•^\^x^^^i ^^^.im^^mm^J-'^'"^' w% PRINCETON, N. J. '^, Division ._DS 2li-.) 'O7 Section ^.^.ZX^^ - S/ie//. NuTnber ^311 I BY THE SAME AUTHOR. OHEISTIANITY AKD SEOULAEISM. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. " We commend it to the careful and respectful perusal of our readers." — Reasoner. " Radiant with intellectual light." — British Messenger. "A very clear, compendious, and able vidimus of the subject, and calculated, from its size and shape, as well as from its execution, to be very useful. "—Bev. George GiJjillan. " The work bears evident marks throughout of high talent and great research." —Scottish Press. " This author is no windy polemic. Almost every page of the little work bears evidence that the author is a hard thinker and diligent student. The style is terse and vigorous, and the argument proceeds with clearness and force."— ^f^errfeen Herald. " The object of this treatise is to meet secularists on their own ground. This task is accomplished in a most satisfactory manner, in ten short chapters, in which the leading doctrines of the Christian faith are established on grounds which reason must acknowledge to be sufficient, and does in all other matters acknowledge to be suflScient. The spirit in which the whole discussion is carried on is admirable." — Scottish Guardian. " Such as are capable of relishing a subtle ethical disquisition may expect a treat of no common order. The wi-iter is one of those close, logical thinkers, more nearly allied to the controversialists of a former and sturdier generation, than the literati of the present age of light and flashy writing. This book is the production of a man awake to the great realities of life, and anxious to assist others who may be struggling with error. We recommend this book as a work of the right sort, and which, if force of reasoning could suffice, might convert even Mr. Holyoake him- self. " — Caledonian Mercury. " Many of the thoughts interspersed throughout this small treatise are striking and pregnant, and are pervaded by a fine Christian spirit. Opponents are met by argument, not by invective ; so that to all interested in speculative questions we can recommend the work, as containing a clear and masterly refutation of the doctrines now in vogue among secularists and free-thinkers in general. " — T/ie Wit7iess. ' ' The principles of this author are those of the Scottish School of Philosophy, of which he makes a most vigorous and successful application to this controversy. The book is one of decided promise. We give a specimen of the writer's strength of thought and clearness of style. "— United Presbyterian Magazine. By Rev. Br. Cairns. " A brief but valuable book. Mr. Scott is thoroughly master of his subject. His argument takes a wider range than secularism, which is the modern phase of atheism. The counter arguments are stated with perfect fairness and candour, and refuted with real ability. The book is highly creditable to Mr. Scott's talents and acquirements, and must weigh with the more thoughtful infidels." — British and Foreign Review. By Principal Cunningham. " A book of invincible logic."~Meliora. PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. PRINTED BY MURRAY AND GIBB, FOR T. & T. CLARK, EDINBURGH. LONDON, HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO. DUBLIN, ROBERTSON AND CO. NEW YORK, .... SCRIENER, WELFORD, AND ARMSTRONG. PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION ESTABLISHED AND APPLIED TO BIBLICAL CRITICISM AND SPECIALLY TO THE GOSPELS AND PENTATEUCH. EEV. JAMES ^'SCOTT, M.A., B.D. Trjith, like a torch, the more 'tis shook, it shines. &zttinti ^liitton. EDINBUEGH: T. & T. CLARK, 38 GEORGE STREET. MDCCCLXXVII. PREFACE. This work consists of five principal parts — the forms of New Testament quotation, together with their analogous patristic and classical forms, their principles of interpretation, the vindication of these principles, and their application to biblical studies. Its object is to verify and vindicate them by the analogy of patristic, ecclesiastical, and classical citation, and to apply the principles evolved to biblical doctrine, exegesis, and apologetic. We believe that biblical students, for whom chiefly the work is designed, wiU readily admit the necessity of some such work, especially on the principles of interpretation involved in the quotations of the New Testament from the Old. It is needed at once to stimulate and to facilitate bibhcal inquiries, and not only to shed some light on a broad and dark domain of Scripture, but to furnish keys of solution. We have endeavoured to supply this want in some measure, not by a special examination and defence of all the instances, which has been already done by several VI PEEFACE. critics, but by presenting principles of interpretation and the logic of the whole subject on an ample basis of induction in biblical and cognate quotation, and with special reference to the wide and important field of biblical apologetic. This is attempted throughout upon rational principles, which, if successfully applied, justify the title of the work. We append an index of quotation passages, and prefix a table of contents, together with a list of the principal works consulted or referred to in this volume in connection with the literature of the subject. Aberlour, August 1877. CONTENTS. PART I. ^femulas 0f (LjuotctibiT. SECTION riKST. PAGE Importance of the Subject — Number of Quotations and of Quota- tion Passages — Sources of Quotations — Their Classification — Formulas of Citation and their Classification — Unaccredited Citations by Satan and Uninspired Men Irrelevant, . .17 SECTION SECOND. Their Classification — Literal, Substantial, Synthetic, Analytic, and Idealistic Citation — Examination of Instances — Allusion, . 21 PART II. SECTION FIKST. Connection between Forms and Principles of Quotation — Classifica- tion of Principles — Examination and Illustration of Instances — Psychological, Grammatical, Analogical (Facts, Principles, Doc- trines), S}Tithetic, and Prophetic Principles of Interpretation, . 32 VIU CONTENTS. SECTION SECOND. PAGE Pi'ophecy, Direct and Indirect — Typical Messianic and Non- Messianic Prophecy, . . . . . .51 PART III. SECTION riEST. Patristic Quotation from Old Testament — Its Sources — Quotation Formulas — Correspondence with Formulas of New Testament, . 63 SECTION SECOND. Forms of Citation — Literal, Substantial, Synthetic, Paraphrastic", Eclectic — Patristic Allegory — Its Causes and Effects, . . Q7 SECTION THIRD. Patristic Citation of New Testament— Literal, Substantial, Syn- thetic, Idealistic Quotation — Patristic Allusion — Degrees of Allusion, General, Special, and Literal — Logical Value of Literal Allusions — Guiding Principles of Judgment -Review of Patristic Citation — Its Formulas and Forms similar in Earlier and Later Fathers, but Progressive — A Parallel in Nomenclature of Gospels — Citation from Memory— Scarcity of Copies of Scriptures — Patristic Interpretation similar to New Testament Principles — Difference — Allegory, Causes, and Results — Parallelism between Fathers and New Testament in respect of Doubtful Cita- tions, . . . . . . . .75 SECTION FOURTH. Ecclesiastical Citation — Table of Reference — Vulgate Cited — Pro- gress towards more Exact Citation — Regulating Principles — Aquinas — A Kempis — Calvin — Bacon — Owen — Grotius — Butler — Rutherford, . . . . . . .83 CONTENTS. IX SECTION FIFTH. PAGE Classical Quotation — Citations of Philosophers from Classics the Connecting Link — >Similar Formuias and Forms as elsewhere — Bacon — Quintilian — Analogy of Written Citation and Written Reporting — Agreement and Difference — Diversity in Reports of same things in Old and New Testaments, and in Josephus and Classical Historians, . . . . . .87 PART lY. ©inbicatioiT 0f ^)itoicttioiT» SECTION FIRST. Recapitulation of Principles and Results — Septuagint preferred in Citation — Reason why — Looser Forms not due merely to Cita- tion from Memory, nor reconcilable with Hebrew on Basis of Various Readings — To be determined by Facts of General Cita- tion — Conditions of Problem — Status questionis — Literal Quo- tation the Normal 'Form — Primary Object of all Citation to reproduce Sense of Text — Freer Forms compatible with this Object — Observed by Ecclesiastical and Classical Writers — Foimded on Reason and Expediency — Objections contrary to Analogy and Self-contradictory — Reason of alternate Use and Disuse of Septuagint — Validity of General Principles of Quota- tion a Presumptive Proof of its Accuracy — Difficulties and Dis- crepancies to be expected — Modes of Solution, . . .92 SECTION SECOND. Principles of Interpretation — Relation of Forms of Quotation and Principles of Interpretation — Old Testament Rationally Written and to be Rationally Interpreted — Psychological and Grammatical CONTENTS. PAGE Principles Vindicated — An Author's Stand-point to be Considered — All Texts, Literal and Tropical, to be Grammatically Interpreted — Extremes of Literalism and Allegory — Their Ecclesiastical His- tory—Mutual Relation and Definition of Metaphor, Synecdoche, Enigma, Analogy, Allegory, Parable, Proverb, and Type — A Common Basis of Similitude— Analogy defended on Logical Grounds — Definition of Type— Its Basis, Elements, and highest Form — Specific Difference between Symbol, Analogy, and Type — Reason, Hypothetical Necessity and Suitableness of Type — Connection with Plan and Progress of Revelation — Relation of Type and Prophecy — General Characteristics of Prophecy — Special Classes, Direct and Indirect Prophecy — Special Kinds, Messianic and Non-Messianic — Vindication of Principles involved — Mutual Relations of Divine Purpose, Prophecy, and Promise — Key of Solution of Parallel Difficulties — Synthetic Interpreta- tion — Its Basis — Alternatives — Gnosticism, Rationalism, and Anabaptist Views of Old Testament, . . . .102 PART V. SECTION FIRST. Proof of External Unity of Canon— Evidence of Patristic Quotation for Authenticity and Credibility of Old and New Testaments — Argument Cumulative — Attacks on Gospels — Historical, Ration- alistic, Mythical Theories— Protevangelion Theory — Solution of Similarity and Dissimilarity of Gospels — Full Force of Patristic Argument— Argument from Citation of Epistles — Connection between Authenticity, Credibility, and Inspiration — Reflex Argu- ment from Inspiration for Credibility — Proof of Plenary Verbal Inspiration, . . . . . . .130 CONTENTS. XI SECTION SECOND. Internal Unity of Scripture — Two Covenants, Works and Grace — Two Economies, Law and Gospel — Elements of Sinai tic Covenant, Moral, Ceremonial, Civil — Dispensations Identified, Historically, Morally, Prophetically, Exegetically, DoctrinaUy, and Apologetically — Eelation of Eevelation and Dispensa- tion — Former the Law of Latter— Former remains when Latter changes — Consequences of Confusion on Subject — Apologetic Inferences from Unit}'' of Dispensations — Author of Nature the God of Providence — Gnosticism — Common Origin of Spiritual Principles in Divine Nature — Progressive Development mthout Increment of Absolutely New Truth — Morality and Religion of Old and New Testament same in Kind, but diJBferent in Degree — Historical and Doctrinal Proof of this Position — Decalogue, its Character and Permanence — Identity of the Moral Law and Decalogue — Vindication of Decalogue — Modern Attacks — Solu- tion of Difficulties — Conclusion, . . . . .142 ERRATA. / Page 15, read im. for in Nov. Test. „ 15, ,, Ueberweg /or IJberwig. „ 88, ,, fingit /or fingil. „ 105, ,, violation for violence. , 112, ,, Melchisedec /or Melchesedec „ 137, ,, causally /or casually. LIST OF WOEKS CONSULTED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS VOLUME. Alfoed — Commentary on Greek New Testament. A Kempis — De Imitatione Christi. Aknold, M. — Contemporary Review, 1875. Article I. Aquinas, T.— Opera, Tom. Tertius. Bacon — Essays, and Advancement of Learning. Bengelii Gnomon Nov. Test. Bauk, C, F,— Das Christentlium und Die Christliche Kirche, and Ten- denz-Kritik. Beck — Propad. Entwicklung, 242. Bkown, Dr. D. — Introduction to Four Gospels. BuTLEE — Analogy of Religion. Calvini in Nov. Test. Commentaria. Calvin's Letters by Bonnet, CjUIPBELL — Dissertations on Gospels. CiCEEONis Epistolce, et Orationes. Ceemee — Lexicon of Greek New Testament. Davidson, S. — Herm, Sac, and Introduction. DiODATi — Annotationes. Eenesti — Principles of Biblical Interpretation. EusEBius — Ecclesiastical History. Faikbaien — Hermeneutical Manual, and Typology. XIV WORKS CONSULTED IN THIS VOLUME. Gkotius, H. — Defensio Christ, Eeligionis. Gaussen — Inspiration of Scripture, and Canon of Scripture. Hall, E.— Works, Vol. 11. Hug — Einleitung. Hengstenberg — Christology, and Commentaries. HoRATius — Ars Poetica. JosEPHUS — Wars of Jews. Klausen— Hermeneutik. Lardner — Credibility of Gospel History. Livil Titi Historise. Lib. xxxix. 