SL£ JfrfrS THE CONSTITUTION OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN JAPAN WITH BY-LAWS & APPENDIX. Tokyo: 1888. Printed at the “Japan Mail” Office, Yokohama. The following Constitution By-laws and Ap- pendix form the report of the joint committee appointed in the month of May i88y to prepare standards of government and doctrine for pre- sentation to the General Conference of the Congregational Churches and to the Synod of the United Church of Christ in Japan. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE . CHURCH OF CHRIST IN JAPAN WITH BY-LAWS k APPENDIX. Tokyo: 1888. CONTENTS Constitution: I. THE CHURCH. II. DOCTRINE. III. WORSHIP. IV. GOVERNMENT. V. CHURCHES. VI. BUKWAI: § I. MEMBERSHIP. § 2. POWERS. § 3. LICENSURE OF PROBATIONERS. § 4. ORDINATION OF BISHOPS. § 5. DEMISSION OF THE OFFICE OF BISHOP. § 6. INSTALLATION OF BISHOPS AS PASTORS. § 7. RELEASE OF BISHOPS FROM THE PASTORATE. § 8. ORGANIZATION OF CHURCHES. § 9. ADMISSION OF CHURCHES. VII. RENKWAI : § I. MEMBERSHIP. § 2. POWERS. VIII. SOKWAI : § I. MEMBERSHIP. § 2. POWERS. IX. DISCIPLINE. X. APPEALS. XI. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. By-Laws I. GENERAL RULES FOR BUKWAI. II. PROCEDURE IN THE ORGANIZATION OF CHURCHES. III. GENERAL RULES FOR RENKWAI. IV. GENERAL RULES FOR THE SOKWAI. TRIALS : § I- BY CHURCHES. § 2. BY BUKWAI : I. ORDER OF PROCEDURE. II. GENERAL RULES OF PROCEDURE. § 3 - BY APPELLATE BODIES: I. ORDER OF PROCEDURE. II. GENERAL RULES OF PROCEDURE § 4. NEW TRIALS. VI. AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS. Appendix: I. FORMS OF ORGANIZATION RECOMMENDED TO CHURCHES. II. ORDINATION SERVICE RECOMMENDED TO BUKWAI. III. PROCEDURE IN THE ELECTION OF A PASTOR RE- COMMENDED TO CHURCHES. IV. INSTALLATION SERVICE RECOMMENDED TO BU- KWAI AND CHURCHES. V. PROCEDURE PRELIMINARY TO THE RELEASE OF A PASTOR RECOMMENDED TO CHURCHES. VI. AMENDMENT OF THE APPENDIX. CONSTITUTION. CHAPTER I. Of the Church. I. God is gathering out of every nation a great multitude, through whom in the ages to come he will show forth the exceeding riches of his grace and wisdom. This is the Church of the living God : the body of Christ : the temple of the Holy Spirit : the fulness of him that filleth all in all. As this innumerable company is made up of the saints of all lands and ages, it is called the holy Church universal : and since the members thereof are certainly known only to him who knoweth the heart, it is called also the Church invisible. ( 2 ) II. Tli e universal Church visible is composed of all those throughout the world who profess to worship and serve the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God blessed for evermore. III. A particular church consists of such mem- bers of the universal Church visible as unite under some form of government for the wor- ship of God, holy living, and the extension of the kingdom of Christ. CHAPTER II. Of Doctrine. The word of God contained in the Scriptures of the Old and the New r Testament is the only infallible rule of faith and practice : and in various ages the Church has sought to set forth in order the essential truths made known therein. Among those confessions that have come down from ancient times are the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. These with the Articles of the Evangelical Alliance form the Confession of Faith of the Church of Christ in Japan. APOSTLES’ CREED. I BELIEVE IN GOD THE FATHER ALMIGHTY, MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH : AND IN JESUS CHRIST HIS ONLY SON OUR LORD ; WHO WAS CONCEIVED BY THE HOLY GHOST, BORN OF THE VIRGIN MARY ; SUFFERED UNDER PONTIUS PILATE, WAS CRUCIFIED, DEAD, AND BURIED ; HE DESCENDED INTO HADES; THE THIRD DAY HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD ; HE ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN, AND S1TTETH AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD THE FATHER ALMIGHTY; FROM THENCE HE SHALL COME TO JUDGE THE GUICK AND THE DEAD. I BELIEVE IN THE HOLY GHOST; THE HOLY CATHO- LIC CHURCH, THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS; THE FOR- GIVENESS OF SINS; THE RESURREOTION OF THE BODY, AND THE LIFE EVERLASTING. AMEN. NICENE CREED. I BELIEVE IN ONE GOD THE FATHER ALMIGHTY, MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH AND OF ALL THINGS VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE : AND IN ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE ONLY BE- GOTTEN SON OF GOD, BEGOTTEN OF THE FATHER BEFORE ALL WORLDS, GOD OF GOD, LIGHT OF LIGHT, VERY GOD OF VERY GOD, BEGOTTEN NOT MADE, BEING OF ONE SUBSTANCE WITH THE FATHER; BY WHOM ALL THINGS WERE MADE ; WHO FOR US MEN AND FOR OUR SALVATION CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN, AND WAS IN- CARNATE BY -THE HOLY GHOST OF THE VIRGIN MARY AND WAS MADE MAN, AND WAS CRUCIFIED ALSO FOR US UNDER PONTIUS PILATE : HE SUFFERED AND WAS BURIED, AND THE THIRD DAY HE ROSE AGAIN ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES, AND ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN AND SITTETH ON THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER; AND HE SHALL COME AGAIN WITH GLORY TO JUDGE BOTH THE QUICK. AND THE DEAD, WHOSE KINGDOM SHALL HAVE NO END. AND I BELIEVE IN THE HOLY GHOST, THE LORD AND GIVER OF LIFE, WHO PROCEF.DETH FROM THE FATHER AND THE SON, WHO WITH THE FATHER AND THE SON TOGETHER IS WORSHIPPED AND GLORIFIED, WHO SPAKE BY THE PROPHETS. AND I BELIEVE IN ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH. I ACKNOWLEDGE ONE BAPTISM FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS. AND I LOOK FOR THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD AND THE LIFE OF THE WORLD TO COME. AMEN. ARTICLES OF THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE. WE HOLD AND MAINTAIN THiC DIVINE INSPIRATION, AUTHORITY, AND SUFFICIENCY OF THE HOLY SCRIP- TURES: THE RIGHT AND DUTY OF PRIVATE JUDGMENT IN THE INTERPRETATION OF THEM : THE UNITY OF THE GODHEAD, AND THE TRINITY OF THE PERSONS THEREIN : ( 5 ) THE UTTER DEPRAVITY OF HUMAN NATURE IN CON- SEQUENCE OF THE FALL : THE INCARNATION OF THE SON OF GOD; HIS WORK OF ATONEMENT FOR THE SINS OF MANKIND ; AND HIS MEDIATORIAL INTERCES- SION AND REIGN : THE JUSTIFICATION OF THE SINNER BY FAITH ALONE : THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN HIS CONVERSION AND SANCTIFICATION : THE IMMOR- TALITY OF THE SOUL ; THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY; THE JUDGMENT OF THE WORLD BY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, WITH THE ETERNAL BLESSEDNESS OF THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE ETERNAL PUNISHMENT OF THE WICKED : THE DIVINE INSTITUTION OF THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY; AND THE OBLIGATION AND PERPETUITY OF THE ORDINANCES OF BAPTISM AND THE LORD’S SUPPER. Among those confessions that have come down from recent times are the Westminster Catechism, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Plymouth Declaration. These also are to be held in veneration in the Church of Christ in Japan ;* they have served a high purpose in the past, and are still to be regarded as of lasting value for the instruction and edification of be- lievers. * See Addendum. ( 6 ) CHAPTER III. Of Worship. i. On the Lord’s day all the people shall assemble themselves together for the worship of Almighty God our Heavenly Father. II. The ordinances of public worship are prayer, praise, the reading and preaching of the word and the administration of the sacra- ments. ill. The sacraments of the New Testament are baptism and the Lord’s supper. They should be administered by a bishop : and persons baptized in infancy may not par- take of the table of the Lord without examination and confession of their faith in Christ. CHAPTER IV. Of Government. v The officers in the Apostolic Church were the apostles (Luke 6:13), the bishops or elders (i Tim. 3:1-7 ; 5:17; Titus 1:5-9; Acts 20:17- 28), and the deacons (Acts 6:1-6; 1 Tim. 3:8-13). The New Testament however enjoins no one particular form of government; it rather ex- hibits facts from which general principles may be deduced. The Church of Christ in Japan deems it agreeable to such principles that its government be by churches, bukwai, renkwai, and a sokwai. CHAPTER V. Of Churches. In the following chapters the churches dele- gate certain specified powers to bukwai, renkwai, and the sokwai : powers not so delegated they reserve. A church may therefore adopt such a form of internal organization as it shall deem advisable.