F-46.)I2 ^^E\TL SMITH Sc CO 3D5TDN -th- CHICAGD Co II If •a ht IBB' Whiia Smith t Co. * -J-— ~^ •*. ^ ^ ^ -i, i. -^\ 5{ ii it ff- ■J- -^ sk- FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Sectloif ^^ 2 (o Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/sparkliOOmars SPARKLING DI AMONDS,934 "^^ v^/ COLLECTION OF NEW MUSIC FOR SABBATH SCHOOU GOSPEL MEETINGS, AND THE HOME CIRCLE. BY Leonard Marshall. BOSTON: CHICAGO! WHITE, SMITH & CO. Uopyrisbted, IS&>- by Wdite, Smith k Co. PREFACE. Music is the source of purest enjoyment. It may occupy the vacant hoars, express happily the lively feelings of childhood and youth, and afford rest and refreshment to minds wearied with the cares of life. The gladness of the heart is deepened by its power, and sorrow is oft times relieved by being expressed in song. The full influence of music is only felt where it is combined with appropriate words and is employed in impressing useful instruction on the mind and elevated and devotional feelings in the heart. It has been justly observed that the ballads of a nation have as much influence as its laws, and in a country where the laws and the Government are based on the character of the people, it becomes of great importance that every avenue to the conscience and to the heart be guided by virtue and piety. It is with the hope of contributing to this result that Sparkling Diamonds is given to the pub- lic. In regard to the music herein presented, the author may be permitted to say it is mostly original, from various popular authors, and many of the hymns have been written expressly for this book. The author desires to express his cordial thanks to those persons who have kindly honored these pages with choice contributions both of music and words. With these prefatory remarks Sparkling Diamonds is submitted to the people, hoping it may be of real service in Sabbath schools and gospel meetings, aod thus serve to lead children up to Christ their Saviour. LEONARD MARSHALL. Sparkling Diamonds. HOOVES. "For in them ye liave eternul life." Juba 5 : 39. L. MARSHALL. ■ — ^^ 1 1 ^^ ^^ ^^ 1 r ^^ ^^ ^^ <^^- ;-*- Search tbe scriptures, search the scriptures. Like the ancient lieaven-ly luan-na, Lilje tlie tree of life e - ter-nai, Like tlie pure and crys - tal riv - er Search the scriptures, search them dai - ly, X=X They eon - On which Bear - ing Flow - ing With a -#- tain Is - fruit from pure the rael's for the and words tri'>'>s ev throne hum of did ery of ble life; feed; time; God; mind: — « i? -h-- E^E i -^^^^-^^^5—1 — F— ^* — \~*'—^^ Ev - er teaching us, All may come and take Put - ting forth its leaves Drink it ev - er, witli ■ They con - tain rich mines S:q*i=?£ -V^ ■13^ 3i^^: and a for out of ££ :tr=:rEFrjf :§^ S S gnid - ing Through this world por-tion, heal - ing meas-ure, treas-ure, -x^^^t Sat All Till Which IS - fy - who dwell you reach the pure of ing in that in IMis-- toil ev - ev - blest heart ii and strife, ery need, ery clime, a - bode, may find. i M\it ^xtmm ^Ux^* •Words by Rev. E. A. HOFFMAN. A11ei)ro. T. P. RYDER. 1. We sing the precious ti - dings, That Je - sus from a - hove Came down-to of - fer 2. How great the love that led him To leave the home a - hove, To die for ruined -#- -•-• -•- -#- I S , ^ -#- «-^H« ^ • =F-r=F = 1^^^ -T-F f * *-T-f---^^r^-rH« *— <•- ^;i=t i: iizT::— r— r^— r-^- — r ~^ — T free - ly The bless - ings of sin - ners, And bless them with 1 ^ jL_^ =--=^ ' -'- ^ - his his _!/_ EE: -r ^^^l — E-»=F-» — » — * — f^-f -'- T * ' love; With heart of warm af - fee - tion He love; For such a pure af - fee - tion My -f5-l? — — ^ ^ — I T— t=r1 — r— *»-T — i^*— H— 1^-- >T— 1''^^::-^ — c-J^ •li- gave himself to die, grate-ful spir-it yearns That we should never To ren-der back to per - ish, Je - sus But live with My warui-est #- -*- s 2=t IsB him on love re high, turns. ^1-=^ Coui^idfv i\u ^ilte of the ^ieUl WoriU V>y HEBER. Atleijio mixlenii.o. ' Behold the fowls of the air.' L. MA£SHALL. m^ ion J ti - 1. Lol the lil-ies of tlie field. How their leaves in -struc-tion yield: Hark! to nature's 2. One there lives whose guardian eye Guides our earth -ly des - ti - ny; One there lives, "^ f m g: -0 ^ •- rtT— f-T' les - son giv - en, By the bless - ed birds of heaven; Ev - ery busli and tuft - ed tree, who, Lord of all. Keeps his chil-dren lest they fall; Pass we, then, in love and praise, r: ^^ ^^=3: -*• * *>^f±L. -m...-0- 1 4^^.- ajEjg^ s^^a^ r^ -^ — r^- 4?5^^ ■gv «:•• i Warbles trust and pi - e - ty; Children baiiisli doubt and sorrow, God provid - eth for the morrow. Trusting hira through all our days; Free from doubt and faithless sor-row, God provid - eth for the morrow. £ — I I 0~j-^ 1 1 — 1-0 Words by DBA NOEL. With animation. L. MARSHALL. 1. I love to go to Sunday School, And hear God's Ho-ly Word, 2. Our teachers show the way of life, Oh may we walk there-in, 'Tis there I meet my Un - til we reach yon 1 J # I » • • •— r-*T — ■-•-s — r-* — r _f7^ =EEJ^ -r-^- -?- E^i^ES fer r m — — ^- -^ ^^ 1 1 S 1^ ^^-I 1 -t 1 1 (— -^ — ^ l-T — ^ — Pb*i •- §^^ class-mates dear, Praising our gra - clous Lord; heavenly shore, Freed from all world - ly sin; And while we praise and sing and pray. And in that land of peace and joy, -*T m :t: EE= liiSnt I m 33 r ^ f *-y ^ — l-k^^i >^-!-^-.# To him who reigns above, Our hap - piness will be .-^- -J-.J- mw^^^ ^z^p i=t: --^s ^=^— f- Oh may our hearts n - ni - ted be. In pur - est, ho - ly love, To live and reign with Christ our King Throughout e-ter-ni - ty, T= tztziz^: : r ^ g^ ^ ±: =t lilH Words by L. M. AUniro vtodenito. 5'he WttsxU \x\\m ^t^w^ Ww^* " No sorrows, sickiiess nor paius are there." L. HABSHALL. 1. There is a world where Je- sus reigns, And there we hope to 2. There friends'we've loved we hope to meet, 'Twill be a joy - ful 3. That land is decked with jew - els rare, Its streets with gold are 4. That glo-riou9 world we long to see, So beau - ti - ful and en - ter; A world where sorrow, greet-ing; We'll cast our crowns at shin - ing; There's nothing in this ho - Iv, And live with Christ e- mm\i m CnoKus. ¥ :^ri. ■^mi"^ sick-ness, pains Je - sus' feet, world compares ter - nal - Iv =g=i i — I — Will be un-known for - ev And praise him with - out ceas To that for which we're sigh lu that bright world of glo ■ er. ing. ing. There, there, in that world where Joys can nev - er •— r-# • # *—r-^ ©, to\x ^0m hv0. Moderato, r ;/ 1. Lit -tie child, do you love Je-sus, 2. He will lis -ten to your pray-er, 3. Trust him, he will ne'er forget you, • J -i9 #--. — « — I — p'-t A. D. T. Newly Arranged— by penniBsion. E3: o, o, o, how how how — ^-^ he loves; Do you wish to go he loves ; Feed you with his ten • he loves; No, henev-erwill to heav-en, der care, forsake yon, — cxr ■ r~^"v — ^ — I w—i—r- w -w 1 *- _^*_^_L_^_- — — #-f-# • » — [ :=i~ O, how O, how O, how he he he \^^~- ZX^: I 1—, 1 1 1 f-T 1 1 1 I 1 ^- ^ g 1 -M ^ 1 |-T 1 1 1— r 1 1 1 loves. First of all ask his forgiveness With your heart, altho' quite helpless, loves. lie be -came a child just like you. Here he suffered to redeem you, loves. None from his strong hand can pluck you, His Almigh-ty arm protects you, _>_J. i ;{: ^- dPT i=5= ei>- Je - sus, lit - tie children blesses. And at last he died to save you Lov - ing-ly he ev - er loves you •>: — -I— — »— • H-f, — — — 0- -tS- rt= tsz ?3, ; ou. > O, ou, ) iH^l how he loves, how he loves, how he loves, how he loves. -I 1 \-0 •— •-■■■ H it-lZL — I/. ^ ^ . — 1^— v^l. ese: ^ml m Come ta jscch (Thij gtf^,;iittg. Words by LEWIS G. PRAY. ANNIVERSARY HYMN. L. H. --N T — i *r~ 2 — ' — *n 1. Lord, we come to seek thy bless-in?, Objects of thy ten -dcr care; Ev - ery good on 2. Here the Sunday School and tem-ple Throw their doors for us a - part, Trained to be both 2iM; i^E3: --.^-J^. earth possessing, If thy fa-vor we but share. Nature speaks, in all her beauty, Of the land that true and gen-tle, Wise in mind and pure in heart. On this joyful, blest occasion. We our hearts would ::=i:t-fS£zI=h^:==l|:JS-j=iSrJ-Jit:^;^t3!z:^ fashioned lift to her; thee; So must we, by love and du-ty. All our gifts to thee re - for. Catch the tones of sweet persuasion, — Happy, true, and thoughtful be. r 10 ^0Uttd §^t0utl irh0vah'0 §v^\h^. Worthy the Lamb that was slain to receire power and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory and blessioe. Rev. 5 : U. Worda by L. M. L. B. M. Lively. 1. Sound a - loud Je - ho - vah's praises, Sing with joy his ho ly name, Sing and praise him 2. Let us give him all the glo-ry. For rich blessings he bestows. And proclaim the 3. Un - to Christ,whose strong af - fec-tion Still doth live and round us move, May we know his -^- -#- -*- . -i«- -»- . __J_ J . . ^ -*- -««- . -n- -*- -^- through all a - ges, Sing and spread the Saviour's fame; Let us praise him for his mer- cy, won - drous sto - ry Of our Sa-viour when he rose; Christ our Lord did rise vie- to-rious great sal - va - tion, Trav-'ling to our home a-bove; He gives light to guide the hum-ble * • , I I - m -*- -^ m -*- -^- Let us praise him for his care. He who watches o'er us dai-ly. That his blessings we may shar«. O-rer death and o'er the grave. Now for us he lives all glorious, Lives e- ter- nal-ly to save. In the path of life and peace, vVe may walk and never stumble, Trusting in his saving grace. m^^ B!p izt=:t — m I I h\'\mx m jja^si tlttaufjh yanclct ^ivet. 11 TERllIXATION OF CIIIU8TIAN WARFAUE. L. BIARSHALU When we pass thro' yonder riv - er, Wlien we reach the farther shore, There's an end of war for- Af - ter warfare, rest is pleas-ant; (), how sweet the prospect is; Though we toil and strive at When we pain tlie heavenly regions. When we touch the heavenly shore. Blessed thought! no hostile C), that hope I how bright! how glorious! 'Tis his people's blest reward; lu the Saviour's strength vie- ^)-.>^t=? -^^ ^=!5=t: ? • ■ — • -« — ' H~ ■ ~ -V — '" -i-A -, -W < ^-2 Kt 1 1 r 1 1 1: V foes pine no at ble their more; All this; Toil, more; Far Lord; la oar con - diets then Rball' and pain, and con - flict be - yond the reach of his king - dora they shall '>-7>—>- zlr:;: 12 Words from Wesleyan. Lively but not too fast. 'jti m Im aisi €0d ©ammauto* CAIX TO SOCIAL WORSHIP. > — 4-- -; — • J" — *-! -*. T — #-»-^ F- * — * — * ::t=:C^r BELLINI. I— I '-^-0 — « — #^- — « — #-?-F i- 1. Let us join as God commands, Lpt us join our hearts and hands. Help to gain our calling's hope, 2. Still for-get the things behind, Follow Christ in heart and mind, Tow'rd the mark unwearied press, 3. Hence may all our actions flow, Love the proof that Christ we know, Mu-tual love the to - ken be. Help to build each other up, Car- ry on the Christian's strife. Walk in ho - li-ness of life, Seize the crown of righteousness. While we walk with God in light, God our hearts will still a-nite, Lord, that we belong to thee. Love thine image, love im-part, Stamp it on our face and heart, - *-t:^ r-T-^ z r -•-- ^ ^ •- P - p — 1/<— I/— •— >-r-^- — t.purl: — t — pi-T — I i 1 •. :t: :E= »-H ^ N s Faithfully our gifts improve, For tlie sake of him we love, Faithfully our gifts improve, For the sake of him we love. Dear-est fellowship we prove Fellow-ship in Je-sus' love, Dearest fellowship we prove, Fellowship in Jesus' love. On - ly love to us be given. Lord, we ask no other heaven, On-ly love to us he given, Lord, we ask no other heaven. i=£=t: >_fi_^_ f t\im Py Xifc fot ffhcc. 13 ' I gaye my life for thee ; what haot thou giveii for me Andiiite. It IS Biiiu tl'.at t'ljuut Ziiueudorf waa tiret taught to love the Saviour by reading this motto. L. MARSHALL. m — — ^r — ' *-t^^-T-* — 51- gave my life for spent loiiK years for Fatli - cr's house of 8uf - fcrod inurli for I have brouf;lit to let thy life be tliee, thee liRht, thee, thee, given, My precious blood I shed. In wca - ri-ness and woe, Mj- rainbow cir - cled throne, More than this tonj;ue can tell, Down from my home a - bove, Tliy years for me be spent. 0-0— f '-'-Jl^vji That thou might's ransomed be. That I Of Sal - World one e - ter - ni left for e.irth-ly bit-terest ag - o va - tion full and fet - ters all be night, free, riven. • — I ^ -0-'-0 * — • — I •-t-4->=J- — t— h -0 — — t- ^r-{-^»- -*-¥ Refkaln. And quickened from the dead. Of ]oy thou mightcst know. For wand'ring, sad and lone. To res-ciie thee from hell, My par-don and my love, And joy with suffering blent. I gave my life for thee; What hast thou given forme? What hast thou given, wh»» I spent long years for thee; llast thou spent one for me? Ilast thou left aught for me? What dost thou bear for me? What hast thou bro't to me? Aud I will welcome thee. I left it all for thee. I suffered much for thee; Great gifts I brought to thee; Give thou thyself to me. « * ^_» ^ .<==:_ ft—^ir 0—0 0- 0Tlf_ i-*-r' s ' -r-'^—r- "y-^tz - — - '- "^^ r me? N m hast thou given, what hast thou given for me ; whatliast thou given, what hast thou given, what hast thou given for me? forme, ^:r^ ^ y— ?-?— i y I 14 ^0(1 doth wi\U\t u$ an owx utaij. Words by L. M. Affeluoso. He watching over Israel slumbers uot uor sleeps. L. MARSHALL. 1. God doth watch US on our way From the era - die to tlie grave; If we humbly trust and 2. God is pleased with contrite hearts, He dotli hear tlieir earnest cry. And a - bundant grace im- 3. Christ the Lord is all our trust. On liis word we can re - ly; He who formed us from tiie 4. Come then, sinner, while you may. Bow be-fore the Lord In prayer; Come, O come, without de- Chorus. igf- pray. He will bless, redeem and save. parts, When trials come and deatli is nigh, dust, Will for - ev - er reign on higli. lay, Come and seek his con-stant care. ^mm, ^ -0 tf^- He will save, He will save, He will save, He will save ■» - - , -■-»---» — » — g i-'^--r T — • — •— • T — • — • — • • • • • ¥> ^ all who -^- :i?^d— J^— *ite= — -0 — — — #—'■-»- Eitard. -- i^i^jr -0- 1 g left it aU with f e^uis. "Cast your care upou him, for he careth for you 15 1 PctcT 5: 7. From the "Choir Bell"— by i>enniision. WonU by ELLEN H. WlLLia Allegro moderalo. w. ^ — #— >— # — — m — — — ^ — ri:~*- f — f "5~f~ijii~*~ * — - — • — • — • — • — . * * 1. I 2. [ 3. O, left leave leave all all all with wiili with Je. .Ic Je. sus, Inns; a - (?o sus, for ho know , long a - go, All my guilt and sins I brought him, and my s, for he knows. How to take the sad, the bitter, from life s sus, drooping .soul, drooping soul, Tell not half, but all the sto-ry, yes, the > ,^ J %j r , y I -0-^^ ' ' -0- ' -0- • • • -0 — #-:-# — •-. -0- ' •-»- woe, and my woe. When by f;iith I saw him on the tree, on the tree. Heard his small, still whis-per, 'tis for woes.from life's woes.How to gild the tear-drops with his smile, with his smile, Make the des-ert gar-den bloom a- wli<>Je,ves,the whole. Worlds on worldsare hanging on his hands, on his hands. Life and death are waiting bis com- ^ ".'^ !^ I . . I ,^ ^ I "^gES ■^--m^* — f-^ ^-^^^i# -A ■ ^ I t . >_>_>-l:g: 31 -V- =i=F i/ 'i/ woe. tree. 0---0-^-0- .—^.—r- I- r:^ 14: thee, while. mand. From my heart the burden roiled a - way, When my weak-ness leaneth on his mijrht, Yet his ten - der bosom makes thee loom, IS j_.^r- llap-py day. It seems ligtit, O, come home, bap - py dav. it seems lig^iL O, come hom». rolled a-way. 16 md Shee, pmoxi^ ^t^m. Moderately guich. Christ precious in time of need. Dr. D. O. SMITH. ±1 n^rzut > I -•- -*- -5»T 1 I 1. I need Thee, precious Je - sus, For I am ver - y poor; A stranger and a pil-grim, 2. I need Thee, precious Je - sus, I need a friend like Thee, A friend to soothe aud pit - y, 3! I need Thee, precious Je - sus, I need Thee, day by day. To fill me with Thy ful-ness, 4 I need Thee, precious Je - sus, And hope to see Thee soon En - cir-cled with the rainbow, Jfi # ^ *-T-^^f*— ■-- '— T— • a :: »-T->^.— r-*-*-r^ s * a-T"* %'- ^ — r-* s :: •~T~:^~r~*-*"r^ m * rf-* ~1~T — I — r — 'l^Z I have no earth-ly store ; I need the love of Je - sus To cheer me on my A friend to care for me; I need the heart of Je - sus To feel each anx - ious To lead me on my way; I need Thy Ho - ly Spir - it To teach me what I And seat-ed on Thy Throne; There, with thy blood-bought children My joy shall ev - er foot - steps, tri - al, Je - sus, Je - sus. To be my strength and stay. And all my sor-rows share. To point me to the Lamb. To gaze, my Lord, on Thee. r=E=:t: * P 1 1 L.-4- Pjj ytomc bniond the ^irct» 17 Easy flowing style. Words and Music by S. W. TUCKER. 1. There is a land of 2. There loved ones fjone be • 3. 'Tis there we'll meet to 4. Me - thinks I al - most • - - -r _ end-less day, Where Je - sus reijjneth ev - er, fore I'll meet, To part no more for - ev - er, part no more. And sinjj God's praise togeth - er, see the land, The home I'm soon to en - ter, And Where When And I ere long must all is love and I at- tain that all the brij;ht au- # # — # » - ^-_ --~- ^ - J^- Chorus. -^ pass that jov and bliss - ful P'l - it », 1 ^-. — », — I — ^ y \ ' — ■ r way, peace, shore, band. - 8 ^ V To In In In my home be-vond my home lie-vond my home be-yond mv home be-vond the the the the nv riv riv riv Home, home, that's my home. er. er. er. 2^5 :tz=;t: -# •_ _(t_r-_*- ==:fe=brt=it^ :^ =^ -r^-^ r )re can sev • er; I'll leave this form of clav and go To mv home bevond the riv - er, — ^zr^ F .i — i—^-jj;: — ^ \ > -i:p — ^—, — t-S—src, ,,<__, i/ T ^ i j ii Where tics no more can sev • er; -# • 0--0 #--"? 18 ■Words by MART BOWLY. I, Allegro modcrato. ^\\ mni \st IMV L. MAESHALL. 1. Thro' the love of God our Sa-viour, 2. Though we pass tliro' tribu -la - tion, 3. We expect a bright to-mor - row, All will be well; Free and changeless is his fa -vor, All will be well; Ours is such a full sal -va - tion. All will be well; Faith can sing thro' days of sorrow, 1 Hi*— .yd 1/ yt—yi y/ >_I 1.4: ^-JL-M-l-t: "--V- J'— kn* 1/ ^ k'— I •- Stt T r— i i< — ^ — *» — N T — : ■ m • J< — ' ^ — *« — *ngft"— by pcrmiaflion. 1. Brightly i;lpanis our banner, Pointing to the sky, Waving wand' rers onward, To their home on high; 2. Je - sus. Lord and Master, At thy sacred feet, Here with hearts rejoicing See thy children meet; 3. All our days di - rect us In the way we go. Lead us on vie - to-rious O - ver ev - ery foe. 4. Then with saints and angels May we join a-bove, Offering prayers and praises At the throne of love. r^. jMt-i #-- '-# — #-■-# — #.—-1—1 — I — y-T-# — •-T-a — S> — 1—* ' * — •-^-# — #. — ' — — 1 — a f — #-"-# — iS — , 0-^0—0- — • — • .— *— jf^ -0-V-0—0- -. 0—0 — • zjz^^ — •" -'-*—•— »-7^ ^ ^■=5z m Journeying o'er the desert. Gladly thus we pray. And with hearts u-nl-ted Take our heavenward way. Oft - en have we left thee. Oft - en gone astray; Keep us. mighty Sa-viour, In the narrow way. IJid thine angels shield us When the storm-clouds lower.Pardon thou and save us In the last dread hour. When the toil is o - ver, Then come rest and peace; Jesus in his beau-ty, Songs that never cease. Refbaijj. k^ I mm. Brightly gleams our banner, Pointing to the sky, Waving wand' rers on-ward To their home on high. N ___ « — r-*---»— m ■ . » — ^ — r-1 — '—* — •-T-a — • #- ^=^z=-=:rto3 J— >- 20 Words ty L. M. Allegro moderato. Site ^ixm\ 0f ^tst "Thine eyes shaU behold the land that in verj far off " Isa. 33: 17. L. MAESHALL. 