HYMNS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, SELECTED FUOM "HYMNS FOR YOUTH." ■V^^^^^ ADELPHIA: OARD OP PUBLICATION.^ i HYMNS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. J GocPs Condescension praised. O. M. ANGELS adore thee, and rejoice, Such praise to thee belongs; But -wilt thou hear my feeble voice, Amid their lofty songs 1 2 My feeble powers can never rise To praise thee as I ought : For thou art great, and good, and wise Beyond my highest thought. 3 In heaven, thy glories, Lord, resound, And children join the song : And O may I at last be found Among that happy throng ! 4 There we shall better praises bring, And raise our voices higher ; Angels will teach us how to sing, And we shall never tire. Q Adoring Christ. 8s, & 7S* MAY I love thee and adore thee, O thou bleeding, dying Lamb ; Teach my heart to bow before thee, Kindie there a sacred flame. 2 Teach me what I am by nature, How to lift my thoughts on high ; (1) 2 PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING. Teach me, thou great Creator, How to live and how to die. O Invitation to praise fj. M COME, let us join the hosts above, Now in our youthful days ; Remember our Creator's love, And lisp our Father's praise. 2 His Majesty will not despise The day of feeble things ; Grateful the songs of children rise, And please the King of kings. 3 He loves to be remembered thus, And honoured for his grace ; Out of the mouths of babes like us His wisdom calls forth praise. 4 Glory to God, and praise and power, Honour and thanks be given ; Children and cherubim adore The Iiord of earth and heaven. 4 God's Goodness praised. JL. M PRAISED be the Lord, that love is shed', In heavenly blessings on our head; He calls the young to seek his face, And bids them know his wondrous grace, 2 The hungry soul his goodness feeds, His feeble flock he gently leads, Deigns in his arms the young to bear, And makes them his peculiar care. PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING. 3 Q ' Praise to Christ. C. M. COME, happy children, come and raise Your voice with one accord ; Come, sing the cheerful song of praise, And bless your Saviour Lord. 2 Sing of the wonders of his grace, Who pardons all your sin, And says that such as seek his face, Shall life eternal win. 3 Sing of the wonders of his love, And praise and glory give, To him who left his throne above, And died that you might live. 4 Sing of the wonders of his truth, And read in every page, The promise made to earliest youth, Fulfilled to latest age. 5 Sing of the wonders of his power, Who with his own right arm, Upholds and keeps you every hour, And shields your soul from harm. 6 Sing of the wonders of his name, And Jesus Christ adore ; Him for your Lord and God proclaim, And praise him evermore. © Invitation to praise. C. M, COME, children, let us Jesus praise, His holy name adore ; PRAISE AND THAITKSGTVIWO. let us love him all our days, And praise him evermore. Twas Jesus who, the Lord of all, For us became so poor; Twas Jesus raised us from the fall,— O praise him evermore. 'Twas Jesus who did bleed and die "When all our sins he bore ; Tis Jesus pleads for us on high,— O praise him evermore. Tis Jesus, to prepare a place For us, is gone before ; Tis Jesus bids us seek his face,— O praise him evermore. f Praise for Health. S. M. HOW gracious is my God, Who gives me more than wealth ; And more than mortals could bestow The precious gift of health. ; That health I would devote To spread his praise abroad. And would my youthful hours employ To love and serve my God. I How many children lie On beds of grief and pain ; They hope and wait for health and ease, But wait and hope in vain. [ may I ne'er forget My God so good and kind, PRAISE AND THANKSOrVIKO. b But serve him with my every power Of body and of mind. § GodPs Goodness praised. O. M. LORD, I would own thy tender care, And all thy love to me ; The food I eat, the clothes I wear, Are all bestowed by thee. 2 Tis thou preservest me from death And danger every hour ; I cannot draw another breath, Unless thou give me power. 3 My health, and friends, and parents dear To me by God are given ; I have not any blessing here, But what is sent from heaven. 4 Such goodness, Lord, and constant care, A child can ne'er repay ; But may it be my daily prayer To love thee and obey. <^ Special Mercy praised. C. M. WHENE'ER I take my walks abroad, How many poor I see ! What shall I render to my God For all his gifts to me ] 2 Not more than others I deserve, Yet God hath given me more ; For 1 have food while others starve, Or beg from door to door. 6 PRAISE A1TD THA5KSGIVIK6. 3 While some poor wretches scarce can tell Where they may lay their head, I have a home wherein to dwell, And rest upon my bed. 4 While others early learn to swear, And curse, and lie, and steal ; Lord, I am taught thy name to fear, And do thy holy will. 5 Are these thy favours, day by day, To me above the rest? Then let me love thee more than they, And strive to serve thee best. t£k Praise for Mercies. L. M. GREAT God, to thee my voice I raise, To thee my youngest hours belong ; I would begin my life with praise, Till growing years improve the song. 2 Tis to thy sovereign grace I owe, That I was born on Christian ground ; Where streams of heavenly mercy flow, And words of sweet salvation sound. 