* In any case however provision shall be made for the representation of the church in bukwai and renkwai : and each church shall present * For forms of internal organization recommended to the churches, see Chapter 1. of the Appendix. an annual report for the information of the bukwai. CHAPTER VI. Of Bukwai. Section 1. MEMBERSHIP. I. A bukwai consists of a representative from each church together with all the bishops within its bounds. II. A bukwai may receive into membership a bishop of another church. First however he shall accept the Constitution of the Church of Christ in Japan : and if possible he shall present a letter of transfer. III. Bishops who are not pastors have the right to vote only in cases of licensure, ordina- tion, and discipline. IV. All foreign missionaries belonging to missions cooperating with the Church of Christ in Japan are ex officio advisory members of bu- kwai. They have the right to speak and to introduce resolutions : and may be elected to serve on all committees as full members. Section 2. POWERS. The following powers are delegated to bukwai : Bukwai shall license probationers : ordain, instal, release, and discipline bishops : organize and admit churches : afford counsel and aid to those already within their bounds : appoint dele- gates to the,sokwai : and decide appeals from churches, excepting those referred to the Com- mittees of Appeal appointed by the renkwai.* Section 3. LICENSURE OF PROBATIONERS. I. The ministry of the word may not be entrusted to ignorant or unworthy men : there- fore a bukwai shall license no one to preach the gospel without due examination. * For General Rules to be observed by bukwai, see Chapter I. of the By-laws. ( to ) II. The candidate having produced satis- factory testimonials as to character and church membership, there shall be careful inquiry made of him touching his religious life and the motives impelling him to preach the gospel. He shall then be examined in the Old and the New Testament, and upon the Confession of Faith of the Church of Christ in Japan : he may be required also to preach a sermon. III. The examination having been approved by the bukwai, the candidate shall publicly declare his belief in the Scriptures of the Old and the New Testament, as the word of God and the only infallible rule of faith and practice: his sincere acceptance of the Constitution of the Church of Christ in Japan : and his purpose faithfully to perform all his duties as a proba- tioner. IV. He shall be licensed with prayer : and a certificate of licensure shall be given him signed by the moderator and the clerk. V. If at any time a probationer prove him- ( II ) self unfitted for his work, the bukwai may revoke J his license. Section 4. ORDINATION OF BISHOPS. I. He who seeks the office of a bishop may not be a novice : let him first be proved : lay hands hastily on no man. These are the injunctions of the apostle. Ordinarily therefore a candidate before examination shall have served as a pro- bationer for the space of one year. He shall moreover be a graduate of some theological school approved by the bukwai : or in lieu of that possess such acquirements as the bukwai shall deem a due equivalent. II. A bishop must be a man without reproach: an example to them that believe, in word, in manner of life, in love, in faith, in purity. There- fore there shall be careful inquiry made of the candidate touching his religious life and the motives impelling him to seek the office of bishop. III. Moreover the Scriptures require of bish- ops that they be men apt to teach ; men able ( 12 ) both to exhort in the sound doctrine and to con- vince the gainsayers ; workmen that need not to be ashamed handling aright the word of truth. A candidate shall therefore be proved by a thorough examination in the Old and the New Testament: in the various parts of theology: in the history of the Church, including that of this church : in church government, particularly as exhibited in the Constitution of the Church of Christ in Japan : and in such other studies as the bukwai may deem advisable. There shall be required a critical exposition of some passage in the Scriptures, which may be written in English or some other one of the languages of the West: a sermon also may be required. The text for the sermon and the passage for the exposition shall be assigned by the moderator. A bukwai may conduct the various parts of the examination at different times; and may omit entirely such parts as the clerk of another bukwai shall certify as already approved. IV'. The examination having been approved ( i3 ) by the bukwai, the candidate shall publicly de- clare his belief in the Scriptures of the Old and the New Testament, as the word of God and the only infallible rule of faith and practice : his sincere acceptance of the Constitution of the Church of Christ in Japan : and his purpose faithfully to perform all the duties of his office as bishop. V. The bishops present shall lay their hands upon his head : and the moderator or some bishop whom he may appoint shall offer the prayer of ordination.* Section 5. DEMISSION OF THE OFFICE OF BISHOP. If a bishop in good standing be fully con- vinced that he has not been called of God, and if the bukwai concur in that conviction, he shall be permitted to resign his office : and his name shall be stricken from the roll. Demission of the office of bishop is a grave act : and re- * For an ordination service recommended to bukwai, see Chapter II. of the Appendix. ( 14 ) quires a two-thirds vote of the bukwai to render it lawful. Section 6. INSTALLATION OF BISHOPS AS PASTORS. 1. When a bishop shall have been elected* to the pastorate and shall have accepted the call, a committee from the church with the pastor elect shall apply to the bukwai with which the church is connected, for his installation : and upon the approval of the bukwai, arrangements for the service shall be made in conference with the church. t II. When the person elected is a probationer, he shall be examined and ordained before in- stallation. III. A bishop or a probationer connected with another bukwai shall present a letter of trans- fer at the time of the application for installation. * For the procedure in the election of a pastor recom- mended to the churches, see Chapter III. of the Appendix. •j- For an installation service recommended to bukwai and churches, see Chapter IV. of the Appendix. ( ) Section 7. RELEASE OF BISHOPS FROM THE PASTORATE. W lien it shall be deemed advisable by either a pastor or a church that the pastor be released ,* a committee from the church with the pastor shall present the matter to the bukwai with which the church is connected : and upon the appioval of the bukwai, the release shall take place. Section 8 ORGANIZATION OF CHURCHES. I. A company oi believers desiring to be organized as a church, shall make application to a bukwai. The application shall be signed by all the applicants, and shall indicate which of them are already members of churches and which of them have not yet received baptism. The bukwai shall decide whether it be expedient to grant the application : and it the decision be favourable, it shall organize the church. "f * J or the preliminary procedure recommended to churches see Chapter V. of the Appendix. f For the procedure, see Chapter II. §i of the By-laws. ( i6 ) II. When two or more churches desire to unite and form a single church, each shall ap- point a committee to apply to the bukwai. The bukwai shall decide whether it be expedient to grant the application : and if the decision be favourable, it shall unite the churches.* III. If the churches desiring to unite be within the bounds of different bukwai, they shall first agree concerning the bukwai with which the new organization is to be connected. The church which is to change its connection shall then apply to the bukwai to which it belongs for a letter of transfer : and if the decision of the bukwai be favourable, the letter shall be granted. The letter of transfer shall be presented to the bukwai with which it is the purpose of the church to unite. The expediency of the union proposed shall be considered and decided : if the decision be favourable, the letter of transfer shall be accepted : and the bukwai shall unite the churches.