sec fotfc J %tit f ollotoet?) tfte coppit of tye reflbmttg M)tci> tuag betmr rije ,3bbote of Crofragucll ano 3Iobn iimojr, in s©arboill conrmting tftc maffr , in rbe pearr of &on, a tboufano fine hunojrth tij:e fcoic ana tujo pearcsf. y^ &pocaltp$. jqrij. Ifo? 3! pjotett into euene man tyat Ijearety the toojDeg of tlje pjop^ecte of t\>\$ bofce ; 31f anp ma tyall aooe bnto tijefe ttjtngeg, C5o& (ball aoae bnto ijtm tye plague^ tijat are tontten m tfai0 bofce. gimpnnteo at <£ombur$ b? Robert teftpjeirife, ana are to foloe at Xfa Xm% at tye nether bote* Cum pnu tlcgto. 1563. KcprtntcD by George $amto? ftttt Company. 1812. f oijn: fctwjc imto f^e reaoer, tootOOetQ grace mercie ami peace, from dBoo #e fa* t^er, ano from our JLojoe 3Iefujs Cfytfte : totty tye fptrtt of rigfeteoug wogement. jFter tbat tbe p^opbet 3Isapas in great be brmrncie, bab rcbufeeD the banitte of 31* « f Dolles , anD 3Maters as in tbe 40. anD ^ |,a ' 4 ° 41. chapters, of bis propbmc botb ap* am, 4i- _pear , at laff be burttftb fiwtb in rtjefe too?* or 8. lift tbem bang fortb rfjere <$ods (factb be) tbat rbci? map ftjauj bnto bs tbinges tbat are to come , 0: let tbem Declare bnto bs tbinges tbat baue bene Done before, «c. £>banj tbtngrs tbat are to come , tbat toe mar unocrflaD tou to be &ons , let pou do rtbrr gooD 01 mill , tbat toe map Declare it, 315p tobicb too2Dts, tbe poo. tobieb tobrn rt»rp coulD not Do, be is boto to prononce rbis fen* tence: IIBcbolD pe are of nothing , ano pour maftingisof-*f a 4T nortjing , abomination batb ebofen pou. 31n inbicb too?* -" ' Des tbe propbet Damnetb , bothe n)e 31ooles f tbe 3lDo* laters. 3D)t 31boles, becaufe tpep can Declare rtotbing to p?oue anp potoer 0? toertue to be in tbem, tofcp tbep fljo* ulD be ujo:ftjippro as <9oos. 3 no tbe 3lDolaters t becaufe from €>ods moutb fifty coulD bring no affuranee of tibere aooultrrat anD bfurpeo religion. 3jf this reafoning of tbe Propbrt , bao fufficimt flrrngrb in bts aige , to ftjato tbe banttie of tbe 3|Doles , ano the pbreneticb fooliujnes of fttcbe as inorfbippco tbem : tbm map tbe goDlie fbta Dap mofle affnrrolp conciuDe againd tbr great 3|Dole pje* fentfD bp tbe papifles to be uwrftjippc D in tberr mafic , anD agamtt tbe patrons of tbe fame : tiwt it anD tbep are <**if 3T$c prologue, uatnr , foolifli, odious, ano abominable before ^oo. 3flt, brcaufe it bath mo matters then cucr bao the 3looles a* mongest the Gentiles : ano pet batb no greater power then rbrr" bao. Blbcit it batb bene iDo:fl,ippro as &o& him felf. £no tbetj betattfe , rtjeTj tawftjippeo there otone imagination , ano tbe toojfemanfljip of tbrrr oum baor s, toitbout any aflurace of tf5oo oi of bis tooiO. 3lf anp tbiuft ttjar 31 fpeafc mo:r liberally , tben 31 am able to p:our , let bim confiocr tobat makers rtje 3l0oles of tbe Gentiles bao , ano tobat makers tbe €5oo of b:rat> batb. Sinn tben let ri)f potoer of botbe be copareo , ano let me be rebufceo , if 3) fpcafe not tbe treutb. 2Dbe prophet in Difrription of there toanittes, mattctb tbefe grirs. Che earth bjingcth ftutb tbe trre , it grotoetb bp motffour , ano natural toactt- nr s , it is cutteD Doun bv the bano of the brtoar. 2 parte thereof is burnt , a parte fpent in ofrs ncccfiarie to man , an ortjer parte ehofen to be maoe an 3l0ole. 2Dbis is for* meo to the lictmes of man o? tooman , ano then fet top ano uio:fl,ippro as a tfoo. M tijefc ano fome mo , fljall uic fine to afltff f ronturre in the matting of this great #oo of b:r ao. Hbr tobeat is foumi ano nouriftjro in the earth , rain , oeto , ano beat bang it to maturitie. SEbe reaper o; fcherrr tutttth it ooune, tbe carte oj flco ojatoen bg hojs o? fome ortjer brad , ojatoctb it to the barne , o? to the barnjairo. 2Dbe taffeer , oi the foot of the of traoetb it out. 2Lbr fan ocliucrctb it from rtje chaff. 2Dhe miliar, anu rtje milffones bp rtje help of toino oj toatter , mabertj it to be meall. Che fmirtj mabertj rtje prnrs , that giues to rtjat #oo , his lentb ano bjcaio , liebnes ano fojm. 2Lbe fpne fubflance of rtjat €>oo is nertjer toooo , goto , no? Cluer, but toatter t meal maoe t maner of a o:amocb. Sinn rtjen muff rtje toojbmen tabe gooo beoe to there bano. ifor if the f&e be too hote , that €>oos fltin muff be burnt , if rtje srnes be euill oigbt , his face toillbe blccbeo , if in matting rtje rounones , rtje ring be broken, then muff an oher of t)is frllouirs , receaue that bono; to be maoe a tffoo, ano rtje crafeo oj cracbro miferable caih , that ones teas i hope to be maoe a «f>oo , muff be giuen to a babbr to piav him toitball. Sinn tjet is not all rtje Danger paff , foj if there be not an anopntco pzeiff to plap bts parte aright , all the formar artificers haw loff there laboure, m toitbout him that «oo cannot be maoe ; pea , if he haue not intern tion to cofecrate, the faftjioneo 0oo rrmaneth breao , ano fo €$e f&ologue. To rtjr blind people romimrr 31oolatrie. 3D)t(t are tlje artificers anD too?bmen c^at trauell in mabing of tbis fP tan not bnberffanb , none confioereth in his hart, 31 inbura* haue bnmt half of it , euen in the fpje, ano ijaue bafeen tion is fefab alfo bpon the roaUes thereof 31 haue roffrb fleuje « d5obs eaten it . anb fball 31 make tlje refibeto thereof an abomi* ml! pu* nation , (hall 31 toto to the ffocfe of a tree? «c. SDbus } 31 nifljmet ^P* we fee, bom that the prophet noetb triumph agamff foi 31do; the 31bolatcrs , in mocfeing of there mabnrs, anb paintig laters. fo^tl) of there banitie. esuho then ran iufflic be offrnbeb agamff ine 0; anp other albeit bp all mcanes pofGble, toe let the blino lwwlb fee, the banitie of that 31bolef roitfi; bering that bp it , ban) rtje glo?ie of &on bene ino?e ob* fcureb, tfjen euer it toas bp anp 31bolc in the earth, ifo? to ilrt the nonc toafi nmcr abfolutlic giuen , the name , nature, poto; Bapiffs rr « anD t> on0} of of rtje fubfface of that £>acra; ment , cuen in rtje berie action of tbe fame. #no as tou? djing rtjat fooliu) opinion, ttjat Cbutt 3lefus DiD offer bis! boop bnto $od bis jFartjer , bnocr rtje flumes of bjcao * iaim. $c. (tobieb rtje papiftes mafee rtje grouno of rtjere maffe ) tobat fuffragc tbat euer it bath by man , of ©oo, no? of bis too?D , it bart) none. 2Dhe Scripture Doertj \xiit> ^ u nes tbat <0oo rtje JFartjer gaue bis &one bnto rtje too?lo, Jl J ' '* that the too?lo mtgbt be faueo bp him » ano rtjat 31efus Cbuu DiD offer him felf ones bnto <0od, fo? tbe ocflructio ^ . of ftnnc, ano fo? to take atoap rtje finncs of many , but !£,„_ that euer be oio offer trim felf bnoer rtje fomtes of b:cao mo 9 * ano U)int (as rtje papiftes allcoge) the bolp &oflt Doertj no tobere mafee mention. £no rtjerefine tbe fairtjfull not onelp map reicct it as rtje o?came ano inucntion of man, but alfo are bouo to abbo? t oeteff it as a ooctrine b?oght in bp &atan , to occeaue fucbe as oclpte not in the beritie of $od , to tobofe mourtj ano boice are tbe faithful onelp bouno. «®. ©uintpne rtjat great patron of rtje maffe, in rtjis fubfequent conference , aoouccs fo? rtje pjobation of bis ararmatiue , Ctytft 11etU0 DiD Offer (teyeti^e) W*Mn imto CBtoD ty$ father, in #0 laft Supper ijuai J^jjg. boD? anD Mood, tmDer tye fojmeg of b?eaD anD matiue. tome. $C. jfo? rtje p?obation bercof , 31 fap be aoouccs rtje fact of #elcbifeoec rtjat b?ogbt fiurtj b?eao ano toine. &m I4 fc. But boto fone be is afbameo tbereof , ano boto tm* * H * able be is to p?oue rtjat tobirtj be alleogertj to be mode e- afie to be p?oben , rtje Diligent reaocr map cfpp. Jfo? per* ceauing him felf bnable euer to p?oue , rtjat ertjet €tyiike ^ ub ^ 3lefus o? pet spelcbifeoee , DiD mafee anp fucbe oblation, rr ff on jw as he i rtje fono papiftes do imagine. tt>e rmertj ftraigbt f *„ a to bis fo?tres | ftjameles febift. £> fapertj i^. iiuintpne. ^g 31 baue burt mp oton caufc, 31 toas carieo atoap toirtj ?ral ^ r fc. 31t apperteaneo not bnto me to p?oue anp rtjing, but L * to oefeno mp articfeles as rtjep are to?itten. |pf ^. to. kt iiif. £tic l^ologuc. ano jtji0 eollaterallcs toill rrfoluc me an Dout , then null 31 giue mp iuDgemcnt, tobether be ogbt to p;wue, oj to De* fettD onelp. $©p Dout is this, toljettjcr arc $p. fiiuintpnes articfeles nrcrffartc to be brlcueD to ^aluatio, o: are rrjrp fucbr as toitbout Danger of Damnation , toe map Dout of tijentf 3lf iue map Dout of them anD not offenD €>od, then affurrDlp 31 tbinfe that $®. ©uintpne map JholD them fo? treutb, til tfjat the falujeaD of them be manifrfflp DetlareD, But if rbrv be furbr as toe are bounD to beleue as a treutb of &oo, anD an Doctrine nceeftarie to Valuation, then is m. Uuintpne bounD to ihato to b0 that (Son batt) p?o* nonceo them, anD not man. Which if he be not able to do, anD that in plaine anD erp:efi*cD toofles , then muff toe 3|ob. io. reiect them a0 Deceauable, $ fals, atcojDig a0 toe be taucht bp our maiflcr Cbjul 31tfus fapmg : «£p ujeip bcare mp boice, but a flranger fbep toill not beare. 3lf #. &L toill not be reputcD an fab ]i):opber , f one that trachetb lies in tfte name of ©od, ano fo erpone hint felf to €>ods bote Difpleafure , be map paopone no Doctrine to the Church of <0od, the afturancc inhercof , be bungetb not from the mouth of ®od. 3|f (@. m» toere bratolmg in the fcoolcs, o? bragging of bnotoleDge amdgrff the pbilofopbers , 31 toolD pacientlie abpDe , that be (houlD affirme 30 manp paraDopes, a0 pleafeth him. wttt m the Church of , 91 brill not enter in oik putation toitb ?oto, gtf ?e cum totty couocation, foj 91 boil nabnfe be tbe instrument of difcotfie, 2f a " ana al0 it ijat not neceuar ?e cum britb conuoca* t^frfof tion of ftrangerjs , be redone ?e Ijaif mt JLojo of me fro. Caflilltis pjomeg qutuifi i# turactent tuarrand to SmI * 01(D > anD aW ^ e reft toiti^in Carricfc , and in yt S no re meine ttme ?e plete to reflaif ane confutation of pi?. ?our ullogifme qubilfc 91 fcaif fend to ?oto tutt^ tye Laird of Capjinton elder, and gif ?e defend tlje C^e abbtes firtt letter. 7 the tatmn tuctU , 5c ar mair able to man impug* nation to myue. ®i tfyv QetDejec % require ?our anftoer in torn , nnty rms berar tmtii Diligence qut)atrtt#oto 31 may feno atoay to my JLotf) of CatGtlli$ ag CaiD fo 3nD fa fair ?e toeill, of Crofc raguell tyig ^onDay, tije Cert of September. Ctotragueil tje anftoer to tje abboteg firft lettter, 3Io^n &nor. $e treutlj i& tijat tye eaufe of my co* ming in tijefe partem toeis not of pur* pof e to f eafi Difputation, but Qmplie to propone bnto tlic people 'Jcfu0 €k)iift cruftfieD, to be tye onelte ^>auiour of tbe tootfD, ano to teac^ further , totiat are t^e fruitejs tijat d&oD require^ of t^e members of ijig Dear lone, ac. 'But Rearing tyat ye $ffi in oppen auDience PjoclameD blafpijemouis articfileg, mafeing pjo* megtogtue further Declaratio of certaneof t^c, ti&ig laft|kout>ay , i^feetpiCe in oppen affcmblie, 91 coulo not but of confttence, offer my felf to be your aDuerfar in tijat cace, anD tyis far fo? ttye caufe of my coming ?efteroay to fcirttoflaoalD. cue anntJcr to t^c abbot, firf! letter. 3tyat re fjaue required difputation of t$e mi* nifter? (of toijome fome ate ?et pjefent) 9 could ijaue none, 31 ijaroiie beleue it, tye contrary be* ing allured to me bp Dtucrs of boneft report. €$at yz offer bnto me familiar, fonnail, and gcnttll reatomng toitb nrp trtyole ^art 31 accept tye condition, tfor affuredlie m? Hojo (Co 31 ff?le rou t>r rcafon of blood and not of office) eluding 9 bjatolmg 31 bttetlie abbo?, but tijat ?e require it to be lecrete , 31 nether fe iuft caufe tob? tljat re (bould require it , nether ?et good refon tob? tbat 31 ftoulo grant it. gf vz feare tumult ajs?e pjeter,tyat is mo?e to be feared tobere man? of eutll tmmd baue a feto quiet ano peceable men in tbere danger, tyentobere aiuft multituo ma? gainttand btolence, if it be offered. £>f mv to?d of Canutes promts , 31 nothing dout as touch- ing my otone perfon, fo? 31 ffano in tije protec- tion of tbe aimigbtie, to tobom 31 render bartty tbanfces, to^en bte mercie and potter botoctb the bartcs of men , to afftft ttic caufe of tlic tuft 'But 31 toonoer toitb tobat conscience yz can require pnuat conference of t^of e articfcles tbat pc baue publtcfelte pjopotteo? ge baue infected tbe eareu of tije umplef $z tyaue toounded tbe ^arteg of tbe godlie, and ?e baue fpofceu blaf pbe= mtc in oppen audience. Let tour otone conf ci- ence noto be iudge, if toe be bound to anftoer pou in tbe audience of 20. 0? 40. of tofcom tbe one ^alf are alreadie perfuaded tn tbe tteutb, $ tbe otber perchance fo addicted to tour erro?, tbat tljer toill not be content, tbat ligbt be cal- led W$t anftoer to tyt abbot, ftrft letter* IeD ligfet, and darcftneg, darcfineg. pi pe be a paftoj a0 pe bjag pour felf to be, pe o$#t to ijaue refpect to pour trtyole flocft , tea ; to t$e inftruc* tion of all tfcofe , tljat are offended at pour blaf* ptiemiejai. 35ut not» to grant bnto pou, mo?e ti&e reafon, % am content of tye greateff nomber ap* pointed bv rou , pjouiDci) firtt mat tlic place be, £>. 9Io^ne0 fcirfc tn air , to^tcii ig a place mo?e conuenient then an v bou0 in fl^apboill. ^>cco oarlte , tl)at jgoter? and ^>crtbc0 be appointed faittyfullp to tafie and commit to reseller in op* pen audience, botfle pour rcafonee , and mpne, t&at Co tee map aftoeall auoid confufion $ baine repeticion in fpeafting a* fojclos t^e oiuerutie of rumo# totyiclj map arif e bp reafon of obliuiou, totyat^aty btm fpofee bp atyerpartie. C^eoap f^ pou required, % can not fcepe, bp reafon of mp fomtar pjomeg made to tije mauler of fl^artoel, and bnto t^e Clmrc^etf of $iddifdall, and d5al* lotoap. OBut if pe toil fend bnto me, pour articfc* leg before t^e 1 5* of ting inffant , 91 foal appoint $e dap, totyicij bp tije grace of 45oo 9i (ball not fatll. fi pe fend pour articfileg to tlje baiUies of 3iir, it l&albe fuffictent difc^arge m% pou. and tlmjs craumg pour anftrser, % partite deure dffod if in? good pleafure be, fo to moltne pour Hart, tyat pe map prefer ty$ eternal treuty, conteined and erpjteffeo tn ty& fcolp toojo, to pour otun pje* conceaued opinion, from air tyiss 7. of ffeep* tember. 1562. infant. Courts to command in all godliness 3!o{m linor rhe abbotes tctonti letter, hereunto anftoer it maoe bneflie to euerie bcao of ttjc tame. fl©. ;©uint?ue. jflE^n fcuor 3] refTauea ?our touting, tons monuDa? tye feuiut of £>eptem* [ber, ano conttoereD tye Jjeioeg tljairof, ?ano firtt qu&air ?e la?, ?our cummg m t^tjs cuntrte, tuajs not to f eife Mfputation , but fimplie to pjopone bnto tye people, 31efuS Ciniff crucifieo, to be tye onel? Mainour of tfje toarto, pjaite be to d5oo, tijat w na netotngtsf in t^isas cuntrte, o? ?e toar bonie. 