. 19. Xn6 same day at evening, being the first day of the week|| when the door^s were shut, where the disciples were assembled for fear| of the 1. 20. In " us", a " v" altered into the *' u". 1. 20. After "life", a comma altered into the semicolon. U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 22. Son of God. ^270) Easter Sunday, j. Jew^s, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be^ vnto you. And when he^ had so said, he^ shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord. Then said Jesus to them again, peace Peace be^ unto you : As ray father hath sent me^, even so^ send I you. And when hee^ had said this, he^ breathed on them and saith unto e them, Eecieve ye the holy Ghost. whos|soever sinj^s ye remif, they are remitted unto them; and whosesoever sinjz(s ye retaine, they are retained. The second Sunday after Easter. The CoUect. Almighty God, who hast given thine only son to be^ unto us both a sacrifice for sinj and also an ensample of Godly life \ give us grace that we^ may always most thankfully receive that his inestimable benifitj and also daily en- deavour our selves to follow the blessed stepjis 1. 2. In ''unto", a *' v" altered into the "u". 1. 3. In "unto", a "v" altered into the ''u". 1. 8. The 164th page of the MS. Book commences with the word " Peace". 1. 8. In " unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 10. In " unto", a '' v" altered into the " u". 1. 12. In ''unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 18. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 18. In "us", a " v" altered into the "u", 1. 19. After "life", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 19. In "us", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 20. In "always", " ie" altered into the "y", 1. 21. " benifit", sic orig. 1. 22. In " selves", a " u" altered into the " v". (271) 160 Easter Sunday* ij, of his most holy hfej through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Epistle 1 s. Pet. 2. 19. This is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief suffering wrongfully. for what glory is it, if when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently ? but if when ye do^ well, and suffer for itj ye take it patiently; this is acceptable with (IDodi ffor even hereunto wxre ye called! because Christ also suffered for iisj leaving ws an example, that ye should follow his steps : who did no sinj neither was guile found in his mouth : who when he^ was reviledj reviled not again ; when he^ suffered, he^ threatened not j but comitted himself^ to him that judgeth righteously S who his own^ self^ bare our sins in his own^ body on the tree, that we being dead to sin^s should live unto righteousness^ 5 by whose stripes ye were healed, ffor ye w^ere as sheep going astray j now but sew are returned lanto the shepherd, and Bishop of your soul^s. The Gospel, s. Job. 10. 11. Jesus said I am the good shepherd! the good 1. 10. In "hereunto", a "v" altered into the " u". 1. 11. In each "us", a "v" altered into the '' u". 1. 15. After "not", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 18. In "live", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 21. In "unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 23. The 164th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 24. The 165th page of the MS. Book commences with the words "The Gospel." 1. 24. After " shepherd", a period altered into the colon. (272) Easter Sunday, ij. shepherd giveth his hfe for the sheep. But he^ that is an hirehngj and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf^ com^ingj and leaveth the sheepj and fleeth ; and the wolf^ catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The hirehng fleeth, because he^ is an hirehng, and careth not for the sheep. I am the good shep- herd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the father knoweth me, even so know I the father: And I lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bringj and they shall hear my voice 5 and there shall be^ one fold, and one shepherd. The third Sunday after Easter. The Collect. Almisfhtv Godt who shewest to them that be^ ill errour the light of thy truth, to the intent that they may return into the way of righteousness^ 5 Grant unto all them that are admitted into the fellowship of Christs Eehgion that they may eschew those things that are con- trary to their^ profession, and follow all «uch things as are agreeable to the same, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 1. 11. In **have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 13. After "voice'', a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 19. In ''^ return", an " o" altered into the ''u". 1.20. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 15. THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EASTER, (273) Easter Sunday, iij The Epistle. j.s.Pet. 2.11. Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and Pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul^ \ haT^ing your conversa- tion honest among the Gentiles ) that whereas they speak against you as evil doers, they may by your good works which they shall behold j glorifie dDod in the 163 the day of visitation^ Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake, whether it be^ to the King, as supreamj or Mnto Governours, as unto them that are sent by him, for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do^ well. fFor so^ is the will of ©od, that with wehdoing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men ■ as free, and not ^sing your liberty for a cloak c of malij^iousness^ 5 but as the servants of (Bod. A Honour all meni Love the brotherhood, ffear dpod. Honour the King. The Gospel, s. Joh. 16. 16 Jesus said to his disciples, a little while and yc shall not see me^ ) and again j a little while and 1. 4. In "havj^ing", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 10. The 166th page of the MS. Book commences with the words "the day". 1. 10. In " yourselves", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 12. After "supream", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 13. In *'unto", a *'v" altered into the '"u". 1. 18. In "using", a " v" altered into the "u". (274) Easter Sunday, iij ye shall see me^, because I go^ to the father. Then said some of his disciples among them- selves, what is this that he^ saith tinto lis, A little while and ye shall not see me^, and againj a little while and ye shall see me ; and because I go^ to the father ? They said therefore j what is this that he^ saithj A little while ? we^ can- not tell w^hat he^ saith. Now Jesus knew that they were desirous to ask^ him, and said itnto themj do^ ye enquire among yourselves, of that I said, A little while, and ye shall not se| me } and again ^j a little while and ye shall see mci? Verily, verilyg I say ttnto you, that ye shal weep and lament, but the world shall rejoyce: and ye shall be^ sorrowfull, but your sorrow shall be^ turned into joy. A woman when she^ is in travail, hath sorrow^ because her hour is come B but as soon as she^ is delivered of the Child, she^ remembreth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born^ into the world. And ye now therefore have sorrow : but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoyce, and your joy no man taketh from you. 163 The 12 11. 