1. There is a land of rest, 2. It is a land of peace, 3. We long to see that land, 4. Our Christ is in that land, ^ TJn-seen by mortal eye, Where all who love the Lord are blest. Where sor-row is unknown, And heavenly blessings nev - er cease So beau-ti-ful and fair, Where we may sit at God's right hand, Up - on his throne of love, And saints and angels round him stand, r . J . . ^ r mi^" Chorus. ■s*-.- g^^g j^^ With joys that nev - er die. Shall we meet, In that e - ter-nal home. And sing his prais-es there. And all is bliss a -hove. r - , . ^ I shall we meet. shall we meet in that land of rest, / fres. I ^ 1 1 1-^< •» L We shall meet, we shall meet.we shall meet in that land of re»t,land of rest. \ s ^_ __^^ j;^-_ «l — «:=,- — -*- J-^^ ■ We «ball meet, • y I • • we shall meet, we shall meet in that land ^ £«j^eat Cbonu dp after last vef se. Of 'fest. Not too slow. L.4, ,N 3 — - — I — I « — I- >woth that shall he also reap." Gal. 6 21 "Whatsoever a man Bowoth that shall he also reap. li^lilil^ -!«>- 1. They are sowinf; their seed in the day lis;ht fair, They are sow-injj their seed in the noonday's glare 2. Tliey are sowing their seed of word and dooil. Which the cold know not nor the c.iicIpss heed 3. Some are sow- ill!,' lli<> seed of no - lilc dei'd, With a sleep - loss watch and an ear-nest heed 4. And there are many yet standing with idle hand, Still tliey're scattering seed throughout the land 5. Whether sown in liarkuess or sown in light, Whether sown in weakness or sown in might, I Ha, I era. w 1^ dim. _ They ar« .i(ow-ing their seed in the soft twi - light, They are sowing their seed in th« soft Oh, the gen - tle.st word and the kind - est deed, That have blest the sad heart in its sor With a cease - le.is hand in the earth they sow, And the lields are all white - ning where And some are sow-ing the seeds of care, Which their soil long has borne and it still Whether sown in weap-ing or sown in wrath, In the broadest high-way or the shad twi-light. • est need, they go. must bear, owv heath. -0-fL A- Chorus. Lively. ores. r-n— J- -« ,2:= 31 What shall the harvest Sweet shall the harvest Rich will the harvest Sad will the harves'. Sure will the harvest • #-,-1 — &-4--# — # — # — ^ — 0-\-\ ^ I 1 r— -f — - — - -* " be, be, be, be. What shall the harvest be? Oh, Sweet shall the harvest be, Oh, Rich will the har- vest be, Oh, Sad will the har - vest be. Oh, Sure will the har - vest be, Oh, what shall the sweet shall the rich will the sad will the sure will the ©Mr c^aii0Mr thvounlt thi^ ^^f^xU did ^^^% Words by L. M. Gentif flowing style. (CHRIST PLEADING WITH SINNKES.) -4- DRAXOEL. 1. Our Saviour through this world did pass, A pil-grim on his way, 2. His love for us is still the same, His prom - i - ses are sure, Plead-ing with sin -ners His power and goodness J-0 m 1 1 1-0 *-J-# J— # #-•*-! 0-1— l-U— — •*-# l-» -I 1 •• 111 I ' I I I .-- ' > III — -l — — iz ztri — f — * — i-^5*— 'i*-'^* * •-'^*— * -'1 — ^ 1 ^ -M- -*- -i- -S * , to the last, Lab'ring both night and day: For us his precious blood was spilt. For us his life he will remain. While earthand tinieendure; His sov'reign grace let us proclaim. To all the world a- ' *-i 1 P* Refraix. gave, And thus a-toned for all our guilt. That he our souls might save. round, Anave, joyful sound, that he, that he, with harps, with harps, eSbeeJeeJeeEs^ Alleqro. --^-^ 6taciau,si <§aviout, ficntU Shepherd. " Ho stiall Kather the lambs in hia arms, aricl carry them In his bosnm." DRANOEL. •-±-f9Z _Lei^J;f, J;^^*- 0-J^g0t-0-B 1 g-'##«-# — ~0 — *3LCi^-iLj^*_ 1. (Jra-cious Saviour, nen-tU" Shepherd, Lit - tie ones are dear to thee, (lathered with thine arms and carried 2. Ten-der Shepherd, ncv-cr leave them From thy fold to ko a, - stray, I5y thy look of love di - rected, 3. Let thy ho - ly word instruct them, Kill their minds with heavenly ligtit, Let thvtjraee and truth constrain them !««. ;-r 1 :h 24 fleaisiattt mt t\u IS^$txm$.' Words by Rev. E. A. RAND. GEO. EL RYDER. 4 ^- — ^-•- — s-i — :cz-5r=:5r: J^ :t- it 'g 1. Pleasant are the pastures where Jesus feeds his flock, Underneath the shadow of the rock; See the Shepherd standing — how gracious is his mien. Standing, waiting, to ad-mit us in. 2. Pleas-ant are the pastures, all ech - o-ing with song. Where the living wa - ters glide a - long; There in peace repos - ing up-on the flow'ry banks, Staying with the Shepherd, we'll sing thanks. 3. Faith-ful is the Shepherd, who careth for the sheep; Nev - er do his eye-lids close to sleep; All his flock he knoweth, and calleth them by name; And his love is con-stant-ly the same. 4. Blessed are the weak ones, who on his arms re-pose, Fearing not the fierceness of their foes; They shall grow and flourish, who in their Lord abide. Like the tress that grow by riv - ers' side. ■— ?- 'M&. r :3i ^ ^ — 1 #- m 5EEEESS^^=i ^pr=:q==]:=:;p iiHf i:;=r mm ^^3E Chorus, Lost sheep now wand'rin . ^_ • _*_^ • • £^tzzizt=t-t=:t- r — Ir—^-t — r~' * Babbatb Sodes— by per. <^ptc(l (Hiou on. " For tbcy shall all kaow me from the least unto the greatest, saith the Lord.' 25 Bold, Allegro. l-i K K-i — -I ^ S — I — I K— I 1 -±^ N— 1 — r ! Arranged by DRANOEL. 1. Speed thou on, hap-py day, When to Jc-sus' glad sway All na-tions shall bend. Where sal- 2. Speed thou on, liap-py day, When the sun's glorious ray Shall scatter earth's giooni.When the ^-*z.f::- -*- -*z „ -*- -*- i*-'-^ -OS — s r=r: r — ! N 1 1 — 1 — ' -N K — m — r—z, — '-r — ' — 1 »» S ■ — r \% — ' ;-'^ — , ^-rT' H -* — *~~* — * *-' f * — * — *-T -*-*- l - » — l—m — *-F vation's glad sound Thro' the earth shall resound, And Satan's power rend. And Satan's power rend, o - cean's loud roar Miall waft to your shore, The Ke-deem-er's come. The Ke-deem-er's come. -•_ _•_ l*j —zzr. -»- - — cv;g-i» — ^ — g — f — n — ^=r-^ — * — * — * — *^' — * — * — r T ' 1 1 1 — •--, 1 •V — #— " m Refkain. l=SS^ ^? :=r: *-^ (S"— 7- — N — Si — I s — H-g Si — I •> — S- — 1-| Speed thou on", happy day, Speed thou on, happy day, Speed thou on, happy day, happy day. Speed thou on, _^_« .•_ -. - - ^ -• •- - -. - rtrzrrt:^ ^ -»_« ts=i=t: iisi^iisisi^i Happy day. Speed thou on. Speed thou on,)iappy day,happy day. 26 f tt i\u ^iflht 0i §i0l8 Smth. CHARLES WM. BUTLER. „ Wilh tniiiiiatinn. ^ '*Let U9 live like glorious men." 1, M, 'r-r- Pi 1. In the 2. In this 3. Ill the -^- -n- light of sha - ded light of Itr :t: ho - ly vale of ho - ly '9 truth, Shin-ing time, Uream-ing truth On - ly from ce - les-tial skies, By the soul's e- of some high-er sphere, Man has lost that can we live at last; Life hath its e- ■*-f-t=:t=*=?- #— (9 1— # # # • y-# « f-\ -I 1 0—f I I I I II ^^m^^mmpWim^^^^m^ ter life ter ill r nal youth, And the joy fhat nev - er dies, sub-lime, Tliat he might have cherished here! nal youth. Where its faith is aii-chored fast! _*_ _«_ _^_ -#__*_, i -f — ^—\ -I 1 * — r -I — I — I — Let us live like glo-rious men VVhile this side the riv - er still Let us not for - get the worth X- i i _^ — ^j_. III I I On tills time-pu-gird-ed shore; Live as those who here have been Seeking truth for - ev - er - more. We may hear the soft winds blow Of tlie Ho-ly 8pir-il's will, Tell-ing of the heaven be -low I Of these changeful hours of lime; Ours is the ce - les-tial birth, And these lives must be sub-lime! m — t:=^bt:— ;=^-l=P— F: — p— rli ffhc ^luistcr isi (Coming. Allegro moderato. O. F. WILSON. 3^-^E ^^lls-tc^ Mas-ter Mas-tcr Master ^ coin - in;;, coiiH- in;;, cum - iiij;, com - iiig, he call - ctli receive liiin hi! call - etii to call for tlice, ami live; to-(lav. Lizii: And loved ones are hast'ning their Sa - viour to see; O, will you not (rust him your sins to forjcive; A-wake from thy shim - bers to la - bor and pray; rv, He's mifjht-y to save; from the grave His loved ones to glo Eei m^^^^^ m^^^^^ m He's full of conipas - sinn, why will ye de-lay? He's call - ing, still call - inp, O, come, come a-wav. On Cal - vary's mountain, 'mid an - guish and pain, Thy ran - soin was purchased when .le - sus was slain. The morning is break -ing, the noon - tide is near. And evening's dark shad-ows will swift - ly appear. And all who believe him in rap - ture shall sing Sal-va- tioii through Je-sus, our Mas- tcr and King. ^ J^ . ... - -. - . ..... . . .. .• I gi^g^i^ii^^ Rkfhain ^ Ti.» Tir_„ .„_ :„ „„-,, :..,- tr„ .,-.11 «*i, f,._ «i . r^ * «. :., 1 ■ . ... ..i _.- _ • *■'• The Mas - tcr is com-iiifr, lie call - eth for thee; Come, trust in his iirtcv, 5al - vation is free. f^ ^^^^^m « Words l>y DEXTER SMITH. Alleip-o. ^w^^ and ^xoxctt, " And he bearing his cross went forth," Jolin xix : 17. Arranged. =F5^ 1. There is across of heav - y weight, For ev-ery human life to bear; Tliere is a chap - let 2. A cross of toil and world-ly grief, A bur-den of suspense and care, Has life imposed up- 3. A crown awaits each faithful heart. Each earnest, self - de-ny - ing soul, That car-ries clieerf ul- formed of thorns on us all, ly the cross, For each and ev-ery brow to wear. And each its hcav-y load must bear. To death's cold, unte-lent - ing goal. Oh! when the cross of pain and woe Shall The clouds may lower o - ver-head, The And where the veil shall melt a-way, Dis- •^ - - I U J — I I I soon for - ev-er be laid down, May we receive in recompense, A beau - ti - ful and fadeless crown. brif,'lit stars fade before our eyes. Yet faith shall point us out the path Where sacrifice, where du - ty lies, closiu" heaven's endless bliss; The crown of love shall compensate The cross of such a life as this. #— i* ^•t^^^Etl -p — S^ ■a — ,1— F t^^-- :^: rs _-ti --^-- all compe i^ .M- K tr^ ^m ^Ve have |Hct in ^cacc IToflcthcv. (OPENING OF A SABBATH SCHOOL.) 29 L. MARSHALL. Nol too fast 1. \Vc have met in peace to-geth-er, In the house of God a -gain; 2. We have mot and time is fly-ing, We shall part,and still his wing 3. lie will aid us, should ex-ist-ence With its sorrows sting the breast, -0. -=C"- 3ife: -»-*-\ r r- Constant friends have led us Sweeping o'er the dead and Gleaming in the onward .■=t: hith - er. Here to chant the solemn strain; dy - iiig, Will th(! changeful seasons bring; dis-tance, Faith will mark the land of rest; r^0- Here we breathe our ad - o - ra - tion, Here the Let us, while our hearts are light-est. In our There midst day-beams round liim playing. We our -# #-. . -#- Saviour's praise we sTiT fresh and ear-ly years Fath-er's face shall see, May the Splr-it of sal - va-tion Come with healing on his wing. Turn to him whose smile ia brightest, .\iid whose grace will calm our fears. And shall hear him geiit-ly say-ing, Lit - tie children, come to me. 9-t 4= dn EiES ®k §og who wmx told a ^k, (V.AXIANT FOR THE TRUTH.) L. M. -• — g ^— I — ^-f — I —J- — « — S~, 1. Once, 2. And T once there was a lit-tle boy, Witli curly hair and pleasant eye, A boy who always spake the truth, ev - ery- bod-y loved him so, Because he always told the truth. That every day as he grew up :rs=*z:rt=t=l-t=t=:fiq=fri.i?=:f:rzc: -f-r- -I- ix^=-t- -4- T I if: -» — ^- — r And I — •— I — ' — = *- — •-■'-5 — — * — '— * — ' — — - — ^ r — r nev-er, nev-er told a lie; And when he trot - ted off to school, The children all a- 'Twas said there goes the honest youth; And when the people that stood near Would turn to ask the •ff i 0- ^— i-}-# ~0 1—1- 1 Y-0 »— •- :iz:f!=i=t:=t=:t:=:fil=t:r^=i=:L=J=Ezt:j=t:=t:=t= :t= -0- -f- _«_ -0. -0 — h-#— (— I * j:ri:tr=:t -I J- — « — ii0 — _^_.i__^ — 1—0 g 5 e. — L_« — 1 — «-i_# — J — — JJ i__j__s=ii;___| J #— c_€ L L- ^__j__*_I_^ J — ^_w bout would cry, There goes the curl - y - head - ed boy. The boy who nev-er told a lie. rea - son why, The an - swer would be al - ways this, Be-cause he nev - er tells a lie. ^ _*_ _•_ _*_ _«- -(t_ -f- -0- _^_ _•- -0. '^ If^t _(t 0—\~0 .i« I I lA A. -^- -0 :t=Fr* (Thcve'isi nothing tihe the giblc. 31 Words by GKO. 8. GREEV. All'ffro wuilirnto. Altered from "Sabbath Songs."- -by permission. 1. All ye who would true wisdom find, Must shun the base and I m 2. In it wc learn redemption's pl;in, 3. 'i'lio' some its sa-cred truths despise, 4. Its pre-cepts are di-vine - ly pure, 0—0 -f- m-.-^ J- =i:ifr=:f=:it T)e-vised by love and heav Who nev-er read its pag No hum-ble mind de-ceiv - _• •-. die, en, es, ii'g- ■0- And seek in-struct!on And as a guide to The great and sood and And all its prom - is- ■* — •- V , — , — ^_L_^__i_^ — — __ — 5_ for the mind From those that love the sin - ful man Tliis bless - ed book was tru - ly wise Have loved it in all es are sure On faith - ful - ly be J L J^ I . I N J J *^ Then read the blessed Bi - ble. '- - J- • Van be Tei>e»ted. 32 Words by L. M. Lively. ®lte ^undati M\n\ b mjj §t\\%\it L. MARSHALL. l-=--|-^ — St — ^- 1. The Sunday School is my delight, I love it more and more; In songs of praise we all u-nite, 2. Je - sus, my Saviour and my friend, Who died that I might live, His name I'll praise un - to the end, -#— #-l-#-T-# •— • ^^T— l^==-l- -«._)«- And Christ we do a And all the glo-ry dore; give; I love my Master, Christ the Lord, I love to plead his cause, May all who love the Sunday School U - nite in grace di - vine. ^■^-hN-JT^hJ #- -# - Refrain. )d^k-tzXz=-^-\jL:tiU;i^^^ And med - i-tate up - on his word, And to o-bey his laws. In praising Christ, who is the rule. And who will ev - er shine. And to, And who. -W--*- and to, and and who and 1^ '^ I J ^ And to. And whoi and to, aud who. ?ltc Sunday f chool i0 my ^clipht. Condmlnl. 33 y^-i^-^^-r^ -0— — « « ; ^ ^ 3 "^ to who o - bey will cv ■ his laws, shine, And And m== x ^n to, who, and and to, who. and and to o - bey who will ev - his er p • i laws, shine. ill ^=:i-=>rrt: iiii] his laws, will shine, and to, and who. and to, and and who, and to who Allegro moderalo. \M i\u ^ixp lUturttiug. DR. L. MASON. -»- -• -^- — ^- -•- -0- -•- -•- -J5l- -c* -*- 1. Blest the days return-ing. When the Saviour rose, Ho-ly thoughts a - wak - ing, While de - vo- lion glows; 2. Great is the sal - va - tion Sounded in our ears. Sweet the in - vi - ta - tion Which the hum-ble hears, 3. Let our minds be wakeful, Foolish thoughts away, Let our hearts be grate - ful Ev - ery Sab-batb day, 4-- -1 — /> — i--«> — I- ^m Chorus. And we learn the sto - ry, As we learn the sto - rv. While we learn tlie sto-rv -# — # — • Of the Lord of Of the God of Of the Lord of _«. -^. _^. _«- glo - ry, glo - ry, M'o - rv. Kind Kind Kind 4 M 1 i 1 In the Sabbath School. In the Sabbath School. Ill the Sabbath School. -Jft.-ft—».-0- ^ 34 Words by L. M. Laryhetto. ±Z2 (Bf (Some to fcisiu^ ffiarljj, (THE SAVIOURS INVITATION TO CHILDREN.) 1=1= L. MAESHAUi. fct Je - tius ear - ly, kind - ly wait - iiifj, Come now while in thy youth, In - vit - ing you to come, •All who are meek and In words of love he's ^M^m JLS. m — C' i r-r f=t s low - ly, say - ing, Shall find the way, the All vice and sin to truth; shun; O come, he will re - ceive you, O come, then, to the Sa - vionr, H 1^=4: ^E I ' fold yoi come wi :& m And fold you to hi? breast; He nev-er will forsake you, O, come with-out de - lay. And he will bless 3'ou ev -" er He'll save yon with the blest. In realms of end-less day. PF^ iSl^^i^l What Can the <§aviouv fla for ?hee ? 35 MRS. E. W. CHAPMAN. J. H. TENNEY. 01 — 3:_j_c_g___^__, — ,.t 1. What can the Sa-viour 2. What can the Sa-viour 3. What can the Sa-viour do for do for do for _J_t_5_L_^ • SZl-gf-i. J_^_C_^-_ — — — -# 1- i- thee, My friend with sin dis thcc, When toss'd thy wea - ry thee, When comes death's angel tress'd? soul near? I And from thy bur - den In wild - e.ot storm on And through the lone - ly Chobus. 3: set thee free, And give life's deep sea, Where high vale shall be thy spir - it rest? Re-joice! forme Im - man - uellives.Thro' the bil - lows roll? Rejoice! for me Thy path to man - sions clear. him all things are mine; Re-joice! for He sweet com • fort gives, And makes my face to shine. Rejoice ! for -•-- -^■ •- mu^^mm^^mmmmmMmm^ 36 Words by W. E. IJTTLEWOOD. Andimte. iltm b tt0 ^ovt Wkt the ^mt of ^^n^* ' Unto him that hath loved us." L. B. MARSHALL. ji .e — 009^1.^0 — — • — ■.0_ I ^0 — — J — 90 — i0 — e0 — ^ ^ — ^-0~ — •— L-##*-C 1. There is no love like the love of Je - sus, 2. There is no heart like the heart of Je - sus, 3. There is no eye like the eye of Je - sus, 4. O, might we lis - ten that voice of Je - sus, \^ J <^ Nev - er to fade or Filled with a ten - der Pierc - ing far a O, might we nev - er ?^»-tt-7r— #^T— ^ ^ — ^ — • — ^-i-ts— • — # *— r--c— ? — ' — i • I tt-^-»-^ =:t I: ^ — J — • — t;izt_^_#=t; 5— 1:=!» — ii»=3 — ? ?• fall, Till lore. Not way, Nev- roam, Till r -»-*- CnoRus. Sn«fj4 — N — ^ — *< — N ^T-^Fi — r — I — r — *» — Kt r'q--»»y — 1;=— i — r — '=;n — ^T — ' *< into the fold of the peace of God He hath gath-ered us all. a throb or a throe our hearts can know, But he suf - fered be- fore. er out of sight of its tender light Can the wan - der - er stray, our souls shall rest in peace on his breast, In the heav - en - ly borne. _ji_j_ji_#_^- _^_£C--_|:^ «_U ^— #— |g— y y — ^ -T-^ Yet I know my Saviour «— *- %-k I '• ' ' ~ ' U I —I loves me,His cleansing blood will save; May my heart and soul adore him,ThenJordan'stide I'll brave. * "Sabbath Songs"— by permission. §iavk, the ^htijstma^ d^himc^ are ^iwoittg. 37 Words by CHARLKS WM. BUTLER. Lively. (CHRISTM/VS HYMN.) L. M. 1. Hark, tlio Cliristmas cliimes are ring-ins: 2. Ilariv, till' Cliristiiias cliiines are rintr-inii, .']. Hark, the Christmas chimes are rins-ins ^^^^^^m 1 4: Mak - in? mil - sic on the air; In the churches Xow their notes are full and clear; Seem they now old ;, Wlio would hid their sweet tones cease, Who would hush the 1 — • — 1 ^ — I 1 — ' — I 1 1 — •--( 1 — I 1 — *- -r :>^:— ^M^^^^^^^^^^m choirs arc sing - ini^, Mak-ing joy-ous mu-sic there; 'Tis the same in - spir - ing sto - ry, Betliiehem bring-in;;, And the song of an-gels hear; (Jlo - ry in the high - est, glo - ry, voice of sing -ing. Who would still the psalm of peace? Dearer, sweeter are their Toic - es, *— • ^ * . — 0t — J» — ^-r= — 4 — J-i g : * — • — f" , ^ • »- ■*" i^^ — ■ — — 1/- ^^^^^m Sung by shepherd hands of old. Of the an-gels' song of glo - ry. And the magi's gift of gold, I'eace on earth, good will to men. New is that most hless-ed sto-ry. New and sa-cred now as then And these bells that ring and chime, Than all other notes tliatcharm us, On the changeful shor(>^ lime. -f-M^-£zx£: r— r— ^ — '—^-'- isri £: m g -<2. 4- I 38 Mht ijak of W^tilxkhm.* ReT. E. P. DYER. ^ Lively. (CHRISTMAS HYMN.) T. BISSELL. ^_i|iP^ -• — I— # — f — • ' « — 1— ^~v-f — \-g 1. All hail the peer - less night, 2. GIo - ry to God on high, 3. Born of a Jew - ish maid, 4. Yes, Christ was born to bleed, -ft- _#_ .^_ _^. -i-!^-i: |2qg=t:=l=t:=c=c=t:=rrs=.=^r=)r Lit by un-wont - ed light, The God who rules the sky, In Bethlehem's man -ger laid. Such was our dread - ful need, -A- -*- -f- -*-• — I ^ — *- When Bethlehem's Good will to His head lies That through his star o'er men and pil - lowed death our -i- ^'-ziiT Beth - lehem's man - ger hung, ho - ly peace on earth, on a vir - gin's breast; sins might be for - given; While on I seem And did Yet reigns Ju - de - a's to hear them he stoop so he now on -— ,u S-.