3|o&n fcnor. % gteatlie oout, if euer Cfcift 3!etus toes treu* lie p*eadjeo, bp a papttticall pjelat o? monfi. *$). jfouintyne. S>ceonolte, qutiatv ?c alleoge mat 3] pioclamcD in oppen auoience blafpijemoug articftleg $e i$ ane euil iuoge tijat conoemnig o? ^e fenatoeg ) t^an Ijad bene t^me to ?oto to Ijatf called tyem blafpfcemoug, qu^en?e^aofene tt)em,reot$em, ano fufficientlte confutateo tyem. 3Ioiw ftnor. 91 fcao ijaro tyem , ano thereof 31 feareo not to p?onunce tyem tudje a$ tye? are. flip. :©uint?ne. C&iDlr j qu^air ?e alleoge tyat 3 pjomift becla* ration of tlje fatoeg arttcfilejai, on £>onoar latt teas, Che atobotcs fcconD letter. toais, m? pjomeg toass (ag my ^atiD twit toill teftifie ) to Do tye famin, .puiDanD aHooartg yait tiaD bene na cottuocatum of ftrangers , quliair t&otr> tumultuatiou anD cumer mictjt folloto, anD ttoa toajs 31 eronereD of m? pjomejai, in ti&at, ?e come tbair conuotcD tmrii to. ot to;, fcotr of Grangers. 3|oim ftnor. 31 la? tfje utgijt before in fl$a?boil, accompanieD tottlj fetoer tijen tuentie. flp. ;©uint?ne. 3pperantlie mair tyfte to feift perturbation anD cumer , no? tye glone of d5oD. ate 3! t»a$ ivtyU beit be m? 1Lo?d of CaffiUte toty0 returne in tlje cuntrte , as 31 tojait to ?oto of befoje, fo? auot- Ding of cumerg. ft erDlie, gif 31 reauireD Dtfputa* tion of 3Jo^n tOittocft, anD ate of maifter geojge $ap 3 gif tljap ^aD orijt to to? to on? toarfiejs fet furty be me, 31 report me to tye auDito?, anD ate gif ttjar; refufeD 01 not , to tye t?me tija? ^aD a- utfeD toitij tye counfell anD tye b?etl#eu. 3]oljn fcnor* fitter geojge ^ay offereD tonto ?ou Difputa* tion but ?e fleo tije barrag. %, j©uintrite. jto^air ?e tay ?e can not pertaif qu^airfoje 31 foulD Def^e t ecreit Ditputation. Creulie it te not t ecreit , tljat te in tye p?ef ence of jrt. perfoneg. &uiiair ?e top, ?e Dout not of m? Lo?D of Carol* ltep$ome0,a$tueclnng?our atoinperfon. Creu- lie apperanlie ?e refer ate Irttll to ^te pjomeg as ?e ma? , conuoering ?e come conuopeD tmtij 0c ane nomber of Grangers aj5 te aboue re^eirfeD. * iiii Ct)e abbotes f ccono letter. &ui)air ?e tat , ?e ftattt) in t^e protection: of tye aimicijtie , ttoa Dote all guDe ctytftiaue men as ?e, bot apperaulie ?e put ate lyttl in oD0 IjauD* te ajs ?e mat, t^at gote accompanieD in enerie place , qu&airfumeuer ?e go totty fie multituDe, qubtDDcr it be Co? Deuotiou , m protection , o? ra t^er tumultuatio dBtoD mtatote, tin 31 fcuato not, 31econDlt, tyat toe mat feaif ane relfonable no* ber tyat mat beir toitneg of baity our pairtejs, but clamoj o? tumultuation. C&iDlt, 3! am cer* tane gtf toe cum to tJje iu& trtall of tye treuty, ti&air man be conference of mont butfceg, quiniu can not be Done comoDiouflt iu public^ auDtece. attoure ittoilbe mair IjanDfum anD eafie forme, no^ mifterte not fie c r vt ng out , a? gif it tear in oppe auDience, fb? gtf te bictojie cofitt in clamor, o? crtig out, 3! toil quite toto p caufe but farDer plet , anD ?it praife be to dBtoD , 3! mat quijitper in fie maner a* 31 toilbe bars fufficientlie in tbc largeft bou? in all carricfe. lobn ftnor Cfte Cfce abbotes Second letter. €^e larger f)om, tye better fo? tye auoito? 9 me. 09. touintynt. &ui?air ?e &? 31 fcaif mfecteo tye eatis of tfje ample 31 ijatf tuounoeD tye partes of tye goolte, and 3! ^aif fpofeen blafpijemie in oppen auDiece. 3! meruell ijoto ?e fb??et ?our felf , ctiiDaut) ami radiant) on ttys maner. 3o^n fenor. Clje fpeafcing of t^e treutij is cutting tmto ? ou. ConfiDertng ?e tato ane tytui afo?e, ?e Dto ab^o? all cijtoing ami railliug,bot nature pattis nurto? tmtlj ? oto. 3!o*m fcnor. 31 tutll nether interchange , nature no? nurto? toity ?oto, fo? all t^e p?offets of Crofraguell. flip, &uintpne. jJml)airfo?e 3 man beir toitij ?our bablme ant) barmng, ajs Dotjs #?tnces, ^ear poteens ®&a ieftrates , anD mon? ijuno?etljes better no? % Du^atr f e efteme me as ane b?agano $affo?, fayano , t^at 3 auc^t to ijaif refpect to m? ^aill fiocft. 3t is quettion to me gif it be tye toeill of m? flocfe , to maft oppen Difputation in p?ofoum> mpfteries concerning tlje cfetftiane religion, bot ?it toill 3 not refute gif on? man toill mafe mt* puguation, but conuocatton of Grangers, 0? tu* multuatton , 3 ^aif ^aro of publtcft Dtfputatton in fcoulis, bot not afo?e aneiwlgaranD ruoemul tituoe of people. 3oijn fcnor. ge are not t^en to toetll fene in tije ancient to?i* ters as r* b?ag. fl©. d&uintpne. fl>u^air ?e &ety?e me to cum to oifpute in %>. €$e abboteg ^econa letter. 3!ol>ncjs &trfc of air , ?e ma? be Cure 31 toill not m? io?u Ditpute tmtfj ?o*d tijair , fo? mon? guae rettoni& Dciptf s qufctlftig to twite , tear ouer p^oltjct , bot gif ?e SS tir** t0 awweine accofting to mi urft touting, rrafon. 3 falbe reaDie at all t?me0, bpott biit. Da?ej5 foaming, anD tail CenD?ott) tbe articfclea bit;. Da?egi afoje to autfe totty. anD fa fair ?e toeill. Of Crotraguell toit^ Diligence , tije tamiu Da? anD oair. 3!<#n ifcnor. Ti^isas letter toes none otyertoife anttnereD to? tljat t?me , but b? appointing bnto ijtm t$e place , accojDtng to Jji$ otune Def?je, albeit tyat no reafon coulD ijaue requireD tfjat of me. Cijc (Carle of eafftllis letter. Etfter partite commenDation, fojfameftlil ajes 31 buDerffanD tyair i$ ane Dtfputatton ap* pointeD betuir ?oto, $ tije abbote of Crotraguell m fl$a?botil, tije icjcbui. of tyte inUant, to tije qulnife 31 am not tolling trjat on? of m?ne mat* Difputation tmtij ?oto 3 ercept it cum of ?our oc* cauon, fb? 31 can not bnDerftanD ti&at on? eruDu tion fail pjoceiD to ttie auDitoj of tbc faimn , bot rattier contraDiction anD tumult , ttic qumlft 31 toalD foulD not be tin ?our pairt , l?fee ajs 3 am tDilltng to cauf e tije abbote of Crofraguel to Difc fttt. a$ to quftafaeuer ttmt toil proffer tlicm fclf to ptfacn tbr treto tooio, conform to tbc confur tuDe Cl*e (Baxit of Caflllug letter* tuor of tnc realme , map do tiic famm unttioiu impeDiment ag 31 tojait to ?oto of befoje, in ony of mv rot»mc$$, 3iiD ocftrcs ? oto to we me ane anftoet of ttn0 touting, anD » licip ?ot»« flDf garnet 3Joime$ cfjapell t^e rriij. of $>tp tetttiber, 1562. T6e ?our guDe freino. Cafftllt0 tje anftoet to mp lojDe of CaflHliis totting. 3!o^n ftnor. •ffter ijartlie commendation, of m? feruice bnto rour lo*Dftip, tour L. letter DateD at p. lotmeis ctiapcU tije rriij. of tyte inftant, receaueD 3 in Clglnltric tlic rrfc. of tlic fame. &0 touctnng ttic Deputation appomtcD, ttic occafton did pio ccaD of tnc abbotc , tclio in oppett auDience of tlic people, did pjopone certaine articfclejs , to^ereof tlic mofte part conteane Dcccauablc Doctrine, tatyicfye nottijeleg ije pjomtfeD not onety to er* plamc , but alfO to mantcanc again!* ant tliat toolD tmpugne t^e fame. aB^ereof 31 being aD* uertif eD, anD fo near in tlic countrie could Do no lea tijen offer my f elf aouenart to tljat Doctrine, totitcu *| am affurcD (balbe ccrtamc Damnation, to all ttiofe tuat trntnout repentance Depart tin? fcfiJ t^e anttter to tir)e tfarl of CaflSlliias let. life, infected ttnty tije feme, and bpon tijat mo* tiue 31 repareo to iairfeof toald , trijere becaufe tije abbote compered not, 31 pjeacljed, and after t^e Sermon a feruand of tye abboteg patented bnto me a letter, conteaning in effect, tt)at aa ^e tjad required dtfputation of tye otyer miuifterjai, Co did ^e of me , and did appoint bnto me , tyat oaf ctoj^t daf eg m 3$af botll. fl©f anf toer toes, tl)at to Dtfpute 31 W ^artlie content, but be* caufe 3! *)ao befo?e appointed £ mattter of fl^ar* toel to be in 2£umfret$ tyat lame oaf, % defired trje daf to be prolonged , to mf returnmg from $etyefdaill. §n t^tis meane tf me bf letters paff betuir bis t^e rrbiit. of ting tnffant t$ appointed toincij Day be tije grace of tiBoo 3! mf nd to Heap, pettier f et in mf iudgement ig ttyere anf iuff feare of tumult , fojt tye ptrfonejs ttjat (ball con* utnt Mi) me , Ml p?ome$ ano ficap all quiet* neg, and of four lojdflrip 31 nothing oout but y t toill tafte fuci)e o?oour txntt) four fremdeg , tt)at bf tt)em ttyere (ball no occauon of trouble be of* fered, and albert ttyat ttye erudicton (bal not per* chance be fuct)e ag tt)e godlte toold deff re, f et 31 oout not botlje tije berttte and t^e falf t)eao (ball appeare in t^ere otone colo# , albeit not to all, y et to fuct)e as et^er ijaue earejss to ^ear £ treuttj platnlf Cpoften, 0? ty eg to dtfcerne oarcmtegfrom %et ty liQfrt, and tfjerefoje 31 toold mode ^umblie re* fa£? if c,uire of ? out Wflnp* rather to pjouofte and en* he ban curage four fretnd to ti)e (aid dtfputatton , tt)eu mfi oc in anf maner to ttaf inm , f 0? tf four lo?O0np do tarw to cofider tljat totyil, tt)at ^e oppenlte p?eact)e$ one tying, C^e anmtv to tlje <£arl of CaCKUijs let. tying , and toe an otyer , tbat tye tyarteg of tye accufe people are diffract, tea, ana tnflambeD one a* me as ije gaintt another, tour lojdfoip fooulo rather feare JjJ** *- tumult and trouble to eufeto thereof, tben of "** mutuall conference , in tbe audience of peceable and autet men. €be nomber i$ not great tbat te admitted to bear, and tberefoje trouble in lejs to be feared. $lcafc tour lojdOnp to bnderffattd tbat tbe berttie ogbt to be to itf, mo?e deare tyen our otone liueis, and tberefoje toe mat not leaue tbc mantenance of tbc tame , fo? feare of tnar tirtjereof tbc tflicio is in the nanDcs of d5od , to tobofe p?otectton % mode partite commit tour lojdfbip. flDf OJginltrte in baift tbe tame boure tour lojdlbipg letter toes receaued. 1562. JOoure loitdOnpus to command in all godlinejs. §o&n &nojc tje abl)ote0 tl#fo letter anfiooered bt mouty. 09. dBuinttne. flMjn ifcnor 3! perfaif tbe policie Wed 1 be ?oto and titbers , to mafi m v attnn ! at mt partie. Cbe laft ttme ?e come in tbte cuntrie , % tea* perfuaded be m M mt Hojo of CaOHlijs not to rancounter ?ot» , 0? mm °" C^e abboteis ttyfo letter. eljai treulie ?e fulD not ^atf paffeD tmraucoutereD ao ?e DID, bot ?e falbc auureD 3! fal ftetp Dap and place in flPapboill according to mp touting, ano 3! Ijatf mp life , and my fett louf e , uottotttiftau* Dtng onr trotting that ts cumin to me , f ra mp Lo?D of Caflftli& tijerefbje fceip trpft, anD ercufe ?oto not bpon my JLojDe of Camilla tenting, gt feno nottoityttanDing t^at 3 ftnato tt ijs purcijett be uie ttjat, ?ow poltcte , to put me to ttyame , ano ?our i elf Ktuc t0 aouanfment, qu^iln fall not lv in ?our potoer, tat mr i tljairfoje 31 affure ?oto, in cace 31 CoulD do tije fa* diftwc min toitij ttie ijaiuart of my tyfe , Do ?e tye tyfee bS? toityout ercufe. ano fa fair ?etoetll. Of Crofra* toinr tm guell tins rriuj. of September. 1562. attoure to <&od, tiwt tHair be na conuocatton bot confonne to tojitijc ?ow touting, 0? eljs tine froir at tlje maift, of tye SmS crtbe$ to reaD openly t)i$ p?o» tettation as fol* lotoety. coppir of tlic r cflomng nulnlli mes bctu t r rtir ronun nioato: of C rofragtir II anD Ifjotm itmojc in spapboile concerning ttje mafic , in tljc peace of 45od. 1562, 0£. &utntime. Crceaumg tije great perturbation con rroucrflc anD Delicate , qiuitUi 10 fttrrco _ bp laitlie m all Cijriffeurealmejs fojtye caute of religion (ljono?able audtto?) and ate be* ing remembjed of tbe terrible tetence conteined in fcripturejs totoard all negligent patto# in tyte dangerou* t^me. 31 toasas conftra^neo m conCcience notuntljttandtng my great tn^abilt* tie , a? it pleated dffod to fuppojt my imperfecta ones to giue mftruction to all tliofc comitted to my cure , toit^in m? fttrft of l&irftof toalo , ijoto tbcp ftoulDi be able to be enarmeo agatnft all ttucBCd and decetfull preachers qutitlfi gaejs about not Knotting qulieref ra tUe v come, no; bp qu^at ojdje. and to t^e effect tijat our deirlie* beloued flocft intent nauc bene tne mo?e able to tiaucbenctoarrc tot tn all fate totctteD 9 tongooly doctrine, amang otiier godlie lefJoncs conteu ned in my ejtfjotfatton % infent certane catyo-- licft articfcleg ijauing tfjetr toarrand of tbe fcrip tures of almtgbtp dBod, according to f doctrine of tye ^alie cattjolicfee Jfrirfc, and burdened my a Cije reObntrtg betuir 3!o. fcnor conscience tit tfje pretence of d&oo tije iaint$ ar* ticfelejas to be goalie , neceflarie and element to be beleueD b? all gooD cl^ifttane men. 31oijn Ifcnor bpon fonDa? t^e auc^t Da? of ^>ep* tember, came tmto tye Mb fcirft of IfctrftoftoalD, being certefieD tljat 31 mtgfet not be pjefent, anD as 3! toag enfomteD to matte impwgnatio to m? fatDes articftles toijeretl^ougt) 31 t»?ote to ijim, certtf?tng tyat % toolD affirm t5e faiDeg articfc* leg , anD in fpectall t^e articfele concerning tije made agatnft linn 01 cmnaf oeu cr plcaf cs to mafie impugnatton tyere to topoaucfyt uatejs toarning, tlje place being in an? ^oujs of *$a?bo?le , tije nomber tuentte on either t?De, toittyout an? fur* tber conuocation, ^Ijojtlte toe being agreed b? touting of tye Da? Ijour and place , qulnift toa$_ tije 28. Da? of t$& inftant September. 31 am comen confonne to m? touting to affirme tye taioejs articfcles as tye? are tojitten , beginning at tye articfile concerning tye maffe. $?otetting altoa?es t^at 3] come not to Difpute an? of m? arttcfcleg as ma* terj5offait^^religionoifputable,cofiDeringt^eir 10 o?D?e tafcen alreaoie b? tye fcirfe of d&oD ( as j toold fa? ) be tlje generall conncelles , Deulte couened quiitlft repjetents tije bniuerfal fttrft of almiglitr <0oD to toliom it appcrtcmes to ranc o?D?e qnijenfoeuer quettion rtfes fo? maters con* cermng fatty anD religion , bnt accojDing to tije Doctrine of #>. ^eter anD als fb. ^aule to ren* Der m? Dett anD Duetie to all tfjat inquires tijer* fo?e $ anD after tyat maner to ab?De gentle anD fomrall ana tbe abbote of CrotraguelL 2 fomtall rationing of alt tbat pleaf eg, ass ma? ftana to tbe glojie of ti&oa ana tbe tnttruction of tnc auoito?. anD to tnc effect fojetiaia mat toe may come to fomtal reubning, a0 totoara tbe ar* ticfele cocermng t^e maffe , 3 toil grouna me b* pon tbe ^crtptuteis of almtgbtie d&oa , to be my toarrana cofomtc to nxv firft cofirmation, qublift mas gatbcrca upon riic pjicttbeao ana oblation of fl^elcbifeaec : ana toais pjefentet ?ou in 5feb?uare, ana ag ?tt bag gottc no anftoer , not* fcntbffauaing tbat tt mag of tober quantitie tier- tene 0? 