* For the procedure, see Chapter II. §2 of the By-laws. ( *7 ) Section 9. ADMISSION OF CHURCHES. I. A church desiring to be connected with the Church of Christ in Japan shall make appli- cation to a bukwai. The bukwai shall decide whether it be expedient to grant the applica- tion : and if the decision be favourable, the church shall be admitted. II. In the case of a church connected with some other body, the procedure shall be the same excepting that the bukwai if possible shall confer with that body before the church shall be admitted. ill. A church applying for admission may be under the care of a pastor. In that case, the pastor shall enter the bukwai under the pro- vision contained in § I. II. CHAPTER VII. Of Renkwai. Section 1. MEMBERSHIP. I. A renkwai consists of a representative ( i8 ) from each church together with all the bishops within a district including three or more bukwai. II. Those bishops only have a right to vote who are pastors, who devote their time to evan- gelistic work, or who are teachers in theological or other schools connected with the Church of Christ in Japan. III. Foreign missionaries belonging to mis- sions cooperating with the Church of Christ in Japan are ex officio advisory members. They have the right to speak and to introduce resolu- tions : and may be elected to serve on all com- mittees as full members. Section 2. POWERS. The following powers are delegated to renkwai : I. Renkwai may establish boards of home missions. II. Renkwai may establish or assume con- ( »9 ) nection with Christian schools, colleges, and the- ological seminaries. III. Renkwai shall organize and determine the bounds of bukwai : examine their records : and decide appeals from their decisions, except- ing those referred to the Committee of Appeal appointed by the sokwai. IV. Renkwai may elect a Committee of Ap- peal. The sole work of this committee is set forth in the following paragraph : Any one or more members dissatisfied with the decision of a church may appeal to the bukwai to which the church belongs. Under certain circumstances however it is expedient that such cases be heard by some other body. This question shall be first of all decided by the bukwai : and when in the judgment of one-third of those voting such a course is ex- pedient, the case shall be referred to the Com- mittee of Appeal. This committee shall then hear and decide it : a written report of its judgment shall be rendered to the renkwai and ( 20 ) entered upon the record : but the judgment shall be final. The committee shall be elected by ballot : and shall be composed of five representatives and five bishops not more than half of whom shall belong to one bukwai.* CHAPTER VIII. Of the Sokwai. Section 1. MEMBERSHIP. The sokwai consists of an equal number of representatives and bishops appointed by the several buluvai. Each bukwai shall appoint one representative and one bishop for every three churches. In order to secure a full attendance alternates shall be appointed. A principal may resign his seat to an alternate either before the sokwai convenes or at any time during the ses- sions: but when once such resignation shall have taken place the seat shall not be resumed. * For General Rules to be observed by renkwai, see Chap- ter III. of the By-laws. ( 21 ) Section 2. POWERS. The following powers are delegated to the sokwai : I. The sokwai shall receive and impart in- formation regarding the work of the Church of Christ in Japan and recommend such mea- sures as it may deem expedient : it shall uphold truth and righteousness throughout the renkwai, the bukwai, and the churches : it shall organize renkwai, and decide appeals from them : it may also establish a board of foreign missions. II. The sokwai may elect a Committee of Appeal. The sole work of this committee is set forth in the following paragraph : Members of a bukwai dissatisfied with any decision may appeal to the renkwai to which it belongs. Under certain circumstances however it is expedient that such cases be heard by some other body. This question shall be first of all decided by the renkwai : and when in the judg- ( 22 ) meat of one-third of those voting such a course is expedient, the case shall be referred to the Committee of Appeal appointed by the sokwai. This committee shall then hear and decide it : a written report of its judgment shall be rendered to the sokwai and entered upon the record : but the judgment shall be final. The committee shall be elected by ballot : and shall be composed of seven representatives and seven bishops not more than half of whom shall belong to one renkwai.* CHAPTER IX. Of Discipline. l. Ends of discipline : The ends of disci- pline are the honour of Christ, the purity of the Church, and the good of the offender. In many cases these may be attained by brotherly con- ference in private. This is enjoined by Christ himself (Matt. 18 : 15-17) : and therefore no disciplinary proceedings shall be begun without * For General Rules to be observed by the sokwai, see chapter IV. of the By-laws. ( 23 ) it, unless from the nature of the case it be evident that such a course will fail to meet the ends of discipline. II. Jurisdiction : Bishops, whether members of churches or not, are subject to the discipline of the bukwai to which they belong : all who are not bishops to that of the churches of which they are members.* HI. Offences : In the case of a bishop, an offence is something clearly forbidden in the Scriptures or contrary to the Constitution of the Church of Christ in Japan : in the case of any other, an offence is something clearly for- bidden in the Scriptures or contrary to the rules of the church of which he is a member. IV. Sentences : The sentence of a bukwai or a church does not change the relation of a man to God : it is only a solemn declaration of the conviction that one has sinned and should repent. The following sentences alone are lawful : Censure, suspension or deposition from church * For trials, see Chapter V. of the By-laws. ( 2 4 ) office, and suspension or exclusion from church membership. A sentence goes into effect immediately upon being pronounced. V. Restoration : Restoration may take place when the ends of discipline have been accom- plished. A bishop shall be restored only by the bukwai by which he was disciplined : and one who has been deposed, shall not be restored to office until after a considerable time of penitence and exemplary conduct. A church however may receive into its fellowship a person disci- plined by another church, after conference with that church. CHAPTER X. Of Appeals. I. Appeals originating in a church are de- cided by the bukwai, subject to the provision set forth in Chapter VII. § 2 . IV : those originat- ing in a bukwai are decided by the renkwai, subject to the provision set forth in Chapter VIII. §2. II : those originating in a renkwai are decided by the sokwai. ( 25 ) II. An appellate body may confirm, reverse, modify, or suspend a sentence or other action brought before it by appeal : and it may accom- pany its judgment with explanation and advice. In all cases care should be taken to preserve the constitutional rights of the body appealed from.* ill. In cases of discipline the accused alone may appeal: and he may appeal against the sen- tence only. CHAPTER XI. Of Constitutional Amendments. An amendment to the Constitution must first be recommended by a bukwai to the sokwai : and if the sokwai approve, it shall then be trans- mitted to the churches for decision. The vote of the churches however shall not be taken until after the lapse of at least six months. When two-thirds of the whole number shall have form- ally signified their approval to the clerk of the sokwai, he shall certify all the churches to that effect : and thereupon the amendment proposed shall become a part of the Constitution. * For trials by appellate bodies, see Chapter V. j 3 of the the By-laws. BY-LAWS. ♦ — CHAPTER I. General Rules for Bukvval I. Meetings : Stated meetings shall be held at least once during every year : the time and place to be determined by the bukwai. Ordinarily they shall be opened with a sermon or an address by the retiring moderator, or some other member if he be absent, who shall preside until the roll be called and a new moderator elected. Special meetings may be convened at the written request of three representatives and three bishops. The clerk (or if he be ill or absent the moderator) shall send at least ten days’ notice to every church and to every bishop: the notice shall state the particular ( 28 ) business for which the meeting is