FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 5CB 5/51 H Y M ADDITIONAL TO THE HYMNS IN THE PRAYER BOOK; COLLECTED FOR THE Sanday-Scliool Children of their Parishes, BY THE RECTORS OF ST. Philip's and st. jude's churches, PfllLADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: AAC ASHMEAD, PRINTER. 1850. HYMNS. •213 Children at the Oate of Heaven. 7's. LITTLE travellers Z ion ward, Each one entering into rest, In the kingdom of your Lord, In the mansions of the blest : There to welcome, Jesus waits. Gives the crowns his followers win, Lift your heads ye golden gates. Let the little travellers in. Who are they whose little feet. Pacing life's dark journey through. Now have reached that heavenly seat, They have ever kept in view ] " I from Greenland's frozen land," " I from India's sultry plain," " I from Afric's barren sand," " I from islands of the main." " All our earthly journey past. Every tear and pain gone by, Here together met at last, At the portals of the sky ;" Each the welcome " come" awaits, Conquerors over death and sin : Lift your heads ye golden gates, Let the little travellers in. 214 Eternity. C. M THE sun that lights the world shall fade. The stars shall pass away ; HYMNS. And I a child immortal made, Shall witness their decay. 2 Yes, I sliall live when they are dead. Though now so brig-ht they shine; When earth and all it holds have fled, Eternity is mine. 3 For I can never, never die, While God himself remains; But I must live in heaven on high, Or wliere deep darkness reigns. 4 If heaven and hell ne'er pass away, To Christ, O let me flee ; If pain be hard for one short day. What must for ever hel •215 The J\rew Jerusalem. C. M. JERUSALEM ! my happy home ! Name ever dear to me ! When shall my labours have an end, In joy, and peace, and thee 1 2 O when, thou city of my God, Shall I thy courts ascend ; Where congregations ne'er break up. And Sabbaths have no end 1 3 There happier bowers than Eden's bloom. Nor sin, nor sorrow know : Blest seats ! through rude and stormy scenes, I onward press to you. 4 Why should I shrink at pain and wo. Or feel at death dismay? I've Canaan's goodly land in view. And realms of endless day. HYMNS. 5 Apostles, martyrs, prophets, there Around my Saviour stand ; And soon my friends in Christ below Will join the glorious band. 6 Jerusalem! my happy home! My soul still pants for thee ; Then shall my labours have an end, When I thy joys shall see. 216 The all-seeing God. C. M. ALMIGHTY God, thy piercing eye, Strikes through the shades of night, And our most secret actions lie, All open to thy sight. 2 There's not a sin that we commit, Nor wicked word we say. But in thy dreadful book 'tis writ. Against the judgment day. 3 And must the crimes that I have done Be read and.'published there"? Be all exposed before the sun. While men and angels hear ] 4 Lord, at thy feet ashamed I lie ; Upward I dare not look ; Pardon my sins before I die. And blot them from thy book. 5 Remember all the dying pains That my Redeemer felt; And let his blood wash out my stains And answer for my guilt. 1* 217 HYMNS. Lovest thou me 7 HARK, my soul ! it is the Lord — 'Tis thy Saviour, hear his word ; Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee : Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me ? 2 " I delivered thee when bound, And when wounded, healed thy wound ; Sought thee wandering, set thee right, Turned thy darkness into light. 3 " Mine is an unchanging love, Higher than the height above ; Deeper than the depth beneath, Free and faithful, strong as death. 4 Thou shalt see my glory soon, When the work of grace is done ; Partner of my throne shalt be ; Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me V 5 Lord, it is my chief complaint, That my love is weak and faint ; Yet I love thee and adore ; O for grace to love thee more ! 2>\xD Birth of Christ. 10,11. BRIGHTEST and best of the sons of the morn- ing, Dawn on our darkness and lend us thy aid : Star of the east ! the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. 2 Cold on his cradle the dew-drops are shining, Low lies his head with the beasts of the stall; Angels adore him, in slumber reclining. Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour of all. HYMNS. 