-- 0-X 0-. »_ U^ — . 0-:l 0—0— I s — tz , 1_^_^ ,p 1 i^_t_^_- — ^_r_;;i_t_| plains sing; low, high. -J- ^iiSi _4_,_.j — 5^1 — K — '—0-1--0 — l_^_r__5-;- — _-4^L_^ g — I : 0L-\_S± .J J The wake - ful shepherd swains They make the wel - kin ring Did he the throne fore - go And soop sl(all ev - ery eye Saw an - gel forms and heard the songs they sung. With songs of joy at our Re-deem - er's birth. To raise us to the heav'n - ly rest? Be - hold his ad - vent in the clouds of heaven. iPfEiEE^B=E=r^EF^tEfeE Er±^*EiEQ^^»Efi^EE E'EeH * Sabbath Songs— by permission. L.U. Allegro, ^lart ?i(liu,q5 of 6vcat ^oy 3f gmg. (CHRISTMAS HYMN.) "(llor; to God in the highest, and on earth |>eace. good will towards ir>en.~ 35 t. M. Glad ti-din^s of great joy I bring, This day Our Christ was born in Beth-le-liera, Now rules a Saviour's born; above the 8lty; Loud _^- -^- -#- -)i- _«- -«Li _#_ _*_. J u-jahs all bis -^ J- let us sing. And hail .^. the grace proclaim, And shout his I =^— in?: joy - f ul morn ; hon - ors high; :He O, IS may the Lord, the all peo - pie raii.'h-ty Go(»., learn his word, iii^^ii-gii -0 — #- To whom all an-gcis bow. O, may his love be shod abroad. And na-tions know him now. And every tongue confess That Je - sus is the mighty Ood, The son of righteousness. zJtz -•-• I*: _# • i2- ^-#-S- -•-*^-*~ -•- I 40 WSixkt vciih ^M ^mnii^, ye ^tWx Miss H. AUGUSTA BARNES. (CHRISTMAS MORNING.) L. B. MARSHALL. 1. Wake with glad sounds, ye bells, Peal through the morn-ing sky, 2. Wake, wake with joy - ful peals. Rouse all to greet this day, 3. Bring glad - ness to our homes. To cheer us on our way, —4 — h — ^- j- — Th — 1 1 — I *— Let na - ture ech - o In glad ho-san - nas Where old and young to- ^}Mi^=- ±; -0- g, — — ^ — p_^ — ^ 0. ,^_L_^..-_l — — i — 0_^ ,_! — gf — C back the strain, And hills and vales re - ply; For praise his name, And hom - age to him pay; For geth - er meet, Ou this bright Christ-mas day. May this most joy - ful day he was good and wise, each their gifts of love -x- T- ■* • 1 >; . r 3 T ^ ' ^ • — * 2 T^^ r :t==t-F-S=>rF=g=}=Bi:=t=^^?=}z:r=:F We hail again with pride, The child of Beth-le-hem. As of-ferings to him bring, pliEflf^E^E !l=fe: In which our Saviour Christ was born. The hap-py Chrietmas-tide, Born in a home of low - ly mien. Yet sought by ho-ly men. And on this Christmas day's return Ills prais-es ev - er sing. •# — # — #-|— #-• — » — # — w-» — r « ' J # *-^ 1 — T-| lESEtfeg g am but a ^ittlc Child 41 Allegro. SoLO. SopRAJJO OR Alto.* HOZABT. J. li AUeqro. bOLO. bOPRAJJO 3_^ — yj.0—0j-(2i 1 0—0 L#_g^_L# — m i.0 — ^_L J_^_«_7_^ 0-\-0 0~U^ L, #-»- 1. I am but a lit - tie child, 2. If f_*. •-rf»- - ' - pf — |-r — -p p— — ^-r f—\ Chorus added. \ii- « — S^_t_€ • 1-0 2-l-# • -0-^ 1 0-0 1 1 1. — 0-0 — .1-0 0-0-^ Tempt my lit - tie In the tempt-er's Wis-dom's les - sons Tho' I'm but a pui lit heart to sin, cru - el snare, ure and sweet, tie child. Look in When I'm Let me Christ will pit - y, tcmpt-ed have his be my Lord, on me, to di - jjrcss bless - ed mind, con - stant friend. Let me From the Make me He will trust a- path of Cen - tie, keep me twmmmmmmM^mMimmw lone in thee, riiihteous-nets, meek and kind, to . the end, I.et Let I.«t He me me mv will on thy hear the words and take me I bo - som Spir • it ac - tions when I rest, sav, tell die, Clasp Lit - That To me tie I mv to child, love home I thv lov - ing breast, this is the way. my Sa - viour well, be - vond tho skv. I III # .May be sung as a quartet if jircfirrod. 42 §e b tt0t '§m. ' Whr seek ya the llnng among the dead 1 He is not here, but is risen." Luke 24 : 5, 6. Mrs. E. 0. ELLSWORTH. (EASTER HYMN.) J. H. TENNEY. — N- ^ar-^^ r^ :::^ S3: ^^—4rz%,^^^ 1. Tho' the morning scarcely breaketh, Love no long - er can de - lay, Seeking for the lost one, 2. Thro' the twilight dim - ly peer-ing. Blinded by the fall-ing tears, Sorrowing hearts are vainly 3. E - ven now our faith is lilind-ed, Lin-gers near the grave to - day, But we know that Christ has igil^i6=Ei3;w£ It -P ir-^\ *-VM- ^~^^^- <^-^.-J- =3: iz—^± ask - eth, " Who shall roll the stone a-way?" 'Mid the doubts so dark and fear — * ^— S ful, Gath'ring seek-ing For the Lord with anxious fears; While the shades a - round them lin - ger, While in ria - en, Let us hear a song^ a-way; Should our un - be - lief still lead us Thro' the i___jj ^_:izp'__i. round the faith-ful few, Comes a voice di-vine - ly cheering, Bursts a song di - vine - ly fear they downward gaze.From the grave,where hopes lie buried, Comes there forth this hymn of praise; re - gions of the dead, E- ven there is light and glory,Siuce the white-robed an -gel e^'fl- -^— til I 1 1/ • new. said: T- Chorcs. ? — ;j-^-r " Fear ye §if iisi not Serf. ConclutUd, .—- *. — j- 43 « I # »-- « J 0-~ 1 fi> «- t_. _^- not, the Lord has ris en, Go ye forth with hope and joy, ■ -J- S*-T — #— '— * « J5»-^ — ^-'— # « — —0-~ — ,_i_jrA__g — , ^_i__^__M - ploy." Haste, for -0- -I — li^mii 8. F. SMITH. D. D. Allrgro mwierato. yon - der ye shall meet him, Praise shall soon your lips em - ploy." (To-daij the Saviour (taUisi, I L. M. 1. To-day the Saviour calls, 2. To-day the Saviour calls, 3. To-day tlie Saviour calls, 4. The Spirit calls to-day. Ye wand'rcrs (), hear him For rcf - u!;e Yield to his r come O, ye benighted sonis. Why long-er With-in these sacred walls To Je - sus The storm of justice falls. And death is O, grieve him not away, 'Tis mercy's :M=EE[fZi'Ei^ElE^-=f:t:S:^i^}=SEEESEEE^Et now, fly, power. roam, bow. nigh, hour. -0- -•- -,_<»- -i5>- -I i^l^fl 44 'ti tvtx^ ^tM |t«|0ice mA c^tug. (THE GOODNESS OF GOD TO OUR COUNTRY CELEBRATED.) Words by H R. WASHBURN. •H" Linely. 1. Let ev - ery heart re - joice and sing; Let cho - ral anthems rise; Ye rev - 'rend men and D.c. While the rocks and the rills,While the vales and the hills. Agio - rious anthem raise: Let each pro-long the 2. He bids the sun to rise and set; In heaven his power is known; And earth, sub-dued to ip^^g^^^^S t^=^^.rz|= — E3 ^^d^^^z=$=^ ^M ^^ t: :5353^^ chil - dren, bring To God vour sac - ri - fice; For he is good; the Lord is good, and chil - dren, bring To God your sac - ri - fice; grate - ful song, And the God of our fath -ers praise, him, shall yet Bow low be - fore his throne; For For he he is good; IS good; the Lord the Lord go5d, and good, and ^^gaii^pi ^^ps -c$-^b-u-b-;ri- :5=a kind kind are all are all his ways: his ways; With songs and hon With songs and hon 9-1: I u u — 1 — m- iii s,^? rit. ors sounding loud. The Lord Je - ho - vah praise, ors_ sounding loud, The Lord Je - ho - vah praise. — -i-U-T— 5— I j£gg^ : j== -1^=: I L MARSHALL. L i* ^-* — \—0 0— 1 _5-* — « 9. — \—0 ^ — !_€_*_•;-#_« #— L Words by L. M. lAvfiy hut not too fast. 1. Je - BUS lit - tie chil-dren loves, He delights to hear them sing, Coo-ing like the 2. Corae then, children, while ye may. Seek the Saviour's pard-'ning love, So when called froi ^ - - - , -#- - . m m M -»- -w •li^^^ «- ■X- — » •— T-* ' ^ '— T • '^ I ? ? • f~^ giS ::}=. -*-»- -• — — p — 0— , —0 gen - tie doves, earth a - way. In the pleas-ant days of spring; He is call - ing them to him, You may meet with him a - bove; In that land so pure and bright, =5 as -^-j — *«*>- r-r * • —r -T-* *^=^T^^ •—,--* , g— t — # * • J .-I? , ^ >3 E|r:jgz=:^^=:ii =it= rztirrt:^8=f= r r I 1= -^-U — __» — #_ — I j- ^ ,_ — i — 1 L — fc r— •*•-- **--N St-J S 1-7- B: ^^i^LU-0 :1=S=J:-== ^*— *— *— riig=jr=^lzg^^:*=*z=^lr^;^b^ ^^^Zlz:^ Say -ing, I will give you rest. Ho will free them from their sin. He will fold them to his breast. There where partings never come. There may all in songs u - nite, Praising Christ the ho - ly one. -0- -#2 ~*~ I "*" • • • • -_ : r- r-^— ' •-,-« € #'- r-* T~ * «- x: • • • > >-. 1- 46 Wmt t0 ht like ^0x\x L. MARSHALL. Lively but not too fast. 1. I want to be like Je - sus, So love - ly and so meek, 2. I want to be like Je - sus, En-gaged in do - ing good, .5^ - - ^ For no one mark'd an So that it may of f: j=j=t,.L4 : r^-i^-|a=:s= -p3^ i — i-[- »=T-8— ; » — j- fej — r i r an - gry word, That ev - er heard him speak, me be said, "He hath done what he could." I A i ^ *=F=F :^ want to he like Je - sus, las! I'm not like Je - sus, -. — • — •— ^£t— ^ — ^ ^F \ For I nev-er, nev-er find As an-y one may see; That he, tho' per- se-cu - ted, Was to an-y one unkind. O gentle Saviour, send thy grace. And make me like to thee. Words by DRANOEL. ^ A Uegro moderato. -Ml 47 L. U. ^ i=S=F^ ^5 -<5t ^- :&; p :^ ^ I 1. Be - hold the Sav - iour call - iiig, Call - ing for j-ou and me, O, maj' 8. All praise be un -to Je - sus, The bless - ed Lamb of God, Who from we heed bit our gins has m^^^^^^^m ^^s 1— :r:r m I ^r=* r^^ warn - ing, And freed us. Thai hap - py we shall we may serve the be; Lord; He'll fold We will •-: • » 1 \ ' •- us in bis for - ev - er bo - som, praise him. mi^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ m i i - i - f ^ There we may safe - ly And bless his ho - Iv rest; And in the land of glo name, And strive throughout all a ry We'll be for ges To spread the ev - er blest. Saviour's fame. ii!:b^ :l w^^^ ^m 48 Wxm \^ a Mmt wUtxt ^0\x^ Ww^^* ^ Liveli/, L. M. . 1—^ » ^. 1. There is a clime where Je - sus reigns, A home of grace and love, Where an-gels sing in 2. Yet all, a- las! may not be there, For some will slight his grace, Now though he calls, they 3. The fair - est ro - ses quick - ly die, The leaves must all de - cay. And, lit - tie read - er, rCTa—a—* r* • • 0-T-0 # • — r-1 1 — »-• — • — ■(is *-t-#-*-# — f-0 — p* •— *- I- — Hfizl;; — tt ^ — t >-!_# ft I tv— L-!^— ^— 1= ^-r_,*_-_^_t_#_t* — •_!:_ I • I — -I 1/ V y sweet-eot strains do not care you and I I Of To As m lE^ ->- his re - deem-ing turn and seek his soon may fade a _•_ — ] » » »- love ; face ; way; And He Then chil - dren says to let us too will join to all, Come un - to ear - ly watch and bless me, pray, -#-- — • — r-0 — -^^ 0- m -> r— m ^E5EE^rS=3"E5^HEFi^EF:^EiE^- The And And precious Saviour's name. Clothed in his per feet righteousness. And saved from sin and shame. I will give you rest; Oh, lin-gcr not, but haste to be With his sal - va-tion blest, seek the things a - bove; And may the Spir-it day by day Re - veal a Saviour's love. -I«- -f- .#^,_ltf^ — E^-t-» — '-E — -f #^-*h1 L.M. (D, irhy not Come to 3fcsiU5i ^m? (AX INVITATIOx\ TO COME TO JESUS.) 43 L. MARSHALL. Allegretto, nrz — z* — *zx7jrz3j — ] — ^i_-_ ^^_j — c #rx_» — ^ — _* — #-i-,& l_^ — [;_,__-_j — j ^^t 7 -#_ • * -#- • » » » I I ..0- 1. O, whv not come to Jo - sus now, And trust him for his prace? Down to his foot - stool 2. All who arc heav - y la - den come, And he will give you nst, And when your toil on pippiPPp^lppEiipg^i^ hum - biy bow, And ye shall see his face, earth i-< done, Vou will be ev - er blest. O, sin - ner, come with - out de - la^-, Al - though your sins are crim - son red, 0—r- ^ — I : ' — T~' — I — ^ I — " Now is th' accept - ed time. Come and re - ly on him to-day. And m He'll make them white as wool; Je - sus our \mx\ his blood huth shed, To save his glo - ry shine and make vou whole •-■ • ■ r--5» -,-, 50 Quoding at i\u ^on* "Behold. I stand at the door and knock." Rev. 3: 20. Words by Rev. ALFRED TAYLOR. 1. My Sa-viour stands waitins and knocks at the door, Has knocked and is knocking a - gain; 2. O !Sa-vioiir, my ransom, Jie - deem-er and friend, Tlie life and the truth and ihe way, •- -fi- -0- -# • -•- .^_ .^. -^_ _^_ _^_ _^_ _^_ -^_ - _p^ =|: I hear his kind voice, I'll re - ject him no more. Nor let him stand pleading in vain; On thy j>re-cious mer - it a - lone I'll de-pend, Dwell in me and keep me, 1 pi'ay; mi -U 1 1— -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- :=^ ^^^ m -J — :3 — J — i— 1 — 3— zjxzij^ — J — I .rv -| ^ — ^ — ^ — 1>; — ^ vi— ^-^ -r In in - fl - nite mer-cy he came from a-bove, To ransom, to cleanse rae from sin; Thy goodness hath opened the door of my heart, 'Tis o - pen in welcome to thee; / /__/_/ -^7=^ * "Sabbath Snnos"— by permission. ^uiochiut) at the 5oov. Coudutlcd 51 m^^^^^^M^m^mwii I'll yield lo tlie voice of his iner - ci - ful love, And let my dear Saviour come in. Come in, bless - ed Sa - viour, and nev - er de-part. Come in with thy mer - cy to me. -•- -#- -0- Chokus.* ^i # ^^^^^ ?^ Tpi^^=^^ I — N- ^^ s ^1 Sa-vioiir, come in, cleanse me from sin, Je - siis, my Sa - viour, come in, come in; b^a^g^ly^^aai^S y \ i ~^^l ^ -0-. -0- En - ter the door, wait-ing no more, Sa-viour, dear Sa-viour, come in. f- -#- -PL !5^^ li^aie * Bepp«t pp. iJter st^uud verse, before the Ameo. 52 Words by Rev. ALFRED TAYLOR Firm. Lii^ ^ Ogling mn to tlte %t^tV " Lead me to the rock." Psalm 61 : 2. L. MARSHALL. 1. Cling close to the Rock, brother, danger is near, Chng close to thy Saviour.and doubt not nor fear, 2. Cling close to tlie Rock, brother, closely to-day. Ere waves of temptation shall sweep thee away, 3. Cling close to the Rock, brother, close to the rock, The' tempests may rage and tho' billows may shock, r=rriJ-tt7»— • — r-' •—;■ t »—»-> —»-^~f'-r-*-i-* 0~--m-^ »-t-»t-*-* — *-j-m^r > • > ■ E C ELLSWORTH. -*=5g-^^-r ' i F' i^j "^ — r-*^-! — tr-t — ^-^ — =^ — *^^^ Saves with greatest cost. Cheers with bread and wine. Brings the waud'rer home. Hear the an - gel voic-es! Joy and grace abound; Ileav'n with earth re- -^^ ^ r — s-l=:1 =f==? Ma - ter - nal hearts would hnni-bly bow, And of - fer the pre - vail - ing We thank thee for the tide of love Which swells each fond ma - ter - nal Lest Sa - tan tempt our children's hearts, And lure their lit - tie feet a And fill their souls with faith and love. Dear Sa-viour, in their ear - ly Thou on - ly canst their feet di - rect, And save their pre - cious souls at prayer, breast, stray, youth, last. fe-i 1=1=1 0^_ — •-— - ililiii 'Rather slow 4^ iisP DRANOEL. 1. Thro' the pleas - ures of the day. When I read and when I pray, 2. When the 3. Till I with - draws my heart his in light, And prayer, For T ny SO heaven to rest Fath -•- at night, er's care. ^^mmm^mmm Pcditatiau. Cauctudfd. 55 Let me Let me Piay - ing ev - er nev - er him to keep in lay my kind - ly .1 — ^_ view, head make God Down Me IS to his r- see rest child -« 1 —t ESlli-^ll i"S all I do. up - on mv bed. for Je - sus' sake. I I c^itiftly the \imx^ ^ui m. Words by L. M. Ia^iiU,. (FLIGHT OF TIME.) DRANOEL. _»: — ^ — I — ^ _«_^u_^_* — s — I — ^ L — ^_ I — J — • — — J — _ 1 — 3 c 1. Swift - ly 2. O, Lord, 3. O. near 4. That hap the hours speed my heart pre er to my py day will on, That bear my soul a pare To trust in thee a God, Near - er I long to come. When I shall see his way, lone, be, face, L= 0—1—0 — 5— •fT^— # i — *-I — 0—0—0 J^^' -S— L-#^-J— # • i-Oh ■' -0- ~0- ' -0U^i-9- f -0- I * ^* -#^jj5--#-- I [ To Lest So And lands I I bless unknown I be ban - ished may sing his the Fath - er, -• 0- p: -«— — ^^- shall be gone, .\nd leave this house of from thy care, And from thee ev - er praise a-broad, And all his glo - ry praise the Son, Who saved me by his -T— 0———g— 0—0— . -0-^-0- clay, roam, see. grace. I=iil]] 56 parch §^m^. Words by Ber. AITBED TATLOE— by parmlaioii. ^^if^ ^ ^-■i — ^ • ■ - - r a-Iong, march a-Ion^;, Sinfjing a plad, triumph - ant song, Sing of the love of God a-long, march a-Iong, Sinking a glad, triumph - ant song, Sing what he tells me in a-long, march a-long, Singing a glad, triumph - ant song, Sing how he loved my soul a-leng, march a-long, Singing a glad, triumph - ant song. Sing of my Je - sus, strong kI -*l-Jl I. -.^^^ -r -•- _^__^ _.__.- _.-_.- A A « ^ "^ I :jy± to me, his word, go well, to save, I -A-Ji^^-I- Refrain. -N 1 — »« — 1^- ■> — 1 ^r « — »t1-* — • — • — • — '-r Sing of his grace so rich and free, Sing of his goodness by the way.Sing how he keeps me day by day. Sing of his mercy, BriRhtest and beat that e'er was heard. Shig how my SaTiour came to die, *Sing how he lives and reigns on high. Eansomed with blood from sin and hell. SiTig how his precious blood was spilt. Washing away my deep-est guilt. Sing of Mb Tictory o'er the grare, Sing how he rose from death and night, Bringing my soul to endless light. -iFEizztzif. -#4* *~y- J"^^}, -^VJ- ^• -^- ?E^£E£^5EL=EfeSS^=fp=feEE5EfE5EL=^^ , marc / L ^ — p — L ^ — ^ — ^ — I _ (_L , ^ — I J I sing of his love, Keeping mj' soul for glory above. March along, march along. Singing a glad, triumph-ant song ©mting. L. MARSHALL. Allegro moderato. 1. We wish to greet you all to-day, With words both good and true, It is to tell you 2. We love the ho - ly Sabbath day, So peace-fiil, calm and still, We love to go to 3. We love the God that made us too. And ail that's just and true. We love to hear of 4. We love to do what -e'er is good, And ask for light and grace, And nev - er do an what we love, And what we love Sun - day school. And learn our Mak heavenly joys. And what good peo e - vil deed, And seek to die ^=& T=:t=t:=±=tzz — 5- to do. ■ er's will; pie do; in peace; We love We love We love Then what — ?-F-^ •-• — ^ — * r — r sum-iner time. Son of God, ■ ev - er's good. Sun-day scliool ._*' » * ^t/'.tsi^^ —0- 1^' With all its liirds and flow'rs; We love the pure and happy joys Of youth's delightful hours. And all his gospel says; We love doar parents, teachers. friends, Who lead us in gooil ways. And walk in wisdom's way; We love to join the peo - pie too, Wiio sing.and teacli, and pray. Will (Christians have above. Where ev - 'ry tongue in perfect praise Will sing a Saviour's love. rrr-i • — r*~v— * — * •- 1 -ig r s — r -*-' — s — • •- 1 ; • — r -• — r - • - * — * — • yi -^ 1 1 58 Andnnte I J. E. GOULD- by permission. Fine. 1. Je - sus. Sa - viour, Chart and com - pass 2. When tli' A - pos - ties' And when tliey be - 3. As a moth - er Won-drous sov - 'reign came fraa; held stills of • lot from • ile thy her the me, thee, bark form, cliiid, sea, O - ver Je - sns. Straggled Safe they Thou canst Je - sus, life's Sa - with guid hush Sa ■ tem ■ pest-uous lot lows the cean lot viour, pi the bil - - ed thro' the o - viour, pi Z?= _«_ zrzzti: sea, me. dark, storm, wild, me. ^mm and treacherous up - on the to them be shoal; sea, still. -1— r DODDRIDGE. Allfi/ro moderato. i CONDI lit chabi.es zeuner. (CHRIST'S CONDESCENDING REGARD TO LITTLE CHILDREN.) 1. See 2. IVi- ■■i. We 4. If •;)■ Is - 111 it brini? or - « — « rael s them tliein, plians gen to Lord, thev tie Sliep - held ap - proacli, he bv are fe left - vent be - V ■0- stand, cries, prayer, hind, With Nor And Thv scorn yield guard - S — j ~ J!«z I — ^ ' « F ^—1—0 0^—0 — ' — ^—i—m en - their them ian J'- ■# — gag - ing liiim - ble up to care we charms, name, thee, trust. iii^e ^cc .^^(irarVji (tmxtU ^hcphcvl CoucUuUrt. 