20 tynejs. flUberfoje pleaf e you to receaue tbte fame confirmation yet a$ of before fo? to be tbe beginning of out fo?mall reafomng , concer* ntng tbe arttcfcle of tbe maffe in maner ag after foUotoe^* €be ^talmeft 9 ate tbe apoftle fb* J&aule affirmed our ^>aluiour to be an pneft fo? euer, acco?aiug to tbe o?aure of fl©elcinfeaec 3 quba maae oblation ana Sacrifice of b?eaa ana brine bnto €>oa ajas tbe Scripture plainly teacb- ejai b$ : not» toill 9] reafon on ting maner. Eeaa all tbe cEuangell toba pleaf eg, be fall una in no place of tbe (Cuangel qubere our £bafe uiour btiejas tbe p?ieffbeaa of 0£)elcbifeaec , ae* clartng ^tmfclf to be an pneft after tbe o?ao? of fll^elcbifeaec , but in tbe latter Supper , qubere be maae oblation of bte precious boar $ bluae bnaer tbe fo?me of b?eaa ana mine p?efigurate by tbe oblation of fl^elcbifeaec j tijen are toe compellea to affirme tbat our ^>auiour maae oblation of tyist boaie 9 bluae in tbe latter ^>up* per 0? elss ije toajss not an mieft accotfnng to tbe an C^e reffoning betuir 3!o. Ifcnor o#o? of flfrzlctytmc, auijilti ts erpjes agaiutt tije Scripture. 3!o^n Ifcnor. 3]oime fcnor pjotefteo tyat ije migftt ijaue tfce coppie of tljis fomtar fitting giueu in by my lojd in tout, to anftner tyerto mo?e fullie , $ at greater leafer, xxfyicfy teas deliuered bnto tym. :©uiutene. and in lyfeemauer , my tojde p?otetted tijat Ije iittpj^t Ijaue place to reply , if ije tfjogfrt good. %ty anf ton- of iflobn iimojc to ttje abbots option , gium m bp tftc £bbote brfojf rhr Dtfputatton , in tamt, giolm ftnor* l^entoeuer it plcafctn <0od of ins great mercy, to fteto tije ligftt and to bloto tye trompet of Ins true too?D bnto tye bund 9 bntyanfeful toojlo, after dar&nes and log ttlence, it ijaty tye ftrcgfy to moue and toalfeen not onelie tye c^ofen , but alfo tf?e reprobate, but in oiuerfe maner : fo? fye one it tbalfcenetlj, from ignorance, erro?, taper* fticton, banitie, and Ijomble corruption, to toal6 before ttjere dEtod in ftnotoledge, beritie, true fer* umg of Ijis maieftie , and in puritie of life. T5ut tye otyer it boalfcencty from tijere fomtar duetty, and yet to tljere further codemnation. for ta$e as in t^c time of dartmes did liue as men toitfe* out d&od, at ? found of tye trompet, calling t^em to repentance, addes and ioynes to t^ere fomtar corruption, blatpljcmie againft dEfod, and agatnft ftis eternal berttie. foi perceauing t^att^e ligijt anD tbe abbote of Crotraguell. 3 Diftoueretb tbere turpttuD, anD tyat tbe trompet toil not tuffer tbem to depe, as tbat tbe? DiD be* fo?e toitbout open repjocbe ; tbe? fljame not to m call lig^t, Darfcnes : $ Darfenes, Itgbt : good, euil: J m ' 5 anD eutl, igooD. &nD to bjmg tbat to pais, to tort, tljat tbe Itgbt (bine tto moie, Doctb tbe tobole baD of tucbe as oppone tbem f elues to tbe toeritie of ©00 , fo earneftlie trauell , tbat ttugaroes anD eftemmat men become actiue anD ftrong ^oul* Dioures to tbe 2£eml. €be eremples hereof are in ^>crtptures (0 comon tbat tbe? neaD no long rebearfal. for to^at toas tlje eftate of tbe fals f»2opbetcs anD l^eaftes in tbe Da?es of lifa^ag, eremie , <£?ecbiel, fllpicbeas anD tye reft of tbe true $2opbetc$ of d&oD. ££ibat care ( 31 fat ) tbe? tofcicij b? oiDtnarte fucceCKo ogbt to baue teacbeD tbe people of <0oD, toofce ouer tbere cbarges, tbe complamtes 9 at- teftations of tbe true f&iopbetes bfeD agamtt tbem Do toitnes. 3!n tbe tobicb tbe? call tbem myrf. bum Dogs, blinD toatcbemen, tucty as regaroeD *f «w** notbingbut ambition, r?atous cbeare anD luftes place * of tbe flefl). e?eij.34 j&aftcus mat feDD not tbe floct? , but feDD tbem felues. finally tbe? terme tbem, men from tije « 6 mofte to tbe leaft , giuen to auarcte , apoftattes J * ' that baD left oD, bts latoes, ttatutes, anD 02m nances, anD baD laiD tbem fclu es Doun to fleape in tbe miDDes of cojruptio out of tye tobtclj tljer coulD not be toalfteneD* 'But ?et ijoto btgtlant anD actiue t$e? toere to refill tbe true #?opbetes anD tbe Doctrme oftreD &iij etje reffoning betuir 3!o. ftuor by tfjem , tye Scripture Doetfj tyfctmfe teftifte. % far 8 tf°* ty m ^ %&W ano tucije ag aDljeareD to * r * fug Doctrine , IjolDen as monftens in tije epeg of t^e pjouDe p?eafte& anD of tbe multituDe. Ctyen Jm * 3 tnag ieremte accufeD of treafon, catt inpjefone, * m 22 an & DampneD to Deatl). Cijen toe0 fllptcbeag o* peuly ftrtften bpon tye mouty , ano bjiefty tijen DiD none of t^e true $?opl}ete0 of d&oD efcape tlje IjatreD ano cruel pert ecutio of t^ofe tijat cla* meD t^e title ano auttjone to rule in tbe Cfyutcfy. C^e lame ma? be Cene in § Dar/ejas of 91ef w €t)iifa fo? ^oto negligent ano careleis tioeg t^e to^ole leuiticall ojDo? ( a feto ercepteD ) tyztt toojDeiai of our maifter jlefuies dmfte do tDttne*. too be ^ at ' 23, bnto you Scribes anD ^arifejs l£ipocrite& fo? n fteafi tlje mngoome of ^eauen before men : n pour feluejs Do not enter, anD luc^e ajs toolD en* ter ?e fuffer not. 'But toijen tye trompet began to blotpc in tye moutij of 31o^u tye I5aptlft, anD trtyeu 3]efu$ Cimtte began to pjea$e 9 to mafce mo Difttples ttien lolw DiD , toijen 9Iobn calleD tyem pjogenie of biperg anD Sefujs Cfeitte DiD terme tljem blinoe guiDeis, fjoto careful tna0 t^e to^ole rable tfjen i ffl eaOe to be cfppeD. tfor t^en m ' K toere ambaffaDourgi fenD to Solnt to mrotoe by fctyat autbontie $e maoe fuc^e innouatton amo* ge ttje people anD in tye religion of <&oD. Cijen ^ atI5 - toajs Cimtte 3jefug tempteD tutt^ ifcarpe (jtubttl mu^. quettiows. Cfcen toag lie accufeD fo? bjeafcing of ti&e traoictoesJ of t^e ancientjs. CJjen toajai ^e cal leD iseel?ebub, anD in tbe enD Jje toajs pjocureD to be ijaugeD betuer ttuo t^euegf. anD bv to^ofe Diligence anD tlje abbote of crotrauell. 4 Diligence toes all t^iis b?ogt)t to pa* i toeg it not bp tljem ttfyo before baD abuf eD tbe lato i blmDeD tije people , DeceaueD t^e ample , anD bnDer tye tttle anD name of d&oD ijaD fett bp tbe Deutl anD all abomination to ring ouer men? § 01 in place of dffoDsf true toojfbipping tye? ^aD erecteD a marftet , ano nitbie merc^anonfe ^M- 2 - m tbe temple of dfrft. Cbe eiection thereof DiD fo enrage tbofe Dum mu 21. Dog$ tbat toitb an bay tbep began to barfte a» gatnft 3Jefu0 €t)iiftz, and bi$ motte boltome Doc* trine ; anD tijat becaufe tije ?eale of tbat great d5oD , tbeir bellie , DiD altogether contume anD eat tljc up. Cbef e t^ingeis toe imotoe to be mofte true, ano tberefoje toe ogbt not to tooDer albeit tbe true too#e of ti$oD reteane tije oton nature, anD tbat trje felf Came tying chance noto in our Date?! tbat beretofoje batb bene tulip perfonneD. a$ fo? my t elf 3! nothing Dout but ttje great per* turbation, controuerfie, anD Debate, laitty ftirreD bp in all cimfteu realmeg , foj cauf e of religion, ijs tbe caufe tbat m? t lLo?De abbote batb bene of lait Da?e$ troubleD to bnaccuttomeD lauboureg. iffor if tbe fuperfticion,iDolatrie,p«De,baine glo* rie, ambition, bniuft poffefftons, tuperfluoug m^tm* renter anD ultbr: liuing bf eD $ mante^neD bere* re tofapa tofo?e by Cucbe ag clametbe name anD autbontie p^V 1 * of tlje Cburcb bat> not bene opentyrebufceD anD RE, in a parte thereof in Ditpyte of 0>atban fupjeffeD it p^arijig mat be tbogfct tbat my KLorDe in tbtf btf tmpo* tent age coulD baue contenteD bim f elf toitb tfje f elf fame eate anD AUietne$ tbat in bte monger Clje reffoning betuir 3|o. I&nor age anD better ijabilitie , ije eniopeD ♦ Xut noto ttie tropet founDetij Dampnatio to all negligent pafto#, anD thereof 10 m? JLorDe afrateD, anD therefore to Dtfcftarge ty$ confcience Ije toil tafte t^e paine to tnttruct ty$ flocfe , 9 to tuarne tfjem to be toare offals tea$er0. 91 tnill interprete all to tije beft part, if nvp LorDe0 eve be ungle , iji0 tcorfte t0 gooD. "But if tye lig^t tfjat appe* wt 6. retij to be in Inm, anD in In0 feet, be nothing but Darcftne*, ^otu great flmll tije Darcftnejs be? nit loroe t0 a clerft $ neDetfj no interpreter of fuc^e places of Scripture, get for t^e Qmple ( 3 fa? ) scrriu $ at r i8W e t0 teac 9 ^ e floc & °£ 31efu0 Cimfte, imoto, requtretij rigijt tnttitucion in Cl#ifte0 ottw doc* ifogc 10 trine, for el0 a ?eale toitijout ftnotoleDge 10 no- rrquirrD ^mg but tije caufe of further blinone^. gea , if p"rarhrr ^ e Wfottie leaD tije blinDe , tye ignorant iDolater tafie bpon inm to teacije t^e ignorant people of log time brogijt bp in tDolatrie: neither of botije can cfcape condemnation fo long a0 tptv follotn t^at trame. &nD therefore it toil nothing imbur* Ding m? LorDe0 confcience albeit tyat after #0 negligence anD log niece ^e begin to cry, to fuc^e a0 ^e tearmeg In0 flocft, betuar of fal0 propfcete0, for it ma? be tljat inm f elf be one of tyat nober. pta, perchance tije fatfeft tyat t^er fcaue ^aroe tin0 Jmnoret^ rear, for if fce be a fate ^rop^et mmt. 13 t^at teacijety men to fbllotn ftrange dffoD0, tljat %m 14 prop^ecie0 a lie in tye name of tlje Horde , ano fpeaftetlj to t^e people t^e Dtuination anD De* Hm, 1 s ceat f ^ t otxin ijart , tyat caufetlj t^e people to erre, anD leaue tye olD pat^e0„ anD to toalfee in tfce and ttye abbote of Crofraguell. 5 tije patije of tlje toa? tljat 10 not troDen. Cljat conftantltr far to timn that Uauc pzouoHcD ma to angre. Cije &o$e tieatt) tpofteu tt. jae ©all ijaue peace. &na to all tljat toalft after ttje lulled of t^ere otou partes ttycre foal no euil chance on- _, to ?ou. $c. %i finally , tbep be fate pjopijeteiai m *' tliat be auanctous auD ftuDt c fo; aDuatage, tuat fotue pillouea bnDer ttje arme Hoillcs of toicfteD ©$M3- men, ano lay uuners a (leap, ano pjomes life to tljem, to trtyome tljep ogtjt not to pjomeis it. 3]f t^efe be fate pjop^etoef (1 l&t?) ass ttje Scripture effirmety tljem to be , ttjen ffanoetlj ntp Ho?oe abbote in a toonDeroug perpleritie ano fuclje ag belewe tym, in no les Danger. ftn d&oD Dart) neuer pjonunceD, fuc^e articftleg as m? iLotfie called Ijolfonte Doctrine , tye ctiief of tyem, to Hut, tije maffe, purgatone, pjaping to taiuctes , erecting of images $ tucije otljer, tyaue no atturance of d^oDjs too?De, but are tije meare D?eamej3 , ftatutes , anD indentions of men , as tyere particuler eraminatio (if nvp Ho?D pleafetlj to ab?De tye trpal ) toil moje plainlie trntnes , 9 t$erefo?e, it is no fufficient affurance to t^e con- tcience of tlje auoiture, tyat my lo?D burDen l)is cofcience, in tije pjefence of d5oD tyat tys articfe* les be goDly, necettar, 9 erpeDient to be beleueD. ftn fo fjaue euer tlje fate f&opljetes Done, tityen tfjc? $ t^ere Doctrine , teas tmpugneD. 3£tD not tye pretest anD pleads of TSad affirme tijere Doctrine 9 religion to be goDlie, againft tye p?o* p!>et dEltas? €^ey did not onety burDen tljere Mfc* 18 conscience, but alfo offreD t^em Celues, to fuffer 15 Cije reffoning betutr 3!o* ftnor tryal ( 45oD tym felf being iuDge) befo?e p &mg 2 «f 22 anD befo?e t^e tetyole people. C^e felf Came ttyig DiD tlic falsi pioplKtcs agamff 0f)tcnca0 anD'Jc remie, anD tfjerefo?e ?et againe 3! to? my Ho?D$ conscience (if a blinD ?eal be teo?tl# of tye name of conscience ) teill neither taue ijim (elf no? o- tyerg, because it ijs not grounDeD bpou ©oD, ^ig reneilleD toil no? p?ome0. jt mp lo?De tyinftetfc tyat tye i^oty catboltcft Cijurdj tg Sufficient attu* ranee fo? ty$ conscience, let tym bnDerftanD ttjat a m tfoeSame bucftler ^aD t^e fate p?op$ete0 againft aerenrie fo? tbe? cryeD, tye temple of ttie &o?De tije temple of tye Lo?De, tye temple of rije Jto?D, but a0 ^e tott^ one ttrofie DiD b?uft tyeir bucfeler a SonDer, taking put not tour trutt in leing teo?* DC0 : (o far toe that Ijote catbolicft ( tbat 10 loni< uertai ) tyat euer tyeir Cijurclje ^aty bene , fcoty are tyzv neuer able to p?oue it , neither in Irf e, mamng of lateen, no? in f ounDneg of Doctrine, ag in mv anSteer giuen br-moutij, 31 ^aue mo?e pla* nel? foeteen. 3!t pleaSety mv lo?De to terme b$, tmcfftD anD Deceatful pzcacbcr0 , tubo go about not ftuotemg teljerefro tee come, no? bf teijat o?Doure, 9 further ije fearetij not to p?onuce our Doctrine, fate teicfceD, anD bngoDlie, fo? of b$, 9 our Doctrine it i0 plane ttyat m? JLorDe ment anD menety. 31 anfteer tyat as b? d5oD$ teo?De, tee accufe tye te^ole malTe of manner nature, of co?ruptio, anD teicfeeDnejs, to Do tee not flatter our felue0, but teillmgl? confeffe our f clue 010 fubtcct to co?» ruption anD naturall toicfteDiiejs , tbat tut gooD tbat anD me abbote of Crofraguell. 6 tliat toe vuolD Do, tot Do it not, but tlic cuill mat toe bate, mat toe do. gea , toe Do not Den? tort mat in our liueg anD outtoarD couerfation mere be man? tbiugs bome toojtbie of reformation anD repjebenuon. idut ?et if our liues (balbe to* pareD toitb tbe liues of mem, mat accufem b& be it in general o? be tt in particular , toe Doubt not to be tufttfieD , bome before , tifrto anD man. f o? boto man? minifterg tbtf oa? toitbtu fcot* lanD, i$ m? LojDe abbote (waning mitt) tym me tobole rable of me bowel) TBifcboopeg ) able to couict to be aoultererjaf, fowicato#, D?oncftarD0, blooDfcbeDcrg, oppe?flo# of me pooje toeDoto, famertegi , o? ttranger , o? ?et , tfyat Do iDill? Itue bpon v f toeat of otber meneg bjotoes. anD boto man? of mem from me bteft to me lotoeft , are able to ab?De an aff?fe of p fojenaeD crimen. anD ?et Ojal toe be calleD b? me totcfieD anD Deceatful p?eacber& euen ajs if £ ttrongett 9 mofte comuue barlot, v euer toeg feuotoe i me bo&ell, iboulD tcl* anDer $ reuile an bonett $ puDicft matro. Xut in fomtobatmuft me Conner refemble mere father. Cbe Deuil ajs mat be tjs perpetuall enimte to treutb anD to ane boned life, fo tjes be a lear anD accufar of our bjetbJe, anD tberefoje albeit fucbe as feme bim in iDolatrie anD all famine* of life, fpeto out agamtt bg, mere toennome anD leig, io teftimonie of a gooD contctence , toe refer ben* gauce to btm , to tobome it aperteiuetk neimer ?et toolD toe baue one# openeo our moutbeg fo? me Defence of our otone tnnocencie( fb? dB»oD be PjatfeD , tutn before me toojlo it toill btter tyz 15 a C^e reluming Utuiv 3]o, ftnor felf, toar not tyat m fclanDnng our Uuejat , tfcey go about, to Deface tije gtonouis gotpel of Jefus Clmfte , thereof it i^atij pleated ty$ mercte to mafie bss mtmfterjes : anD in tyat cace , let t^em be aftureD, ttyat tlje lies to^tc^ tuttljout (Dame $ affurance, tt)ey cauue$ tnomet out againft tojef, tmtij flmme anD Double coufucion tljey ftal tuft* lie receaue agame in tyere otone bofomeg. 