Stem t^e feifirat)? of (3$equeaf5c^ 6g ^im to f ge feifirar^ of (jptinceton C^eofogicaf ^eminarg BV 1560 .B419 1879 TheBerean question book for 1879 / THE Berean Question Book (INTERNATIONAL SERIES,) For 1879. STUDIES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. These (at Berea) were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that ihcy received the word with all readiiiesa of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so. — Acts xvii, 11. NEW YORK : NELSON & PHILLIPS, CINCINNATI: HITCHCOCK & WALDEN. 1879. Copyright 1878, by NELSON & PHILLIPS, New York. PEEFACE. The Berean Question Book again makes its appearance, as friend, com- panion, assistant, and inspirer of the thoughtful Bible student. It will be helpful or useless according to the liabit and temper of the teacher or pupil who employs it. Lesson books cannot make students. A plow without a power behind it is worthless. With the power to handle it, a good deal better work may be accomplished by a good than by a poor plow. This book is a well-made plow. Its success depends enth-ely upon the persons using it. In the preparation of this book I have been assisted by the able gentle- men who have hitherto rendered invaluable service in the same field, and whose experience qualifies them for worthier work than ever. Indeed, so slight has been my own efibrt, and so ample theirs, that I am justified in the warmest expressions of praise concernuig the wisdom and practical value of this volume. The persons who have rendered the most assistance in the Berean Question Book for 1879 are Rev. J. L. Hurlbut, Eev. B. T. Vincent, and Messrs. G. H. Babcock, James McGee, and J. W. Cook. The maps and engravings have been executed by Mr. J. D. Felteb, under the superintendence of Mr. Babcock. The symbols have been designed and drawn by Mr. J. B. Piiiprs. The Home Keadings and Lesson Hymns have been selected by Mr. Cook. The Temper- ance Catechism has been prepared by Miss Julia Colman, and the Missionary Catechism by Mr. Hurlbut. Several new and admirable features have been introduced, which our students v.- ill soon discover and admire. May the blessing of the Lord attend all students of his word through the little text book which is hereby dedicated to Him I J. H. Vincent, Nfvv Y,.kk, X,.rrn.Ju'y 1. 1<<7S. Editor, PEOGRAMME OF EXERCISES For the SUNDAY-SCHOOL. I. PREPARATION FOR CLASS-WORK— 1. Silence. 2. Pkayeb. 8. Singing. 4. Akkangement of classes. n. CLASS-WORK— 1. Study of the lesson. m. THE PUBLIC LESSON SERVICE— 1. Lesson Hymn. 2. Public review of lesson. 3. Supplemental Lesson, Memory Verses, Catechism, Church Hymns, Missionary Lessons, Temperance Lessons, etc. IV. RESPONSIVE SERVICE— First Quarter : The Ten Commandments. Exodus 20. 1-17. Second Quarter : The Beatitudes. Matt. 5. 8-lL Third Quarter : The Twenty-third and Hundredth Psalms. Fourth Quarter : First Corinthians, Thirteenth Chapter. Berean Question Book. 6 V. SINGING. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS. VII. DISTRIBUTION OF BOOKS AND PAPERS. VIII. SINGING. IX. PRAYER. X. THE APOSTLES' CREEB— I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth ; and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord ; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, bom of the Virgin Mary, Buffered under Pontius Pilate ; was crucified, dead and buried ; the third day he rose from the dead ; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost ; the holy catholic Church ; the communion of saints ; the forgiveness of sins ; the resur- rection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. XL BENEDICTION ok DISMISSION. BEREAN QUESTION BOOK. FIRST QUARTER. fe^tizdies ill the Old. Testament. B. C. 536.] ZLiESSOI^T I. [Jan. S. The Second Temple; or, A New Beginning. Ezra 3. 1-13. Commit to memory versea 10-13. 1 And when the seventh month was come, and the children of Is'ra-el were in the cities, the people gathered themselves together as one man to Je-ru'sa-lem. 2 Then stood up Uesh'u-a the son of Joz'a-dak, and his brethren the priests, and Ze-rub'ba-bel ^the son of ^ She-al'ti-el, and his brethren, and builded the altar of the God of Is'ra-el, to offer burnt-oaerlngs thereon, as it is ■^ written in the law of Mo'ses the man of God. 3 And thev set the altar upon his bases ; for fear was upon them because of the people of those countries: and they offered burnt- offerings thereon unto the Lord, even burnt ^ offerings morning and evening. 