59 -S-r— j S — 1^- - *> I — I S — I — 1 — N- Hark! how he calls the ten-tier lambs, And folds them in his arms, Kor 'twas to bless such souls as these The Lord of an-pejs came, With huiii-bli' trust that wo are thine, Tliine lot our off-spring be, That care shall heal our bleeding hearts, If weep - ing o'er their dust, -»- V And folds them The Lord of Tliine let our If weep -ing m an - off. o'er his arms, gels came, spring be. tlicir dust. :X. — j—\ »«-l %ts\ mWt Sluvsstij (One. " Ho. every one that tbirstetb, come ye to the waters, and he that liatb no money, come ye. buy and eat. yea, como buy wine and milk without money and without price." IsaiabSo: 1. Words by Rev. E. PORTER DYER. L. M. 1. Ho! lit 2. Why wilt .3. In - cline • -* -0- ' * -0- ' m thirst - ing one, mon - ey spend will - ing ear. It: Come For And :tr:r=»^=?ziti? •-•— 5 — •— F— ,^_J .-!!• wa-ters, come, Tlio' mon-ey thou hast none, The is not bread? Why toil till life sliall end, Yet come to me, For if thy soul shall hear, Its ;«_i«:=t_t y,z:z^-\::^ ^^^ — ^. * -J = — *— * *-l-#— f# 0-li0 J 5=I-^^^__^ ,^I_J _j_l _1 1 Sa - viour bids thee come. Yea, buy and eat, both milk and wine, Whil" love di-vine makes both most sweet, leave thy soul un-fod? Eat that is good, and let de- light Thy soul in-vifo to lieavcn-ly food, por - tion life shall be, A por-tion this whicli shall en dure. And will in-sure the dawn of bliss. 2_jt=*T=:?== i»i:=5z:*=:i= i*==:'=:-=:zti -=i£— •r3.?it-=:==^=^-f5==^ ill 60 Words by L. M ALleqro (Bxtx (^tmm% Roving - ^^- grs - clous SaT - lour, Draw our • — » - f— • — p — "'" " ° ' '^ chil - dr ej's htarts to the«. :t=[ 64 Words by C. HOWES. Alleqrelto. (AKNIVERSARY HYMN.) L. MARSHALL. ^igjiin mWx (^xwitivX fieavtis m Came. 'jLz.—z 1. A - 2. Stern 3. The 4. Then gain with grate win - ter witli earth renewed, let us join, -ful his with while hearts we come, On this frost and snow, And chill . ver - dure clothed, The woods na - ture sings. And swell :it: -4- and the an winds, fields cho T I ■ ni - ver - sary has passed a - speak foith his ru3 loud and P -#- day ; way; praise; high, T — r- : m i_*t_l_^ u To praise the Lord And gor - geous spring, While birds in sweet • With prais - es to #— # — llil^l with est the heart blithe notes King and voice, And un - to him and fair, Has ush • ered in pro-claim His power and love of kings. Whose good - nesa fills -0 T— de - this in the \-^^\ vout glo ■ tune earth rious ful and pray, day. Jays, sky. t^ -?1- Ei^[ :fi Lively, f uw ^et and ^wvtK. T. FOWNE8. i 1. Pur - er yet and pur - er I would be in mind, Dear - er yet and dear-er 2. Calm-er yet and calm - er Tri-al bear and pain, Sur - er yet and sur - er 3. Higher yet and high - er Out of clouds and night, Near-er yet and near-er -# — »—0 — s-f? I I I I r^ .1 ' i-J- j — J~r 'f a I' * i "*i — ~r*l — * i~r* n*"f — i f 8~^ ' hath fled, py now, her hand, has trod, row free, ^^^S =1= ^^^ii^Si (Bnt ^torct i^ioinrr. (Konclutictt. One fair She has Pointing May we May they brow knelt to wor - the iti the ship guard aiiii )^^^=t: ^^' .^9=^ 111(1 grave has shad - ed. One dear school-mate soul - felt glad - ness Where the bless-ed glo - ries o'er us In that hap - py at the al - tar Of the great and guide and love us Till like her we now an - spir liv - Ro I IS gels • it ing tto dead. bow. land. God. thee. Sacred dougg finely. tp SkXaiW t!)e atntljru), 3Kaise tl)c .Sonfl. (THANKSGivuca.) I^ M. 1. Swell 2. Bless 3. Here 4. Hark! an - them, ings from his be-neath a the voice of f f ^ raise the song, lib - eral hand vir - tuous sway na - ture sings Prais - es to our God Flow a - round this hap May we cheer - ful - ly Prais - es to the King be - long; py land; o - bey; of kings; 9^§=^ Saints Kept Nev Let 3S an - gels him no feel op - join in -^— ^ join foes to sing an - noy, pres - sion's rod, cho - ral song, Prais Peace Ev - And the dom and - ful heaven - ly we en wor - ship notes pro - King. Joy- God, long. =W 5^ i 70 Words by JOHN C. PROCTOR. ^ :S=&S=;:z:i=:l: ^t come t0 ^ing to ^hnisit our ^ing. ^ # 1—1 « S « x-l L. MARSHALL. 1. We come to sing to Christ our King, 2. Aud when in heaven, with sins forgiven, o. Yes, then we'll sing to Christ our King, 4. With wav - ing palm and echoing psalm A hymn of joy and love. We join the ransom'd throng, A hymn of roy - al praise. We'll sing to Christ our God, -m^ ?- to ■Christ our King, high we harp and shout the thy is raise our voice we song, its he who notes of will re ■ notes pro died for praise joice, long me, agl our notes of praise, To And Christ Thro' those And washed -«- en-thron'd shall be e - ter - bove. song. days. blood. Allegretto. Dr. L. MASON. '§m ^mti i^ tk gay, yC-lZ-A- — 1—\ ^~-;— I l-i — 1-: m-t-* • #-|-«— h — I — f- — i m \ — t— -I -i^—*-]-'^ — F '. 3—1 — L_»___# #-!-<> .-'-l-* #-i- — [^ — 5 — ^— J-5 — ^ — ,,—t^p^^ — ^in^ — ^-^^ — ^ V " i ^— Jv — st> — U — V — L nt. a tempo. -■*« — -—— -^r~ g' ~i — ' r ^^ — -g-]- ^ — - - *> — I — zz'^-z Chorus. N N _ s K now art gone Up to the ev on his throne, To wel-come lit then re - joice, To hear the soiiiu - r5 0- - or - last - iiig throne. - tie cliil - dreii home. 1 of thy dear voice. zMz -9- I will a pil • grim be, I W^ S: i_r-#-r-^ -^ 1 — » m-0 — m — — T-^- r m — ■ — w — i — ^ r f ^—w—» r- L.^_, .— •^-^.-JSS- Tlt. wi'i a pilt;rim bo; I wil ~0r'-0,- - 5* lit - tit' pil-grira be. Resolved a - lone to fol-low thee. .5: -: b. -•- M-0—0' -*- . -•-#_ -0- ^^ -0- ^ /-^^ 1 K_5 y—^ y LP_C_y_X^ > y ^ 1-^ ^ H- L^-l-,< ^ 1^ > Hy— .-> CTlJ * From "Buda of FrouiUc"— by permissloD 74 Eev. 8. B. GOTJLD. n u March movement. ©tttrard, €ltri$ttatt ^oldiex^i' m "Take unto you the whole armor of God.' ^^_-!-^-^=H 3=:zirt:!— Eph. 6 : 10. T. BISSELL. -• — # — — #- 1. Onward, Christian sol - diers, Marching as to war, 2. Lilje a migh-ty ar - my Moves the church of God, 3. Crowns and thorns may perish, Kingdoms rise and wane, 4. Onward, then, ye peo - pie, Join our hap - py throng, With the cross of Je - sus Brothers, we are tread - ing But the church of Je - sus Blend with ours your voic-es. zt-li i 1-,-f- o - ing on be-fore; Christ the roy - al Mas - ter Leads against the foe: Go- Where the saints have trod ; Constant will re-main; In the triumph song; roy - al Mas - ter Leads against the foe; We are not di - vid - ed. All one bod -y we. Gates of hell can nev - er 'Gainst that church prevail, Glo - ry, praise and hon - or, Men and angels sing, i: ^^n^fjiiiisi Forward in - to bat - tie One in hope and doc - trine. We have Christ's own promise, Thro' the countless a - ges, V See ;-1 his banners go. One in char - i - ty. Which can nev - er fail. Un - to Christ the King. -0 #- Onward, Christian so' - diers, — g-^ -om Sabbath Songs, transposed from C, by permisaioo. ©nuiavd, Chviistinu - ^Sl ^ t±A 1 — r- -^ Vain were the terrors that gathered around him, And short the dominion of death and the grave; He Sad were the life we must part with to-morrow. If tears were our birthright and death were our end ; But Zi - on the mar-vel-ous sto - ry be tell-ing. The son of the highest how low - ly his birth; The J ^rf^ :H'rfe: -^- — 1 — \^ 1 , — .- J — (Eaistcv ijiijmn, Condudel 77 m^^mmm^m^^ "f- "*■ ■•' ^ burst from the fetters of darkness that bound him, Resplendent in glo - ry, Je-sns hath cheered tlie dark valley of sor-row, And bade us iin - inor-tal brightest arch -an - gel in glo-ry ex - cell-in'j;, He stoops to to live and to save. to heav-en as-cend. re - deem thee, he reigns upon earth 9^ J_ qs: '^^^^^ m ^^ ^ m aa Loud was the cho-rus of an-gels on high. The Saviour hath ris - en and man can-not die; The Lift then your voic-es in Siiout the glad tidings, ex m triunipli on high, For Je - sus hath ris- en and man can-not die; For ult - ing-ly sing, Je - rii - sa - lem triumphs, Me -si - ah Is King; Je- j^ ■•- « _-»--#--#- -0- -0- -»- -0- ■^- -p- -p- -r5>- ^h^^^^mm Saviour Je - sus ru - sa ■ hath hath lem 1— ris - en and man can-not die, ris - en and ni.iu can-not die, triumphs, Mes-si - ah is King, • — » — • -J- 1 1 f- 4:^ nd man can not die. And man can-not die, Mes - si - ah is King t ! » and man and man Mes - si - 4 can - not die. can - not die. ah is King. • fi ») f ^ 78 Words by Rev. H. BONAB. Lively. 1 -V 1 p v-^ )•«, s 1 , _ L. MARSHALL. 1. These are the crowns that we shall wear When all the saints are crowned. 2. These are the robes unsolled and white Which we shall then put on, 3. That is the cit - y of the saints Where we so soon shall stand, 4. Come crown and throne,come robe and palm, Burst forth, glad stream of peace, -•- -#- -»- -0- -#- -#- -# -. -» - ^^ — . CnoKus. y-» — F-«-* * — * — * — h These are the palms that When first among the When we shall strip these Come ho-ly cit - y -»-^ -0- -»- --» - -# - "EE5EEif^*~*=53E m 8 — \.-0 — T — ^ € — I — 0—_ — — 1—0 — J — 0--0^ — • — JZ_I — »_5_^__j_L we shall bear On yon-der ho - ly sons of light We sit on yon - der des - ert tents. And quit this des - ert of the Lamb, Rise, Sun of Righteous -0 0- -0- -0- ground, throne. land. ness. Then wel-come toil and care and pain, -^ — I — t_i^ — 1 i:-=*EFEEEK* •_ .:— t: And welcome sorrow too; All toil is rest, all grief is gain, With such a prize in view. -0-~0 0- s^r-m -0-0- -0- -0 0-0- -0- -0- , ±.:^t±0^-z:rr~»'l±z==xiz±^^^ L. MARSHALL A lleqro. ^ I (HYMN FOR EASTKR.) 79 L. MARSHALL. ^4— iis^-ii^— <* — j-I-* — * — * — ?^1"?^~?^ — I — rH — I — l-F-^-r-*'-* — i\ 1. Je - sus Christ, our pre- cious Sa - viour. Now is ris - en from the dead, lie will keep us 2. Siiifj with joy tlie song of Mo - ses. Sing and bless the Saviour's name, 'Tis on him all 3. Kv - cr bless - ed be the Fath - cr. For the gift of his dear Son, Who is risen, a Fine. -Lr- I • -0- -»- -6^\ty-0- -•- • • I I from all dan - per. He for us his blood hath shod. Sine to him im - mor - tal prais - es, hope re - pos ■ es. Let us shout a- loud his fame. Christ our Lord, for - ev - er ble£S-ed, migh - ty Sa - viour. To re - deem a world un - done. _' \ ' . : ' ~0- -0- -■*- For the joy his niercv biings; He is with us thro' all a - ges, And to him the aii-thcm rings. Who was born in beth-Ie - hem. On his Falh-er's throne now seat - ed, Of-ferinn grace to sin - ful men. I -*-0 « -• • • ^- S* • ?- . J J . -• *Y.0'*-*-*- \im -— 1 0-0 — — f_l , 1 ffp 1 #-i— * • • ^-— ,— &• 1 V*-^-0 _ <*— I- 80 f uicdish Pother's ftjimtt. L. MAESHALL. Lively hut not too fast. -_- J^-^ * ' ..... ... ^ And she From the — r-# # — :i>— t-i> 1/— 1 There sit - teth a dove so white and fair, All on the lil - y 1; And back she comes from heav - en's gate, And brrngs that dove so spray, mild, §i^^ :=t:=t:: :^-=^=-.=tzt: -W # — ^ — r-r — I — 9 s (f=j=8it 3E1=S=-^1=: Je - hears sus Christ The her speali, A lit i bless tie on chil (Iren ery prav: child. — ^-^-r — p-i^ — I"" — # — •_,_•_,— t—* 1_^ * — »— T — * -^ *--| i,« or.ro«H<. her friend - Iv wings, And to heav - en's Rate had Light - ly f.^ff ^P"'"^' 7 pi . ous prayer It hears what-ev - er you Then, children, lift up a pi ^ v i i ^ . -J- -»- z?z-=t:,_# •__^_,_^-=!?- sped, say, And That _>— /— L SEt$^ <§ivc(U$h ijilothcv'is c^oug. Concluded 81 -— !>• <-i^ l^— . ;j^— — -^^ n 1 1 -1^ — -1^ — >-i^ ^T^ IT un - to heav - en the Father dove in so lieaven white she bears The praj-ers which tlie children have said, and fair, All on the li - ly spray. ^-^— #—- , ____ r* F f 1 1 a= =« F F , -F 1 F F F i t-F-- F ,-, '^- ^ f f * » ^ — v ~r~ ;/ . — - J :;; »— F -»— [-- » — m — » — b ^^ — b -t-»- — *— H Jhe 3lJ($untctiott. Christian ITymtia. LivAy -^fE^5E?^E5^i^ — ^— *— *-# DRANOEL. 1. Sweet 8pi - ces they broiif;ht on their star-lif;ht-ed way, 2. The stone is removed, and the Saviour is gone 3. May Christ now ap-pear, as to Ma - rv he came And came O hail, And fill I ■ to ye ev - the grave by the dawninp of day; dig - ci-ples,thi9 bright Sabbath morn; 'ry bo - som with pi - e - ty's flame. s s s s s s " Itiit who will the stone from the sep - ul - chre roll?' Lift, lift your i;lad voic-es in triumph on hifrh; Then heaven's bright glo-ries we soon shall ob-tain, Thej' said, as the Your Master has Nor Sabbaths so — •— tear from their weeping eyes stole. ris - en, and ye shall hot die. peaceful be use-less and vain. jl — * — c — Z — « — •- -_ m — » •_ ^^ «. I ZZ^lt ^ ^ ^ ^ C- 1-^ ^ > fL-tZT-X^ ^_ -• 0. -0 0^ m 82 S^he c^nbbatlt ^dtaot,' Livelfi. W. B. BRADBURY. T N S s-i~0- y — « — 0- i—0 e 0-1 -B. * • ^ — L Sab-bath School's a place of prayer, I love to meet my teach-ers there, T love to meet my God's own book we're tauf;ht to read How Christ tor sin-ners groaned and bled, How Christ for sinners Sab-bath School we sing and pray, And learn to love the Sab-bath da}', And learn to love the when our daj's on earth are o'er, We'll meet in lieaven to part no more, We'll meet in heaven to --]— J- — I — (- — :— T — ^ ^^— - j- — ^^'— --^T-:^ — I ^ — kt— N — N — »< — rri-^— ^»^f-j— F^-T -» — >— #— M -*— ^-S — *-| -g— »— ? — ^4-$— : teach - ers there; groaned and bled: Sab - bath daj', part no more; -0- They teach me there that ev - 'ry one May find in heaven a hap - py That pre - cious blood a ran-soni gave, Kor sin - ful man his soul to That when on earth our Sabbaths end, A glo-rious rest in heaven we'll Our teach - ers kind we there shall greet. And oh, what joy 'twill be to :^:z^===t=;3rizf=t:={=c==ci=:c==r={i=^==:i=^=Jic====i:=iciB=^i -Z 1 1 C J 1 ^ / ^ 1/-- 1-;^ ^ 1/ /--J— ^ y ^ »'-l-^ ^- Boys. All. — s-i — I 1—, r r -^ — '!5^~^~r--h— m^ — find in heaven sin - ful man glo - rions rest oh, what joy a hap his soul in heaven 'twill be py to we'll to home, save, spend, meet. -•- I I I In love love love heaven to go, to go, to go, a - hove, I love love love to to to go. EllEiE^i^ In heaven a - bove, -0- -#-• -f o- I I I In ik B; parmlssion. V— L- • . ' 1^ ' ^ What DOW seems dark,in yonder heaven Will prove a theme for song, Will prove a theme for song. a tlieme for song. __ — I — w- — I -F I -» a — ' ^~ r-* ±: i: '—I— 3EE5EEE mm Ilatianal ^v^tt. 85 Solo for either Voice. Allei/ru e mneUoso. p. S. G. Arranged by L. M. »/ ' -- »- -5- -9- -0- ■■*- ' r — *- * -*- * 1. To our country's God we bend, Off 'rinx thanks and love supreme, For our blessings that transcend 2. O'er tiic main by tyrants driven. All may find a ref-uge here. Use the pow'rs that (Jod hassiven, 3. Here the people's choice prevails, Wlion the freest then the best; Whether force or fraud assails, 4. Crowded cities, teeming farms. Days of peace a-roiuid display, Gatb'ring rise, at war's a-larms, 5. God, to thee, whose constant aid Guards the land thy purpose wise Has for no - ble u - ses made. Sage's Full of Time its Mar - tial Grate-ful ^B=^. ff CnoRus. -r plan hope wis - hosts songs or and dom in for po - et's dream, void of fear, will at - test, stern ar - ray. ev - er rise. Wave our flag o'er land and sea, While be - neath its ST»z=::ti §i ^1^ -I 1 — 4~# • i 1- • 1 1 — T — r i±= ^ — r 5 1 — r — r — r ji= z^ m folds T" =r=^E^zF=?=, ?a u - nite Hearts and hands and voi - ces freg, God pre-servo and speed the right. |-^#-?— — # p-l . fe # , • 1 —I , # #-•- , y- ^- B 86 ^howjet^ 0f Riming. " Bles3 me, eren me also." Gen. 27: 34. t. MARSHALL. „ Legato. — HH 1 — =:-^: ~?^.^- 1 ». -H~ ^— :1— — s- T ^ ^N- — 0— -1— F ^-■8— S— —0" —%— — — — 1<— ' U • r J : -A * li It ^ *— * -1 — *- ^'.-.^ 1. Lord, I hear of showers of bless - ing, Thou art scat-terins. full and free, 2. ra.ss lue not, oh gra - Clous Fa - ther. Sin - ful though my heart may he, 3. Pass me not. oh ten - der Sav - iour! Let me love and cling to thee; 4. Pa.ss me not, oh nii£;h - ty Spir - it, Thou canst make the blind to see; 5. Have I long in sin been sleep - ing, Long been slight - ing, griev - mg thee ? 6. Love of God, so pure and changeless. Blood of Christ so rich and free. SJ^-ft— 1^— -#- - 1 ; : s_ - 0. J $L ~~l~ 1 — * — =1= 2 L r -^'^— L_ —>- 5 « •_ J J -0 0— T — * \- J I — — — 0— t ; Showers, the thirst - y Thou might'st curse me, I am long - ing Wit - ness - er of Hast the world my Grace of God, so -i«- -0 :t re - fresh - ing, the rath - er thy fa - vor, sus' nier - it, heart been keep -ing? strong and bound-less. land but for Je -*- Let some drop-pings Let thy mer - cy When thou com - est. Speak the word of Oh for - give, and Mag - ni - fy it J_ -^—1—0 -j r^^ fall on light on me. call for ine. power to me. res - cue me. all in me. me, — Let some drop-pings fall -J — n — on me. ) — i^ — •7—'-' (The 3io\^ of i^avdon/ 87 Written by AUGUSTUS L. IIILLnOUSK-Died near Paris, 1859. 1st & 2(1 Soi>iJAXO. Trio. Moilnato, ^ M. KELLER. tE:^--q=d:-=, --■X- I — I a •— F-7 — -^h— ' •— #-5— • # — {-*# — S-*— 2 -F 1. Trembling before thine 2. Tlie Sa-viour smiles! up 3. Earth halli a joy 4. Ye saw of old "). IJri^lit lior-alds of I.,oiid is tlie souk; But I a - mid Alto. aw - on un-known on cha - th' E - ter - the heaven your clioir ful throne, my soul in heaven, OS rise nal Will, - ly plain shall shine. O New Tlie The A - Is And Lord ! in tides of new-born beauteous broad his sha - ken all your dust my hope tu - peace of pil - lars er - rand with the knowledge sins mult sin of ye clio sha+1 I own, nous roll; forgiven! the skies; ful - til; ral strain; be mine; ±^JX — I— •— *-- d- i—n — s-i — I ili^^lj5^3iiyii Jus - tice and mer - cy His voice pro-claims my Tears of such pure and Ye know where morn ex t)r, throned in floods of And dy - ing ech - oes, Ye P for par - deep - ult - beam float - ou your harps must learn my life don found; de - light, ing springs, - y day, ing far, to hear Con - tend ! O Se - raph - ic Ye an - gels! And eve - niug Syni - pho-nious Draw inu - sic A se - cret / --•*- smile and heal trans - port wings the the nev folds in from chord - er (limined your her droop - ing his pres - ence each cliiiu - ing that mine will * From "Buda of Promise"— by permission; 88 Words by Mrs. ANNIE D. DAKLINc;. 1883. Allegro. ©ur Ztmfx guiltkil, ^tadou^ ©0! li)i;uiL'ATI()N HYMN.) L. MARSHALL. — 1— —*— * — •-— *— r— *-J :tJ=rli -#- -#. -•- - -m--g- -m- -w- -jr- -,- 1. Our tern - pie build -ed, gra - cious God; Je - sus 2. Here bind tlie bro - Iten heirt - ed; Ileal The cap 3. Here let thy love's wide o - pened ariTi,s Gatli - er 4. All glo - rious Lord! a - rise, and shine! Here let '^-- its cor - ner - stone; tive, fet - tered, sore; the chil - dren in, thy glo - ry be. \~t~ -\z—-_ :t=::=? — i_»_i_l — 3=13^ — flg— I— ,v-#— #Trj— r — — #- 151- - ' • m Ac - cept the gift we Give Zi - on's numrn-ers As he who, bless - ing, Til dark - ness folds her .-4 -ii.~*- aizjz=^=} =^V=g= rg-g- g=g =(E9 ^ig= j. bring to thee, Al - read beau - ty, praise. Till mourn said, of such My king wings of niglit, And all y ing doin thy 'tis thine own. shall be o'er. is, with - in. ris - ing see. I I I I I *, V <^ of •5#- Lord God Hear thou in From shoul - ders Sal - va - tiou - -^ f r Li Is - rael, night and day Let tliy all - see - ing heaven thy pee - pie's needs, The sins confessed, for of our saint - ed dead Let proph - et man - tie let these walls be called; These doors be gates of eye give; fall; praise; I 1 1 — ^^^ ^^ 1 ^^ 1 1 — p — I — ^--«.' ^ -l *- (Dur ^cmpU* ^uiUlcd, 6vi;ciou$i (5otl Coudutkl 89 — ' — ^-r 7— « '— •! ^^ m * — -I ^ ^ 1 1 — r-^ ' — *l ^^ ^^^"T 1 11 I •*— 1 1 Jt—f ^ ^ * — ^ — izzr—t: ^_j_j^_^ 1— s*~ -■•• Be ev - er toward this ho - ly place, The Spir - it hov-'riiig nigh. Thy name is great, thine arm is strong— Here biii tlie slran - gcr live. On him who on our watch-tower stands, Life's pass - ing hours to call. This lit - tli> one, m na - tion strong. Thy stand - aril high to raise. Genlh flowing style. 