3]f my HojDe abbote alleDge, tyat ije accufety not our UueganD erternalconuerfatton,but ourooc- trine toincl) ije termeg fate, toicfteD, and bngoD* lie, toe anftoer, ttjat ajs fyat Doetfj mo?e gretue b#, no? t$e fclanDjing of our liueg, fo Doubt toe nothing, but tljat lie ttjat maoe ins fauojable .p- meg, to affltcteD 3ierufalem in tfjefe toojDejs: w ail inftrument tljat tjs pjepareD againft tijee, mv ' I4 foal not pjofper , anD euerie toung, t$at foal rife againft t^ee in iuDgement, t^ou (bait rigfttlie conuict anD conDeme of impietie . ULU Doubt not (1 fay) but tye fame dDtoD , tmll in ting our age, confounD tije tounge0, tijat oppone tljem f eluejs to \ji% eternal beritte, toinclj t$ t^e groud, anD affurance of our Doctrine. anD tijerefoje toe notfnug feare to fay, tyat my LojDe in tlje end (bal fpeaD no better ( if ije continent) , in tfjat tyg irreuerent railing ) tben fuclje ag ^eretofo?e, liaue blafpijemeDjefug Ci#ifte,anD W eternall beritie , to t^e tDlncIj albeit fo? tlje p?ef ent , tyey toilnotbefumect,and tljatbecaufe ourperfonejaf anD pjefence toijome <0oD mafietij mimfters: of tye fame , are contemptible anD Defpyf eD , yet in tye enD , tijey ftal feal, tijat in rebelling againft our and tbe abbote of CrotraguelL 7 our admonitions, tbe? toere rebellious to tbe moutb of dffoo , ami in defafing bs , tber; baue difprfed, tbe eternal ^onne of d&od, tobo of bis mercte,batb f entbS,to rebufie tbere impcitte,and to reduce to ftnotoledge ,and buto tbe true pa* So? again c ,fucbe, as tliwugli bltnd ignorance , baue follotoed tbe inuentions, ana djeames of memaud baue fogbt tuftice , remiCKon of (innes, and reconciliation toitb dB»oti , by otber meanes tben by gjefns Cimffe , and by true faitb in bis blood. "But of tbis point , 9! imotoe my lLojoe motte doubtes, Co toit, totjetber dSod batb feut bs, 0? not f ijfor my lojde tapes toe go about, not ftnotoiug toberefrotoe come, no?bptobato?do?, toe anftoer , tbat in our contcieuces toe miotoe, and be t)im t elf, toil beare bs record, tbat toe are not Centb? tbat JRomane &utidmtte, tobome be calletb $ope, no? yet from ty$ carnal Cardinal* leg, no? dum bomed "Btfcboppes: and tbereof toe reiopte , Being allured , tbat as toe are not fent by Cbjtttes mantfeft enimte in tbe eartb, to are toe Cent by 3Iefti# Cbufte bimfelf , ano tbat by fucbe o?oo?, as ©00 batb euer fcept , from tbe beginning , )o)f)tn publics corruption entered in tbe Cburcb, by Ueutb, and impietie of fucbe, as of duette ogbt to baue fedd tbe flocft, and to baue reteaned tbe people bnder obedience of ©00, afc toel in religion, as in life andmaners* Cbe o?do? of dffoo ( 1 fay ) batb btnt in fucbe publics co> ruptions,toraife bpfimple,and obfcure men, in tbe beginning of tbere bocacion , bnfenotoen to tbe tootfde: to rebufie tbe manifeft defection of B it; Cije retroning betutr % o. ftnor $e people from oD , to conuict tije pallor of tijere fomtar negligence, ueutij , anD tDolatrie, £ to p?ononce tyem bntootflne of tyere offices. iHfg. 1 7 tfo? fo teas deltas fent m t^e Dates of aijab, 3e< |crr. 35. remte m tbe time of abruption, bnDer Ijeijolb amo. 2. fi j n ^ anD ^ e j, ec j) ia 4 a m0ja! jptTDer 3ieroboam, anD t^e reft of tye $?opljets , euerte one in tyere oton ttme , anD after tlje fame o?Dou? ^atlj d£>oD raf eD bp i t^cf e our Dates, fuc^c me, as mt Ho?D 9 ins factton termes, ^eretiftes, ^>c^itmattftes Eumguans, Lutyertans, ^ecolampaDians, 9 Calumttts. Co p?oue tye $ope, to be an anttcij? ifte , tys to^ole glone in tije earty , to be altoge* tl>er repugnant , to ttye coDicion of C&tftes true mtmfters. Cije maffe to be tDolatrte ,_$ a baftarD feruice of dEtoD, tea mo?e cojrupteD tije euer teas t^e Sacrifice in § Dates of ti?e $?opijetes, to^e tet $ct affirmeD tijem to be abominable before d5oD. ^urgatone to be nothing but a ptfiepurs* Cije Defence of manncs fretmll to Do gooD , anD auoiDe euil, to be § DamneD ^ereue of jklagius. C^e fo?biDDtng of mariage to ant eftate of men t% tnoman, to be tye Doctrine of 5©euills. 3nD t^e fojbiDDtngof meatfo? confcience (am, to .p= ceaD of tye fame fontaine. C^e erecting images in Ctmrc^es , 9 in publtcfc places of affembleis, to be againft tye erp?effeD comntanDement of d&oD. $?ater fo? tije DeaD, anD bnto (ainctes, to be toojft Done toitfjout fatty, anD tyerefoje to be finne. TBncflt ®oD ijaty rafeD bp men in tljefe our Dates, fo to Difcouer tye turpituD anD filtyi* nes of tljat Tsabtloniane ^arlote, tijat tyv toerrie golDen anD ttje abbote of Crofraguell. 8 gotten cuppe , in tye txfyicf) i)iv fornication toes ijiD befoje , is become abominable to all tucfje, as trutt foj tye life euerlattmg. &no tljer; Ijaue further fett Co tenement a fr/?e in tt>c toerrar; ground of Ijir glone , ttjat i$ , in lur bfurpeD an* t^ontie , tijat (be ano it, are botbe lifie to burne, to tyere bttermofte confufton. 8®y LojDe ano tyS companions feare no Cuclje tlncatninges. tijer; are bnt railing fmaues p Difprtfullr; fpeaft againft tbere ijoty mother tye €t)uvtt). % ijaue alreaoie fain tbattye ^jopljetes in t^ere Darts toes euenfo retoaroeD of tyot e, tijat ijao tije fame trtle 9 Digmtie, tljat noto our aouerfaries dame. &uD ?et DiD tljcr; not cfcape tbe plagues pjonou* ceo, ano in tbe fame confiDence ftanD toe, reior-- ung further, tyat botofoeuer tbey repine, ftomte anD rage, ret tber; tfjat are of d&oD, bear bs, 6no* toe tbe boice of 3Jetus Cbnfte fpeafting in bs ins toeaft iuftrumeuts , and Do flte from tbat bo?ri* ble barlote , anD from bir nitbrnes , ftfyity is to bS a fufficient affurance tbat dSoD batb fent bs fo? tbe cofojt of Ins cbofen. "But my totut per- djance required miracles, to pjoue our laugb* full bocatton. f o? Co Doetb 2Jtn?et pjocuto? fo? tbe Rapides. Co botbe 3! anttoer, tbat a treutb by it t elf toitbout miracles , batb fufficient Are* gtb to p?oue tbe laugbful bocation of tbe teacfc ers thereof, but miracles Deftitute of treutb, baue efficacie to Deceaue , but neuer to tying to (Sod. I5ut tbis b? tbe grace of mafte end , to m? lo?de , and bnto tlje reft of tije popz$ creaturegf* &ud it i0 tl^ %l tyzy toill ftudie to 6eap tyem felueg, in credeit 9 ettimation , let tbem neuer call our bocation in doubt , fo? toe in continent toill obtect to tljem, tbat from tfjc moffe to tye leaft, t^ere i$ none a* mongg tijem, laugj&fulty called, to feme tnit^in tije C^urct) of <0ot». "But all comit tymonie , all are ^eret$&e& all receaue tye tpirtt of lies, and | lepjofie of da»e^e?i , ano finally, being accuf eo in ttyere urftojdination, tye? neither can giue gra* cc, no? beneoictio to tnc people of <3M>, ano tiii0 bp tyere oton lato 91 offer my t elf to pjoue, as e* uioentlie ajs nrp Lo?d0 MfcbopS, abbots #?t* o#, ano tye reft of tyat feet, are able to pjoue t^e Celueg, called to eccleuafticall function ( as tbe£ terme it ) by tbere fatberg bullet ano cofomxa* tion of tbe #ope. 9! toonder not a tytil, tyat my torn QioulD alledge , tliat 91 tt?$ certified tliat ^e mtgfot not be pjetent at Ifcirftoflajalo, t$e da£ tyat firft 91 offreo my t elf to reuff #0 baine ano blafp^emoujs articftle0. 9] am able to pjoue tbat by bt0 piomeis lie nao boud mm i elf ofter tbc oneg to be pjefent. ano alfo tbat b? famous gentle men tbat fame ^>onoa? in tbe morning be toag required either to come ano teacb according to Ins pwme0, ano f to fuffer 1110 Doctrine in audi tnct of furije a0 ^e named ty$ otone flocfc , to be trrtd, 0? el0, to come ano beare doctrine , 9 tott^ fotyictic anogentilnc0, to opponat H10 pleafure. Cbefe ttoo beaoes ( % fay ) 91 am able to pjoue. T5ut tbat 91 toe0 certified , tbat be could not be pjefent. and ttic abbote of Crofragucllc 9 pitttnt k- 3! tlnnfi tt nialbc as liaro to pwue, as to p?ouc tliat ^pclclnfcocc , made Sacrifice of bjeao, and toine bnto d&od. isut my lLojde ftallfcauelibertie of me, to alledge intutye cafeg tuiiat pi t af c tli Dun , to long as li 10 allegation fljal not pjetudge tye beritie, no? giue patrocynte to a lie, mmaterg of religion. %t is not of great impoj* tauce, fctyetyer 31 toajs certified, 0? not, tyat my Hojde could not be patent, ajs ije alledgety. % p?ef ented my f elf at tye day appointed, and tyat W Come argument, tyat 3 greatlie feared not my 1lo?oc0 pjcfencc. CUc letters mat uattc patted betutr b#, together totty fome anftoerg , tyat 31 Differed , tbalbe put in regiffer before tye Dtfpu* tatton. Cfcat men may fee, tye totyole p?oceoing0 of botye parties and tyte mutye by tout, to my JLojdejai nrtt oration giuen in, in tojit. ®oto follotnctu my anftoer , to tye reft, giuen at tyat fame inftant by mouty, 3lo&tt totwjt anftoemb bj> mouth Btfcaufe 31 perceaue , botye in your pjotefta* tion and arttcMe, tnat ye ditpute not upon tyef e maters, ag dtf putable , but as of tying* al* readie concluded, by tye fcirft, general coufelleis, and doctor : 31 muft fay fomtrtyat in tye begin* ning , ^otu farre 31 ttiill admit of any of tye foje* named, and of tye fcirfc ftrft ( 31 fay ) tyat 3! ac* ClrtM>2 fenoMedge it to be tye Cpous of Clmfte 3Ietu$, * ' builded bpon tye foundation of tye apoftics and j&opbets : Co tyat into all doctrine , it bcarctn C Cije reffoning betuir 3o. ftnor t$e boice of tije fpoug onelie , and an Granger, it %h toill not Ijeare, according to tye tootfies of our * m * matter Cimtt 3efug. Q$y tyepe ^eare m? boice. &', and tyerefoje if pan? multitude, bnder tye ti- tle of tye &irfe , toill obtrude, bnto bg , an? Doc* trine necelTar to be beleuedto ourfaluation,and bunged} not foj tfte fame , tye erpjes toojde of gicfuss e&itt, o? lug &pottle& fc, men mutt aper* Done me , alt^og^ 31 acknowledge it not to be £ ftirft of d&od, fo? tije reafon fojefaio. and bnto t^e generall counfelleg, 9! anftoer ti^e fame, to toit, tfjat fuc^e as ijaty bene gathered duelie $ in tye name of dBtod, fo? ertirpatio of ^ereftejs, toitf) my to^ole Uarte 9 do reuerence. ^ouided al* toayeg , tyat tije Doctrine , tyat ti&e? pjopone to be beleueD , nattc tlic approbation of tuc plaine toojde of d&oD , o? ete toitij t^at ancient 31 mutt tar; , fyat moje credit i$ to be giuen to an man, mm , bringing fo? Inm, tlje tettimonie of dew ^>crip* mita. tureg, tfjen to an generall counfell, affirming a* ny Doctrine toityout tlje fame, and ajs cocermng t^e autyontie of tije doctor (fo? b^ome 3 pjat- fe mv d&od, ag tyat 3 no fo? all tyem ttiijome ^e %tt tijc mafeety profitable inttrumenteg in t)i& fcirfc ) 31 goDUe tyinft mr; &o?de , toill bind me no ttraiter , tyen Sil ty *)*$) *ttWb to be bounD fym felf,tyat i£, tyat ticioiS' men be not receaueD, ag d5od. and therefore be rcaro tout) agugtine 3 consent , tyat toljatfoeuer tye «*fc doctor p?opone, and plainly confirme tye fame bV t^e euioent tettimome of tye Scriptures, 3! am ^artlie content to receaue tijefame , but elg, tyat it be laug^ful to me toity , 3[ewrae to tap, totyatfoeuer and tye abbote of Cr ofraguell. i o to#attoeuer ig affirmed , toitbout tbe autbontie of (0ods Scriptures , \tutti the fame factlttic it mat be reiected,a$ it ia affirmed. and tbefe t&e admitted. ^>o fotfb 3] enter in oifputation. fl$. flluintym. Cbair ar oiuer$ beides qubairtoitb % am ofc fended , toilling tfjat tbe purpofe toe come fo?, mat go (botflie to paffe. Cbairftne pjefentlte 31 totll omitt. am) as tbe occafion fall f erue of tbe Doctoures , counfalles and oclit dies , qubtUns ar not erpjettt contened m tbe Scriptures, and tins qmcfilie go to the purpofe. 91obn ftnor &t are not ignorant ( mt Lojde) tbat in euerie dtf putation, tbe ground ogbt fo to be laide, tbat § mater difputable ; 01 tbe queftion , either come bnoer an perfite definition , o? els bnoer an fuf* ficient oifcrtption: and fpeciallt toben cheque* ffton i$, m toatt Gmpltct. a$ i0 , #iff». gf it pie* afe tour Lojofcinp to define tbe maffe,o? tet fuf* ficientlie to difcriue it, % toill tafie occafion of p tobtcb 9! tbinfc tiojoug. and if not , tben mutt % erplaine mt minde , tobat maffe it is, tbat 91 in* tend to impung , and nau e called idolatrie , not tbe Miffed tnftttution of tbe Lojde 3]efus, totyidj be batb comanded to be bfed in bte fiirfe , to btf ^« mm gatneomig, but tbat totyict) is cropen in f into tbe Jffl^ fiirfi bifible, toitbout all approbation off too?de not \m of dBtoo. and ttyis maffe, 91 fat , batb a name , a pugmtt fo?me and actum, an opinion conceaued of ttjSnS? and an acto? of tbe fame, and bnto tbe tobole almkc foure3] fat, tbatnettbertbe name,tbe fo?me and C a €^e reffoning betutr 3!o. fonor action , no? tlje opinion, no? acto? , ^aue tyere atturance of <0oDjai plaine too?ae. . #♦ &uint?ne. &g to t^e Diffinicion o? Deftription ti&at 31 gatf $e latt ?etr , % toill ab?De at it ting ?eit , fo? % am not cumtn in bf e of at , ? non to. &ud ag to f maffe ttyat be tDilimpuug,o?anp manner maffe, ?ea, ariD it tnar tye paipeg atom metre , 9] tmll ntantein na tiding; but gjcCuss Cinittejai metre, co* fo?me to m? articfele as it i$ tu?ittin , ano Dtffi* nition conteneD in mv tomb, qubtlfe ^e i)t& taint on banD to impung. 3iobnftnor. SUs 3! can conceaue , my Lo?Des anftoer, con* teinetb ttye beaoeis, tbe &rft tit, a relation to ty& boofce a0 conteaning tbe Difimcion of tye maffe. jietnwn ®P fecottD a Declaration of bte to?Dfcbipe0 co* iuDgc ftaucie. &nD t^e tbirD , an affirmation , tbat be J°to ff toil affirme no made, but £ maffe of |eC u$ Cb?iff , S tea, not if it trier tbe popes otrme maffe. ftnto tbe is bnto firff g| anttoer. Cbat a ^aue not reo ins Lo?De* Jje ifa- febipes boofce ( not ercuung tyereintill m? ottw w negligence) ano t$erefo?e it appeared bnto me, tfjat rather ^ijs lo?Dlbip , fooulo caufe tye Dtflfc nition to be reD out of ins boofte , no? to buroen me toity tbe i eafeing of it. a$ cocerning bte lo?D* flnpeg conftancie , § bef eafe tbe eternal dBtoD, to made bs all conuant , in bus eternal beritie : fo? mconftancie in tbe treutb, can not lacfc infamie, ano great Danger. 05ut to me it appeared, tyat in no torte it can burt, tye fame, no? conftience of tlje goDlie , to conf effe tbem i elueis men , txtyo botbe ano riic abbote of Crofragucll. 1 1 botbe ma? erre, and alto be occation tbat otberg erre. &nD yet , tobeu tbat tbe fuller ftnotuleDge commetb bnto tbem , by tbe (pint of d5oD , no ma o^lit to impute Dnto tbem inconftancie , albeit tbep retreat tbere fojmar erro?,ajs in Diuerg bea* Dcjs Did tiiat learneo auguftmc. 