2, 3. In " themselves", a ** u" altered into the " v". 1. 3. In ''^unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 3. In ^^us", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 9. In ''unto", a " v" altered into the ''u". 1. 10. In "yourselves", a "u" altered into the *'v". 1. 12. In *' again^," the "ai" vpritten upon an erasure. 1. 13. In ''verily", the ** ily" written upon an erasure. 1. 13. After the second " verily", a blot^, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 13. In*'unto"j a"v" altered into the " u". 1. 14. In "the", the "he" written upon an erasure. 1. 18. After " come", a period altered into the colon. 1. 21. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". (275) The fourth Sunday after Easter. The CoUect/ O Almiffhtv God, who alone canst order the unruly wills and affections of sinfull men | Grant unto thy people, that they may love the thing which thou comandest, and desire that which thou do^st promise, that so among the sundryi and manifold changes of the world, our hearts may surely there be^ fixed, where true joy^s are to be^ found, through Jesus Christ our Lordi Amen. The Epistle. s.Jara.j. ir. Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down^ from the father of hghts, with whom is no variableness^j neither shad^low of turning! £)f his own^ will begat he^ us with the word of truth, that we^ should be^ a kind of first=fruits of his creatures. "Wher- fore, my beloved brethren, let every man be^ swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath ) for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness^ of Ood. Wherefore lay a part all filthiness^ and superfuity of naughtiness^, and receive Avith meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. 1. 1. The 167th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The fourth". 1. 4. In "unruly", a "v" altered into the *'u". 1. 5. In "unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 17. In "us", a "v" altered into the " u". 1. 25. In "save", a " u" altered into the "v". TJ. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 1. FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. (276) The fourth Sunday after Easter. The Gospel. Jesus said unto his disciples, Now I go my s.John. i6. way to him that sent me^j And none of you asketh mej Whether goest thou? But because I have said these things vtnio you sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless^^ I tell you the truth, It is expedient for you that I go away : for if I go not away, the comforter will not come unto you ; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he^ is come, he^ will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness^j and of Judgments of sin J because they believe not on me : of righteousness^ | because I go to my father, i®* ffatherj and ye see me^ no more ■ of Judgment j \ because the Prince of this world is judged. I j have yet many things to say itnto youi, but ye i cannot bear them now. Howbeit, when he^, the : §>pirit of truth is come, he^ will guide you into | all truth ; for he^ shall not speak of himself^, j 1. 2. In ''unto", a *' v" altered into the "u". 1. 5. In "have", a "u" altered into the ** v". 1. 5. In " unto", a *'v" altered into the ** u". 1. 9. In each ''unto", a *' v" altered into the " u". 1. 15. The 168th page of the MS. Book commences with the word '^ ffather" 1. 15. After " more", a period altered into the colon. 1. 15. After " Judgment", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 17. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 17. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 4. Whither. 1. 4. Whither. (277) Easter Sunday, v. but whatsoever he^ shall hear, that shall he^ speak, and he^ will shew you things to come. He^ shall glorifie me^ : for he^ shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. All things that the f father hathj are mine : Therefore said I, that he^ shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you. The fifth Sunday after Easter. The CoUect. O JLorCi, from whom all good things doi come; Grant to lis thy humble servants, that by thy holy inspiration we^ may think those things that beO good, and by thy merciful [1 guiding may perform the same, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. The Epistle. s. Jam. j. 22. Bc^ yc docrs of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves, ffor if any be^ a hearer of the word and not a doer, he^ is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass^. ffor he^ beholdeth himselfej and goeth his way, and streightway forgetteth what manner 1. 1. In " whatsoever", a "u" altered into the " v". 4. In ''unto", a " \" altered into the "u' . 7. In •' unto", a *' v" altered into the " u". 11. In *' us", a " v" altered into the " u". 18. In " selves", a " u" altered into the " v". 20. In ''unto", a '' v" altered into the " u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 8. FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. (278) Easter Sunday, v. of man he^ wasi IBut whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein \ he^ being not a fbrgetfull hearer, but a doer of the work^, this man shall bei blessed in his deed. If any man among you seem^ to be^ rehgtous, and bridleth not his tongue, but de- ceiveth his own^ heart, this mans religion is vain^. Pure religion j and ttndefiled before God@ and the father, is this | To visit the fatherless^ and wid^lowes in their| affliction, and to keep himselfl unspotted from the world. Tie 16^ The Gospel. Verily 5 verily I say ttnto you, Whatsoever ye jg'^gs"' '^^* shall aski the father in my name, he^ will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name! Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be^ full. These things have I spoken ttnto you in proverbs! the time cometh when I shall 1- 8. In " undefiled", a '* v" altered into the "u". 1. 8. After " God", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 9. After '^this", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 11. In " unspotted", a "v" altered into the " u". 1. 12. The tape which annexed the MS. to the Transmiss has removed the middle letter - of the catch-word. 1. 12 (margin). " 16^". So in the MS., " 165" and '* 166" being omitted. 1. 13. The 169th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The Gospel." 1. 14. In ''unto", a " v" altered into the *'u". 1. 16. In '^ have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 18. In "have", a " u" altered into the "\'\ 1. 18. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u", 1. 19. In *'jproverbs", a " P" partly defaced, and the " J>" written on it in darker ink. U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 19. but the time cometh. (279) Easter Sunday, v. no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainfly of the f father. At that day ye shall ask^ in my name! And I say not unto you, that I will pray the f father for you ; for the f father himself! loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from dDod. I came forth from the ffather, and am come into the world: Again j I leave the world, and goi to the ffather. His disciples said unto him J Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb. Now are we^ sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should aski thee! by this we^ believe that thou earnest forth from (13od. Jesus answered them, Do^ ye now believe? beholdj the hour cometh, yea, is now comcj that ye shall bei scattered every man to his own, and shall leave me alone: And yet I am not alone J because the ffather is with mei. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation ; but be^ of good cheer, I have overcome the world. 1. 1. In *' unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 1. In "jjroverbs", a ''P" partly defaced, and the " jp" written on it in darker ink. 1. 3. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 5. In "have", a *'u" altered into the " v". 1. 6. In "have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 10. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 11. In "proverb", a "P" partly defaced, and the "jp" written On it in darker ink. 1. 13. After " thee", a period altered into the colon. 1. 20. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". 1. 20. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 21. In "have", a "u" altered into the "v". 1.22. In each " have", a " u" altered into the " v". (280) Ascension Day The Ascension Daji The CoUect. Grantj we^ beseech thee, Ahnighty God, that Hke as we do| beheve thy only begotten &on our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into the heavens j sol we^ may also in heart and mind thither ascend, and with him continually dwellj who liveth and reigneth with thecj and the holy Ghost J one CDod, world without endi Ameni for 168 for the Epistle. The fbrier treatise hare I made, O Theophilusj Acts. 1. 1. of all that Jesus began both to do! and teach, lintill the day in which he| was taken iipj after that he^ through the holy Ghost had given coma^nd^'ments unto the Apostles whom he^ had chosen. To whom also he^ shgwed him- self^ alive after his passion, by many infallible proofs J being seen of them forty dales j and speaking of the things pertain|ing to the king- Head-line. In '^ Day" , the "ay" written in an engrossing character. 1. 5. In ''have", a '' u" altered into the "v' '; and the word itself written upon an erasure. I. 6. After " heavens ', a comma altered into the semicolon. 11. The 170th page of the MS. Book commences with the words ' for the Epistle." 12. In "have", a " u" altered into the " v" 14. In "untill", a "v" altered into the "u' '. 14. In "up", a "v' ' altered into the "u". 16. In ''unto", a" v" altered into the "u" U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 1, ASCENSION-DAY. U (281) Ascension Day domi of God: And being assembled together with themj comanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem^ but wait! for the promise of the f father, which, saith he|, ye have heard of ine|i ffor John truly baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the holy Ghost not many days hence. "When they therfore were come together, they asked of himj saying, Lord, wilt thou a| this time restore again^ the Kingdom^ to Israel ? And he^ said unto them. It is not for you to know the times, or the seasons, which the ffather hath put in his own| power. But ye shall receive power after that the holy Ghost is come upon youj and ye shall be^ witnesses iinto me^, both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. And when he^ had spoken these things, while they beheldj he^ was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their^ sight. And while they looked steidfastly toward heavenj as he^ went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel! | which also 1. 4. In ''have", a "u" altered into the "v". J. 7. In "days", " ie" altered into the *' f. 1. 7. " therfore", sic orig. 1. 10. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 14, In "upon", a "v" altered into a "u". 1. 14. A comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 15. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 16. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 16. In "uttermost", a "v" altered into the "^u". 1. 18. In " up", a "v" altered into the "u". 1.-21. In ^'up", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 15. Judaea. (282) U. Pr. Q. Pr. 169 Ascension day. saidj ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gaz|ing lip into heaven? This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall sol come in like manner^ as ye have seen^ him go into heaven. The The Gospel. Jesus appeared unto the eleiven as they sat ai ,^ meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief | ^^• and hardnessl of heartj because they believed not them which had seen him after hee was risen. And he^ said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He^ that believeth and is baptized, shall be^ saved 5 but he^ that believeth not, shall be^ signes damned. And these thmgg shall follow them that believe !■ In my name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents, and if they drink ^ any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them| 1. 2. In "up", a "v" altered into the '•'u"'. 1. 3. In "up", a "v" altered into the "u". I. 4. In "have", a '^u" altered into the ''y". 1. 7. The 171st page of the MS, Book commences with the words "The Gospel." 1. 8. In "unto", a " v" altered into the '^'u". 1. 9. In " upbraided", a " v" altered into the " u". I. 9. In " unbelief^", a " v" altered into the "_u". 1. 12. In "unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 19. In " up", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 22. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". U2 (283) Sunday after Ascension day. he^ was recieved up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signes following. Sunday after Ascension day. The CoUect! O Grod the King of Gloryj who hast exaltec thine only son Jesus Christ with great triumph k unto thy iingdom| in heaven; We^ beseech thee leave lis not comfortless^; but send to lis thine holy- Ghost to comfort lis, and exalt us iinto the same place whither our Saviour Christ is gone before, who liveth and reigneth wdth thee, and the holy Ghostj one (I5odj w^orld without endi Amen. The Epistle, j. s Pet. 4. 7. The end of all things is at hand | be^ ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity x^o 1. In " up", a " v" altered into the " u". 10. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 11. In each *' us", a " v" altered into the " u". 12. In each " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 13. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 18. After " hand", a comma altered into the semicolon. 19. In " prayer", an " i" altered into the " y". U. Pr. Q. Pf ]. 6. The Sunday after Ascension-day. (284) Sunday after Ascension -^t^^^ pirit of 16. chap. ^ truth, which proceedeth from the ffather, he^ .; shall testifie of me^. And ye also shall bear ' witness!, because ye have been with me from the begiiiing. These things have I spoken tinto you, that ye should not be^ offended. They shall put u you out of the Synago}/^ges : yea the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he^ doth (Dod service. And these things will they 1. 1. The 172n(l page of the MS. Book commences with the word " Charity". 1. 1. In " selves", a '' u" altered into the '' v". 