1. I flv 2. [,et thy 3. Re - move 4. And when ■j N — -] -* <-r — r*^ — ^ 1 1 T"" — *>-i — ^ GEO. E. LEE. to sweet each thj' saints scl sua, tience fish a whose I am; tame my heart, thoupht I feel. con queiing throng Re - ceive So prone And pive Shall come with torn act calm crown. and the wil and tern - and palm, ful percd and Iamb! part; zeal song, __ — J.-0 — p-# 0—1-0 — _,. —0 — — — — m — I — ,—0 g J — f- Hide mo Till to That waits Then I — ^ — -0- wilh - in each cross on God vie - to - lT=f I — ^-1=5— t-^ '— tzt. * From Budi of Promise -by pomiisalon. 90 Words by S. F. CARTER. Al/er/retto \t not Wt^tntx^, L. MARSHALL. ^ Li Alleqretto. 3 « — i — — I — • — g — — *-i_* J — »-_^_s J ^_i_*_^ — tj-i — L way, frieiK], yhk~jr~^ gc uct Weary. CoucUulcd 91 And a thick - er dark - ness frath - ers On the Sweet - er for these strng - gle mo - nicnta Then will Shall dis - pel the mists of sor - row, Dark - 'nin{; If thou faint not, nor grow wea - ry Of the Waits to par - don, waits to Btrength-en, Till arc moim - tain be his life's pe cross thy past the tops a - far. lov - infj smile. ren - nial stream, heart must bear, pearl - y gates. BH^i! ■— p=-*— -0- T— i • T— ^ •— r-i :;z:t: i^mm^ gu the ^oft ^amx of ahy iljouth. the a«e him shall thou earth soft sea - son of thy youth, In na - ar - rive and trem - bling wait Its sum - tliy feur, thy love, thy hope, Thy con (Ic - fiMid and guide thy course Through life's art land - ed on the shore (Jf blest af - fords no love - lier sight Than a -ft « •— r-* ' *— ,— •— r— •- lure's smil - ing mons to the fi - deuce, thy un - cer - tain e - ter - ni re - li - gious #- ■#- •- B L. M Fine. —s>- bloom, tomb, joy. sea, ty. vouth. \. « •ElE'^^I^SE^EjE*: niem - ber thy seek the Lord _; J ;_ Cre - a be - times tor, God, and choose For The J-»-\ -»- -0- -m- «■ — , •- • • , • — , F him thy powers em - path of heaven - ly ' .1 .' J ploy, truth, i 92 f «« df glMg. (DUETT.) Hf Soprano. Andantino. P-bT — ' -^— ^— * ^- tl: :::]=l J. PEIDHAM. w^^mm^^^ 1. Lord of glo - ry, let thy grace 2. While we wan-der here be - low, Al,TO. Lead Let thy church, thy thy light be cho - sen fore us race, SO, f» » — L_^ — ^ L — J m S — ^_.L _fS_ -«'- m :^: -J- -^ -#- -^■ E3^E3=£{Ei As that won-drous Guide us ev - er :ai=3^Ei p: col lest umn led we stray. m\m BEE3^a=~i^dE[E£EEES^=|E3EE;3EEE5EEH3=j=a: « « « 1 -_^ ^ — e L — f , ^ I • :t:: Is - rael through the des - art dread. Heed-less of thy bet - ter way. cres. J: §5^1 —zn^z b— -d: ii -&- pi -± * May be sung as a Chorus, with ladles' roioes. 35 foni of (Slaty. CottcUutd, 93 B^ggsi j ^gg ji -*-i tzzMz Make thy heavenly ways our clioice, In thy love our hearts re-joice; Deiiin to look with pitying eye, Deign to hear the con -trite sigh, p cres. decret. Ho - ly Fath - er, When we lift our S S_ J — ^ g-1 -g € Of — ■• — = *-# — g *-^-* • *=^* — -• *-* *- I— p-[>-^ - our voice. Hear, O hear our suppliant voice, on high. Ho - ly Fath - er, hear our cry. cres, dim. si/m. i 94 Words by DRANOEL, 1876. Lively. -J^ -a--^ ^ j= ieufott fioltt; L. MARSHALL. — f ■ — -- — h, — I HnJ 1 — ?*^— N — 3—- — ^"F^j J'F To a for - eign shore, And the waves dash hish, Wait-ing to re - ceive Waves come dash-ing o'er We will trust in Je All who call up - on U8, SU8, him, §i^-^li t=EtE=f;=FE«=:=*: *~\—0-- •— f— I- q- ■ — •- And the break-ers Who is al - waj-s And in him be ■ n-^ pK I 1 _^a^^ — 1 «- 1 1 1 r- — -*— I— * :E=t:=t:=t: -I— • * — •- -•"t — p-r- m roar; nigh; lieve; As we He will He will look a - hove them, ev - er guide us ev - er lead them In the dark of night, Thro' life's changeful way, In the path of right, .ft_,_# 1 — r—m — F^ = F- — r-»--- — »r-r J — i__l — ^ — I 1> — L_[;:=:!:: — c f Refrain^ ^^ ,. — . , m We be - hold a gleam - ing Of the bea - con light. Bless - ed bea - con 'ighti / ^ We be - hold To those heaven - \y To their home * From the Dulcet— by permiBsion. Beacon ICight C0nctu(k(l 95 -^^-A Bless - ed beacon light, )' We will trust in Je - sus, Bless -ed bea-con light. m _«_^ — F --. -' " F F — I — F-- w--r- ' — ' — 3:==t:=B:=t^==i=finz=i4z»=:'=»i=': :in: HENRY F. LYTE. Andante. iliilp gtbide with iWc, :tb«=:3=:J=:t}*={-'?-3=^^=-=i I L. MARSHAXL. m ^33 —a—i—:i -^ i 1. A - bide witli me; fast falls the e - ven-tiiie, The darkness deepens, Lord, with me a -bide; 2. Swift to its close t'l)bs out life's lit - tie (lay, P^arth's joys grow dim. its glories pass a - way, :5. I need thy pres-ciicc ev - 'ry passing hour; What but thy grace can foil the tempter's power; 4. I fear no foe with tlioe at hand to bless; Ills have no weight and fears no bit - ter-ness; 5. Hold iliou thy cross be-foro my clos-ing eyes; Shine thro' the gloom and point mo to the skies; i6^!E?^=E=i[| -,— «- ;i irt: itiil \^m i mz^tz±z*z=lz=z'^—^r-^zi=j>—lz^\^.zh^z:^=r^ I When oth - er help - ers fall and comforts flee, Help of the helpless. O a-bide with me. I rbang(> ami de - cay in all around I see; O thou wlio cliangcst not, a-bide with me. 1 Who like thy- self my guide and stay may be? Thro' cloud and siinsliine, <) a-bide with me. Where is death's sting, where, grave, thy vic-to-ry? 1 tri-umph still if thou a-bide with me. Ueaven's morning breaks and earth's vain shadows flee; In life, in death, O Lord, a-bide with me. 96 L. MARSHALL. Words fiom Hymns o( Heaven Allegro moderalo. 1. O moth - er dear, Je 2. No pains, no pangs, no 3. With - in thy gates 4. I long to see Je ru - sa-lem, When shall griev - ing grief, No wo noth - ing can come That is ru - sa-lem, The com I I fill not fort 1 — 3: — I — __i — I 1 — , 1 — 1 . — L_, — I — 0_ 0. — \—. — t 9i: When shall No sigh, No spi - For thou my sor no sob, der's web, art fair rows no no and have cry dirt, beau an end, is heard, no dust, ti - ful, Lively. -I mm% 0-\~^ ■0- har - bor lem the Thy joys No well No filth None ill ::^=; of God's saints, cit - y is come a - way, lem, I say -0- -0- O sweet and pleas - ant Of God our King a And end my grief No dark - uess dare and ap soil, lone, plaints, pear. * MuBic trom Sabbath Songa— by permlssiou. fflic Winv 3fmm\m. Cottcludcd. 97 In th«;e no sor - The Lamb of God, T;ike to tliy new Xo night, no shade. row may be found, No grief, the light there - of, Sits there Je - rii - sa - lem, And place No win - ter foul. No time feltl •— »- BEAKARD. „ Mmleriilo. -#- m-rrt: m no care, no up - on his with - in thy doth al - ter -0, _*- -*_ toil, throne, saints, there. w^m :4=::: 1. J? 'mm J. A. sus, the ver - y thought of thee With sweet - ness fills my 2. Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame. Nor can the mem - ory ;3. O, hope of ev - 'ry con - trite he.irt, O, joy of all the £}E£Hg^ 11; breast, find, meek, =t:: 3^3 fr^ glBl ■tS'-^ But A To Tiie r sweet - e*" far thy face sweet - er sound than thy those who fall how kind love of Je - sus, what -4?- -0- to see. And in thy pres - ence rest. blest name, O Sav - lour of m.-in - kind. thou art. How good to those who seek. it is None but his loved ones know. 98 ^tx, t\xt |tattt iisi JaUing, Lively but not too fast. Arranged from the Jureoile Lyre. 1. See, the rain is fall - ing On the mountain side, 2. Now the rain is o - ver, See the paint-ed bow, See, the clouds dis-pens - ing O'er the cloud - y hill - top n_u--^ ft — * ^-T-P • — r-* ^ — • m-.^-» — • m — •_ p fi — ji ^ a — J 1 — I— ^h-^ g — -g • — S- :- — •— ^-« « — « — S^t-*-^ — •-^h Blessings far and wide; All its col - ors show; See the cool - ing show - er Bright-ens ev - 'ry flow - er, God is ev - er faith - ful, Let us all be grate - ful ■ ( *^ P>t-T 1- ' ~' -^ Makes For the the snn-parche«. raiu and m^ iftnd dew, ±1: With And fresh blooms ex - the cloud - less pand. blue. i Words by ReT H. BOXAR. I was a wanderincf 2. The Shep-herd soujjlit his 3. Je - sus my Sliep - hord 4. I was a wandering sheep, 99 sheep, [thecp; Arranged from HAYDN. S ^--8— >=f -^=>— r #^ J~^.^ I did not love the fold: The Va. - Ihcr sought his child; 'Twas he that loved my soul, I would not be con-trolled; I did not love my They fol - lowed me o'er 'Twas he that wash'd me But now I love my tt^ Shep-hcrd's voice, vale and hill, in his blood, Shep-herd"s voice, ire I f- a way -ward me nigh to that sought the a way-ward child, death, lost, child. -\ 1 g »*il-, — I r r- 1 \ 1 »« 1 1 K--^ 1 — did not Inve my home; ished, and faiut, and lone; found the wan - dering sheep, once pre-ferrcd to roam; I They 'Twas But did not love bound mo with he that brought now I love my I'atber's voice, I loved a - far to roam, the bands of love, They saved the wandering one. me to the fidd, 'Tis he that still doth keep, my Father's voice, I love, 1 love his home. 100 }u^ §il0U9 i\u Watchwotd/ With animation. :p=:]=:-:5=ili 1 m Arranged from I N 'Pilgrim Praises,' 1. Pass along the -watchword, soldiers of the Kins;! Thro' your banner'd legions let the war-cry ring; 2. Gird anew your ar - nior, draw the trusty sword! Faithful be each sol -dier, fighting for the Lord; 3. We are marching hoaie-ward with our God to dwell, Soon o'er Zion's camp-ground songs of praise shall swell, iieES lr-5= ?EFrE?*»:?EEfE:^£S=E=F -^ 4- -•_A_#_«_ -f-»-f-J— ^--=P^5— f », s ^-5 — |- 1 — s s-H -N — — I — N s — I s 5 — I — I — J^- — 1^ — p — s i — r 9^ Pass" along the watchword as you onward go! Vic-to-ry, Je - sus Christ, your captain, gives you as you go, Vic-to-ry, There we'll gladly meet him, no more out to go! Vic-to-ry, N ^ - .-0-0- -•-• -•--•- -#- . II. S « . « -<*- -•- r- =f =e:=p:3=E — ^ Chorus. EfEEE^=E^E^=^=3E*EE;Ef VIC - to-ry, vic-to-ry, vie - to-ry, o - ver o - ver o - ver ev-'ry foe! ev-'ry foe! ev-'ry foe! r- Pass along the watchword! Victo-ry! vie - to-ry! , , -^ J— J— — "^ onf pEr=E,^E^EErE^=$Er3EE^3EFEFE?EE^; Pass along the watchword ! Vic - to-ry ! vic-to-ry ! :r=:tEfEFE:f=zJ^^=;=?3 * From *Bud3 of Promise" — by permissior. t :t=!LJi^=t: — >- ^n$^ ^\o\\(\ the ^iVatcIt^rot^l ffiandudctl 101 t^z —ii-4- ■S K — -N — J 1 — I S S — : ^ — —\ — r--^^ s — I S — ^-^ — i N ^ — >» ^ ii-loiij; the watchword! Shout it as you go! 1^ 'Z^i^.^rZ2ZJZ=£Z --L _. Vic - to-ry! -0- \ty vie - to-rv! ver ev 'ry foel -i — r -0 #- V— i^- ~Lr:=i:::rrr=r,z£rt:=p=[:=Sirir*z:ii=>f=ip33 China. Mmlerato, I (SUITABLE FOE FXJNER.\L OCCASIONS. TIMOTHY SWAN. — ?r_ J — I — s. — I — ^ 1 — e,^0 — — L_^( — J — •»_! 1. Why do we 2. Why should we 3. The (graves of 4. Thence he a :pl?^_t=j=^. * mourn de - part - ing friends, Or shake trem - ble to con - vey Their bod all the saints he blest, And soft ■ rose, as - ccnd - ing high, And showed a - larms? the tomb? 'ry bed; the way I 1 I I I I 'Tis but the 'Twas there the Where should the Up to the -s- -t voice that flesh of dy - ing Lord our Je - sua Je - 8US nicm - bcrs souls shall sends lay, rest, fly. To And But At call left with the gill , a. I I ;}= them to a long their dy great ris ■g-0- his per ing ing arms, fume, head? day. : _ ^ r- "-->- -V — h- KJEEEI », — I — -2 p^ — i^ — -i* — ^1 — »-T-;^ — i »(-» — i — 3 ^ — *s ^ — r Fill - ing each our gar - ners With the ripening grain; Fills our hearts with gladness For the summer's rain. Wake we in full cho - rus Songs of joy to-day; For his lov - ing kind-ness Thanks to him we pay. Bow we in sub-mis - sion If he chance to chide, Feel-ing if we love him, God is on our side. Chorus. March we on togeth - er, Spir-its light and free; Raise the star-ry ban - ner For God and lib- er - ty; fr^i< -"/zi^—i^ _t-H — /— H — ;^=F^— t-i^ — >— V — 1/ T — 5-i-h — ;^— H — 5— ^-t ^mt \\\t gunner. Condudel 103 Cast a-way all sad • ness, Striving with our might, Marching on for-ev - er In our nation's right. ^i^ f-'^m^-ti»l :r_s- 9 — •-•—•—•-• — 0.-0 — 0Z-i.-0:-— 0—0-^^—4 — r-#---5 — — i^—i r— F-^ — *'— 5 — »i— 'S'-U © lord, another nlVcch ha^ j*lourn. H. K. WHITE. (COMMKNUING HYMN.) H. N. STONK. -.f^i-=\-X^=i==i0==z-^-\~*,z^^=ziz=n-\-^ S. . I — 0^ _, ^_ — •- J— ' — S-1 #^_* _3__#_.I _^__ _* J 2 — 1 —^^.^-—0 — I. 1 r\ T — I -« „»i. -- i_ 1 a * ., .J -•. ■ _ .1. *..! \. I 1. o 2. And 3. .\nd 4. O -#- Lord wilt Je let an - oth - er thou lend a sus, thou thy thy grace per week has flown, .■\nd list - 'ning ear To smiles wilt deign As form its part, And we, prais - cs in thy bid our \j \j fj T^ J T^ fd ... 'rr — w youth - ful band, low as ours? name we pray; pas • sions cease, ^mm _#_- #_i •_! . — r — ,_i — wz- s i_i_e_ — — J I -*- • -0- -5- -#- -0-' • • -0- met wilt, thou And shed Hiii #_ Si once more for thou didst bless a - broad - 0- -0- 1- 1 be dost the fore love thy throne, to hear fnnt train, 'rv lioart To The And Thine bless song we ev thy fos • tering which meek - ness are weak as er - last - ing hand, pours, they, peace. ___! — 0-1- 1 — ^. — l^yt > — 1 — I Jl 104 Words by CHARLES SWAIN. AVeqro. "Have faith in God" DRANOEL. 1. Let to - inor-row take care of to - morrow, Lpave thinn;s of the 2. Have faith, and thy faith shall sus - tain thee; Per - mit not sns 3. Let to - mor-row take care of to - mor-row, Short and dark a sonr -•- -0~ - -0- -0- __ -0- -0- -•- -0- f u - ture to fate ; pi - cion and care life may ap - pear; 0- -0 0---0~ _ —V— — — —w~ ^ ~w— —w- —m— —m— ~tw~ —m— —w— —w~ —w- -0~ What's the use to an - tic - i - pate sor - row. Life's troubles come nev - er too late. With in - vis - i - ble bonds to en chain thee. But bear what God gives thee to bear. We may make it still dark - er by sor - row, Still short - er by fol - ly and fear. -0- -0 0- -0~ ~0- -0- -0- m . m • _ -'- -*- -•- -*-■ a ~ cj: — — 0--0 — — • — L — -^ — f— +-- — r-Ti'E-i — F-i ^ — i F — i— .Z-^^ >-l-^— — •k' ^ ^ / /-I-^ h •'-^— t--u^ ^ ^ i^ <^ 1^- K Kt — N 1;:;^ -^T- *<-| — -S — "-N *« 1 — 1:=^-) — r -m— m -i gS S '^i *-'-• *Z27* • 5 i= *Zij* If to hope o - ver mucTi be an er - ror, 'Tis one that the wise have pre - Bv his Spir - it sup- port - ed and glad-dened, Be ne'er by fore-bod-ings de - Half our troubles are half our in - ven - tion. And oft- en from blessings con- -•- j{#- -•- _,- _»_ _> ferred, terred, ferred, •- , 0. __» 0- ^ — _<*| , 1- — ^-1 1 — I : — • *-T-| i r I — ^ ^ i^-t->^ — — > — =5=;; — l^t^ — ^_-_#_j-^=±v — ^ — - — p-i-p^—ji—t J 105 And how oft - But think how Have we shrunk — -^-i K K S i H en have hearts been in ter - ror oft - en hearts have been sa(hlcned wild ap - pre - lien-sion the Of By Of that nev - er what nev -er that nev - er oc - curred. oc - curred. oc - curred. M II Allegretto. Arranged from the JuTenile Lyre. All the week we spend. Ev - 'ry clian^ini; scene 2. I^ve - ly is the dawn Loveliest is the morn 3. Teachers, you arc kind, Ixad-iiifi us from sin 4. Sweet-ly fades the liijht Fair- est is the night Full of childish bliss, Brinfrs its hap - pi-ness. Of each ris - int=5=f=|?iEt=t»:qt=t:=i£Eg=:t:l:=t:=t=t3^ the pre- 4}, -U-J-. C5_^ ^ • — #— ^- *-0 — #•« <- • •- 1 9 — <»-^-\ 1 — S -o-** Sabhath School, Yet our joys would not be full, II.id we not the Sabbath School, Had we not the Sabbath Sclinol. Sabbath School, Then our infant hearts are full Of the precious Sabbath School, Of the precious Sahhatli School. Sabbath School, May we all be du - ti - ful In the precious Sabbath School, In the pre-cious .Sabbath School. Sabbath School. Then our hearts with praise are full Of the precious Sabbath School, Of the pre-cious Sabbath School. -#- -0- -0- -0- -- liS] t\\t ^iwmx |loiv i$ CaUittg, 10? L. M. Livehj. 0-0- 1. The •2. How 3. O, L, MARSHALL. iour now is call - inc;. Come, children, follow me; And all who are o- py are those cliil - dren Wlio liear the Saviour's voice, Who walk in ways of z^-?=T:it:=C «t4- | Sav hap lis - ten now _#_ -^_ _f ::it:=C=t: to Je -a- :i-r — r =t= sus, Ac - cept his protfered love, And start up - on your _#_ _#- _#_ _*_ "-^m^^mmm _j__^ be - dient His bless-ed face shall see* Ami in those heavenly man-sions Which he has gone to wis - dom. And in his name re-joice. Who oft -en read and pon - der God's sa-cred book of jour - ney To yon-der home a-bove; He's waiting to be gra-cious. His arms are o - pen _"-,-# r# J- • 0-,-^ 1 r^t 1 — *S "S ' 1 T '^mw^^^^^m^^^^^^ rear, trutli, wide; -o- For - Their O, ev - er dwell those chil • dren Who love and serve him here, on - ly guide to lieav - en, O hap - py Christian youth. let them close a - round you, And press you to his side. _*_ -*- -*- -•- -(fi- It: -X- -0 - -X-- -«'- -0—t — • r — s * a r -„ 110 \$xc ^xx^hif \\m ^\oxm$ i$ i\\t ^i^ht Words by L. M. Allegro, (SINNERS TURNING TO CHRIST.) L. MARSHALL. a_^_«-i_i 0-0 — 1-0 — ^ — ^_j_^_«j — 0-0 — — i!^_«j_^ — L — gj^0-^ 1*_, — §L«s& How bright, bow glorious is tbe sight, When sinners turn tlieir feet, 'Tis then we've passed from toil and care, And all that here an - noy, And bow with rev'rence And to that land so -t-^—r* — *-J^r — '—- 1-^ — r-^ — r**— T .4 -^.-J^. S *— #— L-i — :]^ # p^-^-f ^z*z%-i •-*-i • ijr J iiji* :--«^-* #-5—*=^ and de-light bright and fair *IM Be - fore the mer - cy seat. Our hearts leap forth for joy. -•l-J UL God hears their prayers of faith and love, And in those mansions we shall meet ^zz Hi 'mm — #^-_ — _^ it: ii #-* ' — -^-».^-» — •-'-& — ' -3-*-'-#-^##-«-#-^# — z\-0 — •-, — ,— 1-, 1- — 0-0 J-0 — • i-^ — jj For - giv -eth all their sins, And guides them to bis throne above. And peace and comfort brings. Friend.s who have gone before; There they will a glad welcome greet When we approach the sh ire. S*s^ -0-i** ' -0- I \ m ^ I li<*l -0 -a- I •«. ,_u_#_ - f. ^ 0^Z0-.a} -0 *^0-J,i-0 J J^0^^ z^~^:uiz»z_0_^_0 — ■i?p0Zz]iizzzz0--fz*z=z.^l:-^-[^^^ my sihouUl bloomy Jhought^ ^xm? HI Dr. TH. HASTINGS. i^ 1 -♦<-r 1. Why should gloomy thouphts a-rise, 2. Still o'crwholmed with floods of <:rief, 3. He that for thy soul hath died, And dark-ness fill the And filled with sore dis In - vites thee now to mind? Why that bo - son may; Look-ing downward come; He the law hath t^-,^ heave with si!?hs, And still no ref - uge find; for re-lief/ With-out one cheer-ing ray. sat - is-fied, And can re - verse thy doom. f Know'st thou not of Gil - ead's balm, Lift thy streaming eyes to heaven. He hath suf-fered grief and shame; h^ — I: s/rX-^ ^^^ J^^-9,=i^^ 1 ' ^^ -^ 1- ' «- S_ .: J^-! — -'^,--1 — -4— r— l===--J^r— I «.-:; St— ' — -»«— |— r — ' ii the great Pliysi - clan re the great atonement hath shed his precious there, see; blood, 5 »- h Who can ev-'ry fear disarm, And save thee from des-pair? All thy sins shall be forgiven, Be-lieve, and thou art free. O be-lieve in Jesus' name, And thou hast peace with God. ^. _«._#_ -^ ^ ^ ^ _#- -» - -0- ^ht=U: :v=:3= iiSi 112 §emcmkr the f aor.