3 Thy glorious promises, Lord, Kindle my hopes, and my desire ; W r hile all the preachers of thy word Warn me to escape eternal fire. 4 Thy praise shall still employ my breath, Since thou hast marked my way to heaven ; Nor will I run the road to death, And waste the blessings thou hast given. PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING. 7 | 1 Worthy the Lamb. 6, 4. GLORY to God on high ! Let heaven and earth reply, " Praise ye his name !" Angels, his love adore, Who all our sorrows bore ; Saints, sing for evermore, " Worthy the Lamb !" 2 Join all the ransomed race, Our Lord and God to bless; Praise ye his name. In him we will rejoice, Making a cheerful noise, Shouting, with heart and voice, " Worthy the Lamb !" 3 Soon must we change our place, Yet will we never cease Praising his name ; Still will we tribute bring ; Hail him our gracious King ; And, through all ages, sing, " Worthy the Lamb !" 1 Js Praise for Privileges. C. M. I THANK the goodness and the grace Which on my birth have smiled, And made me in these Christian days, A highly favoured child. 2 I was not born, as thousands are, Where Jesus is unknown, 8 PRAISE AKD THANKSGIVING. And taught to pray a useless prayer To blocks of wood or stone. 3 I was not born without a home, Or in a broken shed ; A wretched outcast, taught to roam, And steal my daily bread. 4 My God ! I thank thee, who hast planned A better lot for me ; And placed me in this happy land, Where I may hear of thee. J 3 Praise for Privileges. L. M. LORD, I ascribe it to thy grace, And not to chance, as many do, That I was born of Christian race, And not a heathen or a Jew. 2 What would the ancient Jewish kings And Jewish prophets once have given, Could they have heard those glorious things, [heaven ! Which Christ revealed and brought from 8 How glad the heathen would have been, That worshipped idols, wood, and stone, If they the book of God had seen, Or Jesus and his gospel known ! 4 Then if this gospel I refuse, How shall I e'er lift up mine eyes ' For all the Gentiles and the Jews Against me will in judgment rise. PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING. 9 J Z§- Praise to the Redeemer. S. M. AWAKE, and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb ; Wake every heart, and every tongue, To praise the Saviour's name. 2 Sing of his dying love, Sing of his rising power ; Sing how he intercedes above For those whose sins he bore. 3 Sing on your heavenly way, Ye ransomed sinners, sing; Sing on, rejoicing every day, In Christ the eternal King. 4 Soon shall we hear him say, " Ye blessed children, come !" Soon will he call us hence away, And take his wanderers home. \ /> Grateful Recollection. 8s, & 7s. COME, thou fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace ; Streams of mercy never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above ; Praise the mount — O ! fix me on it, Mount of God's unchanging love. 2 Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by thy help I 'm come ; 10 PRAISE AND THAWK8GIVIICO. And I hope, by thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed with precious blood. 3 ! to grace how great a debtor Daily I 'm constrained to be ! Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to thee. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it ; Prone to leave the God I love ; Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it, Seal it from thy courts above. 1 © Triumph in Christ. C. M. IN every trouble, sharp and strong, My soul to Jesus flies ; My anchor-hold is firm in him, When swelling billows rise. 2 His comforts bear my spirits up, I trust a faithful God ; The sure foundation of my hope Is in a Saviour's blood. 3 Loud hallelujahs sing, my soul, To thy Redeemer's name : In joy, in sorrow, life and death, His love is still the same. j ^f Praise for Redemption. C. M. COME, let us join our cheerful songs- With angels round the throne ; PHAISE AND THANKSGIVING. 11 Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. Worthy the Lamb that died, they cry, To be exalted thus ! Worthy the Lamb, our lips reply, For he was slain for us. 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and power divine , And blessings more than we can give Be, Lord, for ever thine. 4 Let all that dwell above the sky, And air, and earth, and seas, Conspire to lift thy glories high, And speak thy endless praise. J § Morn amid the Mountains. 6s, & 5s t ll/TORN amid the mountains — i.TJ- Lovely solitude ! Gushing streams and fountains Murmur, " God is good !" 2 Now the glad sun, breaking, Pours a golden flood ; Deepest vales, awaking, Echo, " God is good !" 3 Hymns of praise are ringing Through the leafy wood ; Songsters, sweetly singing, Warble, " God is good !" 4 Wake, and join the chorus, Man, with soul endued ; 12 PRAISE AXT) THANKSGIVIXO. He whose smile is o'er us, God, our God, is good! J 9 Praise to Christ. 8s, & 7s. HARK, ten thousand harps and voices Sound the note of praise above ; Jesus reigns, and heaven rejoices ; Jesus reigns, the God of love: See, he sits on yonder throne ; Jesus rules the world alone. 2 Jesus, hail ! whose glory brightens All above and gives it worth ; Lord of life, thy smile enlightens, Cheers, and charms thy saints on earth *, When we think of love like thine, Lord, we own it love divine. 