1. 2. In " Use", a " V" altered into the " U". 1. 14. In " unto", a «' v" altered into the " u". 1. 17. In "have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 18. In ** have", a *' u" altered into the " v". , 1. 18. In " unto", a " v" altered into the *' u". u I 1. 20. In " Synagoylges", an " i" altered into the " y". U, Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 22. doeth, 1. 22. doeth, (285) I Whitsunday. doi unto you, because they hare not knownf( the ffatherj nor me J but these things hare I told you J that when the time shall comej ye may remember that I told you of them. Whitsunday. The Collect. Grod| who as at this time didst teach the hearts of thy faithfull people by the sending to them the light of thy holy Spirit) Grant lis by the same Spirit to haTe a right judgment in all things, and evermore to rejoyce in his holy comfortj through the merits of Christ Jesus our Saviour, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the same Spirit, one dDod world without endi Amen. for the Epistle. Acts. 2. j. Wlien the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty windj and it filled all the house where they were sitting! And there appeared unto them cloven tonguesj like as of fircj and it 1. 1. In '' unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 1. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 2. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 7. In "time", a "y" altered into the " i". 1. 9. In " us", a " v" altered into the *' u". 1. 10. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 14. In '* unity", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 16. The 172nd page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1.17. The 173rd page of the MS. Book commences with the words ''for the Epistle." 1.23. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". (286) Whitsunday. sat upon each of them: And they were all filled with the holy Ghost, and began to speak| with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jeru- salem Jewes, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together j and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. And they were all^ amazed, and marvelled, saying one to another, behold, are not all these thax which speak, Gali- leans ? And how hear we^ every man in our own^ tongue wherein we^ were born^? Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Meso- potamia, and in Judeaj and Cappadociaj in Pontus and Asia, Phrygia^ and Pamphilia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libyaj about Cyrenej and strangers of Eomej Jewes and Proselytes, Cretes and Arabians, we^ do^ hear them speak in our tongues the wonderfull works of CBod. The Gospel/ Jesus said unto his disciples. If ye love me s. John. 14.] 5. 1. 1. In " upon'', a '' v" altered into the '' u". 1. 3. In " gave", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 4. In ** utterance", a ^^v" altered into the " v". 1. 6. In ''under", a ^^v" altered into the " u". 1. 16. In " Phrygia", an '' i" altered into the " y". 1. 17. In " Egypt", an *'i" altered into the *' y". 1. 17. In '' Libya", an '' i" altered into the **y". 1. 17. In " Gyrene", an " i" altered into the " y". 1. 22. In "unto", a ''v" altered into the "u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 15. Judaea. 1. 16. Pamphylia. 1. 16. Pamphylia. (287) Whitsunday keep^ my Comand^ments. And I will pray the f father, and he^ shall give you another com- forter, that he^ may abide with you for ever J even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him notj neither knoweth him 5 ^7^ him, but ye know him J for he^ dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leav^ you comfortless^, I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more J but ye see me! because I live, ye shall live also' Al that day ye shall know, that I am in my ffather, and you in me, and I in you. He that hath my coitiandmentsi and keepeth them, he^ it is that loveth mej and he^ that loveth me shall be loved of my ffather, and I will love himj and will manifest my self^ to himi Judas saith unto himj (not Iscariot) Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world? Jesus answered^ and said itnto him. If a man love mcj hel will keep! my words ■ and my 1. 3. After " ever", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 7. A comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 8. The 174th page of the MS. Book commences with the word *' him". 1. 8. After *^ him", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 12. In each "live", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 16. After "me", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 18. In "unto", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 20. In each "unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 21. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". U. Pr, Q. Pr, 1, 14. ye in me. 1. 14. ye in me. (288) Whitsunday ffather will love him, and we^ will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that loveth me not, keepeth not my sayings! and the word which you hear, is not mine J but the ffathers which sent me. These things have I spoken unto youj being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the holy Ghost, whom the ffather will send in my name, he^ shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Peace I leave with you, my peacel I give unto you : not as the world giveth, I give unto you. Let not your heart be trou- bledj neither let it bee afraid. Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away^ and come again unto youi If ye loved mej ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the ffather" for my ffather is greater then I. And now I have told you before it come to pass^j that 1. 1. In ** unto", a " v" altered into the '* u". 1. 3. After " sayings", a period altered into the colon. 1. 4. After "mine", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 5. In '* have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 6. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u' 1. 10. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v' 1. 11. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u' 1. 12. In ** unto", a " v" altered into the " u" 1. 13. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u' 1. 14. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v' 1. 15. In '* unto", a " v" altered into the " u'' 1. 15. After " away", a blot, as if to obliterate a point, 1. 16. In " unto", a " v" altered into the ** u' 1. 17. In " unto", a ** v" altered into the ** u* 1. 17. After " ffather", a period altered into a colon. 1. 19. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 4. ye hear. 1. 4. ye hear. (289) IS'S Whitsun Munday when it is come to pass^ ye might believe, ^^ereafter I will not talk^ much with you! for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. But that the world may know that I love the f father | And as the f father gave me comandment, even so I do^. Munday in Whitsun weeke. The Collect, a^ God I who at this time didst teach the hearts of thy faithfull people, by the sending to them the light of thy holy Spirit ; Grant us by the same Spirit to hare a right judgment in all things, and evermore to rejoyce in his holy comfort, through the merits of Christ Jesu our Saviour, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the same Spirit, one (IDod world without end. Amen. — for the Epistle Act. 10. 34. Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, of a truth r perceiv^ that (Eod is no respecter of persons \ but in every ligation he^ that feareth 1. 2. After ** you", a period altered into the colon. 1. 7. The 174th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 8. The 175th page of the MS. Book commences with the word ** Munday' 1, 12. In " us", a '' v" altered into the " u". 1. 13. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 17. In "^ unity", a " v" altered into the ** u". 1. 22. After " persons", a comma altered into the semicolon. TJ. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 15. Christ Jesus. , . 1. 15. Christ Jesus. (290) Whitsun Munday him, and worketh righteousnessOj is accepted with him. The word which Cod sent unto the Children of Israey, preaching peace by Jesus Christ (he^ is Lord of all) that word, I say, jou know, which was published throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee, afler the Bap- tism which John preached : How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devilj for <3od was with himi And we are witnesses of all things which he^ did, both in the land of the Jewesj and in Jerusalem} whom they slew and hanged on a tree ■ Him Cod raised up the third day, and shewed him openly, not to all the people J but unto Witnesses chosen before of God, even to us who did eaty and drink G with him after he3 rose from the dead. And he^ comanded us to preach unto the people, and to testifie that it is he which was ordained of God to be^ the judge of quick and dead. To him give all the iProphets Witness^, that through his 1. 2. In " unto", a " v" altered into the '^u". L13. After " Jerusalem", a comma altered into the semicolon. — . .- — 1. 14. In " up", a " v" altered into the " u". : • -'T .i' ,: 1. 16. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 17. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 19. In " us", a *' v" altered into the " u". 1. 19. In " unto", a " y" altered into the " u". ■- U. Pr. Q.Pr. 1. 5. ye know. 1. 5. ye know. 1. 6. Judaea. 1.20. that it was he. (291) Whitsun Munday name whosoever believeth in himj shall recieve remission of sinfsi While Peter yet spake these X74: these words the holy Ghost fell on all them who heard the word. And they of the circumcision came who believed, were astonished, as many as w^^^ with Peterj tecause that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the holy Ghost, ffor they heard them speak with tongues, and magnifie God. Then answered Peterj Can any man forbid water that these should not be^ bap- tized, who have received the Holy Ghost as well as we^^? And he^ comanded them to be baptized, in the name of the Lordi Then prayed they him to tarry certain daysi The Gospels s. John. 3. 16. God so lovcd the world, that he^ gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life, ffor dDod sent not his &on into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be^ saved. He^ that be- 4. The 176th page of the MS. Book commences with the words ** these". 1. 12. In ** have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 15. In «• prayed", an " i" altered into the " y". 1. 15. In " days", an " i" altered into the " y". 1- 19. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 11. 4, 5. which heard. 11. 4, 5. which heard. 1. 6. which believed. 1. 6. which believed. 1. 12. which have received. 1. 12. which have received. (292) Whitsun Munday lieveth on himj is not condemned ! but he^ that believetli not is condemned already, because he^ hath not believed in the name of the only be- gotten son of dDod. And this is the condemna- tion, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness^ rather than light j because their^ deeds were evilL ffor every one that doeth evil hateth the hght, neither cometh to the hght, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he^ that doth truth, cometh to the hght, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. Tuesday Whitsun Tuesday Tuesday in Whitsun weeke. The Collect, as God, who a| this time didst teach the hearts of thy faithfull people by sending to them the light of thy holy Spirit ; Grant lis by the same spirit to have a right judgment in all things, and evermore to rejoyce in his holy comfort, through the merits of Christ Jesu our Saviour, 1. 6. In ' than' ', an "e" altered into the ''a". 1. 13 ( margin) . ' 174:", sic orig., being a duplicate number of preceding page. 1. 14. The 177th page of the MS. Book commences with the word ' 'Tuesday". 1. 19. In 'us", a "v' ' altered into the " u > • 20. In 'have", a " u" altered into the ' v". U.Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 10. doeth. 1.10. doeth. 1. 14. Omitted. 1. 14. Omitted. 1. 18. by the sending. 1. 18. by the sending. 1.22. Christ Jesus. 1.22. Christ Jesus. (293i Whitsun Tuesday. wHo livethj and reigneth with thee in the unity of the same Spirit, one God world without endi Amen. for the Epistle, Act. 8. 14. vVhen the Apostles who were ai Jerusalem, heard that Samaria had received the word of God| they sent unto them Peter and John | who when they were come down^, prayed for them, that they might receive the holy Ghosti (for as yet he^ was fallen upon none of them : only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus) Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the holy Ghost. The Gospel. s.joh. 10. 1. Verily, verily I say unto you, He^ that entreth not by the door into the Sheep =fold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief^ and a robberi But he^ that entreth in by the door, is the Shepherd of the Sheep. To him the porter openeth \ and the sheep hear^ his voice, and he ^ calleth his own sheep by name, i^'S I. 1. In *' unity", a " v" altered into the " u". Y. 6. In " received", *'ie" altered into the " ei". 1. 7. In "unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 10. in "upon", a "v" altered into the "u". 1. 15. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 17. In " up", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 20. After *' openeth", a comma altered into the semicolon. V. Pr, Q. Pr. 1. 5. which were. 1. 5. which were. (294) Whitsun: Tuesday name, and leadeth them out. And when" he^ putteth forth his owne sheep^j he^ goeth before them, and the sheep follow him ; for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him ; for they know not th^ voice of strangers. This parable spake Jesus unto them; but they understood not what things they were which he^ spake unto them. Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me ar Thieves and robbers 5 but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door J by me if any man enter in, he^ shall bee saved, and shall goe in and out, and find^ pasture. The thief | cometh not but for to steal ^, and to kill, and to destroy : I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Trinity Sunday. The Collect. Almighty J and everlasting Godj who hast given unto us thy servants grace by the cori- 1. 1. The 178th page of the MS. Book commences with the word ** name". 1. 