called : and no business shall be transacted other than that specified. All sessions shall be opened and closed with prayer. II. Quorum : Each bukwai shall adopt a general rule determining its quorum. III. Moderator: The election of the mode- rator shall take place directly after the roll-call following the sermon or address by the retiring moderator. He shall hold office until the next stated meeting. IV. Clerk : The election of the clerk shall take place directly after the new moderator assumes his seat. He shall hold office for a year, but may be immediately reelected. V. Records : The clerk shall keep a clear record of the proceedings, which shall be pre- sented to the renkwai at its stated meetings for examination. VI. Annual report : An annual report shall ( 29 ) be presented to the renkwai for its information. This shall contain a record of the ordination, in- stallation, reception, release, transfer, retire- ment from office, deposition, and death of bishops : of the licensure of probationers : of the organization, admission, membership, bap- tisms, and offerings of churches : and in general of events of moment occurring within its bounds during the year. VII. Transfer of bishops and probationers : A bishop or a probationer belonging to another bukwai shall be received only upon the presen- tation of a letter of transfer signed by the clerk. VIII. Licensure of probationers : Ordinarily a candidate shall be examined by the bukwai with which the church of which he is a member is connected : for the sake of convenience how- ever one bukwai may examine and license a member of a church belonging to another. In this case, a written request from the church shall be required. IX. Amendment of general rules : A bukwai, ( 3 ° ) for the conduct of its own business, by a two- thirds vote may amend any of the foregoing general rules excepting V-V1I. : such amend- ment however must accord strictly with the Con- stitution. CHAPTER II. Procedure in the Organization of Churches. Section 1. When a bukwai shall have approved an application from a company of believers to be organized as a church, the procedure shall be as follows : I. The bukwai shall convene the applicants and any others who desire to unite with them. II. The letters of transfer of the members of churches shall be examined, and the names of the persons enrolled. HI. Those who have not received baptism shall be examined : and if the examination be approved, they shall be baptized and their names enrolled. ( 3 1 ) IV. The church shall elect officers. V. It shall be formally declared that the church is regularly organized in connection with the Church of Christ in Japan. Section 2. When a bukwai shall have approved an ap- plication to unite two or more churches, the procedure shall be as follows : I. The bukwai shall meet with the churches, ll. The new church shall elect officers, ill. It shall be formally declared that the church is regularly organized. CHAPTER III. General Rules for Renkwal i. Meetings: Stated meetings shall be held once during every year : the time and place to be determined by the renkwai. Ordinarily they shall be opened with a sermon or an address by the ( 32 ) retiring moderator, or some other member if he be absent, who shall preside until the roll be called and a new moderator elected. Special meetings may be convened at the written request of seven representatives and six bishops. The clerk (or if he be ill or absent the moderator) shall send twenty days’ notice to every church and to every bishop : the notice shall state the particular business for which the meeting is called ; and no business shall be transacted other than that specified. II. Quorum : Each renkwai shall adopt a general rule determining its quorum. ill. Moderator: The election of the mode- rator shall take place directly after the roll-call. He shall hold office until the next stated meeting. IV. Clerk : The election of the clerk shall take place directly after the new moderator as- sumes his seat. He shall hold office until the next stated meeting, but may be immediately reelected. ( 33 ) V. Records : The clerk shall keep a clear record of the proceedings, which shall be pre- sented to the sdkwai as its stated meetings for examination. VI. Annual report : An annual report shall be prepared. This shall contain a record of bukwai established : of the whole number of bishops, and of the number ordained during the year: of the whole number of probationers, and of the number licensed during the year : of the whole number of communicants, and of the number received during the year upon confes- sion of faith : and of the amount of all the offerings of the churches. It shall contain also a brief account of the work of any board of home missions, and of any schools colleges or theological seminaries connected with the ren- kwai. The report shall be printed as soon as possible, and a copy sent to each church and to each bishop within the bounds of the renkwai : copies shall be sent also to the clerks of all the other renkwai, and to the clerk of the sokwai. ( 34 ) VII. Amendment of general rules : A ren- kwai, for the conduct of its own business, by a two-thirds vote may amend any of the foregoing general rules excepting V-VI : such amendment however must accord strictly with the Con- stitution. CHAPTER IV. General Rules for the Sokwai. I. Meetings : Stated meetings shall be held at least once during every three years : the time and place to be determined by the sdkwai. Ordinarily they shall be opened with a sermon or an address by the retiring’moderator, or some other member if he be absent, who shall preside until the roll be called and a new moderator elected. Special meetings may be convened at the written request of fifteen representatives and fifteen bishops. The clerk (or if he be ill or absent the moderator) shall send thirty days’ notice to every member of the sokwai and to every church. The notice shall state the ( 35 ) particular business for which the meeting is called : the sokwai may however upon a two- thirds vote transact other business also. II. Quorum : Ten representatives and ten bishops, not more than two-thirds of whom belong to one renkwai, meeting at the time and place appointed, constitute a quorum. III. Moderator: The election of the mode- rator shall take place directly after the roll-call. He shall hold office until the next stated meet- ing, and shall not be immediately reelected. IV. Clerk : The election of the clerk shall take place directly after the new moderator assumes his seat. He shall hold office until the next stated meeting, but may be immediately reelected. V. Records : The clerk shall keep a clear record of the proceedings, which shall be printed and a copy sent to every church and to every bishop. VI. Amendment of general rules : The s5- kwai by a two-thirds vote many amend any of ( 36 ) the foregoing general rules : such amendment however must accord strictly with the Con- stitution. CHAPTER V. Trials. Section 1. TRIALS BY CHURCHES. I. Record : A record shall be kept includ- ing the accusation, all documentary evidence and all oral evidence recorded, the sentence, and any notice of appeal with the reasons annexed. II. Procedure : The order and general rules of procedure laid down for trials by bukwai are recommended as a guide to be followed in trials by churches. Section 2. TRIALS BY BUKWAI. I. Order of Procedure. In trials by bukwai the order of procedure as far as practicable shall be the following: ( 37 ) I. The accuser shall present the accusation in writing: and if in the opinion of the bukw r ai the offence charged be worthy of attention, and accompanied with a fair show of proof, the ac- cusation shall be received. II. Citations shall be issued for the accuser, the accused, all witnesses named in the accusa- tion, and all whom the accused may desire to have cited : and that for the accused shall be accompanied with a copy of the accusation. III. Any objection regarding irregularity in the procedure shall be heard : and the bukwai may then dismiss the case, cause corrections to be made, or proceed directly with the trial. IV. The accused shall be asked whether he be guilty. If his plea be ‘guilty,’ the bukwai shall proceed to judgment : if it be ‘ not guilty,’ or if the accused do not answer, it shall proceed to trial. V. The evidence shall be heard in the follow- ing order: (a.) the evidence for the accuser referred to in the accusation, both