7 3 Say, shall we yield him, in costly devotion, Odours of Eden and offerings divine ; Gem of the mountains, and pearl of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, or gold from the mine? 4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation ; Vainly with gold would his favour secure ; Richer by far is the heart's adoration ; Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. ^W) Christ the Shepherd. CM. SEE the kind Shepherd, Jesus, stands, With all engaging charms ; Hark, how he calls the tender lambs. And folds them in his arms. 2 Permit them to approach, he cries. Nor scorn their humble name ; For 'twas to bless such souls as these, The Lord of angels came. 3 When, wandering from the fold, we leave The straight and narrow way, Our faithful Shepherd still is near, To guide us when we stray. 4 The feeblest lamb amidst the flock. Shall be the Shepherd's care ; While folded in the Saviour's arms, We're safe from every snare. 220 Thankfulness for God's Love. C. M. WHENE'ER I take my walks abroad, How many poor I see ! What shall I render to my God For all his gifls to me ] 2 Not more than others I deserve, Yet God hath given me more : For I have food while others starve, Or beg from door to door. 3 How many children in the street, Half naked I behold; While I am cloth'd from head to feet, And cover'd from the cold. 4 While some poor wretches scarce can tell Where they may lay their head ; I have a home wherein to dwell. And rest upon my bed. 5 While others early learn to swear. And curse, and lie, and steal ; Lord, I am taught thy name to fear, And do thy holy will. 6 Are these thy favours day by day. To me above the restl Then let me love thee more than they, And try to serve thee best. •221 A Song of Praise. C. M. HOW glorious is our heavenly King, Who reigns above the sky ! How shall a child presume to sing His dreadful majesty! 2 How great his power is, none can tell. Nor think how large his grace; Not men below, nor saints that dwell On high before his face. 3 Not angels that stand round the Lord, Can search his secret will ; But they perform his heavenly word, And sing his praises still. 4 Then let me join this holy train, And my first offerings bring : Th' eternal God will not disdain To hear an infant sing. 5 My heart resolves, my tongue obeys, And angels shall rejoice, To hear their mighty Maker's praise Sound from a feeble voice. 222 Birth in a Christian Land, L. M. GREAT GOD, to thee my voice I raise, To thee my youngest hours belong ; I would begin my life with praise, Till growing years improve the song. 2 'Tis to thy sovereign grace I owe, That I was born on Christian ground, Where streams of heavenly mercy flow, And words of sweet salvation sound. 3 I would not change my native land, For rich Peru, with all her gold ; A nobler prize lies in my hand. Than east or western Indies hold. 4 How do I pity those that dwell. Where ignorance and darkness reigns ; They know no Heaven, they fear no Hell, Those endless joys, those endless pains. 5 Thy glorious promises, O Lord, Kindle my hopes and my desire ; While all the preachers of thy word Warn me t' escape eternal fire. 10 6 Thy praise shall still employ my breath, Since thou hast mark'd my way to heaven ; Nor will I run the road to death, And waste the blessings thou hast given. /C^^ij Thoughts of Ood and Death. L. M. THERE is a God that reigns above. Lord of the heavens, and earth and seas ; I fear hs wrath, I ask his love. And with my lips I sing his praise. 2 There is a law which he has writ. To teach us all what we must do ; My soul to his commands submit, For they are holy, just, and true. 3 There is a gospel of rich grace, Whence sinners all their comforts draw ; Lord, I repent, and seek thy face, For I have broken oft thy law. 4 There is an hour when I must die, Nor can I tell how soon 'twill come ; A thousand children, young as I, Are call'd by death to hear their doom. 5 Let me improve the hours I have. Before the day of grace is fled ; There's no repentance in the grave, Nor pardon ofier'd to the dead. 6 Just as a tree cut down, that fell To north or southward, there it lies ; So man departs to heaven or hell, Fix'd in the state wherein he dies. 224 HYMNS. 11 Heaven and Hell, S. M . THERE is beyond the sky A heaven of joy and love ; And holy children, when they die, Go to that world above. 2 There is a dreadful hell, And everlasting pains ; Where sinners must with devils dwell, In darkness, fire, and chains. 3 Can such a wretch as I Escape this cursed end 1 And may I hope whene'er I die, I shall to heaven ascend ? 4 Then I for grace will pray. While I have life and breath; Lest I should be cut off to-day; And sent to eternal death. 225 Peace among Children. C. Hf. DEAR children, you should never let Your angry passions rise ; Your little hands were never made To tear each other's eyes. 2 Let love through all 5"our actions run. And all your words be mild : Live like the blessed Virgin's Son, That sweet and lovely child. 