40. Lee— Inspiration of Scriptures. Michaelis — Introductory Lectures to New Testament. Marsh, Bishop — Lectures. MosHEiM — Ecclesiastical History. Norton — Genuineness of Four Gospels. Olshausen — Introduction, and Commentaries. Patrum Apos. Opera. Hefele, 4to edition. Pareau — Principles of Interpretation, Prideaux — Old and New Testament Connected. Quintilianus — Opera, Lib. viii. 9. Review, British and Foreign, 1872, April and October. Articles I. and VI. Robinson — Greek and English Lexicon of New Testament. Rainy — Cunningham Lectures. Rudelbach — Zeitschrift. Rosenmuller — Messianic Psalms. Supernatural Religion, &c. Two Volumes, 1875. Schleiermacheb's Works. Stier, Rudolph — Words of Jesus. Strauss — Leben Jesu. WORKS CONSULTED IN THIS VOLUME. XV Stuart, M. — Commentary on Hebrews. Septuagint Version. Tdrpie — Old Testament in New, and New Testament View of Old. Tholuck — Das A. Test, in N. Test. Trench — Synonyms, and On Miracles. Uberwig — History of Phil. Vol. I. ViTRiNGA — Observationes Sacrte. Vulgatfe Biblia Sacra. Webster and Wilkinson — Greek New Testament. Winer — Grammar of New Testament Diction. WiTSius De Economia Foederum. INTRODUCTIOK Soon after tlie publication of this work, several months ago, a fresh interest and impulse were given to the study of the whole subject of New Testament quota- tion, specially in its application to biblical criticism, by the appearance of the critical methods and results of rationalism in a very prominent form, and in a very unlikely quarter, in this country. The object of this Introduction is to readjust and apply the principles established in this volume to the present phase of the controversy on the Continent and in Britain. Modern rationalism may be classified under the two forms of rational naturalism and rational super- naturalism, which differ in regard to the sources and substance of religious truth, but agree regarding its test or standard. These principles are so different in reference to revelation, that the one school may be called believing and the other unbelieving ; but they have so much in common as regards the interpretation of Scripture, that both may fairly be designated rationalistic. The former evolves all religion from the human consciousness, the latter admits an objective h XVlll INTRODUCTION. revelation of God in the events of His government, and even a modified inspiration in the recipients or the writers of it ; but they both deny the plenary inspira- tion of the authors, and the original and absolute truth and authority of the Scriptures, and also pro- ceed less or more on the principle that reason is the test not only of the credentials of a revelation, but also of the truth of its contents. And as principles not only of revelation and interpretation, but of inspiration, go together, the mental condition necessary to receive and to record a revelation is regarded as the mere enlightenment of the religious consciousness, compatible with a large measure of error, and not as involving the infallible guidance of the Holy Spirit into all truth, so that the record is as true as the revelation. Such are the proper results of rationalism applied either to revelation, inspiration, or interpre- tation, which are psychologically and historically associated. These negative and destructive principles appeared in close succession in Britain and Germany ; in the former, in the practical form of objections to Scripture facts and doctrines ; in the latter, as speculative theories of the literary origin and authorship of the books of Scripture. Then, English pragmatism paved the way for continental speculation ; now, the Conti- nent aspires to lead England. The British deists were the pioneers of the continental rationalists, who have laboured ever since either to fill up or to bridge over the chasm between reason and revelation. In INTRODUCTION. XIX Germany, believing theologians, who carry out their principles fully, are the exception ; in England, they are the rule. But if rationalism in any form gain the ascendency in Christendom, the Protestant prin- ciple of the infallible authority of Scripture will not only be subverted, but theology will be corrupted, and the spiritual life of the Church will decline. The form of godliness will die away with the power, public worship and the preaching of the gospel will be neglected, and the sanctuaries of God in England, as in Germany, be left desolate. 2. The objections of extreme rationalists to the age, authorship, and historical truth of certain books of Scripture are ultimately based on the alleged impossi- bility of the supernatural ; but the moderate rationalists, who believe in revelation, rest them entirely on in- ternal grounds, in which their great strength is said to lie.'"* They find certain internal marks indicative of the growth and age of these books, like the rings around the trunks of certain trees. There are certain anachronisms in words and dates, self-contradictions in fact and doctrine, not only diversities but discre- pancies of style, and points of similarity and of dis- similarity in matter or in form. Many of these difficulties are clearly imaginary, whilst others are greatly exaggerated ; but the critics, instead of patiently waiting and working for their solution, have invented a new method of criticism and a new theory of inspiration, either to remove or merely to ♦Article "Bible," p. 644. XX INTRODUCTION. account for discrepancies, which a higher style of criticism may ultimately solve. Some of them have been guilty of the fallacy of the old Greek philo- sophers, who first framed a theory, and then sought facts to sustain it ; others have prematurely admitted the discrepant facts alleged, and then formed a theory to cover them. The single fragment of external evidence adduced in favour of the late composition or completion of the Gospels by such critics as the author of the article " Bible " in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, is a certain possible construction of the Xo^ia of Papias which is very improbable, but which, though correct, would not even point to, much less warrant, " the conclusion that the synoptical Gospels are non-apos- tolic digests of spoken and written apostolic tradition, and that the arrangement of the material in orderly form took place only gradually and by many essays." ^ Colenso and Davidson, admitting the uncertainty of this sort of evidence, have come to the same conclu- sion on internal grounds alone. The above quotation contains as many misstatements as it does sentences. "We might meet one possibility by alleging another — that the \oassim; Kom. xi. 26, 27 ; John vii, 38, 42 ; Eph. v. 14, t Matt. iv. 4, 6, 7, 10 ; Matt. xxii. 31 ; John xix. 36, 37 ; Gal. iii. 16 ; Heb. i. 5, &c. C 84 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. made the signs of thouglits, therefore words are the signs of thoughts. Accordingly, the text of the ancient Scripture, whether literal or figurative, was grammati- cally interpreted, as is done now by all true critics. The evangelical writers acknowledged a double refer- ence, based on the relation between natural and spiritual things, but not a double or divided sense which did not lie in the language. They regarded the sense of Scripture as one, and, therefore, to be inter- preted philologically, whether the words were literal or figurative. They carefully avoided the rock of literalism on the one hand, and the whirlpool of niysticism on the other. They did not, like Cocceius, find Christ everywhere, nor, like Grotius, nowhere. They read the language of the ancient Scripture in the light of usage as well as in the light of inspiration, and not in the light of things, such as preconceived opinions, or the principles of the Rabbinical or the Pagan schools. They did not interpret by the prin- ciples of philosophy a revelation which came from God and not from human reason. They understood the use and the abuse of reason in the interpretation of the divine word, of which some of the early Fathers, their successors, were profoundly ignorant. We find nothing in their exegesis akin to the fanciful allegories of Bar- nabas, or the manifold senses of Origen, or the plastic symbolism of Ammonius Saccas, who laboured to har- monise all the systems both of philosophy and of reli- gion, not only with themselves, but with each other. There is no trace of the Neoplatonism of Philo and PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION. 35 Joseplius and of the Rabbinical literature after tbe close of the Canon and during the prevalence of the Oriental and Alexandrian philosophies. We meet with no cabalistic interpretation or science of the hidden sense. The following testing instances may be for- mally Judaical, but they are philologically correct. Paul interprets the Abrahamic covenant negatively and positively, and applies the promise to Christ ^^ — " He sa3^eth not, And to seeds, as of many; bat as of one. And to thy seed, which is Christ." The word for seed in the Old Testament is in several instances — as Seth,t Samuel, J and Solomon^ — individual, though generally collective. And though it did not directly signify individuality in the context of the promise, it might connote or involve it in all the circumstances of the case, which embraced the whole chosen seed and Christ, the seed of Abraham and of Adam. The Abrahamic covenant was essentially a revelation of the covenant of grace, " confirmed of God in Christ," with whom it was primarily made, as the second contracting party and prospective fulfiller, and merely secondarily made with Abraham. Consequently, the chosen seed from the beginning derived their whole federal standing, character, and destiny from Christ as their Surety or Head. The words of promise expressed plurality rather than individuality, yet they connoted unity, or many in one, the members in the Head. And still more specifically, the context also, in which * Gal. iii. 16 ; Gen. xvii. 6-8. t Gen. iv. 25 ; Gen. xxi. 13. J 1 Sam. i. 11. D''Ii^ji< i^"lt, a male child or a seed of men. § 1 Chron. xxii. 10 ; Ps. Ixxxix. 26 ; 2 Sam. vii. 12-11. 86 PKINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. the promise sits, and in the light of which it must be read, expressly singles out and signalises one individual, one family, and one class of spiritual char- acter, as destined to culminate in one Person, whom both Abraham and Moses knew to be the seed of pro- mise, the grand personage by whom the elect seed would realise their destiny. And hence both kinds of unity, which involve one another, are thus grammati- cally interpreted and summed up in the aptest terms — '' He saith not, And to seeds, as of many ; but as of one. And to thy seed, which is Christ."'"' He speaks not of seeds as of several individuals, or of several sorts of seed, which He would have done had He meant both Ishmael and Isaac and their families, but He speaks as of one, Isaac and his posterity, both genealogically and spiritually, which is Christ collectively or Christ in the Church. In like manner the Great Teacher, when accused of blasphemy in calling Himself the Son of God, rejoined by an argument drawn from the very words of Scripture, and involving both a comparison and a contrast. He thus reasons analogically — If the Scripture calls human judges or magistrates, to whom the word of God merely came, gods, or God officially, how can I, the Sent of God, be called a blasphemer, simply because I call myself the Son of God ? And then, reasoning from the less to the greater, and con- trasting them with Himself, He says — If earth-born and earthly judges be called gods, TYiuch more am I, who have been set apart by the Father and sent into * 1 Sam. viii. 15, Ci^y"lT. Mark iv. 31, s^t^f^ara. Matt. xiii. 31, 32. PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION. 37 the world as the Word of God, His primary and per- sonal Revealer, entitled to be called the Son of God, very God of very God.'"' 8. The synthetic or imitive principle of interpre- tation. It is synthetic because it gives the combined sense of several passages, and unitive because it tends to that unity which is the end of all philosophy and of all theology. It is based on two things, the pro- gressive development of revelation and the unity of the economies. These general principles of revelation underlie all principles of interpretation, and especially the synthetic and prophetic. And this objective unity of revealed truth involves a corresponding subjective unity of conception in the Revealer and in the writer of the revelation. These two things are correlative, the one being the counterpart of the other. All the works of God are known to Him from the beginning, so that there can be no progress of the divine intelli- gence, but subjective unity of purpose must be regarded as real and as relative to its objective embodiment. Hence the New Testament interpreters, in declaring the conjunct sense of Scripture, were regulated by these general principles, and recognised it as one whole — ab imo ad summum simplex et unum. Judaism was to them rudimentary or initial Christianity, and the whole Old Testament merely a prophecy of the New. They read the ancient Scriptures in the light of the new economy as well as in their own light — * John X. 34-36 ; Ps. Ixxxii. 1, 6. 88 PEINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. in a double blended light, which radiated all around and chased away the shadows of the night. And hence also any germinal or undeveloped truth of the old revelation is called that truth, as subsequently developed, not by synecdoche or any other linguistic figure, but in its formal appearance and position in the ecclesiastical heavens. The partial appearance and apparent magnitude of any truth are declared to be that truth, rising higher and higher in the sky unto the perfect day, but not the perfect truth. Here we find natural analogues in abundance. When we see one exposed side or dimension of a buried rock, we recognise or infer a corresponding underlying basis or whole. A single exposed fragment of rock may reveal the character of the range of which it forms a part. A range of the same mountain granite suggests the unity of a common basis. A single phase of the moon is called the moon, because it implies the whole. This principle is analogous to that in comparative anatomy, whereby from a few fragments of bone or fossil the physiologist can construct a skeleton and conclude a species or a genus. 4. The analogical principle. Analogy is a recog- nised though variously estimated principle of applied logic. It implies at once the objective unity of reve- lation and the harmony of truth, and, consequently, of thought. Accordingly, we have legal and grammatical, philosophical and physical, moral and theological ana- logy. It is not a mere resemblance between things, as PEINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATIOK. 