oral and ( 3« ) written : (b.) the evidence for the accused : ( c .) the evidence for the accuser in rebuttal : ( d .) the evidence for the accused in rebuttal : ( e .) new evidence discovered during the progress of the trial. VI. The accuser and the accused or their counsellors shall be heard. VII. The accuser, the accused, the counsellors and members of any prosecuting committee, and all persons not members of the bukwai shall retire. The roll shall be called and each mem- ber of the bukwai may state his opinion and the reasons for it at such length as the bukwai shall allow. The roll shall be called again and each member shall vote upon each offence and each fact named in the accusation in proof of each offence : and the vote shall be recorded. The bukwai shall then decide upon the sentence. If the verdict be ‘ not guilty,’ a declaration may be drawn up censuring the accuser. VIII. The accuser, the accused, the counsellors, and the members of any prosecuting committee ( 39 ) shall be notified to appear: the sentence shall be pronounced : and any declaration censuring the accuser shall be read. II. General Rules of Procedure. In trials by bukwai the following general rules shall be observed as far as practicable: I. Accuser: The accuser may be an individual, a church, or the bukwai itself. When the accuser is a church or the bukwai, a committee of prosecution shall be appointed. II. Accusation : (a.) The accusation shall be in writing, (b.) It shall name the offence alleged : and if two or more offences be alleged, they shall be named separately, (c.) It shall declare the facts relied upon for proof : and so far as is possible, times places and circumstances shall be set forth. (d.) It shall contain the names of all the wit- nesses whom the accuser intends to cite, so far ( 40 ) as known to him. ( e .) If possible the accusa- tion shall be presented within the space of one year after the time of the alleged commission of the offe nee. III. Citation : (a.) A citation is a notice signed by the clerk or the moderator stating when and where the bukwai will meet, and the business to be trans- acted : and requesting the person addressed to be present, (b.) A person not appearing after having been cited shall be cited a second time. In the case of the accuser or the accused, notice shall be added that the trial may proceed with- out his presence, (c.) Excepting with the con- sent of both the accuser and the accused, the first citations served upon the persons named in the accusation shall be issued at least ten days before the time appointed for the trial. In all other cases the time allowed shall be deter- mined by the bukwai. IV. Counsellors : If the accuser or the accused deem himself ( 4i ) unable to present his cause to advantage, he may request any one at the time a member of the bukwai to act for him. V. Witnesses : (a.) Any person of sound mind may be a wit- ness. (i b.) A husband may testify for or against his wife, and a wife for or against her husband : but neither shall be required to do so. (c.) Before examination a witness shall solemnly promise that to the best of his knowledge he will tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, regarding the matter concerning which he is called to testify. ( d .) No witness, unless he be the accuser the accused or a mem- ber of the bukwai, shall be present during the examination of other witnesses. ( e .) A witness shall be examined first by the party introducing him : then by the other party upon the evidence thus obtained : finally members of the bukwai and either party may put additional questions. (f.) The accused need not disclose the names of his witnesses before introducing them. ( 42 ) . VI. Evidence : (a.) Evidence is either direct or circum- stantial : in form it may be oral or written. (b.) Hearsay evidence whether oral or written shall not be admitted, (c.) Great caution is to be exercised in weighing evidence from wit- nesses who are known to be of bad character, inimical to the accused, or whose reputation or temporal interests may be affected by the deci- sion. ( d .) To prove an offence there must be more witnesses than one: or the testimony of the single witness must be corroborated by cir- cumstantial evidence not resting solely upon his word. When however the accusation states several facts in proof of an offence, there need not be more than one witness to each fact. (, e .) All important questions and answers should be recorded : and either the accuser the accused or the bukwai may require that any question or answer be recorded. Recorded evidence shall be read in the presence of the bukwai and signed by the witness. (f.) Either the ac- cuser or the accused may require the bukwai ( 43 ) to appoint a committee to take evidence at a distance. Such a committee may consist of persons who are not members of the bukwai : but in taking evidence the rules laid down in this section shall be observed. Due notice of the appointment of such a committee, and also of the time and place of meeting shall be given to both the accuser and the accused. (g.) Evidence in rebuttal either oral or written may be introduced by either party : and in this case i witnesses need not be previously named. ( h .) At the discretion of the bukwai, evidence not in rebuttal discovered during the progress of the proceedings may be introduced by either party : but the party desiring to introduce such evidence must first state in writing the facts which he expects to establish, and furnish the names of the witnesses whom he intends to call, precisely as in the accusation. VII. Voting: The accuser (when an individual), the accused, the counsellors, and members of prosecuting ( 44 ) committees may not vote upon any questions connected with the case. And no member of the bukwai who has not been present during the whole course of the trial may vote upon the sentence, without the consent of two-thirds of the bukwai. VIII. Record. The record of a case includes the following particulars: The accusation, all documentary evidence and all oral evidence recorded, the sentence, and any notice of appeal with the reasons annexed. Either the accuser or the accused is entitled to a copy of the record to be made at his own expense. Section 3. TRIALS BY APPELLATE BODIES. I. Order of Procedure. In trials by appellate bodies the order of pro- cedure as far as practicable shall be the following: I. All the documents shall be referred to a ( 45 ) committee for examination, arrangement, and presentation. II. The committee shall report whether or not the general rules laid down below in II : i-lll., have been observed. ill. The documents shall be read in the fol- lowing order : («.) the sentence or other action appealed against : ( b .) The appeal with the reasons annexed : (c.) the rest of the documents as arranged by the committee. IV. Such additional evidence as the appellate body may decide to admit shall be heard. V. The appellant and the committee ap- pointed to represent the body appealed from shall be heard : the appellant opening and closing. They shall then retire. VI. The roll shall be called and each mem- ber of the appellate body present may state his opinion and the reasons for it at such length as the body may deem expedient. VII. The roll shall be called again and the ( 46 ) vote taken in the following way without discus- sion : (a.) The question shall be put, Shall the sentence (or other action) appealed against be confirmed ? (< b.) If the majority vote in the negative, the question shall be put, Shall the sentence (or other action) appealed against be reversed? ( c .) If the majority vote in the nega- tive again, the question shall be put, Shall the sentence (or other action) appealed against be modified ? VIII. The moderator shall admit no motion proposing any form of modification until it be reduced to writing. When such a motion in writing has been seconded, the moderator shall put the question, Shall this motion be discussed? If the vote be in the negative, the motion shall be put immediately. In rare cases the majority may be unable to agree upon any form of mo- dification : the sentence or other action shall then be regarded as confirmed. ii. General Rules of Procedure. In trials by appellate bodies the following ( 47 ) general rules shall be observed as far as prac- ticable : — I. Any one intending to appeal against a sentence or other action shall send written notice to that effect to the clerk or the mode- rator of the body appealed from. Such notice shall be accompanied with the reasons for ap- peal, and shall be sent within ten days after the action. II. The body appealed from shall appoint a committee of not more than three to represent it before the body appealed to. ill. The clerk of the body appealed from shall transmit as soon as possible to the clerk of the body appealed to the following docu- ments : In cases of discipline, a copy of the record (§ 1 . 