7. In **unto", a " v" altered into the ** u". 1. 7. In " understood", a " v" altered into the *' u". 1. 8. In " unto", a " v" altered into the *' u". 1. 9. In "unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 10. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 11. " ar", sic orig. I. 12. After '* robbers", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 13. After ** door", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 17. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 22. In " unto", a '' v" altered into the '' u". 1. 22. In " us", a " v" altered into the '* u". (295) .^ .vxn 13 175 Trinity Sunday. fession of a true faith to acknowledge the glory of the eternall Trinity, and in the power of the divine Maiesty to worship the unity j We^ beseech theej that thou wouldst keep^ us ste|dfast in this faith, and evermore defend lis from all adversities, who livestj and reignest one God world without endi Amen. ffor for the Epistle. Rev. 4. 1. After this I looked, and behold, a door w^as opened in heaven S And the first voice which I heardj was it were of a trumpet talking with me| which said, come wp hitherj and I will shew thee things which must be| hereafter. And imediately I was in the spirit; And behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sa| ol the throne, and he^ that satj was, to look^ upon, like a jasper, and a Sardine stone : and there was in sight iilie an £merald. And round about tlie tlirone a rain=bow round about the throne, w^Sere four^ and twenty seats j and upon the seats wore I L 3. In ''unity", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 4. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 5. In " us", a " v" altered into the *'u". 1. 8 (margin). ''l^S", sic orig., being a duplicate number of preceding page. 1. 9. The 179th page of the MS. Book commences with the words *'for the Epistle." 1. 12. After ** me", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 13. In "up", a *W" altered into the "u". 1. 17. In " upon", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 20. After " seats", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 20. In " upon", a " v" altered into the " u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 12. was as it were. 1, 12. was as it were. 1. 19 (interlineation), like unto an emerald. 1. 19 (interlineation), like unto an emerald. (296) Trinity Sunday. saw four^ and twenty elders sittings cloathed in white raiment 5 and they had on their^ heads crownes of gold> And out of the throne pro- ceeded lightningsj and thundringsj and voicesi And there were seiven lamps of fire burniing before the throne, which are the se|ven spirits of God. And before the throne there was a sea of glasse hke tinto Chrystall : and in the midst of the thronej and round about the throne were fourl beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a Calf, and the third beast had a face as a manj and the fourth beast was like a flying Eagle. And the four^ beasts had each of them six wings about himj and they were full of eyes within, and they rest not day and night, saying, holy, holy, holy. Lord God Almighty^ who was, and is, and is to comci And when those beasts give glory, and honour, and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever, ft&d the four and tw^enty elders fall down! before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their^ crownes before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour and power j for thou hast created all 2. After " raiment", a comma altered into the semicolon. 8. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 8. In " chrystaUr", an " i" altered into the " y". 8. After " chrystaU", a period altered into the colon. 2G. After " power", a comma altered into the semicolon. X (297) Trinity Sunday thingsj and for thy pleasure they are and were created. The Gospel. s. John. 3. 1. There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a Euler of the Jewes. The same came to Jesus by nightj and said unto himj Rabbi, we^ know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do^ these miracles that thou doest, except (Bod be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, tierily I say unto thee, Except a man be| born again, he^ cannot see the Ifeingdom^ of God. 0"H Nicodemus saith unto himj How can a man be born when he^ is old ? can he^ enter the second time into his mothers womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verilyj verily I say unto thee. Except a man be^ born of waterj and of the §)pirit, he^ cannot enter into the kingdom | of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh } and that which is born^ of the Spirit is &piriti Marvel not that I said unto thee, ^e must bee born againi The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof J but canst 1. 3. The 179th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1. 4. The 180th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The Gospel." I. 11. In each '* unto", a " v" altered into the ** u". 1. 14. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 17. In " unto", a ** v" altered into the ** u". 1. 20. After the second " flesh", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 22. In " unto", a " v" altered into the *' u". 1. 24. After *' thereof", a comma altered into the semicolon. (298) Trinity Sunday. not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth \ so^ is every one that is born^ of the Spirit. Nicodemus answered and said unto him | How can these things be^ ? Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a Master of Israel, and knowest not these things 7 Verily, tterily I say unto thee, Wee^ speak that we do^ know, and testifie that we^ have seen^j and ye receiv^ not our witness!. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believ^ not ; how shall ye believ^ if I tell you of heavenly things ? And no man hath ascended up to heaven^ but he^ that came down from heaven j even the &on of manj who is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the ser- pent in the wildemess| : even so must the &on of man bee lifted up \ that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have eternall lifei The \77 The first Sunday after Trinity. The CoUeet^' O God J the strength of all them that put 1. 1. After " goeth", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 3. In " unto", a ** v" altered into the " n". 1. 3. After " him", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 5. In " unto", a *' v" altered into the ** u". 1. 7. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 8. In " have", a ** v" altered into the '* u". 1. 9. In " have", a *' u" altered into the ** v". 1. 12. In " up", a ** v" altered into the " u". 1. 14. In " up", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 16. In " up", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 17. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". I. 19. The 181st page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The first". U. Pr. Q. Pr. II. 13, 14. which is in heaven. X 2 (299) Trinity Sunday, j. their trust in thee, mercifully accept our prayers ; and because through the weakness^ of our mortall nature we3 can do^ no good thing without thee, grant lis the help of thy grace, that in keeping thy comandments we^ may please theej both in will and deedj through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Epistle. 