* J. C. PROCTOR. L. MARSHALL. I ^^^, S:iftii-o — N-T--^ — ^ — ^T — »«--N — H-N-NT--h--N — ^t-J — L'""^:^"J^J — *'""*' — Ni — n — S — >»t — *< — *<— ^^ir:; — r - member the poor, for when Christ was on earth - member the poor, were the words of our Lord, - member the poor, yes, we'll re- member the poor, His home was with those who were lowly in birtli ; And in kindness and love with joy we'll ac-iord. For wliat would we do if now pov - crty's door S N S In ac - cents of mer - cy ne'er heard here be-fore, He bade all who love him re-mein ■ ber the poor. For oft in the homes of the poor do we find The rich - e? of faith and a heart all resigned. Should close right before us and dark - en our day, With noth-iiif; to cheer us of hope's joy-ous ray. mM^mmmmm^^m^mm:^ Yes yes, blest Re-dcem-er, we'll keep thy com-mand, And help thy poor children with boun - ti - The iove of the Sav-iour no cir-cumstance knows. To rich and to poor the same mer-cy We'll go on our er-rands of mer - cy and love. To bear the sweet message of hope from -#- -0- \ ~ ifr -tz ~f~ z!r n -«: z^. j^. ♦ From Sabbath Songs— by permission. ful hand. he shows. a-bove. u_^jt^^«_4:::-rtz ip:_^ — ^-t-* — S — *-t-*— *-i^— r^ — F— l=-r=^— *-*-t-« — J — • ^cmrmbfv tlic Toox. ffonduttcd 113 Refrain. .. a IIEKKAIN. pri,^fpiii.^ii3i.i^i^|i^p We'll cheerful - iy give of our basket and store, For thou hast commanded, Remem-ber the poor. EncUah Baptist CnUectioD, Alltgro moder m\ht,^m\x\^ot^mtl DBA NOEL. #— #- ' -(C 0- 1 -(5-- « »-^-G> — ■— # — •- 1 -«» 0->^-^ 0-^ «<— *- 1. Wake, parents of Is - rael, O has - ten to plead 2. Let pure clouds of in - cense be waft ed to heaven, 3. F'roui tlie youth of our country shall ar-mies a- rise, 4. Wake, parents of Is - rael, O wres - tie and pray For the Spir - it of grace to descend ; From all hearts u - nit - ed in one; The pos - pel of peace to proclaim; That grace to our youths may be given; ^zrz{=zfriit: C: — f-i-* :lit: 3:: ._^,_J_4 9 0—i—G> — g— J-i-«> — 0~0-^a—^0-~Y^e?—*-~0—0--a> — — 0-^-0 — -^ ' i_-i:_3i The word has pone forth, and the faithful have need Of mir prayers the f;reat cause to de - fend. That wis - doni and (;raie to our youth may l)e fjiven, .\nd strength for the race they must run. O'er the land and the seas the glad message that tlies, Shall re-ecli - o Iin man - u - el's name. For the hands that in faith are up-lift-ed to-dav, Shall prevail with our I'a-ther in heaven. -0 •■ 114 e. a. barnes. Duet. hmt ^e iht ^0tA. §i(r. 1, Chorus. DCET. -# #- • -^--#- • I • b/ -0 0- ' -^ 0^ ' J. H Chorus. TENNEY s -_^_ -#-. "• r 9 — *- -P — -A — -0 — •- 1. With hearts and with voices, Praise ye the Lord! With love that re - joic - es, Praise ye the Lord! Be- 2. For grace that in - vites us, Praise ye the Lord! For love that u - niles us. Praise ye the Lord! He 3. For hope in his kindnesB, Praise ye the Lord! For light in our t«lindness. Praise ye the Lord! His -^— •—•-"? T - _ r -* — F— h- r- " ^m Semi-Chorus. Chorus. '- 8 B — •_• € — *-!-# •-■ 1-* #-I Sl—l cause he hath told us His arm shall up-hold us; Come, join in our cho - rus, and "Praise ye the Lord!" gr.ints U8 his fa - vor Tliro' Christ as our Sav-iour; Then join in our cho- rus, and "Praise ye the Lord!" ways are be-fore us. His mer - cy is o'er us; Oh, join in our cho - rus, and "Praise ve the Lord!'' =— tt-Ji— # — -0—0—0 0—0-T-0 • f-T a -a m • * #-r-^ •--?--* — (S_. Chorus. Praise him! Praise him! Praise ye the Lord! Praise him! Praise him ! Praise ye the Lord! We'll x,_u_Ji_«_^ r— r-» #-•— » g*— r-» » ^ —*- 0- 9:ffe=E^E^EEEES^EfE£E5=EEfiE=E^F=rE Iff ^ 1=^ ft—^ A ii ^ — f«— t-it « 1 II III 5E: I * — V 3?tai$f Mt the lonl Coudutlcd, 115 sing of his glo - ry, his wis - dom and love, While prais-ing the name of the Lord. -^— if: tn 5- -► -0-0 0- -0- # _-1 ; 0-0 1 1- -t-'-i -I -| _ ^ . 118 FANNY CROSBY. icm Witt mvt fott fcst.* JNO. R. SWENEY. -9-3 - |— I N N — i -*> Ni-;j 1) H ■ ■■ ! — ^ — -4 s s 1- *5--*^— p — i^T-* — • — - — • — • — 0-\-0 — — — <5>—A—^ — a — — — ^ ^ — J_ I_, ^ — ^ — ^ .1 1_^ ( Will you come*, will you come, with your poor broken heart, ) Lay it down at the feet of your Saviour and Lord, j Will you come, will you come? there is mer - cy for you, ( On - ly come, as you are, and be-lieve on his name, \ VVill you come, will you come? you have noth-ing to pay; I By his death on the cross purchased life for your soul, ( VVill you come, will you come? how he pleads with you now, I And what-ev - er your sin or your sor - row may be, Burdened and sin op Balm for your ach - ing Je - BUS, who loves you Fly to his lov - Ing '-»-'-(f--~0 — ^ pressed? breast, best, breast ; 4f By permission. 3rn the §y and ^y/ no Adagio. H. MILLARD. 3^_*_ #_#-u_^ »_ I _, -I — I 1 1. \Vc shall inopt 'in the 2. We shnll meet in the 3. We shall meet in the by and liy, by ami by. by and by By and by, By and by, By and by, s s_ -j -.- g — -* — F~' *« — ^'" ** — — ^ -•- -#-:-#- -#-|;i I End with AUduia, i /J.C. I ^i^i^i^ , I • 3 I How our spirits long to go Up to that golden shore. O the love beyond compare, Up in that liomc so dear. Then we'll see the Saviour's smile, After our victory's wod. U From the Cbaplet-by DcrmisAioD. 120 Words by Miss H. A. BARNES. With aniiiiation, ,^ k. pxwM §tm ^om ^mnm. L. MARSHALL. 1. Forward bear j'our ban-ners, Strivinpc with your might, Wave them high a - bove you, For God's holy right. 2. Kiiidiipss do to all men, Help-ing the distressed, Lead the sad and lone ly To the Saviom's breast; 3. Onward bear your ban-ners, O - ver land and sea, Spread the truths of Je - sus, Of love and chari-ty; -I ! — •H * »-, -J— J-cJ~^— cJ' 4— rJ- -j._j_ Press-ing on for - ev - er Wand'rers ev • er guid-ing Ho - li - ness of purpose In the Christian strife, Lov- ing, serv-ing ev - er Him who gave his life. From the sin - ful way, Help them by thy kindness From all sin to stray. Be j'our bigh-est aim, Lov - ing, serv-ing ev - er His most ho - Iv name. c:i-.-U-S;3_,--5 i^C. — ^^0 a-l—0—0 — p-Cg f^ 0—m — prcj^ — 5 p-__-^_S — gir^ — f Chorus. n N hrfi=^:==:^z^U--'^z^l:\^z0ziz^~^ ners. Sing with loud acclaim, Joy - ful prais - es ev - er To Jehovah's name. S ^0'*-d'*- ^ m . m -0- -^- ~0-. _ -#- ^ Wave on high your ban-ners. Sing with loud acclaim, Joy - ful prais - es ev B:r|2=f=3t=rtit:?^^=?--?:f?=r=r=^ft:r^E'=±-'---=^ gclitjhtful i$ the ^aviouv'isi W\tt 121 Words by L. M. Allefjro. j-^ ^^ p,^ j^ _j^ (CHRIST PRECIOUS.) ,-_5i_-.^X_^_^-, L. MARSHALL. 1. De - lii;ht-ful is the Saviour's voice, 'Tis com - fort to my soul, 2. The storm-v winds their fu - ry cease, If Christ his face doth shmv, 3. From ago to age he clianges uot, His grace re - mains the same, 'Tis All And niu - sic sweet and tliev that put their we, a - las, for- *-# — ^- T-0-: -#—,-# — 1 — -* — # — * — f- Sitzi=frtiif3_-»3=»=:»=t=:t: joy com-plete, trust in him get his love, And love be Shall all his Tlic glo - ry yond con "glo - ry of his trol. know, name. In him a - lone is When bil-lows swell and life and thun-ders peace, roar. 5^1^ ■p wm p-. In him is all my hope; He calms then; by his word ; He is a light my feet to guide. And ea - .sy is his yoke. The heaving o - cean he doth (juell, At his com-manding "nod. 122 §xt& fox pt Rev. WILLIAM A. SMITH. L. B. MARSHALL. Whene'er It was And now my for from ^ > ^ . Whene'er my heart It was for me And now from sin heart me sin with sad-ness fills, he suf-fered long, and Satan's power, with sad-ness fills, And darkness he suf-fered long Provoked by and Sa- tan's power How blest to ^m -f^^-- 1/ > r Whene'er my heart It was for me And now from sin It: with sad-ness fills, be suf-fered long, and Satan's power, •^-•fcb: And darkness all Provoked by scribe How blest to feel all around I scribe and Phar-i feel that I am ~0~ around I see; and Phar - i-see; that I am free; see ; A voice with-in my na-ture see ; Surrounded by the mocking A voice within, Surrounded by O, may I ne'er O, may ne'er for - get that And darkness all Provoked by scribe How blest to feel • 1/ around I see; and Phar - i-see; that I am free; r ^^^ ^-^ A voice within, Surrounded by O, may I ne'er 123 Xu dHicd fov iUc» CoucUtdcd. m thrills, throng, hour. . . my na - turc tlirills, the mocking throng, for - get that hour, And tells me I'p - on the When Jesus — z 5_ And tells me Jesus, Up - on the Cross When Je-su3 groaneil Je - - - - sus died Cross lie died groaned ami died for for for -? — >r=:t:=;i=t:-c: my iia - ture thrills, the mockinc throng, for- get that hour, ClIOKUS. * — K) va - ry, O, And tells me Jesus, Up - on the Cross When Je-sus groaned lie died for me. He died for nie. and died for me. me me me He died for me. He died for me. and died for me. O, Cal - va - ry, O, Cal - va - ry, Be - neath Thy Cross I fain would be; O. u Cal - va - ry, O, Cal - va - ry, Couie, bless - ed Je - sns, d well in -^zzizzffT^^: #-• -^- -, »- P# — T — s— T— 5» ^ r — f— ■ • ■ zt:r_=tz_ -r. ill 124 mn fou iomer CARRIE M. WILSON. JNO, R. SWENET. :=zfziz^=^t 1. There's a messai^e from the Lord, — will you come? Hear It sounding from his word, — will you come? 2. He has tar-ried long for you, will you come? See his locks are wet with dew: will you come? 3. Will you heed the Saviour's call? will you come? To the feast prepared for all, will you come? - + - - - _i* — fi. .0 — — 0- -4-,-.^- Chorus. ^ ft- 1 1 _| 1 -0 0^1.0 ^ 0_ 1 _^__L_^ ^_1_ Who-so - ev - er on his name will be - lii-ve Life e-ter - nal shall from him re-ceive. He is He a - lone your ma-ny sins can for-o'ive; Will you look to him hy faith and live? You will find him at the Cross, waiting there. With the garment that your soul must wear. -0 *- J- 0- \ \ ^:±-0—^Jz0Zziiz=z^0-^i—^z::^ltz=:r:h^±=:fzt—^^^^^ '■;il2=-i5zj!^::?^:izs- calling you to-day— will you come? To the on-ly liv-ing way— will you come? Will you will you come ? will you come i Y^—'^-\y~0 • — — * — 9 — #-K| ^ — I — \-^. — I — Y0 — — • • •-I-I — 1-, — I -^-h ^ yt J * By pennissiou. m\\ ^ou (^0 ? Cauclutlfd 125 ^,->- J 0-1 y,-t -j- -0 0- ' S# 0- •^^tt ,__^_J^_4 t -I - f — I 1 1 - n^^iai plunge beneath the flood of his all - a-ton-ing blood? Will you be a child of God? Will you come? *^^Ji0-0 r ~ r— ?=, , z*z,::»zj:fz^^z_^0 0—^—0— 0—0 •_• .-^ Sz^S >^^- Wor.^ -•- -. Zlz Ztz If I ,S ^N - - - -•• -^- -0- .0- r\-_u . t W\-0 • • «-T-^-nT* — 0C0 • * — •-T-1 • f-* — *0\-0- — • • — 0-T' rr 126 \t\^mt\ i\xt pvct SMITH. L. B. MARSHALL. — S ST ; -», ^> - 3 -•- i-^ i •- ^ i -I iiilligi^ t|{?iEP^--=^ '* ^#-'-#- g^- -*-,-#- ' • - -0- -0- e - ter-nal shore, We shall meet no more to i- There's a land beyond the river; On that bright, There's a home prepared all glorious, By the loving Saviour's hand; Where the saints shall reign vie- There we'll float our spotless banner, And the welkin round shall ring. With the shouts of glad ho- There we'll wear our crowns immortal. And our joy shall be complete; There we'll strike our harps e- . .. . ^ r-^—. i 3-B-r-- 1 r .. ■ g-T-g-| g— 5-3-#- i -— --. .. . -t^t-h—. "s — =-r H_i_# — s — 1.-0-^.0-1 f;__^_i_j c_;»_-_j._i_*_±__^_ — ^ j__[; U 9 I -T- Choeus. sev - er, When the toil to - rious, In the bright san - na, To the great ter-nal, Sit - ting at of life is o'er, ce - les - tial land, e - ter - nal King, the Saviour's feet. By 1/ and by; O, haste the moment; By and _•-._=?: -n- by; no more we'll roam, When we hear the voice of Je - sus, Bidding us a welcome home. T2-*_ _<2- -*- -f-3 -m. -.0-^-W P'- . ■ s' I \ M -m---0- _ . -^ w-^ -0- gj __1 ^ l_I_pi_ J_, .__,_I_i_J p 1 ^i _# L_^ ^-^-f^ ^ 1- l^_I_^-3 J 8. F. SMITH. With aninuttinn. (Ottward ^\)m\ thy Conqueviug ^\\^\\\. 127 (MISSIONARY HYMN.) Ik MARSHALL. -z=^z 1. On-ward speed thy conquerin;? flight, An - gel, on - ward 2. On-ward speed thy confiueriii;; flight, An -gel, on-ward 3. On-ward speed tliy coiic|iie:iiii; ni;,'ht. An - gel, on - ward 4. On-ward speed thy conquering Uight, An - gel, on - ward speed ; haste; fly; speed; Cast ahroad thy Quick - ly on each Long has been the Morn - ing bursts up - ra - diant mountain' reign of on our light, s heigh night; sight, Hid the shades re t Be thy standard Bring the morning 'Tis the time de - cede; placed ; nigh ; - creed ; Tread the i - dols in the dust, Heathen fanes Let thy blissful tidings tloat Far o'er vale 'Tis to thee the heathen lift Their ini-plor Je - sus now his kingdom takes, Thrones and e des - and ■ ing mpires ^Sl E5 m -(2- 9^t troy, hill, wail ; fall, ■<9- ' — t - e > • Spread Till Bear And the gos - pel's the sweet - ly them Ileav - en's the joy - ous ho - ly trust, Spread the gos - pel's echo - ing note Eve - ry ho - soin ho - ly gift Ere their cour - age song a - wakes, "God is all lii ^ ^ ■»- rrf: -I 1 — joy. thrill. fail. all.' i 128 ^nbbatlt 3i\b, IVot too fast. Ech* HARRISON MILLARD.* 1. Sabbath hells, so sweet-ly call-ing, 2. Sabbatli bells, ring on for - ev - er, S! ^- An -gel voi-ces in the Ech- o all the earth a air, round ; :tz: i3= :i=t=^z=U 3^i Echo ^BE^t^ "£=^ -^-t=i- — N- m How your ech - oes,soft - ly fall-ing, Dark the world if we should nev-er ^fe^E i^^Ut.^=^t^^^^^^. ^ -V- lt=t^ Win the heart to praise and prayer. Hear your bright and soothing sound. ^t=t=:t=^ .4 little slower. ^^^ - I Eve - ry week - ly toil and du - ty Your sweet mel-o - dies re-pay, For in bright and O, ye seem, to wea - ry mor-tals, Heavenly mu -sic far a -way, Ech - oed thro' the # f x-r-g g z \-^^ -. ^-f:.-^--^-^—^-.^^ , ^_ ii.^EE=S: :t =8- :t=: =g--=t: T" T" j— » — • — • — • — b r—\ — r # From the Cbaplet— by peruiission, Sabbath gclb. Concluded. 129 P =1S!5::^- £^ r 7^ CnoKUS. Tempo prima. ^^^ii^^^ iTv f \ ' r r ^ II u lov - ing beau - ty Earth seems nearer Heaven to - day. Sab-bath bells so sweet-ly call - ing, gold - en per - tals An - gels leave a - jar to - day. 9^^f-f-pzj ;^E^ - r T r T -a- ■f J- if T ^^ H4=P=i ^ Echo. ~IZ. -=>- ^ ^ ^ ^^ An - pel vol - ces in the air, How your ech-oes, soft - ly fall - ing, . . I N . . . . An - gel vol - ces in the air, uow your ecn-oes, sott - iy laii ■ ^ Echo. -Ra''- Echo. ■"""• /?> - V V I -m- -w- \ , ~ ~ ^~ - .<5,t Win cor hearts to rest and prayer, To rest and prayer.To rest and prayer. 130 Wh ^mti f t0VH 0f ®\L Words by Mrs. LUKE. Not too fast. Sir WTLLIAM DAVEWANT. — a_,;_*J__,_ — 1,_0 ^ ^__^_I_^ ^ ^ #— L-# 1 1. I think when I read that sweet sto-ry of old, When 2. Yet still to his footstool in prayer I may go, And 3. But thousands and tliousands who wander and fall, Nev - E^^= Je - sxis was here among men, ask for a share in his love, er heard of that heavenly home. SSI s s s •-N St "< "^T — N ^^ — J^ — S — f-:> — Sr — ^ — r S t r *-v-^-i-#-- — % — « — « — — #-i-# — « — — « — •— # — #-J— # — m-i—*j — S-^-*-T-.» — •- m How he called lit-tle children as lambs to his fold. And if I now ear - uest-ly seek him be - low, I should like them to know there's room for them all, S: u =^^ I should like to have been with them then. I shall see him and hear him a - bove. And that Je-sus has bid them to come. 3=^EtEfe^EfEt:Ei=fEEf_l^Ef.=lEfelEt 0—^-0—0^-^0-, ^ J-T-2*— #~ *Zij* I wish that his hands had been placed on my head, That his arm had been thrown around me, In that beau-ti - f ul place he has gone to prepare. For all that are washed and for - given, I long for the joy of that glo - ri - ous time.The sweetest,and brightest,and best. t> ^ 5ri)c , ''-•—r-0 #-T-# # * *— •■ But the gentle Saviour their foolish zeal removed. To his arms he gathered the lit-tle ones he loved. But the Lord rebuked them, and sent them happy home. Learned ones may cavil, and die at last unblest, Lit-tle ones will nes-tle close to the Saviour's breast. May we sliare the blessings to the little children given, And a-bun-dant entrance where reigns the King of heaven. ^^ »3pIZ=J»=p_ -Vz-h 1/ 1^ > Chobus. Xrr -N — I — ■ — I S s — I S ^i — i :^-*- un - to me, Do not forbid those who seek my face to see, lEi 55^ =*--->; 33= i # From "Songs of Filgiimage "— b; pennisgioQ. 0f jiuch i$ the ^liugdom. CondmUd. 133 S N -0-- — — #— — Snf - fer lit tie 3^ cbil-dren to come 5>3E un to me, — »- For the kingdom of heaven. ^I -E :;iz=:^_$ --[ -It-- — ^ — pr ^^- L. M. She pilgrim. Words hv H. L. L. „ With animation. -^- .-H» ^--fSi- 1. Thou innst go forward, pilgrim, Right up the hill; The path is straight hcfore thee, Right onward still; 2. Thou must go forward, pilgiiin. Turn not a-side; Try not the tempting byways Others have trod; 3. Tliou must go forward, pilgrim. Yet lin-ger, stay One moment at the fountain, ITere by the way; 4. Thou must go forward, Christian, O'er many a hill ; Yet shrink not from the prospect, Press onward still; ^ if:-«- -•_ _*_ _«_ _•_ _«_ _#._«.. if:-*-. _*_ _« — •_ i*z _*_ ::fc:± -y — * — -r - - f— — Si — St — : 1 1 — 1-1 — s — s — s — s — ^^-^—rit 5 — ^ — By that ascent so rugged, Thy Lord has gone; Tlis people all must follow. Press boldly on. Thoy have but strayed and fallen, To rise no more: True danger lies behind thee. Safe • ty be - fore. The Master on his journey Opened that spring. Refreshment to the weary, And strength to brini Be-6ide each mount of trial. Each toil or pain, The fountain of refreshment Shall flow a - gain. 13 ^Hg^i^^z^jHj B' s 134 "Sih ^0$^tV Spiritoso. t=3E^ -t-JN ^gfi T 1. This wnnd'rous theme I love to since, 2. It calls to ev - 'ry man on earth, 3. Come.trim your lamps and make them bum, And nev /, The gos • You must • cure once from our Christ and King', And praise oh high a sec - ond birth I Prepare while on tie turn Un - til bat ■ the foe Iiis this is pre-ciou8 drear - y driv - en name, sod, far,— In ev To meet Such are I 1 1 U-l_ ■ 'ry land his love proclaim, in joy j'our Christ and God. the rules of Zi - on's war. For - ev - er sing! ex - alt Pro - tcct - ed by God's iir - Thy gra - cious gos • that mor theme, strong, know 1iT can the vil - est soul re-dcem. And comfort to Prepare tq fight 'gainst ev'ry wrong; Why stand ye i VVill give us com-fort here be - low; And will secure -•- -0-' -^ \ ! * - ^ _0 fz '^ the wea - ry lend; die all the day, a last - ing peace -5^ Its Au-thor is the sinner's friend. As Sa-tan's tool for ev - 'ry fray?' Whene'er our pilgrimage shall cease # From Buds of Promise— by permission. -f=Pr :C -+- a ^^*hctt ChiUUttt join in ^in^ing. 135 Allegro moderato. (CHILDREN'S WORSHIP.) MICHAEL HAYDN. WliPii chililrou join in sin;;iii£; The niiirlit-y Sav-ionr's praise, It is on earth be - gin - ning Whi-n chililrt'ii join in Icarniui; Tin- way that leads a - bove. It is a step re-tnrn - inir When cliililren meet in Heaven, That bo - ly, hap - py place, They'll sing of sins for-giv - en m^^^^^^^^ :t± ll^ii^^isi^^^i^ raise; And when they join in praying To him who heareth prayer, love; Anil when their hearts are beating With pen - i-tence with -in, grace; They'll sing the wondrous sto - ry Of Je - sus' dy - ing love. fe l^E :j= bey - ing Who makes a child Ilis treat - Ing From ways of death and glo - ry Will reign with Him a I care, sin. bove. wm^ 136 ;0ud §i0!Siatttta!Si Ui n ^m^t. Words by L. M. tVery bold. 5=' (PEAISE TO GOD.) L. MARSHALL. 1. Loud ho-san-iias let us raise To the King of end-less days; Let us join in cho-ralsong, 2. Praise the Lord on pipes and strings,For the joy his mercy brings; Strike the cymbal, harp and lute, -fi- -/«- -^ti^- :]=t *-^= r ::^zzri^:X »— * — ^-\- 0—^0 — gH- P Prais-es to our God belong. Let the pealing or-gan swell Prais-es to Imman - u - el. In God's praise let none be mute. Praise the Lord who reigns on high, God from all e - ter - ni - ty. -^ -#- ^ ! -*-•_, -^- -^- -fS- -^-' -g-H*- -«- -g- fli^E / J-:-}- 3 — «-.-« — « — 0.-0--0- • • • • , — -I -( fc s — I ■ Let the trumpet join to raise Loudest nolcsof grateful praise. Praise the Lord,praisetheLord,praisethe Lord, praise theLord, God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit, three in one. .