3 His soul was gentle as a lamb ; And, as his stature grew, He grew in favour both with man, And God, his Father, too. 12 HYMNS. 4 Now, Lord of all, he reigns above And, from his heavenly throne, He sees what children dwell in love, And marks them for his own. 9- Love bettccen brothers and Sisters. C. M. WHATEVER brawls disturb the street, There should be peace at home ; Where sisters dwell, and brothers meet, Quarrels should never come. 2 Birds in their little nests agree, And 'tis a shameful sight, When children of one family- Fall out, and chide, and fight. 3 Hard names at first, and threatening words, That are but noisy breath. May grow to clubs and naked swords, To murder and to death. 4 The devil tempts one mother's son To rage against another; So wicked Cain was hurried on. Till he had kill'd his brother. 5 The wise will let their anger cool. At least before 'tis night, But in the bosom of a fool. It burns till morning light. 6 Pardon, O Lord, our childish rage, Our little brawls remove ; That as we grow to riper «ge, Our hearts may all be love. 227 HYMNS. 13 Against taking God's JiiTame in Vain. L. M. ANGELS, that high in glory dwell, Adore thy name, Almighty God ! And devils tremble down in hell, Beneath the terrors of thy rod. 2 And yet how wicked children dare Abuse thy dreadful, glorious name ! And when they're angry, how they swear. And curse their fellows, and blaspheme ! 3 How will they stand before thy face, Who treated thee with such disdain, While thou shalt doom them to the place Of everlasting fire and pain 1 4 My heart shall be in pain to hear Wretches affront the Lord above : 'Tis that great God whose power I fear, That heavenly Father, whom I love. 5 If my companions grow profane, I'll leave their friendship, when I hear Young sinners take thy name in vain. And learn to curse, and learn to swear. 228 Jlgainst Idleness and Mischief. C. M. HOW doth the little busy bee Improve each shining hour ; And gather honey all the day. From every opening flower. How skilfully she builds her cell. How neat she spreads the wax ! And labours hard to store it well. With the sweet food she makes. 2 14 HYMNS. 3 In works of labour, or of skill, I would be busy too ; For Satan finds some mischief still, For idle hands to do. 4 In books, or work, or healthful play, Let my first years be past ; That I may give for every day Some ffood account at last. 229 The Child's Confession. C. M. WHY should I love my sport so well. So constant at my play ; And lose the thoughts of heav'n and hell And then forget to prayf 2 What do I read my Bible for, But, Lord, to learn thy will 1 And shall I daily know thee more. And less obey thee still 1 3 How senseless is my heart, and wild ! How vain are all my thoughts ! Pity the weakness of a child, And pardon all my faults. 4 Make me thy heavenly voice to hear, And let me love to pray ; Since God will lend a gracious ear. To what a child can say. 230 j3 Mornivg Hymn. V. M. MY God, who makes the sun to know His proper hour to rise. And to give light to all below, Doth send him round the skies. HYMNS. 15 2 When, from the chambers of the east, His morning" race begins, He never tires, nor stops to rest ; But round the world he shines. 3 So, like the sun, would I fulfil The business of the day ; Begin my work betimes, and still March on my heavenly way. 4 Give me, O Lord, thy early grace. Nor let my soul complain. That the young morning of my days Has all been spent in vain. 231 An Evening Hymn. C. M. AND now another day is gone, I'll sing my Maker's praise ; My comforts, every hour, make known His providence and grace. 2 But how my childhood runs to waste ! My sins how great their sum ! Lord, give me pardon for the past. And strength for days to come. 3 I lay my body down to sleep, Let angels guard my head ; And, through the hours of darkness, keep Their watch around my bed. 4 With cheerful heart I close mine eyes, Since thou wilt not remove ; And, in the morning, let me rise, Rejoicing in thy love. 16 HYMNS. 232 The Thief. I WHY should I deprive my neighbour Of his goods against his wilH Hands were made for honest labour, Not to plunder or to steal. 2 'Tis a foolish self-deceiving, By such tricks to hope for gain : All that's ever got by thieving. Turns to sorrow, shame, and pain. 3 Oft we see the young beginner Practise little pilfering ways. Till grown up a hardened sinner, Then the prison ends his days. 4 Theft will not be always hidden, Though we fancy none can spy ; When we take a thing forbidden, God beholds it with his eye. 5 Guard my heart, O God of heaven, Lest I covet what's not mine ; Lest I take what is not given. Guard my heart and hands frwn sin. 233 Children's Praises. 