4 They ^ kept also the feast of tabernacles, as ''it is written, and offered ** the daily burnt-offerings by number, according to the custom, * as the duty of every day required ; 5 And afterward offered the i° continual burnt-offering, both of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of the Lord that were consecrated, and of every one that willingly offered a free-will offering unto the Lord. 6 From the first day of the seventh month began they to offer burnt- offerings unto the Lord. But "the foundation of the temple of the Lord was not yet laid. 7 They gave money also unto the masons, and to the ^^ carpenters; and 13 meat, and drink, and oil, unto them of Zi'don, and to them of Tyre, to bring cedar trees from Leb'a-non to the sea of '* Jop'pa, ac- cording IS to the grant that they had of Cy'rus king of Per'sia. 8 Now in the second year of their coming unto the house of God at Je-ru'sa-lem, in the second month, began Ze-rub'ba-bel the son of She- al'ti-el, and Jesh'u-a the son of Joz'a-dak, and the remnant of their brethren the priests and the Le'vit*^, and all they that were come out of the captivity unto Je-ru'sa-lem ; i* and appointed the Le'vites, from twenty years old and upward, to set forward the work of the house of the Lord. » Hasgai 1. 1 ; Hag-gai 2. 3 ; Zech. 3. 1 ; Joshua. 2 Matt. 1. 12, Zorobabel. 3 Luke 3. 27, SalathieL « Deut. 13. 6. ' Num. 28. 3. « Neh. 8. 14 ; Zech. 14. 16. 1 Exod. 23. 16. 8 Num. 29. 12. »The matter of the day in his day. »«Esod. 29. 38; Num. 28. 3, Num. 29. 2. 11 The temple of the LORD was not yet founded. i!»Or, work- men. «3i Kings 5. 6; 2 Chion- 2. 10; Acts 12. 20. 11 Acts 9. 36. 1 5 Chap. 6. 3. isi Chron. 2S. 24, 27. Bereaii Question Book, rjan. 5, L 1870. 9 Then stood i'' Jesh'u-a vtMh his sons and Ills brethren, Kad'mi-el and his sons, the sons of i^ Ju'dah, " togrether, to set forward the work- men in the house ol God; the soils of Hen'a-dad, with their sons and their brethren the Le'vites. 10 And when the builders laid the foundation ^oof the temple of the Lord, ^i they set the priests in their apparel with trumpets, and the Le'vites, the sons of A'saph, with cymbals, to praise the Lord, after the "^"^ ordinance of Da'vid king of Is'ra-el. 11 And 23 they sang together by course in praising and giving thanks unto the Lord; because he ^^ fe good, ^sfor his mercy endureth for ever toward Is'ra-el. And all the people shouted with a gieat shout, when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid. 12 But many of the priests and Le'vites, and chief of the fathers, wlio were ancient men, that had seen the flrst house, when the foundation of this house was laid before theii- eyes, wept with a loud voice ; and many shouted aloud for joy : 13 So that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people : for the people shouted with a loud shout, and the noise was heard afar off. iiChap. 2. 40. 18 Chap. 2. iO, Hocfaviah. i» As one. 50 Zech. 4. 6-10. ai 1 Chron. 16. 5. MlCkron.C.Sl. «2Exod. ]5. 21; 2 Chron. 7. 3; Neh. 12. 24. a* Psalm 136. 1. asjer. 33. U. Notes. — Seventh month — The month Tisrie, corresponding nearly to our Sep- tember. It was to the Jews a most sacred month, containing four eereraonial Sabbaths, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles, "besides the Sabbath of the Lord." Lev. 23. 38. Gathered themselves— A'a required by the law. Deut. 16. 16. Builded the altar — Kestored the old altar of burnt-offering, which stood in front of the porch of the Temple. The man of God — This honor- ary title is given to Moses five times in the Bible. Continual— Eyary day, morning and evening. Num. 28. S. i\^ew .woo//«— " The beginning of your months." Num. 28. 11. Free-will offering — To be brought according as God had blessed them. Deut. 16. 10, 17. /Second month — They had been making preparations for six months. In their apparel — See Exod. 31. 10; 39. 27-31. The firat house — The one built by Solomon. The second house was smaller, therefore they wept, but those who had never seen the glories of the former shouted for joy because the sanctuary of their God was again set up. HOME READINGS. M. The second temple. Ezra 3. 1-13. Tu. The proclamation Ezra 1. 1-8. W. The tabernacle reared Exod. 40. 1-16. Tft. The first temple 2 Chr. .^ 1-17, F. Love for the temple Psa. 132. 1-18, S. Typical of Christ Heb. 8. 