1 s. Job. 4. 7 Beloved, let us love one another ; for love is of ©od, and every one that loveth is borne of Cod, and knoweth God. He^ that loveth notj knoweth not Cod; for Cod is lovei In this was manifested the love of Cod towards lis because that Cod sent his only begotten &on into the world, that we^ might live through himi Herein is lovej not that we^ loved God, but that hey loved lis, and sent his &on to be^ the propitiation for our sinnsi Beloved, if Cod so^ loved us, we^ ought also to love one anotheri No man hath seeny Cod aH any time. If we^ love one another. Cod dwelleth in iisj and his love is perfected in iisi Hereby know wey that 1. 1. In " prayers", an " i" altered into the *'y". 1. 4. In " us", a ** v" altered into the " u". 1. 9. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 13. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 15. In "live", a **u" altered into the " v". 1. 17. In **us", a "y" altered into the "u". 1. 19. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 21. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 22. In *' us", a " v" altered into the " u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1.5. keeping of thy commandments. 1.5. keeping of thy commandments. (300) Trinity Sunday, j. weS dwell in him, and he^ in us, because he^ hath given us of his Spirit. And we^ have seen and doe testiiiej that the ffather sent the &on to be^ the Sa\aour of the world. Whosoever shall confess^ that Jesus is the ^on of God, C3od dwelleth in himj and he^ in God. And we^ have kno\vn and beheved the love that CDod hath to iisi God is love J and he^ that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in Cod, and Cod in him. Herein is our love made perfect, that weO may have boldness^ in the day of judgment, because as he^ is, so are we^ in this world. There is no fear in lovej but perfect love casteth out fear ; because fear hath torment S Hcv] that fearethj is not made perfect in love. WeO love him J because he^ first loved us If irs If a man sayj I love Cod, and hateth his brother^ he^ is a lyar S for hy that loveth not his brotherj whom hej hath seen2, how can hei love Codj whom he^ hath not seen ? And this comandment have weO from him, that he! who loveth God J love his brother also. 1. 1. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 2. In *'us", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 2. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 7. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 8. In "us", a "v" altered into the " u". 1. 11. In " have", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 16. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 18. The 182nd page of the MS. Book commences with the words ** If a man' Trinity Sunday, j. The Gospel. S.Luke. 16.19. There was a certaini rich man, who was clo|thed in purple, and fine lijz^nenj and fared sumptuosly every day. And there was a cer- tain^ beggar named Lazarus, who was laid a| his gate full of sores | desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich mans table ; Moreover the dog^s came and licked his sores. And it came to pass that the begger dyed, and was carried by the angells into Abrahams bosom I The rich man also dyed and was buried. And in hell he^ lift up his eyes§ being in tomientsj and seeth Abraham afar^ off, and Lazarus in his bosomSi and he^ cryedj and said, father Abraham, hare mercy on me^, and send Lazarus that he^ may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this fiame. But Abraham saidj &onj re- member, that thou in thy life time receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evilZ things : but now he^ is comforted, and thou art tormented. And besides all this, between^ lis and you there is a great gulf^ fixed ■ so^ that 1. 5. In " beggar", an '' e" altered into the " a". 1.11. After " bosom", a period altered into the colon. 1. 12. In " up", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 12. After " eyes", a blot, as if to obliterate a point. 1. 15. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1.22. In "us", a " v" altered into the "u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 2. which was. 1. 2. which was. 1. 5. which was. 1. 5. which was. (302) Trinity Sunday, j. they who would pass^ from hence to joUj cannot J neither can they pass^ to lis, that would come from thence. Then hey said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldst send him to my fathers house ■ f for I hare five brethren j that he^ may testifie itnto them, lest they also come into this place of torment ■ Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets ; let them hear them. And he^ said, Nay, 1J9 father father Abraham} but if one went unto them from the dead, they w411 repent. And he^ said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be^ perswaded, though one rose from the dead. The second Smiday after Triuity. The CoUect^ O Lord, who never failest to help and govern 1. 1. In '* who", ''ich" altered into the " o". 1. 2. After " cannot", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 2. In " us", a ''v" altered into the " u". 1. 5. In "have", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 5. After " brethren", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 6. In " unto", a "v" altered into the " u". 1. 8. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 8. In " have", a " u" altered into the ** v". 1. 12. The 183rd page of the MS. Book commences with the word " father". 1. 12. After "Abraham", a comma altered into the semicolon. 1. 12. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 14. In "unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 15. In " Prophets/' the first " F' very much blotted with ink. 1. 19. In "never", a "u" altered into the " v". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 1. which would pass. (303) Trinity Sunday. 2. them whom thou doist bring up in thy ste|(dfast fear^ and love; Keep lis we^ beseech thee, under the protection of thy good providence, and make us to have a perpetual fear and love of thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Epistle. J.S.John. 3. 13 Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. We^ know that we^ have passed from death unto life, because we^ love the brethren: He^ that loveth not his brother abideth in deathi Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer; and ye know that no murderer hath eternall life abiding in him. Hereby perceive we the love of C3od, because he^ laid down^ his life for usS And we^ ought to lay down^ our lives for the brethren, but who so hath this worlds good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from himj how dwelleth the love of (Bod in him? My little children, let 1. 1. In " up", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 2. In " us", a *' v" altered into the ** u". 1. 3. In "under", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 4. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 4. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 8. In "^larvel", the " rve" -written upon an erasure, 1. 9. In "know that", the " ow" and " th" written upon an erasure. 1. 