3 King of glory, reign for ever, Thine an everlasting crown ; Nothing from thy love shall sever Those whom thou hast made thine own; Happy objects of thy grace, Destined to behold thy face. 4 Saviour, hasten thine appearing ; Bring, bring the glorious day, When, the awful summons hearing, Heaven and earth shall pass away ! Then with golden harps we '11 sing, "Glory, glory to our King." TOTJTHFU1 PIETY. 13 YOUTHFUL PIETY. 20 Youth the Season for Religion. C. M, THOUGH I am young, I have a soul The world can never buy ; And while eternal ages roll, It will not, cannot die. 2 For it must soar to worlds on high, Where happy spirits dwell ; Or, buried with the wicked, lie Deep in the grave of hell. 3 The soul by numerous sins denied Can never enter heaven, Till God and it be reconciled, And all its sins forgiven: 4 Till it be pure from all its stains, In perfect righteousness ; Cleansed by the Saviour's dying pains, Renewed by sovereign grace. 5 Pardon and cleanse it, God of grace ! And let it holy be ; Arrayed in perfect holiness, And meet to dwell with thee. Q 1 Buy the Truth. 7s, & 6s. GO thou, in life's fair morning, Go, in the bloom of youth, 14 TOUTHFUl PIETY. And buy, for thy adorning, The precious pearl of truth. Secure this heavenly treasure And bind it on thy heart, And let not worldly pleasure E'er cause it to depart. 2 Go, while the day-star shineth, Go, while thy heart is light, Go, ere thy strength declineth, While every sense is bright: Sell all thou hast, and buy it, 'Tis worth all earthly things. Rubies, and gold, and diamonds. Sceptres, and crowns of kings. 3 Go, e'er the clouds of sorrow Steal o'er the bloom of youth ; Defer not till to-morrow, Go now, and buy the truth. Go, seek thy great Creator, Learn early to be wise, Go, place upon his altar, A morning sacrifice ! Christ's Love to Children. C. M. QEE Israel's gentle Shepherd stand, O With all engaging charms ; Hark ! how he calls the tender lambs, And folds them in his arms. 2 " Permit them to approach," he cries, Nor scorns their humble name ; For 'twas to bless such souls as these, The Lord of angels came. 3 let us then with pleasure hear, And seek the Saviour's face ; And fly with transport to receiv The blessings of his grace. 36 Christ' s Love to Children. L. M. WHENE'ER a child is meek and mild, The Saviour loves that little child. Then help me, Lord, each day to be All that thine eye delights to see. 2 cleanse my infant heart from sin, And make it good and pure within, And fit me for my home on high, My happy home beyond the sky. 37 Jin Infant's Prayer. L. M. JESUS, kind Shepherd of the sheep, Thy little lamb in safety keep ! Guard me this day from every ill, And with thy grace my spirit fill. YOUTHFUL PIETT. 25 2 Teach me to love thee, my Lord; Help me to read thy holy word, May the first sounds my lips can raise Be sounds of joy, and prayer, and praise. 38 Early Piety. C. M. JESUS, who reigns above the sky, And keeps the world in awe, Was once a child as young* as I, • And kept his Father's law. 2 At twelve years old he talked with men, (His parents wondering stand) Yet he obeyed his mother then, And came at her command. 3 Children their loud hosannas sung, And blest their Saviour's name ; They gave him honour with their tongue, While scribes and priests blaspheme. 4 Samuel the child was weaned and brought To wait upon the Lord ; Young Timothy betimes was taught To know his holy word. 5 Then why should I so long delay What others learned so young] Let me not pass another day Without this work begun. 30 Invitation to the Young, lis, & lOs. COME, youthful sinners, come, haste to the Saviour ; [side ; Come, ye young wanderers, cling to his 26 TRUTHFUL PIETY. Kneel at his mercy-seat, sue for his favour, Lambs of his bosom, for whom he hath died. 2 Come to his temple-gate, come in life's morning, [youth ; Give up your souls to the Guide of your How fair is grace the young bosom adorn- ing, What robe so pure as the raiment of truth ? 8 Can you find pleasure in pathways unholy? Hope ye for wisdom in wandering from God ? [folly ; Sorrow and shame wait the votaries of Earth has no comfort, not found in his blood. 4 Has he not died for you 1 look to the gar- den; There see the tokens of sorrow and love, Lives he not now for you 1 Jesus the Saviour Bled and ascended to crown you above 4.0 "Suffer little Children to come." C. M. YOUNG children once to Jesus came, His blessing to entreat; And I may humbly do the same, Before his mercy-seat. 2 For when their feeble hands were spread, And bent each infant knee, "Forbid them not," the Saviour said, And so he says of me. YOTTTHFUL PIETY. *\ 3 Though now he is not here below, We know his holy will ; To him may little children go, And seek a blessing still. 4 Well pleased that little flock to see, The Saviour kindly smiled ; then he will not frown on me, Because I am a child. 