1-13. S. The heavenly tabernacle Rev. 15. 1-8. LESSON HYMN. L.M. Abide with us, O Lord, we pray, Our stren^h, our comfort, and our light ; Sun of our joy's unclouded day ! Star of our sorrow's troubled night 1 Grant us to valk in peace and love, And find, at last, some humble place In that ^reat temple built above, Where dwell thy saints before thy face. Jan. o.l 1879. J Berean Question Book. OUTLINE. A NEW BEGIXNIXG 1. In sacrifice, v. 1-C, 2. In service, v. 7-10. 3. In song. v. 11-13. CONSECRATED GOLDEN TEXT. And all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid. Ezra 3. 11. INTRODUCTORY. Last year's lessons on Israel closed with the decree of Cyrus, at the end of the seventy years' captivity. How many people came out of captivity at this time ? Ezra 2. 64, 65. Who was their leader? chap. 2. 2. What did they bring with them? ch. 1. 7-11. QUESTIONS ON THE OUTLINE. 1. A new heginning in sacrifice, v. 1-6 ; Psa. 51. 17 ; Rom. 12. 1. [bled ? "When and where were the people assem- Why? Lev. 23. 27-41 ; Deut. 16. 16. What office had Joshua? Hag. 1. 1. "What was Zerubbabel? Hag. 2. 21. "What altar did they repair? 2 Chron. 4. 1. What sacrifices did they offer thereon ? "What " custom " is referred to? Num. 29. What offerings should we make to God ? When ? [Prov. 23. 26. 3. A new beginning in service, v. 7-10 ; 2 Chron. 29. 11 ; Rom. 7. 6. To whom did they give money? For what purpose? [2. 69. How much had the people given ? chap. [Ajss: Was this little or much for them ? How did they give it ? ch. 2. 68. Who were specially set apart ? What were their duties ? Num. 3. 6-8. 3. A new heginning in song, v. 11-13; Psa. 40. 3 ; Eph. 5. 19. [Psa. 137. Had they sung their songs in Babylon? Why did they now rejoice ? [2. 3. "Why did some of them weep ? v. 12; Hag. How did God comfort them ? Hag. 2. 9, What ordinance of David is referred to ? 1 Chron. 25. 1, 6. "Which Psalm did they probably sing ? [ANS: Psa. 136.] Why should we praise the Lord ? When should we make a beginning ? What temple are we to build ? 1 Cor. 3. 16, W^hat is the foundation? Eph. 2. 20-22. How much was this In our money About $435,000.] TEACHINGS OF THE LESSON. "What do we learn from this lesson about— 1. The value of united hearts in God's service 1 2. The eifeot of willing liearts in God's serviced 3. 'J'he cause of joyous hearts in God's service 1 WORDS WITH LITTLE FOLKS. 1. Go regularly to God's house. 2. Bring offerings to God's house. 3. Sing praises in God's house. I O Lord, open thoxA niy lips; and my n:iouth sliall show forth thy praise. Psa. 51. 15. HOME VyORK FOR YOUTHFUL BEREANS. Find in Matthew how Zerubbabel was related to Christ — How long did this second temple last? — Find in 1 Corinthians what Paul says about Christ as the founda- tion; and in Ephesians, about the temple built thereon. DOCTRINAL SUGGESTION-The pubUc worship of God, 10 Bcrean Question Book. L 1879. B.C. 515.] The Dedicatiok; or, A Gift to the Lord. [Jan. 12. Commit to memory verses 19-22. 14 And 1 the elders of the Je^vs builded, and they prospered through the propliesying of Ha;^'ga-i the prophet and Zech-a- ri'ah the son of Id'do": and they builded, and finished it^ accord- ing to the commandment of the"" God of Is'ra-el, and according to the 2 commandment of 3 Cyprus, and Ezra 7. 1 ; That is, of Artaxei-xes Longima- nus. 2 Ohap. 1. 11. 3 Prov. 15. 13, * 1 Kings 1.31; Dan. 2. i ; Dan. 5. 10 ; Dan. 6. 6. 21. 5 Chap. 1. 3 ; Prialm 137. 6. 61 Sam. 1. 13; chap. 1. 11 ; Prov. 3. G. iWife; Esther 7. L « Chap. 5. U ; chap. 13. 6. » Ezra 10. 6, 9; chap. 3. 7 ; That Ls, the temple. 10 Ezra 5. 5 ; Ezra 7. 6, 9, Notes.— iVwan^The first month of the Jewish year, corresponding with the end of March and beginning of April. Sore a/mii— Dissatisfaction was con- eidered next to treason. Pmyed^-A. mental prayer. Sitting by him — Persian kino-s sometimes took their meals with their wives, but not usually. HOME READINGS. The mission of Nehemiah..Neh. 2. 1-8. The sadness of Nehemiah..Neh. 1. 1-11. Restoration promised Jer. 31. SlHlO. The seal of Phinehas Num. 2.5. 10-18. The zeal of Josiali 2 Kings 23. 3-25. The zeal of Jehu 2 Kings 10. 15-28. Zeal commanded Rev. 3. 14-22. LESSON HYMN. C. M. Awake, my soul, stretch evei-y nerve. And press with vigor on ; A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crowu. 