8, 7. HUMBLE praises, holy Jesus, Children's voices raise to thee ; In thy arms, O Lord, receive us, Suffer us thy lambs to be. 2 Blessed Saviour ! thou hast bidden Babes like us to come to thee : Once by thy disciples chidden. Thou didst bless such ones as we. HYMNS. 17 3 Thanks to God, who freely gave us His beloved Son to die : From eternal death to save us; Glory be to God on high ! 234 Death. 7'g. I AM young, but I must die, In my grave 1 soon shall lie ; Am I ready now to go, If the will of God be so? 2 Lord, prepare me for my end, To my heart thy Spirit send, Help me, Jesus, thee to love, Take my soul to heaven above. 3 Then I shall with Jesus be, Then I shall my Saviour see ; Never more to suffer pain, Never more to sin again. •235 Little Samuel. H. M. WHEN little Samuel woke And heard his Maker's voice, At every word He spoke, How much did he rejoice ! Oh, blessed, happy child, to find The God of heaven so near and kind. If God would speak to me, i\nd say he was my friend. How happy should I be ! Oh, how would I attend ! The smallest sin I then should fear, If God Almighty were so near. 2* 18 HYMNS. 3 And does he never speak 1 Oh, yes ! for in his word He bids me come and seek The God whom Samuel heard In almost every pag-e I see, Tlie God of Samuel calls to me. 4 And I beneath his care May safely rest my head ; I know that God is there, To guard my humble bed ; And every sin I well may fear, Since God Almighty is so near. 236 Oh ! that will be Joyful. P. M. HERE we suffer grief and pain, Here w^ meet to part again, In heaven we part no more. Oh ! that will be joyful ! Joyful, joyful, joyful ! Oh ! that will be joyful ! When we meet to part no more. 2 All who love the Lord below. When they die to heaven will go, And sing with saints above. ' Oh ! that will be joyful ! &c. 3 Little children will be there. Who have sought the Lord by prayer. From every Sunday-school. Oh ! that will be joyful ! &c. 4 Teachers, too, shall meet above, And our pastors, whom we love, Shall meet to part no more. Oh ! that will be joyful ! &c. HYMNS. 19 5 Oh ! how happy we shall be ! For our Saviour we shall see, Exalted on his throne ! Oh ! that will be joyful ! &c. 6 There we all shall sing with joy, And eternity employ In praising" Christ the Lord. Oh ! that will be joyful ! Joyful, joyful, joyful ! Oh ! that will be joyful ! When we meet to part no more. 237 Meeting in Heaven. C. M. HOW" pleasant thus to dwell below In fellowship of love. And though we part, 'tis bliss to know The good shall meet above. Oh ! that will be joyful, joyful, joyful ! Oh ! that will be joyful. To meet to part no more. To meet to part no more. On Canaan's happy shore. And sing the everlasting song With those who've gone before. 2 The children who have loved the Lord Shall hail their teachers there ; And teachers gain the rich reward Of all their toil and care. Oh ! that will be joyful ! &c. 238 T/ie School Gathering. L. M. WE come, we come, with loud acclaim, To sing the praise of Jesus' name ; 20 HYMNS. And make the vaulted temple ring With loud hosannas to our King. With joyful heart and smiling face, We gather round the throne of grace. And lowly bend to offer there, From youthful lips, our humble prayer — To Him who slept on Mary's knee, A gentle child as young as we. 2 We come, we come, the song to swell. To Him who loved our world so well ; That stooping from his Father's throne. He died to claim it as his own. With joy we haste the aisles to fill. Yet youthful bands are gathering still. O thus may we in heaven above, Unite in praises and in love ; And still the angelafill their home With joyful cry,^'Tney come, they come." 239 The Bible. HOLY Bible ! Book divine ! Precious treasure ! Thou art mine ! Mine, to tell me whence I came ; Mine, to teach me what I am. 2 Mine, to chide me when I rove ; Mine, to show a Saviour's love ; Mine, thou art to guide my feet, Mine, to judge, condemn, acquit, 3 Mine, to comfort in distress, - If the Holy Spirit bless ; Mine, to show, by living faith, Man can triumph over death. 4 Mine, to tell of joys to come, And the rebel sinner's doom ; HYMNS. 21 Oh, thou precious book divine ! Precious treasure ! thou art mine ! 