39 between a flower and frost-work on a window, where there is a merely superficial and seeming sameness of structure. It is a radical and real agreement of prin- ciple or internal character between things or thoughts, as between the organic forms of different human bodies, or the primary forms of thought of different minds. This involves corresponding logical relations which are the basis of analogical reasoning or com- parative logic.'"' A popular theologian, misconceiving the value of analogy as applied to theology, has de- nounced it as a factitious and assumptive test of a text or truth. But a greater theologian has applied it with irresistible force to the defence of natural and revealed religion. It has both a negative and a positive value, disproving error while it establishes truth. It is a valid but not the strongest form of the theistic argument, according to which we may legiti- mately reason from design in the works of man to design in the adaptations of the external world. It may be applied within its proper sphere to the prin- cipal truths of revealed as well as of natural religion. The scriptural expression, analogy or '' proportion of faith," directly denotes the subjective faith of the individual, but it also implies in the correlation of subject and object the harmony of objective faith, or the proportion of the parts of truth, in accordance with its etymological, classical, and ecclesiastical signi- ficance.! As a hermeneutical principle of Scripture, * Heb. xii. 3- ayxXoyiffxtrh tov ^Introvvy for the purpose of comparison. •f* Kom. xii. 6 — 'avaXoyia, Tr,i ^iffTiu;. 40 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. it appears iinder three forms — facts, principles, and doctrines — which are all mutually related and inter- dependent. (1.) These facts are the basis of the moral principles exhibited and of the formal doctrines enunciated. The events appealed to are always parallel to the circumstances of the writer, and accordingly when they repeat themselves, and are repeatedly cited, it is in similar circumstances or under the same conditions. This is equally true of the spiritual principles and formal doctrines evolved, which are merely the philo- sophy or theology of the facts. The circumstances associated with the cited passage and the citation itself, and all the concomitant truths and principles involved, are throughout parallel and homogeneous. These forms of analogy may occasionally run into each other and be commingled in any quotation, especially the facts and doctrines, but their distinctive characters are seen in the interpretation given and the appli- cation made. Generally, however, they may be clearly distinguished and severally exemplified. Thus, Paul accused the unbelieving Jews of his age of blaspheming God before the heathen on the principle of historical analogy.'" Between the circumstances and sins of the Jews in the days of the prophets and of Paul there was a close and complete historical parallel. Both alike in similar circumstances pro- faned or aspersed God's holy name in the sight of the heathen. We find him elsewhere citing historical * Eora. ii. 24: Isa. lii. 5. See also 2 Cor. viii, 15: Eom. xi. 3-5. PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION. 41 facts in tlie life of ancient Israel as types or pro- spective signs, that the same sins in similar circum- stances would meet with the same punishment/'' So close, indeed, is the correspondence between the cir- cumstances and specially the sufferings of ancient Israel and of the early Christian Church, that we may read the history of the one in that of the other.f Frequently an event, instead of standing by itself, appears wrapt up in a prophecy or historical pro- gramme of the future, founded on the analogy of facts. The prophet Jeremiah's vivid picture of Rachel, the ancestral mother of a captive band, weeping for her lost children, is interpreted as being fulfilled or filled up in the massacre of the infants of Bethlehem and the mourning of the miserable mothers. Between these two events there are points of difference as well as of agreement, and accordingly the one is represented as accomplished in the other on the principle of his- torical parallel rather than of prophetic anticipation, " Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah."! In a similar instance our Lord is said to have spoken in parables that He might fulfil a special function of the prophetic office, ex- ercised in the revelation of truth in symbol, rather than the prophet's representation of a series of under- lying parallel and prophetic circumstances between Israel present and prospective. § It becomes evident that historical analogy is simply history repeating or * 1 Cor. X. 7-11. + Heb. xi. 36-38. X Matt. ii. 18 ; Jer, xxxi. \[ 42 PEINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. reproducing itself, and becoming the basis of analogical interpretation. (2.) The analogy of principles refers to the moral principles of the divine character and government and of human nature, which are correlate and combined in any instance or event. The analogy of the divine dispensations implies similar or the same human character and circumstances. The same divine and human principles in operation become the basis of the analogy of the divine dealings in the moral world, according to which God treats men in the same way under the same conditions of character and circum- stances. Moral analogy, therefore, implies the divine immutability and the moral identity of human nature, which are constituent elements of the divine action, according to which it is impossible for God to err. And, accordingly, as a princij)le of interpretation, it is the solvent of many quotations, the key which lays open the moral world from stem to stern.'"' Thus, Paul interprets and applies to the adequate mainten- ance of the Christian ministry the principle of a com- mandment of Moses in regard to the feeding of working oxen.f Elsewhere he declares a special principle of Hoshea in regard to the life of faith to be a general principle or condition of the higher spiritual life, * Matt, xxi, 16; Matt. xv. 8; Luke xviii. 20; John viii. 17; Rom. i. 17 ; Rom. iii. 4 ; Rom. xi. 9, 10 ; 1 Cor. ix. 9 ; 2 Cor. mI 2, 16, 17, 18 ; 2 Tim. ii. 19; 1 Tim. v. 18; Acts xiii. 41; Heb. ii. 6-8; Heb. x. 15; Heb. xiii. 5, 6; Heb. x. 5-11; Heb. xii. 5, 6; John ii. 17; Rom. viii. 36 ; Rom. xv. 3. + 1 Cor. ix. 9; Deut. xxv. 4. PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION. 43 whicli is alwaj^s gained and sustained by faitb in the divine revelation of grace.'"' Our Lord, in like manner, intrepreted a special oracle of Isaiah against the hypo- critical and heartless formalists of his age, as involving a principle of universal application under the same moral conditions, f The application, also, of a singular passage from a signal psalm to the jubilant shout of the children in the temple in honour of Messiah's name, appears to be made not in fulfilment of a special prophecy, but in verification of the principle, founded on some known analogous instances, that the foolish things of the world are used to confound the wise, to stop the mouths and stifle the rage of envious enemies. | The long and elaborate quotation from a Messianic psalm, applied by Paul to the person and work of Christ, involves the important principle that willing obedience to the divine will is better than mere sacrifice. § This principle was applied by the Lord on two several occasions to vindicate before the captious Pharisees both His own observance of the Sabbath and His intercourse with publicans and sinners, " I will have mercy and not sacrifice." || So also Paul, in declaring the ministerial destiny of man under the Mediator, adduces the fact of his primal dignity and dominion as lord of creation and prime minister of God, of which the shadow only now remains, and * Eom. i. 17 ; Gal. iii. 11 ; Heb. x. 38. + Matt. XV. 8 ; Isa. xxix. 13. + Matt. xxi. 16 ; Ps. viii. 3. § Heb. x. 5-8 ; Ps. xl. 6-8. II Matt. ix. 13 ; Matt. xii. 7 ; Hosea vi. 7, 8. 44 PEINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. argues that when taken in connection with the promise of grace and the redemptive work of the representative Man, it involves the principle of man's restoration and realisation of his destiny."" He also cites a psalm in which Jehovah, as idol-breaker of the world-power of Assyria, claims the worship of the heavenly hosts, and thence evolves the principle that the Son of God, the destroyer at His several advents of the works of the world-god, deserved and obtained the same hom- age, f He reasons throughout the whole of the first chapter that the Son is not only superior to angels, but God of very God, because the same divine titles, worship, and works are ascribed to Him in Scripture, the exact method of proof followed by modern theologians. (3.) Doctrinal analogy deals with doctrines which are the philosophy of facts or of principles. Conse- quently, quotations adduced to declare or to defend a particular doctrine must also wrap up an emergent fact or principle of experience. The Old Testament is the germ of the New, as the gospels are the germ of the epistles, which are their full development. This organic unity of the two economies is the foundation of the doctrinal analogy which prevails throughout and appears prominently in quotation, as some hills of the same mountain range tower above the rest. The doc- trine contained is generally conspicuous, but it is sometimes merely inferential, which renders its appli- cation less palpable. Paul, in the grand doctrinal * Heb. ii. 6-8 ; Ps. viii. 4-6. f Heb. i. 6 ; Ps. xcvii. 7. PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION. 45 Epistle to the Komans, demonstrates in order, by a series of texts from the Old Testament, the sinful- ness of man; justification in the sight of God by faith alone without works ; the sovereignty of God in the election of individuals and communities to grace as well as to privileges ; the calling of the Gentiles ; and the final judgment of the world/" At other times the application of a citation is indirect and inferential. The same apostle inferred, from a passage in the Psalms, which does not appear to be Messianic, and in which the writer declared that he would praise God among the Gentiles, that they being privileged to hear His glorious praise must be also partakers of His sal- vation by the gospel.f He also concludes, indirectly, from a text which, whether taken from Isaiah or from David, and even whether it be Messianic or not, admit of doubt, that Christ and all believers are brethren on the ground of a common faith which makes them all children of one Father and of one family.;]: He applied, with some modification, a directly Messianic passage from Isaiah indirectly to himself and Barnabas as a special warrant to them, as the ministers or represen- tatives of Christ, to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, according to the maxim of jurisprudence — " Qui facit per alium facit per se."§ In the Epistle to the Hebrews, which, in reference to quotation, may be * Rom. i. 17 ; Rom. iv. 3 ; Rom. iii. 10-18 ; Rom. x. 5-11 ; Rom. ix. 9, 12, 15, 25, 27, 29, 33 ; Rom. xi. 3, 5, 8 ; Rom. xiv. 1] ; Rom. x. 19, 20 ; Rom. xv. 9-12. + Rom. XV. 9 ; Ps. xviii. 49. Matt. xxii. 31, 32 ; Exod. iii. 6. Z Heb. ii. 13 ; Isa. viii. 17 ; Ps. xviii. 2. § Acts xiii. 47 ; Isa. xlix. 6. 46 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. called the cross of interpreters, he was addressing not only Jews, but Christian Jews, who believed the Christ to be the Son of God, identical with the Logos, the delegated Maker of the worlds by His own power, and, therefore, he applies indirectly to the Son a passage which primarily applied to Jehovah, as Creator and covenant God of Israel. This interpretation is less fetched and forced than to regard the psalm as Mes- sianic, presenting Jehovah as the Church's covenant God in Christ, and thereby ascribing to the latter thi) attributes of God, according to the analogy of ancient Scripture and the faith of believing Israel.'"' 5. The prophetic or prospective principle we place last, because it involves and combines less or more all the others, psychology and philology, synthesis and analogy. It appears under two forms, type and pro- phecy, which are both alike prognostic of the future. They are radically connected as different forms of the same thing, and mutually related as things and words, which are the signs of things or thoughts. The type may be defined generally as a divine idea or purpose of something present or prospective, embodied in a thing as its symbol. Defined specifically, as a figure of things to come, it is a proleptic sign of the future, expressive of a divine purpose or promise of something, which is called the antitype. Typology is founded on a system of divine ideas or intentions, whether em- bodied in a person, a place, an institution, or an event. '' Heb. i. 10, 12 ; Ps. cii. 25-27. PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION. 47 It is biblical both in name and thing — a distinct form of divine communication not to be confounded with allegory and analogy, or with progressive revelation. The Adamic and Abrahamic promises were both par- tial and proleptic revelations, but they were not formal types, even though the former was conserved in primi- tive sacrifice, and the latter confirmed by the seal of circumcision. The divine wisdom might have seen fit to set up a series of types as mere signal-posts along the long and winding route of revelation down to Christ, but they were certainly of a more substantial and significant nature. They were not factitious or conventional things, like all language not strictly onomatopoetic, but organic parts of revelation, being as well as showing the thing, sample signs suggestive of the whole truth. How far the primary authors of Scripture realised the divine design of the type, so that its divine and human elements coincided in their con- sciousness, is a fit question of criticism, but it is evi- dent that the New Testament interpreters dealt rather with the divine than with the human idea. It is evident that holy men of God, living in peculiar times, must have realised a deeper meaning in their com- munications than rationalistic critics are willing to admit, and that the evangelical writers in citing the ancient types construe them rationally in the light of the signal and significant facts of their institution, of the germinant buds of the early promises which were the hope of the Church, and of the development and continuity of revelation. Modern apologists of inspira- 48 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. tion need not complicate the question of quotation by insisting on more types than are expressly recognised in Scripture. But while we acknowledge generally an underlying and sometimes an outstanding parallelism between the two economies, we must also maintain special points of distinct typical significance. The following may be regarded as clear and confessed examples. Adam, the covenant head of fallen human- ity, is declared to be a type of Christ, the representa- tive Head of redeemed humanity.'"