'Tis God's all-animating voice That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis his own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye. Jan. 19,- 1879, Berean Question Book. 13 OUTLINE. 1. Sorrow, v. 1-3. 2. Supplication, v. 4-7. 3. Success. V. 8. GOLDEN TEXT. The God of heaven, he will prosper us ; therefore we his servants will arise and build. Neh. 2. 20. INTRODUCTORY. More than fifty years after the dedication of the second temple another company of Israelites returned from Babylon, under Ezra, and by him important reforms were instituted. Ten years afterward, under Artaxerxes Longimanus, Nehemiah, the king's cup-bearer, went up to rebuild the walls. Read chap. 1, How long had Jerusalem lain waste? What part had been rebuilt? QUESTIONS ON THE OUTLINE. 1. Sorrowing^ v. 1^; Psa. 137. 1; Lam. 3.48. Who was Nehemiah ? His office ? To what king ? Why was he sad ? How long had he mourned and prayed ? [Ans: Four months, chap. 1. 1.] When and how did the king notice it ? What did he answer the kiig ? Why was Jerusalem dear to him ? "Why should God's house be dear to us ? How should we feel when God's Church is not prosperous ? What should we do ? [15, 7. 2. Supplication, v. 4-7; Phil. 4. 6; John What opportunity was offered by the king ? What did Nehemiah do before answering f What did he ask of the king ? Was it a large or small request? How much did it involve? What more did he ask ? v. 7. What is meant by, "convey me over?" What nnally did he ask? v. 8. What King has told us to ask of him ? How much may we ask? Matt. 21. 22; Psa. &4. 11. 3. SucccK^, V. 8; Matt. 7. 7, 8. What was the result of Nehemlah's re- quest ? Why was it granted? Prov. 21. 1. What is the surest way to success ? Josh 1.8. Are you seeking it in that way ? TEACHINGS OF THE LESSON. How does this lesson teach that— 1. There is no rest for the Christian while Zion Is desolate 1 2. God opens a way for anxious workers 1 3. Wise provision is not inconsistent with confident trust 1 WORDS WITH LITTLE FOLKS. 1. Think much of the prosperity of God's house. 2. Pray much for the prosperity of God's house. 3. Work earnestly for the prosperity of God's house. ^„ . „ : ^ ^ — 7— 1" l: If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, liancl forget her cunning. let my right Psa. 137. 5 i HOME WORK FOR YOUTHFUL BEREANS. Find In Zechariah what is said about boys and girls in the streets Find in Luke where Christ wept over Jerusalem — Find in Revela- tion the description of the New Jerusalem, DOGTHIl-rAL, SfjaGE3TI0N— Answer to prayer. CUP-BKAKKR of Jenisalem. 14 Berean Questio?i Book. [Jan. 90, 1879. Ascended. 2Psalm83. 3. 3 To make an error to it. 4 Job 22. 27; Psalm 50. 15; Matt. 26. 41. B. C. 445.] XjESSOjST ITT*. [Jan- 26. The Builders Interrupted; or, A Persistent Work. Neh.. 4. 7-18. Commit to memory verses 12-15. 7 But it came to pass, fhat when San-baHat, and To-bi'ah,_and the A-ra^bi-ans, and the Am'mon-ites, and the Ash'dod-ites, keard that the walls of Je-ru'sa-lem i were made up, and that the breaches began to be stopped, then they were very wroth. 8 And 2 conspired all of them together to come and to fight against Je-ru'sa-lem, and ^to hinder it. 9 iN^'evertheless < we made our prayer unto OHr God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them. 10 And Ju'dah said, The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed, and there is much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall. 11 And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come in the midst among them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease. 12 And it came to pass, that when the Jews which dwelt by them came, they said unto us ten times, ^ From all places whence ye shall return unto us they will be v/po7i you. 13 Therefore set I ^in the lower places behind the wall, and on the higher places, I even set the people after their families, with their swords, their spears, and their bows. 14 And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, ''Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Loud, xohich ^is great and terrible, and •fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses. 15 And it came to pass, when our enemies heard that it was known to us, '<> and God had brought their counsel to nought, that we returned all of us to the wall, every one unto his work. 16 And it came to pass from that time forth, that the half of my servants wrought in tlie work, and the otlier half of them held both the spears, the shield.