-#-- -m. -^-0.-02. :ptr_ ^jfeggElBEgEiE^=::^E£{^ T • I -p-^-»_, M ContluUetr. 137 Coda after 2d verse. O my soul, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,0 praise the Lord most high,Praise ye the Lord most high. '4^ -0- *\ - -f-ZiM #- ^ -0 — ^# ^- J — I — t— I 1 — T-^ 57|=?— r=:^=i:|.=r::ri;iJ=?-r^-»j^:*-*if:r?irt±itni=J=rd5=3^ ^fe - mi Not too fast. rq: Cfjrfst tiotf) lobr mn JJlanticrino Soul. '"—p-j jg '?r-F^ Words and Miulo by L. MARSHALL, pj-, 1. •^=^ Christ (loth love my lie will all my There where saints and an All my bless-ings How Thou (lost cheer and com (live me grace to flee Je - sns, thou art all May I fond - ly cling May I spread thy fame » = a-. wan-dering soul, fears con - trol, gels throng, from thee, fort me, from sin, to nie, to thee, a - broail, On his arm When the storm I would praise No true joys Grace and truth Power to live Joy and peace Blest I{e - deem ■ And through faith - y thee are in a in er sal ' ^^ lEi-ir, f m B will re blast is ev - er else - where thee a - ho - thee of va - Her I man tion ly; I nigh, j more, found, j bound. ) life. find; » kind. J win. :^-=^ ^ ^^i cres. m B.C. ^ Pre-cious Sav • iour, lead Tliou canst make me pure I Just and ho - ly Lamb / _^ _^^ _._ ^ . me with - of on, in, God, - j_,_J_4- Org. -35^- 1; We are marching to the riv - Lov-ing ones will come to meet I er, us £^E 'Tis almost in sight; On the farther shore ; With the loved and hlest for- Gen-tle Toic-es there will -^"^ EA^p it::=i=t=1zt=t r '^i: I — •'•-I ^d — I — I- 9—^- ilzfqr R ^a ev greet er, us. We shall walk in light. And we'll weep no more. -4 -jT^- i — : t- i: L^ We can al - most hear the flow - ing Step by step that shore we're near-ing. I -- ^^ -i^— ^- Of that rush-ing tide; And the Saviour's hand To the land of love we're go - ing, Where our hopes abide. Leads us onward, never fear - ing. To the bet-ter land. ^m^ 53 I l-l j^-gtJ-l-|_J-p j \g> > \,t /-"-I t-l -l^-J v_Lj ^.i. L * From the Chaplat— ty permission. Parchint) to tlic ^mt. €mt\\nUtl 141 / Cuouus. Words by L. M. Andante. (CI.08E OF THE OLD YKAK.) [PKAYEK,] L. HABSHALL, ISti. AnothtT year lias poncDav^, weeks and monttnliave fled. Time waits for none, and we. ere Ion(r.May sleep amont? the dead. TriiMKls ti< nur lu-artsmosi dear Have p.i-^sed from lifr away; Parted, no more, to meet us here.'Till the^jreat gathering day! Kas-'noiied and formed of clay Bv (iod's almighty liands; He calls us when we t;o astrav, And our retunr commands. Then let us raise our eyes To liim in whom we live; The bliss andconifort time denies, The Lord in heaven will give 142 With animation. i jt r^ ^^_ (ANNIVERSARY HYMN.) H. MTLLARD. 1—0 — — 0^1 1 ^0 — — — 0Zi « — a — «_L^ — — ^_] —^-^. II 111 • • -*- • -fS>- 1. Here in love we meet, Comrades fair to greet, While all nature round us With spring-time is sweet; 2. Praise to God on high, While the years go by, He hath kept his children, His praise magni - fy; 3. When these years are o'er, May we meet once more In that home of gladness On yonder bright shore. _ 1*^ LjL'z- _ =^ _ ^ C#_:»=-_ _ -«■= _ _ r-. -ff-4-^ — ^ — '^ — ^- t -f— ^ F -i- — '^ — ^ — ^- l-| — -l-^ — f — f — g-F| — I — ^F| — I — \~i-p Duetto. .— nJ-J- Happy voices sound the sonf;,WhiIe in gladness here we throne:, Joyful pilKrims,jnyfiil pilgrims. We are marching alonff. With our Saviour for our guide. We have wandered side by side, .Joyful pilgrims, joyful pilgrims,Down the valley so wide. Ev - er battling for the right, Serving Jesus with delight. Joyful pilgrims, joyful pilgrims, 'Neath our banner so bright. Accomp. ^ .»r- TT'^ ^^ -^~~~ r^^ J^'_T: ^_^ (L_|t_g. ^zfc==B^^X.t=ftpLttitzzt£.f~.i=Uit:=t^ti=E3^ Chorus. L 0-0-1 1-0 0-0-1 L-0 *-LJ S S^I-# — -0 g-l—^ — J- II* II 111 • • -0- ' -O- Here in love we meet, Comrades fair to greet, While all nature round us With spring-time is sweet. _ '^' "^lAz-- - Z^- -IT' 0^---0- ~'^~ -0- ♦ From the Cbaplet— by permission. ^\m in ^orc ^IVc ^Xut €ont\\\M. 143 ip^ Glo- ry, Al - le - lu - ia, Glo - ry, Al - le - lu-ia, Pilgrims, joyful pilgrims, we're marching along. Z\m\\^\x the guy fhy ^oie hath spared ^iss. KELLY. Larqetlo. (A.\ EVENING OFFEKING.) li. MARSHALL. F.rw. i!ip^if^^fi^i;fpfi^l 1. Through the day Fa - tlier, thou 2. Pi! - sriras here And when life's short day thy love hath spared us, Now we lay our guard-ian be, Sweet it is on earth and stran-gers. Dwell - ing in past. Rest with thee us down to to trust in the midst of in heaven at rest; thee, foes, last. c^^- i4E3^3Ey safe^E m-^i^^^^B K D.C. — *-= — #— r— j^:- — ^ — •—'--* — —0 — 5-. — #— 1— #-.= * • — -V- 1 — -j- -^ 4-=^ Thro' the Us and si ours lent watch - es guard us. Let no foe pre-serve from dan - gers. In thine arms our peace mo - lest; let us re - pose; ^««3 t— iii 144 '^Jxt (Sternal cf ang. EeT. WILLIAM A. SMITH. „ With enlhnsiasm. 1 ...^ r d. r -| — N-| — ►^ K- L. B . MARSHALL. 1. I k 2. I k 3. I k 4. Deal now I now that now that • Fa-ther, r-« J— — «— — #- am I've I ac- —4- •— wick wan- yield cept — n- — ^» — S- - ed and dered from to the my de - -#-v — *- sin - fnl, du - ty, tempt - er, vo - tions. - -* 5 •— By na - ture And done what And fail from And help me - -m 1 1 1 a child I should his pres - my bur - -#- -#- — 1 1 — — m — un not ence dens -J- -S-f-S-- - to sin, have done, to flee, to bear, — 1 — T-fe-T — M — r y-i —^ ^ — 1^ J — ^— — -)• — —^ J ft" ^ C C 1 — 1 1 — — • »— —i— — 1 ^_= — * a ^ - •> / — J /' — — V— _y L r^r- But God in his mercy hath saved me. And cast out the evil within. But in his great love for the erring, He gave up his well-belov'd son. But from his enticing al-lure-ments, My spirit God labors to free. That in thine own home over yonder, The bright crown of life I may wear. . --#.-* -^- .. -i«- -^- -**--*- -^-* -#- JT J Refrain. lyi— ' 1 — r — St — K — N — ^- — ' A — Si — l:=r-|-f — ' — r^—- ~M -T — '~ ^-'-r- I i_:l — \~*- A~M — # — S — S — « — ^+-1 i 1 '-I — F l-^ #— ; 0—\ -» \ -^ * * * S- h»- —»-\^-0-±^ # # 0~ \-» » 0-\^ I'll I'll slug, I'll I • T" I'll sing, sing, ... C C J_> — ^. — 1^ — y — ^ — i^_L 0---0-i- _X.i K,_v— ^-^-1— ,=iP— t 3_| ^-—p 1_| __| !-,_# g ^_^C^_^^_31 I'll slug, '11 sing, I'll sing of bis mercy so free. 0- d d d -* 0- -F- -I m~ - -0- ^ . J I'll sing, I'll slug, Of Jesus, who suffered for me; I'll sing, I'll sing, • k' G. W. 8. Firmii/. .'fcilllV 1. U orkinp for Je - 2. \V„rkinK fiT J*- - 3. V'orkinf,' for Je - 4. AV )rking for Je - 5. Wirkiiig fur Je - Mi ^^*othitt() fox 3it^\\^, ' Go work to-day iu uij Tiuujrard." Matt. 21 : 28. 1 145 Rev. G. W. SEDERQUIST. m sus, loil - sus, night sus, work su.s, lov - sus, till ing each day, s coming on: with a will, ing and kind, he shall say, No time No time Wait-ing Out in Come all ^^ .0 — — -»- -0 — — — 4 -J- to tri - fle, no time to play; Work in the sunshine, to slum-ber, day is soon gone; Lost ones around tliee, in patience, trusting him still: Seeds of truth sowing, the high-ways jewels we'll find; Kruit for thv la - hor, ye bless - ed, coine,come away, En ter my kingdom, work in the shade seek - inp for light; morn-ing and eve; soon thoL shalt see; faith-ful and ttied, Work in the con - flict, be not dismayed. Work while the day lasts, work with thy might. Sa - tan is bu - sy, souls to - us by his word. that heaven-ly land, his chil - drcn well. -0 — m 148 Sh^ ^m, ^Mnx ^mt Words by GEO- D. BURCHMORE. Lively. L. B. MARSHALL. — -^ziiiziz^^z^^* — a^zzi- — * — f-JiJi;— ^—'^1*1— •-^*:i;*— •—*-£!•— *—*^*^^*- 1. We are wait 2. In that beau 3. lu that land, 4. Give us, then, I N I _ - Ing, dear Saviour, thy call - Ing - ti - ful land o'er the riv - er, all redeemed and forgiv - en, O dear Saviour, thy bless-ing. To the land of the ev-er-green shore. Where so ma - ny are happy and blest, Joy-ous songs with the augeis we'll raise; Make us ev-er to walk in thy light, I — ^~ , — ff ^1 ^ M ■^. I — rs—* 0-X-0- . — • ^^^ ^ 5 0-,-0-. 1 — ,-0 0-T-0---0 — '*-• — • — — g-T-p ^^j. r m^ Where the tear - drops of grief ne'er are fall - ing. And where sor - row or sii are no more. There our dear ones we'll meet, ne'er to sev - er, With our Lord and our Master we'll rest. Night will nev - er come to us in heav - en. We shall see but the brightest of days. Sweet -est com - fort and peace e'er pos-sess - ing. Till we en - ter that mansion so bright. , ,^ -0 — — — 0- ~0 — 0~' -0i ^ ^ — ^ — ^ — ^- Chorus. N N h^=^^z=t\=iz^^z p=i=t =^zz^^A^^ evening we'll see, gl=S=§PPE3gEP=;|S23ZEEg:J^ "— ^ iJ 1> \J U y«- i J A t-, l-j K— •— 1 1 *- Oh I th»t fair, gold - en land o'er the riv - er, -• 0-' -0 0- -0- -0- ~0-'-0 0- §*e^! in/ She |air, Golden fantl CancUtdcd 149 With the ransomed to dwell there for-ev - er, And par - take r^ _^r- _ N s s of God's blessings so free. ?ST-, *-*-*- r-»-^-» :=- ■ - '^» »-T-»— — »--r-^S*-^-r # ' * T -h ^-— F — T-t !iia I tz: B Chant, '^ She ^ord iss SUy Shepherd;' L. MARSHAU,. 1. The Lord is my Shepherd ; I shall 2. He restorelh my soul ; he leadeth me in the paths of right- ' eousness for his ' 3 J. not want, sake. 3. Thou preparcst a table before me in the presence of mine ) enemies, thou anointest my head with oil; my ) cup 9^ B: =:^ runneth -o- i^^ EE \^^^^. r still. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the Yea, thouRh I walk through the valley of the shadow of ] death, I will fear no evil: for thu rod Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days / t -jrd r T~ 1^1 waters. iiie uesiiiu vnv. ) ley of the shadow of \ )U art with me; thy > od and thy staff they J fort of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the m 150 ^niitx ^ittte f hitdv^tt U ^ome mto ^t * Not too fast. I^E (CHORUS FOE GIRLS. MAY BE SUNG AS A DUETT.) Arranged by L. M. ^^^4^ "^— Fn — ^— N-i-s-F-^-- N— ^— N— I— — s — ^f-i "*« — S — l~s~F- S^ — 3^^_^_^_^_^ — ^_^^L,_,_^_# <- * * » — S — • ? — «_L^ fi — — € — ^C_ Suffer little children to come unto me, Suffer lit-tle chil-dren to come un - to me, Suffer lit -tie children, 11= -''i^ -1 j^_^_^_^_j^- -i^— *- :3f3^:" q-*- lijiq^ir^d— .^r=J^^=52:^z^=:^ ^^ ^~4—4—*~» ai— *- -P — — s — s — I ►, — s[- j A ^— ^c:]_^ — — ^_c Suf-fer lit-tle children to come un - to me, and forbid them not, and forbid them not, for- % -i- :3= ^=:t L._,_ l# Si/m. ^-»< 1^ 1 ^ ~N — -Ni — »« H; . — 1 I ■ # e € «_^_L€ _»__. ( . ^ ;^ c bid them not, for of such is the king-dom of heaven, 'I;see:M.3e^^=Mi :3— ^3— iizi for of such is the kingdom of — ■*-,- heaven, 0=i 0-0 for of such is the kingdom of heaven, for of such is the kingdom of heaven, for of such is the kingdom, the P^ -^-0 --r-N— K- iv^:4=q=C: -^— a^ f uffft Xitttf Cluldtcn. (Kanduttel 151 kingdom of heaven, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.forof such is the kingdom of heaven, for of such is the kingdom, the ^=?= ^^ ^^^^^[^ T l P ~i ^ ^ ll^ ll^ ^^ " ^ "^^ "^^TF l--J-»-*-r — *~^ * — • r^^^^sf^Pii^^iif kingdom of heaven, for of such, of such is the kingdom of heaven, for of such, of such is the kingdom of heaven. >-j{,r— --N -*i* ^ 1 Jk 1 h-- =3=^^:5=:!?^^ :3-d= Mz:M± =3=41 r:-=::j=q: --s-.-«. -#— •— ,^ zM^Ml -0 4- — ^ tf — #-[-J 1 — I 'J i \ « ? L • , ^ 2_C ^ Full Chorus. •ffit — a S N— t -f-g 1 ^ — I 1- 5- i -*— * — 1#-^ ^v-*— * — 8- -• ■- 5^-1 *-—#— ^- Hal - le - lu - jah ! Hal - le - lu - jahl Hal - le - lu - jah ! praise ye the Lord. -•— -• — • r . . . — #-1 ^— -• — € i-T-« *- r-*^-» T ^^-s^ fi;=f=S=r*: Hal - le ■ lu - jah ! -m -^—r-i *- i-0^—0 T # 1- " y^nrs — t — ^ 1 >^za — c uJ -^T-y— i<- Hal - le - lu - jah ! Hal - le - lu - jah ! praise ye the Lord. Amen, Amen, A - men. r A • men. — _u #— ' -# — # 1 — I m ■ ■» — 0—r-0 •- r-*^-# — • — • — •-r» t-^^—t-^ i-Tgr-i n 152 RcT. WILLIAM A. SMITH, With much expression. !:Ll^Ii:l:^^r^=I:^-j: ®lie ^xcttUx 2lilt0ug!it, L. B. MARSHALL. 'Tis sweet when morning wak - ens, And leaves the couch of night, "fis sweet when twi-light shad-ows Are gatliering thick ■ ly round, 'Tis sweet in youth's briglit morning, When hope inflames the breast, But sweet - er far it will be. If in the hour of death, it^r' To cast athwart tlie When eve-ning belts are And ev - 'ry zeal and I can but sing his Izt i^l r~T~r — r'-T r'^ ' — '^ — ^-t :3=:t:^: i._e 1 H — J- • — • — 0- ra-diance bright; • lo - dious sound; ser - vice pressed, lin-gering breath; mm^ 'Tis sweet 'Tis sweet 'Tis sweet Yes, sweet • t: •=f=tz=:t=t=t:=Ft=t=t=t=f b=± =?-- — f— b— *— E-» — -* — » »— I to to to er _#_ rti look to leave the trust our far than heav - en, la - bor, Fa - ther, ev - er. m. :q=q And And And n<. breathe up-on cares of anx - on his help feel — I know the ious re - 'twill air, days, ly, be. -^-T-^ ■r— j-r- r- With grate-ful hearts o'erflow ■ ing. The voice of thank-ful To wor - ship in his pres - ence, And raise the song of us ev - er Is fixed his watch-ful him wills -per. The mes-sage "come to To If feel I that on can hear 0-^M- prayer. praise, eye. me." -V- :t: trt=?zz=?: 1 O. W. 8. Tenderly. gfjsuxs in the harden. ReT. O. W. 8EDERQUIST. 153 1. I am redeemed, O won-der-ful love, 'Twas love thatbro'tmy par - don; By Him who came the 2. Laden with an-fjiiish. Smitten with srief, He en-tered in the gar - den, I'ray-ing in sor-row, 3. "Let this Clip pass, my Father," llepray'd; I suf - fer in sub-mis - sion; Drink it I will, thy 4. Could you not watch one hour with nie? The 8av-iour said in sor - row. Hehoid ! I ro, 'tis 5. 'Twas midnight, and the mul-ti-tude came With .lu-das, in the garden; They hound Hi m there. and 6. I am redeemed, I'm no more my own; But His, who sealed my par - don. Life is the l)Ooo,thro' m £: I ' ^Chorus. B± t=b: *= « — }-•= rj^itJ* ^ '-*^ — I — ^ ■ ^' — ' S- ' sin - ner to save, \V ho suffered in the gar - den. shedding His lilood. The hlood that, steals our par - don. law to ful - fill. That man may have re - mis - sion. writ-ten of me. To die for man to - nior - row. led Ilim a - way, To pay the price-less par - don. Je - su3 a - lone. Who suffered in the gar - den. O it was love, 'twas won-der-ful love; m^^^sm^mM dMSM m :jhn}=i'i=cr. if^m^^^^i H ewlio purdiased my pardon: Praying in sorrow, shedding His blood. Jesus a - lone in the gar -den. 154 Written March 8th, 1878. With expression. (ASectioDately inBcribed to Mrs. Palmer.) Words aud Music by R. R. PALMER, By per. -^—■>- _• =t- -5* r i There's a Rose that is blooming for you, friend, There's a Rose that is blooming for me ; in the val - ley so fair, friynd. Far a-way by the beautiful sea! in vain did tliey crush this fair flower,friend,All in vain did they shatter the tree; -*- Its per- This pure For its fume is per-vad-ing the world, friend. Its perfume is for you and for me. Rose in its beau-ly first bloom'd, friend, And it blooms still for you and for me. roots, deep-ly bedded, sprang forth, friend, And it blooms still for you and for me. * Of the many names given to our Saviour, the Rose of Sharon is to me the most beautiful. This little hymn was written on the shores of the Mediterranean, amid the fragrance of tver-blonming roses, and beneath tlie matchless beauty nf Italian skies. Thoughts < f the Holy Land on the farther shore, and of tlie purity and loveliness of the life of our Saviour, mingled unconsciously with the surrounding beauty, and took form in this little poem and melody, o'hf ilojsc of c^havoiu Condutlrd, 155 Refbain. — — -' ■ ■-'^ ' ^T ■ ^ ^1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ There's a There's a Rose, a Rose that blooms for me, 0.-9- love-ly Rose And its beau - ty A Rose that blooms for you. And its beau - ty all all the world shall the world shall "^ "> • ^ — ^ — ^ — — '^ — — ^ — ^ mm M — ^ — i/-I-|^ »-V ^ ^-I H \- H •— P 1-^^ 1/ 1/ 1/ • ' see There's a Rose i . see There's a Rose that blooms for me, ^ y - - - ^- Rose lis perfume is for you and for me. A Rose that blooms for you, Its perfume is for you and fur me. K S _(i__r. MOXTGOMEUY. ^oxv in the povn tlttj $ml (ACTIVK KKl'DliX TO Dl^ (JOOD.I IPeppereix.] L. MARSHALL. 1. Sow in the morn thy seed, .\t eve hold not thy hand; To doubt and fear trive thou no heed, Uroadcast it o'er the land; 2. .Vnd du - ly shall appear.In verdure, beauty. sireii'.'lh.Tlio lender blade, the stalk, the ear. And the full corn at Kni,'lh. ;}. Thou canst nol toil in vain; Cold, beat, and nioisl.ancl dry, Shall foslor and ina-lure the (jrain Kor >;ar-ners in tiie sky 4. TheiiCri. wlu-u the fc-hiriMUB ciitl. The day of God, shttU ciimu, The au ■ gel ■ reap - era hIiuU descuud. And hettveu cr>-, "HarTuat boiue?" 156 "^htxt b li ^and of ^ove. WM. C. CULVER. — 1^ — ^^ — I^^^T"""!' ■ ' 1— N — I — ^m- f ' — r love, Wliere the pure and the ho - ly rest, ove, On the shores of the crys tal sea; love, Where the soul of the ransomed sings, #- ~S>~' -»-•-# 0-'-0- -0 0- -iSt E —w— —w~ —w- Far in the realms a - bove, There may the spir - it rove, There may the wea-ry dove -0- -G- -\ — r- ■-1— H s — K — Ki ! — I 1 — r— I -N — K S — K -—, 1 1 — -X — I S-*. • ■4 — *-^^- *-»-F JT-F-5-Fg - :—»-»-:-?-* - •-^i^;j"^l-g-:—S-'---^-^ In joy and gladness ev-er drest; A land of beau-ty and delight, Where the streets are paved with gold, From earthly trials ev-er free; A land where tears are wiped away; Where the blind Iheir God l)elK)ld, From earthly wand' rings fold her wings, A land of truth and glory bright, Wliere the pangs of death ne'er come, -•- -0- ~^'S^'Sf" "*" ~^l^ J -» -• - #• -0-^-0- -0~'-0- -ig- m EEEF3=BEfc IS ■ ^--Kn-N — I— -J S — K — Nr-i N-j — -i — l-i — N S— N — »<■— N-i r 1 — ' ^\— S.--^. — |— -, — | — -, Refr 4: 'here ce-Ies-tial flow'rs are Woomiriij fair and briijlit.Anil all is glorious to be-hofd! There 'here the lame may walk alonn the heavenly way, And the bondman ne'eragain be sold, 'here Christ himself will be the on - ly light, O! may I call that land my home. a land of love, •-T-I^I— . _ , — _^ — — w F — , 1 — 1-| 1 1 -,-1 — pi — --i 1 1 — — F ~-T-^. — I -k'->'-^k» * h- '.0~ -0.-0- "l/~ -^-h- JTItctc H a ^im\ of ^ou, (EoncUtdcd 157 -^— d?:r: -J- -X-.-,.A^ ^'=? ver on Ca-naan's sliore, Where the soul In Christ may sweetly rest, And never,never leave It more. / , -^--#- . -#- J -#- ^ ^^ i itzdri ->-v- V— >■ I «<• ^ k" — ^ — ^ — ^ — I »<_LPIJJ Words by BERNARD. A Ueqro. ' ^» * ^ f cru^alfm the SaUlcn, "And the city was pure gold." X i S~5 §mmm -4_,4 1 L. MARSHALL. -l-,-4- « — *- f^ ' ' -0- - - -e>- I Je - ru - sa - lem the gold-en. With milk and honey blest, I Beneath thy con-tern - pla-tion Sink heart and son! oppress'd, ) ) They stand, those lialls of Zion, Con - ju - hi - lani with son;^. I / All brisjht with many an an-i;el. And all the maiiyr tliroii";; ( ( There is a throne of Da - vid. And there from cart! released. I I The son^of them that triumph, The shout of them that feast, j I know not, oli! I know not The Prince is ev - er in them, And they who with their lead-€r ') SSi^^E ^^ What bliss be-yond compare. Are decked in plorioiis sheen. Are clad in robes of light. — r-# — r-* * S '-!