* In their federal capacity they are compared, but in the results they are contrasted. The most natural interpretation of the perplexed passage, in which Abraham is said to have received back his son from imminent death in a figure, is to regard the whole transaction, embracing the vir- tual death of Isaac and his restoration to his father by the actual substitution of the ram, as a joint type of the vicarious death and resurrection of Christ, whose day the patriarch rejoiced to see.f We are expressly told in the Epistle to the Hebrews, which is a commentary on the ritualism of the law, that the temple and the whole of its rites were types or shadows of better things to come. The tabernacle, which was the prototype of the temple, was not only made according to a divine type or pattern, but was itself a type in its material splendour of the moral glory of the House of God, both on earth and in heaven. J Even its principal contents or furniture had * Kom. V. 14-18. t Heb. xi. 19. t Heb. X. 1 ; Heb. ix. 8, 9 ; Heb, viii. 2, 5. PEINCIPLES OF INTERPKETATION. 49 a special typical significance, which the apostle did not find it necessary to particularise.'"' Several events in the history of the old world and of Israel were types or symbols of higher spiritual realities. f The salvation of one righteous family, through the medium of an element which drowned the wicked world, was a type of Christian baptism, which is called its countertype, and in which the washing away of the filth of the flesh signifies the washing of regeneration and the re- mission of sins. I The passage of ancient Israel through the aqueous elements of the sea and the cloud was a kind of baptismal sign of their entrance into the covenant and Church of God, and of their self-dedica- tion to the Lord.§ The paschal lamb of the Passover, which was both retrospective and prospective, sacrificial and commemorative, is a type of Christ our Passover sacrificed for us.|| The bread and Avater which sus- tained the people in the desert were symbols of the bread and water of life, or of Christ Himself. H The ceremonial washings were present emblems of moral purity in regeneration and remission of sin. The animal sacrifices and blood-sprinklings were not only present signs of the desert of sin and the necessity of satisfaction, but also prospective types of the sacrifice of Christ and of the cleansing power of His sprinkled blood.'""' Certain also of the divine dealings with ancient Israel are said to be types or examples of the fixed * Heb. ix. 5. 1 1 Cor. x. 7-11. + 1 Peter iii. 20, 21. § 1 Cor. x. 1-4. II 1 Cor. V. 7 ; John xix. 36. H 1 Cor. x. 3, 4. ** Heb. ix. 23 ; Heb. x. 1. D 5 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. principles of the divine moral government, and to be recorded for our admonition, on whom the ends of the age are come."'' All these types were a kind of dumb parables, which, like the word-parables of the great Teacher, at once half revealed and half concealed the truth. David, in his kingly capacity, and especially in the troubles of his kingdom, is so clearly a type of the humiliation and sufferings of Christ, that the anti- type is called by the name of the type.f Solomon, as David's seed or son of promise, was a type of the Messiah in the extent and peace and glory of His kingdom. The sojourn of Israel in Egypt, with their bitter bondage and their subsequent deliverance ; their sad captivity in Babylon and their ultimate redemption, are correlative and complimentary types of man's cap- tivity by Satan and his restoration by Jesus Christ. The brazen serpent, between which and Himself our Lord instituted so striking a comparison, is so signal and appropriate an emblem of the mode of our salva- tion by faith in the crucified Redeemer, that it may justly be regarded as a type of Christ.^ Jonah's deliverance from the whale's belly, where he lay buried for three days and three nights, and by which his commission to preach repentance to the Ninevites was attested, typified the burial and resur- rection of Jesus, by which He was declared to be the Son of God with power. § * 1 Cor. X. 5-13. + Isa. Iv. 6. J Jolin iii. 14. § Matt. xii. 40 ; Jonah i. 17 ; Eom. i, 4. PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION. 51 Section Second. 1. There is a natural transition from inarticulate yet significant tilings to articulate words revealing the future directly or indirectly through things of which they are signs. We pass, accordingly, from analogy and type to typical or indirect prophecy, which formally differ though they possess a common underlying prin- ciple or basis, which is sometimes allowed to hide their differences. Prophecy, the second form of the prospective prin- ciple, may be defined generally as a verbal sign or formula of the future. It assumes two forms, direct and indirect, or direct and typical prophecy. Mes- sianic prophecy, in particular, exhibits both forms. From the very nature of the ancient economy, both typical and direct non-Messianic prophecy are com- paratively limited. Christ was the central object of the divine revelation from the beginning. The patri- archs from Adam to Abraham spake, and the prophets from Moses to Malachi wrote of the Messiah, the Saviour of Israel and the light of the Gentiles. The whole Old Testament was a prophecy of the New generally, and of Christ specially. And, consequently, the ancient prophecies, not strictly Messianic, are yet all less or more connected with the person and work and times of the Messiah. There are not many direct and still fewer typical non-Messianic prophecies, and apparently not any citations of the latter kind. Ezekiel's 52 PEINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. vision of the dry bones of the house of Israel, in so far as it is prophetic, is typical. It is a visionary scene, in which natural things become the signs of present and the prospective types of future realities. The moun- tain of the Lord's house which Isaiah saw established on the tops of the mountains is a kind of typical prophecy, founded on the site of the temple, of the visible establishment, extension, and moral glory of the Church of Christ. We have seen that the events generally of the ancient theocracy were not only pre- sent instances and muffled types, but oracular announce- ments of the principles of the divine government in every age. The symbolic utterances of the ancient prophets, in which they suited the action to the word, and the word to the action, were typical predictions, involving promise or commination. This form of pro- phecy illustrates the connection between type and prophecy already indicated. The former is the basis of the latter. Prophecy is the articulate expression or exponent of type, the tongue by which it speaks ex- pressly. It preannounces and quotation interprets the typical facts or prospective aspects of the divine economy. Type and typical prophecy are so closely connected, that in any special instance they are forms of the same thing. A careful analysis, also, of type and prophecy in all its aspects, direct and indirect. Messianic and non-Messianic, shows them to be in their roots so closely intertwined, that they are some- times combined in the same instances, and all culminate in Christ, the antitype, the focus of their convergent PKINCIPLES OF INTERPKETATION. 53 lights, the grand goal of their divergent routes, the ocean of their confluent streams/'' The real character of any prophecy, whether Mes- sianic or non-Messianic, is more easily determined than its formal character, whether direct or typical. There is ample room occasionally for difference of opinion regarding the latter forms. The internal character of any Messianic prophecy and its external form combine to form and to determine its specific class or category. Both classes are numerous, but the typical are fewer than the direct, and more debateable. The distinc- tion between them is sometimes less palpable, from the fact that the circumstances of the writer and his- torical elements have sometimes furnished the occa- sion, and even the form of a prophecy, which is not properly typical. Sometimes a prediction cannot be fairly interpreted as typical, because the points of agreement between the supposed type and counter- type are merely apparent, while the points of difference are numerous and real. It may be highly figurative, and 3^et not typical; and the circumstances or sur- roundings of the author may be merely the back- ground of his picture, and not the formal basis of the prophetic fabric, the towers of which afford a com- manding and glorious prospect of the kingdom of Messiah. 2. The following are clear instances of the class that has a typical foundation. Matthew declares * Matt. ii. 18 ; Matt, xiii. 35 ; Acts i. 20 ; Pvom. xi. 9, 10 ; IJek ii. 6-8. 54 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. that the Scripture, " Out of Egypt have I called my son," was spoken of the Son of God by the prophet Hoshea.'" It is based on typical facts in the history of Israel, called the son of God, the first-born of Jeho- vah, preserved for a season in Egypt, and thence called to the mission of a high destiny among the nations, as a type of the Son of God, the infant Redeemer, who found shelter in Egypt from the rage of Herod.t Of all the ancient, and especially the paschal Scriptures, said to have been fulfilled in con- nection with the crucifixion, there is none more clearly typical than the injunction regarding the paschal lamb, which the evangelist applies to Christ, with merely a change of pronoun, which makes the type clearer — '' A bone of Him shall not be broken.";]; The great Teacher is said to have spoken in par- ables, that the mode of instruction adopted by an ancient prophet of God, similar in substance, yet dis- similar in form, might thereby be fulfilled.^ It was necessary that a method of teaching which, under a diversity of form, was not only peculiar to the East, and singularly appropriate to a rudimentary dispensa- tion, but specially characteristic of the prophetic office, should be reproduced and realised in its highest form * Matt. ii. 15 ; Matt. xiii. 35 ; Matt. xxi. 42 ; Matt, xxvii. 46 John XV. 25 ; John xix. 24, 28, 36 ; Acts i. 20 ; Acts ii. 25-28 Acts xiii. 33-35 ; Acts iv. 25, 26 ; Eph. iv. 8 ; John ii. 17 Heb. 1, 5 Ip. ; Heb. ii. 12, 13 ; Heb. x. 5-8 ; Heb. i. 8, 9 ; Horn. XV. 3. f Matt. ii. 15 ; Hosea xi. 1. J John xix. 36 ; Exod. xii. 46. § Matt. xiii. 35 ; Ps. Ixxviii. 2. PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION. 55 in the great Prophet of the Church. He taught by parables not merely that the integral and uniform principles of human nature, or of the divine moral government, might receive their fullest exemplifica- tion, but more particularly that an expediential prin- ciple of the divine scheme of revelation might obtain its highest fulfilment. The ancient psalms, so emphatically declared by Peter to have been spoken by the Holy Spirit concern- ing Judas, and fulfilled in his dismal doOm, though they involve in their application to Judas the priuciple of moral analogy, must be specifically interpreted as indirect Messianic prophecies, according to which Ahi- thophel and his fellow-conspirators, the enemies of David, represented Judas and his wicked associates, the betrayers and murderers of the Lord.'''"" Still more clearly is this the exegetical principle of that grand prophetic psalm of the resurrection of Christ, which declared that His soul would not be left in hades nor His flesh see corruption.! ''The sure mercies of David," promised to Christ and to all His people, involve the resurrection from the dead, as a part and pledge of their full possession.;]; The pregnant and profound words of the second psalm, '' Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten Thee," are a typical prediction of the incarna- tion of Messiah, or of His being raised up into theworld.§ The repeated quotation, ''The stone which the builders * Acts i. 20, with Ps. Ixix. 25, and Ps. cix. + Acts ii. 25-28, with Ps. xvi. 8, 11, and Acts xiii. 35-37. :): Acts xiii. 34, with Isa. Iv. 3. § Acts xiii. 33, with Ps. ii. 8. 