5 For as so many years ago, Children his pity drew, I'm sure he will not let me go Without a blessing too. 6 Then while this favour to implore, My little hands are spread, Do thou thy sacred blessings pour, Lord Jesus, on my head. 4 1 Suffer them to come. 7s. SAVIOUR, may a little child Through thy grace be reconciled, Who can feel indeed within Much of evil, much of sin 1 2 Yes, thou saidst, and that 's my plea, " Suffer such to come to me ; Turn no little child away, Heaven is filled with such as they." 3 Saviour ! to thine arms I fly, Ere my childhood passes by ; In thy fear my years be past, Whether first, or midst, or last. 28 YOUTHFUL PIKTT. J H Child's Supplication. C. M. LORD, teach a sinful child to pray, And then accept my prayer: Thou canst hear all the words I say, For thou art everywhere. < Teach me to do the thinsr that's right. And when I sin, forgive ; And make it still my chief delight To serve thee while I live. 3 Whatever trouble I am in, To thee for help I'll call ; But keep me more than all from sin, For that's the worst of all. 4 ti Prayer to God. 7s. LORD, to thee I lift mine eyes, Hands and heart I lift to thee ; Let my prayer accepted rise, Weak, imperfect though it be. 2 Teach me, Lord, thy name to know, Teach me, Lord, thy name to love ; Mav I do thy will below, As thy will is done above. 3 When I lay me down at night, O'er me watch, and near me stay, And when morning brings the light, May I wake to praise and pray. 44 Ood giveth Grace to the humble. 7S» LORD, if thou thy grace impart, Poor in spirit, meek in heart, YOUTHFUL PIETY. 29 I shall as my Saviour be, Clothed with humility. 2 Simple, teachable, and mild, Changed into a little child; Pleased with all the Lord provides, Weaned fiom all the world besides 3 Father, fix my soul on thee, Every evil let me flee; Nothing want beneath, above, Happy in thy care and love. 4 that all may seek and find Every good in Jesus joined; Him let every saint adore, Trust him, praise him, evermore. 4 5 Child's Prayer. L. M. GOD is so good that he will hear Whenever children humbly pray ; He always lends a gracious ear To what the youngest child can say. 2 His own most holy book declares, He loves good little children still ; And that he answers all their prayers, Just as a tender father will. 3 He will not scorn an infant tongue, That thanks him for his mercies given ; And when by babes his praise is sung, Their cheerful songs ascend to heaven. 4 Come, then, dear children, trust his word, And seek him for your Friend and Guide, 30 YOUTHFUL PIETY. Your little voices will be heard, And you shall never be denied. 4© Remember me. L>. M. SOON as my youthful lips can speak Their feeble prayer to thee, let my heart thy favour seek ; Dear Lord, remember me. 2 In all life's following years, my tongu« Tuned to thy praise shall be ; And this the expressive humble song, Dear Lord, remember me. 3 From every sin that wounds the heart, May I be taught to flee ; bid them all from me depart, Dear Lord, remember me. 4 When, with life's heavy load opprest, I bend the trembling knee ; Then give my suffering spirit rest, Dear Lord, remember me. 5 let me, on the bed of death, Thy great salvation see ; And cry, with my expiring breath, Dear Lord, remember me. 4 7 Child's Prayer. L. M. CHILDREN as young and weak as I, Did Jesus love, when here below; And on his Father's throne on high, with what love he loves them now ! YOUTHFUL PTETT. 31 2 Though I am young, yet I have sinned, Forgotten God, transgressed his laws ; And holy angels could not gain Pardon for me, nor plead my cause. 3 To Jesus then I '11 meekly go ; My penitence these tears will prove ; And he who wept for human woe, Will take me to his arms of love. 4 Then will I sing, while life shall last, Glory to God for pardoning love ; And when the hour of death is past, Join in immortal praise above. 48 Prayer for a Child. CM. LORD, teach a little child to pray, Thy grace to me impart ; And grant thy Holy Spirit may Renew my infant heart. 2 A sinful creature I was born. And from my birth have strayed ; I must be wretched and forlorn, Without thy mercy's aid. 3 But Christ can all my sins forgive, And wash away their stain ; Can fit my soul with him to live, And in his kingdom reign. 4 To him let little children come, For he hath said they may ; His bosom then shall be their home, Their tears he '11 wipe away. 32 YOUTHFUL PIETT. 5 For all who early seek his face, Shall surely taste his love ; Jesus shall guide them by his grace, To dwell with him above. 49 The Orphan's Prayer. C. M. MY Father and my Friend, to thee I lift my weeping eye, For thou canst wash away my tears, And all my wants supply. 2 No tender mother's gentle smile Each morn awaits me now; Nor longer can I feel the kiss That prest my infant brow. 3 No more within her arms of love I lay me down to rest, Secure and peaceful as the dove Within its sheltered nest. 4 An orphan in the cold, wide world, Dear Lord, I come to thee, Thou, Father of the fatherless, My Friend and Father be. 5 guide and guard me by thy grace, And make my heart thy own; And fit me for that happy place Where partings are unknown. ,">J) The Orphan's Prayer. 7s. TT7'HEN my cries ascend to thee, V V Hear, Jehovah, from afar ; T0TTTBTT7L PIETT. 33 Let thy tender mercies be Still propitious to my prayer. 2 When thou bad'st me seek thy face, Quickly did my heart reply, Resting on thy word of grace, " Thee I '11 seek, O Lord most high V* Should the world deceitful prove, When no more its help I share ; Though decayed a mother's love, Though withdrawn a father's care ;— 4 Then Jehovah's guardian eye Shall my orphan state defend, Shall a parent's place supply, He my Guardian, Father, Friend ! fj \ The Orphan's Prayer. 