-*, and the bows, and the haber- geons ; and the rulers were behind all the house of Ju'dah. 17 They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, every one with ^i one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other haitd held a weapon. 18 For the builders, every one had his sword girded 12 by his side, and sto builded : and he that sounded the trumpet was by me. »Or, That from all places ye must rfetum to us. * From the lower parts of the place, etc. ' Num. 14. 9 ; Dcut. 1. 29. 8 Deut. 10. 17. 9 2 Sam. 10. 12. Job 5. 12 ; Psalm 33. 10. 1 Cor. 1«. IS ; Eph. 6. 10. 'On his loins. Jan. 26,T 1879. J Berean Question Book. 15 HOME READINGS. Jlf. The builders interrupted. . . .Neh. 4. 7-18. r«. The ruins inspected Neh. 2. 9-20. \V. The builders discouraged Neh. 5. 1-19. Th. The work completed Neh. 6. 1-16. F. The promise of success — Psa. 126. 1-6. ,9. Exhorted to perseverance ..2 Tim. 2.1-19. S. Persererauce commanded. ..Rer. 3. 1-13. LESSON HYMN. S. M. A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify : A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky. Help me to watch and pray. And on thyself rely. Assured, if I my trust betray, I shall forever die. OUTLINE. 1. Praying and. watehi- ing. V. 7-14. 2. Vi/atehing and work- ing. V. 15-18. CONSECRATED GOLDEN TEXT. Nevertheless, we made our prayer unto oar God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them. Neh.4.9. INTRODUCTORY. Nehemlah met with enemies, opposition, and scorn, but persevered. By Judicious division of labor, he had raised the walls to one half their designed height. His ene- mies, finding mocking and satire did no good,- conspired to stop him by force. QUESTIONS ON THE OUTLINE. 1. Praying and watchiJig, v. 7-14; Mark 13.33; CoL4. 2. Wbat enemies had Nehemiah ? Who was Sanballat ? [the Ashdodites ? Who were the Ammonites? the Arabians? Why were they wioth ? What did they set out to do? What did the Jews do to prevent It? When God's enemies try to hinder what should Christians do ? Psa. 50. 15. Why do we need to watch as well as pray? What other discouragement had they? WMch is harder to bear, the opposition of enemies, or the dissuasion of friends ? a. Watchi7ig and working, v. 15-18: 2 Cor. 6. 5 ; Rev. 16. 15, [pray? Wbat did they do besides watch and How many of them worked ? How did they work ? What were the weapons for ? Whom should we watch against? 1 Pet. 5. 8. What else ? Mark 14. 38. Where was he that sounded the trumpet? Why was he there ? Would it do for him to go to sleep ? What is always by us to notify us when God's enemies are near ? How shall we keep it awake ? TEACHINGS OF THE LESSON. How does this lesson show that— 1. Zeal for GoA stimulates the world's opposition I 3. The world's opposition should stimulate our dilisencel 3. True diligence includes watching, praying, and working? WORDS WITH LITTLE FOLKS. 1. " Set a watch." v. 9. 2. " Be not ye afraid." v. 14. 3. " Every one unto his work." v. 15. ^ — .J, T Watch and pray. Matt. 26. 41. | HOME WORK FOR YOUTHFUL BEREANS. Find how long the wall was in building. . ..Find in 2 Kings 17 the origin and character of the Samaritans. DOCTK,rN"AL SITG&ESTION— The Divine caro. 16 Berean Question Book. R Feb, 2, 879. B.C. 445.] HLiSssoisr -v. [Feb. 2. The Reading of the Law; or, The Holy Word. Neh. 8. 1-8. Commit to memory verses 1-3. 1 And all 'the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was 2 before the water gate ; and they spake unto Ez'ra the 3 scribe to bring the book * of the law of Mo'ses, which the Lobd had commanded to Is'ra-el. 2 And Ez'ra the priest brought the ^law before the congrega- tion both of «men and women, and all ^that could hear with understanding, ^ upon the first day of the seventh month. 3 And he read therein before the street that was before the water gate, ^ from the morning until midday, before the men and the women, and those that could understand ; and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law. 4 And Ez'ra the scribe stood upon a 1° pulpit of wood, which they had made for the purpose ; and beside him stood Mat-ti- thi'ah, and She'ma, and An-a-i'ah, and U-ri'jah, and Hil-ki'ah, and Ma-a-sei'ah, on his right band ; and on his left hand, Ped-a- i'ah, and Mi-sha'el, andMal-chi'ah, and Hash'um, and Hash-bad'- a-na, Zech-a-ri'ah, and Me-shul'lam. 5 And Ez'ra opened the book in the " sight of all the people ; (for he was above all the people ;) and when he opened it, all the people stood 12 up: 6 And Ez'ra blessed the Lord, the great God: and all the people 13 answered. Amen, Amen, with " lifting up their hands : and i=they bowed their heads, and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground. 