1 : also § 2. II. VIIl): in other cases, a copy of the notice of appeal with the reasons annexed, and also an extract from the minutes including the record of the action appealed against and everything pertaining to it. IV. If any of the foregoing rules be dis- ( 4« ) regarded, or if the appellant or the committee of the body appealed from fail to appear, the appellate body upon due notice may decide the case adversely to the negligent party with- out a trial. v. An appellate body may admit new evi- dence or evidence which it judges to have been improperly excluded. Such evidence shall be received under the rules laid down in § 2. II. V-VI. VI. In cases of discipline, all the members of the appellate body may vote excepting those belonging to the committee representing the body appealed from and such as are excluded in § 2. II. VII. In other cases, with the limi- tation as to presence laid down in the pre- ceding reference, all the members of the appellate body may vote excepting the ap- pellant and members of the committee re- presenting the body appealed from. Section 4. NEW TRIALS. If after the conclusion of a trial new evidence ( 49 ) be discovered supposed to be important for the exculpation of the accused, a new trial may be granted : provided the case be not already actually before an appellate body. CHAPTER VI. Amendment of By-laws. Any by-law, the amendment of which is not otherwise provided for, may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the sokwai : such amendment however must accord strictly with the Constitu- tion. APPENDIX. ■ — ♦ CHAPTER I. Organization of Churches. FORM A. Section 1. Officers. The officers of the church shall be a pastor, two or more deacons, a clerk, a treasurer, and a superintendent of the sabbath-school. I. Pastor : 1. To the pastor in particular belongs the spiritual care of the church. 2. He shall be elected to serve without limit- ation of time : and after the manner set forth in ( 52 ) Chapter III. of the Appendix. When his re- lease shall be deemed advisable, the course set forth in Chapter V. of the Appendix shall be followed. II. Deacons : 1. To the deacons belong the care of the poor of the church, and the special oversight of its temporal concerns. It is also the duty of the deacons to aid the pastor in the spiritual care of the church : and when the church is without a pastor to see that the word be preached and the sacraments administered. 2. Ordinarily deacons shall be elected to serve for two or three years : they may however be immediately reelected : and they shall be divided into classes so that their terms of office may not expire at one time. 3. When first elected deacons shall be set apart by prayer, accompanied if it be deemed advisable with the laying on of hands : but after any subsequent election it shall be necessary only that their election be formally announced. ( 53 ) At the time of consecration, deacons shall pro- mise due submission to the lawful authority of the church, and shall signify their acceptance of the Constitution of the Church of Christ in Japan. III. Clerk : 1. The clerk shall keep a clear record of the proceedings of all church meetings. He shall also register baptisms both infant and adult: admissions to the church by letter: transfers to other churches: and the marriages and deaths of members. 2 . The clerk shall be elected to serve for one year : he may however be immediately reelect- ed : and he may be chosen from among the other officers. IV. Treasurer : i. The treasurer with the deacons shall con- stitute a committee of finance which shall collect and disburse funds in accordance with such regulations as the church may adopt. ( 54 ) 2. The treasurer shall be elected under the same rules as the clerk. V. Superintendent of the sabbath-school: 1. The superintendent of the sabbath-school shall take the general charge of the school : the appointment of the other officers however shall be by the superintendent, by the teachers, or by the church, as the church may decide. 2. The superintendent of the sabbath-school shall be elected under the same rules as the clerk and the treasurer. Section 2. Admission Transfer and Discipline of Members. I. Admission : Persons desiring to enter the church shall apply to the pastor: or in his absence to one of the deacons. The names of such persons shall be propounded to the church : the exami- nation shall be held in the presence of the ( 55 ) church, and admission shall take place upon the vote of the majority. II. Transfer : Members desiring letters of transfer to other churches shall apply to the pastor : or in his absence to one of the deacons. The applica- tion shall be presented to the church : and upon the vote of the majority, a letter of trans- fer shall be given by the clerk, ill. Discipline: Discipline shall be exercised by the church, in accordance with the Constitution and the By-laws. Section 3. Church Meetings. I. Annual meetings : 1. An annual meeting for the transaction of any business pertaining to the church shall be held at such a time as the church may appoint. 2. At this meeting the officers of the church shall present reports regarding the temporal ( 56 ) and the spiritual concerns of the church during the year. 3. The clerk with the treasurer shall present the annual report required by the Constitution.* This report shall contain the following items : Baptisms both infant and adult : admissions to the church by letter : transfers to other churches: suspensions, excommunications, and deaths : the whole number of communicants: the amount of offerings during the year: and any other matters which it may be deemed advisable to include. Upon the adoption of the report by the church, it shall be forwarded to the bukwai through the pastor or the representative. 4. The church shall elect one or more dea- cons, a clerk, a treasurer, and a superintendent of the sabbath-school. It shall elect also re- presentatives to sit in the bukwai and the renkwai : * and upon their election representa- tives shall signify their acceptance of the Con- stitution of the Church of Christ in Japan. See Chapter V. of the Constitution. ( 57 ) II. Special meetings : Special meetings for the transaction of any business pertaining to the church may be held at any time upon due notice by the pastor or two of the deacons : and notice of a special meeting shall always be given at the request of one fourth of the communicants. III. Voting : Only communicants may vote at church meetings : and of those only such as are pre- sent in person. Section 4. Amendment of the Form of Organization. The form of organization may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the church at a meeting called for the purpose and of which notice shall have been given on two successive Sabbaths. ( 5 « ) FORM B. Section 1. Officers. The officers of the church shall be a pastor, two or more deacons, and two or more repre- sentative elders. I. Pastor : 1. To the pastor in particular belongs the spiritual care of the church. 2. He shall be elected to serve without limita- tion of time : and after the manner set forth in Chapter III. of the Appendix. When his release shall be deemed advisable, the course set forth in Chapter V. of the Appendix shall be followed. II. Deacons : 1. Deacons are officers chosen by the church to represent it in the care of the poor, and the special oversight of its temporal concerns. 