7s WHITHER, but to thee, Lord ! Shall a littLe orphan go? Thou alone canst speak the word, Thou canst dry my tears of woe. Father ! may my lips once more Whisper that beloved name 1 Helpless, guilty, friendless, poor, Let me thy protection claim. 2 my Father ! may I tell All my wants and woes to theel Every want thou knowest well, Every woe thine eye can see. 'Twas thy hand that took away Father, mother, from my sight; 3 34 YOUTHFUL PIETY. Him, that was my infant stay, Her, that watched me day and night. 3 Yet I bless thee, for I know Thou hast wounded me in love; Weaned my heart from things below, That it might aspire above. Here I tarry for a while ; Saviour! keep me near thy side; Cheer my journey with thy smile ; Be my Father, Friend, and Guide. t>2 The Orphan's Hope. C. P. M. OTHOU the helpless orphan's hope, To whom alone my eyes look up, In each distressing hour; Father (for that's the sweetest name That e'er these lips were taught to frame,) Defend me with thy power. 2 Low in the dust my parents lie, And no attentive ear is nigh But thine to mark my woe ; No hand to wipe away my tears, No gentle voice to soothe my fears, Remains to me below. 3 Now all my earthly friends are gone, And with them all my comforts flown, I lift my prayer to thee ; Do thou the Holy Spirit send, My Guardian, Guide, Instructor, Friend, And Comforter to be. TOUTHFUL PIETY. 35 4 Protect and lead my erring youth In paths of piety and truth, Nor ever let me stray ; But through the Saviour's dyirfg love, Bring me to dwell with thee above, In everlasting day. 0J3 Youthful Praise. C. M. HOW glorious is our Heavenly King Who reigns above the sky ! How shall a child presume to sing His dreadful majesty] 2 How great his power is, none can tell, Nor think how large his grace ; Not men below, nor saints that dwell On high before his face. 3 Nor angels that stand round the Lord Can search his secret will ; But they perform his heavenly word, And sing his praises still. 4 Then let me join this holy train, And my first offerings bring; The eternal God will not disdain To hear an infant sing. t> 1 Youthful Praise. L. M, JESUS, that condescending King, Is pleased to hear when children sing* And while our feeble voices rise Will not the humble prayer despise, 2 Then keep us, Lord, from every sin Which we can see and feel within 36 TOUTHFUL PIETY. And what we neither feel nor see, Forgive, for all is known to thee. 3 We own there 's nothing good m us, To tempt thee to befriend us thus; We cannot think a single thought, Nor even thank thee as we ought. 4 Yet, Lord, we humbly venture nigh, Because thou earnest down to die ; And this is all the plea Ave make — " O save us for thy mercy's sake !" ,J »> Youthful Praise. C. M. ALMIGHTY God! while heaven and Thy power and skill proclaim, [earth Wilt thou permit a child to sing The honours of thy name ] 2 The early dawn of opening life Has proved thy guardian care, And may I, through all future years, Thy grace and goodness share. 3 Now may I give myself to thee, And in thy name confide ; Most gracious God, deign to be My Father, Friend, and Guide. 5ft Hymn for a Child. 7s. JESUS bids me seek his face ; Lord, I come to ask thy grace; Send thy Spirit from above, Teach me to obey and love : YOUTHFUL PIETT. 37 Unto thee I fain would go, All I want thou canst bestow. 2 Thou wilt e'en a child receive ; Thou wilt all my sins forgive: O dissolve this heart of stone, Make me thine, and thine alone ; Sin is present with me still, Disobedient is my will. 3 Sinful thoughts too oft prevail, Vain desires my heart assail : O my Saviour, make me whole, Form anew my inmost soul ; Kindly guard me every day, Be my everlasting stay. 5¥ Seeking- the Saviour's Quidance. 8, 7, & 4» SAVIOUR, like a shepherd lead us, Much we need thy tenderest care ; In thy pleasant pastures feed us, For our use thy folds prepare. Blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, thine we are. 2 We are thine, do thou befriend us, Be the Guardian of our way; Keep thy flock, from sin defend us, Seek us when we go astray. Blessed Jesus, Hear young children when they pray. 3 Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be ; 88 YOUTHFUL PIKTY. Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and power to free. Blessed Jesus, Let us early turn to thee. 4 Early let us seek thy favour, Early let us do thy will ; Blessed Lord and only Saviour, With thy love our bosoms fill. Blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still. 5 8 Youthful Praises. C. M. SINCE Jesus loves to hear his praise Arise from infant tongues, Let us not waste our youthful days In vain and foolish songs. 2 Too soon we cannot serve the Lord, Nor love his name too dear; Nor prize too much his precious word, Nor learn too soon his fear. 3 To us, Lord, thy grace impart, And every song shall be The tribute of a faithful heart, A song of praise to thee. 50 Youthful Praise. Us. OUR Father in heaven, thou madest the earth ; The sun and the stars to thy word owe their birth; [they stand. By thee were they formed, by thy counsel And we are thy children, the work of thy hand. YOUTHFUL PIETT. 39 2 Thou gavest our life ; to thy goodness we owe [pathway below ; All the blessings that bloom round our In thousand endearments thy love we may read, Declaring that thou art our Father indeed. 