240 Story of the Saviour. HOW much better I'm attended I'han the Son of God could be, When from heaven he descended, And became a child like me. 2 Soft and easy was my cradle. Coarse and hard my Saviour lay, When his birth-place was a stable. And his softest bed was hay. 3 Was there nothing but a manger, Sinful mortals could afford. To receive the heavenly stranger, Did they thus insult the Lord 7 4 See the kinder shepherds round him. Telling wonders from the sky ; Where they sought him, there they found him, With his virgin mother by. 5 From the East, the wise men pressing, In their arms rich jewels bring, To receive the precious blessing Of their long-expected King. 6 Yet to read the shameful story. How the Jews abused their King, How they served the Lord of glory, Makes me sorry while I sing. 7 'Twas to save us all from dying, Save us all from burning flame, Bitter groans and endless crying. That our blest Redeemer came. 22 HYMNS. 8 May we learn to know and fear him, [jOve and serve him all our days, Then go dwell for ever near him, See his face and sing his praise. 241 The Harvest Home. ^Tb. JESUS, we thy lambs would be, Humbly we would follow thee, Waiting for the joyful day. When all care will pass away; When the reaping time shall come. And angels shout the harvest-home. Now the fields with grain are white. Now the day is dawning bright, — Brighter far the sky will be, When our Master we shall see, When the reaping time shall come. And angels shout the harvest-home. May we wait and watch and pray For the coming of that day. When the wheat shall sifted be. And the chaff be driv'n from thee : For the reaping time shall come. And angels shout the harvest-home. 242 Come to Sunday-school. P. M. COME ! come ! come ! Come to the Sunday-school : The hour is past and gone ; It is our teacher's rule, — So hasten, every one. Come ! come ! come ! Come to the Sunday-school : HYMNS. 23 It is the hour of prayer ; , We break our teacher's rule, — So hasten, hasten there. Come ! come ! come ! Come to the Sunday-school : Hark ! don't you hear the bell 1 I will not break the rule, — So, lingering child, farewell. 243 The Happy Land. P. M. THERE is a happy land, Far, far away, Where saints in glory stand, Bright, bright as day; Oh, how they sweetly sing, Worthy is our Saviour King, Loud let his praises ring. Praise, praise for aye. 2 Come to that happy land, Come, come away; Why will ye doubting stand 1 Why still delay? Oh, we shall happy be, When, from sin and sorrow free, Lord, we shall live with thee, Blest, blest for aye. 3 Bright in that happy land Beams every eye. Kept by a Father's hand, Love cannot die. Oh, then to glory run ; Be a crown and kingdom won ; And bright above the sun We reign for aye. 24 HYMNS. ^44 Early at School. I'LL awake at dawn on the Sabbath-day, For it's wrong to doze holy time away ; With my lessons learned, it shall be my rule, Never to be late at the Sabbath-school. 2 Birds awake betimes, every morn they sing. None are tardy there, while the woods do ring; So, when Sunday comes, it shall be my rule Never to be late at the Sabbath-school. 3 While the tuneful birds and the summer's sun All in time are found with their works all done, Shall not I, more blest, ever keep this rule. Never to be late at the Sabbath-school ] 4 When the summer's sun awakes the flowers, again They the call obey — none are tardy then ; Now shall 1 forget that it is my rule. Never to be late at the Sabbath-school 1 5 While the days of youth swiftly glide away. Let us seek the path to the realms of day ; We shall not regret that we kept this rule, Never to be late at the Sabbath-school. 245 Christ, a Child's Saviour. C. M. LORD, teach a sinful child to pray : Thy grace betimes impart ; And grant thy Holy Spirit may Renew my sinful heart. 2 A fallen creature I was born. And from my birth I strayed : I must be wretched and forlorn Without thy mercy's aid. HYMNS. 25 3 But Christ can all my sins forgive, And wash away their stain ; Can fit my soul with him to live, And in his kingdom reign. 4 To him let all his children come. For he hath said they may ; His bosom then shall be their home. Their tears he'll wipe away. 5 For all who early seek his face Shall surely taste his love ; Jesus shall guide them by his grace, To dwell with him above. 246 Children of Jerusalem. CHILDREN of Jerusalem Sang the praise of Jesus' name ; Children too of later days Join to sing the Saviour's praise. {Girls.) Hark ! hark ! hark ! {Boys.) While infant voices sing, {Together.) Loud hosannas, loud hosannas To our King. 2 Christ approved their song, and said. Have ye not then often read, God accepts the simple praise That these babes and sucklings raise 1 Hark ! hark ! hark ! «&c. 3 Come, let all our youthful train Swell the humble, grateful strain ; Hallelujah, let us sing Loud hosannas to our King. Hark ! hark ! hark ! &c. 3 26 HYMNS. 