2. Ordinarily deacons shall be elected to serve for two or three years : they may however ( 59 ) be immediately reelected : and they shall be divided into classes so that their terms of office may not expire at one time. 3. When first elected deacons shall be set apart by prayer, accompanied if it be deemed advisable with the laying on of hands : but after any subsequent election it shall be necessary only that their election be formally announced. At the time of consecration, deacons shall promise due submission to the lawful authority of the church, and shall signify their accept- ance of the Constitution of the Church of Christ in Japan. ill. Representative elders : 1. Representative elders are officers chosen by the church to represent it in the oversight of things spiritual. As such they are appointed to sit in bukwai, renkwai, and the sokwai : and as such, they with the pastor form the daiin- kwai. 2. Representative elders shall be elected and set apart to office under the same rules as the deacons. ( 6o ) Section 2. Daiinkwai. I. Duties : The duties of the daiinkwai are the following: Theappointmentof representative elders to sit in bukwai and renkwai :* provision for the preach- ing- of the word and the administration of the sacraments when the church is without ’a pastor: the examination and admission of persons into the church : the transfer of members to other churches : the exercise of discipline in accordance with the Constitution and the By-laws: and the general care of the spiritual concerns of the church. II. General rules : i. Meetings: Ordinarily stated meetings shall be held at least once during every month. Special meetings shall be held upon the call of the moderator or the clerk : and a call shall always be issued at the request of any member of the d'aiinkwai, or at the request of the church See Chapter V. of the Constitution. ( 6i ) or the bukvvai. All meetings shall be opened and closed with prayer. 2. Quorum : If no general rule determining the quorum be adopted by the church, a majority shall constitute a quorum. 3. Moderator: The pastor shall be the mode- rator: but with the consent of the daiinkwai under special circumstances he may invite another bishop to act in his place. In the ab- sence of the pastor one of the representative elders shall preside. When the churdi is without a pastor, the daiinkwai may invite a bishop be- longing to the Church of Christ in Japan to act as moderator: and in cases of discipline it should do so. 4. Clerk : The clerk may be either the pastor or one of the representative elders: and he shall serve for such a time as the daiinkwai may determine. The clerk shall keep a clear record of the proceedings of the daiinkwai. He shall also register baptisms both infant and adult: ad- ( 62 ) missions to the church by letter : transfers to other churches : and the marriages and deaths of members. Section 3. Church Meetings. I. Annual meetings : 1. An annual meeting for the transaction of any business pertaining to the church shall be held at such a time as the church may appoint. 2. At this meeting the deacons shall present a report regarding the care of the poor and the temporal concerns of the church : and the daiin- kwai shall present a report regarding the spirit- ual concerns of the church during the year. 3. The clerk of the daiinkwai with the treasurer shall present the annual report re- quired by the Constitution.* This report shall contain the following items : Baptisms both infant and adult : admissions to the church by letter: transfers to other churches : suspensions, See Chapter V. of the Constitution. ( 63 ) excommunications, and deaths : the whole num- ber of communicants : the amount of offerings during the year: and any other matters which it may be deemed advisable to include. Upon the adoption of the report by the church, it shall be forwarded to the bukwai through the pastor or the representative. 4. The church shall elect one or more deacons, one or more representative elders, and a superintendent of the sabbath-school : and it shall appoint one of the deacons treasurer. II. Special meetings : Special meetings for the transaction of any business pertaining to the church may be held at any time upon due notice by the pastor, the deacons, or the daiinkwai : and notice of a meeting shall always be given by the daiinkwai at the request of one fourth of the members of the church. III. Voting : Only communicants may vote at church meet- ( 64 ) ings: and of those only such as are present in person. Section 4. Amendment of the Form of Organization. The form of organization may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the church at a meeting called for the purpose and of which notice shall have been given on two successive Sabbaths. CHAPTER II. Ordination Service. I. When a bukwai shall have approved the examination of a candidate, it shall appoint a time and a place for his ordination. In the case of one who has received a call to the pastorate it is fitting that the ordination take place in the presence of the church. II. The bukwai having convened at the time and place appointed, and any introductory services being ended, the moderator or some other bishop shall read from the Scriptures ( 65 ) the words of the Apostle Paul recorded in i Timothy 3 : 1-7, or those in Titus 1 : 5-9. III. After the reading of the Scriptures, the candidate shall stand in the presence of the bukwai, and the moderator or some other bishop shall address him in these words : Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and the New Testament to be the word of God, and the only infallible rule of faith and practice? and will you teach nothing as necessary to salvation but that which is contained in them ? Do you sincerely accept the Constitution of the Church of Christ in Japan ? will you render all due obedience to its government and dis- cipline? and do you promise that you will labour and pray for its unity, its purity, and its peace ? You are about to be made a bishop in the Church of our Lord. Are you assured in your own heart that you are called to this office by the great Shepherd and Bishop of souls even Christ? and, as he shall give you grace, will ( 66 ) you endeavour to walk worthily of the calling wherewith you are called ? (Here the candidate shall signify his assent.) May he who hath given you the will to do these things grant you also the strength to per- form them. Amen. IV. The candidate shall kneel : the bishops present shall lay their hands upon his head : and the moderator or some other bishop shall offer the prayer of ordination. V. At the close of the prayer the newly ordained bishop shall rise, and the moderator or some other bishop shall address him in such words as these* : You have now been set apart to the office of bishop by prayer with the laying on of hands. If you have not taken this honour unto your- self but have been called unto it by Jesus * When ordination and installation take place at the same time, what follows shall give place to the service for installa- tion beginning with the words, You are now about to take upon yourself the care of this church : Chapter IV. It. of the Appendix. ( 6 7 ) Christ, be sure that he will bestow upon you grace and wisdom for all your needs : but be sure also that your office is one of care of toil and of temptation. Let these words of the Apostle therefore sink down into your ears: I charge thee in the sight of God and of Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead, preach the word : speak the things that befit sound doctrine : be instant in season and out of season : for in so doing thou shalt save both thyself and them that hear thee. Those that sin reprove. But the Lord’s ser- vant must not strive : but be gentle towards all, forbearing, in meekness correcting them that I oppose themselves. I charge thee in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels, than thou observe these things without prejudice, doing nothing by partiality. O man of God, I charge thee that thou flee envy and strife and evil surmisings and the love of money : but follow after righteousness, god- liness, patience, and meekness. Fight the good ( 68 ) fight of faith : lay hold on eternal life : suffer hardness as a good soldier: be an example unto all them that believe. Finally I charge thee that thou give heed also to those other words of the Apostle spoken unto the Church of Christ at Philippi : What- soever things are true, whatsoever things are honourable, whatsoever things are just, what- soever things are pure, whosoever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. So shall you follow in the footsteps of the holy prophets and apostles, and of Jesus Christ himself : so shall the peace of God which passeth all understanding guard your heart and your thoughts : and so when at last you shall stand in the presence of the King, you shall hear the glad salutation, Well done good and faithful servant : enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. VI. At