3 But, ah! we have wandered, as sheep from thy fold, [grown cold : And hearts of thy children thro' sin have Tho' young we have erred, and would humbly implore [more. The mercy we need, that we wander no 4 We own we are guilty, but Jesus has died And shall we, when pleading his name, be denied 1 [wilt heed, Ah no ! thou hast promised that plea thou And thro' thy free grace make us children indeed. 5 Yet awhile 'tis thy will that on earth we remain, Exposed to dark trial, temptation and pain ; Yet here but as pilgrims and strangers we roam, [our home. For if thou art our Father, then heaven is 6 Yes, there shall we gather around the glad throne, [their own, With angels, and wearing robes bright as 40 YOUTHFUL PIETT Where the praise of thy children shall rise without rest, To Father, Son, Spirit— one God ever blest. (lO Early Instruction. CM. HOW happy is the child who hears Instruction's warning voice ; And who celestial wisdom makes His early, only choice ! 2 For she has treasures greater far Than east and west unfold ; And her rewards more precious are Than all their stores of gold. 3 She guides the young with innocence, In pleasure's path to tread ; A crown of glory she bestows Upon the aged head. 4 According as her labours rise, So her rewards increase ; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace. 61 Folly of Jfeglect. C. M. O'TIS a folly and a crime To put religion by ! For now is the accepted time ; To morrow we may die. 2 Our hearts grow harder every day, And more depraved the mind ; The longer we neglect to pray, The less we feel inclined. YOUTHFUL PIETT. 41 3 Yet sinners trifle, young and old, Until their dying day ; Then, they would give a world of gold, To have an hour to pray 4 then lest we should perish thus, Let us no longer wait ; For time will soon be past with us, And death must fix our state. (J*J Piety contrasted with Sin. CM. WHY should we spend our youthful In folly and in sin, [days When wisdom shows her pleasant ways, And bids us walk therein 1 2 Folly and sin our peace destroy, They glitter and are past ; They yield us but a moment's joy, And end in death at last. 3 But, if true wisdom we possess, Our joys shall never cease ; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace. 4 O may we, in our youthful days, Attend to wisdom's voice ; And make these holy, happy ways, Our own delightful choice ! 03 Allurements of Sin. 7S. MANY voices seem to say, " Hither children — here 's the way; 42 YOUTHFUX PIETT. Haste along, and nothing fear ; Every pleasant thing is here !" 2 Yes — but whither would ye lead? Is it happiness indeed] Or a little shining show, Leading down to death and woe ? 3 We were made for better things ; Hisrh as heaven our nature springs; Like the lark that upward flies, We were made to seek the skies. 4 We were made to love and fear That great God who placed us here ; Made to study and fulfil All his good and holy will. 5 We were made to work awhile, Cheerful at our work to smile ; Thinking, as we labour thus, Of the heaven prepared for us. C So, a pleasant path we '11 tread, By the hand of Jesus led; Till, from sin and sorrow freed, Ours is happiness indeed! OJb Conscience. 7s. WHEN a foolish thought within Tries to take us in a .nare, Conscience tells us, "It is sin," And entreats us to beware. 2 If in something we transgress, And are tempted to deny, TOtTTHFUt. PIETY. 43 Conscience says, " Your fault confess ; Do not dare to tell a lie." 3 In the morning, when we rise, And would fain omit to pray, " Child consider," Conscience cries : "Should not God be sought to-day?" 4 When our angry passions rise, Tempting to revenge an ill ; "Now subdue it," Conscience cries ; " And command your temper still." 5 Thus, without our will or choice, This good monitor within, With a secret, gentle voice, Warns us to beware of sin. 6 But if we should disregard, While this friendly voice would call, Conscience soon will grow so hard, That it will not speak at all. 05 Little Sins. S. M. OUR evil actions spring From small and hidden seeds ; At first, we think some wicked thing, Then practise wicked deeds. 2 for a holy fear Of every evil way, That we may never venture near The path that leads astray. 3 Wherever it begins, It ends in death and woe j 44 TOUTHFUl PIETT. And he who suffers little sins, A sinner's doom shall know. 00 Grace in Youth L. M. LORD, I am young, thy help I need, For various foes beset my way Be thou to me a friend indeed, Nor let me from thy precepts stray. 2 My youthful heart with grace inspire, To thee my every power incline ; And may the pure, celestial fire, Within my bosom ever shine. 3 O let the morning of my days To thee and thee alone be given ; Increase my love, approve my ways, And guide me safely into heaven. 07 Happiness in Piety. C. P. M. HAPPY beyond description, he Who in the paths of piety, Loves from his birth to run ! Its ways are ways of pleasantness, And all its paths are joy and peace, And heaven on earth begun. 2 If this felicity were mine, I every other would resign, With just and holy scorn; Cheerful and blithe my way pursue, And with the promised land in view, Singing to God return. YOUTHFUL PIETY. 