9. In " have", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 10. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 15. In " us", a ** v" altered into the " u". 1. 15. After "us", a period altered into the colon. 1. 18. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 18. In " up", a " v" altered into the " u". 1.19. After " him", a comma altered into the semicolon. U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 17. whoso. 1. 17. whoso. (304) Trinity Sunday. 2. lis not love in word, neither in tongue J but indeedj and in truth. And hereby we^ know that we^ are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before hinii ffor if our heart condemn us, God is greater then our heart, and knoweth all things. Beloved J if our heart condemn us not, then haTe we^ confidence towards God. And whatsoever we^ ask^j we^ receive of him, because we^ keep^ his comand^ments, and do^ those things that are iso are pleasing in his sight. And this is his comandmentj that we^ should believ^ on the ^ame of his &oni Jesus Christ, and love one another as he^ gave vs comandment. And he^ that keepeth his comandments dwelleth in him, and he^ in him ■ and hereby we^ know that he^ abideth in usj by the Spirit which he^ hath given lis. The Gospel. a A certain^ man made great supper, and bad Luk. u. le. 1. 1. In ** us", a '* v" altered into the " u". ^ 1. 4. In " us", a ** v" altered into the " u". \ 1. 6. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". •< 1. 7. In " have", a " u" altered to the " v". 1. 12. The 184th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " are pleasing". 1. 18. In " us", a " v" altered into the " u". ' 1. 19. In '* us", a " v" altered into the " u". ; U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 2. in deed. I. 2. in deed. (305) 181 Trinity Sunday, ij. many 5 and sent his servant ai supper time to say to them that were bidden, Comej for all things are now readyi And they all with one consent began to make excuse ■ The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground j and I must needs go and see it ; I pray thee have me excusedi And another saidj I have bought five yoke of Oxen, and I go^ to prove them \ I pray thee have me^ excusedi And another said, I have married a wife, and therfore I cannot come. So that servant came, and shewed his Lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, (Bo out quickly into the streets and lanes of the citty, and bring in hither the poor^j and the maimed j and the haltj and the blind. And the servant saidj Lordj it is done as thou hast comaundedj and yet there is room. And the Lord said iinto the servant. Go out into the high waiesj and hedges J and compel them to come in, that my house may be^ filled. fFor I say unto youj that none of those men which were bidden, shall taste of my Supper. 1. 4. In " unto", a '' v" altered into the " u". 1. 5. In " have", a '* u" altered into the " v". 1. 5. In "^ piece", an " e" altered into the '* i". 1. 6. In " have", a " u" altered into the " v". 1. 7. In '* have", a " u" altered into the "v". 1. 9. In '' have", a " u" altered to the " v". 1. 10. In " have", a *' u" altered into the *' v". 1. 18. In " unto", a '* v" altered into the " u". 1. 21. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 24. The 184th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. (306) The tliird Sunday after Trinity. The CoUect. O Lord, we^ beseech thee mercifully to hear j lis ; and grant that we, to whom thou hast given i an hearty desire to pray, may by thy mighty aid i be defended and comforted in all dangers and I adversities, through Jesus Christ our Lordi ! Amen. 5 The Epistle. | All of you be subject one to another j and be i s. Pet. 5. j clo|i(thed with humility: for Ood resisteth the j proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble 1 your selves therefore iinder the mighty hand of i ©od, that he^ may exalt you in due time; casting all your care upon him, for he^ careth for you. yiBe soberj be vigilant, because your adversary the devill, as a roaring liouj walketh about seeking whom he^ may devour. tUhom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomphshed in your brethren that are in the world. But the (Bod of all graccj who hath called lis into his eternall glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, 1. 1. The 185th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " The third". 1. 4. la " us", a " v" altered into the **u". 1. 13. In '' selves", a " u" altered into the " v'*. 1. 13. In ** under", a *' v" altered into the ** u". 15. In " upon", a ** v" altered into the " u". 22. In '' us", a " v" altered into the " u". 23. In '* have", a " u" altered into the " v". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 22. unto. 1. 22. unto. (307) The third Sunday after Trinity. make you perfect, stablishj strengthenj settle youi To him be ^ glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. The Gospel s. Luk. 15. 1. Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him. And the Pharisees and Scribes murmured, saying, this man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them. And he^ spake this Parable unto thenij sapng, what man of you harming an hundred sheepj if he^ lo0se one of them, doth not leav^ the ninety and nine in the wilderness^, and go after that which is lost, vntill he| find3 it? And when he^ hath found it J he^ layeth it on his shoulders, rejoyc^'ingi And when he^ cometh homej he^ calleth together his friends and neighbours saying unto them, Eejoice with mcj for I have found my sheep which was lost. I say iinto youj that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more then over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance. 1. 5. In "unto", a " v" altered into the "u". 1. 9. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 10. In " havj^ing", a *' u" altered into the " v". 1. 16. The 185th page of the MS. Book has no catch-word. 1.17. The 186th page of the MS. Book commences with the words " he^ caUeth", 1. 18. In " unto";, a " v" altered into the " u". 1. 18. In "have", a "u" altered into the " v". 1. 19. In " unto", a " v" altered into the " u". U. Pr. Q. Pr. 1. 21. than. 1. 21. than. (308) Trinity Sunday jv. Either what woman hav^ing ten pieces of silver, if she^ l^ose one piecej doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she^ find^ it? 3nd when she^ hath found it, she^ calleth her friends and her neighbours together, 'saying, 5lleioyce with me^, for I have found the piece which I had lost. Likewise I say unto you. There is joy in the presence of the angels of (IDod over one sinner that repenteth. The fourth Sunday after Trinity. The CoUect. God J the Protectour of all that trust in thee, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy; Encrease and multiply upon lis thy mercyj that thou being our ruler and guide, we^ may so pass^ through tempor things temporally that we finally lo^se not the things eternallS Grant this, O heavenly father, for Jesus Christs sake our Lord. Amen. The Epistle. 1 Reckon that the sufferings of this psent time Rom. 8. is are not worthy to be^ compared with the glory which shall be^ revealed in lis. ffor the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. ffor the 1. 1. In " hav|