the close of the charge the moderator ( 6 9 ) shall take the newly ordained bishop by the hand saying, We give unto you the right hand of fellowship to take part in this ministry with us : a hymn shall be sung : and the service shall close with the benediction by the newly ordain- ed bishop. CHAPTER III. Election of Bishops or Probationers to the Pastorate. I. When it shall be deemed expedient to elect a pastor, a meeting of the church shall be called. Notice of the meeting shall be given on two successive Sabbaths : and ordinarily a bishop belonging to the bukwai with which the church is connected should be invited to preside. II. The church having convened at the time and place appointed, and any introductory ser- vices being ended, the purpose of the meeting ( 7 ° ) shall be announced. The moderator shall in- quire whether the church be ready to proceed to the election : and if the majority so signify, nominations shall be received, tellers appointed, and the vote taken. III. If the vote in favour of any nominee be quite or nearly unanimous, a call shall be drawn and signed in due form. If however there be a considerable minority, which cannot be induced to concur in the election, the moderator shall first endeavour to persuade the church not to prosecute the matter further : but if the majority insist the call shall be prepared and signed without further delay. IV. The following is a fitting form for a call : The Church of N, being fully persuaded that with the blessing of Christ your labours will be profitable for the comfort and edification of be- lievers and for the bringing of unbelievers into the kingdom of God, has this day formally authorized us to present to you a cordial invita- tion to become its pastor. ( 7 1 ) And that you may be free from undue care as to food and raiment and the things necessary to all men, and remembering also that the labourer is worthy of his hire, the church engages to pay to you year by year in monthly (or quarterly) payments the sum of yen, so long as you shall continue to be its pastor. Signed : V. The church shall appoint a committee* to apply to the bukwai for the installation of the pastor elect. CHAPTER IV. Installation Service. I. The bukwai and the church having con- vened at the time and place appointed, and any introductory services being ended, the moderator or some other bishop shall read from the Scriptures. Among the most fitting pas- * See Chapter VI. § 6. I. of the Constitution. ( 72 ) sages are the following: John io: i - 1 8 ; 21: 15-19 ; Acts 20: 17-38; Romans 12 : 1-21 ; Titus 2 : 1 - 1 5. II. After the reading of the ScripLures, the pastor elect shall stand in the presence of the bukwai and the church, and the moderator or some other bishop shall address him in such words as these : You are now about to take upon yourself the care of this church. In the presence of God and of man you do declare that it is your heart’s desire to glorify the name of Christ and to be made a blessing to this people : and you do promise, as the Lord shall give you grace, faithfully to perform all the duties of your office ? (Here the pastor elect shall signify his assent). God has called you to a great work . to your hands is committed a flock of Jesus Christ. These sheep are precious in his sight : and if through your fault any of them wander from the fold he will not hold you blameless : therefore ( 73 ) take heed to yourself and to this flock which he hath purchased with his own blood. You are called to make known the gospel of Christ: therefore preach not yourself but Christ Jesus as Lord, and yourself as a servant for Jesus’ sake. And be not deceived : what a man soweth that also shall he reap. You are called to a ministry of goodness and sympathy : therefore in love of the brethren be tenderly affectioned : rejoice with those that rejoice and weep with those that weep : be all things to all men that by all means you may save some : and be not weary in well-doing. Finally you are called, in the presence of this church and of the great cloud of witnesses, to follow in the footsteps of Christ : therefore set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are upon the earth : look not at what is seen but at what is unseen : and run with patience the race that is set before you. If you do these things, you shall never stum- ble : for thus shall be richly supplied unto you ( 74 ) the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: and thus when the chief Shepherd shall be manifested, you shall receive the crown of glory that fadeth not away. Amen. III. The church shall stand, and the modera- tor or some other bishop shall address it in such words as these : This brother beloved whom you have chosen is now ready to become your pastor : are you on your part ready to receive him ? He is bidden to teach, to exhort, to reprove : will you hear the word of truth from his lips in meekness and love ? It is his duty to watch for your souls, as one that must give account : will you render him the obedience enjoined by the holy apostles ? To him it is given of Christ to bring men into the kingdom of God : in this will you encourage and strengthen him by word and by deed? will you be fellow-labourers with him in the gospel? And that the peace of Christ may rule in your ( 75 ) own hearts also, will you see to it that there be no strife no whisperings no factions among you, but that all things be done in honour and in love ? Finally brethren ye know that the Lord did ordain that they which proclaim the gospel should live of the gospel. Therefore it is said : Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things : and again, by both the Apostle and our Lord himself, The labourer is worthy of his hire. All these things therefore you do promise, as God shall give you grace, faithfully to remem- ber and observe ? (Here the church shall signify its assent.) Now the God of peace, who brought again from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep with the blood of the eternal covenant even our Lord Jesus, make you perfect in every good thing to do his will, working in us that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ: to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen. ( ; 6 ) IV. The prayer of installation shall be offered by the moderator or some other bishop. A hymn shall be sung : and then shall follow two addresses : one to the pastor and one to the church. The services shall end with prayer: the singing of a hymn : and the benediction by the pastor. CHAPTER V. Release of Bishops from the Pastorate. I. When it shall be deemed expedient that a pastor be released from the pastorate, a meeting of the church shall be called. Notice of the meeting shall be given on two successive Sabbaths : and ordinarily a bishop belonging to the bukwai with which the church is connected should be invited to preside. II. If the meeting be called at the instance of the pastor, the moderator shall request him to state the reasons moving him to seek a release. The pastor shall make known his mind : and the matter shall be considered by the church. If in ( 77 ) the end the conviction of the pastor remain un- changed, a committee* shall be appointed to join with him in presenting the matter to the bukwai. ill. If the meeting be called at the instance of certain members of the church, the moderator shall request them to state the reasons for which they deem the release of the pastor expedient. Such reasons having been presented the pastor shall be heard : and the matter shall be con- sidered by the church. If in the end it be deemed expedient, a committee* shall be ap- pointed to join with the pastor in presenting the matter to the bukwai. CHAPTER VI. Amendment of the Appendix. The Appendix may be amended by a two- thirds vote of the sokwai : such amendment how- ever must accord strictly with the Constitution. See Chapter VI. § 7 of the Constitution. ADDENDUM. On page 5 of the Constitution these words occur : These also are to be held in veneration in the Church of Christ in Japan : The following alternative also is presented to the General Conference of the Congregational Churches and to the Synod of the United Church of Christ, as forming a part of the doc- trinal basis of union : it is presented however without the recommendation of the joint com- mittee : These also are to be held in veneration in the Church of Christ in Japan, and are to be approved for substance of doctrine : . / ' ' '•