5Q PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. rejected, the same is become the head of the corner/' primarily described the rejection by the old world builders of Israel, the son of God, and the type of the Messiah and His people, Christ personal and collective.""' The long and elaborate quotation in Hebrews from one of the psalms, so replete with Messianic ideas and con- nected with other similar psalms, is to be understood as made on the same typical principle, though it also implies the analogy of the same spiritual sentiments in David and in Christ.f In the citation of the sisfnal promise made to David regarding his son and heir, Solomon is evidently typical of the Messiah.! The cited passage, " Behold, I and the children which God hath given me," is indirectly Messianic ; the prophet Isaiah being there in his official character and functions a type of the Great Prophet of Israel. § These instances are sufficient to show the close relation of material type and typical prophecy, and the radical and real agreement between type and antitype. But as typical prophecies are simply a combination of type Avith prophecy, of words with things as signs, it follows that the prophetic word may point solely to Christ ; and, therefore, that the quotations made from such prophecies may be directly Messianic. The quotations already given, by which Peter proves the resurrection of Christ, and Paul His divinity, are of this character. This consideration prevents confusion * Matt. xxi. 42, with Ps. cxviii. 22, 23. t Heb. X. 5-9, with Ps. xl. 6, 7. + Heb. i. 5 Ip., with 2 Sam. vii. 14. § Heb. ii. 13 Ip., with Isa. viii. 14, 18. PRINCIPLES OF IJ^TERPRETATION. 57 in the classification of Messianic prophecy, and indi- cates the point of contact and transition between the two classes. Among the direct prophecies of Messiah we class several, sometimes improperly regarded as in- direct, merely on account of their setting and scenery, which do not determine their character. The back- ground of a prophecy must not be confounded with its basis, nor its occasion with its character, nor figura- tive language with determinate form. Thus, Isaiah's prophecy of the child Immanuel, though invested with the form and body of the times, is not a typical Mes- sianic prophecy, founded on a typical birth, which can- not be discovered ; but a direct Messianic announcement of the birth of an extraordinary child, which the author expected to be born of the virgin, a singular person, and to be one Avho would carry out and complete the covenant of David, and confirm his kingdom for ever, even after not only Syria and Israel had gone down, but Judah also had been diminished and shorn of its glory.'''" The singular quotation from the sacred pro- phetSjf '' He shall be called a ISTazarene," found formally nowhere, is not a typical prediction, founded merely on a symbolical and philological relation between netzer and Nazareth, but a direct Messianic prophecy, in the paraphrastic form of quotation, grammatically inter- preted and applied to His reputed character and birth- place, for both of which He was despised, and, in point * Matt. i. 23, with Isa. vii. 14. t Matt. ii. 23, with Isa. liii. 2, 3, &c., and Isa. xi. 1, and Isa. iv. 2 ; Zech. iii. 8, and Zech. vi. 12. 58 PKINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. of fact, rejected by the Jews. Thus there was not only a coincidence between name and thing, between Nazareth and contempt, which made the fulfilment of the prophecy more striking, but the divine prophetic idea was realised and expressed in the highest possible form. The place of Messiah's upbringing was fitted, and therefore designed, to incur contempt and rejection; and, therefore, the ancient prophecies which went before regarding Him must be accomplished there. These ideas are expressed in the passages cited, and form the basis of an application, in which there is nothing peculiar, except the local element of His resi- dence at Nazareth. On the same grounds we classify and interpret two signal quotations, made from the same unique but mysterious range of prophecy of Zechariah, but ascribed in one of the instances to Jeremiah, not only as the major prophet, but also as having furnished the basis of the minor prophecy, both in its conception and its dramatic action.''' The pro- phet, instead of representing himself and the treatment which he or any other faithful prophet or wise shepherd did or would receive from the false and fickle flock of Judah, as a type of more indignant treatment of the covenant God of Israel, the Good Shepherd, merely personates Jehovah-Messiah, of whose manifestation all the prophets spake, and presents Him as directly declaring His own fate, not only at the hands of a faithless flock, but of God Himself, together with not * Matt. xxvi. 31, Matt, xxvii. 9, 10, with Zech. xiii. 7, and Zech. xi. 12, 13. PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION. 59 merely tlie immediate dispersion of His followers on the night of His betrayal, but also the ultimate dis- persion of the nation. Reading in this light the prophecy and its application, we may well say, with Hengstenberg, '' The agreement of prophecy and fulfil- ment is so striking, that it would force itself upon us although it had been indicated by no declaration of the New Testament. What could the last and most fearful expression of ingratitude towards the Good Shepherd here predicted be, other than the murderous plot by which the Jews rewarded the pastoral fidelity of Christ, and for the accomplishment of which Judas was bribed?" The quotation, " And let all the angels of God worship Him," applied to our Lord's advent into the world, is made from a prophetic psalm, which, like others of the same character, contains the mystery of Messiah, in whom alone it finds its proper and true fulfilfnent.''^' The other Messianic prophecies are so decidedly direct as to be self-evident. We submit a table of the whole in the full consciousness of the frequent difficulty of discriminating indirect and immediate Messianic pro- phecies. f There is no question on which students of prophecy have been more divided, and none that is * Heb, i. 6, with Ps. xcvii. 7. See also Ps. xciii., xcv., xcvi,, xcviii., zcix., ci., cii. + Matt. ii. 6 ; Matt. iii. 3 ; Matt. iv. 14-16 ; Matt. xi. 10 ; Matt. xii. 17-21 ; Matt. xxii. 43, 44 ; Matt. xxvi. 31 ; Matt. i. 23 ; Matt. xxvii. 9, 10 ; Matt. ii. 23 ; Matt. viii. 17 ; Matt. xxi. 4, 5 ; Mark xv. 28 ; Mark i. 3 ; Luke iii. 4 ; Luke xxii. 37 ; John i. 23 ; John xix. 3, 7 ; Acts ii. 34 ; Acts iii. 22, 23, 25 ; Acts iii. 25 ; Rom. xiv. 11 ; Rom. ix. 33 ; Rom. xi. 26, 27 ; Rom. xv, 12 ; Rom. x. 13 ; Gal. iii. 8, 16 ; Eph. V. H ; with Isa. Ix. 1, 19, 20 ; Heb. i. 8 ; Heb. v. 6. 60 PEINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. more open to doubtful disputation. We conclude this investigation by an induction of quotation prophecies, which may be designated involute rather than either typical or direct Messianic. And as typical prophecies less or more directly predict what they indirectly pre- figure, so the involute Messianic imply the personal advent and work of Christ, but directly declare their results in the salvation of believers and the deeper damnation of unbelievers, in the illumination of some and the judicial blindness of others, in the regeneration of society and the downfall of Satan's kingdom, in times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord and in tides of judgment, in the rejection of the faithless Jews and the calling of the benighted Gentiles. They express a Messianic condition of things, which completely solves the mystery of the Messiah, wrapt up in the ancient prophecies. They announce the antecedents, concomi- tants, and consequences of an advent and redemptive work, which another class of prophecies directly pro- claims.'"'' 3. The quotations already adduced, classed, and partly illustrated under the different aspects of pro- phecy, may be regarded as sufficient to show the prin- ciple of interpretation on which the New Testament writers proceeded. "We conclude this part of the sub- ^' Matt. iii. 3 ; Mark i. 2 ; Matt. xiii. 14, 15 ; Matt. xv. 8, 9 ; Luke iii. 4 ; John vi. 45 ; Johnxii. 38, 40 ; Acts ii. 16-21 ; Acts xiii. 40, 41 ; Acts XV. 16, 17 ; Kom. ix. 25, 26, 27, 28 ; Eom. xv. 9, 10, 11 ; 1 Cor. XV. 54 ; 1 Cor. ii. 9 ; Eom. x. 19, 20 ; Eom. xi. 9, 10 ; Eom. iv. 18 ; Gal. iv. 27 ; Heb. ii. 6-8. PKINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION. 61 ject by a passing reference to the principle, or rather practice, of accommodation, which is the correlative of the principle of allusion, already examined. It con- sists in appropriating the form merely, and not the matter of a passage. It accommodates or applies Old Testament forms of thought or phraseology to the expression or the illustration of evangelical sentiments or doctrines. To these the writers merely allude, that they may apply them loosely to the presentation of other and higher truths. They are invariably em- ployed to communicate and commend truth, and not to convey and to countenance error.''' Thus, the Scrip- ture, " The man who doeth these things shall live by them," is a proper quotation and application of a passage in the law which describes the results of legal obedience ; but the subsequent context of Paul, though it contrasts the righteousness of faith with that of works, is not an authoritative interpretation of Moses, but a parenthetical modification and accommodation of the form of a graphic passage, descriptive of the near- ness or accessibility of the law and the facility of obedience, to the presentation of the higher evangelical truth of justification or righteousness by faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. f The application of the passage from the nineteenth psalm, describing the circuits of the orbs of heaven, "Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world," to the general procla- mation of the gospel to the world, is an accommo- * Kom. X. 5 ; Lev. xviii. 5. t Rom. x. 6-9 ; Deut. xxx. 12, 14. 62 PKINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. dation of the form of the text, and not a fanciful analogue between the lights of the natural and the moral worlds, much less a typical prediction founded on typical natural facts,'"' In such instances the pri- mary idea is modified by a paraphrase, or so palpably accommodated in its form as to carry no logical autho- rity, and to occasion no difficulty of interpretation. * Eom. X. 18 : Ps. xix. 3, 4. PAKT III. ANALOGOUS QUOTATION. THE APOSTOLIC AND EARLY FATHERS. Section First. 1. We shall employ the same method in connection with this cognate department of quotation, examining in order the sources of the citations made by the early Fathers, their introductory formulas and forms, and the principles of interpretation followed. We shall find a general agreement on these points between the authors of the New Testament and the Fathers of the Church, with some specific differences, especially of interpretation, the character and value of which re- main to be discussed and determined. The Apostolic Fathers, so called as having been contemporary with the Apostles, are five in number — Hermas, Barnabas, and Clement of Rome ; Poly carp of Smyrna, and Igna- tius of Antioch. Like the authors of the New Testa- ment, they all wrote in Greek, though Barnabas at least was a Jew. Irenseus expressly states that both the Apostles and the Fathers quoted the Septuagint, or Seventy Elders.'''" The conquests of Alexander the Great and the Septuagint version had made the Greek language so current throughout the Roman empire, ■* Iren. lib. iii. c. 21. 64 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. and especially tlirougiioat the Cburcli, that Hellenistic Jews, as well as Greeks, generally preferred the Sep- tuagint, even when less accurate, to the old vernacular Hebrew. The Jews, ever since the Babylonish capti- vity, had lost the full and facile command of their native tongue, and spoke the Aramaean or Syro-Chal- daic, which is a branch or dialect of the ancient Hebrew. This was less or more the oral language of the Jews in the days of our Lord, as is evident from the formal and frequent citation of His very words in the gospels. It had been used from the time of Ezra downwards to Christ as the language of formal com- ment on the Hebrew text of the law in most of the Jewish synagogues. But it gradually died out, both as the language of ordinary life and of religious wor- ship, till, at the Christian era, we find the Greek tongue in common use both in social life and in the synagogue by the Jews, who were called Grecists or Hellenists. Accordingly, the authors of the period, such as Philo and Josephus, the writers of the New Testament, and the earliest Fathers, Jewish and Greek, wrote in Greek, and generally cited the Septuagint. The Christian Jews retained their national forms of thought, and wrote impure or Hellenistic Greek ; while the Greek Fathers, who generally were ignorant of Hebrew, from their habitual converse with the Sep- tuao-int and the influence of the new ideas of the Christian economy on their language, would become tino-ed with Hebraism, and lose their classic peculiarity or propriety. PATKISTIC QUOTATION. 65 The Apostolic Fathers cited or alluded to the Old or the New Scriptures as their subject and their cir- cumstances demanded. In the Shepherd of Hennas we find numerous allusions, both literal and ideal, to most of the books of the New Testament, and especi- ally to the four gospels; but the allegorical or mystical character of the work, which consists of visions, simili- tudes and precepts delivered by angels, did not any more than the Apocalypse require express or formal quotation. The epistles of Barnabas and Clement are full of citations from the Old Testament and of frequent allusions to the New, which are of such a character, and made in such circumstances, as to have the value of quotations. Clement ascribes to Paul the First Epistle to the Corinthians, which Polycarp expressly quotes, as well as Paul's epistles to the Philippians and Ephesians, the last of which Ignatius in his epistle to them attributes to the same Apostle. Polycarp and Iguatius, on the other hand, seldom either cite or refer to the Old Testament, but the}' frequently both quote and allude to the New, under the designation of ''Holy Scriptures," or "Sacred Writings," and "The Gospel," and "Apostles," corre- sponding to " the law and the prophets " of the Jewish nomenclature. 