46 (5 § Happy Children. C. M. HAPPY the children who betimes Have learned to know the Lord ; Who, through his grace, escape the crimes Forbidden in his word. 2 Should they be early hence removed, He will their souls receive ; For they whom Jesus here hath loved, With him shall ever live. ©9 Birth-day. 73, HEAVENLY Father, look on me, Now my birth-day's come once more ; Listen while I pray to thee ; Thee with all my powers adore. 2 Once I was an infant weak, Sleeping on my mother's knee ; Then I could not walk or speak, Yet thou didst take care of me. 3 Now I run about and talk ; Now I learn to read my book ; Through the fields I now can walk, On the pretty flowers can look. 4 Bless me now I am a child, Bless this birth-day, Lord, to me ; Make me good, and wise, and mild, Make me all that I should be. ^O Youth's Protector. 8s, & 7s. BLEST, beyond all earthly blessing, Is the child whose tender youth, 46 YOUTHFUL PIETY. In the Lord a Guide possessing:, Walks in paths of light and truth. 2 He will govern those who love him: Those who walk in faith and fear, In all danger still shall prove him Gracious, kind, and ever near. 3 Heavenly Father, let us prove thee An all-wise, protecting Friend ! Make us fear thee, make us love thee, Constant, to our latest end ! 7 1 Lying. C. M. THOSE children who a promise give Should always keep their word ; And falsehood from their little mouths Should never once be heard. 2 For when a child a lie has told, He cannot be believed; Not even when the truth he speaks, Because he once deceived. 3 O who a lie would dare to tell, And bring himself to shame And thus offend the God of truth, And mock his holy name ! 72 Against Lying. 8s, O'TIS a lovely thing for youth To walk betimes in wisdom's way, To fear a lie, to speak the truth, That we may trust to all they say. YOUTHFUL PIETT. 41 2 But liars we can never trust, [true; Though they should speak the thing that's And he that does one fault at first, And lies to hide it, makes it two. 3 Have we not known, nor heard, nor read, How God abhors deceit and wrong ] How Ananias was struck dead, Caught with a lie upon his tongue ? 4 So did his wife Sapphira die, When she came in, and grew so bold As to confirm that wicked lie, Which just before her husband told. 5 The Lord delights in them that speak The words of truth ; but every liar Must have his portion in the lake That burns with brimstone and with fire. 6 Then let me always watch my lips, Lest I be struck to death and hell, Since God a book of reckoning keeps, For every lie that children tell. 7 3 Profane Swearing. L. M, ANGELS, that high in glory dwell, Adore thy name, Almighty God; And devils tremble down in hell, Beneath the terrors of thy rod : 2 And yet how wicked children dare Abuse thy dreadful, glorious name ! And when they 're angry, how they swear, And curse their fellows, and blaspheme. 48 TOUTHTtJL PIKTY. 3 How will they stand before thy face, Who treated thee with such disdain ; While thou shalt doom them to the place Of everlasting fire and pain 1 4 Then never shall one cooling drop To quench their burning tongues be given* But I will praise thee here, and hope Thus to employ my tongue in heaven. 5 If my companions grow profane, I '11 leave their friendship when I hear Them take thy holy name in vain, Lest I should learn to curse and swear. 74L Youthful Obedience. C. M. OTHAT it were my chief delight To do the things I ought ! Then let me try with all my might To mind what I am taught. 2 Wherever I am told to go, I'll cheerfully obey; Nor will I mind it much, although I leave a pretty play. 8 And when I learn my hymns to say, And work, and read, and spell, I will not think about my play, But try and do it well. 4 For God looks down from heaven on high Our actions to behold; And he is pleased when children try To do as they are told. TOTTTHFUL PIETY. 49 y^J Hie dying Child. CM. "]\TY heavenly Father, I confess J-TJ- That all thy ways are just ; Although I faint with sore distress, And now draw near the dust. 2 How soon my little strength has fled! My life will soon be past ; O smile upon my dying bed, And love me to the last. 3 Once did the blessed Saviour cry, " Let little children come ;" On this kind word I would rely, Since I am going home. 4 take this guilty soul of mine, That now will soon be gone, And wash it clean, and make it shine With heavenly garments on. 5 My heavenly Father, hear my prayer, Accept my feeble praise ; And let me quickly meet thee where A nobler song I '11 raise. 70 A Child's Prayer in Sickness. C. M. MY Father, hear the humble prayer In sickness raised to thee; Thy word has bid me cast my care On him who cares for me. 2 A sinful child I know I am ; But when I suffer pain, 4 50 DtJTT TO CHILDBZTT. Thy word directs me to the Lamb, Who was for sinners slain. 3 help me, Saviour, to repose On thine own gracious word "All things shall work for good to those Who fear and love the Lord." 4 If thou shouldst life and health renew, And strength to me restore ; With richer grace my soul endue, To serve thee evermore. THE SCHOOL ROOM. 7 y Jhnay to Sabbath-school. P. M. THE morning sky is bright and clear; Away to Sabbath-school ; Let each one in the class appear; Away to Sabbath-school ; Tis there we learn his holy word, And find the road that leads to God. Away, away, away, away, Away to Sabbath-school. 