'But tbr tlirmc beaD Doetb mode Delite me, to tort, tbat my lo?D batli affirm cd mat lie trull Dcf cud no maflc , but tbe made of tbe lojue 31e(uias: tobicb if bi$ lo?D* ^ ftip totll perfomte ( as mv gooD bope ijs) tben 31 m? offer Dout not , but toe are on tbe toerra? point of an ctmfttane aggrement. f o? to^atfoeuer biss lo#* femp (ball pwue to me , to be Done bv tbe lojdc lefujs, tbat , toitbout all contradiction , 31 iball embrace, $?ouiDiug tbat $10 lojDlbip alleDge nothing to be Done, b? 3|efu0 Cbntte, tobidJ ty£ otone inftitution, tmtneuetb not to be Done. S®. 4&uinttme. 3) Define tbe meffe, ag concerning tbe fubttance, anD effect, to be tbe tacrifice ano oblation, of tbe Lo^dcs boDie anD bluoc , geuen anD offereD bv 1 bim, in tbe latter Supper. anD tafeig tbe ^>crip ture , to my toarrand , according to my article a0 it 10 toutten. 3nD fen tbe firft confirmation of tbe lame , grounder me bpon tbe tacrifice anD oblation of #clclnfcDcc. Co tbe fecono, 3 tbanfe 3!obu ifcnor of bte pjafe anD p wr of mv con- flancie , anD intyfcmauer fo? cbnftiane cbenteiss taife , pjate dBod ttiitb all my bart , foj btf inou* retneg anD pertinacitie (gif ftoa be tbat be be in erro? ) anD toill tow) tym , tbat be be tmlleo to ref uf e t)i& pertinacitie , as 31 tell do my coftancie C Hi C&e rettbning tottmx 30. ftnor gif 3 be in erro?. €o tbe tb?iD , fo? auoiDing of cau tllatton , % mein tbat 3 trull Defend no metre as concerning riic f nbftancc , tnftttutton $ effect, bot tl)at metre onelie, qut)ilfe is inftttut be 3etns Ct)nff. 9]o^nEnojc €>mttting to further conuDeration, tije anftDer to tt)e Definition , to tt)e latt ttoo beaDes 3 tbojfc lie anttoer, tbat 3 pjatfeD no conttancte,buttt)at tobicb is in tt)e treutt). &nD as touching my otn- en inDureDnes, toberetoitt) m? lojde Ceamett) to bnrDen me, 3 plainlie pjoteft befoje d&oo, tfjat tf 3 fenetn my f elf in erro?, in tbat cace, oi in anv otber, tiiat concerned tt)e Doctrine of *bal* uation : % (bould not be atbamed , publtctlie to confefTe it. 05nt tbe laft parte of mv tojdes an* fitter appeared fomparte to barie (in nvp tudge* ment ) from tys fonnar affirmation , tolnclj 3 toolie to be, ttiat tits loiDQjtp tnolD Defend no- ttjing in £ maflfe, fttyic^ be tras not able to pjoue, to be tbe berra? inttitution of 3efus €i)ii&t. and tberefoje , muft 3 ^aue recourf e , bnto tt)e fbmtar Diuifion of tbe maflfe : tobicb is in name, action, opinion, $ acto?. and immblie required of hubs lojDfl)tp , ttiat be toolD ftgmftc bnto me, if be toolD be cotent to pjoue tbe name to be g> j^ote if uen b? 3efus Cb?fte: tbe tobole action anD cere* W* be to monies from beginning, to tbe enD, to be tbe tfc 2SK? ^tmnct of almigbtie dffod. €be opinion, tobicb S $ batb bene conceaueD , taugbt, anD tontten of it, metre, fo? to be aggreable toitb tbe ^cripturs of dEtod. anD finally, if tbat tbe acto?, batb btf affurance of ana tfce abbote of Crofraguell. 1 2 of $od, to Do tnat, twlncti lie tlicrc publicthc \>io teftetfj, ^e Doetij. fl$. ^Buintyne. as drilling tyat #e treutlj cum to ane trpall, 3 toill ttot trifle, bot ttijojtlie geues foj anftoer. §] mil begin at tye beft firft, quinife 10 £ fubftauce f n C ,s and effect. &nD as to tye ceremonies , acto? and name, fal Defend tyem abuDantlie (CtoDtoilling) conform to m? arttcfcle qutyen 31 cum tyairto. ^o^n^nor. C^e ceremonies tofeD in t^e maffe, anD tf)t opi* mon conccau rD of tlic fame , liaue bene nolDen fubftanciall parte? thereof, into tye confeience ^ n ^ ofagreatmultituDe. &uD thereto, og^ttfjeco* papefo fcience of tye toeaft, anD infirme, firff to be Deli* ""J"* uereD from tijat bonoage. W$z Dimritton being refumeD. 91o^n fcnor auflaiereD. gour lojDflrip is not ignorant, tyat in euerie Dinmtiou, tyere ogfot to be,cnptured. liberalttie totoaro tye pooje, tjat alfo fo termed. I5ut tljere td one Sacrifice, tolncft t$ greateff, and p moftc of all, called, p?opt«atcKmm, toljtcfc id tyat Sacrifice , txtyereb? , fattffactton td made to tye tufttce of ofarre ajaf % canconceaue of mv JLojoed an* Ctoer, f)t mafeety no Sacrifice, pjopuiatoae, in ^ fir „„ tye meffe : to^icfc id m cfctef ijead , totyi$ 9! in> So can! tend to impung. foi , ad fo? tye comemojation none m of Chitted deatij and paflton, tyat % grant, and ow - publtctlic do confeffe , to be celebjat in tije riaj&t bfe of tije Lojded Supper, totytc^ 3 dente tije meffe to be. %. ^uintpne. 9It in ?our deutie according to fomtall pjocei* €$e renewing betuir 31o. tonor w ttits &ing 5 ^ impung m? toarranD , quljilft 3! *?aue be u»f cljof en, to Decent) m? DifHnition be, and articfele tms o? euen ag it is tonttin. mmt 3olnifcnor. age. #?otefting ttyat tins mefile t$ toin , tyat tye fsacrtfice of tye maflfe, being Denied b? me to be j^t mm a Sacrifice p^pmawie fo? t^e (mneg of £ quicfi novo mo anD Uk DeaD , accotfnng to tlic opinion thereof sc ujtjtt before conceaueD, ^atQ no patron, at tyijs pjef et: ISt?L3] am content to pjoceDe. o? not. 31 pjoteff tyat ^e ijejs toin nothing of me ag ?it, anD referred it, to blacft ano qumte , conteneD in onr tenting. 3!otm Ifcnor. % ^ane openlie DenieD t^e maffe to be an ^a* mt orifice propitiator foj tye quicft. $c. anD tye De- fence thereof ijs DenieD. &nD tljerefoje 9! referre me bnto tye fame iuDgeg t^at mt lo?De ijaty clameD. 0p. &uint?ne. Ee ma? Den? qu^at ?e plete, fo* all t^at ?e De* n? 31 tafi not p?ef entlie to impung, bot qufjatr 91 s»htft on began tyair toil 3! enD, tyat i$, to DefenD Imeffe, confonne to m? articftle. 31o^n &nor. ^eing ttjat neither tye name , tije action , tye opinion, no? t^e acto? of tlje maffe, can be Defen* DeD fo? tyis pjefent, % tuolD glaiDty tmotoe tttyat % tyoulD impung. fl£. ®uint?ne. ail aboue renearf eD can be DefenDeD, anD falbe DcfenDeD and t^e abbote of Crofraguell. 1 4 defended ( d&odtoilliug ), and qu^air ?e are glatd 31 did no to ftnato, quljat ?e f oula tmpung, apperanlte fyat tijtng foulo be na netoingija; to ?oto, fo? 3! certifie ?oto but f* ?e Could tmpung m? toarrad alledged foj defence S5S of my difftmcion and articlil e. oeo 9!o^niftnor. 3Jf be tour toarraud, te bnderttand tye obla* j, auc at tton made tti bjead and tome bt fll9elcinCedec, % vmt gro plamlt dent, tljat fl^elctitC edec made ant oblati* uno. on 0? Sacrifice , of b?eao and tome bnto <0od, and defireg $e tert to be iudge. flip, &uinttne. It te ?our pairt to impung , and mtne to de* fend, fo? 3J am tf)t defender, and falbe dSodtoik ting. 3]o^n ftnor. Can 3! impung mo?e plane, tyeu tofjen % de* nit tour ground? 8®. Iminttne. 31 tat tfje dentmg of tye ground is na pjoper impugnation. 3ctynfcnor. ^our lotfjflnps ground is, tyat fl^elcljifedec iff tije figure of Cimfte, in tyat, tiiat Ue did offer iut mm bnto d£>oo bjead and toine, and tyerefoje v it be* mD s e , f fcoued 3!efu$ e&ifte to offer in ins latter tapper ^i Ijte bodte and blood , bnder tije fomtes of bjead arounu and tome. 3 anftoer to pour ground, tet againe, w jte tyat flpelctnfedec offered neither b?ead no? toine J"J&r tonto d&oo. and tfjerefoje it, tijat te toold tfjere* ST upon conclude ^aty no affurance of tour groud. fl$. &uinttne. © if C^e reflbniug betuir 3!o. fcnor. #?eue tijat. gio^tt fenor. 2Hijetijer tyat ttye p?obatio of a negate, tbould be deuolucd bpon me , efpecially toijen 31 &aue denied your clnef ground , 31 am content tlje le* anted iudge. fl©. j©uintyne. fl^oued tfyouclj feruo? of ttje tryall of £ treuty of dffoooejS toojde , 9! refwfe logtft captious ca* alem, b?ogijt ^ro- J 4- fo?tlj b?eao and tome, and tijat being #?iett of tlje mode fpe <0od, ^e blelTed 3b?afjam as tye tert bcaretfj tottnes. and tyerefo?e 31 fay t^at tije tert, piwtty not fyat any oblation of b?eao and and tfje abbote of Crofraguell. 1 5 and toinz, toag made bnto <0od bt fllpelctyif edec. flp. ^utnttne. 3uD ^e do affirm tijat fllpelcfnfedcc tyocijt furtlj nom Tf bjeao and tome. 3! fpetr at ?oto to tuijat effects m? io?d golmfonor. od. 3nD tberefoje 31 am con- tent , tbat tbe tobole too^id iuDge , tobetber tbe grounD be not fufficientlie inpzouen 0? not. fi©. 4Buint?ne. f0 * ty* caufe > ^ at 31 alleDge, oraimw ergo, fo? fome otber cauf e. &uljil6gif?e toil not, m? 1020 no? can not (bato pjefentlie , % Sail 00 Deligence JJjL to caufe tbe pjefent auDtto? bnDerffanD cleitfp, ' tbat be bjocbt furtb bjeaD anD "mint fo? tbe caufe allcDgcD be me. ^ouiDmg tbat gif ?e trull not lbatx> tbe caufe p?ef entty, tbat ?e fal ^aue no pla* cetotyatoitbeirefter. 3!obn &nojc. 31 anftoer, tbat be bjogbt fotfb bjeaD $ toim, tbe tert plainly affirmetb , ana % \)auz alreaDie granted. 'But tbat t)e maoe oblatio of tbe fame, becauf e tbe tert .ppojtctb it not, % cannotgrat it. ag toucbing tbe caufe toberefoje t)t bjogbt tt fo?< tb ( if place (bal be giuen to coniectojjf, anD tbat not grouDeD toitbout great pjobabilitie, anD alfo toitb fufrage of fome of tbe ancients, to tt>it, 3Io* fepbujs 9 Cb^foftom.) 3!t ma? be faiD tbat $®tb cbifeDec being an &ing, b?o$t fo#b bjeaD anD tome ano tbe abbote of Crofragnelle 1 6 mm, to refrelb abjabam and ty# toerie fouldi* o#. &nd t^t0 , fo? pour fetif tectum of tbe caufe, tob? be bjogbt fojtb bjeao and tome : euer (till fticfting bpon tbe principal grotto. Cbat becaufe no mention ijae made, tbat #elcbif edec made ob* latton of bjeao and toine bnto tiffod , 91 tony it, agofbefoje. 2Dbe pmnult of September. 1562. Q®, 4Buintpne. flDf 3!obn ftnojc fi^ingis aboue rebeirfed, 31 con* ceaue tt»a beideg in f pecial, tbe ane is, tbat $)el* 2V cmfcDcc matd na oblation bnto d5od , bot be did brginm, tying furtb tbe bjead ano Wnt, to refreft &b?a* ngof the bam ano pi$ companie. 3] boill anftoer bnto tbe JjJJf faioeg ^etDejse formally, ano on tbtis maner. f trft ?S 31 toil mafi impugnatio bnto n laft ^eiD oubair after that it ijs tbocbt tbat be Did refrefl) &b?abam ano bte 2£ !? * companie. in tbat tbe tert is mamfeff in yt con* JS am trar, in fa far ag tbe tert teffiff e& tbat abjabam v ano 3^igf company toar refrelbed be tbe fpol?e of tbe enimieis, ano toag not refrelbed, no? miftered % tt mv na ref reftingof ^elcbif eoec, qubairfoje it 10 ma* uoim mfeft tbat $£elcbtfedec bjocbt furtb bjeao ano argumet toine bnto ane btber effect, no? to refretb &b?a* be notrt bam ano bus compame. gjobn Enor. $®V fbmtar pume, tbatfl&elrfnfedec, did not offer bjead ano toine bnto d&od , ftandetb bpon tbi0 ground, tbat tbe tert maftetb mention of no maner oblation made tbere bnto d5oo of bjead and toine. and tberefoje in a mater of Co great importance , darre not 31 affirme oblation to be © tiij €fje reffoning betutr 3!o. ftnor maDe , tnljill tyat tye fjoty dBtyott ftcpettj fiXerrcc. anfacr anD noto bnto m? tojDes argument , nrtt , 91 Si an toer ? ^ at t] & ere # no contraDtctton betuir argumft ^ et:e ^^ 3b?aljam anD tyjs company, toere re* frefteD of t^e fpooiie$ of tljere emmtesi : anD a* bjaijam anD ln# company mere refrefteD of tije liberalise of fl^clc^tfeoec. anD nrft , bccaufe in tlpc trwe toijen abjaljam anD ^tg company re* ceaueD t^ere nourtftement of tije lubttauce of t^ere enmites , tycy tnere out of tlje pjelence of flfeelclnfeDec: anDnotreturneD tmtotijere con* trie* "But albeit t^at t^ev ftaD bene mm in tye p?ef ence of SpelctyfeDec , ret tijep mtgljt ijaue bene nourtfteD , partite be t)i$ Itberalttte, anD partite be tijere oton pjoutfion. anD tijiiDty be- caufe tye tert Doetn not affirme tyat abjafjam anD in& toer nourtfteD onety of tfje tpotle. % can not aDmtt nip JLojDejs argument. #. &umt?ne. f o? Catiffacttou of t^e auDttoure , anD to cum autcfelte to tl)e point tmtfjout Dnfttng of t^me % totll ref uf e reaf ontng,af ter fcoolmaner^anD totll go ?tt to tye tert,anD DepenDttjatrupon. anD on tlnss maner fa?anD ( ^>atf oncly tyat, quinlfe tfje ?ong men ijeg eattn) 31 tnferr of tins tert,tijat it Dots appetr, ?e anD 10 mantfeft, tijat tljatr rema* neD matr no? twajas etttu , be abja^am anD ^tjs company fo? tije pjefent. joijn &nor. % Do not Deny, but tyere remaneD Cubftance, totytclj toes neither eattn no? confumeD by ab?a* Ijam anD ty$ company , but tttoat Umlbe hereof concluDeD. anD tfje abbote of CrofragueW. 1 7 concluDeD? fl©. fouintym. 3, infer tat not onelt tyair remaneD fubffauee, bot tyair remaneD mefile mair tubttance, no? a* bja^am anD tyte company toag able to confume, ?ea , anD to gtf ane great Deale atoat, fo? qu^ abja^ant toag bicto? of foure ftingig , quijair* tfRoucfy ijc obteneD ane great tpol?e, 9 not onelt of foure , bot alfo be gat tbe fpol?e of btber ftue, anD gat all rnatr timers and meat, qulwirrmoucti it is manifeff be te berrat platne tert tbat £b?a* fcam anD ijte company, baD mefile mair meat no? tbet boar able to confume , anD ftoa mtltereD be no? b# company na refretcbing of 0£elcbtteDec, conCDering be anD Ins company boas bot ane meme nomber (ag % tuolD fa?) ti#e bunDjetb $ aucbtene. 3Jobn fcnor. Cbe bictone of &b?ai?am i$ in tbe tert tpecu fieD , ag alto tbe nomber of tbe fciugeg baiuque* IbeD. anD tfjat tbere remaneD fubflance, tea, me* file mo?e tbeu toais tpent, 31 Do not Dent. 'But tbtjs toil not neceflarlie concluDe, but tijat 0@e& ciiifcticc of ms iibcralttie toogbt fojtn b?eaD anD toine, to tbe purpof e fotfaiD: ajs be coniecture, i$ motte pjobable. fioi men of goDlineg anD ciuill boneftie, Do not onelt ftato tbem t eluejs, liberal in ttmeof ertreme neceffitie, but alfo toil Declair tbere beneuolence toitbout great neiD , tea, anD in greateft abouuoauce. 0£. i&uintym. Becaufe gjo^n ifcnor fpeafits of fubflance tn* € €^e reffoning betuir 9!o. ftnor difference, % toill deftre mm to declair i)i$ opi* nion , confonne to tye tejct , quijityer abjatyam and W compan?, recouered of tlje n?ne ftingig Cpol?ei0 bjead and tome , and btyer futtenance, quftiUi trcultc , albeit tlic tert Do not pjopojt tlic fame in plat ne toojdejs, ? it can na man of wdge> ment tfymft bttjertotCe , ag % can gif many &un* djetij erampleg in tlje *a>ctipturejei, and ant in tyeciall j qu^atr giefujs Ctmtt our lLojde tpeafiis in ftijS atoiu pjayer, called tye pat* twaer, of day* lie bjead , quiiam n to is to be bnderttand all re* quired bnto tije (uttentation of man , albeit $e tert oous not erpjetty declair tije famin. 9Ioijn &nor. 91 tyaue f poficu of tubftance in generally to in* ftructeo b? tye plaine tert, totyclj mafcety men* tion neither of bjeao no? toinc, in erpjefled too?