2. The quotation formulas both of the Apostolic and post- Apostolic Fathers may be thus stated and classified and compared with one another, and specially with those of the New Testament. Among the E 66 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. earliest Fathers we find the following diversity of form'" — 'at is written;" ''God," "The Lord," or " The Son of God," " said, or says, or shows;" "The Holy Spirit says;" "The Holy Scriptures," or " The Sacred Word," "show us;" "Paul," or other writer, "says." The later Fathers use substantially the same marks of quotation! — "We read in the law;" "It is said in the gospels;" " Christ Himself has said;" " The Lord hath taught us;" "The Lord says in the gospels;" " The Holy Spirit in the Apostle says;" "The gospel says; " "The evangelic voice teaches; " "The Scriptures teach;" "The Divine Word teaches;" "The Apostle says," or " Paul has explained," or " The admirable Apostle," "The excellent Paul," "explains;" "Peter," or " John," or "Mark," or " Luke," "says; " " John, one of the Apostles, prophesied;" " As they have taught who have written the history of those things concerning Jesus Christ." It is evident that these several formulas of the Fathers are similar, and correspond each to each, that they may all be reduced to two classes correspond- ing to those of the New Testament already stated as general, particular and prophetic formulas, of which the last is not found in the Fathers. * Clem. (Rom.) caps. 13, 18, 24, 23, 36, 30, 46, 56. Bar. caps. 4, 7. Ig. Eph. 5. Poly. Phil. caps. 2, 8, 11, 12. t Just. Apol. p. 94 ; Dial. pp. 266, 317, 308 ; Apol. p. 267. Diog. Epis. passim. Iren. lib. iii. cap. 10, sec, 6. Theoph. lib. ii. iii. Clem. (Alex.) Paed. lib. i. ii. iii. vi. Strom, lib. i. ii. vii. PATRISTIC QUOTATION. 67 Section Second. When we examine the forms of citation, we find a still closer correspondence with those of the New Testament. Even the principles of interpretation which appear to have regulated the Fathers in quota- tion substantially agree with those of the inspired writers, with a signal exceptional difference, which increases rather than reduces the apologetic value of their evidence. And, as the form of a quotation and its application or interpretation are closely connected, and sometimes coincident, we shall simplify and curtail the discussion as much as possible by examin- ing both together. This observation is specially ap- plicable to the first in order, viz. — 1. Literal quotation. Clement of Rome and Bar- nabas not only quote, but generally at the same time interpret literally the Old Testament, and almost in- variably the Septuagint.'" Cited passages are certainly * Clem. 4 and Gen. iv. 3, 8. Clem. 4 and Exod. ii. 14. Clem. 6 and Gen. ii. 23. Clem. 8 and Isa. i. 16-20. Clem. 10 and Gen. xii. 1-3. Clem. 10 and Gen. xiii. 14-16, and Gen. xv. 5, 6. Clem. 14 and Ps. xxxvi. 35-37. Clem. 15 and Isa. xxix. 13, Ps. Ixi. 5, Ps, xxx, 19, Ps. Ixxvii. 36, 37. Clem. 16 and Isa. liii., Ps. xxi. 7-9. Clem. 17 and Gen. xviii. 27. Clem. 18 and Ps. 1, 3-19. Clem. 22 and Ps. xxxii. 11- 18. Clem. 29 and Deut. xxxii. 8, 9. Clem. 35 and Ps. xHx. 16, 23. Clem. 36 and Ps. ciii. 4. Clem. 36 and Ps. ii. 7, 8. Clem. 36 and Ps. ex. 1. Clem. 39 and Job iv. 16-18, Job iv. 19-21, Job v. 1-5, Job xv. 15. Clem. 46 and Ps. xvii. 26, 27. Clem. 48 and Ps. cxvii. 19, 20. Clem. 50 and Isa. xxvi. 20. Clem. 50 and Ps. xxxii. 1, 2. Clem. 52 and Ps. Ixviii. 31, 33, Ps. xUx. 15, Ps. 1. 19. Clem. 53 and Deut. ix. 12, 13, 14. Clem. 68 PKINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. not always interpreted on a principle correlative to the mode of their citation, but in the following illustrative instances the form and the principle of the quotations are coincident. Most of the literal cita- tions in particular are evidently literally or grammat- ically interpreted. This is evident from a comparison of the form of a passage with its application. Thus, Clement cites and interprets the Septuagint literally, *^ This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh." And Barnabas, quoting the same version, says, '^ Let us make man according to our image and our likeness."'"' And even when the interpretation of a text does not answer to its form, and is altogether irrelevant, there is yet ample evidence of the recognition of certain principles, even in their misapplication. 2. Substantial quotation. Here, as in the New Testament, we find the substance of a passage both in sense and form combined in quotation. f Clement, 54 and Ps. xxiii. 1. Clem. 56 and Ps. cxl 5. Clem. 56 and Job v. 17, 26. Clem. 57 and Prov. i. 23, 31. Bar. 4 and Isa. v. 21. Bar. 5 and Gen. i. 26. Bar. 5 and Ps. xxi. 21. Bar. 5 and Isa. 1. 6, 7. Bar. 6 and Isa. xxii. 16, 18, Ps. cxviii. 12. Bar. 6 and Gen. i. 26, 28, Ezek. xi. 19, xxxvi. 26. Bar. 6 and Isa. iii. 9. Bar. 6 and Ps. cxvii. 22, 24. Bar. 9 and Isa. i. 2. Bar. 10 and Ps. i. 1. Bar. 11 and Jer. ii. 12, 13. Bar. 11 and Isa. xvi. 12. Bar. 11 and Isa. xxxiii. 16-18. Bar. 11 and Ps. i. 3-6. Bar. 12 and Ps. cix. 1. Bar. 12 and Isa. xlv. 1. Bar. 13 and Gen. xxv. 23. Bar, 14 and Dent. ix. 12. Bar. 14 and Isa. xlii. 6, 7. Bar. 14 and Isa. xlix. 6, Isa. Ixi. 1, 2. Bar. 15 and Gen. ii. 2 (Heb.) Bar. 15 and Ps. Ixxxix. 4. Bar. 16 and Isa. Ixvi. 1. Ig. 5, ad Epb. and Prov. iii. 34. Ig. ad Mag. 12 and Prov. xviii. 17. Ig. Martyr 6 and Prov. x, 24. Ig. Martyr 2 and Lev. xxvi. 12. * Clem. 6 and Gen. ii. 23. Bar. 5 and Gen. i. 26. ■f Clem. 3 and Deut. xxxii. 15. Clem. 8 and Ezek. xxxiii. 11, Ezek. PATRISTIC QUOTATION. 69 citing and applying to the Corinthian Church the ■wayward folly and ingratitude of Jeshurun or Israel, says, " The beloved ate and drank and was enlarged, and ^vaxed fat and kicked." And Barnabas aj)plies to the Judaising Christians of his time the words of the Lord to Moses on the mount, in reference to back- sliding Israel, " Moses, descend quickly, for thy people whom thou hast led out of the land of Egypt have transgressed the law."'" These instances may suffice to indicate the principle, but a detailed examination of the whole class is necessary to clarify and confirm it. Most of the cases are grammatically interpreted and justly applied, but the gnostic or allegorical principle of interpretation occasionally appears, especi- ally in the writings of Barnabas, who declares that the good land of Canaan, flowing with milk and honey, denotes primarily the human nature of Christ, and next the renewed nature of Christians, so that the promise of Cannan was a prophecy of Christ, for science xviii, 30, Ezek. xxxiii. 12. Clem. 14 and Prov. ii. 21, 22. Clem. 13 and Jer. ix. 23, 24. Clem. 13 and Isa. Ixvi. 2. Clem. 17 and Job i. 1. Clem. 23 and Mai. iii. 1. Clem, 26 and Job xix. 26. Clem. 26 and Ps. iii. 6. Clem. 28 and Ps. cxxxviii. 7-10. Clem. 33 and Gen. i. 26, 27. Clem. 43 and Num. xii. 7. Clem. 52 and Exod. xxxii. 7-9. Clem. 53 and Exod. xxxii. 33. Bar. 2 and Isa. i. 11-14, Jer. vii. 22, 23, Zech. viii. 17, Ps. 1. 19. Bar. 3 and Isa. Iviii, 4, 5, Isa. vi. 10. Bar. 4 and Exod. xxxii. 7, Deut. ix. 12. Bar. 5 and Isa. liii. 5, Prov. i. 17. Bar. 5 and Ps. xxii. 16. Bar. 6 and Isa. xxviii. 16, Isa. 1. 8, 9, Isa. 1. 7. Bar. 6 and Ps. xxii. 21. Bar. 7 and Lev. xvi. 7, 10. Bar. 9 and Ps. xvii. 45, Isa. xxxiii. 10, Jer. iv. 4, Jer, vii, 2, Isa. i. 10, Jer. ix. 25, 26. Bar. 10 and Deut. xiv., Lev. xi. 3. Bar. 11 and Isa, xlv. 2, 3, Bar, 12 and Isa, Ixv. 2. Bar, 12 and Num. xxi. 9. Bar, 15 and Isa, i. 13. * Clem, 3 ; Deut. xxxii, 15 ; and Bar. 4 ; Deut, ix, 12, Exod. xxxii. 7,8. 70 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. said of it, " Hope in Jesus, who is about to be mani- fested in the flesh to you."'" 3. Synthetic quotation is as frequent in the Fathers as in the New Testament, f Two or more texts are conjoined or combined in one citation. Sometimes they stand simply in juxtaposition, sometimes in closest combination. Clement thus combines two passages from Moses, " Who am I that thou sendest me ? for I am of slow tongue, and of feeble speech. ";[ He de- clares the reward of good works by conjoining Isaiah with the Apocalypse, " For He foretells us, ' Behold, the Lord cometh, and His reward is before Him, to render unto every one according to his own work,'"§ He proves chastisement, divine or human, to be salutary and a sign of the divine love by a combination of texts from David and Solomon, " For thus sayeth the Holy Word, ' The Lord hath certainly chastised me, and hath not given me over unto death ; for whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth.' "|| We find also that the synthesis is sometimes literal, * Bar. 6 and Exod. xxxiii. 3. t Clem. 17 and Exod. iii. 11, Exod. iv. 10. Clem. 34 and Isa. xl. 10, Kev. xxii, 12. Clem. 34 and Dan. vii. 10, Isa. vi. 3. Clem. 56 and Ps. cxvii. 18, Prov. iii. 12. Bar. 2 and Jer. vii. 22, 23, Zech. viii. 17. Bar. 4 and Exod. xxxi. 18, Exod. xxxiv. 28. Bar. 6 and Exod. xxxiii. 1, Lev. XX. 24. Bar. 9 and Gen. xiv, 14, Gen. xvii. 26, 27. Bar. 13 and Gen. xlviii. 9, 11. Bar. 13 and Gen. xv. 6, Gen. xvii. 5. Bar. 14 and Exod. xxiv. 18, Exod. xxxi. 18. X Clem. 17 and Exod. iii. 11, Exod. iv. 10. § Clem. 34 and Isa. xl. 10, Isa. Ixii. 11, Apoc. xxii. 12. II Clem. 56 and Ps. cxvii. 18, Prov. iii. 12. PATKISTIC QUOTATION. 71 at other times substantial, and sometimes merely para- phrastic.'"' But under all its forms it involves two important hermeneutical principles recognised by the Fathers. It assumes the unity of revelation not only in diversity but in development, which is the foun- dation of both synthetic and analogical interpretation. These authors, amid occasional vagaries and even false principles of interpretation, generally understood the unity of the economies, and also applied the facts and truths of ancient Scripture to the illustration or defence of corresponding evangelical doctrines. Even gnostic allegory, so prominent in Barnabas and others, in multiplying types and carrying analogy to ridiculous excess, recognises the unity of Scripture. 4. Paraphrastic is similar to substantial citation, but more loosely rendered. It translates the sense of a passage without its form into another and generally a higher and more ideal form.f Clement cites in this * Clem. 29 and Num. xviii. 27, 2 Chron. xxxi. 14. t Clem. 8 and Ps. cii. 1, Isa. i. 18, Jer. iii. 19, 22. Clem. 17 and Job xiv. 4, 5. Clem. 18 and Ps. Ixxxviii. 21. Clem. 20 and Job xxxviii. 11. Clem. 21 and Prov. xx. 27. Clem. 26 and Ps. xxvii. 7, Ps. iii. 6, Job xix. 25, 26. Clem. 29 and Num. xviii. 27, 2 Chron. xxxi. 14. Clem. 32 and Gen. xxii. 17. Clem. 42 and Isa. Ix. 17. Clem. 50 and Ezek. xxxvii. 12, 13. Bar. 4 and Dan. vii. 24, Dan. vii. 7, 8. Bar. 6 and Isa. viii. 14. Bar. 6 and Ezek. xi. 19, Ezek. xxxvi. 26. Bar. 6 and Ps. xli. 3. Bar. 7 and Lev. xvi. 7-10. ' Bar. 9 and Ps. xxxiii. 13, Isa. xl. 3, Jer. iv. 3, Jer. vii. 26. Bar. 9 and Gen. xvii. 26, 27, Gen. xiv. 14. Bar. 10 and Lev. iv. 1. Bar. 11 and Zeph. iii. 19. Bar. 11 and Ezek. xlvii. 12. Bar. 12 and Exod. xvii. 14. Bar. 13 and Gen. xlviii. 18, 19. Bar. 15 and Exod. xx. 8, Deut. v. 12. Bar. 15 and Jer. xvii. 24, 25. Bar. 16 and Isa. xlix. 17. Bar. 16 and Jer. xxv., Isa. v. Bar. 16 and Dan. ix. 24-27, Haggai ii. 6-10. Bar. 7 and Lev. xvi. 8, 10, 21. 72 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. way three passages from the books of Psahns and of Job, " For He somewhere sayeth, And Thou wilt raise me up, and I shall confess unto Thee.""'' ''And, I went to sleep, and slept ; I awoke for Thou art with me." These texts are applied improperly to prove the resurrection of the dead, but the form of the citations is valid. The form may be correct and yet the interpretation false, but not reversely. "And again Job says. And Thou wilt raise up my flesh, which has borne all these things." f This class of quotations is sometimes so loose and vague that some critics refer them to the apocryphal books, but the writers them- selves declare them to be spoken by God Himself " someiuhere/' which shows that they were taken from Scripture and made from memory. J Sometimes we meet with a paraphrastic synthesis of several texts, in which all the freedom consistent with quotation is used as in the New Testament, and even when the citation is incorrect, both in form and sense, we have a recognition of the principle. In Barnabas we find some signal examples of idealistic quotation, especially his definition or designation of azazel or the scapegoat. " Take two he-goats, good and like, and offer them, and let the priest offer the one goat for a holocaust, and let the other be 'accursed.'"^ The one goat was set apart for sacrifice or atonement, the other, or azazel, as both the derivation of the term and the description of the function of the animal imply, was * Ps. iii. 5 ; Ps. xxii. 25. f Job xix. 26. t 'Tov —Clem. 26 ; Ps. xxvii. 7. § i-prtxaTK^KTos. Bar. 7 ; Lev. xvi. 8, 10, 21. PATRISTIC QUOTATION. 73 for removal or dismissal as tlie sin-bearer, laden witli the iniquities of the people, and consequently accursed of God. These animals, thus disposed of on the great day of atonement, were complemental types of Christ, our Sin-bearer, under the double but not divided aspects of atonement and remission of sin. 5. Eclectic quotation is a select extract from a passage instead of the whole. Nothing in citation can be more natural, appropriate, and expedient. It con- tributes to the brevity, point, and force of a writer's argument. Barnabas thus analyses and cites two passages from the law and the prophet Isaiah : '' Ye shall have nothing either graven or molten for a god to you ; " and, '' Who hath measured the heavens with a span, and the earth with the palm of the hand ? Is it not I ? " '" In the " Martyrdom of Ignatius," an early writing, but not of the apostolic age, we find the martjrr thus answering the Emperor by an excerpt from the law : '' Trajan said, ' Dost thou then carry in tliyself the Crucified ? ' Ignatius said, Yes, for it is written, ' I will dwell and I will walk among them,' " t The citation and its interpretation are alike valid. 