7 Also Jesh'u-a, and Ba'ni, and Sher-e-bi'ah, Ja'min, Ak'kub, Shab-bethVi, Ho-di'jah, Ma-a-sei'ah, Kel'i-ta, Az-a-ri'ab, Joz'a- bad, Ha'nan, Pel-a-i'ah, and the Le'vites, i« caused the people to understand the law : and the people stoodi in their place. 8 So they read in the booK, in the law of God, 1^ distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading. 11, 1 Ezra 3. 1. a Chap. 3. 2 » Ezra 7. 6. " Mai. 4. 4. sDeat. 31. 12. 61 Peters. 7. 'That under- stood in hearing. « Lev. 23. 24. 9 From the light. 10 Tower of wood. »a Judges 3. 20; 1 Kings 8. 14. 13 1 Cor. 14. 16. uLam. 3. 11. I'Exod. 4. 31. 16 Lev. 10. IL i'Hab.8.8. HOME READINGS. 3f. The reading of the law Neh. 8, 1-8. Tu. The reading commanded . . . .Deut. 31.1-14. W. The law read by Moses Exod. 24. 1-8. Th. The law read by Joshua Josh. 8.30-35. F. The Scriptures read by Jesus.Luke 4.16-30. 8. The perfection of the law Psa. 19. 1-14. S. The Scriptures profitable 2 Tim. 3. 1-17. LESSON HYMN. C. M. How precious is the book divine, By inspiration given ! Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine, To guide our souls to heaven. This lamp, through all the tedious night Of life, shall guide our way ; Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. Feb. 4,- 1879. Bcreaii Question Book. 17 OUTLINE. 1. The Book sought, v 2. The Book brought. V. 2-6. 3. The Book taught, v. 7 GOLDEN TEXT. The entrance of thy words fiiveth light; it giveth under- standing unto the simple. Psa. 119. 130. INTRODUCTORY. "While building th*^ wall, Nehemiah accomplished several reforms— particularly for the relief of poor debtors. After the wall was completed, he met with much trouble from his enemies without and their emissaries within the walls, but he triumphed over them ail simply by watchfulness and implicit I'eliance on God. QUESTIONS ON THE OUTLINE. 1. The, Book sought, v. 1 ; Ezra 7. 10 ; What day was It? v. 2. [23^ 34. For what was that day set apart? Lev. How long did Ezra read ? How did the people listen ? v. 3. How did they show their reverence ? v. 6. How should we act when God's book is read ? 3. The BooUtaurjhU v. 7, 8 ; Psa.110.18,.33. Who tauo-ht the people? How did they cause them to understand ? Why should we try to understand God's word ? Which is most important to know, the exact words, or the true meaning ? How much better opportunities have we thcin these Israelites? How should this affect our lives? Psa. 1. 2. Where were the people gathered ? On what occasion? chap. 7. 73; 8. 14. To whom did they speak ? Who was Ezra ? Why did they speak to him ? Ezra 7. 6. What book did they seek ? By what other names is this book called? Why is it called the Book of Moses ? Why did they seek it ? Why should we ? What was it to them ? What to us ? 2. The Book brought, v. 2-6 ; Jer. 15. 16 ; Psa. 119. 111. Who brought it ? To whom ? "Who are included in " all that could hear with understanding? " TEACHINGS OF THE LESSON. How does this lesson illustrate the following Scripture injunctions— 1 . " \ot fiirsakiiii; the assembling of ourselves tOj^ether I" Heb. 10. 25. '2. " '•eart-h the Hcriptiires ?" J(jhn 5. 39. 3. " TIk" *l>atl al-o wine. irriH" e (lays* saw T in .Tu'dali Rome trcadini' %vine-]>ri'sse'' atlin^r assL-s ; as • 1 \i \\'\ l.rin<,'inir in sliuavi anil tiir-^, and all Jna/mer of Imnlens, -' whicli thev hroiiiriil iiiU» .le-ru'sa-Iem on the sal>l)ath day: and 1 testi- fie(i agnhist them in llie day wherein they sold vietuals. l»i Tliere dwell men o\' Tyre also therein, which l)nMjglit fish, and all manner ot" ware, and sold ou the subbulh uutotlie chihlren of Ju'dab, and in .le-rusa-lem. 17 Then I contended with the nobles of .Ju'dah, and said unto them, What evil thing is tlii.s that ye do, and profane the sab- bath day i 18 Did not your fathers thus, and did not our God brino: all this evil ui)on us, and upon this city i yet ye ^ brhig more wrath upon Is'ra-el by profaning the sabbatli. 