4 Parents, teachers, old and young", All unite to swell the song ; Higher and yet higher rise, Till hosannas reach the skies. Hark ! hark ! hark ! &:.c. 247 Sunday Morning. 11 "a. HOW sweet is the Sabbath, the morning of rest; The day of the week which I surely love best : The morning my Saviour arose from the tomb, And took from the grave all its terror and gloom. Oh, let me be thoughtful and prayerful to-day, And not spend a minute in trifling or play ; Remembering these seasons were graciously given To teach me to seek, and prepare me for heaven. In the house of my God, in his presence and fear, When I worship to-day, may it all be sincere ; In the school when I learn, may I do it with care, And be grateful to those who watcli over me there. Instruct me, my Saviour, a child though I be, I am not too young to be noticed by thee ; Renew all my heart, keep me firm in thy ways, 1 would love thee, and serve thee, and give thee the praise. And at length, when my Sundays on earth are all fled, And my bounding young limbs are cold, silent, and dead ; O, take me dear Saviour, and grant me to spend That Sunday in heaven which never shall end. 248 HYMNS. 27 Jesus loves the Poor. 7's. POOR and needy though I be, God, my Maker, cares for me ; Gives me clothing-, shelter, food, Gives me all I have of good. 2 He will listen when I pray. He is with me night and day, When I sleep and when I wake, Keeps me safe for Jesus' sake. 3 He who reigns above the sky. Once became as poor as I ; He whose blood for me was shed, Had not where to lay his head. Though I labour here awhile, He will bless me with a smile; And when this short life is past, I shall rest with him at last 249 The Lord's Prayer. OUR Father in heaven, we hallow thy name, May thy kingdom all holy on earth be the same : O, give to us daily our portion of bread, It is from thy bounty that all must be fed. 3 Forgive our transgression and teach us to know- That humble compassion that pardons each foe. Save us from temptation, from weakness and sin ; And thine be the glory, for ever. Amen. 250 ./3 Blessing Asked. L. M. ASSEMBLED in our school once more, O Lord, thy blessing we implore ; 28 HYMNS. We meet to read, and sing and pray, Be with us, then, through this thy day. 2 Our fervent prayer to thee ascends, For parents, teachers, foes and friends. And when we in thy house appear. Help us to worship in thy fear. 3 When we on earth shall meet no more. May we above to heaven soar ; And praise thee in more lofty strains, Where one eternal Sabbath reigrns. 251 252 The Bible for the Heathen. 78. SEE that heathen mother stand Where the sacred currents flow ; With her own maternal hand, 'Mid the waves her infant throw ! Hark ! I hear the piteous scream ; Frightful monsters seize their prey ; Or the dark and bloody stream Bears the struggling child away. Fainter now, and fainter still, Breaks the cry upon the ear ; But the mother's heart is steel, She, unmoved, that cry can hear. Send, O send, the Bible there ; Let its precepts reach the heart; She may then her children spare, She may act the mother's part. Sincerity in Prayer. C M. WHEN daily 1 kneel down to pray. As I am taught to do. HYMNS. 29 God does not care for what I say, Unless I feel it too. 2 Yet foolish thoughts my heart beguile ; And when I pray or sing, I'm often thinking all the while About some other thing. 3 O let me never, never dare To act a trifler's part, Or think that God will hear a prayer That comes not from the heart. 4 But if I make his ways my choice, As holy children do. Then, while I seek him with my voice My heart will love him too. 253 A Child's Prayer. C. M. SAVIOUR, teach me how to pray. And then accept my prayer ; For thou canst hear the words I say, For thou art everywhere. 2 A little sparrow cannot fall Unnoticed, Lord, by thee ; And though I am so young and small. Thou dost take care of me. 3 Teach me to do the thing that's right. An d when I sin, forgive ; And make it still my chief delight To serve thee while I live. 4 Whatever trouble I am in. To thee for help I'll call ; But keep me, more than all, from sin. For that's the worst of all. 3* 30 HYMNS. 