6. The prospective principle of interpretation, espe- cially in its typical form, is carried to excess by these Fathers, and particularly by Barnabas, who finds types * Bar. 12 ; Lev. xxvii. 15. Bar. 16 ; Isa. xl. 12. t Ig. Martyr 2 ; Lev. xxvi. 12, 2 Cor. vi. 16. 74 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. of the person and passion of Christ, and of the institu- tions of the gospel, in almost everything connected with the ceremonial or ritual economy. Not only certain public persons and the public animal sacrifices, but the meat offerings themselves, and even the clean and unclean meats, were symbols both of present truths and of prospective Messianic benefits. Contending with the Judaisers, who maintained that Christians were bound to observe the law of Moses, he labours in several successive chapters to demonstrate by a tissue of frequently fantastic types, allegorically interpreted, that the ceremonial law was a transient shadow of the new covenant. And, accordingly, we expect to find in these writers typical prophecy, which is prophecy on the basis of type. On this principle m.ost of their quotations of ancient prophecy were made. We recog- nise like citations in the New Testament as valid, and are bound to investigate and determine not only the fact but the form of the principle on which they are made, whether it be typical or direct ; but in patristic quotation the same issues are not at stake, and it is sufficient for our purpose to find there the principle of Messianic prophecy. The Fathers cite and apply the same prophecies, and sometimes in the same way and on the same principles. In an uncritical age prin- ciples may be realised and acted on without having been made the objects of formal examination or of reflective consciousness. Philosophers, in the successful study both of matter and of mind, proceeded occasion- ally, and perhaps unconsciously, on inductive principles. PATRISTIC QUOTATION. 75 before Bacon published bis Novum Organum, or Descartes bis Metapbysics. Tbe frequent difficulty of determining tbe specific cbaracter of a Messianic propbecy and tbe principle on wbicb it is interpreted in tbe New Testament, is felt to be still greater in tbe case of tbe Fatbers, wbo carried tbe Messianic principle so far as to find propbecies of Cbrist in plain bistorical statements, sucb as tbe following, wbicb Barnabas applies to tbe crucifixion of Cbrist : " All day long I bave stretcbed out my bands to a people incredulous and contradictory to my just way."''' But all tbat our argument requires is evidence tbat ancient Scripture was interpreted by tbe Fatbers as Messianic propbecy, wbetber direct or indirect. Barnabas applies distinctly, and apparently directly, to Cbrist tbe following pas- sages : — " And again sayetb tbe propbet, He is placed like a strong stone for bruising ; " and, " Bebold I put into tbe foundations of Zion a stone, precious, elect, a corner stone, bonourable." " And, again, tbe propbet says, Tbe stone w^bicb tbe builders rejected, tbe same bas become tbe bead of tbe corner, "t Section Third. We bave found tbat tbe earliest Cburcb Fatbers distinctly quote, and generally even interpret, tbe Old Testament in tbe same way and on tbe same principles as tbe autbors of tbe New Testament. We sball next * Bar. 12; Isa. Ixv. 2. t Bar. 6 ; Isa. viii. 14, Isa. xxviii. 16, Ps. cxvii. 12. 76 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. examine how these writers cite the New Testament, both gospels and epistles ; and if we find that they are quoted in the same way as the ancient Scripture, we shall obtain a double analogy, the basis of a double or cumulative argument in defence of New Testament quotation. 1. Literal quotation appears upon the forefront of all these writings. Barnabas, citing a memorable say- ing of the Lord in the gospels, says, " Let us therefore take care lest we be found as it is written, Many are called, few are chosen.""" Polycarp says, "Do we not know that the saints shall judge the world ? as Paul teaches."! And again, ''For I trust that ye are well exercised in the Holy Scriptures, as it is said, ' Be angry and sin not ; and let not the sun go down upon your wrath. •" J Ignatius says, " The tree is manifest by its fruit."§ 2. Substantial citation occurs frequently, and, whether made from memory or from the book, clearly shows that the Fathers, like the New Testament writers in their quotations from the Old Testament, and in their different reports of the sayings of the Lord, paid more regard to the sense than to the mere form of Scripture. Polycarp in this way cites Paul, '' According as He * Bar. 4 ; Matt. xx. 16. f Poly. 11 ; 1 Cor. vi. 2. X Poly. 12 ; Eph. iv. 26. § Ig. Eph. 14 ; Matt. xii. 33. See also Poly. 7 ; Matt. xxvi. 41. Poly. 1 ; 1 Peter i. 8. Poly. 2 ; 1 Peter iii. 9. Poly. 10 ; 1 Peter v. 5. Diog. ; 1 Cor. viii. 1. PATRISTIC QUOTATION. 77 hath promised us, that He will raise us up from the dead, and that if we walk worthy of Him, we shall also reign with Him."'" In the epistle to Diognetas we read, " Christ has taught us not to be solicitous about raiment or food."t And of Christ it is said, *' He Himself took our sins." J 3. S}m thesis in quotation, involving the underlying principles of interpretation already indicated, pervades the Fathers. § Polycarp thus quotes in combination several of our Lord's sayings — *' But remembering what the Lord said, teaching : ' Judge not, that ye be not judged. Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. Be merciful, that ye may obtain mercy. With what measure ye mete, it shall be meted to you again. And blessed are the poor, and they that are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of God.'" On the same principle Clement cites the same or similar passages in a different order. || 4. Paraphrase in quotation, in a form as highly ideal as in the New Testament, is not uncommon in the Fathers.il Barnabas, in a passage which stands connected with the prospect of perilous times, citing * Poly. 5 ; 2 Tim. ii. 11, 12. See also Poly. 11 ; 2 Thess. iii. 15. t Diog. c. ix. ; Matt. vi. 25-31. :|: Diog. c. ix. ; 1 Peter ii. 24. § Poly. 2 ; Matt. v. 3, 7, 10, Matt. vii. 1, 2, Luke vi. 20, 36, 38. II Clem. 1, 13 ; Luke vi. 36, Matt. vii. 1, 12. t Bar. 4 ; Matt. x. 32, 33, 38, 39, James iv. 7, 2 Tim. ii. 19. See also Bar. 7 ; Matt, xvi. 24. Clem. 23 ; James i. 5-7, 2 Peter iii. 4. Clem. 47 ; 1 Cor. i. 12. 78 PEINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. the sense of several sayings of Christ regarding cross- bearing, which implies the hatred and avoidance of evil, sums up the whole in a paraphrase — '' As the Son of God says, ' Let us resist all iniquity, and hate it.' " This quotation is a specimen of others of the same character, of which it may be said, " Ex uno disce omnes." It may be compared with a similar citation in the Acts of the Apostles of a written or of an unwritten saying of Christ — '' And to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive."'" Both agree in their form, which is a paraphrase of Scripture, or, in the latter case, the citation of an oral tradition, but they differ in their formulas of quotation, and espe- cially in the tense of the verb. This difference of tense, however, which might appear to represent the one as a past oral utterance of the Lord, the other as a written and present saying, gives no support to the mythical theory of Strauss, which denies the proper date of the gospels, because we find the same tenses interchanged in the quotations made by the Fathers from both the Old and New Testaments.f 5. Allusion is of even more interest and importance in connection with patristic than with Scripture quota- tion, which is so complete and cogent that an array of * Acts XX. 35. t Clem. 46 ; Matt. xxvi. 24. Clem. 36 ; Ps. ii. 7, 8. Clem. 18 ; Ps. Ixxxviii. 21, 1 Sam. xiii. 14. Clem. 56 ; Prov. iii. 11, Heb. vi. 9-11. Clem. 30; 1 Peter v. 5. 2 Clem. 5 ; Matt. x. 16. 2 Clem. 8 ; Matt. xii. 50. 2 Clem. 6 : Luke xvi. 13. PATRISTIC QUOTATION. 79 references is less valuable. The quotations made by the Fathers are generally less definite, both in their formulas and forms, and more in need of the support of reliable allusions. Lardner and others, without any reason assigned, have employed these terms indiscrimi- nately as of equal value. But it is evident that they are formally , if not alway really different, and of differ- ent apologetic value. There are three forms and grades of allusion in the New Testament and in the Fathers — general, special, and literal ; to the general idea, to the substance, and to the exact form of the text, the last of which only cau be said to be tantamount to a formal quotation. But even in the winding maze of allusion a guiding principle may be supplied. Ignatius espe- cially alludes in all these forms to the gospels, which he styles in their unity '' the gospel." He also alludes to the Epistle to the Ephesians, which he calls Paul's, as Clement does the First Epistle to the Corinthians. We may therefore lay it down as a general rule — that allusions, elsewhere found as formal citations, or made to documents which can be otherwise proved to have had contemporaneous existence, and to have been known and accepted by the writers, rise especially in their literal form to the value of express quotations. (1.) We may here review the ground traversed on the field of patristic literature and the results gained. We have not quoted the doubtful or supposititious writings ascribed to these Fathers, such as the Second Epistle of Clement of Rome to the Corinthians and the whole seven epistles of the shorter recension of 80 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. Ignatius. We liave followed the Syriac version, which contains three only of this number, the epistles to the Ephesians, to the Romans, and to Polycarp, which are unquestionably authentic and authoritative evidence not only of the authenticity of the New Testament, but of the way in which the Fathers cited it. We have found a progression in the C{uotation for- mulas, according to which the authors or the books of the New Testament are more frequently and more distinctly named in the later than in the earlier Fathers. There is a gradual advance from the general to the particular, from the citation of Scripture to some particular writing or v/riter. This is accompanied by a corresponding clearness and fullness of the forms of quotation, which a similar examination of the post- Apostolic Fathers would show to be also progressive. Throughout these formulas and forms are the same in kind but different in degree. Both are closely con- nected and illustrated by a similar parallel in the nomenclature of the evangelical writings. The term gospel is applied in the New Testament, in Church history, and in modern use to the whole doctrine of grace or of Christ in the Christian revelation. Now, as the writings of the evangelists were produced separately, at different times, and by different writers, they would doubtless be called, as they were severally known and accepted, gospels singly, such as Matthew's or Mark's Gospel. But we have nowhere any ancient historical evidence or indication that only a single one of the four gospels was in use or was known to exist PATRISTIC QUOTATION. 81 separately. "' The Churches are represented as possess- ing the entire collection of the four gospels, which, with special reference to their internal character as a fourfold revelation of grace, were first styled, "The Gospel," and then subsequently, and more specifically, with regard to their external unity as a collection, " The Gospels," or, " The Holy Quaternion of the Gos- pels," and " The Memoirs of Christ." It is also evident that not only the variety of allu- sions in the New Testament and in the Fathers, but also occasionally the form of the quotations, are due to memory. Copies were scarce both of the Old and New Testaments, which were more in men's minds than in their hands. The use of memory may have also led to the occasional confusion of tradition with Scripture, observed especially in Barnabas, and to the quotation of the Apocrypha as authoritative. (2.) We have also seen that the Fathers of the apos- tolic era interpreted Scripture on substantially the same rational principles as the authors of the New Testament, except the vicious method of allegorising, with which some of them were tainted, the result of the application of Oriental philosophy to Christianity. The errors of Barnabas — an Apostolic Father, contem- porary with Ignatius and Polycarp, if not an apostolic man, the Barnabas of Scripture — sprang from the abuse of a right principle, the symbolic or typical, con- spicuous in Scripture, and carried to excess in the symbolism of the East. It is also worthy of notice * Olshausen, Comment, on Gospels. Introduction. r 82 PRINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. that this writer, whose name reveals his nationality, sometimes cited, like the inspired writers, the Hebrew rather than the Septuagint, the common source of quotation. In both cases this was done because it best answered the purposes of the writers. (8.) We even find a parallel between New Testament and patristic quotation in those more doubtful and difficult instances which are nowhere formally found, the source of which we must either seek in the sub- stance of Scripture, or in tradition, or in special reve- lation. The following citation of Barnabas, already adduced — '' As the Son of God hath said, ' Let us resist all iniquity, and hate it ' " — seems to embody the substance of several texts; while Luke's notice of the signal saying of the Lord, ''It is more blessed to give than to receive,"'" rather appears to be one of those traditional and well-known words of Jesus which were too numerous to be recorded. The only citation of Siny sort in Hernias — " The Lord is nigh to them that turn to Him, as it is written in Heldam and Modal, who prophesied to the people in the wilder- ness " — is evidently taken from a written tradition, though the same sentiment pervades the Pentateuch.f Jude's citation of a prophecy of Enoch regarding the coming of the Lord, not found in Scripture, was derived either from the apocryphal book of Enoch, which is a written tradition, or from direct revelation.;]; We sum up these observations by repeating that * Acts XX. 35. t Hermas ; Num. xi. 26 27. t Jude 14, 15. PATRISTIC QUOTATION. 