19 And it came to pass, that when the gates of Je-ru'sa-lcm * began to be dark before the sabbath, I commanded that the gates should be shut, and charged that they should not be opened till after the sabbath: ^and some of my servants set I at the Sates, that there should no burdeu be brought iu on the sabbath 20 So the merchants, and sellers of all kmd of ware, lodged without Je-ru'sa-lem once or twice. 21 Then I testilied against them, and said unto them, Why lodge ye « about the wall i if ye do so again, I will lay hands on vou. From that time forth came they no more ou the sab- batli. 22 And I commanded the Le'vites that 'they should cleanse themselves, and that they sliouhl come and keep the gates, to sanctify the sabbath day. Keniember me, (J my (4(n'., cnn- cerniiig this also, and spare u»e according to the "greatness of tliy mercy. > Exod. 20. 10. ^Jei-. !7. 21; chap. 10. 3L 3 Add fierce wrath. * Lev. 23. 38. »Jer. 17. 2L s Before the walL I Chap. 12. 30. 8 Or. multi- tude. HOME READINGS. M. The keeping of the Sabbath.. Neh. 13. l'i-22. Jk. Its holiness Matt. li. 1-l.S. W. Its observance Isa. .56. 1-12. Th. Its duties Jer. 17. 19-27. F. Commanded by God Exod.:?1.12-lS. S. A memorial of creation Gen. 1. 2t>-;il ; 2. 1 3. S. A type of heavenly rest Heb. 4. 1-11. LESSON HYMN. CM, Blest day of God : most calm, most bright, Tlie tlist, the best of days ; The laborer's rest, tlie saint's delight, The day of prayer and praise. This day I rnnst with (Jud appear; For, Lord, the day is tliine : Help me to si>end it in thy fear, And thus to make it thine. Feb. 11,1 1879. J Be re an Question Book. 19 OUTLINE. The day profaned. V. 15-18. The day sanctified. V. 10-22. (3EI 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ^ cudsid] J2i i-J r;:|:;t^ -^ HOLY DAY 1 GOLDEN TEXT. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exod. 20. 8. INTRODUCTORY. After the reading of the law, the people kept the feast of tabernacles, and then entered into a solemn covenant to keep all the law of the Lord. Read chapters 9 and 10. Neheniiah, after a time spent in Babylon, returned to Jerusalem, and found the people disobeying God's law. QUESTIONS ON THE OUTLINE. 1. T/ie da?/ profaned, v. 15-18; Ezek. 22.8; Jer. 17." 21, 22,2.3. When and where was the Sabbath insti- tuted'/ Gen. 2. 3. What makes it holy ? What is the meaning of profaned? What is it to profane the Sabbath ? Repeat the fourth commandment? [law? How had the people of Judah broken this What evils had befallen their fathers for profaning the Sabbath ? Jer. 17. 27. Is the Sabbath law binding upon us? What works only aie proper to be done on the Sabbath? Matt. 12. 12. TEACHINGS OF THE LESSON. Wherein does this lesson teach that— 1. IVejtIect of God's law brings evil upon usi 2. Those who neglect God's law ghould be rebuked ? 3. Go.l reniembers those who sanctify his Sabbath^ WORDS WITH LITTLE FOLKS. 1. Avoid the company of Sabbath breakers, 2. Encourage others in keeping the Sabbath, o. Seek God's blessing on the labors of the Sabbath. The daif sanctified, v. 19-22 ; Isa. 56. 2 ; 58. 13, 14. "\Maat is the meaning of sanctified ? What did Nehemiah command ? What gates ? Why shut them at dark before the Sab- bath ? Lev. 2:J. 32. What did the merchants do then ? [this ? Why did Nehemiah stop them from doing What wrong is there in tempting others to do wrong ? How should we keep the Sabbath day? AVhy did the Levites need cleansing? How mav we be cleansed from sin? '3-:^ j?T Call the Sabbath a delight, holy of the Lord. Isa. 58. 13. ■J^-^^^lBi^ HOME WORK FOR YOUTHFUL BEREANS. fiTv GATi:s. Find In Luke what Chilst's habit was in re- gard to the Sahbvh In Isa. 58, what is the blessedness of kt-eping the Sabbath In Exod. 20, what the Sabbath is a memorial of. . . . And in Heb. 4, of what it is a type. DOCTEINAX. SUGGESTION— The sanctity of the Sabbath. 20 Berean Question Book. PFeb. 16, L 1879. B. C. -l-l-l.] HjESSOXT -^ril- [*>b. 16. The Way of the Highteous; or, The Holy Life. Psalm 1. 1-6. Ccmmit to memory verses 1-6. 1 Blessed im tlie man that waiketh not in the counsel of the aun.sjodly, nor standoth in the way of sinners, nor sittcth in the seat of the scornful : 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord ; and in his law doth he meditate day and ni.<;ht. 3 And he shall he like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not 3 wither; and whatsoever he docth shall ■» prosper. 4 Tlie ungodly are not so : but are like the chaff which the ■wind driveth away. 5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6 For 5 the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish. ■ Prov. 4. 