- dejs, otyer no? of tiiat tom$ S&elcinfeoec b?og^t fojty. and b? all apperance, tyere could not an? great ttoje, of b?eao and toine be carted bacft a* gaine, by abja^am and ijte company after tye bictone of i)i& enimieg. f at plaine it 10 , t^at ije b?ogj&t nothing bacfe , tomel? ttjei? befoje did not carie atoa? (ffim f elf and tyjai company onel? er* cepted ) toe read t^at tye? totte t^e pm of ^>o* dom and dSomojra, and caried toitlj tjemt^e jtft tijis fubftance, yea, 9 tije bictual, Lotlj, #0 fubftace. SSX &• ® m aH)C * e $ at m W* beginning tyere bic* Smt taalleg Ijao bene great, yet being fucge a compa* » mp ny ass toe may iuftlie fuppof e tyem to Ijaue bene: to** ^ atrd aldo being arriueo toittyn tfjere oton cotter, gmtumtj t j0 not appearig tljat great ffoje toeg referueo. OBUt ano tije abbote of Crofraguell. 1 8 T6ut fcotofoewer it be, tty$ mater ffanDing in co* iecture, toe toil of necefiKtie conclnD no tying, fe* ing tijat tyc Ijolte detyott tyaty not erpjeffcD it. 3$ touching my JLojDejs allegation, of tye Daylte bjeaD. $c. 31 acfcnotoleDge tr>itt) ty0 loiDfcinp tfjat to be ttye familiar p^jafe of tye Scripture, tyat bnDer tlje name of bjeaD , is commonly ta* ften all tinnges necefifar fo? tye bfe of manes bo* Die, Itfie 30 t^efe, iFrange tfurimtt pattern mum, $c. fl©. j^uintyne. l^auanD conuoeration, tyat 3Ioijn Knox, toalo call in ane fufpicion in tyz partes of tye t)ono?a* ble auDito? ( taifanD ty$ paroone ) be continual repetition of tyte too?D coniecture, toe toil do a? (0od tuill giue to grace , to tali tins policie out of tiic tiartc$ of tlic auDito? , and that bp piopcr Difcription of arguments of inferrence o? con* iecture, quijairfoje tt)e auDito? fall conftDer, tyat tyair is fum conietures anD argumenteg of in* ferrece qutylfc neceffarlie concluoeg anD folloto* iut t%t eg bpon. 3nDarcalleD nottyelejs argumenteg of leamrD coniecture o? inference , becauf e tye ane toojoe {J^*** i$ not tbe otyer , * no? Dote not erpjetty conclud Rg-r tye otyer, ajs foj ane familiar erample, &ptrat, atptton ergo biuit, ag 31 toalD fay, ije ainDeg ergo ije liueg. *$"** :©ui)airfo?e 31 infer tijat tty$ conference of p^ ™£? f e, o? maner of Cpeac^, quijair it i$ tain in tije tert, m> tcije alt^atrbict«alli!5,neceffarlyinferri0b?eiDtx)ine, ** •»«& ano all btyer tyiugis erpeDient to be eatin, cofi* & Ws oering tyair toas great abounoance in tye cite* is quinifi tear fpol?eit as Do ting pijjafe , bjeafc bnto tye ^ungrte tyy bjeao, ano ftw* qufcatfum* Cfce reluming betuir 3jo. ftnor. euer mat be int crreti of tye ane ptyjafe, neceflar* lie mat be inferred of tye btyer. lo^n fcuor. l^ttyctto 3] ^aue trauelleo, to mafee Difference betuir t^at, tyat man of necefllttie ig boud to be* ieue , and tijat to^tc^ man mat either beleue, o? not beleue , toityout ant fcurt of confcience. 02tyat d&oo in erpjcffed toojdeg and fentencejs, ^atij committed to bjs toityiu tye Scriptures; 9 comanded tye fame to be beleued, ^e required of 00 tyat neceffarlie toe beleue tije lame. But to^ere t^e fpirit of d&od ^aty feeped filence , and ijaty not in plaint t ententes, declared onto 00 tye toill of od our father, tyere mat a man urtpend ms iudgement , tottnout hurt of confer ence, tea, and mo?e fure it ig, not boulolie to af* firme, tljat txtyicl) i0 fieped clofe, bt tye toitdome of <5od: tyen tyat toe (fcould rafljelie affirme ant tying, toityout tye toarrand of d&odjs toojoe as toe are taught bt tye admonition of &uguffine. 3$ touching p diuerfttie of arguments 31 fenoto botye tye ftrengty of tyem, tyat are called m& rarioconcittuentia, and of tyofe tP^ic^e ftano in pjobabilitie , to^ic^ botye 31 grant to ^aue tye &¥ t ftrengty in perfuafion : but tye faity of man re* ffif Wirety a f urer ground, tyeu ant argument tyat %tooa> can be deduced from nature (to toit) it requirety of jdBuiutyne. Co meit all tye ijeides coteneo in lo^n ftnor, patttcfile aboue refjearfeo, uottmtljffauoinge appearanlte 31 am conftraineo to tbe fame. 2:tt attrayejs in fmoii& of tye audtture , 31 totU go %tt tl)e fcbo?tlte to fum fpeciall Jjeioeg. and nrft qu&air inum $e mafteg ane meine, t^at 31 go by nam rail ret* ft»uusc tonus to perfuade , to tafie tbe fufpiciou of men iuffly of me in tty& imd, 3 fay and do affirme, £ 31 fcaue done not in ttjat caufe ajs ?it, bot cofojme to tbe $>cripture$ alttyouc^. and quijatr 31o!jn &norfpeaftt!8 tngeneral of meat, our contention toajs fo? b?eao and toine , qulni& 31 inferred ne* ceflarlte of tfce tert. and decree ijim to giue me € Hi €^e reffoning betuir 9!o. ftnor ane reuonfcijojtlte, grouuDeo bpon tye factip ture , qutjatrfoje tye pfyafe alleogco be me cott* cerning tije meat fal not tncluoe bjeao and tnme aCtueil ag Ijijai p&afe concerning tye b?eaD,be f)i$ opinion, toityout erpjeg Scripture fall induce all fitnoe of btyer meatig. 91olm &nor. 91 purge me fittt , ttiat % neither bur&en ntp £o#e , tioitij iufomtalitie , nettle* yet , t^at Jnjs lojDflnp, trauelletij b? naturall reafou onelie, to perfuaoe to man. T6ut becaufe tije toijole Hate of tyz caufe ( ajs 9) unocrftann ) ftanoetlj in tyi$, fttyetyer tyat&bjaljam ana ty$ fouloio# b?ogi# bacfc againe, fuperfluitie of b?ead 9 toine 0? not, 9! ^aue DeOreD tlje fame to be pjoueu by tye erp?ef fed tDO^e. €^e p^jaf e i$ not mine onely, but Si iut ail &b a S8 re toitt) WW JLotfie, bringing in tlje fame mm iu. firff. &n& noto \xfyy 91 t^mfe tyat abja^am, ano w «f ty$ , bjogfct no fuperfluttte of b?eao and toine £ i ra '' **** afl&wtf #* reafon \$ ? becaufe t^e tert Do* no" ruf &$ plainlie affirme, tfcat bictualle& befyoeg $e titimt. otyer fubftance, toejs carteo atoay by t^e enimi* eg. 3ut t^at any btctualleief, befyoegtbe fubftace toere bjogijt bacft againe , tyere i# no fpecito tion. flt£. Uuintyne. becaufe 91 perceaue 9!oljn ftnor , Dote not mctr tuc ticiD of mr particfele qu^atr 91 do mars tye conf errence , betuir t^e pijjaf eg of ti&e £a>crip* turejs alleogeo be bg baity : qu^atrtn ( efter my tuogement ) confto me marcftte point of tnc purpofe, 9ltoiW trauell na further tyairiu, not* toity&anDtng and tfje abbote of Crofraguell. 20 toityftanoing tljat 31 ^aue ground of te ^>crip* ture abunoantlte. and ttoa 3J toil go to ane b* t&er ^eid, to aaure tlje reader t^at flWcijtfedec bjocijt not furt& bjead $ totne, to refrefcl) &b?a* fcam and i)i$ company 31 toil ground me proper* lie bpon tlje tert;, and on tyig maner. C^e tert faris, p^tuut oj p^ofcrms, gu^ilft ig in tlje Angu- lar nomber a& ane, pcrfon bjmgand furtij bjead and toine, qu^airfo?e neceffarlie tt concludes ^e b?od# not furtf) bjeao and tome to refrefc^ ane multitude, as ab?a^am and W company toa& qu^llfc toajat not poflible to ane perfon to do: but onelie to ma& Sacrifice confomte to m? begin* ning. Holm ftnor* Mtyat 31 ^aue anftoereo, tfje beneuolent rea* der ©all after judge, to tlje pjefent coniecture of mv Lojde, 31_anftoer tfcat if Wc^ifedec allone toit&out al copaup J^ao bjoaj&t onel? furtlj fo mu* c#e bjeao 9 tourer ^e toes able goodty to carte, V ct (bal tt not be neceOarlie concluded tljattyere* fo?e $e bjogfet it not fojtij to gratme abjaljam, fo? an fmall portion ma? oftentimes be tyaufc full to many, but mv iLojde appeared to flwote at ti&at ground, tol^tcije 31ijaue not laid fo? mv Principal, and tyerefoje albeit ty$ lo?o(mp Owld toinit,?et m^fomtar ftrengty toere litle demi* nttbed (in mv iudgement)for onleg ty# lojdl&ip, be able to pjoue by tbe plaine toojdeg of t^e tert tyat tye bjead and toine toer b?oo#t fotffj to be offered bnto C&oo , mv p?iucipall ground doetlj altoa? egabpoe. OBut £ p^jate of tye Scripture, € iiij sn&e reffoning betuir 3!o* ftnor and alg tye ojdinarie manere of fpeamng, Do* zty often t?me$ attribute to tyz pjinctpall man, ttyat totytcij at Ijijai comandement , o? toil ig Done, by tyg feruandes o? tubiecteg , thereof 31 offer mv felf , to ftato in ffeeripturejs, mo tefttmonieg t^en one , toitij t^me .and yet tyis 10 not my cljief ground , but ting 31 tyeafe fo? erplaning of tlje tert. $). &uintime. £>f tye formar perticltle 31 mars ttoa ijeideg in fpeciall,quinlft doig not onety gtue apperance for my pretence, bot plamlie Doijs conutct,a0 tye godlie anD tneffectionat reaDer may cleirly per* ceaue. C^e firff l^eid ig , quijair 31otjn ftnor dots allege tijat fl^elcinfedec bjocijt furty bjead and C6f n toine , to refrefc^ abjaijam and ^ijs tncrte com* iutjat (ft panie , qu^tlfe plainly differig fra j&te fpeafting fts mp pitt ent, fayand t^at it toast to gratine abradant JgJ fou - and lug company , quljairinto tfjair te uc mani* m f ett otfftrence as it giues plaine perfuafion , ty$ ground in tyijs ^eio to be no#ti0. Secondly, it ig agatntt tije ojdur of nature, to tijmfi tijat ony ane man (lat be ane &ing and ane ^eitt) fould bung fujtlj tfiat migfct gratine, lat be to refrefclj fie ane multitude as , t&e tiundjetlj and aucfj* tene toerie pertoni& 3otin fcnor* ftltyat my Hordes iudgement doet^ moue in tyt ^artg of tye auditure, 31 remitt to tyere oton iudgement,but 3 plainly affirme: tyat neither in my toojde, no? in my dytment is, tijere any lutf) repugnance o? oiftHrence, ajs iuffliemay conuict me and tbe abbote of Crofraguell, 21 me to baue an curt ground, tfoi in my format fapingess , mp too^Dcjs tocre , tbat b? pjobable contccture , tbe bjeao 9 mint toere bjogbt fotfb by fl@clcbifedec, to refreft &b?abam and big toe* rte company. 91 did not affirme, tbat be ana bte ipote tobole copanie toere tbereof tobotylie reftelbeo* and in my latter tDo$e& 91 far, tbat albeit tbere bad bene no moje tyead and totne, tben S^elcbi* fedec onelp bjogbt fotfb, ytt doetb it not tbereof neceliarlie conclude, p tbe fame toere not b?ogbt fojtb , to gratifte abjabam. 9]n tobicb mauer of f pcacb, tbi0 terme gratifte, doetb uetber rcpuug, no? ?et Differ, from tbe terme refreft, otbertoife, commonlie doetb in maner of fpeacb «fniw ano ^pfctcs, tbat is to fay, tbe moje generall, and tbe inferio?. f. 01 in fofar as &b?abam ana ty$ com* yany toere refrelbed b? tbe bjead 9 toine (toere tt neuer to litle ) in fofar doetb be tying it fo?tb, to gratifte bint, f&otefting plainly, tbat tmtml* linglie 31 am compelled tbujs to anftoer. and tbus enoetb tbe fecono darts trauell,all tobole fpent to anftoer my Hordes lifting, thereto be toes moueo, becaufe be toes not a* ble to pjoue tbat ^elcbif eoec offered bjead and taint into dSod , ajs toilliuglie ones be toofee to p?oue» $). ®uintrne. && dois 9Iob« ftnor, fa do 91 toitb all my bart, remit me to tbe iuogemente of tbe audito? , in tins beid: and twill not repojt tbe beides, of ty$ fomiar perticftle fo? auoiding of pjolirtues. Q5ut uoto toill 91 conclude tottb ane argument* t %ty reffoiung betuir 3|o. fcnor. #na thufi begmnes (©. 4&uforgne the tipfo Dap, batting ttjte( argument tojitten m paper ttrijicb he caufro to be reo. fl$. j^uintyne. j©ut)atfueucr opinion ijs conceaued of $e ^>ctp< tureg of almic^tie <0od, tiauand na erp?e$ tefti* monie no? apperance of tye fame, i$ alluterlie to be refuf ed ( ajs (a^iss gio^n ftnor Jnm f elf ) , "Bot i tea it i& t^at 3!oim ftnor atoiu opinion, couce* aueo o? contracted of fye Scripture, cocetning tye bunging fo?ty of b?ead and tmne, b? fl^elcty* fedec , to refrettfje o? g?atifie 3b?at)am and f)i$ toerie company, is not erp?ett? contened in tije Scripture , no? ^ejs na apperance of t^e tamint $erefo?e itfbllotois toeitt, tyat it i$ alluterlie be t)i$ atr>iu iudgement to be refuted. fl^oueo on goalie ?eill ( ljono?able audito? ) t$at in ting dangerous t?me, t^e treutlj foulo cum to tt?al, in fie maner, as tye confeience of fie , as ar perturbed ( tafar as lies in oure fober pofltbilitie) foulo be effablefeo, and at qutetnes: toe fet furtfj certaue arttcfcles (ass plefed d&od to gif ts grace) bnto tije qulnlftis, giotjn ianor tuife on tjano to mafe impungnation : fpecialty to ttye articfile concewingtyemeffe. 3©a^oure$ place beand appointed and obferued, % come to oefed m? articftles, and in fpeciall mp articfele concer* ning tl)e meffe. and according to tye famin, tuife il« the me pjoperlie to mp toarrano , grounded bpone amS ^tidej3i»o?d: bnto tye qufcilfe toarrand, 9!o^n the #? fcnor, as ?it tyes ntaid na tmpungnatton, bot de* ptaes fy?ed me to futtene and defend tije name, ttje ac* *h*s* to?, tt>e ceremonies, tye opinion of men coceaued of and tye abbote of Crofraguell. 2 2 of tlje meffe, and gif it toe0 ane Sacrifice Pw* ciatoae. 9 beand toilled, tfjat t»e fcfjojtlte fould go to tye ground , and effect , and fubffance of tye purpote quijairfoje toe come, 9! ffude be nrp articftle and toarrand , a$ tytv attrmtten: not refufaud to Defend , ttje ijeidegaboue reljetrfeo, ajstpme and place foulo feme, and nottMttjtta* dmg tyat 91 toajs fufficientlte grounded bpon dB»oD0 too?oe, qutylft 91 tuift to be mv toarrand, ano tuift tyfietotf e bpon me , fart aboue m? tia* hJ^S bilitte, $e place ano perfonage of ane defender: %om nott^eleis tb?ou$ occauon tljat ferueo (ag tuojft tmmte toill beir tmtneg) 91 toaiat cofframcd to taft bpou £« t r me ti)t perfonage of ane pet* etner , farre b£ mp fcujrt * appetit, ?ea, and tye toetll of mv caufe : and ate tyat tjr by tije opinion of all Oc as toalo tlje toetll of ttje W Jg famin, moued on godlie ?eill (ajs d5on be iudge) Sufr tyat tye truety fould cum to a trpal, to tlje plea* Cure of dffod , and fatiffaction of tbe ljono?able J* fe t ro auditor , 91 beand cled toity tbe perfonage of Si^. ane impunguar, erpjcjs contrar to my nrpno, fo? fie caufe? as ar abone reljeirfeo, 91 maid impug* nation, not be manlie imaginations, bot be tye manifeft toojde of d&oo. and tyat ti#e maner of toa^eg, ftrff to taft mav 91o^u fcnor conceaued * nvom opinion , ttjat S©elc^ifedec b?oc^t furty bjead 9 mm toine , to refretelje 0? gratroe abja^am and t)i$ rettuogr toerie company 91 called to remembjance, fjoto tyat tye fpul?ete of npne ftingijai, and of certain citeig to, toais recouered be atyaljam, quijaittfc ouc& ^e and ty$ company, toag fufficientlie re* freft^ed, audfcad rneuclj to be refref$edon,ft»a •ft; C&e reffoning bttuix 3]o. ^nojt: tijat ttyty miffered not to be retrefted toitfy bjeid and toine of SBPelcijifedec. Recondite qu^air 9]o. Ifcnor matd queffion , tljat tyep fjad tiot bjead $ toine. 