254 Trifling in Worship. L. M. IN God's own house for me to play, While Christians meet to hear and pray, Is to profane his holy place, And tempt the Almighty to his face. 2 When angels bow before the Lord, And devils tremble at his word. Shall I, a feeble mortal, dare To mock, and sport, and trifle there 1 3 Great God, compassionate and mild, Forgive the follies of a child; Teach me to pray and love thy word, That I may learn to serve the Lord. 255 The Blood of Christ. C. M. THERE is a fountain, filled with blood. Drawn from Immanuel's veins, And sinners plunged beneath that flood. Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there may I, as vile as he, Wash all my sins away. 3 Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its power. Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved, to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, • Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. HYMNS. 31 5 Then, in a nol)ler, sweeter song-, I'll sing thy power to save ; When this poor lisping-, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave. 6 Lord, I believe thou hast prepared. Unworthy though I be, For me a blood bought, free reward, A golden harp for me. 7 'Tis strung and tuned for endless years, And formed by power divine — To sound in God the Father's ears No other name but thine. 256 ril seek Qod. C. M. SOON as I heard my Father say, " Ye children, seek my grace ;" My heart replied, without delay, " I'll seek my Father's face." 2 Let not thy love be hid from me, Nor frown my soul away ; God of my life, 1 fly to thee In each distressing day. 3 Should friends and kindred, near and dear, Leave me to want, or die, My God will make my life his care, And all I need supply. 4 Wait on the Lord, ye trembling saints, And keep your courage up ; He'll raise your spirit when it faints, And far exceed your hope. 32 •257 Allurements of Sin. 7's. MANY voices seem to say, " Hither, children — here's the way ; Haste along-, and nothing fear Every pleasant thing is here !" 2 Yes — but whither would ye lead ? Is it happiness indeed ? Or a little shining show, Leading down to death and wo ? 3 We were made for better things ; High as heaven our nature spring's ; Like the lark that upward flies, We were made to seek the skies. 4 We were made to love and fear That great God who placed us here, Made to study and fulfil All his good and holy will. 5 We were made to work awhile, Cheerful at our work to smile : Thinking, as we labour thus. Of the heaven prepared for us. 6 So, a pleasant path v^e'll tread, By the hand of Jesus led ; Till, from sin and sorrow freed, Ours is happiness indeed ! •258 Teacher's Illness, L. M. O THOU, before whose gracious throne We bow our suppliant spirits down. Regard our simple earnest prayer, And make our teacher now thy care. HYMNS. 33 2 Preserve thy servant from the grave ; Stretch out thine arm, O Lord, to save ; Back to our hopes and wishes give Our teacher, Lord, and bid him live. 3 Yet if our supplications fail, And prayers and tears cannot prevail, Be thou his strength, be thou his stay, Support him through the narrow way. 4 Around him may thy angels stand, To bear him to a better land ; To teach his happy soul to rise, And waft him to the upper skies. 259 C. M. ON Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wistful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. 2 O the transporting, rapturous scene That rises to my sight ! Sweet fields, arrayed in living green, And rivers of delight ! 3 On all those wide-extended plains Shines one eternal day ; There God the Son for ever reigns, And scatters night away. 4 No chilling winds, nor poisonous breath. Can reach that healthful shore ; Sickness and sorrow, pain and death. Are felt and feared no more. 5 When shall I reach that happy place, And be for ever blest 1 34 HYMNS. When shall I see my Father's face, And in his bosom rest 1 6 Filled with delight my raptured soul Can here no longer stay ; Though Jordan's waves around me roll, Fearless I'd launch away. •260 Missionary Hymn. 7, 6. TO thee, O blessed Saviour, Our grateful songs we raise ; O tune our hearts and voices Thy holy name to praise ; 'Tis by thy sovereign mercy We're here allowed to meet : To join with those who love thee. Thy blessing to entreat. 2 Lord, guide and bless our teachers Who labor for our good, And may the holy Scriptures By us be understood ; O may our hearts be given To thee, our glorious King ; That we may meet in heaven, Thy praises there to sing. And may the precious gospel Be published all abroad. Till the benighted heathen Shall know and serve the Lord ; Till o'er the wide creation The rays of truth shall shine. And nations now in darkness Arise to light divine. 261 HYMNS. 