83 the canonical writers and the Fathers substantially agree in their forms of citation, and that the differ- ence of their principles of interpretation and applica- tion confirms the authority of the former, and finds its proper explanation only in the differential principle of inspiration. Section Fourth. Corresponding forms of citation might be reproduced in order from the ante-Nicene Fathers, such as Justin Martyr, the great apologist of Christianity, Irenseus of Lyons, Theophilus of Antioch, and Clement and Origen of Alexandria ; but as their evidence does not bear so directly as that of the Apostolic Fathers on a collateral department of our subject, the authenticity of the books of the New Testament, we merely submit for examination a table of reference/'' It is evident that the prosecution of the method of adducing instances throughout the long line of the post-Nicene Fathers, Eastern and Western, Greek and Latin, the latter of whom cited the Vulgate, which is the version of a version, downwards to the scholastic writers, and on- * Substantial Quotation — as Justin Apol. i. p. 75 ; Luc. i. 31. Just. Dial. p. 64 ; John xiv. 24. Just. Dial. p. 301 ; Matt. xxv. 41. Iren. Hser. lib. iii. c. 4 ; Acts xv. 39, and xvi. 8-11. Iren. lib. i. c. 16 ; 2 John 10, 11. Theoph. Autoly. lib. iii. ; Rom. xiii. 7, 8. Theoph. Aut. Hb. iii. ; Matt. v. 28, 44. Paraphrase— Just. Dial. p. 316 ; John i. 20, 27. Clem. Alex. Strom. lib. i. p. 346 ; Matt. vi. 33. Psed.lib. ii. p. 100 ; John vi. 53, 54. Strom, lib. iv. p. 511 ; Phil. iv. 5. 84 PEINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. wards to the Reformation and to modern times, were a task tedious and almost interminable. But' we also find in these Fathers and schoolmen the same forms of quotation as in the New Testament and the earliest Fathers, accompanied with a growing tendency or gra- dual progress towards more literal or formal exactness. A Kempis renders the Vulgate of Job, " Malitia est vita hominis super terram," thus, " Tentatio est vita humana super terram." He combines and cites two passages from Ezekiel in this form — " Vivo ego, dicit Dominus, qui nolo mortem peccatoris, sed magis ut convertatur et vivat, quoniam peccatorum suorum non recordabor amplius, sed cuncta sibi indulta erunt.'"" The following passage, " Iniquitates meas supergressse sunt caput meum et sicut onus grave gravatse sunt super me," is thus condensed and quoted by Aquinas, "Iniquitates mese aggravatse sunt super me."t It is also clear that the rationale of the forms of quotation lies mainly in these two pervading and regulating principles — the purpose of the writers, whether strictly demonstrative or merely didactic, or even devotional, and the accessibility of the sources of quotation. Hence, when their object was logical, their citations were more literal ; when merely didactic, they were more free ; while the rarity of copies of the Scriptures, prior to the completion or recognition of the New Testament Canon, and the multiplication and circula- * A Kem. lib. i. cap. 13 ; Job vii. 1. Lib. iv. cap. 7 ; Ezek. xxxiii. 11, Ezek. xviii. 22. t Aquin. in Matt. cap. 6 ; Ps. xxxviii. 4. MODERN QUOTATION. 85 tion of the Divine Oracles, threw them back, in a great measure, on their memories, which were satu- rated with Scripture. And, accordingly, the learned and devout Calvin, in his numerous letters, lately edited by Jules Bonnet, cites the Scriptures at once for the same purposes and in the same manner as the Fathers and the authors of the New Testament. He quotes the Epistle to the Romans thus : " Paul, treating of charity, does not forget that we ought to weep with those that weep."'"' The well-known text, " I know in whom I have believed," he thus para- phrases, without naming the author or the epistle : " You can say, Avith that valiant champion of Jesus Christ, ' I know from whom I have received my faith.' "t His third letter is full of allusions, but does not contain a single formal citation.J The letters of Samuel Rutherford, in more modern times, written in similar circumstances, exhibit like forms of quotation. § He thus cites the substance of the well-known text of the Christian life : " I live no more, but Christ liveth in me." He also selects and alters the tense of the verb of a sentence from a passage in the Psalms, " I bless the Lord who gave me counsel." In like manner he says that Christ's saints bear, '' as the apostle saith, the remnants or leavings of the cross." The follow- ing citation is a synthesis of several passages : " Thank * Calvin's Letters, vol. i. p. 295 ; Rom. xii. 15. t Letters^ vol. i. p. 389 ; 2 Tim. i. 12. See also Calv. Sacs. p. 8, Gal. iii. 27, 1 Cor. xii. 13 ; and p. 10, Ps. cxix. 10, Ps. cxi. 1 ; p. 164, John vi. 56 ; p. 178, 1 Cor. xi. 27, 27. t Letters, p. 382. § Letters, p. 196 ; Gal. ii. 20. 86 PKINCIPLES OF NE^Y TESTAMENT QUOTATION. your God, who saith, ' I have the keys of hell and of death — I kill, and I make alive. The Lord bringeth down to the grave and bringeth up.' "''' These numerous but short letters, written in prison to friends for devotional and hortatory purposes, are full of formal citations, most of which are literal and of literal allusions equal to quotations. Owen, in his dogmatic and apologetical writings, cites the Scrip- tures in the same way. In the following citation the form of the original text is slightly altered, but the substance remains : " He hath also committed all judgment unto Him, that all men might honour Him, even as they honour the Father." f He thus paraphrases the principle of legal obedience, '' Do and live ;" and the principle of the legal curse, " Cursed be every transgressor." | We find also that philosophers as well as theologians follow the same mode of quota- tion. Bacon, the father of inductive philosophy, and the connecting link between the scholastic philosophers and those of the Keformation, thus freely renders Christ's reply to the captious Pharisees, '' The phy- sician approaches the sick rather than the whole. "§ The learned and accurate Grotius cites Paul in the former of the following passages almost exactly, but in the latter quite loosely : '' For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them that are asleep will * Letters, p. 266 ; Eev. i. 18, Deut. xxxii. 39, Ps. xxii. 15. •|- Owen's Essays, p. 142, John v. 21-27 ; and p. 250, 1 John iii. 2. X Owen's Essays, p. 44, with Gal. iii. 12 and Gal. iii. 10 ; and p. 153 with Gal. i. 8-10. § Bacon's Essays, p. 144 ; Matt. ix. 12. QUOTATION OF THE CLASSICS. 87 God bring with Him ; " and, " All things fall out for the best to those who purely worship God." '"" The celebrated Butler not only quotes occasionally from the original instead of from the authorised version, but also modifies and adjusts the passage cited to his own text.f We shall merely add that similar forms of citation pervade the secular and religious productions of the modern pen, press, and pulpit. Section Fifth. 1. But it is more pertinent to our subject to notice the way in which the philosophers, mediaeval and modern, cite the Greek and Roman classics. Livy's character of Scipio Africanus, " Memorabilior prima pars vitse quam postrema fuit," is thus paraphrased by Bacon, " Ultima primis cedebant."J The same writer's eulogy of Marcus Porcius Cato, " In hoc viro tanta vis animi ingeniique fuit, ut quocunque loco natus esset, fortunam sibi ipse facturus fuisse vide- retur," he quotes substantially, '' In hoc viro tanta vis animi et ingenii inerat, ut quocunque loco natus esset sibi ipse fortunam facturus videretur."§ In the same way Spartian's account of the life of Septimus Severus, '' Juventutem egit erroribus, imo furoribus, plenam," * Grotius, Epis. Consol ; 1 Thess. iv. 14, Horn. viii. 28. t Analogy, part i. cap, 2, and part ii. cap. 4 ; Prov. i. 28, 1 Peter i. 11, 12. See Newt. Cardiph, vol. ii. p. 251 ; vol. i. p. 70 ; vol. i. p. 26. X Bacon's Essays, p. 95 ; Liv. xxxvii. 53. § Advanc. Learn, p. 177 ; Liv. xxxix. 40. 88 PKINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. is thus altered and rendered, ''Juventam plenam furorum nonunquam et criminum habuit."*"' This is the connecting Hnk between ecclesiastical and classical citation, both of which exhibit the two general principles of scriptural quotation, the literal and the loose. We meet with like citation formulas as — '' Apud Virgilium," " Apud Livium," '' Ut ait Cicero," " Horatius fingil," " Quale est Sallustii," " In tertio de Oratore ita Scriptum est," " Cicero ad Brutum dicit," '' Homerus ait."t The citations themselves are generally literal, but often free. Neither the classical historians, nor even the classical poets cite each other with verbal accuracy. In the case of the latter, the prosody is certainly always preserved, but the words are sometimes altered, a word of the same quantity being put for another. Quintilian, the rhetorician, substitutes in citing the following line of Virgil num for nunc'^- — " Num quis te, juveniini confidentissiine ? " In another citation we find me for nunc — " Hen, qiice me tellus, inqiiit, quaenie sequoia possunt accipere ? " In the following passage — " Addunt ill spatia, et frustra retinacula tendens," * Essays, p. 94 ; Spart. Vit. Sev. P. 144 ; Virg. .En. xii. 600. Ad vane, of Learn, p. 2 ; Tac. xiii, 3. Essays, p. 95 ; Cic. Brut. 95. t Quint, lib. ix. 1 ; Cic. de Oratore, lib. iii. 53. Quint, lib. xi. 1 ; Cic. de Orat. lib. iii. 55. J Quint, lib. ix. p. 136 ; Virg. Georg. iv. 445. WRITTEN REPORTING. 89 we find in Virgil — " Addimt se in spatia, frustra retiiiacula tendens."* Such instances of quotation from the poets by poets, philosophers, and historians might be multiplied. Even Quintilian, who dealt with words and discussed sentences, reckoned it sufficient in citing poetry to retain the sense and to maintain the integrity of the verse. In the same author we have this formal citation from Cicero ad Brutum, " Nam eloquentiam, quae admirationem non habet, nuUam judico."t In all the extant letters of the Roman Orator to Brutus this quotation is nowhere formally to be found, but we find the substance of it in the following passage, regarding the eloquent Messalla : " Cave enim, exis- times, Brute, . . . ut eloquentia, qua mirabiliter excellit, vix in eo locum ad laudandum habere vide- atur.":|: 2. We conclude the subject of analogous quotation by a reference to written reporting, between which and written citation there is a real agreement with a formal difference. The latter is the reproduction of a record or text, the former of a speech. Both agree in repro- ducing the substance or sense of the writing or utter- ance. Reporting, therefore, is analogous to quoting, * Quint, lib. ix. p. 115 ; Virg. ^n. ii. 69. Lib. viii. p. 76 ; Virg. Georg. i. 513. Also Quint, lib, viii. p. 98 ; Virg. ii. 541. Hor. Epis. ad Pison. ; Horn. Odyss. lib. i. t Quint, lib. viii. cap. 3. t Cic. ad Brutum, lib. i. epis, 15. 90 PKINCIPLES OF NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATION. fulfilling the same conditions. Hence tlie Old Testa- ment reports of the same communications, whether made directly or indirectly, and whether to the mind or to the ear, formally vary but substantially agree, as may be seen by comparing Deuteronomy with Exodus and Leviticus. The ten words, indeed, are neither a quotation nor a report, but a copy of the original text, written by the finger of God on tables of stone. And yet Moses in the second book of the law gives a version of the fourth commandment differing in some particulars from the original form in Exodus, and forming the basis of a new and special admo- nition.'"'' The different reports in the gospels of the sayings of the Lord vary in form while they agree in sense. Even the grand Sermon on the Mount, once only recorded, may not be the very words of the great Teacher, of whose beautiful parables and speeches we certainly find different reports, f Even also the Lord's Prayer, which we might expect to be strictly literal, is reported with some verbal variations. ;|; Josephus, the Jewish historian, reports the same speeches, such as Herod's to his men of war, with considerable variety.^ Classical historians, as Tacitus, Herodotus, and Livy, and poets, such as Hesiod, Homer, and Ovid, merely recite the substance of judicial * Exod. XX. 8-11 ; Deut. v. 12-15. f Comp. Mark iv. with Luke vili. and Matt, xiii, ; and Mark iii. with Matt. xii. t Matt. vi. 9-14, with Luke xi. 1-4. § Comp. Wars of Jews, book i. cap. 19, sec. 4, with Antiq. book XV. sec. 3. WRITTEN REPORTING. 91 and municipal speeches and military despatches, and of the sayings and songs of their gods and heroes, with such prefaces as " ita," " in hunc modum," " w?/' " ovTco^.^-^-vv ^^.-^ ^ 1 r^ . '"^^'"ent quotation Pnnc, 5»Ml.'r°'°9'"'Sern, '.nary-Speer Library 1^01200080 Se