3 returned againe to ttje tert, to toerifie tlje tamin. ^Buinlft fa^eis, and all tinngig, perte* nand bnto meat. 3!nf errand ttjat in tins pfejaf e, toag conteneo bjead and toine, confomte to t^e pi#afe of tye Scripture, quljair mention is maid onelie of tyead , conteuand all tlnngiss neceflar foi manias futtentacion, ^e ftndand ting not fuffi* cient tettffactton. %\% ?eid % not to mante tmagi nation , bot to tye plaine tert , and grounded me bpon tl)c tooftejs of tye tert ta?and. £@elc$t» fedec b?ocl)t furtlj bjead ant) toine. ginferrand, iijoii) in t^at it toajs fpofee in tye tlmd perfon angular, m tfjat it toas agatnft tye o?ooure of nature, to tfnnfe J^P * tyat ane ma, Could bnngturti) (especially ije ti&at toajs ane fcing and ane pietft ) to taft tyat paines to tying furti) bjcad and tonne, tyat mtc^t grati* fie (lat be to refrefct)) tl#e pdjety and aucijtene men^eand tyatinuinfible perfuattou&pjoper* lie gathered bpon t^e tert, could na totfe bung i5ut did gjojjn j^nor , to confeffe ttjat tying qutnlfe appe* not ?o f£S re & bnt0 mt »»^B?mc to tye Scriptures of al* apprir to micijtie ®od, and all gude reffon ije foulo ^aue otijers. confeffed. %\)tn concluded 31 imti) tye ^crip* iRo? f t t tureg, as 3! dtd begin, as my conclufion toil beir mi do tottnejs, tyat fce toald Ijaue iuffified ins opinion £JK r, concerned of tlje Scripture, cofonu to fcis atoiu far/mgis,betfje erpjes toojd of dffod. and of mg liberalitie toil grant inm ?it, gif ije fces my ma* ner of apperance of tye tamin, nottottljilandtng ^e (aid to me, ije toald not gif me ane ^air of ty$ licid and tlje abbote of Crofraguell. 2 ? fceto, gtf 91 foulo ftand tyir f euen ?eire& 9]obnlfrnor. #rotefting ftrft, tljat 31 mat anficoer, in b^it, bnto tbe formar argument (becaute ag % per* ceiue it toes before concerned in borit ) 91 enter in (bortlie bnto tbe long oitcourfe, made by ra? JLorde: not bulling to anttoer euerie part tbere* of, but onety fo mucbe, a$ mat appear to infinite tt)e inft caufe. &nd firft, tobere tbat nvp Horde afftrmctb , timt 9) ban c matie no impungnatton bnto bte lordflnpis arttcftle concerning tbe maffe, 91 am content, ttiat not onelie tins Honorable an dience,but alfo tbe tobole eartb be iuoge, in tbat point* iff 01 91 bane plainlie Denied, tbat etber tyz &m. maffe , batn approbation of the plaine toorde of €>oo , etber in name , action , opinion ( to toitt tontten of tbe matte, taucbt of tbe matte, and in tbe confeience of men, conceiueD of tt)e matte) $ fttiailv tbat tbc actor tlicrof , for bis bfurpeD potoer,batb no greater atturance of ©00$ toor* oc.KUiicb tobole ticaDcs being oenyed to be Dif puteD, at tt)e prefent, agamtt mp Lordrs articfele anD grounD , 3) did tbus reafon : tbat w toiDc- flnp t»e0 not able to prone tbat €tyitt 9]eft#, in bts latter Supper did offer bts boDie anD blooD bnto (0od bi0 f atber, bnoer tbc former of bread and tuine. 1^10 lorDefliip tafcing for W proue,tbe alledged Sacrifice of apelcbifedec in bread and toine , offered bnto d&oo. 91 did lr*et»ife den& tbat flfrelcbifedec did at tbat nmte (to toit in tbe prefence of abradant) offer etber bread or toine bntod5oD,tDmcb batu bene tbcfc tb?o Dares bp- €^e reObuing betuir 3!o. ftnor paft in controuerfie betuir Ins lofteftip anD me* 31 ijaue altoates DenieD , tljat tye boty spirit, in any notable m euiDent place of Scripture Do* etb affirme tucty an tacrifice to baue bene maDe by 0&elcbtfeDec bnto «3oD : ? tofnl f 31 Did bear no place of Scripture aDDuceD, fo? tbe appjobati on thereof, my &o#e DemanDanD of me , toijat tben 1 tbogbt toes Done toitb tbe tyeaD 9 tone, 31 auttoereD , tbat albeit , 3! toes not bounD to gtue mp iuDgement, becaute tbat be toes bound conao to pjoue bts affirmatiue (as ?et 31 m be is bouD) ocr uiijat anD thereof 3! toilbe content, tijat ins lo^Ojipess mtigfs woftc fauojable freinDes, of bell iuDgemet, ?ea, 31 aotmt eucn ie ^ £o?Defl)ip pleate , tbe Lo&es of tljc ^effion, be iuDges in tbat point. 31 anttDereD,3! Ca?, tf?at be comecture, tbe bjeaD anD toine toere fyogbt furtb by flpelrinfeDec , to retrelbe 3b?a* bam , anD ln$ toerie company, capon tobwb oc* cauon, bis lojDOrip (boto iuttlie let all me iuDge) DiD cleitb Ijim i elf againe , toitbout my procure* contrar mcnt j ^1) tbe perfonage of ane impunguar. ft *£ anD DiD aDDuce tucbe tbinges , as belt pleafeD of impof ty$ lojDOnp, hereto % DiD anfiaoer, as f tuijole fibiiittc conference toill report, anD as 3 f uppof e , t vflfo Iff. :!L ctentlte to euerie t^ing obiecteD, ercept tbat be* 8SS caufe m? Ho?D DiD not toucbe tbe erpoution al* nxrcttjat leDgeDe by me, bpon tbe toojDes, SWcbtfeDec f tutji aiiQnc DiD bung fotfb bjeaD anD tuine ( as m? iSX ^°# e alleDgetb) 3! aiftereD to bnng in tbe con* tuobng ference of Scriptures , to p?oue tbat it i& an fo?tb bit t^ing in Scripture berrie commone, t^at tt>e ao. ?c t] ^ mg) ^ at l0 Done at fy t cotnattt, ( an ^ notable perfone, attD tye abbote of Croftaguell. 24 perfone , 10 attributeD bnto Ijim felf , altyogft it be Done , be CeruanDe0 0? fubiecte0 at #0 com* mauD ; tofncij 31 Do note fto?tlte. 3it 10 fatD in ^crtpture, t^at $oie DtD all tijat d&oD comau* DeD iniu : attD plain c it i0 , tnat oic allone eutteD euerie tree , $oie allone DtD ^eto euerte tree,anD fofotfij: it appeared to me tijat toe (bal conclude a great abfurDttie. Clje fame i0 euiDet in ?DauiD , of to^ome mention i0 maoe , t^at ^e being |&?opfjet anD fting , DeutDeD to t$e tttyole 2 £am. 6 people, ?ea, unto t^e tttyole multituue of 3!frael, pea , botye to men anD tcomen , an portion of bjeaD, an potion of flefo, anD an portion of toine* 9!f toe foall t^infi , ttjat ©autD did tlji0 tmtfc #0 oton fcanD , Mot (ball concluoe in my appea* rance,pfomtar abturDitie. €^e fame 10 mamfeff b? man? otyer pt)?afe0, pea, anD b? out Datfie maneroftpeamng.anDtberefo?eyeta0ofbefo?e. % t^infi m? ILo?De0 erpofttion coact , in t^at Ije toill aomtt none to liaue bjogfet fojty tye bjeaD anD toine, but flpelcfeifeoec allone. TBut Ijotofo tutx it be, itmouety me nothing , fo? bnto fuclje t?me, a0 tyat mv HojDe , in plaint tto?De0 pjo< nounceD bp tye tjol? d&ofte , pjoue t&at flpelciji CeDec , DtD offer bnto dffoD bjeaD anD Moint : Jje Ijatlj pjouen nothing of tyat , MaH&Ufy i)t tooft on tjano to pjoue. anD tyerefoje % greatlte feare, f iiii €$e reffoning betmr 9!o. fcnor. w& brff $ at W* ^ at 3 W^ ^0 lotfieflnp callet^ tije grounD, beft, 10 fo long in finding an fure ground tott^tn cum fino ^ e Scripture, tyat tye reft \n tye end, be found UJS altogether grounoie^ at tye leaft toritijm f bofce in cue of d&oo. and tberefoje 9! oetyje, ajs of befbje , to torn of tyear ^i0 lo?dflripe0 probation of tbe principal. 0OD - $®. &uintime. % am Cone tbat toe ar contrined on ting ma* ner, to dnue t?me , atber parted in tuttification of ins atom cauf e : bot toiflt0 quicftlie to go to tbc inarms point, a0 91 ijaue euer Done, conf omte to mv arttcftle and to nxv toarrand: and maftt0 tiic batlc toarld to iudge , qulutiier it ijes tup dcutic, efter fomiall reffoning , to Defend tije fatdeis ar* MM eg, o? to pjoue, o? to impung. :©ubair 9Iobu Ifcnor mafei0 ane metne , tfjat 9! ^aue bjocbt tm* argumetjs oj purpof ejat in tout : auijat 91 jjaue in toojde oi tout , oi bt^ertrareis, 91 praife d&oo. •Bot tbe truetfc i$ , according to m? cuftome , 91 maid memone, efter m? repot e, of fie ^eioejei, as 91 tyoctjt, 9! W able to fjaue buuneg ado toity all. and tbat 91 did be tbe grace of de>od onety, not tyat 9! am efcfcameo to be learned tottij onp man tyat toil teacb me. and ag to tye conclufio of bis parttcftle , quiiatr be Dot0 maft mem c , vat 91 feaue na groiio of tbe Scripture fo? tbe meffe woimvt ( ajS & e Wteutt) toill d&od fall fruftrat i)i0 erpec* petfojm tation in tyat , and all btber0. and aOurejat bim fwmrs trull d&od fall wfttfie tbe meffe ate fuffictentlie, [2 men confomte to mv articfele, ajs ije and all tbe reft of E" * W opinion in drnftendome, falbe able to iufttfie be erpjeg Scripture , m on? btber meine , tbat jefua anD tije abbote oe Crofragueil. 2 5 gieftws Ctyiffe t$ ane tubffance totttj tbe tfatljer. Pomona. anD ttiat it be not tfjocljt tljat tljtr at: toatttone^X too?De#, lifie as tbe mater foulD not cum to pais, lie bot tfjat 31 toalD trifle tije mater : 31 tmll Dcf^e 3]otm l^nojc matft ^umblte 9 partite fo? Ojntteg faifte , lat bg go fcljotflic tmtbout trtflmg to tye purpofe, anD lat toarft betr trntnes. &nD tina re* autres, to refume m? argument, anD fay thereto fomtalte a$ effeireg. 31of>n &uor. I5ecaute tijat euerie man muffe gtue accomp* teg before d&oD, not onety of ty& toojfteis, but alfo of ins WDeg anD t^og^tjai. 31 toill mafee no fur* tber pjoteffation, toljetyer tijat 3! Uaue DefeuDeD intljerto my oton optnion , 0? a manifeft trcutty, 01 toljetfjer tfjat 31 Ijaue uupungneD an? treutij of (0od, 0? a manifeff lie ( let ting be fata tmtlj reuerence of all perfones , fo? tlje iuftneg of tye caufe ) leaning, 31 tar, tije iuDgement to dftiD : 31 Cat tljat3!ijaue in plaine termed iuttlte oppuug* neo botye t^e ^ouoejs, bjogbt fojty by my lo#, fo? Defence of ty$ articfele. tfo? in plaint toojoes, 31 ijaue Denied, t^at 3!efug Clmffe , into ty$ lat* ter Supper, DiD mafte an? Sacrifice of tyg bo* Die anD blooD , buDer tbe fomress of bjeaD anD t»ine , bnto d5oD tyft father. anD tyftetotfe 31 Ijaue DenrtD , tijat fl^elcbtfeDec DiD offer bnto dE>oD, bjeaD anD "coint ajs of before, totyty grou* Dejs, becaufe my Lo#e Ijatb not Jntycrto ,pueu, 31 muff IjolD tbem as impungeD anD oppugneD; euer ttijill , 31 Uear tbe grounD of flPelctuteDec, plainly p^oueu , by plaine Scripture ( to toit ) €t>e reffoning betuir 3]o. &nor trjat t\)t plame Scripture fay, tijat fllpelc^tfedec net mn offered bnto dE>oD bjcad and toine : o? tyat it be Jj» a " of an? plain e anD euident Scripture , plainlte Sim be conutcted, trjat fo ije did. I£i$ lojdfoip , ogljt not picafrs. to tyinfc it Orange , altyogi) 31 requtre to anttxier in lent, to tljat argument , totjic^ InjsjLojDcOnp ijatl) pponded, conceaued bcfo?e,and comitted in tent, fo? fuel) *jtafce to be,tijeUberticof allfreotf putationjs . ULtyott lauboure it toes, o? i$, 3 no* tinng regard, f o? Co long ajs <0od doetij minuter bnto me, f pirit $ life, toittj iudgement and ^abili- tie,l intend (b? in* grace) til oppug,trjat tu^tc^ in m? cofcience 3! hold to be Damnable tdolatrte. and totyere his lo?dflnp fareth , that he i$ ate a* ble to afftrme the maffe (toinch 3 impung) to be the ordinance of ®od, as that 3 0? an? of my 0* pinion , te able to p?oue %ttm eh?itte to be one tubffance vmth thetfathcr: toith reuerece of ins Jjyfc lo^dfttpeiai perfonage blood , and hono?, and tctth Sr if ^e reuerence 9 patience , of the tohole audtto?, ttjc maffr 3j fay, that the affercion is not onelte rafoe, but JjP alfo mofte dangerous, tea, and in apart blafphc* bK 1 tnoujai. if 0?, fo? to compare the greateft myfterte, iihutic yea, the tohole affurance of our redemptio, truth Jg» » trjat, tDincty as tt hath bene bf ed, hath no appjo* SM batiou of dSods too?de ( fo? that % haue impug* lane™ wd, and intended to tmpung ) can not lacfi fufc pition, of a ttghtlte eff earning of our redemptio. and to cut the matter 0)o?t, the fo?mar queffion being decided (to trnt tor)ttrjer that 0pclchtfedec, did offer bnto (0od b?ead and ttnne) 1 offer mi felf, toitbout further delay, to p?oue, that fetus C^tfte, and $e abbotc of Crot ragnelt. 2 6 Clmfte,i!S of one tubttance toity tijetfattyer : and tljat b? tlje eutdent tetttmoniegs of rand, fo? denying, i$ na proper no? furacient ira* St pugnation. and qubatr be tapes , tijat becaufe mim 91 ^aue not indderto pjouen tbe faioi£ groudijai.™ °^ r #. 91 anftner, tbat it t$ mp deutte to defend and Hf not to p?eif , conform to mr; articftle , 9 mr; toar* t^toHis rand, and qubair be defies tyme to anf toer to « fe not; mv argument, .pponed ttjtf da? tti tout, 91 frety grant it bnto bim. and qubair 9Jobn ftnor GW. chm vt rat my affertto & not onety rafoe, bot atto matft ourrfatb dangerous!, ?ea, and in ane pairt, blafpbemous. ^ ourfflf - 91 anftuer, tbat qubair be tarts , 9! am to ralbe ; 9i toiis W modeftnes in t^isf tamin , uc as becu* ties ane finceir c^iftiane , tifte as ^e igi recftned to toa toalD 3 erpel ttje Damnable ijeriftes, m io?d of tye Caluiniftesi , lutyerians , anD &ecolam* Ec bur paDian& agatnft yz bltffeD Sacrifice of n meffe, rm iftbtgbe conference toitij tye Damnable ^eriueg of t^e bpi? to arriang , qutja DiD alleDge tm teftimoniejs of not mo* Scripture fo? ane, geuanD mair appearance, to P?eif t^at Clj?itt toajai not ane fubftance totty tye tfatljer: no? Dotg tlje Calumnies, Hutijerianjai, anD aecolampaDtanjai, to p?cif t^at tye meffe, ijs iDolatrie : ais 3 tal furactentlie iutttfie , a$ ma? ffanD to tlje glo?ie of dffoD, anD toeil of m? caufe. Co tye latter pairt , quljair Ije Ca^cjs , to cut tye mater fcl>o?t, ttye fo?mar queftton beanD DeciDeD (to toit qufntycr tyat SHpelclnfeDec DiD offer b?eiD anD tome bnto <0od o? not ) i)t offerijs inm f elfe totyityout at ano tt)t abbote of Crofraguell. 2 7 toitfcout farmer delay, to p?oue yat 3eftte Cfmff t0 ane fubttance toittj tye father. 9c 31 anftoer to tbe binder pairt of tbte particfcle. % tote of d&oD , be and all bttierg of bte opmtou miftered ate lytic probation 0? pertuauon , to tbe ane , as 31 00 to tbe btber , as 31 toalo fa? , to beleue tbe meOe, to be tbe institution of Ctytft 3efuj8, as 3] Do matr no? aOureolie beleue , €tyittz to be ane fubttance trntb tye father , and dcfy?cief na p?o* _. bation thereof: bot faild&od totlland p?eif ye ane 2L be t^e Scripture ate erp?eis, ag ije fall p?etf ye u« able btbcr. and qu^air be ijumblie defy?e£ me , to » *»♦ P?cpair me fo? tbe p?obatio of tbe format (to tort of tye oblation of flipelcbifedec ) 31 bumblie and partite defy?e 3obn ftnor, as fce totll tefftftc bte f ewo?, tyat tfje trcutb cum to ane tryall, and as fcc toil fatifne tlje expectation of tbe noble audi* to?, tbat ^e toill maft tmpugnationfo?mallte ac* co?ding to bte oeuttc , to my latt argument and concluuon. 31olm Kno%. Wlfytrz my lo?d to bnburden bim felf of tyat, tobtcb by all teafon, be ogbt to fuffeane, to tout, to p?oue Ijte affirmatiue , by Jnm Mf p?oponed, Wom fayetb, tbat to Deny, te not p?operlie to impung. gS&n 3 auftocr, tbat in tbat cace , it te mode p?oper. toob to tfo? be tbat .ppouctb fo? bim tof an affirmatiue, p» u * and bte adueriat denying tbe fame , te euer ftill 5£ bouD to tbe p?obation tbereof, and ttje aduerfar & tm, batb euer ftill tmpungned it , bnto be p?oue rt, a>«> m and tbercupon 3 dcfirc iudgement. <£o tbe £>e< £°"£ c cond, 3 ftil affirme tbat it te bte lo?d(bip$ deutie, " ot Don ' <£> ti; Clje reffoning betutr fo. fcnor to pjoue ins affirmattuc, toltereupo ffanDetb, tb,e bictoue of ty$ toijole caitf e : *m tjat be me in plaint toogiess DenyeD. Co tb,e timD, 3 titanft Ijtg Iojd* ano tijat fltip ijajtlte , anD pjomtfeg Unto i)tm an anflooer, tjr tjcs agatne intonating pjefent conference betng put rmattcD tQ an ( U fg clcn t cno. Co tye fourt. 