35 Hijmn of Praise. COME, ye children, and adore him, Lord of all, he reigns above; Come and worship now before him, He hath called you by his love. He will grant you every blessing Of his all abounding grace ; Come, with humble hearts expressing All your gratitude and praise. 2 On this holy day of gladness, We will join in praises meet ; Every bosom free from sadness, All with happiness replete. O to feel the love of Jesus ! O to know that, from above. Still our heavenly Father sees us With an eye of tender love ! 3 Dearest children, now adore him ; Swell aloud the joyful strain ; Let the nations bow before him, Echo back the notes again. While he will accept the praises. E'en from every heart and tongue, Those to him an mfant raises, Still are sweetest of the song. 4 Lord of all, our hearts' oblation Now ascends to thee alone ; We would come, with all the nation, Now to worship at thy throne. Teachers! will you join the chorus? Join in hymning forth his praise, Who, for our redemption, shows us All the riches of his grace 1 36 HYMNS. 5 Praise to thee, O Lord, for ever ! Gladly now we all unite ; Praise to thee, O God ! the giver, Blessed Lord, of life and light ! Ransomed nation, spread the story! Rescued people, ne'er give o'er ! All his grace, and all his glory, O proclaim for evermore ! •262 Blind Bartimeus. 8, 7. " MERCY, O thou Son of David !" Thus the blind Bartimeus prayed ; " Mercy, O thou Son of David ! Now to me afford thine aid." 2 Many for his crying blamed him, But he called the louder still, Till the gracious Saviour bid him, " Come, and ask me what you will." 3 Money was not what he wanted, Though by begging used to live ; But he asked and Jesus granted Alms which none but he could give. 4 " Lord, remove this grievous blindness Let my eyes behold the day !" Straight he saw, and won by kindness, Followed Jesus in the way. 5 Now, methinks, I hear him praising, Publishing to all around : "Friends, is not my case amazing 1 What a Saviour I have found ! 6 O that all the blind but knew him. And would be advised by me ! Surely they would hasten to him. He would cause them all to see." 263 HYMNS. ' 37 Tnvitution to Praise. C. M. COME, children, hail the Prince of peace. Obey the Saviour^'s call ; Come, seek his face, and taste his grace. And crown him Lord of all. 2 Ye lambs of Christ, your tribute bringv Ye children, great and small, Hosanna sing to Christ your King : O crown him Lord of alL 3 This Jesus will your sins forgive, O haste ! before him fall ; For you he died, that you might live To crown him Lord of all. 4 Let every people, every tribe. Around this earthly ball, To hira all majesty ascribe. And crown him Lord of all, 5 All hail, the Saviour, Prince of peace, Let saints before him fall ; Let sinners seek his pardoning grace. And crown him Lord of al!. 264 Children in Heaven, L. M« HAPPY the children who are gone To live with Jesus Christ in peace, Who stand around his glorious throne, RedeemM by blood, and sav'd by grace* 2 The Saviour, whom they loved below. Hath softly wiped their tears away ; No sin, no sorrow, there they know, But dwell in one eternal day. 4 38 HYMN3. 3 There to their golden harps they sing-, While tens of thousands join their songs, Hosannas to the immortal King, To whom immortal praise belongs. 4 O glorious Lord, and when shall we Be brought with them in bliss to join ; Thy lovely countenance to see, And sing thy mercies all divine ? 265 Singing in Heaven. C M . AROUND the throne of God in heaven, Thousands of children stand — Children whose sins are all forgiven, A holy, happy band, Singing glory, glory, glory. 2 In flowing robes of spotless white. See every one arrayM, Dwelling in everlasting light, And joys that never fade. Singing glory, glory. 3 Once they were little things like you. And lived on earth below, And could not praise, as now they do, The Lord who loved them so, Singing glory, glory. 4 What brought them to that world above,. That heaven so bright and fair. Where all is peace, and joy, and love 1 How came those children there T Singing glory, glory. 5 On earth they sought the Saviour's grace, On earth they loved his name ; HYMNS. So now they see his blessed face, And stand before the Lamb, Singing glory, glory. 266 Calvary. Ts. LO, at noon 'tis sudden night. Darkness covers ail the sky ! Rocks are rending at the sight ! Children, can you tell me why ! What can all these wonders be ? Jesus dies at Calvary ! 2 Naird upon the cross, behold How his tender limbs are torn For a royal crown of gold. They have made him one of thorn : Cruel hands, that dare to bind Thorns upon a brow so kind ! 3 See, the blood is falling fast From his f