2 In season let us all be there ; Away to Sabbath-school ; THE SCHOOL ROOM. 51 That we may join the opening prayer ; Away to Sabbath-school ; There we can raise our hearts to heaven, And praise the Lord for blessings given. Away, away, away, away, Away to Sabbath-school. 3 Let us remember, while at prayer, When at the Sabbath-school, Our teachers' kindness, and their care, Towards our Sabbath-school. We '11 be submissive, good, and kind, And ever) 7 rule and order mind, When we 're at school, at Sabbath- When we 're at Sabbath-school, [school, 4 When each at night shall go to prayer, We '11 ask our God above To extend o'er teachers his kind care, And crown them with his love. And when on earth our time is sped, And we are numbered with the dead, If faithful, we shall meet above ; We all shall meet above. •y 8 The Sabbath-school. 7s, 6s, 8s. THE Sabbath morn is breaking, The Sabbath bells are waking, Our homes with joy forsaking, To join the Sabbath-school. [school. Shout, shout, shout, we hail the Sabbath- 2 How joyful is the meeting, Each other kindly greeting, 52 THE SCHOOL ROOM. Sweet hymns of praise repeating, While in the Sabbath-school. Shout, shout, &c. 3 'Tis here we join in singing The songs of love redeeming, Our little offerings bringing, Hosannas to our King. Shout, shout, &c. 4 Our teachers we '11 remember ; Ten thousand thanks we render For thoughts of us so tender, While in the Sabbath-school. Shout, shout, &c. 5 But ah ! life's sunny morning, With all its sweets adorning, Like early blossoms falling, Will soon have passed away. Shout, shout, &c. 6 Then may we all remember To strive our hearts to render, W T hile now so young and tender, To Christ, our heavenly King. Shout, shout, &c. 70 The Sabbath-school preferred. CM. FOR worldly honour, I'd not waste Of life my little span ; For better is the love of God, Than highest praise of man. THE SCHOOL ROOM. 53 2 I would not live to gather gold, Which misers round them hoard; For he who trusts in riches here, Can never please the Lord. 3 But I would in the Sabbath-school, A faithful scholar be ; And for my own and others' souls Would wear my life away. 4 Let others see in all I do, That 'tis my constant aim, That they and all should love the Lord, And fear his sacred name. 8 O Opening School. H. M. COME, let our voices join In joyful songs of praise; To God, the God of love, Our thankful hearts we '11 raise ; To God alone all praise belongs, Our earliest and our latest songs. 2 Now we are taught to read The book of life divine, Where our Redeemer's love And brightest glories shine : To God alone all praise is due, Who sends his word to us and you. 3 Within these hallowed walls Our wandering feet are brought, Where prayer and praise ascend, And heavenly truths are taught : 54 THE SCHOOL ROOX. To God alone your offerings brine; Let young and old his praises sing. 4 Lord, let this work of love Be crowned with full success ! Let thousands, yet unborn, Thy sacred name here bless ! To thiee, O Lord, all praise to thee We '11 raise throughout eternity. § J Opening School. C. M, FATHER, with one accord we stand, To bring thee of thine own ; And train a bright immortal band To worship round thy throne. 2 Accept, Almighty Parent, these, The children thou hast given; And in thy sovereign favour make These loved ones heirs of heaven. 3 There, ranked among the shining host, May all before thee meet : O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Our labours there complete. §*} Reflections in School. 7S. IN this happy school we meet, How much longer none can tell; Some perhaps, to-day we greet, Who must bid us soon farewell. 2 Blessed Saviour, full of love, Take these dear ones in thy care; THE SCHOOL tlOO>r. 55 Gently draw their hearts above, Let them in thy kindness share. 3 Spared by thee till now we live ; Still thy mercy we implore ; Unto thee our hearts we give; Keep us, save us, ever more. § 3 The assembled School. L. M. ASSEMBLED in our school once more, O Lord, thy blessing we implore ; We meet to read, and sing, and pray, Be with us then through this thy day. 2 Our fervent prayer to thee ascends For parents, teachers, foes, and friends ; And when we in thy house appear, Help us to worship in thy fear. 3 When we on earth shall meet no more, May we above to glory soar ; And praise thee in more lofty strains, Where one eternal Sabbath reigns. § -f. Privileges of the Schools. L. M« LET us unite to bless the Lord, That we are taught to read his word. To walk in wisdom's pleasant ways, And seek his grace and sing his praise. 2 While wicked boys and girls we meet, Breaking the Sabbath in the street, Misspending all that holy day, In foolish talk and idle play; 56 THE SCHOOL ROOM. 3 We to thy sacred house of prayer, With gratitude would oft repair, To adore thy name, to seek thy face, And hear thy messages of grace. 4 The truth thy gospel, Lord, imparts, Apply with power to all our hearts ; Whilst thou art calling, may we hear, And worship thee with holy fear. S#> The happy School. S. M WITHIN these walls be peace \ Love through our borders found; In all our little palaces, Prosperity abound. 2 God scorns not humble things ; Here, though the proud despise, The children of the King of kings Are training for the skies. 3 May none who thus are taught, From glory be cast down ; But all through faith and patience brought To an immortal crown.