3$ my pjote* flatten toill ttntneg, 3 tpcafi againtt tlje affercto onelie, anD not agamtt t^e perfone : toljtc^e yet ( in my iuDgemettt ) lacftecb, not fufptcton of tye fomtar cnmeg. tfo? fyrtofoeuer my lLo?D be per* fuaDeD of tye grounD ano aOurance of tye melTe (tye affurance hereof 3 ^aue not ret JjarD) 31 tirg t elf am fully affureD , t^at tyere be mo t^en ten tyoufanD , taiiicli eutDetttlte Do ftnotoe , tye banttte ano tmptette of tb,at maffe, toljicb, 3 ijaue tmpungneD: toijo nottb,ele0 , moffe conltantlte beleue Set ug Cbjttte, to be of one t ubftance tout) tyc tfatljer: yea, ttjat Do beleue , toi^atfoeuer by t^e ffecrtptureg of ©od , can be pjouen neceffa* rte,for p taiuationof man. C^erefojeyetagatne., 3 fay, tyat to lay in any matter of equalttte,tyat tobjcb, tjef mode fure, anD tyat tD^tc^ toag neuer yet plamlte p?ouen by t^e ^crtpturejs of d&oD, to be tije mftttutton of 3rtu$ Clmtt: tjs moje tub tect to tye crymejs fo?efatD, tijen ti&at 3! can be fubtect to any fufptcton of tmmoDettte fo? my fo?- mar toojDeg. €o tlte blafpljemte, 3 anftoer, aj$ before. 31mmcDiatlte to ti&e fert. I^oto tijat euer my to?D bnDerftanoetb, anD meanctlj , tijat b,tjat lo?D(htp t0 ate able , to proue tye maffe to be tyt tnftttutto of 3efu0 Clnift, as 3 am able to pjoue V , to be one fttWfemce totty $e father; % tbtnfc anD tbe abbote of Croftaguell. 2 8 tfrinfc tbat an great nomber tmll tbinft my ism affirmation, berrte barD to be pjouen. an&img felf toill (till continually Dout,bnto tbe tyme,31 bear tbe probation leD. Co tbe feuent, as toucb* ing my LojDeg compariton oftrjc meDtcincr,auD of big loiDtyipg mDuttrie. £ftbat tbe pafte of ? Cburcb o$t to be , tbe £>crtpture$ plainly Do teacb bg: but tobat bniuerfallte tbey bane bene tbefe nyne bunDjetb rearer bypaft, bitfones, tp pertence , anD recent memone , batb taugbt b& tea, ano p?ef entlie Do teacb bjs : to tbe great gretf of all Cbnftianitte. CMbere tbat W lo?ntfttp do* etb mplatneterme&conDempntbe Caluimfteg, Lutbertans anD aecolampaDiang, of ^ertfie : 3! toolD baue rcqmreD of btf lojDtbip Delay of time, accojDing to ty$ Defyje of me , bnto tbe tyme , tbat tbere canf e baD bene Curacictlie trieo, m an latofull,bniuer(al counfell, Deulie inDicteD,anD conueneD. 05ot tobere tbat t)t comparetb , tbe Doctrine of tbe fojenameD , toitb tbe Damnable bcreue, of arrtug: 91 baolD lyfeetotfe baue toiOieD bnto b# lojDfoip greater fojefigbt , in Co graue a mater, tfo* botofoeuer tbe arrians appeareD to abouo in testimonies of Scriptures, tottbout all grounD, inDitrinctlie cogetteD (anD tbat becaufe tbey maoe no Diftreence betuir tbe ttoo natures ^ m in iefuss €^nHt, but DiD fooliftlie appjopjtat to um w tbe eoDbeao , tbat, tobtcb &iD onelie aperteane jg& »< to tbe manlte nature ) yet tbinft % tbat my lo*D JB? (ball neuer be able, \>v plame £>crtpture , toim* pung any cbief beaD, etber affirmeD , 0? oenyeD, m Doctrine of Muatto by tbe fojetaiDes perfons; © iiij €$e reOoniug betuir 3io. Iftnor lyfte ag did ttye godly aim learned in tljere ageg, tije fo?efatd damnable ^eriue, Cotljelaff, Uijaue alreaote p?omifed to anftocr , to my lo?dc0 ar* gurnet in tent: and tt)erefo?e ogj&t not to be bur* dened toitij it noto,efpeciallie becaute it tetrntij* out our f omtar ground , and ooctti not pjopcrlt c aperteane to tije caufe. 3no yet tyerefo?e noto laft fo? conclufion, tnat toe ftal not be compelled continually to repeat on tying, 3! DcfRe my lo?d according to ins deutte, and reafon of otfputati wit ms on, to bnng fo?tQ ins p?obatton of tiijs ttoo fo?* i6;d na? mar grounder, be me plainly denied. SrhJr W* conference Mn% ended , fo? tt)i$ tyme, dftS my Ho?de p?etentlie did rife, fo? trouble of body, to mc a and tfjeif Holm ftuor , did 0)o?tlie refume , tye &**. p?incipall grounded and becauf e tye noble men ijeir affembleo , toere altogether oettitute of all .puiuon, botye fo? l)o?$ and man, tye fatd 3;ot>n, j&umblie required t^e fo?efaid JLo?d, tyat it toold pleafe tjm to go to £tr , to^ere tfjat better eau* mentmigfj be Dad for all eftates. flinty becauf e my £o?d btterlie refufed , tye faioJSo&uoeured trtyeu tljat tije (aid conference Ibould be ended. flipy io?de did p?omejs , tyat bpon licence pur* cijafed, of tlje &uznc$ maieftie, and ijer fjono?a* f iaS ble counf ell, ttjat ^e toold copeir in cftmburgn, ro Done and tyere, in t^ere p?ef ence, unity tye tatd conf e* °; ™ rence. Cije (aidlJoim did p?ome$, to traucl toitti SSttSE fljefecretcounfel , tyat tye faid licence mig&t be ute cm obteineo. and deured tye fo?efaid JLo?de , to do totmrs. tye lyfte tr>itt) tbe :©uenejs maieftie, thereupon tije laid 3iotjn fcnor , tooft inftrumentgi and do* cumentjs, and tfje abbote of Crofraguell. 29 Documents. 09. £mintpne. at tfce concluuon of our reffontng , 3 gaif Pj gjo^n ftuor ane argument in tout, deftring ftim ^i gf tyat i^e toald iuftifie #s opinion be erpjes tefti* um be, monte of Scripture , 0? on? appcrauce thereof* dfculjairto ttie fato 9Io^n required tpme to gif Jff *L anftoer , and t^e tyme , mtcljt natotfe ferue, of men not farder reffoning , fo? fie caufes , as ar compje* to me fcenoed in tye Cain 3]o!m ftnor touting, and as £ ffiL totoaro tys detyje of me to air, treulie it toas £ EST tinng tyat 31 mic^t not pjefeutlie , comodiouttp but it aj>* Do. OBot altoa^es, 3! toill copeir before ye 4Bue* P mcnft > nes grace , and Oc as ^ir grace , pleas to tafte to jj,£™ be auditor , to Defend tuc (aides articftles , and pmi in fpecial tfee arttcftle concerning tije meffe, as $f md* tya? ar tontteu, qufjen and qufjair it be fctr 2K grace plefure, ttoa tyat t^e ijabilitie %Zm°t of mt bodie toill ferue on? toife t&at can as 11 fcope to d5od it fall, «* "»b toquijombepjaife jgjg. glone and ijo? nojfo? euer. Crofrapell Wt)t refloning betutt 3]o. ftnor £&e anttoer to m? XLo?bejs laft argument, p:oponr o br him tit Umt, rtjr lafl oar of miration. %i)t argummt to $10. $$> :©uintrne. Batfumcucr opinion , 10 conccaur of tfee ^crtpturejs of almic^t? d&od, liauand na erpjeis tetttmonie no? ap* perance of tye famin : 10 btterue to be refuted , as carts llo^n ftnor inm felf. "Bot ficoa it 10 , tt»at 9io^n &nor atom opinion cocea* ued 0? contracted of tbe Scripture, concermng ti&e bringing wrtt> of bjead and toine , be Opel* cljifedec, to refrefl) o? gratifie, abjaijam and ty$ inerie company, i$ not erpjettr; conteined in t^e Scripture , no? ^e# na apperance of t^e tamin, tyairfoje it follototjs toeil, tijat it t$ alluterlie be Jji0 atoin iudgemeut to be refufed. gio^nftnor. pt % ftould grant bnto r;ou , mv lLojde tour totyole argument , 1 (boulo but declare m? i elf ignojant of t^e art, ana bnmr/ndful of mv otone affirmation: but r/et Ijao ?e p?ouen nothing of ?our intent. C^e c#ef queftion, and controuer* fie littuix ?ou and me, ijs not tityetfjer tfjat m? interpretation of tyat place ( toijict) at rour m* fiance anD requcatt 9! gaue ) be treto o? not : but toljetyer t^at apclclnfedcc tye figure of Clmffe, did offer bnto d&oo b?ead 9 toine, to^ictye ?e ijaue affirmeD , and baue latD tt to be tye ground and caufe , totnj it befyweo C&ifte letug , to fjaue made oblation and t&e abbote of erofraguell, 30 oblation of^tjs bodie and blood , bnder tye fo?m* e$ of b?eao and tuine 3 in Jnjai latter Supper. M^tc^ botbe 31 oenyed. ^0 tyat it reite to you to p?oue , tyat flWcfjifedec t&e figure of Gtyitt, Did offer bnto dsod b?ead and tome* $t. and ap* perteines not bnto me, to p?oue my opinion, no? mterp?etation. for Cuppofing tyat my opinion, eoceaued of tyat place tuere to be reiected (as ye are neuer able to p?oue it to be ) yet i» four af* firmattue,neuertyebetterp?ouen, fo? if ye toill conclude : it toes not b?oa$t fo?ty to refreO) a* b?a^am (totyiclj yet 10 not p?ouen) ergo it toes b?ogfct fo?ty to be offered bnto d&oo ; babes toill mocft y ou , and fend y ou againe to tour logics. .•But ret my Ho?d toirij tour leaue 3> muff come nerar you, and fay, $at tfce xmm 0? firff part of your argument is fate, and tyat ye faltty alledge bpon me, t^at tp^tcii 31 neuer fpaft no? ment. JSead tije tobole conference betuir you and me, and ye (ball not find tyat 31 fcaue fimplie afittr* med tijat all opinion of man , conceaued of tfie Scriptures, is btterlie to be reiected: onlestBe lame be p?ouen by tye manifeff toojde of d&od. m% am not igno?ant tyat tome interpretation ar tollerable, yea, and may be to tye edification of tbe Cfcurcfc , altfcoglj tyey do not fully erp?es, t|e mmde of tbe fcolte d&ofte, in tbat place* But I tjaue affirmed , and yet affirmed , tljat netfter tye autyo?itie of tbe C^urc^, t^e determination ot tpe counfell, no? tye opinion of u)z docto?, i& to be receaued in matters of faity , 9 in tye doc* trine concerning our faluation : onles tfte lame C&e returning betutr 3!o. &nor be pjouen by tye erpjeg toojd of d&oo. and tyer< fo?e mt lLc?d, toity tour leaue, % mutt (at> tyat etyer toilfullt o? elss bt tome ouerfig^t , te ijaue omitted botye m tye maio? 9 in tye mmoj of tour argument, ti^at tirtjity ftould ijaue bene, p caufe and affuranee of tour concluuon. f o? tyus te ogfet to ^aue reafoneo. C£u)atfoeuer opinion ijs conceaued of tye Scripture of almtg^tte d5oD, concerning fatty and tye Doctrine of Valuation, ^auing no erpjejai tetttmonie of tye lame, ig to be reiected. T5ut to it i&, tyat fo^n ftnor ottme 0* pinion , concerning tye bunging fojty of bjead and toine bt 0peltyifedec , te a matter concer* ning faity , anD tye Doctrine of our Valuation. anD ytt Ijaty no tettimonte of d&oDS erp?effed too&e : tyerefoje it is to be reiecteD. &t on tins maner te ^ao reafoneD, vny io?d, (ajs of neceflt* tie te mutt Do , if te concluDe ant tying againtt me) 31 toold Ijaue immeDiatlie DenieD tye fecond part of tour argument, anD liaur (aid: tnat to finoto o? Define , toijat toes Done toity tye bjead and toine, bjogijt out by Speltyifedec , ig no ar* ticfcle of our beleue , netyer tet is it a Doctrine, neceflatie to tye Valuation of man. § 0? netyer DtD &dam, abel , £>ety , Cnog , l^enoty , fl^a* tyufaiem, no? $ote, beleue ant futye tying, ne* tyer tct i0 tyere ftnce tye dates of £b?a^am, ant comandement giuen bt (tffod, to beleue futye an articfile , tea , furtyer tn tye totyole ^>cripture#, tyere i& no mention made fctyat txiejai done trity tyat bjeao and tmne , and tyerefoje it can be no articftle of our beleue , no? tet no doctrine con* cernmg and tye abbote of Croftagueil. 3 1 cerning our Valuation, and to tiatii rour argu^ ment bjolteu ttye otone necti. J0f 3J lift, mt Lo?d to fpojt a Ittitt tmtfc tou, 3 ttitfl&t fino fome oc* cafion in tye f econd part of tour argument, f oj trtyere te affirme t^at mt opinion cocerningt&e bringing fojtii of the tycad ana Knint , bt flfccl* ctyfedec, to refrefl) atya^am and fctf companie, i0 nether erpjeflt conteined in tye toojd of dBoo, nether tet $ati> appearance of ttye famet and tljerefoje btterlie it te to be reiecteo. $oto mt JLojde giue me leaue , to turne t^tjS part of tour argument in tour otone bofome , if % can, and tt>at fo 31 way do, #u$ 31 reafon* CJe opinion conceaueo bt mp Lojde abbote , concerning bjead and toine, tyogljt fo#& bt fl^elciuTedec to be offered mtto <0oo, i$ not erpjettt conteineo in d&ods Scriptures, tyerefoje it i$ btterlie to be reiecteo. Betoatre mt Ho?oe , tyat te be not beaten tott^ tour oton batton : fojtfjen mutt ttje J* IJ S maffe, tea, tije beft part of tfce lame, Oauo bpon S m an bnf ure ground , t^at is to tat , bpon tye opi* nion of man , and ^auing no affurance of (Bona erp?effed toofle, But noto mt tojde , mertnejt fet aftde,31^umblie requtre tou, ^ mt pen, as 31 did bt mouty , tfjat oepelie te confider , toitlj totyat cofcience before d5od, te dar affirme p doc* trine tobe^oUome,tea,^neceOart tobebeleued, thereof Wiij €$e reffoning betuir 3!o* ftflor pe are able to bnng no pjufe out of ttic mamf ett too?D of <5od. die fccono Da? of our conference ana Deputation, town 3! toa$ coftramcD to an- ttoer,tour freuole coiectureg anDtoanitieg: tour fraggcs and bode, ofter blotocn out tftcn ones, toere, tfcat tour jobation (boulD be fO euiDent, tftat tlic (tones Q)oul& liearc tour probation, anD I DeaD tojaUesftoulD fe tbe tuftnejai of tour caufe. % pacientlt DtD abtDe (altbogti perchance tniti? t^e greif of fomebjet&en) t0efe tour tooantone ttoOjDeg, anD $Ogt)t tUtt^ tttt felf ^arturiunt mon* trs. it. *But tnnat ts noto pjoDuceD anD tyogbt fotflj, tfte too?lD mat f e. 9Jt mat appeare t^at te toere tiaru befet, tojhcn fo to auoiDe tlic pjufe of tour otome affitrmatiue, te fleD to impugne, tyat totudj appcrteanetfj nothing to tfce purpof e. m as 3! toes not bouuD to nauc Oictojcn tmto tou toiia't 31 tbogiit lues Done trttu tbc bjeaD anD Urine, bjogbt fojtlj bt 0£elctufeDec, fo t»e#3I not bounD to banc DefeuDeD, mt interpretation anD iuDgement of that place: but tmto tou it altoat* e0 apcrtcmctn (anD if euer toe meit againetopon tbat bcaD , it toilbe tet iuDgeD to aperteine to tou) to p?oue tyat AJDelcinteDec, DiD at tfcat time offer b?eaD anD toinc ton to 4$od, toUic'tj % am toell aOitreD,tyat te are neuer able to Do,btant tettimonie of <0oD$ toojDe. anD tberefbje mutt i^tf- 31 tat , t^e matte ffanDetf) grounDles. anD t^e greatett patrone thereof, fo* all $i$ ucfier riDing tjaty ones lode ty$ ftirropeg, tea, i& altogether fet beftDcs t)i$ tetih anD tet tije common bmte goetlj , tljat te mt JLo#e , vouv Batterers , anD collaterally ana tbe abbote of Crofraguell. 32 collaterally bjag greatlie of tour bictone , ob< temeo in Difputatton agatntt 3Jobn ftnor, but 3! toill not beleue tou to be to batne onleg 31 (ball fenotoe tbe certanitte bt tour otoeu bauo tojit. net all men noto tu&ge bpon tobatgrouno tbe Sacrifice of tbe maffe ttanoetb. €be bea* uenlt ^fatber batb not plantefc toitbtn t)i$ ^>crtpture0 fucbe a Doctrine. 3jt follotoetb tberefoje tbat it ogbt to be rooteo out of all goo* Ire menejs barter t Je cnb 3mn?mteb at <£omburgb bt Bobert Hefepjcutft. Cum p?tuilcgto. 1563. tffeintactgfr; Beprimto by dffcorge Bamta? ana Company, iftom an tfDrigmal Cops in tfje tfuctjfalttfe 3librarp» 1 812.