-<© -1 1 — ^- What joys a - wait us there, The day-light is se - rene, ilave conquer'd in the fight, ■0 5 0- of glo - ry, the bless-ed for - ev - er. ^ What ra - dian-cy The pastures of For - ev - er and "J J_ -- EtL-*- -- 158 pave like 3fe$tt^ xxmM 3J §e. ~# — # — » — * t y • — # — /p— h-g — » — *^ — *- ! -o — is ar ea. - 1) tcn;l> : Bu' J( p\i: puminon'f' the< r wav : Thv Sprif uj c<»U,il lhe( home. 3 Brotli'M tlioi iir (lOiie to reft Thj toil: and care nr< r'er : Ant" sorrr« nail anr Fiifteruifc nr« Shal) ur v, Trusting in his mer-cy as we go (trusting we go), His light divine ten - der - ly In the ranks of Je - sus we will go (ev - er we'll go), Home to our rest, joy - ful - ly S . i .. S ^raiof ^ilc the ^ovd ConcUtdctl J J^^ -5-j- Chorus. -:; — - — >- * «*— - — :- 1— 1 — *»---;-#—* — ^— *— *-hg> j-g-r'"* « — r-.-g ^ *— • zi 'r-— • — •— *— -"^^^ — « — ^-J -^ — 161 o'er us will sliine; We sliall be Kiiidod by liis hand now and forev - er. Steadily marching on, with our I home where the blest Gather and praise thetjaviour's name, praise him forever. I ! 1 ^ — / — ^- 1 -^ ^ — ^ ^ — j L| j 1 _^ — ,. — 1^ ^ — . U > J > S N \ Iv L/ ^ V i I * ban-ner waving o'er us, ^ L/ > • • • . Stead-i-ly marching on, while we sing the joy-ful cho - rus; Stead-i - Iv C*:- U — u > — t-.-a — • 0-=-\—0 — •—•—•-=-•—• •-= — •— h* — *—f — •— • 1 — sr i^ — I/— / 0-^-02-0 — fl— b s — I N — ^ — •*! — I s — ^ — N — 1 s — s — s /k 9 1 — = 1 i — • — r-|-* ' — J — • — M ^?^ -I R — I . •-'-5 — - * — .^ I . . ,N To the realms of glory, to our home on high. 163 mm Wt %\xm €m\i mhtx mm ? L. MAESHAltL. 1. When we hear the music ring-ing Thro' the bright celestial dome, 2. When the ho-ly angels meet us, As we go to join their band ; 3. Yes, my earth-worn soul rejoices, And my weary heart grows light, 4. Oh, ye weary, sad and tossed ones,I)roop not, faint not by the way; When sweet an-gel voic-es Shall we know the friends that For the thri!l-ing an-gel Ye shall join the loved and ,s ^ ■f — 1-; — M — m ^-^ — In t -*-T— *— y— S— j j ' E singing. Gladly bid us welcome home greet us. In the glorious spirit land? voic-es And the an - gel faces bright just ones In the land of perfect day ! To the land of ancient sto - ry. Where the spirit knows io Shall we see the same eyes shining On us, as in days oi That shall welcome us in heav-en. And the loved of long a- Harp-strings touched by angel fingers, Murmured in my raptured ^.SSEEg ^=^-=3=^ l5ESjl^^=^F care, — yore ? go, ear. In the land of light and glory, Shall we know each other there ? Shall we know. Shall we feel their (fear arms twining Fondly round us, as before'i' And to them, 'tis kindly given, Thus their mortal friends to know. Evermore their sweet song lingers, "We shall know each other there!" e&ch We shall know each ^hall m Tmxow (Each (Othct 7hctc ? (Condutlca. igs J — -J- ^^i=^§iiaisiig^^^iS5^pi r- oth - er, Shall we know . . . each oth-er, Shall we know each oth-er, Shall we know each otiier there? ■-»<-( w-^i Wc shall know each other, We shall know each other, We shall know each other there. MONTUOMFKY. i t'/iecrfid. Unison. (The gird that cS^oats on |iif)hf5it -^Ving, C W. CBIESX. 1. The bird that soars on liiphest winp, Builds on the jcround her lowly nest; And she that doth most swertly sini;, 2. When Mary chose the bettrr part, She meekly sat at .lesus' feet; And Lydia's c^ntly opeaed heart The saint that wears heaven's brifjhtest crown In deepest ad - o- ra-tion bends; The weight of glorv bows him down N S > I . ' N ** — ^ — 1^ ' ' — »<- 1—- '^~\ w — ^ — r-"-H ' — I "V ^ — ^ i^-'—f — ^ f 1/ • -^— ' • • -0- * I • • -0~ (■' Sings in the shade when all things rest; In lark iind nightingale we see What honor hath hu-mil - I - ty. Wa'- made fur God's own temple meet; Fiiir - est and best adorned is she Whose clothing is hu-mil - i - ty. The most wlien most his soul ascends; Near-est the throne itself must bo The footstool of hu-mil - i - tj. m^m ^^mmm mmmm ^im^^^ 164 §iarpmg with \Mx ^mp. Hymns of Heaven. L. MARSHALL. _«^j_ J J. 1. Hark, hark, the voice of ceaseless praise A..-round Je-hovah's 2. Oh! for an an-gel's per-fect love, A ser-aph's soaring '.i. But oh! with pure and sinless heart His mer - eies to a- i? throne. Songs of ce - les - tial wing. To sing witli thou - sand dore, My God, to know ihee -^n^ m t ■0- r-'— r-«- I f-»-- Y-0- x: joy they raise To mor - tal lips unknown, saints a-bove The triumphs of our King, as thou art, Nor grieve thy Spir - it more. Chorus, j-*^ — ^-j-p — F - j — F-» — » — * — » — F --J-r-^ 9-.t? f=:?=t=|:Et=FEs ~:ES -SE3,l Up - on On earth Oh! bless - ■0- the .sea of glass they stand. In our fee - ble voice we try In ed hope, a lit - tie while. And M T- r — r -|— -# 0- -0 — , -0 — r ELE~e y-^'- lU^nt J_._J ,^ — l-_j — I — ^ — I l-f — I — I — 1^ — I — , 1 1 1 !*»- H — I- I 1 -,-, 0zlz^^h-^-:i^ziizfzMjz^—=:Mz[zf=:zf=-JEh:3-lziz^^:f^^ shin-ing robes of light; weakness and in shame; we amidst that throng The harps of God We bless, we laud, Shall live in our are in their hand. They rest not day nor night, we mag - ni - fy. We con-quer in his name. Redeemer's smile, And swell the an-gels' song. ~0- :S: -0—T—^ 1 — r- — --i-r^- r:--^^ -| — -"T" mmm -0- ■0- mM ©lovio«;s J^ummct. 165 Miss SIMES. C'/iefifiillij hut not too fast. L. MARSHALL. 1. 'Ti9 2. 'Tis 3. 'Tis summer, glo-rious siuii-mer, suiiimor, bless-od sTiin-nier, summer, in our bo-soms '*¥ Be - hold the glad green earth, IIow from her grateful Tlio lof - ty hills are briglit, All nature's fountains VV hen youthful snares we fly^ And strength and peace are bo - som Tlie spar-kle; Shall giv - en, i5y herb and flower spring forth ; ours have less - er light? an - gel min - is try; These are her rich Ihanks-giv - inss, N<), bid each spir - it praise him, 'Tis sum-mer in yon heav N Tlie incense floats a - bove; Who han'.:s on every tree Fa - ther, what may we of - fer — ;■ ,, , ,.'^ tliousand living lyres. a - waK-ing liar - mo - ny, W hero teachers ye shall know. While lime shall last the blessings Wrought by your love below. - — I — I— u r ' Thy cliosen flower Is A - wak-in^ liar • love. m^mmm]\ 166 Words by HORN'. Nut too fnsl. ^u the '^tmn ar0ttnd x\^ ^nlling. (AUTUMN.) L. MAESHAUi. — f9 — b — « — ' — ^ — i ^^j M l-T — ^ — >— -^ — f — ' — ri-*r-*(^*r-«" — I l-T— ^ — ^^ ■ — 1^* — ^^ — I r 1. See the leaves a - round us fall-ing. Dry and withered to the ground. Thus to thoughtless 2. What tho' yet no loss - es grieve you, Gay with health and many a grace, Let not cloudless m — 4 \t^t 1 1 t=t=b Jti-ti — I — m — I — *\ \ A - 1-^:^— •-n -m — I 4^1 — F— -^ — ' — ■* — '- m-— tt-#;-3-«:— S-# — #— I— I .--*-*-=— *-# — • -+-*r-*-S .---'— i- inor - tals call-ing In a sad and skies de-eeive you, Summer gives to solenm sound ; Touth, on length of au-tamn place; On the tree of days life pre - summg, e - ter - nal :^:5-^^: ■^Z^—^r-?^-^-^ Who the paths of pleas-ure tread. Let i!E^ jCt our high-est hopes be stayed ; Tli View us late in beauty blooming. Numbered now among the dead. This alone, for - ev - er vernal, Bears a leaf that shall not fade. \nz X^ \zMZ=:F^*:f^izd t=t:=t:=t=t^==?: -#r -0-0- I 4 5^cc the §uoir-f lahc^ <£ i^^l^«(J» 167 Words hy L. MARSHALL. Anddittino. (WINTER AND SPRING.) L. MARSHALL. 1. See the snow-flakes fall - ing, 2. Not a leaf is wav - in<^ 3. Soon the buds will blossom. m a i=^ Car - pet - inp the earth, On shrub, bush or tree; Spreading o - dors sweet. Win- Win ■ And ter winds are ter winds are in fields will :r m -# : -i^-. U^ 1 la Iy^ To the cause we hon - or here. Till the homes of earth, lilce Now t!ie dark ami downwanl way, Biiiicf Ihem from the haunts of Lay not mercy's burden down, For your rest is just be- an - gels heav-en, e - vil, fore you. Will sustain and bless you tliere, Shall be full of love, not fear. To a pur-er, bet - ter day. There awaits your fadeless crown Ral-ly! ■ly! ral-ly! ral-ly, for the voice Of the Mas ter calls you now, Make his p.-iths your noble choice. Seal and keep vour Temp" ranee vow. -a- -9-. I £■= i yuvu 5^iray fvom the ^tVinc-C«|r. 100 Words by Rov. Alln/ro. H. L. UA.STINli.S— by i/i-iiiiisaiou. iTK.Ml'liKANl.K HYMN.) DRANOEL. -N 1 — f — S — -N — N 1 1 1 — r K N — S N|--N »« j— r i — •— F-t^ — * — • — ^-\-m ^—Y-'>—\ — #-.—•—• — •- -S — « — »-v s « — L_> 1 , #-i-r ^ — L_j 1 — 0_- — ^ — , — #-'-* « *— «• 1. Who liath sorrow, who bath woes, neddened eyes and cause-less wounds, Who hath babblinfrs,br;iwls and blows, 2. Though the jjoblets flash with li{;ht, Yet the bub - bles' ru - by fjleain Soon shall end in blaok-est nii,'ht, 3. Kcv - el-ry in s-hnnie shall end. Mirth shall change to dir - est woe, Kar from help-er and from friend, 4. By the love of him who bore Suf[erin<;, shame, and death for thee, Look up - on the wine no more; S I -•- -m — •- -»- -»— -•- -m- — #-. — « Who in irall-ins chains is homid'? Like a wi'inl .inil iiiockiiij; dreaiii; Swift -lo ru - ill llioii shall go. Cry to God to make thee free; .J. i^l^lslPi They that tar - ry long at wine, Then the s(ir - pent's coil shall cling, IJlack-iiess, dark-ness and dos-pair, lie who bore our sin and pain -0 They who maddening Then the ad - di>r"s Shall surround thee Longs to break thy -*— r :=|:=5iE:t:::=t:=t:=t-± t—0 *•- • • • •— l- :j=?.E= ti -I—-, draughts combine; fang shall sting; ev- - 'ry- where; gall - ing chain; Thonghiless one, be warned to-day, Thoughtless one. be warned to-ihiy. Thoughtless one. be warned to ilay, Thoughtless one, be warned to-day, ■" '0- -0- -0- -#- E«?^EE^!z^ From tilt" wine-cup turn From the wine-cup turn From the wine-cup turn From the wine-cup turn -0- -0- -0 - a - way a - way a - way a - way 170 Worda by PIERPONT. Lively )t\ \^t ^till ^xx %t\mt. (TKMPERANCE HYMN.) L. MARSHALL 1. Let 2. His 3. Ecch 4. So 5. ITow the still Land in sum - iMer let e»rh let e«ch air beau bird faith heart Be CT - Each flower DrinV.s from Drink of Of all and dear this this youth - ful plant that na - ture's foun - tain youth - ful Toice lives, springs mild, band ^ \--*~ g — \ • \ 9 — f — [- g ^^'T i • y T« hint with joy a - gam, FoiiabalBC our lips to %xt. A ■ taea, A - Ben. — fr\ ^T\ 0~-0--0-0- _ . - ^ _. -0- -0- -0' 0- -^•-l9'-a' ^•.--.-0—^-0^ t-i^^.-fr Tjw=0-J-:=^ir=ri-^T*'=i'^-[''=r^ 172 gu the ^aujlvj ^mpx ^jmg-* Modernto. ^_^_^„.^„^_^^___^_^_^_^_j (CHRISTMAS CAROL.) ,-H-H-.J- H. MILLARD. 1. In the low-ly manger ly-ing. See, the lovely babe appeara ! Kounrt him beams the light undying. And his smile thrn'darlcness cheers. 2 Wondering shepherds watching nightly.Saw the star above them shine, And it led them. gleaming brightly. To the Lord of lovj divine. 3 Tell the sweet aucl wondrous story.How the Son of God on high Left his home o£ peace and glory. In ihe realms hevoi.Tl the sk.v. 4. Sing of how he came to mortals.Through his love and kindliness, How he opened heaven's bright portals. All his children here to bless. Chorus Girls. ■5j+=:1=: ^^^^^ Chorus Boys. 1. An - gels wake the bless - ed cho * I I -•- I I -•- I I *^ 1*1 * From the Chaplet— by permission. Words by ROSALINDA. #¥^l (MEUKV CHRISTMAS BELLS.) na A. WHITE. 1. The mer-rv bells arc riiiK-iiij; Their happy, joyous strain, And children now are siiigini; Their Christmas .';on;;sa^aiii; 2. While shepherds watch'd their flocks Upon the plains at niKht,They saw a star arise, That seein'd so wondrous bri;;ht; 3. They 80u>;ht him not in mansions,rhey knew he was not there, I$ut in a lowly manner, Behold, the Chihl was there. 0- M ^ ^ ^0-0 0-0-0- Those Christmas bells a story tell Of shepherds on the plain. Rins out your sweetest music, Kor Christmas comes apain. They journeyed on.fnim ev'rv plain, Trom ev'ry hill and lawn; The promisi-d .■-lar had risen, They knew tliatClirist was born. Re-joice, re-joice, the Son of (jod On earth for-ev-er reigns; The merry bells are ringin:;, I'or Christmas comes apiin. ^. .*. -— -0- ^ii:>i.0lv.f^=w=iZ-0zcizzfz:^zzJ^zl:^^zzfz^i^:':rrJrl^ =z^E^~^=;ir=;,^±0Z=^-0-rz0±-^-lz^:?^^ CUOKUS. I'o be snnrj after last verse. '- '-0J •-•-# -'-#-• 0-f~0-^0 — #— #-' •- U—^-tC-—*- 0-^-'—0 — 0-' ' ■'--*—' «^-L^— L/^J I The bells, the bells, the merry Christmas bells, The bells, the bells,tlie merry Christmas bells. A - men, .V - men. I tn. axHi h %\m: MILLARD. P 1. Christ is ris - en, 2. All ye na-tions 3. Come ye ransoraed Christ is ris-en, bow before him, to his temple, ^m Glory to the Father's name; Christ is risen, He is God for-ev-er-more; With the Father Sound his triumph to the skies; Come ye faithful, i^m Christ is ris - en, Go, the joyful news, the joyful news proclaim. Go, the joyful news proclaim, now he reigneth, Heav'n and earth his name, his holy name adore, Heav'n and earth his name adore, ye re -pent-ant, With the risen Lord, The ris-en Lord arise, With your ris-en Lord »-rise. . I J V ^^^mim^ Solo or Chorus in Unison. 1^ Death for - ey - er he hath conquered. He hath o-pened to his peo - pie See we now our soul's re-demp - tion. -ef- 8 • * Itom the Chaplet— by permissioa. (t\\x\$t ijs ^iiiscu. Concluded, 175 ,©i^ ^.ffCuonvB. fipEcho. a ^ U t/ V Wi^ U I ho»ann«, shout hosanna, he is victor, he is victor O'er the terrors of I ' the grave; Christ is risen, Christ is risen, e-P^ |£ season of thy youth 91 INDEX. 1 was a wandering sheep 99 I want to be like .) t sus 46 I will a little pilgrim be 73 .Ifsus in the garden I.'i3 Jesus. I my cross have taken 72 .Terusalem the golden lr'7 .Tesns little children loves 45 .lesufl, Master, whose I am 61 .Tesus. .Saviour, pilot me 58 .Jesus will givH you rest 118 .Inst as I an) 83 Knocking a.t the door 50 Let every heart rejo'ce and sing 44 Let the still air rejoice 170 Let us join as God commands 12 Lord of glory 92 Lord of the harvest 107 Lord, teach a little child to pray 68 Lord, we come to seek thy blessing 9 Loud hosannas let us raise 136 March along ,"^6 Marching to the river 140 Meditation 54 More like Jesus would I be 158 [ My home beyond the river 17 j National prayer 85 Now gloomy night is gone 159 <> come to .Tesus early 34 <) how Jesus loves ■ Si O Lord, another week has flown 103 Of' such is the kingdom of heaven 132! Onward, Christian soldiers 74 Onward speed thy cotuiuering flight 127 One sweet flower has drooped and faded. . 68 O, Paradise must fairer be 138 Our Saviour through this world did pass. . 22 Our temi)le buUded. gracious God 88 O. why not come to Jesus now 49 Pass along the watchword 100 Pleasant are the pastures 24 Praise ye the Lord. No. 1 114 Praise ye the Lord, No. 2 160 Purer yet and purer 64 Raise the banner for God and liberty 102 Remember the poor Il2 Sabbath bells 128 Search the Scriptures 3 See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand 53 See the leaves around us falling 166 See, the rain is falhng 98 See the snow-flakes failing 167 Heed time and harvest 21 Seeking the lost 53 Shall we know eacji other there 162 Showers of b'e.ssing 86 Sound aloud Jehovah's praises 10 Sow in the morn thy seed 155 Speed thou on 25 Suffer little children to come unto me. . . . l.'^O Swedish mother's hymn 80 Swell th^ anthem, raise the song 69 Swiftly the hours speed on 55 Thebabeof Bethlehem 38 The boy who never told a lie 30 The eternal song 144 Temperance hymn 168 The fair golden land 148 The Gospel .134 The heavenly recompense 78 The joy of pardon 87 The land of rest 20 The love of God 146 The L.^rd is my Shepherd - Chant 149 The Master is coming 27 The New Jerusalem 96 The pilgrim 133 The precious story 4 The release 71 The resurrection 81 The risen Saviour * 79 The Rose of Sharon 154 The Sabbath .School 82 The Sabbath School with joy we hail 116 The Saviour's call 47 The Saviour now is calling 109 The Sunday School is my delight 3'J The sweet story of old 130 The sweeter thought 152 The world where .Jesus reigns 7 There is a latid of love 156 There is a clime where Jesus reigns 48 There is no love like the love of Jesus. ... 36 There was joy in heaven 108 There's nothing like the Bible 31 "They rest from the conflict 115 Through the day thy love hath spared us.. 143 'Tis sweet to hear the children sing 62 Turn away from the wine-cup 169 Two happy homes 62 The bird that soars on highest wing 163 To-day the Saviour calls 43 To Jesus the crown of luy hope 75 We are almost there 67 Wake, parents of Israel 113 Wake with glad sounds, ye bells 40 Wecometosing to Christ our King 70 We hr.ve met in peace together 29 We wish to greet you 105 AVhat can the Saviour do for thee 35 When childien join in singing 135 When we pass through yonder river 11 Who shall lead thy child to thee 65 Will you come 124 Working for Jesus 145 Why should gloomy thoughts arise Ill A Clioice List of Cluircli Choir, S\RBATH-SCH03L DooKS. V. d;n{ Promise. H F Wi;lu ,. Gl "ions ridi'.\;s Prikinsand Keni'v i;...rds !!..'!!! iq HvmnsandHum ni-s. Caiholic S S 35 M irrav's S > es f..r Minday Schools a«k' ■ ^pei Mseiings.'. 3; >hininsSraid P. f. Hodges ...TT!? ,. W,uch*.,rd. J. A Broad..: :. ,' boundless Love. D F.Hodges ." "jj chur:h and singing school. TheClimax. H S.Perkins co Choir Favorite. L Marshall .». _, • Americin Sinking 13ook S P.Cheney 100 Bailev's Collcc i 111 Revised and enlarged. lioard* to Brother Cheney's Old Folks' Colleciion 35 Bi'ley's Anthem Book (In press ) Cinir Bell. Sacred Music L.Marshall 100 Dulcet. Mar>hall and Hndses 00 .Singers' Collection nf Church Anthems ai d Responses « 00 Ech% Singir.R Schf>ol and Church Bor.k 6s Iden Treasure. Rvder , o^ Graded Anthems. Hndee.'* ,-. H'.rpof Praise ...."!.„' i!!! , " Hidges' Anthems ^ Model I lass Book. H.S.Perkins .'.!.".!.'.'" „ 1 he Champion. Singing Schoi Is. L. Mar.,hsll ........ .! 7c The Church v^usriette. Sacred Collection 200 White's Sacred Qiartettes , , .^ Tlie Convention Gift. L. Marshsll -5 TExMPERANCE BOOKS. GoodTemplar. H S.Perkins 3, Reform Club Songster. Words only , ,„ 1 emperance Revival Songs. Paper, 25c. ; boards ......... 35 ORAtORIOS, MASSES, &c. Farmer's Mass in B g^ Stabat Maier Rossini. Paper .". f, , Arminius. Max Bruch. Paper .... , „„ [Boards, $1.25 ; cloth, $i 50; gilt, J2.00 ] Si'EAK & Dehnhoff, New York. W ite. Smith & Co SiiiKlay School, anti other Books. M ,-; 50, gil., $2 on.] (he The Me?si h Si. i; Ml fir I'.Hh P.ioer (I! irds, $t 25 ; cloih, r"»' M.tsin I'. Pj.inr .. Creaiv. " H..ydn P-»per fC .ads $1 00 cloih. ;i 25; eil'. *i 7"; 1 h H...d.-I Paper ' . .. Tk- D A f '."*'<• V*' °°\ "'';;''• '''5! B'l'< *> 75 ] Ihe Kedeinp I .n. Gon od. Pippr [B irds, #1 00: cl .;:i, $1 25; gill, (1 75.I TroKb-idi'c's Massi I {■.. Paoer ,c i 00 J CANTATAS So 80 AND OPERE'^TAS FOR SCOOOLS AND CHURCH. SUNDAY Golden Hair and the Three Bears^ Operetta 75 Grandpa's Birthday. Oper^tia. C.A.White 25 Gyp, Junior. Operetta. .D.F.Hodges. Libretto by Earl Marble -r Joseph. J. A. Broad ii Little Rid Riding Hood. Oi>eretta. J A. Broad 50 Ruih, ihe Mmbiiess J. A. Broad 75 I'he Berry Pickers. E H Bailey. Libretto by W. H. Putnam .. R. E Porter. G. Lewis Operttia. Leo R. Lewis. Libretto by A. 5° QUART ETTES 4ND GLEE BOOKS Frur Part Songs. M ile Voices. Wesinn r.'ee Club. Mixed voices IJ iley and White 75 Piai taiion Songs and Jubilr-,- H' mns. Paper . (Hoards, $1 25 ; cloth. $1 50 ] Universal Milo voices Bjilev and White. While's Male Qiartelf Book (Inprest.) 125 Boston and Chicago. W, H. Bonek & Co., Philadelphia.