14. ■i Or, wicked. 3 Fade. < Gen. 39. 3 ; Psalm 128. 3; 1 Tim. 4. 8. Nahum 1. 7 ; John 10. 14 ; 2 Tim. 2. 19. Notes — The Hebrew name of the Psalms is " The Book of Praise." It is by different authors. The inscriptions to the Psalms, which are very ancient, ascribe sevent^'-three to David, two to Solomon, twelve to Asaph, twelve to the sons of Korah, one to Ethan, one to Moses, and leave forty-nine anony- mous. The first Psalm is sometimes written as a preface to the whole book, and Psalm 2 numbered as first, as in some manuscripts of Acts 13. 33. Its author is unknown. Blessed — Literally, " Oh, the happiness." Ungodly — The impenitently wicked. Tree—T\\Q palm-tree is evergreen, flourishes by living Avaters, and bears fruit, (dates.) Chaff— \n ancient winnowing the wind blew away the chaff, while the wheat remained. Stand — Or, "rise up." They shall be cast down, unable to stand in the presence of their Judge. Judgment — The final judgment of the world ; that great day when the good and the bad shall be separated. Matt. 25. 31, 32 ; also Matt. 13. 49, 50. HOME READINGS. M. The way of the risrhteous.... Psalm 1. 1-6. Th. The duty of the righteous.. .Deut. 6. 1-25. W. The Kro\\-th of the righteous. Heh. 0. 1-20. Th. Comfort for the righteous.. 1 .John 2. 1-17. F. Joy for the righteous Jolin 1.5. 1-11. S. Blessings for the righteous.. Psalm 12S. 1-6. S. Heaven for the righteous.... He v. 21. 11-27. LESSON HYMN. C. M. Walk in the light ! so shalt thou know That fellowship of love, His Spirit only can bestow Who reigns'in light above. Walk in the light ! thy path shall be Peaceful, serene, and bright : For God, hy ^race, shall dwell in thee, And God himseli is light. Feb. 16,' 1S79. . Bcreoji Question Book. 21 OUTLINE. The way of the right- eous. V. 1-3. The way of the uii- godly. V. 4-G. GOLDEN TEXT. But the path of the just is as l.he shining light, that shinet'n more and more unto the per- fect day. Piov. 4. 18. INTRODUCTORY. "Who wrote most of the Psalms ? When did he live ? Tell all you can of his history ? What is he called In 2 Sam. 23. 1 ? QUESTIONS ON THE OUTLINE 1. TTie waij of the righteous, \. 1-3; Psa. 15. 1-4; 11.7. What is the meaning? of righteous ? What does the rijrhteous man avoid? What do you understand by " the counsel of tlie unj?odly?" Why not walk in their counsel? Where does the sinner stand? Who are meant by the scorofui ? What is the only safe way? In what does the righteous delight? What is it to delight in God's law? Do you so love it? To what is the righteous compared? State all the points of likeness. What promise is given the righteous? How mav we attain to righteousness? Titus 3. 5-7. The ivaii of the unrjodhj, v. 4-6 ; Prov. 15. 9 ; 4. 19. What is meant by ungodly? To what are they compared ? How are they like chaiT? [3. 17. What shall be done with the chaff ? Luke Where cannot tliey stand ? What is meant by " standing in the judg- ment?" What judgment? AVho shalfbe the judge? Acts 17. 31. AMiat congregation ? Where shall it be ? Matt. 2.5. 31, 32. Where shall the wicked go? Matt. 25. 46, What is the summing up? v. 6. Is there an v hope for the wicked ? John 3.1G. What must they do? Acts 2. 38. Is there any other hope ? Acts 4. 12. TEACHINGS OF THE LESSON. How does this lesson teach that— 1. The l)e;:iiinin^ of the new life involves the abandonment of the old 1 2. The delight of the new life is in knowing and keeping Or, tumult- uously assemble ; Acts i. 25. 2 Meditate. 3 Psalm 45. 7 ; John 1. 41. " Luke 19. 14. s Psalm 11. i. « Or, trouble. ■"Anointed. 8 Upon Zion. the hill of ■ my holiness. 9 Or, for a decree. ■"Acts 13. 33; Heb. 1. .0 ; Heb. .5. 5. H Dan. 7. 13,14; John 17. 4, 5. » 2 Matt. 21. 44; Kev. 12. .5. i3.John5. 22. 23. Mjer. 17. 7. Notes — Vain thing— That which will come to naught. Set themselves— In defiance, as Goliath, 1 Sam. 17. 16. ^7ioi?ii!ed— Literally, "Messiali," same as " Christ " in Greek. Acts 4. 26. Ibtter^ s vessel — Earthenware. When shiv- ered it cannot be mended. Kiss — Acknowledge his authority. 1 Sam. 10. 1 ; 1 Kings 19. 18. HOME READINGS. ^L The King: in Zion. Psalm 2. 1-13. Tu. On his throne Acts 2. 14-37. W. His frovernnient Heb. 1. 1-14. Th. Head of his Church Eph. 1. .V23. F. His subjects Luke 19. 12-27. S. His reig-n universal Phil. 2.1-11. S. King forever Psalm 89. 1.5 37. LESSON HYMN. CM. Jov to the world ! the L